;-NRLF Efl D7M m Happy Homes are happier if the o HOME" TO SUIT EVB THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C . E. 725 MARKET ST. (History Building), SAN FRANC .1ST SAN II; HEALTH, HAPPINESS, and LONGEVITY Health without Medicine, Happiness without Money, THE RESULT, LONGEVITY. BY Author of the ANNUAL STATISTICIAN AND ECONOMIST, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. $*> JIVJB! iksrm: SAN FRANCISCO: & CO., 210 POST STREET. HEALTH L y art- HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1890, by i,. P. MCCARTY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. PRICE, IN FLEXIBLE COVERS, $.75 PRICE, IN PAPER COVERS, - .50 i L p. MCCARTY, 8i 4 cai. st, s. R, cai. OR THE BOOK TRADE GENERALLY, & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, 210 POST ST. ; SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TJHI7BESIT7 PREFACE. "to Know That which before ns lies In dally life Is the prime wisdom. What is more is fume, Or emptiness, or fond Impertinence, And renders us, in things thiit most concern, Unpractlc'd, unprepar'd, and still to Milton's Adam to Atigel. Experience is honored. This book ia the result of experience. Man is interested in what pertains to health. \Ve are positive that the ideas herein set forth are healthful. Our profession is not that of a doctor of chemical medicines. We have no hobby to ride or patent panacea to advertise, but desire to express, in plain, forcible, truthful language, the methods by which mankind can practically achieve health, happiness and longevity. These go together. Why should they not? Re- lated, dependent upon each other, the great objects of human life, the culmination of all physical and worldly pleasure are contained in them. Whether you are the perfect embodiment of a business man or the ideal disciple of a certain profession, you cannot possibly reach the highest or even most lucrative grades of your calling without health, happiness, and their logical consequence, lon- u'l-vity. They will prove trusty lieutenants. Without them the battle of life will draw to a close in retreat and end in defeat. To assert that the average man can enjoy health without medicine, happiness without even money, and longevity too, is a broad and sweeping declaration. In fact, we expect to have opposition from those who have not tried the formula laid down in the following pages. IV PREFACE. To keep yourself in health without medicine is what we intend to convey; and we assert that but little or no medicine is neces- sary to reach that condition. To have happiness without any money (in the present condition of society) is not what we claim, but that more happiness can be extracted from a competency than by more or less. To live to good old age means with us 80 to 120 years, to in- crease with future generations, when order, regularity, sobriety, cleanliness, and love for the whole human family, shall be para- mount in the political, moral, and intellectual world. The author is living on thirty years of made land. In other words, according to medical diagnosis, he should have died thirty years ago! Hence he desires to put before the unhealthy, un- happy, and short-lived human race the result of his experience of half a century. Having battled w r ith a score of diseases, a number of which were claimed to be absolutely incurable having freed himself entirely of them all having been com- pletely restored to health and happiness, he honestly believes that he has a convincing right to be heard. You can now prove for yourself. PART I. C H APT.E R I. "Health is the vital principle of bliss, And exercise of health." Health, Happiness, and Longevity. What a talisman is INTO! In them is the magic that can rule all men. No seal, figure, character, engraven on a sympathetic stone, can equal their single or combined influence. Say to your fel- low-man, " If you follow my direction I will confer upon you health, happiness, and longevity," and you will receive his lasting gratitude. He will always be your friend. Money is potent, but these qualities are, as it were, omnipotent. Money alone cannot bring them ; they alone can make wealth. This work is not a philosophical treatise, difficult to read and more so to comprehend. Its ideas are simple, the re- sult of long experience and observation. Its propositions are easily demonstrated. Then, my reader, do not think you are perusing the hobbies of a crank, the fantasies of a dreamer, and the preachings of him who does not practice. The world has been so flooded with worthless productions of such characters that we fear we must combat severe prejudice. Will you lay that aside? If so we will not only interest but instruct you. Agreeing with our premises and conclusions, you will certainly reap some benefit; not agreeing, you will be tempted to further investigation, which will inevitably prove the strength of our position. This book was not written at one sitting or many, but it is the culmination of several years' preparation. While the first part is the result of thorough reasoning and expe- rience, the second is a collection of the best modern data on prominent diseases and their remedies, with our own anno- tations. Both sections represent thoughtful and paiustak- (5) 6 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ing labor. Even if you are so bold as to maintain that you possess health, happiness, and are sure of longevity, we believe you cannot fail to find practical, valuable truths in these pages. Whether you are an editor, merchant, lawyer, doctor, minister, or day-laborer, we hope at least to enter- tain you. Are we right? Read and judge. From the mythological times of ^Esculapius down to the present day, votaries of medical science have been com- pounding, diagnosing, and prescribing for helpless, suffering humanity. For many ages this condition may have been a necessity, but in the light of our present civilization, sound common sense is the best physician. That doctors cannot be trusted to be right in every instance or even in a majority of them is shown by practical experiments. They certainly are well proved to be an inharmonious crowd by the experience of a Boston Globe reporter, who recently called upon ten regular physicians on the same day, and described his symptoms in exactly the same language to each. He received ten prescriptions, of which no two were alike, and a majority were utterly inconsistent each with the other. Nellie Bly, the famous lady writer of the New York World, had a cold and went to over fifty of the city's leading physicians, in October, 1889, asking them to prescribe for her. They did, and among the collection there were no two alike, and many diametrically opposite in nature and effect ! In a lecture recently delivered before the Cooper Medi- cal College, San Francisco, Cal., on the subject of "Quacks and Quackery," by Prof. L. C. Lane, the speaker said : " Every good thing in the world has been counterfeited, and in these advanced times the work is so well done that it takes an expert to detect the true from the false. Every- thing is now more or less adulterated, especially the food we consume. The three great professions also of theology, law, and medicine, have been and are grossly counterfeited, especially the latter, which opens up the widest field for im- posture." As the above quotations, without an explanation, might convey the idea to the reader that the author considers HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 7 that doctors, dentists, and specialists are no longer a neces- sity, I will say, Under the present state of society, they are not only indispensable, but absolutely a necessity. When you are ill, and do not know what is the matter with you, or if you know the nature of your ailments, and do not know a remedy, seek a first-class physician ; take his advice in every particular until he either cures you or you are convinced he cannot. I am not a prophet, nor the son of one, but I will venture an opinion that before the close of the next century, the position of the minister, teacher, and physician, will be filled by one and the same person. The teacher thru will fill the most exalted position on the earth. He will not only instruct how to navigate the air without collision, but how not to catch cold at 30,000 feet elevation in your shirt sleeves, and who and what is God. His school- house will sit upon the most elevated spot in his district, with light reflected from all four sides; it will be at least fifty feet from the floor of his school-room to the ceiling; and in place of a steeple, there will be a dome, containing a 100-inch refractor telescope, and with the extra timber not used for a steeple, the seats will be made more comfort- able, and pure filtered water will be supplied for the pupils to drink. It is granted that the majority of mankind appreciate health, desire happiness, and expect longevity. With this as an incentive, why not strive to win the prize? Do not depend on the doctor, do not think some drug must be ap- plied or imbibed for every ill ; there are other methods. Perhaps we can aid you to the true enjoyment of life if you will impartially weigh our art/uinent. Here is an editor suffering from nervousness. He consults a physician, who hands him an opiate so that he can sleep. Better if he had given up all thought of his paper and battles of words, on leaving his office, and allowed his throbbing, weary brain a deserving rest. Then the cells of this brainy tissue would cease to be gorged with blood, and sleep would positively follow. Again, there is a clergyman every Sun- day beseeching his flock to obey the commandments of the Bible; while every day, through carelessness, he is break- g HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ing the laws of health. If an all-wise Being gave us our bodies as homes of our souls, did he not mean that we should promote the happiness of the soul by providing for it a healthy residence? What logic and strength exist in a religion that does not countenance such philosophy? The majority of mankind admire a well-developed physique. The minister wishes and prays to influence the masses of men. Can he reach them effectively, can he point to him- self as an example, can he sway them by any reasoning or eloquence, when he himself has a husky voice, a pallid face, and a weakened figure? Indeed, the cowled, decrepit monk could lead the world in the darkness of the middle ages ; but in the brightness of the nineteenth century his scepter is powerless. Health, Happiness and Longevity seem to be all that is required for mortal man. They are the foundation, the superstructure, and the apex respectively of the great Pyramid of life. Who would desire more than the pos- session of perfect health, the realization of happiness, the achievement of ripe old age, retaining all the pleasurable attributes of Perfected Manhood, experiencing all these until called upon to surrender this present house of clay for a more advanced state, whatever that may be? Such degrees of soundness, felicity, and age, which we have mentioned, are within the reach of all who desire them, if they will observe the rules implied in the following terms, arranged in the order of their importance: Regularity, Cleanliness, Temperance (or moderation), Morality, and Self-control. It is safe to state the proposition that there is not one in a thousand of those induced to peruse this hum- ble effort, who will not claim to possess one or more of the foregoing virtues, while a fair minority will urge that they are characterized by all of them. That your egoism, may not get the better of you in the start and bias you before reading my talk, I will frankly say that there is hardly a person living to-day who is either regular, cleanly, temperate, moral, or self-controlled. It is a fact that some have made fair efforts in those lines of action, but we shall attempt to prove that not any have HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 9 perfected themselves in a single attribute above mentioned. With us, regularity, cleanliness, temperance, morality, and self-control are so interlaced as to become synonymous terms, the perfection of any one of which means the consumma- tion of all, while their master could laugh at sorrow, pain, and even death, for through long years they would pass his door and forget to knock. Just in proportion as we ap- proximate these virtues, correspondingly will our lives be prolonged and our happiness intensified. Fear will not prostrate us because " Death rides on every passing breeze, lie lurks in every flower." As modifying the foregoing partially, let us understand, however, that it is possible to have health and longevity to a wonderful degree without cleanliness, temperance, moral- ity, and self-control, on one vital consideration. That is, the continual exercise of regularity. Here we have the corner-stone of the whole structure of health, the cardinal first law. But can we be happy without the generous em- ployment of all these virtues? Obviously and fortunately, we cannot. Health is also the chief desideratum to hap- piness. As disease creeps through the physical frame, as aches and pains increase and torment our bodies, our doubts supplant faith in the Source of all goodness. After a quarter of a century's constant devotion, in sack- cloth and ashes, as it were, attempting to free the body from the shackles of pulmonary consumption, and growing gradually worse during the whole period, the majority of devotees, we think, would begin to inquire, "Are our pray- ers lacking sincerity? or is the Source of goodness at this time otherwise occupied? or may it not be that this for which I ask, I must seek by personal action ? " We will try this self-helping method ; if success comes, we will return to the same altar with a more exalted idea of a higher Source. Cleansed of our maladies, we will have a clearer tion of who and what is God. 10 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. CHAPTER II. "There is naught like universal co-operation to promote uni- versal achievement." Individuals may seek and obtain health through the agencies already, and to be, suggested. To keep in health, their neighbors must be induced or compelled to adopt the same course. This is not an absolute law, but manifestly is very essential. Supposing your own house, sidewalk, alley, or yard, are comparatively immaculate, it will be impossible to live without constant danger and exposure if your friend (or enemy in this sense) has an untidy house, a dirty sidewalk, and a filthy yard, in your proximity. Then how encouraging to note that health is as contagious as disease. It even spreads with greater rapidity. Health is gladly welcomed ; disease is shunned like a deadly poi- son. All over the world past and contemporary history proves that, once started, health spreads at a rate that dis- ease cannot follow. What will surely result? Healthful communities will make healthful municipalities; healthful municipalities will end in commonwealths and nations of like character. The whole earth will be leavened. From a record of 34 years as the average duration of human life, the thermometer of universal progress will point to the threescore and ten, or 70 years. If you were induced to smile at the close of the last sen- tence, it shows that you are not lost to all sense of appreci- ation but quietly put on your sober cap for a moment and read a few facts on vital statistics. The average length of life up to twenty years ago was 33 years, now it has reached about 34.8 years. This has not been caused by the whole world becoming more healthful indeed, some portions of the earth, including sections of the United States, have retro- graded, and the former limit of mortality has been lowered but by the health of a number of organizations, sects, and individuals who have increased their standards of HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. \\ regularity, cleanliness, temperance, morality, and self-control. Thus the average rate of mortality has been raised nearly 2%. An interesting fact which is new to the majority of persons is this, that the whole sect of Friends, or Quakers, live an average of 58 years per individual. In the thirty- two years from 1850 to 1882 they raised the average six years, or about one year in five. With this ratio, which is itself increasing, the plurality of Quakers will be centena- rians in less than two hundred years in half that time if assisted by the world at large. By the foregoing it will be seen that the whole organization of Friends live 70$ longer than the general age allotted to mankind, which includes them to make up the universal rate. Another noticeable feature in connection with the Quakers' life is this, the deaths among them average 18 in every thousand; in the general population, 22 per thousand; while the amount given to charities per inhabitant in that sect is $7.78, and in the total population the average is 81.46. Why this difference in longevity to so marked a degree? The prohibitionitt will give this reason, that the Friends dissipate less; the religionists will say they are more truth- ful, more godly. While each of the aforementioned reasons have a healthful tendency, there is a more scientific con- clusion, for it is a well-known fact that there are thousands of cases of longevity of men and women who lack every moral principle, and dissipate all their lives. The scientist* comes to our rescue. He tells us that the Quaker's life is prolonged by his methodical way of living, evenness of temperament, wearing the same weight of clothing, allowing nothing to furrow the brow, regularity of sleeping, drinking, exercising, and eating. He takes no food or drink into his stomach above 100 or below 50 Fahr. Boiling hot soup and frozen ice-cream are unknown in a Quaker family. This might convey the idea that ice-cream is foresworn by them. Not entirely so. They use the same good judgment in that as in every other indulgence, allowing the cream to rise in temperature from 10 to 15 above the freezing point, to soft consistency, before it is taken into the stomach. Dr. TJfflemaim, a German physician of authority, draws 12 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. some important conclusions from his own experiments and those of others. The rules laid down are briefly: 1. That, in general, a temperature of food which ap- proaches that of the blood is most healthful. 2. For quenching the thirst the best temperature is from 50 Fahr. to 68 Fahr. Americans prefer about 40. 3. The gulping down of ice-water or hot coffee,, etc., means eventually a stomach damnation. 4. The use of very hot and cold substances, following or alternating, is injurious to the teeth. 5. Ingestion of cold food and drinks lessens the bodily temperature, whether it be normal or febrile. 6. Cold food and drinks increase the tendency to cough, by causing, reflexly, a congestion of the bronchial vessels. Hence persons with bronchial disease ought not to indulge in cold drinks. The habits of indulgence in alcoholic drinks, tobacco, opium, and other narcotics or stimulants, have less to do than is generally supposed with longevity, but much to do with happiness, while their abuse or irregularity determines all for health, happiness, and longevity combined. Tem- perance men and moralists will take issue with me, and un- dertake to prove that any quantity, no matter how small, of either alcohol, tobacco, or opium will shorten life ; but the facts will not sustain the assertion. It is the irregular- ity with which the body is treated, either by outward appli- cation or bathing, in eating, sleeping, or excess in all vices. For health, a regular gratification in the full list of vices is better than having no vices such as are so termed by the world and being irregular in everything else. AVhile I do not believe in practising any form of vice, yet the man who takes six drinks of alcoholic spirits in reasonable quan- tities at fixed intervals each day, smokes six cigars two after each meal chews three ounces of tobacco with the same punctuality every day, eats his meals slowly arid at stated periods, sleeps from 8J to 9 hours per night between the same hours, will outlive the man who neither smokes, chews, or drinks, but does eat and sleep irregularly, and lies awake all night hating his neighbor for his immoral!- HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 13 ties. He gets thin and haggard, followed by all the weak- nesses to which his system is heir; while the other man, with his evenness of nature, habits, and dissipations, enjoys health, becomes fat, and lives to the proverbial good old age. Here, then, nay reader, we have the explanation why a man may live through dissipation all his life, and then die only by accident at 80 or 100 years of age. A beggar, miser, or hermit may by degrees contract the habit of filth- iness, non-bathing, scantiness of food and improper clothing, with such regularity that he will outlive all his friends and relatives, and be chronicled at his death as one of the cen- tenarians. As an interesting fact, we state that in 1888 a beggar, aged 84, in Perth, Hungary, tried to commit suicide by throwing himself into the Danube because he was no longer able to support his father and mother, who were 115 and 110 years old respectively! Poisons may be taken in infinitesimal doses for a while, then increasing by degrees until twenty grains of morphia or strychnia may be taken at a single dose without immediate injury. There is at least one case of positive record in Colusa County, of this State. In closing this chapter we wish to call attention to a rea- sonable result of true system, or regularity. Here is a convict in the State prison. Before he was incarcerated his health was imperfect, and he wore a sallow, dejected look ; but behold him after six months of strict penitentiary dis- cipline; he is a well man, fat and sleek no longer a semi- invalid. There are exceptions, but they are due to melan- choly generally. A soldier after he enlists, unless he is ex- posed to the constant privations of protracted war, throws off most defects in his physique. You must know the cause; it is the compulsory regulation of diet and clothing. Cleanliness and regularity are forced upon them, showing it to be just what they needed. 14 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. CHAPTER III. "Let health my nerves and finer fibers brace." The possession of health, happiness, and longevity requires not so much a general literary and scientific education, as a practical knowledge of one's own self. The latter will far outweigh the other. In many ways, however, will these qualities be improved by the former. A person must know what is regularity, cleanliness, and temperance, or modera- tion. By the use of these effective auxiliaries, I have freed myself of so many maladies within the last thirty years that the average medical devotee will laugh in derision and question my trustworthiness. For the first eleven years of my life I had seven years of wasting sickness. Of these, five were spent in bed. At the age of 22 I left a clerkship in New York City to come to California, via Cape Horn. Consumption was strongly seated on my lungs. In addition to this dangerous affliction I had bronchitis, catarrh, con- stipation, piles, periodical rheumatism, cataracts on my eyes, corns on my feet, and fever and ague from one to three months every year. Surely I was in a position to sympathize with Job, but impatient, rather than patient like the Biblical hero. I set myself towards absolute health. Before I had been in this State two years, I gained the mastery of the lung and throat troubles; but while assist- ing in putting in a flume in Feather Kiver, below Oroville, in 1859, 1 ruptured myself so that for twenty-five years I wore a truss. Now I am entirely rid of the aforementioned list of ailments, including hernia. The detail of how I treated each of the maladies might not interest the reader, and is too long a story to relate in this work. The principal things done in each-case, however, will be chronicled under their proper heads in the second part of this work. See index. I do not now smoke, chew, nor drink intoxicants; the latter I did to a limited degree, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 15 and the former to excess, for a number of years, up to the close of 1869. On the 31st day of December of that year the day I smoked my last cigar I bought twenty-five cigars and smoked twenty-three of them. My cigar bill that year averaged $2.50 per day, and ran as high as $4.00. Having dissipated, and had nearly every form of disease, I speak from my own thorough experience and not from that of any- one else. Why should not my story, then, have a beneficial influence ? If any man knows how he can improve the wel- fare of his fellows, it is his duty to spread the information. True it is that many of the quasi reformers, or informers, are crunks or dreamers; but we wish the fact distinctly under- stood and appreciated that we come not under that category. We raise no false standard; we send forth no untried hy- pothesis. There is a man in a New England State who annually lectures on agriculture, writes special and general articles for the country papers on the most improved meth- ods of farming, appears before legislative committees as a successful tiller of the soil. But, alas! what superficiality is contained in this man's brain. His house is a barn, his garden a chicken-yard, his orchard a forest, and his meadow a pasture. There are like phantasmagoric geniuses inter- ested in the health question. We simply say, Trust them not. Shun them and their advice as you would the pres- ence and enticings of a bunco steerer. But you will get impatient to learn in what consists cleanliness, regularity, and temperance if I do not proceed. Indeed, I think I can hear some of you say, " I neither chew, drink, smoke, eat irregularly, or miss my stipulated number of hours in bed; yet I have all manner of aches and pains, and many lin- gering maladies." If such be the case, you do not under- stand the true principle and its practical application of cleanliness. A word here in regard to bathing. There is no doubt we all should bathe at least once a day. It should he done either at retiring or rising. If a warm or hot bath, at night; if cold or sponge bath, in the morning. Of course, if a person is not accustomed to a cold sponge bath, or is quite nervous, he must not attempt it too strongly at first. Commence and advance by gradation. Almost IQ HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. anything can be done to which an individual is unaccus- tomed if regular steps are taken towards the end, and not one leap. Whether it be beneficial or destructive, invig- orating or poisoning, gradation will accomplish the end. Madame Patti, who always has been obliged to take the greatest care of herself, gives this warning, which may not be out of place : " Take plenty of exercise, take it in the open air, take it alone, and breathe with the mouth closed. Live on simple food ; all the fruit and rare beef you want, very little pastry, a glass of claret for dinner, coffee in mod- eration, but never a sip of beer, because it thickens the voice and stupefies the senses. Keep regular hours for work, meals, rest, and recreation, and never under any cir- cumstances indulge in the fashionable habit of eating late suppers. If you want to preserve the beauty of face, and the priceless beauty of youth, keep well, keep clean, keep erect, and keep cool." Without being didactic, let me de- tail to you a few things you should and should not do; and all of which I carry out to the letter : Adopt some style of clothing so that even if you change the color the weight will be about the same. Wear no overcoat, overshoes, nor gloves; in their place wear a sufficiently heavy suit when it is warm, so as to have enough on when it is cold. By wearing a chest pro- tector fore and aft of the lungs, made of chamois and flan- nel, over the under-garment and under the shirt, you will never take cold through your lungs. Have good, thick-soled boots and always of the same thickness and you will not take cold through your feet. Have a hat always of the same weight, and that should be light, with ventilators in the top or sides. If you do not wear your hat at the lunch table, or in your place of business, you will not catch cold in your head. A large list of accessories accompany the above : Never sit at your desk or home fireside with the same coat which you use on the street. In its place have one 50 per cent lighter for such occasions and positions. Never sleep in your wider-garments, nor in any other clothing that you carry during the day. The reason is HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. strong and obvious. Your covering in the course of the day receives all the perspiration and surface deposit of the skin, which amounts to considerable in sixteen hours. This must have a chance to escape or be absorbed by the air. The amount is only increased by wearing the same gar- ments at night. Have a good warm mgkt-tMrt, and a clean one at least every week. Do not sleep in a room without having the windows down from the top to some extent. If there be six, lower three of them. If you sleep with a companion and do not know any- thing about am'nm/ magnetism, find out through someone who does know. Ascertain which of you is more positive, and govern yourself accordingly. I find best results for me in sleeping with my head north, and on the west side of a negative companion. This principle of magnetism is too little observed. Yet it applies to all persons at all times. Naturally some individuals are more magnetic than others, that is, more positive. Usually, if not always, the more masculine, swarthy, is the more positive, while the light- haired and eyed are negative. Sleep invariably with your head towards the north if you are positive, towards the west if you are negative, but never in any case towards the east or south. These conclusions are based wholly on scientific reasons, and anyone who understands physics will see the cogency of our statements. As a preventative against anything that has once been in my stomach rising and remaining on the tongue, I use a piece of ordinary whalebone to curry it every morning, from end to end. This will tend to purify the breath, sweeten the mouth, and aid mastication. My tooth brush, after using, is so thoroughly cleansed and dried that anyone acquainted with the facts would hardly believe it had been used. There are millions of particles of dust, atoms, microbes, or any other name you may use, that collect upon your per- son and clothing hourly. If your garments be tattered and torn, or patched and gla/cd, this will not shorten your life 2 jg HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. or lessen your appetite; but I assure you, if you will use up a 15-cent whisk-broom twice a year, in brushing yourself from head to foot before each meal, there will be less to fall upon your food, and thus find its way to your stomach, and your days will be prolonged in exact ratio. CHAPTER IV. " On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale." There are more diseases contracted, more unhappiness created during life, and early decay occasioned, by politeness and pride than by whisky and tobacco combined. Total- abstinence advocates will assert that drink kills more than all other causes. What would they think if we should say, if he is a reformed drinker, that it was out of pure politeness that he quaffed his first glass. Politeness is the cause of disease in many ways, of which the following are a few : A friend only in name will stop you in the first corner of the street and insist on telling you a good(?) joke about Brown, Smith, or Jones. He takes you by the la- pels of the coat, holds you to windward for twenty minutes in a breeze blowing twenty-five miles an hour, although this lays you up with a cold for a week, and thus plants the first seeds of consumption. You will be too polite to tell him that your health will not permit you to be so exposed. As a remedy for this class of attacks, if a man insists on saying anything more than "How do you do" or "Good- bye," I should invite him into the nearest hall-way or around the corner to leeward, entirely out of the draft. If this does not seem feasible, I would bid him " Good-day." Another case of excessive politeness is when a gentleman or lady continues chatting ten minutes in the hall after he or she must go immediately. Then at the door after they have walked out, you, in dressing-gown and slippers, stand on the cold marble step in a driving fog for twenty minutes HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 19 more, to hear the latest gossip too polite to slam the door in their faces, or excuse it as an accident. But the politeness that kills faster than any other is that of the consumptive, brouchially-affected, or catarrhal pa- tient. He will sit at the table, or in company, and, out of pure politeness, swallow the mucus and other impurities that arise in his throat too polite to use a cuspidor or ex- cuse himself by withdrawing to another room or the open air, and clear his throat. A great many people are accus- tomed to expectorate into their handkerchiefs. This is a baneful practice. Just as soon as that gets dry which they have thrown up from their lungs, innumerable microbes of deadly effect escape and do extensive harm. Avoid this habit and use the cuspidor or step out-of-doors. It is not unreasonable to believe that 50 per cent of all the con- sumptives would recover if they would, by care and clean- liness, see that no particle of mucus once away from the lungs should ever go back down the throat, and observe other points regarding apparel and cleanliness mentioned in the first part of this work. We have already devoted some space to what we should and should not do. All that, however, is but a small part of a life which will continually experience health, happi- ness, and longevity. We trust you do not simply read these statements not intending to test their value. It is not unlikely that many of you from your course or line of business will find it eminently difficult to absolutely follow our instructions. Be that as it may, come as approximately as you can, and there will positively result an improvement in your physical condition, a progression in your happiness, and a realization of longevity. The remainder of this chapter will be occupied by a program, or rather set of for- mula of what is necessary to aid you in keeping well, living long and happily. Keep your bowels open and regular in action. This you can do, if irregular or constipated, by taking a few drops of water in your right hand every morning and rubbing the bowels in a circular motion from right to left, until a friction is produced and the moisture gone. From six to ten eepa- 20 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. rate passages of the hand over the bowels is usually sufficient, and the object will be accomplished. Each day this is re- peated; in a very short time you will be all right in this particular, and will not require even this effective medicine. You must be aware that a score of maladies are kept at bay by the regularity of the bowels. This fact cannot be too strongly impressed on mankind in general. It is very sel- dom indeed that you come upon a man who is well with a bad digestive apparatus ; but, again, he who possesses a strong stomach and is moderate and regular in eating is al- most invariably characterized with a vigorous constitution. Disease finds no place to locate upon or in him. There is no doubt the American people eat too fast, and that is why so many die so soon. The system is worn out when it should be ready to do its best work. If all the men and women in this country would eat 50$ slower they would live 25$ longer. Of this we have no doubt Bor do you, reader. Sleep eight hours every night, between the same hours, as nearly as possible, in a room well ventilated from the top of the window. If your room is small you will require more ventilation than if it is large ; in this case use more clothing on the bed. If possible have a bowl or basin of water uncovered in the room, but the next morning do not either drink or wash your face in the water that has stood exposed all night. To drink it is slow suicide; to wash in it is unhealthy. In the morning scrape the tongue with a strip of whale- bone, as before mentioned; brush the teeth with a good stiff clean tooth-brush, up and down, but not across; note this latter proposition, there is reason for it. By perpen- dicular brushing the bristles or hairs get in between the teeth, where much sediment is left, and the gums are not made sore. This is the best method also to prevent tartar forming. Gargle the throat with clean water three or four times; then, if you have it at hand, drink about three swal- lows of cool filtered water; if not near go thirsty until it is. Never take a drink of water, whether you be sick or well, without first gargling the throat with at least one swallow HEALTH, HAPPINESS AXD LONGEVITY. 21 and spitting it out. Do you think filtering of reservoir or general city water is necessary? If not, then make a mi- croscopic examination, and any skepticism will be entirely removed. It is a prominent fact in science to-day that al- most all diseases and troubles are started or promulgated by microbes and bacilli. There are often enough of these in one swallow of water to poison a whole family. Then take a moist towel and apply it to every part of your body; fol- low this with a vigorous rubbing with a dry towel. A sponge bath is recommended by many physicians. This is all right for the first time, but from that on the sponge be- gins to get foul, not from necessity, but because not one person in fifty will wash and thoroughly dry the sponge. In any other case it is a disease breeder. Perforated with so many cells and passages, intricate and numberless, it is not surprising that it should be the residence of much that is dangerous. During the time of your bath you should close the win- dows of your room to exclude the cold draughts in any part of the country where the atmosphere moves over two miles per hour but not the sun. After this lower or raise your window to the height or level of the eyes, and proceed to enjoy a breathing exercise. This is done by first ex- hausting all the air from the lungs through the mouth, then inhale, slowly, through the nasal organs to the full capacity of the lungs. Do this three times or more each morning. If your lungs are not too weak, tap with your fingers on your chest while it is inflated. This will tend to develop your capacity of breathing wonderfully. The gentle percussion thus effected is quite exhilarating. Prac- tice yourself also in holding your breath for a prolonged in- terval, but always draw in air through your nostrils; they strain out all impurities, You are now ready for your breakfast; but, perhaps you say, I am a workingman and have not the time. To such I would reply : I go through all these duties in one hour's time, and if belated I accomplish it in forty minutes. If I have to take a train at 5 A. M., I sec that I am called at 4 A. M., at least, and enjoy my regular time for toilet. I 22 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. would advise those of you who think you have not time, to go to bed that much earlier. Even if you are to travel, by using my method of preparation you will not experience that tired, disagreeable, restless feeling that will otherwise come. You all know how intensely that feeling acts to de- stroy all your pleasure until the day is half over and it is worn away. Employ common-sense ways and you will be as fresh at 6 as at 12 o'clock. Your lips will not be blue, your skin cold, your teeth unclean, your mouth dry, your eyes red, and your whole self out of sorts as it were. CHAPTER V. " Of right choice food are his meals, I ween." Now as to what you should eat, what you should not eat, and how you should eat. This is perhaps the greatest problem for a man to solve. A man with a bad digestive apparatus is practically an invalid. We have no hesitation in saying that there is as much bodily injury done by over and careless eating among people commonly called temper- ate as among those who drink alcoholic liquors to a large extent. If you would preserve your vital strength and capabilities for a happy, long period, mind your diet. Don't rest too much on the insane idea that you have a stomach of iron and that you can digest shingle nails. You are not a species of the genus ostrich, or goat. Then if you really do possess organs that can take care of all kinds of food, their splendid power should not be destroyed or even weakened by improper indulgence. The mightiest engine is soon as valueless as old iron if it is continually exerted to its greatest velocity If inanimate mechanism cannot stand a permanent strain surely bodily flesh would be quickly disabled. Some foods are particularly muscle formers, others pro- duce fat, and still others brain and nerve, while most of the common articles of diet combine these uses in varying de- grees. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 23 But the question to cover our entire physical needs re- quires to be broadened into this: "NVluit combination of food will best nourish the body? Even then the answer must be modified to suit individual cases, for the digest- ive power diners greatly in different persons. Moreover, there is an interdependence between the different bodily or- gans and tissues, so that the body must be built up as a whole. If one part lacks the whole suffers, and if one part is overfed the others will be underfed. Thus a person who becomes unduly fat loses in muscular fiber, either in quantity or quality. One who overfeeds the brain lusrs in muscular strength. So, too, muscular devel- opment may be carried to such excess as to impoverish the brain, and also to reduce the fat of the body below what is necessary both as surplus food laid up for emergencies, and as a protection against sudden changes of temperature. The best food for producing muscle, therefore, must, while being duly appetizing, contain a large per cent of nitrates for the muscles, of phosphates for the brain and nerves, and of carbonates for the fat. Of nitrates, beans stand at 24 per cent, then peas at 22, cabbage and salmon at 20, oats at 17, eggs and veal at 16, and beef at 15 Of phosphates, salmon stands first at 7, then codfish at 6, beef and eggs at 5, beans and veal at 4, and cabbage, peas, and oats at 3. Of carbonates, butter stands at the head at 100, rice at 80, corn and rye at 72, wheat at 69, oats at 66, peas at 60, beans at 57, and cabbage at 46. Fresh codfish fried in fat or served with butter gravy about equals beef in all respects, and so do eggs fried in fat. But we must add: The mere eating of food cannot make muscle. The mus- cles must be called into vigorous daily exercise, yet without overdoing. Excessive eating is weakening, and must be avoided. It is the amount digested and assimilated that tells, not the quantity taken into the stomach. All the laws of health must be steadily observed. We 24 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. are in favor of a diet that excludes meat entirely; and once a day should be the excess of those who indulge in the flesh-eating luxury. A suspicion that there is a difference between merely getting food down into the stomach and its digestion, is abroad, and that a peach, an orange, an apple, a spoonful of flour, or something similar, which is digested, is really better for a man than a beefsteak, which simply passes through the alimentary canal. See u Food " for further consideration of vegetarianism. For breakfast have any of the numerous preparations of mush, such as oatmeal, cracked wheat, and gerrnea, every other day some kind of fish ; of the miscellaneous, potatoes baked or boiled, eggs poached, boiled, or omelette, and natural fruit ; of drinks, water, filtered or boiled, and not below 56 Fahr., milk, pure and sweet but not cream, cocoa, chocolate, tea, or coffee. These are good and bene- ficial in the order they are placed. The following from the N. Y. Medical Record is invaluable information : " STIMULANTS (drink most healthful). Milk heated to much above 100 degrees Fahrenheit loses for a time a degree of its sweetness and density. No one who, fatigued by over- exertion of body or mind, has ever experienced the reviv- ing influence of a tumbler of this beverage, heated as warm as it can be sipped, will willingly forego a resort to it because of its being rendered somewhat less acceptable to the palate. The promptness with which its cordial influence is felt is in- deed surprising. Some portion of it seems to be digested and appropriated almost immediately, and many who now fancy they need alcoholic stimulants when exhausted by fatigue will find in this simple draught an equivalent that will be abundantly satisfying and far more enduring in its effects. There is many an ignorant overworked woman who fancies she could not keep up without her beer ; she mistakes its momentary exhilaration for strength, and ap- plies the whip instead of nourishment to her poor, exhausted frame. Any honest, intelligent physician will tell her that there is more real strength and nourishment in a slice of bread than in a quart of beer; but if she loves stimulants it would be a very useless piece of information. It is HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 25 claimed that some of the lady clerks in our own city, and those too who are employed in respectable business bouses, are in the habit of ordering ale or beer at the restaurants. They probably claim that they are * tired/ and no one who se-js their faithful devotion to customers all day will doubt their assertions. But they should not mistake beer for a blessing or stimulus for strength. A careful exami- nation of statistics will prove that men and women who do not drink can endure more hardships, and do more work, and live longer, than those less temperate." If you must eat meat for breakfast, have your steak rare, mutton chops well done ; if fish, always well done ; and if each are fried, use butter, not lard the same applies to everything else that has to be fried. All meats are sweeter and more healthful broiled than fried. Of bread, for health, natural graham comes first; and, in order of nu- trition, corn, corn and wheat mixed, rye, and wheat. They should be taken cold and at least twenty-four hours after baking. If the midday meal is a lunch, all dishes should be cold. It can be made up largely from dishes left over from the morning meal, such as cold cracked wheat with milk, natural fruit; add nuts, sauces, jellies, and pre- pared fruit. If dinner is taken at noon instead of lunch at that hour, any one of the score of vegetable soups are first in value; all other kinds are secondary ; let there be from three to six kinds of vegetables cooked ; any of the drinks mentioned for breakfast may be used, but none of them iced ; cold bread, and no pastry unless an open pie with unshortened undercrust. An excellent morsel for dyspeptics is sea bis- cuit dipped in cold water and then placed in a hot oven from three to five minutes. If meat is to be a portion of tliis meal, you can have beef, mutton, or venison, roasted or broiled, the former rare, and the two latter well done. Pro vided dinner is enjoyed at the close of the day, it should occur before 5:30 P. M. ; if at midday, then the lunch meal can be renamed supper, and can be partaken of as late as 6 or 7 p. M. Let there be no eating two meals for Sun- days and holidays, and three for other days, or indulging 26 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. in them at later hours in the morning and earlier in the evening; for this irregularity will detriment more than many kinds of improper food. Do not eat fresh pork, for this and every other kind of swine flesh is an abomination. Eat no kidney, liver, or tripe; deal sparingly with fowl and all the bird family. Outside impure water and uucleanliness, there can be but one cause for skin diseases, eczema, boils, and the dread leprosy, which is the eating of pork, kidney, liver, duck, etc. If the lion indiscriminately kills and eats all kinds of flesh, and thereby is made ferocious, if the lamb is rendered pas- sive and inoffensive by grasses and grains, then what the swine or different domestic fowls eat must have something to do with the make-up of the flesh of their bodies. The hog is the most filthy animal of that nature, while chicken and duck are the most so in the line of fowls used by man for food. It is offensive but true that they will not only eat but relish both their own and man's excrement. We cannot use space foolishly, if we show plainly why pork should be abandoned. Did you ever stop to think on what most swine live ? Swill is the most common term for it. Anything and everything that is the refuse of a board- ing-house will they eagerly devour. Give them rotten ap- ples and potatoes, full of innumerable microbes, and they will relish the repast. Place them in a dung heap they will root, and eat much of what they find. Now all meat, all flesh and tissue, is made from what an animal or person eats if he doesn't eat he grows thin and starves. Then the hog's flesh is made from elements derived from swill, decayed substances, and everything either cooked, uncooked, or even digested, that man is through with or has cast off. You who eat pork relish that which once you have refused to eat only in another form. Can you enjoy this meat when you consider all this ? Surely its use means bad health and contamination. Skin diseases and poor complexions are found almost entirely among those who live on these im- proper foods. Again, even if you feed swine on clean corn, milk, and water, we ascertain by careful experiment and examination that pork is most susceptible to bacteria of HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 27 almost any meat. Better boycott it altogether. Leprn*i/ and skin troubles are found largely among pork-eating people such as the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, where there are 749 lepers. On the other hand, Jews, who everywhere are marked with clear skins, avoid pork. In Constantinople there are 250 lepers, in Crete upwards of 3,000, and quantities in the islands of eastern Mediterra- nean Sea, and 1,000 in Norway. These places are all characterized by the great amount of pork, and duck too, that they consume. Other things not good for invalids, and will make strong persons invalids, arc: Fried potatoes, hot cakes, warm bread, pound cake, green cucumbers, and rich pie-crust. Ent only those things that will excite the salivary glands to assist digestion. The walls, not the center of the aliment- ary canal, need attention. Have your soup cool enough so that it will not cause tears in your eyes when you swallow same with your coffee, tea/, and other warm drinks; take no ice drinks; if you are used to having water only with your meals, drink it warm with sugar and milk, and not hot. If you are obliged to live in a second-class boarding-house or restau- rant, and are obliged to take one of three meals each day at such a place, insist on having a napkin. Use it first to wipe your glass for water, then follow by polishing every utensil set before you for use at your meal. If note is taken of the napkin before and after each meal, you will be able by a mathematical calculation to tell just how much real estate did not belong to you. How you should eat : Begin with one swallow of cool water. Eat slowly; take full 20 minutes for a hurried meal, and 45 minutes when you have the time. If you eat beefsteak, have it rare; if mutton chops, have them well done ; if fish, well done and brown ; if potatoes, first choice, baked; second, boiled; third, stewed or mashed. Never eat decayed vegetables or fruit ; have them fresh or do with- out them. At table, see that the conversation is pleasant and mirthful. Should any of the younger members of the family insist, at each meal, in changing this order of things, 28 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. cause them for a short season to sit at a separate table in the kitchen, until this sort of disease for disease it is may be cured. Nothing retards digestion, brings dyspep- sia, or creates neuralgia, to such extent as a sullen dis- position. We will end this chapter with a remarkably bright paraphrase on the ten commandments, which we re- cently ran across: THE TEN HEALTH COMMANDMENTS. " 1. Thou shalt have no other food than at meal-time. " 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any pies, or put into pastry the likenessjof anything that is in the heavens above or in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not fall to eating it or trying to digest it. For the dyspepsia will be visited upon the children to the third and fourth genera- tion of them that eat pie ; and long life and vigor upon those that live prudently and keep the laws of health. "3. Remember thy bread to bake it well; for he will not be kept sound that eateth his bread as dough. " 4. Thou shalt not indulge sorrow or borrow anxiety in vain. " 5. Six day? shalt thou wash and keep thyself clean, and the seventh thou shalt take a great bath thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy maid- ser^ant, and the stranger that is within thy> gates. For in six d?ys man sweats and gathers filth and bacteria enough for disease ; wherefore the Lord has blessed the bath-tub and hallowed it. " 6. Reraembei thy sitting-room and bed-chamber to keep them ventilated, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. " 7. Thou shalt not eat hot biscuit. " 8. Thou shalt not eat thy meat fried. "9. Thou shalt not swallow thy food un chewed, or highly spiced, or just before hard work, or just after it. "10. Thou shalt not keep late hours in thy neighbor's house, nor with thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his cards, nor his glass, nor with anything that is thy neighbor's." New England Farmer. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 29 With the use of the foregoing as a guide, and ordinary judgment in the affairs with your fellow men, life will run smoothly, happiness will follow, and along life be the result. CHAPTER VI. " Let fhe jewel of happiness poise in the setting of health." If you are a reader of this work to find out a cure for consumption, catarrh, bronchitis, constipation, hemorrhoids or piles, hernia or rupture, rheumatism, fever and ague, cataracts on the eyes, warts on the hands, corns on the feet, and how to abstain from drink and tobacco in all injurious forms, we will try and not disappoint you. Under the head of each disease above named, see index and second part. We offer you a remedy. All of these troubles I have had (and a score not mentioned), of the entire list of which / am now free completely. In short, the whole number of diseases that beset the human family can be cured by care, cleanliness, regularity, fresh air, cold water used inter- nally, and by compress, proper clothing, right food, regular exercise, an even disposition, a clear conscience, intelligent and agreeable associates, and a reasonable amount of time. It took me 30 years, 25 of which I spent ascertaining the way. If someone could have informed ine, as this book does you, I would have enjoyed full health twenty-five years earlier than I did. Anyone observing the rules I have re- counted can restore a broken-down constitution in less than 5 years yes, even if one foot is already in the grave! Soon you will begin to lift it out, and it will be a long period before you will take that step again. I do not ex- aggerate when I state that I had both feet in the grave. Fortunately, however, my head was above-ground, and I began to reason how to get the rest of myself away. The secret was discovered, the causes set to work, and finally the end achieved. To use another figure, my coffin had many nails already driven in it when I secured a clincher, pulled them all out, and then split up the old wooden 30 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. hulk to make fires with which to start the steam of in y new energies. All of my time is employed. I do some sort of labo- rious work every day to start my blood coursing vigorously, and open the pores of my skin. By a proper adjustment of my under-clothing, I prevent a cold, and am always ready with a good appetite when meal-time comes. I have never studied Anatomy, Medicine, or Surgery, know but little about the niceties of the English language, but I have studied the Materia Medica of myself, and am aware of just what is beneficial and what is injurious for me. There is a duty each individual owes to his fellow-man, each municipal corporation to its citizens, and each State and general government to those over whom they preside. Every individual should strive to see how much distress he can relieve during his short stay on this earth; how few thorns he has to place in the pathway of others, and how many drops of oil he can pour on the disturbed waters of the ocean of life. Accidents that are preventable, caused by carelessness, laziness, and ignorance, cost more money, suffering, and life than viciousness and incendiarism, in the ratio of 3 to 1. Every man who builds a mill, manufactory, or a business block, makes his own rate of insurance. A slight variation in the construction of a building, the omission of certain details, the wrong location of hazardous machinery or materials, or the neglect of cleanliness and order, may very seriously affect the fire hazard, and conse- quently the rate of insurance which must necessarily attach to the property. The Fire Losses in the United States amount to $125,- 000,000 per annum, and the great mass of this enormous loss is chargeable to bad construction of buildings, the lack of necessary apparatus for extinguishing fires, and careless- ness in the management of property. The unavoidable losses are few in number ; the avoidable, many. Insurance companies restore no "value, repair no loss; they can only distribute the loss throughout the community. Careless, ignorant, annihilative, is the term to be applied to 15% of HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 31 the fire losses. The destruction of life by accidents, where immediate death follows, in the United States is large ; but, in comparison with those that assist in shortening life, they are about in the ratio of 1 to 100. Only such persons as have undoubted integrity, coupled with order, cleanliness, and carefulness should be allowed to insure their property, and thi.s should be restricted by law. A certain sect in our population that now have to be charged from 50 to 100$ more for insurance than other people, should be stricken from the list of the insured, until they have by personal action abolished this difference in risk. When the time comes that only such persons as attend to all the details of cleanliness and prevention of the loss of property and health can be insured, the cost will be reduced Until we are willing, or educated up to that point, to protect our neighbors' lives and property as if they were ours, we must expect to pay this 50$ more for everything we have, use, drink, eat, and wear. Longevity will be re- stricted in the same proportion. Hundreds of accidents would be presented by proper care. Throwing foolishly the match, cigar, ciirarette, etc., any and everywhere, causes great loss of property, and often life; the unthinking eat oranges and bananas in the street and cast underfoot the rinds and skins to cause the next moment the dislocation of a limb, or broken skull. Over 500 accidents have occurred in this city alone during the last 5 years, occasioned by some sort of vegetable or fruit refuse lying upon the pavements; fatal results, though not all immediate, happened to 15 persons, and a number were maimed for life. Broken bottles and glass thrown into the street and on the sidewalks bring about at times frightful accidents to both man and beast; and ifu correct report could be had from each livery-man and teamster in this regard, it would startle the most inhu- man of our race. The tax-payer has a tendency to be selfish when he is really doing himself severe injury. It is a case of reflex action. In passing along a thoroughfare he sees a banana skin lying on the sidewalk. He cannot possibly stop or trouble himself to push it into the gutter. Almost imme- 32 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. diately another man comes along, steps on the skin, slips, breaks his leg, and is carried to the hospital. He remains there a month, supported by the city, that is, by money paid by the same tax-payer. In this manner, and other ways, can every man act, both selfishly or unselfishly. If selfish in passing this by, it is sure to come back on him a hundred-fold to the original trouble required. His un- selfishness will consist in saving his fellow-men from danger by removing the cause. Indeed, he will be selfish if he casts it off for the sake of decreasing his taxation, but such selfish unselfishness will be gladly excused. Garbage thrown out of back doors or under neighbors' steps creates contagion, and in time the thoughtless individ- uals fall a prey to their own carelessness. Three out of every five men and five out of every hundred women are ruptured as a result of their own or somebody else's reck- lessness. On the top of nearly every house in the section where artesian water is used, there is a tank to receive water for various purposes about each dwelling; much of this is em- ployed for drinking and culinary uses. Without any at- tempt at a sensation, we pronounce this box or tank a death trap! There is not a clean one in this whole great city, that has an outside exposure, and 9 out of every 10 are reeking with filth. Having had occasion to investigate several I am convinced that they average alike. If so, there are at least 500 tons of concentrated filth playing the part of filters in the tanks of this city alone at this writing! And there is every reason to believe that this city is as clean as the average. Provided this is so, there is enough of such refuse in the United States to dam the Mississippi River many times and build a levee across Lake Erie. Health officers may keep their own tanks clean in the future, but if individuals desire health and abolition of the need of Health Boards, let them keep their own tanks, back yards, streets, and pavements neat. Municipal cor- porations should prevent by law the throwing of any kind of rubbish into the streets, and make it a misdemeanor for the proprietors allowing any of their mercantile houses, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 33 work-shops, or residences to be found filthy, and there are thousands of them in this city. To avoid accidents, every man, woman, and child should be compelled to pass to their right on the street. Every person in every city not hav- ing a legitimate vocation in the eyes of the law, nor an in- come from property or money in the bank, should, if crim- inally inclined, be sent to the House of Correction. If poor and willing to work, they ought to be put to work in the public streets and in the parks, to beautify them, for the benefit of the frugal classes. No begging should be al- lowed, under penalty of imprisonment. That a city may escape being overrun by country tramps, their entrance should be quarantined. To stop contagion, public crematories should be established and cremation of the human and animal bodies be com- pulsory. If the principal church and secret organizations will now change their rituals so as to permit of the incinera- tion of the bodies of their deceased members, the world will have advanced 100 years before the close of this century and the average duration of life at that date will have in- creased from 34.8 to 40 years. It is needful that the false sentiment regarding the disposition ol our dead should un- dergo a complete revolution. There could probably be no better aid to this end than a general investigation of the mortuary records of the towns and cities of the globe, by proper officials, the facts and discoveries of whom should be given all possible publicity. An hundred or so years ago this was not so much a matter of importance as now, with a greater and increasing density of population, by virtue of which a great portion of the habitable earth is fast becoming a mass of putrifying corruption, that will involve at no distant time the world :a pestilence, woe, and desola- tion. The recent official return on the condition of the London cemeteries is, or should be, sufficient to cause all reasonable persons to cry out for the crematory. In Brompton Ceme- tery, with an area of t went} -eight and three-fourths of an acre, there have been buried in less than fifty years one hundred and fifty-five thousand bodies. In Tower Hamlets 3 4 01 TBM *^ 34 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. Cemetery, with twelve acres less, in about the same time, the number is two hundred and forty-seven thousand. When it is remembered how perfectly unfitted the soil of these districts is for burial purposes, together with the means so largely employed for preventing speedy decomposition, one may readily imagine the danger that menaces those above this still-increasing mass of sub-pollution. Multiply the condition of the London suburbs by several hundred thousand more, and then ponder the product! Talk about sanitary regulations, when our public health laws are violated thus, and the air and water poisoned as a result of the superstitious custom of body burial ! When pestilence stalks abroad, it is said to be planetary influence or divine wrath ! The following from the Springfield Re- publican will indicate the current of public opinion : " That the custom of burying the dead is bound to be superseded by more scientific and economical methods, es- pecially in the centers of population, may be seen in the re- animation of the old scheme of desiccation by New York capitalists. These men are not yet ready to accept crema- tion. Their project is to build mausoleums as substitutes for cemeteries, where the body will be subjected to the ab- sorbent action of currents of pure, dry air, which will pre- vent decomposition, and, by thoroughly exhausting the body of moisture and gases, carry away all germs of dis- ease. These air currents, thus laden, will then pass through furnaces, where all noxious elements will be de- stroyed. The lifeless form will be reduced in weight about two-thirds and nearly one-half in size. Resting in a sepulcher, it may then be preserved for an indefinite period. As explained in detail, with particulars of the beauty of the buildings thrown in, this scheme has advantages compared with the undesirable method in vogue, though it is less thorough and simple than cremation. A promoter of the enterprise in speaking of the desiccated body says that 'al- though shrunken, still, with the semblance of life, it is an object that the eye of affection can look upon without a shock, and the sanitarian can think of without a shudder/ In essence, however, the scheme is simply a concession to a HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 35 public, not yet educateol to the idea of cremation. While appropriating enough of the latter system to solve the ques- tion of public health, it caters to the human sentimentali- ties in preserving at half size the dead form. Upon these sentiments, summed up as * the instinct of humanity,' the promoters of the new system base their hopes of profit. Besides advancing in its favor all the arguments used for cremation, its friends add that in. the desiccating process no danger can exist of suspended animation escaping notice." Public fountains should be established in every other block of cities or towns having over 1,000 inhabitants, with best-devised filters known, so that both man and beast could enjoy pure water to drink, free for the taking. Dur- ing epidemics it should be not only compulsory in munici- palities to have water filtered in each house before drinking, but it should be boiled. Every house ought to have a iil- ter. If you cannot afford a $40 one, you can secure one for 40 cents. CHAPTER VII. " Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated, needs but to be seen ; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace." "But evil is wrought by want of thought As well as by want of heart." The following extract from the report of the Grand Jury of this city, given publicity December 5, 1889, is seli-cx- planatory : "Some of the dives and variety theaters are the nurseries of vice and crime, where drunkenness is encouraged, our youth demoralized, the unwary roped in and robbed, and crimes committed which the authorities are unable to pre- vent or discover. There is, of course, a broad distinction to bo noted between those places of public resort where the demand for distilled, fermented, and malt liquors is sup- plied in a legitimate manner, and the entertainment pro- vided, if any, is not of an objectionable character, and those 36 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. places where salacious performances are presented as an at- traction, and lewd women, under the guise of waitresses to serve liquors, pursue a shameful vocation. These evils may be partly remedied if respectable citizens will refuse to rent their property for such uses, and also refuse to assist in obtaining licenses whereby such headquarters for drunken- ness, levvdness, and crime are in a measure entrenched be- hind existing general laws. " The so-called * social evil ' is aggressive on our thor- oughfares, and should be restrained by the authorities within narrower limits." But we add our interpretation and our suggestions for these twin evils which stalk up and down the earth and apparently defy control. The minister treats lightly upon the liquor traffic, in many instances because certain of his church members either sell it at wholesale, retail, or furnish the barley, corn, grapes, hops, or rent to the man who does. The editors of all newspapers of general circulation must treat the sub- ject likewise, for fear of his advertising patrons. His read- ers are never taken into account, for the simple reason that circulation alone does not pay newspapers issued daily, and very few that are issued weekly. It will be seen by the above report that the grand jurymen too have vital interests at stake. In order to keep their respective businesses from being boycotted by their fellow-merchants, they han- dle the subject with soft gloves, as if it were eggs, and the "social evil" by this same jury is done up in nineteen words. But they have indicated a great deal in those few words, namely, that such an evil does exist something the different church organizations have refused to acknowledge. High license, with personal responsibility for results, un- der a sufficient bond, will in time remedy the liquor traffic. The social evil should be licensed, and under the perfect control of the police and not the police under its control, as seems to be the case in this city. Are they not under pay to look the other way ? Its boundaries should be ex- act, isolated, and under the direct supervision of the health department. Is there any justice in demanding a license of HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 37 a milliner, or on any other mercantile pursuit that a female may see fit to adopt, while 5,000 of these questionable women go untaxed, because you do not dare to acknowl- edge that their calling exists? To ask the question is to answer it No ! ! Let no one think that in any way what- ever we would seem to unduly countenance, or in the least encourage, this evil. But we do believe in recognizing ab- solute facts. They cannot be overlooked. It is surprising that, amidst all this widespread discussion of intemperance, no more has been said on this social problem. As long as men are mortal, this condition of relations will exist it has existed through all time but it is possible to limit it, to heavily license it, and keep it within proper bounds. Then by all means should churches and various kinds of societies exert their influence to the legal recognition of the true status, and benefit the general condition of mankind. Boards of supervisors, aldermen, etc., are clothed with power to accomplish the ends suggested, if they are only backed by public sentiment. If the Catholic Church organization alone will inaugurate a general agitation over the country, as they have already indicated and begun in their convention at Baltimore, on the liquor traffic, they will either break it up or put it un- der control ; for 60$ of this business is carried on by their following. Public urinals are greater necessities than public fount- ains in cities and large towns. The alarming increase of diabetes and kidney troubles in cities during the last few years, while remaining normal, or actually decreasing in the rural districts, has led to the belief that the prolonged detention of the urine is the principal, and, in most cases, the only cause of this terrible malady. The foregoing facts recapitulated exhibit a few of the ills of mankind that are in the power of municipal officials to alleviate. The duties of the general government cover all of the above, and in- clude the prevention of all criminals and paupers of every nation from landing on our shores; the compulsory educa- tion of all citizens old and young as it is cheaper to edu- cate than to punish criminals ; to furnish employment upon 38 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. all useful and needed public works for the worthy, willing poor, and cause to be distributed with equity to the de- serving, all the earnings of the criminal institutions of the country, over and above their actual expenses. It will not be out of place to complete this chapter with a few words on the necessity of giving man and beast one day in seven to rest. Sunday seems to be the preferable one, but to compel the observance of one particular day in each week for all classes and sects would be tyrannical. The majority of religious societies employ Sunday for wor- ship and rest, but, throwing aside the moral and religious bearing, every human being would be healthier, happier, and live longer, if he rested one day in the week. We all live too fast. Though we enjoy laziness at times, yet we are too anxious to get riches or fame earlier than we ought or can. A man may work so mightily that he will be very wealthy at 40 instead of 50, but he will die at 70 instead of 80. Better prolong life by reserving forces for the future. CHAPTER VIII. " For a man's house is his castle." After individual cleanliness and regularity, erect your next house in which you intend to live, or that you expect to rent to another, or remodel your present residence, to correspond with the following : SANITARY HOUSE. It should stand facing the sun, on dry soil, in a wide, clean, amply-sewered, substantially-paved street, over a deep, thoroughly ventilated and lighted cellar. The floor of the cellar should be cemented, the walls and ceilings plastered and thickly whitewashed with lime every year, that the house may not act as a chimney to draw up into its chambers micro-organisms from the earth. If your lot is situated so that you cannot face your house either east or south, construct the rooms in such a way that your parlors and sleeping apartments will receive the sun at least 3 hours during the day. All windows should extend from HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 39 floor to ceiling, adjusted to let down from the top, and in position to secure as much as possible of the through cur- rents of air. The outside walls, if of wood or brick, should be kept thickly painted, not to shut out penetrating air, but for the sake of dryness. All inside Avails should be plastered smooth, painted, and, however uuesthetic, var- nished. Mantels should be of marble, plate, iron, or, if wood, plain, and, whether natural, painted, or stained, var- nished. Interior wood-work, including floors, should all show plain surfaces and be likewise treated. No paper on the walls, no carpets on the floors, but movable rugs, which can be shaken daily in the open air not at doors or out of win- dows, where dust is blown back into rooms should cover the floors. White linen shades, which will soon show the neces- sity of washing, should protect the windows. All furniture should be plain, with cane seats, without upholstery. Mat- tresses should be covered with oiled silk. Blankets, sheets, and spreads no comforts or quilts should constitute the bedding. Of plumbing there should be as little as is necessary, and all there is must be exposed. The inhabited rooms should be heated only with open fires, the cellar and halls by radiated heat, or, better, by a hot-air furnace, which shall take its fresh air from above the top of the house and not from the celler itself or the surface of the earth, where micro-organisms most abound. Let there be no annual house cleaning, but keep it clean all the time, and have it gone through thoroughly at least four times per year. Of course a corner lot is always preferable, but how often it is supposed that the benefit consists alone in a com- manding position, in a chance for architectural display, when the greatest boon is the increased opportunity for sunlight. The atmosphere of a room where the sun never shines is never agreeable or healthful. Science has taught us that the sun is the source of all life. It will effect more than tons of disinfectants and chemicals to purge and sweeten the air of a house. Let the building be exposed 4() HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. to the south, and keep shade trees from checking the sun too much. Verandas and broad piazzas often do as much harm as they give pleasure especially if they are all cov- ered with vines. Be more careful about plumbing than people are wont to be. Do not practice economy by try- ing to cut down plumbing bills. When a contractor agrees to erect a house, either withhold this part from him or see that he employs the most skilled labor. Ventilation cannot be slighted, for upon it health greatly depends. If you can in any way afford it, use incandescent electric light instead of gas or oil. The reason is a powerful one. An ordinary gas jet destroys as much pure air and oxygen as five men a good-sized oil lamp equal to three men. Add to this the heat that comes from such methods, and we see the strong advantage of the incandescent electric light. This vitiates no air, gives off no perceptible heat. Though there are stories that electric lights injure the eyes, from careful observation we find that it hurts the eyes of the majority no more than any artificial light. The Sanitary News urges people not to paper or paint the interior walls of houses. Arsenical poisons are used in coloring wall paper. Mold collects in flour paste used in fastening paper to walls, absorbing moisture and germs of disease. Glue also disintegrates, so that any friction re- moves small particles, to which germs attach and float in the air. Undecorated walls, ugly as they are, the News in- sists are the only healthy ones to live within. Dr. Gushing, of this city, thus ends his lecture on " Health- ful Houses": " The essentials then of good house building are, first, a dry soil, a good foundation, exposure to the sun, and, next, good plumbing by reputable men at whatever cost necessary for first-class work, warming and ventilating by open grates rather than by steam heaters and stoves, clean floors and clean walls; and now, if there be no decomposition of ani- mal or vegetable matter allowed in the immediate vicinity of the house, we shall have done the best that the present state of science will permit toward making our houses healthful." HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 41 The Hotel Del Monte is the only perfectly clean hotel in America. It is located at Monterey, Cal., not over a quar- ter of a mile from the ocean. The prevailing winds are from the sea and would naturally blow over the sands to- wards the house. Now the cause of dirt has virtually been killed by the planting of trees, brush, and by the laying of asphalturn walks and sod-ground drives on this windward side. The only dirt is that which is brought there by trav- elers this is easily kept down. The moral is here: If possible prevent dust and dirt by stopping the cause. CHAPTER IX. "Let this great maxim he my virtue's guide." As we are hastily reading books and papers we contin- ually come across maxims, epigrams, and short, pithy say- ings that attract us. We wish we could not only remember them, but also often put them in practice, but they slip our mind and actions almost immediately. From time to time the author has collected fruit from the vast field of health of its kindred subjects, and placed the best of them in this book for the reader's careful consideration. Among the multitude of " Don'ts " for politeness are the following for health alone: " Don't endeavor to rest the mind by absolute inactivity; let it seek its rest in work in other channels, and thus rest the tired part of the brain. " Don't delude yourself into the belief that you are an ex- ception as far as sleep is concerned ; the normal average of sleep is eight hours. " Don't allow your servants to put meat and vegetables in the same compartments of the refrigerator. " Don't keep the parlor dark unless you value your carpet more than your and your children's health. " Don't forget that moral defects are as often the cause as they are the effects of physical faults. "Don't direct special mental or physical energies to more than eight hours' work in each day. 42 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. " Don't neglect to have your dentist examine your teeth at least every three months. " Don't read, write, or do any delicate work unless receiv- ing the light from the left side. " Don't pamper the appetite with such variety of food that may lead to excess. " Don't read in street-cars or other jolting vehicles. " Don't eat or drink hot and cold things immediately in succession. " Don't pick the teeth with pins or any other hard sub- stance. " Don't sleep in a room provided with stationary wash- stands. " Don't neglect any opportunity to insure a variety of food." There are many things we should never do. Among them are: " Never go to bed with cold or damp feet. " Never lean with the back upon anything that is cold. "Never begin a journey until the breakfast has been eaten. " Never take warm drinks and then immediately go out in the cold. "Never ride in an open carriage or near the window of a car for a moment after exercise ; it is dangerous to health or even life. " Never omit regular bathing, for unless the skin is in reg- ular condition the cold will close the pores and favor con- gestion or other diseases. "Never stand still in cold weather, especially after having taken a slight degree of exercise." Perhaps among the following you may find succiutly stated what will be of eminent value : " Focus your brain as you would a burning-glass. Butter enough for a slice won't do for a whole loaf. "Keep empty-headed between times. Mental furniture should be very select. Useless lumber in the upper story is worse than a pocketful of oyster shells. Leave your facts on your book shelves, where you can find them when wanted. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 43 A walking encyclopedia cannot work for want of room to turn round in his own head. " Don't tax your memory. Make a memorandum, and put it in your pocket. Every unnecessary thought is a waste of effective force. " Don't believe that muscular exercise contracts head work. Bruin and muscle are bung-hole and spigot of the same bar- rel. It is poor economy to keep both running. " Pin your faith to the genius of hard work. It is the saf- est, most reliable, and most manageable sort of genius. "Amuse yourself. This is the first principle of good hard work. And the second is like unto it. " Don't work too much. It is quantity, not quality, that kills. Therefore, work only in the day-time. Night was made for sleep. And loaf on Sunday. Six days' work earns the right to go a-fishing, or to church, or to any harm- less diversion, on the seventh. " Go to work promptly, but slowly. A late, hurried start keeps you out of breath all day trying to catch up. "When you stop work forget it. It spoils brains to sim- mer after a hard boil. "Feed regularly, largely, andv slowly. Lose no meal; ap- proach it respectfully and give it gratefully. No more can bo got out of a man than is put into him. "Sleep one-third of your whole life. How I hate the moralist who croaks over time wasted in sleep. Besides, sleep is, on the whole, the most satisfactory mode of exist- ence." MISCONCEIVEMENTS. " There are a number of mistakes made even by wise people while passing through life. Promi- nent among them is the idea that you must labor when you are not in a fit condition to do so ; to think that the more a person eats the healthier and stronger he will become; to go to bed at midnight and rise at daybreak, and imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained; to im- agine that, if a little work or exercise is good, violent and prolonged exercise is better; to conclude that the smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in; to eat as if you had only a moment to finish a meal in, or to eat with- 44 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. out any appetite, or to continue after it has been satisfied, merely to please the taste; to believe that children can do as much work as grown people, and that the more hours they study the more they learn ; to imagine that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately better (as alcoholic stimulants) is good for the system, without regard to the after-effects ; to take off proper clothing out of season be- cause you have become heated; to sleep exposed to a direct draught ; to think any nostrum or patent medicine is a specific for all the diseases flesh is heir to." WEARINESS. "A tramp knows what it is to be leg- weary, a farm laborer to be body-weary, a literary man to be brain- weary, and a sorrowing man to be soul-weary. The sick are often weary of life itself. Weariness is generally a phy- siological * ebb-tide,' which time and patience will convert into a ' flow/ It is never well to whip or spur a worn-out horse, except in the direst straits. If he mends his pace in obedience to the stimulus, every step is a drop drawn from his life-blood. Idleness is not one of the faults of the pres- ent age; weariness is one of the commonest experiences. The checks that many a man draws on his physiological resources are innumerable; and, as these resources are strictly limited, like any other ordinary banking account, it is very easy to bring about a balance on the wrong side. Adequate rest is one kind of repayment to the bank, sound sleep is another, regular eating and good digestion another. One day's holiday in the week and one or two months in the year for those who work exceptionally hard usually bring the credit balance to a highly favorable condition ; and thus with care and management physiological solvency is secured and maintained." "WHAT PRODUCES DEATH. Someone says that few men die of age. Almost all persons die of disappointment, personal, mental, or bodily toil, or accident. The passions kill men sometimes even suddenly. The common expres- sion, ' choked with passion/ has little exaggeration in it, for even though not suddenly fatal, strong passions shorten life. Strong-bodied men often die young ; weak men live longer than the strong, for the strong use their strength and the HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 45 weak have none to use. The latter take care of themselves, the former do not. As it is with the body, so it is with the mind and temper. The strong are apt to break, or, like the candle, run; the weak burn out. The inferior animals, which live temperate lives, have generally their prescribed term of years. The horse lives 25 years, the ox 15 or 20, the lion about 20, the hog 10 or 12, the rabbit 8, the guinea-pig G or 7. The numbers all bear proportion to the time the animal takes to grow to its full size. But man, of all animals, is one that seldom comes up to the average. He ought to live a hundred years, according to the physi- ological law, for five times 20 are 100 ; but instead of that he scarcely reaches an average of four times the growing period. The reason is obvious man is not only the most irregular and most intemperate, but the most laborious and hard-working of all animals. He is always the most irri- table of all animals, and there is reason to believe, though we cannot tell what an animal secretly feels, that more than anv other animal man cherishes wrath to keep it warm, and consumes himself with the fire of his own reflections." Provided you have babies in your family go through the following and see if you can't train your child so it shall be among the last seventeen mentioned: " Take your pencil and follow me, while we figure on what will happen to the 1,000,000 of babies that will have been born in the last 1,000,000 seconds. " I believe that is about the average ' one every time the clock ticks.' "One year hence, if statistics don't belie us, we will have lost 150,000 of these little ' prides of the household.' "A year later 53,000 more will be keeping company with those that have gone before. "At the end of the third year we find that 22,000 more have dropped by the wayside. " The fourth year they have become rugged little darlings, not nearly so susceptible to infantile diseases, only 8,000 having succumbed to the rigors imposed by the master. ''By the time they have arrived at the age of twelve years but a paltry few hundred leave the track each year. 46 HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. "After threescore years have come and gone we find less trouble in counting the army with which we started in the fall of 1889. " Of the 1,000,000 with which we began our count, but 370,000 remain ; 630,000 have gone the way of all the world, and the remaining few have forgotten that they ever existed. At the end of eighty, or, taking our mode of reck- oning, by the year 1969 A, D., there are still 97,000 gray- haired, shaky old grannies and grandfathers, toothless, hair- less, and happy. "In the year 1984 our 1,000,000 babies with which we started in 1889 will have dwindled to an insignificant 223 helpless old wrecks, ' stranded on the shores of time.' "In 1992 all but seventeen have left this mundane sphere forever, while the last remaining wreck will probably, in seeming thoughtlessness, watch the sands filter through the hour-glass of time, and die in the year 1997 at the age of one hundred and eight. " What a bounteous supply of food for reflection !" " LAUGHTER AS A HEALTH PROMOTER. In his ' Problem of Health,' Dr. Greene says that there is not the remotest corner or little inlet of the minute blood-vessels of the hu- man body that does not feel some wavelet from the convul- sions occasioned by good hearty laughter. The life princi- ple, or the central man, is shaken to its innermost depths, sending new tides of life and strength to the surface, thus materially tending to insure good health to the persons who indulge therein. The blood moves more rapidly and con- veys a different impression to all the organs of the body, as it visits them on that particular mystic journey when the man is laughing, from what it does at other times. For this reason every good hearty laugh in which a person in- dulges tends to lengthen his life, conveying, as it does, new and distinct stimulus to the vital forces." HEALTH, TTAPPIXKSS AND LONGEVITY. 47 CHAPTER X. ""While bright-eyed science watches round." A scientific investigation into the nature and causes of consumption proves the immediate causes, apart from hered- itary, to be dampness of houses and localities. Of races, the negroes seem most liable, and the Jews the most ex- empt. A french scientist has found that inhalation of air containing a. small amount of hydrofluoric acid gas has a re- markably good effect on consumption. In England good results were obtained by inspiration of air mixed with ozone. That the disease results chiefly from inactivity of the lungs is the statement of a physician who maintains that the cure of the disease is a mechanical question. The International Tuberculosis Congress lately held at Paris admits that tu- berculosis is contagious, can be transmitted from man to animals, and vice versa, and is the same in men, women, and cattle. Diseased milk is the most frequent agent of transmission, and with this meat, particularly lightly cooked, as food. Predisposing causes are sedentary life, overwork, mental anxiety, insufficient nourishment, in gen- eral, anything calculated to lower the vitality. The con- gress has discovered no remedy, only palliatives for tuber- culosis. Catarrhs, bronchitis, and other throat troubles have a tendency to develop into pleurisy or consumption when neglected. Typhoid fever never affects the atmosphere, but it does affect water, milk, ice, and meat. The eggs of a parasite from dogs, and hence more or less infecting all waters to which dogs have access, appear to have an unequaled facility of passage to all parts of the human system. As for surgical operations, in a German paper are par- ticulars of a case in which the eye of a man was thrust out of its socket by a parasite cyst in the rear, discovered by surgical exploration and extracted. From a 5-year old boy an injured kidney was removed successfully and the 48 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. patient recovered. The bridge of the nose was completely restored by using the breast-bone of a chicken and stretch- ing the flesh of the old nose over it. Even the part of a destroyed nerve of the arm was re- stored by the substitution of a part of a sound nerve from an amputated lirnb, so that the continuity was restored and sensation returned in 36 hours! Prematurely-born children are kept in an artificial mother, which consists of a glass case warmed by bowls of water. A new opiate has been discovered called the sulsonal. It produces sleep in ner- vous people and those affected with heart disease, but not in healthy subjects. The idea that sufferers from heart disease should avoid physical exertion has been dispelled by a noted physiologist who has successfully employed regu- lated exercise. Brown-Sequard has brought out his great Vital Fluid. He is reported as saying: "I never made use of the word ' elixir/ still less of the words ' elixir of life.' These are all expressions or inventions of sensational newspapers. If quacks or ignorant men in America have killed people, as stated by the New York papers, they would have avoided committing those murders had they paid the least attention to the most elementary rules as regards the subcutaneous in- jection of animal substances. Injections of animal matter have no danger, as a rule, unless the substances begin to be decomposed. When this condition of things exists, no good can be obtained, and there is grave danger of inflam- mation, abscesses, and even death." " Professor Brown-Sequard is reported to have lately in- formed the French Academy of Sciences that, by condensing the watery vapor coming from the human lungs, he obtained a poisonous liquid capable of producing almost immediate death. The poison is an alkaloid (organic), and not a mi- crobe or series of microbes. He injected this liquid under the skin of a rabbit and the effect was speedily mortal without convulsions. Dr. Sequard said it was fully proved that respired air contains a volatile element far more dan- gerous than the carbonic acid which is one of its constituents, and that the human breath contains a highly poisonous HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 49 agent. This startling fact should be borne sr. mind by the occupants of crowded horse-cars and ill-ventilated apart- ments." "A very curious geographical distribution of certain virtues and vices has been mooted by a scientist. Intemperance is mostly found above latitude 48, amatory aberrations south of the forty-fifth, financial extravagance in large sea- ports, Industrial thrift in pastoral highland regions." "ADVANCE IN HYGIENIC CLOTHING. The new cellular clothing now coming into use in England is said to be a success. It is woven out of the same materials as the com- mon weaves of cloth, being simply, as its name indicates, closely woven into cells, the network of which is covered over with a thin fluff. Its porous quality allows the slow passing of the outside and inside air, giving time for the outride air to become of the same temperature as the body, obviating all danger of catching colds, and allowing vapors constantly exhaled by the body to pass off, thus contributing toward health and cleanliness. The common objection to cotton clothing that it is productive of chills and colds is removed if woven in this manner, and the invention can tvrtu'mly be said to be strictly in accordance with hygienic and scientific principles." The annual death rate, in 1888, for the principal cities of the world, per 1,000 inhabitants, was : San Francisco, Cleve- land, Stockholm, 17; Bristol, Dresden, 18; Chicago, Cin- cinnati, Edinburgh, London, Turin, 1.9; Berlin, Baltimore, Brussels, Buffalo, Liverpool, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, 20; Brooklyn, St. Louis, Tokyo, 21; Amsterdam, Christiana, Paris, Washington, 22; Glasgow, 23; Copenhagen, 24; Bombay, Boston, New Orleans, Pesth, Venice, Vienna, 25; Breslau, Calcutta, Manchester, New York, Prague, Rotter- dam, 26; Dublin, 27; Rome, 28; Hamburg, Munich, 29; Trieste, 30; Buda Pesth, St. Petersburg, 32 , Alexandria, 38; Madras, 40; and Cairo, 51. The death rate among the poor and rich respectively varies much. In Paris the death rate per 1,000 inhab- itants between 40 and 50 years in easy circumstances was 4 50 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 8.3 against 18,7 among the poor. In London are some dis- tricts of the wealthy classes where the rate was 11.3 against 38 in the slums. The mean age at death among the gentry was 55 years, while among the workers it was 20J years. It was found that only 8$ of the children of the upper classes died in their first year against 19$ in the general population of Liverpool and 33$ in the slums of that city. Deaths from consumption were nearly one-fourth of all deaths among the poor, and only one-eighteenth among the rich. The above facts and figures cannot fail to set every intel- ligent person who reads them to thinking of this great health problem. HKALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 51 HAPPINESS. CHAPTER XI. HAPPINESS. "The learned is happy Nature to explore, The fool is happy that he knows no more." Happiness is defined by Webster as an agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good of any kind ; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended with enjoyment; the state of being happy; felicity; blessedness: bliss ; joyful satisfaction. Happiness is generic and applied to almost every kind of enjoyment except that of the animal appetites; felicity is a more formal word, and is used more sparingly in the same general sense, but with elevated associations; blessedness \$ applied to the most refined enjoyment arising from the pur- est social, benevolent, and religious affections; bliss denotes still more exalted delight, and is applied more appropriately to the joy anticipated in heaven. Happiness is only comparative, and we drink it in, in the exact ratio of our understanding to interpret the justice of the divinity within us. The first pre-requisite is wisdom, the second is like unto it, more wisdom, and the third sufficient understanding to know that it is wisdom. ;< It is easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is one who will smile When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with the years, And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through tears. 52 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. " It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts you to stray, When without or within no voice of sin Is luring your soul away. But it's only a negative virtue Until it is tried by fire, And the life that is worth the honor of earth Is the one that resists desire. ' By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, Who had no strength for the strife, The world's highway is cumbered to-day, They make up the item of life, But the virtue that conquers passion, And the sorrow that hides in a smile, It is these that are worth the homage of earth, For we find them but once in a while." Ella Wheeler Wilcox. We possess none of the attributes save in a degree only, anyone of which can be intensified, brightened, or benefited by our thoughts and actions. The shortest road to happi- ness, after having cleansed your body, actions, and thoughts, is to "do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all living creatures you can, just as long as you can." The more unselfish you become, the less you think of personal comfort, and the more pleasure you take in the comforts of others, the deeper and broader will the fountains of your own happiness become. There is no class of people who have equal happiness or bliss pictured upon their counte- nances to those who practice and teach the universal brotherhood of man without regard to race, creed, sex, caste, or color. Happiness is like manna. It is to be " gathered in grains and enjoyed everyday; it will not keep; it cannot be accu- mulated ; nor need we go out of ourselves nor into remote places to gather it, since it is rained down from heaven at our very doors, or, rather, within them." George Macdonald says : " A. man must not choose his neighbor ; he must take the neighbor that God sends him. In him, whoever he be, lies hidden or revealed a beautiful brother. Any rough-hewn semblance of humanity will at HEALTH, HAPPINESS AXD LONGEVITY. 53 length be enough to move the man to reverence and affec- tion." And there is a still more extensive love, urges Charles Mack ay : " You love your fellow-creatures? So do I, But underneath the wide paternal sky Are there no fellow-creatures in your ken That you can love except your fellow-men? Are not the Lrrass, the flowers, the trees, the birds, The faithful beasts, true-hearted, without words, Your fellows also, howsoever small ? He's the best lover who can love them all." There are certain principles that lead to positive happi- One of these is the avoiding of mistakes. " What have been termed 'the fourteen mistakes of life* are given as follows: It is a great mistake to set up our own stand- ard of right and wrong and judge people accordingly; to measure the enjoyment of others by our own ; to expect uni- formity of opinion in this world; to look for judgment and experience in youth; to endeavor to mould all dispositions alike ; not to yield to immaterial trifles ; to look for perfection in our own actions; to worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied; not to alleviate all that needs al- leviation as far as lies in our power; not to make allowances for the infirmities of others ; to consider everything impos- sible that we cannot perform; to believe only what our finite minds can grasp; to expect to be able to understand every- thing. The greatest of mistakes is to live for time alone when any moment may launch us into eternity." Ignorance is a state of happiness that many fairly intel- lectual people cite as well worthy of emulation ; but those who assert it have not understood, or attempted to fathom, how shallow 'is this lake of knownothingness called " igno- rance." Only a slight ripple can be seen on the bosom of a shallow lake during the most fearful btorm, yet but a slight zephyr is needed to show the white caps upon the grand old ocean, and at the least provocation of a storm " see how she causes the continents to tremble, showing her great depth and majesty." If in the presence of this happy, ignorant personage, we place the most beautiful piece of 54 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. statuary or painting, or produce the most startling of Shak- spere's plays, with the best living talent, or have the most gifted vocalist sing the most difficult aria, or have a pano- rama of the pyramid Jeezeh, Eiffel Tower, Washington Mon- ument, Philadelphia City Hall, Cologne Cathedral, all act- ual size, and such of nature's grandest views as the Yosem- ite Fall, and Father of the Forest, we would look upon this happy individual and listen in breathless silence for his opinion. Well, what of it? what is to prevent it? would be the reply. But note the difference even in a cultured child; see the gentle cheek turn from pale pink to livid car- mine, the heart pant, the bosom heave, and the whole form, for the time being, feel itself suspended in the air. To the above picture, add cultured, ripe old age, and the enjoyment, ecstasy, and pure happiness that would follow could only be measured by the difference between where we stand and the end of space ! Prerequisites in the begetting 01 wisdom are, first, you must be regular in everything you do, act, or think. This will give you health. Second, you must be regular, cleanly, temperate, and moral. This will start you on the road to happiness. Third, in addition to the first and second propositions, you must exercise self-control in all its as- pects if you would have health, be happy, and live to ex- cessive old age, before the culmination of which you will possess wisdom of no ordinary character. Let the legend that " man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn," cease, and in its place have, "The universal brotherhood of man removes the shackles of inhumanity, replacing them by bands of love." This will elevate the trend of human thought, and every zephyr of human intellect will gather and multiply until a cyclone of happiness envelopes the earth ; like love it will seem but a soothing breeze to the human heart, so gentle will fall its benign influences. This brings us to the point where every person is led to look to each of the four points of the compass and there ex- claim, "Who or what is God?" This is the first thing upon which intelligent beings should render a decision ; HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ,V> mankind can only approximate happiness until they have settled in their own mind this point. It is not imperative that your decision should cover all the truth or the only truth in regard to Deity, but it should preclude all doubt on the part of the person so deciding. There is just as much inconsistency in the statement that we know who and what is God in his physical proportions, just where He or It resides, and just what relation It or He holds toward the human monad, man, as there is in the assertion, " There is no God." There is no harm, however, in asserting our belief in one God, the Trinity, or a great First Cause. If we believe it and shape our lives accordingly, true light will be given sufficient to satisfy each searcher after the Truth; and he or they will advance to some other belief just when it is necessary. The exultant Methodist receives his light in one form, and the quiet Quaker in another. The devout Cath- olic represents still another type of ritualistic form, and the Wisdom Religionist (Theosophist) seems to get his from Nature, and finds some good in everything. With the 1,100 other different kinds of faith, there should be no complaint on our part of a variety from which to choose. We offer not as anything new, but as something possibly forgotten, the following formulae for obtaining happiness, viz.: (1) The carrying out in our lives and actions the Golden Rule ; (2) total unselfishness as regards self; (3) trying to excel all others in doing what the world calls good; (4) condemning no one until we have heard both sides of the question in dispute; (5) having the same tender compassion for all the lower animals that you exercise towards the human family ; (6) following out consistently some religious belief, and, until you are convinced of a better one, defending it; (7) above all other things, having chanty for every person's short-comings and belief. Add to these a few intrinsic principles: (1) Happiness is no other than soundness and perfection of mind; (2) there are two ways of being happy we may either diminish our wants or augment our means either will do, the result is the same; and it is for each man to decide for himself, and do 56 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. that which happens to be the easiest; (3) happiness is a road-side flower growing on the highways of usefulness ; (4) carry the radiance of your soul in your face; let the world have the benefit of it; (5) learn the lesson embodied in this little poem : THE TWO WORKERS. " Two workers in one field Toiled on from day to day, Both had the same hard labor, Both had the same small pay; With the same blue sky above, The same green grass below, One soul was full of love, The other full of woe. " One leaped up with the light, With the soaring of the lark ; One felt it ever night, For his soul was ever dark. One heart was hard as stone, One heart was ever gay ; One worked with many a groan, One whistled all the day. "One had a flower-clad cot Beside a merry mill ; Wife and children near the spot Made it sweeter, fairer still. One a wretched hovel had, Full of discord, dirt, and din, No wonder he seemed mad, Wife and children starved within. "Still they worked in the same field, Toiled on from day to day, Both had the same hard labor, Both had the same small pay; But they worked not with one will: The reason let me tell Lo ! the one drank at the still, And the other at the well." (6) Embody in your lives the better idea of this poem, " Where Do You Live," by Josephine Pollard : - "I knew a man, and his name was Homer, Who used to live on Grumble Corner: Grumble Corner, in Cross-Patcli Town, And he was never seen without a frown. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 57 He grumbled at this ; he grumbled at that; He growled at the dog ; he growled at the cat ; He grumbled at morning; he grumbled at night; And to grumble and growl were his chief delight " He grumbled so much at his wife that she Began to grumble as well as he ; And all the children, wherever they went, Reflected their parents' discontent. If the sky was dark and betokened rain, Then Mr. Homer was sure to complain ; And, if there was never a cloud about, He'd grumble because of a threatened drought. " His meals were never to suit his taste ; He grumbled at having to eat in haste ; The bread was poor, or the meat was tough, Or else he hadn't had half enough. No matter how hard his wife might try To please her husband, with scornful eye He'd look around, and then, with a scowl At something or other, begin to growl. "One day, as I loitered about the street, My old acquaintance I chanced to meet, Whose face was without the look of care And the ugly frown which it used to wear. ' I may be mistaken, perhaps,' I said, As, after saluting, I turned my head ; ' But it is, and it isn't, the Mr." Ilorner Who lived for so long on Grumble Corner ! ' " I met him next day ; and I met him again, In melting weather, and pouring rain, When stocks were up and when stocks were down ; But a smile somehow had replaced the frown. It puzzled me much ; and so one day I seized his hand in a friendly way, And said : ' Mr. Horner, I'd like to know What can have happened to change you so?' "He laughed a laugh that was good to hear, For it told of a conscience calm and clear, And he said, with none of the old-time drawl, ' Why, I've changed my residence, that is all ! ' ' Changed your residence ? ' * Yes,' said Horner, ' It wasn't healthy on Grumble Corner, And so I moved ;" 'twas a change complete; And you'll find me now on Thanksgiving Street!' 58 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. " Now, every day as I move along The streets so tilled with the busy throng, I watch each face and can always tell Where men and women and children dwell ; And many a discontented mourner Is spending his days on Grumble Corner, Sour and sad, whom I long to entreat To take a house on Thanksgiving Street." CHAPTER XII. " Gold can gild a rotten stick and dirt sully an ingot." AIDS TO MORALITY. "Many imagine that the only ways in which public and private morality can be improved," says the Philadelphia Ledger, "are those definite and direct methods which appeal at once to the conscience and the heart. Preaching and teaching, persuading and warning, exhorting and encouraging, are instrumentalities worthy of all honor, and those whose abilities qualify them for such tasks should receive every possible stimulus to exert them in so noble a cause. But it is a great mistake to suppose that these are the only means to promote morality. Every truly civilizing influence is also a reforming one. By this we do not mean that miscalled civilization which multiplies wants, and increases luxury and develops refinement in a few, at the expense of the many, but that advancement of mind and of knowledge, which is forever disclosing better methods of living and diffusing them among the whole peo- ple. Dr. Howard Crosby, president of the Society for the Prevention of Crime, in New York, and who has had wide opportunities of observing the condition of morality in that city, has recently declared that the moral condition of New York has vastly improved during the past few years, and that fifty years ago, although there was far less of the for- eign element than there is now, a low condition of morality existed that would not be tolerated at the present time. What is true of New York in this respect is equally true of our other cities, and if there be any pessimist who points to the well-known corruptions and vices which still exist as a HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 59 refutation of this statement, we would remind him that the very fact that such things are now brought to the light, discussed, and condemned, is a proof that they are on the decline. When a community is deeply sunk in immorality, little or no comment is made on the fact. When we come to seek into the causes of this improvement, we shall find that among the most prominent are the practical results of scientific progress and the civilizing tendencies of the age. There is no question that dirt, disease, and darkness are prevalent sources of vice and crime, and whatever influences are brought to bear against them will also press heavily against immorality. The increasing value set upon health, as shown alike in sanitary laws and regulations and in the greater willingness manifested by the community to under- stand and adopt hygienic modes of life, is beyond dispute. The improvements in house building and drainage; the in- troduction of water, pure and plentiful; the freer admission of fresh air; the better systems of ventilation ; the brilliant lighting up of our city streets all contribute to the preven- tion of crime and to the spread of a higher type of morality, while increasing the health, peace, and comfort of the com- munity. And when to all these we add the better and wider education given to the rising generation than was thought possible fifty years ago, we shall find abundant reason for the moral advancement which has been made. There are some persons who feel quite powerless to help on the cause of reform, or to improve the moral character of a single individual, because they have no gift for influencing men by direct appeal. They have, perhaps, tried and failed, and so, although they would like to do some good in the world, they are hopeless of any success. Let such take courage as they remember how many indirect, yet most effectual, methods there are of accomplishing this end. Let them look over the multitudes of civilizing agencies that are silently working in the interests of morality, and attacli themselves to such as most heartily engage their interest. Every intelligent individual must be in sympathy with sonic of them ; and it is just there that his services are, needed and will be most valuable. Nor let him make the 6Q HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. mistake of supposing that lie is thus working upon a lower or inferior plane. It is in works of benevolence and re- form, just as in all other kinds of work that which a man can do best is the very best thing for him to do. So, if one man is interested in sanitary schemes and another in even- ing schools ; if one is anxious for free libraries and another for free parks; if one can help to secure good roads and clean streets and another can aid in protecting children or dumb animals from ill-treatment, let each be assured that in such exertions he is doing his share in promoting morality and in elevating character as surely and as effectually as those whose peculiar province it is to teach or to preach, to admonish or to advise." If the butcher's trade begets in him, the butcher, a dis- position to use the knife more indiscriminately, and causes him to look upon the taking of life indifferently and un- concernedly, so that in a majority of the States he is dis- qualified from sitting upon a murderer's jury, there then must be something not only in the associations we keep but in the business we follow. The average lawyer tries by every known means to clear his client. In 50% of the cases handled by 50$ of the at- torneys their clients are guilty and they know it. They do not break the law of their State or country simply because the laws in the main are made to screen the evil-doers and not the honest citizen. But how they can do this and affili- ate with anyone of the 1,100 different faiths, or attend their church organizations or services sincerely, is more than we can surmise. In contrast, however, we must mention an isolated case that has reached us well authenticated. A very prominent and able lawyer of New York City, who had the reputation of never losing a case, was accosted by a well-known offender of the law on trial for felony before the court of Oyer and Terminer. The attorney invited the would-be client into his private office and had him state his case. He finished, and the lawyer remarked, " You are guilty." "Well, I know that," replied the culprit, " that is why I want your services you never lose a case." " Sir," said the lawyer, " you have c6me to the wrong HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 61 office. I have never failed in any case before the courts; I account for it from the fact that I have never espoused a cause where I knew the client was guilty. Knowing I was right, I have thrown my whole soul into it, and won." GOSSIP. There is a vast deal of un happiness in this world caused by gossip. Dr. J. G. Holland presents help- ful ideas in the following: "What is the cure for gossip? Simply culture. There is a great deal of gossip that has no malignity in it. Good- natured people talk about their neighbors because they have nothing else to talk about. As we write, there comes to us the picture of a family of young ladies. We have seen them at home, we have met them in galleries of art, we have caught glimpses of them going from a book store or library with a fresh volume in their hands. When we meet them they are full of what they have seen and read. They arc brimming with questions. One topic of conver- sation is dropped only to give place to another in which they are interested. We have left them after a delightful hour, stimulated and refreshed, and during the whole hour not a neighbor's garment was soiled by so much as a touch. They had something to talk about. They knew something, and wanted to know more. They could listen as well as they could talk. To speak freely of a neighbors doings and belongings would have seemed an impertinence to them, and, of course, an impropriety. They had no temp- tation to gossip, because the doings of their neighbors formed a subject very much less interesting than those which grew out of their knowledge and their culture. "And this tells the whole story. The confirmed gossip is always either malicious or ignorant. The one variety needs a change of heart and the other a change of pasture. Gossip is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility, and the young should not only shun it, but, by most thorough culture, relieve themselves from all tempta- tion to indulge in it. It is a low, frivolous, and, too often, a dirty business. There are neighborhoods in which it rages like a pest. Churches are split in pieces by it. Neighbors are made enemies by it for life; In many per- 62 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. sons it degenerates into a chronic disease, which is practi- cally incurable. Let the young cure it while they may." MARRIED LIFE. As the family is the center about which all life revolves, it is absolutely essential to have happy relations there. Husbands too often neglect their wives and homes. " Women are lonely," says Mrs. Annie Jenness. "They miss their husbands. What amount of companionship exists between the American woman and the man? He starts for his office as soon as his breakfast is hurriedly swallowed. He does not come home at the lunch hour. He is barely in season for a late dinner. Very possibly he belongs to a club and has an engagement as soon as dinner is done. " If not that, his head is in bank or counting-house, and he studies the stock quotations in the night's paper, and counts, as against a possible rise of wheat, the day's gossip, with which his wife is overflowing, very small potatoes. They have callers, or they go to opera or theater. It may easily happen that they do not spend ten minutes in con- versation with each other during the day. American men are always in a hurry. They seem to live for the sole pur- pose of catching trains. They have no time to amuse or be amused. "The conditions of modern life separate them from women. The lives of men grow more and more simple business comprehends the whole. The lives, of women grow more and more complex everything which is not business is given over to them. A man past the romantic epoch, who honestly enjoys talking with women, is not an average mor- tal. The every-day sort of man takes pains to be detained somewhere until all the guests have departed from his wife's 5 o'clock tea. The couple live in different worlds. The world is now discussing why marriage is a failure, if it is? Then consider this collection of reasons: " When either of the parties marry for money. " When the lord of creation pays more for cigars than his better half does for hosiery, boots, and bonnets. " When one of the parties engages in a business that is not approved by the other. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 63 " When both parties persist in arguing over a subject upon which they never have and never can think alike. " When neither husband nor wife takes a vacation. " When the vacations are taken by one side of the house only. " When a man attempts to tell his wife what style of bonnet she must wear. " When a man's Christmas presents to his wife consist of boot-jacks, shirts, and gloves for himself. " When the watchword is, 'Each for himself.' " When dinner is not ready at dinner-time. "When 'he' snores his loudest while 'she' kindles the fire. ''When 'father' takes half of the pie and leaves the other half for the one that made it and her eight children. " When the children are given the neck and back of the chicken. " When children are obliged to clamor for their rights. " When the money that should go for a book goes for what only one side of the house knows anything about. " When there is too much latch-key. " When politeness, fine manners, and kindly attentions are reserved for company or visits abroad." CHAPTER XIII. " The greatest friend of truth is time." WHAT WE INHERIT FROM THE PAST. The world moves only through the constant accumulation ami conservation of force the force of mind. We are not capable of conceiving the immense wastage of this force from year to year and from century to century. If we pro- duce a great inventor we are ignorantly proud of him. We wonder at him as if he were a miracle. A great thinker in mechanics, in art, in science, in letters, astonishes as if he were a prodigy, when he is really only an approach to what all men have the right to be, to what all men may become 4 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. when the right mind has applied to it the right compelling power of suggestion from the force of other minds. As surely as the plant is involved in its seed, so surely is all the progress of the future involved in the thought of the past, recorded in books as far as it is possible to record it at all. The telephone, the telegraph, the phonograph, the steam-engine, the power loom every result of the application of mind in the subjection of matter existed in the minds of men and was recorded in books years before the thought gave suggestion to the mind which applied it practically. Back of the mind of the great thinker in poetry, in states- manship, in science, in mechanics, is the conserved force of the minds preceding him. But what does it all avail if it is wasted ? We may have now a thousand Edisons, Fultons, Morses and Maurys, inert and practically useless because of force unapplied that might set them in motion to make the lives of millions, born and unborn, easier and happier. We have poets, statesmen, scientists, and inventors as unknown and unproductive as the worms which change them into productive forms of matter in country church-yards, where some Gray finds them and touches us with a sense of their loss to us without suggesting the remedy. What remedy is there if it is not this of making the suggested possibility of the past the endeavor of the present and the achievement of the future? How is that possible, if we regard our capable men as miracles, when our own incapacity to understand is the only miracle when we leave the great possibilities of mind in unnumbered " thousands to die with the matter of their bodies? Charity builds a small-pox hospital and men bless it rightly. It benefits its hundreds and its thou- sands. The same benevolence, operating under the force of the conserved energy of mind, discovers vaccination, and so benefits millions and tens of millions for ages after the small- pox hospital is back in the clay from which its bricks were burned. There is here no parallel possible between the re- sults achieved those of the one hand so immensely exceed those of the other. The whole problem of the present and future is to bring the accumulated force of suggestion from the past to bear on the given point on the mind of -the ITF.ALTIT, HAI'PIXKSS AND LONGEVITY. 65 living man, capable in possibility, and failing to achieve only for lack of stimulus of force, of power as a steam- engine is incapable without force applied from without. And as it is the last shovel of coal that sets the engine to work, so the mind, prepared for the final suggestion that is to give it its highest usefulness, will remain inert if the sug- gestion fails it. These suggestions may come from nature or directly from other minds, but in the main they come from the force of mind preserved in books. Can there be any greater, any more capable benevolence,than that which gives this force its widest possible application? A million dollars may endow a hospital for a century. Half as much in :m endowment making a library free may bring press- ure to bear on some brain, that, as a result, will save more suffering for the human race than has been saved by vacci- nation." 5 I HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. LONGEVITY. CHAPTER XIV. LONGEVITY. " Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream, For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem." How long shall a man live? That depends entirely upon the Live r! Punch. If you have read with care the preceding chapters of this work, and paused between the lines to reflect, you will not now have to be retold our panacea for a long life. By this we mean the usually allotted three-score and ten, or also the 120 years given as the limit in Genesis, 3rd and 6th chap- ters. These ages, however, are not common in any country or age. There are many instances of 70 years, but not enough to be called common, while it is the " survival of the fittest" that reach 120 years. In the United States only 5.6$ of population are above 60 years and probably not more than 4J$are over 70 years. Norway has the best record, with 9$ of the population above the age of 60. Japan has 1,182,000 people over 70 years, but only 73 of these are over 100, and 1 alone has reached the age of 111 years. Probably the oldest human being liv- ing in the United States at this writing is the old Indian named Gabriel, residing at or near Castroville, Cal., 100 miles south of San Francisco. He has an authentic history of 146 years, and he is believed to be ovjer 150 years old. But for real characteristic longevity, we must visit the mountain fastnesses of Thibet, in Asia, where live a number of speci- mens of the human family that have a recorded history back to the latter part of the 16th century. HEALTH, IIAPPINEFF. AND LONGEVITY. 67 We have previously told you that by regularity alone man may reach the age of 100 years. Now we intend to treat more the possibilities of how long it is possible for mankind to retain all their mental faculties and enjoy suf- ficient vital force to battle with the world for a livelihood. We are led to believe, like Dr. Win. A. Hammond, a prom- inent physician of New York City "that there is no physi- ological reason at the present day why man should die." (Further on we give more of the Doctor's theory.) Just so long, however, as there are no paid teachers to show how not to get sick, how to keep the physique and mind from tiring, the heart from growing wary and discontented, just so long will the average of life remain under 40 years and the grave-yards continue to be populated. There are hun- dreds of reasons why this or that clan or sect live longer than the other sect or clan, but what we wish to convey is that none of them live out all their days. For instance, in comparison with other nations not mentioned, the German can drink more beer, the Frenchman more wine, the Rus- sian more pure spirits, the Englishman more brandy, and the American more whisky, before harm is perceptible, likewise the Chinese can smoke more opium and the Rusr sian a stronger cigarette, and more of them, before harm is apparent to others. No matter what an individual's creed, color, or nationality, if he be intelligent and clearly en- dowed with the five known senses, he does know that any narcotic, no matter of what nature, even if it is as mild as steeped tea leaves and as odorless as pure water, is a detri- ment to some one of the senses. As each sense is dulled, the others must sympathize with it; so it will not require an instrument to measure to the .001 part of an inch, or to a single vibration of the violet ray, to test the degree of injury that the human structure received for each variation from the path of perfection. If perfection of climate is sought, perfect sanitation ob- tained, regularity, cleanliness, uprightness, temperance, and self-control practiced, if the bodily waste is supplied with nature's fruits, grains, vegetables, and herbs, if drinking is done at nature's fountain for thirst, life will be prolonged (58 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. to see the light in more than one century. Finally, add to that, if self is forgotten, and only the comfort of others remembered and regarded, life may be indefinitely pro- longed. M. Chevreul, the eminent French scientist, died April 9, 1889, aged 103 years. "On the 31st day of August, 1886, he attained the age of 100 years, and was still in vigorous health, and with all his faculties unimpaired. The occasion ' was celebrated by the students of Paris, among whom he is a great favorite, and by the French people generally, with enthusiasm.' The Paris Journal Illustre seized upon the opportunity to interview him in a manner that is described as marking ' an era in this line of journalistic enterprise. Not only were his words taken down verbatim, but his va- rious attitudes while speaking were photographed by the instantaneous process, and engraved,' twelve illustrations being given in the interview. M. Chevreul is an important figure in the scientific world, and the interview contains many useful lessons in hygiene and philosophy, not the least of which is described by his interviewer as an exposi- tion of the * chemical secret of longevity.' In a condensed form, it is as follows: He regards longevity as a great bless- ing, and declares that the method by which it may be se- cured is easy to learn; but I think that with many people it would be difficult to follow. He laid down the propo- sition that the larger proportion of the human race die of disease and not of old age. Now, he finds that while we should especially guard against drawing general conclusions from particular cases, yet it is nevertheless true that the study of particular cases may and should conduct us to general precepts. It is necessary for each one to study his personal aptitudes, and conform to them with a constant firmness. Every regime is personal, and ' I cannot too much insist upon this essential point, that what is suitable for one may not be for another. It is, then, important for each one to note well what is adapted to his own constitution. Thus, I have the same aversion to fish as to fermented liquors, es- pecially to wine, also a distaste for a large number of vege- tables, and I could never drink milk. Shall I conclude, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 69 then, that fish, that the vegetables which I do not relish, and milk, are not nutritive? Certainly not ; for I judge hy a general rule and not by my own idiosyncrasies. Cofiee and chocolate agree with me; the latter is especially nutritive, and gives me an appetite for food. It is forme an aperient. Shall I conclude from this that chocolate would give every- body an appetite? ' " He maintains a barometric exactness and regularity in all the habits of his daily life, eats at fixed hours, takes his time, and leaves the table with some appetite for more. He says he remembers the words of the wise man, 'The stomach has slain more men than war,' and that the Spur- tans proscribed those citizens who were too fat. " ' I use little salt or spices, and but little coffee, and I flee as from a pest from all those excitants of which I feel no need, and from all tobacco and alcoholics in whatever form they may present themselves.' " He divides his day, the morning to exact science, the middle of the day to philosophy, and the evening to music and poetry. 'But above all, no discussion at the table. One should only cat with a calm spirit. Let the dining- room remain the dining-room, and never be turned into a room for argument. Discussion while eating is a cushion of needles in the stomach.' " Dr. Felix L. Oswald has made the following brilliant conclusions in the "Curiosities of Longevity : "- "Among the centenarians of all nations and all times, a significant plurality were either rustics, or city dwellers ad- dicted to outdoor pursuits. Centenarians are remarkably frequent among the bailiff-ridden boors of Southern Russia, and the five oldest persons of modern times were care-worn if not abjectly poor villagers: Peter Czartan, who died in a hamlet near Belgrade, 1724, in his hundred and eighty- fifth year; the Russian beggar Kamartzik, a native of Polotzk, who reached an age of one hundred and sixty- three years, and died in consequence of an acccident; the fisherman Jenkins, who, in spite of life-long penury, lived at least a century and a half (the estimate of his neighbors varying from one hundred and fifty-eight to one hundred 70 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. and sixty-nine years) ; the negress Truxo, who died in slavery on the plantation of a Tucuman physician, in her hundred and seventy-fifth year; and the day-laborer, Thomas Parr, who attained the pretty-well-authenticated age of one hundred and fifty-two years, and who died a few weeks after his removal from country air and indigence to comfort and city quarters. If dietetic restrictions tend to prolong human life, the rule would seem to be chiefly con- firmed by its exceptions. The children of Israel are apt to ascribe their certainly remarkable longevity to the Mosaic interdict of hogs' flesh. . . . " John H. Brown, M. D., the Berwick ^Esculapius, enu- merates a long list of patients who had postponed their fun- eral by following his plan of systematic hygiene the plan, namely, of ' toning down ' plethora by bleeding and cathartics, and of 'toning up' debility by means of beef and brandy. But sixteen hundred years ago the philoso- pher Lucian called attention to the exceptional longevity of the Pythagorean ascetics, whose religious by-laws enjoined total abstinence from wine and all sorts of animal food. The naturalist Brehm describes the robust physique of a Soudan chieftain who, at the reputed age of one hundred and six years, could hurl a stone with force sufficient to kill a jackal at a distance of fifty yards, and thought noth- ing of starving for a week or two if his foragers happened to return empty-handed. But the same traveler mentions that his swarthy Nestor now and then compensated such fasts by barbecues lasting from ten to twenty-four hours, and including a melange of marrow-fat and pepper-grass, besides dozens of hard-boiled crane's eggs, jerboa stew, and deep draughts of clarified butter. Long fasts certainly enhance the vigor of the digestive organs, but the net re- sult of repeating such experiments seems rather difficult to reconcile with the experience of Luigi Cornaro, the Venetian reformer, who managed to outlive all his cousins and school- mates, and ascribed his success to the mathematical regu- larity of his bill of fare, which, during the last sixty years of his self-denying existence, had been limited to twelve ounces of solid food and fourteen ounces of fluids wine HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 71 chiefly, a beverage which the Soudanese emir would have rejected with a snort of virtuous horror. Dr. Virchow, though by no means an advocate of total abstinence, ad- mits that the longevity of the Semitic desert-dwellers can be explained only by their caution in the use of stimulants a virtue which in their case would, indeed, appear to offset an unusual number of circumstantial disadvantages thirst, fiery suns, and h'ery passions being decidedly uupro- pitious to length of life. "And here, at last, we may strike a bit of terra firma in the quicksands of speculative hygiene. 'Take a hundred different animals.' says the sanitarian Schrodt, and you will find them to prefer a hundred different sorts of solid food, but they all drink milk in infancy, and afterward water; and considering the infinite variety of comestibles a healthy human stomach contrives to digest, we might very well agree to deserve that privilege by limiting the variety of our beverages.' Instinct certainly abhors* the first taste of alcoholic liquors, and statistics prove that in all climes and among all nations the disease-resisting power of the human organism is diminished by the habitual use of toxic stimulants. Mohammed, Buddha, and Zoroaster agree on that point, and the esoteric teachings of Pytha- goras may have qualified his rather fanciful objections to grape-juice by the practical hope of longevity. A complete list of infallible prescriptions for the prolongation of human life would fill a voluminous book, and would include some decidedly curious specifics. 'To what do you ascribe your hale old age?' the Emperor Augustus asked a centenarian whom he found wrestling in the pakestrci and bandying jokes with the young athletes. ' Intus mulso, foris olco,' said the old fellow 'Oil for the skin and mead [water and honey] for the inner man.' Cardanus suggests that old age might be indefinitely postponed by a semi-fluid diet warmed (like mothers' milk) to the exact temperature of the human system; and Voltaire accuses his rival Maupertuis of hav- ing hoped to attain a similar result by varnishing his hide with a sort of resinous paint (un poix rfeineux) that would prevent the vital strength from evaporating by exhalation. 70 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. Robert Burton recommends ' oil of unaphar and dor- mouse fat ; ' Paracelsus; rectified spirits of alcohol; Horace, olives and marsh-mallows. Dr. Zimmerman, the medical adviser of Frederick the Great, sums up the 'Art of Lon- gevity' in the following words: 'Temperate habits, out- door exercise, and steady industry, sweetened 'by occasional festivals.'" "The increasing longevity of man is attracting consider- able attention from collectors of statistics, and some curious facts are being elicited. According to the last census, 10 per cent of the people who died between 1870 and 1880 had outlived the traditional three-score years and ten, whereas of the deaths between 1840 and 1850, only 7.47 per cent were of persons of that age. In 1850, 16.90 per cent of the deaths were of children under one year of age; in 1880, the proportion was 23.24, showing a smaller percentage of deaths among adults. The average length of life in En- gland 300 years ago was only twenty years. In France the average length of life, under Louis XVIII., was twenty- eight years. Actuaries are figuring that within the past half-century the average length of life has greatly increased." "A study of this subject is impeded by the tendency of almost everyone to generalize from individual examples within his own observation. This is almost sure to be mis- leading, because no one's acquaintance is so large that it embraces factors enough to base a theory on. People say that life is longer than it used to be, because Palmerston rode to hounds at 82, and Peter Cooper and the Emperor William were intellectually vigorous at over 91. They for- get that Marino Faliero was over 80 when he concocted his plot, and that the blind Dodge Dandolo was 84 when he took Constantinople. Every age has produced a few long- lived men, and here and there a centenarian." "The question of importance is not whether this age is yielding more centenarians than former ages, but whether, on the average, the age of man is longer than it \vas, and if so, how much longer? The grounds for an increased lon- gevity better doctors and more of them, better drainage, more wholesome food, wiser habits, and better facilities for HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 73 securing change of air justify the belief that life is length- ening, to what degree it is hard to say. M. Flourens, who had- made a life study of the subject, said that every man ought to live to be a hundred, if he took care of himself." "In a number of the Popular Science Monthly is an arti- cle by Clement Milton Hammond on the prolongation of hu- man life that is interesting both in the way of being readable and as based on returns as to an unusually large number of per.-ons above eighty years of aire. The facts were obtained y sending out 5,000 blanks to be filled. They were sent through New England only and were intended to cover per- sonal history and hereditary influence. Over 3,500 of the blanks were filled out and returned. They show that less than 5 per cent remained unmarried through life, the un- married women being three times as numerous as the un- married men. The average number of children was five. Five out of six of the old people had light complexions, blue or gray eyes, and abundant brown hair. The men were generally tall and ranged in weight from 100 to 160 pounds, with a lew of 200 pounds, and the women of medium size, weighing from 100 to 120 pounds, with some exceptional cases up to 180 pounds. The men were generally bony and muscular, and the women the opposite. At the time of record the hair was generally thick, the teeth poor or en- tirely gone, the skin only slightly wrinkled. Generally their habits of eating and sleeping have been conspicuously regular. They have as a rule adhered to one occupation through life, and of the 1,000 men 4G1 were farmers. Few have used alcoholic drink stronger than cider. A large majority of the men used tobacco. The average age of the parents and grandparents of the persons reported on was about sixty-live. The average time of sleei) was about ei^ht hours." Dr. Maurice advances some staunch ideas on old age: " Do poor people live longer than the affluent? There arc so many more poor in the world than there are rich that we can be sure of finding more poor old people. Probably excessive wealth is a burden sure to exhaust its possessor in the care of it. Our millionaires, however, are men for 74 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. the most part who began poor and were possessed of tena- cious vitality, that is, with a grip on other things as strong as on the money bags. Professor Humphrey's ' Report on Age of Persons 'gives us 824 persons, of both sexes, of whom about half were poor and the rest at least in good circum- stances, 10 per cent only being possessed of wealth. The real truth seems to be that poverty, with an iron constitu- tion and sound nerves, is most likely to produce an instance of extreme age; but the possession of the comforts and amen- ities of life produces by far the best average of ages. The average age of the middle classes has always surpassed that of others ; but at present sanitation forces on the poor so many provisions against disease that they are saved from their former high death-rate, and brought quite near the privately better-bred and furnished class. "There has certainly been long sustained, in pro verbs and otherwise, a conviction that early rising and early retiring have much to do with prolonged vitality. Franklin insisted on it vigorously. Lord Mansfield, also, held it to be an im- portant item in his sustained vigor to near nmety. I am in- clined to believe that the estimate is not erroneous. We are far more the creatures of habit than we generally allow. At certain moments we become regularly hungry, regularly sleepy, and so with all other functions. It is wise beyond doubt to recognize this fact and never break our habits, that is, our useful habits. But beyond this, there are certain habits dependent on cosmical causes, such as move- ments of the sun. Our natural rest would seem to be prop- erly conformed, in the main, to the appearance and disap- pearance of daylight. "But after we have fairly and fully considered the subject, there remains the one fact that idleness will end life sooner than any other cause. The hour that any person retires from any and all occupation he is sure to drop into deca- dence. The mind is very sure to begin to lose its clearness when it is withdrawn from regular exercise. Both brain and muscular power lapse with lack of activity. The custom of working excessively till sixty-five or seventy, and then withdrawing from business, is wrong at both ends. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 75 We crowd life at the beginning, and let its functioning grow I torpid at the close. Much is lost to age by our modern methods of locomotion. Great walkers are scarce; there is almost a total lack of horse-back exercise. Carriage-riding over smooth roads in no way compensates." Perhaps there is nothing that prolongs life more than genial, hearty laughter. William Matthews says "that there is not a remote corner or little inlet of the mi- nute blood-vessels of the human body that does not feel some wavelet from the great convulsion caused by hearty laughter shaking the central man. Not only does the blood move more quickly than it is wont, but its chemical or electric condition is distinctly modified, and it conveys a different impression to the organs of the body, as it visits thorn on that particular mystic journey when the man laughs, from what it does at other times. A genial, hearty laugh, therefore, prolongs life, by conveying a distinct and addi- tional stimulus to the vital forces. Best of all, it has no re- morse in it. It leaves no sting, except in the sides, and that goes off. Cicero thought so highly of it that he com- plained bitterly at one time that his fellow-citizens had all forgotten to laugh : Civem mehercule non puto esse qui his temporibus rider e possit. Titus, the Roman emperor, thought he hud lost a day if he had passed it without laughing. What a world would this be without laughter ! To what a dreary, dismal complexion should we all come at last, were all fun and cachination expurged from our solemn and scientific planet! Care would soon overwhelm us; the heart would corrode ; the river of life would be like the lake of the Dismal Swamp ; we should begin our career with a sigh, and end it with a groan ; while cadaverous faces, and words to the tune of 'The Dead March in Saul,' would make up the whole interlude of our existence." "Hume, the historian, in examining a French manuscript containing accounts of some private disbursements of King Edward II. of England, found, among others, one item of a crown paid to somebody for making the king laugh. Could one conceive of a wiser investment? Perhaps by paying one crown Edward saved another. * The most utterly lost 76 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. of all days/ says Charnfort, ' is that on which you have not once laughed.' Even that grimmest and most saturnine of men, who, though he made others roar with merriment, was never known to smile, and who died ' in a rage, like a poi- soned rat in a hole ' Dean Swift has called laughter 'the most innocent of all diuretics.' Yet the philosopher of Con- cord, R. W. Emerson, is reported as having said in a lect- ure : ' Laughter is to be avoided. Lord Chesterfield said that after he had come to the years of understanding he never laughed.' Lord Chesterfield would have had far more influence if, instead of repressing every inclination to laugh, he had now and then given his ribs a holiday nay, if he had even roared outright; for it would have disabused the public of the notion that he never obeyed a natural im- pulse, but that everything he said and did was prestudied done by square, rule, and compass. As it was, though he was confessedly the politest, best-bred, most insinuating man at court, yet he was regularly and invariably out- flanked and out-maneuvered by Sir Robert Walpole, who had the heartiest laugh in the kingdom, and by the Duke of Newcastle, who had the worst manners in the world. In commending laughter, we mean genuine laughter, not a make-believe, not the artificial or falsetto laugh of fash- ionable society, nor> again, the mere smile of acquiescent politeness, or the crackling of thorns under a pot, or the curl of the lips that indicates in the laughter a belief in his fancied superiority. Still less do we mean the hollow, mocking laugh of the cynic. The laughter which we would commend as healthful is not bitter, but kindly, genial, and sympathetic/'' No PHYSIOLOGICAL REASON FOR DEATH. " Dr. William A. Hammond, a prominent physician of New York, who has written several medical treatises, and was some years ago Surgeon-General of the United States Army, has re- cently set forth his belief that there is no physiological rea- son at the present day why man should die. He maintains that people die through the ignorance of the laws which govern their existence, and from their inability, or indispo- ITEAT.Tir. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY 77 sition, to attend to those laws with which they are acquainted. Now, as the business of medical men has ostensibly been for the last four thousand years to prolong human life, and as Dr. Hammond affirms that there is no good reason why people should die, the wonder is why men of his school have not drawn up some formula by which they could live on for three or four thousand years, at least. There has always been a vague impression that the knowledge of the preser- vation of human life had been lost, and that in some favored era of the world's history that knowledge would be recovered. " If there is such a thing as a hidden law of life, which, when discovered and asserted, will arrest physical decay and prevent death, except by accident, Doctor Hammond, and all who hold to his doctrine, ought to lose no time in mak- ing it known. This medical authority reasons that, as the human body is constantly dying and constantly renewing its particles, this law of displacement and renewal ought to be perpetual, and that when it is discovered just what sub- stances are best fitted to maintain this equipoise, as it were, there should be no giving out of the physical powers. " ' The food that man takes into his stomach/ says Doctor Hammond, 'ought to be of such quantity and quality as would exactly repair the losses which, through the action of the several organs, his body is to undergo. If it is excess- ive in either of these directions, or if it is deficient, disease of some kind will certainly be the result. If he knew enough to be able to adjust his daily food to the expected daily re- quirements of his system, disease could never ensue through the exhaustion of any one of his vital organs. A large major- ity of the morbid affections to which he is subject are due to a lack of this knowledge. " ' Now, suppose that he is exactly right in his calculations, and that the food taken is neither too great nor too little, but exactly compensates the anticipated losses, the death of each cell in the brain, or the heart, or the muscles, etc., will be followed by the birth of a new cell, which will take its place and assume its functions. Gout, rheumatism, liver and kidney diseases, heart affections, softening and other destructive disorders of the brain, the various morbid oondi- 78 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. tions to which the digestive organs are subject, would be impossible except through the action of some external force, such as the swallowing of sulphuric acid, or a blow on the head, or a stab with a knife, which would come clearly within the class of accidents, and of course many of these would be avoidable.' u Dr. Hammond's theory supposes that the time will come when the individual will have learned the uttermost thing about the laws of life, and when he will conform so strictly to these laws that he will have nothing more to learn in re- gard to the best way of living. It may require ages for this progress, but when it is attained, and the race is set free from all morbific influences, physical death would be im- possible. The summary of his points is that 'people die from ignorance of the laws of life ; and from willfulness in. not obeying the laws they know.' That may be a part of the truth which is very near the surface. But the other demonstration is not quite so clear as could be wished that there can be any such thing as an eternity of physical life, even if all the laws touching that life were known and every one of them obeyed." HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. PART II. CHAPTER I. DISEASES AND REMEDIES; HOW TO PREVENT MOST MALADIES AND CURE ILLS POSSESSED. NOTE. If the reader is in haste to know what will cure this or that trouble, before perusing the pages of this entire pamphlet, such as cramp, colic, indigestion, constipation, headache, etc., the index found in the back part of this work will give immediate reference, and the prescriptions instant relief. If you are cured thereby of any of the many maladies that beset the human family, remember that it is only temporary; for to be cured of any disease permanently requires the removal of the cause. One of the objects of this book is to convey that information. The great disparity between the actions and teachings of many of our principal writers must be apparent to every reader of books, pamphlets, and editorials, upon the subject of health and its allies, happiness and longevity. Many of the leading exponents of temperance have periodical spells of drunkenness, and some drink all the time. The promi- nent articles written upon the subject of sanitary matters and cleanliness, are generally by the editor whose office is the scene of disorder, the floor covered with tobacco quids, old rubbish and dust, and the corners filled with cobwebs. The writer upon the subject of poverty and the wrongs of the poor, has his headquarters fitted up in the most magnificent style; he never knew what it was to want for a meal, nor did he ever darken the door of real pov- erty. The missionary advocate soliciting funds for the heathen and down-trodden poor of foreign lauds, more than 8Q HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. likely never crossed the borders of his own State, certainly has not taken a stroll through the dark lanes and alleys, or climbed the dingy stairways of the tenement houses of his own city. If he had done so, a more effective appeal would have gone up for the suffering poor and spiritually blind of the principal unsanitary municipalities of his own coun- try. The physician with a bad cough and broken-down constitution is still prescribing for consumptives and pa- tients with all manner of aches and pains, of which his own body is a perfect index. And the minister who has not yet lost all his hatred for u that other sect," and occasionally assists in persecuting it, is still teaching the doctrine of the meek and lowly Naza- rene. Having experienced a large number of diseases and their successful remedies, we have for several years been collecting the most reliable data and testimony on many in short most of mankind's bodily ills. In this second part we present them for your benefit. There are about 11,000 remedies mentioned in the 15th edition of the " United States Dispensatory," by reference to which it will be seen that each affliction to which flesh is heir must be more than well drugged. It is the fault of the community at large that the necessity of such a work exists. There is no demand for any form of disease even with the improper state 1 of society as it is to-day. Extreme old age and a limited number of accidents are all that can be necessary to record. The following is an admirable article from the St. Louis Globe Democrat, which is quite pertinent. " SANITATION AND SANITY. The general subject of sani- tation now covers our architecture and our home life; our sewerage and disposition of waste; our personal cleanliness and contact in all social relations; our food and drink, both as to quality and kind ; quarantine and other preven- tives against contagion and infection; the purification of streams, and the cleansing of the air of smoke and foul va- pors ; in fact, the whole subject of health or wholeness. % 5J; % A national board of health was as unthought of as was an Atlantic cable in 1800. But the fact that great epidemics HEALTH. HAPPIXEFS AND LONGEVITY. gl were liable to invade us, and did invade us, led to a system of quarantine and to enforced vaccination. But the regu- lation by law of our social manners, so far as they bore on public health, was not undertaken to any extent until within the past decade. ^ ^ ^ Indeed, public sentiment is as yet so uninformed that thorough laws in the case could not be enacted or enforced. There is not a stream in the United States that can be kept entirely free from pollution. The sanitary value of this is not understood by even the intel- ligent populace. The drainage of swamps is neglected in the neighborhood of our larger cities." " St. Louis has toler- ated inside her limits pools that have made fevers of a ma- larious sort, with spinal meningitis, as common as croup. Chicago has acres of rotting vegetable matter inside the corporation every autumn. The inroads of yellow fever have always been invited by the unsanitary condition of Southern towns. The reports of Surgeon-General Hamil- ton, last summer, showed that the pest found its first welcome in a town where sewerage was wholly neglected, and tons of rotting sawdust and refuse filled the heated air with fever conditions. " The discovery of the germ origin of diphtheria and of the typhoid forms of fever, has led to great changes in thou- I sands of households. Our houses are constructed with far 'more attention to ventilation and proper heating. We shall finally get rid of drunkenness and intemperance of other (sorts, on sanitary grounds mainly. Alcohol has been con- isidered as at least valuable in moderation. It has been looked upon as a medicine. That its value as a stimulant I hangs on the previous abuse of health is now understood, land its value purely as a very temporary bridging of weak- ness alone is conceded. That the drink habit is in any sense, however moderate, of sanitary value, is disproved, Few doctors prescribe any form of alcohol for habitual use. The saloon is unsanitary in all its effects. The temperance issue res's at that point. Animals to which spirits have been given in their food digest nearly one-half less than other animals of the kind. The nutrition of the human body demands the abolition of stimulants and narcotics. - , 6. - : 2 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. The saloon will go ultimately as a nuisance to health. We have not yet reached a condition when public morals can rest on any other basis than health. It is doubtful i f there can be a higher basis. What is unwholesome is wrong; what is promotive of health and completeness for the indi- vidual and for the community is right. " Sanity is dependent on sanitary living. They both are derived etymologically from sanitus, and that from sanus, the Latin for sound or whole. Insanity has come to have the limited meaningofunsoundness of brain. ^ ^ ^ Insanity is on the increase in the United States, but not more so than nervous disorders in general. This indicates a tendency to a break-down of the national type of organism, and cannot be considered with indifference. The fact exists as a conse- quence of the overwork and high pressure of modern life, but in this country is at its maximum, because, for several generations, we have been at white heat, subjecting a conti- nent to our domestic purposes. " The vast unfolding of means of wealth has also acted as a stimulant, compared to which alcohol is insignificant. Our lunatic asylums multiply, but are all full. The percent- age of failure is greatest in California, where speculation has been most intense. It is impossible to avoid the prob- lem. How shall we reverse this tendency, and begin the construction of an American type of full, robust, conserva- tive, and reserved energy ? The underlying problem of all problems is to secure a constitution. A nation that lives and works in such a manner as to grow weaker in brain endurance and nerve power, and yet so lives that the de- mands on brain and nerves are increased, is doomed. The intensity of modern life is something we cannot reverse. We must adapt ourselves to it by securing larger and more systematic means of recuperation. Brain-workers must learn to use the first half of the day for work, and sacredly give the last half to rest and play. Night must be given back entirely to sleep. Withal it is clear that we must understand the close relation between sanity and sanitation. Our people can no longer eat and drink as grossly as our fathers did. The stomach gets not half the time it formerly HKALTIT. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. $3 did for digestion. It must, therefore, be delivered of half its toil. The introduction of stoves and modern conven- iences must be accompanied by more rational ventilation. Active brains require a vast and regular supply of oxygen. It is not for the lungs alone that we need pure air, but for the brain. This is specifically an American problem, the readjustment of society, so that the mind shall be relieved of strain and consequent enfeeblement." Individual, municipal, and national cleanliness by enact- ment of law are among the first steps that should be taken. The churches and schools should teach it as a prerequisite be- ifodliness, or education in general; then with perfect ventilation, sanitation, and regularity of all the virtues, there will be no vices, and godliness and education will be contagious, just as though they were real diseases. The first thing to undertake if you are desirous of free- ng yourself of any disease, ache, or pain, is to stop the cause. Act on the same principle you would if you had a barrel that had leaked its contents and you desired to refill t, first stop the leak. It is absolutely necessary that you study cause as well as effect, if you would know yourself. THE SECRET OF SOUND HEALTH. " Half the secret of life," says MacM'dlan's Magazine, " we are persuaded, is to know T when we are grown old; and it is the half most hardly learned. It is more hardly learned, moreover, in the matter of exercise than in the matter of diet. There is no advice so commonly given to the ailing man of middle age as the advice to take more exercise, and there is perhaps none which leads him into so many pitfalls. This is par- ticularly the case with the brain workers. The man who labors his brain must spare his body. He cannot burn the candle at both ends, and the attempt to do so will almost inevitably result in his lighting it in the middle to boot. Most men who use their brains much soon learn for them- selves that the sense of physical exaltation, the glow of ex- uberant health which comes from a body strung to its full powers by continuous and severe exercise, is not favorable to study. The exercise such men need is the exercise that rests, not that which tires. They need to wash their brains 34 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. with the fresh air of heaven, to bring into gentle play the muscles that have been lying idle while the head worked. Nor is it only to this class of laboring humanity that the advice to take exercise needs reservations. The time of violent delights soon passes, and the effort to protract it beyond its natural span is as dangerous as it is ridiculous. Some men, through nature or the accident of fortune, will, of course, be able to keep touch of it longer than others; but when once the touch has been lost, the struggle to re- gain it can add but sorrow to the labor. Of this our doc- tor makes a cardinal point ; but, pertinent as his warning may be to the old, for whom, indeed, he has primarily com- pounded his elixir mice, it is yet more pertinent to men of middle age, and probably it is more necessary. It is in the latter period that most of the mischief is done. The old are commonly resigned to their lot; but few men will con- sent without a struggle to own that they are no longer young. All things are not good to all men, and all things are not always good to the same man. The man who con- fines his studies within one unchanging groove will hardly find his intellectual condition so light and nimble, so free of play, so capable of giving and receiving, as he who varies them according to his mood, for the mind needs rest and recreation no less than the body ; it is not well to keep either always at high pressure. One fixed, unswerving system of diet, without regard to needs and seasons, or even to fancy, is not wise. The great secret of existence after all is to be the master and not the slave of both mind and body, and that is best done by giving both free rein within certain limits, which, as the old sages were universally agreed, each man must discover for himself. Happy are the words of Addison, and happily quoted : " A continual anxiety for life vitiates all the relishes of it, and casts a gloom over the whole face of nature, as it is impossible that we should take delight in anything that we are every moment afraid of losing." One of the best methods of avoiding that pitiful anxiety is to learn within what limits we may safely indulge our desire for change, and then freely indulge it within tkeaou" HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 85 CHAPTER II. We shall now take up a practical list of subjects, ar- ranged in alphabetical order. Without any attempt at egotism, we claim that there are few nontechnical books extant that contain a superior selection of preventatives and remedies. Read carefully and judge for yourself. There are very few common or occasional afflictions which are not considered to some extent. Why always seek a doctor when you seem to be somewhat off your physical equilibrium ? You will generally at each visit spend more money than this book will cost. Learn to provide against constant medical attention. Accidents. In sudden emergencies, either of accident or sickness, the first great requisite is presence of mind. Be calm. Endeavor, if possible, to grasp the situation, and do what is to be done promptly and quietly, until the ar- rival of the physician. All hurried and distracted mo- tions, and all exciting noises, confuse the attendants and needlessly alarm the sufferer. In many cases, the course of immediate action is suggested by the circumstances ; but where you do not know what aid to render, it is best to do nothing, except to make the patient as comfortable, for the time being, as possible. For all ordinary emergencies, am- ple directions are: "1. Always look in the direction in which you are mov- ing. " 2. Never leave a car, or other public vehicle, when it is in motion. " 3. Never put your head or arms out of a vehicle when it is in motion. " 4. If a horse runs away with you, remain in the vehicle rather than risk the danger of jumping from it. "5. In thunder-storms keep away from trees, metallic 1 substances, doors, and windows. The lower part of a house is the safer. "6. Never play with fire-arms. Always keep them be- yond the reach of children. gg HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. " 7. Avoid charcoal fumes ; they are deadly when con- fined in a close room. "8. Illuminating gas; be sure to turn it off Never blow it out. " 9. When ga? can be smelt in an apartment always air the room well before striking a match or bringing a light. "10. When very cold, move quickly. If any part of the body is frozen, rub it with snow, and keep from the fire. "11. Change wet clothing as soon as possible. "12. Carefully avoid exposure to night air, in malarial districts. " 13. If necessary to go into an old vault or well, first introduce a burning candle. If the light burns low and finally goes out, carbonic acid gas is present and the place is unsafe, to enter. Unslacked lime will absorb the gas and purify the air. " 14. Avoid walking on railroad tracks and icy sidewalks. " 15. When awake, very young children should never be left alone. "16. Do not go, with loose hair or flowing garments, near dangerous machinery. " 17. Never touch gunpowder after dark. " 1 8. Never fondle a strange dog. " 19. Never light a fire with kerosene. " 20. Fill and trim your lamps in the day-time. Never trim or fill a lighted lamp. "21. Keep matches in a closed metallic box. " 22. Have your horses rough-shod as soon as the ground freezes. " 23. When feeling dizzy or seasick, lie down. tl 24. Do not close the damper of your stove too early. Better waste coal than run the risk of suffocation by gas. " 25. When climbing a ladder, look up and not down. " 26. In railroad traveling take the center of the car, and the middle car of the train, for safety. " 27. Eat only pure food, drink only pure liquids, think only pure thoughts, and keep your blood pure. " 28. In going through dry woods or over prairies do not HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 87 smoke or cast matches about carelessly. There should be laws against this often wanton destruction of property. " 29. Look out for spontaneous ignition of oily rags, oil- painted canvas rolled up, wet iron filings. " 30. In entering mines not used, always try for gas be- fore venturing into them. "31. Do not be careless in any way whatever in connec- tion with fire. The losses in the United States, in 1889, by fires as a result of carelessness amounted to nearly $100,- 000,000, while in San Francisco for the same year we find that fully 80^ of the losses can be attributed to the same source." Alcohol. Felix L. Oswald, M. D., gives some very good ideas in Good Health on the alcoholic habit. "'Re- form,' says an able political writer, 'is ever unpopular. All wrongs lie in the consent of the wronged, and what with the fierce support of those who thrive on the abuse, and the dull, heavy, ignorant conservatism of the masses, * * * it is a sad delusion to suppose that the cause is won when the argument is made.' An unquestionable preponderance of power, they argue, favors the side of the liquor venders, and in this world, at least, always finds a way to assert itself as right. The last link of that syllo- gism, however, is a rule with occasional exceptions. No unqualified evil has ever succeeded in maintaining its su- premacy, and the evils of the alcohol vice are offset by no benefits. Alcohol has been called a ' negative food,' be- cause its physiological influence torpifies the functional energy of the digestive organs, and thus, for a time, ren- ders the toper insensible to the cravings of hunger. The same effect, however, can be produced by a stunning blow, and we might as well claim that the interests of political economy could be promoted by a fierce war, because a knock-down stroke with the butt-end of a musket is apt to lessen the appetite of the afflicted soldier. No real benefit can result from the lethargizing effect of a poison dose, the retardation of the digestive -functions being in every case a morbid and abnormal process, avenging its repetition by the fatty degeneration of the tissues and the impoverished 88 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. condition of the blood. * * * During the horrible flood which a few months ago devastated the two richest prov- inces of the Chinese Empire, a number of vile marauders eked out an existence by fishing out wreckage and plun- dering floating corpses. The idea of mentioning the profits of these wretches as a compensating offset to the horrors of a public calamity would justly consign its pro pounder to the custody of a lunatic commission. Yet, by an exactly analogous line of argument, many of our political econo- mists continue to defend the legal sanction of the liquor traffic. Nay, it might be seriously questioned if the total loss (by fire or water) of a billion bushels of grain would not be financially and morally preferable to their conver- sion into a life-blighting poison. According to the statis- tics of the Treasury Department, the alcohol drinkers of the United States (representing hardly one-fifth of the alcoholized nations of Christendom) spent during the last ten years a yearly average of 8370,000,000 for whisky, $58,000,000 for other distilled liquors, $56,000,000 for wine, and $140,000,000 for ale and beer; together, $624,- 000,000 a year. That enormous sum has been far worse than wasted. It has been invested in the purchase of dis- ease. It has been devoted to the development of idiocy, crime, and pauperism. It has turned blessings into a con- centration of curses. The general recognition of these facts will seal the doom of the liquor traffic." Dr. C. E. Spitka expresses some results of science in- vestigating strong drinks : "Alcoholism among the ancients was therefore mainly or exclusively known in its acute phases, the drunken frenzy in which Alexander the Great killed Clitus being a familiar example. With the introduction of tobacco and playing cards, the saloon, the cellar-dive, and the bar-room usurped the place formerly held by the inn. The enlarge- ment of cities deprived their inhabitants of rustic sports, and led to their seeking in other and more dangerous chan- nels an escape from mental and physical strain, and a varia- tion of routine monotony. It is generally conceded by those medical writers who are unshackled by prejudice that HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 89 a certain amount of alcohol can be ingested with perfect impunity. That amount has been accurately determined by Dujardin-Beaumetz in the course of experiments made in the abattoirs of Paris. Transferring the result of his experiments to the human species, he concluded that a man weighing 120 pounds could take the equivalent of two ounces of alcohol a day for years without injury to any organ of the body. But when the amount taken daily exceeds the toleration-point, prolonged abuse is followed by results which are as sinister as they are insidious. In the dead-house of the Philadelphia Hospital, Formad found that, of 250 chronic alcoholists, nearly 99 per cent had fatty degeneration of the liver, 60 per cent had congestion or a dropsical state of the brain, the same proportion an inflamed or degenerated stomach, while not quite 1 per cent had normal kidneys. Of 17 children of drunken fathers observed by Voisin, 3 were idiots, 2 confirmed epileptics, 1 suffered from a congenital spinal disease, and the remainder died in early life with convulsions. Of 11 children simi- larly descended, cited by Dagonet, 9 died in the same way. Of 117 such births recorded in Alsace-Lorraine, 13 were still-born and 39 died of convulsive disorders shortly after birth. One drunken father had 7 still-born children in succession; another lost 8 of 12 by convulsions. It is not alone as a direct result of inebriety that a defective nervous system is thus transmitted. Even in his sober intervals, he whose nervous system has been shattered by alcohol is lia- ble to have a degenerate or diseased offspring. Of 18 children recorded as born under these circumstances, Voisin found 8 epileptic and 10 idiotic. As if to prove beyond the possibility of a doubt that such degeneracy is due to the alcoholism of the parent, and to that alone, two French investigators, Mairet and Combemale, performed a series of experiments on dogs, by which they showed that the same result which the chronic inebriate is accused of producing in his offspring, through selfish indulgence, can be produced at will in the offspring of lower animals by compulsory induction of the same vice in them." An English investigation, just completed, puts in tangi- QQ HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ble form the effect of the use of alcohol, from observations covering 4,234 cases in all walks of life. This report shows that, with men over twenty-five, the intemperate use of alcohol cuts off ten years from life, those who never drink to excess, or use no liquor, living, on the average, ten years longer than those who do. Indulgence, if carried to excess, doubles diseases of the liver, quadruples those of the kid- neys, and greatly increases the number of deaths from pneumonia, pleurisy, and epilepsy. It is not often appreciated how many people die annually from the effects of strong drink. Dr. Norman Kerr, an eminent physician of England, believing the statement of temperance people to be extravagant, that 60,000 people die annually from the effects of strong drink, began as early as 1870 a personal inquiry, in connection with several medical men and experts, expecting to quickly disprove the same. According to their deductions, the latest estimates of deaths of adults annually caused through intemperance is, in Great Britain, 120,000; in France, 142,000; in the United States, 80,000 or nearly a half million each year in three countries aggregating a population of 112,000,000. Excessive Beer Drinking. In the earlier part of our work we endeavored to impress on our readers the necessity of regularity and the avoidance of excesses. The last week of 1889 in New York City saw two prominent brewers bur- ied, and two others of the guild were near death. None of them were, or are, over forty-seven years old. Kidney and heart disease were the causes of death in the case of the first two. Similar ailments have marked the other two gentlemen for the grave. The question arises, Was it beer or champagne that caused these diseases? In this connection the statement a physician of Bellevue Hospital once made is not amiss. These are his words : " The worst cases of alcoholic ailments coming under our observation are those resulting from excessive beer drinking." In appearance the beer drinker may be the picture of health ; but in reality he is most incapable of resisting dis- ease. A slight injury, a severe cold, or a shock to the body or mind, will commonly provoke acute disease, ending la- HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 91 tally. Compared with other inebriates who use different kinds of alcohol, he is more incurable and more generally diseased. It is our observation that beer drinking in this country produces the very lowest kind of inebriety, closely allied to criminal insanity. The most dangerous class of ruiHans in our large cities are beer drinkers. Intellectually, a stupor amounting almost to paralysis arrests the reason, changing all the higher faculties into a mere animalism, sensual, selfish, sluggish, varied only with paroxysms of anger, senseless and brutal. That men are the sex most addicted to stimulating but injurious habits is sadly growing less true, and women are finding recourse too often to poisonous invigorators. If one- half of what the doctors are saying all over the country is true, there may soon be a greater need of a temperance re- form among the women than there ever has been among the men. Strong drink, however, is not the monster by which the women may be enslaved, but a strong and poisonous drug equally baneful in its effect. This drug is antipyrine. It is a white powder, slightly bitter, and soluble in water. Until about a year ago it was prescribed for fevers only, but a French medical college recommended it for headaches and other pains and disor- ders, and in this way it has gained its grasp on so many thoughtless and nervous women. In Chicago and many other places it is said that the habit is gaining with alarming rapidity, for the women take it for every ill, and cannot believe that its soothing effect can have any evil result until the habit is thoroughly fixed upon them. It produces different results under different circumstances, and, like many other preparations, varies according to the size of the dose. In large doses it has been known to produce complete relaxation, and at the same time a loss of reflex action, and death. In moderate or tonic doses it often produces convulsions. Its effect as a stimulant seems to be very much like that of quinine, and the physicians say that they do not understand why it should get the hold on women that it does. The latest female vice is intoxication by naphtha. It is 92 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AHD LONGEVITY. not drank. The fumes of it are simply inhaled, inducing, so the inebriates say, a particularly agreeable exhilaration. Remedies of Alcoholism. Without much doubt, the best way to affect a cure is to regularly reduce one's amount of liquor each day until the system can do without it. A systematic decrease can always be carried through if the will power will back it. We add also some ideas that have been advanced by good judges : " To dispel as quickly as pos- sible the effects of intoxicants, one of the most effectual remedies is a small dose of sal volatile, or volatile salts, in a wine-glass of water repeating the dose in half an hour. A dish of cold broth may answer the same purpose. The most speedy way, however, of effecting a cure, is by taking an emetic, following it with the sal volatile and water half an hour after." The Russian physician and publicist Portugaloff declares that strychnine in subcutaneous injections is an immediate and infallible remedy for drunkenness. The craving of the inebriate for drink is changed into positive aversion in a day, and after a treatment of eight or ten days the patient may be discharged. Even should the appetite return months after- ward, the first attempt to resume drinking will produce such painful and nauseating sensations that the person will turn away from the liquor in disgust. The strychnine is admin- istered by dissolving one grain in two hundred drops of water, and injecting five drops of the solution every twenty- four hours. Dr. Portugaloff recommends the establishment of inebriate dispensaries in connection with police stations. Appetite. Happy is the man who always possesses a good appetite; unhappy is he who does not have this pre- cious boon. The lack of it results largely from failure of exercise and the excessive use of condiments. In the first place, try to take an invigorating bath with a wet towel and rub hard. If you cannot endure even that, use a dry towel on the body until the friction brings the blood to the surface of the skin. Then give the mouth a careful cleansing by rins- ing and tooth-brush. When you sit at the table, do so with a cheerful mood, eat slowly, partake sparingly of condiments, using salt mostly, and vinegar for an acid. Preface your HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 93 meals with a walk long enough to get up a circulation, if it is dinner or supper hour, hut do not tire yourself, and be sure to rest the last fifteen minutes before eating. Asphyxiation. A practical man, conversant with cases in which asphyxiation resulted from inhaling carbonic acid gas, gives some valuable hints for their recovery by simple remedies always at hand. Fresh air to restore conscious- ness is the first important step. Then he gave apples, apple juice, or vinegar, to neutralize the gas and remove it from the stomach by eructations. Eggs broken into vinegar mixed and swallowed made a very effective drink. After removing the gas from the stomach, the patient was further relieved by a cup of strong, hot coffee, which speedily re- stored him to normal vigor. On two similar occasions, where a physician was called, he administered injections of carbonate of ammonia, and the man was ill for eight or ten days from the effects of the medicine. A little common sense is often better than physic. Bathing. We have already treated this subject to some extent, but we recommend the careful reading of Dr. C. H. Steele's ideas, part of which we embody here; also some Other worthy opinions on this matter, of great importance to health. "The use of water in the treatment of diseases dates back to remote antiquity. Savages resort to the surf and sweat- bath, and Hindoos and Mohammedans bathe because their religion commands them to do so. References to the bath may be found scattered throughout the literature of Greece, and in Rome the magnificent buildings and lavish expendi- ture devoted to the public bath show it in the highest stage of perfection it has ever attained." "It is only within a few years past that the domestic bath has been accepted as a necessity. No home in England is complete without a bath-room, and no Englishman deems himself well unless he bathes daily. The speaker said that a thermometer, whose use should be understood, should be permanently attached to every bath-tub. "Physiological Action of the Bath. In considering the physiological action of the bath, it is first to be accepted 94 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. that water of a temperature below that of the body ab- stracts heat from the skin, which abstraction continues in- definitely, only for a time checked by the renewed activity of the heat centers. In a bath the temperature of which is from 92 to 95, the body may remain indefinitely without any loss or gain of temperature, but after the bath a cooling takes place, owing to increased perspirations. If the water is between 77 and 86, there is, after the first shock, a positive rise in the temperature of the body. Sixty-five degrees, and lower, may be borne for a long time." "Nature adapts herself to the cold bath by a rapid stim- ulation of heat production. All the muscles, nerves, and organs of the body are brought into heightened activity, and thus it is that to the healthy individual the cold bath is invigorating. But nature has her limits, and the bath must be discontinued while this tonic effect is felt, for the heat centers become fatigued and give rise to a chill which may continue for days afterward. "The greatest agency in bathing is the stimulation of perspiration, and this depends upon the relative dryness of the surrounding air. Thus, in the dry vapor, or Turkish bath, a person will easily endure 264, and lose four pounds per hour by perspiration. It is this rapid evaporation from the skin that keeps the body cool. A person may stand for some time in an oven, beside a roasting rib of beef. But in the steam or Russian bath the perspiration is retarded, and a temperature of 120 is hardly bearable. A temperature of 124 may induce a rise in the temperature of the mouth to 104 or even 107, which is seldom reached in a raging fever. Hence, there is an element of danger in the Russian bath a danger to sudden death similar to sun- stroke. Tins danger is much more -pronounced in the hot- water bath when perspiration ceases altogether, and the supply of heat from the interior to the skin is excessive. The temperature of bathing water should not exceed 104, and this hot bath should not be endured more than fifteen minutes. Even then it is likely to be followed by depres- sion and weakness." " The circulation being quickened, the cold bath acts as a good blood purifier, washing away the HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 95 poisons of the body through the channels of tlie veins. In case of persons troubled with an excess of fat, the btith must be accompanied by massage, banting, and a liberal in- dulgence in outdoor exercise. In the hot bath there is this same waste of tissue, but no tonic effects, and it is invariably accompanied with loss of energy, and vitality. But the action of the bath upon the skin is no less beneficial than upon the interior of the body. It favors the excretory action of the skin, thus purifying it. . The millions of dead scales, kept to the skin by the clothing, and the cementing effect of the oil, are washed away, thus relieving the skin, which is the great sewerage system of the body. The work of the lungs and kidneys is thus lessened, and the danger of consumption and Bright's disease, which may be caused by uncleanness, reduced." "Effects of Sea Bathing. Sea bathing is much more tonic than ail other kinds, and the reason is simple. The salt lias a slightly irritating effect on the skin, which is very beneficial. Besides, sea bathing is always accompanied by the best of exercise, by relaxation and freedom from the ordinary cares of life, by a change of climate and scene. The beating of the waves against the body also has an ex- hilarating effect. The bath in the sea should be taken about three hours after breakfast. There are three stages experienced in the cold bath first, that of depression ; second, the tonic stage; and third, the giving out of the heat- producing powers. This is the same as the one stage of the hot bath, and is always to be avoided as highly inju- rious. " Nevertheless, the hot bath has its value. Its power to cool the body is admitted, and it is used with effect in cases of inflammation induced by cold. The cold foot-bath is recommended as a positive cure for cold feet." "The practice among modern women of taking hot baths is endangering the health of the race. In a hot bath there is at first a fee-ling of oppression and violent throbbing of the head, followed by prostration, a highly feverish condi- tion, and a relaxation of the entire system. In case of any organic disease of the heart or consumption, this bath must 96 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. be carefully shunned. The hot bath belongs alone to the province of the physician. The cold bath, on the other hand, aside from its tonic effects, renders the body less sensi- tive to changes of temperature, and in this climate is, hence, especially valuable as a protection against catching cold. This bath is from 68 to 75, and should be taken in the morning before breakfast." "Bleeding. A sudden and profuse flow of blood is cause for alarm. First, decide whether the blood comes from an artery or a vein. If from a vein, the blood is dark, and oozes or flows evenly ; if from an artery, if, is bright red, and spurts in jets. In the former case, the bleeding may generally be stopped by binding on a hard pad. In case of a ruptured artery, the flow of blood may be checked by tying a twisted handkerchief, a cord, or strap, between the wound and the heart. If the hand is cut, raise the arm above the head and bind it tightly. In wounds of the throat, arm-pit, or groin, caused by cuts, and in case of any deep wound, thrust the thumb and finger into the bottom of the wound and pinch up the part from which the blood comes, directing the pressure against the flow. In cuts of the lips, compress the lips between the thumb and finger nearer the angle of the mouth than the cut itself. In scalp wounds, make direct pressure against the bones of the skull with the fingers, or, better, by means of a compress or bandage." "Nosebleed. Full-blooded persons who are afflicted with headache and dizziness are most subject to nosebleed. In such cases, the bleeding should be regarded as a relief to an overcharged system, and should- not be too suddenly stopped. To stop the bleeding, keep the patient's arms elevated, apply cold water or ice to the base of the brain, or inject vinegar or alum water up the nostrils with a syringe. A thick piece of wrapping paper, placed between the upper lip and gum, and firmly pressed, will usually arrest the flow. It acts by compressing the arteries which supply the Sneiderian membrane. Try plugging with cot- ton, or a strip of soft muslin, gently pushed up the nostrils, thus causing the blood to clot about the plug. If these HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 97 remedies fail, the case should have the attention of a physi- cian." Brain Worry. "After a good spell of hard work, the brain worker is often tormented by finding it difficult, all at once, to turn off the steam. His work-day thoughts will intrude themselves in spite of every effort to keep them out. Thackeray generally succeeded in exorcising the creatures he had been calling into existence, by the simple expedient of turning over the leaves of a dictionary. A great lawyer was in the habit, in similar circumstances, of plunging into a cold bath, and averred that a person never took out of cold water the same ideas that he took into it. Perhaps the best mental corrective of this condition is to employ the mind for a short time in a direction most con- trasted to that in which it has been overworked. During excessive labor of the brain, there is an increased flow of blood to the working organ. If this condition of distention is long continued, the vessels are apt to lose the power of contracting when mental activity is diminished. Hence arises the impossibility of fulfilling the physical conditions of sleep, the most important of which is the diminution of the flow of blood to the brain. It is certain enough that the continued deprivation of any considerable part of the normal amount of sleep will be seriously detrimental to health. Dr. Hammond, in his work on sleep, mentions the case of a literary man in America who for nearly a year restricted his rest to four hours a day, and frequently less. At the end of that time, the overtasking of his mental powers was manifested in a curious way. He told the phy- sician that, though still able to maintain a connected line of reasoning, he found that as soon as he attempted to record his ideas on paper, the composition turned out to be simply a tissue of arrant nonsense. When in the act of writing, his thoughts flowed so rapidly that he was not conscious of the disconnected nature of what he was writing, but as soon as he stopped to read it over, he was aware how com- pletely he had misrepresented his conceptions." Breathing- In each respiration an adult inhales one * it of air. 98 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. A man respires 16 to 20 times a minute, or 20,000 times a day ; a child, 25 to 35 times a minute. While standing, the adult respiration is 22 ; while lying, 13. The superficial surface of the lungs, i. e., of their alveolar spaces, is 200 square yards. The amount of air inspired in 24 hours is about 2,500 gallons. Two-thirds of the oxygen absorbed in 24 hours is ab- sorbed during the night hours, from 6 p. M. to 6 A. M. Three-fifths of the total carbonic acid is thrown off in the day-time. The pulmonary surface gives off about 5 fluidounces of water daily in the state of vapor. The heart sends through the lungs 192 gallons of blood hourly, or 4,608 gallons daily. The duration of inspiration is five-twelfths, of expiration seven-twelfths, of the whole respiratory act ; but during sleep, inspiration occupies ten- twelfths of the respiratory period. There are two good rules to follow given by William Blaikie: " 1. To hold the body erect, whether standing, sitting, or walking, and breathe deeply. This habit gives the lungs and digestive organs free play. More oxygen is taken into the blood, and the food is more readily digested and assimilated. 2. To fill the lungs full at frequent intervals, holding the air in the chest as long as is comfortable. This practice will soon improve a disturbed circulation." Blight's Disease. Bright's disease is a disorder of the kidneys which causes those organs to secrete albumen in the urine, while they fail to extract from the blood the urea, or effete matter, which they should take up from that fluid. Urea in the blood operates as a poison, and when accumu- lated in large quantities, produces drowsiness, convulsions, and apoplexy. Intemperance is a fruitful source of Bright's disease, because excessive drinking tends peculiarly to the degeneration of the kidneys. The best remedy we know, or have ever seen tested, is Bethesda water, from Waukesha Springs, Wis. Tt should be natural, without gas ; a quart per day will not be too much for an adult. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 99 Bruises- If the skin i.s not broken, the best thing fora bruise, or black and blue spot, as they are often termed, is a piece of pure copper. It should be thin enough to shape with the fingers just the curvature or angle of the portion of the body bruised. In applying it, be very gen tie at first, for if it be a finger nail you desire to preserve, on first ap- plication it will give you quite a severe shock, but by re- lieving it every second or two, inside of 5 minutes the pain will cease, and no black spot will follow. If the skin be broken, and the blood has ceased to flow, and you desire to use this remedy, first paste a piece of imprinted newspaper over the broken part, and then proceed as above ; but in no case ever place a piece of copper on a broken part of the skin without the above precaution. Bums. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Record vouches for the wonderful efficacy of the common cat-tail as a remedy for burns. He says: "Take the down, and with just enough lard to hold it together, make a plaster and lay upon any burn, and it soothes and heals so soon that it seems a miracle. Put upon a fresh burn, and in less than half an hour the smart is gone; if it is an old burn, the healing will commence in twenty-four hours. ' Cat- tail ' is also the Indian remedy for scrofulous sores or ulcers. Age does not destroy its healing virtues. It can be laid away and kept for years without losing any of its remedial properties." Burns should be bathed with alcohol or tur- pentine and afterwards with lime-water and sweet-oil, but never with cold water. Soft soap or apple butter are equally excellent for burns. Cancer. It is well proved that cancer cannot be suc- cessfully removed by use of the knife. Surgeon John McFarlane, of Glasgow, mentions the cutting out of eighty- six cancers without effecting a single cure. For those who are troubled we would say that there have been and there are remedies with permanent effects. The writer know r s of a female physician in this city who has been very success- ful in achieving lasting cures in numerous authenticated instances. Chewing Gum and Other Substances. Regular 100 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. chewing outside of meal hours of any substance is injurious. It unnecessarily excites the salivary glands, the strength of which should be reserved for eating. Do not chew the ends of your finger nails. Little pieces of the nails may be swal- lowed, which at some time possibly quite remote may cause you great pain, and even death. This has occurred. It has also been found by opticians and doctors that hardly anything will affect the eyes harmfully quicker than gum- chewing. Cholera- Dr. Gamaleia, of Odessa, claims to have dis- covered a prophylactic against cholera, and hopes to win the prize of $20,000 offered for such a cure. He calls his specific Chemical Vaccine, and has tried it efficaciously on apes, guinea-pigs, and pigeons. This is obtained by the successive passages of cholera virus through the blood t>f animals. After each of these passages, the virus becomes stronger, and is finally injected into the patient. A cure which was very effective when the cholera struck America is called the " Sun Cholera Medicine." It is also an excellent remedy for colic, and diarrhea, etc. Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne pepper, tincture of opium, tincture of rhubarb, essence of peppermint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose: 15 to 30 drops in a little cold water, according to age and violence of symptoms, repeated every fifteen minutes or twenty, until relief is ob- tained. Our own infallible remedy for cholera, cholera morbus, cramps, colic, and diarrhea, is : Tincture of opium, 3 drachms. " " cayenne pepper, 5 drachms. " " ginger, 5 drachms. '" " camphor, 3 drachms. Dose : 1 teaspoonful in a gill of cool water for an adult ; repeat with half a teaspoonful in 15 minutes if not relieved. For a child 2 years old J the above dose, and in proportion up to an adult. Cleanliness. The English upper classes are clean, but cleanliness of any high degree is a modern virtue among them. It is an invention of the nineteenth century. Men and women born at the close of the eighteenth cent- HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ]Q1 ury did as French people do to-day; they took a warm bath occasionally for cleanliness, and they took shower-baths when they were prescribed by the physician for health, and they bathed in summer seas for pleasure, but they did not wash themselves all over every morning. However, the new custom took deep root in England, because it became one of the signs of class. It was adopted as one of the habits of a gentleman. Don't take your pocket-handkerchief to dust off your shoes and the next moment wipe your face and eyes with it; don't carry your own sheets with you on a trip and then sit in the smoking-car for 200 miles for enjoyment; anything added to w hi tecastile soap as scenting matter is no improve- ment and in most cases is detrimental. \\ r e have taken this subject up so carefully in "bathing" and in the first part that we will say no more here. Cold Feet- The best prescription for cold or tired feet is to carefully envelop each toe and foot with blank news- paper before encasing the same with sock. First have the feet perfectly dry and warm, then they will remain so all day, if properly protected with easy-fitting, strong boots or shoes. Barbers do this to prevent their feet scalding and heating; stage drivers use this method, and hundreds attest its efficacy. Many people, especially women and children, suffer the whole winter through with cold feet. This is mainly due to the fact that they wear their shoes too tight. Unless the toes have perfect freedom, the blood cannot circulate properly. People who wear rubbers the whole winter through, generally suiter with their feet. Rubbers make them very tender by overheating and causing them to per- spire. They should be removed as soon as one enters the house. They draw the feet, keep them hot and wet with perspiration then as soon as one goes again into the air the feet are chilled. Colds. Don't have any fear of night air. That is an unfounded superstition. Keep your windows open. You will sleep better and the next day you will not catch cold. Take a good hot lemonade just before retiring; in the IQ2 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. morning, immediately on getting out of bed, take a cold bath and rub hard until you are in a perfect glow. Too much coddling is unquestionably one of the most common causes of catarrh. One who is inured to hardships is able to endure exposure without injury, while one unac- customed to like experience quickly succumbs. Air-tight houses, close and unventilated, overheated rooms, even the quantity of clothing required, are active causes, preventing development of hardihood. As a result, colds and catarrh are universal maladies among civilized people. Says a writer in Woman's Work: " Without dwelling on the nature and causes of colds, or on what physicians call the pathology of these disorders, I will say that a low or even starvation diet for a few days, with the free drink- ing of warm, mildly stimulating teas, is better for a cold than any drug or combination of drugs. If with this a warm bath or a hot foot-bath is taken, little more will be needed. Nine cases in ten of colds can be broken up in this early stage by a hot foot or rather leg-bath, keeping the bath as hot as it can be borne, until perspiration arises. After the bath drink a half pint of hot lemonade and go to bed." A Good Cough Remedy. The following is from a doctor connected with an institution with many children: "There is nothing more irritable to a cough than a cough. For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I deter- mined, for one minute at least, to lessen the number of coughs heard in a certain ward in a hospital of the institu- tion. By the promise of rewards and punishments, I suc- ceeded in inducing them to simply hold their breath when tempted to cough, and in a little while I was myself sur- prised to see how some of the children entirely recovered from their disease. Constant coughing is precisely like scratch- ing a wound on the outside of the body. So long as it is done the wound will not heal. Let a person when tempted to cough draw a long breath and hold it until it warms and soothes every air-cell, and some benefit will soon be received from this process. The nitrogen which is thus refined acts as an anodyne to the mucous membrane, allaying the de- HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ]Q3 sire to cough and giving the throat and lungs a chance to lical. At the same time a suitable medicine will aid nature in her effort to recuperate." Constipation. Regularity in the hour of going to stool md the avoidance of highly-seasoned food are preventatives. 3ee "constipation," first part, per index, for a cure. Consumption. "What Changes has the Acceptance of ihe Germ Theory made in Measures for the Prevention and Ireutment of Consumption?" is the title of an essay by Dr. Dharles V. Chapin, of Providence, to whom was awarded i premium of $200 by the trustees of the Fisk Fund. In ;his essay Dr. Chapin has given an admirable re.xume of all ;hat has been written about consumption from the time of Hippocrates to the present day. After a careful examina- ,ion of the literature of the subject, he thinks that we are unified in the conclusion that the acceptance of the germ feeory has made no direct or important addition either to ,hd hygiene or medicinal treatment of consumption. He ihinks, however, that it should have great influence. It tells is plainly what we ought to do. VVe simply do not obey ts behests. The germ theory now no longer a theory in ,he case of tubercular consumption tells us that we have ,o do with a contagious disease. Now there is no theoret- cul reason why a purely contagious disease like tuberculosis jannot be exterminated. If we can prevent the spread of joutagion at all, we can prevent it entirely. The enormous ralue of preventive measures, isolation, disinfection, and quarantine, is well illustrated in history of cholera, typhus ever, an I yellow fever in the United States.. By keeping out the virus of these diseases, or destroying t when it had gained access to our shores, we have for a lumber of years been remarkably free from these diseases, ind it is certain that if these precautions had not been taken ,ve should have suffered severely. For obvious reasons, the oppression of tuberculosis is not so easy a matter as the suppression of cholera or yellow fever. Neither is the sup- pression of scarlet fever OL* small-pox as easy. Yet^when- v< r the public has been educated to a correct appreciation 3f the contagious nature of scarlet fever, the number of cases 104 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. has diminished very much. Even in small-pox, with its virulent contagion, it is possible, by means of isolation and disinfection, to check its spread even among an unvacci- nated population, as has been illustrated many times of late in the anti-vaccination city of Leicester, England. We must now put tuberculosis among these diseases, and, though its theoretical suppression is simple its actual extermination is a very difficult problem. It lies largely with the medical profession how long tubercular disease shall decimate the human race. The physicians are the educators of the peo- ple in these matters. When the doctor shall teach that tuberculosis is contagious, the people will believe, and will govern themselves accordingly. In combating contagious diseases the preventive measures taken often give discour- aging results. This will be particularly so in tubercular disease. Half-way measures secure less than half-way re- sults, and these alienate the support of those who only indifferently believe in contagion and the importance of precautionary measures. Efficient means of suppression are radical, a n d bear hard on the individual; they are not com- plied with, and they produce violent opposition. Yet, diffi- cult as it may be, the medical profession should take ag- gressive action against this disease. We have no right to wait for the discovery of a specific, or the gradual evolution of a phthisis-proof race. We must take the world as we find it, full of men and women predisposed to tubercular phthisis, and with no idea of its contagious nature. What can we do about it? 1. Teach the people the true nature of the tuberculosis, that no one ever has tubercular consump- tion unless the tubercle bacilli find their way into their lungs. 2. Teach them, also, that, even if it finds its way there, it will not grow unless the conditions are right. Teach fathers and mothers how to rear healthy boys and girls. Tell them what to eat and what to wear, to exercise, to breathe fresh air. This alone would exterminate phthisis. 3. The contagion must be destroyed. Fortunately, in this disease there is no need of isolation. Disinfection is enough. The consumptive patient gives off the poison only in the sputum, or perchance the other excreta, if the disease ex- HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 105 tend beyond the lungs. The virus is not given off from these while moist. We must therefore disinfect all sputum at once with mercuric bi-chloride. Cloths must be used in- stead of handkerchiefs, and then burned, or, if the latter are used, they should be often changed, and immediately ]>ut in a bi-chloride solution and boiled. Bed-linen should be treated in the same way. Frequent disinfection of the en- tire person, and fumigation of the apartment, would be safe additions to the preventive measures. 4. Persons who have u marked predisposition to the disease had best not come in close contact with the phthisical. Children should never have tuberculous nurses, wet or dry. In the case of consumptives very great attention should be paid to ventila- tion, and to the alimentation both of the patient and the attendants. Such measures, if rigidly carried out, would be of enormous service in preventing this disease. But with the increasing prevalence of tuberculosis among domestic animals, something more is imperatively demanded. Active measures should be taken to free the country from animal tuberculosis. There are some ideas which it is well to observe: 1. Flies may carry the virus if they are allowed to frequent cuspidors into which consumptives have expectorated. Clean these out often. Do not permit the patient to spit into a handkerchief and then let it lie around to dry. The dust arising may inoculate some person prone to consump- tion. 2. Be careful about the meat you eat. It can and does \ convey tuberculosis. Investigations have been made show- ing that as high as 50$ of a herd to be slaughtered in New York City had tuberculosis. Milk may be also infected and often is. 3. Have an abundance of flowers around. They inva- riably are helpful. 4. Constant and regular singing with proper care and not tiring is excellent for consumptive lungs, which should be done in well-ventilated rooms. 5. Be out in the open air as much as possible, and breathe 106 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. through the nose entirely. Continually exercise the lungs by drawing in long breaths. 6. If possible try fumes of hydrofluoric acid. In glass factories if workmen are rendered consumptive by stoop- ing over- the grinding machinery, they usually find great benefit by being allowed to work in the room with the glass etchers, where &o much hydrofluoric acid is employed. 7. Buttermilk is well recommended. 8. Consumptive and bronchial troubles in women are often due to irregularity of dress about the throat and lungs. There is danger from wearing decollete costumes. So regular have we been in our habits that the throwing off of a 1-oz. neck-tie for half an hour in the open air will give us a cold with the thermometer at 70$ Fahr. The ocean cure is well set forth in the following, which represents the advantages of a long sea voyage : 1. Perfect rest and quiet, and complete removal from and change of ordinary occupation and way of life; a very thorough change of scene, and perfect and enforced rest from both mental and physical labor. 2. The life in the open air and the great amount of sun- shine to be enjoyed; it is quite possible, under favorable circumstances, to pass fifteen hours daily in the open air; and whenever it is possible the traveler by sea is certain to endeavor to escape from the close and sometimes unpleas- ant atmosphere of a small cabin, into the pure air to be found on deck. / 3. The great purity of the air at sea, and its entire free- dom from organic dust and other impurities. In this re- spect it has an advantage over the air of an open country, for the latter is apt to contain the pollen of grasses and other plants, which, in some persons, excites hay fever and asthma. The air of the cabins may, of course, be contami- nated, but the air of the open sea is probably the purest to be found anywhere. 4. The presence in the sea air of a large amount of ozone, as well as particles of saline matter, more particu- larly in stormy weather, from the sea spray, and these may HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 107 exercise a beneficial effect in certain throat and pulmonary affections on the respiratory mucous membrane. 5. The great equability of the temperature at sea. This refers chiefly to the daily variations, which rarely exceed four or five degrees Fahr. It must be noted that in a long sea voyage very considerable variations of temperature are encountered, and in a swift steamer the transitions are some- what sudden. 6. The great humidity of the atmosphere and the high barometric pressure, which are considered to exercise a use- ful sedative influence on certain constitutions. It is said that thq temperature of the body averages one degree Fain-. Jess on account of this sedative effect. The exhila- rating and tonic effect of rapid motion through the air; for by the continuous progress of the ship the sea breezes are constantly blowing over it, and the passengers are borne through the rapidly-moving air without any exertion of their own. The influence of these currents of air on the surface of the body is, no doubt, important, acting as a stimulant and a tonic, increasing evaporation from the skin, and imparting tone to the superficial blood-vessels. We now pve our own cure, which we claim is of great value, at least it is worth trying, for it cured the author of consumption of twenty years' standing in one year. This disease can be cured by "cold packing" the lungs and throat, and following the rules in general for health stated in the first part of this work. You must understand a cold compress or pack, otherwise you are likely to increase the malady and hasten your death. Some persons cannot warm one ounce of cold water in twenty-four hours. Such we advise to go very slowly. First adopt the formula for cleanliness and regularity already given. Then when a liule more blood is infused through the system and hence more heat exists, commence the cold pack. Use simply a moistened cambric handkerchief, placed upon the lungs; lop with at least two thicknesses of linen and one of flannel; wrap up warm and go to bed. Do not attempt to cold pack any part of your body and then expose it to a moving atmosphere. After one week you can increase the 108 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. moisture of the pack at least 50$. Then add to the thick- ness and moisture 10$ each week, as long as you can suc- ceed in warming it and causing it to sweat that portion of the body packed. If you should wake up in the night and find the pack dry, remove the portion previously moistened and retain only the dry covering, viz., the linen and flannel. In the morning, before arising, thoroughly rub the lungs with a dry linen towel. This, then, is all that is necessary to get rid of this incurable (?) disease, if you will only follow the rules already given for health, happiness, and longevity. Convulsions, Fits. When a child has a convulsion, or what is commonly called " a fit," attention should be given to the urinary secretion at once. If there is suppression of urine, the child should be put into a warm bath and made to sweat as speedily as possible. In many cases in which children die from a succession of convulsions, the real cause of death is suppression of urine (a fact which is probably not so generally known as it should be), so that the child really dies of poisoning through the retention of the urinary secretion. When a child is subject to attacks of this character, care should be taken to dress it warmly in flannels, so as to keep up a degree of perspiration most of the time, and hot baths should be administered frequently. Give a glass of Bethesda water from three to four times a day, and the disease will disappear. Corns and Bunions are caused by tight, ill-fitting boots and shoes. The way of preventing them is, therefore, manifest. Thrusting the toe into a lemon, to be kept on over night, will make the removal of a corn easy. Two or three applications will suffice for the worst cases. Soft corns may be relieved by dissolving a piece of ammonia, the size of three peas, in an ounce of water, and applying the solution as hot as can be borne. It is beneficial to place blank newspaper between the toes. That will keep them from scalding, and hence softening, so that corns will easily form. We have already referred to this paper method for cold feet. Paper is a non-conductor and thus has the proper effect. HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 109 Croup. The following prescription, to be used as a garble, is not only excellent for croup, but will absolutely keep anyone from choking to death from phlegm in the throat, no matter what the cause, so long as they have any portion of a lung left. It consists of the yolks of two eggs thoroughly beaten, in half a pint of good cider vinegar, adding two tablespoonfuls of honey. I have known two different patients, given up by their physicians, to rally in thirty minutes under the above treatment, and finally get well. Diab6tes. A prominent French physician advocates a coffee remedy. After having continued to use the remedy for upward of a third of a century in many hundreds of cases, he again appeals to the profession to give it a trial in those cases of liver and kidney troubles which have resisted all other treatment. His habit is to place twenty-five grammes, or about three drachms, of the green berries (he prefers a mixture of three parts of Mocha with one part each of Martinique and Isle de Bourbon coffee) in a tum- bler of cold water, and let them infuse over night. The infusion, after straining or filtering, is to be taken on an empty stomach the first thing after getting up in the morn- ing. He cites many cases of renal and hepatic colics, dia- betes, migraine, etc., which, although rebellious to all other treatments for years, soon yielded to the green coffee infu- sion. It is worth a trial at any rate. Bethcsda water from the Wakeshaw Springs, in Wiscon- sin, will cure three out of every five cases of diabetes and help the other two. Drink it as you would any good water. Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a malignant and very in- fectious disease. It may often be communicated by a kiss, a touch of the hand, or by drinking out of the same cup with the sick person. The mildest case should be carefully isolated. In the family this may sometimes be done by re- moving the patient to an upper room, which can be well ventilated by means of windows and an open fire. The contagion of diphtheria is not carried far by the atmosphere; hence, by strict attention to cleanliness and ventilation, it HO HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. may be quite possible to isolate a case even under the family roof. The disease is characterized by soreness of the throat, pain in swallowing, apoplectic, epileptic, hysterical, or the result of poisoning. Put a cork between the patient's teeth, that the tongue may not be bitten. Loosen the clothing, have plenty of fresh air, and do not restrain the move- ments of the patient, except to prevent injury or bruising. Rub the temples with cologne or spirits, and, as soon as the patient can swallow, give a little cold brandy and water. Dr. W. A. Scott, of Iowa, where, in the latter part of 1889, diphtheria raged, found a valuable and effective remedy for this dread disease. The recipe can be filled at any drug store, and used by any person without danger : Take ten grains of permanganate of potassium and mix with one ounce of cold water. As soon as dissolved, it must be applied with a rag or sponge mop or swab to the whitish places in the tonsils, and other parts that have the diphthe- ria membrane on them. Do this very gently, but thor- oughly, every three hours until better; then every six hours until well. It does not give pain, but is rather nau- seous to the taste. If the tongue is coated white, mix one drachm of hyposul- phite of soda and five drops oil of sassafras in four ounces of syrup made of sugar and hot water, and give a teaspoon- ful every 1 to 3 hours, as needed, when awake. If the tongue is not coated white, I mix 20 drops of tinct- ure of phytolacca in four ounces of cold water and give a teaspoonful every 1 to 3 hours, as needed, when awake. (The phytolacca is the common poke-root of the South, and as it loses its strength by drying and age, the tincture should be from the fresh root, or it is worthless.) It is well to apply a little sweet-oil or cosmoline to the outside of the throat to protect from the action of the air, as the patient must be protected from all danger of getting chilled. In the beginning of the disease, in mild cases, the above solution of permanganate of potassium, is all I use, and all that is needed, as the disease is local at first, but rapidly affects the whole system when seated. In the stinking form HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. HI of diphtheria this solution soon destroys all smell, and in every case destroys the diphtheria membrane without leav- ing any bad effect. M. Roulin, of France, has successfully trealed 22 cases of diphtheria with carbolic acid as an antiseptic. Nasal douches, consisting of three teaspoonfuls of the crude acid in a quart of water, were employed every hour by means of the ordinary irrigator. Tonics were given internally. Dr. Deriker, of St. Petersburg, who is the head physician of the Children's Hospital, and has treated no less than 2,000 cases of diphtheria, and tried all remedies, both in- ternal and external, has found the following a certain cure for the disease: As soon as the white spots appear on the tonsils he gives a laxative, usually senna tea. When the purgative effect lias ceased, he gives cold drinks acidulated with lemons, limes, or hydrochloric acid, and every two hours a gargle composed of lime-water and milk. Hot milk was also given as a drink, ar.d the throat well rubbed with spirits of turpentine. The Academy of Medicine in France offered a large sum of money for a successful cure for diphtheria, and this is said to have been it. Equal parts of liquid tar and turpentine are put in an iron p:m and burned in the patient's room. The dense resinous smoke gives immediate relief. The fibrinous matter soon becomes detached and is coughed up. Clothing- There are some very important principles in regard to dress : 1. If you desire health, do not wear a belt. 2. Avoid tight lacing. Some of the most beautiful women, including actresses, are giving up this injurious practice. 3. Do not wear, especially in summer, the constant black, even if in mourning. If you do someone may be mourning you too. 4. Use woolens almost entirely for clothing always for under-clothing. 5. Have shoes that fit and give the feet an abundance of room, and not high heeled, but thick soled. 6. Wear sufficiently heavy woolen under-garments so 112 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. that you will not be obliged to resort continually to over- coats. 7. In summer, use light outer garments white flannels and cheviots are excellent. THE MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTION OF UNDER-GARMENTS. It is a great mistake to suppose that the material of which a garment is made is the most important considera- tion in selecting warm under-clothing. The way in which the fabric is prepared and manufactured is of more vital importance as regards heat or coldness of the body than the actual material. A light garment with large meshes is more effective against cold than a close, heavy one. What- ever an under-vest may be made of, its real value as a pro- tector from cold depends upon its ability to inclose within its meshes a certain quantity of air. This is indeed the most important function of under-garments, viz., to encircle the whole body with an envelope of warm air, and a vest- ment that does not keep a continual layer of warm air next to the skin is of very little use. We advise the discarding of cotton shirts altogether and wearing only those of flannel. The best material for an under-vest, where the shirt worn is flannel, is silk, but by rea- son of high cost it is within the reach of a comparatively few only. Hence woolen under-vests must be selected. They should be large and never tight-fitting, for there must be room for the air to circulate freely beneath them. Good taste suggests that the outside shirt be of white flannel, and that also must be large. Nearly all those which are on sale iii stores have collars, but for a small sum added to the price the dealer will make the necessary changes so that a linen collar may be worn. With such under-clothing a man is very well protected against sudden changes of weather, and is much less liable to take cold than he would be with a cotton shirt on. Now, as to chest protectors. If a man is subject to colds during the winter he should wear a chest-protector. In order for him to get the full benefit of it it should fit him quite snugly at the neck and extend front and back to the belt. Dressed HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. in flannels, as we have recommended, with his chest well covered by a protector, he will be as well fortified against cold as under-clothing of a healthful sort can make him'. Dropsy. It is not generally known that the silk on an ear of green corn is a powerful and efficient remedy for dropsy, for bladder troubles and diseases of the kidneys. In the Louisville Medical News we find an account of the medical properties of corn-silk and the cures that have been effected by its use. The way to use it is to take two double-handfuls of fresh corn-silk and boil in two gallons of water until but a gallon remains. Add sugar to make a syrup. Drink a tumblerful of this thrice daily, and it will relieve dropsy by increasing the flow of urine. Other dis- eases of the bladder and kidneys are benefited by the rem- edy, which is prompt, efficient, and grateful to the stomach. The treatment can be continued for months without danger or inconvenience. Bethesda water is just as good, but both together are better. Dyspepsia. This trouble is often the result of decom- position of the food before it is digested. Unless this is remedied death will ultimately follow. A good remedy is this: Thoroughly brown some whole grain wheat, grind it in un ordinary clean coffee-mill; eat of nothing else for the two last meals of the day ; carefully masticate it and eat sparingly for a few days, after that ad libitum; in ten days you will be well, if all other suggestions regarding cleanliness are followed. Ears- Sapolini of Milan has described a method of his which he states has been successfully employed in 62 cases of deafness of old age. It consists in mopping the mem- brana tympani with a weak oleaginous solution of phos- phorus. He claims that the treatment diminishes the opacity of the membrane, increases the circulation, and im- proves the hearing. A writer in a medical journal says: "Beware of too much quinine. It will produce a congestion of the ear and irritation of the auditory nerve. The common habit of tak- ing quinine for neuralgia and other ailments without con- sulting a doctor is altogether reprehensible, and may lead JJ4 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. to very serious results. Many cases of deafness are pro- "duced by overdoses and long-continued use of this drug." Aprysexie is the name Dr. Guye, of Amsterdam, chooses for inattentiveness, and he quite singularly finds that the nose is a cause of it. A dull boy became quick to learn after certain tumors had been taken from the nose, and a man who had been troubled with vertigo and buzzing in the ears for twelve years found mental labor easy after a like operation. In a third case a medical student was sim- ilarly relieved. Dr. Guye supposes that these nasal troubles affect the brain by preventing the cerebral lymph from circulating freely. Elixir Brown-Sequard. The way Brown-Sequard uses this medicine is entirely successful. Do not think be- cause others have failed that the principle is wrong. Most experimenters, first, are not careful in getting perfectly healthy specimens of animals from whose vitals the elixir is made, while, secondly, they expose the liquid and allow it to become filled or impregnated with microbes and various for- eign elements. The process of administration is thus described: The syringe punctures the cuticle, or scarf-skin, and the cutis, or true skin, and then enters the subcutaneous or cellular tissue which covers the muscles, or flesh. Through all the tissues of the body run the lymphatics, which convey the injected matter to the lymph channels, these in turn to the veins, and thence throughout the system. A half ounce of the fluid will be distributed in from one to three hours. Sometimes the subject might feel the stimulus very quickly, and in some cases hours might elapse before any effect was felt. The human system is able to absorb almost an un- limited amount of this liquid, if administered properly and if pure. Epidemics. The history of severe plagues is remark- able. The first great pestilence in a comparatively civilized nation was the one at Athens about 400 B. c. On account of being shut up by the Spartans in their crowded city the Athenians had this terrible experience. It carried off thousands nearly two-thirds of the population. In the HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ]]5 reign qjf the Emperor Justinian no less than 100,000,000 inhabitants died in thirty years from a pestilence that swept from Persia to Gaul. Later, in the fourteenth cent- ury, the plague of beautiful Florence in Italy killed 80,- 000 people in six months. In 1665-66 London was a vast pest-house and during September of 1666 the weekly death rate reached the number of 8,000. In America the sunny South has witnessed the blasting effects of yellow fever during the last fifteen years. In 1878, Florida had 2,649 deaths, and New Orleans 3,977 from yellow fever. Fully 33$ of those attacked succumbed. In the same year 4,200 people died of it at Memphis. The last impor- tant run of this epidemic was in 1888, at Jacksonville and Decatur. There the deaths averaged 10$ of those attacked. The duration of the infection stages of various diseases is thus given by Dr. T. F. Pearse, an English physician: Mea- sles, from the 2d day of the disease for 3 weeks; small-pox, from the 1st day for 4 weeks; scarlet fever, from the 4th day for 7 weeks; mumps, from the 2d day for 3 weeks; diphtheria, from the 1st day for 3 weeks. The incubation periods, or intervals occurring between exposure to infection and the first symptoms, are as follows: Whooping-cough, 14 days; mumps, 18 days; measles, 10 days; small-pox, 12 days ; scarlet fever, 3 days ; diphtheria, 14 days. Scarlet fever is at its minimum from January to May, and at its maximum in October and November. Diph- theria is more evenly distributed through the year, and is most dangerous a little later than scarlet fever. Measles and whooping-cough seem to be somewhat aggravated by cold weather, but are most fatal in May and June. Hot weather is adverse to small-pox, and favorable to disorders of the bowels, particularly in children. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEASLES AND SMALL-POX. At the outset of a popular eruption it is often difficult to decide whether the case is one of measles or of small-pox. M. Grisol's method of diagnosis is as follows (Medical Times): " If, upon stretching a portion of the skin, the papule be- comes impalpable to the touch, the eruption is caused by measles ; if, on the contrary, the papule is still felt when the 116 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. skin is drawn out, the eruption is the result of small- pox." Erysipelas. It has long been known that an attack of erysipelas exerts a remarkable influence upon other dis- eases, and the attempt has- been made to cure more serious maladies by deliberately inoculating the patient with the virus of erysipelas. In a recent case in Norway, the growth of a cancer was greatly retarded by this means, and life was probably prolonged a few weeks or even months, though no cure was effected. Exercise. Ben. Hogan, the reformed pugilist, has ad- vanced some practical ideas : " In every city there are thousands of rich men and women who are ready to commit suicide because of ill-health. 'What is wealth without health?' they say. 'Nothing,' I should say ; but I do say that, while every man cannot amass wealth, every man can secure good health. I know a man who owns a fine horse. He employs two men to take care of that horse and keep him in condition. He is exercised, sponged, and blanketed daily. Does the owner himself have a man to take care of him ? No. He possi- bly bathes once a week. He arises at 8 o'clock in the morning, throws his breakfast down without masticating it, and madly rushes off to his business. At noon he rushes into a restaurant and eats his dinner in five minutes. On he goes, hiring men to look after the health of his horse, but never stops to think of his own body and its needs. ." A man cannot digest his food unless he eats carefully. A meal should never be eaten in less than one hour. Glad- stone says he bites each piece of meat he puts into his mouth twenty times before he swallows it, and that isn't too often. The men of to-day who throw their food into their stomach are physical wrecks in fifteen years. The American doctor studies medicine when he should study nature; instead of trying to prevent disease, they try to cure. There are many people who do not take a bath in two years and they prema- turely die from poisoning. The poison that accumulates under the first layer of skin breeds disease and sooner or later must come death. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. }17 "There are thousands of people dying of consumption who haven't sense enough to know that they can throw it off. No man who is lazy can become healthy, for the best way to bring health is by physical development. I have seen thousands of young men apparently on the verge of the grave grow strong by following this daily routine: When you get up in the morning rub yourself with a rough towel until the blood is in circulation, and then take a cold bath. Never take a cold bath without getting the blood in circu- lation, for it is dangerous. After the bath rub the flesh for three-quarters of an hour. Then take a cup of tea and eat some toast, and start out for a half hour's walk. Don't plod slowly along the streets, but walk as rapidly as your legs will carry you. When you return you are ready for breakfast. Eat rice, mutton chops, and toast, and drink tea. If you are a business man you are ready for business, but if you are training for an athlete you will again start upon the walk and keep it up all day. A man under training is required to walk at least forty miles every day. When he returns from his walk he is put under blankets until he has cooled, and then again put in the bath-tub. He is taken out and rubbed or manipulated. Then he is ready for din- ner. The athlete or pugilist would be required to eat raw ham or raw steak without salt or pepper. Pugilists are not allowed to use pepper, because it heats the blood. For men who are not undergoing training for pugilists I would ad- vise a dinner on rare beef, rice, and other vegetables cooked dry." Eyes. A writer in CasselVs Magazine gives the follow- ing rules for the use and care of the eyes: " 1. Sit erect in your chair when reading, and as erect when writing as possible. If you bend downward you not only gorge the eyes with blood, but the brain as well, and both suffer. The same rule should apply to the use of the microscope. Get one that will enable you to look at things horizontally, not always vertically. " 2. Have a reading-lamp for night use. N. B. In reading the light should be on the book or paper and the eyes in the shade. If you have no reading-lam]), turn your 11$ HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. back to the light and you may read without danger to your eyes. " 3. Hold the book at your focus ; if that begins to get far away use spectacles. " 4. Avoid reading by the flickering light of the fire. " 5. Avoid straining the eyes by reading in the gloam- ing. " 6. Reading in bed is injurious as a rule. It must be admitted, however, that in cases of sleeplessness, when the mind is inclined to ramble over a thousand thoughts a min- ute, reading steadies the thoughts and conduces to sleep. "7. Do not read much in a railway carriage. I myself always do, however, only in a good light, and I invariably carry a good reading-lamp to hang on behind me. Thou- sands of people would travel by night rather than by day if the companies could only see their way to the exclusive use of the electric light. " 8. Authors should have black-ruled paper instead of blue, and should never strain the eyes by reading too fine types. " 9. The bedroom blinds should be red or gray, and the head of the bed should be toward the window. " 10. Those ladies who not only write but sew should not attempt the black seam by night. " 11. When you come to an age that suggests the wearing of spectacles, let no false modesty prevent you from getting a pair. If you have only one eye, an eye-glass will do ; otherwise it is folly. "12. Go to the wisest and best optician you know of, and state your wants and your case plainly, and be assured you will be properly fitted. "13. Remember that bad spectacles are most injurious to the eyes, and that good and well-chosen ones are a decided luxury. " 14. Get a pair for reading with, and if necessary a long- distance pair for use outdoors." Further rules are : Avoid all sudden changes between light and darkness. HKALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. H9 Never begin to read, write, or sew for several minutes after coming from darkness to a bright light. Never read by twilight or moonlight, or on dark, cloudy days. When reading, it is best to let the light fall from above obliquely over the left shoulder. Do not use the eye-sight by light so scant that it requires an effort to discriminate. The moment you are instinctively prompted to rub your eyes that moment stop using them. If the eyelids are glued together on waking up do not forcibly open them, but apply saliva with the finger. It is the speediest diluent in the world ; then wash your eyes and lace in warm water. In the selection of books or pamphlets see that the paper is of a slight orange tint; this shade is the most pleasant for the eye to look upon. The following is recommended as an efficient means of removing particles from the eye: Make a loop by doubling a horse hair ; raise the lid of the eye in "which is the foreign particle ; slip the loop over it, and placing the lid in con- tact with the eyeball, withdraw the loop, and the parti- cle will be drawn out with it. An old locomotive engineer gives the following as an in- fallible method to eradicate any foreign substance from the eye, viz., close the* eyes, and rub gently from right to left with a circular motion the well eye. Food. Of all the fruits we are blest with, the peach is the most digestible. There is nothing more palatable, wholesome, and medicinal than good, ripe peaches. They should be ripe but not overripe and half rotten ; and of this kind they may make a part of either meal, or be eaten be- tween meals; but it is better to make them a part of the regular meals, say a Hairs Journal of Health, a medical au- thority. It is a mistaken idea that no fruit should be eaten at breakfast. It would be far better if our people would eat less bacon and grease at breakfast and more fruit. In the morning there is an arid state of the secretions, and nothing is so well calculated to correct this as cooling, sub- 120 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. acid fruits, such as peaches, apples, etc. The apple is one of the best of fruits. Baked or stewed apples will generally agree with the most delicate stomach, and are an excellent medicine in many cases of sickness. Green or half-ripe apples stewed and sweetened are pleasant to the taste, cool- ing, nourishing, and laxative, far superior, in many cases, to the abominable doses of salts and oil usually given in fever and other diseases. Raw apples and dried apples stewed are better for constipation than liver pills. Oranges are very acceptable to most stomachs, having all the advan- tages of the acid alluded to; but the orange juice alone should be taken, rejecting the pulp. The same may be said of lemonade, pomegranates, and all that class. Lemon- ade is the best drink in fevers, and when thickened with sugar is better than syrup of squills and other nauseants in many cases of cough. Tomatoes act on the liver and bow- els, and are much more pleasant and safe than blue mass and "liver regulators." The juice should be used alone, rejecting the skins. The small-seeded fruits, such as black- berries, figs, raspberries, currants, and strawberries, may be classed among the best foods and medicines. The sugar in them is nutritious, the acid is cooling and purifying, and the seeds are laxative. We would be much the gainers if we would look more to our orchards and gardens for our medi- cines and less to our drug stores. To cure fever or act on the kidneys no febrifuge or diuretic is superior to water-melon, which may, with very few exceptions, be taken in sickness and health in almost unlimited quantities, not only without injury but with positive benefit. But in using them the water or juice should be taken, excluding the pulp, and the melon should be ripe and fresh, but not overripe and stale. While, undeniably, a mixed diet is the best for man, there is a mistaken notion, which prevails to a great extent, that meat should largely enter into the same. As a consequence, much more is eaten than is needed or can properly be dis- posed of in the system. Never eat meat oftener than once a day, and very sparingly in summer. Men of sedentary habits might with safety for several days at a time during that season live on vegetables, fruits, milk, breadstuffs, and HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 121 foods of like character, which are easy of digestion. For those who have good reason to believe that their "kidneys are weak," a diet largely made up of meat is ill-advised. Those organs are intimately concerned in its disposal in the system, and hence are overtasked if it is taken in too great a quantity. Reasons Why a Strictly Vegetable Diet Is to Be Preferred to Animal Food.he food which is most enjoyed, says a writer in Longman's Magazine, is the food we call bread and fruit. In my long medical career, I have rarely known an instance in which a child has not preferred fruit to animal food. I have been many times called upon to treat children for stomachic disorders induced by pressing upon them animal to the exclusion of fruit diet, and have seen the best results occur from the practice of reverting to the use of fruit in the dietary. I say it without the least prejudice, as a lesson learned from simple experience, that the most natural diet for the young, after the natural milk diet, is fruit and whole-meal bread, with milk and water for drink. The desire for this same mode of sustenance is often continued into after- years, as if the resort to flesh were a forced and artificial feeding, which required long and persistent habit to establish as a permanency as a part of the system of every-day life. How strongly this preference taste for fruit over animal food prevails is shown by the simple fact of the retention of those foods in the mouth. Fruit is retained, to be tasted and relished. Animal food, to use a common phrase, is " bolted." There is a natural desire to retain the delicious fruit for full mastication; there is no such desire, except in the trained gormand, for the retention of animal substance. One further fact which I have observed and that too often to discard it as a fact of great moment, is that when a person of mature years has for a time given up voluntarily the use*of animal food in favor of vegetable, the sense of repugnance to animal food is soon so markedly developed that a return to it is overcome with the utmost difficulty. Neither is this a mere fancy or fad peculiar to sensitive men or oversenti- mental women. I have been surprised to sec it manifested 122 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. in men who are the very reverse of sentimental, and who were, in fact, quite ashamed to admit themselves guilty of any such weakness. I have heard those who have gone over from a mixed diet of animal and vegetable food to a poor vegetable diet speak of feeling low under the new sys- tem, and declare that they must needs give it up in conse- quence; but I have found even these (without exception) declare that they infinitely preferred the simpler, purer, and, as it seemed to them, more natural food plucked from the prime source of food, untainted by its passage through an- other animal body. There are thirty vegetarian restaurants in London, and a vegetarian hotel is the latest move in the right direction. The time required to digest different kinds of food : Hours. Hours. Hours. Roasted pork 5.15 Roasted beef.... .3. 00 Trout (broiledj..l.30 Salt beef (boil'd)4.15 Raw oysters 2.45 Tripe 1.00 Veal (boiled) 4.00 Roasted turkey..2.30 Pig's feet 1.00 Boiled hens 4.00 Boiled milk 2.00 Eggs (hard boil'd) Roasted mutton. 3.15 Boiled codfish. ..2.00 3.30 to 5.30 Boiled beef. 3.30 Venison steak. ..1.35 Eggs (soft boil'd)3.00 The above is taken from Beaumont's " Experiments on Digestion." Dal ton comments on these observations as fol- lows : tl These results would not always be precisely the same for different persons, since there are variations in this respect according to age and temperament. Thus, in most instances, mutton would probably be equally digestible with beef, or perhaps more so ; and milk, which in some persons is easily digested, in others is disposed of with considerable difficulty. But as a general rule, the comparative digesti- bility of different substances is no doubt correctly expressed by the above list." To Ascertain Pure Milk. Take an extra quart of milk any day from your milkman and put it in a glass jar, an ordinary fruit-jar will do; set it away and await results. The proportion of cream on top shows the richness of the milk. Let it alone until it turns to clabber, and if there is any water in it, it will appear between the cream and the clabber. After fermentation sets in, the water will sink to the bottom. If there has been no water put into the milk, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 123 none will show. By trying milk from different milkmen, you can readily see which is the best. We will add under food that eggs should be kept in oak or porcelain receptacles, not in pine boxes, as they partake of the odor of the pine. Freckles- A young lady of St. Louis says: "I acci- dentally discovered a sovereign remedy a couple of years ago, which costs next to nothing. One day the plumber shut our water off, and I could get none in which to wash my face. I was fearfully soiled, and, looking out of the window just then, I saw a friend approaching to call on me. Glancing about me, I noticed half a water-melon from which the meat had been removed some time before. It was partly filled with juice, and I hastily washed my face in it. The result was so southing that I repeatedly washed my face in that manner. Judge of my astonishment a few days later on seeing that there was not a freckle left on my face." Gargle. An excellent gargle for general use is : Chloras Potass., 3 ounces. Tannin, 2 drachms. Dissolve one teaspoonful in half a pint of water, which will keep for several days. For bronchial trouble or bleed- ing at the lungs, gargle the throat often; but for general cleanliness, gargle a little every morning; for catarrh, not only gargle but snuff some up the nose. Hair. To prevent hair from falling out, headache, neu- ralgia, brain fever, etc., the hair should be worn compara- tively short by both sexes, washed and dried every day. To preserve the hair this is a good recipe: Take a teaspoon- ful of dried sage; boil it in a quart of water for twenty minutes. Strain it off and add a piece of borax the size of an English walnut; pulverize the borax. Put the sage tea, when cold, into a quart bottle ; add the borax ; shake well together and put in a cool place. Brush the hair thoroughly and rub and wash well on the head with the hand ; then, after a good hard rubbing, brush the hair well before a fire, so that it will become perfectly dry. Never use, a fine-tooth comb, as it irritates the skin, and conse- quently inflames the roots of the hair. 124 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. Headache. The causes are: "Overstudy, overwork in-doors, neglect of the bath, want of fresh air in bedrooms, nervousness, however induced; want of abundant skin-ex- citing exercise, the excitement inseparable from a fashiona- able life, neglect of the ordinary rules that conduce to health, overindulgence in food, especially of a stimulat- ing character, weakness or debility of body, however produced (this can only be remedied by proper nutriment), work or study in-doors, carried on in an unnatural or cramped position of the body. Literary men and women ought to do most of their work at a standing desk, lying down now and then to ease the brain and heart, and per- mit iueas to flow. They should work out-of-doors in fine weather with their feet resting on a board, not on the earth and under canvas in wet weather. It is surprising the good this simple advice, if followed, can effect. Health Beverages. Lemons make the best beverage. They are very healthy and good, not only for allaying the thirst, but will cure a multitude of disorders. The juice of the lemon contains citric acid. Acids, as a rule, decrease the acid secretion of the body and increase the alkaline. Citric acid, which is the acid of lemons and oranges, for in- stance, will diminish the secretions of gastric juice, but in- creases very materially the secretion of saliva. The very thought of a lemon is sufficient to make the mouth water. Thirst in fevers is not always due to lack of water in the blood. It may be due in part to a lack of the secretion of the saliva. When the mouth is parched and dry, the acid will increase the saliva. When acid is given for the relief of dyspepsia it should be taken before eating. Lemon juice drank before meals will be found very advantageous as a preventive of heart-burn. Drinks for the Voice. Tea, coffee, and cocoa are three admissible drinks, but none in excess. For the voice cocoa is the most beneficial. It should never be made too strong, and those cocoas are the best that have been de- prived of their oil. A cup of thin cocoa, just warm, is more to be recommended between the exertions of singing than any alcoholic beverage. Tea must not be taken too HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 125 strong, nor when it has drawn too long, for tea then be- comes acid, and has a bad influence on the mucous mem- brane that lines the throat. There is always a dry sensa- tion after having taken a cup of tea that has been allowed to draw too long. A vocalist had better do without sugar ill tea and only take milk with it. Hernia Or Rupture. A swelling suddenly appearing in the abdomen, and especially in the groin, may be recog- nized as a rupture, particularly if it puffs out, or grows larger when the patient breathes or coughs violently. If, for any reason, the services of a physician cannot be im- mediately secured, the patient should lie down on his back, draw up his knees, and, while he breathes gently, rest his fingers upon the rupture, and press it in all directions. In most cases the hernia will slip back when thus treated. TiK-ii apply a bandage to hold the bowels in place long enough for the person to have a truss fitted to him. Dur- ing this period the bowels should be kept regular. The author of this book was cured of rupture of the right groin completely. Though having worn trusses of diilerent patterns for 25 years, the one that effected a permanent remedy was an electric elastic truss, invented by Dr. A. T. Sherwood, 408 Stockton Street, this city. This is no advertisement, but wishing to help others who are afflicted, we are of the opinion that it will cure lour out of every five cases that exist, provided the patient will pursue a careful course otherwise. My treatment re- quiivd k'.s than 4 months. Hiccoughing 1 . Sweet-flag (calamus) is claimed to be an agent that will relieve and stop persistent hiccough in almost any case. Chew a small piece of the root. Hydrophobia. Rabies, the madness produced by the bite of mad animals, is oflen apprehended when there is no danger. In case the supposed mad creature has been killed, an important means of information is lost. If possi- ble, the animal should be secured and closely watched. If he does not show signs of rabies, the bitten person need have no fear; but, in any case, when one has been bitten, the wound should be washed with hot water, sucked, by 126 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. some person whose mouth is free from sores, and then thoroughly cauterized with pure nitric acid or concentrated liquor of ammonia. The patient's strength should be sus- tained by stimulants, and medical attendance should be se- cured as soon as possible. Drs. Valentine Mott and A. F. Baldwin, of the Carnegie Laboratory,- are prepared to inoculate hydrophobia patients according to the Pasteur system. The first patient was the seven-year-old son of Dr. Newell, of Jersey City. Dr. Mott inoculated himself to prove the harmlessness of the method for a healthy man. It has been discovered recently that the juice of the ma- guey plant is a certain remedy for hydrophobia. Influenza (La Grippe). The first symptoms of the disease are sudden faintness, a chill, and marked prostration, succeeded by headache and a general feeling of malaria, followed by acute coryza, pharyngitis, and slight laryngitis, winding up with bronchitis. Examination shows that the patients are about as sick as persons with a bad cold. The duration of the attack is from 2 to 10 days and upward. An application of 2 parts turpentine to 1 of sweet-oil placed on the" chest over the lungs, and then inhale the steam from steeped eucalyptus leaves, is the best remedy we know. Insomnia. The next time a sufferer finds himself awake, say 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, instead of merely trying to banish the painful thought and repeating numbers, according to habit, let him revert at once to the dream which was the cause of his awakening, and try to go on with it. Sleep will come soon. It is stated on good au- thority that this experiment, oft repeated, has never been known to fail. A correspondent of the Lancet gives the following method of self-asphyxiation as an effectual remedy for in- somnia in his own case : After taking a deep inspiration, he holds his breath till discomfort is felt, then repeats the proc- ess a second and third time. As a rule this is enough to procure sleep. A slight degree of asphyxia is thus relied on as a soporific agent. Leprosy- An interesting report by the Hawaiian HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 127 Board of Health is in our hands; incomplete statistics give the number of lepers in the several islands of the Hawaiian group on January 1, 1888, as 400. A statement of the leper population at Leper Settlement at Molokai for the biennial period ending March 31, 1888, is 749. The report says: "Accurate statistics as to the number of lepers still at large in the various communities of this country cannot be obtained." It is estimated from the best data obtainable, that there were 644 lepers at large on the islands on March 31, 1888. The report says: "The rations furnished each leper at the Leper Settlement on Molokai are abundant for the sup- port of any adult Hawaiian." One of the embarrassing questions the board is called upon to decide is, how many of the non-leper friends and relatives of the afflicted ones shall be allowed to go and live with them at the leper settlement as helpers, or kokuas, the number of applicants being in excess of the demand. The great obstacle to be overcome in carrying out the law of segregation consists in the fact that the Hawaiiansdo not appreciate and refuse to be convinced that leprosy is a com- municable disease. It is with them as if devotion to a fatal sentimentality had bid defiance to every instinct of self-pres- ervation. Marriages between leprous and non-leprous indi- viduals are freely contracted, and the intimacies are not pre- vented by the fact of potent evidences of the disease. "If this race is ever to be rescued from the slough into which it is sinking, the fatal lethargy that stupefies them must be dis- pelled, the instinct of self-preservation must be awakened, and it must be written upon their hearts, as with the point of a diamond, that to voluntarily contaminate one's self with leprosy is a crime. In spite of a number of claims to the contrary, we believe it safe to say that no one has been able to prove, to the satisfaction of the medical profession, who very rightly demand full proof in such cases, that a single unmistakable case of this disease has been definitely cured." Says the report: ' It is necessary always to bear in mind that the symptoms of leprosy, like those of some oilier diseases, have a way of receding or entirely disap- 128 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. pearing for a time, only to show themselves again when least expected." Government physicians generally attribute the causes which are checking the increase of the Hawaiian popula- tion to be leprosy; also the indolent and easy nature of the natives, which causes them to rest content, provided they can obtain the bare necessities of life. They are content to sit idle while their places are being filled with Chinese, and their lands are gradually passing from their possession. This apathy causes them to degenerate, botli mentally and physically, and thus leads to the smalluess of families and the general extinction of the race. The following description of how this terrible disease de- velops and affects the patient is taken from the Hankow (China) Medical Mission report : "Leprosy is common. It chiefly affects men who work in the field; we have met with it in brothers; it is occasionally met with in women. The age varies from ten to fifty years. Often the first symptom complained of is some localized anaesthesia which is sometimes quite accidentally discovered in the feet, hands, or face, which are the parts that are most com- monly affected. The sensory nerves are first affected, and sensation as a rule absent partially or completely. The an- aesthesia is followed by want of free use of affected parts; the circulation is also impaired in those parts; the hair on the eyebrows falls out. A peculiar puuched-out-looking ulcer, with a very fetid discharge, is often met in the feet; sometimes, but not so often, in the hands. As the disease advances, which it does very slowly it often apparently re- mains stationary for years the face broadens, becomes square, glazed, irregular and nodular; nodules are also found in the mucous membrane of the lips and in the nerves; perspiration is absent; the natural expression of the face is completely changed; the patient looks old and sad. As the disease further advances, the toes and fingers drop off, and by and by part of the limb. The general health is never affected. Treatment is not very satisfac- tory ; symptoms seem to be controlled for a time, but never cured." HF.AITir. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 129 Lockjaw. Professor Renzi, of Naples, records several of tetanus successfully treated by absolute rest. The method advocated is as follows: The patient's ears are closed with wax, after which he is placed in a perfectly dark room, far from any noise. He is made to understand that safety lies in perfect rest. The room is carpeted heavily in order to relieve the noise of stepping about. The nurse enters every quarter of an hour with a well-shaded lantern, using more the sense of touch than sight to find the bed. Liquid food (milk, eggs in beef tea, and water) is carefully gi\vn, so that mastication is not necessary. Constipation is not interfered with. Mild doses of belladonna or secale are given to relieve pain. This treatment does not shorten the disease, but under it the paroxysms grow milder, and finally cease. Numerous physicians attest to the value of this treatment. Marriage. The Medical Record says the unpopular- ity of marriage in England continues unabated, and last year was the first in recent times in which, while the price of wheat fell, the marriage rate remained stationary. It is now 14.2 per 1,000. The decline in the popularity of matri- mony is greatest with those who have already had some experience of wedded life. Between 1876 and 1888 the marriage rate fell 12 per cent for bachelors and spinsters, 27 per cent for widowers, 31 per cent for widows. Another interesting fact is that the births have now reached the lowest rate recorded since civil registration be- gan. In 1876 the rate was 36.3 per 1,000; it is now 30.6. This is very satisfactory, and it is also notable that the illegitimate birth-rate has declined, the proportion, 4.6 per cent, being the lowest yet registered. The worst feat- ure in the Registrar-General's returns, however, is the fact that the male births had fallen in proportion to the female; in the last ten years 1,038 boys were born for every 1,000 girls, and last year the male preponderance had dropped by 5, and is now standing at 1,033 to 1,000. M. Huth has recently published a valuable book on f THS *^\ ITTI 136 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. means of warm blankets, hot bottles, etc.; and if there are marked evidences of sinking, such as a failure of the pulse, or very feeble, gasping respiration, give a little stimulus, preferably by injection into the bowels. In the case of an adult, a tablespoonful of brandy, whisky or gin, with an equal quantity of water, may be administered in this man- ner every five or ten minutes, until reaction sets in that is, until the face regains its color, the pulse becomes stronger, and the breathing natural. A general antidote for all cases of poisoning, where the nature of the poison is unknown, is a mixture of carbonate of magnesia, powdered charcoal, and hydrated sesquioxide of iron, equal parts, in water. POISONS MINERAL. Acids. Muriotw (spirit of salt), ni- tric (aqua fortis), sulphuric (oil of vitriol), oxalic, nitro-muri- atic, etc. Nitric and sulphuric acids are sometimes used for the removal of warts ; oxalic acid is often employed for tak- ing out iron or ink stains; muriatic and nitro-muriatic acids are frequently prescribed medicinally. As soon as a poison- ous dose has been swallowed, seek for something which will neutralize the acid. Powdered chalk, whiting, magnesia, or lime scraped from a wall and stirred in water, may be given in any of these cases. For sulphuric or muriatic acid also administer soap-suds, sweet milk, common soap cut into small pieces, baking or washing soda, or saleratus, giving these latter in very small quantities at a time, so as not to pro- duce dangerous distension of the stomach, from the evolu- tion of gas. In the case of sulphuric acid, water must not be used freely at first, at least not unless it contains some antidote, as the heat produced, when this acid and water are mixed, is sufficient of itself to cause serious damage. Ammonia, and other alkalies (Caustic Potash, Soda or Lime}. Antidotes: Vinegar, lemon juice, or a weak solution of tartaric acid, to be followed immediately with sweet-oil or mucilage of gum arabic, and an emetic. Also give an in- jection of boiled starch. Pain may be relieved witli lauda- num, in doses of ten to fifteen drops, as the paroxysms oc- cur. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 137 Antimony (Butter of Antimony, Tartar Emetic). Encour- age vomiting. The antidotes are milk, tea, tannic acid. Arsenic, Ratsbane, Paris Green, Cobalt, and all arsen- ical preparations used as rat poisons. Give the whites of five or six eggs, beaten in half a pint of water ; or, flour and water, barley water, flaxsced tea, or magnesia. Also ad- minister an emetic of five grains of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), or fifteen grains of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol), ipecac, or mustard and water. After the vomiting, give hydrated sesquioxide of iron in tablespoon doses, every fifteen minutes, until danger is past. This is the best- known antidote for arsenic, and should be procured fresh from the drug store if possible. Chloral, Chloroform, Ether. Cold water should be sprinkled over the face and applied to the head. If breath- ing is suspended, treat the patient for artificial respiration. The use of electricity is recommended. Corrosive Sublimate (Bedbug Poison), Calomel (Mer- cury). The whites of three or four eggs, beaten in water, should be given without delay. If eggs are not at hand, flour or thin starch gruel, mucilage of gum arabic, or milk, will answer. An emetic should be taken immediately after the antidote has been administered. Iodine (use 1 for external application). If it has been swallowed, give a paste of starch, or flour and water. Lead, Salts of (Sugar of Lead, Lead Paint}. After an emetic, administer as much Epsom salt, or Glauber's salt, as the patient can drink. Then give large quantities of milk and whites of eggs. Lunar Caustic, Nitrate of Silver. Give a large teaspoon- ful of common salt, in a, glass of water. Repeat the dose every ten minutes for an hour. Then give a dose of castor- oil, and let the patient drink freely of flaxseed tea, barley water, or sweet milk. Muriates of Tin and Zinc. These poisons are sometimes found in canned goods fruits, vegetables, fish, and meats. They cause nausea, vomiting, sudden failure of the vital 138 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. forces, and sometimes cramps and convulsions. Milk, the whites of eggs, strong tea, or tincture of Peruvian bark, should be given. After the violent symptoms have subsided, the patient should drink freely of flaxseed tea or barley water. Phosphorus, Matches. Give large quantities of warm water containing calcined magnesia, chalk, or whiting. Prussic Acid. Liquor of ammonia, in doses often drops to a tablespoonful of water, should be given every fifteen minutes, until the patient is out of danger. Also apply smelling salts to the nose, dash cold water in the face, and give stimulants. Verdigris. Give sugar, milk, and whites of eggs in large quantities, then strong tea, but no acids of any kind. POISONS VEGETABLE. Aconite. Induce free vomit- ing, then give brandy or whisky every half hour until the dangerous symptoms are allayed. Alcohol, Spirits. Give half a teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia in sweetened water every half hour. Bromide of potassa, in doses of fifteen to thirty grains, every two or three hours, will also be found useful. Cocaine is the alkaloid of the coca plant of South Amer- ican origin. It is generally employed in the form of muri- ate of cocaine and principally used as a local anaesthetic. It should only be used under the direction of a physician. It may occasion dangerous effects even in doses usually deemed safe. When it has been taken internally, the proper antidote is a powerful emetic followed by stimulants such as liquor and spirits of ammonia administered in- ternally. When it has been used to a dangerous extent externally, give whisky or brandy and ammonia. Laudanum, Opium, Paregoric, Morphia, Belladonna, Hyos- cyamus, Stramonium, and Conium. An emetic of mustard and water, twenty grains of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol), or thirty grains of powdered ipecac, should be given. Strong coffee, brandy, or whisky should then be administered in large quantities, and the patient walked around the room. Slapping, pinching, dashing cold water in the face, and even whipping, may be necessary to keep the patient awake. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 139 Strychnine (Nux Vomica). Give an emetic of a solution of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol), or a strong infusion of tobacco ; or inject into the bowels bromide of potassium, thirty grains, and the extract of coca, one-half ounce. During the spasms, the patient should breathe chloroform or ether from a saturated cloth held to the nose and mouth. Toadstools (Fake Mushrooms) and o her poisonous plants and seeds, such as are liable to be picked up and eaten by chil- dren. Empty the stomach at once by an emetic you have at hand. Coffee poisoning occurs mostly with well-to-do people those who are overfed. Tea poisoning comes to hard-work- ing, half-starved women. The symptoms of coffee poisoning are want of appetite, sleeplessness, and nervous tremblings, with various indications of indigestion and torpor of liver. Tea poisoning requires rest and nourishment; bat the vic- tim of coffee excess usually needs to unload his system by exercise on a low diet. Antipyrlne. Dr. T. E. Smith, of Cincinnati, had his whole right side paralyzed by a ten-grain dose of anti- pvrine. The dose is an ordinary one. This powerful drug is much resorted to by grippe victims. Removal of Foreign Substances. Considering the frequency with which foreign bodies are swallowed, espe- cially by children, the best treatment to employ in such cases should be generally known. A variety of such methods have been advocated, but just now the so-called "potato cure" appears to be the most popular. One physician not long ago reported that he had successfully applied it with the best results in three cases. One was that of a 6-year-old boy, who swallowed a small weight; another that of a girl, 9 years old, who had swallowed a nail; and the remaining one that of a woman who had swallowed a set of teeth. He fed the patients for three days on nothing but potatoes. This treatment is a method in vogue among the pickpockets of London, who, swallow- ing their booty, live on potatoes until the stolen articles have passed down and out of the body. Rheumatism. Those who have a tendency to that dis- 140 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ease should "take a stitch" now and free their systems from all injurious retained matter. They should live abstemiously, exercise freely, keep the skin active by fre- quent bathing, the bowels open with fruits, and drink water in large quantities. Water dissolves and washes waste matter out of the system; it is therefore an absolute essen- tial where there is any impairment in the action of the kid- neys, bowels, or skin. He who applies this simple treat- ment, and takes proper care of himself otherwise, may feel quite secure from attacks of rheumatism. "Practical Medicine " suggests : " Make a concentrated emulsion of black soap, 200 grammes; add thereto 100 or 150 grammes of turpentine, and shake the whole vigorously until a beautiful creamy emulsion is obtained. For a bath take half of this mixture, which possesses an agreeable pine odor. After remaining in the bath a quarter of an hour, the patient should get into bed, when a prickling sen- sation, not disagreeable, however, is felt over the entire body; then, after a nap, he awakens with marked diminu- tion of rheumatic pains." Flour of sulphur dusted into the soles of the shoes and stockings is said to be a perfect preventive. The exciting causes of rheumatism are cold or wet applied to the body when in a state of heat, exposure to cold winds, remaining long in wet clothes, sleeping in a damp bed, or blood-poison- ing. Acute attacks of rheumatism should be treated by painting the affected part with tincture of iodine. Seasickness. Experts claim that seasickness can be regulated by a system of breathing. One must sit still and time the breathing to the upward and downward motion of the boat. As the boat falls there should be a full expira- tion, and as the boat rises start on an inspiration ending just as the boat begins to drop. Sleep. The " Home Maker " says : " Up to the fifteenth year most young people require ten hours, and till the twentieth year, nine hours. After that age everyone finds out how much he or she requires, though, as a general rule, at least six to eight hours are necessary. Eight hours' sleep will prevent more nervous derangements in women HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 141 than any medicine can cure. During growth there must be ample sleep if the brain is to develop to its full extent, and the more nervous, excitable, or precocious a child is, the longer sleep should it get if its intellectual progress is not to come to a premature standstill, or its life be cut short at an early age." A doctor of prominence says: "There is no doubt in my mind but the belief that human beings should sleep with their bodies lying north and south has its foundation in true scientific facts. Each human system has two mag- netic poles one positive and one negative. Now, it is true that some persons have the positive pole in the head and the negative pole in the feet, and vice versa. In order that the person sleeping should be in perfect harmony with the magnetic phenomena of the earth, the head, if it possesses the positive pole, should lie to the south, or if the feet possess the positive pole the head should lie to the north. The positive pole should always lie opposite to the magnetic center of the continent and thus maintain a magnetic equilibrium. The positive pole of the person draws one way, but the magnetic pole of the earth draws the other way and forces the blood toward the feet, affects the iron in the system, tones up the nerves, and makes sleep refreshing and invigorating. But if the person sleeps the wrong way and fails to become magnetically en rapport with the earth, he will then probably be too magnetic, and he will have a fever resulting from the magnetic forces working too fast, or he will not be magnetic enough, and the great strain will cause a feeling of lassitude, sleep will not be refreshing, and in the morning he will have no more energy than there is in a cake of soap. Some persons may scoff at these ideas, but the greatest scientific men of the world have studied the subject. Only recently the French Academy of Science made experiments upon the body of a guillotined man, which go to prove that each human system is in itself an electric battery, one electrode being represented by the head, the other by the feet. The body was taken imme- diately after death and placed on a pivot, to move as it might. After some vacillation the head portion turned to- 142 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ward the north, the body then remaining stationary. One of the professors turned it half way around, but it soon regained its original position, and the same result was repeatedly obtained, until organic movement finally ceased." SmalJ-pOX and Vaccination. Notwithstanding exist- ing prejudices, statistics prove the great usefulness of vaccina- tion. In small-pox epidemics, of those persons attacked who have not been vaccinated, one case in four is fatal; while of those who have been vaccinated, the death rate is not one in four hundred and fifty. In cities, it is important that every infant should be vaccinated before it is six months old. In the country, the operation may be deferred until the infant is a year old. Care should be Taken to have the virus fresh and from the cow. The taking of virus from a child, or an adult, should never be allowed, as con- stitutional diseases are often transmitted in that way. Vac- cination is performed by making a small incision in the skin and introducing the virus on the point of a lancet or needle. On the third day, if the desired result has been at- tained, a small red spot may be seen. This increases in size, becomes elevated, and, by the sixth day, is filled with a clear, yellow liquid. About the eighth day, the pustule is fully formed, when symptoms of small-pox are usually felt, headache, shivering, loss of appetite, etc. These symptoms subside in a day or two; the fiuid in the pustule dries up, and a scab forms, which remains about two weeks and then disappears, leaving a scar. The affected part should be protected by a loose bandage, and all scratching or rubbing prevented. The theory in regard to vaccination is that the disease in a mild form takes hold of the system, and either completely or partially destroys the liability to contract the same dis- ease in the future. If the destruction is only partial, it can be made total by future vaccinations. All authorities agree that it is necessary to revaccinate frequently -just as often, in fact, as the system shows itself in readiness to take the vaccinations. Then as often as once in five or seven years vaccination should be repeated in order to obtain complete immunity from small-pox. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 143 Superstitions. Numerous are the dangerous supersti- tions about marriage. For instance, the bride must not try on her wedding gown, or ill-luck will follow. She must not look in the glass after she is fully dressed and ready for the ceremony. She must not enter her new home by stepping over the threshold, but must be carried over it by one of her relatives. A piece of the bride's cake must be broken over her head as soon as she is safely on the other side. It is very unlucky for her to be in a happy state on her wedding-day. She must be as dolorous as possible, violent fits of weeping being especially beneficial. It is a good idea for the brides-maids to throw away as many pins as possible on the wedding-day, as this will hasten marriage. The bride should throw away her slipper in leaving the wedding feast, and she who catches it will be the first married. The month of May is generally con- ceded to be the most unfortunate for marriages. The lucky months are January, April, August, October, and Novem- ber. January is especially lucky. Lovers should carefully avoid passing a sharp or pointed instrument from one to the other. Such things tend to cause quarrels. The wedding should be put off by all means if a cat sneezes on the eve of the wedding-day. It should never take place if the cat is black. To sweep dust over a girl's feet or legs will be certain to make an old maid of her. Should the younger sister of a family marry first, the older sisters will be condemned to lasting celibacy unless they dance at her wedding in their stocking-feet. The wedding-ring of the mother is an infallible cure for eruptions on the skin of the child. The ring must be rubbed three times around each sore. Cure is certain. The virtue of the dew that glitters and sparkles in every leaf and flower of a May morning has been recognized from the earliest times. If a young girl wishes to obtain and preserve a glorious complexion she should venture out of a May morning and wash her face in this dew. To spit in the hand before undertaking anything, whether in love, war, or business, will not fail to bring luck. 144 HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. If you are out fishing, do not step over your rod, or you will catch no more fish than did Simple Simon in his mother's pail. Of births, it may be said in general that a crying child will grow up to be a great and useful man. This omen is not very clearly settled, however, and is often given the other way. Some seer far back in the ages discovered the following: Born on Monday, fair in the face; born on Tuesday, full of God's grace; born an Wednesday, sour and sad; born on Thursday, merry and glad; born on Friday, worthily given ; born on Saturday, work for your living; born on Sunday, you will never know want. To recall a person after they have left the house is bad luck. To go back for something forgotten is also bad luck, unless you sit down before going out again. If, when you sit before the fire, a live coal jumps out, it is a sign that you are to have good luck, especially in money matters. To wash in water another has washed in is not only bad sanitarily, but also superstitiously. He who makes many crumbs at the table will never have any money to spare. It is flying in the face of fortune to sweep dust out of the front door or to allow it to be swept out. In so doing you are sweeping out your good luck. To count one's gains brings luck, but to find money is the worst possible luck. The 4-leaved clover once found, should be treasured, as every school-child knows and believes. It brings luck of every description. Eve attempted to carry a 4-leaved shamrock of precious stone from Paradise with her, but it fell and shattered at her feet. Think of the disaster thus entailed upon the human race ! To see the moon over the left shoulder is as unlucky as to hold the four of clubs at cards. But the new moon seen over the right shoulder, or straight in front, portends fort- une as smiling as her own bright rays. One should be careful in writing a letter not to cross out a word in it. To do so means that any request you may have made in the letter will not be granted. It is very unlucky to dry a letter before the fire, instead of allowing 1IKALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 145 it to dry slowly and naturally. But unluckiest of all is to drop the letter on the floor after finishing it. Birth, marriage, and death are the three most important events in every life. Death, being the most dreadful, comes in for the largest share. One of the best ways given us of avoiding it when mortal sickness is upon us is to allow the report to be circulated that you are already dead. The chances are strongly in favor of getting well. Espe- cially is this so if friends begin to arrange for the funeral. A sure sign of early death is for a person to scatter the leaves of a red ro.se upon the ground. It is extremely hazardous to an infant's life to pare its nails before it is a year old. They should be bitten off. Some superstitions of my early life which I still re- member are: 1. Turning a loaf of bread upside down creates family quarrels. 2. Allowing anyone to pass between you and your companion evil and death to follow. 3. Breaking a mirror, death in the family. 4. Having your hair cut on Sunday, forgetfulness. 5. Beginning an undertaking on Friday, ill luck. 6. Sitting at table or in company when just 33 ar > present, a death of one of their number before the year is done. 7. Presenting a sharp instrument or edge-tool to anyone, ill luck to ensue. 8. Putting on any garment inside out, unless you retain it until the sun goes down, bad luck to come. 9. Spilling salt, unless some is thrown into the fire or over the left shoulder, misfortune. During my life I have done everything in the above list that is claimed should not be done, that fell in my way to do, and still live and prosper, although born on Friday, and being one of a family of 13 children. Snake Bites. Tie a string or ligature hard around the injnre-d limb and above the bitten place; suck the wound, so as to extract the poison, but be careful to see that the person who performs the sucking has no open sore in his mouth ; wash with warm water and apply caustics, such as carbolic acid or concentrated liquor of ammonia; give five to ten grains of carbonate of ammonia, in water, every hour, and stimulate the patient with whisky or brandy; rub 10 146 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. the limbs with pieces of flannel dipped in hot whisky or diluted alcohol. Medical attendance should be secured as soon as possible. Tape-WOrm. Recently attention has been called to cocoanuts as a vermifuge. Professor Paresi, of Athens, when he was in Abyssinia, happened to discover that ordi- nary cocoanut possesses vermifuge qualities in a high degree. He took, one day, a quantity of the juice and pulp, and shortly afterward felt some gastric disturbance, which, how- ever, passed oif in a few hours. Subsequently he had diarrhea, and was surprised to find that there had been expelled a complete tape-worm, head and all, quite dead. After returning to Athens he made a number of observa- tions which were most satisfactory, the tape-worm being always passed and quite dead. He orders the milk and pulp of one cocoanut to be taken early in the morning, fasting, no purgative or confinement to the house being required. Teeth- For toothache rub a little essential oil on the face, at the hinge of the jaw, on the side that aches. Tobacco. Probably no subject in our book can in- terest the majority of persons more than this great ques- tion of the use of tobacco. We have a collection of opin- ions from the best authorities : The Medical News published a paper by Dr. Win. L. Dud- ley, Professor of Chemistry in the Vanderbilt University, giving the results of recent careful analytical experiments made by him in his laboratory with the smoke of an ordi- nary cigarette. Mice were used upon which to employ his tests. It is not needful that we should give the professor's description of his modus operandi by means of air-tubes, an aspirator, a glass jar, etc., the results of his experimenta- tion being the chief object of interest in which the reader is concerned. Suffice it to say, then, that in each of his sev- eral chemical tests by the gradual combustion of a single cigarette, the mouse that was the recipient of the resultant smoke died in the course of the operation, being literally poisoned to death by inhaling the carbonic oxide evolved from the "noxious weed." The blood of the dead creature HEALTH. HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 147 being subjected to spectroscopic examination, it was found that the veinous fluid had been so completely altered and vitiated that death was the inevitable effect. The tests were thoroughly scientific and conclusive. The fact was demonstrated, beyond the chance of doubt or question, that carbonic oxide is the chief constituent of cigarette smoke, if not all tobacco smoke, and that its inhalation into the air-passage and lungs must of necessity be exceedingly deleterious, as much so to men and boys as to mice. Cases of poisoning due to meat which seemed thoroughly wholesome have sometimes occurred and have remained unexplained. In the Revue d' Hygiene, M. Bourrier, inspector of meat for the city of Paris, makes a suggestion. He described his experiments with meat impregnated with tobacco smoke. Some thin slices of beef were exposed for a considerable time to the fumes of tobacco, and afterward offered to a dog which had been deprived of food for twelve hours. The dog, after smelling the meat, refused to eat it. Some of the meat was tin n cut into small pieces and con- cealed within bread. This the dog ate with avidity, but in twenty minutes commenced to display the most distressing symptoms, and soon died in great agony. All sorts of meat, both raw and cooked, some grilled, roasted, and boiled, were exposed in tobacco smoke and then given to animals, and in all cases produced symptoms of acute poisoning. Even the process of boiling could not extract from the meat the nicotine poison. Grease and similar substances have facilities of absorption in propor- tion with their fineness and fluidity. Fresh-killed meat is more readily impregnated, and stands in order of suscepti- bility as follows pork, veal, rabbit, poultry, beef, mutton, horse. A simple experiment which will show how injurious is cigarette smoke inhaled may be easily performed by means of a handkerchief. After taking a mouthful of smoke, put the. handkerchief tightly over the lips and blow the smoke through it. You will find a dark brown stain on it. If the smoke is inhaled, and then blown through the handker- chief, there is very little stain, if any ; consequently all that nicotine must remain in the lungs. 148 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. An Ex-Smoker's Advice. A young man who, not long ago, was an inveterate smoker, but who was recently induced to " swear off," came to me and talked in this strain : " I have been doing some figuring lately, and the result astonishes me. When I was smoking my hardest my average was eight cigars a day. Sometimes it would run over eight and sometimes under; but eight was about the all-round figure. I rarely bought my cigars by the box, and as I indulged in straight 10-cent goods, 80 cents a day was what my smok- ing cost me. This, with 40 cents added for cigars that I gave away and lost shaking dice, make a total of about $6.00 a week that I. now save. It is just nine weeks and three days since I swore off, and by Saturday I shall have $60 in the bank, without an effort on my part save that required to control an unnecessary appetite. I must also regard as an asset the superabundance of animal spirits I enjoy as a direct result of my abstinence from a habit that everybody knows is weakening, when indulged in to excess. Smoke yourself, do you ? Well, try my scheme. Swear off and put your cigar money in the bank. You might need it some day, even if you are a newspaper man." The New York Medical Journal contains a convincing article on tobacco: " Tobacco contains an acrid, dark brown oil, an alkaloid, nicotine, and another substance called nicotia- nine, in which exists its odorous and volatile principles. When tobacco is burned a new set of substances is pro- duced, some of which are less harmful than the nicotine, and are more agreeable in effect, and much of the acrid oil a substance quite as irritating and poisonous as nicotine is carried off. These fire-produced substances are called, from their origin, the 'pyridine series.' By great heat the more aromatic and less-harmful members of the series are produced, but the more poisonous compounds are generated by the slow combustion of damp tobacco. This oil which is liberated by combustion is bad both in flavor and in effect, and it is better, even for the immediate pleasure of the smoker, that it should be excluded altogether from his mouth and air passages. "Smoking in a stub of a pipe is particularly injurious, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 149 for the reason that in it the oil is stored in a condensed form, and the smoke is therefore highly charged with the oil. Sucking or chewing the stub of a cigar that one is smoking is a serious mistake, because the nicotine in the unburned tobacco dissolves freely in the saliva, and is ab- sorbed. ' Chewing ' is, on this account, the most injurious form of the tobacco habit, and the use of a cigar holder is an improvement on the custom of holding the cigar between the teeth. Cigarettes are responsible for a great amount of mischief, not because the smoke from the paper has any particularly evil effect, but because smokers and they are often boys or very young men are apt to use them con- tinuously, or at frequent intervals, believing that their power for evil is insignificant Thus the nerves are under the con- stant influence of the drug, and much injury to the system re- sults. Moreover, the cigarette smoker uses a very consider- able amount of tobacco during the course of a day. ' Dip- ping' and 'snuffing' are semi-barbarities which need not be discussed. Not much effect is obtained from the use of the drug in these varieties of the habit. "Nicotine is one of the most powerful of the 'nerve poisons' known. Its virulence is compared to that of prussic acid. If birds be made to inhale its vapor in amounts too small to be measured, they are almost in- instantly killed. It seems to destroy life, not by attacking a few, but of all the functions essential to it, beginning at the center, the heart. A significant indication of this is that there is no substance known which can counteract its effects ; the system either succumbs or survives. Its depress- ing action on the heart is by far the most noticeable and note- worthy symptom of nicotine poisoning. The frequent ex- istence of what is known as 'tobacco heart 1 in men whose health is in no other respect disturbed is due to this fact." "A youth of eighteen at Bayshire, L. L, has become in- sane from the excessive use of cigarettes." Those who can use tobacco without immediate injury will have all the pleasant efforts reversed and will suffer from the symptoms of poisoning if they exceed the limits of tolerance. These symptoms are: 1. The heart's action 150 HEALTH, HAPPINESS A:N 7 D LONGEVITY. becomes more rapid when tobacco is used. 2. Palpitation, pain, or unusual sensations in the heart. 3. There is no ap- petite in the morning, the tongue is coated, delicate flavors are not appreciated, and acid dyspepsia occurs after eating. 4. Soreness of the mouth and throat, or nasal catarrh appears, and becomes very troublesome. 5. The eyesight becomes poor, but improves when the habit is abandoned. 6. A desire, often a craving, for liquor or some other stimu- lant is experienced. " In an experimental observation of thirty-eight boys of all classes of society, and of average health, who had been using tobacco for periods ranging from two months to two years, twenty-seven showed severe injury to the con- stitution and insufficient growth; thirty-two showed the existence of irregularity of the heart's action, disordered stomachs, cough, and a craving for alcohol; thirteen had intermittency of the pulse, and one had consumption. After they had abandoned the use of tobacco, within six months one-half were free from all their former symptoms, and the remainder had recovered by the end of the year." Pasteur Recommends Camphor Smoking. In an inter- view with M. Pasteur, he was asked whether he considered la grippe occasioned by bacteria? The professor smiled sardonically and shrugged his shoulders, but said nothing. On being asked what he considered the best remedy for the malady, he remarked: "Let men and women both quit smoking tobacco and smoke camphor instead, and they will probably escape the pest." Paris Special. The Bulletin of this city has a good article on insanity and the cigarette. Ten or twelve boys have within a short time been committed to the insane asylum at Napa whose insanity has been traced directly to the smoking of cigarettes. The number who by reason of the same indulgence have brought on a degree of imbecility that may ultimately land them in the asylum or in the penitentiary cannot be re- duced to an exact estimate. But having occasion recently to make some inquiry about a number of boys who had figured in the records of the criminal courts, it was found that a majority of them were habitual smokers of cigarettes. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 151 The connection between cigarette smoking, mental im- becility, idiocy, and crime has recently attracted more than usual attention. No boy or young man can smoke a cigarette without being harmed thereby. One of the rea- sons ascribed for the lunacy of several boys was that the cigarettes were made up of the vilest stuff. They contained a narcotic beyond that usually found in pure tobacco. This is supposed to be some of the cheaper forms of opium. But, whatever it may be, it is making imbeciles and idiots of many boys, and criminals of some of them. In a num- ber of instances where boys have been sent to the asylum, it was found that after a short period, the cigarette and all other forms of dissipation having been cut off, the patients rapidly improved, and after a few months' detention they were sent home. The evil does not end here. If a boy becomes an inveterate cigarette smoker, the chances are greatly against any reformation. Some friend may take him in hand and show him the danger in season. The larger number will keep right on. Of this number it is doubtful if ten per cc>nt will ever come to anything. And even these will accomplish far less than if they had never weakened their mental powers by this vile indulgence. The crazy boys who bring up in the asylum are only the few wretched examples of the cigarette mania. Other ex- amples are constantly found in the criminal courts. The moral souse has been utterly lost, or so weakened that there is no clear distinction between right and wrong. Every boy who smokes a cigarette has started to go to the bad. Just where he will bring up whether in the insane asylum, in the criminal courts, or in a condition of such hopeless moral and mental imbecility that friends must support him, or the almshouse must finally give him shelter, is one of the questions that time will settle for him. But if any better record is to be made for him, the boy and the cigar- ette must have a prompt and final separation. The Boston Herald states : " It is said that Turkish tobacco contains prussic acid, and that Havana tobacco has an- other alkalide called oollidino, of which one-twentieth of a drop will kill a frog, with symptoms of paralysis. The 152 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. half-liquid matter that accumulates in the bowl of a pipe will kill a small animal in three-drop doses. A few drops of nicotine inserted under the conjuctiva of an animal will kill at once. Eight drops will kill a horse, with frightful general convulsions. It has been observed that the living systems quickly become tolerant of tobacco poison " an animal that is thrown into convulsions by half a drop one day will require twice as much the next day, and so in four or five days four or five times as much." The following is suggestive: No student who smokes can obtain a scholarship at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. It is a new rule of the faculty. As the purchase of the breweries of the United States has been commenced by the capitalists of the eastern con- tinent, I trust they will extend their purchases to the distill- eries and tobacco warehouses and plantations on this conti- nent, especially of the United States ; its financiers being shrewd will the sooner observe the advancement of intelligent progress in the line of thought, and change their invest- ments from breweries, distilleries, and cigarette and tobacco manufactories, to the sinking of artesian wells and the invention of some improved water-filter. TonsilitiS, Quinsy, Black Tongue, or Ulcerated Sore Throat. PRESCRIPTION. Solution chlorate of potash (1 in 16) 3 ounces Tincture muriate of iron 2 drachms Tannic acid , 10 grains Tincture of capsicum 1 drachm Add glycerine to make 4 ounces Shake well before using. Dilute in equal parts of water, and gargle every half hour in a severe case for the first three hours. After that every two or three hours. The above is invaluable and un- failing in case of quinsy. Vital Statistics. Statisticians are bringing out some curious facts with regard to the birth and death-rates of the leading nations of the world. Unfortunately, our tables HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 153 are not as accurate as those collected in the European States. Abroad there is a careful record of marriages, births, and deaths. These are collected by us without any thoroughness, save only when a census is being taken. In England and Wales it has been found that the birth-rate is 35.4 and the death-rate is 20.5 per 1,000 persons/ In Sweden the birth-rate is 30.2, against a death-rate of 18.1. In the German Empire, birth-rate 39.3 and death-rate 26.1. Austria, 39.1 birth-rate, 29.6 death-rate. The official re- turns state that our annual birth-rate is 36 and death-rate 18, but clearly our birth-rate is much larger, as we are growing in numbers faster than any people on earth. Our increase is fully 10,000,000 since the last census was taken in 1880. Our colored population have a higher birth-rate than have the Southern whites. Among the latter it is 28.71, while for the colored it is 35.08. Although the death-rate of the blacks is quite large, still they are increasing relatively faster than the white. It is also a curious fact that more colored females are born than whites, but taking blacks and whites together the births of the males exceed those of the females. The report of the California State Board of Health for the month of April, 1889, contains the following: Reports from 75 different localities, with an estimated population of 701,950, give a mortality of 835, which is a percentage of 1.18 per 1,000 in the month, or an annual mortality of 14.16, which is the lowest annual percentage at which we have yet arrived, indicating a remarkably good condition of the pub- lic health throughout the State. Voico. A question in connection with the training of the voice is to be discussed, viz., when it should be com- menced. With regard to the question, says a distinguished scientist, "I am strongly of opinion that training can hardly be begun too early. Of course, the kind and amount of practice that are necessary in the adult would be mon- strous in a young child, but there is no reason why, even at the age of six or seven, the right method of voice produc- tion should not be taught. Singing, like every other art, is chiefly learned by imitation, and it seems a pity to lose the 154 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. advantage of those precious early years when that faculty is most highly developed. There is no fear of injuring the larynx or straining the voice by elementary instruction of this kind ; on the contrary, it is habitual faulty vocaliza- tion which is pernicious." There are three essential elements in voice production : First, the air blast, or motive power; second, the vibrating reed, or tone-producing apparatus; third, the sounding- board, or re-inforcing cavities. These, to parody a well-worn physiological metaphor, are the three legs of the tripod of voice. Defect in or mismanagement of any one of them is fatal to the musical efficiency of the vocal instrument. The air supplied by the lungs is moulded into sound by the innumerable little fingers of the muscles which move the vocal cords, and their training largely moulds the tone and volume of voice. Much of the lung and throat troubles existing can be traced to the ignorance of vocal teachers and parental indulgence in allowing the voice to be strained beyond its register. To know a teachet that under- stands the proper treatment of the vocal organs, from one that does not judge them by their pupils; if a pupil has an impaired throat, and there is no improvement after six lessons, change teachers. Every vocal teacher can instruct in the rudiments of music, but only one in fifty knows any- thing about the voice. Warts. A drop of cinnamon oil on each wart daily, continued for a fortnight, will usually remove them. The most successful remedy we have ever tried is to have the wart saturated three times a week for three weeks with the saliva of a person of positive magnetism, not a member of the family. There is a scientific reason for it not here ex- plained, but try it. Water. If a small quantity of oxalic acid added to water produces a white precipitate, lime is contained in the water. Tincture of galls added to the water which con- tains iron will yield a black precipitate. Water which causes a bright piece of steel to turn yellow, when dipped into it, contains copper. Sulphuric acid, dropped into water and turning it black, shows that the water contains HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ^^ 1 155 vegetable and animal matter. For detecting sewage con- tamination, fill a clean pint bottle three-fourths full of the water to be tested; add a teaspoonful of granulated sugar; cork the bottle, and set it in a warm place for two days; if the contents of the bottle become cloudy or muddy, the water is unfit for domestic use. Half an ounce of the neu- tral solution of bisulphate of alumina added to 200 gallons of water will precipitate the organic matter therein con- tained; the water may be then used freely for drinking purposes. To remove the odor from cistern water, suspend in the water a bag containing a peck of charcoal. According to Dr. Lcuf, when water is taken into the full or partly full stomach, it does not mingle with the food, as we are taught, but passes along quickly between the food and lesser curvative toward the pylorus, through which it passes into the intestines. The secretion of mucus by the lining membrane is constant, and during the night a considerable amount accumulates in the stomach ^ some of its liquid portion is absorbed, and that which remains is thick and tenacious. If food is taken into the stomach when in this condition it becomes coated with this mucus, and the secretion of the gastric juice and its action are delayed. These facts show the value of a goblet of water before break- fast. This washes out the tenacious mucus and stimulates the gastric glands to secretion. In old and feeble persons water should not be taken cold, but it may be with great advantage taken warm or hot. This removal of the accu- mulated mucus from the stomach is probably one of the reasons why taking soup at the beginning of a meal has been found so beneficial. There is no remedy of such general application, and none so easily obtainable, as water, and yet nine persons in ten will pass it by in emergency to seek for something of less efficacy. There are but few cases of illness where water should not occupy the highest place as a remedial agent. A strip of flannel or a napkin wrung out of hot water and applied round the nock of a child that has croup will usually bring relief in ten minutes. A towel folded several times and quickly wrung out of hot water and applied over the 156 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. seat of the pain in toothache or neuralgia will generally afford prompt relief. This treatment in colic works like magic. A physician writes: "We have known cases that have resisted other treatments for hours yield to this in ten minutes. There is nothing that will so promptly cut short congestion of the lungs, sore throat, or rheumatism as hot water when applied promptly and thoroughly. Pieces of cotton batting dipped in hot water and kept applied to sores and new cuts, bruises, and sprains, is the treatment adopted in many hospitals. Sprained ankle has been cured in an hour by showering it with water poured from a few feet. Tepid water acts promptly as an emetic, and hot water taken freely half an hour before bed-time is the best cathartic in the case of constipation, while it has a most soothing effect on the stomach and bowels. This treatment continued for a few months, with proper attention to diet, will alleviate any case of dyspepsia. Water Pollution Remedy. According to Dr. S. S. Kilvington, the Mississippi River received during the past year 152,675 tons of garbage and offal, 108,550 tons of night-soil, and 3,765 dead animals from only eight cities; the Ohio 46,700 tons of garbage, 21,157 tons of night-soil, and 5,100 dead animals from five cities; and the Missouri 36,000 tons of garbage, 22,400 tons of night-soil, and 31,- 600 dead animals from four cities. Doctor Kilvington urges the cremation of most of the refuse, and 23 out of 35 health officials consulted by him favored the plan. WllOOping-Coil;h Mr. W. A. Stedman, superin- tendent of the Rochester Gas Works, gives his opinion: "The fumes of the substance used to purify gas are gen- erally recognized as a specific for this disease. " The composition used for purifying gas is composed of wood shavings, iron filings, lime, and sometimes copperas. This substance cleanses the gas of the ammonia and sulphur it contains. If a child with the whooping-cough is allowed to breathe the fumes of the purifier after it becomes foul, imme- diate relief will be experienced. The fumes of the lime after it has been taken out are particularly beneficial. The lime, after it is taken out, begins to heat and throws off fumes strongly impregnated with ammonia. After breathing these HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 157 fumes for a short time the cough seems to loosen, and two of the.M' vi.-its will generally cure the most obstinate c:. "In Newport one winter, when I was superintendent of the gaa works there,there was an epidemic of whooping-cough, and I treated over 1>(H) cases, with the happiest results. I had so many patients that 1 was forced to put benches in the purifying-room. Once in awhile there are people af- fected with whooping-cough to whom this gas treatment gives no relief, but they are the exception rather than the rule. In nearly every instance it gives immediate relief and eflects a positive cure. I know of many physicians who send all their whooping-cough patients straightway to the gas works. I know that it is a sure cure from persona l.experience, and we would be happy to extend the courtesies of our purify- ing-room to any person who is suffering from the disc Yellow Fever- The yellow fever is one of the varied forms of the typhus, the name being derived from the hue of the victim, while the Spanish call it vomlto negro the black vomit from one of its symptoms. Itsbomeis tropical Africa and tropical America, but it is never found in India and China, hot as the climate may be. The cause of this (liiK'i-ence, however, has never been explained. Its greatest prevalence is on the sea-coast or banks of navigable rivers. Its ordinary duration of attack is from 36 to 48 hours. The yellow tinge first appears in the eye and then spreads over the face, gradually reaching the extremities and often niiig dark brown. The rate of mortality varies in a striking degree, for in some places one-third of the cases prove fatal, while in others the mortality reaches two-thirds, and then at other times it has not exceeded three per cent. Treatment varies more in this disease than in any other, which is a proof that thus far it has baffled the best practi- tioners. Like all other forms of pestilence, it not only walketh in darkness but de-troveth at noonday. The disease itself is not as dangerous as typhoid fever when properly handled. It is a continuous fever, lasting 72 hours. The premonitory svmptoms are a pain in the back of the head and in the loins, followed by a slight chill. The pulse and temperature then rise rapidly, the former attaining usually about 110 beats to the minute, and the latter 104 158 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. degrees in a few hours. On the second day the pulse be- gins to drop and continues to do so slowly until the normal is reached, while the temperature remains steady, and this peculiarity is the one pathognomonic symptom of the disease, as ascertained by experts who have studied many epidemics. Toward the third day the temperature is often up to 105. This is a grave symptom, and unless it can speedily be re- duced, " black vomit" or gastric hemorrhage appears, or the kidneys refuse to act on account of acute inflammation and destruction of tissue. The famous black vomit is not fatal in more than 50 per cent of cases well treated, but when albumen appears in the urine death almost inevitably fol- lows. Nursing is everything. The treatment of the disease is wholly expectant. A hot mustard foot-bath and a large dose of castor-oil are preliminaries. After this nothing is given but orange-leaf tea, to promote perspiration, and sometimes a little extract of jaboraudi. Champagne in small quantities is found to be the best preventive of black vomit, and dry cupping and blisters are resorted to in case of a tendency to kidney trouble. The nurse does more than the doctor in yellow fever to effect a cure, and in New Orleans nearly all the black "mammies" are experts in handling the disease, which undoubtedly accounts for the very low mortality in that city's epidemics. To watch the patient, be quick to start afire if a north wind comes to chill the air, to keep the clothing adjusted, see that no talking is allowed, and be familiar with the symptoms forerunning black vomit or kidney trouble, and know how to treat them promptly these are necessaries in nursing yellow fever, and in these the darkey women of New Orleans are more familiar than are the doctors in other towns. On the third day after the attack, when the fever heat subsides, the patient is left in a weak and horribly nervous condition, and for many hours is subject to immediate re- lapse upon the slightest provocation. Then it is that the tolling of a bell, the sudden shock of a cannon fired by silly authorities, the slightest indigestion or exposure to cold or excitement, will do murder. The stomach is left raw, and for many days only milk, gruel, and crackers are given, doled out in miserly quantity. HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. 159 % SUPPLEMENTAL. The following important items do not appear under their regular alphabetical heading, but are none the less effica- f o cious. Blindness. A Simple Remedy That Often Mill Prevent This Dreadful Misfortune. It is distressing to learn that out of the 7,000 persons blind from their birth in this country, \vhoo\ve their loss of sight to inflammation of the eyes, at least two-thirds might now have been in the enjoyment of their sight but for the ignorance or neglect of their earliest guardians. It seems that the remedies for the infantile inflammation which causes blindness are both many and sim- ple. Thus, says the London Figaro, it cannot be too widely made known that the eyes of the newly-born child, if inflamed, should bo washed with pure warm water, and that then a single drop of a 2 per cent solution of nitrate of silver should be instilled into each with a drop-tube. In Germany mid wives a re enjoined to adopt the above remedial treatment, under oath, and since this has IHVII done the decrease in the number of blind children has been most appreciable. Increase of ]Mim1nrM. Dr. Lucien Howe says blindness has increased in the State of New York during the past five years thirteen times as fast as the population; and the State Charities Commissioners state that the excess in the increase of the insane in the State over the increase in the population for the last nine years has been forty -four per cent. These figures are most startling, especially when it is considered that the modes of treating the eyes and brain arc supposed to have been so much improved of late years. Ex. HicCOUgll. A Mechanical Cure. Procure a glass of water and" pour a little of it down the patient's throat. While lui is drinking the water he should press a finger on the orifice of each ear. By this method you open the glottis, and in five seconds the thing is done. Should you by any chance meet with an obstinate case, you may rest assured that the throat and ears were not closed at one and the same time; either the water was swallowed before the 160 HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND LONGEVITY. ears were thoroughly stopped, or the \vater was not suffi- cient to fill the throat. Another precaution is to keep the chin well up. This cure was obtained by the writer from an old Indian medical officer who had experimented for some years to discover a method of relieving the terrible stage of hiccoughing in yellow fever, and this cure was the outcome. Pharmaceutical Journal. Hydrophobia. Dr. Bokai, a professor at the Klausen- burg University, Hungary, claims to have discovered an absolutely certain remedy for hydrophobia and for destroy- ing the virus at the seat of the bite. The remedy consists of a solution of chlorine, bromine, sulphuric acid, and per- manganate of potash, with oil of eucalyptus. The above was received in the United States as a press dispatch, from Vienna, February 3, 1890. Intemperance. " We believe," says the Canada Health Journal, " that there is no better direct remedy for intemper- ance than strict vegetarianism. Sir Charles Napier tried a vegetable diet as a cure for intemperance in twenty-seven cases, and the cure was effected in every case, the time vary- ing from thirty-six days to twelve months." La Grippe. How to Prevent It. A Boston physician has a novel preventive of the influenza, which has been named la grippe. He orders a small quantity of the flour of sulphur to be put in an envelope and worn in the bottom of shoes. "Only this and nothing more." Patients who complied with the conditions laid down, escaped the in- fluenza. This particular physician evidently has some knowledge of human nature. If he had told his patients, in a general way, to keep their feet warm, they would have paid no attention to his directions. But there was an odor of a drug store in the sulphur prescription, and they fol- lowed it. Perhaps that was the easiest way to keep the feet warm. Teeth. Extraction Painless. By spraying the region of the external ear with ether, Drs. Henoque and Fridel, of Paris, render the dental nerves insensible, and extract teeth without pain or general anaesthesia. INDEX. PAGE. Accidents, Percentage of, Preventable 30-32 Prevention of 85-87 Advice of an Ex-smoker 148 Aids m .Morality, Philadelphia Ledger 58 Alcohol, Treatise by Dr. Felix Oswald on 87, 88 Alcoholic IIal.it 87-92 Alcoholism, Remedy for 92 Reviewed by Dr. Spitka 88, 89 Animal and Human Lives Compared 45 Antipyrine, Female Intoxicant 91 Paralysis Caused by 139 Appetite, How to Improve an 92 Artery, Ruptured, Treatment of a 96 Asphyxiation, Remedy for 93 Attorney, the Most Conscientious 60, 61 Babiee, Mortality out of 1,000 45, 46 r.athin-, IV. Steele's Ideas of 21,93-96 Beer-drinking Excessive 90 Beggar Centenarians 13 Bethesda Water, Benefits of 9S, 108, 109, 113 Bites of Snakes, Remedy for 145 I'.lack Tongue, Prescription for 152 Bleeding, Treatment and Cure for 96 Blindness, a simple Remedy for 159 Increase of, in State of N. Y 159 Boston Globe Reporter, Experience of a 6 Brain-Workers, Time to Rest for 82 I'.rain Worry, Panacea for 97 BreakiaM, Menu for 24 Breathing Healthful Mode of 97, 98 Breweries, English Purchasers of. 152 r.t i-ht's Disease, Remedy for 98 Brown Sc ( ,uard's Vital Elixir 48, 114 Bruises, Specific for ' Bunions and Corns, Preventive for 108 Hums, Remedies for 99 Butchers' Trade, Effect of 60 CanriT Not Cured by Surgery ' Catholics and Liijuor Kvil 37 Cemeteries of London, Pollution of the 33, 34 Ghevreul, A].. Health at 100 Years 68 Chewing-gum. Injurious Kll'ect of 99, 100 11 162 INDEX. Chills and Fever, W. S. Green on 130-133 Cholera, Remedies for 100 Church and Society Duties 37 Cigar Dissipation 15 Cigarette-smoking, Insanity Results from 150 Cleanliness, Hints on ". 100, 101 of Teeth, Tongue, and Throat 20 Clothing, Importunities about 111-113 Hygienic Advance in 49 Cold and Tired Feet, How to Prevent 101 Colds, Cure for 101-103 Commandments, the Ten Health 28 Constipation, Remedies for 19, 20, 103 Consumption, Causes and Palliatives 47 Dr. Chapin's Treatise on 103 Treatment of 103-108 Consumptives' Pride Unhealthml 19 Convulsions (Fits), Treatment of 108 Corns and Bunions, Preventive and Cure of. 108 Cough Remedy 102 " Whooping, Cure for 15Q Crematories Will Stop Contagion 33-35 Crime, Prevention of, Dr. Crosby 58-60 Croup, Instantaneous Relief of 109 Dartmouth College, No Student Smoker at 152 Deafness, Prevention and Cure of 113, 114 Death, How Produced 44, 45 " no Physiological Reason for 76-78 Death-rate, of Poor and Rich 49, 50 of Principal Cities 49 Deity, Belief in, a Necessity 54, 55 Del Monte Hotel, Model for Cleanliness. 41 Diabetes, Treatment and Remedies for 109 Digestion, Time Required for 122 Dinner Menu 25, 26 Diohtheria, Dr. Deriker's Prescription Ill " Dr. Roulin's Ill Dr. Scott's " 110 Notes on, and Treatment of 109-111 Diseases and Their Remedies 79-160 " Individual Experience with 14, ! Disparity between Actions and Teachings Dissipators Long-lived, Why? 12 Dives and Variety Theaters, Grand Jury's Report 35 Doctors and Dentists a Necessity 6, 7 Drinks for the Voice , 1 Dropsy, Treatment for 1 Dyspepsia, Treatment and Remedy for 113 Ears, Care of the 113 Eat, How You Should 22, 27 INDEX. 163 Eat, What You Should... 22 " Not 22 Editor's Opinion of Evil 36 , How Best to Preserve 123 Electric Light, Incandescent, Best 40 Elixir, Brown Sequard's 48, 114 Employment N<'j 11,-nlth on Food 119 Hammond, Dr., Death Not Imperative 76-78 Happiness 51-65 " Formula for 55 164 INDEX. Happiness, Not Found in Ignorance 53 Headache, Causes and Remedies for 124 Health 5-50 " Beverages 124 Chief Desideratum 5-50 Commandments, Ten 28 Contagious as Disease 10 Happiness and Longevity 5-78 How to Keep in 10, 14-18 Laughter a Promoter of 46 Maxims 41-43 Officers' Attention 32, 33 Requirements of 41-43 Healthful Houses, by Dr. Gushing 40 Hemorrhoids, Remedy for 135 Hermit Centenarians 13 Hernia or Rupture, Cure for 125 Hiccough, Remedies for ]25, 159 High License, Liquor Remedy 36 Hotel Del Monte, Model for Cleanliness 41 House Decorations, Sanitary News 40 " Sanitary, Model for 38-41 Human and Animal Lives Compared 45 " Life Prolonged, Professor Hammond 73 Hydrophobia, Drs. Mottand Baldwin on 126 Remediesfor 125, 126, 160 Hygiene, Systematic, Dr. J. H. Brown 70-72 Hygienic Clothing.. 49 Ignorance Is Not Happiness 53, 54 Incandescent Light the Best 40 Individual Duties 30 Influenza (La Grippe), Remedy for 126 Insanity and the Cigarette, Bulletin 150 Insomnia, Relief for 126 Insurance, Persons Not Eligible 31 Intemperance, Cures for 92, 160 Deaths Caused by 90 Intemperate Men, Age of ". 13 Invalids Should Not Eat, What? 27 Irrigation and Malaria, by W. S. Green 130-133 Kidney Surgical Operation, Successful 47 La Grippe (Influenza), Remedy for 126 Pasteur's Cure for 150 " Prevention of 160 Lane, Prof. L. C., on Quackery 6 Laughter, a Health Promoter 46 Lawyer, the Most Conscientious 60, 61 Lawyer's Profession, Influence Exerted by 60 Lepers of Hawaii, Number of. ". 127 " Pork Eaters Are... 27 INDEX. 165 Leprosy, Statistics Regarding 12G-128 Life Being Prolonged, Reason for 9 Life-table of 1,000 Souls 45, 46 " Vitiated by Anxiety for 84 Light, Electric, Incandescent, Best 40 Liquor Remedy, Hi^h License 36 Liquors Consumed in U. S., Value of 88 Lockjaw, Successful Treatment of 129 London Cemeteries, Condition of. 33-35 Longevity 6(5-78 by Dr. Maurice 73-76 " Curiosities of, Dr. Oswald 69, 73 Possible Without Virtues 9, 12 " Statistics Regarding 66 Longman's Magazine on Vegetable Diet 121 Love, Those Deserving 53 Luncheon, Menu .25, 26 Macdonald, Geo., Neighbor of. 52 Murkily, Chas., on Love's Subjects 53 Malaria and Irrigation, by W. S. Green 130-133 " Chills and Fever, Cures for 133 " New Theory by W. S. Green on 130-133 Maladies and Ills Cured 79-160 Man, Oldest 69 Marriage, Facts Regarding 62, 129, 130 Physical Degeneration, M.Huth on 130 Married Life, Is It a Failure? 62, 63 Maxims for Health 41-43 .Measles Contrasted with Small-pox 115 Meats, How Best Prepared 25 " Kind and Quality'of. 25 Men, Oldest 69 Microbes and Bacilli in Water 21 Milk, Purity, How Ascertained -122 Minister, Teacher, and Physician 7 Minister's Opinion of Evil 36 Misconceivements 43, 44 Miser Centenarians 13 Mistakes of Life 53 Morality, Aids to 58 Municipalities, Duties, of. Naphtha, a Female Intoxicant 91, 92 Xdly Ely's Experience with Doctors 6 Nervousness and Worry 134 Nicotine in Tobacco, Deadly Poison 148, 149 bleed, Remedy for 96 Obesity and Thinness. Treatment for 134 Oldest Man LivinginU. s. in 1890 66 Pntti's Formula f.r Health 16 Physician, Minister, and Teacher 7 166 INDEX. Piles, Remedy for 135 Poem, " Deserving Love," by Chas. Mackay 53 " Heart's Test, by Ella W. Wilcox 51 " Milton's " Adam to Angel" 3 " "The Two Workers" 56 " " Where Do You Live ? " by Josephine Pollard .56-58 Poisons and Antidotes 135-139 Mineral 136-139 " Taken with Impunity 13 " Vegetable 135 Politeness, Health Interfering 18 Pork, Disease Producing 26 " Unfit for Food 26 Practical Knowledge, Health Begetting 14 Prevention of Accidents 85-87 Prohibitionist's Reason for Longevity. 11 Public Fountains a Necessitv 35 " Urinals " " " . 37 Quaker's Life Prolonged, Why? 11 " or Friends, Average Life of. 11 Quinsy, etc., Prescription for 152 Regularity, First Consideration Is 8 Religionist's Reaspnfor Long Life 11 Religious Perceptions 55 Remedies for Alcoholism 92 " Diseases 79-160 Supplemental List 159, 160 Rest, One Day in Seven Necessary 38 Rheumatism, Prevention and Cure of 139, 140 Rupture or Hernia, Cure for 125 Sanitation and Sanity , 80 Sanitary House Building 38-41 Scientific Education, Practical Knowledge 14 Scientist's Reasons for Longevity 11 Sea-bathing, Effects of 95 Seasickness, How to Prevent , 140 Selfishness Excusable in Tax-payer '....31, 32 Sleep, Hours Required 20, 140-142 " Position of Body During 141 Small-pox and Vaccination 142 " Contrasted with Measles 115 Smoking, Evil Effects of. 148-152 Pasteur's Substitute, Camphor 150 Snake-bites, Remedy for 145 Social Evil, Grand Jury's Report of 36, 37 Society and Church Duties 37 Sound Health, Secret of. 83 Spectacles, When to Use 118 Stimulants, Most Healthful 24 Strychnine Taken with Impunity 13 INDEX. 167 Substances, Foreign, Removal of 139 Sulsonal, a ,\e\v Opiate 48 Sunday, or One Day, for Rest 38 Superstitions of the World.... 143-145 Supplemental List of Remedies 159, 100 Tanks for Water, Death-traps 32 Tape- worms. Cure for 146 Yax-payer. Sellislmess Excusable in the 31, 32 Teacher, Minister, and Physician 7 Teeth, Painle-s Extraction of. 160 " Treatment of the 17, 20 Ten Health Commandments 28 Temperament, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 51, 52 Temperance Xot Necessary to Longevity 12 Temperature for Food and Drinks 12 Thinness and Obesity, Treatment for 134 Tobacco Habit, Dr. Dudley on 146 " " Experiments Regarding 150 " Authorities on 140- loU Tonsilitis, etc., Prescription for 152 Toothache, Remedy for 146 Typhoid Fever, Substances Affected by 47 Ulcerated s. re Throat, Reraedyfor 152 ruder-garments, Important Function of. 111-113 I'rinals, Public, a Necessity 37 Vaccination and Small-pox 142 Vegetable Diet, Why Preferred 121, 122 Vegetarian Restaurants in London 122 Virtues, U.nik of the 8 Vital Statistics 10, 152, 153 Principal Cities 49 Voice, Drinks for the 124 " Kssential Elements in the 154 " Treatment of the 153, 154 Warts, Remedies for 154 Water, Detection of Impurities in 154-156 " Kilt rat i<.n of 154-156 " Pollution Remedy 156 When to Drink 155 Water-tanks. Uncleanly 32 Weariness, Different Phases of 44 Treatment for 44 What AVe Inherit 63-05 " Where Do You Live?]' by Josephine Pollard 56 Whooping-coagh, Positive Cure for , 156, 157 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, on Temperament 51, 52 Wi-'dom, lYiTeijui ,-ites for 51 " Workers, the Two" 56 Worry ana Nrrvousne-s 134 Yell' . Statistics, and Treatment of 157, 158 * SlflTISTIGIflJi flflD ECOHOffllST, > BY L. p. MCCARTY. Published between March and June of each year. Prir#>, in Cloth - - $4.OO " Lcath,-,- - - -" - $5.00 1 HE above work has been published annually since 1876 (fourteen volumes). The set makes a most com- plete encyclopaedia of the events and discoveries in art, science and literature the world over during those and previous years. The work has become a recog- nized authority on all statistical matters throughout the world. Complete Sets of the above Work may be had of the undersigned on reasonable terms. Send for circular giving full particulars. Address, SAMUEL CARSON & CO., BOOKSELLERS, 208 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A HOME INDUSTRY. THE PIONEER AND ONLY PRINTING INK MANUFACTORY ON THE PACIFIC COAST. E. J. SHATTUC^ & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHIC INKS, PRINTERS' ROLLERS AND COMPOSITION, 520 Commercial St., and 525 Clay St., paper used in this "book was fur- nished "by ******** The Graham Paper Company, of St. Louis. San Francisco Office, 527 Com- mercial Street. W. G. RICHARDSON, Pacific Coast Manager. " COPPERINE," the New Type Metal. Tho Only Perfect Amalgam of Tin, Coppsr, Antimony and Lead. iZ\Z IS call the special attention of printers to our new Type Metal, COPPERINE) -which is the result of years of experiments. All of our type isnow made of this new amalgam, and it is warranted to have better lasting- qualities than any other type made in the United States, and with pub- lishers who use perfecting presses and stereotype their forms, COPPER- INK type will soon be the favorite, as it will stand the stereotj^pe process better than any type now in use. PALMER & REY, PORTLAND, OR. SAN FEANCISCO, CAL. GALVESTON, TEX. PURE WATER! PURE WATER! THE BEST WATER FILTER IN THE WORLD IS THE "GATE CITY." The filtering medium is a natural stone, mined from the earth. It is unlike any other stone. IMPURITIES NEVER PENETRATE IT! It does not absorb and become foul. NO METAL IN THESE FILTERS TO POISON THE WATER. " I have4n use one of these filters. It gives per- fect satisfaction ; it is the best I have seen." L. P. MCCARTY, San Francisco, Cal. Send for catalogue. Address, WEBSTER & COMPANY, 17 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. MANUF'S AND DEALERS IN USEFUL INVENTIONS. Pure, Refreshing and Health-Giving Water, CO DELICATELY PRO- *^ portioned in mineral qualities by nature as to make it agreeable and wholesome in health, and in cases of DIABETES and BRIGHT'S DISEASE, or any disease affecting the kidneys, more benefit will be derived from it in 24 hours than from any med- icine known to science in three months. LCAHEN&SON, General Agts. Pacific Coaat, 418 Sacramento St., SAN FRANCISCO. Electric Belt and Truss Company, Pacific Electric Pad Truss IN POSITION RUPTURE POSITIVELY CURED. A NEW INVENTION. Rupture in all forms successfully retained and cured. No interference with business. No surgical operation. No discomfort. Absolutely safe. Consultations free. Satisfaction guaranteed. "I was cured of Hernia of 25 years' standing by the above-named truss." L. P. MCCARTY. 's Electric Catawh Cafe. One bottle positively cures the worst case ; prompt, agreeable, conven- ient, effective. Price, one dollar per bottle ; sent by mail on re- ceipt of price, and if not satisfactory the money refunded. Duplex Galvanic Belt THE BEST IN THE WORLD. For Lady or Gentleman THE DUPLEX GALVANIC BELTS, For the cure of General Debility, Nervous Prostra- tion, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Constipation, and those troubles peculiar to ladies. Call and read letters from all parts of the country, attesting their wonder- ful curative powers. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE Dr, Sheerwood's Electric Abdominal Supporters, for Ladies, These garments are a boon to expectant mothers, during the period of gestation, and for the speedy cure of all ovarian and womb troubles, the perfect correcting of all cases of de- ranged menstruation, etc., etc. Send for descriptive catalogue, with hundreds of testimonials, free on application. Address, PACIFIC ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS CO., 408 STOCKTON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAIt. FOR FIFTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD, AND CONSTANTLY IMPROVING. The Embodiment of all Most Valuable Type-writer Improvements of Recent Years, and Excels all Machines in Speed, Durability, and Ease of Manipulation. G.G.WICKSON&CO. > 3andsFrontSt,S.F. > Cal. Annual Statistician and Economist, REVIEWED BY THE " ARGONAUT," of S, F,, April 21, 1890, "MCCARTY'S 'ANNUAL STATISTICIAN.' The fourteenth edition of 'The An- nual Statistician and Economist," prepared by L. P. McCarty, has just been issued, bringing the record up to the fifth day of April, 1890. This work deservedly ranks among the foremost statistical publications of the world, and is the most useful and valuable to Californians, inasmuch as it treats most fully of local topics as do Macmillan's ' Year Book ' of English affairs, the 'American Almanac of United States and New York affairs, etc. It is by no means a local publication, however; it summarizes the history of mankind in war, politics, religion, education, science, and material progress in wonderfully brief space, and it is so systematically arranged that, by table of contents or index, one may find almost any desired information on the widest possible range of knowledge at a moment's notice. It isarr nged in four divisions: The United States, the political and military history of the Union, the Personnel of _ the government, the distribution of population, and statistics of pro- duction, of illiteracy, of immigration, of export and import, etc.; The World, in which the other political divisions of the globe are similarly analyzed, though not so minutely; The Practical, giving tables of mensuration, rapid methods of calcula- tion, value of coins, and other facts about material things; and, The Miscellany, in which are crowded what information could not well be included in the other chapters. As the 'Annual Statistician' is issued between March and June each year, it can summarize the reports of officials and other important sources of information which are not available for similar publications which appear soon after the end of the year, and to indicate the compiler's assiduity in his task, it may be mentioned that a leaf has been inserted in the present volume supplementing the record of events with a list of ' principal occurrences while binding," including February and March. Published by L. P. McCarty, San Francisco; for sale by the book sellers; price, per cloth, $4.00; black leather, $5 oo." WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers and Dealers in Hardwood Lumber, Carriage and Wagon Material, Wheels, Bodies, Gears, Axles, Springs, Tire Steel, and Carriage and Wagon TOPS. Pacific Coast agents for Crown Shaft Anti-Rattlers and "Always There" Lubricant. 16 to 22 Beale Street, San Francisco, Cal. Gold, Silver and Nickel Plating. Every Description of Metal Goods, Plated Tableware, and all kinds of House Goods REPAIRED AND PLATED EQUAL TO NEW. Silver Plated Amalgam Plates, for Saving Gold in Quartz and Placer Mining. 653 AND 655 MISSION STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. "Saws of every description on hand and made to orck-r. 17 & 19 Fremont Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Duncan, and Garcin & Son's Timber Jacks ; H. Royer's Lace Leather; Planing Knives ; Curriers' Knives. JLgents for C. B. !Fa/u.l's lilies. B Importer and Manufacturer of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Etc. NUCLEUS BUILDING, COR. MARKET 8c THIRD STS., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type-writing, Telegraphy, PENM.LXSUIP, ENGLISH BRANCHES, ETC. Individual Instruction. Vacations. LADIES ADMITTED TO ALL DEPARTMENTS, Life Scholarship, Full Business Course, - $75. Send for Circular. T. A. ROBINSON, M. A., President. -j fl SPLENDID STOCK Of Common Sense Shoes kept constantly on hand, supe- rior goods only, at bed- rock prices, at , 738 & 740 MARKET ST., S,F. BRANCH : ' Broadway, Oakland. Geo. A. Moore, President. ITITTT1 TNT /^TTIT/Y J. N T . Patton, Secretary. fteo. W. Beaver, Vice-Pres. T |J L 1 D A I* I C I P S ' M - Marks ' Asst ' S =" Thos. Bennet, Supt. p. (Mill II H " F> Band > Asst - Su P t - Mutnal Life Insurance Company of California, 418 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ORGANIZED 1868. Assets, $2,250,000. Paid on Policy-Holders' Acct., $4,300,000. Policy Contracts unsurpassed, Claims paid on presentation of satis- factory proofs, For Policy Holders the best legal organization, W. W. Montague & Co. , IBK-OISTZE, STEEL, A.HD IRON" FIRE PLACE TRIMMINGS. Warm Air, Hot Witter, and bteam For Wanning Cr.urches, Halls, School-Houses, Dwellings and Public Euildings. Steel Ranges 309-317 MARKET STREET, - SAN FRANCISCO. PIANOS.-, SHERMAN, CLAY & CO, ', GUITARS. W,her, Estcy, Emer,ou. SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS^^ AND JOBBERS. ./Fairbanks & colo Banjos. At Cash Prices. Bohman Mandolines. Instruments, Estey, Story & Clark, / Strings, Accord MANUFACTUEESS OP / CORNER \MUSICALMEECHA1TDISE. CHURCH ^Kearny and Sutter sts-^v 8116 '*^ 810 ' Music PIPK ORGANS. / SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Books ' EtC " KtC> INSURE IN The Leading Company ireman's Fund Ins, 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. DAVIS INTERL1BRARY LOAN UU.9 1971 LD21A-50m-2,'71 (P2001slO)476 A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley