A d A o o en o =; o IE o 8 ^* 1 3 9 3 ^^^"^^ 5 1 2 p= 1 ^^== q 1 EARLIEST MANUSCRIPT FRAGMENTARY 13 CENTURY .rf^frfr/r^a^ THE TEMPLE CLASSICS Edited by ISRAEL GOLLANCZ M.A. PCS 1 THE HIGH HISTORY 9* the HOLY GRAAL TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH 2X SEBASTIAN EVANS ^l VOL. ONE L $P MDCCCXCVIIlPUBLlSHeD BY* tJ-M-DeWT- aw -co: AL2>me- House- London '-c* THE HIGH HISTORY OF THE HOLY GRAAL BRANCH I INCIPIT HEAR ye the history of the most holy The vessel that is called Graal, wherein the Book precious blood of the Saviour was received on J* "*e the day that He was put on rood and crucified in order that He might redeem His people from the pains of hell. Josephus set it in remem- brance by annunciation of the voice of an angel, for that the truth might be known by his writing of good knights and good worshipful men how they were willing to suffer pain and to travail for the setting forward of the Law of Jesus Christ, that He willed to make new by His death and by His crucifixion. TITLE I The High Book of the Graal begmneth in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. These three Persons are one substance, which is God, and of God moveth the High Story of the Graal. And all they that hear it ought to understand it, and to for- vol. I. A 6 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Sir get all the wickednesses that they have in their Perceval's hearts. For right profitable shall it be to all good t hem that shall hear it of the heart. For the sake of the worshipful men and good knights of whose deeds shall remembrance be made, doth Josephus recount this holy history, for the sake of the lineage of the Good Knight that was after the crucifixion of Our Lord. Good Knight was he without fail, for he was chaste and virgin of his body and hardy of heart and puissant, and so were his conditions without wickedness. Not boastful was he of speech, and it seemed not by his cheer that he had so great courage ; Natheless, of one little word that he delayed to speak came to pass so sore mis- chances in Greater Britain, that all the islands and all the lands fell thereby into much sorrow, albeit thereafter he put them back into gladness by the authority of his good knighthood. Good knight was he of right, for he was of the lineage of Joseph of Abarimacie. And this Joseph was his mother's uncle, that had been a soldier of Pilate's seven years, nor asked he of him none other guerdon of his service but only to take down the body of Our Saviour from hanging on the cross. The boon him seemed full great when it was granted him, and full little to Pilate seemed the guerdon ; for right well had Joseph served him, and had he asked to have gold or land thereof, willingly would he have given it to him. And for this did Pilate make him a gift of the Saviour's body, for he supposed that Joseph should have dragged the same shamefully through the city THE HOLY GRAAL 7 of Jerusalem when it had been taken down Sir from the cross, and should have left it without Perceval's the city in some mean place. But the Good ^dred Soldier had no mind thereto, but rather honoured the body the most he might, rather laid it along in the Holy Sepulchre and kept safe the lance whereof He was smitten in the side and the most Holy Vessel wherein they that believed on Him received with awe the blood that ran down from His wounds when He was set upon the rood. Of this lineage was the Good Knight for whose sake is this High History treated. Yglais was his mother's name : King Fisherman was his uncle, and the King of the Lower Folk that was named Pelles, and the King that was named of the Castle Mortal, in whom was there as much bad as there was good in the other twain, and much good was there in them ; and these three were his uncles on the side of his mother Yglais, that was a right good Lady and a loyal ; and the Good Knight had one sister, that hight Din- drane. He that was head of the lineage on his father's side was named Nichodemus. Gais li Gros of the Hermit's Cross was father of Alain li Gros. This Alain had eleven brethren, right good knights, like as he was himself. And none of them all lived in his knighthood but twelve years, and they all died in arms, for their great hardiment in setting forward of the Law that was made new. There were twelve brethren. Alain li Gros was the eldest ; Gorgalians was next ; Bruns Brandalis was the third ; Bertholez li Chauz the fourth ; 8 THE HIGH HISTORY OF King Brandalus of Wales was the fifth ; Elinant of Arthur's Escavalon was the sixth ; Calobrutus was the court 8eventn . Meralis of the Palace Meadow was the eighth ; Fortunes of the Red Launde was ninth ; Melaarmaus of Abanie was the tenth ; Galians of the White Tower the eleventh ; Alibans of the Waste City was the twelfth. All these died in arms in the service of the Holy Prophet that had renewed the Law by His death, and smote His enemies to the utter- most of their power. Of these two manner of folk, whose names and records you have heard, Josephus the good clerk telleth us was come the Good Knight of whom you shall well hear the name and the manner presently. II The authority of the scripture telleth us that after the crucifixion of Our Lord, no earthly King set forward the Law of Jesus Christ so much as did King Arthur of Britain, both by himself and by the good knights that made repair to his court. Good King Arthur after the crucifixion of Our Lord, was such as I tell you, and was a puissant King, and one that well believed in God, and many were the good adventures that befel at his court. And he had in his court the Table Round that was garnished of the best knights in the world. King Arthur after the death of his father led the highest life and most gracious that ever king led, in such sort that all the princes and all the barons took example of him in well-doing. For ten years was King Arthur in such estate as I have told THE HOLY GRAAL 9 you, nor never was earthly king so praised as he, The until that a slothful will came upon him and he King began to lose the pleasure in doing largess that ^T a f Lr j he wont to have, nor was he minded to hold court neither at Christmas-tide nor at Easter nor at Pentecost. The knights of the Table Round when they saw his well-doing wax slack departed thence and began to hold aloof from his court, insomuch as that of three hundred and three- score and six knights that he wont to have of his household, there were now not more than a five-and-twenty at most, nor did no adventure befal any more at his court. All the other princes had slackened of their well-doing for that they saw King Arthur maintain so feebly. Queen Guenievre was so sorrowful thereof that she knew not what counsel to take with herself, nor how she might so deal as to amend matters so God amended them not. From this time beginneth the history. ill It was one Ascension Day that the King was at Cardoil. He was risen from meat and went through the hall from one end to the other, and looked and saw the Queen that was seated at a window. The King went to sit beside her, and looked at her in the face and saw that the tears were falling from her eyes. < Lady,' saith the King, ' What aileth you, and wherefore do you weep ? ' ' Sir,' saith she, * And I weep, good right have I ; and you yourself have little right to make joy.' ' Certes, Lady, I do not.' Sir,' saith she, * You are right. I have seen on this io THE HIGH HISTORY OF The high day, or on other days that were not less Queen high than this, when you have had such throng givetn Q k^gf^ a t your court that right uneath might any number them. Now every day are so few therein that much shame have I thereof, nor no more do no adventures befal therein. Wherefore great fear have I lest God hath put you into forgetfulness.' * Certes, Lady,' saith the King, ' No will have I to do largesse nor aught that turneth to honour. Rather is my desire changed into feebleness of heart. And by this know I well that I lose my knights and the love of my friends.' ' Sir,' saith the Queen, * And were you to go to the chapel of S. Augustine that is in the White Forest, that may not be found save by adventure only, methinketh that on your back-repair you would again have your desire of well-doing, for never yet did none discounselled ask counsel of God but He would give it for love of him so he asked it of a good heart.' 'Lady,' saith the King, 'And willingly will I go, forasmuch as that you say have I heard well witnessed in many places where I have been.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' The place is right perilous and the chapel right adventurous. But the most worshipful hermit that is in the Kingdom of Wales hath his dwelling beside the chapel, nor liveth he now any longer for nought save only the glory of God.' ' Lady,' saith the King, ' It will behove me go thither all armed and without knights.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' You may well take with you one knight and a squire.' ' Lady,' saith the King, ' That durst not I, for the place THE HOLY GRAAL n is perilous, and the more folk one should take Of Chaus thither, the fewer adventures there should he tne squire find.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' One squire shall you take by my approval, nor shall nought betide you thereof save good only, please God ! ' < Lady,' saith the King, 'At your pleasure be it, but much dread I that nought shall come of it save evil only.' Thereupon the King riseth up from beside the Queen, and looketh before him and seeth a youth tall and strong and comely and young, that was hight Chaus, and he was the son of Ywain li Aoutres. ' Lady,' saith he to the Queen, 'This one will I take with me and you approve.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' It pleaseth me well, for I have heard much witness to his valour.' The King calleth the squire, and he cometh and kneeleth down before him. The King maketh him rise and saith to him, ' Chaus,' saith he, ' You shall lie within to-night, in this hall, and take heed that my horse be saddled at break of day and my arms ready. For I would be moving at the time I tell you, and yourself with me without more company.' 'Sir,' saith the squire, ' At your pleasure.' And the even- ing drew on, and the King and Queen go to bed. When they had eaten in hall, the knights went to their hostels. The squire remained in the hall, but he would not do off his clothes nor his shoon, for the night seemed him to be too short, and for that he would fain be ready in the morning at the King's commandment. The squire was lying down in such sort as I have told you, and in the first sleep that he slept, seemed him the King had gone without him. i2 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The The squire was sore scared thereat, and came squire to his hackney and set the saddle and bridle . ^ upon him, and did on his spurs and girt on his sword, as it seemed him in his sleep, and issued forth of the castle a great pace after the King. And when he had ridden a long space he entered into a great forest and looked in the way before him and saw the slot of the King's horse and followed the track a long space, until that he came to a launde of the forest whereat he thought that the King had alighted. The squire thought that the hoof-marks on the way had come to an end, and so thought that the King had alighted there or hard by there. He looketh to the right hand and seeth a chapel in the midst of the launde, and he seeth about it a great graveyard wherein were many coffins, as it seemed him. He thought in his heart that he would go toward the chapel, for he sup- posed that the King would have entered to pray there. He went thitherward and alighted. When the squire was alighted, he tied up his hackney and entered into the chapel. None did he see there in one part nor another, save a knight that lay dead in the midst of the chapel upon a bier, and he was covered of a rich cloth of silk, and had around him waxen tapers burn- ing that were fixed in four candlesticks of gold. This squire marvelled much how this body was left there so lonely, insomuch that none were about him save only the images, and yet more marvelled he of the King that he found him not, for he knew not in what part to seek him. He taketh out one of the tall tapers, and layeth THE HOLY GRAAL 13 hand on the golden candlestick, and setteth it The betwixt his hose and his thigh and issueth forth stolen of the chapel, and remounteth on his hackney c * n Ie " and goeth his way back and passeth beyond the grave-yard and issueth forth of the launde and entereth into the forest and thinketh that he will not cease until he hath found the King. IV So, as he entereth into a grassy lane in the wood, he seeth come before him a man black and foul-favoured, and he was somewhat taller afoot than was himself a-horseback. And he held a great sharp knife in his hand with two edges as it seemed him. The squire cometh Dver against him a great pace and saith to him, * You, that come there, have you met King Arthur in this forest ? ' 'In no wise,' saith the messenger, But you have I met, whereof am I right glad at heart, for you have departed from the chapel as a thief and a traitor. For you are carrying off thence the candlestick of gold that was in honour of the knight that lieth in the chapel dead. Wherefore I will that you yield it up to me and so will I carry it back, otherwise, and you do not this, you do I defy ! ' ' By my faith,' saith the squire, ' Never will I yield it you! rather will I carry it off and make a present thereof to King Arthur.' * By my faith,' saith the other, ' Right dearly shall you pay for it, and you yield it not up forthwith.' Howbeit, the squire smiteth with his spurs and thinketh to pass him by, but the other hasteth him, and smiteth the squire in the i 4 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The left side with the knife and thrusteth it into his dream body up to the haft. The squire, that lay in 0n ?rue the hall at Cardoil, and had dreamed this, awoke and cried in a loud voice : Holy Mary ! The priest ! Help ! Help, for I am a dead man ! ' The King and the Queen heard the cry, and the chamberlain leapt up and said to the King : * Sir, you may well be moving, for it is day ! ' The King made him be clad and shod. AnoV the squire crieth with such strength as he hath : * Fetch me the priest, for I die ! ' The King goeth thither as fast as he may, and the Queen and the chamberlain carry great torches and candles. The King asketh him what aileth him, and he telleth him all in such wise as he had dreamed it. ' Ha,' saith the King, ' Is it then a dream ? ' ' Yea, sir,' saith he, ' But a right foul dream it is for me, for right foully hath it come true ! ' He lifted his left arm. * Sir,' saith he, ' Look you there ! Lo, here is the knife that was run into my side up to the haft ! ' After that, he setteth his hand to his hose where the candlestick was. He draweth it forth and showeth it to the King. ' Sir,' saith he, ' For this candlestick that I present to you, am I wounded to the death ! ' The King taketh the candlestick and looketh thereat in wonderment for none so rich had he never seen tofore. The King showeth it to the Queen. ' Sir,' saith the squire, ' Draw not forth the knife of my body until that I be shriven.' The King sent for one of his own chaplains that made the squire confess and do his houselling right well. The King himself draweth forth THE HOLY GRAAL 15 the knife of the body, and the soul departed King forthwith. The King made do his service Arthur right richly and his shrouding and burial, f^i. Ywain li Aoutres that was father to the squire was right sorrowful of the death of his son. King Arthur, with the approval of Ywain his father, gave the candlestick to S. Paul in Lon- don, for the church was newly founded, and the King wished that this marvellous adventure should everywhere be known, and that prayer should be made in the church for the soul of the squire that was slain on account of the candlestick. King Arthur armed himself in the morning, as I told you and began to tell, to go to the chapel of S. Augustine. Said the Queen to him : ' Whom will you take with you ? ' 'Lady,' saith he, 'No company will I have thither, save God only, for well may you under- stand by this adventure that hath befallen, that God will not allow I should have none with me.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' God be guard of your body, and grant you return safely so as that you may have the will to do well, whereby shall your praise be lifted up that is now sore cast down.' ' Lady,' saith he, ' May God remem- ber it.' His destrier was brought to the mounting-stage, and the King mounted thereon all armed. Messire Ywain li Aoutres lent him his shield and spear. When the King had hung the shield at his neck and held the spear in his hand, sword-girt, on the tall destrier 16 THE HIGH HISTORY OF King armed, well seemed he in the make of his body Arthur an( j j n hi 8 bearing to be a knight of great pith chanel an< ^ hardiment. He planteth himself so stiffly in the stirrups that he maketh the saddlebows creak again and the destrier stagger under him that was right stout and swift, and he smiteth him of his spurs, and the horse maketh answer with a great leap. The Queen was at the win- dows of the hall, and as many as five-and- twenty knights were all come to the mounting- stage. When the King departed, ' Lords,' saith the Queen, ' How seemeth you of the King ? Seemeth he not a goodly man ? ' ' Yea, certes, Lady, and sore loss is it to the world that he followeth not out his good beginning, for no king nor prince is known better learned of all courtesy nor of all largesse than he, so he would do like as he was wont.' With that the knights hold their peace, and King Arthur goeth away a great pace. And he entereth into a great forest adventurous, and rideth the day long until he cometh about evensong into the thick of the forest. And he espied a little house beside a little chapel, and it well seemed him to be a hermitage. King Arthur rode thitherward and alighteth before this little house, and entereth thereinto and draweth his horse after him, that had much pains to enter in at the door, and laid his spear down on the ground and leant his shield against the wall, and hath ungirded his sword and unlaced his ventail. He looked before him and saw barley and provender, and so led his horse thither and took off his bridle, and afterwards hath shut THE HOLY GRAAL 17 the door of the little house and locked it. And A strife it seemed him that there was a strife in the in the chapel. The ones were weeping so tenderly cha P el and sweetly as it were angels, and the other spake so harshly as it were fiends. The King heard such voices in the chapel and marvelled much what it might be. He findeth a door in the little house that openeth on a little cloister whereby one goeth to the chapel. The King is gone thither and entereth into the little min- ster, and looketh everywhere but seeth nought there, save the images and the crucifixes. And he supposeth not that the strife of these voices cometh of them. The voices ceased as soon as he was within. He marvelleth how it came that this house and hermitage were solitary, and what had become of the hermit that dwelt there- in. He drew nigh the altar of the chapel and beheld in front thereof a coffin all discovered, and he saw the hermit lying therein all clad in his vestments, and seeth the long beard down to his girdle, and his hands crossed upon his breast. There was a cross above him, whereof the image came as far as his mouth, and he had life in him yet, but he was nigh his end, being at the point of death. The King was before the coffin a long space, and looked right fainly on the hermit, for well it seemed him that he had been of a good life. The night was fully come, but within was a brightness of light as if a score of candles were lighted. He had a mind to abide there until that the good man should have passed away. He would fain have sate him down before the coffin, when a voice 18 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Our warned him right horribly to begone thence, Lady for that it was desired to make a judgment with- i^ 1 * m t ^ iere ^ at m ight not be made so long as he were there. The King departed, that would willingly have remained there, and so returned back into the little house, and sate him down on a seat whereon the hermit wont to sit. And he heareth the strife and the noise begin again within the chapel, and the ones he heareth speaking high and the others low, and he know- eth well by the voices, that the ones are angels and the others devils. And he heareth that the devils are distraining on the hermit's soul, and that judgment will presently be given in their favour, whereof make they great joy. King Arthur is grieved in his heart when he heareth that the angels' voices are stilled. The King is so heavy, that no desire hath he neither to eat nor to drink. And while he sitteth thus, stooping his head toward the ground, full of vexation and discontent, he heareth in the chapel the voice of a Lady that spake so sweet and clear, that no man in this earthly world, were his grief and heaviness never so sore, but and he had heard the sweet voice of her plead- ing would again have been in joy. She saith to the devils : ' Begone from hence, for no right have ye over the soul of this good man, what- soever he may have done aforetime, for in my Son's service and mine own is he taken, and his penance hath he done in this hermitage of the sins that he hath done.' ' True, Lady,' say the devils, * But longer had he served us than he hath served you and your Son. For THE HOLY GRAAL 19 forty years or more hath he been a murderer The and robber in this forest, whereas in this hermit- Permit age but five years hath he been. And now lxtus you wish to thieve him from us.' ' I do not. No wish have I to take him from you by theft, for had he been taken in your service in such- wise as he hath been taken in mine, yours would he have been, all quit.' The devils go their way all discomfit and aggrieved ; and the sweet Mother of our Lord God taketh the soul of the hermit, that was departed of his body, and so commendeth it to the angels and archangels that they make present thereof to Her dear Son in Paradise. And the angels take it and begin to sing for joy Te Deum laudamus. And the Holy Lady leadeth them and goeth her way along with them. Josephus maketh remem- brance of this history and telleth us that this worthy man was named Calixtus. King Arthur was in the little house beside the chapel, and had heard the voice of the sweet Mother of God and the angels. Great joy had he, and was right glad of the good man's soul that was borne thence into Paradise. The King had slept right little the night and was all armed. He saw the day break clear and fair, and goeth his way toward the chapel to cry God mercy, thinking to find the coffin discovered there where the hermit lay ; but so did he not ! Rather, was it covered of the richest tomb-stone that any might ever see, and had on the top a red cross, and seemed it zo THE HIGH HISTORY OF The that the chapel was all incensed. When the King King had made his orison therein, he cometh me n back again and setteth on his bridle and saddle and mounteth, and taketh his shield and spear and departeth from the little house and entereth into the forest and rideth a great pace, until he cometh at right hour of tierce to one of the fairest laundes that ever a man might see. And he seeth at the entrance a paled bar, and looketh to the right or ever he should enter therein, and seeth a damsel sitting under a great leafy tree, and she held the reins of her mule in her hand. The damsel was of great beauty and full seemly clad. The King turneth thitherward and so saluteth her and saith : ' Damsel,' saith he, ' God give you joy and good adventure.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' So may He do to you ! ' ' Damsel,' saith the King, * Is there no hold in this launde? ' * Sir,' saith the damsel, ' No hold is there save a most holy chapel and a hermit that is beside S. Augustine's chapel.' ' Is this then S. Augustine's chapel ? ' saith the King. ' Yea, Sir, I tell it you for true, but the launde and the forest about is so perilous that no knight returneth thence but he be dead or wounded ; but the place of the chapel is of so great worthiness that none goeth thither, be he never so discounselled, but he cometh back counselled, so he may thence return on live. And Lord God be guard of your body, for never yet saw I none aforetime that seemed more like to be good knight, and sore pity would it be and you were not, and never more shall I depart me hence and I shall have seen your end.' THE HOLY GRAAL 21 'Damsel,' saith the King, 'Please God, you S. shall see me repair back thence.' ' Certes,' Austin's saith the damsel, ' Thereof should I be right cha P el glad, for then should I ask you tidings at leisure of him that I am seeking.' The King goeth to the bar whereby one entereth into the the launde, and looketh to the right into a combe of the forest and seeth the chapel of S. Augustine and the right fair hermitage. Thitherward goeth he and alighteth, and it seemeth him that the hermit is apparelled to sing the mass. He reineth up his horse to the bough of a tree by the side of the chapel and thinketh to enter thereinto, but, had it been to conquer all the kingdoms of the world, there- into might he not enter, albeit there was none made him denial thereof, for the door was open and none saw he that might forbid him. Sore ashamed is the King thereof. Howbeit, he beholdeth an image of Our Lord that was there within and crieth Him of mercy right sweetly, and looketh toward the altar. And he looketh at the holy hermit that was robed to sing mass and said his Confiteor, and seeth at his right hand the fairest Child that ever he had seen, and He was clad in an alb and had a golden crown on his head loaded with precious stones that gave out a full great brightness of light. On the left hand side, was a Lady so fair that all the beauties of the world might not compare them with her beauty. When the holy hermit had said his Confiteor and went to the altar, the Lady also took her Son and went to sit on the right hand side towards the altar upon a right vol. 1. B 22 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The rich chair and set her Son upon her knees and King began to kiss Him full sweetly and saith : seeth a < gj r> > sa ^ she, ' You are my Father and my Son and my Lord, and guardian of me and of all the world.' King Arthur heareth the words and seeth the beauty of the Lady and of the Child, and marvelleth much of this that She should call Him her Father and her Son. He looketh at a window behind the altar and seeth a flame come through at the very instant that mass was begun, clearer than any ray of sun nor moon nor star, and evermore it threw forth a brightness of light such that and all the lights in the world had been together it would not have been the like. And it is come down upon the altar. King Arthur seeth it who marvelleth him much thereof. But sore it irketh him of this that he may not enter there- within, and he heareth, there where the holy hermit was singing the mass, right fair responses, and they seem him to be the responses of angels. And when the Holy Gospel was read, King Arthur looked toward the altar and saw that the Lady took her Child and offered Him into the hands of the holy hermit, but of this King Arthur made much marvel, that the holy hermit washed not his hands when he had received the offering. Right sore did King Arthur marvel him thereof, but little right would he have had to marvel had he known the reason. And when the Child was offered him, he set Him upon the altar and thereafter began his sacrament. And King Arthur set him on his knees before the chapel and began THE HOLY GRAAL 23 to pray to God and to beat his breast. And The he looked toward the altar after the preface, and hermit it seemed him that the holy hermit held between Sp >?^f- th his hands a man bleeding from His side and in His palms and in His feet, and crowned with thorns, and he seeth Him in His own figure. And when he had looked on Him so long and knoweth not what is become of Him, the King hath pity of Him in his heart of this that he had seen, and the tears of his heart come into his eyes. And he looketh toward the altar and thinketh to see the figure of the man, and seeth that it is changed into the shape of the Child that he had seen tofore. VII When the mass was sung, the voice of a holy angel said Ite, missa est. The Son took the Mother by the hand, and they evanished forth of the chapel with the greatest company and the fairest that might ever be seen. The flame that was come down through the window went away with this company. When the hermit had done his service and was divested of the arms of God, he went to King Arthur that was still without the chapel. ' Sir,' saith he to the King, ' Now may you well enter herein and well might you have been joyous in your heart had you deserved so much as that you might have come in at the beginning of the mass.' King Arthur entered into the chapel without any hindrance. ' Sir,' saith the hermit to the King, I know you well, as did I also King 24 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The Uther Pendragon your father. On account of King y 0ur s [ ns an d your deserts might you not enter willeth to J iere w h;i e mas8 wag being sung. Nor will you to-morrow save you shall first have made amends of that you have misdone towards God and to- wards the saint that is worshipped herewithin. For you are the richest King of the world and the most adventurous, wherefore ought all the world to take ensample of you in well-doing and in largesse and in honour ; whereas you are now an ensample of evil-doing to all rich worshipful men that be now in the world. Wherefore shall right sore mishap betide you and you set not back your doing to the point whereat you began. For your court was the sovran of all courts and the most adventurous, whereas now is it least of worth. Well may he be sorry that goeth from honour to shame, but never may he have reproach that shall do him ill, that cometh from shame to honour, for the honour wherein he is found rescueth him to God, but blame may never rescue the man that hath renounced honour for shame, for the shame and wickedness wherein he is found declare him guilty.' VIII ' Sir,' saith King Arthur, ' To amend me have I come hither, and to be better counselled than I have been. Well do I see that the place is most holy, and I beseech you that you pray God that He counsel me and I will do my endeavour herein to amend me.' ' God grant you may amend your life,' saith the holy THE HOLY GRAAL 25 hermit, ' In such sort that you may help to do The away the evil Law and to exalt the Law that ^ a . c ^ is made new by the crucifixion of the Holy n1 ^ Prophet. But a great sorrow is befallen in the land of late through a young knight that was harboured in the hostel of the rich King Fisher- man, for that the most Holy Graal appeared to him and the Lance whereof the point runneth of blood, yet never asked he to whom was served thereof nor whence it came, and for that he asked it not are all the lands commoved to war, nor no knight meeteth other in the forest but he runneth upon him and slayeth him and he may, and you yourself shall well perceive thereof or ever you shall depart of this launde.' ' Sir,' saith King Arthur, ' God defend me from the anguish of an evil death and from wickedness, for hither have I come for none other thing but to amend my life, and this will I do, so God bring me back in safety.' * Truly,' saith the hermit, ' He that hath been bad for three years out of forty, he hath not been wholly good.' ' Sir,' saith the King, ' You speak truth.' The hermit departeth and so commendeth him to God. The King cometh to his horse and mounteth the speediest that ever he may, and setteth his shield on his neck, and taketh his spear in his hand and turneth him back a great pace. Howbeit, he had not gone a bowshot's length when he saw a knight coming disorderly against him, and he sate upon a great black horse and he had a shield of the same and a spear. And the spear was somewhat thick near the point and burned with a great flame, 26 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The foul and hideous, and the flame came down as King f ar as ove r the knight's fist. He setteth his J th S h s P ear ' n rest anc * ^"k^h t0 sn " te tne King, but the King swerveth aside and the other passeth beyond. ' Sir knight, wherefor hate you me ? ' * Of right ought I not to love you,' saith the knight. ' Wherefore ? ' saith the King. ' For this, that you have had my brother's candlestick that was foully stolen from him ! ' * Know you then who I am ? ' saith the King. * Yea,' saith the knight ; ' You are the King Arthur that aforetime were good and now are evil. Wherefore I defy you as my mortal enemy.' He draweth him back so that his on- set may be the weightier. The King seeth that he may not depart without a stour. He setteth his spear in rest when he seeth the other come towards him with his own spear all burning. The King smiteth his horse with his spurs as hard as he may, and meeteth the knight with his spear and the knight him. And they melled together so stoutly that the spears bent without breaking, and both twain are shifted in their saddles and lose their stirrups. They hurtle so strongly either against other of their bodies and their horses that their eyes sparkle as of stars in their heads and the blood rayeth out of King Arthur by mouth and nose. Either draweth away from other and they take their breath. The King looketh at the Black Knight's spear that burneth, and marvelleth him right sore that it is not snapped in flinders of the great buffet he had received thereof, and him thinketh rather that it is a devil and a fiend. The Black THE HOLY GRAAL 27 Knight is not minded to let King Arthur go so and soon, but rather cometh toward him a great slayeth career. The King seeth him come toward him im and so covereth him of his shield for fear of the flame. The King receiveth him on the point of his spear and smiteth him with so sore a shock that he maketh him bend backward over his horse croup. The other, that was of great might, leapeth back into the saddle-bows and smiteth the King upon the boss of his shield so that the burning point pierceth the shield and the sleeve of his habergeon and runneth the sharp iron into his arm. The King feeleth the wound and the heat, whereof is he filled with great wrath, and the knight draweth back his spear to him, and hath great joy at heart when he feeleth the King wounded. The King was rejoiced not a whit, and looked at the spear that was quenched thereof and burned no longer. ' Sir,' saith the knight, * I cry you mercy. Never would my spear have been quenched of its burning, save it were bathed in your blood.' 'Now may never God help me,' saith King Arthur, ' Whenever I shall have mercy on you, and I may achieve ! ' He pricketh towards him a great run, and smiteth him in the broad of the breast and thrusteth his spear half an ell into his body, and beareth him to the ground, both him and his horse all in a heap, and draweth his spear back to him and looketh at the knight that lay as dead and leaveth him in the launde, and draweth him towards the issue incontinent. And so as the King went, he heard a great clashing of knights coming right amidst the 28 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The forest, so as it seemed there were a good score damsel or m0 re of them, and he seeth them enter the C a^3oon ^ aunc ^ e fr m tne fo^st, armed and well horsed. And they come with great ado toward the knight that lay dead in the midst of the launde. King Arthur was about to issue forth, when the damsel that he had left under the tree cometh forward to meet him. ' Sir,' saith she, ' For God's sake, return back and fetch me the head of the knight that lieth there dead.' The King looketh back, and seeth the great peril and the multitude of knights that are there all armed. * Ha, damsel,' saith he, 'You are minded to slay me.' ' Certes, Sir, that I am not, but sore need will there be that I should have it, nor never did knight refuse to do the thing I asked nor deny me any boon I demanded of him. Now God grant you be not the most churlish.' ' Ha, damsel, I am right sore wounded in the arm whereon I hold my shield.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' I know it well, nor never may you be heal thereof save you bring me the head of the knight.' ' Damsel,' saith he, ' I will essay it whatsoever may befal me thereof.' IX King Arthur looketh amidst the launde and seeth that they that have come thither have cut the knight to pieces limb by limb, and that each is carrying off a foot or a thigh or an arm or a hand and are dispersing them through the forest. And he seeth that the last knight beareth on the point of his spear the head. The King goeth THE HOLY GRAAL 29 after him a great gallop and crieth out to him : The Ha, Sir knight, abide and speak to me ! ' ^S ' What is your pleasure ? ' saith the knight, ^e 'Fair Sir,' saith the King, 'I beseech you of knight's all loves that you deign to give me the head of head this knight that you are carrying on the point of your lance.' ' I will give it you,' saith the knight, 'on condition.' 'What condition?' saith the King. ' That you tell me who slew the knight whose head I carry that you ask of me.' 'May I not otherwise have it ? ' saith the King. In no wise,' saith he. ' Then will I tell you,' saith the King. ' Know of a very truth that King Arthur slew him.' ' And where is he ? ' saith the knight. ' Seek him until you shall have found him,' saith King Arthur, ' For I have told you the truth thereof. Give me the head.' ' Willingly,' saith the knight. He lowereth his spear and the King taketh the head. The knight had a horn at his neck. He setteth it to his mouth and soundeth a blast right loud. The knights that were set within the forest hear the horn and return back a great gallop, and King Arthur goeth his way toward the oak-tree at the issue of the launde where the damsel is awaiting him. And the knights come presently to him that had given the head to the King and ask him wherefore he hath sounded the horn. ' For this,' saith he, ' That this knight that is going away yonder hath told me that King Arthur slew the Black Knight, and I was minded you should know it that we may follow him.' ' We will not follow him,' say the knights, ' For it is King Arthur himself 30 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The that is carrying off the head, and no power have damsel we to do evil to him nor other sith that he hath telleth of p asse d the bar. But you shall aby it that let him go when he was so nigh you ! ' They rush in upon him and slay him and cut him up, and each one carrieth off his piece the same as they had done with the other. King Arthur is issued forth of the bar, and cometh to the maiden that is waiting for him and presenteth her the head. ' Sir,' saith the damsel, ' Gramercy.' * Damsel,' saith he, ' With a good will ! ' * Sir,' saith the damsel, ' You may well alight, for nought have you to fear on this side the bar.' With that, the King alighteth. ' Sir,' saith she, * Do off your habergeon heedfully and I will bind up the wound in your arm, for of none may you be made whole save of me only.' The King doeth off his habergeon, and the damsel taketh of the blood of the knight's head that still ran all warm, and therewith washeth King Arthur his wound, and thereafter maketh him do on his habergeon again. ' Sir,' saith she, ' Never would you have been whole save by the blood of this Black Knight. And for this carried they off the body piecemeal and the head, for that they well knew you were wounded ; and of the head shall I have right sore need, for thereby shall a castle be yielded up to me that was reft from me by treason, so I may find the knight that I go seek, through whom it ought to be yielded up to me.' ' Damsel,' saith the King, ' And who is the knight ? ' ' Sir,' saith she, * He was the son of Alain li Gros of the Valleys of Camelot, and is named Perlesvax.' THE HOLY GRAAL 31 'Wherefore Perlesvax?' saith the King. Sir,' Sir saith she, ' When he was born, his father was Perceval's asked how he should be named in right baptism, chlldhood and he said that he would he should have the name Perlesvax, for the Lord of the Moors had reft him of the greater part of the Valleys of Camelot, and therefore he would that his son should by this name be reminded thereof, and God should so multiply him as that he should be knight. The lad was right comely and right gentle and began to go by the forests and launch his javelins, Welsh-fashion, at hart and hind. His father and his mother loved him much, and one day they were come forth of their hold, whereunto the forest was close anigh, to enjoy them. Now, there was between the hold and the forest, an exceeding small chapel that stood upon four columns of marble ; and it was roofed of timber and had a little altar within, and before the altar a right fair coffin, and thereupon was the figure of a man graven. Sir,' saith the damsel to the King, ' The lad asked his father and mother what man lay within the coffin. The father answered : " Fair son," saith he, " Certes, I know not to tell you, for the tomb hath been here or ever that my father's father was born, and never have I heard tell of none that might know who it is therein, save only that the letters that are on the coffin say that when the Best Knight in the world shall come hither the coffin will open and the joinings all fall asunder, and then will it be seen who it is that lieth therein." ' 32 THE HIGH HISTORY OF How be X knights ._ i , , , T r- tt made? '-Damsel, saith the King, 'Have many knights passed thereby sithence that the coffin was set there ? ' ' Yea, sir, so many that neither I nor none other may tell the number. Yet natheless hath not the coffin removed itself for none. When the lad heareth his father and mother talking thus, he asketh what a knight may be ? " Fair son," saith his mother, " Of right ought you well to know by your lineage." She telleth the lad that he had eleven uncles on his father's side that had all been slain in arms, and not one of them lived knight but twelve years. Sir,' saith she to the King, ' The lad made answer that this was not that he had asked, but how knights were made ? And the father answered that they were such as had more valour than any other in the world. After that he said, " Fair son, they are clad in habergeons of iron to protect their bodies, and helms laced upon their heads, and shields and spears and swords girded where- withal to defend their bodies." ' XI ' Sir,' saith the damsel to the King, ' When that the father had thus spoken to the lad, they returned together to the castle. When the morrow morning came, the lad arose and heard the birds sing and bethought him that he would go for disport into the forest for the day sith that it was fair. So he mounted on one of his father's horses of the chase and carried his THE HOLY GRAAL 33 javelins Welshman-fashion and went into the Perceval forest and found a stag and followed him a slayeth good four leagues Welsh, until that he came i e - R jf t into a launde and found two knights all armed that were there doing battle, and the one had a red shield and the other a white. He gave up tracking the stag to look on at the melly and saw that the Red Knight was conquering the White. He launched one of his javelins at the Red Knight so hard that he pierced his habergeon and made it pass through the heart. The knight fell dead. Sir,' saith the damsel, ' The knight of the white shield made great joy thereof, and the lad asked him " were knights so easy to slay? Methought," saith the lad, "that none might never pierce nor damage a knight's armour, otherwise would I not have run him through with my javelin," saith the lad. Sir, the lad brought the destrier home to his father and mother, and right grieved were they when they heard the tidings of the knight he had slain. And right were they, for thereof did sore trouble come to them thereafter. Sir, the squire departed from the house of his father and mother and came to the court of King Arthur. Right gladly did the King make him knight when he knew his will, and afterward he departed from the land and went to seek adventure in every kingdom. Now is he the Best Knight that is in the world. So go I to seek him, and full great joy shall I have at heart and I may find him. Sir, and you should'meet him by any adventure in any of these forests, he beareth a red shield with a white hart. And 34 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Arthur's so tell him that his father is dead, and that his 'tl^a mot ^ er w ^ l se a ^ ner ^ anc ^ 80 he come not to succour her ; and that the brother of the hnight of the Red shield that he slew in the forest with his javelin warreth upon her with the Lord ot the Moors.' 'Damsel,' saith the King, ' And God grant me to meet him, right glad shall I be thereof, and right well will I set forth your message.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' Now that I have told you him that I seek, it is your turn to tell me your name.' ' Damsel,' saith the King, 'Willingly. They that know me call me Arthur.' ' Arthur ? Have you indeed such name ? ' ' Yea, damsel,' saith he. ' So help me God,' saith she, ' Now am I sorrier for you than tofore, for you have the name of the worst King in the world, and I would that he were here in such sort as you are now. But never again will he move from Cardoil, do what he may, such dread hath the Queen lest any should take him from her, according as I have heard witness, for never saw I neither the one nor the other. I was moved to go to his court, but I have met full a score knights one after other, of whom I asked concerning him, and one told me the same tale as another, for each told me that the court of King Arthur is the vilest in the world, and that all the knights of the Table Round have renounced it for the badness thereof.' 'Damsel,' saith the King, ' Hereof may he well be sorry, but at the beginning I have heard say he did right well.' 'And who careth,' saith the damsel, 'for his good beginning when the end is bad ? And THE HOLY GRAAL 35 much it misliketh me that so seemly knight Arthur and so worshipful man as are you should have heareth the name of so evil a king.' 'Damsel,' saith a Voice the King, * A man is not good by his name, but by his heart.' 'You say true,' saith the damsel, ' But for the King's name have I despite of yours. And whitherward are you going ? ' ' I shall go to Cardoil, where I shall find King Arthur when I shall come thither.' ' Go to, then, and bestir ! ' saith she. ' One bad man with another ! No better hope have I of you, sith that you go thither ! ' ' Damsel, you may say your pleasure, for thither I go ! God be with you ! ' 'And may never God guide you,' saith she, * and you go to the court of King Arthur ! ' XII With that the King mounted again and departed, and left the damsel under the tree and entered into the deep forest and rode with much ado as fast as he might to come to Cardoil. And he had ridden a good ten leagues Welsh when he heard a Voice in the thick of the forest that began to cry aloud : ' King Arthur of Great Britain, right glad at heart mayst thou be of this that God hath sent me hither to thee. And so He biddeth thee that thou hold court at the earliest thou mayst, for the world, that is now made worse of thee and of thy slackness in well-doing, shall thereof be greatly amended ! ' With that the Voice is silent, and the King was right joyous in his heart of that he had heard. The story speak- 36 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Arthur eth no more here of other adventure that cometh befel King Arthur in his returning nor on his CA *M arr i ya l- Anyway, he hath ridden so long that he is come back to Cardoil. The Queen and the knights made great feast of him and great joy. The King was alighted on the mounting- stage and went up into the hall and made him be disarmed. And he showed the Queen the wound that he had on his arm, that had been right great and painful, but it was healing full fairly. The King goeth into the chamber and the Queen with him, and doeth the King be apparelled in a robe of cloth of silk all furred of ermine, with coat, surcoat and mantle. ' Sir,' saith the Queen, ' Sore pain and travail have you had.' * Lady, in such wise behoveth worshipful man to suffer in order that he may have honour, for hardly shall none without travail come to honour.' He recounteth to the Queen all the adventures that have befallen him sithence that he was departed, and in what manner he was wounded in the arm, and of the damsel that had so blamed him of his name. ' Sir,' saith the queen, * Now may you well know how meet it is that a man high and rich and puissant should have great shame of him- self when he becometh evil.' 'Lady,' saith the King, ' So much did the damsel do me well to wot, but greatly did a Voice recomfort me that I heard in the forest, for it told me that God bade me hold court presently, and that I shall see there the fairest adventure befal that ever I may see.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' Right joyous ought you to be that your Saviour hath THE HOLY GRAAL 37 had you in remembrance. Now, therefore, The fulfil His commandment.' ' Certes, Lady, so Queen will I do. For never had none better desire re J 01cet " of well-doing than have I as at this time, nor of honour nor of largesse.' Sir,' saith she, ' God be praised thereof.' BRANCH II INCIPIT Arthur ^JOW beginneth here the second branch of holdeth i-^l the Holy Graal in the name of the court Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. TITLE I King Arthur was at Cardoil with the Queen and right few knights. By God's pleasure, the wish and the will had come back to him to win honour and to do largesse as most he might. He made seal his letters and sent them through- out all his lands and all the islands, and gave notice to the barons and knights that he would hold court at Pannenoisance, that is situate on the sea of Wales, at the feast of S. John after Whitsuntide. And he was minded to put it off until that day, for that Whitsuntide was already too nigh, and they that should be present thereat might not all come by the earlier day. The tidings went through all lands, so that knights come in great plenty thereunto, for well-doing had so waxed feeble in all the kingdoms, that every one had avoided King Arthur as one that should do nought more for ever. Wherefore all began now to marvel whence his new desire had come. The knights of the Table Round that were scattered through the lands and the forests, THE HOLY GRAAL 39 by God's will learnt the tidings and right great The joy had they thereof, and came back to the Damsels court with great ado. But neither Messire ~ Gawain nor Lancelot came thither on that day. But all the other came that were then on live. S. John's day came, and the knights were come from all parts, marvelling much that the King had not held the court at Whitsuntide, but they knew not the occasion thereof. The day was fair and clear and the air fresh, and the hall was wide and high and garnished of good knights in great plenty. The cloths were spread on the tables whereof were great plenty in the hall. The King and the Queen had washen and went to sit at the head of one table and the other knights sate them down, whereof were full five score and five as the story telleth. Kay the Seneschal and Messire Ywain the son of King Urien served that day at the tables at meat, and five-and-twenty knights beside. And Lucan the Butler served the golden cup before the King. The sun shone through the windows everywhere amidst the hall that was strown of flowers and rushes and sweet herbs and gave out a smell like as had it been sprinkled of balm. And straightway after the first meat had been served, and while they were yet awaiting the second, behold you three damsels where they enter into the hall ! She that came first sate upon a mule white as driven snow and had a golden bridle and a saddle with a bow of ivory banded with precious stones and a saddle- cloth of a red samite dropped of gold. The damsel that was seated on the mule was right 40 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The seemly of body but scarce so fair of face, and damsel s h e was robed in a rich cloth of silk and gold ^Arthur an< ^ ^ a d a "2^ ric ^ hat that covered all her head. And it was all loaded of costly stones that flamed like fire. And great need had she that her head were covered, for she was all bald without hair, and carried on her neck her right arm slung in a stole of cloth of gold. And her arm lay on a pillow, the richest that ever might be seen, and it was all charged of little golden bells, and in this hand held she the head of a King sealed in silver and crowned with gold. The other damsel that came behind rode after the fashion of a squire, and carried a pack trussed behind her with a brachet thereupon, and at her neck she bore a shield banded argent and azure with a red cross, and the boss was of gold all set with precious stones. The third damsel came afoot with her kirtle tucked up like a running footman ; and she had in her hand a whip wherewith she drove the two steeds. Each of these twain was fairer than the first, but the one afoot surpassed both the others in beauty. The first cometh before the King, there where he sitteth at meat with the Queen. ' Sir,' saith she, ' The Saviour of the world grant you honour and joy and good adventure and my Lady the Queen and all them of this hall for love of you ! Hold it not churlishness and I alight not, for there where knights be may I not alight, nor ought I until such time as the Graal be achieved.' ' Damsel,' saith the King, ' Gladly would I have it so.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' That know I well, and may it not mislike you THE HOLY GRAAL 41 to hear the errand whereon I am come.' ' It Of King shall not mislike me,' saith the King, ' Say your Fisher- pleasure ! ' ' Sir,' saith she, ' The shield that man this damsel beareth belonged to Joseph, the good soldier knight that took down Our Lord of hanging on the rood. I make you a present thereof in such wise as I shall tell you, to wit, that you keep the shield for a knight that shall come hither for the same, and you shall make hang it on this column in the midst of your hall, and guard it in such wise as that none may take it and hang at his neck save he only. And of this shield shall he achieve the Graal, and another shield shall he leave here in the hall, red, with a white hart ; and the brachet that the damsel carrieth shall here remain, and little joy will the brachet make until the knight shall come.' ' Damsel,' saith the King, ' The shield and the brachet will we keep full safely, and right heartily we thank you that you have deigned to bring them hither.' ' Sir,' saith the damsel, ' I have not yet told you all that I have in charge to deliver. The best King that liveth on earth and the most loyal and the most righteous, sendeth you greeting ; of whom is sore sorrow for that he hath fallen into a griev- ous languishment.' ' Damsel,' saith the King, Sore pity is it and it be so as you say ; and I pray you tell me who is the King ? ' ' Sir,' saith she, 'It is rich King Fisherman, of whom is great grief.' 'Damsel,' saith the King, 'You say true ; and God grant him his heart's desire ! ' ' Sir,' saith she, ' Know you wherefore he hath fallen into languishment ? ' ' Nay, I know not 42 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The at all, but gladly would I learn.' And I damsel will tell you,' saith she. ' This languishment is is bald come U p 0n him through one that harboured in his hostel, to whom the most Holy Graal ap- peared. And, for that he would not ask unto whom one served thereof, were all the lands commoved to war thereby, nor never thereafter i might knight meet other but he should fight with him in arms without none other occasion. You yourself may well perceive the same, for your well-doing hath greatly slackened, whereof have you had much blame, and all the other barons that by you have taken ensample, for you are the mirror of the world alike in well-doing and in evil-doing. Sir, I myself have good right to plain me of the knight, and I will show you wherefore.' She lifteth the rich hat from her head and showeth the King and Queen and the knight* in the hall her head all bald without hair. * Sir,' saith she, * My head was right seemly garnished of hair plaited in rich tresses of gold at such time as the knight came to the hostel of the rich King Fisherman, but I be- came bald for that he made not the demand, nor never again shall I have my hair until such time as a knight shall go thither that shall ask the question better than did he, or the knight that shall achieve the Graal. Sir, even yet have you not seen the sore mischief that hath befallen thereof. There is without this hall a car that three white harts have drawn hither, and lightly may you send to see how rich it is. I tell you that the traces are of silk and the axletrees of gold, and the timber of the car is THE HOLY GRAAL 43 ebony. The car is covered above with a black Arthur samite, and below is a cross of gold the whole ^ u ^ et ^ 1 length, and under the coverlid of the car are a ^ the heads of an hundred and fifty knights whereof some be sealed in gold, other some in silver and the third in lead. King Fisherman sendeth you word that this loss hath befallen of him that demanded not unto whom one serveth of the Graal. Sir, the damsel that beareth the shield holdeth in her hand the head of a Queen that is sealed in lead and crowned with copper, and I tell you that by the Queen whose head you here behold was the King betrayed whose head I bear, and the three manner of knights whose heads are within the car. Sir, send without to see the costliness and fashion of the car.' The King sent Kay the Seneschal to see. He looked straitly thereat within and without and thereafter returned to the King. ' Sir,' saith he, ' Never beheld I car so rich, and there be three harts withal that draw the car, the tallest and fattest one might ever see. But and you will be guided by me, you will take the foremost, for he is scarce so fat, and so might you bid make right good collops thereof.' Avoid there, Kay ! ' saith the King. ' Foul churlishness have you spoken ! I would not such a deed were done for another such king- dom as is this of Logres! ' 'Sir,' saith the damsel, ' He that hath been wont to do churlish- ness doth right grudgingly withdraw himself therefrom. Messire Kay may say whatsoever him pleaseth, but well know I that you will pay no heed to his talk. Sir,' saith the damsel, 44 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The ' Command that the shield be hung on this damsels column and that the brachet be put in the epart Q ueen ' s chamber with the maidens. We will go on our way, for here have we been long enough.' Messire Ywain laid hold on the shield and took it off the damsel's neck by leave of the King, and hung it on the column in the midst of the hall, and one of the Queen's maidens taketh the brachet and carrieth him to the Queen's chamber. And the damsel taketh her leave and turneth again, and the King com- mendeth her to God. When the King had eaten in hall, the Queen with the King and the knights go to lean at the windows to look at the three damsels and the three white harts that draw the car, and the more part said that the damsel afoot that went after the two that were mounted should have the most misease. The bald damsel went before, and set not her hat on her head until such time as behoved her enter into the forest ; and the knights that were at the windows might see them no longer. Then set she her hat again upon her head. The King, the Queen, and the knights when they might see them no more, came down from the windows, and certain of them said that never until this time had they seen bald-headed damsel save this one only. II Hereupon the story is silent of King Arthur, and turneth again to speak of the three damsels and the car that was drawn by the three white harts. They are entered into the forest and THE HOLY GRAAL 45 ride on right busily. When they had left the They castle some seven leagues Welsh behind them, meet Sir they saw a knight coming toward them on the '- rawain way they had to go. The knight sat on a tall horse, lean and bony. His habergeon was all rusty and his shield pierced in more than a dozen places, and the colour thereon was so fretted away that none might make out the cog- nizance thereof. And a right thick spear bore he in his hand. When he came anigh the damsel, he saluted her right nobly. ' Fair welcome, damsel, to you and your company.' * Sir,' saith she, ' God grant you joy and good adventure ! ' * Damsel,' saith the knight, * Whence come you ? ' ' Sir, from a court high-plenary that King Arthur holdeth at Pan- nenoisance. Go you thither, sir knight,' saith the damsel, ' to see the King and the Queen and the knights that are there ? ' ' Nay, not so ! ' saith he. * Many a time have I seen them, but right glad am I of King Arthur that he hath again taken up his well-doing, for many a time hath he been accustomed thereof.' * Whitherward have you now emprised your way ? ' saith the damsel. ' To the land of King Fisherman, and God allow me.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' Tell me your name and bide awhile beside me.' The knight draweth bridle and the damsels and the car come to a stay. * Dam- sel,' saith he, ' Well behoveth me tell you my name. Messire Gawain am I called, King Arthur's nephew.' 'What? are you Messire Gawain ? My heart well told me as much.' ' Yea, damsel,' saith he, ' Gawain am I.' ' God 46 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Gawain be praised thereof, for so good knight as are joineth y 0U ma y we l] g see the rich King Fisherman. dam 1 Now am I fain to pray you of the valour that is in you and the courtesy, that you return with me and convoy me beyond a certain castle that is in this forest whereof is some small peril.' * Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, * Willingly, at your pleasure.' He returneth with the damsel through the midst of the forest that was tall and leafy and little haunted of folk. The damsel relateth to him the adventure of the heads that she carried and that were in the car, like as she did at the court of King Arthur, and of the shield and the brachet she had left there, but much it misliked Messire Gawain of the damsel that was afoot behind them. ' Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, ' Wherefore doth not this damsel that goeth afoot mount upon the car? ' ' Sir,' saith she, 'This shall she not, for behoveth her go not otherwise than afoot. But and you be so good knight as men say, betimes will she have done her penance.' ' How so ? ' saith Gawain. * I will tell you,' saith she. And it shall so be that God bring you to the hostel of rich King Fisherman, and the most Holy Graal appear before you and you demand unto whom is served thereof, then will she have done her penance, and I, that am bald, shall receive again my hair. And so you also make not demand thereof, then will it behove us suffer sore annoy until such time as the Good Knight shall come and shall have achieved the Graal. For on account of him that first was there and made not the demand, are all the THE HOLY GRAAL 47 lands in sorrow and warfare, and the good King The Fisherman is yet in languishment.' ' Damsel,' Black saith Messire Gawain, 'God grant me courage ^ asUe and will herein that I may come to do this thing according to your wish, whereof may I win worship both of God and of the world.' Ill Messire Gawain and the damsels go on their way a great pace through the high forest, green and leafy, where the birds are singing, and enter into the most hideous forest and most horrible that any might ever see, and seemed it that no greenery never there had been, so bare and dry were all the branches and all the trees black and burnt as it had been by fire, and the ground all parched and black atop with no green, and full of great cracks. ' Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, * Right loathly is this forest and right hideous. Goeth it on far like this ? ' 'Sir,' saith she, 'For nine leagues Welsh goeth it on the same, but we shall pass not through the whole thereof.' Messire Gawain looketh from time to time on the damsel that cometh afoot, and sore it irketh him that he may not amend her estate. They ride on until that they come to a great valley and Messire Gawain looketh along the bottom and seeth appear a black castle that was enclosed within a girdle of wall, foul and evil-seeming. The nigher he draweth to the castle the more hideous it seemeth him, and he seeth great halls appear that were right foully mis-shapen, and the forest 48 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The about it he seeth to be like as he had found it Black behind. He seeth a water come down from kxristaa t ^ ie ^ ea< ^ ^ a rnounta i n f u l an( i horrible and black, that went amidst the castle roaring so loud that it seemed to be thunder. Messire Gawain seeth the entrance of the gateway foul and horrible like as it had been hell, and within the castle heard he great outcries and lamenta- tions, and the most part heard he saying : ' Ha, God ! What hath become of the Good Knight, and when will he come ? ' ' Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, ' What is this castle here that is so foul and hideous, wherein is such dolour suffered and such weary longing for the coming of the Good Knight ? ' ' Sir, this is the castle of the Black Hermit. Wherefore am I fain to pray you that you meddle not herein for nought that they within may do to me, for otherwise it may well be that your death is at hand, for against them will you have no might nor power.' They come anigh the castle as it were a couple of bow-shots, and behold, through the gateway come knights armed on black horses and their arms all black and their shields and spears, and there were a hundred and fifty and two, right parlous to behold. And they come a great gallop toward the damsel, and toward the car, and take the hundred and fifty-two heads, each one his own, and set them upon their spears and so enter into the castle again with great joy. Messire Gawain seeth the insolence that the knights have wrought, and right great shame hath he of himself that he hath not moved withal. ' Messire Gawain,' saith the THE HOLY GRAAL 49 damsel, ' Now may you know how little would Gawaine your force have availed you herein. ' ' Damsel, 1S chal- an evil castle is this where folk are robbed on len S e<1 such wise.' ' Sir, never may this mischief be amended, nor this outrage be done away, nor the evil-doer therein be stricken down, nor they that cry and lament within the prison there be set free until such time as the Good Knight shall come for whom are they yearning as you have heard but now.' ' Damsel, right glad may the knight be that by his valour and his hardiment shall destroy so many evil folk ! ' ' Sir, therefore is he the Best Knight in the world, and he is yet young enough of age, but right sorrowful am I at heart that I know not true tidings of him ; for better will have I to see him than any man on live.' 'Damsel, so also have I,' saith Messire Gawain, ' For then by your leave would I turn me again.' * Not so, sir, but and you shall come beyond the castle, then will I teach you the way whereby you ought to go.' IV With that they go toward the castle all together. Just as they were about to pass beyond the castle wall, behold you where a knight cometh forth of a privy postern of the castle, and he was sitting upon a tall horse, his spear in his fist, and at his neck had he a red shield whereon was figured a golden eagle. ' Sir knight,' saith he to Messire Gawain, ' I pray you bide.' ' What is your pleasure ? ' 'You must needs joust with me,' saith he, 'and 50 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Judas conquer this shield, or otherwise I shall conquer Macha- y OU# And full precious is the shield, insomuch shield as t ^ 2it 8 reat P ains ought you to take to have it and conquer it, for it belonged to the best knight of his faith that was ever, and the most puissant and the wisest.' ' Who, then, was he ? ' saith Messire Gawain. 'Judas Machabee was he, and he it was that first wrought how by one bird to take another.' < You say true,' saith Messire Gawain; 'A good knight was he.' * Therefore right joyful may you be,' saith he, ' and you may conquer the same, for your own is the poorest and most battered that ever saw I borne by knight. For hardly may a man know the colour thereof.' 'Thereby may you well see,' saith the damsel to the knight, ' that his own shield hath not been idle, nor hath the horse whereon he sitteth been stabled so well as yours.' ' Damsel,' saith the knight, ' No need is here of long pleading. Needs must he joust with me, for him do I defy.' Saith Messire Gawain, ' I hear well that you say.' He draweth him back and taketh his career and the knight likewise, and they come together as fast as their horses may carry them, spear in rest. The knight smiteth Messire Gawain on the shield whereof he had no great defence, and passeth beyond, and in the by-pass the knight to-brake his spear ; and Messire Gawain smiteth him with his spear in the midst of hia breast and beareth him to the ground over the croup of his horse, all pinned upon his spear, whereof he had a good full hand's breadth in his breast. He draweth his spear back to THE HOLY GRAAL 51 him, and when the knight felt himself unpinned, The he leaped to his feet and came straight to his knight s horse and would fain set his foot in the stirrup when the damsel of the car crieth out : ' Mes- sire Gawain, hinder the knight ! for and he were mounted again, too sore travail would it be to conquer him ! ' When the knight heard name Messire Gawain, he draweth him back : ' How ? ' saith he ; 'Is this then the good Gawain, King Arthur's nephew ? ' * Yea,' saith the damsel, ' He it is without fail ! ' ' Sir,' saith the knight to Messire Gawain, ' Are you he ? ' ' Yea,' saith he, ' Gawain I am ! ' * Sir, so please you,' saith he, ' I hold me conquered, and right sorry am I that I knew you not or ever I had ado with you.' He taketh the shield from his neck and holdeth it to him. ' Sir,' saith he, ' Take the shield that belonged to the best knight that was in his time of his faith, for none know I of whom it shall be better employed than of you. And of this shield were vanquished all they that be in prison in this castle.' Messire Gawain taketh the shield that was right fair and rich. ' Sir,' saith the knight, ' Now give me yours, for you will not bear two shields.' ' You say true,' saith Messire Gawain. He taketh the guige from his neck and would have given him the shield, when the damsel afoot : ' Hold, sir knight, you that are named Messire Gawain ! What would you do ? And he bear your shield into the castle there, they of the castle will hold you recreant and conquered, and will come forth thence and carry you into the castle by force, 52 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The and there will you be cast into his grievous knight prison ; for no shield is borne thereinto save of yieldeth a vanquished knight only.' ' Sir knight,' saith Messire Gawain, ' No good you wish me, according to that this damsel saith.' ' Sir,' saith the knight, ' I cry you mercy, and a second time I hold me conquered, and right glad should I have been might I have borne your shield within yonder, and right great worship should I have had thereof, for never yet hath entered there the shield of knight so good. And now ought I to be right well pleased of your coming, sith that you have set me free of the sorest trouble that ever knight had.' * What is the trouble ? ' saith Messire Gawain. ' Sir,' saith he, ' I will tell you. Heretofore many a time hath there been a passing by of knights both of hardy and of coward, and it was my business to contend and joust with them and do battle, and I made them present of the shield as did I you. The more part found I hardy and well able to defend themselves, that wounded me in many places, but never was knight so felled me to the ground nor dealt me so sore a buffet as have you. And sith that you are carrying away the shield and I am conquered, never hereafter shall knight that passeth before this castle have no dread of me nor of no knight that is herein.' * By my head,' saith Messire Gawain, ' Now am I gladder of my conquest than I was before.' ' Sir,' saith the knight, ' By your leave will I go my way, for, and I may hide not my shame in the castle, needs must I show it openly THE HOLY GRAAL 53 abroad.' ' God grant you do well ! ' saith Gawain Messire Gawain. ' Messire Gawain,' saith | s heed- the Damsel of the Car, 'give me your shield ess that the knight would fain have carried off.' * Willingly, damsel,' saith he. The damsel that went afoot taketh the shield and setteth it in the car. Howbeit, the knight that was conquered mounted again upon his horse, and entered again into the castle, and when he was come thereinto, arose a noise and great outcry so loud that all the forest and all the valley began to resound thereof. ' Messire Gawain,' saith the Damsel of the Car, ' the knight is shamed and there cast in prison another time. Now haste, Messire Gawain ! for now may you go ! ' With that they all set forward again upon their way together, and leave the castle an English league behind. ' Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, ' When it shall please you, I shall have your leave to go.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' God be guard of your body, and right great thanks of your convoy.' ' Lady,' saith he, ' My service is always ready at your command.' ' Sir,' saith the damsel, ' Gramercy, and your own way see you there by yonder great cross at the entrance of yonder forest. And beyond that, will you find the fairest forest and most delightsome when you shall have passed through this that sore is wearisome.' Messire Gawain turneth him to go, and the damsel afoot crieth out to him : ' Sir, not so heedful are you as I supposed.' Messire Gawain turneth his horse's head as he that was startled : ' Wherefore say you so, damsel ? ' saith he. * For this,' saith VOL. I. D 54 THE HOLY GRAAL Gawain she, * That you have never asked of my Damsel departeth wherefore she carrieth her arm slung at her neck, in this golden stole, nor what may be the rich pillow whereon the arm lieth. And no greater heed will you take at the court of the rich King Fisherman.' 'Sweet, my friend,' saith the Damsel of the Car, ' blame not Messire , Gawain only, but King Arthur before him and all the knights that were in the court. For not one of them all that were there was so heedful as to ask me. Go your ways, Messire Gawain, for in vain would you now demand it, for I will tell you not, nor shall you never know it save only by the most coward knight in the world, that is mine own knight and goeth to seek me and knoweth not where to find me.' * Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, ' I durst not press you further.' With that the Damsel departeth, and Messire Gawain setteth him forward again on the way that she had taught him. BRANCH III HERE beginneth another branch of the Gawain Graal in the name of the Father, and findeth a in the name of the Son, and in the name of the damsel Holy Ghost. TITLE I Here is the story silent of the three damsels and the car and saith that Messire Gawain hath passed throughout the evil forest and is entered into the forest passing fair, the broad, the high, the plenteous of venison. And he rideth a great pace, but sore abashed is he of that the damsel had said to him, and misdoubteth him but he shall have blame thereof in many places. He rode hard the day long till that it was evensong and the sun was about to set. And he looketh before him and seeth the house of a hermit and the chapel in the thick of the forest ; and a spring flowed forth in front of the chapel right clear and fresh, and above it was a tree full broad and tall that threw a shadow over the spring. A damsel sate under the tree and held a mule by the reins and at the saddle-bow had she the head of a knight hanging. And Messire Gawain cometh thitherward and alighteth. ' Damsel,' saith he, ' God give you good adventure ! ' * Sir,' saith she, * And 65 56 THE HIGH HISTORY OF A hermit you always.' When she was risen up over knight against him, * Damsel,' saith he, ' For whom are you a-waiting here ? ' ' Sir,' saith she, ' I am waiting for the hermit of this holy chapel, that is gone into the forest, and I would fain ask him tidings of a knight.' ' Think you he will tell you them and he knoweth any ? ' ' Yea, sir, I think so, according to that I have been told.' Therewithal behold you the hermit that was coming, and saluteth the damsel and Messire Gawain and openeth the door of the house and setteth the two steeds within and striketh off the bridles and giveth them green-meat first and barley after, and fain would he have taken off the saddles when Messire Gawain leapeth before : ' Sir,' saith he, ' Do not so ! This business is not for you ! ' ' Hermit though I be,' saith he, ' yet well know I how to deal withal, for at the court of King Uther Pendragon have I been squire and knight two- score years, and a score or more have I been in this hermitage,' And Messire Gawain looketh at him in wonderment. ' Sir,' saith he, ' Me- seemeth you are not of more than forty years.' ' That know I well of a truth,' saith the hermit, and Messire Gawain taketh off the saddles and bethinketh him more of the damsel's mule than of his own horse. And the hermit taketh Messire Gawain by the hand and the damsel and leadeth them into the chapel. And the place was right fair. 'Sir,' saith the hermit to Messire Gawain, ' You will disarm you not,' saith he, ' for this forest is passing adventurous, and no worshipful man behoveth THE HOLY GRAAL 57 be disgarnished.' He goeth for his spear and Perceval for his shield and setteth them within the the chapel. He setteth before them such meat as S S C? he hath, and when they have eaten giveth them to drink of the spring. * Sir,' saith the damsel, ' Of a knight that I go seek am I come to ask you tidings.' * Who is the knight ? ' saith the hermit. ' Sir, he is the Chaste Knight of most holy lineage. He hath a head of gold, the look of a lion, the navel of a virgin maid, a heart of steel, the body of an elephant, and without wickedness are all his conditions.' ' Damsel,' saith the hermit, ' Nought will I tell you concerning him, for I know not of a cer- tainty where he is, save this, that he hath lain in this chapel twice, not once only, within this twelvemonth.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' Will you tell me no more of him, nor none other witting ? ' * In no wise,' saith the hermit. ' And you, Messire Gawain ? ' saith she. ' Damsel,' saith he, 'As fainly would I see him as you, but none find I that may tell me tidings of him.' 'And the Damsel of the Car, Sir, have you seen her ? ' ' Yea, lady,' saith he, ' It is but just now sithence that I left her.' ' Carried she still her arm slung at her neck ? ' ' Yea,' saith Messire Gawain, ' in such wise she carried it.' ' Of a long while,' saith the damsel, 'hath she borne it thus.' ' Sir,' saith the hermit, ' how are you named ? ' ' Sir,' saith he, ' Gawain am I called, King Arthur's nephew.' ' Thereof I love you the better,' saith the hermit. ' Sir,' saith the damsel, ' You are of kindred to the worst King that is.' 'Of what 58 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Arthur's King speak you?' saith Messire Gawain. I name speak,' saith she, ' of King Arthur, through mis 1 e wnom j s a Ji t h e WO rld made worser, for he began doing well and now hath become evil. For hatred of him hate I a knight that found me nigh St. Augustine's Chapel, and yet was he the comeliest knight that saw I ever. He slew a knight within the bar right hardily. I asked him for the head of the knight and he went back for the same and set himself in sore peril. He brought it me, and I made him great joy, but when he told me his name was Arthur I had no fainness of the bounty he had done me, for that he had the name of that evil King.' II ' Damsel,' saith Messire Gawain, ' You may say your pleasure. I tell you that King Arthur hath held the richest court that he hath held ever, and these evil conditions whereof you blame him is he minded to put away for ever- more, and more will he do of good and more of largesse than was ever known aforetime, so long as he shall live ; nor know I none other knight that beareth his name.' 'You are right,' saith the damsel, ' to come to his rescue, for that he is your uncle, but your rescue will scarce avail him and he deliver not himself.' ' Sir,' saith the hermit to Messire Gawain, The damsel will say her pleasure. May God defend King Arthur, for his father made me knight. Now am I priest, and in this hermitage ever 8ithence that I came hither have I served King THE HOLY GRAAL 59 Fisherman by the will of Our Lord and His The commandment, and all they that serve him do chapel well partake of his reward, for the place of his ~ j most holy service is a refuge so sweet that unto him that hath been there a year, it seemeth to have been but a month for the holiness of the place and of himself, and for the sweetness of his castle wherein have I oftentimes done service in the chapel where the Holy Graal appeareth. Therefore is it that I and all that serve him are so youthful of seeming.' ' Sir,' saith Messire Gawain, ' By what way may a man go to his castle ? ' * Sir,' saith the hermit, ' None may teach you the way, save the will of God lead you therein. And would you fain go thither ? ' ' Sir,' saith Messire Gawain, It is the most wish that I have.' ' Sir,' saith the hermit, ' Now God give you grace and courage to ask the question that the others to whom the Graal hath appeared would ask not, whereof have many mischances sithence befallen much people.' Ill With that, they left of talking, and the hermit led Messire Gawain into his house to rest, and the damsel abode still in the chapel. On the morrow when dawn appeared, Messire Gawain that had lain all armed, arose and found his saddle ready and the damsel, and the bridles set on, and cometh to the chapel and findeth the hermit that was apparelled to sing mass, and seeth the damsel kneeling before an image of Our Lady, and she prayed God and the sweet Lady that they would counsel her of 60 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Gawain that whereof she had need, and wept right goeth tenderly so that the tears ran down her face. his way Arid, when she had prayed of a long space she ariseth, and Messire Gawain biddeth her God give her good day, and she returneth his salute. * Damsel,' saith he, * Meseemeth you are not over joyous.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' I have right, for now am I nigh unto my desolation, sith that I may not find the Good Knight. Now must I needs go to the castle of the Black Hermit, and bear thither the head that hangeth at my saddle- bow, for otherwise shall I not be able to pass through the forest but my body should there be cast in prison or shamed, and this shall be the quittance for my passing. Then will I seek the Damsel of the Car and so shall I go in safety through the forest.' With that the hermit had begun the mass and Messire Gawain and the damsel heard it. When mass was sung, Messire Gawain took leave of the hermit and the damsel also. And Messire Gawain goeth one way and the damsel the other, and either biddeth other to God. IV Hereupon the story is now silent of the damsel, and saith that Messire Gawain goeth through the high forest and rideth a great pace, and prayeth God right sweetly that He will set him in such way as that thereby he may go to the land of the rich King Fisherman. And he rideth until the hour of noon, and cometh into the fulness of the forest and seeth under a tree a squire alighted of a horse of the THE HOLY GRAAL 61 chase. Messire Gawain saluteth him, and the The Red squire saith : ' Sir, right welcome may you be ! ' Knight's * Fair sweet friend,' saith Messire Gawain, son * Whither go you ? ' ' Sir, I go to seek the lord of this forest.' ' Whose is the forest ? ' saith Messire Gawain. ' Sir, it belongeth to the Best Knight in the world.' * Can you tell me tidings of him ? ' ' He ought to bear a shield banded azure and argent with a red cross thereon and a boss of gold. I say that he is good knight, but little call have I to praise him, for he slew my father in this forest with a javelin. The Good Knight was squire what time he slew him, and fain would I avenge my father upon him and I may find him, for he reft me of the best knight that was in the realm of L ogres when he slew my father. Well did he bereave me of him what time he slew him with his javelin without defiance, nor shall I never be at ease nor at rest until I shall have avenged him.' ' Fair sweet friend,' saith Messire Gawain, ' Sith that he is knight so good, take heed you increase not your wrong of your own act, and I would fain that you had found him, so as that no evil had befallen him thereof.' ' So would not I ! ' saith the squire, ' for never shall I see him in this place but I shall run upon him as my mortal enemy! ' 'Fair sweet friend,' saith Messire Gawain, 'you may say your pleasure, but tell me, is there no hold in this forest wherein I may harbour me the night ? ' ' Sir,' saith the squire, ' No hold know I within 62 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The twenty league of your way in any quarter. Widow Wherefore no leisure have you to tarry, for it ays is high noon already.' So Messire Gawain saluteth the squire and goeth a great pace as he that knoweth neither highway nor byway save only as adventure may lead him. And the forest pleaseth him well for that it is so fair and that he seeth the deer pass by before him in great herds. He rode on until it drew toward evensong at a corner of the forest. The even- ing was fair and calm and the sun was about to set. And a score league Welsh had he ridden sithence that he parted from the squire, and sore he misdoubted him that he should find no hold. He found the fairest meadow-land in the world, and looked before him when he had ridden a couple of bow-shot lengths and saw a castle appear nigh the forest on a mountain. And it was enclosed of high walls with battlements, and within were fair halls whereof the windows showed in the outer walls, and in the midst was an ancient tower that was compassed round of great waters and broad meadow-lands. Thither- ward Messire Gawain draweth him and Iooketh toward the gateway of the castle and seeth a squire issue forth a great pace upon a hackney, and he came the way that Messire Gawain was coming. And when the squire seeth him and hath drawn somewhat anigh, he saluteth him right nobly. VI ' Sir, right welcome may you be ! ' ' Good adventure may you have ! ' saith Messire THE HOLY GRAAL 63 Gawain. ' Fair sweet friend, what is this Camelot castle here, sir ? ' Sir, it is the castle of the Widow Lady.' 'What is the name thereof?' ' Camelot ; and it belonged to Alain li Gros, that was a right loyal knight and worshipful man. He is dead this long time, and my Lady hath remained without succour and without counsel. Wherefore is the castle warred upon of them that would fain reave her thereof by force. The Lord of the Moors and another knight are they that war upon her and would fain reave her of this castle as they have reft her of seven other already. Greatly desireth she the return of her son, for no counsel hath she save only of her one daughter and of five old knights that help her to guard the castle. Sir,' saith he, ' The door is made fast and the bridge drawn up, for they guard the castle closely, but, so please you, you will tell me your name and I will go before and make the bridge be lowered and the gate unfastened, and will say that you will lodge within to-night.' ' Gra- mercy,' saith Messire Gawain, * right well shall my name be known or ever I depart from the castle.' The squire goeth his way a great pace, and Messire Gawain rideth softly at a walk for he had yet a long way to go. And he found a chapel that stood between the forest and the castle, and it was builded upon four columns of marble and within was a right fair sepulchre. The chapel had no fence of any kind about it, so that he seeth the coffin within full clearly, and Messire Gawain bideth awhile to look thereon. And the squire is entered into the 64 THE HIGH HISTORY OF The castle and hath made the bridge be lowered and Lady the door opened. He alighteth and is come glais j nt0 fo e j ia jj w j iere was t h e Widow Lady and her daughter. Saith the Lady to the squire : ' Wherefore have you returned from doing my message?' 'Lady, for the comeliest knight that I have seen ever, and fain would he harbour within to-night, and he is garnished of all arms and rideth without company.' ' And what name hath he?' saith the Lady. 'Lady, he told me you should know it well or ever he depart from this castle.' Therewithal the Lady gan weep for joy and her daughter also, and, lifting their hands toward heaven, ' Fair Lord God ! ' saith the Widow Lady, ' And this be indeed my son, never tofore have I had joy that might be likened to this ! Now shall I not be disherited of mine honour, neither shall I lose my castle whereof they would fain reave me by wrong, for that no Lord nor champion have I ! ' VII Thereupon the Widow Lady ariseth up and her daughter likewise, and they go over the bridge of the castle and see Messire Gawain that was yet looking on the coffin within the chapel. 'Now haste ! ' saith the Lady; 'At the tomb shall we be well able to see whether it be he ! ' They go to the chapel right speedily, and Messire Gawain seeth them coming and alighteth. 'Lady,' saith he, 'Welcome may you be, you and your company.' The Lady answereth never a word until that they are come to the THE HOLY GRAAL 65 tomb. When she findeth it not open, she Dindrane falleth down in a swoon. And Messire Gawain jj er is sore afraid when he seeth it. The Lady au * cometh back out of her swoon and breaketh out into great lamentation. ' Sir,' saith the damsel to Messire Gawain, ' Welcome may you be ! But now sithence my mother supposed that you had been her son and made great joy thereof, and now seeth she plainly that you are not he, whereof is she sore sorrowful, for so soon as he 6hall return, this coffin behoveth open, nor until that hour shall none know who it is that lieth therein.' The Lady riseth up and taketh Messire Gawain by the hand. ' Sir,' saith she, 'What is your name?' 'Lady,' saith he, 'I am called Gawain, King Arthur's nephew.' ' Sir,' saith she, ' You shall be he that is wel- come both for the sake of my son and for your own sake.' The Lady biddeth a squire lead his horse into the castle and carry his shield and spear. Then they enter into the castle and lead Messire Gawain into the hall, and make disarm him. After that, they fetch him water to wash his hands and his face, for he was dis- tained of the rust of his habergeon. The Lady maketh apparel him in a rich robe of silk and gold, and furred of ermine. The Widow Lady cometh forth of her chamber and maketh Messire Gawain sit beside her. * Sir,' saith she, ' Can you tell me any tidings of my son that I have not seen of this long time past, and of whom at this present am I sore in need ? ' 66 THE HIGH HISTORY OF No viii Perceval 'Lady,' saith he, 'No tidings of him know I to tell you, and right heavy am I thereof, for he is the knight of the world that fainest I would see and he be your son as I am told. What name hath he?' 'Sir,' saith she, 'His name in right baptism is Perceval, and a right i comely squire was he when he departed hence. Now as at this time is it said that he is the comeliest knight on live and the most hardy and the cleanest of all wickedness. And sore need have I of his hardiment, for what time that he departed hence, he left me in the midst of a great warfare on behalf of the Knight of the Red Shield that he slew. Within the se'nnight thereafter he went away, nor never once have I seen him sithence, albeit a full seven year hath passed already. And now the brother of the knight that he slew and the Lord of the Moors are warring upon me and are fain to reave me of my castle and God counsel me not. For my brothers are too far away from me, and King Pelles of the Lower Folk hath renounced his land for God's sake and entered into a hermitage. But the King of Castle Mortal hath in him as much of wickedness and felony as these twain have in them of good, and enough thereof have they. But neither succour nor help may they give me, for the King of Castle Mortal challengeth my Lord King Fisherman both of the most Holy Graal and of the Lance whereof the point bleedeth every day, albeit God forbid he should ever have them.' THE HOLY GRAAL 67 IX Of King 'Lady,' saith Messire Gawain, 'There was t ' isher - at the hostel of King Fisherman a knight before whom the Holy Graal appeared three times, yet never once would he ask whereof it served nor whom it honoured.' * Sir,' saith the Widow Lady's daughter, ' You say true, and the Best Knight is he of the world. This say I for love of my brother, and I love all knights for the love of him, but by the foolish wit of the knight hath mine uncle King Fisherman fallen into languishment.' ' Sir,' saith the Lady, ' Be- hoveth all good knights go see the rich King Fisherman. Will you not therefore go ? ' 'Lady,' saith Messire Gawain, 'Yea, that will I, so speedily as I may, for not elsewhither have I emprised my way.' 'Sir,' saith she, ' Then are you going to see my son, wherefore tell my son, and you see him, of my evil plight and my misease, and King Fisherman my brother. But take heed, Messire Gawain, that you be better mindful than was the knight.' ' Lady,' saith Messire Gawain, ' I shall do as God shall teach me.' In the meanwhile as they were speaking thus together, behold you therewithal the Widow Lady's five knights that were come in from the forest and make bring harts and hinds and wild swine. So they alighted and made great joy of Messire Gawain when they knew who he was. When the meat was ready they sate to eat, and full plenteously were they provided and 68 THE HIGH HISTORY OF An right well were they served. Thereupon, assembly behold, cometh the squire that had opened the to n door for Messire Gawain, and kneeleth before the Widow Lady. ' And what tidings ? ' saith she. ' Lady, there is to be a right great assembly of tourney in the valleys that aforetime were ours. Already have they spread the , Welsh booths, and thither are come these two that are warring upon you and great store other knights. And they have ordained that he which shall do best at the assembly shall under- take the garrison of this castle in such sort as that he shall hold it for his own alone against all other.' The Widow Lady beginneth to weep : Sir,' saith she to Messire Gawain, ' Now may you understand that the castle is not mine own, sith that these knights say it is theirs as you hear.' < Certes, Lady,' saith he, ' Herein do they great dishonour and a sin.' XI When the table was removed the damsel fell at Messire Gawain's feet, weeping. He raiseth her forthwith and saith to her, Damsel, herein do you ill.' ' For God's sake, Sir, take pity on my Lady mother and me ! ' ' Certes, damsel, great pity have I of you.' ' Sir, now shall it be seen in this strait whether you be good knight, for good is the knighthood that doeth well for God's sake.' The Widow Lady and her daughter go into the chamber, and Messire Gawain's bed was made in the midst of the hall. So he went and lay down as did also the five knights. All the night was THE HOLY GRAAL 69 Messire Gawain in much thought. The morrow, Gawain when he was risen, he went to hear mass in a goeth chapel that was within and ate thereafter three tni ' ;ner sops in wine and then armed himself, and at the same time asked the five knights that were there in the hall whether they would go see the assembly. ' Yea, Sir,' say they, * and you be going thither.' ' In faith, thither verily will I go ! ' saith Messire Gawain. The knights are armed forthwith, and their horses brought and Messire Gawain's, and he goeth to take leave of the Widow Lady and her daughter. But great joy make they of this that they have heard say that he will go with their knights to the assembly. XII Messire Gawain and the five knights mounted and issued forth of the castle and rode a great gallop before a forest. Messire Gawain looketh before him about the foreclose of the forest, and seeth the fairest purlieus that he had seen ever, and so broad they be that he may not see nor know the fourth part thereof. They are gar- nished of tall forests on one hand and on the other, and there are high rocks in the midst with wild deer among. ' Sir,' say the knights, ' Lo, these be the Valleys of Camelot whereof my Lady and her daughter have been bereft, and bereft also hath she been of the richest castles that be in Wales to the number of seven.' ' A wrong is it and a sin ! ' saith Messire Gawain. So far have they ridden that they see the en- signs and the shields there where the assembly vol. 1. H 70 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Chaos is to be held, and they see already mounted the the R e *j more part of the knights all armed and running unnorsea t j ie j r horses down the meadow-land. And they see the tents stretched on the one hand and on another. And Messire Gawain bideth, and the five knights under a tree, and see the knights assembling on one hand and on another. One of the five knights that were with him gave him witting of the Lord of the Moors and the brother of the knight of the Red Shield that had to name Chaos the Red. So soon as the tournament was assembled, Messire Gawain and the knights come to the assembly, and Messire Gawain goeth to a Welsh knight and beareth him to the ground, both him and his horse, all in a heap. And the five come after at a great gallop and each overthroweth his own, and greatly pride they themselves of Messire Gawain. Chaos the Red seeth Messire Gawain but know- eth him not. He goeth toward him a full career, and Messire Gawain receiveth him on the point of his spear and hurtleth against him so sore that he all to-brast his collarbone and maketh the spear fly from his fist. And Messire Gawain searcheth the fellowships of one part and the other, and findeth not nor encountereth no knight before him in his way but he putteth him off his horse or woundeth him, either by himself or by one of the five knights, that make right great joy of that they see him do. They show him the Lord of the Moors that was coming with a full great fellow- ship of folk. He goeth thitherward a great gallop. They mell together either upon other THE HOLY GRAAL 71 of their spears that they bent and all to-brast in The flinders, and hurtle together so stoutly both of Lord their horses and their bodies that the Lord of S^^ the Moors loseth his stirrups and hath the 00rS hinder saddlebow to-frushed, and falleth down to the ground over his horse croup in such sort that the peak of his helm dinteth a full palm's breadth into the turf. And Messire Gawain taketh the horse that was right rich and good, maugre all of his fellowship, and giveth it to one of the five knights that maketh it be led to Camelot of a squire. Messire Gawain searcheth the ranks on the one hand and on the other, and doeth such feats of arms as never no knight might do the same again. The five knights also showed great hardiment, and did more of arms that day than ever had they done tofore, for not one of them but had overthrown at least a single knight and won his horse. The Lord of the Moors was mounted again on another rich horse and had great shame for that Messire Gawain had overthrown him. He espieth Messire Gawain and goeth toward him a great gallop and thinketh to avenge his shame. They come together either on other with a great shock, and Messire Gawain smiteth him with the truncheon of his spear that he had still left, in the midst of his breast, so that it was all to-splintered. The Lord of the Moors likewise again to-brast his spear upon him. Messire Gawain draweth his sword and flingeth the truncheon to the ground. The Lord of the Moors doth likewise and eommandeth his folk not to mell betwixt them twain, for never 72 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Gawain yet had he found no knight that he had not defeateth conquered. They deal them great buffets on " ira the helms, either upon other, in such sort that the sparks fly thereout and their swords are blunted. The buffets of Messire Gawain are heavier than the other's, for he dealeth them so mighty and horrible that the blood rayeth out , from the Lord of the Moors by the mouth and the nose so that his habergeon is all bloody thereof and he may no more endure. There- upon he yieldeth him prisoner to Messire Gawain, that is right glad thereof and his five knights likewise. The Lord of the Moors goeth to his tent to alight, and Messire Gawain with him and alighteth. And Messire Gawain taketh the horse and saith to one of the knights, * Keep this for me.' And all the knights are repaired to their tents, and with one accord say they all that the knight of the Red Shield with the eagle of gold thereon hath done better than we, and they ask the Lord of the Moors whether he accordeth with them, and he saith ' Aye.' ' Sir,' saith he to Messire Gawain, ' You, then, are the warden of this castle of Camelot.' ' Gramercy, lord ! ' saith Messire Gawain. He calleth the five knights and saith unto them: 'Lords, my will is that you be there on my behalf and that you shall safeguard the same by consent of the knights that are here present.' * Sir, right gladly do we agree thereto.' ' Sir,' saith Messire Gawain to the Lord of the Moors, ' I give you moreover as my prisoner to the Widow Lady that harboured me last night.' ' Sir,' saith he, ' This have THE HOLY GRAAL 73 you no right to do. Assembly of tourney is Camelot not war. Hence have you no right to imprison made my body in castle, for well am I able to pay my e ransom here. But tell me, what is your name ? ' I am called Gawain.' Ha, Messire Gawain, many a time have I heard tell of you albeit never tofore have I seen you. But sith that the castle of Camelot is in your keeping, I promise you loyally that before a year and a day neither the castle nor none of the Lady's land need fear nought from me nor from any other so far forth as I may hinder him, and hereto do I pledge me in the presence of all these knights that are here. And, so you would have of me gold or silver, thereof will I give you at your will.' ' Sir,' saith Messire Gawain, 'Gramercy! I consent freely to as much as you have said.' Messire Gawain taketh leave and turneth him again toward the castle of Camelot, and sendeth by a squire the horse of the Lord of the Moors to the daughter of the Widow Lady, that made great joy thereof. And the five knights drive before them the horses they have taken booty. Whereof great also was the joy. No need to wonder whether Messire Gawain were well harboured that night at the castle. He recounted to the Lady how the castle was in the keeping of these knights. When it came to morning-tide, Messire Gawain took leave and departed from the castle, but not before he had heard mass, for such was his custom. The Widow Lady and her daughter commend him to God, and the castle remaineth in better keeping than he had found it. BRANCH IV INCIPIT Of T TERE beginneth another branch of the Marin JTl Graal in the name of the Father, and the f t i ie g on an d f ^e Holy Ghost. Jealous J TITLE I And the story is silent here of the mother of the Good Knight, and saith that Messire Gawain goeth so as God and adventure lead him toward the land of the rich King Fisher- man. And he entereth into a great forest, all armed, his shield at his neck and his spear in his hand. And he prayeth Our Lord that He counsel him of this holy errand he hath emprised so as that he may honourably achieve it. He rode until that he came at evensong to a hold that was in the midst of the forest. And it was compassed about of a great water, and had about it great clumps of trees so as that scarce with much pains might he espy the hall, that was right large. The river that compassed it about was water royal, for it lost not its right name nor its body as far as the sea. And Messire Gawain bethought him that it was the hold of a worshipful man, and draweth him thitherward to lodge. And as he drew anigh the bridge of the hold, he looketh and seeth a 74 THE HOLY GRAAL 75 dwarf sitting on a high bench. He leapeth up : A ' ' Messire Gawain,' saith he, ' Welcome may treacner- you be ! ' ' Fair, sweet friend,' saith Messire j US ar r Gawain,-' God give you good adventure ! You know me, then ? ' saith he. ' Well do I know you,' saith the dwarf, * For I saw you at the tournament. At a better moment could you not have come hither, for my lord is not here. But you will find my lady, the fairest and most gentle and most courteous in the realm of L ogres, and as yet is she not of twenty years.' * Fair friend,' saith Messire Gawain, ' What name hath the lord of the hold ? ' ' Sir, he is called of Little Gomeret. I will go tell my lady that Messire Gawain is come, the good knight, and bid her make great joy.' Howbeit, Messire Gawain marvelleth much that the dwarf should make him such cheer, for many knaveries hath he found in many places within the bodies of many dwarfs. The dwarf is come into the chamber where the lady was. * Now, haste, Lady ! ' saith he, ' Make great joy, for Messire Gawain is come to harbour with you.' ' Certes,' saith she, ' Of this am I right glad and right sorry ; glad, for that the good knight will lie here to-night, sorry, for that he is the knight that my lord most hateth in the world. Where- fore he warneth me against him for love of him, for oftentimes hath he told me that never did Messire Gawain keep faith with dame nor damsel but he would have his will of them.' ' Lady,' saith the dwarf, ' It is not true albeit it is so said.' 76 THE HIGH HISTORY OF Marin's fair wife IX Thereupon Messire Gawain entereth into the courtyard and alighteth, and the lady cometh to meet him and saith to him : ' May you be come to joy and good adventure.' 'Lady,' saith he, ' May you also have honour and good adven- , ture.' The lady taketh him by the hand and leadeth him into the hall and maketh him be seated on a cushion of straw. And a squire leadeth his horse to stable. And the dwarf summoneth two other squires and doeth Messire Gawain be disarmed, and helpeth them right busily, and maketh fetch water to wash his hands and his face. * Sir,' saith the dwarf, ' Your fists are still all swollen of the buffets you gave and received at the tournament.' Messire Gawain answered him nought. And the dwarf entereth into the chamber and bringeth a scarlet robe furred of ermine and maketh it be done on Messire Gawain. And meat was made ready and the table set, and the lady sate to eat. Many a time looked he upon the lady by reason of her great beauty, and, had he been minded to trust to his heart and his eyes, he would have all to-changed his purpose ; but so straitly was his heart bound up, and so quenched the desires thereof, that nought would he allow himself to think upon that might turn to wickedness, for the sake of the high pilgrim- age he had emprised. Rather 'gan he with- draw his eyes from looking at the lady, that was held to be of passing great beauty. After meat Messire Gawain's bed was made, and he THE HOLY GRAAL 77 apparelled himself to lie down. The lady bade The him God give him good adventure, and he made