B 2 7^3 ^^7 ^0 M. GBORGE H. ROGERS HAHRrSOf^JSft.F.S;A. & » ('^'•'?/ ■i.<"-P ^-,->M,, \ ; ikT-T^,^-. ' lA -> \^ Mrt^r-- u>'^->\^ M^^^-^r^ _'vN\>>» /■rib * ^ IS THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF ARTHUR VI CARS, F. S/A '<(.A o'^ ">-»; .V7." ■AVu THE j^cral^ic (Halcntrar: ▲ LIST OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY WHOSE ARMS ARE REGISTERED, AND PEDIGREES RECORDED HEEALD'S OFFICE IN lEELAND. DUBLIN: ALEXANDER THOM, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, 87, ABBEY-STREET. 1846. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. ADVERTISEMENT. Having already set forth the design and object of this Publication in circulars to those principally interested therein, and finding, that to enter upon the subject at any length, would far exceed the usual limits of an advertisement, I merely observe, for the present, that I hold myself in readiness to afiord every needful explanation, and shall promptly and fully reply to any communication with which I may be favoured. This work professes to supply a faithful transcript of official records, and is strictly confined to that only. In all cases, therefore, where the armorial ensigns have been duly registered, and the pedigrees recorded to the present time, the names have been carefully copied from the record in exact seniority and order of birth. Where, however, pedigrees have been registered with the arms, but as yet not fully written up, all known members of such families have been printed, to proclaim as widely as possible their just claim to Arms. And, lastly, where the Arms alone have been recorded, a few leading names are placed without reference to descent, of which the Herald's Office can have no official cognizance whatever. WILLIAM SKEY, a.m., f.s.a., St. Patrick Pursuivant and Registrar of the Herald's Office in Ireland. 179 The asterisk * prefixed denotes that the Pedigree is registered. Peers marked thus *f*, have their right admitted to vote on elections of the Representative Temporal Peers of Ireland. The Peerage. — The Representatives general of Ancient Families, or of some particular Branch or Sept, and names of proved Milesian descent, are entitled to have their names distinguished in capitals, and their coat-armour hlazoned from the Roll. [7 ] THE HERALDIC CALENDAR. Herald's Office, 2nd January, 1846. A LIST OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTBY WHOSE ARMOBIAL BEABINGS ABE REOISTEBED, AND PEDIOBEES BECOBDED, IN THE HEBALD's OFFICE, IN IBELAND, • ACHESON, Sir Archibald, Earl of Gosford, I Viscount and Baron Gosford, of Markethill, in ' the county of Armagh, Baron Worlingham, of Beccles, in the county of Suffolk, of the United Kingdom, and baronet of Scotland ; civil knight grand cross of the most honourable order of the the Bath, privy councillor in England, repre- sentative peer for Ireland, lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Ai-magh. Gosford Castle, Armagh ; Worlingham Hall, Wangford, Suffolk ; Brooke's Club, St. James'- st., London. .4 rm»— Argent, an eagle displayed with two heads, sable, armed and membered, or, on a chief-vert, two mullets of the last. Crett— On a wreath a trumpet fessways, or, thereon a cock ■tatant, g^ules. SupporUrt—Tyio leopards, the sinister reguardant proper, collared and chained or. i/o«o— Vigilantibus. * AcHESoN, The Right Honourable Archibald, Viscount Acheson, deputy-lieutenant of the county Armagh, Co^nmissimx dated 5th Febi-uary, 1833, and m.p. same county, colonel of the Armagh militia. Gosford Castle, Armagh ; Brookes' Club, London. Same arms, &c. * Adair, George, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the Queen's County. Bellegrove, Queen's County. * Adaib, George William, esq., barrister-at- law. 5, Lower Mount-st., Dublin. * Adaib, John, esq., barrister-at-law. 11, Mountjoy-sq., south, Dublin. * Adaib, Samuel Frederick, esq., solicitor. 12, Upper Mount-st., Dublin. * Adaib, Thomas Benjamin, esq., j.p. Lough- more, Antrim. * Adaib, William, esq. Ballymena, Antrim. Adlam, William, esq. Backhall, BristoL AGAR, Welbore Ellis, Earl of Normanton, Viscount Somerton, Baron Somerton, of Somer- ton, in the county of Kildare. Somerly, Ring- wood, Hampshire; 3, Seamore-place, Curzon- Bt., London. ^mj*— Azure, a Hon rampant, or. Crett — A demt-lion rampant, or. Supportert — Two lions, per fesse, or and azure, charged on the shoulder with a orescent, sable, collared and chained, gules. ifo«o— Via trita, via tuta. Agab, The Right Honourable James Charles Herbert, Viscount Somerton, m.p. for Wilton, Wiltshire. 3, Seamore-place, Mayfair ; Somerly, near Ring wood, Hants. Same arms, ^c. Agab, Venerable and Honourable James, clerk, A.M., Archdeacon of Kilmore. 47, Ste- phen's-green, east. Same arms, ., ex. F.T.C.D., M.R.I. A., rector of Ardtrea, Archdio- cese of Armagh. t * BARNEWALL, The Right lion. Thomas Nicholas, Bai'on Trimlestown, of Trinilestown, m the county of Meath, deputy-lieutenant of the county Dublin, j.p. Trimlestown Castle, county of Meath, Turvey House, Swords, county Dub- lin ; 24, Park-lane, London. ^nrw— Ermine, a border engrailed gules. Crett — From a plume of ostrich feathers, or, gules, azure, ▼ert, and argent, a fporter»— Dexter, a griffin argent, beaked or, sinister, a lion gules, armed and langued azure. i^otto— Malo mori quam ftedari. * BARNEWALL, Sir Reginald Aylmer John, Baronet of Ireland. Grenanstown in the county of Meath. .4 r»u— Ermine, a border engrailed gules. Crc*«— From a plume of ostrich feathers, or, gules, azure, vert, and argent, a falcon rising of the last. Motto — Malo mori quam fa^dari. t BARRINGTON, The Right Hon. William Keppcl, Viscount Barrington, of Ardglass, in the county of Down ; Baron Barrington, of Newcastle, in the county of Dublin ; m. p. for Berkshire, Becket House, Berks. 20, Caven- dish-sq., London. ^rm*— Argent, three chevronels gules, a label of as many points, azure. Crejtt— First, a Mar, couped at the breast, crined snble, ▼ested piily of six, argent and gules, with cowl falling back- wards of the last; second crest, a grlrtin s^ant argent, beaked, winged, and membered or, thrust through the neck with m demilance, proper. Supporter*— Two griffins, wings expanded, or, gorged with a label as In arms. J^oOo— Honesta quam splendida. Barrington, The Honorable George Wil- liam. Same arms, crests, and motto. Barrington, The Honorable Percy. Same arms, «tc. Barrington, Rer. and Honorable Lowther John, K.A. Same arms, &,c. * Barrington, Sir Matthew, baronet, high sheriff county Limerick 1846, m.r.i.a. 50, Ste- phen's-green, east, and Limerick. * Barrington, William Ilartigan, esq., j.p. Glenstal, Ban-ington Bridge, county of Lim- erick. * Barrington, Samuel, esq., barrister-at- law. 3, Lower Merrion-st. * Barron, Sir Henry W^inston, baronet, deputy-lieutenant of the county Waterford, Commission dated \ltk February, 1832, and m.p. for the city of Waterford. Belmont House, in the county of Kilkenny ; GlenaiTa, county Wa- terford ; Brooke's Club, London. * Barron, Morgan, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county of Waterford, Commission dated llth February, 1832. Sarahville, Waterford. * Barron, Pierce George, esq., deputy lieu- tenant of the county of Waterford, Commission datedllth February, 1832, j.p., high sheriff same county 1835. Eastland, Tramore, Waterford. * Barron, William, esq. 60, Harcourt-st. * BARRY, James, The MacAdam Barry, captain in the army, high sheriff county Cork 1841. Ballyclogh, in the county of Cork ; MocoUop Castle, in the county of Waterford ; Merrion-sq., Dublin. .^rwM— Barry of six, argent and gules. Crett— On a wreath of the colours a wolf's head erased, sable. Motto— Bontez en avant. * Barry, Henry, esq. Hon. e.i.c. Service, Calcutta. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Barry, James Redmond, esq. * Barry, Redmond, esq., barrister-at-law. Same arm.s, &c. * Barry, St. Leger, esq., captain in the ai-my. Same arms, «tc. * Barry, John, esq. Same arms, «fec. * Barry, William, esq. Same arms, «fcc. BARRY, Garret Standish, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Cork, Commission dated ISth February, 1832, j.p. Lemlara, Midleton, Cork. Arm* — Argent, three bars gemelles, gules. Crest — From a castle argent, a wolf's head sable. ^o«o— Boutez en avant. * Barry, James Hugh Smith, esq., deputy, lieutenant of the county Cork, Comm,ission dated 21st June, 1843. Foaty Island, in the county of Cork ; Marbury Hall, Cheshire. Bastable, Daniel, esq., solicitor. 33, Rut- land-sq., west. Mallow, county Cork. * Beasley, Thomas, esq. Seafield, Still - organ-road. * Beasley, Henry Frank, esq. * Becher, Sir William Wrixon, baronet, deputy-lieutenant of the county Cork, CommiS' sion dated 18th February, 1832. Ballygiblin, Mallow, in the county of Cork. * BELLEW, The Right Hon. Sir Patrick, baronet of Ireland, lieutenant of the county of Louth, privy councillor in Ireland, colonel of the Louth regiment of Militia, Commission dated nth November, 1843, high sheriff county Louth 1831. Bamieath, Dunleer, in the county of Louth. 10 HERALDIC CALENDAR. ^nm— Sable, fretty, or. Crext—.\n arm embowed in armour, grasping a straight sword, proper. JtIoUo-To\xt d'en haut. * BELLE W, Sir Michael Dillon, baronet. Mount Bellew, in the county of Galvvay. ^nrw— Sable, frettj- or, a crescent for difference. Crest— An arm em'bowed in armour, grasping a straight sword, proper. Jlotto— Tout d'en haut. * Bellew, Eichard Montesquieu, esq., de- puty-lieutenant of the county Louth, Commis- sion dated 16th January, 1834, j.p., m.p. county Louth. Banneath, Dunleer, in the county of Louth ; Brooke's Club, Loudon. Same arms, crest, and motto. BELLINGHAM, Sir Alan, baronet, deputy- lieutenant of the county Louth. Castle Belling- ham, in the county of Louth. Arms — Argent, tliree bugle horns sable, stringed and gar. nished, or. Crest— A buck's head, couped, or. Motto — Amicus amico. Bellingham, Henry, esq., barrister-at-law. Same arms, crest, and motto. Bellingham, Alan O'Bryan, esq., j.p. Dun- any House, Castle Bellingham. Bellingham, O'Bryan, esq., m.©., f.k.c.s. 63, Eccles-st., Dublin. * BERESFORD, The Most Rev. and Right Honorable, The Lord John George De La Poer, D.D., lord archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, lord almoner to the Queen for Ireland, privy councillor in Ireland, vice-chancellor of Trinity College, Dublin, prelate of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick, the Palace, Armagh. Charles-st., St. James'-sq., London. ^rvrw— Quarterly, first and fourth argent, crusilly fltche^, three tieurs de lis, within a border, engrailed sable ; second and third, argent, a chief indented sable, empaled; the arms of the diocese, on the right of the shield. + * BERESFORD, The Most Honorable Sir Henry De La Poer, Marquess of Waterford, Earl and Viscount Tyrone, Baron Beresford, of Beresford, in the county of Cavan, Baron De La Poer, of Curraghmore, in the county of Waterford, and baronet of England, Baron Tyrone, of Ilavei-ford-west, county Pembroke, of the United Kingdom ; kniglit companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Cur- raghmore, Waterford ; Ford Castle, Northum- berland. ^r»n«— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, crusilly fltche^, three fleurs de lis, within a border engrailed sable ; second and third, argent, a chief indented sable. Crest— A dragon's head erased, azure, double pierced with a tilting spear, the handle through the neck, the top through tile upper jaw, proper. Supporters — Two angels, vested argent, crined and winged or, in the exterior hands, a sword in pale proper. Motto— Isii. nisi cruce. * Beresford, The Lord William. * Beresford, Rev. The Lord John, m.a., rec- tor of Barronstown, diocese of Armagh. t * BERESFORD, The Rev. and Right Hon. John De La Poer Horsley, d.u.. Baron Decies, of the county of Waterford, Bolam House, Northumberland. .i4rm«— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, crusilly fitche^, three fleurs de lis, within a border engrailed sable, a mullet for difference ; second rfnd third, argent, a chief indented sable. Crest— A dragon's head erased, azure, doubled pierced with a tilting spear, the handle through the neck, the top through the upper jaw, proper. Supporters — Two angels, vested argent, crined and winged or, charged on the breast with a mullet sable, in the exterior hands a sword in pale, proper. Motto — Is'il nisi cruce. * Beresford, William, esq., major in the army, m.p. for Harwich. * Beresford, John, esq., Island of St. Vin- cent. " Beresford, Rev. George De La Poer, m.a., rector of Feenagh, diocese of Ardagli. * Beresford, Marcus Wylly, esq., captain in the army. Beresford, The Venerable Mai-cus George, D.D., archdeacon of Ardagh. " Beresford, John Claudius, esq., London- derry. * Beresford, The Rev. Charles Cobbe, m.a., rector of Bailieborough, diocese of Kilmore. * Beresford, Rev. John Isaac, m.a. * Beresford, George John, esq., captain, r.a. " Beresford, The Rev. Charles Claudius, m.a. * Beresford, Henry Robert, esq. * Beresford, John Barre, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the city and county of Londonderry, Commission dated 3rd December, 1841, j.p., high sheriif same county 1846. Learmount Castle, Londonderry. * BERNARD, James Earl of Bandon, Vis- count Bernard, Viscount and Baron Bandon, lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Cork, representative peer, recorder of Bandon, d.c.l. Castle Bei-nard, county Cork ; 3, Connaught-place, London. Anns — Argent, on a bend azure, three escallops of the field. Crest— A demi licm rampant, argent, holding a snake en- twining the sinister paw, proper. Supporters — Dexter a stag, sinister a unicorn argent, ducally gorged, mnned, unguled, armed and chained, or. Motto — Virtus probata florescit. * Bernard, The Right Hon. Francis, Vis- count Bernard, deputy-lieutenant of the county Cork, Commission dated \^th February, 1832, j.p., M.p. for Bandon Bridge. Castle Bernard, county Cork ; 3, Connaught-place, London. Same arms, «fcc. * Bernard, Very Rev. and Hon. Richard Boyle, D.D., dean of Leighlin, &c. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Bernard, Rev. and Honorable Charles Broderick, a.m. Same arms, //ort«T«— Dexter, a leopard, gardant, proper, ducally gorged and chained or, sinister, an antelope, argent, armed, unguled, collared and chained, or. Uotto — Virtus sola nobiliiat. * Blake, Sir Valentine, baronet of Ireland, M.p. for Galway Town. Menlo Castle, in the county of Galway ; 53, Parliament-st., London. * Blake, Martin Joseph, esq., m.p. for Gal- way To«ni. Brooke Lodge, Dangan, in the coimty of Galway ; Wyndham Club, St. James'- sq., London. * Blake, Edward, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Galway, Commission dated 1st June, 1841, J. p. Castlegrove, Tuam. * Blake, Andrew William, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Galway, CommisiAmi dated 1st June, 1839, j.p., high sheriff same county 1841. Firbough, county Galway. * Blake, Charles, esq. Merlin Park, county Galway. Blake, Henry, esq. Renvyle, Clifton, county Galway. + BLAYNEY, The Right Honorable Cadwal- lader Davis, Baron Blayney, of Monaghan, in the county of Monaghan, representative peer, deputy-lieutenant of the county Monaghan, Commission dated 2Zrd February, 1832, j.p. Cas- tleblayney, Monaghan. Amu — Sable, three nags' heads, erased, argent. Crest — A n.ig's head, couped, argent, bridled gules, the forehead capped in armour, with a spike, proper. Su2>porters~T\\o nags argent, bridled, and unguled or. Motto — Integra mens augustissima possessio. Blennekhasset, Sir Arthur, baronet, j.p. Churchtowii House, Killarney. Blennebhasset, John, esq., j.p. Rockview Limerick. Blennebhasset, Thomas, esq. j.p. Shan- valley, Tralee. BLIGH, John Stuart, Earl of Darnley, Vis- count Darnley, of Athboy, Baron Clifton of Rathmore, in the county of Meath, Baron Clif- ton of Leighton Bromswold, county Hunting- don, of the United Kingdom, hereditary high steward of Gravesend and Milton, Kent. Clifton Lodge, in the county of Meath ; Cobham Hall, Kent. ^rm«— Azure, a griffin, segreant, or, armed and langued, gules, between three crescents argent. Crett— A griffin's head, erased, or. Supporters— Two griffins, wings expanded or, ducally gorged and chained, nzure. Motto — i'incm respice. t BLOOMFIELD, The Right Honorable Sir Benjamin, Baron Bloomfield, of Redwood, in tlie county of Tipperary, privy councillor in England, general in the army, g.c.b., k.c.h. Laughton House, Moneygall, King's county ; Newport, in the county of Tipperary ; Wool- wich, Kent. .^rro*— Argent, three fusils fessways gules, between as many cinquefoils azure, on n canton of tlie last, three ostrich feathers of the field, issuing from a coronet, or. 12 HERALDIC CALENDAR. CreM— Out of a mural erown, or, charged with twocin- i quefoils azure, a bull's head, proper. , Supporters — Two horses reguardant, argent, gorged with | an oak leaf chaplet, proper, the dexter charged on the shoulder with an inescocheon gules, thereon three feathers, as in arms, the sinister, with an inescocheon, or, thereon a grenade sable, flred proper. Motto— Fortes fortuna juvat. Bloomfield, The Hon. John Arthur Douglas, deputy-lieutenant of the county Tipperary, Com- mission dated I7th January, 1837, minister pleni- potentiary, St. Petersburg. Same arms, crest, and motto. Br-ossE, Sir Robert Lynch, baronet of Ireland. Castlecarra, in the county of Mayo. Blunden, Sir John, baronet of Ireland. Castle Blunden, Kilkenny. * Boileau, Sir John Peter, baronet. Ketter- ingham Park, in the county of Norfolk. * Boileau, George Wilson, esq. Woodview, Stillorgan. * Boileau, Simeon, esq., j.p. 27, Upper Pembroke-st., Dublin. * Bolton, Chichester, esq., m.r.i.a., barrister- at-law. 1, Upper Men-ion-st., Dublin. * Bookey, William Truelock, esq., j. p. Derrybawn, Rathdrum, in the county of Wick- low. * BooKET, Thomas Truelock, esq., J. p. Donniga, Goresbridge, county Kilkenny. Borough, Sir Edward Richard, baronet, high sheriff of the city of Dublin 1842, m.e.i. A. Cool- ock Lodge, county Dublin. * BORROWES, The Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon, clerk, M.A., baronet of Ireland. Gilltown, in the county of Kildare ; Lauragh, Emo, Queen's county. Armi — Or, on a cross gules, five mullets pierced, argent, and (for honorable augmentation by patent, dated 14th April, 1646), in the dexter chief, a lion, passant, gardant, o( the second, with quart^rings of A Barowe, Burgh, Browning, Dixon of Colverstown, Bee, Pottinger, and Short. Cre^t — A lion sejant, raurally crowned, or. Motto — Et vi, et virtute. * BoRROWES, Robert, esq. 7, Merrion-sq., north, Dublin. f * BOURKE, John, Earl of Mayo, Viscount Mayo, of Monycrower, in the county of Mayo, Baron Naas, of Naas, in the county of Kildare, representative peer, privy councillor in Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Mayo, Commis- sion dated ISth February, 1832, colonel of the Kil- dare militia, G.C.H., D.c.L. Palmerstown House, Naas, Kildare ; 24, New Norfolk-st., London. Anns — Per fess or and ermine, a cross gules, in the dexter quarter a lion rampant, in the sinister a hand, couped, apaume^ sable. Crest— A. mountain cat, sejant, gardant, proper, collared and chained, or. Supporters— Two knights in armour, in the exterior hands an halbert, with poleaxe, proper. Motto — A cruce salus. * BouRKE, Robert, esq. 16, Fitzvnlliam- sq., east, Dublin. BowEN, Arthur Elwood, esq., j.p. Strand Hill, Cong, in the county of Mayo. Boyd, George Augustus, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Westmeath, and high she- riff same county 1843. Middleton Park, Mul- lingar, in the county of Westmeath. * BOYLE, Sir Edmund, Earl of Cork and Orrery, Viscount Dungarvan, Viscount Boylo, of Kinalmeaky, Baron Boyle, of Youghal, Baron of Bandon Bridge, Lord Boyle, Baron of Broghill, in the county of Cork, Baron Boyle, of Marston, Somersetshire, in Great Britain, general in the army, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Marston House, Frome, Somersetshire ; 3, Ilamilton-pl., London. Anns — Per bend, crenelle^, argent and gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lion's head, erased, per pale, crenelle^, as in arms. Supporters— Tvio lions, per pale, crenelle^, the dexter, gules and argent, the sinister, argent and gules. Motto — Honor virtutis proemium. * BoYLE, The Right Honorable Edmund, Viscount Dungarvan. Same arms, &c. * Boyle, The Hon. Robert, captain, Cold- stream guards, secretary of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Boyle, The Rev. and Hon. Richard Caven- dish Tovmshend, m.a. Same arms, &c. f BOYLE, Richard, Earl of Shannon, Vis- count Boyle, of Bandon, Baron Boyle, of Castle- martyr, in the county of Cork, Baron Carleton, of Carleton, Yorkshire, in Great Britain. Cas- tlemartyr, in the county of Cork; 7, Connaught- pl., London. Arms—Ver bend, crenelle^, argent and gules. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a lion's head, erased, per pale, crenelle^, as in arms. Suj^porters — Two lions per pale crenelle^, the dexter, gules and argent, the sinister, argent and gules. Motto — Spectemur agendo. Boyle, The Right Honorable Henry Ben- tinck. Viscount Boyle. Same arms, &c. f * BRABAZON, Sir John Chambre, Earl of Meath, Baron Brabazon, of Ardee, Baron Chaworth, of Eaton Hall, Herefordshire, in the United Kingdom, privy councillor in Ireland, lord lieutenant of the county of Dublin, and custos rotulorum of the county of Wicklow, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Kilruddery House, Bray, Wick- low ; Eaton-court, Herefordshire ; 18, Upper Brooke-st., London. ..Irms-Gules, on a bend, or, three martlets sable. Crest— On a mount vert, a falcon belled, rising, or. Supporters- Two wivems, or, winged and membered, gules, collared and chained, of the first. Motto— Vota vita mea. * Brabazon, The Right Honorable William, Lord Brabazon, vice-lieutenant of the county and county of the city of Dublin, Commission dated llth October, 1834, high sheriff same county 1835. Kilruddery House, Bray. Same arms, &c. * Brabazon, The Hon. John. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Brabazon, Burton, esq, Drogheda. Brabazon, Nicholas Colthurst, esq. Dromis- kin, county Louth. Bradshaw, Robert, esq. Milecross Lodge, Newtownards, in the county of Down. Bradshaw, Joseph Hoat-e, esq. London. Brady, William Stuart Richardson, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Tyrone, Com- mission dated 15th April, 1836, J.P. Oaklands, Cookstown, county Tyrone. HERALDIC CALENDAR. 13 Bhadt, Benjamin Geale, esq. Mount Geale, | in the county of Kilkenny ; Leeson-st., Dublin, j * Bbadi', The Rev. Thomas Browne, m.a., rector of Tomgrany, county Clare. ■^ Brady, Antonio, e.sq. * Bradt, Francis, esq. « Brady, Edward, esq. Manchester. * Brady, Charles, esq. * Brady, Frederick, esq. * Brady, Henry, esq. BRODRICK, The Right Honorable George Alan, Viscount Midleton, Baron Brodrick, of Midleton, in the county of Cork, Baron Brodrick, of Pepper Harrow, in the county of Surrey, in Great Britain. Pepper Harrow Park, Godal- ming, Surrey ; 25, Berkeley-sq., London. Amu— Argent, on a chief vert, two spears' heads, in pale, of the Held, points embrued, proper. Crett—Oxxt of a ducal coronet, or, a spear issuant, point embrued, proper. liupporteri— Two soldiers In armour, in the exterior hands a spear, points embrued, as in arms. Motto — A cusplde corona. Brodrick, Charles, esq., barrister-at-law. BROOKE, Sir Arthur Brinsley, baronet, m.p. for the county of Fermanagh, high sheriff" same i county 1831. Colebrooke, Brookboro', Fer- managh ; St. James'-st., London. Amu- Or, a cross engrailed, per pale, gules and sable, a crescent for difference. Crest— A badger, passant, proper. JtfwOo— Gloria flnis. Brooke, George, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Fermanagh, J. p. Ashbrook, Brook- boro', Fermanagh. Brooke, Rev. Butler, m.a. " BROOKE, Thomas, esq., deputy-lieutenant county Donegal, Commission dated Sth February, 1832, high sheriff county Donegal 1834. Manor Brooke and Lough Eske, county Donegal. Amu — Or, a cross engrailed per pale, gules and sable. Cre*t— On a wreath a badger passant proper. JioUo— Gloria Fiuis. * Brooke, William, esq., m.c. 33, Leeson-st. * Brooke, Rev. Richard, m.a. Kingstown. * Brooke, Rev. Edward Perry, m.a., rector of Drumgooland, diocese of Dromore. * BROWNE, The Most Honorable George John, Marquess of Sligo, Earl of Altamont, Viscount Westport, and Baron Monteagle, of W^estport, in the county of Mayo, Baron Mon- teagle, of Westport, in the United Kingdom, colonel of the South Mayo militia, Commission daUd 2Sth June, 1841. Westport House, Mayo ; 2, Mansfield-st., London. .il rm«— Sable, three lions, passant, in bend, and cottised double, argent. Crest— An eagle displayed, rert Jfup7>ort«r«—Uexter,atalbot,argent, gorged with a baron's coronet, proper, sinister, a horse, argent. Motto— Suiyez raison. * Browne, The Lord John De Burgh, lieute- nant 10th Royal Hussars, A.D.c. to the Com- mander-in-chief of the Forces in India. Same arms, e cember, 1831, lieutenant-general in the army colonel of the 54th regiment, knight commander of the most honorable order of the Bath, k.t.s., and ST. A. Bert House, Kildare. ^riTM— Quarterly, first and fourth, or, a cross gules, second and third, argent, three palets, wavy, gules, a mullet for difference. Crests — First, a mountain cat, sejant, proper, collared and corded, or ; second crest, a wolfs head erased, proper, charged with a mullet, or. Supporters — Dexter, a lion gardant, proper, ducally gorged, chained, and charged on the shoulder with sinister, a knight in armour, his right hand holding a lance, proper, on his left arm a shield or, charged with a cross gules. Motto— A cruce salus, BuBGH, Walter Hussey, esq., high sheriff county Kildare 1839. Donore, Naas, Kildare. * BURKE, Sir Joseph, baronet of Ireland. Glynsk, Ballymoe, Roscommon. Arms — Or, a cross gules, in the first quarter, a lion ram- pant, sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, argent. / Motto — In hoc signo vinces. Burke, Sir John, baronet of Ireland, vice- lieutenant of the county of Galway, colonel in the army, high sherifi' county Galway 1838. Marble Hill, Loughrea, Galway. BuEKE, Thomas John, esq., captain in the army. Burke, Charles Granby, esq., barrister-at- law. 3, Smith's buildings, Ely-place, Dublin. Burke, James Henry, esq. Burke, Edward Howe, esq. Burke, Maurice Williaiu Otway, esq. Burke, Henry Ulick, esq. * BURROWES, Robert, esq., deputy-lieuten- ant of the county Cavan, Commission dated 11th May, 1837, j.p., and high sheriff same county 1838. Stradone House, Stradone. Arms — Or, on a cross gules, five mullets argent, in each chief quarter, a lion passant sable, ducally crowned gules. Crest— A lion sejant, gardant, sable, ducally crowned, or. Motto — Non vi sed virtute. BuRTCHAELL, David, esq., j.p. Brandondale, Kilkenny. Burton, Sir Charles William, baronet of Ireland, captain in the army. Pollerton, Carlow. BURY, Charles William, Earl of Charleville, Viscount Charleville, Baron TuUamore, of Tullamore, in the King's county, representative peer, deputy-lieutenant of the King's County, Commission dated 2()th Api'il, 1832, j.p., f.r.s. Charleville Forest, Tullamore ; 8, St. George's- pl., London. ^mw— Quarterly, first and fourth, vert, a cross crosslet, or ; second and third, azure, on a chief indented, or, tliree mullets, pierced, gules, a crescent for difference. Crests — First, a boar's head, couped at the shoulders, or, the neck transfixed with a dart proper, guttee de sang, sur- mounted with a scroll, thereon " steady " ; second crest, out of a ducal coronet, or, a Moor's head, in profile, proper, temples wreathed, azure and or. Supporters— Two Moorish chiefs, habited proper, temples wreathed or and azure, in the exterior hands a dart, feathered argent, pointing downwards. Motto — Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. Burt, The Right Honorable Charles William, George Lord Tullamore, captain in the army, J.p. Same arms, &c. Bury, The Hon. Charles William George. Same arms, &c. * BusHE, Arthur, esq., barrister-at-law. 5, Fitzwilliam-sq., north, Dublin. * BusHE, Thomas, esq., barrister-at-law. Furry Park, Raheny, * BusHE, Gervais, esq., high sheriff county Waterford 1837. Glencairn Abbey, Lismore. BUTLER, The Most Honorable Sir John, Marquess of Ormonde, Earl of Ormonde and Ossory, Viscount Thurles, of Thurles, in the county of Tipperary, Baron Arklow, of Arklow, Baron Ormonde, of Llanthony, Monmouthshire, in the United Kingdom, hereditary chief butler of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Kil- kenny, J. p., lord in waiting to the Queen, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny ; 14, Wej-mouth-st., London. Arms — Quarterly, first, or, a chief indented azure; second, gules, three covered cups, or; third, argent, a lion rampant, gules, on a chief of the second, a swan close, of the field, between two annulets, or. Crest— In a ducal coronet, or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, argent, therefrom issuant, a falcon rising, of the last. Supporters— Dexter, a falcon, wings expanded, argent, armed and memberod, or, sinister a griffin argent, armed, rayed, collared, and oliained, or. J/orto— C'omme je tioave. HERALDIC CALENDAR. 15 I BuTLEB, The Lord Walter, captain in the army. Same arms, pojt«r*—Dextcr,apanther,guaraant,bezan ted, argent, from the ears and mouth, flames issuant, proper, sinister, a horse, rampant, sable, maned, unguled, and queued, or. Motto— Taaor Domini fons vltae. | Bdtleb, The Honorable Theobald Fitzwalter. Same arms, oftfrs—l)e\ter, a wolf or, minister, a griffin, sable, the beak and fore legs of the ttrst, both gorged with a Uar, purDed vuir. i//>«o— Cassis tutissima virtus. Cholmondeley, The Lord William Henry. Same arms, crest, and motto. Church, Sir Richard, lieutenant-colonel in the army, c.b., g.c.h. t CLEMENTS. Sir Nathaniel, Earl of Leitrim, Viscount Leitrim, Baron Leitrim, of Manor Hamilton, in the county of Leitrim, Baron Clements, of Kilmacrenan, in the county of Donegal, in the United Kingdom, lord-lieuten- ant and custos rotulorum of the county of Donegal, and colonel of the Donegal militia, privy councillor in Ireland, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Manor Hamilton, Leitrim ; Killadoon, Cel- bridge, Kildare ; 18, Great Cumberland-place, London, Armi— Argent, two bends wavy, sable, on a chief gules, three bezants. Crest— A hawk, close, proper, belled or. Supporters— Iwo bucks, proper, the dexter, a shamrock In the mouth, slipped vert, the sinister, collared or. itfo«o— Patriis virtu tibus, Clements, The Right Honorable William Sydney, Viscount Clements, m.p. for the county of Leitrim, colonel of the Leitrim militia. Com- mission dated 2nd Febntary, 1843, deputy-lieute- nant county Leitrim, Ccymmission dated 8th Ja»itt- ary, 1840. Lough Rhynn, Mohill, Leitrim ; 18, Great Cumberland-place, London. Same arms, ic. Clements, The Honorable Charles Skeffing- ton. Same arms, &c, Clements, The Eev. and Honorable Francis, M,A, Clements, Henry, esq., lieutenant-colonel Leitrim militia, Ashfield, Coote Hill, Close, Maxwell, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Armagh, Commission dated bth February, 1833, J.P., lieutenant-colonel in tho army. Druin- banagher Castle, Newry. Close, Henry, esq. * COBBE, Charles, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Dublin, j.p. Newbridge, Swords, in tlie county of Dublin. Arms — Gules, a fesg, and in chief two swans close, argent. Crest— 0\xt of a ducal coronet gul s, a pelican's head and breast, argent, vulning herself, proper. Motto — Moriens cano. CoBBE, Charles, esq,, junior, high sheriff county Dublin 1843, j.p. Same arms. CoBBE, Rev. Henry, m.a. CoGHiLL, Sir Josiah, baronet, rear-admiral of the Blue, deputy-lieutenant of the county Dub- lin, J. p., high sheriff same county 1831. Drum- condra, in the county of Dublin ; Randall Park, Surrey. Coo hill, John Joscelyn, esq, Randall Park, SuiTey. CooHLAN, Henry Thomas, esq. t COLE, William Willoughby, Earlof Ennis. B 18 HERALDIC CALENDAR. killen, Tiscount Enniskillen, Baron Mount Florence, of Florence Court, in the county of Fennanagh, Baron Grinstead, of Grinstead, in the county of Wilts, in the United Kingdom, colonel of the Fermanagh militia, deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Fermanagh, j.p. Florence Court, Enniskillen. Arms— Argent, a bull passant sable, armed and unguled, or, within a border of the second, bezantee; on a canton azure, a harp of the third, stringed of the field. Crest— A demi-dragon, vert, in the dexter claw a dart, in the sinister, an escutcheon, or. Su2>porters— Two dragons, regardant, vert, each grasping a dart, and escutcheon as in crest. Motto — Deum cole, regem serva. Cole, The Honorable Henry Arthur, captain in the army, m.p. for Enniskillen, lieutenant- colonel of the Fermanagh regiment of militia, Commission dated Idth January, 1846. Same arms, crest, and motto. Cole, The Honorable John Lowry. Same arms, &c. Cole, Arthur Lowry, esq., captain in the army. * Cole, Owen Blayney, esq., deputy-lieuten- ant of the county Monaghan, Commission dated 15th August, 1834, high sheriff same county 1835. Collet, The Honorable George Francis, j.p., high sheriff county Kildare 1833. Rathangan, KUdare. CoLTHURST, Sir George Vesey, baronet of Ireland. Ardrum, Ballincollig, in the county of Coi'k ; Lucan House, Lucan, Dublin. * COLOGAN, Thomas, esq. La Faz, Island of Teneriffe. Arms — Azure, a lion rampant or, between three pheons, points reversed, argent. Crest — An arm embowed in armour, garnished or, the hand grasping a tilting spear, thrust through a buck's head couped, the lance between the attires, all proper. Motto — Virtus probata florescit. CoMPTON, Henry, esq., captain in the royal navy. Court, in the county of Limerick. CoNNELLAN, Peter, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Kilkenny, Commission dated 7th Fe- hrimry, 1839, j.p., high sheriff same county 1836. Coolmore, Thomastown, Kilkenny. CONOLLY, Edward Michael, esq., lieutenant- colonel of the Donegal militia, m.p. for the county of Donegal, deputy-lieutenant of the counties Kildare and Donegal, Commission dated ISth Febriuxry, 1832, j.p. Cliff, Ballyshannon, Donegal ; CastletoTATi, CelbiTidge, Kildare ; Carl- ton Club, Payne's Hotel, Jermyn-st., London. .4 rnt*— Argent, on a saltier engrailed sable, five escallops of the field. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dexter cubit arm couped in pale, vested azure, cuffed argent, in the hand proper, a chaplet, or. Motto— Fieit Dei voluntas. CoNROY, Sir John, baronet, k.c.h.,k.t.s.,d.c.l. G.c.ST.B.A. Vicarage-place, Kensington ; Hurst House, Twyford, Berks. CoNROT, Edward, esq. f CONWAY, The Most Honorable Richard Seymour, Marquess and Earl of Hertford, Earl of Yarmouth, Viscount Beauchamp, Baron Conway, of Ragley, in Warwickshire, Baron Conway, of Killultagh, in the county of Antrim, captain in the army, knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter. Ragley, Alces- ter, Warmckshii-e ; Sudbom-ne Hall, Wood- bridge, Suffolk ; Ilertfield, Herts ; Dorchester House, Park-lane, London. Arms — Sable, on a bend argent, cottised ermine, a rose gules, between two annulets of the field. Crest — A moor's bust in profile, couped proi)er, temples wreathed argent and azure. Supporters — Two Moors proper, habited or and gules, in each exterior hand a shield antique, azure, the dexter charged with the sun, the sinister, with a crescent, argent. Motto — Fide et amore. CoNWELL, William, esq., m.d. + CONYNGHAM, The Most Honorable Sir Francis Nathaniel, Marquess and Earl Conyng- ham, Earl, and Viscount of Mountcharles, in the county of Donegal, Viscount Conyngham and Slane, and Baron Conyngham of Mount- charles, Baron Minster, of Minster Abbey, in the county of Kent, in the United Kingdom, privy councillor in England, deputy-lieutenant of the county Donegal, j.p., colonel in the army, G.C.H., knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Mountcharles, in the county of Donegal; Slane Castle, Meath ; Buck- hurst Park, Berkshire ; 5, Hamilton-place, Pic- cadilly, London. Arms— Ardent, a shakefork between three mullets, sable. Crest — A unicorn's head erased, argent, armed and maned. Supporters— T>6Ti\Ar, a horse, argent, maned, unguled, and charged on the breast with an eagle displayed, or, sinister, a buck argent, attired, unguled, and charged on the breast with a griffin's head, erased, or. J/o«o— Over, fork over. Conyngham, The Right Honorable George Henry, Earl of Mountcharles. Same arms, &c. Conyngham, The Lord Francis NathanieL Same arms, crest, and motto. Conyngham, The Lord Albert Denison, k.c.h., deputy-lieutenant of the county Donegal, Mic- kleham Hall, Dorking ; 5, Hamilton-place, London. Same arms, crest, and motto. Conyngham, WilUara Henry Forester, esq. Same arms, «fcc. * Cooper, Edward Joshua, esq., high sheriff county Sligo 1846. Markree, Colooney, Sligo. * Cooper, Ai-thur, esq. Colooney, Sligo. CooJjBB, Richard, esq. Longford Lodge, in the county of Dublin. Cooper, James Cooper, esq. Merrion-sq., Dublin. COOTE, Sir Charles Henry, premier baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant and m.p. for the Queen's county, J. p. Ballyfin, Montrath, Queen's county ; Carlton Club, London. A rms— Argent, a chevron sable, between three coots, close, proper. Crest — On a wreath, a coot close, proi)er. Motto — Vincit Veritas. CooTE, Chidley, esq., high-sheriff Queen's County 1846. Huntingdon, Portarlington. Cope, Robert Wright Cope, esq. Loughgall, Armagh, high sheriff A^rmagh 1846. t CORRY, Somerset Richard, Earl of Bel- more, Viscount and Baron Belmore, of Castle- coole, in the county of Fennanagh. Castle- coole, Lisnaskea, Fennanagh. HERALDIC CALENDAR. 19 Amu— Gales, a gfiltier argent. In chief a ro«e, or. Crext— On a wreath, argent and gules, a griffin's head, ooupetl vert. Su}i}>orter$ — Two leopards gardant, proper, ducally gorged and ehaliu-d, or. J/o.«o— Virtus semper vnridis. CoRRY, The Right Honorable Henry Thomas Lowry, privy councillor in England, secretary to the Admiralty, m.p. for the county of Tyrone. Ahenis, in the county of Tyrone ; Castlecoole, Enniskillen ; 24, Grosvenor-sti., liundon. CoRRY, l)e Winton, esq. .Straw Hall, Carlow. COSBY, Thomas Phillips, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the Queen's County, Commission dated 2dth October, 1841, high sheiiff same county 1834. Stradbally Hall, Queen's Ct)unty. J r/n*— Argent, a chevron, betwei-n thrci> 1 ' ' , •able, on a ciintuii, or, a s.iltiiT, with a lii;ii d send grace. f CROFTON, The Right Honorable Sir Edward, Baron Crofton, of Moate, in the county of Roscommon, baronet of Ireland, representa- tive peer, deputy-lieutenant of the county Ros- common, Commusion dated 10th Deceviber, 1831, J.p. Moate Park, in the county of Roscommon. A mu — Per pale indented or, and azure, a lion passant gar- dant, counter-cliauKwl. Crett— An ear of wheat, or. Sujiporters—Vexter, a lion azure, armed and kmgued, gules, sinister, a buck, proper. Motto— Dat l)eus incrementum. Crofton, The Honorable Edward Henry Churchill. Same arms, crest, and motto. Crofton, Sir Morgan George, baronet. Cloon- cahir, Mohill, Leitrim. * Crofton, Sir James, baronet, deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Sligo, Commi^.^ion d'tted \2th Fchnuirii, 1832, j.p., major in the Sligo mili- tia. Longford House, Colooney, Sligo. Cbofton, Hugh Denis, esq., captain in the army. Crofton, Denis, esq. * Crofton, Malby, esq. * Crofton, James, esq. * Crofton, Frederick Robert, esq. * Crofton, Henry, esq. CROMMELIN, Nicholas De La Cherois, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Antrim, Corn- mission dated 16tA Apnl, 1832, and Down, Com- mission dated 27th December, IHil, j.p. Carrow- dore Castle, in the county of Do^vn, Amu — Quarterly, first and fourth, azure, on a chevron, between three martlets (the two in chief respectant), argent, a trefoil, slipped, proper, second and third, fwles, a chevron between three mullets in chief, or, and in base an anchor, paleways, argent. C'repoi-ters— Two leopards, regardant, proper, gorged with a collar dancettee sable, charged with three fleurs de lis, arjent, and chained of the first. J/otto— Virtus repulsae nescia sordidse. CoFFE, Sir J. W., deputy-lieutenant of the county Kilkenny, Commission dated 29th Febru- ary, 1832. Lyrath, Kilkenny. Dalton, Peter, count of the Holy Roman Empire, deputy-lieutenant, «fcc. Grenanstown, Nenagli, Tipperary. DALY, The Right Rev. Robert, D.D., lord bishop of Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lis- more. The Palace, Cashel ; 3, Henrietta-st., Dublin. Arms—Ver fess, argent and or, a lion rampant, per fess, sable and gules, between two dexter hands, in chief couped, of the last, empaled with the arms of the diocese. 'f-DALY, The Right Honorable James, Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal, of Dunsandle, in the county of Galway. Dunsandle, Loughrea, Gal- way. Arms—Ver fess argent and or, a lion rampant per fess sable and gales, between two dexter hands in chief couped of the last. Crest — Before an oak tree proper, a greyhound current sable. Support-ers — Dexter, a lion, per fess sable and gules, sinis- ter, a greyhound proper, gorged with an Irish crown, or. MoUo—Deo fidelis et regi. Daly, The Honorable Denis, deputy-lieuten- ant of the county Galway, Commission dated lUh June, 1837. Dunsandle, Loughrea. Same arms, crest, and motto. Dalt, The Honorable Skeffington James. Same arms, &c. Dalt, The Honorable Charles, captain in the army. Same arms, «fcc. Dalt, The Honorable Bowes. Same arms, ru— Krmine, a lion passant gules, armed and langued azure, and quarteringthearmsof Wynard, I'rideaux, Frencli, Womfiird, Huckmore, Pomeroy, downing, Godfrey, and Lowther. Crett—A. bui&do's head erased aable, in the mouth three wheat ears, or. Motto— T>Togo nomen, et virtus anna dedit. * Drew, The Rev. Samuel Browning, a.m. Victoria-place, Limerick. Same arms, crest, motto, and quartcrings of arms. *Dbew, The Rev. Pierce William, a.m. Strand House, Youghal, county Cork. Same arms, crest, motto, and quartcrings of arms ; in the centre of the shield an escutcheon of pretence, for Oliver. * Dbew, Barrj', esq. Flower Hill, county Watcrtbrd. Same arms, «kc. with due difFex'ence. * Dbew, Francis, esq. Drewscourt, county Limerick, and Drewsborough, county Clare. Same arms, crest, and motto, only. * Dbought, John Head, esq., deputy-lieute- nant of the King's County, j.p. Lettybrook, King's county. * DucKETT, John Dawson, esq., j.p. Duc- kett's Grove, Castledei-mot, Carlow. * DucKETT, William, esq., j.p. Russelsto^vn Park, Castledermot, Carlow. * DcNBAB, George, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Antrim, Commission duUd 2drd July, 1838, J.p, Belfast. EcHLiN, Sii' Henry, baronet of Ireland. Hali- fax, Nova Scotia. EcHLiN, Fenton, esq. f EDEN, George, Earl of Auckland, Baron Auckland, of West Auckland, in the county of Durham, Baron Eden, of Norwood, Surrey, in Great Britain, Baron Auckland, in Ireland, privy councillor in England, g.c.b. Eden Lodge, Kensington. y4r»n*— Gules, on a chevron, between three garhs, or, as many escallops, gal)lc, in chief a mullet argent, for difference. Crest — An arm einbowed, in armour proiKsr, garnished or, holding a garb, as in arms. Supporters— Two horses argent, the dexter gardant, charged on the shoulder with a fleur de lis, or, the siaistcr charged on the shoulder wiih a caKtle, or. Motto— Si sit prudentia. Eden, The Rev. and Honorable Robert, m.a., chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, Same arms, crest, and motto. Eden, William George, esq. Eden, Sir William, baronet. Truir, in the county of Durham, Eden, Robert, esq. Eden, George Morton, esq., captain in the army. Eden, Charles, esq. t EDWARDES, The Right Honorable Wil- liam, Baron Kensington. Westmead, Pem- brokeshire, .i4rm*— Quarterly, first and fourth, ermine, a lion rampant, sable ; second and third, gules, a che\Ton, between three crossi^s botonee, or. Crest— On a mount vert, a wivem,winns expanded, argent. Supporters— Two reindeer, proper, attired, or. Motto— Garde la foy. Edwardes, The Honorable William, captain B.N. Same ai-ms, crest, and motto. Edwabdes, The Honorable George Warren. Same arms, «fcc. Edwabdes, The Honorable Richard. Same arms, etitus rationi pareut. FiTZWiLLiAM, The Right Honorable William Thomas Spencer, Viscount Milton. 4, Gros- venor-sq., London. Same arms, itc. FiTzwiLLiAM, The Honorable George Went- worth, M.p. for Peterborough. 5, Halkin-st., London. Same arms, &,c. FiTZWYGKAM, Sir Robert, baronet. Belmont Lodge, Malvern, Worcester ; Cliflford House, in the county of Wexford; 10, Connaught-place, London. Fletcher, Thomas William.esq., p.b.8.,f.s.a., F.G.8. Dudley, Worcestershire. Flood, William, esq. j.f. Paulstown Castle, Gowran, Kilkenny. t» FLOWER, The Right Honorable Henry Jeffrey, Viscount Ashbrook, Baron of Castle Durrow, in the county of Kilkenny. Castle Durrow, Kilkenny. ^rwM— Argent, on a che\Ton, voided sable, between three ravens, each holding in the beak an ermine spot, as many pelleu. lyea—A raven as in arms. iSu;>poreer«— Two heraldic tigers regardant, proper, ducally gorged and chained, or. Motto — Mens conscia recti. FORBES, Sir George Arthur Hastings, Earl of Granard, Viscount Granard, of the county of Longford, Baron of Clanehugh, Baron Granard, of Castle Donnington, in Leicestershire, of the United Kingdom, baronet of Nova Scotia. Castle Forbes, Longford. ^rwM— Aiure, three bears' heads, two and one, couped, argent, muxzled gules. Crett—A bear passant argent, guttee de sang. 8uf>porter»— Dexter, a. unicorn erminoi8,8inUter, a dragon, wings addorsed, ermine. Motto— VtiX mentis incendium gloria;. FoBBES, The Honorable Francis Reginald, minister plenipotentiary to the court of Saxony. Same anns, crest, and motto. FoBSTEB, Sir George, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Monaghan, CM— Ermine, a chevron sable. Crest — A dolphin, naiant, proper. Supporters — Dexter, a falcon gules, armed, membered, and belled, or, sinister, a unicorn gules, armed and unguled, argent, in the mouth a rose branch, proper. Motto — Idalo mori quam foedari. Ffrench, The Honorable Thomas. Same arms, crest, and motto. 26 HERALDIC CALENDAR. Ffbench, The Honorable John. Same arms, «tc. Ffsench, The Honorable Martin. Same arms, aiewa}-s, sable. Crett—K demi-eagle displayed and erased, or, environed below the wings with a coronet as in arms. Supporter* — Two vultures, close, proper. Jfotto— Aquila non captat muscas. Graves, The Honorable Adolphus Edward Paget, captain in the 2nd (Nottinghamshire) regiment of Foot. Same arms, crest, and motto. Graves, The Honorable Henry Richard. Same arms, &c. GREXVILLE, The Most Noble Sir Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke and Marquess of Buckingham and Chan- dos, Earl Temple, Viscount and Baron Cobham, Earl Nugent, in Ireland, g.c.h., privy-councillor in England, knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter. Stowe Park, Buckingham ; Wotton, Aylesbury ; Avington House, Winches- ter ; Auchline House, Killen, Pertlishire ; 91, Pall Mall, London. j4 rm*— Vert, on a cross argent, five torteaux, and many qnarterings of arms. Cre»t—A garb vert. Supporter* — Dexter, a lion per fess embattled, or, and gules, sinister, a hone, argent, seme of eaglets displayed, aable. jiforto— Templa quam dilecta. Grenville, The Most Honorable Richard Plantagenet Campbell, Marquess of Chandos. Same arms, Ac. GRIMSTON, Sir James Walter, Earl of Ver- nlam. Viscount Grimston, Baron Verulam, of Gorhambury, in Hertfordshire, Viscount Grim- Bton, Baron Dunboyne, of Dunboyne, in the county of Meath, Baron Forrester, of Corstor- phin, in Scotland, and a baronet, lord lieute nant and custos rotuloruni of tlie county of Herts. Gorhambury, St. Albau's, Herts; 42 Grosvenor-sq., London. jlrwM— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, on a fees sable, three mullets of six points, pierced, or, in the dexter chief an ermine spot; second and third, sable, a fess dancettee, be tween two leopards' faces, or. Creit—\ stag's head erased, proper, attired, or. 5Mpporfcr«— Dexter, a stag, regardant, proper, attired, »r, sinister, a griffin, regvdant, wings addorsed, or. Motto — Medlocria timm. Grimston, The Rev. and Honorable Edward Harbottle. Same arms, «kc. Grimston, The Honorable Robert. 10, Crown- office-row, Temple, London. Same arms, nj( — Gules, two bars, and a chief indented, or. Crest— A demi-lion rampant, ari^ent, ducally gorged, or. Sup})orters— Two drugrtna, wings addorsed, ermine, armed, langued, and points of tail, gules. itf otto— Odi profanum. Hare, The Right Honorable William, Vis- count Ennismore. Same arms, eo et virtute. Lackersteen, Robert, knight of the orders of St. Sylvester, and of the Golden Spur of Rome. Same arms, &c. Lackersteen, William, knight of the order of St. Gregory of Rome. Same anns, &c. Lackersteen, James, esq. Same arms, &c. Lackersteen, Augustus, esq. Same arms, &c. Lackersteen, George, esq. Same arms, &c. Laffan, Sir Joseph De Coui'cy, baronet, m.d., K.H. Otham, Kent. f LAMB, The Right Honorable Sir William, Viscount Melbourne, Baron Melbourne, of Kil- more, in the county of Cavan, Baron Melbourne, of Melbourne, in Derbyshire, and a baronet, privy-councillor in England and Ireland. Mel- bourne Hall, near Derby ; Brocket Hall, Wel- wyn, Herts ; 39, South-st., Grosvenor-sq., London. ^rnis— Gules, on a fess or, between three cinquefoils, argent, two mullets, sable. Crest— A demi-lion, rampant, gules, supporting with the dexter paw, a mullet sable. Supporters— Two lions gules, plain collared and chained, or, on each collar two mullets, sable. Motto— Yirtate et fide. f*LAMBAllT, Frederick John William, Earl of Cavan, Viscount Kilcoursie, Lord Lam- bart, Baron of Cavan. Eaglehurst, Hants ; Sharpham Park, Somersetshire. ^r»w«— Gules, three narcissus argent, pierced of the field. Crest — On a mount vert, a centaur, proper, drawing a bow gules, the arrow, or. Supporters— 'Iwo Roman soldiers, habited to the waist, sable, the legs sar.delled, and the upper arms and thighs fringed gules, garnished or, on each head a steel cap pi-oper, with a fall of six ostrich feathers, alternately the second and argent. Motto— XJt quocunque paratus. * Lamb ART, The Honorable Edward Arnold Ford Henry, captain 65th regiment of Foot. Same arms, &c. * Lambart, The Honorable Oliver George. Same arms, «fcc. ' Lambart, The Honorable Oliver William Matthew. Same arms, Ioor'8 bead In profile, couped at the shoulders, proper, temples wreathed ai^nt, and sable. Supportfirt — Dexter, a merman, holding in the exterior hand, a trident, proper, sinister, a mermaid, proper, holding a mirror, or, of each, the waist and tail, fringed gules. .»/o«o— Renovato nomine. Lyttelton, The Honorable Spencer. Same arms, crest, and motto. M' Alpine, James, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Mayo, lieutenant-colonel in the army. Windsor House, Castlebar, county Mayo. Mac Alpine, Robert, esq., ban'isterat-law. * MAC CARTHY, Robert, esq., j.p. Carrig- navar, county Cork. .arm*— Argent, a staj trippant, gules, attired and unguled, or. Crest— \ dexter cubit arm, in pale, vested azure, cuffed argent, the hand grasping a newt proper. J/t>«o— I'ortis, I'erox, et celer. * Mac Carthy, Justin, esq., barrister-at-Iaw. 22, Moles worth-st., Dublin. * Mac Cauthy, Frederick Caleb, esq. * Mac Cauthy, Joseph, esq. * Mac Cauthy, Daniel, esq. Florence, Italy. Macartney, The Rev. Sir William, m.a., ba- ronet of Ireland. Lish, Armagh. Macartney, John, esq. Macartney, William, esq. * M'CLINTOCK, John, esq., deputy-lieuten- ant of the county Louth, j.p. Dinimcar, Dun- leer, county Louth. .rfer«— Dexter, a buck argent, attired and unguled, or, gorged with an oakleaf clmplet, therefrom pendant an inescutcheon, aiure, charged with an escallop, as the crest, sinister, an otter, argent, ducally gorged, or, therefrom a shield with the arms of .Major. Motto — Deus major columna. » Mandeks, Richard, esq., high sheriflf county Dublin 1833. Brackenstown Park, county Dub- lin ; 3, Mountjoy-sq., north, Dublin. » Mandees, Robert, esq. 7, Merrion.sq., east. * Mansfield, Walter, esq., j.p. Yeomans- tow-n. Naas, county Kildare. * Mansfield, John, esq. * Mansfield, Walter, esq. * Maquay, George, esq., barrister-at-law. * Marsh, Sir Henry, baronet, president of the King and Queen's College of Physicians, and physician in ordinary to the Queen for Ireland. Castleknock, county Dublin ; 9, Merrion-sq., north, Dublin. * Mabsh, Henry, esq., captain, 3rd (the Prince of Wales') regiment of Dragoon Guards. Marsh, Francis, esq. Marsh, Digby, esq. Martin, Thomas Barnewall, esq., deputy, lieutenant of the county Galway, m.f. for the county of Galway. Ballinahinch Castle, Ough- terard, county Galway ; 2, Trinity-place, Char- ing Cross, London. Martin, James, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Galway, Commission dated 6th November, 1843. Ross House, Galway. Martin, Robert, esq., j.p. Ross House, Gal- way. Martin, John, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Sligo. Sligo, Martyn, John, esq., J.P. TuUyra