LIST OF SERIALS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY TOGETHER WITH THOSE IN OTHER LIBRARIES IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN COMPILED BY FRANCIS K. W. DRURY A. M., B. L. S. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1911 .^^,^^ X ^'^ THE INDEX PRESS PREFACE The publication of a list of periodicals in the University of Illinois library was recommended by the Senate Library committee, January 6, 1909. The work of compiling such a list was begun in the spring of 1909 by Miss Anne D. Swezey, then binding librarian, and was continued during that summer by Miss Margaret Hutchins, reference assistant. Early in the work, the scope was broadened to include not only period- icals in the ordinary sense of that term, but also other serial publications, such as annual and biennial reports, proceedings, transactions, etc., of so- cieties, institutions, and governmental bodies. In general scope and arrange- ment, therefore, it is evident that the present list follows closely the lines so successfully laid down by the Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia union lists of serials. The preliminary list was ready for final revision in December 1909. It has been the task of Mr Drury, the assistant librarian, to read the entire official shelf list of the University library in order to verify all the informa- tion relating to the entries, to add the titles of the many recent acquisitions, and to read the printers' proofs. In many cases the volumes themselves were consulted to verify items of information. The field covered by the serials listed in the University library includes newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and annuals; and the serial publica- tions of societies, corporations, institutions, and governmental bodies. Entry is made if only one volume is in the lil)rary, and in some instances, notably the labor journals, a periodical is entered even if that one volume is incomplete. In general, only cataloged material is included. The list has been revised and corrected to January 191 1, but the titles of a number of im- portant sets ordered in March and April of this year have lieen included, though tlie sets themselves had not been delivered. The titles which might be expected in this list but which have been omitted are chiefly the following: catalogs and administrative reports of colleges and universities, except those of Illinois and foreign institutions, which are included; and the reports of secondary schools, a large collection of which has been gathered by the School of Education. The libraries other than the University library, have, in general, restricted their entries to periodicals and have not as a rule included reports, bulletins, etc., which they may possess. The following tal.le sl.f.v,- .-.ppr-iMimately tl.e number of titles supplied by each library: University of Illinois library 7,000 State Laboratory of Natural History library 1,000 State Geological Survey library 200 State Water Survey library 50 Champaign public library 65 Urbana public library 25 iii 245183 PREFACE As usual in a list of such material in a growing library, it is out of date when issued. It may be desirable to issue a revised list after a few years, and the Library will therefore be grateful to professors in the University of Illinois, for whose convenience chiefly the work has been printed, and to others, for corrections or suggestions looking to the improvement of the list. One of the chief values of printing such a list lies in the stimulus it will give each department in the University to fill in the gaps in the sets here recorded as incomplete. It is expected that with this list as a basis many missing numbers and volumes will be purchased. The 7,000 titles in the University library may be roughly classified as follows: Bibliography and library economy 550 General periodicals and newspapers 230 Philosophy and psychology lOo Religion, church history 70 Political science 425 Economics ' 765 Transportation ][[ 575 Insurance 50 Law 225 Education 5oo Charities and corrections 290 Other sociological subjects [[ 170 Mathematics, astronomy, and physics 215 Botany and zoology 175 Chemistry ' gg Geology .....'.'..'.'.'. 130 Other natural sciences 160 Medicine En 230 gineermg .• 375 Agriculture 820 Other useful arts -. 205 ^'"e arts 155 Literature and philology 175 H istory and geography 250 The rules for entry, explanations, and abbreviations will be found on pages vii and viii. PHINEAS LAWRENCE WINDSOR Lil)rarian DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES C. CHAMPAIGN rUBLIC LIBRARY, 306 West Church st., in the Burnham Athenaeum opposite West Side park. 16,200 volumes; 55 current periodicals. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. for reference and circuhition, except Sun- days and holidays. Aside from its general collection of books, it owns the Western history library of Edward G. Mason, Esq., sometime president of the Chicago Historical society. The privileges of the library are extended to non-resident students upon satisfactory guaranty. Librarian: Jeannette Roberts. G. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY, in Room 236 of the Natural History building on the University campus. 1,000 volurrres. Open 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., except Sunday. The library is entirely on geological subjects. It has been built up since the establishment of the Survey in 1905 from three main sources; the library of Major Thomas B. Brooks, the first State Geol- ogist of Michigan, being the gift of his son A. H. Brooks; the library of H. Foster Bain, the first Director of the Illinois Geological Survey, this library being acquired by purchase; and the books, pamphlets, and serials received by gift, exchange and purchase since 1905. The privileges of the library are extended to all members of the University of Illinois faculty, and to such students as are recom- mended by the instructors. Director of the Survey: Frank W. DeWolf. N. ILLINOIS STATE LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY LIBRARY, in Room 225 of the Natural History building on the Uni- versity campus. 7,200 bound volumes, 20,313 unbound volumes, 174 current period- icals. Open 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., except Sunday. The library is primarily zoological and secondarily botanical, with a few other sciences represented by reason of the reports and trans- actions of scientific societies covering a broader field. The collection contains many valuable separates. The privileges of the library are extended to all members of the University of Illinois faculty, and to such students as are recom- mended by the instructors. Librarian: Grace Osgood Kelley. U. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY, in Library building. Uni- versity campus. 191-875 volumes; 22,000 pamphlets; 1,800 current periodicals. Open 7:45 a. m. to 10 p. m., except Sunday; 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays during general session. During recesses, open 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. The general University Library includes all the books belonging to the colleges and schools of the University which are situated in Urbana. The libraries of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy are in Chicago, and their serials are included in the "List of serials in the public libraries of Chicago" issued by the John Crerar Library. DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES The General Library is housed, for the most part, in the Library- building, and is for the use of the whole University. The corps of instruction and administrative officers of the University, the graduate students, and the members of the senior class have direct access to the shelves; other students may have this privilege upon the recom- mendation of their instructors. Practical use of the books has separated several collections from the Library Building. Fifteen departments now have books more or less permanently in their care. The library is especially strong in its serials (having 7,000 titles in its list), notably in agriculture and horticulture, political economy, education, railroad administraton, science, engineering, and general periodicals. Well-developed collections of books are to be found here in economic theory and history; in transportation, commerce, finance, insurance, and labor; in political science; in architecture; and in agri- culture. In 1905 the Dziatzko collection of Library Economy, was pur- chased, 550 items; in 1907 the Dittenberger collection of the Classics, 5,600 items; in 1909 the Heyne collection of German philology and literature, 5,000 items. The library has received by gifts the libraries of tVv^o of its de- ceased professors: The Palmer library of chemistry; and the Karsten library of French and German philologj^ and literature. The Library is primarily for free reference use. The privilege of drawing books is accorded to all officers of instruction and govern- ment, to all registered students, and to other accredited persons. Librarian: Phineas Lawrence Windsor. Assistant librarian: F. K. W. Drury. Ur. URBAXA FREE LIBRARY, on the main floor of the City hall on Market St., opposite the court-house. 17,000 volumes; Z7 current periodicals. Open 6 to 9 p. m. except Sundays; also 2 to 5 p. m. Saturday and Sunday. The privileges of the library are extended to non-resident students upon satisfactory guaranty. Librarian: Ida B. Hanes. W. ILLINOIS STATE WATER SURVEY LIBRARY, in Room 116 of the Chemistry building on the University campus. 100 volumes. Open 8 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m. except Sunday. The library consists chiefly of reports of Health boards and similar publications of interest to the Survey and journals received in ex- change for its Bulletin. The Illinois Water Supply Association sub- scribes to various serials and deposits them in this library. The privileges of the library are extended to all members of the University of Illinois faculty, and to such students as are recom- mended by the instructors. Director of the Survey: Edward Bartow. EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A Serial is a publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials in- clude periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, year-books, etc.) and memoirs, proceedings, and transactions of societies. Entries in this serial list are made in accordance with the A. L. A. I^atalog rules, 1908. The transactions, proceedings, journals, memoirs, etc., of a society are entered under the first word, not an article, of its corporate name or of the latest form of its name. q Exceptions: Societies distinctively local are entered under the name of the city.l A serial published l)y a society but having an individual title, is entered under the title, with reference from the name of the society. A serial not published by a society or a public office is entered under the first word of the title, not an article, of the latest form of the title. Learned academies of Europe with adjectives at the beginning express- ing royal privilege are entered under the first word following such adjec- tive. The words Kaiserlich, Reale, Imperiale, etc., are abbreviated to K., R., I., and are disregarded in the arrangement. The words Royal, Imperial, etc. in English societies are not abbreviated nor disregarded. Countries, states, cities, towns, etc., are considered as the authors of their official publications and these are entered under the name of the country, state or city, with the names of the departments, bureaus, etc. from which the publications emanate as subheadings. Administrative annual reports contained in any set of collected city, state, or government documents are not as a rule listed separately. Institutions (establishments) are entered under the name of the place in which located; except that 1. American and British institutions, whose names are distinctive, are entered under the first word of the name. 2. College or university institutions as libraries, museums, colleges, are entered under the name of the college or university. 3. National institutions, which incorporate the name of the country in their own name, are entered under the name of the country. 4. American state institutions (universities, libraries, asylums) arc en- tered under the name of the state. 5. Agricultural Experiment Stations in United States are entered under the' name of the state or territory in which they are organized. 6. Colleges and universities having a geographical designation are en- tered under the city, state or country contained in title. Catalogs and reports of United States colleges and universities are ' omitted from this list, except for those situated in Illinois. The Library, however, has a very extensive collection of these covering nearly every institution and comprising both past and present years. Observatories,; botanical and zoological gardens, are entered under the name of the place in which situated, unless they form a part of a university, in which case they are entered under the name of that institution. Reference is made from earlier forms of a title to the latest form; from the name of a place to societies having their meetings there; in some cases from the name of the editor to the title of a serial; and in general when- ever a reference seems necessary. j Capital letters prefixed to the years and volumes indicate the libraries in which the serial can be found, as given in the "Descriptive list of 11- ' braries." EXPLAXATIOX AND ABBREVIATIONS A dash between volume numbers and dates signifies "from and including the former to and including the latter." Dates or volume numbers in brackets signifj^ that the set is incomplete for the period so included. A plus sign (+) indicates that the set is complete from the last date and volume number given, and includes the current numbers. r If no number precedes the plus sign, it indicates that the serial is re- ceived currently but the file has not been bound. The parallels sign (||) indicates that publication ceased with the pre- ceding date or volume. Abbreviations: V. Volume, band, tome, etc. pt. Part, heft, lieferung, fascicule, etc. no. Number, nummer, numero, etc. ser. Series, folge, serie, etc. ^1 .S- ;-es=*«T'. New series, neue folge, nouvelle serie, etc. I ... Word or words omitted. UNION LIST OF SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN. GIVING ESPECIALLY THOSE liN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY A. L. A. book list, see American library association. Aachen (Germany) StJidische realgymnasium & hohere schule. Jahresbericht. U 1900-01 Aarb0ger for nordisk.oldkyndighed & historic. (K. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab.) Copenhagen. Continues Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed. U 1866 v.i-j Aberdeen (Scotland)— Public library. Annual report. U 1901+ v. i8-f- Aberdeen (Scotland) University. Calendar. U 1904-05, 07-}- Aberdeen- Angus cattle society, Banff (Scotland.) Herd book. Formerly called Foiled cattle society. U 1884+ v.i + Abhandlungen zur didaktik & philosophic der naturwissenschaft. Berhn. U 1906+ V.14- Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathematischen wissenschaften mit einschluss ihrer anwendungen. Leipzig, v.1-9 have title Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathematik. U 1877-f v.i + Abingdon (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1867-68, 70-71, 74-75 R. Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas & naturales. I\Iadrid. Revista. U iQ08-f v. 7+ Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas & naturales dc la Habana. Anales. Havana. U 1909+ V. 45-1- R. Academia espanola. Madrid. Discursos de recepcion. U 1860-65 v. 1-3 Memorias. U 1870-1903 v.1-9 Academia polytecnica do Porto. Oporto (Portugal.) Annaes scientificos. U 1905+ V.I, [2-3,] 4+ Academic des inscriptions & belles lettres. Paris, see Institut de France. Academic des sciences. Paris, see Institut de France. Academic des sciences de I'Empereur Franqois Joseph I. Prague, see Ceska akad- emic cisare Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni. Academic imperiale des sciences. St Petersburg. Bulletin. U ser. 6, 1910-f ; N 1900+ ser. 5, [v. 13,] 14-16, [17,] 25; ser. 6, [1907-08,] 09+ Memoires. N 1901+ ser. 8, [v. 11, 12, 17-21,] 22+; U has ordered Toutes les publications 1728-1806 (avant Memoirs.) U has ordered Classc physico-mathematiquc. Memoires. U 1905 ser. 8, v. 4. no. I Laboratoire zoologiquc & la station biologique dc Sebastopolc. Travaux. N 1903-05 nos. i-io Academic royale des sciences, des lettres, & des beaux-arts dc Belqique. Brussels. Annuaire. N 1900-f v. 66-f Bulletins. U 1832-98II ser. i. v. i-ser. 3, v. 36II Memoires. U 1840-1904II v. l-66|l Classe des lettres & des sciences morales & politiques. Bulletins. U 1899+ V. i-f Memoires U 1906-f n. ser. v. i-j- ■ Classe des sciences. Bulletins. U N 18994- v. i-f Memoires. U 1904-f n. ser. v. i-j- Academy. London. U i869-f v. i-\- Academy; a journal of secondary education. Syracuse (N. Y.) G 1886-88 v. 1-2 Academy architecture & architectural review. London. U 1902-03 v. 22-24 Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, see Philadelphia (Pa.) SERIAL'S ' IX ' URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX Academy of science of St Louis, see St Louis. Academy of sciences & letters of Sioux City, see Sioux City (la.) Acadia university. Wolfville (X. S.) Calendar. _ U 1894-96 Accademia d'agricoltura, scienze, lettere, arti, & commercia. Verona. Atti & mem- orie. N 1896+ v. 72-74, So-f- Osservazioni meteoriche dell' anno. N 1904+ R. Accademia dei Lincei. Rome. Atti. U 1873-77 ser. 2, v. 1-8 Atti; rendiconti. U 1884-91 ser. 4, v. 1-7 Atti ; rendiconti dell' adnunza solenne. N 1899+ Atti ; transunti. U 1876-84, ser. 3, v. 1-8 Classe di scienze fische, matematiche, & naturali. Atti ; memorie. U i8-6-f ser. 3. v. i-f Atti; rendiconti. U 1884+ ser. 4, v. i+; X 1896+ ser. 5. v. 6+ Classe di scienze morali, storiche & filologiche. Atti ; memorie. U 1876+ ser. 3, V. i-f Atti; rendiconti. U 1892+ ser. 5, v. i-f Note: Up to 1870, when it took its present name, the Academy had pub- lished 23 volumes of Atti under name Accademia pontificia dei nuovi Lincei. Volumes 24-26 of series i were issued under the old name ; then ser. 2 began under the new. In 1875 the Reale Accademia enlarged its scope and formed the X.V'io classes. R. Accademia delle scienze. Turin. Atti. N 1898+ v. 34+ ; U has ordered ■ Memorie. U 1784+ ser. i v. I+ • Miscellanea. U 1739-73 Accademia delle scienze fisiche & matematische. Naples, see Xaples (Italy) So- cieta reale di Xapoli. Accountant. London. U 1904-f v. 30-f Accountants' journal. London. U 1883+ v. i-f Accountants' manual. London. U 18844- v. i-f- Acetylene journal. Chicago. _ U igio-j- v. \\-\- Acta borussica. Berlin, see K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Berlin. Acta germanica, organ fiir deutsche philologie. Berlin. U 1890-1903!! v. i-6j| Acta mathematica. Stockholm. U 1882+ v. i-j- Acta sanctorum. (Bollandiana.) Paris. U (1643-)-) 1863+ v. l-f Actuarial society of America. Xew York. Papers & transactions. U 1889-f v. 1+ Adelaide (Australia) University. Calendar. U 1908+ Adelaide, see also Royal society of South Australia. Adelbert college. Cleveland (O.), see Western Reserve university. Advance advocate. (International brotherhood of maintenance-of-way employ- es.) St Louis. U [1903], 04, [05], 09-h v [12], 13, [14], 18^ Advertising & selling. Boston. Continues Profitable advertising. U 1909-I- v. 19+ Advocate of peace. (American Peace society.) Boston. U 1903+ v. 65-(- Aelfric society. London. Publications. U 1843-56II no. i-isit Agenda special des architectes & des entrepreneurs de batiments. Paris. U 1906 V. 53 Agricultural advertising. (Long-Critchfield.) Chicago. U 1902+ [v. 9-11,] 12-15, [16-17,] 18-f Agricultural & horticultural society of India. Proceedings & journal. Calcutta. U 1908-^- Agricultural economist. London. U 1909+ v. 42-f- Agricultural economist & horticultural review. London (Eng.) U 1909-I- v. 42-f Agricultural epitomist. Spencer (Ind.) U igoo-F v. 19-f Agricultural gazette. Hobart (Tasmania.) U 1909-r v. 17-r Atjricultural gazette. London. U 1875-83. 84-85, 86-87, 88-98, 1905+ n. ser. v. 2-18. 20-22. 24-25. 28-48. 61 + Agricultural gazette of New South Wales. (Department of ISIines & Agricul- ture.) Svdney. U N 1890+ v. i-f Agricultural journal & mining record, see Natal agricultural journal & mmmg record. Agricultural journal of India. Calcutta. U N 1906+ v. l+ Agricultural record. London. U 1909+ v. 37+ Agricultural science. State College (Pa.) U 1887-94II v. i-8|i Agricultural society of Trinidad. Port-of-Spain. Proceedings. U i909-f v. 9-r SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 3 Agricultural student's gazette. (Students at Royal agricultural college.) Ciren- cester (Kng.) U 1892-1906V. 9-11, [12-15,] 16 (n. ser. v. 5-7, [8-11,] 12) Agriculture of Pennsylvania, containing reports of the State Board of Agricul- ture, the State agricultural society, the State dairymen's association, the State horticultural association, and the State college; see each item under Penn- sylvania. Agri-horticultural society of Madras (India.) Proceedings. U 1908-f Agronomische zeitung. Leipzig. U 1869-70 v. 24-25 Aguilar free library, see New York (city) Aguilar free library. Ainslee's magazine. New York. Ur -f Air brake association. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1908+ v. 154- Aix-en-Provence (France.) Universite d' Aix-Marseille — Faculte de droit. An- nales. U 1907+ v. l-|- Faculte des lettres. Annales. U 1907+ v. 1 + K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Berlin. Abhandlungen. U 1788+ 1788-1S03 have title Sammlung deutscher abhandlungen. Acta borussica. Denkmiiler der preussischen staatsverwaltung im 18. jahr- hundert. ... U 1892-f v. I + Corpus inscriptionum atticarum. U 1873-94 1| v. 1-4JI Corpus inscriptionum graecarum. U 1828-77] | v. l-4|| Corpus inscriptionum latinarum. U i862-f v. i-f Historic de I'Academie royale . . . avec les memoires. U 1745-69II v. 1-25II Miscellanea berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum. U 1710-43II v. l-7|| • Monatsberichte. N 1861 • Nouveaux memoires. U l770-i8o4[| v. 1-35II Sitzungsberichte. U l882-|- • see also Deutsche texte des mittelalters. All other publications. U has ordered K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Munich. Sitzungsberichte. Continued by Sitzungsberichte der Klassen. U 1860-1870IJ v. i-2i|| Historische commission. Allgemeine deutsche biographic. Leipzig. U 1S75+ V. 1 + Chroniken der deutschen stiidte vom 14 bis ins 16 jahrhundert. Leipzig. U 1862-99 V. 1-29 Forschungen zur deutschen geschichte. U i862-861i v. 1-26II Mathematisch-physikalische klasse. Sitzungsberichte. U 1870+ V. i-f; N 1910+ All other publications. U has ordered K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Vienna. Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. U 1866+ Almanach. U 185 1+ v. 1 + Archiv fiir oesterreichische geschichte. U 1848+ v. i-f Erdbeben commission. IMitteilungen. N 1901-f n. ser. v. i-j- Pontes rerum austriacarum. U 184S-I- Romische limes in Oesterreich. U 1900-}- v. 1 + Siidarabische expedition. U 1900+ v. 1 + jMathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche klasse. Denkschriften. U 1849+ Sitzungsberichte. U 1848+ v. l-f ; N 1898-f v. 107+ Philosophisch-histori.sche klasse. Sitzungsberichte. U 1848^- v. 1 + see also Monatshefte fiir chemie. K. Akademie van wetenschappen. Amsterdam. — Afdeeling natuurkunde. Pro- ceedings of the section of sciences. N 1898-}- v. l-f Verhandelingen ; tweede sectie. N 1892-f v. 1-6, 8+ • Verlags van de gewone vergarderingen. N 1S93+ v. i-f Akron (O.) chamber of commerce. Yearbook. U 1907-08-}- Alabama — Adjutant general's office. Biennial report. U 1892-96, 1900-06 Agriculture, Department of. Report of commissioner. U 1892 Auditor. Report. U 1881, 88, 93. 95, 9S-I9c6, 08+ Coal mines, Inspector of. Annual report. U 1906+ Convicts, Inspectors of. Biennial report. U 1884-92. v. 1-4 4 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Education, Department of. Report of the superintendent. U 1857, 65, 78, 87, 89-90. V. 3. ". 24, 33, 35-36 Geological survey. (1848-58; I873-^) Bulletin. G 1892 no. 2 ; U i892-f no. 2+ ; N i892-f no. 2-6, 8+ Reports. G 1875-80; U 1858, 75-80; N 1875-76 Secretary of State. Official directory. U 1903 Supreme court. Reports of cases. U 1820-i- Treasurer. Annual report. U 1895-96, igo7-o8-\- Alabama Agricultural experiment station. Auburn . Annual report. U 1888+ V. i+; N 1889+ V. 2-8, 14-15. 17+ Bulletin. U [1883-88,] 88+ ser. i, no. 1-6, 8-10; ser. 2, no. 1-7; ser. 3, no. 1-7; ser. 4; n. ser. no. 1+ ; N 1888+ n. ser. no. i, 4, 9, 11-18, 20, 22-23, 25-26, 28- 47, 49-1^5. 127-145, 147+ . , TT n Alabama & Vicksburg railway company. Annual report. U 1893-94 v. 5 Alabama bankers' association. Proceedings. U 19074- v. 15+ Alabama Bryce insane hospital. Tuscaloosa. Biennial report. U 1871 (v. 11), 1880-1900 Alabama Canebrake agricultural experiment station. Uniontown. Annual re- port. U 188S-90, 96. 98. V. 1-3. II, 13: N 1888-90, 97-98. V. 1-3, 12-13 Bulletin. _ U 1888-92 no. 1-15 Alabama educational association. Proceedings & papers. U 1S89 v. 8 Alabama (state) federation of labor. Proceedings. U 1908+ v. 84- Alabama great southern railroad company. Annual report. U 1896, 98-1902, 05, 07-j- Alabama great southern railway company, Ltd. Report. U 1892, 97-1900, 03-04 Alabama. New Orleans, Texas & Pacific junction railways company. Ltd. Re- port of directors. U 1897-1903 Report of proceedings. U 1900-01. 03-06. v. 16-17, 19-22 Alabama (state) penitentiary. Wetumpka. Biennial report. U 1882-84 Alaska — Governor. Report. ^ _ U 1896 Alaska Agricultural experiment stations. Annual report. Washington (D. C.) U N 1906-f- Bulletin. N 19054- no. i4- Albany (N. Y.)— Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1907-084- !Mayor. Annual message. U 1895 Wa'ter bureau. Annual report. U 1901, 03-f v. 51, 534- see also New York Estate) — ]\Iuseum. Albany (N. Y.) chamber of commerce. Report of the secretary. [Yearbook.] U 1900+ V. i4- Albany (N. Y.) evening journal almanac. U 1858-92, 95 Albany (N. Y.) law journal. U 1897-1900 v. 56-62 Albany (N. Y.) Society of civil engineers. Papers. U i9io4- v. l-f Albemarle & Chesapeake canal company. Annual report. U 1855-56, 74-75 v. i, 20 Albert I, Prince de Monaco. Resultats scientifiques. U has ordered Album. London. U 1822-23 v. 1-3 Alemannia ; zeitschrift fur alemannische & frankische geschichte, volkskunde, kunst, & sprache. Freiburg. U 18984- v. 264- ; U has ordered v. 1-25 Alexandria (Egypt) — Administrateur. Rapport. U 19084- Assainissement. Rapport. _ U 1908 Conseil sanitaire. Bulletin quarantenaire hebdomedaire. U 19094" v. io4- Alexandria (Va.) Annual reports. U 1888-89 Alexandria, Loudoun & Hampshire railroad company. Annual report. U 186S-69 V. 10 Alkoholismus ; zeitschrift zur wissenschaftlichen erorterung der alkoholfrage. Dresden. U 1900-02 v. 1-3 Allegheny (Pa.) Municipal reports. U 1S85, 89-90, 92-04. 99-i900 • Carnegie free library. Annual report. U 1890-92, 944- v. 1-2, 54- Allegheny observatory, see Pittsbugh (Pa.) university. Allegheny valley railroad company. Annual report. U 1856-57, 5Q-6o, 62-66, 69-71, 72-88, 90-91 1 1 ; V. 4. 7, 10-13. 19-20, 22-38, 40-41 1 1 Continued as Allegheny valley railway company. Annual report. U 1892, 94-1901, 1904, V. I, 3-10, 13 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 5 Allgemeine bauzeitung. Vienna. U 1871-72 v. 36-37 Allgemeine deutsche bibliothek. Berlin; Kiel. U 1765-96II v. 1-42. 44-ii«li Continued by Neiie allgemeine dcut.sche bibliothek. Allgemeine elektricitats-gesellschaft. Berlin. Geschaftsbericht. U 1900-01, 03, 05. V. 18-19, 21, 23 Allgemeine fischerei-zeitung. Munich. N 1898+ v. 23+ Allgemeine zeitschrift fiir entomologie. Berlin, see Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft- liche insektenbiologie. ,, , „ „ -, o , Allgemeine zeitung : Beilage. Munich. U [1898-1903,05-07] 1908+ Allgemeiner deutscher arbeiter-verein. Protokoll der General-versammlung. U 1873-4 Allgemcines biicher-lexikon, see Heinsius Allgemeines biicherlexikon. Allgemeines statistisches archiv. Tubingen. U 1890-I- y. i-j- Aliied printing trades journal. Chicago. U [1903] [v. 2] Almanach de Gotha, annuaire genealogique, diplomatique & statistique. Gotha. U 1830-1905, lo-f- V. 77-142, 147+ Almanach des spectacles. Paris. U 1874-1907 v. 1-13 Almanach financier. Paris. U 1887-1900 y. 20-33 Almanach Icarien ; astronomique, scientifique, pratique, mdustnel, statistique, politique & social. Paris. . U 1844-48 v. 1-6 Almanaque de la agricultura espanola. Madrid. U 1876 Alpha Chi Omega fraternitj' [sorority]. Lyre. Ripon (Wis.) U 1909+ v. 12+ Alpha Phi fraternity [sorority]. Alpha Phi quarterly. Albion (Mich.) U 1910-I- V. 22-i- Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Alpha Xi Delta. Alliance (O.) U i9oS-f v. 6-f- Altenglische bibliothek. (Kolbing.) Heilbronn. U 1883-90 v. 1-5 Altfranzosische bibliothek. Leipzig. U i879-97ll v. i-isll Alton (111.) Daily morning courier. U 1852-54!! v. i-2\\ Continued as tt r, Alton (111.) Weekly courier. U 1854-55 v. 3 Alton (111.) horticultural society. Transactions. U 1853-04 Alton (111.) Telegraph & Democratic review. U 1843-4S v. 8-10 Continued as Alton (111.) Telegraph. U 1846-52 v. 11-17 Altruist, devoted to equal rights, mutual assistance, united labor, & common property. St Louis. U [1898, 1900-06] [v. 30, 32-38] Altruistic review. Chicago. U 1893- [94l v. i, [2-3] Alumni quarterly. Urbana (III), see Illinois university. Am Urds-brunnen, Rendsburg; &, Am urquell. Hamburg, see Urquell. Amalgamated association of street & electric railway employees of America. Year book. . U 1903, 07-I- see also Motorman & conductor; Union leader. Amalgamated engineers, a journal of trade unionism, cooperation, & brotherhood. London (?) U [1902] [n. ser. v. 6] Amalgamated glass workers' international association of America. Biennial re- port. U 1903-05 V. 2 Proceedings. U 1903, 05 see also Glass worker. . A.malgamated meat cutters & butcher workmen of North America. Official journal. Syracuse (N.Y.) U [1902-08II] [v. 2. 5I 6, [7-9] Proceedings. U 1899, 1902-06 v. 2, 4-6 Amalgamated sheet metal workers' journal. Kansas city (Mo.) U [1902-04] [v. 7-9] Amalgamated society of carpenters & joiners. Manchester (Eng.) Annual re- port. U 1885, 1903, 08-H v. 26, 44, 49-i- Amalgamated society of engineers, machinists, millwrights, blacksmiths & pat- tern makers. Report of the proceedings of the American convention. U 1904 v. I Amalgamated wood-workers international union of America. General conven- tion. U 1900-f- v. 2+ see also International wood-worker. America, , , . devoted to honest politics & good literature. Chicago. U [1891I [V. 5] SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHA^IPAIGN American Aberdeen-Angus breeders' association. Beecher (111.) ; Davenport (la.) American Aberdeen-Angus herd book. U 1886+ v. 1 + Report of proceedings of annual meeting. _ U 1906+ 23 , American academy of arts & sciences. Boston. Memoirs. N 1895 V. 12 U has ordered complete Proceedings. U 1846+ v. 1+ N 1873+ v. 9+ American academy of medicine. Bulletm. Easton (Pa.) _ U 1897+ v. 2+ American academy of political & social science, Philadelphia. Annals. U 1890-I- V. 1 + Bulletin U 1899-1901 n. ser. no. 8-14 Handbook. H,^^^^ American agricultural annual. New York. U 1807-70 American agriculturist. New York. ^ r/-^ -. ^ o , U 1842-49, 57-94, 97-1904, 08+ V. 1-8, 16-52, [53,] 59-65, [66,] 67-74, 81+ American agriculturist yearbook & almanac. New York. U 1901, o6-f v. 6, Il4- American almanac & repository of useful knowledge. Boston. U 1830-61, 80, 84, V. 1-32, 51, 55 American almanac & treasury of facts statistical, financial & political. New York. U 1878-85 V. 1-8 American analyst. New York. U 18S8-94, v. 4-10 American ancestry. (Hughes.) Albany (N.Y.) U 1887-99 v. 1-12 American & Delaine-merino record association. Flock book. U 1900-i- v. 1+ American annals of the deaf. Washington (D. C.) U i90o4-_v. 45+ American annual of photography & photographic times almanac. New \ork. U 1908+ V. 22+ .A.merican anthropological association. New York. ]\Iemoirs. U 1905+ v. i-|- see also r , • r o American antliropologist. (Anthropological society of Washington; after i«99 in new series also with American anthropological association; & American ethnological society of New York.) Washington, New York. U 1888 -f y. 1+ American antiquarian society. Worcester (Mass.) Archaeologia americana. U 1820-85 V. 1-7 Proceedings. U 1896-98, 1909+ [v. 20-22, 29] 30+ U has ordered rest. Transactions. U has ordered American architect. Boston. U 1876-f v. 1-84, [85-87,] 88-1- American archives, 1774-/6. Washington (D. C.) U 1837-53 ser. 4, V. I — ser. 5, v. 3 American art annual. (Levy.) New York. U 1898+ v. l + American artisan, tinner & house furnisher. Chicago. Beginning 1898 entitled American artisan, the hardware record. U 1884-98, [99], v. 6-29, 31-36, [37] American Asiatic association. Journal. New York. U 1910+ y. 10-i- American association for labor legislation. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1907+ V. 1 + American association for the advancement of education. Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. .U 1851-55, V 1-5 American association for the advancement of physical education. Proceedings of annual meeting. . „, , . ^ /^i^'' ^\^ American association for the advancement of science. Washington (D. L.) Proceedings. G 1877-82, 1903-07, V. 26-31, 52. 54-57; U 1848-r V. i+; N 1885^ V. 33-41, 47-si, so-T- American association of demurrage officers. Proceedings. Continues National association of car service managers. _ U 1908+ American association of general passenger & ticket agents. Proceedings of an- nual convention. 1878-79 called General ticket & passenger agents' associa- tion ; 1879-88 called National association. _ _ U 1878-H American association of geologists and naturalists. Transactions. U 1840-42 V. 1-3 American association of importers & breeders of Belgian draft horses. Wabash (Ind.) National register of Belgian draft horses. U 190S+ y. 1 + American association of instructors of the blind. Proceedings. Continues American instructors of the blind. U 1872 v. i SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 7 American association of medical mill-: commissions. Cincinnati. Proceedings. U 1907+ V. 1 + American association of nurserymen. Report. U 1900-05 v. 25-30 American association of public accountants. New York. Yearbook. U 1906-!- V. 1 + American astronomer bulletin. South Framingham (Mass.) U 1909 v. 2 American asylum for the education of the deaf & dumb. Hartford (Ct.) An- nual report. U 1850, 76 v. 34, 60 American bank reporter. New York. U 1902-04 v. G6-69 American banker. New York. U 1904+ v. 69+ American bankers' association. Journal. New York. U 1908+ v. i-f Report of proceedings & conventions. U 1875-90, 92, 99, 1902-05, 07+ V. 1-16, 18, 25, 28-31, 33+ Currency commission. Report. U 1906, 08 Savings banks section. Proceedings. U 1906 v. 5 American Baptist yearbook. Philadelphia. U 1905-f American bar association. Annual report. U 1878+ v. i-j- American bee keeper. Falconer (N. Y.) & Fort Pierce (Fla.) U [1906] [v. 16] American Bell telephone company, see American telephone & telegraph company. American Berkshire association. American Berkshire record. Springfield (111.) U 1876+ V. 1 + Annual report. U 1878 v. 3 Proceedings. U 1907-]- v. 2-f American book-prices current. New York. U 1896-98, iQ02-f- v. 2-4, 8-|- American botanist. Binghamton (N. Y.) ; Joliet (111.) U 1901+ v. 1 + American breeders' association. Proceedings. U 1903+ v. 1 + American breeders' association of jacks & jennets. Nashville (Tenn.) Ameri- can jack stock stud book. U 1891-1903. v. 1-3 American brewer & distiller, . . . opposed to sumptuary legislation & the restric- tion of personal liberty. Paterson (N. J.) U [1892] [v. i] American brotherhood of cement workers. Proceedings. U 1906+ v. 4+ Araerican builder & journal of art. Chicago. U 1871 American bureau of shipping. Record of American & foreign shipping. New- York. U 190S+ American carnation society. Proceedings. U 1891-94, 96-99, 1901-j- v. 1-3, 5-8, io-|- American catalogue [of books]. New York. U 1876-I- American Catholic historical researches. Philadelphia. U 1906-}- n. ser. v. 2-\- American ceramic society. Columbus (O.) Transactions. U 1899-I- v. i-f- American chamber of commerce. Paris, see Paris American chamber of com- merce. American cheese maker. Grand Rapids (Mich.) U 1901+ v. 17+ American chemical journal. Baltimore (Md.) U 1879-}- v. i-j- American chemical society. New York and Easton (Pa.) Chemical abstracts. U 1907+ V. 1 + Journal. U 1879+ v. i-f Proceedings. U 1876+ v. 1 + (1879-1903 contained in the Journal.) Review of American chemical research. Continued as Chemical abstracts. U 1897-1906II V. 3-12JI American chemist. New York. U 1870-77II v. 1-7] j American chester-white record association. Record. Dayton (C>. ) Continues Standard Chester white record association. U 1895-1900 v. 5-7 American cheviot sheep society. Flock register, v. 2 published by National chevi- ot sheep society. _ ^ U 1893-1901 v. 1-3 American church almanac. New York. U 1900-0S v. 70-78 American church review. New York. U 1SS2 no. 136-38 American cities railway & light company. Jersey City (N. J.) Annual report. U 1908+ V. 3-\- American city. New York. U 1909-j- v. i4- Amercian civic association. Papers. Continues also after 1903, American park & out-door art association ; American league for civic improvement. U 1905+ American Cleveland bay stud book, see Cleveland bay society of America. 8 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN American Clydesdale association. Springfield (111.) American Clydesdale stud- book. _ _ U 1882+ V. i-f American college & education society. Boston. Annual report. Continues Ameri- can education society; after 1894 continued as Congregational education so- ciety. U 18/S-76 V. 1-2 American college & private school directory. (Myers.) Chicago & New York. U 1907+ V. l-r American college & public school directory. (Evans.) St Louis. U 1S77, 87-88, 95-97, 1905 V. I, lo-ii, 18-20, 28 American colonial tracts. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1S97-98. v. 1-2 no. 6 American colonization society. Washington (D. C.) Annual report. U 1819-20, 22, 24-33, 35, 41-42, 45-55, 57, 59-6o, 62-70, 72 v. 2-3, 5, 7-16, 18, 24-25, 28-38, 40, 42, 43, 45-53, 55. Bulletin (entitled: Liberia). _ U 1903, no. 23 American conference on international arbitration. Proceedings. U 1896-1904 V. 1-2 American co-operative journal. Chicago. U 1906-I- [v. 1-5,] 6-{- American cooperator, devoted to the ideals of a cooperative commonwealth. Lewiston (Me.) U 1 902-04 1| v. 1-3II American Cotswold association. Americai> Cotswold record. Chicago, etc. U 1878-1903 V. i-ii American cotton manufacturers' association. Proceedings. Charlotte (N. C.) U 1905-06, o8-|- v. 9-10, i2-t- American cotton oil company. New York. Report. U 1891-I- v. 2+ American counting-room. New York, see Bookkeeper. New York. American dairymen's association. Report. New York. U 1865-78 v. 1-13 American decisions. San Francisco. Continued as American reports. U 1760-1869II v. i-iooll American Devon cattle club. American Devon record. Zanesville (O.), Wheel- ing (W. Va.) U 1 887- 1 903 v. 4-7 Year book. Newark (O.) _ U 1904 -f American dialect society. New Haven (Ct.) Dialect notes. U 1890-I- v. i-\- American digest. (Annual.) St Paul. _ U 1897+ American Duroc-Jersey swine breeders' association. American Dnroc-Jersey record. Camden (O.) ; Thornton (Ind.) U 1885+ v. i-f American economic association. New York. Economic studies. U 1896-99II v. 1-4 1 1 • Publications. 1886-96, 99-1908II v. l-li, n. ser. v. I pt. I- v. 2, sen 3 v. i-9|| Continued as ■ Quarterly. Princeton (N. J.) U 1909+ ser. 3, v. lO-r see also Economic bulletin. American economist, devoted to the protection of American labor & industries. New York. U [1889-97,] 98+ [v. 3-8,] 9-10. [II-I2,] 13-15. [16,] 17, [18-20,] 21 + American education society, Boston. Annual report. Continued as American college and education society, later Congregational education society. U 1820, 22-41, 43, 45-55, 62-74. V. 5, 7-25, 27, 29-39, 46-58 Quarterly journal, see American quarterly register. American educational review. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 3I-|- American electrician. New York. Merged in Electrical world. U 1896-1902, [03,] 04-05II V. 8-14 [15,] i6-i7il American electrochemical society, Philadelphia. Transactions. U 1002-t- v. i-J- American engineer. Chicago. U 1883-91] | v. 5-22] | American engineer & railroad journal. New York. Continues American rail- road journal; Railroad & engineering journal; National car & locomotive builder ; Van Nostrand's Engineering magazine ; American engineer car builder & railroad journal. U 1887-}- v. 61 + American engineer, car-builder & railroad journal, see American engineer & railroad journal. American entomological society. Philadelphia. Transactions. Continues Ento- mological society of Philadelphia. U i867-76_v. 1-5; N 1867-!- v. i-f see also Academy of natural sciences. Philadelphia; Practical entomolo- gist. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 9 American entomologist. St Louis (Mo.) ; New York. U 1868-70 V. 1-2; N 1868-80II V. l-3il American ephemeris & nautical almanac, see U. S.— Nautical almanac office. American Essex association. Record of improved Essex swine. New Augusta (111.) ; Lexington (Ind.) U 1890-96 v. 1-3 American ethnological society. New York. Transactions. U 1845-48 v. 1-2 see also American anthropologist. American exporter. New York. U [1902,] 02-03, [03-06,] 07, [v. 49-50,] 51-52, [53-58,] 59 American Fahian. Boston. U [1895-96, 98-99] [v. 1-2, 4-5I American farm review. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1908-09II v. i- v. 2 no. l|| American federation of labor. Proceedings. U 1887-93, 95-1903, 05. V. 2-3, 9-13, 15-23, 25 Connecticut state branch. Proceedings. U 1887 v. i Indiana branch, see Indiana federation of labor. Iowa branch, see Iowa state federation of labor. Massachusetts state branch. Proceedings. U 1907+ v. 17+ Souvenir of annual convention. Boston. U 1892-93 v. 7-8 New York state branch, see Workingmen's federation of the state of New York. Ohio branch, see Ohio federation of labor. Wisconsin state branch, see Wisconsin state federation of labor. American federation of musicians. Official proceedings. U 1907-I- v. 12-i- see also International musician. American federationist. Washington (D. C.) U [1894-1901], 1902+ [v. 1-8], 9-t- American fertilizer. Philadelphia. U [1902-03] 1904-05; [05-07.] lo-t- [v. 16-19] 20-22. [23-25,] 33 + American fish culturist. St Johnsbury (Vt.) N [1904-05] [v. 1-2] American florist. Chicago. _ U 1885-I- v. i-f American folklore society. Boston, see also Journal of American folklore. American forestry. (American forestry association.) Washington (D. C.) Continues xonservation ; Forestry & irrigation, etc. U 1910-f v. 16+ Ameican forestry association. Washington (D. C), see also Forester; Forestry & irrigation ; Conservation ; American forestry. American forestry congress. Washington (D. C.) Proceedings. U 1882, 85 V. 1,4 American foundrymen's association. Journal. U 1897-1904JI v. 3-12] | Transactions. Previous to 1904 issued in the Journal. U 1904-i- v. 8-^- American Friends' peace conference. Philadelphia. Report of proceedings. U 1901 American Galloway breeders' association. American Galloway herd book. Inde- pendence (Mo.) _ U 1883-f- V. H- American garden. New York. Continued as American gardening. New York. Merged in Western fruit grower. U 1886-92, 1903-04II n. ser. 7-13, 24-25] | American gardener's magazine, see Magazine of horticulture. American gas-light association. New York. Proceedings. U 1873-8S v. 1-8 American gas light journal. New York. U 1907-i- v. 86+ American geographical & statistical society, continued after 1869 as American geographical society. New York (city.) Bulletin. U 1852-57II V. I-2|] Bulletin (called Journal 1859-1900). G -f ; U 1859+ v. 1 + American geologist. Minneapolis. Merged into Economic geology. G 1888-1905II V. 1-7, [8,] 9, [10,] 11-13, 17-36II; U 1888-1905II v. 1-36II American Guernsey cattle club. Herd register. Hartford (Ct.) ; Peterboro (N. U 1891+ V. i-f see also Guernsey breeders' journal. American gymnasia & athletic record. Boston. U 1904-1908!! v. 1-4 no. 8|| American Hackney horse society. New York. American Hackney stud book. y 1893-95 V. 1-2 American Hampshire sheep association. Flock record of Hampshire-Down sheep. 10 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Before 1907 v. 9 called Hampshire-Down breeders' association of America, U1891+ V. i-r American hay, flour, & feed journal. New York. U 1903+ v. 5+ American health magazine. New Haven (Conn.) W -\- American Hereford cattle breedfrs' association. Report of proceedings. U 1908+ V. 26+ American Hereford record & Hereford herd book. Beecher (III.) ; Colum- bia (Mo.) U 1880+ V. 1 + American hide & leather company. Annual report. U 1903 v. 4 American historical association. Washington. Annual report. U 1889-f Papers. Continued in annual report. U 1885-91 1| v. 1-5] | • Public archives commission. Report. U 1900-02 v. 1-3 American historical review. New York. ^ U 1895+ v. 1 + American history leaflets. (Hart & Channing.) New York. U 1892-1902. nos. 1-33 American home economics association. Continues Lake Placid conference on home economics. see also Journal of home economics. American homes & gardens. New York. Continues Scientific American : Build- ing edition. C U 1905+ v. i-|- American horse breeder. Boston. U [1903.] 04+ [v. 21,] 22+ American horse show blue book. New York. U 1903-04. v. 2-3 American horticultural annual. New York. U 1867-70 American horticultural society, see Mississippi valley horticultural society. American humane association. Proceedings. U 1896-1901, 03-06, v. 20-25, 27-30 American industries. New York. U [1902-04,] 1905+ [v. 1-2,] v. 3-\- American institute of architects. Washington. Proceedings of annual conven- tions. U 1868-88, 90-f V. 2-22, 24+ Quarterly bulletin. _ _ U 1900+ v. 1-3, [4-5-] 6+ Brooklyn chapter. Catalogue of exhibition. U 1899. v. i American institute of banking. Bulletin. Prior to 1907 name was American institute of bank clerks. U 1904-05, 0( H ; v. 4, 7+ American institute of chemical engineers. Transactions. _U igog+ v. 1+ American institute of criminal law & criminology. Journal. Chicago. U 1910-f v. i-f American institute of electrical engineers. New York. Proceedings. Title was Transactions before v. 24, 1905. U 1884-85, 87-j- v. 1-2, 4+ American institute of instruction. Boston. Lectures, discussions & proceedings. U 1830-31, 1834, 37-39, 47, 54, 56, 58-59, 62, 64-72, 75, 77-92, 94-1902. 04+ _v._ 1-2, 5, 8-10, 18, 25, 27, 29-30, 33, 35-43, 46, 4S-72, 74+ American institute of mining engineers. New York. Bulletin. G+ ; U 1909+ no. 27+ Transactions. G 1896-1907, v. 26-38 ; U 1871+ v. 1 + American institute of the City of New York, see New York (city.) American instructors of the blind. Proceedings of the convention. Continued by American association of instructors of the blind. U 1871II v. 2]| American international association of railway superintendents of bridges & build- ings. Proceedings. Continued by Association of railway superintendents of bridges & buildings. ... V 1891-94II v. 1-4II American iron & steel association. Philadelphia. Annual statistical report. G 1868, 71, 73, 75, 77-78, 80-S1, 91 ; U 1878, 84, 1905+ Bulletin. U 1902+ v. 36+ Directory of the iron & steel works of the U. S. U 1898, 1904 v. 14, 16 Proceedings. G 1873-74 American Israelite. Cincinnati. _ U + American jack stock stud book, see .'\merican breeders' association of jacks & jennets. American Jersey cattle club. New York. Butter tests of registered Jersey cows. U 1884, 1891 V. I, n. s. V. I Herd register. _ U 1S71+ v. 1 + American Jewish historical society. Baltimore. Publications. U J897 no. 6 American journal of anatomy. Baltimore. U 1901+ v. 1 + SERIALS IN URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN ii American journal of archaeology. Princeton; New York; Norwood (Mass.) U i8'j6-T- V. 10-18, 20+ American journal of conchology. (Academy of natural sciences). .'Philadel- phia. U N 1865-72II V. 1-7II American journal of education. (Barnard.) Hartford (Ct.) U 1855-8211 V. 1-32 American journal of horticulture & florist's companion. Boston. After 1869 entitled : Tilton's journal of horticulture. U 1867 v. i American journal of international law. New York. U 19074- v. 1 + American journal of mathematics. (Johns Hopkins university). Baltimore (Md.) U 1878+ V. 1 + American journal of microscopy. Chicago. N [18711IJ [v i||] American journal of microscopy & popular science. New York. N 1877-81 [v. 2,] 3-4. [5] American journal of pharmacy. (Philadelphia college of pharmacy.) Philadel- phia. _ U 1880-83 V. 52-55 (ser. 4, V. ic-13) American journal of philology. Baltimore (Md.) U 1880+ v. li- American journal of physiology. Boston. U 1898+ v. 5 ^ American journal of psychology. Baltimore (Md.) ; Worcester (j\lass.) U 1887-88, 1891-1- V. 1-2, .-f American journal of public hygiene. Boston; Columbus (O.) U 1905-1- V. 15-f; W r American journal of religious psychology & education. Worcester (Mass.) U 1904-]- V. l-j- American journal of science. (Silliman.) New Haven. G 1S46-98 ser. 2, V. 1-41, 43, 45, 47, 49-50; ser. 3, v. 1-16, 19-42, [43,] 44- ser. 4. V. I, [2,] 3-6; U 1818-93, 95-f V. 1-148, 151-r; N 1823-77 V. 6, [7, 45; ser. 2, v 17, 18, 30,] 32-34, ZT, [ser. 3, v. 4,] 13-14- ^^ American journal of sociology. Chicago. U 1893-!- v. i4- American journal of the medical sciences. Philadelphia & New York. U 1894-t- V. 107+ ; N 1894-f [v. 108,] 109-r American journal of theology. Chicago. U 1897-t- v. i-h American journal of veterinary medicine. Topeka (Kan.) Early numbers called Missouri V^alley veterinary bulletin. U 1909-}- v. 4-I- American kennel club. New York. American kennel club stud book. U 1878, 88+ V. I, 5-T- American kennel register. New York. U 1883-87 v. 1-5 American kitchen magazine. Boston, see Everyday housekeeping. American laborer. (Horace Greeley.) New York. U 1842-43 1| v. i|| American law register. -Philadelphia. U 1866-72, 76-80, 98+ v. 15-20, 24-28, 46-+- American law review. Boston; St Louis. U 1867-82, 98-I- v. 1-16, 32-}- American leather chemists' association. Journal. Easton (Pa.) U 1906-f- v. i-f- American Leicester breeders' association. American Leicester record. Galesburg (111.) U 1893-99 V. 1-2 American library association. Boston ; Chicago. A. L. A. book list. Madison (Wis.) U 1905+ V. 1 + Bulletin U 1907+ v. i-f Conference papers and proceedings, (also in Library journal until 1907 and then in A. L. A. Bulletin). U. 1891-92, 95-98, 19054- v. 13-14, 17-20, 27-j- Handbook. U 1S93-I- Photographs taken at the meetings and on post-conference trips. (Faxon.) U 18944- Book prices. Committee on. Bulletin. U 1903-5] | no. 1-19II see also Library journal. American literary gazette & publishers' circular. (Childs.) Philadelphia. U 1863-67 v. 1-8 Am.erican locomotive company. Annual report. U 1903. v. 2 American lyceuni. Boston. Proceedings. U 1S31-33 v. 1-3 American machinist. New York. U 1882+ v. S-f- American magazine. New York. U 19064- v. 634- American magazine of useful & entertaining knowledge. Boston. A • , • x^ .. , . U 1834-3-11 V. 1-3! I American maltmg company. New York. Annual report. U 1903 12 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX American manual training association. Cleveland. Proceedings. Continued by Eastern manual training association. U 1S97-98JI American marine engineer. Chicago. U 1909-f- v. 4-r American mathematical monthly. Springfield (Mo.) U 1894+ v. 1 + American mathematical society. Xew York. Annual register. U 1906-I- Bulletin, v. 1-3 called Bulletin of the Xew York mathematical society. U 1891+ V. 1+ Transactions. U 1900+ v. 1 + American medical association, Chicago. Journal. U 1883+ v. 1 + Council on medical education. Annual conference. U 1907-t-- v. 3+ Pharmacology & therapeutics section. Transactions. U 1906 v. 57 American medical directory. Chicago. U 1909 American meteorological journal. Detroit; Boston. U 1884-96 v. 1-12 American metric bureau, see also jMetric bulletin. American microscopical society. Washington (D. C.) Transactions. Formerly American society of microscopists. U 1 899- 1 900. V. 21-22; N 1878+ V. 1-20, 234- American miller. Chicago. U 1909-r v. 37-r American mining congress. Denver (Col.) Bulletin; report of proceedings. _ U 1903+ V. 6+ American monthly. (Knickerbocker). X'^ew Y'ork, see Knickerbocker. New York. , 1864-65 V. 63-65 American monthly miicroscopical journal. Washington (D. C.) N 18S0-1902 V. 1-23 no. 6 American monthly review of reviews, see American review of reviews. American mosquito extermination society. New York. Bulletin. At first called National mosquito extermination society. Organization dissolved 1908. U N 1904-06IJ v. i-2\\ Proceedings of the convention. U 1903-04IJ v. i-2|j American museum of natural history. New Y^ork. Annual report. U 1892, 99-}- v. 24, 31+ ; N 1870+ V. 1+ Bulletin. N 1881+ v. 1+ Memoirs. U 1893+ v. I pt. 1-3, 7, v. 9+ ; N 1901+ [v. i, 3,] 9+ American national red cross [corporation.] Bulletin. Washington (D. C.) U 1906+ v. i-f American naturalist. Philadelphia; Boston. U X' 1867+ v. 1 + American nautical almanac, see U. S. — Nautical almanac office. American newspaper annual. (Ayer.) Philadelphia. U iSSi, 1904+ American newspaper directory. (Rowell.) New York. Combined with & con- tinued as American newspaper annual. U 1869, 79, 82-83, 93. 97-98, 1904, 08-09II V. I, II, 14-15, 25, 29-30, 36, 40-41 II American oriental society. Xew Haven; Boston. Journal. U 1859-60 [v. 6] American ornithologists union. — Protection of North American birds. Com- mittee on. Report. U 1898, 1903 American Oxford Down sheep record association. American Oxford Down rec- ord. Ohio. U 1883-1903. V. 1-9 Amci-ican park & outdoor art association. Papers. ^Merged in American civic association. _ U 1897-98 [1900-03II] v. 1-2, [4-7II] American peace society. Boston. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 78+- ■ see also Advocate of peace. American Percheron horse breeders' association, see Percheron society of Ameri- ca. American pharmaceutical association. Bulletin. (Chicago.) U 1906+ v. i-f American philological association. Boston. Transactions & proceedings. U 1869+ v. i-f- American philosophical society. Philadelphia. Proceedings. U 1744+ V. i+; N 1867+ [v. II,] 15-17. [18, 19. 28,] 47+ Transactions. U 1789-1809, 1818-1902 V. 1-6, n. ser. v. 1-20; N 1853-81 v. 10, 13, 15 American physical education review. Boston. U 1002-f v. 7+ American pig iron manufacturers" association. Proceedings. Philadelphia. G 1872 American pioneer. Cincinnati. U 1842-43II v. l-2|| SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 13 American plants. San Diego (Calif.) U W-oS v. i American Poland-China record association. Proceedings. U 1906 v. i American Poland-China record company. Columbia (Mo.) American Poland- China record. U 1879+ v. 1 + American political science association. Proceedings. U 1904+ v. l-h American political science review. Baltimore. U 1906+ v. 1-f- American polled Durham breeders' association. American polled Durham herd book. Peru (Ind.) U 1898+ v. i-f American pomological society. Proceedings. U 1850+ v. 3-f American pottery gazette. Ne^y York. U 1905-08. v. 2-6 American poultry journal. Chicago. U 1900-06, 09+ [v. 30-31,] 32, [33-34,] 35-36, [37,] 4i-f American pressmen. (International printing pressmen & assistants union of North America.) Cincinnati. U [1905, 07.] c8+ [v. 15. 17, 18,] 19+ American prison association. Proceedings of annual congress. Continues Na- tional prison association of U. S. 1873-1907. U 1908-!- American public health association. Reports & papers. U 1873+ v. i-j- American public works association. Convention. U 1906 v. 2 American publishers circular & literary gazette, see American literary gazette & publishers' circular. American quarterly. Boston, see Poet-lore. _ _ _ American quarterly microscopical journal. (New York microscopical society.) New York. N 1878-79:! v. i|| American quarterly register. (Edwards.) Boston, v. 1-3 called Quarterly jour- nal of the American education society. U 1827-43II v. 1-15II American quarterly register & magazine. (Stryker), see American register & magazine. American quarterly review. Philadelphia. U 1827-1837II y. l-22|| American railroad journal. New ■ York. Continued in American engineer & railroad journal. U 1832-86II v. i-6o|| American railway association. New York. Proceedings. (Includes Proceed- ings of General time convention 1872-76 &: Southern railway time conven- tion 1877-85.) U 1886-}- V. i4- American railway bridge & building association. Proceedings of annual con- vention. Continues Association of railway superintendents of bridges & buildings. U 1908-I- v. i8-f American railway engineering & maintenance-of-way association. Chicago. Bulf letin. U 1904-08. no. 45-79, 81-85, 97-104, 106, 108-09 Proceedings of annual convention. ^ U 1900-f v. 1 + American railway master mechanics' association. New York. Proceedings. U 1868-72, 74-86, 88-f v. 1-5, 7-i9, 21 -f- American railway mechanical & electrical association, see American street & interurban railway engineering association. American railways company. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 1902, 04-05, 07+ v. 3, 5-6, 8+ American Rambouillet sheep-breeders' association. American Rambouillet rec- ord. Ohio. . . U 1891-1- V. i-(- American register; or, Summary review of history, politics, & literature. Phil- adelphia. U 1817II v. I-2i| American register & magazine. (Stryker.) Philadelphia. U 1850, 52 v. 4, 6 American repertory of arts, sciences & manufactures. New York. U 1840. v. I. (lacks no. i Feb. 1840) American reports. San Francisco. Continues American decisions ; continued by American state reports. _ _ ^ U 1869-87II v. i-6o|| American review,, (later, American Whig review.) New York. U has ordered American review of reviews. New York. v. 1-2 (1890) issued as Review of re- views, American edition. C 1894+ V. lo-f-; U iS90-f v. i+; Ur 1897+ v. 15-I- .^.merican saddle-horse breeders' association. Chicago. Register. Continues National saddle horse breeders' association. U igcS-j- v. i-j- American school of classical studies at Athens. (Archaeological institute of America.) Annual report. Cambridge. U 1887-88. v. 7 Papers. U 1882-83, 92. v. i, 5. American school of home economics. Chicago. Bulletin. U 1906-f ser. i. no. 1 + 14 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN American sheep-breeder & wool-grower. Chicago. U [1889, 92, 97-98,] 99-f [v. 9, 12, 17-18,] 19+ In July 1909 absorbed Shepherd's criterion. American Shetland pony club. Columbus (Mo.) ; Springfield (111.) American Shetland club stud book. U 1893 -j- v. it- American Shire horse association. Chicago. American Shire horse stud book. U 188S+ V. i-f American short horn breeders' association. Chicago. American short horn herd book. U 1846+ V. 1 + Circular, containing a synopsis of the business transactions. 1900-01, 06+ 15-16, 21-1- American short-horn record. (Alexander.) Frankfort (Ky.) U 1869-76 v. i-S American Shropshire registry association. American Shropshire sheep record. Columbia (Mo.) U 1S89-I- v. 1+ American smelting & refining company. Annual report. _ U 1904 v. 5 American social science association, see Journal of social science. American socialist, devoted to the enlargement & perfection of the home. Oneida (N. Y.) _ _ U 1876-79 v. 1-4 American society for colonizing the free people of color of the United States, see American colonization society. XVashington (D. C.) American society for psychical research. Boston. Proceedings. U 1885-89 v. i American society for testing materials. Proceedings. U 1898+ v.i-f- V. I published by International association for testing materials — American section, and reports the first 4 meetings 1898-1902. American society for the extension of university teaching. Philadelphia. An- nouncements. U 1906+ Annual report. _ U 1893, IQOO see also Citizen ; University extension. Am.erican society of civil engineers. New York. Proceedings. U 1897, 1909+ V. 23, 35+ Transactions. U 1867-I- v. 1 + American society of heating & ventilating engineers. X'ew York. Transactions. U 1895+ V. i-f- American society of mechanical engineers. New York. Journal. U 1910+ [v. 52,] 33-r Transactions. U i88o-r v. i-f- Yearbook. U 1905-r v. 26+ American society of microscopists, see American microscopical society. American society of municipal improvements. Proceedings. U 1894+ v. i-f- American society of naval engineers. Washington (D. C.) Journal. U 1889-f V. 1 + .\merican society of railroad superintendents. Boston. Proceedings. U 1881-95, v. 1-25 American Southdown breeders' association. American Southdown record. Springfield (111.) U 1S84-1902, v. 1-9 American state papers, 1789-1837, Cong. 1-24. Washington (D. C.) U 1833-61 1 1 V. 1-3811 American state reports. San Francisco. Continues American reports (preceded by American decisions.) U i886-{- v. 1 + American statistical association. Boston. Collections. U i847|i v. l|| Publications. U 18S8+ n. ser. v. 1+ American street & interurban raihvay engineering association. Annual conven- tion. U 1903+ V. i-|- 1903-05 name was American railway mechanical & electrical association. American street raihvay investments. New York. Supplement to Street railway journal. U 1894-f- v. i-f American stud book, see Jockey club. American sugar industry & beet sugar gazette. Chicago. Continues Beet sugar gazette. U 1904+ v. 6+ ; N 1900+ [v. 2,] 3-}- American swineherd. Chicago. U i904-f v. 21-j- American Tamworth swine record association. Register. Palmer (111.) U 1903+ V. i-f SERIALS IN URBANA AXD CHAMPAIGN 15 American telephone & telegraph company. Boston. Report. Until 1900 called American Bell telephone co. U 1880-82, 84-S5, 8S-1901, 04-05; V. 2-3, 5-6, 9-22, 25-26 American telephone journal. New York. U i902-o8|| v. 5-18 no. 9II Continued in Telephony. American trade. (National association of manufacturers of the U. S.) Phila- delphia. U [1898-1900] [v. 1-3] American trade index, see National association of manufacturers of the U. S. A. American trotting register association. Chicago. Wallace's American trotting register. U 1892-!- v. 10+ Wallace's yearbook. U 1S86, 88+ v. 2, 4+ American truck farmer. St Louis (Mo.) U [1903-05] II [v. 1-3] II American tvpe founders company. Annual report. U 1903-04, v. 11-12 American Unitarian association— Minister at large. Boston. Semiannual report. U 1831, 32; V. 8, 10 American university magazine. New York. U [189S-97] [v. 1-2,] 3-4, [SlJ] American veterinary review. New York. U 1896-97, 98+ v. 20, 22-}- American warehouse-men's association. New York. Bulletin. U 1905+ v. 6+ Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1904-h v. 14-}- American water works association. Proceedings. U 1886-93, 1902+, v. 6-13, 22+ American whig review. New York. (Continues American review.) U has ordered American year book. New York. U 1910 v. i American Yorkshire club. American Yorkshire record. St Paul (^Minn.) U 1901-04 V. 1-2 Annual. St Paul (Minn.) U 1906 Americana Gerrnanica. New York; Philadelphia. Continued as German-Ameri- can annals. U 1897-1902II v. I-4II Amerikanischer turner-kalender. ^Milwaukee. _U 1898, I900|| Since 1901 continued as Freidenker-almanach & Amerikanischer turner- kalender. Ames (la.) — Free library. Annual report. U 1904 Amherst (Mass.) college— Library. Quarterly bulletin. U 1899-1901 11 v. i-2|| Amiens (France), see also Societe d'horticulture de Picardie ; Societe linneenne du nord de la France. Among ourselves. (Montgomery Ward & co.) Chicago. U 1906-08 Jejl v. 3-4 no. 9i| Amsterdam (Neth.) chamber of commerce & factories. Report on . . . trade, shipping, & industry. U 1904 Amsterdam (Neth.) Societe mathematique. Verzameling van voorsellen (Recueil de questions mathematiques). U has ordered Amsterdam (Neth.) see also K. Akademie van wetenschappen. Amsterdam (N. Y.) — Water commissioners, Board of. Annual report. W 1906-07, 10+ V. 25-26, 29-f- Analecta Bollandiana (Societe des Bollandistes.) Brussels. U 1910-I- v. 29-f Analecta hymnica medii aevi. Leipzig. U has ordered 1886-H v. 1 + Anales de ingenieria. Bogota (Columbia). U 1909+ v. 22-f (ser. 2 v. 17+) Analyst. (Chemistry). London. Includes the Proceedings of the Society of public analysts. U 1876, 79+ v. i, 4+ Analyst. (Mathematics). Des Moines (la.) U 1874-83II v. i-io|| Anatomical record. Philadelphia. _ U 1906+ v. i-t- Anatomische hefte ; beitrage & referate zur anatomic & entwickelungsgeschichte. Wiesbaden. Abteilung i : Arbeiten aus anatomischen instituten. U i8''2-f v. I + Abteilung 2: see Ergebnisse der anatomie & entwickelungsgeschichte. Anatomischer anzeiger. 'Jena. U 1890-I- v. 5-21, 23-}-; N 1886-89 v. 1-4 Andover (Mass.) — Memorial hall library. Annual report. U IQ07+ v. 35-}- Andover review. Boston. U 1884-93' I v. 1-19II Anglia: zeitschrift fiir englischc philologie. Halle, U 1878-}- v. i-\- Beiblatt : Mittei'imgen aus dem gesammten gebiete der englischen sprache & litteratur. Halle. _ ^ U i890-f- v. 1 + Supplementheft : Uebersicht iJber die auf dem gebiete der englische philologie erschienenen biicher, schriften, & aufsatze. Plalle. U 1877-94 i6 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Anglistische forschungen. (Hoops.) Heidelberg. U igoi-f v. i-l- Anglo-Saxon review. London. U has ordered Ann Arbor railroad company. Annual report. U 1898-1905, 08+ v. 1-8, 11 + Annaes de sciencias naturaes. Oporto. N 1804-1903 v. 1-3, [4,] 5-6, 8 Annalen der chemie & pharmacie, Heidelberg; Leipzig. Original title: Annalen der pharmacie; in 1840, assumed the above: since 1874 known as Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie & pharmacie. U 1832-!- v. 1-166, [167,] i68-|- Annalen der hydrographie & maritimen meteorologie. Berlin. U 1909+ Annalen der naturphilosophie. Leipzig. U 1902+ v. 1 + Annalen der pharmacie. Heidelberg, see Annalen der chemie & pharm.acie. Annalen der physik. Halle; Leipzig. Continues Journal der physik ; v. 61-76 called Annalen der physik & der physikalischen chemie; v. 77-305 (1824-99) called Annalen der physik &. chemie, & usually known as Poggendorf s An- nalen. U 1799+ V. 1 + Beiblatter. Leipzig. U 1S77+ v. 1 + Annalen des deutschen reichs fiir gesetzgebung, verwaltung & statistik. Leipzig. U 1868-97 v. 1-30 Annalen fiir gewerbe & bauwesen. Berlin. U 1877-98 v. 1-42 Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed. (K. Nordiske oldskriftselskab.) Copen- hagen. Continued as Aarbpger for nordisk oldkyndighed & historie. 1836-1865II Annales agronomiques. (Deherain.) Paris. U 1875-1901II v. i-28|| Annales de biologie lacustre. Brussels. N 1906+ v. i-f- Annales de chimie analytique. Paris. U has ordered Annales de chimie & de physique. Paris, v. 1-96, 1789-1815, entitled Annales de chimie. _ U 1789+ v. 1 + Annales de la science agronomique frangaise & etrangere. Paris. U 18844- V. i+; N 1895-99. ser. 2. v. 1-5 Annales de mathematiques pures et appliquees. Paris. U has ordered 1810-32!! v. i-22|| Annales de mathematiques, see Nouvelles annales de mathematiques. Annales de micrographie. Paris. U 1889-98II v. i-io|| ; N 1898II v. io|| Annales de pomologie beige & etrangere. Brussels. U 1853-60. v. 1-8 Annales de Provence. Aix-en-Provence. U 1909+ v. 6-|- Annales des mines. Paris. U has ordered 1816+ Annales des mines; ou, Recueil de memoires sur I'exploitation des mines. Par- is. U 1886-89, v. 161-67 (ser. 8, v. 10-16) Annales des mines de Belgique. (Ministere de I'industrie & du travail.) Brus- sels. U 1909+ V. 14+ Annales des ponts & chausees. Paris. Lois, decrets, etc. U 1831 + Memoires & documents. U 18314- Personnel. U 1832-1900II Annales des sciences naturelles : botanique. Paris. U 1878-85, 86+ v. 119-30, 133+ Annales des sciences naturelles: zoologie & paleontologie. Paris. U 1874-91, 93+ V. II 1-42, 45+ (ser. 6+) ; N 1834-84, ser 2, v. 1-2; ser. 3, v. 15-16, 19-20; ser. 6, v. 3-4, 17-18. Annales^ des sciences physiques & naturelles, d'agriculture & d'industrie. (So- ciete imperiale d'agriculture &' d'industrie de Lyon.) Lyons. U 1853, ser. 2, V. 5 Annales des sciences politiques. Paris. U 1888-95, 1907+ V. 1-2, [3,] 4-9, [10,] 22+; U has ordered rest Annales du Midi. Toulouse (France.) U 1889-f v. i-j- Annales mycologici. (Sydow.) Berlin. U 1907. v. 5 Annales politiques et litteraires. Paris. U 1895+ v. [25] 26-I- Annales romanliques. Paris. U 1904-I- v. l4- Annali di agricoltura. Rome. N [1879+] [nos. 9-250,] 2524- Annali di matematica pura & applicata. Rome; Milan. U 1850-1- ser. I, V. i-ser. 2, v. 21, 23, 26; ser. 3, v. i4- Annals & magazine of natural history. London. U i886-f V. 77 (ser. 5, v. i7)4-; N 1841-81, v. 6, [9; ser. 2, v. 7, 8; ser. 3. v. 2,] 19-20; ser. 4 [v. 12;] ser. 5, [v. 4, 7] Annals of bee culture. Louisville. U 1869 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 17 Annals of botany. London. U 1887+ v. l + Annals of congress. (Gales.) Washington. Continued in Register of debates. U 1789-1824II Cong. I, sess. i-Cong. 18, sess. i|| v. 1-42II Annals of electricity, magnetism & chemistry. (Sturgeon.) London. No. 49 & 55 wanting in v. 9 & 10. U 1836-43II v. i-io|| Annals of Iowa; a historical quarterly. (Iowa — Historical department.) Iowa City. U 1893+ ser. 3. v. 1 + Annals of mathematics. Charlottesville (Va.) ; Cambridge (Mass.) _U 1884+ V. 1+ Annals of philosophy. London. United & continued in Philosophical maga- zine. U 1813-26II V. 1-28II Annals of Scottish natural history. Edinburgh. N 1892-94 no. 1-4, 10 Annapolis & Elk-Ridge railway company. Annual report. U 1837-38 v. I Annee biologique. Paris. 1895+ v. l + Annee litteraire. (Ginisty.) Paris. U 1886-93 v. 2-9 Annee philosophique. (Pillon.) Paris. U 1890+ v. l-f Annee psychologique. (Binet.) Paris. U 1894-j- v. 1 + Annee sociologique. (Durkheim.) Paris. U 1896+ v. 1 + Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses. Tokyo. N 1897+ v. l-\- Annuaire astronomique, see Brussels Observatoire royal de Belgique. .A.nnuaire-Chaix: annuaire officiel des chemins de fer. Paris. U 1849-51 Annuaire de la finance Egyptienne. Alexandria. U 1907, v. i Annuaire de la librairie franqaise. Paris. _ U 1905 v. 12 Annuaire de la presse frangaise & du monde politique. Paris. U 1905 v. 24 Annuaire de I'economie poHtique & de la statistique. Paris. U 1844-9911 V. i-s6|| Annuaire de I'instruction publique des beaux-arts & des cultes. Paris. _ U 1906 .'\nnuaire de legislation etrangere; & franqaise, see Societe de legislation com- paree. Paris. Annuaire des deux mondes. Paris. U 1S64-67 v. 13-14 Annuaire des journaux, revues & publications periodiques. (Le Soudier.) Par- is. U 1897, 1901, 03, 05, 07+ V. 18, 22, 24, 26, 28-f Annuaire des mathematiciens. Paris. U 1901-02! | Annuaire geologique universel. Paris. U 1885-97 v. 1-14 Annuaire statistique de la France, see France — Commerce & I'industrie, Min- istere du. Annuaire statistique & descriptif distributions d'eau de France, Algerie, Tunisie, Belgique, Suisse, & grand-duche de Luxembourg. Paris. U 1903 V. I Annual American catalogue [of books]. New York. U 1895+ Annual English catalogue of books. London. U 1840-41, 1897-f- Annual library index. New York. U i905-(- Continues Annual Hterary index. (Fletcher and Bowker.) N. Y. U 1892-19041! v. 1-13II Annual of scientific discovery. (Wells.) Boston. U 1850-67 Annual record of science & industr>\ (Baird.) New York. U 1871-72, 74-78II V. 1-2, 4-811 Annual register. London. _ _ U 1758+ v. i-f Annual review of the commerce manufactures, public & private improvements of Chicago. U 1854 A.nnual review of the iron, mining, & other industries of tTie Upper Peninsula [of Michigan.] G 18S0-81 .Annual wool review, see National association of wool manufacturers. Annuario statistico della citta italian6. (Ugo Guisti.) Florence. U 1906+ v. l + Anthropological institute of Great Britain & Ireland, see Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain & Ireland. Anthropologic. Paris. U 1909+ v. 20+ Anthropologischen sammlungen Deutschlands. (Deutsche gesellschaft fiJr an- thropologic, ethnologic, & urgeschichte.) Brunswick. U 1877-1902 V. 1-7, 9-12, 15-16 Supplement to Archiv fiir anthropologic. Anthropophyteia. (Krauss.) Leipzig. U 1904-I- v. i-f- i8 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Anti-imperalist. (E. Atkinson.) Brookline (Mass.) U 1899-19001I V. I no. i-6|| Anti-Jacobin review & magazine. (Green.) London. U 1798-99 v. 1-3 Antimasonic convention, Mass. Proceedings. U 1832, v. 3 Antiauarisk tidsskrift. (K. Nordiske oldskriftselskab.) Copenhagen. U 1843-63 Antiquarisk tidskrift f5r Sverige, see K. Vitterhets, historic & antiquitets akad- emien. Stockholm. ,, , ■ Antwerp. (Belgium.) — College au conseil commmial Rapport sur 1 admm- istration & la situation des offices. U 1907 Verslag. . U 1907 Receveur communal. Tableau synoptique. U 1907 ■ Service d'hygiene. Rapport. . U 1908 Antwerp (Belgium.) Institut superieur de commerce. Annuaire. U 1906-r Anuario financiero-administrativo de la Repiiblica Argentina. Buenos Ayres. U 1906 v. 3 Anvers, see Antwerp. Anzeiger fiir kunde der deutschen vorzeit, see Nuremberg Germaniscnes national museum. . . , Anzeiger fiir schv.-eizerische altertumskuiide. Indicateur d antiquites suisses. U 1900-05 n. ser. v. 2-6, [7] Apiculteur. Paris. N 1890-96 v. 34-40 Apple specialist. Quincy (111.) U 1903-05, o6-c8|| v. i. [3-41 1 J Applegate's Whig almanac. New York. .. ^^ n -^n Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. New York. ^ U 1S61-1902II v. 1-42II Appleton's journal; monthly miscellany. New York. ^^ C Jul. 1878-81 n. ser. v. 5-1 1 Appleton's magazine. Philadelphia ; New York. 1903-05 v. 1-5 have title Book- lover's magazine. 1905-06 v. 6-7 Appleton's booklovers magazine C 1906-09II V. 7-13I! ; U 1903-09II V. i-i3li Appleton's popular science monthly, see Popular science monthly. Applied arts book, see School arts book. A.pplied science. (Toronto university engineering society.) _ Toronto. Con- tinues Toronto university— Engineering society. Transactions. U 1907-1- V. 2i-r (n. ser. v. 1 + ) Apprentices' library, Philadelphia, see Philadelphia (Pa.)— Apprentices' library. Aotervx (Roeer Williams park museum.) Providence (R. I.) U IQ05 v. I, no. 1-3 Aquila. Budapest. . N 1904-!- v. iHr Arbeiterfreund; zeitschrift fiir die arbeiterfrage. Berlin. U 1884-87 v. 22-25; U has ordered rest Arboriculture. (International society of arboriculture.) Chicago; Indianap- olis; Connorsville (Ind.) U [1902-03,] 04-09II [v- 1-2,] 3-811 Archaeological institute of America. Washington (D. C.) Bulletin. U 1909+ V. l-f see also American school of classical studies at Athens. ^. „, , , Architect & contract reporter. London. U 1869+ v. i , V. i-j8 1S69-1897 have title Architect. Architects' & builders' journah Baltimore (Md.) ,, „ U 1906-Sept. 1908II V. 8-9, no._7il Architects' & builders' magazine. New York. Continues Architecture & build- j„g_ U 1900+ n. ser. v. i-f Architectural annual. (Architectural league of America.) Washington (D. Q \ U igoo-f- Architectural annual. (Kelsey.) Philadelphia. U 1900-01 v. 1-2 Architectural record. New York. U 1891-!- v. i-f- Architectural review. Boston. U 1899+ "• ser v. i-i- Architecture. London. , . U 1896-98 v. I-3 Architecture & building. New York. Continued as Architects & builders mag- azine. U 1894-96. [97-99111 V. 20-25, [26-31]]! Architekt. Vienna. Hi qIU-^' ''I Architektonische rundschau. Stuttgart. '-^ /'='^^"^ ^; ^^^T Architektor skizzenbuch. Berlin. U 1857-83, v. 1-64, 66-77, 81-159, 1-^-83 SERIALS IN' URRAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 19 Archiv der matheniatik & physik. Leipzig. U 1841+ sen I, V. I-4Q, 51-70; ser. 2, v. 1-17; scr. 3, v. 1 + Archiv des deutschen landwirthschaftsraths. Berlin. U 1876-85 v. 1-9 Archiv fiir anatoniie & entwickelungsgeschichte, see Archiv fiir anatoniie & physiologic. (Du Bois-Reymond.) Leipzig. Anatomische abtheilung. U l877-f ; N 1882 Physiologische abtheilung. U 1877+ ; N 1892 suppl. Continues Archiv fiir anatomic, physiologic, & wissenschaftliche medicin. Berlin. U 1834-76II; N 1851, 74-75 Archiv fur anthropologic. (Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologic u. s. vv.) Brunswick. U 1866+ v. I-H Archiv fur biontologic. Berlin. U 1906-08 v. 1-2 no. 2 Archiv fiir das studium der neueren sprachen & litteraturen. Brunswick (Ger- many.) _ U 1846-47, 49-56, 57+ V. 1-3, 5-20, 22+ Archiv fiir die gcsammte physiologic des menschen & der thierc. (Pfliigcr.) Bonn. U 1868+ v. i+; N 1S98-99 v. 72-7;^ Archiv fiir die gesamte psychologic. Leipzig. U 1903-!- v. l-f Archiv fiir die physiologic, see Archiv fiir anatoniie & physiologic. Archiv fiir cisenbahnwesen. Berlin. U 1880-j- v. 3-}- Archiv fiir entwicklungsmechanik der organismen. Leipzig. N 1894-f- v. 1+ Archiv fiir cxperimcntellc pathologic & pharmakologie. Leipzig. U 1908+ v. 58+ Archiv fiir gcschichtc der philosophic. Berlin. Since v. 8 contains Archiv fiir philosophic, erste abtheilung. U 1888-f- v. i-f Archiv fiir geschichte des deutschen buchhandcls. (Borsenverein der deutschen buchhandler.) Leipzig. U 1888-94 v. 11-17 Archiv fiir hydrobiologie & planktonkundc. Stuttgart. N 1905+ v. i-|-- New series of Plon. Biologische station. Forschungsbcrichtc. Archiv fiir hygiene. Munich. U 1883-I- \'- 1 + Archiv fiir kulturgcschichte. Berlin. Continues Zeitschrift fiir kulturgeschichte. U 1903+ ser. 4, v. 1 + Erganzungsheft. U 1903+ v. 1 + Archiv fiir lateinischc lexikographic & grammatik. Leipzig. U 1S84-1909II v. 1-15II Archiv fiir litteratur- & kirchcngcschichte des niittelalters. Berlin. U 1885-1900II V. 1-7II Archiv fiir litteraturgeschichte. Leipzig. U 1870-871 1 v. 1-15JI Archiv fiir mikroskopische anatomic & entwickelungsgeschichte. Bonn. N 1865+ V. I, 6-7, 10 sup, II, 13, 17-1S, 204- Archiv fiir niineralogie, geognosie, bergbau, & huttenkundc. Berlin. U 1S54 V. 26 Archiv fiir naturgeschichte. Berlin. U 1S54 V. 34; N 1841+ [v. 7, 8, 13,] 14, 19-20, 23-25, [42, 43, 46, 48,] 49+ Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.) Vienna. Archiv fiir offentliches recht. Tiibingen. U 1908+ v. 23-f Archiv fiir optik. Leipzig. U 1907-0SII v. i]| Archiv fiir pathologische anatoniie & physiologic & fiir klintsche medizin. (Vir- chow.) Berlin. U 1847+ v. i+; N 1884-89, v. 95-96, 103-116 Archiv fiir philosophic, see Archiv fiir geschichte der philosophic; & Archiv fiir systematische philosophic. Archiv fiir physiologic (Du Bois-Reymond: Physiologischc abtheilung.) see Archiv fiir anatomic & physiologic. Archiv fiir protistenkunde. Jena. U 1902-f v. i-f- Archiv fiir rassen- & gescllschafts-biologie einschliesslich rassen- & gcsellschafts- hygicne. Berlin. U 1905 [v. 2] Archiv fiir rechts- & wirthschaftsphilosophie. Berlin & Leipzig. U 1907+ V. 1 + Archiv fiir religionswissenschaft. Leipzig. U 1908+ v. 12+ ; U has ordered rest Archiv fiir soziale gesetzgebung & statistik. Berlin ; Tiibingen. U 1888-IQ03II V. 1-18II 20 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Continued as Archiv fiir sozialwissenschaft & sozialpolitik. Tubingen. U 1904+ V. 19+ n. s. V. 1 + Archiv fiir systematische philosophic. Berlin. Issued as Archiv fiir philosophie, zweite abtheilung; continues Philosophische monatshefte. U 1895+ v. l+ Archiv fur volkswohlfahrt. Berlin. Continued in Soziale praxis. U 1908-09II [v. I,] 2] I Archives d'anatomie microscopique. Paris. N 1897-1910 v. 1-12 Archives de biologic. Ghent (Belgium) ; Paris. U 1880+ v. l-r; N 1897-99 V. 15-16 pt. I Archives de parasitologic. Paris. _ _ N 1898-1900 v. 1-3 Archives de physiologic normale & pathologique. Paris. U 1868-98, ser. I, V. i-ser. 5, v. 10 Archives de psychologic. Geneva. _ ^ U 1902+ v. l + Archives de zoologie experimentale & generale. Paris. U 1872+ v. l-f Archives des sciences physiques & naturelles, see Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. tt o<; _i_ Archives diplomatiques. Paris. _ U 1801 1 v. 1+ Archives heraldiques snisses. Zurich, see Schweizer archiv fiir heraldik. Archives Italiennes de biologic. Turin. U 1882+ v. i+; N 1887-89, v. 8-12 Archives of internal medicine. Chicago. _ U 1908-I- v. It Archives of Maryland, see Maryland historical society. Archives of neurolog>' from the pathological laboratory of the London county asylums. (Mott.) London. U 1903 v. 2 Archives of philosophy. New York. U 1907+ no. 1 + Continues Archives of philosophy, psychology & scientific methods. New York. U 1905-06II no. i-8|i Continues Columbia university contributions to philosophy, psychology & education. Continued in 2 parts: Archives of philosophy; & Archives of psychology. New York. U 1906+ no. 1 + Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome. _ U has ordered 187.I-1008 Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome; Turin. U 1902+ v. 16+ ; U has ordered 1873-1902 Supplementi. Turin. U 1897 v. 4 Archivio storico italiano. Florence. U has ordered 1842-1910 Archivio zoologico. Naples. ^ U has ordered Archives de pedagogia & ciencias afines. Buenos Ayres. U 1900-t- v. l+ Arena. Trenton, N. J., & Boston: New York. C 1896-1909II V. 17-41 II U 1889-1909II V. 1-41II Argentine Republic— Agricultura. ^Ministerio de. Boletin de agricultura & gana- deria. Buenos Ayres. U 1901-02, o&+ v. 1-2, 9+ Estadistica, Direccion general de. Buenos Ayres. Anuario. U 1897-IQOO President. Message. U 1894-95, 98, 1900 Argentine year book. Buenos Ayres. U 1902 v. i AristoteHan society. London. Proceedings. U 1900+ n. ser. v. 1 + Arizona— Auditor. Report. U 1900-02 Control. Board of. Biennial report. U 1895-1904, v. 1-5 Equalization, Board of. Proceedings. U 1906-f Governor. Messages. U 1865, 67, v. 2, 4 Governor. Report. U 1897 Legislative assembly. Journals. U 1891-93. 1903+ v. 16-17, 22-f Public instruction. Superintendent of. Biennial report. u 1889-90, 95-96, 1901-02, 05-1- Supreme court. Reports of cases. U 1866+ v. 1 + Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1901-02 Arizona Agricultural experiment station, Tugson. Annual report. U 1888-90, 94+ V. 1-2, 6+; N 1888+ V. 1 + Bulletin. U 1890+ no. i-f ; N 1800+ no. 1-7, 9-i3, 15-39. 43+ Arizona bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1903+ v. 1 + Arizona Insane asylum. Phoenix. Biennial report. U 1897-1900 v. 6-7 Arkansas — Auditor of state. Biennial report. U 1899-1900 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 21 Geological survey. (Owen, 1857 — ). Report of a geological reconnais- sance of the northern counties of Arkansas. U 1857-58 v. i Geological survey. (Branner 1887-93)- Annual report. G 1888, 90-92II; U 1888-92II House of representatives. Journal. U 1905+ Public instruction, Superintendent of. Biennial report. U 1870-72, 79-92, 95+ ; V. 1-2, 6-12, 14+ • Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1901-04, 06+ v. 2-5, 7^- Senate. Journal. tt o 1 ^^°^t Supreme court. Reports of cases. u 1837-f- v. i-\- Arkansas Agricultural experiment station. Fayetteville. Annual report. U 1888-90, 91+ V. 1-3, 5+; N 1888-1900, V. 1-3, 7-8, 11-13 Bulletin. U 1888-+- ro. 1+ ; N i89o-f no. 14-15, 22-23, 30-32, 2,7, 40, 43, 48, 50-53, 56, 58-69, 71-75, 77-79, 81, 83+ Arkansas bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1891, 96, 98, 1904-t- V. I, 6, 8, 14-1- Arkansas deaf mute institute. Little Rock. Biennial report. U 1898-1906 V. 16-19 Arkansas (state) federation of labor. Proceedings. U 1906+ v. 4+ Arkansas homestead. Little Rock. tt o o Arkansas Institute for the blind, Arkadelphia. Report. U i«5« v. 3 Arkansas (state) lunatic asylum. Little Rock. Biennial report. U 1898-1904 Arkanas society of engineers, architects & surveyors. Little Rock. Transac- tions. ^ U 1887-89 V. 1-3 Arkitektur & dekorativ kunst. Christiania (Norway.) U 1910+ v. 57+ Arkiv for botanik. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.) Stockholm. U 1909+ V. 8+ Arkiv for matematik, astronomi, & fysik. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakade- mien. ) Stockholm. U 1903-04+ v._ i-i- Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.) Stockholm. U has ordered 1903-t- v. i-f Arkiv for Nordisk filologi. Christiania & Lund. U 1883+ n. ser. v. i-f Arkiv for zoologi. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.) Stockholm U 1909-I- v. 5+ Armenia. Boston. U 1905-1907 [v. i,] 2 [3] Armenrath. Vienna. , ^^ . U has ordered Armour institute of technology. Chicago. Integral. (Junior class annual.) U 1898 v. I Year book. U 1895-99, 1900-01 -f Armstrong college, (formerly Durham college of science.) Newcastle-upon- Tyne. (Eng.) Calendar. U 189S-99 Agricultural department. Annual report. U 1900 v. 9 Army alterations. Kansas City (Mo.) U 1909+ v i-f- Army & navy journal. New York. U [1900-02] [v. 38-39 Army & navy life. New York. U 1907-09II v. 10-14! I Art amateur. New York. ^ U i88i-b2, 85-88, 89-90. 91-93, 94-98, 99-1900, V. 5-7. 13-18, 21-22, 25-28, 31-38, 41-42 Art decoratif. Paris. ^^ U 190/-^ v. 17-f- Art education. New York. . U i89S-i90i|| v. 2-7II Art & decoration. Paris. tt o ''''^ "^'' o Art interchange. New York. U 1892-94 v. 2»-33 Art journal. London. U 1849+ v. i-h Art students' league of New York. Book. U 1903-05. 07+ Art workers' quarterly. London. U 1902-t- v. 1 + Artist. London, v. 1-15 have title Artist & journal of home culture; v. 16 has title Artist photographer & decorator. U 1880- July 1902II v. 1-34, no. 3N Artists' yearbook. (Hosking.) Chicago. U 1905-06 Arts. Chicago. Continued in Arts for America. U 1894-95. v. 3 Arts Paris. U 1906-I- v. 5+ Arts for America. Chicago. Continues Arts. U 1896-1900II v. 5-9 no. 3|| Ashton-under-Lyne (Eng.)— Heginbottom free library. Annual report. U 1894-96, 98-1- V. 1-2. s-f Asiatic exclusion league, San Francisco. Proceedings. U K908-}- 22 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX Asiatic society of Beneal. Calcutta. Journal. Part 2 : Xatural history. N 1889-1904II [v. 58,] 68-7311 Journal & proceedings. N 1905+ n. ser. v. 1 + Proceedings. _ N 1899, [1900,] 1901-04II R. Associagao central da agricultura portuguesa. Lisbon. Boletim. U + Associated charities of Boston, see Boston (Alass.) Association beige des chimistes. Brussels, see Societe beige de chimie. Association des bibliothecaires frangaises. Bulletin. U 1910-}- v. 4-}- Association des ingenieurs electriciens. Paris. Bulletin. U 1909-1- ser. 3, v. 9+ Association for improving the condition of the poor. Xew York. Notes. U 1895 V. I no. I Association for international conciliation — American branch. X'ew York. Monthly bulletin. U 1908+ Publications. U 1907+ v. 1 + Association for the advancement of women. Papers. U iSgi v. 19 Report. U 1891 v. 19 Association frangaise pour I'advancement des sciences. Paris. Comptes rendus. U 1872-97 V. 1-26 ; N 188S V. 17 Association geodesique internationale, see Internationale erdmessung. Association internationale pour le progres des sciences sociales. Annales. U1863-64 sessions 1-2 Association of American cemetery superintendents. Chicago. Proceedings. U 1&37-1906 v. 1-20 Association of A.merican law schools. Proceedings. U 1902-04, v. 2-4 Association of American medical colleges. Proceedings. U 1898, 1906 v. i, 16 Association of American universities. Journal of proceedings & addresses. U 1900-!- v. i-|- Association of banks for the suppression of counterfeiting. Annual report. Bos- ton. U 1857, 59, 61, 63-65 v. 4, 6, 8, 10-12 Association of colleges & preparatory schools of the Middle States & Maryland. Proceedings. Early volumes known as Proceedings of College association of the Middle States & Maryland. U 1887-1906, oS-f v. 1-20, 22-f Program of annual convention. U 1893-94, 96-97, i90o, v. 5-6, 10, 11, 14 Association of colleges & preparatory schools of the Southern States. Pro- ceedings. U 1S95-1901, 04-06 V. 1-7, 10-12 Association of collegiate alumnae. Publications. U -j- Report of annual meeting. U 1896 v. 15 Association of Dominion [of Canada] land survevors. Ottawa. Proceedings. U 1SS5, 88-93. V. 2, 5-10 see also Association of Ontario land surveyors. Association of economic entomologists. Washington. Proceedings. U 1889-1- V. 1 + Association of engineering societies. Journal. Boston ; Philadelphia. U 1881+ [v. I.] 2-27, [28,] 29+ Association of history teachers of the ^^liddle States & Jvlaryland. Annual con- vention. U 19084- v. 6+ Association of life insurance presidents. Proceedings of annual meeting. New York. U 1910+ V. 4-f Association of municipal & sanitary engineers & surveyors, see Incorporated association of municipal & county engineers. Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America. Proceedings. U 1883, 85-86, 88-92, 97-1900, 02+ v. I, 3-4, 6-9, II, 13-16. i8-i- Association of Ontario land surveyors. Toronto. Proceedings. U 1886-1900. 03-05, 08+ V. 1-15, 18-20, 23-f-; W 1906+ V. 21+ (n. ser. v. 14-I-) Before 1892 called Association of provincial land surveyors of Ontario. Association of railway superintendents of bridges & buildings. Proceedings. U "1895- 1 907! I V. S-i7!l Continues American international association of superintendents of bridges & buildings. Continued by American railway bridge & building association. Association of state & national food & dairy departments. Annual convention. U 1906-f- v. lo-j- Association of the colleges of Ohio, see Ohio college association. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 22, Association technique maritime. Paris. Annuaire. U 1903 Associazionc clettrDtccnica italiana. Milan. Atti. U 1909-j- v. 13+ Aster. (Greek weekly.) Chicago. U + Astor library, New York City, see New York (city.) Astor library. Astronomical journal. Boston; Albany. U 1849-61, resumed i886-|- v. 1 + Astronomical register. London. U 1874, 79-81 v. 12, 17-19 Astronomical society of the Pacific. San Francisco. Publications. U 1889-}- V. 1 + Astronomische gesellschaft. Leipzig. Astronomischc abhandlungen ; ergiinzungs- hefte zu den Astronomischen nachrichten. Kiel. U 1901-04, v. 1-5 Astronomische nachrichten. Kiel. U 1851+ v. ^^^-^^ ; U has ordered v. 1-31 • • Ephimeriden — circular. no. 31-57 Astronomischer jahresbericht. Berlin. U 1899+ v. i-|- Vierteljahrschrift. U 1866+ v. 1 + Astronomy & astrophysics. Northfield (Minn.) U 1892-94II v. Il-I3i| Continues Sidereal messenger. Continued as Astrophysical journal. Astrophysical journal. (University of Chicago.) Chicago. Continues Sidereal messenger; and Astronomy & astrophysics. U 1895 -r v. 1 + Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway company. Annual report. U 1874-75, 77-93, 96+ V. 3-4, 6-21 ; new ser. v. 1 + Ateneo. Madrid. U 1906-4- v. 1 + Athenceum. London. U 182S+ v. 1 + Athenaeum, eine zeitschrift. (Schlegel.) 1798-1800. 3 v. Berlin. U Reprint 1905 Athenee Louisianais. New Orleans. Comptes rendus. U + Athens (Greece) Ethnikon asteroskopeion. Annales de I'observatoire national d'Athenes. U 1896-1905, v. 1-4 Athens (Greece) Ethnikon panepistemion. (National university.) Programs. (Ta kata ten prutaneian.) U 1903-06 Scientific annual (Epistemonike epeteris.) U 1902-03, 05-06 Athens (Greece.) see also American school of classical studies at Athens. Brit- ish school at Athens. K. Deutsches archaeologisches institut in Athen. ficole frangaise d'Athenes. Atlanta (Ga.) Annual reports. U 1892 Carnegie library. Annual report. U 1899-1904, 06+ v. 1-6, 8-+- Bulletin. U 1904+ v. 2-f- Comptroller. Annual report. U 1909 Fire department. Annual report. U 1906-09 Atlanta (Ga.) Southern library school. Circular of information & catalog. U 1905+ no. 1 + Atlanta (Ga.) university. Publications. U 1897+ no. 1-3, 5+ Library. Bulletin. U 1907-}- v. i~\- Atlanta & West Point railroad company. Report. U 1879/80, 1898/99 Atlantic & Great Western railroad company. Annual report of Devereux, re- ceiver. U 1874-77, v. 1-3 Atlantic & Gulf railroad company. Report. U 1871, 74, v. 17, 20 Atlantic & Pacific railroad compan)'. Annual report. U 1S74 Atlantic & St Lawrence railroad companj'. Reports. U 1848-51, 82 Atlantic City (N. J.) — Free public library. Annual report. U 1902-j- v. 1 + Atlantic coast line railroad company of Virginia. Annual report. U 1898-1900, 02-1- V. 65-66, 68+ Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio railroad company. Annual report. U 1872-73, v. 3 Receivers' report. U 1877-78 Atlantic monthly. Boston. C 1879+ v. 44 -f ; U 1857+ v. i-|-; Ur 1899+ v. 83+ Atlantic reporter. St Paul (Minn.) U 1896-f v. 35-j- Attleborough (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ Auburn (N. Y.) — Seymour library. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 32-I- Auburn (N. Y.) theological seminary. Record. U 1905+ v. i-f- Audit company of New York. Trust companies of the U. S. U 1906-}- Auditor; published in the interest of the professional accountant. Chicago. U 1904-05II V. 1-2, no. 7|| Audubon societies, see National association of Audubon societies; also under States. 24 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX Augsburg (Germany.) Xaturhistorische verein. Bericht. N 1862-83, V. 15, 24-25, 27 Augusta (Ga.) — City council. Yearbook, (i.e. Reports.) U 1907, 09 Health, Department of public. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 31 + Augusta (Ga.) chamber of commerce. Yearbook. U 1908-f Augustana college & theological seminary. Rock Island (111.) Catalogue. U 1877-79, 80-82, 83-84, 85-86, 89-97, 98-99, i900-f Auk. (American Ornithologists' union.) New York. N 1884-]- [v. i,] 2+ Continues the Bulletin of the Nuttall ornithological club. Aungerville society. Edinburgh. Publications. U 1S81-87II v. 1-4' | Aurora (III.) Report of municipal officers. W 1908 Public library. Library guide. U 1908+ v. 1 + Aurora (111.) City directory. U 1874-75 Aus der heimat; blatter der vereinigung fiir Gothaische geschichte & alter- tumsforschung. Gotha. U [1S99-1900] [v. 2-3] Aus der Wagner schule, see Wagner schule, Vienna. Ausgaben & abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der romanischen philologie. (Sten- gel.) Marburg. _ U 1881+ v. l-f Ausonia. (Societa italiana di archeologia & storia dell' arte.) Rome. U 1906+ V. 1 + Austin college. Effingham (111.) Catalogue. U 1894-90, 97-98, 1900-02 Australasia, see also Statistical account of the 7 colonies of Australasia. Australasian association for the advancement of science. Brisbane. Report. U 1909+ V. 12+ Australia — Census & statistics, Bureau of. Official yearbook of Australia. U 1901+ V. i-f Australian gardener. Adelaide. U 1909-)- v. 11 + Australian museum. Sydney. Annual report of the trustees. U 1891-98, 1900+ V. 37-44, 46+; N 1898, 1901, 03+ V. 44, 47, 49+ Memoirs. U 1896+ v. 3+; N 1889+ v. 1 + Records. U 1892+ v. 2 [v. 3,] 4-f ; N 1890+ [v. i,] 2-j- Australian official journal of patents. Melbourne. U 1906+ v. 4-j- Austria — K. & K. ausvvartige dienst. Jahrbuch. Vienna. U 1902, v. 6 K. K. finanzministerium. IMittheilungen. Vienna. U 1902, v. 8 K. K. handelsministerium — Statistiches amt. Die arbeitseinstellungen & aussperrungen in Oesterreich. U 1894-1902 see also Handels-museum. Statistik, Direction der administrativen, see Mittheilungen aus dem gebiete der statistik. K. K. statistischer zentral commission & direction der administrativen sta- tistik. Oesterreichische statistik. U 1882-f v. i-f see also K. K. Geologische reichsanstalt. Ayers' American almanac. Lowell (Mass.) U 1881, 89 Ayer's American newspaper annual, see American newspaper annual. Ayrshire breeders' association. Ayrshire record. U 1876+ v. l + Yearbook of the Ayrshire breeders. U 1899-1902. 04, 06, 08+ v. 24-26, 29, 31, 33-I- Ayrshire cattle herd book society of Great Britain & Ireland. Herdbook. Ayr- shire. U 1893+ V. 16-29, S2-{- Ballad society. London. Publications. U 1868+ no. 1+ Ballarat (Australia) school of mines. Calendar. U 1895 Baltimore (Md.) Annual reports. U 1S04, 95, 97, 1907 • Appeal tax court, Judges of the. Annual report. U 1886-88, 94-95, 97 Comptroller's department. Annual report. U 1S94-97, 1909 (City) council, 2d branch. Journal of proceedings. U igoS-00 (City) engineer's office. Annual report. U 1901 Fire commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1898-1900, 02-09, V. 15-17, 19-26 Health department. Annual report. U 1901 + Official report. U 1909+ Park commissioners, Board of. Annual reports. U 1877, 81-92, 94-95, 98- 99, 1901-02, 05-08, V. 18, 22-32, 35-36, 39-40, 42-43. 46-49 Register. Annual report. U 1897-1909 SFRIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 25 Sewerage commission. Annual report. U 19064- Water board. Annual report. U 1894-95, 97> I904"r Water department. Annual report. U 1890 Baltimore & Oliio railroad company. Annual report. U 1827-30, 32-23, 35-39, 41-42, 44+; V. 1-4, 6-7, 9-13, 15-16, 18+ Relief department. Annual report. Before 1889 issued as Report of the B. & O. employes' relief association. U 1883, 1904, v. ,2, n. ser. v. 16 Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railroad company. Annual report. U 1890-91, V. I Reorganized 1893 & continued as Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railway company. Annual report. U 1895-96, V. I Baltimore & Susquehanna railroad company. Annual report. U 1828, 30-32, 35-36, V. I, 3-5, 8-9 Baltimore (Md.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1849, 59, 6i-65,-67, V. I, 10, 12-16, 18 Baltimore (Md.) Chamber of Commerce. Annual report. U 1896-1901, 1904+ V. 42-46, 5o-(- BaUimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic railway company. Annual report. U 1900+ V. 6+ Baltimore (Md.) corn & flour exchange. Annual report. U 1860,71, 73-75, 77-79, 82-84, 9i, 93-96, v. 11, 17, 19-21, 23-25, 28-30, 37,39-42 Baltimore (Md.) Enoch Pratt free library. Annual report. U 1887-f- v. 1+ Bulletin. U 19054- v. ii-f Baltimore (Md.) Johns Hopkins hospital. Bulletin. U 4- • Reports. U 1904, v. 12 Baltimore (Md.) Peabody institute — Library. Annual report. U 1905+ v. 384- Baltische studien. Stettin. 1832-92, v. 1-42. U has ordered Bampton lectures. _ U 1858, 62, 86, 89 Bancroft memorial library, see Hopedale (Mass.) Bangor (Me.) Annual reports. U 1907-08 Public library. Annual report. ' U 1891-92, 94, 964- v. 9-10, 12, 144- Bangcr & Aroostook railroad company. Annual report. U 1895-1903, 05, 0-4- V. 1-9, II, 13+ Bank-archiv, zeitschrift f iir bank- & borsenwesen. Frankfurt a. M. ; Berlin. U 19014- V. i4- Bankers' directory. (Rand McNally & co.) Chicago. U 1896 Bankers' magazine. London. U 18444- v. i-f Bankers' magazine. New York. U 1846+ v. i-|- Bannatyne club. Edinburgh. Publications. U has ordered Banner of gold. (Keeley cure.) Chicago. U -\- Baptist union theological seminary. Morgan Park (111.) Catalogue. U 1870-72, 73-75, 77/78, 82-85, 86-88 Barbers' journal. (Journeymen barbers' international union of America.) Cleve- land. U [1901, 03] [v. 12, 14] Barcelona, see also Institucio catalana d'historia natural. Barker's review of politics, literature, religion, & morals. London. U 1861-63, V. 1-2 (no. 1-106) Barnard's journal of education, see American journal of education. Bartenders' international league of America, see also Mixer & server. Basel (Switz.) Gesellschaft fiir beforderung des guten & gemeinnutzigen. Geschichte. U 1869-75, 77-81, v. 93-99, 101-106 Basel (Switz.) Naturforschende gesellschaft. Verhandlungen. N 1898+ [v. 12,] 13-h; U 1910-f- [v. 20,] 2x4- Basel (Switz.) Universitat. Personal-verzeichniss. U 1907+ Verzeichniss der vorlesungen. U 1907-!- Basel (Switz.) Vercin fiir das historischc museum & fiir erhaltung Baslerischer alterthiimer. Jahresbericht & rechnungen. U 1892-94, 99 Basel (Switz.), see also International labor office. Basler chroniken. (Historische & antiquarische gesellschaft in Basel.) Leip- zig. U 1872-90, V. 1-4 Basler jahrbuch. (Boos.)_ Basel. U 1879-86, v. i, 4-8 Battell's Morgan horse register, see Vermont Morgan horse breeders' association. 26 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Baumaterialienkunde. Stuttgart. U 1896-1907II v. i-i2]| Baumgarten's Jahresbericht, see Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte in der lehre von dem pathogenen mikroorganismen, u. s. w. Eausteine, zeitschrift fiir neuenglische wortforschung. Berlin. U 1905-0611 V. I, no. i-6|| Bausteine zur geschichte der neuern deutschen literatur. Halle. U 1909+ V. 1 + Bavaria — Finanzen, K. staatsministerium der. Budget des Konigreichs finanz- periode. U 1880-83, 86-87, 90-91, v. 15-16, 18, 20 Bavaria Oberbayern handels- & gewerbekammer. ^Munich. Jahresbericht. U 1900 Bay state monthly. Boston. Continued as 'New England magazine. U 1884-8511 V. 1-3II K. Eayerische akademie der wissenschaften. IMunich, see K. Akademie der wissenschaften. IMunich. Bayreuther bliitler. Bayreuth. U i8;8-f v. i-f Beech creek railroad company. Report. U 1895/96 Beer's almanac. Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) U 181 5 Beet sugar gazette. Chicago. Continued by American susjar industry. U [1899,] 1900-04II [v. I,] 2-4, [5,] 6|| Beitrage zur alten geschichte. Leipzig, see Klio. Beitrage zur biologic der pflanzen. (Cohn.) Breslau. U 1870-f v. 1+ Beitrage zur chemischen physiologic & pathologic. Brunswick. Continued in Biochemische zeitschrift. U 1902-0SII v. i-il!| Beitrage zur deutchen literaturvi'issenschaft. (Elster.) Marburg. U 1907+ pt. 1 + Beitrage zur geschichte der deutschen sprache & literatur. Halle. U 1874+ V. 1 + Beitriige zur kunde der indogermanischen sprachen. Gotlfngen. U has ordered 1877-1906, v. 1-30 Bietrage zur psychologic der aussage. Leipzig. Continued as Zeitschrift fur angewandte psychologic & psychologische sammelforschung. U 1903-06II V. 1-2II Beitrage zur psychologic & philosophic. Leipzig. U 1905-I- v. 1 + Beitriige zur schweizer-deutschen grammatik. (Bachmann.) Frauenfeld (Switz.) U 1910+ V. 1 + Belgique horticolc. Liege. _ ^ _ U 1S51-85II v. 1-35II Belgium — Agriculture, Ministere de 1'. Recensement agricole. U 1900-02 Chemins dc fer, postes, & telegraphes, IMinistere des. Compte rendu des operations. U 1891, 93 Statistique, Commission centrale dc. Bulletin. U 1826-90, v. 1-16 Belgium, see also Academic royale des sciences . . . de Belgique. Brussels, Jardin botanique de I'etat. Societe chimique de Belgique. Societe ento- mologique de Belgique. Societe royale de botanique de Belgique. Societe royale zoologique & malacologique de Belgique. Bellamy review .... journal of progress. Kearney (Neb.) U [1900-01] [v. i] Bellefontaine & Indiana railroad company. Annual report. U 1850-52, v. 1-2 Belleville (111.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1897+ v. 14+ Beloit (Wis.) college. Codex. (Junior class annual.) U 1890-95, 1905-r v. 1-3, 8+ Bengal (India) — Commercial intelligence. Director general of. Report on the trade carried by rail & river in Bengal. U 1904+ v. 21 + Bengal (India) chamber of commerce. Calcutta. Report. U 1S93-94, 97-9S, 1901-03, 04 Bengal (India), see also Asiatic society of Bengal. Bent, see Tau Beta Pi. Bentley's miscellany. London. U 1837-68II v. 1-64!! Berea (Ky.) college. Quarterly. U 1908+ v. 11 no. 4+ Berg- & hiittenmannische zeitung der mineralogie & geologic. Nordhausen. U 18^2, V. I Ergiinzungshcft. Freiburg. U 1846 Bergen (Norway.) Museum. Aarbog. N 1887, 89 -|- Bergianska tradgarden. Stockholm, see K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CMAMPAIGN 27 Berkshire world. Springfield (111.) U 1909+ v. i-r Berlin (Germany) — Statistiches anit. Berliner statistik. U 1903, pt. 3, IQ05, pt. 4 Jahrbuch. U 1906-07, v. 31 Berlin (Germany) K. Astronomische recheninstitut. Veroffentlichungen. U 1905+ V. 26+ Berlin (Germany) Entomologischer vcrein, see also Berliner entomologische zeitschrift. Berlin (Germany) K. Materialpriifungsamt. Mittheilungen. U 1904+ v. 22-|- Continues Berlin, K. Technische versuchsanstalt. Berlin (Germany) riiysikalisch-technische reichsanstalt. Wissenschaftliche ahhandlungen. U 1894+ v. 1 + Bcrlin (Germany) K. Priifungsanstalt fiir wasserversorgung & abwasserbe- seitigung. I\Iittheilungen. U 1902-f v. l + Berlin (Germany) Statistisches jahrbuch, see Statistisches jahrbuch dcr stadt Berlin. Berlin (Germany) K. Technische hochschule. — Maschines laboratorium. Mit- teilungen. U 1905 pt 4 see also Mittheilungen iiber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete ingenieur- wesens insbesondere aus den laboratorien der technischen hochschulen. Berlin (Germany) K. Technische versuchsanstalt. Mittheilungen. U 18S3. 86-1903II V. I, 4-21 1 1 Continued by Berlin, K. Materialpriifungsamt. Berlin (Germany) Universitat. (Friedrich-Wilhelms universitat.) Chronik. U 1904+ V. 18+ Berlin (Germany) Vossische zeitung. (Daily.) U May 1909+ Sonntagsbeilage. U+ Berlin (Germany) Zoologisches museum. Bericht. N 1901-]- Mitteilungen. N 1898+ v. i-|- Berlin (Germany), see also K. Akademie der wissenschaftcn ; Allgemeine elek- tricitats-gesellschaft ; Botanischer verein der provinz Brandenburg ; Deutsche geologische gesellschaft ; Deutsche gesellschaf t fiir anthropologie, ethnologie, & urgeschichte ; Deutsche landwirtschaft-gescUschaft ; Deutsche physikal- ische gesellschaft; Deutscher seefischerei-verein ; Gesellschaft fiir theater- geschichte ; Gesellschaft naturforschender freundc ; Philologischer verein ; Verein deutscher ingenieure; Verein fiir socialpolitik; Verein fiir volks- kundc. Berliner architekturwelt. Berlin. _ U 1899, 1901+ v. i, 3-h Berliner astronomisches jahrbuch. Berlin. U 1895+ v. 118+ Berliner borse. Jahrbuch. Berlin. U 1883/84, 85/86, 87-92, 93-1903. 04/05, o64- Berliner entomologische zeitschrift. (Entomologischer verein.) Berlin. U 1874 V. 18; N 1857+ v. I, 3-16, 21 + 1875-80 v. 19-24 published as Deutsche entomologische zeitschrift. Berliner gesellschaft fur anthropologie, ethnologie, & urgeschichte, see also Zeitschrift fiir ethnologie. Berliner handelsgesellschaft. Geschafts-bericht. Berlin. U 1898 v. 42 Berliner klinische wochenschrift. Berlin. U i864-(-| v. I-}- Berliner stadisches jahrbuch fiir volkswirtschaft & statistik, see Statistiches jahrbuch der stadt Berlin. Bern (Switz.)— Stadtbibliothek. Bericht. U 1900+ Statistisches bureau. Ergebnisse der steuerstatistik des kantons Bern. U 1899 Bern (Switz.) Naturforschende gesellschaft. Mittheilungen. N 1878-87, 90+ Bern (Switz.) Universitat. Universitatfschriften. U IQ09+ no. I-|- Bern (Switz.), see also Schweizerische naturforschende gesellschaft. Bessemer & Lake Erie railroad company. Report of general manager. U 1902-03, OS, 07-f Betail (France), see also Societe de I'alimentation rationelle. Beton-kalendar. Berlin. U 1906-f- v. i-\- Beton & eisen. Vienna. U 1902-}- [v. I,] 2+ Better fruit. Hood River (Ore.) U 1910-f v. 5+ Biblical world, Chicago. U 1898+ v. 11 + BiWiofiHa. Florence (Italy). U 1899-1901, [1903], v. 1-2, no. 10, v. 5, no. ia-2a Bibliographer. London. Continued by Book-lore. U 1881-84! | v. 1-6] [ 28 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Bibliographer. New York. U 1902-03II v. i-2|| Bibliographia economica universalis; supplement to Revue economique inter- nationale. (Institut internationale de bibliographic.) Brussels. U 1902+ V. 1 + Bibliographia geologica. (Service geologique de Belgique.) Brussels. Series A covers work published before 1896; B works published since 1896. U 1897-1906, ser. A, v. 1-9 Bibliographia medica. Paris. U 1900-02II v. 1-3II Bibliographia physiologica. Vienna. U 1905+ ser. 3, v. i-h Bibliographia zoologica, diario Zoologischer anaeiger adnexa. Leipzig. N 1896+ V. 1 + Bibliographica. London. U i895-97|i v. 1-3II Bibliographical society. Chicago, see Chicago. Bibliographical society. London. Transactions. U 1892+ v. 1 + Bibliographical society of America. Chicago. Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 1 + Bibliographie de la France ; on. Journal general de Timprimerie & de la librairie. Paris. _ U 181 1+ V. 1 + Bibliographie der deutschen zeitschriften litteratur. Leipzig. U 1896+ v. 1 + Supplement. Leipzig. U 1900+ v. 1 + Bibliographie der sozial- & wirtschaftsgeschichte. (Supplement to Vierteljahr- schrift.) Leipzig. U 1908+ Bibliographic der sozialwissenschaft. Berlin. U 1905+ v. 1+ Issued as part of Blatter fiir die gesamten sozialwissenschaften. Bibliographie francaise. (Le Soudier.) Paris. U 1896, 1900+ Bibliographie hispanique. (Hispanic society of America.) New York. U 1905-06 Bibliographic scientifique francaise. Paris. U 1909, v. 7 Bibliotheca botanica: abhandlungen aus dem gesammtgebiete der botanik. (Luerssen.) Stuttgart. _ U has ordered complete Bibliotheca mathematica. Leipzig. U 1887+ ser. 2, v. 1-13 ; ser. 3, v. i-j- Bibliotheca normannica. (Suchier.) Halle. U 1879-99, v. 2-7 Bibliotheca zoologica I. Leipzig. N 1846-60II v. i-2|| Continued by Bibliotheca zoologica II. Leipzig. N 1861+ v. 1 + Bibliotheca zoologica. Stuttgart, see Zoologica. Bibliotheque de I'ficole des chartes, revue d'erudition, consacree specialement a I'etude du moyen age. (Societe de Tficole des chartes.) Paris. U 1839+ V. l-l- Bibliotheque frangaise du moyen age. Paris. U 1881-86, v. 1-5 Bibliotheque litteraire de la renaissance. Paris. U 1898+ ser. I, V. 1-7, 9, n. ser. v. l + Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Archives des sciences physiques & naturelles. Paris & Geneva. U 1846+ ser. i, v. 1 + Biedermann. see Chemiker kalender. Zentralblatt fiir agrikultur-chemie. Bijdragen voor vaderlandsche geschiedenis en oud heidkunde. (Nijhoff.) Hague. 1837+ v. i+. U has ordered Bimetallist. London. U 1895-1901 1| v. 1-7, no. 2|| Bingen-am-Rhine (Germany) grossherzogliche handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1901 Biochemical journal. Liverpool (Eng.) U 19064- v. i-f- Biochemische zeitschrift. Berlin. U 1906+ v. i-j- Biochemisches centralblatt. Berlin. Continued in Zentralblatt fiir biochemie & biophysik. U i902-io|| v. 1-9II Biographical annals of Ohio, see Ohio Biographical annals. Biographical directory of railway officials in America. Chicago. U 1901, 1906 Biograpliisches jahrbuch & deutscher nekrolog. (Bettelheim.) Berlin. U 1896-f V. 1 + Biological bulletin. Boston, see Marine biological laborator}'. Woods Holl. Biologische Wolga-station, see Obscestvo jestestvoispytatelej — Saratavskaja wolschskaja biologiceskaja stanzija. Raboty. Eiologisches centralblatt. Leipzig. N 1882-f- v. 2+ Biometrika. Cambridge (Eng.) U N 1901+ v. 1 + Biophysikalisches centralblatt. Leipzig.- Continued in Zentralblatt fiir biochemie & biophysik. U 1905-10II v. i-4li SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 29 Bird-lore. Harrlsburg (Pa.) ; New York. ^ , ^ ,., UN 1899+ v. 1 + Birds & all nature. Chicago. Absorbed by Suburb^an Me.^^^^_^_^^ ^ ^_^_ ^_^^^^ Birmingham (Eng.)-Free H^rarie. ^^ Annual ^^repor. ^^^ ^ ^_ ^_^_ ^^_^^^ ^^^ Health department. Report of the medical officer. U 1890-97, 1900-02, 04-06, 08+ Treasurer. Financial statement. U 1900/01^ Water committee. Report. tt 7 i^°^T Birmingham (Eng.) University. Calendar j_ V '^°'*5'l ^± Black diamond. Chicago. G + ; U [1898-1900.] 1901+ [v^ 20-26.] 2/-f Black dwarf; a London weekly publication. (T. J. Wooler.) London. U I017-20, V. 1-3 Black top Spanish merino sheep breeders' association. Register Washington /p^ N U 1003-1901, V. 1-5 Blackburn college, Carlinville (111.) Catalogue U 1883/84, 93/94. 95-97, 99-1902, 05-t- Blacksmith & wheelwright. New York -Vv. 'Tt pW^/.t Blacksmith's journal. (International brotherhood of blacksmiths & helpers ) Chicago. U [1903-04,] 1905-06, [07.] K 4-5.] 6-7, [8] Blackstone memorial library. Branford (Conn.), sec Branford (Conn.)— James Blackstone memorial library. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh C 1878-80, V. 124-127; U ibi/-r V. I I Blatter fur die gesamten sozialwissenschaften. Berlin. U 1905+ v. i-+- V. 1-3 called Kritische blatter. see'also Bibliographic der sozialwissenschaft. Blatter far die kunst. Berlin. 1899-1904. , ^ , r V l^h .°Jnt/n'^ Blatter fur gefangniskunde. (Verein der deutschen strafanstaltsbeamtenj Heidelberg; Cassel. . ■, , , .r ^ k tt rtJ; s7i Blatter fiir handel, gewerbe, & sociales leben. Magdeburg. UlibS3-»4J Blatter fiir soziale praxis in gemeinde, vereinen, & pnvatleben l^rankturt a. a - Continued in Soziale praxis. „ ■ u ^ L^^u^"^'^ ''vilfiJ Blatter fiir vergleichende rechtswissenschaft & volkswirthschaftslehre Berlin. U 1906-r V. I-T- . Beilage: Bibliographic. ^ . . U 1908+ v. 3+ Blatter fur volksbibliothekswesen & lesehallen. Leipzig. U 1900+ v. i-h Bloomington (111.) daily pantagraph. „« ,/^fi^ Bioomington (111.) weekly pantagraph. _ IJ 1904-08 ^t -.^ Blue book of American shipping . . . Marine & naval directory of the United States. Cleveland (O.) . . • , H '^'°i T^lu\ Blue print. (University of Nebraska engineering society.) Lincoln (.\eb.) U 1902-03 II v. 1-2 II Continued as Nebraska engineering. _ tt 1 o_l Board of casualty & surety underwriters. Proceedings. ^ ^ ^ ^, ^905+ v. 2^ Board of Trade journal. (Great Britain-Trade Board of.) London. U 1886-1900. 1902+ V. 1-28, 36-1- Board of Trade journal. Portland (Me.) ; Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) ; etc., see Port- land (Ale.) board of trade; Wilkes-barre (Pa.) board of trade; etc. Board of Trade labour gazette. (Great Britain— Trade, Board of ) Loiidon U io93~r v. I-|- Board of trade, stock exchange, & bankers' directory. (Financial publishing co.) Chica"-o ^ 1 095-90 Bodleian library, Oxford university, see Oxford university (Eng.)— Bodleian library. Bohmische, see also under Ceska. , ■ , K liohm'ischege^-elIschaft der wissenschaften. Prague. Jahrcsbenclit. N 1895-f Klasse fiir philosophic, geschichte, & philologie. Sitzungsberichte. U has ordered Alathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche klasse. Sitzungsberichte. U i892-f- ; N 1894-1903, 05, 08-1- Bogsamlingsbladet. Aalborg (Denmark). U 1907+ v. 2-t- rj SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX Boiler maker & sheet metal worker. Chicago. U 1901, v. 9 Bollettino di bibliografia & storia delle scienze matematische. Turin. U 1910+ V. 12+ Bollettino di entomologia agraria & patologia vegetale. Padua. N 1898-1903, V. 5-10 Bollettino mensile di bachicoltura. Padua. N 1887-98, ser. 2, v. 5 ; ser. 3, v. 1-4 Bombay (India) University. Calendar. U 1898/99, 1906+ Bonn (Prussia) Literarhistorische gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. U 1906+ v. 1 + Bonn (Prussia) Universitat — Sternwarte. Astronomische beobachtungen. U 1886, V. 8 Bonn (Prussia), see also Naturhistoricher verein der preussischen Rheinlande & Westfalens; Niederrheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- & heilkunde. Bonner beitrage zur anglistik. (Trautmann.) Bonn. U 1898-1905, v. 1-21 Bonner studien zur engiischen philologie. Bonn. U 1909+ v. 1+ Book-auction records. (Karslake.) London. U 1903+ v. 1 + Book-buyer. New York. C 1892-1903, v. 9-25 ; U 1884-1903, v. 1-25 Continued as Lamp 1903-05, v. 26-29 & again as Book-buyer. (Scribner.) New York. U 1905-r v. 30+ Book-keeper. Detroit (Mich.) From 1905 to 1908 called Business man's mag- azine. Continued after Sept. 1910 as Business & the Book-keeper. U 1904-10II V. 16 pt. 1-25, no. 2|| Book-keeper ; a magazine devoted to business science. New York. v. 7-8, 1883- 84 called American counting-room. U 1S80-84, v. 1-8 Book-lore. London. Continues Bibliographer. Continued bv Book-worm. (Stock.) U 1884-87II V. i-6il Book-lover. San Francisco; New York. U 1899-1904II v. i-5|| Merged in Booklover's m.agazine, later Appleton's booklovers magazine, see Appleton's magazine. Book of the Royal Blue. (Baltimore & Ohio railroad co.) Baltimore. U 1910-f- V. 14+ Book-prices current. London. U 1886+ v. i-j- Book review digest. ^Minneapolis. C U 1905+ v. i-j- Book-vvorm. (Berjeau.) London. U 1866-70II v. 1-5II Bookman. New York. C 1896+ v. 4-]- ; U 1895+ v. 1+ Bookseller. Chicago. U 1901-02, 10+ v. 6-7, 13-f- Bookseller. London. _ U 1905-)- v. lo-f Boot and shoe workers' union. Proceedings of [biennial] convention. U 1899+ V. 4+ see also Shoe v/orkers' journal. Bordeaux (France) Chambre de commerce. Extraits des proces-verbaux, lettres & memoires. ^ ^ U 1872, ser. 2, v. 23 Bordeaux (France) Observatoire astronomique & meteorologique. Annales. U has ordered Bordeaux (France) Societe des sciences physiques & naturelles. Memoirs. U 1854+ ser. I, V. i-io; ser. 2, v. 1-3, 5; ser. 3, v. i-}- Bordeaux (France) Societe linneenne. Proces verbaux. N 1899+ v. _54-(- Bordeaux (France) Universite. — Faculte des lettres, see also Bulletin hispanique. Bordeaux (France), see also Societe d'horticulture de la Gironde. Borsenverein der deutschen buchhandler, Leipzig, see also Archiv fiir geschichte des deutschen buchhandels. Boston (Mass.) Annual reports. U 1895 Assessors. List of persons, copartnerships & corporations . . . taxed on $10,000 & upwards in Boston. U 1848, 52, 55-58, 60, 64 Auditing department. Auditor's annual report. U 1825/26, 42-50, 58/59, 61/62, 64/65, 67-71, 73/74, 78-82, 83-86, 87+ Cochituate water board. Annual report. U 1852, 55, 57 (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1889-9S, v. 23-29 Finance commission. Report. U 1907-09II v. 1-5II Finance department. Annual report of receipts & expenditures. U 1823, 26, 23-31, 33-42, 45 Fire department. Annual report ; old series. U 1838-39, 41, 45, 54-55, 57-58, 62 new series. U 1873/74, 77/78, 80-82, 83/84, 87+ n. ser. v. i. 5. 8-9, n, IS+ SERIALS IX URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 31 Health department. Annual report. U 1905-06, v. 34-35 Bulletin. ^ U -t- Institutions commissioner. Annual report. Continued by Department of penal institutions. U 1883 Overseers of the poor, Board of. Annual report. u 1871, iz-n, 1879-1- V. 7, 9-13, 15+ Parks. Board of commissioners of the department of. Report. U 1875-81, 86-f V. 1-7, i2-f Penal institutions, Department of. Annual report. U 1896-1900, 1902-t- V. 1-4, 64- Police department. Annual report. U 1909, v. 4 • Public library. Annual list of new books. U i8'^+ Annual report. U 1866-67, 68-70, 71-75. 78-1905, 06-1- V. 15. 17-18, 20-23, 26, 28-53. 55+ . Bulletin. U 1874-60, 92, ser. i, v. 2-4, 10 . U 1898 -I- n. ser. v. 3 + U 1908+ ser. 3, V. i-t- , (city) registrar. Report of births, marriages, & deaths. U 1857, 59 • Registry department. Records relating to the early history of Boston. U 1876-I- V. 1 + School committee. Annual report. U 1872, 1908/09+ Sewer department. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 1 + Statistics, Department of. Annual report. U 1897-1903. 05, v. 1-6, 8 . Monthly bulletin. U 1899-I- v. 1 + , ra'unicipal register. U 1897, 99, 1901. 03, 05, 09-I- . Special publications. U 1898-f no. 1 + Street department. Annual report. 1892+ v. 2+ Transit commission. Annual report. U 1895+ v. 1 + Water board. Report. U 1890 (Metropolitan) water board. Annual report. N 1896-98, v. 2-4 Oletropolitan) water & sewerage board. Annual report. W 1908, v. 8 Boston & Albany railroad company. Annual report. U 1868-1900, v. 1-33 Bos'ton & Lowell railroad corporation. Report. U 1839-40, i,2-iA, 46-52, 55-56, 79 Boston & Maine railroad company. Annual report. U 1849-50, 53. 59, 61, 65-66, 73-74, 78-79, 82, 85, 87, 90-94. 96-99, 1901-f- v 15- 16, 20, 26, 28, 32-33, 40-41, 45-46. 49, 52, 54, 57-61, 63-66, 68-t- Boston S: New York air line railroad company. Annual report. U 1879/80 Boston & Providence railroad corporation. Report. U 1859, 71, IZ^ 79. 81, 83, 86 Boston & Worcester railroad company. Annual feport. U 1832, 44, 49-50, 52, 54, 56-62, 66-67; V. I, 13, 20-21, 23, 25, 2-j-zz, 37-38 Boston (Mass.) Associated charities.. Annual report. U 18S0-81, 84, 87, 91, 1900, 02-04; V. 1-2, 5, 8, 12, 21, 23-25 Boston (Mass.) association of merchants. Proceedings. U 1834 Boston (Mass.) asylum & farm school for indigent boys. Annual report. U 1852, 57. 76, 90 Boston (Mass.) athenaeum. Annual report. U 1903-05. 07-t- Boston (Mass.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1855-75, 77-78, 81-82; V. 1-21, 23-24, 27-29 Boston (Mass.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1887-89, 92, 94+ V. 2-4, 7. 9+ Boston (IMass.) children's aid society. Annual report. U 1891-93, 1898-1902; V. 27-29, 34-38 Boston (Mass.) commercial exchange. Annual report. U 1879-81, 83-84; V. 24-26, 28-29 Boston, Concord & Montreal railroad company. Annual report. U 1874/75-79/80; V. 29-34 Boston (Mass.) Congregational library. Annual report. U 1899-1901 ; v. 47-48 Boston (Mass.) cooking school magazine. C 1902-f v. 6+ ; U 1903-I- [v. 8,] 9 — Boston (Mass.) eight hour league. Annual report of president. U 1871, v. i Boston (Mass.) elevated railway company. Annual report. U 1898-1900, 02+ V. 1-3, 5+ Boston (Mass.) evening transcript. (Daily except Sunday.) U May 1909+ Boston (Mass.) journal of chemistry & popular science review. U 1882, v. 16 3^ SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Boston (Mass.) journal of natural history. X 1834-63II v. 1-7II Continued as Boston (Mass.) society of natural history. Memoirs. Boston (Mass.) merchants association. Addresses delivered at the annual banquet. U 1889, 96-97; v. 8, 15-16 Boston (Mass.) Museum of fine arts. Museum of fine arts bulletin. U-f Trustees' annual report. 111876-87,91-94.96+ v. 1-12, 16-19, 21-f- Drawing & painting, School of. Annual report. U 1878-1903, 1905-06; V. 2-27, 29-30 Boston (Alass.) Needlewoman's friend society. Report. U 1851, 57; v. 4, 10 Boston (Mass.) port & seaman's aid society. Annual report. U 1847, 72 Boston (Mass.) Seaman's aid society. Annual report. In 1867 united with Boston port society. U 1840, 45, 47, 49; v. 7, 12, 14, 16 Boston (Mass.) society for the prevention of pauperism, see Industrial aid so- ciety for the prevention of pauperism. Boston (Mass.) society of civil engineers. Monthly bulletin. U 1909, n. ser. no. 31 Boston (Mass.) society of natural history. Memoirs. U 1871-86. v. 2-3; N 1866-90, v. I, [2-4I Continues Boston (Mass.) journal of natural history, being v. 8+ Occasional papers. N 1904+ v. 7-\- Proceedings. N 1841-+- v. 1+ Boston (Mass.) zoological society. Quarterly journal. N [1882-84] [v. 1-3] Boston (Alass.), see also American academy of arts & sciences: American edu- cation societv: American lyceum; American statistical association. Botanic garden. ' (Maund.) London. U 1824-501! v. 1-13II Botanical bulletin. Crawfordsville (Ind.), see Botanical gazette, v. i. Botanical cabinet. (Loddiges.) London. U i8i7-33il v. i-2o|| Botanical gazette. Crawfordsville, Bloomington, Ind. ; Chicago, v. i has title Botanical bulletin. U 1875-83, [84-S6,] 87+ v. 1-8, [9-1 1.] 12+ Botanical magazine. London, see Curtis's botanical magazine. Botanical register. (Edwards; Lindley.) London. U 1815-47II v. 1-33II Botanische jahrbiicher fiir systematik pflanzengeschichte & pflanzengeographie. (Engler.) Leipzig. U 1S81+ v. 1 + Botanische mittheilungen aus den tropen. (Schimper.) Jena. U 1888-1901, V. 1-9 Botanische zeitung. Berlin; Leipzig. U 1843+ v. i+; N 1867, v. 25 Botanischer jahresbericht, Berlin, see Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Botanischer verein der provinz Brandenburg. Berlin. Verhandlungen. N 1903+ V. 45+ Botanisches centralblatt. Cassel. (Prussia.) U 1890+ V. 41+ ; N 1880-89. V. 1-13, 15-40 Beihefte. U 1891+ v. i-f Botanisches institut. Tiibingen. Untersuchungen. U 1881-88, v. 1-2 ; N 1886, v. 2 Botanisches institut. Wiirzburg (Germany). Arbeiten. U 1874-88, v. 1-3 Botanist. (Maund.) London. U 1838-42] | v. i-5li Bourg (France), see also Societe d'emulation d'agriculture de I'Ain. Bourget college. Rigaud de vaudreuil (Can.) Calendar. U 1893-96, 1908+ Bowdoin college. Brunswick (Me.) Bowdoin quill. U [1898-99] [v. 2-3] Library. Annual report. U 1886-90, 92+ Bibliographical contributions. U 1895-98. nos. 5-10 Bulletin. U 1891-95II no. 1-4II Braddock (Pa.)— Carnegie free librarv. Annual report. U 1903+ v. iS-f Bradford (Eng.)— Chief constable. Report. U igoS Council. Reports of the committees. U 1909 Treasurer. Abstract of accounts. U 1908-09 Bradford (Eng.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1869, v. 19 Bradford (Pa.)— Carnegie library. Annual report. U 1902-06. 07+; v. 3-6, 8-f Bradley polytechnic institute. Peoria (111.) Register. U 1898-1904, 06-f Bradshaw's . . . railway guide. Manchester (Eng.) U 1857 (Sept.), 1877 (June), 1884 (Sept.) Bradstreet's ; a journal of trade, finance, & public economy. New York. U 1879+ V. l-f Bragur; ein literarisches magazin der deutschen & nordischen vorzeit. Leipzig. U 1796-97, V. 4-7 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 33 Brain, a journal of neurology. London. U 1895+ v. iS+ Branford (Conn.) James Blackstone memorial library. Bulletin. U 1899+ no. 1+ Brass world & platers' guide. Bridgeport (Conn.) U 1910-I- v. 6+ Braunschweigisches magazin. Brunswick (Germany). U 1904-06, v. 10-12 Brazil — Bibliotheca nacioiial. Relatorio. U 1905/06 Breeders' gazette. Chicago. U 1881+ v. 1 + Bremen (Germany) Xaturwissenschaftlicher verein. Abhandlungen. N 1880+ [v. 7, 13, 15,] 16+ Jahresbericht. N 1898-99, v. 34 Breslau (Germany) — Statistisches amt. Breskner statistik. U 1899, v. 19 pt 4 Breslau (Germany) Handelskammer. Jahresbericht. . U 1898 Breslau (Germany) K. Universitat. — Landwirtschaftliches institut. Mitteilungen. Berlin. U 1899+ v. 1 + Breslau (Germany) Verein fur geschichte & alterthum schlesiens. Codex diplomaticus Silesiae. U 1899, v. 19 Breslau (Germany) Verein fiir schlesische insektenkunde. Jahresheft. N 1908+ n. ser. v. 1 + Continues Zeitschrift fiir entomologie. N 1847-61, 1870-1907II V. 1-6, S-15; n. ser. v. 1-24, 26-32II Breslau (Germany), see also Schlesische gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische cultur. Brick ; . . . devoted to brick, tile, terra cotta, & allied clay industries. Chicago. G+ U 1895+ V. 2-19. [20,] 21 + Brick, tile, & terra cotta workers' journal. (International brick, tile, & terra cotta workers' alliance.) Chicago. U [1905] [v. 9] Brickbuilder. Boston. U 1892+ v. 1 + Bricklayer & mason. (Bricklayers & masons international union of America.) New York; Indianapolis. U [1903, 05-07] [v. 6, 8-10] Bricklayers & stone masons' union of Chicago, see also Eight-hour herald. Bridge men's magazine. (International association of bridge & structural iron workers.) Cleveland. U [1903, 05-06,] 09+ [v. 2, 5,] 9-f Bridgeport (Conn.)— Public library and reading room. Annual report. U 1900-01, 06; V. 19-20, 25 Brisbane (Australia), see also Australasian association for the advancement of science; Queensland museum; Royal society of Queensland. Bristol (Eng.) Job Nott ; or Laboring man's friend. U 1831-33, no. 1-107 Bristol (Eng.) naturalists' society. Proceedings. U 1904+ ser. 4, v. i-|- British almanac & companion. London. U 1828-68II v. 1-40JI British association for the advancement of science. London. Report. U 1831-I- v.i-h British astronomical association. London. Journal. U 18984- v. 9+ British clay worker. London. U 1896-97, 98-1901, 1903+ ; v. 5, 7-9, I2-|- British Columbia— Klines, Minister of. Annual report. U 1907+ British Columbia board of trade. Annual report. U 1895-97, 1900/01 ; v. 17-18, 22 British critic. London. U 1793-1801, 09-28; v. 1-17, 33-68 British dairy farmers' association. Journal. London. U 1907+ v. 21-}- British empire yearbook. London. U 1903, v. i British food journal. London. U 1907+ v. 9+ British journal of psychology. Cambridge (Eng.) U 1904-]- v. 1 + British library year book. (Greenwood.) London. U 1897-1901, v. 1-2 British pharmaceutical conference. Transactions, see Yearbook of pharmacy. British quarterly review. (American reprint.) New York. U 1871-81, v. 53-74; U has ordered rest British school at Athens. Annual. London. U 1894+ v. i-|- British school at Rome. Papers. London. U 1902-i- v. i-j- British society of mining students. Bristol. Journal. U 1909-f v. 29-!- British trade journal. London. U 1902-}- v. 41 4- British trade yearbook. (Schooling.) London. U 1906+ v. 2+ Brockton (Mass.)— Health. Board of. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 26+ Statement of mortality. U 1910-I- Public library. Annual report. U 1898+ Bulletin. U 1899+ v. 1 + 34 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Water commission. Annual report. U 1893, 97-1905, 07+ Bromley (Eng.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1894/96, 1899/1900, 02/03, 05+ V. I, 5, 8, 10+ Bulletin. U 1907+ no. 3-4, 7-8, 10+ Bronson library, Waterbury (Conn.), see Waterbury (Conn.) — Silas Bronson library. Brookline (]Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1865-66, 1869-71, 1873-93, 95+ V. 9, 13-14, 17-36, 384- Bulletin. U 1894-1906, oS+ v. 1-12, 15+ Brooklyn (N. Y.)— Health, Department of. Annual report. U 1885 Prospect park. Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1861, v. i Public library. Annual report. U 1898-99, 1900-f- v. i, 3+ Bulletin. U 1901-06, oS-j- v. 1-5, n. ser. v. i-j- (City) works. Department of. Annual report. U 1891 Brooklyn (N. Y.) daily eagle. U Nov. 1908+ Almanac. U 1897, 99-1900 Index. U 1892-96 Summer resort directory. U 1900-02, 06 Brooklyn (N. Y.) engineers' club. Proceedings. U 1897-!- Brooklyn (N. Y.) entomological society. Bulletin. N 1878-85II v. i-7|i Combined with Papilio & continued as Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Free lending library imion for Christian work. Annual re- port. _ U 1899, V. 33 Brooklyn (N. Y.) institute of arts & sciences. Cold Spring Harbor monographs. U N 1903 -|- no. i-H ' iviuseum. Memoirs of art & archaeology. U 1000 r v. i-j- Memoirs of natural sciences. U N 1904, v. i, no. i Children's museum bulletin. U 1902-04II no. i, 4-i8|| Continued by Children's museum news. U 1904-05II no. i-8i| Continued as ^ Museum news. U N 1905-f v. i-f Report. U 1905+ N 1904+ ; Science bulletin. U N 1901+ v. 1+ Brooklyn (N. Y.) library. Annual report. U 1S70-71, 73-75, 1880-1900; V. 13, 16-17, 23-42 After 1898 Montague branch of the public library. Brooklyn (N. Y.) mercantile library association. Annual report. U 1871, 74-75; V. 13, 16-17 Brooklyn (N. Y.) Polytechnic institute, see also Polytechnic engineer. Brooklyn (N. Y.) rapid transit company. Annual report. U 1S99-1902, 04+ V. 1-4, 6+ Brotherhood of locomotive engineers monthly journal. Cleveland. U 1S95, .[96, 1903-04, 07] V. 29, [30, 37-38, 41] Brotherhood of locomotive firemen & enginemen's magazine. Indianapolis. U [1892-93, 96, 98-99, 1903-OS, 07] [v. 16-17, 20-21, 24, 26-27, 34-36, 38, 42] Brotherhood of painters, decorators, & paperhangers of America, see also Paint- er and decorator. Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, see also Railroad trainmen's Journal. J?rown Swiss cattle breeders' association, (Connecticut). Swiss record & supple- ment. U 1889+ V. 1 + Brown university. Providence (R. I.) Brown alumni monthly. U 1910-I- v. 11 + Biological laboratory. Contributions. N 1898+ v. 1 + Before 1908 called Anatomical laboratory. Browning society. London. Papers. U 1881-91II v. 1-3, pt. 2|| Browning's industrial magazine, see Industrial magazine. Brownson's quarterly review. Boston. U 1847-75II n- ser. v. 1-24II Bruce, Sanders D. American stud book. New York, see Jockey club. Brihin (Austria) handels- & gcwerbekammer. Summarischer bericht. _ U 1898 Brunswick (Germany), see also Deutsche gcsellschaft fiir anthropologic, ethnol- ogic, & urgeschichte. Goschichtsverein fiir das herzogtum Braunschweig. Brush & pencil. Chicago. U Dec. 1906-Apr. 1907II v. 18, no. 6- v. 19, no. 4II Brussels (Belgium) Conservatoire royal de musique. Annuaire. U 1878, v. 2 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGX 35 Brussels (Belgium) £cole professionelle de typographie. Circular. U 1895-96, 98; V. 7-8, 10 Brussels (Belgium) Jardin botanique de 1 etat. Bulletin. N 1902-05, v. i, no. 1-6 Brussels (Belgium) Observatoire royal de Belgique. Annales. U 1887, 1904+ new ser. v. 6, v. 9+ Annuaire astronomique. U 1906+ Brussels (Belgium) Universite. Annuaire. U 1908-i- Brussels (Belgium), see also Academic royale des sciences, des lettres, & des beaux-arts de Belgique ; Institut international de bibliographic ; Instituts Solvay; International railway congress; Societe entomologique de Belgique; Societe malacologique de Belgique ; Societe royale de botanique de Belgique ; Societe royale linneenne; Societe royale zoologique & malacologique de Belgique. Bryn Mawr (Pa.) college. Monographs (monograph series). U 1905, v. 4 Monographs. (Reprint series.) U 1904, v. i, no. 3-4 Bryologist. Brooklyn (X. Y.) U 1898+ v. 1 + Buchan (Scot.) field club. Transactions. _ _ U 1908, v. 9, pt. 3 Budapest — Communal statistisches bureau. Publicationen. U 1870-71, 81+ ; V. 3, 5-6, 15-20, 23, 29-31, 34+ Statistisches jahrbuch. U 1899+ v. 4+ Budapest (Hungary) Universitiit. Almanachja. U 1907+ Buenos Aires (city) — (iMunicipal) statistics bureau. Monthly bulletin of munic- ipal statistics. U 1906+ v. 20+ Buenos Aires (city) herald. 1910+ n. ser. v. 34+ Buenos Aires (city) Museo nacional. Anales. U 1909+ ser. 3, v. 10+ Buenos Aires (city). Statistical annuary. U 1906, v. 16 Buenos Aires (province) Universidad. Anales. U 188S-1902, v. 2-15 Revista. U 1904-r Buffalo (X. Y.)— Comptroller. Report. U 1899+ (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1888-89 Health department. Annual report. U 1904+ Sanitary bulletin. U 1910+ v. 15, no. 6+ (n. ser. v. 3, no. 6+) Park commissioners. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 40+ Public library. Annual report. U 1897+ v. 1+ Public works, Department of. Annual report. U 1893-97, 99-1902, 1904+ BufTalo & Susquehanna railroad co. Annual report. U 1897-1904, 1906-07II V. 3-10, 12-13II Continued as Buffalo & Susquehanna railway company. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 1 + Buffalo (X. Y.) board of trade. Trade & commerce of Buft'alo. U 1854, 69, 72, 74, 84 Buffalo (X. Y.) charity organization society. Annual report. U 1882, 87-89, 97-99; V. 4, 9-11, 21-22 Buffalo (X. Y.) Merchants' exchange. Annual Report. 111886,89,91-92,94-1901 Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh railroad company. Annual report. U 1889, 94. 99-1900, 02+; V. 4, 9, 14-1S. 17+ Buffalo (X. Y.) society of natural sciences. Bulletin. X 1873-98, v. 1-6 Buffalo (X. Y.) University— Medical department. Report of the laboratories. U 1909+ V. 3+ Buffalo (X. Y.) University club. Officers, members. U 1898, v. 2 Builder. London. U 1842-t- v. 1 + Builder. St Louis, see Realty record & builder. Building age. Xew York. U 1910-f v. 32-I- Continues Carpentry & building. Building news & engineering journal. London. U 1880-82, v. 3S-43 Buitenzorg (Java) — Lands plantentuin. Bulletin de ITnstitut botanique. X 1896-1904II no. 1-2, 9-12II Continued by Java — Landbouw, Department van. Bulletin. Mededeelingen. N 1894-1904II no. 12, 14-34, 36-7511 Continued by Java — Landbouw, Department van. Mededeelingen. Buitenzorg (Java) Jardin botanique. Annales. Leyden. U 1S76-1901, v. 1-21 Bulgaria— Statistika, Direktsiia na. Bulletin mensuel. U 1908+ [v. i-J.J 3+ 36 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Mouvement commercial de la Bulgarie avec les pays etrangers. U 1902+ }iIouvement de la population. U 1893-99, 1900 pt 2, 01 pt 2, 1902-05 Statistique des ecoles primaires. U 1900-04 Statistique des ecoles secondaires. ^ U 1S96-1903 Statistique des elections des deputes pour la assemblee nationale ordi- aire. U 1904+ 11 + Statistique du commerce. U 1900-)- Statistique du recrutement militaire regulier. U 1899-1902 Bulletin. In addition to the following, see Bulletins entered under the names of academies, societies, institutions, etc. Bulletin astronomique. Paris. U 1884+ v. i-|- Continues astronomical section of Bulletin des sciences mathematiques & astronomiques. Bulletin d'informations du comite des forges de France & des chambres syndicates . . . Paris. U 1910+ v. 6+ Bulletin d'insectologie agricole. (Societe centrale d'apiculture & d'insectologie.) Paris. N 1886-90 [v. 11,] 13-14, [i5] Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. (ficole frangaise d'Athenes.) Athens. U 1877+ V. 1+ Bulletin de statistique & de legislation comparee. Paris. U 1909+ v. 33+ Bulletin des sciences mathematiques. (ficole pratique des hautes etudes.) Paris. U 1870-r v. l-j- Until 1884 title included "et astronomiques;" separation caused by the estab- lishment of Bulletin astronomique. Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, astronomiques, physiques & chimiques. Paris. U 1824-311! v. 1-16II Bulletin du bibliophile. Paris. U 1909+ Bulletin Hispanique (Universite de Bordeaux.) Bordeaux. U 1900-r v. 2+ Bulletin of bibliography. Boston. U 1897+ v. l + Bulletin of Massachusetts natural history. Amherst (Mass.) U 1884 [v. l] Bulletin of pharmacy. Detroit. U 1895, v. 9 Bulletin scientifique de la I^ ranee & de la Belgique. Paris. N 1880-1904, V. 12-16, 31-33, 35-38 Bullettino di bibliograha & di storia delle scienze matematiche & hsiche. Rome. U 1868-87, V. 1-20 Bullinger's Postal & shippers' guide for the U. S. & Canada. New York. U 1892, 1904 Bureau international des poids & mesures. Paris. Travaux & memoires. U 1884+ V. 3+ Bureau of the American republics, see Pan American union. Burke's genealogical & heraldic dictionary of the peerage & baronetage. London. U 1899, V. 61 Burlington (Iowa)— Public library. Annual report. U 1901-03, 08+ v. 15-17, 22+ Burlington, Cedar Rapids, & Northern railway company of Iowa. Annual re- port. U 1878-79, 1898-1901 ; y. 2-3, 22-25 Burlington gazette . . . monthly supplement to the Burlington magazine for con- noisseurs. London. ^ ^ U 1903-04, v. i Burlington magazine for connoisseurs. London; New York. U 1903-r v. 1 + Burton's gentleman's magazine & American monthly review, see Gentleman's magazine & American monthly review. Business & the Book-keeper. Detroit (Mich.) U 1910 (Sep.)+ v. 25, no. 34- Continues Book-keeper which for a time was called Business man's maga- zine. Business man's magazine. Detroit (Mich.) U 1905-08] 1 y. 17, no. 2-v. 20, no. 9II Business world. New York. U 1903, [190S-06] v. 23, [25-26] Butchers' advocate & market journal. New York. U [1909,] 10+ [v. 46,] 47+ Butte (Mont.) Annual report of city officers. U 1906/07, 08/09 Cagliari (Italy) universita. Annuario. ^ U 1909-}- Cairo (Egypt), see also Institut egyptien. Societe khediviale de geographic. Cairo & Pulton railroad company. Detailed report. U 1850/60 v. i Calcutta (India) — Municipal administration. Report. U 190S-09 Calcutta (India) review. U 1844-50, 1853-54, 1857-58: v. 1-14, lO, 21-23, 29-30 SERIALS IN URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Z7 Calcutta Undia), see also Agricultural & horticultural society of India; Asiatic society of Bengal; Bengal chamber of commerce; Indian museum. California-Adjutant general. Biennial report. _ U 1882, 86-96 1900+ Arbitration, State board of. Report of commissioners. U 1892 Architecture, Board of. Report. U 1903, v. i Assembly. Appendix to journals [contains annual reports of state depart- ments ] ^ ^°58 Assembly. Journal. tt^J?^' ""■ S Attorney general. Annual report. U 1858, 1904-t- Bank commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1882, 85-86, 89-93, 99; V. 4, 7, 8, n-15, 21 Building & loan supervision, Bureau of. Report. U 1906, 08+ v. 13, I5+ Controller. Biennial report. U 1858, 1883-84, 1891-1904; v. 9. 34-35. 42-55 (State) engineer. Report. ^U 1882-84, 1907+ Equalization, State board of. Report. U 1897-98, ^005-06 Examiners, State board of. Report. . U 1888 Geological survey (1860-74)- Special reports of state geologist. U 1860-82, V. 2-3, 5, 8 Harbor commissioners. Board of state. Biennial report. „ „ „ u 1865/67, 75-77, 79-82, 84-98, 1900+ Health, State board of. Biennial report. U 1870-71, 80-81, 84-96, 98+ V. I, 7, 9-14, 16+ Monthly bulletin. ^^ U 19CJ+ v. 2+ . Highways, Bureau of. Biemiial report. ^ U 1895-96, 98, 1900 — — Horticulture, State commissioner of. Biennial Report. U 1884-96, 1901+ V. 3-11, 14+ ; N 1883, 85-86, 89, 91-94, 99+ Before 1903 issued as Annual report of State board. . . ^ Horticulture, State board of. Bulletin. U 1891-1900, no. 57, 59, 61, 63-67, ~i • Insurance commissioner. Annual report. U 1871, 76, 91, 1905+ V. 4, 9, ^Z, 38-f ■ Labor statistics. Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1883-84, 87-92, 96, 1900-02, 05-06; V. I, 3-5, 7, 9-10, 12 (State) library. News notes. U 1906+ v 1 + . Annual report ^ 1001-03 Biennial report. U 1864-65, 1879-80, 84-86, 1906+ Lunacy, State commissioner in. Biennial report. U 1897-I- v. \-r IMineral cabinet, Trustees of. Biennial report. U 1892, v. 3 (State) mining bureau. Bulletin. . „„ ^ o , _i- G no. 36, 38. 50; U 1888-96, 1908-f- no. 1-7, 11-12, 54+ Report of the state mineralogist. G 1890/92, 1908-h ; U 1886-96, v. 6-13 Prison directors, State board of. Reports. U 1858, 1880-94, v. 1-14 Public instruction. Department of. Biennial report. U 1854, 58, 64-65, 72-73, 76-77, 80-81, 85-96, 99-1902; V. 1854, 1858, I, 5,^7,_9. Railroad commissioners. Board of. Biennial report. U 1894/96, v. 5 Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1858, 1888/90 Blue book. ^^ U 1907 Silk culture, Board of. Annual report. U ibb3, v. i Supreme court. Reports of cases. U ^J>50-t- ^•. 1 + Surveyor general. Annual report. ^ o '^ ' 2^ (State) treasurer. Biennial report. U 1890-94, 96-98, 1900-04, 06+ (State) veterinarian. Biennial report. U 1906-!- v. 4-|- (State) viticultural commissioners, Board of. Annual report. ^ ^ 1880-84, 86-88, 89-90 California academy of sciences. San Francisco. Bulletin. N 1884-87II v. l-2|| Memoirs. ' .. „ ^ ^'^'^^ f^' '"^ Occasional papers. , U 1897, v. 5 ; N 1890+ v. 1 + Proceedings. U 1907+ ser. 4, v. i+; N 1854+ ser. i. V. 5-7, pt. I ; ser. 2, v. 1-6; ser. 3, botany, v. 1-2: zoology, v. 1-4; ser. 4, v. i-i- California Agricultural experiment station. Berkeley. Bulletin. U i888-f no. 78+; N i886-f no. 55, 71-72, 75, 82, 89, 94-153, 1S5-182, 184-19.3. 195+ Publications; technical bulletins: entomology. N 1906+ v. 1 + 38 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Report U N 1888-1904 Report of the viticultural work. U 1884, 86, 90, 95; N 1884-95 California (state) agricultural society. Transactions. „ „ „ „ U 1859, 64-75, 78-80, 82, 84-85, 87-92, 95 California (state) association of master plumbers. Proceedings. U 1907+ v. 7H- California bankers' association. Proceedings. U i9o8-{- v. 14-}- California (state) board of trade. Annual report. U 1893-98, 1904, 06-f V. 4-9. 15, 17+ California cultivator. Los Angeles. U 1899+ v. 13-19, [20,] 21, [22-23,] 24-j- California dairy association. San Francisco. Proceedmgs. U 1894-98, v. 1-5 California (state) federation of labor. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1908-H V. 9-I- California fruit grower. San Francisco. U 1904+ v. 29-!- California fruit growers convention. Proceedings. U 1907, 09, v. 33, 3o California grape growers' & wine makers' association. Report of the annual viticultural convention. ^^^^7, v. 5 California Insane asvlum, Stockton. Report. U 1853, 69 California Institution for the education of the deaf & dumb & the blind. Berkeley. Biennial report. U 1860-75, 79-8o, 84-1902, 06-}- v. i-ii, 13-14, 16-25 27-f California Napa state hospital. Napa city. Biennial report. U 1877-98 California (state) reform school. Marysville. Biennial report. U 1864-65, v. i California (state) sanitary convention. Proceedings. U 1893 California (state) viticultural convention. Report. U 1884, v. 3 California University. Berkeley. Publications: Astronomy. U 1904+ v. 3+ Botany. U 1902+ v. l-j- Classical philology. U 1904+ v. i-j- Economics. U 1908 -f- v. 1 + Education. Continues Studies. U 1907+ v. i, 4+ Entomology. U N 1906-f- v. i-f- Geology. U 1893+ v. 1 + Graeco-Roman archaeology. U 1902-t- v. 1+ Philosophy. U 1904+ V. i-f Physiology. N 1903+ v. i-f Zoology. U 1907+ V. 4+; N 1902+ v. i-f- Studies. Continued in Publications in education. U 1893-97. v. 1-2 University of California chronicle. U 1908+ v. 10+ Agriculture, College of. Report of professor of agriculture. U 1877-79, 83-90 Geology, Department of. Bulletin. U 1893+ v. 1+ Lick observatory. Mt Hamilton. Bulletin. U looi. v. 1 + Publications. U 1887-f v. 1 + Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal. Cambridge (Eng.) U 1846-5411 V. 5-13II Continues Cambridge mathematical journal. Continued as Quarterly journal of pure & applied mathematics. Cambridge (Eng.) mathematical journal. U 1837-45II v. 1-4II Continued as Cambridge & Dublin mathematical journal. Cambridge (Eng.) philosophical society. Proceedings. , , „ , U 1843-t- V. 1+ ; N i899-f v. 10+ Transactions. U 1820+ v. i-}- Cambridge (Eng.) University. Calendar. U 1868, 74, 8r, 86, 88, 97/98, 1909+ Tracts in mathematics & mathematical physics. _ U 1906-I- v. l-f- Examiners. Solutions of the Cambridge problems [in mathematics]. U 1848-51, 54, 57, 60, 64, 75, 78 Library. Report of library syndicate. U 1906+ v. 53+ Observatory. Astronomical observations. U 1828-3S, 44-75; v. 1-8, 16-23 Cambridge (Mass.) Annual reports. U 1873, 77, 81-92, 94+ Bridge commission. Report. U 1909 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1877-80, S3, 85-96, 98, I900-|- Public library. Annual report. , U 1879-80, 81-82, 86-87, 88-89, 02-f v. 18, 20, 25, 32, 35+ Bulletin. U [1898,] 1900+ [v. 3,] 5+ SERIALS TX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN 39 Water board. Annual report. U 1865-68, 70-86, 88, 90-92, 95, 97+ V. 1-4, 6-22, 24, 26-28, 31. 33+ Cambridge (Mass.) school of nursing. Annual report. U 1906, v. i Camden & Atlantic railroad company. Annual report. U 1879, 95 Camden society. London. Publications. U 183S+ n. ser. v. 1-62; scr. 3, v. I-TO, 12+ Canada— Agriculture, Minister of. — Experimental farms. Report. U 1887-95, 1900-01, 04-05, 07+ V. 2-9, 14-15, i8-i9, 21 + Agriculture & dairying, Commissioner of. Report. U 1897 Archivist. Report on Canadian archives. U 1883+ Census. U 1861, 71, 81, 1901 ; no. 1861, 1-2, 4 Customs, Department of. Tables of the trade & navigation... of Canada. U 1850, 54-55. 65, 69, 74, 85-86, 88, 99-1900 Geological survey. Annual report. G 1894-1904, n. ser. v. 7-9, 11-13, 15-16 Summary report. U 1885-87, 89, 91, 1905+ ■ Contributions to Canadian micro-paleontology. U 1883-89, v. 1-2 Contributions to Canadian palaeontology. U 1885+ v. I, pt. 5; V. 2, pt. 1-2; V. 3, Pt- I, 4; V. 4, pt. 1-2+ Annual report. U 1876+ after 1885, n. ser. v. 1+ Mines, Section of. Annual report. U 1904-05 Indian affairs. Department of. Annual report. _ U 1908+ Inland revenue department — Laboratory. Bulletin. U 18S7-1901, no. I, 6-7, 11-13, 17-18, 20-21, 25, 28-30, 2,2-Z2>, 46-47, 49, 52, 54-62, 64-65, 67-72, 7 A, 76-79, 169 Insurance, Superintendent of. Report. -U 1878, 98, 1904 Interior, Department of. Report of the chief astronomer. U 1906 Labor, Department of, see also Labour gazette. Marine & des pecheries. Department de la. Rapport annuel. U 1871, v. 4 Mines, Department of. Annual report on the mineral production of Can- ada. . . U 1906 Report on the mining & metallurgical industries of Canada. U 1907/08+ Public works, Department of. Annual report U 1851 Railways & canals. Department of. Annual report. U 1898/99 ■ Trade & commerce. Department of. Report. _ U 1893-96, 98, 1900-01 Canada Central experiment farm. Ottawa. Bulletin. U 1SS7+ no. i+; N 1S87+ no. 1-9, n, 14-24, 26, 28-29, 31-34, 36+; ser. 2, no. 2, 4, 5 Entomologist & botanist. Report. N 1885-1905, 08+ Canada educational directory & calendar. (Hodgins.) Toronto. U 1857/58 Canada Experimental farms. Report. N 1888+ Canada Southern railway company. Annual report. U 1888, 1890-1901 Canada, see also, Royal architectural institute of Canada; Royal astronomical society of Canada; Royal society of Canada. Canada, Lower, see Quebec. Canada, Upper, see Ontario. Canadian almanac & repository of useful knowledge. Toronto. U 1882 Canadian annual review of public affairs. Toronto. U 1901+ v. 1+ Canadian catalog of books. (Haight.) Toronto. U 1791-1897II Canadian dairymen's association. Report. _ U 1869-70 Canadian electrical news & engineering journal, see Electrical news & engineer- ing journal. Canadian engineer. Toronto. U 1909+ [v. i6,l 17+ : W + Canadian entomologist. (Entomological society of Ontario.) London (Ont.) N 1869+ V. 1 + Canadian horticulturist. Toronto. U 18S9-90, 92, 94. 1905+ ; v. 12-13, 15. 17, 28+ Canadian institute. Toronto. Annual report. U 1892/93, v. 5 ; N 1886-93, v. 1-5. 7 Proceedings. N 1882-1904 [v. i,] 2-7; n. ser. v. 1-2 Transactions. U 1905+ v. 8+ ; N i88q+ v. 1 + Canadian manufacturer. Toronto. U 1909+ v. 58+ Canadian mining institute. Quarterly bulletin. Montreal. U 1909+ no. 6+ Canadian mining journal. Toronto. G + Canadian municipal journal. Montreal. U 1905+ v. 1 + 40 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGX Canadian naturalist & geologist. (Natural history society of Montreal. ) IMont- real. U 1S57-65, v. i-io Canadian Northern railway company. Annual report. U 1903+ v. 1 + Canadian Pacific railway company. Annual report. U 1885, 87, 96-190S, 07+ V. 5, 7. 16-24, 26+ Report of proceedings at annual meeting. U 1886, 88, 98; v. 5, 7. i7 Canadian Parliamentary companion. Montreal. U 1872 Canadian poultry review. Toronto. U + Canadian railway club. Montreal. Official proceedings. U 1904+ v. 3+ Canadian reading camp association. Annual report. U 1902/03, 04/05 ; v. 3, 5 Canadian record of science. (Natural history society of Montreal.) Montreal. N 1884+ [v. I,] 2+ Canadian society of civil engineers. Montreal. Report. (Bulletin.) U 1893-94, 98-1904, 06, o84- V. 7-8, 12-18, 20, 22-t- Transactions. U 1892+ v. 1 + Canadian yearbook. Toronto. U 1899-1903, 05-06 Canal record. (Isthmian canal commission.) Ancon. (C. Z.) U -f- Canterbury agricultural & pastoral association. Christchurch. (New Zealand.) Journal. U 1909+ v. 11 + Canton (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1903+ Bulletin. U 1907-I- v. 1+ Canton (O.)— Auditor. Annual report. U 1907-08 Cap-makers' journal. (United cloth hat & cap makers of North America.) New York. U [1903] [v. I] Cape of Good Hope— Government entomologist. Report. N 1895-98, 1900+ Royal observatory. Annals. U 1904-06, v. 10 pt 2 ; v. 11 pt 2. 4: v. 12 pt 2-4 Cape Town (Africa), see also Royal society of South Africa; South African philosophical society. Cardiff (Wales)— Librario. Libraries reviev.-. U 190.9+ v. i-f Carleton college. Northfield (Minn.) — Goodsell observatory. Pubhcations. U 1901-t- no. 2+ Carlisle (Pa.)— J. Herman Bosler memorial library. Bulletin. U 1905, v. 2 Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. New York. Annual re- port U 1906+ v. i-f ; N 1908+ V. 3+ . Bulletin. U N 1907-}- v. i-t- Carnegie institute, see Pittsburgh. Carnegie institution. Washington (D. C.) Publications. U 1902+ no. i+; N 1904+ [no. 8-f] • Yearbook. U 1902+ v. i+; N 1902-05, 1-4 Marine biological laboratory. Tortugas (Fla.) Papers from the Tortugas laboratory. . ^U 1908-f v. 1 + Solar observatory, Mt Wilson (Calif.) Contributions. U 1905+ no. i-h Carnet bibliographique, les grands editeurs frangaises. Paris. _ U 1902-04 Carpenter. (United brotherhood of carpenters & joiners of America.) Indian- apolis. U [1894, 1903-06,] 08+ [v. 14, 23-26,] 28+ Carpenter's monthly political magazine. (Chartist.) London. U 1831-32, v. i Carpentry & building. New York. U 1894-1909II v. 16-20, [21,] 22-31 1| Continued by Building age. Carriage builders' national association of the U. S. A. Annual report. U 1907, V. 35 Carthage (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1874/75, 83/84, 90-95, 96-f- Carthage (Mo.)— Public library. Bulletin. U 1906-07! | v. i|| Carworker. (International association of carworkers.) Buffalo; Chicago. U [1903,] os-f [v. I,] 3+ Case & comment. [Law.] Rochester (N. Y.) o r ^ it Cassier's magazine. [Engineering.] New York. U 1893+ v. 5+ Catalogue annuel dc la librairie frauQaisc. Paris. U 1867, 03-9S. v. 10, 36-40 Catalogue & analyse des theses frangaises & latines. (Mourier & Deltour.) Paris. Annual supplement to Mourier's Notice sur le doctorat es lettres. Ed. 4. 1880. U 1880-1902II v. 1-22II Catalogue general de la librairie frangaise. (Lorenz.) Pans. U 1840+ i-h Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franqaise. Paris. U 1891-92, 1808-f- v. 16-17, 23-f- Cement & engineering news Cement era. Chicago. Cement world. Chicago. SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 41 Catania (Italy) universita. Annuario. ...... ^ ^^^'^ Catania (Italy), see also Societa degli spettroscopisti itahani. Catholic directory, almanac & clergy list, sec Official Catholic directory. Catholic uniyersity of America. Washington (D. C.) Bulletm. Ui 895-97, v- i-3 Catholic xyorld. New York. U 1865+ vi + Catholic yearbook of New England. Boston. U 1905-00 Cedar Rapids (la.)— Public library. Annual report. . U iSgo-f- v. 1 + Cedar Rapids (la.) Iowa masonic library. Quarterly bulletin, g g ^ ^^m ^ m Continued as tt - 1 ^^ 1 Occasional bulletin. ^^ ^^ ^^ U 1907-f- v. 0+ Cellule. Lierre (Belgium). N 1884-95, v. i-" ; U has ordered v. 12+ Cement age. New York. ^ . U 1904+ v. i, [2,] 3+ In Jan. ion (v. 12, no. i) absorbed Concrete engineering Chicago. G+U 1902-f- V. I2j- U 1910+ V. 4+ CeiTsuT&'sVaTistics" monthly. (Minister of agriculture.) Ottawa (Can.) U 1910+ V. 3+ Central association of science & mathematics teachers. Program of meeting U 1904, 00-t- V. 4, 0+ Central Illinois gazette, Champaign, see Champaign Central Illinois gazette^ Central law journal. St Louis (Mo.) . U 1877-84, 98+ v. 4-1?, 46+ Central mining institute of western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. Transactions. U 1900-03, V. 2 Central of Georgia railway company. Annual report. , o ,„ ^, , U 1900-03, 05, 08-f- V. 5-8, 10, 13^^ Central Pacific railroad company. Annual report. U 1872-81, 83-86 Central passenger association. Proceedings. U iQOQi- Central railroad company of New Jersey. Annual report. U 1865-66, 68, 72-76, 88-93, 1901, 05-06; V. 18-19, 21, 25-29, 41-46, 55, 59-6o Central railway club. Buffalo (N. Y.) Proceedings. ., „ t ,-U U [1893-94,] 95, 97+ [ser. i, v. 1-2,] ser 2, v. i, 3+ Central reporter. Rochester (N. Y.) , „ , , ^^. ^ i88b-88, v. i-io 12 Central swine record association. Central Poland-China record. Indianapolis. U 1880-1902. 1904; V. 1-23, 2o After V. 26, 1905 continued in National Poland-China record company. Central Vermont railway company. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 5+ Centralblatt, see Zentralblatt. . ,t ^r , r TT tSRtO- v t-^ Century illustrated monthly magazine. New \ork. C U io»i-t- v. i-^ Continues Scribner's monthly, Ur 1890-f v. 18+ Centurv path. (Theosophy.) Point Loma (Cahf.) ^ ^ -p^^,,! Ceska kkademie cisaire Frantiska Josef a pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni. tTague. Bulletin international ; classe des sciences mathematiques, naturelles & de la medecine. ^ . g 1898+ v. 5+ Ceska spolecnost entomologicka. Prague. Casopis. N 1904+ y. i-h Ceylon. Administration reports. ^ ^905 Cevlon chamber of commerce. Colombo. Report. U 189S-99. lyco pt 2; 1901-02. 1903 pt 2; 1904 pt I Ceylon, see also Colombo museum. Chaddock college. Quincy (111.) Catalogue^ _^^^^^_^^^^^ ^_^^^^^_^^^ ^__^ Challenge: Let the nation own the trusts. (Wilshire.) Los Angeles. Chamber of commerce journal. London. U 1902-f- v 2I-F Chambcrs's Edinburgh journal. London. U has ordered 1^32-00 Champaign rill.)-Public library. Monthly bulletin. U 1899, v- i Champaign (111.) Central Illinois gazette. U 1858-62, [i864]-66|| v. 1-4, [i3]-i5li Continued as , , .. „ ,qm Champaign (111.) Union & gazette. U 1866-69II v. 15-18II Continued as Champaign county (111.) gazette. ^ o. Champaign (111.) city directories. ■ U 1878-79, 83, 90. 93. 1000 04. 06, 08+ Champaign (111.) daily gazette. Vt c ^7" .'J^.li Champaign (111.) daily news. U Sept. 1907+ 42 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Champaign (III.) Julia F. Burnham hospital. Annual report. U 1896, v. i Champaign county (111.) agricultural board, Champaign. Annual fair. U 1894, V. 24 Champaign county (111.) Directory. U 1870-71, 85 Champaign county (111.) gazette. _ U 1869-j- v. 18+ Champaign county (111.) news, Champaign. U + Champlain society. Toronto. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 3+ Publications. U 1907-j- v. i-f Charitable observer. Lincoln (111.) U [1897-1901] [v. 4-8] Charities. (Charity organization society of the city of New York.) New York. U [1898,] 1901-05II [v. I,] 6-14II Continued by Charities & the Commons. New York. Consolidation of Charities & the Com- mons. U 1905-0911 V. 15-21 1 1 Continued as the Survey. Charities & correction, see National conference of charities & correction. Charities review. New York. (Charity organization society of City of New York.) ]\Ierged in Charities. U 1892, 94-1901] I v. 2, 4-io|i Charity organization reporter. London. U 1874-82, v. 3-1 1 Charity organization review. London. U 1894 -1- v. 10-12; n. ser. v. i-h Charleston (S. C.) news & courier. U 1909+ Charleston (S. C.) Yearbook. U 1880+ Chartist circular. (Wm. Thompson.) Glasgow. U 1839-42, no. i-io, 12-133 Chaucer society. London. Publications, ser. i. U i868-|- no. 1-47, 49-}- ser. 2. U 1868+ no. 1 + Chautauqua (N. Y.) institution. Library training course. U 1901, iqo6-|- v. i,6-|- Chautauqua. Meadville (Pa.) ; Cleveland (O.) ; Chautauqua (N. Y.) C 1889-94, 96-f V. 10-19, 24+; U 18S0+ V. 1 + Chelsea (Mass.) — Fitz public library. Annual report. U 1907-}- v. 38-}- Chemical abstracts, see American chemical society. Chemical engineer. Philadelphia; Chicago. U 1904+ v. i+; W + Chemical news & journal of physical science. London. U 1860+ v. i-f- Chemical society. London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. U 1904+ v. 1 + Journal. (Transactions & Abstracts.) U 1848-I- v. i-f- i'roceedings. C has ordered Chemiker kalender. (R. Biederman.) Berlin.' U 1909, v. 30 Chemiker-zeitung. Cothen (Germiany). U 1877-f v. i-|- V. I has title Allgemeine chemiker-zeitung. Beilage: Chemisch-technisches repertorium. Cothen. U 1908-}- v. 32-]- Cheinisch weekblod. Amsterdam. U has ordered i903-[- Chemisch-pharmaceutisches centralblatt. Leipzig. U 1851-55, v. 22-26II Continued as Chemisches centralblatt. Chemisch-technisches repertorium, see Chemiker-zeitung: Beilage. Chemische analyse. (Alargosches. ) Stuttgart. U 1907+ v. i-f- Chemische Industrie. (Jacobsen.) Berlin. _ U 1878-1901, v. 1-24 Chemische novitaten: bibliographische monatschrift. Leipzig. U 1907+ v. 4-f- Chemisches staats-laboratoriuni. Hamburg, sec Hamburg — Wissenschaftliche anstalten. Chemisches zentralblatt. (Deutsche chemische gesellschaft.) Hamburg; Berlin. U 1856-I- V. 27+ (ser. 2, v. 1 + ) Continues chemisch-pharmaceutisches centralblatt. Chemnitz (Saxony.) — Statistisches amt. Addressbuch der fabrik & handelstadt. U 1910 Chemnitz (Saxony) handels- & gewerbekammer. Jahresbericht. U 1863-64, 67 Cheraw & Darlington railroad company. Proceedings. U 1894-95 Chesapeake & Delaware canal company. General report. U 1824-25, 30, 52, 66; V. 5-6, II, 33, 47 Chesapeake & Ohio canal company. Annual report. U 1828. 72, v. i, 45 Chesapeake & Ohio railroad company. Annual report. U 1876, v. 9 In 1878 title changed to Chesapeake & Ohio railway company. Annual report. U 1884. 92, 96+ v. 7, 14, i8-f SERIALS IN URRANA AND CHA^^IPAIGN 43 Cheshire railroad company. Annual report. U 1848-52, 55-56, 89; v. 3-7, lo-n, 45 Cheshire swine breeders' association. Cheshire herd book. Oneida ; Chittenango (N. Y.). . '-' ^^^9-90, V. 1-3 Chester wliite record association. Record. Indianapolis. U 1890-91 II v. i-2|| Continued by Standard Chester white record association. Chester-white record association. Record of Todd's improved Chester-white swine. Dayton (O.) _U 1885-91 II v. 1-4II Continued by the American Chester-white record association Cheviot sheep society. Hawick (Scot.) Cheviot sheep flock book. U 1893-97, 99, 1901-I- V. 1-6, 8, lo-t- Chi Omega fraternity [sorority]. Eleusis. Washington (D. C.) U 1909+ v. ii-j- Chicago (111.) Annual reports of the various departments. U iob2-b3, bg, 91, 90 City council. Arnold reports. ^ n.Uoo'?,°S-°^' "°- ^-^' ? i Proceedings. U 187 1-3, 74-76, 79-8o, 82-86, 88-89, 97-1902, 04-!- Civil service commission. Annual report. U 1896-1900, 05-08; v. 2-6, 11-14 Comptroller. Annual report. U 1902, 07-^ v. 46. 51 + Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1893-97, 1900, 02+ v. 39-43, 46, 48+ Directory of the public schools. U 1901-05, ob+ Electricity department. Annual report. U 1901+ v. 5-t- Finance department. Annual statement. U 1871-72, 76-77, 1887, 89, 91, 93-97, 99+ V. 15, 20-21, 31, 33, 35, 37-41. 43+ Fire department. Report of the fire marshall. U 1877, 94, 99-1902, 04-1- V. 20, 37, 42-45. 47+ Harbor commission. Report. U i9C«+ Health, Department of. Bulletin. U 1907+ v. lo-f, W + _ Reports U 1870-78, 81/82, 83-88. 91-98, 1904-06 Law department. Report. ^.}^°^\% Municipal court. Annual report. ^ . . n ^^^ ^ ^' \ n Municipal library & bureau of statistics. Statistics U 1901-07, v i^ Police department. Annual report. U 1878, 82-M, bO, «8, 93-r Public library. Annual report. ^,rltlV'S!: \X Bulletin of accessions. %t oo"*", \T Bulletins U 1887+ v. 1 + Public works. Board of. Annual report. U 1S69-70, 75ll v. 8-9, I5il Continued by ^ , „ -4. Public works department. Annual report. .. „ ^^^o-f- v. i-r Sanitary district. Board of trustees of. Proceedings. U ^S90-9i, 93-94, QO-r South park commission. Report. U ^^Z Special park commission. Report. U 1901, 04-05, 07-t- Statistics, Bureau of. City manual. U 1909 West park commissioners. Report. ^ ^. u U 1872-84, 87-96, 98, 1900, 02+ V. 3-15, 18-28, 30, 32, 34+ Chicago academy of sciences. Annual address. >t o ^ 11 H^ ^i Annual report. U 1895-97II v. 38-40; N 1896-97II y. 39-40 Bulletin. U 1883-1901II v. i, 2, pt. 2-4II ; N 1883-1901II v. 1-2H Special publication. U N 1902+ no. 1 + Transactions. . ^, m^q'&^^' '; • Geological & natural history survey. Bulletin. U N 1896-I- no. it Chicago & Alton railroad company. A^.nual_report.^_^^ ^^_^^^ ^^_^__ ^^^ ^^^^_^ Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad company. Annual report. U 1878-S7, 91-96, 98-1905, 09+ v. i-io, new sen v. 2-7, 9-16, 20-^ Chicago & Northwestern railway company. Annual report. U 1865-67, 69, 72+ V. 6-8, 10, 13-I- Chicago & Western Indiana railroad company. Report. U 1900-01, 04+ Chicago architectural club. Catalogue of annual exhibition. Chicago. U 1899-04, V. 12-17 Chicago Art institute. Annual report. U 1883-1902, 1907+ No report issued 1884-87, 93- ... _i_ , , Bulleiin. , , yi9p7+v. 1+ Catalogue of the annual exhibition of water-colors, pastels, & miniatures. U 1907, 10+ v. 19. 22-1- see also Society of western artists, Chicago. 44 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Chicago banker. Chicago. U 1908+ v. 24+ Chicago Bibliographical society. Yearbook. U 1S99-190311 v. 1-4II Merged into Bibliographical society of America. Chicago blue book. U 1904+ v. 15+ Chicago board of trade. Annual report. U 1858-64, 66-68, 69-f v. 1-6, 8-10, 12+ Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad company. Annual report. 1857-59, 62-64, 66-67, 69+ V. 4-6, 9-1 1, 13-14, 16+ Chicago Citizens' association. Annual report. U 1874-76, 87-88, 1906, 09+ Chicago City club. City club bulletin. U 1907-!- v. 1 + Publication. U 1904 -|- no. 1-3 Yearbook. U 1905/06 Chicago city directory. (Lakeside.) U 1904+ Chicago city manual. U 1909 Chicago city railway company. Annual report. U 1903, 08+ Chicago civic federation. Biennial report. U 1904+ Chicago college of pharmacy, see Illinois university, Urbana — Pharmacy, School oi. Chicago college of physicians & surgeons, see Illinois university, Urbana — Medi- cine, College of. Chicago commerce. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 5-}- Chicago Commercial national bank. Crop reports & general business conditions. U 1905+ Chicago correspondence school of law. Catalog. U 1902/03 Chicago daily farrners' & drovers' journal. U i9o6-(- Chicago daily news almanac. U 1885-1900, 1902+ Chicago dairy produce. U 1897+ [v. 4-8,] 9-|- Chicago entomological society. Occasional memoirs. N 1900, v. i, no. i Chicago evening post (daily). U May 1909+ Chicago examiner. U-}- Chicago German society. Annual report. U 1895/96, v. 42 Chicago Great Western railway company. Annual report. U 1893+ v. i-f- Chicago Hahnemann hospital. Annual report. U 1905 Chicago Harvard club. Yearbook. U 1904/05 Chicago historical society. Report. _ U 1900-01, 024- Chicago Home for the friendless, see also Home visitor. Chicago home missionary and church extension society. Annual report. U 1902-03 Chicago house of correction. Report of the inspectors. U 1894. 98, 1905+ V. 23, 27, 34+ John Worthy school. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 8+ Chicago, Indiana & Southern railroad company. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 1 + Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville railway company. Annual report. U 1898+ v. 1 + Chicago inter-ocean (daily). U 1909+ Chicago Iroquois club. Annual banquet. U 1882 Chicago junction railways & Union stock yards company. Annual report. U 1897-98, v. 7-8 Chicago-Kent college of law. Announcement. U 1905/06 Annual register. U 1898/99 Chicago kindergarten college. [Circular.] U 1899/1900, 01-03, 05/06 Chicago kindergarten institute. Annual circular. U 1906/07 Chicago law institute. Annual report. U 1902 Chicago legal news. U 1871-99, 1910+ ; v. 4-32, 42-}- Chicago librarian. U 1872-73, v. i, no. 1-2 Chicago live stock world (daily). U 1906-f- Chicago manual training school. Catalogue. U 1887/88, 89-91, 94/95 Chicago Metropolitan west side elevated railway company. Annual report. U 1901-f V. 2-f Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway company. Annual report. Milwaukee. U 1875+ V. 12+ Chicago New England society. Annual dinner. U 1907 Chicago Ofificial railway guide. Chicago. U + SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 45 Chicago, Peoria & St Louis railroad company. Report. U 1897 Feb.-Je. Reorganized as Chicago, Peoria & St Louis railway company. Annual report. U 1899/1900+ V. 1 + Chicago Porkpackers' association. Annual report of the packing of the West. U 1876, V. I Chicago public school art society. Annual report. U 1902, v. 7 Chicago record-herald (daily & Sunday). U 1909-f- Chicago reform school. Annual report. U 1856/57, 58-60, v. 2, 4-5 Chicago relief & aid society. Annual report. U 1871-72, v. 14-15 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway company. Annual report. U 1887-88, 90+ V. 7-8, 10+ Chicago, St Paul & Kansas City railway company. Annual report. U 18S8-89, V. 2-3 Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway company. Annual report. U 1881-84, 86, 88-99, 1901+ V. 1-4, 6, 8-19, 21 + Chicago school of civics & philanthropy. Year book. U 1907-r Chicago schoolmaster. U [1871-72] [v. 4-5] Chicago securities. U 1901, 1907, v. 11, 17 Chicago South side elevated railroad company. Statement of traffic, earnings & expenses. U 1899-f- Chicago Sunset club. Yearbook. U 1891-93, 98-99 Chicago teachers' federation bulletin. U [1905-07] [v. 4-6] Chicago telephone company. Directory for Chicago. U 1907+ Chicago terminal transfer railroad company. Annual report. U 1898-99, 1901+ V. 1-2, 4+ Chicago, the great central market. (Chicago association of commerce.) U [1906-09II] [v. 3-6, no. 2||] Chicago theological seminary. Chicago seminary quarterly. U [1901-07] [v. 1-7] Register (also called Catalogue, Year-book). U 1869/70, 81/82, 88/89, 93-99, 1904-06, 07+ Chicago traction. Board of supervising engineers. Annual report. U 1907+ V. i-\- Chicago tribune (daily & Sunday). U May iSSo-j- Chicago tribune's annual review of trade & commerce of Chicago. U 1870 Chicago tuberculosis institute. Annual report. U 1907-I- v. 2+ Chicago Union league club. Annual report. U 1904 Exercises in commemoration of the birthday of Washington, Feb. 22. U 1897-1901, 06+ Chicago university. President's report. U 1897-99, 1902-}- Register. U 1859/60, 63/64, 66/67, 68-72, 73-75, 76/77, 78/79, 80-82, 83/84; new series 1892 -r Studies in classical philology. U 1895, v. I University of Chicago [alumni] magazine. U 1909-!- v. i-|- University record. U [1896], 1897-1905, v. [i] 2-s, [4] 5, [6], 7-9 Commerce & administration, College of. Publications. U 1904-I- v. l + Education, School of. Catalogue & general announcement. U 1900/01, 06/07, 08-f- Rush medical college. Announcement. U 1875/76, 77/7S, 81/82, 1900-02. 05, 07+ Pulse (sophomore annual). U 1894-95 Yerkes observatory, Williams Bay (Wis.) Bulletin. U no. 18-19 Publications. U 1900-I- v. 1 + Chicago veterinary college. Report. U 1896-98, 99/1900 Chicago women's clubs — Vacation school & playground committee. Report. U 1898-1900, 04 Chicago Young women's Christian association. Annual report. U 1877, 79-80, 82, 85-91, 93-97, 99-1900, 02-f-; V. 1, 3-4, 6, 9-15, 17-21, 23-24, 26+ Chicago see also, Field museum of natural history; Hull house; Jewish agri- culturists' aid society of America; John Crerar library; Newberry library; Western association of architects ; Western society of engineers. \ 46 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Child-study monthly. Chicago. U 1S95, [96-1901] v. i, [2-7] Children's aid society, New York City. Annual report. U 1855, 57-60, 62-64, 68-72, 74-77, 79-81, 88, 1901, 03, 05+ V. 3. 5-8, 10-12, 16- 20, 22-25, 27-29, 36, 49, 51. 53-f- Children's museum bulletin, later. News, see Brooklyn (N. Y.) institute of arts & sciences. Chile University. Santiago. Anales. 1892-93, 99-r v. 81, 82-84, 85, 102-104, 106+ Chile, see also under Santiago de Chile. China medical journal. Shanghai. _ U 1910-t- Chinese students' monthly. (Chinese students' alliance of Eastern states, U. S. A.) Boston. U 19094- V. 4-f Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf railroad company. Report. U 1897-1900 Christian. (Barker.)^ London. U 1843-48, v. 1-4 (no. 1-91) Continues Christian investigator. Christian advocate. New York. U [1885-87], 88-93. [94,] 95-97, [98,] 99-1906 [v. 60-62] v. 63-68, [69,] 70-72, [73] 74-81 Christian art. Philadelphia. U 1907+ v. i-f V. I nos. 1-3 called Magazine of Christian art. Christian Endeavor, United society of. Official report of international conven- tion. U 1905, V. 22 Christian investigator. (Barker.) London. U 1841--12II v. i-2\\ Continued in the Christian. Christian men. (Disciples of Christ.) Kansas city (Mo.) U + Christian science journal. Boston. U Ur 1905+ v. 23-}- Christian science monitor (daily). Boston. U -f Christian science sentinel. Boston. U 1902-I- v. 5+ ; Ur 1905+ v. 8-{- Christiania (Norway). Videnskabs selskabet. Forhandlinger. N 1861-62, 65. [85,] 86-93. 95+ Oversigt. N 1898-99 Christlich-sociale blatter. Aix-la-Chapelle. U 1870-91, 94, 96 v. 3-24, 27, 29 Christliches kunstblatt fur kirche, schule, & haus. Stuttgart. U_ 1861 Chroniken der deutschen stiidte, see K. Akademie der wissenschaften. IMunich — Historische commission. Chronique de France. Paris. U 1900-04, v. 1-5 Chur (Switzerland), see also Naturforschende gesellschaft Graubiindens. Church association for the advancement of the interests of labor, see also Ham- mer & oen. Ciel & terre. Brussels. • U 1898-1901, v. 18 [19-20] Cigar makers' international union of A.merica. Proceedings. U 1885, 91-93, V. 16, 19-20 see also Cigar makers' official journal. Cigar makers' official journal. (Cigar makers' international union of America.) New York ; Buffalo ; Chicago. U [1880, 83, 86, 90, 95-98, 1900-06] [v. 6. 8, II, 15, 20, 22-23, 25-30] Ciment. Paris. U 1898+ v. 1 + Cincinnati (O.) Annual reports of city departments. U 1S82, 84, 88-90, 92-I- Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1886, v. 57 Engineer department. Annual report. 1S94-1904. v. 38-48 Public library. Annual list of books added. U 1902-06 Annual report. U 1866-73, 76, 8i-f . Library leaflet. U 1902-f no. 264- Quarterly bulletin. U 1903-05II no. 155-163II Water department. Annual report. U 1890, 1906+ v. 51, 66-|- Cincinnati (O.) board of trade & transportation. Annual report. U 1882, v. 13 Cincinnati (O.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1853-55, 59-61, 63-78, 80+ v. 5-7, 11-13, 15-30, 32+ Cincinnati (O.) Engineers' club. Report. U 1897 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad company. Annual report. U 1885, 1900-01 v. 38, 53-54 Cincinnati (O.) lancet & observer. U 1878, v. 29 Cincinnati (O.) library society for the blind. Report. U 1902, 05 u u + u + SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 47 Cincinnati (O.) mercantile library association. Annual report U 1893, v. ^59 Ch^imSti (6.) New England society. Yearbook. i?/^""^ Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific railway company. Annual report. U loQOT" V. I4"T~ Cincinnati (O.) price current. ^^ U 1902+ v. 5Q+ - Statistical annual. . U Js'-f'vTv' ^'all Cincinnati (O.) quarterly journal of science. U ib/4-75ll v. i 2|| Cincinnati (O.) society of natural history. Journal U 1894+ V. 17-r ; IN loci-T V. s-j- Cincinnati (O.) union Bethel. Annual report. U 1903-04, v. 38-39 Cincinnati (O.) United Jewish charities. Annual report. U i9o5-r v. iH- Cincinnati (O.) university. Record. U 1905+ ser. I, v i , University studies. U 1905+ ser. 2, v. 1+ ; N 1905+ ser. 2, [v. i, 3. J 4+ . Observatory. Publications. U 1880-1900, v. 7-9. "-15 • see also Teachers' bulletin. Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore railroad company. Annual report^ U I005, V. 3 In 1890 merged with Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railroad conipany. Cincinnati (O.) Zoological society. Annual report. N i88i-b3, v. S-io Cincinnati (O.) see also Lloyd library. • , ., r tt mno Tn-4- Circolo matematico. Palermo (Italy). Annuano bibografico. . ^^9°"' ^°t Rendiconti. . ^ ^^84+ v.^i+ Citator. Illinois edition. Lapeer (Mich.) Kansas edition. Michigan edition. ,. _,_ Missouri edition. ,, , Wisconsin edition. . , . . , • ^ tdvT-iT Citizen. (American society for the extension of university teacnmg.) 1 hila- delphia. . U 1895-98, V. I, [2,] 3, [4] Continues University extension. Citizens & farmers almanack. Philadelphia. U 1S24 Citizen's bulletin. Cincinnati. . U i9^o+ v. b , Citizens industrial association of America. Bulletin. Inaianapolis. U 1903, no. i Proceedings. ^ ^^Of v i City & country almanac. Baltimore. , ^ „ , , .. . ^ vZu City college quarterly, see New York (city). College of the city of New York City goverament. New York. . U 1896-1900II v. 1-9II Continued as Municipal journal & engineer. City hall. (League of American municipahties.) Ues Moines ^j^.;. ^ ^ Civic federation of New England. Bulletin ^ .'f^^lSi "°- //i Civil & mechanical engineers' society. London. Transactions. U 1902^ \. 44"^ Civil engineer's & architect's journal. London. U i«37-t)3, v 1--0 Civilingenieur. Freiberg. . U 1848-96, v. 1-44! I V. 1-2, 1848-50 has title (Der) Ingenieur. ^ _^ Claremont (Calif.) pomological club Bulletin. Tm "^vV n'nrl- Clarkson, Thomas, memorial school of technology. Potsdam (N ^0 <^larK- son bulletin. , . , . , , ,- ^ '^^'Vi T^nnfit • Clas'^ical association. London. Year's work in classical studies U l90&-t- Classical association of England & Wales. Proceedings. London.^ ^ ^ ^^ Classical journal. Chicago. U 1905+ v. 1 + Classical philology. Chicago. U 1905+ v. + Classical quarterly. London. U 190/+ \. i-r Classical review. London & Boston. ^ T?'U'"J't Classmate. (Methodist weekly for young people.) New \ork. U 1900, ^^/ Clay record. Chicago. ^, , , ^fi W^^'^t .1 tt Clay worker. Indianapolis. ^ G + ; U iSSo i8t)i+ v. 11-12, I0+ Clegg, see International directory of booksellers, & bibliophile s manual Clermont-Ferrand (I- ranee), see also, Societe d'horticulture & de viticulture du Puy-de-D6me. 48 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHA^IPAIGN Cleveland (O.). Annual reports of the departments. U 1875, ;8, 81, 86, 90, 98-1900, 02, 08 (City) auditor. Financial report. U 1875, 1909 Civil engineer. Annual report. U 1878, 81, 86, 88-89, 90, 98-1900, 02 Education, Department of. Annual report. U 1851/52, 61/62, 64/65, 68-70, 73-81, 83/84, 85-89, 91, 93, 95-1906, 08 V. 16, 26, 29, 32-34, 37-45, 47, 49-53, 55, 57, 59-70, 72 Public lIbrar3^ Annual report. , ^ , U 1879, 81, 84, 87-88, 90-f V. II, 13, 16, 19-20, 22-1- Open shelf. U [1894-95,] i90o4- [v. 1-2,] n. ser. v. i-f Public works, Department of. Annual report. U 1891-92, 98-1900 Water works division. (Board of public service.) Annual report. U 1857-69, 71, 1Z-n, 79-80, 82-1- V. 2-14, 16, 18-22, 24-25, 27+ Cleveland & Pittsburgh railroad company. Annual report. U 1853, 93, v. 5, 45 Cleveland bay society of America. Springfield (111.) American Cleveland bay stud book. U 1889-1901, v. 1-2 Cleveland (O.) chamber of commerce. Annual reports & proceedmgs. U 1867, 94, 98-1900, 02-t- V. 19, 46, 50-52, 54+ Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis railway company. Annual report. U 1890-f V. 1 + Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis railway company. Annual re- port. U 1870, v. 3 Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling railway company. Annual report. U 1896-98, 1900, 02 Cleveland (O.) Protestant orphan asylum. Annual report. U 1S82, v. 30 Cleveland (O.), see also Goodrich social settlement. CHnical reporter. St Louis. U 1888-91, 97-f v. i, [2-4, 10,] 11, [12-14.] 15+ Clinton (Mass.)— Bigelow free public library. Annual report. L 1903+ v. 30 . Club for colonial reorints. Providence (R. I.) Publications. U 1903+ v. l + Club men of New York. New York city. U 1903 v. 5 Club worker. (National league of woman workers.) Boston. U [1904J [v. 5J Clydesdale horse association of Canada. Clydesdale stud-book of Canada. U 1886-1902, V. 1-12 Clvdesdale horse society of Great Britain & Ireland. Clydesdale stud book. U 1878-1- V. 1-19, 25-26, 28+ Coal & coke. Baltimore. jm-^-"^ Coal miners and operators of western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Interstate convention. Joint conferences. U 1899, 1901-04, 06 v. 2, 4-7, 9 Coal mining institute of America. Proceedings. Greensburg (Pa.) U 1907+ Coal trade, a compendium relative to coal production prices, transportation . . . (Saward^ New York. U 1878-79, 83-84, 91-92 v. 5-6, lo-ii, 18-19 Coal trade journal. New York. G 4- ; U 1902-t- v 41-f Coast seamen's journal. (International seamen's union of America.) San Fran-, Cisco. U [1895-1906,1 09+ [v. 9-19,] 23+ Coates's herd book, containing pedigrees of improved shorthorn cattle. London. U 1843+ V. i-f- Cobden club. London. Leaflets on fair & free trade. U 18S4, no. 1-19, 3i-4i List of members. U 1877, 80 Coffee exchange of the city of New York, see New York (city) Coffee exchange. Colburn's New monthly magazine, see New monthly magazine. Cold Spring Harbor monographs, see Brooklyn institute of arts & sciences. Cold storage & ice trade journal. New York. U 1906-I- v. 15+ 1906-r is V. 33+ of Ice trade journal. Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espaiia. 18.^2-95, ii2v. U has ordered Coleccion de escritores castellanos. U has ordered Collection complete des lois, decrets, ordonnances, reglemens, avis du conseil- d'etat. (Du Vergier) Paris. U 1788-t- v. i-f- Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de la France. (Ministere de 1 in- struction publique.) 1835+ U has ordered complete Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire economique de la revolution frangaise. (Ministere de I'instruction publique.) Pans. U 1906+ v. 1 + SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 49 Collection de textes pour servir a I'etude & a renseignement de I'histoirc. Paris. U 1886+ no. 1 + Collection des chroniques nationales frangaises. (Buchon.) Paris. 1824-29, 47V. U has ordered College association of the Middle States & Maryland ; also of Pennsylvania ; see Association of colleges & preparatory schools of the Middle States & Mary- land. College entrance examination board. Annual report. U 1901+ v. i-{- Collier's weekly. New York. C IQ08+ v. 42+ ; U igo4-f v. 3.3+ Colliery engineer, Scranton (Pa.) U 1886-98II [v. 6-7,] 8-17, [18] || Continued by Mines and minerals. Colliery guardian & journal of the coal & iron trades. London. U 1893, v. 65-66 Colr.ian's rural world. St Louis. U 1869,-1- v. 22-23,+ Cologne (Germany). Handels-hochschule. Bericht. U 1903/04, 06-I- [Catalog.] U 1901/02, 08+ Colombia— Estadistica, Director general de la. Estadistica anual. U 1905 Relaciones exteriores, Ministerio de. Boletin. Bogota. U [1908] [v. 2] Colombo (Ceylon) Museum, see also Spolia zeylanica. Colorado— A. djutant general. Biennial report. • U 1901-04 Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1878, 81-82, 90-92, 94-96, 98, 1900, 02, 04, 06+ V. 2, 4, 12-14, 16-18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28+ Attorney general. Report. U 189S-1900 Auditor of state. Biennial report. U 1895-96, 99+ v. 10, i2-{- Charities & corrections. State board of. Biennial report. U 1893/94, v.2 Coal mines. Inspection of. Biennial report. U 1899-1900, 190S+ v. 9, 12+ (State) dairy commissioner. Annual report. U 1896. 99-1903 Pt I, 05/06, V. 6, 9-13 pt I, 14 Dental examiners. State board of. Biennial report. U I9C'6+ v. lo-f (State) engineer. Biennial report. U 1889-90, 1901-02, 05-06 v. 5, li, 13 Equalization, State board of. Annual report. U 1895-96, 1902, 1905+ Game & fish. Department of. Biennial report of the commissioner. U 1893-96, 99-1902, 1905+ ; N 1905+ • Geological survey (1908+) . Bulletin. G 1908+ no. 1-2 Report. G 1908, v. i (State) geologist (1872-1908). Report. U 1883/84, 89/90 Health, State board of. Report. U 1877, 92-1906 v. 2, 4-8 Horticulture, State board of. Annual report. U 1882-85. 87-94, 1898-j- V. 1-2, 4-7, 10+ Insurance department. Annual report. U 1882, 1900, 02, 04+ v. i, 19, 21, 23-f Labor statistics, Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1887-88, 93-94, 99+ V. i, 4, 7+ Land commissioners. State board of. Biennial report. U 1899-1902, 05-06 V. 11-12, 14 Public instruction, Department of. Colorado arbor & bird day notes. U 1897-98, 1900, 03-04 Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1877-90, 93-98, 1903+ V. 1-7, 9-1 1, 14-t- Secretary of State. Biennial report. U 1881-82, 91-92, 95-1904 Legislative manual. U 1901-03 Suoreme court. Reports of cases. U 1864+ v. l-j- Treasurer of state. Biennial report. U 1891-96, 99-f (State) veterinary sanitary board. Biennial report. U 1800, i89v>i902 Colorado agricultural experiment station. Fort Collins. Annual report. U 1888+ V. 1+ : N T8S8+ v. 1-2, 4-18, 20+ Bulletin. U 1887+ no. i+; N 1891+ no. 17, 19-81. 83+ Report of the entomologist. N 1900-02, 04 Special river bulletin. U 1902, no. 1-20 Colorado agricultural society. Transactions of the annual exhibitions. U 1870-71, V. 5-6 Colorado & Southern railway company. Annual report. U 1901-02. 04+ V. 2-3, 5-f Colorado bar association. Report of annual meeting. U 1903-06,08-!- v. 6-9, 11 + 50 SERIALS IK URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Colorado college, Colorado Springs. Publication: Engineering series. U 1907+ V. i-|- Language series. U 1907+ v. 2, no. 18+ Social science series. U 1904+ v. 2+ Science series. U 1904+ v. 11, no. 39+ N 1890+ v. 1+ Studies. U 1891, 96, 1903-04II V. 2, 5, 8, io-i2|| Continued in Publication 1904+ , Colorado (state) federation of labor. Official labor directory and manual. U 1907 Report. U 1908+ v. 13+ Colorado fuel & iron company. Denver. Annual report. U 1904. v. 12 Sociological department. Annual report. U 1903 r Colorado (state) home for dependent & neglected children. Denver. Biennial report. U 1906+ v. 7+ Colorado (state) insane asylum. Biennial report. U 1899- 1900, 06+ v. 11, 15+ Colorado (state) penitentiary. Canon City. Biennial report. u 1895-96, 99-1900, 1905+ Colorado school for the deaf & blind. Colorado Springs. Report. U 1890, 96-1900 Colorado school of mines, Golden. Bulletin. U 1900+ v 1 + Quarterly. U 1906+ [v. i,] 2+ Colorado scientific society. Proceedmgs. Denver. U 1909+ v. 9+ Colorado Soldiers' & sailors' home. Monte Vista. Annual report. U 1900-01 Colorado Springs (Colo.)— Public health, Department of. Annual report. W 1904, 07, V. 3, 6 Monthly report. nP i" Colorado Springs (Colo.) Chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1908/09+ Colorado university. Boulder. Studies. U 1902+ v. i, no. 24- ; N i902-f v. 1 + Psychology' & education. Department of. Investigations. U 1902+ v. 1 + Columbia (S. C.)— Public schools. Annual report. U igoS-f y. 26+ Columbia engineer, see Columbia universitj'— -Mines, School of— Engineering so- ciety. ^^ . , Columbia law review. New York. U 1901+ v. i-f Columbia university. New York (city). Columbia spectator (students' weekly). U [1888-90, 96-99, 1902] [v. 23-25, 39-41. 45] Columbia university bulletin. U 1890-98II no. 1-20] | Continued as Columbia university quarterly. U 1898+ v. 1+ Contributions to philosophy, psychology & education. U i894-i9oi|| v. i-i2|| Continued as Archives of philosophy, psychology & scientific methods. Studies in comparative literature. U 1899+ no. 1 + Studies in English. U 1900+ no. i-f Architectural societj'. Year book. U 1904+ Geological department. Contributions. U 1899, v. 9, no. 65 Library. Annual report. U 1862, 75, 84-86, 88 Other years in President's report. Bulletin. U i89i-9S> v. 2 Mines, School of, see School of mines quarterly. Engineering society. Transactions. (Columbia engineer.) (Also called Yearbook.) U 1893/94, 98/99 Observatory. New York. Contributions. U 1892. 1900, oi-l- no. 1-2, 9 pt 2. 16, i8i- Physical research, Ernest Kempton Adams fund for. Publications. U i9o6-f- V. i-l- Phvsicians & surgeons, College of. Studies from the department of Physi- ology. . U 1898-f • Political science faculty. Studies in history, economics & public law. U 1893+ V. 1+ Teachers college. Contributions to education. U 1905+ no. i-f see also Teachers college record. Columbiad. (Knights of Columbus.) Hoboken (N. J.) U 4- Columbus (O.). Annual reports. U 1901-02 Auditor. Annual report. U 1903 (City) civil engineer. Report. U 1891 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 51 Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1908+ Public improvements, Department of. Annual report. U 1900 Water works. Annual report. U 1889-90, v. 19-20 Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo railway company. Annual report. U 1885, V. 5 Columbus (O.) horticultural society. Journal. N 1886+ v. i, 5, 8, 12, 22-f Comenius-gesellschaft. Leipzig. Mittheilungen. U [1893-94] [v. 1-2] ■ Monatshefte. U 1892, 1902, v. 1-2 pt 2, |v. ii] Comite international des poids & mesures. Paris. Proces-verbaux. U 18764- ser. I, V. i-f Commercial America. (Philadelphia commercial museum.) U 1905+ v. 2+ Commercial and financial chronicle. New York. U 1S65+ v. i-f- Bank & quotation supplement. U 1903+ Bankers & trust supplement. U 1898-t- Cotton supplement. U 1897+ Investors' supplement. U 1890-93, 95-I903 Quotations supplement. U 1895-1902! ] Continued as Bank & quotation supplement. Railway earnings section. U 1909-t- State & city supplement. U i89i-{- Street railway supplement. U 1896-f Commercial handbook of Canada & boards of trade register. (Heaton.) Toronto. U 1908-i- V. 4+ Commercial society of New York, see New York (city). Commercial telegraphers' journal. (Commercial telegraphers' union of America.) Chicago. U [1903-06,] 09+ [v. 1-4-] 7+ Commercial yearbook. New York. U 1896-97, v. 1-2 Commission archeologica comunale. Rome, see Rome. Commission of colleges in New England on admission examinations. Annual re- port. U 1899, V. 13 Common school almanac. New York. U 1839 Commoner. (W. J. Bryan.) Lincoln (Neb.) U [1906-08], 1909+ [v. 6-8], v. 9+ Commons. (Graham Taylor.) Chicago. U 1897-98, 1901-02, 04-Oct. 19051I V. 2, 6, 9-10, no. loll Combined with Charities, Nov. 1905, which later became Survey. Commonweal. (Socialist league.) London. U [1885-90] [v. 1-6] Commonwealth. New York. _ U [1895-96] [v. 2-3] Communist, devoted to the reorganization of society on the basis of common property. Buffalo (Mo.) U [1871-72] [v. 2] Companion to the newspaper, & journal of facts in politics, statistics, & public economy. London. U 1833-37, v. 1-4 Companion to the Observatory, see Observatory. London. Compass. New York. U 1891-94, v. 1-3 Compressed air. New York. U [1896-99,] IQOO-I- [v. 1-4,] 5+ Comrade. (Socialist monthly.) New York. U 1901-05, v. 1-4, no. 4 Concerning municipal ownership. New York. U 1906-09] | v. 1-4II Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. Annotationes. N 1905+ v. i-|- • Card index to zoological literature. N 1896-f- Concord (Mass.)— Free public library. Annual report. U i909-f Concord (N. H.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1895-98, 1900+ v. 39-42, 44+ Concord & Montreal railroad company. Annual report. U 1900, v. 11 Concours d'ccole. Paris. U 1899-1901, v. 1-2 Concours publics d'architecture. Paris. U 1895-}- v. i-|- Concrete. Detroit (Mich.). U 1907+ v. 7-f Concrete engineering. Cleveland (O.) U [1907,] 08, [09] [v. 2.] 3, [4] In Jan. 191 1 merged into Cement age. Concrete review. Philadelphia. G -f Conference for education in the South. Proceedings. U 1898- 1900. 02 -|- v. 1-3, 5-}- Conference for good city government. Proceedings. _ _U 1894-}- v. 2-\- Congregational education society. Boston, see American education society. Congregational library, see Boston, Congregational library. Congregational yearbook. Des Moines. U 1905+ v. 2j+ 52 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Congres de renseignement des sciences sociales. Paris. Compte rendu des seances & texte des memoirs. U 1901, v. i Congres des econoraistes. Brussels. U 1847 Congres geologique international. Comptes rendus. U 1878+ v. 1 + 1878, V. I issued as Congres international de geologique. Congres international d'agriculture. Comptes rendus. U 1896, 1905, v. 4, 11 Congres international d'education & de protection de I'enfance dans la famille. Rapports. U 1905, i Congres international d'horticulture. [Rapports.] _ U 1885-86 Congres international de botanique. Resultats scientifiques. U 1905 Congres international de geographie commerciale. Comptes rendus. U 1878 Congres international de geologique. Comptes rendus. U 1878II v. i|| Continued as Congres geologique international. Congres international de navigation interieure. Comptes-rendus. U 1894, no. 6 Congres international de zoologie. Compte-rendu des seances. N 1S89+ v. 1+ Congres international des metallurgistes. Compte rendu. U 1893, 1900, 04 Congres international des oeuvres & institutions feminines. Compte rendu. U 1900, 2 Congres international des sciences geographie, see International geographic con- gress. Congres national d'industrie laitiere. Rapports & comptes-rendus. Paris. U 1908, V. 3 Congres national des syndicats & groups corporatifs ouvriers de France. Compte rendu. Paris. _ U 1892, v. 5 Congres national du parti ouvrier. Compte rendu. Paris. U 1893, v. 11 Congres socialiste international. Rapports. U 1904, v. 6 Congreso cientifico latino-americano. Reunion. • U 1901, v. 2 Congress of accountants. Proceedings. U 1904 Congress of the advanced minds of the world, convened by Robert Owen. Lon- don. Report of meetings. U 1857 Congressional debates, see Register of debates. Congressional globe. Washington (D. C.) U 1833-73II Cong. 23, sess. i-Cong. 42, sess. 3!! v. 1-46II Continues Register of debates; continued by Congressional record. Congressional record. Washington, D. C. U 1873+ Cong. 43, special sess. + v. 1+ Connaissance des temps, see France — Longitudes, Bureau des. Connecticut (colony). Public records.. . 1636-1776II U published 1850-90] | v. i-iSli Connecticut (state). Public documents. U 1900-1906 Adjutant general's office. Report. U 1864-66, 94-95, 1901-03 Agriculture, Board of. Annual report. U 1866-92, 1894+ V. 1-26, 28+; N 1866-91, V. 1-17, 23, 25 Bank commissioners. Report. U 1847/48. 61/62, 75/76, 78-80, 88-94, 96-1906, 08-f- Blind, Board of education of the. Biennial report. U 1898-1904 Building & loan association. Commission on. Annual report. U 1897-98. 1901-03, V. 1-2, 5-7 Comptroller. Report. U 1873/74. 77/78, 83, 86-95, 96-9S, 1903 Dairy commissioner. Report. _ U 1889, 1S98, 1902, v. 2, 8, 12 Diseases of domestic animals. Commissioners on. Report. U 1898, v. i' Education, State board of. Connecticut school document. U [1893-94,] 1908+ Report. U 1857, 62, 66-67. 69-82, 84, ^7+ (State) entomologist. Report. ■ N 1901-I- no. i4- Factory inspector. Annual report. U 1890, 93-94, q6-q8, 1902, 06, V. 4, 7-8, 10-12, 16, 20 Geological & natural history survey. Bulletin. U 1905-f V. 2+; N 1903+ V. 1+ Governor. Messages. U 1826 Health, State board of. Biennial report. U 1878, Si-84, 864- v. i, 4-7, 9+ Before 1906, v. 28 annual. Highway commission. Biennial report. U 1895-}- v. i-f House of representatives. Journal. U 1838, 40, 42-45, 47-48, 50-51, 52, 54, 58-62, 68-75, 80-85, 87, 89-91, 95-99, i903-f SERIALS IX URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 53 Insurance department. Annual report. Pt. i: Fire & marine. U 1872, 74-75> 77-78, 81-84, 86-91, 93-94. 97+ v. 7, lo-ii, 13-14, 17-20, 22-27, Pt 2: Life, accident, etc. U 1874, 81, 83, 85+ v. 10, 17, I9, 2i-|- Pt. 3 : Fraternal. U 189O, 99-1900, 02-}- v. 2^, 35-30, 38+ Directory of insurance companies in Connecticut. U igoo-t- Labor statistics, Bureau of. Report. U 1885+ v. i-J- (State) library. Biennial report. U 1907-r Public library committee. Biennial report. U 1893-1900, v. 1-3 Library notes. U 1904-h no. 1 + Monthly book list. U 1904-r no. 1-7, 9-f Public library document. U 1894+ no. 2-3, 9, 11-12, IS, 23, 28, 31, 35-36, 38. 40-47, 49+ Quartermaster-general's office. Report. U 1887/88, 97/98 . Railroad commissioners. Annual report. U 1878-80, 82-I- v. 26-28, 30+ Senate. Journal. U 1840-42, 45-47, 49-57, 59. 62. 64-65, 67-73, 75-76, 79-80, 83, 85, 87, 89-91, 95. 99. 1903-OS, 00+ Sewage commission. Annual report. U 1898-1903, v. 1-4 ■ Sheirfish commissioners. Report. U ^M, v- 4 Supreme court. Reports of cases. U _i7o5"r Tax commissioner. Information relative to the assessment & collection ot taxes U 1907+ Treasurer. Report. U 1873/74, 77/78, 86/87, 1902/03 Vital statistics, Bureau of. Registration report of births, marriages, di- vorces, & deaths. . ^ ^, U 1906+ V. 59+ Connecticut academy of arts & sciences (Yale university). New Haven, irans- actions. U 1867+ V. i+; N 1874+ v.. 3+ Connecticut agricultural experiment station. Nev/ Haven. ^Annual report. U 1877, 79, 81-82, 84+ v. I, 3, 5-6, 8+ ; N 1881+ v. 5-6, 8-14, 16+ Bulletin. U 1877+ nos. i, 15, I7-I9, 21, 23-30, 32-67, 69, 71+ ; N lb«9+ no. 98-99, 104, 106, 114, 116-17, 1 19-123, 125-1- Connecticut (state) agricultural society. Transactions. U 1854-56 Connecticut (state) board of trade. Report of proceedings of annual meetings. U 190S+ V. 16+ Connecticut civil engineers' & surveyors' association. Proceedings. U 1885+ v. 1 + Connecticut common school journal. Hartford. -, r^ 1 U [1856-60] [v. 11-12.] 13, [14-15,] n. ser. [v. 3-4.] 5, [6-7] Connecticut dairymen's association. Proceedings. U 1S97-99, v. 16-18 Connecticut historical society. Hartford. Annual report. U ipob-h Collections. U 1892-96, v. 4-5 ; U has ordered rest Connecticut hospital for the insane. Middletown. Report. U 1893+ v 25+ Connecticut hospital for the insane. Norwick. Report. U 1900, v. i Connecticut industrial school for girls. Middletown Report. U 1894/96. 1900/02. v. 26-27, 32-33 Connecticut (state) prison. Wethersfield. Report of directors. U 1889/90, 93/94 Connecticut river company. Report. Hartford. U ^826 Connecticut river railroad company. Annual report. U i«90, v. 40 Connecticut society of civil engineers. New Haven. Papers and transactions. W 1907+ v. 23+ Connecticut Storrs agricultural experiment station Storrs. Annua^ report. U 18S8-)- V. i+; N 1889+ V. 2-f Bulletin. U 1888+ no. 1+ ; N i888-f no. 1-3, 7-9, 12-13, i5+ Conrad Poppenhusen association. Annual report [educational]. Albany (N .\.) U 1890-04 Conscience, a . . - magazine for the advancement of higher Christian thought Berthoud (Colo.). ' . . , ,,r u- ^ [1900] [v. i] Conservation. (American forestry association.) Washington (U. U U 1908-09II v. 14-15II Continues Forestry & irrigation; continued by American forestry. Conservative, a journal devoted to the discussion of political, economic & socio- logical questions. Nebraska city. U [1901-02] [v. 4 Conservator. Philadelphia. U [1895. 97-1905] [v. 6, 8-16] 54 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Constantinople (Turkey). American college for girls. Report. U 1893/94 Construction, a journal for the architectural, engineering &: contracting interests of Canada. Toronto. _ - U 1907+ v. 1+ Construction moderne. Paris. U 18854- v. 1+ Consumers' league of the city of New York. Report. U 1899-1900, 02-05, V. 9-10, 12-15 Contemporary review. London. U 1866+ v. 1 + Continental Dorset club. Sheep record, Springfield (111.) etc. U 1900+ V. 1-5, 8+ Contributions from the U. S. national herbarium, see U. S. National herbarium. Contributions to American ethnology, see U. S. — Geographical & geological sur- vey of the Rocky mountain region. Contributions to American paleontology. (Ulrich.) Cincinnati. U 1S86, v. i Contributions to the botany of Vermont, see Vermont university. Cook county (111.)— Poor relief department. Annual report. U 1909 Public instruction. Department of. Biennial report of the superintendent. U 1862, 1882+ Cooper research laboratory. Berkhamsted (Eng.) Journal. N 1909+ no. i-'r Cooper union, New York city. Annual report. u 1859-61, 63/64, 65/66, 68-71, 72-75, 76/77, 78+ Co-operative association of America, see also Co-operator. Co-operative brotherhood, see also Co-operator. Co-operative congress. England. Annual report. U 1884, v. 16 Inaugural address. U 1S85-86, v. 16-18 Co-operative journal. Oakland (Cal.) U [1901, 03-0;] [v. i. 2-7] Co-operative magazine & monthly herald. London. U 1826, v. i Co-op_efative news of America. New York. _ U [1887] [v. i] Co-operator. (Co-operative association of America.) Lewiston (Me.) U [1901] no. 2-3 Co-operator. (Co-operative brotherhood.) Burley (Wash.) U [1900, 04-05] [v. 2, 8, 9] Coopers' international journal. (Coopers' international union of North Ameri- ca.) Kansas city (Kan.) _ U [1903, 06] [v. 12, 16] Cooper's journal ; or, Unfettered thinker & plain speaker for truth, freedom & progress. London. U [1850] [v. i] Copenhagen (Denmark). Regnskab & beretning om kommunens anliggender. U 1908-09 Statistiske oplysninger. U 1903-07 see also Dansk geologisk forening. K. Danske videnskabernes selskab. K. Nordiske oldskriftselskab. Copper handbook. (Stevens.) Houghton (Mich.) U 1903, 06-j- v. 4, 6+ Copper range consolidated company. Annual report. Boston. U i909-f v. 8-f- Cornell civil engineer. Ithaca (N. Y.) U 1907-f- v. i5-{- Continues Cornell university — Association of civil engineers. Transactions. Cornell university. Ithaca (N. Y.) Alumni news. U [1907-08,]-}- [v. 9-10,] + Bulletin (science). U v. i, no. 12; N 1874-97II v. 1-3, no. i|| Cornell era. U [1893, 98-99, 1907] [v. 25-26, 31, 39] Cornell magazine. U [1893, 97] [v. 5, 10] Cornell widow. U [1896] [v. 2] Cornellian. U 1894 Studies in classical philology. U 1887-I- v. i, 3-15, 17+ Agricultural experiment station. Report. U 1879-8SII v._i-3|| Reorganized 1888 as New York (state), Cornell agricultural experiment station. Association of civil engineers. Transactions. U 1893-1906II v. 1-14II Continued as Cornell civil engineer. Electrical society & Society of mechanical engineers. Proceedings. U 1901-04, v. 9-1 1 Library. Bulletin. U 1882-96, v. 1-3 Librarian's report. U 18S6-SS, 90-1905/06, 07/08-f New York (state) college of forestry. Annual report. U 1898-1901, v. 1-4 Cornhill magazine. London. U i86o-f v. 1+ SERIALS IN URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN 55 Cornwall (Eng.), see also Royal geological society of Cornwall. Corporation bulletin. New York. U 1907+ v. 4+ Cosmopolis. London. U 1897-98, v. 5-10 Cosmopolitan. Rochester; Irvington; New York. C 1891+ V. 11+ ; U 1S95+ V. 20+; Ur + Costa Rica — Fomento, Ministerio de. Memoria de fomento. U 1908 Instruccion publica, Ministerio de. Memoria. U 1908-)- Cotswold sheep society. Cirencester (Eng.) Flock book. U 1892+ v. 1 + Cottage gardener. London. U 1849-61 1| v. 1-25II Continued as Journal of horticulture. Cotton growers & merchants association. Proceedings of convention. Nashville (Tenn.) U 1892 Cotton seed. Atlanta (Ga.) U 1906-f v. i, no. 2-(- Council of supervisors of the manual arts. Yearbook. New York & Worcester. U 1901+ V. 1 + Country, time & tide, . . . magazine of a more profitable & interesting country life. Montague (Mass.) U [1904] [v. 7] Country calendar. New York. U iQOSJi v. i|| Merged in Country life in America. Country gentleman. (Agriculture.) Albany (N. Y.) U [1857,] 58+ [v. 9,] lo-f- 1866-97, V. 27-62 had title Cultivator & country gentleman. Country life. London. U 1897+ v. 1 + Country life in America. New York. C 1901+ v. i+; U IQ02+ v. 24- Courrier Europeen. Paris. U 1906, v. 3 Course of study. (Chicago institute) Chicago. U 1900, v. i Court of honor. (Fraternal insurance societies.) Springfield (111.) U + Craftsman. (D'Anvers.) London. U 1726-36, v. 1-14 Craftsman. (Stickley.) Syracuse (N. Y.) U 1901+ v. i-f Creamery journal. Waterloo (la.) U + Crisis; or, The change from error & misery to truth & happiness. (Owen) London. U 1832-34] | v. 1-4II After V. 2, no. 15, title was Crisis & national co-operative trades union... gazette. Critic. New York. C 1890-1906II v. 13-49II; U 1881-1906II v. 1-49II Continued as Putnam's monthly. Critical review. London. 1756-1805, ser. i, 70V; ser. 2, v. 1-32, 34-39; scr. 3, V. 1-2, 4. U has ordered Crockery & gl^ss journal. New York. U 1906+ v. 63+ Croquis d'architecture. (Intime club.) Paris. U 1866-98] [ v. 1-25]] Croyden (Eng.) — Public libraries. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 21 -j- • Reader's index. U 1899+ v. i-\- Crucible steel company of America. Annual report. U 1903, v. 3 Cuba-Agricultura, commercio & trabajo, Secretaria de. Boletin oficial. U 1906+ [v. 1-6,] 7+ Census. U 1899, 1907 Estado, Secretaria de. Boletin oficial. U 1909+ v. 6+ Hacienda, Secretaria de. Boletin oficial. U 1910-i- v. 3+ Sanidad & beneficencia, Secretaria de. Boletin oficial. U 1909-]- v. 1 + Cuba, see also under Havana. Cultivator. Albany (N. Y.) U 1834-41, 1843-64, v. 1-8, IO-31 After v. 32 (1866) continued as Cultivator & country gentleman ; see Country gentleman. Cultivator's almanac & cabinet of agricultural knowledge. Boston. U 1841 Cultura: Revista di scienze, lettere & arti. (Roggero Bonghi.) Rome. U [1902] v. [21] Cultura espafiola (formerly Revista de Aragon). Madrid. U 1906-09]] no. i-i6]| Cumulative book index. Minneapolis. U (annual no.) 1903+ v. 6+; U Monthly no. + Cumulative book review digest, see Book review digest. Cumulative index to periodicals. Cleveland. U 1896-July 1903]] v. 1-8, no. 7|| Combined with Reader's guide. Current events index. (Wisconsin library commission.) Madison. U 1909+ Current law, a complete encyclopedia of new law. St Paul. U 1904+ v. i-j- 56 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Current literature. New York. C 1907+ v. 43+; U 1898+ v. 23+ Current news. (Philadelphia electric company.) Philadelphia. U 1909+ v. 1 + Curtis's Botanical magazine. London. U 17874- v. i-h Customs tariffs of the world, see Kelly's customs tariffs. Cuyahoga county (Ohio), see also Early settlers' association. Cyclopedic review of current history. Buffalo. U 1894, v. 3 Cyprus — Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1901-03, 08+ Continues Gennadius, P. G. Report on the agriculture of Cyprus. Cyprus journal, a monthly review of the agriculture, industries, & archaeology of Cyprus. Nicosia. _ U 1904+ v. 1 + Czernowitz (Austria) universitat. (K. K. Franz-Josephs-universitiit.) Verzeich- niss der offentlichen vorlesungen. U 1908+ Daily mail yearbook, see London daily mail. Daily news almanac, see Chicago daily news almanac. Dairy. London. U 1894-97, [98, 1901-07,] oS+ v. 6-9, [10, 13-19,] 20+ Dairy world & British dairy farmer. London. U -f Dakota (territory) — Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Dakota reports.) U 1867-90;! v.i-611 Continued as North Dakota reports ; & South Dakota reports. Dalhousie college & university. < Halifax (N. S.) Calendar. U 1897-1902 Dallas (Tex.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1907-I- v. 7+ Dania; tidsskrift for dansk sprog & litteratur samt folkeminder. Copenhagen. U 1 892- 1 903, v. 2-10 Continued by Danske studier. Dansk bibliographic. (Host.) Copenhagen. U 1845-53, v. 3-11 Dansk bogfortegnelse. Copenhagen. U 1889-90, v. 59-40 Dansk geologisk forening. Copenhagen. Meddelelser. U 1S94+ v. 3+ Dansk tidskrift. Copenhagen. U 1898-1903, 05-06 Danske studier. Copenhagen. U 1904-r- v. 1 + Continues Dania. K. Danske videnskabernes selskab. Copenhagen. Oversigt over forhandlinger. N 1865 Dante society. Cambridge (Mass.) Annual report. 111892-94,96-1- v. 11-13, 15-27 Danvers (Mass.) — Peabody institute. — Library. Annual report. U i8864- v. 20+ . Bulletin. U 1900-I- v. 1+ Danville (111.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 26-i- Danzig (Germany) Naturforschende gesellschaft. Schriften. U 1905-I- n. ser. v. 11 pt 3, 12 pt 2+ see also Westpreussischer botanisch-zoologischer verein. Darmstadt (Germany) Gartenbauverein. Monatsschrift. U -f Darmstadt (Germany), see also Historischer verein fiir das grossherzogtum Hessen. Daughters of the American revolution. Report. Washington (D. C.) (1-9 in Senate documents.) U 1907+ v. lo-f- Davenport (la.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1904-h v. 2+ Davenport (la.) Academy of national sciences. Proceedings. U N 1867-f- v. i-(- Dawn, a journal of Christian social reform. Boston. U [1889-91. 94] [v. 1-3,6] Dayton (O.) — Public library & museum. Annual report. U 1891-f v. 30-f Water works, Trustees of the. Annual report. U 1S91. v. 22 Dayton (O.) Chamber of commerce. Greater Dayton. U -f Report. U i9o8/o9-f Dayton (O.) Employers' association. Report of officers. U 1901-04 Dearborn medical college, Chicago. Catalog. U 1903/04 Decatur (111.) — Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1909-}- v. 44 Free public library. Bulletin. U 19044- v. i-f- Decorah (la.) posten. U 4- Decorator & furnisher. New York. U 1883-94, [95-98] v. 3-26, [27, 29-32] Dedham (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1899-1900 Dekorativ kunst. Munich. U 1897+ v. 1-4, [5,] 6, [7,] 84- Dekorative vorbilder. Stuttgart. U 18904- v. 14- Delaware— Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1903-04, "■ ser. v. 3-4 Auditor. Annual report. U 1896 Chancery, Court of. Reports of cases. U 18144- v. 1 + SERIALS IX URBAX.V AXD CHAMPAIGN 57 House of representatives. Journal. U 1883-93, 1903+ (State) library commission. Biennial report. U 1901+ v. 1 + Senate. Journal. U 1S75, Si, 85-93, 97. I90i, 05-f Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Delaware reports.) U 1832-i- Treasury department. Report. U 1887-88, 99-I- Delaware Agricultural experiment station. Newark. Annual report. U N 1888+ V. 1 + Bulletin. _ U 188S+ no. i+; N 1890-!- no. 9, 11-83, 85-}- Entomological department. Annual report. N 1900-02, v. 12-14 Delaware & Hudson canal company. Annual report. U 1832-33, 35, 38-41, 43-54, 56-60, 63-64, 68+ Delaware & Raritan canal & Camden & Amboy railroad & transportation com- panies. Annual report. U 1866 Delaware & Schuylkill canal company. Report. U 1836, v. i Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1855-56, 1899+ Delaware railroad company. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the stock- holders. U 1894-96, V. 42-44 Delta Gamma fraternity [sorority]. Anchora of Delta Gamma. Menasha (Wis.) U 1909+ V. 25 -f Democratic review. New York; Washington. U has ordered Democratic review of British & foreign politics, history & literature. (Harney) London. U 1849-50, v. 1-2 Demonstrator, a periodical of fact, thought, & comment. Home (Wash.) U [1903, 06, 07,] [v. I, 3, 4, 5] Denison scientific association. Granville (O.) Memoirs. N 1887 1| v. i, no. i|| Denison university. Granville (O.) — Scientific laboratory. Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 14-f Denkmalpflege. Berlin. U 1899-1906, v. 1-7, [8] Denmark — Geologiske undersogelse. Danmarks geologiske undersogelse. U 1890+ ser. I, v. 1-5, 7-12; ser. 2, v. 1-19; ser. 3, v. 2+ Dennie's Portfolio, see Portfolio. Philadelphia. Denver (Colo.) — Finance, Department of. Annual report. U 1901 Public library. Annual report. U 1890, 96, v. i, 6 • Bulletin. 1903-f- v. i-j- Denver & Rio Grande railroad company. Annual report. U 1S91-1905, v. 5-19 Denver (Colo.) chamber of commerce & board of trade. Annual report. U 1867, 70, 88-89, 1903 Denver (Colo.) municipal facts. U igio+ [v. 2,] 3+ Denver, Texas & Fort Worth railroad company. Annual report. U 1888, v. I Descriptive index of current engineering literature, see Engineering index. Des Moines (la.) Annual reports of the city. U 1908/09-I- City council. Ordinances passed. U 1909-I- Public library. Annual report. U 1894, 1901, v. 3, 10 Detroit (Mich.) Annual reports. U 1891, 94-96, 98, 1900-08 Controller. Annual report. U 1891, 94-98, 1902, 05-09 Mayor. Annual message. U 1892-96, 98, 1902 Parks & boulevards, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1892AJ3, 1900-03, 04/05, 07/08, 09/10-I- V. 5, 12-14, 16, 19, 2i-t- (Metropolitan) police. Commissioner of the. Annual report. U 1909/io-f V. 45-1- Public library. Annual report. U 1887-1- v. 23 -f Books added. (Bulletin.) U 1900-02, 04-f no. 12-14, i6-(- Quarterly bulletin. U 1910-f- v. i-j- ■ Public works. Department of. Annual report. U 1905-07, 08/09, v. 32-33, 35 (City) treasurer. Annual report. U 1891, 94-96, 98, 1902, 07-09 Water commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1854-56, 59-60, 62, 64, 68, 72, 75-1- V. 3-5, 8-9, II, 13, 17, 21, 24-1- Detroit & Mackinac railway company. Annual report. U 1897-1902, 08+ Detroit (Mich.) board of commerce. Annual meeting. U 1908-f- v. 5-!- Detroit (Mich.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1878. 80, 82-84 Detroit (Mich.) united railway. Annual report. U 1908 -|- v. 8-|- Deutsch-amerikanische geschichts-bliitter. Chicago. U 1901-I- v. i-t- 58 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Deutsch-amerikanische typographia. New York. Jahres-bericht. U 1894/95, 98-1900 V. 22, 26-27 Deutsch-franzosische jahrbiicher. (Ruge & Marx.) Paris. . _ U 1844II Deutsche bauzeitung. (Verband deutscher architekten & ingenieur-vereine.) Berlin. U 1867+ v. 1-39, [40,1 41 + V. I called Wochenblatt des arch-vereins zu Berlin. Deutsche botanische gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. U 1883+ v. 1 + Deutsche chemische gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. U 1868, 70+ v. i, 3-f see also Chemisches zentralblatt. Deutsche dichtung (Franzos.) Stuttgart. 1886-1904, v. 1-35. U has ordered Deutsche entomologische zeitschrift. (Deutsche entomologische gesellschaft.) Berlin. N 1 877-80 1| v. 2i-24|i After 1880 resumed title Berliner entomologische zeitschrift. Deutsche entomologische zeitschrift "Iris." (Entomologischer verein "Ins.") Dresden. N 18S9+ v. 2+, Deutsche geologische gesellschaft. Berlin. Zeitschrift. (Abhandlungen.) G + ; U has ordered complete + Deutsche geschichtsblatter. Gotha. U 1899+ v. 1+ Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologic, ethnologie, & urgeschichte. Berlin^ Korrespondenz-blatt. IMunich ; Berlin. U 1S70+ v. 1 + Verhandlungen. U 1873-74, 80, v. 4-S, n see also Archiv fiir anthropologie. Deutsche gesellschaft fur natur- & volkerkunde ostasiens. Tokyo. Mitteilungen. U 1873+ V. i-f Deutsche kunst & dekoration. Darmstadt. U 1897+ v. 1+ Deutsche landwirtschaft-gesellschaft. Berlin. Mitteilungen. U 1900+ v. 15+ Deutsche literaturzeitung. Berlin. U 1880 1 v. 1+ Deutsche litteraturdenkmale des 18 & 19 jahrhunderts. Heilbronn. U 1881+ V. 1 + Deutsche mathematiker-vereinigung. Leipzig; Berlin. Jahresbericht. U 1890+ V. 1 + Erganzungsbande. Leipzig. U 1906+ v. 1 + Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung ; beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fur instrumenten-kunde. Berlin. ^^ ^ i^ '^^Sj- Deutsche medizinische wochenschrift. Berlin. U 1890-t- v. lO 1 Deutsche merkur. Frankfurt. U 1773-82, v. 1-40 Continued bv Neue teutsche merkur. ^ Deutsche national-litteratur. (Kiirschner) Berlin. U 1882-99, v. 1-81, 89, 118-103 Deutsche obstbauzeitung. Eisenach. U 1910+ v. 56+ Deutsche phvsikalische gesellschaft. Berlin. Fortschritte der physik. Berlin; Brunswick. U 1845+ v. 1+ Halbmonatliches literaturverzeichnis der "Fortschritte der physik. ' U 1904-I- V. 4-r Verhandlungen. U 1882+ v. i-f Deutsche pionier. Cincinnati (O.) U 1869-87II v. i-i8|l Deutsche revue. Stuttgart. ^U 1876+ v. i-r Deutsche rundschau. Berlin. U 1874-f v. i-j- Deutsche schule. Leipzig. U 1909+ v. 13+ Deutsche Shakespeare-gesellschaft. Berlin. Jahrbuch. U 1865-r v. 1+ Deutsche techniker-zeitung. Berlin. 1910+ v. 27-f- Deutsche texte des mittelalters. (K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaften.) Berlin. U 1905+ v. 5, 8-10, 12+ Deutsche vierteljahrsschrift. Stuttgart. U 1847, v. 3. no. 39 Deutsche volkslied: zeitschrift fur seine kenntnis & pflege. (Deutscher volks- gesang-verein in Wien.) Vienna. U_i9o8+ v. 10+ Deutsche wirtschafts zeitung. Berlin. U 1907-r v. 3+ Beilage, see also Handels hochschul nachrichten. Deutsche zeitschrift fiir geschichtswissenschaft. Freiburg. U 1889-98II v. 1-14II Continued as Historische vierteljahrschrift. Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft. Leipzig. Verhandlungen. N iSgi-\- v. 1 + • see also Zoologischer anzeiger. Deutschen mundarten. (Pangkofer; & Frommann.) Nuremberg. U 1854-77. V. 1-7 SERIALS IN URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN 59 Deutscher baukalender. Berlin. U 1907, v. 40 Deutscher journal katalog. Leipzig. U 1901, 05, 08+ v. Zl^ 4i. 44+ Deutscher landvvirthschaftsrath. Berlin. Archiv. U 1876-85, v. 1-9 Deutscher littcratur-kalcndar. ( Kiirschncr.) Eisenach. U i.S<;3+ v. 15-r Deutscher seefischerei-vercin. Berlin. Mitteilungen. _ N 1898+ v. 14+ Deutscher verein fiir armenpflege & wohlthJitigkeit. Leipzig. Schriften. U 1886+ V. 1 + Deutscher verein fiir versicherungs-wissenschaft. Veroffentlichungen. U 1906, no. lo-ii K. Deutsches archaeologisches institut in Athen. Mittheilungen. Athens. U 1876+ V. 1+ Deutsches "archiv fiir klinische medicin. Leipzig. U 1865-t- v. l + Deutsches akademisches jahrbuch. Leipzig. U 1877, v. 2 Deutsches handels-archiv. Berlin. U 1902+ Deutsches jahrbuch, see Meyers Deutsches jahrbuch. Dial. Chicago. C 1897-1903. 07+ v. 22-35, 42+ ; U 1880-82, 1883-f v. 1-2, 4+ Dialect notes. Xew Haven (Ct.), see American dialect society. Dietetic & hygienic gazette. New York. U 1902-07, v. 18-23 Digest of physical tests & laboratory practice. Philadelphia. U 1896-98II v. 1-3! | Dingler's polytechnisches journal. Stuttgart; Berlin. U 1820+ v. 1+ 1820-74, v. 1-211 has title Polytechnisches journal. Diplomatic fly sheets. (Diplomatic review.) London. U [1887] [v. 5] Diplomatic review. Sheffield & London. U 1858-68, 72, v. 6-16, 20 v. 1-14 have title Free press. Direct legislation record. Newark (N. J.) U [1896, 99L 1902 [v. 3, 6,] 8 Directory of directors in the city of Chicago. (Audit co. of N. Y.) Chicago. U 1900-02, 05, v. 1-2, 5 Distilling company of America. Report. U 1901 District of Columbia — Appeals, Court of. Reports of cases. U 1893+ v. 1 + ■ Auditor. Report. U 1886/88, 89/91, 93/94, 95-i9CO, 06+ Commissioners. Report. U 1884, 91, 1907+ Council. Journal. U 1871-74, v. 2-6 Engineer department. Report of operations. U 1885-87, 88-90, 93, 95-99 • Fire department. Report. U 1901-2, 04-05, 07+ Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1873, 84-89, 93-94, 96+ Insurance, Department of. Annual report. U 1902, 04-06, v. 1, 3-5 Legislative assemblj' — House of delegates. Journal. U 1871-72, v. 1-2 Public library. Annual report. U 1898 H- v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1907-i- v. i-h Educational bulletin. U 1906+ no. 8-|- Public schools. Board of trustees of. Report. U 1875, S7-88, 90-92, 95-96, 98-1900 Street cleaning department. Report. U 1896, 98, 1900, 02+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. U 1840-92II v. 6-21 1| Continued as Court of appeals. District of Columbia Reform school. Report. U 1870, v. i Dixon (111.), see also Rock River university. Documents d'architecture-moderne. Paris. U v. 5 Domestic engineering; journal of heat, light, & ventilation. Sydenham (Eng.) Domestic engineering; . . . plumbing, heating, ventilation. & mill supplies. Chi- cago. U 19094- v. 46-f ; W -f Dominican Repul)lic — Hacienda & comercio, Ministerio de. Memoria. U 1907-^ Dcminion, see also Canada. Dominion annual register & review. Toronto (Can.) U 1879-82, 84-86 Dominion (of Canada) board of trade. Proceedings of the meeting. U 1872, 77, V. 2, 7 Dominion short-horn breeders' association. Dominion short-horn herd book. Toronto. U i886-f v. i-l- Dorchester (Mass.) Annual report of the receipts & expenditures. U 1859, v. 22 Dorchester (Mass.) Taxable valuation of the real & personal estates. U 1850, 53, 55, 69 6o SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHA^IPAIGN Dorpat (Russia) I. Jurjevskij universitet. Acta & commentationes. _ U 1908-r V. 16+ Xaturforscher-gesellschaft bei der universitat Jurjeff. Sitzungsberichte. X 1899+ V. 12+ Trudy (schriften). X 1902+ v. 10+ Dorset Horn sheep breeders' association. Flock book of Dorset Horn sheep. Dorchester (Eng.) U 1S92+ v. 1+ Dorset Horn sheep breeders' association of America. Flock record of Dorset Horn sheep in America. Washington (Pa.) U 1894-1904, v. 1-2,4 Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine. London. ~ U 1S45-48, v. 1-7 Dover (N. H.) — Public librarj'. Annual report. U 188S, 90-97, 99+; V. 6, S-15. 17+ Bulletin. U 1900+ v. i — Draftsman. Cleveland (O.) U 1902-05! j v. i-4i| Continued as (Browning's) Industrial magazine. Drainage journal. Indianapolis. _ U 1894, 96, 98-1901 ; v. 16, 18, 20-23 Drama; or Theatrical pocket magazine._ London. _ U 1821-25, v. 1-7 Drapers' company research memoirs ; biometric series. London. U 1904-f no. 1 + Studies in national deterioration. London. U 1906+ no. 1 + Dresden (Germany) Entomologischer verein "Iris," see also Deutsche ento- mologische zeitschrift "Iris." Dresden (Germany) Xaturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft "Isis." Sitzungs- berichte. G 1876 Dresden (Germany), see also Gesellschaft fiir romanische literatur. Drew theological seminary — Library. Madison (X. J.) Report. U 1894+ v. 1 + Drexel Institute. Philadelphia— Library school. Catalog. U 1892-95, 97-r Dry farming congress. Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 2, no. 2+ ■ Proceedings of annual session. U 1909-I- v. 3+ Dry goods economist. Xev^r York. _ U 1903+ "^'- 57-r- Dublin philosophical magazine, see London, Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine. Dublin (Ireland) University. Calendar. _ U i9o6-f Dublin university magazine; a literary and political journal. Dublin. U 1833-80, V. 1-95 In 1878 became The University magazine; a literary & philosophic review. Dublin (Ireland), see also Ireland, Royal university of. Royal Dublin society. Royal Irish academy. Dubuque (la.) — Carnegie-Stout free public library. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 5+ Dulnth (Minn.) Annual reports. U 1900-08 • ]\Iayor. Message. U 1904, 09 Public library. Annual report. U 1904-06, v. 15-17 Public works. Board of. Annual report. U 1890, 93-96, 98, v. 3, 6-9, n Duluth (Minn.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1887, 95, iQoi, 03, 07+ Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic railway company. Report. U 1899-1900, 02+ Dunlap society. New York. Publications. U 1887-1901, v. i-n. ser. v. 15 Dun's review. Xew York. U 1902+ v. 10+ Durham college of science. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, see Armstrong college. Diisseldorf (Prussia) handelskammer. Bericht. U 1901, v. i Dutch belted cattle association of America. Dutch belted herd book. Easton (Pa.) U I8S6-F V. 1+ Dutch-Friesian association of America. Dutch-Friesian herd bood. Utica (N.Y.) U 1880-85II V. 1-4II United in 1885 with the Holstein breeders' association of America to form Holstein-Friesian association of America. Early English text society. London. Publications: original series. U 1864+ no. 1 + Extra series. U 1867+ no. 1 + Early settlers' association of Cuyahoga county. Cleveland (O.) Annals. U 1903, V. 4. pt. 6 East Cleveland (O.) Annual reports. U 1901 East Orange (X. J.)— Water commissioners, Board of. Annual report. SERI.M.S IX l^RHAXA AXD CiIA:JPAIGN 6i W 1909+ V. 7+ East St Louis (III.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1S99-1903, 05-06, V. 8-12, 15-16 Eastern association of car service officers. Proceedings. U [1898-1900] 1901-09 Eastern manual training association. Proceedings. Cleveland. U 1899-1901 Continues American manual training association. Eastern railroad company. Annual report. U 1839-40, 42-44, 46-52, 55-56, 61, 63, 66, 70-72. 75, ^-'2-84, V. 4-5, 7-9. 11-16. 20-21. 26, 29, 32, 36-38, 41, 48-50 Annual report of executive committee. U 1867-79, v. 1-12 Eau Claire (Wis.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1896+ Eau Claire (Wis.) trades & labor council, see also Toiler. Ebering, see Historische studien. ficlairage electrique. Paris. U 1894-1907II v. 1-18, 20-23, 25-53] | Continues Lumiere electrique. In 1908 a new series began & title was changed again to (La) Lumiere electrique. Eclectic engineering magazine, see Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering m.agazine. Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science & art. New York. C 1882-1902, V. 98-139; U 1879, V. 92-93, _(n. ser. v. 29-30) £cole etc., see also under name of city where located, as, Paris. £cole fran(;aise d'Athenes, see also Bulletin de correspondjfrtce hellenique. Economic bulletin. (American economic association.) Baltmiore. U 1908+ v. i-f Economic geology. (Mining, etc.) Lancaster, Pa.; Urbana (111.) G + ; U 1905+ V. 1 + Economic journal. London. U 1891+ v. i-j- Economic review. London. _U 1891+ v. i-f- Economic studies. New York, see American economic association. Economist. (Bruyn Kops.) The Hague. U 1909+ v. 58+ Economist, . . . explanatory of the new system of society projected by Robert Owen. London. U 1821, no. 1-26 Economist, . . . journal of political & social science. Cincinnati. U [1890-91] [v. i] Economist, weekly commercial times, bankers' gazette, & railway monitor. Lon- _^ don. U 1843+ V. 1 + i-conomist, a weekly financial, commercial & real-estate newspaper. Chicago. U igo2-\- V. 27+ ficonomiste frangais. Paris. U 1873-1900, 02-|- v. 1-28, 30+ Edinburgh (Scot.) Actuarial society. Transactions. U [1879-1901111 n. ser. [v. 1-2,] 3, [4]I[ Continued by Faculty of actuaries in Scotland. Edinburgh (Scot.) Botanical society. Transactions. U 1836+ v. i-j- Edinburgh (Scot.) geological society. Transactions. G [1874-1903] [v. 2-4, 6-8] ; U 1909+ V. 9, pt.y3+ Edinburgh (Scot.) journal of sciences. U 1824-321! v. i-i6|| Edinburgh (Scot.) mathematical society. Proceedings. U 1883-88, 89+ V. 1-6. 8+ Edinburgh (Scot.) philosophical magazine, see London, Edinburgh, & Dublin philosophical magazine. Edinburgh review. Edinburgh; London. U 1802+ v. 1 + Edinburgh (Scot.) Royal observatory. Annals. U 1906-I- v. 2+ Edinburgh (Scot.) University. Calendar. U 1892-95. 96+ Edinburgh (Scot.), see also Royal Scottish arboricultural society. Royal society of Edinburgh. Edison monthly. New York. U 1008+ v. i^- Education. Boston. U iSSo-f v. i-r Education Costaricense. Heredia (Costa Rico). 1909-h v. 1 + Education gazette & teachers' aid. Melbourne (Australia). iQio-f- v. lo-f- Education mathematique. Paris. U 1898+ v. i-j- Educational briefs. Philadelphia. U 1903+ no. 2-j- Educational press bulletin. (Illinois — Public instruction. Department of.) Springfield. U 1907+ no. i-j- Educational review. New York. C 1908+ v. 36+; U i89i-f v. 1-8, [9,] 10+ Educational times. London, see also Mathematical questions from Educational 62 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Educational weekly. Chicago. U [18/7-79] [v. i-6] Egoism. Oakland (Calif.) ^ U [1897] [v. 3] Eo-VDt exploration fund— Graeco-Roman branch. London. Publications. ''^'^ U 1898+ y. 1 + Ei<^ht-hour herald. (Brick layers & stone masons' union of Chicago.) Chicago. U [1897] no. 152, 190 Eisen-zeitung. Berlin. U_i9io+ [v. 9,] 10+ Eisenbahn-jahrbuch der osterreichisch-hungarischen monarchic. Vienna. U 1871-72, 74. 76, 78, V. 4-5, 7, 9, n Eldora (la.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1903 Electric journal. Pittsburgh, v. i has title Electric club journal. U 19044- V. 1 + Electric railway journal. New York. U 1908-r v. 32-!- Formed in June 1908 by a consolidation of the Electric railway review, & Street railway journal. Electric railway review. Chicago. U 1906-08II v. 16-19II Continues Street railway review; continued as Electric railway journal. Electric traction weekly. Cleveland (O.) ; Chicago. U 1908+ v. 4-!- Electrical age. New York. U [1902-06,] 07-08 [v. 29,] 30, [31.] 33-35, [36,] 38-39 After 1910, V. 41, continued in Southern electrician. Electrical engineer. New York. U i882-99li v. 2-27II V. 2 has title Electrician. V. 3-6 have title Electrician & electrical engineer. After ]\Iar. 11, 1899, continued in Electrical world & engineer. Electrical engineering & telephone magazine. Chicago. U 1893, 96-97, 99-1900:1 v. I, 7-8, [9,] 10, [13,] 1411 V. I. has title World's Fair electrical engineering. 1893-98, V. 2-1 1, have title Electrical engineering. Continued after 1900 as Telephone magazine. Electrical news & engineering journal. (Canadian.) Toronto. U 1909-f [v. 18,] 19+ Electrical review. London. U 1892-I- v. 30+ Continues Telegraphic journal. Electrical review & Western electrician. New York; Chicago. U 1902+ v. 40+ Before v. 53, no. 19, 7 Nov. 1908, known simply as Electrical review. New York. Electrical trade. Chicago. U [1898-1907,] 08-f- [v. 3-12,] 13+ Electrical worker. (International brotherhood of electrical workers.) Spring- field (111.) U [i907]-f [v. 7-8] + Electrical world. New York. U 1884-99!! v. 3-32II Combined with Electrical engineer, 11 ^Mar. 1899 to form Electrical world & engineer. New York. U 1899-!- v. 33+ Electrician. London. U 1878+ v. i-r Electrician & electrical engineer, see Electrical engineer. New York. Electricien. Paris. U 1881-96, v. 1-26 Electrochemical & metallurgical industry. New York. U 1902-09II v. i-7li V. 1-2 have title Electrochemical industry; continued as Z^Ietallurgical & chemical engineering. Elektrochemische zeitschrift. Berlin. U 1894+ v. 1 + Electro-chemist & metallurgist. (Faraday society.) London. U 1901, [02-04] 1 1 V. I, [2-4] 1 1 Elektrotechnik & maschinenbau. Vienna. U i9io-f v. 28+ Elektrotechnische zeitschrift. Berlin. U 1880+ v. l4- Elektrotechnischer anzeiger. Eerlin. U 1894, v. 11 Elektroteknisk tidsskrift. Christiania. 1909-f [v. 22,] 23+ Elementary school teacher. Chicago. U 1900+ [2,] 3, [4,] 5+ Elevator constructor. (International union of elevator constructors.) Chicago. U [1903, 06-08,] 09-f- [v. I, 3-5-] 64- Elgin (111.)— Water department. Annual report. W 19094- Elgin (111.) board of trade. Annual statistical report. U 19074- v. 36-I- Elgin (111.) dairy report. U 1904-!- v. 14+ Elisha Mitchell scientific society. (University of North Carolina.) Chapel Hill. Journal. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 63 U 1887-96, 98-1900, 03, 05+ V. 4-13. 15 Pt 3-17 pt I, 19, 21+ ; N 1883+ V. 1 + Elizabeth (N. J.) — City council. Ordinances. U 1905-08 Elizabeth (N. J.) Board of trade. Year book. U 1907+ v. 1 + Elmhurst college. Du Page co. (III.) Jahrbuch des evangelischen proseminars. U 1903+ Emancipation ; journal d'economie politique & sociale. Nimes (France). U 1886-92, V. 1-6 Emerson college of oratory. Boston (Mass.) Emerson college magazine. U 1910-j- [v. 18,] 19+ Emerson monthly. (Emerson Electric manufacturing co.) St Louis. U 4- Engineer. Cleveland (O.) U 1902-April 1908II v. 39-45II Consolidated with Power, April 1908, & continued as Power & the engineer. Engineer. London. U 1856+ v. 1 + Engineer. (Pennsylvania state college.) State college. U 1908+ v. i-f Engineering. London. C 1891+ v. 51+ ; U 1866+ v. i-j- Engineering & building record. New York. U 1887-90] | v. iy-22\\ Continues Sanitary engineer. Continued as Engineering record. Engineering & mining journal. New York. G + ; U 1872-73, 75-79, 80+ V. 14-16, 19-27, 29-f- ; W + Engineering association of the South. Nashville (Tenn.) Papers. U 1889-1903. 05+ V. 1-14, i6-f Also called Publications ; and Transactions. W 1905-f- v. 16+ Engineering-contracting. Chicago. G -f ; U 1906+ v. 25+ ; W + In May, 1906, absorbed Contract news taking volume number; in July, 1907, absorbed Engineering world. Engineering digest. New York. U 1908-09! | v. 3-5]! V. 1-2 have title Technical literature. Consolidated with Industrial engineering. Engineering index. Chicago & New York. U 1884+ v. 1 + Engineering magazine. New York. G 1896-97. 1905-07, V. 11-12, 28-33; U 1891+ V. i-f ; W + Engineering mechanics. Philadelphia. U [1882-83,] 84-97, [98-99] 1884-91 have title Mechanics. Engineering news. Chicago ; New York. U 1875+ v. 2+ ; W + V. 1-9, 1874-S1 have title Engineering news. V. 10-18, 1882-87 have title Engineering news & American contract journal. V. 19-48, 1888-1902 have title Engineering news and American railway jour- nal. Engineering record, building record & sanitary engineer. New York. U 18874- V. 17-f ; W + Continues the Sanitary engineer; Engineering & building record. Engineering review. London. U 1904-I- v. lO-f- Continues Feilden's magazine. Engineering review. New York. U 1900-I- v. 10 no. 8- v. 14, [15,] 16+ Continues Heating & ventilation. Engineering times. London. U 1902, v. 7-8 Engineering world. Chicago. U [1905.] 1906-24 May 1907II [v. i,] 4-5, no. 21 1| Absorbed by Engineering-contracting. Engineers" club of Cincinnati, Philadelphia, etc., see Cincinnati; Philadelphia; etc. Engineers' society of Pennsylvania. Journal. Harrisburg. U 1909-I- v. 1+ Engineers' society of western Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. Proceedinsis. G -I- ; U 1880-82, 89+ V. I, 5-h England: Law reports. Admiralty & ecclesiastical courts (Buhver). , ,^ . , U1865-75II V. 1-4II Chancery appeals (Hemming). U 1865-7511 v. i-io|| Chancery division. U 1876+ v. i-j- Common pleas. U 1737-1865 Common pleas. Court of (Bulwer). U 1865-75II v. i-ioM ; Common pleas division (Bulwer). U 1875-80II v. i-5|i Continued by Law reports : King's or Queen's bench. Crown cases reserved (Bulwer). U 1865-75II v. 1-2 Exchequer. U 1824-65 Exchequer, Court of (Bulwer). U 1865-75II v. i-io 64 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX Exchequer division (Buhver). ^ U i8;5-8o|| v. 1-5II Continued by Law reports: King's or Queen's bench. House of Lords. Appeal cases. U 1875+ v. 1 + English & Irish appeal cases (Clark). ' U 1866-75II v. i Scotch & divorce appeal cases. U 1866-75 1| v. 1-2 King's or Queen's bench. U 1 772-1870 Queen's bench (Buhver). U 1865-75II v. i-io Queen's bench division. U 1875-1900II v. 1-4S ■ King's bench division. U 1901+ v. I + Parliament. Public general statutes. U 1866+ v. 1+ . Privy cour.cil appeals. U 1865-75II v. i-6|| Probate & divorce, Court of (Buhver). U i865-75ii^v. 1-3II Probate division. _ U 1875— v. i-|- Vice-chancellor's courts. Equity cases (Hemming). U 1S65-75II V. 1-20! I Continued in Law reports: Chancery division. Englische studien. Heilbronn ; Leipzig. U 1877+ v. i-f English catalogue of books. London. U 1835-r v. -i-j- English ceramic society. Tunstall. Transactions. U 1902+ v. 2+ V. 1-2, issued by North Staffordshire ceramic society. English dialect society. London. Publications. U i873;961! no. i-8o|| English Guernsey cattle society. London. Herd book. U 1885+ v. 1 + Enslish historical review. London. U 1886-T- v. 1+ English law reports (full reprint, 1307-1865). Edinburgh. U 1900+ v. 1+ English mechanic & world of science. London. U 1909+ v. 90+ English spelling reform association. London. Annual report. U 1882, v. 3 Enoch Pratt free library. Baltimore (ild.), see Baltimore (]Md.)— Enoch Pratt free library. Enseignement mathematique. Paris. U 1S99+ v. i-f Entomologica Americana. (Brooklyn entomological society.) Brooklyn. N 1885-90II V. 1-6 Continues Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological societv, and Papilio. Entomological news & proceedings of the entomological section. (Academy of natural sciences.) Philadelphia. N 1890-}- v. 1+ Entomological society of America. Annals. Ithaca (N. Y.) N 1908+ v 1 + Entomological society of London. Transactions. N 1862, 65, 71, 76, 79, 82, 84-f Entomological society of Ontario. Guelph & London. Annual report. N 18704- V. 1 + see also Canadian entomologist. Entomologische litteraturblatter. Berlin. X 1901+ v. l-f Entomologische nachrichten. Berlin. X 1883-1900I i y. 9-26II Entomologische rundschau. Stuttgart. U 1909+ Entomologische zeitung. (Stettin, Entomologischer verem.) Stettm (Germany). N 1861+ V. 22-29, 31, 34, 43, 46+ Entomoloeischer verein "Iris," see Dresden. _ Entomologisches jahrbuch; kalender fiir alle insekten-sammler. Leipzig. X 1900+ v. 9+ Entomologisk tidskrift. (Entomologiska foreningen.) Stockholm. N 1880-I- v. 1 + Entomologiske meddelelser. (Entomologisk forening.) Copenhagen. N 1889+ v. 2-5; ser.^2, v. 1+ Entomologist. London. X 1883-r v. 16-}- Entomologist's monthly magazine. London. „ r -. r i N 1864+ V. 1-5, 9-12, 14, 18. [19,1 20, [21,] 224- Entomologist's record & journal of variation. London. N 1895+ [v._ /] 12+ Envelope series quarterly. (American Board of commissioners for Foreign T^Iis- sions.) Boston. U + Episcopal Methodist college, Lewistown (111.) Annual catalogue. L J«7-4/75 Equitable life assurance society of the U. S. Report. U 1905 Equity movement, see Periodical letter on the principles & progress of the "Equity movement." Ergebnisse der anatomie & entwickelungs-geschichte. Wiesbaden. U 1891+ v. i-f- Abteilung 2 of Anatomische hefte. SERIALS IX URBANA AXD CHAMPAIGN 65 Ergebnisse der physiologic. Wiesbaden. U 1902+ v. 1 + Erie (Pa.) Annual department reports. U 1908/09 City controller. Annual report. U 1908-09 City council. Municipal manual. U 1908-09 Fire commission. Annual report. U 1907/08, v. 24 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1905-09 Public library. Annual report. U 1899+ v. 2+ Water department. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 38+ ; W 1902, 06+ v. 36, 40+ Erie (Pa.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1876, 80, v. 3, 7 Erie railroad company. Annual report. U 1896-1901, 04+ v. 1-6, 9+ Erie railway company. Annual report. U 1862-77, v. 1-16 In 1896 reorganized as Erie railroad company. Erlangen (Ger.) Physikalisch-medicinische societJit. Sitzungsberichte. N 1878-92, V. 10-18, 24 Erlangen (Ger.) Universitat. (K. Friedrich-Alexanders-universitat.) Ueber- sicht des personalstandes . . . nebst dem verzeichnisse der studierenden. U 1905+ Verzeichnis der vorlesungen. U 190S+ Erlanger beitrage zur englischen philologie. Erlangen. U 1889-1904, v. 1-16 Escuela ]\Iexicana. Mexico city. U 1909+ v. 6+ Espana moderna. Madrid. U 1889+ v. 1+ Essen (Germany). Kruppsche biicherhalle. Bericht. U 1904+ v. 6+ Essex institute.' Salem (Mass.) Annual report. N 1899-1900 Bulletin. N 1881-98I! v. 13-30II Historical collections. U 1901+ v. 37+ Etonian. (4th ed. London 1S24.) U 1820-21 1| no. i-io|| fitude [music]. Philadelphia. U 1902+ [v. 20-21,] 22, [23,] 24-I- Eugenics laboratory lecture series, see London (Eng.) University — Galton labo- ratory for national eugenics. Euphorion. Leipzig. U 1894+ v. 1 + Erganzungsheft. U 1895+ v. 1+ Eureka (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1872, 80/81, 90^1902, 03+ Europa; Europa-chronik ; Wochenchronik der Europa. (Steger.) Leipzig. U [1868-69] no. 27, 51-52 Europiiische annalen. Tiibingen. U 1795-1820II v. 1-52II Europaischer geschichtskalender. (Schulthess.) Nordlinger; Munich. U 1860+ V. 1+ European magazine & London review. London. U 1782-1806, v. 1-50 Evangelical Episcopalian. Chicago. U + Evangelische kirchenzeitung (Hengstenberg & Tauschen.) Berlin. 1827-Siil U has ordered Evanston (111.) Annual reports. U 1907-09 Free public library. Annual report. U 1896+ v. 23+ . — - Bulletin. U 1895+ no. 13+ . Special bulletin. (Reading lists.) U 1898+ no. 6+ Evanston (111.) historical society. Annual report. U 1902, v. 3 Evansville (Ind.) Annual reports. U 1906-07 Evansville & Terrc Haute railroad company. Annual report. U 1877-80, 89, 93-1900, 03+ v. 23-26, 35, 39-46, 49-1- Evansville (Ind.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1858, v. i Evening post. New York, see New York evening post. Everett (Mass.)— Parlin memorial librarv. Annual report. U 1880-92, 94-1900, 02-t- v. 1-13, 15-21, 23^ Everybody's magazine. New York. _ C 1903+ v. S-{- ; U 1903, v. 9 Everyday housekeeping & American cooking magazine. Boston; Salem (Mass.) U 1894- 1904, -f V. 1-20. + Early titles: New England kitchen magazine, v. 1-3, no. 5; American kitchen magazine, v. 3, no. 6-v. 18; Home science magazine, v. 19-21 ; Modern house- keeping, V. 22, nos. 1-6; Every housekeeping, v. 22, no. 7+ Ewing (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1879, 83/84, 92-94, 99-1902. 03-f Examiner. London. U 1710-11, v. i, no. 1-52 Examiner. & journal of political economy. [State rights & free trade.] Phila- delphia. U 1833-34, V. I 66 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Exmoor horn sheep breeders' society. Flock book. Williton (Eng.) U 1907+ V. 1 + Experiment station record, see U. S. — Experiment stations, Office of. Fabian news. (Fabian society.) London. U [1905] [v. 15] Fabian society, London. Fabian tracts. U 1884+ v. i, 5, 7, 12-15, I9--20. 22-2g, 31-34, 36-38, 40-45, 47-51, 54-59, 61-64, 67-113, 115+ Faculty of actuaries in Scotland. Transactions. London. 1901-}- v. 1 + Continues Edinburgh Actuarial society. Fair play, a radical monthly. Sioux city (la.) & Valley Falls (Kan.) U 1888-89 [1889-91] V. I, [2] Fairhaven (Mass.) — Millicent library. Annual report. U 1902+ Bulletin. U igoi-f v. 3-f Fairmount Park art association. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 1868, 95+ V. I, 24+ Fall River (Mass.) — Public library. Annual -report. U 1906+ v. 47+ Watuppa water board. Annual report. U 1875, 79-80, 85, 87, 89-95, 97+ V. I, 5-6, II, 13, 15-21, 23+ Far East. Tokyo. U 1896, v. i Faraday society. London. Proceedings. U [1904-07] [v. 1-3] — — Transactions. U 1905+ v. i-h see also Electro-chemist & metallurgist. Farm & fireside. Springfield (O.) N 1887+ v. 11 + Farm & home. Chicago. (Western edition.) U 1903-08, v. 24-29 Farm & home. Springfield (Mass.) N 1888-98, v. 9-11, 13-19 Farm, field, & fireside. Chicago. U 1885-87, 98-1906II V. 9-10, 21-27, [28'-29]i|; N 1896-1906II V. 19-2911 Earlier volumes had title Farm, field, & stockman. Continued as National monthly farm press. Farm implement news. Chicago. U 1899-1900, v. 20-21 Farm journal. Philadelphia. N 1900+ v. 24-}- Farm poultry. Boston. U 1910+ v. 21 + Farm world. Augusta (]\Ie.) & Chicago. U + Farmer & fruitgrower of southern Illinois. Anna (111.) U 1882-86, [v. 5,] 6, [7-9] Farmer's advocate & home magazine. London (Ont.) U 1906+ v. 41-I- Farmer's almanac. New York. U 1816, 18, 29, 41, 47, 50, 57, 1902-08 Farmers' bulletins, see U. S. — Agriculture, Department of. Farmers' gazette. Dublin (Ire.) U + Farmers' guide; a weekly journal of progressive agriculture. Huntington (Ind.) U [1898, 1904-08] [10, 16-20] Farmer's magazine. London. U 1834-67, v. i-95 (v. i-ser. 3, v. 32) Discontinued Aj)ril, 1881. Farmers' mutual fire insurance company. Montpelier (Vt.) Annual report. U 1852-56, V. 2-6 Farmers' national congress of the United States. Oflicial proceedings of the annual session. _ U 1901-I- v. 21 + Farmer's review. Chicago. U 1883-93, 97-1- V. 10-16, 18-24, 28-f ; N. 18S8+ [v. 19,] 20^ Farmer's voice. Chicago. U 1900. [01,] 02-03, [04,] 05+ Farming. New York. U [ 1906-07] || [v. 1-3] || With V. 3, no. 6, July. 1907, merged into Garden magazine. Federal reporter. St Paul. U 1879+ v. 1 + Federation. New York. U [1000-09] [v. 1-5] Federation de I'alliance frangaise au £tats-Unis & au Canada. Congres annuel. U 1905 Federation nationale des syndicats d'ouvriers coififeurs de France & des colonies. Paris. Compte rendu des travaux du congres nationale. U 1903, v. 5 Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain. London. Journal. U 1900-02, V. 3-5 Federation of organized trades & labor unions of the U. S. & Canada. Report of annual session. U 1882-84, v. 2-4 Federation Suisse des syndicats d"elevage de la race tachctee rouge. Rapport de gestion. Berne. ' U 1904+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN dj Feildeii's magazine. London. U 1899-1903II v. I, [8,] 9|| Continued as Engineering review. Fern bulletin. Joliet (111.) . U + Fessenden's silk manual & practical farmer. Boston. U 1835-36, no. 1-12 Fest-zeitung fiir das bundes-sangenfest des arbeiter-siingerbundes. St Louis. U [1903-04] no. 4-5, 7 Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. Paris. U 1908+ ser. 4, V. 9+ (v. 39+) ; N 1890-1901, ser. 3, v. 20-21, 31 Field & stream. New York. N 1905+ [v. 10,] 11-12, [13-14] + Field Columbian museum, Chicago, see Field museum of natural history. Chi- cago. Field museum of natural history. Chicago. Annual report. (Publications: re- port series.) U N 1894+ v. l + Publications; anthropological series. U 189S+, V. I. [2-3.] 4-5. [6-7,] 8-f ; N 1895-f v. 1 + Botanical series. U 1895+ v. i, [2-3,] + ; N 1895+ v. 1 + Geological series. U 1895+ v. i, [2-3,] 4+; N 1895-H v. 1 + Ornithological series. U N 1896-f- v. i-f . Zoological series. U 1895+ v. 1-2, [3,] 4-6, [7,] 8+; N 1895-f v. 1 + Figaro, see Paris (France) Figaro. Filene co-operative association echo. Boston. U [1904-07] [v. 2-5] Filipino. Washington (D. C.) U 1906, v. i Filson club. Louisville (Ky.) Publications. U 1884-i- v. i, 3+ Financial America (daily). New York. U 191 0+ v. 34, no. 83+ Ab.sorbed Wall street summary. Financial half year. London. U 1900-01, v. 1-2 Financial red book of America. New York. U 1903 Financial reform almanack. London. U 1878-80, 82, v. 14-16, 18 Financial reform tracts. (Liverpool financial reform association.) Liverpool. U 1848-49, V. 1-19 Financial review. New York. U 1874-}- Financier, a daily record of the money markets, investments & trade. London. U 1870-85, V. 1-32 Finanz-archiv. Berlin. U 1884+ v. i-f Fire & water engineering. New York. U 1894+ v. 15-f ; W -+- Fireproof magazine. New York. U 1902-04, 06-1907II v. 1-5, 8-ii|| Fitchburg (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 50+ ■ Library bulletin. U [1897,] 1910-f [v. 2,] 9+ Water commissioners. Annual report. W 1909-f v. 2,1^ Fitchburg railroad company. Annual report. U 1846-52, 55-56, 91+ V. S-ii, 14-15- 50+ Flagstaff (Ariz.) Lowell observatory. Annals. U 1905-f- v- 3+ Fletcher memorial library. Ludlow (Vt.), see Ludlow (Vt.) Fletcher memorial library. Flint & Pere Marquette railroad company. Report (including traffic ^reports). Flora; oder, Allgemeine botanische zeitung. Regensburg; Flora & sylva. (W. Robinson.) London. Floral life. Philadelphia. Merged into Household journal. Flore des serres & des jardins de I'Europe. Ghent (Belgium). U i845-8o|l_v. 1-23II Florence (Italy) R. Stazione di entomologia agraria. Nuove relazioni intorno ai lavori. N 1899-1903, ser. I, no. 1-2, 4-6 Florence (Italy), see also Societa entomologica italiana. R. Societa toscana di orticultura. Societa italiana delle scienze. I'lorida — Agriculture, Department of. Biennial report of commissioner. G 1897-98; U 1889-90, 93-f Quarterly bulletin. U 1908-I- v. 18+ Attorney general. Report. U 1901 + • (State) chemist. Report. U 1905-06, 08+ Comptroller. Annual report. U 1852, 1900, 08-f U 189 12, 97 Ma rburg. U 1888+ V. 71+ U 1903-05 V. 1-3 U 1903-08 v. 1-6I 68 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Geological survey. Annual report. , ? Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1900+ v. 11 + Florida health notes. ; U + Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report of the superintendent. U 1883-87, 92+ Railroad commission. Annual report. ■ „ , U 1897/98-99, 1901-05, 06+ V. 1-2, 4-8, 10+ Secretary of state. Report. U 1899-1900, 07+ Supreme court. Cases adjudged. (Florida reports.) U 1846-59, 62+ V. 1-8, 10+ Treasury department. Report of the state treasurer. U 1903+ Florida Agricultural experiment station. Lake City. Annual report. U 1887-89, 90-91, 93+ ; N 1899+ Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i+; N 1888+ no. 1-2, 4, 7, io-73, 75+ Entomologist. Report. N 1900-01 Florida (state) bar association. Proceedings. _ U 1907+ y. 1 + Florida (state) federation of labor. Central union times. U 1908 Proceedings. U 1904-06, 08+ v. 4-6, 8+ State federation magazine. U 1909+ Florist. London. U 1848-84, v. 1-37 V. 2-3 (1849-50) entitled Florist & garden miscellany; v. 4-14 (1851-56) Florist, fruitist & garden miscellany; v. 15-3/ (1862-84) Florist & pomolo- Florists' exchange. New York. U 1889-91, 92+ v. 2-3, 5+ Florists' review. (Weekly.) Chicago. U 1897+ v. l-f Flour & feed. Milwaukee (Wis.) U 1901+ v. 1 + Foederal American monthly, see Knickerbocker. New \ ork, 1865, v. 66. Folia neuro-biologica. Leipzig. U 1907+ v. 1 + Folk-lore. (Folk-lore societv.) London. (Contains Transactions of Society.) U 1878+ V. 1+ Ser. I, 1878-82 (5v.) entitled Folk-lore record; ser. 2, 1883-89 (7v.) entitled Folk-lore journal. For folke & barnebaksamlinger. Christiania. U 1909+ v. 3+ For litteratur & kritik. Odense (Denmark). U 1843-48, v. 1-6 Forbes library, Northampton (Mass.) see Northampton (Mass.)— Forbes li- brary. Forest Park (111.) Weekly eagle; official paper of the village. U -h Forester. (American forestry association.) Washington. U 1898-1901II v. 4-7!! N [1895-1910] [v. I, 3, 7] Combined with National irrigation & continued as Forestry & irrigation. Forestry & irrigation. (American forestry association; National irrigation asso- ciation.) Washington. U i902-o8|i v. 8-14! i ; N [1902-03] [v. 8-9] Continues as a combination of Forester; & National irrigation. Continued as Conservation. Formulaire de mathematiques. (Peano.) Turin; Paris. (Supplement to Revue de mathematiques.) U 1896-1903, v. 2-4 Forschungen auf dem gebiete der agricultur-physik. Heidelberg. U 1 877-98 11 v. I -20 II Forschungen zur brandenburgischen S: preussischen geschichte. Leipzig. U 1888+ v. i-f- Continues Markische forschungen. Forschungen zur deutschen geschichte. Munich, see K. Akademie der wissen- schaften. Munich. Forschungen zur neuern litteraturgeschichte. Munich. U 1896+ v. i-f- Forsturssenschaftliches centralblatt. Berlin. N 1904, v. 26 Fort Wayne (Ind.) Annual reports of departments. U 1897, v. 2 Fortnightly review. London. _ _U 1865 -f v. 1 + Fortschritte der chemie, physik & physikalischen chemie. Leipzig. U 1909+ V. i-r Continues Physikalisch-chemisches centralblatt. Fortschritte der elektrotechnik. Berlin. U 1887+ v. i-f Fortschritte der medizin. Berlin. U has ordered Fortschritte der physik, see Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft. SERIALS IN URBANA AXD CHAMPAIGN 69 Forum. New York. C 1892-1902, v. 13-32; U 1886+ v. 1 + Forward. (Commercial club.) Indianapolis. Uj- Foundry. Detroit & Cleveland. U 1897+ [v. 9,] 10-12, [13,] 14. [i5>l i6-|- France— Agriculture. Ministere de 1'. Bulletin. U 1883, [85,] 85-99 V. 2. f4,] 5-7, [8,] 9-11, [12-14,] 15, [16-18] • Assemblee nationale. Archives parlementaires. [Reprint 1868+]. U 1787+ ser. I, V. 1 + Chemins de fer, Direction des. Statistique des chemins de fer francais. U 1887 Commerce, Ministere du. Bulletin consulaire franqais. U 1886-91. v. 11-22 Rapports sur I'application des lois reglementant la travail. U 1893+ . Commerce <& I'industrie, Ministere du. Annuaire statistique de la France. U 1878-1907, V. 1-27 V. 1-4, published by Ministere de I'agriculture & du commerce; v. 5-8, by Ministere du commerce. Commerce exterieur. Office national du. Extrait des rapports. U 1904, oO-h ■ Finances, Ministere des. Annuaire general des finances. U 1907+ v. i8-f Bulletin de statistique & de legislation comparee. _ U 1877-I- v. 1 + Instruction publique. Ministere de 1', see also Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France ; Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire economique de la revolution frangaise. . Interieur, Ministere de V. Revue generale d'administration paraissant tons les mois. Paris. U 1909-f v. 32-I- ; U has ordered rest Longitudes, Bureau des. Annuaire. U 1878-98 . Connaissance des temps. U 1900+ v. 222+ Renseignements agricoles. Oi^.ce de. Bulletin mensuel. U -r Seine, Department of. Compte detaille des produits departmentaux de I'ex- ercice. U 1897-1900, 02-03 Police, Prefect de. Legislation & nomenclature des etablissements dangereux. U 1908 . Protection des enfants du premier age. U 1908 Rapport sur les operations du service veterinaire sanitaire. U 1908 Statistique municiple, Commission de. Annuaire statistiiiue de la ville de Paris. U 1883 , Travail, Direction du. Statistique des greves & des recours a la concilia- tion & a I'arbitrage. .U 1890+ Travaux publics, Ministere des. — Direction des routes, de la navigation, & des mines. Statistique de la navigation interieure. U 1906 France, see also Institut de France ; Societe astronomique de France ; Societe botanique de France ; Societe d'horticulture de Paris : Societe entomolo- gique de France; Societe geologique de France: Societe mathematique de France ; Societe mycologique de France ; Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France ; Societe 'nationale d'horticulture de France ; Societe zoologique de France. Frankfort-on-the-Main (Germany), see also Senckenbergische naturforschende gesellschaft. Wetterauische gesellschaft fiir die gesammte naturkunde. Franklin institute. Philadelphia. Journal. U 1826-h v. 1-73, [74,] 75+ Franklin reformatory home for inebriates. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 1882, V. 10 Franzosische studien. Fleilbronn. U 1881-89, v. 1-7 Fraser's magazine. London. U 1830-82II v. i-io6j| Free church circular. Oneida Reserve (N. Y.) U 1850-51, v. 3 Free press, see Diplomatic review. Free societv, a periodical of anarchist thought, work, & literature. Chicago. U [1897, 99-1901, 03-04] [v. 4, 5-7, 10] Free society library, (quarterly). San Francisco. U 1899, 1900, no. i, 5 Free trade advocate, & journal of political economy. (Raguet.) Philadelphia. U 1829II V. 1-2II Free trade almanac. Boston. U 1902 Free trade broadside. Boston. U [1905-07] [v. i] Freedom, a journal of anarchist communism. London. U [1903] [v. 17] Freeman's almanac. Cincinnati (O.) U 1844 70 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Freeport (111.) daily journal. U 1909+ Freiburg-in-Breisgau (Germany) Universitat. (Albert-Ludwigs universitat.) Verzeichniss der behorden, lehrer, anstalten, beamten, & studierenden, U 1907+ Freidenker-almanach. Milwaukee (Wis.) U 1895. 97-i90o|| Continued as Freidenker-almanach & Amerikanischer turner-kalender. Milwaukee (Wis.) U 1901 Freies deutsches hochstift, Frankfurt-am-Main. Jahrbuch. U 1905+ Freight. New York. _ U 1907+ v. 7+ Freight claim association. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1903, v. 12 French coach horse registry company. French coach horse register. Columbus (O.) U 1905+ V. 1 + French coach horse society of America. French coach horse stud book of Amer- ica. Cedar Rapids (la.) _ U 1906+ v. 1+ Friends general conference. Proceedings. Philadelphia. U 1896+ Friendship's offering, or Annual remembrancer. London. U 1825, v. 2 Frome (England), see also Institute of marine engineers. Fruit trade journal & produce record. New York. U 1902+ v. 27+ Fruitman's guide. New York. U 1903+ v. 15+ Fiihlings landwirtschaftliche zeitung; zentralblatt fiir praktische landwirtschaft. Stuttgart. U 1900+ V. 49+ Fuel. Chicago. G + ; U + Fiirstlich Jablonowski'sche gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Leipzig. Jahres- bericht. N 1907+ ■ ■ Preisschriften. U 1847+ v. 1 + Galena (111.)— Public library. Bulletin. U 1896, no. i Galesburg (111.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1903-06, 07+ V. 29-3^, 34+ ■ • Bulletin. U 1902+ v. 3+ Gallaudet college (for the deaf). Kendall green, Washington (D. C.) Catalog. U 1899/ 1900, 06+ Galloupe's index to .engineering periodicals. Boston. U 1883-92II v. 1-2] [ Merged in Engineering index. Galveston (Tex.) — Rosenberg library. At Bulletin. Galveston (Tex.) chamber of commerce. Gamma Phi Beta [sorority]. Crescent. Garden. London. Garden & farm almanac. (C. H. Miller.) Garden & forest. New York. Garden magazine. New York. Gardener. Edinburgh. Gardeners' chronicle. London. Gardeners' magazine. London. Gardener's magazine & register of rural & domestic improvements. (Loudon.) London. U 1826-40, v. 1-16 Ceased publication Dec. 1843 with v. 19. Gardener's monthly & horticulturist. Philadelphia. U 1876-87II V. 18-29II; N 1882-8711 V. 24-29II Merged in American garden, Teb. 1888. Gardener's monthly & horticultural advertiser. Philadelphia. U 1868-75II V. 10-17II United in 1876 with the Horticulturist & continued as Gardening. Chicago. U 1892-93, 94+ v. i, 3+ Gardening illustrated for town & country. London. U 1880+ v. 1 + Garment-worker. (United garment-workers of America.) New York. U [1896, 98, 1900-03] [v. 3. 5] Garrett Biblical institute. (Northwestern university.) Evanston (111.) Cata- logue. U 1861/62, 64-66, 67-72, 73-80, 82-95, 97-1902, 03-f Gartenflora. Berlin. U 1852+ v. i-|- Gary (Ind.) — Trustees, Board of. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 1 + Gas engine. Cincinnati (O.) U 1910+ v. 12+ mual report. U 1906 U 1910+ no. 1 + Board of trade. U 1872 U 1910-f V. 10+ 1871-98, 190S+ V. 1-54, 67+ New York. U 1909+ V. 3+ U 1888-97II V. i-ioll U 1905+ V. i-f U 1867-82II V. i-i6!l U 1841+ V. 1 + U 1863-90, 1905+ V. 5-33, 48+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 71 Gas review. Madison (Wis.) ^^. ^ , r- H/^t ''■ ,^"^ Gauntlet, a sound republican . . . weekly paper. (Richard Garble ) London U 1833II no. 2-41 1 1 Gazette nationale ; ou, Moniteur universel. Paris. 1789-96. U reprint 1840-45, v. 1-30 Gazette of the United States. New York. U 1789-92, 99, v^i-4, 16 Gazzetta chimica italiana. Palermo; Rome. U 1871+ v. 1 + Gegenbaur's jMorphologisches jahrhiich, see Morphologisches jahrbuch. General asphalt company. Annual report. U 1900, v. 3 General council of shoe workers of North America. Official handbook & di- rectory. U 1894, 98-99. V. 4, 8-9 General federation of trade unions. London. Annual report. U 1901-02 General stud book, containing pedigrees of race horses . . . from the earliest ac- counts. London. U 1827+ v. 1 + General ticket & passenger agents' association, see American association of gen- eral passenger & ticket agents. General time convention, sec American railway association. General-versammlung des allgemeinen deutschen arbeiter-vereins. Antrage. U 1874 Genesee farmer. Rochester (N. Y.) U i845-.48, 1856-65II v. 6-9, 17-26II In 1866 merged into American agriculturist. Genesee farmer & gardener's journal. (Luther Tucker.) Rochester (N. Y.) U 1831-38, V. 1-8 In 18^0 merged into Cultivator. Geneva (Switz.) Musee d'histoire naturelle. Annales, see Revue Suisse de zoologie. . , ^ , . Geneva (Switz.) Societe de physique & d'histoire naturelle. Compte-rendu des seances. _ N 1897+ v. 14+ Memoires. N 1883-f- [v. 28-34,] 36+ Geneva (Switzerland), see also Bibliotheque umverselle. Societa ligustica di scienze naturali & geografiche. Societe Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Genie civil. Paris. . U 1880+ v. I + Genie industriel, revue des inventions. Paris. U 1855-57, v. 9-14 Gennadius, P. G. Report on the agriculture of Cyprus. Nicosia. U (1896?) pt. 3 Genoa (Italy)— Bilancio, Relazione del. Providimenti genera'e & reforme. U 1907 Commissario prefettizio. Bilancio di previsione. U 1907-10 Consiglio communale. Processi verbali. _ _ U 1906-07 Guinta m.unicipale. Relazione sul bilancio per I'esercizio. U 1910 Resoconto morale per I'esercizio. U 1908 Genoa (Italy) Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova. Annali. U has ordered Gentleman's magazine. London. U 1731-1868, v. 1-223 Gentleman's magazine & American monthly review. (Burton.) Philadelphia. U 1837-39, V. 1-5 Gentleman's mathematical companion. London. U 1798-1827, v. 1-5 Geographen-kalendar. (Haack.) Gotha. U 1903-f v. 1 + Geographical journal. London, see Royal Geographical society of London. Geographical teacher. London. U 1901+ v. 1 + Geological magazine. London. G 1864-75, v. i-n. ser. v. 2 ; U 1864-f- v. 1 + Geological society of America. Bulletin. Rochester (N. Y ) ; & New York. G 1897-1908. v. 8-19; U 1890+ v. 1 + Geological society of London. Geological literature added to library. G 1894-98, V. 1-5; U igo9-f V. i6-r Quarterly journal. G 1845-99, v. 1-55; U 1845+ v. i-r Geologische centralblatt, revue geologique. Leipzig. G [1901] [v IJ K. K. Geologische reichsanstalt. Vienna. Verhandlungen. U has ordered i867-(- Geologische & palaeontologische abhandlungen. (Dames & Kayser.) Berlin; Jena. U i882-{- v. i-f Before v. 9 called Palaeontologische abhandlungen. Geologisches centralblatt. Leipzig. U has ordered complete Geologist, (^fackic) London. G 1858-64!! v. 1-7] ! ; U 1862-64I! v. 5-7II Continued in Geological magazine. 72 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX George Washington university. Washington (D. C.) Bulletin. U 1906+ v. S+ Georgetown university, Washington (D. C.) Georgetown college journal. U [1897-1900] [v. 26- 28] Georgia — Adjutant-general's office. Report. U 1889-92, 93-96, 99-1905, 07+ Agriculture, Department of. Annual report of the commissioner. U 1875-76, 1883-84 Publications. U 1880-90, 92-96, 98, v 6-16, 18-22, 24 Attorney general. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 7+ Comptroller-general. Annual report. U 1887-88, 96-97, 1904, 07+ Education, Department of. Report of the state school commissioner. U 1880-82, 86-88, 90-93. 97-r Entomology, State board of. Bulletin. U 1899-i- no. I, 3-6, 27-1- ; N 1899-r no. i, 4-t- ■ Circular. X 1901+ no. 5+ Geological survey, i890-f. Administrative report of the state geologist. U I 894- I 900 Bulletin. G 1894+ v. 1-2, 4-10, 12-r ; U 1894+ v. i-r Insurance department. Report. U 1901, 04, 07 ]^iineralogical, geological & physical survej'. Report of progress. U 1874-75, V. 1-2 Railroad commission. Annual report U 1885, 87, 89-92, 97-98, 1900, 02-03, 05 -f- V. II, 15, 17-20, 25-26, 28, 30-31, 2o+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Georgia reports.) U 1846-^ v. i-f Treasurer. Annual report. U 1890-92, 94-99, 1901-r Georgia (state) agricultural society. Proceedings, semi-annual. U 1874-76 Georgia & Alabama railway company. Annual report. U 1895-98, v. 1-3 Georgia bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1896, 99, i903-f v. 5, 8, I2-|- Georgia Agricultural experiment station. Experiment. Annual report. U 1888+ v. i-f- ; N 1888+ v. 1-15, 17+ Bulletin. U i8S8-r no. i-|-; X i888-t- no. 12^4, 13-!- Georgia historical society. Savannah. Collections. U 1840-1904, v. 1-6 Georgia railroad company. Report of the general manager. U 1882 -j- v. i-f- Georgia railway & banking company. Reports of the directors & of the en- gineer-in-chief. U 1847, 49-53 Georgia school for the deaf. Cave Spring. Report of . . . trustees & officers. U 1907-f v. 42-f Georgia Southern & Florida railway compan3^ Annual report. U 1895-!- v. i-f Georgia University. Athens. — Engineering society. Annual report. U 1903. v. 7 German, Hanoverian & Oldenburg coach horse association of America. Stud- book. Lafayette (Ind.) U 1901-I- v. 1+ German society of Chicago ; X^ew York ; see Chicago ; X'^ew York. Germania . . . devoted to the study of the German language & literature. Bos- ton. _ U 1894-97 [v. 6.] 7, [8] Germania; vierteljahresbericht fiir deutsche alterthumskunde. Stuttgart. U 1S56-92, V. 1-37 Germanische-romanische monatschrift. Heidelberg. U 1909-}- v. i-f- Germantown (Pa.), see also Philadelphia (Pa.) Friends' free library. Germany — K. Gesundheitsamt. Arbeiten. U 1886+ V. 1-12, [13-14,] 15+ ; N 1886-1908, v. 1-4, [25, 28] Mittheilungen. U 1884, v. 2 ; N 1S81, v. i Reichsgericht. Entscheidungen in civilsachen. U 1880-99, v. 1-43 Entscheidungen in strafsachen. U 1880-99, v. 1-32 Reichsjustizamt & K. statistisches amt. Kriminalstatistik. U 1800, 93-95, 1904-05 Reichskanzler. Reichhaushalts nebst anlagen. U 1905 Reichstag. Reichs-gesetzblatt. U 1867-97 Reichsversicherungsamt, see also Invaliditats- & altersversicherung. K. statistisches amt. Berlin. Vierteljahrshefte zur statistik des deutschen reichs. U [1902-05] [v. n-14] Geschichtliche untersuchungen. (Lamprecht.) Gotha. U IQ02-I- v. 1+ Geschichtsfreund. (Historischer verein der 5 orte Luzern, Ari, Schwvz. Unter- walden, & Zug.) Einsiedeln. U 1S81-1901, v. 36-37, 39-56 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN -jz Geschichtsverein fiir das herzogtuin Braunschweig. Wolfenbiittel. Jahrbucli. U 1904, V. 3 Gesellschaft ; moiiatschrift fiir littcratur, kunst, & sozial-politik. (Conrad.) Leipzig. U 1885-1902II v. 1-34II K. K. Gesellschaft der aerzte. Wien, see also Wiener klinische wochenschrift. K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Gottingen. Gottingische gelehrte anzeiger. Berlin. U lyoQ-j- v. 11+ ; U has ordered rest Nachrichten. _ U 1883-93II v. i-ii|| Includes also Nachrichten of the University of Gottingen, 1884-93. Continued by Nachrichten of each "klasse." Mathematisch-physikalischc klasse. Nachrichten. U N 1894-I- Nachrichten : Geschiiftliche mittcilungen. U 1909+ N 1894 pt I, 95-99 pt I, 1900+ All other publications. U has ordered Gesellschaft fiir deutsche philologie. Berlin, see also Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebietc der germanischen philologie. Gesellschaft fiir romanische literatur. Publicationen. Dresden. U 1902-I- v 1 + Gesellschaft fiir theatergeschichte. Berlin. Schriften. U 1902-t- v. i-r Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde. Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. N 1896+ Gesellschaft zur beforderung der gesammten naturwissenschaften. Marburg. Sitzungsberichte. N 1898, 1901-)- Gesundheits ingenieur. Munich. U 1878-98, 1903, 05+ v. i-io, [11,] 12-21, 26, 28+ Gewerkschalt. -(Gevverkschaftskommission Oesterreichs.) Vienna. U [1899-1900, 04] [v. I, 6] Ghent (Belgium), see also K. Vlaamsche academic voor taal- & letterkunde. Gibson's manual [of corporation securities traded in New York stock exchange]. New York. U 1909+ v. 1 + Giessen (Gerrnany), see also Oberhessische gesellschaft fiir natur- & heilkunde. Giessener studien auf dem gebiete der geschichte. (Oncken.) Giessen. U 1881-90, V. i-ioll Giornale degli economist!. Bologna; Rome. U 1886-)- v. i-f Gioniale dell' industria serica. Turin. N 1867-89, v 1-23 Giornale di filologia romanza. (Monaci.) Rome. U 1878-83II v. 1-4 Giornale di mathematiche. (Battaglini.) Naples. U 1863-}- v. i + Girard college for orphans. Philadelphia. Report. U 1866, 98, 1900-04, 07+ Girton college. Cambridge (Eng.) Report. U 1880-95 Glasgow (Scot.) — Sanitary department. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 39+ Glasgow (Scot.) Natural history society. Transactions. N 1883-1906II n. ser. v. 1-8] | Continued by Glasgow naturalist. Glasgow (Scot.) Philosophical societ}'. Proceedings. N 18S8-89, v. 20 Glasgow (Scot.) University. Calendar. U 1880/81, 89/90, 1901/02, 05/06, 08/09+ Glasgow naturalist. (Natural history society.) Glasgow (Scot.) N 1908+ V. i-f Continues Transactions of the society. Glass & pottery world. Chicago. U 1906, [07-08], v. 14, [15-16] Glass worker. (Amalgamated glass workers' international association of Amer- ica.) Chicago. U 1906+ v. 3+ Gleaner. Detroit (Mich.) LI -f Gleanings in bee culture. Medina (O.). 1900+ v. 28+ Glens Falls (N. Y.) National summer school. Annual session [announcement]. U 1S95, V. II Globe, Toronto, see Toronto globe. Globus. Gotha, see Petermann'.s Mitteilunggn. Globus. Hilburghausen ; Brunswick. U 1862+ v. i-|- Glocke. Chicago. U 1906-0SII v. i-2|| Gloversville (N. Y.) Annual reports. U 190S/09 Gorres-gcsellschaft. Miinster, see also Historisches jahrbuch. Goethe-gesellschaft. Weimar. Schriften. U 1885+ v. i-f Goethe-jahrbuch (Geiger.) Frankfurt. U 1880+ v. 1 + Goethe-kalenddi-. (Bierbaum.) Leipzig. U 1906 Gottingen (Germany.) Evangelisch-rcformierten gemeinde. Kirchliche nach- richten. U 1904 (?) V. 3 74 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Gottjngen (Germany) Universitst. (K. Georg August-universitat.) Xach- richten. ' _ _ U 1884-93 1 1 v. i-ii|| Included in K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. X'achrichten. Gottingen (Germany) Verein fiir die geschichte Gottingens. Protokolle liber die sitzungen. U 1893-1905, v. 1-3 pt 3 Gottingen (Germany), see also K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Gottingen beitrage zur deutschen philologie. (Heyne & Miiller.) Paderborn. U 1886-88, V. 1-4 Gottingische gelehrte anzeiger, see K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Gottin- gen. Gold standard defence association. London. Publications. U 1S98, v. 1-32 Golden gate kindergarten association. San Francisco. Annual report. U 1884, V. 5 Good government. New York. U 1893+ v. 13+ Good health. Battle Creek (Mich.) U 1897, 99-1900; + v. 2,^, 34-35; + Good housekeeping. Springfield (I\Iass.) U 1901+ v. 2>-'^ Good roads. Nevv- York. U 1892-95, 1903-I- v. 1-7 no. 3; v. T):^-\- (n. ser. v. 4+) In April, 1895, combined with & continued as L. A. W. bulletin. In 1902 a new series was begun under title Good roads magazine, which in 1909 again became Good roads. Goodrich social settlement. Cleveland (O.) Annual report. U 1S97/98, v. i Gordon memorial college. Khartoum — Wellcome research laboratories. Report. U 1905, V. 2 Gotha (Germany) Vereinigung fiir gothaische geschichte & altertumsforschung, see also Aus der heimat. Gotha (Germany), see also Almanach de Gotha. Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Government publications. Washington (D. C.) U 1905-t- v. 6+ Gracklauer's deutscher journal-katalog, see Deutscher journal katalog. Grand army of the Republic — Kansas department. Proceedings of annual en- campment. U 1892, 99-1903, 06, V. II, 18-22, 25 Roster. U 190S-)- Michigan department. Journal of annual encampm.ent. U 1903, 06, v. 25, 2S> • Pennsylvania department. Proceedings of annual encampment. U i898-f V. 32-t- Grand Prairie seminary & commercial college. Onarga (111.) Catalogue. U 1873/74, 75/76, 77/78 Grand Rapids (Mich.) Reports of city officers. U 1893/94, 96/97, 1900-04, 07-09 Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1894/95. 96/97, 99/1900, 07+ V. 2Z, 25, 28, 36+ Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1907/08 Police & fire commissioners. Annual report. U 1893, 1903+ Public library. Annual report. U 1858-1902, 03+ v. 28-31, 2>2)-{- Bulletin. U 1904+ v. 1+ Public works, Board of. Annual report. U 1876, 78-93. 95, 1905+ V. 3, 5-20, 22, Z2+ Grand Rapids & Indiana railway company. Annual report. U 1897-1903, v. 2-8 Grand Trunk railway company of Canada. Semi-annual report. U 1867 pt 2, 72 pt 2, 80, 98-1900, 04+ Grande revue. Paris. U 1S97+ v. 1 + V. 1-6 called Revue du Palais. Granclom institution. Philadelphia. Report. U 1850 Granite cutters' journal. (Granite cutters' international association of America.) Quincy (Mass.) U [1903-06,] 09-f- [v. 26-30,] 2,3-\- Granite state dairymen's association. Annual report. Concord (X. H.) U 18S4-99, 1901, v. 1-15, 17 Graphic. London. U iSgS-f v. 58+ Graphic arts & crafts year book. Hamilton (O.) U 1907+ v. i-|- Graphite. (Joseph Dixon Crucible co.) Jersey City (N. J.) U + Gratz (Austria) universitat. (K. K. Karl-Franzens-universitiit.) Verzeichnis. U 1908-f Gratz (Austria) Zoologisches institut. Arbeiten. N 1903+ v. 6+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMFAIGN 75 Great Britain— Admiraltv. Lords commissioners of the. Nautical almanac. U 1871, 96-98 Agriculture, Board of. Journal. London. U + Leaflets. N [1903] [no. 1-94I Commercial, labour & statistical department. Abstract of foreign labour statistics. U 1906, v. 3 Annual statement of the navigation & shipping of the U. K. U 1903-04 Return of extracts relating to coal ; iron «& steel. U 1903 Returns of the capital, traffic, receipts, & working expenditure of the raihvav companies of the LI. K. U 1887-j- Statistical abstract for the British empire. U 1889+ v. 1 + Statistical abstract for colonial & other possessions. U 1888-1904, no. 40-42 Statistical abstract for the principal & other foreign countries. U 1891-1903, no. 29-31 . Statistical abstract of the United Kingdom in each of the last 15 years. U 1888-1904, v. 50-52 Statistical abstract relating to British India. U 1 892- 1 902, 03/04; no. 37, 39 Statistical tables relating to emigration & immigration. U 1903 , Statistical tables relating to the British colonies, possessions & pro- tectorates. ^. ., r. ■■ ^ ^ ^-^^'^^ Tables relating to trade of British India with British possessions & foreign countries. U 1899- 1904, 06+ Tables showing the progress of merchant shipping in the U. K. & the principal maritime countries. U 1900, 03. 07-r Corps of royal engineers. Professional papers, Chatham. U 1839-49, v. i-io Continued as Royal engineers' institute. Occasional papers. Education, Board of. Special reports on educational subjects. U 1898+ V. 2-16, 18+ Education, Committee of council on. Minutes. U 1839-I- Engineering standard committee, London. Reports. U 1904+ no. 5, 9. n. 26 Factories & workshops. Chief inspector of. Annual report. U 1906 Foreign office. British & foreign state papers. U 1812+ v. 1 + . Diplomatic & consular reports. Annual series. U 1887-f no. 1 + Miscellaneous series. U 1887-I- no. i-f- Index to reports of diplomatic & consular representatives. U 1886+ Miscellaneous . . . reports from his majesty's representatives. U igo6 pt I, 07 pt 3 Reports by secretaries. U 1868, 72. 74-79. 81-83 Reports from consuls. U 1866-68, 70-79 Geological survey & museum of economic geology. London. Memoirs. 1846: v. I Geological survey & museum of practical geology. London. Memoirs. G [1848-66] Historical manuscripts commission. Reports. U 1870+ v. i-|- Home of^cc. Mines & quarries; general report & statistics. U 1905 pt 4, 1906 pts I, 3 India ofifice. Statement exhibiting the moral & material progress & condi- tion of India. U 1905-06 V. 42 Labour department. Annual abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom. U 1902-05, v. 9-1 1 Labour department. Report & statistical tables relating to changes in rates of wages & hours of labour in the United Kingdom. U 1897-98, 1903-04, V. 5-6, 11-12 Report on strikes & lockouts in the United Kingdom. U 1903, 1906, V. 16, 19 Local government board. Reports. U 1872-}- Parliament. Parliamentary history of England, 1066-1803. U i8o6-2o|i V. 1-36I! Continued as Parliamentary debates, 1803-f U 1803-OT, looo-f scr. I, 4 1 v.; ser. 2, 25V.: ser. 3, 356v.; ser. 4, v. 76, 78+ Ser. 1-3 known as Hansard's Parliamentary debates. ;6 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHA3.IPAIGX • Parliamentary register . . . proceedings & debates. U 1774-81 Statutes at large from Magna Charta 1215 to 1869. Cambridge & London. U 1762-1869, v. 1-108 • House of Commons. Journals. - U 1547-1820, v. 1-75 Sessional papers: miscellaneous & sessional. U 1888+ General alphabetical index to the bills, reports, estimates, accounts & papers, printed by order of the House . . . London. U 1880-1904 House of Lords. Sessional papers. U 1888+ General index to the sessional papers. 1801-1904 Patent office. Abridgments of specifications. U + Report of comptroller-general. U 1903, v. 21 Patent office library series. London. U 1901-06, v. 1-3, 6-17 Postmaster general. Report on the post office. u 1055-G7, 69-71, 7;i+ V. 1-14. 16-18, 20+ Public records, Keeper of the. Annual reports of the deputy keeper. U 1839+ V. 1+ Rolls, Master of the. Calendar of Carew manuscripts, 1517-1624. U 1867-73II V. i-6i| Calendar of charter rolls, 1226+ U 19034- v. 1 + Calendar of close rolls. 1227-j- U 1892+ v. i-f- Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain & Ireland, 918+ U 1899-f v. 1 + Calendar of entries in the papal registers relating to Great Britain & Ireland: papal letters, 1198+ U 1893+ v. 1 + Calendar of Home office papers of the reign of George 3, 1760-1775. U 1878+ V. i^ Calendar of inquisitiones post mortem & other analogous documents. U 1898+ V. 1-2, 5, 7; ser. 2, V. 1 + Calendar of letters & state papers, relating to English affairs, . . . in the archives of Simancas. U 1896, v. 3 Calendar of letters, despatches & state papers relating to negotiations between England & Soain... in the archives at Simancas & elsewhere. U 1862+ v. 1 + Calendar of patent rolls, 1216-1485. U 1891+ v. i-|- Calendar of the proceedings of the committee for compounding . . . 1643-60. _ U 1S89-92I! V. I -5 1 1 Calendar of the proceedings of the committee for the advance of money, 1642-56. U i888|| v. i-3\\ ^ Calendar of state papers. Colonial series, 1574+ U 1860+ v. i-f Domestic series, Charles i. U 1858-97, v. 1-5, II, 13-23; U has ordered rest Charles 2. U 1860+ v. i-r - — • Commonwealth. U 1875-86] | v. 1-13II Edward 6, 3.1ary, & Elizabeth. U 1856+ v. 1 + I. U 1857-72II v. 1-5II •- William & I\Iary. U 1895-f v. i-f- Foreign series. Edward 6; Mary. U 1861, 2v. Elizabeth. U 1863-f v. i-i- Calendar of state papers & manuscripts . . . in . . . Venice & . . . northern Italy. U 1864+ v. i4- Calendar of state papers relating to Ireland. U 1872-f ser. i, v. 1 + Calendar of state papers relating to Scotland. U 185SII v. i-2|| Calendar of treasury books. i66o-(- U 1904-r v. 1 + Calendar of treasury papers. 1556-1728. U 1868-89, v. 1-6 Descriptive catalogue of ancient deeds in the Public Record office. U 1900-06, v. 3-4 Inquisitions & assessments relating to feudal aids, 1284-1431. U 1899+ V. i-t- Letters & papers, foreign & domestic, Henry 8. U 1862-I- v. 1-8, 11 + Reruni Britannicarum medii acvi scriptores. U 1858+ v. i-f Syllabus of the documents relating to England ... in the collection known as "Rymer's Foedera." U 1873-85, v. 2-2 SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN ^7 Royal engineers' institute. Occasional papers, Chatham. U 1889-90, v. 15-16 Continuation of Great Britain— Corps of royal engineers. Professional papers. ... ^ r- -n •<. • Royal institution, see Royal uistitution of Great Britain. SeNvage disposal, Royal commission on. Report. U 1904+ v. 4+ Stationery office. List of parliamentary papers, annual (i.e. last quarter^ cumulated). U 1890+ Quarterly list of official publications. U + Quarterly list of parliamentary publications. U -f- Statistical office. Annual statement of trade of the United Kingdom. U i88o-i903> 1905 Tariff commission. Report. U 1904+ v 1-3, 5+ Trade Board of. General annual report under bankruptcy act of lorfa. U 1904, V. 21 , General annual report . • . under companies (winding up) act of 1890 ^ ^9°^' ^- ^^ 1 General report on coal production & consumption. U 1903, v. 10 Returns relating to street & road tramways & light railways. U 1904 sec also Board of Trade journal. London; Board of Trade labour gazette. London. tt o o 1 t Great Northern raihvav company. Annual report. U 1890-98, 1900+ v. 1-9, 11 + Great round world. New York. C 1897-1901. v. 15-18 Great west. Sacramento (Cahf.) .^ ., r. , ^ VlX Green bag. Boston. U 1898-1900, 03+ v. 10-12, 15+ Green Bay & Western railway company. Statement. U 1901-04, o^, 07-r Grecn room book; or, Who's who on the stage. London. U 1906, 08+ Greenfield (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1904/05, 06+ v. 24, 26+ , Bulletin. U 1910-f- v. 18, no. 5+ Green's fruit grower & home companion. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1904-I- v. 24+ Greenville & Columbia railroad company. Proceedings. U lb4«-49 Greenville (111.) college. Register. . U 1897/98, i90on- Greenwood's library year book, see British library year book. Greer college, Hoopeston (111.) Catalogue. U 1894/95, 97/9.8, 1900/01, 03-^ Greifswa'.d (Prussia), see also Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fur Neuvorpom- mern & Rugen. 0^1 t-l Grevillea (Cryptogamic botany). London tt ™T ^" .1 Grenzfragen des nerven & seelenlebens. Wiesbaden. U 1900+ v. i-h Grillparzer-gesellschaft. Vienna. Jahrbuch. U 1890+ v. i-r Grinnell review. (Iowa college.) Grinnell. , , . ^^ U i905-i- v. 1 + Grocerv world & aencral merchant. Philadelphia. U 1902-03, ob-r v. 33-30, 43i- Before 1908 h^as title Grocery world & fruit trade bulletin. Groningen (Netherlands) Astronomical laborator}-. Publications. U 1900-i- V. 1-3, 5, 7-19- 21 -t- Groningen (Netherlands) Universiteit. Jaarboek. U 1907-t- Groton Olass.)— Public hbrarv. Annual report. U 1S96-1903, 06+ v. 43-49- 03+ Selectmen & overseers of the poor. Report. U ib62 Guardian. (Steele, Addison c'^ a/.) London. . U 1713, no. i-iTSII Guatemala— Instruccion publica, Secretaria de. Memoria ,^ }^7^ Guben (Germany), see also Niederlausitzer gesellschaft fur anthropologic & altertumskunde. , , , n n ^ u /xt Guernsey breeders' journal. (American Guernsey cattle club.) Peterboro (iN. j^Y U 1910+ n. ser. v. 1 + Guild of co-operators, England. Annual report. U 1880/81, v. 3 Gulf & Ship Island railroad company. Annual report. U 1903-05. 07-t- Gulf biologic station. Cameron (La.) Bulletin. N 1906-r no. 4-10, 13+ Gulf states historical magazine. Montgomery (Ala.) U 1902-04 | v. i-2|| Gunton institute. New York (city). Bulletin. U [1897-99] fv. 1-2 Gunton's magazine. New York. U 1896-1904II v. 10-27II Continuing Social economist. Gutenberg gesellschaft. Mainz. Jahresbericht. U I905, v. 4 • Haarlem (Neth.)— Stadsbibliotheek. Verslag. U ib97+ Haarlem (Neth.), see also IMaatschappij van nijverheid. Hackensack (N. J.)— Johnson public library. Bulletin. U 1908-!- v. 4, no. 2+ 78 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Hackley public library. Muskegon (Mich.), see Muskegon (Mich.)— Hackley public library. Hackney horse society. Hackney stud book. U 1884+ v. 1 + Hagerstown (Md.) Washington County free library. Annual report. U 1901-02, 03-06, V. I, 3-5 Bulletin. U 1903-r v. 2+ (The) Hague (Neth.), see also K. Instituut van ingenieurs. Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging. Hainaut (Belgium), see also Societe des sciences, des arts & des lettres du Hainault. Hakluyt society. London. Publications. U has ordered Halifax, see also Nova Scotian institute of science. Halle (Germany) Naturforschende gesellschaft. Abhandlungen. N 1893-94, V. 19-20 Halle (Germany) Universitat. (Friedrichs-universitat Halle- Wittenberg.) Chronik. ' .... ^ 1905+ Halle (Germany), see also K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinische deutsche akademie der naturforscher. Saxony — Landwirthschaftskammer fiir die provinz Sachsen — Versuchsstation fiir pflanzenschutz. Thiiringsch-Sachischer verein fiir erforschung des vaterliindischen altertums & erhaltung seiner denkmale. Hallesche beitrage zur gescliichts-forschung. (Lindner.) Halle. U 1892-94. V. 1-5 Hamburg (Germany) — Handelsstatistische bureau. Tabellarische iibersichten. U 1889-90, 97 Stadtbibliothek. Bericht. U 1902+ Wissenschaftliche anstalten. Beihefte. N 1893+ Jahrbuch. _ N 1893+ v. ii-f Hamburg (Germany) Handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1900-04 Hamburg (Germany) Mathematische gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. U 1889-1900- V. 1-3 Hamburg (Germany) Sternwarte. Mittheilungen. _ U 1899+ v. 6+ Being sup. 1895+ to Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissenschaftlichen an- stalten. Publicationen. U 1874, v. i Hamburg (Germany) Verein fiir naturwissenschaftliche unterhaltung. Verhand- lungen. N 1864+ v. 1-4, 6+ Hamburg (Germany), see also Verein fiir niederdeutsche sprachforschung. Hamburger garten- & blumenzeitung. Hamburg. U 1872, v. 28 Hamilton (Can.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1893, 96, 98, 1902-06, v. 5, 8, 10, 14-18 Hamilton college. Clinton (N. Y.) Hamilton literary magazine. U [1871, 89, 93-94,] 95-96, [96-99] [v. 5, 24, 27-28] 29; [n. ser. v. 1-3] Hammer & pen. (Church association for the advancement of the interests of labor.) New York. U [1900-07] [v. 3-8] Hampshire-down breeders' association of America, see American Hampshire sheep association. Hampshire down sheep breeders' association. Salisbury (Eng.) Hampshire down flock book. U 1890+ v. i-h Hampton negro conference. Hampton (Va.) Report. U 1898-99, 1 901+ V. 2-3, 5+ Hampton (Va.) normal & industrial institute. Hampton leaflets. U + Hampton's magazine. New York. U + Handbook for architects & builders. (Chicago Architects' business association.) Chicago. U 1905+ v. 8, 10+ Handbook of railroad securities, see Handbook of securities. New York. U 18724- 1872-82 have title Value of railroad securities. 1883-1907 have title Handbook of railroad securities. Handhnch der wirtschaftskundc Deutschlands. Leipzig. U 1901-04, v. 1-4 Handels hochschul nachrichten, beilage zur Deutschen wirtschafts zeitung. Ber- lin. U 1907-f- SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 79 Handels-museum. (K. K. Oesterreichisches handels-museum.) Vienna. U 1902+ V. 17, pt. 2+ Berichte. U 1901 + Monats & quartcls-berichte. _ U 1903+ v. 17+ Hanover (Germany). Verwaltungsbericht des magistrats der K. liaupt- & residenzstadt. U 1906-07 Hanover (Germany) Naturhistoriche gesellschaft. Jahresbericht. U 1904+ V. 55+; N 1894+ V. 44+ Hansard's Parliamentary debates, see Great Britain — Parliament. Hardwicke's science gossip. London. U 1865, v. i ; N 1865-97, v. 1-23 Harper's bazar. New York. C [1892-99,] 1900-I- [v. 25-32,] 33+ ; U 1909-h v. 43+ Harper's new niontbly magazine. New York. C U 1850+ v. i + ; Ur 1882+ v. 65-f Harper's weekly. New York. C 1892+ v. 3^+1 U 1857+ v. 1-42, 444-; Ur+ Harrisburg (Pa.)— Water & lighting department. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 20+; W 1906-f V. 19+ Harrisburg (Pa.) board of trade. Officers & members. U 1909+ Hartford (Conn.) Municipal register & annual reports. U 1908 Public library. Annual report. U 1893-97. 99, 1901, c6+ v. 55-59, 61, 63, 69-f- Bulletin. U 1893-97, v. 15, [16,] 17-19 Hartford & New Haven railroad company. Annual report. U 1847-52, 55-56, 62, V. 5-10, 14-15, 27 Hartford (Ct.) board of trade. Annual meeting, with report of secretary & treasurer. U 1891, 98, 1909-^ v. 3, 10, 21 -f Hartford (Ct.) Civic club. Report. U 1S95-1905 Hartford (Ct.) IMunicipal art society. Bulletin. _ U 1904+ v. 1 + Hartford seminary record. (Hartford (Ct.) theological seminary.) U 1897+ V. 8+ Hartford (Ct.) steam boiler inspection & insurance company. Annual report. U 1870-77 Harvard graduates' magazine. Boston. U i892-[- v. 1 + Harvard law review. Cambridge (Mass.) U 1S87-I- v. i-|- Harvard theological review. New York. U 1908-i- v. i-j- Harvard universitv, Cambridge (Mass.) Harvard bulletin (athletic weekly). U [1898-99] [v. 1-2] Harvard crimson (daily). U [1898-99] [v. 32-33, 35] • Harvard historical studies. U 1894 -h v. 1 + • Harvard psychological studies. U 1903-f v. 1 + Harvard studies & notes in philology & literature. U 1892-f- v. i-|- ■ Harvard studies in classical philology. U 1890+ v. 1 + Astronomical observatory. Annals. U 1879+ V. II, 13-15, 17-19, 23-29, 32-34, 37-38, 40-41, 44-48, 50-51, 53-54, 60-f • Annual report. U 1908/09-!- v. 64+ Circulars. U 1900-05, no. i-ioo Bussey institution. Bulletin. U [1874-1904] [v. 1-3] Jefferson physical laboratory. Contributions. U 1903-}- v. 1 + ■ Library. Bibliographical contributions. U 1S81+ no. 12, 19, 26, 31, 33, 35-37, 39-40, 42-1- Bulletin. U 1880-94II v. 2-7! | Museum of comparative zoology. Annual report. U 1862, 63, 65, 67-68, 70-85, 87/88; N 1882, 84-87, 89-f- Bulletin. G 1881, v. 7. no. 3-4; N 1868+ [v. 1-28,] 29+ Memoirs. N 1899+ [v. 14, 17, 23,] 24, 26-28, 30-!- Peabody museum of American archaeology & ethnology. Annual report. N 1S68-80, V. 1-9, 12-13 Harvey society, New York. Harvey lectures. U 1905-]- v. i-f- Havana (Cuba) Archivo nacional. Boletin. U + Havana (Cuba) Biblioteca nacional. Revista. U 1909-I- v. i-f- Havana (Cuba) Univcrsidad. Memoria annuario. U 1900-02, 03-]- Revista de la facultad de letras & ciencias. U 1904+ v. i-i- Havana (Cuba), see also Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas, & naturales. Haverhill (Mass.) — City engineer. Annual report. U 1890, v. 4 8o SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Public library. Annual report. U 1873-75, 78-79, 81-}- v. i, 4-5, 7+ • Bulletin. " U 1901+ v. 1 + Havre (France) — Hygiene, Bureau de. Bulletin. U + Hawaii — Agriculture & forestry, Board of commissioners of. Report. U 1903-06, V. 1-3 Farmers' institute. Annual report of proceedings. U 1902, v. i Public instruction, Department of. Report of the superintendent. U I 896- I 900 Hawaii Agricultural experiment station. Honolulu. Annual report. N 1906+ Bulletin. N 1901-I- [no. 1-13,] 15+ Hawaiian almanac & annual. Honolulu. U 1876, 1S98, v. 2, 24 Hawaiian forester & agriculturist. Honolulu. U -+- Hazell's annual. London. U 1902-r v. 17+ Heart ; a journal for the study of the circulation. London. U 1910+ v. 1 + Hearth & home. New York. U 1869-70, v. 1-2 Heating & ventilating magazine. New York. U 1906-07, 10+ v. 3-4, 7+ Heating & ventilation. New York. U 1894-1900II v. 4-10, no. 7\\ Continued as Engineering review. Heaton's annual, see Commercial handbook of Canada. Hedding college, Abingdon (111.) Catalogue. U 1881/82, 83/84, 89-91, 93-95, 1900/01, 03-05, 07-i- Hedwigia, organ fiir kryptogamenkunde. Dresden. U 1890+ v. 29-1- ; N 1852-89, V. 1-28 Heginbottom free library, Ashton-under-Lyne (Eng.), see Ashton-under-Lyne (Eng.) — Heginbottom free library. Heidelberg (Germany) Naturhistorisch-medicinischer verein. Verhandlungen. N 1877-99, n. ser. v. i, [6] Heidelberger abhandlungen zur mittleren & neueren geschichte. Heidelberg. U 1902+ V. 1 + Heinsius' Allgemeines biicher-lexicon. Leipzig. U 1700-1892II v. 1-19II Helena (Mont.) — Public library. Bulletin. U 1893+ no. i-j- Helgoland Biologische anstalt, see also Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen un- tersuchung der deutschen meere in Kiel. Helios; fach- & export-zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik. Leipzig. U 1910-I- v. 16+ Hellenike georgia. (Gennadius) [in Greek]. Athens. U [1887-88, 91, 94, 96] [v. 3-4, 7, 10, 12] Helsingfors (Finland) Societe neo-philologique. Memoires. U 1893+ v. 1+ Helsingfors (Finland) Universitetet. (K. Alexanders-universitetet.) Katalog. U 1907 Helsingfors (Finland), s^e also Societas pro fauna & flora fennica. Svenska literatursallskapet i i" inland. Hendrick's architectural engineering & mechanical directory of the U. S. New York. U 1901II [v. II] II Continued as Hendrick's commercial register of the U. S. New York. U 1904, v. 14 Herald; or. Patriot proclaimer. (Stentor Telltruth.) London. U 1757, no. 1-15 HerIountainville (N. Y.)— Experiment department. Agricultural physics. U 1883, ser i. v. 1-4 Housatonic railroad companJ^ Annual report. U i89i/9^> v. 54 House & garden. Philadelphia. , U 1905+ v. 7-1- House beautiful. Chicago. C 1901+ v. 11+ ; U 1901+ v. ii-r Household journal. Springfield (O.) U Aug. 1908+ v. i, no. 8-r Continues Floral life. Houston (Tex.) Annual reports of city officers. U 1906 City commission. Progressive Houston; a journal for the advancement 01 the city. U + Howard association. London. Annual report. ^ U 1906-j- Hudson (^lass.)— PubHc library. Annual report. U 1900+ v. 39^ Hull -house. Chicago— Labor museum. Report. U 1901/02, v. i Humanistische gymnasium. Heidelberg. U 1897-1900, 08+ v. 8-1 1, 19+ Hungary— Foldm'ivelesiigyi ministerium. Kiserletiigyi kdzlemenyek. U 1907+ V. lo-r Hungary, see also K. Ungarische . . . Hunterian club. Glasgow. Reprints of English poetry. U 1873-19021I v. i-ib Hunt's merchants' magazine. New York. U 1840-70II v. 1-031I V. 1-24 have title Merchants' magazine; v. 44-63 have title Merchants' mag- azine & commercial review. After 1870 merged in Commercial & financial chronicle. Huszadik szazad, tarsadalomtudomanyi & szocialpolitikai szemle. Budapest. U 1909+ v. I9~ Hyde Park (Mass.)— Public library. Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 9+ Hygienische rundschau. Berlin. U 1891+ v. 1 + lasi (Roumania). .yr^ Jassy. tt o _l Ice & refrigeration. Chicago. U 1891+ v. i Ice trade journal, see Cold storage & ice trade journal. Idaho— Auditor. Biennial report. U 1903-04, o6-|- v. 7, 9+ Equalization, State board of. Proceedings. U 1901-02, 06-f Free library commission. Biennial report. U 1901-03, v. i House of representatives. Journal. U 1890-93, 1907+ :\lines, Inspector of. Report. U 1906-f- v. 8+ Public instruction, Deoartment of. Biennial report of the superintendent. U 1894-1900, 03-04, V. 14-17. 19 Senate. Journal. U 1890-95, 1905+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Idaho reports.) U 1856+ v. 1 + Idaho Agricultural experiment station. Moscow. Annual report. U 1903+ ; N 1894, 1902-f- Bulletin. U 1892+ no. 1+ ; N 1892+ no. 2, 4, 6-7, 9-41, 43-49, 5i + Idaho' bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908 4- V. 4+ Idaho (State) penitentiary, Boise. Biennial report. U 1902+ Idler. (Johnson.) London. U i758-6o|i no. 1-103] ] mini, see Illinois university, Urbana. Illinois. Reports. , U 1838-37! I v. 11-43! I No longer issued as a collection. Adjutant general. Biennial report. U 1862, 65/66, 74-76, 79-80, 85 -f Report containing rosters ... & historical memomnda of Ilhnois regiments. U i86i-66|| v. i-8|| (State) agency office. Annual report on sv>-amp lands. U 1890-96 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 83 Agriculture. State board of. Report of the annual fat stock show. ^ U 1883-87, 1891, V. 6-10, 14 Statistical report ... as to the condition & yield of the crops. u 1876, 78-80, 82-S7, 93-97, 99-1901, 03, 05 -f . Transactions. U N 1871+ v. 9+ (n. ser. v. 1 + ) Continues Illinois state agricultural society. Appellate court. Reports. Ht '^^^"L^' ^it Arbitration, State board of. Annual report. G 1905, v. 10; U 1896-H v. 1 + Attorney general. Biennial report. U 1876-82, 88-1906 Architects, Board of examiners of. Biennial report. U 1899-H v. 1-7- Auditor of public accounts. Annual insurance report. U 1872-87, 89, 91. V. 4-18, 19 pt 2, 21 pt I After 1894 issued by Illinois — Insurance, Department of. Annual report of the building, loan & homestead associations. U 1892, 94+ V. I, 3+ Biennial report. . U 1858-69, 72-86, S8+ Statement showing condition of Illinois state banks. U 1892- 1906, 08 -t- Canal commissioners. Report. U 1872, 74-/5, 77-78, 80-82, 8$+ Charities, Board of commissioners of public. Biennial report, U 1870-f- V. i-l- Bulletin. TT^o't Proceedings of the state conference. U ^(^Qo ■ Circuit court. Reports of cases. U 1878-j- v. 1 + (State) civil service commission. Annual report. U 1908 -r v. 3t Dental examiners, State board of. Annual report. U 1890, 98-1900, v. 9, 17-19 (State) entomologist. Biennial report on the horticultural inspection law to the governor. U 1899-1902, v. 1-2; N 1899+ v. 1 + , Bulletins. N 1887-94II v. 1-5 . Circulars. N 1882-99I I . Executive report. . . U 1905-06 Report ... on the noxious & beneficial insects of Illinois. G V. 23; U 1867, 72-f V. I. 4+; N i867-f v. i-f ■ Equalization, State board of. Proceedings. G 1907; U 1867+ Factory inspector. Annual report. U 1893-1904, 06+ v. 1-12, 14-}- Farmers' institute. Announcements of annual meeting. U 1898-99, 1904, lo-f Annual report. G 1909, v. 14; U N 1896+ v. 1 + . Bulletin. U 1905+ no. 7+ ; N i904-f no. 6-9, 11 + , Circular. N 1906-f no. i-f- Fish commissioners. Board of. Reports. U 1884, 87-90, 95-1902, 05-1- ; N 1879-f (State) food commission. Annual report. U 1899+ v. 1 + Free employment offices, Chicago. Annual report. G 1907, V. 9; U i899H- V. 1 + Gam.e commissioner. Annual report. U 1899-1900, v, 1-2 Game warden for the city of Chicago. Annual report. U 1892, v. i • General assembly. Laws. G 1905-^ ; U 1819-21, 25+ . List of members. U 1S82-S3, 89, 93 List of officers & members. U 1887, 91, 93, 97 Revised statutes. U 1827, 29, 33, 39, 45, 74. 77, 95. 97. I90i, 03, 08+ Geological survev, ist. Report: Geology & palaeontology of Illinois. (Worthen.) " G U 1866-90!! v. i-8|| ; N v. 1-2, 7-8II (State) geological survey, 2d. Urbana. Bulletin. GUN 1906-t- no. 1 + . Circular. G U 1906+ no. i-}-; N 1906-t- no. 1-2, 4-|- Governor. Biennial messages. 111863-67,71-85,91+ 110.23-25.27-34,37+ Health, State board of. Annual report. G IQ07 : U i87S-!'8, 92-0^, 97, 1903-f v. i-ii, 15-18, 20, 1903+ ("o vol. number) Medical education. U 1881-91, 1903, i-7. 1903 Monthly' bulletin. U 1907+ v. 3+ ; W -j- Highway commission. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1908+ v. 4+ 84 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN House of representatives. Journal. U i»30-35, 37-Si, 83-1903 ; Assembly, 7-9 pt 2, 10 pt 2-32 pt i, 33-43 Insurance department. Annual report. U 1894-r v. 26, 27 pt i, 28 pt i, 29+ Before 1894 issued by Auditor of public accounts. Labor, Department of. Bulletin. U 1909+ Labor statistics, Bureau of. Annual report concerning coal. G 1891, 95+ V. 10, 14+ ; U 1882, 85, 87-88, 91, 93+ V. I, 4, 6-7, 10, 12+ Biennial report. U 1879+ v. i-|- Report: industrial accidents in Illinois. U 1907+ v. 1 + (territorial) legislative assembly. Laws. U 1815-18, session 4-6 Continued by Illinois — General assembly. Laws. Live stock commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 188S+ V. i+; N 1885-96, V. i-ii Natural history, State laboratory of. Urbana. Biennial report of the di- rector. U 1880-82, 87-88, 93-1900; N 1879+ Bulletin. U N 1876+ v. 1 + Natural history survey. G v. 3; N 1889+ v. i-f- Biological experiment station. Havana. Biennial report. U N 1895-96 Natural history. State museum of. Springfield. Bulletin. U 1877-97II no. 1-12II; N 1893-97II no. 3-12II Report. N 1907+ Pharmacy, State board of. Annual report. U 1883-t- v. 2+ Prison industries, State board of. Annual report. U 1906, v. 2 Public instruction, Department of. Arbor day. U 1896, 97, 1900, 02, 04-I-; N 1908+ Biennial report of the superintendent. U 1857-58, 61 -|- v. 2, 4-f; N 1877-1902, v. 12-13, 15-17, 23-24 Memorial day. U 1899+ see also Educational press bulletin. Railroad & warehouse commission. Annual report. U 1870/71 -85/S6, 87/88+ v. 1-16, 18+ Decisions & opinions. U 1889+ v. i-\- Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1870, 74+ Blue book. _ _ U 1899-r Certified list of Illinois corporations filed with the recorder of deeds. U 1902+ Senate.^ Journal. U 1826. 30-53, 55-81, 83-1903: Assembly, 5. 7-18 pt i. 19-32 pt I, 33-43 State, Department of. Illinois handbook & legislative manual. (Rummel.) U 1870-71, V. 1-2 Later called Illinois Blue book. State, department of. Oflkial vote at the general election. U 188S-1900, o8-f Supreme court. Report of cases. (Illinois reports.) U 1819-j- v. 1+ Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1849, 69, 70, 72, 76, 8o-[- (State) water survey. Urbana. _ Publications. G U N W 1897+ no. 1+" Nos. I & 2 issued by Illinois university — Chemical survey of the waters of Illinois. Illinois (state) academy of science. Transactions. U N 1908+ v. 1 + Illinois Agricultural experiment station. Urbana. Annual report. U N 1887+ V. i-f- Bulletin. G v. 7, U N 1887+ v. i4- Circular. N 1897-I- [no. 3-120,] 123-I- Illinois (state) agricultural society. Journal. U iS62|| v. ill Transactions. _ _ UN 1853-70II v. i-8|| Continued by Illinois — Agriculture, State board of. Illinois agriculturist. (Agricultural club. University of Illinois.) Champaign. U 1897+ V. 1-5, [7-8] 9-10, [II,] 12+ ; N 1898+ V. 2-7, [9-12,] 13+ Illinois association of domestic science. [Annual meeting.] U 1905, v. 7 Illinois association of state officials. Report. U 1903, v. 1-3 Illinois Asylum for feeble minded children. Lincoln. Biennial report. U 1872, 74, 76-80, 88-92, 96+ v. 8, 10; V. 6-8, 12-14, 16-I- SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 85 Illinois Asylum for insane criminals. Chester. Biennial report. U 1892+ V. 1 + Illinois Asylum for incurable insane. Peoria. Biennial report. U 1898+ v. 2+ Illinois bankers' association. Proceedings. U iS'j3, 1901, 06, v. 3, 11, 16 Illinois (state) bar association. Proceedings. U 1879-80, 82-92, 1901-02, 05-f V. 2-3, 5-15, 25-26, 29+ IlUinois (state) bee-keepers' association. Annual report. U 1892+ v. 1 + Illinois Central hospital for the insane. Jacksonville. Biennial report. U 1847-62, 74, 78, 90, 94-i- V. 1-8, 14, 16, 22, 24-I- Illinois Central railroad company. Annual report. U 1853, 85-99. 1901-05, V. 13. 35-55 Illinois Charitable eye & ear infirmary. Chicago. Biennial report. U 1879, 87+ V. II, i6-h Illinois coal operators association. Monthly bulletin. Chicago. G U -f lllinois coal operators association & the United mine workers of America. Joint convention. _ G 1906, U 1901, 03-04 Joint interstate agreement : Illinois state agreement : district & local agree- ments. U 1902-06 Illinois college, Jacksonville. Catalogue. U 1840-42, 69/70, 83-85, 93/94, 97+ Illinois college of law, Chicago. Catalogue. U 1899/1900, 03/04 Illinois conference of charities. Proceedings. U 1896-1905, v. i-io Illinois conference of county superintendents & institute instructors. Proceed- ings. U 1901 Illinois congress of mothers. Report of annual meeting. U 1900, v. i Illinois Cook county normal school, Chicago. Catalogue. U 1871/72, 80/S1 Illinois cyclopedic quarterly. [Legal.] St Paul. U-r Illinois (state) dairymen's association. Annual report. U 1874-92, 95-1900, 02-03, V. 1-18, 21-26, 28-29 Illinois Directory of the superintendents & principals of public schools. Chi- cago. _ _ U 1890/91, 1904/05 Illinois Eastern hospital for the insane. Kankakee. Biennial report. U 1878, 88-96, 98-H V. I, 6-10, i2-f Illinois Eastern (Illinois) state normal school. Charleston. Bulletin. U nos. 4, 8-n, 13-17, 20, 23-I- Catalogue. U 1899-1903, 04/05, 06/07, oS-f- Report. U 1895-1900, v. 1-2 Illinois (state) electric association. Proceedings. U 1900, v. i Illinois farmer. Springfield. U 1861-63, v. 6-8 Illinois farmer & farmers' call. Quincy & Chicago. U -\- Illinois (state) farmers' association. Proceedings. U 1873-75, 77, v. 1-3, 5 Illinois federation of w^omen's clubs. Program of annual meeting. U 1899, 1901-02, V. 5, 7-8 Reports of standing committees. U 1898-99, v. 4-5 Illinois (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Journal of proceedings. U 1875, 98, 1909+ v. 4, 27, 38+ Illinois grape growing & wine making association. Proceedings. U 186S Illinois (state) historical library. Springfield. Biennial report. U 1890-92 ' ' Bulletin. Circular. Collections. Illinois (state) historical society. Springfield. Journal. — — Transactions. Illinois (state) home for juvenile female offenders. Geneva. Illinois (state) horticultural society. Transactions. Illinois humane society. Chicago. Annual report. Illinois Industrial home for the blind. Chicago. Annual report. U 1894. 96, 98, 1901 v. I, 3, 5. 8 Illinois industrial university. Urbana, see Illinois University. Urbana. Illinois Institution for the education of the blind. Jacksonville, see Illinois (state) school for the blind. :, 96-9S. V. 1-2, 4-5 U i905-f V. i-f U 1905+ no. i-f U 1903+ V. i-f- U iyo8-r V. U 1900+ V. 1 + 1. Biennial report. U iS92-f V. I-r U N i856-f- V. 1 + U 1881/82, \ '. 12 86 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Illinois Institution for the education of the deaf & dumb. Jacksonville. Annual report. U 1872, 74, 78, 88, 90, 92-1902 v. 32, 34, 38, 48, 50, 52-62 Illinois issue. (Anti-saloon league.) Chicago. U -{- Illinois journal (daily, weekly). Springfield 111., see Springfield, Illinois journal; Illinois daily journal; Illinois daily state journal, Illinois state journal. Illinois law review. Chicago. U 1906-}- v. 1 + Illinois library association. Proceedings (in Public libraries). U 1896-!- v. 1 + Illinois magazine, see Illinois university. Urbana. Illinois manual training school farm. Glenwood. Annual report. U 1898, v. 11 Illinois medical college, Chicago. Register. U 1905/06 Illinois (state) medical society. Transactions. Chicago. U 1893-94, v. 43-44 Illinois (state) microscopical society. Chicago. Bulletin. N 1886 Illinois natural history society. Bloomington. Transactions. N i86i|| v. i|| Illinois natural history society. Springfield. Transactions. N i86i|| ser. i,v. ij] Illinois (state) normal university. Normal. Catalogue. U 1859/60, 67/68, 74/75, 76-78, 80/81, 84/85, 86/87, 88-90, 94-98, 99-1901, 02/03, 04-06, 07-f Illinois Northern hospital for the insane. Elgin. Biennial report. U 1874, 78, 84, 88-1902, 06+ V. 3, 5, 8, 10-17, 19+ Illinois Northern (Illinois) state normal school, Dekalb. Biennial report. U I 899- I 900 —— Catalog. U 1899+ Illinois Northern (Illinois) Superintendents' & principals' association. Year- book. U 1906-f V. 1 + Illinois organ, Springfield, see Springfield, Illinois organ. Illinois (State) penitentiary. Joliet. Biennial report. U 1868, 78, 82-(- Illinois pharmaceutical association. Proceedings. . . ^ U 1880-92, 94, 96-97, 99-h V. I -1 3, IS, 17-18, 20-1- Ilhnois (State) reform school. Pontiac. Biennial report. U 1867/70, 73/74, 76/78, 80/82, 8S/90, V. I, 4-5, 7, II Continued as Illinois (State) reformatory. Pontiac. Biennial report. U 1891-f v. i-f — — Library. Library report (biennial). U 1900-02, v. 6 Illinois St Charles home for boys. Biennial report. U 1902-i- v. 1 + Illinois (state) school for the blind, Jacksonville. Biennial report. U 1870-78, 93-f- V. 11-15, 23 + Before 1905 called Illinois Institution for the education of the blind. Illinois school journal. Normal; Bloomington. ,„. . , , ,, , U [1882-85,] 86-87, [v. 1-4,] 6-7, [8] Ilimois schoolmaster. Normal. U 1873-76, [v. 6,] 7-9 Continues Illinois teacher ; and Chicago schoolmaster. Illinois school of dentistry, Chicago. Circular. U 1897-1901 Illinois society for child-study. Chicago. Transactions. U [1894-1901] [v. 1-5] Illinois society of engineers & surveyors. Annual report. U iS86-r v. 1 + Illinois Soldiers' & sailors' home. Quincy. Biennial report. U i8S5-f v. i-j- Illinois Soldiers' home. Chicago. Report. U 1890 Illinois Soldiers' orphans' home. Normal. Biennial report. , U 1869/70, 73/74, 76-86, 88-92, 94-f V. I, 3, 5-9, 11-12, 14-f Illinois Solaiers widows' home. Wilmington. Biennial report. U 1896-]- v. i-|- Illinois Southern hospital for the insane. Anna. Biennial report ,„. . ^ U 1886-f V. 8+ llhnois Southern (Illinois) pententiary. Chester. Report. U 1878, 87-f- Ilhnois Southern (Illinois) state normal university. Carbondale. Biennial re- P2.'''v , u 1877/78, 94-96, 99-1902 — - Catalogue. U 1880-1900, 02+ lllinois state gazetteer & business directory. (Polk.) Chicago. T,r . . , ^ U 1882, 86, 88, v. 3, 5-6 Illinois state journal, Springfield, 111., see Springfield. Illinois state journal Illinois state register, Springfield, 111., see Springfield, Illinois state register. Illinois (state) Sunday school association. Proceedings of convention Chi- T„- ^^^^- , ^ . U 1892, v. ^1 Illinois teacher. Peona. U 1858-59, 68-69, 71-72II v. 4-5, 14-15, i/'iSH Continued as Illinois schoolmaster. SRRIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 87 Illinois (state) teachers' association. Journal of proceedings. U 1868-60. 99-1902, 05, V. 15-16. 46-48. 52; W 1907, V. 54 Program of the Annual meeting. U 1897, 1901, 04+ v. 44, 48, 51 + Illinois (State) training school for girls, Geneva. Biennial report. U 1900-06, V. 5-7 Illinois University. Urbana. Alumni quarterly. U I907H- v. i-|- Bulletin. U 1903+ v. 1 + Continues Publications. Catalog. U 1867-f mini (Students' paper). U 1874-f v. 3-18, [19,] 20-21, [22,] 2;^+ Continues the Student, v. 1-2. Summer Illini. 1908+ v. 1 + ■ Illinois magazine. U 1902-05, v. 1-4 U 1909+ ser. 2, V. 1 + Illio (Junior class annual). U 1895-97, 99, 1901+ v. 1-3, 5, 7+ Continues Sophograph. Publications. U I90l-03|i v. 1-2] | Continued by Bulletin. Report of the board of trustees. U 1867-f- Sophograph (Sophomore class annual). U 1884-86, 8S-92, 94II v. 1-3, 5-9,11 1| Continued as Illio. Student. U 1871-73II V. i-2|| Continued as the Illini. • University studies. U N 1900+ v. 1 + Varsity fortnightly. _ U 1901II v. i|| — — Agricultural club, see also Illinois agriculturist. Astronomical observatory. Bulletin. U 1898, no. i Ceramics, School of. Studies. U 1905+ no. i+; N 1907+ no. 2, 6-}- Chemical survey of the waters of Illinois. Report. G U N W 1897-1903! I V. 1-2] I Continued in Illinois (State) water survey. Publications. Civil engineers' club. Selected papers, see Technograph. Dentistry, College of. Chicago. Announcement. U iQOi-04. 05+ Education, School of. Bulletin. U 1909+ no. 1 + Engineering experiment station. Bulletin. U 1904+ V. I, no. i+; N 1904+ no. 1-6, 8-12, 26+ Engineering societies, Association of, see also Technograph. (State) library school. Circular. U 1897+ Medicine, College of. Chicago. Announcement. U 1891-96, 97/98, 1900+ Before 1897 called Chicago college of physicians & surgeons. • see also Plexus. Pharmacy, School of. Chicago. Announcement. U 1893/94, 95-97, 98-t- Before 1896 called Chicago college of pharmacy. — — Psj-chological laboratory. Studies. U 1909+ v. i-f- Illinois water supply association. Proceedings. Urbana. U 1909+ v. i-j- Illinois Wesleyan universitv. Bloomington. Catalogue. U "1867/68, 69/70, 76/77, 78/79, 83/84, 90/91, 92-96, 97+ Illinois Western hospital for the insane. Watertown. Biennial report. U 1898 -f V. 1 + Illinois Western normal college. Bushnell. Catalog. U 1S92/93 Illinois Western (Illinois) state normal school, Macomb. Catalog. U 1902/03, c6+ Illinois woman's college. Jacksonville. Catalogue. U 1900/01, 05/06, 07-i- IlHnois young men's Christian association. Yearbook [with proceedings of an- nual convention]. U 1893, v. 21 Illuminating engineer. London. U 1909-f- v. 2+ Illuminating engineer. New York. U 1906-I- v. i-j- Illuminating engineering society. Transactions. Easton (Pa.) U 1909+ v. 4-f- Illustrated annual register of rural affairs. Albany (X. Y.) U 1855-81II v. 1-27II Illustrated London news. London. U 1842-60, v. 1-37 Illustration. Paris. U 1896+ v. 107-!- Supplement drama. U 1899-I- Supplement fiction. U 1898-I- 88 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Illustration horticole. Ghent. U 1S54-190CII v. 1-471! 1897-1900 entitled Semaine horticole. ' ' ' Illustrazione italiana. Milan. U 190S+ v. 35+ Illustrierte wochenschrift (later zeitschrift) fur entomologie, see Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche insektenbiologie. Illustrierte zeitung. Leipzig. U 1905+ v. 124+ Ilustracion Espanola & Americana. Madrid. U 1909+ v. 53-j- Imperatorskaya, Imperiale, etc. For entries of learned academies thus express- ing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adjective, which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement. Imperial ; a Christmas & X^ew-year's present. London. U 1839 Imperial journal of art. science, mechanics & engineering. ?ilanchester (Eng.) U 1840, V. 1-3 Implement age. Philadelphia. U 1898-1900 [v. 11,] 12, [13-16] Improvement era. (Young men's mutual improvement association.) Salt Lake , city. U [1907] [v. 10] Incorporated association of municipal & county engineers. London Proceed- ings;. . . U 1873+ V. 1 + Earher organization was Association of municipal & sanitarv engineers & surveyors. Independent. New York. U 1899-j- v. 51-r Independent farmer & Western €wine breeder. Lincoln (Xeb.) . U I May 1907-f v. 39, no. 38+ Continues as consolidation of Nebraska independent. Weekly state journal, & Western swine breeder. Independent labour party. London. Report of the annual conference. U 1903, V. II see also Labour leader, . . . journal of socialism, trade unionism & politics. Independent labour party news. London. U [1900-03] [v. 4-7] Independent order of Odd fellows, see Odd fellows. Indes neerlandaises, see also Java. Index & review, all about government publications. Washington (D. C.) U 1901-03II v. 1-2JI Index medicus. X'evv York : Washington. U 1879-95, 97-9911 1903+ V. 1-17, 20-21 1 1 ser. 2, v. 1 + Not published 1899-1902. Index society. London. Publications. U has ordered Index to legal periodicals & law library journal. (American association of law libraries.) 2\Iadison (Wis.) U + India — Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1904-I- v. i-f ■ Memoirs; botanical series. UN igo6-\- v." i-f- Memoirs; chemical series. UN 1906+ v. i-f Memoirs; entomological series. UN 1906-h v. i-j- Geological survey. Memoirs: Palaeontologia Indica. U 1879-87, ser. 13, V. I, pt. 1-7, v. 2, pt. i, v. 4, pt. 1-2; U has ordered 1859-07 Railway board. Administration report. London. U 1892+ ■ Classified list of state railway establishment & distribution return of establishment of all railways. U 1900-f- Preceding 1905 issued by the Public works dept. Revenue & agriculture, Department of. Agricultural statistics of British India. U 1893-1900, v. 14-16 India Agricultural research institute. Pusa. Report on the fruit experiments. U I906H- V. 1 + India, see also Agricultural & horticultural society of India. Indian industries & power. London. U -1- Indian museum. Calcutta. Memoirs. X 1907-f v. 1 + Records. N 1907-f- v. 1 + Natural history section. Annual report. N 1907-i- Indian museum notes. N 1891-1903II v. 2-5II Indian rights association. Philadelphia. Annual report. U i886-|- v. 4-f- Publications. U 1893- 1 907, ser. 2, no. 8, 10, 43, 46-49, 51, 53. 58-59, 61-63. 65-67. 69. 71-77 SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 89 Indiana. Annual reports. U 1881-86, 88-92, 94-f (1S81, V. 2, i8yo, V. 2, & 1894, V. I wanting.) Agent of state. Annual report. ^ I0OO-D2 Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. ^ , ^r o U 1851-56, 62-97, 1904+ V. 1-5, 9-39, 46+; N 1879-90, V. 21-32 Attorney general. Biennial report. , U 1S83-86 88/90, 98+ Auditor Annual report. U 1852/53, 76-78, 79-86, 87-92, 94+ Charities, State board of. Bulletin. U 1895+ no. 23-24, 26, 29-30, 32-33. 38, 40-44, 47-67, 69-70, 74+ , Comparative statement of the state charital)le & correctional institu- tions. , . .; , ^ '?^Q^ Report. U 1889/90, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97+ v. i, 4, 6, 8-|- Colonization, State board of. Report of secretary. U 1853 (State) entomologist. Annual report. U 1907/08+ ; N 1902+ Farmers' institutes. [Report.] U 1906-r . Fisheries & game, Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 1905+ Forestry, State board of. Annual report. U 1903-06, 07+ y. 4-6, 8+ Geological survey. Report. G 1873, 75, 78] | v. 5,7,iol|; U 1869-78II v. i-ioH Continued by Geology & natural history. Department of. Annual report. G 1881, 85-86] I V. II, 15-16II ; U 1881-86II v. 11-16II Continued by Geology & natural resources, Department of. Annual report. G 1S91+ V. 17+ ; u 1891-1906, V. 17-31 ; N 1891+ V. 17, 19+ Governor. Biennial message. U 1899-1900 Health, State board of. Annual report. U 1883-98, 1900, 1903+ v. 2-17, 19, 22+ Monthly bulletin. o '^'^ t Flouse of representatives. Journal. U 1864-73, 76+ v 44-4o, 50 | • Inspection, Department of. Annual report. U 1896/97+ v. 1 + Labor commissioner. Biennial report. U 1897-1900, oS+ v. 1-2, 5-f- (State) Librarian. Legislative & state manual. U 1907 (State) library. Biennial report. U 1868, 74-8o, 94+ v. 1868, 11-13, 21-26 Bulletin. U 190S+ v. 1 + Medical registration & examination. State board of. Annual report. U 1907+ V. 10+ Pharmacy, Board of. Annual report. U 1007-J- v. 9+ Public instruction. Department of. Arbor & bird day annual. U 1907+ Biennial report of the superintendent. U 1859, 63-1902, 05+ V. 8, 13-44, 46-r Public library commission. Biennial report. U 1901+ v. 1+ Summer school for librarians. U 1902-03, 05+ no. 1-2, 4+ see also Library occurrent. Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 2+ Secretary of State. Biennial report. , „ r, n o^ o ^ , U 1872-74, 76-78, 80-84, 86-90, 98-1904, 06+ . Senate. Journal. U 1864+ v. 44+ Statistics, Bureau of. Annual taxpayers bulletin. U 1909. no. i Report. U 1881-94, 1905-06, v 3-11, I7 Statistics & geology, Department of. Annual report. U 1879-80II v. i-2|i Continued by Indiana— Geology & natural history, Dept. of. ■ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Indiana reports.) U 1817+ Tax commissioners. State board of. Annual conference convention with county assessors. U ^900, 07+ Proceedings. U 1891 + Continues Board of Equalization. Treasurer. Annual report. U 1839, 1901-03, 04/05, o6-t- Tuberculosis hospital commission. Report. U 1906+ (State) veterinarian. Annual report. U 1901/02, 03/04, 05/06, 07/08+ Indiana academy of science. Indianapolis. Proceedings. G 1891. 94. 97. 1905: U 1891-1906, V. 7-22; N 1891+ V. 7+ Indiana Agricultural experiment station. Lafayette. Annual report. U 1888-1901, 03+ V. 1-14, 16+ ; N 1890+ V. 3+ 90 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Bulletin. U 1885+ no. i+; N 1885+ [no. 2-127,] 129+ Circular. N 1906+ [no. 1-14,] 17+ Indiana bankers association. Indianapolis. Annual convention. U 1907+ V. 11 + Indiana (state) bar association. Report. U 1907+ v. 11+ Indiana Boj"s' school. Plainfield. Annual report. U 1S70, -Jl, 88-90, 1S99/1900, 01-05, 07/08+ V. 4, 7, 23-24, 34, 36-39, 42-f Indiana Central Indiana hospital for insane. Indianapolis. Annual report. U 1895+ V. 47+ Indiana college association. Addresses & proceedings. LJ 187S, v. i Indiana (state) conference of charities & corrections. Proceedings. U 1895, v. 4 Indiana (state) dairj- association. Annual report. U 1891-93, 1898-1905, 08+ V. 1-3, 9-15, i8-f Indiana Eastern hospital for the insane. Easthaven. Annual report. U 1890+ After 1006/07 biennial. Indiana engineering society. Indianapolis. Proceedings. U 1882, 84+ V. 2, 4+ ; W 1906+ V. 26-1- Indiana farmer. Indianapolis. U 1902-I- [v. 57-59,] 60, [61 + Indiana federation of labor. Official proceedings of the annual convention. In- dianapolis. U 1902-03, o6-(- V. 18-19, 22+ Indiana Girls' school. Mitchellville. Report. U 1907/08+ v. 2+ Indiana (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Proceedings. U 1887, 1907+ v. 17, 2,T\- Indiana historical society. Indianapolis. Publications. U 1S95+ v. 1 + Indiana (state) horticultural society. Transactions. G 1890, V. 30; U 1867, 69-72, 74-77, 79-81, 83, 89, 1900, 04+ v. 6, S-ii, 13-16, 18-20, 23, 29, 40, 44+; N 1872-90, v. II, 15-16, 19-22, 26, 30 Indiana, Illinois & lov.a railroad company. Annual report. .U 1904-05, V. 17-18 Indiana Northern hospital for the insane. Longcliff. Biennial report. U 1894/96, 1904/06+ Indiana (State) prison. ^Michigan City. Biennial report. U 1880, 1904-06 Indiana Reformatory. Jeffersonville. Biennial report. U 1900/02 (v. 3), 07 + Indiana School for feeble-minded youth. Fort Wavne. Annual report. U 18S0-86, 87-89, 90-92, 93+ Indiana School for the deaf. Indianapolis. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 65+ Indiana school journal. Indianapolis. U [1856-59, 63, 69-70, 76, 97] V. I, [2-3, 5, 8, 14-15, 21. 42] Indiana society of civil engineers & surveyors, see Indiana engineering society. Indiana Soldiers' & sailors' orphans' home. Knightstown. Annual report. U 1907+ V. 29+ Indiana Southern hospital for the insane, Evansville. Biennial report. U 1906+ V. 10+ Indiana teacher. Indianapolis. U [1869] [v. i] Indiana Village for ep-ileptics. New Castle. Annual report. U 1908-}- v. 3+ Indianapolis. Annual reports. U 1892, 96-97, 99, 1901-02, 09-}- City comptroller. Report. U j'891, 94. 97, 99, 1901-02 Park commissioners. Annual report. U 1S96-97, 99, 1901+ v. 2-3, 5, 7+ Public health and charities, Dej)artment of. Annual report. U 1909, V. 19; W 1908, v. 18 Public library. Annual report. U 1873-74, 79-8i, 92-1902 v. i, 7-8, 20-29 Bulletin. U 1904+ v. 1 + Public safety. Department of. Annual report. U 1894, 97-99, 1901-02, 07+ v. 4. 7-9, 11-12, 17 + Public works. Board of. Annual report. U 1905+ v. 15+ Indianapolis board of trade. Annual report. U 1880, 96-98, 1900+ v. 1880, V. 14-16, iS+ Indianapolis Commercial club, see also Forward. Indianapolis free kindergarten & children's aid society. Report. U 1895-96 Indianapolis news. Yearbook & encyclopedia. ' U 1901 Indian's friend. (National Indian association.) New Haven (Conn.) U + Indicaleur d'antiquites Suisse. Zurich, sec Anzeiger fiir schweizerische alter- tumskunde. SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 91 Indicator. [Insurance.] Detroit. U 1907+ v. 23-\~ Indogermanische forschungen. Strassburg. U 1892+ v. i-j- Indoors & out. Boston. U 1905-07]! v. 1-5, no. 3|| Combined with House beautiful Jan. 1908. Industrial aid society for the prevention of pauperism. Boston. Annual report. U 1857, 63, 68, 74, 80, 91 V. 22, 28, 33, 39, 45, 56 Industrial art teachers' association. Papers. Boston (Mass.) U 1889 Industrial engineering. New York. U 1910+ v. 7+ Continues Engineering digest. Industrial independent, devoted to the interests of free & independent labor; op- posed to organized lawlessness, socialism & anarchy. Indianapolis. U [1905] [v. 2] Industrial magazine. Cleveland. U 1902-i- v. i-|- V. 1-4 have title Draftsman; v. 5 has title Browning's industrial magazine. Industrial removal office, see New York (city), Industrial removal office. Industrial workers of the world. Report. Chicago. U 1906 Industrial world. Pittsburg (Pa.) ^ U -f Industrialist. Manhattan, see Kansas state agricultural college. Industrie electrique. Paris. U 1894-95, v. 3-4 Industrie laitiere. Paris. U 1905+ v. 30+ Industry. San Francisco. U 1894 Infantry journal. (U. S. Infantry association.) V/ashington (D. C.) U 1910-f v. 7+ Continues U. S. infantry association. Journal. Ingegneria ferroviaria ; revista dei trasporti & delle communicazioni. Rome (Italy). .... U + Ingenieur, see Civilingenieur. Ingenieur. (K. Instituut van ingenieurs — van de vereeniging van Delf cache ingenieurs.) The Hague. U 1909+ v. 24 -f- Ingenieur moniteur du brevite. Paris. U 1909-}- v. 24+ Inhalt der mechanisch-technischen zeitschriften. Berlin. U 1897, v. 8 Inland architect. Chicago. U 1898-1908] | v. 31-52]] Continued in American architect. Inland printer. Chicago. U 1905+ v. 35+ Innsbruck (Austria) Universitiit. (K. K. Leopold-Franzcns-universitat.) Bericht. U 1904/05, o8-|-- Uebersicht. U 1905 + Vorlese-ordnung. U 1905+ Insect life, see U. S. — Entomology, Division of. Insect world; a monthly magazine [in Japanese]. Gifu (Japan). ... ... U [1899] [v. 3] Institucio catalana d histona natural. Barcelona. Bulleti. U N 1909-f ; ser. 2, v. 6+ Institut de droit international. Paris. Annuaire. U 1906, v. 21 Institut de France. Paris — Academie des inscriptions & belles lettres. Comptes rendus. _ U 1895, v. 23 Academie des sciences. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances. U 1835+ V. 1 + Memoires. U 1796+ v. i-f Memoires presentes par divers savants. U 1796-1902, v. 1-34 Reccuil des memoires . . . relatifs a I'observation du passage de Venus sur le soleil, 1874. U 1877-821 ] v. 1-3] | ^ All other publications. U has ordered Institut egyptien. Cairo. Bulletin. N 1897+ ser. 3, V. 8-10; ser. 4, v. 1-7; ser. 5, v. 1 + Memoires. N 1900+ v. 3+ Institut international de bibliographic. Brussels. Annuaire. U 1899, i'»2 Annuaire de la Belgique, scientiiique, artistique & litteraire. U 1908, no. 71 Bulletin. U 1897-1901, 09+ v. 2-6, 14+ Repertoire des brevets d'invention dclivres en Belgique. U 1906+ V. 1-22, 24+ Institut international de statistique. Rome. Bulletin. U 1886-I- v. i-f- Publications. U i8S6-f no. 1 + 02 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Institut Pasteur. Paris. Annales. U 1887+ v. i+; N 1887-1910, v. 1-.3, 4, 6-24 Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 7+ Institute of actuaries. London. Journal. U 1S51+ v. 1 + Institute of bankers. London. Journal. _ • U 1S79+ v. 1 + Institute of marine engineers. Frome (Eng.) Transactions. U 1910+ v. 21 + Institution of civil engineers. London. Minutes of proceedings, with papers. U 1837+ V. 1 + • Transactions. U 1838-42, v. 1-3 Institution of civil engineers of Ireland. Dublin. Transactions. U 1909+ V. 35+ Institution of electrical engineers. London. Journal. U 1872-f v. 1 + 1872-88, V. 1-17 has title Journal of the Society of telegraph engineers. Institution of engineers & shipbuilders in Scotland. Glasgov/. Transactions. U 1862+ V. 6+ Institution of mechanical engineers. Birmingham; London. Proceedings. U 1847+ V. 1+ Institution of naval architects, London. Transactions. U 1860+ v. 1 + Institute agricola de Alfonso 12th — Agricultura, Escuela general de. Madrid. Memoria. U 1887-90 Institute cientifico & literario "Porfirio Diaz." Toluca (Mex.) Boletin. U 1902+ V. 5, no. 9-!- Instituto de ingenieros de Chile. Santiago. Anales. U 1909+ v. 9+ Instituts Solvay. Brussels. — Sociologie, Institut de. Etudes sociales. U 1906, V 3 K. Institur.t van ingcnieurs. The Hague. Tijdschiift; verhandelingen, instituuts- jaar. U 1907-08 see also Ingenieur. Insurance engineering. New York. U 1901+ v. 1 + Insurance law journal. St Louis; New York. U 1871-83, v. 1-12 Insurance year book. New York. U 1880, 82, 1903, v. 8, 10, 31 Intellectual' observer. London. _ U 1862-66, 67-68, v. 1-8, 11-12 Intelligencer; published for the satisfaction & information of the people. Lon- don. U [Jan. 1663/64-Dec. 1664] Intercollegiate. New York. U 1905+ v. 6+ Intermediaire des biologistes. Paris. N 1897-99, v. i, [2] Intermediaire des mathematiciens. Paris. U 1894+ v. 1 + International actuarial congress. Transactions. U 1895, 98, 1900, 1-3 see also International congress of actuaries. International apple shippers association. Yearbook. U 1905"!" v. ii-f International association for testing materials, — American section, see American society for testing materials. International association of bridge & structural iron workers. Proceedings of annual convention. _ U 1904, v. 8 see also Bridge men's magazine. International association of car workers. Proceedings of the special convention. U 1905 Synopsis of proceedings of the annual convention. Joliet (111.) U 1903-04, 07-f- — — see also Carworker. International association of factory inspectors of North America. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1887, 93-94, 9\ 1904 v. i, 7-8, 10, 18 Before 1892 name was National convention of factory inspectors in the U. S. International association of machinists. Proceedings of the biennial convention. U 1907+ V. 12+ see also Machinists' monthly journal. International association of marble workers, see also Marble workers' journal. International book-binder. (International brotherhood of book -binders of North America.) New York. U 1909+ v. lo-f International brick, tile, & terra cotta workers' alliance, see also Brick, tile, & terra cotta workers' journal. International brotherhood of blacksmiths & helpers. Proceedings of biennial convention. U 1905, v. 10 see also Blacksmith's journal. SERIALS IN URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN 93 International Brotherhood of boilermakers, iron shipbuilders & helpers of Amer- ica. Journal. Kansas city (Kan.) U [1807-1900, 03-04, 06-07,] 08+ [v. 9-12, 15-16, 18-19,] 20+ International brotherhood of book-binders of North America, see also Interna- tional book-binder. International brotherhood of electrical workers. Proceedings of the biennial convention. U 1903-05, v. 8-9 see also Electrical worker. International brotherhood of leather workers on horse goods, see also Leather workers' journal. International brotherhood of maintainance of way employes, see also Advance advocate. International brotherhood of steam shovel & dredge men, see also Steam shovel & dredge. International brotherhood of teamsters, see also Team drivers' international union ; Teamsters. International bureau of American republics, see Pan American union. International catalogue of scientific literature. London. U 1901-I-, all classes A-R, v. 1 + International conference on aerial navigation. Proceedings. U 1893 (Chicago) v. 2 International conference on education. U 1884, London, 4v. International congress for the history of religions. Transactions. U 1900, 08 V. I, 3 International congress of actuaries. Proceedings. U 1903, 09, v. 4, 6 see also International actuarial congress. International congress of anthropology. Chicago. Memoirs. U 1893 International congress of architects. Report. U 1897, v. 4 International congress of education, Chicago. 1893, see National educational as- sociation. Addresses & proceedings, v. S3- International congress of hygiene & demography. Transactions. U 1891, v. 7 International congress of navigation. Proceedings. U 1898, v. 7 International cooperative congress. Report. U 1895, v. i International correspondence schools. Scranton, Pa. Anniversary exercises &. banquet. U 1906, v. 15 International council of women. Report of transactions. U 1899. v. 2 International directory of booksellers & bibUophile's manual. (Clegg.) Roch- dale, Eng. U 1903, c6-f International electrical congress. Proceedings. U 1893, I904 International fire prevention congress. Report. New York. U 1903, v. i International free trade congress. Report of the proceedings. U 1908-I- v. i-j- International geodetic association, see Internationale erdmessung. International geographic congress. Report. U 1881 (Venice), 1904 (Washington), v. 3, 8 International horseshoer's monthly magazine. (International union of the journeymen horseshoers of the U. S. & Canada.) Denver. _ U fu)02, 04-05. 07l [v. 3. 5-6, 8] International horticultural exhibition & botanical congress. Report of proceed- ings. U 1S66 International institute. Shanghai. Reports of the mission among the higher classes in China. U 1907+ v. 19+ International journal of ethics. Philadelphia. U 1S90+ v. 1+ International journal of microscopy & natural science. London. N 1891-97, ser. 3, V. 1-7 Continues ser. i & 2 issued as Journal of microscopy and natural science. International kindergarten union. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1903, 05+ v. 10, 12+ International labor office. Basel. Bulletin. U 1906+ v. i-f- International library conference. Proceedings & transactions. U 1877, 97, 1900 V. 1-3 International longshoremen, marine & transport workers' association. Proceed- ings. U 1902-05, V. 11-14 International mathematical congresses. Chicago, Zurich, Paris, Heidelberg, Rome 4-. U 1833, 97. IQOO, 04, 08+ v. i-f 94 SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN International metal worker. (United metal workers international union of America.) Chica-o. U [1904] [v. 2] International monetary conference. Paris. Proceedings. 1878, 81 International monthly. Burlington (Vt.) U 1900-02II v. i-Sl| Continued as International quarterly. International monthly magazine of literature, science and art. U 1850-52! I V. I-5II Merged in Harper's new monthly magazine. International musician. (American federation of musicians.) St Louis. U [1906, 08, 09] [v. 5, 7, 8] International Ohio improved Chester record association. Record. U 1895II v. i|l International penitentiary congress. London. Report. U 1872II v. i|| Continued as International prison congress. International printing pressmen & assistants' union of North America. Report of ofP.cers & proceedings. U 1908, v. 20 see also American pressmen. International prison congress. Report. U 1872-95, v. 1-5 1872 called International penitentiary congress. International quarterly. New York. U 1902-06II v. 6-iol| Continues International monthly. International railway congress. Brussels. Bulletin. U 1887+ v. 1 + ■ Proceedings. ... ^ 1900-05, v. 6-7 International railway journal. Philadelphia. U + International record of charities & corrections. New York. U [1S86] [v. il International review. New York. U 1874-83II v. 1-14II International sanitary convention of the American republics. Transactions. Washington. ' _U igo6, 2d International seamen's union of America, see also Coast seamen's journal. International shingle weavers' union of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. _ U 1909+ v. 7-f- • see also Shingle weaver. International socialist review. Chicago. U 1000-01,^ [02, 04-05,] 08+ V.I, [2, 4-5.,] [8]-|- International socialist congress, see Congres socialiste international. International spinners' union. Convention report U 1907 International steam engineer. (International union of steam engineers.) New York. U [1903, 04,] 05, [06,] 07 International studio. New York. C i905-f v. 25-f-; U 1897+ v. 1 + see also Studio. International typographical union of North America. Proceedings. U 1870-88, 91-93, 96-1904 V. 19-36, 39-41. 43-54 Continues National typographical union. see also Typographical journal. International union for cooperation in solar research. Transactions. i\Ian- chester (Eng.) _ _ U 1904-05, v. 1-2 International union of American republics, see Pan American union. International union of elevator constructors. Proceedings. U 1904, v. 3 sec also Elevator constructor. International union of journeymen horseshoers of the U. S. & Canada. Pro- ceedings of convention. U 1906, v. 28 • see also International horseshoer's monthly magazine. International union of steam engineers. Proceedings. U 1901-03, v. 5-7 see also International steam engineer. International waterways commission. Progress report. U 1906+ v. 2-{- International wood-worker. (Amalgamated wood-workers international union of America.) Chicago. U [1896, 98-99, 1901-02,] 03+ [v. 4, 6. 8, 10-12,] 13-f International yearbook. New York. U 1898- 1902 1| 1907-f- v. i-5||, new ser. v. i-f Intern.ationale elek'trotechnische ausstellung. Offizieller hericht. U 1891 Internationale erdmessung. Comptes rendu des seances de la conference gener- ale. U 1906, V. 15 Internationale musikgescllschaft. Leipzig. Zeitschrift (& sammelbiinde). U has ordered Internationale wochenschrift. Berlin. U4- SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 95 Internationale zeitschrift far allgemeine sprachwissenschaft. Leipzig. U 1004-90, V. i-o Internationales arbeiter congress. Protokoll. .coq+H. 'f-i Internationales archiv fiir ethnographic. Leyden. U ibb«-t- v. i-t Internationales archiv fi-.r schulhygiene. Leipzig. U 1905+ v. i-^ Inter-ocean, see Chicago inter-ocean. ^ „ . ^^ , ^■ rcz r\ Inter-state cotton seed crushers' association. Bulletin. Columbia (b U) U IQ08+ no. io-|- Interstate school review. Danville (111.) . ^ U [1S97-IQO0] [v. 7:io] Invaliditats- & altersversichcrung; amtliche nachnchten des Reichsversich- erungsamts. Berlin. tt o ^^''^^ Invaliditats- & altcrsvcrsicherung im deutsclien reiclie. Mam.?. U ib90-99, v. 1-9 Investment directory; insurance companies. (S. H. Wolfe.) I\evv lork U 1905 lova I e^islative documents. U 1896-98, 1902+ assembly, 26-27, 29+ Adjufant-general's office. Biennial report. U 1872, 78-79, 85-87, 91-93,97+ Attorney general. Biennial report. U 1900+ v. 2, 4+ Auditor of state. Annual bank report. U 1891-93 Annual report on insurance. U 1879, 95, 97, 1906+ v. 10, 26, 28, 37 J Biennial report. U 1852-53, 77-79, 85-91, 95 + Control of state institutions, Board of. Biennml report. U 1898-1903, 05-06, v. 1-3, 5 Bulletin of lov.a institutions. U 189Q-1903, 05+ v. 1-5, 7+ Dairy commissioner. Annual report. U 1891, 93-94, 96-98, 1900-02, 04-05, 07+ V. 5, 7-8, 10-12, 14-16, 18-19, 2Ti- Executive council. Annual report of the assessed valuation of railroad propertv. U 1S72. 76, 82. 84, 87, 89+ v. i, 5. n. I3, 16. 18+ Report of the annual assessment of telegraph & telephone property. U 1902-03, 05-06, o8-j- V. 3-4, 6-7, 9-r (State) fish & game warden. Biennial report. N 1886+ v. 7, M. 16+ General assembly. Laws. . U 1838-39 Geolopical survey. (Hall & White, 1855-70.) Report, embracing results. G U 1855-57, 66-70 Geological survey (1892+) . Annual report. G U 1892+ v. 1 + Bulletin. G U 1901-05, no. 1-2; N 1901. no. i Governor. Biennial message. U 1896, 1900 Health, State board of. Biennial report. U 18S1-84, 86+ v. 1-2, 4^- Iowa health bulletin. U 1899+ v- 12-f ; W + Historical department. Biennial' report. U 1893-99, 1903+ v. 1-4, 6-f- see also Annals of Iowa. House of representatives. Journal. U iS96-f assembly, 26+ Labor statistics, Bureau of. Biennial report. U 188S-92, 95-f v. 3-5, 7+ (State) library. Biennial report. U 1868-73, 83-85, 93-95, 97-1903 V. 13-15, 20, 24, 27-29 Librarv commission. Biennial report. U 1900-05, v. 1-2 Summer school for library training. 1902-r no. 2 + see also Iowa library quarterly. (State) mine inspectors. Biennial report. G 1811-95, V. 5-7; U 1894/95, 99/1901. 03+ V. 7. 10. 12^ Pharmacy, Commissioners of. Biennial report. U 1901, 05+ v. 11, 13+ ■ Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1870-75, 78-79, 82+ V. 15-17. 19, 2i-(- Iowa educational directory. U i9o8-|- Railroad commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1877, 80+ v. I, 3+ Secretary of state. Census. U 1867, 69, 95. 1905 Iowa official register. U 1890, 92+ v. 5, 7+ Report of land dcpt. .... U 1897, 99 Report relating to criminal convictions. U 1864-65, 74-75. 80-81, 86-89, 94-99 Senate. Journal. U 1896+ assembly 26+ State institutions. Board of. Bulletin. U + . Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Iowa reports.) U 1839+ • — - Treasury, Department of. Biennial report. U 1876-83, 85-89, 91-1901, 03-f q6 serials IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Iowa academy of sciences. Des Moines. Proceedings. G 1804-1907, V. 1-14; U 1894-97, 99+ V. 2-5, 7+; N 1887+ v. i-f lowa Agricultural experiment station. Ames. Annual report. U i888-{- v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1S88+ no. 1+ ; N 1888+ no. 1-9, 11-38, 41-55, 57-87. 90-94. 96-98. 102, 104+ Iowa (state) agricultural society. Annual report. U 1857, 59-75, 78-91, 93, 96 Iowa anthropological association. Iowa city. Proceedings. U 1904-05, v. 1-2 Iowa bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1897-98, 1901+ v. 11-12, 15-f Iowa Central railroad company. Annual report. U 1901/02, v. 13 Iowa college. Grinnell, sec also Grinneil review. Iowa College for the blind. Vinton. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 29^- lowa (state) college of agriculture & mechanic arts. Ames — Botanical depart- ment. Contributions. X 1896+ no. 5-10, 12-17, 19-23, 25+ Zoology & entomology, Department of. Contributions. N 1896-99, no. 1-4 Iowa (state) conference of charities & corrections. Proceedings. U 1909-f- v. lo-j- lowa (state) dairy association. Report. U 1896, v. 20 Iowa engineer. (Iowa state college.) Ames. U 1901+ v. i-f lowa engineering society. Proceedings. U 1889+ v. i-r ; W 1906, 08 -f v. 18, 20-|- lowa (state) federation of labor. Constitution & proceedings. U 1902, 07-08, V. 10, 15-16 Official labor directory. Des Moines. U 1903+ Proceedings. _ U 1903+ v. ii4- Icwa grain dealers' association. Official directory of regular grain dealers. U 1903 Iowa health bulletin, see Iowa — Health, State board of. Iowa historical record. (Iowa state historical society.) Iowa citv. U 1885-1902]! V. i-i8|| Continued by Iowa journal of history & politics. Iowa (state) historical society, Iowa city, see also Iowa historical record; Iowa journal of history & politics. Iowa homestead. Des Moines. U 1869, v. 14 Iowa (state) horticultural society. Forestry annual. U 1879, v. 5 Report. U 1869-76, 78-98, 1900-01, 03-1- v. 4-1 1, 13-33, 35-36, 38+ Iowa (state) hospital. Clarinda. Biennial report. U 1895-97, 1904+ Iowa improved stock breeders' association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. U 1887, 96, V. 14, 23 Iowa Institution for feeble-minded children. Glenwood. Report. U 1893-95, 97-1903. 05/06; V. 10, 12-14, 16 Iowa journal of history & politics. (Iowa state historical society.) Iowa citj'. U 1903+ V. 1+ Continues Iowa historical record. Iowa library quarterly. (Iowa library commission.) Des Moines. U 1905 -r V. 5+ Continues Bulletin of the Iowa library commission. Iowa official register, sec Iowa — Secretary of State. Iowa park & forestry association. Proceedings. U 1906, v. 6 Iowa Penitentiary, Fort ^Madison. Biennial report. U 1906-)- v. 33+ Iowa Pioneer lawmakers' association. Proceedings. Des Moines. U 1894+ V. 4+ Iowa Reform school. Eldora. Biennial report. U 1879-S3. v. 7-8 Iowa School for the deaf. Council Bluffs. Report. U 1908-r v. 28+ Iowa Soldiers' home, rvlarshalltown. Biennial report. U 1905-f lowa Soldiers' orphans' hom.e. Davenport. Biennial report. U 1903+ v. 21+ lowa state college, see Iowa (state) college of agriculture & mechanic arts. Ames. Iowa (state) university. Iowa city. Hawkeye. (Junior class annual.) U 1909+ Studies in languages & literature. U 1907-f- no. 1 + Studies in psychology. U 1897-f- v. i-f Studies in sociology, economics, politics & history. U [1903-04] [2-3] Engineering society, see also Transit. Natural history. Laboratories of. Bulletin. U 1888-93, 95-iQOi. V. 1-3, 4 pt 1-3, 5 pt 1-2. 4; N 1888+ V. 1 + Physical laboratory. Contributions. U 1907 -|- v. i, no. 2-f- SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 97 Ireland— Agriculture & technical instruction, Department of. Annual general report. U 1906/07+ v. 7+ Journal. U -|- Leaflets. N 1900+ no. i, 4-9, ". I3+ Report on the trade in imports & exports. U 1907+ Ireland— Courts: Irish law reports. U 1838-50, v. 1-13 Irish equity reports. U 1838-50, v. 1-13 Chancery. Law reports. U 1766-1846, v. 1-23 Circuit cases. Law reports. U 1839-46 Common pleas: Law reports. (Smythe.) U 1839-40II v. i|| Crown cases : Law reports. U 1822-40 Ecclesiastical: Law reports. (Milward.) U 1819-43 Exchequer: Law reports. _ U 1830-42II v. i-6|| High court of Parliament. Law reports (Ridgeway). U 1784-96, V. 1-3 King's or Queen's bench. Law reports. U 1786-1842II v. 2-14II Nisi prius. Law reports. U 1840-48, v. 1-2 Registry cases. Law reports. U 1832-41, v. 1-2 Rolls court. Law reports. U 1816-42II v. 1-4II Local government board. Annual reports. U 1873+ Poor, Commissioners for administering the laws for the relief of. Annual report. U 1848, v. i Ireland Royal university. Dublin. Calendar. U 1898-1900, 05, 08+ Ireland, see also Institution of civil engineers of Ireland. Irish naturalist. Dublin. N 1892+ v. i, [2-3,] 4+ Iris, see Deutsche entomologische zeitschrift "Iris." Iron age. New York. U 1900+ v. 65+ Iron age directory. New York. U 1903+ v. 7+ Iron & coal trades review. London. U 1908+ v. 76-f- Iron & steel institute. London. Carnegie scholarship memoirs. U 1909+ v. 1 + Journal. G 1871-72, v. i, pt 2; U 1869+ v. 1 + Iron & steel institute in America. Proceedings. London. G 1890 Iron & steel magazine. Boston. U 1904-06II v. 7-liil Continues Metallographist. United with Electrochemical & metallurgical industry. Iron molders' journal. (Iron molders' union of North America.) Cincinnati. U [1896-1906] [v. 32-37, 39-42] Iron trade review. Cleveland (O.) U 1906+ 39+ Iroquois club, Chicago, see Chicago Iroquois club. Irrigation age. Chicago. U 1902-06 ;-f [v. 18,] 19, [20-21 ;]-i- Isthmian canal commission, see U. S. — Isthmian canal commission. Ital)-— Gabellc, Direzione generale delle. Bollettino di legislnzione & statistica doganale & commerciale. U [1884, 87-89, 91, 96, 97, 1901-02] Lavoro, Ufficio del. Bollettino. U 1904+ v. 1 + Pubblicazioni. U 1908+ ser. A, v. 11+ : U 1908+ ser. B, v. 19+ Poste, Direttore generale delle. Ventesima relazione sul servizio postale in Italia. , . .U 1876-79, 82, 84-85 Statistica, Direzione generale della. Annali di statistica. U 1881, 84, ser 2a, v. 20, 25, ser. 3a, v. 12 Statistica delle cause di morte. ^ U 1882-92, 95-97, 1900-04 Statistica della istruzione elementare. ' U 1892-95 Statistica della instruzione primaria & normale. U 1896 Statistica della istruzione secondaria & superiore. U 1884 Statistica guidiziaria civile & commerciale. U 1880-81, 83-85, 87, 89, 92, 95-97, 99-1900 Jackson (Mich.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1908/9-f v. 24+ Jacksonville (Fla.)— Free public library. Annual report. U 1906, o84- v. 2, 4-I- Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 1 + Jacksonville (Fla.) board of trade. Bulletin. U + Jahrbuch der biicherpreise. (Beck.) Leipzig. U 1907+ v. I + Jahrbuch der chemie. (Meyer.) Brunswick. U 1891-I- v. i-f- Tahrbuch der deutschcn bibliotheken. (Vcrein deutscher bibliotheVare.) Leipzig. U 1902+ V. 1+ 98 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Jahrbuch der deutschen in Amerika. New York. U 1873 Jahrbuch der elektrochemie. Halle. U 1894+ v. 1 + Jahrbuch der radioaktivitat & elektronik. Leipzig. U 1904+ v. 1 + Jahrbuch der statistik. Strassburg. U 1909+ v. i-f Jahrbuch des freien deutschen hochstiftes. Frankfurt-a-M. U 1902+ v. 1 + Jahrbuch des handelsvertragsverein. Berlin. U 1901, v. i Jahrbuch des offentlichen rechts der gegenwart. Tubingen. U 1907+ v. 1 + Jahrbuch des stiftes Klosterneuburg, see Klosterneuburg (Austria) monastery. Jahrbuch fiir das eisenhiittenwesen. Dusseldorf. U 1900-04, y. 1-5 Jahrbuch fitr den berg & hiittenmann der osterreichischen kaiserstaates. Vienna. U 1848, V. I Jahrbuch fiir gesetzgebung, verwaltung & volkswirtschaft. (Schmoller.) Leip- zig. U 1871+ V. i-f- Jahrbuch fiir literaturgeschichte. (Gosche.) Berlin. U 1865, v. i Jahrbuch fiir psychoanalytische & psychopathologische forschungen. Leipzig. U 1909+ V. 1 + Jahrbuch fiir romanische & englische sprache & literatur. Leipzig. U 1870-74, V. 11-13 Jahrbuch fiir sozialwissenschaft & sozialpolitik. Ziirich-Oberstrass. U 1881II V. 2|| Jahrbuch fiir volks- & jugendspiele. Leipzig. _U 1906, v. 15 Jahrbuch fiir wissenschaftliche & praktische tierzucht einschliesslich der zuch- tungsbiologie. Hanover. U 1906+ v. 1 + Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik. Berlin. U 1868+ v. 1 + Jahrbiicher der in- & auslandischen gesammten medicin. (Schmidt.) Leipzig. U 1899+ V. 261 + Jahrbiicher des Europaischer bodenkredits. (Hecht.) Leipzig. _U 1909+ Jahrbiicher fiir gesellschafts- & staatswissenschaften. (Glaser.) Berlin. U 1864, V. I Jahrbiicher fiir nationalokonomie & statistik. Jena. U 1863+ v. 1 + Supplementheft. U 1878-93, v. 1-21 Volkswirtschaftliche chronik. U 1898 -|-v. 1 + Jahrbiicher fiir philologie & paedagogik. Leipzig, see Neues jahrbiicher fiir philologie & paedagogik. Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche botanik. Berlin; Leipzig. U 1858+ v. 1 + Jahresbericht iiber das schweizerdeutsche idiotiken. Zurich. U 1875-77, y. 3-4 Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der germanischen philolo- gie. (Gesellschaft fiir deutsche philologie.) Berlin. U 1879+ v. 1 + fahresbericht iiber die fortschritte auf dem gesammtgebiete der agrikulturchemie. Berlin. U 1858+ v. 1+ Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie & mmeralogie. (Berzehus.) Tiibingen. U 1822-51, v. 1-30 Called Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physischen wissenschaften. V. 1-19. 1822-41. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie & verwandter theile anderer wis- senschaften. Giessen. U 1847-71, 73-i90i, 03+ Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemischen technologic, see Jahresbericht iiber die leistungen der chemischen technologic. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der klassische altertums wissenschaft. Leipzig. U 1905+ V. 125-I-; U has ordered rest Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physiologic. Bonn. U 1897+ v. 6+ Tahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physischen wissenschaften. (Berzelius.) U 1822-51 1 1 V. 1-30II V. 20-30, 1842-51 have title Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie & mineralogie. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der thier-chemie. Wiesbaden. U 1871-f v. i-\- Jahrcsbericht iiber die fortschritte in der lehre von den pathogenen mikroorganis- mcn. (Baumgarten.) Brunswick. U 1885-87, OT-96. 98+ V. 1-3, 7-12, 14-f-; N_i885+ V. 1 + Jahresbericht uber die leistungen der chemischen technologic. Leipzig. U 1855+ V. 1 + Jahresbericht iiber die neucrungen & leistungen auf dem gebiete der pflanzen- krankheiten. Berlin. U 1898+ v. i-f Jahresberichte der geschichtswissenschaft. Berlin. _ U 1880+ v. 1 + Jahresberichte fiir neure deutsche litteratur-geschichte. Berlin. U 1890-I- v. 1 + ;, II 5, 20, 25> 27, . 34 u I90I- -02, V. 1-2 G 1878 -79, V. 1-2 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 99 Jahresverzeichniss clcr an den dcutschen schulanstaltcn erschiencnen abhaiulc!- ungen. Berlin. U 1889+ v. i-r Jahresverzeichniss der an den dcutschen universitaten erschiencnen schriften. BerUn. U 1885+ v. 1 + Jamaica (N. Y.) — Queensborough public library. Annual report. U 1900+ V. 5+ Before 1907 called Queensborough library. Jamaica (W. I.) — Botanical department. Bulletin. Kingston. U 1897-1901 [v. 4-7,] 8 Jamaica (W. I.) Agricultural society. Kingston. Journal. U + James Milliken university. Decatur (111.) Catalog. U 1904+ James river & Kanawha company. Annual report. U 1838, 40-42, v. 4, 6-7 Jamestown (N. Y.) — James Prendergast free library. Annual report. U 1899-1900, V. 8-9 Japan — Education, Department of. Annual report. U 1875, 88, 92, 97, 99, 1906; Finance, Department of. Financial annual. Geological survey. Reports of progress. (Lyman.) Continues Hokkaido (Japan) — Geological survey. ■ Imperial fisheries bureau. Journal. N 1894-f [v. 3-4, 6, 8, lo-ii,] 12+ Imperial library. Annual report. U 1908/9+ Quarterly bulletin. U 1909+ v. 2+ Statistique generale. Bureau de la. Tokyo. Resume statistique de I'empire du Japon. U 1901-03, v. 15-17 Japan financial & economic monthly. Tokyo. U 1909+ v. 301-r Japan weekly mail : a review of Japanese commerce, politics, literature & art. Yokohama. U 1884+ v. 1 + Japan year book. Tokyo. U 1908+ Jassy (Roumania) Universitatea. Anuarul. U 1904-06 Java — Landbouw, Department van. Bulletin du Department de I'Agriculture aux Indes neerlandaises. U + ; N 1906-}- no. 1 + Continues Buitenzorg (Java) — Lands plantentuin. Mededeelingen. N 1905+ no. 1 + Continues Buitenzorg (Java) — Lands plantentuin. Jefferson physical laboratory, see Harvard university. Jenaische zeitschrift fiir naturwissenschaft. (Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft.) Jena. U 1874+ v. 8+ ; N 1890, v. 24 Jern-kontoret, Stockholm. Annaler. U 1909+ v. 10+ Jerrold's shilling magazine, see Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine. Jersey bulletin. Indianapohs. U [1897-99-] 1900+ [v. 16-18,] 19-20, [21,] 22+ Jersey City (N. J.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1891-j- v. i-f ■ — - Library record. U 1906+ v. 15+ Jersey herd book, see Royal Jersey agricultural & horticultural society. Jewish agricultural & industrial aid society. New York (city). Annual report. U 1902+ V. 3-1- Jewish agriculturists' aid society of America. Chicago. Report. U 1 888/ 1900, 02-06, 08+ Jewish era. Chicago. _ _ U + Jockey club. New York (city). American stud book. U iS68-|- v. 1 + Johannesburg (South Africa), see also Transvaal institute of mechanical engi- neers. John Bull. (Weekly.) London. U 1820-33, v. 1-13 (no. 2-681) John Crerar library. Chicago (III.) Annual report. U 1895 -f v. i-f John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Proceedings of the trustees. U 1883, 88, 94, 99. 190S+ Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, see Baltimore (Md.) Johns Hopkins hospital. Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore. Circulars. U + ; N 1882+ no. 23, 32, 34-43, 46, 145, 147-187, 189-196, 199+ Report of economic tracts. U 1905+ ser. 1 + Studies in historical & political science. U 1883+ v. 1 + Extra volumes. U 1887+ v. 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, is-j- Biological laboratory. Studies. U 1877-93II [V. I,] 2-511; N 1884-93II [v. 2.] 3-511 100 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Chesapeake zoological laboratory. Scientific results. U 1878, v. I Psychological laboratory. Studies. U 1909+ no. 2+ Johnson library. Hackensack (X. J.), see Hackensack (X. J.)— Johnson pub- lic library. Joliet (111.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1905-06, v. 31 Bulletin. U 1902+ v. 1 + Joliette (Can.) college. Catalogue. U 1889/90, 98/99 Jornal de sciencias mathematicas & astronomicas. Coimbra (Portugal). U has ordered Journal, see also under Xame of issuing society. Journal, see Paris (France) Journal. Journal d'agriculture pratique. Paris. U 1837-f v. 1 + Journal de chimie physique. Geneva (Switz.) U 1903+ v. 1 + Journal de I'agriculture. Paris. U 1888-98, v. 23-31, 32 pt 2, v. 33 Journal de I'anatomie & de la physiologic normales & pathologiques de rhomme & des animaux. (Robin, Pouchet.) Paris. N 1874-97, v. 10, 12, 22-33 Journal de Tecole polytechnique, see Paris ecole polytechnique. Journal de mathematiques elementaires. (Vuibert.) Paris. U 1897+ v. 22+ Journal de mathematiques elementaires & speciales. (Bourget.) Paris. U 1877-96, V. 1-20 Beginning 1882 issued in 2 separate series: "elementaires" & "speciales." Journal de mathematiques pures & appliquees. Paris. U 1836-1901, [02,] 03+ V. 1-66, [67,] 68-f- Journal de menuiserie. Paris. U 1864, v. 2 Journal de micrographie. Paris. N 1881-91, v. 5-16, no. 5 Journal de physiologie & de pathologie generale._ Paris. U i899-f v. i-h Journal de physique theorique & appliquee. Paris. U 1872-}- v. I-H Journal de psvchologie normale et pathologique. Paris. U i904-{- v. i-l- Journal der physik. Halle & Leipzig. U 1/90-97. v. 1-12] | V. 9-12 called Xeues journal der physik. Continued by Annalen der physik. Journal des assurances, incendie, vie, martimes, accidents, etc. Paris. U igog+ V. 6o-f- Journal des economistes. Paris. U 1842-f v. 1+ Journal des roses. IMelun (France). U 1877-I- v. i-f Journal des savants. Paris. U 1909-t- v. 7+ ; U has ordered 1842-1908 Journal du droit international prive. Paris. U 1874+ v. i-f Journal financier, politique & agricole. Paris. U 1887-1900, v. 21-34 Journal fiir die reine & angewandte mathematik. Berlin. U 1S26-J- v. 1 + Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung & verwandte beleuchtungsarten sowie fiir wasser- versorgung. (Deutscher verein von gas- & wasserfach mannern.) Munich. U 1890-f v. 33+ Before v. 48 called Schilling's journal . Journal fiir landwirtschaft. Gottingen ; Berlin. U 1858-I- v. 6+ Journal fiir praktische chemie. Leipzig. U 1834+ v. I-|- Journal fiir psychologic & neurologic. Leipzig. U 1902-I- v. i-j- Continues Zeitschrift fiir hypnotismus. Journal general de I'imprimerie & de la librairie, (ser. 2 Bibliographic de la France). Paris. U 1857+ v. l-|- Journal of abnormal psychology'. Boston. U 1906-i- v. 14- Journal of accountancy. Xew York. U 1905+ v. i-f Journal of agricultural science. Cambridge (Eng.) U 1905+ v. 1 + Journal of agriculture. Edinburgh. U 1843-66, n. ser. v. i-ser. 2, v. 12 Journal of agriculture. (Skinner). Nevir York. U 1846-47, v. 2 Journal of agriculture. St Louis. U 1869;+ v. 5; + Journal of agriculture & horticulture. ^ Montreal. U -f Journal of American folklore. (American folklore society.) Boston. U I888-F V. i-f Journal of analytical & applied chemistry, Easton (Pa.) U i887-93|i v. 1-7II Continued in .-Xmerican chemical society. Journal. Journal of anatomy & phvsiologv. London. U 1894-)- V. 28-i- (ser.' 3, V. S+) ; X 1872-89 [v. 6;] ser. 2, v. 20; ser. 3. v. 1-3 Journal of animal behavior. Albany (X. Y.) U 191 1-|- v. 1+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN loi Journal of applied chemistry, Easton (Pa.), sec Journal of analytical & applied chemistry. Journal of applied chemistry. New York. U 1874, v. 9 Journal of applied microscopy &: laboratory methods. (Elliott.) Rochester (N. Y.) U N 1898-1903! I V. 1-6II Journal of biological chemistry. New York. U 1905+ v. 1 + Journal of botany. (Hooker.) London. U 1834-42II v. 1-4I! Continued by London journal of botany. Journal of botany, British & foreign. (Seeman.) London. U 1873-85, V. 11-23 (n. ser. v. 2-14) Journal of commerce & commercial bulletin. (Daily.) New York. U 1903+ V. 38+ Journal of comparative medicine & surgery. Philadelphia. After V. 10 continued as Journal of comparative medicine & veterinary archives. Philadelphia. N 1880-94, V. 1-12, [13-15] Journal of comparative neurology & psychologv. Granville (O.) U 1891+ v. 1+ ; N 1891-96, V. 1-5, [6] Journal of comparative pathology & therapeutics. Edinburgh ; London. U 19054- V. 18+ In 1002 Veterinarian was merged with this. Journal of . . . criminal law & criminology. Chicago, see American institute of criminal law & criminology. Journal of economic biology. London. N 1905+ v. i-|- Journal of economic entomology. Concord (N. H.) UN 1908 -f v. 1 + Journal of education. Boston. U 1880+ v. il-f- Continues New England journal of education. Journal of education. London. U 18824- v. 44- Journal of educational psychology. Baltimore (Md.) U 1910-)- v. i4- Journal of electricity, power & gas. San Francisco. U 1895-1904, [05,] o64- V. 1-14, [15,] i64- Journal of English & Germanic philology. Bloomington (Ind.) ; Urbana (111.) U 1S97+ V. 1 + Early volumes entitled Journal of Germanic philology. Journal of experimental medicine. New York. U 18964- v. i-f Journal of experimental zoology. Baltimore (Md.) U N 1904-I- v. i4- Journal of gas lighting. London. U 19084- v. ioi4- Journal of geography. Lancaster (Pa.); Chicago; New York. G 1902-05, V. 1-2, [3-4] : U 19024- V. 144- Continues Journal of school geography; & Bulletin of the American bureau of geography. Journal of geology. Chicago. G 18934- v. 1-15;-!-; U 18934- v. i4- Journal of Germanic philology, see Journal of English & Germanic philology. Journal of Hellenic studies. (Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies.) London. . .U. i88o-h v. 14- Journal of home economics. (American home economics association.) Geneva (N. Y.) U 19094- V. 1 + Journal of horticulture, cottage gardener & home farmer. London. U 1861-80, 82-90, 19054- V. 1-38, 41-57, 874- Continues Cottage gardener. Journal of hygiene. Cambridge (Eng.) U 19014- v. i4- see also Parasitology. Journal of Indian art & industry. London. U l884-i(X>0, v. 1-8, [9] Journal of industrial & engineering chemistry. Easton (Pa.) U 19094- v. i4- Journal of industry. Quincy (111.) U I90i4- v. 17-I- Journal of infectious diseases. Chicago. U 19044- v. i-|- Journal of medical research. Boston. U I90i4- v. 64- (n. ser. v. i-|-) Journal of mental pathology. New York. U i(X)i-i- v. i-f- Journal of microscopy & natural science. (Postal microscopical society.) Lon- don. N 1885-90II V. 4-9 ([ser. i] v. 4-6; n. ser. v. 1-3') Continued in ser 3 under title International journal of microscopy & natural science. Journal of morphology. Boston. N 1887-1901II v. i-i7il 102 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Journal of morphology. Philadelphia. U 1903+ v. 18+ Journal of mycology. :Manhattan (Kan.); Washmgton (D. C.) (Not pubHshed 1894-1901.) ■ U 1885-1908II V. 1-14II Continued as Mycologia. ,, ,, , ,, , , , Journal of nervous & mental diseases. New \ ork. U has ordered Journal of pathology & bacteriology. Edinburgh & London. U 1893+ v. i-h Journal of pedagogy. Syracuse (N. Y.) ; Ypsilanti ( Mich.) •^ U 1898-1907II V. 11-19II Journal of pharmacology & experimental therapeutics. Baltimore (Md.) U -j- Journal of philology. London. U 1894+ v. 22+ ; U has ordered rest Journal of philosophy, psychology & scientific methods. New York. . . U 1904+ V. 1 + Journal of physical chemistry. Ithaca (N. Y.) U 1896+ v. 1 + Journal of physiology. London. U 1878^ v. i+; N [1892] [v. 13] Journal of political economy. Chicago. _ U 1692+ v. i-h Journal of prison discipline & philanthropy. Philadelphia. U 1894-1902, 04+ V. 33-41. 43+ Journal of psvcho-asthenics. Faribault (Minn.) U 1896-1906;+ v. i-io: + Journal of race development. Worcester (Mass.) U 1910-r v. 1 + Journal of school geography. Lancaster (Pa.) , ,, ,, „ n n G 1897-1901II V. 1-3, [4,] 5ll U 1897-1901II V. 1-5II Continued as Journal of geography. Journal of school music. Chicago. _ U 1908+ v. I+ Journal of science, London, see Quarterly journal of science. Tournal of social science. (American social science association.) New "^ork U 1869-86, 88-90. 91+ V. I -2 1, 23-26, 28+ Journal of the United States artillery. Fort Monroe (Va.) U 1909+ v. 31 + Journal of united labor, see Knights of labor of Arnenca. Journal. Journal polytechnique, see Paris, ficole polytechnique. Journeymen barbers' international union of America. Proceedings of the con- vention. U 1904, V. II see also Barbers' journal. Journeymen stone cutters' association of North America. Proceedings of con- vention. U 1902, V. 7 see also Stonecutters" journal. Journeymen tailors' union of America, see also Tailor. Judge, (comic). New York. ^,- Judicious advertising & advertising experience. (Lord & Thomas.) Chicago. U 1906+ v. 5+ In 1904 continues IMahin's magazine. Jurjev (Russia), see Dorpat. Justice, the organ of Social-democracy. London. U 1 1900 J [v. 23 J Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Berlin. U 1873+ v. i-r Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie & pharmacie. see Annalen der chemie & pharmacie. Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Gotha. Petermann's mitteilungen. G 1896-97, 1901-05, [v. 42,] 43, [47-48,] 49-50, [51] also no. 120-123, 134-135; U has ordered 1855+ Kaiserlich. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adjective, which is abbreviated and dis- regarded in the arrangement. Kalamazoo (Mich.) Annual reports. U 1902-05 Kalendar fiir elektrochemiker sowie technische chemiker & physiker. Berlin. U 1904-05. V. 8-9 Beilage. Berlin. . U 1904-05, v. 8-9 Kanawha & Michigan railway company. Annual report. U 1900-05, 08+ V. 10-15, 18+ Kansas. Public documents. U 1868-69, 79-^ Adjutant general. Biennial report. U 1862, 65-68, 78-90, 92"!- Agriculture, State board of. Biennial report. U 1872-1- V. i+; N 1872-f V. 1-3, 8-9. 12, 14+ Proceedings. U 1887. 89-90, v 16 18-19 Report (monthly). U [1878, 83-86, 89-95] SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 103 Report (quarterly). U [1880-1903,] 04+ v. 23+; N [1883-1901] 02+ no. 80-83, 85, 87, 89-94, 96-101, 103-105, 107, 109, 112+ Attorney general. Biennial report. U 1877/78, 85/86-f v. i, 5+ Auditor of state. Biennial report. U 1876/78-1906, v. 1-15 Bank commissioner. Annual report. U 1899+ v. i-f- Biennial report. U 1892-f- v. i-f Charitable institutions, Board of control of state. Biennial report. U 1888-90, 92+ V. 7. 9+ Before 1906 called Board of trustees of the state charitable institutions. Semi-annual bulletin. U 1908+ v. i-f Coal mines. Inspector of. Report. U 1887, 91, 93-94, 97+ v. 3, 5-/, 10+ Dental examiners. Board of. Annual report. ^ , U 1902/03, 04/05 Education, State board of. Course of studv for Kansas normal institutes. U 1878, 83, 86, 93 Fish & game warden. Biennial report. U 1885-88, 93, 95-1900, 02, 03/04, 05/06; N 18S5-86, 1905/06 Forestry, Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 1889/90-91/92, v. 1-2 Forestry & irrigation. Department of. Bulletin. U 1908+ no. 1 + Geological survey (University of Kansas). Annual bulletin on mineral resources of Kansas. Lawrence. G 1897+ v. 1-8; U 1897-1903, v. 1-6 Reports. G v. 3, 5, 6 pt 2, v. 7-8 ; U 1897+ v. 2+ ; N 1897-1902, v. 2-7 Governor. iMessages. U 1877-/9. 83-91, 95. 98-99. 1903 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1885-86, 88-89, V. 1-2, 4-5; W 1890-1900II V. 6-16II Continued in Biennial report. W 1903-04, 07-08, v. 2, 4 Bulletin. U + ; W + House of representatives. Journal. U 1871-!- Insurance, Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1871, 74. 76-80, 87, 90-92, 06-97, 99-1903. 06-f V. I, 5, 7-11. 18,21-23, 27-28, 30-34. 2,7+ Irrigation survey & experiment. Board of. Report. U 1895-96 Labor and industrial statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. U 1887, 90-93, 95-1900, 05+ v. 3, 5-8. 11-16, 22+ ■ Labor and industry', Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1901-04, v. 1-2 Bulletin. U 1901, 05 Legislature. Session laws. U 1879-85 (State) library. Annual report. U 1873/74, v. 5 Biennial report. U 1878. 94-1904. v. i, 9-14 Live stock sanitary commission. Report. U 1884/85. 87-92, 95+ (State) oil inspector. Report. U 1889-92, 1903/04. 05/06 Pharmacy. Board of. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 24+ Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1870, :2>, 84-86, 90-j- V. 1870, J?,- 4-5. 7+ Railroad assessors. State board of. Assessment of the railroad property of the state of Kansas. U 1882, 84, 86, 89, 91-92 Railroad commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1882, 85, 88+ V. I, 3. 6+ School text-book commission. Proceedings. U 1899, 1902, 04, 07-f Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1877+ v. 1 + Official roster of officers & boards. U 1S99/1900, 02, 04 Senate. Journal. U 1871-77, 81 + Silk commissioner. Report. U 1887/88. 91/92 State house commissioners. Board of. Report. U 1887-88 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Kansas reports.) U 1862-!- v. i — Tax commission. Report. U igoS-f v. 1 + Report to legislature. U 1908+ v. 1 + Traveling libraries commission. Biennial report. U i90o4- v. 1 + Treasurer of state. Report. U 1861/62, 84+ Kansas academy of science. Topeka. Transactions. U 1872-1903, V. 1-18; X 1872+ V. 1-5, 7+: W 1899-1906, v. 17-20 Kansas (state) agricultural college. Manhattan. Industrialist. U fi886, 97-991 [v. n, 23-25] ; N 1884-96. v. 10-21 Agriculture, Professor of. Report. U 1883-85 104 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Kansas Asrricultural experiment station. Manhattan. Annual report. UN 1888+ V. 1 + Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i+; N 1888+ no. 2-10. 20-82, 84-87, 89-91, 93-140, 144-147, 149, 152, 160, 162-t- Kansas (state) association of miners. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1 907 -I- V. 9-I- Kansas bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1903-04, 07-t- v. 16-17, 20-|- Kansas (state) bar association. Proceedings. U 1887-88, 90-95, 98-h V. 4-5, 7-12, 15-f Kansas City (Mo.)— Comptroller. Report. U 1901, 08+ Fire department. Annual report. U 1909+ Hospital & health, Board of. Monthly report. U -r Report. U 1908-f v. i-f Park commissioners, Board of. Report. U 1908+ v. 17+ Public library. Annual report. U 1898-1900, v. 17-19 Bulletin. U 1901+ v. 1 + Water works, Department of. Annual report. U 1897-1903, 05, 07-I- V. 1-6, 9, ii-l- Kansas City (Mo.) annual. U 1907+ v. 1+ Kansas City (Mo.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1877-84, Qi, v. 1-7, 12 Annual statistical report. U 1906 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis railroad company. Annual report. U 1896, 98, V. 9, II Kansas City, Memphis, & Birmingham railroad company. Annual report. U 1890, 95-98, V. I, 4-7 Kansas City (Mo.) mercantile club. Bulletin. V + Kansas City, Pittsburg, & Gulf railroad company. Annual report. U 1897-98, V. 8-9 Kansas City (Mo.) provident association. Annual report. U 1883, v. 3 Kansas City (Mo.) review of science & industry. N 1877-85II v. 1-2, [5, 8, 9] 1 1 Kansas City Southern railway company. Annual report. U 1905+ v. 5+ Kansas City (Mo.) star. U May 190Q+ Kansas City (Mo.) times. Morning edition of the Star. U Oct. iqoSh- Kansas conference of charities & correction. Proceedings. U 1907+ v. 8-{- Kansas (state) federation of labor. Report of the proceedings. U 1907+ v. i-f Kansas (state) historical society. Topeka. Biennial report. U 1882-83. 87+ V. 3, 6+ Transactions. U 1890. 1900, v. 4, 6 Kansas (state) horticultural societv. Annual report on Kansas forestry. U 1885-86, v. 6-7 Report & transactions. U 1872-75. 77-81, 83, 86-90. 94+ V. i-S. 7-11, 13- 16-18, 20+; N 1878-f- v. 8. II, 14. 17+ Kansas (State) hospital. Topeka. Biennial report. U 1898-1900. 02+ v. 12, 14-f Kansas (State) hospital for epileptics. Parsons. Biennial report. U 1902-I- v. i-f Kansas (State) industrial reformatory. Hutchinson. Biennial report. U 1894/96. 98+ V. I, 3+ Kansas (State) industrial school for boys. Topeka. Biennial report. U 1898/1902, 04+ v. lo-ii, 13-f- Kansas (State) industrial school for girls. Beloit. Biennial report. U 1892/94, 1904-1- v. 3, 9-f Kansas medical society. Kansas city. Journal. W + Kansas (state) normal school. Emporia. State normal monthly. U [1897-IQ00] [v. TO-13] Kansas Pacific railway company. Annual report. U 1868, v. 2 Kansas (State) penitentiary. Lansing. Report. u 1875/76, 78/80, 90/92, 94-1900, 02+ Kansas pharmaceutical association. Proceedings. U 1894, 99-1902. 04. 06, V. 15, 20-23, 25. 27 Kansas School for feeble-minded youth. Winfield. Biennial report. U 1882/84. 92/94. 1904+ V. 4. 7. 13+ Kansas School for the blind. Kansas city (Kansas). Biennial report. U 1906/08-h V. i6-f SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 105 Kansas School for the deaf. Olathe. Biennial report. U 1876/78, 82/84, 92/94, 1906/08+ V. I, 4, 9. 16+ Kansas (state) society of labor & industry. Topeka. Proceedings. U 1901, 04-05, V. 3, 6-7 Kansas (State) soldiers' home. Fort Dodge. Report. U 1902+ Kansas Soldiers' orphans' home. Atchison. Biennial report. U 1904+ V. 10+ Kansas University, Lawrence. Graduate magazine. U [1902, 06] [v. i, 4] Quarterly. UN 1892-1901II v. i-io|| Continued as Science bulletin. U N 1902+ v. 1 + Experiment station to promote & conduct experiments for the destruction of chinch bugs. Annual report. U 1891, 93-95, v. i, 3-5 Geological survey, see Kansas — Geological survey. Kantstudien; philosophische zeitschrift. Hamburg; Leipzig; Berlin. U 1897+ V. 1 + Ergiinzungsheft. U 1909+ v. 13+ Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity [sororitv]. Kappa Alpha Theta. Ann Arbor (Mich.) U 1908+ V. 23-f Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity [sorority]. Key. Ithaca (N. Y.) ; San Fran- cisco. U [1896-97,] 1909+ [v. 12-14,] 26+ Karlsruhe (Germany) Technische hochschule. Programm. U 1867-69, 1900-06 Kartell-rundschau. Vienna. U 1903-j- v. i-f- Kasan (Russia) Universitet. Obscestvo jestestvoispytatelej (Society of natural- ists). Protokoly zasedanij. (Proceedings.) N 1899+ v. 31 + Trudy (Transactions). N 1896+ [v. ZZ,] 34+ Kayser's vollstandiges biicher-lexikon. Leipzig. U 1891+ v. 27+ Kazan, see Kasan. Keepsake. (Annual.) London. U 1828, 30-36 Keith's magazine. (Building.) Minneapolis. C 1902-I- v. 7+ Kelly's customs tariffs of the world. London. U 1905, 07 Kentucky — Agriculture, horticulture, & statistics, Bureau of. Report. U 1878-81, 1906/07+ Auditor of public accounts. Biennial report. U 1846-48, 79-91, 96-99, 1902-03 Banks, Joint committee on. Report. U 1840, 46, 49 Education, Department of. Bulletin. U 1909+ n. ser. v. 7+ Equalization, State board of. Proceedings. U 1908 General assembly. Laws passed. U 1891-92 Geological survey (Owen 1854-61). Report. G 1856-61 1 1 V. 3-4li:U 1854-61 1 1 V. 1-4!! Geological survey (Shaler-Procter 1873-92). Report. G 1876, n. ser. i ; U 1873, 77-80, v. i, 3-t [Reports.] U 1873-75, v. A-D ; N 1873-/5, 88, v. A-D, F Geological survey (1904+). Bulletin. G 1905+ v. 1-7; U 1905+ v. 1-7, 9 Report on the progress of the survey. G v. 4-5; U 1904+ v. 1 + Health, State board of. Biennial report. U 1899+ Official register. U 1896/97 Insurance commissioner. Annual report: part i. Fire, marine, & inland. U 1870, 994- v. 2, 30+ part 2, Life. U 1870, 95-98, 1900-04, 06+ v. 2, 26-29,31-35,37+ Labor inspector. Biennial report. U 1902+ v. 1 + Mines, Inspector of. Report. G 1893-94, 96. 1901-04, v. lo-ii, 13, 18-19; U 1884-85, 87, 89, 95-99, 1901+ V. 1-2, 4. 6, 12-16, i8-f- Public instruction. Department of. Annual report of the supt. U i860, ■/2, 76, 79, 91, 97, 1903+ Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1907+ V. 28+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Kentucky reports.) U 1785+ v. 1 + Treasurer of state. Biennial report. U 1905-07 Kentucky Agricultural experiment station. Lexington. Annual report. UN 1888+ v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1885+ no. i+: N 1885+ no. 2+ Kentucky bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1892, v. 2 Kentucky House of refuge. Louisville. Annual report. U 1882, 84, v. 17, 19 io6 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Kentucky Penitentiary, Frankfort. Report of warden. U 1885, 87, 93 Keramische rundschau. Berlin. U 1907+ v. 15+ Keystone citizen. (Pennsylvania anti-saloon league.) Harrisburg. U [1908] [v. 10] Kharkov (Russia) — Public library. Annual report. U 1903, v. 17 Kharkov (Russia) Universitet. — Obscestvo ispytatelej prirody. (Society of naturalists.) Trudy (Transactions). N 1893+ v. 28-34, 36+ Khartoum, see also Gordon memorial college, Khartoum. Khedivial agricultural society & school of agriculture. Cairo (Egypt). Journal. U [1899-1900,] 01, 02 [v. 1-2,] 3, [4] Kiel (Germany) Universitat. — Schleswig-Holsteinisches museum vaterliindis- cher alterthiimer. Bericht. U 1900, v. 42 K. Stern warte. Astronomische beobachtungen. U 1905-I- no. 1 + Publicationen. U 1901, v. 11 Kiel (Germany), see also Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen untersuchungen der deutschen meere. Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir Schlesvvig-Hol- stein. Kieler studien zur englischen philologie. Kiel. U 1901+ v. 1-5, n. ser. v. 1 + Kiev (Russia) universitet. — Obscestvo jestestvoispytatelej. (Society of natural- ists.) Zapiski. ' N 1890-92, v. 11-12 Kimball's dairy farmer. Waterloo (la.) U 1907+ v. 5+ Kinderfehler. Langensalza. U 1896-1907II v. I-I2|| Continued as Zeitschrift fiir kinderforschung. Kinderfreund ; cin wochenblatt. Tiibingen. U 1775-81, v. 1-8 Kingdom, . . . exponent of applied Christianity. Minneapolis. U [1898] [v. 10, II] Kjobenhavn (Denmark), see Copenhagen. Klausenburg (Hungary) Erdelyi nemzeti museum. Erdelyi museum. U-f- Klausenburg (Hungary) Universitat. Acta. U 1909+ v. lo-j- Annales. U 1909+ Klio ; Beitrage zur alten geschichte. (Lehmann.) Leipzig. U 1901-I- v. 1 + Beiheft. 1903-08, no. 1-8 Klosterneuburg (Austria) monastery. Jahrbuch des stiftes Klosterneuburg. Vienna. U 1908+ v. 1 + Knickerbocker. New York. C 1856, v. 48: U 1834-35, 36-62, 63-64, 65!! V. 1-2, 4-5, 7-60, 62-64, 66|! Knights of labor. (Weekly.) Chicago. U [1886] [v. i] Knights of labor of America. Journal. Washington (D. C.) U 1880-81, [84-87, 99-1907] V. I, [4-7, 18-27] Earlier volumes entitled Journal of united labor. Official handbook. Washington (D. C.) U 1896, 98 District assembly no. 30. Boston. Annual report. U 1886-87. v. 8-g Quarterly report. ^ U [1883-87] District assembly no. 49. New York. Official journal & annual convention. U 1895-96, 99. 1901 Executive board. Annual report to the general assembly. U 1884 General cooperative board. Report to the general assembly. U 1887 General assembly. Proceedings of the regular session. U 1878, 80-1902, V. 2, 4-26 Proceedings of special session. U 1886, 1900 New York state. Proceedings. U 1901 see also Journal of united labor. Knox & Lincoln railroad company. Annual report. U 1870-71, 75-79, 81, 83, 86, V. 2-3, 7-1 1, 13, 15. 18 Knox college, Galesburg (111.) Adelphi quarterly. U [1861] [v. i] Catalogue. U 1866/67, 70/71, 79-84, 89/90, 92-97, 99^- Knox collegiate magazine. U [1858] [v. 7] — — ■ Knox Pantheon. U 1869/70, v. i Koln, see Cologne (Germany). Koniglich. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adjective, which is abbreviated and disre- garded in the arrangement. SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 107 Konigsberg (Prussia) Physikalisch-okonomische gcscllschaft. Schriften. N 1876+ V. 17+ Konigsberg (Prussia) Universitiit— Landwirthschaftliches institut. Berichte. Berlin U 1910+ v. 12+ Kolozsvar (Hungary), j^e Klausenburg. ^ ,, , Tvt jj 1 1 K Kommerskollegium— Arbetsstatistik, Afdelnnig for. Stockholm. Meddeland- en. ^ 1903+ Kommission zur wisscnschaftlichcn untersuchung dcr deutschen meere in Kiel. Jahresbericht. N 1871-91II v. l-2l|| Continued by , , ■ ij^- i Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen untersuchung der deutschen meere m Kiel, & die Biologische anstalt auf Helgoland. Wissenschaftliche meeresunter- suchungen N i8g6+ n. ser. v. 1-2; v. 3+ (in 2 parts Helgoland, & Kiel) Kommunales jahrbuch. Jena. , U 1908+ v. 1 + Kongelige, Kongliga, Koninklijk. For entries of learned academies thus ex- pressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adjective, which is abbreviated and disregarded in the arrangement. . . Konere'^s fiir experimentelle psychologie. Bericht. (Schumann.) Leipzig. ^ U 1904+ V. 1+ K. K. Konsular akademie. Vienna. Personalstand. U 1900 Kritische blatter fiir die gesamten sozialwissenschaften. Berlin, see Blatter fur die gesamten sozialwissenschaften. . •, 1 • Kritischer jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der romanischen philologie. Munich. . U 1890+ V. 1 + Kiirschner, see also Deutsche national-litteratur. Deutscher litteratur-kalendan Kiirschner's staats-, hof-, & kommunal-handbuch. Leipzig. U 1908+ v. 23+ Kyoto (Japan) imperial university. Calendar. U iQOo/oi, 05/06 La Plata (Argentine Republic) Museo. Revista. N 1889-91. v. 1-2 Labor & capital, a publication for the employed & the employer. New \ ork. U [1903] [y. I] Labor-balance, a journal devoted to the welfare of the working people. North Abington (Mass.) U [1878] [v. i] Labor digest. Minneapolis. ^ H~ Labor library. (Socialist labor party.) New York. U [1899-1904] no. 4-5, 7, 10, 12 Laborers' journal, devoted to the propagation of labor unionism among the working class. Dayton (O.) U [1905] [v. 3] Labour annual, see Reformers' year book. Labour gazette. London, see Board of trade labour gazette. Labour gazette, journal of the Department of Labour, Ottawa (Canada). U 1900+ v. 1 + Labour le?der, . . . journal of socialism, trade unionism & politics. (Independ- ent labour party.) London. U [1905] [v. 2] Labourer, . . . magazine of politics, literature, poetry, etc. (Feargus O Connor & Ernest Jones.) London. U 1847. v. 2 Labourer's friend magazine. London. U io34-35, v. 3-4 Lackawanna steel company & subsidiary companies. Annual report. New York. U 1906+ Laconia (N. H.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 27-f Bulletin. U 1903-f v. 1 + La Crosse & Milwaukee railroad company. Annual report. U 1856, v. 5 La Crosse (Wis.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1882, 84-88, 98, 1901, 03 Ladies' Chinese association, see Philadelphia. Ladies home journal. Philadelphia. C 1900+ v. 17+ ; Ur-f- Ladies' magazine. Boston. U 1828-34II v. 1-7II Ladies' repository. Cincinnati. U 1841-66, v. 1-26 Ladies' review. (Ladies of the Maccabees.) Port Huron (Mich.) U + Lake Erie & Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1895-99. 1905+ V. 9-13. 19-r Lake Forest (111.) university. Catalogue. U 1876/77. 83-85. 87-1905 College. Catalog. U I902-|- Lake Mohonk (N. Y. ) arbitration conference. Annual report. U 1895+ v. 1 + io8 SERIALS IN URBANA AXt) CHAMPAIGN Lake Mohonk (N. Y.) conference of friends of the Indian & other dependent peoples. Proceedings. U 1890-1906, 08+ v. 8-24, 26+ Lake Placid (N. Y.) conference on home economics. Proceedings. U 1899-1908II V. i-ioll Continued by American home economics association. Quarterly bulletin. U 19081I v. ii| Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad company. Annual report. U 1874, 88+ V. 5, 19+ Lake Shore Electric railway company. Cleveland (O.) Annual report. U 1904+ Lake Superior mining institute. Ishpeming (Mich.) Proceedings of annual meeting. G 1898-1900, v. 5-6; U 1893, 95-i9o6, 09+ v. i, 3-12, 14+ Lamp. New York. C 1903-04, v. 26-28; U 1903-05II v. 26-29II Continues Bookbuyer ; and is in turn continued by Bookbuyer. Lancaster (Mass.) — Town library. Annual report. U 1870+ v. 8+ Lancaster county (Pa.) — Prisons, Board of inspectors of the. Annual report. U 1858. V. 8 Lancet. London. U 1880-85, 89+ Land of sunshine. Los Angeles (Calif.) C 1900-01, v. 11-15 Land values, . . . journal of the movement for the taxation of land values. London. U [1903] [v. 10] Landwirthschaftskammer fiir die provinz Sachsen — Versuchsstation fiir pflanzen- schutz, sec under Saxony. Landwirtschaftliche jahrbiicher. Bedin. U 1872+ v. 1 + Erganzungsband. ' _ U 1889+ v. 18+ Landwirtschaftliche thierzucht. Bunzlau (Germany). U 1888, 90-92, v. 8, 10-12 Landwirtschaftliche zeitung. Stuttgart, see Fiihlings landwirtschaftliche zeitung. Landwirtschaftlichen versuchsstationen. Berlin. U 1859+ v. 1 + Landwirtschaftliches institut. see Breslau. Lather. (Wood, wire & metal lathers international union.) Cleveland (O.) U [1903. 05-06] [v. 3, 5-6] Lausanne (Switzerland), see also Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Laval university. Quebec. Annuaire. U 1858-81, 86-1903 Law magazine '& review. London. U 1897-1904, ser. 4, v. 23-ser. 5, v. 29 Law notes. Northport (N. Y.) U 1899+ v. 2+ Law quarterly review. London. U 1898+ v. 14+ Law reports, London. (Divisions of admiralty, chancery, common pleas, etc.) 1865+, see England: Law reports. Law times. London. U 1897-1904, v. 104-116 Law times reports. London. U 1897-1904. v. 77-86, 88-90 Lawrence (Mass.) Annual reports. U 1908/09, v. 62 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1893-98. 1901+ v. 16-21, 24-j- Lawrence (Mass.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1895+ v. 84- Laws observatory, see Missouri university. Lawyers' reports annotated. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1888-190511 v. i-7o|i ; U 1906+ n. ser. 1 + League of American municipalities. Book of American municipalities. Chicago. U 1907+ V. 2-f Bulletin. Des Moines (la.) U [1905-08II] v. 3, [4-7.] 8. [9II] Continued as City Hall. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1906, 08+ v. 10, 12+ League of library commissions. Yearbook. U 1906+ v. i-j- League of Michigan municipalities. Annual convention. U 1904, 07, 09+ v. 6, 9, ii-f- Leather workers' journal. (International united brotherhood of leather work- ers on horse goods.) Kansas city (Mo.) U I90i-|- v. 4-6, [7,] 8+ Leeds (Eng.) industrial co-operative society, ltd. Report & balance sheet. U 1887/88 Leeds (Eng.) university. Calendar. U 1909+ Report. U 1905+ Legal bibliography. Boston (Mass.) U + Lehigh coal & navigation company. Annual report. U 1829, 34-75, 88-89, '98-1901, 03, 06, V. 9, 14-55, 68-69, 78-81, 83, 86 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN 109 Lehigh valley railroad companv. Annual report. U 1868, 70, 74-/8, 80, 82. 85, 87, 90-95, 98-1903. 06+ V. 14, 16. 20-24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 36-41, 44-49, 52+ Leipzig (Germanv) handelshochschulc. Jahresbericht. U 1905+ v. 7+ Leipzig cGermanv) handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1863-91, 95, 97-99, 1901-03 Leipzig (Germany) Universitiit— Landwirthschaftliches institut. Mitteilungen. Berlin. U 1901-I- v. 2, 4-5, 7+ Leipzig, see also Comenius-gesellschaft ; Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft ; Furstlich Jablonowski'sche gesellschaft der wissenschaften ; K. Siichsische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Leipziger reibeisen. Leipzig. U [1848] Continues Leipziger schwert & zopf. Leipziger sammlung von allerhand zur land- & staatswirthschaft, polizei-, finanz- & cameralwesen dienlichen nachrichten. (Zincke.) Leipzig. U 1746-61, V. I-16 Leipziger schwert & zopf. Leipzig. U [1848] Continued as Leipziger reibeisen. Leipziger studien aus dem gebiete der geschichte. (Arndt. Lamprecht, & iSlarcks. Leipzig. _ . . U 1895-1903II v. 1-9! I Leipziger studien zur classischer philologie. Leipzig. U 1878+ v. i-|- Leland Stanford, jr. university. Stanford university. Publications: university series. U 1908+ v. 1 + Stanford alumnus. U [1900-01] [v. 1-3] Hopkins seaside laboratory. Contributions to biology. U 1895+ v. 1-5, 7+ Lend a hand ; a record of progress & journal of good citizenship. Boston. U [1887, 89] [v. 2, 4] Lens, a quarterly journal of microscopy & allied natural science. Chicago. UN 1872-73II V. 1-2II K. Leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche akademie der naturforscher. Halle. Leopoldina. U 1898-1905, v. 34-41 Nova acta. U [1888-1901] V. 53 Pt I, 57 Pt 5, 59 pt i, 69 pt 2, 78; N [1884-1905] v. 47, 84 pt i, 4 Leslie's illustrated weekly. New York. Ur+ Lewis institute. Chicago. Annual register. U 18974- Lewis annual. U 1905, v. 3 Lewiston (Me.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 7+ Lexington (Ky.) Official reports. U 1904 Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 10+ Leyden, see also Nederlandsche dierkundige vereenigung. Liberal; verse & prose from the South. London. U 1822, v. i Liberal congress of religions. Proceedings of the annual meeting. U i8y8, v. 5 Liberator. (F. K. Poster.) Official journal of Massachusetts Federation of La- bor [& various unions]. Boston. U [1897-98, 1902] [v. 24-25, 31] Liberator. (Garrison.) Boston. U 1840-65II [v. 10, 12-16.] v. 17-18, [19] 20-35!! Liberator, devoted to revolutionary propaganda along lines of anarchistic thought. Chicago. U [1905-06] [v. 1] Liberia, see American colonization society. Liberty. (Benj. R. Tucker.) New York. U [1881, 87-1905] [v. I, 4-14I Libertv. a magazine of religious freedom. (Religious liberty association.) VVashington (D. C.) U [1907] 08+ [v. 2.] 3+ Liberty & property defence league. London. Annual report. U 1904, v. 22 Library. London.' U 1889-f v. l-f Library assistant. (Library assistants' association.) London. U 1898+ v. I + Library association of Australasia. Proceedings. (Melbourne.) U 1896, v. i Library association of the United Kingdom. Monthly notes. London. U 1880-83 1 1 v. 1-4II Succeeded by Library chronicle. Proceedings. ' U 1878-85. 92-94, v. 1-8, 15-17 Yearbook. London. U 1893-1901, 04-05, 07+ v. 1-5, 8-9. ii-f Library association record. London. U 1899-1903, 10+ V. 1-5. 12+ ; U has ordered 1904-09, v. 6-11 Library chronicle. London. U 1884-88II v. i-5|| Continues Monthly notes of L. A. U. K. Library index, see Annual library index. no SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN Library journal. New York. C 1896+ v. 21+ ; U 1876+ v. 1 + Library notes. Boston. U 1886-93, Jan.-Apr. 1895, v. 1-3, 4, "o. 13-14 Library occurrent. (Indiana— Public library commission.) Indianapolis. U 1906+ V. i-r Library work. Minneapolis. U 1906+ v. 1 + Library world. London. _ U 189S+ v. 1+ Lick observatory, see California university. Liebig's Annalen der chemie, see Annalen der chemie & pharmacie. Li5?e (France) Societe royale des sciences. Memoires. U 1843+ ser. I. V. i+; N 1873-85. ser. 2, v. 3. u Liegnitz (Prussia) handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1892 Life. New York. C [1903.] 1904+ [v. 42,] 43+; U 1905+ v. 45+ Life insurance manual. (Flitcraft.) Oakpark (111.) U 1901, 05, v. 14, 18 Life insurance policyholders' pocket index. (Spectator co.) New York. U 1909. V. 41 Lincoln (111.) City directory. U 1875-76 Lincoln (111.) university. Catalogue. U 1867/68, 74/75, 83/84. 89-92, 93/94, 95/96, 97-1901, 04/05, 07+ Lincoln (Neb.)— Auditor. Annual report. U 1907/08+ v. 5 + (City) library. Annual report. U 1902 , Bulletin. U 1910+ v. 9+; Lincoln (Neb.), see also Nebraska academy of sciences. Nebraska ornithologists' union. Lincoln library. Springfield (111.), see Springfield (111.)— Lincoln library. Lincoln long-wool sheep breeders association. Flockbook. Lincoln (Eng.) U 1892+ V. 1-5, 7+ Linnean society. London. Journal; botany. U 1857+ v. 1 + Journal: zoology. N 1864+ v. 7-22, 25-I- Proceedings. U 1838-97, v. 1-6 Transactions. U 1791-1887, v. 1-33 Lion. (Richard Carlile.) London. U 1828-29II v. 1-4II Lippincott's magazine. Philadelphia. C 1886+ v. 37-r Lisbon (Portugal) Escola medico-cirurgica. Annuario. U 1907+ Lisbon (Portugal), see also R. Associagao central da agricultura portuguesa. Societe portugaise de sciences naturelles. Lisieux (France), see also Societe d'horticulture & de botanique de Norinandie. Literarhistorisches taschenbuch. Leipzig. U 1843-48II v. i-6|! Literarischer verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek. Stuttgart: Tubingen. U 1842+ V. 1-36. 38+ Literarischer verein in Wien. Schriften. Vienna. U 19044- v. i-j- Literarisches echo. Berlin. U 1898 -f v. 1 + Literarisches zentralblatt fiir Deutschland. Leipzig. U 1899+ v. 50-t- Beilage, see Schone literatur. Literary digest. New York. U 1890+ v. l+ ; Ur 1902+ v. 144- Literary examiner. (Leigh Hunt.) London. U 1823. no. 1-26 Literary news. New York. U 1884, 98-i904li v- 5, 19- 21-25] | Literary world. Boston. U 1879-1900, v. 10-31 After 1905 V. 35 merged with Critic to form Putnam's monthly. Literary yearbook & bookman's directory. London. U 1897, 1907, }'• i, u Literaturblatt fiir germanische & romanische philologie. Heilbronn : Leipzig. U i88o-f V. 1 + Literature. New York. U 1897-99II v. 1-5II Littell's living age, see Living age. Little folks. Salem (Mass.) C 1903+ v. 6+ Little Miami railroad company. Annual report. U 1853-54, 59. 62, v. 11-12. joint report, v. 4, 7 In 1856 combined with Columbus & Xenia railroad company. Little Rock (Ark.) Reports of city officers (with Mayor's message.) U 1893, 95- 98, 1900-01, 04-07 Little Rock (Ark.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1887, 1905-06, 08+ V. 1887. v. 16-17, 19+ Littleton (Mass.) — Reuben Hoar library. Annual report. U 1905-07, 08+ V. 18-19, 21-I- SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN in Live stock journal. Chicago. U 1905+ v. 2,7+; N 1901-04. v. 33-40 Continues Western agriculturist & live stock journal. Live stock journal almanac. London. U 1892, 1903, 10 Live-stock journal & fanciers' gazette. London. . . . -> ^ , U 1877-78, 1903+ V. 4-7, 57-59. [60,] 61, [62-64,] 65+ Live stock report. Chicago. tt q Liverpool (Eng.)— Building surveyor. Report. U I90« Corporation tramways. Report. U i9o8 Council. Proceedings. tt'^°'' o Gas & lighting department. Report. U 1908 Markets, Superintendent of. Report. U 1908 Public libraries. Annual report. ■ U 1905, v. 53 Watch committee. Report on the police establishment. U 1905, 08 Weights & measures, Chief inspector of. Report. U 1908 Liverpool (Eng.) biological societv. Proceedings & transactions. X 1886+ v. 1 + Liverpool (Eng.) engineering society. Transactions. U 1891, v. 12 Liverpool (Eng.) geographical society. Transactions & annual report. U 1908+ V. 17+ Liverpool (Eng.) geological association. Proceedings. U 1901+ n. ser. v. ij- Liverpool (Eng.) University. Calendar. U 1905+ Living age. Boston. (Originally Littell's living age.) C 19074- v. 255-}-; U 1844+ V. 1 + Lloyd library. Cincinnati (O.) Bulletin: mycological series. UN 1902-05, no. 1-3 Bulletin: pharmacy series. UN 1902+ no. 1 + Bulletin: reproduction series. UN igoo+ no. i-r Locomotive. Hartford (Ct.) U 1880+ v. 1 + Locomotive engineering. New York. _ U i895-i90o|| v. 8-13! | (Continued as Railway & locomotive engineering. Locomotive magazine. London. U 1907+ v. 13-I- Log cabin. (Horace Greeley.) New York. U [1840-41] V. I, no. 10-26; n. ser. v. i, no. 7 Later merged into Nev/ York tribune (weekly). Lombard college. Galesburg (111.) Catalog. U 1866/67, 70/71, 83/84, 89/90, 91-95. 96/97. T900-03, 04+ London (Eng.) — County council— Asylums committee — Pathological laboratory, see also Archives of neurology. Underfed children, Joint committee on. Report. U 1904/05, 06/07 Finsbury public libraries. Quarterly guide for readers. U 1909+ V. 15, no. 60+ London (Eng.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1899, v. iS see also Chamber of commerce journal. London daily mail year book. U 1908+ v. 8+ London, Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine. London. U 1832-93, [94-]+ (ser. 3+) v. 80-202, 204+ Continues Philosophical magazine. London gazette. U 12 Nov. 1665-3 Apr. 1701, no. 1-3693 Note: no. 48 & 2036 wanting: no. 1-23 1665-66 issued as Oxford gazette. London journal of botany. (Hooker.) London. U 1842-44, 46-47. v. 1-3, 5-6 Continues Journal of botany. London magazine. U 1820-21. 24. 25-26, v. 1-4. 10, n. ser. v. 3-4 London manual. U 1908-I- v. l2-{- London mathematical society. Proceedings. U 1865+ v. i-h London quarterly review, see Quarterly review. London schools dinner association. Annual report. U 1906/07-I- v. i8-f London stock exchange, see also Stock exchange yearbook. London times (daily). U 1824, 33-1904, 09-f- London times (weekly). U 1899-1908. v. 23-32 London times index. (Palmer.) U 1817-45. [46.] 47, [48.] 49-63. [66-68,] 69-1903 London times index (annual). U 190&+ London university. Calendar. U 1898- 1900. 05+ 112 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN London university gazette. U -f- Supplement. U + Galton laboratory for national eugenics. Eugenics laboratory lecture series. • U 1909+ V. 1-3, 5+ Eugenics laboratory memoirs. U 1907+ v. 1-6, 8-9, 11 + Library. List of accessions. U 1909+ London (Metropolitan) water board. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 4+ London (Eng.) see also Bibliographical society; Chemical society: Civil & me- chanical engineers' society ; Cobden club ; Entomological society ; Geological society ; Horticultural society ; Howard association ; Institute of actuaries ; Institute of bankers ; Institution of civil engineers ; Institution of electrical engineers; Institution of mechanical engineers; Institution of naval archi- tects: Iron & steel institute; Linnean society; ]\Ialacological society; Nation- al liberal club : Palaeontographical society : Philological society ; Physical society ; Pipe roll society : Postal microscopical society ; Quekett microscopi- cal club ; Ray society ; Royal anthropological institute ; Royal astronomical society ; Royal geographical society ; Royal historical society ; Royal horti- cultural society ; Royal institute of British architects ; Royal institution of Great Britain :' Royal microscopical society ; Royal sanitary institute ; Royal society ; Royal statistical society ; Sanitary institute ; Shelley society ; Sleep- ing sickness bureau; Society for psychical research; Society for the en- couragement of arts, manufactures & commerce; Society of architects; So- ciety of antiquaries ; Society of chem.ical industry : Society of comparative legislation ; Society of engineers ; Sociological society ; Wellcome chemical research laboratories ; Zoological society. London (Ontario) — Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1908 V. 30-r ; W 1909+ V. 31 + Long Island agronomist. Huntington (N. Y.) U -|- Long Island railroad company. Annual report. U 1895-1900, 02+ V. 13-18, 20-21, 23+ Lord & Thomas. Pocket directory of the American press. Chicago. U 1890, 1905. 08+ Lorenz. Catalogue general de la librairie frangaise, see Catalogue general de la librairie frangaise. Los Angeles (Calif.)— Aqueduct, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1898+ v. 3-)- Auditor. Annual report. U 1901-02. 04, 09 Civil service department. Annual report. U 1909, v. 7 Fire department. Report. U 1910, v. 24 Housing commission. Report. U 1908-10, v. 3-4 Playground commission. Annual report. U 1906-08 Public library. Annual report. U 1888+ v. 1 + ' Public library bulletin. U [1892] [v. i] Monthly bulletin. U 1901-04, v. 2-5 Water commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U iQ02-f v. 1 + Los Angeles (Calif.) chamber of commerce. Members' annual. U 1909+ v. 21 + Louisa railroad company. Annual report. U 1845, v. 10 Louisiana. Documents. U 1866-67, 71, 74-/8 Adjutant general. Annual report. U i894> 96+ Agriculture & immigration. State board of. Biennial report of commis- sioner. U 1 885+ V. 1 + Appraisers, Board of. Report. 1901-06. o8-f Attorney general. Biennial report. U 1870, 75. 77, 98+ Auditor of public accounts. Biennial report. U 1875, 98-09. 1904+ Banking department. Annual report. U 1905, 07. v. 5, 7 Crop pest commission. Biennial report. U 1906+ v. 2+ : N 1904+ v. 1 + • Crop pest commission. Circular. N 1904+ no. 2+ Engineers, Board of. Biennial report. U 1873, 75-76, 96-98, 1902-04 Equalization. S{ate board of. Annual report. U 1907+ Experiment stations, Office of. Geology & agriculture of Louisiana. G 1899-1902, V. 5-6; U 1892-96. 1902, V. 1-3, 6 Farmers' institute & parish fairs. Bulletin. U 1897, 1902, 04, 06+ V. I. 6, 8, lo-f- Fire marshal. Annual report. U I907-^ v. 3+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 113 Geological survey. Bulletin. _ U 1905-06, 08+ v. 3-4, 7+ see also Louisiana — Experiment stations. Governor. Message. U 186;, 71, 74-78, 90, 1902, 08+ Gulf biologic station. Cameron. Bulletin. U 1904+ nos. 2, 7+ Biennial report. U 1906+ v. 4+ Health, Board of. Biennial report. U 1866, 75, 77, 80, 82-85, 1904-05 House of representatives. Official journal. U 1876, 78-80, 86-94, 1904, 08+ Labor, Bureau of statistics of. Biennial report. U 1901-05, v. 1-3 Land office, Register of, & Commissioner of forestry. Biennial report. U 1877, i8f;8-f- (State) library. Biennial report. U 1877-78, 86-94, 1900+ Oyster commission. Biennial report. U 1902+ v. i-f- Port of New Orleans, Board of commissioners of. Annual report. U 1901-03, 05, 07+ V. 5-7, 9, 11 + Public education. State superintendent of. Annual report. U 1870, 74-75. 86-91, 98+ Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1899/1900-02/03, 04+ v. 1-4, 6+ Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1866, 70, 77, 86-88. 90-94. 96+ Senate. Debates. U 1864/65, 70 Official journal. U 1S76-80, 88, 1904, 08+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. Louisiana reports (aimotated. St Paul reprint). U 1867-96, v. 30-55 Louisiana reports (annual). U 1897-1900, v. 49-52 Louisiana reports. U 1900-r v. lO-^-f Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1898-99. 1904-05 Louisiana Agricultural experiment stations. Annual report. U N 1888+ v. i + Bulletin. U 1886+ no. i+; N 1887+ ser. I, no. 11. 16-17, 20-22, 24-25. 28; ser. 2, v. 1-2, 5-54, 56-80. b2+ see also Louisiana — Experiment stations. Office of. Louisiana (state) agricultural society. Proceedings. U 1889-01, 93-94, 97-1900, 02, 04, V. 3-5, 7-8, 11-14, 16. 18 Louisiana & Arkansas railway company. Annual report. U 1903/04, v. 3 Louisiana bar association. Proceedings. U 1900-01, 03-!- Louisiana charity hospital. New Orleans. Report. U 1866, 70, 76, 77' 99, 1903. 05-I- Louisiana (state) charity hospital. Shreveport. Biennial report. U 1902-I- Louisiana Insane asylum, Jackson. Biennial report. U 1902/04 Louisiana Institution for the education of the deaf & dumb. Baton Rouge. Biennial report. U 1865. 66, 1902/04, 06/08+ Louisiana Leper home, Indian Camp. Biennial report of board of control. U 1902+ Louisiana (state) penitentiary. Biennial report of board of control. U 1902-03 Louisiana planter & sugar manufacturer. New Orleans. U 1898-1003, 09+ y. 20-30, 43 + Louisiana Purchase exposition. St Louis 1904. see also World's fair bulletin. Louisiana Soldiers" home (Camp Nicholls). New Orleans. Biennial report. U 1896/98. 1902+ Louisville (Kv.) Municipal reports. U 1800-91, 93 Public library. Annual report. U 1905+ v. i-f Bulletin. U 1908-f v. i-j- Water company. Annual report. U 1890, 91. 93- 1905+ Louisville & Nashville railroad company. Annual report. U iSqo-1905. v. 40-.54 Louisville (Ky.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1867. 79-83, 86-88 Louisville, New Albany & Chicago railway company. Annual report. U 1892, 94-97 Lowell (Mass.)— Auditor. Annual report. U 1836/37. 72-74, 1907-09 Water board. Annual report. U 1877-78, 80-84. 89-90. 92. 94, 96-1- v. 5-6. 8--?, 17-18, 20. 22. 24+ Lowell (Mass.) board of trade. Manual U 1902, 05 Lowell observatory, see Flagstaff (Ariz.), Lowell observatory. Lower Canada, see Quebec. Lucifer, the light-bearer. (Moses Harman.) Chicago. U [1886-1906] [no. 155-1078I 114 SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN Lucknow (India)— Municipality. Administration report. U 1908/09 Lucknow (India) Christian college. U 1891/92, 93/94 Ludlow (Vt.) — Fletcher memorial library. Annual report. U 1901+ v. 1 + Liibeck (Germany) Handelskammer. Vorlausiger bericht. U 1900-01, 03+ Liibeck (Germany) Zentral armen-deputation. Jahresbericht. U 1902+ Verzeichnis der Liibeckischen stiftungen. U 1907 Lumiere electrique. Paris. U 1879-94II 1908+ v. 1-S3II ser. 2, v. 1 + 1894-1907 entitled Eclairage electrique. Lund (Sweden) universitetet. (K. Karolinska universitetet.) Arsberattelse. U 1907+ Forelasningar. U ^9p^~^ Luther league review. (Lutheran church.) New York. U + Lyceum of natural history in the city of New York, see New York (city). Ly- ceum of natural history. Lykens valley coal company, see Summit branch railroad company. Lynn (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1869+ v. 7+ Lynn (Mass.)— Water board. Annual report. U 1872-73. 76-77, 79, 8i-f V. 1-2, 5-6, 8, 10+ ; W 1909 Lyons (France) — Municipal administration. Budget. U 1909 Documents relatifs au projet de budget. U ig^S-io Lyons (France) Societe imperiale d'agriculture & d'industrie de Lyon, see also Annales des sciences physiques & naturelles, d'agriculture & d'industrie. IMaanedsskrift for litteratur. Copenhagen. U 1829-38, v. 1-20 Maanedsskrift for sunhedspleje. Copenhagen. U 1909 ■ Maatschappij van nijverheid. Haarlem. Tijdschnft. U 1909+ v. 77+ McClure's magazine. New York. , ,, „ , ^^ „ , , C 1896+ V. 8+; U 1893+ V. i+; Ur 1908+ v. 31 + McCormick theological seminary. Chicago. Catalogue. , „ ,„ U 1870/71, 73-76, 84/85, 1900+ Macerata (Italy) universita. Annuario. U 1908+ McGill university. Montreal (Can.) Annual calendar. U 1890-95, 9/-1900, 03+ Annual report. U 1893+ ]Medical library. Annual report. _ U 19077- Machine wood worker. (Machine wood workers' international union of Ameri- ca.) Chicago. U [1S84] [v 3] Machinery. New York. (Engineering edition.) UJ- Machinery. New York. (Railway edition.) U -h Machinery. New York. (Shop edition.) U 1895-96. 98-99. 1900+ v. 2. 5, 7-t- Machinists' monthlv journal. (International association of machinists.) \Vash- ington (D. O' U [1900-02,] 03-05, [06] [v. 12-14.] 15-17, [18] McKendree college, Lebanon (111.) Catalogue. U 1869/70. 71/72, 73-75. 83/84, 95-97, 99-i90i, 02-r McLean county (111.) historical society. Bloomington. Transactions. U 1899+ V. i-f- McMaster university. Toronto (Can.) Calendar. U 1887/88. 1900/01, 02/03, 04-06, 07-f Macmillan's magazine. London. U 1859-1907II v. 1-94!! Madison (Wis.) — (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1906-08, v. 1-3 Gas & electric meters, Inspector of. Annual report. U 1906-08, v. 1-3 Health officer. Annual report. U 1900, 06-08, v. 14, 16-17 Mayor. Message. U 1893-94 Park & pleasure association. Report. U 1909 Police & fire department. Chief of. Annual report. U 1899-1900. 04-08 Public library. Annual report. U 1902-f v. 28-f Public schools. Annual report. U 1902/03, 05/06, 07/08, v. 48, 51, 53 Water department. Annual report. U 1906-08, v. 24-26 Madras (city) (India) Government museum. Bulletin. U 1896-f- [v. i.] 2+ Madras (city) (India), see also Agri-horticultural society. Madras presidency (India)— Public works department— Irrigation branch. Ad- ministration report. U 1908-r Madrid (Spain), see also R. Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas, & naturales. R. Academia espanola. Sociedad de bibliofilos espanoles. SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN nS Magazin fur literatur des in- & auslandcs. Berlin. 1906+ n. ser. v. 1 + Continues Monatsbliitter fur deutsche litteratur. Magazine of American history. New York. U 1877-9311 v. 1--9 Magazine of art. London. U 1878-1904II v. 1-20, [21-22,] 23-28, no. 9II Magazine of Christian art, see Christian art. o ^qm , ,.11 Magazine of horticulture. Boston. U i83o-d»iI v. 1-3411 V 1-2 entitled American gardener's magazine. Magazine subject index. Boston. , , ., ^ ^''' i/'x^^ Magdeburg (Germany). Magdeburger bauvorschriften. U 1909 — Ortstatuten U 1900 pt 2, 1910+ Magdeburg (Germany) Museum fur natur- & heimatkunde. Abhandlungen & berichte. . U + ; N 1905+ v. 1 + Mahin messenger. Chicago. ^ J" Mahin's magazine. Chicago. .. U 1902-May 1904I! v. 1-3, no. 2|| Continued in Judicious advertising. Mahoning coal railroad company. Annual report. U 190S, oai- Maine— Adjutant general. Annual report. U 1901-00 Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1903+ v. 2-r Continues Agriculture, State board of- Annual report. U 1857-92, 94, 96-97, 1901II V. 2-35, 37, 39-40, 45II Transactions of agricultural societies. U^i850-55 Assessors, Board of state. Annual report. U 1891 . v. i-r Attorney general. Report. kL^'^^^'L Auditor of state printing. Annual report. U igoo-f- v. 1 + Bank examiner. Annual reports of the condition of the sayings banks U 1872-74, 76-80 Banking department. Annual report. U 1856-58, 6^ 64 66-67, 69-70. 71-81. 82/83, 85-87, 90/91, 92-94, 95-97, 98/99, 1902+ 1856 V. 1-2, 6. 8, lo-ii, 14, 16-18, 20-25, 27, 30-31. 35. 37-38, 40-41, 43. 47+ Cattle commissioners. Report on contagious diseases of animals. U 1904+ Enforcement commission. Report. U 1906+ (State) entomologist. Annual report. N 1907+ v. 3+ Executive department. Register. tt q -i- ^^°''i Forest commission. Report. tt 00 ^'' Health, State board of. Report. U 1885-99. v. i-ii Highways. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1905+ v. 1 + Immigration, Board and commissioner of. Report. tt 00 j?'''^' "i"^ Industrial and labor statistics, Bureau of. Report. U 1887 -h v. 1 + Inland fisheries & game, Commissioners of. Report. U 1906+ V. 3-1- ; N 1886, 1906-1- Insurance department. Annual report. U 1869, 73-74. 79. 83-84, 86-88, 91+ V. 2, 6-7, 12, 16-17, 19-21, 24+ (State) library. Biennial report. U 1903-06, v. 31-32 Library commission. Annual report. U 1900-03. v. 1-3 Medicine, Board of registration of. Annual report. U 1903 Public schools, Superintendent of. Report. U 1857, 59. 70-73, 75, 85-87. 91-92, 96, 98. 1901. 03+ Railroad commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1868. 73. 75. 86, 89-91, 93+ V. 8, 15, U, 28, 31-33, 35+ Sea & shore fisheries. Department of. Biennial report of commissioner. U 1903+ V. 28 -r Secretary of state. List of stockholders in the banks of Maine. U 1853. 55. 57 Statistics of industries & finances of Maine. U 1873. 8a v. i, | Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Maine reports.) U 1820+ v. 1 + Treasury department. Annual report. U 1824-25, 28. 46/47. 50-52. 53, 56-58, 61-62, 64-66, 70-72. 75, 79. 84. 87, 89-90. 92, 1903+ Vital statistics. Department of. Annual report. U 1893-98, 1900, 02+ v. 2-7, 9, ii-t- Maine agricultural experiment station. Orono. Annual report. U 1885+ v. i+; N 1887-1901. v. 3-17 ii6 SERIALS I\ URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN Bulletin. U 1885+ no. i+; N 1889+ ser. 2, no. 1-2, 7-13, 22-57, 62-72, 74-77, 79-8i, 83-162, 167+ Maine (state) bar association. Proceedings of annual rneeting. U 1893, 96-97, 99-1900. 02-1- V. 2, 5-6, 8-9, 11 + Maine central railroad company- Annual report. Portland, Ale. U 1865, ■/2, 75+ V. 4, II, 20+ Maine Eastern (Maine) insane hospital. Bangor. Report. U 1902-03, 05+ V. 2-3, 5-f Maine historical society. Portland. Collections. U 1890+ ser. 2, V. i+; U has ordered rest Collections ; documentary history of the state of Maine. U 1907+ ser. 2, V. 9+ Maine Industrial school for girls. Hallowell. Annual report. U 1903, 05+ V. 29, 3i-(- Maine Insane hospital. Augusta. Report. U 1902-03, 05-j- v. 63-64, 66+ Maine journal of education- Portland. U [1872] [v. 6] Maine Military & naval orphan asylum. Bath. Annual report. U 1904+ Maine (state) pomological society. Annual report. U 1875-77. 82-92, 94. 96-97, 1901-03+ : N 1885-88 Maine (State) prison. Thomaston. Annual report. U 1903, 05, 07+ Maine (State) school for boys. South Portland. Annual report. U 1903, 05, 07+ V. 50, 52, 54+ Maine School for the deaf. Portland. Reports. U 1903+ Maine teacher. Portland. U [1858-60] [v. 1-3] Maine University, Orono. Studies. U 1900+ no. 1 + Mainz (Germany), see also Gutenberg gesellschaft. Maitland club. Glasgow. Publications. U has ordered Alaitre phonetique. Paris. U 1889+ v. 4+ Malacological society of London. Proceedings. U has ordered complete Maiden (Mass.) Annual reports. U 1902-03 Public library- Annual report. U 1897+ v. 20+ Bulletin. U 1906+ no. 17-18, 20+ Children's room bulletin. U 1900+ no. 1-3, 5+ Malone society. London. Reprints [of old English plays]. U 1907+ v. 1 + Malta bulletin. (Knights of Malta.) Philadelphia. U + Man, a liberal journal of progress & reform. New York. U 1880-82, [84] v. 1-2, [4] Manchester (Eng.) — Public free library. Annual report- U 1903+ v. 52+ Manchester (Eng.) geographical society. Journal. U 1908+ v. 24+ Manchester (Eng.) literary & philosophical society. Memoirs & proceedings. U 1909-f- V. 53+; U has ordered rest: N 1888+ v. 31-32, 34+ Manchester (Eng.) microscopical society. Annual report & transactions. U 1885-88, 90-93, 96+ V. 6-9, 11-14, 17+ Manchester (Eng.) Municipal school of technology & Municipal school of art. Calendar. U 1906+ Manchester (Eng.) statistical society. Transactions. U 1867-70 Manchester (Eng.) Victoria university. Calendar. U 1898 Publications; Educational series. U 1907+ v. 1 + Economic series. U has ordered Historical series. U 1905, no. 3 Manchester (Eng.) Working men's clubs association. Annual report. U 1881/82, V. 5 Manchester (N. H.) .Annual report of the receipts & expenditures. U 1891-92, 96-1900, 04-05, 07+ V. 46-47, 51-55, 59-60, 62+ Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1891. 92, 96-I- Statement of mortality. U + Public library. Annual report. U 1865, 70-76, 78+ v. 12, 17-23, 25+ Bulletin. U 1900-02] | v. 1-3II Manchester (X. H.) Institute of arts & sciences. Proceedings. U 1901+ v. 3-f Manchester & Lawrence railroad corporation. Annual report. U 1852-65, v. 5-17 Manifesto. (United society of believers.) East Canterbury (N. H.) U [1880. 88, 91,] 92, [93-94. 99], [v. 10, 18, 21,] 22, [23-24. 29] Manila (P. I.) San Juan de Lethran college. Bulletin. U 1909+ SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX 117 Manila (P. I.) University. (Universidad de Santo Tomas.) General bulletin. U 1908+ Manistee (IMich.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 4-f Manistee & North Eastern railway company. Annual report. U 1904, 09 -f V. 18, 234- Manitoba — Legislative assembly. Statutes. U 1885 pt i Manitoba university. Winipeg (Can.) Calendar. U 1905 -r Manitowoc (Wis.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1902+ v. 3+ Mankato ( Minn.) — (City) engineer. Annual report. W 1908-T- Public library. Annual report- U 1906, v. 13 Manual of American water works. (Baker.) New York. U 1888-97, v. 1-2, 4 Manual of conchology, structural & systematic. Philadelphia. N 1879-f ser. I, V. 1-17; ser. 2, v. 1 + Manual of electrical undertakings & directory of officials. (Garcke.) London. U 1908+ V. 12+ Manual of statistics; stock exchange handbook. New York- U 1893+ v. 15+ Manual training magazine. Peoria (111.) U 1904+ v. 6-r Manufacturers' record. Baltimore. U 1902-I- v. 41 + Marble workers' journal. (International association of marble workers.) De- troit. U [1903] [v. i] Marburg (Germany), see also Gesellschaft zur beforderung der gesammten naturwissenschaften. Marcellia ; revista internazionaledi cecidologia. Avellino (Italy). N 1903-06, V. 2, 5 Marietta & Cincinnati railroad company. Annual report- U 1855/56, v. 6 Marine biological association of the United Kingdom. Plymouth (Eng.) Jour- nal. N 1888+ old ser. v. 2 ; n. ser. [v. i,] 2+ Marine biological laboratory. Wood's Holl (Mass.) Annual announcement. N 1896-I- V. 9, 12, 19+ Biological bulletin. U N 1899+ v. i-|- Continues Biological lectures. N 1890-94. 98-991 i Marinette (Wis.) — Stephenson public library. Report. U 1900-j- v. 23-r Maritime association of the port of New York, see New York (city). Maritime farmer & cooperative dairyman. Sussex (N. B.) U -!- Mark Lane express & agricultural journal. London. U 1888-I- V. 59-73, [74,1 75-79. [80-81.] 82-83, [84-85,! 86, [87-89,] 90+ Markische forschungen. Berlin. U 1841-87II v._ 1-20 Continued as P'orschungen zur brandenburgischen & preussiscben geschichte. Marseilles (France) Musee d'histoire naturelle. Annales. N 1882-I- v. i-!- Annales; ser. 2. Bulletin. U 1898-99, v. i, pt 2 & supplement Marshall college. Henry (111.) Catalogue. U 1868 Marshall (111.) republican. _ U -f- Marthas vineyard summer institute. Annual session [announcement]. U 190 1, V. 24 Maryland. House & senate documents. U 1902-f Appeals, Court of. Reports of cases. U 1658-1851II Reports of cases. (Maryland reports.) U 1851+ v. i-f Chancery court. Chancery decisions. U 181 1-54, 7 v. Education, State board of. Annual report. U 1871-74. 79-80, 82, 84, 86, 89, 91, 92, 97+ Fisheries, Commissioner of. Report. U 1S80 General assembly. Laws. U 1864, 1901 -r Geological survey (1896+). [Report.] GU 1897-+- v. i-|- Health. State board of. Annual report. U 1905 House of delegates- Journal. U 1901-r Industrial statistics, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1893, 1901, 03, v. i, 10, 12 Continues Industrial statistics and information, Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1884-91II V. 1-4II Land office. Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 1885-99. IQOI + (State) library commission. Annual report. U 1003-07, v. 1-5 Secretary of state. Maryland manual. ' U 1908-r ii8 SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN Senate. Journal. U 1901 + Tax commissioner. Biennial report- U 1881-1- Treasury, Comptroller of the. Annual report. U 1886, 88-91, 93-1901, 08+ Maryland agricultural college. College Park. Quarterly. U 1898+ no. 1+ ; N 1898+ no. i, 3, 26, 29-37, 39+ Maryland Agricultural experiment station. College Park. Annual report. U 1888+ V. i+; N 1888+ V. 1-18, 21 + Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i+; N 1889+ no. 5, 7-8, 12-18, 20-23, 25-33, 35-38. 41-115, 117-132, 135, 138+ Circular bulletin. N 1900-04. no. 8-10, 14-31, 33-36, 38. 41-43. 45-58, 60 Maryland & Pennsylvania railroad company. Annual report. U 1903, v. 3 Maryland bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908-I- v. 13-t- Maryland (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Annual session. U 1891, V. 19 Ivlaryland historical society. Baltimore. Archives of Ivlaryland. U 1883-f v. i-f Fund publications. U has ordered Maryland (statej horticultural society. Report. N 1899-1902, v. 2, 5 ; U 1909+ V. 12-I- Maryland House of reformation for colored boys. Chetlenham. Biennial report. U 1877-81, 87-97, 1901 + Maryland Insane. Hospital for the, Catonsville. Annual report. U 1876-90, 91/92-98/99, I90i-f Maryland School for boys. Baltimore. Annual report. U 1900-02, 04-06, 08-1- v. 50-52, 54-56, 58-f- Name of institution before 1906 was House of Refuge. Maryland School for the deaf & dumb. Frederick. Biennial report. U i868-f Massachusetts. Public documents. U 1866, [68-69] Agricultural survey. Report on the agriculture of Massachusetts. U i838-40ji V. 2-4II Continued by Massachusetts — Secretary of state. Abstract from the returns of agricultural societies. Agriculture, Board of. Annual report. U 1853-99. 1901+ V. 1-47. 49+; N 1853-98, V. 1-21. 23-27, 29-30, 2,^, 36-44, 46 Continues Agricultural survey ; and Secretary of State's abstract of returns. Annual report on injurious & beneficial insects. (Packard.) U 1871-73. V. 1-3 Arbitration & conciliation. Board of. U 1886+ v. i4- Attorney general. Report. U 1866, 97, 99+ Auditor of accounts. Report. U 1852. 66-67, 69-70, 76, 88-89, 91-93,97-98, 1900-02, 04+ v. 4, 18-19, 21-22. 28. 40-41, 43-45. 49-50, 52-54. 56+ Bank commissioners. Annual report. Boston. U 1850, 54 Charities, Board of state. Annual report. U 1864, 66-67. 69-75, 77, V. I, 3-4. 6-12, 14 After 1879 issued by Charity, State board of. Annual report. U 1879-80, 82+ v. 1-2, 4+ . Civil service commissioners. Annual report. U 1893, 98, 1903, v. 10. 15. 20 District police. Office of. Annual report. U 1890, 97, 99, 1905, V. 12, 19, 21, 27 Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1837+ v. i-|- (State) forester. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 4-f Free public librarv commission. Annual report. U 1892-1903, 05-06, v. 2-14, 16-17 Gas & electric light commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U i886-f V. 1 + General court— Railways & canals, Joint standing committee on. Annual reports of the railroad corporations. U 1839-40. 42-44, 46-52, 55-56, 68|| Continued by Massachusetts — Railroad commissioners, Board of. Gypsy & brown tail moths. Superintendent for suppressing the. Annual re- port. >^^ 1907+ V. 3+ Health, State board of. Annual report. Boston. U 1S69-80, 83. 85+ V. 1-12, 15, 17+ ; N 1890+ V. 22+ Monthly bulletin. U 1908+ v. 3-!- ; W -f- SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 119 Highway commission. Annual report. , , ^ o J_ U 1894-98, 99-1902, 03/04, 05+ V. 2-6, 8-10, 12, 14-t- House of representatives. Journal. U 1889-91, 96+ Insurance department. Annual report of the loan fund associations. U 1856, 60, 62, V. I, 5. 7 Annual report. Part i Fire & marine. ^, , , . , U 1859-66, 69, 71+ V. 4-10, 14, 16+ Part 2 Life. ^ U 1859-66. 68-70, 72-78, 81-84, 86-1904, 06+ V. 4-10, 13-15, 17-23, 26-29, 31-49, 0I + Labor statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. U iS/Oi- v. 1+ Annual report on the comparative financial statistics of cities &: towns. U 1906+ V. 1-1- Annual statistics of manufactures. U 1886-1903. 07-f v. 1-18, 22+ Labor bulletin. U 1899-1901, i';o5+ no. 10-18 36"!- Census of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. U 1875. 00, 65, 9o Labor & industrial chronology. U 1899-1905, v. 1-7 (State) library. Annual report. U 1902-ob (State) nursery inspector. Annual report. N 1907+ v. 5y Circular. tt^o'"'^"''^ "°- '"^ (Metropolitan) park commissioners. Report. U 1893, 95-99, 1902 Prison commissioners. Board of. Annual report. Boston. U 1901+ v. i-l" Continues Prisons, Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1873, 80, 83-1900II V. 3, 10, 13-30II Public records, Commissioner of. Report on the custody & condition of the public records of parishes, towns & counties. U 1885, 91-92, 94, 96, 98, 1903, V. I, 4-5, 7- 9, II, 16 Railroad commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1870-77, 79+. V. 2-9, 11 + Continues Massachusetts— General court— Railways & canals. Joint standing committee on. tt o a q Savings banks, Board of commissioners of. Report. U i»7t)-i90« Pt I, Savings banks. U v. i, 3, 6, 8-18, 20, 23. 26-27, 29, 31, l^S Pt. 2, Cooperative banks. U v. i. 3, 6, 8-14, 17-29. Z2, Secretary of commonwealth. Abstract exhibiting the condition of the banks in Massachusetts. Boston. U 1837-38, 40, 54-57. 63 Abstract from the returns of agricultural societies. U 1845-5211 V. 1-8II Continued by Massachusetts— Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. Abstract of the certificates of corporations. U 1876-77, 80-81, 84 Abstract of returns of joint stock companies. U 1851-53. 55-57 Abstract of the attested returns of corporations. U 1864, 67,69 72. 75 Abstract of the census. U i855. 65 Aggregates of polls, property taxes, etc. U 1866, 68-69, 1902 Rep'ort of births, marriages and deaths. U 1843-48, 50, 54, 57-59, 61-65, 67-72, 74, 83, 1901, V. 2-7, 9. 13, 16-18, 20-24, 26-31, 33. 42, 60 . Senate. Journal. U 18S9-91, 96+ (Metropolitan) sewerage commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1891-93, 98-1900, V. 2-4, 10-12 Consolidated Mar. 30, 1901 with Metropolitan water board and future re- ports issued by Metropolitan water & sewerage board. Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Massachusetts reports. ) U 1804-f V. i-f Tax commissioner. Report. U 1884. 97+ Tax commissioner. Tables of quotations of some of the stocks & securities taxable by the assessors. U 1866. 74, 78, 88 Topographical survey, Commissioners of the. Report. U 1887, 90, 05 'I'reasurer & receiver general. Report. U 1841. 66, 88, 94. 1900, 02-05 (Metropolitan) water & sewerage board. Annual report. U 1908, v. 8 Massachusetts (state) agricultural experiment station. Amherst. Annual report. UN 1883-94II V. 1-12II CoHsolidated with & continued by Massachusetts, Hatch experiment station. Bulletin. U 1883-95 1 1 no. I-57II ; N 1884-95 1 1 no. 8-18, 20-25, 27-45, 47-56 120 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Massachusetts agricultural repository & journal. (Massachusetts society for promoting agriculture.) Boston. U 1798-1832II v. i-io|| Massachusetts (State) almshouse. Tewksbury. Annual report. U 1857, -J^-ll^ V. 4, 19-20 Massachusetts charitable mechanic association. Proceedings of annual meetmg. U 1888, 97 Massachusetts colonial society. Boston. Publications. U has ordered Massachusetts creamery association. Report. U 1899, v. 5 j\Iassachusetts Electric companies. Boston. Annual report. U 1900 , v. I + Massachusetts general hospital, Boston. Annual report of the trustees. U 1905, V. 92 Massachusetts (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Proceedings. U 1886, 98, 1900, o8-f V. 14, 26, 28, 36+ Massachusetts Hatch experiment station, Amherst. Annual report. U 1889-94, 96+ V. 1-6, 8+ ; N 18S9+ V. 2, sH- Bulletin. „ . U 1888+ P.O. i+; N 1888+ no. 1-29, 31, 33-92, 94-100, 102-105, 113-118. 121 + Meteorological observatory. Amherst. Bulletin. U iSSg-f v. 1 + Massachusetts historical society. Boston. Collections. U 1792+ ser. I, V. i-ser. 3. v. 8, 10+ Proceedings. U has ordered Massachusetts horticultural society. Schedule of prizes. u 1868, ^2, 74-75, 77-79. 80-81, 83-90, 92-94, 97-1901, 03 Transactions. _ ^ r^^ U 1831, 36-38, 42-51. 53, 55-f ; N 1879 Pt 2. 80-81 pt I. 87 pt 2, 88-1903 Massachusetts infant asylum. Boston. Annual report. U 1879/S0. 1904/05, V. 13, 39 Massachusetts institute of technology. Boston— Architectural society. Catalog of annual exhibition. . U 1894 Sanitary research laboratory & sewage experiment station. Contributions. U 1905+ V. i-f Society of arts. Abstracts of the proceedings. Boston. U 1879-91 1| Continued in Technology quarterly. see also Technology quarterly; Technology review. IMassachusetts loan & fund association. Annual report. U 1857, 61, v. i, 4 Massachusetts (State) lunatic asylum, Taunton. Annual report. U 1862, 66. 68-69, V. 9, 13, 15-16 Massachusetts (State) lunatic hospital. Northampton. Annual report. U 1859, 61, 66, 68-69, 72, 76, 81-85, V. 4. 6, II, 13-14. 17. 21. 26-30 Massachusetts mutual life insurance company. Annual statement. U 1906, v. 55 Massachusetts normal art school. Boston. Catalogue. U 1875-76, 97-99. 1900-02, v. 3, 24-25, 28-29 Massachusetts (State) prison. Annual report. U 1855. 57, 59, 61, 64, 66 Massachusetts School for idiotic & feeble-minded youth. South Boston. Annual report. U i860, 66, 68-69, v. 13, 19, 21-22 Massachusetts single tax league. Banquet addresses on ground rent, single tax, etc. U 1902-03 Massachusetts society for promoting agriculture. Boston, see also Massachusetts agricultural repository & journal. Massachusetts societv for the prevention of cruelty to children. Boston. An- nual report. ' ' U 1889. y. 9 Massachusetts teacher. Boston.. U [1850.] 55, 58, [60,] 61 [v. 3, ] 8. 11. [13,] H Massachusetts (State) workhouse. Bridgewater. Annual report. U 1886, v. 33 Master car builders association. New York. Proceedings. U 1867-72, 75, 77-90. 92+ V. 1-6, 9, 11-24, 26-t- Masters in art. Boston. U 1900-05. v. 1-6 Materialen zur kunde des alteren englischen dramas. (Bang.) Louvain. U 1902-f- v. 1-6, 8-14, 16+ K. Materialprufungsanstalt. see Berlin. Materiaux & documents d'architecture. Paris. U 1872+ v. 1 + Mathematical magazine; a journal of elementary & higher mathematics. (A. Martin.) Erie (Pa.) ; Washington (D. C.) U 1882+ v. 1 + Mathematical gazette. London. U 1907-f v. 4+ SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMTAIGX 121 Mathematical monthly. (J. D. Runkle.) Cambridge (Mass.) U 1858-60, v. 1-2 Mathematical notes. Edinburgh (Scot.) U 1909+ no. i-^ Mathematical questions & solutions from Educational times. London. U 1864+ V. 1+ (n. ser. v. 1 + ) Mathematical visitor. (A.Martin.) Erie (Pa.) U 1 877-94, v. 1-2, no. 4 Mathematische annalen. Leipzig. U 1869+ v. i-r Mathematische & naturwissenschaftliche berichte aus Ungarn. Berlin; Budapest; Leipzig. U 1882+ v. i-j- Mathcsis, recueil mathematique. Ghent (Belgium) ; Paris. U 1881+ v. I + Matthews' American armoury & blue book. London. U 1908 Meat trades' journal & cattle salesman's gazette. London. U 1909+ v. 29+ Mechanic, . . . devoted to the interests of the man in the overalls. Xew York. U [1905] [v. i] Mechanical engineer. Manchester (Eng.) ; London. U 1905+ v. 15+ Mechanical engineering & electrical engineering. Lexington (Ky.) U 1908+ V. 2+ Mechanics, j^e Engineering mechanics. Mecklenburgischer patriotischer verein. Rostock (Germany). Landwirtschaft- liche annalen. X 1892, n. ser. v. 31 Medford (Mass.) — School committee. Annual report. U 1908+ Medical news. Philadelphia; New York. N 1883-IQOO, v. 42-51. 67, 76 Medical record. New York. N 1898-1900, v. 53-57 Medical standard. Chicago. U 1893-94. v. 13-16 Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. Jena, see Jenaische zeitschrift fijr naturwissenschaft. Meehan's monthly, a magazine of horticulture, botany & kindred subjects. Ger- mantown (Pa.) " U 1891-98, 1900, 02, v. 1-8, 10, 12 Melbourne (Australia) university. Calendar. ^ U 1897, 99-1900, 074" Melbourne (Australia), sec also Royal society of Victoria. Mellen's magazine, opposed to socialism, anarchy, & communism. Boston. U [1904] [v. 2] ■Memorie di matematica & di fisica, see Societa italiana delle scienze. Rome. Memphis (Tenn.)— Water department. Annual report. UW 1907+ Mcmphis (Tenn.) engineering society. Journal. U [1902-04] [v. 1-3] Memphis (Tenn.) merchants' exchange. Annual statement of the trade & com- merce. U 1S83-84 Men & women of America. Xew York. U 1908+ v. H- Mercantile library association. New York city, see New York (city) mercantile library association. Mercantile library company. Philadelphia (Pa.), see Philadelphia (Pa.) mercan- tile library company. Merchants' magazine & commercial review. New York. U 1 858-70 1| v. 44-63 1 1 Continued from Hunt's merchants" magazine. Merged in Commercial & financial chronicle. Merck's annual report on medical preparations. New York. U 1896-f- Merck's index ; an encyclopedia for the chemist, pharmacist & physician. New York. , ' U 1907, v. 3 Mercure de France. (Serie moderne.) Paris. U iSoo-f- v. i-i- Mercurius Aulicus. London. U 1642, v. i Preceded London gazette. Mercurius melancholicus. London. U [1647] Mercurius politicus. London. U [1648-60] Meriden (Ct.) scientific association. Transactions. N 1887-QO, v. 3-4 Messenger of mathematics. London; Cambridge (Eng.) U 1872-f- v. 6-f Continues Oxford, Cambridge & Dublin messengers of mathematics. Metal industry. New York. U 1904+ v. 2-j- Metal polishers, buffers, platers, brass molders, & brass & silver workers inter- national union of North America. Our journal. Cleveland; New York: Cincinnati. U [ 1 899-1901. 04-07] [v. 7-9, 12-16] Metal worker, plumber & steam fitter. New York. U 1909+ v. 72-f Metallarbeiter. Vienna. U -1- Metallographist. Boston. _ U 1898-1903II v. 1-7, no. 5II Continued as Iron & steel magazine. 122 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Metallurgical & chemical engineering. New York. G + ; U 1910+ v. 8 Continues Electrochemical & metallurgical industry. Metallurgie & la construction mechanique. Paris. U + Methodist Episcopal church. Minutes of the annual conferences. U 1878 pt 2, 80 pt I, 81-87, 88 pt I, 1902+ Missionary society. New York. Annual report. U 1891-92, 95, 97-98, V. 73-74, 11, 79-8o North India conference. Report & minutes. U 1899, v. 35 Rock river (111.) conference. Minutes. U 1907, v. 68 St Louis conference. Minutes. U 1904, v. 36 Sunday school union. Annual report. U 1894-97, v. 55-58 Tract society. Annual report. U 1894, 96-97- v. 42, 44-45 Methodist Episcopal church, South.— Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1897, V. 3 Methodist magazine. New York. U 181S, 25, 26, v. i pt 2, 8 pt i, 9 Continued as Methodist quarterly review. New York. U 1842, 45-84, v. 24, 27-66 Continued as Methodist review. New York. U 1885, 87-93. 95, 99, 1903-04, V. 67, 69-72, \-JzA 14-15, 11, 81, 85-86 Methodist yearbook. New York. U 1905+ Metric bulletin. (American metric bureau.) Boston. U 1867-78, v. 1-3 Mews' annual digest. [Law.] London. U 1899-1901 Mexican Central railway company, Ltd. Annual report. U i88o-f v. 1 + Mexican International railroad company. Annual report. U 1901-03, 05-06, o8-f Mexican mining journal. Mexico city. G -}- ; U + Mexican National' railroad company. Annual report- U 1893, 98-1900. v. 7, 12-14 Reorganized 1902 as National railroad of Mexico. Mexican yearbook. London. U 1908, v. i Mexico — Comunicaciones & obras publicas, Ministerio' de. Memoria. U 1906/08+ Anales. _ U 1903+ v. 7+ Estadistica, Direccion general de. Anuario estadistico de la republica Mexicana. U 1904, v. 12 Estado & hacienda, Seccion de. Boletin de estadistica fiscal. U + Resumen de la importation & exportacion. U + - — — Hacienda, Secretario de. Memoria. _U 1900-08 Instruccion piiblica & bellas artes, ISIinisterio de. Boletin de instruccion publica. U 1903+ V. 1 + Parasitologia agricola, Comision de. Boletin. U 1900-01, v. I, no. 1-3: N 1900+ [v. I,] 2. 4-f- Circular. N 1900+ no. 1-49. 51-56, 58+ Mexico, see also National railroad company of Mexico ; Sociedad astronomica de Mexico ; Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate ;" Sociedad mexicana de geografia & estadistica. Mexico City Institute geologico de Mexico. Boletin. G 1895-99, no. 1-9, 11-13; U 1895+ no. 1-17, 20-24. 26+ ; N 1895+ v. i, 10-17. 20-24, 26-f- Parergones. U 1904-I- v. i. no. 2+; N 1902-I- v. i-f Mexico City Instituto medico nacional. Anales. N 1906+ v. 8+ Mexico City Musco nacional. Anales. U 1909-!- v. 1 + Boletin. U 1904. ser. 2. v. i Mexico City Observatorio meteorologico-magnetico central. Boletin mensual. U 1003-05. 08 -f Mcyers deutsches jahrbuch. Hildburghausen. U 1872-73, v. 1-2 Michigan. Joint documents. 1870-74 pt 2, 75 pt 1-2. 77 pt 1-2, 78, 80, 82, 83 pt 3, 84-85 pt I. 86-89, 92, 95. 97 Adjutant general. Report. U 1S88-90, 9--94- 1906+ Agriculture, State board of. Report. U 1862+ v. i-f; N 1865+ v. 3- 5-16. 18-21, 23-25, 29, 33, 36-31, 39+ Continues Michigan state agricultural society. Attorney general. Annual report. U 1888, 93-94- 98-99, iQOi-f Auditor-general's department. Annual report. G 1S68; U 1878-85. 87-94. 96, 98+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 123 Auditors, State board of. Annual report. U 1891, 94/95, 97/98-1900/01, 03/04. 02+ Banking department. Annual report. U 1889-1905. 07+ v. 1-17, i9+ Charities & corrections, State board of. Biennial report. U 1872-76, 84, 88-96, 1900-02, 06+ V. 1-3. 7. 9-13, 15-16, 18+ Until 1878 this board was called State commissioners for the general super- vision of charitable, penal, pauper, & reformatory institutions Dairy & food department. Annual report. U 1895/96, 98/99+ v. 3, 6+ Bulletin. ,, ^ ^ Education, State board of. Biennial report. U 1900-02 v. n Equalization. State board of. Proceedings. U 1881, 86 91, 96. 1901, 06 Farmers' institutes. Institute bulletin. U 1895-99- v. 2-3 Fish commission. Biennial report. N 1875+ v. 2-3, SH- Bulletin ^ "°- ^'° Forestry commission. Report. U 1887-88, I900, 03+ (State) game & fish warden. Biennial report. U 1887-99,1901+ General assembly. Acts. i^6i> ^907 Geological survey. Geological survey of Alichigan G 1869-1904II V. 1-3, 5-9II; U 1869-1904II V. 1-91 1 Report of progress. ^ tt^o'^'"°' ^ ^^59-60 66 Report. G 1891-92, 1903-08; U 1891-92, 99-i90i, 03 + Report of the state biological survey. N 1906+ v. 1 + Health, State board of. Annual report. U 1873-75. 77+ v. 1-3- 5 J| Monthly bulletin of vital statistics. U-i- Principal meteorological conditions m Michigan. o o'^' ^^ Sanitary conventions. Proceedings & addresses. U 1887-89, 9199 sec also Public health. e n - 4. House of representatives. Journal. ^ ^^'^^'""Vt'^'q'a ^g t'^^^T Illuminating oils. State inspector of. Report. U 1896, 98, 1907+ Inspectors [of state institutions]. State board of. Biennial report. ^ U 1890/92, V. I Insurance, Commissioner of. Annual report, pt. i: Fire & marine. U 1870, 72, 83, 85-86, 95. 98. 1901-03, 05+ V. I, 3. 14, 16-17, 26, 29, 32-34. 30 . Pt. 2: Life. U 1870, 72, 83, 91, 98, 1901. 05. V. I, 3. 14. 21, 29, 32. 36 Labor & industrial statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. G 1905-08, V. 23-26; U 1883-85, 88-90, 92/93. 95+ V. 1-2 6-7, 10. 13-t- Annual report of inspection of factories. G v. 13-15; U 1893+ \- 1 + Land office, Commissioner of. Annual report. G 1868; U 1873/74. 75-77, 78/79. 80/81, 83-90, 91/92. 93/94. 97-1904. 05+ V. 32, 34-35, 37^ 39, 42-48, 50. 52, 56-62. 64-h (State) library. Biennial report. U 1894-190O Legislative reference department. Bulletin. U 1907+ v. i-t- Library commissioners. State board of. Annual report. U 1899- 1902, 04+ V. 1-3, 5+ Live stock sanitary commission. Biennial report. U 1885/87, 89/90, 97-1900, 05/06, V. I, 3. 7;8, II Mineral statistics. Commissioner of. Annual report on mines & mineral statistics. „ , , G 1877-78, 80-82, 87, 89. 91 ; u 1880-81, 85-87, 93/94, 95-97, 1900. 01-03. 00+ Pardons, Advisory board in the matter of. Report. U 1898, 1902-04. 05/06 . Public instruction, Department of. Annual report of superintendent. U 1853. 55-57. 59+ V. 17, 19-21. 23+ Rrilroads, Commissioner of. Annual report. , ^ ^ , U 1872, 75. 77-78, 80, 82-97. [98-99.] 1901+ V. I, 4, 6-7, 9. 11-25. [26-27] 29-h (State) salt inspector. Annual report. U 1894-96. 99-1004, 1907+ V. 26-2S, 31-36, 39+ Secretary of state. Annual abstract of statistical information relative to the insane, deaf & dumb, & blind, also . . . idiotic & epileptic. U 1^89. 9'-'<»i. 03-04, V. 17. 19-29. 3i-.^2 Annual report relating to registry & return of births, marriages & deaths U 1868+ v. 1 + Census of the state. U 1S74. 84, 94. I9C4 Legislative manual. U 1869-70. 81. 83. 87-88. 89-90, 95-98, 1901-02, 09+ 124 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Report on building & loan associations. U 1897, 1901-02, 06+ V. 2, 6-7, 11+ Statistics collected for the census of the U. S. . U 1860-70, no. 8-9 Senate. Journal. U 1867 v. 2, 69-72, 85 v. i, 87, 95J- • Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Michigan reports.) U 1843 ' ^'■'^ ' (State) swamp land commissioner. Report. G 1867-70 (State) tax commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1900+ v. 1 + Treasurer. Report. U 1872, 74-79. 87. 1906+ Zoological department. Report of the state zoologist. ^ U 1859/60 Michigan academy of science. Lansing. Report. U N 1894+ v. i-j- ISIichigan Agricultural experiment station. Agricultural college. Annual re- port. ^ ^ U 1888+ V. 1+ ; X 1888-89, V. 1-2 Bulletin. „^ y 1885+ no. i+; X 1885+ no. 6, 8-13, 15-25. 27-51, 53-75, 77-88, 90-iSi, 185-t- Special bulletin. N 1894-r no. 1-2, 4-5, 7-18, 20-21, 23-25, 27-37, 39-42, 45— Michigan (state) agricultural society. Transactions. ,, ,, „ ., .0 U 1849-59I! V. i-iill; X 1854-59II V. 6-8 Continued by Michigan — Agriculture, State board of. Michigan association for the prevenion & relief of tuberculosis. Report. U i9o8-f V. 1 + Michigan (state) association of superintendents of the poor. Proceedings of convention. - ^^ ^.o^^os, 07+ Michigan (state) asylum [for insane]. Ionia. Biennial report. U 1884-94,96+ Michigan asylum for the insane, Kalamazoo. Report. I U 1898-1902. 04+ V. 26-27, 29+ Michigan bankers' association. Annual convention. ^ „ , U 1899-1904, o6-f V. 11-16, 18, 2i4- Michigan (state) bar association. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1903, 06+ V. 14. 17+ Michigan Central railroad company. Annual report. U 1847, 54-59, 69-78, 89, 91-98, 1900-f V. I, 9-14, 24-33- 44. 46-53. 55+ Michigan classical conference. Proceedings. U 1905. v. 11 Michigan dairvmen's association. Annual report. U 1894-99, 1902, 04+ V. 10-15, 18. 20+ Michigan Eastern hospital, Pontiac. Report. U 1890, 94. 1900+ Michigan employment institution for the blind. Saginaw. Biennial report. U 1005/06 Michigan engineer. (Michigan engineering society.) U 1880+ v. i+; W 1907 Title varies : Michigan engineer's annual ; Proceedings ; etc. Michigan farmer. Detroit. U 1873. [1903] v. 4, [43-44] Michio-an General conference of the health officials. Proceedings & addresses. U 1894-99, 1903-04, V. 2-4, 6-7 Michigan Home for the feeble minded & epileptic. Lapeer. Report. U 1908+ V. 7+ Michigan (state) horticultural society. Annual report. U 1870-91. V. 1-21; X 1872-95, V. 2, 4-18, 20-21. 25 1870-80 name was IMichigan state pomological society. Michigan (state) house of correction & branch state prison in Upper Peninsula. Marquette. Biennial report. U 1896-08. 1900-02. 06+ Michigan (state) house of correction & reformatory. Ionia. Biennial report. U 1880+ Michigan (state) industrial home for girls. Adrian. Biennial report. U 1881/82. 1906/08+ V. 2.J5+ Michigan Institution for the education of the deaf & dumb, Flint, sec Michigan School for the deaf. r ^ ^ t r'• ^i^r Naples (Italv) Societa reale di Napoli— Accademia delle scienze fisiche & matematiche. Rendiconti. N 1899+ ser. 3, [v. 5,] 6-8, [9,] 10+ Naples (Italy) Universita. Annuario. U 1906+ Museo zoologico. Annuario. N 1901+ n. ser. y. i-f- Naples (Italy) Zoologische station. Fauna & flora des Golfes von Neapel & der angrenzenden meeresabschnitte. Leipzig. U has ordered Mittheilungen. N 1886+ v. 2, 6 8+ Zoologischer jahresbericht. Berlin. N 1897+ Narragansett library association. Peace Dale (R. I.), see Peace Dale (R. I.) — Narragansett library association. Nashua (N. H.)— Public library. Quarterly bulletin. U 1910+ v. 3. no. 14+ Nashville (Tenn.)— Carnegie library. Annual report. U 1902+ v l + Nashville (Tenn.) board of trade. Yearbook. U 1907/08+ Nassauischer verein fur naturkunde. Wiesbaden. Jahrbiicher. N 1892+ V. 45+ ; U 1909+ V. 62+ Natal— (Government) entomologist. Report. N 1900-05, no. 1-2, 4-5 Natal agricultural journal & mining record. (Department of agriculture & mines.) Pietermaritzburg. U 1900+ v. 3-4, [5-ii] 12 . Before v. 10 called Agricultural journal & mining record. Natal Statistical year book. Petermaritzburg. U 1902 Nation. London. , ^ , ,, „ ^ 1907+ Nation. New York. C 1889+ v. 48+; U 1865+ v. i-f Nation ; wochenschrift fiir politik, volksvvirtschaft & literatur. Berlin. U 1888+ V. 5+ National; a library for the people. (Linton.) London. U 1839, v. i National academv of sciences. Washington (D. C.) Biographical memoirs. U 1877+ V. 1 + Memoirs U 1884+ v. 2+; N [1886-1905] [v. 4, 6, 7] Report. U 1863-65, 67, 73, 78-81, 83-92, 95+ National agricultural congress. Proceedings of annual session. U 1872, 76, V. I, 5 National anti-convict-contract association. Proceedings of annual convention Chicago. U 1886 National anti-monopoly cheap railway league circular. New York. U [1867] National association for the promotion of social science. London. Transactions. u 1857-67, 69-71, 73-84 National association for the relief of destitute colored women & children. Wash- ington (D. C.) . . ,, ^. , ^ U 1863, V. I National association of Audubon societies. New \ork. Annual report. N 1904+ Educational leaflet. U 1903-04, no. 1-9; N 1903+ no. 1+ Special leaflets. N 1906+ no. 2-3, 5-i4, 16+ National association of bar iron manufacturers. Quarterly review. Philadel- phia. . G 1871 National association of Canadian stock breeders. Annual convention. U 1904, y. I National association of car service managers. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1891-1903, 06-07II Continued as American association of demurrage officers. National association of cement users. Proceedings. U 1905+ v. i-h National association of cotton manufacturers & planters. Proceedings U i8b9, v. I National association of general passenger & ticket agents, sec American associa- tion of general passenger & ticket agents. National association of letter-carriers, see also Postal record. National association of life underwriters. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1896, v. 7 National association of manufacturers of the United States of America. Ameri- can trade index. New York. U 1905, v. 7 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 135 Proceedings. U 1901, 03+ v. 6, 8+ see also American trade. National association of state libraries. Proceedings & addresses. U 1901+ V. 4+ (Sec also in Library journal.) National association of state universities in United States of America. Trans- actions & proceedings. U 1904, v. 8 National association of wool manufacturers. Annual wool review. Boston. U 1902-03, 07-f- Bulletin. Boston. U 1868+ v. 1 + National Berkshire record association. Record of Berkshire swine. Indian- apolis. U 1894-1902, V. 1-7 National biscuit company. Annual report. U 1905-I- National board of trade. Proceedings. U 1868+ v. i-h National brotherhood of operative potters. Financial reports of the national officers. East Liverpool (O.) U 1907-I- Proceedings of annual convention. East Liverpool (O.) U 1904+ v. 14+ Reports of president & vice-president. U 1904/05+ see also Potters' herald. National builder. Chicago. U 1906-f- v. 43-t- National bulletin of charities & correction. (National conference of charities & correction.) New York. U [1898, 1900-04,] 05+ [v. 2, 4-8,] g+ National business league. Yearbook. Chicago. U 1903, 05 National butter, cheese, & egg association. Proceedings. Davenport (la.) U 1879, 83-87, v. 6, 11-14 National car & locomotive builder. New York. U 1889-95II v. 20-26] | United with American engineer & railroad journal and continued under that title. National cattle growers' association of America. Proceedings. U 1885, v. 3 National cheviot sheep society, see American cheviot sheep society. National child labor committee. Papers & addresses at annual meeting. U 1905+ V. i-f National civil service reform league. Proceedings. New York. U 1884-87, 93-1- v. 4-7, 13+ National confectioners' association of the United States. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1903, 07, v. 20, 24 National conference for good city government, see Conference for good city government. National conference of charities & corrections. Proceedings. . U 1874-75. 77+ V. 1-2, 4-f see also National bulletm of charities & correction. National conference of state boards of health. Proceedings. U 1884-S7. 90-91, V. 1-4, 6-7 National consumers' league. Annual report. U 1900-04, 06, v. 1-5, 7 Child labor legislation handbook. New York. U 1902, 04 National convention of architectural societies. Report. U 1899, v. i National convention of factory inspectors in the United States, see International association of factory inspectors of North America. Natioal convention of iron moulders. Svnopsis of proceedings. Philadelphia. U 1859 National convention of railroad commissioners. Washington. Proceedings. U 1889+ v. i-f- National council of education (of N. E. A.) Proceedings. U 1885, 88-91, 94-95. 97. V. 4-5. 8-1 1. 13-14, 16 National creamery buttermakers' association. Report. Elgin (111.) U 1898-99. V. 6-7 National divorce reform league. Annual report. U 1892-93 After 1898 called National league for the protection of the family. National Duroc-Jersey record association. El Paso (111.) U 1893-f V. I -10. 12-21, 23-24, 26, 28 -f National educational association. Journal of proceedings & addresses. U 1858. 60, 63. 65-66, 69, 73-82, 84-f V. 2-5, 7. 9, 13-21, 23-f Yearbook & list of active members. U 1898, 1901, 03-06, o8-|- 136 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN ■ Superintendence, Department of. Proceedings. U 1875, Qi-Q^, 94, 1900-05 see also National council of education. National electric light association. Proceedings of convention. U 1885-86, 87-89, 90, 93, 95, 98+ V. 1-3, 6-9, 11-12. 16. 18, 20+ National electrical contractor. Utica (N. Y.) U 1908+ v. 8 ; National engineer. Chicago. _ U 1909+ v. 13+ National farmer & stock grower. St Louis. L + National federation of post office clerks, see_ also Union postal clerk. National founder's association, see also Review. National French draft horse association. National register of French draft horses. . . ^' 1881-1903, V. 1-8 V. 1-3 published by Norman-horse association. National fruit grower. St Joseph (Mich.) U i904-io[| v. 9-15, no. 8i| National geographic magazine. (National geographic society.) Washington. C 1907-I- V. 18+ : G [1896-1905;]+ V. 7, [8, 9, n, 12. 13,] 14, [15-16;]+; U 1893, 96+ V. 5, 7+ National grange of the patrons of husbandry. Journal of proceedings. U 1885-96, 09+ V. 19-30, 43+ National Herbart society. Publications. U 1895-1900I | Continued as National society for the scientific study of education. National instructor. (Chartist.) London. U 1850-51, no. 1-32 National insurance convention of the United States. Proceedings. U 1871-72, V. 1-2 National irrigation association, see also Forestry & irrigation. National irrigation congress. Official proceedings. U 1904, v. 12 National league of woman workers, see also Club worker. National league for the protection of the family. Annual report. U 1904-08 Before 1898 called National divorce reform league. National liberal club— Political economy circle. London. Transactions. U 1891-95, V. 1-2 National Lincoln sheep breeders' association. Record. Charlotte (}*Iich.) U 1905-06. V. 1-2 National live stock association. Proceedings. U 1899, v. 2 National live-stock journal. Chicago. U 1870-71, 72-80, 82-87, v. i, 3-11. 13-18 National live-stock journal, weekly. Chicago. U 1886, v. 2 National lumber manufacturers' association. Official report . . . annual con- vention. (Forest & the saw mill.) ^ U 1910+ v. 8-f National magazine. New York. U 1852-58II v. 1-13II National metal trades association. Bulletin. Cincinnati. U [1902-03.] 04 [v. 1-2.] 3 see also Open shop : Review. National monthly farm press. Chicago. U 1906+ v. 29+ ; N 1907+ v. 30+ Continues Farm, field. & fireside. National mosquito extermination society, see American mosquito extermination societv. TT o _L National municipal league. Proceedings. Philadelphia. _ U 1895+ v. 1 + National negro business league. Report of annual convention._ U 1904+ v. 5+ National new era. devoted to the welfare of humanitv & the rights of the people. Springfield (O.) ^ ^ U [1903] [v. 20] National nurseryman. Rochester (N. Y.) , „ U 1900+ V. 8, [9,] 10-12, [13,] 14+ ; N 1900+ v. 8+ National-okonomisk tidsskrift for samfundssporgsmaal, okonomi. & handel. Copenhagen. U 1873+ v. 1+ National physical laboratorv. London. Collected researches. U 1905+ v. i 1 Report. y 1908+ National pig breeders association. Herd book. Derby (Eng.) U 1909+ v. 26+ National Poland-China record company. Record. Dayton (O.) U 1906+ V. 28+ Continues Ohio Poland-China record association, & Central swine record association. , National printer- journalist. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 27-r National prison association of the United States. Proceedings of the national prison congress. U 1873, 83-91. 93-98, 1900-07I!; U has ordered rest Continued by American prison association. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 137 National protective legion. Proceedings of biennial session. U IQ03-05. v. 7-8 National provisioner. New York. U 1901+ v. 24+ National railroad company of Mexico. Annual report. U 1002, 04+ v. I, 3+ National railway clerks' association of North America. Official journal. Akron (O.) U [1903I [v. i] National republican convention. Massachusetts. Journal of the proceedings. U 1832 National rivers & harbors congress. Proceedings. U igo6 National rural & American family magazine. Chicago. U 1898-1900, V. 36, no. 44-v. 38 Erroneously numbered v. 56-58. Continues Western rural. National saddle horse breeders' association. Register. Louisville (Ky.) U 1892-1906II V. i-6|| Continued as American saddle horse breeders' association. National single taxer. New York. U [1899-1900] [v. 8-9] National society for the promotion of industrial education. Bulletin. Asbury Park (N. J.) U 1907+ v. 2+ National societv for the scientific study of education. Yearbook. Chicago. U 1902-1- v. i-i- Continuation of National Herbart society. National stockman & farmer. Pittsburgh (Pa.) U 1897-1902, v. 21 pt 2-26 pt i National Sunday school convention of the U. S. Report. ■ U 1869, v. 3 National swine magazine. Freeport (III) U -h National tvpographical union. Proceedings of annual session. U 1857, 67-69II v. 6, 16-18II After 1869 known as International typographical union. National union of women workers of Great Britain & Ireland. Papers at con- ference. . U 1907 National vigilance association & international bureau for the suppression of the white slave traffic. London. Annual report. U 1890, 92, 94+ v. 5, 7, 9+ Nationalist. Boston. U 1889-91II v. 1-3II Naturae novitates. (Bibliography.)^ Berhn. N i88o4- Natural gas journal. Buffalo (N. Y.) G + Natural history review. London. U 1854-65II v. I-I2|l Natural history societv of New Brunswick. St John. Bulletin. U igo6-|- V. 5 pt 44- Natural history society of Northumberland, Durham, & Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle (Eng.) Transactions. N 1890-94, v. 11 Natural science. London. G [1897] v. 11, no. 69; N 1892-99II v. 1-15 I NaturaUste canadien. Quebec. N 1878-I- v. 9, 11-13. [14.] I5, 36+ Naturalists' note book. London. U 1867-68, v. 1-2 Nature. London. U 1869+ v. 1-2, [3.] 4+ : N 1884+ v. 30+ Nature. Paris. U 1888, 98-90, v. 31, 52 Nature-study review. New York. U 1905, 07-f- v. i, 3+ ; N 1905+ v. 1 + Naturforschende gesellschaft Graubiindens. Chur. Jahresbericht. N 1897-f- V. 41-f ; U 1908-f- n. ser. v. 51 + Naturhistorische gesellschaft. sec Hanover (Germany). Naturhistorischer verein der preussischen Rheinlande & Westfalens. Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. N 1906+ Verhandlungen. N 1864+ v. 21, 51 t Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft "Isis," see Dresden. Naturwissenschaftliche landesdurchforschung von Bohmen. Prague. Archiv. N [1869-1901] [y. i-ii] Naturwisscnschaftlicher verein fiir Neuvorpommern & Riigen. Greifswald. Mitthcilungen. Berlin. _ _ N 1S99+ v. 31-f Naturwissensciiaftlicher verein fiir Schleswig-Holstcin. Kiel. Schriften. N 1901-I- v. T2-|- Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. (K. Natuurkundige ver- eeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie.) Batavia (Java.) N 1898-I- v. 584- Nautical almanac, see Great Britain — .Admiralty, Lords commissioners of the. U. S. — Nautical almanac office. Nautilus. Philadelphia; Boston. N 18894- fv. 3-4.I 5+ Naval chronicle. London. 1799-1818II v. 1-40] |. U has ordered 138 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Navy. Washington (D. C.) U-f- Nebraska (state) — Adjutant general. Biennial report. U 1881-82, 91-92, 95-j- Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1871-73, 85-96, 98, 1903-04, V. 3-4, 16-27, 29, 34-35 Attorney general. Biennial report. U i902-(- Auditor of public accounts. Biennial report. U 1873-78, 82-84, 91-1900, 03-06 Statement. U 1877, 81, 99-}- Banking, Department of. Annual report . . . showing the condition of the building & loan associations. U 1903, o8-f- v. 11, i6-|- Annual report . . . showing the condition of the incorporated, private & savings banks. U 1889-90, 92-93, 1901-02, 06/084- Entomologist. Report. N 1890,' 1901 Game & fish commission. Report. U 1907-I- General assembly. Laws. 1897 Geological survey. Report. G U 1903, v. i Governor. Message. U 1885-87 Insurance department. Summary of business in Nebraska. U 1900, 03, 05-08 House of representatives. Journal. U 1866-67, sess. 1-3 Continues Nebraska (territory). Labor & industrial statistics, State bureau of. Bulletin. U 1902, 04-06. v. 2, 4-5, 10 Report. U 1889-92, 95-96, 1903+ v. 2-3, 5, 9-I- (State) library. Biennial report. U 1881-82 Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report (before 1895 annual). U 1873-74. 86, 96, v. 5-6, 18, 1896 Public laws & buildings. Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 1884-96. 1900+ v. 4-10. i2-f Public library commission. Biennial report. U 1902-)- v. 1 + see also Nebraska library bulletin. Railway commission. Annual report. U 1908 -j- v. i-(- Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1891-92, 95-1906 Senate. Journal. U 1869, sess. i Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Nebraska reports.) U 1860+ v. 1+ Transportation, Board of. Annual report. U 1892, 97-98, v. 6, 11-12 Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1890-94, 98/1900 Nebraska (territory) — Council. Journal. U 1855, 58-59, 60, sess. 2, 5-6, 10 House of representatives. Journal. U 1855, 59, 65 1| sess. 2, 6, io|| Continued by Nebraska (state) — House of representatives. Nebraska academy of sciences. Lincoln. Publications. N 1891-f- v. i-f Nebraska Agricultural experiment station. Lincoln. Annual report. U 1888-I- V. i+; N 1888-f v. 2+ Bulletin. U i888-h no. i-f ; N 1887+ "o. 1-2, 5-6, 14, 16, 18-19. 21, 24-27, 29-31, 34-36, 38-39, 41, 43-45, 47-f Nebraska bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1905, 07+ v. 9, 11 + Nebraska (state) bar association. Proceedings. Omaha. U 1903-05, v. 2 Nebraska (state) bee-keepers' association. Annual report. U 1894, v. i Nebraska engineering. (University of Nebraska engineering society.) Lincoln. U 1904-05, V. 3-4 Continues Blue print. Nebraska historical society. Lincoln. Transactions & reports. U 1894-95, 1901-02, v. 6, 10 (ser. 2. v. i. 5) Nebraska (state) horticultural society. Annual report. U 1871-72, 77, 85-93, 95, 97+ Nebraska Institution for the blind. Nebraska City. Biennial report. U 1877-80, 83-98, 1901+ v. 2-3, 5-12, 144- Nebraska library bulletin. (Nebraska — Public library commission.) U IQ06-I- no. i4- Nebraska ornithologists' union. Lincoln. Proceedings. N 1899-1900, v. 1-2 Nebraska University. Lincoln. Studies. U 1S88+ v. 1 + Engineering society, see also Blue print ; later Nebraska engineering.' Library. Bibliographical contributions. U 1900+ no. i-f- SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 139 Zoological laboratory. Studies. N 1894+ no. 5. 10, 14, 20, 23+ Nederlandsch landbouw-wcekblad. The Hague. U + K. Nederlandsch mcteorologisch instituut, sec Utrecht. Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging. Leyden. Tijdschrift. N 1879+ V. 3. [5] .; ser. 2. v. 1+ Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging. The Hague. Tijdschrift voor ento- mologie. N 1886+ v. 30+ Nederlandsche naamlooze. Zwolle. Vennootschappen. (Van Nierop & Baak.) U 1882+ V. 1 + Needlewoman's friend society, Boston, see Boston (Mass.) Neighbor. (Northwestern university settlement.) Chicago. U [1900-03] [v. 2-4] Nequa. . . . comprising the essence of the advanced thought of the age on live topics of interest to all. Topeka (Kan.) U [1896] [v. i] Nervous & mental disease monograph series. New York. U 1909+ v. 1 + Neuchatel (Switz.) Societe des sciences naturelles. Bulletin. U 1902-03, 04+ V. 31, 33+; N 1878+ V. II, 26, 28+ Neudrucke deutscher litteraturwerke des 16 & 17 jahrhunderts. Halle. U 1876+ V. 1+ Neue allgemeine deutsche bibliothek. Kiel; Berlin. U i793-i8o6|i v. 1-107II Continues Allgemeine deutsche bibliothek. Neue jahrbiicher fiir das klassische altertum, geschichte, & deutsche litteratur & fur padagogik. Leipzig. 1898+ v. 1+ U has ordered Continues . . Neue jahrbucher fiir philologie & paedagogik. (Jahn.) Leipzig. 1826+ v. 1 + U has ordered Neue rheinische zeitung; organ des demokratie. (K. Marx.) Cologne. U 1848-49 Neue rundschau. Berlin. U 1909+ v. 20+ Neue teutsche merkur. (Wieland.) Weimar. U 1792, v. i Continues Deutsche merkur. Neue zeit. Stuttgart. U 1882-1904. [04-08] v. 1-22 [23-26[ Neuern sprachen ; zeitschrift fiir den neusprachlichen unterricht. Marburg. U 1898-1904, 06-07, 08+ V. 6-1 1. 14, [16,] 17+ Neues archiv fur iiltere geschichtskunde. Hanover. 1876+ v. i-f U has ordered Neues jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, geologie & palaeontologie. Stuttgart. U 1892+ ; U has ordered 1807-91 Beilage. U 1890-98, 1903+ v. 7-11, 18+ see also Zentralblatt fiir mineralogie, geologie, and paleontologie. Neues journal der physik, see Journal der physik. Neuphilologische bliittcr ; organ des Cartell verbandes Neuphilologischer vereine deutscher hochschulen. Leipzig. U 1901-06 [v. 8-9,] 10, [11,] 12-13 Neurologisches centralblatt. (Mendel.) Leipzig. U 1894. v. 13 Nevada— Assembly. Journal. U 1867-69, 75-77, sess. 3-4, 7-8 Census. U [1875] Controller. Annual report. U 1882, 88. 95, 1902-04, 06+ Insurance commissioner. Annual report. U 1902 Public instruction. Department of. Biennial report. U 1886. 93+ v. 9. 13+ Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1908+ v. I + Senate. Journal. U 1864/65, 71-77, sess. i, 5-8 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Nevada reports.) U 1865+ v. i-f Surveyor general. Biennial report. U 1866, 85-86, 89-96 Nevada Agricultural experiment station. Reno. Annual report. U 1888+ V. i+; N 1888-1902, v. 1-9, 1902 Bulletin. U 1S88+ no. i+; N 1890+ no. 8-11, 18-23, 25-29, 32-4", 49-50, 55+ Nevada (state) prison. Carson city. Biennial report. U 1879-84, 87-92, 99+ Nevada University. Reno. Studies. U 1908+ v. i. no. 1 + New Bedford (Mass.) City documents. U 1904-09 Public library. Annual report. U 1852-53. 54-56, 58-61, 66, 68, 70-71, 73-85, 87-88, 92, 93-94, 99-I905, 1907+ V. I, 3-4. 7-9, 14, 16, 18-19, 21-33. 35-36, 40, 42, 48-54. 56+ Bulletin. U 1909+ 140 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN New Britain (Conn.) institute— Library. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 49+ New Brunswick (Can.)— Education office. Annual report of the schools. U 189S New Brunswick (Can.), see also Natural history society of New Brunswick. New Brunswick (N. J.)— Free public library. Annual report. U 1883-99,. 1901+ V. 1-16, 19+ New commonwealth. (Public ownership of public necessities.) Brooklyn (N. Y.) U [1894-95] [v. 4-5] Before 1894 entitled Sociologic news. New England anti-imperialist league. Boston. Report. U 1900-06, v. 2-8 New England association of colleges & preparatory schools. Official report of the annual meeting: addresses & proceedings. U 1886-1900, v. 1-15 New England botanical club. Boston, see also Rhodora. New England college entrance certificate board. Annual report. U 1902-I- v. I-|- New England cotton manufacturers' association. Proceedings. Boston. U 1874, 78, 90, 92, V. 16, 24-25, 49, 53 New England farmer. Boston. U 1869-70, v. 47-48 (n. ser. [i. e. ser 4] v. 3-4) New England farms. (Information bureau, Boston & Mame railroad.) Concord (N. H.) . U + New England historic-genealogical society. Boston. Proceedings. U has ordered complete with index New England history teachers' association. Report. U 1897-99, 1906, 07, V. i-S, 19, ^2 New England journal of education. Boston. U 1875-79II v. i-io|| Continued as Journal of education. New England kitchen magazine, see Everyday housekeeping. New England magazine. Boston. U 1884-1904, 1906-h v. I-3S, 40+ V. 1-3 called Bay state monthly. New England mutual life insurance company. Boston. Annual report. U 1847, 1905-06, V. 3 (?), 62-63 New England printing trades journal. Boston. U [1899] [v. i] New England railroad club. Boston. Proceedings. U [1894-95, 98-99,] 1900+ no volume number before v. 9+ New England railroad company. Annual report. _ U 1897 New England railway car accounting association. Report of proceedings at the meetings in Boston. U 1880 Continued as Railway clearing house association. New England reporter. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1885-87, v. i-S New England roadmasters' association. Proceedings. _ U 1890-98, v. 8-16 New England society, see Chicago; Cincinnati; St Louis. New England tariff reform league. Boston. Annual report. U 1891, 93 New England telephone & telegraph company. Report. U 1884, 90, 93- 1902+ New England waterworks association. New London (Ct.) : Boston. Journal. U 1886+ V. i-io, [II,] 12-14. 16+ ; W + New England zoological club. Cambridge. Proceedings. N [1899] [v. i] New Englander. New Haven. U 1877-81, 82 (Mar.) v. 36-40. 41 Pt 2 New Hampshire. [Provincial & state papers.] U 1867-I- v. 1+ New Hampshire. Annual reports. U 1877/78, 87-1901, 02-05 Agriculture, Board of. Report. U 1871/72-75/76, 78/79, 80/81, 82/83+ V. 2-6, 8. 10, 12+ Adjutant general. Biennial report. U 1867/68. 77/78, 87-1906 Auditor of accounts. Report. U 1865-66 Bank commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1845/46, 48-50, 51/52, 53-74, 77-86, 87-1905. v. i, 4-5, 7, 9-29, 33-41. 43-6o Charities & corrections. State board of. Report. U 1895/96+ v. 1 + Equalization, State board of. Valuation & taxation. U 1884-86, 88, 89. 91-94, 96-98, 1900, 02+ Fish & game commission. Report. N 1903-06 Forestry commission. Biennial report. U 1885, 91-1905/06 • Geological survey. /\nnual report. (Hitchcock.) G 1870 Geology of New Hampshire. (Hitchcock.) U 1874-78II v. i-4|i Governor. Message. U 1837, 7^^ 78, 89-1901. 05 Health, State board of. Report. U 1883/84+ v. 3 + SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 141 Sanitary bulletin. W + Insurance commissioner. Annual report. U 185V53, 59-71, 73-80, 87+ V. for 1S5-V53, 59/60-68/69, V. 1-2, s-ii, 19+ Labor, Bureau of. Report. U 1893+ v. 1 + Legislature. Journals. U 1873-1905, 07 (State) library. Annual report. LJ 1847-92 Biennial report. U 1894-1904, 06+ (State) library commission. Biennial report. U 1892-1902, v. 1-6 Bulletin. U 1895+ no. 1 + Lunacy, Board of commissioners of. Biennial report. U 1890-1904, v. i-io Public instruction. Superintendent of. Report. U 1847/48, 05-67, 74-76, 77-80, 83/84, 87/88+ V. 2, 20-21, 29-30, 32-34, 38, 42+ Railroad commissioners. Annual report. U 1868/69, 76/77-79/80, 87/88+ V. 25, 33-35, 44+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (New Hampshire reports). U 1816+ V. 1 + Treasurer. Report. U 1851. 53, 56, 59-6i, 63-1906 ■ Vital statistics, Registrar of. Annual report. U 1882-84, 86+ v. 3-5, 7+ New Hampshire Agricultural experiment station. Durham. Annual report. U N 1887/88+ V. 1+ Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i+; N 1889+ no. 5-6, 11-12, 15, 20+ ■ Nature study leaflet. U 1902-03, no. 1-4 Technical bulletin. U 1901-02, no. 1-2, 4; N 1901-03, no. 1-3, 5-6 New Hampshire (state) agricultural society. Transactions. U 1850-54, 59, V. 1-3, 8 New Hampshire Asylum for the insane. Concord. Annual report. U 1851/52, 62/63, 66/67, 77-79, 87-1900II In 1902 name changed & continued as New Hampshire (state) hospital. New Hampshire farmer. Manchester. U + New Hampshire federation of labor. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1908, V. 7 New Hampshire (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Proceedings. U 1876-77, 79-90, V. 3-4, 6-17 New Hampshire horticultural society. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 14+ New Hampshire (state) hospital [insane]. Concord. Annual report. 1900/02, 08+ Continues Asylum for the insane. New Hampshire Industrial school. Manchester. Reports. U 1877/78, 87/88-98/1900, 02/04 New Hampshire journal of education. Concord. U [1857-58. 60] [v. 1-2, 4] New Haven (Conn.)— Free public library. Annual report. U 1887+ v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1902+ New Haven & Northampton railroad company. Annual report. U 1880 New Jersey. Message & documents. U 1867 Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1873+ v. i+; N 1874-1906, V. 2. 4. 32-33 Arbitration, Board of. Annual report. U 1895. 97-99, 1901-05 Assessors, State board of. Annual report. U 1884+ v. 1 + Franchise tax. U 1901 Supplemental report . . . Reports of cable, electric, & horse railroad companies. U 1895-1900, 02+ Attorney-general's office. Report. U 1887-88, 1905+ Banking & insurance, Dept of. Annual report on insurance. Pt 1 : Fire & marine. U 1892, 1903+ Pt. 2 : Life & miscellaneous. U 1892. 1902+ ■ Annual report relating to savings banks, etc. U 1891 + For earlier reports, see New Jersey — State, Department of. Building & loan association report. U 1898-1900, 02-06, 08+ v. 1-2, 4-8, 10+ Chancerv, Court of. Report of cases. (New Jersey reports — Equity.) U 1830+ V. 1 + Dairy commissioner. Report. U 1897, v. 12 Equalization of taxes, Board of. Annual report. U 1905-06, 08+ v. 1-2, 4+ 142 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Factories & workshops, Inspector of. Annual report. U 18S7-97, v. 5-15 Fish & game commissioners, Board of. Annual report. U 1907+ ; N 1907 General assembly. Minutes of votes & proceedings. U 1906-07, v. 130-31 Geological survey. Annual report. G 1855-56, 63-64, 69, 71-/3, 83+ 1855-56, V. 1-2, 6,8-io;20-f; U 1866,69-72, 75, 77,79+ v. 3, 6-9, 12, 14, 16+ ; N 1903+ Final report of the state geologist. G 1888+ V. 1-6, 8-1- ; U 1888-1904, V. 1-6; N 1889-90. V. 2 pt 1-2 Report on paleontology. U i886-|- v. 1+ Governor. Annual message. U 1885-87, 90 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1883-84, 86-90, 93, 96+ V. 7-8, 10-14, 17, 20-1- see also New Jersey — Vital statistics, Bureau of. Hospitals, Board of managers of state. Annual report. U 1890/91, 92-96, V. I, 3-6 Labor & industries, Bureau of statistics of. Annual report. U 1878-92, 94, 96-1- v. 1-15. 17, 19+ (State) library. Annual report. U 1900, 02-06 Medical examiners. State board of. Annual report. U 1903, v. 13 (State) museum. Trenton. Annual report. UN 1905-I- Public instruction. Department of. Annual report. U 1862, 64, 71-74. 79, 82, 84-90, 94. 96-97, 99-1900, 024- Public library commission. Annual report. U 1902-07, v. 3-8 Public roads, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1895-I- v. 2-f- Quartermaster-general's department. Report. U 1897/98, 1902+ Railroad taxation. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1873. 77, 82. V. I, 5, 9 Riparian commissioners. Report. U 1872, 74 Senate. Journal. U 1908, Senate 64, sess. 132 (State) sewerage commission. Report. U 1899-1904, 08-f- Sinking fund, Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1872/73, 78-80, 84-86 State, Department of. Annual statement of the banks & savings institu- tions. . . U 1877-90II For later reports, see New Jersey — Banking and insurance, Commissioner of. State department. Corporations of New Jersey. U 1895+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (New Jersey reports — Law.) U 1790-I- v. i-j- Taxation, State board of. Annual report. U 1891-97, v. 1-7 Treasury, Comptroller of. Annual report. U 1879/80, 83/84, 91/92, 97/98 Treasurer. Report. U 1865-66, 73-86, 94-96, 97-99 Vital statistics, Bureau of. Monthly statement of mortality. W -f Report. U 1886-87, 90, 98-1901, 03-04 New Jersey Agricultural experiment stations. New Brunswick. Annual report. U 1880+ v. 1-I-; N 1880+ v. I, 4, 8, 12, 17, 19-21. 23, 26+ Bulletin. U 1880+ no. 2-f ; N 1884+ no. 32-33, 44-47, 49, 55- 57-58, 75- 82-90, 94-95, 99+ Special bulletins. U 1882+ A, C + ; N 1890-1902, K, L. N, R, T Entomological department. Report. N 1891+ New Jersey (state) agricultural society. Annual report. U 1866 1866 has title Report of Executive committee of N. J. agricultural society. New Jersey Asylums for the education of the deaf & dumb & blind. Reports. U 1866 New Jersey bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1904+ v. 1 + New Jersey (state) bar association. Year book. U 1907+ New Jersey central railroad company, see Central railroad company of New Jersey. New Jersey (state) charities aid & prison reform association. Annual report of board of managers. U 1901-03, 07+ New Jersey historical society. Newark. Collections. U 1858, v. S Documents relating to the colonial history of New Jersey. (Archives of the state of N. J.) U 1880+ ser. i, v. 1-27, ser. 2, v. 1 + New Jersey (state) home for boys. Jamesburg. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 42+ New Jersey Home for disabled soldiers. Newark. Report. U 1866 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 143 New Jersey (state) home for girls. Annual report. U 1878, 1900+ v. 8, 30+ In 1878 known as N. J. state industrial school for girls. New Jersey (state) horticultural society. Proceedings. U i876-7g, 81-1900, 04, o64- v. 1-4, 6-25, 29, 31 + New Jersey (state) hospital. Morris Plains. Annual report. U i88i-(X), 96-1900, 02+ V. 7-15, 22-25, 274- New Jersey (State) lunatic asylum. Trenton. Annual report. U 1848, 56, 61-62, 64, 66-72, 78, 1901/02, 03-05, 06+ New Jersey (State) prison. Trenton. Report. U 1886+ New Jersey prison-instruction society. Annual report. U 1832/33 New Jersey (State) reform school for juvenile delinquents. Jamesburg. Re- port. U 1866 New Jersey Training school for feeble-minded girls & boys. Vineland. Annual report. U 1902/03, v. 15 New Jersey (state) village for epileptics, Skillman. Annual report. U 1899+ V. 2+ New London (Conn.) — Public library. Library bulletin. U [1897-98] [v. 5-6] Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1890, v. 19 New London, Willimantic & Palmer railroad company. Annual report. u 1851-52, ss-56 New Mexico — Auditor. Biennial report. U 1904+ Governor. Messages. U 1881 + Report. U 1887/88, 94/95. 1902-04. 05 + House of representatives. Journal. U 1899, 1905+ Mine inspector. Annual report. U 1909+ Penitentiary commissioners, Board of. Biennial report. U 1894-1900, 04-06 Public instruction, Superintendent of. Report. U 1892, 94-99, 1900/01, 03+ Secretary of territory. Biennial report. U 1907/08 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (New Mexico reports.) U 1852+ v. 1 + Treasurer. Report. _ U 1890-92, 97-98, 1900+ New Mexico Agricultural experiment station. Mesilla Park. Annual report. U 1889-93, 98^ 1902+ V. 1-4, 9, 13+ ; N 1892, 1904, V. 3, 15 Bulletin. U 1890+ no. i+; N 1890-I- no. 2-13, 15, 17-22, 24-27, 32+ New Mexico University, Albuquerque. Bulletin ; Biological series. U 1908+ V. 3, no. 13+ Educational series. U 1906+ v. i, no. 1+ New monthly magazine. London. U 1814-22, 24-25, 27, 28-30, 31-32, 34, 35, 36, 64, V. I-18, 24-29, 34-36, 39-44, 47, 50-51, 54-56, 59, 61-62, 145; (ser. i, v. i-ser. 2, v. 4, 10-15, 20, 22. 25-30, 33, 36-37, 40-42, 45, 47-48, 131) Includes New monthly magazine & universal register, 1814-20 ; New monthly magazine & literary journal, 1821-36; New monthly magazine & humorist. 1837-71. New moral world & gazette of the rational society. London. U 1834-39. 40-45, V. 1-5. 8-13 New music review & church music review. New York. U 1906-!- v. 6-f New nation. (Bellamy.) Boston. U [1892, 93] [v. 2, 3] New Orleans (La.) — Comptroller. Report. U 1890-91, 99, 1903-05, 07+ Public library. Annual report. U 1902-03, 07-I- Sewerage and water-board. Semiannual report. U 1900+ V. 1-2, 4-5, 7, 9+; W 1904-05, og-f V. lo-ii, 20-f New Orleans & Nashville railroad company. Annual report. U 1838 New Orleans (La.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1903-06, 08+ v. 21-24, 26-r New Orleans (La.) railway & light co. Annual report. U 19054- New phytologist. London. U 1902-}- v. i-f- New Princeton review. New York. U i886-88|l v. i-6|| Conclusion of Princeton review. New Shakespere society. London. Transactions. U 1874-85, v. 1-4 New South Wales — Agriculture, Department of. Report. U 1906/07-!- Geological survey. Mineral resources. U 1900, no. 6, 8; N iSgS-f no. 1-9, i2-f- 144 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Records. N 1889+ [v. 1-2.] 3-6, [7-8,] + Industrial arbitration. Court of. Reports & records. U 1902+ v. 1+ Mines & agriculture. Department of. Annual report. X 1893-97 see also Agricultural gazette of New South Wales. Public works, Department of. Report. U 1906/08+ Statistician. New South Wales statistical register. U 1901-j- Official j-earbook of New South Wales. Sydney. U 1904-06 v. 1-2 Statistician. Statistics : six states in Australia & New Zealand. U 1861-05 New South Wales (Australia), see also Royal agricultural society of N. S. W. Royal society of N. S. W. New time, a magazine of social progress. Chicago. U [1897- 98] [v. i,] 2, [3] New York (city) — Aldermen. Board of. Documents. U 1866, 73-76, 78-79 Ordinances, resolutions etc. U 1882-88, 90-97. 1900. OQ Proceedings. U 1858-65, 66, [72-77,] 80-1905, 07-1- V. 69-100, 102-103, 125-38, 141-42, 144-46, 157-228 (year 1897) X'o volume number after 1897. Accounts, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1899, 1903-05, 07-08, V. 27, 31-33, 35-36 Art commission. Annual report. U 1903. 06-09 (Municipal) assembly. Proceedings. U 1901 Bridges, Department of. Report. U 1898-1901 Central park, Board of commissioners of. Annual report. U 1858, 60-64, 66-70, V. 2, 4-8, 10-14 Chamberlain. Annual report. U 1905-08 Charities & corrections. Commissioners of public. Annual report. U 1864, 68, 70-71, 75-76, 78-85. 87-92. V. 5, 9. II -1 2, 16-17, 19-26, 2S-33 Continued by N. Y. (city) — Charities, Department of public. Annual re- port, 1903. (Municipal) civil service commission. Sample questions of examination. U 1908+ Common council. Manual of the corporation of the City of New York. U 1854-56, 58-60, 62-66. 68-69 Comptroller. Annual report. U 1898-1909 Correction department. Annual report. U 1902, 05, 07+ Docks & ferries, Department of. Annual report. U i9o8-f v. 38-I- • Education, Board of. Manual. U 1876, 83, 92 Report of the free lectures to the people. U 1897-1906 Estimate & apportionment board. Report of the chief engineer. U 1902-09 Finance department of the comptroller. U 1873/74. 85/86, 88/89. 93/94, ^+ Fire department. Report. U 1882-88, 90, 92-94, 97, 99, 1901-03. 05, 08 Health department. Annual report. U 1872-74, 1901-03; W 1900-07 Weekly report. Research laboratory. Collected studies. Law department. Report. Licenses. Commissioner of. Report. Magistrates, Board of. Annual report. Mayor. Annual message. U 1846, 63, 79-80, 82-83, Parks. Department of. Report. U 1871-72, 98-1901, 03-I- Police commissioner. Annual report. tj 1905+ Public library. Bulletin. G -f ; U 1897-1906, 08+ v. i-io, 12-f Public works. Department of. Report. U 1884, 92-94 Rapid tra'nsit railroad commissioners. Board of. Report. U 1900+ v. 1 + Street cleaning department. Annual report. U I898-^ Tenement house department. Report. U 1903-I- v. 2+ Water supply, gas. & electricity. Department of. Annual report. W 1902-03 Water supply, Board of. Annual report. • 1906+ v. i-f New York (state) — Adirondack land survey. Report. U 1872-73, 83, 85 Adjutant-General. Annual report. U 1861-62, 63 pt 2, 64, 67. 75, 86-88, 90-92, 94-98, 1902+ From 1902+ reports consist of 2 pts. Pt. 2 is official register of the organ- ized land & naval forces of the state. ies. U 1874, W 1906-07, V. 2-3 U i9o8-f U 1904-10, V. 1-5 76-88, 93/94, 95, 99-1909 85-86, 89, 91-94, 96. 1900, 05, 07-f SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN i45 Agriculture, Department of. Annual report of the commissioner. ^ U 1891+ Iv. I,] V. 3-12, 1 13.] 15+ Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 9+ Appeals, Court of. Reports of cases. (New \ork reports.) ^'^ U 1847+ V. 1 + Assembly. Documents. U 1847, /6, v. 70, 99 Assembly. Journal. ^^ ^^ ^ U 1847, v /O Assessors. Annual report. U i860, 62, 74-84. 86-94 Continued after 1896 bv New York (state)— Tax commissioners, Board of. Attorney general. Annual report. 1895, 99-I90I, 05+ Bank commissioners. Annual report. U 1831 Continued by Superintendent of banks. Banking department. Annual report. U 1891 Banks, Superintendent of. Annual report. ^ <, , U 1851, 54, 56, 60-62, 64-66, 68-70, 73-74, 81-82, 86-95, 98-1900, 03, oS-06, 08-1- Continues Bank commissioners. • <, r j Annual report relative to savings banks, trust companies & safe de- posit companies. U 1861, 86, 94, 97, 1901-02, 04-05, 08+ Botanist. Annual report. JJ i868-f- Cabinet of natural history. Annual report. U 1 847-49, 51-57, 59-69II V. 1-3. 5-II, 13-23II; N 1851-69II V. 4, 8-11, 14-16, 18-21, 23II Continued by New York (state)— Museum of natural history. Canal commissioners. Annual report. U 1850, 53, 70 Canal department. Auditor of. Annual report. U 1836, 49-50, 53, 72, 78 Canal fund. Commissioners of. Annual report (contains that of Auditor of Canal department). U 1825. 36, 40, 49-50, 53 Canals, Commission on steam on. Annual report. U 1872-73, v. 2-3 Canals, Comptroller on the expenditures of the. Report. U 1906 Census. State census. U 1865, 75 Chancerv, Court of. Reports of cases. U 1814-47II Continued in New York (state)— Appeals, Court of. ^^ ^^^ , , Charities, Board of. Annual report. U 1868, 70+ v. 2, 4-T- Civil service commission. Annual report. U 1883-88, 91-92, 94, 97-98, 1900-01, 03, 05-1- V. 1-6, 9-10, 12, 15-16, 18-19. 21, 2S-1 Commissary general. Annual report. U 1845, 50, 53, 58, 00 Common schools, Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1837-38. 42-44, 48.. 51-52, V. 25-26, 30-32, 36. 39-40 Continued by Department of public instruction. Comptroller. Annual report. U 1838/39, 48-50, 55/56, 63-68, 71/72, 73/74, 75-77, 80-82, 87-89, 91-1906 07+ Annual report on fire insurance companies. U 1856-57 Conspiracies. Commissioners for detecting & defeating. Minutes, Albany countv sessions, 1778-81. U 1909+ v. 1 + Consulting engineers, Advisory board of. Proceedings. U 1904 Convention. Report. 00 o ^ ^ a^^ Dairy commission. Annual report. U 1887. 89-92, v. 4, 6-9 Education department. Annual report. _ U 1904 -h v. 1 + Continues Department of public instruction. Arbor day. U 1901, 07+; N 1902+ Secondary education bulletin. U 1899+ no. 1 + Before 1904 entitled High school department bulletin of the University. Educational extension division. (Education dept.) Annual report. U 1892-1901, 03, V. i-ii, 13 sec also New York libraries. Emigration, Commission of. Annual report. U 1847-62, 66-73, 76-77, 79, 87, V. 1-16, 20-27, 30-31, 33, 41 Engineer & survevor. Annual report. U 1850-51, 53-63. 65-74, 77-85. 87-99, iQOi-f Barge canal bulletin. U 1908-f ser. i, v. 1-5, 8, ser. 2, v. 7, 11+ Excise, Department of. Report. U 1896-f; Entomologist. Report on the injurious & other insects of the state of N. Y. U N 1881+ V. 1+ Continues Fitch's reports published by New York state agricultural society 1854-70; & the reports of the Museum of natural history 1870-80. 146 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Factory inspectors, Board of. Annual report. U 1885-87, 89/90, 91/92, 97-1900II V. 1-2, 5, 7, 13-iSll Continued in New York (state) — Labor department. Annual report. Farmers' institutes, Bureau of. Report. ' U 1899+ Fisheries, game, & forest. Commissioners of. Report. N 1885-89, v. 14-18 Continued in Forest, fish, & game commission. Forest commission. Annual report. U 1885-88, 90-94] | v. 1-3, 5-9!! Forest, fish & game commission. Annual report. U 1895+ V. i-H; N 1901+ V. 7-8, 10+ Forest preserve board. Annual report. U 1898, v. 2 Geological survey. JS^atural history of New York. G U 1842-94II v. i-6|| Geologist. Annual report. G 1891, 95, v. 11, 15; U 1884, 86-f- v. 4. 6+ Governor. Public papers. ■ U 1864, 67-68, 76, 81 Health, Metropolitan board of. Annual report. U 1866-68, v. 1-3 Health, State board of. Annual report. U 1880+ v. 1 + Annual report of the work of the cancer laboratory conducted at the Gatwick research laboratory. University of Buffalo. U 1902+ v. 4-f Monthly bulletin. U + ; W + Weekly report. U -j- Proceedings of the annual conference of sanitary officers. U 1906. 08+ V. 6, 8-f ; W 1907. v. 7 Sanitary officers' conference. Proceedings. U 1908+ v. 8-|- Historian. Annual report. U 1896-97, 1902, v. 2-3, 8 Insurance department. Annual report. U 1859+ Pt I Fire & marine. U v. 1 + Pt 2 Life. U V. 1 + Pt 3 Casualty, [in separate vol.]. U v. 27-46, 48+ Pt 4 Fraternal [in separate vol.]. U v. 35+ Pt 5 Law, decisions, etc. [in separate vol.]. U v. 48-f Reports, condensed. U 1864-98, v. 3-7 Internal navigation, Commissioners on. Report. U 1812 Labor, Department of. Annual report. U 1900+ v. 1 + Continues Report of the Bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin. U 1899+ no. i-f Labor statistics, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1885-93. 95-1900!! v. 3-n. 13-18I! Continued by New York (state) — Labor, Department of. Annual report. Library. Annual report. U 1862-63, 66+ v. 46, 50+ Best books. U 1895+ Bibliography bulletin. U 1895+ no. 1 + Books of the year. U 1894-99, 1901 + History bulletin. U 1898-1902, no. 1-6 Library school bulletin. U 1891+ v. 1 + Yearbook of legislation. U 1890+ v. 1-I7 Before 1904 called Summary & index of legislation by states. Library school. Albany. Annual report. U 1898+ v. 12+ Lunacy, Commission on. Annual report. U 1889-90. 91-95, 96+ V. 1-2. 4-7, 9+ Marine hospital. At quarantine. Annual report of physician. U 1857 Mediation & arbitration, Board of. Report. U 1886-89, 91-1900I! V. 1-3, 5-14II Continued in New York (state) — Labor, Department of. Annual report. Military statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. G 1865; U 1863, 67. v. i, 4 Mining inspector. Annual report. U 1893, v. i Museum. .Annual report. U 1889+ v. 43-I- ; N 1891-98, v. 45-52 Bulletin. G 1888-1907, v. 3, 7, 35. 44, 85 ; U 1887-f v. 1+ : N 1887+ v. 1-6, 8-f Memoirs. G V. 10; U 1889+ V. I pt I, 3 pt 4, 8 pt I ; N 1900-05, v. 4-5, 8 Museum of natural history. Annual report. G 1875: U 1870-88II V. 24-42! I : N v. 24, 26-27, 29-31, 33-36. 38 Continues New York (state) — Cabinet of natural history. Continued by New York (state) — Museum. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 147 Niagara, State reservation at. Annual report of commissioners. U 1885-96. 98+ V. [3,] 4-13. 15+ Onondago salt springs, Superintendent of the. Annual report. U 1851-53 Prisons, State commission of. Annual report. U 1896-99, 1901+ v. 2-5, 7+ Prisons, Superintendent of state. Report. U 1849, /O, 87, 93-94. 96-1905, 07-^ Probation commission. Report. U 1907-I- v. 1+ Public buildings, Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1900, 03, 05 Public instruction, Department of. Annual report. U 1867-70, 76-1903II V. 14-17, ^3-5011 Continued by Department of Education. Public service commission — First district. New York City. Proceedings. U 1907-I- V. 1+ Report. U 1907/08+ v. 1 + Continues Board of railroad commissioners. Second district. Albany. Annual report. U 1908-I- v. 2-\- Public works. Superintendent of. Annual report on trade & tonnage of the canals. U 1886, 93, 96, 98, 1902, 06 Earlier reports were pub. by the Commissioners of the canal fund and by the auditor of the canal department. Quarantine, Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1864-74, 88 Railroad commissioners. Board of. y\nnual report. U 1853-55, 56 pt 2, 64-70, 78-88, 89 pt 2, 91 pt I, 93, 1901, 02 pt I, 03-06II Continued in New York (state) — Public service commission for the first district. • River improvement commission. Report. U 1905, v. 2 Secretary of State. Annual report ... on the criminal statistics. U 1845, 59, 61, 71-77 Legislative manual. U 1854-71, 74, 77-78, 82-84, 87-92, 94-95, 97-98, 1900-01, 04 Report of statistics relative to the poor. U 1851-52, 54 Senate. Documents. U 1847, v. 70 Journal. U 1847, v. 70 Superior court of the city of New York. Reports. U 1828-92, v. 1-61 Supreme court. Reports of cases. U 1847-88 see also New York supplement. Supreme court & court of errors. Reports of cases. (New York common law reports). U 1794-1848II Survey. Reports. G 1877-78, 80-83; U 1876-84, 86, v. 1-9. n Tax commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1900+ Continues report of State assessors. Treasurer's office. Animal report. U 1890-96, 97-1902, 03+ University. Annual report of the regents. U 1832, 54. 61, 68+ V. 45, 67, 74, 81 + 1904+ V. 118+ included in New York (state) — Education department. An- nual report. University manual. U 1864, 70, 82, v. i, 2, 4 College department. Annual report. U 1898-1902, v. 1-5 Convocation. Proceedings. U 1863-64, 66+ 1863, v. i, 3+ 1867+ v. 4+ included in Annual report of the Regents. Examination department. Annual report. U 1894-97. v. 2-5 Examination bulletin. U 1895-98. no. 6-16 Regents' examination papers. U 1866-76, 94-95 High school department. Annual report. U 1898-1903II v. 6-ii|| Home education department. Annual report. U 1805-1902, v. 3-10 Water supply commission. Annual report. U 1905+ v. 1 + New York (city) academy of sciences. Annals. N 1879+ v. i-|- Continues New York (city) Lyceum of natural history. Memoirs. N 1895+ v. i pt i, v. 2+ . Transactions. N 1881-97II [v. i,l 2-i6|| After 1898 included in Annals. New York (state) Agricultural & industrial school. Industry. Annual report. U 1880-81, 84, 89, 91, 93, 96-98, 1900-04, 06+ V. 32-33, 36, 41, 43. 45, 48-50, 52-56,58+ Before 1887 name was Western house of refuge for juvenile delinquents. 148 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN New York (state) Agricultural experiment station. Geneva. Annual report. U N 1882+ V. i-j- Bulletin. U 1885+ n. ser. no. 2+ ; N 1884+ old ser. no. 94-95, 97-100, 103-104, 107, 109-111, 113-115; n. ser. no. i, 7, 14-23. 26-37, 40-69, 71+ Bulletin. Popular edition. U 1897-f- no. 114+ Technical bulletin. N 1906+ no. i, 3-5, 7+ New York (state) agricultural society. Annual report. U 1879, 82, 84, V. 39, 42, 44; N 1864-83, V. 24-30, 39-43 Report on the noxious, beneficial, & other insects. (Fitch.) UN 1854-70II V. 1-14II Continued by New York (state)— Museum of natural history. Annual re- port 1870-80; & New York (state)— Entomologist. Report 1SS1+. Transactions. U 1841-86, 91-92, 94-95, 98-99, v. 1-34, 51-52, 54-55, 58-59 New York (city) Aguilar free library. Annual report. U 1901-2, v. 13-14 New York (city) Almshouse. Annual report of the governors. U 1848, 51, 54, 56 New York (city) American institute. Annual report. (Transactions.) U 1843, 46-65, 66-68, 69/70, 71/72 New York (state) American Merino sheep breeders' association. Register. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1883-98, new ser. v 1-3 New York & Erie railroad company. Annual report. U 1835, 41. 44- 4«, 53 New York & Harlem railroad company. Annual report. U 1850 New York & New England railroad company. Annual report. U 1876, 88-90, 92-94, V. 2, 13-15, 17-19 New York & New Haven railroad company. Report. U 1862, 68, 71-72 New York architect. New York. U 1907+ v. 1 + New York (city) art societies. Yearbook. U 1898-99 New York (city) association for improving the condition of the poor. Annual report. U 1850, 55-56, 58, 60-61, 67, 71-72, 76-78, 80, 97, v. 7, 12-13, 15, 17-18, 24, 28-29, 33-35, 37, 54 New York (city) Astor library. Annual report. U 1850-94, v. 2-46 New York (state) Asylum for idiots, Syracuse. Annual report. U 1851-52, 57, V. 1-2, 7 New York (state) bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908-I- v. 15+ New York (city) board of trade & transportation. Proceedings. U 1880, v. 7 New York (city) botanical garden. Bulletin. , , .. U 1896+ V. I, [2-3,1 5+; N 1900-I- v. 1 + New York (state) Catholic protectory. West Chester. Annual report. U 1900, V. 37 New York Central & Hudson river railroad company. Annual report. U 1881, 83-85. 87-89, 91+ V. 12, 14-16, 18-20, 22+ New York (state) Central (New York) institution for deaf-mutes. Rome. An- nual report. U 1902+ v. 28+ New York Central railroad company. Annual report. U 1850-57, 02 New York (city) Century association. Reports etc. U 1903 New York (state) chamber of commerce. Annual banquet speeches. U 1890, 94, 99, V. 122, 126, 131 Annual report. , ^ ^ o , U 1859/60, 63-65. 66-73, 74-1904, 05-f- V. 2, 6-7, 9-15, 17-46. 48+ Monthly bulletin. U-f New York (state) charities aid association. New York. Annual report. U 1873, 80-81, 83-88, 90-1903, 06+ V. I, 8-9, 11-16, 18-31. 34+ Annual report to the state commission in lunacy. U 1893-1903, 07-1- V. i-ii. 15+ New York city visiting committee. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 1 + Continuation of New York county visiting committee for Bellevue hospital New York (city) Charity organization society. Annual report. U 1884-I- v. 2+ School of philanthropv. Announcement. U 1904-05 Handbook. U 1904-05 see also Charities ; Charities review ; Charities & the Commons ; Survey. New York, Chicago & St Louis railroad company. Annual report. U 1896-97, 99-[- V- lo-ii, 13+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 149 r New York (city) Civil service reform association. Report of the executive com- mittee. U 1883, 88, 92-1906, 08+ • Women's auxiliary. Annual report. U 1900, v. 5 New York (city) City club. Annual report. U 1903-05, v. 12-13 New York (city) Coffee exchange. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 25+ New York (city), College of the city of New York. City college quarterly. U 1910+ V. 6+ New York (city) Commercial society. Annual report. U 1903-f- New York (state) conference of charities & corrections. Proceedings. U 1906, V. 7 New York (city) Consolidated stock exchange. Annual report. U 1907/08+ V. 32+ New York (state) Cornell agricultural experimental station. Ithaca. Annual report. U 1888+ v. 1 + Preceded by Cornell university — Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i+, N 1888+ no. I. 3. 6-16, 19-32, 34-41, 43-187, 189-200. 202-250, 254, 268+ New York (city) cotton exchange. Annual report of the cotton crop. U 1903-i- New York (state) Custodial asylum [idiots], Rome. Annual report. U 1895+ V. 1 + New York (state) dairymen's association. Annual report. U 1882, 85, 90-91, V. 6, 9, 14-15 New York (city) directory. (Trow's.) U 1906-I- v. 120-f New York (city) East side house settlement. Annual report. U 1902, v. 11 New York (city) entomological society. Journal. N 1890+ v. 1 + New York (city) evening post. U July 1909+ New York farmers. Proceedings. U 1882-93, 94-95, 1908-I- New York (city) Federation of churches & Christian organizations. Annual report. ... U 1903, v. 7 New York (city) Five points house of industry. Annual report. 1856, v. 2 New York (city) free circulating library report. U 1900, v. 21 New York (state) free employment bureau. Annual report. _ U 1896-1906II V. i-iill New York (state) fruit growers' association. Proceedings. Fayetteville (N. Y.) U 1905, V. 5 New York (city) General society of mechanics & tradesmen. Annual report. U 1904-f V. 119+ New York (city) German society. Annual report. U 1883-84, v. 100-01 New York (city) Harlem library. Annual report. U 1899, v. 2 New York (city) herald (daily). U 1861 Jan.-June New York (state) historical society. New York city. Collections. U 1809, v. i Collections, publication fund series. U 1868 "h v. 1 + Proceedings. U 1844-46 New York (state) Homeopathic hospital [insane]. Gowonda. Annual report. U 1893/94, 95+ V. I, 3+ Formerly known as Collins state homeopathic hospital. New York (state) Homeopathic hospital [insane]. Middleton. Annual report. U 1874-79. 81-83, 85+ V. 4-9, 11-13. 15+ Before 1890 name was State homeopathic asylum for the insane. New York (state) Homeopathic medical society. Transactions. Alhanv. U 1864, V. 2 New York (state) Hospital [insane]. Buffalo. Annual report. U 1890- 1 906, V. 20-36 New York (state) Hospital [insane]. Matteawan. Annual report. U 1862-64, 67, 77-78. 81+ V. 3-5, 8, 18-19. -J-'^ Before 1892 was State asylum for the insane criminals & was located at Auburn. New York (state) Hospital for the care of crippled & deformed children. West Haverstraw. Annual report. U 1904-!- v. 44- Located at Tarrytown till 1905. New York (state) House of refuge for women. Hudson. Annual report. U 1900, v. 13 150 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN New York (state) Hudson river state hospital [insane]. Poughkeepsie An- nual report. ^ ^ U 1867-69, 71-72, 76, 78-79, 81-84, 86-99. 1901+ V. 1-3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15-18, 20-33, 35+ New York (city) Industrial removal office. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 4+ New York (state) Institution for the blind. New York city. Annual report U 1885+ V. 50+ New York (state) Institution for the instruction of the deaf & dumb. New York city. Annual report. U 1818-23, 26-27. 40, 42, 44-50, 52-56, 58, 60, 62, 68-72, 74. 76-93, 95+ V. 1-5, 9, 22, 24, 26-32, 34-38, 40, 42, 44, 50-54, 56, 58-75, 11^ New York (state) Juvenile asylum. New York. Annual report. U 1861, ^2-^2>, iQOi, V. 10, 21-22, 50 New York (city) labor library (monthly). U [1887-88] no. 7, 9 New York Lake Erie & Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1883-85, 87 New York libraries (New York (state)— Educational extension division) Albany. U 1907+ v. 1 + New York life insurance company. Annual report. U 1902, v. 5» New York, (state) lunatic asvlum. Utica. Annual report. U 1845, 47-48, 50, 53*56, 59-64. 66-68, 71-74, 76, 83, 86, V. 3, 5-6, 8, 11-14, 17-22, 24-26, 29-32. 34, 4i, 46 New York (city) Lyceum of natural history. _ Annals. N 1823-76II v. i-ii|| Continued as New York academy of sciences. Proceedings. N 1873-74II fer. 2 no. 1-4II New York (city). Maritime association of the port of New York. Officers, di- rectors, committees (with proceedings of annual meeting). U I907+ New York (city) mathematical society. Bulletin. U 1891-94II v. 1-3II Continued by American mathematical society. Bulletin. New York (city) Mercantile library association. Annual report. U 1821+ V. 1-19, 21-37. 43-46, 49+ Bulletin. U 1883-^ no 4+ New York (city) Merchants' association. Proceedings. U -(- Yearbook. U 1905-^ New York (city) Metal exchange, see also Official daily market report. New York (city) Meteorological observatory. Annual report. U 1871 New York (city) microscopical society. Journal. N 1885-91, v. 1-4. [5,] 6-7 see also American quarterly microscopical journal. New York (city) Midnight mission. Annual report. U 1868-70, 76-77, 79-80, 83, 91, V. 2-4. lo-ii, 13-14, 17, 25 New York. New Haven & Hartford railroad company. Annual report. U 1873-77, 82, 84-1- v. 2-6, II, 13-f New York (city). New York society library. Annual report. U 1855-59, 60-63, 64/65, 72-74. 78-86, 87-92, 94+ V. 102-5, 107-9, III. 119-20, 125-32, 134-38, 141 + Recent accessions. U 1897+ v. 1 + New York (state) Northern (New York) institution for deaf mutes. Malone. Annual report. U 1902-04, 06-f v. 18-20, 22+ New York, Ontario & Western railway company. Annual report. U 1893-96, 98-1904, v. 14-17, 19-25 New York (city) Presbyterian ho.spital. Medical & surgical report. U 1902+ V. 5+ New York (state) prison. Auburn. Report. U 1827 New York (state) Prison association. Annual report. U 1848-49, 53-56, 60, 63-83, 86-92, 94-96, 98-1906, 08+ V. 4-5. 9-12, 16, 19-39. 42-48, 50-52, 54-61, 63+ New York (city) produce exchange. Annual report. U 1873+ Annual statistical report. ^ U 1883-84. 1902+ New York produce review & American creamery. New York. U 1903+ v. 15+ New York railroad club. New York. Official proceedings. U [1894-98,] 98+ [v. 4-8,] 9, [10,] II, [12,] 13+ New York (state) red book by Will. L. Lloyd. U 1892 New York (state) reformatory. Elmira. Report. U 1876-f- v. 1 + New York (state) reformatory for women. Bedford. Annual report. U 1901-06, 08+ v. 1-6, 8+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 151 New York (city) Reformatorj- of misdemeanants. Annual report of the board of parole. U 1906+ v. 1 + Nevv York (state) register. (Holley.) New York city. U 1845, v. 3 New York (state) reporter (law), see also New York supplement. New York (city) St George's church. Yearbook. - U 1904 New York (state) St Lawrence state hospital [for insane]. Ogdensburg. An- nual report. U 1887. 89-92, 94-95, 97-I903, 0^+ v. i, 3-6, 8-9, 11-17, I9+ New York (city) sanitary reform society. Annual report. U 1879/80, v. I New York (state) Savings banks association. Proceedings. U 1895+ v. 2+ New York (state) School for the blind. Batavia. Annual report. U 1870-78, 81-88, 90-96, 98-1902, 04+ V. 2-10, 13-20, 22-28, 30-34. 36+ New York (state) society for the prevention of cruelty to children. New York city. Annual report. U 1876, v. i New York (city) school of philanthropy. Year-book. U 1908-f New York (city) Sheltering arms [for care of homeless children]. Annual re- port. ^ U 1865/66, 75/76, 78/79. V. 2, 12, 15 New York social science review. New York city. U 1865II v. i|| New York (city)' society for ethical culture. Ethical pamphlets. U no. 4, 6-8 Yearbook. U 1905 New York (city) Society for the prevention of pauperism. Annual report of managers. U 1819, v. 2 New York (state) Society for the promotion of useful arts, see Society for the promotion of useful arts in the state of New York; Society instituted in the state of New York for the promotion of agriculture, arts, & manu- factures. New York (city) Society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents. New York city. Annual report. U 1825, 27, 34-44, 46-51, 53-54, 56-57. 59-60, 63-65, 67-72, 74-76, 79-85, 89, 91-92, 95-i- V. I, 3. 10-20, 22-27, 29-30, 32-33. 35-36, 39-41, 43-48, 50-52, 54-6T, 65, 67-68, 71 + New York (city) society for the suppression of vice. Annual report. U 1876-77. 79-82, v. 2-3. .5-8 New York (state) Soldiers' & sailors' home. Bath. Annual report. U 1899+ New York (state) street railway association. Report of annual meeting. U i907-f v. 26-t- New York (state) Supervisors, Boards of. Proceedings of the annual highway convention. U 1903, v. 4 New York supplement [law], (including New York state reporter). St Paul. (National reporter system.) U 1888 -|- v. I-|- New York, Susquehanna & Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1889, V. 9 New York teacher. Albany. U [1852-54, 56-59, 60-61] [v. 1-2, 5-7, 9-10] New York teachers' monographs. New York. U 1898+ v. i-f- New York (state) Thomas Indian School. Iroquois. Annual report. U 1899-1- V. 44-I- New York (city) times (daily). U 1860-65, v. 9-14 pt i New York (city) times Saturday review. U -h New York (state) Training school for girls. Hu2>, 136-38, 141-58, 160-63. 166-73, 176+ Technical bulletin. U 1889-93, no. 1-7 North Carolina bar association. Report of annual meeting. U 1909-t- v. ii-f North Carolina (state) dairymen's association. Report. U 1896-98, v. 1-2 North Carolina (state) horticultural society. Report. U 1885-86 Experimental farm. Southern Pines. Amiual report. U 1895-96, v. 1-2 North Carolina (state) hospital. Goldsboro. Biennial report. U 1889-92, 1900-I- Before 1892 known as Eastern insane hospital. North Carolina Odd fellow. Raleigh. U + North Carolina University. Chapel Hill. James Sprunt historical monographs. U 1900, 05H- V. I, 6+ Studies in philology. U 1906-}- no. i-f see also Elisha Mitchell scientific society. North Central association of colleges & secondary schools. Proceedings. U 1896-1902, 04+ V. 1-7. 9-i- North central association of railroad commissioners. Minutes of meetings. U i908-f North Central history teachers' association. Proceedings. Chicago. U i9o8-f V. 10+ North-China herald & supreme court & consular gazette. Shanghai. U 1909-I- V. 90+ North Dakota. Public documents. U 1905-06 Agriculture & labor, Department of. Biennial report. U 1889-98. 1903+ V. 1-5. 8+ Auditor. Biennial report. U 1890-1904, v. 1-8 Equalization, State board of. Proceedings. U 1894-95, 97-98, 1900-01 (State) examiner. Annual report. U 1894-99, 1901-t- v. 5-10, 12-H (State) geological survey. Biennial report. G 1903-06, v. 3-4; U 1899+ V. 1 + Bulletin. G no. 3 House of representatives. Journal. U 1901-}- Insurance, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1890-94, 98-1905 Public library commission. Bulletin of legislative reference department. U 1910+ no. 1 + Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1890-98, 1903+ V. 1-5, 8+ Railroads, Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1896, 98+ v. 7, 9-t- Secretary of state. Legislative manual [called Blue book]. U iSSgAx). 97, 1 901, 03 Senate. Journal. U 1901-f Supreme court. Reports of cases. (North Dakota reports.) U 1890-!- v. 1 + . Treasurer. Annual report. U 1889/90, 92-1900, 05-06, 08-+- North Dakota agricultural college. Fargo. — Agricultural college survey (1901-I-) Biennial report. G 1904-}- v. 3-4 North Dakota Agricultural experiment station. Fargo. Annual report. U 1891+ V. i+: N 1891-1904, V. 1-2, 4-15 Bulletin. U 1891+ no. 1+ ; N 1891+ no. 2-6, 8-45, 47-67, 69-71, 7::i-\- North Dakota bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908-t- v. 6+ North Dakota (state) dairymen's association. Annual meeting. U 1891, v. i North Dakota Penitentiary. Bismarck. Biennial report. U 1890/92, v. 2 North Dakota University. University (Fargo.) Quarterly journal. U N 1910-f v. i-f- Mines, School of, see also North Dakota — (State) geological survey. North Eastern railroad company. Animal report. U 1877, 79-82, 93 North German Lloyd steamship company. New York. Bulletin. U 1908+ [v. 25,] 26-1- North Park college. Chicago (111.) Catalogue. U 1903/04 North Staffordshire ceramic society, see English ceramic society. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 155 North Staffordshire field club. Stafford (Eng.) Annual report & transactions. U 1908+ V. 43+ North-Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1854, v. 2 Northampton (Mass.) — Forbes library. Annual report. U 1895-t- v. i-f Northeastern reporter. St Paul. U 1885+ v. 1 + Northern central railway company. Annual report. U 1855+ v. 1 + Northern Illinois college, Fulton. Catalogue. U 1888/89, 96/97 Northern Illinois horticultural society. Transactions. U 1867+ V. 1+; N 1867-68, 71+ V. I, 4+ Northern notes & queries, see Scottish antiquary. Northern Ohio traction & light co. Akron. Annual report. U 1904+ Northern Pacific railroad company. Annual report. U 1880 Northern Pacific railway company. Annual report. u 1876, 83, 86-87, 97-1905, 07+ Northern railroad. Annual report. U 1876, v. 31 Northern Texas electric company. [Fort Worth, Stone & Webster manage- ment association.] Annual report. U 1907 Northern tribune. Newcastle-on-Tyne. U 1854, v. i Northwest fruit growers' association. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1901, V. 8 Northwest railway club. Minneapolis. Official proceedings. U [1895-98,] 99-1906II [v. 1-4,] 5-11II Northwestern college. Naperville (111.) Catalogue. U 1874/75, 83/84, 89-96, 97+ Northwestern dairymen's association. Annual report. U 1867-75, 78-79. 85-86, V. 1-9, 12-13, 19-20 V. 1-2 issued by Illinois & Wisconsin dairymen's association. Northwestern farmer. Chicago. U 1869. v. 4 Northwestern mutual life insurance co. Milwaukee (Wis.) Annual report. U 1902-03, 05-06, V. 45-46, 48-49 Northwestern reporter. St Paul. U 1896-I- v. 68-|- North western university. Evanston (111.) Alumni news letter. U [1905+] [no. 10+] Catalogue. U 1869-71, 72-74, 75-80, 81 -f Northwestern. (Students' weekly.) U [1896- 1900] [v. 17-20] Syllabus. (Fraternity annual.) U 1886-90, v. 2-6 Dental school. Chicago. Northwestern dental journal. U [1903-05;] + [v. 1-3;] + Orrington Lunt library. Bulletin. U 1908/09+ see also Garrett Biblical institute. Norwich (Conn.) — Otis library. Annual report. U 1896-igoi, 1903+ Bulletin. U [1898,] 1900-02 [v. 4,] v. 5, no. 3-32 Continued after Nov. 1903 as Cooperative bulletin with the Peck library. Otis library & Peck library. Co-operative bulletin. U 1903-I- v. I + Nose; a periodical publication. (Caraquallfa.) London. U 1800 Jan. -July] | Notes & queries. London. U 1849-I- ser. i, v. 1 + Notes on new remedies. New York. U 1892-94, v. 5-6 Notizie degli scavi di antichita. Milan. U 1904+ Nottingham (Eng.) — Public libraries. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 36+ Bulletin. U 1908+ no. 1254- Nouvelle revue. Paris. U 1909-f ser. 3, v. 1 + Nouvelles annales de mathematiques. Paris. U 1842-I- v. 1 + Bulletin de bibliographic, d'histoire, & de biographic mathematiques. U 1855-62. v. 1-8 Nova Scotia — Education office. Annual report ... on public schools. U 1897 Legislative library. Annual report. U 1S80 Public health, Department of. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 14+ Nova Scotia fruit growers' association. Annual report. Kentville. U 1903+ V. 39+ Nova Scotia steel & coal company. Annual report. U 1902, v. 2 Nova Scotian institute of science. Halifax. Proceedings & transactions. U 1902-03, V. II ; N 1869+ [v. 2, 5. 6. 7.] 8-f- Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere & arti. Rome. U 1895, 1909-I- 156 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN V. 139-144, 223+ (ser. 3. V. 55-60; ser. 5, v. 139+ ; U has ordered 1866-1908 Nuremberg (Germany) Germanisches national museum. Anzeiger. U 1884-1905, V. 1-8, [9] Continues o n m 11 \nzeiger fur kunde der deutschen vorzeit. U 1853-83II n. ser. v. I-30II Mitteilungen. U 1886, v. i Nuremberg (Germany) Naturhistonsche gesellschaft. Abhandlungen. U 1892+ V. 10+ ;N 1896+ V. lo-H Jahresbericht. U 1904-05II; N 1897-99, 1901-02, 04-05II Mitteilungen. U N 1907^ v. 1 + Nut-grower. Poulan (Ga.) . ^ „ . ^- o' i^o° m ^'' ^om Nuttall ornithological club. Cambridge (Mass.) Bulletin. N 1876-83,! v. i-8j| Continued as Auk. . Memoirs. . >^ ^906, no. 4 O. I. C. record, see Ohio improved Chester swine breeders association. Oakland (Cal.)— Auditor. Annual report. U 1893, 98-1903, 05-09, V. 6. 9-14. 16-20 Free library & reading room. Annual report. U i8gi-\- v. 13+ Oakpark (111.)— Scoville institute. Annual report. U 18S8-91, 99-1900, y. 1-3, 12 Oberhessische gesellschaft fur natur- & heilkunde. Giessen. Bericht. N 1882-19051; V. 21-341 1 Bericht: medizinische abteilung. N 1906+ v. 1 + Bericht: naturwissenschaftliche abteilung. N 1906-t- v. 1 + Oberlin (O.) college. Laboratory bulletin. N 1895-f no. 3, 5, 7-8, 12-!- Oberlin review. (Students' weekly.) U [1896-1900] [v. 24, 26-27] Library. Annual report. U 1893-1900, 1904/05, 07/08+ Observatory. London. U 1877+ v. 1 + Annual companion. London. L 1691-98, v. 14-21 Odd fellows, Independent order of. Illinois grand lodge. Proceedings. U 1838-52, 58+ Sovereign grand lodge. Proceedings. U 1821+ v. i-l- Oenologischer jahresbericht. Berlin. U 1878-84, v. 1-8 Oesterreichische botanische zeitschrift. Vienna. L 1903, v. 53 Oesterreichische garten-zeitung. (K. K. Gartenbau-gesellschaft.) Vienna. U -H Oesterreichische rundschau. Vienna. U 1883, v. i ; U has ordered rest Oesterreichische statistik, see Austria— K. K. statistische central commission. Oesterreichischer ingenieur- & architekten-yerein. Vienna. Wochenschrift. U 1876-911! v. l-i6i| United in 1892 with Zeitschrift. , ^ 1849+ v. 1 + Oesterreichischer sozialdemokratischer parteitag. Vienna. \ erhandlungen. U 1891-92, 94, V. 1-2, 4 K. K. Oesterreichisches handelsministerium, see Austria— K. K. handelsminis- terium. , . , Ofifenbach-am-^Main (Germany) handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1859, 61, 85, 87, 89, 92-93, 97 Official Catholic directory, almanac, & clergy list. iMilwaukee. U 1904-05, 07+ V. 19-20, 22+ Official daily market report. (New York metal exchange.) New York. U-|- Official guide of the railways & steam navigation lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada. Mexico, & Cuba. New York. U -f Official railway guide of Chicago, see Chicago. Ohio. Executive documents. U 1862 pt 2, 63 pt i, 64 pt 2, 96 pt 1-3. 98. 1901 + Adjutant general. Annual report. U 1898, 1901 -f Agriculture, state board of. Annual report. U 1848, 50, 52, 54-98. 1901+ v. 3. 5, 7, 9-53, 56+ ; N l856^- v. 11-15. I7, 29. 57+ Nursery & orchard inspection. Division of. Annual report. U 1902-05, v. 1-4; N 1902-f v. 1+ Bulletin. U 1903-05, nos. 1-2, 6; N 1903+ no. i4- Arl)itration, State board of. Annual report. U 1898-1902. 04-05, v. 6-10, 12-13 Attorney general. Annual report. U 1870-71, 98. 1901-t- Auditor. Annual report. U 1848/49, 56-60, 67, 70, 74, 76-80, 82-86, 88-f SERIALS LN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 157 Comparative statistics, cities of Ohio. U 1904-f - Building and loan associations, Inspector of. Annual report. U 1895-96, 98, 1901-06, V. 5-6, 8, 11-16 - Charities, Board of state. Annual report. U 1872, 83, 85. 90-91, 96, 98-99, 1901+ V. 5, 8, 10, 15-16, 21, 23-24, 26+ - Charities, Board of state. Bulletin of charities & corrections. U [1898, 1900, 1905] [v. 4, 6, II ] - Common schools. Department of the state commissioner of. Arbor day manual. U 1902-03, 05, 08 -h Official bulletin of the recognized high schools of the state oi Ohio. U 1003. 05 Annual report. U 1854, 57. 61, 63-65, 67-68, 70-76, 78-92, 94+ V. I, 4, 8, 10-12, 14-15, 17-23, 25-39, 41 + - Dairy & food commissioner. Annual report. U 1886-91, 93-f- v. 1-6, 8+ - (State) Dental board. Annual report. U 1908+ - Farmers' institutes. Annual report. U 1902-03. v. 12-13 Bulletin. U 1902+ Proceedings. U 1904-05 - (State) fire marshal. Annual report. U 1901+ v. 2+ - Fish & game commission. Annual report. N 1876, 1900, 02-06 - Forestry bureau. Annual report. U 1885-88, v. 1-4 - General assembly. Farmers' handbook (laws relating to agriculture). U 1902, 04 Election laws of the state of Ohio. U 1902-03, 05-07 Laws: General & local acts. U 1815, 50, 52, 7^- 74, 78, 80, 84, 90-98, 1902+ V. 14, 48, 51, 70-71, 75, 77, 81, 87-93, 95+ Manual of legislative practice. U 1894-97 - Geological survey (2d organization). Report on Geology of Ohio. G U 1873-88, v. 1-6 V. 7 pub. by 3d organization & continued by the 4th. Report of progress. U 1869-70, v. 1-2 - Geological survey (3d organization). Columbus. Annual report. U 1890, V. I - ;^ : Report [on] Geology of Ohio. G U 1893, v. 7 Continues Report of 2d organization. - Geological survey (4th organization). Bulletin. G U 1903+ v. 1 + _ Report, [on] Geology of Ohio. U 1906, v. 8-9 Continues Report of 2d & 3d organizations. - Health, State board of. Annual report. U i886-j- v. 1+ Ohio sanitary bulletin. U 1898-1908II [v. 1-3,] 4, [5.] 6. [7.] 8-10, [Ii-i2]|| Continued by ' Quarterly bulletin. U 1909-f v. i+; W + Report of an investigation of the rivers of Ohio as sources of public water supplies. U 1897-1901I | v. 1-4I | - Highway department. Annual report. U 1905+ v 1 + - — - Bulletin. U 1906+ v. 1 + - House of representatives. Journal. U 1902+ - Insurance department. Report. Pt. i : Fire. U 1883-84, 87, 95, 96, 98, 1901+ V. 17-18, 21, 29, 30, 32. 35-f - 7- .Pt; 2: Life. U 1895-98, 1901+ V. "29-32, 35 + - Labor statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. U 1878-79. 82, 89+ V. 2-3, 6, 13+ - (State) library. Annual report. U 1895-98, 1900+ v. 51-53 56+ - -— Bulletin. U 1905+ v. 1 + - Live stock commission. Annual report. U 1898, 1901 + - Mines, Chief inspector of. Annual report. G 1892, 94, 97, 1902-05, V. 18, 20, 23, 28-31 ; U 1875. 85, 89-94, 96-1905. 07+ V. 2, II, 15-20, 22-31, 3S-\^ - Oils, Inspectors of. Annual reports. U 1898, 1901-i- - (State) printing & binding. Department of. Annual report. U 189S', 1901 + - Public works. Board of. Annual report. U 1848, 52,98, 1901+ V. 12, 17, 60, 63+ 158 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Railroad commission. Report. U 1906+ v. 1+ Continues Railroads & telegraphs, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1870-72, 73-75. 80-84, 85-89, 98, 1901-05II V. 4-6, 8-9, 15-18, 20-23, 31, 34-38II Continued as Railroad commission. Secretary of State. Federal state and county officers. U 1899, 1904-06, 09+ Municipal officers. U 1903 Ohio election statistics. U 1898, 1902-05, 08+ . Ohio statistics. U 1868, 70-71, 12--jz^ 74-75, 76-88, 96-98, i902-|- • Senate. Journal. U 1842, 1902+ Soldiers' claims. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1904-05 Statistics, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1857-68, v. 1-12 Supreme court. Reports of cases (Ohio reports). U 1821-51II v. i-2o|| (Ohio state reports.) U 1852+ v. I-|- Treasury, Department of. Annual report. U_i899, 1901-06, 07-I- Workshops, factories, & public buildings, Department of inspection of. An- nual report. U 1S88-90, 91-93. 95-99. I900-|- v. 6-7, 9-10, 13-16, i8-F Ohio (state) academy of science. Columbus. Annual report. U 1897, 1904-06, V. 5, 13-15; N 1892+ V. 1-12, 17+ Proceedings. U 1904+ v. 4 pt 5 + Special papers. N 1899+ no. 2-10, 14+ Ohio agricultural experiment station. Wooster. xA.nnual report. U 1882-t- V. 1+ ; N 1883+ V. 2, 4+ Bulletin. U 1888+ ser. 2, no. i-f ; N i888-|- ser. i, no. i ; ser. 2, no. i-f Bulletin, technical series. N 1889-96II v. i, no. 1-4II Ohio & Indiana railroad company. Annual report. U 1853 Ohio & Mississippi railway company. Annual report. U 1892 Ohio (state) archaeological & historical society. Columbus. Publications. U 1887+ V. i-f- Current numbers called Quarterly. Ohio bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1906-t- v. i6-|- Ohio Biographical annals. U 1902-08, v. 1-3 Ohio (state) board of commerce. Annual meeting, proceedings, etc. U 1906+ V. 13-h Ohio Boys' industrial school. Lancaster. Annual report. U 1898, 1901-f- V. 43, 46-I- Ohio college association. Transactions. U 1887-90, 1900, v. 19-22, 32 Ohio County surveyors. Association of. Proceedings. _ U 1881-82, v. 2-3 Ohio dairymen's association. Report of annual meeting. U 1904-05, 07-f V. lo-ii, 13+ Ohio educational monthly. Columbus. U [i860, 62-64, 68] [v. 9, 11-13, 17] Continues Ohio journal of education. Ohio engineering society. Annual report. W 1906+ v. 27-f Ohio (state) fair & industrial exposition. Columbus. Bulletin. U 1902, 1904-05, V. 52, 54-55 Premiums & regulations. U 1902-04, 09+ v. 52-54. 59+ Ohio farmer. Cleveland. U 1869. 71, v. 18, 20 Ohio federation of labor. Official book & convention proceedings. U 1905, 08, V. 22, 25 Ohio (state) forestry association. Proceedings. U 1884 Ohio Girls' industrial home. Rathbone. Annual report. U 1898, 1901-)- V. 30, 33-38 Ohio historical & philosophical society. Cincinnati. Annual report. U 1900, 03, 05-06 Quarterly publication. U 1906+ v. 1 + Ohio Hospital for epileptics. Gallipolis. Annual report. U 1898, iQOi-f V. 8, ii-H Ohio (state) horticultural society. Annual report. U 1867-76, 78-98, 1901, V. i-io, 12-32, 35; N 1896, 1902, V. 30, 36 Ohio (state) hospital [insane]. Athens. Annual report. U 1898, 1901+ V. 25, 28-1- Ohio (state) hospital [insane]. Columbus. Annual report. U 1841-42, 50, 71, 78, 98, 1901-I- V. 3-4, 12, Z2>, 40, 60, 63+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 159 Ohio (state) hospital [insane]. Dayton. Annual report. U 1898, IQOI+ V. 44, 47+ Ohio (state) hospital [insane]. Massillon. Annual report. U 1898, 1901+ V. 6, 9+ Ohio (state) hospital [insane]. Toledo. Annual report. U 1898, 1901+ V. 15, 18+ Ohio improved Chester swine breeders' association. O. I. C. record. Cleveland, etc. U 1899-1905, V. 1-8 Ohio improved Chester record, see also International Ohio improved Chester record. Ohio Institution for the education of the blind. Columbus. Annual report. U 1898, 1901+ v. 62, 65+ Ohio Institution for the education of the deaf & dumb. Columbus. Annual re- port. U 1898, 1901-I- V. 72, 75+ Ohio Institution for feeble-minded youth. Columbus. Annual report. U 1898, 1901-f- V. 42, 45-|- Ohio journal of education. Columbus. U [1853, 55-58] [v. 1-2, 4-7] Continues as Ohio educational monthly. Ohio mechanics' institute. Cincinnati. Scientific proceedings. U [1883] v. 2 pt 3 Ohio mining journal. Columbus. U 1891, 95-98 Ohio naturalist. (Ohio state university.) Columbus. N 1900+ v. I-f- Ohio Penitentiary. Columbus. Annual report. U 1897-98, IQOI-J- Ohio Poland-China record association. Record. Dayton (O.) U 1877-1905II V. 1-27II Continued as National Poland-China record company. Ohio (state) reformatory. Mansfield. Annual report. U 1898, 1901+ v. 15, i8-(- Ohio sanitary bulletin, see Ohio — Health, State board of. Ohio society of surveyors & civil engineers. Annual report. U 1883-97, 1900-02, 04-06, 08+ V. 3-18, 21-23, 25-27, 29+ Ohio Soldiers'_& sailors' home. Sandusky. Annual report. U 1898, 1901-I- Ohio Soldiers' & sailors' orphans' home, Xenia. Annual report. U 1899, 1901+ V. 30, 32-I- Ohio teacher. Columbus & Athens. U 1906-f- [v. 27,] 28-)- Ohio (state) university. Columbus. Psychological studies. U 1909-f- v. 1 + Zoology & entomology, Department of. Contributions. N 1899-I- V. I, 3-8, 10-12, 17-19, 21-24, 27-\- Ohio valley improvement association. Cincinnati. Proceedings. U 1906, v. 12 Oil & gas journal. St Louis. G -|- Oil, paint, & drug reporter. New York. U -f- Oil City (Pa.) semi-weekly derrick. G + ; U 1906+ v. 29+ Oklahoma — Adjutant-general's office. Report. U 1902, 04-06, 08+ Agriculture, State board of. Biennial report. U 1907-}- v. i-f- Quarterly report. U + Agriculture, Territorial board of. Biennial report. U 1905-06II v. 2|| (Territorial) Auditor. Biennial report. U 1900-1904, v. 6-8 • Geological survey. Bulletin. U N 1908+ v. I + Governor. Report. U 1898 Mines. Chief inspector of. Annual report. U 1907-I- v. i-(- Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report of the territorial sup- erintendent. U 1894-1900, v. 3-5 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Oklahoma reports.) U 1890-f- v. 1 + Territorial lands. Secretary of the board for leasing. Biennial report. U 1900-04, V. 4-5 Oklahoma Agricultural e.xperiment station. Stillwater. Annual report. U 1894, 97+ V. 3, 6+ ; N i894-(- v. 6+ Bulletin. U 1891-f- no. 1-I-; N 1891+ no. 1-8, 12-14, 16, 20-52, 55-58, 60-75, 79+ Oklahoma & Indian territory bar association. Proceedings. U i9o6|| v. 3|| Continued by Oklahoma (state) bar association. Oklahoma bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1906, 08-}- v. 10, 12+ Oklahoma (state) bar association. Proceedings. U 1907+ v. 1 + Continues Oklahoma & Indian territory bar association. Old Colony & Newport railway company. Annual report. U 1869/70, v. 7 i6o SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Old Colony railroad company. Annual report. U 1848-49, 52, 54, 72-74, 76-91, 93, 98, V. 6, 8-1 1, 13-28, 30-31, 35 Old maid; edited by Alary Singleton, Spinster. (Mrs. Frances Brooke.) Lon- don. ' U 1755-56, no. 1-37 Old South leaflets. Boston. U 1883-1902, v. 1-2, 5-6, (no. 1-85, 101-150, 163) Oldenburg (Grand duchy)— Statistische bureau. Statistische nachrichten. U 1857-59, V. 1-3 Omaha (Neb.) IMunicipal reports. U 1897, 1904-09 Comptroller. Annual report. U 1898-1903 Public library. Annual report. U 1886-87, 1889, 91-93, 95. 97, 1904, 06, V. 9-10, 12, 14-16, 18, 20, 28, 30 Bulletin. U 1897+ v. 1 + Onondaga (N. Y.) historical association. Publications. U 1910-f v. 1 + Ontario (province) — Agriculture, Board of. Journal & transactions (Upper Canada). U 1855-57, v. 1-2 Continued after 1868 by Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1868-70, 75, 87-98 Annual report of the agricultural societies of Ontario. U 1906. 08 apx, V. 2, 4 apx Annual report of the horticultural societies of Ontario. U 1908-f- Annual report of the poultry institute. N 1905+ V. i+; U 1909+ V. 4-}- Bulletin. U + Bulletin (special.) U [1894-99] Report of the sugar beet experiments in Ontario. U 1902 Courts: All courts. Ontario reports. U i882-igoo[i v. 1-32II Appeals. Upper Canada errors & appeals reports. (Grant.) U 1846-66, V. 1-3 Ontario appeals reports. U 1876- 1900, v. 1-27 Chancery. Chancery & appeals reports. (Grant.) U 1849-82II V. 1-29II Continued by Ontario : Law reports : All courts. Chancery chambers reports. U 1858-72] | v. 1-4!! Common pleas. Upper Canada common pleas reports. U 1850-83 1 1 V. 1-32!! Continued in Ontario : Law reports : All courts. Election cases. Hodgins. U 1871-78, v. i|| Ontario election cases. U 1884-1900I v. i-2|| King's or Queen's bench. Reports (Taylor; Draper). U 1823-31 1 1 2vlt Continued bv Upper Canada jurist. U 1831-44I v. i-2|| Continued by King's bench reports. U 1S32-44II v. 3-6|| Continued by Queen's bench reports. U 1844-82] | v. 1-46II Continued by Ontario: Law reports: All courts. Law reports. Miscellaneous. Drainage cases (Clarke & Scully.) U 1867-1902II V. 1-2II Practice. Upper Canada chambers reports. (Robinson.) U 1848-53II V. 1-2II Continued by Upper Canada practice reports. U 1850-1900I v. 1-19II Education department. Report. U 1885, 87, 89, 93-95, 97 (supp.), 1900 Factories, Inspectors of. Annual reports. U 1893, v. 6 • Farmers' institutes. Report. U 1897-98. 1901, 08-f v. 3-4, 8, 15+ Health officers, Association of executive. Report. U 1S89-90, v. 4-5 Health, Provincial board of. Report. U 1890, v. 9 Highways, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1896-1900. v. 1-5 Industries, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1887-98. 1900-01, 08+ v. 6-17, 19-20, 26-1- : N 1903+ v. 22-1- Crop bulletin. U 1889+ no. 29, 58. 79, 81-82, 99+ ; N 1904+ no. 85-f Insurance, Inspector of. Detailed report. U 1896 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN i6i Mines, Bureau of. Report. U 1892, 1908+ v. 2, 17+ Prisons & public charities. Inspector of. Annual report. U 1882, v. 15 Public instruction. Department of. Annual report of the normal, model, grammar & common schools. U 1851-52. 54-58. 61-62 San Jose scale, Inspector of. Report. U 1902 Ontario (province) agricultural & experimental union. Guelph. Annual report. U 1902, 08-j- V. 24, 30+ ; N 1894+ V. 16, 19-24, 26+ Ontario (province) Agricultural college & experimental farm. Guelph. Annual report. U 1879-85, 91. 1902, 08+ V. 5-11. 17, 28, 34+; N 1882+ V. 8-9, II, 15-16, 20, 23+ Bulletin. U 1888+ nos. 30, 45, 54. 58, 60, 67, 69, 79, 84, 88-95, 97-99, 101-12, 115, 119+ ; N 1903+ no. 126, 134-145, 147-156, 158-170, 172, 174+ Calendar. U 1907/08-1- Ontario (province) bee keepers' association. Annual report. U 1902-03, o8-f v. 23-24, 29-f- Ontario (province) dairymen's associations. Annual reports. U 1901-02, o8-f- Ontario (province) Fruit experiment stations. Guelph. Annual report. U 1902, v. 9 Ontario (province) Fruit growers' association. Annual report. U 1875, 90, 1901, 03. V. 7, 22, 33, 35 Ontario, see also Association of Ontario land surveyors. Entomological society of Ontario. Onward. (Young peoples' Christian union of the Universalist church.) Boston. U-f Oologist. Albion (N. Y.) U [1897] [v. 14] Open court. Chicago. U 1887-88, 89+ v. i, 4+ Open shop. (National metal trades association.) Cincinnati. U 1905-08 1 1 V. 4-7 1 1 Continued in Review. Oporto (Portugal) Academia polytecnica, see Academia polytecnica do Porto. Opuscula ichneumonologica. (Schmiedeknecht.) Blankenburg i Thiir. N 1902-f- v. i-f Orange Judd farmer. Chicago. U 1894-^ v. 17. [18.] 19-29, I30,] 31, [3^-33-] 34, [35,] 36-37, [38,] 39. [40-43,] 44+; N 1888+ v. 4-^ (Western edition of American agriculturist.) Orchard & farm. San Francisco. U + Orchard & garden. Little Silver (N. J.) U 1888-91, v. 10-13 Ord & bild. Stockholm. U 1892-1907, v. 1-16 Order of railway conductors, see also Railway conductor. Order of railroad telegraphers, see also Railroad telegraphers. Oregon — Adjutant-general's office. Report. U 1899/1900, 03/04. v. 7, 9 Attorney-general. Biennial report. U 1897-1902, 06+ ' Equalization. State board of. Table showing the rate per cent added to & . . . deducted from the assessed valuation ... of real & personal property. u 1873-74. 96-97 Fisheries, Department of. Annual report. N 1901-06 Governor. Biennial message. U 1876-78, 1901-03 Governor, Secretary & Treasurer. Computation & apportionment of the state taxes. U 1890-93. 98+ Horticulture. State board of. Biennial report. U 1893-95, 99+ v. 2-3, 5+ House of representatives. Journal. U 1885-95. 98-99 (State) library. Biennial report. U 1868-70, 72-74, 76-78, 80-82, 85-94. 97-1902, 04-(- V. 6, 8, TO, 12. 14-18. 20-22. 24-I- Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1878, 85-90. 93-1900. o6-f V. 3, 7-9, 11-14, 18-f- Public library commission. Biennial report. U 1905-!- v. i-f- Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1907+ v. i-|- Railroad commissioners. Board of. Biennial report. U 1893-94, v. 4 Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1870-72, 76-78, 85-1904, o6-f Senate. Journal. U 1862. 85-99 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Oregon reports.) U 1853-I- v. i-f- Treasurer. Report. U 1878, 82-84, 89-98, 1901-04. 06-f- i62 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Oregon Agricultural experiment station, Corvallis. Annual report. U 1889-92, 96+ V. 1-4, 8+; X 1889-1905, V. I, 9, 12-13. 15-17 Bulletin. U 1888+ no. 1+; X 1891-f- no. 8-9, 12-48, 50-59,61-62, 65-96, ioi-|- Oregon improvement companj'. Report. U 1885-87, 93, 96] | In 1897 reorganized as Pacific coast company. Oregon (state) insane asylum. Salem. Biennial report. U 1878, 84-88, 96-1902, 08+ Oregon (state) penitentiary. Salem. Biennial report. U 1870-72, 85-88, 95-98, i906-f Oregon railroad & navigation company. Annual report. U 1896/97-99, v. 1-3 Oregon (state) reform school. Salem. Biennial report. U 1892-1900, o6-|- V. i-S, 9-I- Oregon short line railroad company. Annual report. U 1897/98-99, v. 1-2 Oregon University. Eugene. Bulletin, historical series. U 1898, v. i, no. 1-2 Organ fiir die fortschritte des eisenbahnwesens in technischer beziehung. (Verein deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen.) Wiesbaden. U 1909-)- V. 64-1- (n. ser. v. 46-H) Organizations socialistes frangaises. Congres general. Paris. U 1900, v. 2 Orient & Occident. (Bensey.) Gottingen. U 1862-64II v. 1-3II Oriental consistor}^ (Freemasons — Oriental consistory of Chicago.) Mt Morris (111.) U + Orientalische bibliographic. Berlin. U 1887-+- v. i-f- Orleans (France), see also Societe d'horticulture d'Orleans & du Loiret. Ornithologist & oologist. Pawtucket (R. I.) X 1884-93II v. 9-10, 13-18! 1 Osaka (Japan) — Library. Annual report. U 1908/09-I- v. 5-i- Osborne's London & Birmingham railway guide. London. U 1842 Osnabriick (Germany) Verein fiir geschichte & landeskunde. Mittheilungen. U 1878, v. II Osprey. Galesburg (111.); Washington (D. C.) X 1896-1902IJ v. i-6|| Ost & west; illustrierte monatsschrift fiir modernes Judentum. Berlin. U 1901, V. I Osterhout free library. Wilkes-Barre (Pa.), see Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) — Oster- hout free library. Ostwald's Klassiker der exakten wissenschaften. Leipzig. U 1889-I- v. i-f- Otis librarj'. Norwich (Conn.), see N'orwich (Conn.) — Otis library. Ottawa (Can.) field naturalist's club. Transactions. N 1879-86J! v. i-2|| Continued as Ottawa naturalist. Ottawa (Can.) literary & scientific society. Transactions. U 1897-I- no. 1+ Ottavv-a naturalist. (Ottawa [Can.] field naturalist's club.) U 1887+ v. i4- Ot'tawa (Can.) University. Calendar. U 1893-96, 1901/02 Ottumwa (la.) — Public librarj-. Annual report. U 1903-06, v. 1-4 Our dumb animals, Boston. U 1887-89, 1906-10;+ v. 20-21, 39-42;+ Our horticultural visitor. Kinmundy (111.) U 1898-1906 [v. 4,] 5-10, [11-12] Our journal, see Metal polishers . . . union. Outing. Boston ; Xew York. C Dec. 1902+ v. 41, no. 3+ Outlook. Xew York. C 1895+ v. 51+ ; U 1897+ v. 55+ ; Ur 1902+ v. 70+ Overland monthly. San Francisco. C 1894-1903, v. 23-41 Owatonna (}ilinn.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1903, v. 4 Owen's journal, see Robert Owen's journal. Owl. (Order of Owls.) South Bend (Ind.) U + Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin messenger of mathematics. Cambridge : Lon- don. U 1862-71 1 1 V. 1-5 Continued by Messenger of mathematics. Oxford down sheep breeders' association. Flock book. Oxford (Eng.) U 1889+ V. 1-5. 8-9, 11 + Oxford gazette, London. U Xov. 12, 1665-Feb. i, i666|| nos. 1-23II Continued as London gazette. Oxford (Eng.) University. Calendar. U 1868, 72,, 81, 86, 1906, 09+ Association for promoting the education of women in Oxford. Calendar. U 1894-97 Bodelian library. Staff-kalendar. U 1906+ Radcliffe library. Annual report. U 1897 Oxford (Eng.) university extension gazette. U 1892-94, v. 3-4 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 163 Pacific coast company. Report. U 1897/98-!- v. i-|- Continues Oregon improvement company. Pacific coast gas association. San Francisco. Proceedings. U 1905-!- v. 6-|- Pacific coast railway club. San Francisco. Proceedings. U 1899-19061! V. i-v. 7 no. i|l Pacific coaster's nautical almanac, see U. S. — Nautical almanac office. Pacific mail steamship company. Annual report. U 1895, 98, 1901-I- Pacific municipalities. (League of California municipalities.) San Francisco. Pacific northwest society of engineers. Seattle, (Wash.) Proceedings. U 1902, [v. 1-4,] 5+ Pacific pharmacist. San Francisco. U-f- Pacific poultryman. Seattle. U-(- Pacific reporter. St Paul. U i8g6-{- v. 46-I- Pacific rural press & California fruit bulletin. San Francisco. U 19054- V. 69-f- Padua (Italy) universita. Annuario. U 1904/05, 08-f- Padagogisch-psychologische studien. Leipzig. U 1908-I- v. 9-f- Padagogische monatshefte. (National deutschamerikanische lehrerbund.) Milwaukee (Wis.) U 1899-1900 v. i Padagogische monographien. (Meumann.) Leipzig. U 1907+ v. i-|- Piidagogische zeitfragen. Munich. U 19064- v. 2-\- Padagogium. Leipzig. U 1878-96 v. 1-18 Paidology. Emporia (Kan.) U 1900-01, v. i Painter & decorator. (Brotherhood of painters, decorators. & paperhangers of America.) La Fayette (Ind.) U [1902-07] [v. 16-21] Painting & decorating. New York. U 1894-98 [v. 9] 10-13 [14] Palaeontologia Indica, see India — Geological survey. Palaeontologische abhandlungen, see Geologische & palaeontologische abhand- lungen. Palaeontographical society. London. Proceedings. U 18484- v. i-f Palaestra. (English philology.) Leipzig; Berlin. U 18984- v. i-j- Paleontographica. i8si-f U has ordered Paleontologist. Cincinnati. U 1878-831! no. i-7|| Palermo (Italy.) R. orto botanico & giardino coloniale. Bollettino. U 1908-I- V. 7-f Palermo (Italy) L^niversita. Annuario. U 1906/07 Palermo (Italy), see also Circolo matematico. Palette & bench. St Louis. U-f Pall mall. New York. C 1899, v. 17 Pan American union. Washington (D. C.) Annual report of the director. U 18914- V. 14- Before 1910 called International bureau of the American republics; Before 1902 called Bureau of the American republics. Bulletins. U 1891-99, no. 2-4, 7-40, 43-78, 80-85, 87-88. 90-94 Monthly bulletin. U [1893-1901,] 1901-06, 074- [v. i-ii.] 12-23, 25-I- Panama — Estadistica, Direccion general de. Boletin estadistica. U-j- Panama railroad company. Report. U 1878-79, 87-I- v. 29-30, 38^- Pantagraph, daily & weekly, see Bloomington (111.) pantagraph. Papilio; devoted to Lepidoptera. New York; Philadelphia. N 1881-84!! V. 1-4!! Continued as Entomologica Americana. Para (Brazil.) Museu Goeldi de historia natural & ethnographia. Boletim. U 18944- V. I, [3.] 4+; N 18944- V. I. [2-3,] 44- Until 1900 called Museu paraense. Memorias. N 1900-02, no. 2-3 Parasitology, a supplement to the Journal of hvgiene. Cambridge (Eng.) U 19084- v. 14- Paris (France.) Rapports & documents. U 1908-f- Conseil municipal. Proces-yerbaux. U 1908-f- Paris American chamber of commerce. Bulletin. U 19054- i64 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Year book. U 1901+ v. 8+ Paris chambre de commerce. Compte rendu des travaux. U 1902 Paris ficole des chartes. Societe de recole des chartres. Memoires & docu- ments. U 1896+ V. 1+ see also Bibliotheque de I'ecole des chartes. Paris, ficole libre des sciences politiques. Annales: U 1886-95, V. 1-2, [3.] 4-9, [10]; U has ordered rest Paris £cole normale superieure. Annales scientifiques. U 1864+ v. 1 + Paris ficole polytechnique. Journal de I'ecole polytechnique. (Originally Journal polytechnique.) U 1794+ v. i-f Paris ficole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Section des sciences naturelles. U 1890, v. Z7', U has ordered rest see also Bulletin des sciences mathematiques. Paris Figaro, (daily.) . . U 1909+ Paris — Hachette; annuaire comolet. commercial, administratif & mondain. Paris. ' U 1904. 10+ Paris Journal, (daily.) U-|- Faris Museum d'histoire naturelle. Bulletin. N 1898+ v. 4+ Paris Observatoire d'astronomie physique. Annales. U has ordered Paris Observatoire imperial. Annales. U 1855-I- v. 1 + Paris Observatoire municipal de IMontsouris. Annuaire. U 1894, 96 Paris Universite. Rapport. U 1899+ Universite de Paris & les etablissements parisiens d'enseignement su- perieur. U 1903/04, 05+ Paris, see also Association des ingenieurs electriciens; Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences; Bureau international des poids & mesures; Institut de droit international; Institut de France; Institut Pasteur; Societe astronomique de France; Societe botanique de France; Societe centrale d'aquiculture & de peche; Societe chimique de Paris; Societe d'economie politique; Societe d'encouragement pour I'industrie nationale; Societe d'histoire contemporaine; Societe d'horticulture de Paris; Societe de biologic; Societe de legislation comparee; Societe de linguistique; Societe de statistique ; Societe des anciens textes f rangaises ; Societe des ingenieurs civils de France; Societe des textes franqaises modernes; Societe entomologique de France; Societe frangaise de mineralogie; Societe frangaise de physique; Societe geologique de France; Societe libre pour I'etude psychologique de I'enfant: Societe mathematique de France; Societe mycologique de France; Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France; Societe nationale d'horticulture de France; Societe zoologique de France. Park & cemetery & landscape gardening. Chicago. U 1895+ V. 5-7, [8-9.] 10, [II,] 12+ Park & outdoor art association. Boston. Report. U 1897-58, v. 1-2 Parker society. Cambridge (Eng.) Publications U 1841-541! v. i-5Sll Parker's corporation legal manual. New York. U 1907-08, v. 15 Parliamentary register, see Great Britain— Parliament. Parlin memorial library. Everett (Mass.). see Everett (Mass.)— Parlin mem- orial library. . tt r, ^ Parlour scrap book. (W. G. Clark.) Philadelphia. U 1836 Parma (Italy) universita. Annuario. U 1907+ Pasadena (Calif.)— Auditor. Annual report. U 1907/08-f Pubhc Hbrary. Annual report. U 1908/09-f v. ii-f Monthly bulletin. U 1901-4. 09-f v. [4, 6, ii] + Patent journal & inventors' magazine. London. U 1846-48, v. 1-5 Paterson (N. J.) Annual reports of city officers. U 1905/06 Public library. Annual report. U 1900-I- v. 16+ Bulletin. U [1898] [v. 2] Paterson (N. J.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1874-75, 79-8i, v. 1-2, 6-8 Patriot. Hamburg. (3V. 1737-38.) U 1724-26II no. 1-156II Patriotisches archiv fiir Deutschland. (Moser.) Leipzig. U 1784-94II V. 1-14II Patrons of husbandry, see National grange of the patrons of husbandry; also under states for state granges. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 165 Pattern makers' journal. (Pattern makers' league of North America.) New York; Cincinnati. U [1902-04,] 05-07 [v. 11-13,] 14-16 Patterson's college & school directory of U. S. & Canada. Chicago. U 1904-06, 08+ V. 1-3, 5+ Paving & municipal engineering. Indianapolis. U 1890-96II v. i-io|| Continued by Municipal engineering. Pawtucket (R. I.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1898/99, v. 22, Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1890, v. 11 Paxton's horticultural register, see Horticultural register. Paxton's magazine of botany & register of flowering plants. London. U 1834-49II V. 1-16II Peabody academy of science. Salem (Mass.) Annual report. N 1872-86, no. 4-6, 18 Peabody education fund. Cambridge (Mass.) Proceedings at annual meetings U 1867-75. 77-79. 81-99. V. 1-13, 1S-17. 19-38 Peabody institute. Baltimore (Md.), see Baltimore (Md.) — Peabody institute. Peabody institute library. Danvers (Mass.), sec Danvers (Mass.) — Peabody institute library. Peabody museum of American archaeology & ethnology, see Harvard uni- versity. Peace Dale (R. I.) — Narragansett library association. Annual report. U 1903-f- V. 12+ Pearl; or, Affection's gift. Philadelphia. U 1829, v. i Pedagogical seminary. Worcester (Mass.) U 1891+ v. i-f Peck library. Norwich (Conn.), see Norwich (Conn.) — Otis library & Peck library. Peninsula horticultural society [Delaware.] Transactions. U 1888-97, 99, 1901-03, V. i-io, 12, 14-16 Pennsylvania. Colonial records . . . 1683-1790. U reprint 1851-53II v. i-i6|| . Adjutant general. Annual report. U 1863. yj, 79-84. 86-88. 90, 92-|- Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1895+ v. i-(-: N 18984- V. 4 pt. I, 5-9, 11 + Continues State board of Agriculture. Bulletins. U 1896+ [no. 6-40] 52+; N 1896+ [no. 6-181.] 184-f- Dairy & food division. Monthly bulletin. U+ Zoology, Division of. Zoological bulletin. U [1904-07.] 07+ [v. 1-4,] 5+; N 1903+ v. i-f Zoological quarterly bulletin. N 1903-05II v. i-2|| Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1877-90. 92-94II V. 1-14, 16-18II; N 1886-94II V. 10, 13, 16. i8|| Continued as report of the Department of Agriculture. Attorney general. Report. U 1893+ Auditor general. Annual report ... on railroad & canal companies. U 1863, 66-67. 73-74 After 1880 issued by Dept. of Internal affairs as part 4 of Annual report. Report on the finances of the commonwealth. U 1858/59. 75/76. 78-82, 85-87. 89-f Reports. U 1881 Banking, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1892+ v. 1-5. 6 pt 2-\- Pt. I reports on banks, saving institutions, & trust companies; pt. 2 reports on building & loan associations. Coal mines. Inspectors of. Report (pt 5 of report of Department of in- ternal affairs.) G 1892. 95 Factory inspector. Annual report. U 18924- v. 3+ Fisheries, State commissioners of. Report. U 1879-80. 83-86. 88-95, 97-f ; N 1881-82. 89-91. 1903-f Forestry, Dept. of. Report. U 1895-97, 1901-06 Free library commission. Annual report. U 1899-1903II v. i-2|| Continued in Pennsylvania state library. Annual report. Pensylvania library notes. LT 1908-f- v. 1 + Game commissioner. Annual report. U 1906-I- i66 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN General assembly. Laws. U 1817, 26-27, 24-31, 40, 44, 47, 49, 58, 79, 1906, 09+ . Laws of the commonwealth. U 1781-90, 1812-22, 25-27, v. 2, 6-7, 9 Statutes at large, 1682-1801. U 1700-87, v. 2-12 Geological survey, ist. Geology of Pennsylvania (Rogers.) G 1858II V. I-3I1 Geological survev, 2d. Annual reports. U 1885. 86, pt. 3-4 & 2 atlases, 87II Final report. G 1892, v. 1-2 & atlas; U 1892-95] 1 v. 1-2 & index (v. 3 & atlas wanting.) Miscellaneous & special reports. U 1876-90, A-Z, loov. Report of progress. G 1874-77, 79-8o Governor. Message. U 1872, 76, 91, 93. 97. 1901, 05-f- Vetoes of bills passed by the legislature. U 1893. 97, 1903+ Health & vital statistics. State board of. Annua! report. U 1884-1904II V. 1-20JI Continued by Health, Department of. Annual report. U 1905+ ser. 2, v. 1+ Bulletin. , ^ U+ (State) highway department. Report. ' U 1905+ House of representatives. Journal. U 1899 Industrial statistics, Bureau of. Report. U 1873/74, 75-79, 81-83, 85-95, 97+ V. 2, 4-7, lo-ii, 13-23, 25+ Insurance commissioner. Report; pt. i: Fire & marine. U 188 1, 90-f V. 9, i8-\- pt. 2: Life, accident & casualty. U 1873, 77, 80, 84-85, 87-89, 91-92, 94+ V. I, 5, 8, 12-13, 15-17,19-20, 22-\- — — Internal affairs, Department of. Annual report on land offices, boundary lines, assessments, taxes. U 1877, 81-82, 85-93, 95+ Report of the railway, canal, navigation, telegraph & telephone companies (part 4 of annual report.) U 1877, 80-82, 86-87, 9^+ Before 1880 issued by the Auditor general. (State) library. Annual report. U 1887789, 90-92, 94-96, 98+ (State) library commission, see also Pennsylvania library notes. Lunacy. Committee on. Annual report. U 1882/83-84, 86+ v. 1-2, 4+ Mines, Department of. Report. G 1901, 03-05, 06 pt. 2, 08 pt. 2, U 1903+ Mines, Inspector of. Annual report. ■ G 1886-87 Mines, Inspectors of. Reports. U 1877, 88-93, 95-i902|| 1897-1902 pub. as Report of Bureau of mines. Continued by Report of Department of mines. Police, Department of. Annual report. U 1906-07 Public charities. Board of. Annual report. U 1870-73, 75-81. 84. 86+ V. 1-4, 6-12, 15, 17+ Contains also annual report of Committee on Lunacy. Public instruction. Department of. Annual report of superintendent. U 1863 65-66, 77, 80, 83. 88-93, 95+ V. 30, 32-33, 44, 47, 50, 55-6o, 62+ Biennial report on higher education. U 1898-1900, v. 2-3 Public printing & binding. Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1895+ (State) railroad commission. Annual report. U 1908+ — — Secretary of commonwealth. Biennial report. U 1892, 98, 1906+ Tabulated statement of votes cast for state officers. U 1896, 98 Senate. Journal. U 1899 Sinking fund, Commissioners of. Report. U 1886, 89-92, 94+ Soldiers' orphans schools. Commission of. Annual report. U 1870. 75, 87-88, 95-96, 98+ Supreme court. Report of cases. (Pennsylvania state reports.) U 1754+ V. 1 + Surveyor general. Annual report. U 1866 Topographic & geological survey commission. Report. G 1889-1908 Treasury, Department of. Annual report. U 1833/34. 59/60, 73/74, 80-83, 85+ Valley Forge commission. Biennial report. U 1894-96, 1900, v. 1-2, 4 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 167 Water supply commission. Report. U 1905+ Peniisvlvania Agricultural experiment station. State college. Annual report. U 1885+ ; N 1886-87, 89-90, 92-f- Bulletin. U 1887+ v. i + : N i887M- no. 1-6, 8, 14, 16-17, 19-28, 30+ Pennsylvania (state) agricultural society. Report of the transactions. U 1871-75, V. 8-10 After V. II, 1876 continued in Agriculture of Pennsylvania issued by state department of agriculture. Pennsylvania archives. Harrisburg. U 1852+ ser. I, V. 9-ser. 2. v. 7, 10-11, 13-ser. 3, v. i, 3-{- Pennsylvania Association of the directors of the poor. Annual session. U 1882, 90, v. 8, 16 Pennsylvania bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908+ v. 14-f Pennsylvania children's home society. Annual report. U 1906/07-I- v. 13+ Pennsylvania civil service reform association. Annual report. U 1893-95, 97-98, 1900-03, V. 12-14, 16-17, 19-22 Pennsylvania (state) college. State college— Engineering society, see Engineer. Pennsylvania company. Annual report [railroad.] U 1907+ v. 36+ Pennsylvania dairy union. Annual meeting. U 1906, v. 8 Pennsylvania Engineers' society, see Engineers' society of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania federation of labor. Proceedings. U 1903+ v. 2-t- Pennsylvania-German societv. Lancaster. Proceedings & addresses. U 1891-98, 1900-06, V. 1-9. 11-17 Pennsylvania historical societv. Philadelphia. Bulletin. U 1845-47II v. i|| Collections. U 1851-53II v. i|| Memoirs. . U 1826-95, v. 1-14 see also Pennsylvania magazine of history & biography. Pennsylvania (State) hospital for the insane. Norristown. U 1895, v. 16 Pennsylvania House of refuge. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 1831-32, 45, 55, 58, V. 3-4, 18. 28, 31 Pennsvlvania institute of certified public accountants. Philadelphia. Annual banquet. U 1905, v. 5 Pennsvlvania Institution for the deaf & dumb. Mt Airy, Philadelphia. An- nual report. U 1845. 57. 60 Pennsylvania legislative handbook & manual of the state. (Smull.) u 1872, 76, 78. 87-91, 93, 97. 1905+ Pennsylvania library club. Philadelphia. Occasional papers. U 1894-99, no. 1-9 Pennsvlvania library notes. (State library commission.) Harrisburg. U-f Pennsylvania live stock breeders association. Proceedings. U 1906, v. 7 Pennsvlvania magazine of history & biography. (Historical society of Penn- sylvania.) Philadelphia. U 1877+. v. i-f Pennsylvania Normal schools. Board of principals of state. Proceedings of annual -meeting. U 1906-07 Pennsylvania Northern home for friendless children. Philadelphia. Annual report. ' - U 187S. v. 22 Pennsylvania Penitentiarv for the eastern district. Inspectors of the state. Annual report. U 1829-30. 32, 35, 38, 41, 44-45. 58, 63, 68. 70, 75. 77- 79, 81-90, 93. 97-1904, V. 1-2. 4. 7. 10, 13, 16-17. 30, 35. 40, 42, 46, 48, 50, 52- 61, 64, 68-75 Pennsylvania Penitentiarv for the western district. Inspectors of the state. Annual report. ' U 1880 83-84, 97-.98 Pennsylvania prison society. Philadelphia. Journal, sec Journal of prison dis- cipline & philanthropy. Pennsylvania railroad company. Annual report. U 1847-87, 89+ v. 1-41, 43+ Pennsylvania seaman's friend society. Philadelphia. Annual report. U 1853, 58, 62, 64. v. 9. 14. 18, 20 Pennsylvania Soldiers' & sailors' home. Erie. Report. U 1904+ Pennsvlvania state college, see Pennsylvania (state) college. Pennsylvania University. Philadelphia. Babylonian expedition of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Series A: cuneiform texts. U 1898+ v. 6-f i68 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Pennsylvanian (Students" daily.; U [1897-1903] [v. 14-19] • Publications: Astronomical series. U 1907-I- v. 3, pt. 3+ Series in history. U 1901-05, v. 1-2 Series in mathematics. U 1905+ no. 3+ Series in philology, literature and archaeology. U 1891, 95. V. I, no. I, V. 4, no. 2 Series in philosophy. U 1899-1900, no. i, 3-4 Series in political economy 81 public law. U 1885+ V. 1-2. 4, 6, 8, lo-ii, 15, 17, 19+ Botanical laboratory. Contributions. U 1901-04, V. 2, nos. 2-3; N 1898, V. 2 no. i History, Department of. Translations & reprints from the original sources of European history. U 1895-1902, v. 1-6; ser. 2, v. 1-3 Wistar institute of anatomy & biology. Bulletin. U 1909+ no. 2-\- Zoological laboratory. Contributions. U 1903, 05+ v. 10, I2-|- Pennsylvania Working home for blind men. Philadelphia. Report. U 1883. V. ID Penzance (Eng.), see also Royal geological society of Cornwall. People. London. U [1817] [v. i] People, issued in the interest of free, universal, & equal education. Cambridge (Mass.) U [1901-03. 05-06] [v. 3-6, 8-9] People: their rights & liberties, their duties, & their interests. (Joseph Barker.) Wortley (Eng.) U 1849-51, v. 1-3 People library. (Socialist labor party.) New York. U [1899-1900] [v. i, 2] People's journal. (Saunders & Howitt.) London. U 1846-48, v. 1-6 Peoria (111.)— (City) Clerk. Report. U 1891 (City) Comptroller. Report. U 1892-94, 96. 98, 99-I900, 02-09 Health, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1905+ Public library. Annual report. U 1893+ v. 13+ Bulletin. U 1897+ Public works, Department of. Annual report. U 1896, 99-1906, v. 5, 8-15 Peoria (111.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1873-86, 88+ v. 4-17. 19+ Peoria (111.) medical m.onthly. U 1886-87, v. 7 Percheron registry company. Columbus (O.) Percheron register. U 1904, v. i Percheron society of America. Chicago. Percheron stud book of America. U 1877+ V. I, 4+ Early volumes published by American percheron horse breeders association. Percy society. London. Early English poetry, ballads, & popular literature of the middle ages. ^ U 1840-52] | v. 1-31II Pere Marquette railroad company. Annual report. U 1900-06, 08+ v. 1-7, 9+ Periodical letter on the principles & progress of the "Equity movement." (J. Warren.) Thompson (N. Y.) U [1854-56] [v. 1-2] Periodic© di matematica per I'insegnamento secondario. Leghorn ; Rome (Italy.) U 1886-99. 19014- V. 1-14. 16+ Supplement©. U i8g8-f v. 2+ Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Gotha. see Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Peru — Ingenieros de minas, Cuerpo de. Boletin. U 1908-I- V. 61+ ; N 1902+ no. 1-9, 11-14. 18-36, 40-54. 56+ Peru to-day. Lima. U-H Perugia (Italy) Universita. Annuario. U 1908+ Peterborough (Eng.) natural history, scientific, & archaeological society. Annual report. . U 1904+ v. 33+ Petermann's mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Gotha, sec Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Petit franqais illustre, Paris. U 1902-05, v. 14, pt. 2-17 Continued by Petite bibliotheque. Paris. U 1906+ Petite bibliotheque Surannee. Paris. U 1906+ v. 1 + Petite revue agricole & horticole. Marseilles. U-f Petroleum gazette. Titusville (Pa.) G-(- Petroleum review. London. G+; U 1903+ v. 8-12 [13] 14-20 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 169 Pettingill & co. Boston. Newspaper directory. U 1896, v. 4 Pfluger's archiv. see Archiv fiir die gesammte physiologic. Pharmaceutical era. Detroit. U [1894] [v. 11-12] Pharmaceutical journal & transactions. London. U 1841-72, v. 1-31 Pharmacopceia. Philadelphia. U 1908 Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. Report of the public exercises. ... & pro- ceedings of the council. U 1907, v. 9 Phi Beta Pi fraternity. Phi Beta Pi ([uarterly. U 1908+ v. 5+ Philadelphia. Annual reports. U 1900, 04, 07 Charities & correction. Department of. Annual report. U 1891 City trusts, Board of directors. Annual report. U 1890-91, 93-f V. 21-22, 24+ Common council. Journal. U 1868, 1871 Controller. Annual report. U 1905. v. 52 Electrical bureau. Annual report. U 1900, 07+ Filtration, Bureau of. Annual report of the chief engineer. U 1904 Free library. Annual report. U i896-(- v. i-|- Bulletin. U 1898-}- no. 1 + Highways, Chief commissioner of. Annual report. U 1883-84 Police, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1907-09 Public education. Board of. Annual report, U 1882, 90, v. 64. 72 Public health & charities. Department of. Annual report. U 1862. 1900+ Bulletin. U+ • Milk, Chief inspector of. Annual report. U 1891 Public works. Department of. Aimual report. U 1888+ v. 2+ Select council. Journal. U 1843-45. 59-6o Water, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1884-86, 88+; W 1908, v. 106 Philadelphia. (City government.) Philadelphia. U-(- Philadelphia Academy of natural sciences. Journal. U 1847-96. V. 9-18 (sen 2, V. i-io); N 1818-39, v. 1-8 (ser. i||) Proceedings. U 1893+ v. 45+; N 184 1+ v. i-f Conchological section, see American journal of conchology. Entomological section. Proceedings, see Entomological news. Philadelphia & Erie railroad company. Annual report. U 1897-f v. 47+ Philadelphia & Reading railroad company & Philadelphia & Reading coal & iron company. Annual report. U 1843-56. 58-71. 75-76. 78-83, 85-96II Continued by the Reading company. Philadelphia (Pa.) Apprentices' library company. Annual report. U 1826-27, 34-35. 37-39> 41-42. 44-8^ 84-92. 94-H v. 7. 15. 18-19, 21-22, 24-62, 64-72, 74+ Philadelphia association for the relief of disabled firemen. Board of trustees of the. Annual report. U 1855. v. 21 Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington railroad company. Annual report. U 1903+ V. i-f Philadelphia board of trade. Annual report. U 1858-65. 67-70, 72-76, 78-82, 84+ V. 25-33. 35.18, 40-43, 45-49. 52-61. 63+ Philadelphia Citizens' municipal association. Animal report. U 1887, 89-90, 93-94, 97. V. I, 3-4, 7-8. n Philadelphia City club. City club bulletin. U 1909+ v. i-f Philadelphia City institute. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 58-f Philadelphia commercial exchange. Annual report. U 1879, 81, 86. 88+ V. 25. 27, 32. 34+ Philadelphia commercial museum. Meetings of the international advisory board. U 1897. 1902 see also Commercial America. Philadelphia corn exchange. Annual report. U 1859-60. 66-67. v. 5-6, 12-13 Philadelphia Engineers' club. Directory. U 1905+ Proceedings. U 1879+ v. 1 + Philadelphia Entomological society. Proceedings. N 1861-67II v. i-6|| Continued as American entomological society. Philadelphia Friends' free library (Germantown.) Annual report. u 1877, 81, 83. 85, 88-89, 94-96. 98-1- 170 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Philadelphia Geographical society. Bulletin. G+ Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown railroad company. Annual report. U 1852, 54-59, 61-63, 65 Philadelphia House of refuge. Annual report. U 1831-56, v. 3-4, 16, 28 Philadelphia Jewish foster home & orphan asylum. Annual report. U 1898, V. 43 Philadelphia Ladies' Chinese association. Annual report. U 1845, v. i Philadelphia Library company. Bulletin. U 1905+ no. 54+ Philadelphia Maritime exchange. Annual report. U 1896+ v. 21+ Philadelphia medical journal. Philadelphia. U 1899-1903II [v. 4,] 5-11II Philadelphia mercantile library. Annual report. U 1841. 4^. =;6-8i, 83-86, 88-90. 92-1903, V. 19, 23, 34-59. 61-64, 67-68, 70-81 Bulletin. U 1893-8 [v. 2-3] Philadelphia merchants' & manufacturers' business directory. U 1856-57 Philadelphia ^vlunicipal league. Annual report. U 1894/95, 96/97 Philadelphia Numismatic & antiquarian society. Proceedings. U 1899-1901 Philadelphia photographer. Philadelphia. U 1866-67, v. 3 Philadelphia press. U [1860-63] Philadelphia rapid transit company. Annual report. U 1902/03-}- v. i-f- Philadelphia society for the establishment & support of charity schools. An- nual report of . . .. managers. U 1845-46, 50 Philadelphia Sunday mercury-dispatch. U [1859-62] Philadelphia Union traction company. Annual report. U 1895/96-1902, v. 1-7 Philadelphia vacant lots cultivation association. Annual report. U 1904, 06, V. 8, 10 Philadelphia Western association of ladies of Philadelphia for the relief & employment of the poor. Annual report. U 1855, 57, v. 9, 11 Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore railroad company. Annual reports. U 1838-47, 49-1901, v. 1-9, 11-64 Philadelphia, see also American academy of political & social science; Ameri- can association for the advancement of education; American entomological society; American philosophical society; Franklin institute; Girard col- lege: Grandom institution: Wagner free institute of science. Philanthropist, or, Repository for hints & suggestions calculated to promote the comfort & happiness of man. London. U 1811-15, v. 1-5 Philippine agricultural review. Manila. U 1908-)- v. i-f- Philippine islands— Auditor. Report. - ^ "L' 1902/03 Civil service board. Annual report. U 1901-06, v. 1-6 After V. 6, 1906 name changed to Bureau of civil service. . Currencv division. Annual report. U 1904-05, v. 2 . Education Bureau of. Annual report. U 1902, 04, v. i, 4 1902 report made by Dept. of public instruction. . Ethnological survey. Publications. U 1904-05. v. 1-2, 4, pt. i . Forestry. Bureau of. Report. ^' 1902-04 . Heahh, Bureau of. Annual report. W 1907 Quarterly report. . . U-f Laboratories, Bureau of Government, Manila. [Publications.] _ U 1903-06I! n. 1-2, 4-5, 7-9, ,13-36] I Continued as Philippine iournal of science. Mining bureau. Bulletin. U 1903-05, v. 3-5 Science. Bureau of. Manila. Annual report. U 1903/04. 07/08+ v. 3, 6-t- Earlier volumes issued by Bureau of government laboratories. Weather bureau. Report of the director. U t90i-|- Manila central observatory. Bulletin. L 1907-I- Philippine journal of science. Manila. U 1906-f v. i-f ; N 1906-^ [v. i-4.] 5+ Continues Philippine Islands— Laboratories, Bureau of government. Pub- lications. ^^ ,, ,. Philippine museum. Manila. Bulletin. U 1903-04!! nos. 1-41I Continued in Publications of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. Philippine review. (Philippine information society.) New York. U 1901-May 1902II Ser. I entitled Facts about the Filipinos. 1901. SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 171 Philistine. East Aurora (N. Y.) U [1903] [v. 18] Philobiblon society. London. Bibliographical & historical miscellanies. U 1854-84, V. i-is Philological museum. (J. C. Hare.) Cambridge (Eng.) U 1832-33II v. i-2|| Philological society. London. Transactions. U 1842-!- V. 1-6, 1842-53 have title Proceedings. Philologischer verein zu Berlin. Jahresberichte. U 1873+ v. 1 + Philologus; zeitschrift fiir das klassische alterthum. Gottingen. Leipzig. . U 1846+ V. 1+ Philosophical magazine. London. U 1827-32! | v. 69-79II (ser. 2, v. i-li) Continues Annals of philosophy. Continued by London, Edinburgh & Dublin philosophical magazine & journal of science. Philosophical review. Boston, New York. U 1892+ v. 1+ Philosophische studien. Leipzig. U 1883-1903II v. i-2o|| Continued by Psychologische studien. Photo-beacon. Chicago. U 1906, v. 18 Photo era. (American federation of photographic societies.) Boston. U 1902-03, o6-f V. 8-1 1, i6-|- Photo-miniature. New York. U 1899-f v. i-j- Photographic times. New York. _ U 1906, v. 38 Photographic times almanac, see American annual of photography. Physical review." New York. U 1893+ v. i-f Phvsical society of London. Abstracts of physical papers from foreign sources. U 1895-97II V. i-3i| Physical memoirs . . . from foreign sources. U i888-9o|| v. l|| Proceedings. U 1874+ v. l-f Physikalisch-chemisches centralblatt. Leipzig. U 1904-09II v. i-6|| Continued by Fortschritte der chemie, physik & physikalischen chemie. Physikalisch-technische reichanstalt, see under Berlin. Physikalische gesellschaft. Berlin, Name changed in 1899 to Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft. Berlin. Physikalische zeitschrift. Leipzig. U 1899+ v. i-f- Pi Beta Phi fraternity [sorority.] Arrow. Menasha (Wis.) U 1908+ v. 25+ Pi Eta scientific society, see Rensselaer polytechnic institute. Troy (N. Y.) Piano, organ & musical instrument workers official journal. Chicago. U [1905-06] [v. 7-8] Pilgrim society. Proceedings of anniversary of landing of the Pilgrims. U 1896, V. 27s Pioneer. (J. R. Lowell & R. Carter.) Boston. U 1843II v. i, no. 1-3JI Pioneer lawmakers' association, see Iowa. Pipe roll society. London. Publications. U 1884 -f v. 1 + Pisa (Italy), see also Societa toscana di scienze naturali. Pittonia. (Botanv) (E. L. Greene.) Berkelev (Cal.) Washington (D. C.) U 1887-1905!! V. 1-5 1! Pittsburg (Pa.)— Carnegie library. Annual report. U 1896-t- v. 1+ Bulletin. U [1897-98,] 99-1907, 09-F [v. 2-3,] 4-12, 14+ (City) controller. Report. U 1895, 98-99, 1901-03. 04-10 (City) council. Manual. U 1909-1911 Health, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1907 Public safety, Department of. Annual report. U 1896-97. v. 9-10 Public work's, department of. Annual report. U 1900. 02-08 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie railroad company. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 28-f Pittsburgh (Pa.) Architectural club. Exhibition. U 1907, v. 4 Pittsburgh (Pa.) Association of the board of trade. Annual report. U 1S39. V. 4 Pittsburgh (Pa.) board of trade. Year book. U 1908+ Pittsburgh (Pa.) Carnegie institute— Carnegie museum. Annals. N 1901-I- v. 1 + Memoirs. N 1901+ v. 1 + Pittsburgh (Pa.) Carnegie library training school for children's librarians. Catalog. U 1901-f Circular of information. U 1901-06. 09-f v. 1-5. 9-^ Pittsburgh (Pa.) chamber of commerce. Yearbook & directory. U 1901, 03-04 172 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis railway company. Annual report. U 1897, 99-1901, V. 8, 10-12 Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railway company. Annual report. U 1867-68, 89. 93-94, 96-98. 1900, 02. V. 6-7, 2T. 31-32, 34-36, 38, 40 Pittsburgh (Pa.) railway club. Official proceedings. U 1903+ v. 3+ Pittsburgh (Pa.) university — Allegheny observatory. Miscellaneous scientific papers. U 1901-I- n. ser. no. i-f- Pittsfield (Mass.) Berkshire athenaeum. Bulletin. U 1898+ v. i-f- Plainfield (N. J.) — Public library & reading room. Report. U 1904, 07 Plainfield (N. J.) Muhlenberg hopital. Report. U 1907/08-I- Plant world. Binghampton (N. Y.) ; Washington (D. C.) U 1898+ v. a-j- Plexus. (Illinois university — Medicine, College of.) Chicago. U 1899+ v. 5+ Ploen (Prussia) Biologische station. Foschungsberichte. N 1893-1903II V. i-ioll Continued as Archiv fiir hydrobiologie & planktonkunde. Plumber & sanitary engineer. New York, see Engineering record. Plymouth (Eng.). sec also Marine biological association. Plymouth colony records, 1633-1698. Boston. U has ordered Pocket list of railroad officials. New York. ^ ^ U-f Pocket register of life associations. (Spectator co.) New York. U 1909, v. 24 Poet-lore. Boston. U 1889-f v. i-|- V. 14, no I. Jan. -Mar. 1903 has title American quarterly. Poggendorff's Annalen, see Annalen der physik. Political economist; & journal of social science. London. U 1856-57, no. 1-13 Political economy club. London. Minutes of proceedings. U 1821-81, v. 2-3 Political instructor (Reynolds.) London. U 1849-50, v. i. no. 1-27 Political magazine, devoted to political & national interests. Urbana (111.) U 1885II V. I, no ill Political science quarterly. Boston. U 1886-I- v. 1 + Politisch-anthropologische revue: monatsschrift fiir das soziale & geistige leben der volker. Leipzig; Eisenach. _ U 1902-I- v. 1+ Polled cattle society, see Aberdeen-Angus cattle society. Polled Durham breeders' association, sec American Polled Durham breeders' association. Polvtechnic engineer. (Brooklvn Polytechnic institute; undergraduate annual.) "Brooklyn (N. Y.) U ipio-f v. 10+ Polytechnic review & . . . record of science, the fine arts, & literature, 'London. U 1843-44. v. 1-2 Polytechnisches journal. Augsburg; Berlin; Stuttgart, see Dingler's polytech- nisches journal. Poole's index to periodical literature. Boston. U 1802+ v. i-f Abridged edition. U 1815-h v. i-j- Poor law annual. London. U 1905+ v. 2+ Poor law conferences. London. Proceedings of the central & district poor law conferences. U 1904-I- Poor Will's almanac. Philadelphia. U 1823 Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. New York. U 1868+ V. 1+ Populaire, (Cabet.) Paris. U [1848] nos. 1-6 Popular astronomy. Northfield (Minn.) U 1893-f v. 1 + Popular electricity. Chicago. ^ U 1909-f v. 2+ Popular gardening & fruit growing. Buffalo (N. Y.) U 1887-89, 90-91 1 1 V, 3-4. 6i| United with American garden, & continued as American gardening. Popular lecturer. London. U 1839, "O- i-^S Popular mechanics. Chicago. U 1905-07, 09-j- v. 7-9, 12-t- Popular mechanics shop notes. Chicago. U 1905, v. i Popular science monthly. New York. G-j-; U 1872+ v. 1 + v. 48-56, 1895- 1900 bear title Appleton's Popular science monthly. Supplement! U 1876-79II 21 nos. in 4v!I Popular science news & Boston journal of chemistry. Boston. U [1884,] 85. [v. 18,] 19 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 173 Popular science review. London. U 1862-69, v. 1-8 Port Elizabeth (Cape Colony.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1903+ V. 55-56, 58+ Bulletin. U 1908+ v. 1 + Portfolio. (Dennie's.) Philadelphia. U 1816-17. 19-27, ser. 5, v. 2-3, 7-19, 21-22 U has ordered complete. Portfolio. (Hamerton.) London. U 1884-90, 92-9311 v. 15-21. 23-24II Portfolio; monographs on artistic subjects. (Hamerton.) London. U 1894-98 new ser. Portici (Italy) R. scuola superiore di agricoltura. Annali. U 1901-03, 07 -f ser. 2, V. 2-4, 7+ Portland (Me.) Annual reports. U 1872-77, 78-81, 82-87, 89/90, 92-1904, 06-}- (City) ene;ineer. Annual report. U 1893-94 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1889/90, 1900/01, 04, 07-f Public library. Annual report. U 1909+ Water district. Annual report. U 1908+ v. i-f Portland (Me.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1863-64, 7^, v. 1-2, 11 Journal. U 1907+ v. 20-|- Portland (Me.) society of natural history. Journal. N 1864II v. i, no. i|! Proceedings. 1862-f v. :-2 Portland (Ore.) Municipal reports (with mayor's message.) U 1894-97, 1903-09 (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1909 Health department. Report. U+ Library association. Annual report. U 1902+ v. 39+ Bulletin. U 1907+ v. 4+ Park board. Annual report. U 1903. 07 Portland, Rutland, Oswego & Chicago railway company. Annual report. U 1869/70, V. I Porto (Portugal), see Oporto. Porto Rico— Census. U 1899 Education, Department of. Report of the commissioner. U 1900-01 Governor. Annual report. U 1900/01, 06/07 -f v. i. 7-f Porto Rico Agricultural experiment station. Mayaguez. Bulletm. U 1903+ no. 1-2, 4-f-: N 1903+ no. 1-4, 6+ Annual report. U N 19064- Portsmouth & Concord railroad company. Report. U 1853 Portugal— InstrucQao publica. Direcqao geral de. Boletim. LI [1902-03] [v. i] Posen (Germany.)— Kaiser Wilhelm bibliothek. Jahresbericht. U 1902+ V. i-f- Posse gymnasium journal. Boston. U 1903+ v. ir-f Postal clerk. (United national association of post-office clerks of the United States.) Chicago. U [1902-07] [v. 1-4.] 5, [6] Postal microscopical society. London, see also Journal of microscopy & natural science. Postal progress, for the widest extension of the sphere of the post-office. New York. U [1907] [v. i] Postal record. (National association of letter-carriers.) Washington (D. C.) U [1895, 1901-02,] 03-07 [v. 8, 14-15,] 16-20 Postekia. the yearbook of the [University of] Minnesota seaside station. U 1906, V. 2; N 1901, V. I Potsdam (Prussia) Astrophysikalisches observatorium, Publicationen. U 1894-f V. 9. 12, pt. 3, 13+ : U has ordered rest Photographische himmelskarte. ' U 1901-03. v. 2-3 Potters' herald. (National brotherhood of operative potters.) East Liverpool (Ohio.) U-f Pottery gazette. London U 1906+ v. 31 + Pottery gazette diary. London. U 1906-07. 09+ Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Society of natural science. Proceedings. N 1875-80! I Pouikova. Observations de. U has ordered Poultry. Peotone (111.) U-|- Poultry keeper. Quincy (111.) U+ Poultry topics. Lincoln (Neb.) U+ 1/4 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHA^IPAIGX Poultry tribune. Mt !\Iorris (111.) U+ Power. New York. U 1891-1908II v. ii-28|| Consolidated with Engineer & continued as Power & the engineer. New York. U 1908+ v. 28+ Practical engineer. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 13-4- Practical entomologist. Philadelphia. U X 1865-66II v. 1-2} | Practical mechanic & engineer's magazine. Glasgow (Scot.) U 1841-47II V. 1-6II Practical mechanic's journal. Glasgow (Scot.) U 1848-55, v. 1-7 Practical teacher's art monthly. London. U 1906-1908II [v. 8,]9-io|( Prague (Austria) Universitat. (K. K. Bohmische Karl-Ferdinand-universitat.) Zoologisches institut. Arbeiten. N 1902, 06 Prague (Austria) see also K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissenschaften ; Ceska akademie cisafe Frantiska Josef a pro vedj', slovesnost a umeni; Ceska spoleaiost entomologicka; Naturwissenschaftliche landesforschung von Bohmen. Prairie farmer. Chicago. U [1862-65,] 65-68, 69+ [v. 26-32,] 33-38, 40-41, [42-46,] 47, [48-50,] 51-53, [54-56.] 57-66, [67,] 68-73, [74,] 75-77, [78,] 79+; N 1841-1906, v. 1-14, 19- 22. 24-25, 28, 31-37, 39, 41. 44-45. 60-78 Pratt institute. Brooklyn (X. Y.) Pratt institute monthly. U [18-95-190411] [v. 4-i2|i] Free library. Annual report. U 1S96-1900, 03-I- Bulletin. ■ U 1899-i- v. i-f- Library school. Catalog. U 1896/97, 98/99, 1901/02, 05-07, 09-I- Prendergast free librar}-. Jamestown (X"^. Y.), see Jamestown (X^. Y.) — James Prendergast free library. Presbyterian church in the U. S. A. General assembly. Minutes. Philadelphia. U 1905+ V. 117+ Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1844-45, 47-57, 59-63, 65-69, 72-73, 75-77,. V. 25-26, 28-38. 40-44, 46-50, 53-54, 56-58 Chicago Presbytery — Home mission committee. Handbook. U 1901 Report. ' U 1905 Present problems. New York. U [1896-97] [v. i] K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaften. Berlin, see K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Berlin. Preussische jahrbiicher. Berlin. U 1858-f v. i-f K. Preussisches statistisches landesamt, see Prussia — Statistisches landesamt. Primary plans; a monthly journal of practical aids to primary teachers. Dans- ville (N. Y.) U-f Princeton (N. J.) Review. _ U 1880-84] | new series v. 5-14II Succeeded by New Princeton review. Princeton (N. J.) university. Princeton contributions to philosophy. U 1898, V. I, nos. 1-2, 4 Princeton contributions to psychology. U 1895+ v. i-f- Princeton tiger. ^ U [1905-06] [v. 16] Printers' ink, a journal for advertisers. New- York. U 1889-93. 1900, 1902+ [v. 1-2,] 3-9. 32-33, [39]. 40-52, [53.] 54, [55-57,] 58-f Printing art. Cambridge (Mass.) U 1903+ v. i-|- Sample book. ... . ^~^ Proceedings, see also names of various academies, societies, & institutes. Process yearbook; Penrose's pictorial annual. London. U 1905/06. v. 11 Professional & amateur photographv. Buffalo (N. Y.) U 1906, v. 11 Profitable advertising. Boston. U 1896-97, 1903-09II v. 6, 13-18II Continued as Advertising & selling. Progreso matematico, revista de matematicas puras & aplicadas. (Galdeano.) Saragossa. U 1891-95, 99-1900, v. 1-5, ser. 2, v. 1-2 Progressive Houston, sec Houston (Tex.) Progressive medicine. Philadelphia. N 1907+ v. 9+ Progressive poultry journal. ]\Iitchell (S. Dak.) U+ Propiedad raiz, ganadera, & agricola. Buenos Aires. U 1906+ v. 9+ Proportional representation review. Newark (N. J.) V 1902, n. ser. v. i SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 175 Proskau ^Germany.) K. poniologisches institut. Jahresbericht. Berlin. U 1908+ Protectionist. Boston. U 1899+ v. 11 + Protestant Episcopal church in U. S.— Springfield (111.) Diocese of. Journal of annual synod. U 1902-03, 04 (special), v. 25-26, 1904 (special) Providence (R. I.) Documents. U 1895, 1898-1908 (City) auditor. Annual report. U 1894+ v. 49-f- (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1894, 96-[- Health, Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1887, 89, 94, 96-i- V. 5, 7. 12, 14-f Public library. Annual report. U 1889, 93-99, 1901-06, 08+ V. 12, 16-22, 24-29, 31 + Bulletin. U 1895-98JI v. i-4li Continued in Providence libraries. Public works, Department of. Report. U 1883-f- v. 1 + (City) registrar. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 54+ Providence & Worcester railroad company. Annual report. U 1849, 53, 57-58, 73, 77-81, 83-88, V. 4, 9, 13-14, 29, 31, 33-37, 39-44 Providence (R. I.) Athenaeum. Annual report. U 1837-38. 41-f- v. 1-3, 6+ Bulletin. U 1895-99! 1 v. 1-4II Continued in Providence libraries. U 1900-05. v. i-n. ser. v. 3 Providence (R. I.), see also Roger Williams park museum. Provinciaal utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten & wetenschappen. Utrecht. (Netherlands.) Aanteekeningen. N 1876-f- Verslag van het verhandelde in de algemeene vergadering. N 1876-h Prudential insurance company of America. Newark (N. J.) Annual statement. U 1907-f V. 32+ K. Priifungsanstalt fiir wasserversorgung & abwasserbeseitigung. see Berlin (Germany.) Prussia — Archivvervvaltung. Publicationen aus den K. preussischen staatsarchiv- en. Leipzig. U 18784- v. 1 + Gesetz-sammlungsanit. Gesetz-sammlung fiir das konigliche preussische staaten. U 1810-1900 K. Oberverwaltungsgericht. Entscheidungen. U 1877-1900, v. 1-35 Oflfentlichen arbeiten. Ministerium der. Eisenbahn-verordnungs-blatt. -U 1903-04. V. 26-27 Stati'stisches bureau. Jahrbuch fiir die amtliche statistlk der preussischen staats. U i876-83._ v. 4-5 Statistisches landesamt. Zeitschrift des Koniglich-preussischen statistisch- en landesamts. Berlin. U i86i-f- v. 1 + Erganzungsheft. U 1906+ v. 24-f Prussia. see also under Berlin (Germany.) Psyche; a journal of entomology. (Cambridge entomological club.) Cam- bridge (Mass.) N 1874+ v. 1 + Psychological bulletin. Literature section of Psychological review. New York. U 1904+ V. i-f Psychological clinic. ^Philadelphia. U 1907-I- v. 1+ Psychological index; bibliography of the literature of psychology & cognate subjects. U 1894+ V. 1+ Psychological review. New York; Baltimore. U 1894+ v. i-f Monograph supplements. U 18954- v. 14- Philosophical monographs. U 1908-I- v. i-f Psychological studies. (Gale.) Minneapolis. U 1900, no. i Psychologische studien. (Schumann.) Leipzig. U 1904-f v. 1 + Psychologische studien. (Wundt.) Leipzig. U 19054" v. i4- Continued from Philosophische studien. Psvchologische untersuchungen. (Lipps.) Leipzig. U 1907-I- v. i-|- Pu'blic. Chicago. U 18994- v. 2. [3.] 4-7, [8.] 9+ Public health. (Michigan state board of health.) Lansing. U 1906-I- v. i + ; W4- Continues Teachers' sanitary bulletin. Public libraries. Chicago. C U 18064- v. i4 176 SERIALS IX URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Public library bulletin. Boston. U [1902] [v. 2] Public library monthly. Boston. U [1904] [v. i] Public opinion. New York; Washington. U 1886- 1905, v. 1-39 In 1906 merged in Literary digest. Public ownership review. (Swift.) Los Angeles (Cal.) U [1898-99] [v. 2-3] Public policy. Chicago. U 1899-1905!! v. 1-13II Public school journal. Bloomington (111.) U 1889-98II [v. 8,] 9-17 Continued as School & home education. Public schools year book & preparatory schools year book. London. U 1909+ V. 20-\- Public service. Chicago. U [1907] [v. 2] Public works. London. U 1903-)- v. i-f- Publishers' circular. London. U 1897-f- v. 664- (n. s. v. 13+) Publishers" trade list annual. New York. U 1877, 79-80, 85. 87-1904. 1906-t- v. 5, 7-8, 13, 15-32. 34-1- Publishers' weekly. New York. U 1872-76, 79-1902, 03-I- v. i-io, 15-61, 63+ Continues American literary gazette & publishers circular. v. 1-2 have title Publishers' & stationers' weekly trade circular. Puck, (comic.) New York. Ur-)- Punch. London. U 1841-62, v. 1-42 Purdue agriculturist. Lafayette (Ind.) U 1907-f- [v. i.] 2-|- Purdue university. Lafayette (Ind.) Debris, (senior class annual.) U 1892-93, 96-99. 1901-02, 07-I- — — Monographs: Series relating to foods. U v. 1-2. 5-)- Series relating to public health. U nos. 1 + Civil engineering. Society of. Proceedings. U 1896-1904II v. i-8|| Continued by Engineering societies. Purdue engineering review; annual publication. U 1905+ V. i+; W 1906-I- V. 2-j- Pure products. New York. U 1905+ v. i-\- Pusa (India) agricultural research institute & college. Bulletin. U 1910. no. 20 Reports. U 1907-I- Putnam's monthh'. New York. C U 1906-10II v. i-7i| Continues Critic. Putnam's monthly magazine. New York. U 1853-57JI v. i-io|| Merged in Emerson's magazine. Quarry. . . . journal of the stone, marble, slate, lime, clay. & cement trades. London. U+ Quarterly journal of economics. Boston. U 1886+ v. i-j- Quarterly journal of experimental physiology. London. U 1908-)- v. i-\- Quarterly journal of microscopical science. London. U 1879, 84-85, V. 27, 32-33, (n. sen 19, 24-25); N 1853+ v. 1-4, 6; n. ser. v. 1-5. 7-8, IS, 20-21, 23-f Quarterly journal of pure & applied mathematics. London. U 1857+ v. 1+ Continuing Cambridge & Dublin mathematical journal. Quarterlv journal of science. (W. Crookes.) London. U 1864-69, [70.] 71-72. [73-] V. 1-6 [7,] 8-9, [10] Quarterly review. London; New York. U 1809-I- v. i-|- Quebec (province.) — Agriculture & public works. Commissioner of. Report. U 1867-69. 71-72, 73-74 Education. Oflfice of. Report of the superintendent. U 1855-56, 1858-59 Health. Board of. Annual report. U 1894+ v. i-f Public instruction. Department of. Report. U 1897 Quebec literary and historical society. Transactions. U 1863-71, n. ser. v. 1-6 Queen's college. Belfast (Ireland.) Calendar. U 1898-1900. oS-f Queen's college & university. Kingston (Can.) Calendar, pt. i. U 1895/96, 99/1900. 02/03, 06/07. 08-f Mining, School of. Calendar. U 1901/02. 06/07, 08+ Queensborough library, see Jamaica (N. Y.) Queensland— Government statistician. A. B. C. of Queensland statistics. U1905+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 177 Vital statistics. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 45+ Registrar-general. Queensland official year book. U 1901 Statistical office. Statistics. U 1901, 04+ Queensland agricultural journal. Brisbane. U 1909+ v. 23+ Quecnsland government mining journal. Brisbane. U+ Queensland museum. Brisbane. Annals. U 1892+ v. 2-4, 6+; N 1892+ v. i-f Queensland (Australia), sec also Royal society of Queensland. Quekett microscopical club. London. Journal. N 1889+ ser. 2, [v. 3,] 4, l5-6,] 7+ Quellen & forschungen zur deutschen insbesondere Hohenzollerischen ge- schichte. (Meyer.) Munich. 1902+ ser. 2, v. 1 + Continues Hohenzollerische forschungen. Quellen & forschungen zur sprach- & cultur-geschichte der germanischen volker. Strassburg. _ U 1874+ v. 1 + Qui etes-vous? Annuaire des contemporains frangais & etrangers. Paris. U 1908+ V. 1 + Quincy (111.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1897-1902, 03-04, 08+ V. 10-14, 16, 20-1- Bulletin. U 1895+ v. [i-2]-\- Quincy (111.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 20-f Quincy (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1867/68 Quincy (Mass.)— Thomas Crane public library. Annual report. U 1907+ V. 37+ Racing illustrated. (Smurthwaite.) London. U 1895-96II v. 1-3II Continued in Country life. Radcliffe library. Oxford university, see Oxford university (Eng.)— Radchflfe library. Radium. 1904+ U has ordered Railroad & engineering journal. New York. U 1887-92II v. 6i-66|| Being v. 61-66 of the American engineer & railroad journal, under which title it was continued after 1893. Preceded by the American railroad journal & Van Nostrand's engineer- ing magazine. Railroad gazette. New York. U iSyo-j- [v. 14-15.] 16+ In June 1908 consolidated with Railway age & continued as Railway age gazette. Railroad record. Cincinnati (O.) U io53-5S, v. 1-2 Railroad telegrapher. (Order of railroad telegraphers.) St Louis. U [1903-06! [v. 20,] 21, [22-23] Railroad traininen's journal. (Brotherhood of railroad trainmen.) Peoria (111.); Cleveland (O.) U [1896-1900, 03-06] [v. 13-17, 20-23] Railway age. Chicago. U 1900-08II v. 29-45II Consolidated with Railroad gazette in June 1908 & continued as Railway age gazette. New York & Chicago. U 1908+ v. S3+ ("• s. 45) being the Railroad gazette, continued under this title by consolidation with the Railway age. June 1908. tt q 1 1 Railway & engineering review. Chicago. U i»99-|- v. 39+ Railway & locomotive engineering. New York. U 1901+ v. 14+ Continues Locomotive engineering. Railway & marine news. Seattle (Wash.) U + Railway clearing house association. Report of proceedings. U i«84 Continues New England railway car accounting association. Railway club of Pittsburgh, see under Pittsburgh. t. -^ /t n Railway conductor. (Order of railway conductors.) Cedar Rapids (la.) U [1886-1907] [v. 3-17]. 18-20, [21,] 22, [23.] 24 Railway electrical engineer. New York. . , , . ^"^ In 1910 Electric trunk line age was consolidated with this. Railway engineer. London. „ r ^ rP ^^09+ v 30-f Railway journal. St Louis; Chicago. U 1899+ [v. 3,] 4-7- [8-9-] 10. [n.] 12+ Railway machinery. New York. U 1902+ n. sen v. 2+ Raihvay magazine. London. U 1897+ v. i-+- 1-8 SERIALS IN URBANA AXD CHAMPAIGN Railway magazine; & annals of science. (Herapath.) London. U 1836-38, V. 1-4 Railway master mechanic. Chicago. U 1899+ [v. 23,] 24-f- Railway review, weekly newspaper for railway men. London. U [1901,] n. ser. no. 185-86 Railway signal association. Journal. Bethlehem (Pa.) U-{- Proceedings. U 1895-f v. i^- Railway surgical journal. Chicago. U-j- Railway times. London. U 1838-48, 50, 52-60, 68-1900. V. I pt 2-v. II, 13, 15-23, 31-78 Railway world. Philadelphia. U 1908+ v. 52-f- Railway yearbook. London. U 1902-03, 06-I- v. 5-6, 9-f- Rambler. (Johnson.) London. U 1749-52]! no. i-2o8|l Rambler's magazine & New York theatrical register. New York. U 1809-ioli V. ijl Rand-McNally bankers' monthly. Chicago. U [1898-1901] [v. 15-22] Rangoon (India.) Report of the workings of the municipality. U 1908-09 Reactions, . . . devoted to science of aluminothermics. (Goldschmidt Ther- mit CO.) New York. U 1908-I- v. 1+ Reader's guide to periodical literature. Minneapolis. C U 1902-I- v. 2-|- Continues Cumulative index to periodicals. Reader's guide to periodical literature. (Cumulated.) 1900+. Minneapolis. C U 1905-f V. i-f Reading (Eng.) College. Calendar. U 1901/02 Reading (Pa.) — Controller. Ajinual report. U 1908-f- v. 34+ Health, Board of. Report. U 1900-02. v. 28-30 Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1893, 96-97, 99-1904, 06+ V. 28, 31-32, 34-39, 41 + Reading company. Annual report. U 1896-I- v. i-f Continues reports of Philadelphia & Reading railway company. Real, Reale. etc. For entries of learned academies thus expressing royal privilege, see under the first word following this adjective, which is ab- breviated and disregarded in the arrangement. Real estate & building journal. Chicago. U [1883,] 84-97] | [v. 25,] 26-39II Realty record & builder. St. Louis. U 1904-]- v. ii-j- v. 11-12 has title Builder. Rebel. . . . devoted to the exposition of anarchist communism. Boston. U [1895-96] [v. I] Reconstructed farmer. Tarbaro (N. C.) U 1871-72. v. 2 Record of American & foreign shipping, see American bureau of shipping. Recorder. (Fraternal mystic circle.) Philadelpha. U-f- Records of the past. Washington (D. C.)) C U 1902-]- v. i-|- Recreations in agriculture, natural history, arts, & miscellaneous literature. (Anderson.) London. U 1799-1802, v. 1-6 Recueil de medecine veterinaire. Paris. U 1879-82, v. 56-59, (ser. 6, v. 6-9) Recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas et de la Belgique. Leyden. U 1882+ v. 1 + Recueil historique complete des traites, conventions, capitulations, armistices & autres actes diplomatiques de tous les etats de I'Amerique latine. (Calvo.) U has ordered Red code [for public schools.] (National union of teachers.) London. U 1908-f V. 16-I- Red Polled cattle club of America. Annual meeting. U 1908 -f-v. 264- Red Polled herd book. U i89o-(- v. i-f Redia; giornale di entomologia. Florence (Italy.) N 19034- [v. i,] 2-|- Redwood library & athenaeum. Newport (R. I.), see Newport (R. I.) — Red- wood library. Reference catalogue of current literature. (Whitaker.) London. U 1885, 1894+ V. 5. 7+ Reflector. (Leigh Hunt.) London. U 1810-11, v. 1-2, pt. i Reforme sociale. Paris. U 1881-96. v. 1-32. SERIALS IN' URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 179 Reformed church in America. Almanac & yearbook. Ne\v York. 1903-05. 07, 10, V. 2-4, 6, 9 Reformers' year book. London. U 1895-I- v. 1 + V. 1-6 has title Labour annual. Register & farmer's almanac. Claremont. U 1870, 7^-78, 87, 89, 92 Register of debates in Congress. Washington (D. C.) U 1824-1837II Cong. 18, sess. 2-Cong. 24II v. 1-13II Continues Annals of Congress 1789- 1824, & is continued by Congressional globe 1833-73 & Congressional record 1873+ Rcgister of the arts & sciences. London. U 1823-32II v. i-ii|| Registered pharmacist & drug clerk's journal. Chicago. U 1894-95, v. 8-9 Rehearsal. London. U 1704-08, v. 1-3 Reichs-gesetzblatt & bundes-gesetzblatt des nord-deutschen bundes. Berlin. U 1867-1901 Reliable poultry journal. Quincy (111.) U 1898+ v. 5-|- Religion & geisteskultur, zeitschrift fiir religiose vertiefung des modernen geisteslebens. Gottingen. U 1907+ v- 1 + Religious education. Chicago. U 1906+ v. 1 + Religious education association. Proceedings. U 1903+ v. i-|- Remembrancer ; or. Impartial repository of public events. U 1775-84] | i8v.|| Rensselaer polytechnic institute. Troy (N. Y.) (The) Polytechnic. U 1899/1900, 01-03, V. 16, 18-19 Pi Eta scientific society. Papers. U 1879-82, v. 1-2 Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie frangaise. Paris. U 1900-04]! V. i-sll Repertoire bibliographique des principals revues frangaises. (Jordell.) Paris. U 1897-99II V. 1-3II Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Paris. (On cards.) U 1894+ V. 1 + Repertoire de chimie appliquee. Paris. U 1858-63]] v. 1-5]] Absorbed in 1864 & continued by Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris. Repertoire de la chimie pure. Paris. U 1858-62]] v. 1-4II Absorbed in 1864 & continued by Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris. Repertoire de travaux publics sur la composition, I'analyse, & les falsifications des denrees alimentaires. (Vandevelde.) Brussels. U 1900-05, v. 1-5 Repertorium der analytischen chemie. Leipzig. U 1881-87II v. 1-7]] Repertorium der physik. Munich. U 1866-91] j v. 1-27]] Repertorium der technischen journal Htteratur. Berlin. U 1879-I- v. i-f Repertorium fiir experimentalphysik. see Repertorium der physik. Repertorium fiir physikalische technik, see Repertorium der physik. Republic. Washington (D. C.) U 1873-74, [75-77] il v. 1-3. [4-8] Ij Republic iron & steel company. Semi-annual report. U Je. 1902 Republican national convention. Official proceedings. U 1856-1904, v. 1-13 Retail clerk's international advocate. (Retail clerk's international protective association.) Denver (Colo.) U [1902-03, 05-07,09] [v. 9-10, 12-14. 16] Retrospective review & historical & antiquarian magazine. London. U 1820-28]] V. 1-16II Review. (National founders' association, & National metal trades association.) Detroit (Mich.) U [1905-08,] 09+ Review of American chemical research, sec American chemical society. Review of historical publications relating to Canada, see Toronto university studies; history series i. Review of reviews. New York, see American review of reviews. Review of reviews index to periodicals. London. U 1897-1902, v. 8-13 Revista agricola. Chicago (111.) U 19064- v. 2-(- Revista Chilena de historia natural. Valparaiso. N 1900, 02, [v. 4, 6] Revista critica de historia & literatura espafiolas. Madrid. U 1892-1902I] V. 1-7] I Revista de Aragon. Madrid, see Cultura espanola. Revista de archivos, bibliothecas & museos. Madrid. U 1871-!- v. i-f Revista de Buenos Aires. Buenos Ayres. U has ordered i8o SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Revista de ciencias. Lima (Peru.) ) U+ Revista de constructiones & agrimensura. Havana (Cuba.) U-j- Revista de obras publicas & minas. (Associacao dos engenheiros civis portu- guezes.) Lisbon (Port.) U 1908+ v. 39+ Revista del ejercito & marina. Mexico. U 1909+ v. 8+ Revista economica, economia politica. ciencias politicas & sociales. Valparaiso; Santiago (Chile.) U 1886-90, v. 1-8 Revista ilustrada & boletin comercial. (Latin-American foreign trade asso- ciation.) St. Louis. U+ Revista storica italiana. 1884-1910 v. 1-27. U has ordered Revista tecnologico-industrial. (Asociacion de ingenieros industrials.) Bar- celona (Spain.) U+ Revista zootecnica. Buenos Ayres. U 1909+ v. i-f- Revolution francaise. (Societe de I'histoire de la revolution.) Paris. U 18S1+ v. 1-47, [48,] 49+ Revue administrative, concernant les finances, le commerce & I'industrie. Paris. U 1839-47, v. 1-14 (ser. i, v. 1-8; ser. 2, v. 1-4; ser. 3. v. 1-2) Revue archeologique. Paris. U 1904+ ser. 4, v. 3+ Revue biologique du nord de la France. Lille. N 1888-91, v. i, 3, no. 6 Revue bleue, see Revue politique & litteraire. Revue communale. Paris. U 1909+ v. 17+ Revue critique d'histoire & de litterature. Paris. U 1897+ V. 43. 45-47- 49-57, 60-63+; U has ordered 1883-1908 Revue d'art dramatique & musical. Paris. U 1909+ v. 24+ Revue d'assistance: bulletin de la Societe internationale pour I'etude des ques- tions d'assistance. Paris. _ U 1894-1901II v. 5-12II V. 1-4 called simply Bulletin. Revue d'economie politique. Paris. U 1887+ v. 1+ Revue d'entomologie. (Societe frangaise d'entomologie.) Caen. N 1887+ v. 6+ Revue d'histoire des doctrines economiques & sociales. Paris. U 1908+ v. 1+ Revue d'histoire litteraire de la Farnce. Paris. U 1894+ v. 1 + Revue d'histoire moderne & contemporaine. Paris. U 1908+ v. 11+ Revue de droit international & de legislation comparee. Paris. U 1869+ v. 1 + Revue de I'horticulture beige & etrangere. Ghent. U 1875+ v. 1+ Revue de I'ingenieur & index technique. Brussels. U 1904+ v. 4-f V. 1-3 titled Index de la presse technique. Revue de la renaissance. Paris. U 1909+ v. 10+ Revue de mathematiques. (Rivista di niatematica.) (Peano.) Turin. U 1891-1901, V. 1-7 sec also Formulaire de mathematiques. Revue de mathematiques speciales. Paris. U 1890+ v. 1+ Revue de mecanique. Paris. U i897-f- v. 1+ Revue de metallurgie. Paris. U 190S+ v. 2+ Revue de metaphvsique & de morale. Paris. U 1893+ v. 1 + Revue de Paris. Paris. U 1895, 1901+ v. 2, 8+ Revue de philologie de litterature & d'histoire anciennes. Pans. U 1905+ V. 29+ Revue de philosophie. Paris. U 1900+ v. 1+ Revue de psychiatric & de psychologic experimentale. Paris. U 1898+ v. i-|- Revue de synthese historique. Paris. U 1909+ v. 18+ Revue des bibliotheques & archives de Belgique. Brussels. U 1905. v. 3 Revue des deux mondes. Paris. U 1865-89. 1892-93, 1895+ ser. 2. V. 59-108; ser. 3-4, v. 1-96, 109-20, 127-62, ser. 5. V. i+; U has ordered rest 1831-f Revue des etudes rabelaisiennes. Paris. U 1903+ v. 1+ Revue des langues romanes. (Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes.) Paris: Montpelier. U 1870 v. 1+ Revue des questions historiques. Paris. U 1866+ v. 1+ Revue des questions scientifiques. Louvain & Paris. U 1877- 1905, 09+ v. i-f Revue des sciences naturelles appliquees, sec Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN i8i Revue des traditions populaires. Paris. U 1886+ v. i-f Revue du droit public & de la science politique en France & a I'etranger. Paris. U1894+ V. 1 + Revue du mois. Paris. U 1909+ v. 7+ Revue du Palais. Paris, sec Grande revue. Paris. Revue economique internationale. Paris. U 1904+ v. 1 + see also Bibliographia economica universalis. Revue electrique. Paris. U+ Revue & magasin de zoologie pure & appliquee. Paris. N 1874-79, v. 37, 39-42 Revue generale d'administration. Paris, see France— Interieur, Ministere de 1". Revue generale de botanique. Paris. U 1889+ v. i+; N 1895-96, v. 7-8 Revue generale de chimie pure & appliquee. Paris. U has ordered Revue generale de droit international publique. Paris. U 1909-I- v. 16-}-; U has ordered rest Revue generale de I'architecture & des travaux publics. Paris. U 1840-88, v. 1-45 Revue generale des chemins de fer & des tramways. Paris. U 1909+ v. 32-+- Revue generale des sciences pures & appliquees. Paris. U 1890+ v. 1+ Revue generale du droit, de la legislation & de la jurisprudence en France & a I'etranger. Paris. U 1909+ v. 33+ Revue germanique. Paris. " U 1908+ v. 4-\- Revue hispanique. Paris & New York. U 1894+ v. 1 + Revue historique. Paris. U 1876-f v. 1 + Revue horticole. Marseilles. U+ Revue horticole. Paris. U 1829-40, 43+ Revue industrielle. Paris. U+ Revue internationale de sociologie. Paris. _ U 1893+ v. i-j- Revue internationale des archives, des bibliotheques & des musees. Paris. U [1895-96] [v. I] Revue internationale du droit maritime. Paris. U 1909+ v. 25+ Revue mycologique. Toulouse (France.) U 1879-98, 1901, v. 1-20, 23 Revue pedagogique. Paris. U 1878-!- v. 1 + Revue penitentiaire & de droit penal. (Societe generale des prisons.) Paris. U 1910+ V. 34+ Revue philanthropique. Paris. U 1897+ v. 1+ Revue philosophique de la France & d'etranger. Paris. U 1876+ v. 1 + Revue politique & Htteraire. Paris. Also called Revue bleue. U 1863+ V. 1 + Revue politique & parlementaire. Paris. U 1894+ v. i-f- Revue russe d'entomologie. (Societas entomologica Rossicae.) Jaroslawl; St Petersburg. N 1901+ v. 1 + Revue savoisienne. (Societe florimontaine.) Annecy (France.) N 1896+ v. 37+ Revue scientifique de la France & de I'etranger. Paris. U 1874, V. 13, pt. 2-v. 14, pt. i; N [1879-1906] [ser. 2, v. 8; ser. 3, v. 8; ser. 4, v. 7,] 10; fser. 5, v. 1-3] Revue semestriclle des publications mathematiques. Amsterdam (Netherlands.) U 1893+ V. 1+ Revue sociale. Paris. U 1845-48. v. 1-3, no. 4 Revue socialiste. Paris. U 1885-86. 87-96, 97-99, 1900-02, 03+ v. 1-4. 6, 8-24, 26-29, 31-35, 38+ Revue Suisse de zoologie & Annales du Musee d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. Geneva. U 1893+ v. i+; N 1899-1900, v. 7, pt. i-3 Revue vinicole. Paris. U+ Reynolds library. Rochester (N. Y.), see Rochester N. Y.)— Reynolds library. Rheinisches museum fiir philologie. Bonn; Frankfurt-a-M. U 1827+ v. 1 + Rhode Island— Adjutant-general's office. Annual report. U 1882. 84, 86, 90-91. 93-95. 99+ Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1886, 90-1905, 07+ V. 2, 6-21. 23+ i82 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN (State) auditor. Annual statement exhibiting condition of state banks. U 1 892- 1 900, 02-04, 05+ Census board. State census. U 1885 Charities & corrections, Board of state. Annual report. U 1869+ v. 1 + Dams & reservoirs, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1884, 96, 1901 + Dentistry, State board of registration in. Annual report. U 1901-03, 05, 07+ Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1872-76, 82, 87, 90+ V. 2-7. 13. 18, 21 + Education department. Library bulletin. U 1908+ v. 1+ Factory inspectors. Annual report. U 1894-96, 98, 1900+ v. 1-3, 5, 7-j- Governor. Message. U 1891-92, 94-96, 98, 1902+ Harbor commission. Annual report. U 1894, v. 19 Health, State board of. Annual report. U 1883, 91-95. 1900-01, v. 6. 14-18, 23-24 Monthly bulletin. W-f Industrial statistics. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1887-98, 1903-05, V. 1-12, 17-19 Inland fisheries. Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1872, 99, 1902, 04+ V. 3, 30, S2>' 35+ ; N 1890-97, 99-1903. 05+ V. 21-28. 30-34. 36+ Insurance commissioner. Annual report, pt. i : Fire & marine. U 1902-03 pt. 2: Life & accident. U 1892, 1902-04 Pharmacy, State board of. Report. U 1890, 1900-02. 06+ V. 21, 31-33, i7-{- Public roads. State board of. .Annual report. U 1904. v. 3 Public schools. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1845-48, 57, 63, 72-76, 82, 87, 90+ V. 1845-48. 12. 19, 28-32, 38, 43, 46-f- Railroad commissioner. Report. U 87/88, 1890-91, 93+ Secretary of State. Manual. U 1891-98, 1907 Shell fisheries. Commissioners of. Annual report. U 1891, 1900-01, 03-f- Soldiers' relief. State board of. Annual report. U igoo-f v. 12-f- State house commission. Report. U 1890-91. 94-98, 1905, 07 -H Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Rhode Island reports.) U 1828+ v. I -I-' Treasurer. Annual report. U 1883-84, 88-89, 91-99, 1901-03, 05-f Valuation, Board of state. Report. U 1873, 90 Vital statistics. State registrar of. Report upon births, marriages and deaths. U 1856, 60, 66, 72, 78. 82, 1902-03, 06, v. 4, 8, 14, 20. 26, 30, 50-51, 54 Weights, measures, & balances. State sealer of. Annual report. U 1899/1900, 01/02-05/06 Rhode Island Agricultural experiment station. Kingston. Annual report. U N 1889+ V. i-f- Bulletin. U 1889+ v. i + : N 1889-f no. 1-3, 5-6, 8, 10+ Rhode Island bar association. Report of the annual meeting. U 1908+ v. ii-|- Rhode Island historical society. Providence. Collections. U 1827-38, v. 1-4 Rhode Island Hospital for the insane. Butler. Report. U 1855, 78, v. 12, 35 Rhode Island Institute for the deaf. Providence. Report. u 1894-97. 99-1905, 07+ Rhode Island institute of instruction. Providence. Journal. U 1845-46, v. i Rhode Island (State) prison. Report of board of inspectors. U 1852-53, 67, 71 Rhode Island school master. Providence. U [1856-59, 60, 62-64] [v. 1-4, 6, 8-10I Rhode Island society for the encouragement of domestic industry. Providence. Transactions. U 1869, 7;^ Rhodes' journal of banking. New York. U [1886-91, 93] [v. 13-18, 20] Consolidated with Bankers' magazine Dec, 1894. Rhodesia chamber of mines. Bulawaya. Annual report. U 1900-01, 03, 06+ V. 5-6, 8, ii-f Rhodesian agricultural journal. Cape Town. U-f Rhndora, journal of the New England botanical club. Boston. U 1899-I- v. 1+ Richmond (Ind.) — Morrisson-Reeves library. Annual report. U 1908/09-i- SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 183 Richmond (Va.) Annual message of the mayor & accompanying documents. U 1900-08 Auditor. Annual report. U 1899-1910 PubHc charities, Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1895-96, 98-1900, 1905-09 Water works. Superintendent of city. Annual report. U 1899+ ; W 1901 + Richmond & Alleghany railroad company. Report. U 1885-86, v. 5-6 Richmond & Danville railroad company. Annual report. U 1871-74. 84, V. 24-27, 37 Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac railroad company. Annual meeting. U 1877, 80, 83-84, 88-91, 93-99. 1901+ V. 45, 48, 51-52, 56-59. 61-67, 69-f Richmond (Va.) railway club. Official proceedings. U 1902-H [v. i,] 2. 5 + Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Museu nacional. Archivos. U 1887-99, 05-f V. 7-10, 13+ ; N 1876+ V. 1 + Rio Grande Southern railway company. Annual report. U 1896-I- Rio Grande Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1896+ Rivista commerciale. bollettino della camera di commercio Italiana a New York. New York. U 1909+ v. 8+ Rivista delle biblioteche & degli archivi. Rome. U 1894-95, v. 5-6 Rivista di matematica. Turin, see Revue de mathematiques. Rivista di scienza. Bologna. U 1907+ v. 1 + Roadmaster & foreman. Chicago. U 1906 Jan. -April; 1910+ v. 21, no. 1-4; v. 25-I- From Jan. -April, 1906 published as Engineering-contracting; then con- tinued as Railway maintenance and structures, later resuming its original title. Roadmasters' & maintenance-of-way association of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1884-90, 92, 94-I- v. 2-8, 10. 12+ Before 1901 name was Roadmasters' association of America. Robert college. Constantinople (Turkey.) Catalogue. U 1893, 95/96, 98/99, 1901 Report of President. U 1896-99 Robert Owen's journal. Explanatory of the means to well-place, well-employ, & well-educate the population of the world. London. U 185 1, v. i Rochdale (Eng.) equitable pioneers society, Ltd. Statement of accounts & report. ^ U 1888 Rochester (N. Y.) Annual reports. U 1896-99, v. 21-24 ■ Comptroller. Annual report. U 1905 Council. Proceedings. U 1900-09 Estimate & apportionment. Official proceedings. U 1909 Law, Department of. Annual report. U 1910 Mayor. Annual message. U 1910 Poor of Monroe co.. Superintendent of. Annual report. U 1909/10 Public safety. Department of. Annual report. U 1909, v. 10 — — - Public works. Board of. Proceedings. U 1875-76 Public works. Department of. Annual report. U igoo-\- v. i-|- Reynolds library. Annual report. U 1891-92, 94-95. 99-1903, 04, 06-07, 08+ v. 7, 10. 15-18, 20. 22, 24-f Rochester (N. Y.) academy of science. Proceedings. N 1889-j- v. i-(- Rochester (N. Y.) chamber of commerce. Report. U 1904-06. v. 17-18 Rock Island company. Annual report. [Railroad.] U 1903-04, v. 1-2 Rock products; devoted to concrete & manufactured building materials. Chicago. G+; U+ Rock River university. Dixon (111.) Catalogue. U 1875/76 Rockefeller institute for medical research. New York city. Studies; reprints. U 1906-I- v. 5+ Rockford (111.) Annual report. U 1902-03 Public library. Annual report. U 1901+ v. i-|- Bulletin. U 1905+ v. i-|- Water department. Annual report U 1898 i84 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Rockford (111.) college. Annual report of the president. U 1892/93. 94-96, 1904+ Catalogue. U 1869/70, 74-76, 81/82, 84-86, 87-f- Rockville (Conn.) — Public library. Quarterly bulletin. . U 1907-09II v. 1-3II Roger Williams park museum. Providence (R. I.) Monographs. (Formerly called Bulletin.) U 1904+ no. 1-4, 7-15, 17+ see also Apteryx. Romania. Paris. U 1872+ v. 1+ Romanic review. New York. U 1910+ v. i-j- Romanische bibliothek. (Foerster.) Halle. U 1888+ v. 1+ Romanische forschungen. Erlangen. U 1882+ v. 1 + Romanische studien. (Boehmer.) Halle. U 1871-95II pt. i-22|| Romanische studien. (Ebering.) Berlin. U 1909-I- v. 8+ Rome (Italy) — Commissione archeologica comunale. Bullettino. U 1872+ V. 1 + Statistica & stato civile, Direzione di. Bolletino demographico-meteorico. U+ Rome Osservatorio al collegio romano. Memorie. U 1899+ ser. 3, v. 1 + Rome R. Stazione chimico agraria sperimentale. Annali. U 1906-I- ser. 2, v. 1 + Rome (Italy) see also R. Accademia dei Lincei; British school at Rome; In- stitut international de statistique; Societa geologica italiana; Societa ro- mana per gli studi zoologici; Societa zoologica italiana. Rosen-zeitung. Frankfurt- a-M; Trier. U 1886+ v. i-\- Rosenberg library. Galveston (Tex.), see Galveston (Tex.) — Rosenberg li- brary. Rostock (Germany), see also Mecklenburgischer patriotischer verein. Rothamsted experimental station. Herts (Eng.) Rothamsted memoirs. (Lawes & Gilbert.) U 1886-99, v. 1-7 Rothamsted experimental station. Herts (Eng.) Memoranda of the Rotham- sted experiments. (Lawes agricultural trust committee.) U 1890, 95-99 Rothamsted experimental station. Herts (Eng.) The Rothamsted experi- ments: plans & summary tables. London. U 1897-99, IQOS Rothamsted experimental station. Herts (Eng.) Rothamsted memoirs on agricultural chemistry & physiology. (Lawes & Gilbert.) London. U 1890II V. 1-3II Rotterdam (Neth.) Statistische mededeelingen. U 1908 Verslag van den toestand der gemeente. U 1908 — Bijlagen. U 1908 Roubaix (France) Cercle horticole. Bulletin trimestriel. U 1909+ Rouen (France) Societe des amis des sciences naturelles. Bulletin. U 1891, v. 27 Rouen (France), see also Societe Normande de geographic. Roure-Bertrand fils. Grasse (France.) Scientific and industrial bulletin. W-f- Rousseau, see Societe Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rovartani lapok havi folyoirat kiilonos tekintettel a hasznos kartekony rovar- okra. Budapest. N 1897+ v. 4-}- Rowell's American newspaper directory, see American newspaper directory. Roxbury (Mass.) — Ministry at large. Annual report. U 1850/51, 52/53. 55-60, V. 2, 4, 7-11 Royal agricultural society of England. London. Journal. U 1840+ v. i + ; N 1907+ V. 68+ Royal agricultural society of New South Wales. Sydney. Annual (Journal.) U 1906+ V. i-f Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain & Ireland. London. Journal. U 1871+ V. i-f- Royal arcanum — Supreme council. Bulletin. (Illinois edition.) Boston (Mass.) U-f- Royal architectural institute of Canada. Montreal. Quarterly bulletin. U 1907 -|- V. 1 + Royal asiatic society of Great Britain & Ireland. London. Journal. U 1834+ V. 1 + SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 185 Royal astronomical society. London. Memoirs. U 1888, V. 49, pt. i; U has ordered complete Monthly Notices. U 1843+ v. 6+ Royal astronomical society of Canada. Toronto. Journal. U 1907+ v. 1+ Royal Dublin society. Economic proceedings. U 1899+ v. 1 + Journal 1856-76, v. 1-7. U has ordered Scientific proceedings. U 1905+ n. s. v. ii-|-; U has ordered 1878-1904 Scientific transactions. U 190S-I- ser. 2, V. 9+; U has ordered 1877-1904; N 1896, ser. 2, v. 5, no. 12 Royal engineers' institute, see under Great Britain. Royal engineers journal. Chatham (Eng.) U 1909+ v. 9+ Royal geographical society of Australia — South Australian branch. Adelaide. Proceedings. U 1886+ v. 2+ Royal geographical society of London. Geographical journal (including the Proceedings.) . U 1893+ v. 1 + Royal geological society of Cornwall. Penzance. Transactions. G 1871, V. 8, pt. 1-2 Royal historical society of Great Britain. London. Transactions. U 1869+ ser. I, V. i-f Royal horticultural society of London. Journal. U 1846-54II 1866+ V. 1-9! I n. ser. v. 1+ 1846-54, V. 1-9 called Journal of the Horticultural society of London. Royal institute of British architects. London. Journal. U 1893+ ser. 3, V. 1+ (v. 43+) Continues Transactions. Kalendar. U 1909+ v. 75+ Transactions & papers. U 1835-41, 53-92] 1 v. i-n. s. v. 8|| Continued in its Journal. Royal institution of Great Britain. London. Notices of the proceedings. U 1893-1904. V. 14-17; N 1894-95, V. 14, pt. 1-2 Royal Irish academy. Dublin. Proceedings: section B. N 1905+ v. 25+ Proceedings. U has ordered Transactions; section B. N 1906-07II v. 28, pt. i, v. 33] 1 Royal Jersey agricultural & horticultural society. St Helier. (Jersey.) An- nual report. U 1905, v. 76 Jersey herd book. U i866-h v. i-f Royal microscopical society. London. Journal. (Contains Transactions & proceedings.) U 1878-91, v. 1-14; N 1878-I- v. 1 + Transactions. (Before 1878). see Monthly microscopical journal, 1869- 77, V. 1-18. Royal sanitary institute. London. Journal. U 1894-97, 99, 1907+ V. 15-18, 20, 28-f- Continues Transactions. U 1879-93 1 1 v. 1-14I! Royal Scottish arboricultural society. Edinburgh. Transactions. UH- Royal society of Canada. Montreal. Proceedings & transactions. U 1882-1- V. i-f- Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. U 1844, 50-53, 57+ V. I, nos. 23-24, V. 3, no. 41-43, v. 4, nos. 48. 50-52, 54-58, V. 5+ Transactions. U 1783-1905. 06+ v. 1-43. 45+ Royal society of literature. Transactions. U has ordered Royal society of London. Abstracts of the papers printed. U 1800-54II V. i-6|[ Contained in Proceedings, v. 1-6. — — Catalogue of scientific papers; & supplement. LT 1867+ v. 1+ Philosophical transactions. U 1768+ V. 58+; N 1894, 99. A [v. 185-86,] 191-92; B [v. 185] Beginning with v. 170 in 1887 issued in 2 parts; A: Mathematical & physical; B: Biological. Abridged (1665-1800). U v. i-i8|| i86 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Proceedings. U 1800+ v. i + ; N 1879-1901, v. 28-29, 59, 62, 64-65, 68 Royal society of New South Wales. Sydney. Journal & proceedings. U 1908+ V. 42-f ; N 1898-f V. 32-f- Royal society of Queensland. Brisbane. Proceedings. N 1895-f- v. i4- Royal society of South Africa. Cape Town. Transactions. N 1909+ v. i-f- Royal society of South Australia. Adelaide. Memoirs. N [1899-1902] [v. i, 2] Transactions. N i886-(- v. 8-9, ii-f- Royal society of Victoria. Melbourne. Proceedings. N 1902-I- v. ■4-t- Royal statistical society. London. Journal. U 1838+ v. i-|- Until 1887 called Statistical society of London. Royal university of Ireland. Dublin, see Ireland, Royal university of. Rummel's Illinois handbook & legislative manual, see Illinois — State. Depart- ment of. Illinois handbook. Rural afifairs, see Illustrated annual register of rural affairs. Rural New Yorker. New York. U [1863-65,] 70-71. [71-77.] 89+ [v. 14-16.] 21-23. [24-25. 31-32, 35,] 48-56, [57.] 58+ V. 7-35 has title IMoore's rural New Yorker. Rush medical college. Chicago, see Chicago university. Russia — Finance, ^Minister of. Budget of the empire. U 1908+ Russian journal of financial statistics. St Petersburg. U 1900-01 Russian review. San Francisco. U [1905] [v. i] Rutgers college. New Brunswick (N. J.) Publications. U 1900, no. 9 Targum. (Students' weekly.) U [1896-1900] [v. 17-20] Rutland railroad company. Annual report. U 1886, 1902-03. 05 -f V. 19, 35-36, 39+ Ryerson's monthly journal & stock list. (Joseph T. Ryerson & son.) Chicago. U+ Sachsische bergwerkszeitung. Freiberg. U 1853-54, v. 2-3 K. Sachlsche gesellschaft der wissenschaften. Leipzig — Mathematisch-physi- sche klasse. Abhandlungen. U 18524- V. i + ; N 1889+ [v. 15-18, 20-21. 22,, 25-30]-f Berichte uber die verhandlungen. '' U 1852+ V. i + ; N 1900+ v. 52-57, [58.] 59+ K. Sachsisches statistisches landesamt, see Saxony — Statistisches landesamt. Dresden. Saginaw (Mich.) — Water commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1905 -f- Saginaw (Mich.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1907/08+ St Andrews (Scot.) University. Calendar. U 1907/08-i- Library. Bulletin. U I90i-|- v. 1+ St Bede college. Peru (111.) Catalogue. U 1896/97, 1901/02, 05-I- St Francis Solanus college. Quincy (111.) Catalogue. U 1889-91, 92-95, 97/98, 1903-05, 06-f St Francis Xavier's college. Antigonish (N. S.) Calendar. U 1899/1900, 03/04 St Gall (Switz.) Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. Bericht. N 1896+ St Ignatius college. Chicago (111.) Catalogue. U 1870/71, 72-78, 80/81, 83/84, 89/90, 91 + St James's magazine. (Lloyd.) London. U 1762-64, v. 1-3 St Joseph (N. B.) college. Prospectus. U 1898/99 St Joseph (Mo.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1893-1900, 01-07, 08+ V. 3-10. 12-17, 19+ Bulletin. U 18974- v. 1+ St Joseph & Grand Island railway company. Annual report. U 1897-1901. 03-f- V. 1-5, 7+ St Joseph's diocesan college. Teutopolis (111.) Catalogue. U 1889/90, 92/93 ^t Laurent college. Montreal (Can.) Catalogue. U 1887/88. 89-91, 92/93, 94-96. 98/99 St Louis (Mo.) Documents to the city council (with mayor's message.) U 1887-89, 90-97. 1 901 + Comptroller. Report. U 1877-84. 85-j- SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 187 Education, Board of. Annual report. U 1858, 9971908, v. 4, 45-54 Health department. Annual report of the health commissioner. U 1885-97, 1900-02, V. 9-20, 24-25 Statement of mortality, vital statistics ... U 1902-f- juvenile court. Report. U 1908 -h Park department. Annual report. U 1908+ Public library. Annual report. U 1870-71, 73-74, 76, 78, 81-82, 84 -h Monthlv bulletin. U 1905+ v. 3+ Public library magazine. U [1897-98] [v. 4-5] Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1895, 1902, 04+; W 1908-H St Louis Academy of science. Transactions. U [1858-60,] 68+ [v. I,] 2-1- ; N 1857+ V. 1 + St Louis agricultural & mechanical association. Annual report. U 1858, 69-70, v. 3. 9-10 St Louis, Alton & Terre Haute railway company. Annual report. U 1888-92, v. 26-30 St Louis & San Francisco railway company. Annual report. U 1896/97-1906, V. I- 10 St Louis architectural club. Catalog of annual exhibition. U 1899 St Louis Civic league. Year of civic effort: addresses & reports at annual meeting. U 1907 St Louis globe-democrat. (Daily.) . U 1909+ St Louis journal of agriculture, sec Journal of agriculture, St Louis. St Louis labor. U [1903] [v. 3] St Louis mercantile library association. Annual report. U 1849-58, 60-64, 66, 68, 70+ V. 3-12, 14-18, 20. 22, 24+ St Louis merchants' exchange. Annual statement of the trade & commerce of St Louis. U 1865-68, 70-f St Louis Missouri botanical garden. Annual report. G 1908. V. 19; U 1889+ V. i-f ; N 1891+ V. 2+ St I,ouis New England society. Annual reunion. U 1902-03, v. 18-19 St Louis railway club. Official proceedings. U 1899+ [v. 3.] 4-5. [6,] ?• [8,] 9. [10,] 11 + St Louis republic. (Daily & Sunday.) U July 1909+ St Louis, Southwestern railway company. Annual report. U 1891/92-f v. 1 + St Louis transit company. Annual report. U 1901-03, v. 2-4 St Louis United railways company. Annual report. U 1901+ v. 2-\- St Louis Wage earners' self-culture clubs. Bulletin. U [1899-1905] [v. 3-9] St Michael's college. Toronto (Can.) Catalogue. U 1893-95. 97/98 St Nicholas. (Juvenile.) New York. C 1884-87, 93-f V. 12-14. 21+ ; Ur 1879+ v. 7+ St Nicolas. Paris. U 1901+ v. 2;^+ St Paul (Minn.) Annual reports. U 1885-87. 89-90, 92-1908 Comptroller. Report. U 1902-03. 05+ Engineering department. Annual report of the city engmeer. U 1901 Health, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1889-99, 1901-09 Public library. Annual report. U 1885-1905. v. 4-24 Public works, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1885-98. 1900-08 St Paul & Duluth railroad company. Annual report. U 1888 St Paul chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1867-68, 70-73. 81-82, 84, 86, 96. V. 1-2, 4-7. 15-16. 18. 20. 30 St Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba railway company. Annual report. U 1881/82-99. V. 3-20 St Paul (city) railway company, see Minneapolis street railway company; Twin city rapid transit company. St Petersburg (Russia) Botanischeskii sad. Trudy. U 1871-74. v. 1-3 St Petersburg (Russia) Laboratoire biologique. Bulletin. N 1896+ V. 1-4. [5-9,1 10+ St Petersburg (Russia) Societe imperiale des naturalistes. Travaux. N 1888+ [v. ID. 20-21, 26-30,] 31, [32-36,] 37+ i88 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN St Petersburg (Russia), see also Academie imperiale des sciences; Societas entomologica rossicae; Societe russe de pisciculture & de peche. St Viateur's college. Bourbonnais (111.) Catalogue. u 1883/84, 92/93, 94/95, 98-1901, 02+ St Vincent's college. Chicago (111.) Catalogue. U 1901/02, 04/05 Ste Marie college. Montreal (Can.) Catalogue. U 1898-j- Salem (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1889+ v. 1+ Bulletin. U 1891-1901, 03+ v. 1-5, 7+ Salem (Mass.), see also Essex institute; Peabody academy of science. Salford (Eng.) Reports. U 1908-og Salt Lake City (Utah.) Annual reports (with mayor's message.) U 1891, 1907-08 Engineer. Annual report. U 1891, 1907+ Health, Board of. Statement of vital statistics. U-f- Salvation. New York. U 1899-1901, 03, v. 1-3, 5 Sammler; illustrirte fachzeitschrift fiir sammelwesen & antiquitatenkunde. (Brendicke.) Berlin. U 1890-99, v. 12-21 Sammlung chemischer & chemisch-technischer vortrage. (Ahrens.) Stutt- gart. U 1896+ V. 1 + Sammlung englischer denkmaler in kritischen ausgaben. Berlin. U 1880-85, V. 1-5 Sammlung franzosischer neudrucke. (Vollmoller.) Heilbronn. U 1881-88, V. 1-9 Sammlung nationalokonomischer & statistischer abhandlungen des Staatwis- senschaftlichen seminars zu Halle. (Conrad.) Jena. U 1877+ v. 1+ Sammlung von abhandlungen aus dem gebiete der paedagogischen psychologic & physiologic. (Schiller & Ziehen.) Berlin. U 1897-1907II v. i-8|| Sammlung von abhandlungen zur psychologischen padagogik. (Meumann.) Leipzig. U 1906-f v. i-j- San Antonio (Tex.) — Carnegie library. Monthly bulletin. U 1906+ [v. I, 3\-\- San Diego (Cal.) society of natural history. Transactions. U 1905+ v. 1 + San Francisco (Cal.) Municipal reports. U 1875-76. 86-87, 89-91, 93-95, 98-99, 1904+ (City) attorney. Report. U 1907-09 Auditor. Annual financial statement of city^& county. U 1906/07, 08-10 Fire commissioner. Report. U 1906-09 Health, Board of. Report. U 1906-09 Park commissioners. Biennial report. U 1874-76, 86-87, 89-91, 93-95, 98-99. 1909-10 Public health department. Bulletin of the city & county. U-|- Public library. Monthly bulletin. U 1906-H v. 12-i- Supervisors, Board of. Municipal record. U4- ■ Reports on water supply. U 1900-08 San Francisco & North Pacific railway company. Annual report. U 1901/02, 05-06, V. 13, 16-17 San Francisco board of trade. Annual report. U 1889, 1901, v. 12. 24 San Francisco chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 1877, 79-85, 88-89, 92, 1900-05, V. 27, 29-35, 38-39. 42, 50-55 San Francisco merchants' association. Annual report. U 1905-h v. I2-|- Merchants' association review. U-j- San Francisco Merchants' exchange. Annual report. U 1905-08, 09-10 Statistical report. U 1904-f- San Francisco produce exchange. Annual report. U 1887-89, 91-92, 95, 1900, V. 20-22, 24-25, 28, 2Z San Francisco United railways investment company. Annual report. U 1905+ V. 44- San Salvador Museo nacional. Anales. U-(- Sanidad & beneficencia. Havana (Cuba.) U 1909-I- v. i-{- Sanitarian. New York. U 1873-1904II v. I-S2JI Continued in Popular science monthly. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 189 Sanitary engineer. New York. U 1881-87II v. 5-i6il Continued in Engineering record. Sanitary institute. London, see Royal sanitary institute. Sanitary record & journal of sanitary & municipal engineering. London. U 1909+ V. 43+ Santiago (Chile) sec also Instituto de ingenieros de Chile; Sociedad de fomcnto fabril; Sociedad nacional de agricultura; Sociedad nacional de mineria; Societe scientifique du Chile. Sao Paulo (Brazil)— Agricultura, commercio & obras publicas, Secretaria da. Boletim da agricultura. U 1900, 09+ [v. i,] 10+ Sao Paulo (Brazil) Escola polytechnica. Annuario. U 1909+ v. 9+ Sao Paulo (Brazil) Instituto agronomico em Campinas. Boletim. U 1898-99, [v. 9-10] Sao Paulo (Brazil) Museu Paulista. Revista. U 1904. v. 6; N 1895+ v. 1+ Sao Paulo (Brazil) Sociedad scientifica. Revista. U 1908+ V. 3+; N 1905+ V. i-f Sapporo (Japan) Institut agronomique. [Catalog.] U 1909 Sapporo (Japan) natural history society. Transactions. U N 1905+ v. 1 + Saragossa (Spain) (in Spanish Zaragoza), see also Sociedad Aragonesa de la ciencias naturales. Saratov (Russia) Society of naturalists (Obscestvo jestestvoispytatelej)— Wol- schskaja biologiceskaja stanzija. Raboty. N 1900+ [v. i,] 2+ Satirist; or, Monthly meteor. London. U 1807-08, v. 1-2 Saturday evening post. Philadelphia. C 1902+ v. 174+ Saturday review. London. U 1855+ v. I+ Savanna (111.)— Public library. Bulletin. U 1899+ no. 1+ Savannah (Ga.) City reports. U 1882. 1908 Savannah (Ga.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1898+ v. 16+ Savigny stiftung & rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. 1860-1907. U has ordered Savings banks association of the state of New York, see New York state sav- ings banks association. Savings & loan review. New York. U [1900-01, 1903] [v. 22-23,] 24, 27, [28] Saxe-Meiningen.— (Herzoglich) staatsministerium. Statistik. U 1902+ v. 9+ Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Germany) gewerbekammer. Bericht. Weimar. U 1878/79, V. I Saxony— Gesamtministerium. Staatshandbuch fiir das konigreich Sachsen. U I 898-99 Saxony— Statistisches landesamt. Zeitschrift des K. Sachsischen statistischen landesamte. Dresden. U 1902+ v. 48-52 pt i, 53 pt 2, 54+ Previous to 1905 entitled Zeitschrift des K. Sachisches statistischen bureaus. Saxony Landwirthschaftskammer. — Versuchsstation fiir pflanzenschutz. Halle. Jahresbericht. U 1897, v. 9 Schaffhausen (Switz.), see also Schweizerische entomologische gesellschaft. Schenectady (N. Y.)— Common council. Proceedings. U 1907-09 Water commissioners. Annual report. U 1891, v. 6 Schilling's Journal, see Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung. Schlesische gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische cultur. Breslau. Jahresbericht. N 1866, V. 44 Schmidt's Jahrbiicher. sec Jahrbiicher der in- & auslandischen gesammten medicin. o • 1 Schmoller's Staats- & socialwissenschaftliche forschungen, see Staats- & social- wissenschaftliche forschungen. Schone literatur. Leipzig. U 1900+ v. 1 + Beilage zu Literarisches zentralblatt fiir Deutschland. 1900-01, v. 1-2 not published separately. School & home education. Bloomington (111.) U 1898+ v. 18+ Continues Public school journal. School arts book. Worcester (Mass.) U 1901+ v. 1 + v 1-2 called Applied arts book. School bulletin. Svracuse (N. Y.) U 1905+ v. 31. no. 5+ School music. Keokuk (Iowa.) U 19084- v. 8-f 190 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN School news & practical educator. Taylorville (111.) U 1897+ v. 11 + School of mines quarterly. (Columbia university.) New York. U 1879+ V. 1 + School review. Hamilton (N. Y.); University of Chicago. C 1907+ V. 15+ ; U 1893+ V. 1 + School science & mathematics. Chicago. U 1901+ [v. I,] 2, [3-4,] 5+; N 1901+ V. 1-3, [4,] 5+ Schoolmasters' association of New York & vicinity. Annual report. U 1905/06, V. 13 Schoolmasters' yearbook & directory. London. U 1909, v. 7 Schuylkill navigation company. Report. U 1828, 42-44, 64 Schweizer archiv fiir heraldik. Archives heraldiques suisses. Zurich. U 1899, v. 13 Schweizerische entomologische gesellschaft. Schaffhausen. Mitteilungen. N 1872+ V. 4+ Schweizerische milch-zeitung & landwirtschaftliche umschau. Schaffhausen. U 1901+ V. 27, [28-29,] 30+ Monatsbeilage. U 1908-f Schweizerische naturforschende gesellschaft. Berne. Verhandlungen. N 1868+ V. 62, 73+ Schweizerisches archiv fiir volkskunde. Zurich. U 1897-1905, v. 1-9 Science. Cambridge (Mass.); New York. G-\-; U 1883+ V. i-f ; N 1885+ [v. 2, 4,] 5+ Continues Science. (Michels.) New York. U 1880-81, v. 1-2 Science abstracts. (Institution of electrical engineers, & Physical society of London.) London. U 1898+ v. i-f- Science & industry. Scranton (Pa.) U 1897-1903' I v. 2-8. no. 4II Continued in Power, Scranton. v. 2-3 called Home study magazine; v. 4 Mechanic arts magazine. Science gossip, see Hardwicke's science gossip. Science of health. New York. U 1875, v. 6 Science progress; a monthlv review of current scientific investigation. London. N [1894-96] [v. I, 4, 5] Science progress in the twentieth century. London. U+ Science record. (Beach.) New York. G 1872, v. i ; U 1872. 74-7511 v. i, 3-4II Sciei'.tific American. New York. C 1883-f v. 48+; U 1848-64, 69-f V. 3-9, 11-25, 34-36. 38, 40-41. 43-f ; Ur-f Building edition. New York. U 1893. 1894-1900, v. 15, 17-30 After 1905 continued as American homes & gardens. Supplement. New York. U 1876+ v. i-f-; C 1882+ v. 14+ Scientific farmer. Springfield (Mass.); Boston. U 1878, v. 3 Scientific opinion. London. _ U 1868-69, v. 1-2 Scotland — General register house. Annual report on births, deaths, & mar- riages. U 1908-I- V. 53 Local government board. Annual report. U 1894-f v. 1 + Scotland, see also Highland & agricultural society of Scotland; Institution of engineers & shipbuilders in Scotland. Scots magazine. Edinburgh. U 1739-1826II v. 1-93. 95-9711 Scottish antiquary; or Northern notes & queries. Edinburgh. 1886-99, v. 1-13. U has ordered Scottish geographical magazine. (Royal Scottish geographical society.) Edin- burgh. U 1885-f v. 1+ Scottish history society. Edinburgh. Publications. 1887-I- v. i-f; U has ordered Scottish text society. Edinburgh. Publications. U 1884 4- v. 1 + Scoville institute, sec Oakpark (111.)— Scoville institute. Scranton (Pa.)— Public safety. Department of. Annual report. U 1903-04- v. 3 Public library. Annual report. U 1891+ v. i-f Bulletin. U 1907+ v. 2+ Scribner's monthly. New York. C 1877-81 1 1 V. 14. i6-22||;_U 1870-81 1 1 V. i-22i|; Ur 1879-81 |i v. 19-22II Continued as Century magazine. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 191 Scribner's magazine. New York. C U Ur 1887+ v. 1 + Seaboard air line railway company. Annual statement. U 1906-I- v. 6-|- Seaman's aid society of Bo.ston, see Boston (Mass.) Seattle (Wash.) — Civil service commission. Annual report. U 1901 Comptroller. Report. U 1898-1900, 06-07, 08-09 ■ Health & sanitation, Department of. Report. U 1905-f- Bulletin. U+ Mayor. Annual message. U 1909 Public library. Annual report. U 1896-99, 1903, 05+ v. 6-9, 13, 15+ Bulletin. U [1897,] 1900-f [v, i, 3,] 4+ Sebastopol (Russia), see Sevastopol. Scdalia (J\Io.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1896-98, 1900-j- v. 1-3, 5 + Seine. Department of, see France. Selden society. London. Publications. U 1887+ v. 1 + Select journal of foreign periodical literature. Boston. U 1833-34II v. i-4|| Select reviews & spirit of the foreign magazines. Philadelphia. U 1809-12II V. i-8i| Semaine horticole. Brussels. U 1897-1900] | v. i-4|[ Continuation of the union of Illustration horticole, & Journal des orchidees. Seminarium philologici Erlangense. Erlangen. Acta. U 1879-91, v. 1-5 Senckenbergische naturforschende gesellschaft. Frankfurt-am-Main. Bericht. U 1900; N 1891-99, 1901-I- Sevastopol (Russia) — Station biologique, see Academic imperiale des sciences. St Petersburg. Severance, H. O. Guide to the current periodicals & serials of the United States & Canada. U 19074- v. 1 + Sewanee review. (University of the South.) Sewanee (Tenn.) ; New York. U 18924- v. 1 + Shakespeare society. London. Publications. U 1841-52, v. 1-18 see also New Shakspere society. Shakespeariana. Philadelphia; New York. U 1883-93II v. i-io|| Shanhai (China) St John's university. Catalogue. U 1907+ Shanghai (China), sec also International institute. Shelby iron company. Report. U 1903/04 Shelley society. London. Publications. U 18884- ser. i, v. i4- Shepherd, . . . illustrating the principles of universal sciences. (J. E. Smith.) London. U 1834-38, v. 1-3 Shepherd's criterion. Chicago, see American sheep breeder; Wool markets & sheep. Shingle weaver. (International shingle weavers' union of America.) Everett (W^ash.) U [1907] [v. 5] ■'Shipping world" yearbook; a manual in trade, commerce & navigation. Lon- don. U 1900, V. 14 Shire horse society. London. Shire horse stud book. U i88o-f- v. 1 + Shirt, waist & laundrv workers' international union. Official journal. Troy (N. Y.) " U [1903] [v. I] Shoe workers' journal. (Boot & shoe workers' union.) Boston. U [1900-07.1 o84- [v. 1-4,] 5-7, [8,1 94- Shorthorn society of Great Britain & Ireland, see Coates's herd book. Shropshire sheep breeders' association & flock book society. Shrewsbury & Leeds (Eng.) Flock book of Shropshire sheep. U 18834- v. 14- Shurtleff college. Upper Alton (111.) Catalogue. U 1867/68. 69/70, 71/72. 73-76, 83/84, 89-91, 92/93. 97/98, 1900-f- Sibley journal of engineering. (Cornell university.) Ithaca (N. Y.) U 1893+ V. 8+ Formerly Sibley journal of mechanical engineering. Sidereal messenger. Cincinnati (O.) U 1846-48II v. 1-3, no. i|| Sidereal messenger. Northfield (Minn.) U 1882-91 1| v. i-io|I Continued as Astronomy & astro-physics. Siena (Italv) Universita. Aviso. U igog-f 192 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Sierra club. San Francisco. Bulletin. U 1910+ v. 7+ Sigma Kappa sorority. Triangle. Melrose (Mass.); Somerville (Mass.) U 1908+ V. 3+ Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Journal. Richmond (Va.) U-f- Sigma Sigma Sigma fraternity [sorority.] Triangle. Woodstock (Va.) U-f Signal engineer. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 2+ Silent partner. Cleveland (O.) U 1909+ v. 4+ Silesia Verein fiir geschichte & alterthum, see Verein fiir geschichte & alter- thum Schlesiens. Silk association of America. Annual report. New York. U 1898/99, v. 27 Silliman's journal, see American journal of science. Silver cross. (International order of the King's daughters & sons.) New York. U+ Simmons college library training school. Boston (Mass.) Catalog. U 1902-04, 05+ Simplified spelling board. New York. Bulletin. U 1909+ v. 1 + Circular. U 1906+ no. i-j- Single tax review. New York. U 1901+ v. 1 + Sioux City (la.) Academy of science & letters. Proceedings. U 1903+ v. i-f- Sirius; zeitschrift fiir populare astronomic. Leipzig. U 1896-I- v. 29+ Skandinaven. Chicago. U+ Skandinavisches archiv fiir physiologic. Leipzig. U has ordered Slater fund, see John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Sleeping sickness bureau. London. Bulletin. N 1908+ v. 1+ Sloss-Sheffield steel & iron company. Annual report. U 1903, v. 4 Smith college. Northampton (Mass.) Smith college monthly. U [1893-97.] 97-99, [99-1900, 05, 07] [v. 1-4,] 5-6, [7, 12. 14] Smithsonian institution. Washington (D. C.) Annual report, (also in Con- gressional documents set). G 1856-57, 61. 87-89; U 1849, 53+ V. 4, 8+; N 1856, 62-63, 67, 83+ Contributions to knowledge. U 1848+ v. i-|- ■ Miscellaneous collections. U 1860-99, 1902, 04-I- v. 1-39, 41-43, 45-j- Quarterly issue. U 1903-10II v. 1-5 1| United States National museum. Annual report, (see also Smithsonian institution. Annual report.) U 1880-1903, 04+; N i860, 1881 + Bulletin. U 1875-f no. 1-15, 17-18, 20-F; N 1875+ no. 1-32, 34-f Special bulletins. U 1892, 1900, no. I, 4 Proceedings. U N 18784- v. 1 + see also U. S. Astrophysical observatory; U. S. — Enthology, Bureau of American; United States National herbarium. Smull's legislative handbook & manual, see Pennsylvania legislative handbook. Snow's Pathfinder railway guide. Boston. U [1866, 73] Social-democracy, see also Justice. Social democrat, a monthly socialist review. London. U [1900, 02, 04, 05] [v. 4, 6, 8, 9] Social economist. New York. _ U 1891-95II v. i-9|| Continued as Gunton's magazine. Social forum, devoted to present day problems. Chicago. U [1899-1900] n. ser. v. i, [2] Social gospel. (The Christian commonwealth.) Commonwealth (Ga.) U [1898. 99] [v. I, 2] Social progress. (Josiah Strong.) New York. U 1905-06, v. 2-3 Social reform union. Alhambra (Cal.); Chicago. Bulletin. U [1899] [v. i] Studies. U [1899-1900] [v. 1-2] Social science. (Socialistic.) New York. U [1887] [v. i] Socialist annual. Boston. _ U 1894, v. i Socialist campaign book. (Socialist party.) Chicago. U 1908 Socialist labor party. Proceedings of annual convention. U 1887, 96, v. i, 9 see also Weekly people. Socialist league, see also Commonweal. Socialist party. (Monthly.) Chicago. U4- Socialist review. Kearney (Neb.) U [1900] [v. i] SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGX 193 Socialist woman. Chicago. U [1907.] no. 2 Socialistic labor party. Proceedings of national convention. U 1887, v. 6 Sociedad Aragonesa de ta ciencias naturales. Saragossa. Bulletin. U 1909+ V. 8+ Sociedad astronomica de Mexico. Mexico City. Boletin. U+ Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Mexico city. Memorias & revista. U 1907+ V. 26+ Sociedad de bibliofilos espafioles. Madrid. [Publications.] U 1866-1905, v. 1-36 Sociedad de fomento fabril. Santiago (Chile.) Boletin. U4- Sociedad mexicana de geografia & estadistica. Mexico. Boletin. U 1908+ ser. 5, V. 3+ Sociedad nacional de agricultura. Santiago de Chile. Boletin. U [1897-98] [v. 28-29] Sociedad nacional de mincria. Santiago de Chile. Boletin. U+ Societa degli spettroscopisti italiani. Catania. Memorie. U 1907+ v. 36-)- Societa entomologica italiana. Florence. Bulletino. N 1877+ v. 9. 15-i- Societa gcologica italiana. Rome. Bollettino. IJ+ Societa italiana delle scienze. Rome: Florence. Memorie di matematicca & di fisica. U has ordered ser. 3, v. i-io Societa italiana di archeologia & storia dell' arte. Rome, see also Ausonia. Societa ligustica di scienze naturali & geografiche. Geneva (Switz.) Atti. N 1895-f V. 6+ Societa romana per gli studi zoologici. Rome. Bollettino. N 1892-9911 V. i-8|| Continued as Societa zoologies italiana. R. Societa toscana di orticultura. Florence. Bullettino. U+ Societa toscana di scienze naturali. Pisa. Atti; processi verbali. N 1889-91, v. 7 Societa zoologica italiana. Rome. Bollettino. N 1900+ ser. 2, v. 1 + Continues Societa romana per gli studi zoologici. Societas entomologica rossica. St Petersburg. Horae. N 1890+ [v. 24,] 33+ see also Revue russe d'entomologie. Societas pro fauna & flora fennica. Helsingfors. Acta. X 1888+ v. 5, 8-f- - Middelanden. N 1892-f- v. 17-f- Societe astronomique de France. Paris. Bulletin. U 1896-98, v. 10-12 Societe beige de chimie. Brussels. Bulletin. U 1890+ v. 4+ Before 1904 called Association beige des chimistes. Societe botanique de France. Paris. Bulletin. U 1854-86. v. 1-33 Societe centrale d'aquiculture & de peche. Paris. Bulletin. X 1889+ v. i-io, 12-14. [15.] 16-17. [18.] 19+ Societe chimique de Belgique. Bulletin. Ghent. U 1909+ v. 23-]- Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin. U 1858-f v. 1 + Repertoire de chimie. see Repertoire de chimie appliquee, & Repertoire de chimie pure. Societe d'economie politique. Paris. Annales. U 1846+ v. 1 + Annuaire. U 1905, 09. v. 64, 68 Bulletin. U 1888+ Societe d'emulation d'agriculture . . . de I'Ain. Bourg. Annales. U-|- Societe d'encouragement pour I'industrie nationale. Paris. Bulletin. U 1802+ v. i-f Societe d'histoire contemporaine. Paris. Assemblee generale. U 1898, no. 8 Publications. U 1892+ v. 1 + Societe d'histoire de France. Publications. U has ordered complete Societe d'horticulture d'Orleans & du Loiret. Orleans. Bulletin. U+ Societe d'horticulture de la Gironde. Bordeaux. Nouvelles annales. U+ Societe d'horticulture de Paris. Annales. U 1827-54II v. 1-45! | Continued as Societe nationale d'horticulture de France. Societe d'horticulture de Picardie. Amiens. Bulletin mensuel. U+ Societe d'horticulture & de botanique de X^ormandie. Lisieux. Bulletin trim- estriel. U-f 194 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Societe d'horticulture & de viticulture du Puy-de-D6me. Clermont-Ferrand. Bulletin mensuel. _ U-}- Societe de biologic. Paris. Comptes-rendus hebdomandaires des seances. N 1894+ V. 46-50, 52+ Societe de Talimentation rationelle. Betail. Compte rendu du congres. U 1898, V. 2 Societe de I'ecole des chartes, see Paris ficole des chartes. Societe de legislation comparee. Paris. .Annuaire de legislation etrangere. U 1871+ V. 1 + Annuaire de legislation franqaise. U 1882+ v. 1+ Bulletin. U 1869+ v. 1+ Societe de linguistique de Paris. Memoires. U 1909+ v. 16+ Societe de statistique de Paris. Journal. U 1860+ v. 1 + Societe des anciens textes fran?ais. Paris. Bulletin. U 1875+ v. 1+ Publications. . U 1875+ v. i-f Societe des etudes coloniales & maritimes. Paris. Bulletin. U 1900 Societe des ingenieurs civils de France. Paris. Memoires & travaux. U 1909+ ser. 6a, v. 62+ Resume de quinzaine. U [1909.] 1910+ no. 13+ Societe des langues romanes. Montpelier, see Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes. ,t, ^ • Societe des sciences, des arts & des lettres du Hamaut. Mons (Belgmm.) Memoires et publications. _ U 1873, ser 3, v. 9 Societe des textes frangaises modernes. Paris. Publications. U 1905+ ser. I & 2+ Societe entomologique de Belgique. Brussels. Annales. U 1896-97, 99, 1906, V. 40-41, 43, 49; N 1870-I- V. 14-15, 26, 28-f- , Bulletin. N 1879, 1881-91 Memoires. . N i88i4- v. i-f- Societe entomologique de France. Paris. Annales. N 1846, 75, 79-80, 83+ V. 15, 44, 48-49, 52-f . Bulletin. N [1846, 93-94.] 95- 97-I903, .[04, 06,] og-f Societe entomologique de Russie, see Societas entomologica rossica. Societe franqaise de mineralogie. Paris. Bulletin. ^ U 1878-}- v. i-f- Societe franqaise de physique. Paris. Bulletin des seances. U-f Collection de memoires relatifs a la physique. U 1884-91, v. 1-5 Societe geologique de France. Paris. Bulletin. U 1872+ v. 44+ Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles, Berne, see Schweizensche natur- forschende gesellschaft. o ji. 1 Societe hippique percheronne. Nogent-le-Rotrou. (France.) Studbook percheron. U 1883. 87+ v. i, 3+ Societe horticole vigneronne & forestiere de I'Aube. Troyes. Annales. _ U-f- Societe imperiale & centrale d'horticulture de France, see Societe nationale d'horticulture de France. _ t. • -d n • Societe internationale pour I'etude des questions d'assistance. Pans. Bulletm. U 1890-1901I! V. 1-12II From V. 5-12 called Revue d'assistance. Societe Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Geneva. Annales. U 1905+ v. 1 + Societe khediviale de geographic. Cairo (Egypt.) Bulletm. U 1907+ v. 7+ Societe libre pour I'etude psychologique de I'enfant. Pans. Bu letm. U 1904+ [v. 5,1 6+ Societe linneenne du nord de la France. Amiens. Bulletin. N 1898+ v. 13+ Memoires. N 1899-1904, v. lo-ii Societe malacologique de Belgique. Brussels. Annales. U has ordered complete Societe mathematique de France. Paris. Bulletin. U 1872+ v. 1 + Societe mineralogique de France, see Societe franqaise de mmeralogie. Societe mvcologique de France. Paris. Bulletin. U 1885-87, no. 1-3 Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France. Pans. Bulletm. N 1861+ V. 8, 1 1 -13, 17, 20. 26-41, [42.1 43-44. [45-47,] 48+ Called Revue des sciences naturelles appliquees. 1889-95, v. 36-42. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 195 Journal. r. ■ . • ^ '^if '^§i ^''- '^ Societe nationale d'horticulture de France. Pans. Annuaire. U 1884, iQOi Journal. . U 1855-1902, 05+ v. 1-48, 51 + Continues Societe d'horticulture de Paris. Societe Normande de geographic. Rouen. Bulletin. U+ Societe portugaise de sciences naturelles. Lisbon. Bulletin. N 1907+ v. 1 + Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes. Montpellier. Publications speciales. U 1876+ V. 1 + see also Revue des langues romanes. Societe royale d'horticulture de Paris, see Societe d'horticulture de Pans. Societe royale de botanique de Belgique. Brussels. Bulletin. U 1862-90, 1907+ V. 1-29, 44+ Societe royale linneenne. Brussels. Bulletin. N 1896-1905, v. 22-23, [24-31] Societe royale zoologique & malacologique de Belgique. Brussels. Annales. U 1906-f V. 41+ ; U has ordered rest Societe russe de pisciculture & de peche. St Petersburg, see also Vestnik rybopromyslennosti. Societe scientifique du Chile. Santiago. Actes. N 1892, v. 2, pt 1-2 Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Lausanne. Bulletin. N 1874+ V. 13 [15,] 33+ Societe zoologique de France. Paris. Bulletin. N 1888-94, [v. 13,] 16-19 Memoires. N 1892-96, v. 5-6, 9 Society for experimental biology & medicine. New York. Proceedings. U+ Society for political education. New York. Economic tracts. U 1881-86, no. 1-30 Society for psychical research. London. Proceedings. U 1882+ v. 1 + Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures & commerce. London. Journal of the Society of arts. U 1852-93, v. 1-41 Transactions. U 1783-1848II v. 1-56II Society for the promotion of agricultural science. Proceedings. U 1882+ V. i + ; N 1882+ V. 1-13, 16-17. 19, 21 + Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings. U 1893+ V. i-f- Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies. London, see also Journal of Hellenic studies. Society for the promotion of useful arts in the state of New York. Trans- actions. . U 1807. V. I Society for the protection of children from cruelty & immorality. Baltimore. Annual report. U 1890, v. 12 Society instituted in the state of New York for the promotion of agriculture, arts, & manufactures. Transactions. Albany. N 1801, v. i Society of American florists. Boston. Proceedings. U 1885, 87-95, 97-1904, V. I, 3-11, 13-20 Society of antiquaries. London. Proceedings. U 1843+ sen I, V. 1-4. ser. 2, v. i-f Society of architects. London. Journal. U+ Society of arts, see Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures & commerce. Society of chemical industry. London. Journal. U 1882+ v. 1 + Proceedings. U 1881, v. i Society of comparative legislation. London. Journal. U 19084- n. ser. v. 9+ (no. 19+) : U has ordered rest Society of engineers. London. Transactions. U 1888, 92. 95-1902, io-|- With 1910 a new series began called Journal & transactions. Society of naval architects & marine engineers. New York. Transactions. U 1893-1902, v. i-io Society of public analysts. London, see Analyst. Society of railway club secretaries. Index of papers & subjects discussed by railway clubs. U 1902/03. 1904/05. 1907/08 Society of telegraph engineers. London, see Institution of electrical engineers. London. 196 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Society of western artists, Chicago. Catalogue of the annual exhibition. (Art institute, Chicago.) U 1906, v. 11 Society to encourage studies at home. Annual report. - U 1896, v. 23 Sociological review. London. U 1908+ v. 1 + Sociological society. London. Sociological papers. U 1904-06, v. 1-3 Somerville (Mass.)— Health department. Annual reports. U 1892- 1909. V. 15-32 Public library. Annual report. U 1898, v. 26 Library bulletin. U 1898+ v. [2] + (City) treasurer. Report. U 1905-09 Water commissioner. Annual report. U 1902-04, 06+ v. 29-31, 33-I- Scmerville (Mass.) board of trade. Officers, committees & lists of mem- bers. , u 1905+ Somid currency. New York. U 1895-1905II v. 2-11II South Africa— Central locust bureau. Pretoria. Report. U 1907+ v. 1 + South Africa, see also Royal society of South Africa. South African mining journal. Johannesburg. U+ South African philosophical society. Cape Town. Transactions. N 1900-I- V. 11 + South Atlantic quarterly. Durham (N. C.) U 1905+ v. 4+ South Australia— Agriculture. Department of. Bulletin. U 1909+ no. 41 + Contains reprints from Journal. Journal. U 1908-t- v. 12+ Public works department. Annual report. U 1889/90 Railway commission. Annual report. U 1889/90 South Australia, see also Royal society of South Australia. South Bend (Ind.) Annual reports. U 1896-97. 1901-02, 05-09 South Carolina— Adjutant & inspector general. Annual report. U 1881-84, 94, 1904+ Agriculture, Board of. Annual report. U 1888, v. 9 After 1903 continued by Agriculture commerce, & immigration, State department of. Annual re- port. U 1908+ V. 5+ Annual report of Labor division. U 1909+ v. 1 + Bulletin. U 1910+ v. 1+ Attorney-generars oflfice. Report. U 1908-t- . Chancery. Court of. Reports of cases. (South Carolina equity reports.) U 1784-1868!! Comptroller general. Annual report. U 1870, 82/83, 97, [1902-04. 07] + Education. State superintendent of. Annual report. U 1869-70. 72-7.^, 85, 90-92, 96. 1904+ V. 1-2, 4-5. 17, 22-24, 28, 36+ General assembly. Acts. U 1861 General assembly. Reports and resolutions. U 1870-71, [96, 98, 1902-07] Health. State board of. Annual report. U 1897-1904. V. 18-25; W 1908, V. 29 House of representatives. Journal. U 1845. 80-82 Public record commission. Report. U 1893 . Railroad commissioners. Annual report. U 1892, 1908+ v. 14, 30+ Senate. Journal. U 1845, 70-72, 80 Sinking fund commissioners. Annual report. U 1908+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (South Carolina law reports.) U 1784-1868;! (South Carolina reports.) U 18684- v. 1 + Treasurer. Annual report. U 1875. 78, 80. 82, 86-97. 1900-f South Carolina Agricultural & mechanical society. Transactions. U 1890-91 South Carolina Agricultural experiment station. Clemson college. Annual report. U 1888-95, 97, 1900+ V. 1-8. lo-f : N 1888-1904. v. 1-2. 4-5. 7-8, lo-ii. 13-17 Continues South Carolina college— Experimental farm. Bulletin. U 1888+ ser. 2, no. i + : N 1891+ ser. 2. no. 2-5. 7-21, 23-47, 52-58, 60. 62- 69, 72-98, loo-iis, 119+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 197 Soutli Carolina bankers' association. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1906+ V. en- South Carolina college, Columbia — Experimental farm. Report. U 1883-87II V. I-3II Continued by South Carolma Agricultural experiment station. South Carolina historical society. Charleston. Collections. . U 1857-97, V. 1-2, 4-5 South Carolma railroad company. Annual report. U 1868 Proceedings at annual meeting. U 1845-46, 63 South Dakota — Attorney general. Biennial report. U 1898/1900, 1902-I- (State) auditor. Annual report. U 1892/93, 94/95. 96/97+ Charities & corrections. State board of. Biennial report. U 1890-94, 1906+ V. 2-3, 9+ Governor. Biennial message. U 1903 House of representatives. Journal. U 1890-I- Insurance, Department of. .\nnual report. U 1897-98, 1905, v. 1-2, 9 Labor statistics. Department of. Biennial report. U 1891-92 Mine inspector. Annual report. U 1903, 05-f Public examiner. Biennial report. U 1894-96, 99-1904 Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report. U 1889/90. 94-98, 1900-04, 06/08+ V. I, 3-4, 6-7, 9+ Railroad commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1902-05, 07/08+ V. 14-16, 19+ School & public lands. Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 1890-98, 1900-02, 04+ V. 2-5, 7, 9+ Secretary of State. Biennial report. U 1896-98, v. 3-4 Senate. Journal. U 1890+ • Supreme court. Reports of cases. (South Dakota reports.) U 1890+ V. 1 + Treasurer. Report. U 1894-98, 1904 South Dakota Agricultural experiment station. Brookings. Annual report. U 1887-96, 99-1902, 05+ V. 1-9, 13-15, 18+ ; N 1888-96. V. I, 3-9 Bulletin. U 1887+ v. i + ; N 1887+ no. 1-2, 4-79. 81 + South Dakota bar association. Annual report. U 1899+ v. 1 + South Dakota (State) historical society. Aberdeen. Historical collections. U 1902, V. I South Dakota (State) school of mines. Rapid City. Bulletin. U 1900, 04+ nos. 3-4, 7+ South Wales & Monmouthshire university college. Cardiff. Calendar. U 1905+ Southbridge (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1898-1901. 03-06, 07+ Southdown sheep society. London. Southdown flock book. U 1892+ V. 1 + Southeastern agricultural college. Wye. Kent (Eng.) Journal. N 1904-05, V. 13-14 Report on economic zoology. N 1903+ Southeastern reporter. St Paul. U 1896+ v. 25-i- Southern & southwestern railway club. Atlanta (Ga.) Proceedings. U [1891-92. 92-95, 98-99.] 1900-01;+ [v. 1-4,] 5;+ Southern cultivator. Athens (Ga.) U 1871-76, v. 29-34 Southern educational review. Chattanooga (Tenn.) U [1906-07] [v. 3-4] Southern electrician. .'Vtlanta (Ga.) U 191 i-f- v. 42+ Continues Electrical age. Southern farm magazine. Baltimore. U 1898-1903, [v. 6,] 7-10 Southern fruit grower. Chattanooga (Tenn.) U 1903+ [v. 7,] 8+ Southern historical society. Richmond. Papers. U has ordered Southern Indiana railway company. Annual report. U 1901+ v. 4+ Southern literary messenger. Richmond (Va.) U has ordered Southern machinery. Atlanta (Ga.) U 1908+ v. 7+ Southern Pacific company. Annual report. U 1886, 88-89, 91-93. 95+ V. 2, 4-5. 7-9. 11 + Southern Pacific railroad company of California. Annual report. U 1893, 97 198 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Southern planter. Richmond (Va.) U 1898-1907, [v. 59,] 60-66, [67-68] Southern Presbyterian review. 1847-55, v. 1-36. U has ordered Southern quarterly review. New Orleans; Charleston. U has ordered Southern railv.ay company. Annual report. U 1894/95+ v. 1 + Southern railway time association, see American railway association. Southern reporter. St Paul. U 1896-f v. 20+ Southern states association of the commissioners of agriculture. Proceedings. U 1903, 06+ V. 5, 8+ Southern workman . . . devoted to the interest of undeveloped races. Hamp- ton (Va.) U [1904] [v. 33] South-western Poland-China record association. Record. Gadsden (Tenn.) U 1901-05, V. 1-2 Southwestern reporter. St Paul. U 1896-1- v. 37+ Souvenirs entomologiques. (Fabre.) Paris. N 1879+ v. 1 + Sovereign visitor. (Modern woodmen of the world.) Omaha (Neb.) U-j- Sozialdemokratische partei Deutschlands. Berlin. ProtokoU. U 1880, 90, 93, 95 Soziale praxis & archiv fiir volkswohlfahrt. Berlin; Leipzig. U 1892+ v. 1 + Title v. 1-3 Centrallblatt. Sozialistische arbeiter partei von Nord Amerika, see also Vorwarts. Sozialistische monatshefte. Berlin. U [1897-1906,] 1907+ [v. 3-10.] 11+ Sozialistische student. Berlin. U [1897] [v. i] Special libraries. (Special libraries association.) New York. U 1910+ V. 1 + Spectator. London. U 1832-41, 43-53, 69, 75-81, 84+ V. 5-14, 16-26, 42. 46-54, 57-f Spectator. (Addison.) London. U 1711-12, no. 1-555 Spectator. (Insurance.) New York. U 1904+ v. 72+ Spelling reform association. Boston (Mass.) Bulletin. U 1877-78, v. 2-5 Spenser society. Manchester (Eng.) PubHcations. U 1867-94, v. 1-39, 42, 44-47, new. ser. v. 1-6 Spirit of missions. (Protestant Episcopal church.) New York. C 1904-07, V. 69-72 Spokane (Wash.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1908-I- v. 14+ Spolia zeylanica. (Colombo museum, Ceylon.) U N 1903-f- v. 1 + Sport & athletics. (Annual.) London. U 1908 Sprechsaal. (Ceramics.) Coburg. U 1907+ v. 40+ Springfield (111.) Report of officers. U 1902/03 Lincoln library. Annual report. U 1894, 1901+ Bulletin. U 1906+ no. i-f Water works department. Annual report. W 1910+ Springfield (111.) (City) directory. (Polk.) U 1904-05 Springfield, Illinois daily state journal. U [1849. 50, 65, 67, 68] [v. 2, 17, 20] Springfield, Illinois journal (weekly.) U [1847-48] [v. 17]" Springfield. Illinois organ. U [1848-51] [v. 1-3] Springfield, Illinois state journal (daily.) U May, 1909-I- Springfield, Illinois state register (daily.) U [1849. 50, 57, 60,] :\Iay, 1909-1- [v. I, 2. ID, 13,] V. 74+ Springfield, Illinois state register (weekly.) U [1845, 49, 56, 61,] 1871, [n. ser. v. 6, 14, 21] Springfield (111.) News. U+ Springfield (111.) Pleasure driveway & park district. Trustees of. Annual re- port. U 1902-03, 05-07, V. 1-2, 4-6 Springfield (111.), see also Illinois — Natural historj'. State museum of. Springfield (Mass.) City documents. (Municipal register.) U 1909 Health, Department of. Annual report. U I90d-|- (City) library association. Annual report. U 1865-67. 68-69. 71-83. 84-85, 86-90, 92-94, 95-f Bulletin. U 1898+ v. [17] + Water commissioners. Annual report. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 199 U 1875-76, 78-79, 81-82, 84-89, 91-97, 93+ V. 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-16, 18-24, 26+ Springfield (Mass.) Board of trade. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 194- Springfield (O.)— Warder public library. Annual report. U 1896-99, 1908+ V. 24-27, 29, Z7-\- Squarc deal . . . devoted to industrial peace. New York. U [1905, 07] [v. I, 2] Staats- & sociahvissenschaftliche forschungcn. (Schmoller.) Leipzig. U 1878+ V. 1 + Staatsarchiv. Leipzig. U 1861-80, 1909+ v. 1-37, 77-\- Staats-archiv. (Haberlin.) Helmst & Leipzig. U 1796-1808, v. i-ii Staffordshire iron & steel institute. Stourbridge (Eng.) Proceedings. U 1909+ V. 24+ Stahl & eisen. Diisseldorf. U i88i-f v. i-f Stallion & jack news. Kansas City (Mo.) U4- Standard. (Henry George.) New York. U 1887-92II v. i-i2|| Standard Chester white record association. Record. Indianapolis. U 1892-97, V. 3-6 Continues Chester white record association; Continued as American Ches- ter white record association. Standard Delaine Spanish merino sheep breeders' association. Register. Cali- fornia (Pa.) U 1898-1905, V. 1-2 Standard Poland-China record association. Record. Maryville (Mo.) U 1887-1903, 06+ V. 1-17, 21 + Staten Island association of arts & sciences. New Brighton (N. Y.) Mu- seum bulletin. U 1908-f no. 1 + Proceedings. U+ Statesman. Chicago. U [1888-90] [v. 3-7] Statesman's yearbook. London. U 1864+ v. i-f Station, farm, and dairy. Sydney (N. S. W.) U 1900-03, v. 3-0 Statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia. (T. A. Coghlan.) Sid- ney. U 1899- 1904, V. 8- 1 1 Statistical society of London, see Royal statistical society. London. Statistician & economist. San Francisco. U 1905-06, v. 23 Statistische monatsschrift. Vienna; Briinn. U 1875+ v. 1 + Statistisches jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin. U 1873-1905. v. 1-30 Continues Berlin & seine entwickelung. Statistisches jahrbuch deutscher stjidte. (Neefe.) Breslau. U 1890+ v. 1 + Statistisches jahrbuch fur das deutsche reich. Berlin. U 1880+ v. 1 + Steam shovel & dredge. (International brotherhood of steam shovel & dredge men.) Chicago. U [1905-07] [v. 9-1 1] Stephenson public library. Marinette (Wis.), see Marinette (Wis.)— Stephen- son public library. Stettin (Germany) Entomologischer verein, see also Entomologische zeitung. Steubenville & Indiana railroad company. Annual report. U 1853, v. 3 Stevens institute of technology. Hoboken (N. J.) Link. (Fraternity annual.) . u 1.893 Stevens institute indicator: a quarterly journal of mechanical engineering. [1901-03,] 09+ [v. 18-20,] 26+ Stock exchange yearbook. London. U 1901, v. 27 Stockholm (Sweden) Entomologiska foreningen. Uppsatser i praktisk en- tomologi. N 1900+ V. TO, 14, 18+ Stockholm (Sweden) K. Kommerskollegium. Afdelning for arbetsstatistik. Meddelamden. U 1903+ v. 1 + Stockholm (Sweden) Observatorium. Astronomiska iakttagelscr & under- sakningar. U 1876+ v. i-\- Stockholm (Sweden), see also Jern-kontoret; Svenska akademien; Svenska fornminnesforeningen; Svenska fornskrift-sallskapet; K. Svenska vetens- kapsakademien; Sweden; K. Vitterhets, historic & antiquitets akademien. Stone. New York. G+; U+ Stone & Webster public service journal. Boston. U 1907+ v. 1 + Stonecutter's journal. (Journeymen stone cutter's association of North Amer- ica.) Washington (D. C.) U [1903-06;]+ [v. 17,] 18, [19-20;] + 200 SERIALS IN URBAXA AND CHAMPAIGN Stonyhurst (Eng.) college — Observatory. Results of meteorological & mag- netical observations. Liverpool. U 1907 Storrs agricultural experiment station, see Connecticut Storrs agricultural experiment station. Stourbridge (Eng.), see also Staffordshire iron & steel institute. Stove mounters' & range workers' journal. (Stove mounters' international union of America.) Detroit. U [1905] [v. 10] Stove mounters' international union of America. Proceedings of convention. U 1904, V. II Straight edge. (School of methods for the application of the teachings of Jesus to business & society.) New York. U [1899- 1900] [no. 1-59] Strassburg (Germ.any) Universitat. (Kaiser- Wilhelms-universitat.) Verzeich- nis. U 1908-f Strassburger studien; zeitschrift fiir geschichte, sprache, & litteratur des Elsasses. (Martin & Wiegand.) Strassburg. U 1882, no. 1-3 Street railway journal. New York. U 1889-1908] | v. 5-31 1| Consolidated in June 1908 with Electric railway review, & continued as Electric railway journal. Weekly news edition. U 1899II v. l|| Continued in regular edition. Dictionary of electric railway material. U 1907-08, v. 3-4 see also American street railway investments. Street railway review. Chicago. U 1897, 1899-1908!! v. 7, 9-19II In July 1906 name changed to Electric railway review. In June 1908 consolidated with Street railway journal & continued as Electric railway journal. Street railwaj's advertising quarterly. New York. U 1905-07, v. 1-2, no. 3 Street's pandex of the news. Chicago. U [i9o8]-09l| v. [i]-2|| Stryker's American register & magazine, see American register & magazine. Student (University of Illinois), see Illinois university. Urbana. Student. Studien zur englischen philologie. (Morsbach.) U 1900, 06, v. 6-7, 24 Studien zur vergleichenden litteraturgeschichte. Berlin. U 1901-09II v. i-plj Studies in education, devoted to child study. (Barnes.) Stanford university (Cal.); Philadelphia. U 1896-1902!! v. i-2n Studio. London & New York. U 1893+ v. i-f- v. 13+ of Studio correspond almost exactly to v. 3+ of International studio. Studio year-book of decorative art. London. U 1906+ v. 1 + Sturgeon's annals, see Annals of electricity, magnetism & chemistry. Stuttgart (Germany) K. technische hochschule. Bericht. U 1906/07 Ordnung. U 1900, 04. 06, 08+ ■ Programm. U 1908-I- Stuttgart (Germany) K. Wiirttembergische baugewerke-schule. Programm. U 1869/70, 72/73 Stuttgart fGermanv) K. Wiirttembergische polytechnische schule. Programm. U 1868/69 Stuttgart, see also Literarischer verein in Stuttgart: Verein fiir vaterlandische naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Subject matter index of technical & scientific periodicals, see Repertorium der technischen journal literatur. Successful poultry journal. Chicago. U 1905+ v. 5+ Suffolk sheep society. Ipswich (Eng.) Flock book. U 1887+ v. i-f Sullivan county railroad company, see Vermont valley railroad company. Summer Illini. Urbana, sec Illinois university. Urbana. Illini. Summit branch railroad company & Lykens valley coal company. Annual re- port. U 1881, 87-91, 94-96 Sunday School teacher. Chicago. U 1866-69, v. 1-4 V. 4, 1869 entitled National Sunday School teacher. Sunset club, see Chicago Sunset club. Superintendents' & principals' association of Northern Illinois, see Illinois Northern (Illinois) superintendents' . . . association Superior (Wis.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1905-06. o8-|- v. 17, 20-|- SERIALS IK URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 201 Statistician. Report. U 1889 Surtees society. Durham (Eng.) Publications. U 1835-1905, v. i-iii Survey, social, charitable, civic; a journal of constructive philanthropy. (Char- ity organization society.) New York. 1909+ v. 2i-(- Continued from Charities & The Commons. Surveyor; the journal of the Institution of surveyors, New South Wales. Sydney (Australia.) U+ Surveyor & municipal & county engineer. London. U 1899-1904, 06-)- V. 16-26, 29+ Sussex herd book society. London. Sussex herd book. U 1855+ v. i-|- Svenska akadeniicn. Stockholm. Handlingar. U 1801+ scr. 1, v. i-f- Svenska fornminnesforeningcn. Stockholm. Tidskrift. U has ordered 1871-1900 Svenska fornskrift-sallskapet. Stockhlom. Samlingar. U 1844-68, no. 1-39, 41-50 Svenska literatursiillskapet i Finland. Helsingfors. Skrifter. U i886-f v. 1-3, 5-10, 12-13, 15-35, 37-54, 56-59. 6i-|- K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Stockholm. Ofversigt af forhandlingar. N 1857-96, V. 14-18. 23, 27. 30-32, 53 Tradgard Bergielund. Acta horti bergiani; meddelanden. U 1891-1907, V. 1-4 see also Arkiv for botanik; Arkiv for matematik, astronomi, & fysik; Arkiv for zoologi. Sweden — (Sveriges) geologiska undersokning. Stockholm. Arsbok. U 1907-f- Nigra ord till upplysning om bladet. G 1863-70, v. 6, 12, 35, 37, 40 Sweden, see also Entries under Svenska; Sveriges; Stockholm; etc; K. Vit- terhets, historie & antiquitets-akademien. Sweet's indexed catalogue of building construction. New York. U 1906+ Swine breeders' journal. Indianapolis. \J-\- Switchmen's union of North America. Journal. Buffalo. U [1903-06,] 06-07, [v. 5,] 6-9 Switzerland — Agriculture, Department federal de 1', see Switzerland— Landwirtschaftsdepartment. Annuaire agricole de la Suisse. U 1900, 03-04, V. I, 4-5 ■ Landwirtschaftliches jahrbuch der Schweiz. U 1900, v. 14 Switzerland — Statistisches bureau. Statistisches jahrbuch der Schweiz. U 1907+ V. i6-f Sword's pocket almanac. New York. U [1816-60] Sydney (Australia) — Municipal council. Proceedings. U 1908 Sydney (Australia) University. Calendar. U 1898, 1902, 07+ Reprints of papers from the science laboratories. U 1903+ v. 1 + Sydney (Australia), see 'also Australian museum; Royal society of New South Wales. Syracuse (N. Y.) Municipal reports. U 1906-08 Public library. Annual report. U 1894- 1906, 08+ Bulletin. U 1908+ no. 7+ Public safety department. Annual report. U 1908 Syracuse (N. Y.) Chamber of commerce. Yearbook. U 1907-+- Syracuse (N. Y.) University. Forum. (Students' weekly.) U [1895-1900] [v. 1-3,] 4, [5] Zoological laboratory. Contributions. N 1903+ v. i-f- Syrian protestant college. Beirut. Catalogue. U 1890-94, 95-98, 06/07 System. Chicago. U 1902-05, o6-|- v. 3-8, lo-f Tacoma (Wash.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 15-f- Tacubaya (Mexico) Observatorio astronomico nacional. Anuario. U 1909+ V. 29-f Tailor. (Journeymen tailors' union of America.) Bloomington (111.) U [1894-1901,1 02+ [v. 5-12.] 13+ Tallis's Dramatic magazine, general theatrical & musical review. London U 1850-51 II V. ill Tapeten. (Ebert.) Wittenberg. U 1771-72, no. 1-48 202 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Tarsus (Asia Minor) St Paul's institute. Catalogue. U 1903-05 Tatler. (Steele.) London. ^ U 1709-10, no. 1-271 Tau Beta Pi association. Bent. Menasha (Wis.) U 1908+ v. 3+ Teachers' bulletin. (University of Cincinnati.) U 1905-1907II ser. 3, v. 1-3II Teachers college record. (Columbia university.) New York. U [1900-03,] 04-f- [v. 1-4,] s+; N [1900-01,] 02-f [v. 1-2,] 3+ Teacher's sanitary bulletin. (Michigan state board of health.) Lansing (Mich.) U 1902-05II V. 5-811 Continued by Public health. Team drivers' international union & the Teamsters' national union. (Also In- ternational brotherhood of teamsters.) Proceedings of the joint conven- tion. ^ U 1903 Team-owners' review, . . . published in the interest of the team owners of the U. S. & Canada. Pittsburg. ^ U [1904, 06] [v. 3, 5] Teamsters. (International brotherhood of teamsters.) Indianapolis. ^ , . U [1904.] 05-07 [v. I,] 3-4 Teamsters national union, see also Team drivers' international union. Technic. _ (University of Michigan engineering society.) Ann Arbor, see Michigan technic. ' Technical index. London. U -|- Technical literature. New York, see Engineering digest ; later. Industrial engineering. Technical society of the Pacific coast. San Francisco. Transactions. U 1884-92, V. 1-9 Technical world. Chicago. U 1904+ [v. 1-3,] 4+ Technics; a magazine to aid technical progress. London. U 1904-05 August] I V. 1-4, no. 2o|| Technik & wirtschaft. (Verein deutscher ingenieure.) Berlin. U 1908+ v. i-f Technisch-chemisches jahrbuch. Berlin; Brunswick. U 1880+ v. i-f- Technische auskunst. Berlin. U + K. Technische versuchsanstalt, see Berlin (Germany). Technograph. (University of Illinois.) Champaign (111.) U 1885+ v. 1+ ; W 1905+ V. 20-22, 24+ 1885-90 y. 1-4 issued as Selected papers of the Civil Engineers' club of the University of Illinois. Technologist. New York. U 1870, v. i Technologist. (National association of German- American technologists.) New York. U 1909-f V. 14+ Technology quarterly. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) Boston. U 1887-1908II V. 1-21II After 1892 includes Proceedings of the Society of arts. Technology review. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) Boston. U 1899+ V. i-f Teknisk ugeblad. Christiania. U + Telegraph & telephone age. New York. U-f Telegraphic journal. London. U 1872-91 1| v. 1-29II Continued by Electrical review. London. Telephone magazine. Chicago. U 1900-03, v. 15-20, [21] Continues Electrical engineering & telephone magazine. Continued after 1905 in Telephony, the American telephone journal. Chicago. U 1909+ v. 18+ In 1905 absorbed Telephone magazine. After Sept. 1908 continues American telephone journal. Temperance recorder. Albany (N. Y.) U 1832-33, v. i Tennessee — Adjutant-general's office. Report. U '1907-!- Agriculture, Department of. Biennial report. U 1856-59. 74, 77-78, 87-90, 93-1900, 03-f Bulletin. U + Monthly report of the condition of crops. U [1891-92, 94-95] Comptroller of the treasury. Report. U 1859, 61, 69, 87-90, 93-94, 97-+- General Assembly. Acts. U 1837-38 pt I, 61, 65, 67-68, sess. P-2 pt I, 33 ex, 34 pt i, ex, 35 pt i Health, State board of. Bulletin. U 1888-94 [v. i, 3-5,] 6-7, [8-9] SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 203 Report. U 1877-84. V 1-2 House of representatives. Journal. U 1805-00 Labor & mining statistics, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1893-94, 96, 98, V. 2-2,, 5, 7 Mining department. Annual report. G 1905, v. 15; U 1904-06, v. 14-16 Previous to 1906 issued by Bureau of labor & mmmg statistics. Prison commissioners. Biennial report. U 1902+ v. 5+ Public instruction, Department of. Annual report. U 1869, 75, 7», 90 Senate. Journal. U 1859, v. 22, Pt i Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Tennessee reports.) ^ U 1791+ V. 1+ . Treasurer. Report. ^^ .,, ^ , U 1859, 61 Tennessee Agricultural experiment station. Knoxville Annual report U i888-r V. I+; N i888-r v. 1 + Continues Tennessee university— Agriculture. School of. Report on ex- perimental work. TT 000 I . I . Bulletin. ^ , , Ui8^+v. i-f; N 1888+ [v. i-S,] 6. 8-9, [10, II,] 12, [13,] 14, [15,] 16, [17,] 18; no. 79+ Tennessee bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1907-08, v. 17-10 Tennessee coal, iron & railroad company. Annual report. U 1889-91. 94-96, 98-99, 1904. V. 2-4, 7-9, 11-12, 17 Tennessee Deaf & dumb school, Knoxville. Biennial report. U 1874-76, 84-88, 94-98, 1902+ V. 14-15. 19-21, 24-26, 28-1- Tennessee industrial league. Publications. Nashville. U 1898, no. 3 Tennessee Industrial school. Nashville. Biennial report. U 1906+ v. 10+ Tennessee Penitentiary. Nashville. Report. U i»t)8 Tennessee School for the blind. Nashville. Biennial report. U 1894+ v. 27+ Tennessee University. Knoxville. Record. U [1898-1903] [v. 1-6 Agriculture, School of. Report on experimental work. U 1879-00II Continued by Tennessee Agricultural experiment station. Tennessee Western hospital for the insane. Bolivar. Biennial report. U 1892+ V. 2-1- Terre Haute (Ind.)— Common council. Proceedings. U 1903-05, 08+ Police, Department of. Report. U 1908-09 Terre Haute & Indianapolis railroad company. Annual report. U 1897-1901, V. 49-53 Terre vaudoise. Lausanne (Switz.) „.U.I909+ v- i-f Terrestrial magnetism & atmospheric electricity. Chicago; Cincinnati; Balti- more. U_i896+ V. 1 + Teutonia; arbeiten zur germanischen philologie. (Uhl.) Leipzig. IJ 1906, V. 6 pt I Teutsche merkur. 1773-1810; sec also Deutsche merkur. U has ordered Texas— Adjutant general's ofifice. Report. U 1893-94, .1901-04. 06+ Agricultural bureau, see Texas— Agriculture, insurance, statistics, & his- tory, Dept. of. Agriculture, Department of. Annual report. U 1907+ v. i-j- Continues Texas— Agricultural bureau, & Texas— Agriculture, insurance, statistics, & history, Dept. of. tt r, 1 1 Bulletin. U 1908+ no. i-f Agriculture, insurance, statistics, & history, Department of. Annual report relating to insurance & state library. U 1903, 05/06. v. 29. 31 Agricultural & statistical report. U 1887-89, 91-92, 1904-05, V. 1-2, 4-5, 17-18 Earlier reports issued as Annual report of Texas— Agricultural bureau. After 31 Aug. 1907 issued as Annual report of Texas— Agriculture, Depart- Attorney-general's office. Report. U 1887-88, 93-|- Comptroller of public accounts. Report. U 1877, 84, 89, 94. 1902, 04+ Education. Department of. Biennial report. U 1874-75, 94, 1901-02, V. 4-5, 9, 13 Geological & agricultural survey. Annual report. U 1874-/6, v. 1-2 Geological & mineralogical survey. (Dumble 1889-93) Annual report. G 1890-92II V. 2-4II ; U 1889-91, V. 1-3 204 SERIALS IX URBAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Bulletin. G 1889-92II no. 1-4II Health department. Report. U igoo-j- House of representatives. Journal. U 1903 Insurance department. Preliminarj' report. U 1904, v. 30 Library & historical commission, see also Texas libraries. Penitentiary board. Reports of the superintendent & financial agent of the state penitentiaries. U 1892 Railroad commission. Annual report. U 1892, 94-97, 98-99, 1902+ V. I, 3-6, 7-8, ii-(- (State) revenue agent. Biennial report. U 1899-1900, 05-06, v. 5, 8 Secretary of state. Biennial report. U 1879-84, 86-92, 97-1904, 08+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Texas reports.) U 1846+ v. i-j- Tax commission. Annual report. • U 1908-}- v. 3-I- Treasurer. Annual report. U 1871/72, 79/80, 82/83, 99/1900, 02-f Texas academy of science. Austin, Transactions. U [1896] 98+ [v. I,] 2+; N 1898+ V. 2-f- Texas Agricultural experiment station. College station. Annual report. U 1888-1902, V. 1-14; X 1888-1901, V. 2-13 Bulletin. U 1883-f no. 1-I-; X 1888 -h no. i, 9-53, 55, 58-59, 63-69. 74, 76, 98, 102-f Texas & Pacific railway company. Annual report. U 1877, 89, 91-I- Texas bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1907+ v. 23-f Texas Deaf & dumb asylum. Austin. Annual report. U 1873/74, 78/79. 81/82, 84-94, 96. 98, 1900-I- V. 18, 23, 26, 28-38, 40, 42, 44-t- Texas (state) historical association. Quarterly. Austin. U 1899-f- v. 3, 5+ Texas Institute for deaf, dumb & blind colored vouths. Austin. Annual report. U 1908-f v. 21+ Texas Institution for the blind. Austin. Annual report. U 1907/08+ v. 51-i- Texas libraries. (Texas — Library & historical commission.) Austin. U 1909-f v. 1 + Texas (state) Lunatic asylum, Austin. Annual report. U 1901/02, v. 41 Texas Pacific land trust. Xew York. Annual report. U 1888+ v. i-f- Trustee's report. U 1888-92, 94-95, 98-1901. 04, v. 1-5, 7-8, 11-13, 18 Texas University. Austin. Bulletin: General series. U 1904 -f no. i-f Humanistic series. U 1904+ no. i-f ^ledical series. U 1905-r no. i-|- Reprint series. U 1906+ no. 2+ ■ Scientific series. U 1904-I- no. 2+; X 1902+ no. 1-2, 4-r Cactus (student's annual). U 1895. 1902-03, 06-07 Record. U 1898+ v. 1 + iMineral survey. Austin. Bulletin. U 1902-04II no. i-gii Zoological laboratory. Contributions. U 1904-f no. i-j- Texte & untersuchungen zur geschichte der altchristlichen literatur. Leipzig. U has ordered new series Textile record of America. Philadelphia. U 1902, v. 23 After March 1903 v. 24 no. 3 combined with Textile world to form Textile world record. Textile world record. Boston. U 1902-I- v. 22-\- Before April 1903 called Textile world ; combined with Textile record to form present title v. 25 -f. Official directory of the textile industries. Philadelphia. U 1902-04 Theatre. Xew York. U 1909-!- v. g-\- Theatre. Paris. U 1909-f no. 24i-f- Theatrical world. (Archer.) London. U 1893-97 Theologische studien & kritiken. (Ullmann.) 1828+ U has ordered Theosophical quarterlj'. New York. U 1903-05, o6-f v. 1-2, 4+ Theosophical review. London. U 1906-07, v. 38-40 Thomas's Massachusetts spy; or, the Worcester gazette. Worcester (Mass.) U [1789-92] 130 nos. Thonindustrie-zeitung, see Tonindustric-zeitung. ThiJringisch-Sachsischer verein fiir erforschung des vaterlandischen altertums & erhaltung seiner denkmale. Halle. Jahresbericht. U 1894-99. 1903-04 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 205 Neue mittheilungen aus dem gebiete historischantiquarischer forschungen. U 1834-1905, V. 1-22 pt 2 Tidsskrift for literatur & kritik. (Petersen.) Copenhagen. U 1839742, v. 1-7 Tierreich (K. Akadeniic dcr vvissenschaften ; F. E. Schulze.) Berlm. N 1897+ no- 1 + Tijdschrift over plantenzickten, Ghent (Belgium). U 1895-1900, v I-.3, 6 Tijdschrift voor entomologic. The Hague, see Nederlandschc entomologische vcrccni^inff. Tijdschift voor Nederlandschc taal- en letterkunde. Leyden. U 1881+ v 1+ rijdschrift voor nijverheid & landbouw in Nederlandsch-Indie. (Nederlandsch- Indische maatschappij van nijverheid & landbouw.) Batavia (Java). ' U + Tilskueren. Copenhagen. _ ^ /t^^^"^ ^- q Tilton's journal of horticulture & floral magazine. Boston. U i»70, v. 7-8 Before 1869 entitled American journal of horticulture. Times, see London times. ^ ^ ^^ n n Times magazine. New York. U 1906 Dec-Mr 07II v. i, no. 1-4I To-day . . . magazine of scientific socialism. London. U [1884-87] [v. 2-»J To-morrow. . . . magazine for progressive people. Chicago. U [1907] [v. 31 Toiler (Eau Claire trades & labor council.) Eau Claire (Wis.) U [1904] [v. i] Token & Atlantic souvenir. (Goodrich.) Boston. U 1833, 2,7, v. 6. 10 Tokyo (Japan) Imperial museum— Natural history, Department of. Proceed- ings U 1904, V. I, pts 1-2 Tokyo (Japan) Imperial university. Calendar. u 1879/80, 86/87, 88/89, 90-95, 96-98, 190S/06 College of agriculture. Journal (formerly Bulletin). U -{- College of science. Journal. N 1898+ [v. 10, 12-13, 15-21 ]j- Observatoire astronomique. Annales. U 1889+ v. 1 + Tokyo (Japan) Ohashi public library. Annual report. U 1902-t- v. i-f Tokyo (.Japan), see also Deutsche gesellschaft fiir natur- & volkerkunde ostasiens. . Toledo (O.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1904+ v. 30i- Toledo & Ohio central railway company. Annual report. U 1898-1902, v. 13-17 Toledo, Peoria & Western railway company. x\nnual report. U 1890-I- v. 3 + Toledo! St Louis & Kansas City railroad company. Annual report. U 1892 Toledo, St Louis & Western railroad company. Annual report. U 1905-06, V. 5-6 Toluca (Mex.), see also Institute cientifico & litcrario "Porfirio Diaz." Tonindustrie kalendar. Berlin. U i9oS-f Tonindustrie zeitung. Berlin. U 1904+ v. 28"!- Toronto (Can.)— Chief constable. Annual report. U 1898-t- (City) engineer. Annual report. U 1895, 98+ Fire department. Chief of. Annual report. U 1908+ Public library. Annual report. U 1908+ v. 25-f Bulletin. U 1909+ no. i-|- Toronto (Can.) University. Calendar. U 1867/68, 84-87, 88-91, 93/94, 97+ ■ Studies: Anatomical series. UN 1900-f- no. I + . Biological series. U 1898+ no. 1-4. 6+ ; N 1902-f no. 3-i- Geological series. , _ U 1900-f- no. i-f History series i : Review of historical publications relating to Can- ada. U 1897+ V. 2-f History & economics. U 1901+ v. l-f- Papers from the chemical laboratories. U 1905+ no. 40-f Papers from the physical laboratories. U 1907+ nos. l8-f Pathological series. N 1896, no. i Philological series. U 1903. no. i Phvsical science series. U 1903-04, v. 1-4 Physiological series. U 1900-04. v. 1-5: N 1900-f v. i-f- Psychological series. U \goo-\- v. 1 + Engineering society. Transactions. U 1894-1907II v. 7-2o|| Previous to 1903 issued as Papers. Continued as Applied science. Toronto (Can.) globe (daily). U 1900-I- 2o6 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Torrey botanical club. New York. Bulletin. U 1870-I- V. l+; N 1882-1902, V. 9-27, [28-29] Memoirs. U 1889+ v. 1 + Torreya. (Torrey botanical club.) New York. U 1901+ v. 1+ Toulouse (France) Universite. — Faculte des sciences. Annales. U 1887+ V. 1+ Traction & transmission. London. 1901-04II [v. i,] 2-io|| Trade; an independent journal of the canning & allied industries. Baltimore. U [1902-05] i9o6;-f [v. 25-27] 28;+ Trade circular annual. New York. U 1871 Preceded Publishers trade list annual. Trades' advocate & herald of progress. [Iron trades.] London. U 1850, no. 1-20 Trades union congress. Annual report of proceedings. Manchester; London. U 1894, 1900-02, 05, V. 27, 33-35, 38 Tradesman, the South's . . . industrial trade journal. Chattanooga (Tenn.) U 1902-03, [04,] 09-f- V. 47-49, [SO,] 62-1- Train dispatchers' association of America. Proceedings of annual convention. Mazon (111.) U 1896-97, v. 9-10 Training school. Vineland (N. J.) U 1908+ v. 5-I- Tramway & railway world . . . review of progress in electric and other traction. London. U 1909+ v. 25-)- Transactions, see under names of various academies, societies, and institutes. Transit. (University of Iowa — Engineering Society.) Iowa city. U 1890-99, 1904, V. 1-2, [3-5,] 6-7, 9 Iransvaal institute of mechanical engineers. Johnnesburg. Journal. U 1902+ v. i-f Travelers' goods & leather novelty workers' international union of America. Official journal. St Louis. U [1904-05] [v. 1-2] Travelers' railway guide. New York. U + Travelers' record. Hartford (Conn.) U [1901-03] [v. 37-39] Trenton (N. J.) Annual reports. U 1909 Public library. Annual report. U 1906-07, oS-f- v. 6, 8+ Bulletin. U 1908-f- v. 2+ Trenton (N. J.) natural history society. Journal. N 1886-88, v. i Trenton (N. J.), see also New Jersey — (State) museum. Tribune almanac & poHtical register, see New York tribune almanac. Tribune des societes horticoles. Brussels. U + Trieste (Austria) Scuola superiore di commercio di fondazione Revoltella. An- nuario. U 1908+ v. 22+ Circolarita. U 1907+ v. 31-I- Trieste (Austria) K. K. Zoologische station. Arbeiten. N 1878+ v. i, 6-8, io4- Published in conjunction with Vienna Universitat — Zoologisches institut. Trinidad, see also Agricultural society of Trinidad. Trinity college. Hartford (Conn.) — Library. Report. U 1906/07-I- Tropical & subtropical America. New York. U i9o8|| v. i nos. i-5|I Troy (N. Y.) — Mayor. Annual message. U 1907-10 Public library. Annual report. U 1907-f v. 7^+ Public works department. Annual report. U 1900, 02, 05-I- v. i, 3. 5+ Water commissioners. Report. U 1857-60, 62-70, 71-80, 99, v. 2-5, 7-15, 17-26, 45 Troyes (France), see also Societe horticole vigneronne & forestiere de I'Aube. True Briton. London. U 1723, 24, no. 1-25, 74 True commonwealth. Washington (D. C.) U [1890] [v. i] Tschermak's mineralogische mittheilungen, see Mineralogische & petrographische mittheilungen. Tudor facsimile texts. (Farmer.) London. U 1907-I- v. i-|- Tiibingen (Germany), see also Botanisches institut. Tufts college. (Mass.) Studies; scientific series. U 1894-f v. I, no. 2+; N 1894-I- v. i-f Turbine. Berlin. U 1904 -f v. 1 + Turin (Italy). Annuario. U 1908-09 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 207 Atti del municipio. U 1908, v. 57 Turin (Italy) Universita. Catalogue. U 1900 Musei di zoologia & anatomia comparata. Bollettino. N 1887+ [v. 2-4, 8,] 10+ R. Osservatoria. Osservazioni meteorologiche. N 1898-99, 1901 + Turin, sec also R. Accademia delle scienze. Tutmonda jarlibro esperantista. Paris. U 1906 Twentieth century, a weekly radical magazine. New York. U [1889-95, 97] [v. 3-10, 12, 14-15, 19] Twentieth century magazine. Boston. U + Twin City rapid transit company [Minneapolis & St Paul]. Annual report. U 1902+ Tyneside geographical society. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Journal. U 1909, V. 5, no. 7 Typographical journal. (International typographical union of North America.) Indianapolis. U [1889-98,] 99-1907, 09+ v. [2-3,] 4-6, [7.] 8-30, 35+ Uebersicht der gesammten staats- & rechtswissenschaftlichen litteratur. Berlin. U i908-f V. 41+ Umschau auf dem gebiete des zoll- & steuerwesens. Berlin. U 1908+ [v. 27,] 28-f- K. Ungarische geologische anstalt. Budapest. Jahresbericht. U 1905 Mitteilungen aus dem jahrbuche. U 1904+ v. 15-I- Ungarisches statistisches jahrbuch. Budapest. U 1900, new ser. v. 8 Union, monthly record of moral, social, & educational progress. (Fleming.) London. U 1842-43 1 1 v. i|| Union & gazette, Champaign (111.), see Champaign (111.) Union & gazette. Union federale des ouvriers metallurgistes de France. St fitienne ; Paris. Compte rendu du congres national. U 1894-95, 97-98, 1900-01, v. 3-4. 6-7,9-10 Section-nationale des travailleurs sur cuivre. Congres national. U 1903, 05, V. II, 13 Union fraternal league. Boston (Mass.) Bulletin. U 1910+ v. 9+ Union goods directory for greater New York & environs. New York. U [1907] [v. i] Union interparlementaire pour I'arbitrage international. Compte rendu de la conference. U 1904, v. 12 Union label league bulletin. Denver (Colo.) U [1907] [v. 2] Union leader, official journal of the car men of Chicago. (Amalgamated asso- ciation of street & electric railway employes of America.) Chicago. U [1907] [v. 6] "Union made" garment manufacturers of America. Report of semi-annual con- vention. U 1905. V. 4 Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf railroad company. Report. U 1892 Union Pacific railroad company. Annual report. U 1876-79, 81, 83-85, 93-f- Union postal clerk. (National federation of post office clerks.) Chicago. U [1905-07] [v. 2-3] Union stock yards company. Chicago, see Chicago junction railways. Union university. Schenectady (N. Y.) Concordensis (student's weekly). U [1888-91, 95-97] [v. 12-14, 19-20] Union college magazine. U [1869-73] [v. 8, 10, 11] United association of journeymen plumbers, gas fitters, steam fitters, & steam fitters' helpers in the U. S. & Canada. Official journal. Chicago. ■ _ U [1902, 06, 08-09] [v. 7, II, 13-14] United brotherhood of carpenters & joiners of America. Official journal. St Louis. U 1892, v. I Proceedings. U 1902+ v. 12-I- see also Carpenter. United cloth hat & cap makers of North America, see also Cap-maker's journal. United fruit company. Annual report. Boston. U i900-f v. i-f United garment workers of America. Proceedings. U 1900-f v. 9-I- see also Garment-worker. Weekly bulletin of the clothing trades. United hatters of North America. Journal. Danbury (Conn.) U [1901. 02, 04] [v. 3, 4, 5l 2o8 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN United Jewish charities of Cincinnati, see Cincinnati (O.) United metal workers international union of America, see also International metal worker. United mine workers journal. Indianapolis. G + United mine workers of America. Minutes of annual convention. G 1907, V. 18; U 1901-03, V. 12-14 see also Illinois coal operators association. United national association of post-office clerks of the United States, see also Postal clerk. United service. Philadelphia; New York. U 1879-84, v. i-ii United States of America. As a rule administrative reports and serials contained in the set of Congres- sional documents are not given. The University of Illinois library (U) is a designated depository. U. S. — Adjutant-general. Army list & directory of officers of the army of the U. S. U 1892, 94, 95, 96, 1901 Before 1899 issued as U. S. army directory. Artillery circulars. U 1892-1900 A, B, C, F. F suppl, H, I, M. General court-martial orders. U 1880-82 General orders. U 1863, 80-82 U. S. — Agriculture, Department of. Annual report of commissioner. U 1841-43, 45+; N 1855+ Circular. U 1901+ nos. 5, 8-14, 16+ ; N 1896+ no. 3, S-23, 25+ Department report series. N 1899-)- no. 59-71, 75, 77-78,86+; W + Farmers' bulletins. U 1889+ V. I, no. i+; N 1889+ no. 1-9, 11-12, 14+ ; W + Miscellaneous circulars. N 1896-97II no. 2-3II Miscellaneous publications. U 1862+ nos. 12, 45, 48-49, 52, 55+ Miscellaneous reports. U 1883-86II nos. i-io|| • Monthly reports. U 1863-75, v. 1-12 Notice of judgment, Food & Drugs act. W + Special reports (old series). ^ . . U 1877-83II nos. 4, 10, 13-15, 17-51, 53-57, 59-6i, 65II Contmued as Statistical reports issued by Division of statistics. Special reports, miscellaneous & statistical. U 1887-88, v. 14, 16-17 Yearbook. U N 1894-I- Library. Library bulletins. U 1894+ no. i-f ; N 1894+ no. 1-5, 7-38, 40+ Monthly bulletin. U 1910+ v. i-|- Solicitor. Circular. N 1910+ no. 14+ U. S. — Agrostology, Division of. Bulletin. U 1895-1901II nos. 1-25II; N 1896-1901II no. 2-7, 9-25 Circular. N 1895-1901II no. 2, 4-36II Continued in Bureau of plant industry. U. S. — Animal industry. Bureau of. Annual report. U 1884+ V. i+; N. 1885+ V. 2, 6-7, 10+ Bulletin. U 1893+ nos. 2-8, 10+ ; N 1896+ no. 7+ Circular. U 1895+ no. 1-15, 17-19, 21+; N 1895+ no. 1-8, 10-15, 17-19, 21-42, 44-51, 53-58, 61, 63-82. 84-91, 93+ Index-catalogue of medical & veterinary zoology. N 1902+ pt 1 + Orders (& amendments). N 1907+ no. 142+ U. S. — Appraisers, Board of general. Annual report. U 1906-j- U. S. — Architect, Supervising. Annual report. U 1888, 95, 98-1902, 08-}- U. S.— Assay commission. Proceedings. U 1899-1900, 05-06. 08+ U. S. — Auditors for Navy. Post-office, State & other departments. Annual report. U 1907+ U. S. — Biological survey, Division of. Bulletin. U 1889+ nos. 1-2, 4+ ; N 1889+ no. 1 + Until July 1896 name of Division was U. S. — Ornithology & mammalogy di- vision. Circular. U 1896+ no. 14, 17, 28+; N 1886+ no. 1-4, 11, 17, 28+ North American fauna. U N 1889+ no. 1 + SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 209 Report. ^ ^, . , . .U 1893 U S —Bookkeeping & warrants. Division of. Lstmiates of appropriations. ■ ■ u 1892-93, 1905 Earlier volumes issued by Dept. of Treasury. U. S.— Botany, Division of. Bulletin. U 1886-1901II nos. 1-3, 5-10, 12-29II; N 1886-1901II no. 2-3. 5-9, 12-13, 10-29 Circular. U 1894-1901II no. 1-9, ii-3o||; N 1894-1901II no. 1-2, 4, 0-30II Continued in Bureau of plant industry. Inventorv. N 1899-1901II no. 1-5, 8|| Continued as U. S.— Seed & Plant introduction, Section of. see also U. S. National herbarium. U S.— Census, Bureau of. Bulletin. U 1903+ no. 1 + Mortality statistics. - U 1900+ v. 1 + Statistics of cities having a population of over 30,000. U 1905-0O Uniform municipal accounting: Proceedings of conference in Washington. U 1906, V. 2 [Decennial returns.] U 1800+ 2d+ Report of the director. U 1904, 06/07 I2th Census. 1900. Bulletins. U 1900-02! | no. 1-247II U. S.— Chemistry, Bureau of. Bulletin. , . o , U 1883+ no. i-j- ; N 1884+ no. 4, 9, 12, [13,] 14-15, 20, 36, 46, 48-f Circular. U 1894+ no. i+; N 1894+ no. i-io, I2-|- ; W -f U. S. — Civil service commission. Annual report. U 1883-!- v. 1+ U. S.— Coast & geodetic survey. Report. U 1850-f Special publications. U 1900-02, no. 3-5. 7 Tide tables. ^^ „ 1900+ . U. S. coast pilot: Atlantic coast. U 1899-f v. 1 + Pacific coast. Alaska ed. 5. U 1906+ v. 1 + California. Oregon & Washington. U 1903 U. S.— Congress. Annals of Congress. U 1789-1824II Cong. 1-18, sess. i|| v. 1-42II • Register of debates. U 1824-37II Cong. 18, sess. 2-24II v. 1-14II Congressional globe. U i833-73tl Cong. 23-42II v. 1-46!] • Congressional record (daily during session). U 1873 -f Cong. 43+ v. i-t- Congressional documents. U Depository set Official congressional directory. U 1881+ v. 47+ Statutes at large. U 1789+ v. 1 + House of Representatives. Journal. [Reprint.] U 1789-93, 97-i8i3li Cong. 1-2, 5-12II v. i, 3-8|i Journal. U 1809-12, 13, 14-31, 32-94, 97-i90i, Congress n pt 2-12 pt i, 13 pt i, 13 Pt 3-2i pt 2, 22 pt 2-53, 55-56 pt 2 Senate. Journal. [Reprint.] U 1789-1815II Congress 1-13II v. 1-5II Journal of the executive proceedings. [Reprint.] U 1789-1869II Cong. i-40i| V. 1-16II Journal. [1790-1901] Congress i pt 2, 2 pt i, 3 pt i, 4-5 pt 3. 6 pt 2-7 pt I. 8 pt 2, 12 pt 2, 13 pt 2-20 pt 2, 21 pt 2, 22 pt 2, 23 pt 2, 25 pt 2-28 pt 2, 30 pt 1-33 pt 2, 34 pt 3, 35 pt 2-53 pt 2, 55 pt I, 55 pt 3-56 pt 2 U S —Continental congress. Journals [reprint, 1800-01. 13V. & 1904-09, I5v.] U 1774-89 Secret journals. [Reprint. 1820-21. 4v.] U 1775-88 U. S. — Copyright office. Bulletin. U 1899-1900, 02-03, 05+ no. 1-3, [4.] 5-6, 8, 11 + Catalogue of copyright entries. U 1906-f n. ser. v. 1 + U. S.— Corporations, Bureau of. Report of the commissioner. U 1903-f v. 1 + U. S.— Court of claims. Cases decided. U 1896+ v. 32-I- U. S.— Currency, Comptroller of the. Annual report. U 1865+ U. S. — Documents office. Annual report of the Superintendent. U 1895-96, 99-1903. o6-f- V. 1-2. 5-9. 12+ • Catalogue of public documents. (Comprehensive index). U 1893-i- v. i-f Index to documents & reports. (Consolidated index.) U 1895 -f- Cong. 54+ V. 1 + 210 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Monthly catalogue of the U. S. public documents. U 1895+ v. 1 + U s Education, Bureau of. Annual report of the commissioner. U 1867+ ; -N 1874-85, 90-92, 96-1902 Annual statement of the commissioner. U 1896-97, 1902, 07+ Bulletin. ■ U 1906+ Circulars of information. U 1872, 75, 77-94, 98-1903 Library. Annual report. U 1907/08-f v. i-|- U. S.— Engineer department. Annual report upon improvement of the Missis- '^inoi river between the mouths of the Illinois & Ohio rivers & of Osage Hver. U 1883 Professional papers. U 1861+ no. 4, 18, 22, 24-26, 28, 31 U. S.— Engineer school. Washington. Occasional papers. 1903-f U v. 2, 5, 15, 20-21, 23, 25, 27+ U. S.— Engraving & printing, Bureau of. Annual report of the director. U 1907 U. S.— Entomological commission. Bulletins. U 1877-81 1 1 nos. I-7II; N 1877-81 II no. i, 3, 5-7li Report. U N 1877-87II v. 1-5II U. S.— Entomology, Division of. Bibliography of the more important con- tributions to American economic entomology. U 1889-1905, no. 1-5, 7-8; N 1889+ no. 1 + Bulletins. U 1883 -f nos. 3-4, 6-7, 9+ ; N 1883+ no. i-f ; W -f Bulletin (technical series). U N 1895+ no. i-f- Circular. U 1891+ ser. 2, no. 2, 4-14, 16-32, 34-42, 44-48, 50-56, 58+; N 1891+ ser. 2, no. 1-99, loi-l- Report of entomologist. U N 1875+ Insect Hfe. UN 1888-95II v. 1-7II U S — Ethnology, Bureau of American. Annual report. U 1879+ V. i-f ; N 1881, 87, V. 3, 8 Bulletins. U 1887-1907, no. 4, 7-8, 10, 12, 18, 21, 24-27, 33 U. S— Experiment stations. Office of. Annual report of director. U 1888+; N 1901-f- Bulletin. U 1889-f no. i+; N 1889+ no. i-ii, 13-15. 18-26, 28-j- Circulars. U i889-f- no. i-f ; N 1889+ no. 1-5, 7-8, n, 14, 17-20, 22-28, 30-56, 60-75, 17^ Experiment station record. U N 1889+ v. i+; W-f Experiment station work. U N 1903-I- v. 2-H ; W -f- Farmers' institute lecture. U 1904+ no. i+; N i905-f no. 2, ser. 6-\- ■ Miscellaneous bulletins. UN 1889-91 1 1 v. 1-3II Subject index of experiment station literature (on cards). UN 1888+ U. S.— Fiber investigations. Office of. Report. U 1892-98II nos. 4-11II; N 1896-98IJ nos. 8-ii|| Continued in Division of Botany. U. S.— Fisheries, Bureau of. Bulletin. _ U N 1881+ v. 1 + Before 1903 known as Commission of fish & fisheries. Fisheries of Alaska. U 1907+ Distribution of fish & fish eggs. U 1907-^" Report. U N 1872+ v. 1 + U. S.— Food & drug inspection, Board of. Food inspection decisions. U 1905+ no. 1+ ; W-r U. S.— Foreign commerce. Bureau of, see U. S.— Manufactures, Bureau of, which succeeded it in 1905. U. S.— Foreign markets, Division of. Bulletin. U N 1895+ no. i-f Circular. _ UN 1895+ no. 1 + U. S. — Forestry service. Bulletin. U 1887-f no. i4- ; N 1888+ no. 2, 5-8, 10. 12-22, 24-66, 68+ ; W + Circular. U 1893-f no. 10, 12, 15, 18+ ; N no. 5- ii-45, 47, 49 -f" ; W -f- Field programme. U I905"l- Forest planting leaflet. U 1906+ no. 1 + National forest reserves in the U. S., Alaska, & Porto Rico. U 1905-H Report on forestry. U 1877-79. 84, v. 1-2, 4 U. S.— Gardens & grounds. Division of. Circular. N 1897II no. i|| SERIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 211 U. S. — Geographical & geological survey of the Rocky niovintain region. Con- tributions to American ethnology. U 1877-93II v. i-9|| V. 8 never published. Report. ^ U 1876-80, v. 1-5 U. S. — Geographical & geological survey west of the looth meridian. Annual report. (Wheeler.) U 1875-78, 80 Report. G V. 3; U 1875-791! v. 1-7II U. S. — Geographic names, Board on. Report. ' U 1890-99, v. 1-2 U. S. — Geological & geographical survey of the territories. Annual report. G 1867-73, 77-78II V. 1-7, 11-12II; U 1867-78II V. i-i2|i; N 1868-78II V. 2, 5-6, 10-12II Bulletin. G 1878-82, V. 4-5, [6] ; U 1876-82II V. 3-611 ; N 1876-82II v. 2, 3 pts 2-4, 6 pt 2|| Monographs (v. 4 never printed). G 1883, 90; U 1873-90I] V. 1-14II ; N V. I pt I, V. 12-13 Miscellaneous publications. U 1874-78, v. i, 3, 5, lo-ii U. S. — Geological exploration of the 40th parrallel. Reports. G V. 2-3; U 1870-80II V. i-7li U. S. — Geological survey. Annual report. G 1880-1905, V. 2-26; U 1880+ V. 1-I-; N 1880-I- V. 2, 4-f- • Bulletin. G 1883-I- no. 1-88, 90-165, 167-176, 178-192, 194-211, 213-234, 236, 238, 240-41, 243, 245-47, [249-300,]+; U N 1883-1- no. i-t- Geologic atlas. G 1894-97, no. 4, 6-8, 12, 15-16, 20-23, 28-30, 33-34, 36; U 1894+ no. 1 + Mineral resources of the United States. G 1882-1906, v. 1-23 ; U 1882-85, 87-1900, 02-f V. 1-4, 6-17, i9-f ; N 1883-93, 1900-}- V. 2-12, 17+ Monographs. G 1883-f V. I, 4, 6-n, 14-24, 38, 45-48, 50-f: UN 1882+ V. i-f Professional papers. G 1892-t- no. 1-48, 5o4- ; U 1892+ no. i-f-; N 1892+ no. 1-12, 14-f Topographic map of U. S. ; atlas in sheets. U 1898+ Water supply & irrigation papers. G 1897, no. 2, 6; U W 1896+ no. 1+ ; N i902-(- no. 57, 65+ U. S.— Health, National board of. Annual report. U 1879-85II v. i-8|| U. S. — Hydrographic office. Asiatic pilot. U i909-f v. 1 + List of lights of the world. U 1900-01, v. 2-3; 1907+ U. S.— Hygienic laboratory. Bulletin. U 1900-f no. 2, 4-5, 7+ U. S. — Immigration & naturalization, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1902-03, 05 Immigration bulletin. U -j- U. S. — Indian bureau. Annual report of the commissioner of Indian afifairs. U 1871+ U. S. — Indian commissioners. Board of. Annual report. U 1874-76, 81+ V. 6-8, 13 + U. S.— Indian schools, superintendent of. Report. U 1887, 95- 1903, v. 6, 13, 21 U. S. — Insular affairs, Bureau of. Report of the chief. U 1901, 04-05, 07+ Quarterly summary of commerce of Cuba. U 1899-1902 Quarterly summary of commerce of Philippine Islands. U 1899+ U. S. — Interior. Department of. Decisions of the Department & General Land office in cases relating to the public lands. U 1881+ v. i-f- • Decisions : pension & bounty lands. U 1887-f v. i-f- Official register of the U. S. (The Bluebook.) U 1877-81. 93+ Register of the dept. U 1877-83 U. S. — Internal revenue, Office of. Report of commissioners on operation of the internal revenue system. U 1863-72 U. S. — Interstate commerce commission. Accident bulletin. U 1905-!- no. i8-|- Annual report. U 1887-f v. 1 + Annual report of the statistics of railways in the U. S. U 1888-94. 96+ V. 1-7, 9+ Bulletin of revenues & expenses of steam roads. U i909-f v. 4-i- Decisions & proceedings. U 1887-1903, 06-f v. 1-9, i2-|- Preliminary reports on the income account of railway in U. S. U1899-1901. 03-06 212 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN U. S. — Isthmian canal commission. Annual report. U 1899-1901; 1905+ see also Canal record. Sanitation, Department of. Annual report. U 1906-07 Report (monthly.) - U-f U. S. — Justice, Department of. Annual report of attorney general. U 1879, 86, 1907+ Official opinions of attorney generals. U 1789-1817, 1902, v. 1-5, 23 also in Congressional documents 1889+ v. 17+ Register of the department ... & the judicial officers of the U. S. U 1886, 1908+ 8, 17+ U. S. — Labor, Bureau of. Annual report. U 1885+ v. i-f- Known as Labor, Department of. 1885-1902. Bulletin. U 1895+ v. 1 + Special reports. U 1889-I- v. i-f- Monographs on social economics. U 1901, v. 1-6 U. S. — Land office, General. Manual of surveying instructions. U 1871, 81, 90, 94, 1902 Report. U 1848, 66-68 U. S. — Library of Congress. Annual report. U 1896+ Catalog division — card section. Bulletin. U 1902+ no. i-f- Documents, Division of. Monthly list of state publications. U 1910+ no. i-\- U. S.— Life-saving service. Report. U 1876, 97+ U. S. — Light house board. Annual report. U 1870, 72, 75-82, 98-1905 U. S. — Manufactures, Bureau of. (Department of Commerce & Labor.) Com- mercial relations of U. S. with foreign countries. U 1855-57 pt I, 60-62, 68-70, 79-f 1855-1902 issued by Bureau of foreign commerce. Consular reports. U i88o-|- no. 1-4. 6, 8-1 1, 13+ Earlier reports issued by Bureau of foreign commerce. Daily consular & trade reports. U 1904+ no. 2122+ Review of the world's commerce. U 1894-1905II v. i-ii|| Special consular reports. U 1890-f v. 1 + Earlier reports issued by Bureau of statistics, & Bureau of foreign com- merce. Tariff series. U 1907-f no. 1 + U. S. — Marine hospital service, see U. S. — Public health and marine hospital service. Bureau of. U. S. — Medical department (Army.) Drill regulations for the hospital corps, U. S. army. U 1896, 1900, 1902 Manual. ' U 1896, 98-1900 U. S. — Military information division. Publications. U 1895-1903, V. 6-7, 9-12, 14, 16-23. 25-36, 38 U. S.— Mines, Bureau of. Bulletin. U 1910+ no. i-f U. S.— Mint, Bureau of the. Annual report. G 1885, 94; U 1873+ v. i-j- Report upon statistics of the production of precious metals in the U. S. U 1881+ U. S. — Missouri river commission. Annual report. U 1886-90 U. S. — National academy of sciences, see under National in main alphabet. U. S. — National museum, see under Smithsonian institution in main alphabet. U. S. — Naturalization, Division of. Annual report of chief. U 1906/07, v. i U. S. — Nautical almanac office. American ephemeris & Nautical almanac. U 1S55, 57, 59, 62-63, 65-70, 72+ Pacific coaster's nautical almanac. U 1898-1903 U. S. — Naval intelligence office. Information frotn abroad. Notes on naval progress. (General information series.) U 1887-89, 96. 98-1900, V. 6-8, 15, 17-20 War notes. U 1899-1900II v. i-8|| U. S. — Naval observatory, see United States naval observatory in main alpha- bet. U. S. — Naval war college. Washington. International law situations with solu- tions & notes. Ui904-f SERIALS I\ URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 213 U. S. — Navigation, Bureau of. Annual list of merchant vessels. U 1901, 07+ Laws relating to navigation & merchant marine. U 1895, 99, 1903 List & station of the commissioned & warrant ofTicers of the navy. U 1898- 1904, 06+ U. S. — Ordnance bureau. (War department.) Ordnance notes. U 1878-1883, nos. 90, 206-259, 313, 316 U. S. — Ornithology & mammalogy, Division of, see U. S. — Biological survey, Division of. U. S. — Patent office. Annual report. U 1841-f Official gazette. U 1894+ v. 66+ Specifications & drawings of patents. U 1871-1905, v. 1-400 U. S. — Plant industry, Bureau of. Bulletin. U 1901+ no. i-f-; N 1901+ no. 1-26, 28-65, 67, 69+ Circular. U N igoS-f- no. 1 + U. S. — Pomology, Division of. Bulletin. U 1887-1901II no. i-ioll; N 1888-1901, no. 2, 5-io|| Continued in Bureau of plant industry. Circular. N 1896-1901!! no. 1-3II U. S. — Post office department. Annual report of the postmaster general. U 1834, 1902, 05 U. S. official postal guide. U+ U. S. — Provost-marshal general. Circulars. U 1863, no. 1-106 U. S. — Public health and marine hospital service, Bureau of. Annual report of the surgeon-general. U 1895-1902, 04, 07+ Earlier vols, issued by U. S. — Marine hospital service. Public health bulletin. U+ Public health reports. U 1904, 06+ v. 19, v. 22, pt. 2-j- Transactions of annual conference with health officers. U 1903-I- v. i-j- Hygienic laboratory. Bulletin, see U. S. — Hygienic laboratory. U. S. — Public road inquiries. Office of. Bulletin. U 1894-f- no. I. 4+; N 1898+ no. 16, 19, 21-22, 24-26, 28-33, 35+ Circular. U 1894+ 14+ ; N 1894+ no. 14-15. 18-50, 52+; W-J- Report. U 1903-04 U. S. — Publications, Division of. (Department of Agriculture.) Bulletin. U 1896+ no. i + ; N 1897+ no. 2+ Circular. U N 1901-f no. 1 + Monthly list of publications. U N 1895+ U. S. — Quartermaster's department. Report. U 1885-1902 U. S. — Reclamation service. Annual report. U 1906+ v. 6+ U. S.— Rolls & library. Bureau of. Bulletin. U 1893-94, v. 1-6, 8 List of books & pamphlets received at the library of the Department of State. U 1892- 1901, new ser. no. 2-5, 7-10, 12-28 \J. S. — Seed & plant introduction, Section of. Circular. N 1900-01 J! no. 1-2!] Signal office. Annual report. U 1871-75, 77-90 Daily bulletin of weather reports. U [1872-74, 77] — — Professional papers. U 1881-85II v. 2-7, lo-ii, 13, 15, i8|! Signal service notes. U 1883-85II no. 6, 8-18, 20, 22-23II see also U. S. — Weather bureau. U. S. — Smithsonian institution, sec under Smithsonian in main alphabet. U. S.— Soils, Bureau of. Bulletin. U 1898+ no. 11+; N 1895+ no. 1-2, 4+ Circular. U 1898+ no. i-\- Field operations. U N 1899+ U. S.— Special agents division. Report on the salmon fisheries in Alaska. U 1896-98, 1903-04 U. S. — Standards, Bureau of. Annual conference on the weights & measures of the U. S. U 1905-06 Bulletin. U 1904+ v. 1 + Circular. U-j- U. S. — Statistics, Bureau of. (Department of .Agriculture.) Bulletin. (Miscel- laneous series.) U 1890+ no. 1 + Circular. N 1896-+ no. 1 + 214 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Crop reporter. U 1900+ v. 2+; N 1900+ [v. 2-3,] 4+ Continues Reports (monthly.) U 1883-99] | n. ser. v. 1-156I! U. S. — Statistics, Bureau of. (Department of Commerce & Labor.) Foreign commerce & navigation of U. S. U 1865+ Statistical abstracts. U 1878+ v. 1 + Earlier volumes issued by Bureau of Statistics. (Treasury dept.) Monthly summary of commerce & finance. U 1870-72, 88-89, [92,] 93-f see also U. S. — Manufactures, Bureau of. U. S. — Steam engineering bureau. Annual report. U 1890-94, 97-I- U. S. — Steamboat inspection service. Annual report. U 1899- 1900 U. S. — Supreme court. Reports of cases. (U. S. reports.) U 1790+ v. 1 + U. S. — Surgeon-general's ofiice. Circulars. U 1869-75, I'lo. 2-4, 8 Index catalogue of the library. U 1880-95 1| v. i-i6|| Series 2. U 1896+ ser. 2, v. 1 + U. S. — Treasury, Comptroller of the. Decisions. U 1894+ v. i-|- U. S. — Treasury, Department of. Annual report on sinking fund & funded debt of the District of Columbia. U 1900, 07+ v. 23, 30+ Digest of customs decisions. U 1898-1902 — — Report on finances. U 1790+ Treasury decisions. U 1898+ v. i-j- U. S. — Vegetable physiology & pathology. Division of. Bulletin. U N 1891-1901II no. 1-29II Continued in Bureau of Plant industry. Circular. N 1888-99, no. 5-6, 8, 10, 16-17 see also Journal of mycology. U. S. — War department. Official army register. U 1878-97, 1908+ Regulations for the Army of the U. S. U 1861, 81, 89, 95, 1901, 1908+ U. S.— Weather bureau. Annual report. U 1891-1902, 04+; N 1892-93, 98+ Bulletin. U 1892+ no. i-f-; N 1892-1902, no. 5-10, 13, 20, 23, 28-32 Bulletins. U 1894+ C+; N C-G Meteorological chart of the Great Lakes. U 1906, pt 2-\- Monthly weather review. U 1894+ V. 22-f ; N 1894+ [v. 22,] 23-25. [26,] 27+ Snow & ice bulletin. N 1898+ Storm bulletin. U 1899, no. i Weather maps. U [1893-96,] 97+ Convention of weather bureau officials. Proceedings (triennial.) U 1904. V. 3 Climate & crop service. Arkansas section. Report. U iqoS+ Illinois section. Daily weather map. N 1897-I- Monthly report. U 1899+ ; N [1896-1902] ; W+ — — • Indiana section. Report. N [1897-99] Louisiana section. Report. U 1909-}- Mississippi section. Report. U 1899-)- North Carolina section. Report. U 1905+ South Carolina section. Report. . U 1898-I- Tennessee section. Report. U 19094- Washington section. Report. U 1897+ Wisconsin section. Report. N [1897-1900] U. S. — Yellow fever institute. Bulletin. U 1908+ no. 9+ United States almanac. Elizabethtown (N. Y.) ; Philadelphia. U 1802-05, 07-08, 10-19. 43 United States arsenal. Watertown (Mass.) Reports of tests of metals. U 1878, 81, 83+ United States art directory & yearbook. (Koehler.) London. U 1884 United States artillery school. Fort Monroe (Va.), see also Journal of the United States artillery. United States Astrophysical observatory. Washington. Annals. U 19004- V. 1 + L''nitcd States brewers' association. Annual brewers' convention. U 1871-74, 8i4- V. 11-14, 214- SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 215 Year book. U 1909+ United States catalog [of books.] (H. W. Wilson co.) Minneapolis. U 1902+ United States Consular reports, see U. S.— Manufactures, Bureau of. Consular reports. United States infantry association. Washington (D. C.) Journal. U 1905- io| I V. i-6|| Continued as Infantry journal. United States league of local building & loan associations. Proceedings. U1908+ V. i6-|- United States literary gazette. Boston. U 1825-27] | v. 2-6\\ United States Military academy. West Point (N. Y.) Official register. U 1878/79, 85-87, 89/90, 98/99, 1900-06, 07-f United States National herbarium. (Division of botany.) Washington. Con- tributions. U 1890-f [v. I.] 2, [3.] 4+; N 1890+ [v. I,] 2-6, [7,] 8+ United States National museum, see under Smithsonian institution. United States Naval academy. Annapolis (Md.) Annual register. U 1903+ United States naval institute. Annapolis (Md.) Proceedings. U 1899, V. 25, no. I United States naval medical bulletin. (U. S. Bureau of medicine & surgery.) Washington. U 1907+ [v. 1-2.] 3+ United States naval observatorv. Washington. Astronomical papers. U i88o-f [v. I,] 2-f Observations. U 1851-52, 63-64, 69, 72-92] | Continued as Publications. Publications. (Second series.) U 1900-f v. i-f Report of the superintendent. U 1903-04 United States ofHcial postal guide. Albany (N. Y.), see U. S.— Post office de- partment. United States review & literary gazette, see United States literary gazette. United States steel corporation. Annual report. U 1902+ v. i-f United States tobacco journal. New York. U 1903+ v. 5o-|- Unity. (J. L. Jones.) Chicago. U+ Universal American almanack. Philadelphia. U 1770 Universal directory of railway ofBcials. London. U 1906, v. 12 Universal electrical directory. London. U 1907+ v. 26-I- Universal peace congress. Boston. Official report. U 1904, v. 13 Universal Portland cement company. Monthly bulletin. Chicago. G+; \J-{- University, see under city, state or country from which it takes its name. University college. Reading (Eng.) Results of experiments at the college farm. . U 1906+ University extension. (American society for the extension of university teaching.) Philadelphia. U 1891/92. 93/94, v. 1. 3 Continued as Citizen. University extension congress. Proceedings. U 1894 University extension journal. London. U 1891-95II [v. i.] 2-3, [4.] 5 University extension world. Chicago.^ _ _ U [1893-94,] v. i, [2-4] University magazine, see Dublin University magazine. University of the world, instituted to establish the philosophy of Americanism. Cleveland. U [1905.] v. i, no. i Upper Canada, see Ontario. Upper Canada gazette. York. U [1826-28] [v. 1-2] Upper Canada reports, see Ontario — Courts. Upper Mississippi river improvement association. Quincy (111.) Proceedings. U 1906, V. 5 Upsala (Sweden) Universitetet. Arsskrift. N 1862. 65, 70, 72-73. 75. 94-97, 99-1900. 07 Mineralogisk-geologiska institution. Bulletin. N 18924- no. i-f- Meddelanden. N 1891+ v. i-ti, 13+ Urbana (111.) courier-herald. (Daily.) U 1909-f- Urbana (111.^ (City) directories. U 1878-79, 83, 90. 93. 1900. 04. 06. 08+ Urbino (Italy) Univcrsita. Annuario. U 1907-I- 2i6 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Urkunden & actenstucke zur geschichte des kiirfursten Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg. (Droysen, Duncker & Morner.) Berlin. U 1864+ v. 1+ Urquell Monatsschrift fur volkskunde. Rendsburg; Leyden. U 1881-98II V. 1-14II Earlier volumes entitled Am urquell. Uruguay— Agricultura, Division de. Publications. U-f Estadistica, Consejo superior de, & Director general de. Annuano es- tadistico. U 1907-08 y. 20 pt i Utah. Public documents. U 1896-1906 Attorney-general's office. Biennial report. U 1897-}- Farmers' institutes. Annual report. U 1900, v. 4; N 1907+ v. lo-f- Land commissioners, State board of. Annual report. U 1896, 98, 1900, 02-05. 07-f v. I, 3, 5. 7-10, 12+ Mines & mining, Department of. Report of the coal mine inspector. U 1 896- 1 900, 03-{- Public instruction, Department of. Biennial report of superintendent. U 1876-83, 86-87, 90-91, 94-98, 1900-f . Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Utah reports.) U 1871+ v. 1+ Utah Agricultural experiment station. Logan. Annual report. U 1890-96, 98-1904, 06-f v. 1-6, 8-15, 17+; N 1890-1903. V. 1-6, 8-14 Bulletin. U 1890-^ no. i+: N 1891+ no. 8+ Utica (111.) weekly gazette. U-f Utica (N. Y.) Municipal yearbook. tt 00^ City surveyor. Annual report. U 1887-8 Utrecht (Neth.) K. Nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut. Mededeelingen & verhandelingen. U 1905-f v. i-|- Utrecht (Neth.) Observatoire. Recherches astronomiques. U 1908-f V. 3+ Utrecht (Neth.) Universiteit. Jaarboek. U 1905/06, 07-f Utrecht (Neth.), see also Provinciaal utrechtsch genootschap. Valley railroad company. [Salem (Va.)] Annual report. U 1871/72, v. i Value of railroad securities, see Handbook of securities. Van Nostrand's chemical annual. New York. U 1907+ v. i-f Van Nostrand's (eclectic) engineering magazine. New York. U 1869-86II V. i-3S!l Uniting in 1887 with American railroad journal, continued as Railroad & engineering journal, & later as American engineer and railroad journal. Van Nostrand, see also Monthly record of scientific literature. Vancouver (B. C.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1895/96, 1900/01, V. 9, 14 Vandalia railroad company. Annual report. U 1907-f v. 3+ Vandevelde, A. J. J., see Repertoire de travaux pubhes sur . . . denrees alimentaires. ^ , , , tt o ^ Varia- illustreradt manadsmagasin. Stockholm. U 1899- 1906, v. 2-9 Vassal- college. Poughkeepsie (N. Y.)— Observatory. Publications. U 1900-I- v. i-|- Vaterland- konservatives zentralorgan fiir die deutsche Schweiz. (Daily.) Lucerne. U 1881 (18D-29D) Vegetationsbilder. (Karsten & Schenck.) Jena. U i904-f v. 1+ Veillee; supplement aux Annales politiques et litteraires. Pans. U 1903 -f Venice'(Italv)— Statistica Ufficio di. Rassegna statistica. U [1904-06] [v. 33-35] Verband der pferdezuchtvereine in den holsteinischen marschen. Gestiitbuch der holsteinischen marschen. U 1893, v. 3 Verein der deutschen strafanstaltsbeamten, see also Blatter fur gefangniskunde. Verein deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen. Wiesbaden, see also Organ fiir die fortschritte des eisenbahnwesens in technischer beziehung. Verein deutscher ingenieure. Berlin. Wochenschrift. U 1877-83II v. 1-7II Continued after 1883 in -rr ^ , , Zeitschrift. U 1857+ v. 1+ see also Technik & wirtschaft. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 217 Verein fiir niederdeutsche sprachforschung. Hamburg. Jahrbuch. Norden. U 1875+ V. 1+ Korrespondenzblatt. U 1876-1905, 09+ v. 1-26, 30+ Verein fiir social politik. Berlin. Schriften. U 1873+ v. i-j- Verein fiir vaterlandisehe naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart. Jahreshefte. N 1892, V. 48 Verein fiir volkskunde. Berlin. Zeitschrift. U 1902-05. 09-{- V. 12-15, i9-(-; U has ordered vol. i-ii Verhandlungen, see under Names of various Academies & societies. Verkehrtechnische woche & eisenbahntechnische zeitschrift. Berlin. U 1908+ V. 3+ Vermont. Public documents. U 1869-i- Agriculture, Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1909+ "• ser. v. i-|- Preceded by Agriculture, State board of. Report. U 1872-1908II V. 1-28I!; N 1872-92, V. 1-4, 11-12 Auditor of accounts. Biennial report. U 1858-65, 69-74, 76-j- Bank commissioner. Annual report. U 1862-63, 65, 1907+ From about 1870 to 1906 this oflicer was called Finance inspector with reports in the Vermont PubUc documents. Education, State superintendent of. Biennial school report. U 1863-69, 74, 78+ V. 7-13, 16, 25+ Fisheries & game. Commissioner of. Biennial report. N 1901+ v. 16+ Geological survey. Biennial report of state geologist. G 1899-I- v. i-(- Governor. Message. U 1882, 86, 90 Health, State board of. Biennial report. U 1906+ v. i6-(- Bulletin. W+ Highway commission. Report. U 1894, 96, 99-1906 Insurance commissioners. Report. U 1868-70, 71/72, 73/74. 75/76, 85/86, 87-96, 97+ Public library commission. Annual book list. U 1898-1900, 02-04 Biennial report. U 1895-1906, v. 1-6 Bulletin. U 1905+ v. 1 + Railroad commissioners. Board of. Biennial report (before 1870 annual.) U 1857-72, 74-78, 80-88, 92-98, 1902+ Secretary of State. Report relating to the registry & returns of births, marriages, deaths, & divorces in the state. U 1857-96II V. 1-2, 4-5, 7-24, 26-40|[ Continued as Biennial report of Vermont State board of health. ■ Senate. Journal. U igoS-f Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Vermont reports.) U 1789+ v. i-[- Vermont Agricultural experiment station. Burlington. Annual report. U 1887-f V. i + ; N 1888+ V. 2-3, 5, 7+ Bulletin. U 1887+ no. i+; N 1888+ no. 2, 8-15. 17-18, 20-30, 35, 40+ Circular. U 1909+ no. 1+ Report of the entomologist. N 1893-94, 97 Vermont & Canada railroad company. Annual report. U 1859/60 Vermont & Massachusetts railroad company. Annual report. U 1846-52, 55-56, 65-66. V. 4-9, 12-13. 22-23 Vermont Asylum for the insane. Brattleboro. Annual report. U 1864, ^, V. 28, 30 Vermont (State) asylum for the insane. Waterburv. Biennial report. U i888-f V. 1+ Vermont Atwood merino sheep club. Rutland. Register. U 1899' | v. i|| Vermont central railroad company. Annual report. U 1849-55. v. 4-10 Vermont dairymen's association. Report of annual meeting. U 1876-78, 88, 97-f V. 7-9, 18, 27+ Vermont historical society. Montpelier. Annual address. U 1863 Collections. U 1870-71 1| v. i-2|| Proceedings. U i907-f- Vermont (State) horticultural society. Montpelier. Annual report. U 1905-06, V. 2-3 2x8 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Vermont House of correction. Rutland. Biennial report. U 1880-)- Vermont Industrial school. Vergennes. Biennial report of superintendent. U 1906+ Vermont merino sheep breeders' association. Rutland. Register. U 1879-92, V. 1-4 Vermont Morgan horse breeders' association. Register. (Battell.) Middle- bury. U 1894+ V. 1 + Vermont (State) prison. Windsor. Biennial report. U 1881-94, 1905-06 Vermont University. Burlington. — Botanical department. Contributions to the botany of Vermont. U 1898-1900, v. 1-5, 7-8 Library. Report. U 1905 Vermont valley railroad company & Sullivan county railroad company. An- nual reports. U 1880-83, 86, 93-94, 1900, 02-05 Verona (Italy), see also Accademia d'agricoltura, scienze, lettere, arti, & commercia. Versammlung deutscher philologen & schulmanner. Leipzig. Verhandlungen. U 1903, V. 47 Verzeichniss der im deutschen buchhandel neu erschienenen & neu aufgelegten biicher, etc., see Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-katalog, etc. Vestnik rybopromyslennosti. (Messager du commerce de poissons: organe de la Societe russe de pisciculture & de peche.) St Petersburg. N 1906+ v. 21 + Veterinarian. London. U 1828-64, 79-80, v. 1-37, 52-53 After 1902 continued in Journal of comparative pathology & therapeutics. Veterinarv journal & annals of comparative pathologv. London. U 1875+ V. 1+ Vickers's newspaper gazetteer. London. U 1908, v. 9 Vick's magazine. Rochester (N. Y.) (Flowers.) U 1878-83, 90, 1906-09II V. 1-6, 13, 30-32II Vicksburg, Shreveport & Texas railroad company. Annual report. U 1855, v. 3 Victoria (Australia.) — Agriculture. Department of. Journal. U 1905-I- v. 3+ Education department. School paper. Melbourne. U+ (State) river & water supply commission. Annual report. U 1907/08+ V. 3+ see also Royal society of Victoria. Victoria (B. C.) Board of trade. Annual report. . U 1903/04, v. 25 Victoria swine breeders' association. Victoria swine record. Beecher & Crete (111.) U 1887-94. V. 1-2 Victoria university. Manchester (Eng.). see ^lanchester. Victoria university. Toronto (Can.) Calendar. U 1893-95, 1902/03 Victorian institute of engineers. Victoria (Australia.) Proceedings. U 1908-f V. 9-f Victorian yearbook; notes on the colony of Victoria . . . (Hayter.) Mel- bourne. U 1876, v. 2 Videnskabs selskabet i Christiania, see Christiania (Norway.) Vienna (Austria) — Biirgermeister. Gemeinde-verwaltung. U 1907+ Magistral. Statistisches jahrbuch. U 1907 Vienna Deutscher volksgesang-verein, see also Deutsche volkslied. Vienna Handels & gewerbekammer. Bericht. U 1868-70, 72-74. 78, 84, 87, 95 Vienna Kuffner'sche sternwarte. Publicationen. U 1889-f v. 1-4, 64- Vienna Museum der naturgeschichte. Zoologische abhandlungen aus den annalen. N 1841, v. 1-2 Vienna K. K. Oesterreichisches handelsmuseum. — Export akademie. Jahrbuch. U 1898- 1900 Mittheilungen. U 1898 Vienna K. K. Technologisches gewerbemuseum. Mittheilungen. U 1891+ V. i-f Vienna Universitat. Bericht. U 1907+ Oflfentliche verlesungen. U 1908+ Uebersicht. U 1908-f- Library. Verwaltungsbericht. U 1906/07+ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 219 ■ Instilut fiir oc-^terreichische geschichtsforschung. Mitteilungen. U 1880+ V. 1 + Philosophische gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche beilage. U 1906, v. 19 Zoologisches institut. Arbeiten. U 1888-93, v. 8-10; N 1878-t- v. i, 6-8, 10+ Vienna Verein zur verbreitung naturvvissenschaftlicher kenntnisse. Schrittcn. N 1877-81, V. 18, 20-21 Vienna, see also K. Akademie der wissenschaften; K. K. Geologische reichs- anstalt; K. K. Konsular akademie; Literarischer verein in Wien; Oester- reichischer ingenieur- & architekten-verein; Wagner schule; K. K. Zo- ologisch-botanische gesellschaft; Zoologisch-botanischer verein. Vierteljahrschrift fiir literaturgeschichte. (Seuffert.) Weimar. U 1888-93II V. 1-6II Vierteljahrschrift fiir sozial- & wirtschaftsgeschichte. Leipzig. U 1903+ v. i-|- for supplement, sec Bibliographic der sozial- & wirtschaftsgeschichte. Vierteljahrschrift fiir wissenschaftliche philosophic & soziologie Leipzig . U 1877+ V. i-f Views, . . . devoted to insurance & the public welfare. Washington (D. C.) U [1906] [v. 18] Vinton's agricultural almanac. London. U 1903. 10, v. i, 8 Virchow's archiv, see Archiv fiir pathologische anatomic & physiologic fiir klinische medizin. Virginia. Annual reports of state officers & institutions. G 1877 Adjutant-general's office. Report. U igoS-f Agriculture, Commissioner of. Annual report. G 1877, 79 Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U 1888, 90-94, 98, 1901-02, 04-j- V. I, 3-7, II, 14-15, 174- Attorney general's office. Annual report. U 1903-I- Auditor of public accounts. Report to general assembly transmitting ac- counts of the fund for internal improvement, of the sinking fund, and of the debt & resources of the state. U 1861-63 Reports of life insurance companies. U 1895 (State) corporation commission. Annual report. U 1903+ v. i-|- (State) crop pest commission. Circular. N 1904+ no. 42, 44-45, 52; n. ser. no. 1-2. 4+ (State) entomologist & plant pathologist. Report. N 1900-I- no. 3-f- General assembly. Calendar of state papers & other manuscripts. U 1652-1869II V. i-iill Statutes at large . . . laws from the first session of the legislature. ^ , . , ^ . U 1619-1792II I3v.!l Geological survey. Bulletin. G no. i Governor. Annual message. U 1874 Health, Department of. Health bulletin. W-f House of burgesses. Journals. [Reprint.] U 1742-76, v. 1-7 Labor & industrial statistics. Bureau of. Annual report. G 1907, V. 10; U 1901, 03, v. 4, 6 (State) library. Annual report. U 1903-06, 07/08-I- v. 1-3, 5-)- — Bulletin. U 1908+ v. 1 + Public instruction, Superintendent of. Biennial report. U 1899-1901 Public works. Board of. Biennial report. U 1820, 59-61 Railroad commissioner. Annual report. U 1878-79, 86-87, 90-9-2. V. 3, II, 15-16 Secretary of the commonwealth. Annual report. U 1906-f Senate. Journal. U 1862-64 Senate & house of delegates. Manual. U 1908 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Virginia reports.) U 1730+ v. i-|- (State) veterinarian. Annual report. U 1896, v. i Virginia Agricultural experiment station. Blacksburg. Annual report. U 1890-94, 96-98, 1900-f ; N 1890-94, 96, 98, 1901-02, 04, 08+ Bulletin. U 1889+ no. 1 + ; N 1889-f- no. 2-47, 50-124, 126-153. 156-f Circular. U 1909+ no. 7+ Virginia bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1906-f- v. 13-+- 220 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Virginia central railroad company. Annual report. U 1857/58, v. 23 Virginia Central state hospital [insane.] Petersburg. Annual report. U 1900+ V. 31 + Virginia Eastern state hospital [insane.] Williamsburg. Annual report. U 1905+ V. 132+ Virginia federation of labor. Proceedings. U 1908+ v. 13+ Virginia historical society. Richmond. Collections. U i882-92|i n. s. V. i-ii|| Continued in Virginia magazine of history & biography. Richmond. U 1893+ v. 1+ Virginia Penitentiary. Richmond. Annual report. U 1904+ Virginia University, Charlottesville.— Leander McCormick observatory. Cir- cular. U no. I Publications. U 1886-89, v. i, pt 2-4 Virginia Western state hospital. Staunton. Annual report. U 1872-74, 78-81, 84, 89-91, 93-94, 96-98, 1900-01, 04-06, o8-f Viticulture algerienne. Algiers (France.) U+ K. Vitterhets, historic & antiquitets akademien. Stockholm. Antiquarisk tidskrift for Sverige. U 1869+ v. 2+ Fornvannen. Continues Manadsblatt. U 1906-h n. ser. v. i-f Handlingar. U 1789-1830, 53-76, 84-1901, v. 1-13, 21-28 pt i, 29-33 Manadsblad. U 1896-1905II v. 9-io|i n. ser. v. 1+ 1906-f continued as Fornvannen. K. Vlaamsche academic voor taal- & letterkunde. Ghent. Bekroonde werken. U 1888-1905, V. 2-6, 8-1 1, 13-16, 20, 23, 25-35 Jaarbock. U 1887-95, 97-98. 1900-06, v. 1-9, 11-12, 14-20 Middclnederlandschc uitgaven. U 1887-1901, v. i-ii, 14-15. 17-18 Verslagen & medcdeclingen. U 1887-89, [90,] 91, [92-93,] 94, [95, 96,] 97-98, [99. 1900,] 1901-06 Commissie voor geschiedenis, bio- & bibliographic. Uitgaven. U 1 893- 1 905, v. 2-6 Commissie voor nieuwere taal- & letterkunde. Uitgaven. U 1893-1904, V. I, 3-5, 7-9, 11-13 Van de Ven-Hercmans' stichting. [Uitgaven.] U 1905, v. i Vogesen-club — Historisch-litterarischer zweigverein. Strassburg. Jahrbuch fiir geschichte, sprache, & litteratur Elsass-Lothringens. U 1886- 1901, v. 2-8, 17 Vorbote. (Becker.) Geneva (Switz.) U 1866-71, v. 1-6 Vorlesungs-verzeichnisse der universitaten, technischen & fach-hochschulen von Deutschland, Deutsch-Oesterreich & der Schweiz, im amtlichcn auftrag. Munich. U 1908+ V. 22>, 36-37 Vorwarts. (Socialistische arbeiter partei von Nord Amerika.) New York. U [1893-94] [v. 2] Vossische zeitung. Berlin, see Berlin. Voter. Chicago. U 190S+ v. 3+ Wabash & Erie canal company. Annual report. U 1849, 51 Wabash railroad company. Annual report. U 1892+ v. 3-f Waco (Tex.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1905/06, v. 6 Monthly bulletin. U 1907-f v. i-f Wage worker, . . . devoted to manual & brain toilers. Boston. U [1903-04] [v. i] Wagner free institute of science. Philadelphia (Pa.) Transactions. N i887-f V. 1-2, [3,] 4+ Wagner schule. Vienna. Aus der Wagner schule [architecture.] U 1900-04 Walhalla, biicherei fiir vaterlandische geschichte kunst & kulturgeschichte. (Schmid.) Leipzig. U 1905+ v. 1 + Wall street journal, (daily.) New York. U 1906+ v. 47-f Wall street summar3% (daily.) New York. Continued in Financial America. U 1908-10II V. 1-5, no. 82II ■ SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 221 Wallace's American trotting register, sec American trotting register associa- tion. Wallace's farmer. Des Moines (.la.) U 1903+ v. 28-29, [30,] 31 + Wallace's monthly. New York. (Horses.) U 1877-82, v. 3-7 Wallace's yearbook of trotting & pacing, see American trotting register as- sociation. Waltham (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1890-I- v. 26-}- Bulletin. U iQio-j- v. 14+ Warder public library. Springfield (O.), see Springfield (O.) — Warder public library. Warren (Pa.) academy of science. Transactions. U 1903-!- v. i-|- Social & economic science, Section of. Annual report & papers. U 1907+ Warren county (111.) library & reading room association, see Monmouth (111.) — Warren county library & reading room association. Warsaw (Russia) Universitet. — Library. Knigi postupivshiia. (Books added to library.) U 1896-1905, v. 1-3 Zoologicheskii kabinet. Kollektsii. N 1894-95, v. 1-4 Raboty iz laboratorii. N 1894, 96-98, 1901 Washburn college. Topeka (Kan.) — Laboratory of natural history. Bulletin. N 1884-90, V. 1-2, pt II Washington (D. C.) academy of sciences. Directory. U 1903. v. 14 Proceedings. U 1899+ v. i-f; N 1899-I- v. 1+ Washington (D. C.) Anthropological society, see also American anthropologist. Washington (D. C.) Biological society. Proceedings. N 1880-f- v. i-f- Washington (D. C.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1895, 1900, v. 5, 10 Washington (D. C.) city directory. Boyd's directory of the District of Co- lumbia. U 1906 Washington (D. C.) Entomological society. Proceedings. N 1884-f- v. 14- Washington (D. C.) Philosophical society. Bulletin. U 1871+ v. i-f Washington (D. C.) University club. Yearbook. U 1905+ v. 1+ Washington (D. C), see also American association for the advancement of science; American colonization society; Carnegie institution; National academy of sciences. Washington (State.) Public documents. U 1905-06 Adjutant general. Report. U 1885-87, 90, 94-96, 1902+ Attorney general. Report. U 1897/98, 1903-06, 07+ Audit & control, State board of. Biennial report. U 1897-1900II V. 1-2!! Continued by' Washington — Control, State board of. Auditor. Biennial report. U 1896/98, 1900/02. 05+ Coal mines. Inspector of. Biennial report. U 1891-94, 98-f- Control. State board of. Biennial report. U 1900-f- v. i-j- Continues reports issued by State board of Audit & control. Dairy & food commissioner. Biennial report. U 1899- 1900, 1905-f- V. 3. 6+ Examiner. Annual report. U 1907+ v. 1+ Fire warden. Report. U 1905-+- v. 1 + Fish commissioner & game warden. Annual report. U 1902, 05+ V. 13, 16-I- Geological survey (1901+). Bulletin. G no. i Report. G 1901-02, v. 1-2 Governor. Messages. U 1895+ Health, State board .of. Report. U 1894-96, 1904+ v. i, 6-f- Highway commission. Biennial report. U 1905+ v. i-j- Horticulture, State board of. Biennial report. U 1891-94, 190S+ V. 1-2, 5-\- House of representatives. Journal. U 1901-}- v. 74- Insurance commissioner. Report. U 1890. 99-1902, 05-}- v. 1890. 3-4, 6-\- Labor. Bureau of. Biennral report. U 1896+ v. i-j- (State) library. Biennial report. U 1892-1900, 04+ v. 2-6, 8-j- 222 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Public instruction, Superintendent of. Biennial report. U 1889-98, 1904+ V. 9-14, 17+ Railroad commission. Annual report. -. U 1905+ v. i-|- Secretary of state. Report. U 1889-92, 97-1902, 04+ v. 1-2, 5-7, 9+ Senate. Journal. U 1901+ v. 7-{- Statistics, agriculture. & immigration. Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1895/96+ V. 1 + Supreme court (territory.) Reports of cases. U 1854-88! | v. 1-3II Supreme court (state.) Reports of cases. (Washington reports.) U 1889-1- V. 1+ Tax commissioners, State board of. Biennial report. U 1905+ v. 1+ Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1889-94, 96+ Washington (State) Agricultural experiment station. Pullman. Annual re- port. U 1891-96, 98+ V. 1-6, 8-1- ; N 1891-97, V. 1-2, 6-7 Bulletin. U 1891+ no. i+; N 1892+ no. 6-8. lo-ii, 13, 22-26, 28-29, 31-36, 38-47, 50- 53, 56, 60-70, 74-77, 81+ Popular bulletin. U 1909+ nos. 13+ Washington (state) bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1905-06, 08+ V. lo-ii, 13+ Washington (state) federation of labor. Proceedings of the Annual conven- tion. U 1909+ V. 8+ Washington (state) library association. Bulletin. U 190S+ v. 1+ Washington (State) University. Seattle. University studies. U 1909-I- no. 1 + Washington county (Md.) free library, see Hagerstown (Md.)— Washington county free library. Washington Heights (N. Y. C.)— Free library. Annual report. U 1870-73- 75-1901 II V. 2-5, 7-33il In 1901 merged into New York public library. Washington university. St Louis (Mo.) Washington university record. U+ Washingtonian home. Boston. Report. U 1876, v. 18 Washingtonian home. Chicago. Annual report. U 1876, 78, v. 12, 14 Water & gas review. New York. U -f Water supply & irrigation papers, sec U. S. — Geological survey. Water-way tales; the magazine of the Great Lakes. Detroit. U 1908, v. i Waterbury (Conn.)— Silas Bronson library. Annual report. U 1870/71, 1873+ V. 2, 5+ Bulletin. U 1901-t- v. 1+ Water commissioners. Board of. Report. U 1890-95. v. 24-29 Waterloo (la.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1909+ v. 6+ Watertown (N. Y.)— Public schools. Superintendent of. Report. U 1909+ Wayland's monthly. (Socialistic.) Girard (Kan.) U [1902] no. 27 Wayne county (In'd.) historical society. Richmond. Papers. U 1903, v. i pt i Weekly bulletin of the clothing trades. (United garment workers of Amer- ica.) New York City. U [1902-04,] 04+ v. 2, [3,] 4+ Weekly eagie, see Forest Park (111.) Weekly florists' review, see Florists' review. Weekly market growers' journal. Louisville (Ky.) U-f Weekly notes. [Law.] London. U 1904+ Weekly Oklahoman. Oklahoma City. U+ Weekly people. (Socialist labor party.) New York. U 1906-07. v. 16 Weekly statistical sugar trade journal. New York. U 1898+ v. 22, 24-f Weimarisches jahrbuch fur deutsche sprache, literatur, & kunst. Hanover. _ U 1854-57II V. 1-61 1 Wellcome chemical research laboratories. London. Publications. U 1896-1- no. 1-25. 27-29, 34, 45+ Wellcome research laboratories, see Gordon memorial college, Khartoum. Wellesley (Mass.) college. Legenda. (Students' annual.) U i88g Studies in psychology. U 19084- no. 1+ Wellesley magazine. (Students' monthly.) U [1895-1900] [v. 4, 6-8] SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 223 Wer ist's. Leipzig. U 1905+ v. i-f- Werkstattstechnik. Berlin. U+ Wesleyan university. Middletown (Ct.) Weslevan literary monthly. U [1895-98] [v. 4-6] Psychological laboratory. Studies. U 1907, v. i West African yearbook. London. U 1901, v. i West American scientist. San Diego (Calif.) N [1884-94] [v. i, 6, 7, 8] West Indies, British — Agriculture, Imperial department of. West Indian bul- letin. Barbados. U 1909-!- v. 9+; N [1900-01] [v. i, 2] West Jersey & Seashore railroad company. Annual report. U 1896-}- v. 1+ West Jersey railroad company. Annual report. U 1894, v. 37 West of Scotland agricultural college. Glasgow. Annual report. U 1909, v. 9 West Virginia — Ag^r'culture, State board of. Biennial report. U 1893-f- v. 2+ Archives & history, Department of. Biennial report. U 1905-06, v. i Auditor of state. Biennial report. U 1887+ (State) bank examiner. Report. U 1891-1900, v. i-io Banking. Commissioner of. Annual report. U 1902, v. 2 Free schools, Department of. Arbor & bird day annual. U 1910-f Biennial report of superintendent. U 1889-90, 97-98 . Educational directory. U 19084- Geological survey. [Report.] G U 1899-f v. i-f Health, State board of. Annual report. U 1881-86, v. 1-5 Labor, Bureau of. Report. G v. 10, 13; U 1897-98, v. 5 Mines, Department of. Annual report of mine inspector. G 1898-1900, v. 16-18; U 1898-f v. 16+ Secretary of state. Report. _ U 1901-02 Supreme court. Reports of cases. (West Virginia reports.) U 1863+ V. 1+ Tax commissioner. Biennial report. U 1907-I- v. 2+ West Virginia Agricultural experiment station. Morgantown. Annual report. U 1887-1902. 04+ v. 1-15, 17+ ; N 1888-98, V. I, 3-11 Bulletin. U 1888+ no. i-\-: N 1880+ no. 4-S, 7, 9-ii. 14-23, 25-36, 38-44. 47-75, 78-83, 86, 89-92, 96-103, 105-f- West Virginia board of trade. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1906-I- v. 2-\- West Virginia (state) horticultural society. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1905, V 13 West Virginia Miners' hospital no. i. Welch. Biennial report. _U 1908-f- V. 4+ West Virginia Miners' hospital no. 2. McKendree. Biennial report. U 1901-02, 06-f- West Virginia Miners' hospital no. 3. Fairmont. Report. U 1900-f v. i-f- West Virginia Penitentiary. Moundsville. Biennial report. U 1896-98 West Virginia Second hospital for insane. Spencer. Biennial report. U 1900-02. 04-I- V. 5, 7-f West Virginia University. Morgantown. Studies in American history. U 1908-4- ser. I. no. i-f- Westborough (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 19094- Westen & daheim. Chicago. U-j- Western. St. Louis. U 1875-77. v. 1-3 Western agriculturist. Quincy (111.) : -Chicago. U 1877-88, V. 9-20; N 1884-1900II V. 16-21. 23-32II Continued as Live stock journal. Western architect. Minneapolis. U 1908+ v. ii-f- Western association of architects. Chicago. Proceedings of annual conven- tion. U 1887-88. V. 4-5 Western association of ladies of Philadelphia for the relief & employment of the poor, sec Philadelphia. Western Australia — Geological survey. Bulletins. G no. 15, 20. 23, 33 Mines, Chamber of. Monthly journal. Kalgoorlie. U+ Statistician. Monthly statistical abstract. Perth. U-f 224 SERIALS IX URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Western courier. (Western Illinois state normal school.) Macomb. U+ Western druggist. Chicago. U 1895, v. 17 Western electrician. Chicago. U 1893-19081! v. 12-43] | Continued in Electrical review. Western federation of mines, sec also Miners' magazine. Western fruit grower. St Joseph (Mo.) U 1898-1902, 1904+ V. 3-4, [5-10,] 11-12, 15+ Western Holstein-Friesian association. Galesburg (111.) Herdbook. U 1895, V. I Western manufacturer. Chicago. U 1879-87, v. 6-15 Western Maryland railroad company. Annual report. U 1906/07+ v. 45+ Western New York & Pennsyvania railroad company. Annual report. U 1889-91, 93-94II V. 2-4, 6-7 1 1 Continued as Western New York & Pennsylvania railway company. Annual report. U 1895-1901, 03, V. 1-7. 9-10 Western Pennsylvania university, see Pittsburgh university. Western poultry journal. Cedar Rapids (la.) U+ Western railroad corporation. [Mass.] Annual report. U 1836, 38, 40, 42, 44-46, 48, 50, 52-53, 55, 57, 59, 63-64, 68, v. i, 3, 5, 7, 9-ii. 13, 15, 17-18, 20, 22, 24, 28-30, 33 Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1840, 43 Western railway club. Chicago. Official proceedings. U 1895-96, 97-f V. 8, 10+ Western reporter. Rochester (N. Y.) U 1885-88, v. 1-14 Western Reserve farmers' almanac. Cleveland. U 1842 Western Reserve university. Cleveland (O.) — Adelbert college. (The) Reserve. (Junior class annual.) U 1891-92 Library school. Catalog. U 1904/05, 07/08-f Western rural. Chicago. U 1869, [77,] [83,] 84-86, 91-92, [93,] 97-1900, V. 7, [14,] 15, [19-20,] 22-24, 29-30, [31,] 35-38 Continued after 1898 by National rural & [American] family magazine. 1884-94, V. 22-32 have title: Western rural & American stockman; 1895-98, V. 33-36, [53-56] Western rural & live stock weekly. Western rural year book. (George.) Chicago. U 1886 Western societv of engineers. Chicago. Journal. G+: U 1896+ V. i + ; W+ Western swine breeder. Lincoln (Neb.) U 1905-06, [07] |] v. 13-14, 15 no. 1-4] | Consolidated i May 1907 with Nebraska independent, & Weekly state jour- nal, & continued as Independent Farmer & Western swine breeder. Western union telegraph company. Annual report. U 1869, 74-82, 84-87, 89-I- Westfalen, see Westphalia. Westf^eld (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1867/68, 70-74, 89/90, 92-94, 95/96, 98-1905, 06-f- Westminster review. London & New York. U 1824+ v. i-|- Weston (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1906-f Westphalische dampfboot. Bielefeld. U 1845, v. i Westphalischer provinzial-verein fiir wissenschaft & kunst. Miinster (Ger- many.) Jahresbericht. _ N 1887-I- y. 16-26, 28. 35+ Westpreussicher botanisch-zoologischer verein. Danzig. Bericht. U 1908+ V. 30+ Wetmore's weekly, a journal advocating equable legislation for all. St Louis. U [1904-05] [v. i] Wetterauische gesellschaft fiir die gesammte naturkunde. Frankfurt-a-M. Annalen. N 1809. v. i What's in the magazines. Chicago. U 1906-1908 Jan.|| v. 1-3 no. i|| Whcaton (111.) college. Catalogue. U 1870-73, 83/84, 89/90, 91-95. 98-1902, 03+ Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad company. Annual report. U 1899/1900, 1901/02-05, V. I, 3-6 Wheeling (W. Va.) board of trade. Yearbook. U 1906+ SRRIALS IN URBAN A AND CHAMPAIGN 225 Wheeling bridge & terminal railway company. Annual report. U 1897-99, V. 6-8 Whitaker's almanack. London. U 1904-!- v. .36+ White Pass & Yukon railroad company, Ltd. Report. U 1900/01, 03/04, V. 4, 7 Wlio's who. London. U 1894, 97-I- Who's who in America. Chicago. G 1906+ v. 4+; U 1899-}- v. i-(- VVho's who in New York city & state. New York. U 1904-05, 07, 09-f- Who's who yearbook. London. U 1904-i- Wichita (Kan.) Municipal reports. U 1890 Wiener beitrage zur englischen philologie. Vienna.* U 18954- '^'- 1 + Wiener entomologische zeitung. Vienna. N 1882-}- v. 1 + Wiener klinische wochenschrift. (K. K. Gesellschaft der aerzte in Wien.) Vienna. U 1888+ v. 1 + Wiener museum der naturgeschichte, see Vienna (Austria) Museum der natur- geschichte. Wiener studien. Zeitschrift fiir classische philologie. (Supplement to Zeit- scrift fiir die oesterreichischen gymnasien.) Vienna. U has ordered Wiesbaden (Germany), see also Nassauischer verein fiir naturkunde. Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) — Osterhout free library. Annual report. U 1892- 1906, 08+ V. 4-18, 20-|- Bulletin. U 1902-I- v. 1 + Library news letter. U 1897-1902!! v. 7-1 1 1! Continued as Bulletin. Wilkes-Bane (Pa.) board of trade, .\nmial reports. U 1907-f- — — Journal. U 1909-)- v. 4-\- Wiliiam & Mary college quarterly historical magazine. Williamsburg (Va.) U 1892-f V. 1 + Williamsport (Pa.) board of trade. Annual report. U 1905-f Willing's press guide. London. U 1904-)- v. 31-i- Wilmington (Del.) — Street & sewer department. Report. U 1890-92, 93/94 V. 4-5. 7 • Water department. Annual report of the chief engineer. U 190 [-06, V. 32-37 Institute free library. Annual report. U 1873/74. 86. Sy-^ v. 17, 29. 31 -f Bulletin. U 19034- v. i-f Wilshire's magazine. New York; Toronto. U [1902-07], [nos. 42-64. V. 6-7, lo-ii] Wilson bulletin. (Wilson ornithological club.) Oberlin (O.) U 19044- V. 164- (new ser. v. 11+) ; N 18974- "O- 12. 19-23. 30, 40-f Winchester (Mass.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1903-I- v. 44-}- Public library bulletin. U 1908-i- Wine & spirit news & Australian vigneron. Melbourne. U-f Winnebago county (111.) — Schools, Superintendent of. Report. U 1901/02 Winnetka (111.) — Free public library. Annual report. V 1908-)- v. 244- Winnipeg (Manitoba) board of trade. Annual report. U 1888. v. 10 Winona (Ind.) technical institute library school. Annual. U 1906. v. i Catalog. r 1906-08II V. 1-2II Winterbloom. (H. D. Moore.) Philadelphia. U 1850 Wirtschaftsjahr. (Calwer.) Jena. U 1903-06 Wisconsin. Public documents. U 1869, 72, 74-80. 82-89. 9-? 94. 1904, oiS-f- Agriculture, State board of. Annual report. U I90r4- Continues Wisconsin state agricultural society. Transactions. Assembly. Journal. U 1855-56, 58, bo. 67-6S. 714- v. 7-S. 10. 12. 19-20.244- Assessment. Supervisors of. Proceedings of annual meeting. U 1900+ V. 84- Banking, Commissioner of. Annual report. U T 854-56. 58-6.3. 95-1904 Census. U 1885. 05. 1005 Charitable, reformatory. & penal institutions. State board of supervision of. Biennial report. IT 1S81 uxij 226 SERIALS l.\ URUAXA AXD CHAMPAIGN Cliaritics & concctidiis, Slate conk-rence of. Proceedings. U 1888, 93-94. 97 Charities & reform, State board of. Report. U 1871-75, 77-go, 93 Dairy & food commission. Biennial report. U 1891-94, 99-1900 Farmers' institutes. Bulletin. U 1887-98, v. 1-12 Fisheries, Commissioners of. Biennial report. N 1893-j- (State) forester. Annual report. U 1906, v. i Free library commission. Madison. Bibliography bulletin. U 1901+ no. I, ,vf Biennial report. U 1895-1906, v. 1-6 — Bulletin. U 1905+ v. i-f- Comparative legislation bulletin. U 1905+ no. 1 + Wisconsin library school. Catalog. U 1906+ v. 1 + sec also Current events index. Geological survey (1873-79.) Annual report. (Chamberlin.) G 1876-79] | Geology of Wisconsin. G 1880, v. 3; U 1877-83II v. 1-5I) Geological & natural historv survey (1897+.) Biennial report. U 1898+ V. 1 + • Bulletin. G 18984- V. 2, 4-7 pt 1. 8-17. 20+; U 1898-f v. 1-7 pt I, V. 8-^; N 1898+ V. 1-3, 5-7 pt I. V. 8-18, 20-i- Hydrographic maps. U 1898-99, no. 1-2, 4-7 Highway division. Road pamphlet. U 1907+ v. i-f- — — Go\ernor. Message. U 1869, 72, 74-80, 83-89, 93, 1903 Health, State board of. Bulletin. W+ Report. U 1876+ v. i-f History commission. Original papers. (Ci\il war.) U 1908-i- v. i-f- Reprints. U 1908-I- v. 1 + Insurance. Department of. Annual report, pt. i: Fire & marine. U 1870-73, 76-82. 85-90, 94-99, 1901-04, 07+ pt. 2: Life & casualty. U 1870-73, 76-82, 85-90, 94-f- pt. 3: Local mutuals. U 1901, 03, 07-I- Labor & industrial statistics. Bureau of. Biennial report. U 1883-1900 pt 2, 01 -f V. 1-8, 9 pt 2, 10+ ■ Legislature. Laws. U 1880-81, 91 sess. 2, 92, 1901 + • ■ Legislative manual. (Blue book.) U 1861-63, 65, 67-78. 1907+ V. 1-2, 4. 6-17, 34+ Public instruction, Department of. Arbor & bird day annual. U 1899-!- Bird study bulletin. U 1906. v. i Memorial day aids. U 1899-1902, 04-I- Biennial report. (Before 1883, annual.) U 1854, 61. 65-I- Railroad commission. Biennial report. U 1905+ v. i-|- Continues Report of Railroad commissioner. Opinions & decisions. U 1905+ v. i-f- Railroad commissioner. Report. U 1874-1906II Continued by Railroad commission organized July 11, 1905. Secretary of state. Report. U 1876, 80-82. 90-92 Senate. Journal. U 1855-56. 58, 60, 65, 67-71. 74-1- V. 7-8, 10, 12, 17, 19-21, 23 24.' 27+ Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Wisconsin reports.) U 1839+ Tax commission. Biennial report. U 1900-I- v. i-|- Treasurer. Biennial report. U 1851, s^- 56, 58-59, 64, 66-67, 69-1904 Before 1883 annual. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Madison. Transactions. U 1875-1902 pt I, 08, V. 3-14, 16 pt I no. 2 Wisconsin agricultural experiment association. .Annual report. U 1905, V. 3 Wisconsin .^gricultural experiment station. Madison. Annual report. U 1883+ V. i + ; N 1883+ v. 1-3. 5-8. 10, 13-16. 21. 24+ SI'.RIAl.S IX URP.AXA AM) ( 'I I AM I'Air.X 227 Bulletin. U 1883+ no. i + ; N 1891+ no. 2S, 30. 33, 41-43. S'. 53-54. 5(^-57, C)i-62, 63, 65-66, 68-69. 72-73, 75-76. 79-80, 8489, 94-95. 97-100, 1 11-112, 115, 118-19, 121-28, 131-37, 141-45. 147 49. 152-58, 1(^)0-65, 107 ()8. 170-1- Wisconsin (state) agricultural society. Transactions. U 1851-96H V. 1-34!!; N 1858-93, V. 5, 7-8, 12, 14-19. -7-29, 31 Continued by Wisconsin — Agriculture, Stale board of. Wisconsin bankers' association. Proceedings. U 1908+ v. 14+ Wisconsin central [railroad] company. Report. U 1893-95, v. 5-7 Wisconsin central railway company. Annual rei)ort. U 1899/1900+ v. 1 + Wisconsin dairymen's association. Annual report. U 1875+ v. 4+ Wisconsin engineer. Madison. U 1896-97, i9o8-(- (v. i,] v. 13-f- Wisconsin engineers' society. Annual report. U 1896, v. i Wisconsin (state) federation of labor. Proceedings of the annual convention. U 1907-+- V. 15+ Wisconsin (state) grange. (Patrons of husbandry.) Proceedings of annual session. U 1891, v. 20 Wisconsin (state) historical society. Madison. Proceedings. U 1875-77. 79-80, S2-87, 89-t- V. 21-23, 25-26, 28-34, .36-f Before 1886 called Annual report. Reports & collections. U 1854+ v. i-f- Wisconsin (state) horticultural society. Madison. Bulletin. U 1903-10II no. 1-19II Continues Wisconsin horticulturist. Transactions. U 1864+ V. 1864-69, V. 1 + ; N 1870-91, V. 1-4, 6-10, 13, 15-17, 21-22 Wisconsin horticulture. (Wisconsin state horticultural society.) Madison. U 1910+ V. 1 + Continues Wisconsin state horticultural society. Bulletin. Wisconsin horticulturist. (Wisconsin state horticultural society.) .Sparta (Wis.) U 1902-03II V. 7 : Continued by Wisconsin state horticultural society. Bulletin. Wisconsin Institution for the education of the blind. Janesville. /Knnual re- port. U 1879, V. 30 Wisconsin journal of education. Racine. U [1856-62] [v. 1-5, 7] Wisconsin natural history society. Milwaukee. Bulletin. U 1902-I- n. ser. v. 2 pt 4+ ; N 1900+ n. ser. v. 1 + Jahresbericht (der Naturhistorischcs vereins von Wisconsin.) N 1872-74. 76-82II Occasional papers. N 1889-96II v. 1-3 pt i|| Wisconsin (state) prison. Waupun. Annual report. 1S80, 82|[ Continued by Biennial report. U 1884-92, v. 15 Wisconsin University. Madison. Bulletin; Economics & political science series. U 1906+ v. iH- Economics, political science & history scries. U 1894-99I! v. I-2|| Continued as Economics & Pf)litical science: and History series. — — Engineering series. U 1894-)- v. i4- History series. U 1907 -|- v. 1 no. i-f- Philology & literature series. U 189S+ v. i-j- Science scries. U 1894-I- v. i+; N looo, 08, [v. 2, 3] University extension series. U 1908-I- v. i-f- Wisconsin alumni magazine. U [1905-06,] 08-f (v. 7.] lo-f Washburn observatory. Publications. U 1884-!- v. 2+ Wissenschaftliche anstalten des staates Hamburg, sec Hamburg (Germany.) Wistar institute of anatomy 8c biology. Philadelphia, sec Pennsylvania univer- sity. Witness. (J. H. Noyes.) Putney (Vt.) U 1841-43II v. 2I! Witwatersrand Mechanical engineers' association, sec Transvaal institute of meclianical engineers. 228 SERIALS IX URBAN A AXD CHAMPAIGN Woburn (Mass.)— Public library. Annual report. U 1899-1900, 02-04. 06+ V. 43-44, 46-48, 50-(- Wochenschrift fur klassische philologie. Berlin. U 1884+ v. i-j- Wochentliches verzeichnis & monatsregister. Leipzig. U 1909+ Wolfenbiittel. (Germany), see also Geschichtsvercin fiir das herzogtum Braun- schweig. Woman's anthropological society. Washington (D. C.) Bulletin. U 1895-96, nos. S-7 Proceedings. U 1893, looth meeting Woman's education association. Boston. Annual report. U 1893, 96-99, 1901+ V. 21, 24-27, 29-f- Woman's home companion. Springfield (O.) C 1900+ V. 27-\-\ U [1899, 1904-05,] 1908-}- [v. 26, 31-32,] V. 35+; Ur-f Women's educational & industrial union. Boston. Annual report. U 1907+ V. 29+ Report of progress. U 1905 Women's suffrage calendar. Bristol (Eng.) U 1897-98 Wood, wire, & metal lathers' international union. Proceedings of annual con- vention. U 1908-f V. 10+ sec also Lather. Woodmen news. (Woodmen of the world.) Omaha (Neb.) U4- Wool markets & sheep. (Shepherd's criterion.) Chicago. U 1901. v. 12 see also American sheep breeder. Woonsocket (R. I.) Annual reports. U 1905 Worcester (Mass.) Annual reports. U 1909 Health, Board of. Annual report. U 1904-05, 07-09 Parks commission. Annual report. U 1896- 1909 Public library. Annual report. U 1859-63, 65+ v. 1-3, 5+ Bulletin. U 1909+ Worcester (Mass.) Board of trade. Worcester magazine. U-f- Worcester (Mass.) Children's friend society. Annual report. U 1899-I- v. 51+ Worcester (Mass.), see also American antiquarian society. Worcester County (Mass.) law library. Annual report. U 1899+ v. i-f Workers" leaflet. (Socialist.) Philadelphia. U [1901] [v. i] Workingman's journal & free enquirer. Stoke-upon-Trent. (Eng.) U 1851II n. ser. no. 1-52II Workshop. New York. U 1870-71, 77-83. v. 3-4, 10-16 World almanac, see New York world almanac & encyclopedia. World evangel & the Christian. (F. M. Barton.) Cleveland (O.) U+ World today. Chicago. U 1904+ v. 6-f ; Ur+ World-wide farming. Denver (Colo.) _ U+ World's fair bulletin. (Louisiana purchase exposition, 1904.) St Louis. U 1901-02, V. 3 World's Fair electrical engineering, see Electrical engineering & telephone magazine. World's work. New York. U 1900+ v. i-f ; Ur 1909-f v. 17+ Worms (Germany) handelskammer. Jahresbericht. U 1859-63. 67-71. 78-79. 86-87, 90-ipoi Writer. Boston. U 1887+ v. i-f Writers' & artists' yearbook. London. U 1907, v. 2 Writings on American history. (Griffin.) New York. U 1902-03, 06+ Wiirttemberg (Ger.)— Hofbibliothek. Zuwachs-verzeichnis. U 1908+ no. 1 + Zcntralstelle fiir gewerbe & handel. Stuttgart. Jahresberichte der handclskammern in Wiirttemberg. U 1901-02 see also Verein fiir vaterliindische naturkunde. Wiirzbnrg (Germany), see also Botanisches institnt in Wiirzburg. Wyoming — Attorney-general's department. Biennial report. U 1898-1000, 1905+ Auditor. Annual report. U 1892-98, 1907-f Charities &• reform. State board of. .\nnual report. V 1892-93. 97. V. 2-3. 7 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 229 Dairy, food, & oil commissioner. Annual report. U 1907/084- v. 44- (Territorial) engineer. Annual report. U 1889, v. 2 Governor. Message. U 1878, 1903 House of representatives. Journal. U 18954- v. 34- Public instruction, Superintendent of. Biennial report. U 1892-96, 984- Public lands, Commissioner of. Biennial report. U 19064- v. 24- Senate. Journal. U 1895-1903, v. z-j (State) treasurer. Biennial report. U 1891/92, 95/96, 97-1900, 044- Before 1898 annual. Supreme court. Reports of cases. (Wyoming reports.) U 18704- v. 14- Wyoming Agricultural experiment station. Laramie. Annual report. U 18914- V. 14-; N 18914- V. 1-14, 164- Bulletin. U 18914- no. i-f-; N 18914- no. 1-3, 5-57, 594- Yale review. New Haven (Ct.) U 18924- v. i-h Yale university. New Haven (Ct.) Yale alumni weekly. U [1896-1905] [v. 6-14] Yale daily news. U [1898-99] [v. 22] Yale literary magazine. U [1836-38, 43-45, 56-60, 70-73] [v. 1-3, 9-10, 22,] 23 [24,] 25. [36, 38] Yale psychological studies. U 1905-f- n. ser. v. 1+ Yale studies in English. (A. S. Cook.) New York. U 1898-}- v. i-f- Yale university bulletin. U4- Astronomical observatory. Transactions. U 18874- v. 14- Library. Report. U 19054- Psychological laboratory. Studies from the Yale psychological labor- atory. U 1892-1902II V. i-io|| Continued as Yale psychological studies new series, published as mono- graph supplements of psychological review. U 19054- v. i-|- Yamaguchi (Japan) — Public library. Amuial report. U i9o64- v. 44- Year book & almanac of Canada. Ottawa. U 1869-72 Year-book of education (Kiddle & Schem.) New York. U 1878-79, v. 1-2 Year book of pharmacy, with the transactions of the British pharmaceutical conference. London. U 1878-79, v. 9-10 Year book of railway literature. (Robinson.) Chicago. U 1897, v. i Year book of the commercial, banking, & manufacturing interests of Chicago. (S. F. Howe.) Chicago. U 1885/86 Year book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain. U 19054- V. 234- Year books, see also Societies, institutions. & offices issuing them. Yellow book: an illustrated quarterly. London. U l894-97|i v. I-13II Yeoman. (Yeoman of America.) Aurora (111.) U-f- Yeoman shield. (Brotherhood of American yeomen.) Des Moines (la.) U-(- Yerkes observatory, see Chicago university. York (Eng.) — Public library. Annual report. U 1896/97, v. 4 Young men of India. (Y. M. C. A.) Madras. U4- Young men's Christian associations of North America. Yearbook. New York. report. U 1884, 86, 90, 97, v. 51, 53, 57, 64 Young men's Christian associations of North America. Yearbook. New York. U 19044- Educational department. Annual report. New York. U 1900-01 Youngstown (O.) Annual reports of the various departments. U 1908 Youngstown (O.) chamber of commerce. Annual report. U 19064- v. i-f- Bulletin. U 19084- no. 1 + Youth's companion. Boston. C 1898-}- v. 724-; Ur-j- Zaragoza (Spain), see Saragossa. Zeit^chrift des allgemeinen deutschen sprachvcreins. Berlin. U 18864- ^'- i-|- Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine physiologic. Jena. U 19024- v. i-j- Zeitschrift fiir analytische chemie. (Fresenius.) Wiesbaden. U 18624- v. i-f- Zeitschrift fiir angewandte chemie. Berlin. U i888-|- Zeitschrift fiir angewandte mikroskopie. Weimar; Leipzig. U 1895-98, v. 1-3 230 SERIALS IX URBAN A AXD CHAMPAIGN Zeitschritt fiir angewandte psychologic & psychologische sammelfcrschung. Leipzig. U i907-(- v. i+ Zeitschrift fiir anorganische chemie. Hamburg. U 1892-i- v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir architecktur & ingenieurwesen. Wiesbaden. U 1909+ V. 55+ (n. ser. v. 14+) Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. Berlin. U 1872, v. 22 Zeitschrift fiir biologie. Munich. U 1865+ v. i + ; N 1S88-99, v. 24, 29-33, [36] Zeitschrift fiir biologische technik & methodik. Berlin. U 1910+ v. 2-f- Zeitschrift fiir botanik. Jena. U 1909-f v. i-f- Zeitschrift fiir biicherfreunde. Leipzig. U 1897+ v. i-{- Zeitschrift fiir chemie. Leipzig. U 1871, v. 14 (new s. v. 7) Zeitschrift fur chemie & industrie der kolloide. Dresden. U 1906-}- v. i-f Zeitschrift fur classische philologie. see Wiener studien. Zeitschrift fiir comprimierte & fliissige gase, see Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte & fliissige gase. Zeitschrift fiir dampfkessel & maschinenbetrieb. Berlin. U-|- Zeitschrift fiir das arme\ve=en. (Centralstelle fiir arbeiter-wohlfahrtseinricht- _ ungen.) Berlin. U igoo-\- v. 1-2, f3,] 4+ Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte turbinenwesen. Munich. U 1909+ v. 6-|- Zeitschrift fiir das gymnasialwesen. Berlin. U 1847-!- v. i4- Zeitschrift fiir das landwirtschaftliche versuchwesen in Oesterreich. Vienna. U 1898+ V. 1+ Zeitschrift fiir das privat- & oeftentliches recht der gegenwart. U has ordered Zeitschrift fiir den deutschen unterricht. Leipzig. U 1887+ v. 1 + — - Erganzungsheft. U 1901+ v. 1+ Zeischrift fiir den physikalischen & chemischen unterricht. Berlin. U 18S7-}- V. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir dentsche kii'turgeschichte. (]\liiller.) Hanover. U 1872-75, n. ser. v. 1-4 Zeitschrift fiir deutsche mundarten. Berlin. U 1906-I- Zeitschrift fiir deutsche philologie. Halle. U 1869+ v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir deutsche sprache. Hamburg; Leipzig. U 1887-97, v. 1-6, 8-10 Zeitschrift fiir deutsche wortforschung. Strassburg. U 1901-06, 09-)- V. 1-7. II-(- Zeitschrift fiir deutsches altertum & deutsche litteratur. Leipzig; Berlin. U 1841-f V. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir die erforschung & behandlung des jugendlichen schwachsinns, aiif wissenschaftlicher grundlage. Jera. U 1907-)- v. i-j- Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten naturwissenschaften. Berlin. X 1869-79, [v. 33 ;] ser. 2, v. 5-8 ; ser. 3, v. 4 Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte staatswissenschaft. Tubingen. U 1844+ v. 1 + Erganzungsheft. U 1901+ v. i-j- Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte v.-asserwirtschaft. Halle. N 1908, v. 3 Zeitschrift fiir elektrochemie. Halle. U 1894-f- v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir elektrctechnik. Vienna. U 1894-93. v. 12-13 Zeitschrift fiir entomologie. see Breslau (Ger.) Verein fiir schlesische insekt- enkunde. Zeitschrift fiir ethnologie. (Berliner gesellschaft fiir anthropologic u. s, w.) Berlin. U 1869+ v. i-f Zeitschrift fiir fischerei Sc deren hilfswissenschaften. Berlin. ^ . , ., , N 1897+ V. 5-6, \7.] 9+ /.eitscnrift fiir fleisch- & milchhygiene. Berlin. U 1890+ v. l-f- Zeitschrilt fiir forst- & jagdvvesen. Berlin. N 1894-1903, [v. 26,] 28. 35 Zeitschrift fiir franzosische sprache & litteratur. Berlin. 'U 1879-)- v. i-f V. i-io called Zeitschrift fiir neufranzosische sprache & litteratur. Zeitschrift fiir geschichte der architektur. Heidelberg. U 1907-I- v. 1+ ZeitFchrift fiir handelswissenschaft & handclspraxis. Leipzig. U 1908-!-- v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir hochdeutsche mundarten. Heidelberg. U 1900-02, v. 1-3 Zeitschrift fiir hygiene & infectionskrankheiten. Leipzig. U 1886+ V. i + ; N 1891, V. 10 V. i-io called Zeitschrift fiir hygiene. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 231 Zeitschrift fiir hypnotismus. Leipzig. U 1892-1902II v. i-io|l Continued as Journal fiir psycliologie & neurologic. Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkunde. Berlin. U 1881-95, 98+ v. 1-15, 18+ Beiblatt, see Deutsche mcchaniker-zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir kapital & rente. Berlin. U 1864-72. 74, 76, V. 1-8, 9 (supplement), 12 Zeitschrift fiir kindcrforschung. Laiigcnsalza. U 1907+ v. 13+ Continues Kinderfehler. Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte & fliissige gase. Weimar. U 1897-I- v. I + Zeitschrift fiir krystallographie & mineralogie. Leipzig. U has ordered complete Zeitschrift fiir kulturgcschichte. Weimar. U 1898 99, ser. 3, v. 5-6 Continued by Archiv fiir kulturgcschichte. Zeitschrift fiir malhematik & physik. Leipzig. U 1856-f v. l-f Abhandlungen zur geschichte der mathematik, see Abhandlungen. Zeitschrift fiir mathematische & naturwissenschaftliche unterricht. Leipzig. U 1870+ V. 14- Zeitschrift fiir morphologie & anthropologic. Stuttgart. U has ordered Zeitschrift fiir neufranzosische sprache & litteratur, sec Zeitschrift fiir fran- 70sischc sprache & litteratur. Zeitschrift fiir ostcrreichische volkskunde. Vienna. U 1907+ v. 13+ Zeitschrift fiir padagogische psychologic. Berlin. U 1899-!- v. i-f- Zeitschrift fiir pflanzenkrankheiten. Stuttgart. U 1891+ v. i + ; N 1898, v. 8 Zeitschrift fiir philosophic & pjidagogik. Langensalza. _ U 1895+ v. 2+ Zeitschrift fiir philosophic & philosophische kritik. Leipzig. U 1905+ V. 126-I-; U has ordered rest Erganzungsband. U 1909+ v. 2+ Zeitschrift fiir physikalische chemie. Leipzig. U 1887-f v. i-f Zeitschrift fiir physiologische chemie. (Hoppe-Seyler.) Strassburg. U 1877-f V. i-f Zeitschrift fiir politik. Berlin^ U 1907+ v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir praktische geologic. Berlin. U 1893+ v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir psychologic & physiologic der sinnesorganc. Hamburg. U 1890-97, 99+ V. I- 15, 20+ Erganzungsband. U 1900+ v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir romanische philologie. Halle. U 1877-t- v. 1 + Beiheit. U 1905+ v. 1 + Zeiischrift fiir schulgesundheitspflege. Hamburg. U i888-f- v. i-f Zeitschrift for staats- & volkswirtschaft. Vienna. U 1890-I- v. 1+ Zeitschrift fiir systematische hymenoptcrologie & dipterologic. Stargard. N 1 902-08 1 1 V. 2-8 1 1 Combined with & continued in Deutsche cntomologische zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fiir tuberkulose & heilstattenwcsen. Leipzig. U 1900+ v. i-|- Zeitschrift fiir untersuchung der nahrungs- & genussmittel. Berlin. U 1898-f V. i-l- Zeitschrift fiir vcrgleichende littdraturgeschichte & renaissance litteratur. Berlin. U 1887+ n. ser. v. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir vcrgleichende rechtswissenschaft. Stuttgart. U i9o8-(- v. 21 + Zeitschrift fiir vcrgleichende sprachforschung auf dem gebiete dcs indogcr- manischen sprachen. Berlin. U 1851+ v. l-j- Zeitschrift fiir volkerpsychologie & sprachwissenschaft. Berlin. U 1860-90! I V. 1-20II Zeitschrift fiir volkerrecht & bundesstaalsrecht. Breslau. U 1907+ v. 14" Zeitschrift fiir volkswirtschaft, sozialpolitik, & verwaltung. Vienna. U 1892-f- v. i-f Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche insektenbiologie. Berlin & Neudam. N 1896+ v. 1 + v. 1-2 called Illustrierte wochenschrift fiir entoniologic; v. 3-6 called Illus- trierte zeitschrift fiir entomologic ; v. 7-9 called Allgemcine zeitschrift fiir entomologie. 232 SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN Zeitschrift ftir wissenschaftliche mikroskopie & fiir mikroskopische technik. Leipzig; Brunswick. U 1890-94, 1899+ V. 7-1 1, 16+ ; N 1886-89, 95, V. 3-6, 12 pt 3 Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliclie zoologie. Leipzig. N 1855+ V. 6-7, [12,] 16, 18-22, 24+ Zeitungs katalog. Leipzig, see ]\Iosse, Rudolf. Zentralblatt fiir agrikultur chemie. (Biedermann.) Leipzig. U 1888+ v. 17+ Zentralblatt fiir allgemeine pathologic & pathologische anatomic. U has ordered complete Zentralblatt fiir bakteriologie, parasitenkunde & infektionskrankheiten. Jena. Erste abtheilung: medizinisch-hygienische, bakteriologie & tierische para- sitenkunde. U 1887-97, V. 1-17, 21-22; N 1887-1901II [v. I, 4, II,] 18-30II Since 1902, v. 31 issued in 2 series: Referate, & Originale. Referate. N 1902-I- v. 31+ Originale. N 1902+ v. 31-i- Zweite abtheilung: allgemeine landwirtschaftlich-technologische bakteri- ologie, gahrungsphysiologie & pflanzenpathologie. U 1897-f V. 3-|-; N 1895-96, V. 1-2 Zentralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen. Leipzig. U 1884+ v. i + Beiblatt, see Blatter fiir volksbibliothekswesen. Beihefte. _ _ U 1888-93, 97+ v. 1-3, 6-f Zentralblatt fiir biochemie & biophysik. Leipzig. U 1910+ v. i-\- Continues Biochemisches centralblatt, & Biophysikalisches centralblatt. Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte physiologic & pathologic des stoffwechscls. Ber- lin. U 1909+ n. scr. V. 4+ Zentralblatt fiir mineralogic, geologic & palaeontologie. Stuttgart. U 1900-f Being a supplement to Neucs jahrbuch fiir mineralogic. Zentralblatt fur normale anatomic & mikrotcchnik. Berlin. U 1904+ v. 1 + Zentralblatt fiir physiologic. Berlin ; Leipzig. U 1894+ v. 8+ ; N 1887-89, v. 1-3 Zentralverband deutscher konsumvereinc. Jahrbuch. Hamburg. U 1907+ V. 5+ Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity. [Sorority.] Themis. Menasha (Wis.) U 1910+ V. 7+ Zlata Praha. Prague (Bohemia.) U 1909+ v. 27+ Zoe, a biological journal. San Francisco. N 1890-91, v. 1-2 Zoologica. (Chun.) Stuttgart. U 1887-f V. i-f; N 1889-1908, no. 5, n. i5-i6, 21-22, 26 Earlv volumes called Bibliotheca zoologica. Zoological bulletin. Boston. N 1897-99II v. 1-2] | Continued as Biological bulletin, sec ?klarine biological laboratory. Woods Holl. Zoological record. London. N 1864+ v. 1+ Zoological society of London. Proceedings. N 1878-90, 92-93, [97.] 99+ Transactions. N 1886+ [v. 12, 14,] 15+ K. K. Zoologisch-botanische gesellschaft. Vienna. Vcrhandlungen. N 1866+ V. 16. 20, 27, 36. 41, 46+ Zoologisch-botanischcr verein. Vienna. Bericht fiber die oe.sterreichische litcratur der zoologie, botanik & paleontologic. U 1850-53 Vcrhandlungen. U 1852-87, v. 1-36 Zoologische annalen. Wiirzburg. U 190S+ v. 1+ Zoologischc jahrbiicher. Jena; abtheilung fiir allgemeine zoologie & physi- ologic der thicre. (Begins with v. 30.) N 1910+ v. 30+ Abtheilung fiir anatomic & ontogenie der thicre. N 1889+ V. 3-16, [17.] 18+ Abtheilung fiir systematik geographic & biologic der thicre. N 1886+ V. 1+ Supplement. N_i897+ no. 4+ Zoologischer anzeiger. (Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft.) Leipzig. N 1878+ V. 1+ ?,ee also Bibliographia zoologica. Zoologischer jahresbericht. Berlin, see Naples (Italy) Zoologische station. SERIALS IN URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN 233 Zoologisches institut der universitat in Wien, see Vienna Univcrsitat— Zoolo- gisclies institut. Zoologisches zentralblatt. Leipzig. N 1894+ v. i-l- Zoologist. London. U 1874, v. 32, (ser. 2, v. 9) Zukunft. (Harden.) Berlin. U 1892-1904, 07+ v. 1-48, 6i-|- Zukunft: a Jewish monthly magazine [in Hebrew.] New York. U 1907+ V. 12+ Zukunft, socialistische revue. Berlin. U 1877-78, v. 1-2, no. 3 Zurich (Switz.)— Stadtrat. Geschaftsbericht des stadtrates & der zentral- schulpflege. U 1899, 1906 Zurich (Switz.) Eidgenossische polytechnische schule. Programm. U 1868/69 Materialpriifungs-anstalt. Mittheiluygen der materialpriifungs-anstalt am schweizerisches polytechnikum in Ziirich. U 1886+ v. 1 + Sternwarte. Publikationen. U 1897-1902, v. 1-3 Zurich (Switz.) Museumsgesellschaft. Jahresbericht. U 1899/1900, v. 66 Zurich (Switz.) Naturforschende gesellschaft. Vierteljahrsschrift. U 1898, 1908+ V. 43, 53+ Zurich (Switz.) Schweizerisches landesmuseum. Jahresbericht. U 1895-99, 1902-04, V. 4-8, 11-13 Zurich, See also Concilium bibliographicum. Zwolle (Neth.), see also Nederlandsche naamlooze. *^ f {^Cl 2451 H2