llk< / •^e/X^ JOCOSERIA JOCOSERIA BY ROBERT BROWNING LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1883 [All rights reserved^ CONTENTS. PAGE Wanting is— what? i Donald . . 5 Solomon and Balkis . 25 Cristina and Monaldeschi 33 Mary Wollstonecraft and Fuseli .... 45 Adam, Lilith, and Eve . . . . . . , 51 IxiON . . . . . . ' . . . .55 JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH 7 1 Never the Time and the Place 133 Pambo 137 WANTING IS— WHAT? /' Wanting is — what ? Summer redundant, Blueness abundant, — Where is the spot ? Beamy the world, yet a blank all the same, — Framework which waits for a picture to frame : What of the leafage, what of the flower ? Roses embowering with nought they embower ! Come then, complete incompletion, O comer, Pant through the blueness, perfect the summer ! Breathe but one breath Rose-beauty above, And all that was death Grows life, grows love, Grows love ! DONALD. DONALD. '* Will you hear my story also, — Huge Sport, brave adventure in plenty ? " The boys were a band from Oxford, The oldest of whom was twenty The bothy we held carouse in Was bright with fire and candle ; Tale followed tale like a merry-go-round Whereof Sport turned the handle. yOCOSERIA, In our eyes and noses — turf-smoke : In our ears a tune from the trivet, Whence "Boiling, boiling," the kettle sang, "And ready for fresh Glenlivet." So, feat capped feat, with a vengeance : Truths, though, — the lads were loyal : " Grouse, five score brace to the bag ! Deer, ten hours' stalk of the Royal ! " Of boasting, not one bit, boys ! Only there seemed to settle Somehow above your curly heads, — Plain through the singing kettle, Palpable through the cloud. As each new-puffed Havanna Rewarded the teller's well-told tale,; — This vaunt " To Sport — Hosanna ! DONALD. " Hunt, fish, shoot, Would a man fulfil life's duty ! Not to the bodily frame alone Does Sport give strength and beauty, " But character gains in — courage ? Ay, Sir, and much beside it ! You don't sport, more 's the pity : You soon would find, if you tried it, " Good sportsman means good fellow, Sound-hearted he, to the centre ; Your mealy-mouthed mild milksops — There's where the rot can enter ! " There 's where the dirt will breed. The shabbiness Sport would banish ! Oh no. Sir, no ! In your honoured case All such objections vanish. yOCOSERIA. " ' T is known how hard you studied : A Double-First — what, the jigger ! Give me but half your Latin and Greek, I '11 never again touch trigger ! *' Still, tastes are tastes, allow me ! Allow, too, w^here there 's keenness For Sport, there's little likelihood Of a man's displaying meanness ! " So, put on my mettle, I interposed. " Will you hear my story ? " quoth I. *' Never mind how long since it happed, I sat, as we sit, in a bothy ; " With as merry a band of mates, too, Undergrads all on a level : (One's a Bishop, one's gone to the Bench, And one's gone — well, to the Devil.) DONALD, "When, lo, a scratching and tapping ! In hobbled a ghastly visitor. Listen to just what he told us himself — No need of our playing inquisitor ! " Do you happen to know in Ross-shire Mount Ben . . . but the name scarce matters Of the naked fact I am sure enough, Though I clothe it in rags and tatters. You may recognise Ben by description ; Behind him — a moor's immenseness ; Up goes the middle mount of a range, Fringed with its firs in denseness. JOCOSERIA. Rimming the edge, its fir-fringe, mind ! For an edge there is, though narrow ; From end to end of the range, a stripe Of path runs straight as an arrow. And the mountaineer who takes that path Saves himself miles of journey He has to plod if he crosses the moor Through heather, peat and burnie. But a mountaineer he needs must be, For, look you, right in the middle Projects bluff Ben — with an end in ich — Why planted there, is a riddle : Since all Ben's brothers little and big Keep rank, set shoulder to shoulder, And only this burliest out must bulge Till it seems — to the beholder DONALD, 13 From down in the gully, — as if Ben's breast, To a sudden spike diminished. Would signify to the boldest foot " All further passage finished ! " Yet the mountaineer who sidles on And on to the very bending, Discovers, if heart and brain be proof. No necessary ending. Foot up, foot down, to the turn abrupt Having trod, he, there arriving. Finds — what he took for a point was breadth, A mercy of Nature's contriving. So, he rounds what, when 't is reached, proves straight. From one side gains the other : The wee path widens — resume the march. And he foils you, Ben my brother ! 