Castle, Gort, county Galway. Mason, William Monck, esq. Paris. Mason, Henry Joseph Monck, esq., ll.d., M.R.I. A., bai'rister-at-law, librarian to the Hon- orable Society of Queen's Inns, Dublin. Queen's Inns, Henrietta-st., Dublin, and Dargle, Bray. Mason, John Monck, esq., captain 24th regi- ment of Foot. MASSY, The Right Honorable Hugh Hamon Ingoldsby, Baron Massy, of Duntrileague, in the county Limerick. Hermitage, Castleconnell, county Limerick. A rm*— Argent, on a chevron, between three lozenges, sable, a lion pas'ant, or, armed and langued, gules. Crest— Out of a ducal coropet, or, a bull's head gules, armed sable. Supporters— tfot registered. Motto— Thro UberUte Patriae. Masst, The Honorable John. 2, Upper Merrion-st., Dublin. Massy, The Honorable John, lieutenant- colonel in the army. 40, Upper FitzwiUiam-st., Dublin. Massy, Hugh Hamon John, esq., captain in the army. Masst, Hugh, esq,, lieutenant 85th regiment of Foot. Massy, John, esq. fMASSEY, The Right Honorable Eyre, Baron Clarina, of Elm Park, in the county Limerick, deputy-lieutenant of the county Lim- erick, Commission dated 6th February, 1832, j.p. Elm Park, Limerick. A nnt— Argent, on acbevron, between three lozenges, sable, a lion pa.' sunt, or. Crest— Oat of a ducal coronet, or, a. bull's bead, gules, armed rable. Su/>port€rs—Ty/o grenadiers In uniform, in each exterior hand a straight sword, all proper. Mottc—Vro libertate Patris. Masset, The Honorable Nathaniel Henry Charles, major in the army, ly, Cumberland. St., London. Same arms, &,c. Massey, The Honorable George. Massey, Sir Hugh Dillon, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Clare, CommiS' sum dated 2Uh August, 1843, j.p., high sheriff same county 1833. Summer Hill, O'Brien's Bridge, Clare. Massey, John Bolton, esq. Brazil, Swords, county Dublin ; Ballywire, county Tipperary ; 55, Stephen's-green, east, Dublin. Massey, John Bolton, esq., junior, barrister- at-law. 55, Stephen's-green, east, Dublin. * MATURIN, Charles, esq., barrister-at-law. 3, Queen's Inns, Henrietta-st., Dublin. Arms — Argent, a chevron, between in chief two martlets, gules, and in base a mount, proper. Crest — A horse, courant, argent. Motto — Minatur. * Maturin, John, esq. 2, Upper Temple-st., Dublin. * Maturin, The Rev. William, m.a„ rector of Grangegorman, county Dublin. t * MAUDE, The Right Honorable Sir Com- wallis, Viscount llawarden, of Hawarden, county Tipperary, Baron De Montalt, of Hawarden, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieute- nant of the county Tipperary, Commission dated •liith January, 1832, j.p., representative peer, lord in waiting to the Queen. Dundrimi, Cashel, county Tipperary ; 5, St. George's-place, Hyde Park Corner, London. .ilrtn*— Quarterly, first and fourth, azure, a Hon rampant, argent, armed and langued, guUs ; second and third, ar^nt, three bars gemelles, sable, over all a Uon rampant, gules. Crest — A lion's gamb erased and erect, graspuig an oak branch, proper, acomed, or. Support rs — Two lions rampant, argent, charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet, titchee, or. Motto — Vlrtute securus. * Maude, The Honorable Cornwallis, lieute- nant 2nd regiment of Life Guards. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Maude, The Very Rev. and Honorable Robert William, M.A., dean of Clogher. Same ai-ms, &c. * Maude, The Rev. and Honorable, John Charles, m.a., rector of Enniskillen. Same arms, &c. * Maude, The Honorable Francis, captain B.N. 10, Glo'ster-terracc, London. t* MAXWELL, The Right Honorable Sir Henry, Baron Farnham, of Farnham, in the county of Cavan-, representative peer, deputy- #8 HERALDIC CALENDAR. lieutenant of thecovinty Cavan. Commission dated 2ith April, 1839, knight companion of the most illusti-ious order of St. Patrick. Carlton Club, Pall Mall, London ; Farnham, county Cavan. ^r>»M— Quarterly, first, argent, a saltier, and "in chief three palets, sable ; second, argent, a saltier sable, within a bordure counter componee of the second and first ; third, argent, a bead azure ; fourth, argent, three bars, gules. Crjst — A buck's head, erased, proper. Sup;)OTters—Tvto bucks, proper. Motto— 3 e suis pret. * Maxwell, The Honorable Somei-set Rich- ard, deputy-lieutenant of the county Cavan, Commission dated 31st March, ISil, J. p. counties "Wexford and Carlow, high sheriff county Carlow 1842. Arley Cottage, Mountnugent, Cavan ; and New'townbarry, county Wexford. Same arms, crest, and motto. * Maxwell, The Honorable James Pierce, captain 59th regiment of Foot, m.p. for the county of Cavan. Carlton Club, Pall Mall, and United Service Club, London ; Farnham, Cavan. Same arms, &c. * Maxwell, The Honorable Richard, j.p. county Cavan. Farnham, Cavan. Same arms, &c. * Maxwell, The Honorable William George. Same arms, &c. * MAXWELL, William Constable, esq., de- puty-lieutenant of the county York, e. b., high sheriff same county 1843. Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfriesshire; Everingham Park, Yorkshire. Arym — Argent, an eagle displayed sable, armed and mem- bered, gules, surmounted by an escutcheon of the field, charged with a saltier of the second, and surcharged in the centre with an urchin, or. Crest— A stag proper, attired argent, couchant before a holly bush, vert. J^o*to— lleviresco. * MAXWELL, Sir William, baronet. Mon- reith, Wigtonshire ; 14, Abercromby-place, Edinburgh. ^ri/M— Argent, an eagle with two head"!, displayed, sable, armed and membered gules, on the breast an escutcheon of the field, charged with a saltier of the second, surcharged in the centre with an urchin, or, all within a bordure gules. Cregt—An eagle, rising sable, armed and membered, gules. Supporters — Two bucks, proper. J/orto— Reviresco. * Maxwell, Edward Herbert, esq., captain 88th regiment of Foot. * Maxwell. John, esq., captain r.n. * MAXWELL, Sir John, baronet. PoUok, Renfrewshire. Arms — Argent, on a saltier sable, an annulet, or. Ores'. — A stag's head, erased, proper. Swrrporters — Two apes, proper, environed and chained, or. ilotto — I am ready. * Maxwell, John, esq. Pollok, Renfrew- shire. Same arms, &c. « MAXWELL, Sir William Alexander, bar- onet, colonel in the army. Calderwood, Lan- arkshire. ^rwM— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a saltier sable, within a bordure counter componee of the second and first ; •econd and third, argent, a bend azure. Crest— A man's head, looking upwards, proper. Motto- Think on. * Maxwell, Robert Wilson, esq.. Honorable E.i.c. Service, Bengal. * Maxwell, Henry, esq. * Maxwell, Hugh Bates, esq. * MAXWELL, Sir John Heron, baronet. Springkell, Dumfriesshire. Arms — Argent, on a saltier sable, an annulet, or, in base, a crescent of the second, all within a bordure gules, charged with eight bezants. Crest— A dexter hand, proper, holding an eagle's neck with two heads, erased, sable. Supporters — Two eagles, close, regardant, sable. ifo«o— Reviresco. * Maxwell, Michael, esq. * Maxwell, Edward, esq. * MAXAVELL, Sir David, baronet, colonel of the Kirkcudbright militia. Cardoness, Kirk- cudbrightshire. Arms — Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a saltier sable, within a bordure counter componee of the second and first; second and third, argent, a bend azure, all within a bordure embattled, gules. Crest — A man's head, affrontee, within two laurel branches in orle, proper. Supporters-Dexter, a lion, sinister, a buck, proper. J/otto— Thmk on. * Maxwell, William, esq. Same arms, &c. * Maxwell, John Waring, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Down, Commission dated I'^th November, \%il. Finnebrogue, Downpatrick, county Down. * Maxwell, Robert Perceval, esq. Finne- brogue, &c., county Down. * MEADE, Sir Richard, Earl of Clanwilliam, Viscount Clanvdlliam, county Tipperary, Baron Gilford, county Down, baronet of Ireland, Baron Clanwdlliam, of Clanwilliam, county Tipperary, in the United Kingdom, g.c.h. Gill Hall, Dromore, county Down ; 32, Belgrave-sq., London. Arms-QraXes, a chevron ermine, between three trefoils, argent. Crest — An eagle displayed with two heads, sable, armed, or. Supporters— Dexter, an eagle, wings expanded, sable, sinis- ter, a falcon, wings expanded, proper, each plain collared and chained, or. Motto — Toujours pr6t. * Meade, The Honorable Robert, general in the army, colonel of the 12th (the East Suffolk) regiment of Foot. 48, Bryanstone-sq., London. Same arms, — Argent, a lion rampant, aable, plain collared and chained, or. Crest- A demi lion rampant, as in anna. Motto — Sub spe. * Meeedyth, Sir Henry, baronet of Ireland, barrister-at-law, q.c, ll.d. Carlandstown, county Meath; 25, Rutland-sq., north, Dublin. Same arms, «tc., a crescent for difference. » Mebedtth, Henry, esq., high sheriff county Meath 1836. 25, Rutland-sq., north. Same arms, «kc. * Meredith, Rev. Richard, m.a. * Meeedith, AVilliam, esq. * Mkbeditii, Henry, esq. * Meredith, Edmond, esq. * Meredith, Thomas, esq. * Meredith, Boyle, esq., captain in the anny. * Meredith, George, esq. * MiLLEBD, Thomas, esq., captain in the army. Minchin, George, esq. Busherstown, Money- gall, King's County. MiNCUiN, John, esq., j.p, Busherstown, Moneygall, King's County. Minchin, The Rev. Charles Henry, m.a,, chaplain to the Lying-in Hospital, Dublin. 8, Sinnot-place, Dublin. fMOLESWORTH, The Right Honorable Richard Pigot, Viscount Molesworth, of Swords, in the county Dublin, Baron of Philipstown, King's County ; Brighton, Sussex ; Swords, county Dublin. ^mw— Yair, a bordure, gules, charged with eight cross crosblats, or. Crest — A dexter arm in armour, embowed, proper, holding A cross crosslet as in arms. Bupporters—lvio pegasi, the dexter argent, crined, winged, and unguled, or, the sinister, gules, crined, winged, unguled, and semee of cross crosiiluts, or. JfoOo— Sic fidem ten«o. Molesworth, John, esq., captain b.n. Molesworth, Anthony Oliver, esq., captain K.B.A. Molesworth, The Rev. William Robert, M.A., rector of Ardfield, county Cork. Molesworth, The Rev. Herbert Philips, m.a. Bandon, county Cork. MoLLAN, John, esq., m.d., h.r.i.a., fellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians. 83, Upper Gloucester-st., Dublin. MoLLAN, William Campbell, esq., captain in the 75th regiment of Foot. * MOLLOY, Coote, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Roscommon, Commission dated 'i'ird December, 1842, j.p. Oak Port, Carrick-on- Shannou, Roscommon. ^rm*— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a che%-alier mounted in complete armour, his visor closed, proper, in the dexter hand the standard of England, on the sinister arm an escutcheon charged with the arms of O'MoUoy, the warhorse sable housings gules ; second ami third, argent, a lion rampant, sable, between tliree trefoils, guU-s. Crest— lieCon an oak tree, proper, a grejhouud, courant, sable, collared, or. Motto— * MoLLOT, William, esq., j.p. Oakport, Car- rick-on-Shannon, county Roscommon, # MoLLOY, Daniel, esq., j.p, Clonbella, Par- sonstown. King's County. # MoLLOY, John, esq., captain in the army. * MoLLOT, Anthony, esq., j.p. Tullamore, King's County. MoLONY, James, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Clare, Commission dated 23rd Api-il, 1835, J.p. Kiltanon, Tulla, county Clare, MoLONY, William Mills, esq. Kiltanon, Tulla, county Clare. MoLONY, Walter, esq, MoLONY, The Rev. Arthur, m.a, MoLONY, Charles, esq., Hon. e.i.c. Service, Bengal. MULYNEUX, Sir George King, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Ar- magh, high sheriff same county 1837. Castle Dillou, Armagh, .■«r?/w— Azure, a cross moline, quarter pierced, and in tha dextir chief, a fleur de lis, or. Crest— An heraliiic tiger, passant, argent, in his dexter fore paw, a cross moline, or. Motto— t MONCK, Henry Stanley, Earl of Rath- downe. Viscount and Baron Monck, of Bally- trammon, in the county of Wexford, deputy- lieutenant of the county Wicklow, Commission dated 24t.h December, 1831, j.p. Charleville, Bray. ^mu— Gules, a chevron, between three lion's heads erased, argent. Crnst — A dragon statant, wings addorsed, sable. Supporters — Dexter, a dragon, sinister, a lion argent, each bearing an oak branch, proper. Jtf otto— Fortiter, fldeliter, feliciter. MoNCK, The Honorable Charles, 33, Merrion- sq,, north, Dublin, Same arms, «fcc. MoNCK, Charles Stanley, esq., barrister-at- law. 33, Merrion-sq., north, Dublin. Monck, John Willington, esq., captain 84th regiment of Foot. Monck, William, esq,, lieutenant 84th regi- ment of Foot, t MONTAGU, The Right Honorable Sir Edward, Baron Rokeby, of Armagh, and a baronet. Montagu House, 1, Upper Berkeley. St,, London, Aims — Vert, on a chevron between three bucks trippant, or, as many qua trefoil:-, guJes, Cn-gt-A buck, trippant, proper, attired, or. Supporters— 'I'wo bucks, proper, ducally gorged and chained or, the dexter charged with a mullet argent, the sinister with a quatrefoil, as in arms. Motto— Sola in Deo salus, Montagu, The Honorable Henry, lieutenant- colonel Scots Fusilier Guards, Hazlewood, King's Langley, Herts ; 1, Upper Berkeley-st., London, Same arms, «fec, Montagu, The Honorable Spencer. 1, Upper Berkeley-st,, London, Same arms, &c. Montgomery, Sir Henry Conyngham, baronet. Honorable e.i.c. Service, Madras. Montgomery, Robert George, esq., deputy- lieutenant of the county Donegal. Convoy House, Raphoe, county Donegal. 40 HERALDIC CALENDAR. Montgomery, Arthur Hill, esq., deputy -lieu- tenant of the county Down. Tyrella House, Clough, county Down. MoNTGOMERT, Hugh, csq. Rosemount, Grey- abbey, county Down. Montgomery, Hugh Lyons, esq., deputy-lieu- tenant of the county Leitrim, Commission dated 29«A December, 1845, j.p. Belhaville, Drumkee- ran, county Leitrim. Montgomery, William Fetherston, esq., m.d., M.R.I. A., fellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, and professor of mid- ■R-ifery to the College. 20, Molesworth-st., Dublin. * MOORE, The Most Honorable Henry Francis Seymour, Marquess and Earl of Drogheda, Viscount Moore, of Drogheda, Baron Moore, of Mellefont, in the county of Louth, Baron Moore, of Moore-place, in the United Kingdom, deputy-lieutenant of the county Kil- dare. Commission dated 2Sth Febt-uary, 1846. Moore Abbey, county Kildare. ^n?M— Azure, on a chief indented, or, three mullets, pierced, gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a Moor's head in profile, proper, temples wreathed, argent and azure. Supporters— Two greyhounds, argent. Motto — Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. * MooRE, The Rev. Henry, m.a., rector of Julianstown, county Louth. * Moore, Henry, esq. * Moore, Edward Charles, esq. * Moore, Ponsonby Arthur, esq., barrister- at-law. 10, Lower Merrion-st., Dublin. * Moore, Ponsonby, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Kildare, Commission dated 18th February, 1832. Moorefield House, Newbridge, county Kildare. * Moore, Henry Edward, esq. * Moore, Robez-t, esq., j.p., lieutenant,colonel Kildare militia. Lansdowne, Portariington, Queen's County. * Moore, The Rev. Charles, m.a., rector of Monasterevan, county Kildare. * Moore, Frederick, esq., captain in the army. t MOORE, Stephen, Earl of Mountcashel, Viscount Mountcashel, of Cashel, coimty Tip- perary, Baron Kilworth, of Moore Park, county Cork, representative peer. Conservative Club, London ; Moore Park, Kilworth, county Cork. -4 r/rw— Quarterly, first and fourth, sable, a swan statant, argent, beaked and membered, or, within a bordtr engrailed, of the last; second and third, quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a cross moline, sable, second and third, gules, a fess chequy, argent and azure. Crest— A goshawk, wings addorsed, argent, preying on a coney, sable. Supporters — Dexter, a leopard, sinister, a rhinoceros, pro- per, plain collared and chained, or. Motto — Vis unita fortior. MooRE, The Right Honorable Stephen, Lord Kilworth. Same arms, &c. Moore, The Honorable Charles William. Same arms, M— Quarterly, first and fourth, quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters, a fret, or, over all a less azure, a crescent for difference ; second and third, aria^eut, on a chevron sable, between three lions' heads erased, bezantee gules, a sun in glory. Cyest—On a mount vert, a raven rising, proper, charged on the breast with a crescent, or. J^otto^Loyalement je sers. t # NUGENT, The Most Honorable George Thomas John, Marquess and Earl of West- meath, Baron Delvin, lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Westmeath, repre- sentative peer, colonel of the Westmeath militia. Clonyn, Castletowndelvin, Westmeath ; Senior United Service Club, 116, PaU Mall, London. .(4 rm*— Ermine, two bars gules. Crett—A cockatrice, rising proper, tail nowed, comb and wattles, gules. Supijortert— Tyro cockatrices, wings addorsed, proper, tails no wed, combs and wattles, gules. iforto— Decrevi. # Ndgent, The Honorable Thomas Hugh. Clonyn, Castletowndelvin. » NUGENT, Sir John, baronet of Ireland, count of the Holy Roman Empire, major in the Austrian Service, and chamberlain to the Em- peror. IBallinlough Castle, Athboy, Westmeath. Arrni— Ermine, two bars gules, a crescent for difference. Orett—A cockatrice rising proper, tail nowed, comb and wattles, guU-s. # Nugent, Sir Percy, baronet, deputy-lieute- nantof the county Westmeath, Commission dated lOth December, 1831, j.p,, high sheriff county Westmeath 18;J5, and of county Longford 1836. Donore, Multifamham, county Westmeath. NcoENT, James, count of the Holy Roman Empire, j.p. Ballinacor, Ballymore, county Westmeath. # NUGENT, Morgan Delvin, esq. Grove Hill, Camberwell, London. A rfju— Quarterly, first, ermine, two bars gules, a crescent of the second, charged with a cresent, or, for difference; second, quarterly or and gules, a border vair ; third, argent, a lion rampant, gules ; fourth, argent, on a cross gules, fire mullets, or. C reft— A cockatrice, wings addorsed, proper, Jfotto— Decrevi. # NcGENT, Edmond, esq. » Nugent, William, esq. » NcGENT, Walter, esq, * Nugent, Laurence, esq. * Nugent, Walter, esq., barrister-at-law. NUGENT, John, esq., lieutenant-colonel North Down militia. Commission dated 8th Attgust, 1836, J.P. Portaferry House, Down, ^rwM— Ermine, two bars gules. CYett~A cockatrice, wings addorsed, proper. J/^o«o— Decrevi. Nugent, Thomas Vesey, esq., barrister^t- law, 10, Ilerbert-st., Dublin. Nugent, Andrew, esq., captain in the army, deputy-lieutenant of the county Down, Commit- sion dated IZth November, 1841, j.p. Castleward, Strayford, county Down. Nugent, Charles Lavallin, esq., captain 58th (Rutlandshire) regiment of Foot. Nugent, The Rev. William, m.a., rector of Shinrone, King's County. NUGENT, Christopher Edmond John, esq., J.p. Farran Connell House, Mountuugent, county Cavan. A rmt — Ermine, two bars gules. Crest— A cockatrice, wings addorsed, proper. Motto — Decrevl. Nugent, The Rev. Edmond, m.a., rector of Killinagh, county Cavan. Nugent, St. George Mervyn, esq., lieutenant 29th (the Worcestershire) regiment of Foot. Nugent, George Lucas, esq., deputy-lieuten- ant of the county Westmeath, Commission dated 29th February, 1832, j,p. Castlerickard, Clonard, Meath. » O'BRIEN, Sir Lucius, baronet of Ireland, lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Clare. Dromoland, Newmarket-on-Fergus, county Clare. Arim— Gules, three lions passant, gardant in pale, perpale, or and argent. Crest — (Jn a wreath, a naked arm embowed issuant fi-om clouds, the hand grasping a straight sword, all proper. Motto — Vigueur de dessus. * O'Beien, William Smith, esq., m.p. for the county of Limerick. Cahermoyle, Rathkeale, county Limerick ; Oxford and Cambridge Club, London. Same arms, vrter*— Two lions, gardant, per fess or and argent. Motto — Vigueur de dessus. O'Bbyen, The Lord James, vice-admiral of the White, o.c.h. Same arms, crest, and motto. fO'CALLAGHAN, The Right Hoaorable 42 HERALDIC CALENDAR. Cornelius, Viscount and Baron Lismore, of Shanbally, county Tipperary, Baron Lismore, of Shanbally Castle, county Tipperary, in the United Kingdom, pri^-y-cou^cillor in Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Tipperary, Shanbally Castle, Clogheen, county Tipperary ; Farrance's Hotel, Belgrave-sq., London. Arms— Argent, in base a mount vert, on the sinister a hurst of oaks, therefrom issuant a wolf passant, proper. Crest— A. dexter arm embowed, holding a sword entwined with a snake, all proper. Supporters— Two stags, proper. Motto— Fidus et audax. O'Callaghan, The Honorable Cornelius, deputy-lieutenant of the county Tipperary, Com- mission dated 28th February, 1834. Shanbally Castle, Clogheen, county Tipperary. Same arms, «fcc. O'Callaghan, The Honorable George Pon- Bonby. 3, Lowndes-st., London. Same arms, M— Per fess, argent and vert, a stag trippant, proper, between three trefoils, counterchanged. Crest— X stag's head, erased, proper. Motto — Victor in arduis. O'Conxell, Charles, solicitor. Ennis, county Clare. Same arms, crest, and motto. O'CoNNELL, Daniel, esq., barrister-at-law, Queen's counsel, with patent of precedence, m.p. for the county of Cork, alderman of Dublin, vice-president of the Dublin Library Society, Derrynane Abbey, Caherciveen, county Kerry j 30, Merrion-sq. south, Dublin. Same arms, crest, and motto. O'CoxNELL, Maurice, esq,, barrister-at-law, M.p. for Tralee. Same arm.s, crest, and motto. O'CoNNELL, Morgan, esq., second registrar of deeds in Ireland. 30, Merrion-sq., south, Dublin. Same arms, crest, and motto. O'CoNNELL, John, esq., barrister,at-law, m.p. for Kilkenny. Same arms, crest, and motto. O'CoNNELL, Daniel, esq., junior. 30, Merrion- sq., south. Same arms, crest, and motto. O'CoNNELL, John, esq., high sheriff county Kerry 1838, j.p. Grena, Killarney, county Kerry. Same arms, a crescent for difference. O'CoNNELL, Morgan John, esq., m.p. for the county of Kerry. Grena, Killarney, county Kerry ; 14, Manchester Buildings, London. Same arms, &c., with due difference. O'CONNELL, James, esq., j.p. Lakeview, Killarney, county Kerry. Same arms, &c., with difference. O'CONNELL, Maurice, esq., captain in the army. Ballybrack, county Kerry. Same arms, «fec. U'CoNNELL, Charles, esq. Ballinablowne, county Kerry. Same arms, &c. O'CoNNELL, Sir Maurice Charles, knight com- mander of the Royal order of the Guelphs of Hanover, lieutenant-general in the army, colonel of the 81st regiment of Foot, commander of the O'CoNNELL, William, esq. Same arms, &c. O'CoNNELL, Charles, esq. Same arms, &c. O'CoNNELL, Richard, esq. Same arms, eyi^eT, a lion azure, charged on the shoulder with an escarbuncle, or, sinister, a griftin azure, wings addorsed, ermine, the beak and fore legs, or. Motto— Gloria, virtutis umbra. * Pakenham, The Honorable William, cap- tain 7th regiment of Foot, the Royal Fusiliers. Same arms, &c. * Pakenham, The Honorable Charles Re- ginald, captain 72nd (Highland) regiment of Foot. Same arms, &c. * Pakenham, The Honorable Frederick Beau- champ, ensign 27th regiment of Foot. Same arms, &c. * Pakenham, The Honorable Thomas Alex- ander. Same arms, &c. * Pakenham, The Honorable Francis John. Same arms, &c. * Pakenham, The Honorable Sir Hercules Robert, knight commander of the most hon- orable order of the Bath, major-general in the army, deputy-lieutenant of the county An- trim, Commission dated \(\th April, 1832, j.p. Langford Lodge, Crumlin, Antrim. Same arms, «fec. * Pakenham, Edward William, esq., captain 1st (or Grenadier) regiment of Foot Guards. * Pakenham, Arthur Hercules, esq. * Pakenham, Thomas Henry, esq. * Pakenham, The Very Rev. and Honorable Henry, d.d., m.r.i.a., dean and ordinary of the Collegiate Church of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and registrar of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. 40, Harcourt-st., Dublin. * Pakenham, Henry Sandford, esq,, captain 72nd (Highland) regiment of Foot. * Pakenham, Thomas, esq., Hon. e.i.c. Service. * Pakenham, William, esq., captain in the Royal Artillery. * Pakenham, John, esq., captain in the Royal Navy. * Pakenham, Right Honorable Richard, envoy extraordinary, &c. to the United States. * Pakenham, The Rev. Robert, m.a. * Pakenham, Henry, esq., lieutenant r.n. * Pakenham, Arthur, esq., barrister-at-law. 4, Fitzwilliam-sq., east, Dublin. * PALMER, Sir Roger, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county Mayo, Commis- sion dated Uth April, 1836, j.p. counties Mayo and Dublin. Palmerstown and Castle Lackin, county Mayo ; Ballyshannon, county Kildare ; j Kenure Park, county Dublin ; Portland House, ! Portland-place, London. ^r»n«— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a chevron vert, between three palmers' staves and scrips, two and one sabl». HERALDIC CALENDAR. 45 r garnished gules ; lecond and third, chequy, argent and azure, on a chief gules, three annulets, or. Crests— first, an ami embowed, vesteil azure, cuffed or, the hand grasping a tilting spear, proper ; second crest, a gritlin, sejant, argent, wings adclorscd, and clmrged with three annulets gule-, armed and membered, or. Motto— Sic bene mereuti palma. * Palmer, Roger William Henry, (a minor.) Same arms, &c. * Palmeb, Francis Roger, esq., first captain 60th (the King's Royal Rifles). Same arms, crest, and motto, in the first quarter a crescent for difference. * Palmer, John Roger, esq., captain 17th Lancers. Same arms, with difference. t#PARiCYNS, The Right Honorable Sir George Augustus Henry Anne, Baron Rancliff'e, and a baronet, deputy-lieutenant of the county Notts. Bunney Park, Notts ; Mivai't's Hotel, London. Anns — Argent, an eai^le displayed, sable, on a canton, or, a fess, dancettee, between six billets, ermines. Crttt—Out of a ducal coronet, or, a deml eagle, displayed, azure, winged sable, billett^ erminois. i Supporters— Two pega^ii argent, billett^s sable, ducally j gOTiied, and chained, or. Motto — Honeste audax. t PARSONS, Sir WUliam, Earl of Rosse, Baron Oxmantown, and baronet of Ireland, lord lieutenant of the King's County, and colonel of the King's County militia, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick, f.r.s., M.B.i.A. Birr Castle, Parsonstown, King's County. Arm* — Gules, three leopards' faces, two and one, argent. Crett — A poleexe in pale, gule», headed or. Supporter*— Tmo leopards argent, peUettee, collared gules, studded, or. .Vo«o— Pro Deo et rege. Parsons, The Honorable Laurence, j.p. Birr Castle, Parsonstov\ii. Same arms, m#— Sable, a bend, and in the sinister chief, a castle, argent, a crescent gules for difference. tTe^rf— A horse passant, argent, charged with a crescent as in arms. Suppcrtert—two horses argent, each charged on the shoulder with a crescent, gules. iloUo — I'eitina lente. * Plunkett, The Honorable Randall. ' Dun- sany Castle, &c. Same arms, «tc. * Plcnkett, The Honorable Edward, captain B.N., J. p. Dunsany Castle. Same arms, porcer*— Hot registered. iVoUo— Festina lente. Plunket, The Right Rev. and Honorable Thomas, d.d., lord bishop of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry. The Palace, Tuam. Same arms, Ac. Plunket, The Honorable John, barrister-at- law, Q.C., assistant barrister county Meath. 30, Upper Fitzwilliam-st., Dublin. Plunket, The Honorable David, master in tlie Court of Common Pleas in Ireland. 12, Fitzwilliam-sq., south. Same arms, P'jrters— Dexter, a fox, proper, sinister, a lion, or. Motto— a&na tache. * Preston, The Honorable Edward Anthony John, deputy-lieutenant of the county Meath, Commission dated V2th November, 1841, j.p., high sheriff same county 1831. Gormanston Castle, Balbriggan, county Meath. Same arms, &c. * Preston, The Honorable Jenico Charles. Same arms, &c. * Preston, The Honorable Robert. Same arms, «kc. * Preston, The Honorable Charles. Same arms, &c. * Preston, The Honorable Thomas. Same arms, &c. * PRIOR, The Rev. John, m.a. Florence, Italy. A rm*— Quarterly, first and fourth, vert, on a bend ermine, three chrevonelles gules; second and third, per bend or and argent, a fess gules, in chief a lion passant azure. Crests — First, an etoile of six points, vert; second crost, a talbot's head erased argent, charged on the breast with a trefoil slipped, proper. J^o«o— Certavi et vici. * Prior, The Rev. Hugh Edward, a.m., ex-scholar t.c.d., incumbent of Lucan, county Dublin. Same arms, &c. * Prior, Thomas Young, esq., a.m. of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law. 1, Ellen-court, Temple, London. Same arms, &c. f PRITTIE, The Right Honorable Henry, Baron Dunalley, of Kilboy, county Tipperary, deputy-lieutenant of the county Tipperary, Commission dated 10th December, 1831, j.p., repre- sentative peer. Kilboy, Nenagh, county Tip- perary ; Union Club, London. ^ rms — Per pale, argent and gules, three wolves' heads, (two and one,) erased, counterchanged. Crest— A wolf's head, erased, argent. Supporters— Dex.ter, a knight in complete armour, in the exterior hand a spear, all proper, sinister, a buck, proper, attired, unguled, ducally gorged, and chained, or. Motto— In omnia paratus. Prittie, The Honorable Francis Aldborough, custos rotulorum of the county Tipperary, de- puty-lieutenant, Commissum dated 10th December, 1831, and high sheriff same county 1838. Cor- ville, Roscrea, county Tipperary. Same arms, «fcc. Prittie, Henry, esq., j.p. Corville, Roscrea, county Tipperary. Same arms, &c. Prittie, Francis Sadleir, esq. Same arms, «fec. PROBY, John, Earl of Carysfort, Baron Carysfort, of Carysfort, in the county of Wick- low, Baron Carysfort, of Norman Cross, Hunt- ingdonshire, in the United Kingdom, lieutenant- general in the army. Elton Hall, Stilton, Huntingdonshire ; Glenart Castle, Arklow ; 46, Upper Grosvenor-st., London. Arms—<^na.TieT\y, first and fourth, ermine, on a fess gules, a lion passant, or ; second and third, argent, two bars undee azure, on a chief of the second, an etoile, between two escal- and in the beak a key, or. Supporters— Dexter, an ostrich, argent, ducally gorged, and in the beak a key, or, sinister, a talbot sable. Motto — Manus hsec inimica tyrannis. Proby, The Honorable Granville Leveson, rear admiral of the Blue, deputy-lieutenant of the county Wicklow, Commission dated 2Uh De- cember, 1831, J. p., high sheriff same county 1836. Glenart Castle, Arklow. Same arms, «tc. Probt, John Joshua, esq. HERALDIC CALEXDAR. 49 PaoBT, Granville LevesoTi, esq., lieutenant 43rd regiment of Foot, Pkoby, The Rev. Charles, D.D., canon of Windsor, vicar of Twickenham, Middlesex, and sector of Bishops Tachbrook, Warwickshire. t ■» QUIN, Sir Windham Henry Windham, Earl of Dunraven and Mount Earl, Viscount Adare, and Mount Earl, Baron Adare, of Adare, county Limerick, and a baronet, representative :peer, custos rotulorum of the county of Limerick, j.p. Dunraven Castle, Cowbridge, Glamorgan- shire ; Adare Abbey, Limerick ; 76, Eaton-sq., London. Armt—ytrt, a pegaaus paasant, wings addorsed, ermine, a chief or. Cretl—()n a wreath, a woirs head erased, ermine. Supporters— Two ravens, wings addoned, proper, plain «oUared, and chained, or. Motto— (lute sursum volo videre. QuiN, The Kight Honorable Edwin Richard 'Wyndham, Viscount Adare, m.p. for Glamorgan- shire, and deputy-lieutenant. Dunraven Castle, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire ; 76, Eaton-sq., London. Same arms, &c. QciN, The Honorable Wyndham Henry. Same arms, «tc. QriN, The Lord George, deputy-lieutenant of the county Cavan, Commission dated I'dth April, 1835. QuiNAN, Rev. Charles, a.m. QuiNAJf, Henry Maturin, esq., barrister-at- law, A.M., chief examiner in Chancerj'. 19, Lower Pembroke-st., Dublin. Qdiwan, William, esq. QciNAN, Edward, esq., licentiate K.c.s.i. 19, Lower Pembroke-»t., Dublin. QniNAN, Robert, esq. * Reeves, Robert, esq. 22, Merrion-sq., south, Dublin. * Reeves, William Maunsell. Vosterberg, Cork. * Reeves, Samuel Spaight, esq. Plattin, county Meath ; 22, Upper Mount-st., Dublin. * Reeves, Edward, esq. 7, Lower Fitzwll- liam-st., Dublin. * Reeves, Richard, esq., barrister-at^law. 16, Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin. * Reeves, Joseph Robert, esq. Arthgarvan, Kilcullcn, county Kildare ; 10, Fitzwilliam-pl., Dublin. * Reid, Robert, esq., m.d., h.r.i.a., fellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 41, Belvidere-place, Dublin. * Reid, John, esq. * Reid, Robert, esq. Reilly, John Temple, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Down, Commission dated I'Sth Nov- 'ember, 18.31, j.p. Scarva House, Loughbrick- land, county Down. Reid, James, esq. Newry, county Dowii. REYNELL, Sir Thomas, baronet of Ireland, lieutenant-general in the army, colonel of the ,71st (Highland) regiment of Foot, knight com- mander of the most honorable order of the Bath, v.and many foreign orders. Brighton, Sussex. Arms— Argent (masonry), a chief indented, sable. Crert— On a wreath, a wolf statant. toil exteudeU, or. Motto — Mururj senuus est'j. * Reynell, Richard Winter, esq., j.p. Killinan House, Killucan, county Westmeath. * Reynell, Samuel Arthur, esq., j.p. Arches- town, Castletown Delvin, Westmeath. RiBTON, Sir John Sheppey, baronet of Ireland, captain in the army. Woodbrook, Bray, county Wicklow. RiBTON, George, esq. *R1CE, The Right Honorable Thomas Spring, Baron Monteagle, of Brandon, in the county Kerry, privy councillor in England and Ireland, comirtroUer-general of the receipt and issue of Her Majesty's Exchequer, j.p. Mount Trenchard, Shanagolden, county Limerick ; 37, Brook-st., Loudon. .,4 rm*— Quarterly, first and fourth, perpale indented, argent and gules; second, azure, a lion rampant, or ; third, argent, on a chevron between three mascles, gules, a« many cinque- foiU, of the field. Cretl—h. leopard's Cw», affronts, gulei, crowned with a ducal coronet, or. Supporters— Hot registered. Motto — Fides non tiinet. * Rice, The Honorable Stephen Edmund Spring, a commissioner of the Customs, deputy- lieutenant of the county Limerick, Commissicyti dated '31st October, 1835, j.p. Mount Trenchard, Shanagolden, county Limerick. * Rice, The Honorable Charles Spring. 37, Brook-st., London. * Rice, The Honorable Edmond Henry. Same arms, «fec. » Rice, The Honorable Aubrey Richard. Same arms, «fcc. * Rice, The Honorable William Cecil. Same arms, n a wreath, a griffin statant, or. Supixtrters — Dexter, a .Moor habited and sandalled or, temples vvn^athed argent and azure, in the exterior hand a shield of the last, garnished, and charged with the sun in splendour, or, sinister.a Uon or, plain collared argent, thereon three mullets sable. ifotto— Metuenda Corolla draconis. * Stewart, The Right Honorable Frederick William Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, lord lieutenant, and m.p. for the county of Down, colonel of the Royal North Down militia. 127, Park-st., Gi'osvenor-sq., London. Same arms, he. * Stewakt, The Right Honorable George Henry Robert Charles, Viscount Seaham, lieu- tenant in the 1st Life Guards, deputy-lieutenant of Durham, and major of the Durham militia. Wynyard L'ark, Stockton, Durham ; Holdemess House, Park-lane, London. * Stewart, The Lord Adolphus Frederick Charles William. * Stewart, John Vandeleur, esq., high sheriflf county Donegal 1838. Rock Hill, Letterkenny, county Donegal. STEWART, Sir James, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the county of Donegal, Com- mission dated 3rd Deceinber, 1845, j.p., high sheriff same county 1832, major of the Donegal militia. Fort Stewart, Ramelton, county Donegal. ^rm<— Gules.a fess chequy argent and azure, between three lions rampant, or. Crest— A dexter hand, in armour, proper, holdipg a heart, gules. Motto — Nil desperandum est. Stewart, Sir Hugh, baronet, deputy-lieute- nant of the county of Tyrone, Commission dated 1st February, 1832, J.P. Ballygawley House, Ballygawley, county Tyrone. Stewart, Mervyn, esq., j.p. Martree, Bally- gawley, county Tyrone. Stewart, Henry, esq. Stewart, John, esq. Stewart, Hugh, esq, Stewart, Matthew, esq. Stewart, Fitzgibbon, esq. Stewart, William, esq., j.p. Killymoon, Cookstown, county Tyrone, 54 HERALDIC CALENDAR. Stewart, Alexander, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Down, Commission dated llth Octo- ber, 1842, J. p. Lawrencetown House, Down. Stewart, John, esq. Ballymorran, Killinchy, county Dow^n. Stewart, Alexander Robert, esq., deputy- lieutenant of the county of Donegal, high sheriff same county 1831, j.p. Ards House, Creslough, Letterkenny, county Donegal. Stewart, The Rev. Charles. Hornhead House, Dunfanaghy, county Donegal. t STOPFORD, James Thomas, Earl of Cour- town. Viscount Stopfer d. Baron of Courtown, county Wexford, Baron Saltersford, of Salters- ford, in the county Palatine of Chester, in the United Kingdom, custos rotulorum of the county of Wexford, j.p. 11, Green-st., London ; Courtown House, Grorey, Wexford. Arms — Azure, three lozenges, (two and one,) between eight cross crosslets, or. Crest— A Wivern, wings addorsed, proper. Supporters — Two bucks proper.eaeli plain collared, chained, and charged on the shoulder with a lozenge or. Jf otto— Patriae infelici fldelis. Stopford, The Right Honorable James George Henry, Viscount Stopford, captain in the First (or Grenadier) regiment of Foot Guards. Same arms, &c. Stopford, The Honorable Edward Sydney. Same arms, &c. Stopford, The Honorable Barrington. Same arms, t8, argent. Motto— Prest d'accomplir. t * TALBOT, The Right Honorable Richard Wogan, Baron Talbot de Malahide, in the county Dublin, Baron Furnival, of Malahide, dsc, in the United Kingdom, privy councillor in Ireland, colonel in the army. Malahide Castle, Malahide, county Dublin. A rm*— Gules.a lion rampant or, within a bordure engrailed erminoia. Crest— On a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, m lion passant, tail extendeil, emiinois. Supporters— Vexler, a talbot, or, sinister, a lion, gulei. Jtfo«o— Prest d'accomplir. * Talbot, The Honorable James. Same anus, «tc. * Talbot, The Honorable Sir John, k.c.b., admiral of the Blue. Same arms, «tc. *■ Talbot, James, esq., d.l. of the county Somerset. * Talbot, Richard Gilbert, esq. * Talbot, Edward Plantagenet Airey, lieute< nant 34th (the Cumberland) reghnent of Foot. * Talbot, William Leopold, lieutenant 34th, &c. regiment of Foot. * Talbot, Reginald, esq. Talbot, Sir George, baronet of Ireland. Mickleham, Leatherhead, Surrey; 21, Gros- venor-sq., London. TAYLOR, The Most Honorable Sir Thomas, Mai-quess of Headfort, Earl Bective, of Bective Castle, Viscount and Baron Ileadfort, of Head- fort, in the county Meath, Baron Kenlis, of Kells, in the United Kingdom, baronet of Ireland, privy councillor in Ireland, lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Cavan, colonel of the Meath militia, knight companion of the most illustrious order of St. Patrick. Headfort House, Kells, county Meath ; Virginia Park Lodge, county Cavan ; Brookes' Club, London. .4 rm«— Ermine, on a chief indented gules, a fleur de lis between two boars' heads couped, in pale, or. Crest— X naked arm embowed, grasping an arrow, all proper. Supporters— Dexter, a lion, sinister, a leopard, both guard- ant proper, collared and chained, or. Motto — Consequitur quodcunque petit. Taylor, The Right Honorable Thomas, Earl of Bective, high sheriff county Cavan 1846. Headfort House, Kells, r. Crest— A talbot sejant, sable, collared or. Supporters -l^xter, a lion, regardant, pean, sinister, a horse, regardant, argent, the mane,, tail, and hoofs, or. Motto— ¥\eci,\ non frangi. Temple, The Honorable William, minister plenipotentiary to the court of Naples. Same arms, &c. + THELUSSON, The Right Honorable Fred- erick, Baron Rendlesham, of Rendlesham, county Suffolk, m.p. for East Suffolk. Rendle- sham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. ^rm»— Quarterly, -waxy, first and fourth, or, two wings in pale bendways, sable, each charged with a trefoil slipped, or ; second and third, or, an oak tree, eradicated proper, charged with a lozenge gules, thereon three guttees d'eau. Crest — A demi greyhound, salient, argent, collared sable, between two wings of the last, each charged with a trefoil, as in arms. Motto — Honore et labore. Thelusson, Thomas Robarts, esq. 16, Hyde Park- St., London. Thelusson, Alexander Dalton, esq., lieutenant 72nd (Highland) regiment of Foot. Thelusson, Charles Sabine Augustus, lieute- tenant 12th Royal Lancers. Thelusson, Frederick Greorge, esq. Thelusson, Arthur John Bethel, esq. * Thornhill, James Badham, esq., major in the army, k.h. 43, York-st., Regent's Park, London. Tier net. Sir Edward, baronet, crown solici- tor for the North West Circuit ; 16, Lower Fitz- ■vvilliam-st., Dublin. TiERNET, Matthew Edward, esq., captain in the Coldstream regiment of Foot Guards. TiERNEY, Matthew John, esq., Hon. e.i.c. Civil Service, Bengal. TiERNET, Edward, esq., captain Hon. e.i.c. Service. TiGHE, Daniel, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Wicklow, j.p. Rosanna, Ashford, county Wicklow. TiGHE, William Frederick Fownes, esq., de- puty-lieutenant of the county Kilkenny, Commis- sion Gth November, 1835, j.p. Woodstock, Inis- tiogue, county Kilkenny. TiGHE, Frederick Edward, esq., lieutenant 53rd regiment of Foot. * ToBiN, Edward, esq. Nantes, France. t TOLER, Hector John Graham, Earl of Norbury, Viscount Glandine, of Glandine, King's county. Baron Norwood, of Knockalton, and Baron Norbury, of Ballyorenode, county Tip- perary. Durrow Abbey, King's county ; Cabra House, county Dublin ; 6, Lowndes-st., Loudon. ^rnw— Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, on acrossflory gules, between four oak leaves slipped proper, a plain cross of the field ; Second and third, argent, a trefoil slipped vert, on a chief sable, three escallops, or. Cre»t -On a ducal coronet, a fleur de lis, or. , Supporters— Dexter, a horse argent, bridled gules, sinister, a hind, proper. Motto— Regi et patriae fldelis. ToLER, The Honorable Otway Fortescue. Same arms, rM— Argent, a torteaux, between three buglehorns, stringed, gules. Crest— A buglehorn, as in arms, between two wings per fess or and argent. Supporters — Two greyhounds, ermine, collared compony gules and or, and chained of the last. Motto — Droit et loyal. t VAUGHAN, Ernest Augustus, Earl of Lis- burne. Viscount Lisburne, Lord Vaughan, Baron of Fethard, county Tipperary. Lisburne House, Devonshire. ^rms— Quarterly, first and fourth, sable, a chevron, between three fleurs de lis, argent ; second and third, argent, on a fess gules, between three eagle's heads erased sable, three escal- lops, or. Crest — A dexter arm embowed, in armour, grasping a straight sword, all proper, hilt and pomel, or. Supporters — Dexter, a dragon regardant, wings addorsed, vert, collared sable, (the rim argent), and chained, or, sinister, a unicorn, regardant, argent, collared as the dexter, armed, maned, tufted, unguled, and chained, or. Jfotto—iion revertar inultus. Vaughan, The Honorable George Laurence. Same arms, &c. Vaughan, The Honorable John Shafto. Same arms, &c. Vaughan, The Honorable 'William Malet. Same arms, &c. VERliKER, The Right Honorable John Pren- dergast. Viscount Gort, Baron Kiltarton, of Gort, in the county Galway, colonel of the city of Limerick militia, Commission dated 1th Decem- ber, 1842, J.p. Loughcooter Castle, Gort, county Galway; 14, Hume-st., Dublin. Arms — Quarterly, first azure, on a chevron or, a chaplet vert ; second, per fess argent and vert, a stag trippant proper, between three trefoils, counterchanged ; third, gules, a saltier vairy or and azure ; fourth, gules, a lion rampant argent, on a chief of the last, a mullet azure between two torteaux. Crests— Y'list, out of a mural crown, gules, a stag's head, issuant, proper ; second, an antelope trippant, proper ; third, a lion's head couped argent. Supporters— 'De-s.t&T, a lion rampant, proper, collared gules, (the rim or) and chained of the last, holding in the sinister paw a flag of the Limerick militia, thereon inscribed, Sf.ptkm- BKR 5th, 1798, sinister, an antelope proper, gorged and chained as the dexter. Motto — Vincit Veritas. Vereker, The Honorable Standish Prender- gast, major city of Limerick militia, j.p. Same arms, &c. Vereker, The Honorable John Prendergast. Same arms, «fec. Vereker, The Honorable Henry. Same arms, &c. Verner, William, esq., colonel in the army, M.p. for the county Armagh. Churchhill, Moy, county Armagh ; 68, Eaton-sq., London. Verner, William, esq., lieutenant in the Cold- stream regiment of Foot Guards. Verner, Thomas, esq., deputy-lieutenant of the county Antrim, Ccmimission dated 12th lyecem- ber, 1845, j.p., lieutenant-colonel of the Antrim regiment of militia. Commission dated 15th June, 1842. * Vernon, John Edward Venables, esq., de- puty-lieutenant of the county Dublin, Commissio^i HERALDIC CALENDAR. 59 dated Qth October, 1842. Clontarf Castle, Clon- tarf, county Dublin. * Veknon, Walter, esq. * Vernon, Braddyll Francis, esq. *■ Vernon, Henry Townley, esq. " Vernon, John Edward, esq., j.p. Eille- shandra, county Cavan. t VESEY, The Right Honorable John, Vis- count De Vesci, of Abbeyleix, Baron Knapton, of the Queen's county, and baronet of Ireland, lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the Queen's county, representative peer, j.p. Abbey- leix, Queen's county; 25, Merrion-sq., north, Dublin. Anns— Or, on a cross sable, a patriarchal cross of the field. Crett—A hand in armour, holding a laurel branch, all Supporter*— yot registered. Motto — Sub hoc signo vinces. Veset, The Honorable Thomas, deputy-lieu tenant of the Queen's County, Commission dated Slst May, 1833, and m.p. for the Queen's County J.p. Abbeyleix, Queen's County ; 1, Grafton-st. Bond-st., London. Same arms, &c. Veset, The Honorable William John. Same arms, orter«— Dexter, a horse argent, sinister, a Uon as in crest. Motto — Fidei coticula crux. Villiers, The Right Honorable George Augustus Frederick, m.p. for Cirencester, Upton Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire; 38, Berkeley-sq., London. Same arms, «tc. Villiers, The Honorable Augustus John. 38, Berkeley-sq., London. Same arms, «fcc. Villiers, The Honorable Frederick William, lieutenant-colonel Coldstream regiment of Foot Guards. Villiers, The Honorable Francis John Robert, captain in the 73rd regiment of Foot. * Wade, Sir Claude Martine, knight, lieute- nant-colonel in the Hon. e.i.c. Service, Bengal, companion of the most honorable order of the Bath, «fcc. WALDEGRAVE, The Right Honorable Gran- ville George, Baron Radstock, of Castletown, in flie Queen's County, rear-admirnl of the Blue, companion of the most honorable order of the Bath. 26, Portland-pl., London. Armt—Ver pale, argent and gules, a crescent sable, for difference. feathers per pale argent, and gules, a crescent sable for difference. Supporieri—l>eTi.\eT, a talbot, regardant sable, eared, and gorged with a naval crown, or, sinister, an eagle, ropardant, proper, wini^s addorsed, ermine, armed and membered, or, the dexter claw grasping a thunderbolt, proper. J/oOo— St. Vincent. Walker, The Honorable Henry Flower, de- puty-lieutenant of the county Kilkenny, Commis- sioti dated idth February, 1832, j.p., high sheriff same county 1834. Durrow Castle, Durrow, county Kilkenny. Walker, Joseph Cooper, esq., barristcr-at- law, secretary to Her Majesty's Board of Public Works in Ireland. 15, Eccles-st., Dublin. Walker, Richard Alexander, esq., registrar to the Hon. Judge Crampton. 11, Grenville-st Dublin. Walker, Samuel, esq., solicitor. 18, Eccles- st., Dublin. Walker, John Francis, esq., barrister-at-law. 10, Grenville-st., Dublin. Wall, James, esq. Coolnamuck, Carrick-on- Suir, county Waterford. Wall, The Rev. Charles William, d.d., m.b.i. a., senior fellow, and professor of Hebrew in the University of Dublin. * Waller, Sir Edmund, baronet of Ireland, J.p. Knocknacree House, Cloughjordan, county Tipperary. * Waller, The Rev. William, m.a., rector of Kilcoruan, in the diocese of Limerick. * Waller, Jocelyn, esq. * Waller, John Francis, esq., barrister-at- law. 4, Herbert-st., Dublin. * Waller, John, esq. 62, Lower Mount-st . Dublin. * Waller, Kilner, esq., captain in the army. * Waller, Richard, esq. 28, Lower Pem- broke-st., Dublin. * Walsh, Sir Edward Johnson, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the Queen's County, J.p. Ballykilcavan, Stradbally, Queen's County. * Walsh, Ralph, esq. * Walsh, Henry, esq. * Wandesforde, The Honorable Charles Har- ward, Butler Southwell, deputy-lieutenant of the county Kilkenny, j.p. Mount Juliet, Thomas- town, county Kilkenny. * Wandesforde, John, esq. * Wandesforde, Henry, esq. * Wandesforde, Walter, esq. * Warburton, Richard, esq., deputy-lieute- nant of the Queen's County, C'ommwwon dated 7th February, 1842, j.p, Garryhinch, PortarUng- ton. Queen's County. * Warburton, Robert, esq., junior, j.p. Garryhinch, Portarlington, Queen's County. WARD, The Right Honorable Edward, Vis- count Bangor, Baron Bangor, of Castlewa'rd, in the county Down. Castleward, Strangford county Down. ' „/';^'~?"*?l';I''J'"* ,""'' '■'""*'', azure, a cross patonce. or; second and third, gyles, three cinquefoils, (two aiTd one), ermme, on a chief or, a human heart proner CretV—A .Saracens loul iers, proper. Suprorters— Dexter, cy«^-6utof a ducal coronet, or.a plume of five ostrich Sr^rpUtfa^r^o«moli„V;lf^- Cl^g ffoWlVJL ^^" 60 HERALDIC CALENDAR. o\tT the sinister shouiaer a mantle of the last, charged with a cross moline, arifent, the exterior hand resting on a strais^ht sword proi^er, hilt and pomel or, sinister, a Turk, habited azure and or, the turban argent with ft-ather sable, behind him a loose open robe of fur, fringed of the last, the hands in chains, proper, sandals of the second. Motto— Sab cruce salus. Ward, John Petty, esq., Hon. e.i.c. Civil Ser- vice. Ward, Edward "Wolstenholme, esq. Ward, The Rev. Henry, m.a., rector of Kil- linchy, county Down. Ward, Edward Robert, esq. Ward, Robert, esq., captain 10th Royal Hus- sars, deputy-lieutenant of the county Down, Commission dated ISth November, 1841. Ward, John Richard, esq., colonel in the army, companion of the most honorable order of the Bath. Ward, Thomas Lawrence, esq. 50, Conduit- 6t., London. Ward, James Hamilton, esq., r.n. Ward, William Robert, esq. Ware, Samuel Hibbert, esq., m.d. Ware, Titus Hibbert, esq. Ware, Robert Groeme, esq. Waring, Very Rev. Holt, M.A., dean of Dro- more. Waring, Henry, esq., j.p., major in the army. Warner, Edward, esq. * Weldon, Sir Anthony, baronet of Ireland, deputy-lieutenant of the Queen's County, high sheriff same county 1839. Rahan, Ballylinan, Queen's county. - WELLE SLEY, The Most Noble Sir Arthur, Duke of Wellington, Marquess of Douro, Mar- quess, Earl, and "Viscount Wellington, of Wel- lington, county Somerset, and Baron Douro, Prince of Waterloo, in the Netherlands, Duke of Cuidad Rodrigo, and a Grandee of Spain of the First Class, Duke of Vittoria, Marquess of Torres Vedras, and Count of Vimiera, in Portu- gal, privy councillor in England and Ireland, field marshal in the army, commander-in-chief of the forces, colonel of the first (Grenadier) regiment of Foot Guards, colonel in chief of the Rifle Brigate, lord lieutenant and custos rotu- lorum of the county Southampton, chancellor of the University of Oxford, constable of the Tower, and lord lieutenant of the Tower Hamlets, lord warden of the Cinque Ports, knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter, of the most honorable order of the Bath, of the royal order of the Guelphs of Hanover, and all the Foreign orders, d.c.l. Strathfieldsay House, Hants ; Walmer Castle, Deal, Kent ; Apsley House, Piccadilly, London. ^mw— Quarterly, first and fourth, gules, a cross argent, between five plates, saltier ways, in each quarter ; second and third, or, a lion rampant gules, ducally gorged of the field, in chief an inescutcheon, charged with the union flag of the United Kingdom. Crest— Out of an eastern crown, or, a demi lion rampant, holding in his paws a pennant, gule:<, one third per pale from the staff, argent, charged with the cross of St. George. flupporterg— Two lions gules, each ducaUy gorged, and chained, or. Motto — Virtutis fortuna comes. '■' Wellesley, The Most Honorable Arthur, Marquess of Douro, m.p. for Norwich. Strath- fieldsay, Hants ; 3, Upper Belgrave-st., Loudon. Same arms, «fec. * Wellesley, The Lord Charles, m.p. for South Hants. Apsley House, Picccadilly, London. Same arms, n<— G ules, an annulet or, within a border sable, charged with twelve etoiles, of the second, on a canton ermine, a Uon rampant, of the third. Crett — A (torV Rtatant argent, beaked and membered, or. Supporter* — Dexter, a soldier habited, in his exterior hand a cutlass resting on the shoulder, all proper, sinister, a female figure, habited azure, on the head an eastern ;crown, or, in the sinUter hand a spear, proper. Motto — The noblest motive is the public good. White, The Right Honorable Richard, Vis- count Berehaven, deputy-lieutenant of the county Cork, Commission dated 18fA Febi-uary, 1832, j.p. Bantry House, Bantry, county Cork. Same arms, Ac. White, The Honorable Robert, j.p. Marino, Bantry, county Cork. WHITSHED, Sir James Hawkins, baronet, admiral of the Fleet, knight grand cross of the most honorable order of the Bath. Killencar- rick. Bray, county Wicklow; 18, Cavendish-sq., London. Armt — Quarterly, first and fourth, party per pale indented art.-ent and vert, three CIRCULATION V.' f( ^ %■ FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720