. -^^ ^ . '<> M > ^HIBRARYi % **" "%JAINIH1 5ME-UNIVEBS//V. PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, TRANSACTIONS, AND OTHER SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. A LIST OF PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, TRANSACTIONS, AND OTHER SERIAL PUBLICATIONS CURRENTLY RECEIVED in the f PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES of BOSTON AND VICINITY. BOSTON: THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 1897. 0JL?. // The Public Library of the City of Boston: Printing Department. PREFACE. This list includes current newspapers, periodicals, the publications of so- cieties, universities and institutions, and in certain instances the reports of societies and public departments, when of especial interest or value. It is arranged in one alphabet, except for the agricultural experiment stations, which are all gathered under a single heading. American and English periodicals published by a society, when they have a specific title, as, for instance, the Archaeological journal, are, in general, entered under that title, and a reference is made from the society to the periodical. But journals, transactions, proceedings, etc. are entered under the name of the society publishing them. All publications of a foreign society, however, are entered under the name of the society. In the case of observatories, entry is made under the name of the place in which an observatory is situated, or of the university with which it is connected. Except in the case of English and American societies, references have been made under places to the societies located in them. The times of issue of periodicals are indicated as follows: d. daily; w. weekly; semi-m. semi-monthly; m. monthly; bi-m. bi-monthly; q. quar- terly; semi-a. semi-annually; y. yearly. The dagger (f ) following the name of a periodical indicates that it is indexed in the Annual literary index, the double dagger (^) that it is indexed in the Cumulative index. The letters at the end of the lines show the libraries in which the pub- lications can be found. The numbers given are the shelf-numbers of the Boston Public Library. When the current numbers of a periodical are kept on file in the Periodical room of that library, this fact is indicated by the letters P. R. followed by figures and enclosed in parentheses, thus (P. R. 490). The expression "Per. room" signifies that the bound volumes also are kept in the Periodical room. An Appendix containing additional titles is on page 108. The Correc- tions are on page 1 1 1 . LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. A A American academy of arts and sciences. 10^ Beacon st, Boston. AMC Appalachian mountain club. Tremont building, Boston. AO Astronomical observatory. Harvard university, Cambridge. AR Arnold arboretum. Jamaica Plain. B A Boston athenaeum. 10% Beacon st. , Boston. Bar assoc. Bar association of the city of Boston. 102 Post office building, Boston. BG Botanic garden, Herbarium library. Harvard university, Cambridge. BI Bussey institution, Harvard university. Jamaica Plain. BPL Boston public library. Copley square. BS Boston scientific society. 419 Washington st., Boston. CE Boston society of civil engineers. Tremont temple, Boston. CL Congregational library. Beacon cor. of Somerset st. , Boston. CU Boston young men's Christian union. 48 Boylston st , Boston. DS Divinity school. Harvard university, Cambridge. ET Episcopal theological school. Cambridge. FM American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Beacon cor. of Somerset st. GT General theological library. 53 Mt. Vernon st. , Boston. HC Harvard university. Cambridge. HG New England historic-genealogical society. 18 Somerset st., Boston. HM Harvard musical association, i West Cedar st., Boston. HMS Medical school, Harvard university. Boylston st., Boston. IL Insurance library association. 55 Kilby st. , Boston. LS Law-school. Harvard university, Cambridge. MCP Massachusetts college of pharmacy. St. Botolph cor. of Garrison st. , Boston. MFA Museum of fine arts. Copley square, Boston. MH Massachusetts horticultural society. 101 Tremont st. , Boston. MIT Massachusetts institute of technology. Boylston st. , Boston. ML Boston medical library. 19 Boylston place, Boston. MSL Massachusetts state library. State house, Boston. MZ Museum of comparative zoology. Harvard university, Cambridge. NH Boston society of natural history. 234 Berkeley st. , Boston. SBH Massachusetts state board of health. State house, Boston. SL Social law library. Court house, Pemberton sq. , Boston. SS Lawrence scientific school. Harvard university, Cambridge. PM Peabody museum of archaeology and ethnology. Harvard university, Cambridge. TC Tufts college. Somerville. AND OTHER SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. A B C pathfinder and dial. Boston, w. BA. CU. (P. R. 1124) ABC pathfinder railroad guide. Boston, m. BA. CU. HC. MIT. (P. R. 709) Aarb0ger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic. See Kong, nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Abbeville. See Societe d'emulatipn. Academia Caesarea naturae curiosorum. See Kais.-leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. Academia de la historia, Madrid. See Real academia de la historia. Academia litterarum regia Borussica, Berlin. See Koenig.-preussische Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Academia nacional de ciencias, Cordova. Actas. AA. NH Boletin. AA. NH Academia real das sciencias, Lisbon. Jornal de sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. AA. MZ Memorias. Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. AA Memorias. Sciencias moraes, e politicas e bellas lettras. AA Academia scientiarum imperialis, St. Petersburg. See HjinepaTOpCKaa aKa^euia HayKt, St. Petersburg. Academic d'archeologie de Belgique, Antwerp. Annales. y. AA. PM. (P. R. 830) 3389.5 Bulletin. AA Academic de Macon. Societe des arts, sciences, belles-lettres, et agriculture, Macon. An- nales. y. AA Academic de medecine, Paris. Bulletin, w. ML Memoires. 5741. i Academic de Metz. Memoires. y. AA. MZ Academic de Nimes. Memoires. MZ. NH Academic des beaux-livres, Paris. See Societe des bibliophiles contemporains. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. See Institut de France. Academic des jeux floraux, Toulouse. Recueil. 6687.1 Academic des sciences, Cracow. See Akademija umiej^tnosci, Cracow. Academic des sciences, Paris. See Institut de France. Academic des sciences, agriculture, arts et belles-lettres, Aix. Memoires. AA. NH Seance publique. y. AA. NH Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Caen. Memoires. y. AA Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Dijon. Memoires. y. AA. NH Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Besangon. Proces-verbaux et memoires. y. AA Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Clermont-Ferrand. Bulletin historique et scientifique de 1'Auvergne. 10 nos. a year. NH Memoires. NH Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Lyons. Memoires. AA. NH Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Rouen. Precis analytique. y. AA Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Savoie, CKambery. Documents. NH Memoires. NH Academic des sciences et belles-lettres, Angers. Memoires. NH Academic des sciences et lettres, Montpellier. Section de medecine. Memoires. AA. HC Section des lettres. Memoires. HC Section des sciences. Memoires. AA. HC. NH Academic des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres, Toulouse. Memoires y AA. HC. MZ. NH 2 Acad Agri Academic des sciences, morales et politiques, Paris. See Institut de France. Academic du Card. See Academic dc Nimes. Academic francais, Paris. See Institut de France. Acad6mie imp&iale des sciences, St. Petersburg. See HmiepaTOpCKaa aKaflCMia nayKt, St. Petersburg. Academic nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Bordeaux. Actes. AA. NH Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels. Annuaire. AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH. 3399.1 Bulletins. 2 nos. a year. AA. HC. MZ. NH. 3385.1 Commission royale d'histoire. Cotnpte-rendu des seances. 3257.1 Memoires. AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH. 3381.2 Memoires couronnes et autres memoires. y. AA. AO. MZ. HC. NH. 3398.1 Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers. AA. AO. MZ. NH. 3382.1 Academic royale des sciences et des lettres de Danemark, Copenhagen. See Kong, dansk videnskabernes Selskab. Academische Revue, Munich, m. HC. (P. R. 640. 35ooa.io7 Academy.tt London, w. AA. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1043) Per. room Academy architecture. London. 4090.215 Academy notes. Ed. by Henry Blackburn. London, y. BA. HC. 4077.62 Academy of anthropology, N. Y. Bulletin. PM Academy of medicine in Ireland, Dublin. Transactions, y. . ML Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Annual report. BG Journal. A A. MZ. NH. 3817.1 Proceedings. 3 nos. a year. AA. AMC. MZ. NH. 5815.1 Entomological section. (American entomological society.) Entomological news and Proceedings of the Entomological section, m. MZ. NH.TC. (P. R. 185) 5892.53 Transactions, q. AA. MZ. NH. 3893.50 Academy of science, St. Louis. Transactions. AA. AO. BG. HC. MH. MZ. NH. PM 7302.5 Academy of sciences, N. Y. See New York academy of sciences. Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti, Verona. Memorie. y. AA. NH Accademia dei Lincei. See Reale accademia dei Lincei. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche, Naples. See Societa reale di Napoli. Accademia Gioenia di scienze naturali, Catania. Atti. y. AA. MZ. NH Bulletino delle sedute. q. AA. MZ. NH Accademia medico-chirurgica, Perugia. Atti e rendiconto. AA Accademia pontaniana, Naples. Annuario. AA Atti. y. AA Accademia pontificia de' nuovi Lincei, Rome. Atti. AO. 3303.60 Memorie. 3303.61 Accademia reale delle scienze di Torino. See Reale accademia delle scienze. Acorn. Roxbury. [A boys' newspaper.] m. (P. R. 906) 5302.14 Acta mathematica. Stockholm. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1222) E 5090.50 Actuarial society of America, N. Y. Papers and transactions. ASA Actuarial society of Edinburgh. See Edinburgh actuarial society. Actuarial society of Glasgow. See Glasgow actuarial society. Adelaide, Observatory. Meteorological observations made at the Adelaide observatory and other places in South Australia, y. AA. AO. BS Adjuster. [Insurance.] San Francisco, m. IL Advance. Chicago, w. CL Advocate of peace. (American peace society.) Boston, m. BA. CL. CU. GT. MIT (P. R. 1249) 5570-41 Aeronaute. Pans. m. MIT Aeronautical annual. Boston. BA. 5966.86 Aeronautical society of Great Britain, Greenwich. Report, y. 7965.1 Aerztlicher Verein, Frankfort on the Main. Jahresbericht. y. AA Affiches smyrneennes. Smyrna, w. News, room African methodist episcopal church review. Philadelphia, q. (P. R. i) 7524.10 Aftenposten. Copenhagen, d. News, room Aftonbladet. Stockholm, d. News, room Agram. See Hrvatsko arkeologicko druztvo; Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i um- jetnosti; Matica hrvatska. Agri-horticultural society of India, Calcutta. Journal. NH Agricultural experiment stations. Bulletins and reports. Namely: Alabama. Agricultural and mechanical college. Agricultural experiment station. Auburn. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL Bulletin. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 118) 7995.35 Canebrake agricultural experiment station, Uniontown. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7oo>;.24 Bulletin. MH. MSL. (P. R. 934) 7995.26 Arizona, University of. Agricultural experiment station, Tucson. Annual report. MH MSL --Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 130) 7993.42 Arkansas industrial university. Agricultural experiment station, Fayctteville. Annual report. MH. MSL -Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. TC. 7995.78 Agricultural Stations California, University of. College of agriculture. Agricultural experiment station, Berkeley. Bul- letin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 124) 7992.68 Report. AA.BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 7995.33 Canada. Department of agriculture. Central experiment farm, Ottawa. Bulletin. MH. MSL. 7996.42 Colorado. State agricultural college. Agricultural experiment station. Fort Collins. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL Bulletin. BI. MH. Mil. MSL. TC Connecticut. Agricultural experiment station, New Haven. Annual report. BI. HC. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 5994.55 Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 107) 5996.61 Storrs school agricultural experiment station. Annual report. AA. MH. MSL. TC. 7993.18 -Bulletin. AA. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. in) 7996.16 Delaware college agricultural experiment station, Newark. Annual report. MH. MSL. 3994.121 Bulletin. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 131) 3994-I2O Florida. State agricultural college. Experiment station, Lake City. Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 113) 7993-22 Georgia, University of. State college of agriculture and mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment sta- tion, Experiment. Annual report. MH. MSL Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 133) 7995-" Idaho, University of. College of agriculture. Agricultural experiment station, Moscow. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL Bulletin. MH. MSL. (P. R. 132) 7993-45 Illinois, University of. Agricultural experiment station, Urbana. Annual reoort. BI. MH. MSL -- Bufletin. AO. BI. HC. MH. MIT. MSL. TC Indiana. Purdue university. Agricultural experiment station, LaFayette. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7992-76 Bulletin. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 112) 7992-77 Iowa agricultural college. Experiment station, Ames. Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 102) 7995-51 Kansas. State agricultural college. Experiment station, Manhattan. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL. NH. 7996.34 Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 910) 7996.11 Kentucky. State college. Agricultural experiment station, Lexington. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL. TC Bulletin. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 122) 7995.42 Louisiana. State university and agricultural and mechanical college. Agricultural experiment station, Baton Rouge. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7996.14 Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 116) 7996.13 Sugar experiment station, New Orleans. Bulletin. MIT Maine. State college of agriculture and the mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment station, Orono. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7096.32 Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 134) 7996.28 Maryland agricultural college. Experiment station, College Park. Annual report. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 7996.16 --Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 104) 7996.24 Massachusetts. State agricultural experiment station, Amherst. Annual report. BI. HC. MH. MSL. NH. TC. 7992.55 -Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 106) 7996.33 Massachusetts agricultural college. Hatch experiment station, Amherst. Annual report. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. NH. TC. 7995.27 Bulletin. AO. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. (P. R. 127) 5991.41 Meteorological observatory. Bulletin, m. AO. BI. MH. MSL. (P. R. 127) 7962.30 Michigan. State agricultural college. Agricultural experiment station, Lansing. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 826) 7993.24 Minnesota, University of. Agricultural experiment station, St. Anthony Park. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7992.21 --Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 7992.20 Mississippi. Agricultural and mechanical college. Experiment station, Agricultural college. Annual report. MH. MSL. TC Bulletin. AA. MH. MSL. TC Missouri, University ot. Agricultural experiment station, Columbia. Bulletin. AA. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 121) 7992.74 Montana. Agricultural experiment station, Bozeman. Annual report. -Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC Nebraska, University of. Agricultural experiment station, Lincoln. Annual report. AA. HC. MH. MSL. 7995-29 Bulletin. AA. BI. HC. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 120) 7995.30 Nevada, University of. Agricultural experiment station, Reno. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7992.73 Bulletin. MH. MSL. (P. R. 933) 7992.72 New Hampshire. College of agriculture and the mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment station, Durham. Annual report. MH. MSL Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL New Jersey. Rutgers scientific school. (New Jersey agricultural college.) Experiment station, Bruns- wick. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7996.5; Bulletin. MH New Jersev. State agricultural experiment station, Brunswick. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL. 7996.5 -Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 117) 7996.1 New Mexico. College of agriculture and mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment station, Las Cruces. Annual report. MH. MSL Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL New York. Agricultural experiment station, Geneva. Annual report. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 7995.15 --Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL Cornell university. Agricultural experiment station, Ithaca. Annual report. BI. MH. MSL. 7095.13 --Bulletin. BG. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 115) 7996.12 North Carolina college of agriculture and the mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment station, Raleigh. Annual report. BI. MH. MSL. 7096.15 - Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. (P. R. 473) 7996.38 State weather service division. Bulletin, m. MH. MSL North Dakota. Agricultural experiment station, Fargo. Annual report. MH. MSL -Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. TC Weekly weather crop bulletin. AO Ohio state university. Agricultural experiment station, Columbus. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7996.6 Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 103) 7996.18 Oklahoma. Agricultural experiment station. Stillwater. Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL 4 Agri - - Allg Ontario. Department of agriculture. Agricultural college and experimental farm, Guelph. Annual report. MH. MSL. 7996.46 -Bulletin, semi-m. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. no) 7996.16 Oregon. State agricultural college. Agricultural experiment station, Corvallis. Annual report. MH. MSL -Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 126) 7992.7 Pennsylvania state college. Agricultural experiment station, State college. Annual report. BI. MH. MSL -Bulletin. BI. MH. MSL. TC Rhode Island college of agriculture and the mechanic arts. Agricultural experiment station. Kingston. Annual report. BI. MH. MSL. TC. 7996.65 -Bulletin. BG BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 919) 7992.47 South Carolina. Clemson agricultural college. Agricultural experiment station, Calhoun. Annual report. Mil. MSL Bulletin. MH. MSL South Dakota agricultural college and experiment station, Brookings. Annual report. MH. MSL Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL Tennessee, University of. Agricultural experiment station. Annual report. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. 7993.26 -Bulletin. AA. MH. MIT. MSL Texas, Agricultural and mechanical college of. Agricultural experiment station, College station. Brazos Co. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL. 7995.38 -Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. (P. R. ios) 7905.39 Utah, Agricultural college of. Experiment station, Logan. Annual report. MH. MSL. TC. 7006.45 Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. no) 7996.49 Vermont. State agricultural experiment station, Burlington. Annual report. HC. MH. MIT. MSL. TC -Bulletin. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 129) 79^" Virginia agricultural and mechanical college. Agricultural experiment station, Blacksburg. Annual report. MH. MSL. TC Bulletin, m. MH. MSL. TC Washington. State agricultural college and school of science. Agricultural experiment station, Pull- man. Annual report. MH. MSL Bulletin. MH. MSL West Virginia university. Agricultural experiment station, Morgantown. Annual report. MH. MSL. TC. 7996.7 Bulletin. MH. MSL. (P. R. 123.) 7996.21 Wisconsin, University of. Agricultural experiment station. Annual report. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 114) 79^6.41 Wyoming, University of. Agricultural college. Experiment station, Laramie. Annual report. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 7996.51 Bulletin. BI. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 896) 7^96.52 Agricultural gazette of New South Wales. Sydney, m. BI. HC. (Botanical lab.) MH Agricultural science. State college, Pa. MH. 7996.3 Aix. See Academic des sciences, agriculture, arts et belles-lettres. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Krakow. See Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Bulletin international, m. AA. MZ. NH Komisyja antropologiczna. Zbior wiadomosci do antropologii Krajowej. HC Komisyja fizyjograficzna. Sekcyja meteorologiczna. Materyaly do klimatog. Galicyi. AO Komisyja jfzykowa. Sprawozdania. HC Wydzial filologiczny. Rozprawy. HC Wydzial historiczno-filozoficzny. Rozprawy. HC Akhbar. Algiers, d. News, room Akropolis. Athens, d. News, room Alabama. Board of health. Report, y. ML. MSL. SBH Geological survey. Report. MSL Bulletin. MSL. 5879.60 Weather service, Auburn. Bulletin, w. HC. MIT. MSL Alabama industrial and scientific society. Proceedings. MIT Alabama medical association, Montgomery. Transactions, y. ML Alabama state bar association, Montgomery. Proceedings, y. MSL Alaskan. Sitka. w. News, room Albany institute. Transactions. HC. TC. 7947.5 Albany law journal, w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Alemannia. Zeitschrift fur Sprache, Litteratur und Volkskunde des Elsasses und Ober- rheins. Bonn. HC Alienist and neurologist. St. Louis, q. ML Alighieri. Rivista di cose dantesche. See Giprnale dantesco. All the year round.f London. [Incorporated with Household words, May. 1895.] Per. room Allgemeine Bauzeitung. Vienna, q. HC. (Special libraries.) 4090.201 Bibliographic der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften. Berlin, bi-m. BA. HC. LS. SL. (P. R. 535) 2168.6 Bibliographic fur Deutschland. Leipzig. 6177.55 Continued after 1892 as Wochentliches Verzeichnis, etc. Allgemeine bptanische Zeitschrift. Carlsruhe. BG Allgemeine Fischerei Zeitung. See Bayerischer und deutscher Fischerei Verein. Allgemeine medicinische Central-Zeitung. Berlin, semi-w. ML Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift. Giitersloh. m. FM Allgemeine schweizerische Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Neue Denkschriften. NH Verhandlungen. AA. MZ. NH. TC Allgemeine Wiener medicinische Zeitung. Vienna, w. ML Allg Amer 5 Allgemeine Zeitung Munich, d. (News, room.) 6300.2 Allgememer evangelisch-protestantischer Missionsverein, Berlin. Zeitschrift fur Missions- kunde und Religionswissenschaft. q. PM Allgemeiner osterreichischer Apotheker-Verein, Vienna. Zeitschrift. 3 nos. a month. Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon. (W. Heinsius.) Leipzig. BA. (Ordering depO aili'a A Igemeines statistisches Archiv. Tubingen, semi-a. HC. MIT. (P. R. 905) 6oaTloa A manach de Gotha. Gotha. y. BA. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 621^.1 Almanach de la cooperation franchise. Paris. ^6oa 102 Almanach des spectacles. (Public par A. Soubies.) Paris. 46goa Almanach Hachette. Paris. BA HC Soa Almanach national. See France. Almanach national. A pine journal. (Alpine club.) London. AMC. AO. BA. (P. R. 6) 530450 Alte und neue Welt. Einsiedeln, etc. fp R IIO7 < < , Altenburg. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Altpreussische Monatsschrift. Konigsberg m HP Altruist. St. Louis, m. MIT ,p R ?o Altruist interchange. N. Y. q. 75) Altruistic review. See Twentieth century monthly Aluminum world. N. Y. m. ( P R I26 ^ Alumni journal. N. Y. 9 nos. a year. l 3) Alumni report. See Philadelphia college of pharmacy Am Ur-quell. Monatsschrift fur Volkskunde. Hamburg m HP Amateur de livres. Paris, m. / P R OO4 >, fir Jr?7 Amateur gardening. Springfield, Mass, m l5m American. Phila. w. BA HC (P R 124^ 7761 i American academy of arts and sciences, Boston Memoirs AA. AO. BA. BG. BS. HC. MIT. ML. MSL. MZ. NH. TC 33707 Proceedings, y. AA. AO. BA. BG. BS. HC. MIT. ML. MZ. NH. TC 33706 American academy of political and social science, Phila. Annals ft bi-m American agriculturist. N. Y. . ^ ** ^ HC MSL ' < R " ^, *-$$ See also New England homestead. American ancestry. (T. P. Hughes.) Albany, y. BA HG MSL AA-K American angler. N. Y. m. 1A< "rp' %*X JgS'g American annals of the deaf. Washington, q. MSL o&I American annual of photography and photographic times almanac. N.Y HC MIT' 7077 ^o American anthropologist. (Anthropological society of Washington.) Washington m A .. AA. BA. MZ. NH. PM. (P. R. 8) 62^06=5 American antiquarian and oriental journal.f Good Hope 111 bi-m . BA. CL. HC. HG. MIT. NH. PM. '(P. R 10) Per room American antiquarian society, Worcester. Archaeologia Americana. AA. BA. CL. HC. MSL. PM. 2i i Contains the Proceedings as an Appendix. American philosophical society, Phila. Proceedings. AA. AO. BA. BG. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. 5303.1 Transactions. AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH. .145.2 American phrenological journal. See Phrenological journal. American pomological society, Boston. Proceedings. MH. MSL. 3837.5 American practitioner and news. Louisville, semi-m. ML American psychological association, N. Y. Proceedings. See Psychological review. American public health association. Papers and reports, y. ML. MSL. SBH. 3762.51 American railroad journal. See American engineer, car builder and railroad journal. American railway association. Proceedings, y. ' MIT American railway master mechanics' association, N. Y. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. In Railroad gazette. MIT. 7220 50 American school of classical studies at Athens. Annual report. HC. MSL. MZ. 2963151 Bulletin. "BA. Papers. BA. HC. PM. 296362 American Shakespeare magazine. N. Y. m. (P. R 1212) 4500 no Continues The Fortnightly Shakespeare, of which only one volume was published. American social science association. See Journal of social science. American society of church history, N. Y. Papers, y. BA DS 3<540a <$ American society of civil engineers, N. Y. Proceedings, m. CE. MIT. SS ' 40103 268 Transactions, m. CE. MIT. SS. 4Oioa 270 American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Transactions. N. Y. y. HC. MIT American society of irrigation engineers, Denver. Annual. MIT -Quarterly. (P. R. 633) 5942-73 8 Amer Anna American society of mechanical engineers, N.Y. Transactions, y. CE. MIT. SS. 4014.205 American society of naturalists, Boston, etc. Records. NH American society of naval engineers, Washington. Journal, q. MIT. SS. (P. R. 442) 40103.220 American society of railroad superintendents, N. Y. Proceedings. MIT. MSL. 8015.113 American statistical association, Boston. Publications.! q. ASA. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. SBH. (P. R. 949) Per. room American street-railway association, Brooklyn. Verbatim report of annual meeting. MIT MSL. 4011.233 American surgical association, Phila. Transactions. ML. 3753.65 American teacher. Boston, m. MSL. (P. R. 646) 7500.54 American Unitarian association. Ladies' commission on Sunday-school books, Boston. Annual list of books for Sunday-school and other libraries. Boston, y. MSL. 6197.4 American university magazine. N. Y. m. GT. HC. (P. R. 380) 7200.66 Continues the University magazine. American veterinary review. N. Y. m. ML. (P. R. 26) 8006.5 American water works association. Report of proceedings, y. MIT. 5942.60 American yacht list. N. Y. y. BA. (Bates Hall.) 3959.66 Amerikanische Turnzeitung. Milwaukee, w. News, room Amesbury and Salisbury agricultural and horticultural society. Transactions. MH Amherst college. Catalogue, y. 4387.20 Obituary record. BA Amherst student, semi-m. (P. R. 1228) 7300.55 Ami des monuments et des arts. Paris. BA. HC. (Special libraries.) 4090.220 Amiens. See Societe des antiquaires de Picardie; Societe linneenne du nord de la France. Among the clouds. Mt. Washington, N. H. d. (during summer.) MSL Amsterdam. See Kon. akademie van wetens,chappen; Kon. zoologisch genootschap; Nederlandsch aardrijks kundig genootschap; Societe mathematique; Vereeniging voor nederlandsche muziekgeschiedenis. Amsterdamsche courant. Amsterdam, d. News, room Analyst. (Society of public analysts.) London, m. HC. MCP. MIT. SBH. (P. R. 40) 7978.50 Anatomische Hefte. Referate und Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Wiesbaden. MZ. TC Anatomischer Anzeiger. Jena, semi-m. MIT. MZ Ancient and honorable artillery company, Boston. Annual record. BA. HC. HG. MSL 4354-8 Andover theological seminary. Catalogue. 4486.4 Necrology. BA Andover (Mass.) townsman, w. CL. MSL Angers. See Academic des sciences et belles-lettres; Societe d'etudes scientifiques; Societe nationale d'agriculture, science et arts. Anglia. Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologie. Halle, q. HC. (P. R. 27) 4585.100 Beiblatt. Mitteilungen aus dem gesammten Gebiete der englischen Sprache u. Litteratur. m. HC. (P. R. 27) 4586.124 Animals' friend. London, m. (P. R. 28) 5745-9 Annaes de sciencias naturaes. Oporto, q. MZ. NH Annalen der Chemie. See Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Annalen der Hydrographie. See Deutsche Seewarte. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. (Poggendorff, Wiedemann.) Leipzig, m. AA. AO. HC. MIT. (P. R. 30) 39793.120 Beiblatter. m. AA. HC. MIT Annalen des deutschen Reichs fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Statistik. Munich and Leipzig, m. HC. (P. R. 29) 4812.50 Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Glaser. Berlin, bi-m. MIT Annales d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale. Paris, m. ML. (P. R. 32) 3715.2 Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris, m. AA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 31) 3959.2 Annales de dermatologie et syphilographie. Paris, m. ML Annales de geographic. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 986) 6272.8 Annales de la propagation de la foi. Lyons, bi-m. (P. R. 454) 3538.1 Annales de micrographie. Paris, m. MIT Annales de philosophic chretienne. Paris, m. HC. (P. R. 496) 7509.50 Annales des maladies de 1'oreille et du larynx. Paris, bi-m. ML Annales des maladies des organes genito-urinaires. Paris, m. ML Annales des mines. Lois, decrets. Paris, m. AA. HC. MIT. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH (P. R. 35) 3377.50 Memoires. m. AA. HC. MIT. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH. (P. R. 35) 3347.3 Annales des ponts et chaussees. Paris. Lois, decrets, etc. m. AA. CE. MIT. SS (P. R. 510) 40103.230 Memoires et documents, m. AA. CE. MIT. SS. (P. R. 510) 40103.225 Memoires et documents. Personnel, y. AA. CE. MIT. SS. 5344.1 From 1831-69 the Personnel appeared in the Lois, decrets, etc. Anna Annu 9 Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique. Paris, bi-m. AA. BG. (P. R. 36) 5865- 1 -Zoologie. bi-m. AA. BG. MZ. NH. (P. R. 37) 5864.1 Annales des sciences psychiques. Paris, bi-m. (P. R- 520) 3603.130 Annales des travaux publics de Belgique. See Belgium. Ministere de 1 agriculture et des travaux publics. Annales du Baccalaureat es sciences. Paris. See Baccalaureat es sciences. Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. See Buitenzorg, Java. Jardm botamque. Annales du theatre et de la musique. Paris. (Bates Hall.) 4041.225 Annales forestieres. See Revue des eaux et forets. Annales hydrographiques. Paris. 3955- IO Annales medico-psychologiques. Paris, bi-m. HC. ML. (P. R. 38) 5760.55 Annales scientifiques de 1'Ecole nprmale superieure. See Ecole normale superieure. Annales telegraphiques. Paris, bi-m. MIT. (P. R. 39) 7967.1 Annali delle universita toscane. Pisa. 535 1 -5 Annali di matematica pura ed applicata. Milan, q. Annali di nevrologia. Naples. This periodical may be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's office, 33 Marlborough street. Annals and magazine of natural history. London, m. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 41) 3816.2 Annals of botany, by Balfour, Vines and Farlow. London, q. HC. MH. MIT. NH. 3851.101 Annals of British geology, by Blake. London, y. Annals of horticulture in North America. N. Y. MH. 5996-59 Annals of Iowa. (Historical department of Iowa.) Iowa City. q. HC. HG. MSL (P. R. 558) 4472.1 Annals of mathematics. (University of Virginia.) Charlottesville. AO. HC. MIT (P. R. 837) .5091.50 Annals of Scottish natural history. Edinburgh, q. MZ Annals of surgery. Phila. m. ML Annals of the propagation of the faith. (Roman Catholic.) London, bi-m. FM Annee cartographique. Paris. BA. HC. 6260.71 Annee epigraphique. Revue des publications epigraphiques relatives a 1'antiquite romaine. Par R. Cagnat. Paris. 4951-53 Also published in the Revue archeologique. Annee industrielle. Par Max de Nansouty. Paris. AA. (Bates Hall.) 8039.101 Annee litteraire. Par Paul Ginisty. Paris. (Bates Hall.) 4696.51 Annee medicale. (Bourneville.) Paris. 3719-55 Annee philosophique. (F. Pillon.) Paris, y. BA. HC Annee politique. (A. Daniel.) Paris. BA. HC. (Bates Hall.) 22193^51 Annee psychologique. Paris. HC Annee scientifique et industrielle. Paris. AA. MIT. (Bates Hall.) 7927.2 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de 1'industrie, de la magistrature, et de 1'administration de Paris, des departements et des pays etrangers. Paris. 6635.1 From 1873-95 this is in two parts. I, Paris. 2, Departements; 1896 has a 3d part: Colonies frangaises et pays de protectorats. Etranger. Annuaire astronomique et meteorologique par Flammarion. Paris. AO. .5119.36 From 1865 to 1883 the Annuaire was published in the Almanach du magasin pittoresque [7291.52] ; in 188.4 in the Almanach astronomique Flammarion; and from 1885 to 1892 in L' Astronomic [5010.58]. Annuaire de 1'administration des contributions directes et du cadastre. Paris. HC Annuaire de 1'armee franchise. See France. Ministere de la guerre. Annuaire de 1'economie politique et de la statistique. (Block.) Paris. BA. HC. MSL (Bates Hall.) 56493.3 Annuaire de I'electricite. (Rousset.) Paris. AA. 3962.149 Annuaire de 1'instruction publique. See France. Ministere de 1'instruction publique. Annuaire de la librairie beige. Livre d'adresses. Brussels. 2148.8 Annuaire de la marine. Paris. See France. Ministere de la marine. Annuaire de la noblesse de Belgique. Brussels. HC Annuaire de la noblesse de France. Fonde par M. Borel d'Hauterive. Paris. BA. HC. (Bates Hall.) 4639.1* Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie. Saint-Petersburg. HC. 3067.100 Annuaire de la presse fr.anc.aise. Paris. HC. 6199.3 Annuaire de legislation etrangere. See Societe de legislation comparee. Annuaire de legislation franchise. See Societe de legislation comparee. Annuaire de therapeutique. Paris. 5739a.i Annuaire des archives israelites. Paris. 22993.68 Annuaire des bibliotheques et des archives. (Publ. sous" les auspices du Ministere de 1'in- struction publique.) Paris. HC. 2149.13 Annuaire des chateaux et des departements. Paris. (Bates Hall.) 6636.54 Annuaire des eaux et forets. Paris. MH. 58493.50 Annuaire des mines et de la metallurgie et de la construction mecanique. Paris. 3863.51 Annuaire diplomatique et consulsire de la Republique franchise. Paris. HC (Bates Hall.) 66193.1 Annuaire genersl des fonctionnsires de I'etst et des officiers de I'srmee et de la marine. Paris. HC io Annu Arch Annuaire general et international de la photographic. Paris. AA Annuaire geologique universel. Paris. MZ. NH. 3877.50 Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. Brussels, y. MIT Annuaire statistique de la France. See France. Ministere du commerce, de 1'industrie des postes et des telegraphes. Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris. See Paris. Annuaire statistique. Annuaire universel des societes de geographic. Geneva. (Bates Hall.) 2289.61 Annuaire universel illustre. Paris. (Bates Hall.) 2300.101 Annual American catalogue. N. Y. BA. HC. MIT. (Bates Hall.) 2160.28=2 1503.9 Annual literary index. Ed. by Fletcher and Bowker. N. Y. BA. HC. MIT. 3172.6 Continues the Cooperative index to periodicals [3172-5]- Annual of the universal medical sciences. Phila. ML. (Bates Hall.) 3733-54 Annual register: a review of public events at home and abroad. London. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. SL. (Bates Hall.) 2218.1 Annual statistician and economist. San Francisco. HC. MSL. 2389.68 Annual summaries reprinted from the Times. London. BA. HC. 23O9a.64 Annuario della nobilita italiana. Pisa. HC. (Bates Hall.) 27393.51 Annuario statistico italiano. See Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, etc. Antananarivo annual and Madagascar magazine, y. HC Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Journal.f q. HC. MZ. NH. PM. (P. R. 220) 6235.50 Anthropological society, Washington. Special papers. A A. NH. PM. 6233.13 See also American anthropologist. Anthropological society of Tokio. Journal. PM Anthropologie. Paris, bi-m. HC. MZ. NH. PM. (P. R. 526) 4239.55 Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Vienna. Mittheilungen. AA. HC. PM. (P. R. 1274) 62303.14 Antiquarische Gesellschaft, Zurich. Mittheilungen. HC. (P. R. 1210) 4811.60 Antiquarisk tidskrift for Sverige. See Kongl. vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien. Antiquary. London, m. HC. HG. (P. R. 648) 2502.50 Antwerp. See Academic d'archeologie de Belgique; Societe royalede geographic d'Anvers. Anuario de la prensa chilena, publicado por la Biblioteca nacional. Santiago de Chile. 6163.52 Anzeiger fur deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur. Berlin, q. HC. 4903.50 Anzeiger fur die neueste padagogische Litteratur. Leipzig, etc. m. II C Apothecary. Chicago, q. MCP Apotheker-Zeitung. N. Y. m. MCP Appalachia. (Appalachian mountain club.) Boston. 2 nos. a year. AMC. AO. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. (P. R. 561) 5218.5 Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. N. Y. BA. HC. IL. MSL. SL. TC. (Bates Hall.) 4313.1 7393-10 Appleton's Popular science monthly.ft N. Y. [Until November, 1895, called Popular sci- ence monthly.] BA. CU. HC. MCP. MIT. MSL. NH. PM. SS. TC. (P. R. 310) Per. room=ii5o.i Arauto. (Formerly Amigo dos Catholicos.) Hayward, Cal. w. News, room Arbeiter-Kolonie. Organ der Fiirsorgebestrebungen fur Heimatlose und Arbeitlose. Gad- derbaum. m. MIT Arbeiter-Versorgung. Berlin. 3 nos. a month. MIT Arbetaren. N. Y. w. News, room Arbetaren. Worcester, w. News, room Arbetarens Van. Worcester, w. News, room Arcachon. See Societe scientifique et Station zoologique. Archaeologia. See Society of antiquaries, London. Archaeologia .diliana. (Society of antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) PM Archaeologia Americana. See American antiquarian society. Archaeologia Cambrensis. (Cambrian archaeological association.) London, q. HC (P. R. 866) 2418.55 Archaeologia Cantiana. (Kent archaeological society.) Maidstone. 24393.56 Archseologiai Ertesito. See Magyar tudomanyos akademia. Archaeological institute of America. Annual report. BA. PM. 4216.50 Papers. American series. HC. MSL. NH. PM. 4216.55 Papers. Classical series. HC. MSL. PM. 2963.50 See also American journal of archaeology; American school of classical studies at Athens. Archaeological journal. (Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland.) London, q. BA. (P. R. 42) 2238.50 Archaeological survey of Egypt. See Egypt exploration fund. Archaeological survey of India. See Epigraphia Indica. Archaeologisch-epigraphische Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich. Vienna. HC. 2973.56 Archaeologisches Institut des Deutschen Reichs, Berlin. See Kais. -deutsches archaolo- gisches Institut. Archer, William. See Theatrical world. Archief voor nederlandsche kunstgeschiedenis. Rotterdam, y. HC Arch Arch 1 1 Architect and contract reporter. London, w. (Special libraries.) 4101.201 Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein, Hannover. See Zeitschrift fur Architektur und In- genieurwesen. Architectural record^ N. Y. q. BA. HC. MIT . (Special libraries.) 4090.273 Architectural review. Boston. 8 nos. a year. BA. HC. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4102.205 Architecture. Paris, w. (Special libraries.) 4091.251 Architecture and building. N.Y. w. MIT. SBH. (Special libraries.) 4102.210 Architecture et sculpture en France. Paris, m. (Special libraries.) 4091.227 Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig. HC. (P. R. 907) .5089.50 Archiv der Pharmacie. See Deutscher Apotheker-Verein. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. Christiania. MZ Archiv fur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. See Archiv fur Anatomic und Physi- ologic. Anatomische Abtheilung. Archiv fur Anatomic und Physiologic. Leipzig. Anatomische Abtheilung. bi-m. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 870) 3758.2 Physiologische Abtheilung. bi-m. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 869) ,3758-3 Archiv fur Anthropologie. See Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Archiv fur biirgerliches Recht. Berlin. LS Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Brunswick. 8 nos. a year. HC. TC. (P. R. 44) 3358.1 Archiv fur Dermatqlogie. Vienna. ML Archiv fur die civilistische Praxis. Heidelberg, etc. q. LS. (P. R. 45) 5^79-50 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn, semi-m. HC. MIT. (P. R. 46) 3760^50 Archiv fiir die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands. See Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesell- schaft. Archiv fiir die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen. Prague. MZ (Whitney Library) Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen. Berlin, bi-m. HC. MIT Archiv fiir Entscheidungen der obersten Gerichte in den deutschen Staaten. Munich and Leipzig, q. LS Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Leipzig, m. MIT. MZ This periodical may also be consulted in Dr. C. S. Minot's library at the Harvard medical school. Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologic. Leipzig. ML Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophic. Berlin, semi-a. HC Archiv fiir Gesetzgebung und Statistik. See Austria. Kais.-konigl. Handelsministerium. Archiv fur Gynaekologie. Berlin. 3 nos. a year. ML. (P. R. 47) 5776.53 Archiv fiir Hygiene. Munich and Leipzig, m. MIT. ML Archiv fiir Kinderheilkunde. Stuttgart. ML Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie. Berlin. ML Archiv fiir Laryngologie. Berlin. ML Archiv fur lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik. Leipzig, q. HC. (P. R-48) 4985.50 Archiv fur Literatur und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters. Freiburg. (P. R. 596) 3524.108 Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Bonn. 8 nos. a year. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 49) 5751-5 Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte. Berlin. 6 nos. a year. MZ. NH. (P. R. 50) 5819.1 Archiv fiir pffentliches Recht. Freiburg. 4 nos. a year. LS Archiv fiir osterreichische Geschichte. Vienna, semi-a. HC Archiv fiir Ophthalmologie. Berlin. ML This periodical, beginning with vol. I, may also be consulted at Dr. O. F. Wadsworth's, 526 Beacon st. Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic und fiir klinische Medicin. Berlin, m. HC. ML. (P. R. 51) 7717.1 Archiv fiir Physiologic. See Archiv fiir Anatomic und Physiologic. Physiologische Abtheilung. Archiv fiir Post und Telegraphic. Berlin, semi-m. (P. R. 52) 7967.70 Archiv fiir Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten. Berlin. HC. ML This periodical, beginning with vol. 17, may also be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's, 33 Marlborough st. Archiv fiir slavische Philologie. Berlin, q. HC. (P. R. 639) 50703.50 Archiv fiir soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Tubingen, q. HC. (P. R. 708) 7645.10 Archiv fiir systematische Philosophic. Berlin, q. HC. (P. R. 601) 76003.11 Continues Philosophische Monatshette [76003.6]. Archiv fiir Verdauungs-Krankheiten. Berlin. . ML Archives d'anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie et de psychologic normale et patholo- gique. Lyons, bi-m. (P. R. 54*) 3573-105 Archives de biologic. Paris and Ghent. NH. MZ. (P. R. 582) 3887.50 Archives de medecine et de pharmacie militaires. Paris, m. (P. R. 54) 3756.50 Archives de medecine experimentale et d' anatomic pathologique. Paris, bi-m. ML (P. R. 557) 7796.27 Archives de neurologic. Paris, m. HC. ML This periodical, beginning wth vol. 19, may also be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's offce, 33 Marl- borough st. 12 Arch Asso Archives de physiologic normale et pathologique. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 55) 7768.25 Archives de tocologie. Paris, m. ML Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale. Paris, q. MZ. NH Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. See Bibliotheque universelle et Revue suisse. Archives diplomatiques. Paris, ni. BA. HC. (P. R. 57) 6215.1 Archives du bibliophile. Paris, ni. (P. R. 618) 6156.25 Archives generates de medecine. Paris, m. ML. (P. R. 58) 7724.1 Archives italiennes de biologic. Turin. MZ Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. See Hollandsche maatschappig. Archives of Maryland. See Maryland historical society. Archives of ophthalmology. N. Y. q. ML. (P. R. 888) 5808.50 Archives of otology. N. Y. q. ML. (P. R. 59) 5808.60 Archives of pediatrics. Phila. m. ML Archives of surgery. London, q. ML Archives provinciates de chirurgie. Paris, m. ML Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome. HC. (P. R. 570) 2785.51 Archivio paleografico italiano. Turin. Cab. 21.11.1 Archivio per 1'antropologia e la etnologia. See Societa italiana di antropologia e la etnologia. Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari. Palermo, q. HC Archivio storico dell' arte. Rome. bi-m. BA. HC. (Special libraries.) 4072.225 Archivio storico italiano. See Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Toscana. Archivio storico lombardo. See Societa storica lombarda. Archive storico per le provincie napoletane. See Societa nappletana di storia patria. Archivio veneto. See Regia deputazione veneta di storia patria. Arena.ft Boston, m. BA. CL. CU. HC. (P. R. 60) Per. room:=8oi.i5 Arevelk. [Armenian.] Galata. d. News, room Argentine Republic. Oficina meteorologica argentina, Cordova. Anales. AA. AO. BA. HC. 3960.14 See also Cordova, Observatorio nacional argentine. Argonaut. San Francisco, w. News, room Argosy.f London, m. (P. R. 61) Per. room Argus. Albany, d. News, room Argus. [Swedish.] Boston, w. News, room Argus. [Insurance.] Chicago, f. IL Arizona daily citizen. Tucson. News, room Arkansas. Geological survey. Annual report. MIT. MSL. NH. 7863.32 Arkansas gazette. Little Rock. d. News, room Arkiv for nordisk Filologi. Christiania and Lund. y. HC Armana prouvenc.au per lou bel an de Dieu. Avignon, y. HC Army and navy gazette. London, w. (P. R. ion) 6920.4 Army and navy journal. See United States army and navy journal. Army and navy register. Washington, w. BPL. (P. R. 902) Army and navy year-book. Phila. BA. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 3957.112 Arskatalog for svenska bokhandeln. Stockholm, y. HC. 6160. 18 Art amateur. N. Y. m. (Special libraries.) 4061.225 Art dans la vie contemporaine. See Revue des arts decoratifs.. Art franc.ais. Paris, w. (Special libraries.) 4070.215 Art interchange. N. Y. m. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4061.230 Art journal.f London, m. BA. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4072.205 Art pour tous. Paris, m. BA. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4061.205 Arte italiana decorativa e industriale. Milan, m. MFA. MIT. (Special libraries.) Cab.8o.s8.i Artist and journal of home culture. Continued as Artist, photographer and decorator. Artist, photographer and decorator. London, m. (Special libraries.) 40603.230 Arundel society, London. Publications. BA. HC. MFA. BPL. (See catalogue.) ' Apxtia TV* NewT^paj 'EXXT/ptKiJy y\(icr\ TIC" f.f. Burlington (Vt.) daily free press. BA> News toom Burlington (Iowa) hawk-eye, d. News' room Burma. Conservators of forests. Rangoon, y. M^T Burma gazette. Rangoon, w. MQT Business. N. Y. m. /p R -, rf5?i Bye-gones, relating to Wales and the border counties. Oswestry, etc m ' HC Byzantimsche Zeitschrift. Leipzig, q. HC (P' R IAT^ cn?T fa Cabanis's Journal fur Ornithologie. See Journal fur Ornithologie. ' Caen See : Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres; Faculte des sciences de Caen. Laboratoire de geologic; Societe linneenne de Normandie Cairo, Observatoire khedivial du Caire. Resume mensuel des observations meteorolo- giques. ^Q de S e ee als J nstitut egyptien; Mission archeologique franchise; Societe khediviale Calabria; rivista di letteratura popolare. Monteleone. m. HC Calcutta. Royal botanic garden. Annals. AA BG MH Calcutta. See also Agri-horticultural society of India; Asiatic society of Bengal Indian museum. Calcutta review, q. jjC (P R IAZ) CO/M TOO California State board of health. Sacramento. Biennial report. ' ML MSL SBH State library. Publications. HC MSL 4172111 State mining bureau. Biennial report of the state mineralogist. AA MSL 786266 --Bulletin, y. AA MIT ; MSL ; ^gg Calitorma academy of sciences, San Francisco. Bulletin. AA. AMC. AO. HC. NH. TC - Memoirs. AA . AMC AQ mT MZ - Occasional papers. AA. AMC. AO. MIT. NH. TC. 3 oooa 52 -Proceedings. AA. AO. AR. BG. HC. MIT. MZ. NH. TC 5302 i California cultivator and poultry keeper. Los Angeles, m. MH California state agricultural society, Sacramento. Transactions. MH MSL =5001 60 California state medical society. See Medical society of the state of California Calwer Missionsblatt. Calw. m. FM . . . Cambrian archaeological association. Annual meetings. London See also Archaeologia Cambrensis. Cambridge, Mass. Public library. Bulletin, m. BA CL HC MSL 61=1670 Cambridge (Eng.) antiquarian society. Proceedings with communications made to the society. "Pi\/r Publications. Octavo series. ' Cambridge (Mass.) blue book. Cambridge, y. HP Cambridge (Mass.) chronicle, w. lt " Cambridge ("Mass.) entomological club. See Psyche Cambridge First parish. Sermons. (By S. M. Crothers.) semi-m. DS 7460101 Cambridge magazine. See American co-operative news. Cambridge (Eng.) philological society. Proceedings, y. HP ^ne^ , Transactions. g^ 4953 '^ Cambridge (Eng.) philosophical society. Proceedings, semi-a. AA. AO. HC?NH 1 ransactions. A A A/^V TJ^ VTTT Cambridge (Mass.) press, w. BA NT M^T M ' 529 a - T Cambridge (Eng.) review; a journal of university life and thought w r HC 22 Camb Cath Cambridge (Mass.) tribune, w. BA Cambridge university. See University of Cambridge. Cambridge university reporter, w. HC Camden society, London. Publications. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Canada. Department of agriculture, Ottawa. Statistical year book. BA. HC. MSL (Bates Hall.) 43*4-1 1/ Department of marine. Meteorological service. Monthly weather review. AO. ASA. BS Report, y. AA. BA Geological survey. Annual report. AA. AMC. BA. BG. BS. HC. MSL. MZ. NH. PM 5873.13 Catalogue of Canadian plants. AA. AMC. BG. BS. MSL. MZ. NH. 58434 Contributions from the herbarium. AMC Reprinted from the Canadian record of science. Contributions to Canadian micropalaeontology. AA. AMC. BS. MH. MSL. MZ. NH 3865.121 Contributions to Canadian palseontology. AA. AMC. BS. MSL. MZ. NH. 5872.58 Patent office. Canadian patent office record, m. MSL. Patent room Report of the chartered banks of the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, m. ASA Report on Canadian archives. Ottawa. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 7024.10 Canada lancet. Toronto, m. ML Canada law journal. Toronto, m. LS. MSL. SL Canada medical record. Montreal, m. ML Canadian almanac and repository of useful knowledge. Toronto, y. 4317.20 Canadian bookseller and library journal. Toronto, m. BA. HC Canadian catalogue of books. Toronto, y. 2154.107 Canadian college missionary. Toronto, m. FM Canadian congregational year book. Toronto. FM Canadian druggist. Toronto, m. MCP Canadian entomologist. (Entomological society of Ontario.) London, Ont. m. MH. MZ. NH. TC. 7894.1 Canadian horticulturist. (Fruit growers' association of Ontario.) Toronto, m. MH Canadian independent. Toronto, m. CL Canadian institute, Toronto. Annual report. AA. AO. MZ. NH. PM. TC Archaeological report. PM Transactions. AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH. PM. TC Canadian law times. Toronto, m. LS. MSL. SL Canadian mining institution, Ottawa. Journal. MIT Canadian mining review. Ottawa, m. MIT Canadian naturalist. See Canadian record of science. Canadian patent office record. See Canada. Patent office. Canadian record of science. (Natural history society of Montreal.) q. AA. AR. HC. MSL. NH Contains the Proceedings of the society and continues the Canadian naturalist. Canadian society of civil engineers, Montreal. Transactions. CE. MIT. SS. 5915.69 Canstatt's Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin. Cape Ann breeze. Gloucester, d. News, room Cape Argus. Cape Town. w. News, room Cape illustrated magazine. Cape Town. m. BA Cape of Good Hope, Royal observatory. Cape Town. Annals. AA. AO. .59203.56 --Report. AA. AO. .5141.8 Results of meridian observations. AA. AO. BS. .5022.52 Cape of Good Hope. Statistical register. MSL. 7010.61 Carinthia. See Geschichtsverein und Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten. Carleton college. Observatory. Northfield, Minn. Publications. AO Carlsruhe, Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. Veroffentlichungen. AA. AO Carlsruhe. See also Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein: Verein fiir Geschichte und Naturge- schichte der Baar. Carnegie library, Pittsburg. Bulletin. 6156.57 Carpenter. Philadelphia, m. MIT Carpet and upholstery trade review. N. Y. semi-m. MIT Case and comment. Rochester, N. Y. m. MSL Cassel. See Verein fiir Naturkunde. Cassell's family magazine. London, m. (P. R. 143) 7352.1 Cassier's magazine. t N. Y. m. CE. MIT. (P. R. 144) 40103.256 Catalogue annuel de la librairie franchise. (Jordell.) Paris. BA. HC. (Ordering dept.) 2152.70 Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franchise. (Fonde par Lorenz, continue par Nilsson.) Paris. BA. HC. (Ordering dept.) 2163.26 Catania. See Accademia Gioenia di scienze naturali. Catholic champion. (Publ. by the Guild of St. Ignatius.) N. Y. m. HC Cath Chem 23 Catholic family almanac for the United States. See Illustrated Catholic family annual. Catholic historical researches. See American Catholic historical researches. Catholic review. N. Y. w. News, room Catholic university of America, Washington. Bulletin, q. HC. (P. R. 543) 4485.132 Year-book. 3540a.63 Catholic world. N. Y. m. BA. CL. HC. (P. R. 146) Per. room .1846.1 Causes criminelles et mondaines. (A. Bataille.) Paris, y. BA Cayuga county historical society, Auburn. Collections HG. MSL. PM. 4473.70 Cellule, La. Lierre, etc. MZ. NH Central Christian advocate. St. Louis, w. GT Central law journal. St. Louis, w. LS. MSL. SL Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Berlin, semi-w. MIT Centralblatt fur Agriculturchemie. (Biedermann.) Leipzig, m. BI Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Gesundheitspflege. Bonn. m. MIT. ML. SBH Erganzungsband. y. MIT Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Pathologic. Jena, semi-m. ML Centralblatt fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Breslau. 4 nos. a year. (P. R. 240) 2232.8 Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. Jena, semi-m. MIT. ML. MZ Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 147) 2142.60 Beihefte. m. BA. HC. 2142.25 Centralblatt fiir Chirurgie. Berlin, w. ML Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaften. Berlin, w. ML. 7763.10 Centralblatt fiir gesammte Therapie. Vienna, m. ML Centralblatt fiir Gynakologie. Leipzig, w. ML Centralblatt fiir innere Medicin. Leipzig, w. ML Vols. 1-14 have the title Centralblatt tiir klinische Medicin. Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde. Coblenz. m. ML Centralblatt fiir Physiologic. Leipzig, semi-m. MIT. MZ. NH. (P. R. 602) 3805.102 Centralblatt fiir praktische Augenheilkunde. Leipzig, m. ML Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde, Berne. Mittheilung. y. 2156.10 Central-Zeitung fiir Optik und Mechanik. Berlin, semi-m. AA. ( P. R. 666) 7942 50 Century illustrated monthly magazine.f$ N. Y. BA, CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. TC (P. R. 148) Per. room=:i863.2 Cercle horticole du Nord, Lille. Journal, m. MH Ceska Akademie cisafe Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni. Prague. Bulletin international. NH Trida II. Palaeontographica Bohemiae. NH - Rozpravy. (Matematicko-Prirodnicka.) NH Cesky lid, sbornik venovany studiu lidu ceskeho y Cechach, na Morave, etc. Prague. HC Chalon-sur Saone. See Club alpin frani\o\oyii<6s &\\oyos. Construction moderne. Paris, w. (Special libraries.) 4092.201 Contemporary review.ft London, m. BA. CL. FM. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 158) Per. room Converted catholic. N. Y. m. (P. R. 159) 7467.50 Cook's excursionist. N. Y. m. (P. R. 1180) 6260.76 Co-operative news and journal of associated industry. Manchester, w. MIT Copenhagen. See Botaniske Forening; Kong. Bibliothek; Kong, dansk geografisk Selskab; Kong, dansk videnskabernes Selskab; Kong, nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab; Naturhistoriske Forening. Cordova, Observatorio nacional argentine. Resultados. AA. AO. BA. MZ. 3920.62 See also Argentine Republic. Oficina meteor61oRica. Cordova. See also Academia nacional de ciencias. Cork historical and archaeological society. Journal, m. (P. R. 489) 4522.100 Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Register. BI. HC. MSL. NH. 7595.9 Studies in classical philology. HC. 25903.51 Electrical society of Cornell university. Proceedings, y. MIT Cornhill magazine.f London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 160) Per. room=i903.i Corps of royal engineers. See Great Britain. Corps of royal engineers. Correio litterario e bibliographico. Rio de Janeiro, m. HC Correspondance botanique. (Morren.) Liege. BG Correspondant. Paris, semi-m. BA. HC Correspondenzblatt fur schweizerische Aerzte. Basel, semi-m. ML Corriere di Boston, w. News, room Corriere mercantile. Genoa, d. News, room Cosmopolis. An international review. London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 978) 7275-15 Articles in English, French and German. Cosmopolitan.!* N. Y. m. BA. CL. CU. (P. R. 161) Per. room=89O.i5 Costa Rica. See Institute fisico-geografico y Museo nacional. Cotta'scher Musenalmanach. Stuttgart, y. 28793.111 Country gentleman. See Cultivator. County courts chronicle. London, m. Courier journal. Louisville, d. News, room Courrier des Etats-Unis. N. Y. w. News, room Courrier du livre; revue bimensuelle de la librairie franchise. Pans. Cracow. See Akademija umiej^tnosci. 28 Crel Deko Crelle's Journal der Mathematik. See Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Criminal law magazine and reporter. Jersey City. bi-m. LS. MSL. SL Critic.tt N. Y. w. BA. CL. CU. HC. MIT. (P. R. 673) Per. room Critical review of theological and philosophical literature.f Edinburgh, q. DS. ET. GT (P. R. 593) 3416.105 Crockford's clerical directory. London, y. HC. 35403.60 Crowborough, Eng. C. Leeson Prince observatory. Summary of a meteorological jour- nal. AO. 5060.62 Cultivator and Country gentleman. Albany, w. BI. MH. (P. R. 1129) 3990.2 Cultura. Rome. w. (P. R. 162) 5273-15 Cumberland and Westmoreland antiquarian and archaeological society, Kendal. Transac- tions. 2415.65 Extra series. BPL. (See catalogue.) Tract series. BPL. (See catalogue.) Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. (Cleveland public library.) m. BA. HC. MSL. (P. R. 988) 2172.24 Current history. Buffalo, m. HC. (P. R. 163) 6213.50 Bound vols. are kept in Bates Hall. Current literature. N. Y. m. (P. R. 674) 7273.20=890.7 Curtis's botanical magazine. London, m. AA. AR. BA. BG. HC. MH Customs' gazette. Shanghai. See China. Inspector general of customs. Cycle monthly, or abridgment devoted to U. S. patents for cycles, m. Patent room Cyclopedia of insurance. Hartford, y. IL Cyclopedic review of current history. See Current history. 'T daght in den vosten. Limburgisch tijdschrift voor taal en andere wetensweerdigheden. Hasselt. y. HC Dagsbrun. Gimli and Winnipeg, Manitoba, m. HC Daheim. Leipzig, w. (P. R. 1040) 5371.1 Daily Argus. Fargo and Moorhead. South Dakota. News, room Daily Argus leader. Sioux Falls. News, room Daily chronicle. London. News, room Daily commercial herald. Vicksburg, Miss. News, room Daily Eastern Argus. Portland. News, room Daily evening item. Lynn. MSL. News, room Daily gleaner. Kingston, Jamaica. News, room Daily inter-ocean. Chicago. CU. News, room Daily Kennebec journal. Augusta. News, room Daily mail and empire. Toronto. News, room Daily messenger. Paris. News, room Daily news. London. BA. News, room Daily news-advertiser. Vancouver. News, room Daily picayune. New Orleans. News, room Daily pioneer press. St. Paul. News, room Daily report. San Francisco. News, room Daily telegraph. London. News, room Dania; Tidsskrift for Fplkemal og Folkeminder. Copenhagen, q. HC Daniel. See Annee politique. Danish biological station. Report. Copenhagen, y. 5002.74 Danmarks Adels Aarbog. Copenhagen. (Bates Hall.) 28393.65 Dansk Bpgfortegnelse. Copenhagen, bi-m. HC. (P. R. 579) 6166.44 Dansk Kirketidende. Copenhagen, w. HC Danske Magazin. Copenhagen. (P. R. 846) 4811.55 Dante society, Cambridge, Mass. Annual report. BA. HC. 4792.5 Danzig. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Darlington, Walsingham observatory. Circulars. AO Reports. AO Darmstadt. See Grossherzoglich-hessische Centralstelle fur die Landesstatistik; Land- wirthschaftlicher Verein des Grossherzogthums Hessen; Mittelrheinischer geologi- scher Verein; Verein fur Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften. Dartmouth literary monthly. Hanover, N. H. (P. R. 164) 7294.5 Davenport academy of natural sciences, Davenport, Iowa. Proceedings. AA. BI HC. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 5825.5 Dauze, P. See Index biblio-iconographique. Daybreak. (Church of England.) London, q. FM Debrett, John. Peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage. London. 6517.50 Decorator and furnisher. N. Y. m. MIT. (Special libraries.) 8065.210 Dedham historical register. (Dedham historical society.) q. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL (P. R. 165) 43SOa.i82 Dedham transcript, w. MSL Dekorative Vorbilder. Stuttgart. MIT Dela Deut 29 Delaware. State board of health. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Delft. See Ecole polytechnique. Delta Kappa Epsilon quarterly. N. Y. HC Demorest's family magazine. N. Y. m. (P. R. 676) 7271.1 Denison university, Granville, Ohio. Bulletin of the scientific laboratories. AA. MZ. 5823.65 Dental cosmos. Phila. m. ML. (P. R. 166) 7795.1 Dental register. Cincinnati, m. ML Dental review. Cincinnati, m. ML Denver, Colorado, Chamberlain observatory. See University of Denver. Denver. Public library. Bulletin, m. 6194.34 Denver republican, d. BA. News, room Denver society of civil engineers. See Association of engineering societies. Journal. Detroit. Public library. Bulletin. MSL. 2141.32 Detroit free press, d. News, room Deutsch-amerikanischer Techniker-Verband. See Techniker. Deutsche Bauzeitung. Berlin, semi-w. MIT Deutsche Blatter fur erziehenden Unterricht. Langensalza. w. HC Deutsche botanische Gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. BG Deutsche botanische Monatsschrift. Sondershausen. BG Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Berichte. semi-m. AA. HC. MIT. TC. 7975.2 Deutsche dendrologische Gesellschaft, Poppelsdorf-Bonn. Mitteilungen. AR Deutsche elektrochemische Gesellschaft, Halle. Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie. semi-m. MIT Deutsche entomologische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. MZ. NH Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Zeitschrift. q. MZ. NH Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt New York. See German society of the city of New York. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur angewandte Chemie, Berlin. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. semi-m. MIT. (P. R. 816) 79703.11 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte, Brunswick. Archiv fur Anthropologie. q. MZ. NH. (P. R. 649) 2230.104 Correspondenz-Blatt. PM Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Yokohama. Mittheilungen. HC. MZ. NH Deutsche Gesellschaft fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege, Berlin. Verhandlungen. SBH Deutsche Jahrbiicher. See Preussische Jahrbikher. Deutsche Jugendblatter. Dresden w. (Juvenile room.) 2040.1 Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Heilbronn. 2890^50 Deutsche Litteraturzeitung. Berlin, w. HC. (P. R. 678) 52503.5 Deutsche malakozoqlogische Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Nachrichtsblatt. MZ Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung. Jahresbericht. Berlin. Deutsche Medicinalzeitung. Berlin, w. ML Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Berlin, w. ML. (P. R. 1210) 37203.101 Deutsche meteorologische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. AO. HC (P. R. 804) 79603.5 Publ in cooperation with the Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Meteorologic. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Zeitschrift. q. HC. (P. R. 394) 6955.2 Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. Tageblatt. MZ Verhandlungen. MZ Deutsche Revue iiber das gesamte nationale Leben der (jegenwart. Berlin, m. (P. R. 167) 5363-50 Deutsche Roman-Bibliothek zu Ueber Land und Mcer. Stuttgart. 2041.1 Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 168) 5342.2 Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik. Vienna, m. HC. (P. R. 3) 6275.60 Deutsche Seewarte, Hamburg. Annalen der Hydrographie und mantimen Meteorologie^ m AO. HC Aus dem Archiv der deutschen Seewarte. AO Tagliche synoptische Wetterkarten fur den Nordatlantischen Ocean. AO Vierteljahrs-Wetter-Rundschau. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Weimar. Jahrbuch. , 1C. 4593.1 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Brunswick q MIT. ML. SBH Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. Berlin. HC. 5216.50 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur auslandisches Unternchtswesen. Leipzig, q. liC Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie. Leipzig. ML. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik. Halle, m. A A. Mil Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft. Freiburg i. B. q. 1 Monatsblatter. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Kirchenrecht. Freiburg i. B. 3 nos. a year. rtc Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Nervenheilkunde. Leipzig, bi-m. ML, 30 Deut Drug Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Jahresversammlung. MZ Zoologischer Anzeiger. semi-m. HC. MZ. NH. (P. R. 404) 5888.50 Deutscher Aootheker Verein. Archiv der Pharmacie. Berlin, m. HC. (Chemical lab.) MCP. MIT Deutscher Journal-Katalog. (Gracklauer.) Leipzig, y. (Ordering dept.) 6196.16 Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender. (Kiirschner.) Stuttgart, y. BA. 6198.16 Deutscher naturwissenschaftlich-medicinischer Verein fur Bohmen Lotos, Prague. Ab- handlungen. Deutscher Palaestina Verein, Leipzig. Mittheilungen und Nachrichten. bi-m. HC (P. R. 981) 5074-68 Zeitschrift. q. HC. (P. R. 388) 5074.66 Deutscher Seefischerei Verein, Berlin. Mittheilungen. MZ Deutscher und osterreichischer Alpenverein. Central-Ausschuss. Vienna. Mittheilungen. m. AMC Zeitschrift. y. AMC Deutscher Universitats-Kalender. Berlin, semi-a. HC. (Bates Hall.) 2839.5 Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern, Munich. Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung. 3 nos. a month. MIT. (P. R. 1108) 4013.265 Deutscher Verein zur Erforschung Palaestina's, Leipzig. See Deutscher Palaestina Verein. Deutscher wissenschaftlicher Verein, Mexico. Mittheilungen. NH Deutscher wissenschaftlicher Verein, Santiago. Verhandlungen. AA. NH. 7813.12 Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Medicin. Leipzig, bi-m. ML. (P. R. 169) 3723.50 Deutsches meteorologisches Jahrbuch. Berlin, etc. AO Dial. Boston. See ABC pathfinder. Dial.f Chicago, semi-m. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 679) Per. room Dial. [Art] London. BA Dialect notes. (Publ. by the American dialect society.) BA. HC. (P. R. 590) 4382.100 Diario de Centre-America. Guatemala, d. News, room Diario de la marina. Havana, d. News, room Diario oficial de la Republica de Chile. Santiago, d. News, room Dickens's Dictionary of London. London, y. HC. MSL. 24693.73 Dietsche Warande. Ghent, bi-m. (Special libraries.) 4o6oa.225 Digest of physical tests. Phila. q. CE. MIT. (P. R. 994) 4014.210 Dijon. See Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Stuttgart, w. AA. HC. MIT. Patent room District of Columbia. Board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH Dnyanodaya. Bombay, w. FM Dod's parliamentary companion. London, y. BA. HC. (Bates Hall.) 2519.50 Doellen. fepnetnerides des toiles (W. Dollen) pour la determination de 1'heure et de 1'azi- muth. See under PyccKoe acTpOHOMiraecKoe o6m,eCTBo, St. Petersburg. Dominion medical monthly. Toronto. ML Donahoe's magazine. Boston, m. GT. (P. R. 435) 870.5 Dorchester beacon. Boston, w. MSL Dorpat. See Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft ; Gelehrte esthnische Gesellschaft, Dor- pat; HiraepaTOpCEift lOpBescEitt yHDBepcHTerL, Dorpat. Hun. JepnTCKift JHHB. \ -Land^unfvSa? 1 " 85 **' [ See H*nepapCKiit lOpteBCKifi yraBepCHTen,, Dorpat. Universitas Caesarea. ) Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesellschaft (an der Universitat), Dorpat. Archiv fur die Natur- kunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands. MZ. NH Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen an der Regen Stationen. AO Schriften. MZ. NH Sitzungsberichte. MZ. NH Douai. See Union geographique du nord de la France. Double cross and medical missionary record. N. Y. m. FM Dover historical society, Dover, N. H. Collections. CL. 4337.38 Dresden, B. d'Engelhardt observatory. Observations astronomiques. AO. BS Dresden. Statistisches Amt. Monatsberichte. m. ASA Dresden. See also Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde; Koenigl. mineralogisch-geolo- gisches und praehistorisches Museum; Koenigl. -sachsisches Statistisches Bureau; Koenigl. zoologisches nnd anthropologisch-ethnographisches Museum; Naturwis- senschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis; Oekonomische Gesellschaft im Konigreich Sachsen; Verein fiir Erdkunde; Verein fiir wissenschaftliche Padagogik. Droit d'auteur. See Bureau de 1'Union internationale pour la protection des oeuvres lit- teraires et artistiques. Drug reporter. Danbury, Conn. m. MCP Drug Edin 31 Druggists; circular. NY. m. MCP. SBH. (P. R. 1198) 7710.3 Druggists journal. Chicago, m. MCP Drugs, oils and paints. Phila. m. MCP Dublin, Observatory. See Trinity college. Dublin journal of medical science, m. lyjL Dublin review.tt London, etc. q. HC. (P. R. 507) Per. room Dublin university calendar, y. (Bates Hall.) 2499.50 Supplement. Examination papers. SSQOa 72 Duerkheim. See Pollichia, ein naturwissenschaftlicher Verein der Rheinpfalz. Duguet. See Annee parlementaire. Duluth (Minn ) evening herald d. News . roO m Dumas. Catalogue illustre du Salon. See Paris Salon Dunlap society, N. Y. Publications. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Durban, Natal observatory. Annual report. AO Dziennik polski. Lemberg. d News . room &. a. b. record. Boston, m. (during term.) CU Early English text society, London. Publications. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue ) Early settlers association of Cuyahoga county, Cleveland. Annals, y. 447940 East Anglian; or notes and queries on Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk. Ipswich ~ /" HG. (P. R. 171) 2503.100 East Boston Argus- Advocate w. BA. News, room Echo. Wochenschnft fur Pohtik, Litteratur, Kunst, und Wissenschaft. Berlin, w. HC Echo des Alpes. See Club alpin suisse. Section genevoise. Eclairage electrique. Paris, w. AA. MIT. SS. (P. R. 681) 39603.132 Eclectic magazine of foreign literature.ft N. Y. m. HC. (P. R. 172) Per. room Eclectic medical journal. Cincinnati, m. (P R 173) 7712 10 Eco d'ltalta. N. Y. w. News, room Ecole, d'anthropologie de Paris. Revue mensuelle. (P. R. 349) 2231.105 Ecole des chartes. Bibliotheque, Paris. Revue d'erudition consacre specialement a 1'etude f du moyen age. q. f BA. HC. (P. R. 72) 2272.1 Ecole des hautes etudes. See Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Ecole des ponts et chaussees, Paris. Collection de dessins distribues aux eleves. CE. MIT. SS Ecole franchise d'Athenes. Bulletin de correspondance hellenique. Paris. 8 nos. a year. BA. HC. MFA. (P. R. 632) 290^.50 Ecole franchise de Rome. Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire. Paris. 5 nos. a year. (P. R. 723) 29403.55 Ecole libre des sciences politiques, Paris. Annales. bi-m. ASA. BA. HC. MIT. 3561.132 Ecole normale superieure, Paris. Annales. Publ. sous les auspices du ministere de 1'in- struction publique. m. AA. HC Ecole polytechnique, Delft. Annales. q. AA Ecole polytechnique, Paris. Journal, y. AA. HC. 3372.1 Ecole pratique d'etudes bibliques, Jerusalem. Revue biblique internationale. Paris, q. DS. (P. R. 343) 34IS.I05 Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, Paris. Annuaire. HC Bibliotheque. Bulletin des sciences mathematiques. m. MIT. (P. R. 94) .5023.50 Sciences philologiques et historiques. BPL. (See catalogue.) Sciences religieuses. 3494-55 Section des sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire. 2954.87 Economic journal.f (British economic association.) London, q. HC. MIT. (P. R. 571) 3651.47 Economic review.f London, q. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 174) 3562.157 Economic studies. See American economic association. Economist. London, w. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 1128) 535oa.i Economiste franc.ais. Paris, w. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1162) 7640.20 Edilizia moderna. Milan, m. MIT Edinburgh, Royal observatory. Astronomical observations. AA. AO. E. 160.1 Edinburgh circulars. AO. BS Edinburgh architectural association. Sketch book. 8100.72 Transactions. HC. 8095.69 Edinburgh botanical society. See Botanical society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh geological society. Transactions, y. AO. HC. HZ. (Whitney library.) NH 7822. i Edinburgh health society. Health lectures for the people. 5765-15 Edinburgh hospital. Reports, y. ML Edinburgh medical journal, m. ML. (P. R. 175) 3747.3 32 Edin Engl Edinburgh medical missionary society. Quarterly paper. FM Edinburgh review.tt Q. BA. CL. CU. FM. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 176) Per. room Edinburgh university. Calendar, y. HC. 2487.22 Education.tt Boston, m. CL. HC. MSL. (P. R. 177) Per. room Education; journal des ecoles primaires. Paris, w. HC Educational reyiew.f N. Y. m. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 178) Per. room Egypt exploration fund. London. Archaeological survey. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Archaeological report. BA. HC. 3050.150 Memoirs. BA. HC. MSL. PM. BPL. (See catalogue.) Report. BA. HC. MSL. PM. 304oa.i3i Egyptian gazette. Alexandria, w. News, room Ekaterinburg. See YpaJiBCKoe o6m,eCTBO JirofiHTCJiefi ecieCTBOSHania, Ekaterinburg. El Cajon valley news. El Cajon. w. News, room Elberfeld. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Electric railway gazette. N. Y. w. MIT Electrical age. N. Y. w. MIT Electrical engineer. London, w. MIT. SS. (P. R. 956) 7960.60 Electrical engineer. N. Y. w. CE. HC. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 683) 79603.1 Electrical engineering. Chicago, m. CE. MIT. SS. (P. R. 179) 7962.128 Electrical review. London, w. HC. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1032) 59603.2 Vols. 1-29 are entitled Telegraphic journal and Electrical review. Electrical review. N. Y. w. HC. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1010) 79603.10 Electrical society of Cornell university. See Cornell university. Electrical world. N. Y. w. CE. HC. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1026) 7961.20 Electrician. London, w. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1086) 7960.10 Electrician, electrical trades' directory and handbook. London. 39603.76 Electricien. Revue internationale de 1'electricite et de ses applications. Paris, w. AA. MIT. (P. R. 682) 3960.100 Electricity. N. Y. w. MIT. TC. (P. R. 1081) 7960.53 Elektrotechnik Verein, Vienna. Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik. semi-m. MIT Elektrotechnische Rundschau. Stuttgart, semi-m. (P. R. 1028) 7965.55 Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. See Elektrotechnischer Verein. Elektrotechnischer Verein, Berlin. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. w. AA. MIT. SS (P. R. 1027) 5967.50 Elisha Mitchell scientific society, Chapel Hill, N. C. Journal. AA. AO. BS. MH. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 7816.5 Elite. Chicago, w. (P. R. 822) 72803.1 'EXXijwK&i i\o\oyiicbt fcJXXo-yos, Constantinople. 2Ayypa./j.(jM , irepioS IK(>V. HC Elliott society of natural history, Charleston. Proceedings. NH Ellison's cotton report. Liverpool, m. ASA Elmira scsdemy of sciences, Elmira, N. Y. Proceedings. NH Elsaesser Journal und niederrheinischer Kurier. Strassburg. d. News, room Emden. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Employer and employed. Boston, q. MSL Enault, Louis. See Paris. Salon. Engelhardt, B. d'. Observatory. See Dresden. Engineer. London, w. MIT. SS. (P. R. 1668) 4010.219 Engineer. N. Y. f. CE. (P. R. 1165) 40103.210 Engineer's year book of formulas. (Kempe.) London. 4019 113 Engineering. London, w. AA. CE. HC. MIT. MSL. SS. TC. (P. R. 1189) 4010.240 Engineering and mining journal. N. Y. w. CE. MIT. MSL. MZ. SS. (P. R. 1013) 4oioa.2Oi Engineering association of New South Wales, Sydney. Minutes of proceedings. 5915 264 Engineering magszine.tt N. Y. m. BA. CE. MIT. MSL. SS. (P. R. 181) 40103.266 Engineering mechanics. Phila. m. CE. MIT Engineering news and American railway journal. N. Y. w. CE. MIT. SS. TC (P. R. 1161) 4010.205 Engineering record, building record, and sanitary engineer. N. Y. w. CE. MIT. 'ML. SBH. SS. TC. (P. R. 1014) 8092.201 Engineering society of the School of mines, Columbia college. See Columbia college. Engineering society of the School of practical science, Toronto. Papers. MIT Engineers' club, Kansas City. See Association of engineering societies. Journal. Engineers' club, Minneapolis. See Association of engineering societies. Journal. Engineers^ club, Phila. Proceedings, q. CE. MIT. SS. 5915.52 Engineers' club, St. Louis. See Association of engineering societies. Journal. Engineers' society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Proceedings. CE. MIT. 59103.50 Englische Studien. Heilbronn. 3 nos. a year. BA. HC. (P. R. 182) 2487.62 English arboricultural society. Transactions. MH English catalogue of books. London, y. BA. HC. LS. MSL. SL. BPL. (Ordering dept.) Engl Exam 33 English dialect society, Manchester. Publications. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue ) English High School record. See E. H. S. record. English historical review.f London, q. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R 183) Per room English illustrated magazine.f London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 184) Per. room English mechanic and world of science. London, w. AO. (P. R. 1088) 4012 215 Engraver and printer. Boston, m. (p. R. 684) 4071 250 Enoch Pratt free library, Baltimore. Bulletin. 6145.43 Entomological news. See Academy of natural sciences. Entomological section. Entomological society of London. Transaciions. q. MZ NH 780^ I The Journal is bound with the Transactions. Entomological society of Ontario, London. Annual reports. MZ. NH. TC 7807 s See also Canadian entomologist. Entomological society of Washington. Proceedings. MZ. NH. 5893.60 Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin, semi-m. MZ NH Entomologische Zeitung. See Entomologischer Verein, Stettin. Entomologischer Verein, Berlin. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift NH. MZ Entomologischer Verein, Stettin. Entomologische Zeitung. y. AA. MZ. NH Entomologiska forening, Stockholm. Entomologisk tidskrift. AA. MZ. NH. TC Entomologist. London, m. ' MZ Entomologists' monthly magazine. London. MZ. NH Ephemerides des 6toiles"(W. ;Dollen) St. Petersburg. See under PyccKoe aciponoMiraecEoe o6mecTBO, St. Petersburg. 'apxaio\oyiKij. Athens. HC. MFA Ephemeris of materia medica, pharmacy, therapeutics, and collateral information. Brook- lyn. y. HC. MCP. MSL. SBH. (P. R. 574) 5784.50 Epigiaphia Indica, and record of the Archaeological survey of India. Calcutta. HC (P. R. 821) 3040.107 Episcopal recorder. (Reformed episcopal church.) Phila. w. CU. FM. GT Era. London, w. News, room Era almanack. Dramatic and musical. Conducted by E. Ledger. London. 4483.55 Erfurt. See Koenigl. Akademie gemeinnittziger Wissenschaften. Ergebnisse der Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Wiesbaden. MZ This periodical may be consulted in Dr. Thomas Dwight's library at the Harvard medical school. Erlangen. See Physikalisch-medicinische Societal. Ermitage, L'. Paris, m. BA Erythea. (University of California.) Berkeley. AR. BG. MH Esoteric. Boston, m. (P. R. 186) 3601.119 Espana mpderna. Reyista iberoamericana. Madrid, m. (P. R. 437) 3092.110 Essex agricultural society of Massachusetts. Transactions. BI. MH Essex archaeological society, Colchester. Transactions. 2506.52 Essex county historical and genealogical register. Ipswich. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 594) 4333-121 Essex institute, Salem. Bulletin, q. AA. AMC. BS. CL. HC. HG. MH. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC.( P.R.iog) 2358.20 Historical collections. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. 2358.20 Ethnological society, London. See Anthropological institute. Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Budapest. HC. PM. (P. R. 565) 2831.54 Ethnologisches Notizblatt. See Koenigl. Museen. Etude. [Music.] Phila. m. (P. R. 1239) 4040.213 Etudes religieuses, philosophiques, historiques et litteraires. Paris, m. (P. R. 187) 7267.1 Etudiant. Boston, m. (P. R. 536) 2684.25 Euphorion. Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte. Bamberg. q. HC Europaischer Geschichtskalender. See Schulthess' Europaischer Geschichtskalender. European architecture. Chicago, m. Euskara. Berlin. (P. R- 1251) 7281.6 Evangelical Christendom. London, m. CA. C Evangelischer Heidenbote. Basel, m. Evangelisches Missions-Magazin. Basel. Evangelist. N. Y. w. Evening journal. Wilmington, Del. d. . News, room Evening post. N. Y. d. BA. HC. MSL. News, room Evening standard. New Bedford, d. News, room Evening star. Washington, d. Evening telegram. St. Johns, Newfoundland, d. News, room Every other Sunday. Boston. Ex libris society, London. Journal, m. BA (P R. 788) 2170.68 Ex-libris-Verein, Berlin. Zeitschrift fur Biicherzeichen-Bibliothekenkunde und Gelehrten- geschichte. ( p - R - 68 5) 6iioa. 3 8 Examiner. San Francisco, d. News, room 34 Expe Flor Experiment station record. See U. S. Agricultural dept. Office of experiment stations. Exploration. See Revue franchise de 1'etranger et des colonies. Exposition des beaux-arts, Paris. See Paris. Salon. Expositor. [Biblical.] London, m. CL. ET. GT. HC. (P. R. 188) 7506.50 Expository times. Edinburgh, d. CL. DS Eyre and Spottiswoode. See Monthly list of parliamentary papers. Fabian news. London, m. (P. R. 856) 3560.107 Fabian tracts. (Fabian society.) London. 3564- 1 73 Faculte des lettres de Bordeaux. Annales. 4691-52 Faculte des lettres de Lyon. See Bibliotheque de la Faculte des lettres de Lyon. Faculte des sciences de Caen. Laboratoire de geologic. Bulletin. Faculte des sciences de Marseille. Annales. AA. MZ. NH Facultes de Lille. Trayaux et memoires. 3941-65 Faerber-Zeitung. Berlin. MIT Fairfield county historical society, Bridgeport, Conn. Anniversary meetings, etc. 43603.78 Fall River, Mass. Public library. Bulletin. 6200.28 Fall River daily globe. News, room Family Christian almanac. N. Y. CL. HC. 7458-5 Family herald. London, m. (P. R. 686) 1890.2 Fanfulla, II. Rome. d. News, room Farm journal. Phila. m. MH Farmer's almanac. By R. B. Thomas. Boston, y. BI. CL. HC. MSL. 4488.2 Fauna. Verein luxemburger Naturfreunde, Luxemburg. Mittheilungen. AA. NH Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. See Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Fay house monographs. See Radcliffe college monographs. Federal and state criminal reporter. Albany, semi-m. MSL Federal reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Federated institution of mining engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Transactions. AA 3861.123 Female missionary intelligencer. London, m. FM Fenland notes and queries. Peterborough, q. HG. (P. R. 191) 2506.120 Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck. Zeitschrift fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. NH Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. Paris, m. NH. TC Feuille religieuse du Canton de Vaud. Lausanne, semi-m. FM Fibre and fabric. Boston, w. CU. (P. R. 1041) 4012.206 Field and forest. Washington. BG. MZ Field club. See Nature notes. Field Columbian museum, Chicago. Publications. AA. BA. BG. HC. HG. MH. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 4462.129 Field naturalists' club of Victoria. Melbourne. See Victorian naturalist. Field, the farm, the garden. London, w. (P. R. 1692) 7390.51 Figaro. Paris, d. BA. News, room Filson club, Louisville, Ky. Publications. HC. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Financial news. London, d. News, room Financial reform almanack. London, y. HC. MIT. MSL. 56403.38 Financial review. N. Y. y. 3650.2 Finanz-Archiv. Stuttgart, semi-a. HC Finch's digest. [Insurance.] Indianapolis, y. IL Finland. See also Suomalais-ugrilaisen seura. Finland. See Finlands geologiska undersokning: Finska vetenskaps societet, Helsingfors; Geografiska foreningen i Finland; Sallskapet for Finlands geografi, Helsingfors; Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica, Helsingfors; Suomen muinaismuisto-yhdistys, Helsingfors. Finlands geologiska undersokning, Helsingfors. Kartbladet. AA Beskrifning. AA Finska fornminnesforeningens tidskrift, Helsingfors. See Suomen muinaismuisto-yhdistys, Helsingfors. Finska vetenskaps societet, Helsingfors. Acta. y. AA. MZ Bidrag till kannedom af Finlands natur och folk. y. AA. MZ. NH Notiser ur Sallskapets pro fauna et flora Fennica. AA. MZ. NH Vol. 1-3, 1845-57; continued in Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica, which from 1858-75 was called Sall- skapet pro fauna et flora Fennica. Fire underwriters' association of the North West. Proceedings. IL Fire underwriters' association of the Pacific. Transactions. IL First Maine bugle. ' See Maine bugle. Fitchburg (Mass.) historical society. Proceedings. HG. MSL. 4351.123 Fitchburg sentinel, d. News, room Fliegende Blatter. Munich, w. BA. (P. R. 654) 7271.50 Flora. See Koenigl.-bayerische botanische Gesellschaft. Flora Batava. Leyden. AA. MH. NH Flora Brasiliensis. Leipzig. AA. BG. MH. NH Flor Fran 35 Florence. See Biblioteca nazionale centrale; Club alpino italiano. Sezione fiorentina; Collegio degli architetti ed ingegneri; Reale istituto di studi superiori; Reale soci- eta toscana di orticultura; Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle Marche; Societa botanica italiana; Societa entomo- logica italiana; Societa italiana di antropologia, etnologia e psicologia comparata. Florida. State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH Florida farmer and fruit grower. Jacksonville, w. (P. R. 1084) 6941.5 Florida state horticultural society. Proceedings. MH Florida times-union. Jacksonville, d. News, room Florists' exchange. N. Y. w. BI Folkevennen. See Selskabet for folkeoplysningens Fraemme. Folk-lore andaluz. See Sociedad de folk-lore andaluz. Folk-lore society, London. Folklore, q. BA. HC. (P. R. 881) 45503.100 Contains the Transactions of the society. - Publications BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Folk-lonst. (Chicago folk-lore society.) q. HC Food. N. Y. 3762.113 Food and sanitation. London, w. SBH Food, home and garden. (Vegetarian society of America.) Phila. m. (P. R. 790) 3762.132 Foreign mission journal. (Southern baptist.) Richmond, m. FM Foreign office list. See Great Britain. Forest and stream. N. Y. w. BA. CU. (P. R. 1105) 6870.50 Forest leaves. (Pennsylvania forestry association.) Phila. bi-m. AR. MH Forester, The. (New Jersey forestry association.) bi-m. MH Formenschatz. Munich, m. BA. (Special libraries.) 4072.215 Formulaire de 1 electricien. (Hospitalier.) Paris, y. AA. MIT. 59693.35 Formulary and druggists' magazine. Westfield, N. Y. m. MCP Forschungsberichte iiber Lebensmittel und ihre Beziehungen zur Hygiene, fiber forense Chemie und Pharmakognosie. Munich, m. MIT Fort Wayne sentinel, d. News, room Fortnightly review.ft London, m. BA. CL. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 426) Per. room Fortnightly Shakespeare. At the end of Vol. i continued as the American Shakespeare. Fortschritte der Elektrptechnik. Berlin, q. AA. MIT. (P. R. 472) 39603.75 Fortschritte der Medicin. Berlin, semi-m. ML Fortschritte der Physik. See Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Forum.f1: N. Y. m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 415) . Per. room=i845-i5 Frammgham star. w. News, room France. Almanach national, y. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 4618.51 Assemblee nationale. Archives parlementaires. MSL. 6616.50 Proces-verbal. 6659.50 Chambre des deputes. Annales. Debats parlementaires. 6653.5 Documents parlementaires. 6651.5 Senat. Annales. Debats parlementaires. 6652.1 Documents parlementaires. 6651.6 Bureau des longitudes, Paris. Annales du Bureau et de 1'Observatoire municipal de Montsouris. AO Annuaire. AO. 3919.1 Connaissance des temps. AO. .158.1 Ephemerides des etoiles, de culmination lunaire et de longitude. AO Comite de salut public. Recueil des actes. 6620.70 Departement de 1'Herault. Bulletin meteorologique. Montpellier. AO Ministere de 1'instruction publique, des beaux-arts et des cultes. Annuaire de 1'instruction publique, etc. (Bates Hall.) 3593.104 Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires. 6224.55 Rapport sur les observatoires de province. AO Bureau central meteorologique, Paris. Annales. AO Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Bulletin archeologique. HC (P. R. 577) 496oa.53 Bulletin de geographic historique et descriptive. - HC Bulletin historique et philplogique. (P. R. 906) 49603.54 Revue des travaux scientifiques. Paris, m. HC. MZ Section des sciences economiques et sociales. Bulletin. HC. 3561.116 Ministere de 1'interieur. Comite consultatif d'hygiene publique. Recueil des travaux. y. SBH. 3762.50 Ministere de la guerre. Annuaire de 1'armee franchise. (Bates Hall.) 4638.12 Ministere de la justice. Bulletin des lois de la Republique franchise. Partie principale. (P. R. 92) 3619.1 Partie supplementaire. (P- R- 93) 3619-2 36 Fran Gaze Ministere de la marine. Annuaire. (Bates Hall.) 6617.3 Revue maritime et coloniale. m. HC. (P. R. 334) 668oa.i Ministere des finances. Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee. Paris, m. ASA. HC. (P. R. 101) 66203.50 Ministere des travaux publics. Bulletin des services de la carte geologique de la France. 79603.10 Commission des me"thodes d'essai des materiaux de construction. Rapports. 8010.150 Ministere du commerce, de 1'industrie, des postes et des telegraphes. Annuaire statistique de la France. BA. 6620.50 Descriptions des machines et precedes pour lesquels des brevets d'invention ont ete pris. (Patent room.) 3970.18 Moniteur officiel du commerce. (P. R. 1152) 7650.65 Office du travail. Bulletin, m. ASA. MIT. (P. R. 86) 3563.130 Publications speciales. BPL. (See catalogue.) Statistique des greves. ASA. 3565.173 France ecclesiastique, almanach-annuaire du clerge. Paris. 66393.1 France medicale et Paris medical. Paris, w. ML. (P. R. 687) 7770.6 Franco-Gallia. Wolfenbuttel. m. HC Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. See Leslie's illustrated weekly. Frank Leslie's popular monthly. N. Y. (P. R. 695) 1850.1 Frankfort on the Main. Statistisches Amt. Beitrage zur Statistik. AA. ASA Frankfort on the Main. See also Aerztlicher Verein; Deutsche malakozoologische Gesell- schaft; Frankfurter Verein fur Geographic und Statistik; Goethe-Gesellschaft; Mitteldeutscher Kunstgewerbeverein; Physikalischer Verein; Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft; Zoologische Gesellschaft. Frankfort on the Oder. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur den Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt. Frankfurter Verein fur Geographic und Statistik, Frankfort on the Main. Jahresbericht. AA Frankfurter Zeitung, etc. Frankfort, d. News, room Franklin institute, Phila. Journal.! m. AA. BA. CE. HC. MIT. MSL. SBH. SS. TC (P. R. 225) 4017.1 Frauenfeld. See Thurgauische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Free review. London, m. (P. R. 189) 5403.6 Free Russia. Organ of the English society of friends of Russian freedom. N. Y. m. BA. HC. (P. R. 962) 5060.18 Freedom. London, m. MIT Freiberger Jahrbuch. See Saxony. Finanzministerium. Jahrbuch fur das Berg- und Hut- tenwesen im Konigreiche Sachsen. Freiburg im Breisgau. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Freie Vereinigung bayerischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie. Wiesbaden. Bericht iiber die Versammlung. MIT Freiheit. N. Y. w. News, room Freund's musical weekly. 4040.205 Continued as the Musical age, Jan., 1896. Friend, The. Honolulu, m. FM Friend, The. A religious and literary journal. Phila. w. HC Friends' missionary advocate. Minneapolis, m. FM Fry, Herbert. See London in 1894, etc. Fuerstlich jablonowski'sche Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Jahresbericht. AA. NH Preisschriften. AA. NH Furniture and decoration. London, m. (Special libraries.) 4100.205 Furniture world. N. Y. w. CU Gaelic journal. Dublin, m. (P. R. 694) 7222.11 Galignani's messenger. See Daily messenger. Gaillard's medical journal. N. Y. m. ML Galveston daily news. d. News, room Garden. London, w. AR. BG. BI. MH. (P. R. 689) 8001.50 Garden and field. (Publ. by the Department of agriculture of South Australia.) Adelaide. m. MH Garden and forest.f N. Y. w. AR. BA. BG. BI. HC. MH. MSL. NH. (P. R. 1095) 80003.50 Garden oracle. London, y. MH Gardeners' chronicle. London, w. AR. BG. BI. MH Gardeners' magazine. London, w. BI. MH Gardeners' monthly. Phila. BI Gardening. Chicago, semi-m. MH Gardening illustrated. London, w. BI. MH Gardening world. London, w. MH Gartenflora. See Verein zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den preussischen Staaten. Gartenlaube. Leipzig, w. BA. (P. R. 1069) ion.? Gauthier-Villars et fils. See Bulletin des publications nouvelles. Gazette and courier. Greenfield, Mass. w. MSL Gaze Gesc 37 Gazette anecdotique. Paris, semi-m. (P. R. 201) 5229.2 Gazette de Lausanne, d. News, room Gazette des beaux-arts. Paris, m. BA. HC. MFA. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4061.221 Gazette des hopitaux civiles et militaires. See Lancette franchise. Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris, w. ML Gazette medicale de Paris, w. j^L Gazzetta chimica italiana. Palermo, m. HC MIT Gegenwart. Berlin, w. (P. R. JI57 ) sjooa 50 Gelehrte esthnische Gesellschaft (an der Universitat), Dorpat. Sitzungsberichte. NH Verhandlungen. j^H Genealogical society of Pennsylvania, Phila. Publications. HG 4431 112 Genealogist. London, q. HG. (P. R. 192) 6238.50 General digest. Rochester, semi-m. MSL SL General mining association of the province of Quebec. Journal. MIT United in 1896 with the Canadian mining institute. General theological seminary of the Protestant episcopal church in the United States, N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of trustees, y. 5548.23 General wood workers' journal. MIT Continued as International woodworker, Dec. 1895. Geneva, Observatoire de Geneve. Resume meteorologique pour Geneve, etc. AO Geneva. See also Association pour la protection des plantes; Club alpin suisse; Her- bier Boissier; Institut national genevois; Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie; Societe d'horticulture de Geneve; Societe de geographic; Societe de physique et d histoire naturelle. Genie civil. Revue des industries. Paris, w. MIT. SS. (P. R. 1177) 40ioa.26i Genoa. See Museo civico di storia naturale; Regia universita di Geneva; Societa ligure di storia patria. Gentleman's magazine.t London, m. BA. HC. MSL. (P. R. 193) Per room Geografisk Tidskrift. See Kong, dansk geografisk Selskab. Geograriska foreningen i Finland. See Sallskapet for Finlands geografi. Geographical club of Philadelphia. Bulletin, m. AMC. HC. NH. PM. (P. R. 909) 6274.60 Geographical journal. See Royal geographical society, London. Geographical society of the Pacific, San Francisco. Transactions and Proceedings. AMC. MSL Geographische Abhandlungen. Vienna. MZ. BPL. (See catalogue ) Geographische Gesellschaft, Greifswald. Jahresbericht. AMC. NH Geographische Gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches Museum, Liibeck. Mitteilungen AA. MZ. NH Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha. BA. HC. 6288 I Geological magazine. London, m. AA. HC. NH. MZ. (Whitney library.) (P. R. 199) Geological society, Glasgow. Transactions, biennial. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH. 7869^50 Geological society, London. Quarterly journal. AA. HC. MIT. MZ. NH. (P. R. 321) 58261 Geological society of America. Bulletin. HC. (Mineral, library.) MIT. MSL. MZ. NH Geologiska forening, Stockholm. Forhandlinger. MZ. (Whitney library.) Georgetown (Mass.) advocate, w. MSL Georgia. State department of agriculture. Publications. MH. MSL Georgia state horticultural society, Atlanta. Proceedings. MH Georgia state medical association. Transactions, y. ML Gera. See Gesellschaft yon Freunden der Naturwissenschaften. German society of the city of New York. Jahresbericht. 4475.140 Germania. Boston, m. CU. (P. R. 195) 4882.10 Germanischer Lloyd, Berlin. Internationales Register. 395oa.63 Internationales Register. Nachtrag. (P. R. 895) 39503.64 Germanisches Museum fur Volkerkunde, Leipzig. Berichte. PM Germantown telegraph. Phila. w. MH. News, room Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt, Berlin. Arbeiten. y. MIT. SBH. 37/0.65 Veroffentlichungen. w. MIT. SBH Kaiserliches Patentamt. Ausziige aus den Patentcchriften. Berlin, w. Patent room Blatt fur Patent-, Muster- und Zeichenwesen. . Patent room Patentolatt. w. Patent room Patentschrift. Patent room Ministerium des Cultus und offentlichen Unterrichts. Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deutschen Universitaten erschienenen Schriften. MZ 6163 58 Reichs-Gesetzblatt. Berlin. (P. R. 787) 6812.2 Reichs-Versicherungsamt. Amtliche Nachrichten. semi-m. 3661.53 Germanisches National-Museum, Nuremberg. Anzeiger. m. HC Mittheilungen. m. HC Geschichtsverein und Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten, Klagenfurt. Carinthia NH 38 Gese Good Gesellschaft fiir altere deutsche Geschichtskunde, Hannover. Neues Archiv. HC (P. R. 284) 6824.1 Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde, Berlin. Verhandlungen. AA. AMC. MZ. NH. (P. R. 984) 5349-1 Zeitschrift. bi-m. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 527) 6268.2 Gesellschaft fiir Erhaltung der geschichtlichen Denkmaler im Elsass. See Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d' Alsace. Gesellschaft fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der russischen Ostsee-Provinzen, Riga. Sitzungsberichte. Gesellschaft fiir Morphologic und Physiologic, Munich. Sitzungsberichte. MZ Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde, Dresden. Jahresbericht. NH Gesellschaft fur pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Stettin. Baltische Studien. y. PM Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde, Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. y. AA. BS. MZ. NH.TC Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volkswirte, Vienna. Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Social- politik und Verwaltung. q. ASA. HC Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften, Gera. Jahresbericht. AA. NH Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Marburg. Schriften. AA. MZ. NH Sitzungsberichte. y. AA. MZ. NH. TC Gesetzgebung des deutschen Reiches. Erlangen. d. HC Gesundheits-Ingenieur. Berlin, Munich, semi-m. MIT Gewerbeblatt fiir das Grossherzogthum Hessen. Darmstadt, y. MSL Ghent. See Kruidkundig genootschap Dodonaea. Giambattista Basile. Naples. HC Gids; nieuwe vaderlandsche letteroefeningen. Amsterdam, m. HC Giessen. See Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Gilbert's Annalen. See Annalen der Physik. Giornale araldico-genealogico-diplomatico. Pisa. m. (P. R. 693) 6220.68 Giornale dantesco. Rome. HC. (P. R. 691) 2790.57 Giornale degli economisti. Rome. m. ASA. HC Giornale della libreria, della tipografia e delle arti e industrie affini. See Associazione tipo- grafico-libraria italiana. Giornale di matematiche. Naples, bi-m. HC. (P. R. 692) .148.5 Giornale di mineralogia crystallografia e petrografia. Milan. MZ. (Whitney library.) Giornale di scienze naturali ed economicne. See Reale istituto tecnico. Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Turin and Rome. q. HC. (P. R. 196) 28003.50 Giurisprudenza internazionale. Naples, bi-m. AA. BA Glacialists' magazine. London, q. NH Glaser's Annalen. See Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Glasgow, Missouri, Morrison observatory. Publications. AO Glasgow, Scotland, Observatory. See University of Glasgow. Glasgow actuarial society. Transactions. IL Glasgow archaeological society. Transactions. 4526.105 Glasgow herald, d. News, room Glasgow medical journal, m. ML Gleanings in harvest fields. (Methodist new connexion missions.) London, m. FM Globe. Phila. q. (P. R. 462) 5315-55 Globe, Le. See Societe de geographic de Geneve. Globus. Hildburghausen. w. (P. R. 1131) 6914.1 Gloucester (Mass.) daily times. MSL Gloucestershire notes and queries. London, q. HC. HG. (P. R. 562) 2507.2 Godey's magazine. Phila. m. (P. R. 897) 5336.50 Goerlitz. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft; Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Goteborgs handel och sjofarts tidning. Gothenburg, d. News, room Goteborgs hogskolas arsskrift. Gothenburg. TC Goteborgs kongliga vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhallet, Gothenburg. Handlingar. AA. NH Goethe-Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Jahresbericht. (In Goethe-Jahrbuch.) BA. HC. 28403.54 Goethe-Jahrbuch. Frankfort on the Main. BA. HC. 28403.54 Goettingen, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Astronomische Mittheilungen. AA. AO Goettingen. See also Koenigl. -preussische Georg- August Universitat; Koenigl. Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften. Goettingische gelehrte Anzeigen. See Koenigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Golden days for boys and girls. Phila. w. (Juvenile room.) Golden rule. International representative of Young people's societies of Christian endeavor. Boston, w. CL. GT. (P. R. 1045) Good government.! (National civil service reform league.) Washington and N. Y. m. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 785) 5560.130 Good Gron 39 Good housekeeping. Holyoke. m. (P. R. 780) 8004.1 Good roads. See L. A. W. bulletin. Good words.f London, m. BA. CU. (P. R. 194) 831.1 Gorges society, Portland, Maine. Publications. BA. HG. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Gospel in all lands. (Methodist episcopal.) N. Y. m. FM. GT Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der freiherrlichen Hauser. Gotha. HC. (Bates Hall.) 2839.50 Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der graflichen Hauser. Gotha. HC. (Bates Hall.) 2839.51 Gourick's Washington digest, bi-m. SL Graduate. Chicago. MCP Graduate courses. A handbook for graduate students. Boston. 3596.119 Grand army record. Boston, m. MSL Granite. Boston, semi-m. (Special libraries.) 4094.202 Continued Granite producer and builder, beginning Sept. 15, 1896. Granite cutters' journal. Concord, m. MIT Granite monthly. Concord, N. H. m. HC. HG. (P. R. 939) 4435-54 Granite producer and builder. See Granite. Grape belt, The. Dunkirk, N. Y. w. MH Graphic. London, w. BA. CU. (P. R. 1663) 6960.1 Gratz, Austria. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Steiermark; Verein der Arzte in Steiermark; Zoologisches Institut. Great Barrington gazette, w. MSL Great Britain. Parliament. Parliamentary debates. BA. HC. MSL. SL. 7098.2 Sessional papers. Accounts and papers. HC. BPL. (Special libraries.) Public bills. HC. BPL. (Special libraries.) Reports of commissioners, inspectors and others. HC. BPL. (Special libraries.) Reports of committees. HC. BPL. (Special libraries.) Treaty series. [Blue books.] BA Statutes. HC. MSL. 7003.50 House of Commons. Journal. MSL. BPL. (Special libraries.) House of Lords. Journal. MSL. BPL. (Special libraries.) Admiralty. Navy list. 2488.2 Commissioners of patents. Abridgements of specifications. AA. Patent room Illustrated official journal. (Patents.) w. Patent room Abridgements of patented inventions. Patent room Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases. SL. Patent room Specifications of inventions. Patent room Colonial office list. y. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 65203.1 Corps of royal engineers. Professional papers. Chatham. 4013.282 Foreign office. British and foreign state papers. BA. HC. MSL. 7106.50 Foreign office list. y. (Bates Hall.) 65403.1 Geological survey. Memoirs. BPL. (See catalogue.) India office. India list and India office list. y. (Bates Hall.) 5<>73-56 Local government board. Annual report. MSL. SB Supplements by Medical officers, y. MSL. SBH Meteorological office. British rainfall. Monthly weather report. Quarterly weather report. AO Weekly weather report. AO. HC Privy council. Acts of the Privy council. BA. 7071.50 Medical officer. Report. ML. 3756.9 Public record office. Calendar of state papers. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Chronicles and memorials. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Royal commission on historical manuscripts. Reports. BA. HC. HG. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Greater Boston. Boston, m. MSL Greece. Ministere des finances. Bureau de^statistique, Athens. Bulletin mensuel du com- merce special de la Grece avec les pays etrangers. ASA Green bag.f Boston, m. LS. MSL. SL. (P. R. 779) Per. room Green's fruit grower. Rochester, N. Y. m. MH London, y. A A. AO. E. 120.1 Greenwich, Royal observatory. Astronomical, magnetical and meteorological observations. London, y. AA. AO. .120.1 This contains the four succeeding publications, which are also issued separately. Report of the Astronomer royal to the board of visitors, y. AO. Bb Results of astronomical observations, y. AA. AO. BS Results of magnetical and meteorological observations, y. AA. AO. Bb Spectroscopic and photographic results, y. AA. AO. BS Greifswald. See Geographische Gesellschaft. Grenoble. See Societe des touristes du Dauphine; Umversite de Grenoble. Groningen. See Natuurkundig genootschap. 4. HC. 5592.32 06o3p l BHie npenoAaBania HayEi>. y. HC Ox^ei"L. AA CaHEinexep6yprcEoe o6mecxBO ecxecxBOHcmaTaxejieH See CaHETnexepfi. o6m. ecxecx. $H3HEo-xHMiraecEoe o6ffl,ecTBO. JKypHajit. m. AA HjtiiepaiopCEia XapbEOBCEifl ysHBepCHxei'L. Jl'BxonHCH. AA UcxopHEO-HJioJiorH^ecEoe o6m.ecTBO. C6opHHEi>. HC 06cepBaxopia. Publications. AO 06m.ecxBO HcnaxaTeoiefi npnpOAH. Tpy^u. AO HmiepaxopCEitt lOpbeBCEitt yHHBepCHieit, Dorpat. See also Dorpater Naturforscher-Gesell- schaft (an der Universitat), Dorpat; Gelehrte esthnische Gesellschaft (an der Universi- tat), Dorpat. _ 06cepBaiopia. Meteorologische Beobachtungen. [Text in German.] AA. AO -- Zeitstern-Ephemeriden . . . AO HiinepaxopCEoe o6m,ecTBO ji6HTejieft ecTecTB03Hania, anxponojioriH H 9iHorpaiH, Moscow. biHorpaH^ecEoe oOoaptHie. q. HnueDaxoDCEoe Pyccsoe reorpa*H*ecEoe ofimeciBo, St. Petersburg. AA. AMC. HC. MZ (Whitney library). NH. 6272.55 OTSerfc. y- AA - AMC. MZ (Whitney library). HC. NH. 626oa.7o Bocxo^HO-CHfiHpCEift OTA'BJl'B, Irkutsk. H3B-fcCTia. AA. HC. MZ (Whitney library). -- SanncEH. A A _ 9THorpaH*ecEift OTA I BJII. 2iHBaa cxapHna. HMnepaxopCEoe Pyccsoe HCTOpnuecEoe o6in,ecxBo, St. Petersburg. C6opmiE'L. HC. 5064.29 llmiepaxopCEoe C.-flexepCyprcEoe MHHepajioriraecEoe o6meciBO. SanHCEH. A A. NH Materialien zur Geoiogie. AA _ Verhandlungen [formerly Schriften]. AA. MZ. NH Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Woking. q. BA. MIT. (P. R. 500) Per. room Imperial federation. London, bi-m. HC Imperial institute of the United kingdom, the Colonies and India. Year book. London. 3041.136 Imperial review. Melbourne. 5277-1 Imperial university of Japan. See Teikoku Daigaku. Imperiale istituto archeologico germanico, Rome. Bulletino. BA. HC. 5276.5 Issued as the Roemiscbe Abtheilung of the Mittheihmgen of the Kais.-deutsches archaeologisches Institut, Berlin. In alto. See Societa alpina friulana. Incorporated association of municipal and county engineers, London. Proceedings. MIT 3947-50 Independance beige. Brussels, w. News, room Independent.:!: N. Y. w. BA. CL. CU. News, room Independent and nonconformist. London, w. FM Index. [Insurance.] London, m. IL Index biblio-iconographique. (P. Dauze.) Paris, y. BA. 6150.40 Index juridicus. The Scottish law list and legal directory. Edinburgh. (Bates Hall.) 4539-105 Index library. See British record society. Index medicus. Washington, D. C. m. ML. SBH. (P. R. 985) 3722.52 Index of archaeological papers. London, y. BA Published under the direction of the Congress of archaeological societies in union with the Society of antiquaries. Index to the periodical literature of the world. (Review of reviews.) London. BA. HC 3172.9 India. Archaelogical survey. See Epigraphia Indica. Botanical survey. Records of the survey. Calcutta. AR. 38<52.8i Department of finance and commerce. Statistical bureau, Calcutta. Accounts relating to the trade and navigation of British India, m. ASA Geological survey. Memoirs. Calcutta. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. 5867.5 -- Memoirs. Palaeontologia Indica. AA. MSL. MZ NH -- Records. Calcutta, q. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. 5860.60 .Meteorological department. Indian daily weather report. Simla. AO. HC -- Indian meteorological memoirs. Simla. A A -- Indian monthly weather report. Calcutta. AO. HC Indi Inst 45 Meteorological observations recorded at seven stations. AA. AO. HC Report on the administration of the department. AO Report on the meteorology of India. AO Survey department. General report. Calcutta. 3040.115 Trigonometrical branch. Account of operations of the great trigonometrical survey. AA. BA Dehra Dun. 7041.15 (P. R. 798) 3044-130 Calcutta. 50703.65 Synopsis of the results. India. London, m. India directory. (Thacker.) India list. See Great Britain. India rubber world. N. Y. m. India's women. (Church of England.) London, m. Indian antiquary. Bombay, m. Indian engineer. Calcutta, w. Indian museum, Calcutta. Annual reports. Indian museum notes. Indian rights association, Phila. Reports. Leaflets. Indian textile journal. Bombay, m. Indian witness. Calcutta, w. Indiana. Department of geology and natural history. Department of statistics. Biennial report. State board of agriculture. Annual report. State board of health. Annual report. Indiana academy of science. Proceedings. Indiana engineering society. Proceedings of annual meeting. Indiana historical society, Indianapolis. Pamphlets. Indiana horticultural society, Indianapolis. Transactions. Indiana state medical society, Indianapolis. Transactions, y Indiana university bulletin. Bloomington. Indianapolis journal, d. Indicator. [Insurance.] Detroit, f. Indogermanische Forschungen. Strassburg. 5 nos. a year. Industria. Milan, w. Industrial education association, N. Y. Monographs. Industrial world, and iron worker. Chicago, w. (P. R. 1049) Industrialist. (Kansas state agricultural college.) Manhattan, w. Industrie electrique. Paris, semi-m. SS. (P. R. 1064) Industrielle Rundschau. See Verkehrszeitung und Industrielle Rundschau. Industries and Iron. London, w. AA. MIT. (P. R. 1015) Previous to vol. 15, 1893, entitled Industries. Consolidated with Iron, June, 1893. MIT FM HC. (P. R. 701) 5072.5 AA. (P. R. 1672) 7960.57 MZ NH MSL. 4462.78 MSL. 4463-157 MIT FM Annual report. MSL. MZ. NH 7864.57 MSL. 7864.59 MH. MSL ML. MSL. SBH NH. TC MIT MSL. 436oa.8i MH ML 4406.232 News, room IL (P. R. 211) HC. 2950.72 MIT AA 4012.248 MH 3960.107 4013.210 MIT. Patent room (Special libraries.) 8093.201 HC (P. R. 899) HC. (Bates Hall.) 2120.24 4817-50 BA 3349-1 HC. 6191.1 2220.102 pour 1'execution Ingenieur. Monitetir du brevete. Paris, bi-m. Inland architect and news record. Chicago, m. Inland educator. Terre Haute, Ind. m. Inland printer. Chicago, m. Innsbruck. See Ferdinandeum. Institut archeologique liegeois, Liege. Bulletin. Institut de droit international, Brussels. Annuaire. Institut de France, Paris. Annuaire. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus des seances. y. HC. 3236.50 -- Memoires. BA. HC. 3292.2 -- Memoires presentes par divers savans. BA. HC. 3302.2 -- Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale. -- Fondation Eugene Piot. Monuments et memoires. Academic des sciences. Bulletin du comite international permanent photographique de la carte du ciel. AO -- Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances, w. AA. AO. HC. MIT. MZ. NH. 3213.1 -- Memoires. HC. 3242.1 -- Memoires des sciences mathematiques et physiques par divers savans. HC. 3262.1 Academic des sciences morales et politiques. Collection des ordonnances des rois de France. HC. 5671.1 -- Memoires. BA -- Seances et travaux. Academic franchise. Recueil des discours. Institut egyptien, Cairo. Bulletin, y. (P. R- 548) Institut international de statistique, Rome. Bulletin. AA. MIT. MSL. SBH Institut meteorologique de Roumanie. See Institutul meteorologic al Romaniei. Institut national genevois, Geneva. Bulletin, y. MZ. NH Memoires. MZ - NH Institut Pasteur, Paris. Annales. m. HC. ML. SBH. (P. R. 626) 5802.81 3252.2 5053.55 46 Inst Inte Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles et mathema- tiques. Publications, y. AA. BS. NH Section historique. Publications. 47OOa.i Institut zoologique de Lille. Travaux. MZ Institute of actuaries, London. Journal, q. (P. R. 227) 7644.1 Institute of bankers, London. Journal, m. ASA. HC Institute of British architects. See Royal institute of British architects. Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. Journal, q. TC. (P. R. 479) 4312.131 Special publications. 3060.120 Institution of civil engineers, London. Minutes of proceedings, q. AA. CE. MIT. SS 40103.245 Institution of electrical engineers, London. Journal, m. AA. HC. MIT. SS. (P. R. 480) 7964.1 Institution of engineers and shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow. Transactions, y. MIT Institution of mechanical engineers, London. Proceedings. MIT. SS. 4011.220 Institution of mining and metallurgy, London. Transactions, y. MIT Institution of naval architects, London. Transactions, y. MIT. 59503.2 Institution of surveyors, London. Transactions. 5923-55 Institute fisico-geografico y Museo nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose. Anales. MZ. NH. PM Institute geografico argentine, Buenos Aires. Boletin. m. AA. AMC. ASA. MSL Institute geologico. See Mexico. Secretaria de fomento, etc. Institute historico, geographico e ethnographico do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Revista trimensal. NH Institute medico nacional, Mexico. Anales. AA Institutul meteorologic al Romaniei, Bucharest. Analele. AA. AO Insurance commissioners' reports. [Fire and marine insurance.] Full sets of the reports of the Insurance commissioners of the New England states and New York, as well as the latest reports for other states, may be found at the rooms of the Insurance library associa- tion, SS Kilby st., Boston. Insurance and finance chronicle. Montreal, f. IL Insurance critic. N. Y. m. IL Insurance herald. Louisville, w. IL Insurance law journal. N. Y. m. Bar Assoc. IL. LS. MSL. SL Insurance monitor. N. Y. m. IL Insurance opinion. N. Y. m. IL Insurance post. Chicago, f. IL Insurance press. N. Y. w. IL Insurance radiator. Dallas, Texas, f. IL Insurance register. Phila. m. IL Insurance times. N. Y. m. IL Insurance world. Pittsburg. m. IL Intermediaire des chercheurs et curieux. Paris. 3 nos. a month. BA. HC. (P. R. 213) 5402.1 Intermediaire des mathematiciens. Pans. m. HC. MIT Internal revenue record. N. Y. Merged in the United States revenue journal, May 8, 1895. International association for the total suppression of vivisection, London. See Victoria street society. International association training school notes. Springfield, m. (during term.) (P. R. 544) 8002.61 International chalcographical society. See Internationale chalkographische Gesellschaft. International congress of Americanists. Proceedings. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) International congress of experimental psychology. Sessions. BA International congress of hygiene and demography. Transactions. 3761.103 International congress of orientalists. Proceedings. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) International congress of prehistoric anthropology and archaeology. Compte rendu de la session. MZ. 6235.20 International journal of ethics.ft Phila. q. BA. CL. HC. MIT. DS. (P. R. 466) Per. room Continues the Ethical record. International journal of microscopy and natural science. London, q. MZ. (P. R. 867) 5926.80 International law association. Report of conference. London. BA International medical congress. [Transactions.] ML. MZ. BPL. (See catalogue.) Internatjonal medical magazine. Phila. m. ML International scientists' directory. Boston. AA. BG. HC. MSL. 3826.68 International wood-worker. (Machine woodworkers' international union of America.) Chicago, m. MIT Internationale chalkographische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Publicationen. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Internationale Monatsschrift fur Anatomic und Physiologic. See Monthly international journal of anatomy and physiology. Inte Jahr 47 *" gesam te Ornithol gie. See Permanente internationale Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographic, bi-m. MZ (P R nin} 6210* 12 Internationales Centralblatt fur die Physiologic und Pathologic der Harn und sexualen tJrgane. Hamburg. ... Internationales Centralblatt fiir Laryngologie. Berlin m MT Inventive age. Washington, m. (p R Il8 ,N A , ,<% Investor. Los Angeles, w. ^ 3; BA Investor's monthly manual. London. HC (P R inert 7622 T Investors' review. London, m. II4 J 7 ^ix Iowa. Geological survey, Des Moines. Annual report. AA. MSL. MZ. NH 78603 14 Historical department. Biennial report. State board of health. Biennial report. MT MST 4ttR Weather and crop service. Annual report wr -- Bulletin. "^ -- Monthly review. rrp Iowa academy of sciences, Des Moines. Proceedings. AA MSL MZ NH TC Iowa churchman. Davenport, m. HC ' News room Iowa historical record. (State historical society of Iowa.) Iowa City. q. ' HC. HG Iowa pharmaceutical journal. Des Moines. m. **MCP Iowa society of civil engineers and surveyors. Proceedings of the annual convention MIT Iowa state agricultural society, Des Moines. Annual report MH Iowa state horticultural society, Des Moines. Report y MH Iowa state university. Natural history bulletin. BG MH MZ NH TC Irish American. N. Y. w. N Kaiserlich-koenigliche Gartenbau Gesellschaft, Vienna. Wiener illusSrte ' Gar'teUgung 5 Kaiserlich-koenigliche geographische Gesellschaft, Vienna. Mittheilungt*' m*' MH ' NH Kaiserlich-koenigliche geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna. Abhandlungen AA ' AMC H -Jahrbuch. q. A A Mr JVS^F JS Z NH \ S87a2 -Verhandlungen. 18 nos. a year. AAHC^AS 4 ' I 866 ' 5 A^^4utiMSK landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft, Linz Kalender y Kaiserlich-koenigliche Universitat, Vienna. See Verein fur Erdkunde BI Kaiser ich-koemg hches Gradmessungs-Bureau, Vienna. Astronomische Arbeiten AA AO Kaiserhch-koenighches kunsthistorisches Hof-Museum, Vienna. Jahrbuch der kunlthist? . rischen Sammlungen des allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. BA HC Kaiserhch-koenighches naturhistorisches Hof-Museum, Vienna. Annalen q Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichisches Handels-Museum, Viennl A ' natsschnft fur den Orient, m. Hr Oesterreichisches Museu ^ * Kunst und Kaiserlich-koenigliches u technologists Gewerbe-Museum, ennenM Kaiser hch-leopoldmisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Halle Leo [Nova act,] AA . * Kaiserhche Akademie der Wissenschaften, St. Petersburg. See HMnepaxopCKaa HayKl, St. Petersburg. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Almanach. y. AA. HC. (Bates Hall) Anzeiger. semi-m. \ A -7 Circulars AA - MZ circulars. .-. ,,<, Feierliche Sitzung. y. Afi'fi Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Denkschriften. AA HC MZ NH %Si ? -- Sitzungsberichte. A A ' Mr ' M7 ' MU ' ^ -Philosophisch-historische Classe. Denkschriften. " AA t -- Sitzungsberichte. AA HC -S^ Praehistorische Commission. Mittheilungen. AA M7 Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. See Germany. Kalender fiir Maschinen-Ingenieure. Leipzig. 00 T o Kalocsa, Haynald Observatorium. Publicationen. ^Q Kansas. State board of agriculture, Topeka. Biennial report. MH MSL 7002 c? State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL/SBH ' 776oa67 Weather report. Lawrence, m. rVp Kansas academy of science, Topeka. Transactions, y. AA. BG. HC. MSL. MZ. NH. TC Kansas City engineers' club. Transactions. In Association of engineering socfetuS Journal. Kansas City journal, d. N Kansas City medical index, m. WS- r( v} m Kansas City times, d. News room Kansas state historical society, Topeka. Biennial reports. HG. MIT. MSL PM 4474 c8 Transactions. MIT' 4477 61 Kansas state horticultural society, Topeka. Biennial reports. MH looo 60 Kansas university quarterly. Lawrence. AA. HC. MIT. MZ. NH. TC. (P.' R. 493) Karolinska universitetet, Lund. Ars-Skrift. AA. M^Z^NH Kazan. See HsinepaTopCKift KasaHCKitt yHHBepCHT6T%. Kent archaeological society, Maidstone. See Archaeologia Cantiana. Kentucky. Geological survey. Chemical reports. MSL. 7873.60 52 Kent Koen Report of progress. Biennial. MSL. 7873-55 State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH Kentucky horticultural society. Reports. MH Kerl's Repertorium. See Repertorium der technischen Literatur. Kew, Royal gardens. Bulletin of miscellaneous information, m. AR. BG. MH. 3855.66 Kew guild, London. Journal. AR Kharkov. See HunepaTopCKift XapBEOBCEitt ynHBepCHTeTt. HcTopHEO-H. nosci, Cracow. Kongeligt Bibliothek, Copenhagen. Aarsberetninger og Meddelelser. 6203.1 Kongeligt dansk geographisk Selskab, Copenhagen. Geografisk Tidskrift. Kongeligt dansk videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen. Oversigt over det Forhandlinger. AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH Skrifter. Historisk og filosofisk Afdeling. AA. HC. MZ. NH Skriftei. Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk Afdeling. AA. HC. MZ. NH Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab, Copenhagen. Aarb0ger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic, q. AA. HC. PM. (P. R. 2) 4837.51 Memoires. y. AA. HC. NH. 5274.10 Nordiske Fortidsminder. NH. 4833-15 Tillaeg til Aarb0ger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic. AA. NH. 4834-50 Kongeligt norsk Videnskabers-Selskab, Trondhjem. Skrifter. HC. MIT. NH./TC Kongliga fysiografiska sallskapet, Lund. Handlingar. (In Karolinska universitetet. Ars- skrift.) AA. HC. MZ. NH Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademien, Stockholm. Astronomiska iakttagelser. AA. AO Bihang till handlingar. q. AA. MZ. NH 54 Kong Land Handlingar. AA. MZ. NH Ledamoter. y. A A. NH Lefnadsteckningar. AA. NH Meteorologiska iakttagelser. AA Ofversigt af forhandlingar. y. AA. MZ. NH Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Bulletin of the Geological institution. AMC. NH Forelasningar och ofningar. 7593-5 1 Observatoire. Bulletin meteorologique. m. AA. AO Kongliga vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien, Stockholm. Antiquarisk tidskrift for Sverige. AA. PM Manadsblad. y. AA Kongligt samfundet for utgifvande af handskrifter rorande skandinaviens historia, Stock- holm. Historiska handlingar. 4823.18 Koninklijk akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. Jaarboek. A A. AO. NH Verhandelingen. Afdeeling letterkunde. A A. AO. NH Verhandelingen. Afdeeling natuurkunde. AA. AO. NH Verslagen der zittingen van de wis- en natuurkundige afdeeling. AA. NH Verslagen en mededeelingen. Afdeeling letterkunde. AA. AO. HC. NH Verslagen en mededeelingen. Afdeeling natuurkunde. AA. AO. NH Koninklijk instituut voor de taal- land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie, The Hague. Bijdragen. q. AA. (P. R. 591) 4258.50 Koninklijk natuurkundige vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie, Batavia. Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. AA. HC. MZ. NH Koninklijk nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut, Utrecht. Jaarboek. AA. AO Koninklijk zoologisch genootschap, "Natura artis magistra," Amsterdam. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde. MZ. NH Korean repository, m. BA Krain. See Kais.-koenigl. landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft. Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. Munich, q. HC. LS Kritischer Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der romanischen Philologie. Munich. HC. (P. R. 495) 2952.87 Kronstadt. See 0127 - Publications. Geology and paleontology. TC BPL> (SeC ^AA^NH Lemberg. See Kwartalnik historyczny. Lend a hand.f Boston, m. MIT M^T (T> T? VAT\ T^ Leoben. See Kais.-koenigl. Bergakademie. (P. R. 241) Per. room Leominster (Mass.) enterprise, w. MSL Leopoldina. See Kais -leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leslie s illustrated weekly. N. Y. CU. (P R 1680) 60411=; Letterstedska fdrening, Stockholm. Nordisk tidskrift for vetenskap, konst och industrie HC Leutschau. See Unganscher Karpathen-Verein. Levant herald and Eastern express. Constantinople, w. News room Lewiston (Me.) evening journal. News roo Lexington historical society. Proceedings and papers. BA MSL 4^7 104 Leyden, Sterrewacht. Annalen. ' AA AO Verslag van den staat. y. AA AO Leyden See also Maatschappij der nederlandsche letterkunde te Leiden; Nederlandsche , ., dierkundige vereenigmg; Rijksmuseum van natuurlijke historic. Liberia. (American colonization society.) Washington, semi-a. CL FM Liberty. N. Y. w. BA MIT Librairie Damascene Morgand. Bulletin mensuel. Paris. HC Library, The. (Library association of the United Kingdom.) London, m. BA. HC. MSL T -u (P- R- 2 4 2 ) 2147.715 Library association series. London. BPL (See catalogue ) Library company of Philadelphia. Bulletin, semi-a. ' 612722 Library journal.f (American library association.) N. Y. m. BA. CL. HC. HG. LS. MIT. ML. MSL. NH. SL. (P. R. 957 ) Bound vols. are kept in the Catalogue room. y5 ' } 56 Libr Lond Library news. See Newark, N. J. Free public library. Library news-letter. See Osterhout free library. Library notes. Boston, q. AA. AO. BA. HC. MSL. SL. 2145.62 Library record. See Jersey City. Free public library. Lick observatory. See University of California. Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. See Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Liege. See Institut archeologique liegeois; Societe geologique de Belgique; Societe royale des sciences. Life. N. Y. w. BA. CU. HC. (P. R. 712) Per. room Life and light for women. Boston, m. CL. FM. (P. R. 461) 7539.66 Light bearer. Boston, m. CU. GT Ligue franchise de 1'enseignement, Paris. Bulletin mensuel. MIT Lille. See Cercle hprticole du Nord; Facultes de Lille; Institut zoologique de Lille; Societe de geographic; Societe geologique du Nord. Lincolnshire notes and queries. Horncastle. q. HC. HG. (P. R. 497) 2506.100 Lindau. See Verein fur Geschichte des Bodensee's und seiner Umgebung. Lindenia. [Iconography of orchids.] Brussels, m. AR. MH Linrnean fern bulletin. N. Y. BG Linnaean society of New York. Abstract of proceedings. MZ. NH Transactions. MZ. NH Linnean society, London. Journal. Botany. AA. AR. BG. MH. NH. (P. R. 228) 5303.1 Journal. Zoology. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 228) 5303.1 Proceedings. AA. MZ. NH Transactions. Botany. AA. BG. MH. NH. 5861.1 Transactions. Zoology. AA. MZ. NH. 5861.1 Linnean society of New South Wales, Sydney. Proceedings, q. A A. MZ. NH Linz. See Kais.-koenigl. landwirthschaftliche Gesellschaft; Museum Francisco-Caro- linum. Lippincott's magazine.ft Phila. m. BA. CU. HC. (P. R. 243) Per. room=i8o4.i Lisbon, Observatorio do Infante D. Luz. Annaes. AO Lisbon. See also Academia real das sciencias; Sociedade de geographia. List of parliamentary papers. See Parliamentary papers. Litauische litterarische Gesellschaft, Heidelberg. Mittheilungen. HC Literarischer Handweiser zunachst fur das katholische Deutschland. Minister, semi-m. HC Literarisches Centralblatt fur Deutschland. Leipzig, w. BA. HC. (P. R. 801) 52703.1 Literary and historical society of Quebec. Transactions. AA. HC. NH. 4472.5 Literary and philosophical society of Liverpool. Proceedings. AA. HC. NH. PM. 3238.5 Literary digest. N. Y. w. CL. HC. (P. R. 1151) 7273-25 Literary era. Phila. m. GT. HG Literary news. N. Y. m. BA. HC. LS. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 245) 6150.25 Literary world, f Boston, f. BA. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 714) Per. room Literary world. London, w. (P. R. 715) 7221.25 Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische Philologie. Heilbronn. m. HC (P. R. 713) 6686.10 Littell's living age.ft Boston, w. CU. HC. MIT. (P. R. 246) Per. room=i82i.i Litterarischer Verein, Stuttgart. Bibliothek. BA. HC. 4225.1 Liverpool. Free public library and museum. Annual report. HC. MZ. 6202.3 Marine biological station. Annual report. MZ Liverpool astronomical society. Abstracts of proceedings. AO Journal. AO Liverpool biological society. Proceedings and transactions. MZ. NH. TC Liverpool engineering society. Transactions, y. CE. MIT Liverpool geological society. Proceedings. NH Liverpool journal of commerce, d. News, room Liverpool Mercury, d. News, room Living church quarterly. Milwaukee, y. HC. 5549a.ioo Local government chronicle. London, w. SBH Local government journal. London, w. MIT Locomotive, The. Hartford, m. MIT. SS Lodge, Edmund. Peerage and baronetage of the British empire. London, y. BA. 2432.50 London, Regent's Park. George Bishop's observatory. Astronomical observations. AO London. Metropolitan water supply. Water examiner. Report. MIT Water board. Reports, m. SBH London. See also Board of trade journal. London. A journal of civic and social progress. London, w. MIT London and Middlesex notebook. London, q. HG. 2503.132 London chemical society. See Chemical society of London. London daily chronicle. See Daily chronicle. London daily news. See Daily news. London daily telegraph. See Daily telegraph. Lond Madr 57 London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. London, m. AA. HC. MIT. TC. (P. R. 247) 3356.1 London field. See Field, the farm, the garden. London gazette, semi-w. (News, room.) 6968.1 London in 1880, etc. (Herbert Fry.) y. 2496.62 London mathematical society. Proceedings. .5086.50 London missionary society. See Chronicle; News from afar. London of to-day. London, y. (Bates Hall.) 2496.78 London ophthalmic hospital. See Royal London ophthalmic hospital. London quarterly review. HC. (P. R. 637) Per. room London society. London, m. CU London society of antiquaries. See Society of antiquaries, London. London society of biblical archaeology. See Society of biblical archaeology. London standard. See Standard. London times. See Times. London world. See World. Long Island historical society, Brooklyn. Memoirs. BA. 4373.22 Longman's magazine.t London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 248) Per. room=i9O5.io Lord's power and machinery magazine and builders' handbook. Boston, m. (P. R. 972) 4014.201 Lorenz. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie franchise. See Catalogue mensuel, etc. Lotos. See Naturhistorischer Verein Lotos. Lotus. N. Y. m. (P. R. 942) 5583.16 Louisiana. Bureau of agriculture, Baton Rouge. Report, m. MH State board of health. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Louisville (Ky.) commercial, d. News, room Louvain. See Societe des sciences et lettres. Low, Sampson. English catalogue of books. See English catalogue. Lowell daily courier. MSL. News, room Lowell weekly journal. GT Lucca, Sicily. See Reale accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti. Luebeck. See Geographische Gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches Museum; Naturhisto- risches Museum; Verein fur hansische Geschichte. Lueneburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur das Fiirstenthum Liineburg. Lund. See Karolinska universitetet; Kongl. fysiografiska sallskapet. Lutheran missionary journal. York, Pa. m. FM Lutheran quarterly.! Gettysburg, Pa. GT Lutheraner. St. Louis, w. GT Lutherische Herold. N. Y. w. GT Luxemburg. See Fauna. Verein luxemburger Naturfreunde; Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg; Societe botanique du grand-duche de Luxembourg. Lwow. See Lemberg. Lynn, Mass. Free public library. Bulletin. 61903.15 Lynn daily evening item. See Daily evening item. Lyon horticole. See Association horticole lyonnaise. Lyon medical. Lyon. w. ML Lyons, Obseryatoire astronomique et meteorologique. Travaux. AO See also Meteorologie lyonnaise. Lyons. See also Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts; Association horticole lyon- naise; Bibliotheque de la Faculte des lettres; Club alpin frangais. Section lyonnaise; Museum d'histoire naturelle; Societe d'agriculture, sciences et indus- trie; Societe d'anthropologie de Lyon; Societe de geographic; Societe lin- neenne; Societe pomologique de France. Maatschappij der nederlandsche letterkunde te Leiden. Tijdschrift voor nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde. HC Macalester college, St. Paul, Minn. Departments of history, literature and political sci- ence. Contributions. MSL. 4427.188 McCarty's annual statistician. See Annual statistician and economist. Machinery. N. Y. m. MIT McClure's magazine.ft N. Y. m. BA. (P. R. 249) Per. room Macmillan's magazine.t London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 250) Per. room=:i873.i Macon. See Academic de Macon; Societe des arts, sciences, belles-lettres, et agriculture. McPherson's hand-book of politics. Washington. Biennial. BA. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 4350.36 Madagascar. See Tananarive. Observatoire royal. Madras. Forest department. Annual report. AR Government museum. Bulletin. MZ. NH Madras, Observatory. Results of observations of the fixed stars. AA. AO Madrid, Real observatorio. Observaciones meteorologicas. y. AA. AO Resiimen de las observaciones. AA. AO 58 Madr Mary Madrid. See also Real academia de la historia; Real academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales; Sociedad espanola de historia natural; Sociedad geografica. Magasin illustre d' education et de recreation. Paris, semi-m. (Juvenile room.) 72903.50 Magasin pittoresque. Paris, semi-m. HC. (P. R. 792) 7291.52 Magazin fur die Literatur des In- und Auslandes. Berlin. 3 nos. a week. HC Magazine of Americana. Indianapolis, q. BA Magazine of art.t London, m. BA. (Special libraries.) 4072.220 Magazine of poetry and literary review. Consolidated with Poet lore in August, 1896. Magdeburg. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Magyar nemzeti muzeum, Budapest. Termeszetrajzi fiizetek. q. MZ. NH Magyar novenytani lapok. Kolozsvar. BG Magyar nyelvor. Budapest, m. HC Magyar tudomanyos akademia, Budapest. Archaeologiai ertesito. (P. R. 908) 2854.52 Magyarhoni foldtani tarsulat. (Ungarische geologische Gesellschaft.) Budapest. Foldtani kozlony. NH Magyarorszagi Karpat-egyesiilet, Iglo. Jahrbuch. AMC Mail. London. 3 nos. a week. FM Maine. Board of agriculture, Augusta. Annual report. MH. MSL. 6339.10 State board of health, Augusta. Biennial report. HC. ML. MSL. SBH. 77603.62 Maine bugle. Rockland. q. HC. MSL. (P. R. 252) 4423-294 Maine farmer. Augusta, w. MH Maine historical and genealogical recorder. Portland, q. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 253) 4437.60 Maine historical society, Portland. Collections and Proceedings, q. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. 2339.1 Maine medical association, Portland. Transactions. Maine medical register. Bangor. y. 3739-69 Maine register, state year-book and legislative manual. Portland. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 6328.55 Maine state bar association, Augusta. Proceedings, y. MSL Maine state pomological society, Augusta. Transactions, y. MH. MSL Malpighia. Genoa. BG Manchester (Eng.) geographical society. Journal, q. HC. MSL. MZ. (Whitney library.) (P. R. 481) 6277.50 Manchester (Eng.} geological society. Transactions. MZ. 7865.63 Manchester (Eng.) guardian, w. News, room Manchester (Eng.) literary and philosophical society. Memoirs and Proceedings. AA. HC. MIT. NH. 3275.2 Manchester (Eng.) quarterly. (Manchester literary club.) q. (P. R. 255) Per. room Manchester (N. H.) union, d. News, room Manifesto. [Shakers.] Canterbury, N. H. m. CU. HC. MIT. (P. R. 256) 5540.51 Manilla, Observatorio meteorologico. Observaciones verificadas. AO Manitoba free press. Winnipeg, d. News, room Manitoba historical and scientific society. See Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Mannheimer Verein fur Naturkunde, Mannheim. Jahresbericht. A A. NH Mans, Le. See Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la Sarthe; Societe d'horticulture de la Sarthe. Manual of American water works. N. Y. MSL. SS. 3942.74 Manufacturer and builder. N. Y. m. (P. R. 1006) 8094.201 Manufacturers' gazette. 4012.370 Continued, as Northeastern lumberman and Manufacturers' gazette, March 23, 1895. Marburg. See Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Marine biological association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Journal. MZ. NH. TC Marine biological laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass. Annual reports. MSL. NH. SS. 3895.62 Biological lectures, y. NH. 3822.105 Marine engineer. London, m. (P. R. 794) 4010.210 Marine review. Cleveland, w. MIT Marlboro (Mass.) times, w. News, room Marseilles. See Faculte des sciences de Marseille; Musee d'histoire naturelle; Societe scientifique Flammarion; Societe scientifique industrielle. Marshfield agricultural and horticultural society, Plymouth. Transactions, y. MSL Martha's Vineyard agricultural society. Transactions, y. MSL Martin's stock fluctuations. Boston, y. BA. 5642.44 Martin's studies. See Johns Hopkins university. Studies from the biological laboratory. Maryland. State board of health, Annapolis. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH State weather service, Baltimore. Biennial report. NH. 3961.136 Maryland academy of science, Baltimore. Transactions. NH Maryland farmer. Baltimore, w. MH. (P. R. 257) 59903.3 Maryland historical society, Baltimore. Archives of Maryland. BA. HC. HG. MSL. SL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Maso Medi 59 - Fund publications. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. 4472.9 Masonic token. Portland, Me. q. (PR 718) 7^60 51 Massachusetts. General court. Acts and resolves y AA. BA. CL. HC. LS. MIT. MSL. SL. (Bates Hall.) 6452.1 -- Manual, y. AA. BA. CL. HC. HG. LS. MIT. MSL. SL. (Bates Hall.) 6430.5 -- House of representatives. Documents, y. B A. HC. MSL 6420 so -- -Journal AA. BA. CL. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 6410^5 -- Senate. Documents, y. BA. HC. MSL. 6429.50 ---J? ur , nal - AA. BA. CL. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 6411.50 Public documents, y. BA HC LS MSL TC KAT? , Contains the reports of state boards, commissions, etc. State board of agriculture. Annual report. BI. CL. HC. MH. MSL. MZ. NH. TC 6445 4 -- Bulletin. Crop report. MH MSL - Report on the work of extermination of the gypsy moth. BI. BS. MSL. MZ. NH. TC State board of health. Annual report. AA. BA. CE. CL. HC. MIT. ML. MSL 5 SBH -- Weekly bulletin of mortality. MSL SBH ^R ^sV 7760"^ - State library. Report of the librarian. CL. HC LS MSL SL (S*i Massachusetts association of boards of health. Journal q SBH Massachusetts eclectic medical society, Boston. Annual publications. c horticuuura, society, ^to^ Massachusetts institute of technology, Boston. Annual catalogue. MIT ' MSL * NH ' S&74 ' 3 Ant t ,. AA - AO - BA - CL. HC. MIT. MSL. NH. 7592.0 -Annual report of the president and treasurer. AA. AO. BA. CL. HC. MIT. MSL NH Engineering laboratory tests. See also The Tech; Technique; Technology quarterly. Massachusetts medical society, Boston. Medical communications. HC. ML. MSL. SBH Massachusetts medico-legal society, Boston. Transactions, y. ML. MSL SBH 7786' Id Massachusetts ploughman. Boston, w. MH GT News rnnm Massachusetts society for promoting agriculture, Boston. Publications.' Massachusetts state fireman's association. Proceedings y W ' NH> BPL> (SeC catalo * u fi> Massachusetts year book and city and town register. BA. BS. CL. MSL. SL. (Bates Hail/) Master car-builders' association. Report and proceedings of annual convention. ^^^ Master steam fitter. Chicago, m. CK MIT ' 4 n f4 Masus. [Turkish in Armenian character.] Galata. Once in 3 weeks. (P. R. 990) 7360x0 Matenaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture. (A. Raguenet.) Paris m Mathematical magazine. Erie, Penn. q. ^ MIT ' (Spedal libraries -> 4090.228 Mathematical questions and solutions from the Educational times. London, y. HC Mathematical review. Worcester, bi-m. AA A n' 5 ppV 5 Mathematical visitor. Erie, Penn. q. ' A(J ' Mathematische Annalen. Leipzig, q. HC. MIT. (P. R. 452) Mathews' medical quarterly. Louisville. V (P R S Matica hrvatska. Agram. ^ ' *" y, Matica ilirska. See Matica hrvatska. 5008.44 etc. Mayflower. Floral Park, N. Y. m. M TT Maynard, Charles J. Contributions to science. Newtonville. MZ NH c8r7r7 Meadville portfolio. Meadville, Penn. nl Mechanical world and metal trades journal. [Formerly "Design and work.] Manchester MecWenburg. See Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte MIT ' (R R " Io8 40I2.2OI Medford. Public library. Bulletin. fiTC ,- Medical and chirurgical faculty of Maryland, Baltimore. Transactions, y. ML SS Medica and chirurgical society. See Royal medical and chirurgical society "yo-55 Medica and surgical register of the United States. Detroit, y. ,. cn Medical and surgical reporter. Phila. w. MT Medical bulletin. Phila. m. BA HC (P R ->cR-\ c ^ r Medical chronicle. Manchester, m. (R R " 2S8) 574 &? Medical directory. London, y J 4530.1 60 Medi Mexi Medical mission herald. Chicago, m. FM Medical missions at home and abroad. London, m. FM Medical news. Phila. w. ML. (P. R. 721) 77^5-i Medical press and circular. London, w. ML Medical record. N. Y. w. ML. (P. R. 722) 774i-i Medical register of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. N. Y. y. HG. 57393.50 Medical society of New Jersey, Newark. Transactions, y. ML Medical society of the state of California. Transactions, y ML Medical society of the state of New York, Albany. Transactions, y. ML. 3737.2 Medical society of the state of North Carolina. Transactions. ML Medical society of the state of Pennsylvania, Phila. Transactions, y. ML Medical society of the state of Tennessee. Transactions. ML Medical society of the state of West Virginia. Transactions, y. ML Medical times and Register. Phila. bi-w. ML. (P. R. 374) 57H-5 Previous to vol. 31, entitled Times and Register. Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Jena. Denkschriften. MZ. NH Jenaische Zeitschrift. MZ. NH Medico-chirurgical transactions. See Royal medical and chirurgical society. Medico-legal journal. N. Y. q. (P. R. 925) 7785.60 Meehan's monthly. Devoted to general gardening and wild flowers. Germantown. AR. BG. BI. MH. (P. R. 259) 79903.80 Mekeel's weekly stamp news. St. Louis. (P. R. 1250) 2230.112 Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire. See Ecole franchise de Rome. Melbourne, Observatory. Annual report. AO Astronomical results. AO Record of results of observations in meteorology, etc. q. A A Melbourne. See also Royal geographical society of Australasia; Royal society of Vic- toria; Zoological and acclimatisation society. Melbourne university. Calendar, y. 5047.4 Melusine. Paris, bi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 1186) 4690.3 Memorial diplomatique. Paris, w. BA. HC Men. Representing the Young men's Christian association, Omaha, m. (P.R.6O7) 7442.34 Mende. See Societe d'agriculture, industrie, sciences, et arts du departement de la Lozere. Mentzel and Lengerke. See Verbesserter landwirthschaftlicher Hiilfs- und Schreib- Kalender. Menuiserie ebenisterie. Paris, m. (P. R. 724) 4090.279 Mercantile library association, N. Y. Bulletin, y. CL. HC. MSL. 61403.88 Mercantile library company, Phila. Bulletin, q. HC. MSL. 61403.70 Mercurio. Valparaiso, d. News, room Mercurio triestino. Trieste, d. News, room Meriden scientific association. Proceedings and Transactions, y. AA. MZ. NH. 7916.53 Merk's market report. N. Y. m. MCP Messager de Paris, d. News, room Messenger and missionary record. (Presbyterian church of England.) London, m. FM Messenger for the children. (Presbyterian church of England.) London, m. FM Messenger of mathematics. London, m. HC. MIT. (P. R. 261) .5087.50 Messiah pulpit. N. Y. w. CU Continues Unity pulpit, Boston. Metal worker. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1005) 4013.234 Metaphysical magazine. N. Y. m. (P. R. 955) 5602.82 Metaux ouvres. Paris, m. (P. R. 725) 4013.220 Meteorologie lyonnaise. Lyons. AO Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat. See HmiepaTOpCEift lOpteBCEift yHHBep- CHTCTt, Dorpat. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. See Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie. MeieopojiorH'iecEoe ofioapfcme. Tpyjtu MeTeopojiorireecEoft cfcTH roro-sana^a Poccin. Revue me- teorologique. Travaux du reseau meteorologique du sud-ouest de la Russie. [Text in Russian.] AO Methodist review.f N. Y. bi-m. CL. GT. HC. (P. R. 262) Per. room Methodist review of missions. Nashville, m. FM Methodist year-book. N. Y. HC. MSL. 55493.33 Metropolitan museum of art, N. Y. Annual reports. PM. 8076.58 Handbook. 8078.118 Metz. See Academic de Metz. Meulan. See Societe mineralogique. Mexican herald. City of Mexico, d. MSL. News, room Mexico. Consejo superior de salubridad. Boletin. m. SBH Ministerio de fomento. Anuario estadistico de la Republica mexicana. 43103.192 Mexi Minn 61 Boletin semestral de la estadistica de la Republica mexicana. 4410.100 Estadistica general. 4410.101 Institute geologico. Boletin. AA. MIT. MZ. NH Mexico, City, Observatorio meteorologico central. Boletin mensual. (P. R. 1267) 7960.62 See also Tacubaya, Observatorio astronomic^ nacipnal. Mexico, City. See also Asociacion de ingenieros y arquitectos; Deutscher wissenschaft- licher Verein: Institute medico nacional; Museo nacional de Mexico; Sociedad cientifica Antonio Alzate; Sociedad de geografia y estadistica; Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. Meyer brothers' druggist. St. Louis, m. MCP Michigan. Geological survey, Lansing. Publications. MSL Reports. NH Official directory and legislative manual. Biennial. MSL. 6309.8 State board of agriculture. Annual report. MH. MSL. 598.=;. 7 Crop reports, m. MSL State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH. 6401.53 Michigan engineers' annual. (Michigan engineering society.) MIT Michigan law journal. Detroit, m. SL Michigan pioneer and historical society. See Pioneer and historical society of Michigan. Michigan political science association. Publications. BA Michigan state horticultural society, Lansing. Annual report. BG. MH. MSL. 5904.14 Michigan state medical society, Lansing. Transactions, y. ML Microscope. Washington, m. MSL. NH. (P. R. 263) Per. room Middelburg. See Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen. Middlesex and Hertfordshire notes and queries. London, q. HG Middlesex county record society, Clerkenwell. Publications. BA. 24903.101 Middlesex hospital, London. Reports, y. ML Middlesex North agricultural society, Lowell. Transactions, y. MSL Middlesex South agricultural society. South Framingham. Transactions, y. MSL Midland institute of mining, civil and mechanical engineers, Barnsley. Proceedings. AA Milan, Reale osservatorio di Brera. Pubblicazioni. ^AO Milan. See also Associazione medica lombarda; Associazione tipografico-libraria itali- ana: Club alpino italiano. Sezione di Milano; Museo civico di storia naturale; Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere: Societa d'esplorazione commerciale in Africa; Societa italiana di scienze naturali; Societa storica lombarda. Milchzeitung. Bremen, w. MIT Militar-wissenschaftlicher Verein, Vienna. Organ der Militar-wissenschaftlichen Vereine. m. (P. R. 303) 795oa.50 Military historical society of Massachusetts, Boston. Papers. BA. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Military service institution of the United States, Governor's Island. N. Y. Journal, bi-m. HC. MIT. (P. R. 230) 7958.5. 1 ? Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Public library. Quarterly list of additions. HC. MSL. 2141.78 Public museum. Annual report. PM Milwaukee sentinel, d. News, room Mind.f London, q. BA. HC. TC. (P. R. 636) Per. room Mineral industry, The. N. Y. y. (Bates Hall.) 36503.95 Mineralogical magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical society. London. HC. MZ. (Whitney library.) Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen. Vienna. Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Strassburg. AA. BA. HC. MIT. MZ. NH (Bates Hall.) 28.^0 20 Mining. (Northwest mining association.) Spokane, m. Mining and scientific press. San Francisco, w. MIT. (P. R. 1109) 7860.51 Mining bulletin. See Pennsylvania state college. Mining herald and Colliery engineer. See Colliery engineer. Mining industry and review. Denver, w. (P. R. 1138) 78603.79 Mining industry and tradesman and Mining review were united, Aug. 15, 1895, under the above title. Mining journal, railway and commercial gazette. ^ London, w. Mining society of Nova Scotia, Halifax. Transactions." Minneapolis. Public library. Quarterly bulletin. MSL. 6146.89 Minneapolis journal, d. News, room Minneapolis society of civil engineers. Transactions. In Association of engineering soci- eties. Journal. Minnesota. Geological and natural 1 ^^ J STMC 1OT Msrtz'^TC ,861.67 Bulletin. AA. AMC. AR. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 7861.80 Geology of Minnesota. MSL ' A ^T?' o^rr' Minnesota botanical studies. AMC. AR. BG. TC Report of the state zoologist. AA. MSL. MZ. NH State board of health and vital statistics. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Weather service. Northwest weather and crops. Minneapolis, m. (P. R. 1252) 7960.61 62 Minn Mona Minnesota academy of natural sciences, Minneapolis. Bulletin. (Proceedings and papers.) AA. MH. MSL. MZ. NH. TC Occasional papers. AA. MH. NH. TC Minnesota historical society, Minneapolis. Biennial reports. MSL. 4477-H Collections. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. PM. 4472.27 Minnesota state horticultural society, Minneapolis. Annual report. MH Minnesota state medical society. Transactions, y. ML Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. London, m. HG. (P. R. 878) 2434.51 Miscellaneous notes and queries. Manchester, m. HC. HG. MSL. ~{P. R. 265) Per. room Mission archeolpgique franchise au Caire. Memoires publics par les membres. 5070.11 Mission day spring. London, m. FM Mission field. London, m. FM Mission gleaner. (Reformed church in America.) N. Y. bi-m. FM Missionary. (Presbyterian.) Nashville. FM Missionary chronicle. (Methodist new connexion.) London. FM Missionary guardian. (Reformed church in the United States.) Phila. m. FM Missionary helper. (Free Baptists' woman's missionary society.) Boston, m. FM Missionary herald. (American board of commissioners for foreign missions.) Boston. m. BA. CL. DS. FM. GT. (P. R. 266) Per. room Missionary herald. (Baptist.) London, m. FM Missionary herald. (Presbyterian.) Belfast, Ireland, m. FM Missionary intelligencer. (Foreign Christian missionary society.) Cincinnati, m. FM Missionary messenger. (Evangelical association.) Cleveland, Ohio. FM Missionary outlook. Toronto, m. FM Missionary record. (Cumberland presbyterians.) St. Louis, m. FM Missionary record. (United presbyterians.) Edinburgh, m. FM Missionary review of the world.t N. Y. m. CL. FM. GT Missionary tidings. (Christian.) Indianapolis, m. FM Missionary visitor. Dayton, Ohio, semi-m. FM Missions evangeliques, Paris. Journal, m. FM Missions of the United brethren, London. Periodical accounts, q. FM Missions of the world. London, m. FM Missionsblatt fur Kinder. Calw. m. FM Mississippi state medical association. Transactions, y. ML Missouri. Geological survey, Jefferson City. Biennial report. AA. AMC. MSL. MZ. NH 3865.135 Bulletin. AA. AMC. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. (P. R. 583) 3862.109 Publications. N H State board of health. Biennial report. MSL. SBH Missouri appellate reporter. Carrollton. semi-m. MSL. SL Missouri botanical garden, St. Louis. Annual report. AA. BG. BI. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 5845.57 Missouri historical society, St. Louis. Publications. 4462.51 Missouri roads improvement journal. Kidder. m. MIT Missouri state horticultural society, Jefferson City. Annual report. BG. MH Missouri state medical association, St. Louis. Transactions, y. ML Missouri world. Chillicothe. w. News, room Mitchell's maritime register. See Shipping gazette & Lloyd's list weekly summary. Mitteilungen aus dem gesammten Gebiete der englischen Sprache u. Litteratur. See Anglia. Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. See Petermann. Mitteilungen der Verlagsbuchhandlung B. G. Teubner. Leipzig, bi-m. (P.R.53i) 6166.50 Mitteldeutscher Kunstgewerbeverein, Frankfort on the Main. Zeitschrift. 8o2oa.no Mittelrheinischer geologischer Verein, Darmstadt. Notizblatt. AA. MZ. NH Published with the Notizblatt of the Verein fur Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften. Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. See Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten. Berlin, q. HC. (P. R. 568) 3055.111 Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca philologica Batava. Leyden. HC Mobile register, w. BA Mode illustree. Paris, w. (P. R. mi) 6660. 1 Modena. See Regia accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti; Societa dei naturalisti. Modern art. Boston, q. (Special libraries.) 4061.217 Modern language association of America, Baltimore. Publications, q. 2950.56 Modern language notes. Baltimore, m. HC. (P. R. 726) 4951.60 Moleschott's Untersuchungen. See Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Monatlicher Anzeiger uber Novitaten und Antiquaria aus dem Gebiete der Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Berlin, m. (P. R. 418) 6170.55 Monatsblaetter fur offentliche Missionsstunde. Calw. FM Mona Muni 63 Wissensc haften - Monatshefte fur Musik-Geschichte. Leipzig >: Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums. Leipzig & Breslau. Monatsschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde. Berlin Monde economique. Paris, w. A c V Monde illustre. Paris, w. /-o T> * ^ . , . T> * ^ Monist.f Chicago, q. Tr r , p SL*W 725O.2 Moniteur de la mode. Paris w R> 46;) Per room r m ssion des tissus - - , ,r officiel du commerce! 5 - S?e France. Ministerccon^e 1 Moniteur scient 1 fique. Paris, m. MIT /P P Momtore zoologico italiano., See Regia universita degli studi, Siena ( Mons Belgium See Societe des sciences, des arts et des lettres du Hainaut Mont Blanc Observatoire meteorologique. Annales. 5!Ki^^r 8 SSB lab m or and industry ' Helena - Annual re > ort - Montana society of civil engineering. See Association of engineering societies ' SeeaCal "'' ~ Month. (Roman catholic.) London, m. fP P > u Monthly illustrator and Home and country NY rp -R Q ^ J!? Om Continues the Quarterly illustrator, beginning Feb ' 1805 ^ 7 ^ 4OO0.2I5 hly international journal of anatomy and physiology. Leipzig. MZ. NH. (P. R. 269) Monthly list of parliamentary papers. London. (Eyre and Spottiswoode Monthly packet of evening readings. London. Month y record. (Free church of Scotland.) Edinburgh. Monthly statement of averages. See United States. Agric dept Weather bur,n Mon hly weather review. .See United States. Agric. dept Weather bureau Montpelher. See Academic des sciences et lettres Montreal daily star. Montreal medical journal, m. /p p N ^ ws - room Montreal pharmaceutical journal, m l 272 ^ 77 , 4 //^ 5 Monument! antichi. See Reale accademia dei lincei MC M^aTn ntS B g e, e h, S ehe S m e . e p1r da ^ n P " r '' ^- des e,ud gr ec q ue, . Morgenbladet. Christiania. d w Morlaix. See Societe d'etudes scientifiques du Finistere WS- r m Morning Argus leader. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, d. ' New , ront Morning chronicle. Halifax, d iNews. room Morning news. Savannah, d. i ews - room Morning news. Wilmington. Del. d M WS< r m Morning Oregonian. Portland, d. ST"*' r m Morning star. Boston, w. New Morning star. Wilmington, N. C. d. M Morphologische Arbeiten. (G. Schwalbe.) Jena. WS- Morphologisches Jahrbuch. (Gegenbaur.) Leipzig. HC. MZ. NH (P R 27^ Morrison observatory. See Glasgow, Missouri. Moscow. See HMnepaTopCKift MocEOBCKift yHHBepcHTCT-L; HsraepaTopcEoe ofimecTBo ecTecTBOBHania, aHTponojiorin H 9THorpa*iH; 06n;ecTBo HcnHTaiejiefi npupoAH; PyccKin apxHBi>; PyccKia B^OMOCTH. Mouvement colonial. Paris, semi-m. (P p 12,8^ onenr^ Continues Mouvement afncain. ^ ' I23 *> 3O5O.I56 Moyen age. Paris, m. TT/-. Muelhausen. See Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Muenchener Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte, Munich Bei- trage. q. p*, Muenchener medicinische Wochenschrift. w. MT Muenster, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Veroffentlichungen. AA Muenster. See also Westfalischer Provinzial-Verein fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst Al-Muktataf. Cairo, m. pjp Munich, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Meteorologische und magnetische Beobachtungen AO ~-Neue Annalen. y. AA. AO. .51114 Munich, bee also Bayenscher und deutscher Fischerei Verein; Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern; Koenigl.-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften; 6 4 Muni Nash Koenigl. meteorologische Central-Station; Gesellschaft fur Morphologic und Physiologic; Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Municipal engineering. Indianapolis.^ m. CE (P. R. 604) 7281.5 Annales. . AA - MZ A A. 3490-55 AA. 3021.115 Annales. MZ. NH NH AA. AO. HC. MZ. NH. TC MZ. NH. 5812.50 AA. NH AA. MZ. NH AA. MZ. NH. 4410.143 AA. MZ. 5811.19 AA. MZ. 4410.138 AA. MZ. 7970-54 AA. MZ. NH. 3860.122 AA. MZ. NH. MZ. NH 4410.139 7812.20 4410.144 3810.51 4410.108 Municipality lind county. Buffalo. Munsey's magazine.t N. Y. m. Musee d'histoire naturelle, Marseilles. Musee Guimet, Paris. Annales. Bibliotheque d'etudes. Annales. See also Revue de 1'histoire des religions. Musee royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique, Brussels. Bulletin. Musee Teyler, Haarlem. Archives. Museo civico di storia naturale, Genoa. Annali. Museo civico di storia naturale, Milan. Memone. Publ. with the Memorie della Societa italiana di scienze naturali. Museo civico di storia naturale, Trieste. Atti. Museo de La Plata. Anales. Paleontologia argentina. Revista. Seccion de arqueplogia. Anales. Seccion de historia general. ^Anales. Seccion geologica y mineralogica. Anales. Seccion zoologica. Anales. Museo nacional, Buenos Aires. Anales. Museo nacional, Costa Rica. See Instituto fisico-geografico y Museo nacional, Montevideo. Anales. Museo nacional de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Anales. Museo nacional de Mexico, Mexico. Anales. AA. MZ,. J> Museon. See Societe des sciences et lettres. Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Archives. Museum. Maandblad voor philologie en geschiedems. Gromngen. m. n^- Museum d'histoire naturelle, Lyons. Archives. Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris. Bulletin. AA. MZ. NH..PM-Tg Nouvelles archives. ., A : . M 4; J Museum d'histoire naturelle des Pays Bas. See Rijksmuseum van natuurhjke historic Museum Francisco-Carolinum, Linz. Bericht. M ^- ^ Jri Museum Kralovstvi ceskeho, Prague. Casopis. Museum nationale Hungaricum. Budapest. See Magyar nemzeti muzeum Museum of fine arts, Boston. Annual report of the trustees. AA. HL. MbL. r _ f"**J f O 1 Q Ofll School of drawing and painting. Annual report. MSL. Museum of comparative zoology, Cambridge. See Harvard university. Museums-association. Report of proceedings. Sheffield and York Music. Chicago, m. BA. HC. HM. (PR. 275) Musical age. N. Y. w. R - 'TO . .- Musical association for the investigation and discussion of subjects connected with tl and science of music, London. Proceedings, y. 4043.201 Musical courier. N. Y. w. Musical directory, annual and almanack. London. Musical record. Boston, m. BA. CU. HC. (P. R. 1150) Musical standard. London, w. fa'-D 1 * 2 \ Musical times. London, m. HC. HM. (F K. 277) . Musical year-book of the United States. Boston, y. lC HM 8048.62 Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht fiber neue Musikalien, musikahsche Schnften und 8075-24 8076.52 8074.100 NH 4041.201 4040.205 4040.201 8048.52 40403.205 40403.210 HC BA d. (P. R. 840) 61103.28 See Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Abbildungen. Leipzig, m. My neighbor. Boston, m. Nachrichten aus dem Buchhandel. Leipzig. Nachrichten uber deutsche Alterthumskunde. Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Nacion. Buenos Aires, d. Nancy. See Societe des sciences. Nantes. See Societe des bibliophiles breton?: de la France. Nantucket pgriculttiral society. Transactions. .,. Naples See Accademia pontaniana; Reale istituto d'mcoraggiamento alle scienze natu rali, econorniche e technologiche; Societa alpina meridionale; Societa di natura- listi; Societa italiana delle scienze: Societa napoletana di storia patna; - reale di Napoli; Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Narodni listy. Prague, d. Nassauischer Verein fur Naturkunde, Wiesbaden. Jahrbucher. y. AA. Nashville American, w. News, room Societe des sciences naturelles de 1'ouest MSL Nash Natu 65 Nashville banner, d. News, room Natal observatory. See Durban. Nation. Berlin, w. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1075) 5350.55 Nation.! t N. Y. w. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. HG. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 786) Per. room=:i852.i National academy of sciences, Washington. Biographical memoirs. AO. MSL. MZ 4442.188 Memoirs, y. AA. AO. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. 5301.1 Proceedings. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. 5912.14 Report, y. MIT. 5301.2 National association of fire engineers. Proceedings, y. IL National association of wool manufacturers, Boston. Bulletin, q. AA. ASA. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 429) 3650.5 National board of fire underwriters. Proceedings, y. IL National board of trade. Proceedings, y. BA. 56503.11 National bottlers' gazette. N. Y. m. (P. R. 1074) 68603.15 National civil service reform league, N. Y. Proceedings, y. BA. MIT. MSL. 5565.75 See also Good government. National conference of charities and correction. Procedings. y. BA. 5576.77 National conference of state boards of health. Proceedings, y. SBH National corporation reporter. Chicago, w. MSL. SL National druggist. St. Louis, m. MCP National electric light association. Proceedings of convention, y. MIT National eclectic medical association, N. Y. Transactions, y. BA. 5802.51 National geographic magazine. (National geographic society.) Washington, m. AMC. AO. AR. MIT. MZ. NH. (P. R. 883) 62603.15 National insurance convention. Proceedings, y. IL National magazine. Boston, m. BA. MSL. (P. R. 945) 5301.45 Continues the Bostonian, beginning Aug., 1896. National microscopical congress. See American society of microscopists. National nurseryman. Rochester, N. Y. MH National 0konomisk Tidsskrift. Copenhagen, m. ASA. HC National printer-journalist. Chicago, m. BPL National prison congress. Proceedings, y. MIT National provisioner. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1091) 5650.30 National recorder. Washington, w. News, room National review.! London, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 279) Per. room National science club, Washington. Proceedings. 7913-74 National single taxer. Minneapolis, w. (P. R. 1073) 7720.34 National stockman. Pittsburgh, Penn. w. MH National temperance advocate. (National temperance society.) N. Y. m. (P. R. 1077) 5290.20 Naturae novitates. Bibliographic neuer Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Naturge- schichte. Berlin, f. HC. MH. MZ. NH. TC. (Ordering dept.) 6177.4 Natural history society of Glasgow. Proceedings and transactions. MZ. NH. TC Natural history society of Montreal. See Canadian record of science. Natural history society of New Brunswick, St. John. Bulletin. MZ. NH. TC. 38i3-59 Occasional papers. NH Natural history society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Tyneside naturalists' field club, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Natural history transactions. AA. MZ. NH Natural history society of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Occasional papers. NH. 3813.64 ^_ Proceedings Natural science.! London, m. BG. MZ. NH. TC. (P. R. 973) 3813.66 Natural science association of Staten Island, New Brighton. Proceedings. AA. TC Naturaleza. See Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. Naturalists' leisure hour. (A. E. Foote.) Phila. m. (P. R. 603) 7816 50 Naturalista siciliano. Palermo. MZ - NH Naturaliste. Paris, bi-m. NH Naturaliste canadien. Chicoutimi. Nature.! London, w. AA. AO. BA. BG. CU. HC. MH. MIT. MZ. NH. (P. R. 782) Per. room Nature. Paris, w. HC. (P. R. 7|9) 5811.50 Nature notes. London, m. (? R- f8o) 3814.51 Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Altenburg. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. AA. .TC Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Bamberg. Bericht. AA. NH Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel. Verhandlungen. AA MZ^ NH Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Berne. Mittheilungen. y. AA. MZ. NH.. 1 L. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Danzig. Schriften. y. AA. M N H Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Emden. Jahresbencht. y. . AA. MZ. JN H. I L. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Freiburg im Breisgau. Benchte. AA. MZ. NH 66 Natu - - Nebr Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Gorlitz. Abhandlungen. y. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Halle. Abhandlungen. AA. MZ. NH Bericht iiber die Sitzungen. AA. MZ. NH Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Sitzungsberichte. A A. NH Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zurich. Vierteljahrsschrift. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubiindens, Chur. Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturforschender Verein, Brunn. Bericht der meteorologischen Commission, y. AA MZ. NH Verhandlungen. y. AA. MZ. NH Naturforschender Verein, Riga. Arbeiten. Korrespondenzblatt. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturhistorisch-medicinischer Verein, Heidelberg. Verhandlungen. semi-a. AA. MZ. NH Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Hannover. Jahresbericht. y. NH. MZ. TC Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Nuremberg. Abhandlungen. A A. MZ. NH Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH Naturhistorischer Verein, Passau. Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens, Bonn. Ver- handlungen. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturhistorischer Verein "Lotos." Prague. Lotos. Jahrbuch fur Naturwissenschaft. A A. NH Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten, Klagenfurt. Bericht. Diagramme der magnetischen und meteorologischen Beobachtungen. Jahrbuch. NH See also Geschichtsverein und Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum. Naturhistorisches Museum, Hamburg. Mittheilungen. MZ. NH Naturhistorisches Museum, Ltibeck. Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH See also Geographische Gesellschaft und Naturhistorisches Museum. Naturhistoriske Forening, Copenhagen. Videnskabelige Meddelelser. y. BG. MZ. NH Natuurkundig genootschap, Groningen. Verslag. AA. NH Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandisch-Indie. See Kon. natuurkundige vereeniging in Nederlandisch-Indie. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Chemnitz. Bericht. y. AA. NH Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis, Dresden. Sitzungsberichte. semi-a. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Brunswick, w. MZ Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Bremen. Abhandlungen. AA. MZ. NH Jahresbericht. A A. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Carlsruhe. Verhandlungen. AA Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Elberfeld. Jahresbericht. AA. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Hamburg. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwis- senschaften. MZ. NH Verhandlungen. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Magdeburg. Abhandlungen. TC Jahresbericht. TC Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Osnabriick. Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Ratisbon. Berichte. AA. MZ. NH. TC Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Trencsen. Jahresheft. AA Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein an der Universitat, Vienna. Mittheilungen. AA. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes, Wernigerode. Schriften. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur das Fiirstenthum Liineburg, Luneburg. Jahreshefte. AA. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur den Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt, Frankfort on the Oder. Helios. Abhandlungen und monatliche Mitteilungen. Berlin, m. AA. MZ. NH Societatum litterae. Berlin, m. AA. HC. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Sachsen und Thuringen, Halle. Zeitschrift fur Natur- wissenschaften. bi-m. NH. (P. R. 397) 5818.1 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel. Schriften AA. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Schwaben und Neuberg, Augsburg. Bericht. AA. MZ. NH Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Steiermark, Gratz. Mittheilungen. y. MZ. NH Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris. (Publ. by order of the Lords commissioners of the admiralty.) London, y. AA. AO. .138.1 Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal reserves. London, m. (P. R. 281) 5398.1 Nautilus. Phila. m. MZ. NH Naval annual, ed. by T. A. Brassey. Portsmouth. BA. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 39503.55 Naval observatory. See United States. Naval observatory. Navy & army illustrated. London, f. (P. R. 1221) 3950.122 Navy records society, London. Publications. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) NVa Tifdpa.. Trieste, d. News, room Nebraska. State board of agriculture, Lincoln. Annual report. MH. MSL State board of health. Biennial report. MSL. SBH Nebr New Nebraska congregational news. Lincoln, m. Nebraska independent. Lincoln, w. Nebraska state historical society, Lincoln. Transactions and reports. Nebraska state horticultural society, Lincoln. Annual report. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, Amsterdam. Tijdskrift. Nederlandsche bibliographic. The Hague, m. Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging, Leyden. Tijdschrift. q. Maandberigt. CL News, room CL. HG. MSL 4475.58 MH. MSL AMC HC AA. MZ. NH ie. q. MZ. NH BG FM FM Nederlandsche tuinbouwblad. Apeldoorn. Nederlandsche zendelinggenootschap, Rotterdam. Mededeelingen. q. Nemzeti muzeum, Budapest. See Magyar nemzeti muzeum. Neptunia. Venice, m. Net cast in many waters. London, m. Neuchatel. See Societe des sciences naturelles. Neue freie Presse. Vienna, d. Neue Jahrbticher fur deutsche Theologie. Bonn. Neue Jahrbiicher fur Philologie und Paedagogik. Leipzig, m. Continues Jahrbiicher fur Philologie und Paedagogik. 4966.17. Jahrbucher fur classische Philologie. Supplementband. Vols. 1-19 are entitled Archiv fiir Philologie und Paedagogik. Neue militarische Blatter. Berlin, m. Neue philologische Rundschau. Gotha. f. Neue Zeit. Stuttgart, w. Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik. Leipzig, w. Neue Zuercher-Zeitung. Zurich, d. Neuere Sprachen. Zeitschrift fur den neusprachlichen Phonetischen Studien. Marburg in Hesse, m. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. (Leonhard und Bronn.) Stuttgart. AA. HC. (Mineral, library.) MZ. NH Beilage. AA. MZ Neues lausitzisches Magazin. See Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. MZ FM News, room DS HC. TC. (P. R. 553) 4966.19 HC. (P. R. 610) 4966.50 (P. R. 282) 7952.68 HC. (P. R. 283) 295oa.55 (P. R. 950) 5302.11 HC. (P. R. 775) 4040a.2is News, room Unterricht. Mit dem Beiblatt HC Neurologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, bi-m. Nevada. State weather service. Carson City. Annual report. Monthly weather review. New Bedford evening journal, d. New book list. (British.) London, m. New church messenger. N. Y. w. CU. GT. New-church review. Boston, q. BA. CL. DS. GT. Continues the New Jerusalem magazine. New cycle. Continued as Lotus, Feb., 1896. New earth. [Social problems.] N. Y. m. CU. GT. New education. N. Y. m. New England association of colleges and preparatory schools, Boston. ceedings at the annual meeting. New England bibliopolist. See New England historic-genealogical society. New England cotton manufacturers' association, Boston. Transactions. Nos. 1-56 are called Proceedings. New England druggist. Boston, m. New England farmer. Boston, w. New England florist. Boston, w. New England historic-genealogical society, Boston. ML AO AO MSL CL. HC (P. R. 1009) 5400.3 (P. R. 286) 5405-10 5583.16 (P. R. 730) 7265^0 Addresses and pro- HC. MSL. 4492.107 MIT. 5651-51 New England historic and genealogical register.! Bound vols. are kept in Bates Hall. Proceedings. New England homestead. MCP BA. CU. MH. News, room MH New England bibliopolist. q. HC HG. (P. R. 609) 2154-29 q. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL (P. R. 445) 2335.1 BA. CL. HG. MIT. MSL. 4435 22 Eastern edition of American agriculturist. Springfield, w. MH. (P. R. 1076) 5990a.36 New England magazineft Boston, m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. HG. MIT. MSL (P. R. 425) Per. room New England medical gazette. Boston. [Homoeopathic.] m. BA. (P. R. 288) 7804.1 New England meteorological society. Bulletin: no. 1-38; then, in cooperation with the Astronomical observatory of Harvard college, no. 39-58; then, with the United States signal service, no. 50-80; then, in cooperation with the Astronomical observatory of Harvard college and the United States weather bureau, no. 81-88. AO. 7962.12 For continuation see U. S. Agric. dept. Weather bureau. Bulletin of New England weather service. 68 New - - New New England railroad club, Boston. Proceedings, m. (Oct. to May.) MIT New England roadmasters' association. Proceedings, y. MIT New England society in the city of New York. Anniversary celebration. BA. HG. MSL 4474.12 New England Staaten Zeitung. Boston, w. MSL. News, room New England water works association. Journal. New London, q. CE. MIT. MSL (P. R. 482) 5942.46 New England weather service. See United States. Agric. dept. Weather bureau. New gallery notes. (Henry Blackburn.) London. BA. 8085.67 New Hampshire. State board of health, Concord. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH 7764.51 New Hampshire historical society, Concord. Proceedings, y. AMC. CL. HG. MSL. 4337.46 New Hampshire medical society, Concord. Transactions, y. ML. 7735.51 New Hampshire register. Concord. .MSL. (Bates Hall.) 4399a.i New Haven colony historical society, New Haven. Papers. CL. HC. HG. MSL. 4337.1 New Haven register, d. News, room New idea. Detroit, bi-m. MCP New Jersey. Archives of the state of New Jersey. Trenton. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 2376.68 Geological survey, Trenton. Annual report. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. 5872.12 Final report of the geologist. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. 5872.13 State board of agriculture. Annual report. MSL. 7995.80 State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH. 77603.75 Weather service. Annual report. MSL. 7962.71 New Jersey forestry association. See Forester. New Jersey historical society, Newark. Proceedings, semi-a. HG. 4473.1 See also New Jersey. Archives. New Jersey law journal. Plainfield. m. SL New Jersey medical society. See Medical society of New Jersey. New Jersey natural history society, Trenton. Journal. A A. NH New Jersey state horticultural society, Trenton. Proceedings. MH New Jerusalem magazine. See New-church review. New London county historical society, New London. Records and papers. BA. HG. MSL 4439.129 New Mexico bar association, Santa Fe. Proceedings, y. MSL New Nation. See Twentieth century. New Orleans academy of sciences. Papers read before the academy. HC New Orleans daily picayune. See Daily picayune. New Orleans medical and surgical journal, m. ML New remedies. See American druggist. New reyiew.f London, m. BA. CU. HC. MIT. (P. R. 289) Per. room New science review.f London, q. (P. R. 434) 3912.110 New South Wales. Department of mines and agriculture. Sydney. Annual report. AA. MSL. MZ. NH See also Agricultural gazette of N. S. W. Geological survey. Memoirs. Geology. AA Memoirs. Palaeontology. AA. MZ. NH Records. AA. MZ. NH New Spalding club, Aberdeen. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) New Sydenham society, London. Publications. ML. BPL. (See catalogue.) New unity. Chicago, w. CU New world. Review of religion, ethics and theology. f Boston, q. BA. CL. DS. ET. GT. HC. (P. R. 290) 3565.127 New York, city. Department of public parks. Meteorological observatory. Reports with abstracts of registers, m. AO. BS. MSL. NH New York, state. Commissioners of the state reservation at Niagara. Albany. Annual report. BA. MH. MSL Forest commission. Annual report. AMC. MH Geological survey. Annual report. AA MZ NH -Paleontology. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. 5863.8 Meteorological bureau and weather service. Annual report. AO Report. Issued from the central office at Cornell university in cooperation with the U. S. Agric. dept. Weather bureau, m. AO. HC State board of health. Annual report. MIT. ML. MSL. SBH. 7761 60 -Monthly bulletin. ASA. MIT. MSL State botanist. Annual report. BG. MH State entomologist. Annual report. BS. MZ. NH. 5892.56 Report on injurious and other insects of New York. y. NH State library. See University of the state of New York. State museum of natural history. See University of the state of New York. New York academy of medicine. Transactions. ML New Nord 69 New York academy of sciences. Annals. AA. AO. BG. HC. MZ. NH. PM. (P. R. 524) 7812.6 Memoirs. AA. AO. BG. HC. MZ. NH. 39203.75 Transactions, m. AA. AO. BG. HC. MZ. NH. PM. 7812.15 New York bar association. See Bar association of the city of New York. New York botanical garden. Bulletin. 3855.22 New York evening post. See Evening post. New York farmers. Proceedings. MH. 59903.7 New York genealogical and biographical record, q. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 546) 2337.55 New York herald, d. BA. CU. HC. News, room New York historical society. Collections. AA. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. 4472.19 New York journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, d. IL. News, room New York ledger, w. (P. R.) New York maritime register, w. News, room New York mathematical society. See American mathematical society. New York medical journal, w. ML. (P. R. 778) 7775.1 New York medical times, m. (P. R. 731) 3720.55 New York microscopical society. Journal, q. AA. MH. MZ. NH. TC. (P. R. 612) 7877.1 New York observer, w. CL. CU. FM New York railroad club. Proceedings, m. (Sept. to May.) MIT New York state agricultural society, Albany. Annual report. MH New York state association of local boards of fire underwriters. Proceedings, y. IL New York state association of supervising and adjusting agents. Proceedings, y. IL New York state bar association, Albany. Annual report. MSL New York state medical association. Transactions. ML New York state medical society. See Medical society of the state of New York. New York state reporter. Albany, w. MSL. SL New York sun. See Sun. New York supplement. St. Paul. w. LS. MSL. SL New York times, d. BA. CU. News, room New York tribune, d. BA. CU. HC. MSL. News, room New York voice, w. CL. HC New York world. See World. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung. d. News, room New Yorker Volkszeitung. d. News, room New Zealand. Report on the mining industry. Wellington. NH. 387oa.6o The reports for 1894, 95 are entitled Papers and reports relative to minerals and mining. Colonial museum and geological survey, Wellington. Annual report on the colonial mu- seum and laboratory. MZ. NH Reports of geological explorations. MZ. NH Department of labour. Journal. ASA New Zealand Alpine journal. (New Zealand Alpine club.) Christ Church. AMC New Zealand institute, Wellington. Transactions and proceedings, y. MZ. NH. 3360.5 Newark, N. J. Free public library. Annual report. MSL. 6147.150 Library news. 6144.68 Newburyport morning herald. News, room Newport natural history society. Proceedings. NH. 5822.19 Newfoundland. See Year book and almanac of Newfoundland. News and courier. Charleston, S. C. d. News, room Weekly edition. News from afar. (London missionary society.) m. FM Newton, Mass. Free library. Bulletin. MSL. 6156.34 Newton (Mass.) graphic, w. CU Nice, Observatoire. Annales. (Publ. sous les auspices du Bureau des longitudes.) AO. BS Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde, Bonn. Sitzungsberichte. AA. MZ. NH. TC Issued with the Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und West- phalens. Nikolai-Hauptsternwarte. See Saint Petersburg. HnKOJiaeBCKaa raaBHaa acipOHOMiraeCEaa o6cepBaTopia. Nimes. See Academic de Nimes. Nineteenth century.ftLondon. m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 291) Per. room=8oo.i2 HuBa. m. St. Petersburg. (P. R. 1008.) 7262.12 Noord en zuid. Tijdschrift ten dienste van onderwijzers bij de studie der nederlandsche taal- und letterkunde. Culemborg. bi-m. (P. R. 292) 7213.5 Nord und Stid. Berlin, m. Nordisk Boghandlertidende. Copenhagen, w. HC Continues Dansk Boghandlertidene. 7o Nord Nova Nordisk tidskrift for vetenskap, konst och industri. See Letterstedtska forening. Stock- holm. Nordiske Fortidsminder. See Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Nordiske museet, Stockholm. Samfundet. TC Norfolk and Norwich archaeological society, Norwich. Norfolk archaeology. 2506.50 Norfolk records. 2506.57 Norfolk and Norwich naturalists' society, Norwich. Transactions, y. 58.24.23 Norsk Havetidende. Christiania. y. MH Norsk historisk Kildeskriftfond, Christiania. Norske Rigs-Registranter. y. 6825.5 [Publications.] BPL. (See catalogue.) Norske Gradmaalingskommission, Christiania. Astronomische Beobachtungen. .5121.31 Geodatische Arbeiten. AA. NH. 79203.60 Vandstandsobseryationer. A A. NH Norske meteorologiske Institut, Christiania. Jahrbuch. AO. NH Norske Turistforening, Christiania. Arbog. AMC North Africa. London, m. FM North American. Phila. d. BA North American review.ft N. Y. m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 293) Per. room=i9Oi.i North Carolina. Board of health. Raleigh. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Bulletin, m. ASA. SBH State weather service. Weekly weather crop bulletin. HC. MSL North Carolina medical journal. Wilmington, m. ML North Carolina state horticultural society. Annual report. MH North Carolina state medical society. See Medical society of the state of North Carolina. North China herald. Shanghai, w. FM. News, room North Dakota. State board of health. Biennial report. MSL. SBH North of England institute of mining and mechanical engineers. Transactions. AA. 7876.50 For later transactions see also the Federated institution of mining engineers. North Riding (Yorkshire) record society, London. Publications. 2506.15 Northamptonshire notes and queries. Northampton, q. HC. HG. (P. R. 294) 2503.110 Northeastern lumberman and Manufacturers' gazette. Boston, w. BA. CU. (P. R. noo) 4012.370 Northeastern reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Northern genealogist. York. q. HC. HG Northern notes and queries. See Scottish antiquary. Northfield, Minn. See Carleton college. Observatory. Northwest, The. St. Paul. m. (P. R. 1169) 7361.7 Northwest horticulturalist. Tacoma and Seattle, m. MH Northwest mining association. See Mining. Northwest railway club, Minneapolis. Proceedings, m. (Sept. to May.) MIT Northwest weather and crops. See Minnesota. Weather service. Northwestern law review. Chicago, m. SL North- Western provinces and Oudh. Government gazette. Allahabad, w. MSL Northwestern reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Norwegische Commission der europaischen Gradmessung. See Norske Gradmaalingskom- mission. Norwegisches meteorologisches Institut, Christiania. See Norske meteorologiske Institut. Notes and queries. London, w. BA. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 296) Per. room Notes and queries: historical, biographical and genealogical. Harrisburg, Pa. q. HC Notes and queries for Somerset and Dorset. Sherborne. q. HG. (P. R. 498) 2506.110 Notes of cases. Northport. m. LS. SL Notices to mariners. See United States. Navy dept. Hydrographic office. Nottingham naturalists' society. Transactions and annual report. NH Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere. Paris, bi-m. (P. R. 456) 58003.58 Nouvelle revue. Paris, semi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 440) 5374.5 Nouvelle revue historique de droit frangais et etranger. Paris, bi-m. BA. HC (P. R. 298) 5626.4 Nouvelle revue retrospective. Paris, m. BA Nouvelles annales de la construction. Paris, m. (P. R. 1104) 4012.208 Nouvelles annales des mathematiques. Paris, m. AA. HC Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique et de gynecologic. Paris, m. ML Nouvelles archives de 1'art frangais. See Revue de 1'art frangais ancien et moderne. Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires. Paris. 6224.55 Continues Archives des missions. Nouvelles soirees canadiennes. Recueil de litterature nationale. Quebec, m. HC Nova Scotia historical society, Halifax. Collections. BA. HG. MSL. 4316.52 Nova Scotian institute of natural science, Halifax. Proceedings and Transactions. AA. AO. HG. MIT. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 5814.50 Novi Offi 71 Novitates zoologicae. (Zoological museum, Tring.) London. MZ HoBoe speiia. St. Petersburg, d. News, room HoBopoccificEoe o6m,ecTBo ecTecTBOHcnHTaiejiefi, Odessa. SanucEii. AA. MIT. MZ HaTeaiaTH^ecEoe OTjt'BJieHie. 3anncEH. AA Numismatic and antiquarian society, Phila. Publications. PM Numismatic chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic society. London, q. (P. R. 299) 6213.1 Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. Florence, semi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 300) 72603.1 Nuovo archivio veneto. See Regia deputazione veneta di storia patria. Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Rome. q. HC. (P. R. 139) 32103.51 Continues Bulletino di archeologia. cristiana. 32103.50. Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. Florence, q. BG Nuremberg. See Germanisches National-Museum; Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. Nuttall ornithological club, Cambridge. Bulletin. See Auk. Memoirs. HC MZ. NH. 3901.101 Ny illustrerad tidning. Stockholm, w. (P. R. 1072) 7300.6 Nyt Magasin for Naturvidenskaberne. Christiana. MZ O-Gyalla, Astrophysikalisches Observatorium. Beobachtungen. AO. BS Oasis. Nogales, Arizona, w. News, room Oberhessische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde, Giessen. Bericht. AA. MZ. NH.TC Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gorlitz. Neues lausitzisches Magazin. A A. NH Oberlin college, Oberlin. Biography and necrology. 44993. 155 Laboratory bulletin. AA. AMC. MH. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 3906.65 Library. Occasional bulletin. CL. MSL. 6146.94 Observatoire central Nicolas. See Saint Petersburg. HHKOJiaeBCEaa raaBHaa acTponomraeCEaa o6cepBaTopia, Observatoire de Moscou. See HsinepaTOpCEifi MocEOBCKifi yHHBepCHTei"B. 06cepBaTOpia. Observatoire physique central de Russie. See Saint Petersburg. TjiaBHaa , St Petersburg. HC Presbyterian and reformed review, f Phila. q. CL. DS. ET. FM. GT Presbyterian record. Montreal, m. FM Prescription. Danbury, Conn. m. MCP Pressburg. See Orvos-termeszettudomanyi egyesiilet. Presse medicale beige. Brussels, w. ML Presto. A weekly musical journal of the times. Chicago. HC Preussische Jahrbiicher. Berlin, m. HC. (P. R. 315) 5307.50 Pribram. See Kais.-koenigl. Bergakademie zu Leoben. Prince, C. Leeson. Observatory. See Crowborough. Prince society, Boston. Publications. BA. HC. HG. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Princeton contributions to psychology. See Princeton university. Princeton university. Bulletin. HC Catalogue, y. AA. HC. HG. MSL. 4497.12 Princeton contributions to psychology. AA. HC. 3602.143 Museum of geology and archaeology. Contributions. MSL. 7870.15 Producer and builder. Title changed July 14, 1895, to Granite producer and builder. Again in Sept., 1896, to Granite. Progres medical. Paris, w. ML Progress. Minneapolis, w. News, room Proofsheet. 6117.38 Continued as a department ot the National printer-journalist. Propagateur. Bulletin du clerge et des families. Montreal, semi-m. (P. R. 316) 7340.7 Propriete industrielle. Berne, m. (P. R. 1163) 7661.60 Protestant episcopal review. Alexandria, Va. m. GT Providence, R. I. Public library. Monthly bulletin. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. 2140.40 Record commission. Early records of the town of Providence. HG. MSL. 2338.82 Report. 6345.32 Providence Athenaeum. Bulletin, m. HC. 6156.59 Providence daily journal. News, room Provinciaal utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen, Utrecht. Aanteeken- ingen. NH Verslag. NH Prussia. Koeniglich-preussisches Ministerium fur Landwirthschaft, Domanen und Forsten. Beitrage zur landwirthschaftlichen Statistik. y. AA. BI Przewodnik bibliograficzny miesi?cznik dla wydawcow, ksiegarzy, antykwarzow, jako tez czytajacych i kupujacych ksiazki. Cracow, m. HC Psyche. (Cambridge (Mass.) entomological club.) m. AA. AMC. HC. NH. (P. R. 790) 5891.2 Psychological review.f N. Y. bi-m. BA. HC. (Philosophical library.) (P. R. 885) 3602.144 Public health. London, m. MIT. SBH Public ledger. Phila. d. News, room Public ledger almanac. Phila. HC. MSL. 4408.10 Public libraries. Chicago, m. BA Public opinion. London, w. CL. TC. (P. R. 1114) 7275.10 Public opinion.fj N. Y. w. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1099) Per. room Public-school journal. Bloomington, 111. m. HC Public schools year book. London. (Bates Hall.) 3598.104 Publishers' circular. London, w. HC. MIT. (Ordering dept.) 6154.1 Publishers' trade list annual. N. Y. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. 6161.7 Publishers' weekly. The American book trade journal. N. Y. w. BA. HC. HG. MIT. MSL. SL. (P. R. 772) 6i6oa.i Puck. N. Y. w. BA. CU. (P. R. 1166) 72503.55 Pulpit herald and Altruistic review. See Twentieth century monthly. Pump court. London, m. SL Punch. London, w. BA. CU. HC. (P. R. 742) 5382.1=832.1 Putnam leaflets. Salem, m. . HC Putnam's monthly historical magazine. Salem. CL. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 319) 4457.114 Quakeriana; books, antiquities, prints. [London.] m. HC Quarterly illustrator. See Monthly illustrator. Quarterly journal of economics.ft (Harvard university.) Boston. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 424) Per. room Quarterly journal of microscopical science. London. AA. MIT. ML. MZ. NH. (P. R.322 > ) 5878.2 Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. London. HC. MIT. (P. R. 413) .5026.50 Quarterly medical journal. Sheffield. ML Quarterly review.ft London. BA. CL. CU. FM. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 324) Per. room 78 Quar Real Quarterly token for juvenile subscribers. See Church missionary society. Quarto. London, q. BA Quebec morning chronicle. News, room Queen. London, w. (P. R. 1665) 6951.1 Queen's quarterly. Kingston, Canada. HC. (P. R. 512) 7232.2 Queensland. Department of agriculture. Brisbane. Botany bulletin. MH Bulletin. MH Geological survey. Annual progress report. NH Bulletin. NH Patent office. Letters of registration granted for inventions. Patent room Report of registrar, y. Patent room Supplement to the Queensland government gazette, m. Patent room Post and telegraph dept. Meteorological branch. Brisbane. Climatological tables. AO Meteorological reports. AO Meteorological synopsis. AO Table of rainfall. AO Queensland. See also Royal society of Queensland. Quincy, Illinois. Public library. Bulletin. 6156.39 Quincy (Mass.) patriot, w. News, room Quito, Obseryatorio astronomico. Boletin. AA Quito universidad. Anales. m. AA Quiver, The, for Sunday and general reading. London, m. (P. R. 323) 7473.1 Radcliffe college, Cambridge, Mass. Monographs. HC. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Reports. HC. MSL. 4485.187 Radcliffe observatory. See Oxford. Raguenet, A. See Materiaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture. Railroad and engineering journal. See American engineer and railroad journal. Railroad gazette. N. Y. w. CE. HC. MIT. MSL, SS. TC. (P. R. 1030) 4011.201 Railway age. Chicago, w. MIT. (P. R. 1172) 4011.231 Railway engineer. London. CE. MIT Railway engineering and mechanics. MIT Continued as Railway master mechanic. Railway master mechanic. Chicago, m. CE. MIT Railway review. Chicago, w. HC. MIT Railway times. London, w. MIT Rainfall in the East Indian archipelago. See Batavia, Magnetical and meteorological ob- servatory. Rassegna delle scienze geologiche in Italia. Rome. AA. AMC. NH Ratisbon. See Historischer Verein fur die Oberpfalz und Regensburg; Koenigl.- bayerische botanische Gesellschaft; Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Ray society, London. Publications. BG. HC. MH. MZ. BPL. (See catalogue.) Reader. Cambridge, w. BA. HC Real academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales, Madrid. Anuario. AA Memorias. AA. MZ Real academia de ciencias naturales y artes, Barcelona. Boletin. q. AA Real academia de la historia, Madrid. Boletin. m. (P. R. 77) 3095.54 Real colegiq de Belen, Havana, Cuba. Observaciones magneticas. y. AO. BS Observaciones meteorologicas. y. AO. BS Reale accademia dei fisiocritici, Siena. Atti. MZ Reale accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Atti. The Atti are made up of the Memorie and Rendiconti of the different classes as noted below. Monument! antichi. HC. 3300.50 Notizie degli scavi di antichita. HC. 3301.50 Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Memorie. bi-m. MZ Rendiconti. AA. HC. MZ. NH. 3296.55 ^The Rendiconti for the years 1884-92 are on 3296.50. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. Memorie. 3295.60 Rendiconti. m. AA. HC. 3296.55 The Rendiconti for the years 1884-92 arc on 3296.50. Reale accademia delle scienze, Turin. Atti. AA. MZ. NH Memorie. AA. HC. MZ. NH. .154.1 Reale accademia delle scienze ed arti liberali, Bologna. See Istituto delle scienze ed arti liberali. Reale accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche, Naples. See Societa reale di Napoli. Reale accademia di scienze, lettere e belle arti, Palermo. Atti. AA Bolletino. AA Reale accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Padua. Atti e memorie. HC. MZ Reale accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti, Lucca. Atti. AA. NH. 3284.1 Reale istituto botanico di Roma. Annuario. BG. 58503.7 Reale istituto d'incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali, economiche e technologiche, Naples. Atti. A A. NH Real Revi 79 Reale istituto di studi superior* pratici e di perfezionamento, Florence. Scuola d'anatomia patologica. Arcnivio. **y Sezione di filospfia e filologia. Pubblicazioni. AA MSL MZ Sezione di medicina e chirurgia e Scuola di farmacia. Pubblicazioni. AA MSL' MZ bezione di scienze fisiche e naturali. Pubblicazioni. AA MSL MZ' NH tich S e ltU Memrie rd0 ^ sdenze e lettere ' Milan - Classe di lettere, scienze morali e'poli- Classe di scienze matematiche e naturali. Memorie. MZ NH -- Rendiconti. j^ ^^ NH' ^20^2 Reale istituto tecnico, Palermo. Giornale di scienze naturali ed economiche ' y AA Reale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Venice. Atti. AA. HC MZ NH Memorie. ' ' . Reale scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Annali. Filosofia e filologia Annah. Scienze fisiche e matematiche. 527 Reale societa toscana di orticultura, Florence. Bullettino. m. AR BG MH Record society for the publication of original documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, Manchester. Publications. BA. HC. HG. BPL. (See catalogue.) Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. Leyden. MIT Recueil special de brevets d'invention. Brussels, bi-m. Patent room Reference catalogue of current literature. See Whitaker. Reflector. Boston, m. /p R - Ae \ ,,,- o Reform advocate. Chicago, w. (P R iitf) 2200 Reforme sociale. See Societe d' economic sociale. Reformed presbyterian and covenanter. Pittsburg. m. FM Regensburg. See Ratisbon. Regia accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Modena. Memorie. AA NH 5251 <;o Regia deputazione di storia patria, Turin. Miscellanea di storia italiana. 4712 i Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna, Bologna. Atti e memorie. Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle Marche Florence. Archivio storico italiano. q. HC. (P R 884) 5241; 2 Documenti di storia italiana. 47105-' Regia deputazione veneta di storia patria, Venice. Miscellanea. 27103. 50 Nuovo archivio veneto. HC. (P. R. 890) 2717*50 Regia societas scientiarum Upsaliensis, Upsala. Nova acta. A A. MZ. NH. 5305 50 Regia universita degli studi, Rome. Ricerche fatte nel laboratorio di anatomia normale! MZ Regia universita degli studi, Siena. Istituto anatomico. Monitore zoologico italiano m HC. MZ. NH Kegia universita degli studi, Turin. Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata. Bollettino AA. MZ. NH Reale osservatono. Effemeridi del sole, della luna e dei principali pianeti. AO -- Osservazione meteorologiche. y. AA. NH -- Pubblicazioni. AO Regia universita di Genova. Musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata. Bullettino. MZ Register and manual of the state of Connecticut. See Connecticut. Registered pharmacist and drug clerk's journal. Chicago, m. MCP Reichs-Gesetzblatt. See Germany. Religio-phiiosophical journal. See Philosophical journal. Religious herald. Hartford, w. CL Reliquary and Illustrated archaeologist. London, q. (P. R. 747) 2232.59 Rensselaer society of engineers, Troy. Selected papers. MIT Rentier. Paris v 3 nos. a month. ASA Repertoire de legislation et de jurisprudence forestieres. See Revue des eaux et forets. Repertoire des ventes publiques cataloguees de livres, autographes, gravures, estampes et tableaux. Paris, w. HC Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur. Berlin, y. Patent room Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft. Stuttgart and Vienna, bi-m. MFA. HC Repertorium fur Meteorologie, St. Petersburg. See under HMncpaiopCKaa aKajeMia navEl, St. Petersburg. Representative. Minneapolis, w. News, room Republic. Boston, w. News, room Retail druggist. Detroit, m. MCP Review of reviews. London, m. HC. Per room Review of reviews.ft N. Y. m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 744) Per. room=:8ob.8 Review of the churches. London, q. GT Revista cristiana. Madrid, semi-m. FM Revista critica de historia y literatura espanolas. Madrid, m. HC. (P. R. 082) 7361.21 80 Revi Revu Revista de Chihuahua. Chihuahua, m. MIT Revista de la instruction publica. Caracas. AA. BA Revista de sciencias naturaes e sociaes. Oporto. NH Revista do Minho, para o estudo das tradic.6es populares. Barcellos, etc. semi-m. HC Revista filatelica. St. Louis, m. (P. R. 959) 2232.60 Revista florestal. Aveiro. m. AR Revista minera. See Sociedad nacional de mineria. Boletin. Revista sul-americana. Rip de Janeiro, m. Revolution franchise. Paris, m. BA. HC Revue alpine. See Club alpin franc.ais. Section lyonnaise. Revue archeologique. Paris, bi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 342) 2217.51 Revue beige de numismatique. Brussels, q. (P. R. 325) 6223.1 Revue bibliographique beige. Brussels, m. (P. R. 447) 6171.63 Revue bibliographique universelle. See Polybiblion. Revue biblique internationale. See Ecole pratique d'etudes bibliques. Revue biologique du nord de la France. Lille. HC. MZ Revue blanche. Paris, bi-m. HC Revue bleue. See Revue politique et litteraire. Revue bryologique. Paris, q. BG Revue celtique. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 514) 2957.74 Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Paris, w. BA. HC. (P. R. 438) 6176.52 Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence. Paris, m. (P. R. 344) 7614.1 Revue d'anthropologie. See Anthropologie. Revue d'art dramatique. Paris, semi-m. HC Revue d'artillerie. Paris, m. HC. (P. R. 326) 7955.2 Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 1259) 3050.115 Revue d'assistance. See Societe internationale pour 1'etude des questions d'assistance. Revue d'economie politique. Paris, m. ASA. HC Revue d'erudition, etc. See Ecole des chartes. Revue d'histoire diplomatique. See Societe d'histoire diplomatique. Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. See Societe d'histoire litteraire de la France. Revue d'hygiene et de police sanitaire. Paris, m. MIT. SBH. (P. R. 331) 3760^50 Revue d'hygiene therapeutique. Paris, m. ML Revue d'infanterie. Paris, m. HC Revue de Belgique. Brussels, m. (P. R. 539) 2857.10 Revue de botanique. See Societe franchise de botanique. Revue de Bretagne, de Vendee et d'Anjou. See Societe des bibliophiles bretons et de 1'his- toire de Bretagne. Revue de chimie industrielle et agricole. Paris, m. MIT Revue de chirurgie. Paris, m. ML Revue de droit commercial. Paris, m. (P. R. 328) 3296.3 Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Ghent, bi-m. BA. HC. LS. MSL. SL. (P. R. 599) 7612.1 Revue de famille. Continued as Vie contemporaine. Revue de geographic. Paris, m. HC. (P. R. 329) 6263.69 Revue de jurisprudence. Montreal, m. LS. MSL Revue de 1'aeronautique. Paris, q. BA Revue de 1'art chretien. Paris, q. (Special libraries.) 4072.201 Revue de 1'art frangais ancien et moderne. Paris, m. (Special libraries.) 4060.201 Revue de 1'histoire des religions. (Musee Guimet.) Paris, bi-m. AA. BA. DS (P. R. 927) 5436.51 Revue de 1'horticulture beige et etrangere. Ghent, m. AR. MH Revue de 1'instruction publique en Belgique. Ghent, bi-m. (P. R. 540) 7597.6 Revue de 1'Universite de Bruxelles. TC Revue de laryngologie. Paris, semi-m. ML Revue de legislation. See Nouvelle revue historique de droit franqais et etranger. Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparee. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 518) 4957.50 Revue de mathematiques speciales. Paris, m. HC. (P. R. 824) E.SIII.I Revue de medecine. Paris, m. ML Revue de Paris, semi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 455) 5403.4 Revue de philologie, de litterature, et d'histoire anciennes. Paris, q. HC. (P. R. 336) 4952.50 Revue de philologie franchise et provengale. Paris, q. Revue de therapeutique medico-chirurgicale. Paris, semi-m. ML Revue des arts decoratifs. Paris, m. BA. HC. (Special libraries.) 4070.210 Revue des banques. Paris, m. ASA Revue des bibliotheques. Paris, m. HC. (P. R. 433) 6192.10 Revue des chefs-d'ceuvre et curiosites litteraires. Paris, etc. m. HC Revue des cours et conferences. Paris, w. (Nov. to July.) HC Bulletin, w. (Nov. to July.) HC Revu Revu 81 Revue des cours litteraires de la France et de 1'etranger. Paris, Madrid, etc. w. HC Revue des deux mondes. Paris, semi-m. BA. HC. TC. (P. R. 441) 3315.1 Revue des eaux et fprets. Paris, semi-m. AR. MH. (P. R. 335) 3853 50 Repertoire de legislation et de jurisprudence forestieres. MH. 5854.50 Issued as part of the Revue but bound separately. Revue des etudes grecques. See Association pour 1'encouragement des etudes grecques. Revue des etudes juives. See Societe des etudes juives. Revue des langues romanes. See Societe pour 1'etude des langues romanes. Revue des mathematiques. Turin, m. HC Revue des questions historiques. Paris, q. BA. HC. (P. R. 338) 5214 50 Revue des questions scientifiques. Brussels, q. (P. R. 337) 3912.100 Revue des questions sociales. Paris. MIT Revue des revues et publications d'academies relatives a 1'antiquite classique Publ with Revue de philologie. Paris, q. (P. R. 3,5) 4 ' gS2 SI Revue des sciences medicales. Paris, q. ML. (P. R 339) 7755 51 Revue des sciences naturelles appliquees. See Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France Revue des sciences naturelles de 1'ouest. Paris, q. NH Revue des traditions populaires. See Societe des traditions populaires. Revue des travaux scientifiques. See France. Ministere de 1'instruction publique etc Revue diplomatique. Paris, w. ' 3^. Revue du christianisme pratique. Vals. bi-m. MIT Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et a 1'etranger. Paris m , t , T> . BA. HC. (P. R. 341) 35603.108 Revue egyptologique. Pans. q. HC. (P. R. 851) 5051 54 Revue encylopedique Larpusse. Paris, w. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1196) 469050 Revue epigraphique du midi de la France. Vienne. q. (P. R. 345) 4632110 Revue franchise de 1'etranger et des colonies et Exploration, gazette geographique. Paris ,, m - , , . (P. R. 346) 62603.65 Revue generale de botanique. Pans. m. BG. NH. (P. R. 347) 5852.52 Revue generale de droit international public. Paris, semi-m. BA Revue generale de 1'architecture et des travaux publics. Paris, bi-m. HC Revue generale des chemins de fer. Paris, m. MIT Revue geographique internationale. Paris, m. AMC. (P. R. 749) 62603 ^ Revue hebdomadaire. Paris, w. (P. R. 333) 2676 127 Revue hispanique. Paris. 3 nos. a year. HC. (P. R. 492) 3090311"; Revue historique. Paris, bi-m. BA. HC. (P. R. 348) 6211.50 Revue horticole. Paris, semi-m. AR. MH Revue industrielle. Paris, w. MIT. (P. R. 1195) 4012.245 Revue internationale de droit maritime. Paris, bi-m. BA Revue internationale de 1'electricite. See Electricien. Revue internationsle de 1'enseignement. See Societe de 1'enseignement superieur. Revue internationale de sociologie. Paris, m. HC. MIT. (P. R. 332) 35603.107 Revue internationsle des srchives, des bibiiotheques et des musees. Paris. BA. HC. MFA Revue internationale des falsifications. Amsterdam, m. SBH Revue legate. Montreal, m. LS. MSL. SL Revue maritime et coloniale. See France. Ministere de la marine. Revue mensuelle de 1'Ecole d'anthropologie. See Ecole d'snthropologie. Revue mensuelle des maladies de 1'enfance. Paris. ML Revue meteorologique. See MereopOJioriraeCKoe otfospfcHie. Revue neurolpgique. Paris, m. This periodical may be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's, 33 Marlborough st. Revue pedagogique. Paris, m. HC Revue penitentiaire. See Societe generale des prisons. Bulletin. Revue philologique de \a France et de I'etrsnger. Paris, m. HC Revue philosophique de la France et de 1'etranger. Paris, m. BA. HC. (P. R. 351) 537oa.i Revue politique et litteraire. Revue bleue. Paris, w. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 748) 5291.1 Revue politique et parlementaire. Paris, m. BA Revue pour les jeunes filles. Paris, semi-m. BA Revue pratique de droit internationsl prive. Paris, semi-m. HC Revue retrospective. See Nouvelle revue retrospective. Revue rose. See Revue scientifique. Revue scientifique. Revue rose. Paris, w. BA. HC. MIT. NH. (P. R. 750) 5292.1 Revue semestrielle des' publications mathematiques. See Societe mafhemstique d' Amster- dam. Revue semitique d'epigraphie et d'histoire ancienne. Paris, q. HC Revue sociale et politique. Brussels, bi-m. ASA Revue spirite, journal d'etudes psychologiques et spiritisme experimental. Paris, m. (P. R. 751) TOOT.T Revue suisse de zoologie et Annales du Musee d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. Geneva. MZ 82 Revvi Rons Revue technique et Annales des travaux publics. Paris, bi-m. This periodical may be consulted at Prof. William Watson's, 107 Marlborough St. Revue universelle des inventions nouvelles. See Vie scientifique. Patent room Revue universelle des mines, de la metallurgie, des travaux publics, des sciences, et des arts appliques a 1'industrie. Liege, m. MIT. MZ. (Whitney library.) (P. R. 352) s86oa.so Rheinische Missions-Gesellschaft, Barmen. Bericht. FM Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. Frankfort on the Main. q. HC. (P. R. 53) 6956.2 Rhode Island. State board of agriculture, Providence. Annual report. MH State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH. 7760.50 Rhode Island historical society, Providence. Collections. BA. CL. HC. HG. 4336.7 Publications. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 4336-77 Contains the Proceedings of the society. Rhode Island historical tracts. Providence. HG. MSL. 4438.15 Rhode Island medical society. Transactions, y. ML. MSL Rhodes' journal of banking. See Bankers' magazine. Richmond (Va.) dispatch, d. News, room Weekly edition. BA Riforma sociale. Rassegna di scienze sociali e politiche. Turin, semi-m. HC Riga. See Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der russischen Ostsee-Provin- zen; Naturforschender Verein. Rijksmuseum van natuurlijke historic, Leyden. Museum d'histoire naturelle des Pays Bas. Revue methodique et critique des collections. MZ Notes from the Leyden museum. MZ Rijks-Universiteit, Utrecht. Jaarboek. 4837.7 Rio de Janeiro, Observatorio. Annales. AA. AO. BS Annuario. A A. AO. BS Rio de Janeiro. See also Institute historico, geographico e ethnographico do Brazil; Museu nacional. Rio news. Rio de Janeiro, d. News, room Rivista d'igiene e sanita pubblica. Rome. MIT Rivista delle biblioteche. Florence and Rome. m. HC. (P. R. 850) 2170.66 Rivista di artiglieria e genio. Rome. m. A A Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classica. Rome. HC Rivista di filosofia scientifica. Turin, etc. m. HC Rivista di matematica. Continued as Revue des math6matiques, 1896. Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale. Florence. This periodical may be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's, 33 Marlborough St. Rivista filologico-letteraria. Verona, m. HC Rivista geografica italiana, etc. Rome. m. and bi-m. HC Rivista italiana di numismatica. Milan, q. (P. R. 967) 273oa.2 Rivista sperimentale di freniatria. Reggio. This periodical may be consulted at Dr. P. C. Knapp's, 33 Marlborough st. Rivista storica italiana. Turin. 3 nos. a month. HC Rochester (N. Y.) academy of science. Proceedings. AA. AO. MIT. MZ. NH.TC. 7823.10 Rochester historical society. Publications. BA Rochester post express. See Post express. Roemer-Museum, Hildesheim. Mittheilungen. NH Romania. Paris, q. BA. HC. (P. R. 356) 4685.53 Romanische Forschungen. Organ fur romanische Sprachen und Mittellatein. Erlangen. HC. (P. R. 354) 4682.6 Rome, Specola vaticana. Pubblicazioni. AO Rome. Commissione archeologica comunale. Bullettino. q. HC. (P. R. 893) 3263.1 Rome. See also Accademia pontificia de' nuovi Lincei; Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vit- torio Emanuele; Club alpino italiano. Sezione di Roma; Ecole frangaise de Rome; Imperiale istituto archeologico germanico; Institut international de statistique; Reale accademia dei Lincei; Reale istituto botanico; Regia universita degli studi; Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani; Societa geografica italiana; Societa romana per gli studi zoologici. Ronsse, Belgium. See Zantersgild van Zuid-Vlaanderen. Rosarians" year book. London. MH Rotterdam. See Bataafsch genootschap der proefondervindelijke wijsbegeerte; Neder- landsche zendeling genootschap. Rouen. See Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts; Societe centrale d'horticulture du departement de la Seine-Inferieure; Societe de 1'histpire de Normandie; Societe industrielle de Rouen; Societe normande de geographic. Rough notes. [Insurance.] Indianapolis, m. IL Round table. (Beloit college.) Beloit. f. 7294.16 Rousdon, Devon. Observatory. Astronomical observations. AO Meteorological observations. AO Reports. AO Rove Roya 83 Rovereto. See Societa degli alpinist! tridentini. Rowell's American newspaper directory. See American newspaper directory Royal academy pictures. Supplement to Magazine of art. London. BA 40603 240 Royal agricultural and commercial society of British Guiana, Timehri. Journal, semi-a. Royal agricultural society of England, London. Journal, q. MH. (PR 483) 3006 1 Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See Archaeological journal Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Journal, q. (P. R 236) 5058 55 Bombay branch, Bombay. Journal. NH. HC. (P. R. 476) 505750 China branch, Shanghai. Journal, semi-a. NH. MZ. (P. R. 478) 50191 Straits branch, Singapore. Journal, semi-a. (P. R. 485) 50266 Royal astronomical society, London. Memoirs. AA AO 3341 i - Monthly notices AA. AO. (P. R. 270) ' E.i S 6. 3 Royal botanic garden. See Calcutta. Royal colonial institute, London. Proceedings. 3046.130 Royal Cornwall polytechnical society, Falmouth. Annual report. HC. TC Royal Dublin society. Scientific proceedings. AA. HC. NH Scientific transactions. AA HC NH Royal engineers' institute. See Great Britain. Corps of royal engineers. Royal gardens. See Kew. Royal geographical society, London. Geographical journal, m. AA. AMC. AO. BA. FM. HC. MSL. MZ. (Whitney library.) (P. R. 200) 6266 -> Contains the Proceedings of the society. Supplementary papers. AO. BA. HC. 6265 50 Royal geographical society of Australasia (Victorian branch), Melbourne. Transactions and proceedings. 6272.10 Queensland branch, Brisbane. Transactions and proceedings, y. AA. ASA. MSL Royal geological society of Cornwall, Penzance. Transactions. AA Royal geological society of Ireland, Dublin. Journal. AA. NH Royal historical society of Great Britain, London. Transactions. HG. 2497.50 Royal horticultural society, London. Journal, q. AA. AR. MH. NH Report of the council, y. AA Royal institute of British architects, London. Journal, q. HC. (Special libraries.) 4090.289 Continues the Transactions of the institute. Kalendar. y. MIT Royal institution of Cornwall, Truro. Journal. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH Royal institution of Great Britain, London. Notices of the proceedings, y. AA. HC. MIT. NH. 3267.50 Royal Irish academy, Dublin. Cunningham memoirs. AA. BG. NH. BPL. (See catalogue.) - Irish manuscript series. AA Proceedings. AA. BG. HC. NH. 3300.6 Todd lecture series. AA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Transactions. AA. BA. BG. HC. NH. 3300.5 Royal kalendar. London, y. BA. (Bates Hall.) 6529.15 Royal London ophthalmic hospital. Reports and journal, y. ML. 5805.1 Royal medical and chirurgical society, London. Medico-chirurgical transactions, y. ML 5745-2 Royal meteorological society, London. Quarterly journal. HC. (P. G. lab.) Royal microscopical society, London. Journal, bi-m. AA. MIT. MZ. NH TC (P. R. 431) 7875.5 Royal navy list. London, q. (Bates Hall.) 65503.2 Royal physical society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. AA. HC. MZ. NH Royal Scottish arboricultural society, Edinburgh. Transactions, y. AR. MH Royal Scottish geographical society, Edinburgh. See Scottish geographical magazine. Royal Scottish society of arts, Edinburgh. Transactions. AA. NH Royal society of antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin. Journal, q. (P. R. 487) 3305.50 Royal society of Canada, Montreal. Proceedings and transactions, y. AA. BA. HC. HG. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 3291.50 Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. AA. AO. HC. NH. TC. 3237.5 Transactions. AA. AO. HC. NH. TC. 3360.1 Royal society of literature, London. Transactions. HC. 2941.7 Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, y. AO. BA. BG. HC. MZ. NH 2140.8 Philosophical transactions. AA. BG. HC. MIT. MZ. NH. 3210.1 Proceedings, m. AA. HC. MIT. MZ. NH 5217.50 Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney. Journal and Proceedings, y. AA. MSL. MZ. NH Royal society of northern antiquaries of Copenhagen. See Kong, nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Royal society of Queensland, Brisbane. Proceedings. AA. NH Royal society of South Australia, Adelaide. Transactions. AA. MZ. NH Royal society of Tasmania, Hobart. Papers and Proceedings. AA. MZ. NH 84 Roya Sail Royal society of Victoria, Melbourne. Proceedings, y. AA. NH Transactions. AA. NH Royal statistical society, London. Journal.! q. AA. ASA. BA. HC. MSL. SBH (P. R. 484) Per. room Royal united service institution, London. Journal, m. (P. R. 237) 5947.50 Rubens-Bulletijn. Antwerp, y. BA. (P. R. 567) 8063.103 Rundschau. Chicago, w. GT Rural New Yorker. N. Y. w. MH. News, room Russia. MHEHCiepcTBo rocyflapCTBeHHHX'L HMymecTBi>:rcojiorHHCCKifi KOMHTCTT), St. Petersburg. [H npnaoaceme : PyccEaa reojiorH^ecEas 6ii6,nioTeKa. y.] AA. NH [H HpH-Hoaceme. Text in German and Russian.] AA. NH PyccKaa reojiorH^ecEaa tiHtiuioieEa. [HpHJioaceHie Et HsslscTiaMi. reoaoriraecEaro KOMHTeTa.] See Russia. MirancTepCTBO rocyflapCTBCHHHX'B HMymecTBT>: PeojioriraecEift KOMHTCTI*. PycCEitt apXHBt. Moscow. 7o6oa. i PyccKia B^OMOCTH. Moscow, d. News, room PyecKoe acTponoMBraeCEoe ofimecTBO, St. Petersburg, fiphe'merides des 6toiles (W. Dollen) pour la determination de 1'heure et de 1'azimuth. AO HaBtCTia. AA. AO Pyccicoe *H3HEo-xHMiraecEoe o6mecTBo. See under HunepaTopCEifi C.-IIeTep6yprcKifi ynHBep- CHTeTB. PycCEoe 3HTOMOJiorH^eCKoe ofimecTBO, St. Petersburg. TpyflH [formerly Horae Societatis en- tomologicae Rossicae. Contains articles in Russian, German, French and Latin.] NH. TC Rutland (Vt.) daily herald. News, room Sadliers' catholic directory, almanac and ordo. N. Y. y. HC. 5549.9 Saechsischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein, Leipzig. Civilingenieur. 8 nos. a year. MIT. (P. R. 1242) 4010.244 See also Zeitschrift fur Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Sagamore. Brookline, Mass. m. CU. HC Sailor's magazine. N. Y. m. CL. FM. GT Saint Bartholomew's hospital, London. Reports, y. ML. 7794.3 St. Etienne. See Societe de 1'industrie minerale. St. Gallische naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, St. Gall. Bericht. y. AA. MZ. NH Saint James's budget. London, w. BA St. John (N. B.) daily sun. News, room St. Louis. Health department. Bulletin, m. ASA St. Louis globe democrat, d. ^ BA. News, room St. Louis medical and surgical journal, m. ML St. Louis republic, d. News, room St. Nicholas. N. Y. m. BA. CU. (P. R. 357) 1896.2; 7318.2 Saint Petersburg. FjiaBHaa H3iraecKaH oticepBaTopia. JTBTOHHCH. Annalen. [Annales. Text partly in Russian, partly in German and partly in French.] AA. AO IlMnepaTOpcKift CaHKTneTep6yprcKift tfoTanireecEift caflt. Tpy^H. (Acta Horti Petropoli- tani.) AA. AR. BG. MH. NH. TC HHKOJiaeBCKaa raasHaa acTpOHOMireecKaa o6cepBaTopia. Publications. [Formerly called Observations. Published in French.] AA. A-O Saint Petersburg. See BtCTHHE'B EBponH; Hameliz; HimepaTOpCKaa aKaflCMia nayKt; OaHEineTepfiyprcEiti yHHBepcnTei'B ; HuraepaTopcKoe CaHETnoTep6yprcKoc o6m,ecTBo; HmnepaTopcEoe Pycesoe reorpaHHecEoe o6mecTBo; Hiinepa- TOPCEOC PyccEoe HCTOpH^ecEoe. oSmeciBo ; Journal de St. Pe"tersbourg ; KniiiKnHfi B'BCiPHE'L; 11 HUM; HOBOC BpeMa; PyccEoe acxpOHOMH^tecEoe o6m,ecTBo; PyccEoe BHTOMO- jioriraecEoe o6meciBo; CaHKTneTep6yprcEoe o6meciBO eciecTBOHcnHTaTejiefi ; St. Peters- burger medicinische Wochenschrift. St. Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift. St. Petersburg. ML Saint Pierre and Miquelon islands. Feuille officielle. Saint Pierre, w. MSL St. Thomas's hospital, London. Reports, y. ML. MSL. 7797.1 St. Vincent de Paul quarterly. N. Y. (P. R. 977) 7354.7 Salem, Mass. Public library. Bulletin, m. HC. MSL. 6147.200 Salem daily gazette. MSL. News, room Sallskapet for Finlands geografi. Fennia. Bulletins de la Societe de geographic finlandaise. Helsingfors. HC - Vetenskapliga meddelanden. HC Sallskapet pro fauna et flora Fennica. See under Finska vetenskaps societet. Salo Scie 85 Salon. See Paris. Salon. Salt Lake tribune. Salt Lake City. d. News, room Sammlung chemischer techtiischer Vortrage. Stuttgart, m. MIT Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage. (Virchow und Holzendorff ) Berlin. HC e OI4 c Sammlung klinischer Vortrage. Leipzig. ML Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, Vienna. Mittheilungen. HC San Fernando, Institute y observatorio de marina. Almanaque nautico. y. AA. AO Anales. Seccion la. Observaciones astronomicas. AA^ AO Anales. Seccion 2a. Observaciones meteorologicas. AA AO San Francisco. Free public library. Monthly bulletin. HC MSL 6io<5 64 San Francisco chronicle, d. NWs roV. o T? 1 M *-* -r^. .< ^* c Wo. room ban Francisco daily report. See Daily report. San Francisco news letter, w. (P R je-t) 5242 co San Jose, Costa Rica. See Institute fisico-geografico y Museo nacional. ban Paulo, Brazil. Commissao geografica e geologica da provincia de San Paulo. Boletim c . , . - MZ. NH becgao meteorologica. Dados chmatologicos. NH San Salvador, Observatorio astronomico y meteorologico. Anales y AA Sanitarian. N. Y m ML. (P. R. 358) S 7 6oa. S o Sanitary institute, London. Journal, q. MIT. SBH. (P. R 983) 5764 62 The Journal continues the Transactions of the institute. Sanitary plumber. N. Y. semi-m. (P R 12 ^\ 8006201 Sanitary record. London, w. MIT MLSBH CaHKTneTep6yprcKoe o6m;ecTBo ecTecTBOHcnHTaTeaefi. TpyjjH. MZ (Whitney library.) OTAfciieHie aoojioriii H $H3iojioriH. Pa6oiH npoHSsejiieHHHa Bt Jia6opaTOpiH sooTOMOTecKaro KafiHHeia HMn.C.-n. yHHB. MZ (Whitney library.) Santa Barbara society of natural history. Bulletin. NH Santa Fe daily New Mexican. News, room Santiago de Chile. See Deutscher wissenschaftlicher Verein; Museo nacional de Chile; Sociedad de fomento fabril; Sociedad nacional de agriculture; Sociedad nacional de minena; Societe scientifique du Chili; Universidad de Chile. Saturday evening gazette. Boston, w. BA. CU. HC. News, room Saturday press. Oakland Cal. News . room Saturday review.ft London, w. BA. CU. HC. (P. R. 1098) Per. room baturday spectator. Minneapolis, w. News, room Savannah morning news. See Morning news. Saxony. Koenigliches Finanzministerium. Jahrbuch fur das Berg- und Hiittenwesen im Komgreich Sachsen. Freiberg. AA. MIT. MZ. (Whitney library ) toopHHK-B aa napoAHH yMOTBOpeHHa, nayica H KHHSKHnna HB^aBa MHHHCTCPCTBOTO na HapoAHOio npocBim,eHHe. Sofia. HC Schaffhausen. See Schweizerische entomologische Gesellschaft. Schilling's Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung. See Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfach- mannern. Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur, Breslau. Jahresbericht. y. AA. MZ. NH Schmidt's Jahrbiicher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Medicin. Leipzig. ML c . . . (P. R. 755) 7720-50 School board chronicle. London, w. MSL School of mines quarterly. See Columbia college. School of mines. School review.f (University of Chicago.) m. (P. R. 756) 35903.101 Schrader, F. See Annee cartographique. Schulthess' europaischer Geschichtskalender. Nordlingen. HC. MSL. 6296.8 Schultze's Archiv. See Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomic. Schweizerische entomologische Gesellschaft, Schaffhausen. Mittheilungen. NH Schweizerische meteorologische Central-Anstalt, Zurich. Annalen. AO Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. See Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Schweizerische palaeontologische Gesellschaft, Zurich. Ab.handlungen. semi-a. MZ Schweizerischer Forstverein, Berne. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Forstwesen. AR Science.! N. Y. w. AA. AO. AR. BG. HC. MCP. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. PM (P. R. 757) Per. room Science gossip. London, m. (P. R. 807) 7911.1 Science observer. International circulars. Boston. BS Special circulars. AO. BS Science progress.f London, q. MZ. (P. R. 954) 3912.15 Bound vols. are kept m Bates Hall. Sciences populaires. Paris, m. AO Scientific alliance of New York. Proceedings of the joint meeting. NH. 3913.59 Scientific American. N. Y. w. BA. CU. HC. MCP. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1666) 4012.355=10.1 86 Scie Skiz Building edition, m. (Special libraries.) 4091.211 Supplement* w. BA. CE. CU. MCP. MIT. SS. TC. (P. R. 1667) 4012.361=10.4 Scotch-Irish society of America. Proceedings, y. HG. 4337- 1 5& Scots law times. Edinburgh, w. LS. MSL. SL Scottish antiquary, or Northern notes and queries. Edinburgh, q. BA. HG. (P. R. 361) 2496.100 Scottish geographical magazine. (Royal Scottish geographical society.) Edinburgh, m. AA. AMC. HC. NH. (P. R. 362) 6272.70 Scottish history society, Edinburgh. Publications. BA. HG. BPL. (See catalogue.) Scottish law list. See Index juridicus. Scottish law reporter. Edinburgh, w. LS. MSL. SL Scottish law review, m. Scottish meteorological society, Edinburgh. Journal. HC. (P. G. lab.) Scottish microscopical society, Edinburgh. Proceedings. HC. NH Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, m. (P. R. 363) Per. room Scottish review.t London, q. BA. HC. (P. R. 625) Per. room Scottish text society, Edinburgh. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Scribner's magazine.tt N. Y. m. BA. CL. CU. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 364) Per. room=i856.5 Seaboard. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1125) 5950-5 1 Searcher, The; an American "Notes & queries." Phila. semi-m. HC. MSL Seattle post-intelligencer, d. News, room Secolo, II. Milan, d. News, room Seismolpgical journal of Japan. Yokohama, q. AA. HC. NH. (P. R. 930) 7815.51 Continues the Transactions of the Seismological society. Selden society, London. Publications. BA. LS. SL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Selskabet for folkeoplysningens Frsemme, Christiania. Folkevennen. bi-m. HC Semaine du batiment. Paris, w. MIT. (Special libraries. ) 8098.201 Semaine medicale. Paris. ML Semitistische Studien. Erganzungshefte zur Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Berlin, m. (P. R. 366) 507472 Semper's Arbeiten. See Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut. Semur. See Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles. Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Abhandlungen. AA. MZ. NH Bericht y. AA. MZ. NH. TC Seville. See Sociedad de folk-lore andaluz. Sewanee review. (University of the South.) Sewanee. q. MIT. (P. R. 458) 5403.5 Sezatoarea; revista pentru literatura si tradtfiuni populare. Falticeni. m. HC Shakespeare society, N. Y. Papers. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Shanghai. See Royal Asiatic society. China branch. Sheltering-arms. N. Y. m. (P. R. 754) 7560.11 Shipping gazette & Lloyd's list weekly summary. (Mitchell's maritime register.) London, w. SL Shoe and leather reporter. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1035) 7674.10 Shooting and fishing. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1102) 8000.20 Shoppell's modern houses. N. Y. q. (Special libraries.) 8iooa.i4 Short stories. N. Y. m. (P. R. 367) 7352.50 Shorthand educator. N. Y. m. (P. R. 758) 6142.25 Shu-Ryo. (Publ. by the Unitarian mission in Japan.) Tokio. m. DS Continues The Unitarian. Sibley's journal of engineering. (Cornell university.) Ithaca, m. MIT Sicula. See Club alpino siciliano. Siebenburgischer Karpathenverein, Hermannstadt. Jahrbuch. y. AMC Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur Naturwissenschaften, Hermannstadt. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen. MZ. NH Siena. See Reale accademia dei fisiocritici; Regia universita degli studi. Sierra club, San Francisco. Bulletin. AMC. MH Siglo diez y nueve. Mexico, d. News, room Signale fur die musikalische Welt. Leipzig, w. HM. BPL. (Brown library.) Signs of the times. Oakland, Cal. w. GT Silliman's journal. See American journal of science. Single tax courier. Continued as the National single taxer, June, 1896. Sirius. Zeitschrift fur populare Astronomic. Leipzig, m. HC Skandinavia. Worcester and Boston, w. News, room Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologic. Leipzig, bi-m. This periodical may be consulted in Dr. H. P. Bowditch's library at the Harvard medical school. Skizzenbuch fur den praktischen Maschinen-Constructeur. Leipzig. 10 nos. a year. (P. R. 860) 4011.225 Skizzenbuch fur Ingenieure und Maschinenbauer. Berlin, m. (P. R. 1203) 4010.215 Smit Soci 87 Smithsonian institution, Washington. Annual reports. AA. AMC. AO. BA. BG. BI. BS CE. CL. FM. HC. HG. MH. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 7918.50 Contributions to knowledge. AA. AO. BA. BG. FM. HG. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. PM.TC 3340.50 Miscellaneous collections. AA. BA. BG. BI. FM. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 3350.2 Miscellaneous publications. , NH. BPL. (See catalogue.) Bureau of ethnology. Annual report. AA. BA. CL. FM. HG. MH. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 4490.9 [Publications.] AMC. MSL. MZ. NH. BPL. (See catalogue.) United States national museum. Annual report. BA. CL. FM. MH. MSL. MZ. NH. PM. TC. 7918.50 Bulletin. AA. AMC. BA. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 3904.50 Proceedings, y. AA. BA. HC. HG. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 3904.60 Social economist. 3569.130 Continued as Gunton's magazine, Jan., 1896. Sociedad cientifica Antonio Alzate, Mexico. Memorias y Revista. bi-m. AA. AO. MIT. MZ. NH Sociedad cientifica argentina, Buenos Aires. Anales. MZ. NH Sociedad de folk-lore andaluz, Seville. Folk-lore andaluz. m. HC Sociedad de fomento fabril, Santiago de Chile. Boletin. semi-m. (P. R. 944) 4012.266 Sociedad de geografia y estadistica de la Republica mexicana, Mexico. Boletin. AA. ASA. NH. 4370.1 Sociedad espanola de historia natural, Madrid. Anales. MZ Sociedad geografica, Madrid. Boletin. m. A A. NH Sociedad guatemalteca de ciencias. Revista mensual. MIT Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica. See Sociedad de geografia y estadistica de la Republica mexicana. Sociedad mexicana de historia natural, Mexico. La Naturaleza. MZ. NH. TC Sociedad nacional de agricultura, Santiago. Boletin. f. (P. R. 935) 7994.9 Sociedad nacional de mineria, Santiago. Boletin. Revista minera. m. MZ. 7860.40 Sociedad rural argentina, Buenos Aires. Anales. m. Sociedade de geographia, Lisbon. Boletim. m. AMC. NH Sociedade de instrucgao do Porto, Oporto. Revista. m. HC Societa adriatica di scienze naturali, Trieste. Bullettino. MZ. NH Societa alpina delle Giulie, Trieste. Atti e memorie. AMC Societa alpina friulana, Udine. In alto. bi-m. AMC Societa alpina meridionale, Naples. Bolletino. q. AMC Societa botanica italiana, Florence. Bullettino. BG Publ. before 1892 in connection with the Nuovo giornale botanico. Societa d'esplorazione commerciale in Africa, Milan. L'Esplorazione commerciale. m. FM Societa degli alpinisti tridentini, Rovereto. Annuario. AMC Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani, Rome. Annali. bi-m. MIT. (P. R. 647) 4010.260 Societa dei naturalisti, Modena. Atti, memorie. NH Societa di naturalisti, Naples. Bollettino. MZ. NH Societa entomologica italiana, Florence. Bullettino. MZ. NH Resoconto delle adunanze generali e parziali. NH Societa geografica italiana, Rome. Bollettino. m. AMC. (P. R. 629) 6276.13 Memorie. AMC Societa italiana delle scienze, Naples. Memorie di matematica e di fisica. NH. 5243.1 Societa italiana di antropologia, etnologia e psicologia comparata, Florence. Archivio per 1'antropologia e la etnologia. AA. PM Societa italiana di scienze naturali, Milan. Atti. Memorie. AA. NH Publ. with the Memorie of the Museo civico di storia naturale. Societa ligure di storia patria, Genoa. Atti. AA. NH Societa malacologica italiana, Pisa. Bullettino. MZ Societa medico-chirurgica, Bologna. Bullettino delle scienze mediche. (P. R. 138) 5759.1 Societa meteorologica italiana, Turin. Bullettino mensuale. AO Societa napoletana di storia patria, Naples. Archivio storico per le provincie napoletane. HC. (P. R. 889) 2715.55 Societa reale di Napoli, Naples. Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. Atti. y. AA. HC. NH Rendiconti. m. AA. HC. NH Accademia di archeologia, lettere ed arti. Atti. y. A A. HC Rendiconti. AA. HC Accademia di scienze morale e politiche. Atti. y. AA. HC Rendiconti. A A. HC Societa romana per gli studi zoologici, Rome. Bollettino. MZ. NH Societa storica lombarda, Milan. Archivio storico lombardo. q. (P. R. 874) 47 2 5-50 88 Soci Soci Societa toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Atti, memorie. AA. NH Atti, processi verbali. A A. NH Societa veneto-trentina di scienze naturali, Padua. Atti. MZ Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Germanicarum medii aevi, Hannover. Monumenta Ger- maniae historica. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Societas entomologies Rossica, St. Petersburg. See PyccEoe 3HTOMOJiornsecKoe o6m,eCTBO, St. Petersburg. Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica, Helsingfors. Acta. AA. MZ. NH. TC See also Finska vetenskaps societet. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro fauna et flora Fennica. Meddelanden. HC. MZ. NH. TC Societas scientiarum Fennica. See Finska vetenskaps societet. Societatum litterae. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur den Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt. Societe academique d'agriculture, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du departement de 1'Aube, Troyes. Memoires. NH Societe archeologique du departement de Constantine, Constantine, Algeria. Recueil des notices et memoires. PM. 3057.110 Societe asiatique, Paris. Journal asiatique. m. HC. (P. R. 491) 3317.1 Societe astronomique de France, Paris. Bulletin mensuel. AO. (P. R. 813) .5010.69 Societe beige d'astronomie, Brussels. Bulletin, bi-m. AO. (P. R. 979) 3922.126 Societe beige d'electriciens, Brussels. Bulletin. (P. R. 980) 3966.101 Societe beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie, Brussels. Bulletin, y. AA. MZ. NH Societe beige de microscopic, Brussels. Annales. AA. MZ. NH. TC Bulletin, m. AA. MZ. NH Societe botanique de France, Paris. Bulletin, y. BG. MH. NH Societe botanique du grand-duche de Luxembourg, Luxemburg. Recueil des memoires et des travaux. y. AA Societe centrale d'horticulture du departement de la Seine-Inferieure, Rouen. Bulletin. MH Societe centrale des architectes frangais, Paris. Annuaire. MIT See also L" Architecture. Societe centrale forestiere de Belgique, Brussels. Bulletin, m. AR Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin, semi-m. AA. HC. (Chemical lab.) MIT Societe d'agriculture, arts et belles-lettres du departement d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours. Annales. NH Societe d'agriculture de France. See Societe nationale d'agriculture de France. Societe d'agriculture, industrie, sciences et arts du departement de la Lozere, Mende. Bul- letin. NH Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la Sarthe, Le Mans. Bulletin. A A. NH Societe d'agriculture, sciences et industrie, Lyons. Annales. A A. NH Societe d'anthropologie de Bruxelles. Bulletin, y. PM. 4237.55 Societe d'anthropologie de Lyon. Bulletin, y. MZ. PM. 4237.60 Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Bulletins, q. MZ. NH. PM. (P. R. 140) 4236.50 Memoires. MZ. NH. PM Societe d'aquarellistes franc.ais, Paris. Catalogue, y. BA. 80703.64 Societe d'economie sociale, Paris. La reforme sociale. semi-m. ASA. HC. (P. R. 746) 3563-115 Societe d'emulation d' Abbeville. Bulletin des proces-verbaux. MZ. NH Memoires. MZ. NH. 7227.1 Societe d'emulation du Doubs, Besanc.on. Memoires. NH Societe d'encouragement pour 1'industrie nationale, Paris. Bulletin, m. MIT. (P. R. 663) 338o.2 Societe d'etude des sciences naturelles, Beziers. Bulletin. NH Societe d'etudes scientifiques, Angers. Bulletin. MZ. NH Societe d'etudes scientifiques du Finisfere, Morlaix. Bulletin. NH Societe d'histoire diplomatique, Paris. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, q. BA. HC (P. R. 330) 6294.54 Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Geneve. Bulletin. PM Societe d'histoire litteraire de la France, Paris. Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. HC. (P. R. 634) 2672.157 Societe d'histoire naturelle, Colmar. Bulletin. AA. NH Societe d'histoire naturelle, Toulouse. Bulletin. A A. NH Societe d'horticulture d'Orleans et du Loiret, Orleans. Bulletin. ME Societe d'horticulture de Geneve, Geneva. Bulletin, m. ME Societe d'horticulture de la Sarthe, Le Mans. Bulletin. Societe d'horticulture du Doubs, Besangon. Bulletin. NH Societe de biologic, Paris. Comptes rendus des seances et memoires. HC. ML. 5761.1 Societe de chirurgie, Paris. Bulletin et memoires. ML Societe de geographic, Geneva. Le Globe, y. HC Societ6 de geographic, Paris. Bulletin, q. AA. AMC. BA. HC. NH. PM. (P. R. oo) 2269.1 Soci Soci 89 Comptes rendus. semi-m. AA. AMC. BA. NH. PM. 6279.61 Societe de geographic, Tours. Bulletin, m. AMC Societe de geographic commerciale, Bordeaux. Bulletin, semi-m. AA. AMC. ASA Societe de geographic commerciale, Paris. Bulletin, q. AMC Societe de geographic de Lille. Bulletin, m. FM Societe de geographic de Lyon. Bulletin, bi-m. (P. R. 89) 6274.58 Societe de geographic finlandaise, Helsingfors. See Sallskapet for Finlands geografi, Helsingfors. Societe de 1'enseignement superieur, Paris. Revue international de 1'enseignement. m. HC Societe de 1'histoire de France, Paris. Annuaire-bulletin. y. BA. HC. 4615.50 Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Societe de 1'histoire de Normandie, Rouen. Bulletin, q. (P. R. 87) 46ioa.32 Melanges. 2624.104 Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Societe de 1'histoire de Paris et de 1'Ile-de-France, Paris. Memoires. y. 5339-1 Societe de 1'histoire du protestantisme franc.ais, Paris. Bulletin historique et litteraire. m. BA. HC. (P. R. 96) 7521.50 Societe de 1'industrie minerale, St. Etienne. Bulletin, q. MIT Comptes-rendus mensuels des reunions, m. MIT Societe de legislation comparee, Paris. Annuaire de legislation etrangere. BA. HC. MIT MSL. (Bates Hall.) 7664.1 Annuaire de legislation franchise. BA. HC. SL. (Bates Hall.) 7664.5 Societe de linguistique, Paris. Memoires. q. HC. 5292.50 Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle, Geneva. Memoires. semi-a. AA. MZ.NH.TC Societe de speleologie, Paris. Spelunca. q. AMC Societe de statistique, Paris. Journal, m. ASA. HC Societe de therapeutique, Paris. Bulletins et memoires. 5788.57 Societe des Americanistes de Paris. Journal. PM Societe des amis des monuments parisiens, Paris. Bulletin. BA Societe des anciens textes franjais, Paris. Bulletin, y. 2616.58 Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Societe des antiquaires de 1'ouest, Poitiers. Bulletins. (P. R. 506) 6695.50 Memoires. 6696.50 Societe des antiquaires de Picardie, Amiens. Memoires. 26203.65 Societe des artistes frangais. See Paris. Salon. Societe des bibliophiles bretons et de 1'histoire de Bretagne, Paris. Archives de Bretagne. 4610.50 Revue de Bretagne, de Vendee et d'Anjou. m. HC. (P. R. 327) 4693.60 Societe des bibliophiles contemporains. Academic des beaux- livres, Paris. Annales lit- teraires. 6171.31 Societe des etudes juives, Paris. Revue des etudes juives. q. HC. (P. R. 928) 2292.101 Societe des hopitaux, Paris. Bulletin et memoires. ML Societe des ingenieurs civils, Paris. Annuaire. AA. 3912.60 Memoires. m. AA. CE. MIT Societe des sciences, Cracovie. See Akademija umiejftnos'ci, Cracow. Societe des sciences, Nancy. Bulletin, m. AA Societe des sciences, des arts et des lettres du Hainaut, Mons. Memoires et Publications. NH Societe des sciences de Finland, Helsingfors. See Finska vetenskaps societet. Societe des sciences et lettres, Louvain. Museon; revue internationale. q. HC (P. R. 274) 6216.50 Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles, Semur. Bulletin. NH Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles de 1'Yonne, Auxerre. Bulletin. NH Societe des sciences naturelles, Neuchatel. Bulletin. MZ. NH Societe des sciences naturelles de 1'ouest de la France, Nantes. Bulletin. NH Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles, Bordeaux. Memoires. y. AA. MZ. NH Societe des touristes du Dauphine, Grenoble. Annuaire. AMC Societe des traditions populaires, Paris. Revue des traditions populaires. m. BA. HC (P. R. 519) 4701.50 Societe entomologique de Belgique, Brussels. Annales. AA. MZ. NH. TC Compte-rendu. AA Memoires. A A. NH Societe entomologique de France, Paris. Annales. MZ. NH Bulletin. TC Societe finno-ongrienne. See Suomalais-ugrilaisen seura. Societe formee pour faciliter 1' etude pratique des diverses methodes de participation du per- sonnel dans les benefices de 1'entreprise, Paris. Bulletin de la participation aux bene- fices, q. HC Societe franchise d'archeologie, Paris and Caen. Bulletin monumental, q. BA. HC (P. R. 556) 4000.241 9O Soci Soci Societe franchise de botanique, Auch, etc. Revue de botanique. m. AA. NH Societe franchise de mineralogie, Paris. Bulletin. HC. (Mineral, library.) Societe franchise de numismatique, Paris. Annuaire. 2250.50 Societe franchise de physique, Paris. Bulletin mensuel. MIT Collection des memoires. AA Seances. 3 nos. a year. MIT Societe Franklin, Paris. Bulletin. Journal de bibliotheques populaires public par la so- ciete. m. BA. HC. (P. R. 215) 6162.8 Societe generale des prisons, Paris. Bulletin. 8 nos. a year. MIT Societe geologique de Belgique, Liege. Annales. A A. MZ. NH Societe geologique de France, Paris. Bulletin, m. AA. MZ. NH. (P. R. 88) 5847.50 Comptes rendus. NH. 5847.65 Memoires de paleontologie. q. MZ. BPL. (See catalogue.) Societe geologique du nord, Lille. Annales. Memoires. NH Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles. See Allgemeine schweizerische Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Societe hollandaise des sciences, Haarlem. See Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschap- pen. Societe imperiale et royale des sciences, Cracovie. See Akademija umiej^tnosci, Cracow. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, m. AA. MIT. (P. R. 91) 5348.1 Societe industrielle de Rouen. Bulletin, bi-m. MIT Societe internationale des electriciens, Paris, m. (P. R. 664) 396^.131 Societe internationale pour 1'etude des questions d'assistance, Paris. Revue d'assistance. bi-m. MIT Societe khediviale de geographic, Cairo. Bulletin. AA. AMC. 5056.53 Societe linneenne, Bordeaux. Actes. MZ. NH Societe linneenne, Lyons. Annales. AA. NH Societe linneenne de Normandie, Caen. Bulletin, y. AA. MZ. NH Memoires. Societe linneenne de Paris. Bulletin mensuel. Societe linneenne du nord de la France, Amiens. Bulletin mensuel. NH Memoires. NH Societe malacologique de Belgique, Brussels. Annales. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. TC Proces-verbaux des seances, m. AA. MSL. MZ. NH Societe mathematique d' Amsterdam. Revue semestrielle des publications mathematiques. HC Societe mineralogique, Meulan. Bulletin. MZ. (Whitney library.) Societe nationale d'agriculture de France, Paris. Bulletin des seances. NH 5837.2 Between 1889 and 1896 the name of this periodical was Revue des sciences naturelles applique'es. Societe nationale d'agriculture de France, Paris. Bulletin des seances. Compte rendu mensuel. AR Memoires. NH Societe nationale d'agriculture, science et arts, Angers. Memoires. y. AA. NH Societe nationale d'horticulture de France, Paris. Journal, m. AA. MH. NH Societe" nationale des antiquaires de France, Paris. Bulletin. 5275.2 Memoires. y. BA. 5275.1 Societe nationale des beaux-arts. See Paris. Salon. Societe nationale des sciences naturelles, Cherbourg. Memoires. y. AA. AO. MZ. NH Societe normande de geographic, Rouen. Bulletin. (P. R. 759) 6274.57 Societe philologique, Paris. Actes. y. 4955-50 Societe philomathique, Paris. Bulletin. MZ. NH Compte rendu. Societe physico-mathe'matique de Kazan. See HunepaTOpCKiH KasaHCKifi yHHBepCHTeTl.. $H3- HEO-MaTeMaTiraecEoe ofimeciBO. Societe pomologique de France, Lyons. La ppmologie franchise, m. MH Societe pour 1'etude des langues romanes, Paris. Revue des langues romanes. m. HC Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d' Alsace, Strassburg. Bulletin. 6636.61 Societe pour la recherche et la conservation des monuments historiques dans le grand-duche de Luxembourg. See Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Societe royale beige de geographic, Brussels. Bulletin, bi-m. (P. R. 608) 6277.51 Compte-rendu. bi-m. 6277.52 Societe royale de botanique de Belgique, Brussels. Bulletin. AA. AR. MH. NH Societe royale de geographic d'Anvers. Bulletin. AMC. 6275.65 Societe royale des antiquaires du nord. See Kong, nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Societe royale des sciences, Liege. Memoires. AA. MZ. NH Societe scientifique du Chili, Santiago. Actes. bi-m. AA. BS. MZ. NH. TC Societe scientifique et Station zoologique d'Arcachon. Travaux des laboratoires. NH Societe scientifique Flammarion, Marseilles. Bulletin. AO Soci Sout 91 Societe scientifique industrielle, Marseilles. Bulletin, q. AA Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles, Lausanne. Bulletin, y. A A. MZ. NH Societe zpologique de France, Paris. Bulletin, m. AA. MZ. NH Memoires. MZ Societatum litterae. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur den Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt. Society for organising charitable relief and repressing mendicity, London. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Society for psychical research, London. Proceedings. BA. HC. (Philosophical library.) 7600.55 Society for the history of the Germans in Maryland, Baltimore. Annual reports, with papers. 4374.122 Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies, London. Journal of Hellenic studies.f semi-a. AA. HC. MFA. MIT. PM. (P. R. 819) Per. room Supplementary papers. BA. 2960.81 Society for the study and cure of inebriety, London. Proceedings. 7586.76 Society instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce, London. Journal of the Society of arts. w. AA. MIT. SBH. (P. R. 239) 4012.375 Society of American florists. Proceedings, y. MH Society of antiquaries, London. Archaeologia. y. BA. HC. HG. PM. 3311.1 Proceedings, y. BA. HG. 3318.50 Vetusta monumenta. BA Society of antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See Archaeologia ^Eliana. Society of antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh. Proceedings. PM. 4523.104 Society of architects, London. Journal, m. (Special libraries.) 4090.271 Society of arts, Boston. See Technology quarterly. Society of arts, London. See Society instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. Society of Biblical archaeology, London. Proceedings. BA. CL. HC. 3217.60 Transactions. BA. CL. HC. 3217.50 Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, m. HC. MCP. MIT. (P. R. 760) 7978.60 Society of Cymmrodorion, London. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford. Journal, m. MIT Society of naval architects and marine engineers, N. Y. Transactions, y. MIT Society of public analysts, London. See Analyst. Society of telegraph engineers, London. See Institution of electrical engineers. Sofia. See C6opHHKi> 3a napoflHH ynoTBOpeHHa, nayKa H KHHacHnna . . . Sofia. Soldiers' and sailors' historical society of Rhode Island, Providence. Personal narratives. HG. MSL. 4324.77 Solicitors' journal. London, w. LS. MSL. SL Somerset record society, Taunton, England. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Somersetshire archaeological and natural history society, Taunton, England. Proceedings, y. HG. 2507.100 Somerville, Mass. Public library. Bulletin, m. MSL. 6156.71 Somerville (Mass.) journal, w. MSL Sondershausen. See Verein zur Beforderung der Landwirthschaft. Sons of the American revolution. Massachusetts society. Year book. 4411.140 Sons of the American revolution. National society. National year book. 4411.155 Sons of the revolution. New York. Year book. 4411.139 Sound currency. N. Y. semi-m. BA. MSL. (P. R. 993) 3644.45 South Australia. Department of agriculture. See Garden and field. South Carolina. State board of health. Annual report. ML. MSL. SBH South Carolina medical association. Transactions, y. ML South Dakota. Geological survey. Sioux Falls. Bulletin. MSL State board of health. Biennial report. MSL. SBH Southeastern reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL South eastern tariff association. Transactions, y. IL Southern and Southwestern railway club, Atlanta. Proceedings, q. MIT Southern California practitioner. Los Angeles, m. ML Southern florist and gardener. Louisville, m. MH Southern historical society, Richmond. Papers, y. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 52193.50 Southern journal of pharmacy and materia medica. Nashville, m. MCP Southern lumberman. Nashville, semi-m. (P. R. 1094) 4012.310 Southern medical record. Atlanta, m. ML Southern New Hampshire bar association, Concord. Proceedings. MSL Publications. MSL Southern practitioner. Nashville, m. ML Southern reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Southern surgical and gynecological association, Phila. Transactions, y. ML Southern Unitarian. Atlanta, f. DS Southern workman and Hampton school record. Hampton, m. CU. (P. R. 1053) 6870.15 92 Sozi Stud Southwestern reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Soziale Praxis. Berlin, w. News, room Spain. Guia oficial de Espafia. Madrid. (Bates Hall.) 33993.58 Comision del mapa geologico de Espana, Madrid. Boletin. y. MZ. 3861.117 Memorias. MZ Deposito hidrografico. Anuario. 3952.125 Spatula. Boston, m. MCP. (P. R. 936) 7783.17 Speaker. London, w. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1093) 7221.15 Spectateur militaire. Paris, semi-m. (P. R. 369) 7950.3 Spectator.t London, w. BA. HC. MIT. (P. R. 1046) Per. room Spectator. [Insurance.] N. Y. w. IL Spelunca. See Societe de speleologie. Sphinx. Leipzig, m. HC Spirit of missions. (Protestant episcopal church.) N. Y. m. CL. FM. GT. (P. R. 370) 75IS-I Spirit of '76. N. Y. m. BA. HC. HG. (P. R. 976) 72403.10 Spirit of the times. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1126) 7240.2 Spokesman-Review. Spokane, d. News, room Sports athletiques et la Revue athletique reunis. Paris, w. HC Springfield (Mass.) republican, d. BA. CU. MSL. News, room Staatsarchiv. Hamburg. BA. HC. (P. R. 37i) 6306.50 Stahl und Eisen. Dusseldorf. semi-m. MIT. (P. R. 761) 4013-225 Standard. [Insurance.] Boston, w. BA. IL. (P. R. 762) 56603.56 Standard. Chicago, w. GT Standard. London, d. BA. News, room Star almanac. Montreal, y. BA Star and Herald. Panama, w. News, room Star in the east. London, m. FM State charities aid association, N. Y. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) State historical society of Iowa. See Iowa historical record. State historical society of Wisconsin, Madison. Proceedings, y. BA. CL. HG. 4473-S 2 Collections. BA. CL. HG. MSL. 4377-1 State mining journal. San Francisco, w. News, room Statesman's year-book. London. AMC. AO. BA. CL. CU. FM. HC. MIT. MSL. SL (Bates Hall.) 22903.50 Statistical and social inquiry society of Ireland, Dublin. Journal. ASA Statistical society of Manchester, England. Transactions. ASA Statistical year book of Canada. See Canada. Dept. of agriculture. Statistik der schmalspurigen Eisenbahnen. Wiesbaden. MIT Statistische Monatsschrift. Vienna, m. ASA Statistisches Jahrbuch. Berlin, y. SBH Statistisches Jahrbuch der hoheren Schulen Deutschlands, Luxemburgs und der Schweiz. Leipzig. HC Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Pest. See Budapest. Statistisches Jahrbuch. Stavanger museum, Stavanger. Aarsberetning. y. AA. MZ. NH Stettin. See Entomologischer Verein; Gesellschaft fur pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Stevens indicator. Hoboken. q. MIT Stockholm, Observatorium. Astronomiska iakttagelser. See Kongl. svenska vetenskaps- akademien. Stockholm. See Biologiska forening; Entomologiska forening; Kongl. svenska ve- tenskaps akademien; Kongl. vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien; Kongl. samfundet for utgifvande af handskrifter rorande skandinaviens historia; Letters- tedska forening: Nordiske museet; Svenska statens historiska museum; Svenska turistforening; Sveriges geologiska undersokning. Stone. Chicago, m. TC Stone cutters' journal. (Journeymen stone cutters' association of America.) Washington. m. MIT Stonyhurst college observatory, Roehampton. Results of meteorological and magnetical observations. AO. BS Strand musical magazine. London, m. (P. R. 1170) 4041.235 Strassburg. See Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d' Alsace. Strawberry culturist. Salisbury, Md. m. MH Street railway gazette. MIT Continued as Electric railway gazette. Street railway journal. N. Y. m. CE. MIT. (P. R. 1007) 4011.237 Street railway review. Chicago, m. CE Student volunteer. Chicago, m. FM Student's journal. [Graham's phonography.] N. Y. m. CU. HC. (P. R. 763) 3591.51 Studies and notes in philology and literature. See Harvard university. Stud Tech 93 Studio. London, m. (Special libraries.) 4071.225 Studj di filologia romanza. Rome. (P. R. 597) 4691 55 Stuttgart. See Litterarischer Verein; Verein fur vaterlandische Naturkiinde in Wurttem- berg. Success with flowers. West Grove, Penn. m. MH Suffolk institute of archaeology and natural history, Bury St. Edmund's. Proceedings. 2509.57 Sugar-beet. Phila. bi-m. (P. R. I02O .) 7990.62 26yypa(j./M irepiod uc6v. See 'EXXT/viKds ^iXoXo-yt/cds tfXXo7os. Summary, The. Publ. at the New York state reformatory. Elmira. w. HC. MSL Sun. Baltimore, d. News, room Sun. N. Y. d. BA. News, room Sunday at home. London, m. (P. R. 765) 7272.50 Sunday magazine.! London, m. (P. R. 766) Per. room Sunday school times. Phila. w. BA. CL. GT Sunday times. Minneapolis. News, room Suomalais-ugrilaisen seura. Aikakauskirja. (Journal de la Societe finno-ongrienne ) Fin- land. HC Suomen muinaismuisto-yhdistys, Helsingfors. Finska fornminnesforeningens tidskrift. Aikakauskirja. HC. 6826.1 Superior leader. Superior, Wise. d. News, room Supreme court reporter. St. Paul. w. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Surrey archaeological society, London. Collections. HG Surtees society, Durham. Publications. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Surveyor. London, w. SBH Surveyor. [Insurance.] N. Y. f. IL Sussex archaeological society, Lewes. Sussex archaeological collections, y. 2504.61 Svensk tidskrift. Upsala. y. HC Svenska statens historiska museum, Stockholm. Teckningar. AA Svenska turistforening, Stockholm. Arsskrift. AMC Sveriges geologiska undersokning, Stockholm. Serien A. Kartblad med beskrifningar. AA. MZ. (Whitney library.) Serien B. a. Ofvers'igtskartor. AA. MZ. (Whitney library.) b. Specialkartor med beskrifningar. AA. MZ. (Whitney library.) Serien C. Afhandlingar och uppsatser. AA. MZ. (Whitney library.) Switzerland. Statistisches Bureau des eidgenossischen Departements des Innern, Berne. Schweizerische Statistik. BPL. (See catalogue.) Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. 4821.58 Switzerland. See also Allgemeine schweizerische Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwis- senschaften; Club alpin suisse; Schweizerische entomologische Gesellschaft; Schweizerische meteorologische Central- Anstalt; Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Sydney, New South Wales. Government observatory. Results of astronomical observa- tions. AO Results of meteorological observations. AO. 7962.50 Results of rain and river observations. AO Sydney, New South Wales. See also Australian museum; Engineering association of New South Wales; Linnean society of New South Wales; Royal society of New South Wales. Sydney morning herald. News, room Symons's monthly meteorological magazine. London, m. HC. (P. R. 420) 7967-57 Table talk. Phila. m. 7221.16 Tablet. London, w. (P. R. 1083) 7320.2 Tacubaya, Observatorio astronomico nacional. Anuario. AA. AO Boletin. AA. AO. BS Tananarive, Observatoire royal de Madagascar. Observations meteorologiques. AO Tasmania. See Royal society of Tasmania. Taunton (Mass.) daily gazette. News, room Teacher's college, N. Y. Bulletin. 444-ii3 Teachei's world. N. Y. m. (P. R- 767) 3590. 101 Tebbut, John. Observatory. See Windsor, N. S. Wales. Tech. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) Boston, w. (during term.) CU. MI (P. R. 829) 7245-50 Technic. (University of Michigan.) Ann Arbor, y. MIT. MSL Technical art series of illustrations of Indian architectural decorative work. Calcutta. 4070.48 Technical society of the Pacific coast, San Francisco. Transactions, m. A A. MIT See also Association of engineering societies. Journal. Techniker. (Deutsch-americanischer Techniker-Verband.) N. Y. m. MIT. (P. R. 1052) 4012.210 Technique. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) Boston, y. 4385.103 94 Tech - - Tijd MIT. (Bates Hall.) (P. R. 1 133) Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch. (Biedermann.) Berlin, y. Technische Rundschau. (W. H. Uhland.) Leipzig, w. Technograph. (University of Illinois.) Technologic sanitaire. Brussels, semi-m. Technologiste. Paris, m. Technology architectural review. See Architectural review. Technology quarterly, and Proceedings of the Society of arts. (Massachusetts institute of technology.) Boston. AA. AO. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. NH. TC. (P. R. 8i8)_ 4012.350 Tegninger af aeldre nordisk Architektur. Copenhagen. Teikoku Daigaku, Tokio. (Imperial university of Japan.) Calendar. S979a-SS 4012.217 MIT MIT (P. R. 1057) 4012.204 AMC. MZ. NH. See Electrical review. Cab.6o.88.i y. AMC. MSL 50I7-I/ (P. R. 843) 79II-5I NH BA. GT BA News, room College of science. Journal. Medicinische Facultat. Mitteilungen. Telegraphic journal and Electrical review. Temperance cause. Boston, m. Temple bar.f London, m. Temps. Paris, d. Tennessee. State board of health, Nashville. Bulletin, m. AA. ASA. BG. BI. MIT. ML. MSL. MZ. SBH Tennessee university magazine. Knoxville. m. (P. R. 372) 5304.6 Terrestrial magnetism. Chicago, q. MIT Testigo, El. Guadalajara, Mexico, m. FM Texas. Geological survey, Austin. Annual report. MSL. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH 3864.70 Bulletin. MSL. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH. Report of progress. MZ. (Whitney library.) NH. Texas academy of science, Austin. Transactions. Texas medical journal. Austin, m. Texas state horticultural society. Report, y. Texas state medical association. Transactions, y. Textile colorist. Phila. m. MIT. (P. R. 1145) Textile manufacturing world. See Textile world. Textile manufacturer. Manchester, Eng. m. Textile manufacturers' review and Industrial record. N. Y. w. MIT. (P. R. 1271) Textile record of America. Phila. m. Textile recorder. Manchester, Eng. m. (P. R. 1191) Textile world. Boston, m. CU. (P. R. 475) Theatre. N. Y. m. Theatrical world. (William Archer.) London, y. Theologische Literaturzeitung. Leipzig, semi-m. DS. ET. Theologische Studien und Kritiken. Gotha. q. Theologische tijdschrift. Amsterdam, m. Theologischer Jahresbericht. Leipzig. Theosophy. N. Y. m. Therapeutische Monatshefte. Vienna, m. Therapeutische Wochenschrift. Vienna, w. Thier- u. Menschenfreund. Dresden, m. Thinker. A magazine of Christian literature, etc. London, m. DS. (P. R. 375) Thorn's official directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin, y. HC. 6514.10 Thonindustrie Zeitung. Berlin, w. HC. MIT. SS Thoresby society, Leeds. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Thrift. [Insurance.] N. Y. m. IL Thurgauische naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frauenfeld. Mittheilungen. NH Tiempo, El. Caracas, Venezuela, d. News, room Tiflis, Tifliser physikaliscb.es Observatorium. See THfljiHCCKoe H3H^ecKoe o6m,ecTBO. Tro&JiHCCKoe H3HrareCKoe ofimecTBO. MarHHTHHa Hafijuo^enifl. (Magnetische Beobachtungen der Tifliser physikalischen Observatoriums. ) [Text partly in Russian, partly in German.] AA BA. (P. R. 1146) (P. R. 834) (P. R. 796) 3862.110 3863.114 AA ML MH ML 4012.290 MIT 4012.305 MIT 4012.298 4012.292 BA 457oa.86 754.oa.7 HC DS HC 7600.67 ML ML 7570.23 7470.9 Meteorologische Beobachtungen. [Text partly in Russian, partly in German.] A A Ha6jiK),neHia. (Beobachtungen.) y. AA Ha6jno,neHia najji. TeMnepaTyporo no^BH npOHSBefleHHHa. (Beobachtungen der Temperatur des Erdbodens.) [Text partly in Russian, partly in German.] AA Tijdschrift voor entomologie. See Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging. Tijdschrift voor nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde. See Maatschappij der nederlandsche letterkunde te Leiden. Time - - Turi 95 Time and the hour. Boston, w. (p R ^Qgj 72708 Timehri. See Royal agricultural and commercial society of British Guiana Times. London, d. BA News rooni Index, q. e ,,_ en - Weekly edition. MIT Times and Register. See Medical times and Register. Times-Democrat. New Orleans, d. News, room Times' law reports. London, w. f 9 1 -1 1- K m n * AA - BI - MH - MSL. 7992.8i Miscellaneous bulletin. AA Miscellaneous reports. MH. MSL. TC. 5991.33 -R e .P. orts f the Statistician, m. AA. MH. MIT. MSL. NH. TC. 599050 Division of vegetable pathology. Bulletin. BA. HC. MH. MSL. NH TC KH Circular. MH MSL ' *''* Report. MSL Farmers' bulletins. AA. BA. BI. HC. MH. MSL. TC. 7995 40 Fiber investigation series. HC. MH. MIT. MSL. TC. 599661 -Library bulletin. BI. BS. MH. MSL. TC. $70M Office of experiment stations. Circular. MSL Experiment station bulletin. BA. BI. HC. MH. MIT. MSL. NH TC 509? 70 Experiment station record, m. AA. BA. BG. BI. CL. MH. MIT. MSL. 'NH TC -Miscellaneous bulletin. AA. MH. M 4 SL. 39266 Report. MSL Office of irrigation inquiry. Bulletin. MH. MSL. TC 5995 18 Office of road inquiry. Bulletin. BA. HC. MH. MSL. TC. 8015 166 --Circular AA. MH. MSL. 8012.169 Section of foreign markets. Bulletin. BA. HC. MH. TC 5652 39 Seed division. Report. MSL Silk section. Bulletin. MH 5995 3- Circular. 'AA. HC Report. MSL Weather bureau. Annual summary of New England weather service AMC. AO. BA. MH. MSL. 59603.62 Bulletin. AA. AO. BA. BI. CU. HC. MH. MSL. TC. 5996.64 Bulletin of New England weather service, m. AO. MH. MIT. MSL NH SBH . t . (P. R- 848) 5960.63 Lake storm bulletin. MSL. 5961.64 --Monthly meteorological summary. Boston station. BA. HC. MSL. 7960.7 Monthly statement of averages, etc., from past years' records. Boston station. BA 5995.70 Monthly weather review. AO. BA. HC. MH. MSL. TC. (P. R. 1155) 5965.52 Report of Ohio weather and crop service, m. AA. AO. MSL. 7996 57 Report of the Chief, y. AA. AO. BS. MH. MSL. TC. 5961.63 Weather crop bulletin. Boston, w. MH. MSL Board on geographic names. Bulletin. AA. BA. MSL. TC. 2286.67 Decisions. BA. MSL. 4365.152 -Report. BA. CL. MSL. TC. 4365.123 Civil service commission. Report, y. AA. BA. BS. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 6.278. 10 Commission of fish and fisheries. Bulletin. BA. CL. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 5902.15 Report of the Commissioner, y. BA. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 5002.5 Congressional directory. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. SL. C.272.20 Congressional record. (Daily during session.) HC. MIT. MSL. SL. (P. R. 670) Special libraries Congressional documents. BA. HC. MSL. BPL. (Special libraries.) Court of claims. Cases decided. BA. MSL. SL. 3705.5 Government printing office. Annual report of the Public printer. MSL. 6116.9 Superintendent of documents. Annual report. BA. MSL. TC. 6175.49 - Catalogue of United States public documents, m. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. SL. TC 6175.29 Interior, Department of the. Decisions of the Department in appealed pension and bounty- land claims. BA. MSL. 3665.28 Official register of the U. S., officers and employes in the civil, military and naval service. biennial. BA. MSL. SL. 0309.1 Register of the Department. MSL. .242.21 Report regarding receipt and sale of public documents. MSL. C.24i.i6 Secretary's report and documents. MSL. 4416.51 Bureau of education. Circulars of information. AA. BA. BS. CL. MIT. MSL. NH. SL. TC. 7596.50 Reports of the Commissioner. AA. BA. BI. BS. CL. MIT. MSL. NH. SL. TC (Bates Hall.) 7595-1 Commissioner of railroads. Report. MSL. 7677.10 General land office. Circular. MSL. 3663.23 98 United States Decision of the Department and General land office in cases relating to the public lands. semi-a. BA. MSL. 5675.4 Report of Commissioner. MSL. 7672.50 Geological survey. Annual report. AA. AMC. BA. BS. CE. FM. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH TC. (Bates Hall.) 7870.55 Bulletin. AA. AMC. BA. BS. CE. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 7872.55 Contributions to North American ethnology. AA. BA. CL. MSL. MZ. NH. SS. 4460.17 Geological atlas of the United States. AA. BA. MIT. MSL. NH. Cab.78.i2.i Mineral resources of the United States. AA. AMC. BA. BS. CE. CL. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 7862.61 Monographs. AA. AMC. BA. BS. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Topographical maps. AMC. MSL. BPL. (Map collection.) Office of Indian affairs. Report of the Commissioner. CL. FM. MSL. PM. TC. 4462.57 Report of the Board of Indian commissioners. CL. MIT. MSL. .241.5 Report of the Superintendent of Indian schools. MSL. 4461.75 Patent office. Alphabetical lists of patentees. MSL. SL. TC. Patent room Annual report of the Commissioner. BA. MIT. SL. TC. Patent room Decisions of the Commissioner, etc. MSL. SL. Patent room Official gazette, w. BA. CE. HC. LS. MIT. MSL. SL. TC. Patent room Specifications and drawings. MSL. Patent room Pension office. Report of the Commissipner. y. MSL. 0278.7 See also Interior dept. Decisions of the Dept. in appealed pension claims. Justice, Department of. Annual report of the Attorney general. MIT. MSL. 7666.1 Official opinions. MSL. 570oa.5 Interstate commerce commission. Annual report. AA. BA. BI. MIT. MSL. SL. TC. 5658.6 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States. BA. MIT. MSL. 3651.40 Interstate commerce reports, semi-m. MIT. MSL. SL. (P. R. 573) 56503.58 Labor, Department of. Annual report of the Commissioner. BA. CL. MSL. TC (Bates Hall.) 3576.36 Bulletin, bi-m. BA. CL. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. (P. R. 971) 3563.133 Special reports. BA. CL. MIT. MSL. BPL. See catalogue.) Library of Congress. Librarian's report, y. MSL. 2152.23 Military academy, West Point. See United States military academy. National academy of sciences. See National academy of sciences (p. 65). Naval academy. See United States naval academy. Naval observatory. See United States naval observatory. Navy department. Circular. MSL Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the War of the rebellion. BA. MIT. MSL. TC. 42ioa.i Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the Navy and Marine corps, y. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 595oa.6o Report, y. MIT. MSL. 7956.50 Bureau of medicine and surgery. Report of the Chief, y. MSL. 3752-49 Bureau of navigation. Naval professional papers. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Hydrographic office. Annual report. MSL. 3957.10 Notice to mariners, w. MSL. (P. R. 783) 3956.25 Publications. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Nautical almanac office. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, y. AA. AO. BA. MIT. MSL. SS. TC. 794M Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the almanac. AA. AO. MIT. MSL. TC .5080.50 Atlantic coasters' nautical almanac, y. MSL. 7943-55 Pacific coasters' nautical almanac, y. MSL. 7943-6o Office of naval intelligence. General information series. Information from abroad. BA. MSL. 3957.25 Post office department. Annual report of the Postmaster-general. MIT. MSL. 7656.1 Daily bulletin. Official postal guide, m. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 379) .247.10 State, Department of. Foreign relations of the United States. FM. MSL. TC (Bates Hall.) 4420a.30 Statutes at large, biennial. BA. MSL. 5622.1 Bureau of the American republics. Monthly bulletin. CL. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 268) 4311.61 Bureau of rolls and library. Bulletin. BA. HC. MIT. MSL. 2150.50 Bureau of statistics. Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries. BA. MSL. TC. (Bates Hall.) 7655 i Consular reports, m. BA. BG. HC. MH. MSL. TC. 7643.12 Exports declared for the United States, q. MSL. 7643.21 Special consular reports. BA. BG. CL. MH. MIT. MSL 7643.22 Treasury department. Decisions of the Comptroller. BA. MSL. SL. 7654.2 Digest of appropriations. ^J" ' 2IOv | Letter transmitting estimates of appropriations. MSL. C.24I.6 Unit Univ 99 Report of the Secretary, y. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 7652.1 Synopsis of decisions. MIT. MSL 76453 -Bureau of statistics. Monthly summary of the imports and exports. BA. HC. MSL Quarterly reports of the Chief relating to imports, exports, immigration and naviga- on - , . BA. HC. MSL. 3656.9 Report on foreign commerce and navigation. BA. MIT. MSL TC 76531 Report on the internal commerce of the U. S. BA MSL 7651 si -Statistical abstract. BA. MIT. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 764623 Coast and geodetic survey. Bulletin. AA. AO. CE. MIT. MSL. TC 792055 Notice to manners, m. AA. MSL. SS. 3950^67 5?? ort f the Superintendent, y. AO. BA. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. C .24032 Tide tables for Atlantic coast. MIT MSL 596977 -Tide tables for Pacific coast. MIT! MSL! 596961 Commissioner of internal revenue. Report, y. CL. MIT. MSL 7645 I Commissioner of navigation. Annual list of merchant vessels of the U. s! MSL (Bates Hall.) 5955-53 ~~r ep ? rt i, r*i MSL. TC. 595i-6o Comptroller of the currency. Report. MIT. MSL. SL. TC. 7654 i Life-saving service. Annual report. AA. BA. CL. MSL. TC. 595662 Light house board. Annual report. AA. BA. MIT. MSL 595656 -Publications. MSL. BPL. (See catalogue.) Marine hospital service. Annual report of the Supervising surgeon-general. BA. MSL Weekly abstract of sanitary reports. MIT. MSL. SBH. 776356 Mint. Director's report. MIT. MSL. MZ. 5654.15 Report upon production of precious metals. MIT. MSL. MZ. 3640.74 Steamboat inspection service. Board of supervising inspectors of steam-vessels. Pro- ceedings of annual meetings. MSL. TC. 7958.41 Supervising architect. Report. MSL. TC. 8095.9 War department. Compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies BA. HG. MSL. 4223.50 Official army register, y. MIT. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 0243.15 Register. CE. MSL. 5952.87 Chief of engineers. Annual report. AA. BA. MIT. MSL. SS. TC. 4011.215 Chief of ordnance. Annual report. AA. BA. MIT. MSL. SS. TC. 5944.54 Notes on the construction of ordnance. MSL. 39503.50 Quarterly report of the medical officers. MSL. 3753.55 Report, y. MSL. 5759a.n Report of tests, Watertown arsenal. MIT. MSL. TC. 3953.124 United States army and navy journal. N. Y. w. BA. CU. MSL. (P. R. 1202) 6960.50 United States bureau of ethnology. See Smithsonian institution. United States cavalry association, Leavenworth, Kansas. Journal, q. (P. R. 486) 7957.39 United States investor. [Insurance.] N. Y. w. HC. IL United States military academy, West Point. Official register, y. MSL. .244.29 United States national museum. See Smithsonian institution. United States naval academy, Annapolis. Annual register. BA. MSL. (Bates Hall.) C.247.9 United States naval institute, Annapolis, Md. Proceedings, semi-a. AA. CE. CU. MIT. SS 5953-58 United States naval observatory, Washington. Observations, y. AA. AO. BA. BS. MSL. TC. 5140.7 Report of Superintendent, y. AA. AO. BS. MSL. 7926.60 United States official register. See United States. Interior dept. Official register. United States revenue journal. N. Y. w. LS. MSL. SL. (P. R. 295) 5641.60 Continues the Internal revenue record and customs journal, which ceased publication April 29, 1895. United States veterinary medical association, Phila. Proceedings. 8006.6 Unity. Chicago, w. DS Unity pulpit. See Messiah pulpit. Universal medical journal. Phila. m. (P. R. 066) 3723.107 Universalist quarterly and general review. Boston. CL. TC. 7288.1 Universalist register and almanac. Boston. MSL. TC. 5549.28 Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Anales. 64003.1 Universidade de Coimbra. Annuario. AA Observatorio meteorologico e magnetico. Observances. AO Universitas Lundensis. See Karolinska universitetet. Universite de Grenoble. Annales. ^ HC Universite de Lyon, Lyons, Annales. HC. TC Bulletin des travaux. q. HC Universite Laval, Quebec. Annuaire. AA. 5226.50 University beacon. Boston, semi-m. University college of Wales, Aberystwith. Calendar, y. 2498.56 University extension. Succeeded by the Citizen, March, 1895. ioo Univ Unte University magazine. N. Y. See American university magazine. University medical magazine. Phila. m. ML University of California, Berkeley. Bulletin. MSL. 4485.105 Register, y. MSL. 2387.65 Studies. AA. MIT. TC Department of geology. Bulletin. AA. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 3862.133 Lick observatory. Contributions. AA. AMC. MIT. MSL. 7926.68 -- Publications. AA. AMC. AO. MIT. MSL. 7920.65 University of Cambridge. Calendar. (Bates Hall.) 2400.31 Astronomical observatory. Astronomical observations. AA. AO. BS. .150.1 Morphological laboratory. Studies. MZ. TC Museum of general and local archaeology. Annual report of the antiquarian committee. University of Chicago. Annual register. TC. 44803 131 Economic studies. MSL Official bulletin, q. MSL. 4409.111 Quarterly calendar. 4491.110 University record, w. MIT Yerkes observatory. Bulletin. AA. 3922.128 See also American journal of Semitic languages and literatures; American journal of sociology; Biblical world; Journal of geology; Journal of political economy; School review; American journal of theology (See Appendix). University of Cincinnati. Observatory. Publications. AA. AO. BS. MSL. 59203.51 University of Denver. Chamberlain observatory. Publications. AO. MSL University of Glasgow. Calendar. (Bates Hall.) 2509.116 Observatory. Publications. AO University of Illinois. See Technograph. University of Michigan. Calendar, y. MSL. 4486.2 See also Technic. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Society of engineers. Year book. MIT University of Nebraska. Lincoln. Calendar. 4481.153 University studies. AA. HC. MIT. MSL. TC. 3595.104 Departments of history and economics. Seminary papers, y. 4426.121 University of Oregon. Bulletin. 44903.131 University of Oxford. Calendar. y. (Bates Hall.) 2500.24 Observatory. Astronomical observations. AO Oxford university gazette, w. HC University of Pennsylvania, Phila. Catalogue, y. 4492.6 Circular of information. 4481.131 Publications. Philology, literature and archaeology series. 44003.102 Publications. Political economy and public law series. MSL. 55603.6 Botanical laboratory. Contributions. AA. BG. MSL. NH. 5852.50 Department of archaeology and palaeontology. [Publications.] BPL. (See catalogue.) Department of history. Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history. 2304.104 Museum of American archaeology. Annual report. PM Zoological laboratory. Contributions. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. 3883.58 University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. See Sewanee review. University of the State of New York, Albany. Annual report. AA. BA. MSL. 6461.1 Examination papers. 3598.26 Regents' bulletin. AA. BA. MSL. 6147.134 New York state library. Annual report. AA. FM. MSL. NH. 6471.1 -- Bulletins. AA. BA. MIT. MSL. NH. BPL. (See catalogue.) -- New York state travelling libraries. Finding lists. 61793.5 New York state museum of natural history. Annual report. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. TC 6471.2 -- Bulletin. AA. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 6472.12 -- Memoirs. NH University of Toronto. Calendar, y. BA. 4498.125 -Toronto university studies in political science. 3565.119 University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Alumni bulletin, q. BA. MSL. 44003.127 See also Annals of mathematics. Leander McCormick observatory. Publications. AA. AO. BS. MSL -- Report of the director. AO University of Wisconsin, Madison. Bulletin. Economics, political science, and history series. AA. BA. MIT. MSL. 5563.33 Bulletin. Engineering series. AA. CE. MIT. 4010.242 Bulletin. Science series. AA. MIT. NH. 3974-140 Washburn observatory. Publications. AA. AO. MIT. 3922.104 University studies. See L T niversity of Nebraska. Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. Breslau. semi-a. LS Upho Vero 101 Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. (Moleschptt.) Giessen. MZ This periodical may be consulted at Dr. H. P. Bowditch's library at the Harvard medical school Upholsterer. N. Y. m. (P. R. I22 o) 8092.212 Upsala, Observatoire. See Kongl. universitetet. Upsala. See also Kongl. universitetet; Regia societas scientiarum Upsaliensis. ypajibCKoe o6m,ecTBO Jno6nTe.aeft ecTecTBoanaHia, Ekaterinburg. 3anHCEH. AA Urn, The. Devoted to the interests of cremation. N. Y. m. 6230.53 Uruguay. Anuario estadistico. Montevideo. 44ioa.i03 Estadistica escolar. 4311.181 Usha. The dawn. A Vedic periodical. Calcutta. HC Utrecht. See Kon. nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut; Provinciaal utrechtsch ge- nootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen; Rijks-Universiteit. Vanity fair. London, w. (P. R. 1139) 7250.4 Vanity fair album. London, y. BA. 2570.50 Vassar brothers institute, Poughkeepsie. Transactions. AA. NH. TC. 7822.5 Vegetarian society of America, Phila. See Food, home and garden. Venice. See Ateneo veneto; Reale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti; Regia deputazione veneta di storia patria. Verbesserter landwirthschaftlicher Htilfs- und Schreib-Kalender. (Mentzel and Lengerke.) HC Vereeniging voor nederlandsche muziekgeschiedenis, Amsterdam. Tijdschrift. HC Verein der Arzte in Steiermark, Gratz. Mittheilungen. NH Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte, Mecklenburg. Archiv. AA. MZ. NH Verein deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen, Berlin. Organ fur die Fortschritte des Eisen- bahnwesens in technischer Beziehung. Wiesbaden, m. MIT. (P. R. 1065) 4011.227 Erganzungsband. 4011.229 Zeitung. Berlin, semi-w. MIT Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin. Zeitschrift. w. CE. MIT. SS. (P. R. 1078) 40103.205 Verein deutscher Portland-Cement-Fabrikanten, Berlin. Protokoll der General-Versamm- lung. y. MIT Verein fur die Riibenzucker-Industrie des deutschen Reichs, Berlin. Zeitschrift. m. MIT Verein fur Erdkunde, Dresden. Jahresbericht. AA. NH Verein fur Erdkunde, Halle. Mitteilungen. y. AA. NH Verein fur Erdkunde, Leipzig. Mitteilungen. AA. AMC. NH Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen. AA. AMC. NH Verein fur Erdkunde an der Universitat Wien, Vienna. Berichte. y. AMC Verein fur Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften, Darmstadt. Notizblatt. AA. MZ. NH Verein fur Geschichte des Bodensee's und seiner Umgebung, Lindau. Schriften. 6821.15 Verein fur Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens, Breslau. Zeitschrift. 4864.50 Verein fiir Geschichte und Naturgeschichte der Baar und der angrenzenden Landestheile in Donaueschingen, Carlsruhe. Schriften. NH Verein fiir hansische Geschichte, Liibeck. Hansische Geschichtsblatter. 3217.6 Hanserecesse. 3212.50 Verein fiir Heil- und Naturkunde, Pressburg. See Orvos-termeszettudomanyi egyesiilet. Verein fiir Kunst und Alterthum, Ulm. Mittheilungen. y. AA Verein fiir Naturkunde, Cassel. Bericht. y. AA. NH. TC Verein fiir Naturwissenschaft, Brunswick. Jahresbericht. AA. MZ. NH. TC Verein fiir naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung, Hamburg. Verhandlungen. MZ. NH. TC Verein fiir niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, Hamburg. Korrespondenzblatt. bi-m. HC Verein fiir schlesische Insektenkunde, Breslau. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie. Verein fur siebenbiirgische Landeskunde, Hermannstadt. Archiv. Jahresbericht. NH Verein fiir Socialpolitik, Leipzig. Schriften. BPL. (See catalogue.) Verein fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. Jahreshefte. AA. MZ.NH Verein fiir Vplkskunde, Berlin. Zeitschrift. q. (P. R. 396) 5225.60 Verein fiir wissenschaftliche Padagogik, Dresden. Jahrbuch. Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Bonn. Bonner Jahrbiicher. 2851.5 Verein zur Beforderung der Landwirthschaft, Sondershausen. Verhandlungen. y. Verein zui Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den preussischen Staaten, Berlin. Gartenflora. semi-m. AR. BG. MH Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleisses, Berlin. Verhandlungen. 6952.1 The Sitzungsberichte are bound with the Verhandlungen. Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, Vienna. Schriften. y. AA. NH Verhandlungen des deutschen Juristentages. Berlin. Verkehrszeitung und industrielle Rundschau. (Uhland.) Leipzig, w. (P. R. 1132) 4012.219 Vermont. State board of agriculture, Rutland. Report, biennial. MH. MSL. 59Q3-50 State board of health. Annual report. MSL. SBH Vermont chronicle. Montpelier. w. CL Vermont state medical society. Transactions. y._ ML Verona. See Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti. IO2 Verz Virg Verzeichnis der im deutschen Buchhandel neu erschienenen und neu aufgelegten Biicher, Landkarten, Zeitschriften, etc. (Hinrichs.) Leipzig, y. BA. HC. 2117.1 Verzeichniss der erschienenen Musikalien, etc. (F. Hofmeister.) Leipzig, y. 6170.60 Veterinarian. London, m. (P. R. 382) 5798. i Vicenza. See Club alpino italianp. Sezione di Vicenza. Vick's illustrated monthly magazine. Rochester, N. Y. MH Victoria. Department of agriculture, Melbourne. Bulletin. Department of mines. Annual report of the Secretary. A A. NH Patent office. Patents and patentees. Indexes, y. Pat. room Victoria. See Royal society of Victoria. Victoria institute of Trinidad. Proceedings. NH Victoria institute, or Philosophical society of Great Britain, London. Journal of the Transac- tions, q. AA. CL. HC. MZ. 3227.5 Victoria street society for the protection of animals from vivisection, London. Annual reports. 3746.84 Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Tracts. 3746.82 See also Zoophilist. Victorian naturalist. (Field naturalists' club of Victoria.) Melbourne. Videnskabs-Selskabet, Christiania. Forhandlinger. AA. MZ. NH Oyersigt over Videnskabs-Selskabets Moder. AA. NH Historisk-filosofisk Klasse. Skrifter. AA Mathematisk-naturvidenskabelig Klasse. Skrifter. AA Vie contemporaine. Paris, semi-m. (P. R. 383) 5375-55 Vie scientifique. Revue universelle des inventions nouvelles. Paris, w. Patent room Vienna, Kaiserlich-koenigliche Universitat. Sternwarte. Annalen. AO Kuffner'sche Sternwarte. Publicationen. AA. AO Vienna. See also Allgemeiner osterreichischer Apotheker-Verein; Anthropologische Ge- sellschaft in Wien; Deutscher und osterreichischer Alpenverein; Elektrotechnik Verein; Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volkswirte; Kais. Akademie der Wissen- schaften; Kais.-koenigl. Central- Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus; Kais.-koenigl. Central Commission zur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Baudenkmale; Kais.-koenigl. Gartenbau Gesellschaft; Kais.-koenigl. geographische Gesellschaft; Kais.-koenigl. geologische Reichsanstalt; Kais.-koenigl. zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft; Kais.-koenigl. Gradmessungs-Bureau; Kais.-koenigl. kunsthistori- sches Hof-Museum; Kais.-koenigl. naturhistorisches Hof-Museum; Kais.-koenigl. osterreichisches Museum fur Kunst und Industrie; Kais.-koenigl. technologisches Gewerbe-Museum ; Militarwissenschaftlicher Verein ; Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein an der Universitat; Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie; Oesterreichi- sche Gradmessungs-Cpmmission; Oesterreichischer Alpen Club; Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten- Verein; Oesterreichischer Touristen-Club; Perma- nente Internationale ornithologische Comite; Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer; Verein fiir Erdkunde an der Universitat; Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissen- schaftlicher Kenntnisse; Wiener Kunstgewerbe-Verein; Wiener padagogische Ge- sellschaft; Zoologisches Institut der Universitat. Vienna oriental journal. (Edited by the directors of the University.) Vienna, q. HC Vierteljahrs-Katalog der Neuigkeiten des deutschen Buchhandels. (Hinrichs.) Leipzig. q. HC. (Ordering dept.) 6162.16 Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reichs. Berlin, q. ASA Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und offentliches Sanitatswesen. Berlin, q. ML. SBH Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Staats- und Volkswirtschaft fiir Litteratur und Geschichte der Staats- wissenschaften aller Lander. Leipzig, q. HC. (P. R. 891) 3561.129 Vierteljahrsschrift fur wissenschaftliche Philosophic. Leipzig, q. HC Vierteljahrsschrift iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, etc. Berlin. MIT EBponu. aJypHajit HCTOpin-HOJiHTHKH-JiHTepaTypH. St. Petersburg, m. HC (P. R. 409) 7268.1 onuTHott *H3HKH H 9JieMeHTapHofi MaTeMaxHKH. IIonyjiapHO-nayHHHti acypnajn,, Odessa. AA.AO Views. [Insurance.] Washington, m. IL Vindicator. [Insurance.] New Orleans, f. IL Virchow and Hirsch. See Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesammten Medicin. Virchow and von Holtzendorff. See Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage. Virchow*! Archiv. See Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomic, etc. Virginia. Calendar of Virginia state papers. Richmond. BA. 4371.51 State board of health. Annual report. MSL. SBH Virginia evening chronicle. Virginia City, Nev. News, room Virg West 103 Virginia historical society, Richmond. Collections. BA. HG. MSL. 4476.22 Virginia law register. Lynchburg. m. SL Virginia magazine of history and biography. Richmond, q. BA. HC. HG. MSL (P. R. 611) 4474.200 Virginia medical monthly. Richmond. ML Virginia medical society, Richmond. Transactions. ML Vita italiana. Rome, semi-m. BA Vlaamsche school, Antwerp. Tijdschrift voor kunsten, letteren, wetenschappen, oudheid- kunde en kunstnijverheid. (Special libraries.) 4070.240 Vogue. N. Y. w. (P. R. 1047) 53803.55 Volk en taal. See Zantersgild van Zuid-Vlaanderen. Volkskunde; tijdschrift voor nederlandsche folklore. Ghent, m. HC Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft in Berlin. Volkswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen, Vortrage und Abhandlungen. 8 nos. a year. (P. R. 406) 3562.53 Vorarlberger Museums-Verein, Bregenz. Rechenschaftsbericht. (Jahresbericht.) NH Vorwarts. Berlin, d. News, room Wade's Fibre and fabric. See Fibre and fabric. Waffen, Die, nieder! Dresden, m. 7354-5 Wagner free institute of science, Phila. Transactions. A A. MZ. NH. 7821.7 Wagner's Jahres-Bericht. See Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Tech- nologic. Walford's Complete peerage and House of commons. London, y. BA Walford's County families. London, y. HC. 2435.25 Wallonia; recueil de litterature orale, croyances, et usages traditionnels. Liege, m. HC Walsingham observatory. See Darlington. Washburn observatory. See University of Wisconsin. Warsaw. HMHepaTOpCKaa BapmaBCEaa o6cepBaiopifl. Observations faites au cercle meridien. AO Warsaw. See Prace filologiczne; Wisia. Washington. State board of health. Annual report. MSL. SBH State board of horticulture. Olympia. Biennial report. MH Bulletin. MH Washington and Lee university, Lexington, Va. Historical papers. HG. 4426.126 Washington law reporter, w. MSL. SL Washington (D. C.) post. d. News, room Watchman. (Baptist.) Boston, w. CL. CU. GT. News, room Watertown (Mass.) enterprise, w. MSL Week. Toronto. BA Weekly freeman. Dublin. News, room Weekly gazette. Colorado Springs. News, room Weekly gleaner. Kingston, Jamaica. News, room Weekly Irish times. Dublin. News, room Weekly law bulletin and Ohio law journal. Columbus and Cincinnati. MSL Weekly notes. London. Bar Assoc. LS. MSL. SL Weekly notes of cases. Phila. w. LS. SL Weekly reporter. London. LS. MSL. SL Weekly Scotsman. Edinburgh, w. News, room Weekly tribune. Winnipeg, Man. CU Wegweiser durch die padagogische Literatur. Vienna, m. HC Weimar. See Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Wernigerode. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes. Wesleyan missionary notices. London, m. FM Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn. Bulletin. 4496.264 West American scientist. San Diego. BG. BS. MH. MZ. NH West Hendon House observatory, Sunderland. Publications. AO West Virginia. State board of health. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Westermann's illustrierte deutsche Monatshefte. Brunswick. HC. (P. R. 828) 5407.50 Westermann's Jahrbuch der illustrirten deutschen Monatshefte. Brunswick. Western druggist. Chicago, m. MCP. ML Western electrician. Chicago, w. MIT Western medical reporter. Chicago, m. ML Western New York horticultural society. Transactions. MH Western Reserve and Northern Ohio historical society, Cleveland. Tracts. MSL. 4376.22 Western Reserve university bulletin. Cleveland, semi-a. HC. 72903.20 Western railway club, Chicago. Proceedings, m. (Sept. to May.) MT Western society of engineers. Journal. Chicago, bi-m. CE. MIT Westfalischer Provinzial- Verein fur Wissenschaft und Kunst, Munster. Jahresbericht. A A MZ. NH Westminster hospital. London. Reports, y. ML Westminster review.ft London, m. BA. CL. CU. GT. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 384) Per. room IO4 Wett Wore Wetterauische Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde, Hanau. Jahresbericht. NH Weymouth agricultural and industrial society. Transactions, y. MSL What to eat. Minneapolis, m. (P. R. 1117) 8001.20 Wheeling (West Va.) register, d. News, room Whitaker's almanack. London, y. BA. CU. HC. LS. MIT. MSL. SL (Bates Hall.) 2499^.50 Whitaker's reference catalogue of current literature. London. BA. HC. 6134.25 White mountain echo. Bethlehem, w. (during summer.) AMC. 7270.34 Whittaker's Windsor peerage, baronetage and knightage. London. HC "Who won?" The yachtman's blue book. N. Y. y. (Bates Hall.) 8009.29 Who's who. London. HC. 24393.50 Wiedemann's Annalen. See Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Wiener Bauindustrie-Zeitung. Vienna, w. MIT Wiener entomologische Zeitung. Vienna, m. MZ Wiener illustrirte Garten-Zeitung. See Kais.-koenigl. Gartenbau Gesellschaft. Wiener Klinik. Vienna, m. ML. (P. R. 387) 7729.55 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Vienna, w. ML Wiener Kunstgewerbe-Verein, Vienna. Blatter fur Kunstgewerbe. m. (Special libraries.) 8065.215 Wiener medicinische Blatter. Vienna, w. ML Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift. Vienna, w. ML Wiener medizinische Presse. Vienna, m. ML. (P. R. 1096) 7720.5 Wiener padagogische Gesellschaft, Vienna. Padagogisches Jahrbuch. HC Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift fur classische Philologie. See Zeitschrift fur die osterreichi- schen Gymnasien. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Vienna, q. HC. (P. R. 1218) 3027.101 Wiesbaden. See Congress fur innere Medicin; F fe i e Vereinigung bayerischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie; Nassauischer Verein fur Naturkunde. Wilkes-Barre (Penn.) times, d. News, room William and Mary college quarterly historical magazine. Williamsburg. BA. HC. HG. MSL. (P. R. 459) 449.6315 William Salt archaeological society, Stafford, England. Calendar of wills and administra- tions at Lichfield. HC. 2502.126 Collections for a history of Staffordshire. 2492.52 Williams literary monthly. [Williamstown.] 7245.55 Wilmington morning news. See Morning news. Wilson's photographic magazine. N. Y. m. AA. (P. R. 385) 7972.1 Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. Devizes. (P. R. 389) 2509.125 Wiltshire notes and queries. Devizes, q. HG Windsor, New South Wales, John Tebbut's observatory. Meteorological observations. AO - Reports. AO Winnowings in American history. (Historical printing club.) Brooklyn, N. Y. BA. BPL. (See catalogue.) Wirral notes and queries. Birkenhead. (P. R. 931) 2503.128 Wisconsin. State board of health. Madison. Biennial report. ML. MSL. SBH Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts, and letters, Madison. Transactions, y. AA. HC. MIT. MSL. MZ. NH. TC. 5312.50 Wisconsin state agricultural society, Madison. Transactions. MH Wisconsin state historical society, Madison. See State historical society of Wisconsin. Wisconsin state horticultural society. Annual report. MH Wisconsin state medical society. Transactions, y. ML Wjsta; miesiccznik geograficzno-etnograficzny. Warsaw, m. HC Woburn, Mass. Public library. Bulletin. MSL. 6194.25 Woburn (Mass.) journal, f. MSL Wochenschrift fur klassische Philologie. Berlin, w. HC Woechentliches Verzeichnis der erschienenen und der vorbereiteten Neuigkeiten des deutschen Buchhandels. Leipzig. BA. HC. (Ordering dept.) 6177.55 Woman's evangel. Dayton, Ohio. m. FM Woman's journal. Boston, w. BA. HC. MIT. (News, room.) 7210.51 Woman's missionary friend. Boston, m. FM Woman's missionary magazine. (United presbyterian.) Xenia, Ohio. m. FM Woman's voice. Boston, w. News, room Woman's work for woman. (Presbyterian.) N. Y. m. FM Woman's world and Jenness-Miller monthly. N. Y. (P. R. 1268) 5380.4 Wood's Holl. See Marine biological laboratory. Worcester. Parks-commission. Annual report. MH. MSL Worcester agricultural society, Worcester. Transactions, y. MSL Worcester county horticultural society, Worcester, Mass. Transactions. MH. MSL Worcester county West agricultural society, Barre. Transactions, y. MSL Wore Zeit 105 Worcester (Mass.) daily spy. News, room Worcester East agricultural society, Clinton. Transactions, y. MSL Worcester North agricultural society, Fitchburg. Transactions, y. MSL Worcester society of antiquity. Collections. BA. CL. HC. HG. MSL. PM. 4452.53 Work. London, w. (P. R. 1143) 4012.255 Work and workers in the mission field. (Wesleyan.) London, m. FM Worker. (Associated workers of Queensland.) Brisbane, w. MIT World. London, w. . BA. HC. News, room World. N. Y. d. News, room World almanac and encyclopaedia. N. Y. BA. HC. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 4389.55 World for Christ. (Southern methodist.) Nashville, m. FM World wide missions. N. Y. m. FM World's crisis. Boston, w. GT Writer.f Boston, m. (P. R. 390) 2149.21 Wuerttembergische Vierteljahrshefte fur Landesgeschichte. Stuttgart. AA Wuerzburg. See Physikalisch-medicinische Gesellschaft; Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut. Wyclif society, London. Publications. BPL. (See catalogue.) Xavier. (College of St. Francis Xavier.) N. Y. m. (during term.) HC. (P. R. 1272) 7240.53 Yacht racing calendar and review. London, y. BA. (Bates Hall.) 39503.72 Yale university, New Haven. Bulletin, w. HC. (P. R. 1684) 44903.9 Catalogue, y. AA. BA. HC. HG. MSL. NH. TC. (Bates Hall.) 4387.39 Catalogue of the officers and graduates, triennial. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 4387.86 Courses of graduate instruction in the Department of philosophy and the arts. y. 4495.174 Directory of living graduates. MSL. 4387.63 Obituary record of the graduates, y. BA. HC. HG. MSL. 4387.41 Report of the President, y. BA. HC. MSL. TC. 4495.26 Report of the Treasurer, y. HC. MSL. 4387.106 Astronomical observatory. Reports. AA. AO. BS. MSL. 7920.40 Transactions.' AA. AO. 7920.30 Yale alumni weekly. New Haven. (P. R. 1266) 7290.20 Yale banner. New Haven, y. 7257.1 Yale law journal. New Haven, m. LS. SL Yale literary magazine. New Haven, m. (during term.) (P. R. 961) 7247.5 Yale review.f New Haven, q. BA. CL. HC. MIT. MSL. (P. R. 391) 7454.2 Year book and almanac of Newfoundland. St. Johns. MSL Year-book of Australia. Sydney. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 5077.52 Year-book of science. (T. G. Bonney.) London. 3917.66 Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. London. HC. HG. MZ. (Ordering dept.) 3913.60 Year-book of the Unitarian congregational churches. Boston. CL. DS. HC. MSL. 7387.1 Year's art. London. (Bates Hall.) 4060.205 Yellow book. London, q. BA. HC. 4574.151 Yerkes observatory. See University of Chicago. Yokohama. See Asiatic society of Japan; Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und V61- kerkunde Ostasiens. Yorkshire archaeological and topographical association, Durham. Record series, y. HG 2493.102 Yorkshire archaeological and topographical journal. HC. 2508.65 Yorkshire geological and polytechnic society, Leeds. Proceedings. MZ. NH Yorkshire naturalists' union. Transactions. TC Young catholic. N. Y. semi-m. (Juvenile room.) Young ladies' journal. London, m. (P. R. 1192) 53603.64 Young men's Christian associations of the United States and Canada. Year book. N. Y. BA. MSL. (Bates Hall.) 7442.27 Youth's companion. Boston, w. CU. GT. (Juvenile room.) News, room 900.3 Zagreb. See Agram. Zantersgild van Zuid-Vlaanderen, Ronsse. Volk en taal. m. HC Zanzibar gazette. Zanzibar, w. MSL Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen, Middelburg: Archief. AA. NH Verslag. AA. NH Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Weimar. 2 nos. a year. HC. LS (P. R. 932) 5671-50 Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde. Leipzig, semi-a. BA HC. (P. R. 863) 5050.50 Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. Wiesbaden, bi-m. AA. HC. MCP. MIT. TC (P. R. 451) 39703.50 Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. See Deutsche Gesellschaft fur angewandte Chemie. Zeitschrift fur anorganische Chemie. Hamburg. HC. (Chemical lab.) MIT. (P. R. 422) 397S.IIS io6 Zeit Zeit Zeitschrift fur Architektur und Ingenieurwesen. Organ des sachsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins und des Architekten- und Ingenieur- Vereins zu Hannover. Han- nover, w. MIT. (Special libraries.) 4091.203 Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig, q. HC. (P. R. 15) 5074.60 Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen. Berlin, m. MIT. (Special libraries.) 8100.201 Zeitschrift fiir Beleuchtungswesen. Berlin, semi-m. MIT Zeitschrift fur bildende Kunst. Leipzig, m. BA. HC. MFA. (Special libraries.) 8065.221 See also Kunstchronik. Zeitschrift fiir Biologic. Munich, q. AA. MIT. ML. MZ. NH. (P. R. 589) 7760.1 Zeitschrift fiir Bucherzeichen-Bibliothekenkunde und Gelehrtengeschichte. See Ex-libris- Verein, Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir celtische Philologie. Halle a. S. HC. (P. R. 991) 2954.82 Zeitschrift fiir christliche Kunst. Diisseldorf. m. (Special libraries.) 4071.260 Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinenwesen. Berlin, q. MIT Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Handelsrecht. Stuttgart, q. LS Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Local- und Strassenbahnwesen. Wiesbaden. 3 nos. a year. MIT Zeitschrift fiir das Gymnasialwesen. Berlin, m. HC Zeitschrift fiir das Privat- und offentliche Recht der Gegenwart. Vienna, q. LS Zeitschrift fur den deutschen Unterricht. Leipzig, m. HC Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. Berlin, m. MIT Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philologie. Halle, q. HC. (P. R. 887) 4891.1 Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur. Berlin, q. HC. (P. R. 398) 4.83551 Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Herausg. von Bernhard Stade. Giessen. semi-a. DS. ET Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. Tubingen, q. HC. 5644.20 Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Strafrechtswissenschaft. Berlin. 4 nos. a year. LS Zeitschrift fiir die osterreichischen Gymnasien. Vienna, m. HC Supplement. Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift fiir classische Philologie. semi-a. HC Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik. See Elektrotechnik Verein. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. Continued after 1894 as two distinct periodicals: Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, and Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, Organ der Deutschen elektrochemischen Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. See Deutsche elektrochemische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie. See Verein fiir schlesische Insektenkunde, Breslau. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. See Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Zeitschrift fur Fleisch- und Milchhygiene. Berlin, m. MIT Zeitschrift fiir franzosische Sprache und Literatur. Berlin. 8 nos. a year. HC Zeitschrift fiir franzosisches Civilrecht. Mannheim, q. LS Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie. Stuttgart. 3 nos. a year. ML Zeitschrift fiir hebraische Bibliographic. Herausg. von N. Brody. Berlin, bi-m. ET. HC Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde. Leipzig. 6 nos. a year. ML Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten. Leipzig, bi-m. MIT. ML. SBH Zeitschrift fiir Hypnotismus, Suggestionstherapie, Suggestionslehre und verwandte psycho- logische Forschungen. Berlin, m. HC. (Philosophical library.) Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. Berlin, m. AA. AO. HC. MIT. (P. R. 814) 7910.60 Zeitschrift fiir internationales Privat- und Strafrecht. Leipzig, bi-m. BA. LS (P. R. 600) 3624.9 Zeitschrift fiir katholische Theologie. Innsbruck, q. HC Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte. Gotha. q. HC. (P. R. 399) 7528.1 Zeitschrift fiir kirchliche Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben. Leipzig, m. HC Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin. Berlin. ML Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie. Leipzig, m. HC. (Mineral, library.) MZ. (Whitney library.) Zeitschrift fiir Litteratur und Geschichte der Staatswissenschaften. See Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Staats- und Volkswirtschaft, etc. Zeitschrift fiir Luftschifffahrt und Physik der Atmosphare. Berlin, m. MIT Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig, bi-m. HC Zeitschrift fur mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Leipzig, bi-m. HC Zeitschrift fiir Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft. See Allgemeiner evangelisch- protestantischer Missionsverein. Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften. See Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen. Zeitschrift fur orthopadische Chirurgie. Stuttgart, q. ML Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic und philospphische Kritik. Bonn, etc. q. HC Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre. Leipzig, m HC. MIT. (P. R. 964) 3975.134 Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie. See Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie. Zeit Zuer 107 Zeitschrift fur praktische Geologic. Berlin, m. MIT. MZ. (Whitney library.) (P. R. 789) 7872.58 Zeitschrift fur Psychologic und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane. Hamburg. HC. MIT Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie. Halle. HC. (P. R. 471) 6682.55 Zeitschrift fur schweizerische Statistik. Berne, q. ASA Zeitschrift fur Sozial- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte. Weimar, q. HC. MIT Zeitschrift fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. See Ferdinandeum. Zeitschrift fur Transportwesen und Strassenbau. Berlin. 3 nos. a month. MIT Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin, bi-m. HC. (P. R. 402) 3256.50 Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. Stuttgart, q. HC. LS. (P. R. 545) 7676.1 Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung. Berlin, bi-m. HC. (P. R. 505) 4268.1 Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik, und Verwaltung. See Gesellschaft osterreichi- scher Volkswirte. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Geographic. (J. I. Kettler.) Lahr. MZ. (Whitney library.) Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie. Brunswick, q. MIT. MZ. NH Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Theologie. Jena. q. DS. (P. R. 403) 6078.1 Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Leipzig. HC. MZ. NH. TC Zenana mission. (United presbyterian.) London, q. FM SiHBaa ciapiraa; nepioAH^ecKoe HS^aHie OTfl'Bjiema 9THorpa*in nun. pyceE. reor. otimecTBa. See HMH. PyccKoe reor. o6m;. BTHOF. OT^JH.. Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzen wydzialu filologicznego. Cracow, y. HC Zikawei, China. Observatoire. Bulletin, y. BS Zion's advocate. Portland, Me. w. GT Zion's herald. Boston, w. BA. CL. CU. GT. News, room Zoe: a biological journal. San Francisco. AA. BG. NH Zoologica. Stuttgart. MZ. NH Continues Bibliotheca zpologica. Zoological and acclimatisation society, Melbourne. Annual report. AA Zoological magazine. See Zoological society of Tokio. Zoological record. London, y. MZ. NH. 5875.50 Zoological society, Phila. Annual report. AA. MZ. NH Zoological society of London. Proceedings, q. AA. MZ. NH. 5887.12 Report of the council and auditors, y. MZ Transactions. AA. MZ. NH. 5820.3 Zoological society of Tokio. Zoological magazine. [Text largely in Japanese.] Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut, Wiirzburg. Arbeiten. (Semper.) MZ. NH Zoologische Beitrage. (Schneider.) Breslau. Zoologische Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Zoologischer Garten, semi-m. MZ Zoologische Jahrbiicher. (Spengel.) Jena. MZ. NH Zoologische Station, Trieste. See Zoologisches Institut der Universitat in Wien. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Monographie. MZ. NH Mittheilungen. MZ. NH. TC. 3806.50 Zoologischer Jahresbericht. HC. MZ. NH Zoologischer Anzeiger. See Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft. Zoologischer Garten. See Zoologische Gesellschaft. Zoologisches Adressbuch. Berlin. MZ. 3885.47 Zoologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig. 26 nos. a year. Zoologisches Institut, Gratz. Arbeiten. MZ Publ. also in Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. < _ . Zoologisches Institut der Universitat in Wien und Zoologische Station in Tnest. Arbeiten. (Claus ) Vienna MZ. NH Zoologist. ' London. ' m. HC. NH. (P. R. 405) ?8o6-i Zoophilist. (Victoria street society for the protection of animals from vivisection.) Lon- don, m. (P- R- 795) 5740.57 Zuerich. Stadt-Bibliothek. Jahresbericht. 6204.15 Zuwachs-Verzeichniss. -P 1 , ^. 2 Zuerich. See also Antiquarische Gesellschaft; Naturforschende Gesellschaft; Schwei- zerische meteorologische Central-Anstalt; Schweiierische palaeontologische Gesell- schaft. APPENDIX. ADDITIONAL TITLES. Acta Germanica. Berlin. HC Actualites chimiques. Paris, bi-m. MIT Altitalische Forschungen. Leipzig. 2735.69 American conference on international arbitration. Proceedings. N. Y. 3575-149 American journal of theology. Chicago. HC. (P. R. 710) BPL American manufacturer and Iron world. Pittsburg. w. MIT American primary teacher. Boston, m. (P. R. 646) 7590.54 Americana Germanica. (University of Pennsylvania.) N. Y. q. (P. R. 855) 7221.34 Ananda-agrama series. Poona. HC Anatomische Gesellschaft, Jena. Verhandlungen. HMS Annuaire de 1'enseignement primaire. (Jost.) Paris. HC Archiv fur wissenschaftliche und praktische Thierheilkunde. Berlin, bi-m. HMS Archivio per le scienze mediche. Palermo. HMS Argentine Republic. Direccion general de estadistica, Buenos Aires. El comercio exterior argentine. ASA Ateneum. Warsaw, m. (P. R. 774) 7267.30 Austria. Kaiserlich-koenigliche statistische Central-Commission, Vienna. Oesterreichische Statistik. ASA Belgium. Ministere de 1'industrie et du travail, Brussels. Annales des mines de Belgique. 3 nos. a year. MIT Revue du travail, m. ASA Berliner Studien fur classische Philologie und Archaeologie. Berlin. HC Bibliographia zoologica. Diario Zoologischer Anzeiger adnexa. Leipzig. 2177.9 Bimetallist. London, m. MIT Birmingham, England. Free libraries. Annual report. 6131.7 Bombay Sanskrit series. HC Boston. Park department. Annual report. AMC. BA. MSL. 4353.50 Boston directory. . 2359.2 Boston society of medical sciences. Journal. (P. R. 22) BPL Breslauer philologische Abhandlungen. Breslau. HC. 2957.73 Brickbuilder. Boston, m. (Special libraries.) 4091.240 Brinkman's alphabetische lijst van boeken. Amsterdam, y. Ordering dept. BPL British museum, London. Publications. BA. HC. BPL. (See catalogue.) Buffalo library. Finding list. 2143.18 Reports, y. 4478.3 Cambridge, Mass. Park department. Annual report. AMC. MSL. 6356.52 Chicago. Public library. Report, y. 6208.35 Chile. Oficina central de estadistica. Sinopsis estadistica y jeografica. y. 43ioa.i9i Church. Boston, m. BA Clifton antiquarian club. Proceedings. 2502.110 Club alpin suisse, Zurich. Alpina. (Bulletin officiel.) m. AMC Cornell university, Ithaca. Library. Reports, y. 6156.64 Costa Rica. Departamento nacional de estadistica, San Jose. Boletin. ASA Court journal. London, w. BA Denmark. Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Unders0gelser i Gr0nland, Copenhagen. Meddelelser om Gr0nland. BPL Deutsche Fischerei-Zeitung. Stettin. 5900.16 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Thiermedicin und vergleichende Pathologic. Leipzig. HMS Dizionario epigrafico di antichita romana. (E. de Ruggiero.) Rome. HC Erlanger Beitrage zur englischen Philologie. Erlangen und Leipzig. HC. 4583.110 Essex antiquarian. Salem, m. (P. R. 448) 2354.114 Farm-poultry. Boston, semi-m. (P. R. 1034) BPL Finland. Bidrag till Finlands officiela statistik. Helsingfors. y. ASA Foundry. Detroit, m. MIT Franzosische Studien. Heilbronn. 4686.50 Genealogisches Taschenbuch der adeligen Hauser. Briinn. y. HC Additional Titles. 109 Grossherzogliche und herzogliche sachsische Gesamt-Universitiit, Jena. Seminarium philo- logorum. Commentationes philologae. HC Handbuch der klassischen Altertums-Wissenschaft. Munich, y. 2973.50 Harvard university. Harvard oriental series. HC. 3023.19 Bussey institution, Jamaica Plain. Bulletin. BI. NH. Heidelberg. Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. Veroffentlichungen. AO Hubbell's legal directory. N. Y. y. SL Ilustracion espanola y americana. Madrid, w. (P. R. 1687) 7371.10 India. Archaeological survey. [Publications.] HC. 3072.55 Forest department. Reports. AR Institut des sciences sociales, Brussels. Annales. ASA Japan. Cabinet imperial. Section de la statistique generale, Tokio. Resume statistique de I'Empire du Japon. y. ASA Jornal do commercio. Lisbon, d. News, room Journal of physical chemistry. (Cornell university.) Ithaca. 9 nos. a year. MIT Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universitat, Strassburg. Dissertationes philologicae Argentoratenses. HC. 2954.73 Kaiserlich-koenigliche Universitat, Vienna. Dissertationes philologae Vindobonenses. HC. 2954.61 Archaologisch-epigraphisches Seminar. Abhandlungen. HC Kantstudien. Hamburg. (P. R. 841) BPL Kavya-mala. Bombay. HC Kayser, Christian Gottlob. Vollstandiges Biicher-Lexicon. Leipzig. (Catalogue room=Ordering dept.) BPL Kj0benhavns Universitet. Universitets-Jubilasets danske Samfund. [Publications.] HC Koeniglich-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Corpus inscriptionum Atti- carum. 2960.56 Koenigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Handschriften Verzeichnisse. 2140.61 Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Arsskrift. HC Kurjer Warszawski. Warsaw, d. News, room Lanets fornminnesforening, Gothenburg. Bidrag till kannedom om Goteborgs och Bohus- lans fornminnen och historia. HC Leeds, England. Public library. Report, y. 6202.20 Legal adviser. Chicago, w. Locomotive engineering. N. Y. m. MIT Lynn, Mass. Park commissioners. Annual report. AMC. MSL. 6345.71 Manchester, England. Public free libraries. Annual report. 6121.1 Martindale's American law directory. Chicago, y. Massachusetts. Metropolitan park commission. Report, y. AMC. BA. MSL. 4454.229 Trustees of public reservations. Annual report. AMC. MSL. 4453.108 Massachusetts general hospital, Boston. Annual report. MSL. 7736.1 Mazamas, Portland, Oregon. Mazama. Musee social, Paris. Circulaire. m. ASA New Bedford. Free public library. Report, y. New Hampshire. Forestry commission. Report, y. AMC. MSL New Haven. Free public library. Bulletin. 2144.36 Report, y. 6196.29 New York age. d. News, room New York herald. European edition. Paris, d. News, room New York public library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations. Bulletin. (P. R. 764) BP1 Newberry library, Chicago. Report of the Trustees, y. 2I 44-38 Nyare bidrag till kannedom om de svenska landsmalen ock svenskt folkhf. Stockholm. HC Ontario. Clerk of forestry. Annual report. Palseographical society, London. Facsimiles of ancient manuscripts. Paterson, N. J. Free public library. Monthly bulletin. Pennsylvania Department of agriculture. Division of forestry. Report. AR Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker. Strassburg. HC - 2002.50 Reale accademia medica, Rome. Bulletino. H ^f Revista de montes. Madrid, m. . AK Revista trimestral micrografica. Madrid. N H. Revue socialiste. Paris, m. TTMQ Riforma medica. Naples, d. . . .^v^. Roumania, Ministerul agriculture!, industrei, comercmlui, si domemelor. Bulletin statistic general. Bucharest. wr Royal Asiatic society. Ceylon branch. Journal. nc Roxburghe club, London. Publications. Pyccicoe 6oraTCTBO. St. Petersburg. St. Louis. Public free library. Report, y. 6l 57 Samfundet til Udgivelse af gammel nordisk Literatur, Copenhagen [Publications.] HC Saxe-Meiningen-Hildburghausen. Statistik des Herzogthums Sachsen Memmgen. AhA 1 10 Additional Titles. Scottish mountaineering club, Glasgow. Journal. 3 nos. a year. AMC Societa asiatica italiana. Giornale. Societe des antiquaires de Normandie, Caen. Memoires. Societe des traditions populaires, Paris. Annuaire. HC Societe meteorologique de France, Paris. Annuaire. HC Story's legal digest and directory of lawyers. N. Y. y. Stuttgart. Statistisches Amt. Statistische Mpnatsberichte. ASA Svenska fornminnesfprening, Stockholm. Tidskrift. HC Sveriges periodiska litteratur. (Lundstedt.) Stockholm. (Ordering dept.) 2173.36 Sweden. Konglika statistika centralbyran, Stockholm. Bidrag till sveriges officiela statistik. ASA Taunton. Public library. Additions. 61403.72 Report, y. 6127.11 Tokio statistical association. Statistical monthly magazine. (In Japanese.) ASA Toronto, Canada. Public library. Reports, y. 6106.24 Tygodnik illustrowany. Warsaw, w. (P. R. 1681) BPL United States. State, Department of. Library. A list of books, pamphlets and maps received. BA University of Cambridge. Library. Annual report. 6160. 16 Verein deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. Verhandlungen. HC Verlag. (P. R. 1025) 7280.3 Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philologie. Vienna. HC Whist. Milwaukee, m. (P. R. 1017) BPL Woman's education association, Boston. Annual report. 3592.126 Worcester, Mass. Free public library. Additions. 6176.8 Reports, y. 6201.2 Zeitschrift fur Numismatik. Berlin, q. HC Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen. Stuttgart, semi-m. MIT Zuerich. Kantonales Statistisches Bureau, Winterthur. Statistische Mitteilungen. ASA CORRECTIONS. PAGE 1 A B C pathfinder railway guide. Academie de medecine. Memoires. For 5741.1, read 5751.1 2 Academie frangaise. Academy of anthropology. Bulletin. t Accademia medico-chirurgica. Atti e rendiconti. 4 * Aicp6Tro\is. 5 Am-Urquell. American association for the advancement of science. Proceedings. Not taken by PM. American bar association. Reports of annual meetings. Taken also by Bar Assoc. American bookmaker. Title changed to Printer and Bookmaker. 8 Amsterdam. Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap; Societe mathematique. Anatomische Hefte. Taken also by NH 11 Archiv fur pathologische Anatomic, etc. For 7717.1, read 7727.1 12 Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. "See Hollandsche maatschappij. Aspinall's maritime law cases. Argentine Republic. Oficina meteorologica. 13 Association geodesique internationale. Commission permanente. AO. MIT Association pour 1'encouragement des etudes grecques en France. 14 Bannatyne club. Publications. No longer published. Bar association of New York city. Annual report. Taken also by Bar Assoc. 15 Beacon. Taken also by BPL. News, room 16 Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Bollettino delle pubblicazioni, etc. Elenco delle pubblicazioni, etc. 17 Bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Continued as Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. 18 Borderland. Taken also by BPL. (P. R. 849) 7600.52 Boston. Mayor. Inaugural addresses. 19 Botanical gazette. Taken also by BPL. (P. R. 873) 38503.55 Brain. Edited for the Neurological society. Breslau. Verein fiir schlesische Insektenkunde. 20 Bulletin de la participation aux benefices. Public par la Societe formee pour faciliter 1' etude pratique des diverses methodes de participation. Bulletin des services de la Carte geologique de la France. Public par le Ministere des travaux publics. Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothecaire. For 2147.1, read 6147.1 22 Carlsruhe, Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. Removed to Heidelberg. See Appendix. 23 Chap-book. Taken also by BPL. (P. R- 720) Per. room 24 Cheyenne daily Sun-Leader. Cheyenne. 27 Constantine, Algeria. See Societe archeologique du departement de Constantme. 28 Daily Argus. Fargo, North Dakota. T'Daghet in den oosten. 29 Denison university. Bulletin of the scientific laboratories. Taken also by NH 31 Ecole des chartes. Bibliotheque. Revue d'erudition consacree, etc. 32 Electricien. Employer and employed. No longer published. 33 Essex archaeological society. Transactions. Etudes religieuses, philpsophiques, historiques^et litteraires. Title changed to Etudes publiees par des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Euskara. No longer published. 35 France. Ministere de 1'instruction publique, etc. Comite des travaux histonques scientifiques. Bulletin archeologique. For 496pa.53, read 46003.53 ^6 France. Ministere des travaux publics. Bulletin des services de la Carte geologique de la France. Taken also by HC. For 79603.10, read 78603.10 37 Germania. No longer published. Germanisches Museum. Erase fiir Volkerkunde. 112 Corrections. PAGE 38 Gesellschaft fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. Giurisprudenza internazionale. No longer published. Glasgow archaeological society. Transactions. Taken also by HC J9 Good words. Duplicate set in Per. room. 41 [Harvard university.] Studies and notes in philology and literature. (Modern language departments.) Harvard law review. BPL. shelf-no. 5675.50 46 Institute of Jamaica. Journal. Taken also by NH 48 Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologic. Taken also by MZ. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Technologic fiir Fabrikanten, etc. Continued as Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologic. 49 Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung. See Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern. 54 Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. Taken also by BPL. (P. R. 826) 5619.2 55 Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. See Koenigl.-preussisches Landes-Oekonomie Kol- legium. Law book news. No longer published. Law journal report. Law times reports. 57 Lotus. No longer published. 58 Magazine of Americana. No longer published. Magyarorszagi Karpategyesulet. (Ungarischer Karpathen-Verein.) Jahrbuch. Taken also by NH 59 Mathematical visitor. No longer published. 60 Messiah pulpit. Taken also by DS 61 Microscope. For Per. room, read 7876.15 Mining society of Nova Scotia. Merged in the Canadian mining institution. Minnesota. Geological and natural history survey. Minnesota botanical studies. Taken also by NH 62 Missouri botanical garden. Annual report. Taken also by MH 63 Monthly illustrator. Title changed to Home and country. Morning Argus leader. See Daily Argus leader. Muenster, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Removed to Carlsruhe, then to Heidelberg. See Appendix. 64 Municipal engineering. Taken also by BPL. (P. R. 307) 8011.156 Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alterthumsfunde. 65 Naturalists' leisure hour. No longer published. 68 New York. Forest commission. Annual report. Taken also by AR. and BPL. 5843.12 69 New York botanical garden. Bulletin. Taken also by NH 70 Northwest horticulturist. Northwest, The. Title changed to Northwest magazine. Northwestern law review. No longer published. 71 Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. In note read Bullettino. 74 Pedagogical seminary. Taken also by BPL. (P. R. 154) 3594.102 Permanente Commission der internationalen Erdmessung. See Association geodesique Internationale. 75 Philosophical journal. For Chicago, read San Francisco. 77 Providence, R. I. Public library. Monthly bulletin. Add (P. R. 832) Quakeriana. Discontinued. 79 Recueil special des brevets d'invention. Revue des questions scientifiques. Louvain. Publiee par la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles. 81 Revue du christianisme pratique. Title changed to Revue du christianisme social. 82 Rivista filologico-letteraria. No longer published. 86 Sibley journal of mechanical engineering. 87 Sociedad de folk-lore andaluz. Folk-lore andaluz. No longer published. Sociedad geografica. Boletin. Taken also by AMC 89 Societe des sciences et lettres. Museon; revue internationale. Title changed to Museon et la Revue des religions. Societe entomologique de Belgique. Compte-rendu. Discontinued. Societe formee pour faciliter 1'etude pratique des diverses methodes de participation du personnel dans les benefices de 1'entreprise, Paris. Bulletin de la participation aux benefices. HC. (P. R. 525) 3560.101 90 Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France, Paris. Bulletin, m. AA. MZ. (P. R. 340) 5837.2. Insert immediately after Societe mineralogique, in place of Societe nationale d'agriculture de France. 91 Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies. Journal. Read BA. for AA. 92 Soziale Praxis. For News, room, read (P. R. 1164") 55603.46 Statesman's year-book. For 22903.50, read 2280.12 03 Teacher's college. Bulletin. Discontinued. 94 Texas academy of science. Transactions. Taken also by NH Corrections. 113 PAGE - Theologisch tijdschrift. 95 Times law reports. To-day. Discontinued. - Tropical agriculturist. 96 Ungarischer Karpathen-Verein. See Magyarorszagi Karpategyesulet. Unitarian. For Chicago, read Boston. United States. Agriculture, Dept. of. Division of biological survey. North American fauna. For 3902.64, read 5902.64 102 Vienna oriental journal. Discontinued. See Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Mor- genlandes. 103 Week. Discontinued. 104 Who won? The official American yacht record. NOTE. Since the completion of this list the bound volumes of the following periodicals have been transferred from the stacks of the Boston Public Library to the Periodical room, and should be called for there. American angler. American bookmaker. American cricketer. Badminton magazine. Book reviews. Bookman. Cumulative index to a selected list of peri- odicals. Current literature. Daheim. Deutsche Revue uber das gesamte nationale Leben der Gegenwart. Deutsche Rundschau. Economic journal. Economic review. Elite. Frank Leslie's popular monthly. Graphic. Home and country. (Formerly Monthly il- lustrator.) Journal of political economy. L. A. W. bulletin and Good roads. Ladies' home journal. Literary world. London. Munsey's magazine. National geographic magazine. Nouvelle revue. Opera glass. Public opinion. London. Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Revue de Belgique. Revue de Paris. Revue des deux mondes. Revue encyclopedique Larousse. Revue hebdomadaire. Revue hispanique. Revue politique et litteraire. Revue bleue. Speaker. Spirit of '76. Spirit of the times. Tablet. Theatrical world. Truth. Vie contemporaine. Vogue. Who won? Woman's world and the Jenness-Miller monthly. Writer. Yacht racing calendar and review. The following periodicals have been transferred from the Periodical room to the stacks. British almanac and companion. Missionary herald. 2489.1 5167-2 Manchester quarterly. 2503.53 INDEX. Literary and scientific periodicals of a general character are not entered in this index. Acclimatization. See also Zoology. Societe nationale d'acclimatation. See Corrections. Zoological and acclimatisation soci- ety. Actuarial societies. See also Insurance; Statistics. Actuarial society of America. Glasgow actuarial society. Institute of actuaries. Adulterations. Revue internationale des falsifica- tions. Aeronautics. Aeronaute. Aeronautjcal annual. Aeronautical society. Revue de 1'aeronautique. Zeitschrift fur Luftschifffahrt. Africa. Cape illustrated magazine. Mittheilungen von Forschungsrei- senden. Mouvement colonial. African colonization. Liberia. Agriculture. See also Agricultural experiment stations; Agricultural chemistry; Botany; Floriculture; Forestry; Fruit; Horticulture; Poultry. Agrj-horticultural society of India. Agricultural gazette. Agricultural science. American agriculturist. American cultivator. Amesbury and Salisbury agricultu- ral and horticultural society. Asociacion rural. Bath and west and southern coun- ties society. Calitornja cultivator. California state agricultural society. Connecticut. Board of agriculture. Cultivator Essex agricultural society. Farm journal. Farmer's almanac. Field, the farm, the garden. Florida farmer. Garden and field. Georgia. State dept. of agriculture. TTampden agricultural society. Highland agricultural society. Highland and agricultural society of Scotland. Hillside agricultural society. ITingham agricultural and horticul- tural society. TToosac valley agricultural society. ITousatonic agricultural society. Illinois. State board. Indiana. State board. Iowa state agricultural society. Journal d'apriculture pratique. Kaiserlich-koeniglich-maehnsch- ^schlesische Gesellschaft. Kaiscrlich - koenigliche landwirth- schaftliche Gesellschaft, Krain. Kaiserlich - koenigliche landwirth- schaftliche Gesellschaft, Linz. Kansas. State b9ard. Koeniglich-preussisches Landes-Oe- konomie Kollegium. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein, Mu- nich. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein des Grossherzqgthums Hessen. Louisiana. Bureau of agriculture. Maine. Board of agriculture. Maine farmer. Marshfield agricultural and horti- cultural society. Martha's Vineyard agricultural so- cety. Maryland farmer. Massachusetts. State board. Massachusetts ploughman. Massachusetts society for promot- ing agriculture. Michigan. State board. Middlesex North agricultural soci- ety. Middlesex South agricultural soc- ety. Milchzeitung. Montana. Bureau of agriculture. Nantucket agricultural society. National stockman. Nebraska. State board. New England farmer. New England homestead. New Jersey. State board. New South Wales. Dept. of mines. New York farmers. New York state agricultural society. Oekonomische Gesellschaft. Ohio. State board. Ontario. Dept. of agriculture. Pennsylvania. Agriculture of Penn- sylvania. Plymouth agricultural society. Prairie farmer. Prussia. Koenigl. - preussisches Ministerium fur Landwirthschaft. Queensland. Dept. of agriculture. Rhode Island. State board. Royal agricultural and commercial society of British Guiana. Royal agricultural society. Rural New Yorker. Sociedad nacional de agriculture. Sociedad rural argentina. Societe' nationale d'agriculture. South Australia. Dept. of agricul- ture. Sugar-beet. Tropical agriculturist. Turf, field and farm. U. S. Agric. dept. Verbesserter landwirthschaftlicher Hulfs- und Sclireib-Kalender. Verein fur die Rubenzucker-Indus- trie. Verein zur Beforderung dcr Land- wirthschaft. Vermont. State board. Victoria. Dept. of agriculture. Weymouth agricultural and indus- trial society. Wisconsin state agricultural society. Worcester agricultural society. Worcester county West agricultu- ral society. Worcester East agricultural society. Worcester North agricultural soci- ety. Agricultural chemistry. Association of official agricultural chemists. Centralblatt fur Agriculturchemie. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agricultur-Chernic. Revue de chimie industrielle. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of chemistry. Agricultural experiment stations. See also pages 2-4 of the main list. Landwirthschaftliche Versuchs-Sta- tionen. U. S. Agric. dept. Office of expe- riment stations. Algae. Phycological memoirs. Algeria. Antiquities. Societe archeologique. Almanacs. See Church almanacs; Ephemeri- des. Alpine clubs. See Mountaineering. Alsace, Germany. Alemannia. Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques. Aluminum. Aluminum world. America. Antiquities. American anthropologist. American antiquarian and oriental journal. American antiquarian society. American journal of archaeology. American museum of natural his- tory. Bulletin. American numismatic and archaeo- logical society. Archaeological institute. Canadian institute. Archaeological report. Davenport academy of natural sci- ences. Proceedings. Essex antiquarian. See Appendix. Field Columbian museum. Harvard university. Peabody mu- seum. International congress of Ameri- canists. Journal of American ethnology. Journal of American folk-lore. Museo dc La Plata. Seccion de arqueologia. Numismatic and antiquarian soci- ety. Ohio state archaeological and his- torical society. Princeton university. Museum of geology. Smithsonian institution. Bureau of ethnology. Societe des Americanistes. U. S. Interior dept. Geological survey. Contributions to North American ethnology. University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of archaeology; Museum of Ameri- can archaeology. Worcester societv of antiquity. America. History. See United States. Amusements. See Sports. Anarchy. See Socialism. Anatomy. See also Pathology; Physiology. Anatomische Gesellschaft. See Ap- pendix. Anatomische Hefte. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Archiv fiir Anatomic. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anato- mic. Ergebnisse der Anatomic. Journal de 1'anatomie. Journal of anatomy. Monthly international journal of anatomy. Regia universita degli studi, Rome. Regia universita degli studi, Siena. Regia universita degli studi, Turin. Regia universita di Genova. Anatomy. Bibliography. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Bibliocraphie anatomique. Angling. See Fishing. Animals. Sec Cruelty to animals; Zoology. