-0§ S-=J>^ Jx^ ^m-m ^^/smmMW^^ :lOS-ANG[L£j: )NVSm^ ^Aa3AlNil-3WV iBRAi{\-6.. .o\y ^„-.. ,.-, ,..\y ZH2J :mof^4 CALiFO% <^ Ov' V o F?=; ^AW^; NIVER%. ^V^OSANGtLfj> aX ^>r OVALE , CO. DOWN. I PLATE II.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. PLATE 11. iSotfi^ltr, of iH^rton Wialh to iHortftampton* Beriah Botfield, Esq. of Norton Hall, co. Northampton, and Decker Hill, CO. Salop, M.P. for Ludlow, F.R.S., F.S.A., M.A., Chevalier of the Order of Albert the Brave of Saxony, and Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, represents a branch of the ancient family of Botevyle, of Botevyle, co. Salop. HrmS. — Barry of twelve or. and sa. Crest* — A reindeer, statant, or. i^otto« — J'ay bonne cause. In the original confirmation of Armorial Bearings, granted by Ulster King of Arms to the present Joseph Wright Draffen, Esq., now of Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, London, and formerly of the City of Dublin, the preamble sets forth that the said Joseph Wright Draffen, Esq. (son of the late Wilham Drafi'en, Esq. of the City of Dublin, and grandson of the Bev. Matthew Draffen, sometime Rector of Strabane, co. Tyrone) ; and his cousin Frederick Drafien, Esq. of the town of Wexford, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, are descended of a family originally seated at Lesmahago, in Lanarkshire, whence their immediate ancestor passed into Ireland. ^rms*— Az. a fleur de lis or. between two lions rampant arg. on a chief of the third, three mullets gu. Crest* — Out of a ducal coronet or. a demi-lion rampant gu. gorged with a chaplet of trefoils ppr. supporting a spear, thereon a banner of the second, charged with a fleur de lis as in the arms, in an escroU, over the Crest, the word " Lesmahugow." jlllotto. — Per ardua surgo. 6 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [it.atk it. ^1&ioi)tJ> of ISanM^l^, (o* ¥orlt» Edward Akroyd, Esq. of Bankfield, in the parish of Halifax, and Denton Park in the parish of Otley, both in the West Riding of the county of York, M.P., a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant, son of the late Jonathan Akroyd, Esq., is authorized to bear the following Armorial Ensigns : — %vvn&* — Az. a chev. and, in base, a stag's head erased arg. on a chief of the last two stags' heads erased of the field. (^Xt%U — In front of a stag's head ppr. three spear heads sa. encircled by a wreath of oak, also ppr. iHotto* — In veritate victoria. ^onvm, of fl^acltitt0all, to. Hanra^ter. James Bourne, Esq. of Hackinsall, J.P. andD.L., Major Royal Lancashire Artilleiy, the representative of a junior branch of the family of Bourne, of Stalmine, which can be traced back as resident in Nether Wyersdale to the time of King John, impales with his own Coat the Arms of Dyson, in right of his wife, Sarah-Harriett, dau. of Thomas Foumis Dyson, Esq. of Everton and Willow Hall, co. York. ^rmiS. — Arg. a chev. sa. gutte d'eau, between, in chief two lions rampant, and in base an heraldic tiger also rampant, gu. iMPALIJiTG — I. and IV. DrsoTf. II. and III. Edwards. (tvtSU — An heraldic tiger sejant or. gutte de sang, resting the dexter paw on a cross-pattee, gu. iWotto. — Semper vigilans. Vam, of ISaton lllarr, iSrlgrabf Sauarft Eontron, ant) of . R. ROUNDELL.iLA. G-LEDSTOJSTE , CO. YOHK. WaLLIAM BAITER, ESQ. DERBY. WILLIAM LOWKTDES, ESQ. R.F. O. F ARQUHARSON, ES Q. JOCELYN T. WE STBV, E SQ. CHE SHAM, BUCKS. HAIJGHTON, CO. ABEKDEEIT. MOWBKECK, CO. LA"NCASTER. H-.R-BaJce-r, so. PLATE v.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 2 9 PLATE V. "William Compton Domvile, Esq. of Thornhill, youngest son of the late Sir Compton Pocklington Domvile, Bart, of Templeogue and Santry, by Helena-Sarah, his second wife, dau. of Frederick Trench, Esq. of Heywood, Queen's county, bears a quartered shield, Domvile and Pocklington, and impales the Arms of Meade, in right of his wife, Caroline, sixth dau. of the late General the Hon. Robert Meade, second son of John, 1st Earl of Clanwilliam. ^vmfi* — Quarterly : indented of four : first, az. a lion rampt. arg. collared gu. ; on a canton sa. a lion of England, between three esquires' helmets, arg. Second, bai'ry of six arg. and gu. a bend counter- changed. Third, harry of six, arg. and gu. Fourth, az. a lion rampt. arg. collared gu. Impaling, Meade. Crest* — A lion's head erased, arg. ducally crowned, or. ittotto» — Qui stat caveat ne cadat. In the year 1816, Sir William Betham,then Deputy Ulster, in consideration of the fact that Henry Barry, last Lord Santry, devised his estates to the Domvile family, and in memory of the late Sir Compton Domvilc's de- scent from Anne Compton, niece of James, 3rd Earl of Northampton, assigned and granted an augmentation to the arms of the said Sir Compton, to perpetuate the knowledge of the said descent and connection with the respective families of Barry and Compton ; and gave and ratified for that purpose, to Sir Compton and his descendants, the armorial bearings as described above. i&*^avvelU of 33alj)0tott, to. iBama^. Charles O'Farrell, Esq. of Dalyston, J.P., a descendant of the O'Far- rells of Mornyng and Bawn, co. Longford, who were of the Clan Boy, succeeded to the estates of his maternal uncle, the late Charles Farrell, Esq. 20 ArTHORIZED AllMS. [plate v. of Dalyston^ M.D.^ and has assumed by lloyal Licence^ the surname and arms of O'FarrelLj \u lieu of those of Carroll. Srws* — Per fesse, or. and vert, a lion rampant, counterchanged ; on a canton, gu. an Irish liarp of the first. Crest. — On an Eastern crown or. a grej'hound courant per pale arg. and sa. gorged with a collar gu. therefrom a broken chain of the last. il|)on$, 0f mh |Jai1t> to. Antrim* The late William Henry Holmes Lyons, Esq. of Old Park, co. Antrim, son of Thomas Lyons, Esq. of Old Park, and grandson of David Lyons, of Belfast, merchant, had arms duly confirmed to him in Ulster's Office, which arms are now borne by his son and heir, William Thomas Birstow Lyons, Esq. of Old Park, J.P. ^rms* — Per fesse, or. and gu. a lion rampant, within a tressure fiory, counter- changed, holding in his paws an annulet az. and in chief two tre- foils vert. Crest. — A demi lion rampant az. holding in his paws an annulet, or. therein a trefoil vert. jMotto. — In te Domine Speravi. MitW, of MliMttrnMe, co. Hior^^t The late Bev. James Michel, Vicar of Sturminster, sixth son of David Bobert Michel, Esq. of Dewlish House, co. Dorset, the representative of the Michels of Kingston Bussell, a branch of the Cornish Michels, married Margaretta, eldest dau. and heiress of Edmund Morton Pleydell, Esq. of Whatcombe, co. Dorset, and bore in consequence an Escutcheon of pre- tence — Pleydell and Morton, quarterly. ^rntS* — Per chev. arg. and sa. three herons' heads erased counterchanged : an Escutcheon of Pketence, quarterly, first and fourth, Pleydell arg. a bend gu. guttee of the field, between two choughs of the second, a chief chequy or. and sa. Second and third, Moeton quarterly, gu. and erm., in the first and fourth quarters, a goat's head erased or. Crest. — An arm erect, couped at the elbow, vested, gu. cuffed arg. grasping a crane's head, erased, ppr. i^otto — Nil conscire Sibi. TON, Bart, of Milbourne St. Andrew, co. Dorset. PLATE v.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 21 J3e!Sccttt. Edmund Pleydell, Esq., M.P. for Wotton=p Anne, dan. and sole heiress of Sir John Mor- Bassett, 4th in descent from Gabriel Pley- dell, Esq. of Midge Hall, elder brother of Thomas Pleydell, Esq. of Coleshill, ancestor of the Earls of Radnor, d. Nov. 1726, aged 75. Edmund Morton Pleydell, Esq., M.P. for=p Deborah, dau, of William KyfiFyn, Esq. Dorsetshire, cl. in 1754. j , _ J Edmund Morton Pleydell, Esq. of Mil'=^Anne, only dau. of Francis Luttrell, Esq. of bourne, d. in 1794. | Ven. r -• Edmund Morton Pleydell, Esq. of What-=p Margaretta Elizabetha, dau. of William Rich- combe, d. in 1835. j ards, Esq. of Warmwell, co. Dorset. ' — I 1 r~\ 1. MARGARETTA,:^Rev. J AS. 3. Mary Sophia,=pRev. George 4. Louisa.=^John Mansel, now of What- Michel. d. in 1827. Clutterbuck | Esq. C.B., Col. combe. | Frome. ^in the army. 2. Cornelia, d. , ' 1 5. Emma-=Sir George R. in 1844. Mary-Sophia, >n. Elizabeth- Arundel, Septima. R.Bingham, C.K. Kemys m. Morton Grove K.C.B. Tynte, Esq. Mansel, Esq. Mountrail, of ^It^^iont, ro* ¥or1K> The Rev. Danson Richardson Roundell, of Gledstone, M.A.^ J.P. and D.L., third son of the late Rev. William Roundell, M.A.^ of Gladstone, J.P. and D.L., by Mary, his wife, dau. of Rev. Henry Richardson, M.A., Rector of Thornton, assumed in 1806 the name and arms of Currer, in compliance with the will of his maternal uncle, John Richardson Currer, Esq. of Kildwick; and resumed 21 Oct. 1851, under the testamentary in- junction of his brother, the late Richard Henry Roundell, Esq. of Gledstone, his patronymic Roundell, on becoming representative of the old family of Roundell of Scriven, whose pedigree is carried back by authentic evidence to the reign of Henry VI. ^rntiS, — Quarterly : First and fourth, or. a fesse gu. between three olive branches vert, for Roundell. Second and third, erm. three bars gemellcs, sa. on a chief az. a lion passant arg., for Curkek. Impaling, in right of his wife, Hannah, eldest dau. of Sir William Foulis, Bart. of Ingleby Manor, co. York, arg. three laurel leaves erect, ppr. Crest. — First, a sword in pale arg. hilt and pommel or. gripe gu., for Rottn- DELL, Second, a lion's head erased, arg. gorged with a collar, sa. charged with three bezants. f^otto. — Merere. 2-2 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [PLATK V. William Baker, of the borough of Derby, mer-=f Sarah, dau. of William Cooper, of Derby, chant. Chairman of The Derby and Derbyshire Ranking Company, b. 15 Nov. 179G, m. 15 Nov. 1819. Esq. ( — ,._j.. ... 1 - 1 1 - "T 1 The Rev. Frederick Henry John Wright-pMary Ann, Harriet,=pBenja- Charles Jane William Baker, of Baker, Baker, of dau. of m. 15 in in Baker, Baker Baker, of Derby, at- of Derby, Sur- William Aug. Frear, of the Wardle, torneyand Derby, geon, b. 2, James 1851. of city of CO. Lan- notary, b. mer- Dec. 1827, Wilson, Derby, London, caster, 6. 28 Dec. chant, m. 4 Oct. Esq. of the Esq. merchant, 29 Mar. 1822. b. 30 1855. city of b. 1 Oct. 1821. July, Manches- 1831. F 182.5. ter, Surg. J r ranees Mary Baker. r Mary Constance Fre ar. Benjamin Frear, b 8 July, 1856. ^rmS* — Or. three piles, one issuant from the chief, and two from the base, az. each charged with a swan's head erased, arg. CrtSt* — On a wreath of the colours, a dexter arm embowed in armour, grasp- ing a caduceus in bend, surmounting the truncheon of a tilting spear, in bend sinister, splintered, all ppr. ;Plotto* — Dum spiro spero. William Lowndes, Esq. of the Bury, Chesham, High Sheriff of Bucks in 1848, is the representative of a branch of the family of Lowndes of Win- slow, and a descendant, through the Barringtons and Poles, from the Royal House of Plantagenet, the arms of which he is entitled to quarter. %vm%* — Quarterly : First and sixth, Loavndes ; arg. fretty az. the interlacings each charged with a bezant, on a canton gu. a leopard's head erased at the neck or. Second, Shales ; gu. six escallops arg. three, two and one. Third, Barrington; arg. three chev. gu. a label of as many points, az. Fourth, Pole ; per pale or sa. a saltire engr. counterchanged. Fifth, Plantagenet; gu. three lions passant guardant, or. (£,XtfiU — A leopard's head as in the arms gorged with a laurel branch ppr. JHotto. — Ways and means. PLATE v.] AUTHOllIZED ARMS. 23 J^arautiar^on, of ffiougftton, to. mtrtftm. This family, now represented by Robert-Francis Ogilvie Farquharson, Esq. of Haughton, descends from the ancient and once powerful house of Gumming, of Altyre, haviug branched, according to numerous records ex- tant, from the parent stock about the year 1460. It also derives from the Ogilvies, Earls of Finlater, whose ancestor was brother of the oldest Earl in Great Britain, and brother-in-law of William the Lion, having married that monarches sister. ^rms. — Quarterly : First, or. a lion rampant gu. armed and langned az., for Faeqijhaeson. Second and third, az. a bezant between three garbs or., for Gumming of Altyre. Fourth, arg. a Scotch fir tree, ppr. also for Fakqtjhakson. Crest. — A sun shining in full splendour over a cloud all ppr. i^otto. — ^Above the sun, "Illumino." Under the arms, "Memor esto majo- Wimtii^, of i^o^tivf^tlfe antr Malotliff^, ro* ^lantmttx. Joscelyn Tate Westby, Esq., of Mowbreck and Rawcliffe, late of the Royal Scots Greys, is the male representative of the ancient and eminent ^amily of Westby of Westby and Mowbreck, which had a settlement in Lanca- shire prior to the Conquest, and was of Saxon origin. The Crest now used was granted 2 Elizabeth, to John Westbye of Westbye, by a curiously worded Old Patent, which states that the said " John Westbye had long been in nobleness bearing arms." ^rtns.— Quarterly: First and fourth, arg. on a chov. az. three cinquefoils pierced of the first. Second, arg. on a chief dancettee gu. four cross crosslets of the first. Third, or, three garbs, vert. Crest* — A martlet sa. holding in his beak a stalk of wheat, with three ears of gold. i^otto* — Volenti nee Volanti. 24 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate vi. PLATE VI. Ilr^l, of S^inglrton isrooltrt to. ^iama^uv. Joseph Peel, Esq. of Singleton Brook, J. P. and D.L. late Captain 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia, elder son of the late George Peel, Esq. by Rebecca, his Vv^ife, dau. of Richard Barlow, Esq. of Stand, in Pilkington, and grandson of Joseph Peel, Esq. of Fazeley, co. Stafford, descends from a younger branch of the family of Peele, of Peele Pold, of which another line is represented by Sir Robert Peel, Bart, of Drayton Manor, cO' Stafford. ^rms. — Arg. three sheaves of as many arrows ppr. banded gu. on a chief az. a bee volant or. Crest. — A demi lion rampant, arg. gorged with a collar, az. charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle or, i^Otto. — Industria. William Cooper, Esq. A.M. of Pailford, co. Ayr and Solsgirth, co. Dum- barton, J.P., son and heir of the late Lieut. -Col. Samuel Cooper, of Pailford and Balleudalloch, claims descent paternally from a common ancestor with the Coupers of Gogar, Baronets ; and is, maternally, representative of the Craufurds of Balshagray and Scotstoun, cadets of the great and ancient House of Craufurd of Craufurdland. Sir George Mackenzie asserts that the Arms of the Coopers " signify their descent from Prance and from Bretagne in that Kingdom.^' They bore, anciently, fleurs de lis and ermine in one shield, but the fleurs de lis were subsequently changed to slips of laurel. The Arms of the Coopers of Pailford are duly recorded in the Lyon Register of Scotland. flnns. — Quarterly : First, arg. on abend engrailed between two lions rampant, gu. three crescents of the field, all within a bordure cheque, arg. t2^v3 ,_y jf^f JOSEPH PEEL, ESQ. WILLIAM. COOPJIR.ESQ. WILLIAM BAGGE.KSg. SEN"&X,ETOW BROOK, MANCHESTER. FAXLFOHD , CO, AYll. STitADSETT . NOKFOLK . JAMES B A 1 li r E , ESQ. TA?JKE K_KE S S . CO, oaKTST Y. WILLIAM HEiTRY SALT, ESQ. CAPEL ILWJJUiiV LLir.H.ESQ. UDJIKIIT HOl'WOOD, E S Q. SALTATKB.ITBAR BRADFOB^^^cmUT iPOOL PARK . C 6. MCiNMO'UTH . BLACKBtTTCN, CO. I^AKCASTiR. lzCLke.r . sc . PLATK VI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 25 and az. for Coopeb. Second and third, quartered, first and fourth, arg. on a chief, gu. three lions' heads erased of the first, all within a bordure ermine, for EricnxE ; second and third, gu. a fesse, ermine, and in chief a mullet of the last, for Ceaufoed. Fourth, ' arg. a chevron, gu. surmounted of another, ermine, betvreen three laurel slips, vert, all within a bordure cheque as the former, for COUPER or COWPEE. Crests. — On the dexter side, issuant out of a wreath arg. and gu. a dexter hand holding a garland of laurel, both ppr. and over the same, this Motto, "Virtute;" and on the sinister, upon a Avreath arg. and az. an oak tree, with a branch borne down by a weight, both ppr. and over the same, this Motto "Rksuego." William Bagge, Esq. of Stradsett, late M.P. for W. Norfolk, eldest son of Thomas Philip Bagge, Esq. of Stradsett, by Grace, his wife, dau. of Richard Salisbury, Esq. of Lancaster, derives from Simon Baggc, living in the early part of the 17th century, descended, traditionally, from Sweden, ^rmS- — Paly bendy, arg. and gu. two flaunches or. on a chief of the last an annulet between two cinquefoils of the second. CrfSt. — Two wings addorsed or. semee of annulets, gu. i^otto. — Spes est in Deo. Baiftte, ot EanUevm^^f to. (BvV^nc^. James Baikie, Esq. of Tankerness, represents an ancient Orkney family which came originally from Norway, and which is almost the only one of pure Norwegian descent now holding property in Orkney. ^rms. — Arg. on a chev. gu. between three flames of fire, a lion ranipt. be- tween two etoiles of the field. Crest. — A fiame of fire, ppr. ^tt])))ortcrs. — Two angels, ppr. ;^otto. — Commodum non damnum — allusive perhaps to the use of the flame of fire as a beacon . E 26 AUTHOmZED AUMS. [plitr vi- Salt, of Saltairft to. porlfe* William Henry Salt, Esq. of Saltaire, near Bradford, co. York, eldest son of Titus Salt, Esq. of Saltairc, bears, on his paternal Coat, an Es- cutcheon or PRETENCE, for Harris, in right of his wife, Emma Dove- Octaviana, only child of John Dove Harris, Esq. M.P., of RatclifFe Hall, CO. Leicester. By this lady he has a dau. Constance-Dove. ^nns. — Az. a chev. indented between two mullets in chief, anfSLO^\^ THOMAS GREEJSi, £SQ . POULTON HALL, CO. CHESTER. JEKEMIAH LOKG.ESQ. '.'.T S ': HACKITEY . DAVID SE TON , E S Q . MOCrWLE . CO . ABEKDEEN NEWTON. ^ ._ ,^„ '?KFERGUS LX.R.Ba,k&r. sc . ,11.] AUTHOmZED ARMS. 07 PLATE VII. John Dove Harris, Esq., M.P. for Leicester, resident at RatclifFe Hall, CO. Leicester, is eldest son of the late Richard Harris, Esq. (who for many- years also represented the borough of Leicester in Parliament), and is married to Emma, daughter of Arthur Shirley, Esq., of Tamworth, descended from Robert Shirley, of Repton, a cadet of the ancient family, by whom he has one daughter, Emma-Dove-Octaviana, 7n. to William-Henry Salt, Esq., son and heir of Titus Salt, Esq., of Saltaire, co. York. ^rmS* — Az. on a pile between two cinquefoils in base arg. a cinquefoil of the field. CrtiSt* — A fernbrake ppr. therefrom rising a dove reguardaut az. beaked and membered gu. in the beak a trefoil vert. aBottO* — Virtute et opera. liu 1^010 tie ^evxitve^, of igarJrloitlfe ffialU CO. Monmonifi. Charles Conrad Adolphus Du Bois De Ferrieres, Esq., of Hardwick Hall, Chepstow, bears a quartered shield. ^rinS»— Quarterly : First and fourth, the quartered coat of Du Eois, of Hol- land, belonging to the Dutch tille of baron. Second and third, erm. three horse shoes az. nailed or. on a chief indented gu. two swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts gold, for De Fekkierks. t^t:t%U — ^IJpon a rock a raven, ppr. holding in the dexter claw a sword, also ppr. pommel and hilt gold. iitotto* — Tout par et pour Dieu. 28 AIJTHOKIZED ARMS. [plate th. MorvU, of llrclfeftam, ro. ^nxven* Thomas Morris, Esq., of Peckhara, bears the following arras, which are duly recorded in the Heralds' College, London. ^rms* — Per fesse or. and gu. a lion rampant, between three quatrefoils within a bordure indented charged with eight annulets all counterchanged. (cEreSt* — Upon a mount vert, a lion rampant or, semee of quatrefoils and holding in the dexter paw an annulet gu. JHotto. — Pro Eege semper. WBt^tetmanf of (ta^tU Croli^t S^tt^al^ CO. WovU* George H. Westerman, Esq., of Castle Grove, Sandal, near Wakefield, CO. York, is entitled to the following coat armour ; — Hrms. — Per chev. or and sa. in chief three cinquefoils, and in base a lion rampant counterchanged. Crest* — A demi greyhound per chev. or and sa. holding between the paws a cinquefoil of the last. CaTen, of ipoulton Itall, to. orftr^tJtrr. Thomas Green, Esq., of Poulton Hall, succeeded to Poulton, the estate and residence of a branch of the ancient family of Greene, of Greenes Norton, under the will of his kinswoman Priscilla Green, wife of John Parnell, Esq. At a very early period Poulton was possessed by the Lan- celyns, whose eventual heiress and representative Elizabeth Lancelyn, m. temp. Queen Elizabeth, E.andle Green, and thus the manor came to the Greens. Srms. — Az. three stags trippant or. on a chief of the last, three crescents, sa. Crrst* — A demi stag, per fesse or. and az. charged with two crescents counter- changed. ii^otto* — Virlus semper viridis. VII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 29 Waller, of Spring i^robr, ?^oun0loto» KiLNEB Waller, Esq. of Spring Grove, Hounslow, Middlesex, derived descent from the ancient family of Waller, of Castle Waller, co. Tipperary. lS.icJ)ar"D ^CSallcr, an officer in Cromwell's army, 1641, descended from the Wallers of Groombridge, co. Kent, obtained a grant of land of Cully M'Cory, co. Tipperary, now called Castle- Waller. =p r -" Richard Waller, of Cully, eldest son and heir ; will dated 3rd-pElizabeth, dau. of — Red- Oct. 1701, proved Olh Dec. following. | mond, Esq. William Waller, of Cully, eldest son, heir to his brother; will-pBlanche, dau. of — Weeks, dated 21st Oct. 1731, d. same year. | Esq. r -^-1 Rich. Waller,of Cully, otherwiseCastleWal-=f Elizabeth, dau. Samuel Waller, Esq. of New- ler, CO. Tipperary, eldest son and heir; will I of Admiral Hoi- port, co. Tipperary, 4th son, dated 1st July, 1751, proved 7th Dec, 1758. | land. father of Sir RoBT.WALLER,Bt. I William Waller, eld. son, d. tinm. Richard Wal-=pAnne, dau. ler, of Cully, now Castle Waller, co. Tipperary, Esq.,2nd son, but heir. of Kilner Brazier, of Limerick, Esq. Edward- Waller. ^Constance Gabbett. T Mark Wal- ler. Elizabeth, m. in 1748, at Newport, George Gough, of Limerick, grandfather of Hugh, Viscount GoughjK.P. I Richard - Waller, of Castle Waller, Esq. eld- est son and heir. ^MariaThe- resa, dau. of Captain Theobald Burke. -- *-- 1 1 I I Kilner Waller,^Deborah, dau. Other Thos. Waller, young- Other of the city of Limerick, Esq. buried at Cas- tle Waller. of — Newton, issue. d. in Dublin, buried atMount Geram, Harolds Cross. est son, father of John issue. FrancisWaller,LL.D. of Dublin, the distin- guished writer and poet. r-r-r-r 1. Richard Waller, d.s.p. 2.Edward, d.s.p. S.William Henry Brazier, d. unm. 4. Robert Alfred, r OAKTArnn-n iattt q-f utdo-k.^. OAKWOOD.AVEST .BRX3M?/ HUGH PIERCE .ESQ. WlhL>f H. BICKFOKD COHAM , ESQ . KOBERT^^^H LIVERPOOL. DUNSLAIJ-D, CO. DEVON. SWIPTS CRA' ESQ. JOSHUA .J. L. MARGARY, ESQ CARY CHARLES ELWES.ESQ. HENRY RYDON,ES< GREAT BULOTG-. CO. ifORT-HAMPTON. PYRLAND HOUSE , HIQSBURr KE'. KENSn^GTOK . R. K BaJccr. sc. f LATE VIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 33 PLATE Vm. 6attoit, of 58aiijcif ffiousif, fo. TOorrt^trr, John Howard Galton, Esq. of Hadzor House, J. P. and D.L. for the CO. of Worcester, and at one time its High Sheriff, is youngest son of the late Samuel Galton, Esq., F.R.S., of Duddeston House, co. War- wick, by Lucy his wife, eldest dau. of Kobert Barclay, Esq. of Ury, CO. Kincardine, M.P., and derives descent from Hubert Galton, of Kingston Winterbourn, co. Dorset, who d. in 166.2. In right of his wife, Isabella, only surviving child of Joseph Strutt, Esq. of Derby (granduncle of Lord Belper), Mr. J. H. Galton is entitled to an Escutcheon of pretence, charged Avith the Strutt Arras. ^rmS. — Erm., on a fesse, eug., gu., between six fleurs-de-lis, of the second, an eagle's head, erased, arg., between two bezants. Crest. — On a mount, vert, an eagle, erm., looking up at the sun, or, its claw resting on a fleur-de-lis, gu. iKotto. — Gaudet luce. JHarsifian, of asrimout, to. ^oxmx^ti, late oi James Earnshaw Marshall, Esq., noAv of Belmont, near Taunton, and late of Aigburth, near Liverpool, bears a quartered shield, first and fourth, Marshall, second and third, Earnshaw. arms.— Quarterly : Eu-st and fourth, gu., two bars, arg., between as many flanches, erm., on each a cross-crosslet of the field, for Marshall. Second and thurd, or, a heron, sa., a chief, of the last, thereon three annulets, of the first, for Earnshaw. CriSt.— A man, habited as a pikeman of the 17th century and in a corslet, holding in his dexter hand a cross-crosslet, fitchee, or, on his head, in profile, a morion, ppr., plumed, gu. 34 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate viii. Samuel Marshall, of Huddersfield, co. York, h. 1648; d. 10 Oct. 1727. Thomas Makshall, of Huddersfield, &. 14 Feb. 1692,- d. 29 Oct. 1761. I I Joseph Marshall, of Huddersfield, h. 29 Sept. 1737. John Marshall, of Huddersfield, and afterwards = Sarah, dau. of James Eamshaw, Esq. of of Manchester and Ardwick, co. Lancaster, h. I Gool, near Howden, W. R. co. York, 16 April, 1764; d. at Ardwick, 19 July, 1824. | h. 17 June, 1764; d. 6 Oct. 1845. James Earnshaw Marshall, = Ann-Alicia, William Marshall, Caroline = W. J. Lyslej', Esq., late of Aigburth, near Liverpool, and now of Bel- mont, near Taunton, h. 17 May, 1790 ; m. at the Parish Church of Bebington, co. Chester, 24 Sept. 1824. dau. of Esq. of Penwor- Marshall. Esq. of Mim- Eobert tham Hall, co. wood, Herts. Higham, Lancaster, Esq. of Man- 6. 15 June, 1796. Chester. :== Shed 20 Oct. | 1851. -^ I 1 1 John, Henry-James-Eamshaw, Harriet- h. 18 April. h. 2 Jan. 1828. Jane-Earnshaw. 1826. %t^^o\\, of (©afeVuootr, to. ^taffniir. Thomas Jesson, Esq. of Oakwood, descends from an ancient Stafford- shire family long settled at West Bromwicli. He is only surviving son of the late Thomas Jesson^ Esq. of Severn Hall, near Bridgnorth, by Sarah-Baker his wife, dau. of Edward Haslewood, Esq., and grandson of Joseph Jesson, of West Bromwich, by Ann his wife, dau. of John Farmer, Esq. of Caldwell, co. Derby. Hrm^. — Az., on a fesse, embattled, counterembattled, arg., between three cocks' beads, erased, of the last, beaked, combed, and wattled, gu., two roses, also gu. CvfiSt, — A cubit arm, erect, vested, az., charged with a bend, embattled, counterembattled, and cufied, arg., in the baud a rose, gu., slipped, ppr. iilotto. — Consilii taciturnitas nutrix. Nicholas Jesson, of West Bromwich, co. Stafford, mentioned in the will of his brother, John, 11 Nov. 1608; buried 20 Jan. 1626, at All Saints, West Bromwich. PLATE VIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 35 John Jesson, of West Bromwich, proved = Amy, dau. of Thomas Darby, of llowlcy, his uncle John Jesson's will 1615: buried 24 April, 1625, at All Saints, West Bromwich. CO. Stafford ; Grove. she m. 2ndly, Thomas George Jesson, of West = Marj^ dau. of Henry Ford, = Jlary, sister of Bromwich, bapt. IS Jan. 1619, and was buried 28 Nov. 1678, at West Bromwich. of West Bromwich, m. 13 June, 1643 ; buried 23 Oct. 1663. 1st wife. Willm. Feldou, of Warley. r— 1 Anne, m. 1642, to Edward Birch, Esq. Alice, m. to Wm, Kettle, Esq. 1 Thomas, of Sutton Cold- field, b. 25 May, 1645; d. 1703, issue extinct. 2 Henry, d. before 1678. John Jesson, of Bilston and Graiseley, co. Stafford, m. in 1675, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bratt, of Wolver- hampton, and d. 1712. Cornelius Jesson, Steward of Christchurch, London, h. 1655 ; was living 27 Jan. 1686; his wife's name was Anne. =: I Eev. Cornelius = Mary, dau. Thomas Jesson, = Mary, dau. Jesson, M.A., vicar of Wom- bourne and TrysuU; buried at Tiysull, 18 I>5ov. 1756. of John Egginton, of Ivoba- ston, CO. Stafford. of West Brom- wich, cZ. 31 Aug. 1766. ofTimothy Chambers, of Moselev. She tZ. 1764. 1 Mary = John Chattock. 2 iMartha = Thos. Brett. 3 Elizabeth = John Pearson. 4 Sarah = Josias Bull. Eev. Cornelius ;= JMary, Jesson, of Brewood, co. Stafford, 6. 1724, (/. 1778. sister of John Groome. Anne, m. to James Perry, Esq. of Erdisley Park, CO. Here- ford. Joseph = Ann, Jesson, I dau. of of West Brom- wich, h. 1736, d. 1816. I John I Farmer, of Cald- well, CO. Derby. Richard Jesson, of Coopers Hill and Leveretts, CO. Staf- ford, high- sheriff 1804; d. 5 Aug. 1810. See p. 36 Mary, dau. of Thomas Willats, of Caver- sham, CO. Oxon. Henry = Sarah, Jesson, ofTrv- suU, b. 1764; d. 1841. sister and heir of Eev. Eichard Wilkes, rector of Enville. 1 Catherine, m. to James Marshall, of Eough- ton. Thomas = Jesson, of Severn Hall, near Bridg- north, Salop, b. 1767; d. 1837. : Sarah- Baker, dau. of Edward Hasle- wood, alder- man of Bridg- noiih. 1 Catherine, m. to Thomas Molesworth, Esq. 2 Mary, d. unin. 1847. 3 Anne, d. unm. 1838. 4 Sarah, m. 1804, to Chas. AUcock, Esq. of Solihull Hall, CO. War- wick. 1 Anne, m. John Wright. 2 Marv, m. M. Chattock. 3 Sarah, m. Thos. Farmer. 4 Eebecca, 7)?. Eichd. Chattock. 1 5 Eebecca, m. 1804, to Eev. Johi Hardinge, M.A. Eev. Cornelius Jesson, M.A., rector of St. Brides Ne- therwent, co. Monmouth, and Enville, CO. Stafford, b. ISOO. Henry Jesson, of Trysull, barrister- at-law, M.A., b. 1802. 1 Catherine, died an infant. Tbomas Jessox, = Susanna, Esq., of Oak- wood, West Bromwich, co. Stafford, b. 25 Oct. 1802; m. 21 Aug. 1834. 2nd dau. of J oseph Smith, Esq., of Summer- field House, West Bromwich. Anne, = John, onlv Bagnall, dau., h. 1798, ■m. 1826, d. 1827. Esq. of West Brom- wich. F 2 86 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate viii. Eicbard Jesson, Esq. of Cooper's Hill and = Marj-, dau. of Thomas Willats, of Leverettt?, co. Stafford, high-sheriff 1804, d. 1 Caversham, co. Oxon, m. 14 Feb. 5 Aug. 1810, aet. 69. {See precediny xmge.) \ 1776 ; rf. 9 April, 1779. Richard, d. unm. 1803. I Eicbard, d. s. p. Thomas Jesson, Esq. of =^ Anna-Elliott, dau. Hill lark, Westerham, Kent, and Beech House, Hants, 6.20 Mar. 1779. of Eev. William Percy, of Queen Square. 1 Elizabeth, only dau., d. 1842. Samuel Dawes, Esq. of Leve- retts, CO. Staf- ford. Thomas Jesson, m. Anne-Fran- ces, dau. of J. Read Kemp, Esq., and had issue. William Percy Jesson, m. Agnes-Louisa, dau. of J. Wilson, Esq., and has issue. Cecilia- Wolsley, m. to Alexander David Inglis, Esq. of Marden Park. Charlotte- Elizabeth, tn. 1st, to John Jones, E.sq. of Portland Place ; and 2ndly, to Rev. Washington Phillips. Anna- Maria, m.. to Eev. Robert Money Chat- field. 1 Caroline, d. vnm. 1840. ^inTf, of itibcrpooL Hugh Pierce^ Esq. of Liverpool, is entitled to the following Bearings, duly registered in H. M. College of Arms : — ^rm:S. — Ermine, ou a chevron, az., between, in chief, two dragons' heads, erased, gu., and in base, upon a mount, vert, a cross, calvary, of the third, a bugle horn, stringed, arg. Cvf ^t. — On a wreath, the battlements of a tower, therefrom issuant a dexter arm, embowed, in armour, grasping a tilting spear, palewise, all ppr., in front of the battlements a bugle horn, stringed, gu. fHutto. — Sub cruce salus. Cdfiam, of Cofiam anii SimsiIanSi, to. ISebom William Holland Bickford Coham, Esq. of Coham and Dunsland, CO. Devon, J. P., eldest son of the late Rev. William Bickford Coham, of Coham and Dunsland, by Augusta Mary his wife, eldest dau. of the late Joseph Davie Bassett, Esq. of Heanton Court and Watermouth, descends from a very ancient family, which appears from its name to have been of Saxon origin. Sriniti. — Per chevron, eng., gu. and erm. ; in chief, five fleurs-de-hs, three and two; and in base, a lion, rampant, or. PLATE VIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 37 CrtiSt. — lu front of a plume of five feathers, arg., two cross-crosslets, fitchee, in. sal tire, az. iMotto. — ruimus, et sub Deo erimus. The Rev. William Holland Coham, of Coham and Upcott-Aveuel, eventual representative of the ancient family of Coham of Coham, in. 1790; d. 15 March, 1825. Mary, dan. and eventually sole heiress of George Bickford, Esq. of Dunsland and Ars- cott, Devon. Eev. William Bick- ford Coham, of Coham and Duns- land, d. 2 July, 1843. Augusta-MarA', eldest dau. of the late Joseph Davie IBassett, Esq.ofHeanton Court, Devon. George Lewis Coham, Esq. of Upcott- Avenel, co. Devon, J.P. & D.L. Holland Coham, Esq., J.P. for Devon. Mary- Anne. 1 WiLLIAM-HOLLAND-BlCKFOKD Coham, Esq. of Coham and Dunsland, J.P. 1 2 Arscott- Bickford- Courtenay. 1 Mary-Bassett-Elinor, m. 1852, to William Parr, Esq. of Fern- side. 1 Christiana. 2 Augusta- Christiana- Davie. Robert Tooth, Esq. of Swifts, in the parish of Cranbrook, co. Kent, and of the City of London, Merchant, is authorized to bear for ^vm:S. — Gu., a demi-gryphon, segreant, between three feathers, arg. Crc^St. — A gryphon, segreant, gu,, semee of mullets, in the sinister claw a featlier, arg. iHotto. — Perseverantia palmam obtinebit. ^argarg, ot imtsjiugtcin, co. MiSt^lt^t}:. Joshua John Lloyd Margary, Esq. of Kensington, to whom the following arms are duly registered in H. M. College of Heralds, descends from an ancient family, that of De Marguerie, JVIarquis de Vassy, in Normandy, one of whom, escaping the persecution of the Protestants in France, landed in Guernsey, and afterwards settled in the county of Devon : — ^vmi. — (Confirmed to the family of Margary, as descended of the ancient Norman house of De Marguerie). Per fesse, az. and arg., a pale, counterchanged, three daisies, slipped, two and one, of the second. 88 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate viii. CrC:3t. — r^ pon a mount, vert, au arm, in bend, ppr., holding a daisy, slipped, I iilotto. — Chercbe qui n'a. Thojias JIakgary, Esq. of Clapham, Surrey. Joshda-John-Llotd Margary, = Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas of Kensington, co. Middlesex. | Sherwood, Esq. Thomas-Goorge, m. Jl aria West, grand - dau. of Benjamin West, Esq., P. 11. A., and had issue. Henry -Joshua, capt. Bombay Engineers, m. Liiisa, dau. of the Eev. Brownlow V.Layard,of Uffing- ton, and has issue. r Henrietta- Elizabeth, m. to JIajor Cade, H.E.I.C.S., and has issue. Alfred-Robert, major 54th regt., of Chart- ham Park, Lingfield, Surrey, m. in 1852, Georglana, dau. of the late T. G. Adams, Esq. of Chester Ter- race, Regent's Park, and has issue. 1 Peter-John, m. Emma, dau. of Sir William Russell, Bart., and has issue. (BVmt^, ot (Bvtnt JSiIImg, to. Bijrftamptom High Gary Charles Elwes, Esq. of Great Billing, J. P. and D.L Sheriff co. Northampton in 1853, son of the late Robert Gary Elwes, Esq. of Great Billing, co. Northampton, by the Hon. Caroline Arabella Pelham his wife, 2ncl dau. of Gharles, 1st Lord Yarborough, and grandson of Gary Elwes, Esq. of Throcking, who was a lineal descendant of Geoffrey Elwes, of London, younger brother of John Elwes, of Worlaby, co. Lincoln, whose son. Sir Gervase Elwaies, was Lieutenant of the Tower of London. ^xmS. — Or, a fesse, az., surmounted by a bend, gu., quartering Gabbott and Gary. Crest.— rive arrows, or, feathered and beaded, arg., entwined by a snake, ppr. Robert Elwes, Esq. of Throcking, son = Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Freman, of Jeremy Elwes, Esq., by Frances his wife, dau. of Robert Raworth, Esq. of Gray's Inn ; d. 10 June, 1731 Esq. of Aspeden, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Sir John Aubrey, Bart. Robert Elwes, Esq. of Throcking, d. = Martha, dau. and heir of Richard 17 Oct. 1752. I Cary, Esq. I ' Cary Elwes, Esq. of Throcking, d. 1782. = Elizabeth Holgate. I ' Robert-Cary Elwes, Esq. of Great Bil- = Hon. Caroline - Arabella Pelham, ling. CO, Northampton, d. 10 Feb. | 2nd dau. of Charles, 1st Lord 1852. Yarborough. r -i Cart-Charles Elwes, Esq. of Great = Elinor, eldest dau. of Rear-Admiral Billing, J.P. and D.L. | Rye, of Culworth. r . -L- ^ Valentine-Dudlej'-Henry-Cary = Henrietta-Catherine, 2nd dau. of Three Elwes, Esq., late of the Charles Lane, Esq. of Badge- daus. 12th Lancers. , more, co. Oxford. PLATE viii.l AUTHORIZED ARMS. 89 Henry Rydon, Esq. of Pyrland House, Higlibury New Park, Middle- sex, bears the following authorized armorial ensigns : — ^rmg.--Or, a gryphon, segreant, gu., gutte d'or, a chief eng., chequy, arg. and gu. CrfiSt. — A gryphon, segreant, gu., wings chequy arg. and gu., holding between the claws a shield, gu., charged with a bezant. i^flotto. — Fortuna et hones ab alto. 40 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate rx. PLATE IX. Bitto, of tbt ^trantr ®ou(OKTRUMBEEJV\ND. SiH W 1 1 ,1 , 1 AM PAItKE II , BAR T M.liLFOHJ) HALL, STJf'>'OL.K . J AMES TAXXOIt , E SQ . TODMORDEN HALL, CO. LANCASTB R.R.Ba}<:&r,sc I'LAiK XI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 47 PLATE XL ^cxr^, of aSitljam l^ouiSc, to. anaiiutcfe. Thomas Aloysius Perry^ Esq., of Bitham House, in the parish of Avon Dasset, co. Warwick, m. 22 Sept. 1840, Helen, only daughter of William Knight, of Houghton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, by Dorothy his wife, and niece and heiress of the late Joseph Knight, of Chelsea, Esq., and has had issue, — 1. Mary. 2. Helen. 3. Joseph Knight Perry, d. in 1846. 4. William Stanislaus Perry, d. in 1847. 5. Georgiana Mary. 6. Agnes Mary. 7. Anna Maria. Srm^. — Arg., on a pile, vert, three pears, stalked and leaved, or ; impaling, in right of his wife, the arms of Knight, viz. : Gu., two lions, rampant, in fesse, and within a bordure, arg., a canton, ermine, thereon a spur, or. Cre^t. — On a wreath of the colours, a grypbou, sejant, with wings elevated, or, the wings fretty, vert, and resting the dexter claw upon a mascle, gold. iBotto. — Eecte agens confido. I&amiltou, of ©la^jjoU)* Charles Hamilton, Esq. of Glasgow, third son of Charles Hamilton, the fifth son of Alexander Hamilton, Esq. of Gilkersclcugh, co. Laiuirk, derives descent from the famous Sir James Hamilton, of Fyunart and Evandale, son of James, 1st Earl of Arran. 48 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate XI. ^rmsS. — Gu., three cinquefoils, pierced, erm., within a double tressure, flowered and counterflowered with fleurs-de-lis, arg. The " double tressure," part of the Eoyal Arms of Scotland, was granted by King James V. to Sir James Hamilton, of Fynnart and Evandale, by charter, dated 3 March, 1530. Crc:St. — In a ducal coronet, or, an oak tree, fructed and penetrated trans- versely in the main stem by a frame saw, ppr., the frame, of the first. IHottof^. — Above, " Through." Below, " In arduis fortitude." Catherine, 6th dau. of James Hamilton, of Westport. John Hamilton, of Gilkerscleugh, 5th in descent from Sir James Hamilton, of Fynnart and Evandale, carried, as representative of the house of Evandale, the banner of that family at the funeral of John, Duke of Rothes, 23 Aug. 1681; d. 1700. r -" James Hamilton, of Gilkerscleugh, = Barbara, dau. of John Mitchell, of d. 1770. I Ledath. Alexander Hamilton, of Gilkers- = Helen, dau of John Macqueen, of cleugh, d. 1790. | Braxfield. 1 Daniel Hamilton, = Harriet, 2nd dau. of Charles Hamilton, = Isabella, dau . of John of Gilkerscleugh, | Walter Campbell, 5th son. 1 Campbell, E sq. of the d. 1823. 1 of Shawfield. 1 i Inverary family. r 1 ( 1 ~l r T -^ 1 1 Walter John- George- Eobert- Eleanora, 1 Alexander 3 Charles Robert Hamilton, James, William, Ker, m. A. -J. Hamilton, Hamilton, Hamil- Esq. of major major chaplain Hamilton, W. S.. of Glasgow, ton, Gilkers- 36th 34th H.E.I.C.S. of Edinburgh. m. Janet, chaplain cleugh, Bengal Bengal Dalzell. dau. of to the colonel N.I. N.I. 2 John- David Forces, in the Campbell Lillie, Esq. K.S.P. armv. Hamilton, =1 and C.B. dec. 1 K.T.S. Charles. aafoh. Brigadier-Gkneral John Jacob, C.B., Colonel Bombay Artillery, and the renowned Commander of the Scinde Irregular Horse, fifth son of the Rev. Stephen Long Jacob, M.A., vicar of WooUavington and Pureton, co. Somerset, by Eliza Susanna, his wife, eldest dau. of the Rev. John Bond, M.A., vicar of Ashford, derives descent from Amos Jacob, Esq., M.D., of Barrow Hill, Ashford, Kent, whose will was proved at Canterbury in 1688. PLATK XI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 49 Siring.— Quarterly : First and fourth, Jacob, or, gutte de sang, a bordure, gu., on a canton, of the last, an eagle, displayed, of the field ; second and third. Long, per fesse, arg. and sa., a lion, rampant, within an orle of crosses-patee and crosses-crosslet, alternately, all counterchanged. Crt£(t, — On a mount, vert, a lion, rampant, per fesse, or and gu., supporting a cross-crosslet, botony fitchee, also gu. ilKotto. — Non nobis solum. Amos Jacob, M.D., of Barrow Hill, Ashford, Kent; will proved at Canterbury in 1688. Edwaed Jacob, Esq. of Canter- = 1st, Jane, 2nd dau. of the Eev. Strang bury, chamberlain and mayor 1727; h. 9 April, 1680; d. 9 Feb. 1756. ford Viol, by Jane Fogge his wife, 9th in descent from Sir Robert Chi- chele, brother of Archbishop Chi- CHKLE, Founder of All Souls College, Oxford. =; 2nd, Mary, only child and heir of Kobert Chal- ker, Esq. Edward Jacob, Esq. of = Mary, dau. Faversham, F.S.A., b. 9 May, 1713; a distinguished writer on history and an- tiquities; d. 26 Nov. 1788. I Edward, d. unm. 1839. and heir of Stephen Long, Esq. of Sand- wich, Kent. Eichard, M.A., vicar of East Mailing, d. 1762. = Anne, dau. of David Papillon, Esq. of Acrise. Rev. Stephen- = Eliza- Long Jacob, M.A., b. 7 July, 1764; d. 4 Feb. 1851. Susanna, dau. of Rev. John Bond, M.A. John Jacob, = Anna- Esq. of Sextrees, near Canter- bury, b. 1765. Mary. = Rev. Stephen Barrett, I M.A., rector of Hoth- I field, Kent. I Mary. :=: Edward J. Curteis, Esq., M.P., of Wind- mill Hill, Sussex. — I Mary d. unm. Anne. = Thos. Brydges, Maria, Esq. of St. Ni- only dau. cholas Court, of Geo. Thanet, Kent. Le Grand, Esq. 1 I Edward- Thomas, d, unm. 11 Feb. 1824. Philip- Whit- tington, of Ro- chester. Herbert, Bombay N.L George- Andrew, MA., in holy orders. John Jacob, Esq., col. Bombay Art., C.B., brigadier- general ; d. 1858. 1 William- Stephen, late capt. Bombay Engineers. 1 Henry Long, of Bridge- water. Viz. : — John, R.N., perished at sea; William, colonel Bombay Art.; Philip, in holy orders, canon of Winchester, rector of Crawley, Hants, and rural dean; George-Le Grand, major H.E.I.C.S. ; Mary-Anne, in. to Rev. Henry Boyce ; Caroline ; Jane ; and Elizabeth. Edward Other Jacob, issue. Esq. of * Ton- bridge Wells, Kent, served many years in the Navy ; m. 1826, Sarah- Anne, dau. and heir of Edwin Le Grand, Esq. ffiamanii, nf fficllg (Srnbr, JSnl^si- Sir Graham Eden Hamond, Bart, of Holly Grove, Admiral of the Red, G.C.B., K.C.T.S., and Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Nor- 50 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xi. folk and of the Isle of Wight^ is eldest son of Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Lieutenant-Governor of the province of Nova Scotia, and a Commissioner of the Navy at Halifax, who was created a Baronet, 18 Dec. 1783. ^rmiS. — Arg., on a chevron, sa., between two pellets, each charged with a martlet, of the field, in chief; and in base, a wreath of oak leaves, ppr., three escallops, of the first, all within a bordure, engrailed, vert, quarterly with Ge^me. Crt^t^. — First, out of a naval crown, or, an eagle's head, sa. ; second, two arms, erect, issuing from clouds, in the act of removing from a spike a human skuU ; above the skull, a marquess's coronet, aU between two palm branches, ppr. ; over this crest the motto " Sepulto viresco." ^upportcriS. — Dexter, an eagle, sa., reguardant, wings close, gorged with a naval coronet, and lined. IMotto. — Paratus et fidelis. The second crest is intended to represent the removal of the head of James Graham, the gallant Marquess of Montrose, from the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, where it had been placed after his execution, 21 May, 1650, which removal was effected by Sir Graham Hamond's maternal ancestor. itamft, of Wim Mmtoxh Joseph Lamb, Esq., of West Denton, Northumberland, J.P. and D.L., third son of Joseph Lamb, Esq. of Byton Hall, Durham, J.P., is descended from a younger branch of the Lambs of Seat Hill, Cum- berland, in which county they held land for centuries. fixmS. — Sa., on a fesse, ermine, between three cinquefoils, arg., two mullets, of the field. Crc^t. — The holy or paschal lamb. fHotto. — Palma non sine pulvere. parser. Sir William Parker, Bart, of Melford HaU, co. SuflFolk, who succeeded his cousin. Sir Hyde, as 9th Bart., 21 March, 1856, quarters the arms PLATE XT.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 51 of Hyde, as lineal descendant and representative of the marriage of Sir Henry Parker, 2nd Bart., of Melford Hall, with Margaret, daughter of the Rt. Rev. Alexander Hyde, D.D., Bishop of Salisbmy, son of Sir Lawrence Hyde, of Diuton, Wilts. ^rm:^. — Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Paeeer, sa., a buck's head, cabossed, between two flaunches, arg. ; 2nd and 3rd, Hyde, az., a chev., between three lozenges, or. Cres't. — A dexter arm, erect, verted, az., slashed and cuffed, arg., holding in the hand, ppr., an attire of a stag, gu. Caglor, of Cotmiortim, to. Unnt^^itv. James Taylor, Esq. of Todmorden Hall, co. Lancaster, and Culver- lands, CO. Berks, J. P., eldest son of James Joseph Hague Taylor, Esq. of Todmorden Hall, by Ann, his wife, only child and heir of Anthony Crossley, Esq., of Todmorden Hall, and grandson of George Taylor, of Whitworth, bears a quartered shield, Taylor and Crossley. ^rniiS. — Quarterly : Pirst and fourth, per pale, arg. and or, an escarbimcle, az., on a chief, nebule, of the last, a ducal crown, between two escallops, of the second, for Taylor ; second and third, per chev., or and vert, in chief, a tau, between two crosses-patonce, fitchee, gu. ; in base, a hind, trippant, arg., charged on the neck with a tau, of the third, for Crossley. Cre^t. — A demi-lion, rampant, az., charged on the shoulder with a bezant, holding between his paws an escutcheon, or, charged with a tau, gu. i^otto. — Natale solum dulce. James Taylor, of Whit- = Betty Edmandson, worth, CO. Lancaster, I of Extwistle, co. 6.1710; cZ. 1777. | Lancaster. r -■ George Taylor, of Whit- = Betty, dau. of Ben- worth, b. 1753 ; d. I jamin Goodison, 1804. I of Glossop. I John Crossley, Esq. = Mary, dau. of of Scailcliffe. I Thos. Foster, I Gent. r -" Anthony Crossley, Esq. = Betty, dau. of of Scaitcliife and Tod- I Abraham Gib- morden Hall, r/. 1810. | son. I r James - Joseph - Hague = Ann, only child Taylor, Esq. of Tod- morden Hall, b. 1782, d. 1810. r- and heiress of Anthony Cross- ley, Esq. James Taylor, Esq. of ^= Betty, 2nd dau. of Todmorden Hall and Culverlands, J. P., b. 1802. Jas. Maden, Esq. of Greenhouse, co. Lancaster, d 1838. 1st wife. James, 6. 11 Oct. 1833, d. 8 Oct. 1848. — I Mary. Mar}-- Anne, dau. of John Jones, Esq. of Be'rwyn House, co. Denbigh, by Judith his wife, dau. of William Dawes, Esq., Governor of Sierra Leone. 2nd wife. Anthony-Croslegh- Dawes, d. 1852. 1 A mould -Dawes. 1 Herbert- <^oupl.;:id. H :.' 52 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xii. PLATE XII. araiiiittan. Charlton Whittall, Esq. of Smyrna, in the Levant, and of Constan- tinople, now resident at Liverpool, has had the following bearings confirmed to him by patent : — ^vm^. — Az., a chev. erminois, between in chief, two talbots' heads, erased, and in base, a crescent, or. Crt^t. — In front of a talbot's head, arg., gutte de larmes, a sun, rising in splendour, ppr. ilHotto . — Persevere . ?8alital)|) ©an, to. ^nrfe. William Henry Wilson-Todd, Esq. of Halnaby Hall, and Tranby Park, CO. York, late Capt. 39th Regiment, third son of the late Joshua Wilson, Esq. of Roseville, co. Wexford, a Col. in the army, by his wife, Erances-Maria-Robinson, bears (assumed by royal license, 14 Aug. 1855) the additional surname and arms of Todd, in right of his wife, Jane-Marian-Rutherford, only child and heiress of the late John Todd, Esq. of Halnaby Hall and Tranby Park, J.P. : — ^vmi.- — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Todd, arg., within a bordure vert, charged with fear martlets, arg., a mascle, pierced, between three foxes' heads, couped, gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, Wilson, arg., on a chevron, between three mullets, gu., as many pallets, or. Crests. — Pirst, Todd, on a trunk of an oak-tree, fesseways, a fox sejant, ppr., collared, or; second, Wilson, out of a mural coronet, or, a demi-liou rampant, gu., holding in the dexter paw a trefoil, gold. ilKottoeS.- — Oportet vivere, and Semper vigilans. WILLIAM LESI^Iii, ESQ RT HON^ JOHN KOBE RT MOWBRAY, M.T. JOHN MAISTER.ESQ THILL . CO . ABERDZZIT . JTTD&E ADVOCATE eE;i>rERAL . BEVERLEY- lUCVi> J R.M EBGAR, A.W RED HOUSE, SUFFOLK P . O ROURKE M OHAS , E S Q BALLIlTAMORi.CO.LElTRir.: HKXUY W1LLL\M KNOX, ESQ r PARK, CO MAYO BaJctr sc PLATE xTi] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 53 Ctalf, of Htcb^. Thomas Pridgin Teale, Esq. of Leeds, co. York, Fellow of tlie Royal College of Surgeons of England, son of Thomas Teale, also of Leeds, ]\Iember of the said Royal College of Surgeons, is entitled to the following bearings, under a patent from the College of Heralds : — Hrmg. — Per pale, arg. and or, a wivern, sa., on a chief, gu., two fleurs-de- lis, of the second. CrfiSt. — A greyhound, sejant, arg., gutt6 de poix, the dexter forepaw resting on a shield, gu., charged with a fleur-de-lis, or. Plotto.— Fideliter. ^t^lit, ot ffizaaitfiill, to. aftcrticnu William Leslie, Esq., eleventh Laird of Warthill, and twenty-third lineal male descendant of the original progenitor of the ancient family of Leslie, is eldest son of WilHam Leslie, Esq., J.P. and D.L., by Jane his wife, third dau. of the late Rev. Patrick Davidson, D.D., of Rayne. ^nn£>. — Arg., on a bend, az., three buckles, or, and (in consequence of descent from Wardes) two hoUy-leaves. CteiSt. — A griffin's head, erased, ppr. fHotto.— Grip fast. ^ffiloiufirag, nf asi^fioptocarmmitfi, co. Stutam* The Right Hon. John Robert Mowbray, of Bishopwearmouth, co. Durham, D.L., M.P. for the city of Durham, Judge Advocate General, only son of Robert Stribling Cornish, Esq. of the city of Exeter, by Marianne his wife, dau. and heir of John Powning, Esq. of Hills Court, Exeter, was authorized, by royal license, dated 26th July, 1847, to use the surname of Mowbray only, and to bear the arms of Mowbray quarterly with his own family arms, and assumed the name accordingly upon his marriage, with Elizabeth- Gray, only child of George Isaac Mowbray, Esq. of Bishopwearmouth, Durham, and Mortimer, Berks, bv Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Robert Gray, D.D., Bishop of Bristol. 54 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate XII. ^nn«i. — Quarterly: first and fourth, Mowbeat, gu., a lion rampant, erm., two flaunches, or, each charged with three billets, in pale, az., and in the centre chief point, a cross-crosslet of the third; second and third, Coenish, per pale, az. and sa., a chevron, embattled, between, in chief, two roses, and in base a cross- pattee, or. On an EscTJTcnEON or Peetence. — First and eighth, Mowbeat; second, Eead, or, a chevron, between three garbs, gu., three ears of wheat, stalked and leaved, arg. ; third, Shippeedson, sa., on a bend, arg., three lozenges, az., each charged with a planetary sun in his glory ; fourth, Coghill, ermine, a chevron, between three cocks, gu. ; fifth, Coghill, gu., on a chev., arg., three pellets, a chief, sa. ; sixth, Ceamee, or, on a chief, indented, az., three fleurs-de-lis of the field ; 7th, Holland, az., a lion, rampant- guardant, between eight fleurs-de-lis, arg. Cvc£>tiS. — On a wreath of the colours, an oak tree, or, therefrom pendant an escutcheon, gu., charged with a lion's head, erased, arg., Mowbeat ; on a wreath of the colours, between two branches of laurel, in saltire, a Cornish chough, rising, ppr., charged on the breast with a cross-patee, or, Coenish. ilHottocsf. — Suo stat robore virtus, for Mowbeat ; and Deu pascit corvos, for Coenish. Teasdale Mowbray, Esq. of Wolsingham, = Anne, dau. and heir of Thomas Bead, CO. Durham, m. 1738. | Esq. of Bishopwearmouth. 1 -■ George Mowbray, E.sq. of Ford, co. Dur- = Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Wilkin- ham, (Z. 1791. | son, Esq. of Crossgate, co. Durham. r -■ George Mowbray, Esq. of Ford and Mor- = Jane, dau. and heir of Oliver Cog- timer, Berks, d. 1798. | hill, Esq. of Coghill Hall, co. York. George-Isaac Mowbray, Esq., of Bishopwear- mouth and Mortimer, d. 25 June, 1S23. Elizabeth, eldest dau. ofRobertGray, D.D., Bishop of Bristol, in,. Nov. 1821. Elizabeth-Gray Mowbray, = John-Robert Cornish, only child and heiress of George - Isaac Mowbray, Esq. Esq., M.P., now the Eight Hon. John - Robert Mowbray. Thomas Mowbray, Esq. of Grange- wood House, Overseale, co. Leicester, capt. R.N. Anne, dau. of Richard-Tho- mas Streat- feild, Esq. of The Rocks. Robert-Gray-Cornish ; and other issue. PLATE XII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 55 This family has long been settled at Kingston-upon-HuU, and in the neighboui'liood^ as appears by the parish registers there, and is no doubt, both from tradition and other circumstances, descended from the ancient French house of Le Maistre, in Brittany, which formerly distinguished itself in both the civil and military departments of the state. The Genoese family of De Maistre are also of this Trench family, and have likewise always borne the same Crest and Arms, as well as the family of Master, formerly of Ospringe and Yokes Place, m Kent (from whom are descended the Masters of Cirencester) ; and there is little doubt that all the parties named above spring from the same stock. Owing to the circumstance of the family house in Hull being burnt dovm in 1743, most of the writings and papers belonging to the Maisters were destroyed; but from what few were saved, from monuments, parish registers, and other sources, the family pedigree is compiled. The first Maister, of whom any account is found in Hull, is in 1567, two years after the commencement of the parish registers there. 9ixmi. — Az., a fesse, embattled, between three griffins' heads, erased, or. CreiSt. — Out of a ducal coronet, or, an unicorn's head, arg., armed and crined, of the first. The Rev. John Robert Mathew Edgar, A.M., next brother of the late Rev. Mileson Gery Edgar, J.P. (whose widow, Elizabeth Arkell, great-great-granddau. of Sir Mathew Hale, resides at the Red House), descends from a very ancient Suffolk family. In the time of Henry YIII., William Edgar, of Glemham Magna, who married a Tollemache, changed his hereditary arms, which were " Gu., a chev., or, between tlu'ce leopai'ds' faces, arg.," and took a new patent of the present coat. fjG AUTHORIZED ARMS. [flate xn. firms!. — Per chev., or and az., in chief, two fleurs-de-lis, of the second, in base, five lozenges, of tlie first, each charged with an escallop, CnsSt. — An ostrich's head, between two wings expanded, or, each charged with as many bends, az., in the beak a horse-shoe, arg. Movmx, ot aSallmamore, to. iLntrim* Patrick O'Kourke Moran, Esq. of Ballinamore, co. Leitrira, son of John Moran, of Ballinamore, deceased, by Mary his wife, dau. and heiress of the late Owen O'Rourke, also of Ballinamore, descended paternally from the Irish House of O'Moran, and maternally from that of O'Rourke, Prince of Brefney, bears a quartered shield, Moran and O'RouRKE, and impales Sparrow in right of his wife. ^rm5.— Quarterly : 1st and 4th, az., on a mound, ppr., two lions, combatant, or, holding between them a flagstafi", also ppr., therefrom a flag, arg., for Moran ; 2nd and 3rd, or, two lions, passant, in pale, sa., on a canton, gu., an ancient Irish crown of the first, for O'EOUEKE. Crests. — Pirst, out of a mural crown, a demi-Saracen, head in profile, all ppr., for MoEAN ; second, out of an ancient Irish crown, or, a cubit arm, in armour, holding a scimitar, all ppr,, for O'Eoueke. ;Plotto. — rides non timet. Henry William Knox, Esq. of Netley Park, J. P. and D.L,^ High Sheriff of co. Mayo, 1845, is eldest son and heir of the late Henry William Knox^ Esq. of Netley Park, Capt, 6th Dragoon Guards^ High Sheriff in 1810, whose father, Francis Knox, Esq. of Rappa Castle, derived descent from an ancient Scottish family. SrmS. — Gru., a falcon, wings expanded, within an orle, wavy, engr., or, on a canton of the same, a fesse, chequy, arg. and az. CreSt.— A falcon, close, on a perch, ppr. ilWotto. — Id hoc signo vinces. I'LATE THOMAS PRICKETT, ESQ 3RrDXIJSrG-T023", CO. YOBZ. ED-WAED PEDDER.ESQ. ALBANT WALLACE , ESc] HENRY R. SANUBACH.ESQ. "FTA'POJUgOS , C0.DEKBX6-E. THOMAS SELBY, ESQ. "WBITtKZ; C0.i;S3E3:. C. A. G. WALLINGTOJf . E S( MAJOR G-EJTp ja:.i:.i.c. . .JAilES SCOTT HOWARD. ESQ. JOHN PARTRIDGE . ESQ. LAWRENCE HEYWQRTH , ES I O-ROITTO , CAWADA . BISHOPS AV-OOD , CO. HEKErOKD . -nETVTEEE .BHAR ilVEIQ ii i2..5c2^^7-, j-r. PLATE XJII.3 AUTHORIZED ARMS. 57 PLATE XIII. ^ricMt, ot aSriiJlrngton, to. ^ov^. Thomas Prickett, Esq. of The Avenue, Bridlington, J.P. and D.L., only surviving son of the late Marmaduke Prickett, Esq. of Bridlington, and grandson of Marmaduke Prickett, also of Bridlington, descends, through the Allerthorpe Kne, from the family of Prickett of Natland, Westmorland. ^rmsi. — Or, on a cross, az., quarterpierced, of the field, four mascles, of the first. Crc^t. — A hind, trippaut, ppr. iHotto. — Auxilium ab alto. ^elitra, of a^fiton ^arfe, to. ilaufa^tcn Edward Pedder, Esq. of Ashton Park, Preston, J.P. and D.L., eldest son of the late James Pedder, Esq. of Ashton Park, Banker of Preston, hy Jane his wife, only dau. of Bichard Newsham, Esq., is the descendant of a family long connected with Preston. James Peddee, Esq., of Ashton Park, = Jane, onl}- dau. of Richard banker, of Preston, descended from Thomas Pedder, Gent., who settled at Preston in the time of Cromwell, b. 22 Oct. 1783; m. 20 July, 1809; d. 14 Aug. 1846. Newsham, Esq. Edxtakd Peddee, = Amelia, dau. Esq. of Ashton Park, J.P. and D.L. of Edward Gawne, Esq., of Kentraugh. Thomas Pedder, capt. 7th liussars, b. 23 Nov. 1821. Henr>'-Newsham Pedder, Esq. of Whinfield, near Preston, J.P. Charles- Denison Pedder, capt. 39th regt. Ill Several daugh- ters. I 58 AUTHORIZED AKMS. [platk xm. auunllafr, of a^ljolmr, Ivnarcstialf, anti dftatfieiv s'tom Castle, co. llortIjtnnl)cr(antJ, Albany Wallace^ Esq., late of Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, and now of Worthing, co. Sussex, succeeded to the representation of the family of Wallace of Asholme, Knaresdale, and Featherstone Castle, and also to that of French of Frenchlaiid and Thornidykes, in Scotland, at the decease, 4th Aug. 18i6, of his brother, John Wallace, Esq., H.E.I. CCS. The Wallaces of Asholme — there settled since the time of King James I. — claim to be a branch of Wallace of Craigie Wallace, in Ayrshire. ^rm^. — Gu., a liou, rampant, in chief two crosses-patonce, arg., all within a bordure, invected, compone, erm. and az. Crtst. — Out of a crowji, vallery, or, an ostrich's head, arg., with a liorse- slioe in the beak, sa. fiflotto. — Sperandum est. ^antiljaffi, of I^afotitinos, ro. Bml)igi» Henry-Robertson Sandbach, Esq. of Hafodunos, eldest son of the late Samuel Sandbach, Esq. of Woodlands, co. Lancaster, by Elizabeth his wife, dan. of the E,ev. Harry Robertson, D.D., bears on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Williams of Bryngwyn, co. Montgomery, in right of his wife Elizabeth-Charlotte, dau. of Martin Williams, Esq. of Bryngwyn, co. Montgomery. SfmS. — Az., on a fesse, between three garbs, or, a wreath of oak, vert, between two escallops, gu., on an escutcheon of pretence, "Williams. Credit. — A reindeer's head, erased, per fesse, arg. and or, attired, gold, gorged with a wreath of oak, and in the mouth an ear of wheat, vert, i^lotto. — Virtutis gloria merces. PLATE xiii.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 59 ^tlh]>, of tftf Molt, CO. Iiinit- Thomas Selby, Esq. of Whitley aud Wimbisli Hall, co. Essex, only- son of the Rev. Charles Bridge Selby, who was disinherited by his father, Thomas Selby, Esq. of The Mote, co. Kent, represents the old family of Selby of Twizell, and is 9th in a direct descent from AVilliam Selby of Branxton, who purchased Twizell, temp. Hen. VIII. There Avere several knights of this family, viz. : Sir John Selby, of Twizell, Gentleman Porter of Berwick, temp. Elizabeth ; Sir William Selby, of the Mote, M.P. ; Sir Ralph Selby, of Twizell ; Sir William Selby, of BrauxtoD ; Sir John Selby, M.P. for Berwick ; and Su* Henry Selby, Knt., Serjeant-at-Law. Of the last named, the great-great-great-grand- son is the present Thomas Selby, Esq. of Whitley and Wimbish Hall. Snn^. — Barry of ten, or and sa. CrcSt. — A Saracen's head, ppr. iHotto.— Fort et loval. asSallmstou, of (gIouffs;tfr<>I;irf. Major-Genbral Charles-Arthur-Granabo Wallington, H.E.I.C.S., elder son of the late Rev. Charles Wallington, M.A., Rector of Hack- well, Essex, by Frances-Russell his wife, dau. of Hamlyn Harris, Esq. of Daventry, represents the ancient family of Wallington, one of great antiquity, long settled in Gloucestershire. ^nn5. — Quarterly : 1st aud 4tli, erra., three bars, wavy, sa., on a chief, gu., a saltire, or. for WALLiNOTOisr ; 2nd aud 3rd, or, ou a fesse, sa,, surmounting a lion, rampant, gu., tliree dexter hands, arg., for Neale (this quartering General Wallington derives from his grandmother, Elizabeth, wife of Charles AValliugtou, Esq. of Dursley, and dau. and sole heir of Nicholas Ncale, Esq.) CvtJit.— A buck's head, erased, gu., collared, sa., charged with a cinquefoil, or, between two lozenges, arg. 0lotto. — Non temcre sed fortiter. 1 aV 60 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xiil ?&otoarti, of Corontti, Cannfta* James Scott Howard, Esq. of Toronto, J.P. and Treasurer of the united counties of York and Peel, in Upper Canada, son of tlie late John Howard, by Mary his wife, dau. of James Scott, of Bandon, descends from a Huguenot family, named Onward, which fled from France at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and became established at Innishannon, co. Cork, where they acquired property, and founded a flourishing and extensive business in silk and cotton manufactures. In more propitious times, Nicholas Howard, the grandfather of the present representative, returned to France, and succeeded in recovering a por- tion of his ancestral property. Nicholas Howard, of Innishannon, descended = Elizabeth Beasley, from the Huguenot family of Onward ; mar- ried twice; 2nd wife was Mary Gough, of Ballynascarty. 1st wife, of Cool- morean, near In- nishannon. "1 1 r 1 Nicholas Howard, deceased. 5 John Howard, = Mary, dau. of James 2 James Howard, deceased. deceased. .3 John Howard, died young. 4 David Howard, deceased. Scott, of Bandon, CO. Coi"k. James Scott Howard, Esq. of Toronto, J.P. = Salome, eldest dau. of the late Archibald and Treasurer of the United Counties of York and Peel, in Upper Canada, b. 2 Sept. 1798; m. 8 June, 1822. McLean, Esq., J.P. of St. Mary's, New Brunswick, son of Hector McLean, of Torren, a descendant of John Dubh, 1st Maclean of the House of Morvern. Allan-McLean Howard, Prudence-Eliza. Archibald-John, h. 7 May, 1825. deceased. ^rmiS. — Az., a fesse, arg., between, in chief, a passion cross, of the last, between two fleurs-de-lis, or, and in base, a Catherine wheel, of the second. Crt^^t. — A Catherine wheel, arg., between, on the dexter side, a branch of palm, and, on the sinister, a branch of cypress, ppr. IHotto.— Pro fide. John Partridge, Esq. of Bishop's Wood, J.P. and D.L., High SheriflF of Monmouthshire, 1824, descends from a branch of the family of PLATE xiii] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 61 Partridge of Wislianger, co. Gloucester, which was represented at the period of the first Heralds^ Visitation of that shire by William Partridge, Esq. of Wish anger. ^rmS. — Chequy, arg. and sa., on a bend, gu., three escallops, or. CrfSt. — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a horse's head, sa. Lawrence Heyworth, Esq. of Yewtree, in the parish of West Derby, CO. Lancaster, at one time M.P. for Derby, is entitled, under the authority of the Heralds^ College, to the following armorial bearings : — ^rm^. — Erm., two barrulets, wavy, az., between three bats, sa. Crc^t. — A crescent, az., issuant therefrom fire, ppr,, between two bats' wings, sa. IKotto. — Nil dimidiuin est. \ 62 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [i'latk xiv. PLATE XIV. CiiinlK, of Bntmnn^olf, ro. antnm. John Turnly, Esq., now resident at Drumnasole, J. P. co. Antrim, second son of the late Francis Turnly, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., by Dorothea- Emelia his wife, dau. of John Rochfort, Esq. of Clogrenane, co. Carlow, descends from a scion of the old English family of Turnly or Turnley, who accompanied Cromwell to Ireland, and settled in that country. The armorial bearings appear duly registered in Ulster's office. !Hrni^. — Arg., a Fritillaria Meleagris, stalked and leaved, ppr., on a canton, gu., a cross-patee, or. Crest. — On a mound, vert, an oak-tree, ppr., supporting on the sinister side, a shield, gu., charged with a cross-patee, or. iHotto. — Perseverando. ^furutitioffef, oi Compton Cftanrtcilaguc, Wiilt^. Charles Penruddocke, Esq. of Compton Chamberlayne, Fyfield, and Baverstocke, Wilts, J.P., descends from a branch of the old Cumberland family of Penruddocke of Arkelby. His immediate ancestor Avas Sir Edward Penruddocke, Knt. of Compton, eldest son of George Penrud- docke, Standard Bearer under the Earl of Pembroke, at the Battle of St. Quintin's, temp. Queen Mary. Sir Edward's grandson was the ill- fated Colonel John Penruddocke, of Compton, who was beheaded at Exeter, 16 May, 1655, for participation in an insurrection against Oliver Cromwell. ^rmS. — Gu., a bend, raguly, arg. CrcSt. — A. demi-dragon, sans wings, rain])ant, vert, between two eagles' wiug.s. expanded, or. PLATE J(. JOHN TTJRNl.Y, ESQ. CHARLES PENRTTDDOCKE .ESQ. A'EHY REV». TAMES STA.VM-S , DRUMliASOLE CO.JiNTRIM. COMPTOIS" CHAMBEBLATKB .WILTS . J)i\41I OJ-' '-.OSS. W. GAY, ESQ. FALMOUTH, D. E. &RAN"T DALTON, JiSQ. rnB-Nr WATT SHAHKS HOUSE . CO. I>QRSET. T & L. REDWOOD, ESQS B OVERT Orr. CO. GT..A2«10RG-A2^\ EDMLTND A.SHDLDHA.M,ESQ. S IR T. H. L. BRINCK\L\N. li''- I'KUCY S. NEVILE . £SQ. -DJTSVJiSW^^ . CO. CORK. M:01' A RHAY'E S CORNWALI yi.Jt..3.:tc;-/-., PLATE XVII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 73 Licence the surname and arms of Arthur, in obedience to his grand- father's will. -Gu., a lion rampant, or, armed and langued, az., in chief, two sceptres in saltier, of the second. Crc;St.— Out of a mural crown, ppr., a demi-lion rampant, grasping in his dexter paw a sceptre, all or, and charged on the shoulder with a tower, gu. IMotto.— Tout vient de Dieu. ^af9[Ir£(tfr, of Houp. Major Charles Somerville MacAlester, of Loup and Kennox, Chief of the Clan Alaster of Kintyi'e, descends from the Lords of the Isles, and bears the following armorial bearings, as registered in the office of the Lord Lyon King of Arms : — Snw^. — Or, an eagle displayed, gu., armed, sa., surmounted on the breast of a war-galley, of the first, within a bordure of the third, charged with three cross-crosslets, fitched, arg. Cvf^t. — A naked dexter arm erect, the hand holding a dagger in pale, all ppr. ; in an escrol above it, the motto " Fortiter." ^iipportcrsJ. — On the dexter, a bear pierced in the back with an arrow, and on the sinister, an eagle, all ppr. JHottO. — Per mare, per terras. BalKcII, ot ilmgo, co. Mft. Kobert-Anstruther Dalyell, Esq. of Lingo, co. Fife, and Ticknevin Carberry, Ireland, son and heir of the late John Dalyell, Esq. of Lingo and Ticknevin, by Jane his wife, dau. of General Robert Anstruther, (eldest son of Sir Robert Anstruther, Bart, of Balcaskie,) derives in direct descent from Lieut. -Col. John Dalyell, killed at Malplaquet, second son of the famous Cavalier Commander, General Thomas Dalyell of Binns, the representative of a distinguished line of the ancient family of DalyeU. 2lrmS. — 1st and 4th, sa., a naked man with arms extended, ppr., between two stars, or, within a bordure of the last, on a canton, arg., a I. 74 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xvn. sword and a pistol saltierwise, gu. ; 3rd, for Melville, gu., a sun in its glory between four crescents, arg., within a bordure of the last, charged with eight roses of the first ; 4th, for Eobertson, gu., three wolves' heads erased, arg., armed and langued, az., within a bordure engrailed, of the last. ((Lxtit. — A dexter hand grasping a scimitar, both ppr. IHotto.— I dare. The origin of the name and arms is thus described in Nisbefs Heraldry : — " In one of the wars of Kenneth II., who came to the throne a.d. 835, one of his chief favourites and a kinsman of his own, was taken prisoner by the enemy, and hanged in sight of both camps. Kenneth, being exceedingly grieved that the body of his friend should be so disgracefully treated, offered a large reward for its recovery; when none would undertake the dangerous enterprise, a valorous gentleman said to the King, ' Dal yel,' which in the old Scottish language signifies ' I dare.' This attempt having been performed to the King's satisfaction, he was given for his arms the remarkable bearing — sa., a naked man hanging, ppr., and Dalyell for his surname, with the signification thereof, ' I dare,' for his motto." Richard Graves Polwhele^ Esq. of Polwhele^ a retired Lieut. -CoL Madras Artillery, a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant for Cornwall, son and heir of tlie late distinguished Poet and County Historian, the E.ev. Richard Polwhele of Polwhele, is lineally descended from Drogo de Polwheile, Chamberlain to the Empress Maud, and is also 17th in a direct descent from King Edward I. SmtiS --Quarterly : 1st and 6th, sa., a saltier engr., erm. ; 2nd, az., three goats' heads erased, arg., attired, or, for Lukie, (Alicia, dau. and heir of Otho Lukie, m., temp. Henet VL, John Polwhyle of Polwhyle) ; 3rd, arg., an eagle displayed, with two heads, sa., a bordure of the second, bezantee, for Killegeew of Arweni^h, (Mary, dau. and heir of Walter Killegrew, wi., temp. Edward W ., Otho Polwheile of Polwheile) ; 4th, arg., on a bend, oi*, cottiscd, sa,, three mullets, gu., for Teesawell of Tresaicell Frohus, (the PLATE XVII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 75 only dau. and heir of John Tresawell, m. in the sixteenth century, John Polwheile of Pohvheile) ; 5th, arg., a chev., with a cross pattee issuing from its point, sa., for Tencbeek of Tencreek, (Catherine, dau. and co-heir of Eobert Tencreek of Tencreek, the first Recorder of Truro, under the Charter of Queen Elizabeth, m. Degory Polwheile of Pol whole and Treworgan). t. — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a pepper garb, between two reaping- hooks, all ppr. iiMotto. — Et Dieu mon appuy. HeppmjSton, of Hotiti, to. Jtmroln. The Rrv. John Crosby Leppington, of Haverstock Hill, Middlesex, son of the late Rev. John Crosby Leppington, of Louth, co. Lincoln, by Mary-Anne his wife, dau, and co-heir of Hildyard Marshall, Esq. of ILATE X\^n. HOMAS HirBTGEKFOKD , J: S g I N'C lion OWV. C( l^K - JtEV? J.C.XJEHPtNGTON , HAVDRSTOCJi HI.L1. , Mill OLE SE? liroMAS KUNGJERFOitU, £SQ. i^ATUTLMOTUS, CO. CORK. F<).sri:it OP JAMAICA, .JOHN lirV'NASTON EP^'ARDS, f. SQ. Hi:XRV COX \VI I.KJ N SON, K.sg aiJD liKICKHILlj, CO. BEDFORD . OLD C OUB.T , CO . WaCKLOW . ^VHITE WEBB S . ItLDLDU! S£X . PfJlCELL riT2 G£ KALI), ESQ. E L IAS C UADWICK, E S Q . D . W. PACK BEilE SFORI). E SQ BOLTLOE HALT. .CO.SUTFOLFt . rCTELESTOW COTTRT. CO . HEREFORX> . FINAOH LOT OE CO . C.i.lU.O^V . . t. Baker, ss. PLATE XVIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. / / Great Grimsby, whose mother, Jane, was dau. and co-heir of Christopher Hildyard, Esq. of Kelsterne, descended from the Barons d'Eyncourt, bears for ^vmi. — Per chevron, or and az., in chief, two annulets, and in base a billet, counterchanged. Cre^t. — Upon a mount vert, a garb or, banded az., within a chain in arch gold. iiMotto. — Avito non sine honore. (Quartcvtngg, — Marshall, Hildtaed, Hilton, See, Thwenge, Welbt, Leke, Hilary, Maemion, Geet, and Baedolph. Henry Hildyard, of Winestead, ^= Lady Anne CO. York, and East Horsley, | Leeke, eld CO. Surrey, eldest son of Sir Christopher Hildj-ard, Knt., (I. 8 .Ian. 1674, aet. 66, buried at East Horsley, ML, will ' dated 1 July, 1673 ; proved I 15 Jan. foUowinsr. John Savage, = Catherine, eldest dau. and est dau. of Francis, 1st Earl of Searsdaie, and Baron U'Eyncourt, of Sutton. Earl Rivers, d. 10 Oct. 1654, buried at Maccles- field. co-heir of William, Lord Morley and Monteagle, and elder co-heir of the baronies of Morley,. Mont- eagle, and ]\IarshalI ; she was lineally descended from the Barons D'Eyn- court, of Blankney. Henry Hildyard, of Wine- stead aforesaid, after- wards of Kelstern, co. Lincoln, son and heir, sold Winestead to his uncle. Sir Robert Hild- yard, Bart., in 1677. : Dorothy, dau. of Vincent Grantham, of Goltho, CO. Lincoln, buried at Winestead, 1 Nov. 1667. George Pitt, of =■ Lady Jane Savage, 2nd dau, of Streatfieldsaye, CO. Hants, d. 9 May, 1625; m. 1657 : d. 27 July, 1694, will dated 28 Dec, 1693, proved 18 Aug. 1694. John, Viscount Savage and Earl Rivers, widow of George Bridges, Lord Chandos. and of Sir William Sidley, Bart., d. 6 June, 1676. Both buried at Streat- fieldsaye with ML Christopher Hildyard, of Kelstern aforesaid, eldest son and heir, d. 28 Aug. and buried 1 Sept. 1719, aet. 54, in Kelstern Church, ML Jane, 3rd dau. of George Pitt, of Streatfieldsave aforesaid. Anne, eldest dau. and co-heir, b. 19 Feb. 1696-7, m. 8 Sept. 1715, Adrian Birch, of Cockerington, CO. Lincoln ; she d. 8 July, 1732; he 7)1. 2ndly, 28 Nov. 1732, Mrs. Piatt, and d. 18 Sept. 1738. John Marshall, = of Louth, CO. Lincoln, sur- geon in the R. Navy, eldest son of Rev. John Marshall, of Sledburn, CO. York, and of Mumby, co. Lincoln, the descendant & representative of an ancient family of Mar- shall ; d. 17 April, 1759, aet. 69, buried at Louth, JSff. Jane, 1st wife, 2nd dau. and co-heir, b. 23 Jan. 169S-9; m. 21 Dec. 1715, and was buried at Louth. 1 1 Dorothy, 3rd dau. and co- Eliza- heir, b. 19 April, 1700; beth, 7n. 1st, 30 Jan. 1719, 4th George Clayton, of Great dau. Grimsby, CO. Lincoln, who and was bapt. there 30 Jan. coheir, 1694, and f/. 2 Oct. 1734, b. 17 and was buried at Saint April, John's Chapel, Clerken- 1701, well ; she m. 2ndly, Ralph d. unm. Tennyson, of Grimsby, and d. 5 March, 1781, set. 80. She was great- grandmother of the pre- sent Right Hon. Charles Tennyson D'Eyncourt, of BayoDS Manor, co. J Lin- coln. 78 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate XVIII. 1 1 1 — 12 3 Jane, John, Anne, b. b. b. 1716. 1717. 1718. 4 Christo- pher, b. 13 July, 1720, surgeon in the K. Navy. 5 Dorothy, b. 15 Dec. 1721. r ■ 6 Hildyard Marshall, - of Great Grimsby, CO. Lincoln, Al- derman, surgeon in the R. Navy, b. 29 Feb., and bapt. 18 March, 1723, at Louth, buried at Great Grimsby, 13 Mar. 1797, £et. 74. Mary Bowis, of Great Grimsby buried there 18 June, 1812, at. 73. 7 Henry, b. 5 Mar. 1724, officer in the E.N., d. at Gibral- tar, 2 Aug. 1756. George, b. 1 Dec. 1726. Eev. John Crosby Lep- pington, of Louth, co. Lincoln, son of Chas. Leppington, of Hali- fax, CO. York, d. 3 April, 1833, set. 67, and buried at Great Grimsby. ^ Mary Anne, 2nd dau. and co-heir, b. 4 July, and bapt. 10 Aug. 1769, at Great Grimsby, m. there 10 June, 1800, f/. 11 April, 1818, set. 48, buried at Great Grimsby. Jane, eldest dau. and co-heir, m. William Wad- hams, of Wal- aall, CO. Staf- ford, it ob. s. p. Mary, 3rd dau. and co-heir, m. Thomas Tomlinson, of Great Grimsby, for- merly of Humberstone, CO. Lincoln. Samuel Lam- bert Lep- pington, b. 19 Sept. 1801; d. 20 Sept. 1802, buried at St. Paul's, Bedford. Jabez Lepping- ton, 6. 17 Dec. 1805, d. Jan. 1807, buried at Wake- field. Eev. John Crosby Leppington, of Haverstock-hill, Hampstead, co. Middlesex, 3rd but eldest sur- viving son and heir, b. 21 Oct. 1807, bapt. 29 Nov. 1808, at Sunderland, co. Durham. = Caroline, dau. of Timothy Bentley, of Lockwood, in the parish of Almond- bury, in CO. York, b. 11 July, 1812; bapt. there ; m. there 10 Dec. 1840. Hildyard = Jane, 2nd Marshall Lepping- ton, of Great Grimsby, CO. Lin- coln, sur- geon and magis- trate, b. 27 Oct. and bapt. 29 Nov. 1808, at Sunder- land. dau. of the above Thomas Tomlinson, of Great Grimsby, TO. there 3 July, 1839. rT~i 1 Mary Anne Tennyson, m. to Rev. William Judd, et ob. s.p. 2 Elizabeth, m. Simp- son Pape, and living s. 2^. 1854. 3 Jane Pitt, m. John Barley, both living 1854. Hildyard, b. 21 Sept. 1841, bapt. 9 Jan. fol- lowing, at Bir- mingham. 1 I Dora, b. 9 Nov. 1842, bapt. 8 Jan. 1843, at Clifton, near Bristol. Blanche, b. 22 Feb. and bapt. 15 May, 1845, at Clifton, near Bristol. Cyril Harry, D'Eyncourt, i. 10 Sept. 1853, bapt. 14 March, 1854, at Kentish Town. 1 Mary Jane, b. 13 July, 1840. 1 4 Caroline Marshall, b. 21 Apr. 1845. Hildyard Marshall, b. 22 Feb. 1844, d. 2 Mar. following. ffiimjstrforir, of Cafifrmore, co. €ox1ii. Thomas Hungerfoed, Esq., A.M., of Cahirmore, J. P., son and heir of the late Thomas Hungerford, Esq. of Cahirmore, by Jane his wife, dau. PLATE xvm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 79 of Jonas Travers, Esq. of Butterstown^ represents a younger "branch of the family of Hungerford of The Island. ^vmS. — Sa., two bars, arg., in chief, three plates. Cre^St. — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a pepper garb, betvseen two reaping- hooks, all ppr. iiHotto. — Et Dieu mon appuy. This family, long connected with the Island of Jamaica^ is descended from the ancient and distinguished house of Forster, or Foster, of Bamborough Castle, Northumberland. The representative of the eldest surviving branch was the late John Frederic Foster, Esq. of the Bogue estate, Jamaica, and of Kempstone, co. Bedford, J. P. and D.L., Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the Hundred of Salford, co. Lan- caster. His son and heir, the Bev. Frederic Adolphus La Troler Foster, is Bector of Saxby, co. Lincoln. The next branch of the family — that of Brickhill — is now represented by Morgan Hugh Foster, Esq. of the Bogue estate, Jamaica, and of Brickhill House, co. Bedford. ^nniS. — Ai'g., a chevron, vert., between three bugles, sa., stringed, gu. CvfSt. — An arm in armour, embowed, holding in the hand the head of a broken tilting-spear, ppr. i^otto, — Si fractus fortis. OftiiDartJsi, ot (©Iti Court, co. SHicKIoto. The ancient family of Edwards of Old Court is in a direct line descended from Bhodri ]\Iaur, King of all Wales, a.d. 843. The first settler in Ireland was Richard Edwards, son of Thomas Edwards, of Llan Elwy or St. Asaph, who was buried in Llandaff Cathedi'al, a.d. 1663. He (Richard) m. Elizabeth, dau. and eventual heiress of Col. John Kynaston, and thus Old Court came to the family, that estate having been granted, in consideration of military pay due at his death, to his widow, Eliza- beth, for the use of his issue, and having been afterwards confirmed to 80 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xvm. his daughter Elizabeth and her husband, Richard Edwards. The pre- sent representative of this ancient house is John Kynaston Edwards, Esq. of Old Court, Barrister-at-law. Hrm£(. — Vert, a stag passant, or, attired and uuguled, arg. (derived from the coat of Hedd Molwynog, 7th in descent from Ehodri Mawr), with, as an augmentation, in 1683, on a chief, arg., three falcons, ppr., quartering KTNASTOiSr, Grey, Cherleton, Holland, and Plantageis^bt. CitiSt. — A liou's head, erased, erm., between two palm branches, issuing out of a wreath, ppr. iUflotto. — Heb Dduw heb ddim Dduw a digon. Henry Cox Wilkinson, Esq. of White Webbs Park, is son and heir of the late Henry Wilkinson, Esq. of the same place, by Jane his wife, only dau. of Samuel Cox, Esq., and grandson of Abraham Wilkinson, Esq., who purchased White Webbs, and built, in 1791, the present mansion there. ^nnS. — Gru,, a fesse vair, between three unicorns passant, or. CrtiSt, — A demi-talbot, sa., holding a rose-branch, ppr. IMottO, — Installs ac constans. ^xmtihMuetvnXt^, of tfit Hittlt If^Ianti, John Purcell-FitzGerald, Esq. of the Little Island, co. Waterford, and of Boul"e Hall, co. Suffolk, eldest son and heir of the late John Purcell, Esq., M.D., of Kilkenny, who assumed, by royal licence, 23 Sept. 1818, the surname and arms of FitzGerald, in right of his wife, Mary-Frances, dau. and sole heiress of John FitzGerald, Esq. lie derives seventeenth in lineal descent from Maurice, 4th Earl of Kildare. He succeeded to the family estates on the death of his mother, 30 Jan. 1855, and resumed, by royal Hcence, Jan. 1858, the additional surname and arms of Purcell. PLATE ^viii.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 81 Sinnfi. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, arg., a saltier, gu., a mullet on a crescent for difference, for FitzGeeald; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a saltier, between four boars' heads, couped, sa., for Purcell. Crt^t^. — 1st, on a wreath of the colours, a monkey, ppr., environed about the middle and chained, or, a mullet on a crescent for difference, for FiTzGrEBALD ; 2nd, on a wreath of the colours, a cubit arm holding a sword, ppr., pommelled and hilted, or, pierced through the jaw of a boar's head, couped, sa., vulned, and distilling drops of blood, the sleeve az., turned up arg., for Puecell ; and over the first Crest, on an escroll, Crom a hoo. Cfiatitoiffe, df ^iitilci^ton Court, ro, ffinrforti, Elias Chadwick, Esq. of Pudleston Court, co. Hereford, a county Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant, and an Honorary Master of Arts of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, is son of the late Elias Chadwick, Esq. of Swinton Hall, co. Lancaster, by Alice his wife, dau. of Henry Arrowsmith, Esq. of Astley, and a descendant of a branch of the old Lancashire family of Chadwick of Chadwick and Heahj. ^xxai. — Gu., an inescutcheon, or, within an orle of martlets, arg., all within a bordure, engrailed, of the second, charged with eight cross- crosslets, sa. CtfiSt. — In front of two cross-crosslets, fitchee, in saltier, the flower and stem of a white lily, slipped, ppr. iHotto. — In candore decus. ^arS^'ISntstoitr, of Mxmv^y ?Lotigt, Denis-William Pack-Beresford, Esq. of Finagh Lodge, co. Carlow, second son of Major-General Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B. (by the Lady Elizabeth Louisa Beresford, his wife, youngest child of George, 1st Marquess of Waterford), and grandson of the Very Rev. Thomas Pack, Dean of Ossory, by Catherine his wife, dau. and heiress of Denis Sullivan, Esq. of Bere, or Berehaven, co. Kerry, assumed, by royal M 82 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xvm. licence, dated 6 March, 1854, the additional name of Beresford, in compliance with the will of William-Carr, Viscount Beresford, G.C.B. iHrmiS. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, arg., aemee of crosa-crosslets, fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, sa., within a bordure wavy, pean, for Beeesfoed ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, sa. and erm., in the first quarter a sword in bend sinister, arg., encircled by a wreath of the last ; in the fourth, a cinquefoil of the third. Pendent from a crimson ribbon bordered blue, in the centre chief a representa- tion of the golden cross and clasps presented to Major-General Pack, by His Majesty George III., in testimony of his royal approbation of the signal valour displayed by the said Major- General Pack in divers actions with the enemy in the Peninsula of Spain. <£.vtit$. — 1st. Beeesfoed. — Issuant from a mural crown, or, a dragon's bead, per fess, wavy, arg. and gu., the lower part of the neck transfixed by a broken spear, in the mouth the remaining part of the spear, the point upwards, or. 2nd. Pack. — A mural crown, arg., issuing therefrom a lion's head, gu., gorged with a wreath or. IHotto. — JN'il nisi cruce. :ji' Jrnr. K$, V ^*^<* SIR CHARLES D. CROSLEY.iCNT EDWARD STEPHElfS. ESQ. r.R.C. S , J OUN TATLOR . JJ S Q TvTOILETOir CO.-rOTLK . ilARSB-AXJ. HAXi.ESQ . JOHJT B^ICHOXX , j: S Q • THOitAS TODD WAITOS, E S Q • BIACKLAITDS PAILK. CAI.3r Polund. b a do Slodkic- -- , MaiyMarLiD, bj- nbom he bu had tho follo-riug *iirvirina 1 Petsr ALucbell OxANiTB, Esq., now EcUloii in Ncr Orleaiu. 3 Joav Oeucxs, Ssq., U.D., Guorago;, wh( m. Mirtba, dan. of Iter. W. J. Cbcpmcl) a R«v. TaoHAS Datexfobt Ozuthb, SI.A. 1, dau, oC HeiU7 Brook Esq. of Manor Hou 1 Eliu 6«phO Havilluid Cbopmell, D.D., iniUtaij cbaplain at Sandbont, I Thoumc, Esq., m. iu RlOHABD J order*, Andrew .HZsdz. Xr' or ''bl Derbyehire, SteH "lali'ThM^" lint% now living in QuernBcy. Catharine fitodoleao Zukoii^ba, 1847. y, 18.4 m. 1 June. of the IsUiid ofSirk. IMUO. Bid Edwyn, 3 Her bort'Wil iam, 3 E meat ^raneij^ 4 Mary 'b itabeth, C Albert, i. 2a Feb., AmdL H«rv 7 Wil£ft-d.' PLATE xxii] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 103 Crest. — An Osprey, ppr., standing on a mount, vert, and holding in tlie beak, a fish, arg. iJflotto — Nee triste, nee trepide. The next branch of the Trist family springing from John Trist, Esq., of Kerswell, Devon, 2nd son of John Trist, Esq., of Ilernaford, by Elizabeth Browse his wife, is now represented by John Fincher Thist, Esq., of Carneggan, co. Cornwall, J. P. and D.L. McSnvlm, ot asallntflcrortjf, ov iicitfitouu, John Warden McEarlan, Esq. of Balleucleroche, Keithtoun or Kirk- toun, a Captain in the army, son and heir of the late John McFarlan, Esq., by Janet Buchanan Ewing his wife, and grandson of John McFarlan, Esq., Advocate, by Christian Wardi'obe Jiis wife, represents and descends from George McFarlan, of Merkinch, younger sou of Andrew McFarlane, Laird of McFarlane, in the reign of King James V. '' The Clan Pharlan,'' says Skene, " is the only one, (with the excep- tion, perhaps, of the Clan Donnachie), whose descent from the ancient Earls of the district in which their possessions lay (the Earls of Lennox,) can be proved by Charter." The immediate founder of the family of MacFarlane was Gilchrist, second son of Aluin, Earl of Lennox, living in the 12th century. By grant of his elder brother Maldnin, Earl of Lennox, Gilchrist obtained the lands of Arrochar, for ever after the inheritance of his descendants. His great-grandson, Parlan, who gave name to the clan, was father of Malcolm MacPharlan, who got a charter from Donald, Earl of Lennox, wherein he is confirmed in the lands of Arrochar, and was ancestor of MacFarlane, of MacFarlane. From Andrew McFarlan, of that ilk, who m. Lady Margaret Cunningham, dau. of the Earl of Glencairn, Lord High Treasurer in the reign of King James Y, sprung George McFarlan, of Merkinch, whose descendants remained about a hundred years in the shire of Perth, when Patrick jNIcFaklan, the representative of that branch in 1624, purchased the estate of Ballencleroche or Kirktoun ; his son James, who in. Mary Kieth, of the Marischall family, built the old part of tlie present ^Mansion House. 1 04 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxii. His son, Hugh McFarlan, served under Marlborough in Queen Anne's wars, and refused to return till their conclusion, though personally urged by his father. He admired the timber of the Low Countries, and planted all the oldest trees about the place. He m. Elizabeth Doig, of Balinyreu, whose ancestor is said to have had a charter from Malcolm Canmore, of the lands she inherited. Hugh McFarlan was succeeded by William McFarlan, the fourth of Kirktoun, who entailed his estate on the family of his sister Anne, who had m. the Rev. John Warden, Minister of Campsie, son of Rev. John Warden, first Minister of Gargunnoch after the Revolution. The son of this worthy minister succeeded to the estate and took the name of McFarlan. The present proprietor. Captain John Warden McFarlan, is the fourth in descent from him. ^rmsi. — Arg., a saltlre, cantoned, with four roses, gu, CrciSt. — Ai\ eagle, rising, ppr. iBotto. — Laboranti Numen adest. Another Crest has been used, viz : a demi-savage, grasping in his dexter hand a sheaf of arrows, and pointing with the sinister to an imperial crown ; with the Motto " This I'U defend." PLATE XXITI CO-L. J. M. SHORT T CO. UTTMrEIUS. ^VLBZHT J.HAKBROTJGa.-ESQ H. BRUCJi CAMPBELL ,£ Sy STEEEHH.L.CABILE.ISIE OP "WIG-HT. BARqDHARRXE , SCOTLAND , SIR JOHSr MAXWEXI. BARI POT nr rn. RElsTFRJET^. Ilw^^^^^l # ^^^V. V ^»ll^*-0 (> .roSEPH FEILDEN, £ SQ. WE.AEtMSTHjON&MAC DOTOIELL.ESQ. HEJ^RY F. POWELL , E SC^ WTTTON- PAH.K,CG.LAI»rC. OTWHAiL , CO . CiARE . •DRAtTDLBSOME HAIIL , CO . LA v '-Baker, sc. PLATE xxni] AUTHORIZED AllMS. 105 PLATE XXIII. John Macourtie Shortt, Esq., Colonel in the Bombay army, is third son of the late Francis Shortt, Esq., of Courance and White Laird, CO. Dumfries, which Francis was grandson of Mathew Shortt, who was fourth son of Robert Shortt, by Janet, his wife, daughter of Mathew Kirkpatrick, the brother of Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, Bart., of Close- burn. This last named Robert Shortt suffered severely from the perspaution of Graham, of Claverhouse. •'he surname of the family appears from the public records, to have been spelt, at different times, Schorte, Schort, Short, and Shortt. Tradition states that its ancestor came originally from Holland, but it must have been at a very early period, for so far back as 1491, Archibald Schort appears to have been proprietor of all or part of Cambus Barron, co. Stirling. James Schokte, of Stirlingshire, = Agnes, sister of John Cowan, of d. before 1628. I Stirling. John Schort, served heir to his father, 25 April, 1628, = Mary Scott, and to his uncle, Alexander Cowan, in the lands and I barony of Ednain, co. Stirling, 6 Kov. 1639. | I -r -^ ■ -, Alexander Shortt, served heir to his father, Eobert Shortt, per- ^ Janet, dau. James, of Mathew, d. unm. brother of Sir Thos. Kirkpatrick, of Closeburn, Bart. 17 April, 1653 ; fled from the religious secuted by Graham, persecutions of the time to Holland ; he of Claverhouse, m. the sister of William Stirling, of Har- went to Dumfries- butshyre, and left three daughters, Eli- shire; m. 1685. zabeth, in. to Sir Andrew Birnie, ot Salin, a Lord of Session ; Anna, and Catherine. I ~ 1 r Thomas Shortt, Eobert Shortt. James Shortt. Isabel Brown. = Mathew Shobtt, Physician to I of Dumfriesshire. George II. I r- 1 ' 1 Eobert John Thomas = Margaret, 2nd dau. of Francis Carruthoi-s, Mathew Shortt. Shortt. Shortt. | of Hartwood, youngest son of John Shortt. Carruthers, of Dormont, Annandalc. -_i 06 AUTHORIZED ARiMS. [plate xxiii" d^. Francis Shoutt, Esq., of Couranco and White = Bridget, eldest dau. of Andrew Smitli, of Laird, co. Dumfries, m. 20 Aug., 1787 | Croclimore, in Galloway. Thomas Shortt, Esq., Physician to the Forces, m. Hen- rietta,_ daughter of Alexander Young, Esq.. of Harburn, and is deceased. Andrew Shortt, Lt. in the army, killed in action in Arabia, in 1820. 1 Francis Henry, Capt. R.N. 2 Alexander Young, Capt. Bombay army. 3 William Young-Herries, an officer Bom- bay Army. 4 J. R. Graham, an officer Bombay army. 1 Sophia. Theresa, 3rd dau. of Wm. = John Macourtie Reynolds, Esq., of Mil- ford House, Hants, by Sophia, his wife, dau. of Capt. T. 1B. Symouds, P AT * R.N. ._I Shortt, Esq., Colonel in the Bombay army, h. 5 Feb., 1803. 1 Charles Tindal, h. 3 June, 1837. 2 John, h. 11 June, 1838. 3 Walter Henry, I. 23 Sept., 1847, 1 Mary Theresa. 2 Theresa. 3 Flora Lucy. S[nn^. — Or, a griflSn, passant, az., ou a chief, erm., two chessrooks, gu., IMPALING EeYNOLDS. CvfiSt. — A griffin's head and neck, coiiped, between two wings, or. ;JiHotto.— Deo javante. ffiaml)roug6, of .^tcfpfiin Cas^tle, \^\i of aHisfit Albert John Hambrough, Esq., of Steepliill Castle, J. P. and D.L., F.G.S., &c., is eldest son and heir of John Hambrough, Esq., of Pipewell Hall, CO. Northampton, by Sophia, his wife, youngest dau. of the late Gore Townsend, Esq., of Honington Hall, co. Warwick, and grandson of the late John Hambrough, Esq., of Pipewell Hall, by Catherine, his wife, dau. of Robert Holden, Esq., representative of a branch of the ancient Lancashire family of Holden and maternally a descendant of Sir Lancelot Oldisworth, of Halifax. The family of Hambrough is of Hanoverian origin. !Hrm;3. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, arg., seniee of cross-crosslets, az., and guttes de sang, a tower, sa., for Hambeough ; 2ud and 3rd, sa., on a fesse, between two chevs., erm., two covered cups, az., for Holden, impaling Fleming, in right of his wife, Charlotte-Jane, youngest dau. of John Eleming, Esq., M.P., of Stoneham Park, Hants. PLATE XXIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 107 €vi^t. — On a mount, vert, a horse, courant, arg., powdered with cross- crosslets, az., and guttes de sang. H^ottot^.—Over the crest : Foresight. Under the arms : Ilonestum utili praefer. Hugh Bruce Campbell^ Esq. of Barquharrie, now resident at The Park, Nottingham, represents the Barquharrie branch of the family of Campbell of Cesnock, being great-great-grandson of Hugh Campbell of Barquharrie, in Ayrshire, who was 3rd son of Sir Hugh Campbell of Cesnock, by Elizabeth, his wife, 2nd dau. and co-heir of John Campbell, Master of Loudoun. ^rm5. — Gyronny of eight, or, and sa., within a bordure, gu., charged witli eight escallops of the first, and a canton also gyronny of eight, enn., and gu. Cvf^t. — A phoenix head, erased, or. IMotto. — Constanter et prudenter. Sir John Maxwell, Bart., Chief of the great House of Maxwell of PoLOC, descends from a family, which is historically stated to have accom- panied Edgar Atheling to Scotland, at the time of the Norman Conquest of England. There is a charter (in the possession of Sir John ^Maxwell) from King William the Lion, who began his reign in 1165, to " Robert^ son of Maccus," of part of Lassuden, in Roxburghshire, that comprised in the Barony of Maccusville, and which it records had belonged to Herbertus Maccusville (Maxwell,) Vicecomes, who figured in the previous reign of King Malcolm. An early oifshoot of Poloc is Maxwell of Calderw^ood, with its junior and ennobled branch in Ireland of Maxwell, Lord Earnham. Q 1 08 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [pirate xxiii. 3fin5,— Arg., on a saltire, sa., an annulet, or, stoned, ppr. Cxi^i. — A Turk's head in profile, ppr. Another and more modern Crest is a stag's head, erased, ppr. ^tipportcrg — Two lions, sejant. itlotto — I am ready. The auniilet was taken (as the old Maxwell memorials state) in commemo- ration of exploits of an early chief in Palestine during a crusade. To this also may aUude the old Maxwell of Poloc crest of a Turk's head in profile, borne by the fiiinily when the Poloc and Calderwood estate were separated : the deed is dated 1400. Sir John Maxwell, the Governor of Dumbarton, father of Poloc and Calderwood, seals the deed with a Turk's head, as crest, and two lions, supporters. This deed and seal-impression still exist at Poloc. Jtiliini, of ©ilitton, co. ?Laufaj^tn% Joseph Feilden, Esq., of Witton Park, J. P. and D.L., eldest son and heir of the late Henry Feilden, Esq. of Witton, and grandson, by- Margaret, his wife, dau. and co-heir of William Leyland, Esq., of Blackburn, of Joseph Eeilden, Esq. of Witton, descends from a branch of the same stock as that of the ennobled House of Denbigh, which has been seated in Lancashire for four centuries. The Feildens of Feniscowles, Baronets, are a junior branch of the Witton family. Sivmsi. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, arg., on a fesse, cottised, az., between two martlets, in chief, sa., and in base a rose, gu., barbed and seeded, ppr., three lozenges, or, for Feilden ; 2nd and 3rd, arg., on a fesse sa., a Hon, passant, between two escallops of the field, in chief, nine ears of barley, gu., three, three, and three, each three banded with a string, or, for Letxand. Crc£it. — A nut-hatch, perched upon a hazel branch, fructed, ppr., in the beak, a rose, gu., sHpped, vert. ^otto. — Virtutis prsemium honor. 9inn<5trouS'aiafQonuriI, of Hcii) Igall, co. Clare* William Edward Armstrong-MacDonnell, Esq., of New Hall and Kilkee, J,P. and D.L., Major of the Clare militia, son of the late PLATE xxiii] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 100 William Henry Armstrong, Esq., M.P., of Mount Ileaton, King's County, by Bridget, his wife, only dau. of the late Col. Charles MacDonnell, of New Hall, co. Clare, M.P., succeeded to the estates of his uncle, the late John MacDonnell, Esq., of New Hall, and assumed the additional surname and arms of MacDonnell, by Royal Licence, bearing date 18th May, 1858. Both families, Armstrong and MacDon- nell, were of high distinction in their respective counties, and both were originally of Scotch extraction. Srm^. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, grand quarters, for MacDonnell, 1st and 4th, or, a lion rampant, gules; 2nd, or, a dexter arm, issuant from the sinister fesse point, out of a cloud, proper, in the hand a cross-crosslet, fitchee, erect, azure ; 3rd, argent, a ship with sails furled, sable ; 4th, per fesse azui'e and vert, a fish, naiaut, in fesse, ppr. 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters, for Aemsteono, gules, three dexter arms, vambraced and embowed, ppr., hand clenched, also ppr., ui the centre chief point, a mullet, or. Crests. — 1st, for MacDonnell, a dexter arm, embowed, fesseways, vested, or, cuiied, argent, the hand holding a cross-crosslet, fitchee, erect, azure; 2nd, for Aemsteono, a dexter arm vambraced, fesseways, and embowed, ppr., charged with a mullet, or, the hand grasping an armed leg, couped at the thigh, and bleeding, also ppr. ilKottO. — Toujours pret. ^otofH, ot aSranaitj^ome ©all, ro, ^mxcnmv. Henry Eolliott Powell, Esq., of Brandlesome Hall, son of the late Samuel Powell, Esq., of Hammerton Hall, co. York, and Brandle- some Hall, CO. Lancaster, and great-great-grandson of Samuel Powell, Esq., of Stanage, by the Hon. Elizabeth Folliott, his wife, sister and co-heir of Henry, Lord Folliott, represents an ancient family derived from Rhys ap Tudor, King of South Wales and long settled at Stanedge, co. Radnor, and is entitled to quarter the arms of Skull and Folliott. John Powell, Esq., who purchased Stanedge, temp. Charles L, was grandson of Walter Powell, Esq., of Bucknell, co. Salop, temp. Elizabeth, by his wife, a dau. and co-heir of the Herefordshire family of Skull of Much Cowarne. u 2 110 AUTHORTZED ARMS. [plate xxiii. ^iin^. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, gii., a Hon rampant, witliin a bordure, engrailed, or, for Poavell ; 2ud, gu., a bend, between six lions' heads, erased, arg., for Skull ; 3rd, arg., a lion rampant, double queued, purpure, ducally crowned, or, for Eolltott. Cre^t. — A lion's head, erased, arg., gorged with a collar, flory counter- flory, gu. ililotto. — Anima in amicis una. I'luH'i: ^ZTv O'NEILL OF CLANABOT, HEJTRY M STEINTHAL , ESQ LOUIS GORDON O'NEILL, ESQ CEAKLZS TTF-WR-y- O'NEILIj .E S Q , BHADrOBD , CO YO-RK SJOTOFORD PARK , C O DUBLIN' .U)li^ AA'STKUTHER THOMSON. ESQ CHARXET03>r , CO. rrFi; . CO].. CHARLES ASHMORE , REV J HAMILTON GRAX. .\NTHONr S TROTHER , E S Q . CLO'VER HtLl , CO. ANTRIM . CAENTYNE , CO. LANARK. EASTTLE.M) , NORTHTXMJiERLASD R.R.Baker-. .'.r PLATE XXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 1 1 PLATE XXIV. (B'BtUi, of ClanahoB. Charles Henry O'Neill, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, of Dublin, and of The Feeva, co. Antrim, is the present representative, in the male line, of the House of O'Neill, of Clanaboy {Clan-Aodh-Buidhe), senior of the race. Niall the Great, monarch of Ireland at the close of the fourth century, having subdued the Picts and Britons, and ravaged the coasts of Gaul, was assassinated on the banks of the Loire, near Boulogne. His son, Prince Owen, was the common ancestor of the House of O'Neill. For upwards of 600 years, the descendants of Niall the Great, exclusively occupied the throne of Ireland. Daniel O'Neill, surnamed Ardmach, was the forty-sixth monarch of the Hy-Niall race, and died A.D. 1004 ; he was succeeded by Malachy, a south Hy-Niall prince, in whose reign the ancient dynasty was interrupted by Bryan Boru (O'Brien), King of Munster, who obtained the crown, but at his death at the battle of Clontarf, 1014, Malachy resumed the sceptre, and died 1048. Thenceforward, for nearly a century and a quarter, contending Princes of other Houses, the O'Conors of Connaught, and the O'Briens, of Munster, contested for the sovereignty. Ultimately, Mortough MacNeill crushed their pretensions, and restored the ancient dynasty ; he died in the year 1168, on the eve of the Anglo-Norman invasion, and was the last native monarch of Ireland; for Roderick O^Conor King of Connaught, who assumed the sceptre after King Mortough's death, and resigned it to the English, was not acknowledged by the entire nation. Hugh Duff O'Neill, King of Ulster, sixth in descent from the monarch Daniel Ardmach, died 1230 ; he was the common ancestor of the House of O'Neill, of Clanaboy, as his younger brother Prince Neill Roe, was of O'Neill, OF Tyrone. Aodh-Buidhe, i.e. Hugh-boy or Yellow Hugh O'Neill, King of Ulster, 1260, grandson of Hugh Duff, recovered from the English the territories in the counties of Antrim and Down, called after him Clau-Hugh-boy, Anglice Clanaboy, 1 1 2 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxiv. and had for his chief castle, Edenduffcarrig, now Shane's Castle. The last of this Royal House who bore the title of King of Ulster, was Donald O'Neill, who died 1325. In the celebrated appeal made by him, and the princes, nobles, and Irish people in general to Pope John XXII, a:^'ainst the English, in 1315, as recorded by John Fordun, he is styled "Donald O'Neyl, King of Ulster, and rightful successor to the throne of all Ireland." On the death of Prince Bryan MacPhelim O'Neill, of Eden- duffcarrig, who was eighth in descent from Hugh-boy, the Lord Deputy Perrot, made a partition of North Clanaboy, and gave one moiety of it to Shane MacBryan, and Con MacBryan O'Neill, the son of Bryan MacPhelim, and the other moiety, Kilultagh, to the sons of Hugh MacPhelim O'NeiU; but the confiscations, and settlement of Ulster, which followed the flight of the Earls, O'Neill and O'Donnell, in 1607, altered that arrangement, and the lands of the O'Neills were in a great measure parcelled out by James I among English and Scottish settlers. However, Sir Henry O'Neill, son of Shane MacBryan, conformed, married the daughter of Sir Francis Stafford, Governor of Ulster, and preserved a remnant of North Clanaboy ; four lordships and manors being the present O'Neill estates, consisting of about thirty thousand acres, for which he obtained from James I a patent, afterwards confirmed to his daughter. Rose O'Neill, Marchioness of Antrim, by patents from Charles I, Charles II, Cromwell, and "William III. The Marchioness d. 1695, when Colonel Charles O'Neill, grandson of Arthur, who was half-brother of Sir Henry, entered into possession of Shane's Castle and the estates. On his death, 1716, French John O'Neill, grandson of Phelim Duff, another half-brother of Sir Henry, obtained possession, and was succeeded in 1739, by his second son, Charles, whose son John, the first Viscount O'Neill, was killed at Antrim by the rebels, in 1798. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Charles, Earl O'Neill, who d. unm. 1841, when his only brother. General Viscount O'Neill, succeeded and upon his death, in 1855, also umn., the male line of Shane MacBryan O'Neill, the elder brother, became extinct, and the House of O'Neill represented in the male line of Con MacBryan O'NeOl his only brother. PLATE XXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 13 The descendants of Prince Con MacBryan O'Neill " Tanist of Clanaboy," remained loyal, under every vicissitude, to the traditions of their house, and saved little out of the general wreck of confiscation. They seem to have preferred fulfilling the solemn pledge of their ancestor, Donald O'Neill, King of Ulster, to " fight out as long as life should last," rather than adapt themselves to altered circumstances, as the descendants of Shane MacBryan had wisely done. Hugh Oge, son of Con MacBryan, was in Tyrone's rebellion, obtained a general pardon {pat. 5, James I), and leaving Shane's Castle, settled in the adjoining lordship of The Feeva. Here in Feeva House, erected 1602, his descendants for seven generations were born; first, in 1611, his son, Bryan MacHugh Oge, on whom, and his issue male. Sir Henry O'Neill, by his will, entailed the Shane's Castle estates, and two hundred years afterwards, Charles Henry O'Neill, the Barrister, great-grandson of Charles, who was great-grandson of Bryan MacHugh Oge. Following his father's example, Bryan MacHugh Oge O'Neill was in the great rebellion of 1641, in the ranks with Sir Phelim Roe, and General Owen Eoe O'Neill, and participated in the victory of Benburb. The confiscations which followed, included considerable estates of the O'Neills of Feeva. His son Colonel Con MacBryan O'Neill, and his grandson. Captain Con Modera O'NeiU, who m. Rose, only sister of Sir Neal O'Neill, both fought for James II, at Aughrim and the Boyne, in the volunteer regiment of Colonel Corraac O'Neill, of Broughshane. And at a later period, 1745, Colonel Con O'Neill, second son of Captain Con Modera O'Neill, was in the French service, and accompanied Prince Charles Edward Stuart to Scotland, was with him at Culloden, participated, after that disaster in the perils of his concealment, and finally, with the aid of Flora INIacDonneU, with whom he had become acquainted before in the county of Antrim, at Bally- bollan, the residence of Ambrose O'Neill, Esq., their mutual relative, assisted the Prince in his escape to France. The only struggle in which it appears a member of this family was not engaged, was that of 1798. Feeva House, the family residence, on the Townland of Carlyan, near Toome, appears delineated on Lendrick's map of the county of Antrim, published 1780, and is referred to, in the index, as among the " Noblemen and gentlemen's seats " of the county. It is also, at a later 114 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxir. period, marked on Allen's reduced map of Lougli Neagli, published in 1809, and dedicated to Charles Earl O'Neill ; in both maps Mr. Hugh O'Neill, grandson of Captain Con Mod era O'Neill, is named as proprietor. The issue male of Sliane MacBryan O'Neill having become extinct in 1855, on the death of John, the last Lord Viscount O'Neill, as mentioned before, the House of O'Neill of Clanaboy, senior, and chief of the race, is now represented in the male line by Charles Henry O'Neill, Esq., grandson of the above named Hugh, as lineal descendant of the '' Tanist of Clanaboy " Con Mac Bryan O'Neill, only brother of Shane MacBryan. Mr. Charles H. O'Neill is married to Margaret Adeline Louise, only daughter of James O'Grady, Esq., LL.D., Barrister-at-Law., and has living an only child, Elizabeth Cathrine Terese Mary O'Neill. The Rev. William O'Neill, of Shane's Castle devisee of the O'Neill estates, under the will of Charles Earl O'Neill, who barred the entail, is heir general, as grandson of the Rev. Dr. William Chichester, son of Mary, only child of Henry O'Neill, eldest son of " French John "" O'Neill. We must not, however, close this brief record of the great O'Neills, without including mention in it of an illustrious descendant of the Princely House of Clanaboy, the gallant Marshal Neil of the French service. Svm£(. — Per fesse, wavy, the chief arg., and the base representing waves of the sea, ppr., in chief a dexter hand, couped at the wrist, and erect, gu., in base a salmon, naiant, also ppr. Crest. — Au arm embowed, in armour, grasping a sword, all ppr. i^lotto. — Lamh-dearg-Eirin. Henry Michael Steinthal, Esq., of Bradford, co. York, eldest son of Ludwig Steinthal, of Manchester, merchant, has had the following Coat of Arms duly confirmed and registered to him and his descendants, in H.M. College of Arms, London. ^rmS. — Yert, two rocks, ppr., ou a chief, az., a fleece or, between two towers of the last. Crts't. — A bird bolt, the head downwards, ppr., between two wings, erm. iBotto.— Excelsior. 'c Bryan 0'Neill,^= daughter of Sir ;nduffcarri£ >t of Clanaboy," ed 1585. Arthur Magcnnis, Viscount Iveagh. Hugh Oge O'Neill. In= " Tyrone's rebellion," pardoned, pat. 5 James I. Settled in The Feeva. of- daughter - O'Neill. Bryan Mac Hugh Oge 0'Neill,=r daughter of " Lord of The Feeva." The | Sir Henry Oge Shane's Castle estates were I O'Neill, entailed on him and his heirs male by will of Sir Henry I O'Neill, in 1637. | r ^ Col. Con Mae Bryan= daughter of O'Neill, The Feeva. At the Boyne, d. 1714. Eiver O'Neill. ca^Neine Roe O'Neill, alias O'Hara, widow of Judge Hugh Dubh O'Neill. I 1 Sarah O'Neill, wife of Henry O'Neill, and mother by him of Henrietta, wife of Colonel Henry O'Beirne, whose dau. Teresa was wife of Philip Duke of Wharton. ary, daughter of Capt. Hugh Dubh O'Neill, d. 1791. Con, Captain in the French service at Cul- loden, 1745. Sarah, wife of Bryan Horse- man O'Neill. i^Anne, dau. of Charles O'Neill, Esq., Clonkeen. Col. Con Bernard O'Neill, Esq., O'Neill, Baltimore, U. S., m. of the gi-and-daughter of Sir Spanish Dudley Digges, and Service. had Mary and Eliza- beth O'Neill. Felix, C, Esq.,=Mary O'Neill, 2nd dau. of The Feeva, d. 1858. Bernard O'Neill, Esq. of Anaghmore, by Mary, his wife, only dau. of John O'Neill, Esq., of Munter- eveleen, co. Tyrone. Bernard O'Neill, d. young, Henrietta of Hon.. Torrens, 1857. Louis Gor-=Maria donO'Neill, Louise, dau. Esq., Sand- ford Park, CO. Dublin. of Moses A. Drake, Esq., of Kings- town. Letitia, wife of Mr. James Mac- kel, of Toome. Felix C. = Kate, dau. O'Neill, Esq., of Dublin. of Thomas Mulhall, Esq., Dub- lin. Ti I I I I n Mary, Anne, Cathrine, Hugh, Henry, John, Edmond, The laat 3 died young. I I- III! |-| Issue 3 sons and 5 daughters. ih Cathrine Edward Os Mary ill. ItfivAB Mac Pbbuu O'Neru.,^ prc«CDUtive of King Niall KillilDgh. -NriMll M O'Neill, ON m\\ wifo of III St ^Dulh ""J. OSV kill; fWh Chicbcalcr, BaDdaUtowD. Hor. ifr. Wil.=Maf7Ai 1 0-Neill. Ew|.. ™Hili, BcllBg- 'utie, tuil had 3Dly chUd, Ibu. of Col." Con Boraanl 0-keill, Ewj., lO'NoSlI, O'Noill, Baltimore, U. S., m. Ho7. Edword=Cathrino. dau. of KSlmoro. ' Culdaff, Eeq. ' tl.=BEV. WlLLlAM=El f?Ncill, hy ^., Sanil' ofMo«c>t A. ford Park, Drake, Esq., r PLATE xxiv.J AUTHORIZED ARMS. 115 Louis Gordon O'Neill, Esq., of Sandford Park, is next brother of Charles Hemy O'Neill, Esq., of the Feeva, co. Antrim, Barrister-at-Lavv, heir male of Clanaboy, and is m. to Marie Louise, dau. of M. A. Drake, Esq., late of Kingstown, deceased. ^vmS, €vtSt, ilHotto.— Same aa O'Neill, of Clanaboy, with the proper mark of cadency. ^n^tnitbtvWboin^on, of Cfiailrton, co. Mt. John Anstruther-Thomson, Esq., of Charlcton, a INIagistrate and Deputy Lieutenant in the county of Fife, is son of John Anstruther- Thomson, Esq., of Charleton, by Clementina, his wife, only dau. of the Right Honourable William Adam, of Blair Adam, Baron of Exchequer, Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court of Scotland, and Lord Lieutenant of the county of Kinross, by the Honourable Eleanor Elphinstone, his wife, daughter of Charles, 10th Lord Elphinstone, and Lady Clementina Fleming, heiress of the Earls of Wigton and the Earls Marischal. Mr. Anstruther-Thomson's father John Anstruther took the addi- tional name of Thomson on succeediug to the estate of Charleton, in the county of Fife. He was son of Colonel John Anstruther, second son of Sir Philip Anstruther, Baronet of Balcaskie, by Catherine, his Avife, dau. of Lord Alexander Hay, son of John, first Marquess of Tweeddale, by Lady Jean Scott, his wife, dau. of Walter, Earl of Buccleuch. Colonel Anstruther m. Grizzel Maria Thomson, heii'ess of Charleton, and heir-general and representative of the St. Clairs, Earls of Orkney, and the Lords Sinclair. John Anstruther-Thomson is the twenty-first in direct male descent from the founder of the House of Anstruther in the eleventh centuiy. He is heir-general and representative of the St. Clairs, Earls of Orkney, and the Lords Sinclair. He ni. in 1852, Caroline INfaria Agnes Bobina, only dau. of the Bev. John Hamilton Gray, of Carntyne, in the county of Lanark, by Elizabeth Caroline, his wife, dau. of James Baynioud, Johnstone, Esq., of Alva, in the county of Clackniaiuian, by whom he R 116 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxiv, has issue, John St. Clair, b. 1853; Charles Frederick St. Clair, b. 1855 ; Clementina Caroline, b. 1857, and a son, born in 1859. ^nii;^. — Ansteuthee. — Arg., three piles, sa. These piles, sa., represent the nails of the passion, and were assumed by Henry de Anstruther, Lord of Anstruther, who attended St. Louis on his crusade. Thomson. — Arg., a stag's head, gu., on a chief, indented, of the last, three mascles, or. St. Clair, of Hermandston. — Arg., a cross, engrailed, az. SiNCLAiE, LoED SiNCLATE. — Quarterly: 1st and 4th, az., a ship with the sails furled, within a double trcssure, flowered and counter- flowered, or, for the Earldom of Orkney ; 2nd and 3rd, az., an antique galley with the sails furled, or, for the Earldom of Orkney ; over all on an escutcheon, arg., a cross engrailed, sa., for St. Clair or Sinclair of Eoslyn, These arms are borne in six quarterings. — 1 Arg., three piles, sa., ANSTEUinEE; 2 Arg., a stag's head, gu., on a chief, indented, of the last, three mascles, or, Thomson ; 3 Arg., a cross engrailed, az., St. Claib of Hermandston ; 4 Arg., a cross engrailed, sa., SiNCLAiE of Eoslyn ; 5 Az., a ship with its sails furled, within a double tressure, flowered and counter-flowered, or, Eaeldom OF Oekney ; 6 Az., a galley with its sails furled, or, Eaeldom OF Caithness. ^uppovtci'^. — The Loeds Sinclaie. — Two griffins, ppr., armed, beaked, and winged, or. CrtiSt^. — Ansteuthee. — Two mailed arms, and hands with gauntlets, holding a battle axe, ppr. Loeds Sinclaie. — A swan, ppr., collared and chained, or. Thomson. — A naked arm, ppr., holding a cross-crosslet, gu. |Hottoc)S. — Ansteuthee. — Periissem ui periissem. Loeds Sinclaie. — Eight. Thomson. — Honesty is good policy. aslJmoiT, oi Clobcr ?&ill, to. Antrim. Charles Ashmore, Esq., of Clover Hill, Colonel in the army, and late Lieutenant-Colonel 3Gth regt. of foot, third son of the late David Ashmore, Esq., of Dublin, is entitled to the following Coat of Arms, a« duly registered in Ulster's Office, Dublin Castle. PLATE XXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 117 fixm&. — Arg., a lion rampant, ppr., between, iu chief, two stars of six points, gu., and in base, a trefoil, vert. Cvtsit. — A star, wavy, of six points, arg., between two branches of laurel, ppr. iiHotto. — Cave, adsum. (0raB, of Canttgne, (o. 3Lanar6, The Rev. John Hamliton Gray, of Carntyne, a Deputy Lieutenant of the county of Lanark, is only son of the late Robert Gray, Esq., of Carntyne, J. P. and D.L., by Mary Anne his wife, dau. of Gabriel Hamilton, Esq., of Westburn, representative of Hamilton, of Torrance, by Agnes Dundas, heiress of Duddingston, and eventually co-heir of the Earls of Crawford and Lindsay, and Viscounts Garnock, Robert Gray, of Carntyne, was representative of the families of Gray of Dalmarnock and Carntyne, and Hamilton of Newton, an immediate cadet of Hamilton, Baronet^ of Silverton Hill, descended from Alexander Hamil- ton, brother of James Lord Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton Gray was born on 29th December, 1800. He m. in 1829, Elizabeth Caroline eldest dau. of James Raymond Johnstone, Esq., of Alva, in the county of Clackmannan, grandson of Sir James Johnstone, third Baronet of Westerhall, by Elizabeth Mary, sister of Sii" Montague Cholmeley, Baronet of Easton in the county of Lincoln : by her he has issue a dau., Caroline Maria Agnes Robina, b. 1833, m. in 1852, to John Anstruther-Thomson, Esq., of Charleton, in the county of Fife. Mr. Hamilton Gray is a member of the Bar of Scotland, M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, Vicar of Bolsover and Scarcliff, in the county of Derby, and Rural Dean. ^tmi. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Gray of Caektyne, gu., a lion rampant, between three cinquefoils, pierced, arg., within an engrailed border of the second ; 2nd and 3rd, Hamilton of Newton, gu., three cinquefoils, pierced, ermine, and in the middle a crescent, surmounted by a star, arg., within a border, ermine. These arms are impaled with those of Johnstone of Alva. Arg., a saltirc, sa., in base a man's heart, royally crowned, ppr., on a chief, gu., three woolpucks, or. k2 1 1 8 AUTHORIZED ARMS. ^ [plate xxiv. '<■. (CvcstJS.— GuAT. — An anchor, cabled, stuck fast in the sea, ppr. Hamilton. — On a ducal coronet, an oak-tree, transversed by a handsaw, ppr. ^^'' fHottoesi.— Ghat. — Fast. Hamilton. — Through. ^trotl&cr, of (2?asJtftcKJ, co. i^ortftumfitrlantr, Anthony Strother, Esq., of Eastfield, near Warkworth, co. Northum- berland, and of the Shrubbery, Shooter^s Hill, Kent, is believed to be of au old family. The name of Strother is one of ancient date in Northumber- land ; Hodgson and Mackenzie, in their histories of the county, record a family of Strother as possessed of extensive landed property there. Kirknewton, one of the manors of the barony of Wark, was held by Sir Henry Strother in the reign of Edward II, and his successor ; by William Strother, in the reign of Edward VI; by Mark Strother, Esq., High Sheriff of Northumberland, King George I ; it was afterwards the property of John Strother Ker, Esq., who sold it to the father of William and Colin James, Esq. Alan del Strother, the first person mentioned in Hodgson's pedigree of the family, high sheriff of the county in 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, was, we suppose, the cotemporary with Chaucer at Cambridge, and one of the two clerkes of Soller's Hall, mentioned by that poet in his Reve Tale, or as he calls them " Yonge pore Scholleris two," who were — " John bight that one, and Alan bight that other. Of 00 towne were they both that highte Strother, Fer in the north I cannot tellen where." Alan de Strother was bailiff to Queen Philippa of Hainhault, and obtained a grant from Edward III, to work the mines of Alderneston ; from this re-opening of the Tyncdale mines {vide Lives of Queens of En()laud) proceeded our coal trade. Amongst the numerous estates which belonged to the Strothers may be mentioned Wallington, Fow- berry Tower, Kirkharle, Bavington, Hawick, Harnham, Sweethope, Crookden, Bolam, Whitchester, &c. [Inq. p.m., 3 Hen. YI, No. 15]. The present family arc incapacitated from bearing the ancient Coat of Arms, which was gu., on a bend, arg., three eagles displayed, az., in PLATE XXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 119 consequence of the want of several links in tlie chain of e\i(lence necessary to complete and connect the pedigree. As in\he year 1789, the parish registers of Kirknewton were all consumed by fire, many of the entries relating to the family were thus without doubt destroyed. Anthony Strother, Esq. m. in 1831, Ann, dau. of the late William Manderson, Esq., of Woolwich, co. Kent, by whom he has had issue — 1. James Baxter, b. 31st October, 1832. 2. Anthony, b. 17th January, 1834. 3. Ann, d. s. p., b. 27th October, 1835. 4. William, b. 27th July, 1837. 5. Mary, b. 12th July, 1839. 6. Sydney, d. s. p., b. 14th March, 1841. 7. Miriam Phillis, b. 13th February, 1844. 8. Janet Elinor, b. 13th October, 1846. 9. Ernest Henry Augustus, b. 18th March, 1848. 10. Arthur Gillespy, b. 4th July, 1849. The above are registered in the Heralds' College, London, as also is the following coat armour, which was granted in 1844 — Srmsi. — Az., fretty, arg., on a bend, nebuly, or, three eagles displayed, of the first. Crt£it. — Upon a mount, vert, in front of an oak-tree, ppr., fructed, or, a falcon belled, also ppr. ISlotto. — Accipiter praedam sequitur, nos gloriam. 120 AUTHOKIZED ARMS. [hate x.xv. PLATE XXV. Sir Alexander Dundas Young Arbuthnott, Knt., K.C.C., K.S.F., &c., Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy of Great Britain, a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her Majesty, and Major-General in the service of the Queen of Spain, a highly distinguished and gallant officer, descends from a younger branch of the noble house of Arbuthnott ; he is son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Arbuthnott, 31st Foot ; and grandson of Robert Arbuthnott, whose father Alexander Arbuthnott, of Knox, a Commissioner of the Customs, was son of the Hon. Alexander Arbuthnott of Knox, M.P. for Kincardineshire, and grandson of Robert, 1st Viscount Arbuthnott. Sir Alexander who received the honour of Knighthood 25th June, 1859, m. 1827, Catherine Maria, 3rd dau. of the late Rev. Charles Eustace, heir to the Viscounty of Baltinglass; and has an only child Josette-Eliza-Jane, m. 1850, to Frederick Wollaston, Esq. of Shenton Hall, co. Leicester. Sir Alexander's sister Josette m. 1st, Capt. Hughes, and 2ndly Gen. Sir De Lacy Evans, G.C.B. Sir Alexander Dundas Arbuthnott has received for professional services the following Orders and Medals, viz., — 1. The Order of Knight Commander of Charles III. of Spain, for having saved and defended the fortress of St. Sebastian. 2. The Order of Knight Commander of San Fernando of Spain, for having successfully led The Forlorn Hope, at the storming and taking of the fortress of " Irun," in Spain. 3. The Order of Knight of St. George of Russia, for successfully con- ducting a mission from George IV, to the Emperor of Russia. 4. War Medal for Trafalgar, Copenhagen, Antwerp, Algiers, and other Naval Services. PUilE XXV VICE ADMf SIRA.D.ARBUrflNOTT.KNT THOMAS IHORNEYCROPT,!; SQ KNT CCM, CHARLES m OF fiEADT . TETTENHAICVTOQD , CO.SIAFFCED . HUGH MALLET , Esq ASB^ CO - JJEVON . ISAAC HORTON, ESQ . ALBEKT SQ . ClAPTTAM' ROAD SIR CHAS NICHOLSON, BT £DW? CHIVERS BOWKR.P.SQ ITEW" SOUTH "TOinH S 3B.0ZH0IiME , SCmCASTE'R REV? D»- SAM.^ WAItREN ANCOATC , MANCHESTER . CAM HERRX CONCANON , ESQ . WJXXIAM BAMilTQN XATMAN.ESQ BARILISTEE.AT LAW . "WiLLLESBOtrKNE MOUIfTFQRT CO ■WAKWIOK ll.R Baker .sc PLATE XXV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 121 5. Saltan's Gold INIedal set in diamonds^ for the successful opera- tions in Syria, taking St. Jean D'Acre, Bcirout, Tyre, Sidon, Tripoli, &c. 6. Medal for taking " Irun." 7. Medal for saving St. Sebastian, inscription, " Spain Grateful." 8. Decoration in Gold Enamel — Four crossed swords, for bavins: crossed swords with the enemy. ^nn0. — Az. a crescent, between three stars, arg., impaling Eustace, viz.: or, a saltu'e, gu. CrtiSt. — A peacock's head, couped, ppr. iiHotto. — Laus Deo. C8cjnitgrrcift,i3f Cfttntjall aisaciotr, ro, ^tafforti. Thomas Thoeneycroft, Esq. of Tettenhall Wood, co. Stafford, an d Hadley Park, co. Salop, J.P., and D.L., Lord of the Manor of Hadley and Captain Queen's Own Royal Yeomanry Cavalry, descends from a branch of the very ancient Cheshire House of Thorneycroft, which resided for full five hundred years at the old mansion of Thorneycroft Hall, near Macclesfield. The late George Benjamin Thorneycroft Esq., the father of the present Capt. Thorneycroft, restored by his energy, and successful enterprise as an eminent Ironmaster, the fallen fortunes of his family, and became the first Mayor of Wolverhampton. ^rmS. — Vert, a mascle, or, between four cross-crosslets, arg. Crest. — On a mural crown, gu., a falcon, volant, ppr., jessed, membered, and beaked, or, between two palm branches, of the last. iBotto. — Eortis qui se vincit. Hugh Mallet, Esq, of Ash, J. P., formerly a Lieutenant R. A., and an old Peninsular Officer, represents an ancient Norman family, founded in England by "one Sir George Mallett, a Burgundian Knight/' who s 2 122 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxv. m. the dau. and heiress of Patvill, of Opton Patvill, a Saxon, and thus acquired the lands afterwards called Opton Mallett. There is still preserved at Ash, an old vellum roll, which has certainly been there full three hundred years, and is supposed to be a copy taken at the time from a much moi'e ancient pedigree, then, probably in the possession of the head of the family of the old house of Opton Mallett, co. Somerset, This document sets forth that the third in descent from the Burgundian Knight, was, " one Sir John Mallett, of Opton Mallett, Privy Counciller " unto Henry the ffirst." A branch of this very old stock, was settled in the co. of Devon, temp. Henry VII., by George Mallet, a younger son of Sir John Mallet, Knt. of Opton Mallet, and it acquired the estate of Ash, by the marriage of George^s son, Richard Mallet, with the heiress of Vyell. The present Mr. Mallet m. in 1824, Caroline, eldest dau. of the late Hon. John Coventry, of Burgate House, Hants ; and has with three daughters, one son Hugh, late of the 4th Light Dragoons, for some time in the household of H.E. the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and now of the Foreign Office, who m. 4th Aug., 1853, Georgina youngest dau. of the late Ven. Henry Bathurst, Archdeacon of Norwich, and has issue. SirniiS. — Az., three escallops, or, quartering Vtell. CrciSt, — A hind's or a tiger's head, arg., ducally gorged, or, has been variously used. I^flotto. — Ma force d'en haut. Isaac Horton, Esq. of the Borough of Southwark, of Albert Sq., Lambeth, Surrey ; and of Ystrad, co. Carmarthen, is entitled, by grant from the Heralds College, London, to the following armorial bearings : — ^im^. — Per saltire, or and gu., two stags' heads caboshed, in pale, and as many bugles stringed in fesse counterchanged, CrcSt. — A deiui-stag gu., semee of cinquefoils, or, resting the sinister foot upon a millrind, gold. iillotto. — Vigilo et spero. PLATE XXV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 23 Thomas Horton, of Harvills, = Martha Perkins. Hawthorn, in the parish of West Bromwich, co. Stafford, rf. 31st May 1 820, aged 60. r ■ -J- -, Daniel Horton, of West Bromwich, = Elizabeth dau. of James Whitehouse, Other and of the borough of Southwark, CO. Surrey, eldest son, d. 4th Dec. 1838, aged 58. of West Bromwich, m. there 1 Jan., 1808, d. 19 May, 1853, aged 70. I 1 Isaac Horton, of the borough = Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Geo. Thomas Horton, of the of Southwark, and Albert- I Jobling, of Liverpool, m. borough of Southwark, square, in the parish of | 4 April, 1839, at St. 2nd, and youngest son, Lambeth, co. Surrey ; and of I Phillips, Liverpool. h., and bapt., at AVest Ystrad by Carmarthen, in | BroniAvich, (/. unm., South Wales, only surviving I July, 1838, aged 28. child, b. 25 Nov. 1808. | I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Isaac eldest Elizabeth, George, 2nd Fanny, 2nd Thomas, Daniel, 4th Henry, 5th son, h. 13 eldest dau. son, b. 7 dau., b. 29 3rd son, 6. son, h. 3 son, h. 24 April, 1840. i. 24 July, Nov., 1843. May, 1845. 13 Aug., July,1850. July, 1854. 1842. 1847. Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., D.C.L., (Oxford), and LL.D., (Cambridge), elected a member of the first Legislative Council of New . South Wales, was three times chosen Speaker of that assembly. He is only surviving child of Charles Nicholson, Esq. of London, by Barbara his wife, youngest dau. of John Ascough, Esq. of Bedale, co. York. Sirmg. — Az., two bars, nebuly, arg., in chief, a sun in splendour, ppr., between two stars of eight points, or. CvtiSt. — On a rock, ppr., a lion's head, az., charged with a star, as in the arms. ifMotto. — Virtus sola nobihtas. Charles Nicholson of London, = Barbara, youngest dau. of (son of Charles Nicholson, of Cockermouth, Cumberland,) 6. 1824. John Ascough, of Bedale CO. York,rf. 1811. -J I Sib Charles Nicholson, of Luddenham in the colony of New South Wales, Knt., and Bart. ; Provost of the University of Sydney, and late Speaker of the Legislative Council of New South Wales; M.D., of the University of Edinburgh (1833), and honorary D.C.L., of the University of Oxford, and LL.D., of Cambridge, knighted by letters patent, 1 March, 1852, and advanced to the dignitv of a Baronet, 8 April, 1859. 124 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate XXV. 2$alMcr of aSrojrfialme, co. ^otli. Edward Chivers Bower, Esq. of Broxholme, J. P. and D.L., for the West Riding of Yorkshire, now resident at Tickhill Castle, near Rotherhara, only son of the late John Seddon Bower, Esq. of Broxholme, by Elizabeth, his wife, eldest dau. and co-heiress of Thomas Chivers, Esq. of Askham, co. York, bears a quartered shield, Bower and Chivers, and impales in right of his wife, Amelia Mary, 2nd surviving dau. of the late William Bennett Martin, Esq. of Worsbro' Hall, co. York, the arms of Martin. Hrm^. — Quarterly : first and fourth, az., a human leg, couped at the thigh, and pierced bendwise by a broken tUting spear, or, a chief arg. thereon between two castles, sa., a pale of the first charged with a rose of the second, for Bowee ; 2nd and 3rd, arg. a chev., engr., gu., for Chivers, impaling arg., two bars, gu. for Martin. Crest. — On a wreath, on a mount, vert, a quiver, az., garnished, or, and filled with arrows, ppr. in saltire, with a bow unstrung, also ppr. iflotto. — Veritas prsevalebit. Edwaed Bower, of Doncaster, co. = Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Benjamin York, (second son of John Bower, Esq. of Wickersley, by Anne Sed- don, his wife, and grandson of John Bower, b, 1 Nov. 1666, also of Wickersley, by Elizabeth Fret- well, his wife), rf. 11 April, 1793, aged 56. Hague, Esq., (Mayor of Doncaster, 1756), by Elizabeth, his wife, eldest dau. of Edmund Mower, of Newark, and niece of George Mower, Esq. of Woodseats, High Sheriff of Derbyshire, in 174 . John Seddon Bower, Esq. = Elizabeth, eldest dau. and of Broxholme, co. York, m. 23 Dec, 1818, d. aged 74, 30 June, 1841. co-heiress of the late Thomas Chivers, Esq. A.skliam, near York, d. Feb., 18.58, aged 70. Edward Chivers Bower, = Amelia-Mary, 2nd sur- Esq. now of Broxholme, J.P.andD.L.,?). 22Aug., 1826, m. 29 April, 1858. vivmg dau. of the late William Bennet Martin, Esq. of Wors- bro' Hall. Sarah Chivers Bower. Elizabeth = John Thos. Chivers Bower m. 1855. Stannard Macadam, Esq. of Blackwater CO. Clare. Edmund-Thomas-Chivers b. 9 Feb., 1859. Philip-Bower Macadam b. 3 Oct., 1856. PLATE xxv] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 125 Winvrm oi ffiopton, co. ^uCfolfe- The Rev. Samuel Warren, LL.D., Rector of All Souls, Ancoats, Manchester, is the elder surviving son, by Priscilla, his wife, of the late Captain Samuel Warren, formerly of Hopton, in the co. of SuflFolk, where their family is believed to have been settled from a remote period. His eldest son is Samuel Warren, Esq., Q.C., D.C.L., (Oxon) F.R.S., Recorder of Hull, one of the two Masters in Lunacy, and till February, 1859, M.P. for the borough of Midhurst, Sussex. The Reverend Dr. Warren has a right to the following Armorial bearings, duly rgistered in the Heralds' College : — 'B.tmS. — Per ehev. or, and sa., two chevronells, engr. between three griffins' heads erased, counterchangedc CrciSt. — On a wreath, upon a mount, vert, five pahsades conjoined, sa., in front of a leopard's head, couped, ppr. ;llKotto. — Non aspera terrent. Cmtranon- Henry Concanon, Esq., B.A. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law is eldest son of Edmund John Concanon, Esq., of Waterloo, co. G alway, late of Carrownacreggy, in that county, lineal male descendant of the old Irish house of O' Concanon, of which frequent and honourable mention occurs in the annals of Ireland, particularly in those of the Four Masters {See Burke's Landed Gentry). Mr. Henry Concanon, descends, thro' his mother, Jane dau. of John Blake, Esq., J. P. of Belmont House, by Sarah his wife, dau. of the Right Hon. James Cuff of Ballinrobe and sister and co-heiress of James, Lord Tyrawlcy, from Edmund Plantagenet, surnamed of Woodstock son of King Edward I. In right of his wife, the Countess jNIaria-Aurora-Arabella de Lusi, dau. of the late Count de Lusi, by Maria Gifford, his wife, dau. of Maria, Marchioness of Lansdowne, Mr. Henry Concanon, impales the quartered coat of dk Lusi and Gifford. 126 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxv ^rm^. — Arg., on a mount, vert, an oak tree, ppr., perched thereon a falcon also ppr., belled, or, between, in base, two cross-crosslets, fitche, gu., IMPALING tlie quartered coat De Lirsi and Giffobd €uSt. — An elephant statant, ppr., tusked, or. 0lotto. — cot] C4|i d|i. batman nf aKartlcsSfioiinte, to. ©Eaaiiuifft* Wlliam Hamilton Yatman, Esq. of Wellesbourne Mountfort, co. Warwick, and of the Inner Temple, London, bears the following Armorial Bearings, as duly registered in H.M. College of Arms : Hrmsi. — Per pale, indented, arg. and gu., three gates, counterchanged, on a chief, az., three mullets, or. Crfi^t. — A gate, arg., in front of three ears of wheat, slipped, or. ilHotto. — Fortiter et aperte. PI.AIE J KJCHAED W.BAKER.ESQ COTIESMCfRZCO Eini.aND . JOHN HAMTLTON.ESQ JOHN T. LEATHER, ESQ . LEVZITTBOKEE -HALL, CO YCPJi ARTHTTR G.COSTEIXO.ESQ W¥ COXLYER BRISTOW.E SQ . JA? JOHN PAREITT , E SQ . £DMTr^ms'^ow-N m MAYO . CRAWLEY. E&ITT 8 . DUBLIN & BHtJTON. CO, SOMBRSBT , R. KBakersc. PLATE xxvi.J AUTHORIZED ARMS. 127 PLATE XXVI, 3Safttr, of CottfiSmorc, to. aeiutlanti. Richard Westbrook Baker, Esq. of Cottesmore and Langham, J.P., a life Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society, and High Sheriff of Rutlandshire 1842-3, is son of the late Richard Baker, and grandson of William Baker, M.D., whose father Francis Baker, son of William Baker, Esq. of Walthara Abbey, was a descendant of the Bakers of Aylesbury, Bucks. ^rm£(, — Erm., on a fesse, invecked, between two greyhounds, courant, sa., a garb, or, between two fleurs-de-lis, arg. €ve« llolli Offlw. P*Ur Bnrkf, Bm).. ElinUtb. lUo. of Ilion Bobnt BMni«>lt,-]lim. Bmm«»1L vl& u>d bdr of Otorn I ften^ 1^. of OMito- miDlckBarkcEwi.- Catherio*. Jubn llark*, Eb] . u— SMiior.nUet«faL«dii.d% tldHl du. »f OlimPlu- Hut, BUuor. UiUli** Dovdall. fr Jrat, i«tt. •( of BifCNtova- I dau. of oAetr, Id tiio UhiUh I John Bork*. I k*l. bq. «t Bettjiltlil, m. Ito*- M.O.of Halli*- Kobin lUnr hoaa«.oo.Tipp«- ! I'bilip armj *cirtd nodcr of Birr, and | common, aad iktcr of IUrtli«lo- car, ay WtM- ! rill. >«q, ut Ovnetal Jobn CoDcr- t Inf. of Sban- I U^or James Plunkrt, ■>. lliM rord. i btTl/dBfTc. I GooDlnir. >*i cooainof Elmbrili, I Uaroavw Hamilton, vifaofJamci^ I Doko of UamllioB. ■bUarr. dan-^FrinMa, du. Joaapb -Uary. 6. ITSO, Join BDrii«,='Drtdg«t.onlT Elicabttb. Joaepli Bark*,' Jawjlao-of Simon IVirr Bnikr lallt'U'*. Aoa«.-4*d ■ of Pal rich I »rCan«1lor Burko. I tt 27 (kL, oTCIoapiw-l cMldcrUB< J. mm. orLondoa.A.i Ar\hn Ilfsdaib Baq of Elm- 1 Ind dau. and Hdau oi " ■ " - 1 -- FT»n«fc,ofrrt»*h- ball.<»TS|- (obdrofUal- lUdmvnd , J.K U. -^ 'r- m. I EdwardMnr mimit, n. 3 man, E«q.of d. t Jan.. | brook. M. Bm paruj, Jl'- Utv Uowdall. pitla. E>HofL'«*T> d. I phj. Eaq. of Jann, T"" "* " ' " - ■ - .. .. ^ . it« W«Um- 17S8. ' 1 iiaglu,oi>.Kil- 1613. Clooda^ I Ek]. of I Tipiwnrr. «lll«, m. | EdoardMnr mimit, n. 3 man, E«q.of foffla* I E}rwi>nrt. MiulDofUi* ITT3. J. i phj. E». of Jonn. i::». ! Birri.lTH. " " ITUareb, Luila An- J. 10 Jium, | lnl«d Jo ^ iJucia. Sapt., IS32i rf. llofModan, Bocka. and 'iBM-Camll Domtbitk Wi^ttan Jo^n Edward Uirvtnl. Domlnick Burk* Bark*. Ud«] b.\n«4*i rf.a.j>. Itran, ibe l"i Ughl Haftb. KV« " Caifcarina Rrmn^MlrWl-Thaohald mpb Burke. ^Anne. diiL Caibninc.m. lal Jdfn Bark*.- Uari. Sad d. 16 1 0* Jamaa loJ. A.Jon«^ >:aqofLoa| «f B.t»ird laq 0* Elm- rfaa «l J J. «. IIIT, a.. tobballoii, Ati- I ol (Ull^otrKi. mj, narrUW' a Ha«*r I foaiBaAbraham I m Ui«irf^rd.l>; ai b«,^>«KnI/ Chaafvr?. i h.K-n. &q.ai.dJndlj doo.dlU*.( OB-il^. E-t Uil. e* Tlp^* Mu'pkr.Eaa.. un*- toUialloii. Au- I ol [Ull;«)c»n went I Buraelt of Lclhcntii lertMontgomericofEgJiii.^ .alAyr,7Feb„lC83; 1 Panel ',inAm«ncainl771:| ivill dated 24 Nov., I . Oeorgi!. •!. 1. Margaret, m. to Rob I" ■■'^■: = MiKJane Jo^n, J _1- Horaco eant.dmi.of ddpbia. Now York. Pork.. I r-ATE XXVIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 153 ruined by his Jacobite principles), having left his home, to join, as a volunteer in the Low Countries, the army under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, obtained a commission in the 31st, or Huntingdonshire Regiment of Foot, and became afterwards Captain in the 5th West India Regiment. He was taken prisoner, when Acting Quartermaster- General at St. Vincent, in the Carib war, and released from a dungeon by his son John, at Lucia, on the reduction of that island by Sir Ralph Abercrombie. Captain Bryce Mc Gumming m. ]\Iary Lindesay, and d. at Montreal, Lower Canada, 15 June, 1805, aged 67, having had by her (who d. the preceding year) to survive infancy, two sons and two daus. James, h. 9 Sept., 1763, lieut. 29th Regiment, m. Mary Ann Desonier, a Canadian lady, descended from the French noblesse, and d. 5 Feb., 1831, leaving six daus., but no male issue John, of whom presently. Margaret, m. to Lieut.-Col. Fearon, 31st Regiment, Acting Quartermaster-General in the West Indies, and d. 9 Dec, 1811, leaving issue. Jane, d. unm., 5 June, 1840. Caj)tain Bryce Mc Cummiug became proprietor and Seignior of Grande Vallee des Monts, in Lower Canada. His second son John Mc Cumming, Esq., Seignior of Grande Vallee des Monts, b at Pensacola, 30 July, 1767, Capt. in the 31st Regiment, served at the reduction of the West Indies, in 1796; in Holland in 1799; and at Ferrol and Gibraltar. He m. Charlotte, eldest dau. and co-heiress of John Beaumont, Esq. of Whitley Hall, co. York, the representative of the ancient and eminent family of Beaumont, of Whitley Beaumont, and d. at Farnham, co. Surrey, 11 Aug., 1835, having had by her (who d. 16th Aug., 1815,) one son, Richard Henry John Beaumont, and three daus. viz. : — I. Charlotte Beaumont, m. to Maj.-Gcn., John Spink, K.H. XL Mary Ann, m. Kenrick Bacon, Esq. of Spencer Lodge, Roehampton, second son of Charles Bacon, Esq., of Moore Y 2 1 54 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [platb xxviu. Parkj Surrey^ and has issue a dau., Emily Beaumont Bacon, b. 20 Sept., 1836, and a son Kenriek Verulam Bacon, b. 22 March, 1838. III. Sarah Elizabeth d. young in 1815. The only son, the present, Lieut.-Col. Richard Henry John Beaumont Beaumont, b. 1 May, 1804, ni. Elizabeth-Marianne, eldest dau. of John Kirsopp, Esq. of Broomhaugh and Palmstruther Northumberland and has issue. I. Richard Henry Beaumont, b. 24 June, 1843. II. Lindesay Beaumont, b. 8 June, 1848. I. Charlotte Julia, m. 5 Jan., 1858, to William Pitzler Newland, Esq. 2nd son of Robert Newland, Esq. of Kempston House, Beds. II. Elizabeth Beaumont. Srm)S. — Gu., semee of crescents, a lion rampant, arg. Crest. — A bull's head, erased, quarterly, arg. and gu. ifHottO. — Fide sed cui vide. Edward Warner, Esq. of Walthamstow is entitled to the following armorial bearings, which are duly registered in the Heralds' College, London : Srmsi. — Per bend, arg. and gu., two bendlets between six roses, all couuterchanged. CrciSt. — On a wreath of the colours a saracen's head, afeontee, couped at the shoulders, ppr., vested, gu., on the head a cap chequy, arg. and gu., in front thereof three roses, arg. JHotto.— Spero. PLAiBiivin] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 155 WiiUixxv^toxu WiLLiNGTON, of WUlingtou, CO. Derby, Sandhurst^ co. Gloucester, Umberleigh, co Devon, Barchestou, Hurley, Whateley aud Tamworth, CO. Warwick all descended from John de Willington, of Willington, co. Derby, temp. Conquestoris. This ancient family seated at Willington at the Conquest, held baronial rank under the first Plantagenets, and was early possessed of estates in Gloucestershire and Devon. The chief line established at Umberleigh, in the latter and at Willington Court in the former shire, is represented through female heirship, by the Chichesters and Bassets ; of the Barchestou branch there are several co-representatives, Charles Holte Bracebridge, Esq. of Atherstone Hall, the Marquess of Anglesey, the Earl of Denbigh, &c. ; the Hurley branch is represented by the Levetts of Wichnor Park, and the Floyers of Hints ; the Whateley Willingtons by John Martin, Esq., M.P. for Tewkesbury; and the branch settled at Tamworth, by Francis Willington, Esq., the present male representative of the family. TixmS. — Gu. a saltire, vaire, arg. and az., Francis Willington, Esq. of Tamwortli, impales the arms of Pte, viz., " arm. a beud fusilly gu." in right of his wife, Jane-Anne, dau. of the late Henry James Pye, Esq. of Faringdon House, Berks, M.P. for that county, aud Poet Laureate. Credit. — A pine tree, vert^ fructed, or. 156 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [ii-atk xxi: PLATE XXIX. Mallrt tit (HDaiteret. The ancient and noble family of De Carteret, of St. Ouens Manor, in the island of Jersey, is represented by Edward Charles Mallet de Carteret,^ Esq., Lieutenant in Her Majesty's 88th Regiment, Seigneur de St. Ouen, who by royal licence, dated 5th April, 1859, has assumed, in addition to his own, the surname of De Carteret. In the charters of the cathedral of Coutances, and of the Abbeys of Fontenelle and Bee, in Normandy, great and honourable mention is made of the De Carterets, of whom the chief, in 1002, took on him sovereign authority in the barony of Carteret, situated on the coast of that duchy, opposite the eastern part of the island of Jersey. The ancient Norman historians, Louis de Couis, in his history of the Crusades, and Du Moulin, in his history of Normandy, speak largely of this family, \Ahich, during upwards of seven centuries, has held the Seigneurie of St. Ouens, which takes precedence of every other feudal tenure in Jersey, and bears the ancient title of " Le Grand Fief Hauhert de St. Ouen/' with two knights' fees and service, in addition to that of its Lord or Seigneur. Anciently this honour and lordship fell into the charge and keeping of the Sovereign, during the minority of its heir ; and the honourable and responsible post of keeper of the fortresses of the island was, of right, confided to the Seigneurs de St. Ouen, in the absence by death or otherwise of the governor. Our limits do not permit us to make more than a very cursory mention of a few of the members of this race of insular heroes and statesmen who have sprung up in rapid succession from this house, whose sons, in one long and unbroken line, are recorded, from 1066 to 1859, at the College of Arms, London ; and whose history, replete with • Only child of John Mallet, Esq., eldest son of the late Eev. John Mallet, rector of the parish of Grouville, Jersey, vide page 162, TTJlTETOaX REV? HENRY PARR, CHARLES MARCH PHILMl-py. E S i^. CHARLES Wm HAMILTON, E SQ. TUITBRIDaE .KENT. QAHEmDON EARK, CO. XHICESTZI^ . HAMWO OD , O O. 14E ATH . JAS ROSS COULTHAirr, ESQ. E. STANIKR PHILIP BUOADE.ESQ. COULTHART fe CQLLYN & ASUTON /D^TDKR IXW.. I'EMTON VIVIAN, CO. STAITOKD. G. MinULETON. ESQ. THE GROVE , IS! ORWI C H . R R.Baker, sc. PLATE xxix.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 57 events affording ample and singular proof of their energy of purpose and chivalrous bravery, is to be found in numerous and authenticated public and private sources in England, Normandy, and Jersey. Their patriotism and talents have been such and so transcendent in the dis- charge of the duties of the chief civil and military posts in their native island from the earliest period, and under great and arduous difficulties in the eventful times of the Rebellion, as to have obtained the proud distinction of a long and continued special favour of their Sovereigns. Omfrey and Mauger de Carteret fought at Hastings in 1066, and as deserving knights are made mention of in the " Roman du Rou." Reginald de Carteret accompanied Robert Duke of Normandy and Godfroi de Bouillon to the first great Crusade in 1096, and his arms are recorded by Du ^Moulin. Philip de Carteret, in fulfilment of a pious vow, made when in great danger of shipwreck off* the coast of Guernsey, built in 1129, at his own cost, the church of Porteval, in that island. Sir Reginald de Carteret, Knight, who assumed the chief com- mand of the insvdar forces when Drogo de Bareutin, the governor, was killed, after performing prodigies of valour, succeeded in forcing the French, who had made several destructive forays and descents on the island, to abandon it; and afterwards joining the fleet commanded by Reynold de Cobham and Geoffrey d^Harcourt, was chiefly instrumental, by the reinforcement of his troops, in recovering the island of Guernsey, of which the French had obtained possession. And his grandson, the celebrated Sir Reginald de Carteret, Knight, Captain of the King's Castles in Jersey, had the signal honour of compelling the illustrious Du Guesclin to raise the siege of Mount-Orgeuil Castle, which he had closely invested in 1374' with an army of ten thonsaud men, among whom were comprised the flower of the French chivalry, and the Duke de Bourbon. For this glorious achievement the honour of knighthood was conferred, the same day, on Sir Reginald and his seven sous by Edward III. Sir Philip de Carteret, Knight, (grandson of Sir Reginald), who m. Margaret, dan. of Sir William Newton, Knight of Gloucester, also displayed, in an eminent degree, those great qualities which were peculiar to his race, preserved for the second time the island of 158 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxix. Jersey from Freneti possession^ and succeeded in expelling Pierre de Breze, Comte de Maulevrier, Grand Seneclial of Normandy, who during five years, from 1461 to 1466, had retained under subjection the six eastern parishes of Jersey ; during the difficult and long warfare he had to maintain against this foe, he narrowly escaped being captured by a band of French men-at-arms, who had waylaid him, to cut off his return to his manor of St. Oaen, whilst he was fishing at his pond or mere of that name. By leaping his horse across a rugged and deep ravine, twent3^-two feet wide and eighteen feet deep, he distanced his pursuers and reached his stronghold in safety, although with the loss of his gallant steed, who, exhausted by the severe trial, dropped down dead ; the poor horse was buried in the garden, and a painting of him may still be seen at the Manor House. Philip de Carteret, Sir Phillip's grandson. Lord of St. Ouen, who m. Margaret, only dan. of Sir Richard Harliston, Governor of Jersey, nearly fell victim to a foul plot of accusation of treachery, based on a forged letter, purporting to off'er to betray basely the island to France, produced against him by his enemy, Sir Matthew Baker, the governor, whose vexatious and unjust exactions exercised on the inhabitants had been withstood and severely commented upon by De Carteret : this letter was written by one Le Boutilleir, whom the Seigneur de St. Ouen had saved from capital punishment. By the connivance of the then bailli, Clement le Hardy, Sir Philip was imprisoned in Mount- Orgeuil Castle, and stinted of food in order to render unequal the trial by combat, which he was unjustly condemned to accept from this miscreant on the Feast of St. Lawrens. That side of the lists from which he was to do battle was subsequently found to be studded with numerous pitfalls, artfully covered over to hasten his destruction ; but his heroic wife, to obtain her husband's liberation, clandestinely left the island in an open boat with only one trusty servant, in the depth of winter, and four days only after her confinement, and obtaining an audience of the king, Henry VII, who at that time held his court at Salisbury, returned to Jersey successful ; the king having, by writ under the great seal, fully reinstated her injured husband. This Lady of St. Ouen was mother of twenty sons and one daughter, all presented to the king the same day. i PLATE XXIX.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 159 Helin de Carteret, one of the sons of the above, became Bailli of Jersey, and by his great energy and skill secured many valuable rights and privileges to the island. By his determined resistance to the unjust attempt made by Sir Hugh Vaughan, the governor, to seize the estate and fief of Trinity Manor, he incurred the displeasure of Cardinal Wolsey, who patronised Vaughan; and during a protracted detentiou in the Fleet Prison, to which the all-powerful minister twice committed him, he, nevertheless, so boldly asserted and maintained the goodness of his cause in the Star Chamber, before Wolsey, that he returned to the duties of his bailliwick with tbe full recognition of his uprightness. This independent judge was likewise chiefly instrumental in establishing the reformed religion in Jersey. Another, Helin de Carteret, Lord of St. Ouen, for his serAices and success in rescuing the island of Sark from the French, and defeating them signally at Bouley Bay, in Jersey, received the former island from Queen Elizabeth as a fief Haubert, on the payment of an annual rent of fifty shillings j and by him it was colonized, and its waste lands reclaimed. Sir Philip de Carteret knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1580, m. Rachel, dau. and co-heiress of Sir George Pawlett, Bailli, of the family of Hinton St. George, co. Somerset, ancestor of the present Earl Poulett. Sir Philip de Carteret, Knight, Lord of St. Ouen, born 1583, covered himself with glory in the defence of the cause of his royal master, Charles I. He was appointed bailli in 1626, and lieutenant- governor to Lord Jermyn shortly after, and held those offices till his death. His talents, devoted loyalty, and bravery were of the highest order, and it may justly be said that the great talents of his race shone conspicuously in him. After undergoing the horrors of a siege in Elizabeth Castle, and experiencing the cold and cruel desertions of many who should have been his friends, he, with a chosen and devoted band, and with undiminished vigour and resolution, maintained the defence of tbat fortress; whilst his heroic wife, Ann, dau. of Sir Francis Dowse, Knight of Wallop, co. Hants, also maintained, for the same cause, the castle of Mouut-Orgcuil A^ith equal vigour. Sir Philip made good his defence against the vigorous assaults of the Parliamentary z 160 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxix. forces until his death, which took place in Elizabeth Castle, on the 23rd of August, 1643. Among other children he had issue Francis, who became Attorney- General of Jersey ; he m., 30 July, 1662, Ann, dau, of Thomas Seale, Esq. of the parish of St. Brelade, and through him, in the female line, the Seigniory of St. Ouen has been held by the families of Le Maistre and Mallet. For his distinguished and devoted loyalty to the royal cause, Charles II, conferred the Bailliwick of Jersey as a hereditary honour on the Seigneurs de St. Ouen, and caused great and honourable mention of this faithful servant, and of his celebrated nephew. Sir George de Carteret, Bart., R.N., to be engraved on the mace of the Royal Court which was presented to it by that Sovereign. Sir Philip de Carteret, Knight, his son. Lord of St. Ouen, Sark, and Royal Bailli of Jersey, assisted his mother. Lady de Carteret, in the defence of Mount-Orgeuil Castle, and on her death, in 1644, suc- ceeded to the command of that fortress, which he held until 27 October 1651, when it capitulated to the superior forces of Colonel Haynes and Admiral Blake. Sir Philip was knighted by Charles II, when Prince of Wales, in St. Aubin's Bay, in Jersey, at the head of the island forces which he commanded, the 29th April, 1645. Sir Philip de Carteret, created a Baronet in 1670, rebuilt the Manor-house of St. Ouen as it now stands : he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edward de Carteret; and dying in 1693, was succeeded by his only child, Sir Charles de Carteret, Bart., Bailli of Jersey, who d. unm. in 1715, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. In him the male elder branch of the house of St. Ouen became extinct. Independently of the manifold acts of goodness and greatness con- ferred by this illustrious family on their native island, to it alone belongs the immortal honour of having saved its country, on three distinct occasions, from the possession of the French ; for in addition to the signal repulse and expulsion of its ancient foe by Sir Reginald under Edward III, and by Sir Philip under Edward IV, Sir George, who succeeded his uncle in the command of Elizabeth Castle during the civil Avars, also prevented, by his singular energy, its ignominious sale to France by Lord Jermyn, its governor, who had received PLATE XXIX.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 161 instructions for that unhappy negotiation from Henrietta, the Queen of Charles I, in her extremity and want of means. The three principal branches of this ancient house are now repre- sented, in the present branches of St. Ouen, by Edward Charles Mallet de Carteret, Esq. of the 88th Regiment ; that of England, founded at Hawnes, co. Bedford, by Sir George de Carteret, Bart., Vice-Chamberlain to Charles II, Treasurer of the Navy, (whose grand- son was raised to the peerage) by the Rev. Lord John Thynne, Sub- Dean of Westminster; and that of Trinity Manor, in Jersey, by the Count de St. George, son of Miss de Carteret, sister of the late Lady Symonds, who was eldest sister of the gallant and distinguished Sir Philip de Carteret Sylvester, Captain R.N., who d. without issue. %:xm, — Quarterly, 1st and 4tli, gu. four fusils in fesse, arg.; 2nd and 3rd gu. three buckles, or. C«iSt. — On a mount vert, a squirrel, sejant, cracking a nut, ppr. JMotto. — Loyal devoir. The Rev. Francis Orpen Morris, B.A., Worcester Coll., Oxford, Chaplain to the Duke of Cleveland, and Rector of Nunburnholme, and a Magistrate for the East Riding of Yorkshire, a distinguished naturalist, the able and popular author of a "History of British Birds," and of a great number of other works in divinity and science, is of ancient Welsh ancestry, his family being one of those which claim descent from Elystan Glodrydd, Prince of Ferlys. Mr. Orpen Morris is eldest son of the late Rear-Admiral Henry Gage Morris, by Rebecca Newenham-Millerd, his wife, third dau. of the Rev. Francis Orpen, Vicar of Kilgarvan and Rector of Dungorney, and grandson of the Hon. Roger INIorris, a member of the Governor's Council at New York, and a Lieutenant- Colonel in the army, by Mary his wife, dau. of Frederick Philipse, Esq., great-grandson of Frederick Philipse, of Philipsbourg, one of the principal founders of New York. {See Burke's Landed Gentry.) z 2 162 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxix. ^vmsi— Quarterly : 1st and 4tli, gu., a lion rampant, reguardant, or; 2nd and 3rd, arg., three boars' heads, couped, sa. Cvcst. — A lion rampant, reguardant, or. ^otto. — Marte et mare faventibus ; and, over the arras, Gwell Angau na Chwilydd. MiOltt This family, which has been established in the eastern part of the ancient Norman possession of Jersey since the latter part of the reign of the Conqueror, is an early branch of the noble house of Mallet-de- Graville, near Harfleur, in Normandy. William Mallet, the ancestor of several branches who fought at Hastings in 1066, is spoken of in terms of high distinction in the " E-oman du Ron," and was also Captain of York Castle in 1069. Mention is made, in 1180, of the property of Robert Mallet, Seigneur de la Malletiere, in the parish of Groville, in the island of Jersey, and of certain dues in the Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy, under the Kings of England ; and a patent roll of the 16th of John, 1314, states that AYilliam Mallet, his son, was, in his behalf, one of the hostages who, with several others taken from the chief families of the island, were called to England by that Sovereign as guarantees and pledges of attachment to his Crown, in 1206, after the loss of the Duchy of Normandy, of which the Channel Islands formed part, and was detained alone during eight years under the charge of the Abbot of the great Monastery of Benedictins of St. Peter, of Gloucester. And a close roll of the 7th Henry III, 1223, reinstating in his posses- sions this hostage, who had been unjustly dispossessed, during his long sojourn in England and after his father's death, of his fief and lands in the parish of Grouville, also states that they were held by his ancestors of the Dukes of Normandy in capite, bearing the name of this family for whom it was created, in remote times, and called the " Fief de la Malletierey' the corruption oi Mallet-Terre or Terre de Mallet. Several other portions of this ancient Norman tenure also retain the family patronymic; although by the extinction of its elder branch, in 1603, in PLATE XXIX.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 63 the person of Isabella Mallet, Lady of La Malletiere, and La Hague and Les Ricards, two other fiefs in the western parish of St. Peter, which had been in the possession of her family since 1489, it passed into other hands. William Mallet, Seigneur de la Hougue and La Malletiere, was killed, in 1338, at Castle-Cornet, in the adjoining island of Guernsey, when it was recaptured from the French by its inhabitants, aided by those of Jersey. Anthony Mallet was Roman Catholic vice-dean of the island in 1500 ; and Thomas Mallet dean in 1515. Richard Mallet, Seigneur de la Malletiere, La Hague and Les Ricards, was one of the jurats or magistrates of the Royal Court of Jersey, in 1524*. And the late Rev. John Mallet, who d. at an advanced age, in 1851, rector of his original ancestral parish of Grouville, and lineal descendant of James Mallet, a younger son of La Maison de Mallet, the name of the residence of the fief until 1603, who settled in the adjoining parish of St Martin, temp., Henry VII, is now represented by his three sur- viving sons, John, Robert-Philip, and William-Edmund ; the eldest John Mallet, Esq., has issue an only son, Edward Charles Mallet de Carteret, Esq., Lieut, in H.M. 88th Regiment, who has assumed by royal licence, in addition to his own, the name and arms of de Carteret' of St. Ouen's manor, Jersey, as Seigneur de St. Ouen, and lineal repre- sentative, maternally, of the ancient and noble family of de Carteret of St. Ouen. The arms of the Norman house of Mallet, were recorded as early as 1096, in the cathedral of Bayeux in Normandy, and were borne by Robt. Mallet, who accompanied Robert, Duke of Normandy, and Godfroi de Bouillon, to the first great Crusade, in the same year; and the supporters, two griffins, were first borne, as is attested by an impression of his seal, by John Mallet, Sire de Graville, who was beheaded at Rouen, in May, 1355, and who m. Eleonora, dau. of Guy de Chatillon, Comte de St. Pol, grand butler of Francis, and of Mary, dau. of John II, Duke of Brittany, and of Beatrice of England, dau. of Henry III. ' Vide Mallet de Carteret, page 155. 164 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxix. The floor of the great guard-chamber formerly attached to that im- posing monument of Norman architecture, the Abbaye aux Hommes, built at Caen by the Conqueror, was formerly paved with encaustic tiles, on which were represented the arms of sixteen Norman noble families, whose rank and distinction entitled them to that high honour. In addition to tlie ensigns of the Conqueror and his consort, Matilda, occur among others, those of the families of Harcourt, Talvas, Tresgoze, Tilley, Mallet, Fiennes, Annesley, &c., &c., and on some, comprising this early and unique tile armorial, which were removed to England before the French Revolution, the fermals or buckles of the family of Mallet are clearly depicted. ^vm;S. — Gu., three fermals, or buckles, or, with a crescent, arg., in chief for difference. Cre^t. — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a cock, statant, gu. iMotto.— En Dieu affie. The Rev. Henry Parr, late Vicar of Tamiton, co. Somerset, now resident at Tunbridge, co. Kent, is son of the late Thomas Parr, Esq. of Lythwood Hall, co. Salop, whose father, John Parr, Esq. of Elm House, CO. Lancaster, represented a branch of the ancient Lancashire family of Parr, seated at the manor of Parr, from the thirteenth century [see Burke's Landed Gentry). From the same parent stock derived the Parrs of Kendal, whose representative, William Parr, Marquess of Northampton, (brother of Queen Katherine Parr,) d. s. p., 1571 (see Burke's Extinct Peerage). ^rmsl. — Arg., two bars, az., a bordure, engrailed, sa., on a crescent, a mullet. €-Xtit. — A female's head, affrontee, couped below the shoulders, vested, az., on her bead a wreath of roses, alternately arg. and gu. ilWotto. — Amour avec Loyaulte. near I I, tenp Fames I; ried at aer HaJ L 1C76J )t Belfa^ lamilto 8, agec| j)bert 'agie liltoi 1852, Hugh Haitilto!?, of LUliuic, : Jobn ITBmilton of Ballymcnoc Alexander HamittOQ of Knock, to. Dubli Kcwtown HomilUin, co. Anaagh, Esq.. CharlM Willimn VVi!lkmTigho= ]]oni7 AnuBtrong. at Htimvtood, ilioKing'tCouniy. WtiMd;ni.inSt. CharlcH KlacDou- S^Huro, Sept. 1832. iii.i» I hraillon of .h,f am m„ \lm\ „„ el« 8. C. Cragie. da otJoL r elgium, July. 18 s „!' 1 ot 5^.. E... Williuu n«nr}-=^ Bridget, ilau, of— MBrgsrct, John HunilUo. ' W.M.SMITH AlARHJOTT. GEORGE M'lM.IAM .JOIIXSO.V. E Sd SHARPUES HALi.CO.iyiNCAS'rEP. . EOI*J3E2^ OiTItEK" , CO. KENT . BURDEIC-H TIELDS. CO. LZ JCf: S TIER . FRANCIS G-VktMl.!. O lUilU.Y. E SQ. JOHN HUTEER BOWDON.ESQ. SCAPJ3R0 ZO.'IOVY.. PLEAS iNOTON ItALL , 00 . LANCA' ••• J GUHNEY BARCIAT. ESQ. . -^'ST01!rE. ESSEX . R.R. Bahr' PEDIGREE as Registered in Her Majesty's College of Arms, London. r BoUoD-Ic-Moor«, co. PslstincofLan- . Pnlulino of Sndltcc and buried 1 /. 13 Nov., nod I .8 Nov., 1821, >tSeruin, M.I. lUlpb Itothwetl, or Oarni CO. Kent, 3rd an y^iingutton; b.iFeh ISIO. al St. Johi^i Roberl Jolin Itolbnell. 4tb and 'ulnliue Sbfltplea Hal?.' 21 May. rcH^on ; SIokU, nnd ' buried S3, and April. INS, »t. S3, nl Mary Bothwell, of Ditto Udge, in the pariah o Prcacol, CO. Palaline Imna^lcr, «ldc«t da by 2nd witci b. 2 and bapL 30 Jnoe. 170 al Seflon, d. «nm., S July, and buried 2 Sinili, 2nil and joont-eH f dau., by 2nd wife; 6, f 13. and l«pli«»d « Jan., ITBT. al ^rion. I'yMrnid 8 mooihi. buried itS«(lon,M.I. 1, of Rilibloton^MaiT, eldeal d> oriBb of Pwalon, Fcb„andbBpt. rks of tho peace Proton, and .. b. H Samb, 2nd an 2 April. dan., b. 26 Jolin'a, bapl. 4 Sept. youngeil July, and St. Joho'a, Preitoa. /ttk PLATE XXXI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 179 The Rev. Richard Rothwell,^ M.A., Patron and Rector of the Parisli and Parish Church of Sephton, near Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, m. 1st, Judith, dau. and heiress of the Rev. Thomas Morrall, M.A., formerly Vicar of Bolton-le-Moors, in the said county, the issue of which marriage was two daus., who both d. in their infancy; and 2ndly, Mary, the granddau. of John Sharpies, Esq., formerly of Sharpies Hall, near Boltou-le-Moors, and eldest dau. of Roger Brandwood, of Bolton, and dying in 1801 was s. in his estates by his eldest son and heir James Rothwell, Esq., of the Manor House, in Much Hoole,2 co. Lancaster, an active Magistrate, and a gentleman of high classical and literary attainments, who d. s. p. in 1824; and was s. in his advowson of Sephtou by his second son, the Rev. Richard Rainshaw Rothwell, M.A., the present Rector of that benefice. He also had three other children, viz., Mary, John, and Ralph, all of whom d. unm. except Ralph Rothwell, Esq., formerly of Ribbleton House, near Preston; he m. Ellen, second dau. of Robert and Catherine Kellett, of Leyland, both deceased, and by her (who d. 24th Dec, 1853), had sur\aving issue; I. Richard Raixshaw Rothwell, Esq., now of Sharpies Hall,' co-heir with his uncle, (the Rev, Richard Rainshaw Rothwell) of his uncle James's extensive landed estates. II. Ralph, b. 1st Feb. 1816, now residing at Dover, co. Kent, Esq. lu " Dugdale's Baronage," several pages are devoted to particulars respecting tbe Willoughliys of Eresby, the Willoughbys, Lords Brooke, and the Willoughbys of Parham. Elizabeth Eothwell Lady Willoughby's great aunt, Jane Rothwell married Robert Standish. Tlie Standish family is one of the oldest in Lancashire, and is allied to the Molineuxes, Earls of Sefton, (the patronage of the valuable rectory^ of which parish belongs to the family of R. R. Rothwell, Esq.), Bradshaighs of Haigh, Hoghtons of Hoghton Tower, &c. Lady Standish, the widow of Sir Richard Standish, became the wife of Sir Thomas Stiuiley, of Bickerstaffe (of the same family as the Earl of Derby, who, in 1844, was summoned to the House of Peers in his father's barony as Baron Stanley, of Bickerstatl'e). The Hoghtons, of Hoghton Tower, near Sharpies Hall, were allied to the Earls of Chesterfield and the Viscounts Massereene. Sir Hem-y Hoghton, the 5th Baronet, was for many years a Member of Parlia- ment, and is said to have " rendered the most peculiar advantages to his country in innume- rable respects." He married Lady Mary Russell, widow of Lord James Russell, fifth son of William, Duke of Bedford. 1 This gentleman was presented to this Rectory in 1763 by bis father, James Rothwell, Patron of Sephtou and Vicar of Dean, near BoIton-le-Moors, co. Lancaster. 2 The Rev. Jeremiah Horrox, who predicted, and was the first to sec, the transit of Venus over the sun, was formerly Curate of Hoole : the townships of Much and Little Hoole, then comprised this Curacy, but they now form the Rectory of Hoole. Horrox was i. in 1619, and d. in 16^1, at the early age of 22. — See his " Life and Labours," by \Miatton. ' Sharpies Hall, neai- Bolton-le-Moors, co. Lancaster. 180 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxi. I. Mary, m. 9th April, 1833, to Thomas Birchall, Esq., of Ribbleton Hall, near Preston, and one of the Deputy Clerks of the Peace for co. Lancaster. II. Sarah. ^rmg. — Or, two clieveroueUs, embattled, az.. each charged with three bezants, all between two lions, rampant, in chief, and a lion passant-guardant in base, gules. £yf;gt_ — On a wreath of the colours, a stag's head, couped, ppr., bezante, attired, or, gorged with a wreath of fern, also ppr. £5flotto. — Virtuti fortuna comes. The Key. William Harriot Smith-Marriott, of Horsmonden, a Magistrate for Kent, and Rector of Horsmonden, second son of the late Sir John Wyldbore Smith, Bart., of Sydling St. Nicholas, co. Dorset, by Elizabeth-Anne, his wife, dau. and co-heir of the Rev. James Marriott, D.C.L., of Horsmonden, assumed by royal licence, in 1811, the additional surname and arms of Marriott. ^rniiS. — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, barry of six, or and sa., for Marriott ; 2nd and 3rd, sa., a fesse, erminois, cottised, or, between three martlets of the last, charged with an ermine spot, for Smith. Crt^t^. — 1st, Marriott, a talbot, passant, sa., collared and chained, or; 2ud, Smith, a greyhound, sejant, gu., collared and line reflexed over the back, or, charged on the shoulder with a mascle, arg. iilotto. — Semper fidelis. George "William Lillingston, Esq., of Burleigh Field, only son of the late Rev. George Lillingston, M.A., Incumbent of Southend, Essex, by Barbara- Anne, his wife, only dau. of Henry Spooner, Esq., of Grace- church Street, London, Banker, and heiress of her mother, Ann-Jane, 3rd dau. of Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, Esq., of Burleigh Field, assumed PLATE XXXI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 181 by royal licence, 22 March, 1859, the surname and arras of Johnson only, in compliance with the will of his granduncle, the Kev. Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, M. A., Rector of Aston-upon-Trent, co. Derby- The Spooners, from whom Mr. Johnson now of Burleigh Field descends in the male line, were in possession of property in the vicinity of Birmingham, temp. Henry VIII, and at Henwood Ilall, co. Warwick, towards the close of the 15th century. Isaac Spooner, Esq. of Elmdon, co. Warwick, b. 1736, (eldest son of Abraham Spooner, Esq., by Anne his wife, dau. of Richard Knight, Esq., of Downton Castle, co. Hereford, and great-grandson of John Spooner, of Handsworth, co. Stafford, b. in 1600), m. in 1770, Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir Henry Gough, Bart., and sister of the first Lord Calthorpe, and had, with other issue, I. Abraham Spooner-Lillingston, Esq., of Elmdon House, co Warwick, (eldest son^) who m. 19 Aug., 1797, Elizabeth- Mary-Agnes, only child of Luke Lillingston, Esq., of Ferril)y Grange, co. York, and by her (who d. 6 Jan., 1830,) left at his decease five sons, of whom the fourth. The Rev. George Lillingston, M.A., Incumbent of Southend, co. Essex, m. 26 June, 1832, Barbara- Anne, only child of Henry Spooner, Esq., and d. 29 March, 1848, leaving, with three daus., Juliana- Barbara, Georgiana - Matilda, and Lydia - Maria, one son, the present George-William Johnson, Esq., of Burleigh Field. II. Henry Spooner, of Gracechurch Street, London, Banker (third son), m. Ann- Jane, 3rd dau. of Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, Esq. of Burleigh Field, co. Leicester, and sister of the Rev. Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, M.A., and had one dau., Barbara- Anne, m. 26 June, 1832, to the Rev. George Lillingston, M.A. ^rm^. — Arg., two cheveronells between as many griffins' heads, erased, ui chief, and a Palmer's scrip m base, gu. CrtiSt. — On a wreath, a griffin's head, erased, per fesse, arg. and gu., holding in the beak a Palmer's scrip, of the last. 182 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxi. 6U)L)nf4^ausIjai! of €ms'bovin. fo- Carmartijnu Henry Gw^'nne Vaughan, Esq., of Cyngliordy, second son of Samuel Jones, Esq., late of Llanvillo, co. Brecon, by Jane, his wife, dau. of William Vauglian, Esq., late of Penymaes, assumed by royal licence, dated 4 May, 1855, the surnames of Gwynne Vaughan only, in lieu of Jones, and the arms of Vaughan, in compliance with the will of his maternal uncle, the Rev. Thomas Vaughan, late of Brecon. The families of Vaughan, of Llanvillo, and Gwynne, of Cynghordy, are both of long standing in Wales, and their pedigrees are fully recorded in Jones's History of Brecknockshire. The Gwynnes of Cynghordy were a branch of Gwynne of Glanbran, and terminated in an heiress, Isabella, dau. of William Gwynne, Esq., of Cynghordy, who m. William Vaughan, Esq., of Llanvillo, 9th in descent from Lewis Vaughan, of Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glamorgan, and was mother of Jane Vaughan, who m. Samuel Jones, Esq., and had with other issue a second son, the present Henry Gwynne Vaughan, Esq., of Cynghordy. 'BtmS. — Ermines, two cheveronells, arg., between three boys' heads, aiFronte, couped at the shoulders, ppr., crined, or, around the neck of each a snake, nowed, also ppr., all within a bordure of the second. CrfiSt. — On a wreath, upon a moimt, vert, in front of a boy's head, affronte, couped at the shoulders, ppr., crined, or, a snake, nowed, also ppr, ^Otto. — Asgre Ian dio Gel ei Pherchen. Colonel Richard Wright Warren, of Mespil, co. Dublin, who took the name of Warren, by royal letters patent, is descended from James Wright, Esq., of Gowlea, co. Monaghan, a Captain in the army, claiming descent from the Wrights of Kilverstone, co. Norfolk, PLATE XXXI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 183 one of the most ancient families in England, possessing large estates in that county since the time of the Saxons ; one of the Wrights of Norfolk was Lord Keeper, temp. Charles II. Through his grand- mother. Dame Catherine Dowdall, the wife of his grandfather, Richard Wright, Esq., of the co. Down, and the dau. and heiress of George Dowdall, Esq., of Glaspistal, by Dame Margaret Ruthven, dau. of John Trotter Ruthven, he is a descendant of the celebrated Earl of Ruthven, of the peerage of Scotland. The family of Dowdall is of great antiquity. Colonel WaiTcn served with distinction throughout the War of Inde- pendence in Colombia under the immediate orders of Bolivar. Upon the termination of that fierce and protracted struggle he was appointed Governor of the Province of Loxa, which office he held for seven years. He was subsequently named Commandant-General of Quito, and finally Consul- General, Charge d'Afi'aires at Her Majesty's Court. Colonel Warren received for his conduct in action nine difi'erent decorations, together with the hereditary collar and insignia decreed in honour of Bolivar, and the liberators of Peru, by the Council of Govern- ment of that State. The titular distinction prefixed to his name " Bonemerito," was likewise awarded him by the Congress of Colombia for his conduct in the battle of Maracaybo, June, 1823, which -victory sealed the independence of Colombia as a sovereign Power, together with a gold shield to be worn on his left arm, bearing the following motto : — " To valour and constancy." " The Congress of Colombia." " 1824." For the victory of Ayucucho, achieved by the army of Bolivar over the Spanish forces commanded by the Viceroy Canterac, who, together with fifteen of his Generals, among them Espartero, were made prisoners, the Government of Peru instituted an hereditary order, the decoration of which contains in the centre of a star, the bust in gold, of the Liberator Simon Bolivar. Col. Richard Warren — then Wright — received investiture of this distinction in 1826, the patent running in the following words : — 2c 184 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxi. " Don Andres Santa Cruz, Grand Marshal, President of the Council of Government of the Republic of Peru, &c. — The Council of Govern- ment, desiring to carry into effect the sovereign decree of the Senate and Chamber of Representatives, bearing date the 21st of February, 1825, caused the decoration thereby provided to be made with the bust of the ilhistrious hero of the New World — the Father of the Country, Simon Bolivar. " This decoration, of inestimable value in the eyes of Liberty and Justice, whilst testifying the gratitude of Peru, should be regarded as the most honourable distinction in those noble men (claros barones) who, uniting their skill and bravery with that of their leader, the great champion of our independence, contributed with dauntless patriotism to break our chains and to establish the empire of the public will. For- asmuch, and in conformity with the spirit of the ninth article of said decree, I have directed the decoration aforementioned to be conferred on Lieut.-Col. Richard Wright; so that, with a noble pride for the part which he has had in such an heroic enterprise, he may transmit it to his descendants as a testimony of recompense accorded to his merits and virtues, as well as of acknowledgment to the hero in whose honour it is instituted. " Given in the Palace of Government at Lima, August 1st, 1826. (Signed) "Andres Santa Cruz, " By His Excellency, J. M. de Pando." The decoration is worn suspended from the neck by a tricolour ribbon. Colonel Warren is also a Chevalier of the noble and distinguished order of Charles III of Spain. SrmS.— Quarterly, 1st and 4th, chequy, or and gu., on a canton, per pale, of the second, and az., a saltire of the first ; 2nd and 3rd, per pale, sa. and az., on a chev. between three unicorns' heads couped, or, three spear heads, gu. Ci-t^t^.— 1st, an arm, embowed, in armour, ppr., grasping a dart, sa., feathered, arg., barbed, or; 2nd, an arm, embowed, in armour, ppr., holding a broken tilting spear, az., pointed, or. jl^otto. — Fortuna serjuatur. PLATE XXXI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 185 OTirigfit, of ©uagaiqufl. General Thomas Charles Wright, of Guayaquil, the second son of Joseph Wright, Esq., of Queensboro', Drogheda, and of Sophia his wife, a scion of the ancient and honourable family of Montgomery, of Beaulieu, co. Louth, served early in life in the British navy; but in 1817 he joined the army of Bolivar, then in campaign for the inde- pendence of Columbia, and highly distinguished himself as a brave and good officer. Having participated in nearly all the principal actions and victories achieved under that celebrated chief until the final indepen- dence of the Columbian Republic, he attained the rank of General of Division. He married the niece of President Rocafuerte and of M. Gainza, formerly Viceroy of Central America, and has several children. Srnts}. — Per pale, sa. and az., on a chev., between three unicorns' heads, couped, or, three spear heads, gu. Crt£it, — An arm, emhowed, in armour, ppr., holding a broken tilting spear, az., pointed, or. iHotto. — Honor virtute prsemium. Francis- Gammel O'Reilly, Esq., of Scarborough, Yorkshire, b. 19 Sept., 1810, m. 1st, 5 May, 1852, Barbara-Elizabeth, eldest dan. of John Balguy, Esq., of Duffield, Q.C., Commissioner of Bankruptcy (Birmingham and Nottingham) and Chaii'man of the Quarter Sessions (Derby), and by her, who d. 30 June, 1854, has one dan., Barbara- Louisa- St. John. Mrs. O'Reilly was connected with the Grey de Ruthyn, Hastings, and Sutton families by her father's side, and aUied to the celebrated antiquary. Dr. Wm. Stidieley, and to Lord St. John, of Bletsoe, through her mother, who was a St. John and eldest dau. of a prebendary of Worcester Cathedral. Mr. O'Reilly, m. 2ndly 8 July, 1856, Caroline- Rachel, youngest 2 c 2 186 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxi. dau. of Joshua Crompton^ Esq., of Esholt Hall, Yorkshire, connected with some good county families. This family of O'Reilly is supposed to be a branch of the ancient Milesian House of CReilly, Princes of East Brefney. Edward O^Reilly, Mr. O'Reilly's father, was related to the Trimleston family, ex parte materna, and removed from Ireland to England at the time of the great French war, when he became a captain in the Warwick militia. He m. Elizabeth, sister of the late Sir Erancis Lindley Wood, Bart., of Hickleton Hall, near Doncaster, Yorkshire, father of the present Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bart., G.C.B. {see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage). Capt, O'Reilly d. 1841, and his wife in 1845, leaving issue several children, of whom only Edward-Dormer, in Australia, unm., Francis Gammel, m. as above, Caroline-Frances, and Eliza survive. ^vm^. — Yert, two lions, combatant, supporting a sinister baud, or, in base a rose arg., impaling Ceompton. CvfiSt. — Out of an antique crown, or, an oak tree, a snake entwined rouud the trunk, all ppr. JHotto. — Fortitudine et prudentia. iSxitIrr 3$ob)tsnt, of ^Iraigmflton ©all, to. ilaufa^ttr. John Butler-Bow^don, Esq., of Pleasingtou Hall, J.P. and D.L., second son of the late John Peter Bruno Bowdon, Esq., of Southgate House and Beightonfields, co. Derby, by Mary his wife, eldest dau. of Edward Ferrers, Esq., of Baddesley, succeeded to the Pleasington estate, by bequest of his cousin, Mary-Anne, only surviving child and heir of the late Richard Butler, Esq., of Pleasington Hall, by Charlotte, his wife, dau. of the late John Bowdon, Esq., of Beightonfields, and assumed in consequence, by royal licence dated 21 Jan., 1841, the additional siu-name and arms of Butler. In right of his wife, Amelia-Catherine- Frances^ eldest dau. of George Thomas Whitgreave, Esq., of Moseley Court, CO. Stafi"ord, Mr. Butler-Bowdon impales the arms of Whit- greave. PLATE XXXI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 187 ^xmS. — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, quarterly, sa. and or ; in the let quarter a lion-passant, erm. 2nd and 3rd, az., a chev. between three covered cups, or, in the centre chief point a cross-crosslet, of the last, IMPALING the arms of AVhitgeeave, viz., az., on a cross, quarterly, pierced, or, four chevrons, gu., a chief, arg., thereon a rose, gu., irradiated, gold, within a ^Teath of oak, ppr. Crcsit. — 1st, a heron's head, erased, ppr., beaked and charged on the neck, with three erm. spots, sa. ; 2nd, a covered cup, or, charged with an erm. spot, sa. iHolto, — Vanus est honor. Joseph Gurney Barclay, Esq., of Leytou, is eldest surviving son of the late Robert Barclay, Esq., of Leytou, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Joseph Gui-ney, Esq., of Lakenham Grove, Norfolk, and grandson, (by Ann his wife, dau. of Isaac Ford, Esq., of Manchester), of Robert Barclay, of Clapham Common, Surrey, who was son of John Barclay, of Cambridge Heath, Merchant of London, by Susanna Willet liis wife, and grandson, by Priscilla his 2nd wife, dau. of John Freame, Banker of London, of David Barclay, " Mercator Londinensis," whose father, Robert Barclay, of Urie, co. Kincardine, was the celebrated Apologist of the Quakers. The Barclays of Mathers and Urie descend in a direct male line from Roger Berchelai, or Berkeley, who is described in Domesday Book as holding land in Gloucestershire, temp. Edward the Confessor. The present Chief of the House is Arthur Kett Barclay, Esq., of Bury Hill, CO. Surrey, J.P. and D.L., whose right, as Chief, to the family Supporters, has been duly ackowledged by the Lord Lyon's Office, Edinburgh. ^vmS. — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az., a chev., and in chief, three crosses patee, arg. ; 2nd and 3rd, ai'g., three bars, gemelles, sa., in chief as many lions rampant, of the second. Crcsit. — A mitre, ppr. iiHottoeiS. — Over the Crest, In cruce spero ; and under the Arms, In hac vince. 188 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxn. PLATE XXXII. CfitfatiiS, of i^fllian, CO. 6atiuaK. Michael Joseph Chevers^ Esq. of Killian, eldest son and heir of John CheverSj Esq. of Killian, J. P. and D.L., High Sheriff of the co. of Galway, 1836-7, descends from an Anglo-Norman family established in Ireland temp. Henry II, by Sir William Chevre, one of the companions in arms of Strongbow. The senior line was seated at Ballyhaly, co. Wexford; a junior offshoot, Chevers, of Macetown, co. Meath, was dispossessed by CromweU, and transplanted to Connaught. Of this branch was Edward Chevers, created Viscount Mount Leinster, whose youngest brother, John Chevers, m. Ellis, dau. of Edward Geoghegan, Esq. of Castletown, co. Westmeath, and was direct ancestor of the present possessor of Killian. SrntiS. — Gu. three goats, two and one/saHeut, arg. Cr«5t. — A goat, arg., as in the arms, collared, gu., armed and unguled, or. IHotto. — En Dieu est ma foi. The family of De Anyers, or Daniel, from which that of Willis derives in direct descent, was established in England at the Conquest, and its name appears on the Roll of Battle Abbey. PLATE XTKTI MICHAEL J. CHEVERS. ES(^. W1X.LIS OF HALSNEAD PARK. rilARLES CHEVALL TOOKE . E SQ. URSTO^f CT.A'-'O 1 UOMAS EVANS, ESQ. SXTFTOIT COURT, CO. HE RE FORD NOBLE JOUNSON.ESQ. ROCKETNHAM.CO.CaRK . AL I MOllOMri) . BOMBAY, EAST INDLE S 1.1«^ *'SSli^4 REVO KRANCIS II Til RKNESSE . ROGER I) DVW.SON Dl't TIKI,!). M A I'AIRirK .\l < l.OSKEY.M. D. -KC! ITII-L,^«IC-AN, CO.XJiNC . CARLTON . C O. YOK.K . IvO rUWELL . CO . NOP-.TH.'IMPTON' . R. R BaJccr. sc. PLATE xxxii.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 189 WiLLTAM De Anters Or DANTEL,=Dorothy Forth, of Wigan, Esq., Col. of a regiment of In- fantry, in the service of the Parliament (the lineal decend- ant of the Norman De Anyers). co-heiress of William Forth, Esq, Elizabeth, dau.:= Ralph Finch, Esq., Martin Willis, Esq. =Ellen, dau. and and co-heir. I (of the Winchel- of Halsnead. I co heir. I sea family.) | 1 ' I -• Mary Finch=John Earle, Esq. Daniel Willis, Esq. of Halsnead, and Hall dau. and heir. of Liverpool. of the Hill ; m. Anne, dau. of Wm. Ffarington, Esq. of Shaw Hall, but d.s.p. 1 Nov. 1763. Ealph Eaele, Esq., afterwards EALPH=Doroth}-, 2nd dau. and co- WiLLTS, Esq. of Halsnead, and Hall of I heir of Eichard Aldersey, the Hill ; d. 1790. | Esq. of Liverpool. . I '. — ; ' ' Eichard Willis, Esq. of Halsnead, = Cicely, only dau. of Joseph Park, and Hall of the Hill, d. 19 I FeUden, Esq., of Witton, July, 1837. I CO. Lancaster, d, 1822. , 1 I. Eichakd Willis, Esq. of Halsnead Park, and Hall of the Hill; m. 1819, Lucy, dau. and co-heir of Henry Atherton, Esq., and d. Januarj', 1859, s.^j. n. Joseph Willis, Esq. of Calcutta. in. Daniel AYillis, Esq., m. 1833, Amelia Georgiana, 3rd dau. of Sir William Fielden, Bt., and has issue : — Henry-Eodolph-D Anyers, Capt. 51st regt. ; Frederic D'Anyers ; Emily-Frances-D' Anyers; Gertrude-D' Anyers; Sophia-D Anyers; and Cecilia D'Anyers. IV. John Willis, Esq., d.s.2). 1855. V. Henry Willis, Esq., Lieut. 13th Lt. Dragoons, d. on service in Spain, 13 Oct., 1813. VI. William Willis, Esq., E.N., d. at Corunna in the " Surveillante " frigate, 31 Aug., 1812. VII. Thomas Willis, Esq. VIII. Frederick Willis, Esq., late Capt. 9th Lancers, and now gentleman usher to His Excellency the lord-lieut. of Ireland,??!. 1831, Elizabeth-Louisa, eldest dau. of Major- Gen. Sir Wm. Gosset, K.S.F., K.H., and has issue: — Frederic-D' Anyers; Finch D'Anyers ; John-Wilbraham-Lindsay-D'Anyers ; and Charles-Beaumont-D'Anyers. IX. Edward, late Capt. 37th regt., m. 1831, Harriette, dau. and co-heir of the late Lieut. - Col. Bobbins, and niece of the Hon. Sir William Lumley, G.C.B., and has Anna-Cecilia and EveljTi-Mary. I. Margaret-Dorothea, m. Chas. Eobt. Sherbourne, Esq. of Hirst House, and d. 1846. II. Cecilia, m. 1816, Thomas Farrer, Esq. III. Sarah, d. 1845. IV. Frances-Elizabeth, of Hirst House. V. Mary, m. 1836, to Eev. Philip Henry Lee. VI. Caroline, d. 1806. ^rnti^. — Arg., a fesse, between three lions, rampant, gu., within a bordure, ermine. Quarterings : — I. D'Anyers. V. Holte. II. De Tablet. YI. Finch. III. EixTOK. YII. Eahle. IV. FoKTn. VIII. Aldebset. CnSt. — Two lions' paws, erect and erased, holding a human heart, gu. IHotto. — A'irtus tutissima cassis. 190 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxn. Charles Chevall-Tooke, Esq. of Hurston Clays^ East Grinstead, Barrister-at-law, and J. P. for Sussex ; elder surviving son of Thomas Tooke^ Esq. of Spring Gardens, London, F.R.S. a member of the Institute of France, by Priscilla his wife, only dau. of Charles Combe, M.D. of London ; grandson of the Rev. William Tooke, of St. Petersburg, by Elizabeth, his wife, dau. of Thomas Eyton, Esq. of Llangynhaval, co. Denbigh, and great-grandson of Thomas Tooke, Esq., who was son and heir of Thomas Tooke, of London, Merchant, by Elizabeth, his wife, only dau. and heir of Richard Chevall, Esq., descends from a common ancestor, with the eminent family of Toke, of Godinton, Kent. ^nniS. — Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Tooke ; per chev,, sa. and arg., three griffins' heads, erased, counterchanged ; 2nd and 3rcl, Chevall; az., an escallop, arg., between three horses' heads, erased, of the last, bridled, or. €vtit. — Of Chevall ; on a wreath, out of a fern bush, ppr., a horse's head, arg., bridled, or. jilotto. — Militia mea miUtiplex. (0bau^, of IStrrfoitJ* Thomas Evans, Esq. of Hereford, resident at Sufton Court, a Deput}'- Lieutenant for Herefordshire, is of ancient "Welsh descent. He is eldest son of the late Thomas Evans, Esq., Treasurer of the co. of Hereford, by Mary-Frances, his wife, only dau. of the Rev. Thomas Watkins, Vicar of Dewsall, and grandson of the Rev. Thomas Evans, A.M., J. P., Rector of Bishopstone, co. Hereford, by Sarah, his wife, only dau. and heir of Edward Finch, Esq. of Watford, Herts. PLATE XXXII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 191 Hrmg.— Quarterly : 1st and 4th, per fesse, nebulj, ermine and sa., three boars' heads in chief, and one in base, erased, counterchanged, for Evans ; 2nd and 3rd, arg., two chevronels, and in chief, three griflfins, passant, az., for FiNcn. Cns't.— A lion rampant, reguardant, bendy of six, erm. and sa., supporting a tilting spear, erect, ppr., enfiled with a boar's head, erased, sa. ilKotto. — Libertas. This family derives descent from WiUiam Johnston, or Johnson, a native of Scotland, who settled in Ireland circa 1670. He left issue two sons, William and George ; the younger son, George, d. leaving one son, Noble Johnson, Esq., an extensive merchant of Cork, who d. at Cork, 21 Dec, 1755, leaving by Frances Upton, his wife, three dans, his co-heiresses, viz, : — Catherine, m. to William Blennerhassett, Esq. ; Frances, 7n. 1760, to John Lindsay, Esq. of Lindville, and Anne, m. to Heyward St. Leger, Esq. of Heyward's Hill. William Johnson, Esq., elder son of William the first settler, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Mannix, Esq., and had issue ; I. Jonas, d. s.p., and II. William, who m. 1734, Anne, dau. of Rev. Valentine French, Prebendary of Kilaspugmullane, near Cork, and d. in 1764, leaving issue with two other sons, Valentine and Savage, who both d. unm., a third son, Noble, and three daus., of whom, the eldest, Anne, m. Daunt, of Tracton Abbey. This last named Noble Johnson, Esq., Mayor of Cork in 1809, and one of the GoA^ernors of the city, in. Anne, dau. of R. Eason, Esq., and had issue, I. William, his heir. II. Noble, INIajor 87th Fusiliers, killed in battle in Buenos Ayres, when in command of his regiment ; m. Elizabeth, dau of Col. O' Kelly, and had one child, Noble-Eliza. III. Henry, m. Mary Daunt, of Tracton. I. Anne, ni. to Rev. William Spread Campion, Rector of Knock- mourne. 2 D 192 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [platk xxxii. II. Elizabeth; III. Mary; IV. Emily; V. Frances. The eldest son^ William Johnson, Esq., a Deputy- Governor of the city of Cork, and its Sheriff in 1815, m. Sarah, dau. of John Martin, of Killacloyne, CO. Cork, and d. in 1827, leaving issue; — I. Noble, his heir. II. John, in holy orders, Prebendary of KillanuUy, b. in 1800 ; m. Catherine, dau. of Col. Moore-Hodder, of Hoddersfield, and d.s.p. in 1837. III. William, of Woodlands, co. Cork, J.P., b. 26 March, 1815 ; m. 14. Oct. 1845, Anne, dau. of John Smithwick, by his wife. Cherry Pennefather, and has issue : — 1. Noble, b. 5 Nov. 1846. 2. George, b. 8 April, 1850. 3. William, b. 7 Feb. 1858. 4. Cherry. 5. Sarah. IV. George-Charles-Jefferyes (twin with William), J. P., Lieut. R.N., served in the campaign in Syria, 1840; and has received two medals. I. Eliza, m. ]828, to John Topp, Esq. II. Anne, m. 1826, to John Roberts, Esq. of Ardmore. III. Barbara, m. 1833, to Wm. Eicketts D' Altera, Esq. IV. Albinia, m. 1841, to George Hodder, Esq. V. Jane, m. 1837, to Lieut. Richard Roberts, R.N., who was lost in command of " the President." The eldest son. Noble Johnson, Esq. of Rockenham, b. 9 Jan. 1798, m. Susan, dau. of Joseph Bullen, Esq., of Kinsale, and has issue : — I. Wjlliam, b. 19 Jan. 1829, an Officer 71st Highland Lt. Infantry; served in the Rifle Brigade in the Crimea ; 711. 1859, Maria, dau. of H. St. George Osborne, Esq. of Dardanstown Castle, CO. Meath. II. Joseph-Bullen, b. January, 1833. I. Susan. II. Sarah-Kate. PLATE XXXII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 93 ^vmg. — Arg., a saltire, sa., between a lymphad, in chief, of the second, and a tower in base, gu., on a chief, engrailed, of the last, three cushions, or. Ci'CSt, — On a mural crown, ppr., a spur, erect, or, between two wings ex- panded, arg., each charged with an annulet, gu. fSlotto. — Nunquam non paratus. ail iilaftainutr, NowAB Ali Mahomud Khan Baliadoor, Her Britannic Majesty's Justice of the Peace, Bombay, a Jagheerdar of His Highness the Nizam's Court in the Deccan, and Consul-General of the Sublime Porte at Bombay, East Indies, bears the following armorial bearings, under the authority of the College of Arms, London : — SlcmiS. — Quarterly : az. and gu., on a bend, engrailed, or, between a horse's head, erased, in the second quarter and in the third, a dexter hand, couped and erect, arg,, an arrow point upwards, sa., on a chief of the third a ship in full sail, on waves of the sea, ppr. CrtiSt. — On a wreath, a demi-lion, ppr., charged with two bars, or, holding in the dexter paw, a sword, also ppr., and resting the sinister upon an escutcheon, az., charged with tlie sun in splendour, gold. iiKotto. — Nn desperandum. The Rev. Francis Henry Caldwell, Yicar of Dcanc, and Rural Dean of Bolton-le-]\Ioors, co. Lancaster, second son of Rev. "William Edward Caldwell, Prebendary of Lichfield, and Rector of Stafford, assumed by royal licence, dated 29 March, 1859, the surname and arms of Thicknesse only, in consequence of his marriage, July 1855, with Anne, only surviving child and heiress of the late Ralph Anthony Thicknesse, Esq. of Beech Hill, M.P. for Wigan. 2 D 2 194 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxn. The family of Thicknesse is one of great antiquity, lineally descended from Robert Thicknes, Lord of Barterley or Balterley, co, Stafford, temp. Edwakd I. Ralph Thicknes of Barterley, (son of Ralpli Thicknes of the same place, by Katherine, his wife, dau. of Randal Middlemore, Esq. of Stanton, co. Derby ; and grandson of Ralph Thicknes by Catherine his wife, dau. of Humphrey Wolferstan, Esq. of Statfold, co. Stafford), m. Bridget, dau. of Sir John Egerton, of Wrinehill, Bart., and had issue : — I. John, Rector of Farthinghoe, co. Northampton, m. Joyce, dau. of Thomas Blencowe, and had with other issue, a son — Philip, a celebrated writer, Lt.-Gov. of Landguard Fort, who m. Lady Elizabeth Touchet, dau. of the Earl of Castlehaven, and was ancestor of the Lords Audley. II. Ralph, of whom presently. I. Frances, in. to Chas. Fletcher, of Barkley. II. Elizabeth, m. to John Hough, of Betley. The second son, Ralph Thicknes, of Barterley, aged 38 in 1691, m. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Thomas Stockton, of the Oaks, and of London, and was father of Ralph Thicknes, Esq., b. in 1693, who m. Alethea, dau. of Richard Bostock, M.D., of Whicksale, and had, with other issue, a son and successor, Ralph Thicknesse, M.D., b. at Balterley Hall, 28 Oct. 1718, who sold the estate in 1747. He was a distinguished physician, and the author of several medical works. By Anne-Dorothy Bostock his wife, he left a son Ralph Thicknesse, Esq. of Beech Hill, M.P. for Wigan, who m, Sarah, dau. of John Woodcock, Esq. of Newborough House, co. Lancaster, and d. 6 Oct. 1842, leaving a son Ralph Anthony Thicknesse, Esq. of Beech Hill, M.P. for Wigan, and D.L. for co. Lancaster, who m. Mary-Anne, dau. of Thomas Woodcock, Esq., and had issue : — I. Ralph, 6. 18 April, 1833, accidentally drowned in Windermere Lake, 13 Sept. 1853, unni. PLATK xxxn.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 195 I. Anne, only surviving child, m. July, 1855, to the Rev. Francis Henry Caldwell, now Thicknesse, Vicar of Deane, and Rural Dean of Bolton-le-Moors, and has issue : — Ralph Thicknesse, b. 25 Sept., 1856. Frances-Norm an . II. Sarah, d. May, 1838. III. Eleanor, d, March, 1853. ^rniiS. — Arg., a cbev., sa., fretty, or, in chief, a hlade of a scythe, az., a canton of the second, an escutcheon oe pretence, quarterly, 1st and 4th, arg., a chev., sa., fretty, or, in chief, a blade of a scythe, az. ; 2nd and 3rd, vert, three stumps of trees, eradicated, ppr. CrciSt. — A cubit arm, erect, vested, paly, or, and gu., charged with a cross- crosslet, couuterchanged, cufted, arg., in the hand, ppr., a scythe also ppr., the handle or, and the blade downwards, az. fHotto. — Sine clade sterno. Sumeltr, oi CobcrtJalr, to. gorft. The Duffield family, which derived its name from the township of Duffield, near York, was connected with that neighbourhood so early as the reign of King Edward II., when Richard de Dufl'eld served the honourable office of bailiff of the city of York. The family held the manor of Skeltou, as parcel of the manor of Raskelf, in tlie reign of Henry IV., and enjoyed great privileges derived from the forest of Galtres, which extended from York to Aldborough, about six miles from Ripon, with which last named place the Duffields were for several centuries connected. One of the Duffields of Grautley, iu Ripon, is registered in the Heralds^ Visitation of the co. of York, made in 1666, as having married Mary, dan. of James Favell, of Keireby, iu the parish of Kirby Overblows. The last few descents of the Duffields are regis- tered at the Ulster Office of Arms, Dublin, and at the College of Arms, London. 196 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxii. Thomas Duffield, of Kipon Park^ (to whose descendants the ancient arms were duly confirmed under the hand and official seal of the late Sir "William Betham^ Ulster King of Arms,) was baptized on the 28th Nov., 1714; he m. Mary Dawson, of North Leys, in the co. of York, and dying 22nd April, 1782, was buried on the 24th of the same month at Ripon. His only child and heii' Richard Duffield, of Ripon and Theakston, co. of York, was baptized on the 26th of May, 1739, and on the 15th of June, 1775, m. at Coverham, co. of York, Anne, dau. of Matthew Dawson, (a descendant of Sir Roger Dawson) of Carlton, in the said parish of Coverham. Richard Duffield died on the 31st of July, 1833, and left by his wife (who upon the death of her only brother, Roger Dawson, in 1795, became the representative of the Carlton branch of the ancient family of Dawson, of Coverdale, which is now extinct in the male line), two sons : — I. Richard Duffield, h. 28 July, 1783, B.D., Rector of Frating and Thorington, co. Essex ; m, 2 May, 1832, Sophia Barbara, eldest dau. of the Rev. Thomas Kerrich, M.A., Prebendary of Lincoln, and Vicar of Dersingham, co. Norfolk. II. Matthew Dawson Duffield, h. 9 June, 1792; formerly scholar of Cains College, Cambridge, elected F.SA. 1816; chaplain to His Royal Highness Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge; Vicar of Stebbing, Essex, and Canon of Middleham. The ancient arms of Dawson were duly confirmed to be borne quarterly with those of Duffield by him and his descendants, and the patent is registered in the Ulster Office of Arms. He m. on the 1st March, 1814, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Matthew Fabbe, and by her (who died on the 22nd March, 1831, and who was buried at Coverham) had issue, — 1. Roger Dawson Dawson-Duffield, of Carlton, in the parish of Coverham, h. on the 21st Jan., 1815 ; M.A. of Downing College, Cambridge. He m. at Frating, on the 30th Jan., 1844, Harriet, dau. of John Mulley Simson, formerly of Cann Hall, Great Clacton, co. of Essex, whose family possessed estates at Lamarsh, at the time Morant published his History of Essex. Roger Dawson Dawson- Duffield, has had issue : — PLATE xxxii] AUTHORIZED ARMS, 197 1. Roger Dawson De Coverdale Dawson- Duffield^ b. at Stebbing, 22 Aug., 1852, and d. at the same place 16 March, 1854, Buried at Coverham. 1. A dau. who d. in her birth at Lamarsh, co. Essex, 30 Jan., 1845. Buried at Coverham. 2. Harriet Elizabeth Anne De Coverdale Dawson Dawson- Duffield, b. 13 March, 1847. 3. Mary Beatrice De Coverdale Dawson Dawson-Duffield, b. 4 August, 1849. 4. Catherine Dawson De Coverdale Dawson-Duffield, b. 1 Jan., 1855. 5. Margaret Dawson De Coverdale Dawson-Duffield, b. 11 Feb., 1857. 6. Agnes Jeannette Dawson De Coverdale Dawson- Duffield, b. 9 May, 1859. 1. Ellen Elizabeth Ann, only dau., b. 28 June, 1828. ^rntsi. — The following are registered in the Ulster Office of Arms, as be- longing to the family — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa., a chev., arg., between three doves of the last, beaked and membered, gu., for Duffield ; 2nd and 3rd, az., a chev., erm., between three arrows, or, feathered and barbed, arg., on a chief of the last, three daws, sa., beaked and membered, gu., a canton also gu., charged with a mullet of the third, for Dawson, of Coverdale. CrtiSt. — A dove, in its beak an olive branch, all ppr. IHotto. — Esto semper fidelis. Patrick Mc Loskey, of Eothwell, in the co. of Northampton, Doctor of Medicine of the University of St. Andrews, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, son of Edward Mc Loskey, of the townland of KiUmiaght, iu the parish of Banagher, and co. of Londonderry, descends from the old Irish familv of Mc Loskev. 198 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxii. ^tm&. — Gu., a dexter cubit arm, issuing from the sinister side, vested, arg., cuffed, erm., in tlie hand, ppr., a chalice, or, in chief two trefoils, slipped of the last. Crt£it.— In front of two cross-crosslets, fitchee, in saltire, sa., a dexter cubit arm, erect, vested, arg., cuffed, erm., the hand grasping a dagger, ppr., point downwards. iHotto. — Sica inimicis. PLATE JZnJI w^M,jS^ GEORGE 5ANGLE .ESQ CHIEF OF THE KAJfE . CHA? NORTON ELVXN.M.A . EM? GILLYCTJDDY EA&AR .ESQ EAST DEBEHAM , NOETOLK . CLIFTOir L ODGE , CO . KEEKY . iiOBXRT DE nOLXNGWOEXHE,-ESQ . ROBERT FRTTET.AWl). KSCj . HOLYNGWOETHE HAli. CO, CHESTER. COPJJBP.OOK PAEiK, MARCHES TEE. . REV^ THO? HUITON CROFT AliDBOP-OTTGH HACL , CO . yORIf . K.R.Bak&r. sc PLATE XXXIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 1 99 PLATE XXXIIL Be atitisula, or Bmifilc, iJalatme JSnron of Amongst the knights who accompanied Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke, better known as Earl Strongbow, in the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland, a.d. 1169, or the following year, were Gilbert De Angulo, or Nangle, and his two sons, .Tocelyu and Hostilio. From the latter, descends the family of Costello, called from him ]Mac Hostilio, or Mac Costello ; they acquired possession of an extensive territory in the province of Connaught, in the affairs of which they took a very prominent part, the heads of the family holding for several cen- turies, the rank and power of chieftains; from them the Barony of Costello, in the co. Mayo, derived its name ; whence the chief of the family was often styled Baron of Costello. Hostilio de Angulo, was father of Milo, or Miles Mac Hostilio, who left a sou Philip ]Mac Costello. Gilbert de Angulo, obtained from Hugh de Lacy, the whole territory of Magherigalen^ (now the barony of ]\Iorgallion), in Meath. He was succeeded by his son, JocELYN DE Angulo, to whom Hugh de Lacy gave Navan and the lands of Ardbraccan,^ conferring on him therewith the title and dignity of Baron of Navan. We may here mention that the ancient kingdom of Meath, which is said to have comprised the present counties of jNIeath and Westmeath, with parts of Dublin, Kildare, and King's County, the greater part of Longford, and small portions of Cavan and Louth,' was granted by King Henry II, to Hugh de Lacy, in full sovereignty ' Maurice Regan. * Maurice Regan. * Notes to " Annals of Ireland," by the Foiu- Masters. 2 E 200 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. " siciit Murchardus Hu-Melathlin (tlie then late Irisli king of Meath), earn tenuit, vel aliquis alius ante ilium vel postea," witli all rights, iramunitieSj privileges and authorities, as fully as the king himself held it, ^'quas ibi haheo, vel illi dare possum/^' and thus originated the palatine Barons of Meath, to whom De Lacy, gave territorial grants, and who may be thus enumerated; — De Angulo, Baron of Navan; MissET, Baron of Lune, whose three co-heiresses carried the estates into the families of Vernaill, Talbot, and Loundres ; Hussey, Baron of Galtrim; Fleming, Baron of Slane; Phepoe, Baron of Serine, which passed by an heiress to the Maurewards, and afterwards, by another heiress to the Nugents ; Tuite, Baron of Delwin, which passed to the Fitz Johns, and afterwards by an heiress to the Nugents ; Petit, Baron of Dunboyne, which passed by an heiress to the Butlers, who were by King Henry VIII created Lords of Parliament by that title ; De Lacy, Baron of Kathwyre, or Eerbill, by them forfeited in 1315, for joining Edward Bruce, on his invasion of Ireland ; Cusack, Baron of Culmullen; Tyrrell, Baron of Castleknock, which went by an heiress to the Sergeants, a family that was at an early date separated from Meath, and united to the county of Dublin, From these grants, and from the first possessors having been created barons by the Lord of the Palatinate, in the exercise of his rights of sovereignty, the divisions were called baronies, which term ultimately became the general name for the great divisions of counties in Ireland. Jocelyn de Angulo founded about the year 1190, at Navan, an abbey for regular canons of St. Augustine dedicated to the Virgin Mary.^ He had four sons, viz., — I. Gilbert, his successor ; II. Richard, who settled at Killossan, in the co. Cork,and was ancestor of the Nangles, or Nagles of Moneaminy ; III. Peter, from whom some make the family of Peppard to descend. Ware says, " Peter Pippard, Justiciar (Lord Justice), if I mistake not, of Ireland, and son of Jocelyn de Nangle, with his comrades (says Henry Marlebourg), were taken this year (1194), by Walter de Lacy, who was then newly become Lord of Meath, but he neither tells the cause, nor manner, nor place, nor issue of it ; for he only says thus, ' A copy of the original grant is given in " Spenser's View of Ireland." * " Ware's Ant. of Ireland, &c." PLATE xxxui] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 201 Walter de Lacy, took the Lordship of Meath, and appre- hended Peter Pippard, Justiciar, with his comrades."' There is reason to think that Ware, may have been mistaken in calling him Justiciar of Ireland, though the Abbe Mc- Geoghegan, in his history of Ireland, states it as a fact ; it is more probable that he filled the office of Justiciar of ]\Ieath, and that he had been appointed thereto by De Lacy, in like manner as the kings of England appointed their Lords Justices of Ireland. IV. Jordan de Angulo, of Connaught, ancestor of the Mac Jordans, a powerful family in that pro\dnce ; he was witness with his eldest brother Gilbert, to the grant, by King John, of the lands of Howth, to Sir Almeric de St. Lawrence.^ Jocelyn de Angulo, was succeeded by his son, Gilbert de Angulo, Lord of Ardbraccan, 2nd Baron of Navan, who appears to have been a powerful, active, and rather tui'bulent per- son; in the year 1193, acting in concert with his cousins, the Mac Hostilios, of Connaught, and the sons of Conor Maonmoy, (late king of Connaught), he plundered the island of Iniscloghran, in Lough lice, and pillaged the abbey there/ and in the following year, 1191, he *' marched with an army to Assaroe, (Easruadh now Ballyshaunon, in CO. Donegal), but was compelled to return without being able to gain any advantage by his expedition."'* In the year 1196, putting himself at the head of a body of troops in Meath, he caused great disturbance, and committed many outrages, but was forced by Hamon de Yaloines, Lord Justice of Ireland, to lay down his arms, and take to flight, after which his castles and estates were seized;^ he was however pardoned in 1207 (9 Johannis). In the year 1211, we again find him leading another expedition to Easruadh, which appears to have been more successful than the former, as they erected a castle at Caoluisge (Narrow- water), near to that place, in which he was slain in the following year, and the castle itself was burned.® Gilbert de Angulo, was a witness to the grant, by ' " Ware's Annals of Ireland." " A copy of the grant is given in " Lodge's Peerage," by Archdale, \o\. iii, p. 1S3. 2 " Annals of Ireland," by the Four Masters, and " Ware's Annals of Ireland." ■• " Annals of Ireland," by the Foui' Masters. 5 u Ware's Annals of Ireland," and " JI'Gcogbegau's History of Ireland." * " Annals of Ireland," by Four Masters. 2 E 2 202 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxin. King John, of the lands of Howtli, to Sir Almeric de St. Lawrence. He was succeeded by his son, William de Angulo, 3rd Baron of Navan, who was included in his father's pardon, and gave the King 300 marks for the restoration of all his lands (12 Johannis), 1210 ; he held lands in Kilbixie in "VVest- meath. He was succeeded by his son, Philip de Angulo, of Kilbixie, 4th Baron of Navan, who gave King John 10 marks, that he might have livery of his estate (17 Johannis), 1315. Walter de Lacy, Lord of Meath, granted to him lands in Meath, by deed witnessed by GeofFry de Marisco, Lord Justice of Ireland. He was succeeded by his son, MiLo DE Angulo, of Kilbixie, 5th Baron of Navan, who was succeeded by his eldest sou, Hugh de Angulo, 6th Baron of Navan, who was succeeded by his son. Jordan de Angulo, Lord of Kilbixie, 7th Baron of Navan, 1304 ; he was also seized of Ardsallagh, Kenaghstown, Rathyraisk, and Mays- town, In 1303, he sued William Fitz Reginald de Dene for lands and a mill in Kilbixie. He had, by his wife Matilda (who had dower in Kilbixie, and in Castle Lanmor in Connaught, in 1322, and who m. 2ndly, Nicholas de KerdiflFe), two sons, viz., L John, his heir : 11. Gilbert de Angulo, of Connaught, who had a son, John de Angulo, of Connaught, who was father of Philip de Angulo, of Connaught. Jordan de Angulo was succeeded by his son, John de Angulo, Lord of Kilbixie and Ardsallagh, 8th Baron of Navan, 1325 (18 Edward II) : by his wife Margaret, he was the father of three sons, viz., I. Barnaby (Sir), his heir. II. Walter de Naungle, of Kilbixie, who claimed certain liberties in his Manor of Kilbixie in 1346; William Naungle, of Kilbixie, his son and heir, was a minor, in the custody of John de Staunton, 41 Edward III, 1367, and he had livery of his estate, 45 Edward III, 1371 ; and III. Philip de Naungle, living in 1347. John de Angulo was succeeded by his eldest son, PLATE xxxiii.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 203 Sir Barnaby de Naungle, Kniglit, Lord of Ardsallagh^ 9th Baron of Navan, who claimed certain liberties in his IManor of the Navan, in 1346; by his wife, Katharine, who d. before J 361, he had three sons, viz., I. William ; II. Barnaby ; and III. John. He was succeeded by his eldest son, William de Naungle, 10th Baron of Navan, 1362 ; he had livery of his mother's dower, 36 Edward III, 1362 ; dying without issue, he was succeeded by his brother, Barnaby de Naungle, 1 1th Baron of Navan, who was a minor in 1366 ; he also died without issue, and was succeeded by his brother, John de Naungle, 12th Baron of Navan, heir to his brother Barnaby, in 1391 ; he had a licence to enfeoff, 28 Jan., 1402, for the life of Catharine, dau. of Sir Robert Tuite, Klnight. He was succeeded by his son, Walter Nangle, 13th Baron of Navan, who had a pardon of intrusion into his estate without livery, 9 Henry IV, 1 107 ; he had livery of two parts of his estate in 1415. He was succeeded by his son, Barnaby Nangle, 14th Baron of Navan, a minor in 1415; living in 1431. He was succeeded by his son, Thomas Nangle, 15th Baron of Navan, 1439, who m. Ismay, dau. of Sir William Welles, Knight, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, only brother of Lionel or Leo, Lord Welles, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1438, and by her had issue, two sons and two daus., viz., I. John, his heir ; II. Pierce Nangle, of Ballycorky, co. Longford, Esq., who had two sons, viz., Eichard Nangle, of Ballycorky, Esq., and William Nangle, of Killinbrach, Esq. ; I. Catherine, m. to Sir Patrick Plunket, Knight, of Kilsarau, Bewley, and Talanstown, appointed in 1497 High Sheriff of Louth, dm'ing pleasure, and had by him five sons, (of whom the second. Sir Oliver Plunket, Knight, was created Baron of Louth,) and six daus. ;^ and II. Genet, wife of Robert Rochfort, of Kilbryde, co. Meath, ancestor by her, of the Rocliforts, Earls of Belvedere.^ Thomas Nangle was succeeded by his son, 1 " Lodge's Peerage," by Arclulule, vol. vi, p. 101 * " Lodge's Peerage," by Arebdalc, vol. iii, p. 15. 204 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. John Nangle, 16tli Baron of Navan, who m. Ellinor, only cliild of Sir Thomas Dowdall^ Knigbtj by his wife Elizabeth, ehler dau. and co-heiress of Sir Robert Hollywood, Knight of Artaine, co. Dublin, and his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Christopher Plunk et. Knight, third Lord of Killeen, and had issue by her, one son and two daus., viz., I. Thomas (Sir), his heir; I. Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Preston, second son of William, 2nd Viscount Gormanstown ; and II. Amy, m. in 1524, to Thomas Eagan, Esq. of Feltrim^ and had issue. ^ The Baron of Navan was one of the number of chief men in Ireland who took an oath of allegiance and did homage to King Henry VII, before Sir Richard Edgecombe, Knight, sent specially into Ireland for that purpose ; " 28 July, 1488, John Nangle, Baron of Navan, made both homage and fealty within the Black Eryers, of Dublyn.^'^ He died before the year 1517, and was succeeded by his son. Sir Thomas Nangle, Knight, 17th Baron of Navan, who m. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Jenico Preston, 3rd Viscount Gormanstown and his wife Catherine, eldest dau. of Gerald, 9th Earl of Kildare, and by her (who m. 2ndly, Richard Nugent, 8th Baron Delvin), had issue, eight sons and one dau., viz., I. Patrick, his heir; II. John; III. Richard; IV. William; V. Barnaby ; VI. Peter ; VII. Edward ; VIII. Walter of Kildalkey ; and I. Sisly, wife of Thomas Stanihurst. Sir Thomas Nangle settled his estates and conveyed to trustees ; he d. in 1561, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Patrick Nangle, 18th Baron of Navan, (the suniving trustee of his father^s settlement) ; he had livery, 8 July, 1564 (7 Elizabeth) ; he m. Genet, dau. of Martin Blake, of Athboy, by whom he had issue, three sons and three daus., viz., I. Martin, who d. before his father, having had issue by his wife, Alson Herbert, two sons and four daus., viz., 1. Thomas (Sir), who succeeded his grandfather; 2. Robert, of Skryne, co. Meath, who m. Margaret, dau. of Nicholas Bellew, and had issue; 1. Olive; 2. Maude; 3. Ismay, wife of John Eitz * " Btteke's Commoners," vol. iv, p. 627. * " Sir Rich, Edgecombe's Voyage to Ireland in 1188." PLATE XXXIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 205 Symon; aud 4. Anne. II. John; III. George; I. Cicely, wife of Patrick Cusack, of Eatlialdron, co. jMeath, Esq. ; II. Katharine, wife, first of Nicholas Herbert, of Ballycotton, and secondly, of Sir Dudley Bagenall, Knight, Marshall of Ireland ; and III. Elizabeth, wife of Patrick FitzGerald. Patrick Nangle d. 30 Nov., 1598, and was succeeded by his grandson, Sir Thomas Nangle, Knight, 19th Baron of Navan, who m. Marian, dau. of Christopher Pagan, of Feltrira, Esq., sometime Mayor of Dublin, by whom he had issue, six sons and one dau., y\z., I. Patrick, who d. before his father, leading issue by his wife Mary, dau. of Sir Richard Bolton, of Courtduff, co. Dublin, Knight, Solicitor- General of Ireland, and afterwards Chief Baron of the Exchequer, an only child Frances, wife of Dudley Loftus, LL.D., Judge of the Prerogative Court of Ireland ; 11. George, his successor ; III. Martin, who m. Catharine, dau. of Hollywood, of Ai'taine ; IV. John ; V. Gerald, who m. a dau. of Cusack, of Tronbly; VI. Edward; and I. Alsone. Sir Thomas Nangle was attainted in 161'2 ;^ he was succeeded by his second son and heir male, George Nangle, 20th Baron of Navan, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Patrick Fox, of Bathreagh, co. Longford, Knight, and had issue by her, three sons, viz., I. John, his heir ; II. Peter ; and III. Bartholomew. George Nangle died intestate, and administration Avas granted to his brother Gerald, 20 July, 1676 ; he was succeeded by his son, John Nangle, 21st Baron of Navan, who m. Christiana, dau. of Christopher Cusack, of Rathaldron, Esq., and had issue by her two sons and four daughters, viz. : I. Thomas; II. Joseph; I. Ciceley; II. Elinor; III. Mary; aud IV. Bridget. We now return to the Kildalkey branch of the family, whose heir male and representative now (1860) claims to be the heir male and representative of the Barons of Navan. Walter Nangle, of Kildalkey CO. Meath, Esq., eighth and youngest son of Sir Thomas Nangle, Knt., ' " D'Alton's Army List of King .Tames II." 206 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiii 17th Baron of Navan, and his wife, Elizabeth, dau, of Jenico, Lord Viscount Gormanstown, took to wife Elizabeth Eglentine, and had issue by her two daus. — Mabel, wife of Nicholas Fitz William, of Holmpatrick and Ballduugan, co. Dublin, whose nephew, Sir Thomas Fitz William, Knt., was created, 5 August, 1629, Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Meryon, in the peerage of Ireland,^ and , wife of Thomas Dillon, 6th son of John Dillon, of Low Baskin,' — and a son and successor, Gerald Nangle, of Kildalkey, living in 1607, who m. Anne, dau. of Scurlock, of the Frayne, co. Meath, by whom he had issue two daus., Mabel and Elinor, and his son and successor, JocELYN Nangle, of Kildalkey, who m. Elinor, dau. of Robert Cusack, of Staffordstown, co. Meath, Esq., and had issue by her tliree sons and two daughters, viz. : I. Gerald, who d. before his father, without issue ; 11. Walter, his heir; III. Edward, of Dublin, merchant, who had a son, Gerald, or Gerrott ; I. Elizabeth; and II. Anne. Jocelyn Nangle was attainted in 1642; his will is dated 4 January, 1651 ; he was succeeded by his son, Walter Nangle, of Kildalkey, Esq., High Sheriff of co. Meath, in 1663, and again in 1687, for which county he was a Justice of the Peace, and, temj>. James II., a Deputy-Lieutenant. He was M.P. for the Borough of Trim in the Parliament of 1689, and a captain in King James II. 's own Regiment of Guards. He m. ] st, Margaret, dau. of George Aylmer, of Hartvvell, co. Kildare, a branch of the ancient House of Aylmer, of Lyons, by whom he had three sons, viz. : I. George, his heir ; 11. Gerald; and III. Edward. He m. 2ndly, in 1679, Margery Dromgoole, widow of Thomas FitzSymon, of the city of Dublin, but had no issue by her, Walter Nangle suffered severely for his adherence to King James; he was deprived of a great part of his landed property, which was very con- siderable, the entailed -estate of Kildalkey alone escaping forfeiture. He d. in 1693, and was succeeded by his son, George Nangle, of Kildalkey, Esq., also a captain in King James II's own Regiment of Guards, who, by his wife, Catherine, ' " Lodge's Peerage," by Archdale, vol. iv, p. 314. * " Lodge's Peerage," by Archdale, vol. iv, p. 168. PLATE xxxni.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 207 dau. of Thomas FitzSymon, of the city of Dublin, was father of three sons and two daughters, viz. : I. Walter, his heir ; II. Thomas; III. Francis; I. Elinor; and II. Maigaret, wife of Christopher Planket, of the city of Dublin. Mr. Nangle's will is dated 30 January, 1719, and was proved 18 August, 1721 ; he was succeeded by his son, Walter Nangle, of Kildalkey, b. 2 May, 1700, who m. 1st, in 1723, Emilia, eldest daughter of Christopher Cusack, of Rathaldron, Esq., and had by her four sons and five daughters, viz. : I. George, who m. in 1751, Catherine Dease, and d. in 1756, before his father, without issue; II. Edward, his heir; III. Francis, a priest ; IV. Jocelyn, a priest ; I. Catherine, wife of Caulfield, of Levitstown, co. Kildare; II. Mary, wife of Christopher Segrave, of Cabragh, co. Dublin; III. Frances- Cecilia; IV. Emilia; and V. Elinor, wife of Michael Dillon. Mr. Nangle m. 2ndly, Elinor, dau. of Charles Dillon, and had by her a son, Walter, (of whom hereafter, as heir and representative of his father,) and a dau. Mary, wife of William Beare, of Dublin. Mr. Nangle's wiU is dated 14 October, 1762, and was proved 14 December, of same year ; he was succeeded by his son, Edward Nangle, of Kildalkey, who m. 1st, Miss Kearney, of an Irish family settled in Spain, by whom he had his son and heir, James- Francis. He m. 2ndly, Jane, dau. of William Waller, of Allenstown, CO. Meath, Esq., and had by her two daus., Anna-Maria and Maria- Joseph, who both d. unm. Mr. Nangle was succeeded by his only son, James-Francis Nangle, of Kildalkey, Esq., a Justice of the Peace and a Deputy- Governor of co. Meath, who m. Catherine, dau. of Christopher Cusack, of Rathaldron, and d. without issue, in 1812, when he was succeeded by his imcle and heir, Walter Nangle, of Kildalkey, Esq., b. 21 April, 1757, in early life a Captain in the 16tli Eegiment, who m. 1st, Jane, dau. and co- heiress (with her sister Helen, wife of John Esmonde, Esq., and mother of Sir Thomas Esmonde, of Ballynastra, co. Wexford, Bart.) of Bartholomew O'Callan, of Osberstown, co. Kildare, Esq., and by her had issue four sons and one dau., viz. : 2 F 208 AUTHORIZED ARMS. Lplate xxxm. I. Bartholomew, a captain in the army, and a stipendiary magis- trate for Tipperary, who m. Miss Bridget Kelly, and had an only son, Walter, who d. young ; II. Walter, a midshipman, d. at sea ; III. Charles, his heir ; IV. James, a lieutenant in the army, d. unm. ; and I. Jane, wife of Dennis Cassan, of Dublin. Capt. Nangle jn. 2ndly, in 1790, Catherine, dau. of George Sail, of the city of Dublin, and by her, who d. in 1813, had issue five sons and four daus., viz. : V. George, heir of his brother Charles ; VI. William, d. unm. in the island of Jamaica in 1840; VII. Edward, in holy orders. Rector of Skreen, co. Sligo, who m. 1st, in 1827, Eliza, dau. of Henry Warner, of Marvelstown House, co. Meath, and had issue by her three sons and three daus., viz. : 1. William ; 2. Henry-Beresford ; 3. George-Edward; 1. Frances-Patience, wife of John Wilson, Esq., of Darramona, co. Westmeath, late High Sheriff of co. Longford ; 2. Henrietta-Catherine, wife of Francis- William Smart, Surgeon; and 3. Matilda, who d. unm. The Rev. Mr. Nangle m. 2ndly, Sarah, dau. of the Rev. Cuthbert Fetherstonhaugh, Rector of Hacketstown, CO. Carlow, and has issue by her. VIII. Frederick, d. young ; IX. Jocelyn, d. young ; II. Rachel, d. unm. ; III. Catherine ; IV. Elinor, d. young ; and V. Frances-Emilia. Mr. Nangle m. 3rdly, in 1813, Elizabeth, dau. of William Toole, of Kilcock, CO. Kildare, and had issue by her a dau., VI. Elizabeth-Jane, m. 10 Feb., 1841, to Robert Steele Nicholson, of Ballow, CO. Down, Esq., Justice of the Peace, by whom she has issue six sons and two daus., viz. : 1. Hugh, d. in 1851 ; 2. Walter; 3. Edward; 4. Robert; 5. WiUiam ; 6. Hugh; 1. Catherine-Elizabeth; and 2. Isabel-Frances. Mr. Walter Nangle d, 3 July, 1843, and was succeeded by his son, Charles Nangle, of New Haggard, co. Meath, and of Kildalkey, Esq., a magistrate for co. Meath, who m. Cecilia, dau. of Richard Bamewall, of Bloomsbury, co. Meath, and widow of John Connolly, Esq., of New Haggard, but had no issue, and dying, 5 September, 1847, was succeeded by his brother. PLATE XXXIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 209 George Nangle, Esq., h. 29 September, 1 791, chief of his name and lineage, and representative of this ancient family, in early life an officer in the array, m. 1st, 6 April, 1816, Elizabeth-Caroline, dau. of Henry Halsey, Esq., of Henley Park, co. Surrey, and had by her a son, who d, in infancy. He m. 2ndly, 6 April, 1823, Lucy-Mary, only dau, of Sir Henry Tichborne, Bart., of Tichborne Park, co. Hants, and by her has had issue five sons and two daughters, viz. : I. George-Courtney-Drummond, h. 13 July, 1826, late a lieutenant in the 47th Regiment, m. in 1853, Eleanor, dau. of Major, Esq., and has a daughter, Mary ; II. Henry, h. 15 December, 1827, a captain in the 15th Regiment, m. 10 May, 1859, Kate, dau. of William Baker, Esq.; III. Gilbert- Jocelyn, h. December, 1829, d. young; IV. Walter-Chidiock, h. 4 November, 1831, a captain in the Royal Artillery, m. 14 September, 1855, Mary, dau. of the Hon. Arthur Annesley, eldest son and heir of the Viscount Valentia; V. WiUiam-Edward, d. young ; I. Lucy-Elizabeth ; and II. Anne-Caroline-Catherine. Charles Norton Elvin, M.A., of East Dereham and Swaffham, co. Norfolk, m. Anna, dau. and co-heiress of the late Thomas Stebbing, of Woodrising, co. Norfolk, and has issue : — I. Maria Louisa. II. Helena Augusta. III. Charles Robt. Stebbing. IV. Thomas Willoughby Norton. The name of Elvin is one of the forms of the Saxon NX, Eal, or Al, and in compound names signifies all; so that ^Elwin denotes an universal winner, gainer or conqueror, which is easily seen by a mere inspection of the two words which compose it, viz., ^El, all, answering to the Greek trav or TravTo, and wyn, to acquire or gain. This name is found long before the Norman Conquest, and wc are 210 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiii. informed that in the year 969, Alwin, Duke of the East Angles, founded the Abbey of Ramsey. Like many other distinguished Saxon names, it remained unnoticed for many years after the Conquest, during whicli period well nigh all places of high trust were filled by Normans ; yet still many modifications of it such as Ellwyn, Elwyn, Elvyn, Elvin, etc., are found. A branch of this ancient stock now represented by Charles Norton Elvin, has at various periods, intermarried with the families of D'Oyly, Fountain, Oakes, Belham, and Norton of Toftwood, which estate is now held by Charles Thomas Norton, of Rickinghail, a lineal descendant of Sir Thos. Guy, the founder of the well-known hospital. ^rniiS. — Arg., a chev., gu., between three martlets, sa., an escutcheon of pretence for Stebbing ; quarterly, or, and gu., on a bend sa., five bezants. CrtiSt — A demi-Hon, rampant, or, issuant from the summit of a rock, and holding a vine branch, fructed, all ppr. iWottociS. — Under the arms, Spectemur agendo. Over the crest, Eloquaca floreat vitis. a^asar, of ^tvv^. The Eagars, settled for a very considerable period in the county of Kerry, are in all probability sprung from the ancient Saxon family of Aucher, the name of which occurs in old records, variously written Auger, Aucher, Ager, Agar, and Egar. These Auchers or Agers derived their descent from Alcher, Ealcher, or Aucher, 1st Earl of Kent, and counted amongst their earlier ancestors Walter Fitz Auger, a noble Briton, who flourished at the period of the Conquest ; Thomas FitzAunger, Lord of the Manor of Losenhan, in Kent, temp. King John, and Hemy FitzAucher, who was one of the Kentish gentlemen who accompanied Edward I to the siege of Carlaverock. The transition of the name from Auger to Aucher, Ager, and Egar, is shewn in numerous old authorities, and the addition made by the PLATE xxxm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 211 Irish branch of the a to the first syllable, thus rendering the word Eagar, arose obviously from a desire to return in some degree to the original orthography. The first of the Irish family was Robert Eager, a Major in the Army, temp. Charles I, who had a grant of land in the Queen's County. He m. a lady of the name of Hamilton, and left a son, Alexander Eager, who sold the property he derived from his father, and settled in the co. of Kerry at the Restoration, where he acquii'ed a considerable landed estate, including Ballymalis, Cottage, Currane, &c. He d. between the years 1696 and 1700, leaving by Rose his wife, dau. of Capt. O'Toole, of Limerick, a dau. Rose, m. to Capt. Clarke, and six sons, Robert; James, founder of the 1st branch ; John, founder of the 2nd branch; Alexander; Francis, founder of the 3rd branch ; and George, founder of the 4th branch : of these, Robert, who m. the dau. of Major Steers, and Alexander, who, in 1694, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Pierce Butler, of Iveragh, have left no male descendants, but the other four sons have established families still existing. First Branch. James Eagar, Esq. of Ballymalis and Cottage, co. Kerry, second son of Alexander Eagar, by Rose O'Toole his wife, m. 1st, Cecilia Holmes, of Kinsale, and 2ndly, Barbara, dau. of Capt. Richard Loughlin, of Ballydowney. By the former he had one dau. Dosey, who d. unm., and one son Thomas, of whom presently; and by the second, a son Alexander, to whom we will refer in the sequel. The eldest son, Thomas Eagar, Esq., of Cottage and Ballyhar, co. Kerry, m. 1st, Letitia Chute, of Chute Hall, whof^. 5.^;. ; and 2ndly, 6 Nov., 1729, Jane, dau. of Walter Spring, Esq., by whom he had issue, four daus., viz., Avice, m. to Lowther Godfrey, Esq, ; Martha, d. unm. ; INIargaret, m. John Sullivan of Cahirciveen; and Jane, m. to Thomas Giles of Wood Lodge; and three sons, viz. : — I. James, of Cottage, J.P., b. 1731, in. 1(5 Feb., 17(30, his cousin Catherine, dau. of Francis Spring, Esq. of Ballycrispin, and d. 1S18, leaving issue : 1. Thomas-Spring, of Cottage, J. P., m. Mary, dau. of 2 1 2 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiir. Samuel Eaymond, Esq. of Ballylougliran, and left at his decease, in 1808, one son, James-Eaymond, who sold the lands of Cottage to his cousin Rowland Tallis Eagar, Esq., and two daus., Erances, d. unm., and Catherine, m. 1824, to William Sealy, Esq. 2. Francis-Spring, in holy orders, d. unm. 3. John-Moore, m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Ephraim Peet, of Cork, and 2ndly, the widow of Edward Blennerhassett, of Eossbeigh, by the former of whom he had one son, James-Peet, who cL unm., and one dau., Elizabeth, wife of George Beale, of Cork. 4. James-Day, h. 1772, an officer in the army, who served for seven years in the Peninsula, taking part in the siege of Badajos and in the battles of Salamanca, Euentes d'Onore, and Ciudad Eodrigo ; he m. Avice, dau. of Robert Eagar, of Listry, and d. 28 March, 1854, leaving issue, James-Heaviside ; Eobert, in holy orders ; Thomas, in holy orders; Anne; and Catherine, m. to Henry Eagar, Esq., lieutenant in the army, deceased. II. John, of Ballyhar- and Knocknaboula, h. 1733, m. 1st, the sister of Capt. Cary, of the co. Cork, and 2ndly, Dorcas, dau. of Henry Eagar> Esq., by the latter of whom he had issue : 1. Thomas, d. young. 2. John-Henry, of Bally har ; sold those lands in 1834 to John Leahy, Esq. ; he m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Lynch, Esq. of Dromin, and left five sons and five daus, : John, M.D, Member of the local Parliament of Antigua, where he died ; Henry, m,. Erances, dau. of James Chamberlain, Esq. of Norfolk, and had a dau., Bessie ; Eowland, d., assistant-surgeon on the staff at Columbo, Ceylon ; Thomas, d. young ; James, d. young ; Eliza ; Emily, m. to Brigadier W m. P. Purnell, 2nd son of B. P. Purnell, Esq., of Stancombe Park, co. Gloucester; Dorcas, deceased; Lucinda; and Jane. 3. Thomas, in holy orders, d. unm. ; Lucinda; and Jane, m. to Michael McSheehy, Esq. III. Walter, of Killarney, m. Alice, dau. of Eichard Mason, Esq., and had (with three daus. : Alice, m. to Capt. Chidley Coote ; Jane, in. to Thomas Mason, Esq. ; and Avice, m. to William Eagar, Esq. of Groinmore) one son, James- Waltee, of Woodmount, who m. 1st, Eachael, dau. of John Orpen, Esq. of Ballintemple, and by her had, with four daus., and two sous : 1. John, m. Anne, dau. of John Doman, and left a son, Walter, M.D. ; and 2. Eichard, m. Catherine Galwey, and left issue, Walter and Kate. Mr. James Walter Eagar m. 2ndly, Susan Shelton, and by her had three sons : Walter, in Ceylon ; Charles, in Ceylon ; Shelton ; and Eliza. PLATE xxxm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 213 Alexander Eagar^ of Castle Ballymalis and Droumavally (second son of James Eagar before mentioned, by Barbara Loughlin, his second wife), m. his cousin Rose, dau. of Francis Eagar, Esq., and had (with five daus., Barbara, m. to Hammond CoUis, Esq., Elizabeth, m. to William Hilliard, Esq.,';Marvel, m. to Stephen Huggard, Esq. of Killarney, Rose, m. to George Raymond, Esq. of Clash, and Anne m. to Robert Eagar, Esq. of Blackcluin),five sons, viz. : — I. James, of Ballymalis and Droumavally, Culleenybeg, m. Alice, dau. of Eobert Blennerhassett, Esq. of Aunagarry, and left (with six daus. : Frances, m. to Richard Eagar, Esq. ; Belinda, m. to Francis Eagar, Esq. ; Barbara, m. to Joseph "Webb, Esq. ; Agnes, m. to William Mason, Esq. ; Mary, m. to Rev. Thomas Nash ; and Harriett, m. to John Bride, Esq.) one son, Rowland, J. P., Collector of Excise, who m. Charlotte, dau. of Henry Blennerhassett, Esq., of Dublin, and d. s. p. 1830. II. Henry, m. Lucy Teilding, and had issue : 1. James, d. unm. 2. Alexander, an officer, 3rd garrison Battalion, drowned returning from America. 3. John, d. unm. 4. Henry, Captain and Paymaster 90th Foot, m. Emily, eldest dau. of John Lynch, Esq., of Dromm. and had two daus., Bessy-Charlotte, d. young, and Elizabeth, m. to Lieut. Cotton- Way, 28th Bombay Native Infantry. 5. Charles, d. unm. 6. Geoffrey,^ of BaUyard, Deputy Registrar of Ardfert and Aghadoe, m. Blanche, dau. of Bryan McMahon, and had issue : 1. Dorcas, 7n. to John Eagar, of Ballyhar; 2. Rose- Anne, d. unm.; 3, Lucinda, m. 1st, to Dr. O'SullivaD, and 2ndly, to William Seymour, Esq. of Cork; 4. Belinda. III. Francis, m. Miss Boden, and had one dau., who d. young. IV. Geoffrey, m. Rose, dau. of Geoffrey Eagar, Esq., and had issue: 1. Charles, who changed the spelling of his name to " Agar ;" he m. Miss Archer, of Cork, and had issue : Richard, in holy orders, of Dromore ; Geoflrey ; Issue of Geoffi-ey Eagar, by Blanche McMahon, his wife ; — 1. Henry, an officer in the army, vi. Catherine, dau. of Jaiues Day Eagiu-, Esq., ol" Coolgarriff, and dying 1856, left issue, Geoflrey and Avice. 2. Bryan, in the United States' Army. 3. Geoffrey, d. unm. 4. James, Lieut. Kerry Militia. 5. John, an officer in the Kerry Militia. 1. Susan, d. unm. 2. Dorcas, m. to George Raymond, Esq. 3. Blanche, m. to Jolin Weeks, Esq. 4. Lucinda- Yeilding, deceased. 214 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. Edward, deceased ; Charles, M.D., resident in America ; William, also in America ; Archer, also in America, m., and has issue ; Lucinda and Anne. V, Alexander, d. iinm. Second Branch. John Eagar, of Ballinacourty, 3rd son of Alexander Eagar, Esq., of Ballymalis, by Rose O'Toole his wife, m. Dorothea, dau. of Philip Tallis, Esq., Sovereign of Dingle, and had issue : — I. RoBEET, m. the dau. and heiress of Arthur Brown, Esq. of Dingle, and had ^vith two daus., two sons : the younger, Eraneis, d. s. p. ; the elder, John Eagab, of Killarney, who m. Catherine McGillicuddy, and d. Yll^ (as appears by the inscription on his tomb in Muckruss Abbey), leaving issue : John, of Eacomane, m. Mary, dau. of Eobert Eagar, Esq. of Listry and had issue : 1. Alexander, deceased ; 2. Eobert, went to America ; 3. Edward, also went to America ; 1. Aime, m. to John Eaymond ; 2. Maria, m. to Henry Eenton Jadis, Esq. ; 3. Catherine, m. to David O'Connor, Esq. ; 4. Arabella, m. to Eobert Parker, Esq. : and Avice, d. unm. Alexander, entered the Spanish service, attained the rank of colonel of an Irish regiment, and became Governor of Manilla, where he died. II. James, m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Day, Esq., of the Manor, and had a son, Tallts, m. Millicent, dau. of Eobert Blennerhassett, Esq., of Auni- garry, and had (with five daus. : Lucy, m. to James Murphy ; Sarah, m. to Thomas Webb ; Alice, vi. to Samuel Landers, Esq. ; Prances, d. unm,, and MilH(!ent, m. GeofFery Eagar) a son, Rowland, of Lahard, m. Jane, dau. of James Eagar, Esq., and left a dau., Catheriue, wife of the Rev. John Boate, and a son, Rowland-Tallis Eagae, Esq. of Culleenymore, who purchased the lands of Cottage, in Ballymalis; he m. 1st, 1822, Anne, dau. of John Henry Blennerhassett, Esq. of Tralee, and has by her John-Henry, Jane, and Anne ; he m. 2ndly, 1841, Lucinda, PLATt xxxin.- AUTHORIZED ARMS. 215 sister of Major-Gen. Stokes, and by her, who is deceased, has Oliver, Houoria, and Margaret. Til. Philip, of Ballinvoher, m. Elizabeth Blenuerhassett, and had, with two daus., several sons, some of whom wont abroad. The fifth son, Geoffrey Eagar, jm. Millicent, dau. of Talhs Eagar, of Culleny, and had issue a dau., Frances, wife of Mr. Foley, and a son, Philip, who in. Miss Martin and emigrated to America. IT. John, m. Agnes O'Leary, and had (with three daus. : Elizabeth, m. James Hamilton, of Dingle ; Dora, m. to Maurice Flynn, of Castlemain ; and Mary, who d. unm.) a son, James, who m. Honoria, dau. of Denis McCarthy, and had issue : John, {m. Miss Ellen Hamilton, of Dingle, and had five sons, Thomas, William, Robert, Geoi'ge, and John) ; James, {m. Miss Mary Walsh, and had a dan., Eliza, wife of ]Mr. Kenny), and Mary, d. unm. Y. Francis, of Ballinvoher, co. Kerry, vi. Honoria Hicksou, of Dingle, and had issue : 1. John, of Dingle, m. IMiss Creagh, and by her, who d. l-l Jan., 1840, had (with three daus. : Sarah, m. to Patrick Trant, Esq., Sovereign of Dingle ; Margaret, m. to Robert Eagar, Esq., of Dingle ; and Eose-Anne, m. to Dr. Kennedy) two sons : the younger son, Thomas, Lieutenant, R.N". ; the elder sou, Fiia>'ci3 Eagar, Esq. of Minard Castle, Captain Kerry Militia, J. P., m. 1805, Margaret Lynch, of Ballincurrea, co. Galway, and had issue : Francis-Lynch, h. 1809, m. Mary, dau. of James French, Esq. of French Grove, co. Mayo, and d. 10th March, 1860, leaving issue ; John, d. 16 May, 1839 ; and Margaret, m. to Martin Carroll, Esq. 2. Thomas, of Rathpogue, who sold Lickeen, in Gleucar, co. Kerry. He m. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Eagar, Esq., and by her had issue : Fkakcis, a Captain in the French service, d. a prisoner of war in England ; John, m. twice, and had issue ; Catherine, d. unm. ; Honora, m. AVm. Thompson, Esq. ; Ajiue, m. to Robert Riordan, Esq. of Killarney ; and Elizabeth, m. to James Eagar, Esq., of Listry. Thomas, of Rathpogue, m. 2ndly, Rosanua, dau. of Alexander Eagar, of Ardi-inane, b}- whom he had, with two daus., five sons, viz. : Alexandee, 6. 1785, Lieutenant 57th Regiment, and after- wards County Inspector, Constabulary Force, vi. 1817, 2g 216 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. Margaret, j'uungest dau. of Eusebius McGillicuddy, Esq., (of the family of the Reeks,) and had issue : 1. Thomas, Sub-Inspector of Police, d. unm. July, 1847; 2. Eusebius McGillicuddy Eagab, Esq. of Lickeen, and of Clifton Cottage, J. P., co. Kerry ; 3. Erancis, of Philipstown, King's County, m, 1855, Erances-Margaret Holden, and has issue; 4. James ; 1. Rosanna-Catherine ; and 2. Margaret-McGillicuddy. James, Collector of Customs at New Ross, and afterwards at Scarboro'. He m. 25 April, 1820, Isabella, dau. of Caleb Palmer, Esq., and d. 28 March, 1844, aged 57, leaving surviving issue : 1. Thomas, of the Bank of Ireland, Dublin, h. 23 Sept., 1823, m. 14 July, 1855, Lydia, 3rd dau. of John Langley, Esq. of Brittas Castle, CO. Tipperary, and has a son and a dau. — viz., James, J). 1 Sept., 1856, and Isabella ; and 2. Alexander, h. 13 March, 1830. Thomas, in the army. Robert, m. 1821, Susan, dau. of James Thompson, Esq. of Rathronan, co. Tipperary, and d. in 1831, leaving issue : Thomas, 1. 3 Oct., 1825, (m. 12 July, 1851, Eliza, dau. of Patrick Taaffe, Esq., and has issue) ; Catherine ; and Rosanna. Anthony, d. unm. 3. Erancis, of Cuel, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Domiuick Rice, Esq. of Dingle, and had (with four daus. : Mary, m. to O'Connor, of Castleisland ; Rose- Anna, m. to "William Poyntz ; Elizabeth, m. to Geoffrey Eagar ; and Dorothea, m. to Mr. Ryan) four sons, viz. : John, Post Captain, R.N., served for many years aboard " the Undaunted," m. Miss Bullock, and has issue ; Francis, in the army, d. unm. in India ; Thomas, d. in the United States, having married, and had issue ; and Dominick, who tn. Miss Jeffcott, and d. leaving issue, now settled in America. 4. James, of Dingle, m. circa 1800, Mary, sister of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Maurice O'Connell, and left one son, Erancis, Captain, 73rd Regiment, 6.1785, d. iinm. ; Alice, d. unm. 1854; and Rose Anne, m. to Edward Rice, Esq. of Dingle ; Anastasia, m. to Lieut. Matson, and d. 1857; and Mary, m. to Capt. Eitzmaurice. PLATE xxxiii.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 217 5. Elbert, of Blackcluin, m. Anne, dau. of Alexander Eagar, Esq. of the Castle, and d. 18 March, 18J;4, leaving four sons: Frank, d. unm. ; Alexander, m. Catherine Gates, and has issue ; John, d. unm. ; and Thomas, d. abroad. 6. Alexander, d. s. p. in France. 1. Eose-Anne, m. to James Trant, Esq. 2. Dora, m. to Edward Spring, Esq, 3. Mary, m. to John Tidmarsh, Esq. 4. Lucinda, m. to Francis Newton, Esq. 5. Triphena, m. to Launcelot McCowen. VI. Alexander, of Ardrinane, m. Triphena, dau. of Frederick Brown, second son of Whitall Browne, Esq. of Ballj'vanniug, by Anne his wife, eldest dau. of Colonel Frederick William Mullius, of Burnham, and d. circa 1790, leaving issue : — 1. John, of Ardrinane, J. P., m. 10 Sept., 1776, Sarah, dau. of Eobert Blennerhassett, Esq. of Aunagarry, and sister of Sir Eowland Blennerhassett, Bart., and d. 1814, leaving a dau.) Frances, m. to Eichard Teildiug, Esq., of Belview) and five sons, viz.: 1. Alexander, M.D., m. 1812, Annabella, dau. of Eichard Teilding, of Cloghors, and d. July, 1817, leaving four dans., viz. : Annabella, m. Dr. Peppard ; Sarah, m. Eobert Blennerhassett, Esq. of Mount Elvers, and d. s. p. ; Catherine m. to Townsend Blennerliassett, Esq. ; and Alexina, m. to John Eagar, Esq. 2. Eobert, of Dingle, h. 1782, m. 1810, Margaret, dau. of John Eagar, Esq., and d. July, 1843, leaving issue: John, h. 1811, m. Alexina Eagar, and d. s. p. at Ai"drinane ; Alexander, d. young ; and Thomas, M.A., Incumbent of Andershaw, Manchester, b. 18 June, 1815, succeeded to Ardrinane, m. Mary, dau. of Stephen Taylor, Esq., and has issue. 3. Rowland-Blennerhassett, h. 178G, m. 1813, Marianne, dau. of Oliver Mason, Esq., J.P., and d. 20 April, 1847, leaving (with two dans., Theodora, m. to AVilliam Hickson, Esq., and Sarah, d. young) two sons, viz. : John, h. 14 May, 1816, (emi- grated to America, m. 1855, Alicia-Brereton, dau. of John Frederick Eagar, Esq., and has a son, Eowland;) Rowland, 1). 4 March, 1822, also settled in America. 2. Tallis, of Eecn Cahir, m. 1st, Miss Hurley, and by her had five daus. : Belinda, m. to James Hurley, Esq., of Milltown 2g2 218 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. Triphena, m. to James INIahoney, Esq., of Valencia ; Dorothea, m. to Charles Jeniisoii, Esq. , Mary; and Alice, nu to Charles O'Connell, Esq., of Caherciveen. Tallis Eagar m. 2ndly, Julia Barton, by wliom he left eight sons ; Charles, accidentally drowned ; James, m. Ellen O' Council ; Edward, m. Miss E,oss ; John, of the Cape of Good Hope ; Robert, of the same colony ; Tallis, in the Coast Guard Service, England; Erederick, to. Miss Hanafin ; aud Eichard. 8. Frederick, of Groinmore, twin with Tallis, h. 25 Nov., 1752, on. 31 Jan., 1772, Alice, sister of Oliver Mason, Esq., J.P., and by her, who d. 15 April, 1834, left at his decease, 28 Oct. following, a dau. Anne, m. to Geoffrey O'Donoghue, of Killorglan, and three sons, viz. : 1. "William, of Groinmore, h. 28 >Tov., 1787, m. 1 Aug., 1809, Avice, dau. of Walter Eagar, Esq., which lady d. 1859, leaving five sons ; Frederick, h. 14 June, 1811, m. Miss Walsh, of Cork, and has issue : Thomas, h. 1812, m. Miss Morphy ; W^alter, h. 1814, m. Sarah O'Eourke, and has issue; Eobert, h. 1816, and John, 6. 1818, d. 1847. 2. John Frederick, h. 22 Jan., 1789, m. 1st, 22 June, 1811, Sarah, dau. of Henry Bonner, of Kilquane, and had issue : FnEDEEiCK-Jonisr, h. 29 Marcli, 1812, who has written a very able and complete genealogical memoir of his fandly (he m. 14 Feb., 1843, Anne, widow of Lorenzo F. Shaw, and only dau. of Eobert Gentleman, Esq., of Ballyhorgan, co. Kerry, by Margaret, his wife, dau. of Major George Goodman, of Dingle, and has issue: John Frederick, 5. 11 Aug., 1845; Frederick George Leslie, 6. 19 Oct., 1854; and Sarah Anne); Henry, h. 2 Jan., 1814, Surgeon, of London, m. Marianne, dau. of Henry Harding, Esq., of Dublin, and relict of Thomas Boak, Esq., and d. 4 March, 1859 ; John, of Batavia, Genesee comity. New York, b. 22 Nov., 1821, to. 13 Feb., 1855, Emily, dau. of — Booth, Esq., aud has issne ; Alicia, to. 1st,, 19 Jan., 1848, to William Breretoi], Esq. ; and 2ndly, 28 Ang., 1855, to John Eagar, Esq. ; and Margaret. John Frederick Eagar, m. 2ndly, 23 May, 1830, Catherine, relict of Wm. Billerwell, M.D., of Terceira, and sister of Hilliard Alton, Esq., British Consul there, and had by her a son, AVilliam James, h. 19 July, 1831, 711. 19 June, 1858. Agnes-Jane, dau. of John Weeks, Esq. PLATE XXXIII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 219 Third Branch. Francis Eagar, Esq., of Gortlidriim-Keiry, fifth son of Alexander Eagar, the 1st settler in Kerry, by Rose O'Toole, his wife^ m. Elizabeth, dan. of the O'Donoghue of the Glens^ and had five sons and one dan., viz. : 1. Geoffrey, his heir; 2. Alexander, m. Catherine, dan. of "William Weekes, Esq., and had two daus., Eliza, m. 1st to Mr. Cashel, and 2ndly to Thomas Eagar of Rathpogue, and Anne, who d. unm. ; 3. John, Major in the Irish Brigade in France, m. Madame D'Espai, and d.s.p. ; 4. James, d. unm.; 5. Robert, d. mim.-, and 1. Rose Anne "Rose geal dabh " m. to Alexander Eagar, Esq, of the Castle. Francis Eagar m. 2ndly, Ellinor O'Keift'e, by whom he had one son, George, who went abroad, and Ellen, m. to O^Leary of the co. of Cork. The eldest son, Geoffrey Eagar, Esq., m. 1730, Marvell, dan. of John Leader, Esq. of Mount Leader, co. Cork, by Margaret his wife, dan. of Edward Herbert, Esq., and d. about 1783, aged 81, leaving issue (with seven daus., Margaret, m. to John Mahony, Esq. ; Elizabeth, m. to John Lynch, Esq. of Dromin ; Rose Anne, m. to Geoffrey Eagar, Esq. ; Frances, m. to Jeremiah O'Leary, Esq. ; Mary ; Agnes, m, to ]Mr. Foley, and Lucinda) three sons, viz. : — I. Edward, of Curraglass, m. Eleanor Eadley, widow of Hawse Cross, and d. 1781, leaving two sons, viz. : — 1. Henrv, b. 1776; m. 1st, Sopliia Godfrey ,who d.s.p.; and 2ndly, Susanna, dau. of the Eev. Charles Seymour, and had issue : Edward, in holy orders, Vicar of Kilrouan, co. Eoscoinmou, m. Eliza jSToble ; Charles, of Dublin, civil engineer ; Matthew, of Athenry, M.D. ; Joseph, in holy orders, vi. Miss Kendall, and has issue ; Henry, of the General Post Office, London ; Eliza, VI. to William Ham, of Ballina; Anna-Maria, m. to Edward Hearne, of BaUinrobe; Susanna, m. to Thomas Ham; and Emily, m. to Rev. Henry Fry, Incumbent of Kilkeedy. 2. Richard, an officer in the Sligo Militia, m. Ellen O'Donoghue, and had three sons ; Edward, settled in Ceylon ; Henry resident at Gortahoosh, near Killarney ; and Geotfrey, in America. 220 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. II. Henry, a literary man, d. unjii. III. Eichard, of Gortdromkeiry, h. 1754, vi. 1781, Frances, dau. of James Eagar, Esq., of Bally mallis Castle, and d. 1850, aged 96, having had issue, three dans. ; Alice, m. to Stephen Haggard ; Marvell, m. to Stephen Huggard ; and Charlotte, m. to Michael Boyle ; and seven sous, viz. : — 1. Geoffrey, d. unm. 2. Edward, of London ; m, Jemima, dau. of Eev. Mr. McDowal, and has issue ; one of his sons, the Hon. Geoffrey Eagar, is Minister of Public Works, and has a seat in the Upper House, Sidney. 3. James, d. unm. 4. Henry, d. unm. 5. Eowland, w?. Anne, dau. of Edmund Hickson, of Castlemain, and has issue. 6. Eichard. 7. Sydney, m. a dau. of Mr. John Martin, of Killarney, and has issue. Fourth Branch, George Eagar, Esq. of Nantenane, youngest son of Alexander Eagar, Esq., the first settler in Kerry, by Hose O'Toole his wife, m. 1st, Miss FitzGerald of Meenigane, by whom he had one son, I. Edward, who settled in the co. of Kilkenny, m. there, and had three sons, one of whom resided at Callan, and the other two entered the army. George Eagar m. 2ndly, Rose, dau. of William Saunders, and had by ber two daus. ; Barbara, m. to John Raymond of Rockfield, and Rose, m. to Mr. Mabony, and four sons, viz : — II. Robert, m. Miss Creagh, and had a son, William, and a dau., Mary, m. to Lieut. Monahan. III. James, m. Avice, dau. of Denis Hurley, Esq., a descendant of Sir Thomas Hurley, of Knocklong, co. Limerick, by Avice his wife, dau. of Eobert Blennerhassett, and Avice, his wife, dau. and co-heir of Edward Conway, Esq., of Castle Conway, and had (with a dau., Mary, wife of Edward Day), four sons, viz. : — 1. Eobert, of Lystry, tn. a dau. of Edward Supple, Esq., and had (with two daus., Mary, wife of John Eagar, of Eacomane, and iVvicc, wife of James Eagar, of Coolgariff), five sons, viz. : PLATE xxxm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 221 1. Edward-Supple, m. Theodorn, dau. of Richard Blenner- hassett, Esq., bj Elizabeth, his wife, dau. of the 1st Lord Yeutry, aud had one son, Theodore, who d. young, and six daus. 2. James, m. Elizabeth Eagar, of Batlipogue, and had issue. 3. Erancis-Eussell, Major, 31st Regt., a distinguished Penin- sular officer, d. in command of his regiment in India, in 1833, leaving by Jane, his wife, dau. of James Powell, Esq., of Carmarthenshire, 1. Robert- John, Major in the army, served with distinction in India and in the Crimea. 2. Edward-IIungerford, Capt. 40th Eegt., distin- guished in India, under Generals Xott and Lord Gough, and also in the Crimea ; m. 1854, Eliza- beth, 3rd dau. of Denis Kelly, Esq., of Castlo Kelly, and has issue, Erank-AVhitworth and Jane- Euth. 3. Erancis, d. tmm. 1. Matilda, m. John-Gorges Beresford, Esq., nephew of Lord Decies. 2. Louisa-Margaret, m. 19 March, 1859, to Thos. Eortescue, Esq., of Suffolk La'mi, Cheltenliam. 3. Maria-Anne, m. to Arthur Jones, Esq., son of the late Major- Gen. Sir Richard Jones, K.C.B. 4. Emma. 4. Eobert, m. Barbara, dau. of Tobias Eitz-Gerald, Esq., and has with one dau., four sons, viz., Eobert-Headley : Tobias, killed in the Crimea ; Edward-Supple, of Mel- bourne, Australia ; and Gerald-Fitz- Gerald, also of Melbourne. 5. John, an officer in the army, carried the colours of tlie 31st, at Albuera, d. at Listry. 2. Edward, m. Lucinda Eagar, of Ardriuane, and had issue. 3. Alexander, m. twice, and has issue. 4. Francis, m. twice, and had issue. lY. Alexander, vi, Letitia, dau. of Anthony Eussell, Esq., of Flintfield, and had issue : — 1. John, m. a dau. of Doctor Barkley, and had a son, John, m. Mary Eagar, and had issue. 222 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. 2. George, m. Miss O'Keifie, of Kilkenny, and had five daus. 1. Mar}', in. to Mr. Barry. flnniS. — Az., a lion rampant, or, armed and langued, gu., gorged with an antique Irish ci'own, of the last, a chief, erm. CvtSt, — A demi-lion, az., gorged with an antique Irish ci'own, and charged on the shoulder with a mullet, or. iHotto. — Facta nou verba. General Sir Archibald Maclaine^ K.C.B.^ Colonel of tlie 52nd Foot, 2nd son of Gillean Maclaine, Esq., of Scallasdale, in the Island of Mull, by Mary his wife, dau. of Lachlan ]\Iacquarie, Esq., of Macquarie (" Chief of Ulva's Isle"), descends from the very ancient and warlike race of ]\[aclaine, of Lochbuy, co. Arj^yll, and is himself no degenerate scion: the following is a summary of his brilliant military services : — In 1794, 95, 96, and 97, he served at Gibraltar and the Cape of Good Hope, as Ensign and Lieut., in the late Scotch Brigade, 94th Regt. In 1799, he was engaged in the Mysore campaign against Tippoo Sultan, including the battle of Mallivally, and the siege and storming of Seringapatam, where he receiAcd three wounds, from the effects of which he was confined in hospital for upwards of a year. In 1800, at the battle of Adiugy, he commanded 1,500 Sepoys, and his own Grenadier company. He fought several actions, in one of Avhich, the action of Seringapoor, when Brigade-Major to Gen. Sir William Blackbourne, he marched sixty-eight miles in forty-tMO hours, killed 150 of the enemy, and took thirty prisoners, for which he received the thanks of the Madras Government. In 1801, he was present at the taking of the Danish settlement of Trauquabar, and the Polygar war, including the battle of Ardingy. In 1802, 3, and 4, he was engaged in the Maharatta war, and against Scindia Halkar, and the Bera Bajah ; in the battles of Assaye and Argaum, including the storm of Julna, siege and storming of Gawilghur and Asserghur, where he was wounded. In 1804 he was ordered home, in consequence of seven wounds which he PLATE xxxm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 223 had received in the different actions from 1799 to 1804. In 1810, 11, 12, and 13, he served in the Peninsular campaigns, including the defence of Cadiz and Matagorda (an outwork of Cadiz, and a ruined redoubt when taken possession of from the enemy) . Sir Archibald, when a Captain in the old 94th, with a very small force under his command, at Matagorda, most gallantly kept at bay, fi'om 22nd Feb. to 22nd April, 1810, 8,000 of the enemy under Marshal Soult ; and did not evacuate the fortress until ordered so to do by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Graham (afterwards Lord Lynedoch), the men having been nearly all either killed or wounded. He also was engaged at Barossa, in which battle he was dangerously wounded, and had his horse killed under him ; having been then Major in the 87th Regt., together with Lord Gough; at the siege of Tarissa, the taking of Seville, and during the whole of the campaigns in the south of Spain; also present in fifty different engagements along the coast of Spain, in gunboats and batteries, and there twice wounded. In 1813, 14, 15, and 16, Sir Archibald com- manded the 7th West India Regt., and afterwards the 14th and 17th Regts., but since 1828, he has been on half-pay. He has received the war medal and one clasp for Barossa, and also medals for Seringa- patam, Argaun, Gulnagar, and Asserghur, besides the Grand Cross of Charles the Third, a Spanish Order, the small Order of Ferdinand, and the Grand Cross of Isabella : in 1852, at the recommendation of the Duke of Wellington, Her Majesty was pleased to create Sir Archibald a Knight Commander of the Bath. The surname of Maclaine, originally Macgillean, was derived from the celebrated Highland warrior, Gillean, who was denominated Gillean-in- Tuiodh, from his ordinary weapon a battle-axe (in Gaelic Tuiodh), which his descendants carry to this day in their crest, between a laurel and a cypress branch. Of Sir Archibald's four brothers, three were distinguished soldiers ; one, Capt. Murdoch Maclaine, was the only British officer killed at Maida ; another, ISIajor John Maclaine, fell at Waterloo, and the third, Col. Hector Maclaine, gained renown in the Peninsula, at Yittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Toulouse. In truth, as Mr. Percival said, the Maclaines may be styled " the fighting family." On many a well- contested field they have sustained their country's glory, and the old military character of the race is conspicuous even unto this day. 2 H 224 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxm. Sir Archibald m. Elizabeth^ dau. of Captain Brydges (late 4tli Dragoon Guards), and granddau. and heiress of the late General Bridges, who commanded a division of the English forces at Seringapatam. Sir Archibald is the only officer now surviving who served with Sir Arthur Wellesley in the early campaigns of India. ^vmiS. — Quarterly: 1st, arg., lion rampant, gu. ; 2nd, az., a tower, arg. ; 3rd, or, a dexter hand, couped, in fesse, gu., holding a cross crosslet, fitcliee, az. ; 4th, arg., a lymphad, ppr., her sails furled, in base a salmon, naiant, ppr. CvfiSt, — A Lochaber axe, erect, between branches of laurel and cypress, all ppr. flTotto. — Altera merces. ffiolgnfliuortftr, of |golgn(3:tonrt6e, to. C6e<^tn% EoBERT DE HoLYNGWORTHE, Esq., of Holyugwortlie Hall, J.P., and D.L., son of the late Thomas Eobert Hollingworth, Esq., by Mary his wife, dau. and co-heir of John Green, Esq., of Maidstone, purchased back in 1831, the estate of Ilolyngworthe, sold by his grandfather, and resumed the ancient spelling of the name. The family has been seated at Holyngworthe from the time of the Saxons; and a very ancient pedigree sets forth the descent from the year 1023. ^rm^. — Az., on a bend, arg., three holly leaves, vert, with various QTJAETEBINGS. Crf£it. — A stag, lodged, ppr. fiflotto. — Disce ferenda pati. JxfrtanK, ot Coruftrooft |3arft, mm\t\)t^Xt\\ Robert Freeland, Esq., of Cornl)rook Park, in the parish of Ilulme, within the city of Manchester, has had the followiug armorial bearina:s didy confirmed and registered in Tier Majesty's College of Arms, PLATE xxxm.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 225 London^ to himself and bis descendants, and the other descendants of his father, John Freeland, late of Westerraains, in the parisli of Kirkentillochj in the shire of Dumbarton^ deceased : — Hrm?. — Az., a bend, chequy, or and gii., between two bears' beads, couped, arg., muzzled, gu. CvC)St. — On a wreath, a bear's bead, couped, arg., muzzled, gu., gorged with a collar, counter compony, or, and gu., between two mullets, az. Plotto. — Ees non verba. The Eev. Thomas Hutton Croft, of Aldborough Hall, J.P., Vicar of Hutton Buseel, Canon of York, and Rural Dean, is son of the Rev. Robert Nicholas Croft, Canon Residentiary of St. Peter's Cathedral at York, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. and co-heir of George Wanley Bowes, Esq., of Hanwell, Middlesex, and grandson of Stephen Croft, Esq., of Stillington, co. York, by Prunella his wdfe, dau. of Henry Thompson, Esq., of Kirby Hall. ^rm£i. — Quarterly indented, erminois and gu., in tbe first quarter a liou, passant, guardant of tbe second. €vt^t — A lion, passant, guardant, per pale, indented, gu., and erminois, tbe dexter fore-paw resting on a shield, quarterly, indented, as in the arms. PlottO. — Esse quam videri. 226 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiv. PLATE XXXIV. Cohjprr, ot Carlttou ©all, antr santftaufe, Cumfirvlantr* Frederick CowpeRj Esq. of Carleton Hall and Unthank, J.P.^ youngest son of the late Joseph Cowper, Esq., of Unthank, by Mary Oldham his wife, succeeded to the estates of Unthank and Skelton, at the death of his brother Joseph Cowper, Esq., 31 Jan., 1841, and to the estates of Carleton Hall and St. John's Vale, Hehellyn, Cumberland, at the death of his brother John, in 1851. Hem. 5 Sept., 1818, Susan Lydia, elder dau. of Andrew John Nash, Esq., of Hyde House, Middlesex, and has had issue : I. Frederick, b. 15 Feb., 1822, m. 1855, Mary, only child of Thomas Rooke, Esq. of Wandsworth, and has Carleton- Frederick, b. 1858, and Olive. II. Andrew-John, Captain 15th Regiment, b. 11 April, 1830. III. John, b. 26 Dec, 1833. I. Susan-Lydia, m. 1836, to Charles AUiston, Esq. of Mancetta Lodge, Atherstone. II. Mary, m. 1845, David Burton, Esq. of Cherry Burton, co. York, and d. 1847. III. Elizabeth, d. unm. IV. Fanny, m. 1856, at Neufchatel, David Burton, Esq., of Cherry Burton, co. York. V. Louisa, )ii. 1857, to Rev. TufFnell Samuel Barrett, of Shorne, Kent. VI. Augusta-Jane, m. 1848, to Albert Von Brandt, High Cham- berlain to the Grand Duke of Auhalt Dessau. rLATu jmv FREDERICK COWPER, ESQ. J.W. EXXISON MAGARTMEY, ESQ . JOSEPH SLADEN , ES Q . CARU; TDK HALL , CDMBERLAND THE PALACE , CLOSEEB, CO TYROHE . Tf A'RTSBOURlirE TtfATJOB.. HERTS CONRAD WW FINZEi, E SQ. SIR WXiXLAM BYAM . J. DOBREE NORWOOD, ESQ FRAiraLFUBJ HAXL , CO SOMERSET EKESHIENT OF THE COITN'CrL , ANTICtUA. . ASHFOiO: , KEI^T GEORGE MEYEER. ESQ . LATE CAPTAJN 6 5tsrj;gi JAMES W^¥ CUSACK.ESQ M.D ABBEYVILLi; HOUSE , CO. DTTBLrN JOHN TWEMLOW^. ESQ HATHERT ON , C CI£E S TER B^JlBdktr , sc PLATE XXXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 227 VII. Amelia, m. 21 Feb., 1854, to Stuart Alexander Donaldson, Esq., lately Colonial Secretary and Member of the Executive Council, and of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. VIII. Emily. The family of Cowper has been seated for many generations at Unthank, in Skelton, Cumberland, and is allied, on the side of the grandmother of the present head of the house, with the ancient family of Winder, of Lancashire. 0rm;S. — Az., a chev., paly, or and ermine, in chief an annulet between two martlets, arg., in base a caduceus of the second. Crf:5t. — A buffalo's head, erased, per fess, sa. and or, armed of the last, charged on the neck, with a cross crosslet, counterchauged ; in the mouth a slip of oak, ppr. ilHotto. — ludustria et perseverantia. John William Ellison, of the Palace Clogher, co. Tyrone, Esq., barrister-at-law and a Justice of the Peace for that county, only son of the late Rev. Thomas Ellison, by Catherine his wife, second dau. of the late Arthur Chichester Macartney, Esq., was authorized, by Her Majesty^s Royal licence and authority, 4 April, 1859, to take the surname of Macartney, in addition to and after that of Ellison, and to bear the arms of Macartney, quarterly with those of Ellison. This is a branch of the family of Elhson, now seated at Hepburn. Towards the close of the reign of King James I, Thomas Ellison, a younger son of an eminent merchant of Newcastle-on-Tyne, settled in the north-west part of Ireland, and was ancestor of William Ellison, of Rocklands and Soho, co. Mayo, whose son the Rev. Thomas Ellison m. in 1731, Mildred, dau. of Nathaniel Cooper, Esq., of Cappagh and Old Grange, co. Kilkenny, and had, with other issue, a second son. The Rev. John Ellison, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, 228 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiv. and afterwards Kector of Conwall, who m. 1776^ Anne, dau. of John Olphert, Esq. of Ballyconnel, co. Donegal, and had issue, I. Thomas, in holy orders. Prebendary of Killamery, Diocese of Ossory, m. 1st, 1803, Elizabeth Cox, by whom he had a dau. Martha, and 2ndly, 1815, Catherine, second dau. of Arthur Chichester Macartney, Esq., a lineal descendant of the ancient Scottish family of Macartney, of Blacket, by whom he had a dau,, Anna-Maria, and one son, the present John William Ellison-Macartney, Esq., b. 2 May, 1818, m. 27 May, 1851, Elizabeth Phoebe, dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter, and has issue. II. John, in holy orders, m. his cousin Amelia, dau. of Wybrants Olphert, Esq., of Ballyconnel, co. Donegal, and had issue. I. Anne, m. Charles Colhoun, Esq. ^rmS — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, or, a buck, trippant, gules, within a bordure of the last, for Macartney; 2nd and 3rd, gules, on a chevron between three eagles' heads, erased, arg., a trefoil, slipped, vert, for ElUson. Ci'fiSti^. — 1st, a cubit arm, erect, the hand grasping a rose branch in flower, all ppr., for Macartney ; 2nd, a buck's head, erased, ppr., charged on the neck with a trefoil, slipped, vert, for Ellison. Over the first crest, on an escroU, the motto, Stimulat sed ornat. ilMotto. — Spa gaudeo. ^latim, of ffiarti^fiounie, ffitrts?* This family appears to have migrated from the Continent, and is met with on the south-east coast of Kent early in the 17th century. The name of Sladen, which formerly was also written Sleyden, points to Schley den or Schleiden, a small town in Rhenish Prussia, as probably its original home. This was the birth-place of John Sleidan, the historian of the Reformation in Germany, who himself was not uu- PLATE XXXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 229 acquainted with England, wliicli he visited as a member of a Protestant Embassy in 1545. The present representative of the family is Joseph Sladen, Esq., of Hartsbourne Manor, Herts, and Sv/anton Court, Kent, eldest son of the late Joseph Sladen, Esq. of Lee and Swanton Court, by Anne his wife, second surnving dau. and co-heir of William Mainwaring, of London, merchant, second son of Edward jNIainwaring, Esq., of Whitmore Hall, co. Stafford, by Sarah his wife, eldest dau. and co-heir of William Bunbury, Esq. Attorney- General for Cheshire. The second branch of the family is that of John Baker Sladen, Esq., of Bipple Court, Kent, J.P. and D.L., the younger son of the late Joseph Sladen, Esq. of Folkestone, Lee, and Ripple Court, Avho d. 27 Dec, 1827, and whose eldest son, Joseph Sladen, Esq. of Lee and Swanton Court, was father of the present Mr. Sladen, of Hartsbourne Manor. Slnn^. — Barry of six, az. and arg., a horse's bead, erased, between three crescents, or. Cit^t. — A mount, vert, thereon, between two branches of pahu, ppr., a lion's gamb, erased and erect, sa,, holding a plume of five ostrich feathers, gu. ilTotto. — Vive ut vivas. Sladen, of Hartsbourne, the senior branch, is entitled to the quarterings of Mainwaeing, arg., two bars, gu. ; Ctvelioc, az., six garbs, three, two, and one, or ; and Boghet, gu., a scythe, arg. The branch at Eipple Court has a right to the coats of St. Baebe aud EUEKEAUX. dRnjrt, of dTrauMcrt ©all, Clcbrtiou, romttK ^nmnsJtt, anti ot tfit €it]) of JSnstoL Conrad William Finzel, of Frankfert Hall and Bristol, merchant, b. 25 April, 1818, m. 13 Jan., 1844, Anne-Tayler, dau. of Thomas Daniel Doddrell, of Bristol, merchant, and has issue, I. Conrad- William-Curling, b. 21 Feb., 1845. II. George-Henry-Taylcr, b. 27 Feb., 1846. TIL Edward-Thomas, b. 26 Oct., 1847, died young. 230 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiv. IV. Francis-Edward, b. 18 May, 1849. V. William-Anthony, b. 13 Oct., 1851. Tlie family of Fintzel is one of considerable antiquity in the principality of Hanau, in the Electorate of Hesse Cassel, where Johann Theobald Fintzel, about the end of the 17th, or beginning of the last century, held the office of Sheriff of the Court at Nieder-eschbach, near Frankfort-upon-the-Main. His son, Johann Philip Fintzel, was an elder of the Church there, and he was succeeded by his son, Johann Christian Fintzel, of the same place, whose son, Heinrich Fintzel, of Nieder-eschbach, m. Margaret Teappes, of Lechbach, in the same Principality, and dying in 1817, aged 67 years, left four sons and two daus., of whom, CoNRAD-WiLLiAM FiNZEL, the third son, settled in England, and became a naturalized subject of Great Britain : as a merchant at Bristol, he amassed a considerable fortune which he distributed with almost unprecedented benevolence, and his name will long be remembered as that of one of the most munificent benefactors of the city. He was b. 27 Jan., 1793, and m. 1st, 26 July, 1817, Eleanor, only child and heir of William Anthony Curling, of Bristol, gentle- man, son of AVilliam Curling, and grandson of another William Curling, of Chilton, co. Kent, where the Curling family has been seated as far back as the middle of the 15th century, or nearly 400 years. Mr. Finzel m. 2ndly, 26th July, 1834, Isabella, dau. of James William Dawes, of the Island of Jamaica, who is still living. He d. suddenly at Wiesbaden, 21 Oct., 1859, and was buried in the cemetery of Nieder-eschbach, leaving issue by his first Avife: — I. Conrad-William Finzel, now of Frankfert HaU. II. Francis, d. an infantr III. Francis, b. 19 Dec, 1826. I. Eleanor, m. John Howland, of Bristol. II. Anna-]Maria, m. Daniel Tayler Doddrell, of Bristol. III. Mary- Anne, m. Samuel Hayward, of Trowbridge, co. Wilts. 'B.xmi. — 1st and 4Lh, per bend, or and az., a lion rampant to the sinister, counterchanged, for Finzel ; quartering, or, on a pile, gules, a leopard's face, jessant de lis of the field, for Cueling. PLATE XXXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 231 €veSi. — On a wreath of the colours, between two buffalo horns, that on the dexter, per fesse, or and sa., and that ou the sinister, per fesse, sa. and or, a demi-lion, rampant to the sinister, per fesse, or and az., gorged with a collar, vair. i!Hotto. — Quod tibi, hoc alteri. 35gam, oi antijpa antr aaesstiudotr, Igantsl* Sir William Byam, of Cedar Hill, Antigua, and of Westwood House, Hants, is President of H.M. Council of Antigua and Colonel of the Antigua Dragoons. He Avas formerly Lieutenant 15th King's Hussars^ and served in the Peninsula, in the south of France, and at Waterloo, where he was wounded. His family is of Welsh extraction, and of very ancient lineage, as shown by the inscription on a stone monument against the north wall of the chancel of the Church of Luckham^ co. Somerset, raised to the memory of ''^Henrici Byami'' in 1601, in which he, Henry Byam, is described as " ex antiquissima Byamorum familia oriundi ; " he suffered greatly for his devotion to the Royal cause during the Ci^il War, losing three sons in battle in the service of King Chakles, and having his estates in Somersetshire confiscated by Oliver Cromwell. Slrm^. — Quarterly: 1st, arg., three dragons' heads, erased, vert, each holding in its mouth a dexter hand, erased, ppr., dropping blood; 2nd, sa., a chev., between three spears' heads, erect, arg., pointed, gu. ; 3rd, gu., a lion rampant, reguardant, or; 4th, gu., three towers, triple turretted, arg. ; 5th, vert, a chev., between three wolves' heads, erased, or ; 6th, as first. C-XtitS. — 1st, a squirrel, passant, or, collared and chained, vert; 2nd, a dragon's head, erased, vert, langued, gu., holding in its jaws a hand, ppr., dropping blood. j^otto. — Claris dextera factis. 2 I 232 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [platjs xxxiv. iSortonoti, of l^ntt John Dobree Norwood^ Esq. of Asliford, co. Kent, only son of tlie late Edw. Norwood, Esq., of Guildford Lawn, Dover, by Elizabeth his wife, eldest dau. of Peter Dobree,' Esq. of Clapham Common, London, is descended from the ancient family of Norwood (or Northwode, as the name was originally spelt), one of great antiquity in Kent, having been settled there since the reign of King Henry II. {See vol. 6, Hasted's " History of Kent,'' pp. 177, 251, 2nd edit.) SmtiS. — Ermine, a cross, engrailed, gu. (See " Berry's Pedigrees of Kentish Pamilies ; " Hasted's " Hist, of Kent," vol. 6, p. 179, 2ud edit. ; Burke's " Armory.") CrciSt. — On waves of the sea, ppr., a lion, sejant, holding between the paws an anchor, fluxes upwards. (See Berry's " Pedigrees," ut supra.) liflotto. — Sub cruce vinces. George Mevler, Esq. of Dundrum, co. Dublin, late Captain 65th Regiment, 4th son of the late Walter Meyler, Esq., by Anne Fewtrell, his second wife, bears on his shield of arms an escutcheon of pretence for Kelly, in right of his wife, Charlotte-Henrietta, only child of the late Thomas Kelly, Esq., of Armagh. The family of Meyler was long established and possessed of landed property in the county of Wexford. So far back as 1582, an inquisition post mortem was taken at Wexford on " Patrick Meyler, of Duncormuck, Esq., who had died 8 Feb., 1572.'^ Patrick's grandson and heir, Nicholas Meyler, Esq. of Duncormuck, (son of Walter,) aged 23 at the date of the inquisition, > Mr. Dobree's anus are: Gu., a crescent, per pale, or and arg., between three trefoils arg. (See Burke's " Armory.'^) PLATE XXXIV.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 233 m. Anne FitzHarris, and Avas father of Walter Meyler, Esq. of Duncormuck, whose son and heir, Nicholas Meyler, Esq. of Sheel- began, forfeited Duncormuck in 1641 ; he m. Catherine Keating, and was grandfather of Walter Meyler, Esq., of Ballinderry, who m. Jane, dau. of Chevers, of Maeetown, co. Meath, and had, with other issue, a son and heir, Thomas Meyler, Esq. of Gortinminogue, who m. Miss Harper, of Ballinglee, co. Wexford, and was s. by his son, Walter Meyler, Esq. of Gortinminogue, who m. Mary, dau. of Philip Devereux, Esq. of Marshalstown, co. Wexford, and had issue, I. Anthony, his heir. II. Thomas, d. in South America, 1758, leaving an only son. I. Mary, m. 1st, to Rath, and 3ndly, to John Scallan. II. Catherine, ni. to Denis Shannon. III. Elizabeth, m. to Nicholas Butler, of Castlebridge. The eldest son, Anthony Meyler, Esq. of Gortinminogue, m. Mary, dau. of Codd, of Balanawin, co. Wexford, and d. circa 1790, leaving issue, I. Thomas, of Tincurry, co. Wexford, m. Anne, dau. of George Synnot, Esq., of Ballynaclash, co. Wexford, and had, with five dans., three sons, 1. Anthony, kiUed at Waterloo. 2. George. 3. Walter, who m. 1st, Rebecca Raymond, and 2ndly, Anne Eewtrell, and left issue by both. The fourth son of the second marriage is the present George Meyler, Esq. of Dundrum, co. Dublin, late Captain 65th Regiment. II. Walter, m. a dau. of Nicholas Butler, of Castlebridge, and had issue, Nicholas, who m. Eliza, dau. of Robert Prendergast ; Elizabeth ; and Jane, wife of Ignatius Rossiter, Esq., of co. Wexford. III. James. IV. Robert of Wexford, m. Margaret, dau. of John Harper, of Ballingler, co. Wexford, and d. 10 Aug., 1817, leaving issue, 2 1 2 234 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxiv. 1. Antliony, of London, M.D., m. Mary, dau, of — Mayne, Esq., and widow of Anthony Carroll, of Ardagli, ro. Galway, Esq. 2. Robert, of Wexford, m. Margaret, dau. of John Meyler, of Gortinminogue, Esq., and had issue. 3. Walter (Very Rev.), Dean in the Catholic Church, and D.D. 4. James. r. Mary, m. to Sand with Smithson, Esq. V. Patrick, m. Mary Cahill, and had issue, 1. Patrick. 1. Mary. 3. Eliza. VI. John, m. to Frances, dau. of Michael Sutton, of Wexford, Esq., and had a dau., Mary. I. Mary, m. to Paul Synnot, of Ballycogley. ^xm&. — Ar., a chief, vert. Crc^t, — A demi-lion rampant, gu., holding in the forepaw an annulet, or. jjBotto. — Amor patriae vincit. James William Cusack, Esq., M.D., of Abbeyville House, co. Dublin, the twenty-foiu'th in descent of the Cusacks of Gerardstown, bears a shield of six quarterings, viz. : 1. Cusack; 2. Golding; 3. St. Lawrence; 4. Beaufort; 5. Holand; 6. Plantagenet. The right to the Royal Quartering conies through the marriage of James Cusack, Esq., of Clonard, with Alison, dau. and heir of John Golding, by Alison his wife, dau., and in her issue, co-heir of Edward, 18th Lord Howth. Slnnsi. — 1st, Cusack, per pale, or and arg., a fesse, counterchanged; 2nd, Golding, az., five martlets, two, one, and two, or ; 3rd, St. Laweence, gu., two swords, in saltire, points upwards, arg., pommelled and bilted, or, cantoned with four roses of the PLATE XXXIV.] AUTHORIZED AEMS. 235 second; 4th, Bkaufoht, France and England quarterly, withia a bordure, compouy, az. and arg. ; 5th, Holand, az., a lion ram- pant, between eight fleurs-de-lis, arg. ; 6th, Plantagenet (Ed- mund, of Woodstock), gu., three liona passant, guardant, in pale, or, within a bordure, arg. Crest* — A mermaid, sa., holding in the dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister, a sceptre. jMotto* — Ave Maria, plena gratis ; and, also, En Dieu ^st men espoir. John Twemlow, Esq., of Hatherton, co. Chester, is son and heir of the late William Twemlow, Esq., of Hatherton and Northwich, by Mary Anne his wife, only child of Peter Pickering, of Hartford, and grandson of William Twemlow, Esq., of Hatherton, by Phebe his wife, dau. of Daniel Toralinson, of Cholmely and Wrenbury Hall, which last-named William Twemlow was eldest son of John Twemlow, Esq., of Hatherton, whose father, William Twemlow, of Arkclyd, b. in 1666, settled at Hatherton in 1686. ^rmd* — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, arg., a chev., or, between three squirrels, sejant, gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, az., two bars, engr., or, charged with three boars' heads, two and one, erect, couped, sa. Crest* — On the stump of a tree, erect, a parrot, ppr, JHotto* — Teneo tenuere majores. 2 K 236 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxv. PLATE XXXY. JUaplcr, of Utit^Uon ?gaU, to. Montqo^ntvu* John Naylor, Esq., of Leighton Hall, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff CO. Montgomery, 1853; second son of John Naylor, Esq., of Hartford Hill, CO. Chester, by Dorothea his wife, only daughter of Richard Bullin, Esq., of the township of Knowsley, co. Lancaster, by Margaret, his wife, only sister and heiress of Thomas Leyland, of Walton Hall, co. Lancaster, Esq., bears a quartered shield, 1st and 4th Naylor, 2nd Bullin, 3rd Leyland, and impales in right of his wife, Georgiana, daughter of John Edwards, Esq., Ness Strange, co. Salop, the arms of the ancient Welsh family of Edwards of Ness Strange. ^rms* — Per pale, or, and arg. a pale sa. fretty, gold, between two lions ram- pant of the third ; Quastehing Bullin and Leyland, and impaling Edwaeds. QtvtSt* — A lion passant, sa. charged on the body with two saltires, or, resting the forepaw upon a shield, charged with the arms. iHotto.— Hoc a^e. 5anJrarj5, of Q^t^e^UvUvl^ W^v% to. (^^^x. George Sandars, Esq., of Chesterford Park, near Saffron Walden, Essex, is the descendant of a very old family, the origin of which is uncertain. In the time of King John its ancestors were living at Sandex'stead, in Surrey. When this estate was given by Watkins Sanders, in the reign of Hen. III., to Hyde Abbey, they settled at Charlewood in the same county, where they were still living in the reign of Henry VIII., when Thomas Sanders removed to Lullington, in Derbyshire, and died 1558; his son PLATE jxrr. JOHN NAYLOR,£.SQ. LEIGHTON HAIX.CO.MONTGOMEBY. GEORGE SANDARS.ESQ. CHEST£KFORD PARK, ESSEX . W. H.C. FLOWDEN. ESg. EWHUnST PARK. HANTS. S-ViWAKD KLNNERSLY, ESQ. BIKTIELD MANOB.,CO.PEKKS. SIR REGINALD BARNEWAI-L.BART. OF CRlCKSrOWU TASTI-E . \VM POSTLETHWAITE.ESQ. THE OAKS CUMBERLAND . &EORGE SKIPTON,ESQ. THB CASrNO, CO. LO-NDONDERRY. REV. W. E. PARTRIDGE, HORSENDON HOUSE, BUCKS . R.tiTEVTART.ESQ. MURBOSTOUN , S.B. .,. Bdker. Sc. PLATE XXXV.] AUTHORIZED AHMS. 237 and grandson lived at Caldwell. Thomas Collingwood Sanders died in 1653 ; his son, Sir Thomas, was a colonel in the Parliamentary army ; and his son, Samuel Sanders, who was a distinguished antiquary, and made Collections for the History of Derbyshire, died 1688. His grandson lived at Lullington, and died about 1730; his descendants lived at Mackworth, near Derby, until the end of the century, when Samuel Sandars settled at Gainsbro', and was the father of the present George Sandars, Esq., of Chesterford, Berks.-— See Burks 's Landed Gentry for full pedigree. ^trms. — Sable, a chevron ermine, between three bulla' heads, cabossed argent. (These arms are found in Charlwood, on the screen, with the date, 1450, and in stained glass in the windows, of an earlier period.) Crest* — A demi-buU, rampant, erased, gules. ;{Motto« — Non Bos in Lingua. This motto is at least as old as the time of Charles II. It appears on a portrait of Col. Sir Thomas Sanders, of Ireton, engraved by Loggan shortly after the Restoration. It also was used as a book-plate by his son, Samuel Sanders, in 1670. AkMS QtJAfiTEEED BY SaNDAES : ' 1. Saioman, of Horley ; 2. Collinden; 3. At worth, or Oddewokth; 4. Cakew, of Beddington, who brings in — 5. Fitz-Stephens ; 6. De Cotject ; 7. Tdite, Lord of Marstou ; 8, Dygonus, Baron of Hydrone, Ireland ; 9. Mohcx, LoKD MoHTiN", of Dunster, and Earl of Somerset, who brings in — 10. Mohun ; 11. H 00, Lord Hoo and Hastings; 12. St. Osiee; 13. Malmatne; 14. Welts Loewelts; 15. Engaine; 1 6. "Wateeton ; 17. Bktan; 18. Bkewee, or Brttiee ; 19. SiMONis; 20. Maehhal, Earl of Pembroke, who brings in — 21. Marshal; 22. Steongbow, Earl of Pembroke, who brings in — 23. Pembeoke; 24. Mac- Mueeough, king of Leinster ; 25. Kjelsey ; 26. Sleigh, of Ireton ; 27. Aecern; 28. Thylet ; 29. SuxioN ; 30. SANi)EiiS. "William Henry Chichele Plowden, Esq., of Devonshire Place, London, and Ewhurst Park, near Basingstoke, F.R.S., a magistrate for Hants, Mid- dlesex, and Westminster, and a Deputy Lieutenant for Middlesex, formerly President of the British Factory in China, and Superintendent of British O K *> IV XV iw 238 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plvie xxxv. trade there, a Director of the Hon. East India Company from 1841 to 1854, and M.P. for Newport from 1847 to 1852, is descended from the Protestant branch of the ancient family of Plowden of Plowden, a family which has been seated at Plowden since the year 1100. The direct ancestor, Sir Roger de Plowden, distinguished himself at the siege of Acre under Richard Coeur de Lion in the Crusades, and obtained the addition of the fleur de lis to his arms for the valour he displayed in Palestine. — See Burke's Landed Gentry. %xm%* — Az. a fesse dancett^, or, the two upper points terminating with two fleur de lis, ar. with several quarterings, and an impalement of the Campbell arms, in right of his wife, Annette, daughter of Edward Campbell, Esq., and niece of Sir Robert Campbell, Bart. CrtSt* — A buck statant, on a mount vert. i^otto* — Quod tibi hoc alteri. Wiinntx^l^, of IJinfirllr iHanor, ^tti^^. Edward Kinnersly, Esq., of Binfield Manor, Berks, D.L. co. Stafford, B.C.L. University Cambridge, and Barrister-at-law, is third and only sur- viving son of the late Thomas Kinnersly, Esq., of Newcastle, and Clough Hall, CO. Stafford, D.L., (by Mary, his wife, only child of Edward Shepherd, Esq., of Sheffield), and grandson of William Kinnersly, of Newcastle, co. Stafford, by Mary, his wife, dau. of William Ford, Esq., of Ford Green, co. Stafford, whose ancestor, Hugo Ford, was a man-at-arms in the army of William the Conqueror. In right of his wife, Georgiana-Collings, only child of the late George Corbin, Esq., of Guernsey, Mr. Kinnersly bears an escutcheon of pretence for Corbin. ^rms* — Per pale azure and sable, a lion rampant, ermine, holding between the paws a cross patee fitchee, or, within an orle of eight cross crosslets of the last: on an escujcheon of pretence for Cokbin; Per pale gules and azure, on a chief engrailed, or, three Cornish choughs proper. Crest* — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert thereon, before an oak tree fructed proper, a greyhound sejant, ermine, collared or, the dexter fore-paw supporting a cross crosslet, us in the arms. |HottO» — Timor omuis abesto. PLATE XXXV.] ArTHOmZED ARMS. 239 William Kinnersly, Esq. of New-T=Mary, dau. of William Ford, Esq. of Foid castle, CO. Stafford, 6. 16 March, 1726, m, at Leigh. Green, co. Siafford, the representative of d very ancient Staffordshire family. She d. 11 Feb. 1781. Thomas Kinnersly, Esq. of New-=pMary, only child of Edward Shepherd, castle, and Clough Hall, co. Staflford, D.L., b. 8 Dec. 1751; m. 10 Aug. 1778; d. 3 Nov. 1819. Esq. of Sheffield, d. 3U June, 1825. 1. Wm. Shep- herd KlNNEKS- LY, Esq. M.P. for Newcastle- under-Lyme, 6. 1780 : d. s. p. 8 July, 1823. 2. Thomas Kin- nersly, Esq. of Clough Hall, High Sheriff CO. Staf- ford, 6. 19 Aug. 1782: d. s. p. 4 Feb. 1855; m. 1st, Anna, dau, of Col. Dixon ; and 2nd, Mary, dau. of Roger Barnston, Esq. 3. Edward Kin-=f NERSLY, Esq. of Binfield Manor, Berks, D.L. co. Stafford, and Bar- rister-at-la\v, b. 1 July, 1788, m. 27 April, 1827. Georgiana - Col- lings, only child ofthe late George Corbin, Esq. of Guernsey, of a very ancient Guernsey fami- ly, in which is- land, in the pa- rish of St. Pierre du bois, the se- nior I' branches are still resi- dent. William Thomas, b. 30 Oct. 1842. Eight daughters, viz. 1. Mary, m. George Att- wo( d, Esq., and d. 1823. 2. Anne, m. Robert Wil- liamson, Esq., and d. 1842. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Jane, m. to Lt. Col. Hebden. 5. Sarah, d. unm. G. Catherine, d. unm. 7. Harriet, d. unm. 8. Fran- ces, d. uum. Sir Reginald Aylmer John de Barneval Barnewall, of Crickstown Castle, iu the county of Meath, Bart., chief of the great and ancient house of Barnewall, the name of whose patriarch is to be found on the Roll of Battle Abbey, has a shield of many quarterings, including Fleming, de Genevill, Marshall, Clare, Giffard, Welles, &c., &c. Srms, — Erm. a bordure engr. gu. Crest* — From a plume of five ostrich feathers or, gu. az. vert and arg. a falcon rising i; "* >- 5 •-• <3 .^ o " o 25 ^-^'« OS ' cd'" CO ^ 5 5^' 5-0 '0^2 H c S " 5 =« CO C5 ^ ?- T3 r!< O Ih "S 'o j; ^ =! " bo 05 -o Ci. ^ /., c: '"' -C -O •" c bo O . I 1 be S-,*^ g C bpo >; 5 C^ _• L PEDIGREE of LEGOATT as Registered in Her Majesty's College of Arms, London. mpton, 6- Ln the Isle of i SIU.K D.joiby. I. 25 J.n 1820, Lucy Caroline, t. 16 Jnn 1«22 . bapl. at I.dr. ; ., 1., ThLuConmyFme, F»nJyM« ,.., ,..l 1. Jan. EIU. ~r nFlW . -IK.. Mary Grace, 6. ,. n.\ f«.»'jb«M.d,„N imui.d, le M.ju Cuddaloie, Madiai. + rf.& May, 1859; buried " °'"""""'' I Beniftmin Leg-=Annri Marin. 3rd and George Ruwell Leggail, Brooke Cunliffe Loreait. John Roas Pugh Leg- nent ot Public Nicliolw Eccry. Vicar of Department of Public at Madraa, 6. 8 April, chant, 6. iTAugllWs'i at aiadrw. t. 27 Si. Veep, co. Cornwall, m. Works al Mndrw. 6. 184li bapt. ai Cudda- bapt. at Cuddaloxe, Matlhow LeEgatt, d. in Owen Leg PLATE XXXVI.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 245 Thomas LovELAND,of^Susannah,dau.of John Richard ERRiNOTON,=p^rary, dau. of Park Place, Liverpool Road, in the parish of St. Mary, Islington, CO. Middleseir, Esq., d. 16 April, 1834, set. 83, buried at Islington. Fry, of Netherby, co. Dorset, m. 3 June, 1770, d. 17 Aug., 1832, ffit. 82, buried at Islington. Susan- nah Love- land, of Park Place, afd., el- dest dau. and co- heir, b.\5 March, 1771, d. 20 May, 1839, buried at Islington, ton. Mary Ann Loveland of Park Place, afd., 2nd dau. and coheir, b. 23 July, 1772, d. 13 Jan., 1861, buried at Isiing- Eleanor, 3rd dau. and co- heir, h. 12 Jan., \1U,m. in 1841, Hy. Ban- ner, of St. Giles, Cripple- gate, who d. 7 Jan., 1854; she ob. 1 Nov., 1851. Sarah Ann Love- land, of Park Place, afd., 4th dau. and coheir, b. 26 July, 1775, d. 21 Nov., 1857, buried in Highgale tery Ceme- tery. of St. Johns, in the city of Bristol, buried there 9 July, 1796, set. 50,descended from the Erringtons of Erring- ton, CO. Northumber- land, in the year 1500. T Watkins, and widow of George Holmes of the town of Derby, Esq., 6. 5 June, 17.'j1, m. at Bristol in 1788, d. 11 Sep. 1813, buried at Bathampton. Charlotte Loveland of Park Place, afd., 5th dan. and coheir, b. 20 Dec, 1778, d. 2 Jan., 1857, buried in Highgate Ceme- Har- riet, 6th dau., ft. 6 Jan., 1782, d. an infant. Harriott, =f=Richard 7th and youngest dau. and coheir, b. 16 Sep. 1786, m. 20 Oct. 1814, d. 6 Aug., 183 5, buried at Isling- ton. Erring- ton, of Erring- ton, CO. Nor- thumber- land, b. U Feb., 1791, d. 26 Jan., 1816, buried at St. Giles, Cripple- gate. — I 1 Ann Erring- ton, and Hannah Erring- ton, of Bath, CO. Somer- set, both living 1861. Mary, d. young. John Perry Oldershaw, now John Perry Love-: land, of Pembridge Villas, in the parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, co. Middlesex, Esq., b. 17 May, 1805. ^Harriet Hannah, only child and heir, b. 21 Jan., 1816, m. 9 April, 1835, at Trinity Church, Islington. John Thomas Loveland Older- shaw, b. 30 June, and bapt. 10 Aug., 1836, d. 22 May, 1837, buried at Islington. Har- riet, b. 19 Aug., 1837, d.same day. Harriet Love- land, b. 22 Oct., 1839, bapt. 21 Jan. following, d. 15 Sep., 1843, buried at Isling- ton. Richard Loveland Older- shaw, now Richard Love- land Loveland, of Pem- broke College, Oxford, only surviving child, 6. 18 July, and bapt. 24 Sept., 1841. Ada Loveland, b. 20 and bapt. 21 Aug., 1842, d. 4 Oct. following, buried at tlie Chapel of Ease, HoUoway. ^rms* — First and fourth Loveland, sable seme of acorns, three boars* heads couped, or. Second and third, Oldekshaw, azure, a stag's head caboshed, or. between three bezants. Crests*— LoTELAND, on a wreath, a dexter cubit arm in armour, grasping a Bcymetar, and entwined with a wreath of oak, all proper, the arm charged with a fret sable. Oldekshaw, on a wreath, a stag lodged, guardant proper, gutt<^ de larmes, resting the dexter foot on a bezant. il{otto« — Opes industria parit. 2l2 246 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxvi Baqot of Uv^ antr ^allmnot. Thomas Neville Bagot, Esq., of Ballymoe, J.P. for the cos. of Galway and Roscommon, is heir male and chief of the Irish branch of the very an- cient family of Bagot. He was b. 1784; m. 1811, Ellen, dau. of the late John Fallon, Esq., of Runnimede, co. Roscommon, and Letitia his wife (dau. of John Lambert, Esq., eldest son of Walter Lambert, of Cregclare, by his 2ud wife. Miss Martyn, of Tullyra Castle, co. Galway), and has issue : — I. John-Llotd, J.P., m. 1843, Anna, dau. of Edward Kirwan, Esq., of Ballyturin Castle, co. Galway, issue, Thomas, Edward, John, Charles, and Anne. II. Bernard- William of Carranure, co. Roscommon, J. P., m. 1850, Ist, Euphemia, dau. of R. J. Hinds, Esq., issue, Richard ; and 2dly, Josephine, eldest dau. of J. A. Holmes, Esq., J. P. and D.L. of Abbeville, co. Ros- common. ni. Charles-Augustus of Dublin, m. 1858, Fanny-Louisa, dau. of A. S. Ker, Esq., issue, George and William, rv. Christopher-Neville, of the Melbourne Club, Australia. I. Letitia Mary, n. Catherine, m. to the late Francis Meagher, Esq., of Ballinderry, co. Tipperary, issue, Francis and Ellen. III. Ellen Mary. This family is descended of the same lineage as the noble house of Ba- got, settled in Staffordshire since the Norman conquest. The Irish branch was established in Ireland by a companion-in-arms of Strongbow. Their ancestor, a direct descendant of the original Strongbowian, Sir Robert Bagot, Lord of Baggotrath, near Dublin, and Baggotstown Castle, co. Limerick, was" Lord Chief Justiciary of Ireland, a.d. 1375, during the reign of King Edward II., and died about a.d. 1298. Through whom derived, Patrick Bagot, Esq., of Bagotstown Castle, whose estates (forfeited by his great-grandson, Maurice, A.D. 1654) were restored to his grandson, John, by a decree of King Charles II., 29 July, 1663, but lost to the family in 1688, in consequence of their adhesion to the House of Stuart— Maurice MATE XXXVI.] ArTHORIZED ARMS. 247 having been specially exempted from pardon by Ireton at Limerick. Two Colonels Bagot were killed at Aughrim, John at Limerick, and Mark beheaded in Dublin. Nine Bagots were attainted, and their estates in the counties of Carlow and Limerick confiscated. Another portion of the Bagot family accompanied King James to France. For full particulars of Pedigree, refer to Burke's Landed Gentry, Ed. 1862. ^rms* — Arg., a chev., gu., between three martlets, sa. This is the Coat registered in Ulster's Office to the Bagots of Kilcoursy, but errone- ously ; the original arms of the Bagot family at the time the Irish branch separated from the parent stem were " Erm. two chevronels az.," the same as those now borne by the head of the English House, William Lord Bagot. (It,xt%i* — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a goat's head, ermines, horned of the first. i^otto* — Antiquum obtinens. ;jFarmt>tougt) of 39$tttiigft ?eaU> to» BucK^ei* Francis Farmbrough, Esq., of Denbigh Hall, Lympson, co. Bucks, who was b. 23 March, 1806, and m. 17 Nov. 1829, Eliza, only child of Charles Griffs, of Fitzroy Square, St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, by whom he has had seven sons and nine daughters, (See Burke's Landed Gentry, Supple- ment, 1862), is entitled to the following: — ^I'tnS* — Gules, three cross crosslets, bendwise, between two bendlets en- grailed, the whole between as many garbs, or. ^Xt^U — A dexter arm embowed, vested gules, holding a plough paddle handled, also gules, bladed, or, the arm garnished with a wreath of wheat ears, ppr. iSlotto* — Deus noster refugium. Humti, of llrtfifiam f&all, to, mimtirrlantr, J.^j, William Lumb, Esq., of Brighani Hall, co. Cumberland, son of Robert Lumb, Esq., of Lowther, co. Westmoreland, by Mary, his wife, dau. of Henry Robinson, of Ledsham, York, and grandson of William Liuub 248 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxvi. Esq., by Mary Dawson, of Smeaton House, Yorkshire, his wife ; is en- titled to the following coat of arms, viz. : — ^rmg* — Or, three escoeheons sable, each charged with a mullet pierced of the first. Cregt* — A blackamoor's head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples, or, and sable, and charged on the neck with a mullet of six points, gold, within a wreath in arch or, and sable. i^otto* — Respice finem. Daniel MacCarthy (Glas), Esq., of Carbery, Hants, derives his descent from Donell Glas II., the eldest brother of Dermot-an-Duna, the founder of the great historic branch of the MacCarthys Reagh. From Donell Reagh I., fifth in descent from Dermot of Kilbaghn (so called a loco occi- sionis), who was king of Cork when the Normans landed in Ireland, de- scended Cormac Don, a quo the MacCarthys of Gleanachrime, and Donell Glas I. To the latter, succeeded, in the chieftainship of Carbery, Donell Reagh II., who was followed by Donell Glas II. Sir George Carew, writing in the time of James I., after giving us the names of the sons of Donell Reagh II. — namely, Donell Glas II. ; Donogh, a quo the Mac- Carthys of Iniskeane; Cormac, a quo the MacCarthys of Cormac-ny Cuille ; Owen, a quo the Sept of Owen ; and Dermot-an-Duna, a quo the MacCarthys Reagh — adds, " All these four (elder) Septs are yet remaining in Carbery; and these brothers were successively Lords of Carbery; they had portions of lands given to them, and to their heirs, upon condition that none of their heirs should ever claim the Lordship of Carbery." He further informs us that of the Ploughlands in Carbery there were, in his day, occupied " 6 by the Slught Owen, 5 by the Slught Donogh, 13 by the Slught Cormac-ny- Cuille, and 14| by the Slught Glas ;" all were held under the MacCarthy Reagh. The precise lands occupied by the posterity of these four brothers are clearly traceable in the grants made to various parties by James I. ; thus, to Walter Coppinger is granted " The Castle, Town, and lands of Fiall, &c., &c., in the Puble of Slught Glas ;" and to Sir Dominic Sarsfield, "in Carbery Bar, the Castle, Town, and Lands of Kilgobhan, in the Pubic or Territory of Slught Glas." PLATE XXXVI. J AUTHORIZED ARMS. 249 Notwithstanding these royal grants, the representative of Donell Glas II. continued to occupy ''the Castle, Town, and Lands of Fiall," until that great settling day, the 2nd of August, 164'2, when assizes were held at Youghal, in the co. Cork, and he, with many scores of MacCarthys, was indicted of treason. From the final break up and dispersion of the Mac- Carthys at the close of the seventeenth century, this great Irish Sept disappears from history ; but the descents of the families have been kept distinct by- retaining, each one, the designation it received from its remote ancestor : — ■ thus, has the posterity of Doaell Glas II. retained from the year 1442 to the present time, the designation now borne by Mr. Daniel MacCarthy, of " MacCarthy Glas.'* ^rms* — Erm. a buck trippant gu., attired or. Crest. — Out of an antique Irish Crown, an arm embowed, Tested and cuflfed, grasping a lizard. ^otto* — Lam Laidir aboo. Julian Cuthbert William Harrison, Esq., of Linethwaite, son of the late Joseph Harrison, of Linethwaite, by Juliana, his wife, dau. of John Barwise, of Whitehaven, co. Cumberland, and grandson of George Harri- son, Esq., of Whitehaven, high sheriff of Cumberland, by Juliana, his wife, dau. of Thomas Barwise, of Whitehaven, and great-grandson of Joseph Harrison, of Hards, co. Cumberland. ^rtns. — Per pale gules and azure, an eagle displayed, or, murally gorged of the first, between two pheons, in fesse, arg. a chief iudeuted erminois. Crest*— On a wreath of colours the Roman fasces fesswise proper, banded gules, surmounted by an anchor erect, entwined by a cable, all or. ^otto« — Sans devoir. 250 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxvi. mfia!jI|)'|Jrai1), of IF^licote mon^e, to.Miav^s^itt. Henry Peach Keighly-Peach, Esq., of Idlicote House, co. Warwick, late Captain in the Royal Horse Guards, Blue, assumed the name and arms of Peach, in addition to his patronymic of Keighly, in accordance with the will of his late great-uncle, Samuel Peach, of Idlicote House. He is eldest son of the late Major Henry Peach Keighly, who was the only son of James Inglish Keighly, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, by his second marriage with Sarah Christiana, eldest daughter of the late Samuel Peach, Esq., of Dunkirk House, co. Gloucester. Samuel Peach, Esq., of Idlicote House, second son of the aforesaid Samuel Peach, of Dunkirk House, co. Gloucester, purchased the Idlicote estate, m. Amelia, second dau. of James Baikie, Esq., and died without issue in 1832. He was s. by his younger brother, Charles Peach, a colonel in the East India Company's Service, who dying childless in 1837, was s. by his nephew, the late Major Henry Peach Keighly. ^rms* — Quarterly, Ist and 4tb, for Peach : — Gu., between two chevrons, arg,, three martlets of the second. 2nd and 3rd, for Keighly : — Per bend, engrailed, sa., and arg., a fesse, charged with two mul- lets, all counterchanged. Crest* — A demi-lion, rampant, erm. and gu., crowned, or, clawed, az., for Pkach ; a griffin's head, sa., langued, gu., charged with three DjuUets, or, for Ketghlt. iHottOt — For Peach. Quicquid dignuna sapiente bonoque est. Hintro^ of iPnglurU, ro* armntjerlanlr* Samuel Lindow, Esq., of Ingwell, Whitehaven, co. Cumberland, J.P., High Shei-iff in 1862, is eldest son of the late Jonas Lindow, Esq., by Ruth Brockbank, his wife, grandson of Samuel Lindow, Esq., by his wife, Elizabeth Armstrong, of Kendal, co. Westmoreland, and great-grandson of Jonas Lindow, who m. Agnes Matson, of Tytup Hall, co. Lancaster. ^rms« — Ermine, on a chevron, dove-tailed between three sinister hands, couped at the wrist, gules, as many fountains. Crest* — A lion rampant, gules, seme of buckles, cr, and holding between the paws a fountain. IMotto.— Vi et virtute. FL&TEKXY. MAJOR IHVrNG. BARWHINN0CK,C9 DUMFRIES. W.aHERMrN&HAM XROTTEB,ES<;>. QUAN"SBOH0trGH,C9 GAXWAY. JOHN lENTAI&HZ.ESQ. TALLAGHT HOUSE, C? DLTBLIN'. JOHJSr J. RAWXINSOl^, ESy, BERNAHB PAUNOEFOTE, ESQ. LT COL-HEITRY RICHARDS. GHAYTHWAITE, C? LAN<:ASTER . PRESTON COURT. 09 GIOUCESTER. CROFT HOUSE. C9 PEMBROKE. PLATE XXXVII.] AUTHORIZED ARMS. 251 PLATE XXXVII. l^envu of tl^lcmove aotrrje, to. iSalUjag^ Mitchell Henry, of Kylemore Lodge, Letterfrack, in the county of Gal- way, and of Stratheden House, Knightsbridge, in the county of Middle- sex, Esq., youngest son of the late Alexander Henry, of Woodlands, in the county of Lancaster, Esq., one of the Knights of the Shire in Parliament for the southern division of the county of Lancaster, and grandson of William Henry of Loughbrickland, in the county of Down, also deceased, bears for ^rmd» — ^Per pale indented, argent and gules, on the dexter side a rose of the second ; a chief azure charged with a lion passant of the first. CrtSt« — Out of a mural crown proper a demi-lion rampant argent, holding between the paws a ducal coronet or. i^otto. — Yincit Veritas. ^rag of (Ef)^vUbiiU l^onUf Matftmine^, co* JBxMin. Sir John Gray, of Charleville House, Rathmines, in the county of Dub- lin, Knight, Doctor of Medicine, a Justice of the Peace for the city of Dublin, Chairman of the Water- Works Committee of the Dublin Corpora- tion, did on the 30th day of June, 1863, receive from His Excellency the Earl of Carlisle, K.G., &c., the honour of Knighthood " in special recog- nition of the indefatigable zeal and high ability evinced by the said Sir John Gray as Chairman of the said Water- Works Committee." ^rms* — Argent, an anchor erect, sa. entwined by a ribbon, azure, with the word Vartrt inscribed thereon in letters of gold (commemorative of the zeal and ability evinced by Sir John Gray as Chairman of the Water- "Works Committee of the Dublin Corporatiou) ; on a canton of the third a castle of the first flammant ppr. (being one of the 252 ArTHOETZED ARMS. [plate xxxyii. castles in the Arms of the City of Dublin, of the corporation of which city the said Sir John Gray is a member. Crest* — An anchor erect, sa. entwined, as in the Arms, with a ribbon azure with the word Vakthy inscribed thereon in letters of gold. IHotto* — Anchor fast anchor. Henry Studdy, Esq., of Wadditon Court, co. Devon, J. P., is the descen- dant of a family whose name has been variously Stody, Stidy, Stiddy, and Studdy, and whose ancestors, originally settled in Middlesex and afterwards in Ireland, became seated in Devonshire about two hundred and sixty . years ago. ■ ^rms. — Az. on a saltire wavy or., between three estoiles of the second, and a fish naiant in base, arg. a leopard's face of the field. Crest* — Ademi-leopard, collared and holding between the paws an anchor erect. iJIKotto. — ride sed cui vide. $rbing of l^arto6(nno(:fe, to, Wnmttit^. Major James Irving, of Barwhinnock, only surviving son of the late William Irving, Esq., of Gribton, co. Dumfries, by Jane, his wife, eldest dau. of the late David Currie, Esq., of Newlaw, Galloway, represents one of the oldest families in Dumfrieshire. (See Burke^s "Landed Gentry," Supplement.) ^rms. — Arg. a chev. between three holly leaves vert. Crest. — A dexter arm, in armour, embossed, holding a branch of holly, all ppr. ^otto. — Haud uUis labentia ventis. motUv of <®uan$tiorourr1&, to. iBaman* William Clifford Bermingham Trotter, Esq., of Quansborough, co. Galway, J.P., only son of the late Thomas Bermingham Trotter, Esq., by Eosabelle Maria Frances, youngest dau. of Major William Stirling St. Clair, and grandson of Clifford Trotter, Esq., by the Lady Mary St. Lau- PLATE xxxTii.] AUTHORIZED AR^S. 253 rence, dau. of William, Earl of Howth, by Mary his wife, second dau. and coheir of Thomas Bermingham, Earl of Louth and Baron of Athenry, bears a quartered shield in right of his coheirship to the Lords Athenry. Pater- nally, he claims descent from the Ruthvens, Earls of Gowrie. ^rms. — Arg. on a chev. gu., between three boars' heads, couped sa. a ram's head of the first, Qctaeteeing Beemingham and Nugent. Crest* — A trotting horse arg. caparisoned ppr., under the forepaw an escut- cheon, charged with the arms of Euthven, paly of six arg. and gu. jISloUo* — Toujours pret, and " Deed shaw." Urntaigne of Eailaqftt, to. IBnUin. John Lentaigne, Esq., of Tallaght, co. Dublin, J.P., Inspector General of Prisons in Ireland, a Commissioner of the Education Board, and at one time, High SheriflF of the County of Mouaghan, elder son and heir of the late Benjamin Lentaigne, Esq., M.D., of the city of Dublin, by Mary Theresa, his wife, dau. and heir of John O'Neill, Esq., a descendant of the great royal house of O'Neill, by Mary Plunkett, his wife, of the Rathmore branch of the noble house of Plunkett, descends from a younger branch of a noble French family, the Lentaignes, now Counts de Logiviere, in Normandy (See Burke's Landed Gentnj), and bears a quartered shield, viz. 1st and 4th, Lentaigne ; 2nd, O'Neill ; and 3rd, Plunkett ; there- on an escutcheon of pretence for Magan, in right of his wife Mary, eldest dau. and coheir of the late Francis Magan, Esq,, of Emoe, co. Westmeath, by Margaret Mary his wife, dau. of Gerald Strong-Hussey, Esq., of Westown, co. Dublin. (See Burke's Royal Descents.) %xvx%* — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or. on a chev. az. between three bald coots ppr., a fleurdelis of the first, a chief of the second charged with three mulletts; 2nd, arg. two lions combatant, supporting be- tween them a dexter hand gu., in chief three estoiles of the last and in base, in waves of the sea, a salmon narant of the first ; 3rd, sa. a bend arg.; on the sinister chief point a castle, of the second. On an escutcheon of peetence, arg. a chevron between three boars passant az. Crest* — A dove ppr,, on the beak a fleurdelis or, and on the breast a mul- let az. iHotto*— Dieu ayde. 254 AUTHORIZED ARMS. [plate xxxvn. John Job Rawlinson, Esq., of Graythwaite, J.P., only surviving son of the late William Rawlinson, Esq., of Graythwaite, by Catherine, his wife, youngest dau. of John Waldie, Esq., of Hendersyde Park, co. Roxburghe, descends from a very ancient Lancashire family, of which was Sir William Rawlinson, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, temp. William IIL (See Burke's Landed Gentry.) ^rms. — Sa. three swords in pale, the centre one point downwards, the others points upwards, blades arg., hilts and pommels or., a chief indented of the last. Cv0St. — A cubit arm erect in armour, holding, with gauntlet, "a sword, all ppr. ^mxittUtt of i|r^0ton €outt, (o* ^iontt^ttx. Bernard Pauncefote, Esq., of Preston Court, of H. M. Civil Service, Madras, is a descendant of the family of Pauncefote, one of great antiquity and knightly pre-eminence, Bernard Pauncevolt being mentioned in Domes- day Book, as holding of the King in capite. (See Burke's Landed Gentry.) 0nns» — Gu. three lions rampant, arg. two and one. Crest. — A lion rampant, ducally crowned ppr. holding in his paws an esco- cheon or., charged with a wolf's head ppr. i^otto» — Pensez forte. Uitf^^xM ot orroft mon^f to. ^tm\^xott. Henry Richards, Esq., of Croft House, J.P. and D.L., a Lieut. -Col. in the army, son of the late Jacob Richards, Esq., of Croft House, bears the ensigns of Richards, co. Glamorgan, viz : — ^rms. — Or. a chevron azure, in base a lion rampant sa. ; Impaling in right of his wife, Margaret, dau. of the lateWm. Hughes, Esq., of Dublin, the arms of Htjohes, quarterly with Acheson; viz. Ist and 4th, gules on a chevron argent between three griffins' heads erased or., as many muUots azure ; 2nd and 3rd, arg. an eagle displayed with two heads sable, beaked and membered or., on a chief vert two mullets, gold pierced of the chief. Crest. — A lion rampant az. ;fWotto. — Honore et Amore. INDEX. Page Abroyd, Edward, Esq., Bankfield, co. York ... ,., ... ... 6 Alexander, Thomas, Esq., Aliillj, co. Donegal ... ... ... ... 94 Ali Mahomud, Bombay ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 Allan, Robert Henry, Esq., Blackwell Hall, co. Durham ... ... 1 Arbuthnott, Sir Alexander, D. Y., Knt. ... ... ... ...120 Ashmore, Col. Charles, Clover Hill, co. Antrim ... ... ... 116 B Bagge, William, Esq., Stradsett, co. JS'orfolk ... ,., ... ... 26 Bagot of Ard and Ballymoe . . .. .. ... ... ... 246 Baikie, James, Esq., Tankerness, CO. Orkney ... ... ... ... 25 Baker, Eichard W., Esq., Cottesmore, CO. Eutland ... ... ... 127 Baker, William, Esq., Derby ... ... ... ... ... 22 Barclay, Joseph G., Ley ton, Essex ... ... ... ... ... 187 Barned, I. Lewis, Esq., London ... ... ... ... ... 91 Barnewall, Sir Eeginald, Bart., of Crickstown Castle, co. Meath ... ... 239 Beaumont, Bichard, H. I. B., Esq., Lieut.-Colonel in the Army, Seignior of Grande Vallee des Monts, Canada ... ... ... ... 152 Bennitt, William, Esq., Stourton Hall, Stourbridge ... ... ... 18 Beresford, D. W. Pack, Esq., Finagh Lodge, co. Carlow ... ... 81 Blencowe, John A., Esq., Marston St. Lawrence, Northamptonshire ... 173 Botfield, Beriah, Esq., Norton Hall, co. Northampton ... ... ... 5 Bourne, James, Esq., Hackinsall, CO. Lancaster ... ... ... 6 Bowdon, John B., Esq., Pleasington Hall, CO. Lancaster ... ... 186 Bower, Edward C, Esq., Broxholme, co. York ... ... ... 124 Boycott, John H. Morse, Esq., Sennowe Lodge, co. Norfolk ... ... 176 Breen, His Excellency Henry Hegart, St. Lucia ... ... ... 91 Bradshaigh, William E.. H., Esq., Kapnagorran, co. Tipperary ... ... 144 Bright, Sir Charles Tilston, The Cedars, Harrow Weald ... ... 43 Brinckman, Sir Theodore H. L., Bart., Monk Bretton, co. York... ... 65 Bristow, William CoUyer, Esq., Crawley, Hants ... ... ... 131 Brunwin, Milbourne Peter Carter, Esq., Park House, Essex ... ... 15 Broade, Francis S. P., Esq., Fenton Vivian, co. Stafford ... ... 167 Bulwer, Wm, E. Lytton, Esq., Heydon, Norfolk ... ... ... 98 Burke, Joseph, Esq., Elm Hall, CO. Tipperary ... ... ... ... 138 Byam, Eev. E. Burgh, Vicar of Kew, co. Surrey ... ... ... 45 Byam, Sir Wm., President of the Council, Antigua ... ... ... 231 INDEX. c Cambridge, Rev. G. Pickard, Bloxworth, Dorset Campbell, Hugh Bruce, Esq., Barquharrie, N.B. Chadwick, Elias, Esq., Pudleston Court, co. Hereford Chadwick, Robert, Esq., High Bank, co. Lancaster Chance, James T., Esq., Birmingham ... Chevers, Michael J., Esq., Killian, co. Galway Clere, Rev. Henry, London and Essex Coham, WiUiam H. Bickford, Esq., Dunsland, co. Devon Concanon, Henry, Esq., B.A. Concanon of "Waterloo, co. Galvray ... Conolly, Charles J. T., Esq., Cottles, co. Wilts Cooper, Sir Daniel, New South Wales Coapor, William, Esq., A.M., Failford, co. Ayr Costello, Arthur G., Esq., Edmandstown, co. Mayo Cotton, Rowland Hugh, Esq., Etwall Hall, co. Durham Cowper, Frederick, Esq., Carleton Hall, Cumberland . Craufurd, Wm. Howison, Esq., Craufurdland, Ayrshire Coulthart, John R., Esq., Coulthart and CoUyn Covrell-Stepney of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen . . Croft, Rev. Thos. Hutton, of Aldborough Hall, co. York Crosley, Sir Charles Decimus, London Cusack, James Wm., Esq., M.D,, Abbeyville House, co. Dublin Page 96 107 81 14 41 188 3 3 125 125 129 87 24 131 13 226 100 166 174 225 83 234 Dalton, D. F. Grrant, Esq., Shanks House, co. Somerset ,,, Dalyell, Robert A., Esq., Lingo, co. Fife Deaue, John St. George, Esq., Berkeley Forest, co. Wexford De Carteret, Edward C. M., Esq., Lieut. 88th Regiment De Ferrieres, Charles C. A. D. B., Esq., Hardwick Hall, co. Monmouth De Conway (Edward), Viscomte ... ■ De Medewe, Daniel Charles, Esq., Witnesham Hall, co. Suffolk ... Domvile, William Compton, Esq., Thornhill, co. Wicklow Draffen, Joseph Wright, Esq , Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park ... Drew, Rev. Pierce W., Strand House, Youghal, co. Cork Duffield of Coverdale, CO. York DufBeld, Roger Dawson Dawson, M. A. Dutton, Frederick Hansbrow, Esq., London ... E Eagar of Kerry Edgar, Rev. J. R. M., A.M., Red House, Suffolk 64 73 3 156 27 173 15 19 5 40 195 196 91 210 55 INDEX. Edgell, Harry Edmd., Esq., Standerwick Court, co. Somerset Edmands, Charles Henry, Esq., Sutton, co. Surrey Edwards, J. Kynaston, Esq., Old Court, co. Wicklow^ ... Eglinton and Winton, Earl of, K.T. ... Ellison-Macartney... Elvin of East Dereham and Swaffham Elvves, Gary Charles, Esq., Great Billing, co. Northampton Evans, Thomas, Esq., Sufton Court, Hereford ... Evans, Charles Henry, Esq., Henblas, co. Anglesey Everard, of Middle ton, CO. Norfolk ... Farmbrough, Francis E., Denbigh Hall, Bucks Earquharson, Eobert Eras. Ogilvie, Esq., Haughton, co. Aberdeen Eeatherstonhaugh, Alex. Stephenson, Esq., Hopton, co. Worcester Eielden, Joseph, Esq., Witton Park, co. Lancaster Finzel, Conrad William, Esq., Frankfurt Hall, co. Somerset FitzGerald, John Purcell, Esq., Boulge Hall, Suffolk ... Foster, Morgan Hugh, Esq., Brickhill House, co. Bedford Freeland, Eobert, Esq., Combrook Park, Manchester .,, G Galton, John Howard, Esq., Hadzor House, co. Worcester Gay, William, Esq., Falmouth Gibbs, John, Esq., of The Yews, Sheffield, CO. York ... Gill, John H., Esq., Bickham Park, Devon Grace, Oliver D. J., Esq., Mantua, co. Eoscommon Graham, John, Esq., Largs Gray, Eev. John Hamilton, Carntyne, co. Lanark Gray, Sir John, Dublin Green, Thomas, Esq., Poulton Hall, co. Chester Guinness, the Eev. William J. Lee-Grattan, Beaumont, co. Dublin Guinness, Benjamin Lee, Esq., St. Anne's, co. Dublin ... Gwynne Vaughan, Henry, Esq., Cynghordy, co. Carmarthen H Hall, Sir John, M.D., K.C.B., Inspector-General of Hospitals Hall, Marshall, Esq., Blacklands Park, Wilts Hambrough, Albert J., Esq., Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight Hamilton, Charles W., Esq., Hamwood, co. Meath Hamilton, Charles, Esq., Glasgow ... Hamilton, John, Esq., Fyne Court, co. Somerset Hamond, Admiral Sir Graham Eden, Bart,, G.C.B. 2 M 2 INDEX. ' Paga Harris, John Dove, Esq., M.P., Leicester ... ... ... ... 27 Harrison, J. C. W., Esq., Linethwaite, Cumberland ... ... ... 249 Henry, Mitchell, Esq., Kylemore Lodge, co. Galway ... ... ... 251 Heyworth, Lawrence, Esq., Yewtree, CO. Lancaster ... ... ... 61 Higginson, Henry Theophilus, Esq., Lisburn, CO. Antrim ... ..,10 Holden, Henry, Esq., Palace House, co. Lancaster ... ... ... 147 Holyngworthe, E.obert de, Esq., Holyngworthe Hall, co. Chester ... 224 Hopwood, Eobert, Esq., Blackburn, co. Lancaster ... ... ... 26 Horton, Isaac, Esq., Southwark, co. Surrey ... ... ... ... 122 Howard, James Scott, Esq., Toronto, Canada ... ... ... ... 60 Howard, Allan McLean, Esq., Toronto, Canada ... ... ... 93 Hungerford, Thomas, Esq., Inchodony, co. Cork ... ... ... 76 Hungerford, Thomas, Esq., Cahirmore, co. Cork ... ... ... 78 Husk^sson, Wm. H. Tilghman, Esq., Eastham, CO. Sussex ... ... 69 Irving, Major, Barwhinnock ... ... ... ... ...252 Jacob, Colonel John, Scinde Irregular Horse ... ,., ... ... 48 Jacson, Charles Eoger, Esq., Barton, co. Lancaster ,,, .,, ... 70 Jesson, Thomas, Esq., Oakwood, co. Stafford ... ... ... ... 34 Johnson, Noble, Esq., Eockenham, co. Cork ... ... ... ... 191 Johnson, George "William, Esq., Burleigh Field, co. Leicester ... ... 180 Johnson, John, Esq., Huncorn, co. Chester ... ... ... ... 11 Joliffe, the Eev. Thomas E., Ammerdown Park, CO. Somerset ... ... 131 K Keimedy of Derry Pedigree .. ... ... ... ... 242 Kenney, James C. FitzG-erald, Esq., Kilclogher, co. Galway ... ... 67 Kinnersly, Edward, Esq., of Binfield Manor, Berks ... ... ... 238 Knox, Henry WiUiam, Esq., Netley Park, CO, Mayo ... ... ... 56 Lamb, Joseph, Esq., West Denton, Northumberland .. ... ... 50 Lambert, Henry, Esq., Carnagh, co. Wexford ... ... ... 97 Leigh, Capel Hanbury, Esq., Ponty Pool Park, co. Monmouth ... ... 26 Leahy, Francis H., Esq., Shanakiel, CO. Cork ... ... ... ... 72 Leather, John T., Esq., Leventhorpe Hall, co. York ... ... ... 128 Leggatt, William, Esq., Major H.M. Indian Army ... ... ...244 Leggatt Pedigree ... ... ... ... ... ... toface24i4i Lentaigne, John, Esq., Tallaght ... ... ... ... ... 253 Leppington, Rev. John Crossby, Harerstock Hill, Middlesex ... ... 76 Leslie, William, Esq., Warthill, CO. Aberdeen ... ,,, ,,, ... 53 INDEX. Lewin, Frederick M., Esq., of the Hollies, Bexley, Kent .,. ... 169 Liadow, Samuel, Esq., Ingwell, Cumberland ... ... ... ... 250 Long, Jeremiah, Esq., West Hackney, co. Middlesex ... ... ... 30 Loveland, J. P., Esq., Pembridge Villas, Kensington ... ... ... 244 Lowndes, William, Esq., Cliesham, co. Bucks ... ... ... ... 22 Lumb, William, Esq., Brigbam Hall, Cumberland ... ... ... 247 Lundin, E.ev. E,. Brown, Auchtermairnie, co. Fife ... ... ... 46 Luxmore, Eev. John Kerslake, Devon ... ... ... ... 44 Lyons, William Thomas Bristow, Esq., Old Park, CO. Antrim ... ... 20 M Macartney, J. W. Ellison, Esq., The Palace, Clogher, co. Tyrone ... 227 MacAdam, WiUiam, Esq., Waterhead, Kircudbright ... ... ... 16 MacAlester, Major Somerville, Loup and Kennox ... ... ... 73 MacCarthy, Daniel E., Carberry, Hants ... ... ... ... 248 MacDonnell, W. E. Armstrong, Esq., New Hall, CO. Clare ... ... 108 Maclaine, General Sii- Archibald, K.C.B. ... ... ... ...222 MacLoskey, Patrick, M.D., Bothwell, CO. Northampton.., ... ... 197 Maguire, Edward, Esq., Grortoral House, co. Fermanagh ... ... 151 Mahomud, Nowab Ali Khan Bahadoor, Bombay ,., ... ... 193 Maister, John, Esq., Beverley ... ... ,,. ... ... 55 Mallet of Jersey 162 Mallet de Carteret of Jersey ... ... ... ... ... 156 Mallet, Hugh, Esq., Ash, Devon ... ... ... ... ...121 Margary, Joshua J. L., Esq., Kensington ... ... ... ... 37 Marriott, the Eev. William M. S., Horsmonden, Kent ... ... ...180 Marshall of Broadwater, CO. Surrey ... ... ... ... 16 Marshall, James Earnshaw, Esq., Belmont, co. Somerset ... ... 33 Maxwell, James M. Graham, Esq., Merksworth, N.B. ... ... 98 Maxwell, Sir John, Bart., Poloc, CO. Renfrew .., ... ... 107 Maxwell, James Maxwell Graham, of Merkworth, co. Eenfrew ... ... 17 McFarlan, J. W., Esq., Ballencleroche, CO. Stirling ... ... - ... 103 Meade, Edward Southwell, Esq., BallLntobber, co. Cork ... ... 10 Meyler, George, Esq., late Capt. 65th Regiment ... ... ... 232 Michel, Margaretta, Whatcombe, co. Dorset ... ... ... ... 20 Michel, Major-General Sir John, K.C.B. , Dewhsh, co, Dorset ... ... 93 Middleton, George, Esq., of the Grove, Norwich ... ... ... 168 Monins of Waldershare, Kent ... ... ... ... ... 136 Montefiore, the Eev. Thomas L., M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge 150 Moran, P. O'Eourke, Esq., Ballinamore, co. Leitrim ... ... ... 56 Morley, Francis, Esq., Marrick Park, co. York ... ... ... 70 Montgomerie of Lainshaw, and Brigend, CO. Ayr ... ... ... 152 Morris, Thomas, Esq., Peckham, Surrey ... ... ... ... 28 Morris, the Eev. Francis Orpen, B.A., Eector of Nunburnholme, co. York 161 Morse of Sprowston, CO. Norfolk ... ,., ,.. ... ... 176 INDEX. Page Mowbray, Eight Hon. John Eobert, M.P., Judge Advocate-General ... 53 Mulholland, Andrew, Esq., Springvale, co. Down ... ... ... 11 N Wangle of Xildalkey ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 Naylor, John, Esq., Leighton Hall, co. Montgomery ... ... ... 236 Neville, Percy Sandford, Esq., Skelbrook Park, co. York ... ... 66 Newman, Henry Wenman, Esq., Thornbury Park, co. Gloucester ... 13 Newton of Carrickfergus, CO. Antrim ... ... ... ... 31 NichoU, John, Esq., F.S.A., Theydon Gernon, Essex ... ... ... 84 Nicholson, Sir Charles, Bart., D.C.L., New South Wales ... ... 123 Nicholson, Robert, Esq., Ballow, co. Down ... ... ... ... 3 Norwood, J. Dobree, Esq., Ashford, Kent ... ... ... ... 232 o O'Farrell, Charles, Esq., Dalyston, CO. Galway ... ... ... 19 O'Neill of Clanaboy, (Charles Henry O'Neill, Esq.) ... ... ... Ill O'Neill, Louis Gordon, Esq., Sandford Park. CO. Dublin ... ... 114 O'Eeilly, Francis G., Esq., Scarborough, Yorkshire ... ... ... 185 Ottley, Captain E. J., Edmonton E. E. Eeg. Militia ... ... ... 96 Ozanne, Eichard Mansell, Esq., Guernsey ... ... ... ... 102 P Parfitt of Bruton, co. Somerset ... ... '... ... ... 132 Parker, Sir William, Bart., Melford Hall, Suffolk ... ... ... 50 Parr, the Rev. Henry, Tunbridge, co. Kent ... ... ... ... 164 Partridge, John, Esq., Bishop's Wood, co. Hereford ... ... ... 60 Partridge, Eev. W. E., Horsendon House, Bucks ... ... ... 239 Pauncefote, Bernard, Esq., Preston Court ... ... ... ... 254 Peach, H. S. K. Keighly, Esq., Idlecote House, co. Warwick ... ... 250 Peareth, Katherine, of Usworth House, co. Durham ... ... *... 151 Pedder, Edward, Esq., Ashton Park, co. Lancaster ... ...• ... 57 Peel, John E., Esq., Stone Hall, co. Pembroke ... ... ... 42 Peel, Joseph, Esq., Singleton Brook, co. Lancaster ... ... ••• 24 Penruddocke, Charles, Esq., Compton Park, Wilts ... ... ... 62 Perry, Thos. A., Esq., Bitham House, co. Warwick ... ... ... 47 Phillips, Charles M., Esq., Garendon Park, co. Leicester ... ... 165 Pierce, Hugh, Esq., Liverpool ... ... ... «.• ••• 36 Pilkington, Henry F., Esq., Park Lane Hall, co. York ... ... ... 135 Pinfold, Fanny Maria, Walton Hall, Bucks ... ... ... — 72 Plowden, W. H. C, Esq., Ewhurst Park, Hants ... ... ...237 Polwhele, Eichard Graves, Esq., Polwhele, Cornwall ... ... — 74 Postletliwaite, Wm., Esq., The Oaks, Cumberland ... ... ...240 Powell, Henry Folliott, Esq., Brandlesome Hall, co. Lancaster ... ... 109 Prickett, Thomas, Esq., Bridlington, CO. York... ... ... ... 57 INDEX. R Page Eabbett, the Eev. Eeginald, M. A., Bramfield Hall, CO. Suffolk ... ...139 Ratcliff, Sir John, Knt., Wyddrington, co. Warwick ... ... ... 100 Eawlinson, J. J., Esq., Graythwaite ... ... ... ... 254 Kedwood, Theophilus and Lewis, Boverton, co. Glamorgan ... .... 64 Eichards, Lieut.-CoL, Croft House ... ... ... ... ... 254 Kothwell, Richard 11., Esq., Sharpies Hall, co. Lancaster ... ... 178 Koundell, Rev. Dawson E., Gledstone, co. York ... ... ... 21 Eowley of Maperath, CO. Meath ,,. ... ... ... ... 136 Eussell, Eobert, Esq., Jamaica ... ... ... ... ... 69 Eydon, Henry, Esq., Pjrland House, Highbury, New Park ... ... 39 s Salt, Titus, Esq., Crow Nest, co. York ... ... ... ... 14 Salt, Wm. Henry, Esq., Saltaire .. . ... ... ... ... 26 Sandbach, Henry E., Esq., Hafodunos, co. Denbigh ... ... ... 58 Sandars, George, Esq., Chesterford Park, Essex ... ... ... 236 Selby, Thomas, Esq., Whitley Hall, CO. Essex ... ... ... 59 Seton, David, Esq., Mounie, CO. Aberdeen ... ... ... ... 31 Shortt, Col. J, M., Bombay Army, CO. Dumfries ... ... ... 105 Shuldham, Edmund A., Esq., Duumanway, co. Cork ... ... ... 65 Sier, Eev. Thos., Eavensden, Beds ... ... ... ... 72 Skipton, George, Esq., The Casino, co. Londonderry ... ... ... 241 Sladen, Joseph, Esq., Hartsbourne Manor, Herts ... ... ... 228 Smith- Marriott, Eev. Wm. Marriott, Horsmonden, Kent ... ... 180 Sparrow, Wm. H., Esq., Penn, co. Stafford. . . ... ... ... 88 Stannus, Very Eev. James, Dean of Eoss ... ... ... ... 63 Stark of Troqueer, Holm, co. Kirkcudbright ... ... ... 147 Steinthal, Henry M., Esq., Bradford, co. York ... ... ... 114 Stephens, Edward, Esq., F.E.C.S., Manchester ... ... ... 83 Stepney, Col. John S. Cowell, J.P., Llanelly, co. Carmarthen ... ... 174 Stewart, Eobert, Esq., Murdostoun, co. Lanark ... ... ... 240 Strother, Anthony, Esq., Eastfield, Northumberland ... ... ... 118 Studdy, Henry, Esq., Wadditon Court ... ... ... ...251 T Taylor, James, Esq., Todmorden Hall, co. Lancaster ... ... ... 51 Taylor, James Arthur, Esq., Strensham, co. AVorcester ... ... 43 Taylor, John, Esq., Moreton Hall, co. Lancaster ... ... ... 84 Taylor, Wm. Eras., Esq., Moseley Hall, co. Worcester ... ... 92 Teale, Thos. Pridgin, Esq., Leeds ... ... ... . . : ... 53 Thicknesse, the Eev. Francis H. C, Beech Hill, co. Lancaster ... ... 193 INDEX. Thomson, John Anstruther, Esq., Charleton, co. Fife. . . ... ... 115 Thorneycroft, Thomas, Esq., Tettenhall Wood, co. Stafibrd ... ... 121 Todd, Wm. H. Wilson, Esq., Halnaby Hall, co. York ... ... 52 Tooke, Charles Chevall, Esq , Hnrston Clays, Sussex ... ... ... I9ft Tooth, -Robert, Esq., Svrifts, Cranbrook, CO. Kent ... ... ... 37 Trist, of Tristford, co. Devon ... ... ... ... ... 102 Trotter, W. C. B., Esq., Quansboroiigh ... ... ... ...252 Truss, Wm. Nichs., Esq., Coleford, co. Gloucester ... ... ■ ... 44 Turnly, John, Esq., Drumnasole, CO. Antrim .. ... ... 62 Turnley, Joseph, Esq., Deputy-Governor of the Hon. the Irish Society ... 88 Twemlow, John, Esq., Hatherton, Cheshire ... ... ... ... 235 V Vaughan, Henry G., Esq., Cynghordy, co. Carmarthen Vane, Henry Morgan, Esq., Sutton Bassett, co. Northampton . . . 182 6 w Wallace, Albany, Esq., Worthing, CO. Sussex ... ... ... 58 Waller, Kilner, Esq., Spring Grove, HounsloTV ... ... ... 29 Wallington, Major-General, H.E.I.C.S. ... ... ... ... 59 Walton, Thos. Todd, Esq., Clifton, CO. Gloucester ... ... ... 86 Warren, (Col.) Eichard W., Mespil, co. Dublin ... ... ... 182 Warren of Hopton, Suifolk ... ... ... ... ... 125 Warren, the Hev. Samuel, LL.D., Ancoats, Manchester ... ... 125 Warner, Edward, Esq., Walthamstow, Essex ... ... ... 154 Watson, Thos. W., Esq., Kilmanahan Castle, co. Waterford ... ... 175 Watts, Sir Jas., Abney Hall, co. Chester ... ... ... ... 16 Westby, Joscelyn Tate, Esq., Mowbreck, co. Lancaster ... ... 23 Webb, Edward B., Esq., Northwich Villas, Harrow, co. Middlesex . . . 171 Westerman, Geo. H., Esq., Cas>tle Grove, Sandal, co. York ... ... 28 Whittall, Charlton, Esq., Liverpool ... ... ... ... 52 Whittiug, Charles, Esq., Sandcroft House, co. Somerset ... ... 129 Wilkinson, Henry Cox, Esq., White Webbs Park, Middlesex ... ... 80 Williams, Michl., Esq., Scorrier House and Carhayes, Cornwall ... 75 Willington, Erancis, Esq., Tamworth ... ... ... ... 155 Wilson, John, Esq., Dulwich, co. Sui'rey ... ... ... ... 69 Willis of Halsuead Park, co. Lancaster ... ... ... ... 188 Wilson, Henry, Esq., Stowlangtoft Hall, co. Suffolk ... ... ... 146 Wright (Gen.) Thomas C, Guayaquil, South America ... ... 185 Yatman, William H., Esq., AVellesbourne, co. Warwick 126 # UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IJMlffL URL OCT 2 5 Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 i],MN(1]WV ^^^AHVHHIT'^V c^^lLIBRARYa \\\EUNIVER,V//> -»^> NVSOl^ ^:^%, m S ^ — n Or O ■J — n < 5 I 5 — <„^ # > !f]n-i^' ^ *