MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, AND THE MAYA INDIANS THE LIBRARY OF PAUL WILKINSON, ESQ. OF MEXICO CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE On Friday, May 7th, 1915 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE AT 6 EAST 23rd STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, MAY 1st, 1915 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE THE LIBRARY OF PAUL WILKINSON, Esq. OF MEXICO CITY COMPRISING LITERATURE RELATING TO MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, AND THE MAYA INDIANS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, MAY 7th, 1915 AT THE HOURS OF 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8:15 IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MAPS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE MAYA INDIANS OF YUCATAN COMPRISING THE EXTENSIVE AND IMPORTANT LIBRARY FORMED DURING THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS BY PAUL \^ILKINSON, ESQ. OF MEXICO CITY TO BE SOLD ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY 1915 4-31 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery o f an y purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days except holidays between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and wnen the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF PAUL WILKINSON, ESQ., MEXICO CITY First Session, Numbers 1 to 350, inclusive FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7th AT 3:00 O'CLOCK 1. ACEEETO (ALBINO). Evolution Historica de les Eelaciones Politicas entre Mexico y Yucatan; GEOGBAFIA Y ESTADISTICA de la Repu- blica Mexicana, several issues; SAEAVIA (MIGUEL C.) Compendio de la Historia de Centre- America, Guatemala, 1880; THOMAS (Cy- RUS). Numeral Systems of Mexico and Central America; and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Together, 72 pieces. Wrappers and unbound. 2. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). De natura novi orbis libri duo, et de promul- gatione Evangelii apud Barbaros. 8vo, old vellum (loose), some- what waterstained. Salmanticae: G. Foquel, 1589 The first edition in Latin, the Spanish translation (Sevilla, 1590) often being mistaken for the first. 3. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). Oraciones devotas que comprenden los Actos de fe, esperanza, caridad, afectos para un cristiano y una oration para pedir una buena muerte en idioma Yucateco. 8vo, original wrappers. EXTEEMELY BABE. Merida de Yucatan, 1851 4. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). The same. Photographic reproduction. 5. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). Oraciones devotas en idioma Yucateco. Photo- graphic reproduction. 16pp., 16mo. Merida de Yucatan, 1851 6. ADAM (LuciEN). Examen Grammatical Compare de Seize Langues Americaines. Folding plates, showing the same words in fifteen different tongues, including Maya, Dakota, Chippeway, etc. 8vo, leather back and boards. Paris, 1878 7. ADAM (LuciEN). La Langue Chiapaneque. Observations Grammati- cales, Vocabulaire Methodique, Textes Inedits, Textes Eetablis. 8vo, cloth. Vienne, 1887 8. ADAM (LuciEN). Langue Mosquito, Grammaire, Vocabulaire, Textes. 8vo, wrappers, in board covers. Paris, 1891 9. AGUIEEE-CINTA (RAFAEL). Lecciones de Historia General de Guate- mala. Illustrated. 248pp. 8vo, wrappers. Guatemala, 1899 With Dr. N. Leon's stamp on cover. 10. ALBOKNOZ (JUAN DE). Arte de lengua Chiapaneca. Y Doctrina Cris- tiana en la misma lengua, por Luis Barrientos. 8vo, vellum, inner margins perforated. Paris, 1875 11. ALEJANDRE (MARCELO). Cartilla Huasteca con su Gramatica, Diccion- ario, y varias reglas para aprender el idioma. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1890 12. ALMEIDA (P. E. C. PEDRO). Un Mejicano. El Pecado de Adan. Poema. Doce jornadas en doce cantos, con notas alusivas a los sucesos de la independencia Mejicana en general, y relativamente a esta penin- sula de Yucatan. 8vo, half calf. Merida de Yucatan, 1838 VERY RARE. This poem is by a Yucatan author of a distinguished family, who on account of writing it, and his abuse of religion in same, was disowned, and practically all of the copies of the volume destroyed. From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 13. ALPUCHE (NESTOR KUBIO). Belice. Apuntes Historicos y Coleccion de Tratados Internacionales relatives a esta Colonia Britanica. Fold- ing maps. 194pp. 8vo, wrappers. Merida, Yucatan, 1894 Concerns the British "Settlement" of Belize, which was quietly changed to a British "Colony." 14. ALTAMIRANO (M. IGNACIO). Memoria presentada a la Sociedad Mexi- cana de Geografia y Estadistica. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, broken. Mexico, 1887 15. ALUARADO (FRANCISCO DE). Vocabulario en lengua Misteca, hecho por los Padres de la Orden de Predicadores, y ultimamente recopilado, y acabado. A WELL WRITTEN" MANUSCRIPT COPY, on about 300 folio sheets, loose in portfolio. Copied from a transcript of the rare original of 1593, facsimile title of which is laid in. 16. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the American Eth- nological Society. Vols. 1 and 2. Folding maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, one cloth, one half calf, rubbed. New York, 1845-1848 Contains, Notes on the Semi-Civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan and Central America, by Albert Gallatin; Observations respecting the Grave Creek Mound in Western Virginia, by Henry R. Schoolcraf t ; etc. 17. ANCONA (ELIGIO). La Cruz y La Espada. Novela historica. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Paris, 1866 18. ANCONA (ELIGIO). Los Martires del Aiiahuac. ISTovela historica. Illus- trated. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, half bound. Stamp on title. Mexico, 1870 19. ANCONA (ELIGIO). Historia de Yucatan, desde la Epoca mas remota hasta nuestros dias. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. 5 vols, half red roan, rubbed, and stamped in places. Merida, 1878-1905 It is seldom that the fifth volume in the first edition accompanies the set, issued as it was many years after the others. The work embodies the history of the Peninsula from prehistoric times to a recent period. 20. AXCOXA (ELIGIO). Another set of the above. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, sheep, stamp of Alfred Chavero on each title. Barcelona, 1889-1905 Volumes I. to IV. second and revised edition, Vol. V. first edition. 21. AXCOXA (ELIGIO). Compendio de la Historia de la Peninsula de Yuca- tan. 84pp. 12mo, wrappers. 22. AXCOXA (ELIGIO). La Mestiza. Novela original. Colored front wrap- per bound in. 12mo, half roan and boards. Mexico, 1891 23. AXDRADE (VICENTE DE P.). Ensayo Bibliografico Mexicano del Siglo XVII. Portrait of the author and numerous facsimiles of titles of rare works, also several photographic facsimiles,, laid in. Thick 8vo, half calf, fore edges uncut. Mexico, 1899 Published by the Mexican Government, this fine work gives a full description of all books printed in the City of Mexico during the seven- teenth century, and the titles of those printed in Puebla during the same period. The edition was limited. From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate, and numerous notes and corrections by him. At the end are bound 88 pages of the first edition of the work, 1894. 24. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Memoirs of the Anthropolog- ical Society. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Numerous illustrations, some folding. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, some pages spotted. London, 1865-1869 Contains articles by eminent authorities on Introduction to the Palaeog- raphy of America, Phallic Worship of India, The Fishing Indians of Vancouver's Island ; Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Yucatan, Remarks on Indian Gnosticism, or Sacti Paja the Worship of the Female Powers ; etc. 25. ARCHAEOLOGY. University of Pennsylvania. Transactions of the De- partment of Archaeology. Vols. 1 and 2. Numerous illustrations,' some in color. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, rebound in cloth. Philadelphia, 1904-1906 Contains George Byron Gordon's Chronological Sequence on the Maya Ruins of Central America, etc. 26. ARCHAEOLOGIA AMERICANA. Transactions and Collections of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society. Volume 1. Vignette on title. 8vo, old boards, totally uncut. Worcester, Mass, 1820 Contains Caleb Atwater's Description of the Antiquities discovered in the State of Ohio and other Western States; John Johnston's Present State of the Indian Tribes ; etc. 27. ARCHAEOLOGIA AMERICANA. Transactions and Collections of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society. Volume II. Folding map in colors. 8vo. boards, and cloth, uncut. Stamp on half-title. Cambridge, 1836 Contains Albert Gallatin's Synopsis of the Indian Tribes of North America ; Col. Juan Galindo's Description of the Ruins of Copan, in Central America; etc. 28. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. First Annual Report, with accompanying Papers. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, stamp of Alfred Chavero on title. Cambridge, 1880 Contains Lewis H. Morgan's Study of the Houses of the American Aborigines, with a scheme of exploration of the ruins in New Mexico ; etc. 29. AECHIVES de la Commission Scientifique du Mexique. Folding plates. some of which are colored, including facsimile of a fine Mexican manuscript from the Boban collection, also in colors. 3 vols. 8vo. half roan and boards. Paris, 1865-1867 A series of highly scientific reports of authorities who undertook a trip to Mexico for the purpose of investigating the archaeology, history, zoology, anthropology, etc., of that country. 30. AVEDANO CHRONICLE. A rare manuscript (never published) part of 3 vols. folio, "Misiones del Norte y Yucatan/' dated 1695-6 by Ave- dano, from the Ramirez collection and sold by Bernard Quaritch. A photographic copy. 135 pp. of the third vol. dealing with the Itzas-Cehaches of Yucatan. Has at end a fine manuscript map of the Peten-Itza region. (See Reproduction) 31. AZTECS. The Aztec Calendar, or, The Sun Stone with the Interpreta- tion of Its Figures. 2 ft. 4 inch, x 3 ft. Two copies, one mounted on linen, lower margin (not affecting plate) is slightly imperfect; Cuadro Historico-Geroglifico de la Peregrinacion de las Tribus Az- tecas que poblaron el valle de Mexico; and another regarding the Aztecs. Together, 5 pieces. 32. BAILY (JOHN). Central America, describing each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, their natural features, etc. With the large folding map, backed with linen. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 33. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). The Works of Bancroft. Numerous maps, some folding, and some in colors. 27 vols., 8vo, 25 in sheep, 2 in cloth, some slightly rubbed. Not returnable. San Francisco, 1883-1887 From the Library of Dr. Nicolas Leon, with his bookplate in some volumes, and with manuscript notes by him. The collection comprises, Native Races, 5 vols. complete; History of Central America, 2 vols. com- plete; History of Mexico, 5 vols. complete; The North Mexican States and Texas, 2 vols. complete; History of California, 3 vols. complete; Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, complete; History of the North West Coast, 2 vols. complete; Washington, Idaho and Montana, complete; His- tory of British Columbia, complete; History of Alaska, complete; Cali- fornia, complete; California Inter Pocula, complete; Popular Tribulans, 2 vols. complete. 34. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). Vida de Porfirio Diaz. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1887 From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 35. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). Historia de Mejico. Illustrated. 8vo. half roan. Stamp on title. San Francisco, 1887 36. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). Another collection of his writings. Num- erous maps, etc. 13 vols. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1890 Comprises, Native Races, Vol. 2 only, should be 5 vols. ; History of Central America, Vol. 3 only, should be 3 vols. ; History of Mexico, Vol. 6 only, should be 6 vols. ; Arizona and New Mexico, complete ; History of California, Vols. 4, 5, 6, 7, should be 7 vols. ; History of Utah, complete ; History of Oregon, 2 vols. complete ; Essays and Miscellany, complete ; and Literary Industries, complete. ^SKW^ AVEDANO CHRONICLE (See No. 30) 37. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). Eecursos y Desarroilo de Mexico. Illus- trated. Svo, cloth. San Francisco, 1893 From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 38. BAQUEIRO (SERAPIO). Ensayo Historico sobre las Revoluciones de Yuca- tan desde el ano de 1840 hasta 1864. 3 vols. Svo, sheep, several stamps in places and a few pages worn. Merida, 1871-1879-1881 An important work. 39. BAQUEIRO (SERAPIO). Ensayo Historico sobre Las Revoluciones de Yucatan, desde el ano de 1840 hasta 1864. Portrait of General Riva Palacio. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan. Merida, 1878-1879 In 1887 a third volume was issued, which does not accompany the above set. The work is dedicated to General Vicente Riva Palacio, and con- tains a brief biography of him by Francisco Sosa. 40. BAQUEIRO (SERAPIO). Resena Geografica, Historica y Estadistica del Estado de Yucatan, etc. With folding tables. 8vo, half calf. Stamp of Alfred Chavero on title, and with his bookplate. Mexico, 1881 Autograph presentation copy, from the author, with inscription, in an- other hand. 41. BARBACHANO (TOMAS AZNA) Y CARBO (JuAtf). Memoria sobre la Con- venienca. Utilidad y Xecesidad de la Ereccion Constitucional del Estado de Campeche. 8vo, boards, calf back. Mexico, 1861 Presentation copy from the authors. 42. BARBERENA (DR. SANTIAGO I.). Quicheismos. Contribucion al estudio del Folklore Americano. Primera serie (all issued ?). Portrait of the author. 12mo, half roan. San Salvador, n. d. 43. BASTIAN (ADOLF). Ethnologische Forschungen, und sammlung von ma- terial fur dieselben. 8vo, rebound in cloth. Jena, 1873 44. BATRES (Luis). Centro-America. Su presente, su pasado y porvenir. Primera parte (all issued). Royal 8vo, wrappers. San Jose de Costa-Rica, 1879 45. BELTRAN (FR. PEDRO). Arte de el idioma Maya reducido a succintas reglas, y semilexicon Yucateco. 187pp. Svo, sheets. Mexico, 1746 Photographic reproduction of the rare original edition. 46. BELTRAN (FR. PEDRO). Doctrina Christiana en lengua Maya. 24pp. Svo. Merida de Yucatan, 1816 A photographic copy of a unique imprint, but one copy known; un- known to Medina ; printed on the first press in Yucatan by a printer not mentioned in that writer's Imprenta en Merida. 47. BELTRAN (FR. PEDRO). Arte del idioma Maya reducido a succintas reglas, y Semilexicon Yucateco. Square Svo, half calf. Merida de Yucatan: J. D. Espinosa, 1859 48. BELTRAX (Fn. PEDRO). Arte del idioma Maya reducido a succintas reglas, y semilexicon Yucateco. 8vo, cloth. With marginal notes in red ink copied from autograph manuscript notes by the author in a transcript of the first edition of the work. Merida de Yucatan, 1859 From the library of A. Chavero, with bookplate and stamp on title. 49. B[ERENDT] C. H.). Cartilla en lengua Maya, para la ensenanza de los ninos indigenes, 16 mo, unbound. RARE. Merida, (Yucatan), 1871 50. BERISTAIN DE SOUZA. (Jose Mariano). Biblioteca Hispano Americana Septentrional, A-Slazar. Thick 12mo, leather portfolio, inner edges perforated. Mexico, 1882-83 From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with some manuscript notes, and his bookplate. 51. BERISTAIN DE SOUZA (JosE MARIANO). Biblioteca Hispano Americana Septentrional. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. Amecameca, 1883 Santiago de Chile, 1897 Seldom found complete, the fourth volume having been issued many years after the preceding volumes. 52. BIBLIOTECA de autores Espanoles desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias. Historiadores primitives de Indias: Coleccion di- rigida e ilustrada por Enrique de Vedia (Lopez de Gomara, Fer- nando Cortes, Conquista de Mejico, Pedro de Albarado, L. Her- nandez de Oviedo, Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Diaz del Castillo, P. Cieza de Leon, Agustin de Zarate, etc.). 2 vols. royal 8vo, Spanish calf. Madrid, 1877-1906 53. BIBLIOTECA HISTORICA de la Iberia. Cartas de Hernan Cortes; Con- quista de Mexico, por F. Lopez de Gomara, 2 vols. ; Conquista de la Nueva Espana, por Diaz del Castillo, 3 vols.; Teatro Mexicano, por A. de Vetancurt, 4 vols. ; Historia de la America Septentrional, por L. Boturini Benaducci; Escritos sueltos de Hernan Cortes; Instrucciones de los Vireyes de la Nueva Espana, 2 vols.; Cronica de la Provincia de Michocan, por Fr. Pablo Beaumont, 5 vols. ; In- formacion de Mexico y Puebla, 1565. Together, 20 vols. 12mo, Spanish calf. Mexico, 1870-75 COMPLETE SETS OF THE ABOVE ABE EXTREMELY SCARCE. 54. BOBAN COLLECTION". Catalogue of the Extensive Archaeological Collec- tion of Monsieur Eugene Boban, comprising Antiquities of Mexico, etc., 8vo, sheep. New York, 1886 Part two, in wrappers laid in. Comprises more than 3,000 lots, and priced throughout. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 55. BOLETIX Bibliografico Espanol. Vol. 1. 8vo, Spanish calf. Madrid, 1898 56. BOLETIN de la Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica de la Eepublica Mex- icana. Segunda Epoca complete. Folding maps, facsimiles, por- traits, etc. 4 vols. royal 8vo, full purple leather, backs faded. Mexico, 1869-1872 57. BOLETIX de la Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica de la Eepiiblica Mexicana. Tercera Epoca complete. Folding maps and plates. 6 vols. in 5, 8vo, full purple leather, backs faded. Mexico, 1873-1882 58. BOLETIX de la Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica de la Eepiiblica Mex- icana. Cuarta Epoca complete. Numerous fine folding maps and plates. 4 vols. 8vo, full purple leather, different in shade. Mexico, 1888-1897 59. BOLETIX de la Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica de la Eepiiblica Mexicana. Quinta Epoca. Numerous fine folding maps and other plates. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, full purple leather. Mexico, 1902-1912 60. BOLETIX del Institute Nacional de Geografia y Estadistica de la Ee- publica Mexicana. Vol. 1. Maps and tables. 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1850 61.. BOLETIX del Institute Nacional de Geografia y Estadistica de la Ee- piiblica Mexicana. Numerous folding maps, a few extra views in- serted. 12 vols. bound in 9, royal 8vo, half leather,' the final two volumes not uniform with the preceding volumes. Mexico, 1861-1865 COMPLETE SET. Contains a vast amount of geographical, statistical and philological information relative to Mexico. From the Library of Alfredo Chavero, with his stamp on some titles. Continued as "Boletin de la Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica." 62. BOXILLA (JOSEPH ZAMBKAXO). Arte de Lengua Totonaca, conforme a el Arte de Antonio Nebrija; lleva anadido una Doctrina de la lengua de Naolingo con agunas vozes de la lengua d,e aquella Sierra y de esta de Aca; su autor D. Francisco Dominguez. 4to, original vellum, somewhat wormed, and title and 6 preliminary leaves con- taining dedication badly damaged by a mouse. [Mexico] Viuda de Miguel de Ortega, 1752 EXTREMELY RARE. The Totonac dialect, spoken in the Northern parts of the Province of Puebla, and in part of the Province of Vera Cruz, is allied to both the Maya and Aztec languages. 63. BOSQUEJO HISTORICO de la agregacion a Mexico de Chiapas y Soconusco. Coleccion de documentos oficiales. Vol. 1. Folio, half calf. Mexico, 1877 64. BOWDITCH (CHARLES P.). The Numeration, Calendar Systems and Astronomical Knowledge of the Mayas. Numerous fine plates. Eoyal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1910 Privately Printed. 65. BOWDITCH (CHARLES P.). On the Age of Maya Euins. The Temples of the Cross; A suggestive Maya Inscription, and other similar pamphlets, by the same writer. Together, 19 pieces, wrappers and unbound. 66. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Lettres pour servir d'introduction a 1'Histoire Primitive des Nations Civilisees de 1'Amerique Septen- trionale. Small folio, morocco back and boards. Mexico, 1851 Probably the rarest of the Abb6's publications. Text in French and Spanish, in parallel columns. 67. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Histoire du Canada, de Son figlise et de ses Missions, depuis la decouverte de 1'Amerique jusqu' a nos jours, ecrite sur des Documents inedits compulses dans les Archives de 1'Archeveche de la Yille de Quebec. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half roan, binding poor. Paris, 1852 Bound in at the end is Observations sur un ouvrage intitule Histoire du Canada, par M. l'Abb6 Brasseur de Bourbourg . . . par J. B. A. Fer- land, Paris, 1854, 94pp. 68. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Histoire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de PAmerique-Centrale, durant les siecles anterierurs a Christophe Colomb, ecrite sur des documents originaux et en- tierement inedits, prises aux anciennes archives des indigenes, 4 vols. royal 8vo, half moroccO, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1857-1859 A .large map accompanies some copies. It does not accompany the above. Volume I contains the heroic times and the history of the empire of the Toltecas, Volume II the history of Yucatan and Guatemala, and that of Anahuac, during the Aztec middle ages to the foundation of the kingdom of Mexico, Volume III. the history of the States of Michoacan and Oaxaca, and of the empire of Anahuac to the arrival of the Spaniards, religions, science of the Aztecs, Volume IV. the conquest of Mexico, Michoacan, Guatemala, etc. 69. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Popul Vuh. Le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de 1'Antiquite Americaine. 367pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1861 70. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Voyages sur 1'Isthme de Tehuan- tepec dans 1'fitat de Chiapas et la Eepublique de Guatemala, ex- ecute dans les annees 1859 et 1860. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1861 71. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Grammaire de la Langue Quichee Espagnole-Francaise . . . ouvrage accompagne de notes Philo- logiques, avec un vocabulaire . . . et suivi d'un Essai sur la Poesie, la Musique, la Danse et 1'art Dramatique chez les Mexicains et les Guatemalteques avant la Conquete, servant d'introduction an. Eabinal-Achi, drame indigene avec sa Musique originale, texte Quiche et traduction Francaise en Eegard. 8vo, morocco back and boards. Paris, 1862 72. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Eelation des Choses de Yucatan de Diego de Landa. Texte Espagnol et traduction Frangaise en re- gard comprenant les signes du calendrier et de 1'alphabet hiero- glyphique de la langue Maya, accompagnee de documents divers his- toriques et chroiiologiques, avec une grammaire et un vocabulaire ^ abreges Francais-Maya. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. Paris, 1864 73. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). S'il Existe des Sources de L'His- toire Primitive du Mexique dans les Monuments figyptiens et de L'Histoire Primitive de L'Ancien Monde dans les Monuments Americains? 146pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1864 74. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Eecherches sur les Ruines de Palenque et sur les Origines de la Civilisation du Mexique. Text only. Folio, cloth, morocco back. Paris, 1866 With stamp and bookplate of Alfredo Chavero. 75. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Another copy. 83 pp. Royal 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris, undated 76. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (I/ ABBE). Quatre Letters sur Le Mexique. Exposition absolue du systeme hieroglyphique Mexicain, la fin de Fage de pierre, epoque glaciaire temporaire, etc., d'apres le Teo- Amoxtli et autres documents Mexicains. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1868 The stamp of Lie. Emilio Pardo on four different pages. 77. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le Systeme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas. Profusely illustrated with chromolitho graphic plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. royal 4to, half roan, uncut, original wrappers bound in, somewhat stained, as usual. Paris, 1869-1870 Contains the supplement, usually missing, "Supplement au Systeme d'ln- terpretation des Signes Hieroglyphiques . et du Lecture du Manuscrit Troano." ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THE WBITEBS'S PUBLICATIONS. 78. BBASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Bibliotheque Mexico-Guatemal- ienne precedee d'un coup-d'oeil sur les etudes Americaines. 183 pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1871 Contains a large number of valuable bibliographical notes. 79. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Dictionnaire, G-rammaire et Chres- tomathie de La Langue Maya, precedes d'une fitude sur le Systeme Graphique des indigenes du Yucatan (Mexique). 4to, morocco back and boards. Paris, 1872 Several manuscript annotations on the margins have been made by a former owner. 80. BRIGHAM (WILLIAM T.). Guatemala, the Land of the Quetzal. Numer- ous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1887 81. BRINE (LINDESAY). Travels amongst American Indians; their ancient Earthworks and Temples. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1894 82. BRINE (LINDESAY). On the Ruined Cities of Central America; MEMOIR of an Eventful Expedition into Central America ... de- scribed by John L. Stephens; HOUGH (WALTER). Censers and In- cense of Mexico and Central America; ESCRITORES Eclesiasticos de Mexico, 6 bibliografia historica eclesiastica, Mexicana, por el Pres- bitero Br. Fortino Hipolito; (MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ.) La Crea- cion del Mundo segun los Mayas. 3 copies, and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Together, 53 pieces. Wrappers and unbound. V. p. v. d. 83. BRINLEY CATALOGUE OF AMERICANA. Catalogue of the American Li- brary of the late Mr. George Brinley. 5 parts, 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. Hartford-Boston, 1878-1893 Reprint of part one. Each part contains the printed prices. There is no Index. 84. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Arawack Language of Guiana, in its Lin- guistic and Ethnological Relations. 4to, wrappers, 18 pp. Philadelphia, 1871 Shows that the natives of the Bahamas and Antilles are of Arawack stock. Contains an analytical vocabulary of the Taino, or native language of Haiti. 85. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Myths of the Old World. A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. Second Edition. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1876 86. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Religious Sentiment, its Source and Aim. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1876 A general examination of the origin of religions. 87. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Names of the Gods in the Kiche Myths., Central America, 1881; A Primer of Mayan Hieroglyphics, un- dated. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, worn, latter without cover. The first-named is an autograph presentation copy from the author, and is an analysis of the names of the divinities mentioned in the Popol Vuh, also, an attempt to define their attributes. 88. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). American Hero-Myths. A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1882 Presentation copy from the author. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his stamp on title and bookplate. The work is a monograph on the myth of the "culture hero" or legendary civilizer and tribal deity so com- mon among American tribes. 89. BRINTON (DANIEL G.) The Maya Chronicles. Edited by D. G. Brinton. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1882 Number I. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature, containing five brief chronicles in the Maya language of Yucatan, written shortly after the conquest, and carrying the history of that people back many centuries. A vocabulary is added at the end. Several MS. cor- rections of the text by Mr. Wilkinson. 90. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). Aboriginal American Literature and their Pro- ductions. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1883 Presentation copy from the author. Gives a list of authors belonging to native American tribes and notices of the works composed by them in their own languages. 91. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). Hale (Horatio Editor). The Iroquois Book of Eites. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1883 Number II. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. 92. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). The Giieguence; a Comedy Ballet in the Na- huatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1883 Number III. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. From the Library of Dr. H. Leon, with his bookplate. A curious and unique specimen of the native comic dances, with dialogues, called bailes, formerly common in Central America. It is in mixed Nahuatl- Spanish jargon of Nicaragua. 93. [BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.).] Gatschet (Albert S.). A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians. Volume 1. 8vo, cloth*, uncut. And another, (see below). Together, 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1884 Number IV. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. The completion of the work did not make its appearance in the Brinton series, due to a quarrel between Dr. Brinton and Gatschet, but was issued, as pages 33-207 of the Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, 1888, under the title of "Tchikilli's Kasi'hta Legend in the Creek and Hitchiti Languages, with a critical commentary and full glossaries to both texts. By Albert S. Gatschet." A copy accompanies the above, making two volumes. 94. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). The Lenape and their Legends; with the com- plete Text and Symbols of the Walam Olum. 8vo, rebound in cloth. Philadelphia, 1885 Number V. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. Contains the complete text and symbols, 184 in number, of the Walum Olum, or Red Score of the Delaware Indians, with the full original text, and a new translation, notes and vocabulary. 95. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). The Annals of the Cakchiquels. The original Text, with a Translation, STotes and Introduction. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1885 Number VI* of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Dr. N. Leon, with in- scription, and with the recipient's bookplate. This may be considered one of the most important historical documents relating to the pre-Columbian period. 96. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). The Philosophic Grammar of American Lan- guages, as set forth by Wilhelm von Humboldt. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1885 Presentation copy from the author. 97. BRIXTOX (DAXIEL G.). A Lenape-English Dictionary. From an anony- mous Ms. in the Archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1888 Edited by Brinton and Albert Seqaqkind Anthony, it can be regarded as a standard dictionary of the old Lenape, or Delaware language. 98. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Ifacettes of Love; from Browning, 35pp. 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, [1888] Presentation copy from the author. The work, which was printed by request, is a study of the passion of love as illustrated in the works of Robert Browning principally. 99. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Ancient Nahuatl Poetry, containing the Na- huatl Text of XXVII Ancient Mexican Poems. With a Transla- tion, Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary, by D. G. Brinton. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1890 Number VII. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. 100. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Essays of an Americanist; Ethnologic and Archaeologic. Mythology and Folk Lore, Graphic Systems and Literature, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 Presentation copy from the author. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 101. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Eig Veda Americanus. Sacred Songs of the Ancient Mexicans, with a Gloss in ISTahuatl. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1890 Number VIII. of Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. Presents the original text with a glossary of Nahuatl of twenty sacred chants of the ancient Mexicans. 102. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Nagualism. A Study in Native American Folk-Lore and History. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1894 Presentation copy from the author. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. Describes this secret cult which has survived from heathen times among the natives of Mexico and Central America. 103. BRINTON (DANIEL G.) The American Eace, New York, 1891: Maria Candelaria. An Historic Drama from American Aboriginal Life. Frontispiece. Philadelphia, 1897. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth and wrappers. The last-named is based upon an episode of the rising of the Tzentals in 1712. 104. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). A Eecord of Study in Aboriginal American Language. 24pp. 8vo, wrappers. Media, Pa.: Printed for Private Distribution, 1898 Presentation copy from the author. Is a descriptive analysis of the author's published work on American languages. 105. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Anthropology, as a Science and as a branch of University Education in the United States, 1892; Brinton Me- morial Meeting. Eeport of the Memorial Meeting ... in honor of the late Daniel G. Brinton. Portrait. Philadelphia, 1900. To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. The last-named contains a bibliography of the writings of Brinton by Stewart Culin. 106. BRINTOX (DANIEL G.). A Primer of Mayan Hieroglyphics. Illus- trated. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston, n. d. Presentation copy from the author to Dr. N. Leon. 107. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). A Primer of Mayan Hieroglyphics. 8vo, boards, cloth back, Philadelphia, undated; Studies in South Ameri- can Native Languages, from Mss. and rare printed sources. To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1892 The last-named contains ten studies, including those of the Tacana language ; Jivaro language ; Leca language ; etc. 108. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). The Missing Authorities on Mayan Antiquities; Variations in the Human Skeleton and their Causes; An Ancient Human Footprint from Nicaragua; A Grammar of the Cakchiquel Language of Guatemala; American Languages and why we should Study them; On the so-called Alaguilac Language of Guatemala; Notes on the Mangue; The Language of Palaeolithic Man; The Linguistic Cartography of the Chaco Region ; The New Poetic Form as shown in Browning; The Native Calendar of Central America and Mexico ; On the Xinca Indians of Guatemala ; The Dwarf Tribe . of the Upper Amazon; The Archaeology of Cuba, and many others of a similar nature. ALL OF WHICH ARE BY THE SAME WRITER. Some illustrated. Together, (about) 75 pieces, wrappers or un- bound. A VERY UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF THIS WELL-KNOWN ARCHAEOLOGIST'S WRITINGS. Some are excerpts, others, separate productions, and some, presentation copies from the author. 109. BBINTOX (DANIEL G.). The Pursuit of Happiness, 1902; Giordano Bruno; Philosopher and Martyr. Two Addresses, by Brinton and T. Davidson, 1890; Eaces and Peoples. Lectures on the Science of Ethnography, 1901. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, v. d. The second-named contains a printed letter from Walt Whitman. 110. CABRERA (A. J.). La Huasteca Potosina, ligeros apuntes sobre este pais. Square 8vo, paper covers, name on title. San Luis Potosi, 1876 111. CABRERA (PAUL FELIX). Description of the Euins of an Ancient City discovered near Palenque in the Kingdom of Guatemala . . . Translated from the original Eeport of Captain Don Antonio Del Eio, followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or a critical investiga- tion and research into the History of the Americana. Numerous fine plates. 4to, old half calf, somewhat rubbed. London, 1822 112. CALENDARIO de los Indios de Guatemala, 1722. Kiche. Copiado (by Berendt) en la Ciudad de Guatemala, April, 1877. 62pp. 8vo. Photographic reproduction limited to a very few copies. 113. CALBNDARIO de los Indies de Guatemala, 1685. Cakchiquel. Copiado (by Berendt) en la Ciudad de Guatemala, Marzo, 1878. Photo- graphic reproduction limited to a very few copies. 27pp. 8vo. 114. CALIFORNIA. Las Misiones de la Alta California. Tomo II Archive y Biblioteca de la Secretaria de Hacienda, Coleccion de Documentos Historicos. 267pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1914 115. CARDENAS (JUAN DE). Primera Parte de los Problemas y Secretos Marauillosos de Las Indias. 223pp. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1913 Reprint of the rare original of 1591. 116. CARRANZA (BALTASAR DORAXTES DE).. Sumaria Relacion de las cosas de la Nueva Espana, con Xoticia individual de los descendientes legitimos de los Conquistadores y primeros Pobladores EspafLoles. 8vo, cloth. Mexico, 1902 From the Library of Alfredo Chavero, with his stamp on title and his bookplate. 117. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXCIO). Compendio de la Historia de Yuca- tan, precedido del de su Geografia y dispuesto en forma de lecciones, etc. 12mo, full morocco, gilt edges. Merida,, 1871 Contains several pages of manuscript annotations in pencil by a former owner. One of the special copies with a presentation leaf printed in gilt letters. 118. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXCIO). Another copy of the preceding. The ordinary edition. 12mo, cloth. Stamp on half-title. Merida, 1871 119. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXCIO). Historia Antigua de Yucatan Seguida de las Disertaciones del mismo autor relativas al propio asunto. Folding plate. Thick 12mo, half roan. Merida de Yucatan, 1883 This rare history, by the Bishop of Yucatan, is the best ever written on the subject. 120. CARRILLO Y ANCOXA (CRESCENCIO). Another copy of the same. In similar binding. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with autograph inscription of sev- eral lines, to Dr. Nicolas Leon, with bookplates of. Dr. Leon and the author, and a signed photograph of the latter. 121. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXCIO). Estudios Historicos y Arqueo- logicos, 17pp.; La Isla de Arenas, cover slightly torn, 21pp.; Edicto acerca da Las Fiestas de Nuestra Senora de Guadeloupe y del Jubileo Sacerdotal de Su Santidad el Papa Senor Leon XIII, 12pp. ; El Arbol de Luz, Historia del Santisimo Cristo de Las Am- pollas, 24pp.; D. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta y la Historia Guada- lupana. Photograph, llpp. 8vo, wrappers. Together, 5 pieces. Mexico, 1886-1896 Presentation copy of El Arbol de Luz, from Arturo Garnboa Guzman. 122. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXDO). El Obispado de Yucatan. His- toria de Su Fundacion y de sus Obispos desde el siglo XVI hasta el XIX, etc. Numerous portraits. Thick royal 8vo, half calf, un- cut. Merida de Yucatan, 1892 From the library of Dr. Nicolas Leon, with his bookplate. Laid in is the rare supplement, 28pp. bringing the work down to 1897. This little known volume is a veritable history of Yucatan from the church standpoint. 123. CAEEILLO y AXCOXA (CRESCEXCIO). Disertacion sobre la historia de la lengua Maya o Yucateca, Mexico, 1872 ; Disertacion sobre la literatura antigua de Yucatan. In one volume, small folio. Span- ish calf. N. p. n. a. Two very rare items. 124. CARRILLO Y AXCOXA (CRESCEXDO). Carta sobre la Historia Primitiva de la Fiebre Amarilla, 1892; El Fraile de La Calavera . . . 1782- 1882, 1892; Estudio Filologico sobre El Nombre de America y el de Yucatan, 1890; El Fraile de La Calavera, 1892; El Origen de Belice, 1879; Catecismo de Historia y de Geografia de Yucatan, undated; Compendio de la Historia de Yucatan, 1904, and two simi- lar works by the same writer. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, and 8vo, wrappers and unbound. V. p. v. d. 125. CARTAS DE IXDIAS, publicalas por Primera Vez. el Ministerio de Fo- mento. Map, facsimiles arid plates. Thick folio, boards, cloth back, uncut. Madrid, 1877 Facsimiles of reports by Columbus, Americus Vespucci, B. de Las Casas and other discoverers and explorers of the New World. With bookplate and stamp of Alfredo Chavero. 126. CARTAS de religiosos de Xueva Espafia, 1539-94. 8vo, half morocco. ' Mexico, 1886 Edition limited to 200 copies. 127. CARTE DE HIDALGUIA, in favor of the brothers Don Fransisco and Don Juan Manuel del Ribero y Casares. MAXUSCRIPT ox VELLUM, written in elegant italic characters, each page within ruled red . lines. With the arms of Ribero y Casares painted in gold, silver and colors on the first page, the beginning of the text in gold and red within fine and elegant ornaments painted in various colors, and with two pretty miniature vignettes and initials. 29pp. small folio, contemporary red velvet. Madrid, 1759 AN UNUSUALLY WELL WRITTEN AND ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. 128. CARTILLA y Doctrina espiritual, para la crianza y educacion de los novicios, que tomaren el habito en la orden de nuestro Padre San Francisco. 8vo, original vellum. EARE. Mexico : Viuda de M. de Rivera Calderon, 1721 129. CASA. Doctrina y Confessionario en lengua Ixil, precedido de un corto modo para aprender la lingua, y Ritual de Matrimonio, 1824. 44 pp. Photographic reproduction, from the original manuscript, and of which but few were issued. This is the 'only known work in this dialect of the Maya language of Yucatan. 130. CASTILLO (GERONIMO). Diccionario Historico, Biografico y monumental de Yucatan. Vol 1. (ALL PUBLISHED). A-E. 8vo, Spanish calf. Somewhat foxed. EAEE. Merida, 1866 131. CASTILLO (GERONTMO). Diccionario Historico, Biografico y Monumen- tal de Yucatan, desde la Conquista hasta el ultimo ario de la Domi- nacion Espanola en el pais. Tomo 1. 8vo, half calf, some pages soiled. Merida, 1866 ALL EVER ISSUED. RARE. 132. CATALOGUES. A collection of about 160 catalogues, many of which are from the house of Bernard Quaritch, including his Bibliotheca His- pana. Voyages and Travels, Americana and Orientalia, etc. 133. CATALOGUES. A collection of about 500 catalogues, mainly those issued by Karl Hiersemann, Ludwig Bosenthal, and other prominent German and French booksellers, including many catalogues of Americana. 134. CATALOGUES. Catalogue Miro, 1878; Vindel (3), 1903, >04, '12; Halle, Lentner, etc. Together, 16 pieces, 8vo, and smaller, wrappers. Mainly of rare books relating to South America. 135. CATECISMO de los methodistas (en idioma Yucateco). Londres^ 1865. Photographic reproduction. 34pp. 16mo. 136. CATHERWOOD (F.). Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Numerous plates, some tinted. Folio, half morocco, some plates soiled and binding poor. Not returnable. London, 1844 The title is illuminated after the design by Owen Jones. 137. CHARENCEY (LE COMTE DE). Vocabulaire de La Langue Tzotzil. 8vo, cloth. Caen, 1885 From Dr. N. Leon's Library, with inscription from a former owner on one page. 138. CHARENCEY (Ls COMTE DE). Chrestomathie Maya, d'apres la chronique Chac-Xulub-Chen. Texte avec traduction interlineaire, analyse grammaticale et vocabulaire Maya-Frangais. 301pp. 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. Paris, 1891 139. CHARENCEY (LE COMTE DE). Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris, noms des Points de TEspace dans Divers Dialectes Ameri- cains. 70pp. Volume III, number 1. Map. 124pp. Etudes Aliques, 48pp. Together, 3 vols, 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1899, 1900, 1902 Last volume, presentation copy from the author. 140. CHARENCEY (Ls COMTE DE). Histoire Legendaire de La Nouvelle-Es- pagne. Extrait du Journal de la Societe des Americanistes de Paris. 119pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1912 141. CHAKENCY (LE COMTE DE). Melanges de Philologie et de Paleo- graphie Americaines, 1883 ; Vocabulaire de la Langue Tzotzil, 1885, (2 copies of this) ; Melanges de Linguistique, 1895 ; De la Conjugal- son dans les Langues de la Famille Maya-Quichee, 1885 ; Des Ages on Soleils, d'apres la Mythologie des Peuples de la ISTouvelle-Espagne, 1883; Catecismo y Expocition Breve de la Doctrina Cristiana . . . Traducida al Idioma Yucateco, 1892; Eecherches sur les Noms des Points de FEspace, 1882; Des Coulers considerees comme Sym- boles des Points de FHorizon, 1877; Sur les Idiomes de la Famille Chichimeque. Undated, but circa 1885. Together, 10 volumes and pieces, wrappers. Paris, Madrid, Caen, Louvain, etc. v. d. It is seldom that such an important collection of this talented writer's works is offered for sale. 142. CHAEEXCEY (LE COMTE DE). Vocabulaire Frangais Maya. Alengon, 1884; De la Formation des Mots en Langue Maya, Copenhague, 1884; Yama, Djemschid et Quetzalcoatl, Caen, 1898; Recherches les Lois Phonetiques dans les idiomes de la Famille Mame-Huas- teque, Paris; Le Mythe de Votan; etude sur les origines Asiatiques de la Civilisation Americaine, Alengon, and other works by the same writer. Together, 10 pieces, several of which are excerpts. 8vo, wrappers and unbound. V. p. v. d. 143. CHARXAY (DESIRE). Cites et Ruines Americaines, Mitla, Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal . . . avec un texte par M. Viollet- le-Duc. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, "morocco back and boards. Paris, 1863 144. CHAR:N T AY (DESIRE). Ciudades y Ruinas Americanas, Mitla, Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal . . . con un texto por M. Viollet- le-Duc. Illustrated. 8vo, boards. Mexico, 1866 145. CHABNAY (DESIRE). Ciudades y Ruinas Americanas, Mitla, Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal . . . con un texto por M. Viollet- le-Duc. Illustrated. 64 pp. 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, 1866 146. CHARNAY (DESIRE). Les Anciennes Villes du Nouveau Monde. Voy- ages d'Explorations au Mexique et dans FAmerique Centrale. Por- trait of the author and numerous illustrations. Small folio, morocco back and cloth, gilt edges. Paris, 1885 Autograph presentation copy from the Author to Mr. and Mrs. Laver- riere, with inscription. 147. CHABNAY (DESIRE). The Ancient Cities of the New World, being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America. Trans- lated by J. Gonino and Helen S. Conant. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1887 148. CHARNAY (DESIRE). Viaje a Yucatan, a fines de 1886. Relacion es- crita con el titulo "Ma derniere expedition au Yucatan," por M. Desire Charnay, traducida y anotada por Francisco Canton Rosado. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Merida, 1888 Autograph presentation copy from the translator, Francisco Canton Rosado, to Dr. N. ,L6on, with autograph sentiment of several lines. 149. CHARTON (EDUARDO). Los Viajeros Modernos o Relaciones de las viajes mas interesantes e instructivos, etc. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, morocco back and cloth, title damaged. Not returnable. Paris, 1860 150. CHAVERO (ALFREDO). Apuntes Viejos de Bibliograna Mexicana. [91] pp. 8vo, wrappers. Autograph presentation copy from the Author to Dr. N. Leon, with inscription. 151. CHAVERO (ALFREDO). Another copy of the preceding. 8vo, cloth. Mexico, 1903 152. CHAVERO (ALFREDO). Calendario de Palemke. Signos Cronograficos. Illustrated. 2 parts, royal 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, 1906 Autograph presentation copies of both parts to Dr. N. Leon, with inscriptions on front wrappers. 153. CHIAPAS. Acta de Instalacion de la Sociedad Economica de amigos del pais de la Provincia de Chiapas celebrada el dia le de Abril de 1819. 18pp. 8vo, unbound. N. p., (1819) 154. CHIAPAS. Estatutos de la Sociedad Economica de amantes del pais de Chiapas., 32pp. 8vo, unbound. Puebla (Mexico), 1821 155. CHIAPAS. Iniciativa sobre reforma de las bases organicas Dirigida al Soberano Congreso National, por La Asamblea Departamental de Chiapas, ano de 1845. 15pp. 8vo, unbound. [San Cristobal, 1845] 156. CHILAM BALAM, Book of Kana and Annex. 87 double pages of this remarkable manuscript (Spanish and Maya) Chronicle referred to by Brinton. It is from the Bishop Carrillo y Ancona's collection and was photographed by J. Maler. The illustrations are espe- cially noteworthy. The annex consists of 55 double pages (5 being missing) additional to the main chronicle. (See Reproduction.) 157. CHILAM BALAM, Book of Titzmin. Photographic copies made by J. Maler of the primitive Maya manuscript, Chronicle of Titzimin, referred to by Brinton, pages (double) 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 21, 26 of Maler's ar- rangement. 158. CHILAM BALAM OF CHUMAYEL (THE BOOK OF). With Introduction by C. B. Gordon. Reproduced in photographic facsimile by the University of Pennsylvania. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1913 A letter written by C. P. Bowditch regarding the publication of the work is laid in. Partly published (incorrectly) by Brinton in "Maya Chronicles." ^^i^^^y^^m mmat 2*w*. * CHILAM BALAM, BOOK OF KANA AND ANNEX (See No. 156) 159. CHOLTI. Arte, Divocionario and Vocabulary in beautiful manuscript, with ornamental title and chapter headings, dated 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692 and 1695 given to American Philosophical Society in 1836 by D. Marianao Galvan. Photographic copy of 18%pp. (some blank) ; 4pp. preliminary, 55pp. Arte, 20pp. Doctrina, 74pp. Vocabu- lario, and Ip. final. A note at the beginning of the Vocabulary states that all the large Vocabulary of Moran has been copied into this one. This is a much more complete volume than the one in the previous Wilkinson Sale. It is the only known grammar and vocabulary of the southeastern Maya, the Cholti, which is the Lacandon-Itza in its un- touched state, almost as close to Maya as Quiche is to Cakcliquel. 160. CHOLTI. Arte Divocionario and Vocabulary. 16 pages of the previous item on a large scale. Also in photographic facsimile. 161. CLARK (W. P.). The Indian Sign Language, with brief Explanatory Xotes. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1885 162. CODEX CORTESIANTJS; Manuscrit hieratique des anciens Indiens de PAmerique Centrale, conserve au Musee Archeologique de Madrid, photographic et public pour la premiere fois par Leon de Kosny. 4to, cloth portfolio. Paris, 1883 One of 85 copies printed. 163. CODEX MADRID. A photographic facsimile of the two Codices formerly known as the "Codex Troano" and the "Codex Cortes." A* folding sheet, about fifteen feet in length, in wooden covers, with silver mounts. Point Loma, California, 1911 Only a few copies of this important facsimile have been privately issued by the eminent scholar, Mr. William E. Gates, Point Loma, Cali- fornia, for whom the photographs were taken. This is one of the three known Maya codices, having been cut at some early date into two parts; one of these was published by Brasseur de Bourbourg as the Codex Troano, in lithography. The other, dis- covered soon after, was published in photographic facsimile by Leon de Rosny, as the Codex Cortes, also later by lithography, in Spain. The two parts are now rejoined, having been bought by the Spanish govern- ment, and this is the first issue of the two together. 164. CODEX PEREZ. Maya-Tzental, redrawn and slightly restored, and with the coloring as it originally stood, mounted in the form of the original, drawn and edited by W. E. Gates. 8vo, polished wooden boards with colored inlayings and silver centrepieces. Point Loma, 1909 VERY LIMITED EDITION. The Codex Perez, one of the most important of Codices, was discovered about 54 years ago by Prof. Leon de Rosny in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. With the above is sold also the "Commentary upon the Codex by W. E. Gates," Cambridge, 1900, 8vo, wrappers. Together, 2 pieces. 165. CODEX PERSIANUS. Manuscrit dit Mexican. No. 2 de la Bibliotheque Imperiale. Photographic (sans reduction) par ordre de S. E. M. Duruy. On 22 full-page plates. Folio, new wrappers. Paris, 1864 ONE OF THE VERY FEW EXISTING SETS OF THESE PHOTOGRAPHS, OF WHICH IT IS SAID ONLY TEN SETS WERE ORIGINALLY MADE. 166. CODEX PEKSIANUS. Mamiscrit hieratique des aiiciens Indiens de 1'Amer- ique Centrale conserve a la Bibliotheque Rationale de Paris, avec une introduction par Leon de Rosny. Seconde edition imprimee en noir. 4to, cloth. Paris, 1888 One of 100 copies printed. 167. CODICE DE JULANCINGO. A series of photographs of this scarcely known Mexican picture writing taken by J. Maler. 15 sections. 168. CODICE DRESDEN. MAYA-HANDSCHRIFT. (Die) der Kb'nigl. Offentl. Bibliothek zu Dresden. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. Forstemann. Zweite Auflage. With 74 chromolitho graphic plates. Small folio, cloth portfolio, rubbed and slightly foxed. Dresden, 1892 169. CODICE FRANCISCANO. Siglo XVI. Informe de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio y de la Provincia de Guadalajara. Carta de Religiosos, 1533-69. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1889 Edition limited to 200 copies. 170. CODICE MAYA, denominado Cortesiano, que se conserva en el Museo Archeologio National (Madrid). Photochromolitho graphic repro- duction. Narrow 8vo, cloth, in a cloth case. Madrid, 1892 Edition limited to 500 copies. 171. CODICE MENDIETA. Documentos Franciscanos, siglos XVI y XVII, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1892 Edition limited to 200 copies. 172. CODICE NAKUK-PECH, or Chronica de Nakuk-Pech in the Maya lan- guage. 26pp. Folio, in a cloth wrapper. Nakuk-Pich was a native of the ruling families, contemporary with the Conquest. Part of this Cronica was printed and translated by Brin- ton, from a transcript of a part of the present manuscript. The above is a photographic copy of the original, in full. The original manuscript is in the possession of Sr. J. R. de Regie of Merida. 173. COGOLLUDO (DiEGO LOPEZ DE). Los Tres siglos de la Dommacion Espanola en Yucatan, o sea historia de esta provincia desde la con- quista hasta la independencia. Vol. II. 8vo, half calf. Merida, (Yucatan), 1845 The second volume of the above work, which is Cogolludo's second edition, is very scare. The first volume was printed in Campeche. 174. COGOLLUDO ( DIEGO LOPEZ DE). Historia de Yucatan excrita en el siglo XVII. Tercera edicion. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Merida, (Yucatan) 1867-68 VERY SCARCE. Presentation copy from the editor, M. A. Rivas, to Eu- femio Mendoza, with autograph inscription. The author spent the prin- cipal portion of his life in Yucatan collecting material for the above history, which is still a valuable record of the province. This is the best edition, as a number of errors in the first edition are herein cor- rected and many valuable notes added. 175. COGOLLUDO ( DIEGO LOPEZ DE). Historia de Yucatan. Tercera Edicion. 2 vols. 8vo, original sheep. VERY SCARCE. Merida, 1867-1868 176. COLECCION de Documentos ineditos relatives al descubrimiento, con- quista y organizacion de las antiguas posesiones espanolas de Ultra- mar. Series II, Vols. 11 and 13. RELACIONES DE YUCATAX. FOLDING PLATES. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Madrid, 1898-1900 The volumes of this important series relating to Yucatan are com- plete, and contain reprints of a great number of the first reports on that region. 177. COLECCION de platicas doctrinales y sermones en lengua Maya, por diferentes autores. 257pp. 16mo. Photographic reproduction from the manuscript copy executed in Merida de Yucatan in 1868 for the University of Pennsylvania', limited to a very few copies. 178. COLUMBUS. The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. 8vo, cloth. One of 250 copies on hand-made paper, and the one presented by the Trustees of the Lenox Library to Senor Alfredo Chavero. New York, 1892 179. COMPENDIO DEL IDIOMA YUCATECO, por S. P. Cruz, Merida, 1912; Doctrina Christiana en lengua Mixteca, Puebla, 1899; Doctrina Christiana en Totonaco por P. Cuevas, Puebla, 1900; and another. Together, 4 pieces, 8vo, and smaller, sewed and boards. V.p.v.d. 180. CONGEES International des Americanistes, Compte-Rendu de la Pre- miere Session, Nancy, 1875. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. From the A. Chavero library with stamp. Paris, 1875 Contains articles on the Phoenicians in America ; Buddhism ; an Iro- quois manuscript; etc. 181. CONGRES International des Americanistes, Compte-Eendu de la Sec- onde Sesion, Luxembourg, 1877. Maps, plates, etc., some large folding. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Paris, 1878 Contains articles on the Mound Builders ; the ancient Pueblos ; etc. 182. CONGRES International des Americanistes, Compte-Rendu de la Troi- sieme Session. Colored map, folding plates, etc. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Bruxelles, 1879 Contains articles on the Mexican Races in the U. S. ; origin of primi- tive Indians in Central America; etc. 183. CONGRESO International de Americanistas, Madrid, 1881. Lista de los Objetos que Comprende la Exposicion Americanista, [Maps, Codi- ces, etc.] 8vo, half calf. Madrid, 1881 From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 184. CONGRESO International de Americanistas. Actas de la Cuarta Reunion, Madrid, 1881. Colored folding map, and plates. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Madrid, 1882 Contains articles on various objects unearthed in Central America, ancient jugs, human skulls, etc. 185. CONGEES International des Americanistes. Compte-Bendu de la Gin- quieme Session, Copenhagen, 1883. Colored folding maps, and plates. Thick Svo, half leather, uncut. Copenhague, 1884 Contains articles on Aboriginal American Literature; Scandinavian Ruins ; Dialects of the Esquimau Language ; etc. 186. CONGEES International des Americanistes. Compte-Eendu de la Sep- tieme Session, Berlin, 1888 Plates. Thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Berlin, 1890 Contains articles on Antiquities of Vera Cruz ; Nicaragua ; on the Mam Language; etc. The report of 6th session- was never printed. 187. CONGEES International des Americanistes Compte-Rendu de la Huitieme Session, Paris, 1890. Portraits and plates. Thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Paris, 1892 Contains articles on Carthology; Ethnographic; etc. 188. CONGEES International des Americanistes. Comptes-Rendu de la Neu- vieme et de la Dixieme Sessions, a Huelva, 1892 et a Stockholm, 1894. Illustrated. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Madrid, Stockholm, 1894-7 The ninth session is written in Spanish; the tenth in French, English and German. 189. CONGEESO Internacional de Americanistas. Actas de la Undecima Re- union, Mexico, 1895. Maps and plates. 2 vols. in one, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Mexico, 1897 The second part is an account of the happenings at the session written by Enrique de Olavarria y Ferrari. 190. CONGEES International des Americanistes. Douzieme Session tenue a Paris en 1900. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Paris, 1902 Contains article on the military organizations of the Americans before the 16th century ; first maritime relations between Europe and America, etc. 191. CONGEES INTEENATIONAL. International Congress of Americanists, 1902. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Easton, Pa., 1905 Contributions include, Ancient Mexican Religious Poetry ; Mural Paint- ings of Yucatan ; The Mythology of the Dieguenos ; etc. 192. CONGEES International des Americanistes. Internationaler Amerikan- isten-Kongress, Vierzehnte Tangung, Stuttgart, 1904. Plates; Uber die chilenschen "Pintados" von A. Plageman-Hamburg, mit 7 Ablildungen und 1 Tafel. 2 vols. in 1, thick Svo, half leather, uncut. Stuttgart, 1906 Contains articles on Archaeological and Ethnographical researches in South America ; the Peruvian Asterisms and their Relation to the Ritual ; etc. 193. CONGEES International des Americanistes Quinzieme Session tenue a Quebec en 1906. Illustrated. 2 vols. in one, thick Svo, half calf, uncut. Quebec, 1907 Contains articles on the vocabulary of the Canadian French ; a Micmac Manuscript; etc. A R T , En lengua de maya RECOPILADO.Y ENMEN dadojporel P. F. loan Cownei de la Otdc de S. Francifco, Guardis del Conuento de T ik ax. Emprenta de For Adriano Cefar. P. FE. JUAN CORONEL (See No. 198) 194. CONGRES International des Americanistes. Verhandlungen des XVI Internationalen Amerikanisteii-Kongresses, Wien, 1908. Numerous Illustrations', Die Erziehung eines Indianerkinders von Hugo Gensch. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, half leather, uncut. Wien und Leipzig, 1910 Contains articles on the Jesup Expedition; Sarmiento's History of the Incas; etc. 195. CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL. Kesena de la Segunda Sesion del XVII Con- greso Internacional de Americanistas, efectuada en la ciudad de Mexico durante el mes de Septiembre de 1910. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, half calf, uncut. Mexico, 1912 Contains the Appendix. 196. COPAN AND QUIRIGUA. The Stone Sculptures of Copan and Quirigua. Drawn by Heinrich Meye. Historical and Descriptive Text by Dr. Julius Schmidt. Translated from the German by A. D. Savage. Illustrated. Folio, half leather, rubbed. New York, 1883 197. CORDOVA (FR. JUAN DE). Arte del idioma Zapoteco reimpreso bajo la direction del Dr. N. Leon. 12mo, half morocco. Morelia, 1886 Reprint limited to 350 copies. Of the original edition (Mexico, 1578,) only one copy is known. A. Chavero's copy with bookplate and stamp. 198. CORONEL (P. FR. JUAN). Arte en lengua de Maya recopilado y en- mendado, por el P. F. Juan Coronel de la Orden de S. Francisco, Guardian del Covento de Tikax. Woodcut arms of the Franciscan order beneath the title. 8vo, 102 pp., sewed, stamps on title and on the back, and a few light waterstains. 4 pages (signat Bj, Eviij, Fj and Fviij) missing. Mexico: en la Emprenta de Diego Garrido por Adriano Cesar, 1620. OF THE GREATEST RARITY. UNKNOWN TO SABiN. The remarkable col- lection of Mexicana formed by Ramirez did not contain a copy. It is probably the first printed grammar (Arte) of the Maya language of Yucatan, and a revision of the MS. (?) Maya grammar of Bishop Diego Landa. On the fly leaf are manuscript notes in the Maya lan- guage by a contemporary hand. Father Coronel, a Franciscan, graduate of the University of Alcala, Spain, went to Yucatan in 1590, where he learned and publicly taught the language of the Indians. He was one of the disciples of the Chron- icler Cogolludo, and was guardian of the Recollect Convent of Mejorada. He died in one of the convents of Merida in 1651, age 82 years. THE ABOVE ITEM IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE IN THE PRESENT COLLECTION. [See Reproduction.] 199. CORONEL (P. FR. JUAN). Discursos predicables, con otras diversas materias espirituales, con la Doctrina Cristiana, y los articulos de la Fe, recopilados en lengua Yucateca, y enmendados. 496pp. 8vo. Mexico: Imprenta de Diego Garrido, 1620 Photographic reproduction of the only accessible copy (in France). There is supposed to be but one other copy of the original (in Mexico). 200. CORONEL (P. FR. JUAN). Doctrina Christiana, en lengua de Maya. 56pp. 8vo. Mexico: Imprenta de Diego Garrido, 1620 Photographic reproduction of the only accessible copy (in France). There is supposed to be but one other copy of the original (in Mexico). Beristain gives the above title and adds that Fr. J. de S. Antonio, in his Bibliotheca Franciscana, asserts that in the library of the College of S. Buenaventura of Seville, (Letter M No. 165), there exists, in manuscript, a Doctrina Christiana in the language of Yucatan by Coronel and it is more diffuse than the printed copy. 201. GOTO (THOMAS). Vocabulario de la lengua Cakchiquel u Guatimalteca mievamente hecho y recopilado por el P. F. Thomas Goto, predicador y Padre de esta Prov. de el SS. Nombre de Jesus de Guatimala. 952pp. Small 4to, sheets. Photographic reproduction from the original manuscript preserved in the library of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, to which it was presented by Mariano Galvez, Governor of Guatemala. It is full of citations from Varea, Vico, Saz, Maldonado and others. Only a small number of copies were issued by Mr. W. E. Gates, of Point Loma, California. 202. DASCANO (ANTONIO). Ensayo Biografico del Celebre Navegante y Consumado Cosmografo Juan de la Cosa. 109pp. 8vo, wrappers. Madrid, 1892 203. DATOS del Congreso Agricola reunido en Tuxtla Gutierrez (Chiapas) el ano de 1893. 152pp. 8vo, wrappers. From the Library of Dr. N". Leon. Tuxtla Gutierrez, 1896 204. DE LUNA (MARIO Eoso). La Ciencia Hieratica de los Mayas. 86pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Madrid, n. d. (recent) 205. DEMARCACION POLITIC A de la Eepublica de Guatemala. Compilada por la Omcina de Estadistica, 1892. 8vo, half roan. Guatemala, 1893 An alphabetical list of all the inhabited places in the Republic, alti- tudes of the principal towns, etc. 206. DE PERIGNY (MAURICE). Les fitats-Unis de Mexique. Preface de M. Marcel Dubois. Folding Map. 305pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, (recent) 207. DE EOSNY (LEON). Les ficritures Figuratives et Hieroglyphiques des Different Peuples Anciens et Modernes. Plates and illustrations. 76pp. 4to, wrappers, uncut, cover loose. Paris, 1870 208. DE EOSNY (LEON). Le Codex Troano et L'Escriture Hieratique de L'Amerique Centrale. Three full-page colored 'plates and num- erous illustrations in the text. 13pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1878 Extract from the "Revue Orientale et Am6ricaine." 209. DE EOSNY (LEON). Ensayo sobre la interpretacion La Escritura Hier- atica de la America Central. Traduccion anotada y precedida de un prologo por D. Juan de Dios de la Eada y Delgado. Numerous fine plates, some of which are in colors. Folio, boards, cloth back. Madrid, 1881 A very important and scarce work. 210. DE KOSNY (LEOX). Les Documents Merits de FAntiquite Americaine. Illustrated, and with several extra plates inserted. 4to, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1882 211. DIAZ DEL. CASTILLO (BERXAL). Histoire Veridique de la Conquete de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Traduction par D. Jourdanet. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 187? 212. DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (BERXAL). Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Neuva Espana. IJnica Endicion Hecha Segun el Codice Autografo. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, one volume repaired at back. Mexico, 1904 213. DICCIOXARIO en lengua Sotzil, cuyo original se encuentra en el Archive Episcopal de S. Cristobal Las Casas, con varies sermones en el mismo idioma, escritos, segun parece, a fines del siglo XVI o principio del XVII, por un Padre Dominico del Convento de esta Ciudad. Mandolo copiar Francisco Orozco y Jimenes Obispo de Chiapas, para utilidad publica. Manuscript. 150pp. Folio. S. Christobal, 1907 Presentation copy from F. Orozco y Jimenes to Dr. N. Leon. 214. DICTIONARY. Diccionario del Convento de San Francisco (Yucatan). In two parts, Maya-Spanish and Spanish-Maya. About 200 pages. Small folio, sheets. Photographic reproduction of the manuscript copy made by Juan Pio Prez, now in the possession of J. R. de Regil, Merida. This great work is probably the Vidales vocabulary, and a copy of the so-called Die de Jicul, and is NOW OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE FOR THE FIRST TIME. It contains prologue and many valuable notes by Pio Perez. As several pages are lacking, it is sold w. a. f. 215. DIVEN (THOMAS J.). Aztecs and Mayas. Vol. I (all issued). 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1909 216. DOCUMENTOS ineditos y raros para la historia eclesiastica Mexicana publicados por F. Plancarte y Navarette, obispo de Cuernavaca; Vol. I (Primera parte de la Chronica Augustiniana de Mechoacan por 1. Gonzalez de La Puente). 509pp. Small 4to, wrappers. Cuernavaca, n. d. 217. DOMINGUEZ (FRANCISCO E.). Platicas de los principales mysteries de nuestra Santa Fee, hechas en el idioma Yucateco, Mexico, 1758. 25pp. 16mo. Yucateco, 1758 Photographic copy of the rare original, of which but few were issued. 218. DOMINGUEZ (FRAN-CISCO E.). Catescismo de la Doctrina Cristiana puesto en el idioma Totonaco de la Cierra alta de Papantla. 38 pp. 16mo, vellum, and unpaged leaf of Errata. Puebla, (Mexico), 1837 The Totonac dialect was spoken in the northern parts of the province of Puebla, and in part of the Province of Vera Cruz, and is allied to both Maya and Aztec. The above copy is from the library of Dr. N. Leon with his bookplate. 219. DONDE (JOAQUIN Y JUAN). Apuntes sobre las Plantas de Yucatan. 200pp. 12mo, half roan, title slightly torn. Merida, 1874 A very rare item. Dr. N. Leon's copy, with his bookplate. 220. DONDE (JOAQUIN Y JUAN). Apuntes sobre las Plantas de Yucatan. 134pp. 8vo, unbound. ' Merida, 1907 221. EARLY AMERICANA. The First Three English Books on America. [?1511]-1555, A.D., being chiefly Translations, Compilations, etc., by Eichard Eden, from the Writings, Maps, etc. of Pietro Martire, Sebastian Miinster, Sebastian Cabot. With Extracts, etc., from the works of other Spanish, Italian, and German Writers of the time. Edited by Edward Arber. 4to, cloth, uncut. Birmingham, 1885 Large Paper Copy, printed on Whatman paper, and one of 25 copies autographed by Edward Arber. 222. ficHAVE (BALTHASAR DE). Discursos de la antiguedad de la lengua Cantabra Bascongada. Mexico, H. Martinez, 1607. Facsimile re- print. 4to, wrappers. Only a few copies printed. From the Library of Dr. N. Leon with his stamp on cover. 223. ENRIQUEZ (RAFAEL DE ZAYAS). El Estado de Yucatan. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1908 224. ESPINOSA (IsiDRO FELIS DE). Chronica Apostolica y Seraphica de todos los colegios de Propaganda fide de esta Nueva-Espana, de Missioneros Franciscanos Observantes. Parte Primera. Mexico, Viuda de J. B. de Hogal, 1746. ARRICIVITA (JuAN D.). Cronica Serafica y Apostolica del Colegio de Propaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro en la Nueva Espana. Segunda Parte. Mexico, F. de Zuriiga y Ontiveros, 1792. 2 vols. folio, Spanish calf, ink stains in the extreme lower plain corners of several leaves of Part I. Mexico, 1746-92 Arricivita's work is a continuation of that of Espinosa, and is hence called "Part Second." The two works form a complete history of the Colleges of the Propaganda in New Spain, but they are rarely found together. 225. ESTUDIOS sobre la historia de America, sus ruinas y antiguedades, por Manuel Larrainzar, Vols. 1 and 3-5, Mexico, 1875-76 ; Estudios his- toricos y estadisticos del estado Oaxaqueno por J. B. Carriedo, Vol. 1, Oaxaca, 1849; Coleccion de Poesias de los Bardos de la Eepub- lica del Salvador, por E. M. Eivas, Vol. 2, San Salvador, 1885; Mexique et Guatemala par M. de La Eenaudiere, et Perou par M. Lacroix, 1843 ; Hombres ilustres Mexicanos, Vol. IV, 1874 ; Documentos para la historia de Costa Eica, por L. Fernandez, Vol. Ill, 1883; and 19 other pamphlets. Together, 28 pieces, 8vo, and smaller, various bindings. ALL QUITE IMPORTANT. 226. EXPEDIENTS de la Secretaria de Hacienda del Departamento de Soconusco en el estado de Chiapas, 1870-1871. Mexico, 1871. 138 pp. and Indices; Vergleichende Studien auf dem felde der Maya-Alterthumer. Von Dr. P. Schellhas. [Excerpt]. Illustrated. Together, 2 vols. 4to, wrappers and cloth. 227. PAGES (EDUARDO). Xoticias Estadisticas sobre el Departamento de Tuspan. Folding plan of the City of Tuxpan and other plates. Royal 8vo, wrappers, slightly worn, no back wrapper. Puebla, 1856 228. FANCOURT (CHARLES ST. JOHN). The History of Yucatan from its Discovery to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. Maps. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1854 229. FERRAZ ' ( JUAN F.). Lengua Quiche Sintesis Trilingue; Lengua Quiche, Sinopsis de Constitutiva Gramatical. Tomo I (all issued?). To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers. San Jose, 1902 230. FLOREZ (HENKIQUE). Medallas de las colonias, municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana. Numerous plates of coins. 3 vols. 4to, Spanish calf. Vol. 2 wormed, with stamps on title, and binding rubbed. Madrid, 1757-73 231. FORSTERMANN (ERNST). Commentar zur Mayahandschrift der Konig- lichen offentliehen Bibliothek zu Dresden. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Dresden, 1901 232. FORSTERMANN (ERXST). Commentar zur Madrider Mayahandschrift Codex Tro-Cortesianus). Several illustrations. 160pp. 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. Danzig, 1902 233. FRONTATJEA (P. Bico). Explicacion de una parte de la Doctrina Christiana, traducido al idioma Yucateco, por Joaquin Ruz. 8vo, Spanish calf. Merida de Yucatan, J. D. Espinosa, 1847 ORIGINAL EDITION AND OF GREAT RARITY. 234. FUENTES Y GUZMAN. Historia de Guatemala o Recordacion Florida, escrita el siglo XVII por el Capitan D. Francisco A. de Fuentes y Guzman notas e ilustraciones D. Justo Zaragoza. Folding plate. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Madrid, 1883 From the Library of A. Chavero, with his stamp on titles and his bookplate. 235. GAGE (THOMAS). A New Survey of the West Indias, or, the English American His Travail by Sea and Land. With maps. Small folio, half calf, in poor condition, sold with all faults. London, 1655 236. GAGE (THOMAS). Xueva Relacion que contiene Los Viages de Tomas Gage en la Nueva Espana. 2 vols. 12mo, sheep, several margins defective. Paris, 1838 237. GALINDO (DON JUAN). On Central America and The Eruption of the Volcano of Cosoquina; EGBERTS (ORLANDO W.). Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast ... of Central Amer- ica ; LETTER of Christopher Columbus to Eaf ael Sanchez, Barcelona. Facsimile of the first publication concerning America; OBREGON (Luis GONZALES). Don Justo Sierra, Historiador, and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Together, 74 pieces. Wrappers and unbound. V.p.v.d. 238. GARCIA DE LA CONCEPCION (Fn. JOSEPH). Historia Bethlehemitica. Vida Examplar y admirable del Venerable Siervo de Dios, y Padre Pedro de San Joseph Betancur, fundator de el regular institute de Bethlehen en las Indias Occidentales. Engraved frontispiece. Folio, Spanish calf, erased stamp on title damaging the year of imprint, and a few leaves mended. Sevilla, 1723 RARE. Betancur, according to Beristain, was a son of Juan Betancur, called King of the Canaries, and was born in Chasnia, in the Isle of Teneriff, in 1619. In 1651 he went to Mexico, and founded at Guatemala the Hospital of Bethlehem for convalescents. This history embraces, also, the lives of Fr. Rodrigo de la Cruz and other successors of Betancur. 239. GARCIA (GENARO). Spencer (Herbert). Los Antiguos Mexicanos. Traduccion por Daniel y Genaro Garcia. Folding chart. 8vo, boards. Mexico, 1896 240. GARCIA (GENARO). Spencer (Herbert). El Antiguo Yucatan. Tra- duccion hecha por Daniel y Genaro Garcia. Folding table. 153pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1898 241. GARCIA (GENARO). Another copy of the preceding, lacks folding table and 2 final leaves (portions of catalogue only), no wrappers. 242. GARCIA (GENARO). Spencer (Herbert). El Antiguo Yucatan. Tra- duccion hecha por Daniel y Genaro Garcia. Folding chart. 8vo, boards. Mexico, 1898 243. GARCIA (MANUEL REJON). Los Mayas Primitives. Algunos Estudios sobre su Origen, Idioma y Costumbres. 125pp. 12mo, wrappers. Merida, 1905 244. GARCIA (MANUEL REJON). Supersticiones y Leyendas Mayas. 146pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Merida, 1905 245. GARCIA (MANUEL REJON). Etimologias Mayas. 75pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1910 Presentation copy from the author. 246. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN). Coleccion de Documentos para la Historia de Mexico. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1858 247. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN). Historia Ecclesiastica Indiana, obra escrita fines del siglo XVI por Fray Geronimo de Mendieta, de la Orden de San Francisco. Royal 8vo, half roan. Mexico, 1870 Really the third volume of the "Colecci6n de Documentos." 248. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN). Bibliografia Mexicana del Siglo XVI. Parte Primera (ALL EVER ISSUED). Numerous facsimiles. Royal 8vo, wrappers, margins of several leaves slightly stained. Mexico, 1886 One of the most valuable books of its kind. 249. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN). Bibliografia Mexicana del siglo XVI. Loose copy without title and facsimiles, both with some additions printed or typewritten by Dr. N. Leon, and a typewritten alpha- betical index at the end. Imperial 8vo, in a board portfolio. Not returnable. Mexico, 1886 i J me - c . / - 'd'n fa C [.cfS3 i V0r*'****i**ciM-?3!tfjZfavif t z**f, lgfrt/#fpA* - ^jtZjjZfarrpuAie**,'. ^vJw/iiarr/ j^i \7 co \> C_J< /Mrtf/p ,/7>'. I ' 2^y** *~* "*"y* J Y*- . r^,.'Z,*^ Le&sT<*S0 . y . .^^ j'aftttfi Jur*^ , ^>rfi{Tto>yifl*t> >'>0si>n'*G4i*ri ' S*4*Zc+rbi~ . /" /- / ^ * /^^.tM^ni^/crt^^n^i/V^iU- >^T-V"*' / > /XewrtNlttlra^tfi&M ^^^* < i>rtM<'. /e^ A/^ ^-v- V^r^a^vi/ /cnM^^ eM-Ai/^HM -fitowtto&K&a&S* . **>,e n n t : ' <-> . * --^* a*^ * */ ftiM0a Tito tu<* XX ft i . IcurtM/rtr/i Safe *'*<&**<./ <&*S"fAv'fv*^- Jttjyt fnAHiaVJo'lua** tUnngtra *<*fi , a ^<, ft ,Z^ *> ?^- V -T/'/>'/"'7^ lm*+~~+~~ ^jS. . 3 ' .- ' . .*-> -t ^ M ^ rt ;rt/i.rt/^ ^ Sug,, fTfflHl A*" a "^*s**Lft. <,<,, .*.**. v ^/ \^. i-C^/-iyi nm&^ftLnAr? ."*<". J>S> f ,a<^t^'j **,, , VrttVIKw'- I *****. *-****** -JUu^n/nV^ / nir^^ c ^>iu/ < '^i - ^^.^SVoW i-;^vT2Sr5P5 , c*<:jc*u/fp c ,,< - nJ^M*>MrrtXt^*/-. 7^**pf*n*..-p < fc>fy* t & <*** yi.fiecta j; > >!% & ^ a fiaqi>t nt . leAHfatfjwwS3M4 . />^,r,i^uny nn ^. uert/rt- nVj co Irrtl) ffTY/Zft Jc le^,!,, ^K^^,,/, >4i^, . ^***J' &&***<*&*& fi 0x*'n . Cef^a >**Tt'Sl/JCi, l L Ctr rsir/Cion fas &~*. zsms, Afitni '. /c i'< t.//v / MMM/7 ^'.f^ ^ An*ir*'&<*at&K/y4in ItUi.Mi'tiyc.^'fsu,*^ "iiMifnaiCftSXtZjgl- *?<>tit:c>t / Aj. ,", i- ft,e> <><+ S $sS} ofgZj, -'yW?*^^^.. *n*ayZft%te r * tt t M< p - -~r<,$c~,j^ 7\tni aHt I ^fluaMn-ani ^ L <^.tjfr etffc**j>*.ZaZj> _ /< -^, /c ^nJt^faS- ^ i.3ZMS*Smy ^rvy^/inVc,^^^ Jt/ij&v^ti&Hif.lfa lc>inle t \>t'c At ^fiu<*f+jfiri y^ts^ -fit* teuanfavSa/tto -' i^jir^ a *"f"^F"y*s~*" m ' ' i*y^iTcj~ >;/. - *??*'& tt^*.,^^ A.^ZZ,. 7-f- r - rt ^^ r ^. ^^ r/ ., rt ^^ ^*^^-->^^ If**" - >^X,y,^ ^^lan^-^r- -- ' *f le+^n-i* 'raarifiS^ f^^^^fer^ p*-**^^^!^*^ "'"i"'"'- U~~,^ji C^^^-^fi S.-' ,--'^i, *&.,?*'*&* ">"-* M-S^r^T?* 6 ^ 1^t\ife4. jBftn - *~t~tr'nas\jt*ztjjtrtn' nr^f^'Ut: /cx^ - '^yu y-^,^/., . yuiru^^n,^ l**' A >~fr* &**yu/r*n<. \r H >r/^. LcJCf f - -v-! ' - ~ *^ y "' y/r^rt^u:/^* . J^i5'^jVix Vt4tA8*>SWMi - V.^^.^,, , . Kt/i^,,,it W i ficrst T>* "\)oti7."v/l , rne.mtrt.> *>*>r**if f>*% 'tntfti ', * i*pf&fcifig'i'#tepe l * ji'vaufc*iS I ,v F. MATURING GILBERTI (See No. 257) 250. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIN). Sesion Publica que Celebro la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua, pp. 47; Carta Acerca del Origen de la Imagen de Nuestra Senora de Guadeloupe de Mexico, 42 pp.; Vocabulario de Mexicanismos, uncut, 241 pp. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, 1895-1896, 1905 251. GARCIA ICAZBALCETA (JOAQUIX). Adiciones a la "Bibliografia Mexi- cana" por el Dr. N. Leon, [Boletin del Institute Bibliografico Mexicano]. Facsimiles. Mexico, 1903. Presentation copy from the editor, to A. Chavero; VILLA ( JESUS GALINDO Y). Don Joa- quin Garcia Icazbalceta, Biografia y Bibliografia and Notas Bio- graficas y Bibliograficas, Mexico 1889 and 1904. Both the last- named from the library of Dr. N". Leon. Together, 3 pieces. 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, v. d. 252. GARCIA PIMENTEL (Luis). Ensayos Fotolitograficos. Facsimile titles. Mexico, 1877; La Introduction del Fotograbado en Mejico, 1877. In one volume, small folio, half roan and boards. Mexico, 1877 Made while assisting his father, Don Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. The first-named is a presentation copy from the author. Laid in are two typewritten transcripts of articles on printing in Mexico, by Parker Winship; and other similar material. 253. GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. La Florida del Inca, Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto; Ensayo cronologico para la historia general de la Florida desde 1512 hasta 1722, por G. de Cardenas. y Cano (A. G. Barcia). 2 vols., folio, old Spanish calf, somewhat rubbed. Bookplate of Lucas Alaman. Madrid, 1723 254. GATES (WILLIAM E.). The Maya and Tzental Calendars, comprising the complete series of days, with their positions in the month, for each one of the fifty-two years of the cycle, according to each system. Eoyal 8vo, wrappers. Cleveland, 1900 Presentation copy from the author. One of 94 copies printed. 255. GATSCHET (ALBERT S.). The Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon, 1890: RIGGS (STEPHEN R.). Dakota Grammar, Texts and Eth- nography, 1893; and A Dakota-English Dictionary, by the same writer, 1890: GIBBS (GEORGE). Tribes of Western Washington, 1877. 4 vols. 4to, cloth. [Contributions to K A. Ethnology]. Washington, v. d. 256. GAYANGOS (PASCUAL DE). Cartas y Ralaciones de Hernan Cortes al Emperador Carlos V. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back. Paris, 1866 257. GILBERTI (F. MATURIXO). Dictionary of the Tarascan or Michoacan language ( Spanish-Tarascan and Tarasca-Spanish). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT. 281pp. 2 parts in one volume. Folio, half calf. Saec XVI. A WONDERFUL XVlTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT. From the library of the learned Mexican scholar, Dr. N. Leon, who has written the following note [in Spanish] on the first fly-leaf: "This manuscript is an unpublished autograph by Father Fr. Maturino Gil- berti, a Franciscan, the greatest authority in the Tarascan or Mechoacan [No. 257 Continued] language. I believe this Dictionary to be later than that which he had printed in- Mexico in 1559, and at the same time enlarged arid more correct. I found it among the books which belonged to the Licenciado Don Eufemio Mendoza in Guadalajara, the year 1913, and I purchased it in the Archbishop's Palace. The stamp on the first page shows it to have once belonged to the Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica, but we must believe that Senor Mendoza had it as a present from the Society, as there does not appear from the Archives of the Society any receipt to show it to have been loaned. Mexico, March, 1913. X. Leon." [See Reproduction.] 258. GIL Y SAENZ (MANUEL). Compendio Historico, Geografico Y Estad- istico del Estado de Tabasco. Svo, cloth, gilt back. Tabasco, 1872 259. GIL Y SAENZ (MANUEL). Historia de Tabasco. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, roan back. San Juan Bautista, 1892 260. GRACIDA (MANUEL MARTINEZ). El Key Cosijoeza y Su Familia. Resena Historica y Legendaria de Los Ultimos" Soberanos de Zachila. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. With bookplate of Alfredo Chavero. Mexico, 1888 261. GRACIDA (MANUEL MARTINEZ). Historia Antigua de la Chontalpa Oaxaquena. 183pp. 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, 1910 262. GUATEMALA. Independencia de Guatemala. El Capitan General Gefe superior politico de Guatemala, etc. 4pp. folio. BARE. Mexico, 1823 263. GUATEMALA. Correspendencia Oficial con Motiva de Invasiones de Guatemala en Territorio Mexicano, Los Antecedentes y El Arreglo Final. Folding maps, colored. Svo, boards, morocco back. Mexico, 1895 264. GUERRA (J. S. Bishop of Yucatan). Pastoral a ios indigenas de esta diocesis traducida en Yucateco por J. C. Vela. Merida de Yucatan, 1848. Photographic reproduction. 8pp. 16mo. 265. GUTIERREZ (CARLOS). Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, Sus Tiempos y Su Apostolado. Con un Prologo de Emilio Castelar. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Madrid, 1878 266. HABEL (S.). The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Gua- temala. Illustrated. 4to, wrappers (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge). Washington, 1879 267. HAMY (E. T.). Anthropologie du Mexique and Memoires sur la Pein- ture Didactique et Fecriture figurative des anciens Mexicains, par J. M. A. Aubin, precedes d'une Introduction par E. T. Hamy. [Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans PAmerique Centrale.] Illustrated. Royal 4to, half bound. Paris, 1885-1884 268. HAMY (E. T.). Decades Americanae. Memoires d'Archeologie et d'Ethnographie Americaines. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, Paris, [1882] ; also a collection of Pamphlets and Excerpts by the same, some of which are presentation copies, including, Le Terre et FHomme; Commentaire sur un Bas-Relief Azteque, 1884; Les Races Malaiques et Americaines, 1896; and others. Together, 3 vols. and 11 pieces, unbound. Paris, etc. v. d. 269. HELPS (ARTHUK). The Spanish Conquests in America. 4 vols. 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut. London, 1855-1861 This entire work is devoted to a history of the relations of the Indians of America to their Spanish invaders, and the effect of their occupation and conquest upon the population, religion and manners of the abo- rigines. 270. HENDERSON (CAPTAIN-). An Account of the British Settlement of Honduras Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Mosquito Indians. Folding map. 12mo, old half binding and boards, uncut. London, 1809 271. HERALDRY. Tratado de Heraldica y Blason, adornado con Laminas, por Don Jose Asensio y Torres. Ultima edicion, revisada, corregida y aumentada por D. F. Piferrer. Numerous plates. Royal, 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Madrid, 1858 272. HERRERA YILLAVINCENCIO (J. DE). Via Sacra traducida al idioma Yucateco por Joaquin Ruz. Merida de Yucatan, 1849. Photo- graphic reproduction. 34pp., 24mo. 273. HOLMES (WILLIAM H.). Archeological Studies among the ancient Cities of Mexico. Folding maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. [Field Columbian Museum Publications]. Chicago, 1895-1897 Part I, Monuments of Yucatan ; Part II, Monuments of Chiapas, Oaxaca and the Valley of Mexico. 274. HOLMES (WILLIAM H.). Ancient Art of the Province of Chiriqui, Colombia. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half bound. [Bureau of Eth- nology Report]. [Washington, n. d.] 275. INDIAN LANGUAGES. Powell (J. W.). Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, with words, phrases and sentences to be col- lected. Second Edition, with charts. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1880 276. INFORME LEIDO por El C. Director General del Conservatorio Yucateco en la Junta General verificada el dia primero de agosto de 1875. 18pp. 8vo, wrappers. Merida, 1875 277. INSCRIPCIONES y Poesias Que Se Leen en El Panteon de San Miguel de Oaxaca. 29pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Oaxaca, 1851 278. INSTBUCCION, y Forma que se ha de tener y guardar en la publication, predication, administration, y cobraca de la Bula de la Santa Cruzada . . . que se ha de publicar en el Argobispado de Mexico, y Obispado de Mechoacan y Guaxaca, Tlaxcala, Nueva Galicia, Yucatan, Guatemala, Honduras, Chiapa, Verapax, y Nicaragua; y en el Argobispado de Santo Domingo, y Obispado de Santo Domingo, y Obispado de Puerto Eico, y de Cuba, y Abadia de Jamaica. Y assimismo en la Islas Filipinas, etc. 8 leaves, folio. VERY RARE. [Madrid, 1674] 279. INSTRUCTION-, y Forma, que se ha de tener, y guardar en la publicacion, predicacion, administracion, y cobranga de la Bulas de la Santa Cruzada , que se ha de publicar en el Argobispado de Mexico, y Obispado de Mechocan, Guazaca, Tlaxcala, Nueva Galacia, Yuca- tan, Guatemala, Honduras, Chiapa, Verapaz, y Nicaragua; y en el Arcobispado de Santo Domingo, y Obispados de Puerto Eico, y de Cuba, y Abadia de Xamaica; y assimismo en las Islas Filipinas, etc. 8 leaves, folio. VERY RARE. [Madrid, 1700] 280. JAUREGUI (ANTONIO BATRES). Vicios de Lenguaje y Provincialismos de Guatemala. 560pp. 8vo, wrappers. Guatemala, 1893 281. JOURNAL de la Societe de Americanistes de Paris. Vol. I, No. 3; Vol. II, Nos. 2, 3. Illustrated. Together, 3 nos. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1904-5 Containing an account of the explorations of Teobert Maler; the Mix- teco-Zapoteque Paintings; Indians of Colorado; etc. 282. JUARROS (DOMINGO). Compendio de la Historia de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Vol. I. Preliminares. 4to, unbound. Guatemala, I. Beteta, 1808 THE VERY BABE FlRST EDITION. 283. JUARROS (DOMINGO). History of the Kingdom of Guatemala in Span- ish America. Folding maps (2). 8vo, cloth, uncut, somewhat worn. London, 1823 284. KENNEDY (JAMES). Essays Ethnological and Linguistic. 230 pp. 8vo, wrappers, lacks back wrapper, broken. London, 1861 Concerns the traces of Phoenician civilization to be found in Central America ; etc. 285. LACROIX (M.). El Universo pintoresco. Historia de Mejico, Tejas y Guatemala, por M. De La Kenaudiere, y La Del Peru, por M. Lacroix. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, full calf. Paris, 1846 286. LA GALA (E. DE). U Tibhuun hach noh tzicbenil ahaucaan. 8vo, original wrappers. Also photographic reproduction of the same. Together, 2 pieces. Ho : J. D. Espinosa [1870] This pastoral letter in the Maya language, by the Bishop of Yucatan, is very scarce. 287. LANZ (MANUEL A.). Compendio de Historia de Campeche. 8vo, cloth. Campeche, 1905 288. LANZAS (PEDRO TORRES). Eelacion Descriptiva de los Mapas, Pianos, & Mexico y Floridas existentes en el Archive general de Indias. 2 vols. 12mo, wrappers, uncut, several pages slightly creased. Sevilla, 1900 From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with his stamp on one cover. 289. LA KOCHEFOUCAULD (F. A. DE). Palenque et La Civilization Maya. Illustrated. 8vo, boards, leather back. Paris, 1888 290. LARRAINZAR (D. MANUEL). Noticia Historica. La Soconusco y su Incorporacion a la Eepublica Mexicana. 12mo, boards, morocco back. Mexico, 1843 Contains much important historical information on a little-known province. 291. LARRAINZAR (FEDERICO). La Eevolucion en Chiapas. 97pp. 8vo, wrappers. [San Cristobal, Las Casas, 1878] 292. LAS CASAS (BARTOLOME DE). Breve Eelacion de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales. 12mo, calf. Seville, 1822 293. LAS CASAS (BARTOLOME DE). Historia de Las Indias. Facsimile. 5 vols. Small, 4to, sheep. Stamp of A. Chavero on titles, and his bookplate in each. Madrid, 1875-1876 Edited by the Marques de la Fuesanta del Valle and Don Jose Sancho Rayon, with numerous valuable notes. 294. LAS CASAS (BARTOLOME DE). Historia de Las Indias. Jose M. Vigil, editor. 2 vols. Eoyal 8vo, half leather and boards. Mexico, 1877 295. LEJEAL (LEON). Bibliotheque de Bibliographic Critique, Les An- tiquites Mexicaines. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Paris, 1902 Bookplate of Alfredo Chavero, and his stamp in various places. 296. LEON (DR. NICOLAS). Ex-Libris de Bibliofilos Mexicanos. Numerous illustrations. 124pp. Eoyal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1913 297. LEON (DR. NICOLAS). Data about a new kind of Hieroglyphical Writing in Mexico; THOMAS (CYRUS). Central American Hiero- glyphic Writing; PRINCE (CARLOS). Idiomas y Dialectos Indig- enas del Continete Hispano Sud- Americano, Lima, 1905; VALEN- TINI (P. J. J.). The Landa Alphabet, a Spanish Fabrication and The Humboldt Celt and the Leyden Plate, by the same writer; TOZZER (ALFRED M.). Some Notes on the Maya Pronoun; THOMAS (CYRUS). Mayan Calendar Systems; MOLINA (ARCADIO G.). Lengua Zopoteca; NUTTALL (ZELIA). A Suggestion to Maya Scholars; STARR (FREDERICK). Eecent Mexican Study of the Native Languages of Mexico; PILLING (JAMES C.). The Writings of Padre Andres de Olmos in the Languages of Mexico; EAYNAUD (GEORGES). Notes sur 1'Ecriture Yucateque; AUBIN (A). Examen des Anciennes Peintures Figuratives de Pancien Mexique, and other similar pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Several pre- sentation copies from the authors. Together, 47 pieces. Wrappers and unbound. V.p.v.d. 298. LEON (DR. NICOLAS). Datos referentes a una especie nueva de escri- tura geroglifica en Mexico. With the illustrations in duplicate. Lithographic issue. 2 parts r 8vo, paper copies. [N.p.n.d.] One of the 20 copies issued with illustrations. Presentation copy from the author to Alfredo Chavero. 299. LEON (DR. NICOLAS). La Bibliografia en Mexico en el siglo XIX. 1901: Biblioteca Mexicana, Catalogo, 1896; La Imprenta en Mexico, Ensayo Historico y Bibliografico, 1900: Anthropological Bibliog- raphy of Mexico, 1901 : Obras del Doctor Nicholas Leon, undated ; Biblioteca Mexicana, Catalogo num. 2, 1897; Familias Linguisticas de Mexico, 1902; Notica de las Publicaciones Originales y de varios Autores, 1901. Together, 8 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, v. d. 300. LEON (DR. NICOLAS). La Imprenta en Mexico, 1900; Arqueologia Zapoteca, 1900; SOBRON (D. FELIX C. Y.) Los Idiomas de la America Latina, Estudios Biografico-Bibliograficos, Madrid, un- dated, and other works in one volume, 12mo, half leather. 301. LE PLONGEON (ALICE DIXON). Here and There in Yucatan. 12mo, cloth, uncut, spotted, name on title. New York, 1887 302. LE PLONGEON (ALICE DIXON). Queen Moo's Talisman, the Fall of the Maya Empire. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1902 303. LE PLONGEON (AUGUSTUS). Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx. Portrait of the author and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. ' New York, 1900 304. LE PLONGEON (AUGUSTUS). Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches 11,500 years ago Freemasonry in times anterior to the Temple of Solomon. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1909 305. LIBRO DE JUDIO. A photographic copy of one of these rare manuscript collections of Maya folk-lore, medicines, and soothsaying, which formerly circulated among the Indians of Yucatan, but which have gradually disappeared. This one is written entirely in the Maya language and bears dates 1797, 1801 and 1802. It formerly be- longed to Dr. Le Plongeon. 306. LIMA (SANTA ROSA MARIA DE). Arte del Idioma Maya, Reducido a Sucintas Reglas, y Semilexicon Yucateco. 242pp. 8vo, wrappers, lacks front wrapper and several pages slightly defective. Merida de Yucatan, 1859 307. LIZANA (FR. BERNARDO DE). Historia de Yucatan. Devocionario de Ntra. Sra. de Izmal y Conquista Espiritual. Impresa en 1633 y ahora nuevamenta por El Museo Nacional de Mexico. With fac- similes. 8vo, full leather. Stamp of Alfredo Chavero on title, and his bookplate. Mexico, 1893 A reprint of the rare work first published in Valladolid in 1633. The author was a Franciscan monk from Toledo, who came to Yucatan in 1606, where he died in Merida in 1631. 308. LIZANA (FR. BERNARDO DE). Historia de Yucatan Devocionario de Ntra. Sra. de Izmal y Conquista Espiritual. Photograph and plates. 8vo, boards, calf back, embossed stamp on title. Mexico, 1893 309. Low (LYMAN HAYNES). A Sketch of the Coinage of the Mexican Revolutionary General Morelos. Illustrated. 18pp. Small 4to, wrappers, front wrapper missing. New York: Privately Printed, 1886 One of 300 copies issued. 310. LUDEWIG (HERMANN E.). The Literature of American Aboriginal Lan- guages. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. London, 1858 Contains much valuable bibliographical information. It is Triibner's Bibliotheca Glottica. Vol. I. 311. MALER (TEOBERT). Explorations in the Department of Peten, Guate- mala; TOZZER (ALFRED M.). Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Tikal, Guatemala. Numerous fine plates. 2 vols. in 1, royal 4to, wrappers. [Peabody Museum Memoirs]. Cambridge, 1911 Autograph presentation copy from Mr. Tozzer to Mr. Wilkinson. A number of fine photographs are laid in. 312. MALLERY (GARRICK). Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians as Illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind. 4to, half calf. Washington, 1880 Stamp of Alfredo Chavero on title page and with his bookplate. 313. MALO (JosE R.). Apuntes Historicos sobre el destierro vuelta al terri- torio Mexicano y Muerte del Libertador don'Augustin de Iturbide. 59 pp. 8vo, sewed. Mexico, 1869 The author was Iturbide's cousin and accompanied him in his banish- ment to Italy. This uncommon little book was written in prison in Toluca, where the author had been confined for some months for serving under Maximilian. 314. MANZANILLA (YANUARIO). Recuerdos de la Campana de los Republi- canos contra el Imperio en el Estado de Yucatan. 8vo, cloth, gilt back, uncut. Merida de Yucatan, 1888 315. MART!NEZ (ALOMIA GUSTAVO). Historiadores de Yucatan. Apuntes biograficos y bibliograficos de los Historiadores de esta Peninsula desde su descubrimiento hasta fines del siglo XIX. 8vo, morocco back and boards, rubbed. Campeche, 1906 316. MARTINEZ (MIGUEL). Cuestion entre Mexico y Guatemala; CRUZ (FERNANDO). La Verdad Historica acerca del Tratado de Limites entre Guatemala y Mexico; CASTILLO (JosE V.). Tratado Ele- mental de Geografia del Estado de Veracruz-Llave ; QUESTIONES entre Guatemala y Mejico; MAUDSLAY (A. P.). Explorations in Guatemala, and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Together, 50 pieces. V. p. v. d. 317. MARTINEZ Y AGUILAR (A.). Fr. Diego de la Magdalena, Discurso; Huaxtecapan (2 copies) ; etc. Five pieces in one vol. narrow 8vo, half calf. Presentation copy from the author. San Luis Potosi, 1908-9 318. MAKTIR (PETER). Fuentes Historicas sobre Colonamerica. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt back. Madrid, 1892 319. MARURE (ALEJANDRO). Bosquejo Historico de las Kevoluciones de Cen- tre-America. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Guatemala, 1877 An important historical work. Both volumes contain the Errata. 320. MAUDSLAY (A. P.). Biologia Centrali-Americana ; or Contributions to the knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central Amer- ica. Edited by F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. Text by A. P. Maudslay, Vols. I-IV (in one volume) and with the Appendix by J. T. Goodman in another volume, both these in royal 4to, plates in four volumes oblong folio. Together, 6 vols. Eoyal 4to, and oblong folio, uniformly bound in half brown morocco. London, 1888-1902 This magnificent work deals with the Archaeology of Mexico and Cen- tral America previous to the conquest by the Spaniards. The plates, which number over 400, are beautifully reproduced by the autotype process, and represent monuments, altars, remains of temples, inscrip- tions, etc. Loosely laid in is an extensive collection of photographs, some of which are very large, and which supplement the autotypes in the printed work. These photographs are chiefly the work of Mr. Maler, the cele- brated explorer of Merida, Yucatdn. The Chavero copy with extra illus- trations by Mr. Wilkinson. 321. MAUDSLAY (ANNE GARY AND ALFRED PERCIVAL). A Glimpse at Guate- mala, and some Notes on the Ancient Monuments of Central Amer- ica. With maps, plans, photographs and other illustrations. Thick 4to, holland back and boards, uncut. London : Murray, 1899 The illustrations in this fine volume are unusually well produced. 322. MAYA. Coleccion de Platicas Doctrinales y Sermones en Lengua Maya, por diferentes autores. Photographic facsimile, from the original of 1868. 257pp. 12mo. 323. MAYA. Apuntes sobre la historia antigua de Yucatan. 28pp. 12mo, sheets. Photographic reproduction, only a few issued, from a manuscript in the Bibliotheco National, Paris, containing notes on the ancient deities, history and language of the Mayas. Author is unknown. 324. MAYAN CHRONOLOGY. Notes on Mayan Subjects. Photographic repro- duction of a memorandum book on Mayan chronology, etc., includ- ing much of Juan Pio Perez. Illustrated, 66pp. Small folio. 325. MAYAN CHRONOLOGY. Notes and Extracts from the Dr. Brinton collec- tion, relating to Mayan Chronology and Grammar, also Notes in Mije, Cacchi, Chaueatal, and Tzental languages, all based on Dr. Berendt's notes. Numerous illustrations. 80pp. 8vo, sheets. Photographic reproductions. Only a few issued. 326. MAYAN Music. Maya Melodies of Yucatan. Taken from Indian Airs of Alice Dixon Le Plongeon, with Musical settings by Susanne V. R. Lawton; Danzon. Cualquier Cosa, para piano por Ernesto Mangas; Danzon. El Pagare de Huecho, para piano por Jose E. Maring; Yiergol. Las Bribonas, musica de Rafael Calleja, and other music of a similar nature. Together, 7 pieces, folio. Madrid, etc.-, v. d. 327. MEDALS. Ciencia de Las Medallas, con Notas Historicas y Criticas. Tra- ducida del idioma Frances . . . al Espanol, por D. Manuel Mar- tinez Pingarron. Numerous reproductions. 2 vols. small 4to, calf, some pages stained. Madrid, 1777 328. MEDINA (JosE TORIBIO). La Imprenta en Puebla de Los Angelas [Mexico], 1640-1821. 8vo, half bound, title missing. Apart from the defect above mentioned, a good copy of this important contribution to bibliography. 329. MEDINA (JosE TORIBIO). Biblioteca Hispano- Americana, 1493-1810. 7 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Santiago de Chile, 1898-1907 Only 250 sets were printed. FINE COPY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF SPANISH- AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 330. MEDINA (JosE TORIBIO). La Imprenta en Merida de Yucatan, 1813- 21. 32 pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Santiago de Chile, 1904 Only 200 copies were printed. It contains many valuable bibliographi- cal notes. 331. MEDINA (JosE TORIBIO). Bibliografia de la Imprenta en Guatemala en los Siglos XVII y XVIII. Folding facsimiles. 12mo, three-quar- ter levant, gilt back. Santiago de Chile, 1907 Contains many valuable bibliographical notes. Published under nom de plume of "Juan Enrique O'Ryan." 332. MEDINA (JosE TORIBIO). La Imprenta en Guatemala, 1660-1821. Il- lustrated. 696pp. Thick 4to, wrappers, uncut. Santiago de Chile, 1910 The most valuable work on the subject. Only 200 copies were printed. 333. MEMBRENO (ALBERTO). Nombres Geograficos Indigenas de la Kepublica de Honduras. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Tegucigalpa, 1901 Presentation copy from the author; and the stamp of Pedro Robredo y Cia on title page. 334. MERCER (HENRY C.). The Hill-Caves of Yucatan, a Search for Evi- dence of Man's Antiquity in the Caverns of Central America. With 74 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Philadelphia, 1896 335. MEXICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Mr. Paul Wilkinson's loose leaf memorandum book, containing a very large number of manuscript notes by him, also many cuttings and other material. 4to, morocco. The material written and gathered by Mr. Wilkinson during several years in Yucatan and other parts of Mexico for his proposed bibliography of the Maya Indians of Yucatan, and of great usefulness to students and scholars in that particular field. Not the least important feature of the collection is a very extensive typewritten list of the manuscripts written at various periods, and now mainly in great public collections. 336. MEXICAN CALENDAR. Los Calendarios Mexicanos, por Mariano Fer- nandez de Echeverria y Veytia. Edicion del Museo Nacional de Mexico. Illustrations and eight large colored plates. Folio, half Spanish calf, gilt back. Mexico, 1907 337. MEXICAN LANGUAGES. Photographic reproductions of fragments of manuscripts and printed books in various Mexican languages. 11 pieces. 338. MEXICAN MINT. Memoria sobre la creacion y estado actual de las casas de moneda, Mexico, 1849; Memoria historica sobre la origen de la moneda por L. Final, Mexico, 1856; Espediente sobre el nuevo ar- rendamiento de la casa de moneda, Mexico, 1856; and six other similar pieces. Together, 9 pieces in one vol. folio, half calf. An interesting and uncommon collection. From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with bookplate. 339. MEXICAN KEVOLUTION. Contestaciones que precidieron a la capitulacion de la ciudad de Valladolid [Marelia] entre los senores coroneles D. Agustin de Iturbide y Don Luis Quintnaar. 16 pp. 8vo, sewed, slightly wormed. Puebla, 1821 340. MEXICAN KEVOLUTION. Iturbide (Augustin de). Proclamation to the Mexican people from the General Quarters, June 20, 1821. 1 leaf, small folio. EXTREMELY BARE BROADSIDE. Valladolid [Marelia], Imprenta del ejercito imperial, 1821 341. MISCELLANEOUS. A collection of about 175 pieces, being maps of South America (2 originals in colors), facsimiles of maps, views of monu- ments, bibliographical and other miscellanies, photographs, etc., formerly in collections of Dr. N. Leon, A. Chavero and others. Loose in portfolio. Sold as one lot. 342. MOLINA (ALONSO DE). Vocabulario de la Lengua Mexicana. Illus- trated. Thick 4to, sheepskin, gilt back, uncut. Leipzig, 1880 Facsimile of original edition, 1571. Interleaved throughout. 343. MOLINA SOLIS (JUAN FRANCISCO). Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista de Yucatan, con Una Eesefia de la Historia Antigua de fista Peninsula. Thick 8vo, half calf, title repaired. Merida de Yucatan, 1896 The best modern history of the period treated. 344. MOLINA SOLIS (JuAN FRANCISCO). El Primer Obispado de la Nacion Mejicana, 1897; El Conde de Penalva, gobernador y capitan general de la Provincia de Yucatan. Estudio Historico, 1889. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half roan. Merida de Yucatan, 1897-1889 The first-named is a presentation copy from the author, with in- scription on title. 345. MOLINA SOLIS (JUAN FRANCISCO). Historia de Yucatan durante la Dominacion Espanola. 2 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Merida de Yucatan, 1904-1910 346. MILLA (JOSE) Y CARRILLO (AGUSTIN G.). Historia de la America Cen- tral, desde el descubrimiento del pais por los Espanoles (1502) hasta su Independencia de la Espana (1821). 4 vols. royal 8vo, unbound; Vols. 1 to 3 uncut, Vol. 4 cut, several pp. slightly torn. Guatemala, 1879-1897 A HIGHLY IMPORTANT WORK, and one, owing to the length of time re- quired in its completion, seldom found entire. 347. MONTUFAR (LORENZO). Resena Historica de Centre-America. Por- traits. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, morocco back and boards, rubbed. Guatemala, 1878 348. [MONTUFAR (MANUEL).] Memorias para la historia de la Eevolucion de Centre-America, por un Guatemalteco. 12mo, half calf. Last leaves wormed. Jalapa, 1832 In the same volume is bound the rare supplement (cut short) pub- lished at a later date, and the "observaciones" on it by Mariano Galvez, 1836. From the library of Dr. N. Leon with bookplate. 349. MORAN (FRANCISCO). Arte en lengua Cholti, con fragmentos de Doc- trina Christiana y Confesionario en la mesma lengua, copia de 1685. 87pp. 12mo. Photographic reproduction of the manuscript executed by C. H. Be- rendt from the manuscript composed at Dolores in 1645, on the Barrios Expedition, in the University of Pennsylvania, and of which but a few were issued. 350. MORAN (FRANCISCO). Vocabulario en Lengua Cholti estractado del vocabulario que compuse Francisco Moran. Photographic repro- duction. 12pp. N. p. n. d. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF PAUL WILKINSON, ESQ., MEXICO CITY Second Session, Numbers 351 to 483, inclusive FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 7th, AT 8:15 O'CLOCK 351. MORGAN (LEWIS H.). Houses and House-Life of the American Abor- igines, 1881: EAU (CHARLES). Observations on Cup-Shaped and other Lapidarian Sculptures, 1881; GTATSCHET (ALBERT S.). The Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon. 1890. 3 vols. 4to, cloth, the first-named stamped in places. Washington, v. d. 352. MURAL PAINTINGS AT CHICHEN-!TZA. A collection of SEVEN ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of the Mural Paintings at Chichen-Itza. (1) 5 ft. x 30 in. (2) 91/2 ft. x 42 in. (3) 9 ft. x 34 in. (4) 2 ft. x 19 in. and three smaller pieces. Several slightly damaged. Together, 7 pieces. A number of the above drawings are finely executed. 353. MURPHY COLLECTION OF AMERICANA. Catalogue of the magnificent library of Hon. H. C. Murphy. Consisting almost wholly of Amer- icana or books relating to America. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1884 Priced throughout. Laid in are 2 portraits of Mr. Murphy, one with his signature attached. 354. NAVARRO (JUAN SUAREZ). Informe sobre las Frecuentes Revoluciones ocurridas en Yucatan. Folding map. 191pp. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Mexico, 1861 355. NORMAN (B. M.). Rambles in Yucatan, or Notes of Travel through the Peninsula, including a Visit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi and Uxmal. Numerous illustrations. FIRST EDITION, New York, 1843 ; Rambles by Land and Water, or Notes of Travel in Cuba and Mexico. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1845. Together, 2 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 356. OAXACA. Noticias de la Provincia de Oaxaca. MANUSCRIPT. 390pp. 4to, vellum. [circa 1800] This interesting manuscript seems to be the work of Francisco Villa- rega. Contains, Historia de la milagrosa Cruz de Guatulco; Fundacion de 1'oratorio de San Felipe Neri; Fundacion de la Yglesia de S. Jose y convento en ella de religiosos Capuchinos de Oaxaca Espanoles; Princi- pales que en el ano de 1800 tenia el Hospital de San Cosma y San Do- main; etc. (See Reproduction.) 357. OBREGON (Luis GONZALEZ). Anuario Bibliografico Nacional, (1888). Ano 1. 155pp. 12mo, wrappers, uncut, needs sewing. Mexico, 1889 Very scarce. All ever issued. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. 358. OLAVARRIA Y FERRARI (ENRIQUE DE). La Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. 180pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1901 359. ORONOZ (Luis G.). y CORREA (JosE M.). Dos Insurgentes. Archivo y Bibliotheca de la Secretaria de Hacienda, Coleccion de Documentos Historicos. Tomo 1. 262pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1914 360. OROZCO y JIMENEZ (DR. D. FRANCISCO). Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos Relatives a la Iglesia de Chiapas. Vol. I. Royal 8vo, cloth. San Cristobal, Las-Casas, 1906 Bound in at the end is, Testimonio del Establecimiento de las Misiones de la Tarahumara por los PP. De La Compania de Jesus Y Del Des- cubrimiento de unas Salinas. . . . Dr. D. Francisco Orozco y Jimenez, A portrait of the author and some newspaper clippings are laid in. 361. OROZCO Y JIMENEZ (DR. D. FRANCISCO). DOCUMENTOS ineditos rela- tives a la Iglesia de Chiapas, por F. Orozco y Jimenez, obispo de la Misma. Vol. II. Small folio, sheets. San Cristobal, Las Casas, 1911 362. ORTEGA (A. NUNEZ). Apuntes Historicos sobre la Eodela Azteca, Con- servada en el Museo Nacional de Mexico ; Varies Papeles sobre Cosas de Mexico. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Bruselas, 1885 Contains a variety of interesting articles on Mexican topics. Pre- sentation copy from the author. No. 32 of 205 copies printed. 363. PALENQUE RUINS. A collection of manuscript copies of the following ex- tremely rare documents relating to Palenque: Spanish transla- tion of the work of Del Eio and Cabrera, published in London, 1822; Reports of D. Antonio Calderon, and D. Antonio Bemasconi and J. B. Muiioz, circa 1786, with copies (colored) of the celebrated drawing (4 plates) accompanying the Bemasconi report. Also, the report of 1813 of D. Mariano Robles Dominguez and Del Rio's report to Governor Estacheria (1787). These are from Spanish Archives and Mexican copies, and belonged to Dr. N. Leon, with his notes and corrections. 364. PALMA Y PALMA (EULOGIO). Los Mayas. Disertaciones historico- filologicas. 8vo, half calf, 753pp. and 2pp. of errata. Motul -(Yucatan), 1901 A scarce and important work. 365. PANIAGUA (FLAVIO ANTONIO). Una Rosa y dos Espinas, Memorias del Imperio. Illustrated. 8vo, half roan. San Cristobal, 1870 With the name of F. Orozco y Jimenez, Bishop of Chiapas and later of Guadalajara, stamped on cover. NOTICIAS DE LA PROVINCIA DE OAXACA (See No. 356 366. PANIAGUA (FLAVIO ANTONIO). Cateeisme Elemental de Historia y Estadistica de Chiapas. 108pp. 8vo, wrappers, somewhat worn. San Cristobal, Las-Casas, 1876 The Indice and Errata were separately printed. They are attached! at the end. 367. PEABODY MUSEUM of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Memoirs. Volume I. 6 parts, in one volume, Numerous illustrations. Royal 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1896-1902 The separately-printed Index is laid in. Contains Prehistoric Ruins of Copan; Researches in the Uloa Valley; etc. 368. PEABODY MUSEUM of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Memoirs. Volume II. Numerous fine plates. Royal 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1901 Contains, Researches in the central portion of the Usumatsintla Val- ley, by Teobert Maler, etc. A number of photographs are loosely laid in, also a manuscript by Mr. Maler, 5pp. and the separately-printed list of illustrations. 369. PEABODY MUSEUM of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Papers. Volume IV. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Separately-printed "Con- tents" laid in. Cambridge, 1904 370. PEABODY MUSEUM of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Memoirs. Volume IV., in 3 parts. Numerous fine plates. Royal 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1908 Contains, Explorations of the Upper Usumatsintla and adjacent re- gion, by T. Maler ; and other papers. Several photographs are laid in. 371. PELAEZ (PAUL GARCIA). Memorias para la Historia del antigue Reyno de Guatemala. 3 vols. square 8vo, half roan, rubbed. Guatemala, 1851-2 Very scarce. Some pages of another edition are bound at the end of volume one. 372. PELAEZ (PAUL GARCIA). Memorias. Another copy. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, in poor condition. Not returnable. 373. PEON Y CONTRERAS (Joss). Un Amor de Hernan Cortes. 63 pp. 8vo, wrappers. La Cabesa de Uconor, 92pp., 8vo, wrappers, covers torn. Together, 2 vols. Merida de Yucatan, 1883-90 Both are dramas, the former of which was first played in the principal theatre of Mexico, and the latter in the theatre of Merida, Feb. 27, 1890. 374. PERALTA (MANUEL M. DE). Costa-Rica, Nicaragua y Panama, en el Siglo XVI. Su Historia y Sus Limites. Thick 8vo, three-quarter morocco. Madrid-Paris, 1883 Presentation copy from the author, with bookplate of Gen. V. Riva Palacio on title page. 375. PERALTA (MANUEL M. DE). Costa-Rica y Colombia de 1573 a 1881. . . . con Notas y aclaraciones Historicas y Geograficas. 8vo, half morocco. Madrid, 1886 Stamp, "Biblioteca del General Riva Palacio" on title. 376. PERALTA (MANUEL M. DE). Costa Eica y Costa de Mosquitos. Docu- mentos para la Historia de la Jurisdiction de Costa Rica y Colombia. 8vo, boards, uncut. Paris, 1898 Autograph presentation copy from the author, with inscription. 377. PIM ( BEDFORD ). Dottings on the Roadside in Panama, Nicaragua and Mosquito. Tinted illustrations. London, 1869; PECTOR (DESIRE). Etude Economique sur la Republique de Nicaragua, Neuchatel, 1893, and other pamphlets in the same volume, and another book. Together, 3 vols. V. p. v. d. 378. PIMENTEL (FRANCISCO). Cuadro Descriptive y Comparativo de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo, unbound, uncut, half title of one slightly imperfect. Mexico, 1865 379. PINEDA (VINCENTE). Gramatica de la Lengua Tzel-Tal 147pp, 8vo, sheets. Chiapas, 1887 Contains the two sheets of Errata. 380. PINEDA (VINCENTE). Historia de las sublevaciones indigenas habidas en el estado de Chiapas. Gramatica de la lengua Tzel-tal y Dic- cionario de la misma. Square 8vo, half calf. Scarce. Chiapas, 1888 381. Pio PEREZ (JUAN). Diccionario de la lengua Maya. Small folio, half calf. Stamp on title. From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with book- plate. Merida de Yucatan, 1866-77 382. Pio PEREZ (JUAN). Coordination Alfabetica de las Voces del Idioma Maya, 296 pp. 8vo, wrappers. Merida de Yucatan, 1898 First publication of Pio P6rez's MS. notes of 1847 extracted from the works of Padre Beltran, and also his copy of the lost "Diccionario de Ticul," which formed the base of what later developed into Pio Perez's famous Maya Dictionary. 383. POMAR Y ZURITA. Pomar, Relation de Tezcoco ; Zurita. Breve Relation de los Seiiores de la Nueva Esparia. Varias Relaciones antiguas. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1891 Edition limited to 200 copies. 384. POPOL VUH. The great manuscript of the Brasseur de Bourborg-Pinart collection consisting of the narrative, A History of Ximenez (very poorly published by Brasseur and by Scherger, Vienna 1857). 128 pp. folio, and also the trilingual "Arte" (Quiche, Cakchiquel and Tzutuhil) of 237pp. folio. All in photographic reproduction. This set of copies has been made in two parts so that the history may be bound separately from the rest. A most invaluable manuscript and now made available in facsimile for study for the first time. 385. PORTAS (R. DE). Defensa de los intereses generales de Yucatan y espe- cialmente de los del puerto de Sisal. 8vo, cloth, foxed. Merida, (Yucatan), 1869 386. POWELL (J. W.). Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages. Second Edition, with charts. 4to, cloth. Washington, 1880 387. PRESCOTT (GUILLERMO H.). Historia de la Conquista de Mejico. . . traducida al Castellano, por D. Jose M. Gonzalez de la Vega. Por- traits and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, roan backs. Mejico, 1844 388. PRESCOTT (GUILLERMO H.). Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. . . traducidal al Espanol por Joaquin Navarro. Illuminated titles and many plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1844-1846 389. PROYECTO de Constitution politica de la Republica de Yucatan. 80pp. 4to, sewed, writing on title. [Merida, (Yucatan)] 1823 EXTBEMELY SCARCE. 390. QUARITCH REPRINTS. The Latin Letter of Columbus, 1493; The Spanish Letter of Columbus, 1493; Hariot's Virginia, 1585; The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. Together, 4 vols. small 4to. wrappers. London, 1893 391. RAMIREZ (JosE FERNANDO). Biblioteca Hispano-Americana Septen- trional. Adiciones y Correciones que a su fallecimiento dejo manu- scrits el Sr. Lie. etc. Portraits. 662pp. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1898 Published by Dr. N. Leon. Supplements Beristain & Souza's great Bibliography. 392. RAU (CHARLES). The Palenque Tablet in the United States National Museum. Illustrated. Washington, 1879; ANALES de Museo Xacional de Mexico, tomo II (not perfect). Illustrated, Mexico, 1880; BOLETIN del Institute Geologico de Mexico, num. 3, (Yuca- tan), Illustrated. Mexico, 1896; REFUTACION de las inculpaciones hechas-al C. Matias Romero, por el Gobierno de Guatemala, Mexico, 1877, etc. Together, 5 pieces, small folio. All unbound. V. p. v. d. 393. REGISTRO YUCATECO. Periodico Literario, redactado por una Sociedad de Amigos. Vol. I. 8vo, half calf, last two pages of index missing. Merida de Yucatan, 1845 VERY SCAECE. This magazine, edited by Justo Sierra, contains im- portant papers on the history and antiquities of Yucatan and Central America; biographical sketches of statesmen and scholars; etc. 394. REGLAMENTO, e instruccion para los presidios que se hen de formar en la liena de frontera de la Nueva Espana. Small 4to, Spanish calf. Mexico, 1773 VERY SCABCE. In the same volume are bound "Elogio historico del General J. M. Morelos y Pavon por C. M. de Bustamante, Mexico, 1882," and "Proyecto sobre un establecimiento de papel moneda, Mexico, 1822." 395. RELACION de Meritos, y Servicios de Don Francisco Xavier de Requena, Capitan Alcayde Castellano del Presidio del Peten Itza [Guatemala]. Two pages, small folio. [Madrid, 1768] 396. EELACION del Pueblo de Tepeaca. Manuscript copy executed from the original document in the "Archivo General de Indias" of Sevilla, years 1521-1818. Folio, sewed. This is the relation sent by Don Martin Enriquez, Viceroy of Mexico, January 15, 1580. 397. EEMESAL (ANTONIO DE). Historia de la Provincia de S. Vincente de Chyapa y Guatemala de la Orden de Sancto Domingo. En- graved title. Folio, contemporary vellum. Madrid, por Francisco de Engulo, 1619 VERY BARE. First issue (the title of the second issue is printed and reads differently), without the leaf "Alonso Geronimo de Salas Barba- dillo, en albanca del autor." Antonio de Remesal was sent by the Do- minicans to Guatemala in 1613. On his return to Spain he published this important work, which he had compiled from the archives of the Order and other documents. Besides the history of the Dominicans and their missions to the Indians in Guatemala and other parts of New Spain, it treats largely of civil affairs. 398. EEMESAL (ANTONIO DE) . Indice biografico por orden alfabetico de los nombres que cita Antonio Eemesal en la obra "Historia de la Provincia de San Vincente de Chiapa y Guatemala de la Orden de San Domingo." MANUSCRIPT. 120pp., square 8vo, leather. [Mexico, circa 1850] A well written manuscript, by Sig. Jos6 Fernando Ramirez. 399. EENACIMIENTO (EL). Periodico Literario. Vol. I. Numerous por- traits and plates. Imperial 8vo, half calf. Mexico, 1869 VERY SCARCE. 400. EENDON (JosE D. ESPINOSA, EDITOR). El Eepertorio Pintoresco, o miscelanea instructiva y amena consagrade a la religion, la historia del pais, la filosphia, la industria y las bellas letras. 8vo, calf, gilt back. Merida, 1863 An interesting old Yucatecan magazine. 401. EEPERTORIO SALVADORENO. Publicacion Mensual de la "Academic de Ciencias y Bellas Letras de San Salvador/' Vols. 1 to 8 inclusive, in 4 vols. 8vo, half roan, no titles to the first and last volumes. San Salvador, 1883-1893 A scarce collection containing much historical and other material. 402. EEVILLA (MANUEL G.). El Arte en la Epoca Antigua y durante el Gobierno Virreinal. 8vo, calf. Mexico, 1893 Begins with the art of the "picture writing." Stamp of Alfredo Chavero on title page. 403. EIAMBAU (JuAN DE). Por el clero secular de la ciudad, y obispado de Goathemala, y el Cura parrocho del territorio, que llaman de las Bacas, etc., sobre la administracion de la cura de almas de los Espaiioles que residen en el Pueblo de S. Miguel Petapa [no place, circa 1743] ; El Clero secular de Goathemala, etc. [No place, no date] ; Memorial ajustado de los autos, que segue e en supremo consejo de las Indias la Eeligion de Predicadores le la Provincia de Goathemala [1744]. Three pieces in one volume, folio, vellum. ALL VERY SCARCE. 401. RICKARDS (CONSTANTINE GEORGE). The Kuins of Mexico With a large number of fine plates, all lightly attached. Volume one (all issued). Small folio, cloth. London, 1910 405. RIPALDA (Gr. DE). Catecismo y Exposicion breve de la Doctrina Cristiana traducida al idioma Yucateco, por Joaquin Ruz. 16mo, half calf. Merida de Yucatan, 1847 406. ROBELO (CECILIO A.). Toponimia Maya-Hispano-Nahoa. Oblong 8vo, wrappers. 2 copies, one of which is an autograph presentation copy from the author to A. Chavero. Cuernavaca, 1902 407. ROSA (A.). Monetario Americano. With a large number of facsimiles. Royal 8vo. half morocco, lacks title ; El Repertorio Pintoresco. Numerous illustrations. Merida, 1863, and another volume of the same, the latter without title . Together, 3 vols. 8vo, various bindings. 408. ROVIROSA (JosE 1ST.). Nombres Geograficos del Estado de Tabasco. 36pp. 4to, wrappers. Mexico, 1888 409. ROVIROSA (JosE N.) Nombres Geograficos del Estado de Tabasco. 36 pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Mexico, 1888 410. Ruz (JOAQUIX). Doctrina y Catecismo in Maya. 8vo, sheets [about 180 pages]. 1822 Photographic reproduction of the first publication of the eminent and prolific Yucatan writer. Lacks title page, and has various small defects. 411. Ruz (JOAQUIN). Gramatica Yucateca formada para la instruc- cion de los Indigenas. 119pp. 8vo, sheets. Merida de Yucatan, 1844 Photographic reproduction of the rare first Spanish edition. 412. Ruz (JOAQUIN). Cartilla o Silabario de lengua Maya para la enseiianza de los ninos indigenos. 16mo, half calf. RARE. Merida de Yucatan, 1845 413. Ruz ( JOAQUIN). Cartilla o Silabario de lengua Maya para la ensenanza de los ninos indigenos. 16mo, sewed, two leaves a little stained. Merida de Yucatan : R. Pedrera, 1845 414. Ruz (JOAQUIN). Coleccio de sermones para los domingos de todo el ano, y cuaresma, tornados de varios autores, y traducidos libremente al idioma Yucateco. Vol. 1-4. 4 vols. in one, 4to, Spanish calf, some leaves slightly wormed. Merida de Yucatan, 1846-50 The translator was a Franciscan, who spent most of his life in Yucatan. 415. Ruz (JOAQUIN). Manual Romano Toledano y Yucateco para la ad- ministration de los Santos Sacramentos. 8vo, Spanish calf. Merida de Yucatan: J. D. Espinosa, 1846 416. Ruz (JOAQUIN). A Yucatecan Grammar; Translated from the Spanish into Maya, and abridged for the instruction of the native Indians. Translated from the Maya into English by John Kingdon. 68pp. 8vo, sheets. Belize, 1847 Photographic reproduction. Only a few issued. Page 10 missing, and page 14 in duplicate. 417. Kuz (JOAQUIN). Analisis del idioma Yucateco. Merida de Yucatan, 1851. Photographic reproduction. 16pp. 16mo. 418. SALISBURY (STEPHEN, Editor). The Mayas; The Sources of Their History. LE PLONGEON (DR.). In Yucatan, His Account of Dis- coveries. Map and illustrations, 8vo, cloth, gilt back. Worcester, 1877 419. SALISBURY (STEPHEN, Editor). The Mexican Calendar Stone. By P. J. J. Valentini. Terra Gotta Figure from Isla Mujeres and Archaeological Communication on Yucatan by Dr. A. Le Plongeon, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Worcester (Privately Printed), 1879 420. SAN BUENAVENTURA (GABRIEL DE). Arte de la lengua Maya. 100pp. 8vo, sheets. Mexico, 1684 Photographic reproduction of the rare original edition. 421. SAN BUENAVENTURA (GABRIEL DE). Arte de la lengua Maya. Fac- simile reprint. Mexico, 1684. 4to, half calf. Mexico, 1888 Limited to 76 copies. Presentation copy from the editor, J. Garcia Icazbalceta, to A. Chavero, with bookplate and stamp of the latter. 422. SANCHEZ (JosE MARIA). Gramatica de la Lengue Zoque. Folding plate. 8vo, half morocco. Imprenta de la "Sociedad Catolica" a cargo de Mariano Armendariz, 1877. 423. SANCHEZ (JosE MARIA). La Lengue Tzotzil en Chiapas. 8vo, half morocco. VERY SCARCE. 424. SANCHEZ DE LUQUE (JosE ANTONIO). Arte Novissima de Lengua Mexicana dispuesto, por el Baciller Don Jose Antonio Sanchez de Luque. Vicario in capite y Juez Ecclesiastico del Eeal y Minas de Jetzicapan. THE AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT. 153pp. 4to, contemporary Mexican binding in calf; gilt, somewhat rubbed. 1779 Dedicated to Antonio Sazedon, Bishop of Linares, and very likely the copy presented to him, as the manuscript is carefully written. THIS INTERESTING GRAMMAR IS APPARENTLY UNPUBLISHED. 425. SAPPER (DR. KARL). Das Nordliche Mittel-Amerika nebsteinem Aus- flug nach dem Hochland von Anahuac. Eeisen und Studieu auf den Jahren 1888-95. Folding maps, some colored, and illustrations. 555 pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Braunschweig, 1897 Dr. N. Leon's name stamped on cover. 426. SAPPER (DR. KARL). Mittelamerikanische Eeisen und Studien aus den Jahren, 1888 bis 1900. Four maps and 60 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt back, cover spotted. Braunschweig, 1902 427. SAVAGE (TOMAS). Manual de las Eelaciones Industrials y Comer- ciales entre los Estados Unidos y la America Espanola. Map. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. California, 1889 428. SAVILLE (MARSHALL H.). Exploration of Zapotecan Tombs in Southern Mexico, New York, 1899; From the Library of Dr. N. Leon, with bookplate; CASE (HENRY A.). Views on and of Yu- catan. Numerous illustrations, and MS. corrections by T. Maler. Merida, 1911; SHUFELDT (EGBERT W.). Eeports of Explorations and Surveys by the way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Folding maps. Washington, 1872, and another. Together, 4 vols. Small folio and 8vo, various bindings. V. p. v. d. 429. SCHERZER (CARL). Travels in the Free States of Central America; Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador. Folding maps. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 430. SCHOEMBS (JAKOB). Material zur Sprache von Comalapa in Guate- mala. 227pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Dortmund, 1905 431. SELER (CAECILIE). Auf alten Wegen in Mexiko und Guatemala. Large colored folding map and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1900 With bookplate of Dr. N. Leon. 432. SELER (EDWARD). Gesaminelte Abhandlunger zur Amerikanischen Sprach-und Alterthumskunde. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1902 Contain articles on picture-writing; old mythology of Mexico; etc. 433. SERMONES en lengua Zoque, cuyo original nitidisimo se encuentra en el Archive de S. Cristobal Las Casas, mandados copiar por Fran- cisco Orozco y Jimenez, Obispo de Chiapas. MANUSCRIPT COPY from the original manuscript written in 1709. 177pp. Folio. S. Cristobal, 1907 Presentation copy from Orozco y Jimenez, Bishop of Chiapas, to Dr. N. Leon. Bancroft Ltbn 434. SINOBAS (MANUEL Rico Y). Diccionario de Caligrafos Espanoles con un apendice sobre los Caligrafos mas Recientes por D. Rufino Blanco. 273pp. 8vo, wrappers. Madrid, 1903 435. SLATER (J. HERBERT). How to Collect Books. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1905 436. SOBRON (D. FELIX C. Y.). Los Idiomas de la America Latina, Estudios Biografico-Bibliograficos. 137pp. 12mo, unbound, broken. Madrid, n. d. 437. SOLIS Y ROSALES (JosE VICENTE). El Ejercicio del Santo Viacrucis, puesto en lengua Maya. 31pp. 12mo, sheets. Merida, 1869 Photographic reproduction. Only a small number issued. 438. SOSA (FRANCISCO DE P.). Manual de Bipgrafia Yucateca. 228 pp. 12mo, wrappers, uncut and Indexes and Errata. Merida, 1866 Presentation copy from the author to A. Chavero, with inscription. 439. SOTOMAYOR (DAMASO). El Siglo geroglifico Atzeca en sus 52 Calen- darios. Siglo LXXVIII del mundo, Ano I de Cristo. Oblong folio, wrappers. Mexico, 1897 440. SOUTH AMERICAN MAPS, PLANS, ETC. Yucatan, 4 ft. 10 in. x4 ft. 3 in. ; Mexico, 4 ft., 4 in. x 3 ft., 2 in. ; Plan of the Ruined group of Xkichmock, and other Maps and Plans, including some facsimiles of rare and early specimens, in colors, also Heraldica Militia de la Repiiblica Mexicana, and many sheets of miscellaneous facsimiles of titles of books, portraits and other material. Together, 65 pieces. Sold as one lot. 441. SPINDEN (HERBERT J.). A study of the Maya Art, its Subject Matter and Historical Development. Numerous illustrations. Royal 4to, wrappers. Peabody Museum Memoirs. Cambridge, 1913 Autograph presentation copy from the author. 442. [SQUIER (E. G.)]. Waikna, or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. Illustrated. New York, 1855; Obras Poeticas de Jose Peon y Contreras. Veracruz, 1889; Brief Statement of the Original Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Central America. One map, should l)e two. London, 1839. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. 443. SQUIER (E. G.). The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Re- ciprocal Principles of Nature. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, slightly worn. New York, 1851 EXTREMELY SCARCE. 444. SQUIER (E. G.). Der Centralamerikanische Statt Nicaragua in Bezug auf Sein Volk, Seine Natur, und Seine Denkmaeler. Ins Deutsche iibertragen von Eduard Hoepfner. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf. Leipzig, 1854 With bookplate of Dr. N. Leon. 445. SQUIER (E. G.). Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Re- lations, concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America, chiefly from the Spanish Archives. Map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, uncut. New York, 1860 Number 1. Carta dirijida al Key de Espana, por el Licenciado Dr. Don Diego Garcia de Palacio, 1576. 446. SQUIER (E. G.). Monograph of Authors who have written on the languages of Central America, and collected vocabularies or com- posed works in the native dialects of that country. 8vo, cloth, leather back. London, 1861 With bookplate of Dr. N. Leon. 447. SQUIER (E. G.). Honduras; descriptive, historical and statistical. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. London, 1870 448. SQUIER (E. G.). Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, Monuments and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. Illustrated. 2 vols, London, 1852; Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Illustrated. 2 vols. New York, 1841. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, poor copies. 449. SQUIER (E. G.). Notes on Central America. Original maps and illus- trations. New York, 1855 ; Eeiseerlebnisse in Central Amerika, Chiapas und Yucatan. Numerous illustrations. Leipzig, 1854. To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, cloih. 450. STARR (FREDERICK). Notes upon the Ethnography of Southern Mexico, (2 copies), Notes on Mexican Archaeology, The Little Pottery Ob- jects of Lake Chapala; GATES (WILLIAM E.). Commentary upon the Maya-Tzental, Perex Codex; BAXDELIER (A. F.). The Ro- mantic School in American Archaeology; STEVEXSOX (E. L.). Early Spanish Cartography of the New World; BRETOX (AXELAJ. The Wall Paintings at Chichen Itza; MOOXEY (JAMES). The End of the Natchez; LUMHOLTZ (CARL). Explorations in Mexico; LEHMAXX (WALTER). Methods and Results in Mexican Research, and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Some pre- sentation copies from their authors. Together, 105 pieces. V. p. v. d. 451. STEPHEXS (JoHX L.). Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, worn and somewhat soiled. London, 1843 From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 452. STEPHEXS (Jonx L.). Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illustrated by 120 engravings. FIRST EDITIOX. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, rubbed. New York, 1843 453. STEPHEXS (Jonx L.). Viaje a Yucatan a fines de 1841 y principios de 1842. Translated by Justo Sierra. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, morocco back, somewhat rubbed. Campeche, 1848 454. STEPHEXS (Jonx L.). Yiaje a Yucatan a fines de 1841 y principios de 1842; Consideraciones sobre los usos, costumbres y vida social de este pueblo, traducido por Justo Sierra. Numerous plates and folding map inserted. 2 vols. in one. 8vo, Spanish calf, somewhat foxed. From the library of Dr. N. Leon with bookplate. Campeche, (Mexico) 1848-50 455. STEPHENS (JOHN L.). Begebenheiten auf einer Eeise in Yucatan. Deutsch von Dr. N. N. W. Meissner. Map and many illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1853 Stamp of Dr. Cajetan Felder on cover. 456. STEPHENS (JOHN). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. With numerous engravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt back. London, 1854 The Catherwood edition, with bookplate of Dr. N. Leon. 457. STOLL (OTTO). Zur Ethnographie der Eepublik Guatemala, Zurich, 1884 (2 copies) ; Die Maya-Sprachen der Pokom-Gruppe, Wein, 1888; Die Sprache der Ixil-Indianer, Leipzig, 1887; and another. 8vo, wrappers. Together, 5 pieces. 458. THOMPSON (EDWAKD H.). Archaeological Eesearches in Yucatan. Illustrated. [Peabody Museum Memoirs.] Cambridge, 1904; PARRY (FRANCIS). The Sacred Maya Stone of Mexico and its Symbolism. Illustrated. London, 1893. Together, 2 vols. Small folio, wrappers. 459. THOMPSON (EDWARD H.) Portal at Labna, Explorations at Labna, Euins of Xkichmook, A Page of American History, The Ancient Structures of Yucatan; EXPOSICION que dirige al Soberano Con- greso Nacional Departamento de Yucatan, 1845; .SELER (EDUARD). Die Euinen von Chich'en Itza in Yucatan; PAVIA (LAZARO). El Imperio en la Peninsula Yucateca; and other pamphlets and excerpts on Yucatan. Some illustrated. Together, 19 pieces, wrappers and unbound. V. p. v. d. 460. THOMPSON (G. A.). Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala. Folding map. 12mo, half calf, stamp on title, London, 1829; Conder's Modern Traveller, the volumes relating to Mexico and Guatimala. 2 vols. 12mo, calf, London, 1825; Stevens (Henry). Eecollections of Mr. James Lenox, London, 1886, and others. To- gether, 11 vols., various sizes and bindings. 461. TOZZER (ALFRED M.). A Comparative Study of the Mayas and the Lacandones. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1907 462. UFANO (DIEGO). Tratado de la artilleria y uso d'ella platicado, por el Capitan Diego Ufano en las guerras de Flanders. Engraved title and 39 copperplates of guns, gun-carriages, bombs, etc. and in gen- eral all referring to artillery. 4to, old calf, title mended in the lower part and a few light waterstains. Brusselas: Juan Momarte, 1667 THE VERY BARE ORIGINAL EDITION. One of the most celebrated treatises on artillery. Of special interest, as it contains a view of the bombard- ment of Ostend. 463. VALENTINI (PHILIPP J. J.). Mexican Copper Tools and the Katunes of Maya History. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Worcester, 1880 464. VARNHAGEN (F. A. DE). Le Premier Voyage de Amerigo Vespucci. . Definitivement explique dans ses details. Folding map. Small folio, wrappers, uncut. [Vienne, 1869] 465. VESPUCIUS. The First Four Voyages of Americus Vespucius. Eeprint of the German edition, printed at Strassburg, 1509. 8vo, boards. Only 50 copies printed. New York, 1902 466. VILLAGTJTIERKE SoTO-MAYOE (JUAN DE). Historia de la conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, reduccion, y progresos de la de el Lacan- don, y otras naciones de Indies barbaros, de la mediacion de el reyno de Guatimala, a las provincias de Yucatan, en la America Septentrional. Primera parte. With the very rare fine frontispiece engraved by M. Oroczo. Folio, contemporary vellum. Last page, containing the imprint, missing. Madrid, 1701 This important work is of rare occurrence. Part I is all that was ever published. 467. VINDEL (P.). Catalogo de la Libreria de P. Vindel. Numerous repro- ductions of titles, etc., some folding. 3 vols. 12mo, sheep. Madrid, 1896-1903 Contains many valuable notes. From the library of Dr. N. Leon, with his bookplate. 468. VOCABULARIO MAYA Y ESPANOL. Photographic reproduction executed from the manuscript preserved in the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I. About 1300 pages. 8vo, sheets. THE GBEAT MOTUL MAYA DICTIONARY. The original manuscript, from which the above photographic copy was made, and known under the name of "Diccionario del Convento de Motul," was "picked up" by Bras- seur de Bourbourg on a second-hand book-stall in Mexico City, for "a song." Finding himself in the United States without funds, he sold it to Mr. John Carter Brown for $150.00. Its particular value is not merely in the richness of the vocabulary, but that it presents the language as it was at the time of, or shortly after, the Spaniards' arrival. It was probably composed toward the latter part of the XVIth century in the Convent of Motul, Yucatdn. 469. WAFER (LIONEL). A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America the Form and Mode of the Country, the Coasts, Hills the Indian Inhabitants, their Features, etc. Third Edi- tion. Map and plates. Small 8vo, half roan, one plate defective, and some margins cut into. Not returnable. London, 1729 470. WATKINS (GEORGE T.). Bibliography of Printing in America; MENA (Lio. EAMON). El Problema Indigena en Chiapas; TOZZER (ALFRED M.). Ernst Forstemann; STEVENS (HENRY). As to Thomas Hariot, Virginia's first Historian; FACSIMILE of the First Issue of the Gazeta de Lima, (John Carter Brown publication) (2 copies); WINSHIP (GEORGE PARKER). Early South American Newspapers; MARCOU ( JULES). Amerriques Amerigho Vespucci et Amerique; FRIAS (VALENTIN F.). Ensayos Bibliograficos de Queretaro; and other pamphlets and excerpts. Some illustrated. Together, 57 pieces, wrappers and unbound. V. p. v. d. 471. XIMENEZ (P. FKANCISCO). Las Historias del Origen de los Indies. Viena, 1857; Trubner's Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars, London, 1882; Coleccion de Poesias de Los Mejores Poetas de la America del Centre por Eamon Uriarte, 2 vols. in one, Guate- mala, 1888. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, various bindings. 472. Xiu CHKONICLES. Manuscript record of the Xiu family of Yucatan from XVI to XIX centuries with curious old Indian map of Yuca- tan, 1557, and the Maya idea of a Family Tree, beginning with Adam and Eve. Photographic copy of 164pp. folio, of the Pea- body Museum manuscript. The Xiu family was one of the royal Indian lines, and after the Con- quest was most closely related to the Spaniards. These records have never been studied carefully, but if so studied, they should do a great deal to establish a number of points in the early history and chronology of Yucatan. (See Reproduction) 473. YEOLO CALAE (NICOLAS DE). Primera parte de la Politica de escrip- turas. Title within an architectural and ornamental woodcut border. Folio, old vellum, somewhat waterstained. Mexico: Diego Lopez Davalos, 1605 RAKE EARLY MEXICAN IMPRINT. In the same volume is bound "Mani- fiesto legal y juridico de los derechos que asisten a Don Jose Manuel de Tagle Gasaga." LIMA, G. Del Rio, 1800. 474. YUCATAN. Guerra (J. S. Bishop of Yucatan). Pastoral a los in- digenas de esta diocesis traducida en Yucateco por J. C. Vela. Merida de Yucatan, 1848. Photographic reproduction. 8pp. 16mo. 475. YUCATAN, Euz (Joaquin), Analisis del idioma Yucateco, Merida de Yucatan, 1851. Photographic reproduction. 16pp. 16mo. 476. YUCATAN. Documentos Eelativos a los Creditos de Yucatan a cargo del Gobierno Federal al Peligro que corrio el Estado en 1848, pp. 142. Merida, 1868; Exposicion del Gobierno de Yucatan, Merida, 1868, 20pp. Together, 2 vols., small folio, wrappers. 477. YUCATAN. Memoria de la Segunda Exposicion de Yucatan, verificada del 5 al 15 de Mayo de 1879. Dividida en tres partes, Documentos, Discursos, Eevista. 302pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Merida, 1880 478. YUCATAN. La Division de Territorie en Yucatan, Mexico, 1861. 41 pp.; (2 copies); Album Yucateco. Editado por Carlos E. Men- endez. Illustrated. Merida, 1903. 128pp. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. 479. YUCATAN. A collection of about Two HUNDEED AND SIXTY Photo- graphs of Euins in Yucatan. Enclosed in portfolio. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT COLLECTION, many being quarto size, and taken by the celebrated explorer Theobert Maler of Merida. XIU CHRONICLES OF YUCATAN (See No. 472) 480. YUCATAN. Noticias de varias plantas y sus virtudes. Photographic re- production from the copy of a manuscript owned ~by Don Pedro de Regil. 30pp. 16mo. An interesting manuscript describing plants, especially those of the medicinal variety of Yucatdn. 481. YUCATECAN LEGENDS. De los primeros habitantes de la venturosa Yucateea traducido de la Maya al Castellano por P. M. Hernan- dez. Maya and Spanish text. 4 parts in one. 8vo, half cloth. [Merida] 1905 482. ZAVALA (M.). Gramatica Maya, 1896; Vocabulario Espanol-Maya, por M. Zavala y A. Medina, 1898. 2 vols. in 8vo, half morocco. Merida, 1896-1898 483. ZENTEXO (CAKLOS DE TAPIA). Xoticia de la lengua Huasteca, con Catechismo y Doctrina Christiana para su instruction, segun lo que ordena el Santo Concilio Mexicana, Enchiridion Sacramental para su administration, etc. 4to, original vellum. Mexico: Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1767 A VERY FINE COPY OF THIS BABE GBAMMAB, the only one printed of this dialect, which is a branch of the Maya. It was composed by order of Archbishop Lorenzana, and printed at his expense. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ANNOUNCEMENT Immediately following the conclusion of the Wilkinson Sale will be commenced the sale of Americana and other books of "A Well-known Private Collector," of which Lots i to 200, inclusive, will be sold on Friday Evening, May jth, at about 9 o'clock, and the remaining lots on Saturday Afternoon, May 8th, at 3 o'clock. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY