CO o Q THE AI^IEHICAK SOCIAL HYGIEl-ffi ASSOCIATION WHAT S H i^ L L \? E ^ ll A Di Beprinted frcm Socj-al^Hyg^i^e, December, 1914 105 West 40th Street ITew Yo.^k C:ty (Reprinted from Social Hygiene, Vol. I, No. 1, December, 1914) t^r (Tj/JA^ %,AyO^ , WHAT SHALL WE READ? ' A question which inevitably arises in conferences on social hygiene is "What books shall we recommend to those who ask us how they can learn more about the subject or what printed matter they may wisely place in the hands of others?" The American Social Hygiene Asso- ciation has been studying this important question but has thus far published no approved lists of books. The lack of any recognized standard by which to judge books deal- ing with the various phases of social hygiene is illustrated by the fol- lowing tabulation based upon an analysis of the published lists of six social hygiene societies, which appointed special committees on selecting books for recommendation. 108 LIBRARY Books appearing on more, than two lists 109 HQs6 to O TITLE AUTHOR 25 *• < PUBLISHER, DATE MOTES '^ 1. From Youth into W. S. Hall, M.D. 5 Assoc. Press, 1909, 50^ 6th edition, 1913 Manhood ^ 2. Damaged Goods Eugdne Brieux 4 Brentano's, 1911, $1.50 Paper edition, 1912, 25^ Printed for the Conn. Social Hygiene So- ciety y'3. Educational Pam- 4 Society of Sanitary phlet No. 1 and Moral Prophy- laxis, 10^ 4. Educational Pam- 4 do. phlet No. 4 J 5. New Conscience and Jane Addams 4 MacmiUan, 1912, $1.00 Popular editions; 1914, \ an Ancient Evil 50^ 6. The Renewal of Life Margaret W. Morley 4 McClurg, 1906, $1.25 , 7. Training the Young E. Lyttelton 4 Longmans, Green, 1906, in Laws of Sex $1.00 V 8. Social Disease* and P. A. Morrow, M.D. 4 Lea, 1904, $3.00 Marriage 9. Vice Commission 4 Reports , 10. The American Boy R. N. WiUson, M.D. 3 Winston, 1905, $1.00 and the Social Evil » 11. Educational Pam- 3 Society of Sanitary , phlet No. 2 and Moral Prophy- laxis, 10)i tA2. do. No. 5 3 do. - 13. do. No. 6 3 do. V 14. Education in Physi- Philip Zenner, M.D. 3 Clarke, 1910, $1.00 Revised edition, Stew- ology and Hy- art & Kidd, 1913 , giene of Sex •^15. Education in Sex R. N. Willson, M.D. 3 Author, 1913 Hygiene 16. Girl and Woman C. Latimer, M.D. 3 Appleton, 1910, $1.50 . 17. Herself E. B. Lowry, M.D. 3 Forbes, 1911, $1.00 Second edition, 1913 18. Hygiene and Mo- Lavinia L. Dock 3 Putnam's, 1910, $1.25 1 rality 19. Three Gifts of Life Nellie M. Smith 3 Dodd, Mead, 1913, 50^ ^20. Social Evil E. R. A. Seligman 3 Putnam's, 1912, $1.75 v/21. Panders and Their Clifford B. Roe 3 Revell, 1910. $1.00 White Slaves The titles of sixty-four books appear on these six Hsts. No book appears six times, forty-three are mentioned once or twice only. Of the twenty-one mentioned more than twice only one receives "mention five times. A similar analysis of the lists of thirteen other organizations in- cluding religious, medical, educational, and social agencies shows one hundred forty-two books of which only twenty-five appear more than 110 SOCIAL HYGIENE three times. Arranged in order of frequency of appearance these twenty-five are as follows •} Books appearing on more than three lists — Arranged in order of frequency of appearance TITLE AUTHOR 2 6. ■«! O > 6 « PUBLI8HKRS, COST AND DATE NOTES V 1 . Sex Instruction as a Maurice A. Bigelow 9 Amer. Social Hygiene Phase of Social Association, 1913 Education " 2. Girl and Woman Caroline Latimer, M.D. 8 Appleton, 1910, $1.50 V 3. Health and Hygiene Educational P a m- 6 Society of Sanitary of Sex phlet No. 6 and Moral Prophy- laxis, lOjS k4. How My Uncle the Educational P a m- 6 do. Doctor Instructed phlet No. 5 Me in Matters of Sex ^^5. The Four Epochs of Anna Galbraith, M.D. 6 Saunders, 1907, $1.50 Reprinted 1913 Woman's Life »,. 6. From Youth into W. S. Hall, M.D. 5 Association press, 1909, 6th edition, 1913 Manhood 50>S ^. Training the Young E. Lyttelton 5 Longmans, Green, in Laws of Sex 1906,$1.00 ' 8. Life and Love Margaret W. Morley 5 McClurg, 1906, $1.25 v'B. Education with Ref- Charles R. Henderson 6 University of Chi- 8th Yearbook of the erence to Sex cago, 1909, $1.50 National Society for the Scientific Study of Education f'lO. New Conscience Jane Addams 5 Macmillan, 1912, $1.00 Popular edition, 1914, and an Ancient 60^ Evil v'll. American Boy and R. N. Willson, M.D. 5 Winston, 1905, $1.00 the Social Evil A2. How Shall T tell My Woodallen-Chapman 4 Revell, 1912, 25^ Edward Bok Series Child ^ 13. The Boy Problem Educational P a m- phlet No. 4 4 Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophy- laxis, 10>i ' 14. Reproduction and W. S. Hall, M.D. 4 Wynnewood Publish- 10th edition, 1910 Sexual Hygiene ing Co., c 1907, $1.00. "^ 15. Instead of Wild Oats W. S. Hall, M.D. 4 Revell, 1912, 25t Edward Bok Series Vl6. What a Young Mary Woodallen 4 Vir Publishing Co., New revised edition. Woman Ought to c 1899, $1.00 c 1905, Self and Sex Know Series *n. Ideal Married Life Mary Woodallen 4 Revell, 1901, $1.25 V-18. Education in Sex- Philip Zenner, M.D. 4 Stewart & Kidd, 1913, Revised edition ual Physiology $1.00 and Hygiene V 19. Instruction in the Helen C. Putnam, 4 Heath, 1907 Reprinted from Boston Hygiene and M.D. Medical and Surgical Physiology of Sex Journal, Jan. 31, 1907 ^We are indebted to Miss Olive Crosby, office secretary, Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis for the compilation from which this tabulation has LIBRARY 111 Books appearing on more than three lists — continued TITLE AUTHOR 01 Si < > . P5 ^£ PUBLISHERS, COST AND DATE NOTES ♦^0. What a Young Girl Ought to Know /2I. Four Epochs of Life ^ 22. Leaflets of the Chi- cago Social Hy- giene Society . v^3. Song of Life 4,24. Confidences k-^5. Physiological Func- tions of Menstru- ation Mary Woodallen E. H. Muncie, M.D. Margaret W. Morley E. B. Lowry, M.D. J. R. Goffe, M.D. 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vir Publishing Co., c 1897, $1.00 Brooklyn, Author, c 1910, S1.50 Chicago Social Hy- giene Society McClurg, 1902, S1.25 Forbes, 1913, 50^ Revised edition 1905 9th edition, n. d. Leaflets distributed on request A third study has recently been made as follows. A list of one hundred and fifty books suggested by representatives of several national organiza- tions and by individuals qualified to judge their value was arranged alphabetically by author. Fourteen persons interested in social hy- giene work met for conference using this list as a basis for discussion. Each of the fourteen was well acquainted with the general literature of the subject, but of course had not read all of the one hundred and fifty books considered. Necessarily some of the books had the advan- tage of having been widely advertised and distributed or of having been on the market for several years. The following problem was outlined : There are in the United States approximately twenty-five hundred public libraries equipped with more than five thousand volumes. Sup- pose these libraries have each the open-shelf plan of permitting men, women, and children to have access to the shelves for selection of books, and have each a limited staff of employees, what decision should be made relative to the purchase and use of these one hundred and fifty books? Four questions were asked : 1. Which books should be approved for the open shelves? 2. Which books should be approved for use under the librarians' supervision? 3. Which books should be recommended for reading by parents? 4. Which books should be disapproved as not desirable for use in a library of this type? Each member of the conference without discussion prepared a list based upon his knowledge of the books under consideration. Only 112 SOCIAL HYGIENE one book — "Three Gifts of Life" received fourteen votes. received ten or more. These were: Seven TITLE AUTHOR NO. OP APPROVALS PUBLISHER / 1. Spirit of Youth and the Jane Addams 13 Macmillan City Streets /2. New Conscience and an Jane Addams 12 Macmillan Ancient Evil \/ 3. Consecration of the Af- Richard Cabot, M.D. 11 National Y. W. C. A. fections »^4. Training of the Young in E. Lyttelton 11 Longmans, Green Laws of Sex ^ 5. Eugenics C. B. Davenport 10 Holt *" 6. Essays in Eugenics Francis Galton 10 Eugenics Education Society *- 7. Sex Education j Ira S. Wile, M.D. 10 Duffield It should be understood that the above seven books received their ten or more votes of approval for open shelves. If to these votes for open shelves, the votes given to books for parents be added, the list is augmented by two, as follows : TITLE AUTHOR NO. OF APPROVALS PUBLISHER t' 1. Sex Instruction / 2. Plant and Animal Children M. A. Bigelow EllenTorelle 9 + 3 9 + 1 American Social Hygiene Association Heath If, further, the votes cast for supervised books be considered six more are added: TITLE AUTHOR NO OF APPROVALS PUBLISHER \/\. Report on Matter and T. M. Balliet, M. A Bige- 8 + 1+3 American Social Hygiene Methods of Sex Educa- low, p. A. Morrow, M.D. Association tion **^2. Marriage and the Sex Problem Foerster 7+1+4 Stokes v3. Kallikak Family H. H. Goddard 9 + 1 Macmillan «'4. Youth G. S. Hall 9 + 1 Appleton v'S. Education with Reference to Sex C. R. Henderson 7 + 3 University of Chicago ^ 6. Love and Marriage Ellen Key 7 + 3 Putnam's LIBRARY 113 1. Approved for Open Shelves. Received Six Votes or Over PUBLISBEB AUTHOR TITLE DATE NOTES Addams, Jane New Conscience and An Ancient Evil Macmillan, 1912, $1.00 Addams, Jane ^ Spirit of Youth and the City Streets Macmillan, 1909, 60^ T. M. Balliet, M. A. Bigelow > '^Report on Matter and American Social Hy- and P. A. Morrow Methods of Sex Ed- ucation giene Association Bigelow, Maurice A. ■> Sex Instruction as a Reprint by the Amer- Phase of Social Ed- ican Social Hygiene ucation (Relig. Ed. Association Apr., 1913) Burbank, Luther \ Training of the Hu- man Plant Century, 1909, 60^ Cabot, Richard C. ^ Consecration of the Affections Y. W. C. A., 1913. 50^ 2d edition. 1914 Chapmen, Rose Woodallen . How Shall I Tell My Child Revell, 1912, 25^ Edward Bok Series Cocks, Orrin G. ' ■^n^gsnaent and S^ab nage Assoc. Press, 1913, 60f! Sex Education Series Davenport, Charles B. ^^ugenics Holt, 1910, 60^ Dodge, Grace H. A Bundle of Letters Funk, Wagnall8,c 1887, to Busy Girls m Ellis, Havelock .'Task of Social Hy- Houghton, Mifflin, Second edition, 1014 giene 1912, $2.50 Exner, M. J. « ''Physician's Answer Assoc. Press, 1913, 15^ Foerster, F. W. ^ •'Marriage and the Sex Problem Stokes, n. d. $1.35 Galton, Francis j^ ' Essays in Eugenics Eugenics Education Society Goddard, H. H. v ■"Kallikak Family Macmillan Hall, W. S. » From Youth into Manhood Assoc. Press, 1909, 50(i Hall, W. S. t f^ Life's Problems American Medical As- sociation, c 1913, 10^ Hall, G. S. . Youth Appleton, 1909, $1.50 Hamilton, Cosmo -Tlea for Younger Generation Doran, c 1913, 75^ Hamilton, Cosmo ' blindness of Virtue Doran,c 1913, $1.00 Henderson, Charles R. ^ Education with Ref- University of Chi- erence to Sex cago, 1909, $1.50 Jordan, David Starr .' Heredity of Richard American Unitarian Roe Association, 1911, $1.20 Key, Ellen v Century of the Child Putnam's, $1.50 Key, Ellen „ Love and Marriage Putnam's, 1911. $1.50 Lyttelton, E. v Training of the Young Longmans, Green, 1906 in Laws of Sex $1.00 Saleeby, C. W. ^ Parenthood and Race Moffat, Yard, 1909, Culture $2.50 Saleeby, C. W. v Woman and Woman- hood Kennerley, 1911, $2.50 Smith, Nellie M. v ^hree Gifts of Life Dodd, Mead, 1913, 50,f Thompson & Geddes Problems of Sex Moffat, Yard, 1912, 50(i 114 SOCIAL HYGIENE 1. Approved for Open Shelves — continued A0THOB TITLE PUBLISHER DATE NOTES Torelle, Ellen i-i^lant and Animal Children Heath, c 1912, 50)i Wile, Ira S. , Sex Education Duffield, 1912, $1.00 Zenner, Philip Education in Sexual Stewart, Kidd, 1913, Physiology and $1.00 Hygiene e. Approved for use Under Supervision Flexner, Abraham ' Prostitution in Eu- rope Century, 1914, $1.30 Kneeland, George J. \ , Commercialized Pros- titution in New York City Century, 1913, $1.30 Morrow, Prince A. »- Social Diseases and Marriage Lea, 1904, $3.00 Report of L- Health Education League of Boston . Session on Sex Hy- Hygiene Report of w. 'Committee of 14; N. Y., 1912 Kellogg Co., 1910 Report of -^ 'Minneapolis Vice Commission 1911, 40^ Report of -Chicago Vice Com- mission 1911, 50ji Report of ^ Elmira Vice Commis- mission 1913 Report of " Hartford Vice Com- mission 1913 Report of Lancaster Vice Com- mission 1914 Report of Philadelphia Vice Commission 1913, 40ji Report of '"' Pittsburgh Vice Com- mission 1913 Report of Syracuse Vice Com- mission 1913, 40^ U. S. Report "^ O n Condition o f Woman and Child Wage-earners in the U. S., Vol. XV: Relation between Occupation and Criminality of Wo- men 1911 S. Recommended for Use of Parents PUBIISHEB AUTHOR TITLE DATE NOTES Addams, Jane "TJew Conscience and an Ancient Evil Macmillan, 1912 Balliet, T. M., Bigelow, M. A. 'Heport on Matter and American Social Hy- and Morrow, P. A. Methods of Sex Ed- ucation giene Association LIBRARY 115 3. Recommended for Use of Parents — continued ] PUBLISHER AtlTHOR TITLE 1 DATE NOTES Bigelow, Maurice A. * Sex Instruction as a American Social Hy- Phase of Social Ed- giene Association ucation Brieux, Eugene '^hree Plays Brentano's, 1911, $1.50 Burr, H. M. «, ^Adolescent Boyhood Seminar Pub., 1910, $1.00 Castle, W. E. v 'heredity Appleton, 1911, $1.50 Second edition, 1913 Cocks, Orrin G. v 'Engagement and Mar- riage Assoc. Press, 1913, 50)i Galloway, T. H. Biology of Sex Heath, c 1913, 75^ Hall, W. S. -Instead of Wild Oats Revell, 1912, 25»i Hall, W. S. . V ' From Youth into Manhood Assoc. Press, 1909, 50fi Hall, W. S. ' * 'Physician's Message to his Son Hall, W. S. V John's Vacation American Medical As- sociation, 10^ Hall, W. S. *3S,eproduction and Wynnewood Pub., 12th edition Sexual Hygiene 1911, $1.00 Hall, W. S. ^ 'Sexual Knowledge International Bible House, 1913, $1.00 Hall, W. S. -doctor's Daughter American Medical As- sociation, 10)i Hall, W. S. X^lhums American Medical As- sociation, lOji Hall, W. S. i<-t)eveloping into Man- hood Hall, W. S. 'i/ife'a Problems American Medical As- sociation, lOfS Hamilton, Cosmo ^ Plea for Younger Gen- eration Doran, 1913, 75^ Hamilton, Cosmo ' Blindness of Virtue Doran, 1913, $1.00 Henderson, C. R. ■^Education with Ref- University of Chi- erence to Sex cago, 1909, $1.50 King, H. 'llow to Make a Ra- tional Fight for Character Assoc. Press, 1913, 25^ Lyttelton, E. i. Training of the Young Longmans, G r e e'n, in Laws of Sex 1906, $1.00 Morley, Margaret W. 'Song of Life McClurg, 1902, $1.25 Morley, Margaret W. > Life and Love McClurg, 1905, $1.25 5th edition Morley, Margaret W. Renewal of Life McClurg, 1909, $1.25 2d edition Morley, Margaret W. ,^ark of Life Revell, 1913, 25^ Edward Bok Series Morrow, Prince A. | JBocial Diseases and Marriage Lea, 1904, $3.00 N. J. Mrs. ( /Row We are Born Daniel, 1906, 50^ Sanger, M. H. ^hat Every Girl Sentinel Printing Co., Should Know 2bt Wood, Th. D. I Education for Better American Academy of Parenthood Medicine, 1912, IH Zenner, Philip , "lEducation in Sexual Stewart, Kidd, 1913, Physiology and Hy- $1.00 giene 116 SOCIAL HYGIENE ^. Books Disapproved for General Public Ldbrary Use Received three or more votes of disapproval AtTTHOK TITLE PUBLISHER DATE NOTES Bloch, Iwan « 'Sexual Life of Our Time Rebman, 1913, $5.00 Carpenter, Edward , Love's Coming of Age Kennerley, 1911, fl.OO Ellis, Havelock ,Studies in the Psy- Davis, 1906, $13.50 Volumes sold sepa- chology of Sex, 6 rately volumes Forel, August /The Sexual Question Rebman, c 1908, $5.00 Kauffman, R. W. 'The House of Bond- Moffat, Yard, 1911, age 81.35 Lowry, E. B. v Himself Forbes, 1913, $1.00 Lowry, E. B. \ /Confidences Forbes, 1913, 50)i Lydston, G. Frank ^Sex Hygiene for the Male Riverton Press, 1912, $2.25 Stall, Sylvanus ► What a Young Man Ought to Know Vir Pub., C1904, $1.00 Stall, Sylvanus x> What a Young Boy Ought to Know Vir Pub., 1897. $1.00 Willson, Robert N. u ^Education of the R. N. Willson, 1913, Young in Sex Hy- $2.00 giene Willson, Robert N. [^ ''If I were a Girl Pamphlet obtainable from author Willson, Robert N. i^ American Boy and Social Evil Winston, 1905, $1.00 Wood-Allen »■ •Almost a Man Crist, c 1907, 50ji Wood-Allen ^Almost a Woman Crist, c 1907, 50»S Wood-Allen -What a Young Girl Ought to Know Vir Pub., c 1905, $1.00 Wood-Allen ' What a Young Woman Ought to Know Vir Pub., c 1905, $1.00 This disapproval is based on one of two standpoints; one, that the book, though of value to physicians or specially trained persons, is not fitted for the general public; two; that the book does not in itself merit recommendation. A combination of the results of these three studies gives the fol- lowing: /. Books Appearing in all Three Studies Arranged alphabetically by author AUTHOB TITLE PUBLISHER, DATE NOTES 1 . Addams, Jane New Conscience and an Ancient Evil Macmillan, 1912 2. Hall, W. S. From Youth into Manhood Association Press, 1913 3. Lyttelton, E. Training of the Young in Laws of Sex Longmans, Green, 1906 4 Zenner, Philip • Education in Sexual Physiology and Hy- giene Stewart, Kidd, 1913 LIBRARY 117 II. Books Appearing in two of these Studies 1. Bigelow, Maurice A. 2. Chapman, Rose W. 3. Henderson, Charles R. 4. Smith, Nellie M. 5. Morrow, Prince A. 6. Hall, W. S. 7. Hall, W. S. 8. Morley, Margaret W. 9. Morley, Margaret W. 10. Morley, Margaret W. 11. Educational Pa m phi No. 4 *f Sex Instruction as a Phase of Social Ed- ucation How Shall I Tell My Child J^ducation with Ref- erence to Sex i/Three Gifts of Life t. Social Diseases and Marriage •Kinstead of Wild Oats Reproduction and Sexual Hygiene -''Song of Life •"KLife and Love Renewal of Life et j' The Boy Problem 12. Educational Pamphlets No. 5 13. Educational Pamphlet No. 6 tt,/k. How My Uncle, the Doctor, Instructed me in Matters of Sex ealth and the Hy- giene of Sex Amer. Social Hygiene Association Revell, 1912 Chi- University of cago, 1909 Dodd, Mead, 1913 Lea, 1904 Revell, 1912 Wynnewood, 1911 McClurg, 1902 McClurg, 1905 McClurg, 1909 The Society of Sani- tary and Moral Prophylaxis The Society of Sani- tary and Moral Prophylaxis The Society of Sani- tary and Moral Prophylaxis. The fact that only fourteen out of approximately two hundred books and pamphlets on social hygiene can be said to represent in any degree the consensus of opinion of the large number of persons concerned in selecting these approved lists is evidence of the need for frequent con- ferences and persistent effort toward standardizing the literature of the subject. Following is a brief description or classification of the con- tents of the seventeen books selected by the above methods of tabu- lation : \/ \. A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil. This book of 219 pages, by Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chicago, is based largely upon reports of the field officers of the Chicago Juvenile Protective Association, and presents the author's views upon the factors favoring commer- cialized vice and the recruiting of victims for its immoral practices. The forces to be organized against these factors are discussed as indi- cated in the closing paragraph of the preface which reads, "I therefore venture to hope that in serving my own need I may also serve the need of a rapidly growing public when I set down for rational consideration the temptations surrounding multitudes of young people and when I assemble, as best I may, the many indications of a new conscience, which in various directions is slowly gathering strength and which we 118 SOCIAL HYGIENE may soberly hope will at last successfully array itself against this in- credible social wrong, ancient though it may be." 2. From Youth into Manhood. This is a book of 106 pages written by Dr. Winfield S. Hall, Professor of Physiology, Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School, Chicago. The following extracts from the introduction by Dr. George J. Fisher of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations outline its contents. "There has been demanded for some time in addition to literature for young men and older boys, a book that can be placed in the hands of preadolescent and early adolescent boys of about the ages eleven to fifteen I believe this book meets a great need. Beginning with the romantic story of Ab it immediately secures the attention of the boy, then leads him gradually into the more technical description of his sex organs, then relates the subject to himself through the interesting story of the colts Morgan and Jack, dealing with him sympathetically throughout; and without any morbid suggestion whatever, it finally, through simple hygienic suggestions shows the boy how to secure a healthy body and a pure mind." 3. Training of the Young in Laws of Sex. This is a book of 117 pages dedicated to parents by the author. Rev. The Honorable E. Lyttelton, Head Master of Eaton College. The preface contains these statements, "The scope of this essay has been carefully narrowed to two divisions of one subject: The disastrous results which follow from neglect of home teaching about life and birth; and the way in which such teaching may be given. What parents are anxiously seeking is a simple answer to these questions: Since our children are exposed to the risk of gathering vicious ideas about life and birth, ought we not our- selves to forestall the danger by giving wholesome teaching? And, if so, how is this to be done? This essay treats of these two questions in order." 4. Education in Sexual Physiology and 'Hygiene. This book of 126 pages is written by Dr. Philip Zenner, Professor of Neurology in the Medical Department of the University of Cincinnati. The author says: "This book is intended as a message from a physician to the people. Its purpose is the prevention of disease. The means of prevention are modes of instruction that tend to make a pure mind, and the impart- ing of knowledge that helps to safeguard the individual The first three chapters of the book give talks of the author to school children and college boys. They are given as illustrations of what has LIBRARY 119 been and can be done Farther on ... . are dis- cussed other and better modes of instruction." The remaining thirteen books may be grouped as follows : 1. For mature men and women who are studying the problem. (a) The Educational Problems. Bigelow, Sex Instruction as a Phase of Social Education. Henderson, Education with Reference to Sex. (b) The Medical Problems of Social Hygiene. Morrow, Social Diseases and Marriage. Educational Pam- phlet No. 6, Health and the Hygiene of Sex. 2. For Parents. (a) Practical Suggestions. Chapman, How Shall I Tell My Child. Hall, Instead of "Wild Oats. Educational Pam- phlet No. 4, The Boy Problem. Educational Pam- How My Uncle, the Doctor, In- phlet No. 5, structed Me in Matters of Sex. (b) Biological Stories of Reproduction and Sex.^ Morley, The Song of Life. Morley, Life and Love. Morley, The Renewal of Life. 3. For Young Men and Young Women. (a) Written for Young Men. Hall, Reproduction and Sexual Hygiene. (b) Written for Young Women. Smith, Three Gifts of Life. However widely individual judgments of the value of these books may vary all must agree that the committees selecting them endeavored to provide (1) general information for the adult public, (2) aids for par- ents in instructing their children, (3) reading for young men and young women whose parents have failed to give them needed instruction, (4) detailed educational and medical knowledge for those persons especially interested. 2 To some extent each of these books includes and elaborates the preceding one, although the texts and illustrations are different. 120 SOCIAL HYGIENE It would be unfair to the organizations whose Hsts have been used in the preparation of this study, and equally unfair to the authors who have published books not taken into account, not to emphasize the fact that many excellent books upon every phase of social hygiene have been pub- lished in the past year or two and are undoubtedly being recommended through correspondence. The fact remains however that the printed lists continue practically as originally adopted. In succeeding numbers of Social Hygiene these studies of social hygiene literature will be continued. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW ! AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ...■.:■ ^^:- :C.4^ nfl/vv ^. 1 1Q44 . . ,