HISTORY OF THK FRIHXDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK AND OF THK HIBERNIAN SOCIETY FOR THR RELIEF OF EMIGRANTS FROM IRELAND. MARCH 17, 1771 MARCH 17, 1892. BY JOHN H. CAMPBELL. Historian of the Hibernian Society. PHIL \DELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY THH HIB1;KN1 AN SOC1HTY 1892. Hntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by the HIBERNIAN SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF EMIGRANTS FRO.M IRELAND in the Office 01 the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, I). C. PREFACE. THK volume which \ve present to the public on this, the i2ist anniversary of the formation of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, has been prepared for the printer and the man- uscript in great part written during the past three months. The material from which it has been written was collected mainly under the direct supervision of the writer during a period of eight years past, interrupted repeatedly by serious illness of himself and mem- bers of his family, and amidst the busy cares of professional life. But for these interruptions the work would have been completed three or four years since and would have contained much more valuable in- formation than we have been able to gather. As it is, however, we ^re able to present a volume which will be of great value to the stu- dent of American local history and which will show to the public the patriotic part which the Irish-Americans of Pennsylvania took in gaining the liberties of our country. Rank injustice has been done to Pennsylvania for her share in the Revolution by Bancroft and other American historians. The services of such men as Wayne, Hand, Dick- inson, Cadwalader, Moylan and the many other distinguished citizens of this State have been slighted or glossed over, and no justice at all lias been accorded to the Irish-Americans, who formed such a large percentage ot the State's population. We have endeavored, in trac- :ng out the history of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, to show how intimately its members were associated with the Colonial cause, and how prominent they were in all the public events of the period, so that in making this contribution to American local historv, it may serve to direct the attention of historians to the neglected claims of the Irish-Americans of Pennsylvania. Most oi the general and manv special works on American historv have been consulted in the progress of the lesearclics required in the course oi the work. In obtaining biographical sketches of the mem- bers, nearly 2.000 in number, the Directories of Philadelphia were first examined ; next the records of the- Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds, ar.d wherever the name of a member appealed careful note of the '-mm- wo> made ; then the clerks emploved by the Committee made 1 PREFACE. personal visits to all the cemeteries in or near Philadelphia, and wherever the tombstones of members were found the inscriptions were carefully transcribed ; the records of the various old churches of the city, Presbyterian, Kpiscopalian, Catholic, etc., were examined for entries concerning the members ; the registers of marriages, etc., were also examined ; and during the course of the work every old Irish- man or Irish-American living in Philadelphia was personally inter- viewed and his recollections ot members noted down. Resides this, gentlemen conversant with local history were consulted at various times, and in addition, the daily newspapers were frequently ex- amined. To give an idea of some of the work performed, it will suffice to mention the fact that in order to cover the period from 1790 to 1814, for which period the minute books of the Society are missing, every newspaper published in Philadelphia during that period was collated, issue by issue, and whatever pertained to the Hibernian Society care- fully copied. Besides all these sources of information, the descendants, relative:; or acquaintances of deceased members have been either interviewed or corresponded with wherever it was possible, and a large mass of facts accumulated. The correspondence alone in this department amounted to several thousand letters and cards. As to living mem- bers, blanks were sent to them, requesting data for sketches, and, with but few exceptions, these blanks were returned filled. Want of time and numerous interruptions in the work have pre- vented us from obtaining much information, which we ieel confident can yet be obtained, and the sketches of many of the members will be found to be exceedingly meagre, but in obedience to the demand of the Society, we have concluded to go to press with the material already obtained, leaving to a future edition, if the Society should ever deem it advisable to publish one, the addition of such new matter. In collecting the portraits published in the volume, we have relied on our brother, Mr. William ]. Campbell, who is an authority in such matteix and he has rendered invaluable assistance- in the work, his correspondence amounting to more than a thousand letters and card-. Fortunately, the results have been commensurate with the work, and we have obtained a large number of portraits which now appear for the first time, including several which were not known to be in existence bv 'portrait collectors. Of course, there must necessarily be mauv imperiections in our work ; but we have endeavored to be as accurate a-, possible, especially in the matter of date^ and names, and tru>i that these imperfections 1'Rlvl-ACK. "> may not be so numerous as we imagine. At any rate we invoke the kind indulgence of the members and all our readers, and, if the name of a townland in Ireland is incorrectly spelled, it must be charitably taken for granted that the Gazetteer which we have used does not contain the name, and that we are not infallible upon the subject ; or, if a name should be misprinted, as, for instance, Mclaughlin instead of Mclaughlin, or t'ict'-z't'rsa, it must be taken for granted that a confusion exists regarding the name in the Directories and public records, and that no will or autograph has been discovered to fix the correct spelling. W'hile we must apologize for errors, yet we consider that the Committee's work has been as carefully performed as time and money would permit, and that we present a volume which is creditable alike to the Society and to its members. There have been so many distinguished names on the rolls that we have had to curtail the sketches within briefer limits than we liked ; but to give a full biography of every member of the Friendly Sons and Hibernian Society would extend the work to several volumes, and we are limited to one. Before closing we must give due credit to those gentlemen who have specially assisted us in obtaining information and otherwise aiding in the work. Throughout the volume credit is given to very many individuals who have courteously responded to our letters of inquiry and requests for information ; and where we have been indebted to works already published we have been careful to give the exact references in every instance ; but there have been other gentle- men who throughout the whole course of the work have been of invaluable assistance to us. First of all, my colleagues on the Committee, Messrs. William Hrice, P. S. Dooner, Thomas D. FVrguson, Rev. James Gray Holtou and Hugh McCaffrey, who have patiently, in and out of season, sus- tained me in the work. To their encouragement and support are due the publication of the volume at this date. Xext, the officers of the Society, especially Presidents William J. Xead, William Hrice, William McAleer and John Field, and Secret;ir\ Thomas I). Ferguson. Xext, Messrs. James I.. Tavlor, Samuel L. Taylor, James S. Martin, Dennis P>. Kellv, Robert II. Heattie, John Huggard and Patrick Devine, members of the Society. Also, Messrs. Charles R. liildeburu, Charles P. Keith. J Wilson, John A. McAllister, Frederick D. Stone, Michael X the offieers and librarians of the Pennsylvania Historical American Catholic Historical Society, Ridgway Library, Phila Library and Mercantile Library. Also Mr. Francis Ionian, Jr. *> PR HI' AC K. And last, but not least, to my faithful assistants employed by the Committee, Messrs. P. J. Reilly, Peter Bolger, Hd\v. Stirling and Dennis H. Kelly, especially the last-named gentleman, whose whole soul was enlisted in the work. We ought, also, injustice to add the name ot Mr. (ieorge S. Ferguson, at whose establishment thi> volume is printed. He has taken an interest in the work, not only as a printer, but as a member of the Soeietv, and has made it a matter of personal pride to issue a creditable book. JOHN H. CA.MPRKLL. PiiiLAnKi.PHiA, March 16, 1892. TABLE OF CONTEXTS. Tin: I li HERMAN SOCIETY KROM 179*1 ''" lS '3 Tn:. MEMBERS OK Tin-: HIIU.KMAN SOCIETY FROM i~o i>> i' T;i'-: Hiiu-.RMAN S'ICII-:T\ KROM IM; TO \ PREFACE .............. TAHLK OK CONTKNTS 7 > Rl-.PORT ()K COMMITTKK ON THK HlSTokV Of- 1 TH1C SoOKTY . . . 9-10 hi.sT OK PORTRAITS CONTAIXKD IN THIS X'oi.r.Mi-: ..... II-M LIST ()! BOOKS CoNsri.TKn .......... 15 LIST OK MKMHKRS WHO Hi-:r,n PTBIJC OKKICKS ...... 16-:: LIST OK MEMBERS WHO WKRK. KDITORS, PruMsm-.Rs or NKWSI'AIM-.RS, MAC.A/INKS, KTC 2J -: ;, LIST OK WORKS WRITTI-:X ISY MKMHIORS ....... ORH;IN OK THI-: FRIKNDI.V SONS oi- ST. PATRICK ..... Tiii'. SOCIETY OK THE FRIENDLY SONS OK ST. PATRICK .... THI-; FRIENDLY SONS AKTKK THE BRITISH KVACTATION oi ; PHII.ADMJMU \ TH;-. \\"ASHIN<;TON DINNERS AND AKTERWARDS . ..... THI-: I'RIENDI.Y SONS oi- - vS'r. PATRICK AND Tin-: HIHKRNIAN SOL;: TN' I ; OR Tin-: KEI.IEK oi ; I-'.MK;RANTS KROM IRIU.AND TABLK OK CONTKNTS. Tin; SOCIKTY FROM THK DKATH oi ; PRKSIHKNT TAC.KKT IN 1X49 r TMI-: DKATH OF PRKSIXKNT PATTKRSON IN iSSi ..... 211-234 Tin: Sou MTV FROM Tin: DKATH OF ("IKNKKAI. I'ATTKRSON To THK PRICS- KNT TIM I-:, MARCH 17, iS^2 ......... 235-275 PARTICIPATION oi' THK MKMHKKS IN 1'nu.ic Ivvi'iNTs FROM 1815 TO iSy2 .............. 276 289 THK IRISH BKK.AIH: IN THI-: WAR KOR Tin. I'NION ..... 290-314 LIST oi ; t)i MCI:RS AND MKMKKRS oi- - Tin; HIHI-.RMAN SOCIKTV, APRIL 5. i;^/), TO MARCH 17, isyj, WITH Tin; DATKS t . . . . -17 RICHARD H A cine, from the portrait owned by Mrs. }'.. 1). Gillc^pie, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . . . . . . . .140 MATTHHW HAIKU, from a photograph by Gntekimst . . . . . ,M- JOHN KARCI.AY, from the portrait by Gilbert Stuart, owned bv Mrs. John P.. Kid- dle, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society ...... ^5 BKNJAMIN .SMITH HARTON, M. I)., from the portrait bv R. IVale, owned bv the University of Pennsylvania, photographed for the Society . . . .;;<> COM. JOHN HARRV, from the portrait bv Gilbert Stuart, owned by Mrs. W. Horace Hepburn, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . . .}r JOHN HINNS, from an engraving in- Welch after daguerreotvpe by Richards . .; hi R:-;v. J. GRAY Hoi. TON, from a photograph by I>eMorat . . . . . .' InviD HOYD, Sr. , from a photograjih hv IIen>/.ey ....... ,;^-' \\II.I.IA\I HRICK, from a pliotograjdi bv Tras',; . . . . . . . .: !)\\'ii> PATI. HKOWN, from a photograph by Gutekutist . . . . . .; < ri-.N. RICHARD P.rTi.i.K. from a mini iture owned by Mis> l-'rances Mi-ason. 1 "nioii town, Pa., photographed for the Society ...... GKN. JOHN CAIHVAI. AUKR, from a mini;itr,re owned by Richard McCall. Phila.iel phia, photograj/ned for the Society bv C. vS. Hradford, Jr.. \\'e-t Chester, Pa. .: ] Ci'I, I, \M!!!'RT (.' \D\V \l..\ Dl'.K, from th.e port: lit bv Tho-nas Sullv. . >\\ ::ed bv Join: I,. Cadwalader, New York ... i ;-' I\Y:D CA;.D\VI-;I,I,, from a miniature ownc.l bv Mrs. Ja-. !! Hradford, \\"c'j S\M!"i-;i. CAI,D\\-J.I. i., from an cr.-i'a\ : ;;^ from life !n St. Mimin, photographed for tht- Society by C. S. liradfufii. Jr., W--s! C':c-' -r. Pa u! JA.MKS C \ M ::::-.:. i.. from i photo-ri- '. ' . ',:..'.:::!-'. ...... j;,; 12 LIST ol ; PORTRAITS. HKNKY C. CAKKY, from a photograph by (iuu-kunst ...... 367 MATIIKW CAKKY, from the portrait by J. Neagk, owned by Henry Carey Hainl, Philadelphia, photographed for the Societv ....... lou K.KY. MATTHKYV CAKK, (.). S. A., from a painting in the pastoral residence of St. Augu>tine's church, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . 170 JOHN CASSIN, from a photograph bv McCkcs ........ 376 DR. JOHN COCHKAX, from an engraving by Leney after the original miniature ;destroved bv lirei. Furnished by Mrs Chapman Kiddle . . . -45 WII.I.IAM CONSTABI.K, from the portrait by (iilbert Stuart, owned by William Constable, CoilStttblevilk, Lewis eo., New York, photographed lor the Society .............. lof DAVID HAYFIKI.D CONYNOHAM, from a portrait owned by Mrs. Charles Parrish, Wilkes-Barre, 1'a., photographed for the Society . . .... 74 KCKl.KY K. COXK, from a photograph by Gutekunst ...... 383 T KNCH COXK, from an engraving bv S. Sartain after the portrait by J. Paul, owned by Krinton Coxe, Philadelphia ........ 176 ANHRKW G. CTRTIN, from a photograph by (mtekunst ..... 258 Col.. SAMTKL 1;. DAVIS, (nun the portrait by Thomas Sully, owned by Sussex D. Davis, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society ..... 185 GKN. KOHKKT P. Dr.CHKKT. from a photograph by DeMorat .... 389 JOHN DICKINSON, from the portrait by C. YV. Peak- in Independence Hall, photo- graphed for the Societv ........... 38 P. S. DOO.NKK, from a photograph by (iilbert X Kacon ...... 2 3 -, JOHN^DKI-^V, from a photograph furnished bv Airs. John Drew .... 397 WII.I.IAM DTANI., from an engraving by .St. Memin ...... 398 WIIJ.IAM J. IMAM., from a photograph furnished bv I>. !'. Dviane . . . 193 C.M'T. JOHN Di'NLAi'. from the portrait bv Rembrandt Peak, owned by John D. Kleight, Philadelphia, photogr.'iphed for the Society ..... 109 JAMKS. I\I. I''i:Ki;rsi IN, (V(jni a photograjjh by (iutekunst ..... 4115 THOMAS D. l-V.Kc;rs"N. from a ])hotogra])h by DeMorat ..... 251 JOHN l-'ii'.r.n, from a j)hotograph by (inteknnst ....... 242 TKNCH I-'KAN^IS, from a silhouette owjiev > iiitek'.ni--t ...... 226 XICHOI.\S ]. ( iK I !'! IN, from a photograph bv Ik-Moral ..... 249 (",MN. Kii\VAKi' HAND, from :': portrait in Indejiendence Hail, ].hotogra])he.l for the S"< ietv ............ 53 WII.J.IVM I'.. H ANNA, from a photograph bv C.utekunst ...... .522 Al.i-:x A Nl'i'K Hi NK\', SK.. from tin p< : trail o\vned b\- the Pi e--b\-ierian lioard of Publication, Philadelphia.pl I i plied for the Society . . . ;^6 KIAVAKD 1. Hi.KATY, from .1 iilio'.o^raph b\- I'.n.adbent >.V T.ivlor .... .J29 SAMIM:L Hooi). fro:;; a photograph .......... 201 Ki-A". MHHM.I. Hrki.i-.v, (). S, V. from the portrait bv Sully, ovvmy Rev. Lea Luquer, Bedford, X. V. . . . . . . . . 56 IOHN LEAMY, from a silhouette owned by Miss Ross. Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . . . . . . . . . . .120 R. SHEI.TON MACKENZIE, from a photograph ....... 454 ( 'rEoRC.E MEAUE, from a miniature owned by Mrs. Jeanie Ingraham Bronson, Greenville, Miss.; photographed for the Society ...... 36 JOHN MEASE, from a silhouette owned by Rev. Alfred L. F.lwyn, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . . . . . . . .122 ROBERT MORRIS, from the portrait by C. \V. Peale, in the National Mn.senm, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society . . . . . . -5" ST. CLAIR A. Mri.ni II.I.A N !), from a photograph by Chandler & Scheetz . . 290 WILLIAM McAi.EER, from a photograph by Lemer ...... 26;, HrOH McCAKKREY, from a photograph by DeMorat ...... 2S'-> BLAIR McCLENACHAN, from an original miniature owned by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, photographed for the Society ... S.| THOMAS McKEAN, from the portrait by C. \V. Peale, in Independence Hall, photographed for the Society . . . . . . . . . 151 MORTON MCMICHAEL, from a photograph by Gutekunst ..... 4>V WAYNE MAC\"EAGH, from a photograph by Broadbent ...... 4>S \Vn.t.iAM J. NEAD, from a photograph by Gutekunst ...... 2^7 Coi,. FRANCIS NICHOLS, from a miniature owned bv Mrs. \V. L. Dunglison, South Bethlehem, Pa., photographed for the Society . . . . .127 Coi.. JOHN NIXON, from the portrait bv Gilbert Stuart, in the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, photographed for the Societv . . . . -32 Col.. JAMES O'RKir.i.v, from a photograph bv DeMorat ..... 2S4 GEN. ROBERT PATTERSON, from a photogiaph by Gutekunst .... 2.^1 ROBERT PATTERSON, from the portrait bv R. Peale. o\\ ned by American Philoso- phical SocieU, Philadelpliia. photographed for the Societv .... 4y :i SAMTEL D. PATTERSON, from a photograph furnished by F.. P. Weaver, Phila- delphia . 4v9 AN;>RE\V PORTER, from the portrait owned bv W. W. Porter. Phil.idelphia. ]ihotographed lor the Societ\- .... ... 502 JAMES M \DI-ON PORTER, from a cr.ivoii portrait osvned bv Prote.^-;or Janu-s Ma'iison Porter, Fiaston, Pa. ..... 27.S WM.I.IAM A. !'ORTI-:R, from a photo-r.uih ........ .? } i * 1-J)\V\RH koTH, from a ])hotogra;.h . .... 5:5 Cor.. 'I'HOMAS ROBINSON, from the portrait i" C. W. Peale. owned bv Rev. N. I'. Robinson, Philadelphia, photo-raph.e.l h.v .i h . Societ> . . . i;2 'i';ioM,\> A. r-n'oTT, from .1 photo^rajiii by ( lUte'. .;:;-' . . ... 517 (Vi'-.N. JOHN SHI-.E. from a miniature by Troit. o\\ n i '.. Robert L. Brooke. Phil- a'leljihia, photogi iphcd for tin- SK-iet\ . -^ V.'lIJ.IAM M. SlNi;i-:ui.Y, from a photograph by Gu'a !; :\'.K .... ,>2" COM. CHARLES ST.'.\\ \!-:r, ;Vo:n an en^ravim; ..... . JJH Coi.. THOMAS J ST - .V\RT. from ,\ nhoto^rapli ....... ^27 15 LIST (M- PORTRAITS. (iKN. WALTKR STI-:\VART, from the- portrait owned by Mrs. John Warren, New York, photographed for the Society . . . . . . . .164 KmviN S. STTART, from a photograph by Gutekunst ...... 266 GKORGK II. STTART, from a photograph by Gutekunst ..... 529 JoSKl'H TA<;I:KT, from the portrait by J. Neagle, owned l>y Farmers' 6c Mechanics' Hank, Philadelphia, photographed for the Society ..... iS6 J.\MivS I,. TAN i. OK, from a photograph by Fowler ...... 221 CAPTAIN JOHN TAYI.OK, from a photograph by Gutekunst ..... 533 ROHKKT TAYI.OK, from a photograph . . . . . . . . .211 RICHARD Y.\r\, from a photograph by Gutekunst . ...... 202 Pun.. J. WAI..-H, from "a photograph by I-',. Hawkins & Co. ..... 540 JOHN WANAMAKKK, from a photograph by Tavlor ...... C r KOK ('.]: WASH i NC.TON, from the ]>or trait bv James I Vale, in the National Mnsemn, Philadelphia, photograjihed for the Society ....... 47 GKN. ANTHONY WA\'NI-:, from the portrait owned by William Wayne, I'aoli, Pa., photographed for the Society ......... I-'RANCIS Wi-'.ST, JR., from a miniature, ])h'>to<:ra])hed for the Society . . . 138 RKY. SAMUKI, H. WYI.IK, from the portrait by J. Ncagle, in the Library of the University of Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . iSS JOHN RrssKU. YOTNC., from a photograph by Gutekunst ..... 546 NOTK. We regret exceedingly that no portraits of Gen. Stephen Moylan, Thomas Fit/simons, John Maxwell Ne.-bitt, ar.d other distiugxiished officers of the Society are in existence. Otherwise they would have been included in the foregoing list. LIST OF SOME OF THE WORKS CONSULTED IX THE PREPARATION OF THIS VOLUME. Scharf cS: Westcott's History of Philadelphia, 3 Vols.. Phila.. iSS4. Appleton's Cvclopiedia of American Biography, 6 Vols. , N. Y., INS-. Simpson's Lives of Eminent Philailelphiaiis, Phila., 1859. Biographical Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1874. Philadelphia and Popular Philadelphians, Phila., 1891. A Biographical Album of Prominent Pennsylvania!!*, 3 Vols., Phila., iSSS-iSgo. Keith's Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1883. Nevin's Encyclopaedia of the Presbyterian Church in the I'nited Slates, Phila., 1884. Names of Persons who took the Oath of Allegiance to the Colonies, Phila., 1865. Martin's Bench and Bar of Philadelphia, Phila., 1883. A Brief Account of the Society of the I-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick, Phila., 1844. History of the I'irst Troop Philadelphia Citv Cavalry, Phila., 1874. History of the Schuyikill Fishing Company, Phila., 1889. The Ilibernia Eire Engine Company, Phila., 1859. Historical Memoir of Ilibernia Eire Engine Company, Phila., 1872. Pennsylvania Maga/ine of Hi^torv and Biography, 14 Yols., Phila., 1877-1891. Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Series, i2\"ols.. Harrisbnrg, iS7u.-i.Sso. History of the Bank of North America. Phila., iSS2. Records of American Catholic Historical Society. 3 YoU., Phila., 1887-1891. Historical Catalogue of St. Andrew's Society. Phila., !>^i. Historical Sketch of the Sons of St. deorge. Phila., 1^72. Historical Sketch of Welsh Society, Phila.. 1880. Men of Americ-a, City ( ".overnmeiit, Phila. Ritter's Philadelphia and her Merchants. Phila., iSf,.>. Allibone's I)ictionar\ of Authors, 3\"ols., Phila., 185^ iS9i. Simon's Biographies of Successful Men-hants, Phila., iS64. Carey's Account of ^\l^.^\ I'cver ICiiii'emic, Phila., 17^3. Hamersly's Army and Na\'\" Register. Washington, iSSs. Summarv of Transactions of the College of Phvsicians, Centennial Ivl., Phila., 1 V S- dross's Lives of Eminent American Physicians and Surgeons, Phila., i.Vji. Coo]!cr's Naval History. 2 Vols., Phila., 1840. AN(j numerous \\ork--nii general and local American history, references to \\lr.rli .. ^ifii.illv marie throughout the volume. .1ST 01 : PROMINENT PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO WERL MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. PRESIDENTS OK UXITKD STATK George Washington. Andrew Jackson. Ulysses S. Grant. CAHIXKT OKFICKRS. Richard P>ache, Postmaster-General. James Campbell, Postmaster-General. John Wanamaker, Postmaster-Geueral. William J. Dnane, Secretary of Treasury. Gen. Henry Knox, Secretary of War. James M. Porter, Secretary of War. Mahlon Dickerson, Secretary of Navy. Wayne MacYeagh, Attorney-General. DIPLOMATIC KKPRKSHXTATIYK KTC. Joseph R. Chandler, Minister to Two Sicilies. William P. Reed, Minister to China. Robert Adams, Jr., Minister to I'ra/.il. Andrew G. Cnrtin, Minister to Ku^i i. Thomas P>arclay, Con>ul to ]', iri>ary I' >wer>. John Mitchell, Consul at Santiago thii-r-( it-m-nil. Surgeon W. J . Fleming, Capt. I'M ward 1 1. Flood. Capt. James M. Ledd\ . Capt. John Tavlor. Capt. John McCullough. Capt. William C. Patterson. Lieut. \Villiam Kmslcv. Lieut. M. W. Mall. Lieut. John McLoughiin. Lieut. George Roiiey. XAVV OFFICF.KS. Admiral George C. Read. Com. John Marry. Com. Thomas Read. Com. Charles Stewart. Capt. Henry Geddes. Capt. John Green. Capt. Paul Cox. Capt. Xathan Moys. Capt. John Mitchell. Capt. James Montgomery. Purser Matthew Mease. Surgeon Mich'l O'Hara, MKMBKKS OF COXGKF.SS. Senators. Robert Morris. William Mingham. Gen. J. P. G. Muhlenberg. Mahlon Dickerson. I\('pn'st'iitatires, John Dickinson. Robert Morris. Dr. Samuel Duffield. James Searle. Thomas I'it/.simous. Richard Peters. William Mingham. Thomas McKean. < '.en. \\'illiam Irvine. Gen. J. P. G. Muhlenberg. Col. Charlo .Stewart. Col. Lambert Cadwa'.ader. ( '.en. Samuel Meredith. Pdair MeClenachan. I'hilip S. Markley. Jdl'.n Sergeant. J' >>eph I leUlpIl 1:1. TIIK HIBKRNIAN SOCIKTY. Thomas Kittera. James Harper. William Findley. Tench Coxe. ( ieor.^e \V. Toland. Joseph R. Chandler. Thomas Burnsidc. Andrew G. Curtin. Richard \'au\. Benjamin T. Bi^s. James 15. Reilly. William McAleer. iriHiHS. L 'nit cd Stall -s District Court. Richard Peters. John K. Kane. Mahlon Dickerson. I'ennsv/rciiiict Supreme Court. Thomas McKean, Chief-Justice. John B. ( iibson, Chief-Justice. Jolin M. Read. Chief-Justice. George P>ryan. Thomas Sergeant. Thomas Burnside. William A. P<>rter. Mahlon Dickerson. \\-\v t-r-fv. C Henry Hill. Sliar]) I )elany. John Cadwalader. I'lunkel I ; lee-on. ohn Fox, John (rcycr. Thomas A nn strong. James Campbell. Michael Arnold. Thomas R. Klcock. James day Gordon. Orphans' C<>nr/. IMtinkett l ; leeson. Henry Hill. William I>. Ilanna. Christoher M .: -hall. District Court of Joseph Heinphill. Joseph Borden McKean. Thomas Sergeant. Charles S. Coxe. Court of (icncral Scssnuis. Joseph M. Doran. rXITKD STATICS OFFICIALS LOCAL. Clerks of L 'nitcd States Coitris Samuel CakKvell. David CakKvell. Gen. Thomas L. Kane. Mai'slials. William Xichols. vSamnel I). Patterson. District .Ittornev. John M. Read. Collectors of the Port. John Patterson. Shar]) Delanv. Lt.-Col. Cieor.^e I/itimer. Gen. J. P. G. Mnhlenber-. ( ien. John vShee. ( ien. John vSteele. J< >hn Cadwalader. Si'( taries o/ ConnnouiccaltJi. 'i":iomas Sergeant. \ ndre\v G. Cnrtin. William S. Slender. William ]'. Ilarrity. Statt' Treasurer. William V. McGrath. Sun'eyor-doicral. ( ien. Andrew Porter. Secretaries of Internal Affair*. (ien. William MeCamlless. Col. Thomas J. Stewart. Auditors-de)ieral. John Donnaldson. Georoe Br\ - an. ( 'omptroller- doieral. John Donnaldson. Adjutants-General. Mahlon Dickerson. Thomas McKean, Jr. (ien. D. II. Hastings. Judge Adi'ocate ( ienerc.i, John I. Rogers. L Committee of Safe tv. Robert Morris. John Dickinson. Gen. Anthonx- \\*a \-ne. Gen. John Cadwalader. Col. I'rancis Johnston. Col. John Xixon. James Mease. Thomas Fit/simons. Andrew Caldweil. ( ieor^'e Campbell. Jt)hn Maxwell Xesbitt, Tn-.-isnriT. I'ri-sicK-iit. hono'a) ic* of Suprenn ]o>i-])ll Ri.-i.-d. \\*i;!iam Dnane. Rol>ert Tx-ler. Till-: IIIBKRNIAN SOCIKTY. Attorneys-General. Josepli H. McKean. Malilon Dickerson. Walter Franklin. Joseph Reed. Thomas Sergeant. Philip S. Murkley. William 15. Reed. John K. Kane. John M. Read. James Campbell. CITY OFFICIALS. Mayors. John Barclay. John ( jeyer. Benjamin \V. Richards. Richard Yanx. Alexander Henry. Morton McMichael. William P>. vSmith. Kdwin vS. Stuart. James R. Kcnney, flavor of Kt-MiliiiL;, Pa. C 'ity Recorders. .Mahlon Dickerson. Joseph Reed. Richard Yanx. Sheriffs. ( ien. Thomas 1'roctor. James Ash. William T. 1 KMKM'NOII. Col. Francis Johnston. I'enjamin Duncan. William A. Porter. Mdrtim McMichael. (k-or^e Meui . Horatio P. Council. City Treasurers. Gen. John Slice. William V. McGrath. Dr. James McClintock. Joseph N. Piersol. Richard G. Ocllcrs. George D. McCrcary. L 'oroners. Thomas J. Powers. Dr. D. J. Lan^'ton, Schuylkill County. rders of Heeds. Edward Fox. James B. Reilly, vSchuvlkill County. City Controller. Gen. Robert P. Dechert. Receivers of Taxes. John M. Melloy. Capt. John Taylor. Presidents of Select ( '. Smith. Presidoits o/ ( 'ontuiini ( \n'\'s-. William J. Dnane. Piiilip S. Markie\'. C. Wallace Brooke. Till-; HIBKRNIAN SOCIHTY. 21 William A. Porter. William B. Reed. District Attorneys. William B. Reed. George S. Graham. James B. Reilly, vSchuylkill County. William S. Sten^er, I'ranklin County. City Solicitors. M all Ion Dickerson. Joseph Reed. John K. Kane. John .M. Re-ad. William A. Porter. AVi,'/A/V;-.v oj II 'il/s. (ieor^e Campbell. Joseph B. McKean. John Gever. George \V. .Me. Mali on. Thomas McCullou^h. L 'ily L Commissioner. Thomas A. Kahy. MHMBHRS OF Till-: SOCIKTY WHO \YI-RI: KIMTORS OR Pl'B- LISIIKRS Ol ; Xl:WSrAri-RS, MAGA/IXKS, HTC. FRANCIS HAII.KY, 1740. --Publisher of The Freeman's Journal or North Auie: < in Intelligencer. JuHN HINNS. [Sen,. Hditor KK\V P,KO\VN, 1790. Founder and publisher of Federal Gazette, afterwards Liv: Philadelphia Ga/ette. JOHN II. CAMI-UKI.I.. iSSo. Fditor of Le^al Ga/.ette and of C. T. A. New.-. Hi'.NRV C. CAUI-:\', iS2<>. Mditor of Protection Department of New York Tribune. MATHI-AV CARKY, 1790. I'Mitor of Freeman's Journal ( Dublin ); editor of the Voluti teers' Journal Dublin) ; publisher of Pennsylvania K veiling Herald ; editor and j)ublisher of the Columbian Mu^a/.ine ; editor and jmblisher of the American Museum. Josi-:i'H R. CHANII'.I.K, iS42. Ivditor of United States Ga/.ette. 1'. S. DoNNhi.i.AV. M. D., iMSy.-- Associate editor of Medical Times. \Vn.i.iA.M Dt'A.vi-:, iS'.yj. Ivlitor of Trui- American; editor and proprietor of the: Aurora. CAI-TAIX JOHN Dr.M.Ai'. i 77*. Publisher of Pennsylvania Packet or General Adve.- tiser. and of Der IFoch-Deutsch . \mericanisclu- Calendar. jAMf.S M. FKR \-'.\ an^eli>t, Pliiladelphia. Cri-.'iK( ,!; S. I'l-'.RC.t'SON, iSSi. Publisher of American Guardian; The Christian In- structor ; The Presbyterian Journal, and F,van<_;elical Repository. JAMI-.S D. l ; r.YNN, lSS2. Ivlitor of I'.ordentown (N. J. Rr-i-ter. >' ;.' 'M> > N : l'ir,Ti.K. i x ^). Ivlitor of livening Chronicle, Pottsville, Pa. IIPIIN N". GAJ.I.AC.H] K, I^ V 6 Publisher of Real Instate Record. Mosi.s P. HANDY. iMSj.- Ivlitor of Richmoi'j! Ya, Disj)atch ; editor of Richmond \":i. Fnquirer ; ma:; i.^in.i; editor of Pre>- and of F.vt nin.^ Ne\\s Philadelphia I ; itf of NV\\ Yo-k \Virld. CH VKI.KS A. I! vkliY, i v .s;. < hie of proprietor-, <.f Catliolic Standard. C.I.N. 1), II. HASTrNT.S, ; s ' vl x As-ru-iate editor of liellefonte ' I'a. Rrj.ublic in. TiliiNIAS HiiiM, : - . ;. Ivliti'i nf 1'hiladelphia Price Current. R. >n i-;r/n IN MACKLN/.M., : v '> ;, Literary editor of the Press and of I ] veiling N'ev. ~. CiiRiSToi-iiKK S. MA<',K\TH, i.ss.j. Prnprietor of New Jersey Futerjjrise, i'.ur'iu^ton, N. I. ; manaLjern; Cape M.iv N. I. \\',i\'e. TH1-; HIBF.RNIAN SOCIF.TY. Lor IS N. Ml.OARC.KK, iSSi.-- City editor of the Press; city edil News ; city editor of the Times. RoKi-IKT S. MHNAMIN, I.S.S4. I-Mitor and proprietor of the Printer'^ Circular. WII.I.IAM 1'. McCn.l.v, I-SS4.- -Business manager and part-o\\ner of F.vuiing Bullet:!:. FRANK McLorr.m.iN, 1X64. Chief proprietor of the Times. MOKTON McMicnAKi., iS4i. Fditor of Saturday F.vciiing Po^t ; editor-in-chief of Saturday Courier; part proprietor of Saturday News ; editor and proprietor of North American and United States da/.ette. Roi'.i.KT M. McWADi-;, iS.So. City editor of the Press ; city editor of the PuMic Ledger. RICHARD (. OKI.I,KRS, iSSS. Business manager of the Record. Coi.. JAMI-.S O'Rl'.n.l,\', iSS; v One of the founders of Sunday Leader. SAMUKI. I). PATTKRSON, iS; v S. Ivlitor and jmhlisher of Norri>town i Pa. i Register; editor of Harrishurg i Pa. ) Union; editor and publisher of Democratic Union ' Ilarrisliurg, Pa. i ; editor and publisher of Saturday Kvening Post. WII.I.IAM B. RKKD, 1^37. Ivditorial staff of New York World. IsKAHi. P. SiiKri-ARD, i S.So. Night editor of the Age ; night editor of the Public Ledger. WILLIAM M. SINC.KKI.Y, |SS2. Proprietor of the Philadelphia Record. WII.I.IAM .S. Sri;Nc,KK, iSyo. Iviitor and part-proprietor of the \"alle\- Spirit Cham- bersburg, Pa. i. ROBHKT TVI.I;K, 1.^53. --Ivlitor of Mail and Advertiser -Montgomery, Ala.'. JOHN Rrssi:i.i. Yorxt;, iSX6. Editorial manager of the Philadelphia Pre>> ; manag- ing editor of Ne\\ York Tribune; editorial stall of New York Herald ; part- proprietor of the Kvening Star (Philadelphia). EIST OE WORKS WRITTEN BY MEMBERS OE THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. WILLIAM BARNWKI.L, M. I)., iSiS. Physical Investigations relative to the Diseases of a Warm and Vitiated Atmosphere, 1X02 ; various medical papers. BKNJAMIN SMITH BARTON, M. I)., 1790. Tract on Natural Historv, 17X7; Kleiner, ts of Botany. 1X04 ; Collections towards a Materia Medica of the United States ; various papers in American Philosophical Transactions. JOHN BINNS, 1X09. Justices of the Peace; Recollections of the Life of John Binns. 1X54 ; several pamphlets. RKV. WILLIAM BI.ACKWOOD, 1X50. Kdited History of Presbyterian Church in America ; numerous articles for magazines and journals. DAVID P.\ri. BROWN, 1X19. Scrtorius, or the Roman Patriot, 1X30; The Trial, a Tragedy ; The Prophet of St. Paul's, a Melodrama ; Love and Honor, a Farce ; The Forum, or Forty Years full practice at the Philadelphia Bar, 2 Vols., 1X5(1 : several pamphlets. PKTKR A. BROWNK, 1X13. Trichologia Mammalium, 1X53; Browne's Report- Law Cases , 2 Vols., 1X1 l. Ti'KNKR CAMAC, iXiX. Several pamphlets on Internal Improvements. JOHN H. CAMI-HKLL. IXSo. List of the Proprietaries and (iovernors of Pennsylvania, i x ') v ; Legal Ga/ette Reports, 1X72; History of Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and Hibernian Society i this volume <, 1X92. HKNRY C. CAKK.V. 1X20. -An Kssay on the Rate of Wages, 1X35 ; Principles of Politi- cal Kconomy. 3 Vols.. 1X37-1X39; Past, Present and Future, iX.|X; The Har- mnv "i Intcre-:-. i\S2; v Slave Trade, Why it Fxists and how it may be Kxtinguished. 1X53 ; The Credit System in France. Great Britain and the United States, 1X5X1 Principles of Social Science, 3 \'ols.. iX5X-i,X59; Unity of l,aw, MATHKW CAKKV, 1790. Kdited Columbian Maga/ine, 17X^1 Indited American Mu- seum, 12 Vol.-., 17X7 1792; Account of the Yellow Fever Kpidemic of i 793 ; Tilt Olive branch, 1X14; Yindiciae Hibernicae. iXiX; numerous pamphlets. IOHN CASSIN. 1X65. bird- of California anil Texas ; Synopsis of the Birds of North America ; Ornithologv of the Ur.ited Mate- Japan Fxploring I-'.x]>ed.ition and of the Unitcii States A-tronomieal Kxpcdition to Cliili ; Mammalogy and Orni- thologv of the WilkcV F.xploring Expedition ; American Ornithology. losi'.l'H k. CH \NDI.I.R, ixj2. A Grammar of the Hngli-h Language, 1X21 ; numeroti c iiani])hlet-, etc. i> KL ];.' B. CoxK, ! vx v Transiati in of Wei-bach's Mecli.mics nf F.ngincering, 1X70. TI.NCII COXK. I7 of Shiel's Sketches of the Iri>h liar; Noctes Ambrosianae, 5 Vols.; DeOuince\ 's Klovterlieim ; Life of Curran ; Dr. Maginn's Miscellaneous \\'orks. 5 \'ols. ; ai:d Lady Morgan's OT.riens and O'Flahertys. CHKISTI )i'Hi;i< MAKSHAI.I,. i 790. Remembrancer. JAMKS MI:ASI-:, M^. D., 179.^. 1'icture of Philadelphia, iSn ; Introductory Lecture to Course on Coni])arative Anatomy, iSi;-,. Loris N. M !-;C,ARC,; ; .!';, iSSi.- Biographical Album of Philadelphia in the Hi-Centen- nial Year ; Prominent Pennsvlvanians. JOHN K. MiTi.'i[!'.i.l., M. D., I>;S.- Papers on medical subjects. ("iF.N. ST. CI.AIU A. Mn.Hoi.i.AM), iS^.i. Life of Hancock. jA.Mi'.S McHl-.NKV, M. D., iS;,(). Tlie Wilderness, a no vc! ; O'Halloran. the Insurgent Chief; IIeart> of Steel ; The Pleasures of Friend-hip, a poem ; The Antediluvian, a poem. Ronr.KT M. McWAtu-:, i SSo.^The Irish Struggle ; The Uncrov\ r.cd King; Hen !''. :uid its Legend^. Ko!:l-;i> ; Tvv iSici; edited F'l'rgu-oTi's Mechanic--. iSi/i. ('. i-:x. Kor.i.irr PATTI^KSON, iSj). A Narrative of tlu- Cann'aign in tin Slu i: v Valley. S\.Mri;i, D. I'ATTi-'.KSnN, iS_;S. Numerof.s maga/ine article.--. RICHARD !'I-.TI:RS, 17.^7. Admiral's- Derir.i.m-, :.-"7. ^^'^.I.I\M A. PoRTi K, i^.fj. Several lasv ]i.imii!:!ets and a'liln <- TvRoN! PO\\I:R, !S;7. Ini])res-ion- of America, 2\"ol-., Lomio' ;> ; Tlu K:;-..L, Seen t. a n.n-el ; The Lost II. ir. JUJIN M. Rl'.AH. JN32. \"ies\> on the Suspension of t!u- H '' is Corpu-, 1^63 ; Pl.^n tor J.; Till-: 1IIBKRXIAN SOCIKTY. the Administration of UK- (lirard Instate, 1833; The I,a\v of Evidence, 1864; Jefferson I 'avis and his Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, i ,sob. \VII.I.IAM B. Ri'.Kn, 1X37. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, 2 Vols. ; Life of Ksther Reed ; \"iiulication of Joseph Rued ; numerous pamphlets and maga/ine articles. F.mVAKD RUTH, 1867. Life of Napoleon III., iS5S ; Christus Judex, iS6;^; Index for I.ittell's Living Age ; several school-books ; Translations of < 'tmtcan J/i'/T'/AV, /V'('/ (A V <( .\\>ir, Legonve's Art of Reading and Jules Verne's Astronomic. i! Stories. \Vil.i.i\M I II-.NKV SAVI-:R, iSSS. Mdited American Chess Congress, i.S;6. MU'HAKI. L. v^CANl.A.N, I S; i . - ~M a^a/.iiic st< >ries. THOMAS SI:K''.KA.NT, iSt>5. The Law of Foreign Attachment, iSn ; Reports of Casu-. in Supreme Court of 1'ennsylvania (with \\'illiam Rawle , 17 \'oK., iSi \ iS.>\) ; Constitutional Law, isj2 ; .Sketch of the- National Judiciary 1'owers. iSj[; \'ie-.v of tlie Land Law^ of Pennsylvania, iS^S. R(.)IU-:KT TYI.KK, 1^53. -Ahasuerus, a poem. New York, 1842 ; Death, or .Medor./- I ireain. a poem, 1843; 1> Virginia a Repudiating State? Richmond, Va., 1^5^; The State's (Vuarantee, Richmond, Va., iS^8. RICHAKI> VATX, iS.j.). Life of (Governor Joseph I leister; Recorder's Decision - numerous papers on Penology. RKV. SAMI'I-'.I. 15. \\'\'i.ii-:, iSii. -Two Sons of Oil ; Covenanting; (',rcek (Vrammir; Lite of Alexander McLeod ; numerous articles in periodicals. J;IN Rrssiu.i. Yol'NG, 1.^86. Around the World with C.eneral (irant. THI: ORIGIN OF THI: 1 : RIHM>LY SONS 01- ST. PATRICK. THK first white settlers on the banks of the Delaware were Swedes, followed by the English colonists, under William Penn, in From that date until about 1720 the arrivals were mostly of Kn emigrants. Soon after 1720, a steady influx oi settlers irom Ireland mainly from the northern counties began and continued with more or less interruption down to the present day. The Irish emi- gration soon assumed large proportions, and spread itseli throughout what now compose the Southern tier ol counties. Gordon, in his ' % History of Pennsylvania" (page 207), states that from December, 1728, to December, 1729, the emigrants to the province were as follows : English and Welsh 267 Scotch 45 Palatines (German) ..... 243 Irish 5(355 It anything like that proportion was maintained for any considerable length of time, it can readily be perceived that at the period of the Revolution, the Irish element in the population must have been very large. That it was very considerable can be seen at a glance from the list of prominent names in the army, navv and civil service of the colony, and from the Revolution down to our own time, the historv of Pennsylvania without its public-spirited citixens of Irish birth or descent would be very tame indeed. A glance at a few of the Irish names conspicuous in her history will carry out our view. The President of the United States contributed by Pennsylvania to the nation was James Kuchauan. Of United States Senators there were William Mac-lay, James Ross, Samuel Maclav, Andrew Ciregg, Walter Lowrie, William Findlav, Samuel MeKean, James P>uchanan, Kdgar Cowan, Charles R. Buckalew, John Scott. William A. Wallace, John I. Mitchell and Matthew Stanley puav. Of members of the Cab- inet there were William J. Duane, James Madison Porter, T. M. T. McKennan, James Campbell and W.i\ m- MacYeagh. Of the Governors of the State there were George Prvan, William Moore, Thomas McKean, William Findlav, David Rittenhou-e Porter. James Pollock, Andrew G. Cnrtin and Robert K. Pattison. ()f Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania there were Thomas McKean, George lirvan, John Bannister Gibson, Hugh Ilenrv Brackenridge, Thorn, i> I)unc;in, Molton C. Rogers, lohn Tod., J.ilir, Ross John Kennedv, Thonia- Burnside, Richard Cou'.ter,Thomas S. Bell, George 2S THH FRIH.\1>I,Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Chambers, Jeremiah S. Black, Walter II. Lowrie, John C. Knox, James Armstrong, James Thompson, William Strong, William A. Porter, John M. Read, Daniel Agnew, Isaae G. Gordon and Silas M. Clark. And when we add to these names of public officials such names as those of General Anthony Wayne, General Kdward Hand, General Stephen Moylan, Commodore John Barry, Commodore Charles Stewart, Charles Thomson, Colonel John Xixon, Robert Fulton, Mathew Carey, William Dnane, General Robert Patterson, Admiral David D. Porter, General George G. Meade, General George B. McClellan, and hundreds of others, we can truly say that the Irish element in Pennsylvania is both conspicuous and distinguished. It is the fashion at the present time to lay much stress upon the fact that the Irish oi Pennsylvania history were, more properly speaking, " Scotch-Irish " that is, natives of Ireland, who had been transplanted for a time from Scotland to Ireland, and thence came to America. There is doubtless Scotch and even English ancestry in the veins of many Irish-Americans, but as Irishmen when they settle in the United States are at once imbued with the glorious spirit pervading this great Republic and become "'more American than the Americans themselves ;" so in like manner did the Scotch and Knglish settlers, who settled in the North of Ireland, become imbued with the spirit of hostility to British oppression, which made them "more Irish than the Irish themselves." (./Council was not more devoted to the liberties of the Irish people than Grattan and Kmmet, nor did the latter claim to be anything but Irish. And so with respect to the ''Scotch-Irish 11 settlers of Pennsylvania; they were Irish to the backbone, even if many of them did spring from other countries. The Donegals, Tvroncs, Derrys, and other like localities of Penn- ;.ylvania were Irish names, not Scotch, and were bestowed upon them by the early settlers, who regarded themselves as true Irishmen, no matter how some of their descendants may now regard them as Scotch. Take- the history of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the leading Irish organization prior to and during the Revolution. Most of them were what would now be considered as "Scotch-Irish," and yet they organized an fn.^/i Society, not a S<'<>//// , thev met on St. Patrick's Dav, and not on St. Andrew's Dav, and though origin- ally composed of Presbyterians and Episcopalians, with but th:ee Catholics among their numHer, yet so far from their thoughts was anv idea of illiberality, that tlu-v chose OIK- of these- Catholics, General Stephen Moylan, who was certamlv not "Scotch-Irish, 1 ' to be their first President. The St. Andvrw's Society of Philadelphia was organized twentv-two vears before the Friendlv Sons of St. Till-: FKIF.N'DI.Y S< >NS < !' ST. 1'ATRICK. 'JO Patrick, and yet these "Scotch-Irish" members of the latter Society organized a distinctively Irish organization to keep ahve the mein- ories of old Ireland. \Ve can imagine them smiling, if in their day some over-zealous orator had claimed them to be "more Scotch than Irish." We are willing to give all credit due to the Scotch ancestry of many of our members, and the writer ol this can claim as Scotch a name and ancestry as any man living, and, in addition, we are keenlv alive to the noble traits of character ot the Scotch people and the glories of their country, but with the settlement ol the Scotch in Ireland, they broadened out their views, imbibed the spirit of the Irish people, and became as Irish as the descendants of the original settlers of the land of St. Patrick. The early Irish settlers of Penn- sylvania regarded themselves as Irishmen, and, as our history as we unfold it will sho\v, their representatives in the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and Hibernian Society became Americans, in ail that the term implies, as those of their ancestors who were .Scotch became thorough Irishmen. There is enough of glory and patriotism among both Scotch and Irish, without attempting to introduce a spirit of antagonism between them. As a writer in the Edi)ihurgfi AVc/vXv once said, "At the end of the seventeenth century, the chief social feature of the Highlands of Scotland was famine and the other was emigration," so we might say that during the eighteenth century in Ireland the chief social feature was political oppression and the other was emigration. The preliminary essay to the "Genealogy of the McKinstry Familv," by William Willis, Boston, 1858, contains the following interesting statements regarding the early Irish emigration to America : "The first immigration of these people to this country was to the Middle States and Southern colouio. As earlv as inS \ a settlement was formed in Xew Jersev, and in inYjo small group- we're found in the Carolina*, Maryland and Peiinsvivauia. P>ut it was not until the reigns of Anne and (icorge I. that large numbers, driven by oppressive measures ol government and disastrous seasons, were induced to the following year almost to a famine, especially in Fl.-ter. tions to America, which have since increased, drew , thousand people annually from Flster alone.' Dr. !!>n"ter, after- wards Aichbishoj) of Armagh, who labored -t:vnui>u-'v in 172^ to divert the horrors of famine in Ireland, wrote to the FnglUh ministry, March 7, 1728, that there were seven -hip- then lv;n<>- .it Belfast that ?.<> Till-: FKIKNDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. 'arc carrying oil about one thousand passengers ; most of them can neither get vietuals or work at home.' Me also says : ' Three thousand one hundred men, \vonien and children went from Ireland to America in 1727, and lour thousand two hundred in three years, all Protestants. 1 The principal seats of these emigrations were Pennsylvania and the Middle States. New Kngland was found not so favorable to their farm- in- and other interests. Douglas, who wrote at Iloston in 1750, says: ' At first they chose New Kngiand, but being brought up to hus- bandry, *S:c., Xew Kngiand did not generally answer so well as the colonies southward ; at pie-sent they generally resort to Pennsylvania/ P.y Proud's 'History ot Pennsylvania,' we find that in 172*) nearly six thousand arrived in that colony ; and before the middle of the century, nearly twelve thousand arrived annually for several years. These were Protestants and generally Presbyterians ; tew or no Catholics came until after the Revolution." IJurke, in his " Kuropean Settlements in America/' Dublin edition, i 702, Vol. 2, ]). iij(), says : "In some years more people have trans- ported themselves into Pennsylvania than in all the other settlements together. In 1720, .six thousand two hundred and eight persons came to settle here as passengers or servants, four-fifths of whom, at least, were Irom Ireland. " From these statements it may be seen that, so far as Pennsylvania is concerned, the Anglo-Saxon is not the foundation stock of her peoplf, and Kngiand cannot be truly regarded as the mother country. It was doubtless the presence of such large numbers of Irish settlers among IRT population that led to her strenuous resistance to the ex- actions of ('.real Dritain before- the Revolution, and her firm support of :he cause of Independence. At anv rate, the disaffected and " tory " parts of lier people- came trom classes who were not Irish. Rev. Dr. J. (i. Craighead, in '' vScotch and Irish Seeds in Ameri- can Soil," page 330,, gives the following list of " Presbyterian Colo- nists" who were- conspicuous in the battles o! the' Revolution. The reverend gentleman in his enthusiasm includes a number ot Episco- palians, Catholics and other denomination-- than Presbyterians in the list, biu as the greater number were of the de-nomination claimed, we may pardon hisentliusiasm. The- list, which is as follows, shows. ns doe-s the historv contained in this volume, what a prominent part Irish American^ to<.k in gaining the liberties oi our country : " ( )f Major-flenerals, we- ma\- re-fe-r to Anthoin- \\"a\ - ne, John Stark, Hugh Mercer, Thomas Sumtcr, Henr\- Knox, \\'illiam Alexander 'Lord Stirling), Alexander MeDoweTi, Richard Montgome-rv, J"b,n Sullivan, and Richard .M')iiltrie. ( )f ( ienerals, to D;iniel Morgan, THK I'KIKNDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. 31 John Beatty, Francis Morton, Griffith Rutherford, George Graham, William Irvine, John .Moore, Charles v Ste\vart, Joim Armstrong, Wil- liam Davidson, Joseph Graham, Isaac Hughes, Andrew Piekeiis, Ar- thur St. Clair, and Joseph Reed. Of Brigadier-Generals, to John Armstrong, Jr., Jethro Simmer, Matthias Ogden, Otho II. Williams, Stephen Moylan, Francis Nash, Klias Dayton, Kdward Hand, An- drew Lewis, Lochlan Mclntosh, William Thompson, Andrew Porter, Tames Moore, and William Macpherson. Of Colonels and of other -abordiiuile officers we attempt no ennmeration, as in point of num- bers they were almost legion.'' Among these names will be readily recognized many of the mem- bers of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, whose Society was organ- ized about four vears prior to the Revolutionary war. All of the members were either Irish by birth or, having had one or both parents who were Irish, were natives of Philadelphia. They or their parents were part of the emigration of Irish colonists which we have de- scribed, and in tracing the origin of the Society we have to look among the emigrants referred to. The earliest known Irish, associ- ation in Philadelphia was the " Hibernia Fire Company," organized in 1/51. Of the twenty-six signers of its constitution in 1752, nine of them afterwards became members of the Friendly Sous of St. Pat- rick, viz. : Raudle Mitchell, William West, Benjamin Fuller, James Mease, Blair McClenachan, John Mitchell, George Fullerton, George Campbell, and Sharp Delany. Of the founders of the Friendly Sons, only seven were members of the Hibernia Fire Company at the time. It was not until 1781, upon the reorganization of the Fire Com- pany, after a period ol inactivity, that its rolls contain so many names of the Friendly Sons. It was evidently not the parent of the Friendly Sons, but really owes its continued existence, after 1781, to the mem- bers of the latter body. Its list of members during its long and use- ful career contains many distinguished names, and the Irish-Ameri- cans ot Philadelphia may lie proud of the first organized body among their number. In 1732 was founded the "Colony in Schuvlkill." "7< S 2, the- k> Schuvlkill Fishing Company.' 11 Among 71, when the Society of the Fricndlv Sons was John Nixon, Tench Francis and John Patton. As lliree out oi a large number we cannot look to the "Colony in Schuvlkill " as our parent Societv, as some have supposed. In 1766 was formed the "Gloucester Fox Hunting Club," and on 3'J THE FRII-NI)I,Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Richard Bache, John Mitchell, Stephen Moylan, vSaniuel Caldwell, Matthew Mease and John Boyle members of the Friendly Sons. The gentlemen composing the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, the First City Troop and the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, \vere inti- mately associated, and about the beginning of the Revolution the two lormer ol these organizations were composed largely of members of the last-named Society. But in extending our researches we have come across more direct evidences ot the origin of the Friendly Sons than are given in the supposition that any ol the above-named Societies are responsible for their existence as a body. The association of the merchants of Irish parentage, who were leading men in Philadelphia circles as early as 17^5, especially of those who had business relations with the firm of Convngham cc Xesbitt, led to the establishment of the "Irish Club" about that date. William West, John Xixon, John Maxwell Xesbitt, James Mease, Benjamin Fuller, Stephen Moylan and others were mem- bers of the Club, which met informally at " Burns' s Tavern " once a week to play backgammon or whist, and finish the evening with a supper and punch. It was at one of these evening parties, at the be- ginning of 1771, that it was proposed to give perpetuity to the Club by forming a Society from its members to be called the "Friendly Sons of St. Patrick." From this humble beginning sprang the glorious Society, whose history and that of the Hibernian Society, its worthy successor, we are about to record in the pages of this volume. TIIIC SOCIKTV FRIFA'DLV SONS OF ST. PATRIC . T'.iK SOCIKTY was undoubtedly organized upon the I7th of March, 1771 (St. Patrick's Day). While the minutes begin with the meeting held upon September 17, 1771, the officers had already been chose;:, and the president, in appointing his council, includes two member- who are not recorded as present at the meeting, showing that thev must have been previously elected. At the subsequent meetings the names of nine other members also appear in like manner, and the meeting held upon March 17, 1772, is designated as the anniversarv meeting. At the organization of the Society there were twenty-four regular members and six honorary members, viz. : A't ^ n/iir . 1 ft'i l>( TS. S'n I'HKN MOYI.AN, firsiitt'nt. JOHN M. NKSHITT, ria'-fresidenf. \\'M. MITCHKI.I., 7'tras. and Secretary. THOMAS HAKCI.AY, JOHN I'.OYI.K, AN DK K\v CAI.I)\VI-:I,I., SA M r i-: i. C A UUVKI.I., ( ',!;< >KC,K CAMIM'.I'.I.I., (',i-:()K<-.ic DAVIS, Tun M A S I 1 ' I T/.SI M ( )NS. Tl-.NCH I'KANfIS, Coi,. Ti'RHrTT I-'KANCIS, Honorary Mt-il>crs. Hl.NKY HlI.I,, RMI;I-:R'!' MOKKIS, JAMI-.S SKAKI.K. Xearly all the regular nu'inbers we- re ]irosperous merchants at the lime, manv ot them engaged in the shipping and importing business and dealing in luiropean and Mast India ^oods, teas, wines, s:!ks Irish linens, etc. 'J ue firms of Mease ec Caldwell. Carson, I'.arcla\- ec Mitchell, Conynghain tX: Xesliitt, and the names ot such merchants as fieorge Meade, Thomas Kitzsimons, Tench I'rancis, v Stephen MM\ '.an, John Xi.xon and William West, were well known in Philadelphia. John. Mitchell was a. nephew of Andrew Caldwell, Matthew and John I'KNJAMIN 1'ri.I.KK. ( iKi >K< ,K I'Yl.I.KKTON. l"i.vssi:s LYNCH. (TK< >!;r. M F.AIH-:, JAMKS MKASK, JOHN Mi: ASK. MATTH i-:\v MI-:AS;:, JolIX MlTCHH 1. 1.. KANDI.K MITCHHIJ., JOHN NIXON, JOHN SHKI:. \V:i.i, i AM WKST. JOHN DICKINSON. \\"II.I.I\M HAMILTON', \\II.I.IAM llu'KS, Till-: FKIKNm.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Mease wove brothers of James Mease, Handle Mitchell was a brother of John Mitchell, and others of the members were either related to or con- nected in business with the mercantile houses above referred to. Ilenjamin Fuller was a ship-broker, and George Davis appears to have been a private gentleman. Xo physician seems to have been neces- sary to attend to their wants, but we find a lawyer, George Campbell, associated with them. Colonel Tnrbntt Francis, who had served as an officer in the French and Indian wars and in Bouquet's expedition, was the only soldier among a body which afterwards was di.-- t;;-.L;uished lor the number of military and naval heroes which it contributed to the American cause. As they were all Irishmen or the sons oi Irish parents, we presume that the martial spirit which was naturally born in them only awaited an occasion like the Revo- lution to exhibit itself at the first call to arms in defence of their adopted country. Of the Honorary Members Richard I'ache and Robert Morris were also merchants and intimately associated with their Irish friends in business. John Dickinson and William Hamilton were public men, and, as the minutes show that the meetings were to be the occasion of friendly and convivial intercourse, Ilenrv Hill and James Searle, celebrated wine-merchants and proprietors respectively of " Hill's Madeira" and " Searle' s Madeira," were included in the list of Honorary Members. The minutes of the meetings for the first few vears contain little else than the record ot attendance and non-attendance of the mem- bers and the election of new members. Fines of five shillings each were placed upon those who did not attend, and were regularly ;>aid and as regularly appropriated towards the expense of the anniversary dinners. It is interesting to note how John Xixon, Thomas Fit/simons, John Shee, Tench Francis, John Maxwell Xes- bitt, and other men who afterwards became tamed as patriots, were fined ei tlier for non-attendance or for not wearing their Society medals at the dinners, and it is pleasing to see witli what refreshing punctuality ines were paid. IVrhans the knowledge that the- lines helped to ide the refreshments contributed t<> the promptness with which Lney were handed over to the treasurer. At the meeting held upon 17 September, 1771, Mr. Movlan fuo General then!) proposed John Cadwalader, FS<[., as an Honorary Member the same who aiterwards was described bv Washington as "a military genius." but who at that time was a plain merchant. He was a cousin of John Dickinson, who seems to have been one of :' most active, although an Honorarv Member ot the Societv. Of 3t) THIC I'RIKNDJ.Y SONS ()! ST. PATRICK. joining the Hands of HIBERXIA and AMERICA, to be represented by the usual figure of a Female supported by a Harp for IIIHKRXIA an Indian \vith his quiver on his back and his bow slung for AMERICA. Underneath I'XITE. On the reverse ST. PATRICK trampling on a snake, a Cross in his hand, dressed in his Pontifical robe-. The motto IIIAR." Four new members were admitted at the meeting on 17 December, 1772. They were James Moylan, John Patterson, Robert Glen and Sharp Delany. The last named was a druggist, which was the near- est approach to a doctor that the Society yet possessed. The anniversary meeting upon 17 March, 1773, gathered the largest number of members since the organization, notwithstanding the ab- sence of four "beyond sea," including the President, Stephen Moy- lan. Vice-President John Maxwell Xesbitt occupied the chair, and as many as nine visitors were present, vi/. : the Governor, John Ross, Esq., James Delany, Ksq., Doctor vSteel, Colonel Fell, Mr. Xatlian Hyde and Philip Dickinson, Mr. Burnet and Mr. Livingston. At the meeting at Burns's Tavern, 17 June, 1773, we again f:nd a large attendance. A change of officers took place Stephen Movlan being succeeded as President by John Maxwell Xesbitt, and William West succeeding the latter as Vice-President ; Benjamin Fuller, than whom the Societv never had a better Secretary, being continued in the position he occupied, to the good fortune of the Hibernian Society, which congratulates itself that his original minutes, now in their possession, are such models of neatness and accuracy. At this meeting it was ordered that "All the Stock that may be in the Treasurer's hands on the I7th March next to be apply'd towards that dav's Expellee."' John Xixon, George Meade, John Shee, Tench Francis and others were fined five shillings each tor absence, and to the;r credit there is an entry of "paid" opposite each of their fines. We find John Xixon iu the list of Councillors appointed by the President for the ensuing year. The frequent reference- in the minutes to members as ''beyond sea" show that manv of them, being engaged in the shipping and importing trade, found it often necessary to cross the ocean on busi- ness trips. At the meeting on 17 September, 1773, C.'ptain Thomas Pritt >tt.t >u." C ip- tain Bat!, an Iri-diman, was a hall-pay Brif.sh officer, who, at. the breakin."' out of the Revolution, had more regard lor his bread ;>:id THH I'RIF.NDIA' SONS OF ST. PATRICK. 37 Colonies, whereupon the Society, as will appear later, promptly ex- pelled him. "His Honour, the Governour," Richard Penn, was elected an Honorary Member, in place ol William I licks, who was apparently dropped lor non-attendance. We find "General Lee" and " Mr. Benc/ct " among the visitors at the ensuing meeting on 17 December, 1773. I'lvsses Lynch and William Mitchell are still "beyond sea," as was also George Meade, and the absent members still continue to have their five shillings line marked paid by the .Secretary and Treasurer. The anniversary meet- ing on 17 March, 1774, finds a large number of members present, in- cluding John Cadwalader, Robert Morris, Richard Bache, and other Honorary Members. Among the visitors we note a "Mr. Sober," but doubtless, for the credit of the Society, he was not the onlv sober man in the company. At this nice-ting the annual election took place, the Vice-President, William West, succeeding John Maxwell Xesbitt in the presidential chair, and Thomas Batt being elected Vice-President. The meeting at "Thomas Mushatt's Tavern " on Saturdav, 17 .September, 1774, was a small one, but interesting by reason of the first appearance on the minutes ol the name of General Anthony Wayne, afterwards to become such a shining ornament in the Revo- lutionary army, lie was plain "Mr. Wayne" at that time, and is n the minutes as one of the " visitors," along with Mr. others. A number ol members were fined not onlv lor absence, but "for neglecting to appear with their medals," and to our deep mortification Stephen Moylan is not recorded as having paid his fine. The Council meeting on 7 December, 1774, lets us into some of the secrets of the Society, for it is " ( )rder'd. That the Society meet at the Cilv Tavern on Saturday, the 17',!! ins',.: That an invitation be given to the Governor: That Mr. John M. Xesbitt and Mr. James Mease order a good plain Dinner for twenty and choose the liquors." 1 At a meeting, two vears previous, 177-, Mr. Mea^e was ordered " to provide claret for the 17111 inst ;" so that the u>e of the plural number "liquors" at the later meeting seemed, to denote the growth ot a varietv of tastes during the intervening period. Whether Messrs. Xesbitt and Mease did not make anv tlat- ternig promise-;, or for some other reason, the meeting on 17 Decem- ber, 1774, was a very small one, onlv eleven member-; and two visitor-; being present ; but nevertheless " Dr. Robert Bovd and Mr. Anthonv Wavne were this dav balloted iWand admitted member-." \Vavuc's Shippen am ?,* Tin-: FRIENDLY SONS 01- ST. PATRICK. becoming a member. Dr. P>oyd \vasa physician even belore he came to America, and was the first member of the medical fraternity ad- milted to the Society. The smallness of the meeting on 17 December, 177.), as well as that on 17 September previous, was in reality due, no doubt, to the political agitation in the city. The spirit of revolt against the ex- actions ol ( ireat Britain was coming to a head, and the members be- ^au to feed the fires of patriotism burn within their breasts. As i> said in Scharf and Westcott's " History ol Philadelphia" (Vol. I, p. 2^7): " Philadelphia was the largest and most important city in the colo- nies : it was the central point ol the colonies moreover, and it num- be:vd amon^' its citixens many men whose opinions were controlling forces. : Benjamin Kranklin and John Dickir.son had a-- much to do as any other two men \vho can be named in uniting the colonies and preparing them lor resistance ; and alter Washington, Benjamin I'Yanklin and Robert Morris did more than anv other two to make that resistance successful." It is an interesting tact of the fonr dis- tinguished men whose names are thus mentioned, three of them Washington, Dickinson and Morris attached their signatures as members to the roll of the Kriendly Sous of v St. Patrick, and the daughter of the fourth (Franklin) was the wife ol Richard PKU he, whose signature is also found on that glorious roll. We mi^ht add that Thomas Jefferson, v/hose name should have been added, to the others, while not a member, was amon^ the guests at the Sccietv's dinners. At a citixens' meeting at the City Tavern, 2< ) Mav, 1774, when the famous Committee of Correspondence \vas aj>point(.-d ; , we find the names of John Dickinson, John Xixon, John Maxwell Xe.-bitt and Thomas P>arelay amon^ the nineteen members of that body. They had authority LMYCU them to correspond with the other colonies. < )n June is, 1774, another meeting of citixens was held, at which a com- mittee of forty- three, with John Dickinson as chairman, was a;>- o; delegates to a general Congress, and we f:::d the following I-'r'.endly Sons of St. Patrick in the list of members: John Xi\"ii, Ti;ou:as lMtx>imons, Thomas I'arckay, Robert Morris, John M. Xesbi't and James Mease. The first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia oi ix DICKINSON; TIIK I ; KIKNI>I.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Philadelphia City Cavalry. ( )i tlu- twenty-eight HK-II who joined the Troop upon the date oi its organization, ten of them fames Mease, John Mease, Henry Hill, John Boyle, John Mitchell, (ieorge Campbell, vSaninel Caldwell, Andrew Caldwell, George Fuiierton a:; i \\"illiani West, Jr. were members of the Friendlv Sons of St. Pat rick, and two more, John Dunlapand Blair McClenachan, afterward' became members. As showing how intimately the First Citv Tr. - > was associated with the Friendly Sons during the Revolution, i: might be well to state that among the eighty-eight names on the ro'.l of the Troop during that period, there were those of thirty member.^ of the Friendly Sons of v St. Patrick. Notwithstanding that James Mease, John M. Xesbitt and Thomas Barclay were busy with Committees of Correspondence and other public-spirited bodies of patriotic citizens, they yet found time to cherish the memory of Old Ireland, for \ve find them ordered at the meeting of the Council, 6 March, 1775, "to wait on Mr. Smith and agree with him for a Dinner for thirty persons at 5\. 9,7. per head and make choice of the wines and other liquors for the occasion." At the same meeting it was ordered " that the anniversary meeting on the i 7th inst. beat the City Tavern, cc dinner on Table at ^ o'clock," and also " that the Governor, and all strange gentlemen that mav be in Town at the time, have an invitation card sent them by the Secre- tary." At the dinner on the " i7th inst." ( 17 March, 1775), we find a goodly attendance oi the members, including several ot the men who were already beginning to make themselves and their countrv famous. Thomas Fitzsimons, John M. Xesbitt, James Mease, Anthony Wayne, Thomas Barclay, John Xixon, louud time to assemble' with their tel- low-members, as did also John Dickinson, John Cadwaladcr. Lam- lert Cadwalader, Richard P>ache, Henry Hill and Samuel Meredith. F'our members are noted "beyond sea," and David Havl'ield Coi;\ -ng- ham was admitted to the Societv. Tench I'rancis, Colonel Turbutt F'rancis, Ste])hen Mo\dan, Jolm vShee and others were absent, but they paid their fines like men. Captain Bait was conspicuously absent, nor did he pav his line. lie no doubt 'ound tile uir.vers.i] sentiment of the members against the Britisli exaction- did not suit Ins tastes. James Logan was also elected a member, but as lie does not appear to have responded and his name does not subsequent!} appear in the Secretary's lists of members, lie was doubtless never considered a member. "April 2.}, 1775, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, ,1:1 express came galloping in irom Trenton with the greatest ha-'.'\ excitement in Ins 40 THIC FRIHNDLY SON\S Ol' ST. PATRICK. iuoks, cm his lips and in his train. He rode up to the City Tavern, the people crowding thither likewise, the members of the Committee hurrying to meet him, and delivered his dispateh. It\vas a brief and hurried message, but it had come a loni; route, and it was bi^ with the fate of a nation." He brought the news of the Pattle of Lexing- ton. It came too late in the day to spread at once over the town, but the next morning every one knew it, and the people assembled in public meeting at the State House, Soooin number. A single briel resolution was passed to "associate together to defend with arms their property, liberty and lives against all attempts to deprive them of them." The enrolment of citi/ens be^an at once, and "it was agreed to lonn two troops oi l:;jht horse, two companies of riflemen, and two companies of artillery, with brass and iron field- pieces." It mi^ht be taken for granted that the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick came at once to the Iront. John Dickinson was Colonel of the First Pattalion ; John Cadwalader, Colonel, John Xixon, Lieu- tenant-Colonel, and Samuel Meredith one ol the Majors oi the Third Ikittalion. Richard Peters, Tench Francis, Lambert Cadwalader and John Slice were amon^ the Captains. ICven before Lexington there had been two companies formed, the (Juaker " lUues," and the "(ireens," the so-called silk-stocking company, (iraydon, in refer- ence to the (ire-ens, says, "Their feathers were so hue that MifHin called them aristocrats. They were seventy in number, drilled twice a dav in John Cadwalader's yard (he was Captain of them), he having '.he kindne>s to set out his Madeira ior the men to refresh themselves ' ai alter d: ill. " In the midst of all the excitement the meetings oi the Society regularly take place. On 17 June, 1775, we find sixteen members present, and William West re-elected President, but Captain P>att is eded by P.enjamin Fuller as Vice-President; but on 18 Septem- ber, 1775. we only find fourteen recorded as in attendance, of whom Robert Morris was one. (ieor^e IIenrv, a shipping-merchant, was elected a member. I:: the interval between the two meetings important events had iken place. The Committee of Safety, with John Dickinson, An- t'.ionv Wayne, John Cadwalader, Robert Morris and Franci^ Johnston " rwards a Friendly Son of St. Patrick ) anmn^ its members, had taken the place- of the Committee ol Correspondence, and the work < of Till-: l ; kIKNDI.Y SONS ()!' ST. PATRICK. -11 Delany, Lambert Cadwalader, James Mease and John Mease. The defence of the river \vas provided lor by the creation of a Xavy. oi which John Maxwell Xesbitt was selected as paymaster. As a consequence of so main' of the members being engaged in the public service, the meeting of the Society on i>S December, 1775, was i small one, only fourteen being present, but we find Anthony Wayne and John M. Xesbitt among them. It was large enough, however, to permit of "a motion being made and seconded that Thomas P>att, a member of the Society, should be expelled for taking an active pan against the Libert}- of America." The determination of the question was postponed until the next meeting, '' in order tor a more deliber- ate consideration/' At the next meeting, iS March, 177'', the motion "was unanimously carried in the affirmative." What a glorious record! Only one black sheep in the whole {lock. Xo toryism found a resting place among the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Xo wonder that Washington towards the close ot the war described them as "a Societv distinguished for the firm adherence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." The meeting on 17 March, 1770, was a notable one, for other reasons than the expulsion of Captain Batt. Military titles begin to appear opposite the names of members. Among the members present were Colonel Anthony Wavne, Major Samuel Meredith, Captain William West, and Commodore Andrew Caldwell ; and Colonel Ste- phen Movlan was fined seven shillings and six pence for absence. Tile next meeting on 17 June, 1776, records onlv eleven members present, and then comes the significant note in theminut.es, "The State of Pennsylvania having been invaded ec the Citv of Philadel- phia taken by the British Armv under the command of (k-neral Si: William Howe in September, 1777. the Society had no meeting until September, 177^. The minutes of the meetings in September and December, 1770, X: in March ec June, 1777, are unfortunately lost." St. Patrick. Though the mil utcs are lost, we can yet picture to our- selves the constant interrupt ons to the attendance of members bv reason oi the demands oi the public service, and the assembling of the lew who were able to steal away for a few hours to keep alive the memory oi St. Patrick at each quarterly meeting until the pre^enci ol thi enemy compelled them to leave the city. Though the minutes are silent, the members were not. ol Philadelphia in the Revolution anil of the Revolution complete without a record of the patriotic servici Sons of St. Patrick. Whether in the field or upon -iH TIN-: I'RIF.NI'I.V SONS OF ST. PATRICK. iMviii:; freclv of their i^oods, money and time to the Revolutionary cause, we fnul their names ever prominent. Ainon^ the first vessels equipped for tl;e Continental Xaw \ve find the bri^- Lexington, connnanded by Captain John Harry. Abandoning "the finest ship and the first employ in America/' lie ottered his Cer- vices to his adopted countrv, and was the first to put to sea "on a regularly commissioned national vessel for a regular cruise' 1 in De- cember, 1775. Andrew Caldwell wa^ appointed Commodore oi ihe IV-nnsyivania Xavv, and \vas in command of the licet which repelled the attack of the Ilritish ships Roebuck and Liverpool, which came up the Delaware River on S May, 1770. ( hie of the two new battal- ions added to tlu- associators was commanded by Thomas McKcan, afterwards President of the Hibernian Society Of the four battal- ions organized for the Continental service, Colonel John Slice and Colonel Anthony Wayne commanded two ot them, and Lambert Cadwalader and Francis Johnston were Lieutenant-Colonels. John Maxwell Xc^bitt was appointed Paymaster of all the Pennsylvania forces. In the autumn ot 1770 the Society contributed its first mar- tyr to the cause (icor^e iMillcrton, one ot its members, being acci- dentally killed while on service with the Li^ht Horse. John Dick- inson, Thomas McKean and Robert Morns were members of the Con- tinental Congress, and the last two signed the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The Declaration was publicly proclaimed amidst the rejoicings of the people. Colonel John Xixon read the Declaration to the people assembled in the State House vard I Independence Square). Mr. Samuel Hood remarks in his sketch ot the Friendly Sons that it was an Irishman, Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress, who first prepared that immortal document lor publication trom the rou^h draught of Jefferson : an Irishman's son, John Xixou, who first pub- licly read it ; and another Irishman, Thomas Dunlap, who first printed it and. published it to the world. There was some hard fi-htin^ in 1770-77, and the soldiers of Pennsylvania were in nearlv every en^a^emeut. Colonel Anthon\' Wavne commanded a regiment in the Canada campaign. Colonel F.dward Hand commanded the oldest of the Continental regiment- iu tlie armv at Xew Yo:k. and Colonel John Slice commanded another Continental regiment. Captain Thomas Proctor (afterward.-* a member of the Hibernian Society i commanded the first company of Pennsylvania Artillery, and of the As^oeiator Battalions of State Tro ips who saw actual service outsid ' the State, three out of six of them were commanded l>v Colonel John Dickinson, Colonel John COM. JOHN HARRY. TIIIC I : RI!-:NDI.V >ONS ()1 ; ST. PATRICK. -l:', Cadwalader and Colonel Thomas McKean. The Li.^ht Horse, which, as we have seen, numbered in its ranks a great manv of the Society members, was in active service under the immediate direction of Washington himself, and in the retreat from Princeton it was ordered to cover the rear of the army, and was the last to cross the Delaware river. On 25 December, 1770, the Troop recrossed the river with Washington at MeKonky's Ferry, ei^ht miles above Trenton. " The passage was made difficult and dangerous by storm, darkness and floating ice, and the boats upon which the Troop had embarked not being able to reach the shore, the men were com- pelled to take the water and force a passage amid the floating ice with their horses." That passage has become historical in print and in painting, and we may well be proud ot the presence ot so man\- members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. In ail the subsequent operations of that campaign they did their duty as soldiers and men. They continued in active service until 23 January, 1777. They were twenty-five in number, ten of them being Friendly Sous. Washington called them his "aids." In the Xavy Board of the City, eleven in number, were Andrew Caldwell, Thomas Fit/simous, Thomas Barclav and Paul Cox (after- wards a member of the Hibernian Socictv). These statements enable us to form some idea of the patriotism of eel persons ana British sympathizers, there are lound none of the members. Thev had all cast their lot with the Revolutionary cause, and manv of them lived lor vears afterwards to eniov the blessings of Independence. Till: FRIHNDLY SONS AITKR THE BRITISH KYACUATIOX OF PHILADELPHIA, Tin-: meetings of the Society were resumed after the British evac- uation, but at the first recorded meeting on 17 September, 1778, at the City Tavern, so many members were absent in the public service that we only find nine present at the meeting, and only thirteen at the ensuing meeting on 17 December, 1778. On the latter date four new members were elected, viz. : Alexander Nesbitt, a brother of John Maxwell Nesbitt, John Donnaldson, brother-in-law of George Campbell, James Caldwell, a relative of Samuel and Andrew Caldwell, and General William Thompson, already a distin- guished officer. "The Secretary having been abroad at last annual meeting, the minutes (it any have been taken) have notcoine to his hands nor can thev be found/' is the note concerning the 17 March, 1779; but at the following meeting on 17 June, 1779, though a small one, only fourteen members being present, we find among the number Tench Francis, Andrew Caldwell, Hlair McClenachan, J. M. Xesbitt, Sharp Delany and General Anthony Wayne. Colonel Walter Stewart, Colonel John Patton and Captain John Harry, James Crawford and John Dunlap were elected members, and it was ordered "that such members ot the Societ who arc- officers in the arm field." This provision also was extended to naval officers, for we lind Captain John Harry exempted trom fine at the meeting on 17 September, 1779, being then "beyond sea,'' which meant that he was on a cruise with his vessel. Colonel Francis Johnston, another Captain John Harry was home a-ain 17 I Vccmber, 1779, for we lind him recorded as present at the meeting, as were also Richard Hache and Samuel Meredith, two of the Honorary Members, but Colonel Stephen Movlan and General Wayne were "at cam])," and Matthew Mea-e was with Tan! Jones "beyond sea." John Hrown, Secretary of the Hoard of \Var of the City, was elected a member. The annual meeting on 17 March, [780, could only muster fifteen members, although Colonel Jhn Xixon, Colonel John Shee, and Colonel Walter Stewart are recorded as present. Pr. Hugh Shiell was added to the roll. Thcrj were only thirteen members at the meetin DK !<>IIN COC THH I-'RIKNIM.Y SONS O1- ST. PATRICK. (> on 17 June, 17X0, when Thomas IJarclay was elected President and George Campbell Vice-President ot the Society. William Krskine ami Colonel Kphraim IJlaine were elected members. The number thirteen was evidently not deemed unlucky by the Society, for we find that number again present at the meeting on i- s September, i7So, the two new members, William Krskineand Colonel Kphraim Ulaiiie, being included ; but at the following meeting on iS December, 17X1), eighteen were mustered, including' Captain Alexander Holmes, a new member. With the beginning ot 17^1 we find indications 01 the approach- ing close of the war, and the consequent return of members and resumption of business avocations, tor upon the 17 March we have one ot the largest meeting's yet recorded, twenty-eight being present, besides some very distinguished visitors in the persons of President Reed (Pennsylvania), the Chevalier Paul Jones, President Huntmg- ton, Speaker Muhleuberg, Governor Hawley, Mr. Marbois, Don K Rendon, Colonel Ternent, Dr. Hurke, Captain Xicholson, Mr. Lor- rell, M. M. O'I'.rien and Colonel Richard Butler. The last-named gentleman, together with General William Irvine ami live others, were elected to the Society. Among the members present were John Xixon, General Wayne, J. M. Xesbitt, Sharp Delany, Pdair Mc- Clenachan, vSamnel Meredith, Lambert Cadwalader and John Dunlap. This meeting seemed to be the beginning ot the flood-time of prosperity tor the Society, tor afterwards tor several years we imd quite a number of new names added to the roll, and a record of a large attendance at both the annual and qnarterlv meetings. The presence of so many distinguished visitors is also an indication of the esteem in which the Society was held and the attention that was being attracted towards it. It was a common occnrrenee to elect militarv and naval officers to membership, there being so many ot their comrades already on the roll ; and we accordingly find Colonel Charles Stcuart and Captain Isaac All elected on i.Sjmie, 17^1, and the distinguished Director of Hospitals ot the Continental Army, Dr. John Cochran, on 17 Septem- ber, i7Si ; and later on General Kdward Hand, General llenrv Knox, Captain Thomas Read, Colonel Thonia- Robinson anil Captain Thomas (ireen. During the latter part of 17.^1 it wa> proposed 'o invite " 1 1 is Kxcelleucy, General \\'ashingtor,, and tlie Gentlemen <; his suit " to dinner, but "His l'*,xcellency ha\ - i;'g been previously engaged conid not comply \\':th tile abo\\- ret.' At the meeting, however, on I .S December, ! ~ v I , the Soeiety e\",- dentlv considered that thev mn>t have li> Kxcellenc\" n >t ou'.v 4tJ Till-: FRIKNDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK. present as a ^uest but must have- Ins name also added to the roil, and as the list of Honorary Members \viu> were not of Irish birth or descent was full, tliey " unanimously adopted" (ieneral Washin^- ton "as a member ot this Society," thu^ making an Irishman out of him as far as it was in their power to do so. Though (ieneral Wayne, General Irvine and Colonel Richard lJutlcr were still "at camp," \ et there were enough ot their Iriends and associates preseu! at the meeting to hit upon this happy expedient ; for we- find lecordc. 1 >;s present, amon^ others, the names of Dr. John Cochran, Colonel Mphraim Plainc, ( ieneral \\'alter Stewart, (ieneral vStephen Movlan, Colonel Charles Stewart, liiair McClcnachan, \\"m. Constable, D. II. Conyn^hani, George Campbell, John Dnnlap, Sharp Deianv, Mat- thew and James Mease and J. M. Xesbitt. We note anioii^ the guests (ieneral II owe and Major McPherson. The members must have known that it would be agreeable to Washington to add him to the list oi members, and his acceptance ol the iionor shows that they had knowledge oi his sentiments. After the enthu>iasni which, no doubt had been created by ( ieueral Washington's adoption had subsided, it was ordered "That the President, Vice- President and Secretary wait on his Kxccllcucy with a Suitable Address on the Occasion cc that they present him with a Medal in the name of the Society." 1 James Mease olfered his medal for the purpose; it was accepted, and was aiterwards presented to ( ieneral Washington, as will appear bv the subsequent corresjionder.ee. It was also resolved "That they Invite his Kxeellency ec his Suit to an Kntertainment to be prepared and ^iveii him at the City Tavern i'U tuesday the first of January to \vlr.ch the Secrety. ;s directed toln- \'ile the Presidents of the Stale cc of Congress, the Minister of I-'rance, Mr. Marbois, Mr. Otto, the Chief Justice, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Mr. Francisco Rendon, Mr. Ilcluer, Conn) de la Touche, >\: C' Mxcelleiicx' with the lollowini;' Address : " M'l V :',' />,',- ' ' :/' '.' >: ' ' ' ' . ' ' , . '., , ..-;; I ' .. , , " . ' - . X - , y:,-. ..,_;.,. ;.,x,-!t thi !ilir:t '. t" ' ' '. -..' ! \ cllciu". .:::: "; ; Althoiuili they 1 vi ::.l tin i ld.it Iiin- >f ;iny Ci'. ii c-t.il)! i-hnu nl, n. -r tin- ; '.i-v.il. ,; :" 'IViiip* iral ' '.'.!: ' '!:_:::". their i lei tiuii, Yrt tiu ll '. tt-r thcin-i ivt-, :i- :: >- lliv ;:-':;;iiiu- oit"-iriiu ! (>f lu-.ir! ill'. '! uitli t hf waniu-^t , ; : :.n :;::ii ::' - , ::..'. ' ':: i:;;trk .\S ()!' ST. PATRICK. 17 lencv with a j;'<>i the earnest wi>h of Your Excellency's Most Humble and Respectful Servant, ]',v order \: in behalf of the Socii-tv, ( i !:< . C'AMl'lUa.I., 1 're-idellt. To His Kxcellencv, C ',KNKu A I, WASHINGTON, Commander in Chief of the Allied Army. " To \vhich his Kxcellency was pleased to Lnve the following answc: , viz. : S i K : I aecejit with singular jileasvire, the I-!i!s:^n of so worthy a l-'raternity a^ that of tin- Sons of St. Patrick in this eitv a Snietv distinguished for the linn Adherence of its .Members to the- glorious canst 1 in which we are embarked. (iivt- me lr;tve to assure \ on. Sir, that I shall never ca>t my eves upon the Kid^t- witli which I am Honoured, but with a grateful remembrance of the polite and affectionate manner in which it was presented. I am with Ropect and I{steem, Sir, vonr mo. < )1>. Servant, ( ii'.our, i; \V.\sii INC.TI >N. To ( Vi-'.i )i<('. !; CAM iM;i;i,i,, Ksq., President of the Societv of the l-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick, in the City of Philadelphia. Between the date of the British occupation in September, 177^, and the first dinner to Washington upon i January, 17^2, the members of the Friendly Sons had participated in most of the stirring scenes in this part of the country, which was then the seat of war. At the battle of ( iermantown, 4 October, 1777, General Wayne commanded one ot the divisions, and Colonel Movlan's Li^ht Horse was on t;ie extreme ri;_dit of the American line, and through the dreary winter cam]) at X'alley I'or^e members ot the Society participated in all the trials and strn^^les of the American army. After the evacuation in September, I77'S, and the return oi the Continental troops, \v.- fir.d the names of John Lardner, Xathan Boys. John Boyle, John Mitchell, vSr. , Alexander Xesbitt, Jol;n Mease, John Dnnlap, Paul Cox and Sharp Delany nmonell, Robert Morris, J. M. Xesbitt & Co., Pdair McClenachan, Hugh Shiell, John Xixon, Mease & Caldwell, John Dunlap, John Douuald- son, Thomas Fitxsimons, George Ilenrv, Fphraini P.laine, George Meade, Sharp Delauy, John Mease, Joseph Carson, John Slice and James Crawford. The patriotic women of the city in 1780, when things looked so gloom v lor the American cause, organized committees to obtain sub- scriptions for a fund to supplv destitute soldier.-, with clothing, and in a lew weeks raised upwards of 300,000 currency. Among the ladies on the Committee were Mrs. R. IJache, Mrs. T. Francis, Mrs. J. Mitch- ell, Mrs. J. Caldwell, Mrs. 15. McClenachan, Mrs. S. Caldwell, Mrs. J. Mease. Mrs. T. McKean. Mr-;. J. Searle, another Mrs. J. Mea.se, and Mr.-. R. Morr:>. It is evident that the wives of the' members shared the views ol their husbands. The money raised was employed, a' the suggestion o! ( lencral Washington, in furnishing shirts tor the army. This movement among the women >l wa> followed by an orgaui/ed movement among the men for obtaining supplies lor the armv tin >tr'h the airencv of a bank.' 'lie "P>ank of Pennsvlvania " THK FKIKNDI.Y SONS OF ST. I' AT RICK. was accordingly organized tor the purpose of supplying " the army of the United States with provisions for two months." Mr. Sainuei Hood, in his sketch of the Friendly Sons, lias the fol- lowing account of the Hank : "Intimately connected with the glory ot the Societv of the S >::- of vSt. Patrick is a matter which must be referred to in some detail " In the year i jSo a transaction took place in Philadelphia, almost unparalleled in the history of nations ami patriotism, which easts a lustre not only on the individuals who were the authors of it, but on the whole community to which they belonged. " If the glorious examples of the past could influence the conduct of men of the present day, the reputation and good name of Phila- delphia and Pennsylvania would soon be iinuly fixed on so immova- ble a pedestal, as to defy the malicious assaults of Hritish libeller.-, and even the more dangerous lolly, selfishness, and cowardice of our own partisan politicians. At the time alluded to, when everything depended on a vigorous prosecution of the war, when the America:: army was in imminent danger of being- compelled to yield to famine, a far more dangerous enemy than the Hritish, when the urgent ex- postulations ot the commander-in-chief, and the strenuous /vy<'-v:- mt'ndatnnis ot Congress, had utterly tailed to arouse a just sense o: the danger of the crisis, the genuine love of country, and most nob'. self-sacrifices of some individuals in Philadelphia, supplied the place of the slumbering- patriotism of the countrv, and saved her caus from most disgraceful ruin. In this great emergencv was conceive* and promptlv carried into operation, 'the plan of the 15. ink of IV::::- svlvauia, established for supplying the army of the I'nited States with provisions for two months.' " ( )n the i7thjune, rjSo, the following- paper, which deserve-- ;> rank as a supplement to the Declaration ol Independence, was sig::c bv ninetv-three inclividuals and firms : " k Whereas, in the present situation of public affairs in tile I"::::-.- : States, the greatest and most vigorous exertions arc' required tor i;:e successful management of the just and necessary war in which they arc- engaged with great Hritaiu : \\*e, the subscribers, decplv im- pressed w.th th.e sentiments thai on such an occasion should govern us, in the prosecution of a war, on the event of which our own ::v dom, and that ot our posterity, and the freed* >m and independence o; :..< I'nited States, are all involved, herein- severally pledge our proper! \ and credit for the several sums specified and mentioned aite: our names, in order to support th.e credit of a bank to be established :<>r furnishing a supnly of provisions for the armies ot the I'nited State- : 1 " Till- I'RII-XDl.V SONS 01- ST. PATRICK. And do hereby severally promise and engage to execute to the Direc- tors of the said Hank, bonds of the form hereunto annexed. 'Witness our hands, this i~th clay of June, in the year of our Lord, I ~S ( ). ' ] ' Then follow the names of the subscribers with the sums respec- tively subscribed, amounting to //3i5,ixx) Pennsylvania currency, payable in ,,old or silver. "Of this amount, twenty-seven members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick subscribed ,/, i ( 13, =,< * > The names of these, \vith the amounts of their subscriptions, are as follow : namely, Rohv-rt Morris / I,,,,K) | John Mt-ase I'.lair M'Ck'iiachan lo.txx) | PiiiniK-r, Murray >S: Co., \\"iiliain P.in^hani 5,(xx> i John Patton J. M. NYsliitt vN: Co 5,1x0 Benjamin Puller, kichard PI-UTS 5. 1 **' ! (.eor^e Mt.-adt.-vS: Co., . S.iimu-i Meredith 5,000 I John Donnahlson, !amt-> Mease *5,oo '1'h' iinas ] lart lav, 5,000 Ihi^h Shit 11, 5,otx 4, ocx John : IK-nry Hill, . Kt-an v\i Nichols lames Calihvt-ll. 2, Tench l-'ranci>, /.'.S.5"o. ''There were five inspectors of the P>ank, of whom three, Robert Morris, J. M. Xesbitt, and P>lair McClenachan, were members of the S'.. Patrick's. v So were the first of the two directors, John Xixon, and the factor, Tench Francis. All these agreed to serve without compensation. The several bonds were executed to the two directors, and were conditioned for the pavmcnt ot an amount not exceeding the sum subscribed bv each obligor, for fnrnisliin^ a supply o! pro- visions for the armies of the United States. The bank opened Julv 17, 1780, in Front stieet, two doors below Walnut. The tenth and last instalment was called in on the i^th Xov. , 1780. The bank continued in operation till the establishment of the bank ol Xorth America, Jan. 7, 1782, which appears to have sprung from it, and ti ' have monopoli/ed the o-lory which belonged to the old bank o! Penn- -vlvania, of having rendered essential service to the country during the revolution." In addition to Mr. Hood's list we might add the names <>! John Mitchell, ,/."-'.' " >' ', and of two members of the Hibernian Society, 1 Anu-ri' 1:1 kcnu-nihrancfr." vol. x.. ]>. J2(*. 1 "Ha/.. Rt-^- "f Pcnn Ror.KRT MORRIS. Till-: FKIF.NDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. ol Joseph Carson, ^/.'^ooo, and Thomas McKean, ^2,500, making a total subscription by members ot the two societies oi ^,"1 12,000 out of ^/"^I^JXK), the full amount subscribed. A meeting of citi/ens was held at the State House in November, i -So, to sustain the credit of the Continental money, and a committee was appointed to draw up articles of association. Of the thirteen members of this committee we find on the list John Dunlap, Thomas Fitzsimons, John Shee, 1 5 lair McClenachan and Samuel Caldwell. The Tories having again become active about this time, a " Whig Association" was formed lor the purpose of preventing all inter- course with Tories and suspected persons, and in the list of the Kx- ecutive Committee we find Colonel John Shee, John Dunlap, Dr. Hugh Shiell and Blair McClenachan. The members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, many of whom, as we have seen, were among the most prominent and wealthy mer- chants of the city, in all the dark period of i^So-Si, never lost faith in the Revolutionary cause. Ready to take the field when occasion demanded it several of them occupying distinguished military positions throughout the war they were just as ready to contribute their means to sustain the cause or to uphold public opinion when needful. Philadelphia, unfortunately, contained among its popu- lation a number of Tories or British sympathizers. None of this class were found among the Frieiidlv Sons. We read through the long lists of suspected and disaffected persons, and we examine the proceedings taken by the authorities against these same persons, and to thr credit oi the Society not one of its members is found on the li-ts, and we may be sure that when the news of Cornwallis's surren- der at Yorkto\vn reached the city on 22 October, 1781, none of its rejoiced more heartily than the members of the Friendly of St. Patrick. THE WASHINGTON DINNERS AND AFTERWARDS. Tin-: period from 1781 to 1790 was the most prosperous in the history of the Society. The attendance at the meetings was more numerous, the number ot quests greatly increased, and the applica- tions to be enrolled were more frequent. \Ve have seen in the last chapter how the increasing prosperity was manifested in the meetings, and how General Washington was adopted as a member. Xow we have to tell of the noted dinner given to Washington upon January I, 1782. The minutes relate that 41 The President (by a card) having requested the honour of his Excellency's Company together with the Gentlemen o: his Suit at Dinner at the City Tavern on Tuesday, the ist. Jan'ry, he was pleased to accept of the Invitation, and according to the Order of last meet- ing the Secretarv sent Cards to all the Persons therein specified re- questing the pleasure of their Company at the same place ec time, viz. : 4 o'clock." They further record that ''At an extra meeting at George Kvans's on Tuesday, the first of Jamiarv, 1782, the following Gentlemen were present: " MR. MATTHKW MKASK, MR. JOHN MKASK. MR. Jon N MITCHKI.L, MR. J. M. Xr.smTT, MR. JOHN NIXON. MR. SAMTKI. CAI.IIUKLI,. MR. AXI>KK\V CAI.TI'.VJ-.LL, MR. J VMKS MKAS:-., SH A R I- DKI.A NY. Kso., MR. I ). 11. L'tixvM ii V .M. MR. GKOKC,!.; !!i NX- MR. Hl.Al i< M. Ci.i N * .IAN., MR. AI.KX'R N: MR. IOHN DON N \ ;.: ' IN, MR. JOHN i', \ i- MR. JAM r.s C R \'.\ :-o:< :, MR. ion N I'AT 1 1 IN. MK. ' \ M '.s C A :.:'".: I.L. MR. JOHN D-N:.- :-, MR. Hrc.n SHII ;.;. MR. GKowr.!- Hrc.H) MR. M. M. < ';;:::: N, I \-,I'l-'.R MoN LAN. rSo., Ci H.OXKL I-a-H :- ^ M ML \i ^-i-:. COLONKL CHARI.:-..- S':;.V,-.\RT, GKX. Ho\vi:. ("ti-.N. M' H'l/i is ; ic, GKN. KNOX, C.1-: N. HANI>, (rK.N. MclNTOSII, His /:".!'( 't'/'v MR. I.r/.i.RNi-:, MR. K i-; NIION, 7//v /;' i'(V/'r MR. HANSOX, //is /:.!-(>/> MR. \\'M. MUORK, M K. Mnil.l-.NHfKC.lf, C'OI.ONI.L TKNXH TII.C.HMAX, Ci ii.< 'N ;.i. SMITH. MAJOR \\" \SH I Xi ,T( IN, C< ir.NT D ; LA TI ircnK, M R. M \ R HOIS, MR. < ITTO. MR. HOI.KI.R. f.'tu-s/s, (".KfiRivi-; CAMi'ina.L. !Cso.. /'n'\!\i>'>it, MR. THOS. rrr/.siMo.N.s, /':. /'/--. ' >;/, MR. \Vi i. LI AM \\"KST, C52) Till' l'R!F.NI>I,Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. 53 Coi. UN;. i. \V.\i, T.'.K Sn-AVAkT, HI-NKY HIM.. I-'.so., Coi. ON ;;. I- KANeis JOHNSTON, ROHKRT MI.KKI.S. I-'.so., I>k. JOHN COCHKAN. SAMI'KI, M :.!< KI>ITH. F,so. MK. \V:;.i.:\M CONSTABI.I:, [,s Manners. That was a distinguished gathering, although Wayne, Irvine, Dutlerand others were still "at cam])." Generals Lincoln, Steuben, Howe, Moultrie, Knox, Hand and Mclntosh were all distinguished officers, and two of them, Knox and Hand, were elected member.- of the Society at the following quarterly meeting. The city was given up to rejoicing tor some months after the news oi the capture oi Cornwall is arrived, and many noted entertainments and dinners were given during the winter of 1781-82. The dinners of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick upon i Januarv, 1782, and 18 March, 1782, while not so large or so pretentious as some of them, compared favorably with all the others in the number and quality of the distinguished members and guests. Tlie Anniversary Dinner on 18 March, 1782, was held at "George Kvar.s's, " and exceeded in brilliancy even the preceding dinner on the first ol January. General Washington was again present, but this time he was recorded as a member and not a guest, and we judge that it was upon this occasion that he signed the "Rules," as Gen- eral Kdward Hand, who signed along with him, was elected a mem- ber at the meeting. The lull record of the dinner is found in the minutes, as K /lows : I'KKSKNT. Mrinlws. (", KORC.F, CAMPHKI.I., /';v.s7;\v (.' AI.I>\\'!.I.I., J. :\i. NHSIUTT, AI.I.X A N DI.K X!-:SHITT, '< )!! N I'. ARC I. AY, \Vi :,I,:AM HAKCI.AV, ' \ :.i i:s *.' \ ;. : >v,"i- i.i,. C H A K I.KS S'l'l A\' \ KT, I-iPHKAI.M I '.I. AIM'., J \M i:s M I.ASI:, M\i"i'in:\\ MI-ASK, Ji >!IN M< )VI. \ N, JOHN M KASK, \\'M. CoNSTAlil.l", C. I-;N I-.KAI, II \ NP, S\ M r i-;i, C \ i.i >\vi:i.i.. JOHN SUKI-:. ( '. !-.( iRi, I, M !: \ !)!:, J \SPI.K MI lYI. \ \. II^un\r,-y M,i '':><. ( ,1 i\ i:i< N( iK I >K'K I NSl >N. R i c 1 1 \ K i > 1'. \ > i : i : , ROHI-KT MOKKIS, S \M I 1 I. M !!K 1 I M'l'll. Till-: I'RIKNDI.V SUNS OT M\ PATRICK. KN l.R \ I. >Tl'HKN. MR. Mllll. I. N BrKC.II, Col.. TlI.C, H MAN, Coi.. IIrMrHRi;ys. MAP>K THOMAS MOORK, MAJOK WAI.KKK, M\IOK Mel'HKRSON, CAITAIN Coi.i AX, CAI-T VIN TK i XTON, MR. CA KK< >:.',.. MR. Ct M.I. INS. MR. 1 > \ N i i.i. C I.AKK, MR. I >\\ in I Ii >( IPS, J >OCT(iK i 1 AOi-.X. AHSKNT. Hl-.NRV ] 1 1 1. 1., JOHN CAIHVAI.I.AI>KR, LAM in-: KT C.\ I>\VAI.I..\DKR, J \MI:S v^r. \RI.I-:, RICH AK n 1M.NN, \\'M. HAMILTON. J. MITCH HI. i., JR., I. AM.. Sick. J. BOYLK. At Camp. ANTHI >NV \\~AYXK, RlCHAK H HrTIJCK, J. CnC H KAN, \V. I R \VIN1-;. Fined /-.?. f>J. JOHN NIXON, Ti-:xcii I-'R \ NI is, JOHN Mi KRAY, i'.. McCi. I:\ACHAN, JOHN I )i INN AI.DSON, 1 1 HI N I' VTTi |X - . JOHN I', RI >\\ >. :.. FRANCIS JOHNSTON. I'roin tlu- full entries made by the vSecretuvv the membership of ihe Society upon rS March, \~^2, ajipears to have been fifty-six re^nlar and ten honorary members total, sixty-six. From iS March, 17.^2, until 17 March, I7- S J, the minutes are coni- plete, but alter the latter date there are serious breaks ;u them. I)r.r:uL; the- pc'r;<>d mentioned, \ve Imd indications ot the a])proachin;^ end of the war in the frequent entries of "beyond sea" opposite to the name- oi members, showing tli.it tlic\ - were resumiiiL; the:r u>i;ai comnierci. . vi.-its to Ivarope, although the cnlry meant a'-o tiiat some of the members, like- Captain John Harry, were still in tlie sew; ; oi the;i '. couutrv, cruising against the enemy. \\' '.:::-:, Muylan. Hntler, CochiMii, Hand, Irvine, Knox, and \\ 'alter Stewart \\ re still recorded ",;t camp" in most oj the minutes dur::; . : John Maxwell Xcsbitt was elected President upon 17 June, r~s^, an-1 \ve find that \\'iiliani Hamilton upon 17 September, i"S>, was dropped as an Honorary Member, and John Lardr.er elected in his place at the following meeting upon 17 Deeember, :7 S J. During this period Coi. Thomas Robinson, Francis West, John Connor, Ilii^h Moore, Charles Heatly, Oliver Pollock, Captain John Green, James Collins and William Boiirke were added to the rolls. At the meeting" on 17 June, I7aron Stuben, Vice- President Fwin^-, Hon'ble K. Iloudinot, President of Congress, Hoti'ble Tho-. McKean, Chief-Justice, General Lincoln, Mr. Marbois and Mr. Liv- ingston.' 1 Anion^' the members present were John Maxwell Xesbitt. ( ieneral John Shee, Sharp Delany, Archibald ( ramble. Captain Thomas Read, Colonel Thomas Robinson, Colonel John Xixon, George Meade, Ulair McClenachan, Thomas Fit/simons, Colonel Charles Stewart, John Dunlap, Colonel John Patton, Colonel Kphraim P>laine, Tench Francis, Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, (ieneral John Cadwalader, Samuel Meredith., Richard P>ache and Henry Hill. Captain John P>arry was still "bex'ond sea." At the meeting upon 17 June, 17^3, the following minute api^ears : '' Whereas the war hath Interrupted the Intercourse with Great Piritain oc thereby put it out ot the Power ot the Members who have been Fleeted since its Commencement of providing themselves with Med- al < a.^rec-able to the ( Jri^'inal Rules of the- Soeietv, therefore " < )rder'd That the Secretary shall write to Mr. William We-', for as man\- as may be wanted by the member- who are requested to sig- nify their desire ot bein;^ vSujp!\'ed and to pav into hi- haU'is th.ree Guineas ec an half, besides thirtv Shilling- Fntranee, in ( )riler to be remitted to Mr. Wc-t to enable him to complv with the ()r-ler. "And as Mr. [ames Mease tluy are bound to replace, the Society tor that purix se. The meeting upon 17 September, l~" orable bv reason of the prc'-eiice as a i^ alono- with Captain Adam II >>>-, Clark. Anion-' the member-. Cai'ta 56 Till-: I'KIl-NDI.V SONS Ol- ST. PATRICK. pearance. Mr. Galloway, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Ryan were the guests at tlic meeting on 17 December, 17^3, which was also a small one. Tile Annual Dinner on 17 March, 17^.}, was a noteworthy one by reason ol the larj^e number oi members present, and the nnmerons i;nests. These latter included Mr. Van Berkell, George (iray, Jud^e McKean, Jud<4'e llopkinson, the " Imperial Reside-ill/' Mr. Rendon, (iovernor Morris, Mr. I ; olliott, Mr. Jones, Doct'r Draper, Mr. Gold, J I Mr. Kingston, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Campbell, Colonel Smith, Mr. Mar- bois. Mr. Golway, Captain Simpson, Doct'r II. Dnflicld, Mr. L ynch and Mr. Cru^ar. Amoii;^ the members present were Generals Moy- ian, Hand, \\'ayne and Slice, Captain Barrv, Thomas Fit/simons, Tench Francis, John Dickinson and Robert Morris. Alter this meeting the i;aps in the minutes be^iu, although we find the reconis oi the election oi James Campbell, Daniel Clark and Colonel Francis Nichols, during 17^4. Fortunately we have the rou^h notes of tlie annual meeting upon 17 March, 17.^5, and we find (reneral Armstrong, Chief-Justice McKean, Captain Clark, Captain Cain and jud^e Ilopkin-on amon^" the quests, and a nnmerons attendance of members, including Joim Nixon, Thomas Fitzsimons, John IMaxwell Nesbitt (President), Iv>hraim Ulaine, Cienerals Irvine and Wayne, Captain I5arr\- and John Diinla]). It niij^ht be interesting to note here- that the vSt. Tammany Society, which existed at \\\\< date, maintained the most friendly relations with t;ie I'riend'y Sons of St. Patrick. At the celebration of its anniver- sary in 17^}- one of the toasts was to "the friends of liberty in Ireland and the timing oi the harp ol Independence, 1 ' and when the toast was proposed, three cheers were LMVCII and the band struck up "St. Patrick's Day in the Morning." There were only twelve members present at the meeting on 17 June, i7\ ; . and il is recorded that " a sufficient number oi members not In-iii^ in< '. ieiore dinner was served up no Husiness could be done. It was then-fore Agreed that the < )fficers of last shall serve the ensuing vear. " ( >:i 17 Dec'ember, 17^5, there were tonrtec-n jiresent, one oi whom was fieiieral \\"a\~ne. Notwithstanding the small attendance " Major James Moore ;ind Mr. Tlios. Lea were ballotted : :' and nnaniTiiously elect ' ' members, and "Mr. I'l;i;r, Cap;. Rama^e, Jon'a Nesbitl, Capt. Pinker'on. Hall Stewart and Robt. ni as guests, or, as the minutes quaintly desig- March, 17^6, at which iC nr.cil meetin on dent, C.er.era: Movlan, I). II. Coll Till-: PRIPNI'I.Y SONS OP ST. PATRICK. 07 It was "Ordered that the Secre'ty be directed to Issue the notices to ail the members to meet on Friday, the i/lh lust, at Kdward Movs- ton's at ] _ past 4 o'clock, 2u dinners to be bespoke, Geii'l Moylan to speak forthe Dinners and examine the liquors." The meeting on the " ijth Inst." (17 March, 17^0) was evidently a successful one, as twenty-six members were present, including General Moylan, John Xixon, Commodore Parrv, Thomas Fitzsimons, Archibald (ramble, (ieneral Wayne and others. The quests were : " Clias. Piddle, \\':\\. Smith, Gen'l Armstrong, Gen'l Miiilin, John Shaw, Jnd^e McKe..u, Col. Howard, IMr. Fernie and Judge Hopkinson." \\"e liave no records of meetings after this until 18 June, 17^7, when we have the interesting record by the Secretary of the meeting of that date. Among the members present we find (ieneral Wash- ington recorded. At that time he was in Philadelphia attending to his duties in the Federal Convention which framed the Constitution for the United Slates, and he doubtless felt that a little relaxation among his associates of the Friendly Sous of St. Patrick would not interfere with the periormance oi those duties. Of the meeting on 17 December, 17^7, there are short records. Iln^h IJoyle, Win. P>rown and John Caldweil were elected members, and Richard Peters "an Honorary member." A motion was made to change the times ot meeting from "quarterly to half-yearly," and : t was left to the next meeting to determine. There is no note of iis subsequent adoption, but it must have been carried, as the meetings Liter on were held hali-veariy. At the meeting on 17 March, I7 S S Justices McKean and Hopkinson were among' the guests, and twenty- one members gathered to celebrate the anniversary. Am<>u^ these were ( ienerals Walter Stewart and Richard Puller, Colonel John Xixon, John Maxwell Xesbilt and Richard Pachc. From this time on there are no records until 17 .September, I7^:n^ :n j'ubl-.i e\\-nt>. Roliert Morris and Tliomas I'lt/simons -.it as member-- o: the I'Vderal Convention <>! 17^7, and 01 t'ne li\'e delegates elected irom the Cit\- to the iVnnsy'ivania Convention Ik-ur Thomas McKean were two. ( )n the 4th of July, I7 S ^. occurred 'die " < ,r.r.:d 1\ de Till', l-RII-NDI.Y SONS (.)! ST. PATRICK. to celebrate the Ratification of the Federal Constitution by the requisite number of States. It was an elaborate affair and attracted universal attention. The procession contained some 5exx> men and \vas a " mile and a half in length."' The State Officials, Judges, mem- bers of the professions and trades, workingmen's assemblies, soldiers, etc., etc. all classes of the people turned out to celebrate the advent of a stable government. In the procession the members of the Friendly Sons took some of the leading and most prominent parts, as the following list will show : General Walter Stewart, Major James Moore and Colonel Thomas Proctor (Hibernian Society) were three out of the nine gentlemen who acted as Superintendents of the Procession. The First City Troop, which numbered very many of the Friendly Sons in its ranks, had a leading place in line. John Xixon, Fsq. , on horseback, represented "Independence;" Thomas Fit/simons, Fsq., on horseback, repre- sented "The French Alliance ;" Richard Bache, Fsq., on horseback, represented a herald proclaiming " The New Kra," and Colonel John Shee, on horseback, bore a banner, on which was portrayed a like- ness of Washington. The City Troop of Light Dragoons was com- manded by Captain Win. Bingham, and in a carriage Chief-Justice McKean (afterwards President of the Hibernian Society) represented with the other judges "The Xew Constitution.' 1 Ten gentlemen represented the ten States which had ratified the Constitution, and ol these George Meade represented Georgia, and Colonel Thomas Robinson, Delaware. Thomas Barclay earned the ' l Flag of Morocco " among the representatives of Foreign Powers. A float, designated "The Xew Roc;} or ('.rand Federal F'.dificc,' 1 contained ten chairs, and among their occupants were Lieutenant-Colonel George Latimer, John Maxwell Xcsbitt, John Brown, Tench Francis and Benjamin Fuller, and no doubt among the Society ol the Cincinnati appeared several others ol the Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick. The division representing the Farmers was led by several gentlemen, including Richard Peters, Samuel Meredith and George- Grav, and a float, after rl tile uesign ol a Captain John Green as its commander. During the fall of i^SS political agitation was widespread in lYr.nsyl vania. Members of the first Federal Congress and Presiden- tial Flectors had to be chosen, and considerable bitterness of feeling was developed. In all the discussions and proceedings of the time members of the Friendly Sons were prominent. Blair McCle-nachan was Chairman of tin Anti-PYderal Convention which met in Ilarris- burg in September, i~bti. At a tow:: meeting of tlie Federalists held TIIK I-RIKNDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. :>'.' 25 October, I7>SS, in the State House, Thomas Fit/.sinions, Henry Hill, William Uin^ham and John Maxwell Xesbitt were four of the six sui^ested for members ot Congress, out oi whom two were to be nominated, and Thomas Kitzsiiiions was one ot those chosen and elected by the people. Walter Stewart and Thomas McKean were two of those sn^ested lor electors. In the a Hairs of the city we find in October, 1788, Samuel Cald- well and Klias Hoys (Hibernian Society) two ot the new Hoard o! Port Wardens, seven in number. Of the fifteen Aldermen under the new City Charter in 1790 we find John Harclay, John Xixon ant John Maxwell X"esbitt ; and of the thirty Councilmen, (k-or^e Lati- nier, (kor^c Meade and John Dunlap. Upon the inauguration of Washington as President, in 178^, lie appointed .Sharp I)elany Col- lector of the Port, and Robert Patton Postmaster of Philadelphia. We mi^lit continue the list down until the last davs of the Societv, but we ha\'e extended it enough to show that the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, as they had been patriots in the Revolution, continued to be valuable citizens after its glorious termination. It was during the time covered by the <^ap in the minutes that the " Hibernian Society tor the Reliet of Immigrants trom Ireland" was organized in March, 1790, and most of the FYiendly Sons became members ot that bodv. The transfer of their activity no doubt was the real cau The members proceeded to ballot tor Officers ot the Societv tor the next Twelve Months, when John M. Xesbitt was chosen ['resident, Jasper Movlan, Vice-President, and John Hrown, Secretary. The '.h;inks of the .Society were g'iven to Mr. Samuel Caldwell, late Seeretar\', " tor the attention he had shown during his secretarvslr.p. e new vSecretary quaintlv records that " 1 The Coni]'ian\' met l;a\'in^ paid the sum o! j->>'. lor the I):nuer> o: : bsentees. Order'd, That the members present be renumbered a;ja:n troni the fines to bo collected," At the animal meeting on iS March, '7'i;, >% Mr. 1. M. NY-Vtt, the President of the .Societv, bein in-Ii>M,Ko 1 e-::M :-.ot ,:::. :: ';, therefore 00 Till-: 1 R1KNI1LY SUNS OF ST. PATRICK. the members requested Mr. Thomas Fit/simons to take the chair, which lie did." Mr. John Hleakley was proposed as a candidate by Mr. John Caldwell, and Mr. David Cahhvell was pro]iosed by Mr. Samuel Caldwell, " oi which the Secretary is to ,i;ive due notice.' 1 Twenty- one members and thirteen guests xit down to dinner. The Company \vas a distinguished one, for amon<; tile members were Captain John Harry, John Dunlap, Thom;is I'it/.simons, Colonel Kphraim Illaine, Lieutenant-Colonel (ieor^e Latimer, ( ieor^e Meade, Oliver Pollock, John Harclay and others ; and iiie ^ue>ts included Thomas Jefferson, Secretary oi Slate ; Alexander Hamilton, Secretary ot the Treasury ; Cieneral Henry Kuox, Secretary oi \Var ; James Wilson, Associate Justice of Initcd Slates Supreme Court; ( iovernor Thomas Mifllin, Mr. Uutler, and " two vSp:misli ^entlemcii. " It was at this dale that the meetings were changed from semi- annual in annual meetings, which rule obtained thereafter until the end. There arc no minutes for 17 March, 17^4, bevond a record that the anniversary meeting was he-id at " Mostan's Tavern,'' and oi the election of John lUeakley and David Caldwell, ''proposed at last meeting." The meeting on the following anniversary, 17 March, 1705, was held at the same place, and the- only entry we hud is the proposal ot Mr. Alexander P\tcr tor membership. Then tollows the last entry the meeting on 17 March, 1796, which wa- held "at the h<>use of Samuel Richard 1 .." 1 Twenty of the mem- bers 'gathered to celebrate the occasion, and we find many o! the familiar names missing, although ( icneral Ste]men Mo\lau, Thomas I-'it/simous, Comnn dorejohn Harry, John Dnnlap, John I>arcla\ and Thoimis Robinson were ;uuon^" the faithful. Xo names of quests a])- ]iear, but Thomas 1,. Moore and William Hin^ham, two Honorar\' members, were ot the Company. "The place ot President and Vice- President, beiui^' vacant bv the resignation ot Mr. John Maxwell Xe-bitt and Mr. Jasper Moylan, the member- procec-ded to tlu- elec- tion of a President and Vice- ! 'resident, wlien ( K-neral Ste])heii Mo\-'.an wa- unanimously electi-d President and Th.oma.s Fit/.sinious, I\H(J., was elected \*ice- President." Thu< end the minute^ of the S<>cietv of the l^riendly Sou< ot vSt. Pat: :> !:. The Society had been ^radnallv declining with tin.' deaths and changes ot residence oi the members. I'irst the quarterly meet- ings are succeeded bv semi-annual ones; these in turn bv annual ones, and the anniversary gathering's gradually becanu- less and less numerous, until the Society gradually faded out f>i existence. Tlie organization of the I liber;;;.;:: Societv, in i~<, . transferred the ac- Till-: I-'RIKNDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. til tivity of most of the surviving Friendly Sous to thai bodv, ami the importance and great prominence of the new organization caused its predecessor to be gradually forgotten. In many respects, as \ve will show in the next chapter, the Hibernian Society was the successor of the Friendly Sons, and though the latter, as a distinct socielv, existed for some years after 171;'), its activity was merged into the larger body. At what date the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick went out of existence we can only conjecture. \Ve inul in the newspapers a lew notices oi the anniversary meetings signed by John Prowu, Secretary. These continue as late as March, 18^2. And in the will oi Michael Morgan O'P>rien. made on 2 September, i-So^, he bequeaths to his nephew, James Poland, " now residing at the Island of Dominica in the Wc-^t Indies," a gold watch "and a gold medal which was strnck for the members o! a Society known by the name ot the Friendly Sous of vSt. Patrick, and of which Society General Morgan is President lor the present year." The Society, at that date, 2 September, iSn^, was probably but a shadow of its former self, kept alive, no doubt, by General Movlan and a few of his old companions for association sake. \Ve can fancy them seated at dinner on St. Patrick's Dav, talking over the golden days of the Society -how General Washington was made an Irishman by adoption, and how lie signed the constitution how Mad Anthony Wayne captured Stony Point how Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Paul Jones and other distinguished men honored the patron Saint of Ireland how John Xixon, Thomas Fitzsimons and others were fined tor not wearing their Society medals at dinner how glorious and patriotic a part the members took in achieving Ameri- can Independence. It was a Society of heroes -some distinguished, some humble but all animated with that spirit of resistance to oppression which made them such stern toes of Pritish tyrannv. The Story of the American Revolution contains main" bright pa^es, and among the' brightest are those relating the history of the Friendly Sons of St. Pa'rick, and i: is a pleasing thought that the spirit which animated them has con- tinned in full vigor and exists at the present dav in their worth v descendants of the Hibernian Societv, whose history, told in thi^ same volume, is rivalled only by that of its patriotic predecessor. Till-: FRIFXDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK AND Till-: HIPFRXIAX SOCIKTV FOR THK RFLIFF OK FMIORAXTS. AKTF.R the close of the Revolutionary War, intercourse with Fu- rope was resumed, and almost immediately emigrants from Ireland began to arrive at Philadelphia in considerable numbers. Many of these emigrants were poor, and needed the assistance o! their fortu- nate countrvmeii who had successfully established themselves in this country, and it was the better to relieve their \vants and look after their interests upon their arrival that a meeting was called upon ^ March, 1790, to organize a Society lor the purposes mentioned. This "select meeting" of Irishmen," as it was designated in the /'v/;/.u7- :tjn/ii I\icktt of the next day, numbered twelve persons, who may be called the Founders of the- " Hibernian Society tor the Relief of Fmigrants." John Maxwell Xesbitt, President ol the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, was chosen Chairman of the meeting, and his fellow- members of that organization, James Crawford, Patrick Moore, Thomas Lea, John Prown and Hugh Holmes were among the twelve present at the meeting. It was resolved to circulate a subscription p iper among " the natives of Ireland or descendants of Irishmen " in the city. Such was the success of the movement that later on in the same year, when the Society was fully established, the names of 219 members appear on the first printed roll published by Carey, Stewart CM Co. P.esides the members of the Friendly Sons already mentioned, the names of the following appear in the list : Jlli! N I',.\ KCI.AY, C' \ I'T. |< HI N ]', \ K KY, HIV.H Iti.vi.i . J-iHN I'.i.i: \ i: i.v, ( ri'.i >i .K C \ :.; PI; 1:1.1., S \ M! !.!. C A I.I >\V]-.I.I., |< 'UN C A I.I>\V 1.1,1.. ' \ M KS C'< II. 1. 1 NS, S C \M IM'.i-'.I.I., SlI AR I' I M I. \NV, JOHN ! TNI. A P, JOHN 1 n IN N A I.DS( IN, Tiro.M \S 1 'I'l'/^I M( INS, K ' ) H I K T ( '. k A %' . CHA KI.I s Hi \TI.V. (iKN. I;I'\VAKI> 1 1 ANI' I.anca^U-r I \ MI-.S I I A \VTHi IRN, I 1 iil N I.MAMV, I,T. C >i.. < ri.oKi ,1: I.ATIM I:K. < '. !'.( iRt ,1. M I.;A in-:. fASl'I K MoYI.AN, 1'I.A I K M' C I.)-. N AC HAN, }( Hi N M ITCH! 1. 1., IK.. A I.I- X \ N I'l.R Nl-.SH ITT, !-'KANCIS NIC in U.S. Midi \KI. M 'K(. AN ( )'I',KIi:N, CO!.. JciHN I'ATTl IN , ROHKKT RAI.NIA , C'( >!.. C' H A K i.i < STI:\\ - A KT, i -i N. \VAI.TI.K STI:\VA KT. THI-: rkiKNDLY SONS m- ST. PATRICK. i;r, a total of thirty-seven, or nearly all the remaining active members of the old organization. Among the olTicers of the ne\v Society ( k-neral Walter Stewart \vas Vice-President, Charles Heath' and Jasper Moylan were the Counsellors, lilair McClenachan, John Maxwell Xesbitt ami Hn^h P.oyle were the Committee on Correspondence, and John Lcamy, Patrick Moore, Thomas Lea, Alexander Xesbitt, Robert Rainey and John Hrown were on the Acting or Relief Committee, which con- sisted of twelve members. The Hibernian Society can therefore boast, as Mr. Hood savs, of being the offspring of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. That it was so regarded is evidenced by the enrolment of nearly all the Friendly Sons in its ranks, and the transfer o! their activity to the new Society, resulting in the gradual decline ami ultimate extinction of the old organization. Xot only did the Friendly Sons themselves join the Hibernian Society, bnt their children, relatives and business connections fol- lowed their example, and we find on the rolls of the latter organ i/.a- tion many descendants of the members of the former. For instance, ( korge Campbell, who lived to a ripe old age, was succeeded by his son, George Campbell, in 1843. While General William Irvine did not join the new Society, probably by reason of his residence in Car- lisle, Pa., yet two oi his sons, General Callender Irvine and James Irvine, became members in 1821. Commodore Barry had no chil- dren, bnt Patrick Hayes, who married his adopted daughter, was a member (1814). General Stephen Moylan left no sons, bnt Kdward Fox, the husband of one of his two daughters, \vas an active member and Secretary of the Society for several years. And so, in mam- other instances, all going to show that the Friendlv Sons of St. Patrick and their descendants regarded the Hibernian Society as the \vorthy successor of the old organization. Perhaps the most striking instance of all is the familv of Tench Francis. His son. Thomas Willing Francis, joined in iSo.(, and the- latter's son was also a member. His sister married Tench Coxe, who joined in '~ ( )O. Charles S. Coxe and Alexander S. Coxe, sons of Tench Co\<.. ;oined respectively in 1816 and 1817; and the son of Charles S. Coxe, ex-Senator Fekley Pi. Coxe, of Lnzerne county, is at present a mem- ber ot the Society. From 1771 to iS:.Y SONS OK ST. PATRICK. J-'irsl. That the Society shall meet four times in t!ie year, to \vi:, the 171)1 of March, tlie \~\\\ of June, the i^t.h of September, a:: : the I Jth of December. That Public Notice shall be ^iveii ': the Secretary a week belore the day oi each meeting, and t': ' tlie Annual meeting shall be on tlie 17*1.11 of March.. Second. That the meeting on the 171)1 of June shall be al\va\'s c<>;:- sidered a meeting of P.usiness. Tliat no Strangers can be a ;- mitted on that day. That the President and Vie : President : : the ensuing vear be then Klected by P>allot, and that the Pro: dent so Klectcd shall at any time betore the next Onane: : . meeting call a Council to consist of Ki^ht Members, inclu'li:'.^ the \'ic : President, Treasurer cc Secretary. Thu-d. That each Member shall furnish himself with a dold Medial ol tlK-\'alueol three C.nineas, agreeable to tlie following de>cri:i- tion : ( )n the ri^lit IIiberni;i ; on the left America. In tlie cen'.r IJbert\- Joining tlie Hands of Ilihc-rnia X: America, to be re:>:v- tor Iliiiernia. An Indian witli liis Ouiver on liis back \. bow slun^ ior America. Inilerueatli : Unite. On tl;e reverse : St. Patrick !rami>lin- on a Snake, a Cross in hand, dressed in his PontiilcaHbus. The Motto : I lier. TIN- I-Rn-NDI.Y M>NS OF ST. PATRICK. /-///. That a Number of Honorary Members not exceeding Ten may be admired. S/A-//J. That fiR- Descendants of Irish Parents by either side in the first decree & the Descendants of every Member ad infmitnm ( Honorary Members excepted) shall luive a natural rij;ht of appli- cation to be admitted Members of this Society. .Vrv >!//i. That the Honorary Members shall not have a Privilege of Voting on any Occasion, neither shall they be subject to any Fines whatsoever. J : .i^!it!i. Tliat any Person desirous of becoming a Member shall sig- uity his desire to the Secretary, who is to give notice to each Mem- ber ten davs before the next Quarterly meeting, mentioning the name of the Person proposed, *Xi that the said Person so proposed .-hall be ballotted for at the said meeting, and that at all such Klectioiis three P/iack Palls shall exclude any Candidate, and that there can be no Klection unless at a Meeting of twelve or more Members. Xintli. That all Fines shall be disposed of at the meeting the i 7th of June. T< ntli. That each Member shall have Privilege of asking a stranger at his o\vn Kxpence. That at the annual Meetings the President shall have the Privilege of asking any number of Strangers he may think proper, in the name of the Soc'y, at the Kxpence ol the Members there met, but the Strangers introduced by him at any oilier Meeting (the Governor for the time being excepted) shall be at his own Kxpence. /f/Vrv nfJi. That any Member refusing to pay his Fine, on or before the first Meeting after such Fine shall be imposed, shall be no longer considered a Member, unless being a^ain Pallottcd lor in the usual Form. 7>,v////'. That a P.ook shall be kept bv the Secretary Containing fair Minutes of the Proceedings, subject to the Inspection ol every Member. Thirl, - ( ;////. - That each Member be furnished with a Copy of these Rules, ^ that no Person shall be considered a Member untill he '. .- subscribed them. lit n "- -. tin- ii^iiiitiircs of tin- iiK-mK-rs. Sec J\ic-' \!S. C~* .S"(V '}. jilCNJAMIN 1'ri.I.ICR, Col.. 1 ; KAXCIS, At a meeting at Mnlhuf s on Tuesday, the i;th June, 1771 [ 1 1 s i I o N o i R T n ic < ', o Y i ; k xo K , ANIi"\V C M.I'V. i.I.I., S VM. CAI.I '\vi:i.r., \Vn.i.. \Vi.sT, [' -UN ? I HAS 1C, ( ',:;> '. ! ( T T.I.;:KTOV ; Ti NCH i ; K VNCIS, <-'<>. M' M)iC, TI:O:J '-.s I'rr/.si MMUNS, >. C \ M 1T.I.I.I., !. .vn. Mi ivm.i.i., ' -:N M iTi HKI.I,, ! ; N. Fn.i.i k. Mr Preside nt ha\-ing at the last meeting propo>cd Jolni Cad dcr, I-'scj., as an Honorary Member, he was tliis clay I5a!ln - .e accord ingh', ^c declared dnlv IC'.eclud. .-7/>.vv// Mcint'tTS />> /'; fund. Ji 'UN SlIICIC, T; H (MAS 1', \ RCI.AY, M \TT MlCXSIC. JOHN NIXON. ,s.v. C( >i,. IM< \ xcis, ,s . JOHN Ilovi.ic, 5. ( iICi >. I I VYIS, FKIKXDI.Y S()\S (>! ST. At a Quarterly Meeting (at Hunics's Tavern ) on Y\'edncsda\ , the 1 7th June, 177.2 MR. STKIMIKN MOYI.AN, P JNO. M. NKSHITT, / 7,v-/';v. KI.NI'N l-'ri.i.KK, Vt't'iis't' YVi I.I.'M \VI:ST, SAM r i.i. C A KSAN. ( ', ; i >'K CAM i-iu i.i., JOHN \\"n rnc, KANHI.K M nx:in:i.i., 1'KKSKNT. JOHN Mnx i; :-.:... GKO'K I'Yl.l.KK l'< >':. Tin (MAS BARCLAY. MAT'XV Mi. vsi:, ('. KO'K DAVIS. /"//.' :\ \ \. \ IU-.K. (', Kn. Klected Mr. vStei)he:i Mo\ Ian Prcsi^ f } John M. Xesbitt licc-PresitV t \ All the Stock that may be in the Treasurer's hands on the 17111 March, next to be apply 'd towards that day's expellee. Mr. SaiM'l Mi-iV'litli jirojn >.-,., 1 as an Ilonorarv Mrinbcr bv Mr. ''- >,'. ,'i. Kii-liM Baehc . . . .lilt !,;. Mr. N -!, I.ainbi-rt Cadwaladc-r . . diu.. . . . b\ Mr. I', i! John Murray i by Mr. Jn->. Miu-ln-11 applyM for A ::::;.'.,:: Mr. }.>hn \\'hite haviuo- re])orted to the 1'resid't and Coni]>aii} nn.'t that Mr. James Mease desired him (in London i to ac-iuainl the vSocie'\' that he had made 1 ciKjnirv what a Sett oi I);e-> lor >trikiu^ MedaN (agreeable to the Rules) would cost, \i iour.d that they co', ild r. 1 t be' _:'' u:: U-r I'itty or Si\t\~ : onr.d.s. I: :> il;e op: :i: the ju'esent Coini'am that they on^ht l: ; 1 lor Fiitv pounds St'h, w'ch he is iiuiuediatel y to reinitt to Mr. James Mea-e. or in his Absence to Mi. WillY.i Mitchell, tov.Mnis the purch.p.se of :i :; .:' :^ coni])lete sett ot Dies, to be lorwarded here bv the iirst op|)ort::r.:'y. Mk.JA.vhs MKASI-: L<'V.<:v. >. Ii; i'('ii>;i:tinj4 \\ith our mutual friend, Mr. Han-lay, who i-, of opinion tli.it YOU may ha- t .i-ft London i'efore this reaches you, have conrlinK-il to hu-losu tlu- i'.iil to Mr. !' : TH-. ..'.-o t'r.i- I.rtti-r ojn.-;:, that in cast' you have ln-t-n so ^oo, 1 as to have ]niivha-t >\ a S-t: at vor.r <.\\i; C'ost, lu- iiii^ht a])])l\- the Hill to your Credit. Tlu- miiU-r Note i<> 'Mr. Mitrlu-11 is only nu-ar.t, that in case you have UTt l.uro]ie \vithout the I)ie-. hi ma-. \i:et the Hill ,S; ;q-]ilv it to the design ])ro])osc-d. I take- the lihert \- to ^i\ e you the To lo\\ir,^ lA-M-rilition of the inteii'leil Medal. j_//( ;>'_/; '//-'.-< '.\ (he Jt-it-rip/ioH of I he 1ir, Your mo>t Ohed't humhle Servant, I!. h'ri.i.i-:K. 1'iiiit-r llic lorc^om^. TH n. A I'l'i.i'ii i A, ji .tli Jnnt\ \ 77-'. Iiik. V,"!!.I.IA:>: Mirciin.i,, UK SIR, : luivt- tin- pleasure of ac(;uaintin^ yon that the Sock-tv of the Friendly Sons of St. I'.itrick have intended \cu the honor of executing what's contained in the fon-yi ii.L; to .Mr. Mi-;^i-. ii: case that (k-ntieman has left Kuropc l>efore this reaches you. ai.il ha- i;< '. 'lo:;e it, Mr. I't-tric will have Mr. Hnn-lay's directions to deliver the Hi'.! To c.tl.t. r. I am, v\:c., H. I-Yi.u K. ,\t .i Mt-t-tiii;^ of tlx- I'rcsid't >K: Council (at Duff's Tavoni> tlu- ^rd Dcccinlt'r, 1772. I'K l-Sl'NT. IK. .-:': Pin.N Movi.\\, I'tnid'!. TIHI.MA.S HAKCKAV, 'M>. M. .\ISH:TT, / '. /'. \Vn.i. IAM M i ivn i'l.i., 70 Till- I-RIl-NDI.V SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Mr. Will'm Mitchell, reported to the Presid't & Council, Thai he had (while in London) received the 1'h'fty Pounds St'l. Bill forwarded hi ni l)_v the Secretary ec that he had bespoke a complete set of Dies, \vYh con'd not be got ready under Two or Three months. Tha the was infornf d they might receive injurv at Sea, and if thev we: e the least rusted, they \vould be rendered useless ; And also that in case they came safe to hand, it was more than probable, that a pcr-on conld not be loniul to make proper nse of them ; for the least Krror in executing' wouM totally spoil them, and that Machinery to !ix them for striking Medals wonld cost a considerable Sum. On these considerations he had ordered them to be lodg'd with Mr. William Moore, Goldsmith, in Pater Xoster Row, Xo. 4, nntiil the sentiments of the Society \vere taken. The Presid't & Council having taken the above report into con- sideration, do submit their opinion thereon, to the Quarterly Meet- ing, on the i 7th Inst., v.-'ch is, That the Dies do remain in London \vith Mr. William Moore. That every new Member on their Ad- mittance do pay unto the Secretary for the time being the Sum of Thirty Shillings, towards reembnrsing the present Members (who have advanced for the payment of the Dies), the Sum they have sub- scribed more than Thirty Shillings, and that after the Advance is fully paid up, the said Sinn of Thirty Shillings shall be still collected from new Members and become part of the Societies Stock to be dis- pos'd of at every June meeting, as the Fines are That each subscribing Member may write to Mr. Will'm Moo re- fer his Medal or lodge monev with Mr. Will'm Mitchell, who has kindly offerM to take the trouble of writing for any Number that mav be ordered. ( iic i' i. M I.A !>}:, \VlI.I.IAM \Vl.ST, M \TT M i \v M LASH, (' 1C' >' 1C C \ M I'IMCI.I., JOHN MICAS i-:, J' >H N Mi Tt ii ici.r., JOHN SH icic, Tm >M \s I'.ARI r. \v, J i > 1 1 N X i x ' N , \V i i.i.i \ M M rrc H i i.;., Jt )IIN \VlIITIC, T. \MI.S Mi AS:;, J ' J 1 1 N M r X R A V, KI HilCKT ( il.l-.N. Sil A K P I >1CI. \ N V, [()I1N I'ATTICKSoN, HKNRY Hi;.:., JOHN I ) u K i N si i N , J i )II N I.' \ ! '\\' \ I. MUCK, RICH':) r.Acmc. T1IJ-; i-RIKNDI.Y SONS 01- ST. I'ATRIvJK. 71 I.A.MUi.RT CAI>\VAI.AIU.K, MR. \VII.I.IAM II \.MII. TON, SA M CM, MKRI-:I>ITH, JAMI.S MOYI.AN. I'isitot't. His HONOIR THK C.OVKRNOR. JilHN RoxS, KSo'K. JAMKS Dl'.I, ANY, KSO'R, I >OCT' K S I'i.l.!., O )I.i >N i.i. I'l-.I.I.. MR. NATII \ N I f Yin. 1'ii; i. IP I >u K ; N>. IN, I . i v i N ; n i'u N . AHSENT. STI-:PHI-:N MOYI.AN, "\ Till IMAS I'lT/.SIMONS, JOHN HOY i.i':, ) Ri ili'T MI iRRIS, I I \ MI-'.S SI-:ARI,I-:, ' T T 'RHi'TT FRANCIS, paid, ;\. f>'}. l ; ri.i.!:RTi IN. ( i ico' i-: DAVIS, A.NI'KHW C.\I.l>\Vl-:i.I., \\"i I.I.'M \VKST, J' N'R. TI-:NCII I-'KA.\CIS, At a Ouarteriy meeting (at Bums's Ta \x-nn on Thursday, the i~'A\ June, 1773 OrderM All the Stock that may be in the Treasurer's hands on the i 7th March next to be apply'd toward that days Kxpence. PRKS'T. MR. JNII. MAX\VI-:I,I. NKSHITT. /'ri-sit /<;//, ' SAM'I. CAI.UVVI.I.I., \V;I.I.!.\M XVi'.sT, I'ict'-I'resiJ'f, A.NDRI.U C \I.D\VKI.I., MiONj'N IM I,I.I;R, Treas'r i^y* Secretary t JOHN xVniTi-:. S ri.i'iii'.N Mos'i.AN, JAMI-.S MI-:ASI-:, M vrrn i-'.u' M i; \si-:, < rl'.' >' i. C \ M rlil-'.I.I., TlH iM'S I'lT/MMi INS, J' HIN MITCH i.i.i,. Tlii iMAS 1>A RCI.AY, < '.!j i'l-: I'ri.I.l-.RTON, (rICo'K I ).\\'IS, RollKRT (", I.I-N, SHARP I M'.I.A NY. JOHN I'\TTI:RSON, JAM i:s MOYI.A N. //. .)/. JOHN I MCKINSON, I, \ M I;!-:RT C \ i >\\ A I.A DI- K. , / 7v. '/.';. Ii;> HONIITR Tin. ( A IO\'J I I.YSSICS LYNCH. YVlI.l.'M M I'!\ I! I.I.I., II.- N'RY I til. I,, i:- PI: I.R !' Mo I-' K IS, JOHN L' \ 1 1 \v \ i . A i ) ;: K RICH'D 1', \c ii K, J \ M i-:s Si-: A R i.i', SVM'I, M'-.RI PITH, \V: I.I.'M II \MII.TON, T! R I'.rTT I-'R \ NC1S, Crl'O'l Ml-. U)l , JOHN Mi:vsi-:. R \ N I >l.l M ITCH I'.I.I., JOHN SHI:!-:. JOHN NIXON, JOHN I'.OYI.K. S.\Mri-:i. C \ RS \ N, \\'l i, I.I \M \\"' -- :'. [T'N'K, Ti NCI i I-'R \ N , :-,, JOHN M : RK \Y, .UK IKII'.NDl.V SONS 01- >T. PATRICK. ; v ;\i ; . I'tx-sid't appointed his Council, Trcus'r &. Secretary as D\V.> \ :/. ) VM WI:ST, /';,< /'/i. } . MATTHI v. MI.AM , .i C \.MIM;I:I.I., - M ; \SK. \- I ; IT/S'MONS, " )il N M ITCH I !.!.. . \Vnrri-:. \Vi :.: : VM \Vi ST. J ! N'R, ' \M! S MliAS!., -HAH 1 ]> I. ANY, "ol!N I'ATTl KSi 'N, THoM \> I'. \T //. M. Tin- HON'HU-: RICH'D PK.VX, PRKSKXT. LA M HI-: RT C A i i\v A i. A ni : K , SAMI/HI, MHKKIUTH, \V I I.I.I AM 1 1 A M I I.TON, /7.s/A>r.\. His HONOR THI-: GOYKRNUR, MR. SOHKR, GRIFFIN, Ll.OYII, MR. JlNKFOR, YATF.S, IlYDK, CAMI'BKI.I., MR. JOHN SHI-:K, THOMAS BARCLAY, JOHN NIXON, JOHN I'.oYi.i-:, SAMTJ: i. C AI.I>\VI-:I.I,, ANI>RI-:\V CAI.DWKI.L, SA.MI i.i. CAKSAN. MOYI.AN. M Mil S I , Y N t H . \ ". M : . HI 1. 1., :: SKY iin.i \ A US 1C NT. TrRnrTT I-'KANCIS, RANI >i.!. M ITCH 1:1.1., Gi-'.i IRT.I: I 'A\ is, TI-:NCH ] ; RANCIS. I R( UU:KT ("ri.i'.N, I A Mi:> Mi (YUAN, bK. RoliKKT KoYH ipr. Tllo'S RAKCI.AVl have apply'il to l>c ailmiui-il Meinhti MK. ANTHDNV WAYNI. i j>r. SIIAKI' DI.I.ANY The Secretary to K' vt: notice- thereof to each Memher. At a Meeting of Council 6th March, 1775 PRKSKNT. MR. WII.I.IAM Vv'KST, Pn'siJ't, SAMri-:i. CAI.D\V]-:I.I., JOHN M. XF.SUITT, THOMAS BARCLAY, JA.MI-:S MKASK, \VlI.I.lAM MlTCHKI.1,, HKNJAMI.N l-'n.i.i-;K. Order'd That, the Anniversary meeting on the 171!! lust, be at the City Tavern, S: dinner on Table at 3 o' Clock. That Messrs. James Mease, John M. Xesbitt 6c Thorn's Barclay wait on Mr. Smith and agree with him tor a Dinner tor thirty persons at 3-v. () i' ( ii-:< n'. i-; M i. \DI-;, ( ii-.i >KI', i. CAMPBKI.I,, JOHN Mi-: A si-;, TlIDMAS I-' IT/SIMONS, JOHN M. NKSIMTT, TlK >M \S liAKCI. VY, ( i!-'.( iRi'.l''. I'l "1.1.1 .K'l'ON', ' i 1 1 1 N X 1 X I > N , \Vi I.I.I \ M M I '!'(. Hl-'.I.I., SAMTKI, C \ K^ \\, \V: i.i.i \ M \\'r.h'r, ITN'K, ; \ M is M i-: \s]-, : nl!N Ml KKAY, Si! \UI' I ll-.I.AN Y, IIHIN 1' ATTKKSON, ANTIH INY \\"AYNK, Roiil-.KT Hi )YI>. //. .'/. Tin: Iln.N'r.i.i: RICH'H I'I.NN, Kscj'u, Ji HIN 1 >ICKI Nsi IN, I-'.Sn'K. IlKNKY Ull.;.. ] ( HI N CA lAVAI.AHKK, Kien'n HACIU-:, I. \ M l',l KT C' \ I >\\ \I. \I'l K, SAMIT.I. M I-;K I.IHTH. I'lsi/tirs. Jui IN Rnss, I-'-MJ'K, Ri.ni K r Mi: \si;, D.\MI:I. Ror.i K';x, 1 1 I S I i ' ! I I>1 MINIMI. I'M I I.! I' 1 IK K INS" iN. 7! Till- FRIF.NDI.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. A us i: NT. ROIU:KT MORRIS. I \ resides out of the ' Honorurv Nan- RANDI.K MITCHELL, f I VMI.S Si \u 1.1 . ; , . .. province. \Vn, i. 'M HAMILTON, I JOHN SHKK, ~s. 6d. M\mn.\\ MI:\SK, \ JOHN BOYI.K, paid, 7.?. 6e-\vnJ Sea. . , IOHN \Vinn:. I :->AMCKI, C.u.mvKLL, paid, js. bii. IAMKS MOVI.AN, J ANDKICW CALinvia.L, paid, ~s. 6 1I.\ vi-'ii:i,n CONVNGHAM ) At a Mectini;- of Council yth June, 1775 PRKSKNT. MR. \Vi i.u AM \Vi-:sT, 7V(\s-/(/V, 1' MI N M. .\I-:SHITT, ( '. l.oRi'.K C AMl'iiKI.I., JAMKS MKASK, BKNJAMIN F'UIJ Y HR. < >nkred Tliat the Quarterly meeting on the I7th lust, be at the City Tavern Dinner on Table at 3 o 1 Clock but that the Members be sninnion'd to meet at 2 on the business of the day. That the Secretary direct Mr. Smith to provide for twenty persons at v V. K/. pr. head. That an Invitation be iriven to the Governor. At a meeting by Order of the President at his House, 8th Sep't'r, 1775, the following PRKSKNT. J. M. NKSIUTT, S. CAI.I>\VKI,I.. ABSENT. were appointed Councillors by the President for the Knsuing Year, and Sam'l Caldwell, Secretary. ir.ii -rM That Messrs. J. M. Xesbitt oc S. Caldwell bespeake a dinner to be j)re]>ared at the City Tavern for iS Gentlemen on Mon- da\- the iSth lust, a :v. (y1. ea to be i ; ST. i'.\ TRICK. TO Mr. (icor^c Henry having upply'd to be admitted a member The Secretar is directed to s'ive notice thereof to each member. At a Meeting of the Council at the President's House the Sth Dec'r, ~5~ I'KKSKNT. Agreed that the next Quarterly meeting shall be held at the Citv Tavern on Monday the iSth Inst. of which the Secretary is directed to Xotifie tile Members. Ordered -ThatJ. M. Xesbitt cc James Mease ,^'ive directions for a dinner for 16 (ientlemen to be upon Table at 3 o'Cloek and to make Choice of the Wines lor the Company. At a Quarterly meeting of the Society of the I-Yiendly Sons of St. Patrick, held at the City Tavern, on Monday, the iSth Dec'r, 1775 : A motion bein^ made ec seconded, that Thomas liatt, a member of this Societv, should be expell'd for taking an active part against tlie Liberties of America, the Determination \vas Postponed till the next meetiii'', in order for a more deliberate Consideration. At a meeting of the Council!, held at Mr. J. M. Xesbitt's, the nth March, i 770 : PKKSKNT. ( )rder'd That Mr. Xesbitt and Mr. Mease, speak for Dinm--- at Smith's Tavern, lor thirty (ientlemen, to be on table at fonr o'C'.ock ;: monday the i v th Inst., and that tliev shall chuse the Wines and tiler ] y i<|uors tor the Occasion. ; FRIFNDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK. C \>.T. \\'M. \Vi ^T, CUM'K AND'U CAI.I>\VKLL, I > n. T'R ROH'T BOYH, MR. SAM 'I. CARDAN, Jxtj. M ITCH I:I.L. THO'.S H \RCI.AY, JNO. Ml. ASK, CuI. I.. ST Tl K1U.T r, i.o. MI: WM. WK Tiio's F R ANM.1-: 1< >n.\ r.o SAM 'i. C TI-.NCH j< ni N F \ Gi.u. H PHKN MOYI.AN, lK A NCIS, :AI>I:, ST, IT/SIMONS, M ITCHKLL, Yi.i-:, A i.mvHi.i., RANCIS, TTKKSO.N, NKY, JAS. Mr.ASK, JN<>. MlRRAY, ( '.1.0. I >AVIS, Sli AKI I >!;!. A NY, ('. i.o. C.\Mi'i;i-:i.L J. M. Ni-.SKlTT. ABSLNT. -s. f\/. MATT. MI:ASI-:, [AM i-.s MOYI.AN, I ). II. CoNYNC.HAM, JOHN WHITI: , Hon ' > v Mt ;/;>.' V Kc\(.ind Sea. \ i Hl-.NKY JNO. DICKINSON, ROH'T MORRIS, RICH'D PI;NN, JNO. C A i >\v A 1,1, AI > ]: R , JAS. Si-: A R I,K, \\"M. HAMILTON. The (Jiu-stion 1)cin<; put upon the motion made at last meeting, whether Capt. Thomas I->att shall be expel I'd this Society, It was unanimously carried in the Affirmative. \< .' . The State of Pennsylvania having been invaded. >N: the City of Philadelphia taken b\- the P.riti^h Armv under the Coniinaiid of C.en'l Sir William Howe in Sep- tember. 1777, ln( ' So-.'ietv had no meeting till Sejit'r, 177^, the minutes of the meet'^s in Sept'r \ lu-i-'r, 177'). iN: in March i(. JOHN I IICKI-.NSON, ROI;I:KT MORRIS, RICH A HO PI-.NN, JOHN C AD\VA LLA i u R, !'; NJ'N l-'ri.i.i.K, /'irti MI \ K : 1 1; [.ANY, J \ M I-.S M .' \SM, JOHN I '.ON '..', . JOHN MI:ASI:. Hi. \ I !: Ml'C I.I N AT HAN JOHN MriTiu i.i.. I. I.' \ I.I >\Vi 1. 1., , Hll.!.. //. M. RlCHA R I) H \CII I'!, J A M rs Si. A R i.i-:. I.AMH'T C A n\v.\ 1. 1. A I;K. S \ M' I. M I.K I-. IM'I H, \\'M. HAMILTON. TIU-: i-'Kir.xni.Y SONS or ST. PATRICK. Mr. Alexander Xesbitt, Mr. John Donaldson, Mr. Jame- Cald\vell and (je'.i'l William Thompson, have applied }>\- Mr. fohn Mitchell to become Members 01 this Society, ot which tlie Secretarv i> ID ;-;ive Xotice. having been Proposed were unanimously elected. Thomas Harclav, K>4'r, was elected President, ec (ieor^e Cam: >- l)ell, Ksq'r, Vice-President tor the ensuing Year. Agreed that such Members of tl\\^ Society who are ( Mlicers in the Armv shall not be subject to tines for absence while in Service in the field. Coll. Francis Johnston is proposed as a Candidate by Cicn'l \Yay;K- !o be balloted for at next meeting, ot which the Sccretarv is to i;'.ve Xotice. X. K. The Secretary having been abroad at last annual meet'i^ the minutes (it any were taken) have not come to his hands, n >r can they be ton-id. At the Animal meeting at ( reor^e ICvau^'s, the i7'ih March, 1750 I'Kr.Sl.N T. THOMAS UAKCI.AV, l'i .>/./ >:', JOHN DONNAI.HSOX, I \ M i-:s M i:\si-: I \ M i-.s C K \\v i OK i>. IOIIN MI-:ASI-., TIIOMXS I'IT/SIM i\s, f i ill N ]'. \ K K Y, loll N !' \ ! TON. JOHN NIXON. [on N M i K i< \ \' l.NT II J- KAN CIS, oiiN Mrrcma.i., AM.X'K Ni-.sr.iTT, S \Mri-a. CAKIAVI;!.;.. ! ' ! !. CON \ -\i M \ M, Hi. \ I k Mi'Cia N u' H V N, IOIIN SH i-a-:. Si i \ K r I n.i. \ N -, , I. M. N'i'.si:i r r, 1 ^MI-.> C AI.I >\vi !.;.. JOHN HOYI.I;, //. .!/. ROHI-KT MOKK; \\' \ i.rr.R STTA ur, JOHN r,K<>\vv, |on\ I:\KII.\\-. \Vnaa \M WI.ST, I. AM li'T V. .\n\V \I.I..\HKK, SA M'I. M KRKIUTH. \Vl I.I.I AM 1 I AMI J.TON. \ N . H'Y \\ \\ N i . M \TTH'\V M; \SK. \V; 1.1.1 \ M \V I-;ST, JTN'R, : - 1' \T'i ; RSI IN, ' VM I S MI >\ LAN, ' '. ; UK ('.I'! Ml VSK. ' . i: C \ M !!:! 1. 1., I'.KNJ N I-n.I.KR, A N i i'\v C A i.mv 1:1.1., ( ', i-;oKc; i-; 1 1 I.NK Y, IOIIN DTNI.AI', 'it/ \-n. I-RANCIS FOMXSTON, Doot'r IIuli Sliit-il vas unanimousl Ivlcctcd a r.icniber of this A: t!;c A;;ni\x-rsar\- Meeting at tlic City Tavern the ijth Ma x, _ I'KKSi.NT. i H i.MAS I! \ kfl.AV, I'l't .NN.\I.l iSi i\, , . in \v M i -. \> :., ::-; k. \ ; . i > .', i i . i . , M. CM- ', ,1! \M, \ -. \ '.'.' \-, ''. ' l.i.V \CiiAN, . \1 ' :! .US. IUH N M ITCH i.i.i., ]IN'K, //. .'/. SAMD:I, MHRKPITH, I,A.M!;].KT CAH\\ AI.I.A1H.R. ! 'i.\l/<:>:\. I'kKSIIiKNT l\l-:i-.D. C' 1 1 1:\ ' K I'A r i. JON KS. I'RI'iSI III NT I I TNT! Nl.Ti MR. Mm I.I.N ni-'.Ri'., -V ( i( i\ -< R I 1 1 >\\ I.! .%', MR. M \RI ins, DUN i : . ] i, i.. UR-U'II I'. 1 n.i i;, MR. M. M. ( n.RiKN, MR. I.i IR R i 1. 1.. ./ //. M. Ill NRY Ml 1. 1.. IUHN IUCKINSUN, KI il'l KT M' iR R IS. IUHN i" A 1 1\\ \ i.i. \ : ' TIIJ-; rRiHNM.v SUNS <>i ; ST. PATRICK. S'i'Ki'HKN M' (VI. AN, RANDI.K MITCHKI.I., foHN BoVI.K, JOHN PATTK RSON, | JAMKS MOYI.AN, !>c\iul St'a. IOMN HARRY. 1 \ M !'.> Ck VWKl iRH, THOMAS 1-Yr /.SIMONS, I oi IN SHI-K, JAM KS M I'.ASK, TKNCH I'RANCIS, Al.i:.\ ' R N'KSI'.iTT, JOHN I'ATTI >.\. I'J'HRAIM 1! I.AINi:, I'RANCIS Ji mxsT< >N M R. JOHN MITCH KM., IK., THOMAS I'IT/.SIMUXS, /.-/.. JOHN MITCHKI.I., JOHN DONNAI.DSON, JOHN I!ARCI.A\, ^v. SAM'I. C \ i.i >\vi;i.i., wlio, to^ctiRT with the President, agreed and (Ordered the Secretary to Invite Mis Excellency General Washington oc the Gentlemen ot his Suit in the Xanie ot the Societv to Dinner on Monday, the 171:1 lust., at the City Tavern, but that this deviation from the Rules of tlie Societv should never be deein'd a precedent hereafter. X. I!. His Kxccllcncy, having been previously engaged, con'.d not comply with the above request. At a (Juarterly Meeting at George- Kvans's, Monday iStli Dec'r, 81 I'KHSKNT. JOHN M ri'cii i-.i.i.. JOHN DsNi.Ai", C.KO. IIrc.ni-:s, HI-I'.H Sun. i.i,, JASI-MK M< tvi. \N, JOHN O nil R \ N, H. M 'Ci.i.N \cn \N, 1-J'iI R \IM l',I. \INI-, \V \ i/i'i'.R STI:\V \ RT, M VTT. MI-ASK. SHARP I M i. \ N v, \VM. B \KCI.AV, AI.K.X'R XI-.SI:ITT, CH \ KI.I-.S STKWA RT, S Tl'.I'II I.N MI (VI. \ N, J \MKS MI-ASK. J. M. XKSIUTT, I ). II. CONVNC.H AM, \\"M. C> INST \iu.i . S \ M'I. CAM >\\ KM., Till-; I-RIKNDI.Y M)NS OF ST. PATRICK. ANTH'V WAVNI:, \ RICH' I> I5( Tl.l K, ill ( 'tl//<. \Vl I.I.I \M I KWINK. \ R. M nVIihl.I., > .- ,, ... , t'lif c/ the Statt (',. lUVIS, ) I >;IN HOYI.!-:, .v. : , !/ t/lC Sitlt,'. ItiioKC.K Mr.Aiu-:, i .UN MKASK, Till >M \S iMT/SIMi >NS, I 1 >H N Si i HI-:, J..HN NIXON, I'.i NJ. l-'ri.i.i.R, AM'UIAV C AI.I'WI-'.I.I., I \M ! s C \i.n\vi; 1. 1., TKNCII FRANCIS, JOHN MruKAV, AliSKNT. (', l.< >RC, ]; IlKNKY, J()HN I >< INN AI.II.SON, JIIIIN HARCI.AY, JOHN I'ATTIIN, JOHN ]',RO\VN. JOHN MOVI.AN, M. M. O'BkiKX, FKANCI.-. Ji iiiNSTi IN, TlIii.MAS IlAUCI.AN', \VII.I.IAM YVK.vr, JCN'R, JOHN r\TTi;RSii.N, jA.Mi'.s MOYI.AN, JOHN I5\Kiul Sea. X. \\. All the Honorary .Members were absent. Mr. \Ym. Constable having l)een dnly ])ropose(l, was unanimously e'eeled a Meinb-.r ut the v Society. Mr. \\"n:. Ilmnke having' also been proposed, Doct'r Shiell thought jiroprr to decline proceeding on his Kleelion lor the ]>resent on aee't of M:. Ilonrke'.^ absence, he be in;,; ^one to tlie \\'est Indias. MR. AKCH'D ( '..\.MH!.i:. 1>\ .MR. MATT. MKASK, (ii N i K A :. J{ i i\v' i ' I ! \\n, (',] N ; KAI. H; M'.Y K \ U i .\\>. IPV MR. J< ui N 1'. ARC LAY. of wh.ieh tlie Secretary i> order'd to i;ive ]>ro])er notice to the Mein- bers. H:- Ivxcellency ( reneral Washington was nnaiiinionsly Adopted a men; ; " i' ol ; li is Socie'. \ . ( ):'i'eref] That the ['resident, \"ice-President ec v Seci'etar\' wait on hi- I'.xee'lency with a Suitable Address on the Occasion, oc thai thcv Present him \\i'.h a Mc-'ai ia the name oi the- Societv. ANo. thai th \ Invite his Ivxcellency cc hi-- Suit to an Kntertain- nu-nt to be pre] ared X; ^i\ - eii !:im at the- Cit\" Ta\~ern on tuesday, tlie :' ' of J.u-u ; , to V,-: 1 .; ': the Secret' v : : directed to Invite the Pres- idents of tin- S'.a'e X of Congress, the Ministc-r of I'rance, Mr. Mar- . Mr. <>, the Chief Justice, the Speaker of the House of As- sembly, Mr. Francisco Reiidon, Mr. Ilolker, Count I )e I, a Tonche & Count I)il!on. \\". th all the (reneral < )f1icers that ma\' be in the city. 1'ropoxfl, ;]i,-i: the number < :' Honorary members shall be- en- cre ist : \K i.\\' C A i.i i \VKI.I,, " JAM KS M ICASI-:, SHARP I )I;I,ANY, I-'.^o.. MR. I ). H. CoNYNi'.IIAM, " ( ',}.< >RC, !; I IKNR\ , " III. AIR McCl.KN \L MAN, " AI,I;X'K Ni'.s;;n":', " JOHN DON NAI,I>S< IN, JOHN BARCLAY, JAMI ; .S C RA\VI-( )R;>. JOHN I'ATTI IN. JAMKS CAI.IIU !:i.i., Ji >I;N DrNi.Ai', Hrc.ii SHII.I.L, Cri-:oRc,i; 1 ITGHKS, M. M. < )'P,RI l.N, JASJM;K MOYI.AN, I-'.so., CoI.O, Hl'HRAIM Hl.AIN!-:, CHARI.I:S STKWART, WALTI-;R STKWART, FRANCIS J' UINSTI >N. D( )CT'li JoH N Ci >CH RAN, MR. WILLIAM CONSTAI;I.K, HKNRY HILL, Hso., R( Uii-'.RT Mi iRRIS, F!S< J.. SAMI ;-:i. MKUIUHTH. I-'.s >. GI-.DRC.I': C'AM i'i;i.i.i., IVSM., I'rctidcnf, THOM \s I'IT/SI.MONS, / . /'., ( 'ri-'.N' I. W \SIII M ,T( >N, A. N!)K I-.W C \ I.DWKLL, J. M. N'l-.SIUTT, AI.KX'R NI.SI-.ITT, ' on N BARCLAY, \\"M. I'> \RCI.AN'. SHARP I )>. I.A N \ , D. H. CONYN.,:: \ ..:. II re. H Si 1 1 I.I.L, Toil N MlTCHKLL. W\I.TI:R ST;;W \K;\ STKPH J:N Mo% LAN. JOHN IM-NI. VP. B 1-. N | V. M I N I ' ; !.[.!; K , Ci 1 \Rl.i S S'Pl \\"A RT. I-'. I'M ': \ : M !':. \ IN: . I \ M . -. M ; v -- : . M v r,-'v. Mi v>- . IOHN M,,\ LAN, Tin-: I'RiHNDi.Y SONS OF ST. PATRICK. Ii 'UN Ml ASK, \\'M. C 'NSTAlil.l-:, C.KN'I. 1 I \ MI, S \ MI II. C \ !.I'\\ 1 I.I. 1 1 ' n N S 1 1 1 i , ("T|-:ORC,I Mi \i>r, 1 \sri:i< MI IVI.A N. *i >HN C \ I >\Y A I.I. \ I >:.R, i. .. M lir.R T C U)WA 1. 1. A IH R, " \ M I.S Si A K I.I', < ICHAKl ' 1'I.N N, '.V.M I I \M II.', ON, : ^. M ITCH KM,, | i ,. 1 1 \\ :s, i .-,.- ,_,''.'''; i- S.'ti ". \Vll.SON. J Tn< is. I'. \i. i. AY, \VM. \\'i.sr. JR., _". I' \TTI-: KSU.N, . MI iVI.AN, / .1 <>/ 'N, ( ', : N !.;; AI. LINCOLN, i '. !-:N ' I. I MCK ! NS( IN, I i!-.N'l. MI iri.TKI !:, ( '.i N'I. S'rn.i.N, M K. M TH U.N in KC.H, i. Tl I.I .II MAN. I Ir:-.i i'HK ; ', s, M [i 'K Till IS. M i' .Hi , ( '.IIV'R DICKINSON, RollI-IKT MoRR IS, RICH'D HACHK, SAMTI-.I. MKKKIUTH, IIl.NRV II 1 1, 1,. AHSKNT. J. BOYI.K, si(-/c, A N T H ' \' W A Y N 1 . RICH' i) RCTI.KK J. COCHKAN, \V. IRWINI-:, JOHN NIXON, THNCH FRANCIS, JOHN MCRRAY, R. M'Cl.i-.NACHAN, JOHN DONNAI.DSON, JOHN I'ATTON, JOHN BROWN, FRANCIS JOHNSTON, // CiJtHp. Guests. MAJOR WAi.Ki'.R, MCl'HKRSON, CAPT. COI.IU-'AX, TRTXTON, MR. CARROI.I., Col. I. INS, " DA N'I. CI.ARK, DAVID HOOPS, DOCT'R II AC. I;N. Mr. Aivhilu'.'! (ramble, (icn'l IvKv'd Hand, (a-iTl Knox and Ca])t. riiouui-- Rrai: \\xrc severally ballotted tor, c\: unanimously e members \ tin- v^oo;ct\'. ' ORC,! CAM pp.i-.r.i, /'/ /,:"/. . "':,'- Hi I.I,, M ' .: - ' ' 's on Monda\\ the i~' Till-: I-RIKNDLY SONS Ol ; ST. PATRICK. JASI'KR MOYI.AN, \V A I.T !: R Sr i : \v A KT, I I. H. COXYXC.HAM, JOHN Movi. \N. I, CAI.D\Y!.I.I.. ANSI-INT. HKNRY IIn.i., JOHN DICKI xso.x, ROHKRT MORRIS, RICHARD I'KXX, OHX CAD\VAI.I.ADKR, I.AMHKKT CAIAVAI.LADKR, JAMKS SKARI.K, RICHARD BACHK. SAMTI-.I. MKRKDITH, I WILUAM HAMILTON, STKPHKN MOYLAN, "i KmvAki, HANI,', j <&# ( ii-;.\'L ( T. \VASHINC.TOX, ' -i.X'L KXOX, V.'II.I.IAM \V.'-:sT, JR., "> 'OHN I'ATTKKSOX, " \.MKS MOYI.AN, J 'OHN MAKRY, 'OHN M i rcuKi.L, JR.. .' " 1 AC A 1,1,, THOMAS R I:AD, J Till 'MAS 1'AKCI.AY, f>i'\ i !HN I'ATTON. JAMI'.S C AI.I)\VI:I,I., Ji iHN I >rXI.Al', IM'i. M. < KBklKN, l'',riIRAl.M Bl.AIXlC, \Vl I.I.I AM CoXSTA)!!.):, l-'k \ XL is JOHNSTON, John Maxwell Xesbitt was elected President, cc John Miteliell \';ee- President, for the ensuing Year. {'] >n Motion Made c\: vSeconded, it was carry M by vote the I-'ines lor X oil-attendance shall be doubled hereafter. Co!!. Thomas Robinson is proposed as a Candidate by Mr. (ieor!>e Campbell. Upon Motion made cv vSeconded THlv FRIKNDIA >ONS OF ST. PATRICK. JOHN Mrrcmci.i., /'.-/'., I A M i:s M ic A. sic, SAM IT: i. C \ U>\\T:U., AI.I.XAN ni.K NKSHITT, JOHN DONNAI.DSON, JOHN BARCLAY, SHART I >KI.ANY, llrc.n SHIICLL. At an annual meeting of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, held at the City Tavern, on Monday, the Kjth March, PRKSKNT. J. M. Nl.SBITT, /Vf'.sA/cV II- c.ii SH r;-:i.i., I >. 11. CoN YNC.HAM, J \s CK A\VI ; i >RI>. I'.I.N i \ M IN Fru.KR, Sn \ R i' 1 Mci.ANY, J VMIO M ICASIC, ('.!.( >RC. ic I Irc.Hi'.s, Jos. \Vn.soN, J VSI'KK MoYl.AN, Ji HIN Sli I-'.l-:, ARCH' 1 1 ( AM HI. ic, Tl(( iM \s R], \ |.. Till IMAS Kc HilNSON, J VMI!S C M.Ii\VI-:i.I., (',1:1 >KC ,1-. MI \DIC, I 1 i II N N I \ i i N . I'.I.AIK McCl.l-iN \CHAN, TilOS. 1 ; IT/SI Me INS, JOHN Mo Y i. AN. MATT'NV M ICASIC, ,' II A K I,I-;S S'l'i.\\ ART, :- \ M'l. C \ i.ii\\ I.I.I., JOHN DI-NI.A !', AI.ICXK. \K,SH:TT, S'i'iCI'HlCN MoYl.AN, A NT HI INY \\" \ \ P N I-., i\ 1C i I \R! ' Br'i'LICR. \\'AI.TI-:R xncw \RT, Ion N COCHRAN, < ', I . N'l. ( ,. \V.\SH JX<", Kmv'i. HANI., R \ N 1 1] Tnos B\iu ;.\-, . ' ,l,c IRC,] 1 ' [' )HN BoY 1.1 .V ''. WM. \Vi JOHN I" . ' \M M \ :. \v [..UN I'.M I V, JOHN BRI \\ N . CHAKI.ICS Hi'.ATi.Y, JOHN I'ATTON, IVIMIRAIM lil.AlNIC, JOHN I IONNAI.II.SON, Ml,. M. O'HKIKN, TiCNi'H I-'KANCIS. JOHN CONNOR. Hon'y Mt'inh' i-s. LAM I;'T CADXVAI.I.ADER, SAM' i. M iCKicniTii, RICH' i) HACHIC. HICNUY I In. i., ROIUCKT MOKK:S, JOHN C.\i)\vAi.i..\i)iCR. Guests. Coi,. MickC!:i-', DOCT'R DRAI-ICK, Ol.IVICR I'OI.I.OL K, I ; .SO'R. MR. W.M. HrxTKK, CiiCN'i. McDorc.Ai.i,, (iiCN'i, BARON STr::;cN. VlClC-1'R ICSI DICNT I-;\VI NC,, HON'AHI.IC I-',. BOTDINOT, /'trsi'J. of Cong. HON'AHI.K Tuos. MI-KI;.\N, C.Jn.. iiicoRr, ic CAMI-HICLL, JOHN M ICASIC, JOHN .M ITCH i.i.i,, A.ND'NV CAI.D\\ i i.!., JOHN MTRRAY. PrlCOROK HlCNRY, JOHN !', \ RCI.AY, \\'M. C- IN.ST MILL, I-'R \NCIS Jon N>TI IN, ISAAC A 1,1., (>t'\ >" / St\i. II. .!/. J' )HN I )!( KINSO- R 1C 11 VRI) I'l NX, J A M ICS SlCA KM- , JOHN I.ARl'NICR. /'*> Till-: 1 KIF.NDI.Y SoNvS OI ; ST. PATRICK. So Mr. Oliver Pollock is proposed as a Candidate 1>\ Mr. M. Mease, Capt. John (ireen " l>v Cap:. Harry, S: Mr. James Collins " by Duct'r Shiell. Mr. Francis West, ^1 Mr. John Connor, | were unanimously Klected Members of the Mr. Hu^h Moore, & j" vSociety. Charles Heatlv, At a Meeting of the Council at the President's House, ~th June PRKSKNT J. M. Ni-:sruTT, JAMKS MI-'.ASI-:, JOHN BARCLAY, SAM'I. CALOWI:!.!., DOCT'R II. SHIKI.L. (Ordered that George Kvans be en^ai^ed to prepare a Dinner for fifteen, cc that John 15arclay c\: vSain'l Caldwell make choice of the Liquors. At a Meeting of the vSociety of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, held at the City Tavern on Tuesday, the i jth June, 17^3, John Maxwell Xesbitt was elected President, Andrew Caldwell Vice-President, oc Sanf 1 Caldwell Treasurer and Secrctarv for the ensuing year. Mr. Oliver Pollock, Capt. John (Ireen >S: Mr. James Collins, were b.il'.oted for, and unanimously chosen Members of this Society. Whereas, the War hath Interrupted the Intercourse with drcat Dritain >S: thereby put it out of the Po\vc-r of the Members who have been Klected since its Commencement of ]iro\-idin^' themse!\x-s \\-;th Menials, agreeable to the ( )ri^iual Rules of the Societv, therefore, ( irdered, That the vSecretary shall write to Mr. William W<-st. f >r as many as may be wanted l>y the Members, who are requested to si'jmty their desire of bein^ Supplied, and to pav int<> his hands three (i;;:ne;is oc a half besides thirty Shillings I-'ntranc-e in Order to be remitted lo Mr. West, to enable him to comply with the Order. And as Mr. James Mease supplied the Society with his own Me da! Tin-: \\ M Nr.smrr, riYs:J \ u' A; :., i i ; n S 1 1 1 1 i.i,, i I. C<> NY. NT. HAM, . N I >i NI. \ r, UN Mi vsi:, .i \ \NI>KK Xl-SHITT, . :TH \.\\ Ml AST, UN M o \ 1 . A N , UN 1',RO\\ N, S TIAVART, Ji'IIN H\KKY, J \sri.u Mi >YI.AN, ( ". i ; oi-n; K M i-; \ m-;, I-'K \NCIS JOHNSTON, JOHN 1 )( INN AI.;>SON, SAMTI-X CAi.mvKi.i.. R icn AKi) H \cn i-:. MR. I)ANII:I, CI.ARK, M R. ROOK I:R, Cn KY'R PAT i. J< )Ni-:s, CAPT. ADAM HOOPS. ABSKNT. STl'.l'HKN M< lYI.AN, RANI ii. i: M ITCH i.i.i., C,] IRC.] IIAMS, JOHN M' RRAY, C I! \RI.1 > ST1 \\ A K'. , JoH N On II KAN, i ', ORT.I-: \VASHINC.TON, S/alt'. }.; V. VRI> II \NI, I . ! . N ' I, K N ' > X , Tin IMA< KKAI>, f oHN ( ". R l-'.l.N, (ill IN M ITCH!-: 1. 1., Tllo .; \s P, \ KCI.AY, \Vii.u \:-: \Vi ST, JOHN PATT::KM>N, J A M I-.S M< lYI.AN, P.I. \ I R McCl.KNACHAN. JOHN M ; ;vii :.;.!., JTN'R, \~ Jteyoiid Sea. <',!-: i ikc.i. HIV.HKS, I'll \VlI.-< IN, \i< ' : :-. \ i. n ( "FAMIII.; . < >I !V! !-: PI if.I.OCK, A NTHi iNY \V.\YN1-:, . \\'i 1,1,1 AM I R \YINI:, ) s\h.\i-ul and l'"u:cd. (F!-:ORC.K CAMI-HKU., 10.9. THOS. I'IT/.SIMONS, ro.v. Ji IIIN SHI-:I-:, io\. I ( > H N X I X o N , ! o V. P.KNJAMIN I'l'I.I.KK, lov. ANDRI-:\V CAI.I>\VKI.L, J.\ MI-:S ^II-:ASI-:, i TKNCH IMI:I.ANY, io\. ( '. I-:ORI; i. 1 1 I;NRY, lo.v. ]( IHN P.AKCI.AY, , - . JAMI-:S C R A\VI ; < IRD in -. JOHN I'ATTON, io\. M'l, M. O'PiKIl.N, I K ]-;pHRAIM I'.I.AINI-:, I>>,. I 1 ) H N C o N N o R , I i . C HARI.I.S I I KATI.Y; I > I I IV, H MOI IRK, to, FRANCIS WKST, u> I \MF.S C' H. I. INS, K' THOMAS ROIHNSON. lo- I!: '.; ; lln.i., I IK KINsoN, Ro] ;:RT MI .RK ---;, Pi NN, - i. \ i > i-: Mr. William I'onrkr, havinp; Ix^n forme: 1 '. ; : i]>i >>(.(! 1 >\ H Sli:< '.', was this (lav ballottt.-'! for and inianimonsly Kk-ctctl a Me c.:' ' S.., : - -,-. ber Till-; FKIF.NDLY SON'S (.)! ST. 1'ATRICK PHII.A;>'A. JM'.'M S A I'T. ISAAC AI.I. : Sir: Enclosed y<.)ii have John Green's Hill of Kxchange at thirty day- ohiison of I.oiiiloii lor Four hundred ON: thirty-nine I.ivtv-. Tourno:> >ii will negotiate in the most advantageous way, \: \\ith the mon .t as many .Medals tor the St. Patrick's Society as will amount to bring them along with you. The l)ies were left in the care of Mr. William Moore (Voldsmith >w No. .}, to whom you will please to applv a reasonable time befor Mm I. olid. in that he may have time to prepare them. Your attention to this small matter will very much oblige- a numbe f the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick as well as Sir, Y'r verv IFble Serv'l, Copy. (Signed) SAM' the S I. CAI.mVKI,!.. At the Annual Meeting of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, held at the City Tavern the lyth March, 1784 J. M. NKSBITT, /'/r.f / ' \v C A 1. 1 >\v K 1. 1, , I '.-f., H I.AI K McC i, i : N AC 1 1 A x, JoHN 1'ATTON, ANTHONY WAYXK, I). II. Coxvxr.HAM, FR \.\cis Wi-:sr, Ji X'R, CirAKI, I'.S I I HATI.Y, TlKiS. F'lT/.SIMDNS, Pvi)\v'n HAND. Si'Kl'Hl-.N MI-;i.ANV, Ti'.xcn FRANCIS, Ji IHN HARRV, JOHN HARCI.AY. WM. HorKKi-.. Ilon'y Mc'ui' <. foHN PICKIXSOX, UOH'T MORKI^. RICH' i' I', v ;; JriM'.i; ! I< H-KI NSON, I M r;.Ri \ i. R i;Sii)]-:xr, MR. Ri'.xnox, iov'H MORRIS, MR. HOYI.K, MR. I'oij.ioTT. Guest*. THK FRIHNDLY SONS <)! ST. PATRICK. I >OCT'R I'.. DrKi ; iKU>, MR. I.YNCH, Ki'.i: M KAI:, MR. AHSKXT. I H N N I X c i N , 15.9. IP! N I AMIN l-'n.LKR, 155. Gi-.i iRi.i: I IKNRY, i5.v. AI.KX. Nl-SL.ITT, i .v^. J ANJKS CRA\VI-ORP, 1 5\. I Irc.ii SHIKI.L, i s.s\ RICHARD lU'Ti.KR, 155. '< '1!N MoYI.AN, '5 v - \\'i 1. 1. 1 AM C( INSTAHI.1- 1 5-^. i-'k ANCIS JOHNSTON, 155. Urc.ii MOORI:, 155. <$ 15.?. Oct. R \NM.I. Mn'ciii'.i.L, ( -i.( >RC, K 1 1 \ \ :s. WILLIAM \\'I-.ST. ii iHX Ml'RRA Y. - Out of the State. I-J'H'M I'.I.AIN!'., j' >HN COCHKAN, ( i KX KRA i, WASHINGTON, ARC H i HA LI > G A M BI.K , GICNICRAI. KNOX, THOMAS RKAD, Jonx MITCHKLL, THOMAS BARCLAY JOHN PATTKRSON, JAMKS MOYI.AN, JOSKPH WILSON, WALTI-:R STKWAR- ISAAC ALL, OLIYKR POLLOCK, JOHN GRKKNK, Members. JOHN V Out of the state. - Ih'vond Sea. , I\IICRI-;DITH, LAMUI-:RT CADWAI.I.ADJ :R, IlKNRY HlI.L, RlCH'l) I'KNN, JAMKS vSi-iARi.i-;, JOHN JvARDNKR. Mt-L-tin^ of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick at I>yrne's, ijtli March, 1785 PRKSKNT. J. M. NI-SHITT, T. I ; IT/SIMONS, J . N r \ o N , !'.. P.I.AINK, I. ALL. GKN'I. IN \VINI-:, " VMKS MKASK, M \TT'\V M HASH, " \ MKS C.\ M ri'.i.i.L, Mi -\ R I' I >KL \ N'Y, \I.KX'R N LSI; ITT, 'oHN r.:-:i i\\ N . ' P \TToX, JOHN BARCLAY, AND'\V CALD\VKLL, J. MITCHKLL, JR., GKO. Mi- ADI-:, J. COLLINS, G. lire. HI-:S, JAMKS CRAWFORD, SAM'I, CAI.D\VI-:IJ,, CH ARI.KS 1 1 I-:ATLY. //. M. J. C.\ D\VALI..\I)I-:R, R. HACIII., II. HILL. J. DlCKKNSON, J. J.AKDNKK. JOHN MI.ASI-:, C \i'T. Ci. \ i: K, Col,. J. MOORI;, THIv l-'KIHMUA" SUNvS Ol- ST. PATRICK. MR. BOYI.K, MR. I'.ROU'.N, CAI-T. CAIN, MK. \V. CAI.IAVKI.L, Mk. CTHKY, MR. 1 1 ATI. v, MR. POWKI.I., Jrix.K II Mr. S. Caldwell proposes Col. James Moore as a Candidate. Mr. Collins proposes Mr. Thos. Lea as a Candidate. In Council loth March, 1786 PRKSKNT. J. M. NI-:SIUTT, /'resident, (rKx'i, MOYI.AN, I). II. CONYNV.HAM, JAMKS CRAWFORD, JOHN HARCI. \Y, SAM'I. CAI.D\VI-:I.I.. OrdM that the Sec'ry be directed to Issue the Notices to all the Members to meet on Friday, the ijth lust. , at Edward Moyston's at 1 > past 4 o'Clock. 20 Dinners to be bespoke. PKKSIDKNT OK THK STATIC, ClIll'.K Jl'STICK, X'.-I'RI-.SIDI-'.NT ()! THK STATK, Si.c'v ARMSTKONC,, COI.. II(AVARI), I' A RA'S HOPKINSON, \VM. TKMi- 1 '!. ( ri-;N'i. DICKINSON, (iKN'l. MlKFI.IN. Gen. Moylan to speak for the Dinners c\: examine the Liquors. At a Meeting of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick at the Citv Tavern, ijth Dec'r, 17^7 PRKSI:NT. J. M. NKSHITT, AI.I-:X'R NLSIUTT, ]i 'UN I'.ROU'N, < '. IN' I. S'l'l W \ RT, < M.1VKK ]'i U. I.OCK, 'I'm 'MAS I.I. \. 1). II. C< NVNC,HAM, Guests. 00 i' i-RiKNDi.Y SONS or ST. PATRICK. Mr. Hn^h lloyle, Win. P>rown, John CalcUvell c\: RichYl Peters, an Hor.'v Member, were nnannnously Klected Members. A motion was made ami seconded for altering the times of meet'g from (J;:arterly to hall yearly meetings, ec that they be held in future on tile 171!! .March cc 171!! Sept'r, which is leftover to be determined on the ijth March next, of which the Sec'ry is to <;ive Notice. At a Meeting of the Sons of St. Patrick at the City Tavern on Monday, tiic 171)1 March, 1788 J. M. NISKITT. RlCH'li i'.CTI.I.K, JiiH N BARCLAY. .\I.I-:.\'K N KS1UTT, WAI. '1'K K S'l'KWART, I '. I . A I R M C C I . ! . N AC 1 1 AN, P \T'K M< lOKI-:, \\"M. P.KII\VN. JoHN I'-Ri >\VN, i ',i-:i -.Hi >; in.s, jolIN I )( iNNAI.DSON, JOHN PATTON, PRKSKNT. Hrc,n ROVI.H, THOMAS Li-:\, JOHN WICST, JOHN CAI.D\VKI.L, JOHN Dr.M.Ai', JOHN TAVIS, >SAM'I, CAI.DWICLL, JOHN NIXON, GKO. MICA DI-:. IIoiT TV Memb RICH'D HACMK. Jrsricr. McK KAN, J : STICK II( tl'KINSON, < F );<>. K< >ss, Guests. - WORK, Iln'.H ('FAIN, \V.M. N}-:I.SON. . \ K SIR The Members who have nsnallv attended on this business are I)] VK SIK : \\'he:; I reo 'il your polite Note Yestenlav I was jn>t thinking of writing yon on the ' ' ' ' ' a;i'l am niu.-h obliged to the ( ',entli-nu-n of the Society for releasing me ' Si ' -.'.Inch on acc't of mv Inili--position I have not been able to TIIK I-RII-:NDI.Y SONS or ST. PATRICK hand, also a list of the members names and all tlu- loose minutes that were sent to me ; these have not been entered lor maiiv vears back Ouing partlv to uiv neglect, parth to my Indisposition, iS: partly to the Minutes not having been sent to me at all. Tin Acco't of m\ Treasnrership vou will find verv imperfect, ..V as it --lands mav induce a belief that tlu- Balance is against me : the l-'act is the Contrary, however, tho' I cannot pretend to state it exactly now, for the Debit vide contain.-, nil the moneys 1 ever rece'd on acco't of the Societv, oC to the Credits should be added -~ever.il slim- e\pended for printing Notices iY Imitation Card--, ccc., lornieriv. X the price of a Medal I >eiit for by Order of the Society, to replace the one got tr'ni James Mease to present to (',eif! Washington when lie was adopted a member; it cost ;v. (>:!. Stcr. , \ Case 1 1/. ; whatever may be supposed in mv !a\-or, if it ma\- be thought snflicie'.it to answer for my tines for absence which will be tonnd very few while I was able to attend; 1 shall be content. In the year 1774 1 had verbal Orders to coiled the lines, and made an attempt to execute them, but I found it so disagreeable a service that I was obliged to drop it ; indeed I found it neither practicable nor worth the trouble. Yon will see bv mv acco't in the Hook that very few of the Kntr.mce moncvs have been received. If it may be thought proper bv the Comp'v that either these or the tines should be col- lected, I will cheerfully assist my successor in stating them. The list of names i> c< ni\- plete as far as has come to my knowledge. Mr. Cieorge I.attiinore was propo-ed by Mr. James Crawford on the i 7th March, 1701, but I know not whether was ever bal- loted for. Probably I may never have the pleasure of meeting the I-'riendly Sons in their Con- vivial Hilarity. My Son David has an ambition to become one of the Societv ; lie is now turned of 23 years of age, and I wish, him to be thought worthv of that Honor. \Vill you do him oc me the fav'r to propose him at next meeting. I am very Respectfully, Dear Sir, Y'r very H'ble Serv't, SAM'I. CAi.mvi.i.i.. (i.'li Miir, /'.', i 7q.;. At an Annual meeting of the Society held at the City Tavern on Monday, the iSth March, 17^3 JOHN !!ARK\', SH \ K i' I )I-:I.ANV, I.\SI'I';K Mi)\i..\N, D. II. CoNYN' ,H \M, JOHN WI.ST. 1 1 'I! V C\I.1)\\'1.I.!., JOHN DI NI. \P, Ti HIM \s I'nv.si \:(ix PRKSI-.V b >!! N BARCLAY, ( ii-ioRc,]-: LATIM I-:R, (',;.( IKI.I. Hi . , ii ! s, !{l';l R \ I M I'.I. \ IN I-!, Ri IHI:R r R \ : N i:\ , JOHN MI.\S! , I \ M is C \M ri;i.i.i., \\'t I. I.IAM C U.I >\V 1 1. Tin- FRIHNDLY SUNS OF ST. PATRICK. Guests. Mk. |K FI-KRSON, MK. HAMILTON, MR. BILLKR. MR. TKHNANT, GHN'I. KNOX, Ji IH;K WILSON, MR. CASSKNKAVK, iV TWO Si'ANisn GKNTI.KMEN. Mr. J. M. Xesbitt, the President of the Society, being indisposed, could not attend; therefore the Members requested Mr. Thomas Fit/.sinums to lake the Chair, which he did. Mr. John Hleakley was proposed a Candidate by Mr. John Cald- wcll. Mr. David CauKvell was proposed by Mr. Saml. Caldwcll, of which the Secretarv is to give due Notice. At a meeting of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick held at the House of Samuel Richardet on the ijth March, 1796 The following Members were r.KN'L STKl'HKN MOVI.AN, THOMAS I : IT/SIMONS, jAsl'I'.K Mi iVI.AN, J VMl'.S Cl< \\V1-'OKI), JOHN I.LAMV, [IIHN BARRY, I ; KANVIS \Vl-:ST, ( ',!:( i !;>: I In; HI-:S, J' >HN CALHWICLL, THOM'S I.. MOOR K, JOHN I)rxLAi% JOHN BARCLAY, PATRICK MOOKK, WILLIAM HINC.HAM, OLIVKK POLLOCK, JOHN HLKAKLKY, JOHN MOYLAN, ROB'T RAINKY, Tm>s. ROBINSON, JOHN BROWN. The place of President and Vice-President being vacant by the resignation of Mr. John Maxwell Xesbitt & Mr. Jasper Moylan, the members proceeded to the Election of a President cc Vice-President when (rcneral Ste])hen Moylan was unanimously elected President, and Thomas Fit/simons ^Cs'r was Elected Vice-President. LIST OF OFFICERS AXI) MFMBFRS Till- FRIHXDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK, WITH Till-: DATI'S OF TIIF.IK KUvO'lON. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Stephen My:au, March 17, 1771 John M. Xesbitt, June 17, 1773 William West. June 17, 1774 Benjamin Fuller, June 17, 1776 Thomas Barclay, June 17, 1779 George Campbell, June 18, 1781 John M. Xesbitt, June 17, 1783 Stephen Moylan, March 17, 1796 John M. Xesbitt, March William West, June Thomas Batt, June Benjamin Fuller, June Thomas Barclay, June George Cani])bell, June Thos. Fitxsimons, June John Mitchell, June Andrew Caldwell, June Jasper Moylan, vSept. Thos. iMt/.simous, March 1771 \\iiliamMitchell, March 17, 17": Ber.jamui Fuller, March 17, 177^ Samuel Caldwell, Sept. S, 1775 John Brown, Sept. i 7. ; 792 Mi'.MI', l-'.KS 101. All, Ca])t. Isaac . . . . 1 781 Barclay, John .... 1779 Barclay, Thomas Barcla\-, William Barry, Commodore John Batt, Capt. Thomas Blaine, Col. F!!phraim . lileakly, John Bourke, William P)0yd, Dr. Robert . . Boyle, Hu^h Bo\'le, John .... Brown, John .... Brown, William Butler, Gen. Richard . Caldwel!, Andrew . Caklwell, David . . Caldwell, James Caldwell, John . Caldwell, Samuel Caldwell, William . . Campbell, ( ieor^e . Campbell, James Carsan. Samuel . Clark, Daniel . . . Cochrau, 1 )r. John . Collins, James Connor, J< >hn Constable, \\'::liam CMi\'ii^ham, I )a\'id 1 1. Crawford, J unes Davis, Greor-e . . . Delany. .Sharp I )onnaldson, Ji ihn . Dnn!a:>, Jolr.i 181 Tin: i kiKxni.Y SONS OF ST. I-ATRICK Frskinc, \\ illiam I 7 N , Nesbitt, John Maxwell '77' Fit/simons, Thorn, is '77i Nesbitl, Aicxander 1778 Fo>tcr, Alexander . >7'M Nichols, Col. l-'rancis . J 7 S -1 Francis, Tench .... 1 77 l \ ix< 'ii, Col. John '77 1 Francis, C< >1. Tnrbntt . '77 1 i>'I'>rien, Michael Morgan 1781 Fuller, llciijamin '77' Patterson, John .... 1772 Fnlierion, ( ic< >r^e . '77 1 1'atton, Coi. John . 17711 ( iambic, Archibald 1782 Pollock, ( )liver .... I ~8 " < ilcll, R( il >ert .... i 772 Raniev, Robert .... I 7ci I ( iray, Robert .... 1781 Read, Capt. Thomas . / ) 1782 i ireen, Capl. John . 1 7 s 3 Robinson, Cob Thomas . I 7 82 1 land, ( icn. F-i ward 1782 Shoe, ( icn. John '77 ! I lawlhorn, James '7 ( ^ Shidl, Dr. Hn-h . . . 1780 1 leallv, Charles .... i 78 ^ Stewart, Coi. Charles . 1781 I lenrv, ( ieor^c .... '775 Stewart, (icn. Walter . 1770. I lolnies, Capl. Alexander 178 > Thompson, (icn. William i77s Holmes, Hn-h . . . . i79i Washington, (icn. ( ieor^e 178; IIll^lK-s, (ieo:-e . . . 1781 Adopted mcmU-r. I rvnie, ( ieii. William . 1781 Wavne, (ien. Anthony '77-i John-ton, Col. Francis '77') \Vest, Francis, Jr. [ 7' s .> K. nox, ( icn. I leiirv I ~8"> Wc-st, John i 780 Lalimer. Lieut. -Col. ( ieor^t. 1 / ~ - ^7 ( > l West, William .... 77' Lea, Thomas .... / ' ,~) West, William, Jr. . i 7 7 ..' Leamv, [olin .... r 792 White, John i 7 7 2 L'> 'ii ch, I "1 vsses I "~~ I Wilson, Joseph .... i 78 1 McClcnachan, Illair / III Mcade, (ieor-e . . . . \ 771 H< >N< iRAKY MI-.M liHKS ! 5- M'. ase, James .... i 77 i P>ache, Richard .... '77- Mease, John '77 1 liin^liam, \\biliam . '7'^ Mease, M ilhew .... '77 1 Cadwalader, Col. Lambert 1772 M :tche 1, b >hn i i C a d w a 1 a d c v ( i c j i '. I o 1 1 1 1 *~ "* I I )ick ins< m, John l i Ii; he 1 R indie i i II ; T (\n ITerrv 1 / / ' I 1 1 J i , V (l l. IlLI.,^ I I .Ii! he 1. William . . . 1 . / ' Hicks, William .... 1 77 : I .or -. H::,li . . . ' -X -i Hamilton \Vin (droi)i)ed) i i 1 / , ' 1 :v, \I / J usies . . : 7 S .^ Lardiu-r, John ! 7 " ' .1. -.:-,-. [' '.rick : 786 Morris Robert i i Movl in, i .::; . . . . T ~> Meredith, ( ien. Samuel / / ' 1 7 7 : ' Ian, [.i-].. r . i -S i Moore, Co'. Th<>mas Llo\d \~ d Mo V ; in, John . . 1 781 Peter^ Richard Movl in, (i< :. St< '::< n Peiin, Hon. Richard i i 1 773 M--.-r-- . ':: I 772 Scarle, hunes . _ . BIOGRAPHICAL SK.ETCIIKS niii PRII-NDLY SONS or ST. PATRICK. Isaac All, 1781. Was the captain <>f a merchant vessel belon^iuj^ to Mease anil Caldwell. Verv little is known about him. ("poll January 2, 177-, anil attain on November 10, 1774, he was registered as master of the ship " Richard 1'cnii," 21x1 tons, and the /\'iins\'lriiniii l7i>'i>ntt'/e' u( September 19, 1772, notes the arrival at Philadelphia of the ship " Richard 1'eiin," Captain All, with Mr. and Mrs. Mease, Mrs. Harclav and others as passengers. IK 1 was elected a member of the Societv on June IN. ijSi, but he seems to have been in constant service, for he is almost continuouslv marked " bey did sea " and is recorded as present at but three- meetings, vi/., March 17. I7>>, March 17 and June 17, i7Ss,. In the minutes \\ e linil a eopv of a letter written to him at London, bv Samuel Caldu eii, Sccretarv ot the Societ v, enclosing a ilrat't for .) \^ livrcs '1'ournois, and requesting him to obtain as manv medals fur the member> as he could pro- cure lor that sum. He must have died prior to June 25, i~^i. as we find that letters of administration upon hi> estate were granted upon that date to Robert Hopkins, Jr. John Barclay, 1770. Was born in Ball yshaimoii, Countv Donegal, Ireland, and came to America shortlv before 779. He. was a shipping merchant and ['resident ot the Hank ot Pcn:is\-l\ ania. .' !e was one of the lift ecu aldermen chosen uider the new citv charter in April, I 7^. <. and was Mayor of the citv in 171-1. In :7>,t he was selected as treasurer of the lunds raise. 1 " for the relief of families of persons who have marched against the western insurgents." He was a member of the St.att Senate, iSio is,].), anil 'lied August S, is-f). Mr. Harclav wa< a mem- ber of the First Citv Troop and ot t'... Hibernia l-'ire Companv. He was m.ir- ried twice. His second wife w.ts M..r;. Searle, to whom he was married in Christ Church on December n, I7 s i. H\- this marriage he had issue as follows; -si. Marv Harclav, married to Colonel Clem- ent Hiddle. Their children were, John Harclav Hiddle idied January, i>>7<- ( ', phvsician and professor in the Jefferson Medical College; George W. Hiddle. one of the most eminent lawvers of Phi'.a- deljihia, .tnd Colonel Chapman Biddle, who died December, |SSo. 2<1. John M. Harclav. captain of dragoons, I'. S. A., who married Mar.^uretta O'Cne of : original members oi the Societ\ and its President from |une 17, '.~~^. to June 17. 17^1. was a native of Ireland, \slio lja,i ell n y rated like Illanvof t he otller lllem bet-sand established himself in tiutcan Revolution. He was a member of the firm of Carson, Barcla\ \: Mit.- ; :e',l, after- BA wards, September, 1775, the firm of Bar- clav iS: Mitchell, his last-named partner beinx William Mitchell 11771). At the beginning of the troubles \vith Kn^land he at <>nee ranged himself on the patriotic side, and upon Mav 20, 1774. he was ap- pointed a member of the Committee 1 on Correspondence to address the people of !', istoil in relation to the 1'ort Hill. On I nr.e i .\ 1774. he was a nieml'er of the Committee on Correspondence to corre- spond with the other colonies in reference to calling a Congress. In November, 177;. he was elected a member of the Committee on Inspection ami Observa- tion for the citv, and was attain chosen in 177^. In February, 1777, he was a mem- ber of the State- Navv Hoard, and was also (jnite active in the endeavors during that year to call a new State Constitu- tional Convention. In 1 7Sn lie was one of the subscribers, to the extent of /. 5,1 x, to the bank or^ani/ed for supplying the army with pn>\ i>ions. Alter tlie forma- tion of the Federal (lovernmcnt he was appointed Consul to the Harharv Powers, but ilied at Lisbon, on his way to the north of Africa. lie died prior to 1703. lie was a nephew of Samuel Carson 1772 , and a brother of William Barclav :7 N : . [See " Penna. Archives." jd Se- ries. \'i il. I. , pp. 7S. -<.). ] William Barclay, 1781.- Un.ther of I ho;na-~ Harclav 1771 ; was a native ot '.'i. He \v,is also a merchant, and was lost at sea during a voyage of the " Shilelah," which sailed for France from the Capes of Delaware in 17.^2 and uas neve:" afterwards heard of. His will, dated Mav 2, 17 s -?. and proved [line n, I7\;. was maile "before j^oin<^ on a voy- Johii Barry, > 1779. Was born in County Wexfonl. Ireland, in 1715. A pi- ion for maritimi life, .vhich he di-- i ! at an earl - . . induced hi-- father ; ' place him on board, a merchantman, and at the ajj,e of fourteen or lifti en lie i line to America and obtained eni] 1 on a merchant ve-,-e! of Phil. '.del pliia ( )n ( Ictober [S, \ -;(->(,. we find him registered as m.isti r of 'he -ehoom-r " Harbadoe-." 60 tons; on August 2!, 1771, of the schooner "Industry," 45 tons; on October 9, 1772, of the sloop " I'ci^y," 25 tons, and on December ly, 1774, of the ship "Black Prince," 200 tons. On January 2, 1769, he was elected a member of the Societv for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Masters of Ships. At the breaking out of the Revolution, to use his own lan^na^e, he abandoned "the finest ship and the first employ in America" and entered into the service o< his adopted countrv. In 1776 he was emploved by Congress to fit for sea the first fleet which sailed from Philadelphia, and bv authority of the Council of Safctv lie superintended the building of a state ship. In the month of March of the same vear he was requested to take command of the brii^; " Lexington," o I" sixteen i;uns, and clear the coast of the enemy's small cruisers, with which it was infested, and he successfully performed the duty as- signed to him and captured the " Ivl- ward," the first British vessel of war taken bv a regular American cruiser. In the resolution of Congress of ( (etober lo, 1776, he was seventh on th" oflicial list of Captains. The frigate " 1'iffms.diam." to which he was subscquentlv assigned, bein^ useless owini, r to the suspension of navigation, he obtained the command of a companv of \-olunteers and some lu-avy cannon and assisted in the- operations at Trenton, and continued with the armv during the winter campaign, performing important servici-s and winning admira- tion and respect. In September, I77\ he was appoi:ited to the command of the frigate " Raleigh," ^2 j^uns, which then lav at Boston, and on the 251)1 went to sea. The ship was subsequently lost after ,i warm em_;ai;enient w:th two superior British vessels, but he escaped with most of his erew. In !7Si he was appointed lo the command of the frigate "Alliance," \ f t i^uns. I'jion M.-i \- 20, 17^1, while cruising \\'ith the "Alliance." he came into contact \\ith t\s~o British vessels, the "Atalanta " and bri^ '' Tre])assy." II - ordered them to h.'ir.l down their color-,, and upon their refusal an en^a^emen',, with them was commenced. During the livclitinj^ Cajit.'iin Ban".' was wounded in I? A 11 A the shoulder, an\v. The "! nitcd State--," of uhich he rrt.ii-.ird colors of the ' Alliance " heinv; shot away, the command until she v, a-- laid uji in < >r the enemy suppo-ed -die had struck. dinary during the admini-tratiou of Prc-- < >nc of his lieutenants went to Harry and idnit Jrtlrr--o;i. I hiring thr difficult ie- represented to him the threat injnrv the with France, in 17', x . he wa- cmplovrd ::; shin had sustained, ami a--krd if he would protecting our connnerce from di-prcd,- surrender. "No, "replied Ilarrv. "if the lion. ship can't lie fought without. I will he In the later years of hi- life he re-id carried on deck." The rcplv animated at No. I >'> Chc-mut street, between '.'.'.. the crew to renewed exertions, and a la- and !<>th streets, \\hcre !u- died ou S- - vorable \sind enabling the "Alliance" to temher K, [Nn^, of an asthmatic a:: . . pour a broadside into the enemy, and lion. I Ie was buried in St. Marv'-C. before the dressing of his wounds would olic Churchvanl, .}th street abnve Sprue-.- permit him to reach the deck, both of tlie ( )vcr his remains "a few of !;- count v euemv's vessels, after a battle which men, members of St. Marv's Church, ..:;i lasted nearly the whole day, had struck others " erected a monument <>u Jul- . their lla^s. In the succeeding I'. ill l:e was i s 7'>. A line marblt- -tatue of C> :::::: ' ordered to relit the "Alliance" for the dore i'arrv was erected in '^~'> a- a p.-.r: ])urj)ose of carrviny; the Manjuis de I. a- of the Centennial Memorial Fountain '' layette and Count Noailles to France on Fairniount Park, I'hilaiielpliia, bv .'.: business. In March, i ;S2, the "Alliance " Catholic Total Abstinence 1'iiion of left Ha\ana for the purpose of convoying America. The jiede-t.d of the statue ha- the American sloo])-of-war "I,u/erne," the following inscription- : "John llarrv, having "on board a lar^e amount of sjiecie. first Commodore of the I". S. Nav. . The appearance of a I'.ritish squadron Horn in 1 745 in County \\'exford, Ire!.:::il. proved a severe trial to the naval skill Hied September !,;. iNo^, at I'liila lei- anil dauntless courage of Captain llarrv. jihia."- " During the Revolutionarv \V.ir The specie was removed to the ' 'Alliance " he distinguished him-eif greatly. I U- and the valuable treasure saved, and alter idled the various commands entrusted '' a battle uith an IuiL;'li-h s'.oop and the him with, skill and ^allantrv. \\"hen ;:::- abandonment of the "I,u/erne," a sail able to li^ht on the ocean, he ol .taine'i which had appeared was discovered to be command of a coinpauv of voluntee:-. a F'rench frigate. The united forces now and Sought against the cnctiiv on la:id. i^ave chase to the Hriti-h. which \\-as con- A 1110111; his ex]>loits v\as the capture upon tiniu-il until tlvey lost slight of them in the Ma jy. [-.si, of ;\\ F!n^li-h \e--el--. the close of the war, and contributed to the introduction of a superior model for ship.- and (it naval arrangement- ulnch often regular erui-cr that ;L;ot to sea ini'li-r ;:: supplied the want of numerical forces in authority of the Continental COU^TV--.. the American navy. ruder the law of and the ve--el th.it tir-'. c.irvit d '''!;, March 2~. 170.}, he was appointed bv American lla^ on the 01 I're--:dent \\'a-hini^ton Senior Caji'.ain ot' ber ii>, : 77.'. a marriage the I "nited States Xavv. and from this toajohn llarrv and M. appointment his title of "Father of thr St. Marv's there is a t< American Navy " a]>pears to have arisen. inscription, M,ir\\ vsii'i The title " Commodore " was not created Harrv. died, I\-!iniarv ' at the time, but by courte-v was extended ]>robabl\ 177; . i-ed to Harry ami other captains who had mouth--. !l> wa- pr charge- of more th in one -hip. I'nde:- time marrit-i! u;':i _!::! Au-tin. <.sho survived him and lived to November : ;, i .\; i , dyini^ at the ai;e of 77 ye.irs. I K j had no children, but adopted a-- hi-- daughter Kli/aheth Keene, his wife's niece. Kli/abeth Keene mar- ried I'. -.trick Haves, mariner, a ncphcu of Commodore Barry, and left four chil- 'Iren, vi/.. : 1st. Thomas Ha\es, who mar- - d Susan Bainbridj^e, daughter of Coin- ire bainbridi^e. Thev had four - en, vi/.. : a b< >v, \\ h< > died v. HIIIL;. S llii Hayes, Susan Hayes and Soiners t! ves. jd. Is.iac Austin Have-, Consul to Rio, \\lio died unmarried. ,vl. Sarah Havi -. )lh. J. Barr\ I lave-,, ulio mar- I'ili belli 1 lickman. and left one child, now the \\ife of \V. Horace Hep- burn. Hsi|., of the Philadelphia Mar. She ha- in her possi.-ssion the portrait of Com- modore Harry, by i'lilbert Stuart, from which the portrait, which \\e publish, has been taken. In the \\ill of C'-nnno- dore Barr\ , dated I''ebruar\ .27. IN>^. and proved October .' ! . iSo^, he left a legacy to St. Marv's Church "for the use and benefit of the poor school of said church." He mention'-, amoni; others, John Barrv Haves, son of Patrick and Kli/aheth Hayes, his brother-in-law William Aus- tin, his i^ood tVieiid Ca])tain Richard Dale, Kleanor Houhn. daughter of his late sifter Margaret, who lived in the County .if Wexford, Ireland, and his friend I"hn I.eamy 11792 . Coinmo- Barry ua- also a member of the Hi- bernian Societ v 171/1 and of the Pennsyl- incinnati. [ See !><>-!'- " F.n es . if Commodores of the Navv ; " I lennie's " Pi irtfolii i," \"ol. [o, p. : ; " Sini]i-'in'- Live-," ]<. ;o ; "National P. '-.-' rail C.alK'ry." Vol. j ; " I'lm-yclo- ]i;i-dia Americana;" Cooper's "Naval !!:-'. :;.." Vol. :. p. . i Thomas Batt, 177:$. Was an en- -ii:n in the i^th ] : m>\ Hritish service, Mi'. ."'. : 7' .'. lit-Ul ' I : i-enil >er lon March iS, 1770, he was unani- mously expelled from the Society " for taking an acti\e ]iart against the liberties of America." He afterwards became a major in the Roval Fenciblc Americans, and settled in Nova -Scotia after the war. He was the only tory sympathizer on the rolls of the Society. Ephraim Elaine, 1780. Son of James and F.li/aheth Blainc, natives of Ireland, was born in the vicinitx of Lon- donderry, Ireland, Mav 2 f \ 17. (i. His father emigrated \\ith his family to America prior to 1745. and settled in To- hovne township, Cumberland co.. Pa., \\here he died in \~<-)2, leaving a widow and nine children. Kphraim Blaine, the eldest child, re^ceivt'd a classical educa- tion in the school of Rev. Dr. Allison, in Chester co. In \~(i^ he was Commissary Sergeant in the Provincial service, and was connected with the 2d Provincial Regiment during Bouijiu-t's expedition. I'rom 1771 to i 774 he \\ as Sheriff of Cum- berland co., and as late as June 22, :77.(, we find advertisements in the Philadel- phia papers of sales by him as sheriff. At the lie^innin^ of the Revolution he assisted in raising a regiment of . \-socia- tors.and was commissioned as Lieutenant- Colonel of them, until his appointment as Coiintv Lieutenant of Cumberland hv the Snjireme Pixt'i'iitivi 1 Council on April 5, 1777. He roi^ncd the latter otiicc- in the follouins^ August, and entered the Commissary Department, and was com- missioned Commissary-deneral of Pur- chases on I'ebruarv io. 177^. This ])osi- tion lie held for three years. Millions of dollars passed through his hands with- out -iispieioii. He had a fortune of his o\sn. and when the arnn needei! siipjilies he rai-ed, \\ith thelielp o[ hi- |iersonal friends, a lar^e amount of monev to jinrchase llum. ()\\in^ to 1:; . personal sacrifices, his estate becam; somewhat ini])aired, rind on Sejil'-mluT 2S, 1779, we find him olteiin.^ lor sale 7, ooo acres of land. 2,(xxj in I '.a! ti more co.. Md., and the rc-sidne in Cnml H rland and Bedford counties. Pa. It was during the period of his commissary work that he became a member of the Society u]K>n 'line 17. i7So, and it is very evident that burial ground at his meadows in King- he took an active interest in its pro- sessing to\\iiship, Phiiadelphia co. lie ceedings, as \ve find him recorded as gave / I ,f which he was a director from 179* ings. In March, i 779, he was one of the until his death ; _/ \ ., , , , t, , the Philadel- Philadeiphia members of the "Republi- jihia Dispensary ; _/i,..ito the Corpora- can Societv." formed to urge the revision lion of Philailel]>hia "to procure fuel of the State Constitution. President during the winter season for j r Inr.i-i-- \\'ashington remained at his house dnr- keepers, u ido\\s ;" _.//! ,c * i also to the Cor- ing his week's stay in Carlisle, Pa., at the poration of Philadelphia "as a fu.nl to t ; :ne of the " Whiskey Insurrection " in relieve those who may be reduced to '.:! 1704. Col. Ill, line subseijiientlv retired necessity of being placed in the hospital to his farm in Middle-town Township. during the existence of the yellow fever ;" Cumberland co., where he died on Feb- /"l, to "the Society for promoting ruarv if>, iSo4, in his 6vl vear. He was the relief of blacks unlawful: v held in twice married first to Rebecca dab bondage;" ,/,' 1,000 for the relief of poor braith, daughter of Robert and Rebecca and distressed Presbyterian ministers dalbraith ; and second to Sarah P.. Duncan, and their widows and children ; /'i.oou widow of John Duncan, of Carlisle, Pa., for the benefit of the A'lmshouse of the and daughter of Colonel Samuel PostK- Society of iViends ; ,/~l,f the Hibernian svlvania trenealogies," p. 2V>-~] Society 17911'. John Bleakley, 179-1. -Horn in Phil- William Bourke, 1783. We can adclphia. His father was a native of the find no trace of him. He was still living North of Ireland, and amassed a fortune in 179.;, but his name does not appear in in America, which was mostlv inherited the directories. Letters of administra- by the son. He was a gentleman of lib- tion on the estate of a William li;nkt' era: education and accomplishments, and were granted October 13, 179.), to John was one of the few young Americans of Wilcocks, but there is no settlement of the time whose fortune permitted them. the estate- on tile. in Kurope. He- spent some Robert Boyd, 1774. A nativ of Ire- year- abroad. He was noted for his be- land, was a phvsician. He ;- said to nevo'.ence and his /.eal in the promotion have been an uncle to John and Alexan- of literary objects. " I'.eing disappointed der P>ovd. who re-ided near Letterkeimv, in love, he never married." In his will, Countv Donegal, Ireland. A sister of dated April 19, iS<>;>, anil admitted to dem-ra! Walter Stewart is saiil to have probate September 21, [Soj, !u- mentions married John lloyd. William ir.e.ikley and David I'.leakley, Hugh Boyle, 1787.- Wa-a merchant ;.ow or lately residing near Armagh, in at loq South I-'ront street, in 17111. In a ""'and; liarrv I!leakle\\ now or latel\- brief obituary notice published in Cl iy 't siiling in Lancaster co.. Pa.; Josjah pole's />,///r . /,/; rr/.-'v-; , Sej'tember i ; v .''.'.eakley. now or lately residing in Mon- I7'ii, the following statement appear: tveal, Canada; Marv Uleaklev. Mrs. "And iiis exertions as a membe: of t'ne Cunimings. Sarali Patterson. Ann Ilovle, Hibernian Societv in relieving th< ui: to need repe- HO I"" RT honor he it recorded th.it hi- made manv ish of St. Hridx'et's, Dublin, Ireland. His efforts to elfect the establishment of a sim- father \sas .1 native of Kilkenny, Ireland, ilar society in this citv, several vears Shortlv alter iiis liin h. his lather eni- before tile present one was ori^ani/ed, luit ij^ rated to Aineriea, and in 17.)^ settled in owin^ to a conii idcnce (if inauspicious Lancaster, 1'a., whence he removed to circumstances, his endeavors at that time Ml. Pleasant, in Cumberland co., and en- were fruitless." He died at I.an^ini;- xai;ed '" farming. About 1770 Kit-hard bui'idi, N. Y.,on September i. 17^1, ae,cd and his bn ither William < afterwards I.ieu- v vl years. lie uas also a number ol" the tenant-Colonel ol" one of the I'ennsylva- Hibernian Soi ietv 1740 . nia Regiment-, settled in Pittsburgh and John Boyle, 1771. < >ne ot" the ori^ entered into partnership as Indian traders. inal members, \vas a native of Ireland and At the outbreak of the Revolution he w.is e:: : > I in the linen tradt in I'hila- entered the serviee of the colonies a-- one delphia. He is vaid to have been a ]iarl- of the agents of the Commissioners lor ner of Rulifrt ('den 177-' He \\a~- al>o the .Middle Department of Indians. That one of the original members of tin- l ; ii--t h;-. sei'viees a> a^ent were apprei'iated i> Cit\' Troop, and served \\i;h it in the shown bv a lesolntion adopted bv Con- campaign of 177-) 1777. Hi- was al>o a stress, May in, 1770, promising him pro- nieinbi r of ihe I'donce^ter I'o\ Ilnntinu; motion to the armv. ( >n July 2n, :~~h, Cluban'i of tin.' Hiln-rnia I -'ire Conipanv. lie \\a-> elected l>v Con^rcs-, Major of He i> >ai- 1 to have died prohablv uninar- the Hattalion ordered to be raised for ried, in 171/1. the defeni'e of the Western frontier-. It John Brown, 177D. Secretary of was snbseiiuently onieied that his rom- the Sucietv from Septembi-r I 7, i 7yj, until HH--MOU as I.ietttenant-Colone! .-hould March 17, iN.j, and probably later, i'ear date September 2S, : 77'). On June. \\M> a native o| . ' I, who came to 7. '777. h<- \\.i-- ma/ie C'oionel of the sth Anu-rii-.i in earlv life and was emploved I'ennsvlvania Re^:nient. In 1777, 'Alien in the counting-house of Robert Morris. Mor^.in'^ iamou> Riile Corp> \vas or^an- He accumulated a fort inn in traile and i/.ed, he was made its Lieutenant Coi.nu-3, beeame a pi(is])erous im- reliant. He \sa- and with it he part ici])atfil in several sharj) Secretar\- of the State Hoard of \Var in actions in New Jersey, and in th.e battles 1777. In M 'ivh. i77'i. he \\.is a memln-r of I!emi>'s Height-. an>l Stiliwater. At <>t" the " Ri-publican Sociitv," formed Stiliwater he had the lion >:' of le.idin^ for the purjiosf of ur^'ini; a re\'i-~jon of the co; p- of riilenun against the ri^ht the State C> institution. He wa> one of the \s'in^ of ti'.e !'.r;v li inn ifte: the sur tuelve founders of the Hibenii, in Soeiety, ren.!--r ol !',;:; iy; - ' ' li hv W.-IM Man h 5, 171/1. and -er\-e : he \\.is placed records, etc., note numerops persons of in charge ot the sth I'enns\'l vania Re^- the name, br.t none of then: appear to im i lie's com be the William I'.r<\vn ''. ho .'. is a nu-m maud ' ' '..' f the Society. Cajitain \\'illiain from N'orktown to ( ', neril Wm. Irvine Hrown. of the I'ntn mi I-'loattn^ i'.atteis, /'>{>/ ' /'::! .!/.//:.; ', \oi. =;, p. 277-, ['ebruary I'L i77'>. wa> probably not i -. ';- r-r ol the -:- member of the Society. and the -.;;::!', - "- " t >i: the Richard Butler. 1781. -Was the : eldest child of Thomas and l\l:nei Hutk-r, parallel \\ ithin j - . -neniv'-- 101 CA surrender ni;iv in.-, God knows, but I hope it will bring :i -pecdy peart-. " In the postscript he add-. " I think I may with propnetv no wo mgratulate you, my friend , and country in general, with certain inde- pendence and '.lie pleasing attainment of peace." After the capture of Cornwallis he was assigned to duty with (icneral Wayne in Georgia, " and only returned after the echo of the last gun of the Revolution had died away forever." lie became entitled under the resolution of Congress, September 30, 17X3, concerning grades of officers, to a brevet commission as Brigadier-General, After the close of the war Congress elected him one of the commissioners to negotiate treaties with the Six Nations and other Indian tribes. Having discharged this dutv he was chosen Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Northern District. In i 7S.S he was elected by the Supreme F. xecutivc Council of I'e:ir.-- vlvania Lieutenant of the County of Allegheny, an office which lie held until his appointment as one of the- Jus- tice.- of the Court of Common 1'leas for tl;e same county. In 17110 he was chosen to the State Senate. In 1791 lie was made second in command, with the rank of Major-Genera!, of the army orgatii/ed by ("Feneral St. Clair for an expedition against the Western. Indians, and commanded the right \Arng of tile American annv in the disastrous battle of November 4, 1701. "It was >ai :his occasion," savs Garden, in hi- " ';< volutionary Anerdotes," "that the intrep:d Hutler closed his military career :!: death his coolne-s preserved, anil courage remaining unshaken till the last moment of his existence. \\"hile er.ab'.i d to keep the field hi- cxeitior.s were trul\- heroic. IK- repeatedly led his men to the charge and u;th -laughter drove the t r.cm\- before him, but at length bring ' mpelied to : t tire to his tent, (Vi >;n the number and M veru v o! hi- u OIIIIM-, he \\as : < : i-iL r -;:'-': : ,-,:! a'd, win n a fe!'< i- c:ou- w,-.vri' r, vr.-l: :i:g into h ; - pi\ence, gave inn; ,i mortal bl.,w \\i'.h iio tiima- Hlues in the same war. A daughter mar- ried Isaac .Mea>on, of l-'avette co., owner of the Ml. Kraddock estate, near rnioii- town, 1'a. [See sketch, by Simon dratz, in /'t'/iH.y/i'iifiiii .!/(/.;,/:///(', vol. 7, p. 7. Also sketch of the butler l-'amilv, /','nn- s]/:'ii>tiii .1/ii^ii:ji>it'. \ol. 7, ]i. i.] Andrew CakUvcll, 1771. < Mie of the original members, and cou-::i to Samuel Caldwell '.1771 . \\.;s a n.it'Aeof Ireland and a member of the firm of William \: Andrew Caldwe-il, an 1 also of the firm of Andrew Caldwell ,V J. Wilson, merchants, of Philadelphia. He signed the non-importation resolution-- in 1765. (Mi August [6, 1775. he wa> elected a member of the Committee' of Inspec- tion and Observation of Philadelphia, and upon January i ;, 1776, was appointed Commodore of the Provincial Fleet, which he commanded in the tight with the Hritish frigates " Roebuck " and " Liv- erpool " on the Mli of May following. The imperfect character of the supplies fur- nished the young navv saved the enemy's vessels, much to the chagrin of the offi- cers of the ileet, who laid the blame at tlie door of the Committee of Safety. Shortly after this affair he resigned the command. In his letter ot resignation, May 25, 177'), he says: "Confined to my bed by a severe illness. I am who'ilv dis- abled from executing the duties of such an important trust. The preservation of this city depends on the defense of the river, and as there i- reason to believe that the enemy \\iil shortly return, \\: !h an additional force, to accomplish their hellish purpose of murder and de-'.iuc- tion. I should consider mvsell .1- iur.irmg the public cause \\ere I to delav at this time the resigning an ori'u-c u iiich, though proud to he hono'vd s\ : '. h and a;: MO-.:- to discharge, I am not now able t- per- CA !>_' CA i-te. In i;M lie v-.i- ehosen one of the II"; kiii-on, I-'.-', , tii.it tin- Hii'erniai: So- li:-', direetots of tlu- I'.ar.k <>f North eiet; was i:idei>ted for the original mi:i- Amer... a. The expulMoii of t'.u- torie> v:U->. rules, eti' . o! the ! :: -ntHy S<>n- <,\ ak>T the r.nr.^h e\ ,u ;iatii>n of 1'hiladel Si II N'ovellliier I I, IN}", jihi.i, ,..:id opposition in the ie-'. iratii>n ' 1 v ' ' '< "'- '.(.TV of the of tlu-ir forfeited estates, which agitated '." ' ri.,n Chuivh. In his will thf \Yhix> i:i : 7 x - > . found 11: him a warm a> milted in probate November ih, 1.^.5. aiivoi-.iU-. I'm:! his death, uhuh oc- lu nieiitioiis hi> wife, K. I! Caldwi-ll ; . ; \\ mis the el -< ol tlu '. i~-t fen his MHI in 1 L\V. I >r. I-'.dwani I ; !orfii.-> Ri\- he IIMI'K i;li : i --'. ::: :;'<'.: inus ; hi- ^i^ters, Ann K ii' >\\ \--.. v sar,th He was one of the ..ri-inators Markoe. N iSelia Masters Harriet Cald- ::-. C: - \ 'I'-""', '. N"\ e;:: l 'i T : ;'. : 774. \vell and Mary Calthvell ; hi.i sisicr-in- and was a nn.-mln.-r of tin- l-'i-hin 1 .; Coin- la\\', I-'.in;!y !K \\-nn; lii-- liroth'.-rs-in-law, paii\ of l ; cirt St. Iiaviils. I'fiT,. i See Tlioiiias Ma>lers, of New York, and " IV: . . ' jd Aeries, Vol. l-'raiK'is Markoe; his niei'e, Martiia Ca!d- 1, ii ~ well , hi> Ineiid and l)rother-in-la\v, I)or- Dtivul Caldwcll, 1701. Son of tor HL-WSO:] : his hrothcr, Sainiu-1 \V. Samuel Calil'.\ell 177: , was born in Ca!d\s'ell ; hi- nepheu ' >\- :::..r: ia.^e, \\'il- rhi'iadel]ihia, I-Yliru.trv - 1 . . I77 11 , and in Ham IIe\vson; lii- daughter, Mli/alieih, I 79-S Mireeeded hi-. ! re of wi ft- of Dr. !' iv: ::'.:-; and his aunt, II-.-n- Clerk of the iM-trir: Ci-r.rt of t!ie Tinted rietta Rowml. David Ca! Iwe'.l married State-, and eonliniii ; lo liold that JIMM- Kli/a 1 U-WM >n. The\- -eft two fhiMren tii>n U!itil hi- :v>: :'..tti"ii. ( I : r n. ;S;i, i>t, Marv II. C:iM-.\ ell. m.irrie.l '.o James : 1 :: r\ iftln original a;>- I!. Bradford. Tlu-\ l;ad -:\ i-hiMix-r,, jiointn ' o| 1;: , : /': r, is markeil liv three of uhom an- ': in :/. : ', . S. dre>-e,l to ;::.. | -ej.h 1 1. .pkinsoii. T. Hewxni Bradford, of I'hila.ie;;,hi i, son of Jud-e I'r.nuis ![,. k :::-. v.-ln . and D. CaLhvel! I'.r.tdford. jd. K'i/ i! '.: h a i a;i]ioi:;ted :.:- father. "I reeipro- Cald\sell, niarru-'l to Dr. r'.dw.ir:! i ; h>- i ' - - Jud.;e Hojikin-i'!:. "most n-ns Ri\" ; .iiv.-. Thev left f.vo chi'.dre::. trills qire-siiri, i,; :.:fertio!i and \'i/.: Mli/aheth I'. I\i\'iims an. I D. C. i ; . re-jn . t. ' >r.r :::::::: u .- n .ninu'iiceil Ri\-inn-. of I'liiLoieljihia. >ee 'i " !I t/.- in onr child!) i. and u as the j^n >\\ th ard's Register," !'>',; .'/'.', ; ; i. of ' :.' .i ted he- James Culdwoll, 177S. V."- a :: t- in ''. ' ' like 1 .; to K- ilelphia. ;:!'.:;' r. - , '; v, .- ::: inter: ; ' '. d'.;-::;: < >;:r '.':;<-. - ' p.irtner>h:] -'. h \ ;: . '. . '.} :;; :..' ''. ' :. Mr. (' dd d' ill ;: loth-. : -. ,::- - : Wi " ' :.:. ..,,.. . 1 ,.. ,,. : ; ... ... T . ,. : , .'"'.' i [ ] ,'. if :h.. _: .) 1 '. '.:': ' i ' i-.::-: ; m in- '.. ': eci 1:11; :: : " i ','. ' ' ' '. . :i D : . . . ,,.. _ -. ... i ..:.-.. ..,,,., . : . : d .;:-::-., ' : . : . ; ! i ' . '. I ;; i - , ,'.-.;. ... -,, CA CA Church in the latter part of September, 1772. He \vas a member of tile Hibernia T'irc Company. John Caldwcll, 1787. Horn in Phil- adelphia, of Irish parer.ts. He was by profession a lawver, and had his office at 72 N. ,id street, in 1791. He afterwards removed to Baltimore. IK- was a mem- ber of the First Citv Troop and of the ('douccstcr Fox Hunting Club. Samuel Caldwcll, 1771. -OIK- of the original members, and its Secretary and Treasurer from Septembers, 1775, to Sep- tember 17, 1792, was a native of I. on- donderrv, Ireland, and a shipping mer- chant in Philadelphia, constituting with James Mease 1^1771) the- firm of .Mease i\: Calilwell. He was one of the foun- ders of the First City Troop, and was with it during the campaign of i 776-1 777. He was one of six volunteers of the Troop who accompanied Colonel Reed on December ,v>, 1776, from Trenton to re- connoitre the advanced posts of the en- emv, and who captured twelve British soldiers during that expedition. In 17X0 he- subscribed x /'i,ixxi to the bank on^an- i/ed to supplv the Continental army with provisions. He continued in part- nership with fames .Mease until the lat- ter's death in 17^5. The war had caused them to sutler material losses, compelling Mr. Caidwell, the surviving partner, to make an assignment on August 22, i7Sj, after which he "retired from business. I'pon April 16, i 7-V\ he was appointed "collector of duties and sums of money due and pavable tor tonnage and re- ceiver of tines and penalties," and at the first opening of the Inited States Dis- trict Court on October h. r;Si). Indsjv I-'rancis Hopkinson appointed him Clerk of the Court, and he continued in that office until his di-ath <>n November i>\ i 7<\ brills succeeded by his son, David Caidwell 1179!!. He was ill the Moth \ ear .>f his a.L(e when he died. His wife, Martha Caidwell, died November 12, iSj.j, 111 tlie 7'.th year of her a-e. They Were buried ill tile cellleter* of tile Thild Presbyterian Church. He was one of the most active and useful member- 'it" the Soi'.etv ti'om it- first onjaui/,.ition until failing health compelled him to re- sign the secretaryship, \\luch positio:; he had held for se\ellteell years. H 1 .- min- utes are models of neatness .md accuracv. He was also a member of the Hibernian Society '.1790. and o! the Hibernia Fire Company. William Caldwcll, 17S(J. We can find no information concerning him. ( >n April 27. 17^", letters of admiii!-tratio:i on the estate of a William Caidwell were granted to another William Cald- well. George Campbell, 1771. -Was a native of Stewartstou n, Conntv Tvrone, Ireland. He was admitted to practice law at the Armagh Assi/.es in 1751, anil pursued the profession until 17(55, when he emigrated to Philadelphia, He was one of the original members of the Friendly Sons, and also of the F'ir-t City Troop, in which he served until they were discharged after the 'peace. He re- sumed the practice of the law, was elected a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and in \~^>$ was appointed Register of Wills for Philadelphia city and county, and continued in that office bv appoint- ment of successive governors until the year iSoo. In a Philadel])hia paper. April 22, iSoo, he advertises as fo'lo\\s: "The Cioveruor of the State havini; thought lit to deprive the subscrib- ers of his commission of Register of \\'il!s, which he held for eighteen years past, and to i^ive the same to his FxccUcncv's sou, Joseph H. McKeall, Fsq., he- informs his friends and the pub- lic that he has opened an office at No. : I.; North Water street as Attorney-at-law, whete the strictest attention shall be paid to the business of such ot" his friends and leil\\ -citi/eiis as mav think proper to ap- ply to him." I Ie died in the latter part of iSio, at th.e a:;e of So years, mmer- sally esteemed. His u ill is dated ( Icto- ber 22, [Sio, and. \\.is admitted to probate fann.-irv 5, iSn. He married in Christ Church, I lev-ember 12. 17" >. Helen Doii- naldsiiii.asi-tei of John DI 'iiuaidsiin ! 77 s '. She survived lr.ni, hv.U 1 .-. nnt:l November, is!.-. Tlu-v had nine ,-hiMren. oi uh.iiu three died unmari'ie'i before him. The CA 104 CO six who survived were : i. John Camp- It. II, born December, 1771, died in 1790, unmarried. 2. Hugh Campbell, lx>rn ( Vtober, 1773. died iu I7> S 9, unmarried. 5. Marv Campbell, born June, 1775, who married William H. Tod, a member of tile Philadelphia Bar. She left several children. 4. Sarah Campbell, horn Jan- uary, 1777. who first married 1 >r. Wvn- koop, and second Henry l-'ry, a pur.-er in the I". S. Naw. 5. (ieiirge Campbell, born March js, 1783, died June 1 1, 1^55, unmarried. b. Robert Hooper Camp- bell, born September, 1792, died June 3, iS3ernian So.-ietv 1790). He died of the yellow fever on August 12, 1797. His wife had previously dud on Julv 19, 1795. Both of them were buried in Christ Church burviug ground. He left a son, James Campbell, who died Mav 2, i.S2o, unmar: ied and without issue, and a daughter, Marv Cam]>bell, who, on his death-bed, he committed to the cure of Lieutenant-Colonel (U-o. I.atimcr (^S.ji. She afterward- married Captain Fid ward M. I lonna'.dson, and died without leaving an v children surviving her. Samuel Carsan, 1772. A native of the North oi Ireland, : i orn in Strabane, and a -hipping merchant of the finn of Cardan . ' Philadelphia. lie died in :~7^, and his will was admitted to probate upon De- yi .: T\\ o i)l thi ne-.-c- to that document, vi/., Willi in V- es* i 7" i and [nhu ! lonna'dson i 77 s , were member o| iln .-' > : . ' In it he mer.ti' nis Samu 1 i - n and Robert Car san, ne]ihcws, both sons of his brother, Andrew Carsan, merchant, late of Stra- bane, Ireland; Thomas Barclay (1771), his nephew, and William Mitchell (1771), his friend. He mentions as belonging to him a house in Strabane, Ireland, and also a grass-park, commonly called " The Rag-grass-field," in the same neigh- borhood. If any diflicultv or misunder- standing should arise in the construction of his will, he wishes all difference.- to be leit to his worthy and much esteemed friends, William West '1771 land Benja- min Fuller (17711, for determination, "and upon all and everv emergency con- sult those gentlemen, and do not by any means go to law, but abide by their deci- sion, and let their opinion be definitive." He further declares: "I order and de- sire that my bodv may be buried and interred at as small an expense as possi- ble and in a private way. As I am not attached to anv religious societv in par- ticular, but wish well to all men, it is a matter of great indifference in what ground I am laid." No mention is made of anv wile or children. Daniel Clark, 1784. Was a native of Ireland, and for a time a well-known merchant in Philadelphia, but removed to New Orleans, where he amassed a for- tune, lie died about 1799 in that eitv. His nephew, Daniel Clark, who inherited his fortune, attained prominence in pub- lie affair-, being a delegate from the Ter- ritorv of Orleans in the- 9th Congress, and became widclv known through his will, which laid the foundation of the famous lawsuit in which his daughter, Mvr.i Clark (.aines, figured for - ( . manv \ears. Dr. John Cochran, 178L. Mom m Sadsburv. Chester co.. Pa., Sept mber i, 1730. lie was the son of fame- .mil I-abella Cochrnn, nat ivi of tl ' r.h of Ireland, who emigrated to America in the i part of the [Sill centurv, ind settled in Che-ter co., Pa. I IV -t ndied medicine in Lancaster, Pa., and entered the eo'o nial service in the I ; ;(iich and Indian war ; described as a merchant, "late of the Kingdom of Ireland, and latclv come to this city fr< >m New York. " He was afterwards a member of the Legislature from I'.ci ks Co., P.c, 1790 91. John Connor, 178-'}. -We can tind no positive information concerning him, ex- cepting that he took the oath of allegi- ance May |S, i7Si), being described as a merchant " lately arrived from the King- dom of Ireland. " Williiim Constable, 1781. -Horn Januarv 1, I7.S-, was a native of Dublin, Ireland. He was tile son of Dr. John Constable, who as surgeon had served in the British army in Canada, and who finally settled near Sch--u.-ci.adv, N. Y., and received from Governor Coldeu a commission as Surgeon m the ist Provin- cial Regiment in 170.?. William Constable was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, residing with his paternal aunt. .. Mr. White. When he returned to America, his brother-in-law, James 1'hvn, gave him a partnership in his business of Indian trad.T ..t Scheiiectady, but the Revolu- tionary War caused a separation, Mr. Phyn siding with the Tories. lie joined the Continental armv as an a:d to I.aiay- ette. Subsequent 1 v, \sitli lames Sea u; rove, hi- established a commercial house in Philadelphia, with a branch at Charleston, S. C. Thev had an extensive We--; India trade, which took him freqnentlv to Havana, uhciv at one time he tell sick \\lth Yellow icvcf and nc.nlv illed. ( Ml Fcbrnarv _' \ 17.^.1, he man led in Ch:;st Church,. \nn, daugh '.er of 'I'own --en' I \\'h:tc, a beautiful and accomplished \\oui.i-i. u;; 1 :i schonlniate of the \\l!e of ',ener il \\' - ing".< 'it It w.'.s \\liile lie - in 1 'hil:i' id; >hia ilia; !b- -o:y., d t he I ' ; : !' > S 'US of St. p itrick on I iece:::br.r i-. : ' , a-;d he eviden-ly \'. ; iu'.: li ::;r^ani/.cd by him, ami entitled Constable vV Co., with Robert .Morris and Oovei tier.r Morris as partners. Kadi of the Mo:!i-c> contributed ,.{50, (x*> as his share of the business capital. They en- teied largely into the neutral carrying trade of t'.'.e world, anil speculated exten- sive! v in the unfunded public debts of this country. The Morrises, while in Kurope on v,overnnic'.it account, pushed the inter- ests of tl:i ir tirin in everv honorable \\.iv. In i 7.^6 the firm sent to India and China the. "-hi: ' " Kmpress." whi< h made a verv succe--":! trailing voyage. In 17^^ Mr. C< >nst.(! ile had ' 'iiiit in New Y< >rk a 6< x i ton ship, called the "America." Nothing like it h..:d heretofore been constructed in that harbor. Ile made extensive ship- ments of cattle, etc., 0:1 contract, to the \Ve-t Indies, for the use of the British urmv. He bmh ami worked for a number tf years a lar^e Hourin^ mill at Youkcrs, \\hich lie afterwards sold for 5^5. cxxi, and with th.e proceeds purchased a superb homestead at Bloomin.^dale, then six miles from New York city. His city res- idence \sa> fir-t in ('.real I >ock street, after- war'!- :n \\"a'd -' ret-: ::; the building bought of him ii; \~sociate, .\1 ' '.her o| ( leiieral M i omb, a! - an I::-:: 11, Mr. Con>ta''L bought what have since been c illed the Ten Town -hi] -. 01: the St. I. ee country. Soon as the contract for this property was perfected at the land office, Mr. Constable \\eut to Kurope to market it. His family Coined him. and 1 wo children \\ere born for him there. He had previously dis- solved his connection with the Messrs. Morris, and taken into copartnership his brother. James Constable, whom he left in charge of his business, in New York, during his sojourn in Kurope. He sold most of his land there that he was pre- pared or di-poscd to -ell, at prices which yielded him a handsome profit. < >n re- turning to America he made Ljn-at efforts to open his land to actual -ettlers. He was an active and influential friend of the Xiirthcm IniaaJ Lock Xari^ation (.'<ii>;\', which \\a^ designed to form water communication between the Hnd- son river and Lake Ontario, and which Miecce'lcd in conveying boats ol ten tons capacitv from Scheiiectady to Lake ()n- tai'io with one jiorta^e. Tile company was bought out b-.- the State, \vlien the construction of the Kric Canal \sas re- solved upon. In a second vi-it to Kurojie he narrouly eM'ajn-il i-a])ture b\- a pri- vateer. He made furthel ' land tl'.ere, c'lr.eiiv in France. 1!:-- hro: her Jame-i. li\- reckless I'Tidorsc-ments. brought ' '.;rie\'ous emburras-nieiits on his New ! York interests. New- of this brought ! him back to Ne\v York city in iNoi. He assigned much of '.:- landed interi his credit^ ifs. ami otlu-rui-e honorabh ' .- -i-i their claim-. The rever-e, lio\\ ever, ] ire' < \ al \\ays delicate coti-titutioTi. II madi an abi lo ml ' ' r . '.'.it remained t< < him of hi- lamb pi pert v. I !e died on A .;i-, 2.', ;<.;. and 'A a - buried in M. Paul's rclr ard, Ne\\ S'ork ( ity. I Miring his nil assi iciated with CO t"7 CR ni:uiy distinguished men in Knrope and Ne-bitt >N: Co., anil -ub-i ons, \\"iiliain yn^hani, \s : io remained in Philadelphia, and John Constable, and live daughters, and was also a ine::i''i-r of the lirm. 1: id Anna .Maria, horn i 7\;, ilied I S^y, married actively entered into the political arena as tn ile/ckiah il. i'ierrepont, of brooklvn; a y.ealous advocate. "1 the Ki \-olni ion. Jvweretia. liorn '.~^.[, d'.e'i I s .i' >. married to The latter was frenneiitlv emp'.n-.-ed as t::e James M.A'icka; ; I Iarru-t. liorn i 794, mar- sei-i - et a^'ent ot" the i ',n\ e: niiu-nt in I -"ranee ried laiiu-s 1 >nane ; l-'.miK', horn 17'i.S, and the \\\->t Iniiie>. \\'iieii the priva- died I^H, married to I >r. Samuel \\'. leer under the co!!'.!!iand of his hrother. Moore; and Matilda, horn l~-)~, mai'ried Captain litirftavus Convii^hani, wa-- li'.ted to Ivlward McYickar. Hi-, -,011 \\'illiam, out at Inmkirk to intercej)t the I!:it:>h born 17.^6, dii-'l I-Sji, marr:;_-d l-'.li/.a M-. - - ]>acket, and ;^et poession i>\ the mail Vick.ir ; and his son John, born ; 7.^8, mar- and the de.-.patche> to the M n^'. ish liov- ried fir-^t Susan I/.vin^s'.on and afterwards eminent, notice was >ent to 1 ir. l-';anklin Alida V. R. Kane-. James Constable, a that the l',r:ti>h authorities had de L(rand>on of \\"m. Con.-stal'lo, is no\v a manded his immediate arre>t ; but 1'rank- resident of 1'iiiiadeiphia. Mr. Cun>!able, lin a]>:ifi>ed him of the fact, and >cnt while in I'hilade'jjiiia, \sas also a member him under an :i->;nned name, protected of the First City Troop and of the Hibernia b\- a pas>port, in.-\-oiiil the I'rontier. He I'ire Company. [See li";i;.;!i's "IIi^lor\- was noted for hi-; hi 'S]iitalit\- not oiilv to of I.ewis Counts'." Albany, X. V., iSho, strangers from Irel.unl, bc.t al>o to the j). J V s . ] I-'rench eini^r:ni'.-> after 17^9. (Jmie a David IluytioldConyngham, 1775. number of the I'rk-ndly So-is of St. Tat born in I'hiladelphia, M.irch 2\, 1750 rick came to America through conni-c- 51 i(). S. >. He was descendefl from \Vil- tion- of the linn, several of them with Ham Con vn^'hani, Ilishop of Ar^yle, 15 ^y, letters of n-commeiidation from friends or and w is lirst cousin to William Conyti 1 ,;'- relatives in Ire-land.. He lived to cjnite an ham, created 15 iron 1'lunket, Chief [us- advanced ,;.L;e. and die'! on M.irch 5, 1^4. lice and I/ird Chancellor of Ireland, and was buried in Christ Clinrcli bnryint; iS-'o .; i , and brother of ( '.nMavns COIUMI:;- ^rminii. He was a member ot tin l''.:>; ham, of the. I*. S. N'avy. 177') S; v His City Tn>o;i. an a trustee o; the I niver J,cttfrkeiinv, Countv Donegal, Ireland sit'.- of l'eim>\ !\ ania. ' M; I H-cembc: .[, Robert Mil,-., oi I'hiladelphia. His lather, Marv. dai:;.:'i'.i."- <>: \\Mlliam \\i---i i ; ; who was a Uuakcr, emigrated to Aineric.i Redmond Con\-: ;;,::;. oi !.,;:,-. i-'.i where IK- ua-. c\tenivel\- en^a^ed in the \\'ilke^b irre, I'a.. and i. ap'.ain Cov,\ti^ sinppin;.^ and importing bn~ ; :u^-~. beiiiL: ham. of the I" S. \ i\ /. \\e:e -.<-.- <{' the or:.;;!i il Mi'-mber of the ii. :n of J. M. I lavid I I.n field Co;;y:i-?i,i.Mt. Mr- M C N--'.iU \: Co.. ^o pr,,mine!i: for its pat ri I'.irri-ii. of \\' ilk. --bane, P t. . ivd. M-s. \sa: ;> returned to Ireland in \ -'>$. and Steven-, a: e - : .,;: ! .1 died in i~'\- .1- M. N<-b:u \vas ;n-t em \ ' ;>r.i M: , ", \ '<, ployed by Redmond Con \-n-.'li mi . uid if .laino.- Urn u t'< )!'((. 177M. \ ii'.t;\e !er\sard- admitted to p ir'i'.er-hip, ihe of helr.'.d. i-anic 'o \::;e:i>-i \\i:h reci >m ti:m beinu; first Conyn-aliam ^>: N- ''.. nu-n 1 it-o;:- \-< (.' h m \ Nr-bitt. ot" then in I'ebru.irv. i~- c '; '.-';; '.: !! -'.. <.V Co. dent "Washington. The Kxecutive Conn- After the war lie was en^a^ed in tlie cil of the State passed a resolution of "West India trade, and subsequent! v was thanks lor tlu- efficient manner in which an iusiiiaiice broker in partnership with he had filled the position. He wa- an John Donnaldson '.177 s . He died at active member of the Committee of Mer- 132 S. 2(1 street, on September is, iSio. ' chants of Philadelphia prior to the eslab- He was a member of the F'irst City Troop lishment oi the F'ederal Constitution in and of the Hibernia F'ire Company, and preparing the measures for the re^nla- \vas one of th.e twelve founders of the tion of commerce. He continued to act Hibernian Society, March 3, 1790. ; as Collector of the Port until his death, on George Davis, 1771. One of the May 13, 1 799, at the a^e of 60 years. He original members of the Society, was a was buried in St. Peter's churchyard, 31! native of Ireland. Yerv little is known and Pine streets, and his funeral, savs the of him. He was at nearly every meeting of Philadelphia (iaii'lt;\ "was attended by the Society, until the British occupation of a numerous concourse of relatives and Philadelphia, after \\hichhe is noted as friends." In 1791 he lived at No. 40 Wai- out of the Stale. It was about that date, nut street. He was a member of the So- probahly in 1777, that he removed to ciety of the Cincinnati, and of the Hiber- Trenton, N. J., where he died. He is nia F'ire Company. Both he and his said to have died a bachelor. brother. \Vni. Delany, were also members Sharp Delany, 1772. Was a native of the Hibernian Society \ 17901. Mr. I )e- of Countv Monachal!, Ireland, and came lany was an intimate friend of General to Philadelphia before the Revolutionary Wavne, and one of the executors of the War, and established himself about 1764 latter's will. The Registry of St. Pe'.er's ns a drn^L;:-t. He was in partnership records the following interments : Decein- with his brother. William Dc'anv. In ber II, 1707. Kaclu 1, daughter of Sharp the Minutes of '.he St. ite Navv Board and Margaret Delany; September 6, 17.^1, there is a note-, At>nl 17, 1779. of " an or- another daughter, also named Rachel; der from the Pennsylvania Board of War < ictober 15, 17^3, another daughter, Doro- on Sharj) Delanv for . siipplv of medi- thv ; July 31, 17^4, ;i son, Sharp; July 5, cines as this Board ma\ -.sant from time i Soo, a daughter, Frances Baldwin; June to time, "etc. He took an active part in b, iSob, Thomas Delanv; Mav 2-0, I s :;. all tlu mcasuri - ol re^i-taiice liv the citi- Margaret Delany; September b, I s ;,:. /.ens of Philadelphia against British exac- Ann Delany, a^ed ,sb years; January 20. tiolis in the ear'v stages of the Revoln- i^Jb, Marv Delany, as^cd 60 years, tion. He was a deputy to the Provincial John Donnaldson, 1778. Born in Convention in [anuary. 1775, and to the Philadelphia, March 11, 1754. w.a-. the son I'rovincial Conference in [line of the of Hu.^h Donnaldson, a nativ same year. In June, 177'', he raised a non. Ireland, \sho emigrated company of militia, of whi. ii lie was Cap about the middle of the laM < : : -: ;id ::i 177-, \\as Co'onel i f the .'d of Mar-/ Wormley, daii.ulitt Peiin--. 1\- n;:.! Battalion. He \va-- a signer Wonnley, and his wife. Hi i of credit in 1775, commis- -on, daughter of b sioner "to -.: the personal effects of Napier) Richardson. 1 ! : traitors" in i 777. and an'a^enl "for for Belfast whili- on a visit to Ireland ill 1772. feited estates " in 177^. I-i 17-'. lie "' III- sister, Helen Donnaldson, married : .. in th' ' '. ' bl lied to George Campbell (1771 '. John Donnald- siu p'y tlit- Contim n: ' run \\ith ]>ro- son was a -,hi]i]iint,' merchant. In 1775 he vision-. In Ma:d:. i 7 V j. he v,a- a]j])ointed joined the Fir-t Cit} Troop, and was its CAPT. JHN DO nr ;d Sergeant and Deputy Quartermaster during the campaign of 1776 77. and was at the battles of Trenton and Princeton. He was also in the campaign of Septem- ber and October, 1777, was present at the battles of Mrandywine and Gerinantown. anil was with Washington's army at Whitemarsh in November and December. A f:er the British evacuation he returned t" Philadelphia, but went with the Troop again into service in August, 1779. In I7N> he subscribed / 2,000 to the bank organi/ed to supply the Continental army with provisions, and in the same year was again with the Troop in New Jersey, and in i7-Si accompanied President Reed, of Pennsylvania, to Norristowii, to pacifv the dissatisfied soldiers of the Pennsvlva- nia line. On March S, 1792, when the Troop received their pay for services dur- ing the Revolution, thev resolved to donate the sum to a "Foundling Hospi- tal," and Capt. .Samuel Morris, First Lieu- tenant John Dnnlap and (Quartermaster John Donnaldson were appointed trustees of the money. After the war Mr. Donnald- son was an insurance broker. 1 le was one of the early stockholders of the Insurance Company of North America, from 1793 to i.Si'i, and was a director in i7ySand 1799. He was cho-.cn one of the Port Wardens of the t". tv on Januarv J'i. I7\J. but re- signed in the following June, as he was about to visit Kurope. ( >n his return he met with some nionev losses in business. In April, 17^9, he was appointed Register General of Pennsylvania, and served until Apiil 12, 1791, when he was commissioned Comptroller General, which office he held until October 13, l.Soi, when he resigned. He was also RegisU-r General of Taxes! Public Accounts, commencing March 27, 17^). After resigning the Comptroller- ship he undertook the supervision of an estate belonging to Willing Ov Francis in York co., Pa., and lived for a time at Lancaster, and afteru.irds in York, but returned to Philadelphia in lS>5, and re- sumed his occupation as an insurance broker. Soine years afterwards he retired to hi, f.itlu-r in-law's firmer residence in Mucks co., iii which he ll id a life intere-; He u as a Federalist ::>. politic-., and u.>- one of the original members of the Wash- ington Menevolciit Society of Pennsylva- nia, organi/ed in iNi;,, of which his kins- man, Captain Richard Dale, \\.is Presi- dent. He lived in Philadelphia at No. 22 Walnut street, and died in this citv on December 29, isu, aged 77 years, and was buried in St. Peter's ehurchvard. ,,d and Pine streets, and after\\ ards in I'.,.-t Laurel Hill. He was (Ju..: te: nia-ie: of the 1st Cite Troop p.om 1794 to INP.J, and was also a member < >f the Schuylkill Fi-h- ing Company, the Hibernia 1 ire Com- pany, and of tile Hibernian Society i~ . He was a vestryman of Clm-t and St. Peter's Churches in Philadelphia, and of St. Thomas's at White-marsh. He mar- ried at "Green Hill," February b, 1777, .Sarah Milner, who survived him and died. December 20, i\>y, in the >*>th vear of her age. ( )f this marriage there were thirteen children, several of whom died unmar- ried. One of his daughters married a brother of Dr. Kitchen. Captains F.dward Donnaldson Kitchen and Richard Don- naldson Kitchen were two of their son's children. Two grandchildren of John Donnaldson, children of Capt. I-',. M. Donnaldson, vi/.. Miss Helen Dnna'.d- son and }'.. M. Donnaldson. are no\\ Ihing at Green Hall. Colmar, Mucks Co., Pa. There is no kno\\n portrait of him ! See /'t'f/'i s\'/:\in iii .Uii^ii ::/,. Vol. (. p. ;jj j John Dunlap, 1778. Morn at Stra- baile, Countv Tvroiie. Ireland, in 1747. He came to America \\hen a boy, an-! served an apprenticeship at printing with his uncle, \\'illiam Dunlap. In ;;'>; he assumed the business of hi- relative, and in 1771 issued /'ht- /''."/ ''I.': t>n\i /'.' or (it'nt'ral . /,/:vr//\rv\ an.! subsequently became one of the most successful printer in the country. During the Mritish oc> patiou of Philadelphia, 1777 ~ s , he trar-- ferred the publication off, v ..f the /'; to Lancaster, Pa. In \ s he became printer to Con-:"--, and. about the -am time to the Slate of Pennsylvania, and held th.e Late-- appointment for several years. At the -de of the confiscated clfects of ChristoTihcl Souel he wa- the t.rincipal jmrch i-er. and continued the T.-.:! i! ic.,'.i":i d! I i '. I . '. leutsch Ainer- 110 ri iranischc Cait-ml.tr." and also published a IK-\\ '-pa per in ( iermar. . tht- tit If of which is no longer known, In 17.^4, in connec- tion with David C. Claypool, he issued the /!:, (';'' as a dailv paper, it beiiiL; the first daily newspaper in the 1'niU-d States. The .\\<>'!t: .-I tr-> ;\i!>! is tlie successor of Mr. iHinlap's paper. Hi- \vas an original member of tlie l ; irst City Troop, and served with it in all the campaign--, in which it participated during the Rcvolu- tion. He was Cornet of the Troop in 1775, First l.ienteiiant in I7 s i. and became- its Captain April 12, 1704. He also served, a- Major Commanding all the Cavalry, in the campaign during the Whiskcv Insur- rection. While Captain of the Troop in 17^9 he wrote the celebrated letter in answer to an order to march, in which he declared, "uith pleasure, I tell yon, that when the Laws and (Government of this happy countrv require defence, the First Troop of Philadelphia Cavalry wants but one hour's notice to march." In ijSo he subscribed /.'.). to the bank or^ani/.ed to supply tin- Continental arinv with pro- visions. He became quite wealthy, own- ing at one time gS,rxx> acres of land in Virginia I now Kentucky i ; also land upon which the tow n of I'tica, Indiana, is built, and the square in Philadelphia between i;th and. uth and Market and Chestnut street--, and the greater part of the- north side of Chestnut street between 12th and nth. He die>! November 27, ]Si2, and was buried in Christ Church burvin.n- jjround. He was married in Christ Church. February .;. 177;, to F.li/.abeth F.llison '!, Haves), widow of Captain F.l'isou, of Liverpool, Filmland. His will mi ntions five children Sarah, I-'.li/abeth, Mary, Ann and Harriett. John I). ': '.e.-ht. a member of the Philadelphia Mar, is a jjrandsi <}-.. [See " Pemia. Ar, ." 2d Series. \"ol. 4 p. ; X 5 : " His ory of the Fir-t City Troop," Phila.. -;-';.! William Erskinc, 1780. Was a Philadelphia merchant and :>. native of nd. He did m it live \< mi; to enjoy his meinber-hi]i in the Society, as he died the ' nd of the year 17*1. his will bein^ admitted to probate Jannarv 5, 17.^2. Two of the witnesses to that docu- ment, deo. Campbell 11771} and Sharp Ik-lany 1772 , were members of the F'neiidly Sons of St. Patrick, as were also all three of his executors. William West, Sr. 11771 , John Maxwell Nesbitt ii-~i\ and John I )onnaldson i i 77N i. In the will there are legacies to his mother, Mary Frskine, of Mulf, near I.oudonderrv. lie- land ; his brother, John Flrskine; hi> sis- ters Mar\\ Sarah and I-ili/.abeth ; and Jane Rei-d, sister to his father. He probablv was not married, as there is no mention of wife or children. I le was " lo.st at sea. " Thomas Fitzsimons, 1771. ---one of the original members of the Socictv, and its \'ice President fnwn June iS, 17^1, tojune 17, I7.S2. and aj^ain on March 17, 1796, was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1741. He emigrated to America before 1765, and en^a^ed in mercantile ])iii'suits. At the commencement of the Revolution he at once- espoused the- cause of the- Col- onies, and soon became prominent in the measures of resistance taken bv the citi /ens of Philadelphia. He was one of the Committee of Correspondence appointed at a meeting of citi/cns on June iS, 1774. to take the sense of the people in regard to the appointment of delegates to a (ien- eral Congress ot the Colonies, and was one of the- deputies to that Congress. which met in Philadelphia ou September 4. 1774. He raised a compain of Assoei- ators in 1775. \vhich formed part of Lieu- tenant-Colonel John Nixon's vl bat- talion, and took part with it in the opera- tions in New Jersey in the summer of I 776 and afterwards. On March i ;. 1777. he was appointed bv the Council ot Safety on the State Navy board. In 17X0 the firm of C.eor^e Meade.V Co.. , to the bank orsjani/cd to the Continental armv with ]>ro\ isioi.s. In 17^12 he was elected a member ot ihe Continental Congress, and took a leading jios-tion in the debates of that body. His feelings wen- strongly i-nlisted on behalf of the arm\'. and he opeiilv said in Congress tliat he concurred with those who hoped that the army would not dis- band unless provision should be made :~';'L , \sith \\hom '.; w..s for in.iny years associated ;n partnership. Mi- was simons were the committee appointed ;i Catholic, and was the largest c< '/>i.*\\':\im\i .!/- ties. He was elected a member of the- ::>:,\ \"ol. 2, \>. ,v/i; "Records <>f Amer- Pcnnsvlvauia Council of Censors in i7-\;, ican Catholic Historical Societv," \'ol. 2, and in the following year he dissolved ]>. 45; "Pennsylvania Archives," .>i! partnership with deor^e Meade, contin- Series, \"ol. I, p. ; "Historical Ma^a/.i:ie, " Januarv, vania Assemblv in 17^6 ^7. and in 17.^7 iS6i, p. iS.] was a member of the Federal Con veil- Alexander Foster, 170-1. \Va- a lion which framed the Constitution of native of Ireland, and a merchant in the I'nited States, and his name is amoii^ Philadelphia from 1791 to 17114, at 17 the signers of that instrument.. In the Peim street. He afterwards removed to procession on July 4, I7^S, to celebrate White Clay Hundred in New Castle Co., its ratification bv the States, he was one Del. His will, dated October Uy, i ;<.y.S, of the prominent participants, appearing mentions his sisters, Catharine Mo, .re, on horseback, and representing "The wife of Jason Moore- , Sarah (rill, widow, French Alliance." lie was elected a and Ann Rogers, widow, all of Kihna- member of the first House of Representa- Thomas, County Waterford, Ireland; his tives of the 1'nited States under the new niece, Sarah Killin^her, daughter of Constitution, and bv successive elections Kli/abeth Killin^'her, late of 1'ort-I.aw, continued until 1795. " < >n all jiractical County Waterford, Ireland; his nephew, questions, such as commerce, finance ami Christopher i : . Killin^her ; John Moore, exchange, he was regarded as one of the , son of Catharine Moore; Maurice Ko^ r - Illo-t able and e'.licient member* of the ers, of Philadelphia, Son of Marv Rogers, national legislature." He was the first widow. His place of residence in I >ela- to surest a tariff law. With the rise of ware was named "Foster II. ill, situated the Republic. m democratic, partv Mr. at the head ol tide-water of Christiana Fh/simo!is. who was ;l I-'ederalist, was Creek." He was of the firm of Nixon ec in I7<) he was one original members, was born in Mar\laiid of tile commissioners for liijnidatin^ the in 17,^-'. His lather, also named Tench claims of I'.ritish creditors under the F'raucis, was a native of Ireland, who treatv. He continued in business until emigrated to America in the earlv part iS<>,S. when, owin^ to obligations as of the iSth ccnturv. settleil in Kint Co., snmed for Robert Morris and others, he Md., after\\'.irds removed to Philadel- failed. He was I'resideiit of the Phila- phia, and Ivecame Attorne\'-i ietleral of deljihia Chamber of Commerce, a foun the province and one of it-- most promi dT and director of the bank of North nent citi/eiis. His mother \\as l":;/.i \m-rica, a director and subsequently beth, daughter of I'oster T',;rbi:tt, of Pri-si 1,-nt ol the Insurance Coinpanvof Kent co., Md. Tench 1'rancis 17- North America, and a trustee of the was a merchant in Philadelphia, a::d 1 niversity of Pi-niisyl vania. He was \\hen the bank was or^ani/e,! in ;;"> to also a member of the Hibernian Societv supply tlu- Continental arms' \sith provi- 17^)) and of the Hibernia I ; ire Com- sioiis to which he subst-n'bed /'^^.-:, FR 111! FU 691)1 year of his ai^e, and was buried in Mifflin. They had four children .1 Christ Church Cemeterv. He was a daughter, Rebecca Mililin Francis, mar- member of the Mount Resale Fishing ried Matthias Harrison; a son, Tench Companv and the Fishing Compauv of Francis, married Hannah Moore; a see- Fort St. David's in i 70:,. and one of the ond son. Samuel Francis, married Fli/a- ori'jjn.d members of the ("doucester Fo\ beth Davis, and changed his name when Hunting Club. He \\.is al-o a member a VOUUL; man to Samuel Milllm. thus be- of the Hibernia I-'ire C'>mp.m\ . In 1775 coming lu-ir to his wife's father's estate, he was Captain of a coinpauv called the ('.. H. Mifilin, of Hi>ui;hton, Mililin t \i Juaker bhies. He married in Christ Co. .publishers, Boston. Ma-s., i- a threat - Church. February N, 17^2, Ann Willing, grandson of Ttirbutt l-'rancis. daughter of Charles Willing and Anne Benjamin Fuller, 1771. ( )ne of the iShippeii' Willing. Thev had seven original members, Secretary and 'J'reas- children. John Francis married Abby urer. March 17, 1772 September S. 1775; Brown, of Ireland ; Willing Francis, born Vice-President, June 17, 1775 June 17, November _;o, 17(14, buried September 2, '77", and President, June 17, i77'>-June 1766; Thomas Francis, buried 1 7(16 ; <. 17, 1779. was a native of Ireland. lie Thomas Willing l-'rancis, member of Hi- was one of the most eminent ship-brokers bcrniau Society i N > ; ; Sophia Francis in Philadelphia, ami remarkable for his married C.eorye Harrison; Charles correctness in business transactions. His Francis; and Kli/aheth Powel married to Minutes as Secretary of the Soeietv are Joshua Fisher. Hi- niece, Sarah Ship- models of neatness ami precision. ( >n pen. married Thomas I.eu 17^5'. His December i S, 177\ he was one of the sisu-r, Marv F'rancis, married William Auditors of Accounts, and in 17X0 sub- Coxe, and was the mother of Tench scribed _/'_>, ooo to supplv the Continental Coxe 1790 , grandmother of Alexander army v\ith provisions. In 17^7 he was >S. Coxe iMh , ami of Charles S. Coxe ' also a shipping merchant, dealing in IM 7 ', and ;_Me a grandmother of F'.ckley Caracca cocoa and cotton. In 1791 he B. Coxe iSS;'i. [See " Pennsylvania was a merchant at No. K>2 S. Front Archive-," rd Series, \"ol. 4, p. 329.] street. He uas an intimate friend of Turblltt Francis, 1771. Brother of William Mitchell 11771 I, and one of the Te:ich Francis 177: . \\"as also one of executors of that gentleman's will He the original members. He was born was married, but died without issue on June 24, 17;-'. probablv in Philadelphia. November 21, 1799. In his will, admitted He adopted 'he militarv profession at an to probate December 6, I7<)<), he be- earlv a^e, and served '.n the French and ijneathed his Societv medal to Benjamin India:! War and in Bon<|Uct's expedition. F'uller West, son of hi- "worthv friend, icutenanl ::: the 441!] J-'oot.Jnlv William West, deceaseil, \\ith the pleas- and i ('inmandant of JIIL;' hope that he \\ill !i\'e to become ,''ii .if the Pennsylvania Ivi-i;i- worth\- member of the Society .}. \t t!u- same time he was F'rieiidly Sons of St. Patrick." In the >f tbe I-'ir-t Coni])anv of the will he mentions the fo!!o\\in^ relatives: He was a member of the Abraham F'uller. a nepheu ; Joshua l-'ul ('doucester F'ox Hunting (.'Itlb. He le;- Do\-le, ane]'he\v. and his twosistei'-. -eem- to have removed from Philadel- Mar\ and Ann Doyle; Hannah Doyle, i plii.i lie i- marked absent in the meet- niece; Marv Dovle and Ann Dovh-, chil- : - fora lonu: per:",', , and was a iu-tice dren of his niece, Hannah Doyle, de- peace of Northumberland en.. Pa. ceased, of the kingdom of Ireland; Mar- Iledied ' I'hiladelphi in 'uly, 1777, and tlia l-'uller, a niece, surviving daughter iri r] :;; Christ Church Burying- of his sister Ann, deceased ; Ma:yMitch- !, ' ih .' : r,| th ' vear. He mar ell, niece of his deceased wife, and he-- ried in '. liri-t Church. September 2'), hu-band. John Mit.hell. now residing in i--". Sarah, nnlv daughter of Samuel Charleston, S. C. ; Mar\ F'uller, relict ofhis I-U 11:; HA brother, Joseph rulk-r ; Marv FisluT, relict published between i7~->-\5. He was :'._ of his relation, Joseph Coleman l ; isher, de- rather of Thomas C.aniMc, formerly cea>eii ; Samuel l-'isher, son of the fore- American Consul at St. Thoina-, \V. I. Koiii^ ; Marv Austin, niece of hi-, wife; \\'e know nothing further concerni:!:. Abraham Brcnvu, her father, deceased, of him. Sussex co., X. I. ; Margaret lirown, sister Robert Glcil, 1772. The only infor of Marv Austin. He also mentions Mary mation concerning h;m i- that he \\..- Donnaldson, relict of his friend and co- partner ol 'John I'.oy'e 1771 . and :;:;; j>artner, Hui_;h Donnaldson; Helen have died prior to i 7y ;,, a- !u- i- mark' : Campbell, daughterof Hugh Donnuldsou ; deceased in the secretary'.-, li-t of me:: Kli/abeth I'.arelav, daughter of his friend bers of that year. 1 le was elected a m< ::;- and companion, Thomas 1 '.are lav, K-q. her on December 17, 1772, and wasp- (17711, deceased; Samuel Keith (iS<>6', ent at the meet;:,-- in March and j .: late apprentice. He left as executor-, of 177,;. and marked absent at the m. William Lewis, Counsellor-at-law. and in^'s in Se])tember and December, :77 ; ., John Donnaldsou M77S). His will was and March and June, 1774, after which probated before another member of the his name disappears from the minute-. Society. George Campbell 1771 i, who was Robert Gray, 1781. Was part ouner Register of Wills at the time. It mi^ht of ('.ray's Ferry. He died in isu. Hi- be well also to mentinn that his will con- will, dated March U), [N>2, and pro\ ed tained legacies to the Pennsylvania Hos- Mav 15, iSo2, mentions hi.- sister, Kli/a pital and to the poor of Chri-t and St. beth G. I.eiper ; children of his decea-i '. Peter's Churches. He was buried in sister, Mary Cirubb ; l;is si>tcr, Marj^art-'. Christ Church Hurying-jjround. Mr. Knowles ; children of hi- decea-ed }".-- ]-'nller was also a member of the ] libernia tiler, William Gra\ - ; his si-ter, Ann I ; ire Company. dray ; clr.ldrcll of hi- deceased ' GeorgO Fullertou, 1771. Was a ther, C.eor.^e Gniy. He was al.-o u i:u :: native of Ireland and a member of the ber ofthe Hibernian Society i I 71*- > . l'.',- ] ; irst City Troop. He died from a wound b rot her, C.eor^e ('.ra\', \s\i- a nu-m berof .';.;. received liv the ai'C'idental di-char^'e of Committee of Safetv, I'.oard of War, av.>! his pi-t<>! at ;i re\-iew near ''Venton in Speaker of State IIoi;-^ of Reprc-en: - 177^), ancl was buried in the ground of the tives. l-'ir-t Presbyterian Church in Hank street, John GrCCU, 1783. Was in the nier- Philade!])!iia. He was married Se])tem- chant service. He cominandeil the ship ber 2, 17')'), to Margaret Jlla'.r, \\lio sur- " Kmpre--. " ^6> tons, on IHT vova-^e fr>''.M A';\-ecl linn, al"!!^- v.ith four children, vi/.., New \"ork to Canton, the hr-! to Cl'.i:: i William Inilh-rton, James JHair 1'ullerton, },\- ri nv ves-el from the Ini'.ed State- Mary l-'iillerton and Margaret I'ullerton. I Ie sailetl l-'ebrua: v 22, I 7^.}, and r<-t ::: ::- i In hi- will, da.ted May :;,, 1775, and ad M"av 11,17^5. An account of the friend' mitted to probat.- August 17, 1776, he i- reception of the ve--el by ih.e CiiiiU'-c described as a merchant and owner of the luen-hants and the several commodores bri<^antine "Allies," and of a three- of the luiroju-an nations then at Canto' fourth- interest in the -hip "Kitty." may be found in //,;-. :i\:' < /'"."-v The will mention- an uncle, fohn l-'uller- /\'.- .; : t, r, \'\. :, >. j->;. l-'n-m : 'on, "in Ireland." Acconlin^ to the 17^- a ':;: ('.rein. I:., is '.:'.< I .:: .-ame document he was owner of i--tates Directories as a Sea Captain. n--i. !::: in Northumberland and Cumberland ! "uj X. I-'mnt. >treet. On I'i bru .;-;. counties. In June, 177.^. he wa- a dealer 171)5, the-e i, a rec. vrd of a ,Ieed ti i ]'. in European and Ka-t India <^oods. C.reen, mariner. T!;i- i- all that \\ e '. n .\\ Archibald Gamble, 1782. Wa< Professor of Oratory and Classics in the Edward Hand, 17S2. I'niversity of Pennsylvania, and supposed and Dor'th\ H.in-i i;: ! one of the :no-' to be the author of a number of tract- di-t iiU' iii-'u - : <'' '.!: Re\olu HA tionary War, was l.orn December 31, 174.4 S O. S. , at Cly.lulf, Rings co., Ire- land, He studied medicine in Ireland ;.:. i attended the medical lectures ,>t Trinit} College, Dublin, bv Drs. David McKride and George Cleghorn. The lat- ter certifies on April 15, 1707, that "Mr. Ldward Hand, Surgeon's Mate in the Roval Irish Regiment of Fool, did care- fully and diligently attend my lectures iu ; ".atomy, physiology and sr.rgcrv last winter, ami that he himself dissected the muscles and blood-vessels \\ith dexterity . r.d skill." He was Surgeon's Matt- in the i Mil Roval Irish Regiment of Loot, and sailed with tlie regiment from Ire- land on May Jo, 17(17, and arrived in America on [ulv ; : of the same year "below Philadelphia." The regiment j Went to Lort Pitt, and was there in Xo- Vember, 177-. He w.,s commissioned Liisigu on February 27, 1772. lie resigned in 1774. as will appear bv the following letter : CK A ir,'s ('( ii KT. June 24, 1774. "We have been favored with Yonr Letter of the ;d April advising Ls of Yonr Inten- tion to Draw for .{';>. being the price of your Lnsigr.rv. in favor of Major L.dmon- slone ; and as Sir John Sebright. in conse- quence of Yonr request to retire, Recom- mended Mr. Ho.tr for the purchase, he was accordingly appointed Lnsign in Yonr Room; his Commission dated the loth instant, so that Yon may settle ac- Cordinglv with thi I'a\niaster for Yonr Subsistence. When Vonr P.ill for the Four hundred pounds is presented, it shall be duly HOD, .red. We are. ;ir. Your most ( i 1 edier.1 Humble Servants, Cox \- M AIR. He w( r.t to I. an : in 1 774 tftei li - . the I'.rit isll siT' ii e, ','. it'll the illtl'll lion n| ^-tiling down rnm-iU to ' ' r i! his proit-- s'l in ; lint a! tin- com melicemeni ol thi Revo'.ut'on : :* : the colonial c c:-e, a:;,l was conniiissioned. June 25. : 77". Lieu ten- ant-Colonel of the I'enu-N Ivar.ia Rillr I'.attaliou, and from thai time until Ihe close ol tlie war he was in constanl ser- vice with Ihe Continental armv, and one of its lira vest and most gallant officers. He was made Colonel on March 7, 177(1, Brigadier-General on April i, 1777, and on April 12, 1777, was appointed to the command of the troops required for the defence of the western frontier. Hand and his Pennsylvania Rifles are frequently and honorably mentioned bv Irving in his life of Washington, and in all works re- laling to the history of the Revolutionary War. Among many of his exploils were his check of Cornwallis at I^'lalbnsh, and his holding tlie bridge at Frog's Xeck against Howe until reinforced, on both occasions acting against superior numbers. I le was in the thick of the tight at Trenton, and having cut off the- retreat of" Ihe Hessians, compelled Iheni lo surrender after the fall of their brave commander, Rahl. In a letler from Richard Peters, "War Office, August 29, 1777. lo Ciciieral Hand, it is stated that the- Hoard vested him \sith full powers in his command in the West. "Yon will judge," sa\s the letter, "of the Prudence \; probable Success of any Knlcrprisc von mav undertake, Xi the Means of carrying it into execution, as the whole is KTi to your Discretion and Management." He \\as commissioned Adjutant-Oeneral on January 3, 17> S I, re- I turned to Washington's army, and was present in the operations \\hich resulted in the surrender of Yorklown. He \\as elect i-il a member of the 1'riendl v Sons of St. Patrick on March iS, ]~'^2, and signed the roll al the same time as < '.eiieral Wash- ington. At the close of the v.ar he re- turned to Lancastir and lesinned tlie practice of hi', profession. When the troops were evacuating I.ong Island }:< \\'as leading a fractions horse. It threv. him in the boat and jilaced its foot on !;:,- riglil eve, resulting in a permanent in- jury which trouble.! him greatly in his later years, resulting in almost total blindness of the eye. In 1790, \\hilc still at Lancaster, he joined tlie Hibernian Society. In i~up:i:n and Northampton coun- Society in 17 1 /-, and took .1 very act;\e t.es, and in :7v^ u ' as Major-General in part in its affair-, IK-::;L; OIK- of the first tile 1'Tovi-ionai arniv of the I "nited States. two counsellors, elected April 5, I ;y >. and He Voided at Rock ford, near Lancaster, Vice President of tile Society until Ills until his death, which occurred on Sep deatli in i,S:.j. tembcr 3. i.S<>2. He married, March 13, George Henry, 1775. A native of 177S, Katharine Kwin;4, a niece ot Jas])er Ireland, \\ a- a shipping niercha::t in Yeatcs, Indite of the Supreme Court of Philadelphia. lie wa- Lieutenant : ' . Henry. Hcv,.,, vicinity of Newrv. Ireland, and wa- in the commis-arv of military and naval stores, linen trade with his l)rotiier Thomas in December 22, \~~^. In i7^s he v.. ; - in Phiiadi iphia. In the Directory for 17^1 business at 955 l-'roiit street. lie ilie 1 lie is noted as a drv-iM>od- merchant at prior to i 7y,v I le was also a meml >cr of 9<> S. Front street. He was also a mem- the 1'ir^t Citv Troop and of the- Ii'.''crir.:i her of the Hibernian Society ' i~y>). l ; ire Company. Charles Hcatly, 1783. W, is a -en- Alexander Holmes, 1780. -We tleman of fortune and a barrister in know nothing concerning him bevond Ireland. " He wa> compelled to leave his the fact that he was " lo>t at sea.'' native country ,iiid estate on account of Hugh Holmes, 1791. Wa- a native some 'jAitriotic eifort in which hi- /eal o f Antrim, Ireland., and jiarlner of Roll- had exposed him to the malignity of the <.-rt Rainey 1791 , in the firm of Holmes government." I le settled in I'hilade'.phia, X Rainey, merchants On June 17, 1 7>^b, win. re he practi>ed law tor many years. he advertises himself in Carev's I'ennsvl- Hir- will, dated July i'.>, is<)2, was admitted vania /::!'>/!>(;' 1 Ic>\i!d as a dealer in cot- to proiiate I'el.Tiiarv 22, 1^14. His cxccn- ton ^'oods, linens, etc.. late of the house tur> were Hniiii Holmes ^ i 701 i and Henja- of Ralston oc Holmes. He was one of min \Vi'.-o;; i iSo^i. A.nother member of the twelve founders of the Hibernian So- the Hibernian Society, Dr. Robert S. Staf- cietv, March .}, ' 7y . and took a very his will he ex]>re>ses the wish to be interred its I'ri'-ident from March 17, INJU, u:i- -.11 the ' urial-Lrround of Christ Church, a- til his death. He died April 2 Si;, near a- ] .f.--: ; '.-. to his dear wife, in the a-cd '>s vears, and wa- Imrieii in the mo-: s:i!i]ile manner, witliout an\ nn- l ; ir>t I'reslu terian Ci - meler\-. Lettei'S oi t:tie and Joseph Tau r ert iNu .both members thersand >isters. Jolm, Henr\', Mar\-, of the Elibernian Society. Joii:; Le am% ':'. .rtha, l.ui / r-.nd Henrietta. He be- 17(12 and ( rcorye I.atinier ,17'H) weie .eath- hi-, note-books and law note- the sureties. - to tiie oldest son of hi-, brother George Hughes, 1781. A na'ive of im. "who shall have him educated in Ireland, wa- a dr\ snoods me:c'n.i:H :n :..e C'-'.'.e-e of Dublin. " He also men- Philadelphia. In 1741 he resided. $ ;- -.0:.- Ins houu-r a'.-law, latt 1\' ,i!'rivi-d from St. 'u-rnia l-'iiv Comnanv. IR 11>- IR William Irviue, 1781. Born near field. I hope in the future they will Enniskillen, County l-'ermauai'h. Ireland, alwav> take it." On Mav ;j, 1779, he November 3. 1741. He attended a strain- was made brigadier-* ieneral and assigned mar >chool in Kuniskillcn, and completed t> the command of the 2(1 Hi igade, Penn- his studies at Dublin I'niversitv. IIi.-tln.-ii s\ ivania Line, lie served under Wayne juiiu-d the Kritish army as a cornet, but during 1779 an '^ '7 s ". and until the so- o\sing to a quarrel with his colonel IK- called revolt of the IV 'Sin-vi v.iTiia Line i:i resigned. He afterwards, studied meiii- the beginning of 17^;. After this lie cine and snrgcrv, and was appointed stir- was engaged in re-Tinting tor the I'enu- gcoii in a briiish inan-( if-\\ar. during the sylvania Line until September, I7S: ; upon w.i! hetuicn Kngland and France. In recommendation oi" Washington, he \\ is J7'>4, a few months alter the peace, lie ordered to l-'ort Pitt, to take command of came to America and >et'.'.ed at Carlisle, the \VeMern I' 1 ;.::".::; ;., .iiid \\.is i:i- I'a., wlu-re fur a time he practiced medi- t: n>ted with the ilelence a meinlier from Cumlier- Irontier. Though disappointed at not laud co. in the rr>\-incial Convention, being >cnt to the field ui;h ;he me:: i;e which met in LMiiladelphia, July 15, 1774, had raised, he accepted tile appomt'iu-r.t and which reconinieiuled a (k-nera! Con- and assumed command early in Novem!>er, jrress of the Colonies. He was al><> a rep- ij.Si. While on a vi>il to h:-< home in rescntative in the succeeding Conft-rences Jannarv, '.~*^2, he \sa-> suddenly :\-- .tlle-1 of the Province. <>n Jannar\- (>, 1770, he to the frontier, by IXMSOII of the threatened was appointeil bv Congress to raise and Indian raids, finding liie ^ irrisor. and command the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment. peo])le much excite-i and alarmed. lie This work suecc>>tuliy performed, Colonel quelled a mutinous >pirit .iiuon^ the Irvine inarched with it t<> tlu- mouth of soldiers bv his firmness, ami an L-xpe- tlie Richelieu river, :n Canada, t<> join ditioii bv Colonel V.':::. Crawlord ,i^ -in^t the Northern army. On June 7, 1770, the Indian> bein K r unsncce>sful, he pro- his regiment and three companies, under },o>ed to un-lertake another expedition, Colonel Anthonv Wayne, tlu- \\lioU- coin- to be led by him.-elf, but the Iliitisli com- mandcd b\- deiu-ral \\'m. 'i'h"mpM in, mander assureil the authorities thai the went to Nicolet and were joined by Colonel >ava^e> had been ordered to cease ho>ti'.i- Arthur St. Cl.iir, with nearlv 70.) nun. ties, and \\" '.>':'.:::.-;' ' >n stopped 'die ex;>e- \n attai k. \\ is made on the !'.viti>h troops dition. He remained in c >;i;i:; ind untu at Trois Rivieres, about fortv miles below, ( )ct>)ber i, I7 S , : ,. v. lien re relurre-i to his but the Americans were repulsed, and home in C irlisle, mu- '; broken ::: lu-alth. (leneral Thomp-on and Colonel Irviue lie wa.i not Ion- permitted to ::;:< to were i aptured ' the in my an : ' iken to ].rivate life. In i 7-V, \j lie -A i-> = inembeV Quebec. < >n AULT:.- ;, 1770, Colonel of the Council of Ce:i-or, .: t!i-' Slate, Irvine '.s is released upon parole, but was and on March 2 f i, 17^ \\ L-> ]-'"' not ex haiiLred until Ajiril 2 i , i;7 s , when the President ot reim-ylv u::a 'o i xaintne lie was imnied; it--l\- assigned to active and >elect douat: >:\ la;:-'.- pi the du'v u:th \Va--hiii ' n' army. In the I > enn>ylvauia troop-., .:: . ; -port -d the [j ttle of Monmouth, X. J., he \sa- in follou in:: November, recommend!:;- the command of a bri-aile. an-1 v.hi-u Lee'^ purchase of th.<- " Tri m-le." thus -ivin^ ' : i loj.^ \\eve retreat:;: x, tli' -. i impeded to I'enn-ylvani.i : :it let o:: Lake iie idvance of Colonel Irvine'-- brigade He was a meinbe: from Cumberland , ': he threatened to '-h . through in the Coutiuen'. d Con-j.re< -- In- fore he could inak- : ; : - wa\ to of the State Co::-/ it n'.Miia! v invention an advanced po-it ion. I: ' ' ' ' 1 ' ! of 1 7^- 1. In '79; he ua-< i Cotnmi.-Moiier lo June ;o, 17 tin ' ittle. he e-tabli>h the bound arv line betwee:: Hunt- writes : " Thu- 'he pride ol t:;e '::::-': ijiiidoti ind MiHlin c- nmties He \\ - also a Twin; i- \< >: rinu ; in ill tin ad n; inber of tin- i'.i i:d o! C numi^i mer- ' liithe-to tl:e \ :.:: .:i- nevci took th- irr.n _;- an account, be'.'.veeu th.- S* i' - and the General Government. He was a number of the ^d Congress, 1793-95, under the Federal Constitution, and in 1794 lu- was a Coniniissioner to lay out the towns of Hrie, Waterford, Warren and l-'ranklin, I'; 1 .., and also to lav out a road from Read- ing to Prestjue Isle, and on August (i of same vear, at the beginning of the Whiskev Insurrection, was selected by Governor MitTlin to go with Chief-Justice McKean and ascertain the facts concern- ing the troubles, and. if practicable, bring the insurgents to a sense of duty. The negotiations failed, and General Irvine, as senior Major-General, commanded the IVnnsvh-ania troops under Governor Mifflin. He was one of the thirteen presidential electors for Pennsylvania, when John Adams was elected President in 1797. In 1798 he was appointed Commamler-in-Chief of the Pennsylvania contingent ordered by Congress for Un- expected French war. When Jefferson was made President, General Irvine was appointed Intendant of Military Stores at Philadelphia, with charge of the public arsenals, and occupied that position when he died in this < -it v of cholera-morbus, July 29. i So.}. Pou'son's /)in/r Adret'tiscr, of Augti-t i, ;NI.}. says: General Irvine "was on tl'.e Canada Kxprdition, where l:is talents and gallantrv were \ ery im- portant ami occasioned him to be con- suited bv the Commander-in-Chief during : lie remainder of the war on all the opera- tions of the Middle- States. . . . Faithful, v.rtuons and affectionate husband, the foi.'l and tender parent. Ir. him neither disguise nor chicanerv superseded the honest integrity of th.e lu-art ; sincere in his friendships and as sincere in In- di->- likes he- respected nom but those lie deemed worthv and those he de-pised he sr,unne,hington-Ir vine Correspondence. "by C. W. Hutterfiel.l. pp. (.5 70. Madison, Wis., iSS2 ; "History of Westnion la'.id ColllltV," ]). -Jo.}; "Si'harf ^V Westeof.'S History of Philadelphia," Vol. . p. 478 ; "Pennsylvania Archives," jd series, Vol. 4, p. 167; l\'nn.\ r/; it, Vol. 2, p. 147.] Frauds Johnston, 1779. As early as 1721 lands were settled by Alexander Johnston (father of Francis Johnston) and others, who were Irish Presbyterians, in the central portion of Chester eo., Pa. Alexander Johnston, who came from the vicinitv of Londonderry, Ireland, was a magistrate, and his farm contained some yrx) acres. He was married to Martha Johnston ( maiden name not known ; and had nine children, vi/.., live sons and four daughters. He died August \ 17^1. aged S.I years, and his wife, Martha, on Febrn- arv S, 17^4, aged \ears. Thev are buried, on what was a portion of his plan- tation, at New London Cross-Roads (Changed in iS.j; to New I.< 'lidon , Che-tiT co., Pa. Colonel I'rancis Johnston i 1771)), the second and only son lea\'ing i^-sue to ]>ei']ietuate the name, %\as born on his father's estate in 1 7 JN. In 1'uthey's " His- tory of Chester County, Pa.," it is stated that he " u as among the earliest and most earnest of the \\'hig-- of Chester co., \sho led the o]i])osition to the measun-s of Great I'ritaiii. which resiiltei! in the \\'ar of Inde])elldence. \\"heii the tll.lStlT- spirils of that da\ as-embU-d to oig.mi/e resistance to t \ T.M'.M \ . \\ e ,d::;o-,t : :r. .<: : a 1 1 \' find Anthoiu- Wayne presiding at the meeting-^ in Chester co. and Fr iv,-: 'V.n- -toi! actiii 1 .; as Secret. ny." < Vi ' .-".i rv J, I 776, the Committi e of Safe' \ ::! :'h:i i- delphia recommended \nl1io;,;. Wavne tor Colonel and Fran, is John-'on for I.ief.teii.m: C 1 of !'.; .'.'.h l'r.':i-y vania P.attalion then to be raided, and tin v \\ere acd .r.iin ;_ '. \ api 'oi;:t e. ! ' v the In Seplem: 'ef, ; 77 '. ania JO 1H KN Regiment was organized with l-'rancis H ir, who died ,it I'ittshuix, I'a., on Sep- tou as Colonel, and I'crsifor l'ra/i r tcmber : >, iN\^; his only living ik'sceml- a - Lieutenant-Colonel. It was present at ant- area (laughter, the \v.t~e < I 1'rolissor tiu- battles of Brandvwine, Gcrmantoun, \Y:n. .M. Sloane, of Princeton, X. J., .,111! M' >r.'::' >:ith and Stouv Point. Colonel a L, r randdaui;hter, the clrld of his son, Johnston \\.is in active service unii! Jar.- Ro-.-, Johnston. ,d. Howard; .;*!:. Alex- narv I, 17-M. In 17^ he \sas A-Mstant ander ; 5th. Carol lie ill di ceased. Treasurer and in 17^5 Treasurer ot the Alexander \\". Johnston sueeeeded his State Society of the Cincinnati. In 17.^4 father, Colonel I'raneis John.-ton, to the he \\a- appointed by the General Govern- ineinber.ship of the Society of ;'.:< Cin-'Mi:- nient a Conimi>Moncr to treat with the n.iti : he \sa< succeeded !>\ I;i- >ou. Win. I", lians, \vheii the treat\" of l ; i >rt Stan\\ ix l'o\-nteil lolmston ; he !>v h:-- son, \\'ni. was executed. In :>ii he was Receiver- I'ovnU 11 [olin.-ton, and lie bv his Lrother, (rene:.:l nf the I.,;!id ( Mfu'e of 1'enn^vl- Til'^hman folin-.', t >n. .: iileui'uer of tile vania, and. had his ofjice at 1 3;^ Walnut liar of Wilmington, l>el., who is now tile >;: et. in i 7., t he -'.;!'. lu Id that ollice. as re])reseiitattv he wrote, v^ept inl>er : >. i 704, to Governor Gcuci'al Henry Knox. 1782. Horn Mifllin. olTerir.^ his services as a volunteer Julv 25, \~-.. in I'.or-tou, M..SS. His in the City Troop, to >nppress the whiskey ]iarent^ canie from the .\<>rth of Ireland insurrection, "should \.mthink it com- probablv from the \'icinitv of lieliasl patiMe ^vit 1 .l the duties I o\\e the juiblic settled in I'.o>ton, Mass. Alter lea\'iiii; at this tiin-.-, in thu character of Receiver- .school he obtained - nr ' i\-nie!it in the General of the Land Office." He died bookseller's shop of \Vhart ai ,x I'.ower, February J2, 1^15. a t i^ed '17 years. He a;id ujion h.:-~ arri\ il it the ,- of 21 was a member of the I ; irst City Troop, and years he '''..' .: bi;siue>s ... -. ' >ik-eller was the facetious Secretar\- of the lashing on his o\\n account. lie : 1.' >: :. j'.dv Club before the war. lie was al-o ;i identified himself \\itb. th-- mea-ures member of the Hibernian Society ' taken to resist the aggressions of and of the Ilibernia I ; ire Company. I'.ritish Government, and sonii ..f'.i-i i. ex- 1 Ie r< cciveil a liberal education; was an inj^ton he left Moston in disj^Misi- an'.l excellent el .---:. .;! scholar, and was d 1 .^- joiiied the American troops. l"po:i No- tinLjuished for !ii> drollery and humor'';:-- veinber 17, >.~~ : , he \\~as commissioned \',y anecdotes, siini; a nierrv son^' and \vas the Congress to be Colon*.] ol th.i Artillery life of a d.inni i : rtv. His \\it was pro Regiment of the Conti:;e::: il armv. (,): verbial. At one time he lived at " Mount the ni-ht of March 4. 177'^, imde; . ,ver I'rospec: . '' <>n the Sell nvl kill, no\\ in- of a lirisk i mnon ide from Ki;o\ - ' eluded in !' innount Park. I'pon I)e- ies. General Thomas took ; , . . , :; ,,; cember:-, : 775, lie marrii-,1 Alici- l-irwin, I ion-holer Heights, co:i th- us record' i in Chrisi dun li records, town and harbor of Ilos-on, and Ahieh Philadelp; ': ' ' " hil In n Mary he s- > fortilii I that tin Bri ! .: '.'. in John -ton, uh marrii-d Ric'nard decidi <1 t" *-vai uate lio-1 i;: < Re-:-'; ". nd Al ' \\". Johnston, t'pon December.^. 177'!. hi wi-conimi-- \\ho mar ri i 1 Ann !' '. n'e'd, d ni-hter of ion : i ( ',i-nei ' K : : ' ' '. ' .!' Ki becca ci 'Him md of the ir'i'.a-r tl : ' '. r,\ ['.i ' " ".' : i , :' : A. Cald- Washington thron^li i':; ' : 1-1 :i:d a:: . . - . II: ! \'.c\ai:der W. ConiK-' ticnt to I. .,:-!-' ' N.-U Job;;-' - : : Vork cit v, and in t' 1 :-. o; -r ,: . in th [St. Wm. I'ovnleh !"':>' ' Jerseys. Wl : ;i :; ' : '. ': in [''.''.'''> I )e'. a \\are Knox -" " : ' th. / L one time in Kri !:! Sunbu; I'a . '. . . ' ' '-'"' \'- -': :'. die'! !'<':: i-y . : '. : :: : '.'. ; i '' :: ' . '.'. , I ii 1. : '.; .- ! .. i-ion. It v i - t'; .' ''; .. ' \\" i-'.ii: ' ri* es him a- a i;; a'i oi LT.-CUL. <;iCOR(iK LATIMKR. KN 119 LA great militarv reading, sound judgment ionable societv and attracted con-ider ih'.- a:;d clear conceptions." and as "one of notice. They had twcl\e chil l:vn, :::::_ the most valuable officers in the service." of whom died in chil ihood or inf.f.; \. He took part in the operations at I'hila- Only three -urv;\ed their ft'.her: I.:: delphia and in the battle- of Hiamly wine, l ; lucker Knox, Henrv lark-on K.UOX and (iennantowii and Monniouth. lie was Caroline K:io\. who married, i-t, J.riie- one of the hoanl of general officers which Swan, of Dorche-ter; 2d, Hon. John trit-d Major Andre. At Vorktown his Holme-, of Maine. both the latter tin. 1 services were invaluable, and he was coin- without is-ue. I.ucv Thicker Kno\ m.ir- plimented in general orders after the sur- ried I;bene/er Thatcher. <>::e of h r render and recommended for promotion. descendant-. IK-nrv Kno\ Sike-. no.v He was promoted to the rank of Major- represents his great-grandfather in ti.i (iener.il, March 22, 17^2, to date from No- Society of the Cincinnati. [See -ket- h vember 15, 17*1. On August 26, \~*2, he in "Memorial- of the Mas-achu-elt- So was left ill command of the army by ciety of the Cincinnati," bv Janie- M. W.'.-hington, and had charge of its dis- Jiugbee, Dor-ton, 1^90, p. 297 ; "Wa-hing- bandnieiil. In January, I7> S 4, he retired ton and his ( ieiierals. " b\- Ileadley; N .- to civil life and took up his resilience in tional Portrait (iallery. Dorchester. Mass. On March 4, 17^5. George Llltimcr, 1702. Iv.rnju'.y Co::gres.s elected him to fill the office of IS, 1750, at Newport, Del. II.- f.thir, Secretarv of War, and upon the ft irmation James I.atimer, then a 1 >< >v < >f 17 vi ar- of o!" the new (iovernment in 17^9. \\"ash- age, and his grandfather, Arthur I.atimer, ington continued him in the post of Secre- came to America in i 7,V"' from t'ne N rth tnry of War. He served until 1795, when of Ireland and settled in I.aiica-ter Co.. he resigned and finallv retired from the Pa. James, the father of (ieorge, mar- pu'jlic service, fixing his future residence ried Sarah (ieddcs and li\\d at Ncwpoit. at Thomaston, Me. His wife was pos- Del., w here lie owned Hour mill-. Though se.-sed of an extensive tract of land in living in a Tory neighborhood the l.ati- Maine, and he applied himself to its mer f.unilv were active ailherents of the development, entering largely into brick- American cause. The father, lame- I.ati- making and the manufacture of lime and mer. was Lieutenant-Colonel oi one o! the lumber. A.- earlv as !79'> he also engaged two regiments ol Delaware militia lonned in -hip-building. Many of his business March Jo, 1775, to aid the car.-e of i:-.dc- enlerpri-c- were not Micccs-ful, anil he pendcnee, and was president of the Dela- hecaine embarrassed financially. ()n April wa:e Convention, whicli on December 7, (j, I 7, he was appointed a commissioner i 7^7 the tir.-tof all theSlatcs . ratine 1 the fo. the 1'nitcd State- for settling the Mast- Constitution of the 1 "nited State-. (ic":^- ern Pionndarv on the '.rue river St. Croix. I.atimer w is a l.ieiiti n.mt-Colonel in :'.; In iSo; he was elected a member "f the Revolution. irv army; hi- brother, Dr (ieneral Court, and on June 2, IN,.;, he Henry 1/c imcr. af'.erv, ard- Tniled Slat was appointed one of tile Council of Senator from Delaware w ;- L-u:geo::m (io\ernor Strong, bv whom he was much the Amertcan .::;:. anil hi- '':>>'her :. r.-ri-nlted in important affairs. He died law. Captain i ii Me-, w - : c 'ni:ni--t->:. t- .! i / . : i >' ier 25, [Si />, after an illness of a few oi'ficer in the nav\\ file I': " ; h a :t :;:' ili -. lieii'-ral Kno\ was the leadt : :n itle- tillered a :vw.,rd lor th.'" c '.'.: -, the formation of the Societv of the Cin- "dead or ..'.'. v ." , :' _' ,::. - ' . .:i::ii r ,. cinnati and devised the ]>lan u])on which. hi- t w ,,-,>:-.< ',< o--/e :: ; ; [e::rv. lieo:^ i: was founded. He married. June ifj. I.atimer m ir: 'c-! Mi- : Cath.cart. !' 1771. Lucy 1'lucker. second .1 mghter r,f rnarv .'". e -A i- he re-i.'l.- Hon. Thomas I ; lucker, Secretary of the in 1'hiiad. iphia, ,,:: I w,,- S;a-aker of ; Massachu-ett-; Province I Hiring his i '< n:;-\\\ .mia !! ."-e c 1\- ;/( -i ::ta' :\ e- :-. ,'h ; i. -he was one o; ;'.-,-.;. i,!.-;- of Ih-li- i.'.ent !. -hv. \ 1 .::.- - ; lie w is l.K 120 Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. lie \sas engaged in mercantile business in Philadelphia a (lour merchant at 71 South Wharves and i Pirn- street ; and was for many years President of the Union ]-'ire Insurance Compan v. 1 Ie owned .it the time of his death the property in uhich lie resided oil Sixth street above Spruce. He died June 12, KSJ V S, leaving to survive him his wife, two daughters and one son, James I.atimer ^iSo;, , who \\.is a member of the Hibernian Society, as lie also was himself i i 790 . Lieutenant-Colonel (ieo. I.atimer was a famous fox-hunter in early rife and was thrown from his horse, so severely injuring his leg that he was never :.fti rwards able to walk any distance. lie was alwavs driven to and from his place of business. None of his descendants are i living. I Ion. Janus \V. I.atimer, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of York County, Pa., is his grandnephew. Thomas Lea, 1785.- Son of Thomas and F'.leanor l.ea, of Dublin, Ireland, was born in Philadelphia, July -6, 1757. Ik- was a shipping merchant. I Ie was one of the twelve founders of the Hibernian Societv ; 7v and was also a member of the Hibernia Fire Company. He died at Philadelphia, September 22, 1793. Ik- was twice man :ed. I'.v his first wife, Marv, whose maiden name \\as probably Whit- ston, l:i- left issue a son. John I,ea. On Se] 'tcinbcr 2T, !7S7,he married in Christ Church, Sarah, daughter ol Chief-Justice Kdward Ship; en, husband of Margaret I'ran is. a si-It r of Tench I'raneis (1771 1. ]'.v her he had t\so children : Robert Lea. v. ho died y< ung ar.d v,as buried in Christ Church bur\ ing-ground, and Margaret Shippcn Lea, v. ho married, lime 9. iSoS, ; lominick Lym h. of N( York. In the will of Thomas Lc a, dated November i i, 1792, a;id ]iroved. November : ;, 1793, he mi :'.: >ns hi 1 - brother, Rolt, rt Lea ; his sisters, Kli/.aheth and Su-annah Lea, and \vi t e ( 1 1 K <::; ; ; and h : - brother-in-law, James \vh . Rev. Lea Lurjuer, of P>edfonl, N, Y., i- a great- _ r randsi in ' if Thi imas Lea. John Lcamy, 17012. \Va- a i: iiiveof [re-land. 1 k cann to Ann : : < . utiunarv w ar from Si re he had been residing for some years, and en- gaged in mercantile business. In 1791 he is noted ill the Directory as "agent for his Catholic majesty." He was lor many vears President of the Marine Insurance Company. lie died in 1^9. His will, dated July J S, and proved December 7, iS;,9, mentions his wife, Kli/abeth Leamy, and his oldest daughter, Ann Leamy. In St. Mary's Churchyard iMr. Leamy was a Catholic) there is a tombstone over the remains of Miss Margaret Leamy, \sho died June 22, iS<>7. aged 13 years. 2 months and 9 days. Mr. Leamy was also a member of the Hibernian .Society I 1790'. Ulysses Lynch, 1771. One of the original members, was a relative of John Maxwell Nesbitt, and came from the vicinitv of the town of Newry, Ire- land. He qualified as a member and signed the rules, but only attended the meetings up to September, 1771, after which date he is marked " beyond sea " until September, 1775, when his name disappears from the list. I Ie probablv re- turned to Ireland short lv after joining. George Meade, 1771. --One of the original members, was born Februarv 27, 1741, in Philadelphia. lie was the son of Robert Meade, a native of County Limer- ick, Ireland, v>ho was a merchant for a number of years in Philadelphia prior to 175). and of Mar\' . Ik was educated under the super vision of his uncle. ( '.eorge Stretch, and at an early age embarked in mercantile bur-mess. As eailv a> May 12, 1763, he was in par'.i!cr:--hip with his brother, ('.anelt Meade. as an impor- ter of F.uropean and F'.a^t India goods. In the Year 17^1 Catharine Meade mar- ried Thomas l-'it/sinions i 1771 V In 1765 he was a signer, \\i;h hi-, brother, of the Non-Importation Agreement. In 17^7 the brother^ seem to have been in the fieighting and shipping as we'd as the im rting business. On M;:\ .", i 7'> s . (ieorge Meade married Henrietta Constantia. daughter of Riehard Wor-am. of the I-land of I'.arbadoes, with \shich island lii- father anil hi- own lirm had intimate In 1772 the- fivm : toll vi Id-ell ( lianged to (ieorge ! Meade ^\: Co., Thomas l-'il/simoiis, \vho was so long associated in business with (ieorge Meade, probably taking the place of (iarrett Meade. In 1775 he was en roiled in the Third liattalion of Associa- tors. In 177') he was on various relief committees, committees of correspond- ence, and sub-committees of citi/eiis to sui'erintend food supplies brought to the city, and he served also in the A-s- :ciators. l"])on the approach of the british to rhiladeiphia he abandoned the city, taking his family with him, but re- turned after the evacuation in 177^ and resumed business. In ijSo George Meade vS: Co. subscribed /'2,ooo to the bank or- Liani/ed for supplying the army with pro- visions. In 17^4 Thomas I-'it/simons retired from the. firm, which was about to close i'.s affairs. The firm had suffered serious financial losses, and George Meade was shortly afterwards compelled to com- pound with his creditors, which he did to their satisfaction. With the generous assistance of George Uarclav. of London, his largest creditor, who wrote to him stating that he might draw for / IO.WKJ, he was enabled not only to retrieve his losses but to pay Mr. Harclav and every other creditor in full. Hi- continued in bi'-iness until iSo,}. In 1 792 he was Chair- man of tlie I'.o.inl of Management of the In-pcctors of the Prisons, and in i 7^.; was Vice-1'resident of First-Day or Sunday Schools. He was also a Manager ot the Philadelphia Dispensary. During the yellow fever epidemic of I 70.3 he reinainei 1 in the citv a-si>tiug t'ne sufferer-. In 171/1 he appears on th-- roll of subscribers t<> the fund for building St. Augustine's Catho'.ic Cii'irch. lie was also a Trustee oi St. Marv'-, 1'o'irtli aliove S])ruce. In i '-i.'i he i- recorded in the Directory as a " Lien 1 '.email," havini; Liiven upbu-'Ue-^. Hi 1 ilu-d in Philadelphia, Novem 1 "-:- o. !> i^, aiul \vas liuried in St. Mary's Church- yard. Hi-, \\idow removed to !!;:,;! tnd no' ;,,;!-; ;,firr his death and died A::-;;-; 2~ , '^.'-'. at I ; .d;^ barton, near I'lirminuham, a;j( d 7( \'car--. I le had ten cli !. Cath irine M irv Meade. bom ;;, in !. ind< <:\ wl-.ik- on a \i-it, I inu !->/<>. J. l{li/.abeth Meade. born married Thos. Ketiand, of Hn^land, in 170x1. 3. ( '.arrett Meade, born 1771, died April 2'">, 1773. 4. Henriefa Con-^tantia Meade, born An-u>t, 1772, died June 27. INM ; married John Ketlaud. of J ; .n^Iaipi, in December, 179'). 5. ('.eo:- L - Stretch Meade, born An-\^t 2'.>, 1774, died three da\'S :tfter\s '.ird>. 0. Kober'. Me.i'le. b< <: p. vSeptember 2u, 1775, dietl Mav;,, 17^0. 7. Richard \\"or>am Meade, born in Chern l7No. 9. Charlotte Meaik-, born 17^:, married Richard Hustler, of Hn;^ r laiid. in October, 1,V. 10. Martha Meade. born April, 17^4, died July 17. 1700. lieor^e Meade was also a member of the Hi- bernian Society , 1790,1 and of tlie Fi^hir.L; Company of Fort St. David in l~'-i$. [See " Records of American Catholic His- torical Societv," \"oi. 5. ]). i^<>.] James Mease, 1771. one of the original membeis, was born in Strabane. County Tyrone, Irelanii, and came to America before the Revolution. He was of the firm of Mease t.V Caid\sell. shiji- pini; merchants, his partner ben;.; Samuel Caldwell 1771 '. He was n member of the Committee of Corresjxmdence, June I s *, 1774; of the Committee of Safetv. June ,v, 1775, and of the City Commitu-e of Inspection and Observation. August i'\ 1775. He wa.-, appointed P.iyina-!er and Treasurer of the Continental armv, No- vember io. 1775. In famiarv. \~~~ hi 1 \vas a])!'ointed, b\- \\"ashi:iL;'ton. t'lot'r.er- (ieneral of the armv. In ; -ut'p'.v the arn!\ uith ' :" \'.-'.''::-. \ ','. '.' t: me b\ h '.s -ur\ : \ : in June. I7S.S-. Hi- bill no children John Maxwell NV- 1 clav --,,!. and hi . 1-2-2 Nesbitt (177^) and George Hughes (1781) were t lie witnesses. He married in 17^3 (marriage license issued January io\ in Christ Church, Isabella Hoops, who after- wards, \shcn his widow, married Jasper Movlan i 17-M;. He was one of the orig- inal nii.-miii.-rs of the 1'irst City Troop, and was also a member of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club and of the Hibernia File Comp.mv. Jhii Mease i i ', 7 I and Matthew Mease ^1771 I uefe his brothers. John McaSC, 1771. Hrolherof James Mease 11771] and one of the original members, was born in Strabane, Coimtv Tyrone. Ireland, and was lor many years a shipping merchant in Philadelphia. He uas also one 01 the original members of the l-'ir-t City Troop and took part \\ith it in the campai-n of 1776-77. On the nLht of Ik-cember 25, 1776, lie was with Washington when he crossed the Delaware, and was one of live detaileil to keep alive tile fires alon^ the line of the American encampment at Trenton, to de- ceive the enemy, while the army marched bv a private route to attack the I'.ritish rear ;4uard at Trenton. In 17.^0 he sub- scribed /".(,< " " i to the bank origan i/cd to supply the armv with ]iro\'isions. He was a member of the Committee of Safety, June V>, 1775. and Admiraitv Survevo: of the port of Philadelphia from 1796 until his death. November 2!, :^.'-. at the aije of S6 vcars. He was the onl\- man who continued in latter da\> to wear the old three cornered hat of the Revolution and was familiarly called "the last of the cocked hats." He married Ksther Mil- ler, and was the father of I>r. [allies Mease, authorof " The Picture of Philadel- phia in [Si i." Hun. Pierre P.utler and Captain John P.utler. hi-- grandsons, h.id their names changed from M<-a*r to I'.ut ler fur i urposes of inherit nice Rev. Al fred I.. Klwyn, of Philadelphia, i- a gre.i! 'j:-':id-Mn. Mr. Measi- \vas a mem- ber ol the H'.bernin I-'ire Company and also of tiie Gloucester I-'o\ Hunting Club. Matthew Mcaso, 1771. Firother of at an early a.^i- and settled in Philadel- phia, where his uncle, John Mease, an eminent and \\ealthv merchant, resided. ijohn Mease was native of Strabane and died here in 1767.) Though educated for a merchant, he entered the navv ami be- came pm>erof the " I '.on homme Richard." Ill the desperate encounter between that vessel and the " Serapis " Mr. Mease, not relishing the thought of bein.L; an idle spectator of the enj^aifement, ob- tained iVom Paul Jones the command of the quarter-deck i;uns, which were served nndei' him until he was carried below to the cockpit, dangerously wounded on the head by a sjilinter. He died in Philadel- phia in 17X7. He was not married. John Mitchell, 1771. One of the original members and Vice-Presideiit of the Society, June 17, I7S;?, to June- 17. i 7S.v was a lu-jih.ew of Andrew Caldwcl! 11771). He was a nati\e of Ireland and brought u]i a merchant. His father died of yellow fever in I ; 6S. I Ie was Muster Master-C.eneral of the State Navy, Octo- ber 6, 1775; resigned l ; ebrnarv 2',. i~~'>', was a]i])ointed Acting Commissary March q, 1776, and resigned January q, 1777. He is recorded as serving as Mu>ter Ma- ter without pay. He was Second I.ieti- ten Hit of the ''Chatham," November ; :, 177- : l-'ir-t Lieutenant of the armed boat "Ranker," February 16, 1776, and wa-, Captain of the "Ranker." October 21, 177'). After the war he resided lor sev- er, i'. years as a mercliant in 1'rance, and was afteru ard-- I ni'.ed Stati s Consul at Santia.tjo - taiu Mitclu 11 was a member of the First City Troop, the Gloucester Fox Hunting v ' '. ' an i the i I :' ic-rnia I'ire ('< MIM '.my. John Mitchell, Jr., 1781. Pn.lml.ly in of J.,hn Mitchi-1! 1771 ). In i 701 he was a merchant at No. i ;2 Chestnut trcet, I'lii'adi-ljihi,-!. I b- \s as also a niem- be: of the Hiberuia Si icii ; y I7'/'|. \\'e hive nbtained no further information ' him. Riindlc Mitchell. 1771.- One of the original members, was a native o! Ireland ; irtuei "I his bn ither, Jolin Mit- cht '.'. ' ~ - '. . He removed to New [erscv JOHN Ml-AS MI 1 -J M< about 177V He was also a member of the Hibcruia Fire Company. William Mitchell, 1771.- -OIK- of the original members and its tir-t Srerc- tary and Treasurer, March 17, 1771, to March 17, 177-, wa- a merchant and member of tile linn of Carsan. Barclay .S: Mitchell, and of their successors, Barclay ,S: Mitchell. All the members of the. linn were l-'rieiidlv Sons of St. Patrick. Hi- name disappears I'rom the roll after De- cember 17, '775, and he probably d:e 1 abroad or on a vovaye shortly before that date, as he is marked "beyond sea" at ' the meetings in September and December, ' 1775. His will, dated September I 1 , 1 775, proved August ID. 177'-), "before ^oini; on : a vovaije to Kurope," mentions his tatl'.er | and mother. James ;md Hli/.abcth Mit- \ che'.l ; his friend and partner, Thomas j Barclay; hi- brother, Henry Mr.chell, j and sisters. Hanna and Mary; Ins Iriend, Mrs. Dorcas Montgomery, relict of Rob- ert Montgomery; his aunt. Hanna, relict of the late Captain Robert Miller; John, William and Hanna Karr, children of hi- late uncle, John Karr ; his friend, Benja- j min I ; u!ler. Benjamin Fuller (1 771 and Thomas Barclay 11771! were the execu- tor-. He bequeathed t<> the Pennsyl- vania Hospital /"ID-}. He was probably uumarned. ITllgh Moore, 178-'?. Was a native of Inland, who came here in i~^2 from St. Christopher's, W. !., and took the test oath on August '.i of that year. In 1701 he \va- a merchant at I s Peiin street. Verv little i- known of him. His will, signed Febru irv, iSo;, and proved March r, iSo^. mentions his wife, Catherine j Frances Moore; his sons, William and | John, and his daughters, Catherine and ! lane. fames Craw lord 177-. u as one of j his executor-. In the will he bequeathed I * I > to his sou John " towards the pur i'ii i-e lit a law library. Th;-, with the .1-- ' M-tance of his -,,,.d patron, Mr. A. J. Dal! as, will. 1 hope, set him up with hooks -ulhcient for a VOUUL; lawver at lii-. lir-t e:it;ance as a Penn-vl van: a i Ivoc tte." James Moore, 1785. Wa- i Captain in Pennsylvania Line. Jar.u.irv 5, :77'i; j promoted to be Maior of UK l-'ir-t Pe::n- ; svlvama Re^.mc::'., September jo, 1777, and served \\ith credit daring the Kevo- lutioii.iiA" \\'.ir. Alteruard- he was a dru^L;!>t in I 'hi lade! phi i. 1 le u.ts one of the nine X'' 1 - tli-:!:--n \\llo -i:]>er;nte!iy reason of his knowledge of the l-'rev.ch and Spanish lanyuaue-. He conUnr.f I toprictice law in Philadelt'hia until :;:- death < >n I'ebniary n. :^'..\ in the .- :'.!". ye ir of hi- aye. His obituary notice in the . /;.';-,; ' of February I .v 1 v ! - de-cribe him as "a distin-ui-hed and hi-hly re- II, m aric.d .;- : -t Ch::rch. M.iy s . i 7>s, Utbel'.a Me , . \\: ! K\ "f J,- :l , - M> i-e i 177; , u':o, ( - .--..::;> -. !:, 1; n! bei n in ,'ie M-ttleme:.:: -:' ;u :>< hn-b.'.:id's estate. Slh-lraj! :' o- : , .;;,!;, a : i:;-hter. Ann i M iri > M,.v; .': v.':- :-.;i -rr.:. ! Robert Wal-h, Jr., ' , n 1 ; -. -': '; . ': :\>. !vr chil- MO 1-24 MO Cork, Ireland. Mr. Movian was also a nii-mber of the I I i hernia n Society, was one of UK- t\\o Counsellors chosen at tlu- first election in 1 79. and M-r\cd lor several \ears in tllat capacit v. IK- was also a member of UK- l-'irst Citv Troop. He ami his brother John an:n his superb dressing case and solid silver ornaments and bushels of elegant silk stockings." \\'e h;:ve been unable to find any red rd of his death or burial. Stephen Moylan, 1771. One of the original members of the Soeietv and its first Proidcnt. March 17, 1771, tojune 17, '77,v J"^ 111 Moylan. of the city of Cork. Ireland, the father of Stephen Movlan. married twice. P.v his first wile, the Countcss of I.imerick. he had four chil- dren i, Stephen Moy'an ; 2. a daughter, who became ;:'<:><-s o! the 1 r-ulinc Con- vent, Cork ; ;. a daughter, who la-came a ir.m in the same Convent ; .), I-'rancis Movlan, Catliolir Hi-hop of Cork from 17^6 until hi: ill -.':. ;'-. his second wife h>- had two . hildn ' per Movlan and John Mo\lan. The Mo\-]ans were mer- chants, establi-1 -:i'-- at Cork as early probably a- :~.- . . .ei in -i1 ha\"i- bei-n prominentl' :"' "< -' d :n commer- cial affairs. I '<::> My' 1:1 uh.o .lied in 1772, and \sho -.',.,- til ' of Strphi-n M. ivl in. held the 'overrmeir cnntracl ;" ir lie ci iinmis- iri-'i " :':< K'.r of ]',< mr bon. In ronseijiu :;. e o| the -evere pi-nal 1 iws a-ainst th . !i I out of : :n null to I''r nci foi Cork, in 1743. It is a tradition in the familv that, after receiving his education abroad, lie was sent to Lisbon, Portugal, bv his father, who had commercial inter- ests there-, and upon his return to Ireland In- chafed so much under the restraints of P>riti>h laws that he resolvc'd to emigrate to America. He carried his resolve into elfcct, and came to Philadelphia some years before the Revolution ami became a prosperous merchant. At the com men ce- ment of the war he imnicdiati '. v applied for service- in the army, and enii-'ail in a regiment that hastened to the American cani]i before lioston, in 1775. His busi- nc-ss exjH-rience led to his assignment to the Commissar'.- I )e]>artment, and on June 5, 177", Congress elected him puarter- mastcr-( '.enc-ral with the rank of Colonel, thus placing him on the stafl of C.er.cral Washington, the Connnander-in-Chief. His duties not suiting his active tempera- ment he resigned his jiosition on (October i, 1776, and permission beinj^ granted to recruit a regiment for more active ser- vice, he rai>ed, a regiment of horse, the 4th Pennsylvania Light Iiragoons, which afterwards became as famous in itsdav almost as Sheridan's command in the Re- bellion. I Ie was in constant service until the- end of the war. and in all the opera- tions of Washington and his Continental army Movlan's Iiragoons bear a conspic- uous and gallant part. Whether in the field or -\\hile the armvwas in camp at Yallev I'orge and i ther places, he \\-as coiisiaiith- taking Jiarl in all tin- move- ments in which tin- cavalrv \\-i-re i-m- plo\-ed, wlieth.er in harassing the enemy, cutting off supplies, foraging for the army, etc. The Manjuis de c'ha--ti-!leux, in hi- "Travels in Ami-rica," Vol. i, pp. i ;j. 155, thui- describes Colonel MO\ 1,,;, : lu hoi,; me - lin.u with CoL ,n< 1 Sti-jihen M"\lan. \\liom h:s L\celU-nc\ deneral \\'a-hir.L;ton had, j^iven in;-, in spiti o| m v-el f. a-- a companion ! ration him. h < ti an v. < r ::.- nd tin cor, versa I ion i i . ' '. i: .'.'' In -coining more inten-sting, I r < mi-.d ! had to do with a 11 1 m a n , \vh o h ad long in Hnropi nid who ha- ' iv- elled through the L'r-. attst part of Amerii a. MO i-j.-. MF I found him perfectly polite; for his married to Henry I). I'.iid ; ; v Mephen politeness was not troublesome, and I Moylan Fox, civil engineer, killed at Ncv. soon conceived a i^reat friendship for him. Orleans in earlv part of the RcU-lhon ; 4. Mr. Moylan is an Irish Catholic; one of Margaret Fox. married to Dr. T. II. Amber- his brothers is Catholic Bishop of Cork , son, of New Castle, Pa.; 5. Anna Fox, tie has four others, two ol whom arc mer- died in infancy ; ft. Captain Philip I.. Fox, chants, one at Cadi/., the other at 1,'Ori- Civil Mutineer, Philadelphia; 7. Violetta ent ; the third is in Ireland \\ith his lam- Spring Fox, married to David N. Couric- i'.v; and the fourth is intended for the nay, of \\Ystern Penna. ; .S. Mdward Fox, priesthood. As for himself, he came to I.ieut. I". S. Volunteers, died .it battle of settle in America some years a^o, where Shiloh. General Movlan's other daughter, In.- was at first enj^aj^ed in commerce ; he Mli/a C. Moylan, mained \\"illi.im M. then served in the armv as Aide-de camp J.ansdalc, son of Major Tiioma- I.ausdale, to the General, and has merited the com- of Maryland. The-, left surviviirj; them maud of the li.Ldit cavalry. During the two children Dr. Philip I.au-iale. I", S. war he married the daughter of a rich N'., now 01 Philadelphia, and Cornelia merchant in the Jerseys, who lived for- Mansdale MWMIL;, \\ifeof Masked Mwiuij, liierlv at New York, and who now resides of Yillanova, Pa. Colonel J. V. C>>ppiu- 011 an estate at a little distance from the i;er, 231! Infantrv, I". S. A., is a de-ceiid- road \ve were to pass the :iext day." ant of Denis Movlan. Colonel Moylan retired at the close of In jj;leanini; facts relating to the earlv the war with the rank of Brevet P.ri^a- history of the family. John George Mac- dier-Geiieral, and resumed business in Carthy, the historian of Cork, Ireland, Philadelphia, attempting to rebuild a for- instituted, .it our request, inquiries amoni; tune which had been greatly impaired bv the descendaiits of the Movlans in that reason of his absence- in the service of his city, applying also for information t< > Rt. adopted country. He resided for a time ! Rev. Geo. Sheehan, P.ishop, but with very on a farm at Gosheii, Chester eo., Pa., meagre results. A:uon- other letters rc- and \\ as Register and Recorder of Chester ccived were one from Mrs. CavjUey, and co.. from A]iril 7, 1792, to December 13, one from Pierce Roche, of the Cork 179^, but a^ain removed to Philadelphia I.ibrary. and was appointed Commissioner of General Moylan was re-elected Presiiient I.oans and Ai;ent for In\-alid Pensions, of the Society in ! 7<)'>, a:id continued which office lie held until his death. to occupv that position until the cxtiuc He had married one of "five handsome, tion of the or-aiii/.ation probabh a: lus well-bred daughters" of Pliilip \'an death. From the bei;innin;j; of the Soci- Horne, Colonial Governor of New Jer- et\- he was one of its nio-t active iMi-m- sev, and upon settling down in Phila- bers, and in its later vear- seemed to be del])hia a^ain he soon " became distill- its mainstay. He ^as also a member o! <;nished as an old-school ^enlK-in..!! and the Hibernia l':re Company, and of the a hospitable host. He i hi-, \\ifei and Gloucester l-'ox ! luntin.^ ^ hib. The on'; \ t wo daughters, one of \\ horn inherited her portrait of Genera! Mo\ '.,.11 k no\\ n to h.i\ e mother'- fascinations, drew many pe;sons been in existence was bm'iied in a lire in to their house on the North Mast Corner Philadelphia m.iiis vears ,IL;O, of \\'a:nut and I-'ourth Streets." He died [ See " Mai;. Anur. Hi-l.." All-., l^r>; April 11. iSn, and was buried in St. "Penna. .\rehi\e-, " 2d series, \"ol. \;..p. Mary's church-yard. His wife died \\lu-n ! -'7; "Potter's American Monthly." his oldest daughter was but live vears of Vol.ft, ]i 11; ' \\"a-!'.:u-ton and his ( ',en- ai;e. probably 1790. Thev had two club erals," Vol I, P. ('.eiieral Jo-eph dren, both daughters- Maria Moylan, Reed'- Lite." Vol. i;;. 1^7. !'>'. \\homarried Samuel l-'ox. and had I-MIC etc.] as follows : i. Mli/.abeth Movlan l-'o\. of Joliu Murray. 177J. \V.i- of the I'eter-burL'.h. Ya. ; 2. Mar\- Mo\lan l ; o\, linn of I'.nnnei-. M::r: r ;v c'o.. dr\ -oods McC ]->' Nl- rnerchan 1 .-, of Philadelphia, who. in I7S>, 179*1 05. IK- \v;is President of UK- iK-nio- sul is.cri 1 >cd _/. 6.1 H H , io tlii- li.nik or^ani/cd to cratie Socielv in 17^!. and during thf supplv the American .inny with j>rovis- agitation concerning J.-iv's trcatv. \\hich ions. Tin.- linn was en^a.^vd in the West he bitterly opposed, hi- was made tin.- prin- India trade. IK- is probably the same cipal figure in one- of the leading political John Mnrrav \\lio was married in Christ cartoons of tlu- time. lie was elected to Church, April ;v>. I 77 j. to Kli/al >cth I. yii<^. the I'nited States House of Representa- A John Murray was appointed bv the tives, and served 171/7 <><). After the war I'ennsylvania I'.oard of \\',ir to 1 >e h'irst he was for a time in partnership with Pat- Major of the State Regiment of I 'not, l>ut rick Moore i i;Sfi , and like- K..liert Morris ue are unal'le to say \\ hi. ther or not he is was en^a-ed in numerous s]>ei-tilatioiis, the same person. which rcsulud in disastrous financial re- Blair McClenadian, 1777. --Was a verses, resulting in his incarceration in a native of Ireland. He came to I'hilade!- del/tor's prison. President Jefferson ap- ]>hia at :MI early aj^e, and eni; i.^ed in mer- ])ointed him Commissioner of Loans, cantile busincs.-. He became t!ie largest which ]iosition enabled him to support importer in the city except Robert Morris. himself until his death on May s, iSi2. The State Navy Hoard. July 2.S, 1777, He was buried in St. Paul's Clmrchvanl, "apply'd to Mr. P.lair McCU-nachan to Third street above- Walnut. He married send this board all the Anchors that he can in September, 176;, -marriage license is- s]iare, \\hich the Hoard agrees to ]xiy him sued August 31, ]~(\\: Ann Derra^h. His for, or to repi. ice them." In memoranda will, dated April .|, iSi i, and proved May of Committee "I" Safet\, July J'*. 1777, he iq, iSij, mentions two daughters, Mary is referred to as having twelve or more and Ann. One of his daughters, Deborah, cannon on Race Street Wharf. In 17 S > married C.eneral Walter Stewart '1771;, at the breaking tip of the State Navy, lie and another. Martha, married, John Hasell purchased the bri^ " Convention." I)nr- Huston, whosi- ilan^'hti-r, Mar\- Huston, inu; the Revoltition he was also en^ai^ed married Henry Toland ! iS 15 His^rand- in fitting out privateers, anil made much dati^liter m.'.rried Thom;:s Peun Ciaskill money. In 17X0 he subscribed ,/~io,cx to ;s .~s. Mr. McClenadian was a member of the Hibernian Socictv \~<-)<* and also of the ( ".'.oucester l-'ox Huntir.^ CiuN, and the rtubscriptimi of Robert Mnrris. He of the Ilibernia I'ire Comjiar.v, of wliit-li co-oper.ited most In irtil' \\;th Morns, in ' itter orj(anix.ation he w;,s a very all the hitter's undi rl ikin.vrs. to sust.-iin the member. credit of the Colonial i HIM-. lieuasone Alcxandci' Ncsbitt, 1778. Of the of the original member ol tlie I-'irst Citv house of Stewart \ Ncsbitt. d.r\' -.lo.'s Troup, ar.d was \\itlt it ; r. the cani]*aiLjn merchants, was a britlu-r ol John Ma\\\i'l in the Jerseys in 1776 77. Towards the NY-hiit, and came from I.on^hbrickland, eiiil of the Revolution I'.e entered promi C'Hint\ I'nv.n. Ireland. (ic-neral W,u- :iei:'. I ' into a 1 1 thi political niovenients of ter Su-\\ art 177^) u'as his partner. He of ti i-. i;:rse with Tories and suspected ])ersons, during tin i-amjiai.yii in the Jer-< -, .,.', liis tiani'- is iiiimd upon numerous 177'' 77. Ht ">\ 's aKci a mi-inber ol ' committees of citi /ens. \fu-r the ( 'doiiccsU i I'ox Huntinu' Club. I!: 1 'ernia ; i volution In- was still more prominent, 1 : Comjian v, and Hibernian Societ', a n d i n ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' : ; : : 7 v " . ! . fter tin ption of the I-Ydentl Const-;. John Maxwell Nosbitt, 1771. < >:u- he was Chairman of the Anti o| tin origin; ' ineinlK rs, was Vice Presi- ; li ral Convi ntion \vhich nn ' in I! irris- dent of the Socii t\ from March 17, 177:, " :.: :: September, '7 y N md was a to June 17. 177;; President from June 17. COL. !!' \\CIS June 17, 17^-. to March .'7. : 7*A From :' ; -< .1.1 a ijnantity of : -ei f ,.::d]rk from its tirst meeting until his death he was one ;i Mr. Howe of Trenton, and ili.it thi-. beef of it> most active members, and on March anil pork, as v. ell as a \. .'.::.:; '..- j r:/c l.idi-n i. 1 79". when it was :n its decline, lu- \\a~- with provisions \\hieh h..d j'.i--t arri'.ed, Chairman of the " Select Meeting "f Ir>h- \\ as at the service of < '.< -iu r.-.l \\".^hi:rj"t' MI. me::." which founded the Iliberm.iii Tlu-v were accepted , it ":! v and immedi- Society. lie was a native < >{ Ireland, and atelv forwanleil to the so'.dicrs, some of came to America, when a vomiij; m.:n, \\ iih whom \\ete h.:!l starved. \\':u-n the ]'..-. :;k recommendations to Redmond CKIMII^- of Pennsylvania \\a^ or^aiii/eil in the ham. who was a prosperous merchant in same- vear, he \\a.i one of the :ir~t f.-.e Philadelphia before the Revolution, a:id insptjctors of the Kink. He co-oper.r.rd who emplovcd him as a clerk. Hisassi- witli Robert Miirn> in the latter's e!f' 't'ts iluitv, integrity anil luisiness liahits so to sustain the puMic credit and pro-, liie pleased Mr. Conyn^ham that in 17^5, for the continuance of the war. He 1 e- when that gentleman \\~as about to return came interested in liankin^, anil UJH'-.I t:ie to Ireland, lie was admitted as a partner, organization of the Hank of North America the firm becoming Cou\-ii^hani \: Nesbitt. on November i, 17^1, \\'as made one of the About I ; e!irnarv. 1775. the title was directors, and continued to act in that changed to C<>n vn^'ham. Nesbitt ^\; Co., capacity until Januarv 9, 171,12. Kjiou the- one of the partners beinij I Javid Ilavfield oryani/.ation of tlie Insurance Companv Conynj^hain < 1775 , and during the Re\'o- of North America in 1791, he became its lution was known as [. M. Nesbitt ^V Co. President. He died in [uuuarv, |N>2. Ouite a number of the Friendly Sons owe His will, dated April 2 .;, iSoo, and proved their change of resilience from Ireland to January 25, iS<>2, describe-' him as a nier- America by reason of the business con nee- chant, and mentions his surviving brother, tions of the firm in the North of Ireland. James Nesbitt, his three sisters, Frances, At the commencement of the Revolution Sarah, and Mli/abcth Ann. and hi-- " friend the firm soon became noted for its patriot- and partner," David Hayfield Conyn-ham ism. and in 17X0 subscribed ,{5,< K * > to the 'I775 . I'ram'is \\'e>t : 7^ ; and Richard bank orLrani/eil to^upplv the Continental Peters 117^7 were two of liis executor- army with jirovisions. Jolni Maxwell The late Jnd.^e John Nesbiit Conynuli.iin, Nv-b;tt took a prominent pan anion^ the of \Vilkes1iarre, Pa,, was named after him. citi/.eiis of Philadelphia during the strut.;- Mr. Nesbitt U'as a member of I lie 1 ':--'. Cit \' L'!e. He was a member of the Committee Trno]i and the Hibernia I-'ire Comp...::\. of Correspondence. Mav 2o, 1 774, and also He was never married. [ S! e ii :..;'.' of the larger Committee of Corresjioi-.d- " IVnnsvlvania Register," \"o',. '. p. 2^: ence. June is, 177}; Pavma^ter of ;!K- "Siinjison's Lives," ]>. 7;.': "H:<>>r\ of State Navy, September 14. 1775; Treas- the Insurance C'nn]i:mv of North nrer of the State Battalion, July 27. 1776; America." Phila., [SS5, p. 9,;." Treasurer of State Navy Hoard, March .;, Francis Nieliols, 1784. Ho: 1777; Treasurer of State Hoard of War for Crien Hill. I'ari-!i of F'.nni^ki'.'.e:;. Co-;:: 1 . \ :!ie land service. Mar-'h ! {. 1777, and Fcrmana-h, Ireland, in 17: He i -,-:.e -erved until the discharge of t:ie Hoard to America about !7'*. and si-tt'ied from service, Au^u^t >\ 1777, and member Philadelphia. He \\.iv Seco;id ! n ::ti n.n:t ' fthe " Rejiublican Society," Ma.rch, 177-, . in Colonel William '!''.:. m; - i; is relit, -d of Mr. Ne-bitt th.it when the talion in 17"'''. aii'l \v - c t 'v.r<- : Contimntal army, in 17X0, wa> suflerinur attack on Tris I^:v: ; '<-. !!-- \\ i- -.:'-e- greatly from \\aiit of provisions, Creiieral qiu-ntlv exchanged and refivm ! on (>c',o- Washinj^ton wrote to Juil.ij;e Peters depict- her in, 177'-'- < >n lUccmbs in.^ the army's distress Judue Peter- was ]>romoted to the rank of C .; 'tain, and i ailed on Mr. Nesbitt and informe'l liim afterwards was M.tior of uth Re-iment of the condition of aflairs. Mr. Ne-bitt l' ( nn-ylv :t:ia Line. \ ft, : thi- \\ ..r !'. w ts immediately replied that he had '>UL;:t a nien-liant : . and !>' an XI 1-J- M active part in public events in the- city. His brother, "William Nichols (1790., was United Suites Marshal, appointed May iS, 171)5. Francis Nichols died I'Ybruary 13, iSij, at Pottstown, Montgomery co., Pa., and was buried there. lie was a member of tlie 1'irst Citv Troop, tlie Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, and of the Hi- bernian Society 171)0). His i^raudson, Ilcurv K. Nichols iiS^i, is at present a member of the I liber nia u Society. John Nixon, 1771. ' >ue of the orig- inal members, was bom in Philadelphia in i 733. He was a son of Richard Nixon, a native of Coiintv \\Y\ford. Ireland, \\lio was a prominent shipping merchant in Philadelphia. He succeepears as a member of the noted ''Colony in Schuylkill," and in 17^3 as a member of the Mount Resale l-'ishin^ Companv. In '7'><> he was ap- pointed one of the Port Wardens of the city, and in I ~'i<.) one of the Signers of the Provincial l',ill> of Credit. He served as a Manager of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital from 1 7^S to 1772. In 1771 he helped to found the b'rielidlv Sons of St. Patrick and was ;i very active member for manv \ ears. He was one of the Phila- delphia Committee of Correspondence < 177.; to call a meeting of deputies to a general Coii.u'1'e-.s df the Colonies, and in 1775 was a member of the Pennsylvania Convention. I'pon the for!iial ion clioM u Lieutenant-Colonel of the Third 1'iattalion, ami upon the formation of the Associators into a brigade he became one of the Colonels. t"pou ( Ictobcr 20 1775, he was a] i] minted a inembi-r of the Penn- sylvania Committee of Safelv, and after- wards of the Council of Safetv. The 1 onncil having received from Congress ! pi >n [uly 6. \~-fi, a copy of the I >eclara- ' I Jldepetldi-nre, it Was ordered t'i be proclaimed at the State House upon Monday, julv S. at i j o'clock, noon, and John Nixon heini^ selected to read it, at the time and place mentioned,, in the presence of the a^->enibled citi/en--, he read and pro. laimed, I-'OK THH I-TRST TIM I-:, that precious document. The "Associators" were called into active ser- vice in New Jersey fora short time in the summer of 1776. In November of that year, after their return, Colonel Nixon was appointed by Congress one of the Conti- nental Navv board. Towards the close of the year 177(1 the "Associators" were aj^ain called into active service under Washington, and took part in the battle of Princeton, January 2, 1777. In 1778 the}' were in winter quarters at Valley Fori^e. In 177^-79 Colonel Nixon was one of the State Auditors to settle the accounts of the Committee and Council of Safetv and the \Varand Navy boards ; and in 17790111: of the Auditors of Con- fiscation and I-'ine Accounts of the Com- monwealth, and in the latter year was appointed by Congress one of the Auditors of Public Accounts. I'pon the formation of the Bank of Pennsylvania, in i 7.So, for the purpose of supplying the Continental army with provisions, his name appears in the subscription list for ,/,S.' XX) - He was one of the Directors of the liank of North America, established in I7,si, and served until January, I 792, when he was elected its President. 1 le continued to be President until his death, upon December 31, iSoS. He was one of the original members of the "Philadelphia Society for the- Promotion of Agriculture," founded in 17^5, and was Treasurer of the " Society for the Mn con rai^ement of Amer- ican Manufactures and the I'seful Arts " in 17^7. In the I'cdcral Procession upon Jnlv .), i 7.SS, to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of the Tinted States, Col- onel Nixon -played a prominent part, tak- mij the character of " Independence." In I 7- s 9 he was elected one of the lloaid of Trustees of the I'niversity of Pennsyl- vania, and the same \ car he was chosen one of the fifteen Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia. He v is a member of the H'.' p 'eruia I -'ire Company, and when 1)'^ tun ' ime a ted as its Clerk or Secretary everal occasions. His minutes of the meetings of that or^ani/ation are very full and u-ua 11 v signed bv him at the end of the entries. Hi^ will, ]/ro\-ed January 5, iSny, describes him as tjf the cvn firm of Nixon, Walker & Co. i David Walker, John Nixon and Henry Nixon, hi-. MUD, and mentions among others liis mere, Lli/.abcth Mifllin, wile of Samuel Milllin, daughter of his hrother-in law, William Davis. He married, October, 1765, in New York, Kli/aheth, oldest child of Cieorge and Jane Curric; Davis, and had five children, vi/. : Mary, wile ol" Francis West : i 7 S 3 i ; Kli/abeth, wife of Krick Bollman ; Sarah, wife of Wil- liain Cramond ; Jane, wife of Thomas Mavne Willing ; and Henrv, who married Maria, youngest daughter of Roliert Morris 1771 . I lis wife, Kli/.abeth Nixon, died August 3 1 , 1775, and was buried in St. Peter's Churchyard, yl and Pine streets. [See /\'tins\'li>ania Ma^ii^i:;t\ \"ol. i. ]). iSS, and Vol. S, p. 352 ; "Simp- son's Lives," p. 745 ; Scharf X: \\'escott's "History of Philadelphia," Vol. i, p. ;,ji ; //istorical Miigtizinc, for I>ecember, is6<>, p. 371, and January, i.v'n, p. 25.] Michael Morgan O'Brien, 1781. Wa-. a native of Ireland, and a West Indi i !nerch;int in Philadel]ihia. ( )n September 13. 17 s *.), his place was at the Southwest corner of Front and Chestnut streets. In the Directory for 17^1 lie is described as a " gentleman," South ,sth street, below Spruce. He died in France in l s <>4. His will, dated September 2, I So;, before "going on a voyage to France," and proved November i, [Nq, men: ions his daughter, Maria draticn O'!',rie-i : his two grandnieccs. Marv Sex- ton and Honora ( )' P.rien, of the city b(/ok^ to the " Rt.-Reverend l-'a'.lier in dod, John Carroll, R. C. I'.i-hop of Baltimore, a-, a ti-^timoiiy of the gn-at respect and esteem I bear him." It also contains the following interesting licijiie-t : " I X'ive unto my dear nephew. James I'.oland, now re^iilimr at the Island of Dominica, ill the West Indies, mv i^old \\atcli and a iTol.l medal which was struck for the members of a So ii-iy known b\- tlu- name of the I-'rieiidl\- So;:> of St. Patrick. and of wllicli Societv ( .elleral Movlail i^ President for the present year.' 1 I!i^ daughter was left as a ward of Thorn ,-> l'it/-imon>, and l;\ed i;i the famih- <:' that gentleman until her marriage to ,i Mr. Clymer. Mr (I'P.iieii was a mi-mber of the Hibernian So* iet\ \~ a;;d a'.- of the l ; ir-t City Troop and Hiber:;: l ; ire C< >mpan\ . John Patterson, 1772. A native Ireland, %\ a-> a Lieutenant in the 57'.'. P.ritish 1'oot, April 5, 1754. He \\ , I)e]inty-Collector of the Port of Philadel phia. 1773-6. tinder I.achlan McLea:;. Collector. I-'rom 1779 to i~^\ he i^ noted in the minutes as "beyond sea." I:; 1791 hewasajirinter.it 251 Hi^h -tree'. He diecl l-'ebrnar\- 24, I 7v s . and wa> buried in Christ Church hurying-gnjiiml. John Patton, 1779. r.orn in Sligo. Ireland, in 174=;, came to Anierii'a in 17''. and settled in Philad< iphia, w!;ere he \\.i- engaged in mercantile business at '.':: commencement of the Revolution. I! was a member of the Citv Committee < : Inspection and Observation, August . . 1775; Major of Second Provincial Rif.e Hattalion, Marcli, 177'); Major, Nii:t: Pennsylvania Regiment, November ::, 177') ; Colonel. Sixteenth PeTin--\ 'v.i:.: Regiment. Ja.nuarv 11, 1777. He serve: with credit during the war, and afterward resumed business in Phiiade'.phia. In the minutes of the Pcun^vlvania i;<>.ird of War. March 31. 1777, is an entry of _/'i v . ]>aid to him "on account of shott ca-t foi 1 Lhis State." In i 780 he subscribed /"j..*.. to tile bank organi/ed tosi:pp;\ t''ic arni\ with ]>ro visions. Some yea: > later he was ajipointeil one of the Public Anct ionee:-. or Vendlie Masters . in 1701 !:< had hi- ollice at 7-S South L'ront s'.ree 1 . S'lor-;- after this lie removed to Ce:::r, -o , jftj . and became an iron niantif id ::: i : . He built the Centre l-'urnace in 17*11. He died in iS).i. At the time of his death he was M;s'o: C.ener.d of i Division of State Mi!i- i.i. C< 'lone! Paiti <:\ ^ as a m-'in'" r of the I'ir-' Cit\ Troop the Si-'r.: v!k i". i i-h TO i.'fO po Iluntmp ^ lub. lie marrit d jane Da\ is, agreed to take the flour at about ^15 j>er of Chester co. II is son, John Patton.was bbl. He was j^iven free trade there in con- a Lieutenant in the I'nited States .\..\-., sequence, which laid the foundation of and served for eij^ht years under Commo- tlu- lar^e fortune he afterwards placed at dore Stephen DecaU'.r. His grandson, the disposal of the colonies. I k- espoused Ik.ii. John Patton, wa- a member of the the cause of the Revolution, and his Thirt;. -seventh and Fiftieth Congresses services were rendered secretlv and ef- and Bri^adier-dcneral of Pennsylvania fectively. July 10, 1 776, Don Bernardo de Militia, and is now the President of the dalve/. uas appointed Provisional dover- Cnrwensville (Pa.) Bank. His ^reat- nor of Louisiana, Pollock was iutroduci d grandson, John I'atton, Jr., is a practicing to Don dalve/. by deneral Tri/a^a, with l.iwver in drand Rapids, Mich., and has the assurance that, if Spain uas ^oin^ to a son, also named John Patton the fifth assist dreat Britain, Pollock would not rc- of the name), live years of a^c. main twenty-four hours, but, if they took Oliver Pollock, 178.'5. - Oliver I'ol- the part of France, Pollock was the only lock was born in Ireland about 17,^7. He American or Kni^lish merchant he could emigrated to America about I7'xi and confide in. ettled in Carlisle, Pa. According t<> his Pollock accompanied dalve/. as aide-de- own u-stimonv. in his allidavit in the trial cam]) against the British possessions. In ' f deneral Wilkinson i. !/<;;/. , \"ol. -?, app. 1779 he fitted out the "West Florida" as : . he removed to Hav.-.na, Cuba, in a vessel of war under the American colors. 1762 ;. and en^a;.:ed in mercantile pur- He prosecuted the cause of the colonies mits in connection with an eminent house with j^reat energy. June 12, 1777, the .11 that city. He studied and became Secret Committee of the Tinted States ] roficient in tin- Spanish lan^ua^e. ( F'ranklin, Morris, Lee and others' ap- Whether he was then a Catholic or became pointed him Commercial Av;ent of the so afterwards is :n : kin wn. However, he I'nited States at New Orleans. Tlu-v soon after his arrival in Havana became directed him to send 55"."* 1 worth of iicquainted with Father Butler, President .^o<>ds. blankets, etc., to Philadelphia for of the Jesuit College, and throu-h his the army. In i77\ when deneral deor^e influence w.is brought into intimate rela- Rogers Clarke was .sent bv (iox-i-rnor Jef- tions \>,-;;h Don Alexander ()'Reilv, the ferson. of X'ir^inia, to reduce the Kn^- (rovernor-deiieral of Cuba, whose friend- lish j>osts at Yincenncs, Mr. 1'olloek had ship he retained thro-;-.;!: life. lie fore already forwarded to Fort Pitta lar^e !7',S Pollock removed to New ( )rle.:ns (juantitv of ^nnpo%Mlcr. ol.tained from I then 3, oof) inhabitants i and -ettled there the kind's stores. In 177.^ i January i, j'ermanentK'. He trad...-,! with the cities alter Don dalve/ had publicly reco^ni/ed on the American co. ,- - .with Sjiain Pollock's oiiici.d chai icter, tin- (lovernor and F'rance. In 17' , In went to Haiti- of Virginia ordered him to draw bill-on more, Md., '. ' : OTH i bri-, I'rance for 5^5/>oo, to aid deneial which In naun ': tin !' Ch rlotte." Clarke. Virginia h.ni deposited tobacco loaded her with flour nn! -ailed for New to meet these drafts, but Arnold destroyed Orleans. Mean time O'Rcily had been it; the State was unable to pay, the bills ; p])ointed by the K:- > plain- were protested and Pollock's propcrtv fVeneral and dovernor of Provinci of sei/.cd by his creditors. He had also ho; I.ouisi ma. tin :. in : : urn ti< n. Provis- ri^ved *'<>.''> in specie, rhrou^h dal\'e/. ions ordered by O'Reil; ot an food from tin- royal In asury, to aid deneral L r, , V, scarce ami famine \: *- in :< nt. Clarke. and to defend the frontiers of Pen n- Poilock's flour then irrived at New Or- svlvania and Virginia, and ^avehisindivid ieaii 1 - Flour was selling at *?" ] r : ' '.. nal bond for the ami unit. From 1777 to II. placed his car<, r o. at disposal of O'Reil y, [ 7X3 he made advances to -,nd to "emu-stint: ' I'Reily to fi> the prn e. This the T'nited States, on the basis of his ou n PO 1-1 RA specie. The Secret Committee of tlu- Secretary of the Treasury, sent him ioS,- I'nited States embarrassed him very sen- '*';v This was not in lull, however. The ouslv by not responding to his drafts. Inn-- binted States st:';l oue> the heirs of .Mr. v'.v to his appeal for remittances. January Pollock \\ith simple inteiv-t over ^:<">,- iLj. 1779, they recoL, r ni/.cd his claims and on. In 17^1 or 17. ,j po'.lock. returned sacrifices, but lamented their irta!>uitv !>< t Cumberland co., Pa. Here h:- \\: U- /.v//// their pledges. Virginia was largely died, and I;;-- son Ja-.ncs was killed. In in the same situation. She sent him a 17^7 he was a candidate for Congress, It aft on I-'rance for ,/"(xj,S I.) s for his ad- but Was defeated.; in ; ,s. ,4 he was a- -i'i vances May 4, i7Sot, l)iit owiiiL, r to the defeated f >r Congress; in ['> he v. ..- scarcity of specie, lie could not negotiate nominated a;_;ain hut \sithdivw. lie is :'.. This worried him very much, prevent- recorded in Philadelphia as having taken :ir_; him from sending needful supplies to the oath'of allegiance, ( >ct< >her \<\ i 7 s ''. as General Clarke and others. Securing a "( Hiver Pollock of this city, <^e:il, arrived respectable American citi/en named Pat- here from Havana near t\so vears." In terson, as a hostage, he left his family in 17^.1 he became a member of the l-'riendly ijSi and went to Richmond and Philadel- Sons of St. Patrick in Philadeh'hia, and phia. I le appealed to Congress and to Yir- also of the Hibernian Society in 1792. ^inia, but was met with irritating delays. He \\as twice married first in the In the meantime, May 20, 17X5, Congress I'nited States or Havana abunt 1705 to .ijipointed liim as United States Assent at Margaret * >' llrieii, born in I:\land, 174^, Havana. I. caving his claims before- Con- and descendei'l tlirou^h both parents from jjress rk-]iresented by an attornev. he left (>'I'>rien of Clare, and Kcniiedv of ( )r- r (.'* Xi from a I'niteil States uier- i S <>i. and she died there, NovemK r 17, - hant. named Tliomas Plunket, for that iM.j, ai^'eil '>', and was b\;ricd in the old I:nr]o--e. lie was kept in custodv for Cathedra! Cemeterv, P.altimore, Md. At e^htecn nio;;t!is, until (',al\'e/. arriveil. her death Pollock removed to h:-- son in- Through :n-~ influence he was released, law's. Dr. Samuel Robinson, at Pi:hkiie\- minister to the t 'nited States, for the December 17, i s .\;. He had become so -v.m owin.ij to the royal treasury \fi5i (H / 1 poor that Ma\\v >. iSoo, he dates one letter '>al ve/ also furnished him with a most Irom t!ie debtor's pr;so-i, Phil tdelplr.a. f..itterinj^ testimonial in regard to his I'.v his lir--t marriage he liad e:i:::t cinl- 'rmer trnns.ictions \\ ith hitn. ()narriv- dren. [See "Pollock Gcncalo^ii bv ML: '" Philadelphia he at once vidted Rev. Horace Kdwin Hav.len, ]>. <\ } .'i.nijrress. tlien in session. ( '.eiieral Clarke Robert Riiiney, 17fH. \\'a^ a native .i-sistiil iiitn, and December i S, i 7 S ^. of Ireland, and partner of I! 1 ,'.'. : ; Holmes .'"T-LjresS awarded him >i)o.t him, and returned to Philadelphia, Katharine Kep]>e'ie in Chris*. Church, '.t ' :, ;"t..\ Alexander IlaTiiiiton. March ;< . 177 132 SII Thomas Read, 1782. Was the son of Colonel John Re. id, of Mil. i^vhose father was a native of Dublin. Ireland), and the brother of deorgc Read, signer of the Declaration of Independence. I !e was born at the family seat in New Castle co., Del., in 1740. At the commencement of the Revolution he entered the American navy and was made Commander, October ?; V I775. His lleet surgeon was Henjamin ivush, afterwards one of the Miners of the Declaration. In 177'' he made a success- ful defence of the Delaware river against the liritish. On June 7, 1776, he was made Captain, and was assigned to the 32-g'.;n frigate "deorge Washington," one of the largest ships in the Continental navv. then building in the Delaware. He stood sixth on the Congressional list of C. plains. \\'hile his ship was in the stocks he volunteered for land service, and on 1 >eccuiber j. i 776, the Committee of Safety ordered him to join Washington's army. He gave valuable assistance in the crossing of tlie Delaware and at the battle of Trent<>n he commanded a hatterv taken from his own frigate, which raked tlie stone bridge across the Assaupink. For this service he received the thanks of the general officers, as stated in a letter of January 14, 1777, written by his brother, Colonel James Read, who was near him during the battle. He was afterwards in active service on the sea until the close of the- war, and retired with an honorable record. His friend, Robert Morris (1771), having purchased his old frigate "Alliance," in- duced Commodore Read to take com- mand of IKT and make a joint venture to the Chinese seas. He was the fourth cap- tain who made the vov.ige after the war. He went by a new route, sailing June 7, 17X7, and returning September 17, I7NS. R : }: <:<\ Dale, afterwards commander of an American fleet in iSo;, sailed with him as his first officer. On the voyage lie discovered two inland's, one of \\hich he namen ^ft>rris Is.'and and the other . //- liance Island. They form part of the Caroline Islands. He died in October, T7SS. short! v after his return, at hi-- n-M- de;i' in New Jersey. Robert MorrU con- cluded an obituary notice of him in these words: "While integrity, benevolence, i patriotism and courage, united with the | most gentle manners, are respected and admired among men, the name of this valuable citi/.en and soldier will be revered and beloved. He was, in the noblest im- port of the word, a man." Commodore Read was married, September 7, 1779, to Mrs. Mary Field (t/t-<- I'eale) at his resi- dence, White I lill, near Rordentown, N. j J., by Rev. Win. White, afterwards Bishop White. He left no descendants. [See Scharf's "History of Delaware," Vol. :, ]>. 189.] Thomas Robinson, 1782. Was born at Xeaman's Creek, now called Claymont, ' Delaware, March 30, 175;. lie was the son of Thomas Robinson, of Philadel- phia, and Mrs. Sarah Maison, daughter of Anthony and Mary Sharp. He was of Irish descent. During the Revolution he was Lieutenant-Colonel in the First and Second Regiments of the Pennsylvania Line, and was afterwards Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Delaware. lie died (probably at Trenton, N. J.'i on No- vember 27, i.Sig, and is buried in Wood- land Cemetery. Philadelphia. It i> re- lated of Colonel Robin>on that he was one of the first American officers who visited Kngland after the Revolution, and upon appearing at Drnrv Lane Theatre in full uniform he was loudly cheered by the audience. A few moments afterwards another officer who entered an adjoining box in Piritish uniform was greeted with hisses and groans. That officer was I'ene- dict Arnold, the traitor. Colonel Robin- son was one of the original members of the Pennsylvania Societv of the Cincin- nati, and was a!--o a iiu-mb.-; of the (','MU- cester Fox Hunting Club. Rev. N. F. Robinson and Captain Win. S. Robinson, of Philadelphia, are grandson-* John Shce, 1771. One of the orig: nal members, was born in Ardanagrah Castle, County West Meath. Ireland. He was the oldest child of Walter Shce and Catharine, only daughter of John Kcrtles, owner of the castle and estates of Ardana- grah. which comprised about 900 acres and i') '.owns and hamlets. (k-n-_-ril Toh:i ShLe was the lineal heir to the estates. Lawrence Brooke, formerly Second I.ieii- His mother, who died in Ireland, lelt tuo tenant I'nited Slates Ir.ianlrv. no\\ a rcsi- s,,ns John and Bcriles Shee. After her denl of Philadelphia, married Yir-ilia B. death, Waller Shee, with his tuo son-. Lynch, widow of Major Thomas F. Lynch, tame to America some time between 17.12 and daughter of Colonel Kciidcrton Smith, and 1745, and settled in Philadelphia. of Philadelphia. Thcv have twochildren, They engaged in the shipping business, Celeste Lucy Brooke and Robert Brooke. the firm beinj^ Walter Shee oc Sons, [See Keith's " Councillors of Peir.isvlva when thev signed the Non-importation nia," p. .; 3 ( ; Si harf and Westcott's. " Ilis- Agreement of the Philadelphia merchants torv ol" Philadel])hia," \'ol. i, p. ; /\ and in 1765. Later on, John Slice was a part- Vol. 3, p. 1719; "Historical Ma-../:ne, " ncr of Richard Bnche i i 772 >. Bein^recom- Dec., IS'*.), p. 353; "Pennsylvania Ar mended to Congress as the commander of chives," 2<1 Scries, \"ol. I, p. j6.] the Tliird Pennsylvania Regiment, that Hugh Shicll, 1780.- -Was a n..tive of body elected him to the position January Ireland and a physician. He practiced 3, 1776. On June 10, 1770, Washington medicine in Philadelphia towards the end asked Congress to allow the Continental of the Revolution, and in 1780 subscribed Battalions of Colonels Shee and Ma;;raw ,/'5- (HX) to the bank orj^ani/ed to siipplv to remain in Philadelphia for the protee- the American army with provisions. He tion of the citv, then threatened by the removed to Kentucky, where he s U hs<.- British, but Congress thon-ht that thev quciitly was accidentallv drowned in \vere more needed in New York and or- crossing a rivi-r. It is said that Hon. di red them there. lie subsequently re- John J. Crittenden married into his family. signed and returned home, although A \\"illiam Shiell, M. I)., "latelv arrivecl enjoy-in-; th.e hi-;h esteem of his sn]>i-rior in this citv from Dublin," took the Test officers. In April, i 777, he was appointed Oath October 20, 1 779. He may have been on the State Board of War and .served a relative. Dr. Hn-h Shiell was also a until the close of its labors. In i 7*0 he member of the Hibernia Fire Company. subscribed ,/~I,ooo to the bank or-ani/cd Charles Stewart, 1781. - -A cou- : n of to supply the army with provisions. Af- General Walter Stewart (1779 . was born ti r the \\ ar he was prominent as a militia in Newton Cunningham, Count v I >i cic-al, offici-r, attaining the rank of General. Ireland, in 1721). He came to Ann lie was :dso active in the politics of the 1750, and became Dcpntv Snrveyo; lav, and was City Treasurer 1790 1,7, and end of the Province of Pennsylvania I'lonr Inspector. Presiiknt Jctferson ap- was noted for the excellence of hi ; ointe 1 him Collector of the Port, which ' vevs, particnlarlv those made in i; l.c con'.inned to hold until his lands adjoin',! 1 .- the N'Tih Branch > i: Au-n-t 5, i SoS. Stephen Girard Susi|uch,ium and in the Contu was surety on his official bond. He Claim. In \~~\ he was a member was buried in Christ Church Birvin-- first convention in New Jersey that -round. G.-neral Slu-c \vas a member of a Declaration of Ri-hts a-ainst tl tile Soci-t' of the Cincinnati. He mar- i^ri-ssions of the Cro\vn, and in 1775 rii'l, in 17^,5, Katharine, oldest child of Dele-ate to its firM Provincial Con Vl.om.i-~ an.', Ma.: v 1 ...wrence, \\ lio \\as the He was ni.nlc Co 1 ,, .nel of ;l:e : -'. N\ ii ni-liter of Lewis Morris, Colonial Gov- Sc\ Re-inie!!t of Minute Men. iln-n - VMM- ,,f New Jersey. He had se d n : : ; all < f t h ' -m die:', w i t ! ;o i; t i -- 1 - ' '1 'hem, \\'.dti. r I.onis Shee, v, as in N' w j. r-e\ . i i ; ^ ,i m-liu -:. :: .rri-! Robert Brooke, of Kin- v ' In : ><., V.s . ..:-! h M! f, nrda-.v-hter. : 7^ : ^^ K '&& i R-. " 'h< ; : the Society !7<-j'> . Ik- dkd in Flcmington, N. J., July 24, is'>. 4th. Walter, born in London, F'ngland, Jnly 6, 17^7. ,sth. Ileiirv, born Decc-nilii-r 27, I7SS. 6th. Mar\' Ann, born March }, 17111. 7th. Caroline, born Mav 5, i~'i\', died Decc-m- bcr 4, 1795. Stli. Washington, born Au- gust 24, 1 79^, two months and ten davs after his father's decease. The onlv child who left descendants, that we know of, was Anna M., who married, February i rSo5, the late Judge Philip Church, of Belvidere, X. Y., sou of John I?. Church and of Ange'ica, daughter ot" (iciiera'. Philip Schu\'ler. Philip and Anna M Church had nine children, vi/., Angelica, born February J, ; S| '>: snarrieil to John Warren, of Xew A >'oi-k ; [ohu P>., born l-'ebru.'rv 2;. iKiiS, \\!io in irrieil M".I:TI Truml nil ; Sophi i II.. h >-:: Septemb.-r .?s, iVo. married to X. P. Hosack ; Walter Ste\\ irt, who died Decembers, ;S()o, un- TH married ; Philip, born September 19, ]Si5, died Lebruarv j, 1 S 74- unmarried; Marv, burn September 2y, i.Siy, died October I, |S_>2; Kli/abeth, born April 20, i.s_'2, married to Rev. Robert II. Hertv, I-in^- land ; Richard, born Ju:ie 15, 1-^24, mar- ried Mary McKim ; William llenrv, born June o, iS26, ilied September 26, iS66, mi- ni irried. Of these nine children oulvUso, John 15. and Richard Church, left children. Walter Stewart Church, of \e\v York city, and J. ]i. Church, of (ieiicva, New York, are children of John l\. Church. William Thompson, 1778. Horn in Ireland about 1725, emigrated to America before the Revolution and settled in Car- lisle, I'a., on a farm which he called "The Soldiers' Retreat." Like Washington, he was a skilful surveyor, and like him, too, he served in the I'reuch and Indian war. In 1756 he accompanied Colonel Arm- strong in his expedition against the In- dians at Kittannim^, and received one of the silver medals awarded by the city of Philadelphia to Colonel Armstrong and his officers for the success of the expedition. In I75S, at Philadelphia, he received from Lientenaiit-t lovernor I )ennv ;i commission as Captain of a troop of li^'ht horse. At the dose of the war, in 17').^, C.eor^e III. issued a proclamation approving the con- duct of his American armv, and ordered the officers and soldiers to receive certain quantities of land a held -officer 5,000 acres, a captain Ti.'**'. etc. William Thompson bein^ a surveyor, and also en- titled as captain to .v' KI " acres, was dele- gated by some of the officers <>f the Penn- sylvania troops to locate their lands and secure their title--. In 177) he surveyed a ]ari;e body of land on Sail Lake river, then within the province of Yirsjnia, .'Mid divided it into tracts according to the ; i-j.hts of th; >se associated with him. In or - dcr to complete title to these lands he went to Richmond in 1775. At Richmond, b> - fore his surveys would be received, it was demanded of him to take the oath of alle- giance to the Kin^ of i ',reat P.ritain. This he refused to do, and lost his lan.ls, but preserved his honor. Afterwards he and other-- prosecuted their claims to th.-se lands before th'' Virginia ! ,<- i-Litnre and ; the United St. ties Congress, but without success. Before ^ r oili^j there, houe'.vr. '.;e llad accepted tile i oinniaiid of a riile re-:- mellt about to proceed '.o I'.oston to act a-ainst the I'.ritish armv tlu :v. Tlu v were the :ir.-t troops ei.-ht companies i raised on demand of the C' mtinent.d Con- gress, and arrived at c. imp at Cambridge, Mas>., before August l.|. 177'. P.efore P.oston, Colonel Thompson's n-^imeiit be- came distinguished for its ii^hn:i' r iiuaii- I ! ties. His riflemen were thus de>eribcd i :; i a military journal of the time: "Several companies of rillemcn, amounting, it :-- said, to more than ! ,.)< x> men, have arrived here from Pennsylvania, a distance <>{ from 5. x > to 711.1 miles. The\' are re- markablv .stout and lianlv nu-ii, nianv uf them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in \\liite frock.--, or rille sliirt<, and round hats. These men are remark - a! ile lor the accuracy of their aim, striking a mark with threat certaint\' at t\\o h.un- dred vards distance. At a revie\v, a com- pany of tliein, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inch.es di.mietir, at the distance of tuo hundred c>n our lines, and their .shots ha\'e fre- cnient'v proved lui.d to i'riti>h o.'Ticers and Soldiers \vllo exposed ih.elliselves to view, even at more than double the di.-tancc of a common musket shot." On November i<>, '775. Thompson's regiment dro\-e back a I'.ritish laiidin;^ ]>art \- .a Lech mere Point. Cole ine! Thomp- son was made Hrii;adier-( rcneral, March :. 177'!, and on March HI, '77". rel'.eve'l ('eiier.il Charles Lee of tin commando:' the American forces at Ne\\ York. In April, ; 77'), he was orden d to C..n.i-!a to reinforce (n'lieral Jo!:n Tlimnas \\".;!'. four regiments, a!';,'vw.!:-ds iiicrc.i>cil to ten, Wayne.md Irvin. sersin- i::;.l, rl:i:;i. II,- met the remnar.l of the Anien'ra-' -:-r.' in i\ '. re .', !V"i:i i ):u bee .1:1.! . .-.--unic ! ': ; f command while < ', eneval Tl'.omas \\ ,, - -ick, yieldin- i: i:p < >n June i, : -;'-. ! . i ieiieral Slllliv ill. bv w!lo ;- !> ;-.. t'.vt, .lays later. he made .: dK-l 1'!::'. ieh ihi.i. \VA 136 \VA Here lit.- jvmnim-d, chafing under his en- member of their Socictv see p. 461 he ac- f >rced inactivity, until he was exchanged ceptcd "with singular pleasure the Ivn- in I Vtobcr, i;S<\ I hiring this period he sign of so \\orthy a Fraternity as that of accused Thomas McKean of not endeavor- the Sons of St. Patrick of this Cit v." He ing to secure his exchange, and got into a was present at three of the meetings, vi/.., personal altercation with that gentleman. Jannarvl, 17 s - ; March iS, IJS2, and June In Fehruarv, 1771). he received, thiough is, 17*7, and among his correspondence Major Andre, the permission of ('ii-iieral are found main letters on various sul 'i:\: X'/i'Xv/, of September 15. sentiments of ('.ciieral Washington to- 17^1, re-cords his death in the following wards Irishmen, to reprint here the- fol- words : "Died, on vl inst., ( 'eneral \Yin. lowing letter addressed to one of the Thompson, at his seat near Carlisle. Com- clubs \\hich were organi/.cd to show the manded the first regiment raised in I'enn- svmpathv of the Irish people for the sylvania. When he joined the army before Americans in the struggles of the latter boston the rank of First Colonel in the lor libertv. The k-tter mav be found in service was assigned to him. In the at- Sparks's " I.ife and Writings of Washing- tack at Three- Rivers he \\as made pris- ton," \"ol. ), p. 13. finer. Captivity lo::^ r and embittered.. i' u i versa 11 v lamented. !\b^t respectable To the- N'ankee Club of Stewartstown in funeral known in Carlisle." deneral the County of Tyrone, Ireland. Thompson li.-id t\vo sons, \\'illiaiu Allen Moi'NT X'TKNON Thompson, of Cb.estnnt Hill, and (k-or^e Janiiarv 20 /-.' Thompson, of rittsbnr^h. His daughter. (',]-:NTIJ-:MI-;N : Marv, marrii-il her cousin, ('.eorije Read, It is with unfeigned satisfaction tl;..t I of N<-w Castle, I>el., son of (Veor^e Read. acc.-pt \\\r congratulation on the late signer of the I 'erlaration of Independence. happv and glorious Re\'olnlion. William Thom{j-soi] Read was a grandson The generous indignation against the of deiK-ra] Thompson, and I >r. Thomas fm-sto the rights of human nature, \\ith Collins Ste\-i-nson, of Carlisle, I'a., was a which von seem to be animated, and the grandnephew. [See Carlisle Ift'mlJ, exalted -> nlinients of libertv, which \-on Oct. ^o, 1^72; Appleton's " C \ i lojni-dia a]ipear to i-ntt-rtam, are too consonant to ATnerican I'.io^raph v ; " "I.ifi and Corrc the feelings and princi] k-s of th.e citi/c-ns spondencx- of (Veorge Read," 1'hila., 1^70. : of the Tinted Mates of America not to at- Gcorgc WasliingtOTi, 1781. I; tract their vener tion and estiem did not woiiM be snperllnons in this volume to the affectionate and anxion^ concern w ith give a sketch of the life of (k'lieral V.'ash- \\liich you regarded thei; struggle for ton, whose charact ei and services are freedom and independent c en tit li \'on to ,'U to everv Amei'van. He was sin- thi ir more partictilar ai'knowledgmi'Tits. ' - fr'-e from ]in judit e t> >\\ in!s ;' If. in t! nd.rvpti ! citi/.ens of . ' . count i" 1 ', and on air . d consequences havi' r; - ulted t more than one occasion manifested his th o -ed jx-ople of In land, it \\ ill frii : ':' - inten t in Irislimei > n rd felicitation to '.' whoTii fou-jht durin:; the !'- ' ' -,, the interests o| humanity. I ...... ; . , . . ..... ., ... , . ..-,.... . ... . , ,,, nu \ l( .^\ \\' .-.-. ?-,i. -:::.!! :::d. !'''. ;h:.nl .': : ' ':;! M n! imcnts von Stewart, Irvine and in nv other' \\e'- ( -,.;' - ' scd to e\pn ol nr conilnct ;iml i: ".'-'vn to h'm ' ' - for '.-01 lent wi- hi s ri Carding my ; ;;.' !i:ost c-fl ' ers : ' : '- - rson ' \vi I fire, as \\ ( M ;is with regard to niori interesting object, the prosjx.'rity \VA WA I have the honor to be \vith due con- sideration, etc., Ci KORG lv \V A S H I N I '. T( > N . Anthony Wayne, 1777.' hie of the most distinguished soldiers of the Revolu- tion, was born January I , I 745, at \Vavncs- horouLdi, Chester co. His father had emi- grated from In-hind about 1722 and settled as a farmer in Chester co., where the son Anthony was born. The son was si nt to the Philadelphia Academy, where he re- mained until his eighteenth year, and then returned to Chester co. and opened, an office as land survevor when in his twenty-first venr. After the peace of 1763 he was chosen as aj^ent for a company of merchants and others formed to coloni/e Nova Scotia. He remained there until 17^7. when he returned home and resumed the business of surveying and farming. At the beginning of the Revolution he or- ^ani/ed a volunteer corps, and in Jannarv, 1776. Congress conferred on h.im the- com- mand of one of the four Pennsylvania regiments required for the reinforcement of the Northern arm 1 /. The regiment was speedilv raised, equipped and marched to Canada, where, about the last of Tune, 1776, it formed part of Thompson's brig- ade, then stationed at the mouth of the river Sorcl. He took an active part in the operations in Canada during Jnlv. 177'), and \\hcii General dates marched to aid \Var-hi n ifton he k-ft \Vavne in coin- in. md of t!ie army then at Ticondero^a. Soon after this Congress made- him brig- adier- ( ',e:u r.il. He continued in command until the following spring, wlien at his o\\n earnest and repeated solicitation he \vas calleil to the mam army under \Va-h- in^toM. Arriving at headquarters on Ma v 15, 1777, he \vas immediatelv placed at the he -I of a brigade, ''which," as Washing- ton remarked on (he occasion, "could ::'', f ;il miller his din ction to be soon , ; n,! iire u'.ydiMin-nished." His hri-nde look a prominent p;rt in subsequent '; ra- tions, and it was during t] r ^ time th it his troops w, re surprised bv the P.riti-h on September 2o, 1777. \\'avite \\ - court- martialed for ne'jH'.H'Ilce, but ;t'Vr a thorough examination the court "found ! that General Wavne w .s r.'.t irtii'.tv of the charge exhibited against him, but that on the ni-ht of the 2 .th of Septem- ber he did evervthint^ th. a could be e\- ! peeled from ;m active, brave and vigilant oi'iicer, under the orders he then had, and ; do therefore acquit him with the hit honor." Tlie sentence was at once ap- proved hv Washington. In a letter from Wavne to his friend, Sharp I)ela:: v, dated Mount Joy, May 21, 177* /',>:>:- he says: "I have Rec'd a h:nt from a friend that some Gentlemen of the Com- | mittee of Congress who \sere at Camp were not acquainted with the circum- stances of the Court Martial held on me and that some < \n'tit~* had attempted to place it in a vcrv unfavorable point of ' view. The whole of the proceedings are [ in the hands of Ric'd Peters, Ksq'r. Yon will do me a particular favor to show it to some of these Gentlemen for from wh.it) I can learn it has not been transmitted to Congress altho' all Others are Regular! v sent up." He commanded a division at the bat- tle of Gennantown, and w.is in active service until the annv went into winter quarters at Valley l'or-e. lie di.-'.iu- X'ni^hcd himself at the battle of Mon- mouth on June jS, I77S, eliciting from Washington in his otlicial report the re- mark : "I cannot forbear to meiif.on : Brigadier-General Wa\ p ne, who-e- 1^0. >d conduct and braverv throughout the ac- tion deserves particular commendation." I >uriiiL, r the winter and spring of I77v ''-' i was a>ML;'iicd to the command of a bo.lv of li.^ht infantry, recently or-ani/ed, a::d upon !ul\ p 15, 177',), occurred his recapture bv assault of Stony Point, on the 1 In.',- :;. the most b- ill:, i nl ene;a-'.emeiu of ; he w . Wayne liiniM It was >:: n. k . :! !:> h- d b\ a niu^ki t b.i 11 and fe'!, 1 ".; r:-in- :: Carrv me into :he f. >rt ; f' >r sin mid th.' j wound be rio: t .'.. 1 '>\ :'.'. ilie at the he :d of the column." i ',en.e: ,: C!i ,:', s I.ee, in a letter to Wavne. de, h,!vd : " Your i- i san'.t ..t" S: mv !'..;: ': ',:: ntil.v the i:t"-t m -, ':''.: ;:: 1 am acquainted with in ." It might be well to note here tin assault three of the I'riciidly Sons of St. P.itrick, Anthony Wayne, tier and Walter vStewart, were leaders. Mni omiums were showered upon Wayne for this exploit and Congress pnhliclv \-oted him thanks and a gold mcd.d. He performed valuable service in 17- . i v. "h two IViinsvlvania brigades, iu- i '.:;.'.:::.; M \ '. :n 's Regiment of Dragoons, ';' n irln MM! of the 1 Indson, and until the armv Went into winter quarters at MorrisVown. In January, 1781, occurred the so-called revolt of the Pennsylvania Line, in which the soldiers, smarting un- der in. my grievances, resolved to KM\'C the anm and demand of Coni^ress a dis- charge of all icht.sduc them. The British, he.,: ;:;_; of the revolt, sent messengers to the Pcnnsvlvania troops olfering them in- ducements to desert to the British arm v ; hut the v irrcstcd the messengers, notilieil Wayne : the attempt to bribe them, and assured him "should any hostile move- inent be made bv the eiiemv the division Would immi li ' ly march under their old and be'.o\ ed cuir.m mder to meet and repel :;. " An tmii : '.> adjustnu-nt < >f their grievances was brought about shorllv af- terwards. I:; I;M \\'.i . ;:e was scut to \ . : : with the Pen Us vi \ an la Line ; v, as present it York town, and though wounded h dur'.UL: the. campaign, he was, < >n 1 >ci embi r i -. 17^1, d< tachcd to the o| ' '. r.i ral < iiveiie in ( '.cor^ia, where '. ' '. ii - '. in active service until the - ' :: of .- :-: 1, bv t!;e P.ritisll, ' . v, s -,., .;;.,'; i,, South Can >lina 1 : '..I ' ' ' hi rel uriifd, e. Soon after his return . inens'u-r of the 1 ' '.'. : : i !]-.',;','.:liou,|l C< mven- . :; : iv,,m AK. : S:. C! ir's ! : .. ,, ,,.. ' tile.' ':' The ; , ; ; ' , , ' . (,..,.- ! . : ' . ' . ' j of Cincinnati, and in the following August he march.ed into the Indian country, de- feating and driving the Indians lie I ore him until thev \\ ere compelled ti > sue for peace. I His return to Philadelphia was triumphal. All business was suspended, and he was conducted bv the militia and people through the streets amidst, mart'.: 1 .! music. the riii i^i iii^ of bell.--, the roan :r^ of can mm , and the acclamations of the people. He returned to the \\'est as sole (lovcrumcnt Commissioner Ibi" treat in^ \s ith the North- westi-rn Indians and receiver oi the mih- .tarv jiosts ^i\-i-n up b\- the I'.ritish (iovern- [ nient. and after a prompt and faithful 1 discharge of his duties, while descending ! Lake brie from Detroit, was attacked bv I the i;out, which in a few davs jnit an end i to his life and his labors, upon December, 1796. His remains, temporarily buried on the shore of the lake, were removed by his son in |SiKj to the Ceiueterv of St. j I )a\ id's Clmrch, in Ches'n-r co., Pa., where 1 a monument \\-as erected to his memory bv his comrades of the Revolution of the IViinsvlvania Society of the Cincinnati. His will, made Julv 14, 1704, and ]>ro\-ed Febrtiar\ 15, 17^7, de-scribes him as Com- mauiU'r-in-Cliicf of the Legion of the I'uitcd States o| America, and iiK-ntions j his onl\- son, Isaac Wavne, student at law, and his only daughter, MarL, r aretta, wife of Jx. Atlee, b;sq. Sharp Delaiiv (1772). i h.is "much esteemed friend," was one of i his executors. His ^reat-^Tandsoii, Wil- liam Wavne ' i SSj , is , it present a member of the Hibi rnian Soriety. [See " Life of Wayne," b\ H. N Moore ; " Life of \\" yne," ' ' '. ' : -iron-, in Spai'ks's " Amerii-an I'.ii ;raj)hy ; " "Hi ' M i/ine," Jan., iSni, ]. ,;j ; I la/ard's "IViinsvlvania Register," \"ol. ; :, j>. 17.;; "Washington and Hi^ deiierals."] Francis West, Jr., 178-'J. Son of \\'ibi,im West (177: ', subscribed his name as ]<.-. to the Ruli'S, M in h 17,178^, his nn- , ie, !' mcis \\'t st. of In-laml, being then li' He was born in Philadelphia, Sep- ti nil : ::.:;: 1 leand hi- brother, John \\"i . wen- drv ^oods merchants, ' :: bi-in- l-i ,v John \S\-st, : South !'<" . ' Phil. .di Iphia. The [ fibi Societ; : :. . , , secm\-d FRANCIS \VF.ST, IK. \\-\-: i:'.'<) \vii through Francis Ilopkiuson tlu- lon^ for- liam IIod:;e. John Nixon 1771'), 1'i-n- j^ottcn records of the Friendly Sons of jamin Fuller '1771 , ami William We-t, St. 1'atrick, and twelve davs later, on Jr. 177.? , were three of his executors, and June ?y, iS.;,, Francis West, Jr., la-t sur- John Maxwell Ne->bitt 1771 , Tlionias viviii!^ of its members, was gathered to Barclay ( 177 1 j, and M.athew Mease ( 177 i ] his fathers at tlie l"!J)e at^e of Si years. Were the witnesses. l'.\ a -,i;bsci j'aellt addi- The late Samuel Hood, author of the tion, his son-in-law, ] Uvid Hayfield Con- " Sketch of the Friendly Sons," pub- yn^hain (1775 , and John ])nn.dd>o:i lished in 1^44, ohtained much of his in- v'77^) were al-o made executors. The formation concerning the members from will mentions some stock " in t::e Knstatia .Mr. West. "Christ Church Memorial Concern." The document presents an Record " describes Mr. West as "a tender interesting picture of the intimate relations and beloved husband, a fondly afiec- exi>tiii^ between the Frieiidlv Sons of tionate and cherished parent, a i^ood cit- St. Patrick. Mr. \\V-t was one of the i/.en, a generous, humane, kind-hearted few friends of I >r. l-'r. ir.klin who had faitli man." Captain fames West and l>r. in the li^htni'.iL;" rod, and caused one to Francis West were his sons. lie was a be attached to his dwelling. His son, member of the First City Troop and of William Ilod^e We-t, was a companion the Ilibernia Fire Company, and also of O f Robert Fulton, the inventor, \\hoin he Citv Councils, i 795 96. aided with money. John West, 1786. Son of William William West, Jr., 1772. -Nephew West .1771), was born in Philadelphia. of William West (1771 . was the son of He was in the dry-yoods business with Francis West, who emigrated from Ire- his brother, l-'rancis West, Jr. (17X3*'. He land, and settled in Cumberland co., Pa. resid.ed. principally abroad, in London and Toward^ the close of the war he imder- I'aris, and died unmarried in 1 7'jO- II'.- took the perilous achievement of brini^- was a membiT of the First Cit\ Ti'oo]) jn^ (Yoni M^artiniiiue a ;i;i/e containing and Hibernia I'ire Company. clothiv,^ and ammunition, of which the William West, 1771. One of the armv under Washington was much in original members ol" the t-ioi'!ety, \"ii - e- need. lie purchased the pri/.e, but on Pre--ident, IUIK-, i 77;,, to June 17, 1774, and hi-, pa^sa^e to Philadelphia was unfi r- President, June 17, 1774. to June 17, 177'', tnnatelv captured bv the P.rit:-h, carried was a native of Sli.u'o, ireland. and came into New York, and there placed on U> Phil ulelphi.i before the Revolution, board a prison ship, \\here he remained anil became a drv-.^'oods merch.ant. In sixteen months. When peace was con- the will of William I-h^kine I i 7-So , dated eluded he removed to P.altimore, Nslu-re I leeelllber 21, 1 7 s o. he i 1 ^ de->. -rilied as ' of he established a Ulereanliti' house, aucl \\'!rte:n,ir^!i, " in Philadelphia count 1 .-. afterwards to, k into par!ner--!i:p his Ili> sous, John \\"e>! i\~^<> and 1'rauci^ cousin, lames West, a brother ot Francis West. Jr. (1 7SjO, and his nephew, Widiam and John Wot. His sisur m irried \\"est. jr. i77J , were also members of the Colon,-! C.eor^e (Gibson, lath r of Jo';n Society. His daughter. Mar\- \VcM. mar- P.annister ('.:b>ou [S;^ , Ch; : J ;:--t:ce ol rieil Havid H.i\'lield Com'ii^ham '17751. t'.'.e Supreme Coin; (>l !'- ::n-\l\ m:a. His vomiu;e>t son \\.as named Hen; imin \\'il!iam \\\--t. jr.. s\..s 1 'o;n ::: i';;:'..i. ;i '.- l-'u'ler \Ve>t, after I'.ei'.jamiu F'nller '; 771 . phia He \\ a- Capta: Will: im \\'esl died in Januarv, 17 s ,;. II;-- v.ini.i Re-^imeni in 17. \\ill, dated Imie.j, 177",. and jinived [.ui- .i:h 1\ n :: '. 1 \ a::ia Ue^iu uarv !'), 17-^3, mentions hi- \\ife, M.ii'v; i, ;~7". He u.is- h's I'hdldren, Mar\-, F'rancis, John, \\'i: to lame-. Me.i- lia:u Ilo-l^e, [am,--., Ann, I'eiijamin i'lil'-'-r. o: ,!: rmv. and Helen ei-ht in all;; In- tieplie^ Joli:! Wluto. 177:^. William West. Jr. '177-'. and William ( h rat, d, a'.-:-' We-t Mric!: , i::-l hi- f ither-in '. i \\ . W:'. I"..'. : . i -o..;- WI BI known concerning him. His name disap- 1 phia, now residing in Dublin, Ireland, poars from tlu- Roll after 1776. He was merchant." It mentions James Lecky, a member of the C.loncester l-'ox Hunting Club in i 7O(). Joseph Wilson, 17S1. Was a native of Ireland, and lived but a short time in lelphia. He returned to Dnlilin. Ireland, ar.d died there. His will, dated DuMin, Februarv i_;. iN>o -codicil March i ;, INK.) and proved there, April 15, iSoo, his nephew ; James Crawford, Jr., and Samnel Keith, Ksq., Philadelphia; ICli/.a- beth Wilson, his wife, Catharine Wilson, his mother ; Thomas and Robert Wilson, his sons. Rev. James Flancr and Na- thaniel Colvill, both of Dublin, were the executors. His two sons were in business in Dublin in 1X35. He was a member describes him as " formerly of I'hiladel- , of the First City Troop. HONORARY MEMBERS. Richard Bache, 1772. Was born at Settle, Yorkshire, Fngland, September 12, 17^7. He came to Philadelphia in early lift.-, and entered at once into mer- cantile pursuits. He was established here as earlv as 17^3, and was at one time in partnership with John Slice (1771;. In 177; he kept a wine store on the south side of Market street, between Third and Fourth. Upon October ;,. 1767, he mar- ried Sarah, the on Iv daughter of Benjamin Frar.klin. At the commencement of the Revolution he was Chairman of the Re- publican Society of Philadelphia, and was. on April 5. 1777, appointed a member of the Pennsylvania Hoard of War. In Feb- rnary, i77\ he was appointed Inspector of Flour and Mi at for the Continental He was subsequently directed bv Congn ss to sign the bills of credit. From \. ivember, i 77'-. to i ~^2, he h.eld the office of PI tmaster-l '.eneral of the I'nited ' u: !er appi iintment < -'.' the C< >nti- tieiital Congress. His wife died October S, i"' >, and he snrvivtd h.er but a few ., i s: i, at his o iimtry F.ucks co., pa, I [e was elected . ii: rnher i.f t lie I'rii mllv S'.ns. f St. I' itri k on S. pt< ml - 17, .--:. i ml cr of th Hibernian v -~ ,j . He wa - Yiei I'n - : '!--::: : ' : .1 ic .- of ': Son< of St. C,eor-e, -<,r. !! ' : - ' !'.ur!in-ton, N. J., : ! '-'. ..'':: : .' ifc ; :: ( hrist : : :::amin [': nk' Thoui/h an I-'.n- glishman, his relations with the members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick were very intimate. The Honorary Members were evidently warm friends and com- panions of the regular members, and were as punctual in their attendant eat the meet- ings as the others ; in fact, they belonged to the same- set. and the provision made for ten Honorary Members in the rules was made to escape the principal rule that members should be of Irish birth or de- scent. Throughout the historv of the Societv he wa:- constantly associated w;th the- regular members and took a promi- nent part in its proceedings. He was also a member of the Hibernia Fire Company. [See " Pennsylvania Archives," 21! Series, Vol. i, p. 25.] William Bingham, 1792. One of the- later Honorarv Members, was born in Philadelphia about 17-' . He graduated from the College of Philadelphia at lin- age of eighteen. During the Revolution he was agent of the colonies at Martin ique. In 1 7>f) he was a Delegate to the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, and from 1705 to iSol was T'uited St..t - Senator He was a member of the St.ite Senate in !7<;-' . CA 141 CA 1*04. [See sketch in " Pennsylvania Ar- chives," 2(1 Series. Vol. 4, p. 497.] General John Cadwalader, 1771. Horn in l'liil;ulelj>hi.i, January 10, 1742 ; was the eldest son of Dr. Thomas Cad- walader, one of the Provincial Council <>i Philadelphia, and grandson of John Cad- walader, a native of Wales, who was a member of the Provincial Assembly. He and his brother, Lambert Cadwalader (1772), were importers of dry -j^oods at the time of the Revolution. He took an ac- tive part in public events Irom his early youth. When but 2.; years of age his name appears as one of the signers ot the Non-importation Agreement of Philadel- phia in 1705, and also in 1708 and in 1770 he was a vigorous opponent ot those who wished to rescind the agreement, lie was also prominent in social circles. lie was Vice 1'resident of the Jockey Club in 1768, ami other organizations of the kind, including the 1'nendly Sons of St. Patrick, of which he was elected an Tlon- orarv Member December 17, I77i,shortly after its organisation. He was a regular attendant at its meetings. As his great- grandson. Dr. Chas. K. Cadwalader who ha> kindly furnished the particulars of his life i, savs : "The association of himself and members of his family must have been a nio^t intimate one with the originators of tiu- Society to have furnished five of the ten Honorary Members of the So cietv." These were himself, and his brother, Lambert Cadwalader (1772; ; his brother-in-law, Samuel Meredith (1772'; his lirst coii-iin, John Dickinson 117711; and Henrv Hill 1771 , a brother-in-law of his sister. Mrs. Meredith. Mr. Cad walader's name was proposed tor mem- b'-rship at the tirsi meeting of the Societv. lie was Commander of the " Greens, " the ,irst revolutionary military corps formed :n Pennsylvania, about September, 177). \Vlu-u the associate 1 eoinpanies were :" -nned in the eitvin ;~7S. ifter the re .. ipt of the news of the battle of [,e\i:ig '.on, he was made Colonel of the ;d P. ittalion, and afterward--, wlien the asso editors were formed into a brig hie. lieu is made Commander of them. IK- was a member of the Congress of Dele'-ale.-. of 1775, and in Jnlv, 177'), was appointed by the Pennsylvania Constitutional Conven- tion a justice of the pe ice. He took a prominent part in the political conflict which followed the adoption of the State Constitution of 1776, IK ing one of the founders of the Republican Club, origin- ated for the purpose of amending that document. He was a member of the Com- mittee of Safety, of the Citv Committee, Committee of Observation, Inspection and Correspondence, and Chairman of one of its six District Committees for the citv ; Chairman of the Committee of Safety that was engaged \silh the Commodore of the licet ill directing the action \sith the " Roebuck " and other vessels of the P.rit- ish lleet in Mav, 177'). He served v, i'.l; the .vl Battalion in the summer campaign of 177') in the Jerscvs, part of it taking part in the battle of Long Island, in v.hich engagement he served as a volunteer v, ith ( '.eneral Sullivan's staff. Upon December -5. '77o, he was appointed I'.rigadier in the Pennsylvania militia, and participated in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, ]'. randy wine, ( .ermantown, \Vhitcmar.-h anil Monnionth, as also in the military operations of the militia in Maryland, and in tile operations resulting in the cap- ture of Cornwallis, serving at that time with Washington's militarv familv. It is an interesting coincidence that he com- manded the Philadelphia P.rigade du: ing the Revolution; his son, ('.eneral Thomas Cadwalader, tin ring the War of i Si 2 ; and his grandson, (k-neral I'.eorgc- Cad w.ila- der, during the Rebellion. Heua> one ot \\'asliillgton's mo>t trusted i::c-ni's and militarv advisers, and in the latter canacitv \\.is freiiiK'ntlv assoeiateil \\:th arm\'. Washington, in writing about thU time. sa\-s of him, th it he was "a m, in of abilitv, a good disciplinarian, tii:n in his princijiles, and of intrepid bravery I ! a \-ing plantations in Marvl ind. i';e car;- of \vhich eijun'ed liim to reside a portion of each ve.ir there, liis -vvi.-es were !: vided between Pe!in-\ 1\ mi i and that State. At Washington's request he took command of the militia of the K. intern Shore it 'lie i-n I o! \'.'..:'!-' i . :n ovi'e:- CA to retard the enemy's U'lvnnce to Phila- delphia. Shortly alter this ho resumed business in Philadelphia, and in 1779 he succeeded his lather as a Trustee of the I'nivcrsitv of Pennsylvania. In 1781, upon tile occasion ot Coruwallis' threatening movements against Virginia, he applied to the ( 'ruvenior of Maryland f.r a command, and June 5 wrote to \\" ishington to that effect. He served in the Maryland Legislature for some vears during and subsequent to the Revolution, having linally settled in Maryland. While a member of that body he was employed hv Washington, 1784-85, to carry through the art incorporating the " Company for opening and extending the navigation of the 1'otomac river to the western inte- rior, 1 ' a measure having such material interest as the step that initiated the move- ment resulting in the call of the Constitu- tional Convention, 1787, and the formation of the Federal Constitution. He died of pneumonia at Shrewsbury, Kentco., Md., February 10, 1786, in the 44th year of his age. lie was an intimate friend of Alexan- der Hamilton, who speaks of him in the highest terms. [See Hamilton's " Life of Alexander 1 1 an lilt on."] I le took an active interest in the public associations of Phila- delphia, and \vas a member of the Penn- sylvania Hospital Association, a founder of the American Philosophical Society, a founder of the Olouci --tcr P'ox Hunting C'ub, etc., etc. I lea l-o contributed largely to the institutions of Maryland, and intro- duced the bill, in 1785, for the establish- ment of the Maryland T'niversitv. He di lined to reeeive any pecuniary com- pen itio'i lor his public services in the Re vi ilnt ion, and contributed of his means, as we 1 ;] as by his writings, to support the :";:; incial credit. lie was the author of a number of publications upon the financial :: 1 other i-sue. of the day, wliich ap] ,< a red ': the !'': : ; .delphia a:;d Maryland ]iress, Iso of a pamphlet entitled ' \ Reply to r.ei-eral Re, d's Remarks." His opin- ions the Councilsof \Var are interesting historical manuscripts, on file in the State 1'epartment at Washington C,eneral Washington spe,-.ks of liiin in a letter to Congress, in 1778, as " a military genius," and wrote to him in 1781 saying that, if by any event he (Washington) should be withdrawn from the command of the army, he should prefer to have him as his successor. 1 1 is great-grandson, John Cad- walader (1888), is now a member of the IIilx.'rnian Society. [See "Simpson's Lives," p. 150; Scharf and Westcott's "History of Philadelphia;" Keith's " Provincial Councillors of Pennsyl- vania," p. 374; Obituary Notice in I'ctntsylrania (iazcttc, Feb. 15, 1786.] Col. Lambert Cadwaladcr, 1772. Porn at Trenton, N. J., in 1742. He was a brother of C,en. John Cadwalader. His father removed to Philadelphia in 1750, : where his two sons received a classical education. Lambert was a member of the Colonial Congress of Delegates of 1774, and of the Committee of Superintendence and Correspondence. In '775 he was ! appointed Captain of one of the associated ! military companies of Philadelphia. He was a Commissioner to sign the Pennsyl- vania bills of credit. He was Lieutenant- Colonel of one of the Pennsylvania battal- ions, the 4th, raised in 1776, commanded by Colonel John -Slice, and was afterwards, October 25. 1770, its Colonel. lie was in active service until taken prisoner by the British at Fort Washington. He was afterwards released on parole and com- pelled to remain inactive. lie was a deputy to the Continental Congres.-, Jan- uary, 17^5, and served in that and two succeeding Congresses, and after the adoption of the Constitution was a mem- ber of the House of Representatives from New Jersey, I7Sq-/- "\-li\inia Magazine, Vol. 10. p. i, iS7as Colonel of one- of the Philadelphia regiments. His efforts, however, were directed towards effecting a reconciliation \\ith Sj, anhia, merchant. He was born in New Votk, Mar, h lo, 1735. He was admitted to the practice of the law in tin- Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania in 17'>X In 1770 he was appointed Pn.thonotary, Clerk of the Orphans' Court. Recorder of Deeds, and. one of the Justices of the Piace for bucks CO., Pa. HI 144 M 1C He was appointed a member of the Pro- vincial Council in 1771 by Richard Penn (1771.1, with whom he was on intimate terms of acquaintance. He was a man of wealth and fashion, and a warm supporter of the Piiiprietary partv. in whose sup- port, about i 77(1. he published a pamphlet. He died in Philadelphia, May 25, 177.'. His will, made in Hucks co., October \ 1771. and admitted to probate in I'hila iielj)hia, May 13, 1776. mentions his sons, liiles, William, Richard Penn. Jacob Johnson, 1 and Hdward ; his daughter, C itharine ; his sisters, Catharine Hicks and Ann Morgan; and his kinsman, Thomas Hicks, of Little Neck, I. on- Isl- and. Mary Searle and J. Hicks were two of '.he witnesses, and John iMckinson 1:771 , Philemon I>ickiiison and (',i!bert Hick--, of Attlcborou-h, P.ucks co., were the executors. It contains a recital that Ric'.iard Penn, before leaving America, presented him with a walnut cabinet. He left the guardianship of his littU- son, Richard Penn Hick--, to Richard Penn. Mr. Hick-, married in Christ Church, July I';, 17> s , l-'ram lll.i Jekvll, dan-liter of John Jekvil, Collector of the Port of Hi .-ton. Henry Hill, 1771. < >m- of the orig- inal honorary nicinbei -s, was a soli of I )r. Ri. hard II:!'. and was born in \~ \2 on his lather's plantation in Maryland. He wa-. hn d a merchant and -tt'.ed in PhilMel- phia, where he carried on an extensive t : ade wit'.i Madeira, to which island his father h.id removed about I 7,y i. " I lill's Madeira " was a well-known brand o! wine in the Philadel])hia market. He was appointed one of t'ne Justices for Philadelphia, Mav 4, 1772; was a member of" tin- Provincial Conference which met at Carpenter's Hall, [ime iS, 1775, and mem- ber <>f the Provincial Constitutional Con- vention of Jnlv IS. '77')- In I77'>hewas Colonel of the 4th battalion of Philadel- phia Associates, formed in the neigh- borhood of Roxborou^h, and wa-* with the battalion in the campaign in thejer- sevs. In i7'So lie subscribed ./";;. 0*1 to the bank or-ani/cd to supj.lv the Continental .trim with provisions. He was a member of tile Per.n-vl vania Assembly, 178*1 xj. and of the Supreme Executive Council, October 17, 1 785 -October 17, 1788. He was also appointed a Justice of the Orphans' Court, June 10, 1776. He died of yellow fever, September 16, 1798. He left a lari^e fortune but no family. He was a member of the American Philo- sophical Society, l-'irst City Troop and Hibernia IMI e Company. He married in Christ Church, in 17,"", Ann, daughter of Rees Meredith and sister of Samuel Meredith i 1772). John Lardner, 1782. Horn Septem- ber b, 1752, was the son of I.ynfonl Lardner and Hli/.abi-th, daughter of William bran- son, a Philadelphia merchant. He was a member of the l-'irst Citv Troop, ami participated with it in the campai-n in the Jersevs, 1776-77. He was at the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandy- wine and ( '.erinantown. He was Cornet of the Troop from 1779 to 17^3, and attain ' from I7<)4 to 1796, and became Captain of the Third Troop, Philadelphia I, and sub- sequently } i2o,(xi of hi-* own money, and was never reimbursed. He died at his sea', !',elmont, in I.n/enieco., Pa., March MO ir. to, iSi7. [See Apple-ton's "Cyclopaedia American Biography," vol. 4, p. 5<->; v J Thomas Lloyd Moore, 1792. The son of William Moore, President of Penn- sylvania in lyM, and of Sarah Lloyd, was horn in Philadelphia, January 20, 1759. He was a Major in the Revolutionary army and died August 2S, iSi; v lie married Sarah, daughter of Joseph .Stamper. [See Keith's "Provincial Councillors," p. 2.V] Robert Morris, 1771. One of the original honorary inemhers and the l-'inancier of the Revolution, was born in Liverpool, Kngland, January 31, 1734 i O. S. '. His father, Robert Morris, came to this country and settled at Oxford, on the Hnstern Shore of Marvland, prior to 1^40, and became engaged in the tobacco trade. Robert, the son, at an early age came to Philadelphia and entered the counting-house of Charles Willing, and subsequently, in 1754, formed a copartner- ship with his son, Thomas Willing, which la-ted until 179,1, and the firm of Willing X; Morris became, the best known and largest importing house in the colonies. I'roin the beginning he took a verv active part in the resistance to (rreat I'ritain. I 'pon the formation of the Committee 1 of Safetv in June, 1775, he was made Vice- President, I-'ranklin being the head. 1 'pon N'oveinbi-r 3, 1775, he w;ts appointed one "f the dele-gates to the 2d Contine!ltal Congres<. Though he voted against the Declaration of Independence, he signed that document. In the winter of 177') Washington wrote to Morris that unless he had a certain amount of -.pecie at once !k- would be unable to keep the armv together. Morns, on }\i< personal credit, borrowed a sufficient sum and forwarded it to him, On March lo, 1777, he was a third time sent as delegate to Congress, "id again I>ecember i ; v 1777, and on July .. !77- s . -igned the Articles of Confedera- tion. In the spring of i ^Sn he organi/ed th< Hank of Pennsylvania and subscribed / lo.ixxi. On l ; ebrnary 2i>, 17^1, lie was unanimously ( hosen to the office of Super- intendent of finance, and accepted tin- same on Mar i J, [7X1. In his letter of acceptance he said: "The I'nited States may command evervthing I have except my integrity, and the los-, uf that \sor..d effectually disable me from ser\ing them more." He filled that arduous position until November I, 17^4, uh-. n he resigned. When Washington alnio-t te.ired the result, Robert Morris, upon his own credit and from his private sources, fur- nished those pecuniary means witho'.r which all the physical force of the cotmtrv would have been in vain. In I7S') he was elected to the Assembly of i'ennsv! vania in order to obtain a renewal o! '.'.'. liank of North America. He was a dele- gate to the Constitutional Convention which met in Philadelphia, Mav 25, 17^7. and framed the Constitution of the I'nited States. Itwashe who pro])osed Washing- ton for its president, and (luring all its de- liberations Washington was his guest. In October, 1 7SS, he was ch< 'sen the first Senator from Pennsylvania to the ist Con- gress, which met in New Vork. March 4, 17X9. It was mainlv through him th.r. the seat of government was removed in 179*1 to Philadelphia, \\here it rein. lined temporarily for ten years until hmldir.gs were completed in the District of Colum- bia. I le retired fn nn the Senate at the end of his term in 171)5. After his rctin men: from public life he began to speculate largi-lv in unimproved lands, and or- ganized the North American Land Com- pany, which, through the dishonest\ of Janu-s ( "rrceiileaf, interesu-d \\ith him, finally caused his financial ruin and !>'.-.r deiu-ii tlu- closing years of his liie \\ .:'.'. utter ]>overtv. I'rom l'ebruar\ i>i, '.-. to August 26, INH, he was an inmate of . delitor's prison lie survived his im ]>r;si inmenl not (jnite five ye irs. and d:e \ on Mav 7, iSifi. His remains i-ejiose :n the familv vault. Christ Church. I It- married. Marcli ?, !~'"i M.ir\-, d.u'.'.di'.er of Thomas and I-th.er Hm lings \\~\ r - sister ,,f P.islmp \Vhite. T!le\ had - children : Robert, man led I< \t.n Shc.e- maki r ; Tl 1 . oinas married to Sa: ah k .-.'.: William White ; Hetty, married to J,..:n - Marsh. ill. ..f \'irgini i ; Cliarl.- ; Mari i married to Ilenr', \ : \..:i ; and Ili-n- . to l-:;i/. i ! me S::::-;i. Air M,, : . 14ti high. Though Knglish by birth, he was intimately associated with tin- Kricndly Sous, ami wa> esideiitlv looked upon, ,is ue: e .'.'. the eai '. ier honorary members, as a regulai ::',<. :'.'.' er. I le was vcrv frei jm-iitl v at the HUH tin--- of the Society, more so than some dt the re-ular members. He also w.is ,i member of the Hihenii.i Kire Company, and took his turn as clerk ot th.it organi/ation. his familiar handwrit- 1:1.; appearing several tunes in its minute books. Ill later life he uas President of the Sous of St. George fr<>m O ;< i;g'>. See sketch in l't'n>i.\v!;'d>iiii .V./i,'. /.;//<, \ I. >,p. .Vvv] Richard Pcnn, 177.'-t. Was the see- u of Richard reim. one of the Pro- : !es of Pennsylvania, and a brother of b'hir Peiin, the Councillor. He was born in Ku^ land in i 7 ;^. lie entered St. College, Cambridge, but left with- out taking hi-- degree. Hi-- uncle. John 1'euu, had l(-ft him about /^oo a year. He reached his twenty seventh \ ear with- out having cho-eii a profession, having t reviously made partial arrangements for utering civil life, and afterwards the .irmy. T\\o years later he accompanied his brotlu-r to l'enn-\ Iv.ania. to \vhich he ::.:'. been appointed Lieu tenant Governor, Tliey arrived ill Philadelphia. October _v, Hi-- brother g ive Ru h.crd a Seal in the Count il, and, l;e was ijn iliiied [anuaiA 12, 1764. He uas the lirst 1'resideut of '.lie Jockev Club, founded MI November, '7'''>. with about cightv members, in the :;ng of i -t-() he re turned, to K;i gland. lie uas appointed by his uncle and brother Lieutenant-Goveruor of Pennsyl- vania and the Lower Counties, and 11 the second time in Philadelphia on < >eto- ber in, 1771. He was the nio-,t popular of his fain:!'.'. a;id especially attentive to interests of the colony, and much ;.ro~]n : 11 >wed. Kich;ird uas snpcr seded in the Crovernorship bv his brother [ohn. who arrived in August, 177^. He d.i-c-'.ined iutercinirse with lo'nii. clainiiii'.'. i bc( n unfuirlv treated, and dc - ,i vi IT ' : h fohn offered him. i"ue\' were : < neih d in 1771. and on t he Richard \\:is a])] < linted S" val i '.:. : ' ':;n. and accepted the oiTice. He was opposed to the oppressive acts of the British government. He enter- tained the members of the Continental Congress at his home-, Washington Ix'ing among the guests. He left Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, carrying with him the Second Petition of Congress to the king. He and Arthur Lee, agent for Jilass.ichusctts in London, delivered it to the Karl of Dartmouth, Secretary of State for the colonies, on September i. He ap- peared before the House of Peers on No- vember 10, 1775, to make statements con- cerning the Petition, and to authenticate it, and was sworn. He testified to the high character of the members of Con- gress, nearly all of whom he knew ; that thcv were fairlv elected; that they had only taken up arms in defence of their liberties; that the spirit of resistance was gt ucral, and it uas believed by the people thev would be successful ; that Pennsyl- vania had jo. IK*; men underarms, and he supposed there were f*>. fit to bear arms, who would willingly come forward ; that Pcnn- vlvania raised enough corn and could manufacture certain munitions of war in good quantities ; that the colonies had great hopes of the petition he had brought over, which thev styled the < )live liranch ; if it were not granted they might form foreign alliances, and. if they did, would stii k by them ; that most thinking people thought its refusal would be a bar again--: all re< oin iliation, etc.. etc, Lord Lvttletou said that Peiin "betrayed throughout the whole of his examination the indica t ions of the strongest prejudice. '' In Kngland he became very pool. His attorney says th it lie was supported bv Mr. I5arrl.iv. After the war his property improved, and John Peiin agreed to pav him one fourth of whatever he received as Ills share of the /"] ;O,(KXI named ill the hivesting \ ' . mil -,, third of all the s ilcs made hv him since that aet was passed. [ohn I'enu's death also, in 1795, vi sted in him a liie-estate in the entailed property He was a member of the Brit- ish Parliament from :-/> to iSo6. He resi. led in Oueen Anne street. \\"est Co., Middlesex. He visited Philadelphia in i ^ iS, and his name is in the- Directory for , .i.it yiar as dwelling at No. 210 Chestnut for a number of vcars Secretary of Penn- 'eet. between Mil and uth. He died in sylvania, and in 17^^ \\ as appointed bv K'chmond, County Surrey. Kngland. Ma\ p President Washington Judge of the Tinted 27, ;Sii, in his 76th year. lie married in States District Court for the District of Christ Church. Mav 21, 1772, Marv. Pennsylvania, w'hich position he occupied i.i::uhter of William Masters, by his \\ife until his death, August 21, |S2V lud'.-c Mary, daughter of Thomas Lawrence, llie Peters was the first President of the Phil Councillor. She died in London, August adclphia Agricultural Societv, and the <6, lS2o. They had four children. \\'hile first officer of the companv \\hich built !;e was Lieuteuant-( lOveruor. and before the permanent bridge over the Schuvll. !' i.e was elected an honorarv member of at Philadelphia. lie was the author < ; t'ie l-'rieinilv Sons of St. Patrick, he was "Admiralty Decision?, in the I 'niled States at almost every meeting of the Society as District Court oi Pennsvlvania !7

- ;. guest, and upon the first vacancy in iN>7 " in 1X07. Judge Peters accompa- the list of honorary members, causetl by nied Washington on a visit to Western :. ith of William Hicks, he was elected Pennsylvania in October, 1794, in connec- '.o fill the place. His associations with tion with the Whiskcv Insurrection. a-;d tile 1'riendly Sons were evidently of the presided later in the vcar when infonna- n;o.-t intimate character. [See Keith's tions were laid against the insurgents. 1 Councillors of Pennsylvania/' p. 425.] He was one of the orgaui/ers of the Sons Richard Peters, 1787. Was born at of St. George in Philadelphia, and its b'.ockley, near Philadelphia, June 22, Secretary from 177210 1706. 1744. He received his education in the James Scarlc, 1771. One of the or- citv of Philadelphia, studied law, and met iginal honorary members, was born in \vith considerable success ill the ]>rofes- New York citv about 17. i". He engaged !-ii.n. At the commencement of the Revo- in business uith his brother John in 'r.tion he became Captain of a company Madeira, and was admitted to the linn of of volunteers, but shorllv after was trans- John Searle c\: Co. in 1757. He left Ma- fir: ed by Congress to the Hoard of War, deira in 1762, settled in Philadelphia, and i f which he\\as Secretar\ p from June 13, was one of the signers of the Non-Impor. !"76. to December, I7S| ; and he was a tation Agreement in i~ii~,. lie wa>a wine member of the (Ud Congress, 17.^2 S_;. merchant and ini]iorter in 1771. uhen tin ! :e was an active member of the Kpiscopa! Society of the I-'rieiidlv Sons of St. Pa! Church in America, and in October, I7- S 4- rick was formed, and " Searle's Madcir.t '.vas one of the lay deputies Iroin 1 Ymisvl \\'as ri\'alled only b\ p " I I ill's Madeira " in Y.niia to the Convention which met in the Philadelphia markets. He \\.is a New York, and which took the steps pre Manager of the I'liited Slates I.otU:\, .imin.iry to tlie organisation of the Amer- i 77* 1 -7- s . -'ind in .\'..^;;-t. :77 S , \^as ,.;. ' .in Church. He was one of the leading pointed on the Slate Nav\ Hoard, but re pits 'f the Convention of the Church signed in ( 'ctob.er of the same \e,.r. :;ot -:. u h T:;I', :ti Philadelphia ;n 17^3. and liein^ sttisiiid unii tin existing na\.d is a niemiier of the coTinnittee to dr. if; regulations. from November, i7" x . to ccV-iastical constitution, and to pre Jn!\ p . 17^,1, he \\a-a member oi the COT; ,-. :,-',':. i. ;u cessarv change^ in tlu 1 Litur:j.v. tmental C'ongi'ess ser\ p in^ as Ciia'.rman '.lit -ame yi-ar he \ p isited I'jiLi'iand in ot thi' Comniercia! Coiiimitu-e, and on tin iv.tvrests of the eltort to obtain tht Committee to apportion the ij-.-.o-.a oi i .t of the British bishops to COM--C taxes t-> In- paid by each Mate. Hi \sellt -. it as bishops two priests of the Anicii- to l-iiinvpe in I7.soa-Agen; for Tern-si Ci'.urch Dr Seabnr\ p ha\ p i:iL' been vania to m-^otiatv .1 loa'i for / 2 >.<**>, but i..-x -rati.i Pi -h.op of Connecticut bv the tb'd liol succeed.. He I'etKriied, to i'lr.la S .f.ish bishops , so as to proeinx the delphia in I7 S 2. a::d h.amg lost his f,if - - - pal succession for the church here. Mine, he re rf.-r.-d Tu-iia av.,1 -esid- d SE 1H SI- died in Philadelphia, August 7, 1797. tract of land in the Island of St. John's in Hi-* \\ill, proves no institution can afford a nn^re ample t-rope i'or tiie efTeetnatioii of tliis purjiose than the national societies establislu-d in tii:> coiir.trv for the jirotection of tho-e i-nii^rants \slioin niisi-ry, misfortune or <>p;.n-s-i<<;i has rompel\d to for>ake tlieir nati\'e couuti'v and fl\' to the ''asylum" (.si^biished here "for the o]>]in.>sed of all nations." Rv these societies emigrants l.,;ve be<-n no; on]\- rendered more happv in their situations, but more usefu' members ir, society, ojipression l-,a-> been jiunished, migration hither encouraged, miserv alle- '.;:. ted, ar.d ci 'nseijuentK- the temptations to \vauder fr<'in the paths of rectitude dimin- ished. Thr-e reasons, and others e<|iiailv lorcilile. ha\'e iiiiiuced the subscribers, natives c f Ireland, c>r (lesceiidants of Irishmen, to associate themselves under the title of "Tin Hibernian Soeiet\- for the Proteetion of Irish Kmigraut.s." ( ^! t;x- twelve gentlemen present, \vho m.;\' be c\illeitt, the I'residrnt, and John I'rown, the Secretary of tli.it oro'anixation. Jame< C raw- lord, Patrick Moore. Thomas Lea and Iln^h. Holmes were the other ti>nr. Pile oM Society wa< in its decline, and the members do::btle>s ielt that a new organ i /.at ion was needed with a broader scope th..n the other. As mav be seen from llie ''subscription p.iper,' 1 the membership of the Society \vas intended to be confined to "natives of Ireland, <,y descendants of Irishmen, 1 " in accordance with the rnles l.'.n Till-: HIl'.KRNIAN SOCIKTY. of the Friendiy Sons, though this was afterwards departed from when tiii. Constitution was adopted, and the doors thrown open to all who were interested in the objeets set forth in the {taper. From the beginning, also, there was coupled with the idea ot extending pro- teelion and relief to ])oor emigrants the annual assemblage of the members in friendly concourse, as in the Friendly Sons. In fact, the new Society was not only the offspring of the old, bnt was already regarded as its successor. The resolve of the meeting was very quickly pnt into effect. An active spirit like Matthew Carey, who was energy itself personified, and who claims in his autobiography to have originated the idea of the Society, would not let the "grass grow under his feet," and, accordingly, we find a notice signed by him as Secretary p>'<> ton. on March iS, 170,1), stating that "on Monday next at 6 o'clock there will, pursuant to adjournment, be a meeting of the Hibernian Society f.r the relief of Irish Mini-rants at the Indian Queen in Fourth street. As the Committee appointed to prepare a constitution intend to report one at that time, and as the appointment of officers is expected to be made, it is hoped the members will be punctual in attendance." From this notice there seems to have been an inter- vening meeting since the 31! of March, bnt as the minutes of the Societv from 170.0 to 1-^13 are unfortunately lost, or not in existence, and there is no account of it in the newspapers of the day, we are unable to find any record ot it. On Wednesday, March 2.J, 179'', there appeared another notice also signed bv Matthew Carey. Secretary p>'O Av;/., which stated that " Tlie members of this Society are respectfully requested to advance as speedily as possible the fir1 the one at which a permanent organization would be effected, and the Society, which already included a large number of members, w.is called to meet in the "State House," to jjive. it a patriotic founda- tion. The permanent organization took place on the 5th of April, 1790, as advertised, as will appear by the following newspaper account : "On Monday evening there was a numerous and respectable meet- ing, at the State House, of the Hibernian Society for the relief of emigrants from Ireland, at which meeting the constitution was finally ratified, and the officers of the Society elected, viz. : TliL- HON. THOMAS McKr.AX, Kso., 1..ftrs:Jenf. GKXKRAr, WAI.TKR STKWART, rice-I'irjiJcnt. MR. M \TTHK\V CARKY, Secretary. MR. JOHN TAYLOR, Treasurer. Physicians. I)R. JAMKS CrXXIXC.HAM, | CHART. KS UKATI.Y, Kso., JASI-KR MOYI.\X, Kso. MR. JOHN SHKA, ! MR. THOMAS PROCTOR, MR. I'Ai'i, Cox, MR. ROUKRT R \IXI.Y, MR. JOHN" LKAMY, MR. CHARI.K.S RISK, MR. PATRICK MOORK, MR. Juiix IiKn\vx, MR. THOMAS I,I:A, MR. jmix STR \.\VI;RI i>r, MR. Ai.i;xAXi)i'R Ni-:snrrT, ' MR. RICHARU ADAMS. HI.AIR McCi.i-:xACii.\x, Kso., j. MAX\\!:I.I. XI-SIUTT, Kso., and MR. Ilrc.H l',o\'i.i-. As we have already stated on page 65, the Friend! v Sons of St. Patrick figure prominently in this list of officers, and seem to have taken hold o! the new organization. The list is a distinguished one, with such men as Chief-Jus! ice- McK<.an, (Veil. Waiter Stewart, Matthew Carey, Col. Thomas I'roctor, Ulair McC'leuachau, John Maxwell Xesbitt, John Tavlor and others appearing in it. The Society certainly made an excellent beginning, and the character <>: the men, who composed it, nndonbtedlv gave it from the first that hi'jji standing iu the community, which it ha-; main' lined down to the present day. \Ve know of no other Soc:et\" in .\:ner:c.i, wliose rolls contain in such lar^e numbers, so many men disiijignished in civil, nnlitarv and oi'iirial life. After the meeting of April 5, 17^0, there apj'iear from time to time '"'- nil- IIIBKRNIAN SOCIKTY. notices of meetings signed by Matthew Carey, Secretary, generally with the request : "The different Printers in the City are requested to insert this advertisement until the time of the meeting." These meetings were stated quarterly meetings, he-Id in the State House on 7 June and 6 September, and at Mr. Patrick Byrne's Tavern on 6 December ; ami an adjourned stated meeting at Mr. Patrick Byrne's Tavern on i; September, and another adjourned stated meeting on 13 December. On April 2^, 1790, the Secretary advertises : "The members of the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland are requested to pay their respective subscriptions to the Treasurer, Mr. John Taylor, Front Street, in order to enable the Acting Committee to carry into effect the charitable purposes of the Society." At the stated meeting on 6 September, 1790, as \ve learn from the I : ederal C,a~cttt\ it was resolved "That the thanks of this Society be presented to Captain James Kwing, of the ship l Happy Return ;' Captain Andrew Miller, of the ship 'Sally ;' and Captain ( ieorge Roach, of the ship 'Alexander, 1 all from Londonderry, for their humane and kind treatment of the passengers, who lately arrived in their respective vessels from Ireland." At the adjourned stated meeting on i^lh December, 1790, as \ve learn from the I'om- svh'ania Packet and the Federal C,a~citc, " the following gentlemen were re-elected officers for the ensuing year : Hon. Thomas McKean, Ksq., President ; ( icii. Walter Stewart, rice-President; Mr. Matthew Carey, Secretary; Mr. John Taylor, Treasurer; Charles Heatly. Ksq., and Ja-pcr Movlan, Ksq., Counsellors ; Dr. James Cunningham and Dr. John Carson, Pln'MCians.^ At the above meeting the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the Society : "Dr. \Yilliam Adams, Mr. Patrick O'Brien, Mr. John Crawford, Mr. Owen Morris, Mr. William Healy; and the following gentlemen were unanimously elected honorary members : Mr. John Shields, Treasurer of .St. Andrews Society, William More Smith, !>]., and Mr. Scth Willis." The- election of these honorary members was a precedent, followed in alter years, by the occasional election of officers of other charitable Societies. Th" Societv was no\v 'airly launched into existence. That it was already successful is leavacd from the first published list o! members, .: : > in number, printed in pamphlet form (the Society possesses a copy ) bv Carer, Stewart cc C >. , Philadelphia, 1790, probably in April or M.iv. We may fittiugl\ end tlie ch;i])ter bv reprinting the entire list, as well as the first Constitution of the Society, which appears in the pamphlet. They are as follows : THI-; HIHKKNIAX SOCIKTY. C< ) X S T I T U T 1 X , ETC. To a benevolent mind no object can be more grateful or more laudable than to relieve the distressed. To effect this desirable pur- pose tew institutions have had a greater tendency than the national societies established in this country for the protection and assistance of those emigrants whom misery, misfortune or oppression has com- pelled to forsake their native country, and fly to "the asylum" which is here to be found for the " oppressed of all nations/' liy these societies emigrants have been rendered happy in their situations and useful citizens, oppression has been punished, migration hither encouraged, misery alleviated ; and consequently the temptations to wander from the paths of rectitude diminished. These reasons, and others equally forcible, have induced in the subscribers to enter into an association, and adopt the following COXSTITUTIOX : I. This Society shall be called "The Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland." II. This Society shall hold quarterly meetings on the first Mondays of March, June, September and December in every year. III. On the first Monday of April next there shall be chosen by bal- lot a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, two counsellors and two physicians to serve in their respective stations until the meeting in December, 1790, at which time, and at the December meeting in every year thereafter, an elec- tion shall be held in the like manner for the said officers re- spectively. IV. The duty of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Society, regulate the debates, and determine all questions of order; and in case ot an equality ol voices on any contested matter he shall have a casting vote. lie shall have power to draw on the Treasurer tor such sums of money as the Soriety order to be paid. lie shall sub ther instruments of the Society, and shall s of tile .Society when thereto requested by a quorum of the acting committee. V. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, pre- side .it each meetim:, and shall have .ill the powers and authori- ties and perform all the duties of the President ; but it" the President shall be absent, the meetiu'- shall choose a chairman l.VI THE HIRKRNIAN SOCIKTY. by show of hands, and the person so chosen shall preside and have all the powers and perform all the duties ol the President. VI. The Secretary shall keep fair and regular entries of all rules and regulations of the Society, a register of the names of the members, and minutes of the proceedings ot the several meet- ings, lie shall make' out and attest certificates of the admission of members, record all lines incurred, and turnish the Treasurer \vith an account thereoi. He shall give public notice oi the time and place of the respective meetings of the Society, and generally do and perform all such business incident to his office as the Society shall from time to time require. VII. The Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions, quarterly pay- ments, fines, donations and other personal property of the Soci- etv, and keep fair accounts of his receipts and expenditures. He shall not pay any money but by warrant from the President, or, in his absence, from the Vice-President or chairman, or from a quorum of the acting committee, in the body of which warrant shall be expressed the use or uses for which the same was given, which warrant, with a receipt for the sum therein expressed, shall be his voucher. lie shall submit his accounts to the in- spection of the President or Vice-President when thereto re- quired. He shall previously to the December meeting settle his accounts with a committee oi the Society, to be for that purpose appointed at the meeting of September in every year, and lie shall pay all orders drawn upon him agreeably to those rules and regulations, but not otherwise. VIII. A Committee to consist of twelve members, which shall be denominated "The Acting Committee oi the Hibernian Soci- ety," shall be chosen by ballot at the first meeting of the Society, which committee shall be divided into three classes. The first class shall be relieved from their dutv at the expiration of six months from the first Monday oi March instant, the second class at the expiration of twelve months, and the third cla>s at the expiration of eighteen months from the same time. The va- cancies thu.s caused shall be filled up bv the meetings at which thev shall severally happen, and the members then chosen to fill such vacant class shall serve for the term of eighteen months irom the time of their respective appointments. The like rota- tion shall be observed ever aiterwards ; but nothing in this arti- cle contained -hall prevent any member who may have alreadv served in one of the classes from bein, at a qnarterlv meeting and balloted \: at when, it there be a majority of the member- Till-: HIBKRNIAN SOCII-TY. vor, he shall be admitted, but not otherwise ; and even" member of this Society shall receive a certificate of his admission, signed by the President and attested by the Secretary. XII. Any member residing in this city or the liberties thereof who shall be t\vo quarterly payments in arrears shall be fined one- eighth of a dollar, and if he shall neglect or refuse to pay such fine, and shall be ionr quarters in arrears, he shall be no longer considered a member. And it any member residing without the limits aforesaid shall be eight quarters in arrears, lie shall be fined one-eighth of a dollar, and il he shall neglect or reiuse to pay such fine, and be twelve quarters in arrears, he shall be no longer considered a member. XIII. The foregoing rules and regulations shall be deemed and taken as the fundamental laws of the Society, and no part ot them shall be altered or amended but by motion made at a quar- terly meeting (of which public notice shall be given), and agreed to at a subsequent meeting by a majority of the members present. Pim.AitKi.i'HiA, March 22, 179". MKMP.KKS OK TIIK SOCIKTY. R. ADAMS, ]< 'UN A I.l.X \ NOr.R, \Vl I.I.I \ M A N i >I RS( IN, WlI.U \ M A K M'-TKC IN' . 1 1 untin^ili Hi com:'. . JACOI-. An. D, Mont, o in ' li ji in N r, \ KI i. \v, JAM KS I'. \ KI i. \ v, ]'.. S. I'. \ KTi IN, \ViI.I.IAM I'.R(i\VN, J \M I-'.S !',!: VSi IN, ARCH i :; \ i.n I'.INC.H \M. Hi. i \s HOYS, JnHN H\KRY rapt. , Ji>HN I', \KKY. R'>I'.I-;RT HR iin',Ks, k : .Ii. M' IN i ' 1'iYR NK, I' VTKICK I'.'. !: N i . ! [re. H H< VI, I . I ) \ N 1 l-:i, I'. \ I.I i\\ I N, I ; R \NCIS 1'. \ I I.l'.Y. J \MI-.S \\n\ I. \v, X \TH A N ]'.' >\ S, J \M i.s HVRNIC, I',. W. HAI.I.. AI,I:XANH!-:R I?ovn, JMHN J'.I.KAKU-'Y, j'iSI.ril ]',R()\VN, \Vn.i.i \M Ilia. i., ", ]:< IRC, !; Hit VAN, (Vrv I lit VAN, \\'II.I.IAM HARRY, S\Mn:i. HA YARD, I' ill N I'il<( (\VN, A MIR i \\ HKOWN. '.'' M i! Ci i\i-:, i \ M i s CKAWFI ntn, i ' \ i i. C<(\ i-:, A! \TTII i \\- CARI-.V, !' iM I'll C \ KS(IN", . i ; c ) N , I . ; i i|<<',] C A M IT.:. 1. 1,, S \ Ml I.I C \ I.I>\\T I I,, I"!l N C \ I.I i\VI-:i.I., Cm. i. INS, : :: C'iNNHl.l.Y Till-: HIHFRNIAN SOCIFTY. 157 JOHN CONNKI.LY, J A M i :s C i N x i N * ; n A M . JAMHS CAI.BRAITH, HIXTOR CALKRAITH, A T, K X A N D 1 '. R C O C H R A N , \VII.I.IAM COCHRAN. I JAVID CAI.I.IC.AN, THOMAS CITIU:KRT, F!i>\\ ARD CARRKLL. JOHN CAMPBKLL, KOIIKRT CORRKY, JAMHS CAMI'IU-:I.I., A. LRoTHI.KS, Mollt. Co. RollICRT CONNKI.LY, do. I) SHARP DKI.ANY, JOHN Drxi.Ai', JAMKS DAYIHSON, SKN., WILLIAM DKLANY, WILLIAM DlYKN. JOHN DrNKiN, JOHN DONN Ai.nsoN, KlNl'.SMII.I. I)AYAN, MATTHI-.\\' I )INCAN, DAYID DTNCAN, 1'RAXCIS I )( iNNl-:i,I.Y, \\"M. DKAN, Monteomerv county. r THOMAS I-'I.AHA\ AN, ROC.I-:R I'I.A H WAN, JTN., F.mVARI) I''o.\, I'U'N KI-'.T I'M.l-'.ICSi >N, \VlI.I.IA.M 1-'INI)I.I.\ . XVfstuiori'lanil co'.i:it\-, RU 11 \RI) I'l 1.1.1 K'l'i >N, 1 ' K \ N i. i s A N'r . 1 ' i . ; . M i N i ; , JAMI;> l ; [Ni,i;\', S'l'ANIHSlI FOR !>l , Till i MAS FlT/>l MoN.S, I'll ! i.I ! Fl< \N(. IS, l-'l.I ; .Tl.'H l-.R. J \ M i S F A 1 ".!>>. Kt '!,. KV 1' IT/i .! X \ !.. i. I ! K.NRY ("F i.!>Dl-:S, Rolil.RT C, RAY, J V M ]-:S < ', R MI AM, jAMl.S (.i.U.l.Ai ,H l-.R, \VII.I.IAM ("FRAY, S'.uilm II JAMI-'.S Hi'NTi-.R, SI-'.N., JAM i-:s Hrx I'I.K. ji'N., Hi V.H Hi H.Ml'.S, C HAKI.I'.S I I I'.ATI.Y, F;I)\\'ARD HAM>, I..i:u - :i Aij-:xANi'i-:R HI:NK ". , Hrr, H I II;NRY, jAMi'S HAWTHORN, \VII.I.IAM HAYS. WILLIAM I IKNIU'.R.V >N, Fj>\VARi) I IANI.I IN, SAM!'I:I. I IARYKY, Ji )HN Hl-.I' I-'l.RNAN. I mid A JOHN JONHS, M.. MATTHI-:\V IR\VIN, W.M. IR\YIN. I/iiicasU-r, DoMlNICK JoYL'L, DAYID JACKSON. K WILLIAM KIDD, S\MI'1-.L KlNT.Sl.l.Y, AXNRi:\\' Kl.NNLl'N, .\NT1ION N" K. LN N !-. DY, Ai.icxAN D>:R KI-:N N i-:v, Roc, I-;R KI-.AN. JOHN K i : A N , [OHN KI:I.I.Y, ] \M I'.S K I DD. M.. I \M i ,S K I I '! '. A N DRK\V KNOX, Mont'. ( ', i oRT, 1, I, \T1 M ! R, JoilN I.YN\ 11, J \::' > l.ITTI.i . Rom KT Lol.I.-r.R, M DA\ !! l.\ :.: Till'. Hir.KRMAN SOCIKTY THOMAS LiVAs, I'r.uikliii cuuuty. M THOMAS McKi-:.\N, (iKoKr, i. MKAI>}., IliMN Md.At V.HI.l N, I'.AKNAHAS McSil A N : . i \SIM.K MI 'VI. AN, 1 1 >n N Mr 1. 1. 1 1\\ N \.\ , jrx.. JOHN MCL'KI.A. tiKORC.i: MoKToN, ROI;I:KT Mod. LAY, Till IM As MoC' IKMI, i> I'.I.AIK Mi Cl.KNAl HAN 1 ! Mn.I.LKY, 1 \MI-;S M*. I' I.TKH, j \M I.S MI iN'I'i'.OM I K Y, M A '!"!'!! i:\\ Mi.Ci i v . N !!.!., JAMI:S MI.X'KI:A, JOHN MORTON, JOHN M nx ii 1:1.1.. ' - \ ., CHAK i.i-:s Mo !^ i i K N \ \, IoSi.I'1! M \i ,1 il 1 i N, I'l>\v\K!> MII.NI-:, MI 'n'.-n RlCHAKIi MOOKJ , i!i., ]'J-:KI ,r^i IN M> }'.]. \\ \IN !:, J AMl.s M \ I SHAI.I,. SAMI ] i. MI M M \VM.I.IA M MI ioKi . ; MO Kr \Vn.i. i. \ :.; MIMIKI Lain M ' - TIIOM \ - Mi re.' MA KTI N M' I M.K .\!' N AI.KXANDI.K N"i-:si \V 1 1,1.1 AM Nn HI : I' K A NX" IS Nli HO] foiiN MAX /. i ; .i.i. Ni JOHN Nn in .!>' iv, ]',I)MOM) N"ri,}.NT. RDHMKT I'ATTOX, JoHN 1'ATTON. THOMAS I'KI ICTI-K IOHN !'i N K I;KTO.N, \Vn.i.i \ M I'O\VI-:K, Rcilil-.KT 1'oKTHK. Roiii.Kr RAINI-:V, \\"l I.I.I \M K< H.STON, CHAKI.I-.S RISK, HI-:NIAYID STI.\\'AKT. \\" A I.TKK ST I:\VA KT, I-'RANCIS SWAINI-:, Moni^nintTv county, JOHN Si-'.RVicr.. i' i IK isToi'iiKK STIAVAKT, Mont- u'i iiiu-r\- c(juiit \-. J VMI-.S SM ITH. T ioi! N T \\].i >K, JOHN M. TA\ I.OR, : - >H N T \i ,C,A KT, ! I I.NK '. TI .I.A NI), \V I I.I.; \ M 'I'lIoKI', ' M i.s Ti IOM ISDN, I'll THORN i;rRi; 1 1 , iii:: THOMSON, Roni'.KT THOMSON, Miuit^'HiH'rv i iiiiuty, Ii VN T ! MM i >NS. \\ I-'RI-.DI.KH K \V.\TTS, Cumbcrl;iin ; count v, \V:..TON, Till-: IIIBKRNIAN SOCIF.TY. 1-V.) WILLIAM WATSON, MATTIIKW WATSON, HKNJAMIN WORKMAN, Ai.i-:x \NHKK WKK.HT, JOHN WHITK, WII.I.IAM WILLIAMS. X. I). Those members whose names are not in the above list will not, it is hoped, ascribe the omission to the printers' neglect, bnt to their not having received the subscription papers wherein such names were entered. THH HIBKRXIAX SOCIETY FROM i ?)0 TO 1813. As \ve have seen in the last chapter, Carey's list of members of the Hibernian Society in 1790 was published early in the year, probably in March or April. From that date to 1813 the minutes of the Society are missing, and we are unable to give an accurate list of all the members elected between 1 790 and 1813. There were doubtless a large nnmber, as the Society had made an excellent start, and already embraced on its rolls many of the most prominent citi/ens of Philadelphia. Fortunately there exists the Treasurer's record of pavments ot entrance tees, covering the period between 1802 and 1813, leaving only twelve yeavs, 170,0-1802, still wanting. To fill up this gap we have had to depend upon the reports of meetings in the Philadelphia newspapers, and the gleaning of such names as appear in the minutes after 1813, with no record of their previous election. Tiie charter of the Society, issued in 1792, also contains some addi- tional names, but nevertheless we are convinced that many are yet missing. As an instance, we might cite the fact, kindly drawn to our attention by Mr. J. (rranville Leach, of a note in Christopher Marshall's "Remembrancer'' as follows : "Jan. 6th, 1791 Thence to John Tavlor's, Treasurer of the Hibernia Societv, paid him niv _* , 7 J entrance and arrearages, say 22s. h/f. , " showing that Christopher Marshall was one of the mining names. In the future there may be discovered either the lo>t minute book or manuscript lists or memo- randa among the descendant^ of the early Secretaries, although as yet we have been unable to find any tract' of them. A stated meeting on 7 March, 1791, was held at "Mr. Patrick P.yrne's Tavern, Front st., at o o'clock in the evening." As tin- date of the permanent organization, 5 April, 1790, was considered as the date ot the institution oi the Society, the anniversary ot that date was in the early years celebrated with special enthusiasm. Accordinglv we find the following notice' appearing in Dnnlap's . \mcrican Diii'v .!,/:'> rti^ r ot 28 March, 1701 : The HU.erni.in Society for the relief nf Kmi^rants t'roni Ire'and will dine together at Mr. Patrick Hvrne's < m Moti'la'/, the ;th nt" .\]iril. Krint; tin- anniversary of the:: ::i->tituMo:i. Such nn-ni' ><' - < ! !he Society as nu- an {> < attend are requested to leas < their n.tiiH"> uith Mr. I'.vvne In-Con. 1 the 2iyth instant, th;it dinner inav l>e ]iro\'idei! THK HIHKRNIAN SoCIKTY. The account of this anniversary dinner was fortunately published in the l'\'dt~nil Gazette of the next day, o April, 17^1. ;md we get an additional insight into the high character and standing of the Society from the presence among the guests ui John Adams, Vice-President ; Thomas JetTerson, Secretary ol vState ; (ieii. Henry Knox, Secretary of War ; Kdmnnd Randolph, Attorney-General, and Thomas Mifllni, Governor of Pennsylvania. The following is the newspaper accouni. : Yesterday bcin^ the anniversary of tlu-ir institution, tin.- Hibernian Society dined ..; Hyrnc's tavern in Front street ; thev uere honored \\itli the presence of the I'.overnor of Pennsylvania, the Vice-president, the Secretary of State, the SeiTe'ary at War, a:: i the Attorney-(',eneral of the I'ni'.ed States, together with '.lie o'.li ei> of the o'.bcr national societies. The enteitainnient, we are well intonne.l, was stij)erior to anything of the kind ever seen in America. Having mentioned the Hibernian Society, it \vould be deeme 1 tautology to sav the hosjiitality and the utmost t^ood hnnioi' presided at the board. The following \vi-re amongst the toasts \\hich \veri- drank after dinner : The 1'rc^ident of the I'nited States ; The United States, and prosperity to them ; Tlie (loverninent and people of Pennsylvania; The St. ( ieori^e's Societ\- ; The St. Andrew's Society ; The 1'riendly Sons of St. Patrick ; The l-'ederal Constitution, mav it live forever; May the distressed sons of Hibernia come to a speedv knowledge of this la:: 1 .f I'reed'ini, and may thev crowd our shores ; .May univrrsal toleration pervade the earth, and may the fever of liberty in the o'.d world never abate until the nations thereof are as free as ourselves ; The Kin.L; and national assembly of l ; ramv ; The Marquis I )e I, a Fayette ; The lion. Henry ( '.rattan, the Irish Patriot; The Immortal memory of I )r. I',. Franklin. The next meeting on o June. 171,)!, was well advertised in the newspapers by the Secretary, Matthew Cures', and mn>t have had an extra amount ol business to transact, for an adjourned meeting \v,'> held on the i (.th ot June following, the notice requesting " thosi nieinbers who are in arrears to come prepared to discharge the same." The next notice was as tollows : A Quarterly Meeting of tin- Hibernian Society for the relief' ol' emigrants in.::! !:e- .aud will be held at Mi'. I'\-rnc's Tavern in FiMiitstivet.it half alter sr\ t-n o\'!-. '., This i'ivetiinu;. At this meeting a member of t lie Corresp< Hiding I'ld tour of t'n<- .;. t i::;_; Committee arc to be chosen, and a Secretary instead of the subscriber, \\lio ;.-,,- poses to resign. Theri- is also a ])ro]>osition for consideration to p-diiee tl;e term ! continnaiice in office of the acting committee to nine months. J/.'f/./JV, S,-f>ft'>nh,-r 5, 17111. M \TTlU-\\ C \K I .V, .^': i '.',!>:. 1' ; - nil-! HI!',KR.\IA.\ SOC I I-:T V. effect, lor \vc find tin- IK-XL notice ior an adjourned meeting on Sep- tember i2th, signed by Kdward I\>x, Secretary. Unfortunately there is no record of the doings of the next meeting, December icjth, held by adjournment, especially as the Secretaires notice mentions that an election of officers for the ensuing \ear was to take place, although \ve know from the notices of subsequent meetings all the othcci's were continued \vilh tile possible exception of the Treasurer. The regular quarterly meeting of v s -March, 170,2, took place, followed by a .special meeting "on business ol importance" (probably the incorporation of the Society), on () March, 171)2, "at 12 o'clock, this day. ' ' As showing tlie amicable relations existing between the Friendly Sons of S',. Patrick and th<- new Society, it will be of interest to reprint here the following account of the Anniversary meeting of the ( )'.d Society, whose member- still maintained their organization, as we have shown on pa^c 61. It is as follows : (Note the toast to the I liberni ui Society. ) At a meeting of the Sons of St. Patrick on Saturday the i^th instant, at Mr. Ilydes' Tavern for the purpose ol celebrating the day, an elegant dinner was provided ; after which the following toasts were drank, in 1 lumpers i. Tin- day and man v of them. The !iu-ii!< irv i il' St. Patrick. 3. Till- nil-ill":'' "1 Shi 1. all. ( ii-i --< \V, Tin- \Va-him Km if hvlainl Tlic Ivirl <>f Charlcinont). Tlu- \V.i'-hii;.i,"fiii of I ; raiu-c ( De J.afayfttc . T':u- ' i:ii 1 \\ ' livi- in. Tlu- 1 iii'l of Sliili! i. Thi' ; ialrii >ts of I n-laiul. Tin- 1 1 :' pi-n:i in S. victv. The i ';:;,::] a; > ( iriet y. Thi v -'. 'I', tlll1llan\ '^ Society. Tlu- St. Aii'!i'e\\ 's Society. Tin- St. ' .cnriM ' - Sncii ty. The \-< lun',1 i- of Ireland. Thi- fair 'l.i',i;.'l:',c: - < if America. The Kin.Li i"il N ti' n ii As^euiol of I'rance. This dinner was followed by the Anniversary Dinner o! the Fliberni in Society on ? April, 1702, as will appear by the following ni >t ice ; Till-; 1I1HKKMAN SnCIF.TY. l.tf , Mr. I'atrick Hvnif's on Monday tin- Jii'l of Aj>ril. K-i:::.; t:u aimivf :>a: . : '.iu-ir i'.'.s'.iuitinn. Such nu-ni^t-rs of Uu- St,-ti>n- Thni'S'lav l:u- _<,'.'.; i:i-t :::'.. tha*. ili:::;T n:.'iv I if ]>:ovir l":!id tliat unon 4 August, 1792, a Charter \vas i^.-iu-d '"> '.''.e (iovenii>:. r 'nder that charter the Society is still in existence as a c>r:< ira'.L i)'j(l\'. Prior to the meeting on 3 Se]' f ,enil)er, I7 ( ;2, tile S,- :la;y advertised as tolio\v> : " T:ie following extract from the Act incorporating the Hibernian Societ\' is ])iiblished ior the iniorination ol the members, .nid t(j sh')\v the v.ecessity of punctual attendance at the meetings of the Society. ''And for the \vell governing and ordering of tiie affairs of tlie sai'l society, tlie members thereof shall meet together on tile first Monita\- in June next, and sncli other davs, in tlie ]>re>ent year, and at such other times in each succeeding year thereafter, a- ilie oin'. in some convenient ]>!ace ; notice r>e:n^ ^i\'en in at least two of the da:' * apers published in the city of Philadelphia, at lea>t ii\'e days bef 'he time 1 o! such meetings ; and the- said society, or as man\' of : ; :embers thereo! as are so met, shall have t nil power and authority :':< .:: '.-".e to time, to make, constitute, and establish Mich laws. >ta!ut -, '-'ders, and constitutions, as shall appear to them, or a m \] >r ]x;rt o; i.h'-m, so met, to be -nod and useful, according to the be-t of ' 1 " : -' ' ;d^ment and discretion, for the. ^001! ^overnmc-nt, regulation, .:::(: '.rection o! '.he said society, and every member thereof, and f >' :b; .(pointing .iiid re^u'iatino" the election and nomination o! . .eut, \"ice- President, See; '; r\\ Treasurer, and -uch and <>: the business and a flairs ol the <:r.d c< >:-p. .r.:ii l -:i ill \vh,ich law-, statute-^, orders. ,:nd con>!:'ution< shall be bind:::^ n ever\' member, and inmi tune t'' t me inx'iol.iiib,- observed, accord- i..i THI-: iiinKRNiAX SOCIETY. iii^ to the tenor and effect of them : provided that they be not repug- nant or contrary to the laws of this State or of the United States." The incorporators were "the Honorable Thomas McKean, LL.D., Chief Justice of the Commonwealth aforesaid, Brigadier-General Waiter Stewart, Kdward Fox, Kdward Carrell, Patrick Fcrrall, Paul Cox, James McCrea, James Barclav, David Lapsley, Matthew Carey, Joseph Brown, Henry Toland, James Boylan, John Leamy, Archi- bald Bino-ham, John McLau^hliii, William Hayes, James Alder, George Baker, William Delanv, Alexander Henry, Patrick Moore, John Dnnkin, Peter Benson, Richard Moore, John McClelland, John McCree, Andrew Porter, Samuel Bayard, Sharp Delany, James Craw- ford, John Brown, Daniel Baldwin, William Matthews, Michael Mor- gan O'Brien, Oliver Pollock, John Lynch, John II. Huston, Thomas Lea, John Maxwell Xesbitt, (iconic Hughes, Jasper Moylan, George Meade, John Connelly, Samuel Kin^siey, John Jones, M. Kdmond Muilerv, James Gallagher, James McClure, James Campbell, Robert M<-Cicav, Jolin Ta^'crt, Ro^er Kean, Alexander Cain, Robert Rainey, Ilu^h Holmes, Charles Heatly, David McCormick, and John Graham, cilixens of this Commonwealth, in conjunction with others." At the meeting of the Society held 3 September, 1792, " Doctor James Hntehinson, one of the Pliysicians oi" the port ot Philadelphia, informed, the Society of sundry acts of humanitv and benevolence, conferred by the Reverend Mr. Keating and the Rev- erend Mr. Fleming, of the Roman Catholic Church, of this city, on several per-ous lately arrived here, in the ship 'Oueeii,' trom Lon- donderrv, in Ireland ; and it appearing to the Society, that the nn- solieit-d but well timed and ^eiierous exertions of those gentlemen, as well bv pecuniar}' aid as by personal attendance, the lives ot several poor persons, passengers in the said ship, have been -aved from the ravages of an infections disease, which unhappily prevailed in the ship, it was unanimously ;r.w;/r'te u;n:; Till-; HlllKRMAN SOCIKTY. 1M imon--.y passed at a very large meeting of the Hibernian Societv, he'd the ;rd instai t. This tribute of the respect of the Society is aniong-t the tcir.poi..'. :. w..r.is, which b> nevolt -nt tic-arts like yours command irom all mankind. M.r. lit - \\ '.;o-r example von iiave followed in "Going about and doing good" further re\\.:rd \ <.!, by t. ich- ir.g others "to go and do so likewise." With the highc-t sentiments of respect, I am. Reverend Gentlemen, your very obedient servant, F.iAVAKi' I'ox, .V, ir'at-y of the 1 lilcrnian .S','< :', ty. The KKV. MR. KKATINO and The RKV. MR. FI.LMIXC,. September ^Ih, 17^2. " The Secretary of the Society received the following polite answer to the foregoing. SIR: The vote of thanks from the Hibernian Society, which yon were pleased to transmit to us in so polite a manner, is a reward which we had no title to expect, for having afforded the relief in our power to some Irish emigrants latelv arrived, whom our pas- toral charge required us to visit in their sickness, on viewing the scenes of distress which presented themselves on these occasions, had we withheld the succour which we cou'.d afford, we should become just objects of the censure pronounced against " The Priest and the Levite " in that beautiful passage of the Gospel to which you allude. We request yon, Sir, to present to the respectable Hibernian Society, at their next meeting, our acknowledgement and gratitude for so unmerited a mark of their esteem, and believe- us to be Your very obliged and humble servants, C 1 1 K I ST> ) I ' 1 1 ! . K K LATIN C, Sept i in ?>i r 5 /// ,1792. I ' K A x c i s 1 " 1. 1 ; M i x t ; . Notices of the meetings continue to appear in the newspapers signed by Kdward Fox, Secretary, the meetings being held as usual at "Mr. Patrick Byrne's Tavern.'" The meeting on 28 February, ! 79.v "was to receive the report of the Committee on the by-laws,'' ar.d it is stated that >l the members will be furnished with a copv of the report of the committee by applying to Mr. Carev or the Sec- retary."' The new by-laws must have provided for a change in the date of the anniversary dinner irom April =; to March 17 iS;. Pat- rick's Day), a.s we find the following notice in the newspapers : The Hibernian Societv r or the n-li; f of emigrants from Ireland \\\\\ dine to^e'.hi r .it Mr. Pi: rick P.vrne's in Front street on Mondav, the :^t':i instant. Such mem' ( : f tl'.i 1 Society as mean to attend will please leave their r nncs with ilu- Secret irv. r '; Mr. P.yrne, on or before Thur-d,iv next that dinner m iv be provided accoi.iin-l ! inner to be on the table precisely at half pa-t ; o'clock. The i:n :::' vrs are de-M'-n.I : t ike notice that the Societv will mee- al Mr. P.vrn' '- :\\ o-;e o\"i ck on tile same i! to ra '-;!( t bn-iv.i .- . and t 1 ; .; -n.-h i:-.e:nbers v. !M 1- -ve CotiLinute,!. or in 1 , r-.d to un-r, ! :-.V,'.-.M> I'.-x. S \>"r. M.n ; -:/;-. :-',-. lou Till' HIIiFRMAN SOCIETY. The following account of this Anniversary Dinner is found in the J-\'(ti-i\i! (ia-t'ttc of 21 March, i 793 : On Mi UK lav la>t the Hibernian Soeiet \ I'm the relief of emigrants from Ireland held ;t meeting at Mr. P.vrne'> in Front -treet, and proceeded to the choice ol" their otl'u crs for the en>uin^ year, when the lolli >\\ in:; -enilcnieii were nnanimou^l v elected : Thomas McKean, /'>'t's;\/t'>/t ; Walter Mewart, l'ii't'-J'iYSiJfnt ; Alexander Henry, '/;r.;.v. ;,;; F.dward Fox. St't'i't'ttirv ; James Cunningham, John Carson, f/iysicians ; Charles Heatlev, Ja>per Mnvlan, ( \'UHSi .Icling t\- : John Mcl,aui;hlin, Henr\ Toland, Robert McCIeav, John Million ney, fames Ash, Thomas Cnthbert, Reiimor.d Hvrne, James McClnre, Joseph Ma-ofiin. John Reed, David McCormick, John MeKhvee. After finishing their bu.--.iiie--, the Soeietv > at down to an elegant enterUiiniiient provided liv Mr. Hvrne. The tolli)\\ in:; toasts were drank : 1. The immi ulal memory of S'. 1'atriek. 2. Tlie President and Con-re-- of the I'nited States. ^. The (invernor and State o! 1'eiinsvlvania. 4. The St. Andrew's Soeietv. 5. The St. (',enr-e's Society. 6. The('.ennan S'u-iet\-. 7. The French llellevolent Societ\". S. Flvery jirejndice which tends to promote charity ami benevolence. 9. luni^ration from the Old World. May the love of liberty always surmount the attachment which men feel lor the place of their nativity. ID. The Republic of France. 11. The volunteers of Ireland, and all who arm in the cause of the Rig/its of man. 12. Henry ('.rattan, of the Kingdom of Ireland. i,. Political and Religious Freedom to all the nations of the earth. 14. The niemorv of the Patriots who have fallen in the cau-e of Freedom. 15. May the l>les>iiiL;s ol the present American government be transmitted to our latest posterity. 1 6. Mav the T '>:.: .->., he f"ri!i'-d in'.o one Republican Socidv, and every honest man enjoy the blessings thereo'". \Ve liave nolliin^ but bare notices of meetings (sioued by Ivhvard Pox, Secretary) to be held in the remainder of I7<)3- and during the period from 170,3 to 1796. The meeting on 17 Decemljer, 179!, \vas lield at the "Harp and Crown Ta\-(.-rn in Third St." On 14 March, 170,0, the Secretary ad\ - ertises as follows : ///''' }:: in Society for the > -'Ht'fnf /'a; /:,; v/A /'>>/ f>-,'/ t t>i>f : The ir.eitibers of this cor- )oratioti are hereb\- notified that a -4 ited meeting of their S"i ii-ty will be ln-ld on Thnr-^dav next, !~th instant, ai t \\ o o'clock in the afternoon, at the liar]) and Crown Tavern in Third Street ; and that the - aid Society will hold their anniversary least at the same place on that dav ; such members as mean to attend the fea^t will be pleased In leave their name- at the P.ar of the Tavern on or before Tuesdav e\eiiini:, that dinner may be provided ice-ordinal' . !'.. F' )X, S'-r>r'ii>T. Dinner to be on the table at ; o'Clock precisely. '!":: 'in. is Mi.-Kt.Mii, / '/ v \s7< /V >/ / , Hu^'li Hnliiic-, I'ict'- /'irtiJin.' ; Matthew Carev, .V .<- ;/,,'; r; David McCormick. 7'i\\i/>, \\MS iR-ld al " M:. MrSliaiu-'s Tavern in Third Sireel," and. tlic vS->.-cret.ary, IMaUhew Carcv, u par- ticularly re([iiesU-d that the members be punctual in their attend- ance." On January 21, i7 ( ;7- lie advertises that " such members of this Society as are entitled to Diplomas are requested to applv lor them to Mr. Hiiidi Holmes, Yice-President ; Mr. David MeCormick, Treasurer; Mr. Ivlward 1'ox, Mr. Joseph ]5ro\vu, or to Matthew Carey, Secretary." And on I ; ebruary 7, 17^7, the same advertise- ment appears with the name of Robert II. Dunkin, Counsellor, sub- stiiutetl for that of Kd\vard I-\)x. The following short account of the Anniversary Meeting and Dinner of March 17, 1797, appeared in the n-'.'ly Advertiser of March 22 : "On l-'riday last Uiu Hihernian Society hclil their anniversary meeting at Mr. M.-- ShaMe's la\-i-rn, and ch(j>e the following i^entK-nu-n, olVuxTs for tin- fn^niiiLj; year : !':\'->iliius ; Tiva-Miivr. Saniucl \\'a:t ; Secretary, Mathe\v Carey ; Counsellors, CharK-> Heath', RoSer; II. Dunkin; l'h\>i- cians, J, unes Cnnnin^haiii, M. I)., and James Re\-nold-,, M. I). " Thev then sat down to an elegant dinner, in eoin];an\' with some of the oftieer^ of tlu- other charitalile societies, and other irentlemen in\'ited on tlie ov'casion. 'i".:e evening \v;is >])t-iit in that social con vivialitv wh.ere ' wit, SOUL:, and >entimenl' add .1 /est to the pleasures of the fe>tive lioard, and reliii'tant'y admit the painl'i:! \<\^.; '. a Matthew Carey was still vSecretary in i7>) ( ), for lie advertises 0:1 March iS, oi that year : " Those members who are :n arrears to: : payment ot tlieir subscriptions are reimested to attend ihe niei-p.n^ '.-' be lield this day, prepared to discharge their respective balance: Tin- I y Jiiladelf>hia Ga~etl(\ of March 2< , contains the foilowi::^ t the meeting on ?darch iS, I<) ( ) : " ' >:i Monday, the i SJi in~;., the I lilieniian Soeietv for tin relief of 1 {mi- rant- f: ::: Ireland, ludd tlu-ir ruinivers iry meeting a' Mr. MrShaii"'- t.iv.-r:: , when :1u-\ ',-r the ;". IWin- -entlemeii, officer- for the en-.:.i:v: fe .:. :: .: 1':'. -ideiil. Ho:;. Tlioma- McKe.m, I-:s (1 . : Vice I'ri-sid...;;', Hn-h Holme-. I-'.-.'t.: '!':.. i;:-:. Mr S in;;;-. ! \V..',t; Secre'.a.ry, Mr. Matthew Care\ ; Coim-ellor-, Charles I le.r.h-, i - :; Si-r.;i- cit, !>'].; Physicians, Dr. Jame- C.allalier, Dr. Janie-. Me. ; >e: C!:ati'.ai:;. Rev. M.'.thevv C LIT. ios Tin- iiir.F.RNiAN SOCIHTY. "Afterwards, in companv witli the officers of the other charitable societies of this citv, thcv sat down to an elegant dinner, and spent the day in the Utmost degree of perfect harmony. After ('.inner the following toasts were given : 1. The glorious and immortal niemorv of St. Patrick. 2. The President of the t'nited Slates. ;. I.ieutenant-General Washington. 4. The Governor and State of Pennsylvania. 5. Commodore P>arrv and the navv of the 1'nitcd Slates. 6. Thi' army of the Vr.itcd States. 7. The memory of the heroes -who tell in establishing the Independence of America. S. Captain Trnxtun, his othccrs and gallant crew. <.). The German Societv. !o. The Si. George's Societv. 11. The St. Andrew's Society. 12. The Welsh Society. : ;. Mav information, submission to the laws, and good order, ever be the character- istic of the eiti/.ens of Pennsylvania. i.}. Peace -with dignitv, or \var\\ith energy. s. < )'.d Ireland, ]>i are and jirosjierity to her. i h. The American 1 'air. (< A ])ri\Mic iiK-c-tiiiL; " of the vSociety was held on December 17, 1799, and Malthew Care\ 's la^t notice as Secretary appears in the papers prior to the meeting ol Mareli 17, iSoo. Joseph Ta^ert was elected in his place, and his notices ol stated meetings regularly appear as required by the Uy-Laws. The latter gentleman calls a ineetino' i~ ( >r An^nst 15, iSoo, "on business of importance.'' This "business of importance'' was probablv to act upon the resignation of Chief-Justice McKean as President of the vSociety, who had served in that capacity from the date of its permanent organization, April q, i ~()< i. lie was about to assume the ( roveruorship oi the State and no doubt felt that the cares of that office interfered with the performance of his duties. For the adjourned meeting on January iS, [Su2, ''the members are particularly requested to attend, as busi- ness of much importance to the institution will be laid beiore the Society on that evening." On March 13, 1802, he advertises the meeting for the ijth, ''for the election of officers for the ensuing year and the transacting of the usual business. Such of the members who intend partaking of the anniversary dinner, will plca-e to leave their names at the bar of the tavern fMcShaue's) or with the Secrc- Iv." From Till-; HlHl-iKNIAN SoCIlvTV. !'''.' " \Vni.Ki: -\s, by the Sth section of tlu- bye-laws of this corporation, it was provided, ' 'i'h.it when tlu- annual subscription of anv member of this Societv shall remain un- paid for twelve months from the time fixed for payment thereof, application for the recovery of the same, with the lines accruing for the neglect, shall be made to thcde- liii'iuent member, and if -within two \veeks after such application, pavment of such ubscription moiH-y and lines, is not made, it shall be thedul\ of the Treasurer, to compel the payment, bv lei;al process. " 'And whereas several members of the Society are now greatly in arrear, and the well dicing of the institution and the extension of the charity therebv intended, re- ijuire that all the monies due to the Socictv be immediately collected ; Therefore " ' A V.v< >/:v,d. lie shall proceed as in the said Sth Section of the F.ye-I.aws is directed and that he make report of his proceedings herein, at the (quarterly meeting of the Society in June next. 11 ' /\t~S(>l:'('J, That the said resolution be published in two of the newspapers of this cit\.' JosKi'ii TAC.I'.KT, Jvv/. " Marcli i 2, iS< >2." At the beginning of 1802 we learn from Robinson's " Philadelphia Directory " that the officers of the Society were as follows : Presi- dent, Hugh Holmes ; Vice-President, Charles Heath' ; Treasurer, Samuel Watt ; Secretary, Joseph Tagert ; Counsellors, William Ser- geant and William Porter ; Physicians, R. S. Stafford and Jauu-s Reynolds. The adjourned meeting, on March 16, 18^3, \vas held at " Mr. Kitchen's Coifee House,'' and the anniversary dinner, March 17, iSo.i, at "Air. Hardy's Inn." Robert Taylor, instead of Joseph Tag- ert, signs as Secretary, in the notice for the meeting on June 17, 1805. The meeting of March 17, iS, \vasheld at k '\*ogdes's Hotel," and that of June 17, 1806, at "Cameron's, Third Street."' At the me--' ing on March 1^,1806, " the following resolutions were agreed lo :" " ll'/it'i'cit.f, this Socictv, with a view to stimulate captains of vessels en^a^ed iv. ',.!u- passenger trasen^er>, has L- ranted ajjprolxitory certitica.tes to several whose conduct jusi.lv entitled them thereto. . /'; port, anil sailed thence, during tlie intervals between the meetings of the Societv, \vhereb\- the\- have liei'n vlepri\-dl the opportuir.tv of re- ceiving tin- same, and tins Society conceiving llieir acting committee to be a si;;! ib!e bodv lo confer such certificates, by which the inconvenience abovi --t.ited \\ill be ie- mi >ved Therefore, " A'.'-.wy/rv ,-/, that in every case in \\hich it shall fullv appear, on d:u- i::\v>.:- th'- s. itisfai lion of the actiiiL; c'ommittee of \\ hoin a'. U- i-t MA en mn--t 1v a-- en ' to decide unoii the ca-c that anv Caj'tam eti^a^ed in ;he pa---.en:;er t: ile ironi !< ' md to :his conntr\ ha cotidncted himself \\ith iiMice at;d humani'x t-nvar.'.s his p.i'.-.i n- m ;-, it silall be tl:e dtitv of the s ;;' committi to ; eeommend -uch C' ' >'. '':' \" tlie 17u Till- lIir.KRMAN SoCIMTY. "AV.v .';,:', That every Captain \\h<>-,e meritorious conduct shall bo thus ascertained, shall lie admitted an honorary member of this Society. lire. it IIor.Mi-.s, first. ROHKRT TAYUOK, Jvv. " The meeiin^ on December 17, 1806, was held at the " Shakspeare Hotel, corner of Sixth and Chestnut Street." In The Aurora we find the following account of the anniversary meeting on March 17, "The Hibernian Society for the relief of Immigrants from Ireland held their annual UK -cting for the purpose of choosing officers, on Tuesday, the ijth inst. ( > St. 1'atriek's I'.r ai the Mansion House Hotel ; \\hcn the following memhci's v.cre unanimously c'lci led officers for the current year : President, Hugh Holmes, Ivso.; Vice-President, Charles Heatlv, Hsq.; Treasurer, Joseph Tagcrt, Hsq.; Secretary, Roliert Tavlor, Ksq.; Counsellors, John Sergeant, Msq.. Mahlon 1 >ickcrson, l;i\;ty and mirtli. Accompanied liy the ofTicers of the St. C.eor^e's, St. Andrew's, and \\Vi--h Societies, and other ^eiitlcineii invited, they partook of an excellent dinner, prepared l>v Mr. Ren--ha\\, anil served up in an elegant style. Benevolent and patriotic toasts, interspersed with wit, sentiment and song, kept them together until thcv hailed the morning of Shilah's dav." Tins is the first appearance of the title of "Chaplain," which was ii"t an otlice provided lor in the (.'(institution, but was merely ap- plied by courtesy to such reverend gentlemen, whom the members de>nvd to be present at the dinners. Rel ! \s riniiiilt'ifiin'i ( ia'.i'Hi' contains the following" account of the next anniversary meeting, on March 17, iSt. The Society having re- ( i . \ ed with >i net-re i egret the resignation ot the iate Treasurer, Joseph Tagert, J Csij., ]iro- ceeded to the choice of officers, \\hen the following gentlemen \\e-i'e elected, vi/..: 1'i'eside-nt, I I ugh Holmes; \'ice President. Charles ! leatl \ ; Treasurer, I lenrv Toland ; retary, Robert Tavlor ; Counsellor-, John Sergeant, John l'o\ ; l'h\sieians, R. S. Stafford, James Reynolds. RUHKKT TAYI.OK, Sec. " S-.-\'i-ral gentlemen invited, amon^ \\liom were the otticersof the oilier l)eiie\'oU-nt Societies, partook \\\\\\ the Sociit\ . ; m e\ci-l! 111 dinner prepared at the Many. ion 1 louse and serv- i! ii]: in an e'eganl - ' \ le. I tinner reiiKivi-d, tlu- exhilarating juice was k pi in free cii illation, \\ liilsl \\ it'll to.ist, son;' and co'i versal ion, emanating fioin hi irts lulled \vi:li benevolence, ]iati-ioti-m, and respect for tlie 1'air, .hie honor vs'a.-, done to the meinorv of St. Patrick The notice for the meeting on Deceiulic-r 17, rSnS, says: "As an amendment of the bve-la\\>, \vitli a view to render the funds of the Soci< ty more o-eiiend in their distril u'.ion, as well as other important business is to be transacted, the members are earnestly requested to I i;j be punctual in their attendance. '' That fur the nu-i-tin^ mi March 17, 1809, says : ' The members will please take notice that the anniver-.arv dinner will be at the Mansion House and served up precisely at li.ilf-p.i--t ; oV',,, ;, ; . t ;:d that it would great Is assist the arrangements, now making for th..t occ.tsioti, if th. >-e nu mbers \\ ho intend to celebrate the fea^t of St. Patrick would tak< the trouble of lea\ ing th< ir names with the Secretary No. 2\~ High Street on or before \Vcdue--d.. 1 . , the i.v.hi:: ;. "The- anmvei'sary ol ill!-. N'ear \sill be jKirticularly interest'.!!^, as the member-- \\.!'. have the pleasure of hearing that the fninl> of their benevolent hi-titutiou ui'.! vvvatlv c-nlarged !> a \'er\ liberal donation from the trustees of the estate of the '. ' M: . John Keble. Roiij'.kr TAVI.I >R, .s,. , , . 'J/./ ;-,-/.' yth, iSo-j." "At the anniver-^arv meeting of the Ililiernian Society for the relief of Kmi^rai:'.^ from Ireland, held at the Mansion Hou.-,e Hotel, on l ; riday, the i;th in>t., the foKo\\ in.; nieinliers \\ere elei'ted ollieern foi- the rn--nin;_; year: 1're -i.leiit, Hui;'h Hohner. ; X'ioe-l'residt-nt, Charles I leatly ; 'l'rea~-nrer, ILnry Tolaiid ; Seei\ tarv. ]-jl\said !' \ ; Counsellors, John Sergeant, Thuiuas ICittera ; I'liysieia'.i-., Robert S. Stafford, I-.:..r IIe\lin; Chajilain, Rev. M. IIurleN'. "After the election of their oilicers, the Society sat down to an elegant entertain- ment, at uhich ',vi-re present the officers of other benevolent Societies, and several n - spectabie stranger--., and the foHo\\iny toasts, interspersed \\ith a.pjjrop: iate i-oti^s, \\ . ; e drank : 1. The immortal nicinorv of St. Patrick. In the celebration ot this d ;. , in tv \\e resolve, tliat, " \\here libertv dwells there shall be our conntrv." 2. The land \\'i- live ill. May the I'll ion of 'best.- States be dear to every one of t heir < /,//>/<'{..'. a relief to the indigent, and a ix-uaril to the iiulustrious. 4. The memorv of ( ieor;^e \Vashintjluti. Ma\- the son^ ol 1 1 ibeniia ti'iilv appreciate the \\-orth of tho-.e lleroe-- and patriots \s ho have secured the American asvlum for ;!ie opjiressed <>( everv nation. 5. 'i'he President of the Tinted State-,. May all political eont rovcr>ic-. he tedr.:c-,d to one head, " how best to promote the interests of our common country." o. The ('.overnor and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Ma;, hi r can.'.'.-; be SH/tk, her furnace-. In' l>'d.\i, aii'l her manufactures , *>i \uiHt\L ~. The Pros. Mav it-, freedom be encouraged, its licentiou-ne-- jiuni-1 S. 'I'he n in on of the confederated State- of America. May it b. ].e: pet .:..;;> d. i,. The Militia, the Army and N:\y of the I'ni'.ed States. M i\ ;!:- metno; \ tho-,e who have fallen in defen-e of , /;// ///v/-/i be v r a'.efulls cl:- : i-!;e !, and tin - \ ices of those \\ ho survive en -Ml re the esteem of their i oiint : . ',". The Agriculture, Manufactures ami Comir.erce of tin- I'niti ' >' true interests are inseparable, mav lhe\- mutu i!l\ siijijiort ea ':; .'. 11. The Kdtication of N'mith. Ma\ our legislature be ], pr.r-,e can never be -,0 \\ell applied as in the Iv!ucati< >n o.; \',,- b-M security for L'"od morals. -o,,d law- atid the p;.-.:\ itimi 'erlies. i.\ The People md '!; !.,-A, Ma-, the j eopl, H-: ;vs- pro- tect the ])eople. 17-J Till' IIIIU-RNIAN SOCIKTY. i v Republican * '.ovc: nments. Mav \ve never lost.- MLrhtof our rights or the practice of our duties. i }. The incmorv of the late Mr. John Keble. 15. The St. Andrc\\ '>, tin- Si. ('.corse's, the ('.erinan, the Welch, and all other ' i ;ic\ olent M>cielics. l(i. Tile threat family of mankind. Mav the \\hnle human race l>e united bv charity as a common tie, and enjoy ',i!icrt\ as a common inheritance. i -. The l-'air Sex. The meeting; on December 17, ICMXJ, was held at the " City Ilott/.," and the annual meeting on Marcli 17, iSio, at the l> .Mansion Hou-e Hotel/' but \ve find no acrounts ot them in the ]>aj>ers. In the Di- rectory lor iSii, however, we tind the list oi officers ot the Society, no doubt elected at the latter meeting. There are no changes from the list of iSiH). For the meeting on March 17, iSi2, the Secretary, Ivlward l : o\, advertises that the same would be held at the City Hotel, in South Second street, dinner to be on the table at three o'clock, and the members "to call lor tickets at the I>ar oi the Hotel, No. lol Chestnut St. or at Xo. 273 Market St." There is no account of this meeting, but we learn from Paxton's "City Director}-" the list of officers chosen, \vhich is as follows: President, Hu^h Holmes; Vice-President, Charles Ileatly ; Treas- urer, Henry Toland ; Secretary, Ivlward 1'ox ; Counsellors, John Sergeant and John Fox ; Phvsicians, Robert S. vStaiTord and Isaac Heylin ; Acting Committee, \\'illiam Po^^s, John Horner, Hu^h Cooper, John Colnian, Fdward McDerinott. Ilu^h Calhoun, Ivdward Hudson, John "Wm. Ro;^er>, IvKsard Thursln', \\'illiam Brown and David Acheson. There is no notice after this until that for the anniversary meeting on March 17, i S i _ :;, but as we have the minute- books of the Society complete, horn that date down to the present time, \ve will close the chapter. Thank- to the newspapers, we have been enabled to idve our readers some idea of the Societv during the- period troni I7';o to l S 1 3, and wlr.V th.e notices of several meetings do not appear, yet those which we have referred to in the course o: the chapter show ill at the Society h id been pnxperin^ 1 and that it was faitlifulh - carry - iu^ out its cardinal ]>rinci]>le^ : the relief of the emigrant, the remembrance ot old Ireland, and devotion to the Laud oi Libertv. Till: MBIBHRS 01 : THE IIIHHRNTAN SOC1HTY 1 : K()M 1700 TO 1813. LIKK their predecessors of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the members of the Hibernian Society were useful citizens of the com- munity in which they lived. Many oi them were distinguished in civil and military life, and the roll ol 171)0 contains the name.- of some of the leading citi/.ens of the city and State. Hon. Tin >nia-. McKean, Chief-Justice ot the Supreme Court oi Pennsylvania an*, one of the most prominent public men ol his day, head> the list u> President, and General Walter Stewart, the Vice-President, had been a distinguished soldier in the Revolution. Commodore John P.arrv, (ieueral I'M ward Hand, Lieutenant-Colonel George I, atinier. Color.,] Francis Xichols, Colonel Thomas Proctor, Colonel Charles Stewart, Colonel Christopher Stuart, and others had made glorious records in the armv and navv. George Bryan had been Vice-President of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Fitzsimons, a signer ot the Federu. Constitution; and of the public officials in l~<)<'< Thomas F'it/- sinions was a member of Congress ; Sharp Delanv was Collector o." Customs; Robert Pulton, Postmaster; Samuel Caldwell, Clerk of the United States District Court ; John Doniiald>on? Auditor-General of Pennsylvania; John Nicholson, Comptroller-General ; George P>rvan, Judge ol the Sn])reme Court ; William Xichols, Clerk oi the Orphans' Court; (ieorge Campbell, Register of Wills; Matthew Ir- wi;i, Recorder of Deeds; and John Barclay and juhu Maxwell Xes- bitl, Aldermen. Matthew Carev was one of the most active Irish- Americans in the country, and was a controlling spirit : u the organi/a- tiou. Attorneys, physicians, merchants and tradesmen were l.ir^elv represented in the list. The o!'gan;xatiou of liie Societv occurred amidst stirring tim<-s. The first administration under the I'Vderal C<>u>titntii>n. iuau^v.ratetl in t7, an art'.lK-rv salute \\ ;-; iivei uoilv's comnunv. ( )u the Fourth ol 1 THK IIIl'.KRNIAN SOelHTY. Society of the Cincinnati, headed by Governor Miffliu and Chief- Justice McKean, inarched to Christ Church and listened to "an appropriate sermon." In 1791 John Barclay, a member of the Society, was chosen Mayor of the city. The Fourth of July, 1791, was celebrated by a /<'/<, given by George Gray and Robert Gray in their gardens at Gray's Kerry. Judge McKean and John Barclay ngured in 1792 in the political meetings, and Thomas Kit/.simons was re-elected to Congress, (hi the first anniversary of the taking of the Bastile, July 14. 179-', Colonel John Shee's Fourth Philadelphia Regiment celebrated the event by a dinner. In 1793 occurred the tearful visitation of yellow fever, which carried away so many of the people dt Philadelphia, including several members of the Society. The epidemic lasted inmi ist of August to the 9th of Xovember. Rev. Krancis Ant. Fleming, alter heroic attentions to the sufferers, was himseli a victim. < hi the Committee of citizens who faithfully remained at their posts while it lasted were Matthew Carey, Mattluw Connolly and \Yilliam Robinson, as did also Dr. Samuel Dnfficld. Among the members who died ot the lever were John Dnnkin, James Calbraith, Jr., Thomas Lea. Thomas McCormick, John Morton, Daniel Baldwin and Robert Patton. ( )n the Committee oi Correspondence of the first Democratic So- ciety, founded in 17^, was David Jackson, and on the committee ap- pointed by the meeting of merchants held August 13 of the same year relating to the depredations ot French pnvakers, we find l!:e names ot Colonel John Xixon, Thomas Fit/.simons, John Maxwell Xesbitt, and General Walter vStewart. In 170.] George Latimer, John Barclav, George Me ;de, Thomas McKean, Alexander Bovd and j >hn Dnnhip were MX out oi thirteen trustees ol the tniul raised by the citi/ens for the redemption oi Americans captured by the Alger- ine pirates. The ]>opular lecling against ('.real Britain was shown b\ the ])ubhc celebrations in honor ot the successes ot the French Revolutionists. Bl.dr McClenachan, a< President ot the Democratic k ty, in 179}, took an active part in these celebrations. in 171)} occurred the so-called " \Yhi-kev Insurrection' 1 in the estern counties ol Pennsylvania. President \Yashington called r> tops to snppres> it, and Major-General William Irvine was appoint', d ^command the State contingent, about s/' 1 * > men. Br:^adur-< ien- u u T'noma- Proctoi was a]i])oiuted to the command ol the fliv:>ion, consisting oi the regiments Irom Philadehuiia annpport the families of the soldiers Tin: HinKkNiAN socnrrv. 17.-, while on the expedition, William Montgomery, Israel \Vheien, An- drew Bayard and John Barclay were four of a commit a;- of ei-tit appointed to solicit subscriptions, (iciierai Walter Stew, in remained in military command ot the cilv during the absence of the < '.overnor. \\",K-n Jay's treat}' with Falkland was made public, the French sym- pathizers were loud in their denunciation-;. ( )n Julv 22, 170,^, a '.own meeting was called and a resolution ot disapproval of the treaty was passed, and a committee appointed to draft an address to the President upon the subject. Thomas McKean and Blair McClena- chan were two of the committee. The committee reported to an ad- journed meeting on July 24. The address was adopted, and three cheers were given " for Archibald Hamilton Rowan, the Iri-di patriot, who had arrived in the citv a few days before." In the elections of the Year (iconic Latimer and Blair McClenaehan were two oi the candidates for the Assembly, and at the Presidential election in 170,0 the Jefferson electoral ticket in the State was headed 1>\ Thomas McKean, and the Adams electoral ticket by Israel \Vhelen. ( )n February o, 17*)''). occurred the triumphal reception to(rcm-ral An- the Indians in the Xorthwest. ( )n A])nl 12, I7<)S, Common Council appointed a committee ot two, ol whom one was Joseph Magoilin, to prepare an address to the President of the United States on the Fr-.-nch sit u.it ion. In this year also we find Andrew Bavard figurinij, as a supporter ot John Adams, and William Robinson as a sympa- thiser with the French. The militia of the city \\x-re divided in polities. General Thomas Proctor and his division officers passed resolutions assuring support in case ot a war with France, and the oiticers ot the Countv brigade tie precated hasty action. Tlu- "Militia Legion oi Philadelphia" \\M~- formed during [7 tioiuted to receive the subscriptions, H.r.'id. !Ia\'tl<-ld Con\T,^liam a:id lanu-s Crawford were two. In iron William Puane, I >r. were eni^a^cd in dispute's, consequent upon the pas-a 1 .. law, the- teelm-j; beiii'j; very pronounced amo;u; tlu can-. Aiter a bitter political content. Tho:n,i- Mcl\ean, I the Societv, was elected (io\ernor of Pennsvlvania -a to the Societv, as ia- decline^ 17 TIIK HIBERNIAN SOCIIvTV. following year, no doubt owing to his inability longer to fulfil the duties of his office. He had been President since the permanent or- gani/atiou, April 5, 1790. The triumph of McKean at the election gave rise to numerous celebrations by his supporters, the Democrats, and \ve learn that there was a union of " Irish and German interests " in his favor, throughout the State. On December i.}, 1799, General Washington died, and on December 26 occurred the commemorative procession ordered by Congress, and many Hibernians were promi- nent in the affair, including Captain MeKean's, Captain Duane's, Captain Sweeney's and Captain Dnnlap's companies of militia, and upon Washington's birthdav celebration, February 22, 1800, they were ai^ain prominent, including Rev. Matthew Carr, who delivered "an eloquent discourse to a large congregation '' at v St. Mary's Catholic Church. During iSoo Thomas McKeau, as Governor of the State, and Wil- liam Dnane, as editor of the Aiinim, were two of the most promi- nent figures, and were the centre o! lierce political contentions. Tench Coxe was also in the thick of the squabbles. Colonel John Shee's Legion also took apart. The inauguration of President Jef- ferson, on March 4, iSm, was made the occasion ot a ])ublic proces- sion, and we find on the Committee of Arrangements, John Smith, Andrew Kennedy, Joseph Worrell, and Robert Porter. Colonel Shee's Legion was in the line, as we'd as Major-General Proctor and the militia. Jefferson tendered the appointment of United States Marshal to Colour'. John Shee. and, upon his decimation, to John Smith. During iSoi '.lie Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce was organi/ed, Thomas Fit/simons being President and Robert Smith, Treasurer. Matthew Carey was prominent as a publisher about this time. In the memorial, January {, 1802, of the Philadelphia merchants who had suffered losses bv the French Spoliations, we find the names of Convngham. Xesbitt ec Co. , William Bell, George Davis, Thos. Fit/simons, John Taggart, Joseph Brown, \\* il'er Stewart, David II. Couvngham, Philip and Thomas Reillvand I vl ward Carrell. At the election in the fall of iS<>2, Thomas M'-Kean was re-elected Governor. In the same vear Colonel John Shee wa> a]>poiuted Major-General ot the Philadelphia militia. At the public dinner on Washington's birthday, i^n-}, John Xixon was one of tlie presiding officers, and both the Vice- Presidents, Samuel Fox and Joseph Ball, were Hiber- nians. Tn 1 805 Thomas McKean wa< again re-elected Governor after a fierce political campaign, in which William Dnane, of the . lur<>ra, opened him. A new \ - olunteer couijxin\' of soldiers, called the THK HIBKRNIAX SOCIKTY. 177 kl Republican Greens, " was organized during this vear and took purl in the celebration of the anniversary of the Pritish evacuation of Philadel- phia ; Duane was their Captain. In i.Sno we find the nanie^ of Wil- liani Montgomery, Robert Ralston, Thomas \\". Francis, Thomas Allibone, Jacob (i. Koch, Lewis Clupier, \\'illiam Drown, and other members of the Hibernian Society, as prominent merchants and ship owners. Robert Patterson was President of the kl Philadelphia Mathematical Society." During this year I hiane's . lai'dra was in continual trouble, Dnane being defendant in sixty libel suits for at- tacks made by him on political opponents. (lovcrnor McKeau's p >>- ularity was waning, and he incurred iierce opposition by reason of his attendance at the annual dinner of the St. George's Society, at which a toast k 'To the King" was drunk. In iS<>- another noted Irishman, John Dinns, removed to Philadelphia and established a paper. The Democratic Press. lie soon became active in the politics of the dav. In the same year, in November, a dinner ~\vas giver, to Daniel Clark, a noted merchant of New Orleans, nephew of Daniel Clark ( I ; . S. ), Thomas Kit/simons presiding. In iSoS Thomas W. Francis, Robert Ralston, and Samuel Keith were three of a committee of five appointed by the Chamber of Com- merce to raise subscriptions for distressed sailors. Tench Coxe, Mat- thew Carey, David Jackson, and Joseph Jones were on the managing and subscription committee of the Philadelphia Manufacturing Society, just organized. It is curious to note that in the hstol prin- cipal manufacturers ot the city about this time there are lew or no Hibernians, when in recent times so very maiiv ot them attained emi- nence and wealth in manufacturing. The political caldron was kept boiling by William Duane, John Dinns and others. More libel suits were brought against Duane, who was about this time appointed by President Madison Lieutenant-Colonel ot a regiment in the regular service. In this year also a meeting of Roman Catholics was held to found an Orphan Asylum. Matthew Carey presided and Thomas Hurlev was Secretary. In 1809 the political contests continued. \Ve find Thomas Fit/.- siuions and George LatinuT prominent among the Federalists ot the city, and Win. Duaneand John Dinns among tin- Democrats. Onjp.lv ; the members of the Pennsylvania Societv of the Cincinnati man-bed to the site of the monument to General Anthonv Wavne, near P.ioli, Pa. In this year we find Professor Robert Patterson ind Callender Irvine certifying to the success ot Leiper's experimental railroad. In [Sio Robert Patter>on and \\'illiam J. Duane figured in the new \\'hig Societv of Pennsylvania," and Samuel I ; . Dradtord am->ng THI-: 1IIRKKMAN SdCIKTY. the " Sons of Washington." In this year the Federalists elected mo>t oi their candidates, including the Sheriff, Francis Johnston. In the public improvements, projected during iSii, General Francis Swain, Panl Cox, Francis Johnston and William J. Donaldson were prominent. The District Court of Philadelphia was established and Joseph Ilemphill was commissioned its first presiding Judge on Mar f), iSi i. The prospect of a war with Fngland led to increased interest in the militia organisation. John Smith was Lieutenant-Colonel of the new cavalry regiment organized on April 2 the war fever was at its height. The blockade of the Delaware bv P.ritish vessels created great excite- nunt and morecoinpair.es oi volunteers were iormed, among them the "Junior Artillerists," of whom James Madi-on Porter was Second Lieutenant. The "State Fencilms" were Iormed this year, Joseph P>ordcn McKean and Ilenrv C. Carey being amoiu; the number en- d. Th.e old people of tin citv formed a company for defence, with f ieneral John Steel as Captain and William Smilev as Fir-' Lieutenant. In April, Lewes Del., was threatened bv the P.riti-' fleet. Colonel Samuel J!. Davis, in. answer to the demand for provisions, etc., returned a defiance- and gallantlv conducted the American forces during the bombardment on April o and 7. In the fall of the vear a regimen! of I'nited States regulars was stationed in ir Darbv to defend Philadelphia. The Colonel, Stephen F. Fot- . and the Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel P.. Davis, were both (1KX. AXDRI'AV JACKSnX. Tin-: HIIU-RNIAN SOCII-TV. 1:0 ...embers of the Society. At the fall election- William J. Du.me, Thomas Sergeant, and John Connelly were three of the five members of the legislature elected from the citv. During 1814 the war excitement was continued. The invasion of the British and the capture of the city of Washington aroused the people to fresh activity. For a time party differences were forgotten. The Federalists, who had opposed the war, joined with the Demo- crats, in a public meeting held August 26, iSi j, in the State House yard. As Thomas McKean said, "there are now but two parties, our country and its invaders.' 1 The venerable ex-( Governor, then So years of a^e, presided, and Joseph Reed acted as Secretary. A com- mittee was appointed to organize the citizens lor deicnce, etc. Amon^ the members of this committee were George Latinicr, Gen. John Steel, John Connelly, John Sergeant, John Geyer, the Mayor, Joh.n B irclav. John Thompson, Peter Micrcken and Joseph Reed ; and on the sub-committees in the wards to promote the formation of volunteer companies were Samuel Carswell, Wm. Smiley, Matthew McConnell, James Ash., Walter Ker, James Harper, Peter Lyle, Wm. Montgomery, Charles Harper, Richard Renshaw aii'l George Mor.-u a ^oodiv array of Hibernians. Others, like Matthew Carev aud Silas F. Weir, were contributors to the funds raised bv the comm t- tee. It is evident that the spirit ot patriotism which animated the Fricndlv Sons during the Revolution was in full force amon- their successors ot the Hibernian Society during the War of i>i >. Amouu- the volunteer companies formed were the " Yoluntt -r Greens." Th.e retreat of the British averted all danger to the city, and manv < f the companies were disbanded in the winter (.f iSi [-15. ( )n Jar- nary S, 1815, occurred the battle of Xew Orleans where General Andrew Jackson acquired such widespread fame, and it mi'^ht be ol interest to note that ( icneral Jackson afterwards, in iMo,, became a member of the Hibernian Soeietv and that his certificate of mem- bership, neatly framed, now han^s in ihe Hermitage, Xa-hviilc, Tenn. Th.e war ended in February. IMS. During it- pro^iv.* Philadelphia had loyally sup-iorted the ( iox-ernmer.t, and we ;e moi:e\- a::d '.roo])S, members of the SocieU took an activt and. prominent pa.rt. Th.e reiand of their patrioti-m, commenced in 177.-. w,i-> iulh ke]>t TIIH HIRHRXIAN SOCIKTY FROM 1X13 TO 1850. FROM March 17, 1813, down to the present day, the minute books of the Hibernian Society are complete, and we resume our record of its doings with the meeting on the date mentioned. Hugh Holmes presided over the meeting and a new set of by-laws was adopted and ordered to be printed, together with the Charter of Incorporation. The by-laws defined the usual duties of officers, etc., and provided for the election of officers at the meeting in March of each year. The So- ciety was to meet quarterly, on the I7th days of March, June, Sep- tember and December Xew members were to pay an entrance fee ol two dollars and an annual sum ot like amount, but could become life-members on payment of twelve dollars; and an "Acting Com mittee" of nine members to attend to the relief of emigrant.-' \va- provided for. At the same meeting a committee was appointed to stir up those who were in arrears for dues, and it is further recorded : This beinu; the anniversary of St. Patrick, the Society agreeable to former arrange- ment, dined together at the 'Mansion IIousi- HoU-1 in Market Street, anmhie and other respectable citi/.ens. After diniu-r the following toa-ts were LMven from the Chair : 1. The immortal memory of .S7. l\ititck. 2. The land of our Fathers. ,V The Tinted Slates, -t] u . eoiiiitry of our adoption. ;. Thi- Memorv nf deoryc Washington. Ma\- it ever be, as it always ha.-. bee:i, liel : in grateful remembrance b\ the / filit'mitin St>c-it-f\', 5. The Memory of General Montgomery, and the other natives of ilin. ->>::i who Spilt their blood f, , r the achievement of the Independence of America. n. Tin- I'residi-!it and constituted authorities of the 1'uion. -. Tile f',overn< ir and Connnonw '-alth of Pennsylvania. s. The Militia, Arm\ and Navv of the 1'nited State.s. May their joint and -epa- rate cxerlions in defence of their Country meet their best re\\;ii'il- - the approbation i >;" that L'oiinti y. <). The rnion of the Mate-, Ma\- each return of our Anniversary find 'hit Cuion drawn niori- c'o--e and. more strongly cenieiitedliy mnttial forbearance, inntna' .\ ill md mntual ini cre^N. The Comnn-rce the Agriculture and the Manufactures of the T'niled S' .' - \. tiles itin ill', di pi lid upon each other, mav no unreasonable jealousies ileprive m of mutual -.-!-: a in .-. ii. The Ocean. Mav it be the i;reat highway for al! nation-,, nsurj)i 1 b; none, [.? The \merican Nondescri].ts ; I'.est described by Commodores I'.aiiibrid^; I )ecatnr : the Captain- Hull nd Jon es, i heir bra-, e offn i nd rews. i . A Spet-dy peace rms the Knited vState.^ ou^'ht to i^rant and ti'.-j ;.:::" [.t. TH1-: HI15KKNIAN SOCIKTY. ]sl 14. Social Intercourse-. May the spirit of p.iriv ne\er r;>e so '::;;,:. .1-- in destroy pn\ate friendship.-, prevent the t'niun of iM'od men, or eudan^r the Liberties and Happiness of our coininon Country. 15. The benevolent Societies of St. Andrew's, St. Cicor^e, llu \VeNh all'! the German. 16. The Kducation of Youth ; the only certain mode of securi:i;_ to '.he Common- wealth "Virtue, Liberty and Independence." 17. The fair daughters of Columbia. The toasts arc given in full, as they are expressive of the senti- ments of the members, and give an idea ol the spirit animating tin- Society during the \var of 1812. Joseph Tagert, Aaron Denman, Kdward Fox, Robert Taylor, Henry Tolaud, John Homer, William Schlatter and William Rogers were the committee for the annual " festival " on March 17, 1814. The same officers were chosen, with the exception of Charles Heatly, Vice- President, who had died, after many years of active service. Joseph Tagert was chosen to succeed him. As showing who were among the active members in 1814, the attendance on March 17 is given as follows : March 17, 1814. The Society attended : then adjourned to Dinner, \shen the following named members II:v,n HOI.MKS, !( 'SKl'H TAr.KRT, HKNKY Tin, AND, Kmv \KD 1'o.x, J AMI:S KITCHKN, ROHI.KT RiTijim;, \Vu.i. i AM KYI.K, JOHN STKI-'.I,K, ('.Hi >kC,i: M I'KKAV, I'Arkiv K HA\I.S, Ai.l.XAN I >].K CDOKI-:, C H AKi.l'.S liAKKlNC.TON, JoliN l,< (IT, HKKY, ( i!-:< n;i. TAN'I.OK, JR., \Vl I.I.I A M 1 ; I.I NTHAM, J AM1.S \\'[ I.M IN, I )A\ I I i A i. li I'.Si iN. JAM i:s Mi Cri.i.i u c.ir, \Vn.i.: \M I',IM;.;S, l''.H\\ \ KD Mi I M.KMi iTT. Till >M \s R ! i [.i,v, Sn. \s !:. \\":.;K, Tin iMAs 1 ; . I'.K U i l-i IK I), \\"; i.i.i \ M Si'ii i. \'i"ri'.R, \Vl !.!.! AM I M I. \ N '>", SAM; ; :. Is"; ;TI: Grv ]ii<\ AN. JOHN SI.KI;I;ANT, JOSI-:I>H H. McKi-'.AN, I >A\ I H I.AI'SI.l'.N , JR., SAMTI-:!, C. KI-:I,I.. A AK( >N 1 M.NM AN, PKTI-.R Mi I-:R>. KI.N, Ji'.Ri-.M IAII DONOVAN, A r i ; r s n ' s C i s H i NV. , JAMI;S Re n,i . RS. I-'K \ NCIS v^\\ A IN, < ; K \ Y. Hi: NK 1 , T' '!.AN i ' JR., JOHN HORN i. R, I-;ii\\ \ K 1 ' C I. A RK, C, \\ : N I I AMI l.Ti 'N. ( ', r.i IRI'.I: Hi M i>, ISAAv IIl.YI.IN, \Vli.i : \ M Koi'.i-.RS. JOHN Mi \NY. I \, ii!, (',. Km H, KOI;-, RT CORR- , Ji '!! N ! I \ M I l.Ti 'N , Till'; HIHKRMAN Si >C I HT V. Ji i.si'.i'H R. TATI M, \VlI.I.IAM J. liAKKR. JoHN' P.lsRNARl). MOSKS V( irxc,, Ronr.RT TAYI.OR, HlV.H CoOI'KR, PKTKR A. RROUN, RK HARD C. PoTTl-.R, P. S. M ARC I. A V, GKORC.I. I. ATI MI-:R, The following named memK T. P. M rin.KN KKKI'., T. W. I'RANCIS, SAMIKI. MI.KK ICR, JAM i-;s Me I I.H ANNKY, RoiiKRT MlI.l.KR, WII.I.IAM P.KUWN, THOMAS Sci >TT, uho intended tt TiH). MAS KlTTKK \ JOHN SMITH, M. WII.I.IAM WII.SON, WII.I.IAM Yor.NO. SAMII-;I. Fox, WII.I.IAM FRANCIS, WII.I.IAM DAVIS, WII.I.IAM WOOD, ISRAI-'.I, WHI.I.I-;N, WII.I.IAM SMII.KY, - 1 IARDIN(',1'.. e present sent their excuses 1 '' R A N C I S A R M ST RO N C. , WII.I.IAM WKAY, JOHN 1!. To LAND, FRANCIS JOHNSON, LICWIS Niai.i,, 1 II-:NRY SI.ROKANT, ROIU ; .RT POI.K. And the Society was honored with the company of the Ris^ht Reverend Hishop White, tlu- Ri-\i-rend Ifoetor Hlackuell, the Reverend Doctor Abcrcroinbie, and the otl'icors of tlie Societies of St. (',eori;v, St. Andrew's, The Welsh Societv and The (Urr- inan Society. We k-arn from the minutes of the meeting' of March 16, 1815, that the treasury contained 57,531.50. At the same meeting, General Thomas Acheson, of Washington, Pa., and Colonel Callender Irvine, with others, were elected members of the Society. On the next day, March 17, the Society elected officers the same as the preceding year. The Society \\tre honored l>v the company The Ri^ht-Revi-rend Kishop White. Tile Reverend I >< n t. ,r Hlackuell. Tlie. Kevi-ieiid I )octor Abercrombie. Maji.r < ',1-ner.il Scott, and the officers of the St. George's, the St. Andrew's, the (ieriiian an>! the \\"elhh Societies of Philadelphia. Among the toasts drank were the following : Militia of the I'ni >:: : I'roni] I to re])el in va>ion, and readv l<> -:ipport the /.\\ n iii->iirrei-tii m. The Army of t!ie I'nited Si .te>. The; ha\e, agreeably to our former wi.-^li, "fought thei;: .elves into pnMic fas or." t:;. 1 . h . \ , continued t" deserve it. The Navy of tl ' . . Pv.blic confide: ,-erv sail ; public ex] iccta- ni'l b\ even lilor. Thi ".':. ; :u '. d for the defense of this District. Ma\ their patriotic .' ii !!- be a theme : ' ' emulation. Till-; IIIHIiKNIAN The brave .S <<>//, /!ni:t'n, /<.v\i>;/, McComb and the l<>::x list of citi/.en soldier* \\\' < have shown that America only want* an occa.*ion to exhibit, her heroes. Commodores I\>t'U'r and / >t'i\itur. Triumphant in deieat ; may thcv receive, ast':., richlv deserve, the universal applause <>I their coiir.trv. The heroes of the Lakes. J\-rr\ and Me/ )o>u>:t^/; . names rendered immortal in the pn ;.,"- of American History. I'eace. Thrioc welcome to our shores. May she lon^ continue to bless us with her presence and banish all contentions which mi^ht disturb her :epo*e. At. the meeting on March iS, 1816, the following officers were elected : President, Hugh Holmes ; Vice- President, Joseph Tagert : Treasurer, John Horner ; Secretary, Edward Fox ; Counsellors, John Sergeant and William Delany ; Physicians, Robert Station! and l.^aac Heylin ; Acting Couimittee, Hugh Cooper, William Hoggs, John Dougherty, John Patterson, Robert Taylor, Samuel Fox, John Tho- burn, Peter Lyle, and Henry Toland, Jr. Fifteen new members were elected, including Thomas Sergeant, Richard IJache, Richard Dnane. and Dennis McCredy. The Treasurer was ordered to subscribe to the Philadelphia Dispensary for the amount of live annual subscrip- tions. The anniversary dinner was largely attended, as will appear from the following list of members present : Ilrc.n lit ir.Mics, Josi-'.i'ii TAC.KRT, JOHN 1 IOKNKK, Ki>\vAKi> I'ux, JOHN 1 1 AM 1 1. TON, JAMKS K> x ,I.KS, JOHN HrMi:.s, WlI.I.IAM I'ATTl-'.KSON, (iK< )Ri', 1C Hl'MlCS, lilCKN \ RD McCklCDV, RKHAKD C. POTTKR, JOHN I'AT ri.R.soN, Hri.ii COOIMCK, Ri HilCKT T V\ I, OR, A 1 . 1 . X A N I ) 1 . R S. CoX K, S VMl'lCI, ]'. \VINC,, SIF.AS I-!. \Vi.ik, J \ M I!* C. TlK IM 1'SON, J i i H \ T H ' ) ! ; I ' R N , KlOH \ K ! i I Ikr.AN, J VM1.S Mv Cl I.I.OC1T, J> Ml N TllollPKN, Tllo.M \s SL uTT, J \M 1CS K ITCH l.N, JOHN .M \ ( .[i!'i- IN. Till >M \s 1' \SSMi IK 1C, T'ltiM \S KlKK>!.\ N, JOHN JACKSON, JOHN t',. C.icoROK, WILLIAM Hor.r.s. J( ill N I.< UV,H Rl-'V, C. !Ci iRt '.1C Ml'RRAY, \Vl I.I.I \.M \V()( )DS, CAU.I.NIHCR I RYINK, I'l.TlCR I.YI.l , TIIOM \s I )oi:i:iNS, \VlI.I.I \M CliKSNTT, TAMI.S \VII.SON, J i 1 1 I N K N O \ . J \ M ics N:\ov J. LSI- I'll C \SK 1CV. ]'. ! i\\" \ R H Til 1 'RSl'.V, \V; i.i.i \ M \Vi i. s> IN, \VlI.l.I A M I MCI. \ N Y. \VlI.l.I \M !'. \'I'T. HlCNRY Tol.VNii. JK . A \ K i I N I > v N M \ N , C I! \KI.1 s I', \ RK I NC, !'ON, Jm i N S i'R \ 'A i RUM; i . Rolll KT C \ I.HCI.1.1 i .H, CtiCi iRi ', i I , \'i'i M i: R, \\": i.i.i v M ! ' \ - . is, S VMTI i. K ; :> TH . CiC' iRi',1 T \ \' i.i >K. T K., THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. WlI.I.IAM J. JAMI.S CAI,D\\ }a.i,, PKTKK A. BKO\VN, JAMKS AMI, T. I?. 1'kKKMAN, AI.KXANDKR COOK, ISAAC 1 1 KYI. IN, WlI.I.IAM ROC.KRS, P. S. MAKKI.KY, SAMCKI. Eox, RICHARD BACHK, THOMAS SKKC.KANT, Wi i. i.i AM SCHI.ATTKR, Josi-:i'ii H. McKi'.AN, GHOKC.K THOMSON. EDWARD Me I >KRMoTT, BKNJAMIN WlI.SON, \VlI.I.IAM BROWN, I,I ; .\VIS Cl.AI'IHR, EDWARD HTDSON, ISRAKU WHKI.KN, WILLIAM MII.I.KR, THOMAS KITTKRA, WlI.I.IAM I' 1. 1. \THAM, JOHN M)-: A NY. THOMAS SCOTT, JOHN McCui.A. ROBKRT ADAMS, S'l'KI'HKN KlNC.STON'. JOHN LYI.K, LK\VIS NKII,, - ANDKRSON, RICHARD McKiN.si-.v, JOHN T. SruavAN, M. COCHKAN, RdHKRT MlI.I.KR. Ainonj^ the quests wt-tc- Ri^ht Rcvorend Tiisliop White, the Reverend Doctor Black- well, the Reverend Doctor Abercroinhie, and the officers of the charitable societies of St. Andrew's, St. George and the Welsh. Ainon^ the toa>ts were the fo'.luwinj^ : The land we live in. May it be prosperous, may it be united, and its admirable Constitution be perpetual. The memory of George Washington. May all who revere his memory revere his ni.ixim : "That whatever measures have a tendency to dissolve the union, or contrib- ute to lessen the sovereign authority, ought to be considered as hostile to the liber- ties and independence of America." The Militia, the Army and Navy of the United States. The great triumvirate of the nation's safety. Americans ! protect the hardy Tar, I'.e mindful of his merit; And when again you're plunged in war, He'll show his daring spirit. Public credit. The Pul-e by which the health of the nation is most truly known. The Press. The support of Liberty when conducted upon the principles of Liberty, but the inurnment of de^pn'ism when conducted in the spirit of faction. Toleration in Religion and Politics. The American rule far preventing persecution in either. The Education of Youth. The certain means of national happiness the be^; ieu.ni for na: ional expenditures. Tlie Ocean. Free for every E1ag, not the propertv of any. Our fellow-citizens, prisoners in C irtha;jen:i. A speedy relief to them peaceablv, if we can ; fnrciblv, if we mu^t. Our Sister S"c;otie-, The St. Patrick's and Hibernian of New York ; the Erin and S:. Patrick's Benevolent Societies of Philadelphia. Tlu> dinner committee for March 17, iSi-, \vc-re Messrs. Aaron Penman, J<>lm Homer, William Koo^s, William Schlalter, William Rogers, James Rogers, Tln^h Cooper, Kchvard I'ox and JosejOi Ta^ert. 'J ne L, SAMl'KL I'.. DAMS. Tin; HII;J-:RMAN SUCH-TV. ]>> instead ot John Sergeant, Counsellor, Peter A. Brow IK- , who appears to have been a very active member about this time, was chosen in his place. The acting committee for the ensuing year was William Boggs, John Dougherty, John Patterson, Robert Taylor, William Wilson, John Hamilton, James Rogers, James C. Thompson, William Rogers. On March 17, 181 8, Joseph Tagert succeeded as President Hugh Holmes, who had succeeded Thomas McKean in 1800. Kdward Fox became Vice- President, and James Rogers, v Secretary. John Ser- geant was again elected one ot the Counsellors, in place ol Peter A. Browne, and we find Rev. Doctors Carr and Potts named as chap- lains. Among the new members elected were James M. Porter and Col. Stephen K. Fotteral. On December 17, iSiS, \ve hud the Treasury of tlie Society containing the sum ot 59,851.50, and Turner Camac one of the new members elected. The dinner committee for March 17, 1819, consisted ot Joseph Tagert, John Homer, James Rogers, James C. Thompson, John T. Sullivan, Silas 1C. Weir, John Steel, Stephen K. Fotteral, Robert Toland and William Boggs. At the meeting on March 17, 1819, among the new members elected was Colonel Samuel B. Davis, proposed by Peter A. Browne, and Major-General Andrew Jackson \vas elected an honorary member of the Society. The same officers were re-elected, excepting that we find five Counsellors instead ot two. They were Thomas Kittera, William Delany, Peter A. Browne, Alexander S. Coxe and Charles S. Coxe. From 1815, for several years, the Society seemed to be very prosperous. At every meeting numerous prominent citi/ens were added to the membership rolls, the funds were steadily increas- ing, and the work of relieving distress among poor emigrants was well attended to. At the meeting on December 17, 18.20, Joseph Tagert, Kd \vard Fox, John Homer and James Rogers were cho.-en a Committee of Finance with power '' to invest the lunds of the- Society as thev mav think best tor the interest of the same." About thi< period General Callender Irvine was very active in the affairs of the Society. O:i March 17, i8_>i,all the lawyers in the Societv seem to have been chosen Counsellors, tor these were chosen : John Sergeant, Thoma^ Kittera, Peter A. Browne, William Delauv, A!e\an Ch.ark-s S. Coxe, George W. Tolaud, John Kr. l 18.25, Silas 1C. Weir being chosen Vi< Fox, and Samuel Chew wa.- added to the list o; Counsellors. Four lill'.KkMAN SOC1HTY. physicians were named, vix. : Doctors Isaac Heylin, William Barn- well, Samuel Colhoun and F/.ekiei C. Cook. During 1824 and 1825 the most attentive members of the Society seem to have been Joseph Tagert, Robert Fleming, Thomas Stewart, Alexander Dougherty, John Hanson, Bernard McCredy, Hugh Cooper, Samuel Bell, Robert Patterson, John Knox, Nathaniel Hurt, William Barnwell, M. D. , Thomas Armstrong, John Patterson, Robert Burgess, David Correy, Fdward Hudson, James McCulloch, George McCalmont, John Hamilton, Joseph Worrell, James Rogers, General C dlender Irvine, William Patterson, James Gowen, Silas I{. Weir, John Wiley, William Woods, William Montgomery, David Bovd, John Homer, Hugh Cooper, Henry McMahon, Robert Taylor, Alex- ander Cook, Thomas Reath, G. W. Toland, and Robert Fwing. At the meeting on June 23, 1825, a legacy of $i,ert Creighton, John T. Sullivan, David Bovd, and John Knox. Tin: nn-.'.-uMAX SOCIKTY. is: ( hi June 17, iSj 1 ^, (.):: motion of Mr. McCredy, it was resolved, "that the cases o! emigrants irom Ireland who have arrived since the enactment of the Poor Laws pas>ed at the ia>t session of the Leg- islature, be referred to the Acting Committee, with authority to aptuy to Counsel if necessary to institute legal proceedings, and to take- such other measures for their immediate relief as they may think proper." About this time General Robert Patterson, afterwards >o many years President of the Society, began to take an active inteiv-t iu its proceedings. General Callender Irvine, son oi General Wiliiam Irvine, succeeded Silas K. Weir as Vice-President, on M irch 17, At the meeting on June 17, 1829, it was reported that the late- Anthony Kenned}' had devised to the Society a certain tract of land in Westmoreland count}' containing 350 acres, and the Secretary was instructed to write to Mr. John G. P>arelav, of Greensburg, Pa., " who had been Mr. Kennedy's agent," to ascertain its value and if it could be sold. The same question has be.-n repeated!}' asked since, and it was only recently that the land was finally disposed of at a nominal sum. It was also reported that "Colonel Robinson, of Kentucky, had left this Society a legacy of two hundred dollars." At the fol- lowing meeting, September 17, in, the officers of the Society were " fully authorized and empowered" to sell the tract of land already referred to, and on December 17, iS^<), it was reported that Colonel Robinson's legacy had been promptly paid "by his executor, Major Walter Preston," whereupon that gentleman was elected an honorary member of the Society. The Dinner Committee for March 17, iS^n, consisted of General Cal- lender Irvine, Gen. Robert Patterson, Robert Fleming, James Rogers, Hood Irvine, John Knox, John Patterson, John T. Sullivan, and Robert Toland. The action of one grateful emigrant, about this time deserves to be recorded. " Mr. Patrick Grilim returned twel\ lars which had been some- time Society, with a request that th 1 he Society ext)l'essed b that it s not often, outside of the reports of the Acting Committee, that the leu- work of charity towards destitute emigrant^, ^er!orm-d -ince organization, comes to the surface as in this :n>ta:ice. Through- out Us long career of usefulness many thou- ;nd-; oi dollar- have been expended in relief and. many thousand-- o: ;>oor em: 'rants received pecmr.ar\' aid and a ivice irom the agents ot the S I5v the meeting on March i >, ; S ^i , the fund- of the Society livid 1-S THI-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. increased to $ 1 1,500. On February 17, 1832, u the letter of invitation from the Chairman of the Committee of arrangements appointed at the town meeting having been read, it was unanimously resolved that this Society will heartily join in the civic procession on the 22nd inst.," and Messrs. Hood Irvine, Thomas Roney, John Knox, Robert Taylor and James Gowen were appointed a Committee to make the necessary arrangements. This action of course referred to Washing- ton's birthday, which this year was celebrated \vith unusual cere- monies in various parts of the country, including Philadelphia. Whether the Society's participation in the parade attracted particular attention, or for some other reason, twenty-three new members were elected at the ensuing special meeting on March 14. John Knox succeeded to the Secretaryship on March 17, 1832, in place of George W. Toland, who declined a re-election, and Robert Taylor to the Treasurership on March 18, 1833. Doctors Matthew Anderson and Samuel Colhouu were elected physicians on the latter date. On September 17, 1833, it was passed that "on the death of a member, if it be the desire of the relatives or friends, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to call a meeting of the Society for the purpose of attending the funeral, and that each member on such occasions wear Crape on the left arm." It was also agreed at this meeting that nominations for office should take place at the quarterly meeting prior to the annual election. Samuel Hood was one of the members elected at tin's meeting. He continued until his death to be one of the most active and useful members of the Society. Resolutions of svmpathv upon the deaths of Hood Irvine and Robert Murphy, two of the Acting Committee, were passed on December 17, 1833. On March 14, 183), there was a request for the use of the Society's banner to carry in front of the Hibernia Fire Company "on the 27th of March," 1 signed bv James McDonald, President of the fire com- pany. The request was ''complied with/' What has become of the banner we are unable to say. That the copper plate from which are printed the certificates of membership had been in existence for a long time is evident from the authority granted June 17, 183.4, to have the same "altered and retouched. 1 " On March 13, 1835, a leLNicv wa^ reported of five hundred dollars, " lett to the- society by a Mr. Ford." On March 17, i<^3> three chaplains were elected, vi/.. : Rev. George C. Po'K Re". Samuel I 1 ,. Wvlie and Rev. John Hughes. On the same date the report of the Acting Committee gives us a pic'urc of the relief work of the Societv. The report is as follows : i llV till THI-; IIIIil-RMAN SOCIKTY. !-'.' to the benevolent object of tile Society \\onid \\:irr:inl, vet tlu-\- are constrained to a hiiit that from a prevalent ami increasing mercenary < h-.pi i--it;< >n on the part <>f m.mv \vho falsely represent themselves as Kmi^rants in distress, their U--t efforts \M-:X- unavailing i! 1 . some instances to protect liii- Society from imposition. This ^roun;^ evil, if not timely watched and corrected, uiil lead to encuKr.i^iii^ the idle and profli- gate to It-ail on the Soc:ctv a> a source to snpp'.v the means which their o\\:: iudustrv ind economy should provide, and con.-einient'.y diminish tin- fund tli.it is intended for the trnlv deserving. The L, r i'eat influx of destitute Kmi^rants duri:ix t!:e second cjiiarti-r, and the ditlicii'.ty of finding einplovtnent for tliein, v"a\\- to the Suii-C' >inniitti.-e lor that j.i-riod an nnu-'.:.:'. le.^ree of labor and anxietv, and led to the lar^t- liisburseiiKT.ts ivportt-d for ih. ; t iiiarter, whilst the unprecedented s^- \-i-rit\- of tlu- ! ;st u inter laxeil the s\ nipathii-s o :'ne Committee tor the iniarter eiidini; the 1'itil Instant, to draw to the entire exti-nt of '.he charity fund at their disposal. The Acting Committee ha\'i-, howi-ver, the satis- , 'action to believe that, if they could not relieve each deserving applicant !o the exteir, or' their exigencies, thev dismissed none that were considered worthv \\ithout smile )ecuniarv relief, a:: ' -.:e\'er denied to any such advice and services as \\ere best calcu- lated to promote their future comfort and prosperity. All which is rc-pectfnllv sub- mitted. JAMKS t ',< >\\ I:N, J7- 1- ;7- a member of the Societ}', and it was resolved "that a certificate o! membership, handsomely framed, be presented to Tyrone Power." < )n December 18, 1837, the Secretary, John Knox, resigned, as wiii appear by the followino- letter : '/'-> the P>\ ,/,/;;// tin J J/r-w/Vri- of the II : J>--nii,tn Society : I >' R SIRS : It uiil be within your recollection that in December, iS;;, I tendered :n;, resignation as Secretary of your Societv, and aithottL;h in consequence of the v;eiit!e- :nen nominated as my successor having declined beiiiL; candidates for the appointment, and my re-election at the next annual meeting were to me such ^raf.fyin^ expressions of your desire that I should continue to discharge the duties as then induced me to r-limjuish pressing the subject further upon your attention, I must nou be;.^ that \in Ai 11 acce])' m\ resignation, as it \\l\\ no longer be in my |>o\s'er to atte:;.! to t!:e tin: :< s devolving on '!K- appointment. 1'ermit me to assure von that in retiring tVom an acti\e ]'irl ainon^ vo-;. ! ! evi.-r shall retain the warmest interest in the welfare of the 1 iis'.itnt'.o:;. .mil pers..-;al r.-ipet t for i'.- individual members. I)' r Sirs, Most. t rn ' n \- Sincerelv Yours. Till-; I! IKE KM AN SOCIETY. The old officers were re-elected on March 17, 1838, excepting that Rev. Kdward ISarron was chosen one of the chaplains, in })lace of Rev. John Hughes. ( ):i this day the Society sat down to dinner in the United States Hotel at Jj past 4 o'clock to the number of sixty, "and were honored \vith the- company ot the Presidents of the Welsh Society, the French Society, the Mayor of the Citv, and other dis- tinguished guests. " During the- evening the following 7(W/.v i \vritten by Joseph Jones \\crc Liivcn from the chair, interspersed with pleasing and appropriate So/ig'S from the- Company : i. Tht- immortal memory of M. Patrick. j. Ireland. Ever as (Vc^h i-i or.r remembrance as the shamrock i-- irreen in her beautiful valleys. 3. Tlie meiiiorv of Washington fadeless and imperishable. 4. Tlie United St.ites of America the country of or.r adoption, the asvlum of the oppressed. 5. The President and Continued Authorities of the United States. '). The Commonwealth and (.overnor of Pennsvlv-.nia. 7. The Citv of Philadelphia ---t\i;r and .\,nitii't\ ,. A^rici'.h'.ire. Comnu-rce and Manufactures the three ercat jiillars of our National prosperity; i ;::ted they --tand, divided thev fall. ID. Universal Education the .-urest foundation for our "Virtue, Liberty and Inde- pendence. " 12. Social Interconrsi . Ma\- partv ft-elini; nc-ver ]>oi>on the fountain of .uood fel!o\v- ship. i ;. The HeiievoK'iM Socii-ties of Pl:ila station as Vict'-I'residi-n! i:ii- So< iety. ntations wen reocivt ; fn ::: tin " Montgomery Hibernia (ireens." 'iinin.u at t;;- ' Star Hot i-':." I I.irnion \- Court, and from associations of Cieiltlcmen celebrating the d, , at " II on ::;'. " and at " Fair-inX" \\hich \vcrc reriprncatefl by the Socit-ty ; and " .ifter s] ndir.L: the evening with the highest decree of social enjoyment, the company tired at a lati hour." The minutes of this period, during the Secretaryship of Joseph TIIF. Hir.HKNIAN -OCIF.TY. I'.'l Jones, are the perfection of neatness, precision and accuracy. That gentleman was one ot the best Secretaries the Society ever hud. At the meeting on December 17, iS^s, the Treasure: reported the snni of $14,400 in the innds. At the same meeting the following resolu- tions relative to the deaths of Rev. (icor^v C. Potts ami Charles Johnson, Sr. , were read, adopted unanimously, and ordered to be printed in the daily newspapers : U'liKKK \S, since the- last meeting of the Society we have been called upon to :au-::rth v nu -m- KITS, the Revd. George C. I'otts and Mr. Charles Johnson, Seiir., the lormcr >:.indi:i^ hi<^h on the list of our t>.\fc\<' iiujnibt-rs, and having lor a lon^ tune oiiiciau . 1 as a L'hap- iain of our Society, beini;' nniversailv known and beloved; the latter enioviiiL; the respect and ci >n;i lencc of the whole cominnmtv. ac'j'airetl li\- many vears of ac;i\ - e :md useful piililic ser\'iees ; and both |X)ssfSsiujjr in an eminent decree the ]iriv:ite virtuesof j^ood citi/ens, which entitle their niein.ories to j.>ublic and jirivate res] H -et ; Therefore, AV.vv.'rv,/. Tiial thi> Societv deeiily lament the derease of their late fellow nieiiiber>, the Re\'d. Ceo. C. I'otts and Mr. Chart. Johnson. Senr.. and that a committfe In- in-tnieU-d io convey to the families of the- deceased the svmpathv of the Societv in their mournful 't i rcavcment (in M.-irch iS, iS^o. the coinp;uiv assemiiU'd to the number of 70 and njnvards, and sat down toa splendid entertainment pre]i::'X'il bv Mr. Sanderson. Amon^ the L, r ne-'s v.tie t;;e Presidents of the Si.. \ ieor^e's, St. Andrew's, tile (',erm.;n, am! \V'el>;i Societies; the Rev. Mi . Harron, and Mr. IOIIM Snmmerville, of Nashville, Teiin. i , l.di.l and America. While we i heri^h a lond reineml >r,mce of th.e "Mnieiald -r,' \\ e -~'n; u i (,-ver I ie toreniost to protect and deiclld the count rv of our .idol ,;;, .]'., ;';. ' i;ii! of tlu- tree and tlf home of the brave." The Shamrock. l-'.mhlcm of nnitv a:;d IMHK! fellowshi), '1'he memo;-\ of Ireland's Patriots. I'liliorn ai.;e-- will revere the memoir o| lirr J-lood, and ( 'i rattan, Ilnrke, and Cnrran. Mav their ]>at!'iot:c ik'cil^ be successfully emulated. ( yeneral I {dncat ion. Its eiili^'h telling beams 1 1 i>j idling the clouds of ignorance. an-l] ji.al't '.sail-. 'riiil.'.dcl]ili;a ainl her multiplied benevolent associations. i'lceininen! ::: her ort ol those bonds of T "n ion anil Christian Ch aril s ; ma\ ! lie s , n;c i n ',:.' 'n'. ::' . s- .; ; .ike tile 1'rophct's nian'.l--. drs/eud ; v nd :cst i>n her inhabi'.a.n'.s io; \-\ c: . At the meeting on September 17, i> s v- action was takc-n on : deatli ot MatliK-\\' Carev, OIK of the twelve founders ol the Society. on March ^, 170,0, aihl its first Secretary. TIIK HIHKRNIAN SOCI KTY. The Committee reported that 3 o'clock, i 1 . M., on Thursday, UK- lyth inst., hail been fixed upon for the funeral, when it was then AV.v'/rv./, That printed notices should he furnished hv the Secretary to each mem- ber of the Society, requesting their attendance at the funeral of their late fellow- member, Matt'w Carey, and that notices to the same effect be published in the daily papers. Adjourned to meet at the funeral of M. Carey, I ; ,sij. An explanation of the term "Chaplain of the Society," used for many years in the minutes, appears in the following action at the meeting oi December 17, 1859 : The charter recognizing no officers of the denomination of " Chaplains,'' and the Society ever having held itself free from all seetiiriitH, religious or political influences, the meeting conceived it improper to go into any nominations of that nature ; however, as the members of the Society on former occasions have been in the habit of signifying at the annual elections their wish that several Reverend gentlemen should be invited to officiate in the capacity of Chaplains at our annual celebrations, the following named were submitted, from which the members are requested to select, on the day of the election, such three as they may desire to have invited on such occasions : Reverend Sanfl I>. Wylie, D. I).; Reverend Kdward Barron ; Reverend Alexander Macklin ; Reverend P. K. Moriarty ; and the Reverend William Loughbridge. William W. Haley and Samuel Hood were elected Counsellors on Mr.rch 17, 1840, and at the dinner on that day the following members wen.' present : Ji isi-.i'ii T \r,i.RT, CAI.I.'K IKYINK, Ron. TAYI.OR, JNO. McCoy, KT. I-;. C.KAY, T;n is. Mi K i I.N, I-'K'S Ti r. KN A \. Tim. A. Hi iv. AKDS. JOHN OAK MAN, N vni' i. Hi KT, !>K. H'Y I'ATTKRSUN, JOHN Hi. \VITT. M 1 1. ii ' i. THAI s", S \M'I, 1 1< POD, \Vii.i.. I'.. Ri.i.D. A.vn. < >'K \Nh. KDU'D \\'ATI-:KS, A. I-'.. I )()!'<".HKKT\ . (Vl.N'r, R. rATTl'.KSo. JNO. Ffor.MKS, JNO. WII.I.IAMS. Cn's JOHNSON, JNO. L. STKKN, DAN'I. DI:AI,, \\'M. 1 1 A MM 1 1, i,, WM. Ar,Ni ; .\v, \\'M. \Vni-: i. AN, JNO. I?INNS, JOHN K. MITCH I' DKNNIS KICI.I.Y, IIrc,H ()'I )ONNI ; .! Ron. STI-:I-:N, I'AT'K I'>KAI>Y, I \s. I'.KOWN. [NO. I)AitKAi,II, I \S. II I N DM \ N, !',!'( ,'!'. Cl'M M iSK \. JAS. O'CONNOR, I)\YID HOVD, I )A\ I 1 1 R \ N K I N. MK'H'I. Ml'' ',}< \T < Vi-.o. McC M.I.MO H. NT, WILLIAM I. IH'ANK. Till-: HIBKRNIAN SuCIF.TY. l'.i;{ HUGH CAMPHELI., ROUT. LAIRD, J.\S. G.U.BK.UTH, H. CATHEHWOOD, ROHKkT KWING, JAS. HARPER, jNi). REYNOLDS, WM. W. H U.I.Y, WM. YOUNG, J.NO. MC(iUIKE, Js. RICHARDS, JOHN ROBINSON, AKCH'D CAMI-BEU, Honored with the company of the Mayor of the City, Colonel TOHN S \VIKT; MR. JOHN VAUGHAN, I'res't, i c . J St. ( leorge a Society ; ELIJAH DAU.KTT, V. -I'res't, > " y. CAMPBELL, I'res't St. Andrew's Society ; " THOS. I". ROBERTS. V. -I'res't Welsh Society; " M. A. FKKNAYE, I'res't French Society ; REY'D MR. RARRON and RKY'D MR. LOUGHBRIDGE ; Singers: MR. MAYWOOD, MR. BURTON, MR. BRUCE, DR. CUNNING-ION, MR. KII.LINGSXVORTH and MR. STANLEY. Among the toasts drunk were the following : Ireland. The land of gallant spirits and warm hearts. When was an Irishman false to his friend ? America. The emigrant from other lands seeks in it an asylum or a re^tini; place ; the Irishman makes it his home. The Anil}' and the Navy of the United States. They have " raised its Banner to the sky, and fixed its stars in i^lory there." The Union of the States. Founded in common necessities, cemented by common in- terests, hallowed bv sympathies of blood and identity of fame. Liberty of Conscience, political as well as religions. " Krror of opinion may be safely tolerated where truth is left free to combat it." The Benevolent Institutions which adorn while they characterise our city, ('.ems of priceless though unobtrusive beauty. At the ([UurU-riv meeting on June 17, 1840, a resolution was unani- mously adopted expressive of the high respect in which the Socielv has ever held their distinguished and worthy member, William J. Duane, Ksq. , and the Secretary of the Society was instructed to con- vey to him the assurances thereof, and to explain to him the reason why his name does not appear as a Counsellor of the Society as heretofore. The following is a copy of the Secretarv's letter to that effect : WILLIAM J. DUANE, F,so. : />,-'!/' .S':/-.- The members of the "Hibernian Soeietv regret, that thev had unfortunately s\or.ndo! your 'eel annual meeting, to elect vou a Counsellor a- hereto] meeting of the Societv, held on the evening of 17;!) InM., of-.\h: 1. Mr !' M'^ -A i> C"n airman X: Mr. HuL, r li Carr;]>' u-1 1 , Secretary. >. <-' >' ;it ; <:\ \\ i- ::'i riiinoM.-] \ i>! e\T>ressive of the ver\- hiu;li rc-iii-ct A; esteem in \v!; i ':; vo-.: !;.i\-v -t !i- '. i .1- r.'-l Till- HIRKRNIAN SOCI1-TV. of its most distinguished and worthy members, ami the Secretary of the Society \v;is instructed to convey to you tile assurances thereof, and to explain to you the reason \\hv v'r name doe;- not appear as Counsellor a> lu-retofore. In comj)liance with this Resolution 1 beg leave respectfully to state that, judging from the reasons assigned by I >r. Samuel Colhonn for resigning the office of Physi- cian to the Socictv .as mentioned in his letter rcceiv'd cc read at the time of the elec- tion . ramclv, his long Cervices and his other numerous X pressing professional cngagi.-ini.-uts, your friends were impressed with the belief that, by omitting i<>Mniaim m also (in the same grounds. the\ would onlv be relieving you from duties which, th<>' von might continue promptlv ^V kindlv to discharge, you would nevertheless doubt less !K- gladK excused from, and \shich might more properly be laid upon some innioi practitioner. This, Sir. 1 am instructed to say is the only reason your name wa. omitu d bv \-our friend; : and they desire me to assure yon that in doing so they by no nic.nis contemplated the slightest t /isn\f/>tY/, but on the contrary intended to add an additional mark of their regard for one of their most beloved and valued fellow- members. Permit me further. Sir, \inofiicially to say that tho' absent from the City on the day of election, ;uid of cor.rse not participating in the business thereof, I am fully satisfied no other motive could haye operated to produce such result, and I am perfectly con- fident there is not a single individual in all our .Society, of whatever sect or party, but esteems vou worthv of ail honor \: respect. I remain, Sir. Y'r Mo. ob'd't Serv't, Jos. JONKS, .SVv'/'r. About this date Alderman John Binns became a prominent figure at the Society's meetings. William J. Dnane must have consented again to act as one of the Counsellors, for we find him and Samuel Hood elected at the meeting on March 17, 1841. Dr. Henry Patter- son was chosen as one of the Physicians, along with Doctors Matthew Anderson and John Holmes. Judge John K. Kane wrote the toasts for the anniversary dinner on that date. There were present at that dinner the following members : b >sKi'H TAC.KRT. Rdi;'T TAYI.OK, b >S1 '.I'll I' >NKS, WM. J. Di AM-:, JOHN MAC.IT KI-:, I )K. JOHN Hi ii.MJ-:s, J \MI-.S I'.ROWN, JOHN R. I'.AK I-:R, JOHN Ri-.YNtPi.iis, JA M r.s MrC ANN. WIM.'M V. I'.OYI.K. Mit ;;'i. TK \cv, I). Mi CKI-.DY, JR., Jo II N I, I NH,' \\". MI iK'I'f iN Mt.'M li'H -\ ] I., \\"M. J. I.I:II-;:K ^ ; . ; : I !'( , H CK \ i'.. ANI>'\V VorNf-,, foiiN OAK.MAN & i'Ri JOHN II. IltlKN. ROHKRT l.AIKIl (S: I-'RIHND, jAMIvS II A K I'l-'.R, Roii'T I!rk(",i:ss, THOMAS ML Ki-.i-:, AI.HX. DIAMOND, Jos. R. ANHK i:\vs, SAM'L I b H ii>, I ( IS i; I'll 1 )1AMOXD, MICH' i, McC.UATH, \\'M. \VH1.LAN, CiKN'L K'T PATTKRSON, A. R. McIh-:NRY A N H HIS 1-RIKNI) MR. MrucKATT, ( of Liyerpool, .' Till-; H1KHKNIAN SoCIKTY. l'.J JoSI-.ril I'ATTKKSON, THOMAS RoNI-'.N, CHAKl.l.S KKI.I.N , JoHN 1'Ain.RsON, Tuos. MANN >\. FRIKND FRANCIS TII.KNAN, \\"M. \V. HAI.KY, HOWARD WATHKS, WM. 1\. WHKLAN, JAS. O'CONNOR, HoN'iii.i-; JAMKS MADISON I'OKTKK, H. C ATHKRWOOD, Hrc.H CA.Mi'iii-a.i., ARCU'D CAMI-HKI.I., CiiAKU-sJoiiNsoN, DAVID BOVD AND I-KIKND, DAVID KANKIN, Jrnr.j Hi.vrni JOHN \VII.I.IAMS, \VII.I.'M HAMII.I.. INO. COCHRAN, JOHN K.. \Vvi.i-:, JOHN Hi-.u., JOHN Trcxr.K DKNNIS KKI.I.Y, AND HIS FKIKND. MR. DR. H'v PATTKRSON, i P \TTISON. of Glasgow, Seotiand. 6".^.s/5. THI-. PKKSIDKNT OK THK SAINT ANMRI-AV'S. SOCIKTY, <_. c \.Mi'i;;.i.i.. iCso., Tm; PR}-:SID}-:NT or THM I'KI-;NCH BI.NHV'T SocncTY, M. A. I-'KAYNAN i.. ESQ.., THK YicK-PRKS'xoK TIU-: SAINT GHORC.K'S SOCII-.TV. I\I.I;AH DAI.I.I-;TT, ICsu^, Ainon^ the toasts drunk \\x-rc the following : The Land of our Ancestors. As bright in our atVectinns .1- tin- ^iiTKliini 1 on her o\\n ureen lie-Ids. America the land of our choice, Our Conntr\\ 'J'he 1'ederal Union. It must be preserved bv the ^ame >jiirit of mutual conceit ,uave it birth. The Indiciarv. Inde])endent, fearless, inflexible' - -i:ninflnenci-d b\ pojuilar exci'.c- inent at liome. or b\ menace from abroad. 'i'lu Arm\ and Navv. gallant L, r nai'dians of a Nation'-- honon;. Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture^, v^ister-- of one familv, entitled in i i-- s.'iine regard and to eijual protection. At a special meeting" on April 16, iS.p, ilu- tollowinin preamble ar.i! rusolutiou was unanimously adopted, and directed in be entered -; the minute book of the Society : \Y~Hi. RI-'.AS, the members of the Hibernian Society deejiiy sympathise \\ith tlu-ir fellow citi/rim in the National bereavement occasioned b\- t lie death of \\'i!li.i!n I Irn: \- I! :rris"i;. 1,-ite President of the t'nited Stale--, in coninu-nn >: a::< -:i of which event the public authorities of the City of l'hiladei]>hia have se! ap irt Tuesday next, the j. >tli lust.. lor a funeral ]>r< ict-ssion and other public cerel)i<>nic-- ; ''' } > :.''.'?>''.:<, :'>:'::' r member^ of this Society are attached to civil, militar\ am! othe;- public b> idles \', ith .'. hoin the\- are desin m-- < -f asscmblini; on that OCC.-IMI MI, when-' '\- th<-v >\ n:M b- p: \ en ted fr< >TII ioinin^ the ranks of the " 1 liliein'n Socii !y " h' >'. : Id :' iniite in tile pro n-ssion as a --eparatc body ; therefore, A',' '';,.,/. Thai it is inev])e.-. --ion T;u--d a . r.ext ; bat it is i expect full v recommended thai such of t lit- mevr M-- -- ;-. . : : e at: it-lit d to iv.' or mi! 'tar \- bodic^ shall sliou- tln-ir re 1 -; ct !' the T. :r::i> : v o|" i ];r !. ( :,- i.'h : , <" M ,.. -tvate bv jiaradin.i; <>n that day with the hodie-- to \\hieh !'<,- tt-stx-r! \ cl\- 1 'e'o'iL'. ..r.'i that those in ]T!\'ate life --}}.}} unite in the p;-, i. -.--.:: \\" ; i '!:- ^ od\- ,,;" their :"] ' \v-''iti/ens ot the same description. lL>u THIv HIHKKNIAN SOCIKTY. In the minutes of April 16, 1841, we find evidence of another at- tempt to sell the Westmoreland lands devised to the Society by An- thony Kennedy, and in a letter from William Brown, of Greensburg, Pa., the Society is advised not to sell until further information con- cerning them is obtained. "lam desirous," he writes, "that the poor Irish shall not be outwitted by a land speculator." The Secre- tary notes that he has been informed "of the intended removal, In- direction of the Legislature of Delaware, of the remains of Colonel John Ilazlett, a distinguished Irishman and gallant soldier of the Revolution, from their present resting place in the burial-ground of the First Presbyterian Church in this city to the burial-ground of the Presbyterian Church at Dover, Del.," and expresses a desire that the Society should take part in the ceremonies upon the occasion, and at the meeting on June 17, 1841, u the Society being desirous of pay- ing due respect to the memory of that gallant soldier and distin- guished Irishman, unanimously agreed to assemble on the 2nd day of July next, with the appropriate insignia of mourning, to escort the remains to the place of embarcation for Delaware ; and, that a depu- tation from the Society should proceed to Dover to witness their re- interment on the following day." A committee consisting of the following gentlemen (in connection with the officers of the Society) was appointed with full powers to make arrangements for a public procession and such other ceremonies as may be deemed necessarv on the occasion : Committee. Hugh Campbell, James Harper, John Maguire, D.ivid P>oyd. Alex. Diamond. On September 17, 1841, on motion of I). J. Cochran, it was re- solved "that the members of this Society since their last meeting, have heard with much regret of the death of their late fellow-mem- ber, John Knox, formerly Secretary of this Society, which office he long faithfully tilled, and that they sympathize with his widow and family in their great bereavement." The following quaint note in the minutes of December 17, 1841, explains itseli : The Tn-asuivr regrets very nun h to have to communicate, Th.it at tlu- time his -tor was broken open in September there was taken from his tire-proof either 20 or -M" > the money of the Society , V. >n^ with 5,V"> of his own. It was the contribution of eithe r"/<' or /.ViMiew members, aii'l which he has imt \etasrertained. lie was in the habi r"/<' or /.ViMiew members, aii'l which he has imt \etasrertained. lie was in the habit <>f putting the name of the payer on the back of the notes \ checks paid to him and putt in;/ them into a drawer r.-ed only fur the p i]>er- of the Society, and of enter! ng the monev to tlie credit of tlie paver uheii lie made the depo.Mte of it in Hank. These sum- are not noticee one or two that have paid Till-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCII-.TV. 197 The vSociety, at a subsequent meeting, resolved : "That the Treas- urer be, and he is hereby exonerated from the payment of the money of the Society lost at the time his store was robbed in September last, and that the Sec'ty be instructed to notify him to that effect." At the same meeting "Mr. Binus brought to the notice of the meeting the loss the Society had sustained since their last quarterly meeting, in the death of their Vice-President, General Callender Irvine, and suggested the propriety of taking a suitable notice of that event ; " Whereupon Messrs. J. Binns, H. Campbell & And'w Young \vere ap- pointed a Committee to prepare a Resolution to that effect, who, after an absence of a few minutes, presented the following : The Hibernian Society with deep and sincere regret lament the death of their late Vice-President, Gen. Callender Irvine- While in common with their country and their countrymen, they mourn over the loss of a distinguished public officer, and a highly respectable fellow-citi/.en, the Society would also mingle their tears with those of his widow and his son, who have 10-4 ;i beloved husband, and an affectionately esteemed father, A'csi 1 /"'^/, that the Secretary of the Societv be. and is hereby requested to send a copy of the above to the family of our late Vice-President, accompanying it with the sincere condolence of this Society for the loss \\hich the\ have sustained. The preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. At a meeting March 14, 1842, Mr. I). J. Cochran stated that some cases of hardship had come within his knowledge where admittance to the Alms House had been denied to destitute Irish Emigrants, in consequence of their having been landed at Wilmington, in the State of Delaware, instead of at the Port of Philadelphia. Captain Diamond also stated his knowledge of similar cases, and thought the Society should take the matter under their charge, Whereupon Captain Jos. Diamond and the Secretary were appointed a Committee to investi- gate the matter, and ascertain whether any injustice was done to the emigrants by landing them as above stated. (MI March 17, iS.|2, General Callender Irvine, who had been Vice- President for many years, having died, Robert Tavlor was elected \ ice President, Joseph Jones, Treasurer, and Valentine Holmes, Secretarv. At the anniversary dinner on that clay the following gentlemen sat down to dinner in the afternoon at the Union Hotel. Chestnut street : : TIIK IIIBF.RMAX SOC'IKTY. MARK DKVINK, JOHN TACK, \\"M. MARONKY, JOHN RKYNOI.PS, THOS. CKII.I.Y, Jos. DIAMOND, \VM. J. Di'AM-:, JOHN MeCoY, JAS. H. HORN, (i. Mn.iioi.i.ANii, JR. II. CAMl'HKU., \\"M. J. I.i'ii'i.R, \\'M. A. PORT i R, ROUT. TAYI.OK, DR. M. ANI.'.KSON, 1 N< i. \\"i i.i.i \ MS. CH'S KI-:I.I.Y, CHRIST. I-'AI,I,ON, JOHN I'AI.I.ON, Til* >s. HARNKTT, KoliT. I,\1RI>, I JKNNIS KKI.I.Y, R' MIT. PATTI-.KSON, Tims. RONKY, RoilT. !'.. CiKAY, I 1 )HN MoSS, YAI.'TK HOI,MI-:S, JAS. I!RO\VN, T'S I'. r.ASKF.1,1,, MR. Tli.RXAN, DAY'D I'.OYD, I I. C ATHKRWOOI), JOHN MAC.I :<;:. The President of the St. Andrew's Soc'tv, O. CAM I'HI-;I.I., Kso. ; French Soc'tv. M. A. I''RKN AYL, H.s'j. ; Treasurer <>f the \\Yleh Soc'tv, Cn'S. Ilr.Mi'HkKYS, Ivso. ; \"ic(.--rivs't of the \\\-K-h Soc'tv, JAS. (',I,KNT\YORTII, Mso.; Secietary " " V S. 1!. L ASA 1. 1. !., I '.so.; CHAS. I. I>rl'(iN'i\ I-!so. , <>m- of the Coniniittee appointed bv the State of Delaware to superiiiteiiil the removal of the remains of " IIa>let ' in Jul\ last ; CA.-T'N OHO. CADWAI.AI.HK, I TheCoinmissionMofficersattaehf-l to III-TT'T HvsTiNCs ', of tile I'hil'al theinilitary escort that accompanied a;:d I.IKIT'T VANCH, j Gr:l >- ; J.i .' i "i 'T RrsnToN, of the Wash' ii Grays, the Com'ee of the Society t Dover with the remains of " Ha-'.et " in [ Jnlv List. . \inono; tlu- toasts drank \verc the following : The Kmerald Isle. Rem>wiH-(l in sonse. I >rank standing The memory of our !a'.<- d istin- ui-liecl and lamented Viee-President, C.en'l Cal'en- di-r Irvine. "An honest man the noblest \\ork of Clod." Diank st.ni'lm^ and if! silence. The State of ! > '..>.-.: ire and the 'iiemorv of her " Haslet." She }ia< still Irish heai'ls and hands nble rind re id\ to ; rotocl and def ml her, should lien ssitv reijnire it. > Rt .-.piinded to in a very hand- propri ite manner by Ch's I. Df.Pont, l : .^>[.) The military escort of thr I'h'lad'a and \\'ashini;ton (ireys and tlieir gentlemanly comm.ander, who aecompanii -d the Com'ee of the Hibernian Soi-'tv to T)over wi'h tin- remains of "Hash-; ;" th'- Society a]i])reciates their worth and services. (Which was responded to m a \-ery neat and appropriate speech from Capt. Cadwalader.) THI-; IiniHKNIAN be nr.ich more numerous ;nul d:>trcs^cd (lurnii; the connni; \s:nU:r lhaii oil any former se'i-o:i, [ present thi> statement v at tlu- request of several members < >l the So. :eU th.it tlu-- meeting may take measures tor the increase ot tiie charily f-.ind, should it lie con- sid'-red necessary so to do. (Signed) J..S. Jo.M-.S, Tr. //i/i'n N- 1 1 . After discurvsiii;.^ tile subject it was, on the motion of Mr. Mcllciirv, " AV w'/r't'./, That a committee of six be appointed to solicit aid from the members of ': Societv and others friendly to the cause, to increase the mean-, ( >f the Chants fund. \Vhcreupon, Mr. Hnji Cam])bell, Mr. Rob. Stcen, Mr. I). Boyd, Mr. Ih:-h Catherwood, Mr. Alexander Diamond and Mr. A. R. McIIenry, were appointed a coiinnittee for that purpose, with instructions to report at the next quarterly meeting. This Committee was successful, for ou the ijth December, 1842, it reports : "Having called ou Joseph R. Chandler, Ksm the Society. " While discharging the duty of soliciting donations, your com- mittee encountered such obstacles as might naturally be expected in these distressing times. It must, however, be a source of gratification to know that the sum of $211.00 has been contributed and is now paid over to your treasurer, as the results of the efforts of vour com- mittee. The liberality of the contributors has thus o-iven most sea- sonable aid to the pure and exalted object of the Societv, yet it is earnestly hoped that as this is the first, it will also be the last applica- tion ot similar character to its members." The Treasurer complains, on the same date, that much delav H experienced in collecting the sums due bv members tor the anniver- sary dinners. He stated that "on enquiring of the other isiste: > societies ot our city, I find it is the cu>tom of their members to pav tor their tickets on or before the dav of the dinner. Should such : adopted by us it would save the Treasurer much trouble and '.he Society considerable expense. " Here, no doubt, was the origin <.>'. the custom of paying in advance, which obtains in the Society at ';' present day. Joseph R. Chandler was elected an honorary member at ' his meeting. At the meeting of March 14, iS.];, i; was M'ovided t dale three member> should be elected annua'.lv bv THi: HIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. At the anniversary dinner, March 17, 1843, at Sanderson's Frank- lin House, the following gentlemen were present : JOSKPH TAGI-.KT, R< "liKKT TAVI.I >K, J> i.M-;i'ii JONI-S. \' \i.. I IOI.M i-:s. AI.U H'D CAMrr.r.i.L, Hi uii CAMIT.I.I.L, WILLIAM J. I.i:ii'i-:K, K< >IU-:KT I'.. < '.KAY, ] M.NNIS KELLY, I AMKS I! AK i'KR, ] so. RKYNI u.ns, Taos. McK I-:K, 1 so. MAGTIRE, A. C. CRAIG, [NO. LINDSAY, A. K. I)(trc.in-;KTY, Hi v,n CATHKRWOOD JMI. I'AI.I.ON, SAMTKI, H"iU), Jl IH/.i-; CAMI'KKI.I.. MARK DEYINE, DANIEL BARR, DAVID lioYD, AND'W YOING, JNO. SAVAGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, ROHERT STEEN, WM. K. WHELAN, JNO. TACK, STERLINC, WILSON, GEORGE NEII.ES, JAMES MII.LIGAN, NATH. GORDON, A. R. McIlENRY, JNO. R. BAKER, EDWARD R. WYLE, DAVID RANKIN & FRIEND, JNO. ROIUNSON, FRANCIS TETE. Guests. THE I'RKSIDENT ()! THE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY, O. CAMI'HELL, KSO., ST. GEORC.E'S " Tuos. DALLETT, KSQ., I'RENCH " M. A. FRENAYE, Ksy., RI ; .YI-;KI-.ND MR. Lorc.inmiDC.E, J. T. S. Sn.i.iYAN, Kso., VALENTIN i-:, Kso. Amony; the toasts drank were the following : In- 1 and. "With tlu- (ici-an's tide "between us, Time ran never \vean us." 77.v / 'nift J Slatt-a of .-Inicru'a the first legitimate ofTsjjrin^ of I ; rcedom. 7/:; ;-. >/; > ; >>/' II '<;-/,';';/; /,-;/. True to his rountrv and his God (standing). /"//( /' .',./ '.'. Tin- root of health, >treni,'th and increase. M:<>: . Tl:e f/' /\\'fi tifini'nt. Tin- iMeinory of S:c:t'f, /.';-/,-, Sheridan, ( ,'oltismith, /-'tninef, (ifattan and Cumin, i!>tii'.L;;ii~hed I: ;-lnnen. At the cjnarterly meeting, June 1 7, 1843, the Treasurer reported ': .',:;: received S6< >o on account of the legacy to the vSociety by the Lite Dr. I'lleuon. An additional sum of ^.jcx) was afterwards re- Ceived. At the same nieetin^ Mr. Samuel Hood read to the vSociety a correspondence between Francis IIopkin>ou, Iv-q., and h.i:u-el f, rel- SAMTKL HOOD. THI-; llli;]-. KM AN SOCIETY. -jol ativc to a minute book oi a Society culled the l> Kriciidlv Sous of Saint Patrick," commencing on vSeptember 17, 1771, and ending about March 17, 1790, ^>" ^'lnch correspondence it appears that said I'.ook had been found among the papers of the late David Caldwell, l'N(j., by Mr. Hopkinsou, tl:e Clerk of the District Court of the I'uitcd States for th.e Kastcin District of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Caldwell's successor in that office, who with the approbation of the widow Caldwell, made a donation of the same to the Hibernian So- ciety. Whereupon, on motion of ^fr. ] food, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, to wit : A V.M >/:'<tiii!^ J)onaticni to this Society of the original minutes of the Society of the ] ; riendly Sons of St. 1'atrirk. /vV.M'/rvc/, that the thanks of this Society are due to Francis Hopkinson, Ksquire, vho had pos>e>Mon of the minutes of the l-'rieiidlv vSons of St. Patrick, for his kind offices and communications in reference to them. ( ht moliiDi of' Mr. I-'allon^ Mr. Hood was requested to take charge of th.e minutes above referred to in order to have them carelully bound, and that they then be deposited with the Secretary of the Society. On ninliiiii it was ordered that the correspondence relative to the minutes of the Friendly Suns of St. Patrick, with extracts from said minutes and the proceedings ot tins Society in relation thereto, be published under the direction of Mr. Samuel Hood. At the following meeting, vSeptember iS, iS.jj;, on motion of Ilu^h Campbell, it was l\< '!::<'.'. That Josejih Jonc-s t \: ( ",ror^e Cani])hel1 lie associated with Samuel 1I"0.1 in the jiuiilicatioii of ~,m> cojiies of an introduction and extracts from the minute-- of the friemih Son-, of Si. I'atrirk latc-1 v ;.re-entcaid lV< mi the contingent fund, and that copies be afterward^ Mild to the members of thi> Society. The committee did their work well, and the little volume known as ll .\ Ilrief Account of the Societv of the I'riendlv Son.-, ol Si. 1'al- rick," ol which an edition of 750 copies was j)ublished. soon became widely known, and was so much sought after tliat it was "or.; ot print" in a short lime, and for manv years it has been a .-carce book in the stores. It was an interesting and valuable little publication.. That the Society appreciated the work of Mr. I food and his colleagues will appear by the following resolution adopted .it the meeting March "\Vnj.ki.AN.1he Committee appointed to prepare and i ':': ; :: account of" the JO. 1 Till-: IIIBKRNIAX SOCIKTV. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and its members, Xic., have discharged their duties in a maniK-i highly satisfactory and appropriate; and ;r/;/'m:.v, the neat and well-written volume thus published by the Societv descriptive of the patriotism, bravery and lib- erality of our predecessors, furnish conclusive evidence of the talent and diligence of its authors ; therefore, AV.v>/; p f\/, that the thanks of this Society be, and they are herebv, tendered to Samuel Hood, George Campbell and Joseph Jones, Ksq's, for their efficient and valuable services. A't'M>J: : e\/, that fifty copies of the publication be presented to the committee. A ';><>.'; ;\/, that the committee take such measures as they may deem proper to pre- pare for sale and superintend the disposal of the edition now published, with a view to reimburse to the Society the expenses of publication. At the meeting on March iS, iS.j.j, resolutions of condolence were passed on the death of Kdward Waters, ''an esteemed and respected member of the Society." The old officers were re-elected, the Finance Committee consisting of (reneral Robert Patterson, Hugh Campbell and Robert Steen. At this meeting Richard Yaux joined the Society as a protest against the " Native-American " spirit of hos- tilitv against foreigners. He has been a member ever since (now nearly 50 years), and his familiar figure has been frequently seen at the anniversary dinners. At the anniversary dinner at the Mansion House (Head's) on March 17, iS.|4, the following gentlemen sat down to dinner : JoSKI'H T.\r, KRT, IlrC.H CAMIM'.KI.I.. ROIIKKT TAYI.OR. CHRIS. I-'AI.I.ON, DR. R. M. I'ATTKRSON, JAMF.S S'ITART, 1'KA.xcis TI.TI;, Hi V,H CATHKRAVOOD, [NO. TrcKi::;, R< >iu-: RT STI-'.I'.N, \\"M. }. I.i-.i iM.K, 1 1 \\'i i) r>(>vi>, RI.M i:s, Tiros. I'I-.XN i:KkT R r. i .i>, J \M i.s BR< >\VN, AMI. C. L' RAIIV, 1 >K. 1 MI. I Ii U.MI-.S, fiixi-.s, Tims. McK KI-; ,S: i ; Kii';xi>, I \M r.s C \ M ri'.i'i.i., Tims. ROXKY, i M i. RI-.VM n.ns, JNO. MAC.I rkic, SAM'I. KIRKPATRICK, JN<>. ()\KMAN, IM >. R. BAK i.u, I M-;N\IS K I-:I,I.Y, \\'M. V. I'.OYI.K, MICII'I, MAI.ONK, I). A. MrC'i-: i MY, I\\in RA.XKIX, I M ). ( ',. '['i]< .MI SON, SAM' i, HOOD. I.. TH i.Mi.iu.x, 5i' nitl Hieir f'rir>iJs.\ ;..HN Moss, THK HIHKRNIAN SUeil-TY. J. (",:.l'.NT\Vt)KTH. / Y( V-/V('. v ll't'i.y/l Sdcit'ty, MR. 1 1 \s\vi-.i.i.. RKV. MR. 1.^ >t V,HHKII>I;K. Among the toast.-> thank were tin..- following : ireitnd and Iii-dimct!. Our Mother and brethren. Music, " The Spris^ of Shi! lel.ih." The i'nited States of America. The abode of freedom ami the home of the oppressed exile of every laiiil. Music, " Hail Columbia " ;'.iiil " Yankee Doodle." The Mcinorv of Washington. The name \shich I'atrioti.sm has adoj.te'l and ionse- crated as her own. Mu>ic, " Roslin Ca>tle." The Army and Naw of the Tinted States. Standanl bearers of the star>, and like them full of ^lory. "The Star Spangled Ilanner. " Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture^. Three eoluilliissup])orliti^our structure, \se cannot j^ive ^tren.Lilh to either bv weakening the re-^t. " Sjieeil the I'lou^h. ' The memory >!' our ],redece^or> of the Rt;volutionury time. "The l-'riendl\- Suns of St. Patrick," a Societv (in the lan^iuixe ot Washiiis^toTi i "whose- members \\ere d.i~.tin^uished for their firm adherence to the glorious cau>e of American Liberty." " I.a^t Ro>e of Sn turner " and " I\or\ ( )'More. " The Memory of Callender Irvine. A more gallant soldier, a truer gentleman or warmer friend never traced back his lineage to the soil of our forefathers. "Coulin." T'.ie Memory of I)r. .\nthony I'.leiion. He filled the cup \\hich the I'eiievo'.ent Societies of i'liila. administer tor the relief of sorrow and ^utferin^. "Anders \\"!ii>per." \\~oinan. Onr tir.-.t friend in infancv, our dearest friend in manhood, our best friend ever. There could be no l'aiadi>e without her. "I.ove's \"ount, r Dream" and " l-'ly Not Yet." Hi-, Honor, the Recorder, sent this toast : "The Iii-^h .>h,iniroc-k ami the American Star." Mav the form. T never fade till the latter ceases to i;uide t!ie oppressed of every nation to a land of libcrtv. At tiic meeting on June 17, iS.j..|, George Campbell, Hu^li Camp- bell, Samuel Hood, James Ilrowu and A. R. McIIeury \\x-reajvpoiuted a Committee to revise the Ilv-Laws. This committee re])orted at the following meeting, September 17, i-Sj.j, a set of Ilv-Laws which the Society adopted. The tnncls oi the Society were divided into th.e Per- manent Fund, the Contingent Fund and the Charity Fund. Applicants tor ineinbership had to recei\'e three-fourths of the votes of the nienibcrs present at a uiee'iuo-. The oilier changes were unimp< irt.uit. At tlie meeting on December 17, i- s l|. a proposiiton to pur- chase the sword of Genera! Riehard Moutoonier\ \v M< cleclined. Chief-Justice John I>an!iister (libson was elected a member at the meeting on March i|, iSj^. At the anni\'ersary dinner on M' irch 17, oi the same vear, one of the toasts was to "Alexander Ile'.irv, the TH 1C IIIIUCKN1AN SOCIKTY. last survivor of the gentlemen who founded (organized) the Hiber- nian Society. May he live long to approve its usefulness, and illus- trate by the example of his benevolence its origin and design." The permanent fund on December 17, 1845, amounted to $16,850. At this meeting Dr. John Holmes, Robert K. Gray and Thomas McKee were elected a Committee for the next anniversary dinner. On March 13, 1840, Robert Campbell, of St. Louis, Mo., " brother of our esteemed fellow-member, Hugh Campbell," was elected an honorary member for his attention to collecting and exchanging certain bonds owned by the Society. At this meeting one of the members was reported as having been "reduced to poverty and in very bad health," and the widow of another member "was also in very reduced circum- stances, the only cases of the kind that had ever come to the notice of the Society," and it was resolved that the sums paid by them ''on their becoming members of the Society should be refunded with in- terest from the time of their respective payments." It was thought that this was a read}' way of extending relief. The officers chosen at the annual meeting, March 17, 1846, were as follows : President, Joseph Tagert ; Vice-President, Robert Tay- lor ; Treasurer, Joseph Jones ; Secretary, Valentine Holmes ; Finance Committee, Gen'l Robert Patterson, Hugh Campbell and Robert Steen ; Counsellors, \Vm. J. Duane and John Fallon ; Physicians, Poet. Matthew Anderson and Henry Patterson ; Acting Committee, 1 7th March to 17111 June, Tho's A. Kd wards, David Rankin, and Mark Dcviuc; 17111 June to i/th September, Hugh Catherwood, James IJrown, and Jos. Diamond ; i~th September to i^th December, John Robinson, Hugh Craig, and John Maguire ; ijth December to i7th March, David I!ovd, Jno. Reynolds and Jos. Richards. The anniversary dinner on the same date. March 17, 1846, was held at the "Columbia House." The following gentlemen sat down to dinner at 6 O'CH >ck : MR. Jos. TAC.KRT. ]' 111: ['. T.\ \ i.i IK. HON'HI.I. Inn ,i. ( ', : i -i IN, Jl'DC.l !'. : v !!)):, Ji'nc.i; I'OK : ; K R ; (.'< >R i >!']; V.M'X, Sn I-'.R : i i ; Me M K H \ ' i.. MR. \VM. A. PORT) R, JOHN Moss, V \i.. I IOI.MI-X. r \S. S'lT.'.VA RT. MR. J.IHN M vc.riRK, I! i.NRV C R II. I. V, R( il'.T. I''.. < iR \ Y, MARK! M-.YINK. I Ir. CATIII RWOI m, " I (AVID I'.iiYIi. \\'M. A R KIT K i.i-:, i I >R. R. Mcf'iR \TH. MR. JdH\ Rr.YNni i>s \ ! RII-:ND, S\MI.. lino n, Hr. C\M!-I:I:I.I. \ I-'RIKNI', " \V.M. K. \Vin-:i. .\N, THK HIMKRMAN SOCIKTY. MR. THOS. SMITH, DAVID KANKIN, " THOS. RONHY, FRS. TIKRNAN, " THUS. I'KNN (".ASKKI.L, " (iKo. \V. ToI.ANU, " THOS. McKKK, " JAS. MRO\VN, DR. JNO. Hoi. MICS, AI.UKRMAN MINNS, Al. HERMAN Cl.ARK, MR. \\'M. J. I.KII-KK, " JAM us HARPKR, " DAN'I, MAKR, " THOS. vS. STTART, His HONOR THK MAYOR, DOCTOR CHAPMAN, MR. DAI.I.KTT, MR. (lUKNTwoRTn. MR. MKKMOND, MR. MCRTON, MR. A.NDU. VOI-NC., JAS. I IIA.MI >N K. " JAS. 1 IANN \. " JOHN LINDSAY. 1 ' JoHN I ) A R K A ' . 1 1 , \\'M. M \ KNUhi.i., DHNNIS KI.I.I.V x I ; RII',.NI>, " CHS. KKI.I.Y, I ; RS. T i "ne, \\"M. !',. Tin PRNTON, " JOHN I Ii'.xiu-.KSoN, " SAM' i. !'. Ri.i.i), LK\VIS CARR, " THOS. !" AKIN, I) \N'l. CoCHRAN, " M. McCRi-.uv. Guests. MR. J. T. S. Sri, I.IVAN, 11 C. < >AKI ; ()RI), DlCMI'STlCR. " S AMI" HI. JONKS, C. D.v\'N', of Missouri. The toasts were similar to those of preceding year, except the fol- lowing : Washington His services were j^iven to his country, his example to the world, and his memory to all time, i Drank standing. ! The memory of the 12,000 emigrants \vho landed in Pennsylvania in 1774. Tin- I'eiuiss'lvania Line owed many of its laurels to their exploits, and their blood. Though their names aie lost, their services should never he forgotten. I'roni the- Treasurer's report of December, iS.|f>, it appears that the income of the vSociet\- for the year was Si.n.ju. iq, and of this sum S/Sq. TO had been distributed in charities. Xotiee of the Irisli I'am- ine was taken .u the meeting on March 10, 18.47, as will appear by the following action : The Committee appointed to make arrangements for the anniversary iliiiiii'r then made the followii:^ re])orl : Thai in CDii^ecjnrncr of the distress that now ]>er\-ades all Ireland, a convivial celt- hration u St. Patrick's day is deemed inappropriate, andthereforereeonimendth.it the customary ;iiiniversar\ dinner he o:nitted tin-- year, \\'hereii]'on M;. li"<>il mo\-ci! the lollownis^ preamble and resolutinn.^, uhich \vere passe<' unanimoiish WIM-;RI-.AS. most of the members of the Hibernian Soeietv are eonnected bv blood and nativitv with the people of Ireland, and all of them are bound to the ii habitants of that land by the strongest ties of svinpathv ; an 1 H lii't't'tit, the nielanehol \- condition o!' iliat enuulry forbid?- the celebration of the auniversarvof St. Ta'-'ick with thecu^om r-, festivities L'lKl TIIK Hir.KKMAN SHCIF.TV. AV.s<>/:r of this Society have already freely si:l>scri't-t.d to the fund now licin^ raised for the relief oi" the sintering poor of Iivlaiii! : ami /r/.v>v,/x the unprecedented ill-ties- in Ireland is expecti d greatly to increase the emigration to this conntr\ i hiring the present year; therefore that instead of the expenses iiMiailv inclined 1>\ a I)inneron that occasion, i-aeh member be re juested to pay into the Char'.tv l-'nnd. such sum as he uiav think proper, to eiiaMe the Acting Committee to mut the extraordinary call upon them \\hich may In- exacted to arise fiom the lars^e number of emigrants likely to arrive I'.ere ii;:rin^ r the eiisin'ni; season. John Collins was elected an honorary member at this meeting as "a o>m]'".iim-nt justly due to him. Irom his handsome and generous conduct in ^i\'in^ his proiession.il services in behall oi the Irish Re- lief Fund, by \vhich the Mini ot 5430 was realixed." The same general ollicers were re-elected for the ensuing year, and it was re- solved to send a circular to the members asking ior contributions to the lr;-h I'aninu- I'und. It appears by the Treasurer's report at a subsequent meeting tliat the memlters oeiu-rally responded promptly to the ap])e,d. At the meeting on June 17, iS.jJ, resolutions of cou- doleiice were passed on the death oi John Moss, referring particularly to his " humanity and benevolence." The famine in Ireland con- tinued to enlist the sympathies of the members, and on December 17, iS;7, Mr. Hu^h Campbell, after calling the attention of the meeting to the subject oi the " Irish Relict Fund " which was raised in this city during the present \x-ar, and to the labors and exertions oi the gentlemen who served on the several committees thereof, pre- sented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unani- mously adopted : \Vi! i.K i ; . \s, t'::e \- ilualile set'' H es of the " ]\i cei \ mi; and Forwarding Committee " in th:s city. (r the rein f of the snifer!nv, r j'Oiir o! Ireland, deserve tlie \\arniest j^ratitmle of every friend -if that afflicted count! !!>:> . ,'. hile siinie of the tiu-mlK-i ' ' that Coinnnttee ^l;o \st re activt 1 v eni/aiji 1 in ;h it \\-ork of ' ;. voU-nce and mercy are already nn mix r- ( I ihis S< cii-tv, there are others who arteil \s it'n t lit -m with imtirin; > '. : :; ' : '' ; i c ause \\ ho are not of this S iety, anil to .. hoin some tok'-n o) our grateful ppreci tion . : : ; . eflicic-nt and di- intereste ! ' iliors i- dm ; tin r> fore, '- ', thai Mien Cut li'.ert. Thorn a Rol.ins and Thoma' MHln.iH-, Msors., he, and . are hereby elected honor; -.TV menisci !" ' : :i Iliherniai -.-: ', that the Se< retarv l.e n ' i ac r. of the yeiitli nu n nann : /. ith a eertificate of nieinl er-hip and a c'opv ot these- proi i <(] It i- interesting to note in the minnte< of Marcli 13, iS.jS, the active particiiation in tlie procei-din^s <,; Jucl;je Thomas Iiiirnside. CMI March 17, r S }S, resolutions were ]>ass(.-d concernino; the death of Joh.n Lisle, "who for inore th.iii thirtv-three vcars was u member oi tins THIC IIIHKKNIAN SOCIHTY. 207 vSociety, and \vlio through his whole life as a public officer, extensive merchant and private citizen, maintained a high character for integ- rity and honour.' 1 At this meeting, also, the practice of printing ballots for the annual elections was begun. After the meeting "the following' gentlemen sat down to dinner" at the Columbia House- : J< isi-.i'H TAC.KKT, Cm Ki-'-JrsTK'K ( GIBSON, ROBERT TA YI.OR, !<( )IU:KT K. ( '.RAY, I NO. MACa'IRK, Tuos. I-'AYK, Tno's MeKi.K. \'AI,. Ildj.M i:s, JoSKIMI JoNI.S .S: I'KIKND, HIV.H CAMI-HKI.I., I IAVID 1!< >vn, \V.v. I-!. Wma.AN, Dk. I NO. Hoi.MKS, j. II. HORN, 1 ; KANCIS Tl'.TK, I XI i. HlNNS, MARK DKYINK, WM. J. I.KiiM-.k, Jo.SJ'.lM! I'ATTi'.RSON, H'.'t'.M CATHI'.K\Vi)()|i ,S; 1' \\'na.i.\M I-'.Ncaasn, RiciiAKii YAIX , JAMKS HAKIM K. K< HU'KT Sria.N, ClI RISTOI'H ia< l-'Aia.ON, JNO. Ki-:\ NOI.DS, tv S. IllS HOI', X. (lOKDOX, Jrnc.K UrRNSii)}-;, JOHN I Ii'.Mn'.KSdN, \VlI.I.IAM \V.\ia.ACK, 1 ' K A N CI S Til . K N A X , JNO. MAc.nui-:, Josi-aMi I tiAMiixn vK: I ; RII-:ND, WM. AKIUTKI.I':, THOS. RONI-:V, CHAKLKS Kua.v ^: I-'RH^ND, AI.ICX. DIAMOND, THCMAS LOONI-;V, D \VID K \XK i N. Guests. Josia'n Sn.i., PKICSIIU-INT 01- ST. CTI-:ORC.I-;'S SOCIKTY. MANOR SWII-T, 01- I'HII.A. THOS. ROBINS, no. \Vna.i\M C, \RVIN. I.oiasvn.i.K, Kv. INI >. T. S. Sri. I.IVAN, CITY. C II AS. ( ) VK !'( )K I>, IK ). MR. Ari'ia-:, DO. .MR. lU'RNToN, Do. Amon<' the- toasts drank were the following : I tvland - tin- land of hospitality and .'. IkTtion. May thr ni^ht of ;id\vrsitv whi> h : D\\ uvi y>liad<>\\s IKT ht- >])n-dil\- f. 'Hi i\vi-.l 1*\ tlu ^iini'isi- of pnS|H-rit\ a'i'I ; : i^ iiu ridian splendor of IKT aiirii-nt uloi v. 'l"nc ! 'nit i-d Stati-s of AiiH-rica. 1'n -riiiim-iit in all tin- atiril-uti-s f ;^ n ..::; i - ; ;.' 'Ininv, at thr -aiiu- tiiiu- one nation 1>\ tin- ri'.;lr. ar:;i ot licr powiT, and aunt ht i }<\ ; h- ' uupoui iiiL;-- of her lifiUA'olciKH-. Tlu- nn-nior\- ot Washington. .Drank staiulini;. Tin- Arm\ and Navvof the I'nitrd State- Miu-na Vist.'.. \\ r.i Cru/ and Mrxiro \\iii i'i i'rond!\- ri'nieinliei\-d \villi I'nnkei I!:'.'., I.aki l'.::c a:;d Nv\v I )rleans. Till-: HIHHKMAN SOCIKTY. The Sons of Krin. "Although they love beautv and golden store, Yet still thev love honor and virtue more." Horace Hinnev. I'liiladeljihia proudly claims him as her son. His eloquence was never mon no!>!\ exhibited than whilst pleading the cause of the suffering Irish poor. The Harp of Kiin. I. ike the heart-' of her children sad even in mirth. Thorn. is Moore the first of living poets. Hissoni;S portrav the- character of hi> countrymen as faithfully as hi-' historv does their \\ron^s. The follo\\inx toast \\.is oiuMvd by the President of the St. George's Society, and drunk uith v. rcat enthusiasm : leather Mathew. Though Ireland has the honor of his birth, and he is a sectarian in religion, he is no\\ claimed as a brother hv Christians of every country, and is hon- ored and revered all the world over. At the meeting on December iS, iS.pS, the Treasurer, Joseph Jones, paid the following tribute to the Acting Coniinittee : "Great praise is due to the excellent gentlemen composing that Coniinittee for their unwearied attention to the duties assigned them. The pleasurable feelings derived from administering to the relief of suffering humanity, and from the impartial distribution of the funds committed to their charge, constitute their best and highest reward : and it is only to be regretted that the limited means of the Society compelled them to divide so sparingly among the many cases of want that came under their consideration." The Treasurer, Joseph Jones, having declined a re-election, the Committee appointed to audit his accounts reported, in addition to the usual matter, the following : TII THi-; 1'K l.sl DKNT AND MlCMBKKS OF THK HlHKKMAN SoCIF.TY: The undeisiLjned Coniinittee appointed at the last meeting to audit the accounts of the Treasurer lor the year ending December 15, i\;\ respectfully report that thev have examined the^e accounts, and compared them with the vouchers and books sub- mitted to tlu-ir inspection bv the Treasurer, and find the same, in all respects, correct. T e Committee cannot refrain from remarking at this time when the Society is ' to he deprived of the services of that officer, that during the seven years that lu- ll, is held 'h ;t office, and the fi\'e years during wliicli he \vasSeeretary, he has rendered essential ser\ ices to the Society, as well bv attention to other duties as by the admir : le ' learness, ai-curacy and neatness which characterize his books and accounts. These v. ill be a safe Ljuide and excellent model to all future Treasurers and Secre irie-. 1 'or this, and his devotion ijenerally to the interests < if the Socict v, he deserves the thanks of its members. Signed) JA.MKS UKOUN. | SAM'I. HI ii Hi, i <>iiit/<'< . Ji nix 1 IOI.M i.s, ) The report was accepted and the Committee discharged. I ' \vas then, on motion, THK HIHHRNIAN SOCIKTV. i!09 Mr. Jones was prevailed upon to withdraw his declination, and he was re-elected on March 17, 1849, but carried his intention into effect at the following annual election. A special meeting of the Society was held on May 12, 1849, to take action upon the loss of the ship "Swatara," bound fur the port of Philadelphia, "having on board a large number of passengers, mostly Irish. 1 ' The ship went ashore below Lewistown, Del., and many of the emigrants being in distress, it was resolved to send a committee to that place " and render them such aid and relief as their nece>si- ties may require and this Society has the power to bestow." The Committee, consisting of Joseph Jones, James Brown, A. R. Mclienry, David Boyd and William Watt, went to Lewistown, investigated the causes of the wreck, attended to their duties in a thorough fashion, and reported at length to the next meeting. On June 18, 1849, resolutions were passed concerning the death of Thomas A. Edwards, " for many years a member of the Society, and one of the most efficient of the Acting Committee, whose exemplary character was well known and duly appreciated by us." The Society, a short time afterwards, sustained a serious loss in the death, of Joseph Tagert, its President. In fifty-nine years, since the organization, April 5, 1790, there had only been three Presidents Chief-Justice Thomas McKean, 1790-1800; Hugh Holmes, iSoo- 1818 ; and Joseph Tagert, 1818-1849 ; and no President since has equalled the length of service of President Tagert. It was natural that the Society should feel his loss, and this feeling was expressed in the following action : At a special meeting of the Hibernian Society, held at the Columbia House on Saturday, August 4, 1849, the following preamble and resolutions having been offered by Joseph Jones, Ksq., and seconded bv Wm. J. Lei per, Ksq., were unanimously adopted, viz.: The members of the Hibernian Societv have heard with deep regret of the d 'resident, Joseph Tagert, Ksq., u ho. for the 'ast thirtv-onc VIM reatl v t<> endear him to each of them ; and \vli haracter tor inte'j nt hospitality, exemplified through a lon^ and useful life, s :d confidence of his fellow-citi/eim ; therefore. AVv, )/:> sident. tz-t-il. That the Societv attend the funeral with appropriate badges of mourning. AVv,)/.-ry of the preamble and resolutions be ihe deceased bv the officers of the Society. A'"W:rpv of the preamble ami resolutions passed at the meeting helil Au-ust \. i>4y, with .1 letter as follows : Pin i. AII' A, Arc,'']' 7, iS.}9. I >KAK SIR : We he.L, r to eiiclnsf to you .1 o>]>\ of the preamble and resolutions adopted by the Hibernian Soeiet\ on the d.-,ith oj their late Preside!!'., which \'ou will please coin- ininiirate also to the other iiieinbi-rs of hU f.nnih . In ]>i -rfi 'ruling this dutv, ^\e L' ermitted to add. that iluiin^ the niau\' years we have had the privilege of hen 11^ assoeiatt d \\ :th h. i :n as otlii'ers ami iiieiuhers of the Society, and of ciljovillj^ hi> tVieiid^hiji. our alfectiouate regard md e>teein for him continued to increase to the hour of h;-- death ; indi-eil. lie was regarded b\ us. as by the members generally, in a li^ht rather ]>a rental than ofiicial, and his loss \<, ill be lamented as lonu~ as any of them shall continue to attend these meetings, where his presence was over the harbinger of har- mony and enjovment. \\'ith Ljreat Respect Your Obd't Servt's, iSij^nedj Roi!i-;KT TAYI.OK, I '.-firs. 1 1 i.S. JoNI-'S, /It'll-:. Y.M.. II()I.MI ; .S, Sff'v. To I-RA'S C,. McCAfl.KY, Ivso. In re])!-,- to which the Vice-President received a communication from Mr. McCauley, \vhith is herewith submitted. (Signed i R( )iu-:uT TA\-I,OK. I't'iY-i't't's. J( iS. JoNKS, lie IS. September, 1^49. Y.M.. Hol.MKS, .V< '.')'. Pinr.Mi'A, Arc.'T 10, iS.jg. (r! NT 1. 1 MKN : I h ive recei' ed and comniunicated to the other members of the family of my late f,i >; 'i- in law, losrph Ta.^ert. 1'Nij , the highly complimentary proceedings of the Hi- berni n Society. It is a sonn e of ]>eculiar gratification to rt-cei\-e this proof of affection and ! --pert from an association with which he was so Ions.; identified, and to the mem- bers of which he was so attached. The complinicr.! thus p.iid to ;he memory of the deeea-ed is enhanced bv the kind and courteous term- in whi.-h the proceedings have bern communicated. I'.e pleased to present the heartfelt thanks of every member of Mr\ Tai^ert's lamilv ti 1 tlie S :,!,-/, J' iSl i'il b INKS, I ; .sM., T' : : ' i , V \i.. I !< u.Mi.s, MSM . Sfi >,.':> \ . HE SOCIETY FROM THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT TAGERT IN 1840 TO THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT PATTHKSuN IN 1881. AT the meeting on December 17, 1849, Robert Taylor, who had been Vice- President ol the Society for nearly eight years, was nomi- nated to succeed Joseph Tagert, deceased, and General Robert Patter- son was nominated as Vice-President. Joseph Jones declining a re- nomination tor Treasurer, David Rankin was named for his place. The Secretary, Valentine Holmes, after a service of eight years, also declined, and John G. Thompson was named for his place. Mr. Holmes was a first-class Secretary and his minutes were full and accurate. The Counsellors, William J. Dnane and John Fallen, and the Physicians, Doctors Matthew Anderson and Henry S. Patterson, were again nominated. David I'oyd, William K. Whelan and Joseph Diamond were elected the Committee for the anniversary dinner, and John Binns and Samuel Hood were appointed a committee to picpare the toasts. A special meeting was called for March 14, 1850, to take appropriate action concerning the death of "Nathaniel P.nrt, an old and highly estimable member ot the Society." At the anniversary dinner at the "United States Hotel/' on March 18, 1850, the following gentlemen were present : ROHKRT TAYI.OR, I } ; RI-:I>KII-:YINK, WlI.I.IAM 1C. \VHI.I.AN, Al.I \'R I>I\MONI>, T 'iIIN"C. Cl.ARKK, 1'K \NCIs I)lMoM>, I M VMS K I I.I.Y, JoSl.ril JoM'S, I \MIS(\ Nl-T.rS, WlI.I.IAM ICM'.USH fi'HN RhYNoI.DS, Roi:T. I'. \V \ I \ YVlI.l.IAM AC.M-'AY, loSl'.I'H PlMoM'. I i: i .H P.ARR, R< M '. I-'.R P.Ri 'V-'N', CIIAS. Ki-.r.r.v, PR. R. M. PATTI KSON, \VII.I.I\M C. I'ATTIKS.N. H'.'I'.H C x'rni-'KWoon. I!"X. Ji'iix K. KANJ-:, !< >H v I 'r i N r \- IRII-'.MI, HIV.H CRAH;, KI IIU:KT I: ( '. RAY, M:CH.\I.I. KII-NAN, \Vii.i.i\M H\Y TAMI-:S C. COI.I.INS, 1 ; R ^Xi'IS 'i'l ' R N \N, 21U THlv IIIHHRNIAN SOCIP.TY. DAVID SOTT, JOHN HKNDKRSON, DAVID HOVD, GHO. W. HOWARDS. Guests. CuiKi-'-Ji'STicK GIBSON, Jri>c,K HrkNSiDi;, JAS. Gi,i-: NT\voRTii, Ivsy.., Pres't of Welsh Society. Among the toasts drunk were the following : Ireland. Mav her children find food .UK! employment in the cultivation of her soil, the woiking of her mines, and the improvement of her fisheries. The Land we live in. May it ever continue to he the pride of her sons and daughters, and a nohle example to the \vorld. I'nion. "The main pillar in the edifice of our independence, the support of our tranquility at home and peace abroad, of our safety, prosperity and liberty." I Wash- ington'- Parewell . \ddrc-s i The Annv and Naw the Militia and the People. May they ever as now have a common interest and a common teeliiu;, as they have a common country. Philadelphia. Beautiful, Benevolent and Pnperous. The Memorv of our late President. Joseph Tagert. -Drunk standing.) Kos>uth, and the Cause of l-'rccdoni in Kurope. Ierty, though now crushed and trani])led on, is not dead. She but sleeps. Her exiled champions will find that this Hud is her favorite home. Here bide your time ! The Pair Sex The world was sad, the garden was a wild. And man, the hermit, sighed till woman smiled. By James Glentworth, Pres't of the Welsh Society : The Benevolent Societies of Philadelphia. May they never want funds to carry out their benevolent design >. At a meeting , m June 17, 1850, appropriate resolutions were passed concerning the death of Matthew Hood (father of Samuel Hood), " for many years one of tin.- Society's most efficient members, whose exemplary character was we'll known and duly appreciated by us, whose loss we lament and whose memory we desire to respect and honour." The Westmoreland tract of land turned up again at the meeting on September 17, iSvi, and tin- Committee ''reported prog- ress." Resolutions on the death of John Patterson, "an old and highly estimable member of the Society," were adopted at this meet- ing. At the meeting on December 17, 1850, it was resolved that the Anniversary Dinner Committee should be appointed by the President instead of being elected. fames Ilio\vn was elected Treasurer to succeed Daniel Rankin on March 17, rS^t. Among the toasts at the dinner of this date were the following : THI-: HIBKKNIAN SOCIKTV. 213 anil opposite colors blend in beautiful harmony -it stands and shall stand, the sign of a perpetual covenant for the safi-ty. prosperity rind glorv of tin- count! v. The Judiciary The scales of justice and the Judge's ermine The man \\lio dares to hdd the scales with a firm and stead v hand will \\ear the ermine without a stain. Kducation -While we cherish and support our public seminaries, let us never forget that the right education of the feelings, the most valuable impressions, are onlv to l>e acquired in a well-regulated home. The Flag of our Country May it forever wave in triumph over a united and happy land, and not a star be lost from its brilliant galaxy. The Sons of Krin on the Soil of America -Their estimate of the blessings of civil rind religious lil>erty is best exhibited by the faithful performance of their duties as g< ,l citi/eiis. By Joseph Sill, Ksq., Pres't of St. George's Society : Ireland on its Western Coast May it soon have plenty of Iron Rails and Iron Horses, and plenty of canals and steam to communicate with this Western World. Bv Hon. James Harper: (ien'ls Bennet Rilev and James Shields With their own good swords they have engraved an imperishable record of their gallant achievements on the Tablet of their country's annals. By John McCall, Ksq. : The Irishman's Table Which has always a corner while there is a guest in the room. At a special meeting of the Society held at the Globe Hotel, on Saturday evening, March 27, 1851, the following preamble and reso- lutions offered by John Binns, Esq., were, on motion, unanimously adopted : WHKKKAS, the Hibernian Society lias heard with deep regret of the death of the Hon. Thomas Burnside, an old and much valued member of this Society, the meetings of which he regularly attended, and failed not by his cheerfulness, urbanitv of manners, and friendliness of deportment to increase the general hilaritv ; then-fore, AVWr'tv/, That whilethe Bench and the Bar are deploring the loss of a distinguished associate, and doing homage to the integrity and independence of the late Tudge Burnside, it becomes the melancholy dnt v of the I libernian Soeiet v to make tender of their deep regret tor the loss oi an esteemed member, and their sincere sympathy with his relatives and friends. AVuVr/v/, That a committee of five be appointed to communicate to the fatnilv <>\ tin late Judge Burnside the regret and sympathv of tins Society for the loss "f one so deservedly dear, and wliosi worth and patriotism had been repeated! v h.inored bv the stitliages of his fellow-citi/etis, and the highest appointments conferred np"ii him bv the Governor of the country of his adoption. AVsWrvv/, That the above preamble and resolutions, signed by the officers of the iin i tin'.;, be entered on the minutes, and published in the newspapers : When MC^TS. John Binns. Robert Taylor, fames Brown, Joseph [ones ami Samuel Hood wereduJN appointed said Committee. The following letter in reply to the resolutions \va.- received : B; i.i.i i "\ n . April ; 1*51. H'ict v. e\i : t ssive of the svnn>a- 1>14 Till-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. thv l thi- Societ\ with 'hi- family of my father in their affliction, and their deep re- :,.; ,a hi-, death, has been received. I'eniisylvaiiiaii as inv Father thn Highly was, in-ill- as he did for nearlv half a cciitnrv ill forwarding lu-r interests, her Statute ::. the impress <>f hi> cm -ri^etic nniid, and her Judiciary elevated 1>\ his inte_L;ritv, lie never forgot the land of his hirth, and he hailed everv worthv son of the I {me raid Isle as his l'.ro;hcr. l.ct me add tliat his son h.i-. inherited the feeling's of his Father, ami is proud of lii-> Irish descent. It may ^ratify yon to learn that on in'. Father's death-bed, the proceedings of your Society at their last anniversary were re . ! to him bv one of his daughters, and lioth in hi-> \\-ords and manner, IK- evinced f< >r ;::- I'.rethreii of the Society that interest and friendship so characteristic of the son^ of lireeii !-!:ne:-ald I-le." Your festive hoard \ pardon me the expression] \\iil never ..i^ain In- liononrud by his presence, but the void i^ greater, t ir i^rcater, at h: .-> our. tiri-side. For your >ynij)athv in our desolation, and for rlu- kind manner in whi ':: it i> i xjiressed, both in yt>nr Resolutions and in \-our u-tter, accept for yourselves .mil tl'.e " Hibernian Society" the heartfelt thanks, not only oi' myself, but ol all in v l-'ather's family. Very Truly t v c Respectfully, Yours, ToMr.ssK.s. Runrur T. \VI.OR, JAMI.S BUKNSIDK. Tiie Treasurer of the Society, James Brown, in his report on Deecinber 17, iS^i, referred to the deaths of several members, a> fol- io\vs : l> The decease of several of the most active and efficient mem- bers durino- the year has cast a shade over the otherwise prosperous circumstances uf the vSociety. The deaths ot Jnd;e Btirnside, Messrs. YYi'.liam 1C. Whelan, Alexander Diamond, l : ;aucis Dimond, Joseph Dimond, and John Mainiire must be deemed a positive loss to the Society, not only on account of their warm attachment to it.- interests, but on account of the (nudities which rendered it agreeable to their fellow-members to transact the business of the vSociety in connection with them." Aniono the members present at the anniversary dinner on March 17, 1-^52, \vere Kobei", Ta\'lor, \Villiam A. Purler. Chark-s Kc-lly, James Harper, Richard \'au.\, James Campbell, (rcor^e McIIenry, James M. I'ortc-i', Morton McMiciiac'., John K. Kane, John Bannister 'iibne of tlie toasts was : " The Health oi Valentine Holmes, late Secretary of thi Vmerican Consul at the Port of Belfast, Ireland." , a communication was received imm Joseph Sill, President of e St. Cicoroe's Society, i>kin^ the Society to join witl; the otlier :table or^anixatio:is in procuring a suitable room, in which the nieetmijs of ail ol them could be held in turn, but after considering; Till-: II INHUMAN SOCIHTV. L'15 the matter at a subsequent meeting, it \vas deemed inexpedient to change the usual place of meeting. At tiie meeting on March 17, iS^v John Binns, Chairman of a committee appointed to consider tl.c advisability of contributing a block of marble to the Washington monument at Washington, I). C., reported a recommendation to the members to raise the cost of the same by private sub>cription. The recommendation \vas adopted. Andrew C. Craig \vas elected Secre- tary at this meeting to succeed John (i. Thompson. At the anniver- sar\- dinner the same day Chief-Justice Jeremiah S. Black was one of the guests. u The utmost harmony and good-feeling prevailed, and the i measures of the evening were enlivened by songs from several members of the Society and invited guests. The company separated at an early hour, wishing each other many returns of Saint Patrick's Day." A special meeting of the Society was held on May C\ 1^53, to take action on the death of Chief-Justice Gibson. The President, in a feeling manner, stated the object of the meeting, which was to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of our late fellow-member, the Hon. John Bannister Gibson, for many years Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania. John Binns, Ksq., o lie red the following resolutions, which were seconded by Win. J. L,eiper, Esq., and unanimously adopted : \V;ir.RKAS, it has pleased the diver of every i^ood, and every perfect i^ift. the vise I)i>po>er of all things, to call hence to be no more si-en of men. our highly honored and esteemed friend and fellow member, the Hon. John Bannister dihson. His \\ it ,i:id his humor and his cheerful lau.^h have often made our hearts joyous, bin alas! his place shall know him no more ! Judges and barrister:-, the learned and the eloquent hive poured forth the homage of their hi^h consideration to his lci;al acquirements, lr.~ po wcrful and discriminative mind, and his ardent love of justice, and their deep n-'.-ret that his voice will no more delight the leartu-il, instruct the ignorant, and be ;i te:i^r to evil doers. I Ie died, full of years and of honors, carrying with him to the -rave not only the sorrowing hearts of all \vho knew him inlimatelv, but of the whole com- munity, \\hofiel that in him thev liave lost a humane and judicious friend, and an able ami faithful guardian of their rights. "/.--,/, That the chair of the President of the Hibernim Society In- craped !' >r 'hir'v d ivs, as a slight evidence of their sense of the lo-s they have su-taincd ::: the I'll of Judl/e dil.SOH. "''rv,/, That a CoiilTnittee of I'ive be appointed to (-ommunicate to the f.nnilv "f the deceased the feelings of sorrou entertained by the Soviet v. and 1 1 ie; r d.ec-p com mis- er. itioii for the bereavement hU familv ha\-e suflcred b\- the de it!; of >o iiear an>l so \ .tilled a I'elative and friend. /'.'>/:>et\veen the Hastem and Western worlds. ' Col. Wm. C. Patterson, Col. \Yynkoop, Judges Sharswood, Thompson and others responded to various toasts. Judges R. C. Grier and J. S. P.lack. and Mayor Gilpin \vere present among the guests. John Drew, the actor, was one of the new members elected on December iS, 185.}. At the dinner on March 17, 1855, speeches were made by General Patterson, Judge Bnrnside, Judge \Vm. D. Kelley, John Binns and others. Mr. Pinns proposed the following toast : "The State which in 1812 furnished more men ami more- money than any other State in the T'nion, yet never had her soil polluted by the footstep of an enemy, except as a prisoner the State of Pennsylvania." In the course of the evening l> toasts we're received by telegraph from the St. Patrick's Society, of Xew York, and the Hibernian Societv, of Baltimore, both of which were responded to in proper manner. 1 " On Jnne 18, 1855. appropriate resolutions were passed on the deaths of Alexander D. Kwing and George Campbell. ( )n December 17, 1-^55. General Ri>bert Patterson \vas nominated as President, to suc- ceed Robert Taylor, whose failing health compelled him to decline a renomination. Mr. Tavlor had been a member of the Society for more than fiitv years, and had filled the positions of Secretary, Treas- urer, Vice-President and President, serving as an officer for nearlv the entire period of his membership. lie sent the following letter to the Society : Pirn. ADA., !7'.h De-'emher, iS.s.S- MY r.noi) KIM> I'Kii'NDS i)] ; Tin: Him.KMAN S'UII.TY: As the me( tint; of this evcnin:.' i^ that .it uhi<-:i nomination are maile for the officers \t year, I regret very much that llie state of my health \\ill not permit me to Tin-. iiiiii-.KMAN SOC1KTY. lM7 join you on this occasion, and I fear \vil! not enable me to undertake the performance of any Official Duties at the next Anniversary Meeting. I have not language enabling me to express, as I wish to do, my gratitude to my kind friends of the Society for their constant manifestations of friendship, esteem and good-v.il!, during all my associations with them, since I first became a member in iSo2. As I find mvself unable to attend to the dunes of President as I ought, I now decline a renomination, and wishing \-<>u ail many happy meetings, I remain very Respectful! v, vour friend. KOHI-.KT TAYI.O A Committee was appointed to take action on the letter, and they replied as follows : 1 M.AK SlK i The undersigned have been appointed a Committee to convey to you the sincere regret of the meml)ers of the " Hibernian Society " at the loss of vour presence as their presiding officer, and to assure you that nothing but vour ardent desire- t<> he relie\ed from the duties of the office would have induced their acceptance of vour res- ignation. When we call to mind the many happy hours spent in your Company at the meetings of the Society, v.e cannot suppress our sorrow at losing you from among us. You have Served the Society many years in all its various offices, faithfully and honorably, and your dexotion to the interests is gratefully remembered. In conveying to yon the assurance of our highest esteem and respect, we but express the feelings of the community in which you have passed a long and useful life, beloved and respected for your amiable and gentle manners, your high honor, and strict in- tegrity. TI > know that you are thus esteemed and respected must be to you a source of the sweetest pleasure. That the remainder of your days may be happy is the sincere wish of those we represent, and of, Sir, Yr. friends and Obd't Servt's, Signed) JoS. JONKS, IIl'C.H CAMl'HKI.I., IIrc,n CATHI-.KXV < >m>. PH ri.AD'A, Jau'y i 2th, 1^56. I'.efore the next anniversary meeting Mr. Taylor had departed this life, and the Society was called together in special meeting on March ft, i s 5<~>, intake appropriate action. Karnest resolutions ol regret were parsed, rind the members voted to attend his funeral in a body. A letter from his son, James I.. Taylor, stated that Mr. Tavlor had in- teiided to replv to the Society's gratify ins* communication to him, b;;t h.ad been prevented bv his death. (eneral Robert Patterson was elected President at the meeting on March 17, i \s/> ( and Janu-s Harper was chosen Yice-I're-'.dcnt. M<>-' o: '.!; other oiTicers were continued. Judges (irier, Lewis, Sl'.arswood and Thompson were amon^' the quests at th.e anniversary dinner, and !'.;; recently deceased President was not forgotten in ;in appropriate toast to his memory. ( >n I>ecemlK-r 17, iS;o, a committee was ap- pointed v> to have th.e plate from which the c; rt ificates ot meml)ershi]' arc- printed re-engraved, or to substitute a new one in its place." At jl- TIN-: Hir.KRNIAN SOCII'.TV. the meeting on March ID, 18^7, resolutions of sympathy were passed upon the death of Dr. Kiisha Kent Kane, ami they were conveyed to his father, Hon. John K. Kane, one ol the- Society's most ])romiiient members. Judge Kane responded as loliows : .M v HKAK SIR : I l>ei^ niv lirethren of tin- Hihi.-nii.ui Society to accept my heartfelt thanks for the honor thrv have done mv >on's nu-mor\ , .nnl lor tlu- kliul anil i^ratelul sympathy they have expressed for m% In iva\ (.-iiu-nt, and I hmder you, sir, as their or^an, my ackncnvl- elv;ment> lor the m. inner in v.hic'.i you have announce.! the Society's action. I am, Sir, faithfully yours, JNO. K. KA.NK. ( )n March 17, 1^57, at 5 ' - o'clock, at Jones' Hotel, " the company assembled and sat down to a dinner which was sumptuous beyond any that the Societv has had lor years. The wines and viands were of tlie choicest qualities and it is needless to say that the Company did them ample justice." So records the Secretary, Andrew C. Craig. The President being absent, " Daniel Dougherty, Ksq. , then proposed the speedy return to health and to his family of our Presi- dent, Major-( icneral Robert Patterson, which was responded to with full bumpers and three cheers.' 1 The usual toast to "The President of the United States" had appended to it the observation, "one of the re>nlts oi Irish emigration," referring to the lact that President James Buchanan was ot Irish descent. On March s, I S^S, the Secretary was instructed to have printed 300 copies ot the Constitution and IJv-I/iws, with a complete list of the name-- ot the members up to that time. At the anniversary dinner on March 17, iS^S, dencial Patterson occupied the chair. On his right sat Rev. Dr. Blackwood, and on his left. Rev. Father O'Brieu, Profes- sor :n St. Charles' Ilorromeo Seminary. The Judges of the Supreme Court ot Pennsylvania as usual were represented, Chief-Justice Wal- ter Lowrie being among the guests. Jud^e^ \\"illiam A. Porter and James Thompson were also present. James Madison Porter, Judges Thompson and William A. Porter, Col. John W. I ; orne\ and Daniel Dougherty were the principal speakers. The officers chosen on were as follows : President, den. Robert Patterson; Harper: Treasurer, James I'.rown ; Sccrctarv, n nice Committee, Col. William C. Patteison, Robeit Steeii and Jose])h Jones ; Counsellors, William J. Diianc and Samu' 1 Hood ; Physicians, Doctors Robert A. (riven and Thomas S. Hari>er ; Acting Committee, l<>hn Robinson, Mark Dc-vinc-, A. R. McIIenry, David P.oyii, Hugh Catherwood, James C,ay, James Black, John Woodside, Xathaniel (iordon, Hemv Crilly, Hugh Craig and Till'; IIIHIvRNIAN SOCIKTY. 21'.' James L. Taylor. At this meeting attention was called to the fact that John liinns, who was present, "was celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his election as a member, "and that gentleman was im- mediately called upon for a speech. lie made a few remarks ac- knowledging the compliment. At the anniversary dinner on the same date, Judges Cadwalader, Lowrie, Sharswood and Thompson weie among the guests. The Secretary complains that "the dinner was bv no means such as the Society has been in the habit of having served up. The wines were poor and scarce at that, the attendance' was mean, the waiters were few and impertinent. The whole thing was contemptible." Nevertheless, notwithstanding the Secretary'. - ire, the toasts were responded to " in a very eloquent and happy man- ner " by Judge Thompson, Daniel Dougherty, and others. Krom the Treasurer's report it appears that the annual income of the Society for a number of years was about Si,ioo, and of this sum there was usually disbursed by the Acting Committee between SO.GO and $1,000. The iunds had increased very slowly, some investments not having been very profitable, but nevertheless there was in the treasury on December 17, 1859, the sum of 521,074. James L- Taylor succeeded Andrew C. Craig as Secretary on March 17, 1860, and the anniversary dinner ot that date was given in the Continental Hotel. There was present "the largest company we have had for some years," says the Secretary. The list is as follows: I'ull list of persons present at dinner : RK.V. I)R. I'l.ACKU'oon, Tin-; I'RI.SIDKNT or THI-, ST. ( ',KORI*,I; SOCIKTY, ST. ANDRKW'S SOCIKTY, ST. DAVID'S SOCIKTY, Jrnr.K THOMSON, Si i A i< swoon, Till IMI'SON, I.IAVIS, MR. M* ! )oNor<,u, MR. I.AI-TTTK. Members. C.i.N. RoKKRT I'ATTl'.RSON, J A M i !S I'l. AC K, /'/v.v/i/f///. M. Una., Ho\. j \M i.s I I ARI'KK, /'/.-/'., JNO. I'l. \KU, J\M!.S I.. TvYI.oR, St't'V. J Nl1 - '' s.'i>:.!K\, I Il< .11 1'iAKK, A. C. v' R A 1> .. JAM i-:s An.i., I li . ,n V'R \ii'., MK. AI.COCK, J. I',, d; M.,, D.\\ in I'oN'n, SR., !!' I;H i \TII riswoon, DAVID r.nvi,, fu., \\. \V. s' \ . n I.KWOOD, THK HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Jo.v COM. INS. \\'M. COM. INS, JOHN CI.AKK. MICHAKU CAHII.I., Hrc. H CASSIDV, A. J. CATHI-:R\VOOI>, A. 1'. Coi. K.MAN. DAN. DOIV.HKRTY, MARK I n-.\ INK, \V M . I > i v i N i : , J. c i. C< >N N 1.1. i. v, JOHN C \THKR\VOOD, MK. DONOVAN, Col.. WM. ENV.MSH, I-'KIKND OF MR. CKAIO'S, JOHN I-'KNI.ON, PATRICK FAYK, JAMI.S (> \v. J. (",. r.n.KKY & FRIFNl), WAI.TK R C,K\HAM 6c rKii-:ND, T. HAI.KY, JNO. HrNTi.R. AKAM HIM., JNO. H'M.MKS, WM. HAY, AI.KX'K I II-'.KON, JR., VAI.KNTI M; H< U.MKS, JOHN H KNUF.KSoN, M. I'. Kl.l.NAN, J''H !'. KKI.I.Y, CHA-.. KFI.I.V. 1 A 1 -. K 1 R K I' \TK ICK, ROUI.KT I.ii ',r, KT, \\"M. [. I.i i ]}. R. ROUT. IviTVM-:, Ri iHI-'.RT I. Oi )N1CV, i ; . r. .M\c,i.i., M 1C HA i I. M V'.HK, JOHN T. M.\ HONKY, JOHN MIM.S, FRANCIS McMAXUS, Micn\i:i. McCiKOY, JNO. McCoY, JAS. MAC.CIKI-; <^. i RIHND, AND. McBRiin:, I'AT'K McBKini-;, J l-'.RK. McKlIUiKN, J. I'. MTRTHA, WM. MORC.AN, GI-XJRC.I-. MclIi-'.NRV, JAS. \V. McCAin-:N, JAMKS ORNK, THOMAS ( )'.\I-:IM., IIlT.H ( )'DONNKI.I,, WM. H. PATDCRSON, Coi.. PAYNTKR, ROUT. I,. RIUM.Y, EVAN RANDOLPH, SAM i.. RIDI>M-:, ROUT. RKI:I), J. M. SMIM;Y, JAS. SMITH ^ KRIKND, II. (i. TAYLOR, RICHARD VATX, MARK WIM.COX, JOHN \VooiisniK, JAS. \VooiisiDi: 6c FRIEND, II. \\"A i i-i NC.TON, Al.I'.X. McIIl-.NRY, (}. C. MlTCHl-'.M., I'RIKND OK A, Mt I'.RIDF.'S, I). WlNi.IiRKNNKR, (V. C. RnC, Hn.n R \ NKIN, JOHN ( ".. R i:i'i'i.n;R, MI-SSRS. McMicnAi.i. & WAT- SON, ri.-])R-sciitiiiLC the Press, funning OIK- of the i. truest coin- pHir.fs \\e h:ive hail for some vears. "At 8 P. M.," v - : -v> the vSecrotary, "the President proposed the fir>: regular toast The Immortal Memnrvnf St. Patrick which was drunk standing, in silence, after which Mr. David Royd snnu r , in hi> usual happy manner, St. Patrick's Day." Rev. Dr. Rlack- wo'id re>j)onde(l to the next toast, which was " Ireland."' The other t< >asts were as folli iws : ?. The Mi-uuiry o! W,-i-hiii^:oii. Dnnik in rcsjK-rtful silt-mi "the mrinner iu which UK to;i is always received." .). Tiic I :i :< r'l Sta'cs. Re^jionded to by Hun. James Thompson, of the Supreme Co'.:r* ! if !' :. T \MI.S I.. T.\ YI,( )R. Till; HIBKKNIAN SOCIKTY. !1 5. The President of the I'nited States. "This was received with nine cheers." The President read a letter from President James Huch.man regretting his inability to :< present, and saying, "My heart has ever been true to my father's countrymen. They are warm-hearted, generous, ami brave, and their friendship is an evergreen hich defies the northern blast." 6. Pennsylvania. Responded to by Judge Sharswood. 7. The Citv of Philadelphia. Responded to by Richard Vaux. S. The Army and Navy. C'.eiieral Patterson was called to repl\ . but, instead of responding, " he read sonic eloquent and complimentary letters from denerals Scott, icssup. Cass and Lawson, and from Commodores Charles Stewart and (',eo. C. Read." o.. The Judiciary. Judge Oswald Thompson, of the Court of Common Pleas, responded. :o. The Press. Responded to by Judge Lewis. 11. Our Deceased Brethren. In silence. 12. Our Sister Societies. Responded to by Messrs. Allen, Thomas and Milne. 13. Woman. Responded to by Chas. McDonough. At the meeting on June 16, 1860, a design fora new Certificate of Membership was adopted. The tract of land in Westmoreland county, like ikmquo's Ghost, intruded itself again at this meeting, and i. committee of three was appointed "to attend to the interests of the Society in connection with these lands. 1 ' A communication from Samuel Hood was read, announcing the death of John Minus, "the senior member of the Society, having joined in the year i8<><)." Appropriate resolutions were passed, and the Society resolved to attend hi>. funeral. ( hi September 17, 1860, the Secretary, James L. Taylor, presented the following letter, which explains itselt : '['> JXMKS L. TAVI.OR, Kso. lv\u SIR : Several weeks ago Mr. Hugh Campbell, formerly of this city, but now o: St. Louis, Mo., requested that I would, on his behalf, present to the Hibernian Society a L;old medal, which had belonged to one of the original members of the l-'nci'.dly Sons of St. Patrick, from one of whose descendants Mi". Campbell ha.'. roeured it. He requested that the Hibernian Society should accept the medal from him as a token of remembrance of the manv pleasant hours which he had spent with its members at the business and festive meetings in days of Auld lang Syne. I > omply \sith the rei]iiest all the more readily, because, as \\ e all know, the Ancient Socle', v of the Fnendlv Sons of St. Patrick was the Parent of our Society, and an heirloom descending from such ancestrv could have no more lilting repository than the .\rchi\es o:' its li'-iny otfspring. The medal belongeil to C.eorue Campbell, one of the original members of both Societies, and his name is inscribed on the edge, ami the date, 177;. the year in which the Societv of the l-'riendlv Sons was formed It is the same medal v.hich was loaned to the Hibernian Societv fora shot' 1 , time, in order lo have a ' ac- sitnileol it ma.le, to be prefixed to a Uriel' Account of the Society of the l-'riendlv SODS. prepared and published in lSj.(, bv order of the Hibernian Societv. This tac simile is the frontispiece of that little book, and in it > pp. 22,23) there is a description of the medal, and at page 27 a biographical sketch of its owner, Oeorge Campbell. I cticl^-e th.e medal together with its cas<.-. The case savors of :mttquil\ ( more tlian the medal, which :s in line condition, considering t'nat it has been tiirougli three gvncv af.ons, TIU-; HIBKRNIAN SOCIF.TY. during nearly 100 years. It would have j^iven me pleasure to have attended the September meeting of the Soc-;itv. bu; .is 1 shall In- out of town on that evening, I use thr privilege of a friend t put on \ on the trouble, or rather let me entin^ the niedal on In-half of Mr. Hu^'h Camp!". ;1. I remain, very truly yours, 247 S. mil St., 15 Sept.. '(H.. SAM! i a. Hoon. The letter having been read, it was, on motion, AV.sWrvv/.- "That the Medal be deposited and carefully preserved in the Archives of this Society, with the original minutes of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and that in communicating this resolution to Mr. Hugh Campbell, with the thanks of this Society, the Secretary be requested to inform him that the members appreciate the rare and interesting oift the more highly that it comes to them from one of its most esteemed member^ as a. souvenir of the days of Auld lang Syne spent among them. " At tlie meeting on December 17, 1860, Colonel William C. Patter- son offered an amendment to the by-laws, proposing to prohibit "all specchmaking " at the Society dinners, not only on the part of members but also on the part of guests. The amendment was laid over for future action, but seems, fora time, to have been abandoned. At this meeting the Secretary reported an invitation to join the St. George's Society in a demonstration of respect to the Prince of Wales. The invitation was declined by the Society. The same officers were re-elected on March iS, iSoi. The Anniversary Dinner on that date was not nunieron-lv attended, but forty- five members being present. The guests were Rev. Dr. Hlackwood, William Frazier and the Presidents of the St. George's, St. Andrew's St. David's and Albion Societies. On June 17, [S6i, Mr. Daniel Mershon, of Westmoreland county, the attorney lor the Societv to look after the Kennedy tract ot land, was elected an honorary member, in compliment to his attention to the matter. At tlr.s meeting resolutions concerning the Southern Rebellion, which had broken out in April, iS6i, were p.i-^ed. We will refer to them in a subsequent chapter. The same officer- were re-elected on March 17, iSo2. The dinner on that date \va- well attended, (rovernur Andrew (i. Cnrtin being .iiuoug those present. lie- ma'J3 embellished certificate that the Hibernian Societv of I'hilad. has honored my name, by adding it to those of the honorable members composing that distinguished body of our l-'cllow L'iti/.ens. Permit me he-re to tender to them, through their estimable Secretary, my thanks for the honor conferred on me. To the distinguished and Patriotic' President, who has done me the honor to move the Societv to the enrolment of a name 1 could scarcely hope to be deemed worthv of a place amongst so man}' distinguished and patriotic men, who through their Virtues .uid Valor have contributed so largely to the [n. Franklin was a guest at the dinner on this date. Mavor Alexander Ilcnrv was elected an hnorarv member on Septembei iS, iS'>>. On 2*24 Till-; HIBERNIAN SOCIKTY. this date another report was made about the Westmoreland lands, which were estimated to be worth $2,<*>o. On December 18, 1865, the entrance tee lor new members was raised trom 20 to $30, at which latter sum it yet remains. After many years of service as one of the Counsellors of the Society, William J. Duane (ex-Secretary of the Treiisnry) was succeeded on March 17, iS66, by Samuel L. Tavlor ; the other Counsellor, Samuel Hood, being again elected. There were no other changes. Judge William S. Peirce and Rev. John Chambers were among the guests at the dinner on this date. Xo changes in tlu- officers were made on March 18, 1867. Rev. John Chambers acted "as Chaplain," and "about seventy members and guests sat down to dinner at the Continental Hotel." General Patterson read an interesting letter from Commodore Stewart, stating that "his father was one of the founders of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, from which the Hibernian Society originated." (This was a mistake.) At the meeting on June 17, iS<>7, the Finance Committee recommended that "an earnest and persistent effort be made to increase the membership of the Society and create a charity fund sufficiently large to warrant the erection of a suitable building, to be called Hibernia Mall, the income of which shall be devoted exclusively to the purposes for which the Society was founded, so long as Ireland shall offer, and America shall invite immigration." This was the first effort made to procure a permanent hall for the Society. Several unsuccessful attempts have been made since, and the project of erecting a hall has been temporarily abandoned, but is still active in the minds of many members. It is to be hoped that the publication of this volume, bv portraving to the members the glorious historv of the Society, will prove an incentive to another and successful eiTbrt to erect a Hibernian Society Mall. ( )n September 17, 1807, a committee reported proposed alterations in the by-laws. The Secretary records that "after the business of the evening was over the Society spent some time in social enjoyment. The entertainment was presided over bv the President, assisted bv the Vice-President, who, although in his eighty-seventh year, favored us with a song, and showed us that, although the burden of many .earswe'e upon him, Irs heart -till beat warmly with affection for I : eland and the Irish. At the meeting on December 17, i s '*7, the proposed alterations in the by-laws were considered, and they were amended substantially a -> follows : At the annual election the pulls shall be opened at : r. M. and close at > !-. M. TIIK HIBKRMAN SOCIHTV. 'JlT. Ail speech-making is prohibited at tin.- Anniversarv Dinners and other festive meetings of the Society, and it shall he the duty of the presiding officer for the time being to cntorce the observance of this by-law on its quests as well as on its members. Applications for membership must be in writing, setting forth the name and residence of the applicant and the name of the member \vho proposes him. The votes ot three-fourths oi the member.^ present shall be required for his election. On election lie shall pav an initiation fee of thirty dollars. A special meeting was held on February 20, iSoS, to take action on the death oi David Hoyd, ''whose connection with the Society was so IOIIL;, so intimate, and so active that he had become the familiar friend of almost all its members ; whose ever-flowing kindness of heart, not contented with a mere acquaintance with its new member-, prompted him to embrace them with warm cordiality, and ot whom, when at the festive meetings of the Society, his hearty greetings were mingled with his tavorite Irish songs (which he sang with taste, humor and pathos), it might be said an Irishman all in his t^lory was there." Resolutions were adopted and communicated to the familv, who returned a suitable reply. (ieneral Robert Patterson was re-elected President on March 17, r SoS, on which day the annual dinner was held at the Continental Hotel, sixty-seven members and guests being present. A telegram of greeting was received from the Friendly Sous of St. Patrick, of N'ew York city, and a return telegram sent. At the meeting . Kelly was elected Secretary to succeed Mr. Craig. Samuel Hood and, Samuel L. Taylor we're a^ain elected Counsellors, and Doctors R. A. (iiven and Thomas S. Harper, Phvsi- ;ans. ( >i course (icneral Patterson was re-elected President and James Harper, Vice-President. Among the guests at the annual din- r.er was James Thompson, Chief-justice of the Supreme Court ot Vnnsylvania. The permanent fund of the Socictv amounted to- 'tti-r was received Ironi Hon. James II !r|n-r, declining a reiionnna 1 on lor Vice- President "owin^ to the increasing infirmities oi old i-'e.' and, upon motion, it was resolved to appoint a coniur.ttee to mvev to Mr. llar]>er " the assurance of the hi 14.11 appreciation oi his loii^ and valued service to the Societ\ as a member and officer." Messrs. James L. Taylor, Hu-h Crai- and Philip Powell were ap pointed the Committee. This Committee j>e: formed the dut\ assigned to it by addressing a communication to Mr. Ilarin-r, ::: 15 J-Jfl TIII-: HIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. which they expressed the great regret of the Society upon losing him from its list of officers. At the meeting on March 17. 1X70, it was resolved " that if the pre- siding officer, after having called a member to order twice, shall find it necessary, he may request the member offending to leave the room, and if the member refuse to obey, he shall be expelled from member- ship." This resolution was intended to meet the case of a person who misbehaved himself at any of the banquets. Fortunately there ha- been no necessity of exercising the power conferred by the resolution. At the same meeting Andrew C. Craig was elected Vice-President to succeed the lion. James Harper, who had declined a re-election. William Morgan was elected Secretary and Philip Powell Treasurer. General Patterson was continued, as usual, in the office of President. The Mayor. Daniel M. Fox, was a guest at the annual dinner follow- ing the mee' ing. The annual meeting on March 17, 1871, was a notable one. (ien- eral I'. vS. Grant, President of the United States, was present as the guest of the Society. The dinner was held at the St. Cloud Hotel, and at the moment of President Grant's entrance, says the Secretary, the members arose and " three times three cheers might have been heard at some distance.' 1 President Grant responded briefly to one of the toasts, and remained until the end of the entertainment. Pie was accompanied 1>\ General Horace Porter, Hon. Adolph K. I'orie and Mr. Anthony J. Drexel. Addresses were made by Messrs. Porie and Drexel, Mavor Fox, General Robert Patterson and others ; and Messrs. John Iluggard and Thomas lv Harki us sang appropriate songs. The Presidents of the Albion, St. Andrew's, St. George's and St. David's Societies were also present as guests. There were in all sixty-ei^ht members and guests present. The presence ol General Grant at this meeting evidently enlivened the Societv, tor we- find at the following meeting on June 17, 1871, an unusual number ol niemb present, as follows : A \IIRK\V C. C K \ i< .. / I'll it. ii' !'<>\v; i.i,, '/'>; J \ MI-.S I,. TAVI.I IK, R. II . Hl-ATTII-:, \VlI.I.IA M I Ini.M i -. I I ' i . H C K \ ! ' . . lire, H CUA K ,, I r . THOMAS < i \vi-.\s. ! . in HOYI>. JR., S \ MTKI. I.. 'I' \ YI. OK, THOV \s I. Ti i\vv, THOMAS Bi.i.i,, FRANCIS McMANrs, K tor. II. I'.OI.STKR, Ml >\V \ KM I.AI-'IT.K 'i'\\ }'. DKVINK, foUN S' I.I.I \'A N, \Vl I.I.I \M !'.. M()K< ,AN. THOMAS A. McRKAN, M. I). TlloM \s I ; [s|i T K, \VM. M. HRI-NKK, JOHN IJTROSS, Tin-: mm-; KM AN SOCIKTY I'ATKICK IlKAI.Y, JOHN A. KKI.I.Y, ] H-.NN1S I IKK NAN, Tims. I-:. HKKNAX, M. I)., \VlI.I.IAM I'oKTKK, KoiiKKT I,IC.C.I-T, T I M ( IT1 1 V F I T/ 1'A T K 1C K , M ICII Al.l. I'. Ki.l.N AN, I 1 1 ( ,11 ( , AM l:l.K. JOHN MAN i >I.K>< >.\, 1'. K !>\VA K !> Kc 'I I NsoN, I )( ).M I N K K M IK I'll V, \VlI.I.IAM MnlO.A.N. At this same meeting General Grant was elected an honorary mem- ber of the Society, and the officers were directed to Inrnish him with a framed certificate of membership. At the meeting on September iS, 1871, the Westmoreland tract of land came to the front again, and a committee was appointed to inquire into its "status." On December 18. 1871, the Hy-Laws were altered so as to increase the entrance fee from thirty to fifty dollars. During the annual dinner on March 18, 1872, the following tele- gram was received irom Xew York : To which the Society directed the following reply to be made : S. < >. A. Mrui'HY, KSQ., Secretary of the Friendly Sons of Sf. /'?/;-/, /, Hotel Brunswick, New York. '\ IK- I liln ruian Society cordially reciprocate y>ur friendly j^reet in tjs, and hcj'ethat - '.'!. O.uin , as in the past, the Sons of Ireland mav do honor to the rountrv of their > .:*.!'.. and the coimtrv of their ailojition. Si.Ul!el ' RiMM-'.KT I' \TT ! .KM >N , /'f't'S'l. .-\mon_n the gnests present at the dinner were the members of the Ja]>anese I-'.mba^sy to the United States. The Secretary record- :'( :r names and titles in full as follows (p. ^08) : - oiu- o! the papers in reporting the- dinner said, "the distinguished i-assadors -eemed to enjoy the festivities as much as our Celtic 'The meeting on vSepteml>ei 17, i87^,"says tiie Secretary, though not a large one was pVasunt, anil after some good M>ngs the company adjonrned at an earlv hour'" -whether in the evi-ning or : "t tollowino morning we cannot sa\-. ( )n December i~, iS-^, tlu- J:> Till-; HIHKKNIAN SOCIIvTV. Treasurer, Philip Powell, reported the permanent fund to be 535,171.32. Xo changes were made in the general officers at tlit annual election on March 17, 1873. At the dinner following the meeting short addresses were made by ex-( Governor Andrew G. Cnrtin, Hon. James II. Campbell, Judge Daniel Agnew and General Robert Patterson, the President. Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Horatio Gates Jones, George (i. Pierie, William V. McKean, ami Judges George Shars- wood, Henry W. Williams and Flvsses Mercur were also present. The same officers were re-elected upon March 17, 1874, and again on March 17, 1875. On the latter dale. Governor John F. Hartranft, Judge Sharswood and Rev. Dr. I lack wood were among the guests at the Annual Dinner. The printed list of toasts blossomed out as usual with sundry poetical ([notations, and "alter the usual pleasant time the meeting adjourned at an early hour." Xo quarterly meeting was held on June 17, 1875, "on account of the extreme heat of the weather, the President, General Patterson, having given directions to dispense with the call." The Finance Committee of this period, James L. Tavlor, Robert II. Beattie and William Brice, were noted for their full and accurate reports, which the Secretary recorded in full upon the minutes. The reports of the Treasurer, Philip Powell, were also excellent. On December 17, 1875, the following resolution was adopted : AV.T< )/:< pri-pan- and [ni!>li>h, for the use of the Soeielv, ..it: ol the same ^s ork. David Boyd, Jr., Robert II. Beattie and Samuel Riddle were appointed to make arrangements for the Anniversary Dinner, and Samuel L. Taylor, Hugh Cassidyand Charles Rogers were appointed a committee oil toasts. At the meeting on March 17, 1876. "Frank McManus and Dennis I). Kelly were appointed a committee at the meeting prior to the dinner, to inquire into the expediency of making arrangement^ to] the reception of emigrants arriving from Ireland in the American Steamship Fine, or other ships arriving at this port." , Ins -eems to he tile first indicatii u of ., belief on the part of ihc members that some more direct method of relieving emigrants upon landing than that afforded by the Charity Committee was needed. Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Colonel John W. Fornev, Chief-Justice Daniel Agnew, Hon. Joseph R. Hawlev, Judge George Sharswood and ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtiu, were among the guests. In response to toasts, William Massey, President of the St. ;;n-; iin;!-.k.\;A.\ SOCIETY. i;29 George's Society, spoke of the harmony existing between the Hibernian and Sister Societies in high terms ; as also did Horatio Gates Jones, representing the St. David's Society, on the same rice and Powell were appointed a committee to carry this resolution into effect. The Committee decided upon September <), iS~o, at the Continen- tal Hotel, tor the dinner, and the Secretary's minutes contain the io, lowing account : Complimentary dinner given by the Hibernian Soeie:\ to tin Ihiblin I'nivrrsitv Iio.it Club, .ind Irish Rifle Team, at the Continental Hotel, lield on Saturd.iv, Septem- ber <,. I S -/'.. Members. <"..' N I. Ui.m-KT r\TT!-:RSON, ANDRKW C. CK \n .. I'm 1.1 p Powia.r.. RoiiI'RT II. ]',!.ATTIK, Wli.I.IAM IlUK !:, II i ('.ii CK \ i< ,, JR., .1 \M'.S II .,-. I' \TRICK I 'i VIXK, III NKV S. II \\-MS. Til I'M \-, R. P \TT<)N , MORTON McMirn u:i., II. \\*. CATIM K\\(Mn, TA M i.-; S. MARTI \, ji in N r.'is i>, IMH N C. i I R.-T, 1 ; R \ N. 1-^ Mi' M \ NTS, M \RK Di'MNl , N \TH \ N |'K( 'i >K K, M U I! \ ; ;. I .. >> ', \ LAN", K SH; i. TUN M \ KI-.N/.II- Till-'. IIir.KRNIAN SOCIKTY. Im-itcd Giu$t.<. ( '.OVKKNOK Cl'RTI N, Al'lU'S ITS MI >K KIS, Australian Cotmni-Mi HUT. ' I HKTOK I > \ KM i 1:1. r, Swedish Cmini->-.!( mer, MK. J.\MI-:S M. l'KR<;rs< IN. Schuylkiil Navy, JOHN IIiv.r.AKn, Dublin I'liiver- sitv Boat" Club. C. I'.. H AKKINV, TON, N. M. HAKRINC.TON, (',. HlCKSoN, CROK1.K HA KKINl.TON, (',. M. FKKi'.rSON. \Vn.i, i \M HA ii. y, Ireland, WII.I.IAM .MASSI-;V, I'res't St. C.eor^e's Society, M A YOU STOKI.KY, RKV. DR. HI.ACKAVOOD. (),'/'it - r Gentlemen 1'ie.^ent. Wil.UAM M. HAIV.H. JOHN T. IlAir.KV, r,o\L'nior Curtiii ami Mavor StnkK-v i-.u-h inaik-a short address, as also the Rev. Dr. Hlark\v<>i>d. Tliank-. wen- n-iuriR-d tVoin the I'niversity Hoat Club, and the Swedish and Australian Conuiiissioiu-rs. liu: h e\]u\---sed thanks for the pleasmt manner in uliu'h thev had been entertained, and the kind rereption they had received. During the evening |D!HI Ilii^^.inl .ind several other gentlemen t-nlivc-ned the company with son.vfs, v\:c. The evenin^'M enlertaimneiit continued from o ; 4 1-. M. until II 1 . V. M., at which time the ci>mpa;iv di>pet>ed. A special iiK-etin^ \vas licld on March 6, 1877, and a resolution was adopted providing !or the appointment of a committee " to devise a plan and make a selection of some building or lot that may be suit- able" lor a permanent hall for the Society. Unfortunately, nothing lias yet resulted from this attempt to procure a Society Hall, although other attempt.^ have since been made. At the meeting on March 17, iS77, Charles A. McManus was elected Secretary in place of William Morgan, who had declined a reiioininatioii, and, on motion of David Bo Yd, Jr. , it was < ::lv I wen tv- five members wore present at the annual dinner on Ma:ch 17, 1^77. and in all thirty-eight persons, but the dinner, \\hich was at the (iirard House, says the Sccretarv, " was highh r en- joyed by all present." In the absence of ( k-n. Patterson, the Vice- Pre>ident, Andrew C. Crai^, presided. About this ])eriod the attendance at the meetings was very small. A 4 the quarterly meeting on September 17, 1^77, held at "Au^us- tiiic's,' ii'->5 Walnut street, only thirteen members were presenl,\'iz, : Tin-; iiini-RMAN SOCIHTY. 'J3i Gen. Robert Patterson, Andrew C. Craig, Philip Powell, Samuel L. Taylor, P. Devine, Thomas Owens, Kdward Lafierly, William Mo:- gan, Charles A. McManus, William Deve'.my, James S. Ma: '.in, James M. Ferguson and Daniel Dougherty. A communication was received from Samuel Hood, Esq., stating thai he hoped to complete the revised edition of the " History of the Friendly Suns of St. Pat- rick." Unfortunately, Mr. Hood's declining health and subsequent death prevented him from carrying his intention into effect. Two new members were elected at the meeting and one wa> proposed. At the meeting on December 17, iS", iourleen members were present. The total amount disbursed lor charity during the year was reported to be <*<>'). 20, and the Permanent Fund was reported to be 539, 159.71. David 1'Soyd, Jr., Robert H. P>eattie and Samuel Riddle were appointed a committee on the ensuing anniversary dinner. The following memorial was read by the Secretary, C. A. McManus : I'm i. A., /)t':Yif>c'>- 5. iS7~. C, I-:N. ROUT. PATTKKSON : Sir Your conduct through the years allotted to man has been such as to estah- li>li in the minds of those who have witnessed it, a perfect reliance on your probity and honor. We are unwilling, revered sir, that you should pa>> from amongst u>, our PreMdent, without an expression of our esteem and regard as member.^ of the Hiber- nian Society. We wish to have your countenance represented upon canvas, and ask you to sit for your portrait, a memento of our lung and pleasant intercourse. Respectfully Yours, ANI>KI-;\V C. CKAK;, KP. I.AITKKTY, DAVID I5o vn, IK., W. A. MM.I.AK, JAMI-.S S. MARTIN, C. A. Me M ANTS, 1'ini.ii' POWKI.I., RdHT. I, \rc.m.iN, SAM'I. I,. TAVI.OK. ROIST. H. I5i-:ATTiK, jAMI-:SllAV, WM. MllRi'.AN. Then- is no record of attend, nice at the annual dinner upon March 17, iS7s:dy, Thomas < )wens, John Poyd, Hugh Craig, Wil- liam Morgan, I )avid P.ovd, Jr., James Roonev and F. McManus. _':'--J Till-: HIHI-RMAX SOC1KTY. Tilt- attendance at the meetings continued to be small about this period of the Society's existence. On September 17, 1878, there \vere seventeen members present, and on December 17, 1878, sixteen. The reports of the Treasurer and of the Finance and Charity Com- mittees and communications concerning the Westmoreland tract of land, which still \vas an elephant on the Society's hands, take up the greater part of the minutes. During the year the entrance lee ol only one ne\v member was received. The members who attended the meetings, however, were faithful to their duties and continued to meet regularly and keep alive the memory of St. Patrick. James S. Martin \va- elected Secretary at the meeting- on March 17, 1879, and the Society lost the services of Samuel Hood as one of its Counsellors, Daniel Dougherty being elected in his place. Mr. Hood had served the Society long and faithfully, until death removed him from its roll of living members. He died regretted by all who knew him to the last one of the most useful members who had ever belonged to the or- gani/.ation. Dr. John F. Donnelly was chosen one of the Physicians to succeed Dr. Thomas S. Harper. There were but ten members pres- ent at the business meeting on this day. There seems to have been no meeting on June 17, 1879, and on September 17, 1879, seventeen members were on hand. On the latter date the following minute in reference to the death of Samuel Hood was presented by Samuel L,. Taylor, and promptly passed : A'fSflfrctf, T'li- iiu-niliLTS of tin- ] lil.erniau Societ.y desire to place upon their records the expre^iou of their esteem and hiidi respect for the character of Mr. Hood. Hi* years h id nil lined man'- allotted span, and he leaves to his associates the contempla- tion nf a uell -I'el'.t life. AV.M :i\i, Th.it the-e re-olutions lie spread upon the minutes of the Society, and that a copv of the -ame he r-eul to the f.nni] v < ,f Mr. I food. Seventeen members were present at the quarterly meeting on December 17, 1871). The Charity Committee reported having ex- pended but $.]<)<>. 7,S lor relief during the year. The permanent fund amounted to $42,325.63. On February 20, 1880, a special meeting- was -ailed to consider the matter of the famine which was then de- vastating Ireland. Vice-President .\ndre\\- C. Craig occupied the chair. 'Mr. I>rice, in a lew briet and leeling words, presented the if'iiowing preamble and resolutions : U'ht'i'i'a . yauiil famine \vi! h 'ill it- appalling privations and horrors sta'k^ thro' Ire- l.-iTid. pi : '.'. the South ami \V< t, .- :::: n 1 'o u^ hy manv hall' iw< d nssocia- tion . is well is kindred and Mood. Therefore, he it / ' '. that the sum of one M.I, he, and i . !n-n 1 nprr.pi I of tl - fund ol the Ili- hernian Soc;<.-ty in aid of the famine-stricken poor of Ireland. P. S. DOOXKR. Yin-; iiii;i-;KM.\N SOCIKIV. _.,.; After a lull discussion of the matter, in \\hich >evera! of the members participated, Mr. l ; it/.patrick moved to amend by making the amount one thousand pound> sterling . _/, i ,(.x*iy. Mr. I'riec offered to amend the amendment bv directing the President and otlicers of the Society to pay one half _/. 51 < > immediately, and the other half, sav live hundri.il pounds :.{.&*> , on the iirst day of M.i\ . proximo. Thoe amcndinert> carried, and the question with amendments were, on motion, unanimously adopted. Several addresses were made by the members present, and the best feeling prevailed. Manv touching remarks were made respecting the dear old fatherland. After a full discussion, "during which many touching remarks were made," on motion of .Mr. Fit/.patrick, it was unanimously car- ried to .send one thousand pounds sterling (5,000) to Ireland for the rebel ot the lamme-strickcn peo])le. On March 17, 1880, there were twelve members present at the busi- ness meeting. The same officers were re-elected. The meeting is particularly noticeable for the election to membership of Peter S. Uooner, through whose exertions so many new members were soon to be added to the rolls, and new life infused into the organization. The Secretary, James S. Martin, was also particularly active about this time in proposing new members. After the meeting on March 17, 1880, the annual dinner was held at the "League Mouse," where thirtv members and fiiteen invited guests participated on the occasion. Judge John Trunkey, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Mayor William S. Stokley and ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin were among tin- guests. The Secretary records that "after a delightful evening, enlivened with song and story feast of reason and flow of soul the meeting adjourned finally at 11.40 p. M. in peace and harmony." ('Mi June 17, iSSo, evidence of increased interest in the Society's proceedings was shown by the attendance oi twenty-live members, and the following important action was taken, upon motion o: W:'.- li.iin Ilrice : \VHKKKAS, it beiui: one of the chief objects of the Hibernian Society to assi-t and .I'lv-r emigrants arriving here from our native land, and this bein^ a season when their numbers, and the i list re;- s of mativ of them, require our most active aid and s\ m- pa'liies; r,e it therefore A', >,':; ,/, That a special committee of three !( ilirected to < '-'" -om: '-'.i nt Til an. to lie t. resell 1 on the arrival of each emigrant -!iip or -te.:Tn ' ' ' ' n n del" such r'ebef, under 1 lie --li|n i' vision of said coinm:; ;< e. a-- lie may !i; >i -irv. ind that a full ri'conl of all his trausai-tion- be ki-pt. vi/.: the names <>1 a;l 1" " ' 'in n-'ief or advice lias been extended, where from, where i^oim.;. ','r.e a'Tioiin: of 1 '<' "'" ' irv .iid '! \ en ; tlu- same to be repoi'ted at each quarter! \ meet: liL! "I tl;e Society. is the Soc:etv deem it iu-i'es,ar\ lo eniplov him 'riir api oiTited MCSM^. J'.rice, I'it /ji.if ick air! < '.i'.Mvau. "\!: M' \lee- also presented the following rf-o'.n'.iou. wh.ich wa unani:i:ously j:vl THlv HIHKRNIAN SOCIHTV. quested ; > ' ill .1 special meeting of the Societv for the purpose of taking action upon the same, when notified by the Committee that they are ready to report. This \vas the begi lining of the present method of extending relief to emigrants arriving at this port, and which has been carried on so successfully ever since. The Committee organized shortly after their appointment and selected Philip Harry as the special agent of the Societv at the wharf where the foreign steamers landed their passengers, .uid hi> initial work was of such a highly satisfactory character that at the following meeting on September 17, iSSo, he was elected an hon- orary member of the Societv. His work at the wharf afterwards led to the abolition of the Charity Committee. ( )n March 17, iSSr, the same officers were re-elected, including the venerable President, (General Robert Patterson, who had been President since March 17, 1850. It was his last election, for the Society was hastily called together on Angus: m, iSSi, to take action upon his death, which occurred on August 7th of that year. At this meeting Messrs. Rogers, Taylor and Martin were appointed a committee to prepare a minute expressive of our great loss. They reported the fol lowing preamble and resolution, which, after eloquent addresses on the virtues and eminent services in the field, forum and business walks ot lite ol the deceased, by Messrs. James L. Taylor, (riltinan, Hrice, McMenamin, Riddle and Rogers, were unanimously adopted, vl/. : \Vm-KK\-v our stately Pre-Ment, < '.eneral Robt-rt Patterson, sleeps lie rests in |ense of ri^ht ; his exalted comprehension of honor ; hi 1 - ju>t. exact, i-ourai,'e<'u> intellect, equally lar-r and gracious, toned and influenced all \sith uhom he came in < on!ai-t. and j^ave diijiiily, di-tiiu-tion and elegance to our or- t; ini/atiun as our pre : ;:M.' . ':. er '.<>. a .;uirter of a centnrv. \Ve meet today to declare onr ^adne->, ami t.i ji'.ace upon record onr reverence for the illustrious dead : therefore, AVu'/rv,/, Th it we deeply ^ym].athi/e \vith the family of our deceased President in their- -,ad bereavemeiil and will attend his funeral ; and send a copy of the air >\" ilul '. -.:" --"d lo iiis eliildl : Till- SOCIETY FROM Till- DKATH OP GENERAL I'ATTKKSON TO III!-; I'KKSKNT TIME, MARCH i r , 1892. Tin-; Vice- President, Andrew C. Craig, occupied the chair at the meeting on September 17, iSSi. Mr. William Price offered an amendment to the Py-Laws looking to the creation of an Fxecutive Committee, who should have charge of all matters of extending relief to emigrants. At the meeting on December 17, iS.Si, the question of nominations lor officers lor the ensuing vear excited the liveliest interest. Many of the members were of the opinion that a new departure should be made, while others were in favor of a con- tinuation of the old policy. That a new spirit of activity was beginning to exhibit itself was shown in the proposal of thirty- three new members, nine of them by Mr. Dooner. The Treasurer, Philip Powell, reported the assets of the Society to be $51,336. h.}. Tlie annual meeting, on March 17, iSS2, was largely attended, owing to the exciting canvas for officers, and, alter a warm contest, William Price was elected President over Andrew C. Crai-, and William J. Xead, Yice-Presidcnt. Nicholas J. ( Trillin was fleeted Sccretarv and Philip Powell was re-elected Treasurer. The other officers elected were as follows : Physicians, Doctors John F. Donnellv and William K. Brown; Counsellors, Daniel Dougherty and Robert II. Mcfifath ; Finance Committee, James L. Taylor, Robert II. Peattie and David (iiltinan; Fxecutive Committee, Thomas I). Ferguson, William McAleer and Philip F'it/patrick. The Counsellors of the Soeietv were directed to applv to court lor an anieiMiuent to the charter, increasing the capita! of the Society, and thirty-six new members were proposed by P. S. Dooner, William J. Xead, William Price, X. }. (iriflin, William (ionnan, Francis McManus, Jr., David (iiltinan, P. F. McFillin, William McAleer and Joseph II. I lookev. tin June 17, iSSj, the new Ivxecntive Committee, wlrlch replaced the old Acting Committee of the Society, reported liaviii;^ ori^ani/ed tin- election ot Philip Fit/patrick as Cliairman and l'hom;is D. I'erguson as Secretary, and that the agent, Philip Parr working under its supervision. The thank- of the S< >cic! Mr j:;t; TIM: HIHKKNIAN SOCIKTY. Powell otlered, and the Society adopted, a resolution deploring the decease of Williaui Milk-:, ''an esteemed and venerable member. 1 ' Suitable action was also taken on the decease of Andrew C. Craig, who had died on June ;, iSSj. Mr. Patrick Devine, Mr. Craig's partner, spoke teelinglv <>i Mr. Craig's cliaracter and services. He had been a member for more than fortv years, and had successively been Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President oi the Society. " In the death of Mr. Craig the Hibernian Society has lost an able and disinterested officer, who inspired the warmest regard and admiration in the hearts of all who knew him." The memorial offered by Mr. Devine was ordered to be recorded in full upon the minutes. On September i S, iSSj, another loss to the Society was reported in the death of David P.ovd, Jr., and Messrs. William Morgan, James L. Taylor and William (ionium were appointed to draft appropriate res- olution^. At the subsequent meeting, on December iS, 1882, the Committee- reported, their report being unanimously adopted. Among other tilings, they said of him : " His ability and integrity of char- acter won for him the confidence and respect of all with whom lie had dea'.iugs ; he was true to his friendships, and his genial manners and proverbial good humor attracted tavor and good-will on every occasion." The Committee appointed at a previous meeting to col- late the records of the Societv was continued, with Louis X. Megar- gee as Chairman. At the same meeting the Treasurer reported having received entrance- lees Irom eighty-four new members, the largest number elected in any one vear for vcrv manv vcars. At the annual meeting on March 17, 188^, the same general officers were re-elected. Samuel L. Taylor and William (ionium were chosen Counsellors, and John P. McCirath took the place of James L. Taylor on the Finance Committee, Mr. Taylor having declined to serve. The Society was highlv prosperous, the funds were increasing, and the new boom in IN atfairs \vas progressing with great rapidity. Xew men were taking part in its affairs, and the new officers wen- doing their utmost to increase- the membership and efficiency ot the Society. The new President, Mr. Price, had taken hold ol ..:: lirs with :in amount of energy which had alreadv had an excellent effect, and not a voice was raised against his unanimous re election. The anniversary dinner was numerously attended and an lir of activity pervaded thi meeting-;. ( >:i June i\ i- Ss .;. Louis X. Megargee having tendered his niation as Chairman ot the Committee to collate the Records of the Society, on motion of John II. Campbe'.'. the Committee wa- a-ed to five-, and was made- a Committee on the Historv of the WILLIAM J. XKAD. THK IIIHl.RNiAN SnCIHTY. 'JiiT Society. The President appointed on the Committee, John H. Camp- hell, Chairman ; James M. Ferguson, Rev. James (>. Bolton, I. F. Sheppard and X. J. (irillin. On motion of John H. Campbell, the President was empowered to appoint a committee of five to make a complete revision oi the By-L,i\v> of the Society, ami William I : . Harrity, James S. Martin, William ( iorman, .Samuel L. Taylor and Thomas I). Ferguson were appointed the Committee. The thanks of the vSociety, on motion of William F. Harrity, were \-oted to police officer Joseph Adams, for humane conduct towards a poor Iri-h emi- grant, and by further vote, a silver watch and chain were ordered to he procured, and were subsequently presented to him. Philip Fitz- patrick, Chairman of the Committee on Hall, reported that the Com- mittee recommended the opening of subscription hooks, preliminary to the formation oi a joint-stock companv to erect a hall. The rec- ommendation was adopted and a number of subscriptions obtained but unfortunately, like preceding hall projects, resulted in nothing. Record, was made of the adoption of the important amendment to the By-Laws, limiting the term of office of President to two years. The President, Mr. Brice, warmly advocated the amendment. At the meeting on December 17, iSS^, Mr. Brice's term about expiring, William J. Nead was nominated without opposition to succeed him. Thirty-six new members were proposed, and the Treasurer reported having received entrance fees from fifty-three new members during the year. The funds of the Society had increased to 555,912. 15. The election on March 17, r.SS.|, tor Vice-president excited some little feeling, and resulted, alter a lively ballot, in the election of James M. Ferguson. With the election of William J. Xead as President, the boom which the vSociety was experiencing continued. Mr. Dooner proposed twenty-two new members, Mr. Xead five, and others seventeen, making forty-four proposed at this meeting. The Kxecutive Committee, composed of Philip Fitzpatrick, William Me- Aleer and Thomas I). Ferguson, had been doing great work, and were engaged in an endeavor, resulting successfully, in getting the Board of Public Charities to distribute- the United States emigrant tax fund collected from emigrants in a manner that would LMVC greater rehet to emigrants. On motion of Philip Barrv. the Society elected as an honorary member. Henry j. Jackson, Secretary of the Coinnr.ssion- rs of Immigration of Xew York, for services rendered to the Soci- ,t , at Xew York, etc. At thi-- same meeting, M,i j:;- Till: HlKi-.KMAN StKlKTV. power to employ clerical help was appointed, viz. : John II. Camp- bell, Chairman, James S. Martin, William Gorman, Robert H. IJeattie and P. S. Dooner. This \vas the beginning of the work which has resulted in the publication of this volume at so ninch labor on the part of the Committee and expense on the part ot the Society. On motion, it was voted that the Committee prepare at once one thousand copies of a list of members irom the organization ol the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in 1771 to date. This list was prepared by the Committee and published by the Society. William I : . Ilarrity offered resolutions eulogistic of the good work performed by Mr. Price during his two years' incumbency ol the office ot President. Thev were unanimously adopted and ordered to be handsomely en- gn>s>ed, and were afterwards presented to Mr. Price. Mr. Price retired from office to the universal regret of the mem- bers. During his term the membership of the Society had been more than doubled, the Kxecntive Committee had been thoroughly organ- i/ed, and the work of relieving emigrants carried as near to perfec- tion as it was possible, and the whole .Society rejuvenated and started on a renewed term o! activitv. The .Society might well pass com- plimentary resolutions concerning so faithful an officer. At the meeting on June- 17, iSSj, eleven new members were pro- posed. On motion of John II. Campbell, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Ilistorv, the thanks oi the Society were voted to James K. Ilnod, Ksq., for his kindness in ^ranting to the Societv the use of the papers oi his lather, the late Samuel Hood, Ksq., and forthegift ot a cop\' ot the Fir ..Miii/ations of Philadelphia. On Sep- tember 17, 1^74. William I". Ilarrity, from the Committee on Rcvis- :on oi the P>v-Laws, re]>orted a coui]ilete set of Pv-Laws. It was ordered to be printed and --:;' to the members prior to the- next mcet- :ng. The Counsellors, \Villi;un < 'lorinan and Samuel L. Taylor, re- ported the amended Charter of the Societv, and the thanks of the lety were \ - oted to tin m lor their service's in obtaining it. Ou Decemlier 3, [SS.|, th< Society was called together in sjiecial ting t f > take action n :: - ::::;L; the death of its Treasurer, Phili]> Powell. William Price, I);i\-id McMeuamin and Re\ - . lames T',. P>ol- tou were appointed a Committee to prepare re>olutions. The Com- mittee performed its duty and reported a series of resolutions which were ordered to be engrossed . 4 ud presented to .Mr. Po\ve'/'< widow .is a testimonial of the respect in which the late Treasurer was regarded by the members. They were also published in the daily newspapers. John G. R. McCorkell was elected Treasurer to fill the vacaiicv, hi> bond as Treasurer being fixed at S2<>,r>oo, which was duly entered. On December 17, 1884, the deaths oi Thomas Costigan, Daniel Allen. Thomas II. Dooner and James McGeogh were announced. At this meeting the revised By-Laws were adopted with some slight changes in the report of the Committee. The Dinner Committee under the revision being now five members, President Xead appointed LOU;- X. Megargee, Chairman, Hugh J. Ilamill, James M. FVrgu-o:;, Wi'.liam F*. Ilarrity and Charles F. King, as the Committee for the ensuing Anniversary Dinner. The new Treasurer reported that since- Decem- ber 17, 1883, the entrance ices oi i<>6 new members had been paid. At the meeting on March 17, 1885, there was a large attend. nice. The officers of the preceding meeting were re-elected. Xo record was kept of the attendance at the Anniversary Dinner, but it was a large and successful one. The new By-Laws were ordered to be printed and distributed among the members. On June 17, 1885, the deaths of William V. McGrath and James Duross were announced, and appropriate action taken. On Decem- ber 17, 1885, the Executive Committee was empowered to issue a circular to be distributed in Ireland, giving advice and instruction to "intending emigrants." The deaths oi Mark Dcviue, Thomas Fisher, J. Wilson Morrison and John F'allon were announced. On Decx-mber i 6, 1885, a special meeting was held to take action on the death of the Vice President, James M. FVrguson. James L. Taylor presided, and a Committee, consisting of William Milligan, James S. Martin. Solomon F'oster, Louis X'. Megargee and Henry Phillips Coleman, was appointed to prepare resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and a copy ordered to be engrossed and sent to Mr. Ferguson's widow. Mr. Ferguson was a popular officer, greatlv esteemed by the members, and his untimely death was a shock to all. Appropriate action was also taken upon the death of James ( >' Brieii. (Mi December 17, i8.s^, the Hall Committee reported hav.ug given careful consideration to the subject and "regret to report it imprac- ticable at present," and asked, to be discharged. The Committee was discharged, and thus ended another attempt to procure a hall lor the Society. James S. Martin was elected Vice- President for the unex- pircd term ot Mr. Ferguson. At the' meeting on March 17. iSSf\ Mr. Xead was succeeded a^ President bv John Field. The 240 THK HIBKRNIAN S<>CIKTY. Vicc-President, Nicholas J. Griffin ; Secretary, Thomas D. Ferguson ; Treasurer, Charles Phillips; Counsellors, William Gorman and vSamuel L. Taylor; Physicians, Doctors William K. Brown and John F. Donnelly ; Finance Committee, I'.. K. Jamison, David Giltinaii and John P. McGrath ; Kxecntive Committee, William McAleer, Kdward J. Heraty and Philip J. Walsh. The administration of the retiring President, William J. Xead, had been a successful one. The policv inaugurated by his predecessor, and the active members who had co-operated with him, was continued, and the condition oi the Society was highly prosperous. At this meeting the following resolution offered by John II. Campbell, alter a lively discussion, was adopted : Mr. Philip J. Walsh was appointed Chairman o! a Committee of Five on procuring a permanent hall for the Society, with power to select his associates. At a special meeting held April 28, iSS6, Philip Barry was elected Treasurer in place of Charles Phillips, who had declined to enter security. The death of Thomas Iloran was announced. With the election of the new President occurred another large number of pro- posals lor membership. Seventeen were elected at the meeting on June 17, iSS6. The new Secretary, Thomas I). Ferguson, made a new departure by recording at length, with great minuteness, the names, addresses, occupations, etc., ot ail the new members proposed. In lact, irom this time on to the present, the Soe:ety can congratulate itself in possessing minutes oi its meetings which can scarcely be rivalled. The Committee on History reported that progress of the work which had been interrupted bv the illness oi the Chairman was now resumed. The Committee further reported the presentation to the Society by the First Citv Troop .'through Mr. Joseph Lapsley Wilson) oi a copy oi the History ol the Troop, " whose earlv history is so intimately associated with that of the Friendly .Sons of St. 1'atrick." The thank- ol the Society were voted for the gift. The , >':i 'it Joseph P. Kennedy was announced. An important departure was made upon September 17, iSS6, in tin- adoption oi certain amendments to the Bv-I,aws proposed at the pre- ceding meeting bv John 1 1. C.mipbell. These amendments simplified the Treasurer's duties bv abolishing the different accounts into which the funds were divided, and providing for but two accounts (principal Tin'. inr.KKNiAx SOCIETY, -jn and income) the Permanent and Contingent Funds. The principle of minority voting was introduced in the election of the Finance and Kxecutive Committees. The Secretary was made a salaried officer, and his duties strictly defined and enlarged. In case of non-payment of the life-membership fee 01*530 for three months after election, the Secretary was required to strike the newly elected member's name from the roll. Security was required from the Secretary and Treas- urer, and control of the Society's securities and assets strictly regu- lated. At this meeting, also, the deaths of Hon. William A. Porter, William Arrott, Dr. John Holmes and F*. 11 wood Shannon \vere announced. The President (Mr. F'ield) also stated that the Governors of the thirteen original States were holding a meeting in Philadelphia this date, with a view towards making arrangements to celebrate, one year hence, the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, and that he had extended to them "an invitation to join us at a Banquet to be given at Dooner's Hotel, on the adjournment of this meeting." The Chair appointed the following named gentlemen as a Committee on Reception : Messrs. B. K. Jamison, Richard P. White, William Brice, William Milligau, Colonel Thomas J. Grimeson, Kdwin S. Stuart, Philip J. Walsh, Dr. W. Joseph Hearn and John A. Carr. The Secretary's account of the subsequent dinner is as follows : " The regular business meeting of the Society being over, and as is o-.ir usual custom on such occasions, we gathered around the festive board at Dooner's Hotel, Tenth street above Chestnut, about sixtv of our members, and thirty-five invited guests. Most all of the visiting Governors accepted our invitation, and many ot them brought mem- bers of their staff. On this occasion our friend and fellow-member, Mr. P. S. Dooner, outdid all previous efforts, and in saying this it can only be understood bv those who have sat at Ins table before. The bill of fare having been gone through with, the President, AI;. F'ield, in a lew well-chosen words, welcomed our guests, and ran over a number ot names of prominent men, who, during the;r lives, ad'irned the roll of membership of our Societv, and closed bv saving t''..it among our first was General George Washington, the Fathe: o; onr Country, and among our last, Genera! 1". S. (riant, the Saviour o! our Conntrv. Speeches were made bv Governor Stocklev, <>. Delaware, Governor Henrv Llovd, of Marvland, Governor H. ! >. McDauiel, ot Georgia, and Governor Fit/.hugh Lee, o; Yirgini.t ; a;-o by Congressman X. J. Hammond, of Georgia, and Benjamin T. Biggs, of Delaware." 10 THK HINKRNIAN On December 17, iSN>, the funds of the Society were reported to be 501,581.79. The Finance and Executive Committees made ad- mirable, itemi/ed reports, showing that they liad faithfully attended to their duties. The Hxecutive Committee (William McAleer, Iv J. Heratv and Philip J. \\"alsli) reported that they had succeeded in in- ducing the American Steamship Company to abolish the drinking saloon on their wharf, the saloon being "a source ol great temptation to the emigrants and their friends who met them on their arrival, and was iu>trumeutal in getting them to >pend lively what little mean-' they had, that they needed lor actual necessities."' The Committee also reported having fixed the amount of the bond to be given by the Secretary -it Ss^xi, ami that by the Treasurer at $io,cxx.). Also that the Secretary's salary be 5300. All ol their recommendations were ad< ipted. At the meeting on March 17. iSSy, long opinions from the Soci- ety's Counsellors, Samuel L. Tavlor and William Gorman, upon the subject of orgaui/.ing a Stock A-ociation to build a hall were re- ceived, and a resolution recommended by Mr. Gorman was adopted. The action of the President, in having called together the officers of the various Benevolent Societies of Philadelphia to devise some plan whereby emigrants may be- better cared tor by the Commission- ers ol Emigration, was approved. The general officers were re- elected, and Messrs. Henry Phillips Coleman and William Gorman were chosen Counsellors; and Doctors Michael O'llara and Joseph Martin, Physicians. Alter the business meeting occurred the Anniversarv Dinner (at Dooner's Hotel), one of the most successful in the history ol the Soeiety. The event was commemorated by the publication of the proceedings, speeches, etc., in pamphlet form, from which we take the following : Til!'. DINNKR ()] MARCH 17, iSS;. /Vv.vcv// ( Iftn'i r\ :- President, John Field ; Vice-President, Xicho- !a< J. Griffin ; Secretary, Thomas I). Ferguson ; Treasurer, Philip I>iiiii,r C 'onniiiHt , : \\'il'iam P>rice, Chairman; PhilipJ. Wals- William McAleer. \\"illiam W. Ilanna, Hugh J. Hamill. Tin; inr,i;KNi.\.\ S Fr< sh RadisV.es. Fre-h 'I'omatoes. (jueen Olives. Small Pate a la I'arnell. FISH. B<>iled Kennebec Salmon. Irish Style. RKI.KVK. I-'ilet of Beef a. la Financiere. French String Beans. ('Litr't. Sprint,' Lamb Braise au I'rintanii-re. Mint Sauce. S\veclb:eads I.arde en Ca-se. with I :i:ich I'ei- Suiffed l-'resh Tomatoes. Parisian Stvle. I ; resh As])ara^ r us. Potato Crotjtiettes. lUamond Hack Terrapin, a. la I)ooner. ROAST. Fn^lish Sni]>e on Toast. Watercress. Morizt't St'i . I'res-ed I.ettuce. /'t'rrii'f foiit't. Pressed Celer\ - . !''iuii'i'V . s . Ihicdc M ->:! '>I-:SSI-;KT. Roquefort and Brie Cheese. Fruit--. JJurgHftJy. Strawberries and Ice Cream. Charlotte Rus-^e. l-'reiii'h C'offee. Cigars. ' ' l-.xile of I-'.nn. I. Thi- Immortal Mi-mory of St. Patrick "The Harji Tliat ( )iu-e Throu-li Tara's Halls." .. irel-md -"(',od Save Irel:iud." . I'l.ited Stati.-- "Tile Star Sjiau^le'l HaniK-r." .1.. 'I'lie Immortal Memory of \Va>hi n^ton -"Hail Columbia." ". The Judiciary "I Dn-ami I 1 >\\elt in MarMi- Halls.'' '. I'ennsylvania ' i l)o\\;i in the Coal Mims." ;. I'liiiaiK-ljihia " I'lo\\ C.eiitly Sweet Sehuylkill." -. Civil .-ind Religion- I.iln-rt\' Christina- i [\-rnn. a Ne\\ CO.TII in Town." . < >ur Siller Societies "A Mau'> a M.::i for a' thai.' 1 i . Woman. At the c'lost- of the dinner, Mr. Krustns I'v-iiiu^d, ( k-ov^r ( i. I'lf/ .ir.d \Yillimn lU-nry Li-x, incnibfrs of tlu- Ciox't-r Club, wt-ix- . uouncvd 1\- tiu- I'rc-sidc-u'. , Mr. John Field. A- these oi-nllm:-. deposited a liarp coinpost.-fl of flowers, Mr. I>ruinerd addre.s- .'.-nihers of tin- IIihernia;i S"i-iet\- ,1- follows : jl-1 Till' HIHKRNIAN SOCir.TY. Mr. rrctidoit and Cc-nHoncn <>/' Mr Hibernian .S'v.'V/i . Within a few squares another club is celebrating St. Patrick's I lay in their way. Their einhlein is the twin sister of tlie shamrock the clover. As a representative of that Chili, with Mr. I'i-.-vie and Mr. Lex, also members of the L lul>, 1 have been delegated by the President to come here to-ni^ht and present their kind regards and also this token of their respect and esteem for the Hibernian Society, and tosavthat on motion of Mr. Ivras!n> r.tainerd, seconded by Mr. S. ('.. Hetheriniiton, the Clover Club at its meeting to-d i\ voted with tumultuous cheers that the following sentiment be sent to the Hibernian Society : The clover and the shamrock, twin t\ pes of the triple emblem of liberty, loved alike hv Irish and Americans. I.et them ever be nniud in the ^entimeut best expressed :n tiie words of a poem which every true Irishman kno\\s : And will Ireland then be free? Says the Shan Van Voidi. Will Ireland then be free ? Sa\--~ the Shan Van Yoj^h. Yes ' Ireland .rainerd, and whii-h he --tale-- was nnani- motisly concurred in by all the iTietnbn> of the Clover Club. In response, on the part of the Society, I have only to propose;! 'i-.in^ < './,/, Mil!,- l-\iitt>hi. Mr. M. I'. IIand\, President of the Clover Club, was introduced hv President F:rld. \V!K. <:\:<\ ilia! Mr. Hand\ - \va< not onlv President of tiie Cl<\er Clnb, lint he wa-> also a household nieinbt-r of the 1 1 1 bennan S> (;-> . Mr. I landv said : I am very :nnc!i obliged to von ill, and th M ' > th w irm r -ccptioii .v'nii'h >u have Driven me. [ have no doubt that if St Patricl h,.d had the 01 deritii; of this m ittet he \voiiid 'nave arranged tli it the Clover Clnb in : th I libi-rni i:: Societv -.lionld nut meet on the same evenins/. Thi- member-, ot' the Clove! I '^ > :' Till-'. HIBFRNIAN S< >CI KTY. lM"> like in -how their od feeling in tlu- members of tin- Hibernian Society, ami to illustrate thai jMiod feeling llu-y sent a committee down lu-ri- with the emblem repre- senting at once the clover and the -di.unro, -k emblematic of -ood teiiow-hip. The several speeches which vou will lu-ar to-nv^ht a IT all familiar to me. tla \ have all ""nil tried on usbefo:e. As I look around this table I see mv distinguished fiii-iiii, t x-(,o\( ni'T Curtin. Ik- \\ a-- noi at tin- Clover Chi!' but I think he wi'd edif\ you 1 ;. V'. inii yu a speech that hi- delivered to tin- Clo\ er Clul > a \ car au;o ; one of his favori'c -peeches which, inv friends, you all enjoy hearing. I will not cmbarras- von or tht :n dv repeating \\hat thev will say. Tlu- first toast, " The Immortal Memory of St. Patrick," was drunk in silence and standing. Kx-( iovernor Curtin responded to the second toast, "Ireland." He said : I will not detain you IOIIL:, and I will be obliged to yon if vou will kee;> quiet uhiU- I <].eak. I know the warmth of the blood that vou have in your veins and I know the "!>oi-4eronsness of the Iri>h jieople which yon inherit ; but for a time, at least, vou nni'-t H- ;i little (jiiiet. I know it, because I feel it in all the pulsations in inv vein?-. To -peak tor Ireland is a j^rand tiling, liecause it is a yrand subject. The Celtic- blood ,*. ;n Knirl.-'nd, \\'ales, and up to Scotland ; it is not confined to Ireland alone. Now. i:iv friends, there are certain events in the historv of the world to be noted. For three hundred and fifty vear< men in luirope have jianted for libertv and individuality. At la--t this threat continent was opened to them and they came hen- to enjov civil and re- ligious liliertx.'. \Vith them came the Irish ; and when ojipressed tlu-v demanded it in the presence of the Christian world. \Vlu-n the first ^nn was tired at Hunker Hill, and when the bell down there in Independence Hall ruiiLj out its tongue, it meant liberty t(. hnmamtv. Tliat was the- be^innini; of the downfall of despotism in the world. \\V i;a\\- undermined b\ our liberty every government in i-'.nrope. \\"e lia\'e ^i\eii to France ;i i\e]ii;blic; to Spain a liberal government; and but one .yreat man restrains (itrmany to-da\- from falling into the ranks of Rejiublican institutions. \\Y have Tii.i'K Sueileii almost a Republic, and iH-nmark ([iiite. And if the C/ar had but the sense of !n^ fatlu-r lie would .yivc hisjieople a place- where their wrongs could be pre- ^ented and their remedies asked for; but lie does not, and he cries fir his life. NOW, nr. friends, events follow one another, and come at last it will Ireland will ha\i Us <:<.:: Parliament. \Ve have u;ivcn strength, to sustain liberal L;O\ -ernment. No sweeter music ever came from the harp of Is iiah than w as uttered by Moore ; no finer poet! \ u,i- ever written ilian tiiat of Parnell ; no ^n .iter lo^'ic th.iu tl'.at of I'.urke : Filmland ha- never h :d any trouble in en^a^in.^ the Irisli to li^h.t in her ranks; an Irishman is alwa\'^ on one side o| .1 tiyllt. The cause of Ireland which is no\\ defended '<\ Par Hell commencc'l in 1 7:!:::' 'U death, his Mood went into the soil of Ireland, and from that timi do\\:i t. < t ':::- :he\ h.\e been agitated b\- ill-' desire for Hlu-rtv that is inip!.ii:'.ed in tlie human bn ,-t. Robert I-'.mniet \sas one of" tlic most accom])lished men of hi- da\ ; hew.i-. tlu :.'..< -t e'.< iqnenci was ]inre ; In- was descended from the purest Ir-h bio."!, and in i~ii I Mi- land put him to ;ni i^nominioiis death. He jin i::ounc. .1 one of '. li^ !:::e-i -, -eec', .< - have been betra\ed; but t'lom tlie Lirave of Robe!-; I-.i:;me' come- nji the sentimi ;i1 ot librrt', ; l'"t- Roherl FmiiK t. tl:e mo-1 , coni] .'.--In d -< ::'.'.< :;:, : : !ii- time, die ! foi the libelty of hi- people. If Ireland wa- no! -o far iwavfrom u-. w .1-. not thr-- thousand miles awav from u-, if wt could brin:' Ire!..:: i i-> '' !.'- >' '.:::' r\- it J4H TIIK HIRKRNIAN SOCIKTY. would net be Ionj4 before it would ho a settlement of this country. Of the once nine iiiillii ins i >t" people there are now only four and a half millions. Anil win-re are thcv ? Their hlooii is scattered all over the world. In Washington we have fortv-two niem- liers in the House -one-half, two-thirds of that hou>c, have Iri-.h blood in their veins ; and then.- can no better blood ;^o into a man. I don't like to ma^nifv m\ countrv. I don't think I oiiijht to, because von all know your cotintrv as well as I do ; hut you will understand that from everv heart on this continent ami in America there should im out constantly sympathv for down-trodden and oppressed Ireland. The third toast, vl The Immortal Memory of George Washington," was drunk in silence and standing. Kx-Seiiator William A. \Vallaee, \vho\vas introduced by President Field as "the distinguished citi/en of our State," responded to the toast, "The United States." Mr. Wallace, among other things, said : When von talk of Mich names as von have upon vour manual here, and remember that this ors^ani/ation is ni'Tc than a centurv old, von will ai;ree with me when I sav th it the Irish people should be remembered, respected, for they are a part of these free I'r.ited State-., essential, vital, ami to be- perpetuated. These men that I see around me and who are the true docendant-- of I ;-.hmcii, make our laws; they are the men who are found in the national councils; thcv have inven Senators and Representatives in Congress; these men, descendants of Irishmen, made the countrv, they made the States; these are the men uho believe in Home Rule- but they want no Anarchism, no Socialism, no dvnamite ; thcv are willing to receive all but thev want no Nihilism, but they want the laws of the government co'ilrolling, directing all, the law in the ",overnment of the indi\idual and by the imlividual. President Field said, that the next toast of the evening would be 11 The Judiciary," and I am pleased, said he, to see that \ve are favored with the presence oi the Chief-Justice of our State, Chief- Justice I"ivsse> Mei'cur, \\'ho will resjiond to this toast. Chiet-J ustice Mercnr res])onded in an excellent speech upon the function of the Judiciary in the (lovernment of the United States. President Field, :n announcing the next toast, " Pennsylvania," said : \\"c have had Ku-.Ma. ( Venn any. !' ranee. Spain, and I-jiuland and Ireland ; we- i^ot a look at the I "nited States, and now we . ome Inwn to the -^rand old St ite, the Kevstone Stati of I'enn-ylvania. wh:< h shall lie otn m-\1 toast. And I am sure that if we were to -i countr' tn find man whi milil >afel\ rejire-^ent I'eniisvK-ania and all her intere>ts, we cotdd no! find in v one -n \ i-pable or so well ijualitied todo this a- or.r old townsman, Col. A. K. McClure. K< H'.KKT ADAMS. Tin-: HIIII-.RNIAN SOCIETY. -ji: people, by her laws of freedom, so clear that the world cannot, criticise. >he has dif- fused IHT influence all over the civili/.cd t-art.li, and as has been stated by llt-nr\ r.ratt in, \\e see it in lil>eraii/ed Kn.nland with tuo millions added to IKT franchise ; wt- st-t- ii in the French Rt'puhlic ; we set- it in liberali/ed Spain ; \\ e see it t-vi-n in tht- far-oil sno'As of Russia ; ami the time i 1 ' coining, the time is mar for this freedom to lie ac- ce'.erated . the time is near at hand and at home, ulu-n we, the people of I'ennsvlvania, who have j^iven this magnificent monument of free government, \sill see Ire'.a:;d free. free to ciijov lihertv that is created by law, and that l.t\\ maintaine I ; >\ an carne-t peo- ple, a people obedient to la\\. Ireland will be free because it is the natura! ri-^ht of man that lie should be free. And that is what Pennsylvania has t,uiL;h;. anil h.uin^ t.iULiht, no sti-p backward can be taken ; and the time i> i lose at hand u hen in tlu- I'n'il rct'.:!'_:eiice of the nooii'lay's sun the lau-lo\iiiL; ])t-opie of I'eniisv 1 vama \\ili >ee Ireland free and in the full enjoyment of the liberty of law. The next toast of the evening, " The City of Philadelphia/' was responded to by ex-State Senator Robert Adams, Jr. Mr. Adams commenced by a eulogy on the late Senator Joseph I'. Kenned}', a member ol the Society, and ended as iollows : NOW, Mr. Chairman, before taking my seat, I have the pleasant duty to perform of presenting this emblem of Ireland, which I have borne to this feast tills shamrock . I am desired by one of Ireland's daughters to present to our President this emblem of Ireland, this shamrock. It was brought byheronlv the day before yesterday from ire- land -the vcrv air of Ireland clusters around its leaves, and the soil of iK-rrv is sti'd ground amongst its leaves. Mr. President, we have received the Lruetin^s of" our sister club that is meeting round our festive board to-ui^ht. That tercet ini^ meant evcrv- th.in;^ to me, f>r in that j^rcetini;' the clover of America was i!itertwined wi'.h the sham- n>ck of Ireland. And I doubt if there was a man in the assembly hi re to ni^h.t a', this table that did not concur in that sentiment, <.'xpres>ed in the intertwining of tho~e etnblems. I am proud to address \-ou to-ni^ht t'or Ireland, for t'::e frietii'.ship of the ma:: for \vho>e memory I have such respect resulted in my membership to-nii;ht. Anil I tlrd th;'.t mv LMMndfilher, whose name I bear, attended the Society in iM.J ; ami it is with pec'.iliar pleasure that I carry out the conunission that has been entrusted to inc. io present to our most honored President hv hand the emblem of Ire'.ar.d, fresh from the air, fresh from the shore of Ireland the shamrock o: I terrv. I shall certainU- ]iri/e this esteemed ]>reseiit, and coming as n does, not onl\ iro Ireland, 'ait coming from the hands of a lady, I shall, of conrs.-, pri hii^liK', and I sliall pri/.e it above all because it \\asborn in the . soil oi was born nivsc-lf. President Field said that the next teas', " Civil a Lib'-rty." wor.ld be responded to b\' C<>1. A. Londeii Sn Col. S::o\\-iK-i! inaik- an eioi|iu-nt speech, mat;\ part-o applauded bv th.e assemblao-e. I:! rcvpondino- to the to.i^t, ''The I':es>," M: C Sn;ith, alter a wittv intiodnetion, sa;!:-:i ministers, that if the v would conform to the ment of the civili/i d uorld, thev must ibaudon tiieir course of intoler.aion and ' to ',. .'.< : : c-scd 1 1 el md. 'I ] t lie united pres>- NICHOLAS I. C.KIFFIX. Till: HIKKKNIAN S<>CIKTY. of Philadelphia, and of other great cities of the country , have ('.one it- part in promot- ing tliat work which has been going on among her people tor the last few \ears to at- tain this end. The press of Philadelphia aided in raising that magnificent fund or" j^c ),i H) which went from this side ; and if it need be. it v. ill put it- hand to the plough and renew work. It was the remark of Mr. load-tone, that looking at p.i-t event--. thcv F.ngland i could not rite a single uitiicss in In-half of the cause \\hich thcv rep- resented. The American people began their contributions in \^\~. to prevent the rt.irvation of manv of those people, and they i-ontiniied thi-ir contributions to --tup evictions, and to pay the landlords ; they continued their contributions to promote that \sork of freedom and justice and home rule, for which \\ e -'.ind united, indexible and immovable until it shall be finally accomplished. ( Hher capital addresses were made by Mr. John L. Lawson, repre- senting the Albion Society ; Mr. Charles Henry Jones, representing tlie Welsh Society ; and by Mr. James M. Beck, who responded to the toast of "The Ladies." The speeches were interspersed with songs, and at a late hour the assembly dispersed. One hundred and six members and fifty quests were present at this most successful anniversary. A special meeting was held on August 22, 1887, in pursuance of the following call : Td MR. N. J. r.Kii'i'iN, rict'-i'iYsiilt'tit and Acting President of the 7//V;-; :'<.: Society : The undersigned respectfully request \'ou to call a special meeting of the Society for Tuesday evening, August i6th, to take into consideration the (juestion of inviting the 1're-ideiit of the I'niteil .States to the next quarterly meeting, and to consider, also, the propriety of tendering him a banquet at that time : THOMAS J. ( iKiMi'.so.N, \Vi i.i.i \ M J. CAM rm-'.i.i., J i > 1 1 N A . C A i< R , \\"M. CO.MMINS, I-'UA N K Sini) M.I., J \M !.s I.. TAN i.< >K, JOHN V. Hriu.K, C ii \ K i.i.s Mi < '. i. \ i)!-:, M u HA i.i, MAI .i.i., 1 : K \ >. CIS MC M A NTS. DAVID ( rir.TiNAN, \Vn.i. i AM Me A I.KI-.K, P. S. DuoNKK, C 1 1 A S . 1 ' . K I M '. , J( -UN IV Ci '.M I'.I-;K, JOHN II. C.\ Mi'i.r.i.i., Till IS. I'' Tl !.K N ! Y. Pl'.'l'l R CdK K 1C. \ N, I-il i\\ \ K I i I I! ! \ N Y, CHAS. I. i ; \ i.i. \ ( , i; ; K \VlI.I.IAM IVlMCI., "And Mr. John II. Campbell moved that the- President IK: anthorixed to appoint a committee with full power to make arrangements :oi' the proper celebration by the Soeietv, uj>on September 17, oi 'lie anm- 2'xi TIIF. IIIKKKNIAN S<>CIKTY. \\'II.I.IAM KKICJ-:. HON. \\'M. MC.\I,KKR, JOHN II. C.VMl'BKI.I., |. (",. R. MCC'OKKKI.I,, 1'. S. DooNl.R. 1 ; RANK MC.M ANUS, Jk., THUS. I). 1'KRC.rsoN, I-'KANK SM>I>AI.I., Coi.. Tiios. J. C.KIMKSON, JOHN |. SHIKI.DS, CHAS. J. HARKAH.JK., W.M. M. SINC.KRI.Y, HIV.H McC.\i-'i-'KKY. KiiwiN S. STTART. Ki>ui>. |. HKRATY, riin.ii' f. \\'AI.SH, \VII.I.IAM JOHNSTON, NICHOLAS J. ('. KIKKIN. HON. CHAS. !'. KINC., At tlu- mectiii;.; or, September 17, iSS-, the Secretary read the fol- lowing letter from President Cleveland : K \ i-x: rr i v i-; M A NS ION , WASHINC.TON, September ; v iSS;. Tin s. 1 1. Fi.Kf.i si IN, Kso.. > , rt'ttii~\ , etc. I >i AK SIR : i have delayed tvsp. >ndini, r to the iiivitiition of the Hi1x.-niian .Society to aUem! tlu-ir iliinu-r to !>f ^iveii on tin- afteniooii of the 1 7th instant, for the reason th it I have '':>. learneil ilelinitely \vliat !iiy eii^a^enients wonlil he on tliat day, in con- i \\itii the Constitutional Centennial Celehration. I am only able no\v to say th it it will i;ive me j^reat jilea^nre to he present for a time, at the dinner. I am not prepared to ii\ the exaet hour of my arrival, and lie- to he jiermitted to come, without delay or interruption of the proceeding-*, at Mich time as my other positive eni, r a^e- :nents will pi-rmit. \\"ith manv thank-* to the Societv for the courtesy of their invitation, I am Vonrs \'erv Truly, Signed (', KOVI-;R Cr.i-:vi-:r.Axi). ( )n motion, the acee])tanee of President Cleveland be received and siii'ead npon the minntes. Agreed to. This Committee nirt upon An_o-nst ^5, iSSj, and organized by the selection of John II. Campbell as Chairman, Thomas I). Ferguson as Secretary and William Price as Treasurer. The letter of Secretary Ferguson to the President of the United States \vas approved ; the following is the letter : I'mi.Ain i.rm v, August iS. iSS7_ To TUP: I'RKSIDKNT, <'.i : I i; \ iv Sll-i : The I li hernia n Societv of I'liiladeljihia herehv extend to yon a cordial invitation to he present at its ipiarlcrl v dinner, upon the afternoon of September i 7th. '. - yon may not he famili : "'; tin- liistm^ of the Society and ma\- wonder why its rs so conlldenth cxpi-ct, as the\ do. that ihcv \\'.'i\ have the pleasure of vonr ciimjiany r.pon the occasion named, permit me 10 state that since 1771, \\heii the original Societ\- of the ]-'riendl v Son-, nf Si ! ' ttrii '. \\ is or;_rani/ed, and i 71/1, \s hen the >' " ' ' was men." d into the presi | i :: rni i! So L ii t . it has always heeii its 'on !;;' il " rti ' reunion^ -~nrh distinynished persons as nr.'jhl he ' ' oiourniti'j in 1'hiladeltihia, and particnlarlv the Preside:!!' of the I'nited Tin-: IIIBI-.RNIAN SOCIKTY. L'~>I Stat.-s, of whom UK- Society claims three < '.eneral Washington, (icneral Jackson, ainl General Grant as amon^ it 1 - members. The testimony of our most distinguished meinher, ('.eiier.il Washington, who upon December 22(1, i;Sj, wrote that tin- Society " II.LS always been noted for the firm adher- ence of its members to the glorious cause in which we are emjai^ed," will LMVC \ ou some iiiea of the character of the Society, every one o! whose members, during the Revolutionary war, was actively enlisted either in the military, naval or civil ser- vice of the colonies. General Ste]>heii Movlan w.is our tirst President ami the- names of Generals Wa\ne. Thompson, Irvine, Shee, Cadwalader, Stewart, Hand, K:iox and C'ochrau, Colo;: lohn Nixon, Commodore John Barr\ . Thomas l-'it/simons. John Dickinson, Ro; .Morris, John Maxwell Neshitt, with many other well-known patriots of the Revolution, appear upon our rolls. Since the Revolution many distinguished men have Keen members of' our Sorietv. in- cluding Presidents of the- I 'ni'.ed States. Cabinet officers. im::istei's to foreign countries, I'nited States Senators and Representatives, Judges, members of the bar, cler^vmeii, phvsicians and merchants. The list would be too lon^ to enumerate them all, but I inii^ht without impropriety mention Generals Jackson aii'l drant, Commoilore Stewart i()ld Ironsides i, Thonuus McKean, (ieneral Robert l'aHer>on, Richard I'.ache, (Veiieial Acheson. Chief Justice (Vihson, Andrew Bayard, Benjamin Smith Barton, I'eier A. Browne, David Paul Brown, John Sergeant, Judi;e BnrnsiiK-. James Campbell, M-'.thew Carev, Henry C. Carev, William Duane, Blair McCleiiachan. lohn K. Kane, ('.eor.;e Meade and R. Shelton Macken/ie. Many distinguished visitors to Philadelphia have been the truest s (if the Society, auectfully. vour most obedient servant, THOMAS I). I-V.KC.rsnN, Secretary. The rcj)ly of the President has already been o-iven. In the progress ot arrano-cinents, invitations to the dinner were sent (Mit to a number of prominent officials and others, \vhoni the Societ\' desired to have as its quests at the dinner. Ainon^ th.e numerous replies reeei\'ed were the following : AKMV Bm.DiNC.. Xi.u YORK, Se]>tember o, i sS ;. I-'KAXK SIDDAI.I.. Secretary- Committee on Invitations. DKM< SIR: -I have the honor to acknowledire the special invitation extended on behalf of Mie above Society to attend a dinner to be invcn on Saturday. September 1 ;:h. to celebrate the Centennial Anniversarv of the friniin- of ;hc Constitution of the jovrned a year ai^o to meet in Detroit, September i i'h --" ' ' :tl i next. I must b a and lor that occasion, the same which wil 1 deprive me of the honor and p'ea-iv att -nilm-^ the festivities at Philadeh'hia. With heartv assurances of m\ appreci of the compliment, I am with LM'cat respect, Yours, very trulv. \\'. T Si ! : K M \ N. ( teller _>.vj Tin: nibi'KxiAx SOCIKTY. me tin- invitation of tin.- Hibernian Socictv of" Philadelphia for dinner, on Saturday, th instant, at three o'clock r. M.. ai St. C.eorgc's Hall. Yor.r> trulv, S. C. K. Ki.i.or.r,, I.icntcn.mt-Coloiici and Aid-de Camp. CAXI-'.NI >\ i \. N. V., September 13, iSS;. The Secrctarv of tin- TreaMirv accepts uith pleasure the polite invitation of the Hibernian Society of Philadelphia, to be present at a dinner to In g;\ en in St. George's ll.i'.l. September i;th, ixS;, at three oYlork p. M. < FOVI.KNOK'S ISI.AMi. X. V., September in, 1.SS7. 1 1 1-: \ iMjr \ K TI:RS DIVISION or Tin-: ATLANTIC. MR. I'KANK MiuiAi.i., Secretary Ci-r ijtll. Vt-r\ n-sjK-ct fully, j. M. SfHoi-'iivi.D. SA\'KK K. Coi.nor.N, Rear Admiral I". S. Xavy. I.I-.C.ATION ()!' JAPAN, WASHINGTON, 1). C. The Mi:;i-ter of Jajian ]ire-ents hi 1 - comjiliinents to the Hibernian Society of Phila- delphia, and accept-- with thank-- it>- kind invitation to a dinner to be given at S'.. (ieorgc'-~ Hall on Saturdav. Septeinbet 17th, iSS;, at three o'clock r. M.. to celebrate the Centennial Anni\ er>ar\- of the training of the Constitution of the I 'nited State--. The rear-on that he ha-- been unable to forward prompt answer is owing to hi-- having icell c 'lit of the citv. CIUNI:SI. I.I-:<;ATION, W \SHINI;TON, Si-]yti-mber (. 1887. His I : .\cener:C\'. the ChiiHse Minister, present-- his coni]ilinu-nt< to the Imtiorable memliers of the Hibernian Socictvof I'll iladel] ihia. and ai cejit^ \vith jileasnre the:: kind invitation to dinner on Saturd,:\-, Sei'tember i7th, at three o'clock i 1 . M. IJ-:C,ACION [)]: F.S1'AN\ I-..N WASIIINC.TON, I '. C.. l-'riday, Se]itember o,, iSS7. Mr. Murnaga accept^ \\ith ii!ea-nr<- the invitation that has been so gracefnllv ten dered to him by the Hibernian Societ\ of Philadelphia, to a dinner to take place o:: the 1 7th of September. A uc~ n HI SHOT'S lb irsi . I.OT.A N Soi \ u i Pn n. \ n; r ri i \. . Si i .1 ember u>, 1887. \ : libishoji of Philadeljihia be;./-- to t ha nk the nienibi : of the Hibi rnian Soca t v ot ! ' I ph ia for ;1u-ii' invitation to In present at l!u- tlinin i to bi 'ji vn bv theni o;< 11 of the Centenarv of tin framing of tin Constitution of th - [":::: 1 States. The \rcl !o a. ct pt tin ' ei ms mo--t < <] t::- "that the Society wl:ich o, illv enti \ lln "I ''. <''. C, v," - Till-: HIIiKRNIAN SoCIKTY. -j:,:; \ury a^o, and of which !u- subsequent! v became ;i:i honorary member, ami which so efficiently and iminitk-ently aided him in tin.- -IT, a -trui^le for lihcrtv. should now celebrate Miciallv the centenary oi tin- (raining ofth.it immortal document which j^ave -'.:ch moral strength aiul stability to tin.- ij.dlant voting country \\hich tlu-u -pran^ r into existence iis a nation, and which has ever gloried in acknowledging t!;c patcrnitv of the illustrious -tie^t ,i:'d hoii"rary member of the Hibernian Societs of Philadelphia. May Columbia and Hibernia IK- ever lound together mi tin.- battle-field and at the -i >cial board. acct/pt ni\- sinci-rcst thanks for vour in- vitation to the banquet >u September I7th. and permit me to a->ure you that it will be my hij^h j)leasure and duly appreciated honor to attend, anil join with, the Hibernian Society in the welcome to the President of our beloved land, and in the :^lad-.omi- ceil teimial celebration^.. I am, sir, with respect, Yours ever truly, Ki-;v. JOHN S. M \clvrnsn. I.MNDMN, l\xr.., Se])tember 16. iSS^. "i'HoMAS I). l ; i-;Rr,rsi)N, Secretary Hiberni an Society : Sincerely re^rettin^ my absence, I bei; to join the Hibernian Societ%- in celebrating an event \vhich was vital not only to us as a nation, but to all peoples in establishing upon a tirm basis constitutional liberty, and also in extending to his Hxcellency, Presi- dent Cleveland, and our other distinguished quests, a cordial and heartv ureetin^. and at tlie same time raising a note of thanksgiving to Ahnii^htv ('.<>d that at this celebra- tion we are one people, under one constitution, one -overnmen; . one lla^, and that the '..IL; of liberty and union. JOHN KIKI.IJ. Tiu- curtains of the sta^L- ot" St. (ieoroe's Hail \vciv drawn closely tooftlK-r, ana!ms and ferns. The table of honor, which was nearlv the width ot the hall, was situated in front of the sta^e ; and at ritdit angles w;;l: it, miming the length of the hall, were four tables, each having a scat :n^ ca])acity ot seventy-five people. The table decoration consisted >: l.u'o<.- ])lateans of Jacqueminot, I,a I-Vance, lion Sileiie, Xn>h:l> ,ind other varieties of roses. j:, ! THI-: Hir.KRNIAN SOC1HTY. as well as the dates i~~i-iSS~, and the words ; Hanqnet of the Hiber- nian Society ol Philadelphia, One Hundredth Anniversary oi the Adoption of the Constitution of the United Slates, St. (.corse's Hall, September 17, 1887. < )n the next pa^e ot the menu was a list of the officers and committees ol the Society, and opposite to this was the bill of fare itself: Kim- Points on Half Shell, ('.reen Turtle, i-'reiu-h Mvle. >m,i!! r.'iti an Salpiron. s. C;;<-iiinl>ers. Celery. KeniK-liee Salnum, Sanri < '.i lu'voise. l'i 'I. ill ies 1 UK-lies-^-. Filet uf Beef a !.i Mari'doine. ('hattau I .a l\ost~. Supreme nt ClnrkiT, a la TonloiiM- i-n Cai.ssc. l-'rriich IV-as. I'ri-nrh String Ik-ans. Reed Minis ,, n Toast. I >res>ed I.ett'.U'e. Roquefort Cheese. Backing the bill of fare was the programme of the music, which was furnished by Hasslcr's orchestra, and then on a ])a^e, in the cor- ner ot which was blazoned, in ;old, the crest and motto of our city, surrounded by a Barter in bine, was the toast card. Then came the names of prominent members of the Society now deceased, the list commencing with General (ieor^e \Va^liinoton and ending with R. Slielton Macken/ie. At half-past three o'clock the following oi-ntleinen sat down to ''inner : i :, , : (',Ro\'i.k Ci.i:\ I.I.A N 1 1. I'n-'-idfin (io\. [AMKS A. I'.i. \\ia-t, tlvt- I'nited States. 1'ennsv'. \ . CH \KI.l-.i S. ! ; .MK(HM.ii SfiTct.ir-v < '.i >\ . !<< ir.i K'l' S. ( ', k i-.i.x . New ft-rsev, I'nited States Treasnrv, (',o\'. I-'iT/urc.n I.i.i, \'iri_'inia. fi'sANMiR. Ix'Ki. fajiaiiese Minister. (idv. IPIIN !'. K H'li A K J>sc >N Smith L'A KIiIN \ I. ' ', I l:l:i XS, THF. HH'.F.RNIAN SUCIMTY. COY. S. I!. BrCKXi.k, Kentucky, COY. CHARI.K.S \V. SANVYKR, New I laiujishire, CiOY. P. C. I,ol NSlfTRY, Connecticut, (ioY. BK.NIAMIN T. Bic.c.S, I)ela\\are, C,o\. Ai.KKi.n M. SCAI.KS. North Carolina, CrOY. K. \Vn,i. is WILSON, \\'est Vir- ginia, Fx-(ioY. JAMKS POI.I.OCK, Pciinsvl- vania, FX-(i<>Y. Hl.NKY M. HoYT, PelinS\i- vania, F.X-(',OY. J<'HX I ; . IlARTRA.Ni T, MAJ.-GKX. |. M. SCHOKI Ki.n, T'nitcd States Army, R.KAR AliMlRAI, Col.liorx, I'nited States Navy, CoMMODOKK C.KORC.K \V. 'M KKYII.I.K. Tinted States Navv, Fmvix S. FiTKKR. Mayor df I'hil- adelphia, .1/Ct/lfrtTS. ARMOX T). Acin-;soN, I )AXI1'.I. \V. AlUUiX, RoHl''.RT AliAMS, JR., STAXISKACS J. Ai.u-'.x, R< IHKRT A RTHt'R, \VlI.I.I.\M BOVI.K, P. J. BKANKIN, Till IM \S I50YI.1', \Vn.i.i \M PiRicic, RKV. IAMKS A. BKKHOX',', \V. K. BROWN, M. I)., J \.M i.s HRADY, JOHN BRI.;SI,IX, WILLIAM M. BRKXICR, Pnii.ii' BARRN", JOHN H. CAMI'I:I:I.I., HON. ANDRI'.W <',. CI'KTIN, I'. I'lRNARH CORK, I ION. FCK i.i.s 1'.. Co.x K, JoH N C A li\\ A KAIH-.R, \Vlt.l.I \M C< >M M INS, M.\ KTI N Cl.l. \ R Y, P \ T R 1 1 ' K C ( > N R ( i Y . I >K N N IS C' iN\\ A\', loHN 1'.. C' i%! KKR, I'l'.TKK C \ K K 1C, A N, ! o 1 1 N ! ', . C < > I . A H A - M \ \ OK i i i;u i I.N. of i;or,t< .11, ARCH Hisiioi' R\A.V oi' rhii.idelj'iii.i, Ri-:v. JOHN S. M vclN'n >sn, 1 '. 1 >., rhihicU-lphi.t, 1 ION. \\'M. 1 1. K i 1.1.1. v, HON. A. C. 1 1 A MM IK. i ION. WII.I.IAM A. \\ AI.I.AL i-:, I ION. I.i.uis C. CASSIDV, THOMAS COCIIKAN, Ivso., \V. ! . Hi.NSi.i., I-:so.. HAMPTON I.. CARSON, F.so., I ION. C H \R u.s ( j'Ni ii. i., Coi.. A. K. .McCi.iRi., \V.M. V. McKKAN, I-'.so., (!;( )RC, !; 1'. I'ARKl.R, I ''.SO., jAMi'.s R. Vorxc., Mso., vSAMn-:i. I.i-:i-:s, 1'resiileiit St. (Vor^r's Society, CRAH, I). Rrrcini-;, Vict-rresitlc-nt .St. Andrew's Society, HON. H. (. J(iNl-:s, President Welsh Socielv. FRANCIS A. Crxxixc,H\M, JAMKS COXXOR, IOHX M. C.\ M I'KKi.i,, P. S. DOOXI-R, M. J. DOHAX, JoHX M. DdYI.I-:, WM.I.IAM II. DOYI.K, I-!. !'. DTRAXC,, P. J. DOI.AX, PATRICK DKYIXK, TIMOTHY M. I ).M.Y, I >AXIKI. J. 1 )KI i- Y, 1 A M I ; .S Fl. I M NC. KK, PATRICK I > u c. H I:RTY, I h ix. THOMAS R. FI.CI ICK, Til Kol" iR 1 C'. F N. ,1:1,, THI IM AS I ). l"i-;uc.rsi >x TlIoM \s A. I-' Mi Y, F!i '\\' Min H. l-'i.oon, M. J. FAHY, PH 1 1. 1 r FIT/I' \ TRICK. I A M I.s I '. l-'l.N N N, N i c H o i . \ s ] . t ; K i r i- 1 x , C' H,. TlloM \s I ( '.Rl M I-:.S()X, CHRIS 1 1 ITU I:K (', AI.I.AC.H I;K, I )A\'l H ( ", I I.TI N AN, Till-: HIBHRNIAN s ROHI-.RT A. (', IYKN, M. D., \VlI.I.IAM (fOKMAN, IAMI-:S K. C.OK.MAN, C H ARI.KS J. H ARRAH. JR., I.iNDi.i-Y HAINKS, JI.MN r. lion:. \Vl I.I.I \M F. H \RKI PV, I'. T. 1 IAI.I.A HAN, KDWAKD J. 1 I l.R \TY. W. JOSKI'H Hi, \KN. M. I).. CH AKI.I-'.S A. HARDY. JOHN HKNKY \VlI.I.IAM W. II ANN A, Ci'i.. I',. K. JAMISON. JOSIU-A R. JoNi.S, \Vl I.I.I AM J( IHNSTON. HI IN. CHARI.KS F. KIM;. ( >\VI:N KM.I.Y, RoC.I.R KKYS, M. I)., J AMI;S KANK, JOHN A. KKI.I.Y. R(IUI-:RT ('.. I.I.I.AR. KDWAKD I. A i i I-:RTY, JOHN \V. LYNCH, ANDRUW J. MCI.I.IN, .SIMON J. MARTIN, FliWARD T r MAC.MKK, JAMI.S MAC.CIKK, MICHAKI, MAC.I.K, A. J. MI INTC.I >MI-:KV, ROUT. F.MMI.T MONAC.HAN. I-'RANCIS \\". MTRI-IIY, RICHARD A. MAI. ONI-:. WlI.I.I \M MlI.I.IC.AN, MARTIN M M.ON I-.Y, JOSI'.PH M\ RTI N, M. I)., WILLIAM M \SSI-:Y, Ilri'.H MCCAM RI.Y, JOHN S. McKiNi.AN, HON. YVi i.i.i \M M' AI.I-'.KR, CHARI.I.S McC.vn,, Mu HAI.I. McSn AI N, HON. H. J. M'An-KR, JOHN J. McO INNI-.I.I., Guest* JOHN ATK IN SON, JOHN K. I'.R A Hi'i IK D, DR. \\"M. I-.. I'.i'kK)-:, [i H.I. J. I'.A II.Y, J. H \ Y I'.Ri >\VN, 1. \V. HI-KI,, !-.: '". \ KIi H. F.Rl'NNAN, I'. 1 : R N A R D J . M C( ". R AN N, JOHN 1 1. R. McCoRKKi.L, JOHN (. MclM.viTT, MICH AM. McC.VRRON, JAMKS McT.rcKi N, JOHN McI.Ai C.HI.IN, NICHOLAS I'. McN AH, FRANK Me M ANTS, JR., YVl I.I.I AM N'oI.AN, JOHN !',. NM.SON, C' H.. JAM i.s ( )'Ri-;ii.i.Y, PATRICK O'N'Mi.i,, f AM ;:s A. ( )' HRI K.N, MlCII M.L O'llARA, M. D. [AM n I '(>i. 1. 1 ICK. [olIN F. I'AYNK. FRANCIS T. OMNI. AN, F. I)\VA R D R( )TH, WAI.TI.R RAI.MC, H, HON. JAMKS H. RKII.IA', JOHN !'.. RKKS. Tin IM AS J. ROCHK, Jon N I.Siii KI.DS, FRANK SIDDAI.I., \VlI.I.IAM M. SlNC.KRI.Y, F'RANK 1'. SNOWDKN, WILLIAM H. SMITH, JOHN SIMMONS, PATRICK S. SMITH. JoSM'H F. SlNNOTT, Kl'U'IN S. S'lTART, P \TRICK SMITH, ! II.NR Y S. SMITH, J l.R l.MI MI J. Sd.I.IYAN, THOMAS I'. TII-;RNI;\', JOHN TCNNT.Y, Cm.. W. S. THOMAS, ( 1 1. OKI ,1: A. T\vi HILL, (ri'.oRi'.i: \\'. THOMPSON. ( ri.i IRC, i: \\'n n'i:M-'.\', JAM i.s P. WITH ioARI>, HniKRT J. I IORA.N, THOMAS H. HARNKD, JAMKS T. H ARRITV, JKSSK (r. HAWI.KY, MlCHAKI, P. IlKRATY, GUN. THOS. A. HARRIS, Ky., (KN. CltAKI.KS P. IIl-.RRINC,, RKV. JAMKS HI-;NRV, IION. J. G. IlAC.KNMAN, SAMTI-.I, Josi-'.i'iis, A. i-:. JONKS, MII.I-:S KING, G. I!. KKRl'OOT, PHILIP F. KHI.I.Y, THOMAS !'. K KI.I.Y, JOHN C. I.TCAS, Hl{NJAMI\ I,KK, \Vl 1,1,1 AM }'.. I.ITTr.I'-.TON, Coi.. JAMI.S II. IvAMHHRT, C. -M. I.KI-. R. J. LKN.NON, WII.I.IAM LINSKKV, 1 : R I! Dl'.RICK MfN'CH, I'l-.Tl-'.R MONROK. TH KODORK \\ T . M\'KRS, foSIU'II Ml'RRAV, (Vl'.ORC.H \\". MlDDI.l-TON. [AMI'.S Ml'I.I.IC.AN, THOMAS A. MAC.ITRK, I \.M ics M 1 1. !:%', J. I-'.. MAI. ONI , DAN i ia. I [. M AHO.NY, DR. JOHN M UION\ , JOHN A. M u;rmi-;, JOHN M ' A i.u R. JOHN M e '. i . i N N . JOHN McC M- i- R KY, JAMI-;S M*. i '.A RRKVI.K. M. J. McC.RATH, I. F. Me MA NTS. F.II\VAKI> Me.MieiiAN, WII.UAM I!. MeMANrs, JOHN XORRI>, CHARIT.S O'Xi-.n.i,. MR. O'Ni-ai.i., Iloston. I'KTF.R O'Xl-.II.I. R. (',. OKI.I.I-RS, JAMKS o'Xi.ii.i.. CAI-T. THOMAS !;. O'X: tt.r. FRANK. I,. I'OMMI-IR, JOHN OTINN, HON. \\'. !:. ROHINSON, DR. \V. T. ROHI.NSON, JAMKS RKII.I.Y. A. S. I.. SHIKI.DS. I-'RANK. SIDDAI.I.. J R.. DR. (TKORC.K R. STARK;- \ Coi.. I >. W. SAND; R.->, Ky., J. I'. Si NNOTT, J. S. vSTl-a.NMI'.T/, A R T H r R T H A e H K K C. THOMAS, R. !'. VAN SCHAICK. I'iDU'ARD WAI.DKN. WII.I.IAM R. \VARNHX, Rom RT 1 1. \V.\i.ei'. \V1I.SON Wl-.I.SH. H'lii. Andre\\ ('.. Curtin, F\ (Vovi-rnoi- of IVnn^yl vani.i, ,i nu-in'x.-!' of 'Jr.- Socielv. pri-sicU'd. Ri':sroNS}.;s TO TOASTS. " The Constitution of the Tinted States" Conceived in wisdom akin to inspiration, and upheld for a centnrv \vilii a fortimde and .^nccess that commands the respect of the \vorid. Re-nonded to 1>\ Hon. Robert S. Green, Governor of Xe\v Jersev : " MR. CHAIRMAN -This bright and ln-autifu! day is tin- aiini\ <;-( \ ~ : \\ i> au>piridoiti. Stainlini; to-dav upon tin- thrrsliold of tin- --rroiid ,- 17 r.s Tin-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. over tlu- history of these hundred vears. it docs seem lliat the labor of our forefather* in forming this Constitution \vas the work of inspiration. They builded more wisely than tiu-v knew. Tlu-y were forming a more perfect union for thirteen States which had passed through a blood v conflict to secure their independence. They were bound together by ties of friendship which had been formed in that conflict; and the Consti- tution which thev at that time framed ha--, with lint immaterial amendments, down to the present dav. firmed the organic law of this great conntrv. They linilded then but for thirteen States, but the instalment which thcv then formed has proven et1icie-.it, from that day to this." "The lion, drover Cleveland, President of the United States" The Chief Kxecmive of a free people. Responded to by Hon. (irover Cleveland. The Chairman, lion. A. (i. Cnrtin : " In all the Irstorv of the world, from its beginning to this day, the most exalted position has been that of Chief Magistrate of the American Republic. Whatever may be said of sovereignty or of the rights that cuiitrol by other means, it will not be de- nied that the present incumbent of the Chief Magistracy of the nation is entitled, not only hv the exalted position lu- holds. In it hv his ])ersonal character, to the respect and deference of all proper-minded people. ]{spccia!!v is this true in this classic city, where the great bell rung out libcrtv to all, where the Declaration of Independence was given to the we >rld. where the new ideas of the rights of man were proclaimed and where the C' institution \vas formed ; for here we have made the people of this threat country reali/e that thev are of < me coin m unity and one brotherhood. The animosities .iml the strifes which mav be kept np bv a few Inr selfish purposes are all forgotten by the masses of the American people. I now have the honor to ask the President of the t'nitcd States to respond to the tuast which has been ]ire]iared in his honor." At this point the- assemblage manifes^-d its respect and considera- tion for the distinguished ^nest, th.e President of the United States, by rising and cordially saluting him. Th.e res]>onse of President Cleveland was liberally interspersed w.th and followed bv applause from all present : " (iKNTl.KMKN I never feel more embarrassed than I do when reminded, as I am bv reading this toast, that annexed to the title of mv olfice is the declaration, ' The Chief Kxecutivc of a free ])eople.' 'I'hese wolds bring with them such a sense of solemn responsibility that I congratulate mvself that the iilea is not oftener enforced. I should hardly leel that mv participation in the Centennial exercises had been satis f:u torv if I did not have the opportunity of meeting, as I do now, the representatives ancient Society, \vhosetraditionseonnect it so nearly with the events and the I h we commemorate. That von celebrati- this day and thistime is nremindei : the fact that, in the troublous and perilous times of our country, many whose names were upon your membershi]) r<>;l noblv fought in the cause of a tret- government ami for the homes u hi eh th- v h.i'I four.d n; 'on our soil. I am sure there is no corporation, no association, which has in Us charter or in its historv or traditions a more valuable rtificatc of patriotic worth than von have found in the words of Washington whe: . < lared, as he did in I7-S2, that your Societv was ' noted for the firm adherence "i its n;i nibei to the noble cause- in which we are enxa^cd.' These are priceless wotd 1 - and '' \ k-r eminentlv titling the jiart whidi '.he Hibernian Society is assuming .o-day. I notice, upon ;i letter \\hich I have received from vour Sccrctar\ , that one - 'bject of vour association is tlu- assistance of emigrants from Ireland ; anil this leads me to retlt ct how closclv allied is the love <.f conntrv to a 'in-o.nl humanity and li"\\ } roper i- tliis assistance uhich you purport to rend* r to the need\ and tlu- stranger coming to our shores, how appropriate!} it fol] ( >\\-, the patriotism in which voiir Societv had its origin. I say, loni^ live the Hibernian Societv and lon^ mav its beneficent and benevolent objects he prosCTlUt_'d. \Vheii another centennial day shall he celehrated, may those whose names are then home upon your membership roll he : mbued \\ ith the same spirit of pair iot ism and join as ardently and acti\ el \- in the L;- i' ( ral felicitation as do those whom I see ahout me hero to-dav," "The I'riendly v Son< of St. Patrick" They wore- in the van ol" the stru^'^'U- tor civil and religions lilicrty, and will al \va\~s br found there when its principle's arc assailed. Responded to by John II. Campbell, Ksq. Mr. Campbell, upon arising, stated : That in consideration of the lateness of the hour, and of the fact that the official fir. IK'S of liianv of the guests in connection \sith the Constitutional CclehraUon com- ; < I'.ed tl:i!ii t<> leave, he would. a> chairman of the committee of arrangements, take ;!u :iln-rt\ of < .mittin^ his speech, so that the assembled niemhers mii^ht hear from t!;e i;i>tiniiuishc(l \'i--itors who weri.- assigned to make responses to the other toasts. ' Tlie Army and Xaw ' The nuc'eu> around which our millions of freemen gather to defend and maintain their rights. Responded to hv Major-( icneral J. M. ,Sclu.)iield, United States Army : MK. C II \IKMAX AMI (>KXTI,I-:M1-:N Not expecting to he called r,]n IT:. I v.-as ahout Uavinjj, the hall when 1 was requested bv a re])reser.tati\'e of the Societv to respond to li;e si-ntiment just announced. I bi-^ you to excuse me from an\ attempt to make a peceh ; I rise --im-jilv to thank von for the honor you have done me :n inviting me to '.his i literlainmeiit and to express m \- regret that (General Sheridan is not lu-re to re- - pon i i to the compliment tendered hv von in toasting the Arm v and the Navy. I U el ,re tha: all of von :\-\\o \\itnessed, on vesterday. tlte ilemonstration made b\ thr ::;i;itary n jiresenlalives not onlv of the I'nited States, but of the States of the ["nion. ,,!'i satisfied th.it the iniiitar\ - and naval establishments of the I'nited States are \ et a pal ile of making a dis]ila\- \\orth\- of t lie present occasion, and that the true m: I :'..,:;. -] irit of 1776 still survives. It is bn: iust th.it I should add that the best possible ,-p- ; .-araife \\as ni.nie yesterday ; lor, \\hile it is true th.at the /Vr.M".'',v.' oi tlu \rni\~. the Navy and the National (iuard, so far as it may i, r o, is all that i - ouid l>edesi;ed. untor::;- - i:tel\' \\'e did not have sncli a dis]>ia\ o!" the inatt'l ii'l of the ai'nu and 11.1' \ >'.s \\ i A < liili' like to have had. Hut I hope vou \\ ; 1 1 all join \s ith me :n the earnest \\ >'::. ;: . i . ..n i flort lo a i c< iin]>lish the real i/a lion of that \\ is'i. that '.\<>'. ;:ia::\ itloie \ e..: -. i iaj'se be i ore the arm \ . the navy of the I'nited Slates, and the fort i lie., lion- and art;: . :nen'.-s of the 1'nited States, \\ill sho\\ a jiro^ress similar to that uhich \'oiir industrial interests displaved here on the da\ 1-t fure \ e-lenlav, and that !h.:t j'ro.-re-- \\ il! d -n f.!!Ue dnrir.L 1 '.!i-- next ci-ntnrv. \Vlu-i: that time shall !i.i\'e ini'.i-'!. ma\ %:; a'.'.. .-. iti/ells of tin- I'nited States, have reason to fee! proud of tl'.r pro-res-, made ill that -i'.u-i'iion. 1 ih.iiik \ou, Mr. Ch.iiiman and uentleme::. ioj \ou; conrteoii* attentioi;. J..,j Till- IIIHHKNIAN SnCIKTY. " The Thirteen Original States " -Their heroism, valor ami suffer- ing in the cause of human liberty merits our eternal gratitude. Re- sponded to by Hon. James A. Beaver, (rovernor ot Pennsylvania. Chairman Cnrtin : As there are Ljcnt h-men present whose engagements require their presence elsewhere during the afternoon, t!u- Chair niu-t depart from tin- order in which the list of toasts h is been arranged so as to promote UK- personal con\ enience of sol IK- of the ^eiitlemen who have Keen I'eijliesteil to respond to the sell ti men ts assigned them. The next toast. will he "The Thirteen < iri^iiial States" the response to which will he made by ( iove! imr Heaver ( iovernor Beaver said : MR. CHAIRMAN It is not i",iir to this distinguished companv that the orderly arrangement of the programme should he interfered with ; ami yet, bein^ compelled to ill-part, and the management heini^ unwilling to allow me to do so until I have said ,t fe\s \sord-~ in respon>e to the toast assigned nu-, I am obliged to avail myself of thi? (.oii-^iderat. ion which von surest. New I lampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and 1': o\ idenci- Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, M.tivland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Creorj^ia no thirteen names an\ where call to Tiiind a graver >tor\ <>t" MiilVrin^ and a brighter record of achievement than do tlu-se names of the original thirteen Stati-s. Yet, Mr. Chairman, those States hut formed the j^atew , ( \ of thi- s^reat coil n try of oinx, who-e dominion extends from sc t to sea, and whox.- out^oin 1 ,;-- aie to the uttermost parts ot the earth. Proud as we are of their achievements, appreciating as we do their Miilerin^s, and nohle as was ihe an- cestry ti-.at fought for it, I confess to-day th.at I would rather he li\in^in the Nin--- 'eenth Cetitnrv. after one hundred \ 'ears ot progress, than in the lut;"hteenth Ci': when that pro^re^-. was \ et undeveloped. As the i - .t])stone is more glorious than the corner-stone, so it is more glorious for us, it >i-ems to me, to li\'e in the sjilendid li;_;!it of UK- t'n hilled achievements of our ancestors than to have lived in that day when Mood and battle were but thi Ke^innin^ of our couutrv's historv. I would rathe!' look tor- ward to the hundred scat's to come, to the i^rand achievements to be rolled up bv us and our children than to look backward to the hundred wars, which are i;one. T!ie thirteen original states have multiplied to thirtv-eii^lit, and have stretched a cros.-, t In- continent. \Vc ha\e gathered within ourselves the iieo|>le of all lands, who ha\e united in buildiiiL: up this ^n-at con:itr\- and in making u w h.ai it shall be.i'.od willing, lor our children and their cllildren's children to th.e remotest generation -general ap- plause- . ( ientlenieii, I hope lhat \our di n ner will not lie further interniplei! bv gen- tlemen who are compelled to it- ive \ oil I confess that I would much rather sit down here at this hour, with the i^ood cln er that von li.ive and the eloijuent s]>eeches w hie!: , on are to hear, than to ^n to the m on- formal bani|Uet to \vhich I am called ; bu: I !i i\ e ! leen detailed to escort one o| ii; - visit i; ',.,-'-, , >. he table, and my ordei !'.- at the Aeademv jiromiitlv at hall ' ! havi ju.st rive ininnte> in which ' > ' there; therefore I know voii will kindly excuse me at this moment, as the time '. -f: \\'heii ab(/nt to rr.sumr his -r.it, (iovernoi Bea\'er, obsei'vin^ *Ju- presence oi ( Governor I'itxhn^h Lee, ol Virginia, \vlio had just arrive*!, t'Med, amid general aj) j ;''.an-~(. 1 : " !! -tlu--\va^ , he! : ~ :ir visiV'r. THK HIBKKMAN SOCIKTY. '_y,| whom 1 \vas detailed to escort to tlie Academy." At tins point, in intervals between toasts, the following remarks were made- : The Chairman : We have here to-day a k'ciitleinan whom I am i;lad to call my friend, though dnn:.^ the war he was in dangerous and unpleasant proximity tome. He once threatened th capitol of this j^rcat StaU- 1 iliil not \sish him to conn- in, and \\.,- \ ( -\ _;'.,>< win r. he went away. He was then my eneni\ ami I was his. But. thank (, ( 'TKNTI.KMKN 01-- THK HIHKKMAN SOCII.TV 1 am very j^lad indeed to have the hon< >r of bcinj^ present in this Societ v once m< ire ; as it w as my uo< id fortune to mjoy a most pleasant visit liere and an acquaintance with the memliers of \ our Societ y last \ i ar. Mv engagements were such to-da\-. that I rould not j^et heie caiiicr; and just as I \\ as coming' in (jovernor Beaver was making his excuses because, as lie said, he had to 140 to pick up a visitor whom he was to escort to the i nlerlainnu-i.t to be triven this evening at the Academy of Music. I am the visitor whom Ciovernor Beaver was looking for. He could not capture me during the war, but he has cajttureil me now. I am a Virginian and used to ride a ]>rettv fast horse, and lie could not L;I t close i r.ou^h to me. B\'- the- wav. von ha\'e all lieard of " ( icoi 14 e Washington and Ills little hatchet." The other dav I heard a storv that was a little variation upon the "riL'inai, and I am ^oini; to take u]i \-our time tor a minute l>y repeating it to yon. it \\ as to tiris i ffei't : ( >ld Mr. \\'ashini;ton and Mr-. Washington, the jiarents of (ieors:e. f"i:nd on one occasion tliat their su]>ply of soap for the use of the family at We>tmor t i.iiid had iieen exhausted, and so thev decided to make- >onu- family soaji. Tliey nia'ie '.lie necessary arrangements and <^ave the requisite instructions to the faiuilv servant. After an hour or s ( , the servant returned and reported to them that he could not make that soap. " \\"h\- not," he wasaskc-d, "haven't von all the materials?" " \'es." !:c re] -lied. " hut there is soniethinij wroii}^." The old folks proceeded to investigate, w !u ;i tiiev found tln-v had actually ^ot the ashes of tl'.e little cherry tree that Washington had en'. do\\-i: with his hatchet, and there was no lye in it 'renewed merriment . N'ou . I a -sure von. there i- no " ,';,' " in wliat I sav to \'ou this afternoon, and ; llal is. that 1 thank (i'lii tli.it the sun of the 1'nion. \\hich was est interest in the future, ue \\i'.'. have to in. ike concessions and coinpn uni-cs. we \\ill have to hear with each .':; ; and to respect each other's ojtiiiiuns. Then we will tind that that harinonv \\ill nred which i> as necessary for tlii- welfare of States as it is of individuals. I have uteil \\itli (.ovi-nmr I leaver I met him in Richmond ; von could not in. ike nu- flight him nou. If I li.id known him l>efore the \\ar. perha]>s \ve would not liave Ljot at it. If all ihulioven I known each other, and if all the peo]>U' of dif- [ : sections had hci-n kii'i\\n to each other r l;ad hern thro\\-n together in husiness or so ', ! ci immniiic it ion, tlu- tact \\ ouM ha\'c 1 >crn recoi^ni/ed at the outset, as it is t<>- dav. that tliere arc ju-^ .'.s s^ood men in Maine as there are in Texas, and just as j^ood me:i in Texas as there ire in Maine. Human nature is evervwhere the same ; and when in' --tine strifes occur, we \\ ill di .ulitle->-- a 1 \va\-s he al>le 1>\- a conservative, pacific course ; i ass sm lothly over the ruijued, rocky ed.ues. and the old shi]i of state will he hrouj^ht ; i a safe, commodious, Constitutional harlior with the llaj^ of the T 'nion fl vintj over I: r, and there it will remain. At this point the follo\vino- additional remarks ^XTC made, in re>ponse to tlie call ol the Chair : Comniodore deorije \\". Melville, T'nited States Navy, after hriefly ohservinj^ tliat so many ^ood thin^^ had heen said that he realix.ed hi-, inahiiitv to add to their num!>er, :iumorou>l v remarked that, if his i ! ir explorations had i^iven color io the assumption that he was a t"ro/eii man, tha: assum]ilion was an unwarranted one, as the warm Celtic Mood \shich puK.ited thrnu-h iii-- veins wmild attest. lie had heen three tiini s around tlie world, twice in one direc'.ion and once in the opposite direction ; tlnee times in the Arctic regions and once on a voyage to the south pole h".t from all iii> travelling ahroad he had always heen vjad to uet hack to old I'hiladeh'hi.i, the polar ol his love anil life and of all th .t he held dear ni on earth. MR. CHAIRMAN \ \ n < '. I.NTI.I.M i \ .'!>,. nieinliership is enrolled the name of Wash ' " . - : t -, -.', hic-h antedates not onl' the event wi framin; of our ; .' ii :i from tin late of the Declaration of 1'n-i <\ TA h i- ever Keen .' to the hi^'h mission of the n pnhlic, to liherl ml to 1 w. \Ve have lived in events in a", tin ' '.. No people on in whii h ' d. \;id -Aesh.-ill witm-s-,. 1 tliis jji-iu ration, evei tei hii-veim-nl in hi half of human n'u: hi than wei. 1 f the 1 iast. The s; been ] if the niaillied soldier, ( 'io\ ernor of IVniisvl vania, side bv side uith IVn:is\ !\ ania's ^reat \v:ir ('. \ ernor. welcoming Fit/hn^h I,ee. the ,'j.rcat Confederate trooper, the r.overnor of \. ^inia. No men have spoken more earnestly and patrioticalh than ha\e these ('.< ernors, upon the one side and the other, in as-ertii'.^ their de\ < itic MI \<> the rnimi ainl tu the Cnii^t it ut ion. Who coillil have conceived, twetit v \ car-- .t^o, amidst the tempest nt" sectional passion, that tin.- time would ever come \slu-n Cnrtin and Heaver \\oiiid vit side li\- side at the sanu- table uith tin- (lovernor of Virginia and intcrchair.je mutual assurances of devotion to tin- I'liion :* ( ',cnt k-nu-n of tlu- I lil n-niiaii Sorii-ty, let n;c inaki- a ^iii^k- jm-diction. T!IOM- of von \s 'no nia\ !i\ v to M.-I- tin- mil of a::ot !u-r i piai'- ti-r of a ri-ntnrv will uvi-r "llonu- R;ilc." T!u- Kn^Ii-dnn.!'! \\liom ('.oil in. tik- is jn^t as iniu-h a lovt-r of frrrdi Mil as tlu- It i>hnian whom < '.od made. \\'lio lhat tr.rns It) tlu- s^rrat i.-vi-nts in la-land and l-',n^land \sithin the la>t ik-raik- I'an fail to caK-nlate that within a ijiiarti-r of a cenlnr\ tlu- ean-e of iVeedom and ^-1: ^overnnu-nt a'iroad will hasv triiuiiplifil ? Look at \\hat ha> he-en achie\ed \vithin a year! !.<>k at UK- L;ranik-st statesman of the world to-dav heading the colnmn fo;- iVee L;O\ e: r. !:u-nt at home! This nation, this j^real repuhlir. has Keen the tutor, the educator, under who-<- teaching the>e yivat events have been made possible. America ha-- U-mjiei'ed tile \\'orst despotisms of the world. Tlu- influence of her example has had a re-traininx ellei't n])oii the monarchii-s of the old world, and her ir.lliu-nce \\ill continue to be fell until the masses of the old world, as well as of the new. shall exercise- the rights of sci,' L;overnnient. I repeat the prediction that we shall see, in our ^em-ration, the members of the Hibernian and St. (",eorye Societies intcrclianj^in^; congratulations upon the fact that the mother countries are as free as our own screen land of America. At the meeting Decenibc-r 17, i- K ' S 7, tlu- Ivxecutive Connmttee made an t-lal)onite re]n>rt, and, as it exhi1)its the methods ot tlu- \vork TI THI: 1'Ki.si in-; NT AMI MI:.MHI:!;S or Tin-: Hi i;i H M \x Soci ! ; .T\' : f,'t'>i/'i !(>! -\'our I-'.xecnti\'e Commit! cc de-ire-, to cali \-onr attention to the report of its a^etit which skives tlu- number o!" immigrants I'elieved since our la-t quartcT'lv lUeetiiiL;. It must be ^ratifviiiL;' to you. as it is to us. in knowing that our Societx is extending; its Usefulness and making l:apji\- manv friendless sons and dauuhters of Ire! nid ii)io!! our shores. Those who have no one to look to or to lock al.er ihem are cared for either by ^iv.n^ them uioiiev or advice, or both. \'our Committee :c-rct tlia' tlu-v have been compelled to accept the resignation of Mr. I'lnlip I'.irrv . , -cut :'< ; the Society, uhose ill-health \\onld not permit him to remain an\ longer in the posi lion. Tosavthat Mr. ]5arry jierforuied the duties of the jiosition \s :th credit lo him --elf and honor to the Socict v \\-oiild be merel\- expressing a fact \\}\'.< h is !, nown to a'.' I'M! members, and to those with \\hoin he was brought in contact. The dist:essed : ::::::ii;r:ints ever fnuiul in him a true friend, whose \\iseconnsc! and lu-ar 1 . !"ilt s\mp,i ' h . v, en- '! " real advantage to thi-!n in their hom- o!' necil. N'oui I-' xecut ; \ i v i :::::-.'. tee I: tve ijtpointe'l Mr haniel !. MacN :ck !> as his oa, d --..;. .,ml tlu-van- plea-id to st ,:< 'hat during the si; art time he has held the position h, has ^ivell e\ idence ol bei -.;.; a bright, intelligent man, atiil t!:a' \'.i:h moje cxperieuct he \\ill t f.'\c an e!:ic-ci:'. oilicer. The- Committee desires to sa \ io the n:i nr>er- of the Soc:et\~ thai \\hili tlu \ ha\ e been able to check many abuses to \vhich the innni^: ar.'.s l:a\ ! been siibiccleii and in man v instances have made their condition more comfortable, \e! tin :v i- ,< 2>'<\ THI-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. nor :- '.heir office near enough to the- steamship landing. The Act of Congress of August .A. issj, regulates immigration, and makes the decision of the Secretary of the Trc.isiirN final. Immigrants ran be helped in many \\avs. Some need railroad fares; others have railroad tare, inn need food on their jonrnev ; those who are sick need medical treatment; some while in good health are unable to find employment, and must he maintaineil until they can secure a situation ; then, alter their arrival, the large nnmlier who become sick and have no tVieiids to look after them must be eared !> >r ; ci thers again who contract some chronic disease should be returned to their friends in Hurope. '1'he immigration law is differenth interpreted. In some ports tin- Com- missioner o! Immigration will return those distressed people to their native land, while a; oilier ports the\ ah-o!utc!\ relume to do so. Your Committee is compelled to state that, in their opinion, the Hoard of Public k. !i antics has never shown wliat seems to them a proper sympathy or desire to aid the immigrants. Their management we believe to be parsimonious and illiberal, and not conducted in the spirit which Congress intended. \Vc do not believe head moncv should Imd Us wav back again into a plethoric treasury, when justice demands that it should be expended upon the distressed immi- from \shom it was collected. \Vc hchevc that the Commission as now constituted has not the time to devote to thi care of immigrants, even if the v had the inclination, and that in order to have this work properiv done there should be .1 commission whose special duty it would be to look after immigration matters. In this way a great good could be done, and if other societies will join us in this work, we believe it can be accomplished. The steamship > mpanies, while making sonu- additional improvements and remedving some abuse 1 -. are not performing their whole dutv, but they are being urged forward bv our agcrt a::d the Committee, who look for a better state of affairs. It occasionally happens that poor stowawavs, when found in the ship, are compelled to \\ork their wav, and upon arrival at the port are stowed away again in the engine- room or coal-hole, a-- the inspectors do not inspect these departments. Thev are, afii r .: time, sen! ashore without means, and have to be cared for by charitable societies. Your Committee therefore ask that this report he received, and the following resolu lions adopted. Signed \VlI. 1,1AM Me A 1,1-'. l-'.K , NICHOLAS J. (iR ii* IMN, JOHN l-'n-a.n. A', -,'.'; ' :'. that the Hibernian Society believe that, if representatives of the diflcnnt c h.ui tal i'.e societies u ho look alter ihe well a re oi immigrants \\ere appointed com mi 1 -' - sioners of immigration, instead of the P,o.,rd of I'ulilic Charities acting as such, more ^ooil \\ould be accomplished ; therefore, be it AVsWrvv/, that a committee of five be appointed, of \\hieh the Pre-ident shall be chairman, toco-operate uith our sister societies in securing l"a\'orable action by the ( ',ov<-rnor of thi-- Commonwealth. ( ):; motion, tin- rt-])ov; to ivccivi- and spread upon llu 1 iiiinntc-s, and ;'.;,- !X'S(;lntion atiacdud tiUTrto br adoph-d. A^vrrd to. At I lie saint. 1 nu-(.-iin;^ the (k-ath.- wt-rc- announced of Joseph I'atter - n, James McC. Ciei^hton, Martin C' in and \Vasliinoton K. C ". ire. I din ' i. 1\. MiC"ike'.i, Colonel Thomas |. (irimeson, Wiiliair. II. I)"-.'le, \\'. \\'. Ilanna and Frank MeManns, Jr., A\eix' appointed a- llie I):nr,er Cominitti-c for the ensuing anniversary. Tlie ne\v wharf aoent, I). J. M-.-Xicklc-, presented his repo-.t tliron,'L t'io r WILLIAM MrALHKR. Till-, lIir.l-'.RNlAN SOCII'.TV. L'65 Executive Committee. 1'liilip J. \\'alsli, Chairman of the- Hall Committee, reported that the matter of the erection of a hall was under consideration, and submitted a proposed plan lor raising the money required. At the meeting on March 17, iSSS, \Villiam McAlecr \vas elected President, to succeed Mr. Field, who had .served two vcars, and Colonel Thomas J. (irimeson was elected Vice-President, to succeed Mr. Griffin. Philip J. Walsh, \V. \V. Hanuaaud William Gorman u ere appointed a Committee to draft .suitable resolutions to be pre- sented to the retiring President and Vice-President. Mr. Field had made- an admirable executive officer. During his term of office the great prosperity of the Society had continued, the funds had steadily increased, and new members were constantly added to the rolls. Perhaps the leading characteristics of his administration were the special attention paid by Mr. Field to the emigration work of the vSociety and the greater care shown in passing upon applications for membership. The resolutions presented to him were truly expressive ot the high esteem with which the members regarded him. Mr. Griffin had also been a faithful officer of the vSociety, and had labored faithfully for years in its interest, and deserved the complimentary resolutions presented to him. The Anniversary Dinner at the Continental Hotel, on March 17, iSSS. was another successful affair. Hon. William McAleer, the new President, presided, and among the quests were Governor Heaver ; Judge Henry W. Williams, of the- v Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ; General Daniel II. Hastings; Commodore George W. Melville, the Arctic explorer ; Charles Kmory Smith, Ivlitor of The Press ; Gov- ernor P'iggs, of Delaware ; Judge Joseph C. Ferguson, of the Orphans 1 Court; Hon. Wayne MacVeagh, Hampton 1.. Carson, and the Prc.-- idents of the St. George's, Albion, St. Andrew's, and the Welsh Societies. Most ot these gentlemen made' appropriate speeches, as did also ex-Mayor Richard Vaux. one ot the oldest members o; the S< iciety. At a special meeting on Mav is. i ssS, Simon J. Martr.: was elected Xicholas |. Griftm were appointed a Committee to pu concernini:; Mr. P.arry's death. The Committee per and caused the resolutions to be handsomely cn^ro-- to Mi. l!ari\'> widow. < )n June i~. iSS^, ' was, at it.- o \\-n recjuest, discharged, thus eiv'.:;'. fill attempt to procure a hall. Philip 1. Wa Jtv TIIK HIBKKNIAN SOCIF.TY. Committee on the Testimonial to ex-President Field and ex-Yice- Presideiit (jrifliu, reported that resolutions had been handsomely engrossed and were ready to be presented to the gentlemen named. On December 17, iSSS, the new Treasurer, Simon J. Martin, pre- ^etited one of the nut complete and accurate reports ol the finances ever received bv the Sociclv. The assets amounted on this date to 507,034.13. John G. R. McCorkell, Simon J. .Martin, HughJ. Ilain- mill, Frank McMauus, jr., and William Boyle were appointed as the Dinner Committee for the ensuing anniversary. The Executive Committee gave the following summary of the work ot the Society in relieving emigrants : a cost of 5 >>;! 5 ^9 701 49 591 96 is.ss .}jj 597 96 The decrease during iSS^ and i SSS was due to the falling off of emigration to this port. The officers of the preceding year \\'ere re-elected on March 17, [SSi). ( )n that date touching resolutions were- passed concerning the d'.-.ith of William Kent Commins. The Anniversary Dinner ot this year, thanks to the Committee, was another brilliant success. Xearlv two hundred members and guests sat down to table at the "Stratford," lion. William McAleer pre-idiug. Responses to toasts were made bv John II. Campbell, KSea\ - er, Jud^e Willi.im X. . \-iiman, Citv Solicitor Charles F. Warwick, Mayor Ivlwiu S. Stuart, ( rovernor P>iggs, of Delaware, and John C. I ; ile, President of the (iermau Societ\". At a special meeting ot the Socictv. held June it), iSS(), President McAleer in the chair, Mr. David McMenamin presented the following resolution : >r : l ; u:id. the OHM of t\vo thousand dollar ., : ' . (,.-.- 1 ( ininntU-f. Mi [anna seconded the i " Mr. i',eo;-'je 1). McCrrary, liv invitation of the of the 1-1,11 li tit 1 11 of a I fairs as they . . ' Mr\ \Villi .:: P.rii move : to ' ' il ii ' - thousand, which ' - ci'oiii'.i-d 1 ' M- \V ; lli mi Miili:.- in m< : I to amend h\ maki : .'. . i.d, d hv Mi fo> -nli Sh< - ; : THK HIKKKMAN SOCIKTY. 1M7 "T'.ie resolution was then discussed by Mr. Rri,v, Mr. C.iltinan, Mr I Inward. Mr. McCaffrey, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Colahan, after \\ hich Mr. Urice withdrew his amend- ment, and Mr. MeMetiamin accepted Mr. Million's amendment as the original motion, which was that the Society make a donation of two thousand five hundred dollars, which was unanimously agreed to." This action of the Society was generally commended by the members, who felt that in the face of the appalling disaster at Johnstown, every aid possible should be rendered to the suileiers. The speeches at the meeting were earnest and eloiment. (hi December 17, iSSo,, the assets of the Society were reported to be S07,3Su. i<> The Westmoreland tract of land was reported upon for about the one hundredth time. William 15 rice was appointed on the Committee on History in place of Dennis II. Kelly, resigned, to act as Clerk ot the Committee. The Committee reported progress on the work. Hugh McCaffrey called attention to the death of Joseph II. Hookey, and appropriate action thereon was taken. (hi December 17, iSS(), President McAleer presented the following report, which gives an idea of the condition of the Society : T 7iiK MKMIIKKS or THK HIHKKNIAN' SOCIKTY : ( '. KNTI.KMKN-- -As this is the last business meeting over which I shall have the honor of presiding, I deem it my duty to call your attention to matters which I believe to be of interest. It affords me pleasure that our Societv is in a better condition to-dav than U aas been at any time since its organization. Within the past two years we have ad' led to our list tiftv-one 151) new members, man v of whom hold honorable positions in '.lie city, State and nation, and have, as they expressed it, felt honored in becoming members of a Societv so respected and honored as the Hibernian. I cannot express mvself too strongly in praise of the officers of this Societv, through whose aid and assistance mv duties were made lij^ht. Kvery duty assigned to them was checrfullv performed in a manner creditable to them and to you. I ha/anl nothing in saving t'.iat in no association with which 1 have been connected arc- the duties more intelli gently perfornie'l tlian the\- are bv the officers of votir Societv, and whatever success mv Administration has had is due to their reliable- aid. While we have, not been able up to this time to establish a separate- board of Com- missioners of Immigration, I am pleased to inform you that the Commission as now constituted, \\ith Mr. Mahlou Dickinson as President, are in thorough accord \\ith Us, and doin-_; all in their power, under the law. to help us in our work, and relit ve the unfortunate immigrants arriving upon our shores. While a member ot your K\ccu ti \v Commit '.( I saw the necessity of union ainoiiL 1 ' all associations in our cit \ ha\ in^ a similar object to our own, and, after my election to tlie I're-ideiicy, proceeded t<> c irrs it out by issuing a call for a meeting; of ihe presidents , belte\-oleU( socii-ties. The llecessjtv for united action was ] eration, and the result was that there is no\\ a united or^ani p ation. cmhiacinv, liu presidents of all the national societies lor tile relief and protection ot immigrant- arriving at our port. Such an or^aui/atiou, backed b\ the di \\iib their thousands of member-,, is a potential po\\cr uhich c. ini'nense inlhieiice when exercised in a \i\< cause. V- in :!'.',:-' the board caused the Secretary nf tin Tn-as;ir\ la-t sn-nnie! tor.-. the extent immivrrants were to bi , You, no lotibt, will iy,- fill: JilHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. th.it the paper presented to the Secretary was prepared by one of our counsel, Mr. William liorman, and that the Hibernian Society was honored in having its President and Secretary made the 1'resident and Secretary ol" the Hoard of Presidents. The Committee on Historv has been working \\itli /eal and earnestness, which < titles them to our lasting ^ratitude. and I leel satisfied that by our annual meeting" a copy will be placed in the hands of each un ni'ier. As their report will more full-.' set ft rth their work, I refrain from luither comment. The funds of the Society are rder do. orders in Treasurer. TH1-; HIMI-KNIAN SDL/IKTY. % 2'V.i l Receipt I'.ook for I. ill- Membership fees. I do. do. \bont V"> copies Dl" By J.aus. i Plate for printing Life Memlx.Tship certificates. i do. for printiM- invitation-; to anniversary dinners. A number of blank certificates ot" membership. A receipt from the Pennsylvania Academy of 1 'me Arts in th,- n inu- of the Hiber- .i.ui Societv for oil paintm- ot (ieneral Robert Patterson. Sonic stationery, etc., etc. In conclusion, I uonld ask for the adoption of the fo'dou in- n-s. ilutioii : AV.M '/;ri/, that the Serretai'y IK- authori/ed to ]u-orurc a -iii'.alia- box, and that the ::;innte 1>ook>. eti'., be ])laeed in the same, and deposit, -d \\i;h --<>me re-poiisil ,'.,- Sate .' 'eposit Compaiivof 1'hiladelphia. in the name of, and Mibjeet to the ori'.er of, the I libernian Soeiet\ . On motion, the report be received and entered upon the minutes, and that the resnlntion thereto attached be accepted. All of which was agreed to. At this same meeting on December 17, iSSo,, on motion ot" \Y;<;i,un Drict.-, the chair was authorized to appoint a committee to expu-ss to Mr. John II. Campbell " the high appreciation of the Society for his able and disinterested work in preparing the history of the Society." The committee appointed consisted ot William Bnce, Chairman, K. J. I lenity, Charles J. Gallagher, Rev. J. Gray Bolton and John Ilng- gard. I'pon motion, John II. Campbell, George' S. Ferguson, Col- onel Thomas J. Stewart, John Hnggard and P. S. Dooner were appointed a committee to prepare a suitable testimonial in recogni- tion of the valuable services rendered to the Society by the retiring 1 'resident, Hon. William MeAleer. The Secretary reported having received the following letters from Governors I'eaver and I'iggs : COM MI >N\VI;AI.TH oi< PK.NNSYI.YAMA, MXI-A TTIVI-. CIIAMIU-.K, I [ \ K R ISHI'UC,, No\'einber .? ;, iSSg. '1'iiu.MAS D. l-'i RiU'SON, Serretar\- Hibernian Sock-tv of Philadelphia. M\' I )l-'..\ K SlK Your letter of 2 1st instant has been received. I am also in receipt bv <'\press ot a cert U ic, lie ol lu iiiorary niembei slii]) in the Hibernian Societ \ tor the l\i-lief >f luni^r.-iiits from Ireland, luuulsoiiiely framed. I need iu>t sa\- I vei \ warmly ;i]>pn-- iate the action of the Hibernian Societv in thus cinnmunicatiiiL; th.e honor which U lid me some time since in electing me one of its honor,ir\- niembei-s. The certificate > verv beantind in itself, and \\ill oecnpv a ^irominen! plai'e in m\' library he'weeii 'hose eminent I'iMin?.vlviiliiaiis, (icneral Hancock and 'I'haddi-ns Stevens. I am deeplx _ralefnl tor vonr kindness in the premises, and be-' \-on to coin'ey mv heartlelt thank- |i the Societv tor the honor \\liich it has done me. Verv cordialh voiirs, 1 \MI-S A. Bi'AX'i-u. t!u- Socu-tv verv much for your kindness. I p: i/e it vcrv highly, and 1 \vill teach my children in .;: vreciate it. l. 1 '".^ Live the Hibernian Societv. Ver;. Respectfully, i',. T. Bie.C.S. ToTn(iM\s IK l-'i.K' .'. S< I.N . Sec't'y Hibernian Society. William (ionium, Theodore 1 ; . Jenkins and John II. Campbell were appointed a Committee lo revise the Hv-Laws, but tlie Society subse- quently deemed it inadvisable to make any material alterations. John 'Inward, Thomas J. Tower, \Y. W. Hanna, John P>. Comber and Frank McManus, jr., were appointed the 1 Committee on the ensuing Anniversary dinner. The deaths were announced oi Francis McManns, John Madden, John F. .Smith and William F. Flood. At a special meeting, held .it Dooner's Hotel, on January i 6, iSoo, John II. Campbell o lie red the followino resolution : AVv 1 .'; ,- /. That the Committee on Historv IK- authori/cd to have printed, stereotyped ami '.ml)li-.lu-(l an ^-ilitioii of ::,< nx> o>pii--. of tlu- histoTv of tin- Society, the n-tai! jiricc of tlu- >anu- to In- < ]"'' fojiv, and that the Committee have full power to maki all a:"ra!iL;r:iK ;it-- t!u-v max iK-i-m neeessarv inr tlu- publication and sale of the !>ook. and aNo powi-r to issue extra editions on ditlerent paper, etc., if thev deem pro]>er. After a Mill discussion bv Messrs. Coleman, Millioan, McCalfre 1 /, Heraty, McMciiamin and others, the resolution was agreed to. At the meeting on March i~, iS(jo, William Hnce was elected President to succeed lion. William McAleer, who had served two years. Mr. Campbell, on behalf of the Committee appointed at the preceding meeting, jireseiited to Mr. McAleer a handsomely bound volume, containing the eiio-rossed resolutions expressive of the Societv's a]>prc-ciation o! the merits of its retiring President. Mr. McAleer replied to the address, retnrnino; thanks in a neat speech for the action oi the Society in his regard and expressing his thorough appreciation ol the compliment. At the conclusion he was heartily a])])landed. The Committee on Testimonial to John II. Campbell reported as follows : 'I'n THK ( )] KICK US AN'II Ml-.Mlii.K-- Ol Till IIlill.KNIAN S('ieIl:TV: i ', I.NTI.I-; M i-. N Vour Committee tak i- i^'rt -at pli-asure in ri \ 'I'tini; ihat thev hn\ i- ^i\ (; rinsidenition to the suhjei : n h in and h.ive di-i-idi-d that the most aj - ;: : : : r, e wav to c\prr-s to Mr. I..IIM II. i. inpln-11 the Socii t\ p 's hii/h a])]>reciation of - eminent servk'i - : - th.r procui'iii.u' of a suitable likeness of Mr. Campbell, to be placed first p.-i^r of the Hi-tory of tin Society, and to be f a -ketch of his i:lf, and the Socii'tv a',p])onr him '.1^ lioiiorrtr\ h;-.'ori in foi~ lite, and that the report of this Committee be appended to the sketch of hi- ' pecial record on "iir minutes, and \\ e I . ' n oi tin Conim t'i i IK ajijiroved SiLMied \\";;.: IA.M I'KJCI., ( 'hti;fiKMAX. Till'. IIIK1.KMAN SOCIHTV. -J71 11 On motion, the report of the Committee be accepted, agreed to." At this same meeting, March 17, iSo,<>, the following officers were elected : President, William Brice ; Vice-President, St. ClairA. Mnlhollar.d: Secretary, Thomas I). Ferguson ; Treasurer, Simon |. Martin : Counsellors, "William Gorman, Henry Phillips Coleinun ; Phvsicians Joseph Martin, M. 1)., Michael O'Hara, M. I ). ; Finance Committee. David McMenamin, Henry 1!. Tener, Charlo J. (iallagher: Kxeeu- tive Committee, F.dward J. Heraty, Philip J. Wal>h, Hon. William McAleer. The anniversary dinner on this date was another triumph of the Committee in charge of the same. It was held at Boldt's restaurant, in tlie Bullitt Building, and was attended by a verv large number of members and guests, presided over bv President Brice. Respon>e> to toasts were made by Mr. Clayton McMichael, editor oi th.e .\'<>i'.'/i .liH,rifiin; State Senator Boies Penrose; State Senator B. 1'. Hugh.es; District Attorney George S. Graham ; Thomas A. Fahy, Kscj. ; and Craig D. Ritchie, President oi St. Andrew's Society. Short addresses were also made by Governor Biggs, ol Delaware ; Kx-Mayor Wil- liam B. Smith and David W. Sellers. Mr. John Huggard added to the evening's enjoyment by appropriate singing. Before adjourning Hon. William McAleer was compelled to make a short address, in re- sponse to repeated calls tor him. At the meeting on June 17, iSu,o, the Westmoreland tract oi laud again cropped up, and William Gorman, of Counsel for the Society, reported having visited the land and obtained the necessary informa- tion concerning it. He was thanked for his services by a vote. The Secretary announced the deaths of George II. Stuart, Thomas Drake, James Bradv, John M. Meilov, William Whiteside, Roger Keys. M. D. , John J. McKlhone and John J. Fit/patrick. < )n December 17, rSo,o, the Finance Committee, through David McMenamin, made an elaborate report on the Westmoreland tract o! laud. The meeting on March 17, iSqi, was largely attended. President Bnce occupying the chair. The reports o! the ofiieersand e"mmittees showed a highlv prosperou- condition o! the Society. The officers Till-: Hini'RXIAN SOCIKTY. sieians, Joseph -Martin, M. I)., Michael O'lluru, M. I).; Executive Coininittee, Philip J. Walsh, Hon. William McAlcer, John Hn^ard ; Finance Committee, David MeMenumiii, Henry 15. Tener, Charles J. ( ral lather. These oiYieers are all happily serving at the present time, March I'', lSu.2. At the anniversary dinner on March 17, iXiji, the Dinner Commit- tee, consisting ol" John Hu^ard, Chairman; Thomas D. Ker^nson, John 15. Comber, Theodore l\ Jenkins, Hn^li McCaffrey and Henry A. Smith, scored another brilliant success. The banquet was o'ivcr, at the Continental Hotel and was attended bv the following members: 1 1' >N. MU HA i.i. ARMH.II, \\ i i.i.i AM I'.KK i. /'>; \'t), YV 1 1.1.1 AM I'.OYI.K. }'. 1 A\ \ K I) Hi KTON, JOHN A. COMUKK, BKRNARH CORK, 1'. S. DuiiNKU, \\'l I.I.I \M F.MSI.I-.Y, 'I'll' >s. I . !'i.iV ( ',}'.< iRi ,1. S. ( tK \HA.M, I I' 'N. f AMI-IS ( iA\ ( 1 1 iK 1)( )\ . '- : S". I)ANII:I. 1 1 \ vn NI ,s. I 1 .N. I'.I.NI \ MI N !'. i Irc.in-.h J' >MN i In .C.AKD. \\"l I.I.I AM \V. H \ \ \ \. \\'. JnS. Ill AKN. M. D., Till. i iln H< I. 1 ; . I I.NK1NS, (il-'.iiKi. !-. Ki.I.I.Y, RIIKI-.KT AKTHTR, THOMAS !'. I'>\'RNi';, ]< nix I'.\ K n, MI IKK IS I'niNKV, ]> >HN (.' VRI.IN, Tlh )M \s i IK VI. IN, I'ViKK'K I)i.\' IN I-;, Till IM v.v, \. !'A H \", M u H \ : . i. 1 . I \ n\\ C" II R i.vn M'll I R ( ', \ I.I.AI ,H KK, CHA KI.I.> J. < ',A i.i. MVIII.K. \Vl I.I.I \ M < H iRM A N, N:< HI n. \s J C.KI i-i-'iN, MlC HA 1. 1. !'. Hl.KATV, 1 ' 1 1 1 N H U ' < ', 1 1 , m.NKY. i'. T. 1 I U.I.AHAN, XVil.I.I VM Ji HI N.sTON, JAMKS KKI.I.Y, ( )\VKN KKI.I.Y, JOHN S. KF.NNKI.I.Y, M. J. Kia.i.Y, Tin I.MAS J. MOONKY, WII.I.IA.M I.. MARTIN, HON. ROUKKT KM.MKT MONAC.- H A N , SIMON J. MARTIN (7m/\.), josKi-H MARTIN, M. I)., I lrr,n MCL'A KKKI.Y, Ji 'HN S. McKlNI.AY, I 1 . Me MA NTS, MICIIAKI, MeSnAix, JOHN J. McCoNN i.i.i., HON. WII.I.IA.M MC.\I.KKR, I-'RANK McM.\N T rs, JR., JOHN (',. R. McCoRKRrj,, Ci u,. Tims. J. POWKKS, M \TTHK\V A. RYAN, \Vi i.i.i AM ]'. RKAD, J' 'Sl-.l'H [. SoI.OMON, JOHN SIMMONS, Ci u.. Tin is. I. STI. \VART, \.'l I.I.I AM S. STI'.Ni.l.R, 1 1 1 N i<\ I',. TI.;NI-;R. C \ I'T. Ji UIN T \Yl.i iR. JoM.I'H I,. \Vi.I.I.S, \\'l I.I.I \ M \V \ Y N I., > i : 'A \ K T \\' I I. Si iN Sii i-'.ri 1 \ K 1 1 ( i YorNV,, I ; .n\v \RH K i-.r.i.Y, JOHN 1 1. K i N N '.i'%', GI.N. s r. Ci. \i R A. Mn.iior,- I.A Nil. ( / ';<('-/'/ r'^' ! I, A NHR i-;\v I Mi i.i.i N, AMKS CAM1MJKIJ. sucn-rrv. THOMAS J. MARTIN, MICHAKL, MAC.ICK, JA.MI-:S MA<;IIRH, I )A VII) Me' M K N A MIX, \VlU.lAM J. McCl.OSKKV, I'KTKR McA.NAI.I.V, JAMI-;S A. McCi 1.1.01 <;n, ARCHIBALD Me.Kixi.AY, Ai. KX AN D i-; R MeC IK., THOMAS I 1 . T \vnui.i., JOHN TRAINKK, HI-.NRY J. TRAINKR, KmvAKn TRAIM-.K, 1'HII.Il' J. \\" AI.SH, JAMI-;S \VHITI-;I Y I.Y. There were also present one hundred and eight quests of the Society and of the members. Responses to the toasts were made In- Key. John S. Mclntosh, D. D., Judge James Gay Gordon, General Daniel H. Hastings, Hon. Robert Kmmet Moiiaglum, John L. Kin- sey, Ksq., Hon. Thomas V. Cooper, Mr. John L. Lawson and General St. Clair A. Mulholland. On September 17, 1891, it was resolved to sell the Westmoreland tract of land to the highest bidder at the December meeting. This was accordingly done on December 17, 1891, and William W. Ilanna and T. F. Hal vey became the purchasers at 66 cents per acre, thus dis- posing of the troublesome matter. On September 17, 1891, on report of the Committee on By-Laws, William Gorman, Chairman, certain amendments relating to the election and expulsion of members were adopted. Upon motion of Hon. William McAleer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : A't'^i >/:,',?. That the Hibernian Society extend their congratulations to the Honorable James Campbell, ex-Tostmaster-Genenil of the I'nited States, on this the fiftieth (5<>th anniversary of his election to membership in this Society, am! that their \vi-h and earnest desire is that he mav be spared for many years to his country, hi-^ lainiK" and :!'.:> Socii-tv, uhicli feels honored in having for a member a man whose Ions;- ]>iibHc life is without a stain, and whose personal character is without blemish. The resolution was unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered upon the minutes, and a copy of the same sent to .Mr. Campbell. T T ])on motion it was ordered that the address ot the President, delivered at this meeting and embodying a short sketch ot the Society, be printed and spread upon the minutes. It \vas also voted to have printed one thousand copies of the revised I5y-Laws tor distribution among the members. At the meeting on December 17, 1801, the last one we 1 have to record, Secretary Ferguson had present two lire-buckets ol the ilibernia Fire Company, which had toimerlv belonged to M 274 Till- IIIBF.KNIAN SOCILTY. David Lenox in 1787, and which had been presented to the Society by Mrs. K. K. Mitchell, accompanied by the following letter : NOVKMTUCR 10, 1891, 2106 Pine St. Mrs. Wvlie Mitchell is pleased and gratified that the Hibernian Society will accept the two lire bucket- belonging to the late Major David Lenox, of the revolutionary army, and a member of the Hibernian Societv, and will explain how they came into her possession. From Major I)avid Lenox to his widow, Tacy Lukens Lenox, daughter of John I, nkens, Survevor general of Pennsylvania from 175710 his death in 1789, through Mrs. Lenox to their niece, Sarah Lukens Keene, daughter of Major Lawrence Keene of the revolution. irv army, and at her death in 1866 to her niece, I-'.llen Keene, daughter of her brother, the late Jessie Lukens Keene, now the widow of Wvlie Mitchell, M.I)., of Philadelphia. A resolution of thanks was voted to Mrs. Mitchell for the gift. The Treasurer, Simon J. Martin, made his usual annual report, showing the total assets of the Society to be $65,682.05, made up as follows : 1 Mortgage, . . . :?3.oo<> oo 2 ... 6,000 oo 3 ... 4,500 oo 4 ... 5,500 cxi 5 ... 4,500 oo 6 ... 1,200 oo 7 ... 2,200 oo 2,500 (X) 9 ... 2,51x1 oo 10 ... 3,000 oo 11 " ... 2,300 12 " ... 13 " ... "i 1 f j "H K ) (X) RAILROAD BONDS. I' :ir value. Market value. 10,0 K. Chicago ,V Wc-tern Indiana 6 per cent. Railroad Bonds, 10,800 oo I,fx I. ehigh Valley ~ percent. K. R. bonds, .... 1,140 oo r.oon ("nited Canal Bond-, IiOIO (X) I/**. Philadelphia .N: Reading 3d,, W> <-' ish on deposit. City Tru-t \; I,. I). Comjiany, . . . 2,i^S2 05 ^65,682 05 Mr. Dooner, from tlie Committee on History, reported that the work was being pushed forward as rapidly as its importance permitted, and that the Committee hoped to have it completed at an early date. I'pon motion of John II. Campbell a Committee was appointed to extend invitations to join the Society to such gentlemen as might be Til'' HIH!-:KNIAN SoriKTY. ^-> deemed worth v of iiiciubcrship. The motion was agreed to, and the President appointed the Coniniittee. The deaths of John C. Hurst, Michael J. Dohan and Richard II. Bolster were announced by the Secretary. The Dinner Coniniittee for the coining anniversary \vas announced as follows : John Hug- gard, Chairman, John \\. Comber, Theodore F.Jenkins, Charles J. Gallagher and Captain John Taylor. Under their auspices the Anniversary Banquet will be held at the Continental Hotel, on March 17, 1892, on which day onr history oi the Society ends. Throughout its long history oi more than one hundred years, the Society was never in a more prosperous condition nor occupied a higher position in the community. The high standard of excellence inaugurated in 1/90 lias been steadily maintained, and under the guidance of Major-Geueral v St. Clair A. Mulholland, one of the heroes of the " Irish Brigade," who is about to assume the office of Presi- dent, we have no fears but that the good name of the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland will be upheld in the future as it has beeu in the past. PARTICIPATION OP Till: MKMBHRS IN 1TBLIC HYEXTS FROM iSi TO iS.2. Di'Rixr, the period from iSis to iS|f>, as might naturally be ex- pected, the pursuits of the members were iu the main those pertain- in^ '.it a time o; peace. \\"e have seen 111 considering the Revolutionary War aud the war of iSij ho\v easily the uierehaut became the soldier- -especially when the merchant was an Irish-American. Whenever the defence of their country needed their services 'die member^ of the Hibernian Societv never hesitated, but when there was no >uch occasion the members pursued their usual avocations in civic life, and were as reach' to participate in all public occasions. In perusing the pages of Scharf >S: \\'estcott's " History of Phila- delphia" one is struck with the great number ot names of members ol the Hibernian Society appearing there. Scarcely any movement of prominence but had members of the Society taking an active part. We cannot attempt to enumerate all of these occasions, but must con- tent ourselves with bricflv running over the list. John Sergeant, who tor many years was one ot the Solicitors of the Society, was the successful candidate- for Congress in 1814. Among the candidates for Congress in iSi6 we find William J. Duane, Wil- liam Anderson and John Sergeant, and for the Legislature, John Holmes and George Morton. Paul Cox headed one of the electoral tickets. Rev. Samuel P>. Wylie was one of the Vice-Presidents of the newly organixed Religion-- Historical Society, (itiv P>ryan, John Savage and John Connellv were Directors of the Second I'ank of the United States. In iXi- William Findlav was elected Governor of the State, and William J. Duane, James Harper and John Lisle figure as candidates tor the Legislature. At the reception given bv the citixens to President Monroe during this year among the committee of fourteen Federal and State office-holders appointed to wait on him were John Steel, Collector of the Port ; Robert Patterson, Director of the Mini ; David Caldwell, Clerk of United States Courts ; Joseph I>. McKean, Judge of the District Court, and Joseph Reid, Recorder. In this vear the touudation of the American Sun flay- School I'u ion was laid, with Alexander Henry as President. Tw> of the four member- of Congress elected in iSiS from the citv were l"lm Sergeant and Joseph lleniphill. In iSni }o-ei)!i \\'or!'i-:l was THi: IIIHKRNIAN SOUKTY. -77 weie Andrew Bayard, Richard Bache, Turner Camac. John McCrca, William Schlatter and John Strawbridge. Governor XYilliam Find- lay \vas a candidate for re-election in i82<\ but was defeated. He wa> alterwards elected l"n;ted States Senator. At a meeting of tax- payers held in 1821, John I.eamv was Chairman and Robert A. Ca'.d- cleii^h was Secretary. In 1824 John Connelly wa- named as the first Pre.-ident of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ju-t chartered. At the reception to Lafayette this year, General Robert Patterson, atterwards President of the Society, commanded the Fir.-t Brigade, Pliiladel])hia Militia, and Charles S. Cove was Colonel of one of the regiments. The two members from Philadelphia on the newly- created Hoard ot Canal Commissioners in 1825 were Dr. Robert Pat- terson and John Sergeant. The last-named gentleman was the orator in 1826 at the ceremonies consequent upon the deaths of ex- Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on the 4th of Julv of this year. In the same year the venerable Matthew Carey pre-ided over a meeting in aid of the struggling Greeks, who were in rebellion against Turkey, and in 1827 he was Chairman of another meeting called to form a Horticultural Society. At a big meeting held in In- dependence Hall in 1829 to celebrate the Catholic Emancipation Act, 350 persons were present. The presiding officer was Matthew Carev, and on his left was seated Turner Camac and on his ri^ht Benjamin YV. Richards, the Mayor. Dr. James McIIenry wrote a poem for the occasion and John Pinns was one of the speakers. Numerous other Hibernians were present. In 1830 a town meeting held to express sympathy \vith the French Revolution of 1830 was addr--sh citixens, of course volunteered immediately. Students ot American history know the distinguished part taken in the war by Gen. Robert Patterson, who was second in command to Gen. Win- field Scott. l\}< ^allantry reflected lustre upon the Hibernian Society, of which he hail been one of the most active members for many years and <>: which he was President when he died. We nii^ht appropriately close this chapter by mention of the banquet tendered to Kos.Mith. the Hungarian patriot, by the city of Philadelphia on December 24, 1851, as showing the prominence of the Society in Philadelphia at this period. The addresses at the banquet were made by Commodore George C. Read, Major-General Robert Patterson, Morton McMichael, Jud'^e John K. Kane, Jud<;e William I). Kellev and John C. Montgomery. ( M the-e speakers Commcxlorc Read, r General Patterson, Jud^e Kane and Morton M, -Michael were members ol the Hibernian Society. < >n Xovember 23, 1.^52, John Sergeant, who had been one- of the for many years, died. William W. un ;ellor in is p, ;, his life at the ^reat street^ on I )< ceinbei 2o, 1 82. In tlu- Till-: I III? HUMAN SOCIKTY. 279 took an active part. The opening of the Canulen and Atlantic Kail- road on July i, 1^53, was signalized by an excursion oi prominent citi/.ens, of whom Henry C. Carey was one of the Yice-Presidents. The passage of the Consolidation Act in i.\vj wa> tile occasion of various celebrations, including a steamboat excursion, on which addresses were made, among others, by .Morton Mr Michael, Colonel William C. Patterson, Judge Bnrnside of the Supreme Con:", and Robert Kmmet Mona^han. At the P>aiumet on March ij, i- s >.}. Morion McMichael presided. Richard Yanx was a candidate for the Mayoralty at the first election after consolidation, but was not suc- cessful. John Lindsay was elected City Treasurer. At the spring election in 1856 Richard Yanx was elected Mayor, and William A. Porter, City vSoiicitor. Upon the death of Dr. Klisha Kent Kane earl} 1 in 1857, the Society, out of regard for his father, Judge John K. Kane, who had long been a prominent member, passed resolutions of condolence, and among the pall-bearers to receive his body were Commodore George Read, Commodore Charles Stewart and William IJ. Reed. The last-named gentleman was appointed Minister to China by President Buchanan in 1857, and at the public dinner given to him in honor ol the event Joseph R. Chandler presided. At the Mav election in iS^S Alexander Heurv was elected Mayor. On Mav ^r, iS^<), a public reception was given to William P. Reed on h:s return from China, where he had negotiated the famous Chinese Treat}'. The lormal address o! welcome was made bv Mavor Alex- ander Henry. At the May election, iSoo, Mayor Henry was re- elected, and at the tall election in the State Andrew G. Cnrtin was elected ( rovcrix >r. The period ot the civil war was now tast approaching, and in Philadelphia., as in all other parts of the country, there was intense excitement. Abraham Lincoln had been elected President of the United vStates, and the- .Southern States were passing ordinances o; secession. Mayor Henry issued a proclamation to the citi/eus t< meet in Independence Square "to counsel together to avert the danger which threatens our country." The meeting took place on December 13, iS6<>, fifty thousand person,-, being in attendance. Mavor Ilcnrv presided, and among the vice-presidents ol the meeting were William J. Duaue, Matthe\v IJaird, Thomas P>arnett, Authom J. Drexel, Charles vS. Coxe, George W. Toland, General Robert Pat- tei>on, Robert Kwing, Robert Steen, John < '. Jauu-->, II. Cathcrwood, IIeii:\- C. Carey, Andrew C. Craig, Joseph Patter.-oii, Da\'i'l Pan! IJioxvu, Singleton A. Mercer, J. 15. Colahan, \\'illiam Dixdue and Commodore Charles Stewart. 2>0 Till-; H1HKR.MAN SOCIKTY. 1 1 is evident from this list that the old-time patriotism of the Society \vas arousing itself, and that the record of their predecessors would soon be emulated in defence of their country, (ieiieral Robert Patterson, the President of the Society, was Major-General of the First Division of Pennsylvania Militia, and Forney's /';r.v.\ said of him, "Should hostilities grow out ol our present unhappy divisions, t'ae counsels ot (ieueral Patterson will be sought by men of all par- ties" on account ot "his large experience in military matters, his undoubted patriotism, his services in the Mexican War, and his devotion to his o\\n State.' 1 On January 4, iS6i, a meeting oi leading citizens met in the Roard of Trade rooms to consider the situation. Among the callers of the meeting were Henry C. Carey, Morton McMichacl and Daniel I Knighertv. A lar;;e meeting of citi/.ens was he-Id in National Hall on the even- ing of January s, iSoi. The first three vice-presidents named, Com- modore Charles Stewart, Morton McMichael and Major-General Robert Patterson, were all members of the Hibernian Society, as were also ]ud-c John M. Read, ex-Mayor Richard Yaux, William f. Diiane, Henry C. Carev, William A. Porter, Andrew C. Craig and several others. Patriotic resolution.-- were passed, and the meeting adjourned amidst threat enthusiasm. At a banquet on January 25, iS6i, Commodore Charles Stewart ("Old Ironsides") declared that the Constitution, like his own shin of that name, "might be sunk by her friends, but was never to be- taken." Among the military organ- izations parading on Washington's P>irthday, February 22, iSoi, were the " Meagher Guards." In Ajiril, iS6i, General Robert Patterson was appointed by Gov- ernor Curtin to the command ot the Pennsylvania Troops. On May S, i SMI, the First Artillery Regiment, Pennsylvania Yolunteers, Colonel p'rancis 1C. Patterson, leit the city tor the- trout. On June 2, iS6i, ( ieiu-ral Robert Patterson left Philadelphia for Chambersbnrg, Pa., to take charge of the Federal advance into Yiigiuia by way ot Harper's Ferry, and on June i^th he crossed the Potomac with about ten thousand men. A' the quarterly meeting of the- Society on June [~, iSoi, the fol- lowing preamble and resolutions, expressive o| the sentiments ol the Member.--, were unanimously adopted upon motion oi Joseph Jones : \Vin.ki \s Tin Mfin!>i-:s .if tin- Ilibcrni.in Sorit-ty, ^r.iu-fnl fur Uu- ]in.li-i-ti1 and ,-.U.ichment to the (lovernnicut df the I'nitcd States, and the Constitution of which that ( lovernment is the- otfsprini; , be it therefore AV> ('/r't'i/. That the members of this Society do i\\\ rciic\s their vows rt ; .nid u c do iurther declare that to tin- utmost of our ability uc will defend and protect a^ain-t ..'.1 enemies, domestic and foreign, that (rlorious 1'nioii \\ithoiit \\hich there can he neither National Strength nor individual Safctv. and deprived of whu'h 1:1. erf. and HH Uj.ender.ee and eoiintrv are hut emptv nanie-~. A'e'.iii/trcf, That ue are not f.ninindlul of the example of that Soek-t\ from \siiieh our So.'i(.-tv sprang, "The 1'riendK Sons of St. 1'atriik," \\iio--e ineniSer--. by their sai'ri- i'i-(.-s of blood, propertv ami life "in times that trieil men's souls," uoii ircjni \\'.i>h;nj;- tou the ti"~ti!iioiii;d that the\' \vc-re tlistiil^uislieil for linn adhereiiee to the (Morions Cause of their Coiintrv a rause which inijierilled r.ow as it was then < ue pledge our- sfhfs, like them, to sustain. A V v])inion by that lai\L;e class of natural- ized citi/ens \\hose opinions and feelings this Societv mav fairlv claim to represent -a cla-~s who will yield to none in loyalty to the Countrv which the\" ha\'e adopted as their own. the ( >o\'ernment. Constitution and Laws of which it i^ not less their d'.itv than their inclination and, determination to tipholcl, defend and obey. From this time on until the close of the war the member^ of the Hibernian Society were amon; the ^tron^est supporters of the I nion cause. The ^reat War Governor, Amlrew ( r. Curtin. is an active Hi- bernian and a familiar figure- at the Society's dinners. The Mavor ol the city, Alexander Henr\', was another Hibernian. Mar.v of the uiembeis now on the roll, or who have departed this life, enii-ted in the various regiments of the Slate, and numbers of them made bril- liant records on the field of battle. General Robert Patterson, Gen- eral William McCaudlcss, General St. dair A. Mulhollaud, General Robert K. Patterson, Golonel Dennis Heenan, Colonel F. M. IIe\'l, Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, Colonel lames O'Reillv, C.iptain John Taylor, and many others, were amono the most ^ailanl of Penn- syl\Miiia si ddicrs. It m'o'ht be well, at this point, to pav some attention to ilu- records ma'le by two ol the tamons regimen is of the Arm\' o! the Potomac, both ol them " Iri>h Regiments," led b\- members of the Hiberni.r.i stars and strijies of America and the ^rceii tla- of Ireland, their record is one unbroken series of heroic- achievements and distinguished acts i it br i\'erv. 2vJ Till' HI1M-RNIAN SOCIKTY. Just before the outbreak of the war the Second Philadelphia Reg- iment of vState Militia was composed almost entirely ol Irish-Ameri- cans. The companies were known as the Irish Volunteers, Ilibernia (ireens, Kmmet Guards, Measlier Guards, Jackson Guards, vShields Guards, Patterson Light Guards, vShields Rifles and Montgomery (iuards. .Some of the companies notably the Ilibernia Greens had been in existence for many years. When the war commenced, Joshua T. Owen was elected Colonel, Dennis Heenan, Lieutcnant- Colonel, and Dennis O' Kane, Major. James O'Reilly, alterwards its Lieutenant-Colonel, was Capuun ol Company C. The regiment entered the field as the Twenty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the call of the President for 75,000 men for three months ser- vice, faithfully performed all the duties assigned to it, and was one of the two regiments which responded to the appeal of General Rob- ert Patterson to remain in the field after its term of service had expired, until reinforcements could arrive to deiend the upper Potomac, although over two hundred of the men were shoeless. Mustered out on August (), iS6i, it was immediately reorganized lor three years as the Second Regiment of linker's Brigade, but by request of the regi- ment, and with the consent of Governor Curtin, it became the Sixty- ninth Pennsylvania regiment, Irom that time on so iamous through- out the war. Colonel Owen remained at the head, Major O'Kane became Lieutenant-Colonel, and John Devereux, Major, and in the early fall of iSni the regiment left Philadelphia for the front. " In camp, in garrison, on the march or in battle," the regiment never faltered in its duty, " never turning its rear to the enemy except when com]", lied bv orders from superior authority. 1 ' It never lost a flag to the enemy, and on two occasions saved the colors of other regiments from falling into the enemy's hands. By its desperate charge at Xel- son's Farm it saved the dav and probably the army. It was among the first to enter the field in defence of the Union, and served contin- uously until honorably mustered out at the close of the war by reason ol its services being no longer required. It had in its rank and file during that period over three thousand, men, and lost over six hun- dred of them killed, wounded, or dead from disease contracted in - rvice. To the Sixtv-ninth Regiment belongs the honor of occupying the mo md-lide of tvlK-llion checked. It was here yoti met tin- i'o\\er of the Confederate Armv in liand to-hand encounter, and here many ol our brave companion- laid d<-\'. :: tiu-ir li\c> in that tcrrilik- >trn^.u;'U'. \Vh<.-n I lancoi-k arrived on thi-^ !n-M during llic t":r>t dav's li'^'at t.-N'i-rythin^ \vas in doubt, tlu- rii^ht \MII.L;' of the iinnv h.u'in^ tn-ri: drivi-;: Iioni bovond the town, tin- gallant Reynolds killed, and m.inv ol" the re^inu-nt-- jianii 1 ->trieki-n in i'oiise((;K'iu-i- of their loss, and it wa-- not until lie hron^ht hi>o\s:i vSei-omi Corjis on the field and deploved tlieni aloli^ thi> rid^e on th.e M-eoiid and the bi\i\'e \\"arreii had >eeured Round To]) tor the artillery, was our armv secure in it> ]>- sitior.. The Sixty-llintll was placed alon^ the slope of this r:dL;'c anil ordered to h"'.d the line secure in this position. And you faithftillv did what you were told. A> in ever\ other position throughout the war in which YOU \\ere placed, yon proved faithful to tile trust. On the afternoon of the. second day the cncinv in force attacked the left ; the brave Sickle-- was badly wounded, and his corps bein^' driven from it-- advanced position when gallant Ham'ock came to the rescue ; but so impetuous was the assault made bv th-- e:iem\', that on the\" came like the fnrv of a wliirlwind, until thev came \\ithin a few puces of this line. The batterv on vour front was dri'/eii from its position, and two of us x'lms were left to the advancing eiienn-, who made several desperate attempts to capture them, and was driven from them each time bv vour wei! directed lire, until at last they were forced to retire'. The t^uns recovered for the battery, the contest tor the -lav ceased, and the Sixty ninth noblv held their position. On the third dav, notwithstanding there had been ample 1 ime for en: rencliinv;, there were no entrenching tools furnished, and consequent! v no attempt made to strengthen thi-- position, ex pec-tint; everv moment a renewal of the contest, \\ hen suddenly, about one o'clock, yonder ridi^e commenced to belch forth its volcanic lire on \ . >ur unpro- tected position. Shot, shell. \Vhitworth bolt- evers missile kno\\n :< inoilern \var- fare- -were thrown against this position for two lonj^ hours. This was but the prelude to the mo.st desperate infantry charge of modern times, for soon 1'ickett's l)j\isio:; \\.i-- seen, marchtny out I'rom the -dicker of yonder woods, with color- living lieiian:!'.' to the iiree/.e. and seeming to say, we come to pierce voin centre match n- if ym; can. Kemper, < rarnett and Annistead, .J.f/x) strong, \\i'h Heath's nivision, under IYUv.:re\v, on their left, and \\"ilcox's lM\'i-ioii on their rit;'ht ; the \vholeofthe att.ic'kin'. 1 column about i v r)( x ' HH'ii. I'ickett'-. men had been L;i\'eii thi- clnni]) of trees, point for their attack, and the Sixty-ninth was the barrier bet \\ecti them. (Mi t;ie\ came in ^rand disjilay, and, notwithstanding their rinks \\ere '"-iiu; monu-ir .: i! thinned by the artillery lire from all ahm^ ;hi- r:d.;e. the\ in nvhcd forward wit!: t':ie ste :':iiu of men on ]>arade, seeming iletermined to sweep all '-efore them Th.n-e, in-, -oinrades, were the moments which trie-1 men'- son'.- N'oni- but the b:..\r-'. hearts could auait the assault \\hich was then ai proachin^;, !/:' i- < ".; ::de-:t ' \ i- the .it ta< kinj; roiuinii raini;, just as c< in lii lent '.% did \ on assail ';-.: i * :'.':. "l'!:e <-\ e- --f th" \\hole country were at th it moment centred on < '.et '. \ -''.:..'. ..:: 1 fervent i>:..-,ev-, were ascending to tlu- C.od of Hosts t!; it t!ie -\\-. epiv i-he.-ke.I. All attention of both armies \\ is .Jir.'c:, ! to tin- '..o-i-ion f,.r -...on th.e >i Til]-: IIIHKRNIAX SOCIKTY. giants iiu-t to determine the- fate of the day. And then was the lug of war. On your front and in your midst, my comrades the pride of the rebel army was broken, demoraii/ed and almost annihilated. Aye. the proud and defiant champions of Lee's army had met their match ; and the gauntlet so defiantly thrown down bv them had been pieked up, and they paid the penalty for their rashness. These fields were almost covered with their dead, who came never to return again. Pickett's charge was re])iilsed ; the country saved; Harri>burg, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania relieved. I'or had General Lee's plans succeeded in cutting through this een tie ])osition, nothing could have >tayed their onward march, and lure on this very spot the flood-tide of the rebellion reached its high-water mark, and from whence it was ever after made to recede 1 . P.ut what frightful cost in precious blood ! In those three eventful da\s 40, ocKi mowed down in that mighty harvest of death around this little town of Gettys- burg, and you, my comrades, contributed largely to that number. Your gallant leaders, Colonel ()'Kane and Lieutenant-Colonel Tschiuly, were killed, and of the 258 comrades of the Sixty-ninth Regiment entering the fight on the 2(1 of Julv, i Sb; v you lost in killed, wounded and missing, fifty-five per cent, of that number. Tennyson has im- mortali/ed in poem the famous Six Hundred, who lost at Italaklava thirty-six and seven-tenths per cent., and we read in history of great achievements being performed on other battle-fields; but, my comrades, the deeds and glories of Grecian Phalanx and Roman Lesion would pale before the deeds of valor performed on the field of Gettys- burg. Centuries may pass and new generations populate our land, yet the name of Gettysburg will not fail to call lie fore memory the heroic deeds enacted there. Its deeds of valor are not chanted in nndving epic or immortal poem, yet, beside Ther- mopyhe and Marathon. Waterloo and Balaklava, stands the name of Gettysburg ; and coupled with that of Gettysburg as one of the glittering stars in the brilliant firmament of fame will be that of the gallant old Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania. Many years have passed, mv comrades, since vour brave deeds helped to make this field famous. In all these years you had no one to sing your praise. Yoti modestly awaited the time when the truth of historv must be known, and your deeds would then compare favorably with the- nuKt valiant. You were alwavs placed where carnage was thickest, and you unflinchingly performed your duty. None could do more ; few did as well." This eloquent picture of the Sixty-ninth (Irish) Regiment gives us an idea of the valor of the Irish soldier in America. From the first struggle for independence, when the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick made themselves famous, down to the end of the \var for the Union, the Irish-American soldier did his duty by his adopted country, and his full share in gaining and maintaining her liberties. When that gallant member oi the Hibernian Society, Lieutenant-Colonel James ( V Keilly, inarched home with the remnants of the Sixty-ninth, carrying the tattered green flag which had been through so many battles, the people might well believe that with such defenders no cncmv could ever trample over the liberties of America. The One Hundred and Sixteenth Pennsylvania was another famous Iri>h regiment in the war for the Union. The history of this gal- laut regiment is one in which the member- of the- Hibernian .Society must ever take a dee]) interest, for no men who inarched and iought in the great war of secession performed more noble service for our THI-; HIHKRNIAN S<>CIF.TY. country and flag than the members of this command. Several of the most prominent officers were members ol the Society, aiul several -till remain to meet with us at the quarterlv reunions. The regiment was organixed June, iSfu, by Colonel Dennis lleenau. with St. Clair A. Mulliolland as Lieutenant-Colonel, and (ieorge II. Bardwell as Major, and lett Philadelphia for the >e.a of war September 2<1 of that year. The membership was largely com- posed of sous of the Knierald Isle. Kvery ]>art of Ireland wa> repre- sented in the ranks. From Cork to Donegal thev had come to gather around the flag of their adopted country, and show that they were readv to defend and die for it. The regiment was assigned to ''The Irish Brigade," commanded l>v that brilliant son of Waterford, (ieueral Thomas Francis Mca ghcr. The Brigade wa> then a part of the Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, and from first to last the fortunes of the regiment were linked with that great armv. After participating in a fight at Charlestown, \'a. , October 16, 1862, and in all the skirmishes along the Blue Ridge that preceded the battle of Fredericks- burg, the command participated in that awful fight, and, in the celebrated charge on Marye's Heights, at noon, on December i^. held the left flank of the Irish Brigade, and during that march of death lost fifty per cent, in killed and wounded. All the field and >taff fell early in the day. Nearly all the line-officers were killed. or wounded. The color sergeant (William II. Tyrrell) fell pierced with five balls, and the regiment was taken off the field bv the fourth commander. The correspondent of the London Thii< \ witnessed the charge of Meagher's Brigade on this occasion, and, in admiration, offers this splendid tribute : " Never at Fontenov, Albuera or at Waterloo was more- undaunted courage displavcd by the sons of Friu than during the frantic dashes which thev directed against the almost impregnable position of their foe. After witnessing- the gallant rv and devotion o! these troops, and viewing- the hill->ide for acres strewn with their corpses, thick as autumn leaves, the spectator can remember nothing but their desperate' courage. That any mortal men could have carried the position before which they were wantonlv sacrificed, defended as : t was, seems to me idle to believe. But the bodies which lie in dense masses within fortv yar Colonel Wa't'>n'> gnus are the best evidence men thev were who pressed on to death wi'h a da N\'hich has gamed glurv on a thuu.->and ; M' ' V '; ' richlv J<>> Till-: HIHKRXIAX SOCIKTY. At Chancellorsvillc, May 3, 1863, the regiment was again especially distinguished, again holding the left flank of the Brigade, and, after a splendid charge, succeeded in saving the guns of the Fifth Maine Battery that had been abandoned by the gunners and were about fall- ing into the hands of the eneniv. Both ( .enerals Hancock and Mea- gher showered praise on the men of the command for this day's work. At Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, 1803, the regiment held both the extreme right flank of the Brigade and Division, and again gathered fresh laurels and added to its renown. On the- afternoon of the sec- ond day the command fought on the Rose farm, to the left of the peach orchard, and on the third day was in line to meet the great onslaught of Pickett's eighteen thousand men. The command, on this occasion, met Wilcox's Brigade and captured more prisoners than there were nien in the ranks. Then the regiment took part in the battles of Bristoe Station, Auburn and Mine- Run, and in the terrific battles of the Wilderness campaign, beginning in May, 1864, it acted a most conspicuous and gallant part. Six hundred recruits had filled the depleted ranks, and on the v sth of May the command met the enemy on the Brock Road, on the first day of the Wilderness fight. There amid the flaming woods the regiment stood immovable, throwing back, one after another, the fierce charges of Long-street's men. Again, on the 6th of May, the command was in the thick of the fight at this point, and on May 8 made a gallant charge at Todd's tavern. On May 10 it was again in the very front at Po River, and in the Titanic struggle at Spottsylvania, May 12, was one of the very first regiments to carrv its colors over the enemy's works, capturing colors and prisoners without number ; again, at the same place, May 18, mak- ing another gallant charge ; May 23, fighting on the North Anna ; on May 27 at the Pamunky ; on the ^oth and ^ist of the same month making a glorious record at Tolopotomy Creek ; and on June 2 and 3, at the bloody battle of Cold Harbor, leaving half its men dead and bleeding- on the field. June r6, 186.}, the command was in line, storming the Confederate position at Petersburg, Ya., again leaving manv noble men dead and wounded. The losses during these six weeks (Mav 5 to June 16) were- appalling indeed. Of the ten field officers of the Iri^h Brigade that went into the fight May 5, six were killed and four severely wounded within five weeks, and the Brigade \vas commanded bv a Captain. ( )! the seven hundred and fittv men of the ii6th Regiment, six hundred fell during those awful five weeks. Then during the ten months of the siege of Petersburg the com- mand was ever iu the front, and, while not in the trenches, was tak- Till-; Hir.KRNIAN SOCIETY. ->7 ing purl in sonic of the many bailies incidental to the capture of that place-, fighting at Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, Ream's Station, Hatcher's Run, Dabney's Mills; then, when Petersburg and Rich- moiul fell, participating in all the battles incidental to the pur-nit and capture of the Confederate army of ( ieueral Lee, ti^htin^ at Five Forks, Amelia Court-House, Farmingtou, and on to Appomatto\, being ])resent at the surrender; never turning to look to the rear until the last enemy of the Republic had laid down his arms. Truly the i loth Pennsylvania Volunteers was a regiment that the Iri^h > :'- ixeiis c;in be justly proud of a regiment that never failed to hold, with the most splendid valor, the ground itwasordered to maintain, or charge, with the highest courage, the position it was ordered to capture. Many of the officers who fell in battle were of the noblest and best of men. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard C. Dale was killed at Spottsylvauia, Lieutenant Fhigene Brady at F'ivc F'orks, Captain < iar- rett Xolen and Captain Samuel Taggert Jell side by side at Ream's Station, Captain Harry Price in front of Petersburg, Lieutenants Montgomery and F'oltz at Fredericksburg, where Lieutenant Robert McGuire was also mortally wounded. ( )f the forty original oiTicers who took the field with the regiment in June, 1862, only one re- turned with the command at the close of the war. The regiment was mustered out, June 3, 1865. The four stands of colors, carried at dif- ferent times during the three years of service, were all returned to tin- State torn, shattered, bloodstained and bullet-riddled, to be sure, but covered with honor. Beneath their ("olds some of the best and bravest sons of Ireland gave up their lives and poured out their heart's blood for the land of their adoption. Colonel Dennis Heeuan, who organized the regiment, was, at the tune, a prominent member of the Hibernian Society, and (ieueral St. Clair A. Mulhollaud, Captain Francis X. Ouinlan and Lieutenant William Fmi>ley are still members, so that it is altogether fitting and proper that this short sketch o! the command should have a place m these annals. It might be well, at this point, to remark that not alone in the Moth and ii6th Pennsylvania Regiments were the Irish-Americans ol Phil- adelphia conspicuous. There.' was scarcely a regiment that left the city or State for the front that did not contain a liberal complement oi them in its ranks. They went into the war bv hundreds, and belore ending our notice- of them, we u\\i^{ u-ter to the- re-cord oi another gallant officer and membe-r of the Hibernian Society, Colone-1 William McCandless, the- Colonel of the- |th Regiment ol IVnnsvlva- uia Reserves, and tor a time Commander on the- field ot the- Firs! P>n;^- 2SS Till- HIHKRNIAX SOCIKTV. ade of the Reserve Corps. General McClellan, in speaking of the Reserves at the battle of Mechaniesville, said: "Assault after assault was made by the enemy and three times they succeeded in forcing their way through on the left of the' regiment and gaining the cleared ground, but were as often driven back at the point of the bayonet. Colonel McCaudless gallantly leading the charge. 11 Tile history of the Irish Brigade in the war for the Union presents a record unsurpassed in bravcrv, courage and patriotism in the annals of American history, and as it is but typical of the soldierly qualities which have made so many of the members of the Friendly Sons oi St. Patrick and of the Hibernian Society so distinguished in the Armv and Xavy of the United States, we have thought it would be of interest to add to this work a supplemental chapter containing a sketch of the Brigade, written by one of its gallant officers, General St. Clair A. Mnlholland, who is about to assume the Presidency of this Society. It will be found immediately following this chapter. From the close of the war in 1^65 until the present year, 1892, the members of the Society have been mainly occupied in performing their duties as useful citizens of the Commonwealth. Whether in professional, mercantile or other pursuits, or as public officials, obey- ing the call of their fellow-citizens to perform public duties, they have maintained the proud record of the Society. Xo public event of im- portance' has taken place in Philadelphia without their active partici- pation. We might cite as an instance the Parliamentary Fund Com- mittee of iSS6. In obedience to a call issued by more than 200 of the most prominent citizens ot Philadelphia for a public meeting in the vState Mouse, to express sympathv for the people of Ireland in their struggle for Home Rule, a Citizens 1 Committee of Fifty was ap- pointed to raise a fund to sustain the Irish Members of Parliament in their work, and upon that Committee were the following members of the Hibernian Society : John Field, Chairman ; Michael J. Rvan, Secretary; William M. Singerly, M. P. Handy. William F. Harrity, Thomas J. Powers, John Wanamaker, John McLoughlin, Hugh Mc- Caffrey, Wharton Barker, George I). McCrcary, James F. Sullivan, \rchibald McKinlev, David (iiltinan, C. J. Harrah, Jr., Philip J. Walsh, Frank Siddall, B. K. Jamison, Peter S. Dooner, John Sim- mons, William Price, Robert M. McWade, Patrick O'Xeill, Stephen Farrelly, C. J. McGlinchv, Francis Ilaggerty and John H. Campbell. It was a member ot that Committee and also of the Society, Mr. Pat- rick n'Xeill, throuh whose hands the manificent sum of<^,ooo HUGH MeCAI-FKKY. Till-: HIHKRNIAN SOCIF.TY. L'9 raised by the Committee was forwarded, by vote of the Coniinittce, to the Treasurer of the Parliamentary Fund in Fhig'.and. Whether it be in raising money for the struggling people of Ireland, or in promptly contributing to the relief ot the Johnstown tlood Milfcivrs, or, as we have just witnessed, to the- famine-stricken peasants of Rus- sia, the members ol the Hibernian Societv are alwavs in the front rank, as they always are when the liberties of the eonr.try are in danger. The vSociety lias grown in strength and prominence, until it now numbers 538 members, and has in its treasury more than So5,<>. A ; giving some idea of the prominence of the members in public affairs, we might appropriately close the chapter the last one of the historv by stating that the Postmaster-General of the United States, the Congressman from the Third District, the Secretary of the Common- wealth, the Secretary of Internal Affairs and the Adjutant-General of the State, the Brigadier-General of the First Division State- Militia, the Mavor, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Receiver of Taxes, Postmaster, Xaval Officer and three of the Judges of the City, are all members of the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Bmigrants from Ireland, ly 'HI: IRISH BRICiADIi IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION BY r.KNKKAI, ST. Cl.AIK A. Mn.HOI.I.AND. TliK story of the Irish race is the history of a people fearless in danger and peerless in battle. In every age in which they have appeared, in every land where they have fought, under every flag they have defended, they have added to their glory and increased their renown. " Magnificent Tipperary ! " exclaimed Sir Charles Napier when, at Meeance, alter lonr hours of hard fighting he saw eight Jiundrcd Irishmen driving before them ticcnty tJiousand Belooches, the bravest soldiers of India. l> Curse the laws that deprive me of such subjects ! " cried George II. when he heard of the whipping that the Irish Brigade, in the ser- vice of France, had given his troops at Fontenoy. lt Men/ 1 says Washington, '' distinguished for their firm adherence to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." " I thank the Irish Brigade for their superb conduct in the field," says General McClcllan on the Peninsula. Ah, yes, in every age, in every clime it has been the same thing. In India, Africa, in China and on all the fields of Knrope they have left their footprints and the records of their valor. The Shamrock and the Fleur-de-lys have blended together on many of the bloodiest and most glorious fields of France. Along the banks of the Guadalquivir the cry of " Fag-an-Bealac ! " i^ echoed even to this day ; and Spain still remembers Ireland's sons and Irish intrepidity. Italy recalls Cremona and the regiments of Dillon and Burke sweeping before them the Cuirassiers of Prince Ivngene. Before their wild hurrah the strongest defences of Flanders trembled and fell, and Luxembourg entered Xamur when the Irish charged the works. On every field of the old lands, and in every battle in which our own country has taken part, the sons of Krin have been present, gathering fresh laurels and reflecting new lustre on their race. Light- IIoy.se Harry Lee, writing of the Pennsylvania troops of the Revolu- tion, savs : ''They were known as the line of Pennsylvania, whereas they should have been called the line ot Ireland." Hold and daring, they would always prefer an appeal to the bayo- THi; HIRKRNIAN SoCIKTY '1 '1 net to a tiresome march. Their (General (Wayne) and his soldiei> \vere singularly fitted lor close and stubborn action. Cornwall is, therefore, did not miscalculate when he presumed that the presence of Wayne and his Irishmen would increase the chance of bringing his antagonist, Lafayette, to action. Not only Wayne and his Brigade were Irish, but nearly ail the general officers of the Revolution from Pennsylvania were Cells. Generals William Irvine, Stephen Moylan, William Butler, Kdward Hand, William Thompson, John Shee, Waller Stewart, and Wa-h- i niton's Surgeon-General Cochran, every one of them hailed from the ever faithful Isle. Indeed, we can speak with conscious pride of the Irish soldier i:i the United States. Barrv, the first commander of our infant navy, was Irish. The first and the last commander of our army, Anthony Wayne and Philip Sheridan Sheridan, the beloved of Grant, ''the whirlwind wilh spurs" as Hancock aptly named him was of full Irish blood. In every battle of the Revolution Moylan and his Iri>h Dragoons were ever near to Washington. On every field of those d'irk hours Irish blood flowed in copious streams. As it was at the birth of our nation, so it has continued to our own time. In the beginning of the struggle of 1861 the first name that became conspicuous as that of a soldier i>rand, heroic, superbly brave was Irish Colonel Mulligan Mulligan, the defender of Lex- ington ; and the very last officer killed in that unhappy war was an irishman, noble, gallant and pure, Ck-neral Tom Smvthe, of Dela- ware, who lell near Appomattox but a few hours before Lee's sur- render. (hi every bloody field of that awful struggle the Irish soldier was in the very front. Which of us but remembers the day after Bull Run, when ihe whole nation was saddened, depressed, almost terrified bv the appal- ling disaster that had befallen our cause? When, at Blenheim, the Legions of France went down before the victorious Marlborough, the nation found solace in the splendid valor oi Lord Clare and h:- Irishmen, and rejoiced because ot ir.s wre.-t'.ug two standards from the triumphant foe. So. also, after Bull Run our people could recall with pride the 1 i\<- Tin-; iniiicRNiAN SOCII-TY. quietly formed square against cavalry, and, with the green flag flying, inarched oil the field in perfect order. He-re on the first great battle-field of the war of secession, amid carnage and disaster, the Brigade of which I propose to write was born. Around this green flag five thousand Celtic soldiers afterwards gathered, and it is the history of their deeds that I now attempt to tell. The story of their feats of anus would not of itself be a true reflex of ihe Irish Brigade. The Celt prefers to mix a little fun with his fighting, and so 1 will interlard a lew anecdotes of the men in this narrative, and perhaps shall pause to tell of their chivalry. At Fair Oaks the Brigade adjourned an improvised horse-race to make a very splendid charge on the Confederate lines, and the hur- rahs with which they ruslud over the enetnv's works were but the continuation of the cheers that had welcomed Major Cavanaugh as he jumped the last hurdle on the winning horse. " Here's to the 37th (Irish) New York, the tirror of the inimy and the admiration of the fay male sex ! " was the toast given by an Irish sergeant at a farewell banquet. Truly I can recall many touching incidents of knightlv courtesy that made the Brigade the "admira- tion of the faymale sex." In passing over one of the long corduroy bridges that crossed the swamps of the Chickahominy, a company of one hundred men met in the centre two sisters ol charity. As only two persons could pass on the narrow footway, the ladies were about to turn back, but the commander of the company, saluting, quietly stepped oft' the road- way into the kr.ee-deep mud and slime, and was promptly followed by every one ot his men who, silent and respectful, struggled to retain a foothold in the treacherous swamp, while the blushing religieuses passed over dry-shod. Again, I recall a noble soul who fell by my side in the evening away out by the stone wall at Kredericksburg. He was in the act of firing when a ball went whistling through his lungs. The musket fell from his powerless hands, and while the film of death gathered in his brave eyes, I heard him gently murmur : "Ah, what will become of Mollie and the children now?" With that he passed iway. Xot a thought of himself, his wound or his approaching death, only of wife and the little ones. Did ever warrior of old lace the grim Reaper more fearlessly? One dark night when we were marching awav irom Kalmouth the Brigade was groping along a bv-path, the men growling about the roughness of the walking, now an 1 then tripping over a log and Till-: IIIl'.i.RNIAN SOCIETY -J'J3 plunging headlong into the darkness. A man remarked to his com- rade, who was grumbling and falling more frequently than the others : " Whist, Jimmy, yex'll be on the main road in a minute." " Bedad, Barney," re])lied the nniortnnate one, "Oi'll nivir ;^et onto a mainer road than this ! " And this brings me back to the main subject of this paper. It was the intention of those who organized the Irish Unmade to place General James Shields in command, but the government designed a larger field of usefulness for that old veteran. Colonel Michael Corcoran, who led so well the 60, th at Bull Run, still lan- guished in a Southern prison, and so it came about that Thomas Francis Measlier assumed command. This son of Waterford had pleaded Ireland's cause with ,-ilver tongue when his face was as yet innocent of the beard of manhood, and by reason of his great love of liberty had drawn down upon him- self even at that early age the very humane sentence: "To be handed, drawn and quartered, and his remains placed at the disposal of Her Most Gracious Majesty, Victoria R." The last portion of the sentence doubtless saved the boy, for the good voting queen was sorely puzzled to know what to do with the "hanged, drawn and quartered " remains, and so escaped the unpleasant duty of handling the mass of blood and bones by transporting the young patriot all alive to Van Die-man's land. Had the learned judge but added cremation to the other very dread- inl things that he proposed tor the youth, Victoria would have been spared the role of undertaker, and the future commander of the Irish Brigade would have gone up in smoke. However, cremation was not thought of forty rears ago, and Meagher lived to escape from penal servitude, become an American citizen, and be commissioned a Brigadier-General of Volunteers. His command at first consisted of the 6^d, nqth and SSth Regiment- of Xew York Volunteers, to which were afterwards added the ^Stli and 2w!er, Captains McMahon and Hogun, Dr. Smith and L,:eutrnant Haverty. ( '.';'>'': of the Course. Quartermaster < ('Sullivan. FlKST K VCH. . / A/:V/>.V Cha.\<\- Open to all horses, the property of and ridden by otTicers of the Iri^h r.n.^ade. ]'.est of three heats over the course. l'n~.t' - -A nia^nilii-eiit ti^cr->kin, presented l>y Cieneral Mea^her, spoil of his own mm in South America. Sceond horse to save hi-- stake--. Thirteen entries came to the scratch at the judge's stand, and no thirteen jockies so remarkablv gotten up, or so \vonderfullv attired, had ever appeared on a track. Color \vas necessary to lend the proper brilliancy to the sport, and every farm-house was ransacked for bits of blue, scarlet or green. Table-clothes and the bright frocks ot the ladies soon became jackets anil caps. \Vindo\v curtains or red blankets were quickly metamorphosed into small-clothes, and stun- ning indeed was the general effect. Then, after much cheering, laughing, betting, false starts, beauti- ful jumps, serious tumbles, amusing spills, dislocated shoulders and all the adjuncts ot a well-conducted race, Major Cavanaugh on Katy Darling came to the winning-post in splendid style, and carried off '['III-'. HIllKRNIAN SOCIKTY. _".'" Then followed mule races for the drummer boys, foot-ball, sack- races and fun for everybody. Rut the screaming farce, "The Lim- erick Boy," which was announced for the afternoon, was indefinitely postponed, tor the evening breeze brought irom Seven Fines, where Casey's division was suflcring sore defeat, the roar of the distant battle. A night march placed the Brigade within musket-shot of the vic- torious enemy. The dawn of June ist was ushered in by an effort to push our troops still farther on and occupy the Famunky ami Richmond Rail- road, but the reinforcements that had come upon the ground during the night had blocked the game. Howard and French went at them before it was well daylight, and gave them a taste ol what was to follow ; and here it was that the former lost his arm under peculiar circumstances. A ball had passed through the fleshy part of it. wounding him quite severely. He refused to leave the held, and while his brother was binding up the limb, he, too, was badly hit. Then a second ball struck the Cicneral on the arm, this time smash- ing the bone to pieces and rendering amputation necessary. The moment that the Irish Brigade charged at Fair ( )aks was one- full of anxiety, and extremely critical. The enemy had masked a large torce in trout of Richardson's Division for a final attempt to capture the railroad. Howard and FYench had given them a check that the}' had not anticipated and Meagher was ordered in to give the vSumuer ordered the Brigade forward. Baring his old gray head and choking with emotion, he said to them: "Boys, I stake my position on you. If you run away to-day, I will tear these [point- ing to his shoulder-straps] off and run with you." Meagher, knowing that the fight was for possession of the railroad, thought the best thing possible was to possess it, and promptlv issued orders to that effect. Xugent quickly advanced under a hot fire, and deployed his regiment, the 6hot until the colors were planted on the railroad track ; then, in a broad sheet of lightning, thev threw their fire into the woods that gave shelter to the Confederates. An in-taut, and the reply came quick and sharp. FY>m out the blackberry bu.-hes and 21'0 THK IIIKKKNIAN SOCIKTY. small pines that cinctured the noble forest came a scorching whirl- wind, tearing, rending and destroying. The chivalry of Krin had met the chivalry of the South, and the exchange of courtesies was earnest and vigorous. The harp and sunburst had come to stay. An Irish "hurrah," a glorious charge, and the woods were cleared. Fair Oaks became a victory, and within half an hour from the moment the Irish Brigade opened fire the enemy were every where in retreat. Dr. Kllis says of this battle : "There was the Irish Brigade in all the glory of a fair, free tight. Other men go into fights sternly or in- differently, but the only man who, after all, really loves it, is the green, immortal Irishman. So there the brave lads, with Meagher at their head, laughed, fought and joked as though it were the finest fun in the world." Iloadly says: " Meagher' s Brigade, advancing with their w f ell- known war shout, closed with ferocity on the foe and mowed them down by companies." Fair Oaks fought and won, McClellan and Sunnier joined in showering thanks and congratulations on the command ; and when that old Spaniard, Marshal Prim, visited the camp, his brightened eye showed the soldier's pleasure at the sight of brave men, as he said to them : " Spain has reason to appreciate Irish valor. We have been friends from ancient times, and have fought side by side on main- a bloody field." One of the amusing incidents of the day was the taking prisoner of a big, six-foot Texan by a very small drummer-boy, George Funk, of the SSth. The fourteen-year-old vagabond, thinking that he could make more noise with a musket than a drum, threw away the latter and went out skirmishing on his own account. Seeing a reb blazing away from behind a tree he waited until he had discharged his piece, then quickly covering him with his musket he commanded him to "ground arms," and marched him into cam]). Meeting General Sunnier he called out : ''General, I have brought you a present." It was rather amusing, too, the next day, when General Meagher went into the field hospital to console his orderly (who had been shot in both iiips\ to hear the boy greet him with : "Good-morning, General, has Dolly got her oats vet ? "alluding to the General's favorite mare. During the charge at Fair Oaks the bayonet and clubbed musket were used quite freelv. So ferocious was the hand-to-hand struggle that Mime of the pieces were smashed and twisted so that they were of no further use. General Sunnier was disposed to find fault with Till-: HII'.HKNIAN SoCll-TY. L".<7 the men for having left their guns behind them. Sergeant Granger promptly invited him to walk cut to the trout and look at the stack of broken muskets. Said he : "Thim rebels wint at our byes wid bowie knives, and the min wint at thim the wav they knew best." Xo battle-field of the war approaches so near our idea of a storm- swept battle-field as that of Gaines's Mill. As the sun went down that hot summer evening it sank upon a scene ot wild grandeur th.it tile tempest and destruction ot war alone can present. < >n the north bank of the Chickahonnny thirty thousand ot our me:: had ::eld in check, for five long hours, the sixty thousand Confederates who had been hurled against otir lines ; but now, when the day drew to a close, the line that they had held so long and well was rent and broken. On our right Sykes was falling back before the divisions of Hill and Kwcll. On our left Longstreet, led by Hood' Texans, had crushed and almost annihilated Morell's division. Our cavalry, under General Philip vSt. George Cooke, had made a gallant but hopeless charge, and were falling back, a confused mass of men and horses, breaking through our batteries and carrying with them to the rear the gunners and their frantically plunging animals. Our whole force, artillery, cavalry and infantry defeated, routed, demoralized and in utter confusion was hurryingacross the plain to- wards the bridges that spanned the stream. The successful enemv, e'.ated with victory, were pouring out of the dark woods ; and with deatening cheers they swept in long lines over the ground thev had wen, regardless of the prostrate forms of the dead and wounded, delivering their fire in rapid volleys, and rushing upon our tlvir.g men. As the twilight deepened the total destruction of the whole force seemed, tor a time, almost certain. The encmv, knowing the great advantage they had gained, pressed with still greater energy upon our beaten troops ; but at a moment, when all seemed lo-:, a welcome cheer burst upon the ear, at first faint and distant but soon strength and volume, and then increasing into a roar tha the sound of the artillery. Reinforcements had come, tew in number to be sure, but w.th brave hearts ami undiminished courage. Thev were the I!: -ade- <>: ]:= uch and Meagher, that Sunnier had sent to the- re-eue. (Juicklv pa-sing over the bridge and forming line o; battle, Mea- gher led h:s Brigade to the trout. In order to gain the c:\-: trom whence our l:ne had been driven it wa- nece<-arv tc I'lish ', J.'> TIU-; HIBF.RNIAN SOdKTY. they closed with the advancing toe. greeting them with cheers and showers ot leaden hail. Tiie Confederates, astounded, believing that we had been heavily reinforced, paused, halted and recoiled, whilst the Irish Brigade stood, panting and elated, ready to meet the next onslaught, and as the darkness crept over the field the men gave one long, lond cheer, to which even the wounded and dying of the ISrigade lent their voices, and the battle was over. That very gallant soldier, the Comte de Paris, happened to witness this action, and in a letter written a few years since he vividly le- calls the scene : VII.I.A ST. JI;AX, CANNKS, AI.PKS MARITIY.KS, MARCH S, iSS6. MY DI:AR C.KNKKAI, I hasten to thank you for \our letter of the 2;,d ultimo, ami it is \vith the L;rcatc^t of pleasure th.vt I >eiid through yon a greeting of svmpathy to all my old comrades of the Iri>h Brigade, \\iih whom 1 fought uearlv a quarter of a eeii- turv aLM>, on the lianks of the Chickahominy. I have l)eeii, during the Years of exile, the j^nest of the British people, and I made it a rule never to meddle in the political h I>land>. luit I never forget the cordial svmpathv which, as a l-'reiichin.in and a Catholic, I met whenever I landed on the soil of Mrin. It wa> t!ierefi>re \\ith ple.isnre that 1 met the i^Teen II a ;^ with the golden liar]) waving at the head of Meaj^her's Brigade in the Army of the I'otomac. Strange to say, the first time I met the Brigade under arms was on the occasion of C.eneral Prim's \ - i>it to our camp. I \\as in attendance iijion the Spanish lieiieral, and I introduced to him (ieii- Cral Meau'her. I ahsa\> n-memliered thi> little fact as illustrating the curious way in which 1'rovideiice seem--, at certain limes, to put strange ]ieople together. A month later we were sorely piv>scd our losses \sere lar^e. \Ve were coik-cted -all mixi-d to- gether on a small eminence which commanded Alexander's Bridge. The sun. like a piece of red-hot iron, was, too >lowlv for u>, -inking l>ehind a dark curtain of smoke, when suddenly \\ e heard a hearty cheer. It was Richardson, who, at the head of Mca- u'ler's and I : rench's Brigades, had come to our rescm- on the left bank of the Chicka- honiinv. The Iri>h Bii^ade I find it r.oted in m \' diarvu'ame in shirt sleeves, yelling at the top of their voices. The issailants were tired, and when thev >a\v the strong line of MeaL;hcr'> I'-ri^a/ie. th.ev delivered another volley and stopped. The day was sa\ed. as far as could lie. hv tho-e two P.ri^ades. This is one of the fact-^ lh.it 1 reineinlier mo>t cli-tinctlv, after the la]>se of \ ears. Believe me, m\ ile ir < '.eiieral, yours trulv, I'liii.ii 1 , COMTI-; in. PARIS. T'.ir forces that fought at (iaines' Mill were, after the fight, with- drawn to the south bank <>! the Cinckahominy, the- Ii'i^h IJrigade bein;^ the latream. Caittam ()'Shea, ot tlu- Tammair* 1 Regiment, was in charge ot the il desiro' ' bridges. ( )nr trooj^s had passed and the bridge was almo.-t L-one the striii'-ers aioiie reniainin<> when an excited Till-: HIBI-.KNIAN SOCIKTY. -'-'I* staff officer galloped up and called out : '' Can I pass artillery over this bridge?" ( )'Shea, who stuttered badly, cast an eye at th.e broken bridge, and cooilv replied : "\Yhy, yes, if its fl-fly-flying ar-artiuery.' 1 At Savage Station, where the "Yicux Sabreur" Stunner stood at bay on Sunday evening, June 2i), and threw back from our lines in bloodv repulse e\ r ery assault of Magruder's men, the Irish Brigade did noble work. Hut let others tell the story. I >r. Hilis witnessed the last charge of our troops: "The rebels came determinedly across the field, firing as they advanced, until Sunnier ordered our troops up at double-quick. Abom tour thousand of them went up at once, with a roar that might have drowned the musketry. The rebels kept their position for a moment and then tell back to the rear of their batteries. Meagher's Brigade, however, succeeded in charging right up to the guns of a Virginia battery, two onus of which they hauled off, spiked and chopped the carnage to pieces." And here is a letter from General \V. W. Hums on the same subject: OKI-ICF. Dni'OT COMMISSARY Srnsis'n:Nc;-:. i r >o WKST I-'AYI TTI. ST., BA i. TIMOR i-:, Mn., Au^u>i i, issv Coi, ( >%;:;. JAMKS QriM.AN It skives me pleasure to wnte of your gallant service at Savage's Station, since yon were distinguished bevond votir fellov, -( ifficers of the Iri-h Brigade on that occasion. Having been sent to check the eiiemv with t\vo of my reg- iments, under the inisapprt-'hciisioii that (yi-ut.-r.il Ileiiitx.chnaii still orcujpicil the \\ork-i at Si-veii riiu--. I fo'.rul on arri\-al that ('.eneral Heiiitxehnaii h.nl \\ithilra\\n tVr'in the %v<>rks ar.il cro^^ed \\'hite Oak Swamps, and the whole Conff ierate forct-, on the ri^ht h.iiik <>f the Chickahoniiny, \sas confronting my ]>osition. I notified (ieiu-ral Stunner at or.ee of the new conditions. a;id demainlei', reinforcf- ineiits. Amonj;- others (',e;u-ral Meaher was ordered to my support. Tlu- SMh New York, with a few other--, was all of the Unmade that reached the field in time. I asked : "What troop> are thf-e ? " The answer was : " Ssth New York." "Who in command?" " Major yuinlan. " I iliivcteil Major O-.iinlan to form hi- men ficin^ towar.'.s Kichniond, down the Will: ini>l>nr^ ro.ul, wherea liatti-rv hat] '''eeii e-.taMi-.lu-d and was sweeping iny line from the road as f.i-t as formed a- n^-, i;. \\"he:i M iior Ouin'.an hid formed his troojis I directed him to march toward- the halters, lir-t in quick time, then double-quick, and when he reached mv line of baf.le the order, "Charge! " '.\ as j^iven, when with a cheer '.he gallant Iri-limen ru-hed ;;]" n th.e bat- tery, and it was driven Iroin the road to mole-t nu- n > more. \vv. \\". ;:- KNS. Late /;>-;-.-(,' :. I' ' .. / ,'--.-,.' At \Vlute ( )ak Swamp Hridge, where I'r.iukliu, wi ^mitli and Richardson, held th.e fort -< > well, defealiu^ i \--.-:\- i-;l- >rt of I fk-on to lorce the crossing, the Brigade, supporting tl;e linc-o: :>.it- '(r:rs ;nid exi^osed durin the lono, liot afternoon o! "(MI Till-: HIUKRNIAN SOCIKTY. enemy's shells and round shot fell in showers. At five o'clock in the i- veiling it was sent on the double-quick to Glendale, near the New Market road, where L,ongstreet and A. P. Hill were pushing our troops. As the Brigade went in on a run General Sunnier gave the men a cordial greeting : " Boys," .said he, " you 540 in to save another day." The Lincoln Cavalry and the whole line of battle gave them a lusty cheer as they swept past and rushed into the flight, which only closed with the darkness. And here let me quote a letter of General Wiliiain B. Franklin : HAKTI'ORD, CONN., April i.\. iSS6. Mv OMAR C, I;M:KAI. I sa\\ the Irish Brigade in two fights, that of Savage Station and that of tlii- iK'xt day at \Vhitc ( )ak Swamp Hridge. At Savage Station I saw the brigade led into the flight by C.eiieral Sunnier, and no men went in more gallantly or in better order. On the next day the brigade was in position on the left of the White Oak Swamp bridge, close to the- stream. It was subjected to a very severe artillery lire during nearlv the whole day, under which it never flinched. Its behavior was ad- mirable, and in spite of its nearness to the enemy the Brigade headquarters were or- namented, during its exposure, with the 1'nited States flag and the green flag, waving together as calmly as if all hands were miles away from the fight ; and the officers and men wen- as calm as the flags. I always thought its behavior that dav was in the highest degree suggestive of Irish pluck and endurance. Yerv truly yours, \Y.M. P.. 1'KANKI.IN. The Peninsular campaign was not to close without more glorv, more blood, more death for the Brigade. On Malvern Hill the superb fight it made added to its glory, whilst depleting its ranks. The day had almost gone and lor hours the roar of artillery had been deafening. All the infantry attacks on Porter's and Couch's lines had been thrown back in a bloody repulse, but the enemy was massing troops in Porter's front, and the Brigade was called for. The men, thinking that they would not be wanted, were making coffee and getting readv for a good night's rest. "Ah," said Captain Joseph O'Donohue, "some of us who have prepared our supper will never come back to eat it." He was one of the first to fall. Quickly forming line the lour regiments moved to the front. " I w:_> Tin-: HIHKKNIAN SOCIKTY. Brigade call it the "glorious ijth " broke clear and bright, and Hooker promptly reopened the fight that he had left unfinished the night before. Tins renewed attack was \vitnessed and enjoyed by the Brigade, which had been lying on the east bank of the creek sup- porting the batteries. Captain Jack (iosson, neat and natlv as usual, came up to Meagher, who had been .Bleeping on the ground without even a tent-fly to cover him, and remarked that the ( ieiierai was "all over dirt,' 1 and, at the same time producing a whisk-broom, lie suggested a brush. " Yaas," drawled the (ieiierai. "a good ideah ; we shall have a brush before long." Ten minutes afterwards he slowly rode off tollowed by the Brigade. Before fording the creek Meagher ordered the men to take off their shoes and stockings, and, alter crossing, waited until the last man had put them on again ; then, dry-shod, with the 6<)th in the lead, thev made a rush for the line of battle to the left of the Roulette House. As thev went on the double-quick over the corn-stalks, crash ! came a volley on the right of the line, and the 29th got a dose. Then the (>^d caught it, the SSth coming up in time to get its share of the first course- of the heavy repast that was to ensue. This was followed by a brief rest in the deep furrows of the field with the sharp-shooters busy picking of! great numbers of our men. Charles M. Orainger and \V. L. I). O'Grady, of the SSth New York, both old British soldiers, volunteered to push out and pick off the riflemen of the enemy, which they did most effectually ; while other volunteers tore down the ience that was within two hundred yards of the enemy's line. The command was given : "Attention ! " " Forward ! " " Guide ! ' T "Centre !" "March !" Then beg. in the advance over the heavy ground towards the sunken road, the men dropping in rapid succession. But on, on, until within fiftv yards of the road, which was now a cloud of smoke- and flashing fire. The Brigade replied in turn with buck and ball, and poured a withering fire into the three Confederate light, face to face, until the last cartridge was fired. The color- : "-arers of ail the- regiment- were shot do\vu in rapid succession. Tlv. ! >y\< holding the crown of the hill, suffered mo>t in this respect, '. >sing fifteen. When Captain Clunev, of Companv F, raised the flag' from the ground his leg was soon smashed by a ball, and he fell. The gallant fellow raised himself on his remaining limb, and, upholding the THI-: IIIBKRMAN SOCIF.TV. :W colors, waved them aloft until another ball pierced his head, and he fell never to rise again. When the last cartridge was fired the Brigade was ordered to give place to Caldwell's, and the lines were passed l>v the regiments breaking to the rear in companies, those of Caldwell to the front, as steady as when on drill. Filling their cartridge-boxes the men of the Brigade were quickly back in the fight, and passing Caldweli's lines the\' poured a volley into the Confederates. Then came a wild cheer, rising in a volume of sound moment drowned the roar ol the artillery. A chan struggle, and the sunken road is cleared ! '' The Irish Brigade," says McClellan, "sustained their well-earned reputation, suffering terribly in officers and men, and strewing the ground with their enemies as they drove them back." Six hundred dead Confederates in the sunken road attested the desperation of the fighting at this point. Klevcn ofilcer- fourteen wounded was the record in the three Xe\v Yor of the Brigade for the two hours at Antietam. During the fight Meagher was badly crushed, and Lieutenant James Mackv of his staff was killed by his side. The day after the battle the officers of the Brigade called upon General Richardson, who had been mortally wounded. In his dying agony he said to them : ''I placed your Brigade on the ground you occupied because it was necessary to hold it, and I knew that you would hold it against all odds, and once you were there I had no further anxiety in regard to the position." When Lieutenant Lynch, of the n^d Xew York, fell mortally wounded, he quietly handed his sword, watch and ring to a comrade, to be sent, to his family, facing death with a self-pos>ei< >n and courage that marked him the true soldier. Here again note the gallantry of John Hartigan, a bov of sixteen, ot the same regiment, who, advancing out in front o* the line, de- fiantly waved the colors in the face of the eiiemv. these was the Brigade composed, and it wa-- with i General Sunnier next met it, that he hailed it ; brave !" It was a cold, clear dav when the Brigade tiled over the bluff- to cross the river and enter the town of Fredericksbnrg. The crash of two hundred s^nus tilled the vallev of the Rappa- hannock with sound and smoke ; while the color-bearers shook to the breeze the remnants of the torn and shattered standards 304 Till-! IIIKKRNIAN SOCIKTY. "That old i^fi-n Has,', that Irish flag, It is hut now a taUnvd ra^ ; But India's store of pivcious ore Hath not a i^ciu worth that old llag." The i4th Brooklyn gave the Brigade a cheer, and the band of Hawkins' Zouaves struck up "(larrv Owen" as it ])assed. Not so pleasant was the reception by the professional enibalniers who, alive t<> business, thrust their cards into the hands of the men as they went along. The cards were suggestive of an early trip home, nicely boxed up and delivered to loving triends by quick express, sweet as a nut and in perfect preservation, etc. The boys, however, did not seem altogether pleased with the cold-blooded allusion to their latter end, and one of them called out to a particularly zealous undertaker : " D'ye moind thim blankets? Well, only that we were in a bit av a hurry we'd be after givin' yez the natest koind av a jig in the air, and be damned to yez ! " To charge an enemy or enter a battle when one knows that there is no chance of success requires courage of a higher order than when the soldier is sustained by the enthusiasm born of hope. It is recorded that a commander once gave to his subordinate the order to "go there and die." The reply was, "Yes, my General." When on; troops, debouching from the town, deployed upon the plain in trout of Marye's Heights, every man in the ranks knew that it was not to fight they were ordered, it was to die. During the morning of December i^th the Irish Brigade stood in line on the main street of the city, amidst bursting shells and falling walls, listening to the roar of the battle, and calmly awaiting their own turn. Meagher plucked a sprig of green box-wood from a garden near bv and placed it in his car). A happy thought ! Bunches of the fragrant shrub were quickly gathered and passed along the line, and soon every man had the green sr>rig in h:s Irish cap. Then Meagher, passing along the hue, addressed each regiment in the mo>t eloquent words we ever heard him utter. Shortlv after noon the command moved out to the fields in the rear of the city, fded across the canal on what was left of the bridge ami formed line of battle behind a rise in the ground. The noon- dav sun glittered and shone bright on the tro/.eu ground, over which solid shot, in great numbers, ricocheted and went plunging through the ranks. A few moments to get breath, then "Forward!" at a "Right THK iiii'.KKNiAx SOCIKTY. .".!' shoulder," "Shift anus!" in perfect onler ; ami in silence the line passed to the front. Xo cheers or wild hurrahs as of old, as the men moved towards the foe they did not go in to fight, they went in to die. Forward over the crest which had sheltered them a moment before, now swept by a blizzard ol lire. ( )n over the aw'ul plain that had no spot free from the tire, no place of shelter every man know- ing the desperation of the undertaking, but no one failing or looking back. Onward, still onward, with batteries on every side pouring a rain of shot and shell upon the devoted band. On past the line of French's troops ! On past the brick house ! the line withering, diminishing, melting away, bnt still pressing forward ; and the torn Hags often falling, only to be quickly rai-ed again. On, on, past the farthest point readied by any other troops ; still forward, until within thirty feet of the Confederate works. Up to the muzzles of Walton's gnus the line still presses, but not all those who marched troin the town a short half hour betore. Fitty per cent, of the number were already strewn, dead and bleeding, on the frozen ground over which the Brigade had passed. In their front lines of battle and batteries rose in tiers. On each flank more bat- teries and more lines of battle. Xo hope. Xo chance to make even a fair show of fighting the men were only there to die. There was nothing left for the Brigade but to fall back, and, after pouring a few vollevs into the foe, the Irish Brigade, for the first time in its history, recoiled, and, falling back, the dead of the Brigade were left within thirty paces of the Confederate lines. The bodies of Major William Horgan and Adjutant John R. Young, of the SSth Xew York, lay nearest to the stonewall, and, by actual measurement, within tweutv- five paces from the guns of the Washington Artillery. There are some who would dispute the fact of the Irish Brigade advancing farthest on that awful dav. It is absurd to do so. The proofs are too strong to question. The men of this Brigade advanced and fell nearest to the enemy ; and many of them are there to this dav with a spade you can find them. Colonel William M. ( )wen, of the Washington Artillery crate) asserts that : "In front of Marve's Heihts, ni and ninety-eight bodies. A soldier of Meagher's Iri-h Unmade was the nearest bodv to the 1 stone wall, and, by actual measurement, it lay within twenty-five feet from the wall." "Meagher's Irish Brigade (from ''Camps of the Confederate States") attacked Marve's Heights with a gallantn which, was ;he 306 Till-: HIHI-RNIAN SOCIHTY. admiration of all who beheld it ; but they were literally annihilated by the Washington Artillery and the Confederates lining the sunken road, wlio themselves hardly suffered any loss." Colonel Meros von Borcke, Chief of Stall" to General J. K. B. Stuart, tells us that "more than twelve hundred bodies were found on the small plain between Marve's Heights and Fredericksburg. The large part of these belonged to Mea-her's brave Irish Brigade, whieh was nearly annihilated during the se\-eral attaeks." The correspondent ol the London 'J'init's witnessed the charge. In admiration he offers this splendid tribute : " Never at Fontenoy, Albueia or at Waterloo was more undaunted courage displayed by the sons of Krin than during the frantic dashes which they directed against the almost impregnable position of their foe. After witness- ing the gallantry and devotion exhibited by these troops, and viewing the hillside, for acres strewn with their corpses thick as autumn 'eaves, the spectator can remember nothing but their desperate courage. That any mortal man could have carried the position before whieh they were wantonly sacrificed, defended as it was, seems to me for a moment idle to believe. But the bodies which lie in dense masses within forty yards of the muzzles of Colonel Walton's guns are the best evidence as to what manner of men they were who pressed on to death with the danntlessness of a race which has gained glory on a thousand battle-fields, and never more richly deserved it than at the foot of Marye's Heights, on the I3th of December, 1863." During Sunday, the dav after the battle, no assistance could be given to the wounded who lay in great numbers out on the plain ; but after dark on Sunday evening main- of the men made heroic attempts to bring them in, although the enemy was vigilant and fired at every object seen moving against the sky. vSergeant Sheridan, of Companv G, SSth Xew York, lay far out on the field with, a Irac- tured leiL, r , and four of his comrades determined to go to his relief. Working themselves out on their stomachs they succeeded in reach- him, but lound him verv low. As he had a compound fracture > : the le^' it seemed impossible to move him, his agony was so great. The men dared not stand up, and were at their wits' end to kn<"\ what to do, when Sergeant Slatterv came to the rescue. Said he : " Be^ob. boys, did vex ever see rats trvin^ to ^et awav wid a j^oose c;.:^ ? One rat lies down, the others roll the egg on top av him, he hold- it in place wid his four paws, and then they pull him off" by the tail. Xow I'll lav down on my back, you lift Sheridan on top av me and I'll do my best to kape his leg even." The suggestion was Tin-: nnu-'.KMAN SOCIHTY. ;SOT ".dopted. The men would push themselves on a couple of feet, then pull Siattery with his precious load up to them, and so on, until before daylight they reached the city and had Sheridan attended to and his leg amputated ; but too late to save the poor tellow. lie died from exhaustion. 'I 'he clothes were literally ground oil" Sergeant Slatterv's back and his cuticle was so sore that he wa> unable to do duty for a week afterwards. There is a charm and a dreamv balminess in the Virginia spring '- mosphere. On one ol these, the sweetest ol spring mornings mi.. inab'.e, the army withdrew Irom the camp at Falmouth and moved ;or the fords that cross the Rappahannock, to strike the enemv once again. The paths of the columns lay through virgin, blossoming forests, and the perfumed air ot the woods seemed laden with hope and promise. Main- of the wounded of Kredericksburg had returned to the ranks. The men had in a measure forgotten that mournful field. The morale of the army was excellent, and the change of command- ers had a salutary effect upon all. A new life had taken possession of the Army of the Potomac, that army which, though often defeated, was never dismayed, destroyed or conquered. On the first and second days of the battle the Brigade held the ex- treme right of our army at Scott's Mills, and did excellent service in checking the disaster of the Kleventh Corps. On the morning ot Sunday, Mav 5, the Brigade was inarched to the Chancellorsville House to support the 5th Maine Battery. During a moment's halt, as the column moved up the road, with the shells exploding and falling- around them, a sergeant, looking- luick, waved his hand to the air and earth and in the most ludicrous manner exclaimed : " (iood-boi, wurreld ! " As the Brigade went into position, with the left resting near the Chancellorsville House, Lepine's Battery p^th Maine) dashed up the road, un limbered, took position in the orchard and opened fire. An appalling scene oi destruction immediately followed. The Confeder- ate batteries were almost within a stone's throw of Lepine's and opened with a Concentrated fire of more than twenty guns to h:s six. Xever during the war was a battery knoeked to pieces so rapidly as the s,th Maine on this occasion. The enemv's shells burst among the ail earthquake ; and in a few moments evevv Iiorse was killed, and the men went down in squads. The caissons were blo\\-n up, one atter another, until all had disappeared ; and, in one instance, several 'f the men were blown up with the ammunition, and their to-'i sus Tin-: HII;I-:RMAX SOCIKTY. limbs, pieces of debris and apple-blossoms came do\vn in a shower together. Lepine fell, mortallv wounded, and was carried to the rear dying. In the midst of the storm flames were seen issuing from the Chancel- lorsville House. It was filled with wonnded, and a platoon from the j'l Delaware volunteered to save them. Rushing into the burning building they dragged and carried all out and laid them on the ground. Captain John P. Wilson, of Hancock's staff, and Colonel Joseph Dickenson, of Hooker's staff, assisted in the work, and, when the wonnded were safe, gallantly oiiered their arms to three ladies who were in the mansion, to conduct them to a place o( safety. One of them refused to come into onr lines and ran towards the Confederate position, but she fell, struck by a bullet, as she crossed the field. The other two, however, got away safely. The scene at this time was one of wild desolation. The large house in flames, '.In* orchard and plains swept by the fire of the Confederate batteries, ana all of Lepine's men, except two, had been shot or driven away. Cor- poral Lebroke and a private stood alone among the abandoned guns, endeavoring to fire an occasional shot. Suddenly the enemy's fire ceased and a line of their infantry was seen advancing to sei/e the abandoned guns. Once more the Irish Rrigade goes to the rescue. The ii6th Pennsylvania Volunteers happened to be on the left of the Hrigade and nearest to the batter}'. Rushing into the orchard thev faced the advancing lines and held them back while a hundred men of the regiment dragged the pieces off the field. Then the whole force fell back, and Chanceilorsville fell into the enemy's hands. During the fight one of Lepine's guns a bra^- Xapoleon was struck fair in the mnx/le. and the brass was turned and twisted as though it were pasteboard. As the men gathered around one of the pieces tugging at the wheels and trving to pull it away, a shell burst right over the gnu, knocking them in all direction-;, killing a couple and wounding several. The boys who were not injured promptly jumped to their feet and went at it again, and succeeded in saving the guns. As the saved batters' was passing the Third Corps, Gen- eral Sickles nave the men a cheer which was echoed along the entire of Major Lynch, a noble gentleman of the o^d New York. A bnrst- ing >ned again and transferred to the West. Hut the lightiir of the organization remained, even when the General liad gone, and it never missed a battle, and was present until the end. General Meagher's departure was greatly regretted. A most bril- liant leader he was, who seemed at his best in the midst of a combat. He had great faith in the " buck and ball and the bayonet," and fre- quently urged on the men the use of the latter weapon. "Take everything with the bayonet," was the standing command when about to close with the ioe ; and that well-known and oil-repeated order was the occasion of a most amusing incident. ( >ne evening the Brigade commissary had received new supplies, and among other things some barrels of molasses, beside which a young Irishman was placed on guard to prevent the men from getting at it until the proper time. Seeing no one around as he walked up and down, he thought he would enjoy the sweets of life, and succeeded in picking a hole in one of the barrels with his bayonet. Then dipping the weapon into the molasses he would draw it out and transfer it to his mouth. Meagher happened to catch the boy in the act, and reproached him in rather strong terms for stealing the molasses over which he was placed to guard. The young man was astounded and overcome w.th terror for a moment at seeing the General, but, quickly recovering himself, lie quietly pushed the blade into the syrup, pulled it out drip- ping with the sweet liquid, took a big lick of it and reminded the General : " Sure, don't ye be always tellin' us to take everything with the bayonet ? " At Gettysburg the Brigade was led by a new Commander, the amiable, noble Patiick Kelly, Colonel SSth New York. The bril- liant Meagher was gone, but his mantle had fallen on one who was well worthy to wear it. Before advancing upon the enemy on the afternoon of Julv 2d a religions cercmonv was performed that in the sublime magnificence As the men stood ready to move, their Chaplain, Father \Yilli Corby, proposed to give them general absolution before going into t tight. Standing in front of the Brigade, which was drawn up in a column of regiment-, he made a fervent and passionate appeal to the men lo remember in the hour of battle- the gre.it Captain ot all, Je^-ns Christ, and to have contrition for their sins that thcv might be pre- pared to die tor the cause for which they fought. F.vcry man it-il upou his knees, the flags were drooped, and. Father Corbv, looking up to heaven, called down the blessing of the Almightv upon the nun. Stretching out his right hand (as the lis of the soldiers moved in ' 1 / ' * I T ~ I 1 1 1 ( . ''!/'<(' 'ill'*' "IS 31i> Till- HIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. IK >ster Jesus Christusvosabsolvat, etego, auctoritate ipsius, vos absolve ai) omni viucuio excoiiiinunicatioiiis et interdicti in quantum possum et vos iudigetis, deinde ego absolve vos a peccatis vestris in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen." There was silence and peace in the ranks, but to the left, Little Roniul Toj) was wreathed in flame and smoke. The troops of the Third Corps were falling back from the peach orchard and Devil's Den, under Long-street's crushing blows. Out bv the Valley of Death the hills aiul dark woods were re-echoing the roar and crash of the batteries. Amen ! Load ! Fix bayonets ! And on the right oi the division (Caldwell's) the Brigade swept towards the fire, and entering the timber to the left of the peach orchard, at the spot now called the "Loiip, " they met the enemy. The lines were very close before seeing each other. The deployment and advance were made on the double-quick, and as the lines rushed torward through the trees and boulders that were scattered over the ground, the Confederates were discovered. They, too, were advancing, and when within thirty yards of each other the lines halted, and a sheet of flame burst out. A few short moments of serious work. Face to face the men stood pouring in their deadly volley of fire, the officers emptying their revolvers in the melee, then snatching up the muskets of the dead, and fighting in the ranks with the men. A loud shout of " Forward ! Charge ! " a 'lash to the front, and in a moment the men of both armies were mingled together. The firing suddenly ceased and an officer called out : "The Confederate troops will lay down their arms and go to the rear." They quickly did so, and the Brigade sent as many prisoners to the rear as there were men in the ranks. The position gained, however, was not tenable. The right regiment of the Brigade ( i i6th Pennsylvania Volunteers) was also the right of the division, and rested close to the peach orchard. In a short time after the victory Caldwell withdrew the division, the Brigade passing towards Little Round Top, and losing heavily in the wheat field, where it received a cross-fire without having a chance to reply. Many of the men who fell wounded at that point were killed in the evening during the charges and connter- charges that passed over the whirlpool ; and many who were captured afterwards died in Southern prisons. On the afternoon of Julv ; v l, and the third day of the battle, the Brigade occupied a position on the main line. a::d during the great charge of Pickett's division and Hill's corps was in front of Wil cox and Perry's Brigade as they moved forward on Pickett's right. The Tin: HIBKRNIAN sociKTY. :;ii losses on this afternoon were light, except in the Brigade battery, which was almost annihilated ; and its gallant commander, Captain James Rorty, killed. Gettysburg had proved that, although its old commander was gone, the Brigade had lost none of its old-time heroism. In the Battle of the Wilderness the Brigade went into action to the left of the Brock road, in the dense woods near the gold mines. On that bright May day ten field-officers were mounted and in the line with the five regiments. Within six weeks every saddle was emptv. vSix of these officers. Colonels Kelly, Byrnes and Dale, and Majors Touhy, Lawyer and Ryder, were sleeping in soldieiV Craves ; and the other four were torn and lacerated in the hospitals. The Brigade was commanded in the early days of the Wilderness campaign by the beloved Colonel Tom Smvthc, of Delaware, making a glorious fight on May ^th and 6th, meeting every charge of Long- street's veterans, and throwing them back in bloody repulse. On the afternoon of the 6th, during one of the many fierce onslaughts of the enemy, the rails and logs, of which we had built our field-works, caught fire and quickly reached to the timber. Amidst clouds of smoke and crackling flames the fight went on, the musketry rattled and roared, and many a noble soul fell, while the fire still leaping and sweeping through the trees burned up both the dead and wounded of both armies. Among others who were killed at this time were Major Ryder and Captain James B. Turner, A. A. (/. Turner was an excellent soldier, an accomplished gentleman, and a graceful writer. During a lull in the firing I remember seeing two men carrying a dead officer to the rear. I raised the handkerchief from the face and looked upon the calm and noble features of my good friend Ryder. But every day now brought death to the Brigade. The tremendous battles that drenched the Wilderness in blood became an every-day affair. Fight all dav, move a few miles to the leit and charge again next morning, seemed to be the standing rule. Mav the 5th and 6th on the Brock road. The Sth at Todd's Tavern. The loth at Po's river. The i2th and I3th at Snottsvlvania. The iSth near the same place. The 23<1 at the North Anna. The 2o,th a: Pamunky river. The ;oth and ^ist at Tolopotomy. The .?d and }d <>f June at Cold Harbor ; and so on to Petersburg. Colonel Smvthe commanded the Brigade until May 2oth, when he was assigned to a Brigade in the Second division of the Second corps, and Colonel Byrnes assumed command. lie fell dead at Cold Harbor, an: Colonel Patrick Kellv succeeded him; and here- at Cold Harbor ;>1-J THK HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. vania Volunteers, capturing works, colors and prisoners from the enemy. At Spottsylvania, when the superb Hancock made the great success of the campaign, the Hags of the Brigade were among the first to pierce the lines oi the enemy ; and again more prisoners were sent to the rear than there were men in the ranks. On the evening of June ihth the Brigade swept across the plain in Iron! oi Petersburg and pushed upon the Confederate works ; and here Colonel Kelly, the last of the field-officers who had started with it in the spring campaign, lell, pierced through the head. The carnage up to this time had been terrible. Xot only were the field- I'lFicers gone, but nearly all the line-officers had been killed or wounded, and more than one thousand of the men had fallen. And now the long ten months' work in the trenches in front of Petersburg began, to be interrupted at intervals when battles were to be iouglit at other points twice to Dee]) Bottom, where on the .2<: oi August the Brigade, with a rush like a cyclone, sprang on the Confederate line and captured the works without firing" a shot. At Reams' Station, August 25, the Brigade added another laurel to its crown of glory, receiving the thanks and congratulations of General Miles and others. In this fight the loss was heavy, and among the dead were- Captains Xowlan and Taggart, Ii6th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, each of whom was shot through the heart. Xowlan was in command of the regiment when struck, and turned quickly to look up and down the line for his company. Waving his hand to the men he had led so well, he called out, "Good-bye, boys," and fell dead. Shortly alter Reams' Station fight the iifith Pennsylvania Volunteers was transferred to the 4th Brigade, and the jth Xew Vork Artillerv assigned to the Irish Brigade, Colonel Xugent a.-suming command. Then with replenished ranks the Brigade fought in the trenches at Petersburg until the end of the siege, every dav gathering fresh honors and achieving new triumphs. Then on to Hatcher's Run, to I ; ive Forks, Amelia Court-House, High Bridge, Farmville, Sailor Creek and Appomattox, where the Brigade closed its noble and honorable career, only when the last shot of the war was fired and the la>t enemv of the Republic had laid di i\vn his arm^. Of the- men who at different times had led the command, three \vi re killed in battle Smythc, Kellv ,1::-': Byrnes ; and Meagher, the brilliant citizen and gallant soldier, found a grave in the turbulent waters of the upper Missouri. Few o! tho-e brave souls who. under the green flag of their own native land, fought so well to Till-; II1HKKNIAN SOCIKTY. :>13 defend the Stars and Stripes of the land of their adoption, are now with ns. Those who lived through tlie storm of the battles are rapidly passing to the other side to join the heroes who fell in the fi^'ht. The few survivors assembled at Gettysburg, a few years since, to there erect and dedicate to their memory monuments in granite and !>ro;i/.e, and stand once more on the spot that has been crimsoned bv their blood, and, like Melchisedech on Bil boa's field, to pray for their comrades slain, that the God of Moses and Joshua, he who loves the brave and the ;ood, may o-rant sweet rest to the souls of those who died in defence of their adopted country. NOTK.- The foregoing sketch of the Irish Brigade was contributed by General Mnl- holland to the Chaplain of the Brigade, Rev. \V. Corby, who has incorporated it in a volume on the record of the Irish soldiers in the war for the Union, which he intends soon to publish. With the kind permission of the reverend gentleman we have included it in this History. It has been revised and amended by General Mulholland for our pages. LIST OF OFFICERS AND MKMP.KRS THE HIHKRXI SOCIBTV, Al'RIL 5, 1790 -"MARCH 17, 1X92. \vrni Tin-: DATKS 01- THI-:IR KU-.CTI PRKSIDKXTS. r.lcctcd. Tliomas McKean, Apr. 5, 1790 Hugh Holmes, Aug. 13, 1800 Joseph Tagert, Alar. 17, 1818 Robert Taylor, Mar. 17, 1850 (lei;. R. Patterson , Mar. 17, 1856 William Price, Mar. 17, 1882 William J. Xead, Mar. 17, 1884 John Field, Mar. 17, 1886 William Me A leer, Mar. 17, 1888 William Price, Mar. 17, 1890 YICK-PRKSIDKXTS. Ovn. Walter Stewart, Apr. 5, 1790 Hugh Holmes, Mar. 17, 1796 Charles Heatly, Aug. 13, 1800 Joseph Tagert, Mar. 17, 1814 Fdward Fox, Mar. 17, 1818 Silas H. Weir, Mar. 17, 1823 < ien. C. Irvine, Mar. 17, 1829 ' Ri >bert Tavlor, Mar. 17, 1842 C,en. R. Patterson , Mar. 17, 1 85* , Ja:nes I larper, Mar. 17, 1836 Andrew C. Craig, Mar. 17, !S 7 ,, William J. Xead, Mar. 17, I8S2 .is. M. Ferguson, Mar. 17, i8S.| ! n'.ies S. Martin, Dec. 17, 1885 \i'-h' 'las J. ( iriHin , Mar. 17, rSS6 C' !. T. J. < irimesoi i,Mar. 17, I S N 8 tk;i. St. Clair A. Mnlhollai (1, Mar. i- I Si H i TRKASURKRS. John Taylor, Apr. Alexander Henry, Mar. David McCormick, Mar. Samuel Watt, Joseph Tagert, Henry Toland, John Horner, Robert Taylor, Joseph Jones, David Rankin, James Prown, Andrew C. Craig", Philip Powell, J. G. R. McCorkell, Dec. Charles Phillips, Philip Harry, Simon J. Martin, SKCRKTARIKS. Mathew Carey, Fdwani Fox, Mathew Carey, Josej)li Tagert, Roliert Tavlor, Fdward Fox, James Rogers, (ieo. W. Toland, John Knox, Joseph Jone>, Valentine I lolme Mar. ! 7- 1 7 { >7 Mar. J 7' 1805 Mar. !7' i ScS Mar. is. 1 8 1 6 Mar. T S, 1833 Alar. I 7, 1842 Alar. I 7. 1850 Mar. I 7, 1851 Mar. '7- 1869 Alar. i 7, 1870 Dec. 3, IS8 4 Mar. 17, i ss6 Apr. 28, i >S6 May 15, 1 SSS Apr. 5' ' 7' ll ' Sept. 5, 17^1 Mar. ! 7i [ 7 ( ' (1 Mar. I 7, I S' K ) Mar. 17, IS- .5 Mar. 17, iSlK) Mar. 17, 1 8 1 S Mar. 17- '^7 Mar. 17, 1832 Dec. I S , I S ; ~ Mar. 17, i s i j Mar. I ~ , I S ^ u 316 Till-; HIIiKRMAN SOCIETY. Andrew C. Craig, Mar. 17, 1853 James L. Taylor, Mar. 17, iS(>o Andrew C. Craig, I >ennis B. Kelly, William Morgan, Chas. A. McManns, Sept. 17, 1877 James S. Martin, Mar. 17, 1871) Nicholas J. Griffin, Mar. 17, 1882 Thos. I). I'Vrgusuii, Mar. 17, 1886 Mar. 17. Mar. 17, 1809 Mar. 17, 1^70 MEMBERS. Abercrombie, I "rank P. Acheson, Armon I). Achesun, David . Achcson, Gen. Thomas Adams, John Adams, Nathan .... Adams, Richard Adams, Robert .... Adams, Robert Jr . . . Adams, William Addieks, William \ I. . Agnew, Andrew Agnew, William Ahem, Daniel W. . . . Alder, James Alexander, Andrew Alexander, John Allen, Daniel . . . . Allen, George . Allen, Stanislaus J. Allibonc, Thomas, II. M. Anderson, Matthew, M. I ). Anderson, William . Anderson, William . Andrews, John . . . . Andrews, Joseph I!. Arbnckle, William . Armat, Thomas W. Arm<:rong, Andrew Armstrong, Robert. A nil. strong, Robert T. . . 188 180.) 1814 1865 1814 1790 1814 I 889 Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, William . Arnold, Michael Arrott, William . Arthur, Robert . . . . Aschenbach, John C. . Ash, James Ashhnrst, Richard . Anld, Jacob Anil, James Andrew . Bache, Richard . . . . Bache, Richard, Jr. . . Bail, John Bailey, Francis . Bailey, John T Daily, Joel J Baird, John Baird, Matthew . . . . Baird, William M. . . . Baker, George . Baker, John R Baker, William J. . . . Baldwin, Daniel Ball, BlackallW. - . . Ball, Joseph Barclay, James . Barclav, John . Barker, Wharton Barkley, James . Barnett, Thomas Barnwell, William, M. D. Barr, Daniel Barr, Daniel J Barr, Hugh " Barr, James J Barr, Michael . Barr, Robert J Harrington, Charles Barry, Commodore John . Harry, John Harry, Joseph B. Barry, Philip . . . . 1814 1790 1889 1864 1884 I 7V$ 1809 1790 1851 1792 1816 1803 1790 1880 1889. 1877 1866 1867 1792 1 84 i 1813 1790 1790 1803 1 790 i/9 1889 1803 18^2 1818 1842 1865 1 8. 1 2 1865 I Sr-4 1865 1813 1790 1/90 180 THK HIHKKNIAN SOCIHTV. Barry, Rev. Thomas J. I SSS Boyd, David, Jr. . 1 85 i llarrv, William .... I ~U' ' Bovd John 1 S~ ' ! iarton, Benjamin S. Is 1790 Uo\ Ian, James . I7V" Baxter, Matthew . . . I 82 2 Boyle, H-i-ii .... . 179.. 'lav ard, Andrew I Si ) i Bo\de Thomas I S^i ) Bavard, Samuel t 1 7uO l 8S > ileattie, Robert II. . / / 1864 I5oyle, \\'il!iam \". . . 1841 Heaver, Gen. Jas. A., II. M. I88 7 Bovs, Flias .... 179" Heck, James M I S88 Bovs, X a than . 1 7V Beirn, Michael F. . . . 1 866 Bradford, Samuel F. I 81 >3 Bcirne, Col. Andrew . 1 83 1 Brady, Daniel C. F. . . 1851 Hell, John 1832 Brady, Francis F. . 1S !7 Hell, Samuel .... 1817 Bradv, James 1 8 s 2 Bell, Samuel C 1814 Bradv, ( )wen .... . iSs) Bell, Thomas .... 1 864 Brady, Patrick . . 183- Bell, William .... 1790 Bradv, Thaddeiis . 1 88.;. Benson, David P. ... 1821 Bradv, Thomas . r SS -> Benson, Peter .... 1 79. > Brankin, Patrick J. . . IS- Bernard, John .... 1814 Brav. William I Si >_=; Bethel, Robert .... 1812 Brehonv, Rev. James IS'/) Bi--s, Benjamin T., II. M. I8S 7 Breslin, John I 88 2 Biiigliam, Archibald I 791 > Brice, Kphraini . 1 88 i Bines, Robert .... 1803 I > rice \Villiani r I 86 I Bums John I Si H) Bridges, Robert . I ~O> ) Bishop, Stilwell S. . . 1848 Britton, Andrew L. I SSS Black, James .... 1850 Brooke, C. Wallace . 1841 Black. James J [855 Brooke, Xathan 187 ) Black, John V 1833 Brown, Andrew : 7 ( ' Hlackbnrne, Francis [882 Brown, David Paul i 8 i ( Black wood, Rev. W. , II. M. I S v ) Brown, I. Xewton . i 88 ; Bladen, Thomas .... 1832 Brown. James !V .^ Blair. William II. . . . IS 57 Brown. Jame- A. I S 2 ! Bleak lev, John i " ( )i i Brown John HO--S, James .... / " 1796 Brown, John 1 1. Bo^s, William .... 1809 Brown, Ji >hn II. iS.j j Bo! ind, Frederick . ! S S6 Brown, Joseph . . . . i;-o-. Bolster, Richard II. . . I S: i^ I li'i i\\'ii I ,ewis R . i >. i i Helton, Rev. James (',. L 8 i i I li 'lie', , M' )' ris .... IS.,0 Brown. \Vi li..in. . . I ~. r l Hoyd, Alexander . Brown, \\" : li mi IS . l Bo'yd, Maj. Au-iKtv, . . ' , > : .S' i~ I 8 ; 2 B >vd, David . i s : Brow::. W: liam Till-: HIKKKNIAN SOCIKTY. Krown, William ]>ro\vn, \\"in. K., M. I). 15 ro wne, Peter A. r>runer, William M. liruster, Charles Kryan, George .... Kryan, ( iiiy Krvson, James .... Hunting, Ilenrv K. . Kur^ess, Robert Kurke, Kdward M. Kurns, Stephen K. . Knrnsidc, Thomas . Km rows, Francis V S. , M. I). Burl, Arthur A Kurt, Nathaniel .... Kurton, Kdward .... Kvrd, Ji >'m Kyrne, Gerald .... Kyrne, Henry C. Kyrne, James .... Kyrne, Patrick .... Kvrne, Redmond Kyrnes, Thomas I'. Cadwalader, John . Ca.hill, Michael .... Cahill, Richard F. . . . Cain, Alexander Calbraith, Hector . . . Calbraith, J;um-s Calbraith, Matthew . . Caldcleugh, Robert A. C.r.'iwell, Janu-s Caldwell, J;uiu-- CaldwelLJohn .... Caldxvell, v SamiK-l Calia^'han, Charles . Calla-han, David . . . Calla^han, ()eor;.;e . Callahan, Thoma< . Camac, Tunu-r .... C' nnnbell, Archibald 1826 1 889 1 8 1 8 Campbell, Arch. K., M. I). Campbell, George . Campbell, George . Campbell, Hn<>h . . . 1866 1790 1843 i Sri Campbell, James 1 790 Campbell, James, H. M. . 1841 Campbell, James 1844 Campbell, John .... 1790 Campbell, John .... 1856 Campbell, John .... 1864 Campbell, John H. 1880 Campbell, John M. 1 88 1 Campbell, Robert, H. M. . 1846 Campbell, William . 1864 Campbell, Win. J. . . . 1884 Cant well, James R. 1858 Carberry, P. J. L., M. I). 1884 Carey, Henry C. ... 1820 Carey, Mathew .... i 790 Carlin, John 1 890 Carlisle, John .... 1808 Carr, John A 1880 Carr, Rev. Matthew . . 1808 Carr, Morgan .... 1825 Carre; i, Kdward 1 790 Carrick, Alexander 1854 Carri^an, Peter .... 1882 Carson, John, M. I). 1790 Carson, Joseph .... 1790 Carswell, Samuel 1819 Cascade!!, James 1867 Caskey, Joseph .... 1 8 1 6 Carlin, Daniel .... 1 86 1 Cassidv, IIiiLdi .... 1850 Ca-^m, John 1 86;; Castle, Charles K. . . . I 8>- ; Castle, James II. ... I 8 ; Ca>tner, Samuel. Jr. IXS9 Catherwo< >d \ ndi e\v i I 8 ; ; Catherwood, II. \V. . . 1 85} Catherwood, 1 1 r.Ljh l82| Catherwood, Robert I 8 : 8 THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Caiherwood, Samuel 15. Chambers, C.eo. T. Chamlk-r, Joseph R., II.M. Chesnut, Samuel Chesuut, \\"il!iani . Chew, Samuel .... Christy, William M. . . Chriswell, Capt. James Clapier, Lewis .... Clare, Washington K. Clark, Kdward .... Clark, George .... Clark, Hugh Clark, Hugh Clark, James Clark, John Clark, John Clarke, William R. Cleary, Malachi J. . . . Clear}', Martin .... Clements, Richardson T. Clendenning, James Clihhorn, Joshua Cochran, Alexander Cochran, Daniel J. . . . Cochran, William . Cochran, William . Cochmne, Michael . Civilian, Rev. Gerald 1'. Colahan, John 15. Colemau, Kdward . Coleman, Henrv Phillips Colhoun, Samuel, M. I). i S 1 6 182 1 809 1 803 Cummins, \\'illiam Ken' Condon, John Conlau, Michael Connell, Horatio P. Connellv, John (i. . Connelly, Patrick . Connellv, Robert Connolly, Harry Conuoli}-, John . Conner, James Conrad, Cornelius . Conrov, Patrick . Convery, Alexander Comvav, Denis Con\va\\ P'rar.cis Conway, William . Cook, Alexander Cook, Kzekiel C., M. I). Cooper, Hugh Corr, Bernard Correy, Da\'id Correy, Robert . Correy, Robert . Costigan, Thom;i- . Coulter, James . Cox, Capt. Paul . . Coxe, Alexander S. Coxe, Hon. Charles S. Coxe, Hon. Kckley P,. Coxe, Tench Andrew C. David A. . . Hugh . . . Hugh, Jr. . . ., Joseph P. . . Craig, Wilson I >. . . Crawford, Janu < Crawford, William . Creighton, J.nnes McC. Creighton, Robert . C reran, Charles . . . C: ; !!v, Henry I SS.} i'; HIUKRNIAN SOCIKTY. Crilly, Michael 1-. . . . Crilly, Thomas .... Cnmin, Michael II. . Crooks, Win. C., M. l\ . Crothers, A Crow, Andrew .... Cniikshank, James Crutcher, Footer ( i. . . Cummin^, Matthew L. . Cummiskev, Kll^elle . Cunningham, Francis A. Cunningham, James, M.D. Cunningham, John Cupples, Samuel Curnu, George .... Curtin, Hon. Andrew (. Curtis, F. I) Cushin^-, Augustus Ctlthbert, Allen, II. M. . Cuthbert, Tlu)inas . Daly, Fu-ene S. ... Daly, Henry M. ... Daly, John Daly, Patrick K. ... Dalv , Timothy M. . . . I )ardis, John 1 >arraL;h, John .... I )av:in, K. in^smill I )avids< in, James, Sr. . I )avidson, William Davis, Co!. Samuel U. Davis, Capt. William . . I )a/.ley, James .... Deal, Daniel I )ean, \\'ill iam .... Dechert, Gen. Robert P. . Delaney, Fdward Delanev, Sharp .... Delam-v, William . I)'.- iiu-v, William DeMorat, ( )rlaudo P>. I )enman, Aaron Deiiman, Samuel I )eveimey, Cliarles I >ever, Patrick l'\ . I )evine, John De\'iiie, Mark Deviue, Patrick Deviuc, Richard Deviue, William Devlin, Thomas Dewe\', C.eor<;e \\*. Diamond, Alexander Dickerson, Mahlon Dickson, James R. . Dicksou, John W. . Dickson, Thomas H. Dickson, William . Di^nau, John Dillon, Kdward T. Dimond, PVancis Diniond, John I )imoiid, Joseph I )imond, Richard V. I >in^ee, James I{. Disston, Hamilton . Diven, William Di\'ine, \\'illiam Di\'iue, \\'illiam, Jr. Dobbins, John 15. Dobbins, Stewart A. Dobbins, Thomas . Dohan, Michael J. . Doherty, John P. . Dolau, Patrick J. . Doleii, b'.dward . D'( )lier, 1 lenrv . . D't Ilier, William . 1872 1887 1848 IiS 39 1870 1888 1882 1882 1850 1832 1807 1864 1829 1830 1818 1884 . , W:'. 1 :am m, William T TIII-; HIBHRXIAX SOCIKTY. Donnellan, P. S., M. D. . Donnelly, Francis . Donnelly, John R, M. D. Donovan, Daniel Donovan, Jeremiah Dooner, Peter S. Dooner, Thomas H. Doran, Hon. Joseph M. Dorrance, David Dorsey, Benedict, Jr. . Dougherty, Alexander Dougherty, Alexander K. Dougherty, Charles A. Dougherty, Daniel Dougherty, James L. . Dougherty, John A. Dougherty, Patrick Dougherty, William H. . Downey, James . Doyle, John M Doyle, Patrick . . . . Dovle, William H. . . Thomas . Richard . John , Anthony J. Duane, William Duane, William J. . Duflleld, Samuel, M. D. . Duffni, John H Duffy, Col. Charles . . Duffy, Daniel J. . . . Patrick . . . . William . . . . Richard . . . ernard . Benjamin . David . . . . Matthew . . . John . Robert II. . . John . Drake Drean I )re\v, Drexe 1889 Dunlap, Thomas . . . 1832 1790 Dunlap, William . . . 1864 1878 Dunn, Michael . . . . 185; 1880 Dunn, Thomas J. . . . 1891 1806 Durang, Ivdwin F. . . 1882 1880 Duross, James .... 1880 1882 Duross, John 1^60 1827 Dwier, George W. . . 1^ S 2 1838 Kakin, Thomas .... 181.0 1804 Kddy, George .... 1802 1824 Kdwards, George W. . . 1850 1838 Kdwards, Thomas A. . 1833 1868 Klcock, Thomas R. . . 1870 1852 Klliott, John i8f>4 1830 Ivlliott, William . . . 179'' 1856 Kills, John ..... 1857 Kills, Thomas .... 1^55 Kinsley, William . . . is89 Kngel, Theodore C. . . 1883 Knglish, Thomas . . . 1884 Knglish, William . . . 1847 luinis, George W. . . . 1884 Erwin, Joseph .... 179') lowing, Alexander . . . 181 >2 Fwing, John 1802 Kwing, Robert . . . . LSI.) Kwing, Samuel . . . . 1810 Fahy, Michael .... ' S 7- Fahy, Michael J. . . . 1883 Fahv, Thomas A. ... i8S.| Fallon, Christopher . . 18 |i Fallon, John 184 i I "argus, James . . . . 1 701 > Farrel!v, Stephen . . . 1883 Farren, Bernard X. . . 1883 Fav, Charles 188.' Fay, Thomas .... 1840 Faye, James 1840 Fearon. James .... i s -5 FrbiLH-r, Christopher C. . 1821 Fen! in, John 1831 FeriMison, George. S. 1881 THK IIIKKKNIAN SOCIKTY. FYrgnson, James M. . Ferguson, Thomas I). Ferrall, Patrick . . . Fidel, John Findlev, William . Finley, James .... IM slier, Andrew Fisher, Thomas .... Fisher, William A. . . Fitzgerald, Robert . Fitzmaurice, Michael . Fi'/.patrick, Florence . iMt/patrick, John James . Fit/.patrick, Joseph M. Fit/patrick, Philip . Fitzpatrick, Terence Fitxpatrick, Timothy . Fit/simons, Thomas I'lahaven, Roger, Jr. . l'"la'naven, Thomas . Flanagan, Ro1)ert Fleeson, Plunket Fleming, Rev. Francis A. Fleming, Wm. J., M. I). . Flemming, Alexander Fiemming, Robert . Fletcher, John W. . . . Fiintham, William . Mood, Lt.-Col. Kdward II. Flood, William II. Flynn, Bernard .... Flviin, JaiiK-s D. Ford, Standish .... For>\ th, Isaac .... Fo.-tcr, Frederick L. Ft >ster, JaiiK'-> J. ... Foster, Solomon I'ot! rail, Stephen F. . . Fox, Ivhvard . . . . i ; IK. John Fox. Samuel .... Francis Ph;1ii> . F'rancis, Tliomas W. . Francis, William Francis, Willing F'ranklin, Walter . FYa/.er, John .... Fra/.cr, Robert .... FVa/ier, Robert .... I'reeman, Tristam R. . iMillerton, Richard . Fnrbnsh, Charles A. F'nrey, John S (ialbraith, James Gallagher, Anthony J. Gallagher, Augustus B. . Gallagher, Bernard Gallagher, Charles J. . . Gallagher, Christopher Gallagher, James, M. I). . Gallagher, John X. Gamble, Hugh .... Gartland, Simon Gass, James Gav, Captain James Geddes, Capt. Henry . George, John G. German, Thomas Getty, Robert .... Gever, John Gibbons, James S. . Gibson, Colonel Charles H. Gib-urn, John . . . . Gibson, John Bannister Gilbertson, Charles M. Giie>, ( lenenf. Jame-; r.ilkie, John . . . . G,ill, John, Jr Gill. William .... Ciillespie, William . Griltinan, I)a\'id . . . . Given, Robert A., M. I). . Gobin, Ck-n. J. P. S. . . Gordon, James Gay 1804 1813 1824 1811 1865 1814 TIII-: mi;! ( iordon, John W. ( iordon, Nathaniel . Gorman, James 1C. ( iorman, Thomas < i( >rman, William < iormly, Patrick Gorrcll, Robert . . Gowen, James ( irady, John C. . Graham, David . Graham, iCdwin P. ( iraham, ( icor^e S. Graham, Henry R. (iraham, James . Graham, James . Graham, James . Graham, John Graham, John Graham, John K. Graham, Theodore A. Graham, Thomas . (iraham, Walter Grant, Gen. I*. S. , II. Gray, ICdward ( iray, Rev. James . (iray, Richard ( irav, Robert . ( iray, Robert, Jr. . ( iray, Robert 1C. ( irav, William finiy, William H. . ( ireen, J"hn I. < ireiner, William M. ( iricr, Matthew, Jr. ' iriffm, ( iilbert . < iviflin, Xichola- M. 1818 Haines, Lindley 1843 Hall, Richard ISX6 Hall, Thomas . . . , 1822 Hallahan, Peter T. . , 1880 Halvey, Timothv !'. 1887 Haiv, William \V. . . , 1865 I lamilton, ( iavin 1817 I lamilton, ( iavin, Jr. . iS<)<) Hamilton, James i 795 Hamilton, John . 1883 Hammill, Hn^h J. 1889 Hammill, William . 1883 Hand, Gen. ICdward 1790 Handy, Moses P. . . , 1813 Hanlon, ICdward 1880 Ilanna, James . i 792 I lanna, William B. 1839 Hanna, William J. 1819 Hanna, William W. 1884 Hannis, Henry S. . 1821 I lanson, John . 1859 Harding, John, Jr. . 1871 Hardin^e, J. A 1812 Hardy, Charles A. . 1813 Harkness, William 1884 Harned, Thomas P>. 1 790 Ilarnett, William M. . 1867 Harper, Arthur . . . . 1822 Harper, Benjamin W. i 790 I larper, Charles A. 1 8X9 I larper, James . 1885 I larper, Jame> . iSdij Harper, Thorn. is is 15 Harper, Thomas S., M. P. 1883 Harrah, Charles J. . . . i SS, > Harridan, Jeremiah J. :XXj Harris, Samuel I 1828 Harrison, Henry :S |S Ilarrity, \\*illiam F. . . 1882 Hart, Thomas . . . . : SSS I larvcv, Samuel IS! : Hassett, lame- C. 1 8X6 1X25 18X4 I XX 2 1X32 11 .i/ 1790 1790 1X44 IX8 4 1X71 I XX j 1X67 1X22 1X32 1X17 I XX i 1804 1887 ! 8, , I X ; X I XXX I X 1 ( , 1X32 1X73 I>S2 iss. I SS,. TIIK SOCIHTY. Hastings, Gen. Daniel H. Haswell, Capt. George D. Haugh, John Haugh, Thomas Hawthorn, James . I lay, James Hayes, Patrick . Haves, Robert, Sr. Haves, Robert, Jr. . . Samuel William . . . . James M. ... Have, Have.- Healv Healy, Patrick .... Healv, William, H. M. . Heaney, Thomas Hearn, W. Joseph, M. I). Heatly, Charles .... Heaton, John .... Heeiian, Col. Dennis . Heeiian, Thomas 1C., M. I). HefTernan, John Hemphill, John .... Hemphill, Joseph . Henderson, John Henderson, William Henderson, William Hennessy, Thomas. Henry, Alexander . Henry, Alexander, H. M. Henry, Charles P., M. D. Henry, Hugh .... Henry, Hugh .... Henry, John Henry, John S Heraty, ICdward J. . . Heraty, Michael P. . . I leron. Alexander, Jr. I lerring, Robert G. . . Hewitt, John .... Hewitt, William . . . Hevl, Lt.-Col. Kdw. M. . Hcvlin, Isaac, M. I). 1888 i*45 1887 1865 171)0 1867 1814 1850 1856 1833 1790 1 884 1867 1790 1857 1884 1790 1808 1 863 1870 [790 1820 1827 i*45 1790 1886 1 8 1 6 1790 186=, 1886 iss- I S i S 1882 I SSS 1836 I S i ( ) I SSi ) Hieskell, Thomas . . Higbee, Joseph . Hill, Adam . . . . I lindman, James Hirst, James M. Hogau, Patrick . Hogg, Alexander . Holland, Charles . . Holmes, George Holmes, Henry . Holmes, Hugh . Holmes, John Holmes, John I lolmes, John, M. D. . 1 lolmes, John, Jr. Holmes, Samuel Holmes, Seth C. . . Holmes, Valentine . Holmes, William Hood, John M. . . . Hood, Matthew . . . Hood, Samuel Hood, William H. . . Hookey, Joseph H. Hope, John F. Hope, Thomas . Hopkins, William K. . Iloran, Thomas . 1 lorn, James I lenry Horner, John Horstmann, Francis F. I louston, Henry H. I lov, James, Jr. . I luber, John Y. Hudson, Kdward, M. D. Huev, William G. . . I 1 u^ard, John . Hugh, James II. . . Hughes lienjamin F. . I Iu^he>, ( k-orge I luglies, Janu-> . Hughes, Mile, II. 1826 1804 i*59 i*33 1826 1809 1 863 1803 1814 1883 1790 1812 1841 i*34 i*3* 1830 THI-; HIHKRNIAN SOCIHTY. Humes, George .... Ilinnes, John .... Humphrey, Thomas . Hunter, James, Sr. Hunter, James, Jr. . Hunter, John .... Hurley, Rev. Michael. . i Inrley, Thomas Hurst, Alfred .... Hurst, John C Huston, James .... Huston, John Hasell . Hutchinson, Samuel L. Inskeep, Abraham . Irvine, Gen. Callender Irvine, Charles .... Irvine, Hood Irvine, James .... Irvine. Jared W. Irwin, John M Ir\vin, Matthew .... Irwin, William .... Jackson, Gen. Andrew, H. M. Jackson, David .... Jackson, Ebene/.er . Jackson, Henry J., II. M. Jackson, John .... Jackson, Washington . James, John ( > Jamison, IJenton K. Jamison, William M. . Jenkins, Theodore F. . Jennings, John W. Johnson, Charles, Sr. . Johnson, Charles, Jr. . Johnson, John K. Johnson, Robert Johnson, Will inm . Johnston, Alexander . Johnston, Cl. Francis Johnston, William . Johnston, William . 1814 Jolly, Charles .... 1802 1811 Jolly, Thomas M. . . . 1836 ! ^3 Jones, John M I 79 1790 Jones, Joseph .... 1831 1790 Jones, Joshua R. . . . 1882 1863 Joyce, Dominick . . . 1790 Iit >3 Judge, Thomas P. ... 1879 1811 Judge, William .... 1882 ^36 Juvenal, William W. . . 18^3 1867 Kaier, Charles D. . . . 1887 1817 Kane, James 1884 1792 Kane, John l &^5 1857 Kane, John K 1828 1803 Kane, Gen. Thomas L. . 1848 1815 Kean, John 179 1806 Kean, Roger i/ ( /> 1819 Keane, Martin .... 1882 1821 Kearney, Richard . . . 1884 1832 Kearns, Patrick .... 1884 1795 Keating, John, Jr. . . . 1820 1790 Keating, William H. . . 1831 1790 ; Keefe, David 1881 1819 ' Keefe, James J 1884 1790 Keefe, John ^30 1823 Keefe, Joseph I. ... 1881 1884 Keenan, Michael . . . 1849 1815 Keenan, Michael P. . . 1849 1820 Keith, Samuel .... 1806 1807 Kelley, William . . . isf>6 1871 Kelh-, Charles .... 1^33 1853 Kelly, Dennis . 1829 1884 Kelly, Dennis P. . . . 1802 1882 Kellv, Kdward J. . . . 1867 183; Kelh-, ICdward J. . . . 1.^4 1838 Kelh-, George .... 1882 .1839 Kelly, James I x "5 1808 Kelly, James 1800 1852 Kelly, John 1 7<<< > 1864 Kelly, John A 1865 1808 Kelh-, John A 1887 :S8.) Kelh', John F* 1882 i8Ni Kelh , John L. :8>a Till- IIIBKRNIAN SOC1I-TY Kelly, Michael J. . Kelly, ( )\veii . Kelly, Patrick II. . Kelly, Philip . . Kelly, Philip 1 ; . . . Kelly, Philij) F. . . Kelly, Samuel S. Kelly, Thomas, Jr. Kelly, Thomas K . Kelly, William F. . Kelly, William F. . Kendrick, George W. , Kennedy, Alexander Kenned}', Andrew . Kennedy, Anthony Kennedy, John I). . Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennelly, John S. . Kennev, James J. Kennev, James R. . Keppele, Michael Kerr, Alexander Kerr, James . Kerr, James . Kerr, Capt. Walte; . Keys, James . Keys, Roo-er, M. I). Kidd, James . Kidd, James, Jr. Kidd, William Kieran, Rev. William Kini;, Charles F. Kiiijj, Cliades S. . Kini;, \\'illiam Kinsley, Kdwnrd I'. Kin^sley, Samuel . K:;;;;-ton, Ste])hen . K inney, John Kirkman, Thomas . Kirkp itrick, Jame< A. K irkpatrick, S.mmel Kitchen, James . 1 8 07 Kitlera, Thomas Knox, Andrew . Knox, John Koch, Jaci)h ( ierard Kvle, David Kyle, William . Ladiie, James I". LatVerty, Kdward . . . Laird, Robert . Lan-ton, Daniel J., M. I). Lapsley, Da\'id . . . . Lapsle\', I )a\'id, Jr. Lapsle\', John . Lapsley, Joseph }}. . Latimer, ( icor^e Latinier, ( iconic Latimer, James . Latimer, William ( i. . Latta, William J. . . . Lauglilin, Capt. John . Lan^hlin, Robert . La\'ens, John . Lavcrty, Jesse . . . . Lea, Thomas . Leake, Richard . . . . Leamy, John Leddy, Cajtt. James M. Lee, luhvard R Lee, James I) Leicvrc, Nicholas Leib, Albert Leipei, Armstrong, M. I ). L< ipei, William J. . . . Lelar. Robert (\. . . . L<'\vis, Callende! Irxine . L eberman, J )lm l\. ^ K".U vU i J' in L ^ett, Rol>ert . . . . L .H'.^'ett, vSamnel Lindsay, I !<:: w 1 1. I^indsay, John . Lisle, [ohn I8l 3 1790 I8l 4 I 803 1826 1814 1 8o2 I 865 1838 1 89 r 1790 1811 1 8< .8 1821 1790 1814 1 803 1 8( >3 1 889 1 884 1 862 1 8 1 6 1790 1813 i 791' 1853 1870 1889 1814 1886 i57 1831 iSXj 1887 1 867 1 88< > 1832 1840 1815 Till-: HIBKKNIAX SCKIKTY. 3-27 LMe John M 1 8:7 Ma^nire, James A. . . 1872 Little, James O/ 1790 Ma^uire, John . 183. j Little, Robert .... 1856 Ma^uire, John . 1848 Locke, Harrison iSlCJ) Ma^uire, William . . 187,, Locke, Theodore P. I88 4 Maluuiy, James A. . . 1827 Lo^an, James .... 1 8( >4 Mahonv, John T. 1 859 Loller, Col. Robert i 79< > Mallon James i 81 ) ; Looiiev, Robert .... i*34 Malone, Michael . 18,2 LOIMII, Thomas .... 1883 Malone, Richard A. . 1884 Lon^li, Joseph .... ' S 37 Malone)-, Martin . 188 4 Longhead, Robert L. . 1832 Manderson, John 1805 LouLdilin, DennisJ., M. I). 1887 Mann, Thomas . . IM 7 Lou^hrey, John .... 1802 Markley, Philip S. . . . 18,4 Love John I> 1 880 Marshall, Benjamin 1 8t ,2. Lowrv, Thomas P. . 1 89 1 Marshall, Charles . . I 8 ,2 Lucas, Fielding .... 1803 Marshall, Christopher . . 1790 Lucas John .... 1 89 1 Marshall, James . I7no Lucas, Thomas .... 1790 Martin, Kdwin . / ' 1890 Luke, William .... 1818 Martin, Henry I 8< ) > Lvle Peter 1815 Martin, James S. 1859 Lvle, William .... 1803 Martin, Joseph, M. I). . 1885 Lvnch Edward .... 1802 Martin Owen I 88; Lynch, John 1 790 Martin, Simon J. ^7 . 1882 Lvnch, John W. 1882 Martin, Thomas J. . l8(p Lynch, William .... 1863 Martin, William J. . lS 5i Macconn, David 1814 Martin, William L. 1 8t p > Mack, John M 1884 Mason, Samuel . . I 8 i 6 Mackenzie, R. Shelton 1864 i Mason, William . . .8,7 Mackv, Samuel .... 1863 Massev, William . 1 8- ,7 Madden, John .... 1884 Mathews, Michael . 1882 1 w/ Ma^'ee, Francis P. . 1856 Mathieu, Claudius J. . . 188} Ma^x-e, James .... IS43 Matthews, Wii'.iam . 1702 Ma i; ec, James !'. 1886 Max^on John Jr 1 860 M-i"ve Michael . . iSvS Maxwell James 1 8 ^ M.i;_M iflm, John , V 181 i Maxwell, John . . 1834 Ma Coffin, Josenh 1790 Mavnes, Rodger 1882 Ma;jrath, Christopher ,S. . I88.J Meade, Ck-or^e . . 170-) Ma-rath, Michael . . . 1819 M ean v John 1811 Ma^nire, licrnard I8|i Mears, Lewis T. , . I 801 i Ma^nire, I ; ,d\vard T. . 1871 Mease, James, M. 1"). . . 1798 Ma;.Miirc, James .... 185, Meeker, Samuel I 8( >2 Ma-uire, James .... 1882 Me^ar^'ee, Irwin 1 ; . . l8Sl Till-: IIIHKRNIAN SOCIKTY. Megargee, Louis X. Mei2.ee, ( icorge .... Mein, John II Mellon, Thomas Melloy, John M. . . . Menamin, Robert S. Mercer, Robert .... Mercer, Singleton A. . Mershon, Daniel Metcalfe, Thomas . Miercken, Peter Millar, William A. . . . Miller, Robert .... Miller, William .... Miller, William .... Milligan, Francis Million, William . . . M illiken, James .... Mills, John Milne, Fdward .... Minford, Thomas Mitchell, J>hn, Jr. . Mitchell, John K., M. I). Mitchell, Robert . . . MoiTett, Richard . . . Mohan, John .... Mona^han, Robert Kmmet Montgomery, Austin J. Montgomery, Capt. James Montgomery, William Moody, Matthew . . . Mooney, Thomas J. Moore, Alexander . Moore, Davis .... Moore, Captain James . Mi iore, Patrick .... Moore, Richard .... Samuel .... William .... William, Sr. William, Jr. Charles Y. Morgan, George . Morgan, William Morgan, William K. Moroney, James Moroney, William . Morris, Owen Morrison, Wilson J. Morton, George . Morton, John Moss, John .... Moylan, Jasper . Muhleuberg, David Muhlenberg, Gen. J. P. Muldoon, John . Mulholland, George, Jr Mulholland, Gen. St. Cl: Mullen, Andrew J. . Mullen, David . . . Mullery, Kclward Mulligan, Edward . Mullowney, John, Jr. . Mulqueen, Bryan Murphey, John A. . Murphey, Robert . Murphy, Alexander Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Dennis F. Murphy, Dominick Murphy, I). W., M. D. Murphy, PYancis K. Murphy, PYancis W. Murphy, Joseph P. . Murray, George . M urra.y, George . Murrav, Hugh W. . . Murta, John P. . . . Murtha, John Me. \dani, Thomas . Mi-Adams, Patrick . MrAleer, William . . Me A nail v, Peter . . McAran, John . , , 1890 1871 1882 1842 1790 1 884 1790 1 790 G. ir A 1790 1809 1 802 1872 1842 1 864 1886 1882 1790 1872 1 790 1884 1820 THI-: HIIIKRNIAN SOCIKTY. McArdle, John .... MeAteer, II. J McAvov, Patrick . . . McBride, Andrew . Me Bride, Patrick . . . McBride, William J. . . McCaffrey, Iliitfh . McCaffrey, John . . . McCahey, Peter, M. D. . McCall. John .... McCall, John C. . McCallmont, George . McCammon, David C. McCandless, Thomas G. . McCandless, Gen. William McCann, James . . . . McCann, James .... McCann, John . McCarron, Michael . McCarthy, William . . McCartney, James . McCanl Charles . . . McCanley, Kdward D. McCaulley, Cornelius . Me Canl\', Isaac . . . . McCleary, Robert MeClellan, (). II . . . McClelland, John . . . McClenachan, Blair McCleruan, Alexander McCiintock, James, M. I). McCloskey, Henry J. . . McCloskey, Michael . . McCloskey, William J. McClnre, James McClnre, James McClure, William J. . . McClnsky, John . . . MI Comas, William J. . A lexander M M Conne Cumu- 1882 1887 i53 1851 1852 1 89 i 1886 1 89 1 1886 1851 1887 1822 1864 1880 1865 1841 1 860 1 88 1 1 886 << S 57 1882 1 886 1 88 1 1840 1826 1790 1883 1792 r /9 1888 1 865 1885 '> S 37 1 888 I 790 1826 1 88 1 1846 l 81 )( i IS;.) 1 88 McCorkcll, John G. R. McCormick, David . McCormick, Thomas . McCormick, Thomas . McCormick, Thomas B. McCoy, George \\'. . McCoy, John ... McCrea, James ... McCrea, James A., M. D. McCrea, John . . . McCrea, John . . . McCreary, George D. . McCredv, Bernard . . McCredy, Dennis . . McCredy, Dennis A. . McCulla, William I{. . McCulloch, James . . McCnllon^'h, James A. McCullough, Cajit. John McCullough, Thomas . McCnlh-, George H. . McCully, William F. . McCunney, Richard P. McCutcheon, James . McCutcheon, John . McCntcheon, Joseph . McDermott, Kdward . McDermoL, Martin . . McDermott, Patrick . McDevitt, John ... McDevitt, John J. . . MacDonald, John . . McDonon^h, Charles . McDonou^li, I^natir.s. McIClhoiie, John J. . 1881 1792 1700 1802 i 7^1 , 186; i 7 1816 1889 1816 1816 i8^( 1883 i8it> 180,0 1882 1873 1883 1884 1851 1864 181.3 i8(>2 1838 1885 1800 i8f>2 McC<>iin<.T;. Matll THI-: HIRKRNIAN SOCIKTY. Mcdarvey, Ulrich A. Mcdeoo 11, James Mcdeov, Michae Mcdiunis, Janie.- Mcdkide, Charles Mcdlensey, John Medlensey, \ Mc( ilinchey, Mc( rlinn, Fdward Mc(;ione, Michael Mcdovern, John Mcdrann, Bernard J. Mcdrath, John P. Mcdrath, Robert, Mcdrath, Robert II. Mcdiath, Williai Mc( ira\v, James . Mc< ruckin, James Mc( iiirk, Owen . Mel leury, Alexai McIIenry, deor- Mel lenrv, James, Mdlhenny, Jame McF.vaine, Frauci Mdivaine, William Mdiwaiu, William Mclntee, Patrick McKean, Joseph McKeau, Thoma.' McKeau, Thomas Jr. McKee, Thomas Mdvee, William McKeell, Henry McKeeu, Thoma MeKcn/.ie, Richan MeKeone, Charle M cKeown, Jauie- McKibben, David McKibbin, Jeremiah McKibbou, William MeK iernan, Charle.- M K inlay, John S. :h A. . . 1 890 McKinlev, Archibald . 1884 1882 McKui^ht, John 1827 M . . . 1859 McKnidit, Robert J. . 1882 s . . . 1882 McLauidilin, Frank 1864 'S . 1886 McLanj^lilin, Jeremiah 1 865 1 1835 McLauidilin, Thus. X.,M.D . 1886 iam [826 MacLellan, C. J. . . . 1885 rnelius J. 1874 McLou^'hlin, Con stau tine 1866 d . . . 1866 McLuu^hlin, James K. 1884 el . . . 1884 McLoudiliu, John . 1790 1882 McLouidiliu, John . . . 1814 rdj. . . 1882 McLou^hlin, John . 1867 > 1882 McLonidiliu, Pierse 1865 t, M. I). . 1845 MeMahou, deor^e \\". 1838 L II. . . 1870 MeMahou, Heur\- 1824 in V. . . 1 86< > MeMahou, IIu2 McXallv, James . . . . 1884 s . . . 1790 McNeil, John .... 1825 is. Jr. . 1803 McRcan, Thomas A., M. I). 1862 J *J I 8 ) ( i McShain, Michael . 1884 1845 McShane, Barnabas i 790 lS22 McShane, Ivxekiel . . . 1809 s . . . 1803 MaeYeagh, \\'a\-ue . 1 889 ml . . [Hi 6 McWade, Robert M. . . 1 880 .s . I 88. Xead, William J. . . . 1870 - . . . 1882 Xeo-us, J. I{uo-le . . . i 8 16 1 . . . 1827 Xeile^, ( ieor_^e .... 1843 liah 1858 Neill, Lewis I 8< >2 iam 181 i Xelson, James .... .872 rles . . 1790 Xelson, John P>. 1865 S. [88., Xesbitt, Alexander I 700 TUP. IIIRF.RMAN SoCIKTY. 381 Xesbitt, John Maxwell Xeville, James J. . . . Xewcll, William Xewman, Ilu^h Newman, Thomas . Xiblo, John Xichols, Col. Francis . Xichols, Henry K. Xichols, Jeremiah . Xichols, William Xicholson, John Xixon, James .... Xolan, James .... Xolan, John J Xolan, William .... Nugent, Fdnumd . Oakman, John .... ( )' Brien, James .... O'Brien, James A. . . . ( )' Brien, John .... O'Brien, Lt.-Coi. John T. O'Brien, Michael K. . . O'Brien, Michael Morgan O'Brien, Patrick . . . O'Brien, William H. . . O' Bryan, John Dnross . O'Connor, Capt. Christoph O'Connor, James O'Donnell, Hugh . . . OT)onncll, Patrick F. . ( >'i)onnell, Peter P. . . ( >cllcrs, Richard d. . . ( >gden, Robert C. . . . < 'gle, Thoma.-. .... < 'Hart, Michael, M. I). . 1 ''Kane, Andrew ' I'Meillv, Rev. T. J. . . ; ; ' Nei'.l, Charle- >' \eill, Charles M. , . 1870 ()' Xeill, Thomas . . . 1859 ( )' Xeill, William C. . . 1890 < )'Reilly, Francis C. . . 1884 O'Reillv, C"l. James . . 18*3 ( )rne, Jame- 11 18^9 O'Ronrke, Michael . . 1882 O'Ronrke, Thomas . . iMx> ( )rth, I lenry < )tto, Jacob S Owens, Bernard .... Owens, Thomas. . . . Pancoast, William H.,M.D. Park, David Parker, ICdward .... Parker, Isaac Brown . . Parker, William . . . Pas-more, Thomas . . . Patterson, Christopher S. Patterson, Henry V S., M.I). Patterson, John . . . . Patterson, John .... Patterson, Joseph . . . Patterson, Richard . . . Patterson, Robert . . . Patterson, den. Robert . Patterson, den. Robert K. Patterson, Robert M., M.I). Patterson, Robert S. . . Patterson, Samuel I). . . Patterson, William . . . Patterson, William C. . . Patterson, William C., Jr. Patton, deor^x- .... Patton, James, Jr. . . . Patton, John Patton, John C Patton, Michael .... Pat l on, Ri ibt. rt . i 7'j Patten, Robert .... 1831) Patton, Samuel A. . . . 1852 Patton, Thomas R. . . 1862 P.i\ ne, John F. 1882 332 Till-: HIKKRNIAN SOCIHTY. Penn-Gaskell, Thomas 1835 Oninn, Patrick .... 1886 Perkins, Fdward L. 1884 Oninton, Alexander I{ *33 Pettid, Owen W. . . . [865 RaiTerty, Bernard . 1866 Philbin, John .... 1851 RaiTertv, George J. . 1881 Phillips, Charles . . . 1883 Rainev, Robert .... 1790 Phillips, Capt. William . 1819 Ralei-h, Walter. . . . 1887 Phillips, William M. . . I88 4 Ralston, Robert 1871 Philsoii, Alexander [8l2 Randolph, Fvan 1 854 Piersol, Jeremiah 1807 Rankm, David .... 1824 Piersol, Joseph X. . I 869 Rankin, Iln^h .... 1 8^9 Piersol, William 1807 Rankin, Robert .... 1827 Pinkerton, John .... I ~()0 Rea, Thomas C. 1845 Pleasants, James I 8< )_s Read, Admiral George C. . 1862 Poalk, Robert .... 1 802 Read, Collinson .... 1 80 ; Po^ne, Joseph .... Read John M . . . . j 1832 Pollock, James .... 1882 ' Read, William F. . . . 1889 Pollock, John .... 1865 Reaney, Patrick 1882 Pollock, Oliver .... I ~o2 Reath, Thomas .... 1825 Pollock, Robert .... 1840 Redmond, John .... 1851 Pollock, William J. 1862 Reed, John 1 793 Pomerov, Ralph W. 1833 Reed, Joseph 181 1 Porter, Cien. Andrew . 1792 Reed, Robert .... 1843 Porter, Charles A. . 1890 Reed, Samnel .... 1803 Porter, James M. 1818 Reed, Samnel F. 1846 Porter, James M. 1814 Reed, William B. . . . 1837 Porter, Major Robert . I TOO Rees, John F 1887 Porte!', Samnel .... / / 1829 Rchill, Patrick .... '883 Porter, \\ 11 iiam .... 1826 Reid, John 1 803 Porter, William A. . 1842 Reillv, Pernard .... 1882 Porter, William O. . . 1859 Reillv, Dennis .... ,884 Potter, Richard C. . . 1802 Reillv, James .... 1806 Potts, Rev. (iconic C. . . IS; i Reiliv, James P>. .88, Powell, Philip .... 1855 Reillv, John A 1884 Power, Tvrone .... > s -- Redly, John P, 1 88 } Powers, Thomas J. . 1 885 Reillv, Philip .... 1838 1 '< \vers, William I -1 f ) Reillv Robert L i s "M Preston Walter 1829 Rciliv Thomas 1 81 > } Prinjjde, John .... 17-)" Reillv, Thomas A. . 1883 Prt ictor, ( ien. Th< unas 1790 Reillv, T. Wallace . . . 1884 P ' '-n Joseph R I Si 2 Renshaw, Richard 1802 < }ninlan, Capt. Francis T. ^ O 1 ~* \ Renshaw, William . 1814 ' >': : ':::. John 1882 , Rcvillc, JamesJ. 1863 THI-; Hll'.F.kM AN SOC1I-.TV. Reynolds, James, M. D. Reynolds, John . Rice, Henry .... Rice, Robert .... Richards, Benjamin \V. Richards, Joseph Richards, Mark . Richardson, \Villium . Riddle, James Riddle, John S. . . . Riddle, Robert . . . Riddle, Samuel . Risk, Charles Ritchie, George . Ritchie, Robert . . . Roantree, William F. . Robins, Thomas, H. M. Robinson, John . Robinson, John . Robinson, P. Kdmund Robinson, William Roche, Thomas J. . Rogers, Charles . Rogers, James Rogers, John I. ... Rogers, John William Rogers, Maurice Rogers, William Rolston, William . . Ronev, Lieut. George . Ronev, Thomas . Rooney, James . R( >ss, ( /e< >rge .... Rossiter, John Roth. Kdward . . . :2 I N )() 1814 1849 1790 1831 1867 1813 1891 1867 183;; 1827 181 1 1 8< >;; 1 8 1 6 1 790 1850 1882 1 8 1 8 1 88 1 1 8 1 8 1882 I 888 1880 TIIH IIHH-KNIAN SOCIHTV. Slevin, Sloan, Small, Small, Smiley Smiley Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smyth Smyth Smvth Smyth Smyth Smyth S;:. >wd SolollK SoltS, , John John V John . . . . Peter , JohnMcC. . . , William . . . Henry A. . . . 1 leiiry Shnver James . . . . Rev. James . James K. John John John John F John M Montraville H. . Patrick . . . . Patrick S. . . . Patrick W. . . . Robert . Thomas . . . . William . . . . William P>. . . . William Mo. re William W. . . , Oeor^c W. . . . , Jame> . . . . , Thomas . . Thomas , William en, Frank P. . >n. Joseph J. . . Robert . . . . oo.i, William . . d, Robert S., M. D. fohn 1881 Steen, Robert ... Sten^'er, William S. . Stephens, Thomas . . Sterling, .Henry ... Sterling, Samuel S. , Stevenson, Augustine. Steward, (ieor^e, M. I). Stewart, Col. Charles . Stcwait, Com. Charles Stewart, David ... Stewart, James ... Stewart, James ... Stewart, James Hood . Stewart, John ... Stewart, John ... Stewart, Thomas . . Stewart, Thomas . . vStewart, Col. Thomas J. Stewart, den. Walter . Stillas, John Stoekley, William . . StofTel, Patrick W. . Strawbrid^'e, John . . Straw bridge, John . . Strickland, William . Stuarl, Col. Christopher I )avid ... David ... I ; ,dwin S. S: 11 irt, ( rc-oiye II. . . Stuart, J runes ... Stn irt, James . . . Sullivan. !am< - i*. . 1827 189( Sr.innn r-~, William I ). Sutton, diaries 1 1. Swain, I'rancis . S". nine, I''ranci> . Sweeney, Kdward . Swe< nev, II 1803 1822 1849 I7<)'> 1862 1790 1802 1881 1884 foIIX \VAXAMAKKR, THK HII;I-;KMAN SOCIKTY. vSwecney, James F. . 1 882 T Sweeney, Miles D. . 1851 '1 Sweeny, Dennis .... 1840 T S weeny, Doyle .... i 796 T Tack, John 1842 T Ta^ert, Joseph .... T~ I 8()2 Tat^art, James 15. . 1828 T Ta--art, John .... I 790 T Tatein, James .... l8()4 T Tatein, James R. I8I 3 T Tatein, Joseph R. . l8()2 T Taylor, George, Jr. . I8O2 T Taylor, Henry J. I8 5 8 T Taylor, James L. 1850 T Taylor, John 1790 T Taylor, Capt. John . 1889 T Taylor, John H. ... 1858 T Taylor, John M. ... 1790 T Taylor, Levi 1824 T Taylor, Robert .... T I 802 T Taylor, Samuel L. . 1864 T Tener Henry P 1887 T Tete Francis / T Teyis, Penjamin l822 T Thar;), William .... 1790 T Thomas, Kdward 1 8( >3 V Thomas, John .... I 886 Y Thomas, William S. . I 885 \\ Thompson, George . I 802 \\ Thompson, George W. 1882 \\ Thompson, James . 1790 \\ Thompson, James C. . I 8 i 5 \\ Thompson, janu-s C. 1842 \\ Tin mipson, John 1790 \\ Thompson. John ( \. 1844 A\ Thompson, Robert . I 790 \\ Thompson, Stewart 1883 \\ Thompson, William K, Thompson, William R Thornbnridi, Joseph . . 1790 Thnrsby, Kdward . . . 18:=; Tiernan, Francis . . , 1840 Tierncy, Thomas F. . . 1886 Tiliord, John A. ... 1809 Timmons, Dean i 790 Timoney, Dennis . . . 1880 Tobin, Michael .... iSt>'. Toland, George \\'. . . I.SP, Toland, Henry i 790 Toland, Henry, Jr. . . . iSi^ Toland, John P. . . . 1802 Toland, Robert . . . . 1817 Tomkinson, Andrew S. . iSS} Town, Col. Thomas J. . 1805 Tracy, John 1882 Tracy, Michael .... 1839 Trainer, Kdward . . . 1887 Trainer, Henry J. . . . 1890 Trainer, John .... 1890 Tucker, John . . . . 1841 Tnnney, John .... 1884 Twibill, George A. . . 1875 Twibill, Thomas P. . . 1882 Tyler, Robert .... 1853 Yanneinan, T. H.* . . . 1891) Yanx, Richard .... 184} Walker, William H. . . 1881 Wallace, Kdward K. . . 186. . Wallace, Henry . . . . 18(17 Wallace, Joshua M., Jr. . 1808 Wallace, William . . . 184') Walsh. PhilipJ 1881 Walsh, Robert F. . . . 18411 War.amaker, John . . . i88h Ward, John A i88<, Ward, John D 188.1 \\"arren, Robert Grant . 183: Waters, Kdward . . . 1837 Waters, Jolin .... Waters, William II. . . Walres Charles . THE I II HERMAN SOCIETY. Watson, Charles C, Jr. . Watson, Matthew . . . Watson, William Watt, David Watt, Samuel . Watt, William . . . . Watt, William W. . . . Watts, Gen. Frederick Wayne, William Weir, Silas K Wells, Joseph L. . . . Welsh, John West, Colonel John . . Wetherill, William, M. D. Whalley, Samuel Wheeler, J. J Whelan, Patrick K. . . Whelan, William . . . Whelan, William K. . . Whelen, Israel . Whelen, Jerome White, John White, John White, Richard P. . . Whiteley, George . \Vhiteley, James Whiteside, William \Vhitten, Alexander Wignell, Thomas Wilton, John . . . . WikoiT. Jacob C. . . . Wilev, John Wilhere, Maurice K . Williams, John . Williams, William . \\ 1832 1790 i 790 1835 '795 1832 1X52 1790 1882 1809 1887 1883 1855 1848 1870 1808 i ,S( ) 5 1839 1822 1 809 1884 1790 1869 i 868 18 59 1 89 1 1882 1876 1802 [790 iSi i 1825 1 88.] 1840 1790 1863 Willis, Seth, H. M . . Wilson, Benjamin . Wilson, Benjamin . Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, John .... Wilson, Mothcral Wilson, Robert Sterling Wilson, Stewart Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Wilson, William H. . Witherow, James P. Wolff, Otto .... Woods, William Woods, Joseph Woods, Robert . Woods, William Woodside, James Woodside, John . . Workman, Benjamin . Workman, Henry Weir Worrell, Joseph . Wray, Andrew . Wray, William . . . Wright, Alexander Wright, Archibald Wylc, Edward R. . . \V> lie, Rev. Samuel B. Yonng, Andrew . Yonng, David Yonng, John Rnssell . Young, Moses Young, Sheppard G. Yonii'', William 1790 1803 1816 1814 1816 1822 1817 1843 1882 1820 1814 1835 1884 1887 1815 1827 1884 1815 1856 1852 1790 1865 1808 1832 1 8< x) 1790 1838 1841 1811 1835 1882 1886 1806 1890 1 809 DAVID ACHKSnX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES TIIK MHMBKRS OF TIIH I IIIJHKNIAX SOCIKTY Frank Patterson Aborcrombic, 1889. -Horn at Fort To\vson, Indian Terri- tory, Jamutrv 2, 185-- Son of Mary (Patter- son Abercronibie and Gen. John J. Aber- crombie, grandson of den. Robert Patter- son (18241 and nephew of den. Robert I'.. Patterson (18651. lie is Division ICngi- neer of the Shaniokin Division, Northern Central Railway, and of the Sunbury Diyision, Philadelphia and Krie Railway. He resides at Sunbnry, Pa., and is an active nieniber in the Musoiiic organiza- tion, and a Knight Templar. Armon D. Achcson, 18S4. Horn in Philadelphia, May 15, 1836. Son of Charles Acheson and Isabella Stewart Aeheson, both natives of the North of Ireland. 1 1 is father was related to David Aeheson (18041 and den. Thomas Aeheson i 18151. He is in the flour business at No. 2(14 N. 22(1 street, being a member of the firm of dodfrev Keebler cc Co. He resides at Ardmore, Pa. David Achcson, 1804. --The Scotch family of Aehesons, from whom he was descended, settled in the North of Ireland about loo i. David Aeheson was the youngest of seven children of deorge Acheson, of dlasridrnmmond, County .\ima:;li, Ireland, in which place lie was born m 17711. He came to America, in 1788, to join his brothers John, deorge ..". ! Thomas, who had settled at Wash- -.'tou. I'.t. His brother John immedi- a'eh took him into business, and gave him an interest in hi- rontraets with the -overnment for furnishing Indian supplies ind army hor-.es. In 171)1 he commenced to study law. In 171)5 he was elected hv the Rfpublicans to the Pennsylvania I.e-is- l.iture, and ag.im in 170*1. 17117 and [So|. As the legislature mrt in Philadelphia AD during those years he removed to this cit\ . In 1799 lie married I'.ii/ ibeth, daughter of Samuel Voimg, of Philadelphia. Six- died the following \var. In IN>2 he paid a visit to his parents in Ireland. I'pon October 31, 1805, he again married. His second wi!e was Marv \V:lson, of Wash- ington, Pa. He removed au,a:n to that town in 181 }. Some vears afterwards he met with financial reverses. In 1840. when seventy years of age, he paid another visit to Ireland. He extended his trip to London, where he met Lord Gos- ford, late Governor-General of Canada, who was one of his relatives. He re- turned to America in 1842. He died December i, 1851, at his home in Wash- I ington, Pa. Hon. M. W. Acheson, Jud-e | of the United States Circuit Court, Pitts- < burgh, Pa., is his son by his second mar- riage. [See History of the Achcsoii ! family, bv A. W. Aeheson, privately printed, Pittsburgh, 187.8.] Gen. Thomas Aeheson, 1814. The i brother of Da\ id Aeheson ti8o.) , came to this C'Uintr\' ii'oni Ireland about 17 s *''. He was the second child of George Aeheson. I'pou his arrival he settled in ! Washington, Pa., and spent his whole life I there. After the death of hi< brother John he formed a partnership in business with j his brother David, \\hich extended over ! their \\hoh- lives, 'u :he \sarof 1812 h- i \\-as ;i Commiss.iry deneral ;n the L. S. ! Annv. lie died in IMs. lie m.i:i':ed jane Cummins .nid hid i:\e child:e-.:. \ [See History ol'the Acl'.esnll family, b\ A. \\". Achesiin, privately printed, !':.'.-- l.nrgh. 1-7- ] John Adams, 18o5. Native of the i North of In- 1 . md ; \\ i- a c. M! .le.iler, d >in _; business in 1\I .:: .-. I'.v.k. Died March, 2",. AD oSM AH iSS5, about 72 vcars of age, and was buried V;;!! Fishing Company , and has been Prcsi- in West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Hi- left a dent of the Wharton School Association. wife ,,nd seven children. ( Mie of his [ SIT Historv of tin- Schuylkill Fishing daughters is married to Thomas I,. Milli- Company, Philadelphia, 1889, page 388.] gan and another to Benjamin !'. Davis. William Adams, 1790. Appears to Nathan Adams, 1814. In the cit\ Ridiard Adams, 179O. Was a mer- andcr and Catharine Adams. Hi- estate Robert Adams, 1814. -born in I. if- a brother, who was appointed adminis- ford, County Donegal. Ireland, in 1775. trator upon March 8, iS2i. Peter I. vie After emigrating to America, in 179;, he and James Harper, Jr., both mcmUis of bee mie a shipping merchant and importer the Society, we're sureties upon the admin- of Madeira wines, on Sinis's wharf, near istrator's bond. Pine street, and afterwards at No. ui William Henri Addicks, 1889. Walnut street. He resided at No. iSj Horn in Philadelphia, March 4, 1854. Son Chestnut street. He was married in Christ of John 1C. Addicks and Margaretta Mcl.eod Church, in iSo.s, to Martha Levy Jones, a Addicks. He is descended, on his father's daughterofCapt. James Morris Jones, of the side, from the O'Snllivan family of Ik-re - Revolntio::ar\ army. He died, l ; ebruarv haven. Comity Cork, Ireland. He was 27, 183;, and \\asbnriedin the graveyard admitted to the Philadelphia Har upon of St. Peter's Clrarch, ;,d and Pine streets. ' February 1 6, iS7,S, and was Assistant City He left three sons. He had one brotlier. Solicitor from Februarv I, 1878, to March James, who was lost at sea. Hon. Robert i, i.xSS, when he re-signed in order to Adams, Jr. ii> s 7i, is his grandson. devote himself to his private law prac- Robcrt Adams, Jr., 1887. born in tice. Philadelphia, l-'ebrnarv 26, iS.jo. Son of AlldrCW AgnGW, 1820. A native of Robert Adams and Matilda Max bin Hart. Ireland. Was in the dry-goods busine-s and grand-oil of Robert Adams |Si.| . with his brother, William Agnew ( 1 832 , He stiulied law in the office of C.eorge \\". at No. 24 S. 2d street. ttiddle, and was admitted to the Pliiladel- William AgUGW, 1832. born in phia liar. April 27, 1872, bnt did not Comity Antrim, Ireland. Was in the dry- praeti-'e his profession. He was connected goods business with his biother, Andrew with the I'. S. (icological Siir\-e\- from Agnew 11820), at No. 24 S. 2d street. He I.S7I to 1X75. and was xvith t lie expedition died at Cape- Mav, N. b, September 4. which explored Vellou -tone Park. His 18(56, and was buried at I.aurel Hill ceme- letters to tlie AV.v /''/;' //;;//(/ and /'////- tcrv. His son, James }',. Agnew, was a iiJr/'fi/iiii /V/'AX during that period at- member of the firm of Agnew 6c F.ng- facted attention. In |S^2 he was elec'ed H-h. S'ate Senate of Pennsylvania, ami Daniel W. Ahern, 188-1. born (V- >erved four vears, iSS^-;>^7. He also lol.er v. i s i s , in the ]iarish of I'.ally- S'-rved as Maior and Juiigc-- Ad voi-ate of ])ooreen, County Tipperaiv. Ireland. l-'irsl Ilii: . le. National (Vn.ird oi !/-.:. rate 1 to America in i^;. laiii'li i'l-nii , Ivania, anil I.:- . olonel Philadeljihia njion fnne i -t oi th.it \ear. an-! \i le -de c amp on the Statf o! Hon. Was a])preti!i'-<-d to Wiiliam S< 'levs \ \. !', ..\er ; ss7 . Ciovernor of Co., in Inly, i^'|, and was in the emplov '.-.: i. 1 '"( .' ':> ::. Harrison ap- oi the Pen ns\'lvania Railroad COIII]MII\ as in I". S. Minister to Hi i/il upon m ichinist fr> >m [S'>S 1i. rS;-.}. \\ Snju-i :. ;- i, .1: ; he is now occnt'X-ing intendenl of Art Catalogue at Centennial ; import ant in is'.tion. He i< a member l-'xlrbitioti in i ^70. At present > a s;i ]cs. ' ' ' !'' . \: I 'row n, Clot 1 lie's. A I. M'J AN He is a member of the Catholic Phi- ' Alhbone \: Co., shipping merchants, at lopatriun Litera-v Institute. No. 8 S >;:th Wharves. Was President of James Alder, 17912. Was jrobably the p.. ink of Pennsylvania at the time < f ^in 1791 1 a shopkeept r at 49 N. 2 1 street. its . 1826. Son bone, Arinand DC- Ro--et Allibone. An- of Dairel and Bridget Allen, of Countv An- thonv Drexe! Alliboiu-, Laurence Wa-h- trim, Ireland. ICmi^rate 1 to America in fusion Allibone and I.ucie I>. Allib, .;-.e 1850, landing at Philadelphia. He was in Trotter. the dvetn- business at Nos. 28.54 to 2850 Matthew Anderson, M. D., 1827. Frank ford road, and 237 Market street. Was a graduate of Pidinburidi and a Died August 12, ]8s.j, and v>as buried in hi.^ldy educated physician. He di< d in St. Ann's cemetery. Was a member of the early part of iS=o, leaving a^i'!o\\-, the Franklin Institute and School Director ' Celeste V, Anderson, surviving Irini. A feu in the 2=Uh Ward for nine years, bein^ years after his death she left to re-i.h ;;, President of the School IV>ard of the w-ard Minne-ota. A sliort iK.lice of hi- \\ if ' for six yea:s. Ilisson. Stanislatis J. Allen fainih- is found in the lau case of r.ree: - i iS66 , is a mc'nber. ; field's IC-^tate, 14 Pennsylvania State KI-- GeorgC Allen, 1886. Born in Islaml- ports, pa- e 490, in which case Dr. A:: :e: maj^ee. Coni.tv Antrim, Ireland, Decem- son was intt-rested. 'ner ii, 1846. ICmi^rated to America in William Anderson. 1790. In the 1805, land::!;.: in Philadelphia in Mav of Directory for 179; there 'is a Wil'.^m that year. He i-- in the milliner', and Anderson, gentleman. 157 Chestnut street. ilk 'j.oods biisiat ss, at No. y;o Chestnut \Vec.in lind no trace of him. street. Is a Director of Atlantic City Na- William Anderson, ISb'-i. Native tt,,n; ; l bank. ! of Countv Do::e K al. I:r'.r:d. Mmi.^r.it'-d Stanislaus J. Allen, ISSG.P.orn in toAm.-rica in is; !,,i:,:in- a' Ph.:',. i, lei Phih'.d' Ivhi i, November i ;, iSs.}. So:; of ; hia in J;:::c Wa in the h'juor b-.'.siness - ' :..'..'.L,-.- 1 ~r. : !;c dyein ; business. i" the f ;: of He:-.:-, \Va'l Tl,o-nns Allibone. 1S17. Honor,::- di.-d, J-:-.- r :. i^s,,. m Phi i'o": hi I'hiladelphia. Jannarv v.a- Intied. ;: ( >hl Cath<- :r Not f Irish parc-nl. -'.Lte -o !". : r :is Was a ''o-at ' - \i-ars of aje v. 1 'i upon the (',-. iti-.d !Cx- Jo]m Ardrvv/s. 18(15 ' '" C,,m:niMt f Citi/ei s for the Carnanban, Co-.::Uv Dcrrv, It. Ian!. ':: ' Ireh,' d in 1847, and in re, o^- 21, iSid i v: ;:!:.;;; f e ' to .\-'rer'h-.! ; -. : ^ r, - he was eli ted an lan.di:".; at !'h:l '.< h hi,. :.on M.,5 ; , , -f the ho -ii-tv. Was ;].,; Vl - ;r . ]\ .:'.'. }:.- b:i-;:'< AN AR v,-..'. -rs, ale, etc. lie is a Trustee of St. John's Lodge, No. 115, A. V. M. ; 1'ast- M istcr and Grand Lodge Representative of K<;u:il Rights Lodge, No. 404. I. o. (). P. ; Past-Master and r.rand I."dge Repre- .-eiitative of Hethlehem Lodge, No. 26, \. I'. A. Also a member of Jerusalem ; hai ',cr, No. 3, Royal Arch Chapter Masons. Joseph Bunting Andrews, 1840. I'orn at Darin, 1'a., May 29, 1803. He w- as of remote Irish ancestrv. As a voting in.i!i lu- entered the employ of Greaves Cv A ii' hews, fornu-rlv \Vatson iV Hunf.ng", lumber dealers, V,h and Pine streets, Philadelphia. I:i 1^35 the firm \\as rcorgani/ed as J. ^\: J. 1',. Andrews, a::d the business place \vas removed to South .street, extending from io',h to i :th street. In iS-o he retired from business. Had a birthright membership in th.e religions Society of Friends or < Hiakers. Was a member of Common Couneil, and a Director of the Sonthwark and also the Tradesmen's Hank for many years. Was one of the founders and for many years a member of the Robert Morris I lose Company. He died at Philadelphia upon June 13, 1X69, and was buried at ]).irbv, Pa. William Arbuckle, 1844. Kept the Western Hotel, Market street above Mil 2S^ High street . Thomas W. Armat, 180:5. Was a merchant at ^>6 Mnlberrv street in 1X04. He probably died in lSo6, as letters of administration upon his estate were granted, August 4, IS/), to Ann Arm.it, his willow, and Thomas Armat, ot ~ German - town. Andrew Armstrong, 1852. Horn in Conr.tv Tvrone, near Londonderry, Ire- land, Mav S. 1812. Immigrated to An in Iu!v. iV;|, and settled in Phil.:del;.hia in 1 inn iry, 1^3=;. He was in the tobacco commission business. Some years sin e he retired from business, rind now resides at 1404 Pine street. His brother, Robert Arm tri nv (iS^4l, was also a member of the So. icty Robert Armstrong, 1804. Horn in Cfiin-,1 T; ' me, near i on : n ! . !- Vftn'I, about iSj i He emi,-rriti ! to America, settling in Philadelphia in Jan- uary, 1^5-'. His tirother, Andrew Arm- strong (1852', preceded him seventeen years. He was in the tobacco commis- sion business, and died unmarried, May H), i^S3, in Philadelphia, and was buried in Woodland cemetery. Thomas Armstrong, 1814. At torney-at-law, was admitted to the Phil- adelphia I'.ar upon May S, ijSS. Was commissioned Associate-Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, April 8, 1817. Died January 2.S, iS42, aged 77 years. In his will, admitted to probate upon 1'Ybruary 14, 1^42, mention is made of his wife, Henrietta Armstrong, his son, Kdward Armstrong, and his daughters, Henrietta Armstrong, Mary McKeen and Ivmeline Hint. [See Martin's Hench and Har of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, iSSj p I>p. 55 and 244. ] William Armstrong, 1790. A resi- dent of Huntingdon co., Pa., at the time of his election. J. Simpson Africa, the historian of Huntingdon Co., knows nothing of him excepting that, in 1792, he was appointed by the Governor to run and make the line between the comities of Huntingdon and Mifilin, from tie line of Franklin, in Concord Narrows, to the Jnniata river. Mr. Africa is under the impression that the family is extinct. Michael Arnold, 1889. Horn in Philadelphia, July 17, 1840. Not of Irish descent. Admitted to the Philadelphia Har, Julv iS. 1.^03. Practiced until No- vember, I.SS2, when he was elected a fudge of Couit of Common Pleas, No. .;, \\hich position he now holds. lie i- a Trustee of fclfcisoii Medical College, and a prom- inent member of the Masonic ore in: William Arrott, 1S64. Horn in Mid- dleton, Conntv Armagh, Ireland, October i-i, i ' v i. I''.Tiiig:ate'l to Am. rii a in 1^51, land.ing at I'hi'adelphia upon Aiu;iist 23 of th i: year. He was a e'er!-: until ^64, when he entered into the insurance h;:si j'.css, in whicli he conti:; ;ie.l until his death, upon September II, iS^'i Was a Di of the Men li nits' N.iti .nal H nk, in i ..' ii '.' the Hru -': i !le< t: : Light Coiu- ; r:v. In I SHo ho was ipnointed b\- the AR :;-n r,A Supcrinu ndeiit of U. vS. Census to take merchant, fathirof Kiihardl.. Ashhurst, the manufacturing statistics of Philadel- , attoniey-at-la\\. He \\.i- an acti\e phi... He took great interest in municipal I meinl>er of St. George's Societv, and as alian . ail'! \\ as a member of the Coin- the courtesies betnceii that soeietv and miltec of one hundred, which participated the Hil-ernian Soeietv not un.-.mmonlv in manv municipal election contc-i.-. led to the election a-- nit mbcr.s of peisons Robert T. Armstrong, 1S90. N \\lio were m>t of Irish birtli or dccnt, en-aged in tlie house -decorating business. Mr. A-hhur-v probaMv be. anie a meml cr He resides at No. 15:5 Chri-t'an street. in that manner. Robert A-thur, 1883. Born at Jacob Auld, 1700. Was a : Grange, near Newt; >nste\\ art, Coimt\ Ty- of Mont-onierv co., Pa., when t,ln.ud. rone, IreL.nd, l ; ebruary 2,;, 1^2,;. Pirn:- Nothing is known of him among the grated to America in 1X45, landing at historians of that section. \\'e have found Philadelphia upor. May 2Mh of that year, a refc-reiice in a deed, made March 10, Is in t'.ie coal business at 1507 Callowhill i7 s i, to a Jacob Anld, schoolnia-ti-r, in street. He is a member of tlie Masonic " Norriton township, Philadelphia Co.' 1 and Odd Fellows' organizations. Was a In the /'v/w.vr/rww/u (,\i:.,-tt<- of SepUm- I'irector of Iron Bank (now Merchants' her 21, i 7 S 5, he is noted as a collector f 1-ixchange Bank''. excise for Mont^omerv C". John C. Aschenbach, 1884. Born James Andrew Anil. 1851.- --Born i-i in Philadelj)hia, March 5, 1^4^, of Ger- I.imavady (originallv Newtowulimavad man parentage. He is a tailor, doin^ Conntv I'crrv, Irelani 1 .. P'.miv.r.it< d to business at 155 N. 4th street Is a inembi r America in 1X44, landing at Philadelphia c f" the- Masonic and Odd Fellows' organ- in June of that Mar. He h..s beer. f. r i/atiotis. many years in the wholesale t--a bn-:ra-s JaniCS Ash, 170-']. Son of Henry at No. 9 S. P'nuit street. Ash, a sea captain, of Londonderry, Ire- ( Richard Baehe, 1792. W.is ;.n land, was born m Philadelphia, Decem- Honor'.ry Member of the ]'rieiid'.\ Sons ber, 1740-5'!, < >!d Style. Was i-n-a-ed in of St. Patrick. 'See]'. 140.) mercantile business, and took an active Richard Bacho, Jr., 1S1G. \\" s part in public affairs. Was Major in Condy born in Pliilailelpliia, March 11. 17 s .:. He Ra.vnet's P.-'.ttalion of Infantry jn-t pre- was the seventh child of Richard Bache vious t> and during the battle of Moil- (1790) and Sarah (Pranklin Bache. He mouth, N.J., and. was High Sheriff of Phil- was married, April, iS< 5. to So] hia Dallas, adelphia, 17^. 1791. In 1703 we find him daughter of Alexander James Pallas. He t.ikiu'^ an active part in the Soei< t", 1 ; i::g \\-as a lawyer, and was commissioned. N'o- one of the Acting Committee for that vear. vemb.-r rocure subscrip- ti-rwar Is ri "io\-ed to Texas; \vj- elected tions for th.e relief of the families who a member of the Senate of that St.. tc, and ha 1 mar.-hed agiinst the insurgents in give t':.- - ..'.ve vote in tl; it body \\'"-' -!! Peiinsvlvania. He was a prom- a ,:i:i-t it- union \\i-.h the I'nited State--. iti/en of Philadelphia until he died, He had nine children, the eldest of whom, : u [annarv, i'\:o. He v s a member of the Ale\ m-ler I '.:ll..s P..U lie, was Sup rinti ;:i ' \Vashim r 'on Bc-nevolent Societv and a ent of -'u- T'nited States Coast Surv- . I lire t -r ofthe N..rtli Ameri- an In-nr -.:: e T'-.- eld, -t d.:n-:ht,:. M..r;, Bh c!i\ n, '. n C-im;i.-!;-. IK-L-ft a 1 ir-ef'unilv sv.rvivi:::,' I'..:, lie. \s,i- marrie ! to Hon. Robert J. hi:n. !F-:v.:s buried in Chris! Chur. h \\' .!',.-:-. .>, ft-rv. ird- S- cret .- v of the Tu . - liuryin-.'-.-n.und, 5th and Ar,-h s-,,-^. nr-,. '!'v\ o -,,;:-. ( ' or-,- M . .. nd R icha: d. One of his sons, J-.hn M. A-h, now /. e ofHc,-;-- of t h,e Thiited State- T-.a\ , Rifluird A'-hlitir.-t, ]SOH. !',oni in C. Mr. B iclu- died at f Vdvt - Mii"la-;d, A :".:-: r i~ s ;. A dr'-'joo-Is ton, ''.\ \ .- He was a pnimiiK nt BA BA Mason, and founder of I'rankliu Lodi^e, No. 134, Philadelphia. [Set- Parton's " LifV of Franklin." ] John Bail, 1803. His name .Iocs not appear in the I Hrectories or tin.- records ot the city offices. In the I >itvctoi v lor iSoi there is a "John Hails, ^iiniu-r." Francis Bailoy, 1790. -Was a printer aii'l publisher. \\-rv little i-- known of hl!!l. John Thomas Bailey. 1880. Horn near Dublin. Irelaiul, November 24, iS^u, and came to this country in iSsi, He is the >eiiior member ot" the linn ot" John T. Bailey \. Co., manufacturers of bai;s ami twine, Market street belo\\ Twelfth. The business of the linn is very extensive, amounting to t\\o millions of dollars per annum. Tlu-y have lar;_;c mi! is at Otses^o and Morris streets. At one time James Cascadeii < i.Sb7 , was a partner. Mr. Hailey was President of the Commercial F.x- chanj^e, i>>79 >x >, was a nieinlier ot" Com- mon Conn -il from the Ninth Ward, lS>>2 \}, and was al-o a member o: the Committee of One Hundred, noted in municipal politics. [See "Philadelphia and 1'opnlar Philadelphians, " p. I J.S. ] Joel J. Bailey, 1889. - Born in Lon- don t',rove, Chester CO., Pa., ( )ctol>er 29. \^2'>. and -ettled in Phil.idelphia in i\j.v He > not of Ir;--h ]> arentas^e. Ilehasbeen a prominent dealer in svholesale hosierv, white ^oods, etc., for manv years. He bej^an business by entering the notion house of .Mr. Morris Marple, 12 North 2<1 street, and after a few year- succeeded to the entire business of the firm. In Janu.;rv, 187^, he be^.iii the building ot" the lar^e warel:ou-.e, now occupied bv him. :md removed to it the following AiiL, r '.i--t, He hai been aii'i is now con- nected \\itli numerous >oci.d mil r>ther or^aTii/ations, He was ,i member ol ihe Board of Finance ol the Centennial K\- position of is;^, and in 1^2 was Chair- man of the I-'inance ComTiiittee of the nteiini :'. Cei,-bratio;i nf the fon:;d:'! .: of Phil ulclphi i. < >n ATI -il : *?>. he wa <'..-. d C ; v : : r"ri". of t'ne Chi/ens' Mnnicii il A i r.ion. He l:as been a .-. ,!i !.- u,-.:e, ami is Vice-President m- miltee of (>ne Hundred, and look an active interest in all its all'ai'^. [>ee .-ketch in "Biographical I'!ncyclop;edia of 1'enn- svlvania," Philadelphia. : "^ 1. p. .> ; > \ John Baird, 1877. Horn in C<>mitv Tvrone, Ireland. Came t'< America in October, i.s.54, and settled in Philadelphia since. He is in the tobacco, business at No. i ;4 Arch street. Matthew Baird, 1866. -Was bom near Londonderry, Ireland, in 1*17. His parents, emigrated to Philadelphia when he was four years old. His father was a coppersmith by trade, and the son was educated in the common schools in Phila- delphia. His first employment was in a brick-vard. but he soon secured a posi- tion as assistant to one of the professors of chemistry in the I niversity of Pennsyl- vania. In i.\vf he was cmplovud by the New Castle Manufacturing Company of New Castle. l>e!.. workers in copper and sheet-iron. Whilst there he was made superintendent of the railroad shops in that place. In June. i^;,\ he was made foreman of the sheet-iron and boiler de- partmeiit of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, \\hich brought him bat k Lo Phila- delphia. He remained in this position until i s v>. and subsequently, up to 1^2, w is en^a'^ed in the marble business \\\\\\ his brother John, in Spring ( '. irden street, below Thirteenth. In I-\S4 he became a partner with Matthias W. Haiduiu in the locomotive works. Mr. H iidwin died on Si ''.ember 7. 1X65, an.! Mr. Haird ln-i-ame --o!" pro])rietor of the works. Shortlv af- te: \vards, in i v >'>7. lie is-o'-iat<-d wi'h 'mm (teori^e Burnham aii'l Charles T. I'ari'v as jrii-tners to carrv on the bn-iness, under t!ie linn name of "The ! .'. !-\ i 1 ; I.oromo- oj,netors. Haird. \v:;lidrew iVom active ' ;' : tained his interest in ; ., and i iriv ite enter] .rises. He 'A i fi >r nrr v years i direct' >r <>f the Central N-i'ion v Bank, and at tlv ti;ne of his death was a director in 'he Texas and Parii'n 1 Railroad Comjian \, the Penn- sylvania r-teel Company, Andover Iron tive Works," M Baird \ C In I X 7.; Mr. Haird. \v:;lidre lif . HA HA Company, West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company, and the Philadel- phia Acadc-m\ < it l-'nie Arts. He was one of the ineorporators and directors ot the American Steamship Company, and a laru;e investor in the Pennsylvania Rail- ro-id Compauv. He was eminently a pub- lic-spirited i-i'.i/en, and was prominent in connection with enterprises 'or the gen- eral benefit, or of a charitable character. He was a manager of the Northern Home for Frieiidlcss Children, and contributed largely to otlier henevo'.ent institutions. He died May 19, 1877. [See Scharf ,\; Westcott's "Hist. Phila.," \"ol. .;, pp. 2179 and 2257.] William Mercer Baird, 1867. Son of Janu-s Kaird and Catharine Mercer, Nva* liorn in Philadelphia, in 1812. He N\as engaged in the transportation bnsi- uc>s 1 iet ween Philadelphia and New York, Hartford and other places. lie was for many years a member of Common Coun- cil and chairman of the finance commit- tee of that hotly. He was connected with the Southwark National Hank, Philadel- phia Steam Propeller Company, Swift- sure Transportation Company, and many other institutions, either as officer, direc- tor or member. He died September 17, i>79, and was buried in West Laurel Hill cemetery. John Remigius Baker, 1841. Was born in Philadelphia, September i\ iSiS. He is the son of Charles II. and Mli/a- beth Haker, both natives of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of the 1'ni versit y of Pennsylvania, a Tiieniber ot the American Philosophical Socictv, Pennsylvania His- torical Society, Xumismatic and Anti- quarian Society. Pennsylvania Mu>eiim and Scliool of Industrial Art, Zoological Society af.il I'ainuount Park Art Associa- tion. Hi- was also President of tlie First oldicr-' I [-me. He was formerly a mer ch nit. but retired from business several yv .TSa^'ti. He resit les at HI. I Arch street, and, i- the senior living member of the Society, Hi-, aiiT-.t married Joseph Jones i- s ;i . a prominent member of tip- So- Georpc Bakor, 1702. Wa- a mer chant at 59 North Water street in 1793. Letters of administration on h:s estate were granted, February 2 s , 1V>;, to P.ei'j .- min Wilson i si') . William J. Baker, 1813. Was ., mer chant at >>^i \'ine street and '>; South Wa- j ter street ill I.S;^. He \\ as living as late i probably as 1 s . ;7, a- We find a deed dated I January i '), IN^7, and another, July I. i. x 2.;. He was m.crried in Christ Church. January S. [805, to Mar- iivt Wa.L-cr. Daniel Baldwin. 1790. He mu-t have died prior to 1704. as letters of a d I ministration <'. '. ii. uu his estate were -ranted January 15, 1794. to Sharp De- lauy I 71^ i . Blackall William Ball, 1790. Was Second Lieutenant in the I2th Per.:: svlvania Regiment, and transferred to ;d Pennsylvania Regiment, September ::. 1778; and First Lieutenant in 1st PC:::: sylvania Regiment. November 5, 177 s . In 179;-, he was an Inspector of Revenue. [See "Pennsylvania Archives," 2d series, Vol. ii. pp. 32,\ 449. 760.] Joseph Ball, 1803. --Was a Philadel- phia merchant. James Barclay, 1790.- brother of j John Barclay 179''' . was born in Hally- [ shannon, Ireland, and came to this country i about the end ot" the Revolutionary war. He became a shipping merchant in Phila- delphia. He died November 21, iMi. His will, d.ited April 16, i>o3, "about to 5^0 on a VON a-e to China, " Nvas admittc* 1 to probate December 25, iSlt, and nieiitious his wife. Ann P.arcln : h;- mother. Mary Barclay, of Hall vsh.mnon ; and also John \\'i Ilia in Harcla\-. his son, " at school in this city under the care of M:- C.eor^e." His son. J.-lin William Har- clay. married Miss Mus-rave, of Pliila- deljihia. His daughter married tvsice. lier first husband bein- I.ieuten int McAulay. I'nited States N ivy. and her second a M:. Mackey. John Barclay. 1790. M.-ivor <{ Philadelphia and brother of James Bar- el iv ; ~^i , \\as a member of tin Fr:end!\ Si ins of St ! ' it rick ! See p ^5. ! V/harton Barker, 1SS9. --Was born : . : s jn_ ! It- is tlie son of Ahrah mi ]'. i:ker and Sar di Whar- ton bulvcr, and is not of Irish d--sci ut. BA 344 BA I. ike his father, he has been prominent in banking circles for munv years, the linn of Barker Brothers ircctorof the Invcs'mcnt Company of Philadelphia, until reverses in business compelled him receiitlv to withdraw from them. The failure ol this celebrated firm caused a decided sensa- tion, but snch had been their honorable dealings that universal public sympathy was expressed towards them. Mr. Barker has been for years greatly interested in National politics, and u>cd all his in- fluence in support of commercial union with Canada, and has written numerous articles and pamphlets upon the subject and also upon the use of the National surplus revenue and other topics. lie is a graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsyl- vania, and has served as a Trustee- and Treasurer of that institution. He is also a member of the Historical Society of I'ennsylvania, American Philosophical Society, and of the Academv of Natural Sciences. In 1879 the Kmperor of Russia, Alexander II.. conferred upon him the order oi St. Stanislaus, second class, for services performed bv him. James Barklcy, 180.'?.- We can fmd no information concerning him. Thomas Barnett, 18:52. Was born in the village of Carantiel, County Tyrone, Ireland, about i;\S. and came to this country in IN 15 and >ettled in Philadel- phia. He was one of the original Phila- delphia -larch manufacturers, and carried en an extensive business in that line' at Ninth and Kced streets. He was sue ceeded, after his deatli, by hi- son, Wil- li im who -. -t }'. .;::',:-, -,1 in the sume bu--i- IH-SS. lie was Treasurer of the District of Moy.-imen-ing and a Director of the ithw irk N Hi' : Bank. He died I'eb- \ . ' ind was buried in Wood- lands ccmetcrv. He left numerous de- - endants. William Barnwoll. M. D., 1818. A direct descendant of Sir Michael de Berneval, one of the Anglo-Norman Barons who accompanied Strongbow in his invasion of Ireland in i 169 ; was horn at Rash, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1758. lie studied medicine under the direction of Dr. Cieorge 1'ordvce, of London. Soon after his graduation he received an appointment as Surgeon in the naval ser- vice of the Hast India Company, which he- held until 1792, when he resigned and came to America. While in the I vast India Company's service he had a large experience in the treatment of tropical diseases, an experience which proved of in- calculable service during the yellow fever epidemic of 1793. His method of treat- ment commended itself to general favor, and the reputation he acquired laid the foundation for a lucrative practice, from which he retired with a competency, some years before his death. In i So2 he was elected a member of the American Philo- sophical Society, and the same year he pub- lished his "Physical Investigations rel- ative to the Diseases of a Warm and Vitiated Atmosphere," which was consid- ered of sufficient importance to be rejnib- lished in I.ondou several years afterwards. lie also contributed valuable papers to the American medical journals. IK- was a keen observer, and having travelled ex- tensive! v he had rare opportunities of ob- taining a fund of useful and entertaining knowledge, which with his wide range of reading and genial manners made his society both enjoyable and edifving. lie died in August, 1^27, at Schooley's Mountain, N. )., where he had been spending the summer season. James (',. P.arnwell, Librarian of the Philadelphia Library. is his grandnephew. Dr. Barnwell took an active part in the pro- Daniel Burr, 1812. Was born in (Ueneelv, Parish of Culdaff, County Done gal, Ireland, ill April, I7 l - s . Came to America in I^K), and set tied in Philadel- phia. He was a railroad contractor and was also engaged in the liquor business. He was -it one tim<- a Pri-ou Inspector. and was also a Tinted States Weighmaster HA :;r> BA for a period. He died September, i\5y, Michael Barr, 1864. -Horn i:i Mo- and is bmicd in St. Augustine's Catholic vilie, County Donegal, Irel.'nd, in ;>;j. j^rave-yard. He was a noted Democratic He came to America in Mav, i.\^2. and politician anil member of the Volunteer settled in Philadelphia. He kept the l-'iie ] )epartmenl. Three of his nephews, Philadelphia Hotel. i.;i North Third Robert J. Harr 1 v>5 .-, James J. Harr ' 1 ,v>5 , street. He was a Cu-tom HOUM- Inspcc- and Patrick Duffy ^KSS.2 are now mc!- tor during President Pierce's admi'.iistra- bers of the Society. tion. He died January 2. iStjS, and is Daniel J. Barr, 1865. Son of James buried in the familv vault at St. Au-r.-- Harr, a native of Countv Donegal, Ire- tine's. He was a brother of Daniel Harr land, was b> .rn in Philailelphia, October 'M J and Ilu^h Harr i.s.jj . 3' i, i,S;j. He was a hotel keeper on Robert J. Burr, 1805. Horn August I'ourth street lielow \"me. He was ac 20, !>,.;, in Philadelphia. He lias been a tive iu Democratic politics, and was in nu- School Director and .Ma-i-trate, and is a merons State and County Conventions. member of the Aniericus Club. Mr. Harr He died in February, 1^72. and was buried hasbeenfor anumberof vears pas. en^aj^ed ::: St. Augustine's grave-yard. lie is a in tin-Coining Department of the Philadcl- brother of Robert J. Harr ' IS65), and is a phia Mint, beint^ a thoroughly competent cousin of James J. Harr 1865), and Patrick expert in his particular line. His bn>- Duffy I.SS2 . Mr. Harr was a member of ther, Daniel J. Harr i 1.^05', is also a mein- tb.e X'ohmteer l-'iro Department. her. Hugh Barr, 1842. Horn l'el>ruary Charles Barrington, 1813. Horn in in. [N>5, in I. istahi'^han, County Donegal, \Vexford, Ireland, Sejitember 17. \~'^. Ireland. Came to America in 1X25, and Came to America in 17^4. and settled ;n settled in Philadelphia. lie- was a railroad Philadelphia, where- he en^a^ed in the contractor for the Powta^e Road, the wholesale j^rocerv and fruit business. He l)o\lestown Hranch of the North 1'eiin. died November, i.^;^, and was buried in Railroad, the Frank ford and Sotithwark Christ Church burvin^-i^round. Letters Pas-en^x-r Railway, and a portion of the of administration on his estate were Lebanon Vallev and North 1'eun. Rail- granted, December q, 1-^35. unto Martha roud-,. He 'A as also a hotel keeper, Harrington, her sureties bein^' Charles ami and kept the Philadelphia Hotel. Third Kli/.a Harrington. beio\\- (jiiar!-\'. for manv \ear->. and ;if'iL-r- John Barry, 1790. Commodore of \\ariU the (',l')be Hotel on Sixth below the Tinted States Nav\ - , was a member of Chestnut street. lie die 1 August 1 6. iS7 t, the 1'riendlv Sons of St. P. '.trick. [Sic an 1 was br.rieil in St. Michael's cemetery. ]>a'j.c (J'L] Daniel I'.arr i^!- 1 and Michac-1 Harr Joilll Barry, 1790. Was a school- iS'ij were his brothers. The Societv master. In 171)1 he redded at icj.; Soiuh ht Id its annual meetinijs at tile (ilobe Third street. 1 for a number of years. Philip Joseph B. Barry, ISO-'*. -Was born - was the executor of his es- in Dublin, Ireland, about March .-7. 1757, "Cite. I le left .1 wido\\ and several children. and came to America prior to i~-..< He Mr, H irr was a member of the Volunteer uas a cabinetmaker by occupation, his Fin- Departmi-nt and also of St. Au.u'us- place of biKincss bcin.L,' at No. i.p South t;m-'- i'.enefi.-ial Societ\ Third street. At ::e time he kept the J-nnt.-s Jose])h Barr. 18(55. -Sou of City Hotel, loc.ited.it the northeast corner !r,;.'h!',irr ;- ij . v. .- born April i -. i s-, , of Sei-ond and Tnion streets He u-.ired i:i Pb.il idelj/h.i.i. II- is a hotel keeper. from bn-ine-s with a coinpev.'.cv in later H.- served in -. !.-.-t Council, IS7S ^i. from life, and die 1 about ; \:,7, a::d is buried in the Thi'-d \V :: :. He is a in. mber of t'.-.c K..nal.ls..:r.s ceinet. rv He has , U rand- A .:;-:::":-;!;. R t lief..!' Di- i 1 '.- '. ; ' s,, M , Joseph H. Harr-.-, living in Philadel and St. I'hili; , Literary Institute. Philip Barry . ISSO. Ho-orarv Mem- BA her, was horn in Knockadorny, County Limerick, Ireland, July, 1829, and came to America in Juno, i s .)5, landing at One- bec. lie settled in Philadelphia, December 30, i v .;g, where lie ciiL, r ai;ed in mercantile bnsine--s, and was also a contractor. He was Citv Treasurer of Mahanoy City, Pa., before his removal to Philadelphia. He served for iiiauv vears as a manager of St. Joseph's Female Orphan Asylum, and as a directo- of the Beneficial Saving Fund. For SOUR- years prior to his death he was the Immigration A^eiit of the Society, and was remarkable for the strict fidelity with which he performed his duties. Present at the landing of every steamer, no case of want amonjr the poor emigrants was ever neglected during his administration. Kind and gentle in manner, he was es- teemed by everybody. lie was elected Treasurer of the Society, March 17, i.SS;. He died April 17, iSSS. Rev. Thomas J. Barry, 1888. Was born in Philadelphia, December 19, 1^44. His parents, who were natives of Ireland, came to America in iM.j. lie studied for the priesthood, and after bein^ ordained a priest was for ci.^lit years assistant rector of the Church of the Annunciation, Tenth and Dickinson streets, and for some years past he has been rector of Our Lady of Visitation Church, Front and Lehi^h ave. He has taken an aciive part in Irish Home Rule movements and Irish beneficial or- gani/ations. William Barry, 1790. -Was a mer- chant, in the tobacco trade. HU name does not appear in the Directories. Benjamin Smith Barton, M. I)., 1790. -Horn in Lancaster, Pa., February ID. 1766. He was the son of Rev. Thomas Barton a native of County Monachal!, I ( '. ; :;d, who came to America in 1750, and settled in Lancaster, Pa. Hismother '.-, - lather Rittonhonse, a sifter of the cell Crated American astronomer, David Rittenhonse. He be-all the studv of nudicine nnd.er Dr. William Shippen, in the beiM lining of his eighteenth year. He afterwards spent two years at tin- medical ''.-"'I in Ivlinbur^h, taking the Ilarvei.'in pri/.e for a dissertation on the ffyosrvaiHHS -V\'.-T. 'i-:' 1 ill lishini,' in London, in i "^7, a little tract on natural history. lie took his medical diploma at Gottingen, and, returning to America in 17^9, became a practitioner in Philadelphia, and was chosen Professor of Natural History and Botanv in the college, soon afterwards in- corporated with the University of Penn- sylvania. In [ 796 he became Professor of Materia Medica, and in I79S one of the Physicians at the Pennsylvania Hospital, and was successor of Dr. Benjamin Rush as Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Prom iSo2 to 1816 he was Vice-President of the American Philo- sophical Society. For several years he conducted the .Ifa/tcn/ I'hysitjl Journal, and was author of " IClenients of Botany," i So.}, of "Collections towards a Materia Medica of the Cnited States." and of various papers in the Philosophical Trans- actions. He succeeded through many sources in making exti.-u.sive collections of the flora of the country. lie fre- quently took students to Bartram's l'>o- tanical Gardens on the Schuylkill be-low the city. He was the first President of the I.innaeau Society, which he formed, and was also the first to erect a green- house in Philadelphia. This was attached to his residence on Chestnut street below Ki.idith. In 1809 he was elected President of the Philadelphia Medical Society, which position he held until his death, lie died December 19, iSi.s. lie left a daughter, Sarah Barton, who died un- married in iM7, and a son, Thomas Pen- nant Barton, Secretary of Legation to France, I^T-^S. who married Coralie, daughter of Hon. Fidward Livingston, Secu-tary of St.'.te. [See Simpson's " Lives of Imminent Pliilailelphians," Philadel- phia, 1^50. P- y> \ Keith's "Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania," Philadel- phia, i^X;, p. 254; " Transactions of Col- let,a> of Physicians;" ScharfX: Westcott, Y' il, 2, ]>p. ii.--} and 151)7 ; I >eunie's " I'ort- folio," Vol. 15, p. 27;,.] Matthew Baxter, 1822. Was in the grocery business at .^05 Hitjh street. Let- ters of administration on his estate were granted April i ;, i.S',r. He probably died num.-'! ried. Mr. I'.ixter was a very useful member an-! serve! on IlKXJAMIX SMITH B.\RT< >X, M. I >. RA the Acting Committee of the Society, 1824-51. Andrew Bayard, 1804. Born Sep- tember 24, 17')!, in Philadelphia, was the son of Colonel John Bayard of the Revo Ititiou and brother of Ximuc! Ba\ard (1790. lie reinvcd from Delaware to : Philadelphia after the war and eii;_;a<^ed in mercantile am! importing business. In , September, I79;,hcwason the 1-' mmittee , of eiti/cus to procure sill >scriptions for I ',:' re'. : cf of the families of person-, \vh<> h..d marched a:; u list the insurgents in i western Pennsylvania. In October, : 7^4, In- was Chairman of the Committee of I listrihution ol' the t'uiiil. He was on various coinm'.t'.ees of cit;/cns alter this, , and in i - >'> was one of the public auc- : tioiieers. He was a member of Select Council in 1M ;, and was one of the incor- porators ami i 'resident of the I'hiladelphia Saving Fund Society, and was ab'o Pre-i- dent of the Commercial Bank, lie died June I, i!\}2, in Philadelphia, and was probably buried at Princeton, X. J. James Wilson Bavard, a member of tin- Philadelphia I!ar. i-- one of his descciid- ants. [ See Sell, irf \: Westco't. "Index;" "Lift: of C.eneral C.eor-e I). Bayard," by Samuel J. Bayard; . / ;/ ( ; U'ciic . I/,/ ;,!-- -'''-. V-.l. 7, p. 3 .v;.] Samuel Bayard, 1790. Brother of Andrew I'.ayard 11X04), was born Janu- ary ii. 1707, and graduated at Princeton College in 17^1. and studieil law with William Bradford, afterwards Attorney- general of the I'l'iteii States. He pri.-tired law in Philadel'phia for sev- .'. vear->, and had his offire at ,^S North Third s'. reel. T 1 .', I ~< i : he was ap;io;ated C! -:-k of tin- Suprem -C ,ur'. of the T-iit d States. Af'.er the : '.::" itimi of lav's Tn-atv he was appointed by President .hiT'.-toii . \-eii' of the Ooveniment ei ute iii the Briti-~!i Admiralty '':-- ',!)' cl.p.ms o!" American citi/ens '<' \'<\' '. ;'< u !ii- return, -:: T lav, of N --. York, appohiU-d him PrevM.-m [-, '.,.,. ,,f th.e C..;:r1 of C. m- mo;, pV.m ,,f \\-,., t C!h-t-r Co.. NVu V.-:k. He p.-mov-d !'. New York citv :i'*'Ht : : and :w. ::;1 d the practice of !:: '. LW, and ::i l v ^ .'< lie remove.! to Pr::i. ,-- ton. Neu Jer><:\ , where he resided until hi-, death in 1^40. Mr. Bayanl was one of the founders of the New York Histori- cal Society, an-1 \\.LS a Trustee and Ti'i as- urer loi- 1:1.111 \ years of Prineeton College, N. J. He was a delegate to the Cielieral Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church, and \\ith '..is relative, I-'.r.as Boudinot, was one of the founders of the American Bible Societ; . He married Martha, only ilan^hter of I.ewis Pintard. of Nev. \'->:k city. [See "I.ife of ( '.elleral (',ec,:-e I ). Ba\ard," b\ Samuel J. Bayard.] Robert Hugh Beattie, 1864. Was horn in Bamniena, Countv Antrim. Ire- land, February 25, I \V. and came to America in r s .p, landing in New York upon June i of that vear. and settling' in Ph.ilad-- Iphia in September. i\\y. He has been for \vars a member of the t'irin of Ikat;ie\: Ha\-. general commission mer- chants at 25 South Water street and 2'> South iJelaw.ire a\<.-iuie. General James Addarns Beaver, 1887. -Honorary Memberborn in Mil l.Tstown, Pcrrv co., Pennsylvania. ( >cto- ber 21, 1^37. lie is notof Irish parentage or descent. He graduated from JeHerson College, Washington co., Pa., August t\ i^.sh, and after str.d VKIL; la 'A' was admitted to the bar and be^an practii'e at Iii lie- fonte. Centre co., Pa. While studvin^ law he became a member of the Belief, ^ite Fencibles, conimand.eil b\- Andrew (',. Cnrtin, anil was chosen 2.1 Lieutenant. He was Cliitf-Bur^ess of th.-.t town in i^'>5. Duriii.: the war of the Rcbd! : on lie serve' 1 . \ l i: : l distinct:..:;, and \va- suc- cessivi lv I-'irst I.i utenant of Co. H. 2d teers ; (.'o'...::, 1 of i -th :-.- lv,,!-i, i \'o'-.::;teers: .>.:: 1 r-C,t m ral . f '/nited St..tes itl'j a le- .('. the battle of II.-ll .'1 been previously .'> d in b .ttle on M,.\ .;, Ii :;,-.. d. - !;.'. of hi;;,. I distinguished bravery. He was elected Governor ot Pennsylvania in November, i.vsfc, and served in that office from Jan- uary, L s >>7. to January, I So i , when hi- was succeeded liy Governor Robert }'.. 1'attison. Ik ha- been Brigadier-General and Major- General in the National Guard of Penn- sylvania, and is a member of the I. oval Lesion, Sons of tin- Revolution, Grand . \rinv of the Republic, Historical Socictv of Pennsylvania, I'nion League of Phila- delphia, and iiuinerous other ori(ani/.a- tions. He was a tnistee of the 1'cnnsvl- vania State College from 1873 to i^>7 ; a trustee of Washington and Je fie! son Col- lege since 1^72, and of Lincoln University, Chester co., since i.\\s. He has also been a director of Princeton Theological Semi- nary since ISS5. The decree of 1,1.. I). haijieen conferred upon him hv Hanover College, Indiana, and by Dickinson Col- lege, Pennsylvania. Governor Heaver takes a lively interest in the Hibernian Society and has attended a number of its annual dinners, and was alv.avs such a bright speaker and uelcome guest that in 18 h 7 the Society conferred upon him the distinction of an Honor, irv .Member. [See "Lift: of Heaver," DV Colonel Frank Burr; Deacon's "Prominent Pennsvl- vam.in-," second -eru-s, ]). ~. i James M. Beck, 1888. \Vas born in Philadelphia, July y, :.v>i. lie is not of Ir;-h parentage or descent. He was ' - Led 1:1 the public -chools and was adniitte response to tile ' ' '.' "Civil nul Relii^ii ms Libert \- " at the Hibi niian society I)inner, March 17, bi-ou^:;t him into favorable notice : '. ^ ': to liis election as > member ol Society. Latterly he h is In en ass> >- : iv, pra( lice with William i '. ':;. id with whi iin lu I :ner- lip. ; -ee " Philadel] h Andrew Bcirne, 1831. Was a mem- l>er of the firm of Keirne & Burnside, cotton brokers. In iS2g he resided in I'nion, Monroe co. , \ a. In the same veai he purchased some real estate in Philadelphia and probably removed to this city shortly afterwards. He was known as Colonel Andrew Bcirne. Miehael Francis Beirn, 1866. \Ya^ born in Comity Roscommon, Ireland, October 4. iS4o, and came to America, Jan- uary I, i,\5o. lie was in the liquor busi- ness on Kij^hth street below Chestnut street, and was a member of Catholic Phi- lopatrian Literary Institute, Americns Club and Vigilant Fire Company. lie died April 6, 1^73. and was buried in Old Cathedral cemetery. John Bell, 1832.-- Was born in 1796, in County Monahan, Ireland, and came to America in iM,v landing at Philadelphia. He was in the distillery business at Sixth and South -treets, and was at one time a Prison Inspector for the old Sixth and Walnut prison. He. died in 1841, and. uas buried in Ronaldson's cemetery. His son, John A. Bell, resides at No. 1932 Mount Yernon street. Mr. F.ell served on the Acting Committee of the Society in i \}o and l.\(i. Samuel Bell, 1817. Was a commis- sion merchant. His will, dated October 20, i.S.jS, and proved December 30, i.VjS, mentions his wife. Ann Hell, his sons, Alexander and James Bell, and his daugh- ters, Anne Calherwooil, Sarah Reed anil Kli/abeth Reed. I IiiL'h Catherwood 1^24) manied his daughter Anne. Samuel C. Bell. 1814. Was pn.habiy a flour merchant, who was living as late as April i.;, 1^47. Thomas Bell. 1864. Was a stock and I'xchan^e broker. lie died ill [annar\-, i s 'i7. leaving a widow, Joanna M. Hell; a -' in HI ! -, 1 . 11 '. i ',. Bell ; .i daughter, i i'.. L'liajiron, and several i^randcliildrc:). William Bell, 17flO.--\Vas ;i mer- it .' : ; !::.! stn el in 171*1. He is 1 a- one of the executors of the will of Jos ( pb Carson ! 71,- - , prove 1 M -.-. '-, d : n :- rre'l to in t r.t :\"; li 'i \\< >'< >- : I'.rid ; 71,. . as " my frii-nd." A deeu is ':. re ' -:d, March 15, I7'^ s , fi olll )!I\ IJINXS. BH RI Joseph Bell and wife to William Bell, merchant. David P. Benson, 1821. Was a merchant at 136 High street and 151 Chest- nut >treet Peter Benson, 1790. Was one of the licensed auctioneers or vendiie mas- ters of the citv. He retired from business in iSt>2. In the Director}- for 1791 he was described as a "Clerk in land office, (>(> X. 6th street." John Bernard, 1814. Was the uncle rf John Diniond (1850), whom lie made his sole heir. He died iu June, 1^25. Robert Bethel, 1812. Probably the Robert Bethel who was a farmer in I 'alls Township, Bucks co., Pa. A ll'i/liatn Bethel was a merchant in Philadelphia in 181 1. Benjamin T. Biggs, 1887. Honor- ary Member, was born in New Castle Del., October I, 1821. His father, John Biggs, was born in Cecil co., Md., and his mother, Diana Bell, in the same county. He studied at New Jersey Conference Seminary, and afterwards at Weslevan University at Middletown, Conn., and upon the completion of his studies en- gaged in farming. In 1*46 he was com- missioned Major of the Delaware regiment, which it was intended to raise for service in the Mexican War, in anticipation of a call for troops by the ("nited States Gov- ernment. When the Whig party ceased to exist, he refused to join the "Know- Nothings" on account of its prescriptive character. In iS6o he was nominated for Congress, but was defeated. In iSfi; he wa^ elected a director of the Queen Anne's and Kent Railroad, and in I s ;; became i'-> President, which position he still re- t n ::.-,. !n I V.S he was elected to Congress, and re-elected in \X~. He removed to Middletown, Del. .in 1877, and he now - there When he \\ Ms elected a Illein b ; n! 'In Societs be u as the Governor of Delaware i Mi Mav I S, i>5;. lie mar- red M:-., M <;_<. S Beekman, of New ]er- iNx y and Thomas M. Hall, merchants. (in Mav n, iSi.s, letters of administration on 'nis estate \\a-re granted to Hu-h Max we!!. Mr. Bin-ham was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society in i 71/1 Robert Bines, 1803. Was a mer- chant at 97 Pine street, in i ' >.} and iN>5_ JohnBinns, 1S09. Was born in Dub- lin, Ireland. December 22, 1772. He was j the son of John Binns ami Mary Pember- ton, the daughter of Benjamin Pemberton, a brickmaker, of Dublin. He lost his father when he was an infant. After at- tending school, he was apprenticed in 1 7'Counor attempt- ing to leave the court-room a riot ensued, which caused great excitement. After his acquittal Mr. 1'inn- returned to I.ondon. The report of a Set-ret Committee of the House of Commons, March 15. '. "uo. men- ti'>n< him as a leading pcrs":i in the de- sign of forming a society of 1'ni'ed I'.rit- o:is upon the ;! ni of the I'nited Irishmen. Tlie nevt da\ he u as arrested on a charge 151 in. of treasonable practices and committed to Gloucester prison, where he was detained for nearly two years. He \\a.s finally re- leased, and upon July i, iSu, embarked on the ship "Orion " at Liverpool lor Amer- ica. After a passage of nine weeks he- landed at Baltimore, -Md. 1 le shortly af- terwards settled at Northumberland, 1'a. I'pon March 16, lS<>6, he was married by I >r. Joseph Priestly to Mary Ann I'.agster, a native of Shropshire, Kngland. The is- sue of this marriage were, live sons and live daughters. During the political can- vass in iS<>5, when Thoma> McKcan was elected Governor of Pennsylvania, he wrote a series of newspaper letters signed "One of the People." These were the cause of a duel with Samuel Stewart, of I.vcoming co., 1'a., in November, iSo5. but neither party was hurt, and subse- quently thev became warm friends. In August, iSo2, Mr. P.inns was appointed Adjutant of the lord Regiment Penn- sylvania Militia. He first visited Phil- adelphia in i,So2, and upon his return to Northumberland established the AV- pu V;Vi/.v .-//X' n. <. In iN>7 he removed to Philadelphia and started a paper called the I h'tnocmtic /'/Vvv, and was connected with it until November, 1829. In iSi2 Governor Suyder appointed him an aid- de-camp and intrusted to his care the or- ganization of some of the regiments to be mustered into the ("nlted States service, and also several other matters of the same nature. I'inns in his paper stronglv advo- cated the war, and toward* the close Gover- nor Snyder commissioned him on behalf of the State of Pennsylvania to present two sword.-, to Commodore Stephen I)e- catur and Captain fames Iliddlr. The presentation to Decatnr was limit- by r.;nns on board that officer's ship, the II Macedonian," and to Biddlc o:; board th it officer's ship, the " IIonu-1." Iv;rly : . P.inns took steps to publish the ' ' ' >rrect copv ever printed or pnb- 1 of the Declaration of Independence, ''. .''i fac-similes of the signatures, ami .'. ' ': the arms of the thirU-eii States and of : ' -' e\])ending mii'-li tim ' : :; the same. pnh- hshed it i:: 15inns had always been an ardent Dem- ocrat in politics until 1^24, during the jiresidenti.il election, when he opposed Jackson. This course made him many enemies and upon the night of the elec- tion his house was attacked by a mob, but no d. image was done. In 1820 Thomas Cooper, Abraham Small, William Y. Birch, I-M\\ard Hudson, M. I). uSo6), Mat- thew Randall and John Uinns formed a social club which continued to meet every Monday for some years afterwards. I'pon December 26, 1822, Governor Hiester ap- pointed Uinns an Alderman of the citv of Philadelphia, and he continued to hold that office until the Native American agi- tation in 1^44. lie was the author of several pamphlets, and of Rlnns's Justice of the Peace, which has gone through many editions and is still a standard law book hi Pennsylvania. Ik- published, in 1^54, RceoHeetions of the Life of Joint Hi tins. It contains his por- trait. At that date only two of his chil- dren were living, vix.., Benjamin Franklin I'inns and Matilda Pemberton Uinns, wife of John \V. Simes, Jr. His grandson, Kdward II. Binns, of the, firm of Thompson & Binns, grocers, 5 Arch street., is uow liviug in Philadelphia. Mr. Riniis died June 16, iS6o, aged 87 years, and was buried in Monument cem- etery. His death was announced at the meeting of the Soc.ietv, June 6, iS6n, aud the members were re.<|uestcd to attend his funeral. lie had been a member for 51 years. 3Ie was a member of the United Brethren's Church, Race street. Stilwcll S. Bishop, 1848. -Was a shipping merchant at ;/> N. Wharves ; was a member of the linns of Hishop X: Cnlin, Hishop ,S: Wa'.sor.. and bishop X: Simons. lie died shortly after the rebellion. -Tames Black, 1850. Was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and came to thi< countrv about I S .V" Jo. He w:r>. Was a mer- chant at S(j I.omb.-ird stn < t. John V. Blai'];, 1S:;:5. Was .-. --hem- ist. and at our time a varnish niannfac- l!e \s;;s an active Ma-.on, and \vas Master of Columbia I,'dge, No. 91. He HI, :;.-)! RO was born in 1795. and \v;is living as late l-'airfax co., Va. His father was Thomas sus December J3, i.\^. Bladen, a descendant of Sir Thomas Francis Blaekburuo, 1882. Was Bladen, Governor of the Province if born January 2h, i.\iy, in Philadelphia. Maryland and 1 in >ther-in-!a\v of Sir lie is not of Irish descent. His fuller, Charlie Cahert. His mother \vas A:;:i Francis Blackburne, was born in Stalionl, Caix>lin. a nati\e of Dublin. Ireland, .ind J-.nglaiid. His nioiher, Ann Kli/a I'riest- a niece of l.adv Black\sell and of the man Blackburne, was born in I'hiladel- I.ord Mavor of Dublin. IK- settled in phia. He is a maltster by occupation, Philadelphia about I>M j. and \\as ciigagi -d anil ,i member ot the Masonic' organi/.a- in the manufacture of crackers, etc , at tion. and of the Albion and St. (.eorge i icy North Front .street. He died in Phila- Societies. dclphia about iS^2, and was buried in the Rev. William BlackwOOd, D.D., graveyard on l-'iftcenth street near I'air- LL.D., 1S50. Honorary iMeinber. was mount avenue, and aftcruanls reinterred born in the parish of Immiara. in the in Woodlands cemetery. County of Down. Ireland, and educated in William II. Blair, 1857. - \V:,s born I.isbnrn and Dublin. lie graduated ill ' in Baltimore. Md., about iS^o. His father Roval College, Belfast, where he also was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. p.Lsscd through a full course of theology. He was a tea merchant in Philadelphia I Hiring his course, he wafl distinguished for several years, and afterwards a broker. in the departments of Logic, Rhetoric ami He died in 1.^70, and was buried in Ca- Belles I.ettTes, and also in Metaphysics, thedral cemeterv. He left six children I-!thit'S and Mathematics. Tie was pastor three sons and three daughters. One of of the Church of Tlolvwood, near Belfast, his sons. James ]'.. Blair, is in business in and also at Newcastle-oil -Tyiie. In ret'og- Xe\v York city at 101 Wall street, nition of his services, he was placed in John Blcakloy, 1790. Was a mem- the Moderator's chair in the highest Court ; ber of the l ; riendly Sons of ,^t. Patrick, of the T\nglish Presbyterian Church. In > See p. og. i !- s 5') Dr. Blackwoofl became ]ris(or of the James BoggS, 1796. Was a uier- Ninth Presbyterim Church, Philadelphia, chant at \<.) S. Front street. He served Penn., ^'here he still remains (iS(j2 v ). on the Acting; Committee of the Socictv .\fter the death of Rev. Richard "Webster, in 17^6. he look charge of the "History of the William Boggs, 1809. A native of Presbyterian Church in America," and Ireland, was the son of Vnmcis P>"ggs and tditid it. lie has written much for mag- lane Morrison Campbell. He came to axines and other journals, ilis most e\- 1'liiladelphia in 1^.5. He was a member ten-ive Iiterar\- work is a very lar^e a.nd of the firm of William Boggs ^V Co., ::;- ;. ud indirates both reM-.:rch and erudition. , mittee horn iSu to iSiS, and again in "1)1. Blackuood has a line clerical an- [Sjl. He died September I. l s >.';. aged j.earance. is digu; .",ed in his manlier, and ,}q years, and is buried in I,.unvl Hi'.! :- of a veiy cniirleou-;, genial ami genlU-- cenietei v. He was noted lor hi-, ch.irily m :\\\\ sj :ii ;'.. lie is a h:ird worker in his and benevolence. Mr--. Judge i'ickit. o!' jirol'e-sion. has much inilucnce. a;-d I-'lori-m'e. Ala., is a daughter; M;s. I'e::- , ' cine vi d a re; in tat ion such as on 1 , v re.'l riet ;.i M ; . . ; -. of S' eu 1 ien \ i'. le. ( >. , .1 . : . iin 1 - .'.ort!l c.,u gain." l ; or a number of ye;.'s daughter, and Miss I-'.'i'.ell ('.!'.. !'..:m, of !a v\.,- a ].i'o:ni:u nt f.gure at the ,.i;::i\ r A-.i-'.in. '1\ \.. a grandniece of M : . P.oggs. Frodt-rick Belaud, 1SS(!. N in the li.as no; bei n presi-nt. [ Si e " Prcshv teri.ui , J ( M >king -gla>-- and picture tVaine business )MH \ i lopa ilia." Piiiia., i v "- i. Vol. : , ];. ~(.. } at ,.'.'.' Market stieit. lie served in the Thomas Jiladen, 1S:!^. \Vasb.-m in a:m\ during tlie rebellion. BO BO Richard Hawks Bolster, 1865. \V.is 1 >rn in Ahvorth, Parish of Kilshan- ick, County Cork, Ireland, in 1808. He came to America May 14, 1852, and settled in I'hiladel])hia, where he was for many years engaged in the connnission and im- porting business, on Chestnut street aliove i:i. :it. He was greatly interested in the .society, and was a regular attendant at the meetings and dinners. lie \v:is a great wit anil !>(! i'il'ilHt. He was agent of a Dublin firm of Irish poplin manu- facturers. Mr. Bolster w.is a member of the Masonic organization and ol the Burns Societv, and also President of the (iiianlian Insurance Company. He died I (ecelllber 14, 1891. Rev. James Gray Bolton, 1882. - ( MIL- of seven sons of Samuel Bolton and Marv ( '.rav Bolton, of I lill Side, I.ismovle, was born in Lisinovle. near Kilrea, Countv Derry, Ireland, March 17, 1849. He came to America, May 6, i86b, and settled in Philadelphia a few days afterwards. lie is a popular and widely - known Prcsbvterian minister, prominent in church conventions and assemblies. He has been a delegate to the I'relieral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. Moderator of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, and President of the Minis- terial Association of Philadelphia. Since beginning work in Philadelphia, he has collected a congregation and built a beiutifnl church at ('.ray's l-'erry, costing 5; >,')', now entirely self-supporting and out of debt He was Chairman of the Committee of Citi/ens who waited upon Mayor Smith to protest against the Sulli- van-McCatlrev pri/e light and delivered the address on behalf of the Committee, the action resulting in the stoppage of the affair. He has also taken a very ac- tive part in the I. aw and Hrder Societv and other bodies having the u el fa re of the v ity as their object. He has been a useful member >f the Society shire joininu it, and is ,i regular attendant at its meetings Mr. ilton married in Phi! li-lphia, ' inuary iv\; S. Josephine, daughter of S. : ! and \nn Hiis'on Town as a County Commissioner at 1 13 Cal- lowhill street. In the . !u>\>>\i for January i i, ilSi i, we find a funeral notice of Major Alexander Boyd, who died Januarv u., iSi i, at No. 142 North Second street. On November 2. 1780, the Supreme Kxecntive Council of Pennsylvania appointed him an Auctioneer for Northern Liberties, \shich position he held until his resigna- tion, July 12, IJ.V). [See "Colonial Rec- ords," Vol. 13, ]). 41,1 ; Vol. 15, p. 50, 53; "Pennsylvania Arc-hives," Vol. 5, p. 43; Vol. lo, ]>. 206, 209. Augustus Boyd, 1867. Was born in Harford co., Mil., January 10, 1826. His father and grandfather were born in America, but his great-grandfather emi- grated from County Antrim, Ireland, in 1736, and settled in Lancaster co., Pa., where branches of the family still exist. Major Boyd settled in Philadelphia in 1862. lie was Quartermaster in the United States Regular Army from 1862 to 1865, and also Lieutenant-Colonel. lie was afterwards President of the Central National Bank, President of the Heston- ville Street Railway, and engaged in man- ufacturing and in banking. He resides at 65 X. ; v }th street. David Boyd, 1824. --Was born 1780 in Ballyniony, County Antrim, Ire-land. He was a merchant tailor at 33 North Fourth street. For many years he took an active interest in the Societv, especially in its social features, and was always ready with a som/ or response to any toast or sentiment at a dinner. Full of humor he became prom- inent at all entertainments of the Society. He sewed on the Acting Committee from iS^S to 1834 and again from 1836 to 1851. When IK- arrived in America he intended to go to Westmoreland co., Pa., to his uncle, but In- found so many friends in Philadelphia that he concluded to settle here, and afterwards congratulated him- self that lie had changed his plans. He was a viromineiit Mason anil had a very no :*">:; HO wi'le circle of friends and acquaintances. David I.apsley, merchant 1790 , were also He also was very active in Democratic memtx.-rs of the Society, a.-> was also Sam- polities. He retired from business a rich uel Dufiield 171/1 , OIK- of the \\itm-sses. man and died in l ; eliruarv, iSbS. He He married Margaret Kerr. N< >\ ember 21, married Plui-be, granddaughter of Major- i7M,in l-'irst Presbs teri.m Church. His (",c:ieral Arthur St. Cl.a'r. She survived daughter, Sarah I',ovl.::i, died in 1'hiladel- hi:n and died in her 931! year. David phia, March 5, 1.^70. Hoyd, Jr. (,^51;, was his son. In his will, Hugh Boyle, 1790.- \Vasa member admitted to probate February 24, 1S6S, his of tlie I'rieiidlv So;:- of St. Patrick. wife and son are appointed executors. Sec p. yj. < He also mentions hi* nieces. Catharine Thomas Boyle, 1880.- W.<.- born in Tait, wife of Hugh Tail, and Jane Shields, Clan-morris, C'oiinlv Mayo, Ireland, ::: and also David Boyd Daly, infant son of 1'ehruarv, I S.j ;, and came to A:IK rica, Sep- John Daly. '.ember, 1 VA landing in Ness York and David Boyd, Jr., 1851.- Son of -ettling in Philadelphia about December, David Bovd :S24>, was born in Philadel- iSSj. lie is in the furniture and dry phia in 1824. He was associated with his snoods business at 257 Kaolin's avenue. father in Inisiness for some years and was Camden, N. J., and was al-><; in uatch- a:i importer of woollens at 32 South l" here and in street. I le was t New York. He left several children sur- !S, 1X41, and came to Philadelphia in Au- vi\-in^ him. He was the associate of his j^ust, '^57- He is in the wholesale li(jur fatlier at the meetings of the Society, and | business at 147 South Second street, beir..^ his presence always er.livened the dinners, a member of the firm of Boyle (S: Mc( ilinn. by reason of hi-> wit and humor. He was William V. Boyle, 18-11. A nej hew reinarkablv happ\- at repartee. ( )n his of Dennis Kell\' IN29', was a native of death the Society passed ;\ >oluti(,r.s ex- Philadelphia. Hi> ^r/ndfathcr wa> .1 :;a- pre>sive of the hi^h esteem in which the live of Ireland, and resided near Dona-ha- members re^.irde'l him. more, County Tyrone, Ireland, and on no- JohTi Boyd, 1875. - Was born in tice from America that his brother-in-law, Cross^are, County Down, Ireland, No- "Judge J:ick, of Lancaster, Pa.," had left vember I s , rS^o, and came to America in him money, he came to this country. He settled in Philadelphia, William V. Boyle was a ' where he has since been engaged in deal- grocery firm of Boyle \: Stnmd. Water j ::: and manufacturing carpets. The street. He died a bachelor on August 14, f:"ii i- Boyd, White ,V Co., Chestnut iS54, aged 42 years, and was buried in St. --.-'.. II, i- a member of the Masonic, Dennis' cemetery, H.. \vrford, Pa. ( ' : . 1 fellows, and American Protestant ElittS Boys, 1790.- Wa- a merchant at -. Penn -treet in 171*:. He was a brother hlincs Boylan, 1700. Was a iner- ofCaptii; .' -\: : :\ Philadelphia as (.-.irlv a< i ~S2. In admittel to probate November 5. i~^:. .::.! ^T-e.-t. II.- died in March. 1705. hi- three s,, n -. - ssill, admitted to probate M uvh r>'/<. Th-v: '7',-, !:e nii-nri-::- his wife, Margaret of th.e \\ it :: 1 in ; hi- -on, J.nnes, who died of yi-1- Chnrcli : :u :. ap]>.-.'.rs a marria; fevrr ; ;'.nd his three children, fames, P.oy- to M.irth i Scr.'.!. >t!i Sep'.ei itid Sarah. Two of his everutors, N:ith;in Boys, 1790. W.-.> j- I::: I'.le iklev, ge-itlem in ' 1790 , and te-i rat of irnu-d bo ; W.:-hin BR BR afterwards, December 6, 1775, appointed to be Captain of armed boat " I-Yanklin." In August, I77\ after the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, all the officers of Pennsvlvania State Navv were dis- charged, excepting such as were necessary to man three gallevs and three guard boats. Ca]itain Hoys, of the " l-'ranklin." was retained. In March, 1779, he appears to have bi-eii senior in command, for he was directed to make a re turn of the tleet. < ':i February 13. 17^1, I he oi'licers and men \\ere all discharged, except Captain Hoys, and such of the men as were dis- abled in the State service. On the 2oth I>cceinl>er, I7- S 1, the Council discharged Captain Nathaniel P>i)\.s, and declare that, sensible of his merit as an officer, they think it proper to declare their approba- tion of his conduct during the time he ha? been in the public service, and to as- -mv him that they discharge him 1 'ecar.se the service in which he was engaged was at an end and for no other cause. lie was a City Commissioner from 1793 to I7y\ and died about January, 1X03, his will being dated December 2o, ]^<>2, and admitted to probate, January 7, i S< >; v His wife, Mai v Hoys, \\ as one of the executors. He was a brother of Klias Hoys 17001. Samuel Fisher Bradford, ISO.'?. Wa- born in Philadelphia in 177''. was the son of Thomas Bradford and Mary I'isher, his \\ife. He was the tilth gener- ation in de-cent from William Bradford, who introduced printing into the Ameri- can colonies. He was a bookseller and publisher, of the linn of Bradford .S: In- -keep. He was a prominent Mason., ;l t_ taiuing the ])osition of ('.rand Master of tlie ('.rand Lodge of Pennsylvania. He was initiateil in I.odgc NO. 51. I-'ehrnarv !.l, I M.S. \\"as elected (.rand Treasurer C,r ml I.od, . in December iStr. - :- ,. ; v io. iSi i ; Junior C.rand Wai- den, December, ' v ; j ; I >eput v ( '.rand, M ist( r, D n mb, r, :M.^. and C.rand Mas ter, I leci mlier, IM.J. He died \] i - ^7. am 1 w as ' mri< '. v hm\ h '":::: ground. He married, March . '.' .. h ';,:: Chri-1 : . < :' Abrah im Insk< <;. i -_; , hi- rtner. Tlie M< morial Records of Christ Church note the deaths of his widow, Abigail Bradford, August 2, 1.^37, a^ed lift v-nine years ; of their daughter, M.ary l-\ Bradford, November 30, I.S41, a^ed twenty- six \ ears ; of John Inskeep Bradford, A]>ril V>, I. y j6, av^ed nineteen years, and of another John Inskeep Bradford, their son, September 2y, iSo^, ayed 5 years. Daniel Charles Elliott Brady, 1851. Horn in Philadelphia, about 1.^2: or i,S2J. lie \\as in the importing and commi-sion dry-;;oods business uith his uncle, Patrick Bradv '1.^361, and Jerome I'Vlc, un, landing at New- York, and settled in Philadelphia the same- \ ear. He was in the retail liquor business at 604 South Tenth street. He was never married. He died April 20, iScjo, and was buried in the old Cathedral cemetery. Owen Brady, 1880. Was born Jan- uary 17, 1^33, at Degnavantv, Parish of Kill, Countv Cavan, Ire-land. lie came to Philadelphia from Ireland, June I , iSs2, and obtained employment in a shipping warehouse, where he continued nut: ! i ^ : ; He followed the water from 1X5710 isf.i. and from iShi to iSn^ he \\ascmployed in Ouartermastcr's Department of the Arm\ of tlie Potomac, superintending the movement ol supplier and yovernmeut stores. In 1x^5 he ojiened a shijijiing and c> mn;> -ii 'ii In ir.se at I S Sotitl avelllH-. and colltilllle-d i:: that Ijll-ille-s until hi- death. I Ii v 1 -..- : >f 'h'j: BK Conference of Si. Vincent de Paul of St. Agatha's Church IK. in I.X>9 until his death, was a member of ilu- Commercial Kxchani^c, Catholic I'hilopatrian I.itcrar\ Institute- and other oryani/.ations. He <.ied Jaiuia: y 2\ i.Vji. Patrick Brady, 1836. - Was a native r. Nancreile. His nephew, J>aniel C. }'.. I'.radv (1,^51 , was also a member. Thaddeus Brady, 1884. Born Jan- uary 5. if>49, in townland of Car; ickallcn, parish of I, arah, Couutv Cavan, Ireland, and came to America in September, i^bt). He was a clerk with his cousin, Mark De- vine (i'\v^', until the latter's death. lie was a member of the Catholic Club and al- a na'.ive of Count\ Antrim, In land, ar.il hi* mother a native of Coimtv Tvrone. In-land. He i^ in the hi'iise ;,nd --i'.'i! ]iaiiitmi' business. Mr. I'.rankin ; ai ti\i memberiifthe Can < ill \< :: Club ..nd l'.::';u-r-' A . iciati. .n. and ha- been ,; dire, '..r ..I St. Michae'.'- T. A. I',. Hall VViliiain Brav. 180r>. We can lind ].r.i ''.ic u -c- rd- . Rev. Janus A. Bre'.Giiy, 1S(H5. fourteen miles vu-st of Atlilone and three miles from the town of Mullv^ar. County (alwav. Ireland. He cnr.yratcd to Amer- ica in i<\=>7. arriv;n,^ at .\\w York u}>oii June 2tl of that ye, if, and in the follow ini; September enteied at St. Vincent'- Col lc-e. Westmoreland co., Pa., and in Sep- tember. i,Mw>, wa-. i eeeived a-> a student for the priesthood in St. Cha:lcs P><>rromco Seminar;., then at Fi-htceiith and. R,,ee .streets. He w.i- ord..ined a pi ic-t in St. Patrick's Church upon May .>.;, n<>;. His first mission wa- in the Cathedra! !'..;>h, Philadelphia, whe;e he -pent one \ ear. In May. 1^64, he wa- sent to Si. C lair, Schuvlkill Co., Pa., w lie re he remained ten years, building in tliat time a hue church, parochial dwelling, etc. Ik- was one of the Catholic Pilgrims from America to Rome in iNj.j, and on his wav home he s]>eut a few weeks in his native land. In September, 1^74, he was assigned to Bus- tletou, Philadelphia, and in March, 1^75, was transferred to Summit Hill, Carbon co., Pa. In April, I< S 77, he was placed in charge of the church at Coatesville, Pa., i and in 1^79 was transferred to the pas- torate of the Church of St. John Baptist. Maiiayunk, which po-itioii he still wor- thilv occupies. John Broslin. 1882. -P>orn in iS;;. in Midlininore Cdentis. County I>OIICLV':, Ireland. He came to America, in A] ::i. iS.jt), landing at New York. and. settled in Philadelphia in November, i.^su, upon his return from the California i;old mines. where he had been since iSsJ. He is in the wholesale liijuor business. Ephraim Bricc, 1884. 1'oru in Pliiladclplna, l-'ebruai v .:i\ :S=,,i. He is a son of" \\"il!i.im lliice [>f>i i, and is in t:.e general Commis-lou bu-llle-- \\ r. h his father at NO. 2\2 South F'ron! -tree!. 1 le i-- a Til em be: of the Commcl cial 1 ;\cl'.,.ll;^e William El'lCO. 1SH1. !-::. NOM n; Counl\ iione-.-d, In land.. lie emigrated lo \me:ir.i :: ; - ;.-. !..v..iin- .1! I'hiladel p'nia. I line .' ;tl: o; :!;..; \ e.i.r, and, set'.lini: a 1 once in t h:- cii v. Hi i- .1 d tmnr.s don mi rch.m: in general piod. ;a i and j.n >v> B R BR Veen a Commissioner oi" the Public Build- ings since 1^72, ami a Director in the CcinniHTci.il Fixchaiii^e tor the last twelve years, and was Vice President and Prcsi- dent of the latter body. 1 le ha-- also been a director for the lust ten vears of the Chamber of Commerce, and was formerly a director of the In ion Hanking Company. He \vus elected President of the Hibernian Society. March 17, iSSj, and re-elected .March 17, lS,S; v serving until .March 17, iS.s.j.and was ai^ain elected upon March 17, i Si i<>. and still occupies that position at this date March 17, iS<.y2 . His son, F'.phraim P.rice is s .( i, is a member of the Societv. He was a member of the Citi- /.en's Committee of l ; iftv i.sv>i in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund. I'pon the expiration of his first term of office Mr. P.rice was presented \sith a handsomely engrossed and framed set of resolutions, expressive of the esteem in which lie was held by the Society. With his first elec- tion as President, commenced the present highly prosperous condition of the Societv. I Minified and courteous, he commamls the res]ect of all the nieinl >crs, who regard him with the greatest atfectiou. [See sketch of hi-- life in "Men of America, L'itvliov- ernment,'' Philadelphia, iSS^.J Robert Bridges, 1790.- Horn in Philadelphia, November IS, 1 7 ;y, uas a sailm tkt-r at 254 South I-'ront street and Si South Wharves. He died January I S, iSer, FMward, Sarah. Harr'a-; and Kmily. Two of his execu- tors, vi/.., Robert i'aUon 179*1 . his sun- in 1 iw, an 1 William J'.ell }-<,<, . hi- friend, wire also members of the Societv. In the memorial records of Christ's Church there ire - lei] ihe de iths < >\ FMward 15rii !:'<-,, men ii int. Sept i-mber r . 1711. ajcd ; .; ye ir- : ! nine months, .did of Cornelia Hrid^e- I ; ebru.'.r\ 7, 17 s ;. ai;ed 7 .' years. The-e \s.--( pi ibably hi- jj.i- rents. Andrew Laird Britton, 1888. Born September \>i, 1^25, in Tuli\ hoi vin, I'ir.niski'.len. County l ; ermauaL, r h, Irel.ind. lie came to America in July, iV)y, and settled in Philadelphia in iS5y, about ten years later. He iseii^aLjed in the hat. cap and straw-^oods wholes.de business, the linn beint; Hritton. James ^c Co., No. 20 North I-'ifth street. He has invented several patent ear mufflers, which he also manufactures. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' organizations. Charles Wallace Brooke, 1841. - Horn May 2.S, iM - v in Philadelphia. He. was the son of Robert Brooke, civil en- gineer and sur\'e\or. and Charlotte, daughter of (ietieral Andrew Porter 179- and aunt of Jud;j;e \\"il!iam A. Por- ter i\)2 . The Brooke family came from Yorkshire, luixLuid. C. Wallai : Brooke studit.il law and was admitted lo the Philadelphia bar upon June 21, r\u. and to the N'orristown bar the same year. He commenced practice at Norristown, Pa. In January, ;\Vj, he was appoiutf! Deputv L'rosfcuting-Attorney for Phila- delphia, and filled that position for about two vears. In September, 1^41, he \\ as ap])oiuted Solicitor for tl'.e Trustees of the I nited States Bank, \\hieh had failed be fore that time. After the Native Ameri- can riots of iS_}}, he joined Company If of the City Artillerv Regiment, as a pri- vate, and subse(|Uentl\' succeeded Captain Horace Binnev, Jr., as Captain. l'])oi! June IS, is jo, h c married Fai/abeth Til^hman Rawle, eldest daughter of U'illiam Rawle, Jr. Their son. William Brooke Rawle (name changed), is now a practicing law\'er in Philadelphia. C. Wallace Brooke died at Iris son's country Montgomery co. , Pa., UJMMI A-.:,' 1 ;-' '. the Coinm- i F.xch m^e i direi-tor ::i the Chamber of Commerce, N it ion il !'. i::'x DAVID I'AI'L r.K()\VX. F,R of the Republic, and Penn Trust and Safe I 'eposit Company. He was a member ot the Hoard of Trade. I'nion League. Spring C,..rd( 11 Institute and of the Masonic or i,'a:ii/ation. He died May 13, iNS.s. Andrew Brown, 1790. \Va> a native o r the North of Ireland, where he was I "in about 17-14. He was educated at Trinitv College. lUihlin. In 1773 became to America as an officer in the Hritisli scr- vice, but soon resigned, and settled in Massachusetts. At the outbreak of the Revolution he espoused tilt- patriot cause, and fought at Lexington and Hunker Hill. In 1777 he was Muster-Master Gen- eral, and served as Major under C.reene and (.rales. After the war he established a voun^ ladies' academv, at Lancaster. I 'a., and subsequently eame to Phila- del])hia, where he founded and published the J-'t'n't fill (ia~rt(c. The (,\r.tttc was the- ortzan of the friends of the Constitu- tion, and many papers favorable to it v.ere published therein. The name of the paper was afterwards changed to the I'hiiadciphia (/i/cr/A- 1 . It is said to have been the first to publish the debates in Congress. The office of the (iii~ette look fire. January 27, 1797. Mr. Hrown rind his familv occupied the u]i])er part of the building, and in the endeavor to save the lives of his wife and family, in which lie was unhappily unsuccessful, he was so badly bnrned that he died Februarv 4th. [See Scharf \i \Vestcott. \"ol. .;. p. 1977.] David Paul Brown, 1819. Horn in I'hilad. Iphia. September 2\ 179^. He was the only son of Paul I'rown, a Ouaker, descended from one of the first settlers of New !< rsev. lie pursued classical studies for ;\MI ve.it- in Massachusetts, and bewail the Mud \ of medicine, but turned to the biv . and was admi'.'.ed to the bar. Septcm- .;. :'., at the aj^e of twenty-one. He soon ai inrved a fine reputation as a law :i:d or i'.:r. In iS2] he successfully !. '! J;:d-e Robert I'orter. who was 1;. d befo,e tin- Senate of Penilsyl- \'ania. \\"ithin lifteen \ears his profes- sional iii'-o.r.e amounted '.o v;,.,.,,., l,ut hi-- -eiien.i!-, li\ in- absorbed it all. I [is powerful viit- !- an r irator w< re irei|Uent!y called forth. (>n the hundredth anniver- sary of tlie birtlidav of Washington, lie delivered the addrcsr- at the laying of the corner-^tom.- ol a monument to be erected in the \Vashmxton Smare, I'hiladeljjl'.ia. He had exci-llent ji!i\>ical tmaliiications for an orator, uas of medium height, with full chest, and a voice of remarkable com pass and sweetnes>. Hi- wa.-- a lover i>f the drama and aspired to be a dramatist. His traced \-. ''Sertotius, or the Roman Patriot. " uas written in i\v>. Thout^h the elder Hooth took the title >!>/( the ]>lay was acted but nine times. Another tragedy, "The Trial," had even less >uc- cess. A melodrama, "The I'rojihet of St. Paul's," and a farce, " I.ove and Honor." completed his dramatic efforts. He res- olutelv det-lined office, and rarelv prac- ticed outside of Pennsylvania. Though less jiromineiit in the courts in latter davs, he continued the practice of his profession until the last year of his life. In i^^fi he published "The l ; orum, or I-'orty Years l-'ull Practice at the Philadelphia Bar 1 ' 2 vols. i. This work contains sketches of the judges and eminent practitioners of his time, and also of their predecessors. In iS59 Mr. Hrown published in pamphlet form 'each separately) several of his earlv speeches, and in iS6g "The Press, the Politician, the People, and the Judiciary. " His son. I-'.dward, published and edited "The Forensic Speeches of David Paul Hrown " (Philadelphia, ' S 73 ! . He died July ii, 1^72. Mr. Hrovvn \\as an ..ctive member of the Hibernian Society, and was one of its two Counsellors in iSji. and attain from IS?;, to \*2~. [See "Applcton's Cyc. Amer l',i. -.," Vol. I. p. ,V^ : " P.io-r. luicyc, of Penna.," }>. f>2> ; " Tb.e I'orum," Vol.",.] Isaac Newton Brown, 188M. Iid not return his blank. He is a number of the Philadelphia Har. bvin.i; a was one of the sureties. Lewis R. Brown, 1806.- Was a mer- chant at 44 Filbert street. His name disappears from the Directories after iS<>'>. Roger Brown, 1840. -Horn in iSia, in Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland. He came to this countrv in lSv>. and engaged in the liquor business. He was amember of the Hibernia C.reeiis. He died Sep- ternlier, 1^5), letters of administration on his estate beiir^ granted, September 29. iS.S}. to Sarah Ann Brown. Andrew C. CraiL; (Si7 was one of thi- sureties. John J. Shields i ss7 i i-> his sou-i n 1 t\v. William Brown, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. See p. [i x). i William Brown, 1804. Was pro!) ably a grocer, at the cornel-''! Fourth and Plum streets. William Brown, 1832. We have no informal^ >', il "ral him. William Brown, 1845. Was of the linn of J. & W. Brown, wholesale grocers, .Market above Seventh. He removed from Philadelphia, and is supposed to have died in California. William Brown, 1852. -We car. find no information about him. He was pro- posed as a member by Joseph Jones ( iS^i ). William K. Brown, M. D., 1881. Horn in Philadelphia, Aug. 19, 1851. John Brown, his great-grandfather, settled in Philadelphia about 1773 or 1774, and his grandfather and lather were natives of this city. Ill-, maternal grand-parent, John Marlin, and his mother, were natives of County Derry, Ireland. He graduated at the Niagara University, Suspension Bridge, N. V.. in iS6y, and is President of the Alumni Association of that institution. ! le studied medicine at. the Homoeopathic Medical College of this city, graduated in 1.S73, and has been a practicing phvsician since. Dr. Brown served as one of the two Physicians of the Society, !N.S2-iS.S6. Peter Arrell Browne, 1813. Born 17^2, in Philadelphia. Hew. is a promi- nent member of the Philadelphia Bar, being admitted to practice. March 7, iS<>^. He was the first to introduce in the Phil- adelphia Courts in September, iS^y, the doctrine of " emotional insanity," as a de- fence in murder trials, and he secured the acquittal of his client upon that ground. I le was somewhat eccentric in his manner, but correct and precise in his dealings. Towards the end of his life he gave up ac- tive practice' at the bar, and engaged in scientific pursuits, being much interested in geologv, ethnologv, etc. I le published, iS.S.;. a work on the texture of hair and wi 10] entitled " Trichologia Mammal inm," and \\.is for manv \vars one of the most :teti\e member- of the Franklin Institute. On June S, i V 1 j, he delivered the address i -n the occasion of the corner stone laving of the Institute's building, on Seventh stt'ei '. below Market. lie was the projec tor of tlie "Arcade" on Chestnut sticet near Seventh, and the "Chinese P,ag< >da" near 1'airni 1 unit. During the anti-negro riots in AuiMi--t. is^;, he had charge- of the three hundred --peci.il constables, and rendere'l e t feet i ve ser vi ce in the llltei'ests ub- ject to the public ill a series of papers "exhibiting great research and legal acumen." While in active law practice he published, iMi, two volumes of re- iort- of Coninion I'leas cases, known as " i'.rn\\ lie's Reports." He died January 7, i^tx\ at 1115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Mr. Browne was for many years an active member of the Hibernian Society, and -erved as one of its two Counsellors in ; v 7, and from iSi9to iS27_ [See " Scharf ,V Westcott," \"ol. 2, p. I53S, etc.; " Alli- bone's Dictionary," Vol. i, p. 262.] William Morgan Bruner, 1871. liorn l : ebruary 13, 1846, in Philadelphia, i- the son of Charles Bruner and his wife, Margaret I). Morgan, both natives of Phil- adelphia. Hi.- grandfather, John Morgan, a native of the city of Cork, emigrated with hi> wife and two small children, arriving at Chester, on Delaware river, in 179'). He is the Cashier of the Kmpire Line, and assis- tant to the Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Kmpire Line, in which lie has been employed for more than twetitv- tive vears, is a fast freight line, owned and operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Mr. Bruner is a nephew of William Morgan 11^591. Charles Brustcr, 1832. - -Wa> a gro- cer on Market street above Twelfth, from iS2f>to 1\15. Hi 1 was a member of Rev. Dr. W\ lie's church. l-'.!eveiith and Mar- George Bryan, 1790. Was born in Dub:; :; . Ireland, in 1731. He came to '.hi- o-.nitry i:: earl v Hie, ami \\a- engaged - '--a- vear- '.!! mercantile pnr.-mt> in Phil- '.< 'phi. i. lie was a member of tile State '. .einb'.y, and ::i I 7 f >5 was a delegate to '. ::e Stair.]) Act Congress, in wliich. and ::i '.he -nbse(|Uent -trugglcs, he took an icme part. He was Vice-President of the S'.'prenu Kxecutive Council of Pent:- e-u-.- -<,:id in Ma;,. 177-. lie became Pr -- iden*. . In November of that vf.ir he -cut i message to the Assembly, pressing upon their attention a bill p.-opo-cd by the C our - cil in 1777, for the gradual abolition < ' slavery in the State. In 1779 he W:IM elected to the I.cgi-latr.re. On hi- motion the subject of -!a\erv was referred to a committee, of which he wa- a member, and he prepared the draft of a law for gradual emancipation. I Ie wa- app< >inted a Judge of the State Supreme Court, April 3, I7S<>, recommissioned April 3, 17^7, and re- mained in that office unf.l his death. In I7>>4 he wa- elei'ted one of the Council of Censors. He strenuously opposed the adoption of the I-'edeial Con-ti tution. He died Januarv 27, 1791, and wa> buried in the Second Presbyterian ImryniL; ground. The inscription on his tombstone says : " Mr. Bryan was amon^ the t-arlie-t ar.d most active and uniform friends of the rights of man, before the Revolutionary War. As a member of the Assemblv of Pennsylvania, and of the Congress of Ne'.v Vork in 1765, and as a citi/.en, he was con- spicuous in opposition to the Stamp Act, and other acts of British tyranny. He- was eijuallv an opponent of domestic slavery. The emancipation of the people of color ens^ai^ed the feelings of his heart and the energies of his mind, and the Act of Abolition, which laid the foundation of their liberation, i-sued from hi- ]>e;i. He filled several important offices during the ; Revolutionary contest, and for the last eleven years of his life he was one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. In his private deportment he was exemplarv- a Christian in principle and prteticc." 1 [See Simpson'- "Lives," p. 15 ' t : Apple- ton's " I-'.ncy. Amcr. Bio^.," Vol. i. p. \i: "ScharfvS: We-tcott," Vol. i. p. ; - 1 Guy Brytm. 17^0. Wa- a wealthy merchant of Phi! :dc'.p!" '.. He died :; March, [S29. In lr- \\ill, proved. Marcli 20, |Sj ,. l u . Tile!! t ion- I'.ertrude. !:: - wit> ; Join, H it-land. Jr., hu-b.n-.d, of !;is d luwh ter I-ileii, dec, a-cd ; Ch i:!e- D., !-'dward and I-'.i.- ,',th Harland : U.-'-e.-, , -h..it. hi- d n: 'h.t, - ; \\'i"iam P. !'- :i Timothv M. I!r\ an. ( ',eor.;e Br> all, a ! Thi rn.!- iell'-v-.'M ".:-. :, hi- -or.-. M : M --iiall r,r her husband. I If owned a pew in the First I'liitarian Church. James Bryson, 1790. Was a shop- kt.-cpcr.il No. 4 South Third street. He was one of lour brothers John, James, Thomas and William who came to this country about the middle of the last ccii- Hcnry B. Bunting, 1881. Horn in r>a':lvi>ofey. County Donegal, Ireland, in July, ;S,i. He came to this country when but sixteen years of age, land:!;- at Phil- adelphia in July, i^<4~. lie wa> a Direc- tor in the Independence National Bank, and was formerly in the Hour and strain business, but afterwards in the wholesale li(|iior firm of Hunting iS: McDonnell, i 14 Walnut street. lie died August 21, iSS;. Robert Burgess, 1819. Born about 17.^; in County Monaghan, Ireland, and came to this country in i^ih, and settled in Philadelphia, where he became a whole- sale grower. I If died in 1^45. and was buried at Laurel Hill. Letters of adminis- tration on his estate were granted. Septem- ber 22, IS.J5, to Willinm J. I Hiane ( 1^25 i.and Thomas Heath : S 25 . Robert Steen 1^27) was one of the sureties. He never mar- ried. He amassed a competence, and built the two houses, northwest corner Broad and Walnut, where the Bcllevue Hotel now- stands. He was an intimate friend of Koberi Fleming iSigi, and they were otu-n together at the Society dinners. Edward McCormick Burke, 1884. Born October i\ I- S 37. in Ballvfeenev, County RoM-ommoii. Ireland. lie came to the United States, June q, 1^)1;, and settled in Phiiadelphi i. April, iS6i. He was a house and d-.-'-orating painter in New York city, iroin r\S2 to 1^56, and. is nl>o eng.i'jed in tile sa:ne buMiies^ in this citv. lie is al-o manager for the Central Slate Companv of Northampton co . Pa. Stephen F. Burns. 1885. Horn December 26, 1X53, in Phillipstown, Kin-s co., Ireland. He came to the 1'nited States, August 25, ^73. a;;d settled in Philadelphia. lie i-- a hotel keeper, and is a member of the Shake.-pearc I >r Association. Thomas Burn side, 18:58. Was the son oi \V;lh"am I'.urn-ide, who cai America l>efore iScx), and who first settled near Norristown, Pa., but shortly after- ward located near l ; airvic\v. Lower Prov- idence township, Montgomery co., where j Thomas was born. The son studied law, j and was admitted to the bar, February 13, iSo4. Shortly after his admission here- moved to 'Centre co., where he attained a leading practice. He was elected to the Legislature, in which body he remained several \ ears. In i Si i he was chosen to the Senate, in iM4 he was elected a member of the Fourteenth Congress, and in iSiS was appointed President Judge of the Ivlev- enth District of Pennsylvania, comprising Wayne, Pike and Lu/erne counties. He resigned this position, and was elected to the. Senate, of which he was chosen Speaker in i- s -5- In iS4i.on the death of Judge l-'ox, Governor Porter appointed him President Judge of the Bucks and Mont- gomery districts, which office he held un- til January 2, 1^45, when the same execu- tive transferred him to a seat on the bench, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. He retained this position until his death, a few years later, March 25, 1^51. Asa Judge he was considered one of the most clear-headed and upright men that ever sat on our bench. Shortly after removing to Centre co. he married Miss Mary Flem- ing, of Bellefonte. Several of his chil- dren, who survived him, reside in Belle- fonte. Judge Bnrnside was a familiar figure at the meetings of the Hibernian Society, and on his death a feeling an- nouncement was made of the fact at a special meeting on March 27, 1^51. lie was somewhat eccentric in his manner, but possessed a soliditv of judgment which rendered his judicial decisions models of fairness and abilitv. [See " Ange's Biog- raphies of Montgomery co.," Norristown, [S79, p. 226; "Sdiarf & Wcsteott," Vol. 2, p. i.S3u.] Francis S. Burrows, M.D . 1827. Was a Philadelphia physician, residing at No. 2 North Hleveiith street. Arthur Armstrong Btirt, 1846.-- Sm of Nathaniel P.nrt :'<>.) . He was a dry-good-- merchant. lie died in i\s<). and v. buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. 1Mb will, dated June 2J, 1^53. and proved nr HY Julv ii, 1X59, jiuMitioiis Clarissa Annie Hurt, his \\ife, and Thomas Fleming, his father-in-law. Hi- bequeathed legacies to the American Sunday-School I'nion, ami American Hoard of Commissioners lor Home Missions, ami also to his brother, Nathaniel, and his sisters, Alice and Mary. Nathaniel Bart, 1804. Horn i,, 1770, near ( '.li-ngaritf, County Cork, Ire!. ind. I 'pon coining to this country he ^ettled in Philadelphia, where hessas engaged in the wholesale dry-goods busi- ness at southwest corner Sixth ami .Mar- ket streets. He was a prosperous ami niiu-'n respected merchant, and lived for many years at IK S 47. His father was a native of I. ewes. Del., and his mother r firm of Gallagher \ Hurton. southwest corner of Tenth and Filbert streets. He is a quiet, unas- suming, but sterling member of the Society. Jolni Byrd, 1887. - Horn October 20, i s ^'\ in the town of Mannlla. County j Ma\ o. Ireland. I le came to the 1'nited ! St.'ites in I -- .-,. ami settled in I'll i ladel] ihia j in i s ".'. I Ie i-- engaged in manufacturing ; sheet metal \\otl; ,'.nd rooting at i )is and | I.; i 7 (.' ith.irine -: : eet. Gc^i-iild ]:,vruo, 1802. Was the son | ' -I" K 1 edimnid !',\ rne i ~n< < . In the Litter \ %e- il-s of h'-^ life he sll Hi-red from a menial a 1:1 -.1 tii in :n:d diet 1 i n 1 \\ lie. I ^27. JTcMiry C;irinan Byriu\18M. Was the son '! Patrick !'\'!iie. a nati\e of 1 hi' I'.n, lie! ii;d. uho eini-.'r.ited to Anie: ic-i and became a bookseller in 1'hiladi '.- phia. He was a member of the Philadel- phia liar, heinj^ admitted to jiractice October 2, iM; v He ]>robably died in Ireland. He made a nil!, dated October 19. iSio, "being about to depart for Ire- land," and in it he mention-- his brother, Patrick Hyrne. and the hitter's wife. Isa- bella Lisle Steuart ; also his nephew. William Henry Ilynie. He probably died unmarried. James Byrne, 1790. -Was the bro- ther of Patrick Hvrne 179" am! diid August 19, 1795. His will, dated April ;. 1795. and jiroved August 24, 1705, makes a bequest to St. Mary's Catholic Church "for the use and support of the free school beloni;ini^ to the congregation at said church." Hi- mentions in the will his wife. Jane ; his nieces, Ann and Kleanor Hyrne, daughters of his brother. Patrick Hyrne ; her brother. Henry Hvrne ; his nephews, Patrick. Henry ami Jamc-- Hvrue ; his nephew. Michael Hvrne, ''in Ireland." son of his brother. Arthur Hyrne. deceased ; his niece. Mary Carroll ; her daughter, Rebecca Wilcocks, in North Carolina ; his brother, John Hyrne, deceased ; his niece, Hli/.abeth Hyrne, daughter of John I'yrne. Patrick Byrne, 179O. Was a tavern- keeper. He resided on the west side of Front street, below Walnut. No. S6. He was a brother of James I'.\-:ne 171(0 . He died in iSoS. His will, dated Julv 25, iSo6, and admitti-d to probate July :g. iSdS, mentions his son-in-law, I{d\sa;d Carrell 117901; his daughter. I-'.leanor Maher, wife of Pierce Maher ; hi-- sons, Uenrv, jami-s and Patrick I'yr'le ; his daughters. Ann P.yrne .UK! Mary Carrell ; his brother, lames P.vrnc. deceased; his granddaughters. Maria and Hlianoi Car- re!! ; and his niece. I-i'.i/a 1 eth I'.yrne. His executors, Kdwanl Carrell Matthew Care\- I 7qo\ were- both mi n; tiers of the Society. The Socie'.v meet- ings were he'd at " 1'vi'ne's Ta\er:: " tor se\ eT'.d yi-ars. td Byriuv 170O. W.K .-or.th \V iterstree!. His \\ill, embef H). ! S I7. \\.1S a'!in:tted M :% 2|, lS2n. He left a Son, ::< ..::': a daiii:hti :. Ca'dianne CA Ann Ta^ert. He served on the Acting Committee of the Society in 1793. Thomas Frauds Byrnes, 1890. Sun of J. lines Byrnes, a native of Dublin, Ireland, anil of Kilen Bvrnes, a native of Philadelphia, \\asborn August s, 1*59, MI Philadelphia. He studied law \\itli Hon. Lewi-- C. Cassidy, and was admitted to t'..e Bar. l'el>. 7, iNSo. He is now asso- ciated in practice with Hon. \\'in. S. Sten^er. He is a niem'>er of the Catholic Philopatriun Literary Institute, I. a Salie College Alumni Association, Common. \\ e.uth Democratic Cl nl) and Younij. Men's I >emocratic Association. Joliu Cadwaladcr, 1885. B.orn in Philadelphia, June 27, iS.i v v He gradu- ated from the I'niversitv of Pennsylvania, studied law and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, November 5. i s 'U. He is a son of Hon. John Cadwalader. Jud^e of I'nited States District Court. and^reat- grandso.i of General John Cadwalader (1771 . an honorarv member of the l ; riendl v Si nis of St. Patrick. lie has been I 'resilient of t'ne Youn^ Men's Dcinociatic Association and was appointed Collector of the Port of Philadelphia by President Cleveland in Au^u^t, iS\s. serving until July, is>>9. I'pon the formation of the Trust Coinjiany of North America, he be- came its President, and still occupie-- that position. Mr. Cadwalader married Mary Helen, daughter of Joshua l-'ranci- Fisher. Michael Cahill, 1855. -- Born in F.nni--, Countv Clare, Ireland, in March. iS22. He emigrated to America when twetitv vears of a^e. landing at ( )uebec in Mav, i~M2. and settled in Ph,iladi-l]ihia the same ve ir, where he pursued the busi- ness of master --later. He died August 21 lSS.r. ;><. IK- Chili, and became a wealthy and promi- was one of the founders and :l:s: 1'res- neiit citi/eii there, and was the author of a ideiit of the I'eiinsy!\ ama I'.rc Insurance book of travels in South America. p::b- Comp.iiiy. He had a larije family and re- li-hed in London. in 1^25. in two \ < <\ unics. sided at No. ! (3" ChcsMiut street. for It \v a-* this cousin \\lio o'.tained the chro- inany years prior to Ins death, which oc- nonicter of Captain Cook, from the eap- eur: e- 1 j line v 1 V 5'. He was a-cho!arlv tain of the American vessel uho dis- inan, and several of his children evinced covered the mutineers of the -hip decided literary tastes. When Captain " Bounty." on I'-.tcairn's island. The Marryatt visited America, Mr. Cald- ehronometer was presented l>v him to clench entertained that noted author at the British Admiralty Office. his house during his stay in this city. Jjimcs Caldwcll, 1802. Was a mer- A:noi!^ the children of Mr. Caldcleu.^h chant at No. 3 South Wharves and 6 I.anrel were Jane Caldeleug'll, who m irricd Z. street. Harton Stout, whos^ son, William Cald- JaniCS Caldwcll, 1810. Wasa-tore- cleuh Stout, is still living in I'hiladel- keeper at 2;, Strawberry street. !!< w is phia ; Annie 1'oyntell Caldcleui;h, who living as late as isj.j. married Willis C.aylord Clark, editor of John Caldwcll, 1790. Was a mem- the rhiladelphia (!<.ir:ctt(\ and a noted her of the I'Yiendly Sons of St. Patrick. Philadelphia poet; Rebecca Caldeleujjli, [Seep, mv) who married Andrew Staley, a merchant ; Samuel Caldwcll, 1790. Was a Robert and James Caldclciiudi, and Wil- mem''.erof the rrieiidlv Sons of St. I': 1 .'. Ham ('.. Caldcle-.i^h, who was tile author rick. Seep. 103.') of a vlume entitle.! "The branch, and Charles Callaghan, 1820. Was a other poems." and a collection of " Kast- mei'char.t. He probably died in Mav or ern Tales. " He also made a translation June, ! x v>. of Homer's Iliad, which was published in David Callaghan. 1790.--Wa- this citv. None of the sons were married. merchant at 12 S. \\'.!tcr street, I-KI S. Mr. Caldcletigll wa.s buried in the cemetery Water and 12 Lombard street. He prob- attaclieil to St. Peter's C!i'arcl'., Thir'i and ably died in October, :-<"j. Pine streets. The registry of the church George Callaghan, 1860. Horn in Drives a list of interments in the family Deaninand, Comity Tyrone, Ireland. He vault. Tie made a lar^e fortune by in- came to America, July 5. iS2u. and settled vestments in real estate in Philadelphia. '-a Thonn son ville. Conn. i'pon July ;, Amon- ,,ther nrnyierties he owned "Old iS; v s, he came to Philadelphia and eii- f -ouvd at Thirtv-sevi-nth and Walnut. factory!:! Pliil.'.delphia. where he !ia.l his sum-ner couMtrv-^eat." School Director in Delauare co.. Pa . in and the etitire square. l>omided by P>roa. i^'^. and uas Chestnut. I'ifie, -nth and Sansom streets, buried in \V'iod!ar.ds cemeh-ry. His son-. ,..,:,;,. ].,. j n eoniunctioi V.' r-h',, .-,,.,. purchased to: <;',.,,. The :'cr pr-pert v, at Idfteeiith md Chest- < -.tn-i-t< was pnrcliased bv the Vomit; M.-:: 1 - C!" i-!:an A -social ion . for I lie build !:UO\MI. -.the' i fterwards erected upon it. He Thonris Callahan, l^SO. IJorn in :.1sd owned the I'.ro.id street frojit of th,- C '-.mlv I >one.i;al. Ireland. M.'.i 111.', iV}2. present Mas, ,nic Hall i.ropertv. P.road at. ! C'v.eto America. November. !^-^j. and I-!'..--! "-d the I". S. Mi'i 1 ]iropert\ on -i-'tled in Phil id'-lpliia. wheve he i- en CA CA Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalrv Regiment during tlu- war of the rebellion, and was in the Seven 1 lavs' tight, the battles of An- lielam, Ciettvsburg, Brandv Station and iicverlv l-'ord. He was also with C.encral Stom.-Tii.in on his celebrated ten days' raid, and took part in many other cavalrx lights. He is a member ol' the Butter and Hgg Association of America, the l'hiladel])lr,a 1'rodiu-e Kxchange and Philadelphia But- ter and Kgg Exchange, the CatholirTot.il Abstinence I'nion, Catholic Knights of America and Carrollton Club. Turner Caniac, 1818. John Camak. of Killfallent, County Down, Ireland, the grandfather of Turner Camac (iSiS\ married Margaret Burges and had three- sons, the eldest of whom, John Cnniac, of Kurgan, County Armagh. Ireland, married in >7.}5 Kli/ai>etli. daughter of Jacob Turner, of I.urgan. linen-mer- chant, and was the father of Turner Caniac (IMS] and eleven other children. The eldest son, Jacob, was in the Kast India Companv's service and married a niece of Hyder Al; ; another son was Major-lien- eral Sir Bnrges Cam ic. K. C. B., and Knight of Ch arlc- III. of Spain; while one daughter married fames M O'Don- nell, M. P.. and another daughter mar- ried Col. Charles Lane, (rovcrnor of St. Helena. The family belonged to the Church of Kngland, Turner Camac iSiS . the second son. \vas born October 21, i 75 i , at I. urgan. graduated at Dublin College, and some yean- before his marriage was a Cat tain jd I'.attalion Infantry, ad Brig- ade. Kast India Companv's service. He was commissioned in 1779 by Warren Ha. 1 1 ifterwards residi -1 in r,ond< :;. v h.en '''' married, i mn n . .-, ; - f ^, Sarah Mas ters, ,,f phi ! ], '; ,] , : . ,' ., .. ,,| >;,,, Mas',. rs g:-an,ld lughter of Th..;:i i- !. I\N renci-, and si^ti r of M iry Master-, v. ho m rr;i : Rle'n ;d Pi nil. See page 146. J He came to Philadelphia in 1804 to look after his wife's property, but made this city his permanent residence and died here, lanuarv i, :.\v\ and was buried in Christ Churcli bur\ ing ground. Wil- liam Caniac. M. 1).. of this city, is his grandson. Mr. Caniac was one of the incorporators of the- Philadelphia Sav- ing Fund Societv. Fehniarv 25, iSig, and was a member of the Philadelphia Athcn.enm and a Vestryman of Christ Church. He was deeply interested in efforts to promote in ernal improvements, such as railroads and other means of trans- portation, and was noted for his large views and liberality in supporting them. He built the first ice-houses in Philadel- phia, and started aline of wagons to lirinj; fish daily from the New Jersey coast to Philadelphia. He also wrote several pamphlets on matters of State improve- ments, canals, t .^ r Upon receipt of news of the passage of the Catholic Kmancipa- tion Act in the British Parliament, the citi/.ens of Philadelphia, irrespective of creed or nationality, celebrated the event bv a public dinner at the State House - the last occasion on which that historic building was used for such a purpose. 350 guests were present ; Matthew Carey pre- sided, assisted by the mayor and bv Mr. Camac. Previously on February 5. i^2S, he had been Chairman of a "meeting of friends of civil and religious freedom in Ireland." lie was ;t liberal-minded citi- y.en. [See "Keith's Councillors of Penn- sylvania," ]>. 453.] Archibald Campbell, 1834. W. is in partnership with Hugh Campbell ( iS; v j , in the- firm of II. t V A. Campbell, dry-goods merchants. He was not a n la- tive of his partner. He died prior to IS.}6. Archibald Barrington Campbell, M.D.,18G7. Was the son of John Camp- bell, a native of Argyleshire, Scotland. ! !e was born in Philadelphia about iM< He u.i- a practicing physician, and served :L C surgeon m the armv during the Me\ : > an war, and also during the rebellion. He ua^'he author of several articles in the medical journals. He died in Chi. -ago, October in, ;.s-S, and was buried there. CA ;;-,:, CA James R. Campbell, dry-goods merchant Orphan A-vh;m ;unl the lefferson Med- in Philadelphia, was his brother, ical College for many years, lie is also George Campbell, 1790. -\Va-s a a member f City Trusts, member of the Friendly Sons of St. The institution of the Clirls' Hi^h School Patrick. Seep. lo; v ] of Philadelphia was illle to hi-. efiort- George Campbell, 1843. \Vas the while in the Hoard of Hdncation. 1'ixm son of ('.forge Campbell (1790). He wa-, the [full of April. I S.; I , lie "Hired a burn in Philadelphia, .March -?\ 17-3. He re-olutii >n at a meeting; of the I'.oard. t" studied law, and was admitted to the impure into the expcdieiiev of e-tabli>h- 1'hiiadelphia Bar, June 6, iS<>; v Heserved ing a Hi^h Sehool for girl>. Thi- res. >'.;:- in Common Councils, and was one of the tion \sas adopted, and Mr. Campbell v..i- founders and Secretary of the Musical appointed Chairman of the cummittev Fund Society for many years. He was I'pon September 14, i \J I , the commute-- alv> connected with the Philadelphia made a report, recommending a plan to; Library, and prepared the large catalogue the creation of such a school. This report of 1*54. He was a directoi ol the 1'hila- was adopted upon September 25, 1-41, bv delphia Saving Fund and of the Commcr- a vote often to nine, and the school \\\ cial liank, and a member of the 1'enn- became an accomplished fact. In the sylvama Historical Society. He died same vear, 1.^41, he wa> elec-.eil an honor- June ii, 1^55. He was never married. arv member of the Hibernian Smietv. Hugh Campbell, 1834. \Vas a part- ; I'pon September 17, iSgi, the Society ner, but not a relative, of Archibald passed resolutions con;j,ratu'.atinv; l:im on Campbell (ihj.ji. He was a native of the attaining a membership of iiu\ \ear-. North of Ireland, and a brother of Robert John M. Campbell I.^MJ is his son. [See Cam])liell, who settled in St. I.ouis, Mo. "Men of America," Citv iiovernment, He was tor over thirt\' sears a dry -snoods I'hila., iNS^.] merchant in i'hiladel])liia, and subse- James Campbell, 1844. An Iri>h- inieiitlv joined his brother in St. I.ouis, man by birth, was a broker in Philadelphia. where he died. lie was an active mem Johll Campbell, 1790. Was a tea ber of the Society, and served on the Act- merchant at i South Front street and ,4 in-- Committee in iS;,S and on the Finance Hiidi street. On hi- tombstone in St. Committee, 1*44-185*. Paul's Church, Third and Walnut streets James Campbell, 1790. -Was a isthe followin^nseriptioii : "John Camp- meniber of the Friendly Sons of St. ] ^ u - merchant, died November 14, 17.15, Patrick. 'See') Ml.1 in the fiyth year of his a.ije. 1'irm in his James Campbell, 1841. - Honorary religions profession honest in his prir.ci member. Horn in Philadelphia, Septem- P^'s. diligent in business, peaceable in ber ;, iSi2. P.oth his parents were natives demeanour, he left to each of his acijnainr- of County Tvrone, In-laiid He was, id- ance.s especially to his fellow-worship- mitted to tile T'h.il.ideli.hia I!ar, Septem- pers a lesson of instruction, ivmein- ber ; |. i^;;. He wasa memlierofthe Hoard hranee and hope.' 1 "Al-oof Doctor John of Ivlncatioii, ;Sjo ji ; Judge of the Court Campbell, son of John and Mai \ Campbell, of Common Plea^.tS.p 1*5.?, and Attorney- died December u, iSor.a-ed JS years an. IS C,e:i,-r;d oi Pennsylvania, i S5>-5; v rjion month-, \lsoMrs. Mary Campbell, wife I;,- Sj e--,-ion ..f I-ranklin Pierce to the of John Campbell, merch int. died Jan- !':e-iil.-iu-\ of the I'nited State.- in 1*5.', nary i;, '^'^, a-d! 71 yea:s." ippoi:;ted I'ostmaster (u-iu-ral. John Campbell. ISfiU. We can lind I 'pon hi- i v tii eiiien! t't oin the Cabinet in no inlorm if.on c<'ii> ern: r.^; 1: i in. is^7 he resumed '.he practii-e of tlu- law J-i);n Campbell, 1S(M. Horn iSi "i hi- nati\e city, uh<-re he -till lives in the nari-h of C.uillv, County Po\\n, !e>pected iii.l honored. liid^e Campbell Ireland !! came to America in i^|i, !ia- been i Dir-.-t'i' of -lie Hei't-tici i! Sav- landinj il \e\v \'o:k and fina'.lv -cttled ill; ! i 'u:nl ind i Tvu-.'.e-- of St. Joseph's in Phil idelplr.a. uhere he became a :nin- CA CA i::acturer. He was engaged for several vears in manufacturing colton and \\oolleii goods opposite Manayunk. He wa> a brother -1 Archibald Campbell 'A. c ampbcll iS: Co. . a prominent Manayunk manufacturer, and also ot' William Camp l.ell 118641. He die 1 July 8, 187;,, at Manayunk, and was hurled in Lafayette cemetery. John Hugh Campbell, 1880. Horn in Philadelphia. March ji, 1847. Both his parent.- were Iri>h. His f.ahei ua- John Campbell, a noted Philadelphia iiook- seller, who was compelled to emigrate to America for political acts and utter- ances against the British Government. He graduated from the High School in February, iSb.;. and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar. April 4, 1868. He was elected as a I )elegate-at-large to the Penn- sylvania Constitutional Convention, and served throughout the sessions of that body in 1872 -73. He is probably the youngest man ever elected on a State ticket in Pennsylvania, l-'rom 1^69 to IN;;, he was editor of the Lc^al (,'a~t\'lt\ and in 1X72 edited and published a vol- ume of law reports, entitled "Legal C'.a/ette Report-." In ! 80S he published a pamphlet entitle.'; "A Li-', of the Pro- prietaries and ('lovernors of Pennsylva- nia." In 1873 Mr. Campbell entered the Catholic Total Ab-tinenre movement, and since that time ha- taken a very active part in its affair-, both in his native city and throughout America. He w..- for eleven \ ears Pre-ideut of the Catholic Total Abstinence I'liion of Phil .delphia, the largest branch of that nrgani/atioii. During 1874-77 the I'nion buil; tin nifieent fountain in Fairmount Park i George's Hill, and it was main'.', through Mr. Cani])bell's effort- that the work was I .'.. At the- mon-ter meeting lie!d ii})on July .}, 1877, lie made the ad ferring t!:e fountain to ilie citv "in l: : ' l"i the free use of the American peo- ple." At tin- -:"_'. -tion of Mr. Camp ' :, the Cathedral T. A. P.. Soi ietv led, ii])on < >ctober 10, iSV:>, the first free public librarv in America of bo ' : ' ' : :'i r to Ireland, and it was at hi- -nu- : also that tin. Catholic Total Abstinence I'nion established, in 1875, a committee to look after the interests of poor emigrants landing at this port, a work which it has carried on, with com- plete success, since that date. He h;is been a member of the Pennsylvania His- torical Societv, Philadelphia Athemuum, American Catholic Historical Society, Irish National League of America, Father Mathe\\ Club and other associations, lie is ,111 active member ot the Academy of Natuial Sciences and is President of the American Association ot Conchologists. lie organi/ed the Philadelphia Parlia- nieiitarv l ; und Committee, winch raised ^5.000 for the Irish members of Parlia- ment in iS86. [See " Penna. ICncyc. of Biography," p. i 18. J John Marie Campbell, 1881. Born in Philadelphia, May ;o, 1850. He is the son O f Hon. James Campbell I'MU- <-' x - Postmaster-( General of the United States, and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Mav ;i, 1873. In 1880 he was a Presiden- tial Klector in Penn-vlvai:ia npo-i tlie Hancock electoral ticket. Mr. Camp- bell is also Secretary of the Board of Managers of St. Joseph's ( )rphan As\'lum. I le is a prominent I temocrat and ha- 1 >ee:i a delegate to nearly everv State O inven- tion of that partv since August. 1874. !n i8S.; he was chosen a delegate to the Xational I icmocratii- Convention. He has lie'-n Chairman of Philadelphia Judi- cial Conventions, and of the Mayoralty Convention of iSSi.and of the Receiver of Taxes Convention of 1884. Tie has been a member of the TV'.ird of Hdncation since- 1874, and has been prominently id< rtified with all the movements for the IK tter 'jovernment of schools. President 1 ,nd aj-/]iointc-'l him Surveyor of the I'orl in I^ V 5. in which position he served until I S^). since \vhich iime he lias re- tnrned to the prartiee of his profession. -- c " Men of Ami ricn " City C'.overn- - ; ladel]>hia, i^ v ; 1 Robert Campbell. 181-. Honorary member, ua- a lirotherof 1 [ugh ' 'ami bell |.S^4 i. I b -A - M nativi of tin N"< Till of ; , ' .. . ; .., ' mil to this ci .untrv and settled in S 1 . LOU:-. wher< hf l-eravie .T rlrv L'oods merchant, ( n: Man !i : v 1846. IIKNRY C. CARKY. CA CA he was elected an honorary member of the Society, in acknowledgment of ser- vices rendered by him in exchanging some Missouri State bonds held by the Society. William Campbell, 1864. Was a brother of John Campbell ^18641, and was connected with the Maiiayunk Mills of A. Campbell ,\: Co. William James Campbell, 1884. - Koru March 25, 1850, in Philadelphia. He- is the son of John Campbell, bookseller, a native of County Aimagh, and Margaret Hughes Campbell, Countv \Veslnieatll, Mid brother of John II. Campbell i I SSo . I le graduated from the Uni vcrsitv of Penn- sylvania m 1.^7 1, taking the decrees of 1 'octor of Medicine, 1^71, and l)octorof Philosophy, 1871. lie is also a graduate of the Central I ligh School. He has been ] rominently identified with the Catholic Total Abstinence Union, of Philadelphia, since 1873, <'i"d was Pre.-ident of St. Ma- lachy's Total Abstinence Society. He- is a charter member of the American Catholic Historical Societv. lie suc- ceeded his father in 1874 in the book ;;r.d publishing business, which he still Carries on at 740 San>om street. He is also a member of the Your.'..; Men's Dem- ocratic Association. Mr. Campbell has a wonderful knowledge of books, and is noted for his acquaintance with American portraits, his private collection of Thomas Vffersoii portraits being the best in America. The success of the Society's Committee in obtaining the portraits in :h : - volume is maiuK- due to his indefat- igable efforts. Patrick Joseph Louis Carberry, M. D.. 1884. Horn October ;,o. jS.jS, in Fuda-h. Count v Tipperary, Ireland. lie came to Philad'-lphia i". In;!'-, 1^57. He jraduated from the College of Pharma'-v '~. and f-om the Jeffer-on Medical ( < <\\ :'.:< in i s 71. II'- i^ i practicing phv- HVii'-v Charles Carey. IS'JO. Horn :: Phi: d'-lphia D-- einlu-i :.. :-c ( ; !!- w i- the -..!! of M .'.th.-w C s:v\ ^171.. . a::d M" I'.r id:;.-' 1" di iveu. I-'vom ihe a-c of ,;::-!,- bovl:. .d :; \\ - .1 bo, ,k -filer and sent him to superintend a branch estab- lishment in Baltimore. In the year iSr.jhe instituted the system of lx>ok trade sales. He became a partner of his father in 1814. In iSji his lather retired from the firm, and he became the leading partner ir. the firm ol Ca'.ey t V l.ea, siib-ei|Uently Carev, I.ea \: C.irey and then Carey .V Hart. He was lor the nut part the reader of the works selected for publication and. repnhlicaliou throughout th.e jeriinl of hi> jtartnership in tlu-si- concerns. In 1835 he retired from business, \\hich had been largely jirosperous under his direc- tion. In this assiduous study of books he obtained his effective education, uith little aid from other tutors. In i^ig he was married to a sister of the distinguished painter, Charles R. Leslie, and in iS25 visited I-iurope, accomjiauied bv his wife and sister. He made a tour of Hurope again in 1857 and in i\sq. During these visits he made the personal acquaintance of John Stuart Mill. Count Cavour, Hum- boldt. I.iebig, Chevallier and l-'errara, and other prominent men, and after- wards held frequent correspondence with them. He was one of the best known advocates of the protective tariff system. Inheriting an inclination to investigations iu political economy, and occupied, with business congenial to his favorite -4udv, he commenced his long career of discov- ery and of authorship hv the publication in i>\;.s "'" "An Kssav Upon the Kate of Wages." TlrN work was substantiallv absorbed and expanded iu his " Principles of Political F.coiio!!! v. " 3 vols. . ]>!i! 'Ii-hed successively iu I s ,;;. I S 3 S and i x >j. In October. 1^72 the seventy ninth year of liis age , he published the la-t of h.:s \\orksin volume form. vi/.. "The Ui-.ity of I.au. as l-:xl;ibiter.d CA CA In :S;2 he was a member of the Penn- sylvania Constitutional Convention. His speeches and reports in that body were pr.hlished in pamphlet form. Tpon April 2~, i.^so. a public reception was jj.iven to him at tin.- I. a Pierre House by the lead- ing citi/cns of Philadelphia. Mr. Catw died October i.;, i s ;g. in his Smh year. Besides his thirteen oetavo volumes he ; ublishcd ([iiite three' thousand passes in pamphlet form and perhaps twice that amount in newspapers. He never a>ked or received any pecuniary compensation for this work. Some of his works have l>een translated into several foreign lan^ua^es. Amonj^ his works are the following : "Kssay on the Rate of Washes ;" " 1'rinciples of Political Kconomv," 3 vols., Svo., !*.}'>; "Past, Present and I'uture," iS-l s ; "The Harmony of Inter ests," [S52 ; " Slave Trade. Whv it Kxists and How it May he Kxtinguished," i< s ,S,V, "The Credit-Svstem in France, (treat Britain and the Tinted States," iS; v S; "Principles of Social Science, "3 vols.. Svo.. [S^S-iSsg. [See .lintTican W'hig AV: .vrr. \'ol. i;, p. 79; /'cnn Monthly, Vol. I". p. s !7; "Memoir by Dr. \Ym. Klder," read before the Petin. Hist. vSoc., June 5, i."vSn; " P.ioi^r. Kncy. Penna.." Phila., i ^74, p. 22. ] Mathcw Carey, 1790.- " Was born in thecitv of Ituhlin on the 2Sth of January. 176-1. His father. Christopher Carey, at one time in the Ilritish navv, was subse- quently an extensive contractor for the armv, through which means he achieved t:i independence. The s<>n earlv evini'eil i jiassion fur the acijui^ition of knowledge, and i;i addition to some familiarity with Latin, soon became proficient in I-'rench, without ihe assislani'e of a master. To i" this, howevi-r, he studied as much as fifteen and sixteen hours a dav, hardly a!'. i'.\ ::iL' himself time for his mraK. ']'he i-culiar i ':llic>L, r r ijihy of his Christian name ;s rendered b\- himself, 'Mathew.' and :i')t ' Matthew," was tin- result of a philo- 1 ' '. discussion with one of his brothi i;nite a yi IIHIL; man, and his then .:::. ":j it a belief th it from its cleri\'.a- . ; '>". this was the correct mode of spell- "\Vhen about fifteen years of a^e it became necessary for him to choose a trade. He was decidedly in favor of that of printer and bookseller, which \\eie then generally united. His father had a strong aversion to the trade, and refused to look out a master for him which lie- did for himself, and he was accordingly apprenticed to a printer and bookseller of the name of McDonnel. A lameness which took place owinjj to the careless- ness ot his nurse when he was about a vear old, and which continued through- out life, was a constant drawback to him, and interfered j^rcatly with him in his career. "His iirst essav as a writer was when he 1 was about seventeen vcars old. and was on the subject of dueling, whi-h he coiuleiuned with -jreat severitv -tin.- oc- casion beini^ the attempt of a bookseller in Itublin to brini^ about a duel between an apprentice of his own and one ot McI>onmTs. As will be seen, however, after he came to the Tinted States, Mr. Carey was himself a principal, and was wounded in a duel. "His next attempt at authorship was one which involved most serious conse- quences to himself, and drove him int'j exile. Having directed his attention to the oppressions under which the Irish Catholics stood, and having read everv book and pamphlet on the subject which he could procure, and with his mind filled with their sufferings, and his indignation aroused, he, in 1770, wrote a pamphlet entitled 'The- Tr^cnt Necessitv of an Immediate Repeal of the whole Penal Code against the Roman Catholics, Can- didlv Considered; to which is added an inquire into the prejudices against them ; bein<4 an apjieal to the Roman Catholics of Ireland, exciting tllem to a just sense of their civil ami religions rights as citi/etis of a free nation.' On the title were Iiolil quota lii 'tis. \\'lieli n earl v read v il : advertised for publication :n a f< \\ with the title tia:.;e and its mottoes, n id the attention of the public was called to ; t by an address, couched in very strong Ian Allaire, and wherein reference was made t> i the fact that 'Amerii i ' >. i desp-.-r ; CA 3>J'.t CA efTort has nearly emancipated herself from paper, as mi^ht have been expected, par- slavery.' It excited considerable alarm. took lar^clv of the character of its pro- Parliameiit %vas then in session, and the prietor and editor. It> career was enthnsi- advertiseiiii-nt was brought before both astic and violent. It suited the tcinver houses. The publication was denounced of the times ; exercised a decided influence bv .111 association of Roman Catholics, on public opinion; ar.il, in verv short which, as Mr. Carey lias asserteil, 'par- time, had a greater circulation than ar.\ took of tile general depression and servile other paper in Dublin, except the /.':. >: spirit, wliic'na lonjj; course ol opj>ression in^ l\^t. wliicli had tiie threat merit i : n:iiformlv produces.' 'It was,' lie adds, calling into existence that 'jloriou-. ',..;. ; 'in .1 word, the most servile l>ody in of brothers, the Volunteers of Ireland, F.uropc.' This association offered a re- whose /eal and determined resolution to ward for tiie apprehension of the author, assert and defend the rights of coimtrv, and cii'ja'jcd lawyers to carrv on the struck terror into the P.ritish Cabinet, and prosecution in case of discoverv. The forced the ministrv to knock oil' chains authorship having become known to Mr. , that had bound down the nation for Caivv's father, was to him a cause of centuries.' L;rcat alarm, and efforts were made to "' 77::' I <>!K>I'I-,T\' J* >it>'>\: ', fanning the appease the wrath of the Catholic com- flame of patriotism which pcrva'iid t'ne mittee, and induce them to abandon the land,' says Mr. Carey, 'excited the indii^- prosecntioii bv an offer to destroy the nation of the government, which formed a entire edition. This was of no avail, and determination to put it down, if po-sib'e. after he in:;' concealed for some davs, Mr. A prosecution had for a considerable time Carev t on board of a Ilolyhead packet been contemplated and, at length, the and proceeded to Paris. He carried with storm which had so lon^ threatened, him a letter of introduction to a Catholic burst, in consequence of a publication priest, by whom lie was introduced to Dr. which appeared on the ,sth of April, 17*4, Franklin, then the American Minister to in which the Parliament in general, and ti'.e French Court, and who had a small more particularly the Premier, \\ere printing office, at I'assy for the pnrpose of severely attacked.' Accordingly, on the printing his dispatches from America. In 7th of the same month a motion was this office Mr. Carey was employed while made in the Irish House of Commons, this work lasted. Afterwards he found a for an address to the I.ord Lieutenant, position with the celebrated publisher, requesting the apprehension of M.ithcw hidot, who was then jirin! ir.;< some Fn^- Carey. He was arrested on the iith, and !ish books. \Vhileat I'assv he made the on the igth was taken before the House a' qnaintance of the Marquess i',e la Fa \-ette of Commons, when certain in terro^ at' 'ries w hose frieiidshij) at a siibst-qnent period \s'ere put to liini, which lie positively ' ecame one of the most c< .ntrolliiiL; in fin- refused to answer, on the ground that he e:ices ol' hi- future career. was arrested hvthecivil po\ser. and beiv.t; "In a 1 - out twehe months lie returned under Jirosecutioll for the supposed libel t Dublin. :nd the remainder of lii- ap- of the Premier. l:e was not amenable to 'rciilice--!:ip having ln-en pnrchasrd from another tribunal. II< prderreil ch.iry.es '.Donni la- eiiv i;.>< d for a tini'- as the against the Serjeant it Arm- in wh"-c er itrd ' ::;; I.o: ! Ma\ . ir. ' I >n; in-j. m\ stav ther.-. 1 s.ivs Mr. Care\ , ' I had lived o\-oii-'.\ comanies nf Lient'enien occ.i- CA ;;:o CA sionally dining with me, on the choicest Mr. Carey then told him, that upon receipt luxuries the markets afforded. of funds from home, lie proposed to estab- " Although thus frt-ed from the clutches lish a newspaper in Philadelphia. Of this of Parliament. the criminal prosecution the Marquess approved, and promised to for libel of the Premier still stood sns- recommend him to his friend, Robert peiidcd over his head. In the then in- .Morris, and others. The next morning tlamed state of the public mind, it would ; Mr. Carey was greatly surprised at receiv- liave been impossible to ])rocure a grand ! ing a U-tter from the Marquess containing iury to lind a true lull against him; lull ?-\'*>- 'This was the more extraordin..rv the attorney-general liled a lull t'.\'-i>f/if'io and liberal,' savs Mr. Carev, 'as ii"l a which dispensed with the interposition of word had passed between us 01, the sub- the strand ]urv. Mr. Carey's means \\ere, jcct ol giving or receiving, liormwii in a great measure, exhausted ; and. dread- lending nioiiev. ' Nor \sas there a word in ing the consequences of the prosecution the letter about the inclosure. Mr. Carey and a heavv iine and imprisonment, his went to the lodgings of the Marquess, but friends thought it best for him to leave his found that he had left the city. I Ie wrote native country ; and 'accordingly, on the to him at New York, expressing his grati- 7th of September, 17^.}.' he >.. vs, 'when I tude in the strongest of terms, and re- hail not reached my 25th year, niv pen ceived a kind and friciidlv answer. 'I drove me a second time into exile.' He have more than once assumed, and I now embarked on board the 'America.' Cap- repeat.' savs Mr. Carev, 'that I doubt tain Kciler, and lande 1 in Philadel])hia on whether in the whole life of this , 1 had select Philadelphia as his new home, for be found anything \\hich. all the chvum- the reasi >n that he had seen notices of his stances of the case considered, more highly examination before the Irish House of elevates his character.' Although this Common-- in t\\o Philadelphia papers, j sum was in every sense of the word a gift, There his case \\as therefore known, and .Mr. Carev always considered it as a loan, would probably make him friends. payable to the Marquee's countrymen, "He had sold out bis paper to his according to the exalted sentiment of I )r. brother for ./ ,5< *<, to be remitted as soon Franklin, who, -svhen he gave a bill for ten as practicable, and he landed in Philadcl- pounds to an Iri-.li clcrgvman in distress pocket, without a relation or a friend. <>r Americans he might find in distnss, anil evi-n an acquaintance, except those of the thus let ;'<<<' /< '//;/.'>. . : !ran ; ,i /:'::>/.'>;:;// > :'', ' '< The coin ersatii m turn in LI iqion ami the first numb; r wasai cord i ugly pnl tin flairs of Ireland, the Marqm-- --aid lished fannary 25, i;^.S. He received ' I he had seen in the Philadelphia papers an / ^ , from tin- sale of the \'<> ': /,< ' / >nr- int ol Mr. v irev's troubles \\ith the ;/,/.', in I)nblin. his brother having been i 1 Hi' :'. and inquired \shat had be- ruined partlv b\- the persecutions of the co:ne ol the jioor persecuted Itnblin pnn- government, and partly by the establish- ter. 'Alien he \s~as informed that he wa-- nient of an opjiositinn ]iaper of the same then in Philai'el]ihia. ( )n the arrival of , name under government pat n>n.e.;c. The the M irqui ~~ in '.I:a1 citv, he wrote to Mr. success of the f-'.rt-nhi" lfrt,i^l \vas not ' irrv re.;ui : . him to lisher bfinij Mnan. on the 2,sth of March rather --hop, was of very moderate di- lu- took two partners, and enlarged tin.- mciisioiis ; Init. Mna'd as it was, !u- had ; ; ; cr. It. howevi T, made hut jwor pn>^- not lull-hound hooks i-non;.;!i to nil the re-s until Mr. Carev, in August following, shelves a considerable portion o; them -. < >m me need the publication of tin- debates hciiiL; lilli-d \\ ith spelling hooks. He pro- ; the House of Assembly, a ureat novellv cured a credit at hank. wh:.h t iiaMt-d , d vantage over all its contemporaries, indefatigable iudr,str\. the most r-.^id " Parts' feeling in Pennsvlvania ran very punctuality and ir:: 1 - ili'v I'.e Lirad-.ia'dy l.i'jh at the time, and in the course of a advanced in t!:< world. !'o: f.'.en'x five 1'olif'c.d controversy he became involved years, winter and summer, he w as a '.w .1% s in a quarrel witli Coloiu-1 I : .lea/er ( )>wald, ]iresent at the opening of his store, w iio had been an officer of artillery during " In : 7>, ; he w as a mem he: of -lie C> m- the Revolutionary war ; and this difficulty mittee of Health, appointed for tlie relief resulted in a duel which took place in of the sick hv vellow fever, and of the ),. unary. i7 Sr '. in New Jersey, opposite to orphans made such bv it. The duties of Philadelphia, in \vhich Mr. Carey was this position were faithfulK and calmly wounded in the thi-h, from the ehccts oi fulfilled, 'and his whole life,' says pp.f. which he did not entirelv recover tor R. ]'.. Thompson. ' corresponded to the manv months. He, subsequently to the promise of that year.' He subsequently hop he had made against Colonel Oswald. White became President. "In October, : 7 s '), in partnership with " Hetween I7i/> and \/S lie bec'aiiie in- f.\-e others, he i-onimenced the jiublicatioii volved in a very acrimonious controversy i f tV.e i ': "'it ui ' : ;>: .U, a; d :.;.>,'. to the first with \\'m. Cobhett, which was not of his M.mhcr o r wliii-h he contribute]iap.ers -Cohhe'.t iisin^ Ills /' '.".:( time, are now (jiiite remarkable in their citf>hit'\\ < ,\! '.(*!/<'. Mr. Carev issued a i , li/ation. in Dei-ember, 1 7>-'>. owini: to |iam]ihlet entitled 'A Plum Pudd'.UL: for '- 1 1: Ka'v.li \ oi reali/ini^ iiroiits iriim so peter Porcupine.' in which lie says he.- -. i ..:-.:a rs a.ud other causes, he with- 'handled him with ^rea! severity.' He .:-.'.. l:\ January, 17^7, he issued the next published the ' l'o;cujiiniad. a Ilu.Ii -t i.;;in;-e:- of the . 1 !,T:, ,1 a I/;, ;';:tr.'--, , s \'o, UO-A exist in a ntimher .,::d pr:\ ite libraries, is ojii- o| i! .H-. and ] ireseiits a Lfra] .liic and ' :; rii ord of the times. I; u.,s is. .t d '.f -\ \ . ears, and lirou^li! to a c'o- ,- 'I':;:- i ruled 'he con; rovi r-\ , ,ind s-. : ' ,~ r ' true N. rv LJOO,;] f : i, nds. "-' ; n.t] ' ::-:". - wa- : vished .n:nieni-ed book -elliiii,' and da\- i-n . -r.::vl scale. !h has stated scale. His store, or that for manv vcais he was involved iu CA CA such financial difficulties and embarrass- ments that he was ' oppressed and brought to the verge of bankruptcy, 1 which 'noth- ing but the most until ing efforts and in- defatigable industry and energy could have enabled me to wade through.' These difficulties were brought about, he says, bv his own fbllv in over-trading. A feu figures in legard to his publications will give an idea how these difficulties arose. For instance, he printed 2.51x1 copies of ' Outline's Geography. 1 410, with a folio atlas of forty or fifty maps, price >12; 3, o< x> ' Goldsmith's Animated Nature-. 1 4 volumes. SYO. illustrated with a large number of plates, price 5io. In iSoi he publishe-d 3,000 copies of a 410 edition of the Hible, with additional references, for which he paid an editor >i.txxj. This book was prepared bv the collation of ! eighteen different editions of the Hible, > in which the most extraordinary number . of discrepancies were detected. Soon after the publication of this edition, the success of which was very great, he embarked in the preparation of a standing edition of the 4to Hible. Stereotyping had not then been invented, and tor tlr.s volume he purchased the- entire tvpe, \shich was kept permanently standing. About this time ' he purchased, for 57- " * ' ' school Hible, and also a large house in Market street, in which he live-d for many years. In I So 2 he was elected bv the Senate of Pen n- svlvania a Director in tlu- Hank of Peim- svlvania. which added greatly to his finan- cial resources. "In iSoi, induced by the advantages to literature, which had resulted from the fairs in Frankfort and I.e-ipsic, he formed the project of establishing a literary tail- in this country, to meet alternately at New York and Philadelphia. He accord ingly issued a circular dated December [Soi, inviting all publishers and bookse-11 ers to me-e-t in New York on the June. [S 12, for the purpose of bnviiiL!, \changinv; their public;! e out a constitution, \s hich was adopu-d, and a societv formed with Hugh Gaine, the oldest bookseller in the Tinted States, is president. The plan workeil well for a year or two, but it was found that country booksellers pub- lished interior editions of popular works, with which, by means of exchanges, they flooded the country. It was, therefore, abandoned. " In iSot). beins^ then a member of the Select Council of the Citv of Philadel- phia, he united with Stephen Girard and others to relieve real estate of a portion of its taxes, bv transferring it to personal property, when he published a pamphlet on examination of the existing svstcm of taxation in that citv. but \\ith no results. In iSio, when the question of the renewal of the charter of the Hank of the I'nited States, which was to expire on the fol- lowing March, came up, he took an active and earnest part in its favor, ne^lectin^ his business for three months, and pub- lishing a series of essays on the subject, Nearly all the Democrats in the city wen- opposed to this, and he made himself hosts of enemies by his course. " The publication of the ' Olive Hranch.' which was made at a critical period in the history of the country, proved to be one of the most successful books up to that time ever issued from the American press, and he regarded its preparation a> one of the. most important events in his life. The war of 1SI2-15, between the United States and. ( treat Hritain, had developed such an acri- monious state of feeling betuceii parlies ill the couutrv, as to appear to forebode civil war. In September, tS; j. Mr. Carev. in a 'moment of ardent :val and enthu- siasm, was seized \\ith a desire- to make an eifort by a candid publication of the numerous errors and follies <,:i both sides, to allay the public effervescence, and calm the embittered feelings of the parties.' Hence, he be-an the preparation of The Olive Hranch,' September iMh, and tile book 'A as through the press November 6th, and was. published on ihe Sth. I' w is i volume of 252 pages, 1211: >. The lition of 5> > i copies \\MS sold \\itlr.n ,i tew Wi'eks, and it \\ as revised md enlarged I roin ' inu- to time ii ' in three md i lialf years t'-i: editions were soli',, .moantin^ to i>>,o.>,> copies. 'A greater sale, probably,' as he has said, 'than my book e 1 -r had in this country , except sotne reli^i'j - :s ones,' n'j CA CA to that time, lie j^ave permission to sev- eral parties to print the- hook, without pavnicnl of copyright, ami editions were printed at Huston. Middlebury i Yt. i, and Winchester i \'a. i. "In iM.s he set laboriously and se- rionslv to work to prepare a vindication of Ireland. Accordingly, in the following \ear. he published 'Yindicui- !libernic;u ; or, Ireland Vindicated,' of which a sec- mid edition was published in iS2jv This is a lari;e Svo volume, involving <^reat re- search. " Marly in 1.^19, struck with the calam- itous condition of the United States, he commenced writing on political economy, investigating the causes, and pointing out the necessity for protecting our industries against foreign competition. Few men ever enlisted in anv public cause with more enthusiasm ; tew ever worked with more energy and industry in such a cause. He was one of the founders of the Phila- delphia Societv for the Promotion of Na- tional Industry ; he attended conventions in various parts of the countrv, and he made more extensive contributions to the literature of the subject than any oilier man had then done on this continent. Some idea mav be formed of the extent of this work when it is stated that be- tween iStc) and 1^1 his books and pam- phlet- on this question reached an a^re- iratr of 2.122 pai^t-s. To no other man, not in public life, sva^ the first protective tariff of i 1 -:;. ,- well as that more pro- ti ctive < me of iSjS, due. "In iVi he was presented hv citi/ciis of \V; hm'1'..'t' !'.. Del., with a handsome piece of -,;;\< ; plate bearing the following i n-c! ii i<:< ni : \\ tribute of gratitude to Mathi-w Carey, I'Nq., in approbation of 1.:- \\rit! :]'_;- o;i political economs'; prc- M-n'ii-d b\ -..Mih- fricnd> of National Indns- trv, in Wilmington, I)el., and its vicinity, A: i :1. I 1 ".. 1 1 ' In i ^ ; ; he w a- presented \\ it h -i -i ; \ i'V of i .late hv citi/eti-. of I'hil i- tlu-:i re-; <. < ' foj ':;- ],.;! .'.!,- ,-i >ndncl ,;nd llu-ii c-!i . HI :'. if !ii- ].ri\ n< \'". tne-, ; ' \\ l;o dei mcd l.;~ ' uholr IM: i , r it; !;h- :i t; i-n- conraLnni: exampie. i \ the imitation of which, \s it!'.' iu: the ,iid of otiici al ,-t.ition. or political power, every private citizen may become a public benefactor.' Some time previously he received two silver pitchers from other citi/eiis of Philadel- phia. " In 1X24 he was instrumental in reviving and carrying through the project for the construction of the Cher-ape. tke and I >ela- wate Canal, which had lain dormant from iSo.v Thi> undertaking involved weeks of labor, and of personal MHU itati'>n> for subscriptions. "In iS-j.s he retired permanently from business on a well-earned competency, and the remaining vears of his life were de- voted to public and philanthropic work, with an energy that never tired. Amonjr his correspondents were Washington, 1'Vanklin, I, a l-'ayette, Hamilton, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Henry Clay, and hosts of others in public and private life, during a period covering more than half a century. His writings, a tolerably complete set of which is in possession of The Library Company of Philadelphia, make nine lar^e Svo volumes. "He died in the city of Philadelphia on the 1 6th of September, i death was mourned as a public loss. His remains were toliosved to the ijrave by thousands of his fcllow-citi/ciis. A venerable and distinguished journalist, svho had known him IOULJ and well, an- nounced his death in the follow inx terms : ' The friend of mankind is no more. I.oni^ and sincerely will lie be lamented, not in hiudi places onl v. amid the pi imp and cir- cunii-lance of ^rief. hut in the -o'.itarv corner ol the ]ioor and the I: '.endless. I'pon his LM'ave holiest tears svili be -hid. The orphan :md the widow s\:i! wander there, and. in the heart'-- deepest accents, implore the blessings of heaven 111 on his departed soul.' " \- Mr. Carev was the originator of t'..e I iibernian S> -cietv fi ir the :< iii t of i :M L;r.int> fiotn Iiiland. one o!' ::-- t\si'.\e founders, and it-- liiM Seci'itars. \\ e h.a\e thon-1 1 .! ':: < -f inti re>t to n-pndut e above, almost entire, the admirabli- -ketch of his life written bv Ihnr\ Care\ I'.aiid, his Lrrandsoii. fur I he . \n:,-> ;.,,/. /; '>, CA -74 CA \""'. . 17, pai2;e 59. Upon the death of Mr. of the volumes of the 'Fxeerpta' shall Carev In-ill tj .uiiiouiH'eil at tile Socielv ever lie lent out." meeting on September 17, i \-,o, tlu- iiu-iu- [See //nut's .l/t'i'i'/uinf.^ Mj^aziiu', bers adjourned, as a mark of ropect. to \'ol. i, p. 437; AV.v /'n^:\inJ Mti^ii^ine meet .it his funeral two days afterwards. > l'>o>ton i ; " Carey's Autobiography " af- He wa- buried in St. Marx'-- churchvaid, teruards published separate! v ;, Vol. 5, pp. Fourth above Spruce street. Mr. Carey 404 and 4So ; Vol. (>, pp. bo, 93 and ,227; married Ilrid^et Flahavcii. daughter of \"ol. 7, p. <>i ; " Niles' Register," \"ol. 20, Roller Flahaxvn, and they had nine ehi!- p. 345; Vol. 34, p. 537; .-l/iti/t't'/it' .1/iig'ti- d:v:i, three of \\-hom /lied vonn-. The :,'>.'t'. \"ol. 13, p. 417; "Our American remaining M\ were: i. Maria, \\ho died Merchant.-," edited b\- Freeman Hunt, unmarried. 2. Heur\- Charles Carev, Hoston, iSo.j, p. 307; " ])uvekinek's Cv- marrii-d, but died without issue. ;. I\l;/a rlop.i-dia ol Ameriean l.ilerauire," New Catharine Carey, who married Thomas York, 1^55, \'>1. I , pp. n .ji > <; \2 ; "Ripley James Ilaird, I'nited States arm\-. a ^radti- and Dana's New Ameriean Cyelopu.'dia," ate of West Point and Lieutenant of Ar- New York, Vol. 4, pp. 431-433; "Alli- tillerv in the \Varof IMJ. Heiirv Carey Itone's I >ietionarv of Authors,' 1 Vol. I, p. Haird is their son. 4. Snvm M. Carev, 340; "Drake's Dictionary of American died unmarried. 5. Frances A. Carey, Biography, 1 ' r.o>ton, 1X72, p. I'M ; " lliblio- who married Isa.ic I.e.i. Henry Carev j^raphia Catholica Americana," New York, Lea is their son. And fi. I-Mward I. aw- 1^72, jjp. 372, 373.] reiice Carey, who died unmarried. Mr. John Carlill, 1890. -I'orn June 17, Carey's will mentions his sister, Margaret '^49. in Donegal, Ireland, and came to I'urke, and hi> deceased brot'r.er, [ohn America, March 27, I.V.>7, landin^at 1'ort- Carey. hind, Me. In September, 1^7(5, lie settled In Finotti's Catholic American Hiblio^-- in Philadelphia, where he is eii^a^ed in raphy. ]>p. 372. 373, a list of the \\nrks the liquor business. He is a member of written by Mr. Can v i- ^iven, >onu-\vhat the Catholic I'hilopatrian I.iterary hi- inc' >m]>lete, but the best list vet available. stitute. In his will, dau-d August 20, [832, ind John Carlisle, 1808.- \Vasprobahly to tlie I'liiladelpiiia Athena-urn hi> "col- uncertain. h-ction of bound pamphlets, from one John Alexander Carr, 1880. r.om liundretl and twenty to two hundred and April 27, i v 2,s. in the city of YVaterford, fifty volume-. He also made the follow- Ireland. His mother was the daughter of injj; bequests: Arthur O'l.eary, au Irish author. ^Ir I -:\-e and bequeath all my bound Carr emigrated to America when 23 volumes of ' Kxcerpta,' about one him- years of aye, landing at New York. An- dred and fi f t v voluuies ; the 'Olive .yust 2 J. 1X50, and settled in Philadelphia, '' ' ' ten i iitions ; t!:ree : - if the Se]>te:nber i, is-,,. He is a merchant 'Vindiciuj !Iiber:iic;e : ' lliree cop:,--, of tailor al in Walnut street, and is Presi- mv bo-.md volume on 'Political i'.con ,1, ,,t ..f the M, reliant Tailor-' Fxchanire. omy : th--.-e copies of my ' Miscellaiiie-, ;' He is a member of the Masonic and "' ' : ' :i'-i i-llaneoiis works in Odd Fellows' or^ani/.ations. and also ' ''' '"':::: . my />,''':'..' I'ufiinf, r' \ of the I'nioti I. ea- lie of America. Society ; ' ; - /": '': //'/- oftheSonsof St. (k-or^e, I.aS.'dle Literary cemetery, l-'ourth above opinion of Rev. Thomas C. Middle'.on, Spruce. ( >ne of hi- daughters. Maria, O. S. A., of Yillaiiova College, wlio has married John I>iamoud. The late Mrs. ST.eiit some vears in looking up the his- I'.. M. \\"dlco\, \sile of Mark \\'iilcox, torv of the An.ijustinian Order ill America, decease'!, was a niece of Mr. Carre'.l. this dale should be 1795. Alter his Alexander Curnc'k, 1854. Horn arrival he was stationed at St. Joseph's in iSjo, at lireysteel, pari-h of Fau^hau- Clmrch, Willing'* alley, where he ofii- vale, Countv Derry. Ireland. He i-- the . ciatcd as pastor of St. Mary's, Si. Joseph's son of Robert Carrick and Catherine I.it- alld .St. Augustine's churches. He \\as tie. He came to America Philadelphia. Vicar-General of Fastern Pc-nnsylvania in June. iS^i. lie was for many \earsin a:;d New Jersey under the first Catholic the cracker and biscuit bakerv businc-s, B'.-diop in the United States, Ri^ht-Rev- which is still carried on under the lirm- e:end John Carroll, of Baltimore, Md., name of David Carrick ,V Co. .at Uyo;, and from 1799 to iSo^. F'ather Carr was an uto.s Market street, his brother. David e!:;inent and useful citi/en of Philadel- Carrick, \\ho was his successor in the phia. I le was a musician and orator, and business, beins^ the senii >r member of the learned in sacred and profane literature. firm. Mr. Carrick \\as a Trustee of a He was the founder of" St. Augustine's Presbyterian Church. He died Mav j6, Academy, on Cro\vn street, one of the 1856, and was buried in Woodlands ceme- earlie-4 boarding-schools or colleges in tery. the Fuited States, and was one of the Peter Carrigan, 1882. Born Octo- teachers from iSio to iSi.j. He was also her, I ^,V, in Count\- Tyrone, Ireland. He the founder and first ]>astor of St. Aliens- i came to America when but a few months tine's church, Fourth street, above Race. old, lauding in Philadelphia in iS^i. lie In 1814, when Philadelphia was threatened is em^ayed in the business of tin roofing v,ith invasion by the British fleet, Father ' and manufacturing of copper bath-tubs. Carr was one of those who aided in raising John Carson, M. D., 1790. P.orn fortifications at Red Bank to resist them. November u. 1752. in Philadelphia. He After a lons^ life of activity and usefulness, W as the sou of \\'illiam Carson, born in he dieil September 29, lS2o, respected by Antrim. Ireland, March 25, i7- lS . He all '.vh.okneu him. :M'd was buried in the j^raduated as a doctor of medicine .it vault at St. Augustine's church. Dr. the I^linbnr^h I'uiversity. \\"as attend- Carr t"ok an active interest in the Hiber- in.i; ph\ -ician at the Philadelphia Dispeii- nian Sorietv and -er\-eil as one of its sarv resigned Mav J, 1 7 S 7 . and was, upon "Chaplains" in 17'C, i s ''~, |S|S;ind I^H). F'ebruarv J|. 17 V '\ a]']'oi'.:ted one ot a Morgan Carr, 1R20. V.'as a grocer Committee to draw ii]> " rules tor tl;e re.i; a' I 1^ South Third s'.red in |S.-o. I'l'oii illation of tlu- I >i-pensary." \\'a^ an Tune i. : v .';, we find a deed to him fora Ori-.dn.d ]-'el!ow, J.inuar\. 1 7 S 7, of :he !:o']-c and lot on the south side of C\'press College of Phv-iciaiis. incorporated -tree'.-. i!,- \\.i-. probablv h.-:e as earlv sii\ nf PeTins\ 1 vania. as r-o He served oji the . \ctim; Com- i-hair of Chemi-l rv coi< ft JTI 1 mittec of the Societ\-. i v ; ! i v -u. Car-oil, a r:,:::'>cr of ;';, Edwarfl Carroll, 1700. \Vas.imer '!': c;! in! at 107 South Second street and .' : '1'roop I'lii'.nit ';-h: t Ci", Ca.va South I'roul -'. ifet. He was uncle to the Sur-eon ot :; . Ma\ i : . : v Catholic Bish.ni of Coviu-ton, Kv. Ib- He died October .".. CA CA delphia, and was buried in tin.- SecondPres- byterian churchyard, Arch street above Fifth, and afterwards re-inter red in Mount Yernon cemetery. Joseph Carson 11790) was his uncle. Joseph Brown Lapsley tiSai) was his son-in-law. His will, dated April 30. I 7^4- proved October 30, 171)4. mention.- his wife. Ann Car-on ; his son [ohn Carson and his nine children, ]ohn, Jacobin. William. Mary, James, Febiger, 1'eter, Sarah and Joseph. His executors were Barnabas McShane i 17901, George Scott, James Davidson 179*" and Joseph North. Dr. Carson was one of the first two I'hvsiciansof the Society, elected April 5. 1790, and served for several years. Joseph Carson, 1790. Was a mer- chant at i) North Water street. His father was a native of the North of Ireland. He died in May. 1791. I lis will, dated May I, and proved May 6, 1791, mentions his niece. Ann Calderwood. ami six children, Marv. Joseph, Susan, Catherine, Fli/.a- beth and Ann. William Hell 1790' and Robert McCleay 11790 were two of the executors. Samuel Cars-well, 1819. Was a dry- goods merchant and importer on Front street. lie resided at No. 22 S. Front street in September, 1X2 I. He was prob- ably from Counlv Armagh, Ireland, as he mentions in his will, admitted to pro- bate, March 12, 1^22, his brother, Alex- ander Carswell, in the " Townland of MagiiarahK, in the Count v of Armagh, in the North of Ireland, within two miles of Newry," and also his brother, Robert Carswell; his nephew. Samuel Carswell, son of his brother, Robert ; and his sister, Mary White, widow, .ill of the same place. At the date of his will. September, 1X21, he had living his wife. Margaret Carswell ; two sons. Samuel Kin.-ev Carswell and Matthew William Carswell, and two daughters, Margaret Carswell and Marv Ann. wife of Rev. Dr. F/.ra Stile- !-;iv. I !:-- -on-in-law. Dr. ]'.'. \\ (".eneral John Steele and William Davidson were the executors name : in Ins w: 11. James Cuscadcn, 1867. Morn about 1^22 in County Donegal, Ireland, and came to tins countrv about 1X44 or i\Jv lie was with Bog^s .S: Kirk, whole-ale grocers, and left them about 1856 or 1857, and entered into partnership with John T. Bailey ^iXXo) in the bag business. lie died October, iX6X, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. His brother, Frank Cascaden, is now with John T. Bailev & Co., i ij>b Market street. Joseph Caskey, 181G. Was a grocer on Market street near Thirteenth. Daniel Casliu, 1861. Was a liquor dealer on Fourth street, between Market and Chestnut street. He was a native of Ireland, and died about 1875. Hugh Cassidy, 1850. Horn in 1815, near Donegal, County Donegal, Ireland. Arrived at Philadelphia in the ship " Os- prey " in 1832. In 1X48 he entered in the shipping and passenger business with Robert Taylor (1802) and James L.Taylor i 1X501, and in 1X72 he became a partner of James L. Taylor (18501 in the grocery business. He died in uSXo. He served on the Acting Committee of the Society, 1X60-1879. John Cassin, 1865. Born near Media, Delaware co., Pa., September 6, 1X13. I lis great-grandfather, Joseph Cassin. came from Queens co., Ireland, to Phila- delphia in 1725. Mr. Cassin removed to Philadelphia and engaged in the litho- graphic business, and was in the firm of J. T. Howen L\: Co. lie was a member of Common and Select Councils, of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Zoological Societv, American Philosophical Society and Pennsylvania Historical Society. lie was an accomplished ornithologist, one of the greatest of hisdav.and made the collec- tion of birds at the Academy of Natural Sciences his chief care. At the time of his death it was considered to be the finest collection in the world. lie wrote much, hi- principal works beini; the " Birds of California and Texas." " Synopsis of the P.irds of North America." " Ornilliologv o! ::: I '. S. Japan Kx} '< >rin^ ! Ixpedition and of the I" S. Astronomical Kxpedition to Chili, 1 ' " Mammalogy and Ornithology of the Wilkes'Kxploring Fvpcdition." and "American Ornithojogv." lie was a fine '".. Latin, r,n el : Hebrew scholar. and was one of the mo-t distinguished naturalist- this countrv has produced. I IP CA ;;77 cil died in Philadelphia, January u>. isoy, 1 1.^241, and brother of H. Wilson Cather- and was buried in l.aurel 1 1 ill cemetery, w <>< >d , .1,^54 i and Samuel U. Catherwood In the obituary notice in I/:, /V<_v; of '1^7'. January 13, iNby, itsay.s " The announce- Hugh Cuthcrwood, 1824. Was a nient of the death of John Cassin will be distiller at .21 I and ji 7 Cedar street. He received with deep regret by a lar^e circle served on the Acting Committee of the < 1 relations, friends ami acquaintances in Society, i.s;.} iN.jiy, and from is:;- ! X ^M this city and State, as well as by public H. Wilson Cuthcrwood, 1854. Son men in all portions of the country and of I high Cathcrwood u s 24 .. Uf" tile linn learned societies here ami in Kurope. . . . of II. ,v H. \V. Cathcrwood, li(uioi>, at \Vhere the i.iborsof Wilson and Audubon 114 South Front street. He served on ceased Mr. Cassin's task commenced, and the Acting Committee of the Society, it leli to his lot to describe with great skill i,s(x> iMq. and accuracy the many new species of the Robert Catherwood, 1818. \Vasa leathered tribe, which \serediscoveredby grocer at -)y Chestnut street in iMy. He the modem explorers of Texas, New served on the Acting Committee of the Mexico, Calilornia, Oregon and the Rockv Societv in IMS. Mountains.' His great-uncle, John Cas- Samuel B. Catherwood, 1857. sin, was a Commodore in the Xavy, and Son of Hugh Cathenvood 1*24 . Was a superintended the defence of Philadelphia merchant at 25 South Front street. He in the war of 1M2, and his uncle. Stephen died in May, iS;6. Cassin, was also a Commodore, and served George T. Chambers, 1835. AVas under Treble in the war with Tripoli, and in the grocery business at Sj Coates street received a gold medal from Congress for in i!\^7, and at 7 S. F'ourth street in i>>>y. his bravery in the action on I,ake Cham- He was born near lielfast, Ireland. plain in iSi.i. Isaac S. Cassin is his Joseph Ripley Chandler, 1842. brother, and \V:n. L. Cassin is his son. Honorary member, was born in Kingston, Charles Basilic Castle, 1884. Horn Massachusetts, Aiigu-t 25, 17. ,j. Here- in Valparaiso, Chili, October i^, I' S 55- ceived a common school education, be- None of his ancestors were Irish. lie came a clerk in a store in boston, but settled in Philadelphia in the fall of iSfiy. continued to read and study, ami soon He is clerk in the firm of Alexander began to teach. About I M 5 he married Whitten ,V Co., wholesale liquor dealers, and removed to Philadelphia, where he at ; 10 Walnut street. kept a successful school. He became James Howard Castle. 1848. --Morn connected with the I ni,' t \i .s/./A-.v i,\i=ft: t - in Philadelphia, June 12, ; s i7. He was in lS22, and ha\-ing made it successful, lie a member of the Philadelphia P.ar, ail- gave Up his school in lXj6. The (,\i: t iU' milted O. tober ;,. iS5S. He served as Pres- became jirominciit as a Whig journal. idenl of the- Hoard of Kevi-iou of Taxes. Mr. Chandler's connection u:'.h it ceased, Coiniiii-MinH-r (if F'airmoiint P. irk and a owing to ill health, in 1^47, when it was Ilirertorof ;],,. !',>;-,-,. N | Home for sujic-r- mergeil in the A ,>>'/>:. I n:.-> :, .:':. Hew.is anniia'ed actors. He wrote a number of a member of City Cminc 1 .!-* !rom !>;.' to pamplilets and articles on I'airmonnt Park i. s -|S. and in i.s;'5\\as a < 1, a .:-> to tl;e and oil -,! subject--, a nil took an important State Constitutional Coiner,: ion. 1 b was paM : :i -.,., -;irin- the park for the citv. He elected to Congress in ;>;\ and s--:\e'i died M.irc-h i .' : s "~. three terms. IK- spent im.ch i.l'h^tinu h'luniud C-istiHM-. Jr., 18SO. N in abroad fiom ^55 to l!u. -Ah'Mi -ale coal b'lMiu-ss a! ; , ,s \\-.,'niut \eir Pre-ident I'.iic:; .v an ap;'oi::ti .1 :.:::: -tr.e!. and re-.i'ies at Thirl v-e ; ghth and Mini-!ei :.- the Two Hew.- in Che-1r. ut -tree!-. He married a daughter Naples a', the lime of ; he ex pu! -ion of the i'l Philip Keillv iS;M. also a member. r.oiiibon-. and returned to Philadelphia An(i"o\v Jackson Catherwood, in November. I X 'M.. He took much inter CH 37$ CL prison inspectors, and a prominent mem- was one of the Counsellors of the Society, her of the Society tor the Relief of Public 1823-^27. Prisons. He published a " r.nnnni.ir of William M. Christy, 1854.- P.orn in the I-!::^li-h Lani^uaije " i Philadelphia, Philadelphia, January 9, 1820. He was a I.XJM . and main eays, pamphlets and banker at one time, and afterwards for adduces ii prison discipline, and other many vears a stationer. His sons con- snhjeets of general interest. IK- died in tinne the business at 312 Chestnut street, Phil id Iphia, [uly to, iSSo. Mr. Chandler under the firm-name of Win. M. Christy's \s is a verv prominent member of the Sons. I Ie \\ as a member of the I'.oard of Masonic Order, and created quite an ex- Citv Trusts, and at one time editor of . : i James Chriswcll, 1809.- We ean Samuel Chcsnut, 1819. I'orn July, Lewis Clapier, 1805. I'.orn at Mar- 1775, at the Strone, Countv Antrim, Ire- seilles, L'rance, about 1 7''\S. When about nut [St6 . He was first engaged in the Indies, remained there several vears, came linen business, and afterwards \\itli his to the I'nited States in 1796, settled in brother in the grocerv and forwarding Philadelphia, and died here in i s ;7, in business in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. the 7 ,d year of his age. lie was engaged In I s>o they were in the grocery business in the shipping laisiness, and traded at ^27 High street. He died fuly I, 1.^51, large! v with Cliina and Mexico. He was and is buried in Laurel Hill ccineterv. a man of ;.;reat enterprise and pcrsevc: His grandson. John H. Chcsnut, is a remarkable for his gaiety and evenness of member")" the Philadelphia I'.ar. temper, and was a benevolent and hos- Willuim Chcsnut, 1816. I'.orn pitable citi/.en. His will, proved in 1^7, .' on! 1772 or 1773 at the Strone. Countv mentions his wile, Maria Clapier, and h;-, Antrim, Iiv'and. He was engaged with four daughters, Dorothea, wife of Charles his brother, Samuel Chesnnt IM<>, in N'oviils. Maria, Theresa and Caroline. the grocery and forwarding business at [See " Philadelphia and her Merchants," 527 High street and in Pittsburgh. Pa. p. igS, and "Simpson's Lives," ]). 207.] He was the Pittsburgh ]>artner of the firm. Washington Keith Clare, 188-1. lie returned to his native place and died !' >r:i in Philadelphia, lYbrnarv HJ. iS.}5. there. He was never married. The I Ie was the son of Bartholomew Clare and brothers had Conestoga wagons running Catharine Scheller Clare, also natives of between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh be- Philadelphia. His paternal grandfather, fore the '.ime 11; the railways. Bartholomew Clare. Si'., \\.as horn in Samuel Chew, 1823. Son of IVnja- Dublin. Ireland, and his maternal grand- Chew and Kathcrine Planning, of father, Thomas McKinlcy, was born in '. nd was born fnne H). 1795. He the North of Ireland,. Mr. Clare was for : :nber of the Philadelphia P. ir. twentv years a printer, and for the last . ' 'i to pr:i lice April 1 s , }-<;<>. }[< five -.ears of his life was in the livery less. II.- died in Philadelphi i, De- cember s ', ; s ^7, and \s as buried in Mt. : .".::.-::' 'oils on! \- liis br. , tlu-r. r.i-iiia- Peace cemetery. : Cli .-.-, Jr. His brother. P.enjamin Edward Clark, 1803. We ean tind third marrii '. ! ' bi-th Margaret no trace of him. f Chief-Justice Til-inn George Clark. 1803. -A C.eorge Clark 11 "- .' randdanghterof Tench I'r-iti married I-'.le nor Wright in Ch.rist Church, CL >.'.' Co Hugh Clark, 18-11.- Horn March 27, buried in Woodlands cemetery. His 1796, in Dublin, Ireland. Hi- }> cents uill, d tte i March a. i\s s . and proh.aed were native-. Hi' Conntv Ca\eii, Ireland. Apr:! ij. r-v>_\ mentions h:> bro'hir>, He came to AiiR-riiM about IM\ and J.une- Clark ;iml Matthew Clark; hi> settled in Philadelphia about i S2o. On hi> sister-, I-:ii/.i ami Naiu-y Clark, and arrival, there bei:,^ no railroads at that IV^v Ann ll.il'.. now ri-idin^ in County time, he Carted driving a Cm->t<>^.i A!!'.n:n. Ireimd; !i.- -i-u-r, 1 .etitia C< Try, w.i.-oi: between I,aiica-ter and I'hila- wife of John COITY ; his si-ter, Jane Clark ; (K-!:>li; L and i-i the i.-inu>c l hi.- l>i!>ini- hi- :iu-. i-, Jviii:y Clark Corry, dan-htrr of K--.ar:''-'i ','' s'.n-ik tii-rniaii ihu-ntly. In hi-- si>tt.-r, I.rtiti.i ; al-< > [u!in Clark Chri>ty. i^;; ]:-. \'.a- a{j)intuil an Alderman i I\!i/i Chri>t\ and .Mar\- Ann Ch:i'-t\, tlii- i-;tv of l'hi'.. l dei])hia liy IJovt-nior r';i!drt-n \ his ilc-ri-a>L-d si>ti-r, Marv \V'>!f fur tlu- old di-trii-t <>f Keii-inxt"! 1 -. Christy, an.'i lu-i liusband, [anus Chrir-ty, and he retai'.iL-d this ]>osition until his residing in A'dr^la-nv, Pa., and hi>lirothi-r. death. IK- was also a ConiMii^ione:- f'n and a 1 )ircotor and Controller et'.e eeineU-: -v. Ile^avi-a it ;jae\ to 1'ejin- of the I'nMir Schools. He was a I )irertor sylvania Ho-.]i:tal for the Insane, and aKo of the Maiiufai'tnrers' and Mei'lianics' to Fir^t, Second and Third As-oeiati- I're>- Hank. He died Iune2->, i.^nj, and \vas hyteriaii cluirrhes, and apjuopriated some buried in St. Michael's reiiieterv , Second inoiu-v to bny a fainiK'lot in \\'oodlands and leffer-Mjii >treets. Alderman Clark ct-ineterv. v^anuiel IIooil us;; , John was a noted ti^'.uv in Kcnsiiiijtoii, and \\'ooilside (iS5ji, and John Curry \\e;v was widely known throughout the city. named as executors. His cousin, Francis I-:, i'-radv i x)'". was William R. Clark, 1858.-- We know a member of the Society. He left snrviv- nothing concerning him. in- him a m.>t!ier, Hrid-et Clark ; four Mallichi J. Clcary, 1884. Horn brother^, I-M ward, Patrick, James and A:i-u>l o, iS.ji.in Pott>\-il!e. Pa. He is a T'nomas Clark, aiiil a sister-in-law, Mr>. >o:i ot jame-. Clear\-. a natue ai C<'iii;t\- I-:;ien Clark, wife of Patrick Clark, de- Wcstmeath, Ireland, and Mary Curry, a ceased, now living at >o:ithwe.-t I-'oiirih native of Coinitv Kilkenn\'. Ireland. He and Master ^treet^. is ;n the hisinir biisine. Hugh Clark, 1850. Was a -rocer at Martin Cloary, 1881. liorn Ar.-nst Tenth a:i.i Spruce. He v/as born in iSio S, : N 2^, near Castlchrid^e. Cotintx \\'< \- i:i Countv Antrim. Ireland. He died ford, Ireland. When ten years til a^e he Sept-.-ti; 1 'i-r 5, :^ ; 7. ar.il \vas buried in came to America, landing at PhilaiU-lphia. \\'oo,;; ,;;.;, cemetery. '. le was a brother in the -print; of iS.jq. IK- v. ..- en-a-ed ol John (.' ii'k ;'^J . 'i'here \\ere three in tile lime and coal bi:--i!!es- at the>or.lh- b: >ihcr> J"lm, 1 1 .:u!i and lames. we-t coriu-r of Ninth -t: eel and i ', : i:d Jamos Clark, 185'J. Was a grocer at avenue. He died I >ccem l er s. i-.s >-itlifi-: 1 iiMi an.l Plum in 1^5^. I'.orn Richardson T. C'loiiKMits. ISiZiV i:i Co'.inr v Atr.rim. Ire', iiid. in iSo;. C ime He i lied in !M ' -ru .; \ . : - : N . I.i i tei - of :! \\.is .! brother of Robert I! C'n nieiil-- \\ ;> o;:t of the and of Iln-h C! irk >nre!ie.-. Jnnies C'londoinnim'. 1S;M. I.i\td .''C'IM Cl'ii-k, ISM'!. We can find oTiTeinh Mivet. -i cond d", .; 1 i ! .\\ P. .; ' >:ie.iT: i;iL' him. Joshua Clibbiu'ii, 17!-~. \\ a Jniin C'lark. ISa.'i. \\'as in the member of (I;.- Actinv: Committee ot the .'.rod-:-, lvi--.it!!-- - a! 1 :!'h and 1'iuni -treet. >i>ciei\ in i; .'>. IP v. - botii in Comity Antrim. Inland. AlrxaiHUT ( '<>.'! i r;i :i . 17!'0. Alex- al iont : a", d came to Pliiladeljihla ander and \\"; '. ' '.' r :i : ~' ,< \\ ere about :.vj. He c.u- ! Auri!. iN'..\ and was m, rch ;;r .1 'iCh.-::--:; .t.u-el. CO 3NO CO Daniel John Cochran, 1836. Born at Ouigkv's Point, County Donegal, Ire- land. I lo emigrated to America in IN.^V landing at Philadelphia and settling here in March of that year. He was fur inanv years in the dry -goods business and was formerly a member of the Hoard of ('iiiar dians of the 1'oor. Mr. Cochran married a daughter of Henry McM.dian 1.1^24 , He died November, iS.\s. ( '.eorge Coch- ran. I'nited States Navy, is a son, 17 Woodland Terrace. West Plliladci] 'ilia. William Cochran, 1790. < >t the firm of Alexander X: \Villi;ii:i Cochran, merchants at 5.) Chestnut street. William Cochran, 181:5. \Ve can find no trace of him. Michael Cochrane,181G. Was pn>h- ahlv a grocer. Rev. Gerald P. Coghlan. 1884. Born Inlv 4, i.S.js, in Foxfonl, County Mavo, Ireland. Came to America : Balti- more . October is, iNdfo. and settled in Philadelphia, l-'ebniarv 10, iSn-. He was educated fur the Catholic priesthood at the Seminary of St. Charles Borromco, Philadelphia, and was ordained Priest, October IN. IN72. He was --lationed at Immaculate Conception church. Front and Canal streets, for four \ears; at St. Mary's church. Fourth above Spruce street, for one vear ; was pastor of St. Alov>ius church, Pottstown. Pa., for four years, and was pastor of St. Peter's church, Reading. Pa., until he was made pastor of the Church of ( >ur I.ady of Mercy, Phila- delphia, of which he has now charge. John Barry Colahan, 1846. Born in Ballinasloe, County Ctai'.vav, Ireland, Mav i\ :Si5. He emigrated to America in IN' .VI, landing at Alexandria, 1 ). C..aud settling in Philadelphia in iS.p. He was elected a member of the Hibernian So iety, of Baltimore, in iS^S. At fir-.', a civil engineer, lie afterwards Mudicd law and. was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar. April 15, is ] -. He has been a I lirec'or ' 'I St Ji ihn's ( >r])han As\ him, St. Vin- cent's i [ome, rind W> -t Philadelphia In- -' : e, ITU! is .! meml ier of the kefi >rm Club (' tholie Club. Sucial Science A-o- ciation aiid I.a-A \s^uciat ion. and President of the Particular Council of the Society of St. Vincent tie Paul. Before removing to Philadelphia he was Assistant Kngineerof the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, Resident Fngineer of Kastern Shore Railroad, and Assistant Hngineer of the I'nited States on the Texan Boundary Snr\ey. Mr. Colahan has also taken a lively interest in militia organizations, being Captain of the Montgomery Hiber- nia (i r eens, Ca]>tain of the Washington ('uards, and l-'irst Lieutenant of Hamilton kif.es of West Philadelphia. Edward Colemun, 1830. -Born July .}. I7y2, jirobabl\- in Lancaster, Pa. His father was Robert Cuieman, a native of County Donegal. Ireland, who came to America in 17(14. and married, October 4, 1773, Ann, daughter of James Old, of Lancaster. He was admitted to the Bar, April 20, 1815. He died lune 6, iS.ji.iu Philadelphia, and was buried at Laurel Hill cemetery. Henry Phillips Coleman, 1883. Born in Philadelphia, August 28, 1859. C.raduated at Mount St. Mary's College, Kmmittsburgh, Md. kiccivcd the de- gree of Bachelor of Laws from the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in ;SS2, and was admitted to the Philadtlphia Bar, Jr.nc 17, iSS2, where he lias siiuc followed his pro- fession, lie is a son c f Henry T. Cole- man, also a member of the Philadelphia Bar, and a grandson of Henrv Coleman, a native of County Cork. Ireland, who em- igrated to America about 1771), and who finally settled in Philadelphia between I v i '6 and tSif). Mr. Coleman was one of the Counsellors of the- Society, iSS7 -iSqi. Samuel Colhoun, M.D. Burn in Chamber^burg. Franklin ro., T'a. Was a physician, and Professor in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. He died April 7, I N.J i, in this city, aged 5;. Rear Admiral F.dmund R. Colhonn. United Stale- Navy, i-- his nephew. I >r. Colhoun w.i- one of the Physicians of the Society, i V ; v - :'- ;'i. James Collins. 1790. Was a mem- ber of the Friendh Sons of St. Patrick. co :is] co inully the firm was at Chestnut stn.-i.-t vears of age, landing at Maltimore, Mil., wharf. Ho was a nepheu oi" \\'i;iiam R. in August. iS.-.r>, and settled in Philadel- Thompson il.S26i. IK- \\as 1'oni in-.ir phia the -a:i:c vear. IK- died I >eeemher Cookstown. Countv Tyrouu, Ireland, anil 2<>. 1^79, and is buried in tlu- Cathedral came to America between iN4o to i\J,v eemeterv. I K- \s :ts a >ii-. ili T in granite ami He died November ). r->.s.v bine stune. John 1'.. Comber i x\} / and John Collius, 1347. I lonorary IIR-IH- Kdward K. Cumber < iv ( i are his sons. '.:-. \Vas a merchant, who look a prom- Williiiiu Kent Coinmilis, 1885. iiient part in tin.- Irish Rt.-lit.-f l-'nnd Was born in Watorford. Irt-land, February ;IK>\ vnient in 1^47, and was -.UvU-d :in i , !>)-?,,, in thi- >aiiR- hy him in that OOIHR-I-- prninim-nt mt.-niln.-r of tin- \"oun^ I;'cl.i:id 'ii>n. I'art\- in his nati vi- ciumtrr and at OIR- tinR Joseph Collins, 1351. Morn in Nov.- IR- had to ik-c tu I-'.Miirr to VM-.IJH- arn-st. to\\ n-I.imavady, Iivland, and came to IK- and his hrotlu-r, I'atrirk Connnins, 1'hikidt-lphiu iti iS;,i. IK- was in UR- coal wore k-ssi-t-s of ;!u- i-ntin- mail coach i>iisiiR-ss and was at one tiiiR- a Suporin- and jaunting far s\sU-ni of ronvi/yaiifv tcntlent of the Penns}'!va:iia Raiiroatl. He through 'lit- so;i;h and ui-st of lr,-!.uid. was a member of the < >dd l\-ilows and In 1^7; he uas mavor of his n itivt- city. Masonic oryani/.atioiis. i ie dird June 24, He \\as also founder and builder of the 1874, ajj;c'(l about ()2 years, and was buried water \\orks of \Vaterfonl. IK- - .\as also ;u Laurel H;!l ce:iR-tery. He served on ens^a^'ed for a ^reat man\- years in the the Acting Committee of the Societv. hardware business In hint-. i s 7';. ho l86o~iS6S. cam;- to America anil located in New Peter F. Collins, 1884. Horn at York, \\here lie represented the linn of Minister, Cambri i co., I'a.. was the son H. I,. Judd >S: Co"., of New York, in hard- of I'l-ter and Sarah Collins, natives of ware, upholsterv and brass gooils. In Ireland,. IK- served two terms in the 1885 he removed to Philadelphia, and died Legislature from Schuylkill Co., I'a. Ho hei'e November 22. i.sss, and \s.is buried resides at Hellefon.te, Centre co., I'a., and in Old Cathedra! Cellleter\ . He has a has been for man v vears a prominent e<>n- daughter now living in California. Mr. tractor for ra;l">al.-> and other public Commiiis was a familiar li^ureat the So- uorks. ciet\- meetings. jo\-ial and good-natured, Williiun Collins, 1851. \\"as pro!)- ami universally liked \Vhenhedied.Mr. abl-.- in the provision business, u:d died Peter S. Pooiier and others of fiiends about March. :S'>S. caused to be erected a haii'lsome inonn Edward Eugene Comber, 1891. ment i>ver his -rave. Sen of IO!IP. Comber- i^hi , was born in John Condon, 1882. \'>-:\ \iiL, r ust ;, Philadelphia, May 27, i S6y. He is in the iS.s.j. in Phil.ide'.] iln.i. His grandparents insurance business. uere Irish. I Ie is a merchani tailor, tio\v John Bernard Comber, 1884. Son in the firm of John Condon v \ Co., of lohn (,'ombcr iso; . was liorn in Phila- Chestnu: -.tree*.. delphi i. December ;. is--;;. Hewa.sedii- Michael Conlan. 18(5(5. Horn in c fed .1- I. i S ille College, and in tSS<)\vas Parish of I.essin, Conntv Dt-ri-v, Ireland. .-ppoin'.-d Snper : :M..-!ideut of the IIIOIM-; He c mie ! > Phi! idelphia '::: : :!- d- i -ion in Philadelphia post-office, in the li.juo! business ,,n 1'outlh street ::.-h ;i. sition he still .n-eupie-,. Hem,! above (.'lies' mi'. . He died March 5, --.., ri.-d, ili i--v ( , A-nes, .laughter of Chas. a-ed ;, ve.irs : nd ua- '.uried ;:; Old K'-onc : sSo . ' Se '- Philadelphia and Cathedral cetneterv. .: Phil idelphi.ms." p. 2S. ] Horatio P. Connell, 1801. Slu-ritf. John Comber. 18(51. P.orn in Ma! I lid no! return his blank. linasloe, Countv iVilwav, Ireland, Fun-.' John CoTinelly, 170O. In :-:] he 21. iSr-. !\:ni-: .' - i > America when i i was one of tl;-.- Committee of 1 vience of CO the citi/.ens of Philadelphia. lie died l-'ebriiarv 3, 1*27, and was buried in the Third Presbyterian cemetery. Patrick Connelly, 1790. He died in March, isifi, leaving a son, John Con- nelly. Robert Connelly, 1790. Was a resi- dent of MoiU^omeTy co.. Pa. Harry Connolly, 1852. Was a pojml.tr wine me.-re-h.mt, northwest corner Seventh and Chestnut streets. ilisc-tab- lishmeiit was the resort <>i prominent men fro ni all parts of the country, including lienton, Calhoun, Webster, Form-v, Ilii- clianan. etc., who went there and fre- quently talked politics in Mr. Connolly'-; back r< Him. John G. Connolly, 1859. Kept a restaurant at 527 Chestnut street. The IIiber::i..u Society sometimes held its meetings then. He uas a native of Countv Antrim, Ire-land, and died in Philadelphia. James Connor, 1884. When elected he lived at 1407 S. Fifteenth street. He- is a mannfactr.re-r. Cornelius Conrad, 1808. Was a member of the- firm of C. and A. Conrad iV Co., booksellers and stationers, etc., 30 Chestnut street. Patrick Conroy,1887. \Va< a 1 uild- er. 1709 South Hroad street. He- died I'el >ruarv 9. l.SSS. Alexander Convery, 1855. \\'as born iSj^.in the- Parish of Mahra, County I)errv, Ire-land, ,md came- to I'hiladelphia in Mav, iS.}2. He was in the- coal trade. and was a Hire. -tor of the North Penn. Railroad. He died August 24, iS6e,. and A as buried in ('de-n Chaplain. Mahra. e. ' >untv I )errv, Ire-land. Denis Conway, 1882. Horn Dece-m e-r 25, : S 27, in Strabam-, Count\- '!' ron< 1. Fmi jrated to America at Philadelphia June :/ th ' ' settled he-re-. He :- ,: t:e moling business at 1411 North S<-\ treet. Francis Conway, 1873. Horn in ~ : 7. in 1 .'.'.I'-lou'jhtiu. Countv Tvrone, I. Came In Ami : . I'hiladi :phia in ' s >7- Was a m.mufac: lire r of oa] nd'j r many vcars. He died January 2, iS\v and was buried in Cathe- dral ceincterv. His sons still continue the business at l 19 South street. William Conway, 1864. Was in the livery business. I.ocust below Twelfth street. He uas born in Countv Tyrone, Ireland. Alexander Cook, 1803. Was in the soap and candle bnsine ss at 136 and 140 North Fourth street as early as 1704. He served on the Acting Committee of the Society in I, Si 3. EzckielC. Cook, M.D., 1823. Was a practisinsj; physician at 13.^ North Fourth street. He was one of tile Soe'ietv phvsi- cians, iS23~iS^2. Hugh Cooper, 1803. Was a grocer, at Mulberrv street. He probably died in August, i- v 3. He sc-rved on the- Act- in!_ r Committee of the- Society, ;Si2-i.M6. Bernard Corr,1866. Was born June, iN2\ iii Parish of I.issin, County Derry, Ire-land, and e\>me to Pliiladel]>hia in De- cember. iS.ji), wh.ere he is en.^.i^ed in the wholesale licmor business at tile southwest corner of Heach and Hrown stre-e-ts. He is a Director of the Kensington National I'.auk. David Correy, 1823. Was a mer- chant at F'rout and Walnut streets. ( )n the v th of .\]iril. 1^27, he went to Port- au-Prince to en^a^e in business there, ami died a few months afterwards. Robert Correy, 1790. Was a whol< - sale grocer at 71 South Water street. In his will, dati-d August I i. iSi.S, and ]>royed nth of August, [S2I, he- mentions his nieces, Maria Smith. Susanna Fe-kert, and lili/abeth. Ann, Susanna, Mollv and Kitty Carson, daughters ot the late Jost-ph Carsnii 1 791 . ; T'avid, Tliomas, (',e-ort, r e\ Robert and Samuel Correy, sons of (',eo. Correv. of New London, Chester co., Pa.; hi- iu-])hew, John C. Smith; William H. Smith; James Reed. Jr.. son of James Reed. Siv ; niece, Aim Kecd ; d aiiidite-r, Mar\- Ann Correy; hi< brother-in-law, Dr. \\'il!iam Smith ; Jame^. L'rederick and Mary I-ckert ; hi- brothers. William K. and C.eor^e Correy; ( "le-or^e- Co: rev Car- son. The executor-- were Dr. Wm. Smith, James Reed. Sr., Jam'--- Reed, T r., Wm. II. Smith and John C. Smith. He- left I:CKLKY 15. COXI- CO >-'. CO legacies to the poor and indigent of the stone." [See "Pennsylvania Archives," l ; irsi Presbyterian Church, tlu- Philadcl- 2d Series, Vol. i, p. 7 s .] phia Hospital and the P.ihle Society. Judi; Alexanders. Coxe, 1810. Was horn iui; from his will, lie owned lari;e tract- of in Philadelphia, An-n-l 14, 171,0, ami died land in Che-ler. I'.utler, Northampton and there October ;, I , i>ji. He v.as tin- son ]i.ni]>hiii counties. "I Tench Coxe I7y>', ;md \\a- a member Robert Corrcy, 1814. Was pn>b- of the Philadelphia liar, hein- .tbly a nephew of Robert Correy I 70. , March 5, tM2. He was one of the COUM anil was a l-o in the ^roccrv business. \\'e sellors of tile Society, \^\< r iSji. have nothing definite concerning him. Charles S. Coxo, 1817. W.i- Tliomas Costigan, 187M. I'.o:-n at in Philadelphia, July ;i, 171,:, Nine Mile House, County Tipperarv. Ire- at I)riflon, Pa., Novemhi r ly, : v 7-< !! land. December 22, iS2y. I-'.ini^rated to was the son of Tench Coxe 171,0 . A: the America \\lu-n J2 vears of ajjv. lauding in time of hi- death he was the senioj ni( m- Phil.Lilclphia in i.\S2. He i- a railroad her of the Philadelphia I'.ar. He uas cotitractor. lie was a member of the Associate Jnd^c of the District Court of I'niied Iri-hnien, 1^55 5'>. and i- now a Philadelphia, commissioned < ir'.oher 2.;, member of the Catholic Philupatrian I, it- iSjf',. and President of the P.oar. 1 of l>irec- e:.iry Institute. tors <>t the Ka-tern Penitent:. ir\- at it- Jarncs Coulter, 1871. P>orn Septem- foundation. He was one of the Counsel- bi-r 6, 1^27. ill Ardara, C'ouiHv I)ouei;al. lors of the Society, iM9-iS2i ai;d 1^2^- Ireland. Ivmi^raled to America in i,\;,\ iS27. landing at and settling here njton A]>ril Eckley B. COXC, 1883. \Va- lorn 25th of that year. He is in the coffee- in Philadelphia, lur.e .(. i.\v>. lie is the roasting business. son of Charles S. Coxe (1^17 . a;:d tr.e Pavil Cox, 1790. Was a native of grandson of Tench Coxe u 7>/ . He is a Ireland. On March 17, 1775. we find him mining engineer b\- ])rofessinn and has ret:istereil as Master of the ship "liar- been President of the American ln-ti- c'.ay." iSitoiis. He was elected a mem- tute of Mining l-'.n^ineers. He is a mem- ber of the Society for the Relief of Masters her of the firm of Coxe P.rother- ,V Co., of Ships in July, 177 v lie was a])pointed coal operators, and resiiles at I>rifton. i'.-.. or. the Stati- Navy board. February, 1777. Mr. Coxe in 1.^70 published a tra!'sl..t;i ,;i i : In tlie mi u u'. es of the Pe'.insvlvania Hoard " Weisbach's Mechanics of Kii;j,ir.ei : : v. L;, " o| \\"av, there is an entr\'ofa vole, March lie was a member of t':ie State Senate. 22, I 777. " to deliver to Captain Paul Cox, When first elected he declined to take tin- til't\ weight of j^raiie sli! ,t, lu- ])avini; tor oath, and \\as iiiniK-diately re-i'lected b\- the -ame. " After the Revolution he %\ as over three times his ilrst m.-. : ' : : ' . . :_<. d in mercantile pursuits. He died Tench Coxe, 17nO.--V/.is burn in '.::'(- ii, i v -'5. a^'ed S; years, and was Philadelphia. May 22, i7,^. : :. He u...s t'le :; '.he cemetery of the Third Pres- son ( ,f \\'i;;i im C'o\e. \\l-.i > m.^rrie.! M ;rv, :i : : ,n Church, Pine street be'.ow l-'ifth. daughter of Tench 1'raucis. ]]. \\ ...- thr.s 'i'i.i iM-i ription on his tombstone de the ncpheu of Tench l-'r.i;:ci-. 1: . t : -- : . him as "a na'.ive of Ireland, a and Turbutt I-'r.mcis i--; . membfs of i '. ' '. i !, ;- I ree counl r\ Ironi his \ outh, the 1'rieiid! \ Son- oi S'. Pal: ;ck. He \\ as .: ::; iriiii : of a stridlv moral life, a >a- a member i>f the ilrm of Coxe. I'urmau ^v Tinted States, a n-a; philanthropist, a IYnus\ 1 vauia in the Co::..': e- o.: tlieC-iii- tender husband, a kind. n(.-:;jhbor. a meek, federation. In \~'<-' he \\.is a;-].o:uted cheerful, decided; Chri-tiaii. utii\er-.il!v A i-:.m! Secret. i: \- of th.e 'i':i L-;::\'oi the beloved., whose bm 1 v mon!de:s under th. :- I"n;ttd St.iti s. .:::d :n 1 7 1 '2 Con:m;s-;o!'.er CR CR of the Revenue of the United States, ami in iSo^ Purveyor ol" Public Supplies by Presi- dent Iefferson. He died at Philadelphia 0:1 Inlv 17, i s -'4- He is well knoun as a writer upon various subjects of public in- terest. In i 7^ I he published "A View of tin.- I'nitcd States of America." In iMo, 11 A Statement of the Arts and Manufac- tures of the Uniteil States," of which he ,vas the air.lior, was published by the Treasury Department. The number of his essays aii'l pamphlets is considerable. The majoritv relate to manufactures, nav- igation and similar topics. Others relate to matters connected with the framing or the ratification of '.he Constitution of the United States. In 17X7 was founded the Pennsylvania Society for the Hncoura^e- inent of Arts and Manufactures. He was one of its active founders and subse- quently its President. His sons. Alexan- der S. Coxe [Si6i and Charles S. Coxe iiSi7 , were members of the Hibernian Societv. His grandson, Hcklev II. Coxe i I ss :, . is m >w a meml T. Andrew C. Craig, 1837. -Horn in Coleraine. County Derrv, Ireland, Janu- ary S.IMO. He came to America in 1.^26, a:id settled in Philadelphia. He was in tlie wholesale li'pior business for manv years previous to his ih-ath, which oc- rred June i, iv-,j. He was for a time President of the < ' t> Trustees of 1'liila- L-lphia. and was connected with tin- Me- chanics' Insurance Company. He was !>nried in \Voodland cemetery. Mr. C"a'.^ was a verv active member of the > iciety, : "-:n.L, r Secretarv from March 17, :"=,_>. to March 17. i v>< i ; and a'^am from March 17. i N 'is, to March 17, i x '> member-- of the Socii David Augustus Craig, 1882. : : M irch ;. iM7. in 1'hilacleljiliia. Ib- .'. i> first a marhini-t. and i-- now a 1'r.r or of the \Vat.r I e]>artnient. He . : i: the !< ; :: : :;:: the Ninety :it"th !' Ivani i Volunteers. He came to !'- - ia in iMv His father was Mexic in War. Hugh Craig, 1841. Horn in Cole- raine, Ireland. June 17, 1Mb. He came to America i Philadelphia i in i!\i,i, and the day after his arri\al he entered the store of Robert l-'lemins;. dealer in llonr and i^raiii, at Seventeenth and Market streets. In i.\v>, before attaining his ma jont\ , he embarked in business on his o\s n account, with Thomas Hell. is, under the firm-name of Crai;^. Hell, is cc Co., at the northwest corner of Broad and Cherry streets. In i.\|0 the linn was changed t<> Crai.y A; Hella--. In i,^.;i) their uarchou^c \s\is burned ilown, but ihcv immediate'.'/ commenced the erection of a larj^e wan-- house in its place. In i,Sn2 the firm was changed to Ilu^h Crai,^ X: Co., and upon March 11, iS')'), his son, Huj^h Crai^. Jr. liShoi, was admitted to the partnership. I'pon Mav i. 1^7.1, he retired from busi- ness, leaving his son to manage its affairs. The business flour and i^rain is stil; car- ried on under the name of Hus;'h Craig's Son. In I< S 39 he was elected a Director of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Com- pany, and held that position until his death. Hi- was one of the originators of the Corn Mxchan^e Hank, and for many years one of its Directors. He was at various times elected bv Councils to rep- resent the eitv's interests in the Hoard of Directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Companv. He served on the Acting Committee of the Society. iS.js- IS7-S. [ See " Biographical luicyclojuedia of Pennsvl- vania," I'hiladel])hia, 1^74, ]). 5''.] Hugh Craig. Jr., 1870. -Son of Hn-h Craiij ' 1X41 |, did not return hi- blank. Joseph Butler Craig, 185-1. Horn in Coleraine, Countv Derr\-. Ireland, about 1*27, was the brother of Andrew C. i"'-;- and H'.udi Crai.y He was in the wholesale li(|llor business. lie dieil jnlv S, iSnq, in New York City, and \\ is buried in Woodlands cemetery. I'h',1- ' ia. I Ii- came \< < America in |.\}'i :-'.tled in Philadelphia in 1^54, and \\.is of the firm of A. C. Craii; \ Co. He I'reasiirer of Covenant I.od-e. < >dd fi nil i-ars. and also a mem bel >l the Mas, ,;uc 01 ^aiii/ation. And' i-w C.Crai^ [r., t-h'^hteenth strei-t below \\'al- nut, is 'n; CR cr Wilson D. Craig, 1870. Son of Surgeon, F. S. A., and lias contributed Hugh Craig i 1841 i, was horn in Philadel- papers at various times to the medical phia about 1858, and died here about journals upon surgerv, gyiuecolngv, and 1^79- other subjects. James Crawford, 1790. Was a A. Crothers, 1790. Was a resident of member of the Friendly Sons of St. Pat- Montgomery co., Pa. We can find no rick. [Seep. 107. J trace of him. V/illuim Crawford, 1805. Horn Andrew Crow, 1841.- Was a biscuit August d. i,S24, in County Cavan, Ireland. manufacturer .it ioS North Front street lie came to this country June 2, 1842, James Cruikshank, 1803. Was , ;.:id settled in Philadelphia, where he was the well-known firm of Joseph ,V fames a contractor. He was a School Director Ciuikshatik, booksellers and publishers, in the Ninth Ward, and was a member of ,s 7 High street. He was married in Christ the Masonic organi/atioii. He died May Church, November 2(>. iSo;,, to Hc-lcr 13, i.sv), and was buried in Mount Moriah Ash. He was a member of the Taher- eemetery. : nacle Presb\ terian Church, Fifth street James McC. Creighton, 1882. below Market. Was a general freight agent. lie died Foster G. Crutchcr, 1840. Was a November 20, 1887. merchant, residing at 2t>(',irard street in Robert Creighton, 1817. -- Was a iS 4 h. dry goods commission merchant. He Matthew L. Ctimmings, 1SS2. was a native of Ireland. Morn November 2\ 1842, in County Car Charles Creran, 1883. Was in the low, Ireland. He came to America in liquor business. lie died February 17, iS.jS, landing at Philadelphia. He is in i ^SS. the coal business on Ninth street alxive Henry Crilly, 1833. - Was born in Jefferson. Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, June Eugene Cummiskey, 1830. Horn 2;-,, 1793, and came to Philadelphia in the in 1793 in County Tyrone', Ireland. He autumn of i.Sii. He was in the grocery came to America about 1817 and settled in business, and was a I tirector of the Ken- Philadelphia, where he became a Well- ington Hank. County Insurance Com- known bookseller and publisher of Cat';;- pany. and a Manager of the 1'eiielicial olic books. He died June 10, lS6o, and living Fund. He died Mav in, iV->7. at was buried in Old Cathedral cemeterv. Philadelphia, and was buried in St. Mi- Francis Aloysius Cunningham, chad's cemetery, Second and ]efferson 1882. P.orn in Philadelphia. June :. s' reels 1-^52. His parents were natives of County Michael F. Crilly. 1804.- Was the Roscommon, Ireland. He is a bookseller s..n of D.miel and F.ridget Crilly. He and publisher ot' Catholic 1 ks on Arch A as born April i, iS;,i,died October |S. street. He is a member of the Academ\ iv>5. and was buried in Cathedral ceme- of Natural Sciences, Franklin Institute, American Association fi>r the Advance inent ot' Science. Art Club, I, aw Acadcnn and Calhi ilic Club. -Tamos Cunningham. M.D., 1700. - Was .1 practicing physician. He \\.is Fe!lo\\ of the College of I'll > -ici. ills, April, !'>:'! October n >, IS.J7, in Willistown town- i7 v ;'. and phvsician ot tlie Hibernian 'lip. Chester co.. Pa. He i- the son of Society at the time of his death, Decein- Matthexs M.(,'rooks.uid MarvA Chestnut. ber. 17117. .lives of Counts I terry, Ireland. He is John Cunningham, ISlo. \\' a- :n ., practising physii'ian, residing a! =;2ij the wholesale grocery business at ;i S. Sou'h Thirteenth street, having settled in Second >treet. Philadelphia in 1^02. Has been A A. Samutd Ctil^ples, 1817. Was a Thomas Crilly, 1841. Was a hotel 'per. Mi"li:iel TI. Croinn, 1881. -Was a William C. Crooks, M. D.. 1883. cu CU member of the linn of Mann & Cupples, dry-goods merchants on Market street. They were lx)th tVoni County Antrim, Ire- land. George Currin, 1803. We ran find no trace of him in the Directories or public records. Andrew Gregg Curtin, 1881. Horn April 2.?, iSi;, at Bellefonte, Centre co.. Pa. He is the son of Roland Curtin, who came to this country from County Clare, Ireland, in 1795, and settled at Hellefonte about iSix), and of a daughter of Andrew (iregg, United States Senator from Peiin- sv'.vania. He studied law and in iS.^9 was admitted to the liar in Centre co., 1'a., and commenced practice at Bellefoute, in partnership with John Hlanchard, after- wards member of Congress. He soon entered into politics, on the Whig side, and in 1*44 he made a canvass of the State for Ilenrv Clay. In iS.jS he was a presi- dential elector and attain in IS.S2. In 1X55 (iovernor Pollock appointed him Sccre- tarv of the Commonwealth. At the ex- piration <>f his term of oiiice he resumed practice. Ill i^'xthe \vaselected ( iovernor of Pennsylvania, after an exciting can- vass, taking his seat iu January, iS(>i. He at once took strong ground against the position of the Southern States, and ii])on the breaking out of the rebellion, lie took steps at once to raise troops for the Union armv. < ieiieral Robert Patterson called upon the governor for 25.i infan'ry, one of cavalry and one of artillery, to lie organised and e(jiii]iped by the State, to be subject to the call of the general government if needed, anil tube at all times ready for immediate service. The result w a> the organisation of the : - Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. I',r !"i inn itii >:; was entirel v com- pleted, the wisdom and patriotism of Ciovernor Curtin and (ieneral Patterson were vindicated, for there came from the Secretarv of War an urgent appeal to have the reserves sent forward with all possible dispatch to Washington, and when the nation stood appalled at the Hull Run disaster and the capital was ex- posed to the attacks of the eiiemv, Penn- sylvania had a military force well organ- i/ed and equipped for the lield. to march at once to defend the nation. The repu- tation of the .State for promptness in fur- nishing troops when called lor bv the government was maintained throughout the whole of the war. C.overnor Curtin came to be known as the (ireat War (iov- ernor of Pennsylvania, and was noted for his care of the soldiers and his regard for their interests. In i^^3 (iovernor Curtin's health was impaired by reason of hi> ardu- ous labors, and President Lincoln, ap- preciating his services, offered him a foreign mission, but he did not accept. He was re-elected governor and served a full second term. In iS6] his broken health compelled him to visit Cuba for rest. Soon after (irant's inauguration he- was appointed United States Minister to Russia. Just before starting, the Councils of Philadelphia unanimonslv tendered him a public reception in Independence Hall, and in addition the citisens of Philadelphia united in giving him a ban- quet at the Academy of Music. He sailed in [nne, iS6c), and served as Minister at St. Petersburg until 1^71, returning to the United Stales in August of that year. In iS7^ he was a delegate-at-large to the Penn-*vl vania Constitutional Con- vention, in which body he sat until its sessions ended. In November. iSSn, he wa-. elected to Congress and re-elected in -erving from iSSi to iv--;;. MUCC which time he ha-- retired to private lile. (iovernor Curtin take^ a lively interest in the Hibernian Society, and lr\ familiar i-> a Iwavs greeted with inneh pleas- ure b\ the members. Hi- lias made some excellent speeches at the dinners. (See \\"m. C. Armor's '' Lives of the (iovi-rnors of I'eiin.," Norwich. Conn.. ib>74 ; " I5iogr, cr ..-; DA Album of Prominent Pennsylvania!-.-," Ik- left a wife. Ar.nie M. Rd\ , ami two 1st Series, p. M.] children. Jessica and bl.uiche I>a'.v, siir- F. D. Curtis, 1884. --Is a salesman vivin^ him. at '114 Arch street. I le did not n turn his Henry M. Daly, 1SS'2. Ik- i- in blank. the wholesale li> South Augustus Gushing, 1814. \Vas a Front stie< t ; residence, |N>; Spring C,ar- hardware merchant at 17^ Hi^'li s: reel and den street. Ik- '':i hi. ink. southeast corner Tenth ami Chestnut John Daly, 1SS.'{. I',MI in K..hcn. street-. Kiuj^ county, Iivl.iml, in ; s ;;. !Ii- came Allen Cuthbert, 1847. Honorary to America in [>.)<,..' ml settled i:i Phil- mcmber. Horn in Philadelphia in iN>4. aiK-ljiliia in Jnl \ , ;'')'>. I U- -i rvnl in tliv; Ik' \s.i^ tin- M>n df AnthdiM Cnthbc-rl, a thriv nidiuhs' nu-n in ;V>], in l'i>!')iu-l native- uf rhilailc'lphia, \vho was a captain Con'oran'^- Si\t\ --ninth Rr^init-r.t N V. df artillery (inrint; llu- Kevdhitidiiary \\.aml was in the battle of l',i:'.'. K::n. War ami a number of Select ami Cum- Ik- is a hotel-keejier. moil Councils for twenty years. Allen Patrick K. Daly, 188'J. I'-irn IV- Cnt'nbert \\ a> a wholesale grocer on I>el- ivmber 12. IN;.], in Cldnaki'.t v. County aware avelUiv, alterwanl an imp< irtt r df Cork. Ireland. He rame to America in Chinese j^ood-.. lie tddk an active ]>art 1^52, landing at Philadelphia Mav I2th i-.; se-.idir.L;- supplier- to Irelaiai (i;;rin^ the of that year. Ik- i- in the fldnrand .L;r.iin famine, ^ivin^ time, ir.diu-y, :.!!'! use of linsiness at ,;5.;2 I..iiu-a>ter avenne. Mr. his \\arehonse-~. lie wa-> elected an Daly was a member of the board c>! I'.uar- hdiiorary member cf the Society in reco.i;- diansofthe Poor. iS.Vt. rpmi November nition of these services. Ik- was a mem- 27. iS62, he was married to I-'.IU-n Ha::'.' n. ber of tile 1'ranklin Institute and Penn- [See "TMen of America." City liovern- svlvania Hisiorical Societ\-. He died in ment, Philadelphia, iNS^. ('rermantown. June 2q. lSS_], and was Timothy Martin Daly, 188(3. H< nil 1 :iried in I.anrel Hill cemetery. His August IO, ^54, in Townland of Castle Isb Lrrandf;it!u-r. Thomas Cntlibert ' I 7V", was and, Count v Kcrrv. Irelar.d. Came to Ph;b al-o a member of the Society. adelphia Sc-ptemln r, ; s ' iS . \\liere he studit 'I Thomas Cuthbert. 1790. Horn in law and was admitud t" practice. He Pb.ila'lelpliia. March ;. 1715. He uas the lias been actively er.uaued for man\ \e. ; ?- s< n of Thomas Ci: 1 b.bert. Sr., who c;'.me ]>ast in the Catholic Total Abr-tim ::. r -'.::i I-'n^land, and \\-ho was a warden of I'r.ion of 1'hiladel] ihia. and hasbeen \ : Chri-t Churchin 177^ and 1777. Ik-\\a-> President of that body; and also ::: ;:,, .1 n:erch..:it, ;;m! oi;e of the fir-t member.- Iri-b. Catholic l'eiie\ oler.t I "moil, : \\ :..c';i . Peter's Church. He died May IN. he is now President. Mr. Dalv i-or.e.-:' :. ami \\a- buried in St. Peter's j^rave- the best versed men in Philadelphia in i:d. l ; ocrtli and Pine street. He mar- the la\\ s relatiiiL: to bn.ldmu a-'-o! '..if.. .:; ried Sar..!; I.atinier. and h;u! thirteen and : -"licil'T fi-r a lar;^e ::i:n:''e: ! ibi'dieti. r.i't one of u horn left am de- then;. i'...nts. (Mn son, idhn. u.-/- a C'-n-nl Jolin Dardis, ISS^. born in i Hi'mbiiru for t\\ent\ live \ears; an- Vo:!: Ci'.v. : Vc I!:-- pifi!::- ' ''. Ic. : . '..nu-s. \\ .1- a member of I '..< i 'ii -t ti\ e- nf I ); ; ; ''; ::; I b ;; ; - ; , e:: '' >; ;;. .':-. Tr'">])in lV :.v AlanCnthb^t 1^7 vear^ fire;;:.,;; .;' the pn-- '.><.:: >: t %\.,- !r- -r.Midson. Philadeljihi.i i',ern:an /' : : .'/~:' Ib Eu.ui'iic Stanislaus Daly. 1888. i Trustee >f Tvpo.. born in Phil. i.lvi} hia. August :. :S^fi His ami a nu-mber .-f 'lie Cath.olic Phil";. . ,-.r ( nt- \\ire n,:ti\e- of Cork. Ireland. l-tJan !.-.::. I i>t :t !'. . ..:: ! : tht P:i-s Ik uas.-idmitt d. :.. pia.-tii-e at the Phi'b n:."'- :'. M : . I:.-., ' I' Cri'S . ieqiJiia b .r ;,ini:ar\- I, : v 'u. ' <\'\ died \v . ': ' : ''a Ij: ' .u \.,nit> voun.u. Ik- was Join, Darruirh. 18:>:?. \Va- '. C.itV.ed.t.i 1 . ciinetcrv. i >f C- ;;:-,:. \-: : . . Irelan'i. and died I'e- DA ^ DK ccuiber 29, 1^49, in the 4Mh year of his five children I )ciaw.irc, Sussex I)., Kent a-c. J).. Kli/.abeth. and Harriet, a!! of \\h,>m Kingsmill Davan, 1790. We can except Kent I). and F.li/abcth still sur- fnid mi trace of him in the- I >irectorics or vive. P>y a previous marriage contracted public records, with Rosa F.ll/.d'cth, daughter of P.arou JaniCS Davidson, Si 1 ., 1790. \\'as Hoisfontaine, a l-'ivnch iiohlein.ui, and probabh the Professor of Greek and Latin with whom he resided in l-'r.ince until in the I'nivcrsity of Pennsylvania, \\lio i -/> hein^ for a time a Captain ir. the died IIIIH- 2.\ i S' >u, in the 77th vear of his French Navy he had three sons, Hor.i- ..; . and. who \\.is tuiried in St. Peter's tio. Aion/o. and Oscar, all of '.shorn are cemetery, Third and Pine streets. dead. < )ne of his sons, Sussex 1). D.iv:s, William Davidson, 1802. We can is a member of the Philadelphia Kir. find no trace of him beyond the fact that William Davis, 1S06. -\V~as a sea lie was a member of the Finance Com- captain. In the minutes of the State mittee of the Society from IS2.S to i\|2. Navy P.oard, March 20, 1777, there is Saimiel Boyer Davis, 1819. -Son of an entry, "paid Cap',. William D.ivis John Davis, of I, ewes, Sussex co., I >ela- for a set of Careeiiin P.locks deliver'd." ware who was a grandson of Rev. John In Christ Church Mcmotia'. Record :t is Davis, a Presbyterian minister, a native of stated that he died October j, iS^:, a^ed Armagh. Ireland, sent to this conn try about 76 vears. 1^92 by the Society for the Propagation James Dazlcy, 1870. Horn in tin; of the (Vospel , and of Fli/abeth > Hover i Parish of Convoy, County Donegal, Ire- D ivis. Hewasboruat Lewes, Delaware, land, in June, iSi2. He emigrated to on December 25, i 7')'', a::d \\as a planter America in i .~>,v ', landing at Philadelphia, in Louisiana at the breaking out of the Ma\ 271)1 of that vear. lie \\as a whole \varofiSi2. He entered the army at that sale liquor dealer, corner of I -Yank ford period, and was Lieutenant Colonel of road and Hel^rade .street. He died Mav the Thirty-second I". S. Infautrv in iSi^. -, i, i,SS7. He took a gallant ;>art in 'he ojierations in Daniel Deal, 18-'34. A native of lie- Delaware, and was : resented \\ith a ,U"ld land. \\'as a cloth merchant at Sixth an 1 -,\\ ird by the Legislature -if that State Hi^h streets. lie was a ]Kirti;er of Ni for services at the battle of I.ewistown. thaniel Hurt '1804), in the firm of Dei!, On May 6, iSi; v he \\ as transferred to the MiHi^aii X: P.nrt. lie dieil aliout :S^> I'orty-fonrth Regiment, of which lie was H L . served on the Acting Committee >f ifterward made Colonel. Thi-> regiment the Societv, iS^> 18^9. was recruited in Louisiana. He was placed William Dean, 1790. \Va- a son of in command of the defences at Sandy R t -v. Win. Dean, a Presbyterian clergy - Hook, which commanded the entrance to man ,,f r,allyuieua-h. Countv Antrim. New York bay, and in iM J sat as one of Ireland, who was licensed by the Ne\v the Judges at the Court Martial for the P.runswick Presbyters', October 12, 17.12, trial of ( Veil era 1 William Hull, who had and sent to Neshaminvand the forks of siirrendere'l Detroit tothe !'.: it:^h in I M V the Delaware, subseqtientlv to X'ii'^inia. In iSiS he settled in Philadelphia, re- and finally was pastor of the con^rei;atio!] signed from the armv in iSiu. and was a at the forks of P,rand vwine, living I;il\ 'j, Representati\'e t'rom this citv to the Peun- 17. JS, at the a,i;e of 29 years. He did val- sylvaiiia Legislature. lie subsecjiu-ntl \ iant duty as Colonel in the Re\ '.:;': ui re-moveil to Delauiore Place, near \\'il Priu eton, Trenton and (Vermantou u. He min<;ton, Delaware-, and died there on s\as Colonel of the I'oiirtli Peniisy! September n. i ->"). A hand--ome momi 1 : I' ii : ' ..,.. ^; ,;- t -land ' ';;.'" incut is erected o\-,-r his remains. I:; (V\\y! : : md Mout^iniierv iti 1777. In i's^7 he married Sallie, daughter of Ivl the i in nl ol Moieland 'owiiship ward P. and Janet te Joue>, of Wilmiusj Moul-oui r\ co.. Pa., for I 7^1, !::>: it i ' in, Delaware. I!y thi-^ marriaye he had foi iS acre >\ ".done 1)1-; riding chair. There were fourteen ruling chair-- in the township at that time. He was a resident of Montgomery Co., and died there. [See "Bean's Hist. Mont- gomery ro. ; " " Huek's Montgomery co. ; " " Scharf X: Westcott," Vol. i, p. 540; Vol. 2, p. 156.'; "15 Colonial Rccoids," 625.] Robert Porter Dechert, 1885. M( rn August 16, iS.}2. in Reading. Herks Co., 1'a. His great-grandlather, Andrew Porter, was a native of Ireland. In 1^52 the family removed to Philadelphia, and at the breaking out of the rebellion he was a law student. He entered the army in June, iS6i, as a private in the Twenty- ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, not being 19 years of age at the time, and served throughout the war of the rebellion, being mustered out July, 1^65. He participated in the Shenandoah Valley and Virginia Campaigns, was at Antietam, Chancellors ville and Gettysburg, and on Sherman's March to the Sea. lie was successively Sergeant-Major, l-'irst Lieutenant, Cap- tain, Major, and was bre vetted Lieutenant- Colonel for distinguished and meritorious services. At the close he was Adjutant- General of the Army of Georgia i part of General Sherman's annv . He resumed the practice of the law after the war and A\as appointed Assistant District Attorney of Philadelphia in iS6s, and ser\ed until iS;i, and again from iS;.) to 1^77. He was a Slate Senator in lX~\ and 1^72. Conttolle! <>f the City, iSS.s i.S(y<> (inclu- sive '.and is now a practicing lawyer. He take-- a lively intrrcst in the Penns\l- vania National Guard, serxitigas Colonel of the Si cond Regiment iVom November i. 1^7*. to |iily 24, i>(y>, uhcn Go\ernor P.e i\er appointed him Brigadier-General, a position \\luch he now holds. lie is also ,1 nieinber oi" the I-'irst City Ti'oop, anil \\.isCornet of that organi/a t'.oii ::i : ^77 a: d i s ; s . He is a member ot iniuii roils military and civic organi/a- tim s, including the Military ( hdcr of the I.o\al I.egion; Post 2. Grand Annv of the Republic ; I latnil!. >n I.ndge, No. 27 J. K. \ \. Ma-ons ; IVniisN '.van! i Club; Y< nm- Men's [ ,, j ); , , ',. \..., ,, ;,it io'i ; Ainerieus Club; Maeiineicnur Society; Caniistailter Society; Pennsvh'ania His- torical Society, and l-'ranklin Institute. lie is prominent in the Masonic organi/a- tion, being Past Master of Hamilton Lodge, No. 274; l'a-t High Priest of Co- rinthian Chapter, No. 250; a member of Corinthian (Chasseur Chapter, No. 5:. Knights Templar, and also of -he Gr.ii.d Lodge of Pennsylvania. His grandfatlur, Robert Porter ( 171/1], and his great grand- father, Andrew Porter 171,2 , \M:I a!-<> members of the Society. [See " Hiogr. Album of Distinguished Pemisvlva- llians," 2d Series, p. 151^. j Edward Deluncy, 1884. Morn in (Juceiis county, Ireland. April .}, iN;-,o. He came to America in Januars , I X .J7, and settled in Philadelphia, February 2 i , i v .;7. Mr. I )elaney is a mason builder and stone- cutter, Christian street below Third. Sharp Delany, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. ; See page !' >S. i William Delany, 1700. Was the brother of Sharp Delany 179'' and asso- ciated with him in business as a druggist at ID South Second street. He died ill October or November. iSo.S. William Delauy, 1811. \Vasa mem- ber of the Philadelphia Mar. being admit- ted to practice September K). |N>h. Hv was oni- of the Counsellors o: t':.e Society from iSi_; until his death. Ma\- n, 1,^22. He left a widow, Mary Delany. William Delany, 181-1. Was prob- ably the son of William Delam 170. . William Delany, 1884. Was lorn about iS2\ in Connlv Kilkenn\-, Irel.-.r.il, and came to tliis country in ;S;.. Me lanik-d in Canada, but sunn \\ , n; to \\':1 mington, I>elauare, \\he:i he -; i ::'. ,1 !i . years in St. Mary's College He tlun :e moved to Philadelphia, \\here lie becan:,- a book keei er, and finally an ad\ ertis-.::g agent l"i M- the i I.'/'. 1 ! '.'/( .V', .'.,:'..< ./'.,nd / . /'' : ; .S'/,/,-. I [e \\ is a melllb( r nl llie I'.T '.i olic Chlb. He died April 22, IS-M,. .;-;,! In [S57 hem.Ulied Teresa Tierney, u'.o died ill ivs Thev left ei^ht childn n sur\ is : ng tliein. Olivier Boudrias De Moral , 18812. - MOI n ( )cti 'hi ; :', : s .;>. in M< T.feal, Canada, of French descent.. He settled in Philadelphia July 6, 1*57, where for many years he was a prominent photog- rapher, lie has been connected with tilt- Masonic organ i/ation. Aaron. Denman, 1806. Wa- a mcr- chant at 205 High street. 1 It- was living in iS37. Samuel Dcnman, 1802. Was a mer- chant at 54 South Sixth, and High street near F.lcvcnth. He died September S. [Sid, in the .l^d year of his age, and was buried in Christ Church burying-ground. His widow, Anna Maria I>enni.in, died October 4. iSiS, aged 55 years. Matthias Dennian. farmer, of Springfield. N. [., was one of the sureties in Samuel I ten- man's estate. Charles Devenny, 1872. A native of Ireland, was a drv-goods dealer for manv years in Philadelphia. He died June 24, isSi). Patrick Francis Dover, 1887.-- Horn August i, 1^51. in County Doneg.il, Ireland, and c ime to Philadelphia, July, i^o.v He is a practicing law- yer, ha\-ing been admitted to the Phila- delphia P.ar, February .'7. 1^75. He is noted as a speaker, especial! v in Demo- cratic politics. lie resides in Manavunk, where he is one of its well-known cit- i/.ens. John Devine, 1848. \\'e have no positive information concerning him. Mark Dcvino, 1838. Horn August 14, iSo7, in Towiiland of Clonmulth, Par- ish of Crosserlough, Cotintv Cavan, Ire- land, lie emigrated to Anieriea w!u-n .M vears of age, landing at Perth Ambov, N. J., in iS2\ and settled in Philadelphia in December, iSjij. He was a life-member of the German Hospital, Northern Dispcn- sarv and the Historical Soeietv of Penn sylvania, and a Director (jf the C- nice Company. He was also a stock - liolder in the /(x'ilogical Society. He was the originator of the Pem-tirial Saving I-'und. obtained its charter, and purchased the property where it now stands the southwest corner of Twelfth and Chestnut streets. I'.y appointment of I'.ishop Ken- rick he also selected and purchased the present site of St. Joseph's Hospital -Gi- rard avenue above Sixteenth street. lie was in th.e grocer v business for many years at 540 .\\.rtll Fourth street. I Ic died lime 29, L S S5, anc Co., importers of brandv, gins, wines, and whiskev, No. i;S South Front street. Mr. Dcvine served on the Acting Committee of the Society, 1^73 iSSi. Richard Devine, 1888. Morn March ,v ' S 4 S , in Cumber Clandv, Countv Derr\', Ireland. He came to Auiei'ic.i in March, 1^70, and settled ill Philadelphia. Ik- was a salesman for live years in the gro- cery firm of Mitchell ec Fletcher, and for many years a partner in tli firm of Mitch- ell, Fletcher ^ Co., groceries. William Dcviiic, 1882. --Horn in Philadelphia, December 3, iS.}i. His father, F'dward Devine, was a native of Countv Cavan, Ire-land, and his mother, ICli/.abeth 1'allo;; i Devine, a native of Countv Down, Ireland. lie v.'as employed for thirty vears in the I?aldwin Locomo- tive Works, twelitv ve.irs of which he was Foreman of the painting department. Since then he is a dealer in stone. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd F'el- lous' organ i/at ions. He served in the Pennsylvania Volunteers during Kmer- ger.cy C:;ni]),ugn of iStu and i^^.v Tiioinas Devlin, 188'3. Was born in County Derry, Ireland, April ;?S, iS; v S. He > Mine to America when 15 years old, landing at Philadelphia April 6, 1X54. He has been in the tonndrv business since 'icing at present in the firm of Thomas Devlin \: Co., I.ehigh a\enue, American and Third streets. Goorge W. Dcwcy, 1850. -Was a merch.-int at 2O\ Chestnut street. Alexander Diamond, 18.32. AVas a distiller at 20.5 Cedar street. He died in Januarv, 1X51. lie served on the Acting Committee of the Societ during iS5o. DI :v.-l DI Mahlon Dickcrson, 1807. Was ard Thomas II. Dicksoii i.\v-. A. W. horn April 17, 1770, in Hanover, N. [.. Dickson, Scranton, I 'a., is his son. and xraduated from Princeton in 17^9; John Walker Dlckson, 18'2to. - was admitted to the bar in 1 793, and j>rar- Was born September Js. 171, >, in Cor.nl v ticcd successfully in Philadelphia. In Down, Ireland. He li ft Ireland with his lS>5 iSo.s he was Ouarlennaster-( lencral parents, Hu^h and Hli/aheth Dickson, of Pennsylvania, ami in iSo.s-iMi; was when 7 vcars old, and lived with them in Recorder of City Court of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. He was in the drv-y>ds He afterwards returned to New Jersey ; he- business at ,-''> H:i;h street. I'pon came Jud^e of the Supreme Court of that November 30, 1.^25, In- wa- married to Slate .iinl Chancellor, and was elected a I.ucretia C.eor^e, at Radnor, Pa JIi- TV .tK'liihiT oi" the Legislature in 1,^14. In inovrd to iJavton, ( )liio, in :>;S, i-nv;av;eil ;M5 lie was (lovernor of New Jersev, ami in hnsiiu->s tlu-rr. and dinl in that city, at i-nd of his term was >ci:t to the I'niu-d July 3, 1-^44. He was a hrother of James Slates Senate, serving in that body from Reid Dicksoii ilhfjj . He served on the i KTemher I, 1^17, to Mareh 2. 1-^33. On Acting Committee of the Soeietv in 1^36 June 30, 1.^34, President Jaeksoii iSiyJ and 1^37. a;>]M.inte.i liim Secretary of the Navy, and Thomas Hunter Dicksoii, 18W. - he was continued ill that office bv Presi- Bom in iSo^ in N"rritou, Munt^otnerv dent \"an Hurcii to June 30, iS^S. He ] co., Pa. He removed to Philadelphia, a:';erwards served on the bench of the where lie bei-anu- a manufacturer. I >ur- I';ii:ed States District Court for New Jer- in^ early life he was an J-'.lder in I)r. se\~, and was a I (elevate ti > the State Con- Dales' Presbvterian Cliurch and wa-> at stitutioiial Convention in iS.|J. He was one time Precentor. He died in New York largely interested in mining and manu- in i.Sh2. He married, in i.\V', Margaret, facturin^ iron in Morris co., N. J. He daughter of John Crai^, of \\'a>h:r.ut"n, pnb'.islieil " Speeciies in Congress, |S26- D. C. She died in iS.v*. Tliey h.id .-even 1^46," a;id died in Snckasunnv, Morris children, all ol whom except one died Co., N. J., October ,S, 1^53. Mr. Dicker- (juite VOIIIIL;. He was married a se.-o;;d son was oni- of the Counsellors of the time, to Mary, daughter ol I.ewi> Clover, S'icii't\'in iN)7. [ See A])]>leton's " Cyclo- of New York. He was a relative of [o'r.n pi-.-dia of American Biography." Vol. 2, ' Walker Dicksoii iSjtj , and |anu-> Reid pai:e i 70. ] ] )ickson iNxj . James Reid Dickson, 1864.~-P.orn William Dickson, 1818. Was Julv 25, iSii, in Norriton, Mont- , cousin of and worked for Hu^'h Dickson, SJOHHTV c..., 1'a. His father, Ilutfh nick- the father of Thomas Hunter I )ick>on son, and h.is ni.itlu-r, Kli/ahelh Walker 18301, He was disun^r.ished tor his re- Dicksi'ii, came fr"Ui P. iiibrid^e. Comity inarkalile memory. He could hear a ser- Down, Ireland. He removed frotii Nor- mon and then repeat '.'. ]K rli-ct!\ , Ih-w .- rit">!i to Philadelphia in 1^22, when quite a mercliant i": i s is. He served '.: t::e a small boy, and was env rjed in manu- Acting Committee of the Societv :n ficturinij woollen ;;nd C' 'tt> >:i -L:' iods, and [Sjij, sin the wholes. i', r dr\ --' M M!S bnsincss John Dignuil, 1884. U. 'rn December i:: eari\ 1; le. I.. iler he \\.is in tlu- milling 12, 1.^3'). in C"m:t \ of I.on^fo:, 1, hclav.d. A i- As-, -ate Judjr of Wavne co., Pi.. \, \\- York November j<>:h, and set: 'in.!.; and Coloml on C.t, \i-nmr lii^ler's Stall'. i:; Philadelphia December jd . !' tin- He was Worthy Master of 1 1. .nesdalc s ,me ve.ir. He '.MS be.-.-;! ei:c,;-ed since 1.0,1^1-. A. Y, M . . in i^a::d i^si. a Trus- v she \slio 1 . es-iL t - -r,.cerv b- ...; ;,..,. , ' ,-in u tee DI DI Edward T. Dillon, 1872. Born July : 18, 1845, ill Castlcrea, County Mayo, Ire- laud, ^migrated to America in 1X14, lauding at New York upon May 4th of that year, ami coming to Philadelphia two days afterwards. He was in the retail liquor business on Kighth street below Chestnut. Frauds Dimond, 1848. Horn in Maghera, County Derry, Ireland, Febru- ary. 1813. He emigrated to America wlieii 22 years of age, landing at Philadelphia, June 12, 1835. He declared his intention of becoming a citi/.en of the I'm ted States eight davs after his arrival. Three years afterwards he was admitted to the Mont- gonierv co. i Pa. i Har. While studying law- he taught SC'IHH -1 at the Trappe in the same county. He was also admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, December 16. iS.l.s. Mr. Iiimondwas aline classical scholar, being conversant with Greek, l.atin and Hebrew. He also spoke several ot the modern languages. He was a regular contributor to the Norristown and Phila- delphia papers, both in prose and verse, and was a poet of some repute. The " Baptism of Clovis," the "Abbeys of the British Isles," the " Passage of the Red Sea,'' and other poems written by him were published in various parts of America and Hurope. He was also a lec- turer, delivering numerous literary and historical lecture--. He died July I I, 1851, at Gallit/.in, Cambria co., Pa., and is buried in St. Mary's churchyard, Hlcveiith and Moore streets. John Dimond, 1850. -Horn at Garvagh, County Derrv, Ireland, in iSio. Immigrated to America in 1^23 and settled in I'lliladelpllia. He was a brother and partner of Joseph I )i;iiond . i S \ i ). He was in the liquor business. He died < )ctoher 3, iS.V,, and is buried .it Si. John's, Thir- teenth street above Chestnut. Hi- ui!l bequeathed 55'>toSt. Joseph's Hospital. Joseph Dimond, 1841. \\r:\ at Garvagli, Countv I)errv. Ireland, in [S'>o. Kmig:a'ed to America in ! s -?3 and settled in Philadelphia. He \sas in the liquor busincss, and lived in the District of So:ith\\ark. wiiere he was an influential citi/.en, sitting for a number of years in the Hoard of Commissioners of that dis- trict. He was the First Captain of the Montgomery Hibernia Greens, and one of the originators of St. Joseph's Hospital. He was a member of the convention that established Catholic Schools in Philadel- phia, and was also one of the iucorpora- tors of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He died July 29, IN5I, and is buried at St. Johu'.s. Thirteenth street above Chestnut. His brother and partner, John Dimond ^iiS5Oi, and his cousin, Alexander Diamond (iS',2), were both members of the Hilx-r- nian Society, and his son, Richard 1*. Dimond \\^2), is now a member. His will, dated May 5, 1851, and proved Au- gust 7, i- s 5i, mentions his wife, Catharine, and his children, John, Thomas, Joseph, Richard and Catharine Mary. Mr. Di- mond served on the Acting Committee of the Society from 1^44 until his death, and was an efficient member. Richard P. Dimond, 1882. Horn in Philadelphia, April 3, iS.jS. He is a son of Joseph Dimond (18411 and of Catharine Todd Dimond, a native of Strabane, Ireland. He is a member of the Catholic Club and of the 1'irst Regiment National Guard of Pennsylvania. He is in the tobacco and segar business. James E. Dingee, 1884. Born in Philadelphia, July 21, 1840. He is not of Irish descent. He is an extensive brick manufacturer main office. Twenty-fifth and Norris streets. Mr. Dingee served three years in Common Council, 1872-74. Hamilton Disston, 1890. -Horn in Philadelphia, August 23. 1*44. is the son of Henry Disston, deceased, who came from Knglaiid to America in 1.^33, a poor bov. and died in iS7S, the proprietor of probably the largest saw manufacturing works in the world. In i.^X Hamilton became a partner with his father, and after the hitter's decease became president of the concern, which had been incor- porated, and still retains the position. \VhiKt on a visit to Florida he organ- i/eil the I ; lrida Land and Improvement Company, and in June, i SS i , he purchased from the St ite 4,00*1, IKK) acres oi land, paving 5 i .' > x>,( H * i for it. This makes him the largest landowner in the United Dl :;:<:; DO States. He also contracted with the State Thomas Dobbins, 1810. Wasamer- Jioard of internal Improvement to dram, chant tailor, domt; a very latu;e business by means of navix ;in le canals and ditches, at 5 South I-'ront street. His store ran other land- beioii^in^ to the State. For from l-'sont to Water street, the retail tins purpose lie tormed the ''Atlantic and store beinv, on the \\'atei -street end. He (.nil' Coast Canal and Okcechobee I. and was a native of Ireland, and was a Trus- l. onij). my," which has already reclaimed tee ot the Scots 1'iesbvterian Chnrch. \.ist tracts of land. He has been a I'ark ( Mi July 24, IM'>, there is a deed on rec- and i-'ire Commissioner, and is a prom- ord lor a house and lot on Hi.h street to iiie::t figure in Republican politics and Silas K. Weir i,My , Thomas Dobbins n;.i::utacturill;4 circles in Philadelphia. ii.Mtij, and William Ne\\ell I.^J-j . Thila. and Popular I'hiladel- Michael J. Dohau, 18SO. Horn in jihians," ]). 24.] i.Sjo in Thnrlcs, Count\- Tipperary, Ire- Williaill Divcil, 1790. We can find land. His father, Daniel Dohan, emi- 110 trace of him in the Directories or pub- grated to America ami \\as a member of lie records. the firm of Dohan ..V Son, grocers, Seven- Wllliam Divine, 1850. Was the son teenth an.l Noble street-. Michael J. of an Irish linen manufacturer, and was came to this country at the a^e of 14. In born near Newton-Stewart, Countv TV- '^55 he went into the uholes.tle tobacco rone. Ireland, August 12, iSoo. He' business, and remained in r. until lieiiied, came to America in 1.^27 and commenced October 24, I'M; I . The linn was Dohan .Si work on handlooms. After some years 'fait, he beinij, theon!\ repieseiitative of lie started in business for himself in a mill it since 1^71. lie was for man\ \ears a on I'ine street, near Twentieth, where he Director in the I'nion National I'...;;k, inanufai'tured Kentuckv jeans. In i\}i and at the time of his death he was the lie built the Kennebec factory in Naudain oldest. Director in the beiu-lu ial Sa\:::^ street near Twenty-first, and in iS.jo he l-'nnd. He \\'as al-;> a member of the purchased the I'eiin factory, and intro- Catholic Club. He left a wido\s- anii seven dncei! cotton machiner\'. He continued children. in the manufacturing business until his John P. DollCl'ty, 18GO. A ::;.ti ve of death, Julv S. 1^70. He was hnried in Ireland, is a leading niercliant tailor on Woodlands ceineterv. He was President Clu-stnut sti eet below l-'ifleetltll. He is a ol the \ssociation of Maiiufaciurers of member of the Catholic Club. Patrick J. Dolan, 1884. - Is .1 native oflreland. 1 le has an extensive stone yard, ami is noted lor the i vet Hence of his \sork, William Divine, Jr., 1852. Son of The monument erected over the strive of William Divine t r\)<) . He did not re- William Kent Cominins ; vv ; , e\ Mavor tnrn his blank. of Waterford, Ireland, by Mr. Doc.nei and John B. Dobbins, 1822. Was the other members of the Society, was ex edited by Mr. Dolan. Edward Doleii, 1S73.-- Was in hr.si loriiis-. ness at S. I-!, corner of I-i-lith a::d 1 ; :' Stewart A. Dobbins, 1819. Was bert streets uheu elected Mr. l'-\-n the -on of Thomas Dobbins !M. and died a few \ ears si-u-e. 'ml partner of John p.. Do!, bins Henry D'Olior, 18t5M. W i- '<,-.'.' . Tlie lii'iii was Steuart A. Dob- County Cavan, Inland, in i^.j", liinr \- Co., mercers and taihirs, 5 South to \mi-:ict in is;.,, and :: t\\i '.. e \ i-a:s l ; :, and subsequently \\as in business with him. James Donaghy, 1858. Horn May 7, i 7<.)S, near Newton-Stewart, Count v Ty rone, Ireland. Came to America in iS^i, arriving at Philadelphia upon June jV'Ui of that Year. He was in tile coal busi- ness at Hroad and I.ocnst streets and at Spruce street wharf < Schuvlkil! . He served in Common Council live years. He is still living at v^|.^ Powelton avenue. IU- is a member of the Masonic organi/a- tion. Michael Donahoe, 1880. Horn jr.ne 4. \^\h, in Conntv Tvrone, Ireland. He canie to America in iSf>6, and settled in Philadelphia March 10, is6S, where he is in ti'.e restaurant business. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Hiber- nian-, Clan-na-( i.icl, Land League, and other < irgani/.atii >ns. William Townsend Donaldson, 1809. I'.orn in Philadelphia, Jnlv n, 17^2. He was the son of Captain Andrew D >::..l''.s in and Kleanor Toy Donaldson, both natives of Philadelphia. He was a ma>1 make: by occupation. I'pon Decem- lu-r ;< , 17'vn. he was app' >i:it>-d a member of tile I'.oanl of Health; upon May '>, iSo.S, was elected lor three vears Com- missioner for the District of Souths irk, and upon < tctober i ;, is 17, \s is el High Sheritf of the City and County of I'lliladel])llia. It was while he held the last named office that lie was elected a member of the Hibernian Soeietv, upon May 17, : v >' . He was also a member of the ( ;-.::, .1 Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. V. M.. : : < -. He died March ;,r, tSiS. an.l .'. : - bnried in < >ld Swedes' Church ground uit'a his mother; but when his widow du-d, M irch, i 's jij, his remains were '': in- terred and rebnried \sith her in Munu- Tiu-nt cemetery. His^rand^on, Havid !'. Snyder. i-- now a resident of Indiana]iolis, Ind , and Re'.r'-tr; r of the Indi ma Soci- ety of th S c:- i f the \meric in Revo'ti- t;on. \',":'.' im 'J'uwn > -end luma'.d on was married in Christ Church, October 20, '7' S 5. to Mary Adams. John Donnaldsou, 1790. Was a member of the Friendly Sons of St. Pat- rick, i See p. io.\ ] Patrick Sarsiicld Donnellan, M. D., 1889. Horn December i, i>S6i, in I.inierick, Ireland. I le came to this coun- try in March, iNSs, arriving at New York, and settled ill Philadelphia on November 20. iS.s;. He is a practicing physician. He was educated at Sacred Heart College, I.inierick, and afterwards at Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, and graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons and Kings' and Oneens' College of Physicians, Ireland. IK- studied also in Hdinburgh University, C.uy's Hospital, London, and in the Hos- pitals of Marseilles, Cairo, Hombay and Calcutta. He was a resilient phvsician in the Richmond and "Whitworth Hospitals, Dublin, and also in the Coomhe I, \ing-in Hospital of that citv. lie was alv> phv.M- cian in the Peninsular and Orient,/: Ser- vice i three vears', and also on the Anchor Line Steamship "City of Rome" -two years '. Since coming to Philadelphia he has been Associate Kditor of Philadelphia Mt\!u'ii/ 7'iirs, Assistant Phxsician i Mve Department) in Medico-Chirnrgical Hos- pital, and Assistant Phvsician Thro.it and Mar Department 1 of Howard Ilo-pital, Philadelphia. Dr. Donnellan is the author of numerous medical essays in the London 1.,111,-,-t, and in the Philadelphia .!/ '/;ii\<, and of a series of articles in A ";/(>,-< '/(n>i<\ etc., on "Religions of India," " Manners anil Customs of the Parsees," "Sketches in Cairo," " A \'isit to the Pyramiu:ilv Mt-dic.al Socielv an/i of the ':: li National League of America. He DO >.'-> DO was one of the Physicians of the Society, at th.it place. Mr. Dooncr was for five l.S7y iV-ih. years Captain of Compari y D, Thinl Kci;- Daniel Donovan, 1SSO. -P.orn DC- iment Peniisvlvania National C.nard, cemlier S, i>26, in County Cork. Ireland. and ha-, U-cn a Dim-tor and is now Came with his parents to Philadelphia in Vice-President "I the Mechanics' Fire i.Sjo. He has heeii connected with the Iiir.urar.i-e Company, lie was a num- tirn: of C. II. (.arden .S: Co., wholesale her of the Citi/eiis' Committee nf Fiftv dealers in hats, furs, straw and millinery in Aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund 401 "is, at hof> and boN Market street since in i,sv>. Shortlv alter his admission i.-v},V !-ei:.x now one of the partners, lie to the Society he he^an to take an ;.e- ;> a meinher of the Catholic Cluh and. tive interest in its ,i!lai:s, mid has !-< ;i connected with vaiioiis financial institu- the means of adding to its roll main new tion.s as olhccr or director. He served on members and of iniiisin- new life and the l-'niancial Committee of the Society spirit into the organisation. It is to Mr. in [.WS and i.S->y. Dooner, more than to any other meiiitn-:. Jeremiah Donovan, 1800. Was a that the Society now owes its prosperous native of Ross Carimry. County Cork, condition. He could never he induced to Ireland. He died April I I, iSi; v at-vd 45 accept an office, lint is always readv to years, and was lur.ied in St. PcUi's serve on committees or do any other work churchyard, Third and Pine streets. His that may he useful to the Society. To his will, proved April I ), 1815, mentions persistency and ener^v are mainlv due and Henry, children of Daniel ideceased), Strong in his purpose, a staunch friend and Frances Donovan, Carl-'.irv, C'limtv and warm advocnteof any cause he chai.i- Cork, Ireland ; Jeremiah Donovan, son of pious, he is universallv respected hy the his deceased In-other; Florence Donovan, niemlier>. He is a nieinSer of the C.'.th- of Philadelphia; Catharine Newell, datiidi- olic Clul. ami Catliolie Philop.itrian Liter ter of said Florence Donovan ; his friend, :trv Institute. His lirother. Thorn. is H. Mrs. Margaret Doiio\ p an, Old Con rt I louse, I Jooner < I SS2). was also a mem her. Skihliereen ; his sister, Mrs. McCarthy, Thomas II. Dooner, 1882. P.orn in of Skililiereen ; exer'.Uors, KoV-rt Adams [S.p in Conntv Roscommon, Ireland. He mill Daniel \\'. Cnxe. F'.x tract, "i \\ish canie to America in the spring of ! v l}. m\-sc!f linried in the most private manner lauding at (Jiu-liec and settling in P'.iila- in S' Peter's. No announcing of Death dclphia the same year. lie- learned his or P.nrial in news] ia]Ts. " trade as machinist at the Nnrr;s I.ocoinn- PcttT Samuel Dooner, 1880. -Born tive Wurks. He was for ^i^ years an eii- in ;^v. i;i Ci>nn!\- KosconmioM, Ireland. i^ineer and mach'.nist on tlie Cientiu-^os He i-.ime '," Atneriea in the spring of i S j.j, and X'illa Clara Railroad in Cnha. Ri-- ! indiirj a! ( )ue'x-c .md settling in Phila- tnrniiiL;- to the I'nited States he eii^.ivied delv hi i thi- same v ir. I le was n\-e years in the coal Inisine-.s, and ilied April . % u. an aiiprentice to the tnaehine hnsMu-ss in |SS|. He was a brothel' of 1'eti! the N'oiris Locomotive \\'orks. forr years : Dooner iSSc , and snii-in-la\\ of Ricl;.i:d v.-tli !!' ,\- Co, printing piv-s ImiMers, McCini!!e\- I S 51 . A "S'--:-': eitv. forem in of tin- ./.; pu-ss- Jose]ili Michael Doraii. 1S27. "in fo; tliirU-en year-,, andoftlie /:'/;/,. Horn in I'hila.'.elphi.i. N'ovemlu-r io, i-, N) . -,!-"; f-rnv.e mil :i half years. In He was the son of Mich.-.e! Doran, of 'i !'!' -!'.< r.] i \\:>- '.it'er position mid Moiintrea'.h, ( 'Ueeiis eoi;nt v, I :i land, and i,;,e!;ed i h..'vl a::d r' in: ;:' ov. C 1 ;. --1 - of Man Lai- -r. ..f K ir.-s r. -mit -. , In-lan.l. tint sw.-t 1,,-low l{-.-h..h, md af'erv.-i: ds Midi.iel D..r:in arrived in ! 'hil.ide'.ph.ia, 0:1 Ti-nth street aSo\-,' Ciii--.: IHI! Dooiur's I.'nnar\ 5. '7>.<. \-.!iere lie le-ided i:::til Hotel has l.e.-n for vear; the head. plarters his dei'h J-srph M Dor ...n v ;, ; .;;:. .; ( d f>r TiieiTV.ers of the n : '-:-'iiin Soc:--l\ ...: !;e i":: ; \ - ; \- .:' }\ -. . '\ ; ;ii :: i v Jo, and nianv of ;- s nieetin 'S h ive '>ee:i ::< '. i s-TUjiieii 1 i\s : : the . ;:.. e . : Ios.-ph R. DO F>0 lugersoll and was admitted to the Phila- delphia Bar, April 3, 1824. He was So- licitor for the District of Southwark in iS^5, a member of the Pennsylvania Con- stitutional Convention of 1X37, and Judge of the Court of (.eneral Sessions, iS4<>- iS4v He was President of the Repeal Association of Philadelphia. He died June h. i.\S<-). and was buried in St. Mary's churchyard, Fourth street above Spruce. His son, Joseph I. Doran, is a ineinlier of the Philadelphia Bar. [See " Biographi- cal KncyclopLL'dia of Pennsylvania," p. 76.] David Dorrancc, 1838. -Came from Bristol, Pa., to Philadelphia, where he kept the United States Hotel lor many years. lie died in March, 1842, leaving a widow, Marv Dorrance, surviving him. Benedict Dorsey, Jr., 1804. \Vas a member of the firm of Henedict Dorsey & Son, wholesale grocers, 3 and 5 S. Third Street. He was aftc; \\ards a dialer in china, etc., at 132 N. Second -trect. His father died in June, iS , was a native of Derrv, Ireland, and hi- UK jther, Kli/.a S. Dougherty, a native of P.ristol, Fn-l.md. He is in tile firm of J. A. Dougherty's Sons, strain distillers : i-'> a student, a linguist, and a j atron of art, and his house v, as the resort of scientists and men of letter-. lie v. a- a charter member of the Art Club and a piomment inemluT of the Academy of Fine Art- and the Academy of Natural Sciences. He had a womler- f;:l knowledge of bolanv, and in his lieau- tifnl gardi n at Point Pleasant, N. J., lie ha'l a collection of rare plants, which :i DO DR prominent florist declared were the choic- est he had eve: seen. in hi- .-Indie- in metallurgy and chemistry he vi-ited and spent considerable lime amon j, the mine- in California, Colorado and Mexico. He also devoted much attention to a-tron- omvand v.a- very proficient in this -tnd\ . and \s.i.- ai-o conversant with the I.atin, ('.reek, Ficnch and Spanish lan-ua^c-. i ;c svas al-o a member of the Peim, Man- f.idurcrs', and Columbia Clubs. On the death of his intimate friend, the late J, imes I,. Cla^horn, Mr. Dougherty spent over a \car in compiling a history ot .scry print and picture in that noted col- lection, which description accompanied the collection upon it- sale to Mr. ( .arrett, of Baltimore. Hisoun collection of line engraving's is said to be the finest in Philadelphia, now th it the Cla-horn col- lection has left the city. He died March I, 1^92, at his residence, 1435 ('drard avenue. James Downey, 1882. Born March 25, iS2w, ill Castle Dnrrosv, Oueeus Co., Ireland. He came to America in i.Vy). landing at New York in April of that year and settling in Philadelphia in iS6i. He has been Superintendent of the Philadel- i phia \: Re idin-^ Railroad for fortv years, i John Michael Doyle, 1882. Born | Mav i, IM3, in Ca-tle Kevin, Killerallan, ! County Cork. Ireland. Came to America in i\S2, landing at Philadelphia in March of thai year. He \\ i- for fourteen years j a dc-i- uer and carver on wood and i- now rmj.a^ed in 'die bu-:ne-s o| cnij, raving on I IIH tal and niaiiufictn rill-" metal, bra-s and -ilver plati'd sii^iis, at 2:3 Dock street. He wa- the President of ill,.- Parnell Branch of the Iri-h National League i Philadel- phia'. Hi- -pent three years at Academy of Fine Arts, drawing and modelling from -.ntiijiie and life clas-i. Mr. Dovle was a ::-:::' . : of the F\ -cutive Committee of : 'ne S> n-iel y in : iSS and I 'iSij. Patrick Doyle, 1882. A native of he', and. \\'a- i piper manufacturer. lie died ' iv.narv 2=;, i sS i and ua- buiic'l in i, athe'l: d cem--tery. He li-ft a widow. Mar-ate: S DON!-. VIM Sprin- C.anleti -re,-', and tonr chi! Iren, FMward I. . Mar\ DeS., lo-e'ih '.\ . and J.-h:: Dovle. William II. Doyle, 1884. Born Ju'.s- 31, is,S2, in Trenton. N. 1. His fathei u.i- a n.iti\e of Coi;::t\ KiM.ile, Ireland, aini !;:- motlu r i't Kins^s co.. Ireland. He i> in tile pluml)iiii, r and ^a^- ilttinx liu-iue ,:t 7'>; S. Ninth street, lie \\a- ,i member of Common Council and i- a memlier (it the \'ollir^ Meil'.s Democratic A--oi-iation. At ; te-.-nt he i-> one of tile Real h-late A>-e or- of the citv. Thomas Drake, 1850. Born in Leeds, Fji^'ianil, April <.j. :*>'. He c.ime \s;th his ]..irent- to the r-.iited St.ites in IS2N. Hi- father. John Dr. ike, \sa- a mannlac- turer in Manayunk up to i^./x Tlioma- Drake lie-an hi:>ine>.- for l;:m-e'f in i v ;; am! continued manntacu:: ;n^ r '.nit:'. ;v"i:. when he retire'!. He \s t> one ot t'::e mo-. ext.ensi\ p e mannlacturer- ol cotton ^ood-. ])rints, etc., in the countr\ . He b;i:'.t t!;i mills at Twe::tv third and Naiiilain :.n,' Twent v-;ir-t a::d Pine streets. I'poii re tiring from br,-ir,e-- he built a !:''.;- o: \\'a-hm^ton iivenue, ( 'ei'mantoss ::, ::; whicli he rc-idcd until hi- death ujion April iS, 1890. T;ior.-h Mr. Drake was not of Iri-h birth or de-cent, he wa^ associated in hi.- busine-> relations with \Vm. J. Leiper. Charles Kelly. Samuel Riddle and .-o many of the member- o: the Societv who were prominent manu- facturer-, that he nat'.i: ally became a member of the Society. It i- >aid thai he wa- brought up in early youth in Dnb'.in. when- hi- f.ither i- -aid to have h id a ::;-.'.'. before coming to America. Richard Drean. 1810. Wa- a me: chant and importer of shawl-, lace>, etc.. at .j N. I-' rout street. John Drew. 1854. Born Septemb, 2.S. l s - 1 5, in Dnb'.in, Ireland. He faille to Anu-rica in IS;-; and -ettlcd in Pliiladeb phia in 1^51. He wa- an actor by profes- >t.l'^e at tile i'.oUets Theatre in Neu York in i - :;. i- 1 1> 'ti if ( I'Tni ile in the " Iri-h Tutor." H- :i:-t appeared in Philadel phia. An-n-'. ."-. l s -^. and at mice bee ime a f ivi irit--. In : -- ; in ' onr.e. tii :: \sith \VilIi mi NVhi I'.'.e-, he bee cne Manager of the Arch Street The. it re in I'hi'.adel- :i!i: i. He vi-iteil lui-l.uai in iS-S. Call- DR nr fornia in iJ-^Sand Australia in i.\S9. He icturned to America in iN>2, and made his last appearance on any stage, May yth of that ve.tr. He uas considered the lies: Irish comedian on the stage. Joseph Jctfcrson in his autobiography in the ('t'li'sti'V .lfai;a~: >it~, October, i>i/>, savs : " I think it has been generally con- ceded that, since Tvrone Power, there has lieen no Irish comedian ei[ii;d to John Drew. Power, as a light and lirilliant actor, with piercing eves, elegant carriage and polished ' school,' dazzling his audi- ence like a comet, was undoubtedly un paralleled in his line, but I doubt if lie could touch tlu> heart as deeplv as did Jolin Drew." Mr. Drew died May 21, 1.S62, and was buried at dlenwood ceme- tery. His widow still survives him, suc- ceeding him in the management of the Arch Street Thea;re. She has been for many years one of the most talented and highly respected of American actors. In Philadelphia she is esteemed by every- body. [See "Applet"ifs Cyc. Amer. Biography," Vol. 2, p. 231.] Anthony J. Drcxel, 1870. Was born in Philadelphia in 1X26. He is the son of Francis M. Drcxel, founder of the tanioiis banking-house so 'veil known in America and Murope. At the age of thirteen he entered the banking-house, and has been identified with it ever since. T'ne line marble building of the firm at the southeast corner of l-'ifth and Chest- nut streets is one of the land-marks of Philadelphia. Mr. Drexel has been prom- inently identified with all the benevolent and charitable organizations of citi/.ens, and his linn is generally Selected as the depo^itorv for public relief funds. -\\>-}\ as he Johnstown Flood I-'und, the '. Famine Fund, etc. In iSS'i it acted as Treasurer of the Irish Parliamentary Fund if the citi/.ens of Philadelphia, and Mr. Dn \ '. himself was one of the most geiicr- i "as contributors to the fund. Preferring .'. : of a private Hti/.en he has re- I'llseii all official honors, eyell the olier of the Secretaryship of ti:e Treasury by ('resident (.rant. The crowning work of life lias been the recent establishment of the Drexel Institutt-of Art. Science and Industry, \Vest Philadelphia, which was dedicated on December 17, 1891. The building and equipments alone cost $6,- (XK\ and bi-sides that great sum lie has given v.i,(KM,(KHi as an endowment fund for its support. Mr. Drcxel and Mr. I'.eorge \V. Childs, another of Philadel- jihia's great benefactors, are intimate friends, and their lanniiar figures as they walk together down Chestnut street evcrv morning to their offices are well known to the citi/.ens of Philadelphia. William Duaue, 1806. Hern May, 1760, was a native of the northern part of the Province of New York, where his father had settled in the vicinity of Lake Champlain as a farmer and surveyor. His father haying died in 1765, the widow, after a short residence in Philadelphia and Baltimore, returned to Ireland. He offended his mother by marrvmg a Prot- estant, and being thrown on his own re- sources he became a printer for a few years at Clonmel, and then removed with his family to London, where he obtained employment and where his uncle, Matthew Duane, an eminent conveyancer, resided. In I 7.^7 he accepted a proposi- tion to proceed to Calcutta and undertake the publication of a newspaper in that city. His family returned to Clonmel to await there the result of the enterprise. He was for a time prosperous and was making arrangements for hi^ family's re- joining him, when an article in his news- paper gave offence to the govcimnent. He- was sei/.ed without notice and, after a short detention in Fort William, sent back to Fngland. His property in Cal- cutta, including a valuable librarv, was confiscated. In Fngland he failed to ob- tain redress, and he obtained employment as Parliamentary reporter tor the news- paper then called tlu (it iit'i'iil . !,':/>'/: />', now Tlii' I'inii'.. He continued at this work until 171/1. when he concluded to settle in America. With his family he- sailed from London on May \(i, 171/1, for New York, and arrived in that c',1 \ on following [ulv .jth. Coming to Phila- delphia shortly afterwards, he so, .11 be- came the editor of a ne\\s],aper i ailed the True . lino:, ,/>.', ; ..' 1 -i . < 1 b\ Sam.;el i ; . DU DU Bradford ( iSo.v, and subsequently of the Auroii, of which la-t paper he became the proprietor about iNoi. The Aurora was for several svars one of the ablest and most influential Republican i 1 Jcmocratic i papers in Pennsylvania. I)uane was a vigorous svnter and an unsparing political opponent, and he was continually in- volved in libel suits, as many as fortv, it is sai;i, pending at one time. It is a note- norths' fact tliat three of the most prom- inent publishers and ssriters of the early part of the century \\ere \Vm. 1 >uaiie, Mathesv Cares' and John I'.inns, all three of tliem members of the Hibernian Soc-.ets'. Mr. I )uane withdresv Iroin the Aitr(>ra in I.S22, and made a visit to South America. On his return he- pub- lished in iS2b the result of his observa- tions in " A Visit to Colombia." In iSii he had written " An Hpitome of t'ne Arts and Sciences," in iSio a "Mil itary Dictionars'," and in 1813 a " Hand- book for Riflemen." He had been for a time Lieutenant-Colonel of a rifle reg- iment in the regular service, and had also acted as Adjutant-General with the rank of Colonel in iSi; v On April 23, iS29, he was appointed Prothonotarv of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and continued to act in that capacity until his death, November 2.|, iS^s, at the ai;'c of 75 sears. \\"ilbam ]. Duaue iiS25> ss'as his son. [See " Scharf X: \\'estcott's His- tory ol Philadelphia."] William John Duanc, 1825. -Horn Mas- <,. l7No, at Clonmel, County Tipper- ars , Ireland. He was the eldest son of \V:lliam Dnauc ! S,f> and Catharine ] lu.-'.ne. His lalh'-r w:is for a time Parlia- iiu !'.!;'. reporter for the ( i"r'iit'i\i! .hfrrr- MOSV '/A'; 1 I !!>!i'->, and he frequently accomp.it'.icd him to the Callers' of the IIi'U^co-l Commons. In i 71/1 he came to \menc.i \vi!h his lathrr. ssho settled in dclphia. In September, 1 7^S. he became a clerk in t lie < itlice of t he . /.'; 1', 'l\; nesvspapcr. published by hi-, father. I'pon Dccembei -, ; . i.S he niarrn d Deborah i'.ache. a < ia n _ liter of' Richard Bachc 177.' and. Sarah I'.ache, the daughter of Benia- 111 in Frank hi;. Sliortls- after his marriage he entered into partnership sv.th \\"il'.iam I.evis, a paper merchant. In 1X09 he was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, svhere he at once took a prominent part in the proceedings. In the same vcar he wrote a sv< >rk called " The I.asv of Nations Investigated in a Popular Manner ; Addressed to the bar mers of the I'nited States." In !>;<>!..- publisheil his lef.ersuiM.u " Internal I;:: jiros'enieiit of" the Commonss e.dth. " I Hi: inx the war of 1-12 he s\:is Adjutant the "State I ; encible I.e^ion" and. after svards Captain of another com] ians' luriiied in iSi.; and called the Rejiiiblican Greens. In iSii he relinquished business and bewail the study <.f law in the office of Josejih Hopkinson, afterward.s Jnd^e of the I'nited States District Court. In 1X12 and lM v i he was re-i-lected to the Legisla- ture, and June 4, iM5, was admitted to the Philadel])liia I!ar. After his admission to the liar he became Solicitor for the Guar- dians of the Poor, the 1'einale Hospital Society, and the Carpenters' Companv of Philadelphia. In iSig he became Secre- tary of the Board of School Directors, and in the fall of the same 1 Yea 1 ' was re- elected to the Legislature. During Gov- ernor Hiester's term he filled the otiice of Attorney of the Mayor's Court of the city for three years. In iSj.jhesvas nominated for Congress but declined, and in iS2S he was tendered thi' nomination for Mavor of Philadelphia, but also declined, and Mr. Dallas heinsj; elected, he was tendered the office of City Solicitor, but declined that also, prelerrin^' to attend to the cares of a lar^e familv. In iSjg he s\'as elected a member of Select Council, and in i . s ; i svas nominated Tinted States Commis- sioner under the treat s svith Denmark. In the same year Stephen (Virard died, a:;d lias'in^ been lii< Solicitor, he svrote tl;e ssill ami svas named, one o| t'ne tise e\e> ntors. In iS u' he svas a 1 lirectcr > l" the I'nited States I'.ink, and on May 2>;, i^,;;. svas a] 'point ed 'o the Cabinet as Secri-ta: i if the Treasury, svllicli (> DI~ not entirelv resume his profession, only actions of College ot Physicians." Cen- ring in the Orphans' Court occasion- tennia! edition.] ally for some old client. The last office John II. Duffin. 1880. Rom in of a public character held by him was that I-'.a-t"n. Pa.. Au.u r u>t 24. ivjs. of Irish of Chairman of the (rirard Collar Com- parents. IK- is now in UK- real estate inittee. I-'or many yi-ars prior to his brokerage business de.ith he sutlered from .in internal c<>:n- Charles Duffy, 1885. Born in 1^25, pla'.nt of a painful nature. During the in Lower Campsie, County Derry, Ireland, last year of his life he left his house but He came to America in i>\=; tnd settled in once, and then to vote at the Presidential PI i i where lie is .1 leading election of 1^64. He died September 26, hotel manager. ll<- w.is m.ni-'.^er of [865 in the S5th year of his afje, and was the Stockton Hotel. Cave- May, X. J., interred i:: North Laurel Hill cemetery. for twelve years, : clerk :n Conti- A daughter. Mr-. Klizabeth I), (iillespie, nental Hotel for twenty years. Atpre-ent is now a : r< minent lady in Philadelphia. he is les-ee of thv Continent .1 Hotel. Sea Mr. I >u me :' r m my years t u >k an a 'live Isle City, X. J. part in the proceedings of the Hibernian Daniel J. Duffy. 1884. Was a sa'es- S">cietv. and was one of its C. >::::-rll' r-~ man in the carpet ' usiness. 12510 i s65. a period of forty years. Patrick Duffy, 1882. Born in the [See sketch of his life in "Biographical : irish of Culdaff, County Donegal. Ire- Kncvcli'pA-'iia of Pennsylvania," Phila laml, in March. : x ,"5. He emigrated to delphia, 1^74. paire 54: " Hiojn'aphical Americ.'. when fifteen years of aj^e, land- Mem ir of Will: iin J. Duane," Philadel- in^ at Philad Iphia, November 9, I S 5<>. phia, ix>V " Scharf ^V Westcott." \"ol. He !:..-- been a laborer, porter, Dalesman. 2, ] i^es 1 1 27 and 1540. tjrocer, and finally studied law a::d was Samuel Duffield. M. D.. 1790. admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Febru- B"r:: in January, i7.;2. He was a prac- ary ;. 1^72. He was a School Director in ti IIIL ph -i : .:: havinir his offi e in 1791 the Sixth W.ir>I for -:x years, a S'-h<*>l at NO. 1 2 Ci'.estViiit street. He was a member Controller for two vears a::d ret-re-^ented of the '.. -:-:: I 'I::'.' -:'::: a] Society, the same ward in Select Council for three I7*"> ; Curat r :~~: ^2, 17^6-91; Council- years. He is a member of the Catholic lor. :~ x- ind : - r . wh 'lesale md retail Club, St. Autrustine's I.iU-rarv Institute dniur^ -' :" - . Surgeon, Pennsyh mia and St. Philip's Literary In-tif.:*e :n>l is Navy. October, 1775; Superintendent also p. Tru-tee of Villanova C '- - He Flosp-t ; ari.l Pest House. Pe:msylvania is i nephew r,f Daniel H..r: a::d Navy April, 1776; elected :::--::: : . ma-k- ' -. " w fever, Indian Hueen Hotel 15 South I ; .>urth Oc: ' 1 7^; : Consulting ;'': - : : : of street ar.l w.xs afterw.ird-. in 1^:9. a w:ne : - : flr.ilth, :-.- P:iysi : .:: ' ilea'er it ': D k street. He w,..s ... - : :. poor of the :: He :: -- : n .five f In ! iv.d ' - 27. i^ir. -:'. ^-2 /.:- i Benjamin Duncan. 1S33. A n.itiv vt. r: ,f P::i'" ielphi - - Im..-.; - Hi- -treet wh irf He w.-.- Hiirh SheriiT o: .: David Duncan. 1700. Was nti :' :;' v M itth.ev . - ; He : - ' ib'.v .lie.'. : :: M'itthow Duncan. 1/00. W nr 401 (179: . lie was afterwards, 1791, in part- nership with I-aac Duncan at 66 N. Second street. I Ie died in April, i>*>~. His will, dated April i i and proved April iSofthat year, mentions his wife, Letitia Duncan ; hi> son>, Thomas O^den Duncan and Williani l-'u'ilerton Duncan ; and also John Ma-' 'i! Duncan, David Tel fair Duncan and Margaret Duncan. John Dunkin, 1790. Was a tea mer- chant at 99 S. -Second street. lie died Au^n>t 27, 1795, ai^ed twenty--even vears. and w.i- buried in the Third Presbyterian cemetery. Letters of administration on hi- e-tatc \\XTe granted Auj^ll>t 29. 1793. to Ann Dunkin, Robert Henry Dunkin :~>V-' and John Harclay (1790. The sure-tie.- were (icorj^e Meade 1790 and I I'.i^h Henrv i 790 . Robert Henry Dunkin, 1796.- \Va> a member of the Philadelphia Bar, ad- mitted to practice. January ;. 1791. lie was bon: December 13. 1769; died July 26. :^<>,s, and was buried in the Third Presbyterian cemetery. He was a brother of John Dunkin 1790 . In the Records of the P>'.'rials there are mentioned his death and that of his brother, and also those of An:; Dunkin, died June 5. 1852, aijx-d ninety -three vears ; Mrs. Marv Henry, died February 2;. 17^7. aj^ed seventy-two '.ear-, and Ann Smith, died December ;. : " o. ,i'^ed eiirhty-ei'^ht years. Mr. Dun- kin was one of the Counsellors of the So -iL'-.y in 1796 and 1797. John Dunlap, 1790. Was a meml>er ;omas Dunlap, 1832. --Was prob- i member of the Philadelphia liar. ! to practice September 4. I M 6, ! \\ilo died July II, 1^64. a^'ed Seventv- William Dunlap. 186-1. Was in the :-::- on Market street above --'. ! !- w i- a :: iti ve of Ireland. Michael Dunn, 1855. Hum in hv- \--'f -reat re-ort for bu-i:-.es> men. He died, in Philailelphia. and wa- buried in Cathedral cemeterv. Thomas J. Dunn, 1891. Was born in (Jueens Co., Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in 1.^49. where lie ha> -:nce been en.ua^ed in the manufacture of cigars. He was ,i pri\'ate in tlie Cor:: Kxchan^e Regiment, Pennsylvania \"ol- unteers. in 1^62. and sub-eijr.ent;\- ]>r:vate in the Thirty-eighth New Jer-ev Volun- teers, and was promoted to lie ] ; ir-t Ser- geant. After the \\ar. abov.t : ~>7' ', he joined the State National ('.uaril, and wa- made Captain 01 Company H. i-'ourth Regiment, and later was Captain of Com- pany B, First Regiment, in which latter position he served for five years. Edwin F. Durang, 1882. Is a native of New York -ity. lie is a prom- inent architect in Philadelphia, especially known in connection with the erection of numerous Catholic church buildings and institutions. He was architect for St. Charles' Borromeo Church, Tuentu-th and. Christian streets ; St. Jame-' Chi:rch. Thirlv - eighth and Cl:e-tnut streets; Home of the Little Si-ter- of the Poor, Mi,L, r hteenth above Jefferson street; Cath- olic Home for Hrphan Ciirls, Race -treet belo\v Mixhteenth ; ( lerman a:;d Matern:ty Ho-pital-. etc. [See " Philadelphia ami pop;:lar Philadelphians," p. 22;." James Duress, ISSO. Wa> bom near Knniskilleii, County I-Vrm.iV.a-l:, Ireland, in ; N 17, and came to l':;;.a ;elpr.:a ''.::'e !1. 1^34. He was in the retail grocery busi- n ess at Passvunk avemu 1 and Chri-tian mo\ed to \\'e-t Philadelphia, \\herc he John Duress. I860.- -V. .:: : -: ; it Five Mile 'I D\V of Clobber, County Tyrone, Ireland. He (Mint- to America in M.iv, iS^. Settled in Philadelphia and learned the printing trade at the establishment of J"hn Young, No. ;, Black Horse alley, at that time a celebrated job printing house. He became proprietor of the saint in 1^47, and con- tinued a prosperous trade until iSS^, when he retired from business. lie was the eldest of a fannlv of six, ami still resides in Philadelphia, on N. Fleventh street. George W. Dwicr, 1882. Horn October 26. i\si, in Philadelphia, lie is the son of I >ennis I)\vier, a native of Dub- lin, Ireland, and i> a bookkeeper in the wholesale liquor hou>e of Andrew C. Craig .Si Co. He is a member of the Junior Order of I'niled American Me- chanics, Knights of Pythias. Ancient Order of United Workmen and Order of Sparta. Thomas Eakin, 1840. Was a resident of Na>hville. Tellll. George Eddy, 1790. Was a mer- chant at No. 59 South Wharves. In 1794 lie ua> a member of the McPherson Blues, a volunteer companv of citi/ens organi/ed for the expedition to Western Pennsylvania to put down the \Vhiskev Insurrection, Letters of administration on his estate were granted October 12, [Sin, to I.oiiis Fddv ;md (teorge (irifiith, the sureties being Michael Keppclc and David F,e\vis. He married a daughter of M11N Lewis, merchant. George W. Edwards, 1850. Was a broker and financier, and also dealt in real estate. He negotiated several loans for the Reading Railroad Companv. He was the owner of the iiirard HOUM-. I. a ;; rn ind St. George's I [otel, and died p-.-~ >-ed of considerable n il . -: ,ti . He died August 27, lS6i, age 1 ;>i years, and v. i-. Inn led ;it St. Jc ihn's Catholic < ' v.irii, Thirteenth above Chestnut Direct. Thomas A. Kdwards M S^; i was his Thomas A. Edwards. IS.'H. Was -' ' - r,f (H orge \V. Kd wards ' IS.S" . ; :, [S.jty. at St. '.;.:: ntil ibo\-e Chi He on the \ :::;. Coni- -.''. (fill' : ::.''. ' - [until liis death, a jx^ritxl of more than fifteen years. Thomas Robert Elcock, 1S70. Horn in Philadelphia, August 10, iS^s. He is the son of John Klcock and ^lar- garet Kellv. He was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, September S, iSscj, and practiced law until elected Judge of Court of Common Pleas, No. 4, in iN74. lie took his seat upon January i. I.S75, anil served his full term of ten years, return- ing to the practice of the law, Jannarv i, I*S5. He is a brother of Rev. John J. Hlcock, Rector of the Cathedral. JollU Elliott, 1804. Was in the wine bottling business on Walnut street below Fifth street. William Elliott, 1790. < )i Franklin co., Pa. We can find nothing concerning him. John Ellis, 1857. Horn in Duna- wanah, Coimtv Tyrone, Ireland. Came to America in iSj^, landing at Philadel- phia June 17 of that year. lie has been in the livery-stable business since 1^39. He is a member of the Odd Fellows' or- gani/ation. Thomas Ellis, 1855.- Was in the liq- uor business. He died in November, 1^75. William Emslcy, 1889. Horn in Yorkshire, England, June 17, iS.ji. He ar- rived in New York, and settled in Philadel- phia in 1^57. lie served nearly three years in the n 6th Regiment P. Y., connected with Mcagher's Brigade, 2d Corps. Army of the Potomac, and is now engaged in the manufacture <>f woollen yarns. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in iNS^, and is con- nected with the Masonic and . iN-'.), sonic ( ): - (K i . and proyed l ; ehruary 24. 1^25. int.-nt.ions Joseph Erwin, 1790. We can find his wife Kli/a ; hi- daughter Hmi:\ ; his no trace of him in the Directories or public son John Thomas J-'.N 1 .:!!;,: and Ro-t- his rei'i-nU. \\iie. John Sergeant i s ''.s \sa^ one of the Alexander Ewing, 1802. --Wasproh- executors. aMy a wiiolesaie grocer. He died in Michael Filhy, 1872.- \\'a- a veter- I S_S5. inar\- >nr^eon. John Ewing, 1802. Was horn in Michael J. Fahy, 1883. Was born Nottingham, Maryland, June 22, 1732. September 14, i-\i4, in Hallinde: ian, His ancestors finigruU-d from Ireland and County ('.aluav. Ireland, and came '.o settled in rennsylvania. lie graduated at Philadelphia in June, 1*47. He is a mar.v,- I'rinc eton 4111754, studied theology with facturer and dealer in furs on Arch street. Dr. I-'raucis Alison, and \va> licensed 1\- being the only Irishman in tile business. the l'resb\tery of Newcastle. \\"hile em- He is a member of the Catholic Club, ployed in teaching philosophy in the Col- Jefferson Club and Americus Club. He lege of Philadelphia in 1759 he \\as called has also been a School Director in the i,5th to the I-'h>t Presbyterian Church in that \\"ard for seveial years, and i> actiye in city. In 1773 he successfully solicited Democratic politics, suhi-criptions in C.reat Britain for the sup- Thomas Augustine Fahy, 1885. jiort of the academy in Ne\sark, Delaware, Horn January 17, I S 37. in Kastport. Maine, and had fri-([nent interviews \yith I.ord Hi^ parents (.'migrated from Ireland to North, the prime minister, and with Dr. Maine; his father in i>2Sand hi> mother Johnson. In 1775 he returned from in iS2J. He came to Philadelphia in the l'.uro]n-, and from 1779 until h^ death fall of i\jo. lie was a member of the i;eld, in conjunction with his pastorate. Hoard of Public Education, 1872-1-^75; the office of Proyost of the I 'niyersity of of the Scliooi Hoard, nth Section, for lo Penns\ - ly.inia. He was a thorough math- years. 2 years of which he \\as President. . i^s/.. He is a noted camj'aign Christopher Fallen, 1841. Cadi/. Spain, April 28, iS,,ij. Hi- failu-r, Henry I'allon, was of the ( >' I\illon t'amil\ of Runnini'-ad. CmintN Roscommon, Ire i\ Re\ . R. I'.it'n : -on. \\ er\- land. II :- m<>; h.er. '.'/' I-'li-min-j.. \\'.is ol p-t:!'l"v-h'-d after his ileath 12 yol>., iSii< ( \, Sj-ani-h birth, hut descended from the il o ,1 \olnnieof his sermons, \\ith.i l-'lemiuL; famil\- of SI. 'i;e. Ct>u::',\ Me.nh, mi :i!"ii Philailelj.hia, 1812. IK-diedin Ireland. Ih- u .<-. educated at St. T.N hurst i'hil.ideiphia, St-ptember !, |N>2. I See College, I.a.nc.isliire. Mni;l.;nd. and came Api'lttoif- C\c'op. of Am. Hiog.," p. to Phi!adel]>lii.i .ibout is^q. He taught -'-,: J Simpson'- Lives." p. ;5^. 1 -chool liere for two \ear~-, tli-.-n -'.ndied Robert Ewing. 181<>. \Vas an :: ;.:\v an. 1 %\as admitted to '.'.:.- P!::la. lei; 1 "'.< <: !-'-:; live-:-. I'.-i, ictoi-ir 2. i>;.i. ! I, -, ,;-.; I:: in , 1 404 practice law until his death, and was for a number of vears a^ent for the Dowa^cr- Cjueen Christina of Spain, who was the possessor of real estate in Philadelphia. He was for a time President of the Suubury and Frie R. R. Co., and after- wards of the West Chester and Phila- delphia R. R. Co. He died at his beautiful country-seat " Runnimead," in Upper D.irhv, Delaware Co., Pa., July 6, lS(i^, leaving his widow Sarah I,, but no chil- dre:; surviving. He was buried in the cemeterv attached to St. Charles I'.orro- meo Church. Kellyville, Pa. One of his nephews. Christopher Fallon, i-- a member of the Philadelphia Har. John Fallon i i S.ji w as his brother. John Fallen, 18-11. Horn in Cadi/., Spain, Februarv I v iSiij. He was a brother of Christopher Fallon liS4i). Ik- was educated at Carlow College, Ireland, a:'.'! came to Philadelphia about iS}6. He w.is a railroad engineer for two vears, then studied law with his brother and was admitted to the Philadelphia Har, March (>. 1X4;. He and his brother were agents f. T the I )owaL, r er-Oueen Christina of Spain, i :i which position he continued to act after his brother's death. He died at An Sable Chasm. New York, September 9, 1^5, and wa-- buried at Woodlands cemeterv, West Philadelphia. He left a widow. Susan F., and one son, Francis C., member "f Philadelphia Har. Mr. Fallon served as one of the Counsellors of the Soeietv, 1843 :\xv James Fargus, 1790. We cm find no trace of him in the Directories or public records. Stephen Farrelly, 1885. Horn in Ireland in i S.j v He is the son of Owen Farrcll v, who brought his family to Ann r- ica in i\jS. At the ai^e of 17 he entered tl:e service, in New York city, of Dexter ec I'.ro'her, wholesale book agents, where hi- '. rot her held a position a* bookkeeper. When the !>u-iiie--, of the company was nier'j'i ! into thit of tlie American News f, i.. and there enti-red into bnsines-- \\ ih } i'.m M C' . I]M r \ I'.rotlu-r book-i 'det- itioiH-i Short'} ". ' '' an U a ] >art !!: hit . nil' : ': the firm name of Cooper, Olcott .Si Farrelly. In 1869 he sold out his interest in the firm and re- turned to New York, where he established the National News Company, which was finally merged into the American News Company. In iS;S he was appointed manager of the Philadelphia branch >f the company and renuAed to this city. Hv close attention to business and superior management he has made il one of the leading business establishments of the State. Mr. Fanvllv is President of til'- Catholic Club, member of the Penns\ 1 vania Historical and American Catholic Historical Societies, Citi/.ens' Municipal Association, Penn Club, Art Clu'>. and Pennsylvania Horticultural Socictv. In iSS^ he was elected a Director of St. Joseph's Orphan Asvlnm, and he is no,\ a Director of the Citv Tru^t Company a: i. . of the HeiK-iicial Savings I ; nnd Society. [See Hio^r. Album of Prominent Penn- svlvanians, ^d series, p. 531.] Bernard N. Farren, 1885. Was elected a member in iSS-, !n;t resigned September 17, I Soo. lie resides at 17;,! S])rinf C.ai'den street. Charles Fay, 1882. Born in Ral- liuau^h. County Ca\an, Ireland, in Octo- ber, iS4o. Hecanie to America when only 13 vears of ai;e, landing' at Philadelphia in i^.S.v He was one of the tound'-r^ of St. Ann's Literarv Institute, and was its President for two years. He his also been a School Director in the J.sth Ward for several terms. He is a member of the Irish National League and is also connected with most of the associations in St. Ann'-; Parish, Port Richmond. He is a 'milder and contractor by occupation. Thomas Fay, 1840. Was horn in the town of Drojrheda, Ireland, in Jan narv, i So v and came to Philadelphia in Inly. |S24, where lie was in the Ljroeerv business. He died February^. : S 7\ an ! sva- ! 'iiried in the Ne\\ C ithedral ceiiu-terv. James Faye, 1840. Wa, an u- countant. He resided at N i, : 55 Catharine James Fe.'iron, 1825. Was i soap and cmdle man u lacturer at J-) '"mon street. He died \n^n>l 17, iSji), in the ')~th vear of his a'-e. and w is hnried i'i JAMKS M. FKRC.rSOX. St. Peter's churchyard, Third and 1'inc Streets. Christopher Carson Fcbigcr, 1821. Ik- rt.-iiiovi.-d from Philadelphia to \Vil minion, I >ei. His-will, dated May 2, iSj;,, and proved February 4, iSjy. mentions hi'- wife Hannah, and his sons. Christian, I.ea. John C. and George I,. Febij^er. I Ic \vas probably a son of Col. Christian Feb- .^vr. Captain of First City Troop. John Fenlin, 1851. Was horn June 22, !S, in Countv Carlow, Ire-land, and rame to America about IS2J. Ik- was proprietor of the " Old Rotterdam Hotel," Third street above Race, for many years. Before the days of steam-railroads stages ran from his house to New York. His house was the booking office. lie was a member of the city militia during the Native American riots of iS4_}. In iS6i he removed to Cape .May, N. ]., where he kept a hotel and where he died November 4, 1^70. He was buried in St. Augustine's churchvard. l : ourth street above Race. James Mclntire Ferguson, 1873. Born in Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, August i, iS34. He came to the United States in iS47, landing at New- York in June of that year and coming at once to 1'hil.idelphia. At an early a.Lje he was apprenticed to the printing trade. During his apprenticeship he was selected bv his emplover to conduct the office of the U't'+tmitistcr Ifn\ild, at New Wilmington, I'a., and sei/ed the- op- portunity to take a two vears' course of study at Westminster College, without remitting his professional labors. On the completion of his studies he took up a temporary residence in Pittsburgh, and there published the I'nid'ii rrcshylcrian. Returning to Philadelphia, he purchased an interest in the ( 'fiyisl ! , and about tile same time established the }' 'itt/:' . /-.":[/;/;' -7/s/. In iS7o he formed wit':i S. A. George the firm of S. A. George X: Co., in the printing, clcctrotypint; and Ftereotypinij business, which firm became eventuallv Ferguson Ilrothers & Co., nt 15 \.irh Seventh street, his brother George 5. Fen'.KSi >:i :"^i l-ii;-- one of the part- ne- Mr. i\ :;:-,; uas !o:io identified \\\\':\ the S'-!u: . ''. ill N'avv. bein-' a mem ber of the Ouaker City Barv;e Club, and Commodore of the Navy for several years. It was in i^reat part due to his exertions that the International Rowing Regatta on the Schnylkill in the Centennial Year was made such unreal success. He Ii.id previ- ously visited I-'.uropi- to ir vite the princij'.'d rowing clubs there to particijiate. The regatta conniKticed August J^ and closed Septembers. 1^76. In 1.^73 Mr. I ; eryuson was elected a member of the Hoard of P. .rt Wardens, and in iS7S was elected Presi- dent of the Hoard. In the Hi-Centennial Celebration of the City of Philadelphia the river displav and opening of the fes- tival, illustrating the arrival of William Penn, was entrusted to him, and was one of the most successful portions of the ex- hibition. I le was a member of the Masonic organi/ation, of the Order of Sparta, and the I'nion League. lie was also the first President of the Stylus Club. He was elected Vice-President of the Hibernian Society upon March 17, iSS^, but died be- fore the expiration of his term, upon No- vember 5, iSS,v George Sloan Ferguson, 1881. Was born February 22, iS;6, in Cooks- town, County Tyrone, Ireland. He is the President of the George S. Ferguson Co., printers, electrotypers and publish- ers, at 15 North Seventh street. His brother, James Mclntire Ferguson : S 73\ was also a member of tin- firm previous to its incorporation. He came to America in June. 1.^47. lie printed and published the .-li,->-;<\in (,'uai\i:a>i, the Chrittitin />:- s/i H<-/iv. the ftvshYft't'iaH Jonnui!Ai\\\ the /'. :\i>i'^ ;'!:, \i! A't'f>^.S \\'a'.r.;;t street, lu-ini; a partner of Jutnes I,. Ta\lor iSS' 1 . He came to AmeMca Jannarv i, ISM7, landini; at Portland, Me., and set- -10(5 FI tied in Philadelphia January 7 of the same year. He is a member of the Masonic organization. He \vas elected Secretary of the Hibernian Society, March 17, iSS6, and assigned shortly afterwards to the Committee to prepare this History. He still worthily occupies the position of Scci ctai v, and is noted for the great accuracy and completeness of the minutes and of all the work which he performs for the Society. il:s records are models of care and ca p icitv. Patrick Ferrall, 1792. Was first clerk in the office for settling accounts between fie United States and individual States. \Ve can find nothing further concerning him. John Field, 1882. \Vasborn October S, iS.vJ, in County Derrv, Ireland. In iSjS he left Ireland with his parents and came to Philadelphia. His father died on the vovagc and was buried at sea. lie obtained employment with Amar Young, the founder of '.he present firm of Young, Smvth. Field .Sc Co., of which firm he is no.s t ]iirtner and the active manager. He \v.;s a prominent member of the Com- mittee of One Hundred, is Treasurer of the Franklin Reformatory Home, a Man- ager of the Magdalen Societv, a Trustee of the Y. M. C. A. proper! v, a Ilirectorof the Mi-ehanics Hank, and President of the P>oard of Trustees of the ( >rphanage of t he- Methodist F.piscopal Church, of which denomination lie is an active member. He was I 'resident of the I libernian Societv from March 17, iSSfi, to March 17, i.~>s.S, and is much respected for his upright and ster- ling character. He was appointed Post master of Philadelphia bv President Har rison, and entered on the discharge of his duties December I, [SSy. On October is. i^oi. he wa-- married to Sarah Hun ter. of Philadelphia, and Iris three- sons an 1 two daughters. His partner, I)avid Your,*,; [VS2 , was also a member of the 1 1 .bi-rnian So. iet y. William Findley, 1790. -Of West- moreland county, was born in the North of In-land, 1750 Hi- came to Peiinsvl- vania in August, '~ r >V and taught school for s, - ' -. ;. : .:-;- ' II,- re veution after the Declaration of Inde- pendence, on the ground that the people should select some other than a stranger lately arrived in the country. After the Revolution he removed to Westmoreland co. An intelligent and /.ueiit speaker, he soon became a politician ; he was a member of the State Legislature, of the Constitutional Convention of 1790, and a member of Congress irom 1791 99 and from i.N>3 17. At the time of the " Whis key Insurrection" in 1791 he took a prominent part in the delence of law and order, and, with David Dedick, was ap- pointed. October J, 1791. to wait upon President Washington and ('.overnor Millliu to explain the state ot" affairs in the uestern counties and to assure the Na- tional and State authorities that submis- sion and order could be restored without the aid of military force. Mr. Findlev sided with Albert (iallatiu in his opposi- tion to the I 'nited States Constitution. 1 le published " A Review of the Funding Svstem," 1794; " History of the Whiskey Insurrection of Western Pennsylvania," 1706; and "Observations," vindicating religions libertv, against S. H. Wylie. He died in I'nity township, Westmoreland co., April ,s, iS^t. [See " Pennsylvania Archives." second series. \'ol. .), p. ,]S ; " Pennsylvania Maga/ine," \'ol. s, p. .}.}<> ; " History of Westmoreland Co., Pa."] James Finley, 1790. -Was a school master. He probablvdied in Februarv, lSo; v Andrew Fisher. 1818. -Was in the hat business at 25 High street. Thomas Fisher, 1864. -Was born in the city of Dublin about iSi6, and came to Pliiladelphia in iS^fi, \shere he v/as en 'jaged in the wholesale drv-goods business, 1'onrth street below Market. He was a member of Common Council from the oth Ward, 1^59 '>o, and was tor manv %'ears a Director of the Mechanics Insnranci- Com- ji.an % . William A. Fisher, 1882. Was with George Kellv \- Co., Sio Market street. Robert Fitzgerald, 1790. Was a blm kmaker at ;s and ^~ Pctiu street. In the minutes of the ! 'en; ' svl vauia P.oard of \\'ar there is an entrv of a navmeiit to ri. " Robert Fit/herald. /'S9 io o. I leals and Pins for ('.rape Slu>U for fort Island." and in tin.- ininuU-s of tin.- Stair Navy Hoard, April i, 1777, thi- re is an entry, "Robert Fit/herald to deliver Capt. brown, i<>.S hottoiiis for i'.rape Shott and uliat Hlocks he wants." lie was buried in St. Paul's churchyard, Third and Walnut streets, ou April 5. 1MV His will, dated April 2, 1M2, and proved April S, iSi^, mentions iiis wit'e, Lydia ; his daughters, Martha and Ann ; and his son, John. Michael Fitzmaurice, 1884. Was born .March io, 1.^45, in I.eitrim, Couutv Kerry, Ireland, and came to America in October, iS')S. He is in the liquor business. He is a Director of St. Agatha's Building and I.oan Association. Florence Fitzpatrick, 1865.- Was in the auction business. John James Fitzpatrick, 1884. Was born at Grand View, Lancaster co., 1'a., ()ctol)er 17, i,\;<>. Hoth his j>areuts, Husband Bridget iMcr,ranu> Fit/patrick, were natives of Countv Cavau, Ireland. Mr. I'itzpatrick was a railroad contractor and resided in Lancaster, Pa. He died December 14. Joseph M. Fitzpatrick, 1888. Is a berton ec Fit/patrick. Philip Fitzpatrick. 1872. Was born at Ciortliill, Count\' Cavau, Ireland, Se]>tember, iSjS. He came to America when but five years of aye, arriving at New York in i\vb He bewail lite as an apprentice in a printing office but left it to eiiLiai^e i" the ovstcr business, and was afterwards a ship chandler. He was also occupied ill building vessels, tn^s, sir. liners, boats, etc. At present lie is a shipping and warehouse inert-liar. t. doiny business at ion Walnut street. He is one of the I'.o.ird of Trustees of Citv Ice boats He was one of the onrani/ers of the Sixth National Hank and lias been a Director in that institution since 1^77. He lias ;dso been a Director of the Heiie- I'.cial Saving Fund for the last twenty years. Yice-Preside1lt of the Maritime Kxchan^e, a Manager of St. h'M-ph's Orphan As\-lum, and was a member o!" Common Council. He served on the Acting Committee of the Soeietv, I^N> I.SNI, and on the Executive Commit ee, iS.Sj i.VS.s. [See "Men of America. Citv (iovernuieiit." 1'hilaiielphi.i, iSSv] Terence Fitzpatrick, 1889. Was born in llelturbet. Countv Cavan. Ireland, March 7, i.V}q, and came to Philadelphia in i>\S7- I b- is a builder and contractor (housesi, and is a member of the ('.rand Army of the Republic and of the Frank- lin Institute. Timothy Fitzpatrick, 1870. Was born in Ireland. He was the senior mem- ber of the firm of Fit/patrick and Holt, manufacturers, Manayunk, and owners of extensive cotton and woolen mills. He- died December 12, ISS7. He left a widow, Helen, and a son, John J. Fit/pat- rick. Thomas Fitzsimons, 1790. Was a member of the Friciidlv Sons of St. Pat- rick i see pai;e I Io). Roger Flahavcn, Jr., 1790. Was a brushmaker on Second street. Letters of administration ou his estate \\ere granted June 27, 1799,10 Sarah F'lahaven. Thomas Flahavcn, 1790. Was a liverv stable keeper. His uill, dated December 19, iSi>7, and proved January 5, iSoS, mentions his wife, Mary Flahaveii ; his brother. Martin Fiahaveii, " now liv- ing in County Watcrford, Ireland," and his sister, F.leanor F'lahaven. Robert Flanagan, 1859. Kept the Pat I, yon Hotel. Sixth, below Race street. He is said to have originated building associations in Pliiladelphia. lie d: d November, i^oi, leaving a wife and c!r. 1 dreii. r.ernard Raffertv ( iS66) \s as one of the executors of his will. Plunket Flceson, 1790. - -The son of an Irishman \\lio had eini^rateil at an earl\- date to Philadelphia, was born in Philadelphia in 1712. I:: December, 1747. he was eu-iyn i". C p:.dn F.ond's c(Hii]ian\- in the As-.ocia.ted Regiment of F'oot. of Philadelphia, which was raised for the defe'tee of the city avail's! the privateers o! I ; rance and Spa.in. In 1752 he was one o: the founders of the Hi hernia Fire Company, with which IK- was asso- eiated for inauv vears. He took an active FL FL part in the measures of resistance by the eiti/.ens of Philadelphia against the exactions of the Crown preceding the Revolution, and throughout the war he was an ardent supporter of the Colonial cause. lie served on numerous commit- tees of citi/.ens during that period, and in September, 1776, he was a subscriber to the amount of /.".soo " to recruit the line of this State with soldiers to be raised during the war." He was popularly known as " Squire Fleeson," by reason ot being a Justice of the Peace for many years. On November IN, 1 7 So. he was commissioned Presiding Judge ot the Court of Common Pleas and also of the Court of Ouarter .Sessions, and also, on January 13, 1781, of the Orphans' Court. He held these positions for several years. He died in August. 1791, aged 77 years. He was married in Christ Church, June 1 6. 1753, to Martha I.inton. His will, dated June 30, 1791. and proved August 26, 1791, mentions his daughter, Martha Can- adine, wife of Thomas Canadine ; his son- in law, John I.inton ; Peter dlentu orth and Plnnket C.lentworth. sons of C.eorge C.lentworth. })hvsiciaii; his grandson, Plnnket Fleeson, son of his son, Thomas Fleeson ; his daughter, Ksther Ila/.le- v, ood ; his granddaughter, Sarah Pen- rose ; Margaret < '.leiitworth, sister of John Linton and wife of C.eorge (ileiitworth ; his son-in-law. John Ha/lewood ; and Thomas Canadine. His son, Thomas I-'leeson. and his son-in-law, Samuel Pen- rose, were the executors. [See "Simp- son's Lives, " p, 37 v ] Rev. Francis Anthony Fleming, 1790. The researches of M. I. J. C.rillin sh.\v that he came to Philadelphia De- cember v, I7 S( ( He belonged to the ( >rdcr of Prea 'her-- 1 'otunucan i according to Thomp-on Westcott, was a Jesuit accord- ing io IO'IIM C.ilmarv >hea, a secular priest according to Rev. Joseph !',. Keller, S. J. He wa- p ,-'or of St. Marv's Churcli at the time o; ' . ; .-r.h. At the Synod of Baltimore, November 7. \~<>l. lieu as ap- ii. .inted Vicar < Vciieral for Pennsvlvania. Id- died of tin- vellow f,-ver in 17^3 and was buried in St. Marv's. He was the author of "The Calumnies of Verus," Philadelphia, 1792. His will, dated Sep- tember 10, 1793, proved Noveml>er 28, 1793, bequeathed to his "good friend, Rev. Robert Molyneux, Presd't of the Academy of C.eorge Town, on the 1'oto- niack, in the State of Maryland, all his property, which is vested in six per cent. certificates of the United States; $50 to the poor of St. Mary's Church, aud all his remaining property in money and eliects to Mr. Joseph Hann, residing in Lisbon." His dear companion and good friend, Rev. Lawrence C.rosl, and Rev. Christopher Vincent Keating, were ap- pointed his executors. (See page 164). William James Fleming, M. D., 1854. Was born March 19, iS2S, in Phil- adelphia, lie was the son of Joseph Fleming, a native of Londonderry, Ire- land, who came to this city and became a prominent manufacturer of cotton-goods, etc., at Twenty - fourth and Hamilton streets, where he had large mills and of Letitia Pike, a native of Lifford, County Donegal, Ireland. The son graduated as a physician from the University of Penn- sylvania in 1851, and visited Kurope lor about six months and practiced his profes- sion until hisdeath. Duringtherebellionhe was surgeon with McClellan's army; then surgeon at David's Island. X. V., where the Confederate wounded from ( '.ettysburg were taken ; then surgeon in New ( )rleans. Upon his return to Philadelphia he settled down to practice, and was both physician and surgeon. He was a member of Philadelphia County Medical Society. He was noted for attending the poor in a charitable wav. lie died March I, iSSq. Alexander Flemming, 1827. Was a sea captain. He probably died in June, IS2S. Robert Flemming. 1819.- -Was born in Count v Monaglian. Ireland. Was in the grocery business on Market street we^t of P. road for manv vears, and fmallv retired wealthy. He was a bachelor and lived at m South Penn square. The will of Rob- ert Flemmimr. merchant of Philadelphia and Charleston in South Carolina, "but now a permanent resident of Philadel- phia." dated Dei-ember 17, iStj, proved April 17, i^J5, mentions his nephew John l-X) Flemminj; ; his niece Ann Dobbins ; Jus. Alexander and Thomas Dobbins, sons of his niece Ann Dobbins; Ivli/.abeth Fllison, daughter of his niece Ann Adj^ar ; his four lucres .Mary Henry, Ann Ro>^, \\idowof James Ross, deceased, of South Carolina; Margaret Brown, wile ot" \\"iliiani Brown, anil Jane Stewart, wife of Dr. Robert Stewart, deceased ; his nephew Robert Flemnrin^ Ilenrv, of Charleston ; his nephew Robert 1'. Ilenrv. On his tomb- stone in the. cemetery alongside of the Ac.id<-inv of Natural Sciences is the in- scription : "Robert Flemtnilig, a native of Connt\- Monachal!. Ireland, and for manv vears a merchant in Charleston, S. C. Died at Philadelphia April 13, 1^45, a^ed N > vears. John W. Fletcher, 1790. Was a merchant at 235 Hiidi street. William Flmtham, 1813. Was de- scended from one of seven brothers who emigrated to America probably before i;;o and settled in Cecil Co., Maryland. William Flintham removed to Philadel- phia, where he became a merchant at 55 Notth Front street. j See Ritter's " Phila- delphia and her Merchants," i.S6o, p. 25.] Edward Henry Flood, 1882. Horn in Keleshandre, Count v Cavan, Ireland, February 24, 1^30. I Ie came to America in April, I s .; i, landing at (juebec, and settling in Philadelphia in 1-^37. He is a house car- penter and builder. lie served during the rebellion, entering ris Captain of I.i^ht Battery I ), First Pennsylvania Artillery, and beiiiLC afterwards promoted to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. William Henry Flood, 1884. -Born September 22, 1X32, at I'.ethlehem, Pa. lie is a son of John Flood, a native of Coini'.v Kildare. Ireland, who came to America in 1^20. He was formerly a farrier and afterwards a contractor, bav- in;.; removed to Philadelphia in December, 1*51, 1 le died ( )ctober, iSStj. Bernard Flynn. 18-15. Was a res- ident of Lancaster, Pa. James T). Fiynii. 1882. Horn Feb- ruary ;. lS;j, at I'ordc-ntown. New Jersey. !!:^ I itiiei' was a native ol Countv Sliuo. Ireland, and his mother of I tub! in. Ireland, lie '.'..: ! :",nter ior (' i'.;r vears and has been for some vears past editor of the liordt'ntoicn l\i^i\ti'>\ the oiil\ jiajier published in that town. He married Jane Flanagan, a daughter of Robert l-'lanaj^aii i'' s 5y- Standish Ford, 1790. Was a mer- chant, in partneiship with John Reed at ^3 South Front street. His uill, dated December 2, i.Si>5, and ])roved May ;6, iS<>6, mentions the firm of Reed oc 1'ord ; Mars' Ford, his reputed daughter, and (ieori^e 1'ord. his reputed son, and Marv (iroves, their mother; his Bister Ann Ford ; Mrs. Mary Blackburn ; and his wife Sarah Ford. lie considers Reed t \i Ford worth 5- (l . ( >cx). lie was married in Christ Church, December 5, I 795, to Sarah BriUon. Isaac Forsyth, 1818. Was a house carpenter at h.} South Sixth street. His will, dated Julv 15, iSjo, and proved Inly 21, i.Vo, mentions F.li/.abeth F'orsytli. his wile, and William, Joseph, Kenneth, and Presley, his children. Frederick L. Foster, 1889. Is in the wholesale boot and shoe bnsine-vs.it 430 Market street. He did not return his blank. James J. Foster, 1891. Is the pro- prietor of the Buena Vista Hotel at (ilou- cester. New Jersey. Solomon Foster, 1884. Born De- cember 25, iS)4, in Pottsville. Pa. His paternal grandfather. Jesse Foster, no\\ cj2 years of ai^c and a native of New Ivnti'land. is \"et bvini;' at the same place. None ot his ancestors were Irish. lie is a member of the Schuvlkill county, Pa., I'.ir, but for some years ]iast has devoted his atten- tion principal! v to the publishing Ini si ness. In 1X75 he st.uted the I'.rcnii;^ Chronic!? of PottsvilK-, and editi-d it for live years, ami was also connected \\ith the Mining //,-///.- :>:.:>: He ; s a member of the Masonic ( >rder and of tb.e Order of Sparta, and the author of the "Men of America " series ol' biographies. Stephen E. Fotterall, 1818. W.K a sh i | ipi n<^ merchant at 22 ; Vines! reel. I! 's \\-ill, d.it' d lulv 2, is 39, and proved NOM m- ber i . ; s ;>,, men! ions i ' ; ban ne, In-- \\ : te ; Catharine I'., ICli/abe: :i I'., and Samuel F. Habcock, bis adopted -leat-grand- FO ro children ; Hannah Fmerick and Rebecca Mcrcier. hi> wife's -inters. 1 1 is executors were Stephen G. and \\'in. Fotterall, his sons, .i:nl \Vm. J. Duaue (.1*25 , F.vau Rogers am! David \Vinebretincr. Mr. Fotter.;'.'. served on tlu' Acting Committee of the S> iciety, iSi9- iS2i. Edward Pox, 1790. Secretary ami Yicc-President of the Society, was born in Dublin. Ireland, in 175.!. Ik- wa> the son of Thomas Fox and F.li/.abeth Fullerd. I le was educated in Dublin and came to this country in 1775 or 177^1, in con.-e- quencc of tlu- family beini; engaged 1:1 an unsncces-ful revolt against the !',r:ti>h Government. He read law \\ith Jud^e Chase, the eider, of Marvlar.d, and after- wards settled in Philadelphia, probably about i 7 S 5. Amoui^ the six-ret arrhi ves ot the Hriti-h Government inspected a few yi-ars a^i > i nit < on him since Mr. Morri^ came into administration and he ha-- a sa'arv of i 7. dollar^ per year. lie is a you nj^ man of ^ r ood abilities, especially i-.: his present line." At the date of the letter he was Auditor-General of I'l-nnsvl- v.inia. which jiosition he held from I77S to ]in>babl\- i 7V,. .-if'ter wh.ieh lie rc-nnie >m i~< *\ to [So:, a broker in i^oi. a conveyancer . ami Secretary of the Ann ri I -'ire Insurance Comp anv from '.: .:.. i ., . .,,,,/;!;. ' ruine 1 i.-. ', r;^e advances made to Robert Mo;-;-:- rind the 1 :'ter's associates, lame- Greenk-af ml _b -:in N'iclii ilson. In a recent case in the Supreme Court of !Vu:i- s\ iv nia ?. Xorris' Report-,, - : r : in t!;e op-nii in of the Court ?h it ut'.eme' ..wi [ him in i 70- the urn of 5900,000. lie was Recorder of Deed* for the county of Philadelphia from 1799 to iN>ey, and \\as i for many years) Treas- urer of the 1'niversitv of Pennsylvania. He married in i;s.> Kli/aheth, a daughter of Jonathan Sergeant and granddaughter of Rev. John Jonathan nickinson, 1'irst President of Princet< >u College, and an aunt of lion. John Sergeant ( iS< 15 1, Hon. Thomas Sergeant iiSib) and Henry Sergeant (iSii). His son Samuel 1'ox iiSi;,! mar- ried Maria Moyi.ui, a daughter of General vSte]iheii Moylan '1771 , the tir^t President of the I-'riemlly Sons of St. Patrick. He himself was the second Secretary of the Hibernian Society, succeeding Mathew Carey, September 5, 1791, and remaining Secretary until March 17, 1796. He wa> al.M) Vicc-President of the Society from i Si S until his death, which occurred April 22, iS22, at Philadelphia. He was buried in the burial -.ground of the Third Presby- terian Church, Pine street above Fourth. His wife died May 29, 1831, in the 7'ith year of her a^e. During his life Ivlward Fox was remarkable for his Denial dis- position and infinite humor and gloried in beinr; an Irishman. In America he was a strong Democrat t!;en known as Republican < in politics. F.dsvard 1'ox had nine children, of whom seven died unmar- ried. Samuel, born June !<>, 17^;, died iSs.(, married in i So6 Maria, daughter of C'.eneral Stephen Moylan. Thcvhadmauv descendants. John, born April 26, 1787, died April 15, 1^49, married in 1-16 I Margery, dautrhtc-r of C.ilbert Rodman, ] ; .sij. He was Di']>uty Attorney-General for fifteen years. During the \Yar of iSi 2 he was Aide-de-Camp to General Worrell. He was al-o Major C.eneral of Militia for I'ucks ;mi'. Montgomery counties and was a member of Congress. He was President f nd iji- of those counties fri >m r.\y> to i v J2. He had five eliildren. I. C.ilbe rt Rodman ' ox, born March 27. i^i~, a member of the I'ucks county P>ar. He was Clerk of I nited States District Court for F. a stern District of Pennsylvania from [S> , to : ^7.s. His son, ('.illieil Rodman Fox, Jr., i-^ also a practisiiii; lawyer in part m --.hi]) u'ith hi- father, in Non-Mown, Pa. 2. !-!li/ ;beth :- - u;t Fox, married i\l5 to Join; 15. I-X) FR Pugh, of Doylestown, Pa., an attorney -at- l;i\v. Tlu-ir son, Fdward Fox Pugh, horn !S47. is a member of the Philadelphia Bar. A daughter. Ma: v Pugh, married to Joseph \Vanirr Goheen, also a member of 1'liil- adelphi i Har. An- >ther d.'.ughter, Sophia Pugh. married i8,\5 to Hugh H. Fastburn, a member of the Bucks county Bar. 3. Fd-.v.ird John l ; o\, horn 1824, a member of thr Northampton county Mar, residing at Faston, 1'a. He marrieil first in i^.^) M. ; -.v C. Wilson, and second in iS;>> Fli/abcth S. I'. Randolph. A daughter, F/^iily Fox, died 1883, married John I,. Wilson, a memher of the Faston Bar. A son, John Fox. born 1852, is now pastor of North Church ; Presbyterian , Allegheny coimtv, Pa. Another son, Fdward John F'ox, Jr., horn 1^58, is now in partnership with his father, a member of the Iviston Bar. 4. Marv Rodman Fox, unniarried. 5. Louis Rodman Fox, horn 1834, was admitted to P.ucks county Bar, but after- wards studied for '.he ministry, and is now pastor of Union Church (Presbyterian), Detroit, Michigan. F.dward Fox Pugh, Ksq., of Philadelphia, has published a memoir of Fdward F'ox. John Fox, 1808. Son of Fdward I 'ox (1790'), was horn April 2'). 1787. He grad- nated at the University of Pennsylvania, read law with lion. Alexander J. Dallas and practiced in Rucks county. Pa. He was Deputy Attorney-General for fifteen years for that district. During the War of 1812 he was Aide de-Camp to C.eneral Worrell, with the rank of Lieutenant. lie was also a Major-General of Militia for Bucks and Montgomery comities, and was also a memher of Congress. In iS^ohe was appointed, by Governor Wolf, Presi- dent-Judge of Bucks and Montgomery o. unties and held that off.v until 1842. II died April 15, iSjo.. lie married, in :'), Margery, daughter of C.ilhert I-Jod- !".!n. IK- was one of tlie Counsellors of t'le Si >t-it t v. i s ( iS -iSl 2. Samuel Fox, 181:?. Son of Fdward Fo\ i 171)0 , was horn June 10, 17^;. In i^ofilie m arrii-d Maria, daui'hter ofGi-n- er.il Stephen Movl ui, President of thf F'ri -::'llv Sons < .i" St. Patrick l ; or their is^! 1 - -. -k'-tch of F'.dward ] : \ l-i<>. ]!< d:--d in Meicer county, Pa., in 1854. Mr. Fox was a memher of the Acting Committee of the Society, IM.} !Si6. Philip Francis, 1790. We have no information concerning him. Thomas Willing Francis, 1804. - Born in Philadelphia, August 30, 1767, and graduated from the University of Penn- sylvania. He was the son of Tench Francis '1771 and of Anne Willing. He was a merchant. He married, September 25, 1794, his cousin Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Willing. She survived him. He died June 2, 1815, and was buried in Christ Church cemetery. Willing Francis i 1824 , was his son. William Francis, 1813. -Was con- nected with the Philadelphia Theatre. He died Mav 12, 1827, in the 64 th year of his age and was buried in Christ Church cemetery. Willing Francis, 1824. Son of Thomas Willing Francis (1804). Born March 24, 1798. He married, November 9, 1820, his cousin Maria, daughter of George Willing, and died February S, l33- Walter Franklin, 1811. Was horn in Philadelphia, Mav 7, 1773. In Ian- nary, 1806, he was one of three citi/ens to issue an addre>s which resulted in the ior- mation of the " Philadelphia Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufac- tures," of which Stephen Girard was first President. On July I, 1*07. he was one of the Committee of Correspondence ap- pointed by the meeting of citi/ens called to denounce the "Chesapeake outrages" and to assure- the Government of their sup- port in case of active measures again >t Great Britain. He was commissioned Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, J. 1:111- arv <.), i^ix). He was also a ludge for one of the FaMern Di>tiict> oi Pennsylvania. On April 2. l s l I, he was one of the ineorporators of the "Schuvikill Falls Bridge Compam ." He dud in 1^35. He marrieil, in i v >.\ Amu- Fnilcn. Di\ \\".i! - ter i'. Aller. of Philadeljihia, is his grand- son. \\' liter Franklin was ^ \\arm ir'.cnd (>f folin Binits I.S.HJ , thi-ou^h whom he ln'C.une a irrltlNr o| the Socii't\'. [ See "Scharf and WeMcott." IivK \. ! FR John Frazer, 1865. -Was born in Ireland and (.-aim.- to Philadelphia about I s .; 2. He was a manufacturer of cotton ami woollen goods at 716 South Twelfth street. Robert Frazer, 1814. Was a son of General 1'ersifor Fta/er of the Revolu- tion. irv Annv, who was the son of John Fra/.er, a native of Ireland, \\lio came to Philadelphia in 173.=;. He was horn Janu- ary M. 1761), graduated at the rnivir-itv ol Pennsylvania, studied law and \\as admitted to tile Philadelphia Bar. lulv 21, 1792. He became Prosecuting Attojiiev of Chester countv and held that position for manv years. He died Jannarv 20, i.^Ji, and was buried at Middletown, Del. i.wa-e co., 1'a. He was married three times; lirst. on May 3, i7yS. to Marv Hall, wild died June 21, iSxj. Second, to F.li/a- lieth F'ries, who died June 19, iM.s. Third, to Alice, widow of F.li Yarnall and daughter of Joseph Pcnnell. She died February II, iSiS. Dr. 1'ersifor I ; ra/erof Philadelphia is a grandson of Robert T'ra/.er. Robert Frazier, 1802. We have no information concerning him. There was a Robert l-'ra/ier. attornev-at-law. 12;, Chestnut street, noted in the Directory for [So>. Tristam 13. Freeman, 1808. Was of the iii in of T. H. Freeman >!s; Co., auc- tioneers. 177 Hi;j,h street. Richard Fullcrton, 1700. Was a Mir: chain at >jh North Third street in '7 1 -*:- Charles A. Furbush, 1801. -Manu- facturer ; did not return his blank. John S. Fttrey, 182(5. > >n ! > cember 22. IS.'5, we find a deed to John S. Furev. Gentleman, ' .r a lot .it the southeast corner of I.ocust and ! lean ^-trei !-. In the 1 lirectory for : k ."> he is de-cribcd .1- a Tax Collector, lo] S;,-rucc street. J'tmos G:ilbr;uth. 1840. We have A'ithony J. G-illau'licr. 1S70. Son r.f !'.::: .:-.', i ", 1 1! :. : : .- v, liorn in I'l.i' '! !])hi,i M u i h ; , ;-.';. lie v .'...,,, "::. A ' . I!. ( ial! Ljher, ' .. j Sorth Sei-' ind -' rei ' . tin !;nn ; '. '::-.- A. J. Gallagher \: Son. He was a Di- rector of the Commonwealth Insurance Company and of the Beneficial Saving Fund, and a member of the Commercial F\chani;e. Catholic Club, Park Art As- sociation, Drui; F.xchange, Merchants' Fund Association, and Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He died February 17, IS.S6. Augustus B. Gallagher, 188M. Sou of Anthony J. (iallaj,dier i iS7o , was born in Philadelphia, June 26, is.jg. He was in the wholesale licjuor business with hi> lather, at 207 and 209 North Second street. He was a member of the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania, the Cath- olic Club, and the Urntj Kxchan^c. and \\as also attached to the First Regiment, National C.uard of Pennsylvania. He died October 25, i^Sn. Bernard Gallagher, 1820. Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, about 1787. lie came to America about iSio, landing at Philadelphia. He kept a wine and grocery store at the southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets, upon the site of the present /.t'ifi^i'1 'building. He- was a Trus- tee of St. Mary's Catholic Church. He died in or near New ( )r!eans. of yellow fever, about i^.i.v Anthony J. (ialla_sjier i N7< > i was his son. Charles J. Gallagher, 1877. Was born in Philadelphia, March. iS;g. His father was a native of Conntv Tyrone, Ireland. James Ma.uuire (1X5.}') was his uncle. Mr. dallaj^her is a wholesale liquor merchant, of the firm of Gallagher \: Hurton, sor.thwc^-t corner Tentli and Filbert streets. He is President of the Mechanics' Insurance Coinpanx' and a Director of the Heiu-ficial Saving I-'und. Like his iiartiu r, Mr. burton, lie is a quiet but iiM-liil and efficient meml'cr \ the Society, and has hosts of friends. Christopher Gallagher, 1881. - W. ! born in Tri nidi Hon. Com it \ I )one"a! . : i i ame \< ' tile ("llite Lombard street. He is a member of the Catholic Club, the Amer- icauCatholic Historical Societ\ : President of Huildir.^ and I.oan Associations, and CAI'T. IIKXKY r,KI)I>KS. connected with various oilier organiza- tions. James Gallagher, M. D., 1790. Was one of the Society's physicians in 1799, and a member of the Acting Com- mittee in 1796. He died in iS22, his will being proved A]>ril 24th of that vear. John N. Gallagher, 1880. Horn N'oveml)er 6, 1*37, in New York city. He is .-i grandson of John C.allagher, of Londonderry, Ireland, who fled to this country in 179^ to save his life. He re- moved from New York to Philadelphia in iS72, and is the publisher and proprietor of the AV<>, and proved December 4, i Soo, mention-, his brother. Charles ( ',;iy ; his sifter, Sarah Calilwell ; Andrew ('.onion, husband of his niece, Mary Caldwell ; John Mollatt. hllsliaiid of" his niece, Rebecca Caldwell ; his nephew, John (lay ; and his niece, lane (iav. It also bequeathed 5'.'"" 1 . on ecrtaiu conditions, to the I-'irst Presbv tcri.Ki Church Northern Liberties [anies (iay (iordon i.^Sji is a grandiicphcw of Captain James (iay. Henry Geddes, 1790. A communi cation in a Wilmington paper at the time of his death, i>>33, gives the following re- lating to him: "He uas liorn in Dub- lin, Ireland, the i,Uh of June, (>. S. In Trinity College, of the same citv, he received his education till lo \ -cars of age. At thi> period, having a predilection for a seafaring life, he entered as a midship- man in the I'.rilish Navy, and continued in the service about -even ycais. In 1775 he resigned, and, ha\ing friends and rela- tives in America, he emigrated, intending to make our conntrv his future home. lie landed at Wilmington, and in 1776 was united in marriage to her \\lio, after fifty-seven years of domestic enjoymem survives to mourn the loss of her partner The Revolutionary War having now com menced, he entered the army as Ouartei master to Colonel Duff's regiment o 1776 7. Hut having still a preference for the sea, in 1777 he left the army and took charge of a merchant vessel belonging to Baltimore, in which employment he con- tinued until he received a commission of Post-Captain in the Navv of the I'nited States. In this capacity he commanded the frigate /'iT/tlflSiV, and rendered impor- tant services to the country. ( >u the re- duction of the navy, being put out of commission, he returned to the merchant service, and continued therein till the war of iSi2 ; and after the peace of iSi5 he made one or two voyages more. In iS:6 he was appointed an Inspector of Revenue within the Delaware district, which office he held and faithfully exe- cuted to the time of his decease. After a long life of uncommon health and vigor of constitution, he died suddenly of apo- plexy at Port Peiin. Delaware, on Sabbath morning, at ''> o'clock, the first day of the present month, exchanging, as \\ e trust, an e irtl.lv for a heavenly and eternal rest. Though \J vears of age, till his last at- tack, it uii^ht almost be said of him, as \\MS , aid of Mo-.es, ' His eye \\as not dim nor his natural force abated.' One cause ot' his longevitv, bevond a doubt, uas his ..:. '/i i>!:i :/\ of temper, In thishemavbe 414 presented as a model for most me::. The testimony of a boatman \\ho h.nl been formany years in his employ would be, I have no doubt, the testimony of all his friends, to \\it: thai in all weather, whether it rained or shined, in storm or calm, he never saw the Captain out of humor. For invself, I can say, I never saw him but in one mood - that of per- petual cheerfulness." The writer of ihe communication con- cludes as follows; "He was remark- able also tor his /Vw/v'n/;/und it necessarv to use an <>rget it. \i:d ap] in priate reward, he- was ,p,m d the cen sun ol otlu-i's. I cli) not remember evc-r to have he ml a whisper to his dis- i : dit, and as lo an eneniv. I d< ail >t if he had one in tin . i- Id " Capt : :; Henrv ie : M : -. !. ,timc r. No- vember, I77'>. Mai garct I.atimcr was the daughter of James I.atinu-r and Sarah decides his wile . and to their house, in Newport, Delaware, near Wilmington, Henrv decides came on his arrival from Ireland Henry decides banning, of Wil- mington, Delaware, is a grandson. Cap- tain dedele-s dieel in I S.Vv John G. George, 1816. Was in the grocvrv business. Thomas German, 1833. We know nothing of him, excepting that on < tctoher 2S. iS.jS, k-tters of administration on his estate were granted to William derman, the sureties being J)avid dernian and I'lc-derick A. \"incent. Robert Getty, 1803. All that we know of him is that he was in business at loS Race street. John Gcyer, 1811. Was in the grocery business at 107 High street. He was an Alderman, and Mavor of the- citv from October 19, iSi;, to October iS, iSi4. In the latter year he was a member of the Committee of De-fence of the Citv. lie was also Register of \\"ills from March 2.\ iS25, to March 6, iS;,o. His will, date-d October 2e>, iS; v S. ancl ])roved Octo- ber 2t), 1^55, mentions his wife Sarah; his brother, deor^e ; his scni [Baltimore to \Vasliinu- t' >!i for th.e transi>e irtalion ol mc-n and army sn: plic-s only, thus cntting < If t!;e ]ieo]>le ' 't" Washing! "U. lie- started a line of Cones- t' L r a wagons between the two i'i ti' - s, called "(',ibbons' ( )verlancl !'. \: .:ess, " which GI 410 continued until the blockade was raised. Mr. Gibbons was a ] Mrector of the Mercan- tile Library. He died in 1891. Charles H. Gibson, 1882. Did not return his blank. John Gibson, 1851. Was a wholesale distiller, head of the linn of John Gib- son, Sons \- Co. He died in March, 1865. His will, signed January 9, iS'n, ami proved March 21, 1*65, bequeathed 55-oco to the Protestant Kpiscopal Hos- pital ; 55,o"<> to the poor of the parish school of St. James' Kpiscopal Church ; 5,01x1 to the Foster Home-. Heiirv C. Gibson, a well-known citi/.en of Philadel- phia, was a son of John Gibson. John Bannister Gibson, 1845. Was born in Shearman's Valley, Pa., November S, 1780. He was the son of Lieutenant-Colonel George Gibson, an officer in the Revolutionary armv, who fell ill St. Clair's expedition against the Indians, on the Miami, in 1791. He grad- uated from Dickinson College, studied law and was admitted to the Bar in Cumber- land count v in 1803, at Carlisle, Pa., and afterwards removed to Ik-aver, in the same State. In iSio he was elected to the Legislature, and re-elected the follow- ing year. In Julv, iSi ?,, he was appointed Prcsideut-Judj^e of the F.leventh Judicial I listrict of Pennsvlvania, and three years after was commissioned an Associate Judi^e <>f the Supreme Court. In i!S27 lie was appointed Chief-justice bv the Governor, succeeding Chief-Justice Til^huian. In iN.iS, at the date of the adoption of the then new constitution of the State, he re signed his office, but was immediately re- appi linted b\- the Governor. I5v a change in the Constitution, making the Judiciary elective, his seat became vacant in I NS I . During the same vcar he was elected an Associate Jliil-e of the Supreme Court, \\iiich oil'ice hehcld until his death, which oceuncd in Philadelphia, May ;, iS^isee }:>-.['. .' i ~ . Chief-Justice* '.ibson was OIK- of the ablest j tidies who ever sat in a Penn- sylvania Court. He was freqilcirlv at the I libel ui in Society dinners and took ;1 urea! interest in tlu- Society. [SeeScharf \ NVestcott's " History of Philadelphia." Vol. -\ ]'. i.s.;j : " Kssay on his Life," bv Hon. Win. A. Porter ; " Ilio^r. Kncyc. Peiina.," ]i. 359. ] Charles M. Gilbertson, 1805. -Was a refiner at I'assyunk and Washington avenues. JaillCS Giles, 1802. Is referred to as General Janic^- ('files. John Gilkie, 1859. Was in business at 2(> South Seventh street. John Gill, Jr. ,1818. Was a merchant and uncle of Archibald Campbell ;.X( His will, dated May 20, iS.jj. and proved August 2, i.\},i, mentions h:-> iu]ihe\\s, Archibald Campbell ami John Gill Camp- bell; his nieces, F.li/abcth Gill IJaker, Harriet Svkes (takmau, and Ann Matilda Campbell ; Anthony Warn-hard, husband of his late niece. Hli/.abcth M. Ulanchard, of cit\- of Albany; his niece. Caroline Nessle, daughter of his late brotl;er Mat- thew Gill ; his nephews, Charles, John W. and William Gill, children of his late brother, William Grill ; his niece, Marv Lintner, and his nephews, James and Robert Campbell, children of his late sister Ann Campbell ; his niece. Ann Gill, and nephews, John G. Gill, Robert Gill. Jr., and Matthew Gill, M. 1)., children of his late brother, George Gill ; his niece. Kli/.abeth Wood, daughter of his late sister, Kli/.abeth Wood ; and his late brother, Robert Gill, of New York. Hi- executors were Archibald Campbell, Reiij. Gerhard and Hiii^h Campbell. William Gill, 1817. -brother of John Gill, Jr. (iSiN), was a merchant at 127 Ili-h street. lie died prior to iS.}2. William Gillespic, 1846. Was horn January h. 1^17. of Irish parents, at Para- dise, Lancaster county. Pa. lie was en^a^ed lor manv years in the grocery business oil Market street. He 1'i-nioved to Water street below M.nkct. as a niem- bi-r of the firm of Taylor. ( '.illc-pie & Co., exti'iisive wholesale- grocers, and at'ter- \savd-. sii'j.ar relmei'S. He is no\\ e:: '.-a^e-l \vith his ,,1;: as merchaiiilise broke--- as \Vm. Gillesjiie X: Son. at u\\ South l'ro!:t street. David Giltinan, 18(M.- Was born M.ii'ch. : x .'~, in Limerick, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in i s )V He 'sail importer, warehouse and wholesale liquor GI 4 If, GO duller at 120 Walnut street. In iSS6 he was .1 member of the Citizens' Committee of I-'iftv in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund, and has been otherwise a prominent citi/et) for many years. Mr. Giltinan scr\ed on the Finance Committee of the Society, i.s.V-iSNb. Robert A. Given, M. D., 1845. Was born March 15, iSib, in the j)arisli of Ardstraw, Conntv Tyrone, Ireland. He came to Philadelphia in June, iS;,6, and became a practicing physi- cian. He was Assistant Physician at the Pennsylvania Hospital tor the Insane for nearly three years, and 1'hvsi- cian to the Kastern Penitentiary for seven vears. He established and conducted tor thirtv years the IJnrn-P.rae Hospital, a pri- vate asylum for mental diseases. 1 le died January 10, iSSS, and was buried at I.aurel Hill ceineterv. He was one of the two I'hvsicians of the Society, 1^55- I SS i . John P. Shindle Gobin, 1889. Was born in Snnburv, Pa., January 26, 1X37. His threat-grandfather, Charles Gobin. was a native of Ireland. I'pon the breaking out of tile Rebellion he immedi- ately enlisted, April 19, lS6i, and served with s^ivat gallantry throughout the war. < ):i f'.ilv 2 (, 1^64, he was ]iromoted from C iptain of Company C, 47th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, to be Major ; on November 4, iS6j, lobe Lieutenant-Colo- nel; on Januarv 3, iSfi^, to be Colom-l, and on March 13, 1^65, to be P.revet-I'rit,'- adier-Geiieral. lie was mustered out of service with his regiment on December 25, I "165. Since that date he has been a practicing attornev in Lebanon, Pcnnsvl- vania. Taking an active interest in State polities, lu- was elected to the State Senate in iSS^ and au;ain elected in iSSS. He is also Brigadier-General of the State Na- tional Guard, a Trustee of the Soldiers' t:id Sailors' ] IOIIK- at F.ric, Pennsylvania, md Viee-President of tlu- Commission on - ildiers 1 Orphans' School-,. II- is also a Director of tin- I'ir-t National Hank of i.i-banon, Peniisvlvania. General Gohin is i!so pp iinineiit in the Grand Ai'in\'<>f Republic, and tlie < >ointed him to till the vacancy, as Jud^e of Court of Common Pleas No. 3. and he wa> elected for a full term of ten vears, com- mencing Januarv, iSS6. He still holds that position. John W. Gordon, 1818. His name does not apjtear in the Directories or pub- lic records. Nathaniel Gordon, 1843. Was a son of Thomas F. Gordon, the Historian of Pennsylvania. lie was a manufacturer at Thirteenth and Pine streets. He prob- ably died in October, 1*72. lie served on the Acting Committee of the Society in lS 59- James E. Gorman, 1886. Was born in Philadelphia, March 27, iS6o. His parents were natives of County Tipperarv, Ireland. He is a practicing lawver, and wa> admitted to the liar on March 5, iSS^. He is a member of the YOUIIL; Men's I >emocratic Association. Thomas Gorman, 1822. Was probably a hotel and stable keeper at 150 Race street. He died November, 1X27. William Gorman, 1880.- Was bom Fehrnarv <). iSjs. in Durrow, Ouceiisco., Ireland. He arri'.x-d in America \\hen a child n lid came to Philadelphia about iSsi. He i- .111 at torney-at-law, beiiiL; adm it ted to the I'hiladel]>hia P.ar. I'ebruarv X). I ^7'v He is .it ])resent one of the Solicitors of the Society, beill',' tirst elected ill 1^7. v He is a regular attend. mt at its meetings. takes tile liveliest interest 111 its proceed in.^'s and has performed many valuable C,O 417 C,R services in its behalf. lie is a very useful nial Celebration, and is a prominent figure member of the Society. i in Philadelphia Republican politics. [See Patrick Gornily, 1887. Was born ! " Biographical Album of Prominent January.), [s.48, in Boyle, County Roscom- Pcnn^ylvaniau^," first scries. p. 175.] mon, Ireland, and came to America in 1^49, David Graham, 1795. Was a mcm- v> 'hen a child, and settled in Philadelphia in her of the Acting Committee of the Society i ^'15. He is in the plumbing and steam- in 171/1. heating business at 155 Nortli Truth street. Edwin Pinkcrton Graham, 188-M. IK- i-- a member of the Master 1 lumbers' Was 'HI:;; in Philadelphia, November ;;, Association. I s ;-'. He is the son of James C.rah :::. Robert Gorrcll, 1805. Was a coal Colcrainc, Ireland, and of Kli/.abcth James. opera'.or, and resided at Ashland, Schuyl- of Princeton, N. _].. and a brother of k'.!'. county, Pa. Henry R. C.raham : v ->; . Mr. C.raham James Goweil, 1817. -Was born has been connected uiih the Commercial March 17, 179", at - Ne\vto\vnste\vart, National Hank, ;i; Che-tira; street, for Counts' T\'rone, Ireland. He came to many vcars. anil is at present Cashier i -f Philadelphia in i s i!, where he was a that institution. shipping merchant, then a grocer and George Scott Graham, 1889. -The afterwards a wine merchant. He was a present I >istrict-Attoniev ot Philailelplna, member of Citv Councils, and at one time was born in Philadelphia, September : ;. acted as Vice Consul for Portugal. He 1^5". His father, James ("rraham. was took a lively interest in agricultural sub- born in Ireland, came earl'- to Aim rica, jei'ts, was a noted breeder of short-horn and was a prominent grocer in I".'.:! idcl- c ittle, was the author of sundry speeches, phia. His mother was Sarah f. Scott, '.he addresses and essays in that connection, daughter of a well-to-do farmer of County anil was President of the PennsyK ania I 'erry, Ireland. When seventeen to State Agricultural Societv. I luring the eighteen vears of a<_, r e he be^an to study la'.ter vears nf l;is life he lived at Mount law in the office of (ieori, r e \\'. Hedrick, Airy, Philadelphia, \vherehe died January I\sq., and subserjuently reu;istere. Pennsylvania was admitted to the liar, i'.owe:i. President of the Philadelphia ami April i, i s 7i. He was elected to Si li-ct Reading Railroad. He was very active in Council, and was soon made Chairman of ;he Society's affairs, and served on the the Committee on I. aw in that body. In A'-tin.^ Committee, iS2.j-iS2,5 and \^2~- 1877 he was nominated for the office of [\U. District-Attorney, but was defeated. In John Cadwalader Grady, 1890. iSSo, however, lie was elected to t!ie otTicc, W is born in I\ast])ort. Maine, Oi'tobcr S, ;nnl has since been repeatcdlv elected, IV17. He settled in Philadelphia, and was practically without opp> >>!: -n. to the admitted to the Philadelphia liar on No- same position. ( >n I K-ecmher jo, 1^7 . lu- vember j, 1^71. In November. i.S7o, he was married to Mi-^ I'!mma M. I-'.!l:>. u :- electe.i to the .State Senate of Penn- dau-hter of Charles I-llis. He i- an !oliow:ii^ Januar\' he was the votr.'.^est prominent member of :he Masonic !"ra',er- m'-mber of thai body. After serving a full nity, I b- is Hi-h Priest of Corinthian R. ti-nn of !o:;i- years he was re-elected in A. Ch.oter, NO. 2=;i>, and ; - a P.i-t lirand and ai^ain in i ^ s ) and iSSs, aii'l has Commander of the Xiii^h'.-. Templar of ' e'-n Chairmanof the Judiciary Committee Per.::- 1 . '.: '::':.'.. !n 1'ebruarv, i.ss l( , !. ::..\ !"r -veral \ cars ii;is{. He was one of the e'.te Cn'.'.e-e, at ICastmi, Pa., cunfern '. GR IIS GR Henry R. Graham, 1883. Was horn in Philadelphia. ( ictober 25, iS.j.j. I Ie is a brother of Kduin Pinkertou Gra- li.un :- s \; . He is a dealer in leaf tobacco at 22S Arch street. Ik- uas President of tlu- loth St.vt.ion School Hoard, and isa member o!" tin. 1 Masonic or^ani/.ation and of the Union League. James Graham, 1790. -Was a mer- chant, who probably died September, 1M 7. James Graham, 1813. Was a mer- chant at Xo. 3 North Ninth street. His \vill, dated September i i, i S22, and proved September iS, I.S22, mentions hi-- \\ite, F-ther Graham ; his soil-in law, William McCullin ; his brothers, Thomas and William Graham ; his niece, Sarah Gra- ham; and his daughters, Nancv McCnllin and Mar\- Graham. John Bull and Alex- ander Black were the executors. James Graham, 1880. Was born in iM-l. in Slatlab' 'LMe, near Ma^hera, Countv Perry. Ireland, and came to Phil- adelphia in iS.ji. He \\as in the whole- salt- s^rocerv business, on Front street belo\\- Chestnut, for many vears. He died I >ecemher 21 , iSM. John Graham, 1702. Was a mer- chant on " Sassafras street, between Water and Front streets, from Schu\ Ikill." John Graham, 1839. Was probably a son of !' 'hn Kilt era Graham lSlc/i, and assoi-iated with him in the grocery busi- 1R'>S. John Kittcra Graham, 181f). - Was associated w:th Thoma-. Graham 'I S 2: . \\llo was ]>robabl\- his brolher, in the ;. : ry business, at v>S Hi^h street. He probably died ill l ; ebruarv, I^2.S. Theodore A. Graliam, 1S31. Was born in Philadelphia, October 27, iS.ji, ther :\ is i :: itive of Ir.-land I [e is in the ilrv ^oo -i : : :.. i ( !ub, an.l of the Ma-Miiic lion. He \vas Presiilciit i'l" 'he :"i: ' 11! i:u- Cluli " in th-- ! 'ni'.ed States. Tliomas Graliam. 1821. Wapiti the . : i-ry In iu-s s al .'--. I livh street. I !< ' : - ' with Ji ihn Kit - Graham, probab! '. Im-lhef. Hi- will, dated October 27, ^49, and proved! December 4, i\S2, mentions am on L; others, his wite, Sarah Graham ; his sons-in-law, William H. Ball, Nathaniel Waldrou, Albert S. Ashmead, Henry C. Ilutman; his son. Thomas Graham; his grandson, Thomas G. Folwell. Walter Graham, 1859.- Was in the grocery business at 1601 Market street. Hediedin iShj. Letters of administration on his estate were granted March 7, iSoj, to Susan Graham, 511 South Thirteenth street. The sureties were James Graliam, lojq Market street, and Samuel Martin, Thirteenth and Market streets. Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1871. - Honorary member. General Grant's life is so well known to every American that it would be superfluous to L;'ive a sketch of it here, but it mii;ht be of inter- est to stale that his motile!-, Hannah Simpson, was a native of Ireland, and the daughter of Matthew Simpson, a respect- able farmer of Golan, Parish of Ardstraw, Counlv T\ rone, Ireland, who emigrated with his voting family to America, and settled on a farm in Bucks CO., Pa. One of the sons of Matthew Simpson, and brother of General Grant's mother, was the father of the late Bishop Simpson. President Grant attended the Anniversary Dinner of the Sociclv on March 17, 1^71, and was elected an honorary mem- ber at the June meeting, iSji. Edward Gray, 1812. Was j n the China trade at ; V S Dock street and loo South Front street. He was a partner of Robert Tavlor (1X021, the firm beiuj^ Gray ,K: Taylor. Rev. James Gray, 18ir5. Was pas- tor of the Old Scots or Firsl Presbyterian Church from iSc .4 to 1.^15. Richard Gray, 1881. Is a member of the tobacco firm of < '.ray. Morales ,v Co. Robert Gray, 1790. Was ; , memh< r of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick M r paijv I i 0. He uas the son of George Gray, and uas born probabb at the " Sails Souci House," Gray's I'err^ upo;i May x 175 >, and died at " Wh ('.ray's Lane, Mav <, lSo2. Ib onlv 0111 ol - '\-eral -- ( >;: - \\~\\< He was a bacheli Thomas. \\ho now resides in "Whithy " Suift Sure " line of stages that ran from Hall.' is a descendant. Philadelphia to NYu York, and proprietor Robert Gray, Jr., 1807. We have of the passenger hoats on tlie Sdmylkill no information concerning him. Canal to Reading, he fore tin- railroads Robert E. Gray, 1822.- Was proh- were hnilt. Mr. (ireiiu-r liimself was ..blv the prominent hrewcr of that name. Major ol the Third Regiment of Peiin-vl- Willitllll Gray, 1790.-- -F.oru 1750 in vania Reser\-e P.rigade in : v 'ijand I x '>v '.clfa-t, Ireland, was one of the early He has been a School Director in the loth settlers of Sunhurv, Pa. He \\ctit there Ward, and also for ten years a memher of before 1771. He \\as a land surveyor and the Hoard of I'oit \\'ardi us of Philadd- stoo,l very high in his ])rofessiuu, his sur- phia. He ua- c .nnected \\ith the Old vc\- being still quoted in the Courts. He Volunteer F'ire Department. lie i- a \\as Cominission L r for N'orthuml.erland memher of the Star I.od^c No. iSh, F. aial i o. from 1772 to I77-S. ami again in i~^l ; A. M., and alsoof the Lnion I.e-uMie. He i kpulv Surveyor, i 7-\S ; and Sheriff, 171/4. was a cotton merchant for thirt\ three He \\a- Captain in F'irst Pennsylvania years, and is now President of the ( '.ranger Regiment of Riflemen, and was after- Fcrtili/cr C'ompanv, i;j South Fourth \\ards a Major in the American armv dm- street. ing the Revolutionary war. He was Matthew Grier, Jr., 1845. Was in taken prisoner at the battle of Long the hoot and shoe business. His father Island and exchanged Decembers, 1776. was born near Londonderry, Ireland, lie was drowned at Suuburv, Julv is, Gilbert Griffin, 1883. Was horn in iNi.j. Robert (irav, I". S. A., was liis Aughrim, C'ountv t',ah\ay, Ireland, in nephew. A grandson, CharlcsJ. Hruner, 1^50, and came to Philadelphia in Sep now resides at Sunbury, and a grand- tember. iSfy. lie is a hotel keeper ..' daughter, Mrs. Harriet S. Totten, resides Ninth and Javne streets, in Neu York city. Mr. Gray was a mem- Nicholas J. Griffin, 1880. -Waslx.ru ber of the Pennsvlvaiiia Society of the October 2q. 1^4^, in Pallas Kt nrv. Conn;-, Cincinnati and also of the Masonic organ- Limerick, Ireland. He came to Phi!.. del i/atiou Lodge NO. 2j. Sunbury . phia in June, I> S ,S2, \vhere he was in the William II. Gray, 1889. Was born em]>loy of Maurice Raleigh, Church alle> . :. Philadelphia. March 12, 1849. His ami his successors. J. & J. P. Steiner, and father, John Murravdrav, was a r.ativi of \\". >!g.-;muth, Raleigh >N; Co., until iS'vj, C< unty Strabane. Ireland, and hismother, when he went to Mahauov City, Pa., as Fl-ther i'.rysou (iray, \, and business. He has been a .School Director became bookkeeper for David liiUiii.in in the Thirtv-second Ward, is a member , (i,sf\p and \\as after\\ ards a ]>artner \s ith ofthe Historical Society of Pennsylvania, him. Since Mav, L S 7S. he has been a \"o!nnteer Foremen's Association and, of wholesale dealer and commission mcr- ;l;e Masonic order. chain in alcohol ami domestic spirits. i; t Jolin Ignatius Green, 1885. Was served in tlie Pennsylvania Militia. F'irst orn in Philadelphia. March'). iS,s.2. Hi- Coal Regiment, from July : to August :>. father was a native of Ireland .md his is'i.(. He v,. is Secretary of th,e IF.berni.ir. :-. other a native of F.nglaud. He is a Societv, ;--., ,ss ; . .md upon M.in-h 17 i i".\ e /a' 1 , cr. i.s>'i. \\.is elected its Vice- President , ar. i \Vii!';>!n M. Grciner, IS(jJ). Was served, until March 17, i.vss. Mr. C, rill;;-, i!.:-"> 1; io. i.sj.i, in Philadelphia. IMS taken .in active" interest in the Socic! \ Hi- '.'-i.n -.:!". iiidfather and grandmother, since his election , and nj on. ret'.r'iig t;om n.imiii McC, '.!'.. i. were natives of Ireland. the Vice- Presidency wis presented uith ! I;sgrand.f..th. ( .-r, Ak xander McCalla. kept haiulsouu-ls engrossed resolutions e\; re- OR 4-20 IIA Thomas J. Grimeson, 1884. Vice- President of the Society, March 17, iSss, to M:irch 17, iN.V;, has been in the I "nited States Internal Revenue service for manv years. He did not return his blank. He is from Chambeisburg, 1'a. William Grimshaw, 1828. Was horn in ( rreencastle, Ireland, in 17^, and came to America in iSis, where he livi-cl in Philadelphia and its vicinitv for manv years. He died in l\52. He was the author of school histories of Kn-laud, I-'rance, (ireece, Inked Slates. Rome, and Smith America and Mexico; aKo of a " I.ifeof Napoleon," " Kt vmol' >^ical Dic- tionarv," " (rcntleinen's Lexicon," "La- dies' Lexicon," "Merchant's Law Honk," " Form Hook." "American Chesterfield." He also published ijuestions and kevs to his histories, revised editions of ('.old- smith's Rome, (ireece, etc., of Ramsay's "Life of Washington." and of Hlaine's " History of the \\'ars ^rowini;' out the French Revolution." [See Allibone's " I )ictionar\- of Authors." \"ol. i, p. 743; Scharf .S: West, ott, \"ol. 2, p. nfiS.] William G. Gubbins. 1818. Was in the provision business on Vim- street near Srhnvlkill Sixth street. James Hagan, 1882. -Was born in Park, Countv Derrv, Ireland, and came to I'lii'adelpliia in June. i s l^. He was Alderman of the Second Ward for five years, since which time he has been en- k r ii, r ed in the real estate busine-- atgi2 Christian street. Mr. Hawaii has been prominently eni^ai;ed in the Catholic Total Abstinence movement, and was President of St. Paul's T. A. H. Society for many years, ami was also President of thi C. T. A. I nion of Philadelphia, i ->7'> 7 ( >- He is now a member of Select Council. Francis Haggcrty, 1888.- Was born in Philadelphia, November 9, iS.ji. His parents were natives of County Don. . d, In '. i:id. He is en-a-ed in the Tiiannl lure of morocco leather. He was Pre-.i dent and Tre isnn r of the Father Raffei ' v Beneficial Society lor seven vears and I'resideir of 1 ' crmonnt Branch Iri-h Na tional League :: im its or^aiii/ation, Fcb- rnarv, iSs<>. He is connected with the Morocco Manufacturers' National Hx- change, al:.o with the Morocco Maiuif.ic- turers' Local Fxchan^ r e. Mr. I liberty is a \\arm siij)porter of all movements in aid of Home Rule in Ireland. William Hahn, 181:}. Was in the grocery business at 70 North Fourth street, corner of Race. Lindley IIuines, 1886. The ,o U of Lindle\' Haines, a native of New jersey, and Anne L. Haines, a native of Philadel- phia, was born in Philadelphia, August 1J, iS.jc). He has been a member of the (iuardiaiis of the Poor. He is a stock- broker. Richard Hall, 1809. We can find im trace of him in the Directories or public records. Thomas Hall, 182o. Was probably an innkeeper at ^2ti South Fnmt street but it is not certain. Peter T. Hallahan, 1834. Was born near Dowililigtown, Chester co., Pa., May 14, iS5o. His father was a native of County Cork and his mother of County Limerick, Ireland. He is a shoe manufacturer and retailer at 759 and 7(1; Passvunk avenue. lie was President of St. Philip's Literary Institute for several vears, and member of the Shoe Manufacturers' Associ I'ion, Catholic Club, and Voun^ Men's Demo- cratic Association. Timothy Frederick Halvey, 1882. Was born in Kinvarra, County (ialwav, Irelainl, September g, iS^j. He i-anie to America, Octobei 14, I ^h, and .settled in Philadelphia, January 15, i Ss : . He is a wool merchant. Mr. Halvev is ^reatlv interested ill the studv of the Celtic lan^ua^e, founded the Philo-Celtic Societv and was its lirst President. He has made a number of translations into Irish. William Worthington Haly, 1S:V2. \\'as a member of the Philadelphia I'ar. beiiii^ admitted to practice lanuarv 11, l^. 1 ;, and was one of the mlhofs of "Troubat and Italy's Practice in tin- Civil Courts." I Ie lost his life in the -re it tire at Hart's liuildin^. northeast corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets, December 1^5 I . Gavin Hamilton. 1795. Wasa mem- ber of the Acting Committee of the Society in i 7 II A 4'Jl HA Gavin Hamilton, Jr., 1814. Was in the tobacco business at 122 High street. ] Ic wa- proprietor of a snuff-mill on Cobb's creek. He probably died in May, iSo^. John Hamilton, 1808. -Was a mer- (b.ant at No. ;6 Strawberry street. He st:ved on the Acting Committee of the Society, 1817-1823. James Hamilton, 1832. We have no information concerning him. There are numerous persons of the same name in the- public records, but none of them .-eem to be the person. Hugh J. Hammill, 1884. Is a man- ufacturer of woolen yarns in Germantown. He did not return his blank. William Hammill, 1837. A resi- dent of Norriton, Montgomery co.. Pa., was a wool manufacturer. In 1837 he and his son erected the Washington Woolen Mills in First ward of the borough of Norristown, Pa. Thev were then called the " MOV Craig" Mills. Thev are now occupied by William Watt, and are known as Watt's Mills. [See Bean's "Hist. Mont- gomery Co.," p. 583.] Edward Hand, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (see ]). 113,1. Moses Purncll Handy, 1884. Was born April 14, 1847, in Warsaw, Mo. His father, an eminent Presbyterian divine, belonging to an old Maryland family, was then serving as a missionary in Osage co., Mr>., but shortly afterwards re-turned to the Fastern Shore of Maryland. He was educated, at the Virginia College Institute, Portsmouth, Ya.. and towards the end of the rebellion, though but a boy, served for a few months on the staff of General Stevens, Chief of F.ugim-crs in I.ee'sarmv. Shortly after the war he began his career .is a journalist by contributing letter- to the New York M'alchtnan. He obtained employment 011 the (~/ir:^f!,: >/ CM.vvrvr, of Richmond. Ya., and also became a reporter on the /'/\- />,//,/'.- of that city, and subsequently in I^>Q the editor of the /- 1 .'./>..'/./'-. His capacity being nowrecog- m/ed he was engaged as Rii-hniond cor- respondent for several leading ionrnaK of tin- North, in hiding the New York /';,"'- uiii\ In i v ~- lie became editor in-chief of the Richmond I'.n<]it:>!i. .ind in i^~6, wliile serving as a Commissioner fiom Virginia to the Philadelphia Centennial Kx position, he accepted an assistant editor- ship on the Pliiladelphia /'/r.v. and settled in this city. I !e became managing editor of the /';v.vi in iSSi, and continueil in that position until i.Vvj, when he left it and organ i/.ed a company to purchase the I-lrt'iing . XV.v.v, of which paper he be- came editor-in-chief, and continued until lSS7, when he accepted an editorial POM- tion on the New York //"<>//own, Ireland. He was engaged in the profession of the law, and was Solicitor of the Board of Guardians of the Poor of 1'hiladel; hia from iS^sto i^S'>; member of the l\nn- sylvania Senate in 1^37 ; Clerk of Orphans' Court in iS.;S; in i s.j i Commissioner of the Borough of \\est Philadelphia, and Solicitor of the Board of Commis- sioners of the I>i--trict of Moyamctisin;.' :n IS.J5. Afterwards he went to California. and was elected 1 >i strict Attorney of II:::n- bold.t co., and ,-ippointed. Hrigadier-Gi !i- eral Jughth Brigade State Militia. He left Philadelphia for San Francisco in Fchrnarv. 1 \v >, arriving there in Ma\ of s nne year, and resided then.- until January, iS.st. \\heti he removed to Flureka, Ilum- boliit ro., -where he jiracticeil his profes- sion until Ins death. November i -,. iSSS. II V Mr. Hanna was a member of the Masonic Order. Hon. \Villium ]'>. Hanna USX}! is Ins nephew. William Brantly Hanna, 1884.- Horn in Philadelphia, November 23, iS^.s. IK- is the ><>ii of John Hanna. who \vas a member of tin.- Philadelphia Har. He ^raduatcd tVoni the Central Hi^h School, and also from the I, an I >i-;>artniciit of the I "invcrMty ot Pennsylvania, and was ad- mitted to 'lie Philadelphia \\.\r. November i.;. i s .S~. He \vas Assistant District At- lornev fur a time under William P>. .Maun. ! n i ^'17 he was elected lo Cot union Council .'.': >m the Tenth ward. a:;d served two years, hein^ elected to Select Council in I s ' 'i. where he served n::til lannarv i, 1,S;5, when he took his seat as ind^i of the Orphans' Court. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of iSjv I 'pi m June- ;,. iS7.s. heuas commissioned as President Jud-e of the ( >rphans' Court, and was re-elected ill iSS.} for another U -r:n of ten vears. commencing lannarv :, r^\S. Jnd^e Hanna, hv his courteous hearing, has done much t" popnlari/e the (Orphans' Conrt. over \\hich he so ably presides. William James Hanna, 1871. -Was liorn March J, IX\ at \\'hite-Hoiise, I Pari-.li Killeii. County Donegal, Ireland, i about four miles t'rom 1. 0:1 ionderrv. He | came to Philadelphia, (ict-'ber 4, 1^54; | was employed in 1*57 by William lirice I (iS^: , President of the Society, in the I general commission and produce business, and bee line a paitv.i-r of Mr. Urice in i-S^s, \sith whom he continued until 1*70. He then returned to Ireland. pnivh.tM-d a beautiful place on the river !'< >\ le near I.on Jon k-rry, a 1 Carri^an, Count\' honei^al, where he still resides. He hol-U Ihe po-i tion of County Magistrate, ai d h.i.-. ; 'ken i ' r\ : t'.ve interest in Parnell and the { I. ' i !.e L;tie nioveiiHMit. He was noini . for P irliamtMH li\- the Land League, but declined. The I. and League nominee el ted l',i foi 1, '. in- I'hiladi Ij.liia lie \vas a member of the Commercial K\- He i- a lllelllber ' if the ( >dd- I'i How- md Masonic ( trders. and was a member of I\ev. I)r. lilackwood's William Wilson Hanna, 1884. Horn March .), \^.\h, in Rlackwater Town, Connl\ Ariiiai;'h, Ireland. He came to America New York' in I'ebruarv, iSbo, and >ettled in Plliiadel])llia ill December, l.SSj. He i-, a merchant at ;,o N. l ; ront s'.reet. IIew;is a ilruinnier. private and Sergeant in tne I-'il'th Re^nneni, New \'oi k \'olunteer->, in the rebellion, serving from i >()j to the clo>e of the uar. He i> a niemiiei' o|" the l ; riendlv Sons of St. Patrick, of P.rooklyn, N. V., and of the C, i.uid Armv of the Republic. He is a regular attendant at ti'.e Societv's meet- inLt>. and takes an active part in its pro- ceeding-.. Henry Stitcs Hannis, 1867. Was born in Philadelphia I ; ebrnary 25, 1834. He was not of Irish descent. Ik- was in the employ of John ( 'ribson and John ( Gib- son's Sons tor thirteen vears. and in December, iS6;,, started in business as II. S. Hannis ^ Co., and on May i, 1871, ori; tni/ed the Hannis Distilling Co., of which he became President. He died May 19, iSS6. and was buried in Laurel I lill cemeterv. John Hanson, 1822. Was a grocer at No. 3 Water street in 1,^24. John Harding, Jr., 1832. Horn at Marcus Hook, Pa., September 9, 17^1 He settled in Philadelphia in November, iSio, where for many years he war. en - Lj'as^ed in the ^rocerv business. About lS2<) he made a vi>it to Ireland for his health. Atone time he lo>t heavily in bn>ine-.--. but with untiring energy he be^an a^ain, and subsequently built up a. lai'^e trade. He built the warehouse at d ~, i S. 1'ront street and 2S and 30 S. \Va t"r >treet in I S.}.}. where the 1 ai si ness is >till continued b\ llie firm of Harding, I'.rilt.in vV Co. He was a Director of the J'arnier-.' .Mid Mechanic-.' I". ink, and a member of the Masonic order. He died November 11, ','''<'>. leaving three.' >ons and three daughters sur\-ivin^ him. J. A. Ilardingc, 1817. -We have no inatii MI concerning him. Cliarles A. Hardy, 1881. Did not le' irn liis blank. I le is < >l' the firm of I lard v ec Mahoney, j)iiblishers and pro- prietors of the Calhiilic S/n ler. William Michael Harnctt, 1890. Was born in Clonakiltv, County Cork, J re- land, August in, i,S4S. His parents, who were natives of the same count}', had emi- grated to America prior to their marriage, which took place in this country, and had returned to Ireland. The}' had three chil- dren born in Ireland, and came attain to America when their son, William M., was but a year old. They settled in Philadel- phia in July, i.\S", where two of their children were born. The son, William .Michael Harnett, was educated at St. Marv's Parochial School, Fourth street above Spruce, and subsequently in the Filbert Street (irammar School, after which he commenced his career of artist, which has made him so famous. He studied for a time at the New York Ac- adcinv of 1 lesion, and spent ten years in F.urope, principally in Munich, enthu- sinsticallv devoting himself to his profes- sion. 1 Ie developed a taste for " still life " painting and his pictures early attracted the notice of coiini >issenr-. for their svondcr- iul lidelitv and marvellous execution. Hi- great picture, "After the Chase," was .<, '.milted lo the Paris Salon of iSS^, and \' is accorded the high honor of being "hung on the line," and also photo- graphed for the < Miicial Catalogue. The same ye:i rone of his pictures was admitted to the Royal Academy l-;\liibition in Lon- don and \\ as purchased by one of the Roval Academicians. His pii Hires now bring wry high prices. Modest and retiring in disposition, he would have remained al- mo-i in obscnritv, had not his pai:uii:-s compelled recognition and pointed Irni out as the grealesl painter of " still life " \\lio has ever lived. He easil \- slain Is at the head of the artists in this line of his profession. Unfortunate] v ill health has for some \-e.irs seriotisK- crippled his exer- tions and rendered him an invalid for manv months, but he has recent lv visited the Hot Springs of Arkansas, and it is hoped that his health \\ ill be fully rest' ired and that he may again be able to resume work. Of cxemplarv life and almost saintly character, every one \\ho kuov.s him esteems anil loves him. Mr. Har- nelt's residence is in Philadelphia, where he has a sis-.er, Llla H.iniett, now living. Arthur Harper, 1818. \\"as a mer- chant at 202 Spruce street, and was one of the executois of the will of Hugh Holmes (1790). .St. Memin's collection has a por- trait of him but no sketch. His will, dated July 2S, iS2y, and proved October 25, 1^32, mentions his nieces, Maria Har- per and Ann Watres ; the daughters of William A. C.rimshaw, and his three brothers, James, Jackson, and Arthur Harper (irinishaw; his son-in-law, F.he- ne/.er Jackson ; his daughter. F.li/.a Anne Jackson ; Charles A. Harper (iSiqi, mer- chant ; and Charles Wain s, merchant. In it he bequeaths 5 loo to the Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Mast Jersev, and 5ioo to the Hibernian Society. Benjamin West Harper, 1888.- Son of James Harper |S^2> and of Charlotte Swan Harper, was born in Philadelphia, Fcbruarv 13, iS^i. He is an in-nrance age-lit, and is a member o!" the Union i League and of the Masonic order. Charles A. Harper, 1819. Was a merchant at southeast corner Second and Arch streets. Letteis of administration on hi-- estate \\erc granted. April I '\ I-VJ4. to ( ieorge \\". Tr\ on. James Harper, 1S-S2. \\'as burn in the town land of Cdashiel, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1770, and came to America in 171,; or !7ip). a:.d settled in Phil.t< iel] >hia in '7'yj. ili u. is engaged in the brick mak- ing business \\liere- Rittenhonse Sip:iare now is, and lived in the building now occu- IT A II A 1 it'll bv the Social Art Club. He \\asa member of the Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth t'nited States Congresses, I.S; V ;- : s ;7. and was (',rand Master of Masonic (',rand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and also member of L':anklin Ir.stitute and Academv of Line Arts of Philadelphia. He .lied March ;:. i ^7 ;, and was buried at Laurel Hill ccineterv. He was one of Philadelphia's prominent citi/ens for many Years and was esteemed bv all who knew him. Lor a long pe:iod lie was actively identified with the Socktv. Was t lected Vice-President on March 17, :\S*S, and continued to occnpv that position, bv repeated annual elections, until March 17, :^7'>. when, owing to the increasing in- firmities of age, he declined a re-election. Throughout his entire term of office he was regarded with aliection bv the members. Two sons of Mr. Harper are now mem- bers of the Sock-tv. vi/..: Thomas S. Har- per, M. I). :\s'< . and Benjamin W. Har- per iSSs.. Thomas H.irpcr 'i\;2i, a brother, was also a member. James Harper, 187-'3. \Ve have no definite information concerning him. Thomas Harper, 18:*2.--\Vas born in the townland of C.la^ich, County Tyr >:ie. Ire! in i. in 1777. came to America in 1790 and settled in Philadelphia about 1792. He was a brick-maker and also a ilonr merchant, and was at one time one of tlie City Prison Inspectors. He died May ii, |.S^9, and was buried in Monu- ment cemetery. Hn. Janie- Harper ( i s ;2 was h; -* i>r< >ther. Thomas Scott Harper. M.D., 1356. Son of Hon. James 1 1. irper . ;j . wasborn in Philadelphia. July 19, i - .. ; . He was a member of the P. i.ird of Health, i\S3- : i'" id( nt of Medical !lo, rd o] I'hil- adeljilr.a, and \\ . ; m lected ' 'i the. Howard llospit ;1 Home for hicnrables. II' !i - been a pr.utii ing ;';,-:> -.an for many years. Dr. I la: ]>er \vas ver\ ictive in the Society's aiiairs for inanv . i ars, serving as one of its Plu'sicia; . 1^57- Charle:- Joflbrson Hurrah. 1830. Born at Kio ih ; j;:ne 9, I.S.55. II" : '. fCharle- J. H.irrah, for sevei'a. years a prominent citi/cn ol Philadelphia. lie came to America, April 15. i^~f\ and settled \\ith his father in Philadelphia. He was in the ship biokera^e business from 1.^77 to i NN>, and \\.t-^ connected \\ith the ]>asseiiL;ei- rail- \\aysol t'le cit\' irom iSSj to l.xsn, lieinu; \'ice-Pre>ident of the People's Passenger Kailuay Company and Treasurer of the ( .ennaiitown Passenger Kailwav Com- pan\'. lie is actively interested in the Children's Sanitarium Association, the 1 b >iniL-o])athic I Ios]>ital and the " Shelter- ing Arms" of the Kpiscopal Church. In iSN6 he was a member of the Citi/ens' Connnittee of T'iftv, in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund. At ]>resi-nt lie is President and principal owner of the Midvale Steel Works, one of the largest establishments of the kind in the country. Mr. Harrah isnote'l for his _^reat interest in benevolent and charitable works. Jeremiah J. Harrigan, 1882. \V as born in Philadelphia, October ;, I , i\S7, and is in the liquor business with Andrew C. Crai.s^ cc Co., i; v s South b'ront street. His father was a native of Cork, Ireland. Mr. Harridan is a member of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute. Samuel Lindsay Harris, 1879. Son of Samuel Harris, a native of County Derrv, Ireland, was born in Philadelphia. Hi- was a dravman and afterwards a book- keeper, lie died September 9, iSSy. Henry Harrison, 1820. Was the son of Matthias Harrison and Rebecca MifT]:n I'rancis, daughter of Turbutt l-'rancis (1771). lie married, March 17, I Si 7, Kli/.abeth, daughter of Thomas Willing I'rancis ( i So.} i. He died March 16, 1.S25, aged ^3 vearsand 5 months, and was buried in Christ Church burving- gronnd. William F. Ilarrity, 1881. Was born October 19, i.\-<>. in Wilmington, Del. He is the son of Michael and I me A. Harritv, natives of Count\' Donegal, Ireland. On September 2, i v 'i7 he came to Philadelphia t< tttend I. a Sail i . illegi , iV'.ni uhii'h he graduated June i, iH~<>. In I.S72 he commenced the study of tin- law and was admitted to the Philadelphia liar, December 27, 1^-7;. Since his admis- sion he has been in act ive practice. Lie HA IIA soon became engaged in politics, and ser\ed as Chairman of the Democratic C;tv Fxecntive Committee in iSS2, and \sas a Delegate at large to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, July 8, [SS.;. I'pon December 1, iS\s., he g, when he \\.is succeeded by John Field ii,sS2i. He took an active ]>art in the election of Gov- ernor Robert }'.. Pattison in the fall of 1890, and was appointed Secretary of State by the Governor upon January 20, 1891. He still occupies that position. He is associ- ated in his law-practice with James M. Heck i iSSSi. Mr. Harrity is a member of the James Page Library Companv, Anieri- eus Club. I.a Salic Literary 1'nion, Young Men's Democratic Association, Catholic Club, and Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, and in i SS6 was a member of the Citi/.eiis' Committee of Fiftv in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund. Thomas Hart, 1819. Was a whole- sale grocer at 2 ; i North Third street. Ik- was born November 30, 17X6, and died August 29. 1852. He was a prominent member of the "State in Schuvlkill." lie married Marv McCalla, Mav }, iSio. [See " I listory of Schuvlkill Fi-diing Com- pany," Philadelphia, iS.s^. p. _-So.] Samuel Harvey, 1790. It is not certain who he was. The late Samuel Harvey, President of the Bank of ( '.erm.tn- town, was not of Irish descent, and was but 20 years of age in 1770. He is said to have been a member, but we think it is a mi-take. In i ~ti<} there was a marriage license issued to a Samuel Harvev and Catharine Tenbrook. James C. Ilassett, 188-1. \Vas born February 12, |.s;6, in Mallou, County Cork, In land. He came to Philadelphia j in September, |S;,9, I U- is a dealer in o and scgars at yoj South I'ifth a member of the Pennsvl- Re; iresL-ntatives, r -,^ so. flhe Irish Catholic P.eiiev- [ ! v.as formerly connected i-.- Total Abstinence I 'nion. Daniol ITartman Ilasl in^s. 1888. Bom 1'ebruary 2b, 184.^, at Salona, Clin- i H ton co . Pa. His father was a native of Ireland and came to this country in iS;2. His mother was a native of Scotland. He Was educated ill the public schools and commenced his work in life as a school- teacher. In i S'>7 he was elected Principal of the Hellefonte Public Schools, and con- tinued to serve in this position until 1^75. For a portion of the time he was associate editor of the fl t -//,'/\>ntf A'r'f iJ'H^in. He read law in Hellefonte ami was admitted to the Bar in 1^75 and immediately entered into partnership with his preceptors. Bush iV Yocutn. He afterwards formed the law ]>artnership of Ilastin^s.V Keeder, which still continues. He was Chief Burgess of Bellefonte in 1^76, was at one time a School Director of the Borough and is Trustee <>f the Pennsylvania State College. An acti\'c Re])ublie;m in politics, he has been in frequent attendance in the Con- ventions of that party, and in isss was a Delegate at lars^c to the Republican Na- tional Convention in Chicago. In July, T. S 7~, he \\ as appointed Captain and Pay- master of the Fifth Regiment National Guards of Pennsylvania, and on March 22, iS7S, was c'lected Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. ( )n March 22, iSSo, he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General by Governor James A. Beaver <.\\. M. iSS7). On March 2S, iSS.j, he was elected Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, which he com- manded until Januarv IS. iSS;. when he was appointed Adjutant-General of the State. His energetic course at Johnstown, Pa., wlu-re he pronipllv repaired and .as- sumed charge imnieiliate!\- after the disastrous fluod on the Coiu-iiian^h, May 31, i>Sij. brought him into wide and favor- able prominence thriMi-hont t':c country. His executive abilitvand uniform kind- ness and sympathetic action \\on for him the Ljratitnde of the stricken commnnitv and the a. '.mirat ion of his fellow-citi/eiis thn mahout the Slate. He is an el feet: vc cani])ai^n-s])eaker and is much in demand at Ri publican meetings. ( >n ( >ctober i<>. iS77, lie married Jane Armstrong Ran kin, of Belh-l'onle. P.i. [Sec ' ' 1 1 :. - ra ph ical Album <>: Piomineiit Penns\ Ivanians," George D. Haswell, 18-15. \Vas a HA in-; printer at 2q; Ili^li street. He is referred to in the minutes as Captain (".eorgeD. Ilaswell. John Haugh, 18S7. Was born at Carrigaholt, Conntv Clare, Ireland. June, IS-;, and i-anie to Philadelphia March 17, iS.jS He was fonni-rlv ill the drv-goods business, and is now a dealer ill oils and engineers' supplies at i 14 Arch street. He was Receiving Clerk in Tax Office, iS6o, a Real Instate Assessor, iS6i, and Post- in i-- r er of Manavnnk in i^>5- Thomas Haii-ll (iNf\V \\.is his brother. Thomas Haugh, 1865. Brother of John Haugh ii.SSji, was born in County Clare. Ireland. He arrived in Philadel- phia March 17, i S.jS, and was engaged in the liquor business in Manavunk. He died July 26, iS7o, and was buried at Manavunk . James Hawthorn, 1790. Was a member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick see page i 151. JamCS Hay, 1867. -Was born De- cember 24, iS.vv m Count v Donegal, Ire- land, and came to Philadelphia August 5, I S 5).. He is one of the linn of Heattie .S: Hay, commission merchants, 25 South Water street. Patrick Hayes, 1814. Was the ne- phew of Commodore John Harry 11790). He was a mariner bv profession. He was married in Christ Church, April S, 1795, to F.li/aheth Keciie. His only daughter, Sarah Barrv Haves, born April 27, 1 79.S, and died August 15, iS2i, was buried in St. Mary's cemetery, Fourth aboveSpruce street. Robert Hayes, Sr., 1856. Was a merchant, and probably a nephew of Samuel I laves ' 1.^35). Robert Hayes, Jr., 1856. Son of Robert Haves, Sr. : i.\s6!, was a merchant. Samuel Hayes, 18-'W. -Was a grocer northwest corner of Eleventh and Wal- nu' streets. He was a native of Ireland and prob ibly unmarri'-d. Hi-- will, dated I)ecember ~, \^>v>. and proved lanuarv 2, iS r )i, mentions his brother, Janu-s Haves; his sister, Martha Rogers; his nieces, Ros.-inna, Ann fane, Catharine, Mar- l^.;ret, and Martha Ha\'t-s and Mar'.;ari-t rs ; hiN nej)hews, Robert and William Hayes, the latter of Allegheny City, Pa. ; his cousin, Jane Haves, and his nephew, Robert Rogers. William Hayes, 1790. Was an iron merchant at No. 9 dray's alley. His will, dated August i, 17^3, and proved December iS, 179^, mentions his mother, ^Martha ; his brothers, John, James and Robert, and his sisters, Marv and Jean. James Matthew Healy, 1884. -Was born in Dous^lassville, I'.erks co., 1'a. His father was a native of Ireland and his mother of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Georgetown (D.C.) College. He resides in Pottsville, Pa., and is an attorney-at- law. Patrick Healy, 1867. Was a buck- skin manufacturer, and had a store at southeast corner of Fourth ami Chestnut streets. He was a native of Ireland. William Healy, 1790. -Honorary member, was a silver-plater at 62 Dock street in 1791, and at 147 Chestnut streut in '793- Thomas Heaney, 1857. Was a na- tive- of Ireland. He was a cooper at 2'j rjueen street. W. Joseph Hearn, M. D., 1884. - Was born in Laurel, Del., December 27, 1X42, and settled in Philadelphia, March I, iS7<). He is a practicing phvsician at I I2o Walnut street, and Surgeon to the Philadelphia City Hospital and the Hos- pital of thejefferson Medical College. Dr. Hearn is the author of several papers con- tributed to the medical journals, and is Vice-President of the Sons of Delaware. Charles Ilcatly, 1700. one of the Counsellors of the Society from I7 to 1813, the \-ear of his death ; was a member of the I-'rier.dly Sons of St. Patrick ('see p. 1151. He was one of the twelve founders of the Society. John Hcaton, 1808. Was a mer- chant. He prohablv died ill August, iS2; v Dennis Ilccnan, 18G3. Was born April is, ; iS, in County Tipperarv, It-e- nd < ame to i'hiladelj.hia in May, iSvj. I! 1 ' \\'as at times a liijiior dealer, a coil :ii'-rchan! ;:nd a contractor. He served iii the rebellion, heini^ Lieutenant- the Order of Sparta and of the Merchants' and Salesmen's Association. Thomas Hennessey, 1816. Prob- in-; -t-j: HI-: Colonel of Twenty - fourth Regiment, cannot defmitciv sav who \\'i!liatii Hen- and afterwards Colonel of ( );;,- Hundred der-on \\.is. There- art.- several of the anil Sixteenth Regiment. Pennsylvania naiiu- in tin- I >irect< irics anil pub', ic records. Volunteers, and was wounded at l-Yeder- William Henderson, 1886. -Was icksbnuj, losing part of his rivdit hand. born November jj, i s \, at Ballina, I Ie died [uly .(. I V 7J, and is buried in the County Mayo, Ireland. Hi- raini- to CatlK-dral cemetery, West Philadelphia. Philadelphia in < Ictober. i,V\s. IK- is a I)r. Thomas Iy Heetian fiSjoi i-, his son. eai pet inannf. tctnn-r. Hr is a im-nf: >e Thomas Edward Ileenan. M. D., 1S70. Horn in Philadelphia. He is the son of Colonel I)enni> Ik-enan iSfi;,). He prai-tk-ed niedieiiie in riiiladeljihia, alily died in January, iMcj. \Ve have ami afterwards removed to Mi:;nesota, I nothing certain about him. where he became Auditor of Stevens co., ! Alexander Henry, 1700. iS.So-isSj. He is now I'nited States ' youngest of five brothers, was born in Consul at ( )dessa. Russia, appointed by i I/)ii^hbnekland, near . \nnauh, I n-laU'l. : u I'l'i-siiK-nt Cle\-elaud in iSS^. He is a , June, I7 ( >,v In 1 7^,> he emi^r.iUd to resident oi Minnesota. ' Auu-riea and ohtaiiu-d em-,'loyiiK-nt in a John Ileftermm, 1790. Was ai dry snoods establishment in I'hihulelphia. school-master at No. 5 I.etitia court. He ' His abilities were such that in t\\o months pn>bab!\, d-'.-d in Dei-.-mber, iSo.;. ' he was made superintendent of a branch John Ileinphill, 1820. Was of the of the housi.- pur])osely created for him. firm ot J ame-> and |o'nn Hemphill, mer- Some time al'ler\\anl> hi- went intobu-i- ciiaiits. .)_> \\"a!ui'.t street. T'.iev were : ness for liim-t-lf, importing di-y-L;-oods brothers, a; id \\ere sous of William I lemj)- I wholesale, and continued in business until hill, oi Wilmington, Del., who was from ' iS<>7, when he retired with a lan, r e fortune. Londonderry, Irelanil. lie was one of Later on he en^a^ed a^ain in busine>s, those \\ho \vere instrumeiila! in j^ettins^ but iu :NiS he finalh retired and devoted up tlie Merchant^' I^xchan^e. the reinaimler of hi> life to church Josepll Hemphill, 1827. Was a and charitable work. Mr. Henry dii-d native of Chester, no ,v Delaware co., I'a., Au^'u-t i.V i' s }7. ami \sas burie'i in and was admitted to the Chester County Laurel Hill cemetery. l ; oi m.uiy years H ir in Au^n.st. 1 7<./v He was a member he enjovcd the distinction of beiiiL; the of Cou^ r :e^s. [Sol :Si>;, from Cliester oldest member of the Hibernian Soeietv county, and also from i.Siq i.S^i I'pon and at his death was the last of the fxi the organisation of the District Court of original list of i 790. He was Treasurer of Philadelphia, May n, iSn, he was ap- the Society in 179.1- He was a verv active j)ointed I'resid..-;i; J:;l-'e. He died May memlier of the rieshvterian Church and 2'), i\|2, a-- d 7J year>. [See Martin's was President of the Hoard of Kdncatiou " I'.ench and Hat."]i. 79. ofthatbodv. He was al>o Presiden! of the John Henderson, 1845. \Va> a na- American Sunda\ --School 1'nion froin its tive of Ireland, and came to Pliiladelphia commencement iu i ^2 j until his death, i:;d wlien a younjf man. Ik- was em;at;ed for was president of tin- House of Refuse. .'ears in the ^mei-rv business on I'or fort v-nine year> he -was a Director of i arket -T.-et above Seventeenth. The the Insurance Coiii]-.atiy of North Anierii'a. ' Ilendi-rsoii House," which was named He was also a Diu ctor of the Tinted States ''i' him. u.i-, built on his j.rojH-rty. Hank. In his will, admitted to pro!, ate Letter* o| administiation on his estate An-ju-.t : s . > v ;7. he leaves legacies to the Acre ^I'auteil. M.i\- ii, iSMi, tn !:!, ilu-th American Sn:;> ; I'liion, the IVnn- Henderson. Mr. H'-nderson served on sylvania I iistit nt o i for the Deaf and t!u- Acting Committee of the Soeictv, Hlind. and to the Ce'iiral Presbyterian iS.sD 1X5 j. Church. Two of his executors, his son William Henderson, 1790. We ir.-law, IM John K. Mitchell ( is^S:, and HK 428 HR ills friend, Robert F.wing iiSity, \\cre also members of the Society. as \\as also his son. John S. Henry iSiS>. [See Simp- son's " Lives." p. 515 ; " Ncu York Mer- chants' Maga/ine " for January. iS t s'>. ] Alexander Henry. 1865. Honorary member, was horn in Philadelphia, April 14. iS2.;. lie was the son of John S. Henry iSiM. am! grands, >u of Alexander Henry 117901. lie graduated from Princeton with high lionors. his previous education having been derived lYoni the local sclu >!s here. After leaving college he studied law and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, April 13, I.\H. He soon acquired an extensive practice, and in I.\S> 57 repre- sented the Seventh Ward in Council*-. In iSS^ he was nominated bv the People's party for Mayor against Kit-hard Yanx, the Democratic candidate. The election took place in May, i\>\ and Mr. Henry was successful. In i!i6o and again in iNo^ he was re-elected. In IS66 he declined a reiiomination. taking the ground that it was wrong for one man to serve too manv terms in such a position. His administra- tion was highly successful, the cfticieiicv of the police force was raised to a high standard, and the reserve force which had been organi/.ed under his predecessor, Mavor Yan.x.. was made an elVective arm of the service. He was Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, member of i'ark Commission, I )irector of the Fidelity Insurance. Trust and Safe Ik-posit Com panv, and of the Philadelphia Saving I-'und Societv, and was for twentv-eight consecutive vears, until his decease, an Inspector of the Ivastern Penitentiary. He V.MS a member of the State Board of >. ' illiia! Supervisors, Chairman of the Kxec'.itive Commi'tee of the great Inter- i; aional 1C \hibition, and upon the resigna- tion of Kx-Ciovernor lligler lie became President of the I'.oard of Su])ervisors. when his labors tended nnn-h to ensure the magniiiceiit success of that great enterprise. The shock of the death oi his - >n rind only child greatly im- paired Mr. Henr\-'-> health, a:i'l in the spring of [S\^ he \-isjted Mnrope, remain- :::.: :'. until 1 ite in the succeeding fall. H" returned much benefited in healtli. but on November 28, iSS^, ahout a month after his return from Kurope, he became ill, and died of typhoid pneumonia early in the morning of December 6. The flags on Independence Hall and many other public and private buildings were placed at half-mast in respect to his memory, and Mayor King addressed a message to Councils, notifving them of his death, and paying a tribute to the character of the deceased. Appropriate resolutions were adopted bv Councils, and a committee aj>- pointed to make arrangements for attend- ing his funeral. He was buried on the Saturday following his death at Laurel Hill cemetery, from his late residence in (ermantown. Mr. Ilenrv was a man of sterling character, commanding the re- spect of his fellow-citi/ens, and the hearty affection of his numerous friends. In early life he was married to a daughter of Comegys Paul. [See Scharf X; "Westcott's "Hist. Philadelphia."] Charles P. Henry, M. D., 1886. Is a surgeon in the United States Navy. Hugh Henry, 1790. Was a merchant and dealer in China ware, etc.. at 34y. He served an apprenticeship in the grocers business iVom iS.jy 5-', when he became a j).irtner in the linn of Fit/patrick .S: I lerat v, whole- s ilc L;ri>cer.s, in which business he con- tinued until iShh, when he engaged in the ir.iportinj; and jobbing tea trade, at 121 .iiid 12; South Front street. He is a Director of the Henelirial Saving Fund, and is also connected with the American I)red_in^ Company and St. Joseph's Hos- pital. He was an efficient member of the Executive Committee of the Society, ISS6- IS92. Michael IV Heraty iiSSS. is his nephew Michael P. Heraty, 1883. Was born September 14, : \v >, i". Westport, County Mavo, Ireland, and came to Phil- adelphia June 20, ;S6o. He is en^a^ed in the importing and jobbing tea trade with his uncle, Kdward J. Heraty ( iSS2>, under the linn-name of }'. J. Ileraty .S; Co., New York and Philadelphia. He is a Director of the Mechanics' Insurance Company and of the City Trust and Safe Deposit Conipativ. Alexander Heron, Jr., 1850.-- Was born at (rosten, Londonderry, Ireland, about iSi.S, and came to Philadelphia about i\xS- He was ens^aj^ed in the shipping business. For several vears he was a partner of William I. Martin i S-; i i, under the linn-name of Heron M: Martin. Tile;.- were lanjvlv eii^a^ed in the South- er':: trade, and van a line of vessels from Philadelphia to Mobile, Charleston and Sa van nah. They were the first to establish .'i line "i -,te niiships to Savannah and Charleston. He died April S, iS65, and was buried in (>ld Cathedral cemeterv. Robert G. Herring, IS.'W. - Kept tin- Amerii-m Cofiee House on the south -id-- of Chestnut -.licet above Third. Hi- v\!lewa-a Miss Cares, who-,e sister Mi.ir- rv.-.l Rembrandt I'eale, the ud', known ai"! i>t John Hewitt, 18:W. W.i> a nu-r chatit at 155 I Ii'j.h street William Hewitt. 1819. \Va- i mcr .-'.; i i j N. :'.:' r'i'V.] -'.re: t. !. ":> of administration on his estate \\ere granted. May 7, 1^35, to John Hewitt 1*36 . The sureties \\ere John (i. (ieori^e iiM'):, David lioyd 1,^24 and William H. Wilson t 18371. Edward Miles Heyl, 188O. Was born in Philadelphia, Februarv 14, 1^44. He is ileseellded from Rev. John Thomas He\l, u ho emulated to America from i'.aden. (ierinanv, in 1 7.V. His great- grandfather, J'>hn Hevl, serveil in the Continental ann\ .luring the kevolution, and uas uith Wa-.hinjj.ton at Yallev Forjvje. He \sas a student at Plainiield Acadcmv, near Carlisle, Pa, \\hen the war of the Rebellion broke out, and but seventeen vears ol aije, but he mi mediatelv enlisted in Conipauv F, Third. Pennsylvania Cavalrv, and was appointed I-'irst Sergeant of the Companv on (>cto her i, iNM. ( )u Ap.ril 3. iSo2, he was made Second. Lieutenant of Coinpam M. of the same regiment, and was promoted, to be First Lieutenant of Companv I on April i, i.Sf>3, and Captain on August 4, 1863, and was mustered out on August 24, iSb4. He served in all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac at the sie^eof Yorktown, battles of Willianisbunj;, Han over Court-House, Savage Station, Jor- dan's Ford, Charles Citv Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Antietam. 1'niou v'lle, Shep- herdstown. Four Locks, in Stoneinan's raid, at Hrandy Station, (",ett \sbui ^, tile Wililerness, S])ottsyl vania sie-e of Peters- burg, etc. He was captured at !lart\sood Church on November 2S. i,v>2, and con- lined in I.ibbv prison until February 2, iSh;. At Kelly's Ford he was espeeiallv commended for gallant conduct and con- spicuous bra very. He was also commended for valor and gallant soldicilv tjualitii-.s at tin- battle of Antietam, where, then onl\- a Second. Lieutenant and but eighteen vears of a-e. lie rallied a broken, retreat- ing intau'.r\- re^inieiil and charged with it, driving tlu 1 enemv back and recajnnr- inv; several u'aus and --i uids of colors At the close of the war lie uas appointed First Lieutenant in Ninth Lnited States Cavalrv on jn!\ .'\ i s ')'>. and serxed :: the campaigns of that bodv against the Indians in Texas. l"i.r h.is meritoi-;. ,;- 430 no conduct he was brevcttcd Major. On Januarv i, iS;!, he was transferred to Company K, Fourth Fnited States Cav- a'.rv. and \\as again employed in the Indian campaigns of Texas. In June, 1^72, in command of the same Company and also of Company I, Fleventh Infan- try, he acted as escort to the Texas and Pacific Surve\ Fxpcdition, returning in 'ime. i s 7 V 1 k- subsequently was actively engaged in the Indian operations ot the Southwest, being actively engaged in the field until October I, l.^IS. when he \\ as ordered to Neu York on recruiting duty. He rejoined his regiment on January i, i.sSi, and was immediately employed again for Indian service in the Fte cam- paign. On Januarv ih, i.s.Sj, he was ordered to Philadelphia on recruiting service and remained here until ( Ictober : s, iSS;, \\heii he rejoined his company at Fort Wingate, New Mexico. Ik- was detailed as Acting Assistant Inspector- General, Department of the Fast, Jul\- 10, !>>S4. He remained on ( teller. d Hancock 's statf until March I I, i sv vS, having been appointed Ma;or ami Inspector-General, and assigned to duty in that capacity in the Department of Texas. Ik- was pro- moted to be Lieutenant-Colonel and In- spector-General September 22, i.^s.s, on duty in the Department ot" Texas. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Hey! is a member of the Loyal Legion, the Society of the Army of the Potomac, the Grand Army of the Re- public and the Society of the Cavalry Cor]'-. Ik- married, on October 'i. i.W>, Marv Del phi lie- Turner, (laughter of Major ilenrv S. Turner, F. S. A., and grand- d-iugh'.er of Major Thomas Turner, F. S, A. L^' 1 ' "biographical Album of Prominent Pennsylvanians," ist series, p. Isaac Hcylin, M. D., 1809. \v ,- a }'. icti ing pin sician. I Ie took an active part in thepr- iceedings of the Society, and served as one of its two Physicians, ;-<, i ^27. Thomas Ilicskill, 1820. We have mat i' in concerning him. Joseph Iligbcc, 1804. Was ., U ier ':; - i HI- W.T- married in Chris' Church.. ; " >">.-.-,] !-oj to F.li/.abeth L. Lewis. Adam Hill, 1859. Was a liquor dealer. His will, dated February 24, iS72, and proved March 7, i^~2, mentions his wife, Fli/abcth ; hi.s sons, David and James ; and his daughter, Margaret. James Hindman, 1833. Was a dry- goods merchant at 343 High street. He probablv died in Apiil, 1^.50. James M. Hirst, 1826. Was a mer- chant. His will, proved June 26, 1^39, mentions his brothers-in-law, John M. and William M. Kennedy; his wife, Re- becca Hirst and his children ; also, Rob- ert Toland tiNij), "tenant in common \\ith him " in an estate in Schuylkill co. , Pa.; and his friend, William Wilson Patrick Hogan, 1809. Was a mer- chant at 147 South Front street. Alexander Hogg, 1863. -Was born in the North of Ireland, and came to Amer- ica in 1^44. He was engaged in the gro- cery business at Fifth and Christian streets, but subsequently removed to Mar- ket street. He became a member of the linn of Macky .X: Hogg, 25 South Water street. At the close of the war, in iSfi.s, provisions being very scarce in the South, Mr. Hogg loaded a vessel with provisions to take South. Whilst in the Savannah, river in a boat. July 4, a sudden squall arose, which upset the boat, and Mr. I logg was drowned. Charles Holland, 1803.- Was a mer- chant associated with F. Fnglish at 23 Chestnut street. His will, dated October 4, iS % v>, and proved March 22. 1831. men- tions his wife, Ann F.li/abcth, and his five children. Harriet. Marv. Fannv, Ann and William; also Robert F.wing iSi9), " his wife's stepbrother." George Holmes. 1814. We have no definite information concerning him. Henry Holmes, 1803. \Yas born in County Antrim, Ireland. September v . L s ;2. and came to America in iMs. and settled the same year in Philadelphia. lie is a manufacturer of ingrain carpet- at ']': nton a\ cnue and Anl mm -tree; Ik- ceil a Director of the Shacknmaxon is .1 n'eml n-r < >f the I LI:TI-< in l.i'e v ar\ In- ti' u'.e. Coh-.mbia Club, and no HO Hugh Holmes, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the 1'riendly Sons of St. Patrick, (sec page ii.SI. He was Vice-President of the Hibernian Society, 1796-iSocj, and President, iS-l,M7. John Holmes, 1812. Was an iron merchant and manufacturer in this city, and a member of the linn of Craig, Holmes .N: Co. He was born November 12, I7M>, in Strabane, Ireland. He was a Director in the I'nited States and Schuyl- kili banks. He died at Londonderry, July j'), iSv(. His two sons, John Holmes ' k i. s 4M and Setli C. Holmes ^18451. and his brother. Valentine I lolmes ( 1^301, Here also members of the Society. He left two sons and two daughters. His father was John Holmes, Buncrana, Ireland. His sifter, Martha Taylor, lived in Corme- kelly, Ireland. John Holmes, M. D., 1834. Born in Strabane, Ireland, Dec-ember 14, 1^09, came to America June 15, 1833. and set- tled iinmediately in Philadelphia. Ik- was a phvsician, and member of the Union League. He died 1'ebruary 25, iSS6, and was buried in Laurel Hill cem- etery. Scth C. Holmes (iS4,v is his brother-in-law. Dr. Holmes was <>!ie of the Physicians of the Society, iS;,6 iS.(2. Hdward C. Holmes, Wallingford. Pa., is a :-on of Dr. Holme-. John Holmes, Jr., 183G. -Was born ; ;i Philadelphia. He married I-'.li/abetb C, rav I.eipcr and has a son, Robert J. Holmes, living in ( '.ermantowii. John Holmes, 1841. Son of John Holmes ISJ2' 1 and of Ann Holme--, was boni in Philadelphia, May i. iSi^. He was a cotton manufacturer ('.lobe mills . and \\ as also in the saddlery ,-md hardware hiiMrcss He died in Delaware co., Pa., \i:g".--t -" , I \sn. and was buried in I.aurel ! lil! cemetery. Both Craig Holmes. 18-15. Son of John I lolim s i iSi 2 and of Ann 1 Iolir.es, v.r- bom in Philadelphia, September 2. \ '^.M He \\.is in the \\holi-^a'e '.M'I >i-er\- bnsi m -,s He now resides at Waverly, Baltimore co., Md. Samuel Holmes. 1SOD. \Ve have ::o;hini; certain concenihii' him. A Sam- IK-] Hoi!-;< -. idmitted to the bar Di cem ber 11, 1799, was a lawyer, who died at an early a^e, March 31, ibli. He lived at No. 155 Cedar street. Valentine Holmes, 1830. Brother of John Hc'lnics :iM2), was Secretary of the Hibernian Socictv from March 17, iS.;2, to March 17, 1X50. He was of the linn of McClintock ,V Holmes. He died in Ireland. He was United States Consul at Dublin, Ireland. William Holmes, 1801. \Va-born in Strabane, Ireland, September 6, is;,2, and came to Philadelphia in the Mimmer of lS4,S. He was in tlie wholesale grocery business. He died August 17, i>74, at Delaware Water C,ap and was buned in North I.aurel Hill cemetery. John M. Hood, 1817. Was a mem- ber of the Acting Committee of the So- ciety, 1.^24-1.^54. He was a merchant at 4 High street and 19 Arch street in 1*17. Matthew Hood, 1832. Was bom in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1774. and came to Philadelphia about iS;2. He died June 13, 1 > S 5". and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. Samuel Hood i// / 1833, was as- sociated with John Wilson 118221 in the \\holesale grocery business on Market street. He was an Irishman, and a lead- ing member for many vears. FrancisF.Horstmann,1882. - -Horn in Philadelphia, June 17, 1843, was of German parentage. Rt. Rev. Ignatius I-'. Ilotstmann, I). !>., Catholic P.ishop of Cleveland, is his brother. He was a wool dealer and skin dresser, and was a mem- ber of the Catholic Philopatrian Literals- Institute. He died October 3, 1882, and .is buried in the Old Cathedral cemetery. Henry H.Houston, 1867. Has been for many vears one of the leading spirits in the direction of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He is a native of Lancaster CO., Pa., and resides at Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia. Jarnes Hoy, Jr., 1845. Was I\t master of Philadelphia irom June 26, i8|j, to May 5, iS.^. He resided at 4 Clinton square and carried on a mercantile busi- ness at i i South Water street. John Y. Hubor, 1886. ni.l not return his blank. He is in the publishing business and is prominent in all public relief movements, both as an efficient member of committees and as a con- tributor. Edward Hudson, M. D., 1806. Was a native of Ireland, and resided in America over thirty vears. He was a dentist and died Jannarv 3. 1833, in the f-vA.\\ vear of Insane. Letters of admin- istration on his estate were granted, Janu- ary 2], 1833, to Maria Hudson. On his to nib-tone in St. Peter's churchyard, Third and Pine streets, is the inscription : "I)is linj^uished in his native land as an en lightened lover of Freedom, he was the confidential friend and fellow-sufferer of I ; ,inniet and O'Connor. In the land of his adoption, prominent in hi- profe si !. KKY. MICHAKI, HTULKY, < >. S. A. in* nr his manly virtues and rare attainments won tin- love- anil respect of all." Dr. Hudson was a member of the Acting Com- mittee <>f tin- Society in iSi2. William Gawthrop Huey, 1881. Was burn December 22, IS.-.0, in \Villis- to\\:i Township, Chester co., Pa. His an- ccstors \M-re Ouakers and settled in this country in 1752. His great-great-grand- father. William Hney, was a native of Dublin, Ireland, who emigrated to Amer- ic.' between ijioand I 74.v Mr. Hiiev is a hanker, of the linn of \V. (',. Ihiey ^S: Co., 50 and 52 South Third street, and is a prominent member of the Commercial Hxc.hange and of the Union League. John Huggard, 1882. Was born May 21, I s .i7, in Tralee. County Kerry, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in Oc- tober. iS49. He is an importer of Irish linen-- at ;6 Strawberry street. He was a member of the Hoard of Guardians of the Poor and is a member of the Royal Ar- canum, Ancient Order of United Work- men, Legion of Honor. Albion Soeietv, Constitution Club. Commonwealth Club, Democratic Battalion, and Vice-President of the bachelors' Harge Club. He is also a Yestrvman of St. Clement's Church, Twentieth and Cherrv streets. Mr. Hng- .^ard is noted as a Milder of humorous Irish and other songs, and at the dinners of the Society for many years past his name frc<|Uentlv appears as entertaining; the company with his songs. He is pn>m- inent in Democratic ]>olitics. [See " Men of America, City Ciovernment," Philadel- phia, i.v\v] James II. Hugh, 1803. --We have no definite information concerning him. Benjamin F. Hughes. 1890. Was bom in Fow lersville, Columbia co.. Pa., April fi. :s-j. He is not of Irish descent. !! i- i member of the Philadelphia Har .':! has been Assi^i.-uit Postmaster since appointment of John l-'icld by I 'resident H irrison. He \\ as a Slate Senator, IS.ST- > x '\ lie is President of the Provident Mntnd Accident Companv, and of the 1'liiladelphia I ni])ro\vtnfnt Company. George Hughes, 1792. - Was a mem 1-T of the l-'rietldlv Sons of St. Patrick James Hughes, 1828. Was probably a grocer at 75 South Wharves. Miles H. Hughes, 1813. - Was a broker and merchant at 31 Church ailev. George Humes, 1814. Wasadistiller at 222 South Sixth street. His will, date'! November I''. l^2o, and ]>roved December 7, isj (1 , mentions his wife, Phcbe Humes, his father-in-law, Richard Palmer, and his daughters. Kli/abeth Pahner lluni'-s and Margaret Hammill Hi::nes. [i'h;i Hell i is^2 i and John Robinson i^j') were the witnesses. John Humes, 1811. Was probablv in the- auction biisiiu -s<. His name ap- pears in a deed. March ;> <. iM'x Thomas Humphreys, 1803.- Wasa China merchant at 2(^ Hi^h street. James Hunter. 3r.. 17PO. Was a merchant. His will, M^ned August 23, 1792, and proved March 17. 1790, men- tions his only son, James Hunter 1790. ; his wife, Jvlinor Hunter; his only dan^h ter, jennet I-'.win^ ; his niece, Jennet Denny; his nephew, James Stirling ; and his son-in-law, Maskell Ivwin.Lj. James Hunter, Jr., 1790.- Only son of James Hunter, Sr. i 1790 . was associated with him in business. John Hunter, 1863.- Was born Sep- tember 20, i s.i i, in Xewtown I.imavadv. Countv Derry. Ireland, and was brought to Philadelphia in June. iS^S. He is en- ,yai, r ed in harness mannfactnrin^ at : ; >2 South street. His father died v, he!', he was :o \'ears old, and at 15 lie took cliar^x- of the business, which is an extensive < >nc. He has interested himself very much :n the development of the southern portion of the citv. IK- was a Delegate to tlie Keiinblican National Chicago Convention from the Third Congressional District, and is I'l'rsi.'u-nt and Treasurer of several orifani/.at.ions. He is connected ;>.:'.l\ the Southwestern National Hank Saving l''nud. He is also a member of (.hew I.od-e, Masonic Order, and of the Order of Toi-.ti. Rev. Michael Hurley. D. D.. O. S. A., 1803. Was horn in Philadelphia about ;7~ s . His father. Thomas Hurley, was ,i native of Ireland. He \\ is sent to Ita'v to complete his studies by RrV. HIT 434 1IT Mat'.hew Carr iiSoS , Superior General. (). S. A. He studied al Yiterbo amoni; the AiiLiUStiiiians. was ordained there, returned to the I'nited States and was stationed in Philadelphia as curate of St. Augustine's Church under Dr. Carr. His first ministration of baptism, as per chuivh registries, appears September Jd, I S* 13 ; first marria^i.. December 22, iSoj;. This \\as at St. Augustine's Church. He also ministered at, St. Joseph's Churcli, Will ilia's alk-v. In iN>7 he was Secretary if the Hoard of Trustees of St. Mary's Church, and in the same year was one of the main supports of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. He x"' the Si-tersof Charity from Mother Setoii to take charge of this asylum. Ik- was connected with St. Augustine's Acad- emv on Fourth street, a literarv and ecclesiastical institution, which received pupils to lie educated in arts and sciences. He is not known to have published any hooks, as nearly all the church records of St. Augustine's were destroyed or lost dur- ing the riots of ivy. The first musical celebration which arrested public atten lion in the I'nited States was one in Philadelphia in St. Augustine's Church. It was L;ot up about i!">2'> under the direc tion and superintendence ol Rev. Dr. Hurlev. the pastor of the church, and Messrs. Carr and Sehilkv, well known and respected teacliers of music. The trombones and liiose who plaved them came fr'>m Hethlehem, and there were many other instruments and amateurs on that occasion in nn Philadelphia ami other part- of the I'lliled States. Tile paint and embellish the church, The church, at the festival, was very I "nil. and the vocal and instrumental mu--ic s^.'ive general s itislai tion. During the clu ilei .- 1 >r. 1 hirley turned the convent and schools of St. Anvils', ine's into a h''-pital. uilh the Sisters of Char itv as : : - Thev had ^70 patient . >l /. horn ' .'. n '. alhi lies. One < half-sisters. Catharine, was married in :-Ji t-i AtiLMi-4Us Tanev, brother of the lebntted (";.>'. '::- '. .1 Talli \ ol ; ': I St.i'e- SUMVI i md an< >ther half sister, Mary, was married in iS^2 to Benjamin Cross, a famous musician in Philadelphia. Dr. Hurley died May 14, i> s 37, ;'.t St. Augustine's convent on Crown street, and was buried in the vault at St. Augustine's reserved (or members of his order. He was 5(1 years of ai;e. Rev. Thomas C. Middkton, O. S. A., Villanova College. Pa., to whom we are indebted for this sketch, is collecting materials con cerniiiL; Dr. Ilurlev. Dr. Hurlev was " Chaplain " of the .Society, 1X09 iM; v Thomas Htirlcy, 1811. Was a mer- chant. In May, i Mo, he was Secretary and Cashier of the "Roman Catholic Society of St. Joseph." Alfred Hurst, 1836. Horn in Phil- adelphia, August 12, i.So6. He was the son of Jonathan Harvev Hurst, a member of the Philadelphia Har. His parents were of Kurdish descent. Hein<^ an inti- mate friend of many of the members of the Society, he was elected a member and attended many of the reunions. lie was in the dry j^oods business on the south side of Market street above .Sixth, then in the commission business on the east side of Front street above Chestnut, and after- wards was en^ai, r ed in the manufacture of cotton -oods, having two factories, one in Philadelphia on branch street near Third, and the other in Xorristown, Pa. Ik- retired from business some thirty years a^o. He resided at Norristown, Pa., but notwithstanding his ripe old a^i- he came to Philadelphia almost daily. For the last thirty-four years of his p, fe he was a clerk in the (Juarlermaster < icncnd's of lice in Philadelphia. He died Dei-ember V. 1^9", at the residence of State Senator Henrv R. I'.roun, his son in-law, Norris- town, Pa. John C. Hurst, 1867. Was a mem her of the linn of John C. Hurst \- Sons Win. ( ',., Sainl. H. and \ndre\\ J. . liists, 725 Market street. James Huston, 1817. Wasjirobabls in the grocery bu-iness. Jolin Ilascll Huston, 1702. W the '-"n nf Alexander Huston, meichan:, and of I-;ii/abeth Hasell. He resided in co.. Pa., and m irried M irtli \. t';e daughter of Hlair McClenaeiian i I ~ic nr i;;-> JA I!> daughter Mary was married to Henry ! Jarcd W. Irvine, 1832. Was nvi.ig To'.aiid 171/0 . Ik- had one other child, ! as late as May 11, iS.jS, hut we have no Anne, who died unmarried. I positive inf.>niiatioii alioiit him. Samuel S. Hutchinson, 1857. Was John M. Irwin, 1795. Was a mein- .; real estate agent in \\"est Philadelphia, tier of the Acting C< mimittee of the Society He died in l-'ebrnarv, i^~J,. \ 'ii I 7'/>. Abraham luskeep, 1803. Was a Matthew Irwin, 1790. Was Master merchant. He was associated ill business of tin- Rolls, c < immissioned March 14, ;;i IN>7 with John Inskeep. Letters of I7\S. and Recorder of I feeds, commis- adminislration on his estate were granted sioned March m, :7^>. He subsequently A'.i^ust S. !>2;. to Joseph Inskeep. John removed to Lancaster, 1'a.. v,heiv he died I'.i-kecp \s.is Mavor of Philadelphia in March 27, iSx>. William Irwin, 1790. Was a resi- Callcndcr Irvine, 1815. Vice- dent of Lancaster, 1'a., in 1790, and prub- 1'resident of the Society, i.S2y- -i.S.j i . \\as ahlv a relative of Matthew Irwin : 7'/ ' . Commissary-General of purchases lor the Andrew Jackson, 1819. Hor.orarv I'nited States Army, appointed August S, member. Prc-ident Jackson was of IM2. and continued in service until his Irish parentage and is too well known in death. October y. 1^41. He \\a- highly : America to need a biographical sketch. esteemed lor his ellicieiicy as an officer He was elected an honorary member of and his urbanity as a gentleman. He was the Society in iSiy. The following letter, lilt- son of Gen. Win. Ir\ me ( 17*1 , mem- , addressed to the Hibernian Heiievolent ber of the l-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick. Society of Nashville, Tenn., refers to ( '.en- His mother, Anna Callender Irvine, was eral Jackson's membership in the Hiber- the daughter of Capt. Roliert Callender, man Society of Philadelphia : (f Cari:--le. Pa. Letters < -1" ai '.ministration (:: his estate were i^rav.'.ed. < ictol )( .-r 23, ! XASHYI i.i.i.. Ti:x\. , Sept. 14. i S 4 ; . to WTII. A. Irvine, -.f Warren co., Ililicrnian Hcnc-'<>!c>it .Sv.v/r of Xash- ]';!.; tile sureties being Hon. J. K. Kane -'illc : .'^^ and. Win. j. I.eiper (iS^ii. I'.en. The Ladies' Hermitage Association of Irvine was for many vears one of the ' this citv, whicli \va> organi/ed tor the m.-'.i'istm'S of th.e Societ\ - , and was a con- purpose of preserving the Hermitage, tl'.e sti.nt attendant at its meetings. His death, home of ('.en. Andrew Jackson, fromdccav aMiounced at the nu'eting on I)ecc-niber and !ia':t!-o:nei\ :.:'.'.. \ >: i-mber 7, iS % ; ;. *.M \:::i aiul richlv ornamented \\ ith .'.n I'nur.iviTiv; _:. 'MI M I! I 1.^:7. av.d 'olm of an emigrant -hiji. from the i-tatf of ;-.-- : the sr.reties be-;- Chas. whicli I;.- <.t-the ilau . f ] ::::. A h.arp of ::ii \\"m. 1', ttcr-on iSid . Lrin and four ''eantil'ul einb'a-ina'.ic lemaie !.-*.''" \va- ; ::!e':' ".-! < if th.e Acting Coin- of pleiitv ,i:;d other ividiistrial t\'pe- are '", '' e ' -f t '.:i .-' i.--i .:" ; j : v : ;. a! -o \ i : \ e^ : : e--: \ e < if ] rt\. 1 Jecemher 12, i v ; (. from Kbe- ne/.er Jackson, Jr., of Mid.dletown, Conn., pn ibably hi-- son. Henry J. Jackson, 188-1. Honorary member, Superintendent of Castle C>ar 'len. New York, u as elected an honorarv menr'er of th :- - in consideration of hi-- attention to the Society's ofhcer> \s hen tin- I itter vi-ited N"e\\ York to in\e>tiirate the manner of caring for emigrants. He was born Mav i. 1^43, in Turin, County Mayo, Ireland, whence he emigrated to New York in March, 1^59. In i So6 he was appointed one of the "landing clerks" at Castle darden, New York. I'rom this position he advanced stej) by steji until lie uas ajipointed Superintend- ent some twelve years since. During his administration <^reat improvemcMits have been made in everythin- which pertains to the receiving and disposition of emi- grants. He has supervised the landing and forwarding of over six millions of emigrants to the United State--. John Jackson, 1815. Was a mer- chant. 1 1 is will, dated September 20, 1834, when he was " about to embark for Knrope," and admitted to probate in I S; v -. mentions his brothers J.une.- and Wa--l, im^ton Jackson (i.sjoi ; hi.-, sifters, Saral.i and Hannah and Kllen Kirkman, and his ne])hew, James Kirkman, of 1'lorencc-, Ala. Washington Jackson, 1820. -bro- ther of John Jackson uSi5 ; \vas enjra^ed in the su^ar and molasses bt'.^iness, and subsequently in the iron hnvine-;. His linn was Jackson cc Riil.i'.e. John O. James, 1867. Was born March ev.^a^eil in the wholesale dry-^ood-- busiiu---. The house of James, Kent ^ Santee, of which he was the senior jiartner, was for nia:;-/ vears the leading dry -<_;oods house in Phi'- adel])hia. He wa> a member of the "(tirard Trust," and one of the State board of Conmiissioners that erected Memorial Hal!. Hewasa Director of the \\"e--tern Saving l ; uiiii, and a member of the Centennial board of Finance. lie died in Philadelphia. June 26, |SS;,, and was buried in South I.aui'e! Hill celiieterv. Hi-- \\-ill, dated I-Vhniarv j, 1^7-), men- tion- his wife. K!i/abet!i ; and hi- son-, Frederick and John O. James, Jr. Mr. James was a prominent Democrat, and took the liveliest intercut in political affairs. He was a leading citi/cn. Bcnton Knott Jamison, 1871. I'.orn March 31. i s ;7, in S ilt-'-'iir^, JA JO Ill-liana co., Pa. His grandfather, named lk-11, .anie to America from UK- Norih of In-hind befoie tin.- Revolutionary \var, ar.-l settled in Hagerstown, Md. His mother was a daughter of John Hril, also a native of the North of Ireland. He \\.is educated ii; the public schools and was first emploved with his father, who was Superintendent of one of the divis- ions of the I'eunsvlvania Canal, and afterwards a contractor for building rail- roads. Shortly after 1.^53 he was offered .1 position in the banking house oi Robert !. Ross & Co., of Philadelphia. He accepted it, removed to this city, and has been prominent in private bunking circles ever since. In 1S62 he was ad- mitted as a partner in the banking house of P. P. Kelly vS: Co., who had succeeded RobeitJ. Ross.Sc. Co. in i< s ,5y. The new firm war- very successful, being entrusted among other matters, with nearly all the personal busine.-s, involving millions, of Thomas A. Scott, President of the Pennsylvania kail- road Co. In iSoS he became head of the firm, the name of which was changed to I.. K. Jamison .S: Co. Owing to financial stringency in i ^91 . the firm, which was one of the most successful in the city, failed, but there is every promise of an early and successful settlement of its affairs. Mr. Jamison has been a Director oi five rail- roads, President of the Sal t/.burg Coal Co., Trustee of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble -Minded Children at Media. Pa.. Trustee of the Presbyterian ! lospital of Philadelphia, President of the West Philadelphia Institute, Trustee of the State Insane Asylum at Norristown. Pa., and a member of the Walnut street Presbyterian Church. He also served on 'lie ^tali's of ("ifiierais P.rmkson. Hrinton and Young, of the Pennsylvania National i, u. ml. He is Past Master of Lodge No. Si. A. Y. M., and is a Thirty-second Degree member of Philadelphia Consis- tory, M.isur.ir organi/.alion. lie married. September K?. iSt>5. first, Haiti-- A. Holmes, who died April ,v, iSS;, and second, on Mav 23, iSSy, jean Wi'dard. Mr. Jamison for years has taken .1 lively mien ; ::; t!:e affair- of the I [iberni.m Socictv, anil sei \vd on iis l-'in. nice Com- mittee, iSS5-iSS9. [See "Biographical Album of Prominent Pennsylvanians, Third Series." p. ;<).] William M. Jamison, 1853. Was a nephew of William and Samuel Jamison, who carried on the cotton mills at Norris- town, Pa., and was employed bv them. Theodore Finley Jenkins, 1884. Attorney at-law, born in Philadelphia. Aprils, i.\|o. His ancestors were Welsh. He graduated from the Central Hi.u'i School, studied law, and was admitted to the Philadelphia Har April 30, i.S;n. He is a member of the Masonic ami Odd I'ellows' organi/ations. Mr. leiikins is in active practice as a lawyer, and is Solicitor for the Mechanics' Insurance Company. In November, iSqi, he was the candidate of the Democratic party for Register of Wills, but his partv being in the minorit v, he was not elected. He made an active canvass and gained much popularity as an able and pleasing speaker. He takes a lively interest in the Society, and has served on several of its Committees. John W. Jennings, 1882. \Yas born in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland, June 7, KS.-2. He was brought to Philadelphia during infancy, in 1X44. He was President of the- Catholic Philopatriau I.iterarv In- stitute, iS7S-iSSjv He was a real estate agent for many years, and is now a prac- ticing attorney. Charles Johnson, Sr., 1834.- Was an ink manufacturer at Tenth and Lom- bard Streets. He died betueell Septem- ber 17 and December 17. iS^s. Charles Johnson, Jr., 1S3S. Son of Charles Johnson, Sr. i S ; ; , \sas also an ink manufacturer at Tenth and Lom- bard streets. John K. Johnson, 1839. -Was prob- ably a relative of Charles John-on. Jr. (iS^S). His place of business in is^jwas i ;s South Tenth street. Let ',ers of admin- istration on his estate were granted December 12, i-\;7. to his lather. John Johnson. Robert Johnson, 1808. -We have nothing definite concerning him. There JO William Johnson, 1852. Was pro- posed as a member by Andrew C. Craii^ (iS^7>. We have no iiifonnatioii concern- ing him. Alexander Johnston, 1864. Was horn August .; i , iSjS, in Belfast, Ireland, ami came to America when 17 vears of ai^e. landing at New York, February 1<>, iS)'i, ami settling the same year in Phil- adelphia. IK 1 is in the confectionery im>iness. Francis Johnston, 1808. Was a member ol" the Friendlv Sons of St. Pat- rick see pa-e I i 7 . William Johnston, 1884. Was bom April 2i), 1*44, in Newtown-Stewart, Comity Tyrone, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in June, i\si. He is a manufacturer of cassimeres. William Johnston, 1889. Was born in Count v Donegal, Ireland, .May 17, iS.p, and came to Philadelphia April i, iSbtj. He is of the firm of John-ton, Warner ec Co., grocers, 1017 Market street. Mr. Johnson is a Church Warden of /ion P. K. Chnrch. Charles Jolly, 1802. Was of the firm of Charles and William Jollv, mer- chants, 6 South Wharves. Thomas Mayburry Jolly, 1836. \\".:s a resilient of Norristown, Pa. He was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, ( Ictober 15, 1.^24. John M. Jones, 1790. --Was a wine merchant at 104 South Water street and 107 South Front street. He probably died in September, i 7^S. Joseph Jones, 1831.- Secretary of the Society, lS; v S iSji; Treasurer, iS|j tS4y, aii(l member of the Finance Coin- mil tee, iS^g iShs, was horn in thecitvof Dublin, Ireland, November }. i 71 yo, and a r- rived at New York with his ]>arents in ship "Ontario," Captain Cionld, after a iv passage of seventy-nine davs from I 1 .' :in, fanuary 23, iSio. He settled in Philadelphia, and entered the office of Samuel Car>\sell i ^ i <) < , a well -known a. ml respected citi/en and alderman, with whm he remained for some years. He at"; i rwards en^atced in mercantile jinrsuits anil was a member of the dry-tjoods linn of (iill, I-'eri/uson \; Co., Ferguson, fnnes X: Co., and Jones, Scott .K: Co. He re- tired from business, and in 1^57 he was elected President of the Commercial Hank of Pennsylvania, which position he held until i.v>-\ when failing health com- pelled him to resign. He was a Director in a number of companies, amoiijf which were the Commercial National Bank, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Schnvl- kill Navigation Cin]>anv, Chestnut Hill and Willow Irnue Turnpike, and (ierinantown Turnpike, etc. He wa.-. also a member of the Humane and other soi'ieties. He wrote a number of articles on finance which were published in the /> in the book publishing business, and is President of the National Publishing Com- pany. He has been a Director of the Cainden and Atlantic Railroad for several years. Dominick Joyce, 1790. Wasamer- chant at 174 South F'ronl street in I7')i. A marriage license was issued for Domi- nick Joyce and Jennet Sibbold, June 2 1 , 1776. Thomas P. Judge, 1879. -Was born in Philadelphia. December iS. 1X55. His father was born in County Cavan, Ire- land. He i-- a member of the Philadel- phia liar, admitted to piactice March iS, 1^7'). In iSSn he \sas elected a member of the I'eiinsylvania Hou--e ot Pejire- Selll itives and ser\\-d linnn^ the session of i.SSi-S.2. jr -i:>'j KA William Judge, 1882. \V.is born was buried in Nc\v Cathedral cemetery, April, is;,;, in Ma^hera, County Dcrry, Philadelphia. Ireland. .UK! came to Philadelphia JUIR- John Kintzing Kane, 1S28. \V.i.- 2\ 1- S 54. He is a carpet manufacturer, horn Mav i'>. 17^). .it Albanv. N. V. tin- linn In-ill- Judi;c brothers himself Hi-, grandfather. John Ka:u- orO'Kane, and hi-, brother J. lines,, and their factory came fr. .:M near the seat of tl:e (('Neills heini; at lie >rthue.-,t corner of I. eib street in County Antrini. Ireland. Hi-, father and Colniiiliia avenue. He is a inemher moved ss it'll his fami!\ to Pl.iladelt'hia in of the American I'rotestant Association. iNH , to establish a branch of the lions,.- () f He \\as School Director of the Seven- Kane, brothels X Co. The M>H was a teenth Section for a short time and mem- lawver bv profession, having la-en admit- i>er of Common Council from the Nine- ted to the I'.ar AM-!! \ 1^17. He was a tcenth \\'ard in iti~6-~~. In i>Si he was memlier of the Pennsylvania Legislature elected a member of the Hoard of l ; ire iniSj.j; City Solicitor, iSj> v. anda-aii: Commissioners, serving until i.\S5. [See in i.s;^ ; a Coininissioner under the "Men of America, City Government, Indemnity Convention uith l'ra:u e in I'lnladelphia," i.VS; v ] i,s^ 2 ; Attoniey-C.eneral of 1'eiinsylvania William Wutmough Juvenal, 1863. by :n>])ointment of Governor Shnnk, and \\~a-, a member of the Philadelphia Bar, was appointed Jud^e of the I'nited State-, admitted to jjractice December 14, 1*41. District Court for the Kastern District of He died January y, 1877, a^ed 5>S years. Pennsylvania in i^.\h. He \s a> a number Mr. Juvenal married M.ir-aret II. (*,. of the first board of Trustees of C.irard Rclle/ct, daughter of Anthony Heiie/el, College, a Trustee of the Second Prer-by- M. D., and of Hannah Gordon Yande- terian Church, Vice- President of the In s, r rift. stitution for the blind. President "." the Charles D. Kaier, 1887. Was born American Philosophical Society, Past- in P.innin-en. Ilailen. Germany, March master of l-'ranklin I.odi^e, No. i^y, A. \". o. [S;,g. His father \vas a participant in M. He was also a promoter of the Snn- th-- Revolution of iS4S in Germany and burv and I-!rie Raiiroail, was actively con - was com;ielled to fiv with liis family to iiecteil with the Chesa]>eake and Delaware th.is cotmtrv. At the outbreak of the Re- Canal, and wa> also jiromiiu-nt in con brilion Charles I). Kaier enlisted for the nection \\-ith the Academy of l-'ine Arts three months' service, and on hi- return and Musical Fund Societv. He \\rote M-t'led in Mahanov Cit}'. Pa., where he- many opinions, decisions and lectures on became a [notice of the Peace after its liter.irv and lethal sul'iects. i;otabi\-o;i tP.e incorporation. He did much to build iij) Drama. His most cek-brated production that city, amont; other of his eiiterpiM'ses uas the " Kane Lett r," written o>tensibl\- bein- the erection of a lar^e opera house. by Mr. afterwards I'nsid -it Polk to. Mr. He is connected \\ith the ('.as Company, afterwards Jud.ye Kane, .::id \vas sn]i]>o>ed is Viiv-I'iVMiU-nt of a life insurance com- b\- some to have carried Pennsylvania ; r pany, and a Director of the rnion National the Democrat-, against Henry Clay, thus I'.ank at Malianov City and of the l-'irst electing lames K Polk President. II-- National bank of Sheiiandoah. He is died at Philadelphia. February ::.i>s-, pi'oprie'or of a lari, r e brewer}- ainl is also in aii'i \\a> buried at I.aurel H:'.l. lie 1:1.1:- the tobacco business. ried in ism Jaiie Du\al, daughter .: James Kane. 188-1. \Va> born June Thomas I.eiper. He fi-ured promi:;ei:tl\ i 1 ;. : xr ^. in Milhown, Connt\- Tvi'oni-. in the I'nited States bank dispute dm hiv; Ireland, and came to Philadelphia, Mav the Jackson Administration and in the 20, I S7;, \\here he was eii^a^ed in the evi-nts le.idi::^ to the P.uckshot War As uhoU->ale and refill li(|uor business. ][,. Attonii-y Geiier.'.l he prosecuted uith 'V.s a member of the Ancient Order of .urea: eiier-v the Nativi American rioters Hi' eniians and Ir;-.;i National I.ea-ue of of I S 14, and \s as also note.', for his jn.'.icial America. He died Februarv _>, iS^-ij, and stand on the F'u^itixe Slave Law. In per- KA 440 KA sun Inline Kane was six feet high, sparely I milt and very handsome. His manners were affable and polite, and as a reasoner he was verv logical. His son, General Thomas I.eiper Kane (18481, his brothers- in-law, Robert Ta\ lor i 1802 i, President of the Society, Robert M. Patterson .18361 and William J. Leiper (18311, and his nephews bv marriage, James I.. Taylor 11850', John H. Tavlor 11858), Henrv J. Tavlor i 1858, and Samuel L. Taylor i i .Vn.j were all members of the Society. I>r. Klisha Kent Kane, the Arctic explorer, was his >on. Judge Kane was for many years an active member of the Society and a regular attendant at its meetings. Gen. Thomas Leiper Kane, 1848. -Son of Hon. John K. Kane ( i82Si, was born in Philadelphia, January 27, 1822. He was educated for the Bar, but never practiced. lie was appointed, by his father. Clerk of the United States Di>trict Court, and served in the Union armv dur- ing the rebellion, in various grades up to Brigadier-General, and was wounded in one engagement. He was a member of the State Board of Charities, American Philosophical Society, and other bodies. He wrote sundry pamphlets on various subjects. lie died at Philadelphia Jan- uary 26, 1883, and was buried at Laurel Hill. His funeral attracted a large con- course of friends, including many distin- guished persons. A detachment of the Grand Army of the Republic, consisting of comrades of Gen. Kane, was present. He married Kli/.abelh I)cnnistoun, daugh- ter of William Wood, a merchant in New York. His widow, three sons and a daughter survive him. The Philadelphia '/'/;// \ of 1 >ecember 28, 1883, contains the following notice of General Kane : "General Thomas I.. Kane was born a humanitarian and radical. lie began life a-> a student at Pari> ill the revolution of l v ;\ and carried to his death a bullet re- ceived on the barricades. Returning to Philadelphia, he started a sort of demo- cratic propaganda, but when his brother went to tin- Arctic Sea--. Thoma^ went off to the far West and lived among the Indians, and as early as that began the air tat ion for a fairer and mi >re enlightened policy toward these wards of the nation. Slavery next commanded his attention, and he travelled through the South urging the adoption of a system of gradual emancipation, which he went to the British West Indies to study. A subse- quent mission to Mexico brought him into contact with the Mormons, whose suf- ferings at that time moved his sympathy, and thus it was that, when war was after- wards threatened with the Mormons, President Buchanan sent Kane to Utah, where he brought about a peace when the military force had failed. "All this time his hostility to slavery was shown bv deeds as well as words. He had been Chairman of the Free Soil Com- mittee of the State in 1848, when Free Soilers were few, and in 1850 he resigned the position of United States Commis- sioner because he would not execute the fugitive slave law. As the anti-slavery conflict deepened, Kane was constantly at the front ; but he was a Democrat, and known and respected in the South, and in 1860 he devoted himself, with charac- teristic energy, to fruitless efforts in behalf of compromise. When the war did come he was among the first in the field, with his battalion of hardy riflemen from the forests of northwestern Pennsyl- vania. " Chosen Colonel of the Bucktail Regi- ment, he voluntarily declined in favor of Colonel Biddle as his military superior, but it was to Kane that the Bucktailsowed their distinctive character, and it was he who afterwards led them in many desper- ate lights. Kane's ruling characteristics wen- illustrated in this famous organ i/a- tion. He believed in the utmost personal liberty and freedom of action under well- defined law and discipline, unquestioned and unquestioning. As a commander he was at once considerate and exacting, and lu- led his men with a courage that might have been called desperate had it nt always been directed to a well-perceived end. ()n the field, in prison, in hospital, and back to the field again, his war rec- ord is a brilliant one. " The Bailie restless energy carried him forward in civic life. In railroad enter- prise-. in schemes <>f material o . was a Profes- John Keau, 1790. Was in the gro- sor of Mining and Chcinistrv. He was cerv bn-incss. His will, datc-d May 25, one of the originators of the Philadelphia iSin, and proved A])ril 15, !>Si2, mentions and Reading Railroad, a founder of the his wife, Sarah ; his brother. Daniel Franklin Institute and a man of great Kean, of the parish of ("dendarmont, scientific attainments. He married a Countv I.ondonderrv, Ireland; his bro- daughter of J. F.ric bollmann and grand- ther, Neal Kean, deceased; and his daughter of Colonel John Nixon. daughter, Fli/a Kean, of bucks co.. Pa. David Kccfc, 1881. Was born in i \; l( John Steel i iSov was one of the executors. in Droumtari tie. County Cork, Ireland, Roger Kean, 1790. - Was in tin- and came to Philadelphia. June S. iS.jq. grocer\- business, Mi South Second strec-t, He is in the grocerv business at 754 South in 171*1. \\'e are not certain that he was Tenth street. He is a member of the the Capiain Roger Kean whodied No\-em- Iri-h National League ol" America. He is ber 17, iStu, aged . is vears and 11 months. a brother of Joseph I. Keele iSSn and and \\iio \\-as buried in St. Marx's ceiiie- uncle of lames J. Keele i- ss j . .. Point!) above Sjirnce street. JaillCS J. Kcefe, 1S8-1. Was born ill Martin Keanc, 1882. N the pro- Philadelphia, March ;,<>, INU. He is the prieior oi the I'itt-btirgh House. Atlantic son of John J. Kcefe, Jr., and, of Johanna Ciu . N. 1. He did not vet urn hi- blank. Keefe. the '.alter of whom was a nativi Pati'irk Kcarns, 1884. Was born County Cork, Ireland. He gn.dua't Ma\ 20. i^;:'.; He I Ie was Keele (i\;o was h engaged ill '.lie -to\e, heater and range Jo-eph !. Keele I^s bu-iness, and i- no\s engaged \\ith the iSSi are hi- uncle-. Stnarl Peter-on Company. Noble |R-I..\\ Uroad. K !; i7Ss. IK- came to rhil.uU-l])hi,i in 179^ \vitli his lather, Joseph Kecfe. IK-wa-a merchant for inanv vears, en^a^ed in the West India trade. Ik- was a soldier in till- W.ir i>t" iSi2 anil served \vitli distinc- tion. IK- was President of the Hoard of Commissioners of Sonthwark for a num- ber of years, and also a member of the (tiianlians of tin.- Poor and of the State Senate of Pennsx -ivania. He died Sep lemher 9, 1' S 7-, ayed Sti years, and was b'.iricd in St. Mary's churrhyurd, I ; otirth -.rcet above Spruce. Joseph I. Kccfc, 1881. Is an impor- ter at ;2 South Front street. IK- did not return hi- blank. Michael Kccnan, 1849. Was horn January 17, 1797, at Navan. County West- nieath, Ireland, and came to New York in Mav. !Si7, and settled in Philadelphia in [Sig. Ik- was a manufacturer of cotton and wooik-n ijoods. He \\as one of the Commi-sioners of the Old District of Ken-in^ton, and one of the earliest manu- facturer- in that section of the citv. He was a mem!>cr of the first Hoard ot Direc- tor- of St. Jo-eph's Hospital, and also of the first Hoard of Director- of the Hene- ficial Saving- I ; und. He was also one of the Trustees of St. Michael's Church, Second -treet at)ove Master, and First Lieutenant of the old Hiliernia O.reens. He died October [<.,, i,v,j, and was buried in St. Michael's cemeterv. Mr. Keenan -erved on the Acting Committee of the Society, ;\v-i.S5j, and I.VM |S62. His -011, Michael Francis Keenan M\). li '.i- originally a manufacturer of cot- md woollen ^001 1-, and was subse leiitl in the wine and li<;n' >r business. i Ie i- not now en^a-ed in business, He -'rved on the Acting Committee of the :- ill [Sf) j. Samuel Keith, 180(1. Was born July y, 177;. His father, \\' 'liam Keith, was born in I.ondondc] ry Irelaiid in 17 -.7. i:tu- to I'hila'lelpliia in 1 770, where he married 1 me Ormes, lie '.\a-en L, r a^ed ;n !:i'-ri tnt;le ';-: iu--- \\ ;th lii : it her, the linn bein- William and .Samuel Keith, and lu- was for maiiv years President of the Delaware Insurance Company. lie died at Philadelphia, April 4, i\S-2, and was buried in St. Peter'- churchyard, Third and Pine streets. Charles P. Keith, au- thor of the " Provincial Councillors of Pennsylvania," is his grandson. Charles Kelly, 183:3. Was born in Arduajranna, Count}' Donegal, Ireland, An^n-t 2, i^o; v He emigrated to America when i-S years ot aye, landing at Philadc-1- phia in iS2i, and settled the same year at I'pper Darby, Delaware co., Pa. He en^'a^ed in cotton and woollen mannfac- tnrin^, and married Margaret, eldest daughter of Dennis Kelly iiS2yi, \sath whom he was for many vears associated in business. Like his father-in-law he was fond of fine cattle, and for manv years assisted in introducing improved breeds of those animals into America. He had one of the finest herds of "short horn " cattle in the Cniled States. In a ,-hort time he became a wealthy and prominent man. He was United States Postmaster at Kcllvville, the place of his residence, and which was named after him, about IS.JS. He was a Director of the C.irard Hank, Heneficial Saving F'und of Philadelphia, Delaware Mutual Insurance Co., and also of the Philadelphia and West Chester Railroad, of which he was one of the projectors. Larye numbers of Irish emigrants were induced to come to this countrv by his advice, and Kcllvville, a village of some ^K> inhabitants, was al- most entirelv an Irish settlement. He was one of the principal contributors to the building fund of St. Charles Horromeo Catholic Church of that place. He died March 27, iSnj, and is buried in the- ceme- tery attached to that church Hi- three sons. Dennis H. KeHv |S62 . William 1'. Ke'lv f 1X67) and Ivl \\ardj. Kelly (iSn"), .re a'-o on the Roll of Members of the So iety. Dennis Kelly, 1820. --Was born in Tievebrack, Count v Donegal, Ireland, iry i. I7.S2. \\'hi-n - 1 1 years of a^e he emigrated to America, landing at Phil- adelphia June is, i.W). It was his inten- tion to settk in the Wi-st. but he had. CMARLKS KKU.Y KK -i-r, KK scarcelv started on hi- jouruev in those were \ounj^. It was his delight to seek day- such jouriicvs were made by means out deserving Irishmen and start them in of ua^on- when the profaiiitv of a fellow- business or induce them to settle on the passt-n^er so shocked Mr. Kellv's wife land in the Wc-l. I le never would accept that th" couple refused to proceed anv more than -i\ per cent, in bu-ine for f.irtlu -. and ^ot oil' a short distance beyond the Use of money loaned by him, and his the Philadelphia county line in Delaware charitable iritis and " ailvances" amounted coimt\. Here lie worked at manual labor to an immense sum. lie wa- a nicin- :or two years until iN>s, when he ciif^ajjeil her for mauv years of St. Denis' Catholic in t'ne nia'iuficture of ba^i'ii;. In this Church Delaware county . toward- tin- pursuit he prospered, and when the War erection of which he largely contributed, of ; s ; 2 broke out he was enabled to and after his death his remains were buried assist the (ioverument ill manufacturing in the cenietcrv attached to the chinch. ^(H.d- fur armv clothing. Continuing to Mr. Kellv was a member of the Hibernian pn>-per, lie soon had enough of woridlv Societv for thirtv-live vears, and his son- ^joods to permit of his carrying out certain in law, Charles Kelly i-\vi an '' '- ; '' s ideas he hail concerning the improvement grandson-. William !'. Kcllv i v >7 , Kd- in 'lii- breed of American horses and cattle. ward J. Kellv ; 1M>7 . and Dennis H. Kelly He imported the celebrated stallion >:,S62 , are also on the Roll of the Society. "Daniel O'Connell," and afterwards Dennis B. Kelly, 1864. Kldcst -on "Laugford." another noted horse of hii;h of Charles Kc'dv I .\v, . was born at KcK v- breed. The impetus ^iveii to the pursuit ville, Delaware co.. Pa., Mav lo. i^J. of raising horses bv Mr. Kell\- soon re- He was educated at St. Marv's College, suited in the general introduction of a Wilmington, Delaware. He was a cot- better breed of those animals. He con- ton and woollen manufacturer for mauv tinned dealing in horses of this character vears, and wa- for ten years a Director of until the business became infested with the Philadelphia and West Chester Rail- gamblers and sharpers, when he turned road Companv. and for fourteen vi ars a his attention to cattle. He imported a Director of the beneficial Saving Fund, herd of "short horns." that iuvariablv He was Secretary of the Hibernian Society carried off the premiums wherever thev from March 17. iM>g, to M.nch 17, iSjo. were exhibited. A fine bull, "I.ord liar- I-'or several vears past Mr. Kelly has been Huston," owned by Mr. Kelly, became eii^a^cd in assisting the Committee on celebrated in the records of lii^h breed History in the preparation of this volume. cat!.-. While en^a^vd with his horses His literarv tastes and knowledge of the if.d cattle he continued his manufactur- Society's history, coupled with painstak- ing business, which soon ln-canie noted iny, accurati- and ta:th!ul work in making' throughout the eountrv. Kveii in dull researches concerning t'ue live- o| the time- lie kei,t hi- mills running", some- members, have been invaluable, and have ieprived of the means of living. work. cstcd in land in his neiijht.or- Edward J. Kelly. 1SU7. Sou of 'n 1 until he owned uiiwards of ei^ht Charles Kell\- i v ;; . was burn .it Kelly- ::;"d:vd u-.v-. He .lie.! at his residence in ville, Delaware co.. Pa.. May i. iS i( ,. He Lower Merion, Montgomery co,. Pa., July wa> educated at i".e< >r;4ct"wn College, D. ->;. it the ripe old a;^e of S^ years. Hi- C. I. ike hi- f.ither a::-: -ramlfather he u.inie w i- :he .--. noii\ :n of honor and be- ' was a cotton and woo'.'.e!: m inn fact uri r. nevoli !ice. 1 le w.i- t he cause i if inducing He dk-d at Denver, Col., September ;, thou-and- o| his i ountrvnieii to America, ' S 7 1 '. uid \\.isburied in St. Charles !'.> irro- iv.d a-ist(d them lar-ely with his -ood meo cemetery, Kell'.vide. onn-el and his money. Many pro-pel- Edward J. Kelly. 1S3-1. Was horn on- merchants of Philadelphia owed their in i^\~ in Conntx Roscommon, Ireland, '.o Dennis Ke!l\ '- help, when thev He came to N\ w N'ork ::; ' if.d, set', a d 444 KE 111 Philadelphia in 1853. ^ e i tractor, George Kelly, 1882. Was born November 11, 1> S 44. in the town of" Done- gal, County Donegal, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia when but five years of aj^e, in 1850. He was for a time a con- vevaneer, and is now an extensive dealer in drv-ijoods, carpets, etc., at Mo Market street. I lis house is one of the prominent instalment houses of the city. James Kelly, 1865. When proposed as a member by Andrew McHride was in business at Howard and Thompson streets. James Kelly, 1890. Was born in County Kilkeiiiiv, Ireland, August 21, 1858, and came to Philadelphia September 7. iN7y, where he is in thet^rorerv business. He is a member of the Voting Democratic Battalion. John Kelly, 1790. Was a grocer at 20 Swanson street in 1791. His will, proved February 23, iS2i, describes him as Captain John Kelly, yroccr, " now dwelling east side of 1'eiin street and west side of Water street. Cedar and Almond streets," and mentions his son, John Kelly ; his daughter, Maria Mnrdock, .ind Hilary Dnflield. The executors were Joseph Snyder and Thomas Brown. John A. Kelly, 1805. Was formerly associated with John P. Dohertv i iS66) in the tailoring business, but is now at Tower Hall. Market street below Sixth. John Alphonsus Kelly, 1887. Was born April 29, 1847, in County Don- egal, Ireland. He came to America in June, i\S2. and settled in Philadelphia in ISS6. He served in the One Hundred and Third Ueinmetit Pennsylvania Volun- teers, i 86 i 1865. He is a railroad con tractor. John Fitzsimons Kelly, 1882. Son of |i ihn Kell v, a native of County Armagh, Irelanil, and of F.li/abeth Fit/simonx a native of C'onntv Down, Ireland, was burn in Pittsburgh, Pa., June if,, 1.^24. He was in the iron bu^ine^s in Kentnckv for eleven vear- with his brother, \\"illiain Kell\-, \\-li i made the .icreat discoverv of the pneumatic process for making steel. in>caned the " Bc^r-emcr Proccs>. " He is not now engaged in business. Mr. Kelly has been a resident of Philadelphia since 1872. He has made a number of translations from Italian, Spanish and French writers for private circulation. John Linus Kelly, 1884. Is a mem- ber of the Philadelphia Bar, admitted to practice February 2, 1878. Michael Joseph Kelly, 1890. Was born in Oueens co., Ireland, June 13, i84S; came to America i New York i in iSoh, and settled in Philadelphia in 1871. He is the President of the Sea Isle City (New Jersey; Lot Association and of the Kleetric Li^ht Companv of the same place. Owen Kelly, 1884. Is a native of Ireland, and came to Philadelphia when quite voting. F\>r several years he was en- jrai^ed in the grocery business at No. 700 (iirard avenue, and is now in the same business at northwest corner of Franklin street and Girard avenue. For many years he has been one of the most promi- nent members of the Catholic Total Absti- nence Union, and much of the credit of building the magnificent fountain erected by that Fnion in Fairmount Park is due to his untiring exertions. lie also per- formed valuable work as Chairman of the Committee of the same Union, which had charge of the work of assisting poor emigrants landing at this port, before and since the creation of the Kxecutive Com- mittee of the Hibernian Societv. lie is also a member of the Carrollton Club. Patrick H. Kelly, 1846. Was a tai- lor at 165 Chestnut street. He removed West some vears ai, r o and died there. Philip Kelly, 1826. Was in business at 301 Chestnut street in 1825. His will, dated August 2i>, 1820, and proved Sejv teinber 4, 1826, mentions his wife, Ann Margaret Kellv; his sevi n chil'hvn, Sophia. Richard. Margaret, Kliy.ah.-th. Marv [ane, Philip and I.onisa Mari.i ; and his niece, Jane Peterson. Philip Francis Kelly, 1850. - Was born in F.nniskillen, Ireland, N'oven;ber 2S, [825, and came to 1 'hiladelpliia in 1^35. He was a 'hanker and partner of H. K. famisou (1871;. He was the author of various short poems : " Don't Strike a KI-: Wo KE Man when He's Posvn." " ( )nce a Year," ! the business of painting, ^la/ius^ and wall etc. He died November 27, i.VvS. In decorating. IK- ha- been a School Di- speakin'j of his death tlu- I'u^iic /.I'l/^t'r rector aii'l i- Prc-i> lent or Sccre'.arv of of Nosember 2S, iSo.s, say.-: "Tin- various building, beneficial and charitable Hoard of i'.roker- adjourned yesterday on a--ociat ion-. tli'.- announcement , \^.\~, and man, and enjoyed t!u- lar^c-t confidence ' settled in Philadeh hi.i Mas- j of the of those for whom hi- did business, sanu- year. He ha- Keen in the grocers- Thoiisjji living in middle lite, sse leai'ii he l)U->ine-s -mre- 1^17, ln-in^ ::oss located at ill- left a hand-ome competence for his uo; (rirard avenue. He i- a iiu-mlier of fimily and a name for intf.^rity sshirh is the Odd l-elloss>' orL',ani/.ition. n.-yiiiiil all price. " He left a widow and George W. Kcndrick, Jr., isno.-- -on, Philip 1'. Kelly, Jr. (,18871, surviving \\'as liorn July ,i, i "\J i , in rhi'adel;>l:i i. him. His Ihtlu r, ('.eor'j.e \\". Ketniriek, i- a Philip F. Kelly, 1887. vSon of Philip native of Philadelphia, and hi- mother, !'. Kelly (1850!, was horn in Philadelphia Maria Kendriek, of Ireland. He :- a November 15, 1855. He is a hanker, broker, ;md u member of City Councils, associated in business with 15. K. Jamison Alexander Kennedy, 1790. \Ve \ 1871 i, and is Treasurer ot \ anou> corpor- ha\'e no information concerning him. ations. Andrew Kennedy, 1790. \\' as i Samuel S. Kelly, 1850. Was a tai- manufacturer. His \vill, dated January lor on Walnut street above Kij^hth, and 31, i.Sii. and proved September 2S, I.MI, during the war for the I'uion was In- mentions his wife, MH/abeth ; his -ons. >pector of Clothing at the I'nited States Robert. Andrew anil Cieorj^e Washington; Arsenal, dray's 1'erry Road. He was his daughters, Klix.a Kennedy, Susan I, eib, also a r.as Trustee of the City C,as Works. Mary Filly, and Hleanor Schott. Ma He died some years since. thew Carey (17901 was one of the ssi* Thomas Kelly, Jr., 1822. Was nesses. There was a marriage liceti-- associateth : -. in main: 'act :: r: UL; cotton and of land in Wc-tmorc!and co., P.i., con'. ail'.- ss.iollcn '^ood-, He died . \i;iMi-t i ;, in-; [0.1 acre- 'fir- is the tract of land i "V i, and was lairied in S:. Charles I'.or- svhich li-ures so prmninentK' in t!u- !' -mu-o i-etlleter\ , Kells-ville. Illiuntes of :lie Socie*. v. He also ^ave William F. Kelly, 1882. -Wa- born a tract of land to the O-phan-' A-v i ] Ci 'lints I lone- il. Irelmd. and c line to him of Philadelphia, one t" the ]':::- America A;>ri! 12. i s l-. !b- -ettled in svlvania M i--' 1 ::..: s Socie'.s-, o;;e t< the 1'hd idel; ihi i in Mas, ;Sv>, .. lu-re he is in Pen S il m 1'resbs tei'ian Con-'n-'j ition 4-lti of Bucks county, Pa., and another to Rev. Tlionias I. Biggs, of Frankford, Phil- adelphia. It is to 1>c hoped that the donees named had better luck with their tracts of land than the Hibernian Society. John Daniel Kennedy, 1888.- Born April ig, iS.s.v in Philadelphia. His father, Michael Kennedy, was a native of Ireland, and his mother, Margaret I'evinney, was a native of Philadelphia. lie is a loan broker, and also lias a storage warehouse. .Mr. Kennedy is a member of the Catholic and Carrollton Clubs, and of the Catholic I'hilopatrian Literarv Institute. Joseph P. Kennedy, 1882. Was born December 9, 1^57, in Philadelphia. He is a son ot W. [. Kennedy, a native of County Antrim, Ireland. He was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, Mav ,;, i. s 7y, and in November, ivsi, \\hen not quite _>4 year- of age, was elected to the State Senate to fill an unexpired term. He was subsequently re-elected the following vear for a full term, from i.vsj to 1^6. Ik- died June 17, I.W>, and uas buried in < >ld Cathedral ceme'er\-. His funeral was largely attended hv prominent men. Though a very young man Senator Kennedy gave promise of a bright future and made an enviable name in the State Legislature as a pronounced reformer of great abilitv. John S. Kcnnclly, 1884.- Was born about i\>6, at N'ewtown Sands, County Kt-rrv, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in 1X51. He is a Catholic undertaker ami connected with various building, literary and beneficial associations. James Joseph Kenney, 1883. Horn T. ; nnary 20, i\si,in Clonmel, County Tip- ]> . rarv, Ireland. He came to America u hen i ; years of ayje, landmgat New York. \pril 5. I.S6.J, and settled in Philadelphia ', nnary i, 1.^/0. He i- in the clothing s. Mr. Kenney served on tin- Act- in Committee of the Society, \^~(y 1^77. .f'imes R. Kenney, 1887. Was bom :n Caernarvon township, I.anc.-i-~tei" co.. P.t.. Imir 7, i ^ :~ . 1 1 is paternal ^ratu ! ',i!M-nts were born in South Cork di*-- trict, In land. H- v. nl \. ]i i ^7'iand has li-'ed thert ^in. e that time I h- iinl in the pr< r- fession of tlie law. He was for four years a member of the Board of Control or School Board of Reading, and became Mayor of that city, April .}, 18.^7. lie is a member of several beneficial and chari- table societies, and of " 17 secret societies." He is an entirely self educated man, hav- ing worked seven years in ore mines, sliuK iut; and reading at same time. Mr. Kenney is a public reader of " pathetic, dialectic and humorous pieces," and has frequently inven readings in various parts of the State. Michael Keppele, 1803. Was a member of the Philadelphia Bar, admitted to practice September iS, 1792. He was Mayor of Philadelphia, from October 15, i. M I. to October 20, iSi2. lie died Febru- ary 2, iSji, aged .19 years. [See Martin's " Bench and Bar," p. 2,\4. J Alexander Kcrr, 1867.- -Is of the firm of Alex. Kcrr, Brother oc Co., salt merchants, Pier S, North Wharves. James Kcrr, 1823. Was in the sad- dlery and coach furnishing business at 70 High street in 1823. James Kerr, 1882. Was born July M, 1X37, in Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia May 22, 1^55. He is in the liquor business at 1709 Market street. He is Treasurer of the Philadelphia and Home- Ihiilding As- sociations. Walter Kerr, 1804.- Was a sea cap- tain. Ik- was a prominent Mason, being elected ('.rand Treasurer December, 1X12 ; Junior Grand Warden in December, iV.^ ; Deputy Grand Master in Decembc-, i^i.j. and (trand Master in December, iM,-,, and December, iSi6. He is said to have died a bachelor. James Keys, 1882. Was horn j n ( yowran, County Kilkenny, Ireland, July |S, iS.|2, and came to America. Mav u. 1.^.17. In iS''>2 he remo\'ed to I'hilaili-i phia, \\-here he is engaged in th.e lnji'.or business at -'( ><) Dock street. Rop;cr Keys, M. D., lS82.-I'o tuber S, iS^g, at Mulnagtmg. near I.i!!onl, Couut\- Donegal, Irel.unl. Came to \Vw York January S, 1X51, and settled in Piiil- ad'-lphia in i ^5;,. He was a ph vsiciat: and fipothecarv at Twelfth and. Pine streets. KI 417 KI He was a member of the Masonic or^ani/a- though a non-resident of Philadelphia, lion, American Pharmaceutical Astoria- i> a frequent attendant at the meetings, tion. Peiins\ Ivania I'harinaceutical As- and a verv eliicieiit nieinl>er. Charles sociation. and I'hihulelphia Drui; Tr.ide S. King 11^41 \\ashisuncle. Association. I k- died June iu, iSyo. Charles S. King, 1884. Was born in JamCS Kidd, 1790. -Was probably a Wilmington. Del., April 2\ i>2 . H> schoolmaster. mother, Hridgct l ; o\. was a native of JamcsKidd, Jr., 1790. Son of James County Armagh, Ireland. He settled ii Kidd 11790. He \\as a minor \\heii he Mahanoy City, 1'a,, in 1.^77, and \\asa hi. tei joined. keeper in that place. He \\.t-- Depr.t- William Kidd, 1790. -Was a -hop- Collector of Custo keiper at .},; South Second street in 1701. iso :;'>.;. lor William Kidd and Hannah Rod- gers. He probably died February, i 7y,s,. Rev. V/illiam Kioran, D. D., 1889. William King, 1890. Was born - Was horn December 17, 1843,111 Armagh, August 5, is 2 ;. in Shcpseomh. (V.oucester- Ireland, and came to Philadelphia at an shire. Kngland. He came to Philadelphia early age. I le commenced his theological when a bov and learned the thug busi- studies at St. Charles College, near Klli- ness, was then a manufacturer of alcohol, colt City, Md., and afterwards studied at camphine ;u;d burning fluid, ami subse- the Diocesan Preparatory Seminary at queiitly a manufacturer i>f refined petro- Glen Riddle, Delaware co., Pa. He finished leum. He has retired from business, but his course in theology and philosophy at his sons continue at 121 Arch street, lie the Propaganda in Rome, and was has been a Director of the Kighth Na- ordaincd priest there, December IM, iS6s. tional Hank since its organix.ation, Treas- He was Prefect of the American College urer of the Northern Home for Friendless in Rome in i S6g, returned to Philadelphia Children, and of the Albion Society. Mr. Mav 5, I s 7'i. and was first stationed at St. King was also President ot the Society o! Ann's Church, Port Richmond. Phiiadei- the Sons of St. (>eorge, and, in accordance 1 hia, and afterw;irds at the Catliedra.l. with numerous precedents, became a mein- He was a]ipointed March. 1^73. Professor, ber of the Hibernian Socictv. at \\ho-t and Preti ct of Discipline in St. Charles dinners lie is a welcome i^uest. Born meo Seminar}. Overbrook, Pa., and Edward Fanning Kingsley, 1891. in i s.7i tuber ; i>.}!, in Wilmington, Del. His Hoti-1, Ninth and Chestnut street--. He is ii' i -tor- on the ]i'iterna! -idi- .naiiKii a member of th.e I'nion I .< igne a::d :- o:: '. -I,.- from tin citv of Armagh, Ire-- the Membershi]) d'Tiimittee of that body, ' iii-I lit u.is ;, meinberofthe Peinisvl and is al-o a member of the Art Club, ".i a Hou-e of Represelitati\'es f; om I ';:: \ c; -it \ Club and several other o: . : s :-' 7 ;. and < if the 1'enn g.tni/ ition-. Ib is a Trustee Samuel Kingsley, 1790. W.- ;hi Hosjiital for injured per--' ins of the China merchant at 47 South Second street '":::. ici!( coal lield-- ot I'ciins\ 1\ an;.i. in !"<,!. -ide- i:: Mal'.ar.oy City, Pa. Mr. SlC])hvn Kingston. ISln. Was tor for rail- merchant at -M YineMrect in isis ][,. He takes ietv, and. KI 44s KO the finn (if Campbell t Sc Kingston (see p. ; His will, dated September 6, iS34, and proved l-'ebrnary 11, 1^36, mentions Mrs. Caroline Clark Barnes, daughter of I'aniel Clark. New Orleans; Alexander McCay ; Harriet Kingston, bis niece, and daughter of bis brotber, Nathaniel King- ston, formerly of Baltimore; children of (icorge Yaiighan, Bandon. Ireland, and Isaac Yanghan, of Waterford, Ireland; ( >rmond Kingston, bis nephew, son oi Robert Kingston, of London. Thomas Kirkman, 1815. Was pro- posed as a member as "late of Nashville, Tenn." James A. Kirkpatrick, 1854. Was born in Castlcfin, Ireland, October 7, 1^24, and came to Philadelphia August 12, i>>33- He entereil the Central High School ;is a member of its first cla-s, graduated in iS.[2, and became a Professor in that institution. He was also engaged in the manufacture of woollen goods and was Assistant Superintendent, and afterwards Superintendent of theCrirard Instate. lie wa- .1 member of the Franklin Institute, American Association for the Advancement of Science, also of Franklin Lodge No. [34, !'. ,V A. M., Philadelphia Royal Arch Chapter. No. 169, Philadelphia Com- manderv No. 2. K. 'P., Philadelphia Con- sistory S. I'. R. S., Thirty-second degree. As a volunteer observer, he collected and tabulated meteorological records of Pbil- adelphia, covering a period of twent v-fivc vears, which were published b\- the Smithsonian Institution, the United States ! tepartmer.t of Agriculture, anil the I 'nited States \\",ir Department. He died [line 3. issft, and was buried in Woodland- eem- etei v . Samuel Kirkpatriek, 1844. Was a bottler at No. 5 Pear street. James Kitchen, 1800. Was born in Huntingdon, F.n^land. Mav, i~ f i. and I'aine to America about 1790, landing at Baltimore, Md., and settling in Philadel- phia about the -ame year. He wa- pro - of the old Merchants' Exchange, the Merchants' Coffee I!o::~e. Sen, nd and Walnut streets, which A i- lor man\ years the centre of all the iivrent news of the citv. He was uide!\ - known throughout the city. The news- paper reporters of the time obtained their information from him, everything in the way of news, political and otherwise, being generally obtainable from him. Between one and two o'clock niostlv all the promi- nent merchants and business men gathered there. He was 4 popular citi/en, and was elected a member of the English, Scotch, and other Societies, including the Hibernian Society. He was Treasurer lor several vears and a member of the Board of Health, and a Director of the Camdeii Bank and of the Delaware Marine Insur- ance Co. He died at Philadelphia Julv 27, iS2.S, and was buried in St. Peter's churchyard, Third and Pine streets. His son, Dr. James Kitchen, 71 5 Spruce street, is still living, as is also his grandson, James Kitchen Scoficld. He was mar- ried twice. Thomas Kittera, 1813. Came to Philadelphia with his lather in iSoi. lie studied law, and was admitted to the Bar March S, iHoS. lie was elected President of Select Council of Philadelphia in October, lS24, and was Member of Con- gress, iS2b iS27. His office was at i jo Walnut street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Judge Conrad, afterward Mayor of Philadelphia, studied law in his office. Mr. Kittera \\asa man of fmeahilitv, and he had a high reputation for literary as well as legal knowledge. lie died June i ft, 1.^39, aged 50 vears. Mr. Kittera w.i- one of the Societv's Counsellors, iSnq- iSio, and from iSiq until his death in iS39. [See " Scb.arf K: Westcott," Vol. 2, page l.S.yS.] Andrew Knox. 1790. Was a resident of Norriton to\\-nship, Mmitgomerv co. Col. Thomas P. Knox was bis son. John Knox, 1814. Member of the Acting Committee. iS^i 1^2;^ and iSjS iS^i, and Secret. ir\' o| tile >ocietv liom March 17, [S32, to December IS, iS;;. was a member of the firm of Kno\. Bogg- ^V Co., whole-ale dry-gooils merchants, uith an extensive Southern trade. His death was announced at the Socictv meeting on September 17, I s ( i . Jacob Gerard Koch, 180.'?.- -Was a prominent merchant, at 73 South Front KV Mil I. A street. lie was married in Christ Church ' August i, iNH, to Jajie Griffith. Letters of administration On his estate were granted Aj)r;l j, iS^j, to M. H. Messchert. David Kyle, 1826. Was a men-ham at in >rih \\est corner of Tenth and Mul- berry streets. He probably died in April, i\;c>. William Kyle, 1814. Was a mer- chant at y Dock street in iSi.j. lie prob ablv died in June, 1^43. William and D.uid Kvle were said to be from Virginia. James F. Ladlie, 1802. We can iiud no trace of him. There is a James Laidley in UK* Directories, but 110 person named Ladlie. Edward Laflferty, 1865. Was born in Kildaff Parish, Countv Donegal, Ire- land, about I.S25, and came to Philadel- phia June 24. i\,6. I le \\ as a contractor and resided at 1006 Christian street. Anion<, r other contracts he superintended tlie construction of the water-works at Mo- bile, Ala. He was a School Director of the Second Ward, a member of the Irish National League of America, and President of St. Vincent de 1'anl Conference of St. Paul's Catholic Church, Christian street near Tenth. He was formerly a member of tlie Irish Repeal Association in this city, lie was a second cousin ot Hu.ijh liarr llS.jai. Mr. l.ufferty served on the Act- in- Committee of the Society. iS73-iSSi. i Ie died May I ;. iSyi . Robert Laird, 1838. Was a drover in tlie district of Spring C.arden, Philadel- phia. I Ie .-erved on the Acting Committee of tin- Society from iS^q until his death in i s jj. Hi-- will, signed August s, iS.jj, and proved August 23, I ^ (J, directs the p. i \ n >.ent i if the balance of his subscription to tlie Second Associate Presbyterian Church, and mentions his wife F.leanor ; stepchildren, Marv Ann. Sarah lane, t : "i -i A., Art nst ro Jiij and Thomas I.eiper ; ills brother, James I.aird. and his daughter, S i: .ill Jane I.aird. Daniel J. Langton, M. D., 1891. - Horn at Palo Alto, Schnylkill co , Pa., September 12. l\S7- His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and li is mother of Ireland. I'nth his paternal :nid maternal '.: rand parents were natives ot 1 1 eland. He is a practicing physii ian in Sheiiandoah, Pa., and has been CoruiR-r of Schuylkill count v. He is a member of the Schuyl- kill Coiint\' Mtdical Society, I. chilli Val- ley Medical Assoc, i.ition, Pennsylvania State Medical So< iety and American Medical Society. David Lapsley, 1790.-- Horn about I7.|(, was a native of Strabaiie, Count 1 . Tvronc, Ireland, and came to America probably before 17(15, \vith strong let- ters of recommendation to the firm of Conyn^ham vV Nesbitt. He took the oath of allegiance, July 30, 177^. Hebe- came a merchant in Philadelphia. I Ie \v as a Trustee and Jncorporator of the l-'ir-t Presbyterian Church, September ib, i 71/1, and was Ruling Hlder from l ; ebrnary 16, i.Sio, until his death, \\hich occurred at Philadelphia, August iS, 1836. He was buried in I.anrel Hill cemetery. John I.apsley (iSoS), Josejih 1!. I.a])sley iSiii and David I.apsley, Jr. (iSll), were his sons. David Lapsley, Jr., 1811. Son of David Lapsley 11790), was born in Phil- adelphia in 1792. He was en^a^ed in the carpet business, and in 1^44 was Treasurer of the Harris! )ur_n 'and Lancaster Railroad Companv. He died at Philadelphia, June ii, iSsq, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. John Lapsley, 1808. -Son of Dav I,apsle\- (17901, was born in Ph;ladelp!r..i in i7So. He \vas a cloth and cassinu-re merchant, afterwards a farmer, and subse-- <|Ui-ntlv. on his lather's death, returned to Philadelphia, but did not en^aj^e in any business. He \\-as a Justice of the Peace in r.ncksconutv for a number of years. He died at Phila.'eljiliia. December 5, 1S5;,, and was buried ill Laurel Hill cemetery. Joseph Brown Lapsley, 1821. Son of David I.apslev ( 1 7')" . was born in Phil- adelphia, launarv. i;^~. He was ellL;a^ed in the carpet business until iS.|o. He \\as a Trustee and 'I'reasurer of" the First Pres- byterian Church, iS.jo iS5o. He die-! at Philadelphia. February iS, ISMS, and \%as buric'l in Laurel Hill cemeterv. Dr. b>hn Carson 171)0 \\ as his father-in law, and Christopher Carxni l\-bi-er 'iSji I;:- brother-in-law. LA LA George Latimer, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the l-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick six- p. ny). George Latimer, 1814.- Was not of i IK- family of George Latimer 1,17901. He was probably the ( icorire Latimer \vlio \vas married ill Christ Church, October i, iSoi, to Henrietta 1'halon. James Latimer, 1803. Sou of (ieorire I.atimer 11790', and of Margaret Cath- cart. his wife. He married Sophia Hoif- in, in. of Charlesto\vn, \'a. He was in early life a "supercargo," sailing from Philadelphia to Canton, China, and after- wards became a broker, and was a member of the Philadelphia Hoard of Brokers. He died March 9, !> S 45. in the 7ist year of his a ire, leaving no children. His wife sur- vived him. William Geddes Latimer, 1803. Brother of C.eor^e Latimer i 17901, and the vounire-^t son of lames and Sarah deddes Latimer, was born at Xewport, Del., l-'eb- ruarv 22. 1771. He was for >ome vears endued in the milling business witli his father in Xewj.ort. Then he removed to Philadelphia ,:nd entered into the trade with China. He died June 2. iSio. He married, Xovember 4, 17^4. Sarah liar- tow, daughter of Thomas Bartow. of Philadelphia. IIi< wife was a daughter of Thomas Bartow. a very prominent citi/en of Philadelphia a Moravian -and wa> the niece of Anthoiiv l'.elie/et, the philanthropist. At one time he \vas in business with hi- nephew, Robert C. Latimer, son of Lieutenant-Colonel deo. L.ttimer. They were :n some branch of the mercantile business. He built a res- idence for himself and familv on Arch street above Xinth. and lived there at his ileath. He left a larirc family, four sons ami two d miihters, of whom bn1 one, Mr--. Kli/aheth Harris i of Fl.'irrisburtf, Pa. . a.ired ' rs, rvives. His living desccn i:; the third, fourth and fifth generations ire :: mier [I n. J imes W. Latimer, i're-ident-Judire of York co., Pa., i> a ' i-o:i of William (V Latiiner. \Villutm .1. Lattn. 1380. \V ,- born X. !>. 2:. ^-..\ i:; S id-bv.rv town liip. near 1 ' "neater co., :'.. H : - fa' her W.IM I 'r. William Sutton Latta, and his mother was a direct descend- ant of the Douglas family of Scotland, anil a cousin of Stephen A. Douglas. His greatgrandfather. Rev. James Latta, emigrated from the Xorth of Ireland to this conntrv in the last centurv. William }. Latta bei^an his education in Parkesburir. Acaiiemy, Chester co. His father died when he was iS years old, and he entered the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad Companv as a telegraph ojn-rator. After some time he was transferred to H.irris- burir. to the Trainmaster's ollice, where lie received much insight into railroading, and afterwards went to Philadelphia, where he was first stationed a> a telegraph operator in the office of \V. !'. I.ockard, in \\'est Philadelphia, then taken into General Airent Push's oiTice, where hi- re- mained until 1X76, and was then put in change of the signals in the telei^rajih ile- partment of the i^Tand depot near the Ivx]>osition buildings, actinir. there as Mr. Push's chief clerk. At the close of the Kxhibitioii he became Mr. Push's ]>ri\-ate secretarv. In 1879 he was made Superin- tendent of the i;raiii elevator at \\"a-h- ini;'ton street wharf. During the riots of 1^77 he was constantly with President Scott for three weeks in West Philadel- phia as a telegraph operator, and rendered most effective service. In iSNi he bec.'une Superintendent of the AHoona Division of the Penns'.-h'ania Railroad. During Mr. Push's absence in Kuropc i". i^ 1 --.-,, Mr. Latta was MNsoeiated with Mr. lames Reed in earinir for Mr. Puirh's duti'-s as Altoona to become Superintendent of the Philailelphia T)ivi^ion from Philadel])hia to I far: i-buri. 1 ;. In lime. rSS.j, he was made C-eneral A^i-nt of the Penu--\ p l va.uia Railroiiil. He i~ also a Director in the Maritime I{xchar,i;'e, Cm'imercial I-'.x- - - Hotel C o m p the Merchant--' Warehouse C<>mpanv. He has 1,51 KI nien under him i': thi He married, in iSS}. Kitt', M. Bin^ham, of Harri^burir. [See (~imnnriiil /.:/ ,:: :' ,">-. ( 'itrtrnt. An-, 'i, i"--s entered the service under Colonel Peter commissioned I". S. Special Inspector of Lylc on April n, i.shi, and v,hich t-ok foreign passenger steamers at this port. part in all the battle- of the Army of the lie \\as Treasurer ot the Pennsylvania Potomac. Letters of administration on Seamen's Fund Society from 1,^76 to his estate were granted I>cccm!>cr :.}, ;.s>^, and has been a member of the i S.S i , to Theresa I >. I.cddv, the sureties Hoard of Managers since iSb.S. He is a lieiiiL; Harrv I-'. Leddvand /.. J. Pec(|iii^- meinber of the Odd I-'elliws' and Masonic not. or^ani/.ations, being one of the originators Edward R. Lcc, 1870. Was in the and a Manager of the IMasonic Home. drv-goods business. No. .}.; North Fiyhtli Robert Lailghlin, 187.'?. -Was born and 729 Filbert streets. Letters of ad- in Philadelphia. November 19, 1,^40. He ministration on his estate were granted was e South Third nal grandparents \\'ere natives ot Ireland. street, with Charles A. McManns (iSji), His maternal grandmother was a lineal Tiie firm of I.au^hlin N; Mi-Manns, no\v descendant of the ( )' Flahertvs. Hei'-an at M: South Thii'd street, still continues. attornev and counsellor-at-law, and was Hi was a member of Common Council admitted to the Philadelphia Bar. Febrn- froin the Twentieth Ward, 1*72-76. He ary 15, |S6S. He was attached to the becaTiie r: !nvmb(-r of tlie P.oard of Man- Regular I{n^iueer Corji-, Fnited States a-er- of ti-a- i louse of Corri-ctioil ll]>ou Navy, from iSfi^lo iShh, and \\aselected \; --;i \2. 1^77. and served as President of a member ot' the Pennsylvania Hoi-^e ol tin- I'.oard nr.til it was abolished [See Representatives, : -- x "Men of \meriea, City Oovernment, reived his party nomination for Mate Philadelphia." ; v ^;. n Senator in iSc,,., but \\ as not elected. He John Tjjivnns. 18(i2. Was },o n , at is a member of Post :.('.. A. R. Mi'lfonl, Co;:nt\ Donegal, Ireland, about NioliohiS Lcfovro. ISM. We 1 Wliiie in Ireland he took an active no definite information cov.cernini; him. in ;h.- Ri.-|..-al movement. He came Alborl Loib. ISSd'. Was bom An- to Pll'ladelphia about l^i and was pist : .\ ! v ^. at Mt. Joy, Lancaster co.. en-aueil in the wholi-sale wine and li(|iior Pa. He i- a restaurant keeper at No. i business at No. 5 Granite street. He died Strawbi-i'ry street. He i- ^"' of Irish in tS-<) and was l, r ,-:, ,1 ;,, i. rm rel Hill. descent. II. : ~ a n:einb : of the M..-o:iic Jcssc Lnvcrly. 1R10. Was i,, the onU-r. rnu-iTv b;:-:::i -- on I k-catiir street anil at A rinst rnn u Lcipcr, M. D.. 1857. 1.0 Irish descent and born in this country. IK- was a stepson of Robert Laird (1838). William Jones Leipcr, 1831. Was born in Philadelphia, April 7, 1803. He was in the tobacco business and was largelv intiTostotl in tho notod " Leiper Stone Onarries," of Delaware co. , 1'a. Ho was cornot of tho l-'irst City Troop and Captain of tho Washington Cavalry of Ph:'..idelphia. Ho died at Philadelphia, September 27. iS5o. Ho was known as Col. I.eiper and was a prominent oiti/cn of his dav. Robert Taylor 11802), Dr. Robert M. Patterson 1183(1, and Hon. John K. Kane :SjS , were his brothers- in-law. Robert G. Lelar, 1884. Was born in Philadelphia. December 24, iS4S. Hi*, grandmother on his father's side was a native of Ireland. He is a member of the Americns Club, Young Maennerchor, and of the Athletic Club of the Schnylkill Navy. Callender Irvine Lewis, 1853. Was born October 22. 1*22. in Philadel- phia. He was the son of Charles W. Lewis, a native of Virginia, and of Marv I. Lewis, a native of Pennsylvania. He was a wine men-haul and died in Dela- ware co., Pa., in i.v>3- He belonged to the Masonic organization. He was a : hew of Cioneral Callender Irvine 1 1 >> 1 5 John B. Licbcrman, 1887. Was 1 ::. in Kaston. Pa., April 25, 1863. He ;s of ( '.erman parentage. He is superin- tendent of the F.ag'ie Hrewerv. Allentown, Pennsylvania, and is a resident of that C 1 1 V. Johu Liggett, 1867. Wa^ a merchant at 23^ Market street. Letters of adminis- tration on hi-e--; i'e wort' granted. Ma\ Prothon- otarv of the 1 Mstrict Court of Philadelphia, i S; v )-i\^6, and died February 2; 1t I S 4S. At the meeting of the Society on March, 17, 1848, in announcing hi.s de:'.th it was stated "that he was a member of the Society for 33 vears, a ])iiblic officer and extensive merchant." He left a wife, Margaret Lisle; two sons, John M. and James W. Li>le, and two daughter-. Dr. William A^hinead was his son-in-law. John M. Lisle, 1837. Son of John Lisle 11815), was born in Philadelphia, September 2, 1.806, and died June 7, 1^75. Ho was a stock and exchange broker. James Little, 1790. Was probably i schoolmaster at 357 South Second street in 1791. Robert Little, 1856. -We have no definite information concerning him. Harrison Locke, 1819. Was na- tive of I'eifast, Ireland, and wa> a dry- LM > merchant at 30 High street in : s ! i. Theodore F. Locke. 18S1. Was born |ulv n. iS^o, at Cronwick-,, New Jersev. lie i- agent for the Meadow Spring Dvc and Print Work-., and is also a merchandise broker doing business at N' ' ; 2 Strau berrv street. James Logan, 1804. - \\'e have no definite information concerning h:m Robert Lollcr, 1790. \\' i- i ' it" MI intgi ntK-r\- co i'.l In ':: - davs he was a school-teac'hor and siib-~e- r|i:i ::. followed tho bn-,ino- of sm ;:rj an-' eoiivevancing In '.~~'i !K- 'A as chosen o!le ot" the delegate-^ from the: 1.0 4-Vi LU count-/ t" the State Constitutional Con- John Loughroy, 1802. Was a dis- vent '::. Soon after, he joined Washing- tiller in Hall allev in iSo;. His will, ton's army and uas in the battle- of Tren- dated Ajiri! 9, and proved April 13, tXiX, ton, Princeton and ( '.ermanto\\ n. He mention- his wife. Father; his daughter, became a Col< >ucl in the army, a member Kitty, and hi- -on, Jo-eph. I >r. Isaac Hcy- of the IVnr.-vlvania Assembly, and an lin 11X09) and Robert Adams i 1X14 1 were A ociate-Justice of the County Court for two of the executor-. many years. He died October 2\ iXoX, John B. Love, 1880. Is of the firm aged bX years. Through a bequest left by of John !',. Love \ Co., ti-a mcr. hauls. him the " I. oiler Academy " was built in sou'.hwe-t corner of F'ifth and I.ocu-t '"-II iM 2. on his estate in the borough of streets. He did not return his blank. Hatboro and handsomely endowed. He Thomas P. Lowry, 1891. Son of married Marv, daughter of Alexander Martin J.owrv, a native ofCounty ( '.alway, McC'.can, of Horsham. Montgomery Co., Ireland, \sa- born in Philadelphia, Scptcm- Pa. [See bean's "Hist. Montgomery her 23, ix^s. He is a dealer in plain and Cotintv, Pa.,"]p. 725 729.] artistic papcrhangiugs at the -o;:thue-t Robert Looney, 1834. Was a " pat- corner of Twentieth and Hainbridge cut improved hydrant maker,' 1 and over- streets. seer of the city water works in 1833. Hi- Fielding Lucas, 1803. His name will, dated March is, 1,^71, and proved does not appear in the Directories or public August 2.'. 1X72, mentions his son, Martin records. Looney; his daughter, Fli/.a Looney John Lucas, 1891. Was born Xo\ em- Holiman. His daughter married Rev. II. ber 2.), 1X23, at Stone Staffordshire, F.ng- S. Hoffman. land, and is at present the senior member Thomas Lorail, 1883.- Was born in of the firm of John Lucas ec Co.. in. 11111- the parish of Kill, County Kildare. Ire- factmvrs of white lead, paint, varnish, etc. land, June 3, 1X32. lie came to Philadel- He is a descendant of John Lucas, of Ash- phia Mav .j. 1X65. and is engaged in the bourn, Derbyshire, who was an intimate liquor business. friend of the celebrated I/aak Wilton. Joseph Lough, 1837. We have no He received a liberal education at Field- definite information concerning him. pla.ce Commercial Academy, after \\hich Robert L. Longhead, 1832. -Was a he entered the -tore and counting-room Justice of the Peace in iS;2. He was con- of his lather, who was a grocer and tea sul to Londonderry, Ireland, \\lu-n he dealer. During a visit to the Fnitcd made hi- will .-in Februar\- 3. I V 52. The States in i\(j he was so ninch pleased A ill, proved May 5. i' s 55, mentions his with this conntrv that he made arramjv- \\ife, Martha I.. Longhead ; hi- daughter, nu-nts for emigrating t( > America, whicl; he Frances Longhead ; hi- grandson, David carrud into effect in I ^.(9, settling in Phil- II. ! .oiigiu-ad. and hi- -tepdaughter, Mary adelphia. l-'oi- a t ime lie \\ a.- engage' '; in Po\\er. Andrew C. Craig 11X37) \\-as one the foreign commi-sioii and -hipping husi- of '.lie executors. ness, and his trade gradually became con- Don n is J. LoughHn, M. D., 1887. cent rated in the line of colors, paints, etc. \V..-, b, .-n in Philadel], hia. Augn-t m. i v 17. Hi- knowledge of i hemistry enabled him IF- matirnal grand]iarents were natives to produce a substitute for the I'ari- or o; Coji;itv Tyrone, Ireland, and hi- pater arsenical Lti'ecn, then mucli in demand. n.d 'J:M:'< !paieii'.s of Coimtv l>onegal. Ire and it beca.nic a great success. In : S 52 1 :t:d. He i- a ]>: act iciiig physician at 1307 lie became a-si u-iated \\ ilh Jo-e]>h I-'o-ti r, I'.":- A' : :h -t re-, t IN \\a- a School I )jrec- a relative, an experienced color maker. to-, 1-7 ,,-id M'k-cial inspector of and -oon a r ter tl'.e\ erected the "( ',il-boro .hug-. .iiemiciN, etc., apjH.inted Octolier White I.e. ai. /me and Color Wo; k-." in ->.', ;->5. He : a member of the Can-oil Camdeii co., N. J. Their Philad.lt !iia ton Club .,nd "i the Young Me!i'- I U n;o ollice is at 32.' Race -treet. In 1.^75 1^76 c" 'tie \--o.-i, .tioi;. lu' was Pre-ideu' of the C. imden and At- LU 4-')4 MA lantic Railroad Company, during which time he rebuilt all the bridges on that line, and started express trains. He is President of" the Society of the Sons of St. George, of the North American St. George's I'liion. and of the I'nited Soci- eties, and is also connected with the Mer- chants' Trust Companv, I'liion National Bank, 1 lay's Mechanics' I lome and Frank- lin Institute. lie is also a member of the I'nion League, of the Manufacturers' Club, the Hoard of Trade, the Commercial Kx- change, the Art Club, and is one of the promoters of the Philadelphia Bourse. In December, iSqo, he published a pamphlet on the subject of " Rapid Transit for Philadelphia." Messrs. Harry Spencer Lucas and Albert Lucas, his sons, and Mr. A. J. Lucas, his nephew, are associated with him in business. As President of the Sons of St. George, Mr. Lucas has had friendly relations with the officers of the Hibernian Socictv, leading to his election as a member. Thomas Lucas, 1790. Was a res- ident of Franklin co., Pa., when he was elected a member. William Luke, 1818. --Was a mer- chant at 79 South Front street in iSiS. Peter Lyle, 1815.- \Vas a merchant at Hi^h street, west of Centre square, in iSi6. Letters of administration on his estate were granted, September 30, 1X25. to Jane I.vle. The sureties were Daniel Miller, Jr.. and Robert Rice ( 18261. William Lyle, 180:5. Was in the grocery business at 2.}6 South Second street ill lSo; v lie was Ca])tain of a militia company called the Pennsylvania Blues. Edward Lynch, 1802. Was a mer- chant at 17.1 High street in i.So2. John Lynch, 1790. -We have noth- ing definite concerning him. John W. Lynch, 1882. Was of the firm of T. W. Shriver oi Co., fish mer- ch nts, ;2 North Delaware avenue. He died Januarv 17, i SSq. Iliswill, proved Januarv 2.). iX^q, mentions hi-, wif<- Mar- garet A. I.vnch ; his sisters. Kate Canvr, of Cam deli, N. J. , and Jane R van, of Chi- cago, 111. ; Joseph I.. Caven, Trustee for his niecf. K ite Moroney ; his nephew. Patrick McNulty, and his sister, Mary McNulty. William Lynch, 1863. Is of the firm of William Lynch & Co., dry-goods mer- chants, 729 Market street. He married a daughter of Charles Kelly i 1833). David Maceoun, 1814. Was a mer- chant at ii South Xintli street and 415 High street. He married Sarah, daughter of I leiiry Toland i 1790). John M. Mack, 1884. Son of James Mack, a native of Counts' Clare, Ireland, was horn in Philadelphia, August 15, 1X52. He is a contractor. Samuel Macky, 1803. Is a native of Ireland. lie was a member of the firm of Macky, Beattie & Hay, and is now in the strain business. lie served as a mem- ber of the Acting Committee of the Soci- ety, iS7o-iSSi. Robert Shelton Mackenzie, LL. D., 1864. The brilliant author and jour- nalist, was born June 22, 1809, in Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, and died in Phil- adelphia, November 2i, i SS I , at the age of 72 years. lie was the son of Captain Kenneth Mackenzie, author of a volume of Gaelic poetry published in Glasgow in 1796. He was brought up in an old coun- try-house in the countv of Limerick, within a mile of Castletown Convers, and at a very early age developed the remark able literary talents that afterwards made him so well known. Before he was eleven years of age he had thrice read over all the pages of Walker's " I librrnian Maga- /.ine," during the whole fortv years of its existence. When his primary education was completed he entered the medical department of the University of Dublin, graduating thence as a Doctor of Medicine. He did not, however, practice medicine, but turned hi-~ attention to literature. As early as his eighteenth vear he was cor- respondent of an Fiiglish newspaper, and was sinnlarlv engaged in various localities until i s )5. when lie became London Sec- retarv of a railroad companv. and held that position until 1X51. Meanwhile he was contributing numerous K-ttiTs and articles to leading periodicals in F.ngland and America. From ;Sij until the cessa- tion of the AV.v }">;/{ /-'rt'tinit! S,\i> he. MA -r>5 MA was the regular Kuropean correspondent gles "f the Irish people will long here- of that journal, and the first salaried for- membercd by the readers of th.it paper, respondent of the American press. His Tin- large circulation which The 1*>\ abilities and the value ol his literary pro- obtained in Philadelphia \\asdue in great ductions at this time attraeted general part to the brilliant series of literary attention, aii'l won for him from the I'ni- articles which he coutributcd regularly to versity of Cdasgow, in 1^34, the decree of its columns. The < ';..'. '/Vr./.v <>/' *-I >/it'>-.\ an 1. 1.. I). .and from the University of Oxford, /. iU~>\itur< sa\ s of him : in i\}4. the decree of D. C. I,. In i.\j v i " I)r. Mackenzie is an industrious and lie published "Kays of Palestine," and rapid writer, having a thorough ma-tery of wrote a considerable portion of the literary incident, anecdote ai:d gossip. He ('.eorgian F.ra " in 1^52 54. He produced began to prepare his edition of the ' Noctes Titian," a Venetian art-novel, in 1^43; a AinbrosiaiKt- ' in t'ne last week of April. "Life of t'.ui/.ot." prefix to a translation i\v5. and the live volumes were published of " Democracy and its Mission," in iS46 ; August 15. In the interim he had to feed " Partnership," a legal-commercial work, the press of live different printers, besides i:: :\}7, and " Mornings at Matlock," a doing his full quota of newspaper work collection of stories, in 3 vols., in 1850. In His ' Life of Dickens,' a model of biog- i>47 he edited a political journal in F.ng- raphy, was written in live weeks land and was threatened with a state pros- The last mentioned work, the " Life of ecution for his independent utterances. Dickens," appeared in i.s^-o, and was fol- In iS^j he came to America and settled in lowed in iS; i bv a " Life ol Walter Scott. " New York city, where he immediately be- The /ns/i //'.'/'/-./said of liim : came connected with the newspaper pres-, " His inemorv was miracu'.ons. 1 1>- w is ar.'i continued actively employed until his literally an encyclopedia of Irish history ileatll. In 1^54 he edited, with copious himself. lie could be asked no question notes, a new edition of " Shiel's Sketches about the politics, the gcographv. the of the Irish I'ar, " 2 vols., and the "Noctes literature, the architecture, the l!-.e:i'!- or AmbrosiaiKf," of " lilackwood's Maga- the enemies of Iix-ltnd, that he could not /.ine."5 vols. In J.S55 he edited an American answer reaoetoi and tuenty y. irs. leaving it to assume a Mr. L'amji' ell on one sirle, and th<- :..tter's -imilar position upon the /:':>::>:.; A'- ,- ( A two son- both member- of th.e Hibt. : nian ::, i s ^ '. and which he orcuj)ieil at the time Soc-ielyion the otlier. I'.riiliant jest and ot Ir.s ileatli. In the latter years of his literal'} ain.-c.lote, and discussions oi met: life lie \\ .- the I 'hi ladel] ihia correspond- and events, en',i\e:u-d these ]'le.isant even- ent of the I-.-.-it ]\',if!J, and liis won- ings. The warm, k ind n.iture of the I 'oc- lierful knowledge of Irish events and his to;- shone like the -olden sunshine. ki:i- p. ' : ' ' : ' utterances in favor of the -tru-. .;':- e\ er\ obiect ufon \\ hich it ut-.'h'.ed. MA 45t5 MA Dr. Macken/.ie died full of years, sur- rounded bv liis wife and four daughters, after i 'ML- of tlii- most active li ves recorded in tlu- historv of literature, and was in- terred in \Voodiands ceinetcrv, Philadel- phia. Mi-sides his immediate family he iiad a brother, the editor of (,'ti/a; naui's . I/;'v.vv/j,'fV, of Paris. John Madden, 1884. -Was born in I. outline. i, County (ialway, Ireland, May ;\ is. 15. He arrived in New York Oc- tober, IS6;, and settled in Philadelphia in isSo. He was engaged in the liquor biisimss. and died October 17, 1.^9, and \\a-~ li-.:ried in New Cathedral cemeterv. Francis Patrick Magcc, 1850. Morn Jnh 9. iS2i, in County I.eitrim, Ire- land, and came to Philadelphia with his 1 in .the:-, Michael Magee 1.1X5*1,111 1X53. lie was a shoemaker by trade, but later in life he was a Depntv Sheriff under S'. :i : :;: '( ieorye Magce. and a Revenue In- spect' >r in tlie V . S. Custom Hou>e, Phil- adelphia. He was a Director of C.irard College, He died Jann.iry 24. \^h\. and was '..ried in Old Cathedral cemetery. He left a widow and six children. James Magcc, 184.'5. Resided atone time in Mobile. Ala. James Edward Magee, 1880. Was born in Philadelphia. March [S, iS6l. His father, I"hn Magce, is a native of County Donegal, [rel md, and his mother, F.li/a- belh Magee, of County I.outh, Ireland. He is a i'< >n ve\ ancer. Michael Magce. 1858. Was born September 22, iXj|. in Killakurk, Parish of Calligallen, County ],citiim, Ireland. !! l-.-ft Ireland in the spring of is^ t was live mo!;ths at sea. a;id was shijiwrecked r>n - indy Hook. He settled in Philadi 1- ' March, I S^J. He i~, .1 ' : ] I yei lid builder, :v-:din^ at 1516 N"i irth : ;i street. Hi- is a member of th Master I'.rickl i; ers' Company of Phi' idel He is ma; rit d and has a lain: 1\ - >f live children, one of \\hom, [osejih (',. Ma.LTee, is a member of the Philadelphia liar. His brother, l ; r,mcis !'. Ma.L-ee 1 i " "' was a nii-mbi-r of thi So iety. Jolin Magoilin. 1811. \V 3-S North I'.i lit! -tn-t-1 i i . '.'. nothii concerning him. I It- was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, iXi^-iSia. Joseph Magoffiu, 1790. Was a mer- chant at i.;^ Swanson street in 1791. He died March u. iNib. in the 7oth year of his a_ne, and was buried in the Third Pres- byterian cemetery. His son, William M. M.ii^oflin, died March 19, iS^j. Jose]>h Magoflin \\MS a member of the Acting Committee of the Society in 1793. Christopher S. Magrath, 1884. - Was born May 24, iS-14, in Cashel, County Ti]i])erar\-, I; eland. Came to New York March ii, iS6i , and lived in Philadelphia from i So; until iS65, when he removed to Caj.e May, N. J. He returned to Phil- adelphia, January J, 1^84, since which time he has resided her*;. He enlisted in Compaiiv Ii, Seventeenth Regiment New York Volunteers in May, ]S6i, and served for two years, being mustered out in June, iS6^. He removed to Philadelphia in July, 1^65, where he worked at the print- ing trade until 1^65, when he removed to Cape Mav and was engaged in the othce of the //'rder of >parta, and was also a member < New Jersev Ivlitorial Association. Com- mandei of Posi No. 40, f',. A. R,, (~.\- Mav, and Captain of C'linpanv II. Sixth Regiment, New [ersev National C.nard-.. Michael Magrath, 1819. Morn S< ; tember .'S, 1765. at Carricl;-cn Sair, County Ti;.]icrar\ , Iieiaml. Was a t'dl< >w chandk-i al .- I'rewer's alley in I'-MJ. lie died I leceml ier j. rS.s ;, (jni'.e w> His will ! ted November . d proved i J i mber 24. i : . iiH-ntio; Marv i. dor, vvi : iv. of Thorn. .s I, .dor, late of MA 4.". 7 MA Clonmcl, Ireland, and daughter of James Maguire was a member of the Acting Whclan ; Patrick Joseph Murrav, his Committee of the Society, island iS5o- g;andr.ephew, of Carriek on Sair. Coimtv I- S 5I. Tipperary, Ireland ; James I.alor. brother William Maguire, 1870. Was horn of Marv I.aior, \\idow; the children of near Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, tin- la'.e Archibald Randall. He In-- March JM, i ,\i< >. and came to Philadelphia i.ucathed nearly x.V 1 . 1 **' to Catholic ill September, iS^o. He is a cooper. :r.stiuition> and 5-'.""" 1(l the Hibernian James A. Muhiiny, 1827. \Vas a Society. He died Dei-ember.;. i!\S7> and member of the Philadelphia liar, adini 1 .- \sas buried in < >al Cathedral ccmeterv. ted to practice Jannarv 9, 1^15. He dud Bernard Maguire, 1841. -Was a September fi, isjs. His will, dated Seji- hotel keeper :it southwest corner of l-'ront tember. i^2S, and jiroved September 15, and J.anrel streets. His will, dated I S 2.S, mentions his wife, I lannah Mahair-' ; \' '\-c-mber in. i.^ni, and proved Jannarv his sister, Margaret J. Rogers; and his _>5. : >7", beijiieathed his entire estate, cousin, Robert J. Artnidel. some j?4o,ixx>, to Catholic institutions. John T. Mahony, 1859. Was an Patrick Mcllnde i v ^s and Ilcnrv Crilly architect, and native of Ireland. (:S;; were two of the executors. He JamCS Mallon, 1803. -Was a probably died unmarried. " teacher of l : rench and Kn^lish." Edward T. Maguire, 1871. Is a li q - Michael Malone, 1842. When pro- nor merchant at northwest corner of l-'ront posed as a member he resided at the ail'! Race streets. "Indian Oneen, South l ; onrth street." James Maguire, 1854. Was born in He was a prominent railroad contractor Dublin, Ireland. lie was a conveyancer. in Lancaster, Pa., and was of the firm of He is buried in Cathedral cemetery, West Malone, Clark ,\: Cionder. Philadelphia. Richard A. Malone, 1884. Is a con- James Maguire, 1882. Was born tractor, and resides at Lancaster, 1'a, lie August 15, i s ,;4. in Drumbar, County did not return his blank. Cavan, Ireland, and came to New York in Martin Maloney, 1884. Was born Jane and removed to Philadelphia in November 1 1, iS 17, in IJallan^airy. Comity August. i w .;4. He was formerly in the Ti])]>i-rarv, Ireland. He came to America woollen manufacturing business and is June 2, 1^52, and lived in Scranton, Pa,, now in the wholesale wiv.e and licjuor until June, I SjS, when he settled i:; Pliila- bnsi ness at 470 and 472 North Thinl street. dclphia. He i-> C.eneral Manager of the He enlisted in the color coiii]xiny of the Pennsylvania ('.lobe Gas Light Company, Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- oi 7 and 6iq Arch street, teers in [S6a, and was in the battles of John Mandcrson, 1865. Was a Cedar Mountain, Kappahannock Station, tailor at 717 N. jd street. Tho'-oM-hfarf C.ap, Hull Rim, Chantilly, Tliomas Mann, 1817. Was the part- Sonth Mountain and Antietam. ner of Samuel Cnpplcs iSi7i. James A. Maguire, 1872. I- in the Philip S. Marklcy. 1814. The an liquor business on Third street. cestors of 1'hili]) S. Markley came to John Maguire, 1839. Was a grocer thi> country from C.erm.nn with tlu- at southeast coi'iuT of I'onrth and Callow- Protestant l-!\"dns about the \ivr 1730, hill. Letters of administration on liis and settled in Whitpaine Ton n>hi]i, Mont i -!.!'(". i re i;: anted. November 5, r\S!,to 'jonie;\ co., Pa., audweie in. my of tin jr. Ann Mr_",'.:r. . men of prominence. I!:-- lather. h>'::;; Jolui Maguiro, 1S48. W. is a hotel- Markley, was one of the moM eminent keeper at northwest cor;ier of Sixth and and intlneiitial bn-ine-s men of N'orris- !":;.-. ibetli streets. His will, dated. March, lo\\n, Mont-onier\ co., I'a, He was = . and proved \pril2o, 1^67. mention-* Sherilf of tin count\ in [7 :" dreii." fames Ma^niri- was a \\ itnes>. Mr. a lari^e ;in;onnt ol re d i-slate. lie 'lieil MA 458 MA a. Norn-town. ]ulv 2,S, 1X34. Philip S. Marklev, the son of John MarkK-y, was born lulv 2. I 7>>ij. IK 1 studied law. ami was admitted to the bar in November. iSio, and became a distinguished lawver and politician. In the year 1X19 lu- was appointed Deputv State Attorney bv (loveruor \\'illi.!in Fmdlay. and was also elected to the St. He Senate. In the year 1X2;, he was elected to Congress, serving from 1^24 to I.S2.S. In i>>2y he was ap- pointed bv (lovernor J. A. Schnl/e, At- tornev-i '.eneral of the .Stale of Pennsvlva- nia. He uas also at one time Naval < )lli- cer at Philadelphia. He died stiddcnlv of apoplexy at Norristowu, I'a., Scptcm- her ;-'. : x .;.}. in the fort\- sixth year ot" Ir.s a^e. He ssas married to Mrs. Anna H. Pinnistcd. [See Mean's "Hist. Mont- gomery Co.," p. >' r, i-tr. Benjamin Marshall, 1802. -Was a merchant at 2~ Saiisom street in 1X05. The State Navv Hoard, July I, \]'~~, paid to r.en'.i::;:: 1 . Mar-h.." / ;; ,;s. iod. for-un- drv tinwarcs put into William Richard's store 'the 1'rovinrial Stove . Charles Marshall. 1S02. Was a dnis^ist at 5'i Chestnut street in 1791. Charles Marshall wa- married in Christ Church, April 26, ijyS, to Mary Wallaee. Christopher Marshall, 1790. Was horn November f \ 1709, in I)iil>lin, Ii\- land. He received a cla-sical education in l ; .n.L, r 'a!id, eame to Ameriea. ,md -ettled in I'hil.idrljihia. where hi- beeame a drr,^- iLnst and pharmacist. Hi-, firm fiiniishnl :iio-,t of the d:'n^^ and iiu-dii-iiii-s to :':-, troops of the Jerseys, Pennsylvania and Delaware. He was on confidential terms with the chief members of the Continent; 1 .! Congress and the new government of Pennsylvania. He was d:so\\ned by the Sni iety of Friends for the active part he ti ok in the !ve\ ilution. < ):i March 17, ; 775. hi- \\ s i-li-cted one of t !;e twelve man - liters of a company "set on foot for ; j ,'. ii illt us, linen-- and r< >U< m." He was a nii-mber of the committee that met at the State Home. April 25, 1775. to cotiM'li r the " critical a'iairs oi Ameriea," a;:-' of tht- Coinnihtee of Safety from the to the e::d of the war. Ili- : ' mem! r :: c -." edited bv Willi un Dnane (1806 , ]>ubli>lied in Philadelphia, i \i9, and presi-nted to the Pennsylvania Historical Societ\' bv his j^reat j^'reat- v, r rand>oii, Ch.iiies Marshall, of ^'.ertnan to\\n, i> one of the most valuable diaries that was kept during the Revolution. Ik- died in Philadelphia, May 4, 1797. His U\ o sons, Christopher and Charles Mar- shall, were also drn^ists. [See A]>pk - ton's "Cvclop. oi" Am. I'.io-.," p. 220; Simpson's " IJvi-s of Mm. Phil.," p. 684.] James Marshall, 1790. Was prob- ably Rev. James Marshall, 1). I). Edwin Martin, 1890. Was born in Philadelphia. His grandparents were born near llelfast, Ireland. He is of the linn ol" James .Martin >S: Co., dvers and printers, 125 Chestnut street. Thomas 1. Martin (iSyoi and \\'iliiam I.. Martin i iSi| > are his brotlu-rs. James Stccn Martin, 1S59. Nephew of Robert Steeii I I N27 i, wa.s born in the jiarish of l-'ermoy, llarony of Killicono- way. Comity Antrim, Ireland, and came to Philadelph.ia May 14. iSjo. He was for many years in the wholesale grocery business. He was President ol" the r,n>- cers' and Importers' Hxchan^e, a Direc- tor of the Commercial National Hank, a Director of the Academy of Fine Art-, and also of the Inion Trust Company, and is a member of the Acadeinv of Natural Sciences. Mr. Martin has for manv vears taken an active interest in the Societv. beir.L; Secretarv. March 17, 1^70, to March 17, 18X2. and Vice-Presi- dent from December 17, 1X85, to March 17. l.^Xh. He has a wonderful knowledge of the members of the Societv, and the Committee-, on which he served for a time, is indebted to him for much valuable information. Henry Martin, 1890. Son of Win. i. Martin i 1X51 ami Lirandson of Dennis Kills- 1X29), was born in Philadelphia, March 22, I S 5 V He is in the railroad ness. Joseph Martin, M. D., 188,5. Was born at Ma^hera, Count v Derrs-, Ireland, \pril 21, : ii,. and came to P!iil ulelphia, .March .-;, 1^72. He is a practicing ]ihs-sici;in. Hi- lias served in Common Council, and is a member of t!i-.- County MA \-<\> MA and StatcMdlic.il Societies, Medico-Chi- Anne, '.lie youngest 'laughter of Dennis rnr^ical Society, Order of I'niled l ; :icinU, Kcllv :>2^ . Hciirv Martin i >y> i> his a:id i't" the Masonic orx'ani/atioii. IK- MHI. wa> one of the Physician^, of the Society, William Lovctt Martin, 1890. 1- i>-<7 :>>Sy. a manufacturer of cotton t yoods. He was O\ven Martin, 188-'}. Was horn May i,,, ni \ u Philadelphia, October 2... i>y>. 12. i -.)'>, in County Tyrone, Ireland, and He is a membe: of the Manufacturers' came to Philadelphia, May I, i,S7o. IK- is Club and of the Masonii Order. Hi- is a in the liquor business. brother of Hd\\in Martin iSoo an-! Simon J. Martin, 1882.- Was horn Th.nuasJ. Maitin :^j > i'hilailelphia. June i, 1850. Hisfather, Samuel Mason, 1810. Was born in Ii.:;H:l Martin, uas a native of ( )!iia-h, Ireland, September 21, 1 706, and came to Co-inty Tyrone, Ireland, ami his mother, Philadelphia in 1793. He died October .Margaret iMt/siinons, of Strabane, in the j ^ i.s.p, and \vas buried at Ciermantown. same county. He is Secretary of the He was Steward of the rcnn-ylvania Hs Catholic Club, and a member of the Art j.ital. Hi-, will, dated March 2',, i\}2. Clui- and Vounj; Meii'.s Democratic As- and proved < K'tober 24, !>>42, mentions his boi-iation. He i- en-a-ed in the insurance \\ife; his son, Samuel ; three daughter-. business, bein^ Secretary of the Mei'han l-'.li/.abeth, Sarah and Ann, and two ijrar.d- ics' Insurance Com]). my. He has been children, William Holland Hine> and Treasurer ot the Soci-.-tv since Ma\- 15, Samuel Mason I'.ines. i vv s, and i; noted for his admirable William Mason, 1817. He pr< .I method of keeping his accounts and hi> ably died in Seiaemlier, 1*35. very full and accurate reports of the William Masscy, 1807. -Was born finances of the Society. He is one of the in the city of Liverpool, Midland, and best Treasurers the Society has ever had. came to America in Mav, I S 2.\ He was Thomas James Martin, 1890. in New York, i>2.s-iS;o, and in New i; -rn in Philadelphia. January 25, iS;,2. Orleans to I S 54, \\hen he removed to His ^rand])arents were natives of Tan- Philadelphia. He was for many years dra^hee. near Belfast, Ireland. He is of proprietor of one of the largest breweries tlie firm of James Martin ^c Co., mami- in the country, and one ol Philadelphia's facturers of ]>rinted and dved cotton well-known citi/ens. 'I'hoii-h not of ooods. He was a Trustee of the city ice Irish descent Mr. Mas-ey was a frequent b. i. its fur fourteen years, and President of and welcome visitor at the Society's din the I'.oanl at the time of the ado]ition of ners. He was a prominent member aud th'- new v-ity charter. He is a member of President of the Society of the Sons of the Ma-oiiic onj.ani/a' ion. Mdwin Martin St. (icor^'e. and the interchange of cour'e : v '.-i .aid \\'ill;aui i.. .Martin iXyo are sies between the two oryani/ations led to his brothers. William J. Martin, 1851. Was horn, e lie went to the Island of Trinidad, Michael Mathcws. 1882. Was bom t Philadelphia about iS.-V. He was I'i'.ulitf, Parish of Knockbride, C--uu;\ . 'j'-d in t!ie sliippiiiM- business, and L'av.ui I:el : nd,. mil came to America Phil "ipl.r, ed s', Miners between Philadelphia ide!p;;ia , June v. i.s^;. He is in the '! Sonlli'Ti: port,. He was a jiartner liquor 'uisiiu s- at : u ( Market >treet. lie \le\ander Hep'ii. !r. i \y i , niiiier is a niein' 'er of the Catholic Philopatv.au linn n, .me of Her.. n \: Martin He Literary Institute and of the Pa:ne;' 'e-i iu-ar \\'hite II 11 now I'.ryn M iu r . I'.raiieh of the Irish Nation il I.-.^uc, i'!;'".omel'\ co., Pi., ill f'.Ille, |Shl, aud Pllll.l'lelpllia. Dennis 1 William Matt liews. 1792. We have L'.verfoid, Delawa.re '.-o., Pa. He married. no definite information concvrnin-' liim, MA 4;o MIC Claudius John Mathieu, 1884. \V.is born in Philadelphia, June i, 1^55. His mother was a native of County \rmagh, Ireland. Ik- is an undc.-rtakt.-r r'l .?''><>(> Mast Lchigh avenue. John Maxson, Jr., 1866. -Was a woollen manufacturer in Manayunk. His father, John Maxson, Sr., died June 21, > S 75- JamOS MaXWCll, 1835. \Vas a man- ufacturer at Cellar street above Twelfth in i,\vS. He probably died October, i.\|4. John Maxwell, 1834. We have no definite information concerning him. Rodger Maynes, 1882. Was born April ii, iS^S. in County Tyrone, lrel;ind. lie is a cattle broker. He wa-- a member of Common Council from the Twenty- fourth Ward, INS2-S4. He is a member of the Metropolitan Democratic Club. He was married in April, iS5\ to Susan McCloskev. [See "Men of America. Citv Government, Philadelphia." i^ s .;.] George Meade. 1790. Was a num- ber <>f the l-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick see page I2OI. John Meany, 1814. -Was a sea cap- tain in the merchant service, and subse- quently a merchant and ship-owner. lie resided for manv years on the ue-t side of Ninth street helo\\ Walnut. " He was a popular and esteemed gentleman, of tine presence." He was married in Christ Church. February II, iS<>6, to Marv Dowers. Thev left no children. Lewis Thompson Mears, I860. - Was born of Irish parentage. December i). [Si4, in Philadelphia. He was a manufacturer and jeweller, ami afterwards in the liquor business. lie was President of the Assistance Fire Companv, and a member of the Montgomery Lodge, No. 10, A. V. M., Fredonia Lodge of odd vvs, Ca]it. I.yk-'s Coni]ian\- of Na- tional < aiards, and President of the Twelfth \Vanl Democratic Association. !! died .Ma:ch .(, iS7,v and was buried in Mount Pe i-e cemetery. James Mease, M. D., 17DR. So:, of Mea-e seepage 122 and of lather Mi:: \] , . w is burn in I'hil h hi \ .:_'".-' ii, 177:. He was a practicing phy-ii - [. retto Physician of Philadelphia, lie was a writer of some note-, his best known work being his " Picture of Philadelphia," published in i.Si 1 . He also wrote " An Kssay on I >isease from the bitt- of a Mad Dog," 1793 ; " In- troductorv Lecture to Course on Com- parativc Anatomv." iSi^ ; and a work on the " Penal Code of Pennsylvania." He was Secretarv of the I'liiladelphia Agri- cultural Socictv, Vice-President of the AtheiKi-um. and also a member of '.he American Philosophical Society. He died Mav 15. 1846. and was buried in the grave- yard on Pine street above Fourth. Dr. Mease was one of the Physicians of the Society in 1799. [See " Simpson's Lives," p. 6,s 9 . ] Samuel Meeker, 1802. Was a mer- chant at 20 South Front street in iSo2. Irwin F. Mcgargee, 1881. Was born in Philadelphia, < (ctober 15, 1849. I Ic was a son of Svlvester Megargee, whose father. Jacob Megargee. was born in Ire- land. He was a brother of Louis N. Megargee (iSSi , and was a paper manu- facturer at No. 20 South Sixth street. Louis Nanna Megargee, 1881. Was born in Philadelphia, November 7, iS.S.S- He is a brother of Irwin F. Me- gargee ilSXi). IK- was engaged in mer- cantile pursuits from the age of i'> until M iivh i^, 1875, when he became a reporter on the Philadelphia '/~iit'*, which had just been started, and continued on that paper until November, 1879, when he became 1 City F.ditor of the /:';>;//;/;' AVr< .. In i.sSo, upon the reorgani/.ation of the /''.;/- '/'hn<-\ of tin- city, which position he now holds. Mr. Megargee is a brilliant and versatile journalist. His \<> Philadelphia i ia]>ers durii stay in Nc\\ \"ork \M re much -ou'd't after, and enjoyed a wide circle of readt rs. He i-- a member of the Clover Club, a Manager of tin- Journalist Club, and Vice- President of tile St' Ins Clllb. Ile-idcs his' numero'.is new-paper article- Mr M*-- gargee i- the author of '' I'i Album of Philadelphia in the I5i- ' MF. Ml MK nial Year, " and of a work entitled '' Prom Captain. At the time of his decea-e he inent Peimsylvanians." was also the oldest member of this or^.tn- George Megee, 1850 Was horn in i/ation. He took a prominent part in the Philadelphia, I-'ehrnary 2J, iSlJ. His or^ani/.ation of the citv railway system, lather was horn in Ireland, and lii.s mother U-in^ actively connected with the Citi- i:: America. He was eni^aj^ed in the cop /ens' and other passenger railway eom- p--:>::::th business, and was Hi^h Sheriff panies. For the tuo years prior to his <;" Philadelphia, 1*55 5S. He was also a death Mr. Meliov had been in failing S -hool Director, and \vas connected with lu- dth. Knt was -.till able to at'.end to hi- tile Masonic and Odd Fellows' or^ani/a- private affairs. beiii 1 .; only confined to his lions, and the Sons of Malta. He died in home for a few days. He lei: a widow Philadelphia, January iS, iSSi, and was and four ehildren. three of the l.ute: lu-in^ 1 luirii-ilin Monument cemetery. >ons, who -.tnveedi-d him in IHISMK---. John Horn Mein, 1881. -Was horn Lewi-, T. Mears ( i.Vi;, was !iis first cousin. i:i 1'hiladelphia, August 1 1, 1X39. He wa.- L^ 1 -'*-' I'liiladeljihia /.-/.;,/, May 7, i Soo. ] of the firm of II. Steel X: Son. dry-i^oods Robert S. Menuniin, 188-1. - Wa- merchants, and was afterwards chief man born December j, i*^.;. in \ewtonsti-wart, a-er of Cooper X: Conard's e.-tabli-hment, Countv Tyrone. Ireland, and came to Ninth and Market .streets. He died Oc- IMiiladelphia with hi- ]>arents in l-\y'\ toiler 20, I.SS2, and was buried in Laurel Hi' was ill the printing business at 5 15 an i Hill cemetery. 5i7Mi:;or street. He was President of Thomas Mellon, 1883. -Was a mcr- the School Hoard of the First Section for cliant at 79 Pine street in 1833. He was three vears. He was Secretary and Treas in tlie Southern trade. He died January nrer of the Pennsylvani,! I-'.ditorial Asso i'), '.^'16, a,n'"d ~rietor of t!u- born in Philadelphia, July 14, iSjo. His /'rinft'i's' ('ii'Cic!ai\ and publisher of the father, HiiLdi Melloy, was born in County " Encyclopaedia of Printing." and "The Tyrone, Ireland, and his mother. Rhoda Current C.old and Silver Coins of all Xa- Mears Melloy, in Moinnouth Co., N. J. tion-." He was a member of Malta. !!- was for manv year- lai'L'.el)' en^a^'ed I.odtje, No. 295, P. M: A. M.; Jerusalem Royal i". the manufacture of ;in\vare, and also Arch Cha])ter, Xo. ^; Phil;idel])hia Coin- in t!u- tin-rooting bu-iness, in which he manderv, No. 2; Ancient and. Accepti-i! a'-i-uniniated wealth. I n politics he was a Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; Philadel- I H-mocrat, and took an active interest in phia Typographical Society, 1'ranklin In pnbhe ailairs. lie served as a Common stitute, and of the Journalists' and Stv'r.- Councilman from the Twentieth Wanl. as Clubs. He died April 19, iS*7, an>! uas .: member of the I.e.^islature, and. after buried in Mount Moriah cemetery. campaigns, succeeded in liein.^ Robert Mercer, 1819. Was a nier ei-lel Receiver of 'faxes in i ShS. In chant. He was probably the father of a< Mi t ion to his services in munieipal atTairs Robert Mercer, who i lied Mard;. 1*57, and !'.- w i- in active member of the Old \"ol- uas a relative of Sni^lcl->:i A. Mercer uniee: I'ire I )e])artment, bein-, at the llS^SK i- death, tlie oldest member of Singleton Alexander Mercer, c:c Fire Company, of which, for 18-'58. Was born in Philadelphia in !M<>. ear-, ht- w is successively Treasurer He wa- the son of John Mercer and lane the first of the kind, was erected during his term. He was one of the orgaiii/ers and Chairman of the bank clearinghouse, and also one of the originators of the I'nion Club, afterwards the Union League, and was Treasurer of the " Bounty Fund." He contributed very largely to the erection of the West Spruce street Presbyterian church. Mr. Mercer was Chairman of the Committee sent by the Philadel- phia banks to New York to meet the bank presidents of that city and Boston, when they were called upon to aid the government ill the late war, and lie suc- ceeded by his efforts in inducing the banks to take the loan. He was also in- strumental in getting the Philadelphia banks to organi/e under the National Banking Act, which was drawn, under his direction, bv the solicitor of his bank. He died in Paris, France, October i.j, \^>6~. and is buried in South I.aurel Hill. Daniel Mershon, 1861. \Vas born in Trenton, N. J., Januarv 11, iSon, of American parents of French descent. He came to Philadelphia in IMS. and was for many years engaged in manu- facturing heaters, grates, etc. He was a School Director and a member of the Odd 1 'el lows' and Masonic orders, Philadelphia Institute, I'nion League, Diligent I lose Company and State Fencihles. His father was editor of the Trenton, N. J., (,\i~t tic. Daniel was left an orphan in childhood, and afterwards founded the large and ex- tensive business of Daniel Mershon >S: Sons, northwest corner of Twelfth and Filbert streets. He died in Philadelphia, January 2S, iSft.s, and was buried at Mon- ument cemetery. He left li ve children surviving him. Thomas Mctcalfc, 1790. Was a ! 7 . : . Peter Mtcrckcn,1814. Was a prom- i ' " refiner. He died fulv v . : x .v. i ' ' uried in St. Peter's church-yard. ':".::-! and Pine streets. lie married rist church, April in, 1705. Maria 1 ten. Thn e of his children became , i ca]itains in the merchant service. William Alexander Millar. 1806. Was born April in, iS2- in Gracefield. County Derry, Ireland, and came to Phil- adelphia, Novembei 10, 1844. He is the head of the linn of W. A. Millar & Co., commission merchants, i 26 N. F'ront street, in which business he has been engaged since \*<\\. Robert Miller, 1811. He is said to have lived at one time in Lexington, Ky. William Miller, 1811. \Ve have no definite information concerning him. He was probably a sea captain. William Miller, 18G2. -Was born in Fdenrcagh, Ireland, March 17, 1790, and came to America about 1820. He was in thedravage or hauling business, and died April 22, i.^S2. He was buried in Monu- ment cemetery. Francis Milligan, 1820. Was of the firm of Deal, Milligan ,S: Hurt, merchants. His will, dated Mav 20, 1*45, and proved November 5, 1840, mentions his surviving partners, Daniel Deal (1X54) and Arthur A. Hurt 11X46); his children, KH/.a Jane, Mary C., Isabella, William C., Charles W., Frances Ann, Laura A. and Fmma S.; and his son-in-law, George \V. Cross, husband of his daughter, Isabella. William Milligan, 1872. Was born December 21, iS2i, in County London- derry, Ireland, and sailed in March, iS.ji, for Ouebec, but was driven into Hong- hendall, Highlands of Scotland, on ;ic- c'i >unt of a terri lie gale in which the steam- ship "President," with Tyrone Power i iS^j) on board, was supposed to have foundered. He arrived in Quebec in May, i s 1 1 , and settled in Philadelphia in August of same year. lie is engaged in the tailoring business at 1015 Chestnut street, and has been fort v- eight years on the same street. In i\].; he was elected a Trustee of the I'nion Presbyterian church, served for twenty years, was President of the Hoard several years; and in iVin was one -i' the originators of the Woodland Pn - ti rian church. Pine and Fortv-secoud streets; was a Trustee for more than '" nty-five years, and acted as President of the Hoard the greater part of thai time. He was one of the organi/.ers of the Huilding Socktv State League of Pennsylvania, and was President of the House-owners' Hn inv md I.oaii .\ssoc.-ia- MI MO tion of Philadelphia ; \v .is the first Treas- r.rer of I lie Philadelphia Merchant Tailors' Exchange, and its President for live years. In I>><>5 he represented Philadelphia at a National Convention in Washington. .ind was elected Chairman. Mr. Milligan was one of the originators of the Merchant Tailors' National H \ehange of the I "nited St.-.te- in L SS 7, and was elected its first President. Its object is to elevate, educate and establish national and trade schools, a;>! to advance the interest of mechanical art in the 1'nited States. He was one of the originators and a Director of the City Trust Company, and is connected with niau\- other associations. Since he settled in Philadelphia Mr. Milligan has crossed the ocean forty-eight times. James Millikeil, 1843. Was prob- ably in the linen trade. John Mills, 1852. Was in the liquor business at 13 Norris' allev. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society in iS6q. Edward Milne, 1790. Was a resi- der.t of Montgomery co., I'a. Thomas Minford, 1852.- Was a na- live of Count v Tyrone, Ireland. He was in the grocery business in Philadelphia, and afterwards removed to New York citv. John Kearsley Mitchell, M. D., 1838. --Was born in Shepardstown, \"a.. in 1704. and settled in Philadelphia in :-M7_ He\sas;i ])l!\--ician and 1'rofessor of the Practice of Medicine in Jefferson Me'!;c:il College. He was (iraml Master of Pennsylvania Ma-ons and he was the author of medical work-, lecture-, etc., i;;d a vol. nne of pot-ins. He was elected a member of tlie American I'liilosophicr.l ilelpliia, Ajiril. i s -- s , and was bnrie! in Wo, ,,lland- cemetery. S. Weir Mitchell, M. D.. is hi- -,.;:. and John K. Mitchell, M. D.. is his irrand>on. Jolm Mitchell, Jr., 1700. W.:- a !!! mbrr of the I'rieiidly Sons of St. -\-. ;- 122. Roborl Mitchell, 1S10. \Vasa grocer at >i i X T'!:irl street in i.sit). Hi'.-hjU'i: Moirett,1832. Wasatrrocer at - ,.:. 1 ; Hi-h -Ireetin iS;i. Letter- of adm;;;i-'.r : :- on his e-ta'e were granted, January i^, i>j.}, to Henry Moitett. John Mohan, 1883. Was born in Minersvii'u-, Schuylkill Co., Pa., May 7, i-\>2. His lathe;-, Charles Mohan, was a native of County Fermanagh. Ireland. He is a merchant, residing in Minersville. I le ha- been a nieinl.er of the Town Coun- cil of Mi::cr-\ illi- and a School Director, and is a Director of the l ; irst Nation;-.! Hank of that place. He is also a member of the Hnicrald beneficial Association and Independent Ilo-e Company. Robert Emmet Monaghan, 1883. Was born July 2.), i>22. in \\Y-t 1'al- lowfield township, Chester co. . Pa. He is the son of James Monaghan, born near Knniskillcii, County Fermanagh, Ireland, and of Catharine Strccper, a native of Montgomery co., of C.ennan ilescent. His father left Ireland about the \ ear I ~q<~>. on account of being engaged in the rebellion of i 79 s . He was raised on a farm in West Fallowfield township, Ches- terco., studied law and was aar at Ilarrisbnrg. Pa., in April, i.Vp. He has since resided in West Chester, Pa.. where he is one of the most prominent lawyers and citi/.ens of the place, He w.-.s a member of the- Pennsvlvania House of Representatives in iS^.}. and lias been a delegate to a number of Democratic State and National Conventions. HeisaDirec- tor of the Union Trust Company of Phila- del])hia. a Trustee of tl-.e \\\-st Clu-'.er State Normal Schi-ol, and a member of the board of Public Charities. Aust in James Montgomery. ISS-i. Was born October 27, lS;?4, at Tivoli, D;ichess co., Ne\v \"ork. He is a ^reat- of Revolutionary lame. lie >ettiei in Philadelphia ahoiit : s ;.;. He !; ; - be- n a clerk in the po-t-otiicc, f.-nu-r, ami is now a n-.il e-tate a^ent. He \\..s a nuin- i>i-r of tl'.e old Volunteer l-'ire De;iartmei:;. He i- a nu-mber of the ( Md b\ '.'.. .v. .' a,-,] Ma-o;;ic or-ani/ation-. and of t::e \\~a-i:- :n--...n C,;avs. He is the son of John Crathorne MoiitL;oiner\', oiu e Po-im.i-ti-r of Philadelphia, who afterw.ir.N removed !, . New York, and of ]":i/a' ^eth ! h-::r:eV.a Pliillii .<, -lanehter of Henrv Phi: 1 .:; , and Sarah Chew, daughter of Benjamin Chew. I le married Sarali Cordelia Riche, daughter of Charles Swift Riche, of Phila- (U-h)hia. [See " Keith's Councillors of Pcuna. ," p. 357. ] James Montgomery, 1790. Was roistered as Master of the snow " Hli/a- L-th," sixty tons, October 30, 1765; of the .-'.lip " Kleanor," eighty tons, December I", 17^7; of the hrigantine "Charlotte," fortv tons, July 6, 1770; of tile hrigan- tine "Charlotte," sixtv-tive tons, May 2,S, 1771. I le was married in Christ Church, Novemher 12, 1767, to Marv Howes. Ik- was Captain of the armed boat " Ranker," August ;i, I77.S; was transferred to the command of the "Chatham,'' May 29, 1776, and resigned August I, 1770, to enter the Continental service. On August 28, 1776, he was Captain of the privateer "(leiieral Montgomery," a brig, which in October following captured the Hritish ship "Thetis," with a cargo of mm and sugar, out of a lleet of one hundred sail. On March ,v>, 1779, he is recorded as Cap- tain of the ship " ( '.en era! ( ireene," which in June captured a Hritish vessel. The Director'.' for 1791 speaks of him as "Commander of the Custom House Schooner." He then lived at I 2,S S. Fourth street. Letters of administration on hi- e-tate were granted, March 6, iSio, to Joseph S. Lewis and Joseph !',. Howell. William Montgomery, 1823. Was a merchant at I2S Mulberry street in 1X2.,. His will, dated October I, iSiS, and proved March 2;, 1 S^ i . mentions his son, (o-cph, who was in partnership with him ; !: ; - son, Henry; his daughter, Ilettv \Y.ilker ; and his grandsons, Montgomery and Allen Walker. Au-tin Montgomery was one of tin- executors. Matthew Moody, 1865. Was a n itive of Ireland and was in the marble ess at J ; l (Jut-en street. He died M ircli 2, : V 77. leaving a wife, Jane Moody. Thomas J. Mooney, 1889. Was 1. irn in I'hiladelphia, April [9, |S}6. His fither, i'ltrick Moom-v. was a native of ! rel nul : hi-, mi ither, Marv '; oney, of P.dmcrsti in, Ireland. !! < line to Philadelphia ill l\( \. I It- is a manufacturer of stationery and an en- graver. Alexander Moore, I860. Proposed as a member by John McCutcheon. We have not received any information con- cerning him. Davis Moore, 1802. -AVe have no definite information concerning him. It may be Captain lames Moore, as there seems to be a mistake in the records. Patrick Moore, 1802. Was a mem ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick set.- page i 2 3 i. Samuel Moore, 1790. Was a res- ident oi Lebanon co., Pa. Richard Moore, 1790. -Was ,i res- ident of Montgomery co., Pa. William Moore, Sr., 1790. Was a resident of Lane-aster co., Pa. William Moore, Jr., 1790. -Was a resident of Lancaster co., Pa. William Moore, 1802. We have no information concerning him. Charles V. Morgan, 1871. Was born in Philadelphia, January 25, 1X54. He is a dealer in fancy cabinets and morocco cases at 632 Chestnut street. He is a son of William Morgan (iS^qi, and a brother of William Kngene Morgan i s ~i , and a cousin of William M. Hrnner i : S7 t .. George Morgan, 1890. Is an uphol- sterer. He was a member of the Pennsyl- vania House of Representatives and is active in local Democratic politics. William Eugene Morgan, 1871. Horn in Philadelphia, September 5, iSsi. He is a son of William Morgan ' 1X591. His present occupation is that of a sten- ographer. For SOUR- years he has been Musical Director of the Walnut Stre.-t Theatre. William Morgan, 1859.- Meinl.erof the Acting Committee, 1X70 \^~h, and Secretary of the Society, 1X70 1X7^. lie is tin- son of John Morgan, a native of M illow, Countv Cork, Ireland, who came to America in I7<)'>. He was born in Philadelphia, Fehruarv 5, iSiS. He has be'-n President of the Mechanics' hisur ance Company. Charlc- V. Morgan '1X7; and William I-!. Morga'i |S 7' :!:; son-, and \\'illiam M. Hrnner , 1X71 - i- !;i net.hew. MO 4<;"> Ml" James Moroney, 1882. Is in the end MuhK-nherx." by !ii- -reat-nephew, liquor bu-iness. He did not return his Hon. Henry A. Muhlenberx', Philadelphia, blank. i s :y.j William Moroney, 1842.- -Kept the John Muldoon, 1872.- Wa- born Dock Ward Hotel in 1*43. Au-u-t. i*;:. in Ballynacross, Count'. Owen Morris, 1790. Is described in Tyrone. Ireland, and came to Philadcl- the Directory of 1793 as " comedian. 251 ]ih.ia, April 3. 1^52. He went to California Hiiih street." and ci'.-a-cd in yold mining' up to :v, . Wilson J. Morrison, 1884. Is a res- \\lien he came Iva-t a^ain ami has bee:: ideiit of Lock Haven, Pa. He did not re- en^a^ed since in tile dry ^ood- bu-:ne-- turn hi- bi.mk. at ^23 South Ninth street. He i- a niem- GeorgC Morton, 1790. Was a wine ber of the Conference of St. Vincent de merchant. Paul, and resides at Sharon, Delaware co., John Morton, 1790.- In the Direc- Pa. Mr. Muldoon is greatly interested lory of 17^1 he is described as a "-cut. in the Society and i- a frequent at- 1I6S. Front." He was President of the tendant at its meetings. Bank <>f .North America, Jan. lu, I Soy George Mulholland, Jr., 1842. Jan. 15. 1^22. Hedied April 23, iS2S. \V as a forwarding and commission mer- John Moss, 1833. Was an Kn-li-h- chant on Mulberry -treet wharf in 1840. man. He died in March, 1^47. He left When elected a member he was at !"> a widow, Rebecca Moss, and three .-on-, South Sixth street. lie was a native of Joseph I... Klea/er. and Alfred A. Moss. Ireland. I-uac Phillips and David Samuel were his St. Glair A. Mulholland, 1864. sons-in-law. Kates' " Martial Deed- of Pennsylvania" Jasper Moylan,1790. Was a mem- contains the following -ketch of (ieiieral ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Mulholland. Vice-President of the So- i -ee pai^e 1231. cietv, March 17, i V>o, to March 17, [Syj, David Muhlenberg, 1809. We have and who is about to assume the Pre.-i no sketch of him. deiicy : John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, " St. Clair A. Mulholland. Colonel of 1802. --Was President of the C.ennan the One Hundred and Sixteenth, Resj- Society. It has been the custom to invite imeiit, and P,rc\ ct- brigadier and Major- tlie Prc-idcuts of the ('.ermaii, St. An- (leiieral. was born in Ireland in I s ,;.. ilrew's. St. (leor^e's, and other charitable He came to this country in childhood. or;j..ini/;itions to the anniversary dinners His tastes early inclined him to military o: the Society, and in several instances duty, and he became a member o; a the-. i-\;.;v--cd a desire foi- membership, militia compa!i\' in tl'.c city of Pliiladel- ,:::': \\eie elected. This was no doubt the phia, where his family had settled. ".':; C.ciicral Muhlenberg. He wa- "On the 1st of September, 1^62, !;-. \vas commi--: ined Lieutenant - Co'.ov.e'. of the ( Mlc I I Ulltll ed and Sixteenth, u hic'.l ,',.;- first a Lutheran minister, then he hail been active in recruiting. >ucl, P.ri^adier-( leneral and Major- "rjjon joining the Army of the 1 ' .to- 1 in the Continental army, Con- m,..c he \\a-a>si,uiied to i '.eiier..! Mc.-^hcr'- -::; ,:i.r:;itcd State- Senator. Collect,,:- Irish Kri-ade. While .t-ivancin- t-'bafle c Port of Piiiladeljihia. Vice-Presi- on the field of 1'rede: ick-bur-, tlie con: >t;. of the Cincinnati. TnM-.-i- of \\. ; - -everely woim.'.e.! by the bursting of ik'.in College .md of St John'- I.n- a -h.ell. uh.en Lieutenant-Colonel Mullio'- ill ' llUrch. I Ie died at hi- col I'e Ml* Ifif, MU himself was wounded and rendered in- capable of duty. When his wounds had sufiicicntly healed he returned to the ficlil. " In the battle of Chanccllor>ville this battalion was charged with supporting the Fifth Maine Rattery. These pieces were in conllict with a number of powerful bat- teries of the foe. and gallantly maintained the unequal contest ; but when, after re- peated losses, and the ammunition be^an to fail and the j^nns were in danger of fall- ing into the enemy's hands. Colonel Mnl- holland rushed forward and drew them off to a place of safety. I Hiring the .jth and 5th of May he was field-officer of the day for Hancock's division, and with fidclitv preserved his lines, extinguishing the tires rai^in^ in the forest on his front, where many of the I'nion wounded were suffer- ing excruciating torments. "At Gettv>buri^ he led his command over the. celebrated wheat field, which, in consequence of the la r^e number of troops from several corps brought into conflict there, has been called the Whirlpool. The struck- was fearful in the wooded, ruined ground where it wa-- fought, and it held its position with determined valor; but the division, beini^ unabk- to maintain its ground, was withdrawn, .".Her having MIS- tained severe losses. " The Wilderness campaign proved one of unparalleled severitv, and its com- mander suffered b\- repeated \\ounds. In the first day 0:1 the Wilderness field, at I'o river and Tolopo torn v creek . he was struck b\- the enemy's missiks. in the latter re- ceiving \\hat was supposed to be a mortal hurt. lie. however, recovered, and beiiiLT of that --pirit which is not intimidated by hostile weapons, returned to duty, having been n-wariied with the brevet rank of I'.ri^ai lier ' . :: nil. I le was placed in command of the Fourth brigade, First . the Second C< irps, in i > t< ' < r. i^'M. and on tile 27th of that month, v. :::'. !u LV\ lei inn in from tlie -.-, '.' nnv were moving to Hatcher's Kua, he General. To the close of the war he was at the post of duty, and won for himself the enviable reputation of being among the most reliable of officers. Ai'ter leaving the army he was appointed Chief of Police of the city of Philadelphia, a position of great responsibility and power, and has acquitted himself with that ceaseless vigi- lance which characterized him in the field." We might add to this sketch the follow- ing" additional information : he was botn April i, i\^9, at I.isbtirn, Countv Antrim, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in i- v ,So. He was Chief of Police under Mavor Fox, 1.^69-1^72, and since that time he lias pur- sued tlie profession (>f artist, painting many pictures and delivering illustrated lectures throughout the countrv. He is the author of a pamphlet on the battle of Gettvs- liurg and another on the battle of F'red- ericksburg, and also of a " Life of General Hancock." He is a member of the I, oval Legion and of the Grand Army of the Republic. Peter S. DooneriiSN) is his brother-in-law. David Mullen, 1882. Was born July 7, iSi7, in Ncwtown Limavadv. Countv Derrv, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in April, 1*55. 1 le was in the livery-stable business. He was a School I hrcetor and a member of Select Council from the Ninth Ward, a member of the Old Volun- teer I 'ire Ik-parlment, the Odd Fellows, Legion of Honor, Ancient Order of I'nited Workmen, of Melita Lodge. No. 21,;, F. ec A. M.,and Philadelphia Commandery, No. 2, Harmony Chapter. He- died January 12, i.S x u, and was buried in Ml. Moriah cemetery. Edward Mullcry, 1790. Was in the gr< icery business at ibo South Water sin et and :6i South F'ront. His will. dated < i t< iber 29. :;,;. and proveil Novi ;;; 179.1, iiK-ntioiis his brother, John Mulk-rv, i!i Ireland. Charles Mullery was one ot the executor-. Edward Mulligan, 1872.- I- in the liquor Inisiness at c>< K > South Tenth street. He .li : not rt turn his blank. Andrew J. Mullin,188G. Was born an '. came to Philadelphia, August, i v >5onajjli- and \\hiskeys at 31x1 North Water and 301 edy, Countv Tvrone. Ireland, and died and 44?) North Front street. June,,. I S'>j, in the h v th '. ear < >! 'his a^e, and John Mullowney, Jr., 1790. \Vasa n-as buried in Old Cathedral cemetery, merchant at II I'ellll street ill 1795. I.et- D. \V. Murphy, M. D., 185,'3. \\'as ters of administration on his estate wen; born in North Carolina. He was a practic- i;rantcd. March 11, 1793, to George in^ ph\ >ician. Meade i 171*0 and Jolin Dnnkin 117901. Dennis Murphy, 18-11. Was a coal lie was a member of the Acting Com- s^rate maker at 34 North Sixth street, mittee of the Society at the time of his Dennis Francis Murphy. 1884. death. Son of Domini ck Murphy ( 1871 i, was born Bryan Mlllqueen, 1884. Was born in Cork, Ireland, February 7. :>;;, came September io, 1833, at Tourien, Comity to America, May, 1836, and settled in Phil- I.imerick, Ireland, and came to I'hiladel- adclphia in 1837. He is a short-h,.nd pliia, September 14, iS5<>. lie is in the reporter, one of the best in the country, fruit and confectionery business. and has been for many vears the official John A. Mtirphcy, 1855. Son of : reporter of the United States Senate. He Robert Mnrphey ^1820"', was a merchant was also the official reporter of the Penn- at 262 Chestnut street in 1856. IIe]>roba- sylvauia Constitutional Convention of bly died in August, 1*65. Isaac Town- 1872 73, and stenographer to the Electoral send is his son-in-law. | Commission of 1877. Mr. Murphv is also Robert Murphey, 1820. Was born a member of the Philadelphia bar, ad- in County Antrim, Ireland, June 4, 1776, ' milted to practice November 27, 1^57. and came to Philadelphia, September 13, , Dominick Murphy, 1871. Was 1796. lie was a shoe manufacturer, and born in Cork, Ireland, August 4, iSio, at one time a Tax Collector. lie was came to America in i.\i3, and settled in actively connected with the Presbyterian Philadelphia in 1^37. He was a inanu- church of \\-hich Dr. Ramsey wfis });istor, facturer of cotton ^oods. He was a inem- anil afterwards \vith the Tenth Presbyte- ber of Common Council from May, 1^55, nan church, Twelfth and Walnut streets. to Mav, I- S 57. and a Trustee of St. He died of apoplexy, August 7, 1^33, and Mich.ac'/s Church, Second street above was buried in I, aure! Hill cenu-tery. Mr. Master. He died September, 1.178, and Mnrj'liey w;'.s r.ote'I for his beiR-volence. w;us buried in New Cathedral cemetery, and was particularly generous with poor Dennis K Murphy 118841 and Joseph p. Iri-h emigrants, furnishing them with Murphy i 1 8,sq are his s' -us. j'rovisions a:iil money. It was his custom Francis Kendrick Murphy, 1885. to nice', the ships on their arrival at the --Was born in Philadelphia August 30, uharf. anil l"ok up cases of deSliluLion 1844. His father, (olin W. Mur])hv, uas aiuon-- the emiirrar.ts. l-"or a lon_^ ]/eriod born in Handor., Conntv Cork, Ireland. nducted tile religious services in the Hejoined Comjiany 1\, I 'i.^htv eighth Peim - iiiaise. b>h-! A. Mur]ihe\- i V 5,S ' was sylvanta X'olunteers, as a private. ( )ctobei - on, and Robert C. ( tpleii i85, ' ir.dsoll. Letters of administration as Hospita.l Steward. He is ;; memberof on his estate \\ere s.: ran ted, August 27, the (",rand Arnu- of the Republic, I'liion i.^;.-, to Abi-.'.il Murphey and Daniel Veteran League and Masonic or-aiii/a- M' Curdy. T!ie sureties were James Wil tions. He is eii-j.-e.! in the retail liru^ son and Archibald Mitchell. His death aiid ;>re- meeting, Francis Walker Murphy. 1SS:?. December 17, 183^. Mr. Mn-i-hey was a Was born in Philadelphia, September 23, member of the AcM:- Cominittt e of the i v n. His father, William ]'. Mur]>hv. Societv, !-.", ;S: was ., ......tiv- of New York citv. and his Ml" 468 Me A mother, Ann S. Murphv, of Boston, Mass. He is a member <>i~ the Union League and of the Masonic Order, ami is a Civil Service Kxaminer for Department of Pub- lic Safety of Philadelphia, lie is engaged in the stationery business ^Win. F. Mur- phy's Sonsi. Joseph P. Murphy, 1889. Son of Dominick Murphy (1871), and brother of Dennis F. Murphy (1884). I le is a inanu- fu'tnrer of cotton and \voollen good.-, at Fourth and Cumberland streets. George Murray, 1811. Was an en- graver at Walnut and Fleveiith streeis in iMi. Letters of administration n his estate were granted, Julv 30, 1822, to Andrew M. Prevost. The sureties \\ere John Draper, engraver, and Thomas l.n- derwooil, engineer. George Murray, 1815. Was prob- ably a grocer at 205 South Front street in 18.4. Hugh W. Murray, 1835. Was a comb manufacturer. Letters of admin- istration on his estate were granted. Janu- ary 1 8, 1840, to Barbara Ann Murrav, widow. The sureties were David Watt (1835 and W:n. !'. Fairchild, Spring Garden. John P.Murta,1859. Was Registrar of Philadelphia Gas Works in 1850.. John Murtha, 18G5. Was a dry- goods merchant at 30 S> >uth Second street. He was a native of Ireland. Thomas McAdara, 1822. -Was an elder in Dr. Saimiil B. Wylie's Presby- terian church. He kept a whiskey and Hour store on High street \vest of Selravl- ki'.l Fourth in 1823. His will, dated No- vember [S, i^(4, and proved December ] S, i\J4. mentions his wife, Mary Me. \dani ; his sons. John, Thomas H. and William R. Mi -Adam ; and his daughters, Cath- arine Svmmes and Margaret McAdam. ki 1 L'rt S'.ocn (',^?~} was one of the exec- ?-, :.;-. i Alexander Henry (1790) oneof Patrick Me Adams, 1851.- Was born M : '; . , ;, at Ca-tlelilaney, Count 1 / ?.! .:-'. ;:. Ireland. lie came to Amerira N. /. '.' rk April 2, 183", and settled in Phil lelphia, Jnly ! J, 1849. He was a rail: '. ' ' ' H - ciety, taking the liveliest interest in its affairs, ind served on its Fxecutive C->m- mittee from 1^82 to 18^7, a;id as Presi- dent from March 17, lS88, to March 17, iSyo. 1'pon retiring from the 1 itter office hamlsoinely framed resolutions were pre-cnted to him by special vote of the Society. [See "Men of America. City 1 -. ermtu-nt," April, i8S;. i Peter MoAnally, lS90.~Wa^ born lime 2 y , 1847, i" Courr.y Der-v, I:vl.-'.::on'> Hill, Va. John McArdlc, 1882. Was born in County Armagh, Ireland, December 26, ! ^2y. and '..line to Philadelphia, March ii, !>V,y. He is a cattle broker, and was a partner of Rodger Maynes (lSS2/. John McArail, 1827. He was gar- dener for William Hamilton at Wood- lands - now Woodlands cemetery , for seven years, and also laid out and improved I.einon Hill for Henry Pratt. He entered gardener, who had a garden on Race street between Schuylkill Second and Schuylkill Tliird streets. They remained together until : S 22. He then established a very fine nursery garden on the lot bounded by Filbert, Arch, Schuylkill Fifth i F.ighteenth and Schuyikill Sixth (Seventeenth: street-. Visitors were sup- plied with, ice en-am, strawberries, etc., and the garden was fitted up very taste- fully. He built a large con-ervatorv, had longspacious hot-houses, and the outdoor fiower beds and gardens were fitted up in good taste. With an occasional exhibi- tion of a rare exotic, and illuminations with colored lamps on gala occasions, the place commanded a large and profitable attendance. The garden contained about four acre-. lie also had a collection of living birds and animals. In i,S4o the place was made a concert garden and vaudeville theatre, and fireworks were ex- hibited there. < hie of the representations, tlie- eruption rif Mount Vesuvius, never failed to attract a large attendance, [See "Scliarf cc Westcotfs Hist, of Phihidel- Phi,"i IT. J. McAtccr, 1887. Born Tmmarv .!. I s :"-, in We-t township, Huntingdon co !';:., of Ani'-ric'tn parent-. Hisgrand- f :!.! came from County Antrim, Ireland. !! i- engaged in a^rii-ul'.urc- and in min- i::u: bitmnim n- c. <-.]. \ !e v,as a member of the l'e:!i;^'-..,i!;,! Ilo-.i-e of Re]iresent- ativi s, i^.-, ,-; --.. ;niil :; member of tin- State Senate, : ~^s - ; lie i- a member ! of th.e Masonic Order (Huntingdon Patrick McAvoy, 1853. We have no definite information concerning him. He wa> proposed as a member bv Daniel Barr (1842 ). Andrew McBride, 1851. -Was a dis- tiller at C,crmanto\\ n road anal Second street in 1851. His will , dated Fchruary 24, 1^64, and proved Mav II, iS',^. men- tions among other pctx ns his son, Wil- liam Henry Mcl'.ride, and his grandsons, Andrew Mcl'.ride Beveiidge and Thomas Armitage Beveridge. Mr. McBridc served on the Acting Committee of the Society, 1863-1865. Patrick McBride, 1852. Was born. August 12, 1^07, in Count v Antrim, Ire- land, and came to America ^Philadelphia), July 4, i82y. He was in the grocery business. William J. McBride, 1801.- Was . born of Irish parents, May 5. 1854, in Philadelphia, He is a master painter and decorator, noted for his artistic work. lie was President of St. Ann's Literary Insti- tute, and Vice President of the M.-.ster Painters' ami Decorators' Association, and is now President of the Anthracite Build- ing Association, and Secivtarv of the Huntingdon Building Association. Hugh McCaffrey. 1886.- Was born June 11, 184;, in the parish of Banbridge, County Down, Ireland. He came to America in 1859, landing at New Vork November 2, and settling in Philadelphi >. , two days afterwards. Here he served hi- apprenticeship at file cutting, and beg. -.11 tlie manufacture of files in i s '\;. He i- still engaged in the same br.-:;:e-- with his brother, John McCaffrey i^N^i . The firm v.'as formerlv McC. iff rev 6c Bro., but is now the Pennsylvania File Work-, Fifth and Berks streets. lie manic :. J.-v- uar\ 31, IM>5, Alice T.I. Devlin, dar.ghti r of Michael Devlin, of this city. He is a member of the Franklin Institute, of the Philadelphi ! Board of Trade, and of the Hardware M- reliant-' and Manufacturers' Board i if Tr ;de. He is al-o a nu mber of the Catholic Total Abstinence I nion of Ph.ila.l-. '.] hia. He i- widely known in this cif> i:; . oniuvtion with his /e i 1 . and McC 470 in In the Iri-h strujjjjle for H-me Rule, and h.is !>ee:i President of the Municipal Council ol the Irish National League of Philadelphia, and was one of tlu- most active meinhers oi the Citi/.ens' Committee of i,> s o in aid of thf Irish Pariiamentarv Fund. It was due to hi-- persistent \' ami /.eal that the Parhament- arv Fund in Philadelphia was raised. Since that date he has c< >:iti mied !iis active eiTorts in support of Honic Rule, an.i was Vice- President of the Irish National League of America. IK- is no\v one of tiH 1 leading spirits in the Irish National Federation of A", ri i en'J.v ori^ani/eil. Mr. McCaffrey i nj >\ - :':.. esteem a:ul confidence of everv person whose sympathies are enlisted in favor of tin- strni^lint; people of Ireland. Amidst contending factions or differences of opin- ion he stands almost alone, enjoviujj, the admiration anil confidence ol" all s'.des. 'I":. >ri luj^li ly disinlerested in his devotion to i he cause, which has enlisted hisuho'.e sympathies, nothing discourages him, and others Ljrow wearv !i<- never f.res, and never loses faith in the ultimate suc- cess of the Irish strn^x- 1 '- John McCallrcy, 1801. Was horn M ::-.'.! 12. 1S.J6. in Countv I)o\vn, '.: and came t<> New York, August J ( 1^64, settling in Philadelphia in Se])temher, ; x> .;. Hi.- is en^a.^ed with his hrother, Hnt/h McCafTrev i\Sfi .inthem innfacture enthusiastic meml T: - of the Irish National I'i.i!eration of America. ~Mr. McCafiVev is also ;i iiietnl ier of the I'l titute. Peter McCuhcy, M. D.. 1S8C3. Me did n< 4 return his hlank. I Ie i- a ; :ractic- ; -- ph.ysici in who -r idn ti ! ith ' honor at the Jelli : - :: M College He is prominently idellV't'ied : prolifn writer of in . ; : : nth...-: - : u] on Irish sul : i : John MuCall, 18.11. \\\- h ive finit' infi inn ilion concernin; ( 'r o ; 1 1 1 i n ;-;.' Jolin C. McC:ill,18S7. \\' ' ". in I'l ' ' hi i iiis fa! . ;.:,;. Select Council of the city. Mr. McCall is of the ;irm of Carstairs N: McCall, whole- sale h.ijui >r merchants. George MeCallmont, 182'2. -Was a woollen :: mill ICtlll er. Ill-- will, dated April ;. !""', s , and proved January II, i \s i , mentions his son. (icoi^e !'. Mc- Callniont ; his daughter, Harriet, widow late !\e\. John 1!. Kemu-ilv; his nephews, Arthur and Henry McCallmont, and Ir.s viTandson, deorLje McCallmont. Jr., son of (leors^e !'. and Marianna Mc- lont. Mr. McC..'. :inoiit was. a I)i;o-- tor of the Hank of Nor 4 . h America, January 12. iSiS January 7, i \; ;. David Chambers MeCtimmon, 1864. Was hum I'ehrtiary 4, 1^17, at Middletown, I>atiphin co., I'a. His father, John McCammon, \\.is a n.itive of Irelan'.' the I "n.i- :: T> mporarv HI >nie, Sixteenth ai id I 'njilar streets ; I )i rector of the rhilaiR-lphia City Institute, and Vice President of St. Andrew's Society. He took the liveliest interest in puhlic affairs, and for nearlv a quarter of a cen- tnrv \\ - as closel\- identified \\".th the politics of the cit\ heintj; former! v an old-line \\"hi^, and . fter\\ ard ~ an aciive K lii an. IK- died at GeUysbnr-. ( )ctoher i, : S 7'), and was lairie^ in North I.aure! Hill cemetery. His \sid"w resiiles at (tettys- I.ury, I'a. Thomas G. Mc-Candlcss, 1S80. Resi lei! ;,; n;\- M;. \\-rnnn street \vheii elei t, :. Hi di ! M..1 .-. ':: hi-, ol ink. William MeCandless. 1805. \\'as liorn in Philadelphia, oi Ir;sh jiareiits, inliei '' ,. : - -.. lie served an a]i- e--hi] ' ' rs as a mac! iiort!\ ft'-l '. inls i le^an the study of the : iw, in : >': ': to th.e Pi : : d :,(!;;- McC 471 McC rebellion in is6i he enlisted ;is a private, C.eneral-, Meade and Reynolds. His ;md Mioii afterwards was elected M.ijor of fuiu-:;il na- lar^e'. v attended. He was tlu- Thirtv-iirst Pennsylvania \'<>hniteers buried at .M>u::t M<>nah cenieU-rv. (Second Reserve Regiment), and was sub- James McCanii, 1841. Lived mi seqtiently promoted t'> the col< nielcy of Sprnee street !>etween Fourth and Fifth. the regiment. After serving gallantly in He \\as a^eut of the I'u;>nt poudcr the h.ittles of Heaver I )ain Creek, dailies' mills. Mills. Charles City Cross Roads, and James MeCann, 1800. -Was a pro- other e!i-axcments, he was severely duce dealer and de i'.t largely ui'.h the wor.ndvd in the ^roin at the second iiattle West Indies. "f Hull Run. < >n his recovery he re- John McCann, 1881. Was born in joined his regiment at Sharpshiiru;. At Crai^anorne, Lanie, County Antrim. Ire- Fredericksbtir;.; lie led in the assault on land, J line 2^, iS;^. and came to America the enemy's works, and by his da>h cap- in Angus',., 1*71 , settling in Philadelphia lured an entire regiment the Nineteenth on the 15th s. devolved upon him while on the field, Michael McCarron, 1880. W,;- ai-.'i he led it ill tile Iiattle of ( lettyslnirn', liorn December i;, iS.jS. at Li>fanr.on, and at one staj^e of the liattie it hurled County Ilnne^al, Irel.ir.il. and c.mie \ hack t?ie enemy's advance, \\hich had Philadelphia, Ma\- 15. iSfrS. He i> in : he overcome brigade alter brigade. I (tiring house-painting and decnratinL;' hu-iiies-^. the winter of iS6;,, in the ahsence of He is a member of the Master Hui'.deiV (k-neral Crawford, lie had command of I''.xch:'.n.u'e, Master I'ainter>' Association tiie entire division of the l'enns\'lvania and Si. Philip's Literarv In.-titnte. Reserves. At Spottsylvania Cotirt-House ! William McCarthy, 1857. - -W. is a he was severely wounded in the hand and stone cutter at iv<9 Rid^e avenue, disabled from immediate duty. lie wa> < James McCartney, 1882. Wa> born shorilv after this offered a comiiiission as I)ecember 2;. i.S2u, in the parish of Ma- r>ri^adier-( '.eueral of \"olunteers. Imt de- harlin, Count\' ])own, Ireland, and came c'.ined it on the ground that it had not been to Philadelphia, May 19, 1X42. Hewas.i yi\'en to l;im lo;i^ belore because he was carpenter and bui'.der, and a Real K-'.ate an ar'leiit I)einoc:at in jiolitics, whilst Assessor for three }'ears, and a Cnstom> In- many others, who had done much less ' spector for five years. He resides at Logan -ervice, had been promoted from time to station, Philadelphia. lie is a member of time to be Brigadier-Generals and even the Carpenter's Company of Philadelphia M.iior ( .enerals. Recovering from his and of the Master builders' I-ixchan^e oiir.d an.l liein<, r honorably .li.schar.--ed, Charles McCaul, 1S80. -I- a i ar- lie re-umed tlie practice of the law. In penter and builder at ;22 North Mleveiith ;-,.,, },^. u - a ^ t-K-cteil State Senator and street. Ht-iiii! not return hi^ blank. >! two years, in is;i lie received Edward Dennis McCatiley, 1SS1. !emi icratic nomin.ition for \uditor- Is the son ol" I )<.-nnis McCauU-y and Ma;-y ra!ofpfiin>ylvania, but wa-, defeated. ( '.alla^lu-r. native- of Count\ I)o:ie-a!. 7'. lie \vas nominated for Secretary Ireland. \\ho i-ame to America in i s ;.;. 'irnal .\tfair>, of Peiin->\-lvania, and I Ie was in the llnnr aii'l .^i.iin eoiuim-.-ioi; lei ted and served his full term. After 1/iisiness, but now re-ides in .iiid i- in ::-.- from "tf : r r lie resumed the jirac- bn-ine-> at Camden . N. } . '.. in which he wa- engaged Cornelius Mc'Catilley. 18-10.- Wa- -nrvivin- c..mrade> Isaac McC'atily, IS'JO. - - Ha.i an oil- Pennsylvania Reserve As>oci.ai..n, elotli f.ict m.i'le of the administration i>n his estate uei'e ^rar.ted, e-teem in which he was held bv August 25, 17^5, to James 1). Henin.;. The McC 472 McC sureties were Barnabas McShane (1790) and John Taggart (,1790). Blair McClcnachan, 1790. Was a member of the l-'riendly Sons of St. Patrick i -ee page I J'i . O. E. McClollan, 1883. of Ilarris- hurg, 1'a. . is an officer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. lie did not return his blank. John McClelland, 1792. Was a broker at 22 Carter'- alley in 1793. Alexander McClcrnaii, 1888. Ts in ' lank. James McClintock, M. D., 1865. I'.orn April \ i Si ii), at Soudersburg. Lan- caster Co., Pa. His father, John McClin- ti k, wa> a native of County Tyrone, Ire- land, and his mother, Martha McClintock, \va-~ a native of Newtonstewart, County I Jerry, Ireland. His parents settled in Philadelphia in iSn. He was, in early youth, with his father in the dry-goods bn-ine~s at Second .'Mid New streets. lie afterwards studied medicine and grad- uated from the Jefferson Medical College in i>2y. Hi' remained in active practice almost continuously until his death. lie w.is a specialist in anatomy and surgery. In is.j i he was appointed Professor of Anat- omy in the Medical College at Castleton, Vt., .ind afterwards Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in a college at Pittsiield, Ma>-. Hi- returned to Philadelphia where, in iS47, he founded the Philadelphia Col- lege of Medicine, corner of l-'ifth and Adel]ihi streets. He was I lean of the col- lege and one of its professors, and in fact owned the whole institution. It remained in exigence until about iS^jor ^55. I >r. Mc/lintock took ;m active inti-rest in politic^, and served as one of the < iiiardians of the Poor in ! V 5'V He was City Treas- urer frotn iS6i to [--63. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic Order. He died < >c- tober 18, iSSi, and was buried in Ronald- Son's cenieterv. In Si i ''.ember, i v ;i, he married Mar\- W >od Smith, who died in i s 7~'. lie left surviving liim two dan^h- [ thrt-i ' ne > >f the latter, I ir. T. '' . P.. M' 'Clint' ick, 1 leiiiL; ::< >\v a pra ' Henry J. McCloskey, 1885. Was born October 30, 1838, in Dungiveu, Conntv Derry, Ireland, came to America in August, iS6y, and settled in Philadel- phia, januarv, \^~-\. lie is proprietor of a carpet-cleaning establishment. He was President of the Immaculate Conception T. A. r,. Society, and Secretary of the Shamrock Society, I. C. 15. I*., and is also connected with several building asM>cia- tions. Michael McCloskey, 1837. Was born in Ihmgiven, County Dcrry, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia August Jo, 1816. lie was in the curbing and paving busi- ness. He superintended the building of the then Catholic Seminary at Kighteenth and Race streets, and was connected with St. Joseph's and St. John's Orphan Asvlnms. lie took an active interest in the introduction of brown-stone for build- ing purposes, and built the first brown- stone residence in the city. lie died Oc- tober 21, 1861, and was buried at St. John's, Thirteenth above Chestnut street. William Joseph McCloskey, 1888. Was born in Philadelphia, September ~< lS 53- His father, Thomas McCloskey, was a native of New York, and his mother, P.ridget McCarron, of Philadelphia. He- is a teamster. He is a member of St. Michael's T. A. ?,. Society, l-'ather Mathew and Carrollton Clubs and the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute. James McChire, 1790. Was a broker at 9 Penn street in 1791. Letters of ad- ministration on his estate were granted, Novembers, i 794, to Alice McClure. The sureties were Joseph Russell and James Campbell. lie was a member of the Act- ing Committee of the Societv in 1703. James McClnre, 1826. --Was nn ac- countant at 32) Sassafras street when elected a member. William John McClurc, 1S81. W - born December 2. iSj.s, in Oarvagh, Conntv Londonderrv, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia when iS years of age, M.,y 19, iS'xJ. He i-- a broker in grorcrirs and other merchamlisc. lie is a brother-in- law of fame-- M. L'TL'ii-'in MS-; and ( leorire S. ! ' ;: i ind " '" \v of Willi.v:: K, !li : John McClusky, 1840. Was horn i Thomas McCormick, 1790.- \V.. -a I7 V 9 in Newtown-Limavadv, County nu-n.-h.uit at 53 Chestnut street in i7', early period in its history. Hewasacabi- ;.::.! u as hnricd in Old Cathedral ccine- net-maker in his early years ami an uv- terv. dertaker for more than twenty years He William James McComas, 1890. died March IT,, :Si\s. and was buried in !'.';:, :;; Philadelphia, April 11, 1857. He St. Marv's church yard, Fourth above is a hook-keeper. Spruce. He married twice, and left snr- AlcXiinder McConncll, 1870. Was vivinjj; him a widow and two children, lorn in County Tyrone, Ireland, and came ! One of his sons. Thomas 1',. McCormick. to Philadelphia in i.\,6. lie was a soap and was a member of the Philadelphia I'.ar. . . andle manufacturer at 1220-1230 Canal George W. McCoy, 1882. Was a street. He was a Director of the Keystone resident of 327 Marshall street at the time Hank and Consolidation Bank, and of the of his election. He did not return his Ilenefleial Saving Fund. He died Juiv, . blank. i>Si. John J. McConnell (iS,S5 ishisson. John McCoy, 18:38. Was a grocer John J. McConncll, 1885. -Son of at southeast corner Front street and Alexander McConncll (1870*1, was born in . Mcade's alley in i.^jS. He was a member Philadelphia, June 30, 1^53. Ileisamo- of the Acting Committee of the Society, rcH-i-o manufacturer. jS-jo-iS^, and 1857-1859. Matthew McConncll, 1790. Was a James McCrea, 1790. Was a mer- broker at 66 Chestnut street in 1791. In chant. His will, dated Au^r.st 13, i v :.;. i 7<.;4 h'.- was Caiitain of the "Volunteer and proved October 6, 1814, mentions his Greens,' 1 a troop of li^ht horse, foimin^ seven children, Klixabeth Jackson, and part of the Philadelphia I'-ri^ade ordered Jane, Mary, Hannah, Margaret, John and to Wi stern Pennsylvania to suppress the. Janus McCrea. William Davidson ' : "' -2 . Whiskey Insurrection. broker, Thomas Hale and John McCn-a Jolin G. E. McCorkcll, 1881. were appointed trustees. Was born Sejitember io, iS4d, in County James A. McCrea, M. D., 1SG5.-- I)oneL;.il. I'-eland, and came to America Was horn in Philadelphia. September 25, N'ev, York' May 29, 1871, and sailed in 1813, His grandfather wa? James McCre.i, I'liil.alr!]>h.ia in August of the s.-mu- year. of Slrab;me, Irel.nid. who came 1" Pliila- !Ie was for several years in the tea and delphia before tile birth oi Pr. McCrca's coi'iVe business at 818 North Second Street. f;ither, John McCri'a. He \\as active in t'jion the death of Philip Powell he was the State Agricultural Society, and the electeil Treasurer of the Society, and Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of served from I >ce. 3, iSs.j. to March 17, is^h. Agriculture. He was a meinb(.-r of tin- Mr. McC'orki 11 is .111 active member of the I'.oard of Health, and a Centennial Com- So.-ietv, and his service^s are in demand as missioner in 1^76 for the State o! Penn- a member of the Anniversary Dinner svlvania. He died lune 22, ;NNi. and is Committees i,f I he Society. linried in West I.;mrel Hill cenieterv , Davifi Mc-Connick, 1792. Treas- John McCrea. 1700.- Was a broker nn-r of the S<" iet\, 171/1 171)7, was a mer- at ;; \\'alnut street in 1791. Letter^ of chant on Sassafras -,i :vet in 1791. He was administration on the estate o! a John a im mber of the ! 'h da. vlph i.i Troop ( .f Mci'i'ea \\ere granted, August 29, I N K >, to " X'olunteer ('reeiis" in 17^;, (hiring the Jane I.e blanc. ,'hi-key Insurrection. We know n<.thin- Joh.n McCrea. 1810. W.-.s a n;er- luilher about him. ch.mt at Ii I '< ick street in 1 Si 'v !":< -A ill McC 474 McC of ]ohn McCrea. Jr., admitted to probate January 29, iS.jj, mentions his brothers, James A. McCrea and Thomas P. McCrea, and his three sisters, Anne, Mary and Hannah. George DeardorlV McCreary, 1889. Was born at York Spring village, Adams co., I'a., September 2S, 1846. He is the son of Rachel 1 >. and the late John !'.. McCrcarv. His early ancestors on his father's side emigrated to this country iVoni Conntv Tyrone, Ireland. His mother's family, the Deardorffs, were of (iennan descent, \\ho came to tin's countrv in 1729, and settled in or near i ',erinanto\vn. Philadelphia. In i.\j>. his parents removed to Trenioin, Schnvlkill co., \vhere his father beeame one of the pioneer coal operators. In rM>.| they set- tled permanently in Philadelphia, C.eorge 1 ). entered activelv into the coal business, and in iS~a became a partner in the \vh< nesalc coal (inn of Whitney. McCreary v\; Kemnierer. He is a Director in the rpper I.ehigh Co.il Company, the Ncsco- pec Coal Companv, the Pioneer Mining and Manufacturing Coin pan v of Alabama, llie I.ochiel Furnace Company, :md the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Com- panv. In iSNjhe assisted in organi/.ing the Market Street National Bank of Phil- adel{)hia, and became its first Vice-Presi- dent. 1 Ie was verv ]irominent as a mem- ber of the C< nn mil tee of One I In nil red in Philadelphia, and took a leading interest in its aifairs. He is Vice-President of tiie Sanitarium Association of Philadelphia, and also of the Franklin Reformatory Home. He is also President of the Penn- sylvania Humane Societv. and Treasurer of the Philadelphia Sketch Club, and is also a member of the Masonic organ i/atiou. Mr. McCreary has been a member of differ- ent committees which have been formed during the '. 1st fifteen years to relieve '.he distress occasioned in dilferent parts of the country by tire, Hood and disease, and has visiti-tl i;: ;.. :-on many of the localities MI lie rendered mo-4 el: aid. In i SpS he was married to a daugh- ter of the late William Howell, the prom- inent wall-paper inanufac'urer, and has four children two daughters and. two [ sons. Tn November, 1891, he was elected Citv Treasurer after an exciting contest, 1 and now occupies that position. [See | " P>iog. Album of Prominent Pennsylva- i nians," Third Si-ries, \\ ;.). J Bernard McCredy, 1810. Was born in Count}- Derrv, Ireland, January, 1775. lie graduatetl from the Dublin Univer- sity in his twenty-first year. He soon after came to America and settled in Phil- adelphia, where for three years he taught in a private >chool on Twelfth street near Chestnut. He then went into i!ie whole- sale grocerv business with his twin brother, Dennis McCredy ; iNih'i. but withdrew from the business two years afterwards and went into the manufactur- ing business. He is said to have estab- lished the second cotton mill in this conntrv. In iS.]6 he associated with him his son, Thomas McCredy. He was the owner of an extensive property ami several mills at Rockdale (now C.len Rid- dlei, Delaware co.. Pa. He died Novem- ber 29. 1.^54, leaving his sou surviving him, and was buried in St. Mary's church- yard, Fourth street above Spruce. He married, in earlv life, Martha Xewlin. a daughter of Dr. Nicholas Newlin, of Del- aware Co., Pa. Mr. McCredy served on tlie Acting Committee of the Society in 1^3, and on the Finance Committee in '\\5- [See " Penna. Kncyc. of biogra- phy," p. 1-2.] Dennis McCredy, 1816. Born in County Derry, Ireland, Januarv. 177,=;. lie was the twin brother of Bernard McCredv I lSi6). He died F'ebrnarv j ;. is.jo. In his will, dated August 5, iS;/3, and proved F'ebruary 2S, iS.jo. he mentions his sister, Jane; his wife, Margaret: his sons, Den- nis A., Jeremiah and John B. He be- queathed legacies to St. Peter's Catholic School, \Vihnin-ton, Del., and to St. To-eph's ( >rphan Asvlnni, Philadelphia. Dennis A. McCredv nS^yi was his son. Dennis A. McCredy. 18-'?9. Son of [)ennis McCredv- l.Si6 , was a merchant at 7 North Water street house, (> U'ash- ington siiare in i\;<). lie n-oli.ibl McC 47o McC William E. McCulla, lSS:3.-Wa< Philadelphia in is6i for three years. He en^a^ed in the cotton anil woollen waste was a member of the National Artillery, biisim-s-;. l-'ruju street above Arch. He Captain J> 'l:r. K". Murphy, in !>.;.} ; of the did !Mt return hi.-, blank. Wa-hin.ut' ;; l!"-e C<>mpanvin is.ii.and James McCulloch, 1810. AYa.s a ' was President of the or^ani/ation tuelve merchant at 43 Cnlli us hill street in isio. r>r fourteen yi-.-.r-, until the Paid I ; ire I)e- His \\iil, dated August 6, r>2y, and parttnent was onj,auv.ed. ] [e i- at present proved August 23, iSjo, mentions the Treasure: < >i : he Volunteer Fire A>-ocia- d. i.;. ^hteis d" N.iiicy, his sister, and of tioii of I'hila'leljil'.ia. \\\- \s is :i iTii-nil'er Ji'-'ph C.ilniore, Belfast, Ireland; Mrs. of City Count il fur \\Y-l I'liila-lelj.hia, r '. it'.i, his niere, near Market Hill, 1^5 -1852 ; ajjjiointi'd by Jud.^e \Vo< ,dward C'-untv Arni.i.uh, Lre 1 .a;:d ; John I'.Myd, < Guardian of tlu- l'<>r in t^>.;. fur three l':">I)ur^h ; j'^e;>h Ciihnore, nej'heu', years , and wa-- School I JJiertnr. Twenty- Miiflinco.; clill-iix-nof Samucl^IcCulioeh, fourth \Vard, f>r three vear>. He :- en- i;;-i,rother; WillianiMcCulloeh, hi> bro- X" ;i ^ c 'l i ;i the bnildinx business. At tla- thor, Minlin co.; Jud-e Thomas M. Ilaird, a^'e of 2J he was elected tn and was made hu-band of his luece, Nancy McCuIla ; Presitleiit f>f the School I'.oard of the Third Tiiojnas I!. 1) iird. \\"asliin^to;i. 1'a.; aiul Section, a position he held for three years. Ui-or^e McCi;iAich, ne]ir.ew, l.e\s i>town, He is a member of the Masonic or^ani/a- Pa. \Villi.nn Wilson, ;:ierchai:t i,rSi4), tion and of the Americn-^ Club. [See i:r,d T!:omas Stewart i 1819 were the ex- "Men of America, Ci'v Cinvcrnment." LC'.'.tors. Mr. McCullov-h was a member Pliila., iS^.^.; of the Acting Committee of the Society, | George Henry McCully, 1883. 1518-1819 and i sj 1-1827. I'orn in Pliiladelphia, November i>,, 1^.17. James A. McCullough, 1S90. \Vas He is a brother of William 1 : . McCully i 1 .. bu siiier'.s at ; i North I'ront street \vhen \ I^- S 4). He is a printer hv tra-ie. Hr %\as elected. a member of Common Ci'ur.c:! fur several John McCullough, 1882. AVa- born years. He is connected with the Masonic T-I t_v 17, !S.;. r . in Pliilaili-lphia. He was or^ani/ation and is a member of tl'.e An- tliesonof Vv'illiamandMaryMcCullou^h, cient Order of L'nited Workmen. Kni-hts :-. ,tives of Ireland. Dnrin.LT the war of of Ilirminunam and Order >f Sjiarta. tr.- rebellion hv enlisted in the i. S v vl Peiin- A!>o of the Americns Cluti and Andrcu ~\ Ivania \'olnnteer Re^nnient. and ruse to Jackson Club. Mr. McCully was ,.'.-o t::e rank of Captain. He was wounded Assistant Cashier in the Philadelphia l'o>t- at !;ee:/ Bottom, Va., u:">n August ;6, Otlloe. [See ''?,Ien of America. Cily ;-'>_}. lie \\a~ a member nf the Pe:;n-vl- (Government." Plnla.. 1S S 3-] vaniallouseof Representatives. iS7;, 1*74, William Frcelaiid McCully. 1SS4. and of Select Council from Tenth Ward, I'.orn December s, iS.;q, in Pliil.'.-iel- i v 7T--i.S>;, and wa>one of theCit'.- Mercan- phin. lie ;'- tlu- son of James ami Jane ti'.e Ap]>raisers. lie was a member of the 1'reeland McCully, also natives of I'hiia- M isonic ('irder and of the \'olnnteer I ; iiv- delji'nia. Hi-- ^reat-^randfather on his men's 1'uneral Relief As-,ociation. lie ; father's side was a native f Ireland. d:e-\;. (I'M! Vn'.untc-.-r I-'ire I ><.-;iart:::<-::t, a::d i'Ue i ii-i parents. James and Ann McCnllou^h, of the l ; ire C' :::n:i--i> >::er- in tile N\ \\ ". reborn in C"iiutv I.outh. Ireland, and hepartnient, i ^7" 75. and a-ai:i iVcm '. lied in Pliiladelphi i in IMS. He was Mav, is^-i, to t;:e ; resent time. Hellas '.ected C-:nmisMuner f Hi-hways by ;.'., been a S, !.,,: !>i:vr-,,r. He i- one V"> C'-uncil. July, 1^5^, for two ye.,!> ; of ihe ;,;:' .'.:-lie:'- "f ' '".e / ':'..''..; /.':.' ":':>: ..:-.'. n.':::'n -I Mail A-ent by the 1'o-fn :r tl'.e term -,\ !;i.cl: expii'e ! in : V M i . \\ ( \\\ to le irn t'a t-..'!e i :' pr<-- TTI.HI, and and Wa> elected, Ri 'i>'.er of Wi'/.S "f \\l.en lie ll.l'i m -.-'.eTi -i '.'": <.'-.." he \\ - MeC 47(3 McD placed it; ch irs^e of the press-room of the '; and remained as fore- -. .:: ::',:'. L-\>M. when he accepted a sim- .idvanci;;^ iVc ::: ; rcssman to business in mailer and part owner of that paper in : v ;; IK- i> a \\c'.l-kno\vii anil popular citi. en of Phila :. i] Ilia. Richard Patrick McCunncy, 1851. Was horn March ;;, iM2, at Ha'dyKo fav, Countv Donegal, Ireland. IK- arrived in Philadelphia in tiu summer of !\;j, and was eii^a.u'e i by Father Hughes, tlu-n pastor of St. John's Roman ,'atholic Church. afterward-- Archbishop of New York, to teach mathematics in a school he was then starting, called ::: \\ Ac. .' li :;'.'.. llr was afterward en in tiir ri :'. estate !>UMUC. wa-. Secret. irv of the Cathedral lUiiiilinjj Coiinnittct.-, and a I ii:vctor of tin.- Ik :u ficial Sa\ :::L Fund. IK- died [ami ir% :u. 1^5^. and was linried in i >'.''. Catln ilral . - nu terv. IK- was niar- Ki .:::. ni L- of Colonel Anthony C.ale, \vlii \\ - con>iii of Sharji I ).-] ny : ;< , . Tho::ia- II. 1 nei :- in trried one of his il .v.-h'.er-, and 1 ':'. Michael i i' Hara (INV, in irried another. James MeCtitc-heon. 1SG-1. Was horn ..' Neu ti :'. I-'.nK, near P.elf i^t, Ire- land. . nt :.'.'. and i anie to Anierii i .' - :':: in l'Ut>oiir-h. IK- re::;< ived to !':::' .. [':'.. :,< ahoul : :< ind \v,i~ (-. . . r :nan\- vears in the wlioli i-ali ' ' . ':::-. Hi u:i- in ; rt- iier-hiii with \\"i:lia:n C'ollin-- i x "i in th.e firm ; McCut< hei :; \; C'i illin-. Thev did ' : i:;< - on I : ront street a: ovi ' . '. ''..-'. liir.it a lari^i- wan-lii i;i*.i :::.' the : '' '.'.': :: tin y iid a lai'L'e con 1 .! witii the -ovi :-:.:::- ::1 ! : ' '. ' : r;. -, -.; and \\ ,- : ::: d i:, . ] II-.-.l d inetery. John McCutchcon, 18G12. W i- r in oil doll '. -:i X. Si- on : '.reel 1^05. Letters of aihninistratioii on his estate were granted Novelllher 30. 1X25, to Ann McPcrinott. Tile sureties \\ere I'hili'ji Smith, grocer, and Anthon\- ( V roves, merchant. A deed. lannarv iS. 1^24. record-- .1 i^rant to him of house, lot. wharf, etc., on east side Water >treet he tween IIiu;h and Mulberry streets. lie served on the Acting Committee of the Socit-tv, i ^ : j, [SiS, iS2i and i^jj. Martin Mc-Dcrmott, 1790. -Wa ii tin grocery liuNJm-ss at i'\sS. 1'ront street. Lette:> of aiiministratioii on his c-Mte were granted Se]item1ier 5, 1703, to Maria Mclk-rmott and I >avid Calia^'han (17^0 . (ii-orj^t. 1 Meade ' I ~<-j' > was one of the si'.re- Patrick McDcrmott, 18G2. We have no dellnite information concerning him. John McDcvitt, 183S. Was a mcr- challt at Jfxi \. Water street in I \ y\ John J. McDevitt. 1885. -War, horn in Philadelphia. Au^n-t 21. i\|n. His ]>arents, Cornelius and Marv McDcvitt, came from Count v 'f\'ror,e, Irelaiiil. lie was MejiutN' Sheriff from I S 77 to [Sso; nieml.er of Select Council from Twelfth \\ I from i ^ to i.W, : Chief Inite 1 States Weigher of Cn>tonis from [S.^6 to iSSS, ;md also Deputy Collector of Cn^tonis. IK- is a memher of the C.ilh- 1 lie Philopatrian Literary Institr.te. Americus Clr.h a::d of the Vonnj^ Men's 1 K inoi-ratio ASMX iatii m. IK- is i-n.y ._:'! : : : Kii'-i ness as a whi ilesale . r< 'er aii'l llour dealer, and manufacturer md retail shoe dealer. John Mac-Donald. 1800. Was in Philadelphia, NovcmU-r 15, is.^-. n-; s father \\ j- a native ol Scotland and his '.her \\ s a nativt- of Peniisv] \ p a : lescent. IK- i- a meml.i r of th-- di '.- .'ilia Dar. IK- ;* a nieml }-M\v ird McDcrmott, 180:5. \\' :-.' - : - i led at 7 I.od-i It. i -r. Ignatius McDonongh. 1825. W - chief! ed in ei innni>-ii in ] .>\: ;: McK -177 McG etc., with the New Orleans trade, and was !'. Havard, <>f Delaware, John Ru-sell largely eii^a^cd in transactions with Voting. ex-Minister to China. Don:;:- !'. I '.t-iri it.- (S: P.nrnM-le, then one of the leading M urph v. chief stem i^rapher of the t'nited Southern dry -i^oods houses. Stales Si.-n.tU-, Mavor S. 1). Hoifman, At- Jolin Joseph McElhonc, 186-1. lantic City, and others. I Ie k-i't a widow r.or:i in KeiiMii^t- -IK Philadelphia, in and several children. . of Iri-h parent-. He to-uduated from Ferguson McElwain, 1790. Wa- a John McEhvec, 1790. Was a at r -. S->uth serve- 1 on the Charles McFadden, Jr., 1888. -I> a lion he retained until hi- death. in member of the linn of McFadden >N: Co., ,\;/, born September 15, i\|i. near Parkc-bur^, and assisted the late Colonel Forney toes- Chester co., Pa. His father was a native tahh-h that journal. I Ie had a remarka- of Conntv Derr\-, Ireland, came to this ble lund of recollections of the threat men country in iS22, and settled the same of the countr\-, with whom, from his po- year in Chester county. Pa. The --on sition, lie wa- brought much in contact. settled in this cit\- in i >>'),,. He is a cattle Tlie di-cu--ion- of Con;^re>s were at his broker, and is a Director of the Third linkers' end-, and he had a wonderful National Hank and of the Mechanics' In- r'-colle-'tion of fact--. He was much surance Company. . nu-d by the mem'-ers of Congress, Abraham Joseph McGarry, 1885. an-1 aiti'.otudi oi'ten di fieri n^' in politics Was born December 25, iSj'i, in the from the m.>v>ritv, he was never threat- parish of I, isbnrn, County Antrim, Ireland, e;:cd with tvmoval. As a stenographer he and came to Philadelphia, Jnlv .), iS:^. \\-assaid t<- have noequal in reporting the He is a jiawnbroker at .|;7 \"ine street, debates in Congress. Suffering from ner- Juines Vincent McGarvey, 1SSG. von> prostration, he \\:!> removed from Sou of lames McGarvey, a native of Washington to Atlantic City, Ne-.v fersey. Counts- T\-rone, Ireland, was born in tlie in a special car provided bv the Peiin-vl- city f para.1v-.i-, lum- 17. iSijn, at uw.> South a builder and contractor. I'lrich A.Mc- Delaware avenue. Senator McAleer an- (iarvey i iS'jo is his son. Uli-ieh A. Mc-Garvoy. 1800. Son ,-e of Jam,--, V. M--r,. t rvey - isv,). his James Mc-Geoii-li, 1882. Was b,,::; in Tull\-'.i-h. County Antrim. IreL.nd, at St. Xichola-' Church, Atlantic Citv. M,:;<-'.\ :~- . i - [7. and cam,- \ P:;i'.a 1, '.; h! . j tine Jo. and !n- re tn a ins were br. m^ lit to ; :i [n!\'. : s ^ ! . He was a conveyancer and Phil.td' '.phi i. and interred in < >hl C.-.the re ii e-tate -h-aler. and \\.is T; ,- .:-nre: jjfi McMahoi: \\-\\. tic: i! So -ietie- for m ,n\ veais. He died ( let- -be; 2^. 1-- '.' -ITS Michael MeGeoy, 1859. Wa< a hou-1-keeper. I >ied i:i A: : :'. iS^>7. h-aving a widow. Klieii Mcdeov. surviving him. James McGinnis. 1884. Was born i:: County Armagh. Iivl.-.::d, Max. i v .o. and came in Philadelphia April 2, i.\s.>. IK- is a member of the Catholic Philo- n ainl Catholic Philomathean I.iter- arv Institute, ami oi several beneficial - -.-.! tics. H is an undertaker. Charles McGlade, 1830. -Is ahotd- -t hotel Mansionllouse i.n tiieisl md. John Mc-Gleuscy, 1SM5.- William McC.lensey 1*26'-. He was i : but lef: no children. lie hail a -:<-r. Mrs. H. W. Spencer, who re-ided in Paris P'r.mce. William McGlenscy, 1826. -Was a dry-LToods merchant. His will, !a! : rv 27, i ^ ;'i. and ] m ivi I [ami iry 22. :s; s . mentions h:s wife, Rebec. L ; his son. 'I'hn. and iii- -'an ;hter. Catharine A. ?>Ic- (Vieiisey. He was of the firm of Mc- mus i i. Wolff v is one of the w it nesses to hi- will; Morgan Carr i^-5 wa- the then Mr. McC.len-ey serve, i 0:1 the Acting Committee of the S- -. : ' . i > : - Cornelius J. McGlinchcy. 187-1. Was born in Philadel])hia, ( ictober 2 \ ; V,;. His father, J<.hn McGlin ::- y, -/, - . nativi of Countv Tvrone. 1 relaii'l. I b- : ~ :: t!:e u'ro ery ' in->iness in ?>!;::. He i- a I lirector of the M in i\ link P.ank , nt of tlie Manayunk '. : :;d '1're isurer and Din lor of PI me nd R ilway Com], my, Ed\vard McGlinn, ISCitj. W ! ' : nd : -' John' , N'ev, P.rnn ;.::. and - ul< : : :; ['1;:1 ' ' Fnly - . --.. He i-. in the .:. ..;.--. '.e M.,rke; Mic-hacl Mc-Glone. 1881. ' ' ; ,-::- -~. Hedid nol retm-n il ' -r-din McGovc-rn.1882. 1 of Rii-hard Molirann, 'hvi-asi-il, a \vell- known railroad I'o'.r.r.ietor, a nativi- of I: (.-lainl, \\ho t-mi^rau-d to Anu-rii-a in iNiij. He \sa-- educated at .Mount St. Mary's College, Ivmmet.sl)ur^ r , Md., and on the com] Irtio'.i of his studies devoted himself to a^ricnltnral jmrsuits. On his father's death he succenled him in the linn ''! Reed, Mclirann i\i Co., liaiiki-i>, in Lancaster. He is a lari^e tobacco _uro\\erin Lancaster conntv. v^ince 1870 he i: is been largely cnj^'a^ed in constrnc- ;"]ii:t)lic works in 1'ennsylvania an 1 other States. lie is one of the bnildei's of the Catawissa exten.sion to "\Yilliams- ] IT' ; and constructed a portion of J'.onnd I '.rook Railroad, from fcnkintown to tiie fersey line, including tlie bridge across tlie I k-la'Warc, and the 1'ittsbnr^h and Lake Hrie Railroad, froin Pittsburgh to Vounifstown. lie r'.>i>ks in Lam aster. Pa. He married, Januarv ^, 1^72, Mar\ - , widow of William I-'. Kelly (1X671 and ('laughter of Philip Dougherty, decease! 1 ., a well-known railroad contractor and banker of I Iarrisbur<(, Pa. John P. McGvath, 1882. Was born in Conntv Longford, Ireland, and came t<> Phi'.adcljmia about 1X50. lie learned the machinist trade at Norris's locomo- tive --hops, and about J \=;iy went to Cuba. where he remained about twenty years a> er mechanic (overseer) on a planta- in >!i. I !e returned to Philaiieljihia was eiiLT.i.Ued for smile time in manulac- - cotton and woollen ^' Is in Phil- lelphia, and was a I (irector in the Me- -' Insurance Comjiai v. lie was a mi mher of the 1 -'in a nee Committee of the S' ii ' \ . i v- j - 1 v ^>. Robert Mc-Gruth. M.D.. 18 15. Was 1 !- dii : in i-'ebriiary, , >'ih. Robert H. Mi'C,i-ath 1^75 isliis --::. K<-'bert Hunter McGrath. 1875. L-I of tin Ph.il ' . i: .:. 1 not ;:k. William V. McGraii-,. I860. Me I ated from the Central Hi-h School. Fpon leaving sch'ml he became a clerk in a mer- cantile house. In i.\s; IK- was appointed Assktant Apprai-er of tlu- Port, and lilled that po-ition until the expiration ot Presi- dent I'k-ree's term in March, i\S7- He was Citv Trea-urer, 1^57 I- S 5'<; a member of l IK- Hoard i>f (luardians f tlK- 1'oor, iS(*>-iX>}, and Statr Treasurer, 1.^03. Thi- was hi- last public office, but for many vears, in lad umil the- time of his death. IK- was a prominent figure in Dciu- ocratic politics, citv. State and national, and \sas a I 'elevate to L!K- Democratic National C< >nvenlu >n- of i sn.s and i ^7(1. An uncompromising party ni.in IK- was noted \r tiK- jirobitv cf his i-haractt-r ami tiK- C'i:i>i--tc!it. k-arl(.-ss advocacv of h:s j>nn- cij>k-s. IK- was a staunch fV:.-!;d, and liis ^vord once- i, r ivt-n \vas nc-vt-r brnkt-n. As a c<>nsc-qiK-!NV his inlliK-ncc in jiolitics was \\-rv irrrat. Ik- was OIK- of tin.- jiroit-ctors of I!K- I "nion l'ass(.-nt;'cr Railway Coni]>an v, and was its I'rt-sidriit from its inc'orjior::- t'lon until its purchase' bv tin.- svudicatt- \vhirh no\\ owns it. Ik- ivtit\-d \\i-alth\-, and livL-d to enioy his \vi-alth until Ajinl 14, i^ x 5, wln-n IK- died at Cain- M.tv, X. J., wlK-ru IK- had i^om- for his iK-altli. I k- K-ft .! \\ido\v anii clr.Mn.-n vnrv'U-in^' him. James McGruw, ISSf). AVas born in I >uwninL. r town, ClK-sUT co., 1'a. , Nov. 19, ;>>5ij. II':- ] .'.:\-:\\- were- natives cf Countv James McGuckin, 1882. N in tlie I'linnbinLT business. He did not return hi- blank. Owen Mc-Gurk, 1882. Was born in Ch.mioi! Rock, Col'.nty Tynnii-, Ireland, : : nd came to I'hiladelphia in Mav, i^'-7. He was i n .In- liqnnr bnsine-s. Ik- died I >eceniber 7, ;SS^, and was buried in Ne\v Catlle.lral renietery. Alexander Robinson McITenry, 1811. AVas the son of Janu-s Mclk-iirv, M H. ':Sv . and brother of Ik-or-e M - J!. nr\ :-r . He wa< a dry -mud- ini- yo'-'er aii'i later in the general export b".^;ne--. and \\\a- at one time 1're-ideiit of he \\Y-t Cln-ter and Philadelphia Rail- road Com; any. He died April i i. 1^7:. and was buried in the South Laurel Hill Cemeterv. George McIIcnry, 1S4S.- r.om i a I'hi'.adelphi.i. No\. 5, lS>.}. was tile -oil of I )r. [amev Melk-nrv > i^^h , and lin >ther of Alexander Mi-Henry (1.^41), members of the Siik-iety. He \sasakoa bro-Jler of J;uiu-s Mi-Ilt-nrv, the .L;reat l ; .n-li>h illlan- cier aii'l railroad man. llelbri- theuar in i^!>i IK- built the handsome residence near Darby, Delassare Co., 1'a. , afterwards the propertv and. dwelling-place of Co.loiiel Thoma> A. Scott, and -till o\\ned b\ I'.is \vido\s. He was en^ai;ed in the .-hip- ping and L;'eiie:-.il export bll-iness. He w;.s an able writer and \srote many polit- ical articles. He \\a> an inlluelitial I leinocrat. Shortly after tile \\ar bewail I'.e \vellt tii Kn;_;''and, \\llere he \\a- sup- posed to have acted as an a^ent o[ tl'.e Confederate ^ovt-rnmiMit. He 'lie'l Nov. S, iSSo, at Darby, Pa., and was linried in Kin^-essin- Churchyard.* )1<1 Darby Road. James McIIcnry, M. D., 1S:?0. Was born in I.arne, Connt\- Antrim. Ire- land. December 2<>, 17\=>. ar.il came to America [Baltimore, Md. in November, iSi6. In 1^24 he settled in Philadelphia, where he was a physician, and was also a drv-i;'oods merchant. He was a contributor to the American (httu icrly /\V:vV:v from is^7 to iS;,7, and author of " The Wilder- ness," a novel ; "O'Halloran, the Insur- -ellt Chief;" "Hearts of Steel ;" "Tr.e 1'leasures of I-'rielidship." a poem, and 'The Anteililnvian," a poem. At : ':: ''.inner i^'iveii in Ma\\ iSj;;. by the c-.f./t u-. of Philadel]ihia. to celebrate the pa- of Catholic I-jnancijiation in Irel.iv.d, a ]ioem. uritu-n b\ Dr. Mclleiiry, wa- re.id as p:;rt of the exercises. He was 1'ir.ted of hi-, death. \\!llC!l ocCUrfC'! ,,t ;...:i:e. Ireland, July 21, iV t ,S. Akx.r.rier R. Mclk-nrv IMI and tk-or^e .Mclleiiry i > ; '^ \\ere hi- sons. James MeTllienny. ISl-'k W - di-tiKi r at 50 Soi-.th Tenth str; . : n ', - : : Francis Mcllvaine, 1S(M. William Mcllvaine, 180S.- W.,- a William Mcllwain. 1SOO. I- a Me I -ISO McK Patrick Mclntco, 1809. We have nothing definite concerning him. Joseph Bordcn McKean, 1802. Son of Chief-Iu-tice Thomas McKean i I ~i/i , was horn July 2S, 17^}. Ile^rad- Clerk of the Assembly, and was re-elected the following year. In i~t->2 he was ap- pointed by the Assembly, in connection with C:esar Rodm-v, to codify and print "Scharf ,Sc Westcott," \"ol. 2, p. Thomas McKean, 1790, the first President of tlie Hibernian Society, was a Constitution for the United States, 1,\- which the small States were <'iven a:i equal voice in the Senate, but not in the born March 19, 1734, in New London, Ches- | House. The nerve and ability displaved r co., !',,. Heuas the son of William by him in the Congress of 1 7*15 procured McKean and I.actitia Finney, both natives for h.im the warm approval of hi- con- C)f Ireland. He >tndied law in the oilice stituents ar.d a nnaninions vote of thanks of his kinsman, I >avid Finnev, of New from the Assembly. I: in-v.^d al.-o !;is C istle, I >ch, and not long after commcr.c- ra]iid rise in public preferment. In ; ::h>. i::g his studies he was engaged as Clerk 171)5, he was appointed by the C.overv.or to the I'roth.onotarv of the Court of Com- sole Notary and Tabellion Public for tl; mon Pleas for the County of New Cattle, lower counties of Delaware, and in th I >el. Two '.ears later he was made I u-p- sanie year he was commissioned a [nsMce uty Prothoiiotarv and Register for the oi ihe Peace aud of the Court of Onarte: ; il . of sviils. Before he was t \veiitv- Ses-inn-, for tlie County of New Ca>tle. . -ar> of age he was admitted to prae- He was upon the bench vhcn it boldlv . .n'i^nons counties of Penn^}'lvania. In to proceed in their n^na! dntie-,, u-ing he wa< ajijiointed I )ejinty Attorney- / ' />../ i: Th: - is dccla'vd to i Veneral to prosecute th^ pleas in the have been the lir--t cotirt in an\- < I ' t :: ;:it\- of Mi^-ex, I)e1., whii h duties lie > o'.nnies uhich :-- -ne'i -: h in order. In r'.i rin d !or t\\ n ' rs, -.-, In n hi 1, In i 75 S lu: wa-< admitted to pr, ipr me O iiirt of Peiin^v'^ uii and in th.e same vear \s i-. elect colonies ulncn :--i;e' : SM, i; , n , , r , ; ; , th.e A - < ml ilv a] i ; .nt'.-d h.im is :' - . n', to ]u-oceed to NYu York and mak" i ipii oi all document-' re! ''::.' to ihe titles to real-estate in 1 >ehr,\ ire, \\ !'." early settlements had been made under : was a prime mover in -ecuring the passage the tli iii ii nic in of a go\ eminent and courts < '' resolutions lavora'ue to, ;md urging the siring in New York. These copies were adoption of. a Declaration. The regiment by l.iw made of equal validity with the of Associator-, , ,f winch he was Colonel, original records. In 1771 he was appointed pa -cd a similar resolution. IK- wa- al-o Hi- M.'.'Y-tv's Commissioner of Customs Chairman \ the Committee of I:ispect:o:< ! I'hi'.a i At this time he wa- re-i'!i:i- in I'hil.idel- , j^ress and a ConnnHtee of Safety of i'e::::- ]>hia, but hi- old constituents >all claimed sylvania, that the a.-vociated niili'.i i who him as their own, and he accepted their could be turnished with arm- -:;.'. 1 ; ; i-hoice, and thron-huut t::e w!;o'.e jieriod CULM 1 without delay to New ju-r-ey, 'Ju-re of the Revolution and until after the to remain until a living camp of teti tho'.i- si^nitij; of the treaty of peace, a space of sand men could be formed to relieve them. Congress, though residing in IVnusylva- t" 1'erth Amboy, to the -upport of Wash nia. With the exception of one year he ington. As had been previously arranged, served continuously throughout the Revo- as -0011 as the living camp was recruited, lution. During this period lie devoted him- it took the place of the Associators, and self to the American cause. Hewaspartic- they returned home; McKean re-timing f.l.irly useful in conducting the negotia- his seat in Congress, and affixing his name tions of the secret committee charged with to the parchment copy of the Declaration procuring arms and ammunition from which had been generally signed on Au- abroad. and in managing the monetarv af- gust 2. during his absence in c mi p. t'po:: fairs of tlie new nation. He was of the his return liome he found that he had been committee which drew the Articles of Con- elected a member of the Convention for federation. The Declaration of Independ- forming a Constitution for the- State of euce found no more active advocate or Delaware. He accordingly departed :' r f.rm supporter than Mr. McKean, and. lie Newcastle on the second dav after arri vir. _ v. is among the -igtu-rs of that immortal home. Immediately upon his arrival. ,: document. When the preliminary vote ter a fitigui:ig ride, he "was waited upo;: was t.tkcu upon Jf.lv 2. I77 !v , all the hv a com.:nittee of gentlemen who r--- States dc< lared ill favor of it except quested, him to prepare a Constitution Pennsylvania and Delaware. The latter To this he consented. He retired \> his State had three members. Mr. Me- room in the tavern, sat up all night, and Kean voted for it, Mr. Read, voted again. -t having prepared it without a ho,.l. . ; .;-.- i', and Mr. Rodnev was absent. See- assistance whatever, presented it .-.'. ten ing th.at the vote of his State was likely o'clock the next morning to the Couven- to be lost, McKean sent a messenger tiou. wlu-n it \\.:s unanimously adopted. at iii- own expense, postha-te. to sum- Thi- manifestation of abi'itv to perform moii the absent member, who arrived in herculean labors brought him an i v-ile- I'.nie to vote tor the measure, thus varietv of public employments, a:: 1 thc-e carrying the State in its fa\-or, and some not confined to one Sta'.e. I't'on fu'.s j-. o! tlie oppo-;u^ member- of the I'enn- 1777. he was tendered tin- ouice of Chief --Ivania delegation absenting themselves, Justice of Pciiu-vl v.mia. and w a- prc- :he vote was linally made unanimous. vailed upon to .uvcpt it. He continue '. In a convention of deputic-. iVom the to fulfil the duties of this office fo; the several counf.es ot Pennsylvania, as- l<>:i'_; i criod o! twe!it\-two \ear-. It \\ .- sembled in Carpenter's Hall, I'hiladel- during this period that he w.-.s el; cte 1 l>hia. in June, 1776, he was chairman, ainl President of the Hibernian Society nvon :;i McK 482 McK its formation in 1790. During 1777 he acted as President of the State- of Dela- ware, so that, in addition to being a mem- ber of Congress and Chief-Just ice of Penn- svlvania, he was at the same time the Chief Magistrate of Delaware. The Brit- ish armv was now occupvuig Philadel- phia, and to escape their pursuit he was obliged to move his family five times in a ;'ew months, and at last fixed them in a iiitle log-house on the banks of the Sus- quehanna. He was obliged to remove tliem, even then, on account of the incur- sions of the Indians. Upon December ~,S, 17^), he wrote to the Legislature of Delaware asking to be excused from fur- ther attendance' upon Congress on account of his inability to perform so manv duties to his satisfaction, but they re fused to ac- cede to his request, and upon Julv 10, i7Si, he was elected 1'rcsideiit of Con- gress. He served in this position until November i, when he was relieved at his own request. The iieriod during which he was Chict justice of Pennsylvania was one of the most important in the history of the State. The country was in the midst of revolution when he came to the bench, laws were unsettled, and new inter- pretation ^ of law had to he made. Am DHL;' other important matters ho had to con- sider the forfeiture of the Proprietary pos- sessions. Mr. Mc.Kean was mncd lor the great prudence aii'l wisdom of his rulings, and as being fullv equal to the threat task. In I7S7 the Constitution of the I'm ted States was submitted to the several Stales for ratification or rejection. Mr. MrKean was a member of the Pennsylvania Con- v.-ntion, and took a leading part in i'.s ad' pptii in. In i 7^9 he was a leading mem- ber oi the convention to Irame a new Con - lil i> - he be!- >ngv d to the h< iol ol which Thom. i^ [ i iti-rsi 1:1 was the i hlel e\]ioiHT,t. lit created mucllex- i ;teim r.t and :: ' ] roSit !i 1 1 enemies !iy . - : : I tic.d o; iponents '. n ::; I offices, which he filled with adherents of his own party, and warmly defended the principle involved, although where occa- sion required lie did not hesitate to nomi- nate lor office those who differed from him in political views. He was twice re- elected Governor. During his third and last term party feeling ran high, and he made manv political enemies, and articles of impeachment were preferred against him, chieflv allegations of political of- lences, but they were never brought to tiial. I'pon the expiration of his third term, December 20, iSo.s, he retired alto- gether from public employments. He- died June 24, i Si 7, aged eighty-three years, and was buried in the grounds of the Presbyterian church in Market street, Philadelphia. Of Mr. McKean's character none knew better than his great compa- triots. Thomas Jefferson said of him : "He was among the soundest and most x.ealous of the republicans with whom it has been my fortune to act through life." And John Adams, in writing to Mr. Mc- Kean's son, said: "Your father and Ca-sar Rodney were among the Patrick Henrys, the Christopher C.adsdens, the Thomas 'effersons, the Samuel Adamses, the Roger Shermans the best tried and firmest pillars of the Revolution." In the course of his life Mr. McKean was a mem- ber of many learned societies and associa- tions. In i7Si the degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon him by the Col- lege of New Jersev, and in 17X2 by Dart- mouth College, N. II., and in 17.^5 by the I niversit v of Pennsylvania. I le was mar- ried twice. In Julv, 1763, he married Marv, the- eldest daughter of Joseph Bor- der., of I'.oideiitown, N. J.,who died .March, 1773, in th.e twenty-ninth vear of her age-, leaving two sons and four daughters. rpon September 3, I 77.]. he married Sarah Arnnta-e, of New Castle, Del. Five children were the offspring of this union. His \\ill, dated August 13, iSi.}, and proved June 2~ , iSi7, mentions his wife, Sarah ; Ir.s sons, Joseph Borden McKcan iS<>.' and Thomas McKean liSo^i ; hi' granddaughter, Marv McKean, on!\ child Ai;drcv Pettit, husband of his decused MCK 4s:-> M..K daughter. I".i.-..beth ; his daughter, I.ae- trim. and Sar.,h H< >\ d. a native of Ki'.ly- tilia P.uchana::, \\idow of !>r. (',eor<_;e he.u. County I>on. ua- born in Ireland, I'.r.chanar.. of llu'timore. M.I. ; Su-.nnia. August |ii, 1 71/4, ami r.inu- to America in Marv, Thomas McKean ami An:: !',u- October, i ^h. landing in New York, and hanan, four children of his daughter, went direct to Has 1 ., m. Pa , \siu-re his nnele, Ann Piuchanan, deceased; his daughter, Thomas McKie-: . i N . ; , \sh<> came to Sarah Maria Theresa. Marchioness deCasa America alion'. i;\}, was Ca>hk-r of the Vrujjo ; his dan^liK-r, Sojihia Dorothea. H.^Lon I'.. ink. The f<>K"um- Aj'ril hi- and his grandsons, Samuel Mik-> MrKi-:-.n, eanu- to 1'hilaiU-ij'liia, and i-arrii-d "ii the Tlioinas Mi-Ki-.ii: I'vi'.it. Mi-K-.-a:: l'\\- watchmaking ' ' .-:::e f. >r forty three Cli.i:k~ I'(.rd:n;.nd \"r'..i;" II1 '' Hi-:: r\' stalled in eotl >n inanufaeUiriii^ at I*a^t. .} ; until his death, which, occurred at his Armor's " Lives of C.overuors of Penusvl- residence, No. J<>5 N. Sixth >;reet, Au;4U-t vania," Norwich, Conn., I- S 74 ; " I'io^rajih- 24. iSSy, at the a^e of ninety-lire years. ical Ihicv c'.opcedi i <'f !'ennsy'.vania," ;i. I Ie had two sons, who uere gallant -< 'Mieri loo; etc.] ill the late war. One of them, Henry, Thomas McKean, Jr., 1803. Son Colonel of the Highly-first Pennsylvania McKean (1700, was born No- Regiment, was killed at the battle oi Colhia and followed no profession, but was ately wounded at Shepherdstuwn, from the private secretarv for his fatlier wliilc- the effect- of \\hich lie -ubseijuen;' v ilied. latler \vas (roverncir of Pennsylvania. Hi- At the time of Mr. McKecn's death he was ;qi]iointed Adiniant-( ri-ner:i! of the was the oldest member of the Hibernian State militia. ju":y 23. iSoS, and lie 1 ..! that Society. He took a lively intere-t in its office three years. He die'! May f,. 1*52. affairs, and furnished to the writer of this IL- married, September ;;, iS(.^. Sarah volume much valuable information con- C'leinentina Pratt. daut;l;ter of Henry cernin^ the members, even calling at Pratt, a -hi].; i;:- merchant of Phi lade!- the writer's office, in response to letters pina. They '.etl four ch.'.lilri-u, He:ir\- ,>f in(|uirv, although at the time uj>\\',ir'is Pratt McKi-an, Sarah. An;; McKean of ninetv \'ears of au;e. Mrs. Trotti; !'.'.: abeth Dundas McKean Tliomus McKccn. ISO-'l. -W.is born ;.Mrs. A. M. P.oriei; and Clementina in the NVrth of Ireland, near r.allytnena, So])h:a M.-Ke;.n Mrs. i. harlcs I,. June 27, f~f>$- In the twentieth yi-ar of boriei. [Sic "Record of the McKean his at;e he iMui-rated to America, and Family. "j settled near I Iar'.-vi"e. I'ricks eo., Pa.. Thomas McKcc, 18-10. Tlioniasand where he en-a.^ed in teachin-, having XVi'iliam McKee ;S.J5 \vt-reinqvorti-rsand received a finished I-'.n^lish ami m.ithe irv-'^oo'is Tiierchaut-. Th.e will of Tliomas matical education at home. In a short MeKce. William McKoc, 1845. \Va- .,-.u-i ated with Thomas McKee 11^40 in the :inn of William McK ( \- C"., -Iry j^oo.ls im ])' irli-rs, I , anil has " Keen I.S22' was his nephew. [See Ser- been ill active practice since that lime, nion bv Rev. John Gray, I). I'., Pastor He is prominent in local Republic m poli- I-'irst Presbyterian Church, of Kaston, on tics, and in iSSS was a Presidential K'ector. decease of Col. Thomas McKc.iii, Phila., ' He is a member of Masonic Order, Inde I S 5^.] pendent Onler of Red Men, Caledonian Richard McKcnzic, 1816. Was in Club and St. Andrew's Society. [See t'u- saddlery business at ,v> South Third " Hio^r. Album of Prominent IVnnsyl street. vanians," second series, p. 227.] Charles McKeone, 1880. Was born ' Archibald McKinley, 1884. --Was March 24, iS2,;, at Killashandra, County born April 21, i.S2y, at Bailey Castle, Cavan. Ireland. lie emigrated to America ' County Antrim Ireland. He landed \\hen twenty-five years of ajjc, landing at ' in New York in May, iS-.o, a!id set- New York, Fnne .;, iS.jS, and settled in tied in June in Philadelphi;'.. He is Philadelphia the 1 7th of the sam, month. eni;a^ed in the grocery business, in past thin\ years he has been an \\hicl; he first stalled as a retailer, but has i- . -,i ::.: manufacturer of oil, s,.aps and lieeli in the wholesale line for the l;i:-.t ( inil'.i v Mr. Mi Keoiie is now a resident t \\er.l \ years. He is a nu-in'i--r of the of Yillanova, Pa. Wholesale Grocers' md Importers' l : .\ James MeKeown, 1882. Was born change, and oftlu- Citi/eiis' Municipal As I ; ebruarv 2, iS^j, in the Parish ofT\'nan, sociation. Townl.iinl of Rathcumber, County Ar John McKnight, 1827. We have no n; '-jii, I :<'. ::i 1. [ le emigrated to America iletlnite information co: - :: . :. -. '. i;m when thirl , landing at Phil Robert John McKnight. 1SS?.. adelph ; He is a liquor Was horn August 2, :.S;M He is a son of dealer i: 1752 N. Ninth street. He is a Robert McKni-ht, L n itive of New- inembi-r of the Irish National I .-;.': of : .\\ n I.imav idd \ . Com ;\ he; v, [relam', Anu-ri. ; md Treasiirei of St. Ivlu..:!'- iml of Margaret McKni-ln i t'^eof Benefn : il Society. , I'.elfast, Ireland. H - is ,i '.] - .:; 1 -: tin merehar.t at 2:1/1 and 2!nS Market -treet. ' and re-elected for a seet.ud term at the last Hi.- i- a member of the Fir-t Regiment of municipal election, Febru.trv, 1.^92. He IVnn-\ ivania National (iuaril. a;iocietie>, and an active I nited Workmen a::il I'liion Republican member ' f St. Michael's T. A. H. Society, Club. IK- i- al-o .1 School I >irector in tlu- ami of tin- Iri-h Catholic benevolent Ti :-th Ward, fnion. Frank McLaughlin, 1864. \Vas in John McLoughlin, 1790. Was ,t tin- printim; bii-ine-- \\ith hi- brother, merchant. IK- died November 2;, 179;. 'h:: McLaughlin, and for many years lie Letters of administration on In- e-t.-te lias Keen chief } -roprietor of the 1'hiladei- were granted, November 27, 171*.;. to John phia /'.-/:'; fe Ta^^art : ~i/> . He was a lllelll'ier of tile Jeremiah McLaughlin, 1865. Was Acting Committee <>{ tiu- Society in 17..^. ?'-r:i I)ecem!>er, iS.^, it; tlu- parish of John Mc'Loughlin, 1814. W.i- iiiar- rri:ey, Countv Iione^al, Ireland, and ried in Ch:ist Church, May iS, : 7^9, to rame '<> I'liiia-lelphia in Novemher, i s 5.v Ann 1'einiock. IK-w.i- probahly a;i inn lie is in the wholesale liquor business at keeper who kept the City Hotel, ;^7So;nh !j;.^ Market -tr. et. lie is a member of Second street. the Celtic Society. John McLoughlin, 1867. Wa- born Thomas Notlcy McLaughlin, M. l-'eliruary 20, 1826, in the parish of M.i^i'.- D., 1SS6. Was horn in Washington, I). !:.u r an. County Derry. Ireland, and came to C., August I' i. i sAi i. His father was a Philadelphia May 12, 1,^5:, when bin 5 native of York, 1'a. He set '.led in 1'hil- years of a.u'e. On leaving school he was adelphia, Sejitember, ISS2. and is eii-a^ed emjiioyed with J. C. Gruhb .S: Co., whole- in the practice of medicine. He was lect- sale dealer^ in guns and hardware. 7:2 nivr on i!eri!:a*nlogy a.t the National 1'ni- Market street, and in a few Years became versiiy. me'hcal depa: tnieir. . an-1 ]ih.\>: a member of the firm. a;nl n;ion the death cian in ch.arge of the Washington I >is of Mr. C.rubb became the lu-ad of the jieiisary f-r Skin I 'isear-es. He is a mem- house. IK- was Ouarterniaster-Serueant tier of the Washdngton Me.lical Society, of Hattery !,, Gray Reserve-, duri-.-.g its \Va>!iin:j 1 -on Me'iic.'.l A-soria.tioi:. of the campaigns of '.sr>2 i s h;,. a::d was after- Alumni A.-sociation, Columbian Iniver- ward Lieutenant. He has been for many sitv ami o; ;];e Ahmini Association of years proniiiifiitly identified as a private Illockley, am! ;s now rhysician-in-Chief citi/.en \sith municipal ;itTa:r-, being a i,i tlie I'!ii!;ukl]ylva I ) .-ember, IV,", -t Piallymoney, Coimtv ences, I'airmonnt 1'ark Art A--o.,-;a*i,ni A::trim, Ireland. lie came to America and other bodie-. In i XS J lie pub:i-!ied \\heii but i .S years of age, landing at New a " Memoir of General ! lector Tynda'.e" York :ipon Ja::-.:ary 20. ! ^h'>. and settling Pierse McLoughlin, 1S(55. \\' - i!'. eru a nl. II'- i; - been :! the employ pe: ar\ . Ireland, and came to Philadelphia o:' the I'lii! iileiph: :u:d Reading Railroad in :\r'. l ; or a ; >out twelve year- h.- kept for ni"!e th.. ; :: t v. etit\ vea:-. 1 eir.^ dis a milliv.erv an! while goods --"!L on p.itv her at llu * '<>:;. .!:; \-'- freight -taiion, Ki-j;;th -' reet . a-:d \s a- afteru ard- . . v. '.-.. 'le- !':-"" and N. .' 1, -:-..: -. ! ie v a- el- vied sale dealer in furnishing goods on North 1" Conmi'.:. I ..n.-il i:: !\b-;r.r;., is,,., Th.ird street ..r.d. in the jobbing elo-.h trade. McM McM i:i Strawherrv street. For the last few \ears he has been a broker. Henry McMahou, 1824. Was a storekeeper at i 18 S. Fii.yhth .street in 1824. (",eon_;e W. McMahon iS^M i> his SDH. He was a nieinlier of the Acting Committee- of the Society, 1835 is^j ami 1^53-1854. George W. MeMahou, 1838. We have no (iefinite ir.iormation concerning him. except that he was for many -years active in municipal politics. He is a son of Henry McMahon (16241. Hugh McMahon, 1833. \Vasu mer- chant. \Ve know nothing further con- cerning him. Charles Ambrose McManus, 1871. Son of Francis McM.inus .,1857', was born in Philadelphia, ( (ctober b, i-\)y. He was educated at Si. Marv's College, Wil- mington, Del., and Roth's Academy, Philadelphia. In 1X72 lie associated him- self uith Rol>ert I.auLdiiin iiS73iin the firm of I.auLrhlin X: McM'. inns, bankers business. The only public office held hv Mr. McMan.Us was t'nat of F'ire Commis- sioner. He is a member of the Americns Club anil Columbia Club, and was Secre- tarv of the Hibernian Society. September '7- : S 77 -March 17. 1879. Francis McManus, 1857. Was born July 3, [Szo. in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., 1'a. His parents were from County Fer- managh. Ireland. lie remove-. 1 to Phila- delphia in i8;y, uas a carpenter, builder .in.d contractor for public works, and built in I-V> the first passenger railway in Philadeljihia the F' rank ford branch of the Fifth and Sixth streets line. He- was one oi' the contractors in building the North Pennsylvania Railroad and was also interested in building the first bridge o ,..-; the Sclmylkil! at C.irard avenue. He was District Commissioner before consol- idation, S' boo] Director, member of the I of Sclioi il Contr !, meinl < : .f i'- nn- nion C'oimcil. I- S 57 :' -"-, and member of the State Legislature, [S r >2 1^64, also Di- : ' - . ']:-.-::: er and Pre.-.iilen1 oi H-\"er.d u societies lor ^onie ihirt\- vears, tor of the Km^iii^ton National Bank nd i Di: the I'.ei Saving 1'uiiii, Twelt'th and Chestnut. He was one of the or^aui/.crs in 1885 ami afterwards President, until within a year of his death, of the Mechanics' F'ire In- surance Company. lie died at his res- idence. !4iyN. HiLditeenth street, Septem- ber ly. 1 V V). Charles A. McManus 11871) and Francis McManns, Jr. (i^^j), are his sons. Francis McManus, 1861. -lie died December, 1805. leaving a wife, F.llen McMauu.s. and a son, Francis I). Mc- Mamis. Francis McManus, Jr., 1882. Son of Francis McManus '18571, was born June 12, 1854. in Philadelphia. lie is a printer and stationer and manufacturer of blank books at No. 29 N. Sixth street. Mr. McManns is an active member of the Society and has rendered valuable service on the Anniversary Dinner Committees. Patricias McManus, 1888. Was born in Pottsville, Pa., November 22, 1847. His father was a native of County F'er- mana^h, Ireland. He is a railroad and genera! contractor and is a member of the Catholic Club. Patrick McManus, 1865. -Resided at Fleveiith and Race when elected a member. Roderick A. McManus, 1886. Was born in County Cavan, Ireland, December 25, ;\vl. He arrived in New York, March 20, 1867, and settled in Philadelphia, March 2.S, [868. lie is : n the fruit and produce business. Twelfth Street market. David McMcnamin, 1881. -Was born October 31, 1.830, in the townland of Helix, Parish of Donagheadv, Conntv Ty- rone, Ireland. He came to Philadelphia, : ), 1852. I : or a time he was i^old mining in California. I'pon his return to Philadelphia he en-.i-ed in the grocery less and is now a commission nier- chan! in canned ^oods and dried fruits at 2 S. Front street. lie is a member of the Philadelphia City Institute and of the Cirocers' and Importers F.xchan^e. He has been a correspondent of the (i>\'n'i'i'y .'.' i ' ' since 1887 and of the .\UT:<\in (,' i since 1879. Mr. Mi Meiiamin is an active member of the Society and has been ' . : :-.t member of its Finance MORTON McMICIIAItt, McR Committee since March 17, iS^s. Patrick Devinc ; iS7<>) is his second cousin. John Francis Aloysius McMcn- amin, 1891. \Vas horn in Philadelphia, September 19, 1^45. His father was a na- tive of Strabanc, Counts' Tyrone, Ireland, and his mother of Ballybofey, Counts Donegal, Ireland. He is the Treasurer of tin.- Her.eticial Saving Fund, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. He has been a School Director lor live vears and is a member of the Catholic I'hilopatrian I.iterars' Insti- tute, Catholic Club, Canollton Club and Voting 'Men's Democratic Association. Morton McMichacl, 1841. Was born October 2, iS(>7, in Hnrlinlon co., X. J. His ancestors came to America from the North of Ireland some time in tile eighteenth century. James Mc- Michael and William McMichael were officers in the revolutionary armv. John McMichael. father of Morton McMichael, was a soldier of the war of iSi2, and married Hannah, a daughter of Charles Hamslev Masters, of Londonderry, Ire- land. The eariv education of Morton McMichael was acquired in the school of his native village. When quite voting his family removed to Philadelphia and he finished his studies at the Iniver- sitv of Pennsylvania. He reail law uith David Paul Ilrossn 11^191 and was ad- mitted to the P.ar. April 3, |S27. In iS:>r> he bee tine editor nf the Satitnlav I~.:'en- /;/<,' /''\/, an outgrowth of I'cnjamin Franklin's /\'nns\'/:\iin\t (, \i~t~t it', and in I.S^I editor-in-chief of the S,i/nr,fu\' O'Jirit >-. and in i.\V->, in connection with I.ouisA. r.odey and Joseph C. Xeal. be:_(an the publication of the Saturday .\V,v\. He was en^a^'ed in active journalism for over lifts- years, and numbered amoni; his friends Webster. Clav, Cla\'ton, Seward, Chase ;nd P.laine. While a yonn^ man he was elected an Alderman of the cit\ - ; was Ili-h Sheriffof Philadelj >hia Count v from i.s.j ^ to |S;6 ; was Mavor of the citv Ironi tS')(i to iS'x). and in |M>7 was chosen President ol the Park Commi ~ii >n, wliii-h ]iosit ion he held until bi> death, and in 1^7; .vas Dele-ate at I, ar^e to the Fourth Con- >:itntional Convention of 1'ennsvivania. He wa-. unsur])as>ed as a public orator, and his speech at the Chinese Museum during the Irish famine, his address on July .), 1^73, as Pre-idem of the Park Commis-oin, making a fi>rinal transfer of ground tn the I'nited Stale-. Centennial Commi>sion, and his polishetl oration on the ])re>eiitation of the John Welsh en- dowment to hi> Alma M.aer. the I'niver- silv of I'ennsvlvania, are literar\' pr. iduc- tions of the hi^he-t orcler. The e>limate in \\hich he is h.eld is epitomi/.ed in the inscription upon his monument erected by his fellow .'iti/cns in 1'ain non nl Park : " An honored a ii'l be- loved citi/cii of Philadelphia." A public meeting, ]>resided o\erby the Ma'.or of the- city, was held Januarv N. i s 7u, t- > ex- press the sense of the public lo by his death. He died ]annar\' (>. I>7y. Mr. .AU'Mic'hael became a-sociated \vith (eor^'i 1 R. (.'.raham. January i, i^}7, in the publication of the .\\nih s1it'n'i\i>i, and July 1, 1^47, thev purchased the I'nitcJ States (,\r. t -/!c from Joseph R. Chandler, thus consolidating both papers. the present .\\>>i/i ;l)iit'>':c>-in anJ I i: ; .t-\l States (Gazette. Mr. McMichael became the sole jirojirietor of the ]ia]>er, July, 1S54. Clayton McMichael succeeded his father as editor until appointed 1'niu-d vStates Marsha! for District of Columbia in I.SS2, and Walter McMichael became general business manager. [See " Scharl ^ Wcstcott," Vol. ; v ]):i-e 1971.] Nicholas Patrick McNab, 1886.- Was born in Xew York citv, September 20, iS.jS. His father was a native of Hallv- cleiider. County Down, Ireland, and hi-- mother of Coot Hill, Countv Cavan, Ire- land. He came to Philadelphia, N'^vem- bef I, iSo.S, \\here he has since been a merchant in upholsters- ^"oods. James Mt-Nally, 1S84. \Va- b,.n, Mav i), i^}^. in Dublin, Ireland, and. came to Philadelphia in i\v>. He is in the liquor business. John McNeil, 1825. Was ., spec- tacle and \ship maker at 23 N. Third street in l ^25. Thomas Augustine McRean. M. D.. 18(J2. \Vas born near Oma-h, Counts- Tyrone, Ire' in'!. ]une 14, i s ;o. He came to Philadelphia '.\lun !u;t 10 MeS 4SS Mc\V years old, May, t\;o. He was a practic- of the "Tinted States, and his brilliant in^ r physician at (05 North Seventh street prosecution of the " Star Route offenders" and a member of the Philadelphia Countv attracted universal notice. Upon retiring Medical Socictv. He died a lew years from the Attorney-Generalship he re- sincc. sumed the practice ol his profession in Michael McShain, 1884. \Vasborn Philadelphia, and has been for many March I. 1 s ;;, at Au^'hil, Conntv Derr\-, years or.e of the leaders of tin- Phil.ulel- Irelaud, and came to America, August 25. ' phia liar. IK- was nominated. December 1 s '-;. He is a carpenter, doini^ business 17. I .Hj!, without opposition, as one of the at 2J-) Nortli Fifteenth street, and is a Counsellors of the Hibernian Society. member of the Conference of St. Vincent Mr. MacYeaj^h married a daughter of ile I'an'.. Hon. Simon Cameron. Barnabas McShanc, 1790. -Was an Robert Malachi McWadc, 1880. - inn keeper at 311 North Front street in \Vas born December 25, iS.j;, in Belfast, Count yAntrim, Ireland. Hecame to Amcr- ica on a visit in iSfxpmd retnrneil to Ire- to Francis McShane. F/.ekicl McShane land, but came as^ain (New York ) in :S6S. [Hit, and John McShane. merchants. Since his arrival he has been in the news- were the sureties. paper business as reporter and editor. He Ezekiel McShane, 1809. \Yas a was for a time correspondent for the Chi- merchant atiylli-h street in iSg and <\n;>> Tribune, then became a reporter and proK.bly a son of I'arnab.is McShane after\\ ards Citv I-Mitor of The /Vr.v.v of I'hil- (1700. Letters of administration on his adelphia. He then ventured upon the pub- estate were granted, September 2'\ tS^i, lication of the Sunday and evening I.cad- to Thomas Lynch. James Hunt and Paul <->\ but it lived but a short time. At the ] inrr.i y were the sureties. close of the Centennial year, 1.^76, he be- Wayne MacVeagh, 1880.- \\"as came a reporter on the /'a/'/it' /. t\^t~r, and horn April 19, ;^;;. in Pikeland town- since iSSi has been Citv I-'.ditor of that ship, near Faa])er. He took an active part in the His ancestors for several trencrations were Iri>h l ; amine Relief movement in i>So, born in .Vmerica. He ^ra'hiated at ^'.ile and was Secretary of the Citi/ens' Com- C'''', t -e in h.is tu 'entieth year, studied law mittee during that period. He was also a under Joseph J. Lewis, Tvs(j., was admitted member of tlie Citi/ens' Committees for of the Citi/ens' Committee of Philadelphia for tl:e relief of cities and communities overtaken by disaster. He has been active in the Iv>h Nation; 1 .! Leaj^ne move- n il Con ven! : - :: . ml also ;i r.\' mb< r fam.i ins I. 1 aiisiana C 1 >mmi- : n ( m M in !i -. ;- M. Pn : - in Utoriiev-C.i ;n r I W. \VXIv M \c\T..\<;iI. 489 NK >r George Neiles, 1843. Was a t.ivern patriotic discussions. I Ie also started the keeper at 2< > South Wharves in i.s.j ;. Delaware Count v C;!i~t'n, at Wayne, I'.i. Lewis Neill, 180'2. -Was a merchant He is a member of tin.- Five O'clock Club at Jj;, Hij-di street in iSn2. IK- \s;.s mar- aud other associations. Mr. McWade is ried, April t<. iSoi, to Ann, daughter of :; in. in of striking personality, a vigorous (',e<>ru;e Hickham, of whoso will he and writer, and his successful editorship of the Alexander Henry (1790' were executors city depar'.nient of the /.t'll^t'l' has made and trustees. him uidelv known and respected anioii^ James Nelson, 1872. Was born in his ic'.iow citi/ens. Countv Armagh, Ireland, January 5, 1^:5, Wllllim J. Ncad, 1870. Was born and came to Philadelphia in A]iri'.. :Sj;,. in Philadelphia. He is a son of James From \\\.\ to i\j f '> he was en^a^cd in the Ncad, a native of County Wcstmcath, manufacture of carpets, after which he Ireland, who came to America in I \$o. kept a hotel until i s 7-\ when lie retired. His mother was a native of County I.on;^- IK- is now a resident of Flonrtou n, Mor.t- ford, Ireland. He bewail business as a i;omerv Co., I'a. Mr. Nelson is a member clerk in a carpet store and was afterwards of the .Masonic Order and of the Oil 1 in the jobbing dry -jfoods trade. For a time Fellows' or^ani/ation, and is also a mcm- ;;e was also an imjiorter of dry^oods in her of St. Andrew's Society. New York city. Returning to 1'hila.Kl- John Bailey Nelson, 1865.- -W..- ;ihi;<, he became a railroad contractor, horn near Strahane, Parish of Ardstraw, and amassed a fortune. He was a men:- County Tyrone, Ireland, February 5, her of Common Council from the Twenty- 1^37. He emigrated to America when 15 eighth Ward, and for several years a years of aije, landing at Philadelphia in member of the Hoard of (iuardians I s - .=52. IK- was a manufacturer of wot >lleii of the Poor. He is a Director of the and cotton j^oods. At the outbreak of Union Trust Company and of the Me- the rebellion in iSoi he was a mcmlur of clianics' Insurance Company. He was the "Washington nines, " of Pliil.idel- Vice-I're.sident of the Society from M.:rcli ph.ia, and when the first call for troops 17, iSS2, to March 17, iS^p aii'I President was made IK- was mustered into servicein from March 17, iM\(. to March 17, iN,s6. Conqiany A, Twenty-seventh Ke^ime::t During the las; year of his office he was United States Volunteers. After the ex- married to Susanna Anier, and shortly piration of the three months' term of his afterwards started with his wife on a tour enlistment Mr. Nelson resinned business. around the- world, from which he has not In iS75 he was one of the orijani/iTs of yet returned, i See pai;e 240. J the company of militia known as the J. Engle Negus, 1846. Resided on I'.lack Ilnssars, and was with the com Mulberry street near Schuvikill Sixth. panv in Pittsburgh during the railroad In his \\ill, dated January 7. iS.Sj, and riots of 1X79. IK- was also .' naniber of iiroved at Someryillc, Camden co.. New tlie Ilurr.s Association of Philadelj'hia. fersey, September 5. i^>\|, he states that lie died Julv J(i. iSijo, an 1 was buried in he has hyed for more than twent\- years Mt. Monah cenicter\'. in Franklin township. Somerset co.. New Alexander Nesbitt. 1700. -Was \ IITSI-V, He hei|Ueathcd 5i. (HX) to the member of the F'rieiidiy Sor.s of St. I'.r.- Pre^byterian Hoard of Donu'Stic Missions. rick see jia^e u'> . in the will lu- mentions Isabella, his wife; John Maxwell Nesbitt, 17DO. Was Marie \"on Soden, Charlotte X'onCidman a member of the Friendly Sons of St. 'formerly Yon Soden . Susan Kn-le Pat Patrick ;>ee pa-e uf> . terson (cousin , rhiladelphia ; Isabella N. Jnnies J. Neville. 188o. Was TalmaLTe. wife nf IO'IMI M. Tahna^e ; ^nsan in We \fnrd, Comity Wcxford. Ireland. ].;,,,_,!,. Xe^Us, his daughter ; ami F'.-l\\ard Ilelandeilin Philadeljihia in i ^1.7, 1 <\\\ |bl- Thomas, brother-in-law, Milfonl. Hum- lowed tlu- sea until I S 7.;. when lu- -ett'ed ines-. He was an active member of the Catholic Tola: Ab-tinence 1'nion of America. Ik- died July in, [Syi. "William Newell, 1824. --- Was en- jja.yed i:i 'he wholesale grocery business with !iis In-other, Samuel, at ;, South Water street, under the linn-name of William and Samuel N\ \\cll. On Juh' 24, iSi'i, we find a deed to Silas K. \\'eir i Sc >9 , Thomas Dobbins i iSioi, and \\'il- liam Newell ! iS.2. p. [See " Biographical '.>'. i. ed:a ot Pennsylvania," p. g_v ] Hugh Newman, 1832. \\"as an ae- countant at y > North Sixth -trect in iS^j. Thomas Newman, 1804.- Was a broker at ; s Wa'.nut street in iNi.j. He w.t,-- mar: led in Christ Church, Deceinlier i. 17^5. ''' Mar:;a.ret Attleck. l.etti-r> of admir.istration on his estate were j;ranteil, < ! I.er :;, i.\;S, to Andri-w M. Prevo.-t. John Niblo, 18-32. We have no cer- ta::i ii'.formati'in concerning him. A Mar-;iret M. Niblo, widow, died, in N'ovem'ier. i sss . Francis Nichols, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the l-Vieiid/.y Sons of St. Patrick (seepage 127 . Henry K. Nichols, 1867. Was born Anj^u.^t -?.J. |S^o, in I'ott>vil!e. Schnylkill Co., Pa. He is the son of Francis !',. Nichols and Av.na M. Nichols, natives of Pott-town, Mont^oiiu-rv co,, Pa. Moth !:!- paternal and maternal ^randfathrr- were born at Creve IIi'.l, near Mnni^killen, [rel ml, the latter emi.^ratint; to America Philadelphia about 1769. Colonel Trail- cis Nichols 1171^01 \s'a> his ^r.iinlfatlu-i'. Hi- \\-a-i the principal A>si>ta;it '"niti-'i State-- I ; .r.^ r :nei-r in 1^57 on the I'nited -i! i! Snr\'e\s from r'ort Keanie\' to Henry Lake, Cal., and for some vears e ha- 1 een Chief Road Ma-ter of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroid Comji.-mv. He is a member of the Ma- -oiiic ( )rder. Jeremiah Nichols. ISO-'l Was ;i meinbt-r of the Pennsvlvania Senate, -' .. William Nichols, 1790. Was a me: hant, dealing in cloths, wines, etc., on the north side of Market street, op- the " Indian Kin^," in December, i'^. In April, 1795, he wa- aj)]>ointed to succeed David I.cnox as Tinted States Marshal for UK- District of Pennsylvania, and held that p< -sition for several years. He was a In-other of Colonel Francis Nichol- 171,. . John Nu'holson, 1790. Was Comp- troller - I'.cneral of Pennsylvania from I ;.sj to 171*. ), and n-ided at tlie southeast corner of Sassafra- and N. Seventh streets 1111791. He was married in Christ church, July 22, i~X6. to Mary Hunt. Colonel Proctor in his j< ,urnal. March. 1791, refers to a road near the Susqtiehantia, aliove I'.uttermilk l-'alls, lately cut though not cleared by John Nicholson, Ivsq., Cotnp- irolU-i (General of the .State of Peimsvl- vania, u ho appears to have had an ex- '.<::-.; \ e siiu;ar manufactory near a settle- meiit called Hawhottom. He difi in !iri>on for debt, and insane, during :.Soo. [See Simpson's "Eminent Phi!adel])hi- a;is," p. 7_j.v ] James Nixon, 1816. Wa> a mer- i-hant at 93 S. \\"harves and 16 N. l-'ront in iSi6. His will, dated April .(. ;S2;,, and proved Mav J,;, iS;v2, contains 110 mention of wife or children. The exeen- tors were John Adam-, President of I ; nl- ton Hank. New \"ork, John Knox 1^1 p, merchant, and David Park i s .^ . nier- chant. It mentions his mother. Marv Nixon, residing in Clu-ster Co., Pa., and M ir\- (ialbraith, wife of \\'illiam lial- braith, and Margaret Thompson, wife of Jo!ui Tliomjison. James Nolan. 1884. --Wa- ' -1:1 fan- uar\- <>. iSji. i" Clona>U-e, Ou<-en- co., Ireland, and came to America :n : S )Q. He is a -tone-cutter and contractor, and iv-idrs : .!i Keadin^;. I'a. lie :- a member of the Ancient ( trder of Hibernians, and Direi tor . : the Tanners' National Hank of Reading, and of the Reading Trust and Insurance Coin] my. William Nolan : ss^ i- hi- In-other. John Joseph Nolan. 18S1. Wi- !'oru June, ' s ; r ,,i:i Atlcy, County Kil [reland, and came to I'hilade'] il November, i*-. He was an undertaker wliile in Phil delphia. William Nobm. 188.'!. Was born March 17. i x !< >, in Clonaslee, Oueeii- co., Ireland, and came to Ameri ; \" '. \~- >rk i iii 1^49. He is a railroad contractor, and a priv ite in Companv II, Seventeenth re-ides in Reading;. Pa. I L- was a Coin- Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, April mi-sioner for the location .md building is, :-'>;, for the three month-' service; ofthv- State Reformatorv. at Huntingdon, wa- mustere i ul .\U' ) i- his brother. gust 2 4, iV>i ; promoted Fir-l Sergeant, Edmund Nugent, 1790. Wa.s a September ;. i^oi; !':- I.ienteii.int of -h !; eper at j^ S. Second -treet in 1791. Company 1', N. .-. n: 1 er j : . : v : ; Captain Hi- will, dated September 5, i .s rfj, and of Company C, No-, en.' .er j j, iS'ii ; hon- !>ro\vd September S, i s. />. mentions his orably mn-tcred out of service, September A :: -, M irv Nugent, and her sister, I ; rid get in, i ^04, and brevetted Major and Li L.'.: ten I-'..vler, ami his niece, Catharine Nugent. ant-Colonel of Volunteers, June '.'. : S '>N. Th- executors were Michael Doran and, Michael E. O'Brien, 1SS-1. -Was a dei rgc Nugent. bottle!' aL 7-2C S. Nineteenth street v.hell John Oakman, 1835. Was born i;i ele.-led :>. member. or near Belfast, Ireland, between iS:o antl Michael Morgan O'Brien, 1700. 1x15. His lathe!', a linen manufacturer. Was a member of the Friciidlv >>n- of die! while hi- .-on \va- still attending St. Patrick see]). 129 . school, ():i attaining hi- majority iu- William II. O'Brien, 1880. -Was came to \nierica an i travelled in the born at Dysart, County Clare. Ireland, UniU-d. St.-.te-, returneil to Ireland, settled and came to Philadelphia in September, hisaiiairs there and came to Philadelphia iS'iS. He is a member of the Philadelphia and established himself in busines-, deal- I'ar. ad:nitte'i t : ractice ( >ctober 9. i.s; :, inc iar.vjelv in Iri-li linens. In IN,S'> lie and is al-o a member of tlie Catholic b'.;;u'.:t the H'.;>e Mill- in Paterson, N.J., Club. of which he ha.l been commission a-eiit, Patrick O'Brien, 17.00. We have no a.;d was en^ i-ed i:: cotton spinning until information concerning him. iihin a few /ears of liisdeath. He .iied John Duross O'Bryan. 1880. \\'as at Paterson, N.J., in June, i^~h, and was a member of the Piiiladeltihia bar. ad- buried in Laurel Hill cemetery, Phiuulel- milted to practice Oct. S, 1^64. Some phia. H-- marrie'l in is(i Harriet Svkes years since lie removeii to Las \\---a-, Catnpbel!, d lighter of Thomas Campbell. New Mexico, where he practiced law. Ik- She \\as a niece of John dill. Jr. iSiS), has since removed to Henver, Col. sister of Archibald Campbell iS:p. Christopher O'Connor. 1SOO. -Wa< One of hi- sons. T. C. Oakman. i- eon- a sea captain. His will, dated February Heeled wi:h tlie Marietta and. North Jo, 1 S 2'', a:;d proved Ma\ s . I.SJD, nun ( Veor^ia Rail wa\ Co'.i'.pany. lions his u ife. Anna Maria ; hi- ilati^hu-r-, Jumes O'Bi'ien, 1S07. Was in the Maria O'Connor an.': Mrah Ann. and his IOTI avenue. I ie died a few \ ( -ar- -ince. Jam?S O'Connor. IS-'Hi. Was a Jam os A. O'Brien, 18S7. -of 112 mathematical teacher at 7 v i-ieve-.ih V.'alnu; -treet ; did not return hi- blank. -tree' in :^V>. John O Brien, 1870. Rc-ided at Ilugli O'Donnell, ISMS. Wa-b.-rn T o!i!'. r riio;n:is O'Brien. 1SSO. Was i -. Hr-.\a.s . -rocer and .H.-tiller. He m : -: Phil ..lelphi i, June ji, is;.!. His - , S.-l; .o] I <-, .-.,,- of : :., I >>; : ie: . ,f hi- n, .'I;.:. Margery Hirkin- O'Hri.-:: d-.-.'rict. He v. a- ,,1-ti a I>!;ector of :l;e ol I.'-t'.-rken'iy. County Donegal, Ireland >."athwark Nati":i il b.cik and a Manager ()!!: ;,-n :-.,:; :\ Scaifold,. I ie enlisted a- Jo-eph'- C,ul.)l:c O:pl'..ci A-vlmn. to 492 O'H which institution he contributed lurgelv. ' were granted Februarv 22, 1 830, to Joseph He died M.iv 2ij, ! Nih, .iiitl \vus buried in H. I.apslev (iSjii. St. Mary's ecnu tcry. Michael O'Hfira, M. D., 1886. Was Patrick F. O'Donncll, 1882. Was born in Philadelphia, January 2, iS; x v ht'rn March 20, i\;\ in P.a'dvnt Hall. His father, Thomas ( >'Hara, was born in near Kilrush. Ireland, lie was brought Strahaue, Countv Tvroue, Ireland, mar up in Lancashire, F.ngland, and came ried at Limavaddy, County 1 )erry, Ireland, to America Ouebec) in [S;o, and settled Mary Louisa Miller, and came to America in Philadelphia in September. iS;;,. about ;. Si 9. The son, Michael. graduaU d He is a wholesale liquor dealer at north from the Central High School, Philadcl- east corner of Fourth street and Su-quc- phia, studied meilicine and graduated har.ua avenue. He is a member of the iYom the University of Pennsylvania, i\S~. Sons of Progress and of the Odd Fcllou-' and began at once the practice of mcdi- Order. and Vice President of the State cine. During the War of the Rebellion Liquor League. he entered the- service as Assistant Sur- Petcr Paul O'Donncll, 1S45. -Was geon V. S. Navy, and was afterwards a member of the Philadelphia Har, ad- Surgeon of the i.Soth Regiment Peimsyl- mitted to practice, June 24, 1^43. vania Volunteers At the close of the war Richard Gardiner Oellei'S, 1888. he resumed practice :uid soon became Wasb(.ni in Philadelphia, Augustus, 1^43. prominent in the southern section of tin- He is the well-known and popular P>usi- citv. He is an active member of the ness Manager of the Philadelphia AYrcn/. Countv Medical Society, of which he has He was a Manner of the House of Cor- been Librarian and Vice-President; the rection from iune, 1^75. to April i, L SS 7, Pathologi(-al Society, the Obstetrical Soei- and i- a Director of the Nautical School- ety, the Americ;;n Association for th.e Ad- Sl'.ii', ai)]ioinled b\- M.i\'or Fit'a-rin Ajiril, vanceTiieiit of Science, the American TvLed- i vx , ( ji t . also served fora short time . -is ical Association and a permanent member Ci'-. Treasurer. He is a member of Cres- of the Medical Societ\' of Pennsylvania, cent Lodge, No. 4'*;. I*. .NiA. M. ; Teinprle He was a Delegate to the International Chapter, No. J ; s , St. Alban Commaii'l- Medical Congress at Philadelphia in 1,^76. ery. No. .17. M. K. T. [See "Philadelphia He has been for many years Attending and Popular Philadelphians," p. 20. Plivsician at St. Mary's Hospital and the Robert Curtis Ogdcn, 1889. Was House of the C.ood Shepherd. He is the horn in Philadelphia. June 20. is;,h. His author of several papers contributed to the maternal grandfather was Robert Murphey medical journals. In 1- S 73 he became ( L^I ... native of tl:e North of Ireland. idei'.tified \\ith tlie Catholic Total Absti- Ile left Pliil.'deiplna in I V 54 and resided neiice movemc-r.t as Vice-President of the in Ne\\~ Vork. \\liere lie was a member of Cathedral T. A. P.. Societv, and has been tl'.e : rm of Devlin \; Co., but ir, iS-(,;-a- an active nu-mber since. lie otiereil returned to Philadelphia and ha- been for in Convention the original resolution for some vears a partner of Hon. John Waua- the erection of the magnificent C I'holic in ike: ; xx '' . Mr. Ogilen is Sujierin- Total Alistiueiicc Fountain in Fairmomit tei lent of the Sunday-sdux.l of Holland Park, i-rected b\ the C. T. A rnioii of Presbvteriau church, President \ th.e America, ma.inl \' through the exert'.ons ol lloar.l of Miui-teri d Relief, and has b< en John H. Cam; -bell i iSSn . Preside:! ! of t!;e licatioTi. He is a Is,, a meinbi r of the Hi- brother, Rt. Rev. \\'ni. ( J'Hara. D }>.. I'uiou League. Art Club. Manufacturer-' is the Calholic Ilislu-p of Scr.mt< . !'a. Cl\;b, Ilamilti ;; Club of P,:ooklyn, N. V., Dr. O'Hara married l-'ran.-es. dang ' : of and of th.e ( Vrand \rniv of the Republic Richard McC 1111 lie \' iS^ : ), rnul ha- r i \'ei al Thomas Ogle, 182:1 Was a coach- children, one of whom is now ... physi- m I. : \' , South. ^:\ 4 .':; ^-treet in I V 22. cian. Dr. <)'Hara has been one of t!ie Letter- oi iim:ni-;i tiou on hi- c--late I'll', sic'ians of the Si/ciety siiux 1 March 17, O'K 4 13 O'R iSS7. [See sketch in " I'hvs-cians and llr.-.t branch of the Irish Land League i:i Surgeons of the United States. "] Philadelphia. I kcember 4. : S N ,. and was Andrew O'Kane, 18'J'J. We have no tin- efficient Treasurer of the Municipal definite information concerning him. Council of Philadelphia. Irish National Rev. Thadous J. O'Mcally, 1825. J.ca-ue. He i-al-.i a I-H-::;',, -r<.fthc Ancient W .-';:! in I, imerick, Ireland, March 24, Order of Hibernians and uf the Cathnlic i->.,-. a::-! came to Philadelphia, October Kni-ht- ' >f Ame: ica. He was a member of I is.-;, upon tin- invitation uf the TniNtei-s I hi- Citi/eiis' Committee of Fiftv in Aid of of S'. Marv's Catholic Chnrch, notuith- the Irish Parliamentary l : ..:;'. ! v -'i . and it - tuil:::.; I',. -Imp ConwcH's admonition. \va^ :h:-nn^h hi- han.i- that ;h<- a:ii"i;::l Me was exeoninuuiii-atcil l>y the r.i-:n>]i raise n-.nittnl t" tiu- TIXM-- ri!ir] a]i;)ea!ei! to koine, hut afu-ru ar> !> urer of tile I;:-'; National J.va^ne ;:i -ulnnitteil and retire 1 to :i niona>ter\'. I.' )iuli in. 1 Hiring hi- entire term a> T:va- I'ri'ir to hi- arrival in America lie h.ci mvr of the League in Philaiielpiiia he ; ieeii pastor of a Catholic church at 1'al- was noted for the -:'.:;.:':. >.:- exactiie i if month. Kn^laiul. He rctunu-d to pastoral hi- accounts antai:ied the fore.^'oin^ in forma- 1^17. Me i- in the tlnnr and ,v, r rain Im-i tion, has i;ot heen ahle to trace him after ne>s at 105 S. I'ourth -tree', and is a mem iS5 her of the Masonic Order. He was a Charles O'Neill, 1386. -Resided at member of the Acting Committee of the \2\'i Soi'.th Ihoad street \vlieii elected a Societv, iS66-i^6(j. Robert O'Neill, 1S32.- -Was amasu Charles Marron O'Neill, 1887. carpL'iiter and inspector for several fire i:i- \\' ; l -orn at Toome lirid^e. County An- ' surance ctimjianies. Me w.is associated in trim Ireland. Januarv :o, i s^i , :uid came business with John < >'NV.I1 iS^o . i, i'hil..delph!a in :^>j. He is of the firm William C. O'Neill. 1890. -Was of Charle- ( I'Ni-iii ^ Son, S7 North I'ront horn in Ireland and ca;r.e to P:iil i lelphia. -tr -t. ilealers in cotton and woollen stock. I nne ;. : ^'i~. Me i- a fire insurance a^ev.t lie i- a member of the Carrollton C'.ub at i ;/i and i;,S S. 1'onrth street, av.i! and of the Voiin.^ Men'- Democratic As- is a member of the Columbia Club and of soci ition. the Masonic ( 'rder. John O'Neill, 1829. Was a carja-n- James O'Reillv. 18SM. \V ;- ter and bnilder, associated in business with i^.iS in lU-ltnrbet, Count v (.'av in. Ii'ela'i'!. Ro'iert O'Neill iS;2.. They built the ar.d came t.> Americ i in :" : -. T']...nthc- Merdiant-' Ivxch ni-e, Third and Wahuit breaking out of the n-beili..!i he e".'e:vd -tree;- and the I'nited States I'.ank, now the 1'nited States -ervice a- Captain of the Custom Mouse, Chestnut street below Compau\ C, T \\ent v-fonrth Re-inie::t IV-nnsylv ,nia V.-lnnte, r-. M iv I, :->: Pati-ic-k O'Neill, 1881. W .s born He until An- b!-;:'.ry M. iS^i.in Castlebar, Countv u, i ^'i : . -,\ 'a-n it- term of enlistmi-nl t-\- M :'_. Irela:id. ami came to America. piled. Me :hen. t;:"'-: Si :i*en;ber : :, is>,;. November 16, 1^71, and two dav- after IK-C mie Cap; iin ;" C"'t:-i!:;\ C Se.- ( .nd wards -atled in Philadelphia. Me i- ., Re-inu-n; . c" Inker's ]',ri-.: d< . :f'erw:r:s r i- niere'n i!it at )' is S. S: x'h street Me k:i' '.. n a- the fim '>.:- ^i \t% :::::'; Re^ lion d I,e c'ne >''.' \rn.-ric i, o;-'.' in !...ifl| '.': er\- i .' ' ' 'he e!id of the \\ i: . be::: O'R 4i'4 OT mu.-tered ( .nt upon Jr.lv 9, is6,s. He was i Francis Charles O'Reilly, 18S4. ts\iv i- ses crcly wounded at the battle of Was horn in Montreal, Canada, October Amictam, September 17. iSnj, and at 4, I. S 4,S. His father, Michael O'Reilly, Ream's Station, \'a.. AIIL:. 25, [S&4. He ami his mother, Bridget Rehill i O'Reilly, \\.is twice promoted on the lield for were natives of Counts- Cavan, Iicland. meritorious services, first from Captain to He arrived i:; (trance, N. J., in 1^47, and Major, and second from Major to l.ieu- nosv resides there. lie is President of the tena-.it-Coloiu 1. witli which latter rank he Orange Branch of the Land League, and marched homesvard at the head of the Paymaster of the Third Battalion, with veteran remnant of the regiment. This the rank of Captain, of the- National vis^-.ment not onlv carried the stars and (itiard of New Jer.scv. He is a number ^tripes hut also the -reen llau, of Ireland, of tlie Hoard of Kducation, is a Bank Di- throu^li the \\ar. and svas highly com- rector and (jovernor in several social plimeutcd upon various occasions for i:- clubs of ( trance. lie is a railroad con- gallantry in battle, by ('.cnerals McC'.i '.- tractor and a partner of Thomas Nolan, l.iii, Sunnier. Sedi/wick, Ho\\ard and of Reading. 1'a., and is a nephew of Pat- oihers. Colonel O'Reilly had two broth- rick Rehill. deceased liSS^. ers, John and Philip, who also served in James Henry Ornc, 1859. Was a the war, and both of whom, like himself, prominent member of the I nion League received honorable svounds in battle. At during the- rebellion and active in raising the close of the war lie returned to Phila- the League Regiments of Pennsylvania delphia, and during the I-'eni:in excite- Volunteers. He %vas the son of James and ment of |S66 lie raised a rexinieiit Twen- Sarah l ; la^ r Ornc. and was born at Aston, tieth Regiment Irish Re]'iiblican brother- Delaware county, Pa., August 26, i Si 7. He ho"di an'l accomjxinied it upon the oc- was for many years in the caqtet business, casion of tlie l ; enian invasion of Canada. first as partner with his father and uncle ATI ardent lover of liberts. and burning in the firm of J. and B. Ornc ^ Co., and u'.tV. the wrongs of his nat:\'e lard, he afterwards as senior partner of the firm essful of James II. Ornc \: Co. He died in Michael O'Rourke, 1882. Was horn Internal Revenue for the Second I'Mrirt in the townland of I.onyfield, near Carrick- of Pennsylvania. I'pon Januars- \ iSh.s, on-Shannon, Counts- J,citrim, Ireland, in he was Marshal of the demonstration in I \^6, and came to Philadelphia, l-'ebrnars-, memory of Allen, I.arkin an! O'Brien, 1^5 He was a member of Common the Manchester 1'enians. lime 2. i^g, he Council from tlu- Ts\cnts--fiUh \\"ard for .. - 'ommissioned. by Hovernor l"lin W. three months in iSSi, and of Select Coun- (' -. Colonel of the Veteran Cor] is, ci! from iSS^-iSS^. Ik' is a contractor and -'. -. ; ::- : : Regiment I "niformed Militia builder and a member of the Catholic of p. a. In i s 7- w p e fni'! him Knights of America. [See " Men of ' -; -. .-: ;. ; ' - America, City < H veriiTiu-Tit," Phila., ted to the " i;,;. ri -'- [SS;. ] in Ireland find \m i T'nomas C'Rotirke, 1882. Was a : - -: 1 -::'- iti"!! w is di ' : -1 : ; - 7-,. grocer at (p(j S. Ninth strc-et in i ' O'Reilly removed to Atlantic Henry O''th, ISO?). Wai hc.vl - where he eiiL 1 v-: in tlie spector of flour 16 p'ilbert street, in :S".. ' : "':.' :':: .:':: watt r- , ribi d , - . mercha.nt. I: - for some years con- Jacob Schwcighauscr Olto. ISO-?. t;cc'i ; with tin M nsion House at that Wasl'orn lanuary 17, 177.^, at Racoon, place, and still resides there, universallv N. J., nosv ,SsvedesborouL, r h, C.loucester co., ' !li \v-citizens, N. J. His parents were Hermans. lie OW ',;>'> PA was eiiL'aiied in mercantile and comnur Isaac Brown Parker, ISMf). Was a cial pursuits in Philadelphia, and was nephew of John Brown i77>< . a member appointed Resident A^eiitof the Holland of the Friendly Sons of >: Patrick. He Compan\- at Batavia. N. Y., in ;S2i. ami removed from Philadelphia to Carlisle, Pa., removed there and continued in that posi- and .ifterwards to Burlington, N.J., uhere lion until his death upon May 2, i. s -'7. lie died. He is interred there. He married a sister William Parker, 1807. Was proh- of William H. Tod. a member of Philadei- ably a grocer at 15; N. Water street in phia liar, who married Marv Camjibell. l.Sln. daughter of George Campbell 1771 ami Thomas Passmore, 1816. W.-.s an sisu-r of George Cam.]. bell i \)^ . Dr. auctioneer at ;-,<> S. l-'n-m street in iM". John C. Otto, of Buffalo, N. Y., is his son. T'ue Philadelphia (,a:,ti-. of March -, Bernard Owens, 1867. Was born i^o;, contains a mcmori.d of Thomas iii Townland of Cole, parish <>!' Clobber, Passmore to the Pennsylvania Ho-is,-of C'or.nt\ Tyrone, Irel;-.ud. May 4. i N .o,, am 1 Representatives concerning decisions of came to Philadelphia in September, i.\o- the judges of the Supreme Court of the He was a salesman and coal a^ent for a State. Letters of administration on the numiier of years, but is now retired from estate of Thomas PasMiiorc were granted, business. April 4, iS.j.S, to John K. Knorr. Thomas Owens, 1866. -Morn in Christopher Stuart Patterson, Muff Cden, County Derry, Irela.nd, May 1826. Was born March 2. I So v in Phil- 10, iSio, and came to Philadelphia in adelphia. 1 1 is father, John Patterson, was July, iS^2, where he remained until i-'V.S born near Belfast, Ireland, I 7'>\ ar.'l came and then removed to Cincinnati. He- re to this country in i 797. lie was a lawyer. turned to Philadelphia in June, i \So, and He died at Philadelphia, December [2. was in the wholesale liquor business at IS26, unmarried, and was buried in the is;o Market street. He died January 20, Presbyterian church-vard at Norriton. 1'a. iS>o. and was buried in Old Cathedral lie graduated at Princeton College i:: cemetery. He was a member of the Act- 1^20. Christo])her Stuart ; 171/0) \\,.s his iiiL: Committi-e of the Society, i>o^ IN S I. ^'randfatlu-r. William Henry Pancoast. M. D., Henry S. Patterson, M. D., 18-10. 1889. Is the son of Dr. Joseph Pancoast, Honorary member, was Kdhor "f '/'.'. surgeon, of Philadelphia, and was born /'i>J>i.i, and brother of Jo-eph Mcto: er ;', i' s .vS. in Philadel])hia. He Patterson i s .Vp- He was one of the jjr.i'iuate'l from Ji-llersoii Mei'lical College Physici;ir.s of the Society. ! S) : : v s'. in i>s'., studied tor three years in London, Jollll Patterson, 1S82. W.,s bom Paris and Vienna, and on his return estab- March 2N, iSi6, in the ]iarish of Ard-traw, lished h -.nisei!" ill jiractii-e in Philadei] 'Ilia. County T\-roue. Ireland. H'- came to \\lu-re he has acquired a hii^h reputation America. Jul\-.;, \^\~. and settled i:: !'!;:!- as a surgeon. DuriiiL; the civil war lie adelphia in iS^i. I le \vas eu^'a^e.' in ::;e w;is a surgeon in the army. In i v 74 'r.e ornanu-ntal housi- jiaiutin^; av.d, !re-co:::^ succeeded his father as Professor in Jefk r- businc-ss at 2h S. Seventeenth stnet. Hi son Medical Colh-^e, and i:: i^S'i he be- was . 'Hi act : \\- member oi the 1'res' >\ te: : in came Pri ifes.Mir in the Philadeli /uia Medico- church, and was one of the originators of Chiiui^ical College. [See Appletou's the 1'r.ited States Chri-tian Couimis-io;:. "Cyclop, of American Biography," \"ol. He died December 17. i s ^;. .;. i'. ';-: Philadelphia and Pop:;'..: John Patterson. 181-1. His ,;, , David Park, 18:?1. Was a reside:;-, So, i, ^, ,. IK-v,,.-. a < ! NashviUi-, 'I cum We km>\\ notb,m definite information concerniii'' him. ; ..nd :*!'> !>12. PA 496 PA Joseph Patterson, 1834. The /VV.v / v r i if Si- p tmi her 26, iSSj, contains the following obituary notice: "Joseph Pat- Icr-on, President Wc-tern National Hank and of the Philadelphia Clearing House A-MH'iation, died at his home on Prospect iveiuie. Chestnut Hill, at 7.40 A.M. yes ten lav Sunday, Scpteinlier 25, INN; . Mr. Patterson was about S.j years old, and was bom in Norriton township, four mile- above Norristown. 1 1 is lather, John Palter-on, was a native of Ireland and came to America in i7yS. His mother wa- Fli/abeth Stuart, only daughter of Colonel Christopher Stuart, a re\ -olutii 111- arv ofiicer, who was second in command at the storming of Stony Point. \\"hen very \oun^ Mr. Patterson came to Philadel- md \\ctittosehool. He had a life- long friendship with John Welsh. At 16 years he entered the dry-^ood- house of 'i'li iver, Hrvau .\. McKcc, on Market street Hear Sixth., and afterwards eni^aj^cd in the .-ame business himself. In 1X42 he ^ave up mercantile pur-nits to In-come President of tl:e i::-titui:oi! \\hich i- now the Wc-l- er:i National I'.ank , although he afterwards en- t-ed as dealer and shipper of anthra- cite coal and owned lar^e collieries in Schuvlkill co. \\'hen !H: became Presi- dent of tht hank the couutrv was just re- covering from the panic of iS;;. In 1^6.4, it became a National Hank, it declared a dividend of 100 per cent. . \nmi-t 15, iS6i, lie ])articijiated in coiifer- ( nee \\ith Secretary Chase and n-])re-ent i- tivesof hanking itittrt-sts of Philadi NVv. ^"ork and Uo-ton. heM in New York. The Secretary asked for tiflv mil- lions in t^o'.d. The lianker- hesitated, ' ut Mr. Patterson ajjpi-ak-'i to and con- vinced them that thcv should fnr- the nionev, and the llft\- miHion- '.' ianed ; and later in -ame ye ir one 1 millions mi ire. l ; n 'in that time tile Sei ri-tary and his succe-sor- \\cre " ' ::: ': to con-lilt uith Mr. Patter-on "loul :. ' ters. "In i^ f ->v he became I're-iiU-nt of the I'': : ' ile']ihia Clearing Hon-r Association, in : m lined >o mi'.:', hisile ith. He was al-o an active intmber of it- I-!\ecuti\'e Cum mil tee. He dec!: ned t\s ice to become Controller of the Currency of the United States, first under Secretary Chase, when the National Banking Act was passed, and aL, r ain under a later administration. He also declined the position of Assistant Tinted States Treasurer for Philadelphia. I >m iii^ tin- \\ ar he was Treasurer of Chris ti.iii Commission. In iS76 he was a mem- ber of the Centennial Hoard of Finance. The -ame vear he w;is apjuiinted one of the Commission for the erection of the Norri-- toun Ho-pital forln-ane. He w;i- elected President of the Commission. He was an active member of the Presbyterian Church. For main \ears a Manager of the House of Refuse, Director and Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Vice-President of the Amer- ican Sunday-School I'liion, and a Trustee of Jefferson Medical College. " The memorial to the late John Welsh en<_:ai;cd Mr. Patterson'- attention to a lar^e decree. He was Chairman of the Kxecutive Committee of the contribution.-, and made the address on their behalf when the memorial was transferred to the Park Commission. " Mr. Patterson married a daughter of Rev. Dr. Cornelius C. Cuyler, of thi- city. She died many years a.^o. The surviving children are C. .Stuart Patterson, of the Pliiladeljihia Uar, Miss Patterson and Mrs. John C. Sims." Richard Patterson, 1884. Was born < (ctober 4, 1^50. in Londonderry, Ireland, and came to the I'nited States July 4, I S6S, and settled in Philadelphia. He is Secre- tary, Treasurer and deneral .Manager o!" the F'airmotmt Steamboat Co., and has been a member ol the Pennsylvania Hon-e of Re]>resentatives for several vears. He is a member of Libert v T.od^e, I. ().(). !'.. Anu-rican Protestant Associa- tion, Ancient Order I'nited \\"orknien, ( >rder o! Sparta, Iri-h National I.ea.^nv of America, Solomon I.od^e, No. 114, }'. \- A. M., Oriental R. A. C.. No. iX, Philadi Ijihia Commanderv KniL;!it- Ti-m- unl Irish-American Club. Robert Patterson, 1790. Was born M v>. '74. 1 ;. in Hillsborousji, County Down, Ireland. He came to the I'nited S: lies. October, 1768; lived in Huck- co., MOI5KRT I'ATTKKSO>:, U. PA 4',<7 PA P.i., .1:1 1 afterwards successively in Phila- Robert Patterson, 1824. President delphia, Bridi/eton, N. J., Wilmington, of the S< >ciety, i^^h 1^1 , was horn Janu- Del., and tinallv permanently settled in ary ij, '.~al of the livland. ; Iis father. Prancis Patterson, a Academy at Wilmington. Del., in 1774. farmer, was eii-a-.-d in the Rebellion of IK- u a.- Brigade-Major in the Revo ' 7<> s . was lorced to emigrate to America, I'ltionary war, and towards its close Set- and settled in Delaware co., Pa. In early tied in Philadelphia, He was a Professor life he w.is placed in tlu- c< n;n: ;nc; hon-e of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy of Kd\sard Thompson, a leading me:ehai:'. ; tin.- I'niver.sity of Pennsylvania, 1771) of Philadelphia. At t!u- commence"-.'- i^i.J. and some time Vice-Provost. In of the \\"ar of iSu, wiu-n but :-> \IMI--O; ; s >> lie was made Director of the I'nitrd :i;.;i-, lu- wa> commi-^ioiu-d a ].u-.:ti-::ant St ties Mint by President Jeil\-r>on. and of Infantry in the regular army ,ir.d v. - from i^:y until his death was PIVM- snb>t.-c|iu-nt!\- prumoti-i! I'' bi- Cajilaisi. di i -it of the Anu-rican Philosophical Wlu-n peace was declared in I " : 5 he SocietN', to whose transactions he \\'as a retnrne'! to mercantile pnrMiit>. Ilecon- fre'juent contributor. He died Ji:'.\ JJ, tinned, !ioue\'er, to take a hveiy interest i >2.;, at Phili'.delphia. lie was for ;:e.'irl\' in militarv affairs, and to> >k an active part fiftv ve.irs an I-lIder in the Scots 1'ivsliy- in the ov-ani/.anon of the (.-rteL'tive mi'.i'.i.i terian church, Spruce street abo\-e T!:ir'!. o;-^a.ni/.;:tion which Phii;iilel'.iliia f >r where he w:is buried; was reinterrei! in inanv years po>se>sed. Pa^>in^' thr>>::^h Laurel Hill. I le married Amy, daughter the subordinate grades, he became Major- of Ma-kell ICwini;. She died May .:;,, (k-neral of the l ; ir>t Division, Pe;in>yl- iS.;.}, in V.er 94th year. He jnibli^hed vania Militia, in iS^S, which position lie " The Newtonian System," iSoS ; " Trea- held for forty years. In iS^S. d'.iri:;t, r the tise on Arithmetic," iSig, and edited political troubles at I Farrisbm'^, lie took Ferguson's 'Mechanics," !So6, and other his division to that place and helped in publications. Robert M. Patterson, M. threat part to allay the excitement -which D. . iS^fj , washisson. On his tombstone existed there. In 1^44. during the anti- at the Scots Presbyterian church, Spruce Catholic riots in Philadelphia, he rendered street above Third, is the following in- important military service in suppressin.; scription : "Robert Patterson, 1,1,. D., them. When the Mexican War broke Late President of the American Phil<>- out he was appointed, in I S j6, M:r/ >r-( ',e:i sophic:'. 1 . Society, Vice-Provost of the eral of I nited States \'olunteers. and \v.ts I niversity of Pennsylvania, Director of second in command to (feiieral Scott. lie the Mint of the Tinted States, and for took command of the expedition a-ai:K nearly fifty years an Klder of tliis church. Tani]iic<.. marching in tliat pi. ice \ : ... I ):-t::;^nis!ied amonir Philosophers fur Santar.der. Sota La Morena an.d X'ictoria his iippfi'imd Science, beloved anum;.; His division wa> in tile sie^ r e and c :pt;:re humble and oppressed; in social inter- sick-bed into ' : course chi.L-;ful, condescending, and, in- duct upon that occasion he reiv.\-, ; th s'nictive. Me held for more than half a commendation of ('.ener.d Sect t. I'.y .. c -n'.ury -.:; I'.levated Place in the esteem subsei jlien! redn. ,:..:; f ! l;e ;.r::;\ lie v.. i of the Wise and tyood. and closed a life of relii ve. 1 of 1; is Command and. made a brief iisefnlnes., and hon'.ur by a Death full of v:^t home, returning, however, to Mexic Hope, on .!.< 2^nd ilay of July. \.i>. in time to take ]iart in the closing scene :S2|, in the Sjd year of his a^e. [See of the war. When C.eueral Scott wa " Record of r'amily," privatel}- printed; relieve'! f coin::: .1:1 1 ' : : > " >k hi - ] >lace a S'-harf ,V \\'estcott's "Historv of Phila- Commander-in i."nief '.lie armv. hi del'ihia," Vol. .', i . ;'-"> l:-ad-i; irters be : PA 498 PA "Whi ' peace was declared he withdrew ] '..he troops from Mexico, and on his return I to the I'm ted States once more resumed hi-- business. Still retaining his coiiunaud a.- .Major- 1 i YIMOU of Penn- sylvania Militia, wlu-u the rebellion broke (-'lit, he was called attain into active service. On April 15, i.Vu, President Lincoln issue' 1 a requisition lor 75, IKK' men for three months, and Pennsylvania's quota was sixteen regiments. I'pon April :'> the (lovernorof Pennsvlvania assigned him to the command of the Pennsvlvania troops and lie immediately hc^an the \v< rk of organization. While thus cni- p'.oyed, by order of the Secretary of War, he was placed in command of the " 1 lepart- ment of Washington, " embracing the States of Pennsylvania, Ik-laware, Marv- 3and anil the District of Columbia, b.is headquarters 1 n. in^ at Philadelphia. I U-re he ori^ani/.td auannv, and, re^ai'dini; the route via Aunapoh's as the only tenable one through which lo communicate with the scat of trover;: meiit, lie caused that place to be s: i/.ed ami held by our troops and afterwards succeeded in reopening communication \\ith the capita!. He ordered the Fir-t Regiment of Pennsyl- vania Artillery with Sher'nan's Hattt-rv, all under the ci'Uimaud of his son, (ien- cral I'r; nk !'.. Patterson, to open the route through r.altimore. which h:id been closed since tb.e attack upon tl'.e Massachusetts re rime::' A] iril 19, : x : . At this most perilous juncitr.e he comprehended the wants of the ( '.oyernnient and took the requisition <>n Governor of Pennsylvania, Ani':re\v G. Curtin, to direct the or^ani/.a- l:o;;, in th i1 State, of twenty-five addi- ini ills of volunteers. 'I' he < ' <\'- i rnor I'rot'iptl-- responded, but th.e Secre ' W ." '.eclined to n ive iiiy mi >re n:i-ni-. ( ~t' ivernor Curl in, ::< <\\ ': : . - ' induced the Legislature to : the t\\ ' :' five rej, r inii nts Thi-> '.'. . the < ']" .';:'. o| in 'd v n! s' ildiers, kn< >\\'n as tin.- "!'::: '.: . . ' rv( s," who \M re -1 d: ; '. d by ft.-r thi- :: -tn-us ' ttle of I',; 11 "-. d \vh,o h isti :::::- to :. ;::!' in truniental in preventing the caj>ital from falling into the hands of the rebels. C.eneral Patter- son personally took command, June 3, i MM, at Chambersbur^, Pa. His troops were inainlv composed of Pennsvlvanians. Here- he organized his forces and proposed a- his first measure an attack on the reb- els at Maryland Heights, near Harper's Ferry, Md. This recommendation, though approved at first by C.eneral vScott, was countermanded by that officer, with direc- tions to await reinforcements. As so< n as permitud, General Patterson advanced with less than 1 1,000 men and compelled (ieneral Johnston, by a flank movement, to c-vacuate Harper's I'erry, and then gal- lantly encountering the enemy undc-r " ."stonewall " Jackson just beyond '' I-'all- int, r Waters," routed them after a sharp conflict and drove them several miks. Sultsecjiient operations of the Union forces, on a grander scale, have caused this bril- liant little affair, in which the enemy lost sixtv killed and a larj^'c number of wounded, to be forgotten. At the time', ho\vever. beini; the first instance in tin- war that any number of the I'nion troo] s had been under fire, their gallant behav- ior was a matter of verv s^eiu-ral con- gratulation and jiride. (ieneral Patter- son's subsequent campaign in the Sher.au- do: h X'allev was the subject of much unjust criticism. Smarting under the disaster of l>till Run, man\- critics blamed ('encral Pattirsou's conduct of th.e cam- ]>ai^n, but timi- has fully vindicated his judgment and services. President I.in- c his critics in " A Nar - if the CampaiuMi in the She I lain loan ," jaiblished b\- John Campbell, bookseller, in Philadelphia. At the ch'-e ol his term of service lie w.i-. honora- riisch irured and retired ti > private life, where he en^.t^ed in mauufactur- iii;j cotton and woolen ^-oods niion a cale. ( fi-neral Patti TS< >n ; lint '1 ;hi Ilibi-rnian Society in 1^24, \vaseiecu-d Vi'-f President, March 17 ! rvi':.t,' urtil V .- h. r ~, : -,< w!, : In b. came SAMTKL I). I'ATTKKSON. I'A -IX' I'A buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. Iljsname ami in iS^S Professor of Natural Philoso- is .ndis-olubly connected with the Society, p'.v in the Tnivcrsitv o; Virginia. He :i!iil f.r in.ir.v \ea:s no one spoke of the \\.is appointed hirector < -I the Tilitcd Societv without mentioning the name of States Mint at Philadelphia, in iS;,-;. by its President. Hi-- son. dcncral Robert President Jackson, ami continued to hold F.nimet Patterson ii.s6<><, is a member t'nis oillcc until hi-- resignation in i\S'>. uf the Societv at the present time, as is He was preside;;! of the American 1'hilo- alsi. his ne]il;e\v. \\'illiam C. Patterson. Jr. sophical Societv. and of the Musical l ; und i>"7 . -on of William C. Pattei son 1^451, Society, of tin- Pennsylvania Institution a brother of ;he ( ieneral. < 'lencral Patter- of tin- Hlind, ar.d of the Peiin--.lv.inia son was the fir-t President oi' the A/tec Company for Insurance, and Treasurer wf Club, formed anioiii^ officers of the A mer- the Prcsln terian Corporation lor keiief. '.'an annv in ! s .}7. President of the Penn- He \'/as also an artise niem!'er of the svlvaiiia Horticultural Society. Pre-ideiit I ; ranklin In-titute, and Trustee of the of tlie r.o.tnl of v'isitors to Tinted States Second Presbyterian church. He \sasUie ?vlilitar\- Academv, a member of the Soci author of sundry aildresses and lei/liives ety of the Cincinr.ati, and of the I. oval mostly of a scientific character. He died Lejii('ii of the Tinted States and manv in Philadelphia. September N. i\ ; . and others. Prior to his election as President was buried at Laurel Hill. Robert Tavlor h.e served on the Committee on Finance (1802), Hon. John K. Kane (iSjs and cf the Hibernian Society, iS;6 iS.js. and \VilliamJ.Leiper i,s ; i were his brothers- was Vice-President, 1^50-1.^5^. [See in-law and his nephews by marriage. He " I'.io^ra])hical J-'ncyclopiodia of Pcnnsvl- married, A]>ril 20, iSi^, Helen Hamilton, vania." Philadelphia, i^~.\, p. 42.] daughter of Thomas I.ei]n-i'. Robert Emmet Patterson, 1860. Robert Spaulding Patterson, 1882. \Vas born ir. I'liiladel])hia. Se]>temlu-r Was born April 5, 1^44. in Aberdeen. S, ]S;o. He i- ihe -on of ( Venera! Robtrt Scotland, and came to Ph.iladel]ih;a in Patterson ';S2.; , and a cousin of William Jmie, iS,S7. lie is a dravman. He is a C. Patter-o:;. Jr. :- Sf i7 . He was urad- member of the Americus Cl;ib, and of the uated from tlu- I'niteemocratic City s-rv(-d ir. the regular army, ^oini^ through Executive Committee in iss^. '. tiie gradations from Lieutenant to Samuel Dewecs Patterson. IS'-iS. Colonel, and finally I'ri^adier-f '.eneral, Was born in ^lont^omerv Co., Pa., in commanding tile Tliird brigade. Hooker's iSSo. He was the son of Samuel Patter-on, I i-wee^s, of the Potomr'c (luring the rebellion. born in America 17^1. He was educated Since the v/ar he liasleeii a merchant and a- a printer and litii'al :'!! :n Ne-,\- Jersey, I 75 I . He was edu- -at ire in ver-e. " Salt I\ i ver Rh v;m. -. ' ' was cated i;: Philadelpliia, Par;- and London wideh circulated, i s !^. He \va- State to the profession of medii'i'ae. but never printer under C.ovcrnor Wolf; Mar-h.il practiced. He w - elected in i S : .? Pro for I-,!--.. -:; Pi-trie! of Penn-yl v.mia. l^;7 - lesM.r of N"a":ral I'liilf.-ophv and Maine- iMi: \av\ A-eiit, PhiladeM.hia. i\J5- matics :i. the T : .jver--ity of Penr.-yl-,-a:;i s i v :', Ib wa- editor and publi-lier of I'A PA Norristown AV;,- A.V;- from about 1828 to iS;; and again in 1849; editor of the /'n: 'i-m/ir CHIOH, Harrisburg, Pa., 1845- 1845 ; editor and publisher of S^i/itnLiy K retting /'<>.s/, Philadelphia, 1843-1848; '//'/< /':'>; n.\\'/:'i!>f.\;':, t'i it!. Contributor to (ii'it/iiifH's .]/\ <>\h/e'r, anil other peri- odicals, and in his last davs to the Phil- adelphia /!(>'.v. He was a ineintier of Phu-uix Lodge and Jerusalem Chapter of Masonic organization. Ik- died at F.vans- burg, Lower Providence township, Mont- gomerv co., Pa., 1-Vhruurv y, iSbo, and was Imried in North Laurel Hill. Ik- left surviving him one son and fiv. 1 grand- children, and his widow, by a second mar- riage. Mrs. K. A. \Vea\er, 3215 Spencer Terrace, is one of hi* grandchildren. President Buchanan was his most intimate friend for manv years ; also other leading political leaders and states:iieii. He was called " Colonel." Benjamin Wood Rich- ards, ex-Mayor of Philadelphia, was a relative. [See Doaoci dtic k'ci'icic for March, 1849, and Allihoiie's " Dictionary of Authors."] William Patterson, 181G. Was a grocer at the northeast corner of \\'ater and Mulberry streets. Ik- \\as a member of the Acting Coniniittee of the Societ\', 1^2; 1-27. William Chamberlaine Patterson, 1845. --Was liorn February 2, 181^, in Ta/cwell, Claibonie co., TeJin. Ik- v. as the -on of Francis Patterson, a native of Countv Tyrone, Ireland, and a brother of General Robert Patterson 11824). At the ;i;^e of sixteen he came to Philadelphia, and was enx'a^ed in his brother's cotton con:ni:-Mon business until he attained hi- inajority, \\-lien he e:iti-red into lm>ine^s for hiinse! f. He was one of the projectors of the Pe!in-v'.vania I-'.ailroad Coinjiauy, a i - ! -mber of the original I'.oard of Direc- tor- in : V 17, Liul from December 6, 1848, to i-Ybruarv 2. 1^52, he \va- President of t!u- companv. IT; later vears !;e became proinii elith id' i-.tiiied as a stockholder and rlirector with a 'ininber ot railway and in '. ' ::: inu-s, ind was a<-' : . in the developmellL ol ; lie coal land- 111 We-t Vit-'ini i. Sin irtlv bef ire his death l\" helped to or^ani/e the I'nion Trust Com- pany, and became its lirst President, serv- ing in that capacity until compelled by ill- ness to resign. In 1854 he was a member o!" the Pennsylvania Legislature, and was afterwards in Select Council, and served as President of that body. In 1854 he built the nine larj^e warehouses on I-'ront and Water streets above Lombard street, known as the Patterson bonded Warehouses, which \\ere destroyed by tire August 4, 1869, entailing a loss in buildings and contents of upwards of 5,i. (X> ".' * K) - Shortlv aftrr the tire the death of his wife and a son affected him deeplv, and he removed to the \\"est, residing there until a short time before his death, when he returned to Philadelphia. lie died June 2o, ;8S^, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery For many vears he was connected v, :th the city militia as Captain of the Wash- ington Bines. He served in the I'nitel States army during the Mexican wai and in the " three months campaign " a'_ the beginning of the rebellion h;- acted as a volunteer aid on the staff of his brother, the (k-neral. F'or over fifty years he was a member of the Tenth Presbyterian church, Twelfth and Walnut .streets. His son, William C. Patterson, Jr. '1867 , is a member of the Societv. Colonel William C. Patterson served on the Finance Com- mittee of the Societv, 1841) iSbo,. William Chambcrlaino Patter- son, Jr., 18G7. Born in Philadelphia, Julv 15, I.S42. He is the son of William Chamberlaine Patterson ( 1845 !. I k- was a warehouseman at Front and Lombard until 1809, after that a clerk ; was a mem- ber of Lodge 51, F. ,\: A. M. He is now a residt nt of Greenville, S. C. George Patton, 1846.- We have no definite information conccrr.i::g Irm. James Patton. Jr., 1817. Was an importer of naval stores. John Patton, 1790. i >' ::-. 1 John Patton was a member o! the F;':c:;dly Son- "f St. Patrick see p ige I .: i . John C. Patton, 1821.- \V chant at i i ~ S. Ninth street in Michael Patton, 18(55. Was ' e-tale agent at 2() S. F.ightee'.lth street. d si ,nu- vears -ince. PA 501 PO Robert Patton, 1790.- W..s I'ostmas- ' of its failure. He afterwards removed to ter of Philadelphia from Octobers, 17.^9, Paris. France. until his death in 1M4- He was an orig William Phillips, 1819. V.'as a sea inal member of the Society of the Cincm- captain. nati, and was elected ..designated as Major William Morgan Phillips, 1884. Robert Patton i Treasurer oi that, body, Was born in Philadelphia. April 19, i.Vj7. j:..y6, 1804. He is not of Irish descent. He is a civil Robert Patton, 1839. Was probably engineer by pmlVssion and is at present in the carpet business on High street. Superintendent of the Leu '.stown Division Samuel A. Patton, 1852. Letters of of the Pennsylvania Railroad and resides administration on his estate were granted, at Lewisto\\n, Pa. M..v 2i y . i>-6, to Mary Pattern, Roxbor- Alexander Philson, 1812. Lived at ou'j/n. The sureties were Robert M. Car- 11 X. Fighth street in iMi. Hev. as one lisle and Samual A. Patton, both of Rox- of the Managing and Subscription Com- borough. inittee of Philadelphia Manufacturing So- Thomas R. Patton, 1862. Is a ciety established in iSuS. His will, dated nephew of David Rankin uS24.. October ;6, IM7, and proved X'. '\einber John E. Payne, 1882. Manager, 2.^4 19. iSi7, mentions his wife, Jane; his S. Fourth street, did not return his blank. daughter, Frances F. Patton, now " Mr--. Thomas Penn-Gaskell, 1835. Son Hreeder ; " and his sons. Matthew, of Peter Penn-( raskell, of Fngland, and Thomas, Robert and Alexander Philson. Fli/abeth Fdwards, of Montgomery co., Jeremiah Piersol, 1807. We have Pa.., was born about 1797 at Ashwood, nothing definite concerning him. Delaware co., Pa. near Villanova). lie Joseph North Piersol, 1869. Was inherited large estates in Ireland, as a de- City Treasurer, 1^67-1,^.69. He died March ecendant of William Penn. Hewasbnried, 15. i- s 7Q, leaving a widow and children. October 20, : V 46, in his vault at St. John's His sons. William I!. Piersol and Jo-eph Catholic church, Thirteenth -hove Chest- X. Piersol, Jr., were the executors, nut street. ;.'iid his wife, Mary I'enn-(',a-- William Piersol, 1807. W.> an ke.ll, was ...Is,) buried there, Dei-ember 2.;. ironmonger at 56 X. Third street and 66 iS6/. She was a granddaughter of p.lair Race street in 1807. McClenachan 1700-. Major Peter Penn- John Pinkcrton, 1790. Was of the Gaskell Hall, of Philadelphia, is his firm of John Pinkerton & Co., iroumon- nephew. gers. at 132 S. \\"ater and ;;; S. Front Eaward Lang Perkins. 1884. -Was streets in 1790. A marriage iirer.se was born in Philadelphia, Ma'.' 2\ ;S;;. He issm-d Fehrnarv 27, 1762, !or him and is a member of the Philadelphia bar, ail- Lydia Potts. William Pinkerton, his son, mitted to practice, Ma\- 26, iS66. In IS^KJ who died August 2;. 1707. aged 21 ve.irs, he was Seeri tar\' of the Territorv of New was buried in Third Presbvti ri.:n cein- Mexico. He is prominent! v identified etery. Pine street 1 low Fifth. Letters of with the Masonic Order, American Legion administratior on his estate were granted, of Honor, and sundry financial and char- April 9, iN>4, to I.\-di:'. Pinkerton. One of the sureties was Andrew Kenm-dv Owen W. Pettid, 1805. A native James Pleasants, 1S05. Was a m-.T of Ireland, was in the Hij-.ior bnsine-s. chant at ;;- High street in [S>5, Lefer' Letters o| administration on his estate of a-lmini-tration on bis estate \\ i ; \\'.-n granted, Jv.n-- :2, 1^7.-. to M: h .-1 granted. Maivh 2< ; , I S;?4, to M try T. PY...- 1 '..ill, : i ( ' S. , .-;:'!; -trett. ants. Char!i.-> Ple.isants \\-.;s one o! tin. John Phili.Mii, 1851. Was in thi lies. iilunibing business. G'harles Phillips, IRS". \Vas Pres- ro PO Joseph PogUC, 1S35. Was a broker at 43 S. Third street in 1835. Jarnes Pollock, 138:2. Was born August 28, iS4<>. in Portlanone, Countv Derrv, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia, June i, i-\5i. Heisacarpei manufacturer at b25 Fast Dauphin street. He was for nine years a member of the Board of FMucation, beginning January i, 1879. He was Chairman of the Trades' Dispiav ol the I')i-Centennial Celebration of the citv of Philadelphia in October, 1.SN2. He is a member of the I'nion League, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Albion Society, and is one of the Directors of the Textile Association of Philadelphia. lie was also for ten years correspondent of the (\irpcf T)\nlc, newspaper, New York city. He is a Director of the Ninth National Bank, Industrial Trust, Title and Savings Com- panv, and Manufacturers' Club, and is President of the Board of Trustees of the Beacon Presbyterian church. John Pollock, 1865. Was in the retail dry-goods business. Oliver Pollock, 1792. Was a mem- ber of the Friendlv Sons of St. Patrick I see page 130 . Robert Pollock, 1840. Was a mer- chant at 5 South Second street in 1840. His \\ill. proved December 17, i.v><>, men- tions Mary Ann Pollock, Andrew Pollock, Bel'.e F. Hop-, in. wife of Lloyd B. I lop- pi n ' i ;,!'") Ynu- ; John Pollock, son of his nephew, John Pollock; Mrs. Marv Clem- ent, wife of Richard Clement ; William Murtha; William A. Porter. Ksq.; J. R. Pollock, deceased, his brother. He gave 55. " to Christ Church F.pi-copal Ib>s- ; it '. ; ^lo.ocMto Pennsylvania Hospital ; ?3,xj to St. Joseph's Hospital ; 5;,,"*. to St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum; //5"o to tlu- F.pi-copal church at K itterhandera, C> mm v Cavan, Ireland ; ,.{500 to the oldest Roman Catholic church in same town. The executors were Charles R. Durbor- row John B. Mvers K: Co.) and his ne] -hew, John 1'ollock. William John Pollock, 1862. Was horn in Philadelphia, February 13, 1833. He is the son of Fdward Pollock, a native of Countv Tvrone, Ireland. He is , a graduate of the Central High School and is a manufacturer. He is a member of the Masonic Order, of the I'nion League, and of the I'nion Republican Clnb, and is connected with the Ninth Presbyterian church. He was a member of Select Council f:om the Twenty-sixth Ward, 1865-1868; Fnited States Collector of Internal Revenue, 1870-1875; member of Pennsylvania House of Representa- tives, [878-1882, and again United State-, Collector of Internal Revenue, 1882- 1885. lie lias also been a member of the Board of PMucation since 1X76. During the Centennial Fxhibition in 1876 he was Chief Flxamiv.er of Foreign C.oods. [See "Men of America, Citv C.overn metit," Philadelphia, i88; v ] Ralph W. Pomeroy, 1833. Was in the book business. Andrew Porter, 1792. Born Sep- tember 24, 17.13, in Worcester, Montgom- ery co., Pa., was the son of Robert Porter, who emigrated to America from London- derry, Ireland, in 1720, and who first set- tled in New Hampshire, and afterwards in Montgomery co.. Pa. In 1767 Andrew opened an Fnglish and Mathematical School in Philadelphia, in which he taught until June 19. 1776, when he was appointed a Captain of marines and ordered to the frigate " Ffiingham. " He was soon transferred to the artillery ser- vice. He was Captain until M;rrh 13, 1782, and then became Major, Lieutenant- Colonel and Colonel of the Fourth Penn- sylvania Artillerv, which post, he held at the disbanding of the arm;/. He was engaged in the battles of Newt own, Prince- ton, Brandywine and Oermanto\vn, and was personally commended by Washing- ton for his conduct on the latter field, and at his request was sent to Philadelphia to prepare material foi til;- siege of York - town. In April, 177'), he joined ('.eiu-ral J.'hn Sn'li'i an's expedition against the Indians. In 17X3 he retired to his farm and declined the chair of Mathematics in the I'niver^itvof Pennsylvania. In 17^4 -1 787 he \sas a commissioner to run the boundary lines of Pennsylvania. In 1801 h , ,- m ide Brigadier ('.em ral of Penn bvivania militia, was subsequently Major- PO "!>:; ro Geru-r..'.. and in i!Sc>9 was appointed tional Convention which nominated Ilar- Survevor-( '.ciieral of the .State, which rison in INNS. In I X N^ be was chosen position he held until his death, which Chairman of the Republican City Cain- occurred in HarrislmrL;. November if>, , ..li^n Committee, and in I Nc>, i was ekvted iSi;. David Rittcnhouse Porter, (iov- I" :';. State Sena'.e. lie is one of the enior (if Peiuisvlvania ; C.eor^" Hryan leading t;:;uri. .-. in Republican pohucs.. 1'orter. governor if Michigan ; j.cn . - [See 'I'hil.. . !;, Ilia and Popular Philadel- Madison Porter i iSiS), .Secretary of \."ar phians," p. 2N.J un.ler President Tyler; and Robert Por- JaillCS M. Porter, 1814. Was pr b- terii7yo. \verehissons. (ieneral Robert ably an iron merchant. P. I >echert . iSN'4 is his ^reat-.^rand.son. Robert Porter, 1790. Son of C,en- [ See Appicton's " Knc vclopa/dia of Amer- eral Andrew Porter 17^2 . \va-. Lie'.r.enant ican Iho^ra})hy," Vol. 5. ]'. 71 ; " l!ioi;r. of artillery during the revolutionarv war, Ivncyc. of Pennsylvania," p. 40 ; linck's , and afterwards Pre^iilent-Jnd^e of the "Hist. Montgomery County."] , circuit compo>ed uf l',erk>, J.ehi^h and James Madison Porter, 1818. Northampton for thirty years. .Maior B:?rn in 1792 in Montijomvry co., Pa., Robert Porter was elected Secretar%' o! the was the son of C.eneral Andrew Porter .Society of the Cincinnati, J i.'.y >\ ! v v). ( I 792 , and the brother of David Kitten- Stimucl Porter, 1829. \Ve have no house Porter, (iovernor of Pennsylvania. definite information concern:n;_; him. lie was admitted to the Philadelphia P.ar, William Porter, 1820. --\Va> a mer- April 24, iSi^, practiced law here for a t chant. short time, and removed to l{aston, North- : William A. Porter, 1842. -( ".ran. i- ampton co.. Pa. He served in the war of , son of (General Andrew Porter 17*)-' , iSi2, was a member of the Constitutional : wa^ born in I.NJI in Hnr.tin^'ion co., i'a. C'onvention of iS^7~iS; v S t and was PIVM- He was a >on ol ( '.o\\-rnor Da\'id Kitt :;- dcT.t-Jnd^e of the Twelfih judicial Dis- house- Porter. He graduated from I.afay- trtct, and afterwards of the Twenty-second ' ette College, I-'.aston. and on reachin:; ;ii^ District. He was ai>]'ointed Secretary of majority in iS.jj was admitted to the Phil- War in I.N.}^ b\- P;e>:dent Tvler, and adelphia liar, A]iril 2'\ iS|2. About the retired in IN4,S. He \vasone of the fonmlers , clo>e of i\|J. on tile death of Hi ;:rv of Lafayette College, Iva^tou, and was Morris, then .SheritT of Philadel])hia, (V >v- Pre^ident of the Hoard of Trustees for ; enior Porter a])]>ointed hi-~ son, William more than twentv-t:V'- vcars. lie was a A., to nil the vacancy. Karlv m 'i:s nromiiieiit member of the Masonic Order. , term the weavers' riot in Keni-iu^ton oc- He took >o much interi-st in the Hiber- I'un'ed, aiul Sheriff Porter, with a >mall nian S>>ciet\" th.it he fi-eijiiently came bv force, went to the market on Americ in sta^e fnun }-,,i>ton to attend its yearlv street to (jnell the di-turbamv. but \sas meetings. He ilied November II, lS6j. bealell b.ick b\- the rioters. The !le\t having resided in Kaston more than half dav the militar\' \veiv or.lered out. and a century. Hon. William A. Porter 11X42) the preparations of the troops sufficed to was his nephew. [See " biographical quell the riot. Jud-v Porter was elected Hncvclopa-dia of Pennsylvania,' 1 p. ,v'.-.] Citv Solicitor in i s ,s^. by the Democrats, Charles A. Porter, 1890. -Was born in the campaign that made Richard V.:ux Mav 15. iS^t), iu Philadelphia, and was Mavorof the city, and ts\'o years afle-r lu- educated in the JUtblic 1 schools. He i- a was appointed a fud:;e of the Supreme contractor, and in isf>2 \va> aiipoji.ted Court. At the expiration of hi-, term he Supervisor of Streets of cit\ of Philadel- i-esunied his law ]->raclice in this citv. He iihia. which position he held for four years, was etiijajjeil in many prominent cases in and in i .S6q was elected a member of the the ]iractice of his profession, and be Citv Republican Campaign Coinmittve. tweeii i s !5 and I S 5.S he delivered, a nnm- He was elected to the Legislature, \--~2 ler of addresses before the Law Ac.ule-mv, 1^7; | ^ 1 7I. and was a delegate to ti:. 1 Na . and ur.'te ir.imerous i-s>ays on law. ro 504 ro When but twenty-one years of age he was offered the Presidency of I.afavette Col- lege, hut deelinetl the honor. He \vis a member of the Commission appointed by the I'resident to distrihute the Alabama award, and during the earlier proceedings of the citv's equitv suit against the Cias T;nst he was one of the special counsel summoned to the aid of Citv Solicitor West. Whilst walking with his niece near Wissahickon .Station near Chestnut Hill, and as he was remarking to her the beamy of the sunset, he fell lifeless at her feet, on June 2S, iSs6. George W. Piddle announced tile death of Judge I'orter in the United States Circuit Court, and Judge Butler paid ;; high eulogy to the legal attainments of the (let-eased, and ad- iourned the Court as a token of respect to his uicmorv. Judge I'orter was a promi- nent Presbyterian. lie commanded the reject and admiration of all \\ho knew him, and was distinguished for unifonn kindness and rourtesv to all who came ir.to contact with him. William G. Porter, 1859.- -Was a commission merchant at 105 South Water street in 1 ,^59. Richard C. Potter, 1802. In the Directory of iSo.j is described as having a "wholesale store, .103 North Third street.' 1 Rev. George Charles Potts, 1811. Millie-rated from Ireland towards the close of the last century. lie had been a licen- tiate of the Presbytery of N\ w Castle. Del., for some months, when he wa> or- dained ami installed as the first pastor of the Fourth 1 ':\ -hvterian church of Phila- delphia. Mav 22, 1800. Tliis church had been founded by a score of Irishmen in [une, '.''' i. Rev. Mr. Potts was an active member of the Hibernian Societv, and was one of its " Cha])lains." 1 1 i-- death was an- nounced at the Society meeting, Dcccm- 1 er : ~ . i\;S. ' Sec page Ujl. ; Philip Powell, 1855. -Treasurer of ocietv from March 17, 1870, until his -'. a s born f u n e \ f <. I S 20, i n the to vvn >f I'.n ok 1 orongh, Count y ]-\ rmanagh, Ircl nd, lid ' me to Philadel] >lii:t, June 2. i^-^. He \\ <:i mi n Ii lit, and lie was Pre-i- li-nt * if tin :~ Soup Soci- ety for thirteen years. He was a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows' and Masonic Orders. He died October 26, i SS i . His long and faithful services as Treasurer ot the Society were the occasion of special resolutions of condolence passed at a meeting held December ,;, iSS.}, to take action npon his death. i See page 2jS. I Tyrone Power, 1837. Was born in J795, iu Count}- \Yaterford, Ire-land. He was an actor by profession. His mother, a widow, removed, during his infancy, to Glamorganshire, South Wales, where he made his debut as " Romeo," in a theatre at Cardiff. In iSiS lie retired from the stage, but reappeared in Ic- shot under him, anil was wounded during a cavalry charge. He was honorably dis- charged in Si pt mbi r, i v '','. and then joined the Seroiiil Kegiinent Penn^ylva- ro "(i5 PR r.ia National duards. and remained an ac- and was l>y trade a carpenter. < >n Octo- ti\e im.-in1n.-r df that organi/.ation until bcr 27, 1775, he applied to the Committee ! S 72. In IN77 hi- was appointed clerk in of Sakty lo be commissioned as C.ipt..iu the Citv Treasurer's office, ami in the fol- of . \rtillerv, and received his commi-s;on. '.owing \ ear was made chiel clerk ill the ( )ii [line 27. I 776, he applied for the " COTU- Kecorder's olliee, In i^7y he was pro- inand of the Fortifications erect:::-.,' ..t :noted to be Deputy Recorder. In iSSohe Hiil'iigsport." In August. ! 776, hi> coin- was appointe- commissioned Colonel \\ith insi.ri.c- Con-iier lanr.evin I.VM he \\asappointed lions to raise a regiment ot" arti'.icr*. t } -\ I'epntN Coroner, and was elected Coroner February iS, 1777, he was uotti'.cd of his :;-. \^"~\. In i ^N . he wa.s a delegate to the ap]ioii:tnient and directed to a>.k ( .eiietal kei'if: ''.ica:i National Convention at Chi- Washington "lor leave to reti:rn " to tl'.e cago, and \\'asonu of the " 306 " who voted city, he thun Ijeiny at Morristosvn with ths_' for (C:RT.:] (irant. In iS.->6 he took ,111 army. On June lo, 1777, the I'en::-\'.- active part in the ino\-einent in aid of vania Hoard of War directed "Colonel ir:>h Home Rule, and was one of the Thomas Proctor to sin '.'ae wlii k'.ioi.'.s iiim. [See " ML-:: of America, battle of ( k-nnantov, n. The ren::;ant> tember, 177 s , his regiment became Phila i lpl:i,-'.:is," }\ 23. ] a ]iart ol the Continental .\rm\-, and he "William Powers, 1790. Was a received his counni>sion as Colonel of " teacher in the I "niver>itv " in 1791. artillery. May iS, 177^. His b ..tteries in Wayne's Heryvn Neck e\pe<".i- Ky. Hi- was the executor of the estate tion. and \\as satirized hv Andre in the of Colonel Robinson, Kcntuckv, who left "Cow Chase a legacy of two hundn.d dollars to the So- , , . " Sons ot distant Delaware, ciety, an! on account ol services rendered . . And still remoter Shannon, in that connection was elected an Ilono;-- . ary Member of the Societv Atl<1 Majnr I.iv with h,,n,,r raro John Pringle, 1790.-Was ni cr- chant ;,,.d native of Ireland. lie died He resi May S, 1702. Ht.- Tian-ie.1, Octobei J'., Tlioniiis Proctor, 1700. W.is born I.ibertas of Philadelphia." In t!u- in Ireland in 17 v,. I k- emigrated to Phil of 171,1 Col. Thoma-> I'roctor wa adelphia \\itlihis father. Francis Pro,-.:. missioned under date of Marc;: ;<> PR r,ut; IT to visit several Indian nations, inhabiting affirmative answer was given to Colonel the water- near Lake Lrie. the Miamies Proctor's peace proposals, and his request and the Wab.ish. "the same being in- that the chiefs \\ould accompanv him to tended to the establishment of peace and the hostile Miamies and other Indians to frieiid'.v intercourse between the -aid na- invite them to a treatv with (lovernor St. tions and the Tinted States of America." Clair on the Ohio. The British officer in Co!. Proctor kept a journal of his mission, charge of the garrison at Niagara, how- which was transmitted to Major (Veueral ever. :e fused the use of a vessel which was H Kno\, Secret. '.ry of \Var. A cop\- of needed, and this and other tactics pre- '.'.:, ".:::..! was sent to ('lovernor Mitilin, vented any further progress. Col. Proc- of Pcun-vlvauia. and is printed in the tor left Builalo, Ma\ 2 i , and came to Phil- " 1\ ::n-\ '.vauia Archives " 'Second Series. adeiphia bv way of Pittsburgh, reaching \"ol .}. pa.ue 53^ t>22l. Col. Proctor left home, |nne 7. Ill his journal ;. March 22, Philadelphia, March i 2, 1791, accompanied 17111 Col. Proctor savs: "This place" by Capt. I loudiu; reached Reading, March ia point thirteen miles from Lahawanock, i \ ; crossed the east branch of the Susque- on the water of Buttermilk falls) " I had hanna, March 17; at \Vilkesbarre, March the opportunity of examining minutely Ig, and at Tio^a, March 25. Col. I'roctor when going on the expedition with (ien- ivmarkiug th .t until they arrived at era! Sullivan against the savages in the Tioga. to save their horses, they travelled year 1779, at which time I had the coin- on loot more than half of the way from maud of 214 vessels on the Susquehanna, the town of Reading. From a point taking with me the provisions and stores called the Painted Post, or C'oshockton, of b,'*x> men. We anchored off this the pa:ty followed an Indian trail niuetv- cataract in the afternoon of August i, nine miles to the ( iciiesee. April i had a and I landed ami passed to the top of the ci inference at the " Iquawkev se: t lenient " motiiitaiu to review so great a curiosity," "ii the hi;j.h-!ands above the ( k-nesee etc. In 1795 he became Brigadier-f ",eii- tiver. At l-'ort l-'rauklin, April c y , a conn- era! of the Pennsylvania troops, and i il with ' er; L:U chiefs of the Seiiecas was marched against the "Whiskey" inMir- held : one with the I>cl '.wares, April !2. ;^eiit>. II is brigade, numbering i ,S.J9 men , At Cat'.arau;;us. about two and a half miles included the troops from the citv and from Lake Lrie, Col. Proctor savs " the\ coiint\ of Philadelphia, and Montgonicrv, the Li'ii.tn- were preparing to bury the Clu-ster and 1 telaware counties. Heaftcr liter of a great chief, and in the house wards became Major ( '.eiieral of the IVun that I was placed, there was a number of svlvania militia. He was one of the the mourners, \\lio appeared under the founders of the St. Tammany Society of greatest distress bv their cries; during P'.dladelphia, of which he was a sachem. which time all their heads \\ere covered A part of Col. Proctor's regiment of artil- uith their shrouds, but when the\ had lerv has maintained its organisation to the themselve-, I did not di-co\-er present time as the Second I'nited States ' ' tin \ had shed one tear. This brought Artillery. lie died. ; ; , pln'ladelphia, March to my recollection the man nen if attending;' i'>, iSi/i, in the n:>ih yea'- of his ai;e. Let- v.ake- in the old couutrv, with tin- native ters of admiui-tra'ior on h: estate \\e:r !ri h, whi tin rich lure old \\onieii to granted, March 2' . :'''>, : I'.obert Kid. '.:;: i.: the lo-s of the decea-ed, ami to Next t" ('.eiu-r.d Ki; i ral I'roctor mt all tile valuable actions o| their was t'n.e mo-t in : n'jMi.-'u-d American life." The party reached I'.uffalo, artillcrx ollicer of til i lution. [See '-.;::'. 27 whi'li a council was held, or a " Applcton's Cyclop;i.-i !:,!,'' Y<>!. 5, p. ,.'7; oi councils. co\-erinu; a period ol ' '. " Scharf X \\'e-tcott'- f li.-t. i'h;:a . " \'ol. weeks or more. He found the Indian-, i,p. VV ' ! : mi: h undei I, Joseph H. Pardon, 181'J. \V.is the which made his position a very difficult brother of John Purdon, [r., author ol - intone. After repeated del a-. - i'.i Pnrdon'- hi-e-t of the Laws of Peiiti- sylvania," and son of John Purdou, \\tio \\ith building associations, and originated died Noveml)er. iM'j. and managed some thirty-five of those Francis Thomas Qtiinlan, 1882. popular savin- societies. IK- ^eiiera!l\ Wa- horn August 15. 1^7, i" the parish acted as Secretary of them, and at the of Killavillinx', County Cork, Ireland. time of his dc..th held that po.sition in six- and canie to Phila ielphia, July.), 1.^49. 'ecu of them. The names of tlie building IK- i- in the dr\ --oods business. He en- associations ..ru;an:/ed ' v him were . listed as a private in the One Hundred follows. Franklin, December 2;,, 1^47; and Sixteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Matheu Carc\ , September : 9, i \ly : F'ran- \'olunteers during the rebellion, and was cis Cooper, A ..;.;;>'. 2 .. : \'o ; Carroll, July p-o:noted to tie First Lieutenant and 2), 1^5: ; Cadwalader, June 16, i >.s\; ; a:''e rwards Captain. Robert Flanagan, July 24, iv>5; City, John Quiuu, 1882. Was born Octo September : 2, r :j unin Frank tier, i.s.22, in the parish of I.isscii, County February .;, i^^; I-'ranc:s Co., per, Me. Derry, Ireland. and came to America Pliil- 24, i -o- 1 ; Carroll, December 12, .2 ; adclphia'. June, 1^45. He is in the milk C idwala ier, October 22, iS',;, ; I'ersever- business at 250 Spruce street. ance. September 29, [S'>; ; Flana-au, Fcb- Alcxandcr Quinton, 1833. We ruary i'>. i-o Jooper, Octol have no definite information concerumsj; 23. it'\s; i-rankhn, May 22, [Sbo ; C.ir- him. roll, January 2.;, I V>7 : Hibernia, May 15, Patrick Qutun, 1880. Was horn al i s '=7 : Shamn.c I-'airy Walter, near ( )ma-h, County Ty- F'.merald, Novemtier iu. ;vr ; P'raacir rone. Ireland, January 25, IM.J, and, came Cooper, January 27, iS7u; I )an : .el ( )'Co to Amc-rica when bill sixteen years of a^e. "ell, Ma}- 20, 1.^70; l-'.rm, January ;,:, He was enjra^ed in the mercantile biisi- 1^71 ; Carroll, No. 4, November :\, \~-~i ; ness \\ith his uncle in Baltimore, and Flanagan, No. _;, Mav 29, 1^72; Carroll, afterwards in I. vT:cht>ur;4, \"a., ami re- No. 5, January 31, 1^7;; Cadwalader, No. moved to Philadelphia in 1^44, where lie 3, November 21, 1^7.; ; St. Patrick, Auuu-t dieil January 2'-.. iSyt. F'rom 1^57 until 21, i^7|: Kdward Me' '.overn, Apr:'. _v,, his death he w.is Treasurer of the Bciie- :S 7 ; : James Maitin. November 22, 1^75 ; ficial Saving Fund. He left a lar-e es- Carroll. No. i\ Au-ust V'. ^7^; Carroll, tite, the greater part of which he be- No. 7, March 2, 1X77; Hibernia. June 20, ipieathcd to Catholic institutions, the ' S 77; Cardinal. Mav 2\ r-7^ ; Mineral. I, residue ^oiny to th>.- C I'.' 1 . >l:c I 'niversitv No. 2, Januarv 24. 1.^79; F'rancis Cooper, at Washington, D. v.. Mr. (Jninn married August 2^. 1^79. and Multum in Pa:\'o, in iS)i, but his wife died nianv vears March 12. iSSu. The largest of these was before his death. No -hildren survivt-il the St. Patrick, \\-itlia stock-valuation of them. xSo,\i). the total c.qiit.d of all these as- Bcrnard Raff'orty, 13Gu. Was born soci.it ions reaching 515.0. . i,..). Mr. Raf- Dctobt-r 30, iS; 2, i:i tlu citv of New York. fertv managed them with a firm hand, His parents were natives of Ireland. He and no sr.ch ;hi:i;j,- i< lailure ever occurred came to Philadelphia at the a-e of sixteen, under hi- management. Such was ;he and ser\'ed as an a])prentice \s ith Samuel con tide 1 ici.- of I lie -l;,i!i holders in him that Lloyd, sheet-iron works, wi:h whom he he praetic,;'.l\ controlled ,;!! these cor;.. .;-.;- ,.:erwards carried uii liusiiu-ss, under the t: >;:- him-clf. ]',. ::.bt in;.' contact .. i;h :.nn name of Lloyd \: Riiferty. !! t ':, :mmer. .::- -1. ,- , 1.. .Id^ : s du: in- a !..;- n 'i illy lii-ctme sole proprietor of the i .; : - . .:" . e i : - la- ' c iiu- \\ i.lel v k n. .\\ u ' is'.ucs-. IK- was !,;:- of the >il-\ :: t' or-, in th" c::^. i b. ..- ..|' a positive temve: 01 the Mechanics' 1 u ,1: :,;: ( . '::;.:: ::: .m.-nt. aii-I hi- ::: its -.. !i;alit \ was >tro:i^l \ v'tril, i .=; i, was i-li-.-ifd its first Sec; .-:.-.:-\ im:ir<-s-ed n:>ou tr.e a--oci,itions \\itli RA 508 RK above Rare street, for forty years. He w.is a'.so a i!K-inl>er of the Catholic Philo- ;, alrian Literary Institute. [Sec Obituary Notici iu i \:l/;i>iii Slaiuiiii'i;, December George Jerome Rafferty, 1881. Born October 21, i>>34, in Philadelphia. I iis father \\as a native of I >ubiin and his mother a native of Count v Mcath, Ire- land. He has been ill the jobbing boot and shoes and carpet trades. Robert Rainey, 1790. Was a mem- ber of the 1'rieiully Sons of St. Patrick isec p. 131 . Walter Raleigh, 1887. Was born in Philadelphia, January 19, L\)V. His father, .Maurice Raleigh, was a native of Countv Limerick, Ireland, and hi:* mother, I-'.. Mc('-rath, of County Tippciarv. Ire- land. He \\ a.s former! v a manufacturer and a Justice of the Peace in New Jerscv, and is now in the fire insurance business at 515 'j Walnut street. Robert Ralston, 1871. Was born on November 50, iS2i, in Castlegav, Countv Donegal, Ireland, and. came to Philadelphia. July 2f. !,\45. He i- in t'ne grocery business with his son. He is a member of the Masonic Order. Evan Randolph, 1854.- Was lorn in Philadi Iphia. October 2. I.S22. Ik- was of the firm of Randolph >.V Jer.ks, for mauv vears a leading cotton house in ''hiladclphia. He \\as at one time Coun- cilman from the Ninth Ward. He died . >cccmber3, iSS;. and was buried at South Laurel Hill cemetery. Mr. Randolph was not of Irish descent. David Rankin, 1824. --Was ,,f tin- firm of Rankin \; Adams, tea importers. He inherited a large amount of money from a brother, who died in St. Louis, Mo. He served on the Acting Committee of the Socittv. i\-,7 : S 4<>, and was Treas- ;: in iS.^o. Hugh Kankin (1859) was hi- r,n. Hugh Rankin, 1859. Was the son of David Rankin iS24i. He was in the - with his : '.la r am! is said to :: '.'.- - ;:d. di. :!: r< Robert R;tnkin. 1SL>7. Was pro! :.}<': Brother of David Rankin i ' ; . - 17 . : i.i ti ':: ., :-:.:.: to , to Loui-a A. Rea. Collinson Read, 1803. --Was the son of James and Susannah Read. He studied Ja\\ at the Temple, London, and bewail to practice in Philadelphia. He was a Pres- idential elector Vtheii Washington was first elected President. He died after 1813. [See "Keith's Provincial Council- lors," ]>. 191.] George Campbell Read, 1862. Honorary Member (see page 223), was born in lu-land in i~^~, came to the United States at an early age, was ap- pointed a Midshipman in the Tinted States navy on Apiil 2, iSo4, and ad- vanced to the rank of Lieutenant, April 25, iSio. He was Third Lieutenant on the "Constitution'' when the British frigate " ( iv.erriere " was captured, and Captain Isaac Hull assigned him the honor of receiving the surrender of Captain James R. Dacres. the British commander, lie was actively engaged during the entire war of i Si j. and near its close- commanded the brig " Chipiu-wa" of the flying squad- ron, under command of Commodore Oliver II. Perry. lie was promoted Com- mander. April 27, ]Si6; Captain. March 3, 1^25 ; took charge of the I-'.ast India squadron in !S.j<\ and of the squadron on the coast of Africa in 1.^46, and. after com- manding the Mediterranean squadron for some time wis placed on the- r< served list, September : ;, !\~ ; . Ma} ] : he \\.-i-- ajipriinted Crovernorof the Naval Asylum ;,t Philadehihia, and held that position until his death. On J;:l; 1^62, by virtue of a rerenth t a -s< : ,\- '. of Congress, was maile a Rc-ar Vdmir.-il on the r< tired list. He died i:. Pliiladel- ; ':.:.., .\ui:ust '-., ; C( 2, and \'>-.( RF. with inilii.iry honors in the grounds of "Plan for the Administration of the the Naval Asylum. Commander William ('.irard 1 ''.slate " Philadelphia, i.xVi; Roliekelldorf, I nited States Navy, mar "The I, aw of H\ idclire !^'>.}., and ried his niece. [See " Appleton's Cyclop. Jefferson Davis ami hi- Complicity in Amcr. P.io^raphy." Vol. 5, p. 197.) ?h'- As-as-iiiation of Abraham Lincoln" John Meredir.i Road, 18:i2. S.>n iv/,.. Ik- died in Philadelphia, Novetu- <.f John Read an! -iMtnl-oii of George her '9,1874. Hon. John Meredith Read, Read, signer of the Declaration of link- Jr. .late I nited States Minister to ('.recce, jii.-iiiK-ni.x-, a::il ;j/ .indue: '!u-w of Captain is his son. [Se<- " App'.eton's Cvcl<>p. 'fiioina.s Read 117.1.' , was horn in 1'hil- Am. liio^r.," Vol. 5, p. !>/>_] adclphia, July >,, 1797, -raduated at tin- William Franklin Road, 1S89. ' "ni VL-rii tv of Ix-nnsvl vania in IM j, ainl Was horn in I'hil adrlphi i, < K-'.oin r 1 7, ; x ^ ^ was admitted to the liar ill iSiS. He was Ili-^ Iri>h anre>tor>. ;:a;:i ! Carty, --!.. ;!v-' 1 a iiK-mI'er of tlu- I'i-inis\ 'Ivania I,ev;'isla- in N\-w Jersey earl\ in :',u- i-i^h-.i-i-nth Unv, iNjJ 1^2$ ', City Colkvtor and mem- rentur\'. He i> an inntorti ; iibi ma'.iafav.-- li'-r of Selei-t Council, Inited States At- turer. He is a Director o: I::. National toruev lor the Hasten i District of I'eini- I'.ank of Commerce, lK'..,,\,i;v Mir.ua! sylvania, 1837-1844; Solicitor-* '.eneral of ' Safety Insurance Company and Trust the Inited States, AUonu-v-t ieneral of Company of North America. Pennsylvania and Chief-Justice of that Patrick Rcancy, 1SS2. Was horn State from i S6<> until his death. He was March 17, 1828, in Coimtv Roscominon, one of the founders of the free soil win^ Ireland; came to America (New York , of the Democratic party. This produced ( )ctol ier ,v ', ' S J7. and settled in 1'hiladel- opposition to his confirmation by the phia the same vear. He \\a-in the ,^ro- t nited State- Senate when nominated in ccrv i>usiness lor twent\'-iive years, anil a i-'. (S as a Jnd^e of the I nited States Su- real estate assent al'ter 1870, and President preme Court, and caused him to withdraw ' of the Passyunk. Avenv.e Market Co:n- his name. He was a strong advocate of pany. lie died January 26, i^s-. th.- annexation of Texas, of the building Thomas Reath, 1825. Was born a' of railroads to the Pacific, and was a pow- I'.ushmills. Countv Antrim, Ireland. An- erfnl siM>porter of President Jackson in ^ist i, 171)2. He was the sou of Adam hi- wara-iinst the Tnited States Hank. Reath. He came to America iu i8ifi and He entered the Republican party on its settled in Philadelphia, where he entered forma, i, MI, and in 1850 delivered a speech into partnership with Wil'.i.im Adam-, the 0:1 tlu Power of Congress over Slavery iinu bein^ Adams Ov Real:;, v, !: .K--aK- in th Territories," which was used ex- grocers. r;)on the dissolutioti >f the :irm tensively in the canvass of that year. In Mr. Reath continued the business alone r-SS'he Republicans elected him Jud-e until i8 }: , when he entered the firm of of tin- Sujnvme Court of Pennsylvania by Reath ,\; Martin Thomas Reath and 30,1 )) majority. He was a ])rominent James S. Martin . Hour and -rain com Presidential candidate in 1800, althou-h mission nu-t chants, on P, road street above '" l; ^' 1 : ' ! ' hi - Personal influence in favor Cherry. He finally retired from 'o:-i::ess of Mi Lincoln The opinions of Jud-c j n 1850, though he continued for several R-.-a 1 :-:::; through forty-one volumes of years .1 Director of t!'.-.- WeVa-rn National :e|iorts. His " Views on the Suspension iVink. He died in PliiKnK '.; .lii.i on I ; ebrn >' Mi-- //r'.vy (~ ( ir/>i<*" Pliila.lelj^ua, ,,; -. 17, ; > :: , and \\as buried in Laurel [S'j.v were adopted as tlie basis of the Act Hil; cemetery. Mr. Reath was a member " ; March ;, iS'i;, wlrii-h atithori/.ed the ..f the Acting Committee of the S-.ciet\- President oi" tlu- Tuited States to suspend ;-.- \^T,~, and was for many yea'-s '- 1 - 11 \ l ' t - I!ro\sn ["niversit\ L;a\e hi:n iej,ulir attendant at l;u- ijuarterlx ::; .' the ile-ree of 1,1,. l>. in ;-,., He v\a- i; U s, His ^rand-on. Thomas Reata. :- the author ot man\- publisher] addresses i:o\\ > -i:\u-' ici :;- iitembef of the I",;-.',; and lee, d i>pinio:is; amo::" v.hich ..-..- .!.!:\;ia ;; ; :. John E. Recs, 1887. -\V. is horn in Swansea, Wales, September 2 3. 1,^24, and Came t<' Philadelphia in i.\s>. Ik- was Ma-tcr Rigger at the Navy Vanl, Phil- adelphia, and is engaged in the rigging and liquor husiiu ss. John Redmond, 1851. We have no definite information concerning him. Joseph Reed, 1S11. Was tin.- son of iit.-mT.il Joseph Rt.-t.-d of tlu- Revolution, ami father of William 15. Reed (i\37). He was cominissioiH-d Recorder of the City of 1'hiladelpllia, October, iSlo, and was one of the Commitu-t- of Defence in iSi.; - IM5. IK-erof the Acting Comniittee of the Society in 1793- Robert Reed. 1843. Was probably 8 grocer. He was from the North of Irc'land. Samuel Reed, 1803. -Was a grocer. His will, dated Jnlv 7, 1^34, and ]in>vi-d Angus'. 3- >. i s , V}. mentions his son, John Alexander Reed ; his wife. Sarah ; and his ilanghters, Marv Ann and Khnir.i Jane. Samuel !'. Reed i i \J'> wa> one of the witnesses, and Hugh Catherwood 1,1^24 OIK- of ;he executors. Samuel F. Reed, 1846. \V..s a mem ber of the Philadelphia P.ar. admitted to practice March 14. iS;.}. lie died Octo- ber 2;. i v :-. aged 35 years. William Bradford Reed. 1837. W.i- born in Philadelphia. Jnne 50, [Soft, lie v. as tl'.e grandson of C.eneral Jose])h Reed of the Revolution, ami a son of Joseph Reed iSii . I le graduated from the I'niversity of Pennsylvania in 1X22. was Attorncv-Oem-ral of Pennsylvania in ;'^;s ;,.,,' u,-.- apTK.inted bv President I'.n- ehanan Kiivoy-cxtraonliiiary and Minis- % r to China, where he negotiated the ty ratified January 2'', \^ ( >. Ik- re- rm '1 from Chin i, May ; i . : "--<,. and was ; i pnblii : ere]>tii >'.\ b\- tlu i il iladelphia at the Hoard of Trade if. irmal we! onie 1 * ::;u L^iven him Mi : '. i< :': -. . I le v tin llthor o! and Correspondence of Jose]ih 1 ed," " 1 ilu-rReed," " Vindic:; : .- ->f [os, ;,:] '' i," i:: repl; t. b m- ' : - ' ; ..; hli '-. lie edited the postlmmous works ot his brotlu-r Hei:r\. anil published a laige number of hi-ioiieai atidre^-es and polit- ical pamphlets. He contributed to the .Ini (T!i>;>i < ';/./;/( /.'rand .\\<>'f/: *l ii't'i('an AVr.v;. . and at the time of his death was one . if tile editors of the New York ll'cr/tt. Mr. Reed was elected a member of the America!! Philosophical Society, January iS. iS-ih. [See " Scharf & Westcott's Hist. Phila." | Patrick Rehill, 1883.- Was born in Annaglongh, County Cavau, Ireland, M:irch :^i, iSi^. and came to America in >;<<. landing in New York citynpou May 3 of that \'ear. In i^s* he renio\-ed to Philadel])hia for a time, but his business to< 1: him away from the citv, to \\hich, houevcr, he returned in I SM , and risi.ied at the l ; alls of Schuylkill until his death, early in iSS-. Mr. Rehill was a railroad contractor. John Reid, 1803. We have nothing definite concerning him. Bernard Reilly, 1882. -Wa> born I'ebruarv 14, 1^:4, in Comity Cavan, Ire- land, came to America lOnebeC 1 in 1.^22, and settled in Philadelphia in \^2~. lie n-mo\-ed s:ibse(|nentl v to Schuvlkill co., Pa., anil reMilcd tliere for main \-iars.bnt rwards returned to Philadelphia. He A as a member of the- Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Schmlkill co., iS.Sl 52, and of the Senate, i>6i l\\. ;md Associate Jmlgeof Schuylkill Co., 1X56 6l. He was Colonel of militia and Aide-de- Cani]> to C,ovi-rnor Shnnk in 1^4^, and in iSf>4 was a Commissioner to take the votes of tlu- soldiers in the- Tinted States armv. Hi-- son, Thomas Alexander Reilly i^S;,), i- a member of the Society. [See "Hist. Schmlkill Co., Pa.," lSSi,p. 311.] Dennis Reilly, 1884. Was born De- cember, L\O. or iS.Vi, i" County Cavan, Ireland, and came to Aniei .> .. \' Vork ) January I. ! s .|<;. 1 b was a : tractor and iron manufacturer. ::r. 1 n-'aled in fvaston, Pa., at the time of hi- d' ath, Jllh 2, [SSq. James Reilly, 18(5(5. He did not return hi- Man 1 ,: . James B. Eeilly. 1S84. - \Va- born :- -.'.-. i : oil RI co.. Pa., August 12, iS.}5. lie is the son T. Wallace Reilly, 1884. Is a res- of Bernard Reilly, a native of Coun'v ideiit of Lancaster, Pa. Westmeath, Irelaml, and of Margaret Richard RoilsllUW, 1802. Was a Tuite, a native- of County Cavan, Ireland. nicmbe; of the Philadelphia Bar, admitted He was admitted to the Schuvlkill countv to practice. Januar\ 30, i M 3. and a Jus- Bar and has been a practicing attornev in lice of the Peace. He died November :~, Schnvlkill countv since. He has been '- S 35. aged f>3 years, and \sas buried in St. District At'.ornev of Schuvlkill countv, Paul's churchyard. Third and Walnut and was a member of the United States streets. Letters of administration on Iris House of Representatives, l-'ortv-fourth estate were granted to Richard Rensh.r.s, ami l-'orty fifth Congress, and also of the probably his sou. He \sa> married in Christ i-'ift v-lirst Congress. church, September j.j. iNu.toMan h'hn- John A. Reilly, 1883. Was born in ston. Tilghman Johnston, attorney-at- Newark, N. J.,Mav\ i.s.y. His parents law, Wilmington, Del., is a gran. lne])he\v ; were natives of Countv Cavan, Ireland. Richard Reushaw Neill. :i grandson ; am! He was Recorder of Deeds for Schuvlkill Mrs. Beauvcau Borie, a granddaughter f co.. Pa., from 1.^79 to iSSi, and is en Richard Reiishaw. gaged in the wholesale liquor business at William Reiishaw, 1814. Rented Shenandoah, Pa. Charles I). KaieriiSSji the- Bingham Mansion after Mrs. Bin-- is his brother-in-law. ham's death in i.Soh. as a public house for John B. Reilly, 1883. Is a resident merchants and business men. of Wiiliamsport. Pa. lie did not return James Joseph Reville, 1863. Was his blank. born in Philadelphia, October 2o, I\;N. Philip Reilly, 1838. -Was a whole- He was the son of William P. Reville sale grocer at No. 5 N. Water street. He of Annie ]'.. Reville, a native of Count . was a native of Ireland and died October Wexford, Ireland. Tie was a tclegra; :; i.S, !- S ' s 5- Robert I.. Reilly iiS^c;; is his operator and member of the Board < .' son. Kducation trotn the Sixth Section. He Robert L. Reilly, 1859. -Son of died December 3, iS;i, ami was buried Philip Rcillv iS^Si, was fornie'.'lv in bus- in Old Cathedral ceiiictcrv. He was verv iness with his father and subsequently re active during the rebellion in raisin -j, moved to New Baltimore, l-'aus.j .. and is a resident of Pottsville, Pa. Philadelphia in iSj^. He was in the bot- He was a ci-.'il engineer from : \vy to : s h i , t'.ing business and was .1 meinbe; of the and h.isbeena railroad contractorsince. lie Masonic Order. He d.ied March :, , v -su, has been a member of the Borough Council ;m ,i vva ^ huried in Ronaldson's i-eineterv. ot Pottsville since \^~h, and it-- President, Stillwe'l S. I;i--!i"p i>.p . hi- friem!, w::- is- () jSStj ; a Director of the Pennsylvania ex.-c;:lor o!" his \\i!!. !K- \\.is . member Natioi;a! Bank since i s ^';, and Treasun o! tlie Pot ts vil !e ( ',as Company since : v --^ 1 Ie is a mem! re i of the Philadelphia Ki gineers' Club, Pre>ide;r. of the People's oi iienr\ ami I'.itnck Kice, i^ailw.iv Companv and of the 1'nion H.dl Henry Rice, 17f)0. Was of tiu rf Henr\ and Patrick Ri.'e, books ta'.ioiu is. .,; 5,, Hi-h street in ;;.,.;. dated i ><'.< 'I >er ; . i > i.j. \\ .is i '! a r ;. ; S> ' ;. Mathew Ca: ev RI 512 RI Robert Rice, 1826. Was a distiller at Schuylkill Fighth and High streets in Benjamin W. Richards, 1829. Was born at Batso Iron Works, Burling- ton co., N.J., in 1797. His father, William Richards, was the proprietor of the exten- sive furnace and forges at that place. In ;iuj he entered into mercantile business in Philadelphia, and in iS22 he became a partner in the firm of J. .N: W. Lippin- cott, auctioneers and commission mer- chants, in which business he continued until his death in iS52, the firm being for sixteen years previous Richards >S: Ilisp- hain. He was elected to the State Senate about 1.^25, and to the State House of Representative's in 1.^27. He was subse- quently elected a member of the Select Council of Philadelphia, and in iSjy, upon the resignation of George M. Dallas, he was elected Mavor. lie was succeeded during the next vear by William Milnor, but in the two following years he was again elected. He was appointed by President Jackson a Government Director of the United States Bank. He was also a Director of the Banks of North America. I'tion the expiration of his last term as Mavor lu- visited Furope, and so struck was he with the cemeterv of Pcre I, a Chaise at Paris that, on his return, he with some of his friends founded I.aurel Hill ecmeterv. lie was a Manager of the Asvhnn for the Deaf and Dumb and w.:s one of the first Managers of the Asvlum for the Blind. He was a mem- ber of the American Philosophical So- ctety, a Trustee of the I niversitv of Pennsylvania, and one of the founders and first President of the Girard Trust C'om- panv. Ik- was also one of the first Direc- tors of Girard College, elected bv City Councils, was the first President of the (. it\ G .s Works, one of the earliest M.m- ager> of t'..e Peiiitentiarv at Philadelphia, a:;d lor manv years was "lie of the Con- : Hers of the Public Schools. [See " Penna. Fncyc. of Biograph \-, '' p. SS. j Joseph Richards, 1825. ---Was in the Ll! ' ery business in Philadelphia, but re- m."ved to P:ttsbnrg and went into the gl i-s bu---.:.ess there. He was a member of the Acting Committee o? the Society, 1840-1852. Mark Richards, 1809. Was prob- ably an iron merchant. Letters of admin- istration on his estate were granted, July 13, iS.)3, to Frances II. Richards. George W. Richards and Henry Fckford were the sureties. William Richardson, 1790. - Was probably a mathematical and optical in- strument maker at 75 S. Second street. He probably died March. 5, iSl6, aged fx> years, and was buried in St. Peter's churchyard, Third and Pine streets. James Riddle, 1851.- Was born at Parkmonnt, near Belfast, Iielainl, and came to Philadelphia, June, 1^26. lie was a cotton manufacturer for many vcars, in Delaware CO., Pa., and afterwards, about iS44, built a factory on the Brandv- wine, abo\e Wilmington, Del., where he died. He was buried at Mount Salem, near Wilmington, Del. lie was for a time a local Methodist preacher. At one time he was a candidate on the Re- publican ticket for Governor of Delaware, but was defeated. Samuel Riddle : 1849) \\ashisbrother. William M. Field, brother of John Field (1882), married his only daughter. John S. Riddle, 1832. Was of the iron firm of Jackson oc Riddle. He was previously in the sugar business. He was a partner of Washington Jackson (1^20). His will, dated March iS, 1855. and proved April 14, i>7 1 . after live scars and live month-' im- hi- death. He was the oldest manufac prisonnient, he \\.a- released and !li-]ias tun-rin Delaware Co., Pa., where he built -a-e paid to Ame:i -a. on condition that he several cotton factories, and where he was should not enter the I'.riti-h dominion- I'nited S'.ate- Postmaster for fortv--ix for five years. Accompanied b\ hisssifc vears. He was a Director of the West and two children he landed in N"e\s York, Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Coin and for a time was lioni/.ed there bv pans- and President of Hoard of Tru-tee- hi- Fenian associates and in Hrooklvn. of Middletowu Presbyterian Church. He P.altimoiv and Washington. He then also built a Presbyterian Church at < 'den came to Philadelphia for medical treat- Riddle. Mr. Riddle took an active part in nient, and on his recovery berime eii- favor of ahij^ll tariif, aiul presided over all .a^cd in a whole-ale liquor house here the tariff meetings in Delaware counts- as bookkeeper and salesman. He is now since the commencement of the agitation in the liquor business. upon the subject. lie died January 19, Thomas Robins, 1847. Honorary I ->ss, at ("ileii Kiddle. He was a regular member. \\'as born January i, 17^7. at attendant at the Society meetings, and South Point, Worcester Co., Md. He served on the Committee on Finance, came to Philadelphia in iSi 6, and entered i SfVi-iShq. into business with James Fas-itt ecC<>., Charles Risk, 1790. Was a mer- Second and Market streets. lie was in chant at 40 South Water street and 39 the dry-goods business. He was a Director South Front street in 1791. A marriage of Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Compans-, license was issued April 30, 1772, fur Philadelphia Saving Fund and Philadel- Charles Risk and Rebecca Ho.^s. phia Trust Company, and was President George Ritchie, 1866. Was in the of the Philadelphia National Hank fu- ss holesale liquor business. Hesvas a na- twenty seven vears, from is^2 to is-,). live of Ireland. Letters of administration Hesvas also a member of Select Council on his estate were granted, April 2'V i^'h. from isj2 to iS^i, and during its carls- to Rebecca A. Ritchie. The sureties were day-, when II. D. v'.ilpin S\MS President, a H- rnard Corr < ;Xo r i > and Henry S. Hannis Director of C.irard College. He dic'l. |St> 7 April i ;, issj. a^ed s^ vears, and ss i- Robert Ritchie, 180.'^. -Was a mer buried in Laurel Hill ceuieterv. Win. 1', chant at J.^J South I'ront street in [So; v Robin-, a member of the Philadelphia He svas President of Select Council in p, a r, is his son. Mr. Robins sva- Tiv.,s- 1S;1 - i. n-r of the Irish Relief I-'und during the William Francis Roantrec, 188-1. famine of ;s !: . n id was very active in \Vas born in iSr v i,, Leixlip, near Mas-- forwarding provisions and supplie- to Ire- nooth, Ireland, and was pn>])rietor of a l.uid during that period, and i; sva- in wine store in Dublin in iv, ; . [,, is s ;] u . recognition of his -ers ice- th it he was c tine to America, and returned a^ain to elected an :.-: n rs membci of the Ireland in I Sf>< >. II,- -hortly afterss irds ''-came a member of ;'u- Irish Revo'.;, tionary P.rotherhoo.l. in connection \\ith Junes Stcj.hetis. John O'Mahony md member .'f the Actin- Committv-e of the "tilers. In : v 'i-, lii- license svas n-fu-cd on S u'ietv in the vear i s_; j, - S;s;o account of his advanced political opinion-, and on the ni-ht of September 15, !">'>>, he ".14 RO John Robinson, 1865. Resided at 1:12 South Tenth street at the time of his election. P. Edmund Robinson, 1867. Was .1 partner of Mark Devir.e i I \v s . He was burn March 31, is.? 2 ; died Fcbruarv i\ i>;S, and was buried in Old dihedral cemetery. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1870- ' S 74- William Robinson, 1790. ---Was a merchant on South Front street. Thomas Joseph Roche, 1882. Was bom July, i>.i-|. in I'mmon, parish of I )onagh- Patrick, County C.aluav, Ire- lai'.d, and came to America New York i May 27, iS6o, and settled in Philadelphia two days alterwards. He is a salesman in a wholesale dry-goods house, ar.d he is Treasurer of St. Philip's I.iterarv In-titnte. Charles Rogers, 1867. bom July 17, iS !<">, in Philadel])hia. Hi> father. John Rogers, a native of Chester CO., Pa., settled in Philadelphia about ism. where lie engaged in the hardware business, and was PrcMdetil of the Mechanic-' Hank for some vears. His great-grandfather, Jo- seph Rogers, came from Ireland about the latter part of William Pciin's time. Ik- was an [rish Quaker. Mr. Rogers was iu the hardware busiues- at 52 Market street, from [S;.( to i.Vj.j, when he removed to St. I.oui-. Mo., and opeileil a whole-ale hard- v, ire house, and continued in that busi- ne-s until |S=;S. He remained tin re until iS6i, when he returned to Philadelphia, and ha- since- resided here. He was one of the organiser- of the Mercantile I'.ene :. : ' \- .. : .:'.' >:\. ,:.]'] i- a member of the Hi-torca! Societv of Pennsylvania, Phi la- del phi So, 'iet', for alleviating the miser- ies of public prison-. Philailelphia I'ouu- in J- ! F.iinnount Art Ass< >Ha- 1 1 V re-idt nee in St. \.< mis Mr. i\i :;- to have originated the idea of the National banking Svstem, '.\liich \\ is discn<^ed in mercantile and li li-s. and .:"' rd ' ken up n-re Hi-married l-lii, of Thom,.- M, !lon i-;;i. James Rogers. 1308. Was a mer chant at in- Hiu r li slreet in [.SoS. ][e of the Society, iSi^ ami i Si 7, and Secre- tary. iSiS 1827. John Ignatius Rogers, 1884. Was b.irn in Philadelphia. May 27, ^43. He- is the son of Matthew Rogers, of Drapen- dawn, County I terry. Ireland, and of Catharine Rogers (>it' t - Dimond;, of Mai;- hera. in the same county. He studied law in office of Charles J. In^ersoll and the I 'niver.-ity of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar upon May 2.S, ;S'>4. I'poii the election of C.overnor Robert ]'.. Pattl-oii he was appointed Jud^e Advo- cate-( ieiieral of the National (iiiard of Pennsylvania, and took an active part in having adopted the New Militarv Code j^overnin^ that or^ani/atiou. In I.S'H^ he was a member ol the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. He is a member of the First City Troop, Catholic Club, Penn Club. Art Club, Clover Club, and is \\idely known in base ball circles, as Manager and Counsel of the Hase ball Associations. He i.- a nephew of Francis Dimond fiS4,Si. [See " bio^r. Album of Prominent Peim- svlvanians." Second Series, p. 2^9.] John William Rogers, 1812. Was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society in iSi 2. Maurice Rogers, 1802. Was a mer- chant at 67 Pine street in iNo2. William Rogers, 1808. -Was prob- ably in the Ljrocery business. He \sa- a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, iSuj-iSiS. William Rolston, 1790.- -Letters of administration on his estate- were granted, November 7. i 7y,v lo Lewis Cnmrilet and Jo-e]ih r.rown (1790). The sureties \sere John M' irrell and I lenry Pratt. George Roncy, 1884. Was born in Philadelphia. October 31, 1845. He was SUM-: intendcnt of blocklev Almshoiidd I-'ellows, ind Ma.-oiiii ' irg mi/.ation-. He -er\'ed tin armv during tl'.e war. and was wounded at Fair Oak- and Antietam. Hi- ellli-ted \\ hen but lifteell vears and six month of age, and held a com mi --ion of KDWARI) ROTH. RO 515 RV Second Lieutenant before he was eighteen vears old. Thomas Ronoy, 1824. Was in the leather business on Second street. He was a member of tlie Acting Committee of the Society in i s 32. James Rooncy, 186.3. \Vas b. rn in Portadown. County Armagh, Ireland, Mav '). iSji), and came to Philadelphia in Angn-t, i.\J7. lie is a painter, lie was a member of tht- Acting Committee of the Society, ;S;N- iSSi. George Ross, 1889. Was born in Dovlesto-.vn, Bucks co., 1'a., August 24, iS.ji, and is now a resident of that place. His great-grandfather, Thomas Ross, was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 170^. I [e is engaged :n the profession of the law ; was a member ot the Constitutional Con- vention of reiinsylvania, 1.^.73 ; and is at present a member of the .State Senate. I le is prominent in Democratic politics and has been three times a Delegate to Dem- ocratic National Conventions, and has been the nominee of the Democratic party for Congress in his district. He is a Trustee of the State Hospital for the Insane at Xorristown. I'a., and a Director of the Bucks County Trust Coinpanv. John Rossiter, 1811. \Vas a sea captain. Edward Roth. 1867. Was born Feb- ruary ft. iS2(S, in Kilkennv City, In. land. Came to America i New Yorki, September, > S 47, but in the course of a few weeks Mttled in Wilmington, Dei. He was a teacher in St. Mary's College, Wilming- ton, Del., for fifteen years, and then Yice- Presidi ut for ten years until i.^hj, when he removed to I'hiladeli)hia. In iSbo iSfM he spent eighteen months in Kurope, travelling mosti\ on foot. In 1^*13 he starred the Broad Street . \cadcniv, of -.vhich he has 1 een the 1'rincipal ever -ince. Professor Roth is OIK- of the best '>-.!! own instructors "f hovs in Philadelphia. and his aca lemv lias had since its com- mencement l.irt;e nuinbi-rs of tlie children of prominent Cat holies and others. Some few \-i-ars ai;o he relinquished charge of ', lie school and retired from act i\'e business. He ha-s \vrilU-n a number of mai^a/ines ;.:: also the author of several school books: Short ( ',eo-raphy, ( ',eo^ra]hy, Latin C.raminar, Arithmetic, etc. He has also translated, from the I-'rciich, " Chateau Morville," Ro;:-c tt Noir," I,eX"'-'-ve's "Art of Reading," and Jules Verne's "Astronomical Stories." George M. Roth, 1S83. Was hor:i in Philadelphia, (>ct<>'n-r 24, i. s .)2. of (iennaii ])areiita^e. He \sas Si'liool Di- rector of the I'ifteriilh \\'anl, also Manager of the Odd I'ellows' Home, Pennsylvania, a member of Masonic I.od^e, Ro\ai .\rch Chapter. Kni-hts Templar, United Work- in^ineii. Odd l-'ellows, Kni-h.ts of i'ythias and Royal Arcanum organizations. He is engaged in the provision business. William Rush, M. D., 18:5:5. Was the son of Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was a physician. In i\;.; he delivered the Introductory Lecture at the Philadel- phia School of Medicine, and in iS.}; > the Valedictory Address at the IVnns\ Ivania College. He died about lS,S,S- He mar ried, July 10, iS27, Kli/.ahelh l-'ox Roberts. Dr. Rush was the familv physician of Hugh Holmes i 17901. President of the Hibernian Societ\-, iSix>-iSiS. James Ryan, 1790. \\"e have no detinite information concerning him. Matthew A. Ryan. 1880. Was bom in Port Carbon, Schuylkill co.. Pa.. Sep- tember 7, i.\s7. His father, Daniel Rv.m, of Irish jiarc-ntage. \sas born in Philadel- phia, and his mother. P.rid^et R\an. in County Tipperary, Ireland. He residi-il in Berks co. twentv-four vears before -et- tling in Philadelphia. Jti'.K- .;. i^ x ). IK- lias been engaged in the retail coal trade from ! S~() to the present time. He is a niember of the American Catholic Historical So- ciety, Catholic Philnpatri.in Literar\ In- stitute and the Coal Kxi'h.mgi of !'l;il delphia and vicinit>. James M. H, uy, Ivsij. iSS.p, i- his cousin. Mic-liael J. Ryan. 1886. \\'a- f line i ;. iSfij, in Philadel]ihia. His f..ther, James R\ in. uas a native ol Counlv Carlou. Ireland, and his mother. Mar- garet Hou.k:i K .,: of Coiintv D-::e L :al, RV 516 SC Ireland, lit- is a member of the Phila- delphia Bar. Mr. Ryan has been for some years past widely known in connection with Irish National and Home Rule move- ment.^ in America, and was Secretary of the Committee ol Citi/.cns of the Irish Parliamentary Fund in 1886. A fine orator, he is in great demand for public meetings and demonstrations, and has the faculty of arousing his audience by his eloquence to a threat pitch of enthusiasm. He is also active in Democratic politics and has been the candidate of his party for Congress in his district. L^ 1 ' 1 -' " Phila- delphia and Popular Philadelphiaiis," P- 50 Patrick Ryan, 1833. \\'as associated with his son as importer of china and Liverpool ware in 1835. Patrick T. Ryan, 1884. Was born in Tipperary, Ireland, and came to Amer- ica in 1865, landing at New York in Sep- tember and settling the same year in Philadelphia. He was a teamster and is a member of the Americus Club. He died December 13, '1890. John Theodore Sandman, 1891. \Vasbornin Baltimore, Md. His parents were (rennans. lie is in the je\\elry business and is President of the Confer- ence of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Mary's church, Fourth street above Spruce. John Savage, 1836. Lived at iss s. Kleventh street in 1836. William Henry Sayen, 1888. Was liorn in Philadelphia, March 14, iS.|6. His father was born near Coblent/, Prussia, and his mother in America. lie is a Yes- trvman, ofSt. Marv's Protestant Kpiscopal church and Trustee of Wa vne Presbyterian clmrrh. lit- is Past Master, Masonic ( )rder, Pliilaileljmia, -No. .\.\.\. and Coiincilman f Lincoln Institute. He edited "American Chess Congress, 1876,'' published bvClax- ton, Reniscn \: Haffel finder. He is Pres- ident of the Mercer Rubber Companv, Hamilton Square, New Jersev, and is en gaged in the manufacture of rubber good-- for mechanical purposes. Michael Luke Scanlan, 1871. Was atnre at St. Column's, Fermov, St. John's College, Waterford, and the I.eeson Sttxvl Institute of Dublin. He was for nine years one of the Irish Christian Brothers until compelled by broken health to leave them in iSou. In 1869 he emigrated to America, landing;' at New York, December ist of that vear. He removed to Philadel- phia in May, 1871, where he was a distil- lery agent at I 28 Walnut street until he retired from business. He was for a short time a member of the Pennsylvania Prison Society. Mr. Scanlan is a connoisseur of books and engravings and is the author of "The Story of Jack Fit/.-Fustace," which appeared in the /.inu/i'ii Sport ing AV:vV;v, March, i8fy>, to Jannarv, ibh~. and of "Here and There," which ap- peared in 'II; c ( \ii/i(>lic I-'ift'su/e Ma^ii- ~int\ i8S4- i8\5. David Scannel, 1889. Was born in London, F'ngland, Noveml)er 23, 1852, ami came to Philadelphia, Jannarv 15, 1889. He is descended from a native of the city of Cork, Ireland. He is a photographic artist. Charles Schafier, 1802.- Was a sugar refiner at 82 N. Third street in iS<>_!. William Schlatter, 1809. Was one of the twelve organi/ers of the New Jeru- salem church in Philadelphia, December 25, i,Si,5, under the title of the American Society for Disseminating the Doctrine* of the New Jerusalem Church, and was Yice-President of the organisation. lie \\-as a very successful merchant and v, is supposed to possess great \\valth. He \\'as established ill business before ; S, 15 al i-'^High street near I-'ounh. He built, about 1815. the line large double man.vlon on south side of Chestnut east of Thir- teenth street. lie lost his property, and died January lo, 1827. One of his adver- tisements in Poulsoti's . Ii/it'> 'i. \t>i /)ii:'/r .IJl't'l'ti'ii'i', September 27, 182,, rea, .it No. 2^7 Market street, three iloiirs above Si \i h-st reet. \\'here he now has ai 1 .'! \\\\\ co!: ( .ii!ue lo have :t -upply of the be-t Sup--r:ine Cloths TH< >MAS A. SO >TT. SC '.17 SC and Cassimcrcs, Direct from the Manufac- delphia as Chief Clt rk under A. !io\d ture:- ir. the West of Knuland, calculated Cummin^s, Collector of Tolls of F.astern for the cilv as well as ilu- rountrv trade, end of Peiinsvlvania Public Works, ..ml confident he can make it an Railroad Companv. Serving in various ob : ect to t'nein. by selling at reduced positions in that Companv he was in prices for cash or acceptances." [See ' S ;V> elei it d its Vice- P: csidrnt. During " Scharf >.V Westcott," Vol. 2, p. 1433.] the early days nf the rebellion he ^reativ Ernst F. Schumann, 1814. We aided C.overnor Curtin in arran-'in- for have r.o defmite information concerning the transportation of troops and m itcrial him. for the I nion armies. Such was tin- David Scott, 1849. Was a maun- wonderful skill shown by him that he was fact'.'.rer on F'onrtli street above Master. appointed Assistant Secretarv of \\".ir at He was a member of the Acting Committee Washington in charge of miiitarv trans- of the Society, 1852-1^55. portation. With his advent came order Edward Scott, 1790. -Was probably and success. He had the office put in a tailor at 68 S. Second street in 170.1. telegraphic communication with every Hugh Scott, 1831. Probably died in camp, depot and railway station, and sup- Fcbruary. 1850. plies were sent wherever needed at the Marshall Scott, 1867. Was born ri^ht time and in proper quantities. For November 17, iSis. in the township of several months he labored dav and ni.^ht Pelladonsll v, Co:::;tv Antrim, Ireland, at his post until recalled in iS62to Phila- and came to Pllila- of lime he lias not been actively en^a^cd in (k-ttvshur;^ to transport two entire ,trmv any particular pursuit. He resides at 704 corps from the seaboard to Tennessee, X. Nineteenth street. President Lincoln sent for him to snper- Thomas Scott, ISl'i. \Vas a mer- intend the threat task and ;,Mve him t.lcii- chant at 30 X. Third, street in ; s : ;. ary powers. In less than ten days J Thomas Scott, 1891. Was born at men, with all their train-, supplies and vVjbes of Fau^han Yallev . Co\;;:t- ! >errv, mate-rial, reinforced the arm\ p of the Cum- Irelanil, in 1^30, and came to America berland. ha\inv; ]iassed over a route ex- (Philade!]ihia , May ; : s.j6. He was ceediiif? T,orv> miles in extent. Not only employed, with Isaac Barton, -rocer, from in the matter of transportation w..s he May ii. iS.j6, to June 14, iS.Si; then celebrated, but he elTected remarkable commence'! business as a grocer on his chant's in the financial condition of the own account on Race street below Second railway companies with which he became street, hi i,S6i he removed to [2-S Mar- connected. He brought order out of the ket street, where he still continues the aiTairs of the I nion Pacific Railro.n i C"n:- same busine pa.nv, of which he was elected Prcsi It nt, Thomas Alexander Scott, 18G7. and by extending the connections P.orn in tile townsh'-i of London, I'-ank- IVr.nsvK ania Railro...': Compa.,y, and ; u- Hn co.. Pa., December J v . r j ;. He re- an^nratiny many reforms in its ma-ia-e- ceivei! his education in tla- village schiK.h meiit, he made it one of the largest a:;d Ilelo-t his father when but ten years of most complete railway managements in at first in a conn- th'- world. In : s r; he became Pit-ide' 1 . le -..iMe to Pliila- , and con' inued to direct tile aifair.- u; '".K,t o>rp< >ratio:i until hi> death, which oc- curred Mav 2 i . iSSi. [Sec " Pciina. Kucyc. of Biography," p. 1,20; "St.-li.irf ,V Wot- cott," Vol. 3, p. 2193.] William II. Scott, 1S-T2. Was in the ilrv-goods business at 2' >3 High street in i\;;. He \vas a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1X34-1836 and 1838 1839. Matthew Selfridge, 1827. We have no information concerning him. Henry Sergeant, 1811. -Brother of John Sergeant 11805) anil Thomas Ser- geant ii8ih ; , was horn in Philadelphia, Jannarv 14, I ;S2, and died March 24, 1 sj ;. He was a llleivhailt. John Sergeant, 1805. Son of Jona- than Dickinson Sergeant, was horn in Philadelphia, I >cceml>er 5. 1 771), graduated from Princeton in 17^5, studied law and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar July 17. I 799, and tor over half a centurv was one of its great leaders. In iSoi he was appointed Commissioner in Bankruptcy bv Thomas Jctfcrson, was a member of tilt 1 Legislature, iSo.S- 10, and of Congress, ; v :~ 23, 1827-29 and 1837-42. He was one of the two J'.nvoys to the Panama Congress in 1X26, President of the Penn- sylvania Constitutional Convention in i,X7-^\and Whig candidate for the Vice- Prcsidciicv on the ticket with Henry Clay i:'. ; s ;2. He declined the mis-ion to I 1 ! up- land, in i8]i, and was arbitrator selected to determine the title to Pea Patch island. This involved the question of boundary betwei-n Di-lawnre and New Jersey, and the decision in fa\ or of the T'nited States incidentally decided the boundary dispute in favor of I>elauare. He died in Phil- : ' hia, November 25, 1X52. His will, d ' ! January lo, I^.J.T, and proved De- i-ember j. [852, mentions his wife Marya- ' . hi- d'lii^h'er-. Margaret, Saiah : used , Ann i. F'.llen. ^Iriria and Kath- arine ; his sons, John. Spencer deceased) anil Wi'l iatn. Mr Sei i nt was ;. n- i !ie\v ' ' - ' .'. ' oin irricd i'/l\\'ai'd ]"< i\ f 7'," . Secret irv and Vice Pn ident ol '::> ilibi rni ai Society, and o!ie ol its IP.' -' : . Itleltll f--. and i; is iloul '! les-, t ' ) t h i s 1 1 ; 1 1 ! i o n i s d u e 1 1 i s 1 1 1 e n i In iu tin Iliberni in Societv. He took a livel\- interest in the Society, and served as one of its two Counsellors, 1807-1818, 1821, and 1823-1827. Thomas Sergeant uSii)i and 1 lenry Sergeant 1811) were his brothers. [See Appleton's " Cyc. Ainc-r. Biography." \"ol. 5, p. ,; ( >J ; Scharf t \; Westi-ott's "Hist, of Pliila.." Vol. 2, p. I534-] Thomas Sergeant, 1816. Son of lonathan Dickinson Sergeant, was born in Philadelphia, Jannarv 14, 1782, grad- uated at Princeton in 1708, studied law under Jared In^crsoll, and was admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, June 8, 1802. lie was in the Legislature, ;M2-i}, was As sociate Judux- of the I >istrict Court in Phil adelphia in 1814, and was Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1817-1^, Attorin'y-tk'ii end, 1819-20, Postmaster of Philadelphia, 1828-32, and in 1'cbrnarv, 1834, liecame Associate-Justice of the State Supreme Court, vshich ]iositioii he- resigned in 1846. His judicial decisions were esteemed for their brevity, clearness, and accuracy, and it is said he is the onlv jndi;e who ever sat on the Pennsylvania bench not one of whose decisions was reversed. lie re- turned to the Bar in 1817, was Provost of the Law Academy, i"-}', 53, and Pres- ident of the Pennsylvania Historical Soci- ety, a member of the. American Philosoph ical Socictv, and a Trustee of the I'nivcr- sitv of Pennsylvania. Mr. Sergeant was an aba- writer and his publications include "Treatise upon the Law of Pennsylvania relative to the Procet dings by Foreign Attachment." Philadelphia, iSii; " Re- ]>or! of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania," with William Rawle. Jr., 17 vols., 181 ) 20; "Constitu tional Law," 1822; "Sketch of the Na- tional fudiciary Powers exercised by the I'n it eil States Prior to the Adoption of the Presi-nt I'ederal Constitution," 1824, and "View of the Land Laws of Pennsyb " 1X38. I It dii d iv Philadelphia, M iv S. 1860. His \\\\\, [late 1 May 29, 18^8, -ill'! ] royed M iy i i. 1 800, mentions his \sifc. Sarah ; his dangliter. Mrs. I ; anny Per;-'. ; his son, Tliomas Sergeant; his nephews, J. Dickinson Sergeant, K. Spen- cer Miller and Henry S. Lowlier. Mr. Sergeant married., Sej>tem 1 >'T 12, 1814, SH Sarah P.ache, a j^raiidi laughter of Henja- iinii l-'ranklin. John Sergeant < iSo.si and Hetirv Sergeant ( iSi i i were his brothers. [See Applcton's "Cyclop. Auier. Hio^ra- phy," Vol. 5, }). 4'J.v] John Service, 1790. Was a simp keeper at NS North Second street in 1791. Elwood Shannon, 1850. \Vas born July 22, i Sos, in Dublin, Ireland; came to America and settled in Philadelphia in ; s >;7. He was first a clerk in the office of Register of Wills, then with thedrui; firm of Kllis V V Charles Varnall, and in i,\4;, established himself ill the tea and coffee business at Kleventh and Chestnut streets, and afterwards at 244 Chestnut-street. He was a Director of North Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Catawissa Railroad Company, Hank of America, and a mem- ber of the Horticultural Society, Mer- chants' Fund anil of the Historical Societv of Pennsylvania. He died September 15, 1^6, and was buried in South Laurel Hill cemetery. John F. Sharkey, 1882. -Was born March 9, i!\V}, in Philadelphia. His father, Henry Sharkey, a native of Hal- lirit^an. County Dublin. Ireland, came to America in iS2S. His mother, Isabella Mc(Vnckin, was a native of Monevmore, Coimtv Derrv, Ireland. He wasa Deputy 1'nited States Marshal. iS.sn -i s6c), n De- te live for the District Attorney's oltice, Philadelphia, i .S'xi- 1 ^,75, and is;; iSSo, alter which, wit h Charles Miller, he < >pened the private detective aj^encv of Miller .S: Sliarkev. Sansoin street, in which business he was eiiiia^ed until his death. He %s as an active and honorarv meniber of the Old Volunteer Fire Department, a Trustee of the Washington Fi:e Knvine Com pan v, a life-member of the Catholic Philopatrian I.iterarv Institute, a member of the Anier- icus ('lub and of the Washington P.rother- hooil Mr. Sharkev \\-as of much a-sist- ance to us in trac:n'^ 'iit the l'.\'es of the early members in the southeastern part o( the city. He was a man of exemplai v life, upright ehar.icler and a Ljood Chris tian. He died | tine JJ, iSy i . Benjamin Sharpiiack, 1818. Was a merchant and resident of ( '.ennan'.own, Philadelphia. Hi> will, dated March lu, i^;2. and p:ovcd November io, iS; v ;, men- tion-, his sisters, Marv and Sarah Sharp- nack ; his niece, Catharine Ann Stork, daughter of ills late brother, John, and his brother-in-law, (feor-e I lei ^esheinier, husband of his sister, Kli/.abeth. Isaac Shaw, 1881. -Was bo in Sep- tember 27, 1^42, in Kingston. Canada. ]Iis lather \\.is a native o| County UY\- lord, Ireland,, and Ir.s mother of County Cavan, Irelan'i. He came to I'hil.idel- Jihia, Mav 2^. l x ')^; \s.is in the real e-tate business and is now a baker and confec- tioner. John Shea, 1790. We are uncertain whether this was John Shea orCieiieral John Slice, but it is probahlv the former. Joseph Sheehan, 1881. Horn May 3, i\;4, in Kinvara. Count}- (',.;', v, .y, Ire- land, came to America : Hoston Ma\ - 15, 1851, and settled in Philadelphi.s, June 25, 1 S6 I . He is a cl< >th merchant at the north- east corner Ki^hth and Market streits. He was an acthe member of the l ; enian ors;ani/.ation in Philadelphia, and oi laie years has been prominent in the Irish National League movement, bein- Treas- urer of the Municipal Council of thai body. His sympathies are warmlv en- listed in support of Home Rule. lie evidently inherits his sentiments from his father, who suffered imprisonment in ( ",alwav jail for six months as a " suspected rebel." Alexander Sheppard, 1882. -Was born March. iS.}o, in County Tvrone. Ire- land, and came to Philadelphia in August, iS67. He i- in the grocery business at southeast corner of l-'i^hth and Walnut streets. Israel Francis Sheppard. 1880. Was born luiv 2.s.}. He --t'adied law for a feu months, but abandoned it to <^o into the newspaper profession, becoming ni'^lit editor of '/'//, . /^.-- in i^"l, and remained in th..t jiosition until isiv\ wlien he Itecame v.iuht editor of the /'/v '>,';', I < /'.;/ /', \\iiii i h ]ios:;;nii l:c sti',1 lioid-, [I t - is a nu-inbi-r nf tlu- Catholic Club. Mr. Shep- pard is one of the well-known regular SH /320 SI staff of the /.<\/i,vr, and as night editor ov.vupii.-s one of the most responsible positions on the paper. His summary of news on the first page has long been i\ - gardeil as a model of its kind. James Shields, 1886. Son of Thomas and Ann Shields, natives of County Cavan, Ireland, was born at Nesquehon- ing, Pa., April 9, 1840, and eame to Phil- adelphia, Mav 28, I.S6S, where he was engaged for several years in the grocery business. He has now charge of the safe deposit vaults of the City Trust Companv. He has been for nianv years prominently identified with the Catholic Total Absti- nence movement, and was one of the founders of the Cathedral T. A. 15. Societv, and a delegate from it to the Archdiocesan C. T. A. Union of Philadelphia. He was also the President of the Cathedral Cadet T. A. B. Society, which under his direc- tion was one of the largest bodies of the kind in the country. John Shields, 1790. Honorary mem- ber. Was a merchant at 63 South Second street in 1791. John J. Shields, 1887. Is in the in- surance business with the Franklin Fire Insurance Company, at 431 Walnut street. He did not return his blank. Thomas Shipley, 1804. Was a mer- chant at 216 Spruce street in 1806. lie probably died in September, 1836. Frank Siddall, 1886. Was born in Philadelphia, January iS, 1836. His father, Joseph Hobford Siddall, was a na- tive of Lancashire, Kngland, and his mother, Mary Charles Siddall, of Lincoln- shire, Kngland. Mr. Siddall is the well- known manufacturer of Siddall's Soap. He is a member of St. (k-orge's Society, and in 1886 was a member of the Citi- zens' Committee to raise an Irish Parlia- mentary Fund. Frank Siddall, Jr., 1887. Son of Frank Siddall ' iSS6i and of Camille Ross Siddail, was born in Philadelphia, May K,, 1X64. He is a member of the linn oi W. Curtis Taylor X: Co., photographers. John Simmons, 1887. Was born near Kilmallock, Count-.- Limerick, Ire- land, April 1 6, i-Vo. came to America (New York ; July 9, 1851, and settled in Philadelphia in 1856. He is an extensive dealer in paper, located since iS6o at northwest corner of Decatur and Jayne streets. He served in Common Council for UNO years, iSS 1-1883, and has been for some years pasta Director of the Chestnut Street National Bank and of the Chestnut .Street Trust and Saving F'und Company. In i8,so he was a member of the Com- mittee of Citi/.enson the Irish Parliament- ary Fund, and has been in various other ways identified with the interests of the city, as a useful and honorable citizen. For more than twenty years past he has been a member of Washington Lodge, No. 59, 1'. >c A. M., and is a Manager of the Philadelphia Bible Society, Philadel- phia Conference Tract Society. Bedford Street Mission, Philadelphia Sabbath Association, and F'eester Printing Coin- pan}- ; and Treasurer of the Simpson ('.rove Cam]) Meeting Association, and Ivighteenth Street M. K. Church, and Superintendent of the Sabbath-school of that church. lie is also Vice-President of the F'ederal Market Company, Treas- urer of the Trevose Land and Improve- ment Company, and Manager of the new- Methodist Ivpiscopal Hospital, South Broad street. William Albright Simpson, 1887. Is a banker and resident of Lock I laven, Pa. His mother's family is from County Antrim, Ireland, and came to America in the early part of the eighteenth centurv. Robert Sims, 1818.- Was an Kast India merchant. Letters of administra- tion on his estate' were granted, April 13, 1837, to William Sims. The sureties were Hugh Sims, David White and Thomas H"gg. William Miskey Singerly, 1882. Was born December 27, 1832, in Philadel- phia. He is the- son of Joseph Singerly and Catharine (Smith Miskev) Singerly, natives of Philadelphia. He graduated from the Central High School of Phila- delphia, in February, 1850, and im- mediately entered the commission and produce house of J. Palmer ec Co., with whom he remained ten rears. He then went to Chicago and engaged in the com- mission business, but was subsequently WILLIAM M. SINV.KRI.Y SI 521 recalled by his father to Philadelphia to assume- the- management of tin- treet above Ninth. His man- agement of the I\:'C>>>J has made it one of the mo-4 influential and widely circulated journals in the world. Besides his owner- ship of the R'ccord, he lias been engaged in numerous enterprises building, fann- ing, banking, etc. which have made him ( ne of the leading figures in Philadelphia. (Mie of his building operations consisted of the erection of several hundred houses between Seventeenth --treet anil Islington lane and Berks and York streets. Another enterprise was the establishment at I-'rank.- linville, near (iwynned Station, on the North 1'enn Road, of one of the most ex- tensive and elaborate hi^h-s^rade stock farms in the country. " The Record Farms" finally embraced 700 acres, rep- re^cutini;, with the stock on them, an in- vestment of a quarter of a million dollars. His thoroughbred cattle, sheep and r.oises became famous. Hosierv mills, gleaner and binder factories, paper mills, etc.. h.ive al-.o occupied his attention. \V/ih a irreat paper like the /\<'dii\/ under Ills absolute control, Mr. Sini^erly soon became a power in city, State and Na- tional politics, and no move in I Jemocratic partv councils is made without counliiiLj upon him as a factor, (iovenmr Patti-on undoubtedly owed his reiiominatioH to Mr. Si-u-erh 's support. I'pon t he establish - ment of tlie Chestnut Street National Hank he became Vice-President, and upn (iov- enx>r Patti-on's election -.ncceeded him as President of that institution. He holds th.il position at present. \\'ith the inan- arphan Asylum. [See " Biographical I-'.ncyclopa-'iia of Penusvl- vania," Philadelphia, 1^74. pa^e ; v s . j James Slcvin, 1851. Was a native of Ireland, and was for manv year-- en- .ija^ed in the dry-^oods Imsiness in Phila- delphia, and in connection with his brothers John and Hern.trd established branch houses in Cincinnati, Louisville and St. I.ouis. Tllev \\ere at "lie time probablv the largest lrii\ers oi i!r\ Cool's for the West. He was pro::;iiu-nt ;:: Catholic Circles, and pns-.es-.ed .1 Vel\ v.r.- liable lilirarv. He resided at the north- west corner of Nineteenth and Ritten- hon^e Sijtiare. A le\\ vears betore Ir.s death lie removed to Ne\\ York ciu , and in addition to hi-, oilier bu-iness \\-as SM John Slevin, 1881. Was bom, is.jo, in I >romore. Countv Tvrone, Ireland. He came to America New York in July, iSjyS, and settled the same month in Philadel- ]>hia. IK- was in the liquor business at 522 South Thirteenth street, until his election as one of the Magistrates of the city. John V. Sloan, 1832. We have no certain information concerning him. John Small, 1790. We ran find no trace of him. Peter Small, 188-3. Resided at 12.16 Spring Ciardeii street when elected a member. lie did not return his blank. John McCulloch Smiley, 1857. "Was born May 20, 1832, in Larne, Ireland. Came to Philadelphia, October 22. 1847. lie is a shipping and commission nier- chant. William Smiley, 1814. -Was a mer- chant tailor at No. c_js Chestnut street in 1^14. He died All-list (\ 1826, in the sixtv-second year of his age, and was buried ;;i the Third rresbvtcrian ceme- tery, 1'ourtli and Pine streets. He ua.s a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1.^4-1815. Henry Augustine Smith, 1885. Was horn in the city of Armagh, Ire- land. Jnlv ii, 18',;. and came to Philadel- phia in I V 4 S . He is in the drv-goods business with Strawl Bridge ec Clothier He is a member of the Catholic Philopa- trian Literary Institute. Henry Shriver Smith, 1883.- Was born November 9, I< S 53, at t'nionville, Chester Co., Pa. His father was a native of Londonderry, Ireland. lie was Secre- tary of the Nation, il Publishing Company, 72> Clierrv street, and is now President of the Historical Publishing Company at 3941 Market street. Mr. Smith is a mem- be:- of the Masonic OnK r. James Smith, 1700. Was a mer chant. \\"t- have- no definite information conci-nr.n- him. Rev. James Smith, 1826. Was a C r.holic Pri< -'. who officiated as a-- is! mt at St. Augustine's church, Fourth ti el e, : 2) . :; V. : littl. is known of him. In the I>ireeto< 1 street. He is also said to have resided at i St. Joseph's in 1827. James E. Smith, 1813. Was City Treasurer, 1813-1815. John Smith, 1803. We have no pos- itive information concerning him. John Smith, 1822. We have a mass ; of information concerning persons of the same name, but we. cannot definitely 1' icate him. John Smith, 1853. Was proposed as a member by Hugh Catherwood 18241. John Frederick Smith, 1881. Was born in Philadelphia, January 20, 1815. He first entered the mercantile house of I-'.. W. Seeley, where he remained four year.-, and then was employed at the , foundry of Richard Ronaldson, and in iS|5.oii the retirement of his father from the linn of Johnson ec Smith, he, hi.-, brother Richard and Thomas MacKellar were admitted to the firm, under the style of L. Johnson cc Co. In iN6o Mr. John- son died and Peter A. Jordan was ad- mitted. The name of the firm was Mac- Kellar, Smiths ^v J< irdan, and in 1885 it \v as named MacKellar, Smiths >S: Jordan Com- pany, of which Mr. Smith was chosen Trea- surer, which position he held until hi- death. Mr. Smith in i\|5 married K!i/a- beth W. Munroe. Her memory has been highlv honored bv her husband's benef- icent charities. Shortlv after her death he donated to each of the Philadelphia Ho-pit ds 55.000, for the establishment of free beds in memory of hi> deceased wife. On June in, iSSS, the " I{li/abeth Munroe Smith," a new steamer, was given bv him to the Sanitarium Association. This vessel, \\hich cost 5-7.5". had bet-!; launched but a feu months before and was christened bv his daughter. < >n June 2'), [8Sn, he donated 525. ixH) to tile House of Rt-t'uge and after\\ards increased tll'j ani( iiir.i to 5.vS. ( M * ', with a provision that a chajn-1 ^hoiild lie erected on the new grounds of tlu 1 House <>f Refuge, in mem- or\ of his deceased wile. He also gave 5 ;.' - " ' to the Kvangelical Lutheran church at Tweiit} fifth street and Montgomery avenue, uliich uas tlu-n named thr l-'.li/.a- hetli Muni'oe Memorial church, in nii-m- . rv of Mrs. Smith. It is said that s ; nc- SM SM ; S>,6 he has ^ivcii f i.so.ix ities. He was a prominent .ui'1 original mem- ber dt" t!u- I nion I.eaxue, al*o of the Columbia Club, the Historical Society of Pen::--'. 1 vania, the Sons of St. C.eorj^c, ainl served as I >irector of >evcra! bank*. He died ' >ctober 31, i>>Sy, at his resilience, 125 ' N. P.road street. John M. Smith, 1814. He probably di--d iii 1^31. Montraville H. Smith, 1891. Wu> born in Albany. X. V., March ;v >, iS.SJ. He is in the real estate business, ami is a i:ie:nber of the Masonic or^ani/.ition. Patrick Smith, 1882. Was born in I )ni!'.:ir;i;^ht. Parish of Droinoiv, Couiitv Tyrone, Ireland, about i.Sjo, and came to America when a bov, landing at St. John's, X. I'.. In March. 1859, he settled in Philadelphia, where he eni;a^ed in the drv->79. when he retired. Previous to his residence in Philadelphia he carried on the same business in P.o>ton, Lowell. Mass , Hartford, Conn., and Pe tcr^bur--. V;i. Patrick S. Smith, 1884. Was born in Countv Cavan, Ireland, August i, 1.^49. Came to Philadelphia, May iS, 1865. He is .t member of the Catholic Philopatrian I.iterarv Institute, and of the Iri-di Na- tional League of America, St. Michie!'> YomiL,' Men an 1 several other beneficial societies. Mr. Smith i-. a member of the firm of I)or.-,ey cc Smith, m mnf icturers of and dealer,-, in he.iter* and raiu;c> at I l I North Seventh street. Patrick W. Smith, 1883. -Was born in Hreafy, near Cali,;, County Sli^o, Ire- land, M.iv 5, !>>.-> 7, and came to America i:i April, 1.^47. He i> a land>cape ^ar- >!, -iK-r aud contractor at .^loi North I'.ro id street. He is a iiu uiln-r of the Iri^h Na- tional League of America. Robert Smith, 1790. Was a uier <-':iaiit at 2'> South ! ; ront street in 1791. I Ie was a member of the i-'ii^t Citv TP iop in 1794. Thomas Smith, 1846. Was probably a commission merchant it So .south Wharves. William Burns Smith, 1883. Was born in Cilas^ow. Scot! md, No\ember M. i^\\. Hi> ;>.i:ent^, \\"i'.!iam \\"allace Smith and Annie Simpson, \\ere Scotcli, and M-tt',e.l in :'hi;.:d 'Iphia, Mav i, I S 52. He \\ i-> educated in the public schools and apprenticed to the wood-carving trade. He has been a member of the Caledonian Club v.uce iv>;. and ha> en- joyed e\er\ office in t'i'.e v;ift of that o: - L;ani/atiou. 'fhe Pre.-olciicv of the N'orih American Caledonian A>--oci,ition wa^ conlerred upon him .it the meeting in Toronto, in ^75, and he wa> re-elected in Philadelphia, in \S~(> He is aUo a mem lier of the St. AndrewS Society, and Scots' Thistle Society, of the P,i:ru> Association and a i-harter member an.l Tiea-^urer of tl:e Caledonian J.od-e, No. /<. I. < ). ( ). !'. lie is also a prominent Ma^on, bein;^ a member of various lodges a'.ul Mjninent Commander of M,ir\- Con in la ii' le:'\. No. v\ Knights Teni])lar. His name i-. enrolled as niembi-r in nnnierous other or^ani/a- tions, in inanv of which he has held hon- orable po>itions. I !is activit\- has al>< > been shown in the numerous politic. d club-- of which he i> a member. He has been Secretary, President and Marshal of the Republican Invincible*, a member of the \"ounu, Republicans and of the 1'nioii League. In November. iSSi, he wa> elected to Select Council from the Tweiity- eij^hth \\"aid to fill a vacancy, and re- elected for a full term at the Febrr.aty i- lection following. 1'pon the nri^ani/ation of Select Council in April. iSs.2, he \\.is chosen President, \vhicli p.>>ilion lie oc- cupied until he was elected Ma\ or < >\ the cit\ r . [See " Men of America, Citv (iov- ernmeut, Philadi-lphia." : v ^;.j William Moore Smith, 1790. Was a member of the Pliiladcl]>hi,i bar. ad- mitted to practice ill March. 17*1. 1 !e died March ij. l V ,. ;,-ed dj years. 1! : - \\ ill, rl.it> d January 7. iS;n. and pro\ .. .1 March jS, i v .' : , mention-- hi> wile, and h: - two Mins, Samuel \\'eiu\>.- Smith and K'.ch.ii'd Penn Smith. William W. Smith. 1802. Was a merchant at l ;u Hiidi slrei-t in i- S( '.v Goorgo W. Smyth. 188(5. -Was born i:: the cit\ of I iiiblin, Ireland i\ bruar\ SM 524 28, 1858, and came when an infant to Philadelphia, November 2. 1854. He was a ineinber of the I'hil;ulelj)hia liar, ad- mitted to practice, June l.|, \^~<-i. He died December 29, 1891. James Smyth, 1859. \\"as born near Annoy, Countv Antrim, Ireland. March 9. 1832. He arrived in New York, June i, 1850, and came to Philadelphia, June 3, 1850. He was engaged in the brewing business from 1807 to 1874, and was an ex- tensive manufacturer of cotton goods in this city from 1876 to iSS6. He was a Com- missioner for building the bridge at South street, and a Director in Seventh National Rank, 18(18 1871. I Ic is a member of the Masonic ( >rder and of the American Prot- estant Association. Mr. Sinvth was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1800-1872. Samuel Smyth, 1835. Was a dis- tiller on Mulberry street near Schuylkili Seventh in I 839. Thomas Smyth, 1863. Was born March 26, 1835,111 County Donegal, Ire- land, and came to Philadelphia, April > >, 1854. He was Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Deputv Sheriff and also a School Director. He is a member of the American Protestant Association, ( )dd Fellows, Red Men, Sons of Progress, Legion of Honor, Order of Tonti. He is a saloon keeper. Thomas Smyth, 1886. Was born January 20, iSsfi. in Count v Leitrim, Ire- 1'ind. He arrived in New York, April 28, 1874, and settled in Philadelphia, May 1st, same year. He is engaged in the liquor business and is a Trustee of the Liquor I Icalcrs' Association. William Smyth, 1866. Was born Januarv I, iSi;, near Coleraiiie, County Antrim, Ireland. He- arrived in Philadel- phia, M.i\ 27, i\;;. He engaged in build- ing and afterwards lor many years carried on the manufacture of cotton and woollen goods in this city. He is now employed in the (',,1-- Works. He was Assessor of the Seventh Ward from [\].s to 1852, and i- a member of the Masonic Order. Frank Patterson Snowdcn, 1886. W.i- bom in Philadelphia, June 27, 1857. He i-- a son of James Ross Snow- den, who was Director of the United States Mint in this city for many years, and a grandson of l.eneral Robert Patter- son 118241, and is also a descendant of Isaac Smmden, who was the Treasurer of Philadelphia during the revolutionary war and \\as one of the founders of the " State- iu-Schn vlkill." He is a Director in the. Pennsylvania Humane Society and is con- nected with various social and charitable organizations. He is engaged in the banking business with 15. K. Jamison iS: Co., Fifth and Chestnut streets. Joseph Jones Solomon, 1890. Was born in Wilmington, Del., in 1834. He is the lessee of the Bingham House, Klevcnth and Market streets, and is a member of the Masonic Order. Robert Salts, 1841. Was a distiller at northeast Second and Prime streets. Letters of administration on his estate were granted, October 29, 1845, to Cath- arine Solts. William Spotswood, 1790. Was a printer and publisher at 5 Letitia court. Robert S. Stafford, M. D., 1809. Was one of the Phvsicians of the Society from 1796 to 1822. We have not been able to get any definite information con- cerning him. John Steel, 1814. Was probably a merchant at 190 High street in 1.814. Joseph Steel, 1852. We have noth- \ ing positive concerning him. He was probably a grocer. Samuel Steel, 1818. Was proposed by James C. Thompson (1815). We have no definite information concerning him. John Steele, 1803.- Was Collector of Customs, 181.9 1827. and verv active in public affairs and politics. He was a native of Lancaster co., Pa. He died Feb- ruary 27, 1827, aged 6.s \iars, 8 months and 22 days, and was buried in the Third Presbyterian cemetery, Pine street below Fifth, \\lu-re there is a monumental stone erected over his grave bv his children. (icneral Steele was one of the executors of the will of Samuel Carswell (1819 ... Johll L. Steen, 1836. Was a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland. He was a carpenter and builder and died about ST 5i> ST Robert Steen, 1827. Was born June Thomas Stephens, 1790. Was a ! J. '7^7. near Ballymoncv, C'ountv An member of the Acting Committee of the trim, Ireland, and came to America Phila- Societv in 1796. de'.phia) in May, i--);.}. He was a nier Henry Sterling, 1832. Was a resi chant. For manv years lie was a Director dent of Pittsburgh, 1'a.; proposed by of the Mechanics' National Hank. IK- Robert Steen 14^27). died February 22, IS66, and was buried Samuel S. Sterling, 1803. Was a ;n Laurel Hill cemetery. James Steen merchant at y S. Water street in iSoj. Martin 11^591 is his nephew. All of his Augustine Stevenson, 1822. Was lush business friends were members of a merchant. His will, dated October 14, the Society. He was a member of the i s ,Sj, and proved January 4, 1^54, men- Acting Committee, i S3 3 ;u "l ' Vo ~ 1^4 2, tioiis his father, Augustine, Sr. ; h:s and of the Committee on Finance, i S43 - brothers, John H., James li., Andrew I!, and tS'>4. Washington J. ; and his sisters, Margaret William Shearer Stenger, 1890. H. Roberts, Jane Ann Lane, Caroline Was born in London, Franklin Co., Pa., Stevenson and Myra Stevenson. February 13, 1840. IK- was educated at Charles Stewart, 1790. Colonel the public schools and at the Mercersburg Charles Stewart was a member of the Academy, and in the fall of 1^,54 entered Friendly Sons of St. Patrick seep. 133- Franklin and Marshall College at I,anc.a.s- Charles Stewart, 1802. Honorary ter, Pa., graduating from the last named Member, was born in the city of Phila institution in 1^5'S. He then studied law delphia, July is, 177-S, of Irish parents and was admitted to practice in August, He was surnanied "<>ld Ironsides." ii Sr'xj, associating himself with his brother, At thirteen years of age he entered (.c'irge M. Stenger, and later with James the merchant service and rose to the A. -McKnight. In the fall of i,So2 he was command of an Indiamin. On March elected District Attorney of F'ranklin co., 9, i 79\ he was commissioned a Lit u- to which office he was re-elected in 1^65 tenant in the navy, and in Julv, I.NKI, and i.So.S, serving three full terms or nine was appointed to the command of the vears in all, IS63-1S72. In : ^tured the I-'rench schooner " Deux Sf>:> .''/, a well-known newspaper of Cham Amis." of eight guns, and soon after the bersburg, Pa., ami continued as one of its " Diana," of fourteen guns. In |.S>2, as proprietors and its editor until \^~(). In first officer, lie joined the frigate "Con- November, 1674, he was elected to Con- stitution." which had been ordered to gress and was re-elected in i.S7b, serving blockade Tripoli, and on his return, after two terms, 1^75 1^79. I'pon the inaugura- a vear's absence, he was placed in com- tion of (lovernor Robert I-,. Pattison in mand of the brig "Siren." In this vessel January, i^S;. Mr. Stenger was appointed he \\ as engaged to destroy the frigate Secretary of the Commonwealth and "Philadelphia." on February 16, iNij, ser\ p e'l until the e.<])iratiou of the dov- and siibsei juelitl \' in the blockade and ernor's term of oftice, four vears after- siege of Tripoli, on Mav iu, ; v ' .4. he took \\ard.s. He then resumed the active ]>rac command ot the frigate " Fissex." \\hich tice of his proiessjon and removed to joined the squadron in Tun:-- !!av, a;id Philadelphia, where he has alread\ m.i.'.e subseqnentl\ he took command ot the his in irk as a member of the I'.ar. Mr. frigate "Constellation " On A:-ril Stenger has been for man v ycai s active in iSo'i, lie was made Captain, and was em the Democratic part) of the Stale, lii- plo\ ed in superintending the construction been a Delegate in numerous c"on \'entioiis ol gun !io.its a; New York. In iSiJ he of that party tnd is noted as a cair.paig:; again commanded the "Constellation." speaker of much force and elon r.eii. e. and assisted in defending Norfolk from [See " Iiiogr. .\lbum of Prominent Peiin- the I'.riti-h. In I leceinber, i s :.;. he took s\ 1 van i.ais, " Sccoud Scries, page 271.] command of the frigate "Constitution, 1 ' and in 1'cbrnary, iM.s, IK- captured the Ilritish man - of - war "The Cvanc," of thirty-four, and the " Levant," of twenty - one L;U:IS. after a sharp conflict of forty nr.nutes. Returning to America he was received with the highest honors. The Legislature of 1 Vnn--\ Ivania presented him \\ ith a g< >ld -hilled s \\ord, and a ;j.old medal was ordered to be struck by Congress, lie commanded the Mediterranean Squadron irom iSi7t<> i S2o. when he took command of the Pacific fleet. He was a member of the I'.oard of Navy Commission^ rs in 1.^50- i\',;, andiu 1.X7 succeeded Commodore P>arroii in coniinar.d of the Philadelphia Navy-Yard. In 1.^57 he was placed on the reserve li-4 on account of his age, but in March. i. s = ^, was replaced on the active list bv special legislation, and on luiv ih, iS<>2. was made a Rear- Admiral on the retired list. He died at r.ordento\\ n. N.J., November 7, iNny His funeral look place November i. i$6y, from Independence Hall, where his body lay in state. The Hibernian Society attended his fuller. il in a body. l ; or his letter ackno\\ lcdL:ing the notice of Ins c-lectioii as an honorary member of the Soeictv, see pajjc 222. As showing the sentiments of Commodore Stewart towards Ireland, the following letter will be of interest : r.ordcnlown, N. 1. S/. /J/.V.vc'.s day. C.entlemen : I;: hopes of getting better, I have delayed to the- last moment to :u knowledge your kind in vitatin to unite with von to-morrow for the cek-bration of the dav in houc >'.' of Ireland. It : to ' hoi < d tlie dav i- nut now ^ -.: ';: ;: the ( i ivernment ' '] ] >r --sin<^ " ' . ' , . . '. '. . '.:.' I: i ::d ! : n : The comnione- ' I \ : ' i in the rt oi" ] land ' . ihi lu-ar! ' ::ini mill; n- of p t , ,p; t . uho re m< :; -t :'.: m^-t distinguish! ; the Independence and Welfare of the j Irish people. I am most respectfully, Gentlemen, your Most obedt. Servt. CHS. STHWAKT. Should you interchange sentiments on the occasion, accept the- following from your ( ibedt. Servt. C. 8. "The Shamrock of an Irish-man's heart -I.ibi-itv enough for happiness, with eaqual Laws, eaqnal justice and the right to take his own road to Heaven." Messrs. John P.inns. Win. Dickson, John Maitland, Joseph Diamond, Myles D. Sweeny. Hugh O'Donnell, K. I'. Hrady, Win. A. Stokes. R. W. Dunlap. John ('.. Thompson, James La\e, C.McCaul- lav, Partm. ( >ra\ es, The < 'oinin itii':\ Delia Tudor, daughter of Commodore Stewart, married, Mav 21, iS'S, Charles Henrv Parnell, father of Charles Stewart Parnell, the Iri-h Leader in the I Ionic Rule Struggle. [See Scharf oc Westcotfs " His- tory of Philadelphia." Vol. I, pp. 74*. ^36; " Aj)pleton's Cvc. Am. Biography," Y> 1. 5, p. 6*4 ; " Hiog. Kncy. Penna.," p. ,s i i.] David Stewart, 1790. Was married in Christ church, June it'. I ~^<, to Mary Robertson. George Stewart, M. D., 1849. We have no definite information concerning him. Hercsidtd on P'ilbert street Last of Schuylkill Sixth, in :> (9. James Stewart, 1802. Was a dis- | tiller at 366 N. b'r. .nt in lSo2. James Stewart, 1881. Was born in Killymuck, Cm.nt\' Ikr.-v. Ireland, Au- gust 14, I-VJ7. He emigrated to America : : lar.din; .." Ouel i c u; c,n ' nre j-th i if thai v< ar and coming at om e to ] 'hila- ileljihia. A i' i-r serving as .. clerk he < ' -, roe( ry st< ire at thi- < < >n er -f Svlvester streets, and has eon- tiniii : m tli.it bnsine--^ since, being no->\ 1 1 it< ' : . : the son t Invent corner of Twi nl \ - li;s; and Vini 1 streets. He was a member of the Poard of ( riiardians of the P", ; - f.,r , - T:-i isuri : -f tli.'t binl\-. ni Ste\\ ' Ml Ste warl is a lilt m! ier of the Man tion.Thiit\ , 1 legree Scott '. '.: Kite, Ma; \ C- i::m : O >!,. Till >MAS J. STUWART. ST -v_>7 ST of Knights Templar, Knights of Binning- keeper, of the Star Cdass Company, of ham. Ancient < )rder of United Workmen Norri-town, Pa., and continued \\itli it and American Protestant Association. until 1*174, ''hen he u as elected Secretary [See "Men of America, City Govern- and Treasurer of the Waterford ('.la- ment," Phila., li>\v] Company, of Philadelphia, uho-e works James Hood Stewart, 1790. We were at Waterford. N. J. He retained his have no definite information concerning rc-idciicc at Norristown. In IN7.S lie him. lornud a copartnership \\ith I-.hin John Stewart, 1884. Was born in Klaut-hcck, of Baltimore, and Alfred C. Shippensburg, Pa., November 4, :- s .i<.> 'i'honia-, of Philadelphia, for the nianu- Ile is the son of Dr. Alexander Stewart factuic and sale ol \\indo\\ L;!,ISS. lie and Kli/.abeth iHammill) Stewart. His succeeded to the bii-inc-- of the lirm in great-grandfather, Alexander Stewart, I' S 77, and continued it until !">>>. In who came to America in 1 773 and settled I s ho, he entered the .V.tion.u (iuarilof in Frederick Co., Md., was a native of Pennsylvania, and was elected First Ser- liallvmena, County Antrim, Ireland. geant of the Norris City Rifu-. and sub- He studied law and was admitted to prac- seimently pa-sed through tlie grades of lice, and in iS72-iS7^ was a member of Second and First I.icutciiair.-, and \\a- the Pennsylvania Constitutional C'onvcn- linallv appointed Adjutant ol the Six- lion, and from iSSo to iSX^of the State teenth Regiment in 1^77. He is still co:i- Senate. He was the Independent candi- netted with that regiment. Taking an date for Governor of the State ill I SS2, and active interest in Republican party poii- is now President Judge of the Thirty- tics, and having a line reputation as a ninth Judicial District, elected in Novem- speaker, he was elected a member of the ber, iSS.S. He resides at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania House of Rep:\ -entati\ e- Pa. in I.SN4, and served ill the session of l.^,\-, Thomas Stewart, 1819. We have after which he served a- Secretary of the no definite information concerning him. Commission to organ i/.e the Penn-vlvania Thomas Stewart, 1829. Was pro- Soldier-' and Sailor-' Home at Fric, Pa. posed by Hugh Catherwood 1^24 . In :S'-(> he was elected Secretary of In- Thomas Jamison Stewart, 1889. ternal Affair-, and was re-elected in i M >. Was born near Helfast, Ireland. September IK- married, < )ctober 24, i .VH^, Rebecca P., i:. iS.js. IK- came with his parents to daughter of Adam Ashenfelter, of Norris- America in June of the follouing year. town. Pa. l',e-i'!e- l;i- jmlilic life, he is After two attempt- to enlist, unsuccessful widel\ known in the State by reason of on account of hi- youth, he succeeded his prominence in the alfairs of the Grand o:, Marcli S, iV>5, in joining the ;; v s th Army of the Republic. Colonel Stewart Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was dis- take- a livclv inu-re-t in the Hibernian patched to its quarters at Fort Dushane, Society. [See " P.iogr.i])hical Album of in front of Petersburg, Va. He at once took Prominent Pennsylvaiiians." Second Se- h'.s jilaci- in the ranks and pai tici] iati-il rie-. page ;o. ] in the assault on Peter.-burg on Ajiril 2, Walter Stewart, 1790. -General ..-(.5, ;.:;d was also in the battle of Sailor'- Walter Stewart was tin- Vice President of Creek on April 6, i v '\v The war coming the Sociel\ from it- organi/ation. Apni -, t" a close, he was mustered out on [u::e 1 7 ( << ', until .Ab-.ich 17. ' 7>y">. IK- was a j; of tb.e -ame year, bring then bv.t six- nu-m: er of tl'.e l-'rieiidl\ Sous of St. Pat .it;, year- oi a-e. I'pon ;;- return he rick. See page .31 -tlld'.ed at the (.Juakt-i" C it v P.Usilless Col- John Stillas. 17HO. \\"as a clockr.l.i- age, and u]ion graduation from tliat insti- ker. Hi- \\ ill. dated Novembi r in, 170.;. tutioii he obtained employment .is a and prove'! No\ ember . 1X . 171.1;, meiition- 1 ookkeejii-r in an in-urar.ce coinpan- . hi- uile, Ri-ln-cca. hi- liaugl'.ler, Clari--a. :.::<} afterwards opem-'l a private school. and hi- -lcp-on, Clement (',.111:1011. We ST 528 ST William Stockley, 1827. Was a merchant tailor at 149 Chestnut street. He is mentioned in the will of Joseph Bail 118031, December, 1822. Patrick W. Stoffcl, 1885. Was horn May 10, 1846, in County (iahvay, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia, Febrn- arv, 1863. He is a merchant tailor. John Strawbridgo, 1790. Was a merchant at 71 Walnut street in 1791. John Strawbridgc, 1816. Was a merchant at No. i Chestnut street, and resided at 206 Spruce street in i.Si6. lie was liorn April 25, 1780, and died April 4, iS5S. Ann Taylor Strawhridi^e, one of his daughters, married Peter A. Browne (18131. William Strickland, 1833. Was an arcliitect, and designed many of the promi- nent buildings of the city, including the United States Naval Asylum, P.locklev Almshouse, Merchants' Kxclumije, and St. Stephen's Church. lie was probably a native of Kn inland. Christopher Stuart, 1790. Was born near Belfast, Ireland, in I74S, and came to the United States about 1770, ar- riving at Philadelphia. lie settled at Norriton, Montgomery co., Pa., before 1773, and became a farmer. lie was an officer in the Pennsylvania Line of the Continental Arniv, Captain in the 1'il'th Pennsylvania Battalion, January 5, 1776; Major Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Sep- tember 20, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel Third Pennsylvania Regiment, April 17, i 7 >< ). He was present at the battle of I. >UL; Inland, and was captured at the sur- render of Fort Washington. He wa.s present at the capture of Stony Point. He served until the reduction and re- or^.ini/ation of the army, when he re- turned to civil life, January, 1782. He died at Norriton, May 2~ . 1799. and \\as ' uried in the Presbyterian churchyard at that place. He niarriecl. Ma\- 8, 1773, F.li/abeth I'-uil, daughter of William P.ull, o! Montgomery co., P;i. His grandson, Christopher Stuart Patterson 11826), was a niemlier. Captain J. II. Patterson, TN\ ntieth United States Infantrv, is a isi m of Lieutenant C<>1' 'Mel David Stuart, 1790. He probably died in August, J793. The will of David Stuart was proved August 12 of that year. It mentions his brother, Josiah, and his sister, Abigail. David Stuart, 1835. - Was born April 15, iSoS, in Kdinburgh, Scotland. He arrived in New York when he was six- teen years of a^c, learned his trade as a moulder there, then removed to Sugar Valley, Pa., and from thence to Danville, and started the foundry business there. He settled ill Philadelphia in 1844, and was connected for many vears before his death with the iron foundry firm of Stuart oc Peterson, on North Broad street. He died September 8, 1878, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. Edwin Sydney Stuart, 1884. Was born December 28, 1853, in Philadelphia. His father, Hn^h .Stuart, was a native of County Antrim, Ireland ; his mother was also a native of Ireland, having come to America when a child. He is engaged in the publishing and bookselling business, and is the proprietor of " Leary's Old Book Store," No. 9 South Ninth street, which is the most extensive establishment of its kind in America. He began business when but 14 years of age, in the employ of the late Mr. Leary, then on Second .St., and finally purchased the business in 187') from the executors of Mr. Leary's estate. From an early age he took an active in terest in public affairs. In 1882 he was elected President of the Young Republi- cans of Philadelphia, and retained thai position until elected Mayor. lie was a Delegate to the National Convention of Republican League Clubs held in Ne-v York in 1887, in Baltimore in 1889, and was President of the Pennsylvania State Lea-ue of Republican Clubs in Lancaster, 1.S88, and in Pittsbnn^ in 1889. In 188.1 he was Presidential Fleeter on the Hlainv ticket in Pennsylvania, and received tlu- largest vote on the ticket. lie was .1 Delegate to the National Republican Con vcntion in i8SS, also a member of thi- State Committee during the campaign, and was appointed bv (lovernor Beaver M !r--!ia! of the Pennsylvania Division at the iiMU-urat ion of Harrison and Morton, ST ST March 4, 1889. He was a member of Select Council, 1886-1889, and in 1889 was re-electeil without opposition. He was nominated, January 14, 1891, for Mayor of Philadelphia, elected at the ensuing February election, and now occupies that position. He is 1'ast Master of Keystone Lodge, Xo. 271, Free and Accepted Ma sons, and ('.rand Marshal of the (irand Lodge of Pennsylvania ; also ainuniberof Oriental Royal Arch Chapter, No. 183, and of Philadelphia Commandcry, No. 2, .M.-.M>nic Knights Templar, and is a Past Jilicer of Cadwalader Lodge, No. 353, independent Order of Odd Fellows. He h a member of the Union League, ("nion Republican Club, Clover Club and Stvlus Club. Mr. Stuart is much interested in the Hibernian Societv, and has spoken at the anniversary dinners and served on the Committee of Arrangements for the din- ner by the Society to President Cleveland and the other dignitaries during the Con- stitutional Celebration, September 17, 1887. George Hay Stuart, 1845. -The fol- lowing obituary notice (corrected in a few particulars) is from the Public Ledger, April 12, ibyo : " i ieorge H. Stuart was born in Rose hall, near Rnnbridge, Countv Down, Ire- 1 iiid, on April 2, iS|6, his ]>arents being members of the Associate Preslivterian Church, of which the Rev. ( ieorge Hay was pa-tor, .Hi'! after whom the decea>ed wa- name'l. lie received bis ])reliminary education in hi> native land, and came to America at the age of 15 vcar-, arriving on September i, 1831, and making his home in Philadelphia in the summer of I S 3-'. Hi-, iir-t connection with business enterprise was with the mercantile firm compos d of hi> brothers, John. Joseph. I i i v . id and James, which was established :n this citv in 1^27. ('.eorge II. Stnart wa-, admitted as a member of the firm in 1^37. and retained his active connection w.th it until its liquidation in the tall of ; -.70. The house did a very large busi- ness, and h.td branches in Neu York, Manchc-ter and Liverpool. Mr. Stuart \s is for a number < >f vcar- President i >\ the Mechanics' National Rank, and. about the time his firm went out of existence, there was a division among the stockholders relative to the management of the bank. This difficulty terminated in the defeat of Mr. Stuart's friends, and he retired fr. an the institution. Ahuo-t immediately afterward-- a number of Mr. Stuart's friend-., among them being Po-tmaster- Cieiieral W. mam. her, Thomas Dolall, William Arrott. James II. (',av and James Moore, organi/ed the Merchant-' i'.ank and installed Mr. Stuart as President. It was opened for business March 23. lS v u. Mr. Stuart \\as .me of the oldest, if not the oMest living Director of the I u-urance Company of the State of lYnn-\ Ivania, and was one of the founder- of the Kqtiit- able Life Assurance Societv. lie v. .:- al-o a member of tile Hoard of Citv Tru-t-. since its organization, and was Chairman of the Committee on Household of (',irard College, and a member of the Committee- on Admission, Discipline ami Discharge, and Property, and Administration of the Wills Hospital. " Mr. Stuart's activities, however, were chiefly directed toward the vari' >ns jihilan- thropic and religions movements of his time, and it is in the records of his part in these movements that the larger part of the story of his life is to be found. Soon after he came to Philadelphia. Mr. Stuart connected himself \s ith the First Ref< irmed Church, of which the Rev. Dr. S P.. \\"\'.:e was pastor, and in 1*35 made the f. .rmil jirofession of his faith. lie soon became not only one of the mo-t prominent mem- bers of his church, but also one of the mo>t active- Christian worker- i:: the country. He was ordained a Ruling Flder on Au- gust 7, I' S J2, and held thai office up to the hour of his death ; and he \\ i- for twenty five years the Superintendent of the Sun- day schools of his church. It is related of him that, .luring th it entire ; eriod, he \vasneverlateat i single -e-sioti. I lev. i- dee;)]\' interested in the \\ork of hi- eiiiiTts mnch <>! its success was due. lie \\.is inainl\ instrumental in the erection of tlie handsome church on Smith P.road street, \\hich is famon- as having bci n t!ie nieetiii 1 ' I'lace of the Presb\'terian Na ST tional Convention, in ]S6;, -which pre- ceded, l>y a few years, the union of the Old ami New School Presbyterian churches. At; early and ardent supporter of the for- eign mission work, lie acted for many years as Treasurer ol the Hoard of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and of the Theological Seminary nt the same church; and the Missionary Refuse at Landour was his contribution to the Saharanpur Mission in India. He was also for many year:- Vice President of the American Sunday School Union, of the American Bible Society, of the Amer- ican Tract Society, National Temperance 1 Society, of the Kvangelical Alliance of the United States and President of the Phil- adelphia Branch of the Alliance, as \\ell as of the Home Mission Society. " In the meantime Mr. Stuart took part in many other general religious move- ments. He was interested in the organi/a- tion of the Voting Men's Christian Asso- ciation, and \vas the first President of the Philadelphia Association, and was elected President of the National Conventions, held at Troy, in 1^59. and Chicago, in iS6; v In 1867 Mr. Stuart offered the reso- lutions in the ('.eiieral Svnod of tile Re- formed Presbyterian Church which led to the holding of the Presbvteriani Nation, d Convention in this city, in November of that year. He was elected Moderator by acclamation. and the M tion ol th;. - . Con- vention did much to effed tile ultimate union of the various divided branches "1 ti:e Presbvterian Church. "Although so earnest a Presbyterian, Mr. Stuarl was verv liberal ill his views a::d practice, and among his warmest friends \\ere Bi-hop M.-I Ivainc, of the Kpi: ' ; ial Churi h in Ohio, and Bishop Maltln u Simpsi n, of Ihv Mi thodist de- nomination. 'I'm- deley ition oj the IriMi Pre^bvteriiin Church sent to this countrv during the years of famint. in that land -.'. id to his counsel, co o] iera! i< >n and ''utioii^ mucii of if- -:'<-e-^. The Rev. Dr. I Miff visited America b\ Iii- ;;;. r , , tion, aiiii the c xtensive tour he madi . ;.'. the large amount of inoiiev he received for the college in Call utta. was in a great measure the result ' >f Mr. S: r. irt'- ar: anin - ments. Otlier deputations from the Pres- byterian Churches of Ireland and Scotland were also greatly indebted to him. " Perhaps the most interesting and im- portant incident of Mr. Stuart's useful career was his work in connection with the United States Christian Commission, of which he- was the head. " President ('.rant appointed Mr. Stuart among the first who were named, to serve upon the Hoard of Commissioners t<> ex- ercise joint control with the Secretary of the Interior over the disbursement of the appropriations to the Indians. He served until June, 1^74, when, with several others ot the Commissioners, he resigned. It is said that President (Irani twice offered Mr. Stuart a Cabinet position, but lie de- c-lined on both occasions. lie was several times consulted by the President upon matters connected with the public service. "He died early yesterdav morning (April ii, 1890), in the 75th year of his age, at the residence of his son, (ieorge H. Stuart, Jr., at Chestnut Hill. Although Mr. Stuart had been a sufferer from asthma for over half a centurv, he re- tained his strength and activitv until within about a vear ago, when failing health necessitated his retirement from the Presidency of the Merchants' Bank. Since that time he has failed sk adilv, and, although afflicted by his old maladv, his death was due more especiall v to a gen- eral breaking up of his vital forces. A large part of his time during the past few months was spent at Clifton Springs, New York, but his condition becoming so alarming he \sas brought to this city in a special train, on Saturday week, and taken to his son's resilience, at Chestnut Hill. 1 1 ere lie rail ied son lev, hat, but the improve- ment was but temporary, tor he died at half-past six o'clock yesterdav morning, passing away gelltlv ill his sleep, ami v, ithont pain. " James Stuart, 1803. \Vas probably in the gn H ery business. James Stuart, 1843. Was a resident of Pitt ' urg, Pa. James F. Sullivan, 1883. Is a na- sr TA street. He is :. Director of the Green r.nd Coates Streets Passenger Railway Coin pany, S: Brother, No. 4111 Mar- ket street, and President of tile Frank fonl a::d Sonthwark City Railway Compan\'. lie did not return his blank. John Sullivan, 1862. -Is a manu- facturer at Ninth and Montgomery aye. John T. Sullivan, 1816. Was a sta- tioner. He was a member of the- Acting Committee of the Society. iMS-iMo, ;S22-lS2,, lS2S-lS^. William D. Summers, 1884. Re- sides at.^2o South Twenty-first street. He did not return hi-- blank. Charles II. Sutton, 1865. Was a woollen manutacturer in Manavtmk. Francis Swain, 1814. We have nothing positive concerning him. He was probablv (ien. Francis Swain. Francis Swaine, 1790. Was a resi- lient of Montgomery conntv wh.en elected, lie was Sheriff of that county, I 7.^7- 1790; Burgess of Norristown. tSi2; I'resident Hank of Montgomery co., iM4~;M7. His advertisements a- Sheriff appeared in the / '. n)is\'h'ii>i;a (>'ii:t'tt< and other Philadel- phia papers of the time. [See Augc's ''Biography Montgomery Countv ; " ]'.uck's " Hi-torv Montgomery County," Article Norri-li iwn. Edward Sweeney, 1887.- Was born in Poulough, Parish of Ballindereen, Countv Cialwav, Ireland, lu'.v I". : V J4. and came to Philadelphia, November, 1^57. He is ,1 merchant tailor, and is Treasurer of the Merchant Tailors' Fx- change. Hugh Sweeney. 1790. Was proba : 'i; a tailor at ;< > \Valnut street in 1791. James F. Sweeney, 1882. Was born in County I.eitrim. Ireland. Came to the I'liiteil St..te- in ;s . and landed and -ellleii in Pmladt Iphi.i. u here he learned t!;e maclr.ne business \\\ Norris Brothers' I.oromntive Works. Ik went to Cnbfl for the firm, and spent twelve years there, a large part of that time as master mechanic of the Cienfuegos and Villa Clara Railroad Company. He took locomotives out for Richard N'orns iV Son for several year-. lie was in the I'nited States ( yoyernment employ as master mechanic for nine vears on the building of the new Plr.l.'.delphia Post-office, and was altcr\\ards in the hardware business, and also in the coal business. He is a member of the l ; rank!in Institute. Dennis Sweeny, 1840. Was pro- posed by Andrew ( ) Kane. Doyle Sweeny, 1796. Wa- a mem- ber of the Acting Committee of the Soci- ety in i 796. Miles D. Sweeny, 1851. -Was pro- posed as a member bv Samuel Hood i-S.yV. He was in the liquor business in Philadelphia and subsequently removed to San Francisco, Cal. John Tack, 1842. Was born in Phil- adelphia, September 5, 1799. He was the son of Christopher Tack, of Stanfen- hagen. and Kli/.abeth Fink, of Phila delphia. He was a merchant tailor for many years, doing business on Front street near Pine, Pine street near Second,, Third and Pine streets and Third and Spruce streets. He retired from business in i.s66. He was lir-t a Lutheran, then a Iniversalisl and finally became a Catholic. During the Native-American riots of :">.;; he joined the volunteer forces that guarded the Catholic churches. He wa- a verv ardent Whig, bnt afterward- becanu a Republican. He died July 2.\. 1,^5, at Cape May, N.J.. and was buried in NY\\ Cathedral cemetery. He was noted for his chanties ami oilier good work-. Joseph Tagert. 1802. Was born in Neu ton -Stewart, C< >untv Tvri me, I rela :.(!, in J75>>. came to America in 17>,;. and engaged in business HI Newbern, N. C . but afterwards in 1705 -ettleil in Plii'adel ]>hia. lie was the head <>; th.e f;r:n of Tagert \~ Smith, lint iorters and \\lioie-ale dealers. In i S 1 ' ; he wa- anparentlv iv business for himself, a- he advertise- tin- sale ol -ng i!' in the Philadelphia ('/,,:-'// of November M ot' that year. For nianv Deal's he \\ a s President (A the l''a:mer.s' TA TA ami Mechanics' liank. Hi- was Secretary of the Elibernian Soviet v from March 17, i Si.), to March i 7, iSiS, ami President until his death on August 2, 1849 (see p. 209). lie was buried in Laurel Hill ceineterv. His will Tiientions live children, vi/.., Ann IMonges. uidow of Aristotle Monies; Maria M.Can'iev, wife of Francis ti. Mc- Cai;'u y ; Sarah Tagert ; Sarah Campbell, will- of James R. Campbell; and Joseph Tagcrt. ]r. The executors were Hugh Camj-bell, Francis (',. McCauley and James R. Campbell. James B. Taggart, 1828. Was a merchant at 145 Spruce street in iSj.s. John Taggart, 1790. Was a mer- chant at No. ) Chestnut street in 1741. Letters of administration on his estate were granted, October 5, 1815. to his widow, Catharine Ann Taggart, and I'M ward McDermott 1^1803). The sureties were Thomas I Inrley, paper-hanger i 1 8 1 i ), and Redmond Bvrne (17901, grocer. James Tatcm, 1804. We have noth- ing definite concerning him. James R. Tatcm, 1813. -We are un- certain who he was. Joseph R. Tatem, 1802. Lived ai 90 Vine street in I ^< ) 3. He was a mem- ber of the troop of " Volunteer drecus" during tlu- Whiskcv Insurrection in 1794. Letters of administration on his estate were granted, November 21, iSi7, to Ann T.item, his widi >w. George Taylor, Jr., 1802. Was born Mav 14, '.~(v.>, .it Bushmills, near Coleraine, Ire-land He c:une to America \\ith his parents in 17''.;. lauding at New Y'.rk, where '..':'.:-. remained until the Revolutionary war. 1'jion the advance (it" the British the famih removed to Fish kill, v. here he he ame a > lerk and after- wards Depntv ( >;;arterma-4er under Col. I "dnv Hav. In i 7M , i 782 and i 783 he was Chief Ren. id::;- Clerk to Colonel K:. hard Wariek. of New York, who was ;' Confidential Recording Secretary to ('encral Washington, and while serving in this capacitv he made copies of Wash- ington's private letters and correspond- ence. He became a clerk ;n New Y'>rk in i~Kc), and afterwards Chief Clerk in the Department of State under Jeliei>ou, then Secretary of State, and wlio, upon retiring from office, gave him a ilattering certifi- cate as to good character and abilities. Settling in Philadelphia he became a broker, and was for manv vears a mem- ber of the Stock F.xchange, being em- ployed by Stephen ("drard, whose con- fidence he possessed. Being unfortunate in business he subsequently removed to New York State, and died at Heinp.siead, Long Island, upon August 6, 1835. At one time 11822) he was a candidate for Sheriff in this city. [See Ponlsoii's ,1.1- rt-rtiser, August 31, 1835.] Henry Jancway Taylor, 1858. Was born in Philadelphia, May 10, 1827. lie is a brother of James Leiper Taylor 11850:. He isa civil and mechanical en- gineer, and resides at 1029 Oxford street. He was a Trustee for several years of the Second Presbyterian church, and was for merly a member of the Franklin Institute. He is a member of the Masonic Order, lie was one of the original members of Company I', First Regiment Pennsyl- vania National ('.uard, and served with the regiment in the fall of 1802 and the summer of 1863, and is now a member of the Veteran Corps of the regiment. James Leiper Taylor, 1850. W.is born in Philadelphia, January 11, .'822. lie is the son of Robert Taylor ; 18021, a native of Carrickshandrim, County Don egal, Ireland, and of Kli/abeth Couitas Leiper, a native of Philadelphia. His brothers, Henry Janeway Taylor . i.s^S) and Samuel Leiper Taylor 1864), are members of the Society, as were a!.-n his brother, John II. Taylor 18581, his uncle.--, Robert M. Patterson, M. D. 'i^V, Hon. John K. Kane 18281 and Colonel Wil- liam <-. Leiper .18511, and his cousins, John Holmes, Sr. 118121, John Holmes, Jr. 18^6', Valentine Holmes 1 8301, Join; Holme.-,, M. 1), 1.8341, Selli C. Holmes iSj^i, William Holmes ( 1 860 ! and C,cn- er.d Thomas L. Kane :M8). Mr. Taylor wa.s a member of the Acting Committee of the Societv, 1857 1850; Secretary from S, and member of" the Finance Committee, 1805 1885. lie is a Chipping merchant at 508 Walnut street. He is :i member of the Masonic :ind Odd Fellows' CAPTAIN' JOHN TAYLOR. TA TA Orders, being at one time Deputy Grand Secrctarv of the Grand Lodge of Penn- sylvania r. X: A. Masons. He is Presi- dent "f the Hartford State Mining Com- panv. and of the Boatsman's Transporta- tion Company. Mr. Tavlor has been a vcrv aetive and efficient member of the Society for many years. John Taylor, 1790. -Was probably an insurance broker. John Taylor, 1889. Was born in Philadelphia. April 5, 1*40, and at the age of I , years entered the service of a com- mercial house as errand boy. In iS6i he was among the first to enlist in defence of the Union, and enrolled his name as a private with the "Scotch Rifles," a new military companv that had been organi/ehn Tavlor \v;'s identified with every move- ment and every action of the Pennsvl- vania Reserves. "Through all of its marches, camps, bivouacs, skirmishes and battles, through all of its pleasures and vicissitudes, through its victories and de- feats, through its wcarv tramps amid heat and dust, and rain and mud (Virginia style i, John Taylor bore- his part con- spicuously among his comrades." He was witli his company as Sergeant at the battle of Dranesviilf. December ?. iVu. the first victorv of the Armv of the Potomac; and was also at Mechanies- ville, Games' Mills, Savage Station. Fra- /ier's I 'arm. White Oak Swamp. Glendale, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill. Manassas, Chantilh. Smith Mountain. Antietam and Frederick si >URT ; was at Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, a lieutenant gallantlv leading his men across the " Val- ley of Death," at the foot of Round Top, and had command of the advance skir- mi-h line that harassed the armv of I.ee as it retreated. As aide on the staff of the commander of the I-'ir>t Krigadc. Penn- s\ -Ivania Reserves, he was through all the campaigns preceding the battle of the Wilderness, and his gallant bearing in this position drew from Major-Gencral George G. Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, a highly complimentary letter. At the Wilderness General McCaudless and John Taylor nleside by side, leading the brigade in a charge into and through a corps of the enemy. The charge was a forlorn hope it relieved and extricated Wadsworth and his division, but left John Taylor a prisoner, and suffering the priva- tions often months of captivity. Three times he escaped and just as often was recaptured, suffering the meanwhile from hunger, fatigue, nakedness and the dis- eases incident thereto. I.ynchburg, Dan- ville, Macon, Florence, Savannah, Charles- ton and Columbus are all names familiar to him, and each one has its history ol especial horror. At Charleston he was one of those who, \\ith General Sevmour, was removed to a place of confinement that was within the line and reach of the I'liion guns in Charleston harbor. In March, iS65, he was exchanged, suc- cumbed to tvphoid fever, and on recovery he was appointed to a position in the' Quartermaster's Department, 1". S. A., stationed at Fortress Monroe, where he remained until iS^o. when he returned to Philadelphia and Miccesvfnllv engaged in the insurance bu-iiu. Fie is a member of Captain Philip R. Schuvler Po-4. 51, (',. A. R., Department Pennsylvania. Two months after joining the organi/.ation he was appointed it-- Adjutant, and the vear follouing was elected its Commander, and re elected on the expiration of his U-rm ; during which time he created a thorough reorgani/ation of the Post, increasing its discipline and membership, and Irom one of the smallest and most obscure pr-^-ts i" the (irai:d Arn; \- it lias grown to be one of the largt-t ;::'. n:.-s! influeiitia 1 .. C .!- TA t:>in Tavlor served for three terms as As- Mst.uit e- partment of Pennsylvania, and was then elected Department Commander. In iSSi lu- was appointed Quartermaster-General, (i. A. R., and the leu succeeding Com- nianders-in-Chief have each in turn re- appointed liiin to the onlv position of trust in the ('.rand Army of the Republic 1 , and the onlv position in which the in- cumbent lias succeeded himself. He is a member of the I. oval Legion, Past Colonel of the I'nion Veteran Legion, President of the War YeU rans' Cl lib, and a Trustee of t'. :e National Memorial Association of the Union Prisoners of War, Master of Lodge No. g, A. V. M., member of the Corinthian Chapter, R. A. M., of Philadelphia Com- manderv, Knights Templar, of the I.u I.n Temple of Mystic Shrine and of the St. Andrew's Societv. Captain Taylor was elected Receive! of Taxes of Philadelphia, l ; ebruarv, iSyo, for three vears, by a ma- jority of nearlv forty thousand and now occtn lies that oliice. John H. Taylor, 1858. Son of Robert Tavlor ( iSo2'i, was born in Phil- adelphia. April 4, 1^25. He was a manu- factnrer of earthenware, and afterwards Assistant Melter and Refine'- in the I'nited Slates Mint. John M. Taylor, 1790. Was a mer- chant at No. 3 Water street ill 1791. He probablv died before i.SoS. Lcvi Taylor, 1824.- Was first a retail grocer and afterwards in the wholesale grocerv business on Water street below Market. His death was announced at the meeting of the Societv, December 17, ' S 47- Robert Taylor, 1802. -Was born at Carrickshandrim. Count v Donegal, Ire- land, in 1774. He came to Philadelt.hia in i "1,7. as supercargo oi t brig from I,on- dond . and after disposing of the cargo he returned to Ireland. He came a^ain to Ann rii'a, and -ettled in Philadelphia in . and became a shipping nu-rchant - ;: nin<^ until his death .1 n in- stant connnercial intercourse between I.ondonderrv and Philadeljihia. The firm of Robert Taylor \- Co., composed of his son, I. inn - I. ';''. : .and Thomas D. l-'er^uson iSSo), the present .Secretary of the Societ\', still carry on the business. In connection with Kdward ('.ray (1812), un.ler the lirm-nanie of Cirav & Taylor, he was en^d^ed in the trade to China, owning the ship " Pekin," an armed mer- chantman, \\hich \sas lost in the Straits of Sunda during the war of iSi2. ('.ray iS: Taylor also traded with New Orleans. When the war with Km;land was declared in !.Si2 he was in New Orleans, but he chartered a small vessel, and evading the British blockading fleet, reached Philadel- phia in safety. He was also engaged in manufacturing at the Falls of Schuvlkill, and afterwards with John Holmes (1812) and Seth Craige in the C.lobe Mills, and again with Mr. ('.ray and others, at the Ellicotfs Mills, near Baltimore, Md. He \s as also in partnership tor some years in the auction and grocerv business with To- bias Wagner, Tosiah Harmer. Henry To- land :i^i5) and Charles Keen, and was commissioned bv (Governor McKean one of the State Auctioneers. In iS.}S he ad- initted. into partnership with him his son, J.inies I.. Tavlor ' if the I>ank of the Tinted States. He was Secretary of the Society, ;s : iSoS; a member of tile Acting Com- mittee, 1814-1832; Treasurer from 183310 1^4; ; Vice-President from 1842 to 1850; and President from 1850 to 1856, making an almost continuous service- of nearly liftv vears as an officer of the Societv. Mai:\ of his relatives and business friends were ni'.-mbers of the Societv, three of his sons, James 1,. Tavlor '1850), Henry J. Taylor [858 , and Samuel I.. Taylor ilS64>, being members at the present time Air. Taylor married, September 27, [Si i, Kli/.ahi-th Coullas helper, a daughter of Thomas I.eiper. He died March 4, Samuel Lcipcr Taylor, 1864. Horn in Philadelphia, October 2<), 1829. He is a son of Robert Taylor (1802,1. He graduated at tile Central High School, studied law, anil was admitted to practice ; the Philadelphia liar upon May 20, 1X52, and is a N'ot iry Public for all the Stal - md Territories. ! le was Librarian Til of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and is a member of that body. He is also a member of the Masonic Order. He was a Trustee of the Second Presbyterian church for some years, and is now a Trus- tee of the Columbia Avenue Presbyterian church. lie served as one of the Coun- sellors of the Society, 1867-1881, and iS83 -iSS6. Henry Brown Tenor, 1886. Was born in Dun^annon, County Tyrone, Ire- land, May 13, 1841, and came to America in 1857, landing at Ne\v York, September : }, and settling in Philadelphia two days afterwards. He is a bookkeeper by pro- fession, was Chief Clerk in the Tax Office, and from 1881-85 Collector of Delinquent Taxes. He was Treasurer of the Reform Association of the Twenty ninth Ward. IT.- resigned the office of Collector of Delinquent Taxes to accept the position of Secretary and Treasurer of the Mort- ^aye Trust Company of Philadelphia, April 5, iS8b. Mr. Tener was con- nected with the First Christian church from 1857 to 1882, and since with the Fourth Christian church. Francis Tete, 1843. Was a pew- holder in St. Marv's church, Fourth above -Spruce street. His will, dated August 17, r\52, and proved March 25, 1869, men- tions his wife, Josephine Irene Tete, 534 Spnice stive'., and his children. lie died March 11, 1809, and was buried in Old Cathedral cemetery. Benjamin TeVlS,1822. Was an auc- tioneer and commission merchant at 73 Hiidi street in 1825. His will, dated January 6, 1846, and proved January 12, 1846, mentions his wife, Marv II. Tevis, his daughter, M. Hcloisc Tevis, and his son, W. Carroll Tevis. His son was then at the West Point Military Academv. William Tharp, 1700. Was a mer- chant at 84 South Front street in 17i. Letters of administration on his estate TH 536 TI were granted, November 21, 1798, to Mar- garet and John Thompson. General Thomas Proctor (171,0 \\.is one of the sureties. Subsequently, on November 27, INJO, letters of administration (ft' i>oni.\ nou were granted to Joseph Lehman. James C. Thompson, 1815. Died in i,\;i. Letters ot administration on his estate were granted. October 12, 183 1, to William R. Thompson : i,S2(. John \V. Thompson and Thorn. is Wright were the sureties. James C. Thompson, 1842. Was a merchant at 41 S. l ; ront street in 1.^43. John Thompson, 1790. -Was a mer- chant at 38 S. Front street in 1791. His will, dated September 21, iSiS, and proved September 25, 1819, mentions his wife, Rebecca ; his sons, Samuel, Jonah, George and James 15. (deceased); his brother, Thomas; his sisters, Marv Wetcombe, Sarah Xeave and Ann Roberts ; and his sou iii-law, Samuel N. Lewis. John G. Thompson, 1844. Was a member of the Philadelphia Bar, admitted to practice May 21, i.\;,0. He probably died in October, isb2. Robert Thompson, 1790. - Was a resident of Montgomery CO., 1'a., in 1790. Stewart Thompson, 1883. Was born August 10, 1837. near Kalagauley, Cour.t v Tyrone, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia in August, 1854. He was fora time in the grocerv business and is now proprietor of a livery stable at northeast corner of Seventeenth and Vine streets. He is a member of the .Masonic Order. William E. Thompson, 1844. Was a merchant at 7 Commerce street in 1844. William R. Thompson, 1826. \Vas a leading grocer tor many vears and a Director of the Mechanics' Hank, lie lived on south side of Spruce street above Seventh. He was a nativ of Ireland. We are nr.ccrt tin when he died. William Thomson, 1882. Was born in Philadelphia. August 19. 1*39. Heisa dealer in stoves, heater-- and ranges, and i> a member of the Aniencns Club, 1001 Club. Commonwealth Club. Merchants' ;uid Salesmen's A- relation, American Legion of Honor, My. s;ii Shrine, I^i.i.^hi.-; Templar and of the MaS( nic ' Inier. James Thorburn, 1816. Was prob- ably a relative of John Thorburn (1815). John Thorburn, 1815. John Thor- burn LV Lo. wen- merchants at 137 High street in iSid. They are mentioned in the .lin'i>i\i of November 15, iSo 1 -, among a list of the principal manufacturers of the citv. They were calico printers on Third street iii i s oS, but subsequently removed to the west side of the Falls of Schnylkill. They manufactured printed calicoes, shawls, bedspreads, coatings, dress cloths, tickings, dimitv shirtings and sheetings of cotton. John Thorburn was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society in i Sit>. On April 2, 1811, he was one of the incorporators of the Schuylkill Falls Bridge Company. [See " Scharf & \Vest- cott," Vol. 3, ]). 2316.] Joseph Thornburgh, 1790. We can find nothing concerning him. Edward Thursby, 1815. Was a merchant at 86 Arch street in 1816. Francis Ticrnan, 1840. Was in the tea trade. He was a member of the congregation of St. John's church, Thir- teenth above Chestnut street. Thomas F. Tierney, 1886. Was born about 1848 at Shercock, County Cavan. Ireland, arrived in America, Au- gust 3, iS66, and settled in Philadelphia upon August 2oth of the same year. He was first engaged in the hardware business, and is now a member of the firm of II. C. Biddle iS: Co., dealers in woollens and tailors' trimmings, 1019 and 1021 Market street. He is a member of the Catholic Club. John A. Tilfcrd, 1809. We have nothing definite concerning him. Dean Timmons, 1790. -He was mar ried, Februarv 3, 1775. to Marv Samuels. Letters of administration on his estate \\ere granted. November 12, 1793, to Mary Timmons. The- sureties were- Matthew Sadler and Win. Richardson. Dennis Tiinoney, 1880. Was born Jannarv S, i^i.S, in Ivnniskiller., County Fermanagh, Ireland, and came to Phil- adelphia, September 15, lS'\v He \sas former! v in the grocery and bakcrv br.si- ness at Nos. 901, 903 and 905 South Sixth street. TO TR Michael Tobin, 1886. Resides at Jiurmont, Delaware Co., Pa. He is .1 na- tive of Ireland. George W. Toland, 1810. Probably the nephew dt" IK-nrv ToL.nd 17901, \\as a member of tht.- Philadelphia liar, ad- mitted to practice October 5, iSiiy. lie- was a member of Congress, 1.^37 1^43. His will, dated April 27, 1854, and proved i-\ bruarv m, iN>9, mentions his Bister, Marviaretta Tolaii'i ; his father, Henrv Toiand. who lived in (iennantown ; his sister, Julianna deceased), and his wife, Hannah S. Toland. The witnesses were Hdmnnd. Kli/abeth and Robert Toland, his brothers and sister. lie was one of the Counsellors of the Societv, 1821 1.^27, and Secretary, 1827-1832. Heury Toland, 1790. Treasurer of the .Societv, iSoS--iS!5. was of the firm of Henry Toland &. Son, grocers, at 14 North Third street. He was a member of the " Volunteer C.reens " during the Whiskey Insurrection in 1794. Letters of admin istration c. t. a. on his estate were granted, Deceml)er 23. 18*6, to John I',. Toland ( i>(>2), Ilenrv Toland, Jr. (1815), and Robert Toland i 18171. The sureties were Gavin Hamilton (1814), tobacconist, and John Lisle 118151, merchant. He left a larj^e estate. Henry Toland, Jr., 1815. -Son of Ilenrv Toland 1790'. was in UK grocery business with his father. He was a prom- inent merchant, burn I 785, and died. Janu- ary 23, r^6; v lie was a Director of ihe Tinted State-, bank. He married Marv Huston, dan-liter of John Hasell Huston 1792!, and of Martha, dan-liter of I'.lair McClenachan 179" . He was a member I of the Acting Committee of the So.-ietv in 1 8 : o. John Barnhill Toland, 1802.- Son of Henry Toland i7y> , was ,. nu-rchaut at 256 IJi-h street in ;Si6. His A ill. dated Mav 12, i8i.\ and ], roved December I I, IN2N, \v:is made whi-n IK- was "about to de]jart for liatavia as sujierc,,;-^.) of tl,e ship r.in^ham," and mentions his mother, Sarah Toland, and his brothers, Henry Toland, Jr. 18151, and Robert To- land (1817'. One of ;!u- witm-sis was William !;. Whelan 1*22}. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Soeietv in iM.v Robert Toland, 1817. Son of Henry Toland (17901, was a merchant. Letters ot administration on hi-^ estate w<_re granted. March I'), 1809, to George \\'. Toland 1819), 2039 Pine street. Robert Toland probably his cousin was one i f the sureties. lie was a member of the Acting Committee of the Socictv, j.My- 1823. Andrew Stephenson Tcmkinson, 1888. Was born in Hanley.Stalfordshire, Kn^laml, September 2, 1^,29, and came to Philadelphia, October. 1,^49. He is an importer of earthenware and china. Thomas Jell'erson Town, 1865. - Was born in Philadelphia, October y, 1841. He is a printer and stationer, doin- business at 529 Chestnut street, lie is a member of the Masonic and Odd l : el lows' organizations. He served in the War of the Rebellion, beinj; Second Lieutenant Company A, l ; .i-hteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and afterwards Captain Com- panv A, Ninety-tilth Pennsylvania Volun- teers, then Maj.>r and tinally, Mav :, 1.^63, Colonel of the latter regiment. He- was wounded at Salem Heights, \'a., May 3, 1863. lie married a daughter of William Morgan i 1^591. [See P>ate-'s "History of Pennsylvania Volunteers," Vol. 3, i). 340.] John Tracy, 1882. Is the proprietor of the "Washington House," Chestnut street above Seventh. lie did not return his blank. Michael Tracy, 1889. Was born June 24. iNx), in Derrv. Countv Derrv. Ireland, and came to Philadelj hia in iSui. I L- wa-> a wholesale and retail dealer in foreign fruits and a manufacturer ot Con- fectionery, ami subsequent'.) was l ; '>rei-u l-'ruit Inspector in the Custom House, He died September 1, lS8o, a-jed 8* i years, and was buried ill ( >ld Cathedral Ceme- tery. Edward Trainer. 1S87. Was bom in Countv Tyrone, Ireland, November i i , is.} i, and came to Philadelphia in ?>Iav, i-\S5. He i-- in the wholesale liquor busi- ne-s at So. 1 South I-'iont street. He::ry j. Trainer : .Si;i > i-- b.i- son. TR VA Henry James Trainer, 1890. Son of Hdward Trainer 11887', w- is born in Philadelphia, October i, 1866. Ik- is in the liquor business. Ik is a School Direc- tor of the Third Ward, .uul .1 member of the Continental Democratic Club, Catho- lic Philopatrian Literary Institute and St. Philip's Literary Institute. John Trainer, 1890. Brother of F,d- ward Trainer 11*87), was horn in County Tyrone, Iieland, .May 28, 1850. lie is in t'.ie liquor business. John Tucker, 1841. -Was born in Milton, Mass., March 13, 1812. He was an importer of linens, and President of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and \s.is Assistant-Secretary of War during President Lincoln's administration. He died at Philadelphia, March 2, 1885. John Tuniiey, 1884.- Was born in Swinford, Comity Mayo, Ireland, March 17, I S 37. Came to America in 1*42, and settled in Philadelphia in 1845. He is in the drayage business. George A. Twibill, 1875. Was born March 5, 1821, at Dennis Norton's Cross Roads. Conntv Armagh, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia Mav 16, 1^28, and has since resided here. lie is engaged in the shipping business and in real estate. Mr. Twibill was one of the founders in Philadelphia of the I.iltle Sisters of the Poor. Thomas P. Twibill, 1882. Son of George A. Twibill 11*751, was born in Philadelphia, April 27, 1858. After a course of stndv at public school and later at La Salle College, he entered, at 17 years of age, the furniture house ol Swan, Clark \: Co., where he occupied the ])osition of general accountant for t\\o years. Leaving this firm, he engaged in the real estate- business, where acquiring a measure of success he entered the law school of the I'niversity of I'ennsvl vania. IK- graduated from there in i8Si. Though Mr. Twibill i- but ;; years of age. he has built up a large business, and is considered an expi rt in all matters of real estate. Mr. Tw:bil! is a member of tlu- I'ranklin Institute, Catholic Philopatrian Literary i :. tif.ite, and Catholic Club. 1 k- i> one o: tiie me;; \shu helped to make Phila L ' phia known as the "City of Homes." [See " Biographical Album Kmiuent Pennsylvanians," Third Series, p. 369.] Robert Tyler, 1853. --Son of John Tyler, Tenth President of the United States, uas born in 1818, in New Kent CO., Ya., educated at William and Mary, and adopted the profession of law. He mar- ried Priscilla, a daughter of Thomas Ap- thorpe Cooper, the tragedian, in 1839, and when his father became President his wife assumed the duties of mistress of the White Hoii.se till after Mrs. John Tyler's death. Mr. Tvler removed to Philadel- phia in 1843, was admitted to the Phila- delphia liar July 22, 1844, practiced law here, and held several civil offices. In 1844 he was elected President of the Irish Repeal Association, and made many speeches and did much work to advance the Repeal movement. A little later he be- came Prothonotarv of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and in 1858 was Chair- man of the Democratic Executive Commit- tee of the Stale. He removed to Richmond at the beginning of the civil war, and was appointed Register of the Confederate Treasury. After the war he edited the Mail and \d~'ertiser in Montgomery, Ala. lie published " Ahasnerus," a poem New York, 1842); "Death, or Medora's Dream," a poem 11843:; " Is Yirginia a Repudiating State?" and the "State's ( iuarantee," two letters i Richmond. Ya., 1858). He died December 3, 1877. His wife died at Montgomery, Ala., December 29, 1889. Robert Tvler, his son, is a resi- dent of New York citv. [See " Apple- ton's Cyclopedia American Biography,"' Yol. 6, ]>. 11)9: "Letters and Times of the Tylers," Yol. 2, pp. 645-684, Rich- mond, 18*5.] Theophilus II. Vanneman, 1SOO. -Was born at Mullica Hill, Gloucester co., X. [., September 20. 1842. He is the son of John I-'., and Mary W. Yanneman, of Gloucester co., N. I. lie enlisted in the Twelfth New fersev regiment ol vol- unteers, fuly 13, i8'>2. for three vears, but was discharged for disability, I-Vbruary 2'), 1863. Shortly afterwards, on July I, 1863, lit- settled in Philadelphia. lie is a member of the firm of Scarle. Yanneman VA \VA & Co., \sholes.dc importers and jobbers of ' hosier',-, notions and white u;oods. Mr. Yann-.-man is a member of the Historical Socie' v of Pennsylvania, Catholic Philo- patri,.n Literary Institute. Catholic Club, Columbia Club, Carrolllon Club, and Grand Army of the Republic. Richard Vaux, 1844. Was born I >e- cember 19, iS:6, in Philadelphia. He is not of Irish descent, bcinu. a son of Roberts Yaux, one of Philadelphia's IK-SI known citi/ens. who was descended trom French and F.:iu;lish progenitors. He studied law | witii William M. Meredith, and was ad- i i milted to the Philadelphia liar upon April 15, ;^;7. nearlv a vear before he attained his majoritv. Soon afler his admission | he wen I to F'.urope as the bearer of j despatches to Hon. Andrew Stevenson, United States Minister to Filmland, and ] almost immediately after his arrival was appointed Secretary of the Legation. lie held the position for a year and then made a tour of the continent. On his return j to London he was prevailed upon by Mr. Stevenson to accept the position of private ! secretary to that gentleman. He returned j to America in the fall of 1839. In I S4 i he was appointed Recorder of Philadelphia, I which, position he held for seven years. A volume of his decisions during that period j has been published, and is known as " Re- corder's Decisions." In Januarv, 1X42, he was appointed bv the Supreme Court i of Pennsylvania to be one of the In j spectors of the State Penitentiary at j Philadelphia, and for more than fifty j years has, through successive appoint- ments, occupied that position and has de- ! voted a larux- part of his time to the i si".dv of penal institutions. In iS.}2 he | was elected a Controller of the Public Schools. In 1*17 IK- resigned the Re- i rder-ship and resumed the practice of ' the law. He was Mayor of Philadel- phia from Mas- i ^ iX;/>, to Mav 11, is^.S. i i :: : 85 S lie was chosen a Director of Girard ' College and the tollou me; year ',\ as elected President of the Hoard, and was later on a ' member of the Huard of City Trusts. For many vears he has been a prominent and | pictur'-sijiie ti;.;\ire in DellloCT'atic politics, and in I'M)! was elected to Conurcs.s as the successor of Samuel J. Randall, serving from Mav, 1^91. to March, iSi,2, since which time he has resinned his usual habits of life. In three lines Mr. Yaux has attained special prominence. First. In Democratic politics. Second. In prison study and work. Third. In the Ma- sonic or^.irii/ation. In the last-named in- stitution he has tilled its highest offices in Pennsylvania, beini; C.rarid Master of the State, and is still one of its most influ- ential members. He is also a member of the American Philosophical Society and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He is the authoi of iium--rons pamphlet^, etc., including a life of ( '.overnor Joseph I leister, but he is most widely known as an author by his writing on Penology, in which he is regarded as a hi^h authority in both Flnrope and America. I'pon the recent occasion of the 51 >th Anniversary of his appointment as Inspector of the Flastern Penitentiary suitable notice was taken of this loni^ and continuous service. Mr. Yaux joined the Hibernian Society in iS44 and has been frequently at its anniversary dinners. See paLje 202. I lis ready wit, bril liant repartee and pleas- ing conversational powers make him an ever welcome ^uest. His striking per sonality, unflinching advocacy of what- ever he believes and sterling honestv have marked him as one of Philadelphia's most notable citi/ens. [''I'.ioe.. Album of Prominent Pennsylvanians," Second Series, p. jS;. ] William Henry Walker, 1SS1. Was born Mav i, i^;,, in H.illvmoney, Conntv Antrim. Ireland, came to America New York , April i'\ 1^75- - ul '^ >ettled in Philadel])hia, June I, 1^75. He w.is a hanu-s^ manui.'.ctnrer :it i }.' N. F'ront street. He was the author of " A Memorial t.i Rix'ni Hon. William K. (V.idstone on the Irish I..;uil Question." wl'.ich attracted sollH' attention .md u':i;ch caused !ii> eviction b\ his lani'ilord in'in a larm held by hi- peoj-le for two hundre.l years. Upon his eviction he came to America. IK- vsas ilso the author of sundry com inunica'.'.oiis to the newspapers at various times and was a member of the Ulster Land Association. He die. i Feb. S, i>.ui. WA 540 WA Edward E. Wallace, I860. Was a paint manufacturer. Henry Wallace, 1867. Was of the firm of Henry Wallace .S: Co., wholesale liquor dealers. Joshua Maddox Wallace, Jr., 1808.- Was a merchant at 15.? Waluut street in iN>S. lie married Rebecca, daughter of William Mcllvaine. William Wallace, 1846. Our infor- mation concerning him is uncertain. He was probably in the dry-goods business. Philip J. Walsh, 1881. Was born November 20, 1^47, in Claremorris, County Mavo, Ireland, came to America (New York I, November 20, 1863, and settled in Philadelphia two days afterwards. He is proprietor of a large instalment house at 28 S. Second street, dealing in articles of furniture, clothing, etc. He is widely known in Philadelphia and vicinitv by reason of extensive advertisements in the newspapers. He was an active member of the Citi/.ens' Committee. 1SS6. in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Fund, and has been an efficient member of the Kxecu tive Committee of the Society since March 17. iSS6. He is in demand for dinner and other committees and takes a lively interest in the Society. Mr. Walsh was elected in February. 1891, Supervisor of T'pper Darbv Township, Delaware co. . Pa., and attained considerable prominence by the excellent roads constructed under lis supervision and according to his plans. Robert Francis Walsh, 1846. Was born May i, 1804. in Philadelphia. His father, Christopher Walsh, a native of Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland, came to this country about the age of 18 and married in New York an English ladv about iSoi. The date of his settle- ment in Philadelphia is not known. Robert Francis W.d->h was a partner in the firm of I)avid S. Crown >.\: Co., com mission merchants. lie was President of the Merchants' Beneficial Fund. Yice- President of the Mercantile Library and First Vice-President of St. Joseph's Hos- pit.'d. lie died at his resilience. I I < >.S C.irard Direct, upon September 8, !.\=;~,. and \\as buried in the family vault at St. chun ';. II'.- took an active p.trt in organizing the relief movement in aid cf the starving people of Ireland during the great famine. His widow, Ivli/.a M. C. Walsh, survives him and is living in Brooklyn, N. Y. John Wanamaker, 1886. Born in Philadelphia in 1838, was the son of Nel- son Wanamaker and Klizabeth Kocher- sperger, a resident of Montgomery Co., Pa. He is not of Irish descent. His father was a brickmaker, and as a lad the son did some slight work about the brick-yard. His father died in 1851 and his mother in 1 88 1. At fourteen years of age he en- tered the store of Barclay Lippincott, southwest Fourth and Market streets, and afterwards was employed at Bennett & Co. 's clothing store. lie left the latter place to become the Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. In 1 86 1 he gave up that position and entered into partnership with Nathan Brown at Oak Hall, southeast Sixth and Market streets, with a cash capital of $3,500. lie married a daughter of the late Thomas Brown, a sister of his partner. Mr. Brown died in iS6S, and Mr. Wanamaker bought the firm-name. He opened the Chestnut street store in 1869, in partnership with his brother, Samuel. He purchased the old site of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, Thirteenth and Market streets, and modeled it to suit his business, which he started there in 1876. The building oc- cupies over 600,000 square feet of floor: r.g or about fourteen acres, and his usual number of employes is about 3,000. At Christmas times there are some 4,500 per- sons employed. About fifteen years ago he established the Bethany church, to which he has given over J 100,000, and a similar sum to the- Young Men's Christian Association, which during his presidency of it for thirteen years erected its present magnificent building at Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. The children's wing of the Presbyterian Hospital, costing $39,000, was a gift of Mrs. Wanamaker. He is the- originator and a member of the Citi/.ens' Committee for the relief of cities and communities attacked by disease and other sadden calamities ; a Trustee of the Williamson Free School of Mechanical PHILIP I. \\'.\I.SII. Trades, and was a member of the Centen- nial Hoard of Finance ; also one ol the founder-, of the I nited States Christian Commission. Robert C. Ogden '1^901 is a partner of Mr. Wanamaker. < )n March 5, iSSy, he was appointed Postm.ister- (ie'ieril of the United State- '<>y President H-irri-oii, and still occupies tii.it position. [See "Living Leader.-.," p. 42; "liiog. A'.');nii of I'enusvlvanians," Third Series, ' ' 1 5 > j John Aloysius Ward, 18S9.--\Vas ', -rn in Philadelphia, August 15. iS f >,>. Hi-, father, Michael Ward, and his mother, Mary ( Kelly; Ward, arc natives <.;:' County (ialway, Ireland. He is a member of the Philadelphia Har, ad- mitted to practice October i.S, i>>Si. lie i> a graduate of La Salle College, and a member of the Carrollton Club, the C itholic Philopatrian Literary Insti- tute. Conference of St. Vincent de Paul and the Young Men'.-. Democratic As- sociation. Jolm D. Ward, 1884. -Was a hotel manager for many vear>. He did not return his blank. Robert Grant Warren, 1831. We can find no trace of him. Edward Waters, 1837. Was a wholesale grocer at 99 N. Third .-t;x-et in iSj-. He died March 14, iS.J4, in the forty-fifth year of hi> age, at 3 i S X. Second street. John Waters, 1839. Was a native of Ireland. He was a manufacturer at ILiddington, Philadelphia, and a prom- inent Catholic. William Henry Waters, 1884. Was born in Philadelphia, December 25, :S=;3 His father wa.-> a native of Cross- molin.i, Countv Mayo, Ireland. He i-> a tailur and is a member of the Masonic Order. Charles Watres, 1827. -Was a dis - at 3Sy High street in iSiS. He w i.-, probably related by in image with Artlr.:r Harper ( iSiS). Ch.irlcs C. Watson, Jr., 1832. Was the fashionable tailor of his day. lie died in November, 1^35, and was b'.'.ried in St. Peter's churchyard, Third and Pine -trccN Matthew Watson, 1790. We have no definite information concerning him. William Watson, 179O. We are not certain of hi^ identity. David Watt, 1835. -Was born in Coiintv Derry, Ireland, in i Sou, ami came to Philadelphia in iSn. He was a man- ufacturer of cotton and woollen goods, and wa-- a member of Common Council in 1-143. He died August 23. i.W>, and was buried in Laurel 11:11 cemetcrv. William Watt (iH$2 was 1::-, brother. Mr. Watt was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1*55 -iS.y>. William Watt, 1832. Was born in Countv Derrv, Ireland., in 17.^5, and came to Philadelphia in iSoX He was a man ufacturer of cotton goods, and was a member of Common and Select Council:-.. He died rebruarv, 1157, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. David Watt i .s ^5 wa> his brother. Samuel Watt, 1795. -Was a membt t of the Acting Committee, ; 79'), an i Treasurer of the Society, 1797 iSoi. l"n- fortunatelv \ve have no definite informa- tion concerning Ir.m. William W. Watt, 1852. Son of William Watt 1832 , was born in Phila delphia in iSij. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representa- tive- and also of the Senate. lie died in December, 1^70, and svas buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. Letter- of admin- istration on his estate were granted, De- cember 13, iSjo, to Jonathan P,rck. The sureties were Margaret P. Witt, uji.5 Lombard street, and Joseph A. r.^nham. Frederick Watts, 1790. Was a na- tive of either Wales or Ireland, probably the latter, born tune ;. 1710. He married about I 74<) fane Murrav, a niece of D ivid Murra\-, Marijuis of Tullibardine, Scot- land, an adherent of the Pretender. He came to America with ;ii> familv abnut 1 7'io, and resided IMI- a -h.irt time ;n Chester Co., Pa., and thence proceeded %se->tuard an-i settled in Cnmb-Tl i:id connt\- on the [uniata. near its confluence with the Su-ii|iiehanna. He resided there until l'.i< death. I'pon the breaking out of t'n.e Revolution he became one of its active p art;- in-. IK- wa-, appointed one 54-2 of the eight members from Cumberland county to the State Convention of 1776. lie assisted in oigani/ing the battalion of the count v ami was made 1 .icuteiiant- Coloncl. and represented t!:e same at the Military Convention of July 4, 1776, which met at Lancaster. He was in command of the Fn>t Battalion of the Flving Camp at the surrender of Fort Washington, November 16, 177(1, when hewas captured, but \\as so, in alter exchanged. He was commissioned a Justice of the 1'c.ice of Cumberland county, April i, I77S ; chosen a Representative ::; 1779; appointed Sub- Lieutenant of the County, April iS, 1780; Brigadier-! '.cncral of Pennsylvania Militia, May 27, !7>j ; a member of the Supreme Fxecutive Council from October 20. 17.^7, until the abolition of the State Constitu- tion of 171)0, and was at the same time acting as .; member of the Board of Pro]) erty. At the close of his official career In- retired to h:s farm on the juniata, where he died. October ,;. 1795, aged 76 year;;. The remains of himself and his wife were interred in the burial-ground on the farm. The children of Frederick and Jane Watts were Margery, Catharine, Margaret. Fli/.a- beth. Mary, Sarah and David. Fli/abeth m;irried Thomas Unlinks. Their son. David W. Hillings, was a lawyer of Lcwis- to\\-n. Mifflin CO., for many years. Mar- garet married George Smilev, of Sher- mansdale. David, the youngest child, born ()ctobc-r 2Q, 176), died iSiq, married Juliana Miller, daughter of General Hciirv Miller, and became one of the leading lauvcrsof Carlisle, Pa. He had several children. William Wayne, 1882. -Was bom December (,. [S2S, ill F.arltown, Chester co., pa. ][.- js the SUM df Issachar and Mary Atlee Fv ins, and tool: tin n.'ijne < '. Wayne instead of Hvans bv order of court in : ->-; ;. 1 1 is threat -,LTnuid lather was il Anlhon\ \\".i\'ne .'77 i He is a firmer, and resides at Paoli, Chester co.. Pa. !! was : n t!ie volunteer service' in rS6i-62 : \'. .. a member of the Peniis\l- vnnia Legislature from [SSo S|, and; Presi- dent of School Board of his district for over twentv years. He ha-- beer. ". urcr o; the State Soci t\ oi the Cincin- nati formany years. Mr. Wayne evinces much interest in the Hibernian Society, as well as in the publication of this volume, and has given us some valuable informa- tion. Silas E. Weir, 1809.- Was an auc- tioneer, and was a member of the Second Presbyterian church. In the Directory- tor 1806 he is described as a merchant. His auction rooms at Front and Black Hoisr alley were quite extensive. He married a daughter of Alexander Henry Ii7yo'. He died, leaving a widow and two children. His widow married Rev. John Chambers. Mr. Weir was for main- vears one of the most active members of the Society. lie served on the Acting Com- mittee, iS2i-iS22; was Vice President, iS2;,-iS2S, and was on the Finance Com- mittee in 1828. Joseph L. Wells, 1887.- Was born in Mainsburg, Tioga co., Pa., May 4, 1837, and settled in Philadelphia, October 20, iS6o. 1 1 is mother's grandfather, Simeon Power, was a native of Ireland. He is President of the Weston cc Wells Manu- facturing Company, manufacturers of braided wire goods. He is a member of the Masonic Order, Knights of Honor. Ancient Order of United Workmen, and Kipghts of Birmingham. OIK- of his an- cestors, Thomas Wells, was Governor of Connecticut in 1665. John Welsh, 1883. Was born July 6, iSje,, in Philadelphia. He is the son of John Welsh, a native of New York, and of Susannah Wilson, a native of ( iuernsey. He was formerly a sailmaker and canvas merchant at 20,^ Church street. He was a member of Common Council, ! V 55 57, and of the Pennsylvania House of Repre- sentatives in :8-^, and was Vice-President of the Sixth National Bank. He 'v, t s a in cm hi r of the old Volunteer Fiv Depart- ment, and of the Masonic Order, Odd Fel- lows, Knights of Birmingham, Knights of the Garter, and the Americus Club. He- died March i, iSqo, and his remains were cremated and buried in I.afayeJtf cemetery. John West, 1855. Kept Jones' Ho- tel, 152 Chestnut street, in i\ r ,,S. He was !;n .\\ n as C> il' >nel b >hr. West . \v William Wctherill, M. D., 1848. Was .1 practicing physician. He resided in Montgomery co., Pa., and died in April, 1872. Samuel Whallcy, 1870. Was of the firm of Samuel \Vhalley .S: Co., wholesale liquor dealers, at 1114 Market street. lie was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. J. J. Whcclcr, 1808. \Vas a mer- chant at 232 Spruce .street in iSoS. Israel Whclcn, 1809. \Vas a grocer at I North Fifth street and 197 High street. He was a member of the Iliber- nia Fire Company. Jerome Whelen, 1884. Was a salesman, 151 1 North Twelfth street, when elected a member. He did not return his blank. Patrick E. Whelan, 1805. Was a merchant at iS North Front street in 1805. William Whelan, 1839. -Was prob- ably a grocer. William E. Whelan, 1822. Was a grocer at northwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, 1822-1825. His death was announced at the meeting of the So- ciety, December 17, i-\5i. John White, 1790. -We have no definite information concerning him. John White, 1869. -Resided at 1531 South Tenth street at the time of his elec- tion as a member. He was an instrument maker. Richard P. White, 1868. Was horn in the city ot Londonderry, Ireland, February 19, 1828, came to America ; New York; July 3, i,S4S, and settled in Phila- delphia in 1850. He \sas first a book- keeper, then a salesman, and afterwards a dry -goods commission merchant. He studied law and was admitted to the Philadelphia liar, March 13. 1860, since which time he has become one of the most prominent lawyers ;n the citv. During the existence of the .Municipal Reform Association and the Citi/.ens' Committee of One Hundred he acted as counsel tor those organizations. He was a member of the Washington drays ami of handis's Mattery. George Whitcley, 1859. - Was bum near Hrookborough, County Fermanagh, JMiand, March 22, 1822, and came to Philadelphia, Mav 24, 1855. He is an im- porter and wholesale liquor dialer, of the firm of George Whiteli y \. Co., ioi Wal- nut Street. J allies White-ley ,l' s yl \\.is his son. James Whiteley, 1891.- Was born in Philadelphia. June 20, 1853. His lather. George Whltelev (1859 , w;l - s :l n;l " tive of Ireland and his mother, Mary Ann Steen, of Philadi-lphi i. He was first a clerk and then partner with his father :n the wholesale liquor business. He died April 25. 1^9:, and was buried in Wood- lands cemetery. William Whiteside, 1882. W.,s born October 2, I S 34, in lienr.r.v, Com: iv Down, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia, October 2\ I.VJ.S. He \\.ts a real estate broker and constable and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He. died May 18, 1890, and was buried in Mount Moriah cemetery. Alexander Whittcn, 1876. Was born September 29, 1837, in County Ar- magh, Ireland. He came to America lOuebec;, July 4, 1862, and settled in Phil- adelphia, Januarv 17, 1.^63. He was a spirit and wine merchant, and died Janu- ary 2.). iii,S.S. Jacob C. Wikoff, 1811. We have no information concerning him. Thomas Wignell, 1802. --Was a tragedian and theatre manager. He seceded from a theatrical company pla\ - ing in Philadelphia and New York i:: 1792, and set up for himself. He opened a theatrical establishment in Philadel- phia and was quite successful. He went to Fngland to engage a companv, hut after bringing it here the ycilou fixer epidemic of 17^3 broke it up and dispersed it. IK- opened a new theatre, Febiuarv 17, 1704. In 1700 he engaged Coopei to come to America. In 179 s ' lv -' engaged Warren, who was then playing with Mrs. Siddons in Fngland. In 179-^ Cooper a:-.d \\"ignell (|uarrelled. In l8<><> he opened the " Fnited States Theatre " in VY.i.shing- ton. In January, 1X13, he was m.-.rned to Mrs. Mcrrv, i 'ill shortl v afterwards he dii-d in consequence of an injury received from asjning lancet in blood-letting. I. (.'tiers of administration were granted on his \VI 544 estate, March 4, 1803, to Ann Wignell. [See " Dunlap's Hist. American Theatre," -S33.J John Wigton, 179O. - A marriage license was issued, April 14, 1766, for John Wigton and Margaret Cochran. He was prohahlv a schoolmaster. Johu Wiley, 1825.- Was probably of the firm of John enev olent Union, and has been National Dele- gate 'chief officer) of the Ancient Order of Hibernians since i8S6. He is also very active in Democratic politics and conven- tions, and is at the present time Chairman of the City Executive Committee of the Democratic part}'. He is noted as a ready and forcible speaker. John Williams, 1840. Was proposed as a member by Charles Johnston (1834). W>- cannot definitely locate him. William Williams, 1790. May have been the house carpenter and builder who !'';'.lt the armed boat " Hancock " for the Pen: - Ivania State Navv, but we are un- in. I.e'ters of administration on the estate <>; William Williams were granted, October 23, 1794, to Elizabeth Williams, John Baker and John Harrison. Seth Willis, 1790. Honorary mem- ber, lie was of the firm of Seth X: Isaac Willis, grocers, at 154 South Water street and 155 South Front street in 1791. Benjamin Wilson, 1803. Was a merchant of the 1 Mstrict of Spring Garden, Penn Township, Philadelphia. His will, dated December 7, 1829, and proved Janu- ary 9, 1834, mentions his aunt, JaneSand- with, and her husband, Joseph Sandwith ; his sisters, Susannah Boulton and Mary Wilson, now or late of Dublin, Ireland ; his cousin, Joshua Clibborn ; his late aunt, E!i,-.abeth Goff, late of Horetown, County Wexfonl, Ireland ; his aunt, Sarah Deaves, formerly Wilson ; his late aunt, Mar, White, formerly Wilson. The exec- utors were Joshua Clibborn, merchant, New York ; Alexander Wilson, Olney, near Philadelphia ; Jonathan Pine, of the house of Thomas, Jonathan & Joseph Pine, merchants, of Dublin, Ireland. The witnesses were Fred. Beates, John J. Moore and Robert Earp. Benjamin Wilson, 1816. Was a fur merchant at 4 Minor street in 1814. James Wilson, 1814. W T as the pub- lisher of the slitrora newspaper in 1814. James Wilson, 1816. Was a mer- chant at 261 High street in 1816. lie probably died August 21, 1832, aged 65 years, and was buried in Third Presbyte- rian cemetery. John Wilson, 1822. Was a printer and broker at 280 Cedar street in 1822. Motheral Wilson, 1817. Brother of James Wilson (1814) and William Wilson (1814^, was a merchant at 323 High street in 1.819. Letters of administration on his estate were granted, Decembers, 1822, to George Nagle and Matthew Selfridge. The sureties were James McCulloch ( 1816) and William Wilson (1814 , gentleman. Robert Sterling Wilson, 1843. Was probably a painter. Letters of ad- ministration on his estate were granted, March 14, 1859, t<> Anna L. Wilson. The sureties were William M. Wilson, James Leslie and I!udsi,u Carlisle. Stewart Wilson, 1882. Was born in Ar.ghentain, Countv Tvroiic, Ireland, WI 546 \VR April 17, 1826, and came to Philadelphia in June, 1842. He is in the dry-goods, commission and importing business. Thomas Wilson, 1820. Was Cash- ier of the Hank of the United States. William Wilson, 1814. Was born in 1777 at Crogan Hill, County Done- gal, opposite Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, came to America, January 29, 1795, and settled in Pennsylvania, Sep- tember 12, 1796. He was naturalized at Ivaston, Pa., August 11, 1802. He was a grocer at 138 N. Second street and 56 New street and was a Director of Commercial Rank, 1822-1839. IIe died at Phila- delphia, November 7, 1853, and was buried at Laurel Hill. Motheral Wilson (1817) and James Wilson 118141 were his broth- ers. Joseph Lapsley Wilson, Captain of the First City Troop, is his son. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1817-1828, and of the Finance Committee, 1829-1842. William B. Wilson, 1835. Was a merchant at George and Thirteenth streets in 1835. He probably died in April, 1836. James P. Witherow, 1884. Is a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa. He did not return his blank. Robert Woods, 1884. Was born March i, 1842, in Mowillion Moneymore, County Derry, Ireland, and came to Phil- adelphia, May i, 1863. He is in the liquor business at 1538 Market street. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' Orders, Mystic Shrine, Knights of Birmingham, Order of Sparta, Amer- ican Legion of Honor, Knights of Honor and of the Robert Burns Society. OttO Wolff, 1887. Was born at Hamburg, Germany, January 31, 1856, and came to Philadelphia in September, i S^6. He is a member of the Philadelphia B i", admitted to practice March 18, 1876. Joseph Woods, 1327. Was of the linn of William and Joseph Woods, gro- cers, at 277 High street. He was prob- ably the son of William Woods (1815;. He was a member of the Acting Com- mittee of the Society in 1828. William Woods, 1815. -Was of the firm of William and Joseph Woods, gro- cers, at 277 High street in 1827. He was in business alone at the same place in 1816. He was probably the father of Joseph Woods \ 1^27). He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1822-1827. James Woodside, 1856. Was born at Caruthn, near Ballycastle, County An- trim, Ireland. He was in the tea busi- ness. He died in March, 1871, and was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. He left a widow and one son surviving him. John Woodside 1^1852) was his brother. John Woodside, 1852. - Was born at Caruthu, near Ballycasile, County An- trim, Ireland. He was in the tea busi- ness with his brother, William Woodside. The firm was John & William Woodside, 61 S. Front street. He was never married. Whilst travelling he died on shipboard off the Mexican coast. His remains, which were buried in Mexico, were after- wards exhumed and sent to Ireland and buried there. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1853- Benjamin Workman, 1790. Was a teacher of mathematics at 129 Story street in 1791. In Francis Bailey's " Free- man's Journal " of June 28, 1786, the fol- lowing advertisement appeared : " Ben- jamin Workman at I'niversitv, Philadel- phia, June 12, 1786, informs the public that he will make exact calculations for Almanac for 1787, also time of high and low water from his own observations, never published until this year." Henry Weir Workman, 1805. Was born in Philadelphia, November 22, 1814. His father was John Workman, a native of Lame, Ireland, who was a linen manufacturer, emigrated to America and settled first in South Carolina and after- wards came to Philadelphia. Mr. Work- man is a ship agent and broker and was one of the Port Wardens of the city for six vears. lie is a member of the Masonic organization. Joseph Worrell, 1808. - Was Pres- ident of Common Council in 1819. He probably died in fannarv, L\IO. Andrew Wray, 18M2.--Was a store- keeper at 9 High street. His will, dated July 24, 1849. and proved February 14. WR 546 YO 1854, mentions his wife, Rebecca ; his sons, John S., Thomas C. and Moses \Vray ; his daughters, Rebecca Jane and Susanna Wray ; and the children of his deceased son, William H. Wray. William Wray, 1809. Was a grocer at 9 and u High street. Letters of ad- ministration oil his estate were granted, April 4, 1828, to l->.ra Stiles Ely, I). J) The sureties \vere Anthony Wray and Harrison Locke. He was a member of the Acting Committee of the Society, 1818-1823. Alexander Wright, 1790. We have no definite information concerning him, Archibald Wright, 1838. Was in the salt business on Delaware avenue. Edward R. Wyle, 1841. Was a mer- chant at 12 Chestnut street in 1841. Rev. Samuel Brown Wylie, 1811. Was born May 21, 1773, at Moylarg, near Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland, came to United States (New Castle, Del. i Octo- ber 18, 1797, and settled in Philadelphia, October 31. 1797. lie was a teacher in a private academy in Philadelphia, and afterwards was Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary of the Re- formed Presbyterian church. He was also Professor of Languages in the University of Pennsylvania, and Vice-Provost and Emeritus Professor of that institution. He wrote "Two Sons of Oil," "Cove- nanting," " Greek Grammar," "Life of Dr. Alexander McLeod," and contributed to numerous papers and periodicals. He died October 13, 1852, and was buried in Woodlands cemetery. He was pastor of the 1'irst Reformed Presbyterian church for many years. Andrew Young, 1835. Was prob- abi\ a bridge builder. David Young, 1882. Was born June 12, 1824, in Omagh, County Tyrone, I reland, and came to Philadelphia in June, 1845. Upon his arrival he entered the wholesale notion store of his brother. Armar Young, on Hank street, and sub- sequently became a partner in the firm. \\'l;en his brother retired, the firm became known as Young, Moore .S; Co., and sub- ently \\as merged in the present linn f Yi ung, Smyth, l ; ield \. Co., founded January I, 1869, and which is one of the largest mercantile firms in the country. He remained in the firm until his death, which occurred October 4, 1890. He was buried in Laurel Hill cemetery. Mr. Young was twice married first to a Miss Robinson, a native of Ireland, and second to Kmma Brock, of Philadelphia. The /Ve'.T.v, of October 5, 1890, says of him : "Mr. Young was loved by all who knew him. He was courteous, charitable, and a man of the highest integrity, and by his great business ability raised the firm to its high position. lie was of a retiring disposition, and would never accept any j public position, although often solicited \ to do so. He was popular among the i merchants, and distinguished for his j affability and amiability. He was a mem- ber in regular attendance at Dr. Watson's church, Seventeenth and Summer streets, lie was Past Master of Orient Lodge, No. 285, A. Y. M., and was also a member of Hibernian Society. He leaves a large i estate, which is said to amount to about 1 $800,000." John Field (1882) was a part- ner of Mr. Young for many years. John Russell Young, 1886. Was born November 20, 1841, on a farm, near i Downingtown, in Chester co., Pa. He is i the son of George Rankin Young and Kli/.a Rankin Young, both natives of County Tyrone, Ireland (born near Dunne- managh), who came to America in 1838, and settled in Philadelphia in 1844. He was educated at the Harrison Gram- mar School, and later at the High School, New Orleans, where he resided for some years as the ward of his uncle, James R. Young. He became a copy-holder in the composing-room of the /';v.v.v when lit was fifteen years of age, and remained on the /'rcss until 1865, having been pro- moted through successive stages from office-boy to Editorial Manager of th;.; journal, under direction of John W. Forney. He had already attracted favor able notice by his clear and forcible style of writing, and in 1865 he left the /'/' to accept a position with Jay Cooke ^ Co., tlu- famous bankers, who needed the- as- sistance of a trained journalist like- Mr. Young to arouse popular interest in their J()H\ vo efforts to place the national loan. II is I w< rk was a brilliant success and brought h,m into much prominence, and in iS66 he went to New York city and became one of the Tribune' \ editorial staff, attain- ing the position of Managing F.ditor in 1867. He remained in charge of the ' Tribune for four years. In 1X72 h.- changed to the New York ff/'in/d, and served as Chief of its Special Corn - ~pfndcnt' Stall in Kurope. and made the famous tour with General ('.rant around the world. His distinguished abilities as a Journalist and writer were signally dis- played during the journey, and he subse- quently published the well-known volume, "A:ouml the World with ( General Grant." He continued his career as a journalist until, at the request of General (.rant, he received the appointment as United States Minister to China, in which capacity he -ervcd from March, iSS?, to October, iSS5. Since his return home he has not beer, regularly attached to any journal, except the /.':tr;:'n^S'ii>; of Philadelphia 1 of which lie is part proprietor), but has written several articles on national themes for the .\Crlli .1 int'ri/tTii AVrvV.v and other publications. Mr. Young was of- fered. UK- Chinese mission again bv Mr. I-iifiine in iS^q. but declined for business reasons. In iS9i he was elected a Hi- rector of the Union League, and was noni- .i.'ited bv several leading journals for the Senate : n succession to Mr. Ouay. Mr. Young, however, has refrained from any fiCtive part in politics. The wife of Mr. Young, Julia C. Coicman, was a niece of (Governor Jewell, of Connecticut. She died ii; iSS2. while Mr. Younu was Min- ister to China. Mr. Young again married in i 90 Mav Dow Davies, born in l'.sU n and descended from an old revolutionary family. He resides at 1507 I'oplar stn <.-'., Philadelphia, aiul Larehmont Manor. New York. His brother, James Raukin Young, has been for twenty-four years a distinguished Washington correspondent. and was for fifteen years Hxecutivc Clerk of the United States Senate. He has an interest in the A'rv;//;/^ Star, and stands in the foremost rank of American journal- Moscs Young, 18O6. A M. Sheppard G. Young, 1890. \V born in Philadelphia, September ?;, i-^.U'. He is an importer of china, glass ai.<; fancy goods, and a manufacturer of repro- ductions of busts and figures in bisque. He was a member of the Citv Conner.-. 1871 iS74, and also of the Hoard of Port Wardens. He is a member of Mozart Lodge, No. 456, F. ,\; A. M. ; Feruwood Chapter. No. 250 ; Corinthian Cnasser.r Commandery, No. 53 : < (rinmtal Lodge. I. (). O. F. ; No. M,;, (Juaker City Lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen ; Ca;;- statter, Bavarian and Maeimerchor S< cieties. William Young, 1809. There are numerous William Youngs in the Direc- tories and public records, but we cannot definitely locate this particular one. In the Third Presbyterian cemeterv. Third and Pine streets, which contain- tin- graves of many members of the Societv, there is buried a William Young, wi;<> was born Januarv 21, 17^2, and iliid November 19, 1^51. INDEX. Abercrombie. I'rank P., 337 Rev. Dr., 180, 182, 184 Acheson, Armoii D., 337 David, 337 " General Thomas, 337 Acting Committee, 189, 208 Adams, John, 337 President John, 161 Joseph, 237 " Nathan, 338 Richard, 338 Robert, 338 " Robert, Jr., 247, 338 William, 338 Addicks, William H., 338 Agnew, Andrew, 338 " Hon. Daniel, 228, 229 " William. 338 Ahern. Daniel W. , 338 Alder. James, 339 Alexander, Andrew, 339 John, 339 All, Captain Isaac, 95 Allen, Daniel, 339 George, 339 " Stanislaus J., 339 Allibone, Thomas, 206. 339 Anderson, Matthew, M. D. , 339 William (1790;, 339 William (18651, 339 Andrews, John, 339 Joseph B., 340 Applications for Membership, 225 Arbuckle, William, 340 Armat, Thomas W., 340 Armstrong, Andrew, 340 General, 56, 57 Robert, 340 Robert T., 341 Thomas, 340 William, 3.40 Arnold. Hon. Michael, 340 Arrott, William, 24 i, 34- Arthur, Robert, 34 I Aschcnbach, John C., 34 i A-h. James, 34 i A'-hhnrst, Richard, 34 i Ashman. Hon. William N., 266 Anld, Jacob. 341 Anil, James Andrew, 341 Authors, List of, 24 Kache, Richard, 140, 341 Richard, Jr., 34 i Rail, John. 342 Bailey, I'rancis, 342 " John T., 342 " Joel J.. 342 Baird, John, 342 " Matthew, 342 William M., 343 Baker, George, 343 John R., 343 William J. 343 Baldwin, Daniel. 343 Ball, Blackall W., 343 " Joseph, 343 bank of Pennsylvania, 49 Banner of Society, 188 Barclay, James, 343 John, 95. 343 Thomas, 95 William, 96 Barker, Wharton, 34^ Barklcy, James, 344 Barnett, Thomas, 344 Barnwell, William, M. 1)., 344 Barr, Daniel, 344 " Daniel J., 345 " Hugh. 345 " James J., 345 " Michael, 345 " Robert J.. 345 Harrington, Charles, 345 Barron, Rev. Kdward, 191. 192, Barry, Commodore John, 42. 63 " John, 345 Joseph B., 345 Philip, 233. 234, 265. ^45 Rev. Thomas J., 346 William, 346 Barton, Benjamin S.. 346 Batt, Captain Tlunnas, 41. 98 Baxter. Matthew. 346 Bavard, Andrew, 347 TilH H1BHR.NIAN SOCIl-.TY 'Jayanl. Samuel, 347 Beattie, Robert H., 5. 347 Beaver, General Jas. A., 254, 260, 265, 266, - ( 'y. 347 Ikvk, James M., 249, ; v ( s Beirn, Mii-hai-1 1'.. ,V4S Beirne, Colonel Andrew, 34*1 Bell, John. 34S SainiR'l, 3.}S Samuel C., 34S Thomas. 348 \\'iiliani. viS Bciic/et, Mr., 37 Benson, David P., 349 Peter, 349 Bernard. John, 349 Bethel, Robert. 349 Bibliography, Members', 24 Biddle, Charles, 57 Bii^s, Hon. Benjamin T. , 241, 255, 265, 266, 269. 349 Hines, Robert. 349 Binj^ham, Archibald. 349 William, 140 Binns, John, 144. 219, 221, ,49 Bishop, vStihvell ,^., 350 Black, James, 350 James J.. 350 Jeremiah S.. 2 15 John V., 350 Blackburn, Rev. Dr., iS.i Blaekbnrne, I'raneis, 351 Blackwell, Rev. Dr., iS2, I S4 Blackwood, Rev. W., 220, 22-S, 351 Bladeii, Thomas, 351 Blaine, Colonel Hphraim, 98 Blair, Mr., 56 William II., 351 Bleakley, John. 99, 35 r Blenon, Dr. Anthony, 2(+i, 203 Boai'd of President^, 23S, 242 Bo.LT.^s, James, 35 I William, 351 Boland, Frederick, 35 i I'.o'-er, Peter, 5 Bolster, Richard H., 275, ',52 I'.ollon, Rev. James ("., 5, 352 Bund of Secretarv, 242 of Treasurer, 242 Bonev, Morris, ^52 Borie, Hon. A. I{.. 22'') Bourke, William, 99 Boudinot, J-'.lias, 5^ Books written b\ menibjrs, Boyd, Alexander, 352 Major Augustus, 3^2 David, 220. 2:5. ;,5 2 David, Jr., 230, 353 " John, 353 Dr. Robert, 3\ 99 Bovlan, Jamrs, 353 Boyle, Hliidi, 99, 353 John. iix> '' Thomas, 353 \Villiam, 353 William V., 353 Bovs. I-'lias, 59, 353 Nathan. 353 Bradford. Samuel !'., 354 Brady, Daniel C. H.. 354 Francis }".., 354 James, 271, 354 Owen, ^54 Patrick, 355 Tliaddciis. 355 Thomas, 35.5 Brainerd, Mrastus, 243, 244 randon, Mar\ . . S6 raiikin, Patrick J., 355 rav, \\'illiam, 355 rehony, Re\'. James, 355 reslin, John, ^55 rice, Hphraim, 355 William, 5, 233, 236, 2^, 2,5 j, 355 ridges, Robert, 356 rief account of 1'riendlv So-js. 20;, 22.S niton, Andrew I,., 356 rooke, C. Wallas, e, 350 Nathan, 350 David Paul, 357 I. Newton, 357 James, 357 James A., 35S John, 35S John. 59, loo, i 49 John H. iSo2l, 35S John i i. ' i S 44 i, ;^s Josej.h, 35S Lewis R., 35^ William, i.x), 35S \\'illiam 1^32 ), ;58 Will! ;m 1^4.5), ^sS \VilHalil < '.reens:)ii!'i(;. 196 INDF.X. Brown, \Villiain ' iS52\ 35S William K., M. 1)., ;5S Browne, Peter A., ,v>S !!rnner, William M., 359 i'.ruster, Charles, 359 Bryan, George, 359 Guy, 359 Hryson, James, 360 Buchanan, President James, 2l8 Buckets. Fire, 274 iluckner, Hon. S. H., 255 Hunting, Henry H., 360 Harness, Robert, 360 I'.urke, Kdward M., 360 Burnet, Mr., 36 Hums, Stephen I'., 360 General W. W. , 299 Burn's Tavern, 35 Burnside, Hon. Thomas, 206, 213, 360 Burrows, Francis S., M. IX, 360 Hurt, Arthur A., 360 Nathaniel, 211, 361 Burton, Kdward, 361 Butler, Mr., 60 General Richard, roo By-Laws, Revision of, 203, 224, 237, 23^ Bynl, John, 361 Bvrne, Gerald, 361 Henry C., 361 James, 361 Patrick, 361 Redmond, 361 Bvrnes, Thomas I'., 362 Cadwalader, Captain George, 198 John, 63, 3<>_> ( reneral John, 34, 141 I inline f ohn, 219 Colonel Lambert, 142 Cahill, Michael, 362 Richard F., 362 Cain, Alexander, 362 Captain, 56 Calbraith, Hector, 362 James. 362 Matthew, 362 C.ddcleu^h, Robert A., 362 C'ddwell, Andrew, tui David, i<)2 Mr>. David, 201 J. UlleS, K>2, 363 James, 303 John. 103, 3<>3 Caldwell. Samuel, 59, 91, 103, 3').; William. 103 Calla^han. Charles 3'>3 I lavid, 363 ( '.eor^e, 363 Callahan, Thomas, 363 Camac, Turner, 364 Campbell, Archibald, 364 Arch. B., M. IX, 364 George, 47, '13. 103, 221, 365 " George. 202, 3^5 Hll-h, 204, 221, 222, 365 Janio, 104, 365 '' James iS4i i, 365 Hon. James II., 22.S Hon. James, II. M., 273, 365 John ( I 7901, 365 John i i\56i, 365 John i iS64',, 365 " John II.. 240, 250, 259, 266, 269, 270, 366 John M., 366 Robert, 204, 366 " William, 367 William J., 4, 367 Carberry, P. J. L., M. I)., 367 Carey, Ilenrv C., 367 Mathew, 150, 161, 173, 191, 3'j^> Carlin, John, 374 Carlisle, John, 374 Carr. John A., 374 " Rev. Matthew. 374 Morgan, 375 Carrell, Hdward, 375 Carrick, Alexander, 375 Cardigan, Peter. 375 Carroll, Mr.. 54 Carsan, Samuel, 104 Carson, Hampton L., 265 John, M. I)., 375 " Joseph, 37b Carswell. Samuel, 376 Cascailen, James, 376 Ca>key, Joseph, 376 Caslin. Daniel, 37') Cassidy, Hu.uh, 37(1 Lewis C., 255 Cassin, John. 376 CaMle. Cliarles P... 377 " Janu'> II.. 377 Ca^tner, S.iniiH-1. Jr., 377 Catherwood, Andrew L, 377 II . W.. 377 THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Cathenvood, Hugh. 377 Robert, 377 Samuel !>.. 377 Certificates of Membership, iSS, 217 to Sea Captains, 169 Chambers, George T.. 377 Rev. John, 224 Chandler, Joseph R., H. M., 199, 377 Chaplains, 170, 188, 192 Charter of II. S., 103 Charitable Organi/ations, Phila. , 238, 242 Chesnut, Samuel, 37S William, 37* Chew, Samuel, 37 s . Chinese Minister. 252 Chri.-ty. William M.. 378 Chriswell, Captain James, 378 City Troop of Cavalry, 38, 43 Clapier, Lewis, 378 Clare, Washington K., 264, 378 Clark. Captain, 56 Daniel, 54. 55, 104 " Edward, 378 George, 378 " Iln^h i 1841 , 379 " Hugh ( i85c;i, 379 " James, 379 " John (1836). 379 John 118531. 379 Clarke, William R.. 379 Cleary. Malachi J.. 379 Martin, 264, 379 Clements. Richardson T., 379 Clendenning, James. 379 Cleveland, President Grover, 249, 250, Ciibborn. Joshua. 379 Clover Club, 243. 244 Cochran. Alex;,nder, 379 Daniel J.. 380 Dr. John, 45, 104 William ( i 790 i, 380 " William ( 1813 . 580 Cochrrmc, Michael, 3^0 Coghlan, Rev. Gerald I'., 3X0 C> >l ill. in, John II. , ; V S| > Coleman, Edward. 3^ > Henry Phillips, 3 So Colfax, Cajitain, 54 C< 'Ihi >un, Samue!, . ' Collins, John, 206, 381 Joseph, 381 Mr., 54 I'eter P., 381 j " William, 381 Colony in Schuylkill, 31 Comber, Edward !',., 381 John, 381 JohnE., 381 Commins, William Kent, 266, 381 Committee of Correspondence, 38 on History, 236, 237, 238, 267, 270, 274 Condon, John, 381 Conlan, Michael. 381 Connell, Horatio P., 381 Connelly, John G., 382 Patrick, 382 Robert, 382 Connolly, Harry, 382 John, 381 Cornier, James, 382 Connor, John, 105 Conrad, Cornelius, 382 Conroy, Patrick, 382 Constable, William, 105 Contingent P'und, 240 Convery, Alexander. 382 Con way, Denis, 382 1'rancis 3.^2 William, 382 Conyngham, David II., 107 Cook, Alexander, 3.^2 " E/ekiel C., M. I)., 382 Cooper. Hugh, 382 " Hon. Thomas V., 273 Corr, Rernard, 382 Correy, David, 382 Robert (1790), 382 Robert i 1814 i, 383 Costigan, Thomas, 3^3 j Coulter, James, 383 I Cox, Captain Paul, ,8} Coxe, Alexanders., 383 lion. Charles S., 383 Hon. Iu-kley H., 383 Tench, 383 Craig, Andrew C., 236, 384 David A., 3 V >4 Hugh, 38 1 Hugh, Jr., 3,84 INDKX 353 Crawford, James, 11)7, 149. 385 William, 3*5 Creighton, James McC., 264, 385 Robert, 3X5 C reran, Charles, 385 Crilly, I lenry, 385 Michael F., 385 " Thomas, 385 Croiiiii, Michael II., 385 Crooks. William C., M. D., 385 Crothers, A. , 385 Crow, Andrew, 385 Crngar, Mr., 56 Cruik.shank, James, 385 Crutcher, Foster G., 385 Cunimings, Matthew I,., 385 Cummiskey, luigene, 385 Cunningham, Francis A.. 385 James, M. 1)., 385 John, 385 Cupples, Samuel, 385 Currin, George, 3.^6 Curtin, Hon. Andrew G., 222, 228, 230, 233, 245, 257, 281, 386 Curtis, F. I)., 387 Cnshing, Augustus, 387 Cuthbert. Allen, 206, 387 Thomas, 387 Daly, Kngene S., 3^7 Henry M., 387 " John, 387 Patrick K., 387 Timothy M., 387 Dardis, John, 387 I larra^h, John, 387 Davan, Kingsmill, 388 Davidson, James, Sr., 388 William, 388 Davis, George, 108 Col. Samuel I',., 178, 388 Captain William, 388 Dnzlcy, Jame-, 388 Deal, Daniel, 388 Dean, William. 388 Dcchert, (/en. Robert P., 389 Declaration of Independence, 42 1 >e!.mev, Ivlward. 3X9 Delany, Sharp, loS, 3X9 William i 7o< i , 389 " William 11811 , 3"- 9 Wi'li.im ' i.s 14 , vSy William ' i ->\j , v s 9 " Jame-, 3') DeMorat. Orlando H., 389 I )eiiman, Aaron, 390 Samuel, 390 Devenney, Charles, 390 Dever, Patrick I"., 266, 390 Devine, John, 390 Mark, 239, 390 Patrick, 5, 236, 390 " Richard, 390 " William, 390 Devlin, Thomas, 39*1 Dewey, (reor^e \\'., 39*) ' Diamond, Alexander, 214, 390 | Dickerson, Mahloii. 391 I Dickinson, (.iiMicral, 5 } John, 38, 143 Phili}), 36 ; Dickson, James R., 391 John W., 391 Thomas II.. 391 " William, 391 j Dignan, John, 391 Dillon, Count. 52 Kdward T., 392 , Dimond, Francis, 214, 392 John, 392 Joseph, 214. 392 ! Dimond, Richard I'. .392 Dius^ee, James K.. 3^2 ! Disston, Hamilton, 392 Diven, William, 393 I >ivine, William, 393 William, Jr.. 393 I Dobbins. John B . 393 Stewart A.. 393 Thomas. 343 Dohan, Michael J., 275, 393 I lohertv, John P., 393 I )olan, Patrick J., 393 I lolen, Kdward, 393 D'Olier, Henry, 393 William, 31)4 Donaghy, fame;-, 394 Donahue, Michael, 3^ J I )on,ild--on, William T., 394 : I )onnaldson. John, lo^. 304 Donnellan. P. S., M. D., 394 Donnell v, F'raucis, 311 \ John F., M. I)., 3 >.\ Donovan. I laniel, 3<5 5.14 TIIR HIBERNIAN SOCIKTV. Dor in, Hon. Joseph M., 395 Dorrance, David, 396 Dorsey, Benedict, Jr., 396 Dougherty, Alexander. 396 Alexander F., 396 " Charles A., 396 Daniel, 2iS, 396 James L., 396 John A., 396 " Patrick, 396 William II., 396 Downey, James, 397 I >oyle, John M., 397 Patrick. 397 William II., 397 Drake, Thomas, 271, 397 I >raper, Dr., 55 Drean, Richard, 397 Drew, John, 397 Drexel, Anthony J., 226, 398 Duane, William, 39 " Matthew, 400 Dunkin, John, 401 Robert II., 401 Dunlap, John, .}<>r Capt. John, 109 Thomas, 401 " William, 401 Dunn, Michael, 401 Thomas J., 401 Dnpont, Charles I., 198 I ;uraiiL, r . Kdwin 1"., 401 Duross, James, 239, 40! John. 4 ( > i Dwier, George W., 402 F.akin, Thomas, 4: >2 Kddv, George, 402 F.dwards, George \\'., 402 Thomas A., 209, .}' >2 F.'u-ock, Thoma^ R., 402 Klliott, William, 402 Kllis, John, 402 Thomas, 402 Emigrants, Injustice to, 197 Relief of, 189, 199, 233, 234 Emigration from Ireland, 29, 62 Kinsley, Lieut. William, 287, 402 Kn^el, Theodore C., 402 English, Thomas, 402 William, 402 Fnnis, George W., 403 Krskine, William, i 10 Ivrwin, Joseph, 403 Kwinj^, Alexander, 403 Caj)t. James, 152 John, 403 Robert, 403 " Samuel, 403 Vice President, 55 Kxecutive Committee, 233, 235, 2^7, 26} Expulsion of Capt. Batt, 41 l-'ahv, Michael, 403 Michael J., 403 Thomas A., 271, 403 Fairchild, Hon. Charles S., 254 Fallon, Christopher, 403 John, 239, 404 Famine, Irish, 205, 232 Farj^ns, James, 404 Farrelly, Stephen, 404 I'arren, Bernard N., 404 I'ay, Charles, 404 Thomas, 404 Faye, James, 404 F'earon, James, 404 I-'ebi_L, r er, Christopher C., 405 Federal Procession, 57 Fell, Colonel, 36 Fcnlin, John, 405 Ferguson, George S., 6, 405 James M., 235, 239, 405 Hon. Jos. C Thomas D. 251, 268, 4^5 Fernie, Mr., 57 Ferrall, Patrick, 4. /i Field, John. 5, 241. 253, 264,265, 260, 406 F'ile, John C., 2'y> Findley, William, 406 Fines (F. S.), 55, 65 F'inley, James, 406 Fire Buckets, 274 F'irst City Troop, ;S, 4-, 340 265 5, 237, 240, 250, INDF.X. Fisher, Andrew, 406 Thomas, 239, ) >6 William A., 406 Filler, Hon. Kdwin II., 255 Fit/.^erald, Robert, 406 Fit/.maurice, Michael, 407 Fit/] >:itrick, Florence, 407 John J., 271, 407 Joseph M., 407 Philip, 237, 407 Terence, 407 Timothy, 407 Fii/.simons, Thomas, no, 407 Flahaven, Ro^er, Jr., 407 Thomas, 407 Flanagan, Robert, 407 Fleeson, Plunket, 41)7 1-U-ming, Rev. Francis A., 165, 174, 408 William J., M. I)., 408 Flemmiii", Alexander, 408 Robert, 408 Fletcher, John W., 409 Flintham, William, 409 Flood, Lt.-Col. Fdward II., 409 William F., 270 William II., 409 Flynn, Bernard, 409 l-'lynn, James I)., 409 Ford, Mr., legacy, 188 " Standish, 409 Forney, Col. John W., 218, 228. 2:> I-'orsyth, Isaac, 4(X) Fort Wilson, 48 Foster, Alexander, i : i Frederick I,., 1>X) " James J., 409 " Solomon, 409 Fotterall, Stephen I-',., 4>>9 Fox, Hon. Daniel M., 226 Ivhvard, 163, 165, 410 John, 4 i i Samuel, 4 i I Francis, Philip, 4 i i Tench, t> v i i i Thomas W., 4 i r Col. Tnrbntt, vb ' I 2 William, 411 Willing, 4 i i Frank !in, Hetijamin, 38 Walter, 41 i (ten. William I'., 22} Fra/er, John, 41 2 Robert, 412 Fra/.ier, Robert, 412 Freeman, Tristam !'>., 412 Friendly .Sons of St. Patrick : Signature.-, to Roll, 66 Minutes of", 65 and Hibernian Society, 62 Rules. 65 Sketches of" Members, 95 List of ( MtictTs, i3 List of Members, 93 Fuller, Benjamin. 36, 112 Fullerton, George, 113 Richard, 41 2 Funds of the- Society, 242 Funeral Notices, 188 Fnrbush, Charles A., 412 Fnrey, John S., 412 r.albraith, James, 412 Gallagher, Anthony J.. 412 Augustus I 1 .., 412 Bernard, 41 2 " Charles J., 412 Christo])her, 412 James, M. D., 413 John N., 413 GalloTvav, Mr., 56 Gamble. Archibald, 113 Hush, 413 ( tartland, Simon, 413 ( tass, lames, 4 13 Gay, Captain James, 413 Geddes, Captain Henry, 413 George, John O., 414 ( U-rman, Thomas, 414 Getty, Robert, 414 Geyer, John, 4 14 (iibbons, Cardinal, 254 James S., 4 I ) Gibson, Colonel Charles H., 415 John, 4 15 John Bannister, 203. 215. 415 ( ilbertson, Charles M., 415 ( iles. General James, 415 ilkie, John, 41 5 ill, b>hn. Jr., 4 15 William, 4 15 illespie, William, 4 15 illinan, I 'a\'id, 4 15 i iven, R..brrt A., M. 1)., 416 ( len, Robert, i 13 ( loin-ester Fox Hunting Club, 3' ( obin, Gen. J. P. S., 4 n> THK HIBERNIAN SOCIKTY. Ciolway, Mr., >6 I'ronlon. James Gay, 273, 4:6 John \V., 416 Nathaniel, 416 Gorman, James }'.., 416 Thomas, 416 William, 235, 238, 271, 416 (".orinly, Patrick, 417 Gorrell, Robert, 4 17 Governors of States, 241 Gowen, James, 189,417 Grady, John C., 417 Graham, 1 lavid, 41 7 Hihvin I'., 417 George S., 271, 417 Henry R., 418 James ! 17901, 418 James ; 18131, 418 " James ( 1880), 418 " John ( 1792 i, 418 " John 1 1839). 418 " John K., 418 Theodore A., 418 " Thomas, 4 18 " Walter, 418 Grand Federal Procession, 57 Grant, Gen. I". S., H. M., 226, 227, 418 Gray. I'M ward, 418 George, 56 " Rev. James. 418 " Richard. 4 19 " Robert. 1 13, 418 " Robert. Jr., 419 " Robert K., 4 19 " William, 419 \Villiam II., 419 Green, Captain John, 113 John I., 411^ ' Hon. Robert S., 254, 257 Greiner, William M., 419 Crrier. MaU!.e\v. Jr.. 4 19 Hon. Ri >bert C., 217 Griffin, ( '.ilbert, 4 19 Nicholas J.. 249, 264. 265, 266, 419 Patrick. 187 Grimeson, Col. Th<>ma> J., 420 < Vriir.'-hau . \\'illiam, 420 ' '.nl il ii us, Wi'.liam < '. , 420 Hawaii. lanu-s, 420 Ha-cn, Dr., ,S4 H .1-:." rty, Francis, (20 [ 1 ' '.'' ' ' : |2' I ll .::.:. ' . 120 Hall of Society, 224, 230, 237, 239, 240, 242, 265 Hall, Richard, 420 Thomas, 420 Hallahan, Peter T., 421) Halvey, Timothy !"., 420 Haly, William W., 420 Hamilton. Alexander, 60 Gavin, 420 Gavin, Jr., 421 James, 42 i John, 42 i William, 55, 83, 143 Hammill, Hn^h J., 421 William, 421 Hammond, Hon. N. J., 241 Hand, Gen. Kdward, 52, 53, 113, 421 Handy, Moses P., 244, 421 Hanlon, Hdward, 421 Hanna, James. 421 " William 15. , 422 William J., 422 William W., 422 Hannis. Henry S., 422 I lanson, John, 422 Mr., 52, 53 Harding, John. Jr., 422 Hardin^e, J. A., 422 I lardy, Charles A., 422 Harkness, \\"illiam, 423 Harmer, Hon. A. C., 255 Harned, Thomas P.., 423 Harnett, William M., 423 Har]>er, Arthur, 423 Benjamin W., 423 Charles A., 423 James f 18321, 224. 225, 423 James i 1873^, 424 Thomas, 424 Thomas S., M. I >.. 424 Harrah. Charles J., 424 llarrij^an, Jeremiah J., .424 1 larris, Samuel L., 42.) I larrison. Henry, 424 " Picsident \\"i;M;'i;; Henry, 195 1 larrity, William I-'., 424 Hart. Thomas, 425 Hartranft, Gen. John I'., 255 1 larvcv. Samuel. 425 Hassett, James C., 425 Hastings. Gen. Daniel H.. 2f>5, 273. 42S Lieutenant. K,8 Haswell, Caj tain Gtorge D , 425 INDl'X. I laugh, John, 426 " Thomas, 426 Hawley, Gen. Joseph R., 228, 229 " Governor, 45 Hawthorn, James, 115, 426 Hay, James, 427 I laves, Patrick, 63, 42'j Robert, Sr., 423 " Rolnrrt, Jr., 420 " Samuel, 42') " William, 426 Ha/.let, Col. John, 196, 198 Healy, James M., 426 Patrick, 426 " William, H. M., 426 Heaney, Thomas, 426 Hearn, W. Joseph, M. I"., 42^ Heatly, Charles, 115, IS:, 42^5 Heaton, John, 426 Heenan, Col. Dennis. 2S;, \2--> Thomas K., M. I)., 427 Heffernan, John, 427 Hemphill, John. 427 Joseph, 427 Henderson, John, 427 William i 170.0), 427 William f iSS6i, 427 Hennessv, Thomas, 427 Henry, Alexander, 203, 427 Alexander ('1865), 223, 279, 2>Si, 428 Charles P., M. D., 42S George, 115 Hugh 1790 . 42S '' Hugh ! !.V>3), 42'.S John, 42S John S., 4>S Heraty, F.dward J., 429 Michael P., 429 Heron, Alexander, Jr., 129 Herring, Robert G., 429 Hewitt, John, 429 William, 129 Heyl, I, ieiitenant Colonel Kdw. M.,42g 1 leylin, Isaac. M. I )., 4 v> I li'K-niia Fire Co., 3 ; , :SS ocietv : Hihernian .Society : Li>t of Members, 316 " " ( 1 7)< '56 List of < )flicers, 315 Organisation, 62, 149, 151 Sketches of Members, 337 Roll Hook, 23S Hi.-ks, William, 27, 143 i lieskell, Tin >iiias, 430 Hi-bee, Joseph, 430 1 lildebnrn, Charles R., 5 Hill, Adam, 43,, Henry, 14 } I lindman, James, 430 I lirst, James M., 43 > Historian of Soi'ietv , 270 History Committee, 23^, 237. 23-1, 267, 270, 274 " " Rejiort of. ) \ logan, Patrick, 430 Hogg, Alexander, 430 Holker, Mr., 52 Holland, Charles, 430 Holmes, Alexander, 115 " George, 430 Henry, 430 Hugh, I 15, 149, is,-,. 431 John ( 1812). 431 John ' 1841) 431 John, M. I)., 241, 131 John, Jr., 431 Samuel, 43 I Seth C., 431 Valentine, 2 14, 43 i William, 43 1 ! lome Rule, Irish, 240 Hood, James ]'... 238 John M., 431 Matthew, 2 I 2, 43 I " Samuel, [SS, 20:. 212, 22O, 231, 232, 13' \V-lliam I',., 432 Hookey, Joseph II.. 2^7. 432 Hoops. Captain Adam. 55 !> ivid, 5) Hope. John I'., 432 I! il 558 TIIK HIHKKNIAN SOCIETY. Horstmann, Francis P., 432 Houston, Henry II., 432 Howard, Colonel, 57 Howe, General, 46, 52 Hoy, James, Jr., 432 Hoyt, Hon. Henry M., 255 Hnber, John V., 432 Hiulson. Kdward, M. I>.,432 Hue}'. William G., 433 Huggard. John, 5, 220, 27;, 433 1 high, Janie> 1 1., 433 Hughes, lienjamin I'., 271.433 George, 115, 433 James, 433 " Rev. John, iSS Miles II., 433 Humes, George, 433 John, 433 Humphrey, Thomas, 433 Humphreys, Colonel, 54 Hunter, James, Sr.. 433 James. Jr., 433 J" h ii. 435 " William, 55 Huntingdon, Mr., 45 Hurley, Rev. Michael, 433 Thomas, 434 Hurst, Alfred, 434 " John C., 275, 434 I histon, James, 434 John Hasell. 434 Hutchinson, I >r. James, 164 Samuel I,., 435 Hyde, Nathan, 36 Incorporation of Society, 163 [ncorporaiors of Societv, 164 I upkeep, Abraham, 435 Iri-h Americans, 27 " brigade, 2\5, 2.SS. 290 " Club. 32 Kmigration, 27 I-'amine. 205. 232, 233 Home Rule. 240 Parliamentarv I-'und, 2S S Regiments 2,Si Ri.'U- Team, :iates, 229 John M., 438 Joseph, 190, 194, 2C2, 208, 280. 4 v H .shua R., 438 Captain Paul, 45, 55 Jordan, Francis, Jr., 5 Jovce, 1 tominick. 438 Judge, Thomas P., 438 William. 438 Juvenal, William W.. 439 Kaier, CharU s I ). , 439 Kane. I >r. Klisha K.. 214, 2lS Hon. John K.. 194, 218,439 ( ',en. Thoma- I... 440 Kean, John, 44, Keane, Mai tin, .;.; i Kearne\ - , Richer'!, 44 ! Kearns. Pali--' k . .].; i ng, R< Y. Christopher, 165 T. 1-,. T , , ,; INDKX. Keating, William II., 441 Keefe, David. 441 " James J., 441 John. 441 Joseph I., 442 Keenan, Michael, 442 " Michael I'., 442 Keith, Charles P., 5 Samuel, 442 Kelley, William, 445 lion. William D., 25 = Kelly, Charles, 223, 442 Dennis, 223, 442 " Dennis H., 5, 6, 443 Kdward J. ! 18671. 443 I-Mward J. 18841, 443 George. 444 James ' 1865 >, 444 James 1890], 444 John, 444 " John A. ' 1865!. 444 " John A. i 1887], 444 John F., 444 John L., 444 " Michael J., 444 " Owen, 444 " Patrick II., 444 " Philip, 444 " Philip I-'. . 1850), 444 Philip I". iS87 , 445 " Samuel S., 445 " Thomas, Jr., 445 " Thomas I-'.. 445 " William F. i 18^7 " \\'illiam I-', i i8S2 ' Kendrick, George W., Jr., 445 Kenned}'. Alexander, 445 Andrew, 445 Anthonv, 445 John D.. 41'. Joseph I'., 2;.,, 146 John S. James!.. Jame> U. Keppele, Michael, .|4h Kerr, Alexander, 446 J, .Hies 1823., 446 James i i s,sj i, 44^ " Captain Walt--r. : Revs, Jamrs. ; r , Roger, M. I ).. 2- \. 446 Kidd. fames, ;;- 445 4)5 Ki.ld, William, 447 Kieran, Rev. William. 447 King, Charles 1'., 447 " Charles S., 447 " William, 447 Kingsley, Ivl ward I-'., 447 Samuel, 447 Kingston, Stephen, 447 Kinsey, John L., 273 Kirkman, Thomas, 4.)S Kirkpatrick. James A., 44 S Samuel, 44^ Kitchen, James, 44S Kittera, Thomas, 44^ Knox, Andrew, 4.;S " (">en. I Ienr\-, 52. i iS " John, 189, ion, 44^ Koch, Jacob C'.erard. 446 Kyle, David, 449 William, 449 I,adlie, James !'., 449 LafTerty, Ivlward. 449 Laird, Robert, 449 I.an^ton, Daniel J., M. IX, 449 I.apslev, David, 449 1 >avid, Jr., 449 Jolm, 449 Joseph P,.. 449 I.ardner, John, 144 I.atimer, deor^e, 450 Lieutenant-Colonel George, 119, 45" James. 4,s<) William G., 450 Latta, William J., 451 > Laughlin, Capt. Johii, 450 Robert. 451 I.avens, John, 45 I Laverty, Je^-se, 45 i Lawson, John I,., 2. ID. 273 Lea, Thomas, 120, 149, 451 Leach, ]. Granville, i(xj Leake, Richard, 451 Learn v, John, I 2< >, 45 I Leddy, Capt. James M.. 451 Lee. IM\A ai'd R. . .',51 ( Ten era! , 37 Hon. I'it/.hugh, 241 . 254, 261 " Jame- I)., 451 I.efevre. Nicholas, 451 Legacy Dr. Air.hon-, I'/ieiM >n, 200 Marv P.r.mdoii. iSh Ant'tK'nv Iserined'.', 187 560 THE HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Legacy, Col. Robinson, 187 Mr. Ford, 188 Leib, Albert, 451 Leiper, Armstrong, M. D., 451 " William J., 452 I.elar, Robert C,., 452 Lenox, Major David, 274 Lewis, Judge, 217, 219, 221 Callender Irvine-, 452 Lexington, Rattle of, 40 Lieberman, John B., 452 Liggett, John, 452 Robert. 452 " Samuel, 452 Light Horse of Philadelphia, 3S Limitation of President's Term 237 Lincoln, General, 52, 53, 55 Lindsay, Henry IL, 452 John, 452 Lisle, John, 206, 452 " John M., 452 List of Public Officials, 16 " '' Members, !'. S., 93 " " " VW- [ 56 H. S., 316 " " Officers, F. S., 93 H. S., 315 " " Portraits, 1 1 Little, James, 452 " Robert, 452 Livingston, Mr., 36, 55 Lloyd, Hon. Henry, 241 Locke, Harrison, 452 Theodore I-'.. 452 Logan, James, 39, 452 Loller, Col. Robert, 452 Looney, Robert, 453 Loran, Thomas, 453 Lorrell, Mr., 45 Lough, Joseph, 453 Loughbridge, Rev. William, 192. 193 Longhead, Robert I,., 453 Loughlin, Dennis J., M. I)., 453 Loughrey, John, 453 I.onnsbury, Hf>:i. P. C., 255 Love. John B., 453 Lowrie, Hon. Walter, 218, 219 J.owry, Thomas P., 453 Lucas, Fielding. 453 " John, 453 Thomas, 454 Lnke. \Vi!!iam. 454 Lu/.erne, Mr.. =2 L%le, Peter, 454 William, 454 Lynch, Edward, 454 John, 454 " John W., 454 " Ulysses, 120 '' William, 454 Maccoun, David, 454 Mack, John M., 454 Mackenzie, R. Shelton, 454 Macklin, Rev. Alexander, 192 Macky, Samuel, 454 Madden, John, 270, 456 Magee, Francis P., 456 James, 456 James E., 456 Michael, 456 Magoffin, John, 456 Joseph, 456 Magrath, Christopher S., 456 Michael, 456 M tguire, Bernard, 457 Edward T., 457 James (1854), 457 James (1882), 457 James A., 457 John, 214, 457 John, 457 William, 457 Maliany, James A., 457 Mahony, John T., 457 Mallon, James, 457 Malone, Michael, 457 " Richard A., 457 Maloney, Martin, 457 .M.inderson, John, 457 Mann, Thomas, 457 Marbois, Mr., 45, 52, 55, 56 Markley, Philip S., 457 Marshall, Benjamin, 458 Charles, 4,sS Christopher, 160, 458 " James, 458 Martin, Edwin, .J5.S Henry, .;5S " James S., 5. 233, 458 " Joseph, M. 1 >., 458 " ( )wen, 459 " Simon J., 266, 271, 459 " Thomas J., 459 " William J., (59 W-P.iam I... 459 Mason, S unm 1. 45^ IXDIvX. Mason, William, 459 Massey, William, 22S, 459 Mathews, M it'll. tcl. j.sy Mathieu, Claudius J., 4cSo Matthews. William, 459 Muxsmi, John, Jr., .i'J > Maxwell, Janu-s, 460 John, 4'x> May lies. Rodger, 460 Meade, deorjjv, 120,460 Mcanv, John, 4'*> Mears, Lewis T., 4^0 Mease, lames, 5-', I 2 I James, M. 1)., 460 " John, 122 " Matthew, 122 Medal of I'Vietidly Sons, 35, 65, 69, 70, 85, S;, 221 Meeker, Samuel, 460 Mejrar^ee. Irwin I-'., }*> > Louis N., 239, 460 Me.^ee, deor^e, 461 Mein, John II.. 461 Mellon, Thomas, 461 Melloy, John M., 271, 461 Melville, Commodore, 2.5.5, 2 &-- 2 ^5 Members, List of, 156, 316 ( I 79 ul ' Sketches of, Metiamin, Robert S., 4'>i Mercer, Colonel, 55 Robert, 401 Singleton A., :'>[ Mt.-yc-.ir, Hon. I'lvsses, 22.S, 42-) Meredith, den. Samuel, \ \\ Mershon, Daniel, 222, \nl Metcalfe, Thomas, Jo2 Miercker.. Peter, 4^2 MifBin, <"ieii. Thomas, 57, 60, : 'Si Millar, William A., (62 Miller, Capt. Andrew, ! 52 U'illiam, \'->2 Milliken, |aiiK">, \n\ M:ll>, John, \>->\ Milne, I'M ward, \h\ Miniord, Tliom is, \.-> \ Minute Hook : ; . S. , 2 Minute-,. Lost. : 5 > ' Mitchell, John, 122 John, Jr.. i 22, 403 John K.. M. I)., 463 Handle, 122 Robert, 403 " William, 123 Mi-,. \Vylie. 271 Motfett, Richard, 4^3 Mohan, [oliu, 463 Mona^han, Robert H:;:::iet, 273,463 Montij;omer\ , Au>tin L. ;' > C,!i inls. 27S Cant. James. \>i \ ( '.en. Rich.ird, 203 \\'illiam, ^14 Moody, Matthew, \h \ Mooney, Thomas J., 404 Moore, Alexander, 464 I >avis, 404 Hu^h, 123 '' Major James, i 23 Patrick, 1 23, 149, 464 President, .53 " Richard, 464 " Samuel, 4'i.4 " Major Thomas, 54 Thomas Tjoyd, 145 " William, 52. 464 William, Sr., 46) William, Jr., 46 \ Morgan, Charles V., }.6 \ ( leor^e, 4^1 J William. 230, (64 William ]'... 4" ( Moriarty. Rev. P. K.. 192 Morone\ , James, .('-15 \\"illiam, 105 Morris, I >\\ en, 4(15 Robert, 3-S, i 15 Morrison, Wilson J., 239, 4(35 Morton, ( teori^e, 4'\5 John, i'>5 Moss, lohn, 2( >6, 4*15 Moultrie, ( ".eneral, 54 Mo\ l.in, lames, i 2 ; John, 124 ( ii-!i. Stephen. '< ;. l 2 J Muhlenber.-. I 'avid. 4*15 C.ell. J. !'. ' i.. f-,5 iker. :^. 5.', .5 } Mnldoon. 1 ,!ni, r ,$ THK HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Mulholland, Gen. St. Clr-ir A., 287, 290. .,( 5 Mnllan's Tavern, 35 Mullen, David, 466 Mullin, Andrew J., 466 Mullery, Edward, 406 Mulligan, Edward. 466 Mullowney, John, Jr.. 467 Mulqueen, Bryan, 467 Mnrphey, John A., 467 Robert, iSS, 4^7 Murphy, Alexander, 407 " Dennis, 467 1 ' Dennis F. , 467 " Dominick, 467 D. W., M. I)., 467 " Francis K., 467 " Francis \\'., 467 " Joseph P., 468 Murray, George (iSn), 468 George (1815), 468 Hugh W., 468 John, 125 Murta, John 1'., 468 Murtha, John, 468 McAdain, Thomas, 468 Me Adams. Patrick, 468 McAleer, William, 5, 233, 237. 268, 270, 27;, 468 McAllister, John A., 5 McAnally. Peter, 468 McAran, John, 469 McArdle, John, 469 McAteer, II. J., 469 McAvoy, Patrick, 469 McBride, Andrew. 469 Patrick, 469 " William J., 469 McCaffrey, Hugh, 5, 469 John. 470 McCahey, Peter, M. I)., 470 McCall, John. 470 John C., 470 McCallmont, George, 47(/ vi'-Cammon, David C . 470 McCandless, Th<>mas < '.., .170 General William, 470 Mi-C;inn. Jame^ 1841 >, 471 James :S6<' i. 471 John. .171 McCarron, Michael. 171 M. C: rthv. Wi]li.,m. 471 McCartney, James, 471 McCaul, Charles, 471 McCauley, Ed ward 1)., 471 McCaulley, Cornelius, 471 McCauly, Isaac, 471 McCleary, Robert, 471 McClellan, (). E., 472 McClelland, John, 472 McClenachan, Blair, 126, 472 McClernan, Alexander, 472 McClintock, James, M. I)., 472 McCloskey, Henry J., 4-2 Michael, 472 William J., 472 McClure, Hon. A. K., 246, 255, 262 James, 472 " James, 472 William J., 472 McClusky, John, 473 McComas, William J., 473 McConnell, Alexander, 473 John J., 473 Matthew, 473 McCorkell, John G. R., 473 McCormick, David, 473 Thomas (1790), 473 Thomas (1802), 473 Thomas B., 473 McCoy, George W., 473 John, 473 McCrea, James, 473 James A., M. I).. 473 " John i 17901. 473 John ( 1816), 473 McCreary, George I)., 266. 474 McCredy. Bernard, 474 Dennis. 474 I tennis A.. 474 McCulla, William E.. 475 McCulloch, James, 475 McCullough, James A., 475 Capt. John. 475 Thomas, 475 McCully, George H., 475 William I-'., 47^ McCnnney. Richard P.. .\~h McCutcheon. James, 476 John, 476 " Joseph, 476 McDaniel, Gov. II. D., 241 McDermot, Martin, 476 M. Dermott, Kdward, 476 INDF.X. McDeviU, John, 476 John J., 476 MacDonald, John, 470 McDonongh, Charles, 476 " Ignatius, 476 McDongall, General, 55 McKlhone, John J., 271, 477 MeF'.iwain, Ferguson, 477 Mcr.lwee, John, 477 McFaddeii, Charles, Jr., 477 John P., 477 McFillin, Ik-rnanl I-., 477 McGarry, Abrain J., 477 McGarvey, Ja::ius V., 477 Ulrich A., 477 MeGeogh, James, 477 McGeoy, Michael, 478 McGmnis, Jame>, 478 McGlade, Charles, 478 McGk'iisey, John, 47S William, 478 McGlinchey, Cornelius J., 478 Medium, P'.dward, 478 McGlone, Mil-haul, 478 MeGovern, John, 478 Mc(Vrann, Hernard J., 478 McGrath, John P., 478 Roburt, M. I)., 478 Rol)ert II., 478 " William Y., 239, 47S McGnuv, James, 479 Mi-Guckin, James, 479 McGnrk, ()we:i, 479 MeHenry, Alexander R., 479 George, 479 James, M. I)., 277, 479 Mollhenny, James, 479 Mcllvaine, Francis, 479 William, 479 Mclhvain, William, 479 Mrlntee, Patrick, 4.80 Macintosh, Rev. John S., 2S. Mclntosli. ( ".eneral, 52 McKean, Josej)!) Hordeti, ,^) Judge, ,s''> 'i'hi mi as, 55, 57, i6S. i 75, Thomas, Jr., tS;> \\'illiam \' , 22 S, 255 McKee, Thomas, .}S ; William, IS; McKeen, Ilenrv, IS; Thou: is, ;v, McKen/.ie, Richard. .}S4 McKeone, Charles, 484 McKeown, Jame->, 4^4 McKil.lien, h.tvid. 1^4 McKihhin, Jeremiah, 484 McKihhon, William, 484 McKieran, Charles, 4.84 McKinla\ , John S.. 484 McKinley, Archibald, 484 McKni-ht, John, .P4 Rol.ert J., 484 Mcl.anghlin, I'rank, 485 Jeremiah, 485 Thomas N.. M. I)., 485 MacLellan, C. J., 4^5 Mcl.onghlin, Con^taiitine, 485 Janie> I-'.., 4\s John (I7-/J). 485 John i 1814;, 485 John I 18671, 485 Pierse, 485 McMahon, George W., 486 I lenry, 486 Hugh, 486 McManns, Charles A., 486 I-' rancis ' 1857^1, 270.486 Francis \ 1861 '<. 486 FVancis, Jr., 486 Patricias, 486 Patrick, 48^ Roderick A., .)^h McMenamin, David, 260, 271, 4 S 6 John F. A., 487 McMichael, Clayton, 271 " Morton. 487 McXab, Nicholas 1'., 487 McNally, James, 487 McNeil, John, 487 McPherson, Major, .} f \ 54 McRean, Thoma- A.. M. I).. 487 McShain, Michael, 488 McShane, P.arnahas, ,]S8 F/ekiel, 488 Mac\'iML;h, \\'avne. 265, 2'vi ; --8 McWade, Robert M.. 244, ;-,S Navv P.ciard. 4;, Nead, William J., 240, 48 , NegllS. J. Mn-le, ,}8() Neiles, ( ieorge, 4^9 THK HIBKRNJAN SOCIFTY. Nesbitt, John Maxwell, 59, 62, 90, 149.489 Jonatlian, 56 Neville, James J., 489 Newell. William, 490 Newman, Hugh. 490 Thomas, 490 Niblo, John, 490 Nichols. Col. Francis, 127, 490 Ilenrv K.. (13, 490 Jeremiah, 490 " William, 490 Nicholson, Captain, 45 John, 490 Nisbet, Michael, 5 Nixon, James, 490 Col. John, 128 Nolan, James, 490 John J., 490 William, 490 Nugent, Kdmund, 491 Oakman, John, 491 O'Brien, James, 239, 491 James A., 491 " John, 491 " L,ieut.~Col. John T. , 491 " Mayor (Boston), 255 " Michael I-'.., 491 " Michael Morgan, 129, 491 " Patrick, 491 " William II., 491 O'Bryan. John Dnross, 491 O'Connor, Capt. Christopher, 491 James, 491 O'Donnell, Hugh. 491 Patrick P., 492 Peter P., 492 Oellers, Richard (".., 492 Officials, I.ist of Public, 16 Officers of the Friendly vSons, 93 of the Hibernian Societv, 31 Ogden, Robert C., 492 < tgle. Thomas, 492 0'IIara, Michael, M. I)., 492 ( I'Kane, Andrew, 493 n'Mcally, Rev. T. J., .493 One Hundred and Sixteenth :'< gt., ( I'NVill, Charles, 493 Hun. Charle<, 235 Charles M., 4^3 John, 493 " Patrick. 49 i Robert. 493 126, ! O'Neill, Thomas, 493 " William C., 493 O'Reilly, Francis C., 494 Col. James, 284, 493 Organi/ation of the F'riendly Suns, 33 " Hibernian ociety, "49 Origin of the Friendly Sons, 27 Orne, James II., 494 O'Rourke, Michael, 494 Thomas, 494 Orth, I lenry, 494 Otto, Jacob S., 494 " Mr-, 52 Owens, Bernard, 495 " Thomas, 495 Panco.-ist, William II., M. P., 495 Paris, Comte de, 298 Park, David, 495 Parker, F.dward, 495 Isaac Brown, 495 " William, 495 Parliamentary Fund, Irish, 288 Passmore, Thomas, 405 Patterson, Christopher S., 495 Hen ry S., M. I)., 495 John (17/9), 129 John (1814), 212, 495 John ( 1882), 495 " Joseph, 264, 496 Richard, 496 Robert, 496 " (k-n. Robert, 187, 278, 231, 234, 278, 280, 281, 497 " Gen. Robert K., 281, 491) Robert M., M. I >., 499 Robert S., 499 Samuel I)., 499 " William, 500 William C., 500 William C., Jr., 500 Patton, George, ,v>o '' James, Jr., 500 " John, i 2, 501 " Samuel A. . 501 " Thomas R., 501 Payne, John K., 501 Penn, Richard, 35, 37, 146 Penn-Gaskell, Thomas, 501 INDKX. 565 : 'cr. rose, Boies, 271 Perkins, Edward ],., 501 1't rmanent l-'und, 240 Peters, Richard, 57 Pettid, Owen \V., 501 Philadelphia in the Revolution, ^S Philbin, John. 501 Phillips, Charles, 501 Capt. William, 501 William M., 501 I'hilson, Alexander, 501 Pit-rce, Hon. William S . . 214 Picrsol, Jeremiah, 501 Joseph N., 501 " William, 501 I'inkerton, John, 501 Pleasants. James, 501 Poalk, Robert, 501 Pojrue, Joseph, 502 Pollock, James, 502 Governor James. 255 John. 502 Oliver, 55, 130, 51 2 Robert, 502 William J.. 502 Pomeroy. Ralph W., 502 Porter, Gen. Andrew, 502 ' Charles A., 503 " Gen. I lorace, 226 James M.. 503 " James M.. 503 " Major Robert, 503 " Samuel, 503 " William, 503 Hon. William A., :.:!. 503 " William G., 504 P< >rtraits. List of. i i potter. Bishop, 253 Richard C., 504 Potts. Re\\ George C.. 191, 504 I owell, Philip, 2; V S, 504 !'o\ver, Tyrone, i Sy, 504 !'' \vers. Thomas J., 504 William, 505 Preface. 3 President. Limitation of Term of, 237 Presidents. Hoard of. 242 < M 1 libernian Shn, .si 15 Prortor, Gen. Thom. is, 50^ I'lirdon. Joseph K.. S 1 >n (Jninlan. Cajit. L'rancis T., 2S7, 507 Quinn, John, 507 Patrick, 507 yuinton, Alexander, 507 RafTerty, Bernard, 507 George J., ,Sf>8 Rainey, Robert, 131. 508 Raleigh, Walter. 5<-S Ralston, Robert, 51 >.S Randol])h, Ivlmund, 161 !! van. 5<*S Rankin, David, 5(vS Hn-h, 5(>S Robert. 5oS Ruinate, Captain, 56 Rea, Thomas C., 508 Read, Admiral George C., 223, 508 Collinson, v s<>.s John M.. 509 " Capt. Thomas, 132 William I'.. 5(19 Reaney, Patrick. 509 Reath, Thomas, 509 Rebellion, 2>Si Redmond, John, 510 Reed, John. 510 Joseph, 510 Robert, 5:0 " Samuel, 510 Samuel L"., 510 William B., 279, 510 Rees, John }'... 510 Rehill, Patrick, 5 10 Reid. John. 510 Reilly, Bernard, 510 Dennis. 5 10 " James. 5:0 " Janus B.. 510 Join: A.. 51 i " John P... 511 " Captain John K., 2S2, 2-Sj Patrick J., 6 Phili]i, 5 i i " Robert I.., ,si I " Thomas, 51 I " Thomas A ., 511 T. Wallace. 511 Rendon. Don 1'., 45, 52, 56 Rt.-nslia\v. Richard, ,S I i William. 51 : Republican Societv, 47 Report of Hi^torv Committee, 9 Reville, Jame< J., 511 Reynolds, James, M. I'., 511 TIIK HIHKRMAN SOCIETY. Reynolds, John, 51 i Rice, Henry, 5 1 1 " Robert, 51 2 Richards, Benjamin \\'., 512 " Joseph, 512 Mark, 51 1 Richardson, Hon. John 1'., 254 William, 512 Riddle, James, 512 John S., 512 Robert, 512 Samuel. 512 Risk, Charles, 513 Richie, Craig I)., 271 George. 513 Robert, 513 Roach, Captain George, 152 Roan tree, William !'., 513 Robins, Thomas, 206, 207, 513 Robinson, Colonel (Kentucky). '.87 John, 513 John. 514 P. Edmund, 514 Colonel Thomas, 32 William, 514 Roche, Thomas J., 514 Rogers, Charles, 514 James, 5 14 John I., 514 " John William, 514 " Maurice, 514 " William, 514 Rolston, William, 514 Roll Rook of Friendly Sons, 66, 201 Roll Book of Hibernian Society, 23^ Roney, Lieutenant George, 514 Thomas, 5 15 Rooker, Mr., 55 Rooney, James, 515 Rosx George, 515 John, 36 Rossiter, John, 515 Roth, Edward, 515 George M., 515 Rush, W-.lliam, M. I)., 515 Riisht'jn. Lieutenant, 198 Ryan, James, 5 15 Matthew A., 515 Michael ].. 515 Mr.. =6 Most Rev. P. J.. 252, 255 Patrick. 516 Patrick T., 516 Sandman, John T., 5 ;6 Savage, John, 516 Sawyer, Hon. Charles W., 255 Sayen, William Henry, 516 Scales, Governor Alfred M., 255 Scanlan, Michael L., 51') Scannel, David, 51(5 Schaffer, Charles, 516 Schlatter, William, 516 Schofield, Gen. J. M., 252, 253 J 5 9 Schumann, Ernst !"., 517 Schuylkill Fishing Company, ; Scotch-Irish, 28 Scott, David. 517 Edward. 517 Hugh, 517 Marshall. 517 " Thomas 11813), 5'7 Thomas { icSgi ), 517 " Colonel Thomas A., 51 ~ William II., 518 " General AVin field S., iS: Sea Captains, Certificates to, >) vSi'arle, James, 147 Secretary's Bond, 242 Salary, 241, 242 Secretaries of Hibernian SocieU, 315 Selfridge, Matthew, 5tS Sellers, David W., 27: Sergeant, Henry, 518 " John, 278, 518 Thomas, 518, Service, John, 519 Shannon, RHvood, 241, 519 Shark ej*, John !'., 519 Sharpnack, Benjamin, 519 Shars\vood, Hon. George, 217. 2:9, 228, 229 Shaw, Isaac, 519 " John, 57 Shea. John. 519 xShee. General John, 132 Sheehan, Joseph, .519 Sheppard, Alexander, ,sig Israel I 1 '., 5 19 Sheridan, General !'- II., 251 Sherman, General William T., 251 Shields, Jame\ 520 John, 520 " John J., 520 Shiell, Dr. Hugh. 133 .Shipley, Thonia>, 520 i Siddall, I-Yank, 520 INDHX. Si'idail, Prank, Ir., 320 Snnmons, John. 321 1 Smipson, Captain, 56 William A., 520 Sims, Rol>ert, 320 Smgerly, William M., 521 Cinnamon, Henry. 521 Smnott. Joseph P'., 521 -:xtv ninth Regiment, 282 -ketches of Friendly Sons. < =; -ketchc< of Hibernian Soculy -levin. Tames, 321 John, 322 -.(an, John V., 522 -mall. John, 322 Peter, 322 Smiley, John McC.. 322 William. 322 '-iv.ith. Charles I-'.mory. 247. 263 Colonel, 3^. .-'i Henry A., 522 Henry Sh river, 322 James, 522 Rev. James. 322 James ]'.., 322 John ; iSo3 i, 322 John ' iS22 . 322 Tohn ' i>S53 1. 322 John P., 270. 322 John M. 323 Montraville IP. 323 Patrick, 323 Patrick S.. 323 Patrick W.. 323 Robert. 323 Thoma^ . 323 William. 37 W ; lliam I-;., 271, 32; William Moore, 5:3 \\"i'iliam W.. 323 Sir vth, George W., 323 " Tames, 324 Samuel, 324 Thoma-- :S('3 , 32.; Thomas i iSSo.. 32.1 William, 324 w '>.( vvi'er. . Colonel A. T,oi:di : . 2. I-'raiik P., 52.: S '>er, Mr.. 37 S.i ".omon, To^i ]>li I.. 324 - 'is. Robert. -2; Speech-making ;.t I)inr.c:>. 225 Spotswo.. 524 St. Andrew's Society, 2^ Steel, Dr., 36 John, =24 " Jo-c; h. 524 " Samuel, 524 vSteele, (lenera: John, 524 Steeii, John I... 52 ; ' Robert. 525 Slender, \\'il;iam S., 525 Stephens, Thomas. 525 Sterling, Henry, 525 Samuel S., 525 Steuben, C.eneral, 52. 54. 55 Stevenson, Augustine, 525 Stewart, George, M. I)., 526 " Col. Charles. 133. 525 Com. Charles, 222. 22.'. David. 526 Hall, 56 " James i :So2 ', 52(1 James i |SM ., 32(1 " James Hood, 527 John i iS,S7 ', 527 John iNS4 . 52; Robert. 56 Thomas < iSU; , 527 Thomas ; 1.^2^1, 527 Col. Thomas J., 527 den. Walter, 13 |. 151, Stillas, John, 327 Stirling, Ivlmund, 6 vStockley, Governor ( Delaware' , William, ,S2S Stokley, Mayor William S.. 230 S'.offel, Patrick W. , 52* Stone. I'rcdcrick I).. 3 Stra\s bridge. John 170" ^2,S Jol-.n i iM'i . 32S Strickhmd. William. 52^ St. 'I'amm-in \ Socit-t \ . 5*' Stuart, Col. ChM>top!u-r, =,2S I ).iv;d i 7QO'. 52S David i iS;3 . 32^ 568 Till-; HIBERNIAN SOCIKTV. Sullivan, John T. , 531 Sunimers, William I). ,531 Sutton, Charles II., 531 Swain, Francis, 531 Swaine, Francis, 531 Sweeney, Edward, 531 Hugh, 531 James F.. 531 Sweeny, Dennis, 531 Doyle, 531 .Miles I)., 531 Swift, Mayor, 193, 207 Tack, John, 531 Tagert, Joseph, 169, 185, 209, 210, 212, S3 1 Taggart, James I',., 532 John, 532 Tatein, James, 532 11 James R., 532 Joseph R., 532 Taylor, George, Jr., 532 Henry J., 532 " James I,., 5, 217, 221, 532 John, 533 Capt. John, 533 John II., 534 John M., 534 I.evi, 534 Robert, 216, 217. 534 Samuel I,., 5, 23*, 534 TelK-r, Henry I!.. 535 Ternent, Colonel, .15 Testimonials to Sea Captains, 169 Tete, Francis, 535 Tevis, P>enjaniin, 535 Tharp, William, 535 Thomas, Edward, 535 John, 535 William vS., 535 Thompson, George, 535 George \V., 535 Jame--, 5 ',5 Judge James. 217, 219, 225 " James C. i : .Si 5 ', 53^ James C. < 1842 , 536 John, s.;6 " J"lin (',.. 536 " JU'lge < Kwa'd. 22 I Robert, 536 \Vi " in !:. , \vi: Thompson, Gen. William, 135 Thomson, William, 536 Thorburn, James, 536 John, 536 Thornburgh, Joseph, 536 Thursby, Kdwanl, 536 Tiernan, Francis, 536 Tieruey, Thomas F.. 536 Til ford, John A., 536 Tilghman, Colonel Tench, 52, Timmons, Dean, 53(1 Timoncv, Dennis, 536 Toasts, April 4, 1791, i*>i Friendlv Sons, 162 March 17, 1793, It3b March 18, 1799, ibS March 17, 1809, 171 March 17, 1813, iSo Marcli 1 8, 1816, 184 March 17, 1838, 190 March iS, 1839, 19, March 17, 1840, 193 March 17, 1841, 195 March 17, 1842, 198 March 17, 1^43, 2*x> March i 7, 1844, 203 March 17, 1846, 205 March 17, 1848, 207 March rS, 1850, 212 March 17, 1851, 212 March 17, 1854, 21 ') March 17, 1855, 216 March 17, 1857, 21 S March 17, 1887, 243 Tobin, Michael, 537 Toland, George W., 537 Henry, 537 Henry, Jr., 537 John I?., 537 Robert, 537 Tomkinson, Andrew S., 537 Town, Col. Thomas J., 537 Tracy, John, 537 Michael, 537 Trainer, Hdward, 537 Henry J., 5;,S John, 538 Treasurer's I'ond, 242 Treasurers of Hibernian Socle' Trunkev, Judije ]< ihn. 23 ', Truscott, Cliarle.s, : ; Tv;i\t un, Ca] il.iin, - i Tucker, fohn, ;^S INDHX. Tuniiey, Job:: r ;,S T \vihill, George A., 538 Thorns I'., 538 Tyler, Robert. 53 s Van Hurkell, Mr., 56 Vance, LieiiU aant, 198 Vannetnan, T. 1 1., 53* \":iux, Hon. Richard, 202, 22i, 539 Yice-1'resident of Hibernian Society, Wales, Prince of', 222 Waite. lion. Morrison R , 252 Walker, William II., 531; Wallace, Kdward 1-., 540 1 lenry. 540 Joshua .M., Jr.. 540 William, 540 William A., 246, 255 Walsh, Philip [., 240, 5 ji > Robert !'.. 540 Wanamaker, John, 540 War for the I'r.ion, 280 " of iSi2, 178 Wanl, Join: A.. 541 John I)., 54; Warwick, Charles !'., 266 Warren, Rolvrl I'.yant, 541 Washington'-, i'.irthday, 173 Washington, Creii. (ieori^e: letters. 47, 136 electii >n, .;'>, So at dinner, ^2, 53, 57, Si first dinner to, 52, Si second dinner to, 53, Si , sentiments towards Irish, 136 Washington. Major, 52 Waters, Hdward, 541 John, 5 (I William II., 541 Watn-s, Charles, 541 Watson, Charles C., Jr., 541 Matthew, 541 Willi ini, 54 i Watt. David, - 1! SaiiHH-1, 54 i " William. 541 Willi. nn W., 541 "Watts, (".en l ; yeilerirk, 541 Wavnc. den. Anthony, 37, 137 William, 04, 542 \\'eir, Silas I-!., 512 Weils, Joseph I... 5)2 W West, John, 139 Col. John, 542 William, 55, 139 William, Jr., 139 Westmoreland Tract of land, 187, 196, 212. 227, 232, 271, 273 \\Vtherill, William. M. D., 543 Whalk-y. Samuel, 543 Wheeler. J. J.. 543 Whclan, Patrick !'... 543 William, 543 William I'.., 214, 543 Whelen, Israel, 543 Jerome, 54;, Whijj Association. 51 Whiskey Insurrection, 174 White, r.isho]), iSo, i,S2, 184 John (1772 i. 139 " John .17901, 543 " John (iS69), 543 Richard P., 543 Whiteley, C,eors;e, 543 James, 543 "White-side, William. 271, 543 Whitten, Alexander, 543 Wi<_;nell, Thomas, 543 Wilton, John, 544 Wikoif, Jacob C., 543 Wiley, John, 544 Wilhere, Maurice I-'., 544 Williams, Jnd-e II. W., 228, 265 John. 544 William, 544 Willis, Seth, 544 Wilson, P.eiijamin 118031, 544 Benjamin . 181(11, 544 r.ov. ]:. wiiiis, 255 J. I.apsley, 5, 240 " James i 1S14 ), 544 '* James \ iSi6. 544 " I Ion. James, do " John, 544 " Joseph, 140 " Motheral, 544 Robert Sterling, 544 " Stewart. 54 J " Thomas. 545 William, 545 William I'.., 545 Withcrow, James P.. 545 \Vol!f. ( )tto. 5 ]5 Woods. William, Joseph, 545 Till-: HIKKRNIAN SOCIKTY Wood>, Robert, 545 William. 545 Woodside, Jame>, 545 John, 545 Workman, Benjamin. Henry \\\ Worrell, Joseph. 545 Wray, Andrew. 545 \Vray, William. 546 Wright. Alexander. = ( Archibald, 5 I Wyle, Kdward R.. 546 Wylie, Rev. Samuel l\.. 54(1 Yankee Clul> of Tyrone, i -6 Voun<^, Andrew, 546 David, 546 " James R., 255 John Russell, 546 Moses. 547 Sheppard < i., 547 William, 5 j~ University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 4VHUAN $Rl qqp