N433c6 KYV OF-CAIIF(% '111 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY .OF-CALIFO%, vlOS ANGELA ll^v . \\\EI'NIVER% vvlOS ANGELfc ^LIBRARY-Q, , CHARTER, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS, The Association of the Bar of i' \ the City of New York, LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. BROWN & HEWITT, PRINTERS, 9 SPRUCE STREET. 4876. CHARTER AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ASSOCIATION OP THE BAR OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Passed April 28th, 1871. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : SECTION 1. The members of the Bar Association of the City of New York, of which William M. Evarts is President, James W. Gerard, Samuel J. Tilden, Joseph S. Bosworth, John Slosson, and Edward S. Van Winkle are Vice-Presidents, and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them, are hereby created a body corporate, under the name of " THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK," for the purpose of maintaining the honor and dignity of the Profession of the Law, of cultivating social relations among its members, and in- creasing its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice. SEC. 2. Said corporation shall have power to acquire, by lease or purchase, a suitable building, library, and furniture for the use of the corporation ; to borrow money for such purposes and issue bonds therefor, and to secure the same by mortgage ; and generally to acquire and take by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, subject to the provisions of law relating to devises and bequests by last will and testament, or otherwise, and to hold, transfer and convey all or any such real and personal property as may be necessary for attaining the objects and carrying into effect the purposes of such corporation ; provided, it shall not hold any real estate the value of which shall exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 3. Such corporation shall have power to make and adopt a Constitution, By-Laws, Eules and Eegulations for the admis- sion, government, suspension and expulsion of its members, the collection of fees and dues, the number and election of its officers, and to define their duties, and for the safe keeping of its property and management of its affairs, and from time to time to alter, modify, and change such Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations. SEC. 4. All interest of any member of said corporation in its property shall terminate and vest in the corporation, upon his ceasing to be a member thereof by death, resignation, expul- sion, or otherwise. SEC. 5. The several officers of said Association, at the time of the passage of this Act, shall continue to hold their respective offices as officers of this corporation, with the powers and duties prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws of said Association, until their successors shall be elected and installed ; and in case of any previous vacancy among such officers, it shall be filled in the manner prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws already adopted by said Association, or as the same may, in conformity therewith, be altered or amended by this corpora- tion ; and the present Constitution and By-Laws of said Asso- ciation shall be the Constitution and By-Laws of said cor- poration, until so altered or amended by said corporation ; and all property, rights, and interests of said Association now held by any or either of the officers thereof, or any person or persons, for its use and benefit, shall, by virtue of this Act, vest in and become the property of the corporation hereby created, subject to the payment of the debts of said Association. SEC. 6. Such corporation . shall possess the powers, and be subject to the liabilities, prescribed by the Third Title of the Eighteenth Chapter of the First Part of the Revised Statutes. SEC. 7. The Legislature may at any time alter, modify, or repeal this Act. SEC. 8. This Act shall take effect immediately. CONSTITUTION, (ADOPTED FEBBUARY 15, 1870,) (REVISED AND AMENDED MARCH 14, 1876.) ARTICLE I. JSTAME. THIS Association shall be called " THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR OP THE CITY OF NEW YORK." ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. The Association is established to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, to increase its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice, and to culti- vate social intercourse among its members. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. The members of the Bar who signed the preliminary articles are hereby declared (Feb. 15, 1870,) to be members of this Asso- ciation ; but such of them as shall omit to subscribe to this Constitution, and pay the admission fee, on or before the 15th day of March, 1870, shall cease to be members and can only be- come such by subsequent admission. Any member of the profession in good standing, residing or practising in the City of New York, may become a member, by vote of the Association, on recommendation of the Committee on Admissions as hereinafter provided, and on subscribing to this Constitution and paying the admission fee and the dues of the current half year. Members of the profession of the State of New York, in good standing, neither residing nor practising in the City of New York, may in like manner become members of this Association, having all the privileges of the same except that of voting. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be a President, five Vice- Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Committee of fifteen members besides the President and Treasurer who shall be ex-officio members thereof, and a Committee on Admissions to consist of twenty-one members. These officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of January in each year. The Executive Committee and the Committee on Admissions chosen at the next Annual Election (that of 1873) shall divide themselves into three classes of equal numbers each. The first class of each Committee shall hold office for three years, the second class two years, and the third class one year ; and there- after each Annual Election shall be for five members of the Executive Committee and seven members of the Committee on Admissions, to hold office three years, and for such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies, to hold office during the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. No member elected to either of these com- mittees shall be re-eligible to the committee of which he may have been a member, until one year after the expiration of his term of office. ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws. All appropriations of the funds of the Association must be made by this Committee, unless ordered by the Association by a two- thirds vote. ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEE OX ADMISSIONS. No person shall be admitted to membership of the Associa- tion unless he shall have been recommended by this Committee in such manner as shall be provided by the By-Laws. ARTICLE VII. OTHER COMMITTEES. The Association may provide by its By-Laws for such other Standing Committees as it may deem necessary. ARTICLE VIII. HONORARY MEMBERS. Any member of the Association who may become a Judge or Justice of any Court of Record shall be, while he shall hold such office, an honorary member of the Association, and shall be entitled to all its privileges, except that of voting, and shall be exempt from payment of dues. The Judges of the Courts of the United States, of the Court of Appeals, of the Supreme Court, and of all other Courts of Record of the State of New York, and the Consuls-General of Foreign States resident in the City of New York, shall have the free use of the Library and Reading Room of this Associa- tion. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association on the second Tuesday of January, and a stated meeting on the second Tuesday of each of the other months, except July, August and September, in each year. At these stated meetings, and at any regular adjournment thereof, all the powers of the Association may be exercised. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Executive Committee, and shall be called by the Secretary upon the writ- ten request of twenty members specifying the purpose of such s call. At such special meetings no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the call thereof. At any meeting of the Association the presence of fifty mem- bers shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. AKTICLE X. ADMISSION FEE AND ANNUAL DUES. The admission fee shall in all cases be Fifty Dollars, to be paid on signing the Constitution. The annual dues of members residing in the City of New York shall be Forty Dollars, and of members having offices in the City of New York and residing elsewhere, Twenty Dollars. Such dues shall be payable half-yearly on the first day of May and of November in each year. In case of members belonging to either of the above classes, of less than six years' standing at the Bar, the Executive Com- mittee may, until they shall have attained that standing, give them a credit for one-half their initiation fee, and may also remit one-half of their annual dues. Members neither residing nor having offices in the city of New York shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues. ARTICLE XL SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS. Any member of the Association may be suspended or expelled for misconduct in his relations to this Association or in his profession, on conviction thereof in such manner as may be prescribed by the By-Laws ; and all interest in the property of the Association of persons resigning or otherwise ceasing to be members shall vest in the Association. ARTICLE XII. ELECTIONS. All elections shall be by ballot. The officers elected shall enter upon their duties immediately upon their election, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed. 9 In case of a vacancy in any office, it shall be filled by appoint- ment of the Executive Committee until the next annual election, except in the case of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, which shall be filled by the Association at its first stated meeting occurring more than ten days after the happen- ing of such vacancy. ARTICLE XIII. This amended Constitution shall go into immediate effect, but no change made by this revision shall affect the terms of office of the present officers and committees. ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be amended, but only by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any stated meeting of the Asso- ciation, and provided notice of the proposed amendment, sub- scribed by ten members, be given at a previous stated meeting, and that notice of the same be also given by the Secretary in the notices of the meeting, and that at least fifty members vote for such amendment. 2 BY-LAWS, (As REVISED AND ADOPTED MARCH 14, J876.) I. PRESIDING OFFICERS. At all meetings of the Association the President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents to be selected without ballot, or in the absence of all of them, any member selected in like manner, shall preside. II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. At each stated meeting of the Association, the order of busi- ness shall be as follows : 1. Heading of Minutes of preceding meeting. 2. Eeport of Executive Committee. 3. Report of Treasurer. 4. Eeport of Committee on Admissions. 5. Elections. 6. Reports of other Standing Committees. 7. Reports of Special Committees. 8. Special Orders. 9. Miscellaneous Business. This Order of Business may be changed by vote of a ma- jority of the members present. The usual parliamentary rules and orders shall govern all meetings of the Association, except in cases otherwise provided for by the Constitution or By-Laws. III. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceed- ings of all -meetings of the Association, and of all other matters of which a record shall be ordered by the Association. 12 He shall notify the officers and all members of committees of their election or appointment, shall issue notices of all meetings, and in case of special meetings shall add a brief note of the ob- ject of the call. He shall furnish to the Treasurer the names of all persons newly elected to membership. He shall be the keeper of the Seal of the Association. IV. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the corre- spondence of the Association with the concurrence of the President. V. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep at all times a complete roll of the members, and shall notify new members of their election. He shall collect, and under the direction of the Executive Commit- tee, disburse all funds of the Association ; he shall keep regular accounts in books belonging to the Association, which shall be open to the inspection of any member of the Executive Com- mittee. He shall report in writing, at each stated meeting of the Association, and of the Executive Committee, the balance of money on hand and any existing appropriations which may affect the same. At the Annual Meeting he shall make a full report of the receipts and disbursements of the past year, suitably classified, and of all outstanding obligations of the Association, with an estimate of the resources and probable expenses of the coming year, and any suggestion he may think proper to make. His accounts shall be audited by a committee of three mem- bers of the Association, to be elected by ballot at the stated meeting preceding the Annual Meeting in each year, who shall report thereon at such Annual Meeting. 13 VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month except in July, August and September. Eight members, whether elected or ex officio members, shall form a quorum. They shall have power to make such regulations, and take such action, not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws, as shall be necessary for the protection of the property of the Association, and they shall have the general management of its affairs. They shall keep a record of their proceedings which shall be read at the ensuing meeting of the Association ; and shall report at each meeting any business which, in their judgment, requires the action of the Association. They 'shall appoint a House Committee of three members, and shall define their duties and powers. VII. LIBKAEY COMMITTEE. A Library Committee, to consist of five members, shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, to hold office during their pleasure, and subject to their directions to have charge of the Library and Reading Room, with power to expend upon the same such moneys as may be appropriated by the Executive Committee or procured by voluntary subscription. VIII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. The Committee on Admissions shall meet at least once a month, except in July and August. Candidates for membership must be proposed by two mem- bers of the Association, who shall send to the chairman of the Committee the name of the candidate, together with the street number of his place of business, and also siTch statement in respect to his qualifications as the proposers may think proper. No member of this Committee shall propose any candidate. No candidate shall be voted upon by the Committee, until 14 his name, together with the names of the members proposing him, and the date of posting, shall have been posted for at least ten days in a conspicuous place in the House of the Associa- tion. The Committee shall receive and consider all communica- tions respecting the candidate, and make diligent inquiry as to his character and qualifications. The proceedings of the Committee shall be secret and confi- dential. Candidates against whom there shall be five negative votes in the Committee, shall not be recommended for admission. IX. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. A vote by ballot upon those who are recommended shall be taken in the Association, and one negative vote in every five shall exclude the candidate. No candidate who shall have been excluded upon such vote shall be again proposed within one year thereafter. If any person elected does not, within one month after notice of his election, signify his acceptance by signing the Constitution and By-Laws and by payment of his admission fee and half-yearly dues, he shall be deemed to have declined to become a member. X. NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. If any member shall fail to pay the half-yearly dues within thirty days after the first day of May or of November Avhen the same shall become payable, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to serve, in the manner in which notices in suits are required to be served on attorneys, upon each member so in default, a copy of this By-Law and a notice to the effect that unless such dues are paid within ten days thereafter, his name and the amount due by him will be posted in a conspicuous place in the House of the Association ; and if they are not so paid the Treasurer shall post the same accordingly. After thirty days from the date of such posting, the Execu- tive Committee may, by order without further notice, strike 15 from the roll the name of any member continuing in default, and he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Association, provided that, upon his written application satisfactorily explaining such default, and the payment of all dues to the date thereof, the Executive Committee shall have power to remit the penalty of this By-Law. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take a similar pro- ceeding in the case of any member who shall have had credit for a part, of his initiation fee, and who shall fail to pay the same within thirty days after demand thereof after he shall have attained to six years' standing at the Bar ; and the terms of the foregoing By-Law shall apply to the last-mentioned case, in all respects. XI. ABSENT MEMBERS. Any member who shall have paid an admission fee and all his annual dues, and who may be absent from the City of New York for the continuous period of one year, shall be exempt from payment of annual dues for the period of his absence, pro- vided he shall give previous written notice to the Treasurer of such intended absence. XII. OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES. In pursuance of Article VII. of the Constitution, there shall be the following Standing Committees : 1. A Committee on the Amendment of the Law, who shall be charged with the duty of watching all proposed changes in the law, and of proposing such amendments as in their opinion should be recommended by this Association. Members are invited to send to this Committee, at any time, suggestions of existing defects in the law, and of any amend- ment which they may think advisable. 2. A Judiciary Committee, who shall be charged with the duty of observing the practical working of our judicial system, of entertaining and examining projects for change or reform in the system, and of recommending such action as they may deem expedient. 16 3. A Committee on Grievances, who shall be charged with the hearing of all complaints against members of the Associa- tion, and also all complaints which may be made in matters affecting the interests of the legal profession, the practice of the law and the administration of justice, and who shall, from time to time, report thereon to the Association, with such recommendations as they may deem advisable. XIII. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. Each of the Committees named in the foregoing By-Law shall consist of nine members, to be appointed annually by the President of the Association, who shall continue in office until the Annual Meeting next after their appointment and until their successors are appointed; and each of said Committees shall have power to fill vacancies. All Committees shall have power to fix their own time and place of meeting, and to adopt regulations for their own govern- ment and course of proceeding, not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws, and subject to revision by the Association. Any Standing Committee may, by rule, provide that three successive absences from the meetings of the Committee, unexcused, shall be deemed a resignation by the member so absent of his place upon the Committee. Any Standing Committee may, by rule, impose upon its members a fine for non-attendance, and may provide for the disposal of the fines collected under such rule. Every Standing Committee, elected or appointed under the Constitution or By-Laws, shall, at the stated annual meeting, report in writing a summary of all the proceedings of such Committee since its last annual report (except such matters as the By-Laws of the association require to be kept secret), to- gether with any suggestions deemed suitable and appertaining to its powers, duties or business. A general summary of all such annual reports and of the annual reports of the officers, shall be prepared and printed by and under the direction of the Executive Committee, together with the Charter, Coustitu- 17 tion, By- Laws, and names of officers, Standing Committees, and members of the Association, as soon as practicable after the annual meeting. XIV. COMMITTEE ON GRIEVANCES. Whenever any complaint shall be preferred against a member of the Association, for misconduct in his relations to the Asso- ciation, or in his profession, the member or members preferring such complaint shall present it to the Committee on Griev- ances in writing subscribed by him or them, plainly stating the matter complained of. If the Committee are of opinion that the matters therein alleged are of sufficient importance, they shall cause a copy of the complaint, together with a notice of not less than five days of the time and place when the Committee will meet for the consideration thereof, to be served upon the member complained of, either personally or by leaving the same at his place of business during office hours, properly addressed to him ; and they shall cause a similar notice to be served on the party presenting the complaint. At the time and place appointed or at such other time as may be named by the Committee, the member complained of may file a written answer or defence, and the Committee shall proceed to the consideration of the case upon such complaint and answer, or upon the complaint alone if no answer is interposed. The complainant and the member complained of shall each be allowed to appear personally and by counsel who must be members of the Association. The witnesses shall vouch for the truth of their statements on their word of honor. The Com- mittee may summon witnesses, and, if such witnesses are mem- bers of the Association, a neglect or refusal to appear may be reported to the Association for its action. The Committee, of whom at least five must be present at the trial except that a less number may adjourn from time to time, shall hear and decide the case thus submitted to them, and shall determine all questions of evidence. If they find the complaint or any material part of it, to be true, they shall so report to the Association, with their recom- 3 18 mendation as to the action to be taken thereon, and, if requested by either party, may in their discretion also report the evidence taken or any designated part thereof. The Association shall thereupon proceed to take such action on said report as they may see fit, provided only that no mem- ber shall be expelled unless by the vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Before the trial shall commence, the member complained of may object peremptorily to any one or more of the Committee, not exceeding three ; and the places of those objected to shall be supplied by appointment by a majority of the remaining members of the Committee, for the purposes of the trial. All the foregoing proceedings shall be secret, except as their publication is hereinbefore provided for, unless otherwise or- dered by the Association by a two-thirds vote. XV. PRIVILEGES TO OTHERS THAN MEMBERS. A member may personally introduce a non-resident to the rooms of the Association for one day, recording his name and the date in the Visitors' Book, with his own signature. On written application of a member, the House Committee may issue tickets admitting non-resident strangers for two weeks to the privileges of the Association. The Executive Committee may invite counsel not resident in this State, persons from abroad engaged here in the discharge of public duties, or other distinguished strangers, who may be temporarily in the city, to the free use of the Library and Read- ing Room, for a period not exceeding three months, and may also extend the privileges of the library to any persons whose charac- ter and attainments will in their opinion justify such action. - XVI. BOOKS, ETC., NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY. No book or other article belonging to the Association shall be removed from the House. 19 XVII. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. At the stated meeting in December in each year, a Com- mittee of nine shall be elected by ballot by the Association at large. Each member of the Association shall be permitted to vote for only five members of such Committee, to be named on one ballot, and the nine persons having the largest number of votes shall be such Committee. The Committee so chosen shall nominate a list of candidates for the various offices to be filled at the ensuing Annual Meeting, and shall post such list in a conspicuous place in the House of the Association, at least ten days before such Annual Meeting. XVIII. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be amended at any stated meeting of the Association, but only by a vote of two-thirds of those pres- ent, and provided that ten days' notice in writing of the pro- posed amendment shall have been given to the Executive Committee, and also that notice of the same shall have been given by the Secretary in the notices of the meeting. OFFICERS OF THE Association of the Bar, FOR 1876. WILLIAM M. EVARTS. SAMUEL J. TILDEN, CHARLES W. SANDFORD, EDGAR S. VAN WINKLE, STEPHEN P. NASH, JAMES EMOTT. WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER. MASON YOUNG. EDWARD MITCHELL. (ffixttutwe Committee, WILLIAM M. EVARTS, EDWARD MITCHELL, President of the Association. Treasurer of the Association. Class of 1876. CHARLES TRACY, FRANCIS L. STETSON, Ch'n of Executive Com. Sec'y of Executive Com. BENJAMIN K. PHELPS, ANDREW BOARDMAN, HENRY H. ANDERSON. Class of 1877. WILLIAM M. PRICHARD, ALBON P. MAN, PETER B. OLNEY, JOHN J. MoCOOK, THERON QEO. STRONG. Class of 1878. AARON J. VANDERPOEL, EVERETT P. WHEELER, FREDERICK SMYTH, IRA D. WARREN, HORACE M. RUGGLES. 22 Committee, JAMES EMOTT, IRA D. WARREN, JAMES C. CARTER, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD (Kammittee, FRANCIS L. STETSON, THERON GEORGE STRONG, HORACE M. RtTGGLES. Committee on CT* of 1876. MARTIN L. TOWNSEND, HENRY E. ROWLAND, HAMILTON ODELL, OSBORNE E. BRIGHT, CADWALADER E. OGDEN, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, JAMES M. VARNUM. Clas* of 1877. THOMAS M. NORTH, HENRY D. SEDGWICK, JOHN H. PLATT, OLIVER P. BUEL, GROSVENOR 8. HUBBARD, STEPHEN H. OLIN, FRANCIS F. MARBURY. Class of 1878. GEORGE H. YEAMAN, BERNARD ROELKER, FREDERICK R. COUDERT, JOHN A. DAVENPORT, HENRY R. BEEKMAN, JAMES P. LOWREY, WILLIAM S. OPDYKE. Chairman F. F. MARBURY, 64_ Wall St. Secretary HAMILTON ODELL, 54 William St. On Amendment of the Law, CHARLES O'CONOR, CHARLES M. DA COSTA, JOSEPH S. BOSWORTH, CHARLES C. BEAMAN, Jn., JOHN K. PORTER, SIMON STERNE, CHARLES TRACY, GEORGE H. FORSTER, JOHN E. BURRILL, FREDERICK H. BETTS. On the Judiciary, HENRY E. DA VIES, MONTGOMERY H. THROOP, CLARKSON N. POTTER, CHARLES A. PEA BODY. HENRY M. ALEXANDER, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, WILLIAM MITCHELL, OSBORNE E. BRIGHT, JAMES C. SPENCER. On Grievances, STEPHEN P. NASH, JAMES C. CARTER, CHARLES W. SANDFORD, GEORGE W. PARSONS, E. RANDOLPH ROBINSON, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, CLIFFORD A. HAND, JOHN J. TOWNSEND, JOHN J. McCOOK. 23 THE LIBKAKY of the Association now amounts to 9, 595 volumes. It con- tains a complete collection of the American Reports, including those of the Federal Courts and of all the State Courts ; also the English, Irish, Scotch and Canadian Reports, with few exceptions. We have also a collection of foreign text books on International law (intended to include all the standard writers on this subject), presented by Mr. CHABLES C. BEAMAN, jr., and which were purchased by him in Paris, for this purpose, under the advice of Hon. CALEB GUSHING. We have as the gift of Mr. EVABTS, President of the Association, the following very valuable books : the British and Foreign State Papers, 51 volumes ; the publications of the Record Commission, 128 volumes ; Chronicles, &c., of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, 132 volumes ; Cobbett's Parliamentary History, 3(5 volumes ; Hansard's Parlia- mentary Debates, 274 volumes ; and a complete set of all the documents, papers, etc., connected with the Geneva Arbitration, 31 volumes. We have also the Revised and Compiled general laws of the respective States, with session laws in continuation ; the English General Statutes and a large number of text books and treatises. Of these books, (5,734 volumes have been purchased, at a total cost of $33,291.54 ; and 2,861 volumes, including many of the most valuable, have been contributed by members. Of the actual cost, about one-half, viz., $10,510.17 has consisted of money donations by members (including the "Century Fund"), and the other half has been appropriated from the regular funds of the Association. The Contributions to the "Judiciary Impeachment Fund '' amounted to $29,250, mostly given by members, but including also subscriptions by Banks, and Insurance and Trust Companies, and by citizens who duly appreciated the importance of the movement for reformation of the Judiciary. The subscriptions to the "Building Fund," for purchase of the present commodious House of the Association, amount to $45,070 already paid in, besides a few hundred dollars yet payable ; and these donations, with the proceeds of sale of our 27th Street house, and the funds previously accu- mulated, have nearly paid for our present building, the remaining debt, unprovided for, being less than the cost of refitting the building. ROLL OF MEMBERS. Abbott, Austin Ackert, Alfred T. Adams, Charles D. Adams, Thatcher M. Addoms, Mortimer C. Adee, Frederick W. Alexander, Charles B. Alexander, Henry M. Alexander, James W. Allen, Ethan Anderson, E. Ellery Anderson, Henry H. Andrews, Edward L. Arnold, John H. V. Arnoux, William H. Arthur, Chester A. Ashley, Lucius C. Astor, W. Waldorf Atterbury, Charles L. Atwater, Henry G. Aub, Theodore Bacon, Edward R. Baker, John P. Baldwin, George V. N. Ball, James M. Bangs, Charles W. Bangs, Francis N. Barlow, Francis C. Barlow, Samuel L. M. Barnard, Horace Barnett, William E. Barowsk} r , Thomas H. Barrett, George C. Barry, Thomas G. Bartlett, Edward T. Beach, William A. Beall, John A. Beaman, Charles C., jr. Beardslee, Eufus G. Becker, Danforth 4 Beekman, Gerard Beekman, Henry R. Bel knap, Aaron B. Bell, Clark Bell, Joseph Beneville, Emile J. Berry, Joseph E. Betts, Charles W. Betts, Frederic H. Billings, Oliver P. C. BJack, Charles N. Bloomfield, William Blunt. George W. Boardman, Albert B. Boardman, Andrew Boardman, Edmund C. Boardman, Samuel Boiling, John M. Booth, William D. Bosworth, Joseph S. Bo wen, Dennis Bowers, John M. Bowne, Richard H. Brady, James M. Brainerd, Cephas Bright, Osborn E. Brinsmade, James B. Bronson, Willett Brooks, Clarke Brown, Augustus C. Brown, Dennis Brown, Elias G. Brown, Joseph 0. Brownell, Silas B. Brownell, T. Frank Buckingham, John M. Budlong, Morris M. Buel, Oliver P. Bullock, James B. Burnett, Henry L. Burrill, Charles D. Bun-ill, John E. Bush, John A. Butler, Charles E. Butler, Prescott Hall Butler, William Allen Butterworth, William H. Byrne, Francis Cadwallader, John L. Calvin, Delano C. Campbell, Douglas Campbell, Robert B. Campbell, Thomas Cooper Candler, Flamen B. Cardozo, M. H. Card well, Samuel, jr. Carter, James C. Gary, Clarence Chambers, William P. Chandler, James E. Chapman, Lebbeus, jr. Chase, Philo Chittenden, Simeon B., jr. Choate, Joseph H. Choate, William G. Churchill, Franklin H. Clapp, Samuel H. Clark, Henry W. Clark, Lot C. Clinch, Edward S. Clinton, Henry L. Coddingtou, Henry K. Coffin, Edmund, jr. Coffin, George C. Coggeshall, Edwin W. Cole, Hugh L. Colics, George W. Connor, John C., jr. Cooper, Stephen V. R. Coudert, Charles, jr. Coudert, Frederick R. Coudert, Louis L. Cram, Henry A. Crane, Alex. B. Crawford, Gilbert H. Crary, Charles Cropper, John Crosby, Charles P. Crosby, Darius G. Crosby, Hiram B. Crosby, John P. Crowell, Edward B. Curran, John E. Curtis, AVilliam E. Cutter, Nathan Cutting, William Bayard Da Costa, Charles M. Daly, Eugene F. Daly, Joseph F. Darling, William R. Davenport, John Alfred Davenport, John S., jr. Davies, Henry E. Davies, Julien T. Davis, Henry S. Davis, Noah. Davis, Theodore M. Davison. Charles A. Day, Albert Day, Henry Dayton, Charles W. Dayton, Isaac Dean, David J. Deforest, H. G. Deforest, Robert W. Degrove, E. Ritzema Delafield, Lewis L. DeKay, Sidney. Delancey, Edward F. DeWitt, George G., jr. Dickerson, Edward N. Dickinson, Alfred Diefendorf, Menzo Dillaway, George W. Divine, Michael W. Dixon, William P. Dorsheimer, William Douglass, George Drake, Elias G., jr. Duel], Charles H. Dunning, Benj. F. Dwight, James F. Dwight, Theodore W. Eaton, Dorman B. Ecclesine, Thomas C. E. Edgar, Jonathan Edgerton, 0. C. Edwards, Walter, jr. Eggleston, Melville Elliot, James H. Ely, Moses Emmet, Richard S. Emott, Charles C. Emott, James Erving, John Evarts, A. W. Evarts, William M. Fales, H. Fairchild, C. S. Fancher, Enoch L. Farnam, Charles H. Fay, James H. Fseter, Jacob W. Fellows, Louis Fellows, Richard C. Felt, Edwin M. Fesser, Francisco Field, David Dudley Field, William H. Fish, Hamilton, jr. Fisher, T. R. Fitch, John Fithian, Freeman J. Flammer, Charles A. Flanagan, John R. Forbes, Francis. Foster, B. B. Foster, John A. Foster, William R., jr. Foulke, William D. Fox, Austin Franklin, Ben. French, Isaac V. Fuller, Paul F. Garrettsoii, Francis T. Garvin, Samuel B. Gerard, James W., jr. Gerry, El bridge T. Gilbert, James H . Giihooly, Andrew Gillender, Aug. T. Gillet, Daniel W. Glassey, Samuel J. Glover, Charles H. Glover, Thomas J. Goelet, R. J. Goldschmidt, George B. Gould, Charles W. Gray, George Gray, John C. Gray, John F. Gray, Levi Green, Adolphus W. Green, Ashbel Grimball, John Griswold, Burr W. Gulliver, William C. Gutman, Joseph, jr. Hale, Matthew Hall, David P., jr. Hall, Elial F. Hall, Frank L. Hall, Thomas D. Hall', William F. Halsey, Frederic R. Hammersly, J. Hooker Hamilton, Alexander, jr. Hamilton, Charles A. Hamilton, E. Luther Hammond, Henry B. Hand, Clifford A. Hand, Samuel Harison, George D. L. Harison, Richard M. Harnett, John H. Harris, Charles N. Harrison, Burton !X r . Hartwell, Thomas H. Hatch, Hiram F. Hatch, Roswell D. Haw ley, David Hegeman, W. A. Ogden Henry, Charles T. Henry, Jacob H. Henry, R. M. Henry, Thomas S. Herrick, A. B. Hill, George Hilton, E. B. 28 Hilton, Henry Hinsdale, Elizur B. Hodges, Willis Hoes, William M. Holbrook, William C. Holden, Daniel J. Holmes, Artemas Hooker, Thomas Hoppin, William J. Hoppin, William W., jr. Hornblower, William B. Howland, Henry E. Howe, Walter Hoyt, James 0. Hoyt, William A. Hubbard, Grosvenor L. Hubbard, Thomas H. Hudson, J. A. Hull, Amos G. Hunt, Ward, jr. Hutchins, Waldo Ingersoll, Charles D. Ingersoll, Thomas C. Ireland. J. B. Isaacs, Meyer S. Jackson, Anson B. Jackson, Charles A. Jackson, Joseph C. Jackson, Theodore F. Jaques, David R. Jamison, Samuel, jr. Jarvis, Nathaniel, jr. Jay, William Jelliffe, Samuel G. Jencks, Francis M. Jenner, William A. Jessup, James R. Johnson, Henry W. Johnson, Alexander S. Johnson, S. W. Jones, McKendree W. Jones, Walter R. T. Kane, John G. Kaufman, Sigismund Kellogg, Luther L. Kelly, Robert Kent, James Kernan, Bernard P. Kernan, Francis Kernochan, Frank E. Kernochan, Jos. Fred. Ketchum, Alexander P. Ketchum, Edgar Ketchum, William P. Kilbreth, James T. King, William H. Kingsford, J. P. Kircheis, Alexander F. Kirkland, Charles P. Kitchell, Charles R. Kitchen, John Kittredge, Edward C. Knevals, Sherman W. Knox, Charles H. Knox, Henry E. Knox, James Knox, John M. Lacombe, E. Henry Lane, Smith E. Langbein, George F. Larocque, Joseph Larremore, Richard L. Lathrop, William G., jr. Lawrence, Abraham R., jr. Lawrence, John S. Lawrence, Joseph B. Lee, Benjamin F., jr. Lee, Robert P. Lee, William H. L. Lee, William P. Levi, Joseph C. Lewis, Louis C. Lindley, John Livingston, John H. Livingston, Walter L. Lockwood, James B. Lockwood, Henry C. Logan, Edgar Logan, John L. Lord, Daniel D. Lord, Daniel, jr. Lord. Franklin B. Lord, George DeF. Lowrey, Grosvenor P. Lowrey, James P. Lyon, George H. 29 Lyon, Samuel E. Macdonough, Aug. R. Macfarland, William W. Macklin, John J. McAdam, Quentin McCarthy. Edward McCook, John J. McDaniel, William V. McDermott, William McDonald, John McKeon, John McKinney, William A. McLean, Charles F. McVickar, Henry G. Man, Albon Man, Albon P. Man, Frederic H. Man, William Manice, William DeF. Mansfield, Howard Marbury, Francis F. Marbury, Francis F., jr. Marrin, Joseph J. Marsh, Charles M. Marsh, Luther R. Martin, Bradley Martin, Isaac P. Martin, William R. Mason, John M. Mathews, Albert Merrill, Payson Meyer, Theo. F. H. Miller, Charles E. Miller, Charles P. Miller, Livingston K. Miller, Morris S. Minor, Israel, jr. Mitchell, Ed. ward Mitchell, William Mitchell, William, jr. Montgomery, John H. Montgomery, W'illiam, jr. Moore, Charles B. Moore, Thomas S. Moore, William H. H. Morehouse, Sturges M. Morgan, James A. Morris, Coles Morris, Fordham Morris, Henry L. Morris, James Moses, George C. Moses, Raphael J. Mosher, Joseph F. Murray, George F. Nash, John McLean Nash, Stephen P. Nassau, William B. Nehrbas, Charles J. Nelson, Homer A. Newell, George B. Newland, David J. Nicholson, John R. Norris, Octavius J. North, Thomas M. Norwood, Carlisle, jr. O'Conor, Charles Odell, Hamilton Ogden, Cadwalader E. Ogden, David B. Ogden, Gouverneur M. Ogden, Francis L. Ogden, Ludlow Ogden, Thomas L. Olcott, Emmet R. Olin, Stephen H. Oliver, Francis V. S. Olmstead, Dwight H. Olney, Peter B. Opdyke, William S. Paddock, Franklin A. Paine, Willis S. Parker, George W. Parker, Henry H. Parsons, George W. Parsons, John E. Patterson, Edward Pattison, Elias J. Peabody, Charles A. Peabody, Charles A., jr. Peabody, Duane L. Peckham, Wlieeler H. Peckham, William G., jr., Pell, Frederick A. Pelton, Timothy D. Phelps, Benjamin K. Phelps, Charles H. Phelps, William Walter Pinckney, Walter S. Pirsson, John W. Platt, John H. Plympton, Gilbert M. Pomeroy, Eugene H. Poor, Walter S. Porter, John K. Porter, Mortimer Post, Charles A. Post, Louis F. Post, John H. Potter, Clarkson N. Powell, Wilson M. Powers, William P. Prentice, William P. Price, Charles Prichard, William M. Eapallo, Chas. A. Eedfield, Amasa A. Eequier, Augustus J. Eice, Addison G. Eiddle, Daniel S. Eiker, John H. Eiker, Samuel Eives, Chas. E. Eives, Francis E. Eives, George L. Eobinson, E. Randolph Robinson, Hamilton W. Eodman, Thomas H. Eodman, Thomas H.. jr. Eoe, Alfred Eoelker, Bernard Eogers, Henry P. Eogers, Nathaniel P. EolJins, Daniel G. Eoosevelt, Chas. H. Eoosevelt, John E. Eoosevelt, Eobert B. Eoot, Elihu Eoot, Henry A. Eoss, Wm. B. Euggies, Horace M. Euggles, Philo T. Eussell, Horace Salomon, Edward Sandford, Charles W. Sands, Andrew H. Sanford, Charles F. Sanger, Adolph L. Sargent, John 0. Schaumburg, Atkinson Schell, Edward H. Schermerhorn, John E. Scott, Francis M. Scott, William H. Scribner, John M., jr. Scudder, Henry J. Searing, Edward W. Sedgwick, Henry D. Sedgwick, John Seward, Clarence A. Sewell, Eobert Shelton, Charles C. Shepard, Elliot F. Shepard, Francis N. Shepard, William F. Sherman, Frederick E. Sherman, Eoger M. Sherwood, John Shipman, William D. Shoudy, Joseph A. Silliman, Benjamin D. Simpson, John W. Skidmore, Lemuel Skidmore, William B., jr. Slosson, Jonathan L. Smedberg, Oscar Smidt, Allan L. Smith, Augustus F. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Duncan Smith, E. Delafield Smith, Edmund H. Smith, Elliot Smith, Eugene Smith, F. Sherman Smith, Freling H. Smith, Gabriel L. Smith, George P. Smith, James M. Smith, Nelson 31 Smith, Sandford S. Smyth, Frederick Snead, Thos. L. Soren, George W. Soule, Chas. E. Souther, Chas. E. Southmayd. Chas. F. Speir, Archibald W. Speir, Gilbert M. Spencer, James C. Sprague, Henry L. Starr, George H. Starr. Peter Stearns, James S. Stedman, Ernest G. Steele, Sandford H. Stephens, Benjamin, jr. Sterne, Simon Stetson, Francis L. Stewart, Orlando L. Stewart, Wm. A. W. Stewart, Wm. Rhinelander Stickney, Albert Stiger, Wm: E. Stillman, Granville S. P. Stillman, Thomas E. Stone, Chas. F. Stoughton, Chas. B. Stoughton, Edwin W. Storrs, James S. Strauss, Oscar S. Strong, Chas. E. Strong, John R. Strong, Theron G. Sutherland, John L. Sutherland, Josiah. Suydam, Chas. S. Swan, Otis D. Swan, William L. Taller, Henry A. Talbot, Chas. Tallmadge, Frederick S. Taylor, Alfred Taylor, Alfred J. Thacher, Thomas Thayer, Benjamin C. Thomas, Abner C. Thomason, John J. Thompson, Frank Thomson, James J. Thornton, David Throop, Montgomery H. Thurston, David Tilden, Samuel J. Tillotson, Gouverneur Titus, George N. Todhunter, John Tompkins, Hamilton B. Tompkins, W. W. Town, Chauncey W. Townsend, Henry P. Townsend, John J. Townsend, Martin L. Townsend, Randolph W. Tracy, Chas. Tracy, Chas. Edward Tracy, J. Evarts Tracy, Wm. Tremain, Henry E. Tunstall, Richard B. Turner, Herbert B. Turrell, Edgar A. Tweed, Chas. H. Ullo, Lorenzo Ulshoeffer, William G. Underbill, Abraham Vail, Moses M. Van Cot t, Joshua M. Vanderpoel, Aaron J. VanNamee, James VanSantvoord, Abraham VanSantvoord, Cornelius VanSlyck, George W. VanVechten, A. W. VanVorst, Hooper C. Van Winkle, Edgar S. VanWyck, Wm. Varnum, James M. Waddington, George Wagstaff, Alfred, jr. Wait, William Howard Walker, Stephen A. Wallis, Alexander H. Ward, Elijah Ward, John E. Williams, Charles H. Warren, Ira D. Williams, Stephen C. Washburn, John S. Williamson, David B. Waterbury, Nelson J. Willis, William H., jr. Webb, Henry W. Wilson, Edward J. Webster, Sidney Wilson, William Gr. Weed, John \V. Wingate, George W. Weeks, Francis H. Winterton, William B. Welch, Joseph A. Winthrop, Buchanan Weller, Augustus N. Winthrop, Henry E. Wells, Charles F. Witter, Wm. C. Wells, Manning C. Wocd, Dennistoun Westervelt, Tompkins Wood, James H. Wetmore, Edmund Woodbury, Chas. H. Wheeler, Everett P. Woodford, Stewart L. Whitehead, Aaron P. Woodruff, Chas. H. Whitlock, Bache Me. E. Wocdward, Henry E. Whitney, William C. Woodworth, Wm. A. Wight, Amherst, jr. Work, James H. Wilcox, Franklin A. Yearn an. G-eo. H. Willett, Edward M. Young, Mason [691] DONATIONS OF BOOKS, WORKS OF ART, ETC. AUSTIN ABBOTT : vols. Abbott's Digest, Law of Corporations ............................ 1 Abbott's Legal Remembrancer .................................... 1 18 pamphlets on Constitutional Law. Taylor's North Carolina Reports, A. D. 1802 ...................... 1 C. B. ALEXANDER : Jones' History of the French Bar ................................ 1 Appleton on Evidence .......................................... 1 H. M. ALEXANDER : Howell's State Trials ............................................ 31 WILLIAM H. ABNOUX: Argument of William H. Arnoux in the Rollwagen Will Case ..... 1 MESSBS. AENOUX, HITCH & WOODFOKD : Laws of New York .............................................. 1 S. L. M. BAKLOW : Marble bust of Judge Story. Billiard Table. Proceedings of Supervisors ...................................... 4 Miscellaneous Tracts on Libel ............................... ____ 1 Cragio Jus Feudale, A. D. 1655 .................................. 1 WILLIAM C. BAKEETT : Code of Gentoo Laws, A. D. 1798 ................................ 1 Scobell's Acts, &c., of Parliament, A.D. l(if)8 ...................... 1 Trial of Queen Caroline ........... 1 .............................. 3 Hargrave's State Trials .......................................... 10 CHABLES C. BEAMAN, JB. : Alabama Claims and their Settlement ........................... 1 Ahren's Philosophie du Droit ..................................... 2 Burlamaqui Droit des Gens ...................................... ~> Calvo, Traitfes des Etats d'Amerique .............................. 11 Calvo, Droit International ........................................ 2 Cauchy, Droit Maritime International ............................ 2 5 31 CHARLES C. BEAMAN, JK. [continued] : vols. Capefigue, Congres de Vienne 4 DeCussy, Manuel du Diplomat 1 DeCussy, Reglements Consulaires 1 Clercq, Guide des Consulats 2 DeFelice, Droit de la Nature et des Gens '2 Garden, Traites des Paix 14 Gessner, Droit des Neutres 1 Grotius, " " " 3 Hautefeuille, Questions de Droit Maritime 1 du " " 1 Droit et Devoirs 3 Jouff roy, Droit International 2 Lobe, Guide des Estrangers 1 Marten's Causes Celebres 5 " Guide Diplomatique 3 " Droit des Gens 2 Miltitz, Manuel des Consuls 5 Morin, Lois relatives a la Guerre 2 Moreuil, Manuel des Agents Consulaires 1 Ortolan, Diplomatie de la Mer 2 Pistoy et Duverdy, Traite des Prises Maritimes 2 Sapey, Estrangers en France 1 Vattel, Droit Des Gens :\ Weiss, Droit Maritime 2 Kluber, Droit des Gens 1 Foelix, Droit International 2 Heffter, Droit International 1 OLIVER P. BTJEL : Les Loix Civiles, par M. Domat, folio Paris, A.D. 1777 1 WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLEB : Lawyer and Client 1 3 large photographs viz., The Roman Forum, The Colosseum, and St. Peters. JOHN L. CADWALADEB : Papers Relating to the Treaty of Washington G Revised Statutes of the U. S ] JAMES C. CARTER : Daniell's Chancery Practice 3 JOSEPH H. CHOATE : Thurloe's State Papers, A. D. 1742 7 Public Documents of New York 10 35 CHARLES CRARY : vols. Law and Practice in Special Proceedings 2 J . P. CROSBY : Heineccius, Opera, A. D. 1771 9 HON. J. C. BANCROFT DAVIS : Complete Collection of Documents, etc., of the Tribunal of Arbi- tration at Geneva 17 LEWIS L. DELAFIELD : Eighth Census of the U. S 1 Collection of pamphlets relating to Trinity Church Corporation. EDWAKD F. DELANCEY : Lewin's Law of Trusts 1 Wendt's Maritime Legislation 1 Hill's Practice . . 1 Jebb's Probate Act and Rules 1 Mill on Liberty 1 D. M. & J. G. DICKINSON, of Detroit : Michigan Reports 22 Booley's Digest of Reports 1 PROF. THEODORE W. DWIGHT : Dwight on Charitable Uses 1 DORMAN B. EATON : A Plaster bust of Chancellor Kent and twenty-five engravings and photographs, as follows : Sir Thomas More. Sir William Grant. Lord Coke. Lord Mansfield. Sir Matthew Hale. Lord Chief Justice Abbott. Sir William Blackstone. Lord Brougham. Lord Chief Justice Somers. Lord Chancellor Lyiidhurat. Lord Cainden. Baron Parke. Lord Chief Justice Willmot. Sir William Scott. Lord Hardwicke. Lord Abinger. Lord Kenyon. Lord Chief Justice Tyndall. Lord Thurlow. Lord Chief Justice Denman. Lord Ellenborough. "The Bench" or "Character Lord Chancellor Loughborough. and Caricature." Lord Chancellor Eldon. ' ' Laying down the Law. " Foreign Relations of the United States 2 HON. J. W. EDMONDS : Original Text of Revised Statutes of N. Y 2 Cases and Points 22 Edmonds' Statutes Index, vol 8 1 HON. JAMES EMOTT : vols. Hobart's Reports, folio, London, A.D. 1671 1 Popham's " " " " lG5(i 1 Monthly Law Magazine 7 Elements of the Common Law of England, A.D. K536 1 White's new Recopilacion 2 Civil Code of Louisiana 1 American Jurist and Law Magazine 10 Peters' Condensed Reports, U. S. Sup. Ct., 6 Law Reporter, U. S , 3 Law Journal 1 Lawyer's Magazine 3 Harrison's Digest 7 Duer on Insurance 2 Toullier & Duvergier's droit Civil Francais 14 Large photograph of James T. Brady. HON. WILLIAM M. EVAKTS : Reports of New York State, (complete) . . , 327 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson 2 Case of the Pampero 1 Case of the Alexandra 1 Parish Will Case 3 Jameson's Constitutional Convention 1 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages 132 Publications of the Commissioners on the Public Records 128 British and Foreign State Papers 51 Cobbett's Parliamentary History 3(> Hansard's Debates, (complete) 274 Alabama Claims 31 Congressional Record, Forty-third Congress 12 HON. SAMUEL A. FOOT : An Autobiography, Reminiscences and Writings 2 HON. B. B. FOSTEB : Code of Virginia, 1860 1 " " " 1873 1 Laws of Virginia, 1874 1 FRANCIS T. GARRETTSON : Brown's Chancery Reports, A. D. 1790--4 4 Modern cases in Law and Equity, folio, 1730 1 Wood's Institutes of the Laws of England, folio, 1763 1 HON. JAMES W. GEBABD : Gerard's Titles to Real Estate 1 Ambler's Reports, A. D. 1790 1 3? HON. JAMES W. GERAKD [continued] : vols. Vezey's Eeports, A. D. 1771 1 W. Blackstone (vol. 2), A. D. 1781 1 Hardwicke's Cases, A D. 17G9 1 N. Y. City Water Rights, Streets, &c 1 ELBRIDGE T. GERRY : Trial of Hon. F. A. Tallmadge , 1 Kinnersley's Law of Highways 1 Rush on the Mind 1 Haslani on Sound Mind 1 Crocker on Sheriff s 1 Anstey's Pleader's Guide 1 Duke on Charitable Uses, A. D. 1676 1 Year Books, tolio, A. D. 1678 11 Bonard Will Case 1 HON. ASHBEL GREEN : Code of Virginia 1 Dunlap's Laws of U. S 1 California Practice Act 1 Laws of Ohio, 1863 1 Laws of Tennessee, 1868-9 1 Laws of Wisconsin, 1866 1 Laws of Indiana, 1865 1 Graham's Speeches 1 Case of Myra C. Gaines vs. Richard Relf, Beverly Chew et o,l. in U. S. Supreme Court 1 JAMES S. GRINNELL : Decisions of the Commissioners of Patents 3 R. S. GUERNSEY : Duke's Laws (reprint), A. D. 1 665 1 HON. ROBERT S. HALE : American and British Mixed Commission Arguments 2 Message and Documents, Department of State 8 HENRY B. HAMMOND : Bacon's Abridgment, A. D. 1793 5 REV. FRANCIS HARISON : Manuscript Note Books and Precedents (Antique) 4 HIRAM F. HATCH : Coke on Littleton, A. D. 1738 1 Blackstone's Commentaries, A. D. 1770 4 Rolle's Abridgment, A. D. 1668 1 Revised Statutes of Indiana, 1852 2 38 HIEAM F. HATCH [continued] : vols. Yelverton's Reports, A. D. 16G1 1 Croke's " A. D. 1683 3 Raymond's " A. D. 1696 1 Holt's " A. D. 1738 1 Statutes of Canada, 185G, and Index 2 Cases in Equity, A. D. 1732 1 HON. GEOEGE HOADLEY : Laws of Ohio 5 Swan & Sayler's Ohio Statutes 1 WILLIAM M. HOES : Acts of Indiana 3 " Illinois 3 " Michigan 7 AMOS G. HULL : Modern Reports, in blackletter folio, A. D. 1682 6 Hinde's Chancery Practice 1 Hull's Treatise 1 American Law Register 2 HON. P. J. JOACHIMSEN : O'Brien's American Military Law 1 Benet's Military Law 1 Simmons on Court Martial 1 McArthur on Courts Martial 2 Whiting on War Powers 1 Foucher's Code de Justice Militaire 1 Adye on Courts Martial 1 Tytler on Military Law 1 Hough and Long on Courts Martial 1 James on Courts Martial 1 Wheaton's Elements of International Law 1 Brobke's Office" of a Notary of England 1 Pritchard's Admiralty Digest 1 Beck's Corpus Juris Civilis -2 Saunders' Reports 2 Swinburne on Wills (folio), A. D. 1728 1 Lilly's Practical Conveyancer, folio, A. D. 1742 1 Abridgment of Statutes and Gay's Abridgment 3 Statutes at Large of England, A. D. 178i> 15 KANSAS STATE LIBEABT : Kansas Reports 3 Laws of Kansas, 1872 1 Public Documents.... 1 39 E. C. D. KITTBEDGE : vols. Story's Equity Jurisprudence 2 Coke on Littleton. A. D. 171)4 2 U. S. Digest 4 Massachusetts Reports 81 HON. WILLIAM BEACH LAWRENCE : International Law, by Lawrence 1 Visitation and Search, by Lawrence 1 Disabilities of American Women Married Abroad 1 WALTEE L. LIVINGSTON : Proceedings and Debates of the New York Constitutional Conven- tion of 1807 11 HON. JOHN A, LOTT : Cases and Points in Commission of Appeals, (complete) 84 AUGUSTUS R. MACDONOUGH : Pothier's Works, A. D. 1786-7 27 Historical Magazine (numbers) 52 American Law Register (numbers) 100 WILLIAM W. MACFABLAND : Journal du Palais, Jurisprudence Francaise, A. D. 17!H to 18 HON. R. B. ROOSEVELT : U. S. Documents, &c 17 JOHN O. SABGENT : Life of Major Andre 1 History of Braddock's Expedition 1 Mechanism in Thought 1 Annual Register 104 Life of J. J. Crittenden 2 42 JOHN O. SAKGENT [continued] : vols. American Tracts 1 Life pf Cicero 2 Warden on the Original of Consular Establishments : 1 Anstey's Trial of Warren Hastings 1 Livingston's Penal Law of Louisiana 1 Lexicon Juridicum Juris Caesarei, A. D. 1(!12 :... 1 Lois sur la Presse en 1834 1 La Jurisdiction du Juge de Paix 1 Code Civil 1 Loi Electorale 1 Parecbolae sive Excerpta e corpore Statutorum Universitatis Oxon- iensis 1 Kule in Minot's Case Keviewed 1 Bayle's Dictionaire Historique, &c " Bradford's American Antiquities 1 Hey wood's Dissertations 1 Schmeizing Volker Recht 3 GUSTAVUS SCHMIDT : Civil Law of Spain and Mexico 1 Schmidt's Law Journal, Vo!. 1 1 JOHN M. SCBIBNEB, JB. : Coke on Littleton, A. D. 17il 1 Cowpers Reports 1 HENBY D. SEDGWICK : Sedgwick on the Measure of Damages 1 Ordinance of Fees 1 F. R. SHEBMAN : Blackstone's Commentaries (first American edition, A. D. 1771. containing Roger Sherman's autograph $ AUG. F. SMITH : Reports Temp. Finch, A. D. 1725 1 NELSON SMITH : Jeremy Benthanvs Works n HON. JAS. C. SPZNCEB : Cases and Points in Superior Court 27 SOCIAL LAW LIBBABY OF BOSTON : Catalogue of Library j ST. Louis LAW ASSOCIATION : Catalogue of Library 1 43 STATE OFFICERS OF KHODE ISLAND : vols. Revised Statvites and Supplements 1 Rhode Island in the Continental Congress 1 STATE OFFICEES OF COLORADO : Revised Statutes of Colorado 1 General Laws of Colorado, 1870 1 STATE OFFICERS OF ARKANSAS : Code of Arkansas and Amendments 1 Constitution of Arkansas 1 STATE OFFICERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA : Acts of South Carolina 2 Code of South Carolina 1 STATE OFFICERS OF LOUISIANA : Louisiana Annual Reports, Vols. 20-22 3 Digest of Statutes 2 Code of Practice , 1 Revised Civil Code 1 Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives, 1871 2 STATE OFFICERS OF KANSAS : General Statutes of Kansas 1 Kansas Reports 5 STATE OFFICERS OF OREGON : General Laws of Oregon 1 Laws of Oregon and Decisions 2 STATE OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA: Revised Statutes 1 PETER STARR : Dayton on Surrogates 1 SIMON STERNE : Representative Government 1 FRANCIS LYNDE STETSON : Debates in the New York Convention of 1840 1 Laws of New Jersey 31 MESSRS. STEVENS & HAYNES, London : Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library : 1 G. S. P. STILLMAN : Documentary History of New York 4 History of Wisconsin 2 Greek Testament 1 Revised Statutes of Wisconsin 1 Wisconsin Code 1 Laws of Wisconsin 9 44 JAMES J. THOMSON : vols. Law Pamphlets on Charitable Uses 1 MONTGOMEBY H. THKOOP : Treatise on the Validity of Verbal Agreements 1 Jacob's Law Dictionary ( Fonblanques' Equity 2 Chitty's Pleadings 3 Starkie on Evidence H Chitty's Criminal Law 3 New York Revised Statutes 1 Engraving of Chief Justice Taney. Louisiana Annual Reports '1 Compiled Laws of Michigan '2 General Statutes of Missouri 1 Brightly 's Digest 1 Revised Statutes of Missouri 2 Commissioners' Report of the New Revised Statutes 2 CHABLES TBACY : Trial of Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr 1 WILLIAM TKACY : Hand Book of Law for Business Men 1 TBUSTEEH OF THE NEW YOBK STATE LIBBARY : Catalogues etc., of the Library 7 " Subject, Index 1 Annual Reports, 1871 and 1872 2 A. UNDEBHILL : Conference du Code Civil 8 M. M. VAIL: Campbell's Nisi Prius ; ; Coke's First Institutes 3 Preston on Legacies 1 Reeves' Law of Shipping 1 Roper on Husband and Wife 2 Roberts on Wills 2 Sellon's Nisi Prius 3 Tidd's Appendix 1 Vemon's Reports 2 Wood's Conveyancing <; Miscellaneous Works 17 A. J. VANDEBPOEL : Hoffman's Laws of New York City and Countv 2 J. VAN NAMEE : Revised Laws of New York, 1813 45 HON. H. C. VAN VOEST : vols. Life of Lord Eldon 2 Trial of the Officers, etc. , Privateer ' ' Savannah, " 1 Trial of Charles B. Huntington for Forgery 1 Trial of Bishop Onderdonk 1 Handy Book on Property Law 1 Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus 1 Revelation of Law in Scripture 1 Wentworth's Pleadings 10 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson 3 Laws and Ordinances Relating to Gas-Light Companies 1 Opinion of Judge Daly Estate of J. W. Brick 1 Journal Board of Public Instruction 1 IRA D. WAKEEN : Bentham's Rationale of Evidence "> Laws of New York 11 NELSON J. WATEBBUBY : Codes du Royaume 1 Bibliotheque du Barreau 9 Institutes de 1'Empereur Justinien 1 Code de 1'Empereur Justinien 4 Le Tresor de 1'Ancienne Jurisprudence Romaine 1 Digeste ou des Pandectes de 1'Empereur Justinien 7 Les Novelles de 1'Ernpereur Justinien 2 La Clef des Lois Romaines ou Dictionaire 2 Mornacius, Observationes in Viginti quatuor priores Libros Digesto- rum, ad usum Forj. Gallico 4 EVERETT P. WHEELEB : Elliot's Debates on the Federal Constitution 4 Case of Michigan Railroad Conspiracy 1 Emerigon on Insurance 2 Laws of New York .*. 4 Laws of New Hampshire 1 Laws of Massachusetts 2 Bridgen's Surrogate 1 Laws Relating to Common Schools 1 Corporation Ordinances 1 Laws of Vermont and Revision of the Statutes 21 HON. JOHN H. WHITE : New York Civil List 1 Manual of the Highway Laws, by Cook 1 Supervisor's Manual, by Thompson 1 Assessors, oAHlBBARYtf/ \NCtu; OslOS-ANGli x^-HBRAR A 000412539 9 NGElj> % 6> OF-CALIF(%, .OF-CALIFOfy^ ^E-UI NIVtKi, \\\EUNIVER ^ ^S ^ JV. oA^LIBRARYQ/. ,imv ijij III ( (! i!