14 JOCOSERIA. But Donald — (that name, I hope, will do) — I wrong him if I call " foiling " The tramp of the callant, whistling the while As blithe as our kettle 's boiling. He had dared the danger from boyhood up. And now, — when perchance was waiting A lass at the brig below, — 'twixt mount And moor would he stand debating ? Moreover this Donald was twenty-five, A glory of bone and muscle : Did a fiend dispute the right of way, Donald would try a tussle. Lightsomely marched he out of the broad On to the narrow and narrow ; A step more, rounding the angular rock. Reached the front straight as an arrow. DONALD, 15 He Stepped it, safe on the ledge he stood, When — whom found he full-facing ? What fellow in courage and wariness too, Had scouted ignoble pacing, And left low safety to timid mates, And made for the dread dear danger, And gained the height where — who could guess He would meet with a rival ranger ? 'T was a gold-red stag that stood and stared, Gigantic and magnific, By the wonder — ay, and the peril — struck Intelligent and pacific : For a red deer is no fallow deer Grown cowardly through park-feeding ; He batters you like a thunderbolt If you brave his haunts unheeding. i6 JOCOSERIA. I doubt he could hardly perform volte-face Had valour advised discretion : You may walk on a rope, but to turn on a rope No Blondin makes profession. Yet Donald must turn, would pride permit, Though pride ill brooks retiring : Each eyed each — mute man, motionless beast — Less fearing than admiring. These are the moments when quite new sense, To meet some need as novel, Springs up in the brain : it inspired resource : — " Nor advance nor retreat but — grovel ! ". And slowly, surely, never a whit Relaxing the steady tension Of eye-stare which binds man to beast, — By an inch and inch declension. DONALD. 17 Sank Donald sidewise down and down : Till flat, breast upwards, lying At his six-foot length, no corpse more still, — " If he cross me ! The trick's worth trying." Minutes were an eternity ; But a new sense was created In the stag's brain too ; he resolves ! Slow, sure, With eye-stare unabated, Feelingly he extends a foot Which tastes the way ere it touches Earth's solid and just escapes man's soft, Nor hold of the same unclutches Till its fellow foot, light as a feather whisk, Lands itself no less finely : So a mother removes a fly from the face Of her babe asleep supinely. 1 8 JOCOSERIA. And now 't is the haunch and hind foot's turn — That 's hard : can the beast quite raise it ? Yes, traversing half the prostrate length, His hoof-tip does not graze it. Just one more lift ! But Donald, you see, Was sportsman first, man after : A fancy lightened his caution through, — He well-nigh broke into laughter " It were nothing short of a miracle ! Unrivalled, unexampled — All sporting feats with this feat matched Were down and dead and trampled ! " The last of the legs as tenderly Follows the rest : or never Or now is the time ! His knife in reach, And his right-hand loose — how clever ! DONALD, 19 For this can stab up the stomach's soft, While the left-hand grasps the pastern. A rise on the elbow, and— now 's the time Or never : this turn 's the last turn ! I shall dare to place myself by God Who scanned — for He does— each feature Of the face thrown up in appeal to Him By the agonizing creature. Nay, I hear plain words : " Thy gift brings this ! " Up he sprang, back he staggered. Over he fell, and with him our friend —At following game no laggard. Yet he was not dead when they picked next day From the gully's depth the wreck of him ; His fall had been stayed by the stag beneath Who cushioned and saved the neck of him. yOCOSERIA, But the rest of his body — why, doctors said, Whatever could break was broken ; Legs, arms, ribs, all of him looked like a toast In a tumbler of port-wine soaken. " That your life is left you, thank the stag 1 " Said they when — the slow cure ended — They opened the hospital-door, and thence — Strapped, spliced, main fractures mended. And minor damage left wisely alone, — Like an old shoe clouted and cobbled. Out — what went in a Goliath well-nigh, — Some half of a David hobbled. "You must ask an alms from house to house : Sell the stag's head for a bracket. With its grand twelve tines— I'd buy it myself- And use the skin for a jacket ! " DONALD. He was wiser, made both head and hide His win-penny : hands and knees on, Would manage to crawl — poor crab — by the roads In the misty stalking-season. And if he discovered a bothy like this, Why, harvest was sure : folks listened. He told his tale to the lovers of Sport : Lips twitched, cheeks glowed, eyes glistened. And when he had come to the close, and spread His spoils for the gazers' wonder, With " Gentlemen, here's the skull of the stag I was over, thank God, not under ! " — The company broke out in applause ; " By Jingo, a lucky cripple ! Have a munch of grouse and a hunk of bread. And a tug, besides, at our tipple ! " JOCOSERIA. And "There 's my pay for your pluck !" cried This, '' And mine for your jolly story ! " Cried That, while 'T other — but he was drunk — Hicupped '' A trump, a Tory ! " I hope I gave twice as much as the rest ; For, as Homer would say, " within grate Though teeth kept tongue," my whole soul growled " Rightly rewarded, — Ingrate ! " SOLOMON AND BALKIS. SOLOMON AND BALKIS, Solomon King of the Jews and the Queen of Sheba, Balkis, Talk on the ivory throne, and we well may conjecture their talk is Solely of things sublime : why else has she sought Mount Zion, ' Climbed the six golden steps, and sat betwixt lion and lion ? 26 yOCOSERIA. She proves him with hard questions : before she has reached the middle He smiUng suppHes the end, straight solves them riddle by riddle ; Until, dead-beaten at last, there is left no spirit in her, And thus would she close the game whereof she was first beginner : " O wisest thou of the wise, world's marvel and well-nigh monster, One crabbed question more to construe or vulgo conster ! Who are those, of all mankind, a monarch of perfect wisdom Should open to, when they knock at spheteron ^ JOCOSERIA. " Some push external, — strong to set at large Those dormant fire-seeds, whirl them in a trice Through heaven and light up earth from marge to marge : "Since force by motion makes — what erst was ice — Crash into fervency and so expire, Because some Djinn has hit on a device . " For proving the full prettiness of fire ! Ay, thus we prattle — young : but old — why, first. Where 's that same Right and Good — (the wise en- quire) — " So absolute, it warrants the outburst Of blood, tears, all war's woeful consequence, That comes of the fine flaring ? Which plague cursed JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. " The more your benefitted Man — offence, Or what suppressed the offender ? Say it did — Show us the evil cured by violence, "Submission cures not also ! Lift the lid From the maturing crucible, we find Its slow sure coaxing-out of virtue, hid '^ In that same meteor-mass, hath uncombined Those particles and, yielding for result Gold, not mere flame, by so much leaves behind " The heroic product. E'en the simple cult Of Edom's children wisely bids them turn Cheek to the smiter with ^ Sic Jesus vult.^ " Say there 's a tyrant by whose death we earn Freedom, and justify a war to wage : Good ! — were we only able to discern 02 yOCOSERIA, " Exactly how to reach and catch and cage Him only and no innocent beside ! Whereas the folk whereon war wreaks its rage " — How shared they his ill-doing ? Far and wide The victims of our warfare strew the plain, Ten thousand dead, whereof not one but died '^ In faith that vassals owed their suzerain Life : therefore each paid tribute, — honest soul, — To that same Right and Good ourselves are fain "To claim exclusively our end. From bole (Since ye accept in me a sycamine) Pluck, eat, digest a fable — yea, the sole " Fig I afford you ! * Dost thou dwarf my vine ? ' (So did a certain husbandman address The tree which faced his field) ' Receive condign JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH, 103 " Punishment, prompt removal by the stress Of axe I forthwith lay unto thy root ! ' Long did he hack and hew, the root no less "As long defied him, for its tough strings shoot As deep down as the boughs above aspire : All that he did was — shake to the tree's foot " Leafage and fruitage, things we most require For shadow and refreshment : which good deed Thoroughly done, behold the axe-haft tires " His hand, and he desisting leaves unfreed The vine he hacked and hewed for. Comes a frost, One natural night's-work, and there 's little need " Of hacking, hewing : lo, the tree 's a ghost ! Perished it starves, black death from topmost bough To farthest-reachinoj fibre ! Shall I boast 104 yOCOSERIA. " My rough work, — warfare, — helped more ? Loving, now — That, by comparison, seems wiser, since The loving fool was able to avow " He could effect his purpose, just evince Love's willingness, — once ware of what she lacked, His loved one, — to go work for that, nor wince ' At self-expenditure : he neither hacked Nor hewed, but when the lady of his field Required defence because the sun attacked, " He, failing to obtain a fitter shield, Would interpose his body, and so blaze. Blest in the burning. Ah, were mine to wield " The intellectual weapon — poet-lays, — How preferably had I sung one song Which . . . but my sadness sinks me : go your ways I JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH, 105 " I sleep out disappointment." " Come along, Never lose heart ! There 's still as much again Of our bestowment left to right the wrong " Done by its earlier moiety — explain Wherefore, who may ! The Poet's mood comes next. Was he not wishful the poetic vein " Should pulse within him ? Jochanan, thou reck'st Little of what a generous flood shall soon Float thy clogged spirit free and unperplexed *' Above dry dubitation ! Song 's the boon Shall make amends for my untoward mistake That Joshua-like thou couldst bid sun and moon — ** Fighter and Lover, — which for most men make All they descry in heaven, — stand both stock-still And lend assistance. Poet shalt thou wake ! " io6 yOCOSERIA. Autumn brings Tsaddik. " Ay, there speeds the rill Loaded with leaves : a scowling sky, beside : The wind makes olive-trees up yonder hill " Whiten and shudder — symptoms far and wide Of gleaning-time's approach ; and glean good store May I presume to trust we shall, thou tried " And ripe experimenter ! Three months more Have ministered to growth of Song : that graft Into thy sterile stock has found at core " Moisture, I warrant, hitherto unquaffed By boughs, however florid, wanting sap Of prose-experience which provides the draught " Mere song-sprouts, wanting, wither : vain we tap A youngling stem all green and immature Experience must secrete the stuff, our hap JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 107 " Will be to quench Man's thirst with, glad and sure That fancy wells up through corrective fact : Wanting which test of truth, though flowers allure " The goodman's eye with promise, soon the pact Is broken, and 't is flowers, — mere words, — he finds When things, — that 's fruit, — he looked for. Well, once cracked " The nut, how glad my tooth the kernel grinds ! Song may henceforth boast substance ! Therefore, hail Proser and poet, perfect in both kinds ! " Thou from whose eye hath dropped the envious scale Which hides the truth of things and substitutes Deceptive show, unaided optics fail io8 JOCOSERIA. " To transpierce, — hast entrusted to the lute's Soft but sure guardianship some unrevealed Secret shall lift mankind above the brutes " As only knowledge can ? " "A fount unsealed" (Sighed Jochanan) " should seek the heaven in leaps To die in dew-gems — not find death, congealed " By contact with the cavern's nether deeps, Earth's secretest foundation where, enswathed In dark and fear, primaeval mystery sleeps — " Petrific fount wherein my fancies bathed And straight turned ice. My dreams of good and fair In soaring upwards had dissolved, unscathed " By any influence of the kindly air, Singing, as each took flight, ' The Future — that 's Our destination, mists turn rainbows there. JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 109 " Which sink to fog, confounded in the flats O' the Present ! Day 's the song-time for the lark, Night for her music boasts but owls and bats. " And what 's the Past but night — the deep and dark Ice-spring I speak of, corpse-thicked with its drowned Dead fancies which no sooner touched the mark " They aimed at — fact — than all at once they found Their film-wings freeze, henceforth unfit to reach And roll in aether, revel — robed and crowned " As truths confirmed by falsehood all and each — Sovereign and absolute and ultimate ! Up with them, skyward, Youth, ere Age impeach *^ Thy least of promises to re-instate Adam in Eden ! Sing on, ever sing. Chirp till thou burst ! — the fool cicada's fate, lo JOCOSERIA, " Who holds that after Summer next comes Spring, Than Summer's self sun-warmed, spice-scented more. Fighting was better ! There, no fancy- fling " Pitches you past the point was reached of yore By Sampsons, Abners, Joabs, Judases, The mighty men of valour who, before " Our little day, did wonders none profess To doubt were fable and not fact, so trust By fancy-flights to emulate much less. " AVere I a Statesman, now ! Why, that were just To pinnacle my soul, mankind above, A-top the universe : no vulgar lust " To gratify — fame, greed, at this remove Looked down upon so far — or over-looked So largely, rather — that mine eye should rove yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. in " World-wide and rummage earth, the many-nooked, Yet find no unit of the human flock Caught straying but straight comes back hooked and crooked " By the strong shepherd who, from out his stock Of aids proceeds to treat each ailing fleece. Here stimulate to growth, curtail and dock " There, baldness or excrescence, — that, with grease, This, with up-grubbing of the bristly patch Born of the tick-bite. How supreme a peace " Steals o'er the Statist, — while, in wit, a match For shrewd Ahithophel, in wisdom . . . well. His name escapes me — somebody, at watch 2 JOCOSERIA, " And ward, the fellow of Ahithophel In guidance of the Chosen ! " — at which word Eyes closed and fast asleep the Rabbi fell. " Cold weather ! " shivered Tsaddik. "Yet the hoard Of the sagacious ant shows garnered grain, Ever abundant most when fields afford " Least pasture, and alike disgrace the plain Tall tree and lowly shrub. 'T is so with us Mortals : our age stores wealth ye seek in vain " While busy youth culls just what we discuss At leisure in the last days : and the last Truly are these for Jochanan, whom thus " I make one more appeal to ! Thine amassed Experience, now or never, let escape Some portion of ! For I perceive aghast JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. IT3 "The end approaches, while they jeer and jape, These sons of Shimei : ' Justify your boast ! What have ye gained from Death by twelve months' rape ? ' " Statesman, what cure hast thou for — least and most- Popular grievances ? What nostrum, say. Will make the Rich and Poor, expertly dosed, " Forget disparity, bid each go gay That, with his bauble,— with his burden, this? Propose an alkahest shall melt away " Men's lacquer, show by prompt analysis Which is the metal, which the make-believe, So that no longer brass shall find, gold miss I 114 JOCOSERIA, " Coinage and currency ? Make haste, retrieve The precious moments, Master ! " Whereunto There snarls an " Ever laughing in thy sleeve, "Pert Tsaddik? Youth indeed sees plain a clue To guide man where life's wood is intricate : How shall he fail to thrid its thickest through " When every oak-trunk takes the eye ? Elate He goes from bole to brushwood, plunging finds — Smothered in briars — that the small 's the great ! " All men are men : I would all minds were minds ! Whereas 't is just the many's mindless mass That most needs helping : labourers and hinds " We legislate for — not the cultured class Which law-makes for itself nor needs the whip And bridle, — proper help for mule and ass. yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. ii5 ^^ Did the brutes know ! In vain our statesmanship Strives at contenting the rough multitude : Still the ox cries ^ 'T is me thou shouldst equip " With equine trappings ! ' or, in humbler mood, * Cribful of corn for me ! and, as for work — Adequate rumination o'er my food ! ' " Better remain a Poet ! Needs it irk Such an one if light, kindled in his sphere, Fail to transfuse the Mizraim cold and murk " Round about Goshen ? Though light disappear. Shut inside, — temporary ignorance Got outside of, lo, light emerging clear " Shows each astonished starer the expanse Of heaven made bright with knowledge ! That 's the way, The only way — I see it at a glance — .1X6 JOCOSERIA. " To legislate for earth ! As poet. . . . Stay ! What is ... I would that . . . were it ... I had been . . . O sudden change, as if my arid clay " Burst into bloom ! . . ." " A change indeed, I ween, And change the last ! " sighed Tsaddik as he kissed The closing eyelids. "Just as those serene " Princes of Night apprised me ! Our acquist Of life is spent, since corners only four Hath Aisch, and each in turn was made desist " In passage round the Pole (O Mishna's lore- Little it profits here !) by strenuous tug Of friends who eked out thus to full fourscore JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH, 117 " The Rabbi's years. I see each shoulder shrug ! What have we gained ? Away the Bier may roll ! To-morrow, when the Master's grave is dug, " In with his body I may pitch the scroll I hoped to glorify with, text and gloss. My Science of Man's Life : one blank 's the whole ! " Love, war, song, statesmanship— no gain, all loss. The stars' bestowment ! We on our return To-morrow merely find — not gold but dross. " The body not the soul. Come, friends, we learn At least thus much by our experiment — That — that . . . well, find what, whom it may con- cern ! " ii8 yOCQSERIA. But next day thirough the city rumours went Of a new persecution ; so, they fled All Israel, each man, — this time, — from his tent, Tsaddik among the foremost. When, the dread Subsiding, Israel ventured back again Some three months after, to the cave they sped Where lay the Sage, — a reverential train ! Tsaddik first enters. " What is this I view ? The Rabbi still alive ? No stars remain " Of Aisch to stop within their courses. True, I mind me, certain gamesome boys must urge Their offerings on me : can it be — one threw " Life at him and it stuck ? There needs the scourge To teach that urchin manners ! Prithee, grant Forgiveness if we pretermit thy dirge yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 119 " Just to explain no friend was ministrant, This time, of life to thee ! Some jackanapes, I gather, has presumed to foist his scant " Scurvy unripe existence— wilding grapes Grass-green and sorrel-sour — on that grand wine, Mighty as mellow, which my fancy shapes " May fitly image forth this life of thine Fed on the last low fattening lees — condensed Elixir, no milk-mildness of the vine ! " Rightly with Tsaddik wert thou now incensed Had he been witting of the mischief wrought When, for elixir, verjuice he dispensed ! " And slowly woke, — like Shushan's flower besought By over-curious handling to unloose The curtained secrecy wherein she thought :o JOCOSERIA. Her captive bee, mid store of sweets to choose, Would loll in gold, pavilioned lie unteazed. Sucking on, sated never, — whose, O whose Might seem that countenance, uplift, all eased Of old distraction and bewilderment. Absurdly happy ? " How ye have appeased *' The strife within me, bred this whole content, This utter acquiescence in my past Present and future life, — by whom was lent " The power to work this miracle at last, — Exceeds my guess. Though — ignorance confirmed By knowledge sounds like paradox, I cast " Vainly about to tell you — fitlier termed — This calm struck by encountering opposites, Each nullifying either ! Henceforth wormed JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 121 '' From out my heart is every snake that bites The dove that else would brood there : doubt, which kills With hiss of * What if sorrows end delights ? ' " Fear which stings ease with ^ Work the Master wills ! ' Experience which coils round and strangles quick Each hope with * Ask the Past if hoping skills '' To work accomplishment, or proves a trick Wiling thee to endeavour ! Strive, fool, stop Nowise, so live, so die — that 's law ! why kick " Against the pricks ? ' All out-wormed ! Slumber, drop Thy films once more and veil the bliss within ! Experience strangle hope ? Hope waves a-top 52 JOCOSERIA. " Her wings triumphant ! Come what will, I win, Whoever loses ! Every dream's assured Of soberest fulfilment. There 's no sin " Except in doubting that the light, which lured The unwary into darkness, did no wrong Had I but marched on bold, nor paused immured " By mists I should have pressed thro', passed along My way henceforth rejoicing ! Not the boy's Passionate impulse he conceits so strong, " Which, at first touch, truth, bubble-like, destroys,— Not the man's slow conviction * Vanity Of vanities — alike my griefs and joys ! ' '* Ice ! — thawed (look up) each bird, each insect by- (Look round) by all the plants that break in bloom, (Look down) by every dead friend's memory yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 123 " That smiles ' Am I the dust within my tomb ? ' Not either, but both these — amalgam rare — Mix in a product, not from Nature's womb, " But stuff which He the Operant — who shall dare Describe His operation ? — strikes alive And thaumaturgic. I nor know nor care " How from this tohu-bohu — hopes which dive, And fears which soar — faith, ruined through and through By doubt, and doubt, faith treads to dust — revive " In some surprising sort, — as see, they do ! — Not merely foes no longer but fast friends — What does it mean unless — O strange and new " Discovery ! — this life proves a wine-press — blends Evil and good, both fruits of Paradise, Into a novel drink which — who intends 124 yOCOSERIA, " To quaff, must bear a brain for ecstasies Attempered, not this all-inadequate Organ which, quivering within me, dies " — Nay, lives ! — what, how, — too soon, or else too late— I was— lam . . ." ('' He babbleth ! "Tsaddik mused) " O Thou Almighty who canst re-instate " Truths in their primal clarity, confused By man's perception, which is man's and made To suit his service, — how, once disabused " Of reason which sees light half shine half shade, Because of flesh, the medium that adjusts Purity to his visuals, both an aid " And hindrance, — how to eyes earth's air encrusts. When purged and perfect to receive truth's beam Pouring itself on the new sense it trusts yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 125 " With all its plenitude of power, — how seem Then, the intricacies of shade and shine, Oppugnant natures — Right and Wrong, we deem " Irreconcilable ? O eyes of mine, Freed now of imperfection, ye avail To see the whole sight, nor may uncombine " Henceforth what, erst divided, caused you quail — So huge the chasm between the false and true. The dream and the reality ! All hail, " Day of my soul's deliverance — day the new, The never-ending ! What though every shape Whereon I wreaked my yearning to pursue " Even to success each semblance of escape From my own bounded self to some all-fair All-wise external fancy, proved a rape . 126 JOCOSERIA. " Like that old giant's, feigned of fools — on air, Not solid flesh ? How otherwise ? To love — That lesson was to learn not here — but there — " On earth, not here ! T is there we learn, — there prove Our parts upon the stuff we needs must spoil, Striving at mastery, there bend above " The spoiled clay potsherds, many a year of toil Attests the potter tried his hand upon. Till sudden he arose, wiped free from soil " His hand, cried ^So much for attempt — anon Performance ! Taught to mould the living vase. What matter the cracked pitchers dead and gone ? ' " Could I impart and could thy mind embrace The secret, Tsaddik ! " ^^ Secret none to me ! " Quoth Tsaddik, as the glory on the face yOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 127 Of Jochanan was quenched. *' The truth I see Of what that excellence of Judah wrote, Doughty Halaphta. This a case must be "Wherein, though the last breath have passed the throat. So that * The man is dead ' we may pronounce. Yet is the Ruach — (thus do we denote " The imparted Spirit) — in no haste to bounce From its entrusted Body, — some three days Lingers ere it relinquish to the pounce " Of hawk-clawed Death his victim. Further says Halaphta, ' Instances have been, and yet Again may be, when saints, whose earthly ways "Tend to perfection, very nearly get To heaven while still on earth : and, as a fine Interval shows where waters pure have met 128 JOCOSRRIA. " Waves brackish, in a mixture, sweet with brine. That 's neither sea nor river but a taste Of both — so meet the earthly and divine " And each is either. Thus I hold him graced — Dying on earth, half inside and half out, Wholly in heaven, who knows ? My mind embraced " Thy secret, Jochanan, how dare I doubt ? Follow thy Ruach, let earth, all it can, Keep of the leavings ! " Thus was brought about The sepulture of Rabbi Jochanan Thou hast him, — sinner-saint, live-dead, boy-man, — Schiphaz, on Bendimir, in Farzistan ! JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH. 129 Note. This story can have no better authority than that of the treatise, existing dispersedly in fragments of Rabbinical writing, Dnn D**!"! ?^ *]C^D> fj^o"^ which I might have helped myself more liberally. Thus, instead of the simple reference to *' Moses' stick," — but what if I make amends by attempting three illustrations, when some thirty might be composed on the same subject, equally justify- ing that pithy proverb nt^DD Dp X^ HtJ^D ny yWOC- Moses the Meek was thirty cubits high, The staff he strode with — thirty cubits long ; And when he leapt, so muscular and strong Was Moses that his leaping neared the sky By thirty cubits more : we learn thereby He reached full ninety cubits — am I wrong ? — When, in a fight slurred o'er by sacred song, With staff out-stretched he took a leap to try The just dimensions of the giant Og. And yet he barely touched— this marvel lacked Posterity to crown earth's catalogue Of marvels — barely touched— to be exact — The giant's ancle-bone, remained a frog That fain would match an ox in stature : fact ! I30 JOCOSEKIA. And this same fact has met with unbelief ! How saith a certain traveller ? *' Young, I chanced To come upon an object — if thou can'st, Guess me its name and nature ! 'T was, in brief, White, hard, round, hollow, of such length, in chief, — And this is what especially enhanced My wonder — that it seemed, as I advanced. Never to end. Bind up within thy sheaf Of marvels, this — Posterity ! I walked From end to end, — four hours walked I, who go A goodly pace, — and found — I have not balked Thine expectation. Stranger ? Ay or No ? — 'T was but Og's thigh-bone, all the while, I stalked Alongside of : respect to Moses, though ! Og's thigh-bone — if ye deem its measure strange, Myself can witness to much length of shank Even in birds. Upon a water's bank Once halting, I was minded to exchange Noon heat for cool. Quoth I *' On many a grange I have seen storks perch — legs both long and lank ; , Yon stork's must touch the bottom of this tank, JOCHANAN- IIAKKADOSH. 131 Since on its top doth wet no plume derange Of the smooth breast. I'll bathe there ! " " Do not so ! " Warned me a voice from heaven. " A man let drop His axe into that shallow rivulet — As thou accountest— seventy years ago : It fell and fell and still without a stop Keeps falling, nor has reached the bottom yet. " NEVER THE TIME AND THE PLACE. NEVER THE TIME AND THE PLACE. Never the time and the place And the loved one all together ! This path — how soft to pace ! This May — what magic weather ! Where is the loved one's face ? In a dream that loved one's face meets mine, But the house is narrow, the place is bleak Where, outside, rain and wind combine With a furtive ear, if I strive to speak. With a hostile eye at my flushing cheek. 136 JOCOSERIA. With a malice that marks each word, each sign ! O enemy sly and serpentine, Uncoil thee from the waking man ! Do I hold the Past Thus firm and fast Yet doubt if the Future hold I can ? This path so soft to pace shall lead Thro' the magic of May to herself indeed ! Or narrow if needs the house must be, Outside are the storms and strangers : we — Oh, close, safe, warm sleep I and she, — I and she ! PAMBO. PAMBO. Suppose that we part (work done, comes play) With a grave tale told in crambo — As our hearty sires were wont to say — Whereof the hero is Pambo ? Do you happen to know who Pambo was ? Nor I — but this much have heard of him : He entered one day a college-class, And asked — was it so absurd of him ? — 140 JOCOSERIA. "May Pambo learn wisdom ere practise it ? In wisdom I fain would ground me : Since wisdom is centred in Holy Writ, Some psalm to the purpose expound me ! ' " That psalm," the Professor smiled, " shall be Untroubled by doubt which dirtieth Pellucid streams when an ass like thee Would drink there — the Nine-and-thirtieth. " Verse First : I said I will look to my ways That I with my tongue offend not. How now ? Why stare ? Art struck in amaze ? Stop, stay ! The smooth line hath an end knot I PAMBO. 141 '' He 's gone ! — disgusted my text should prove Too easy to need explaining ? Had he waited, the blockhead might find I move To matter that pays remaining ! " Long years went by, when — " Ha, who 's this ? Do I come on the restif scholar I had driven to Wisdom's goal, I wis, But that he slipped the collar ? " What ? Arms crossed, brow bent, thought- immersed ? A student indeed ! Why scruple To own that the lesson proposed him first Scarce suited so apt a pupil ? 142 JOCOSE RIA. "Comeback! From the beggarly elements To a more recondite issue We pass till we reach, at all events, Some point that may puzzle . . . Why ' pish ' you?" From the ground looked piteous up the head ; " Daily and nightly. Master, Your pupil plods thro' that text you read, Yet gets on never the faster. • "At the self-same stand, — now old, then young ! / will look to my ways — were doing As easy as saying ! — that I with my tongue Offend not — and 'scape pooh-poohing PAMBO. 143 " From sage and simple, doctor and dunce ? Ah, nowise ! Still doubts so muddy The stream I would drink at once, — but once ! That — thus I resume my study ! " Brother, brother, I share the blame, Arcades su7nus umbo / Darkling, I keep my sunrise-aim, Lack not the critic's flambeau, And look to viy ways, yet, much the same, Offend With my tongue — like Pambo ! LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET VS^O RK S BY ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. POEMS BY ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. Twelfth Edition. 5 vols. With Portrait. Crown 8vo. 30j-. AURORA LEIGH. With Portrait. Seventeenth Edition. Crown 8vo. ^s. 6d. ; gilt edges, Sj-. 6d. A SELECTION FROM THE POETRY OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. 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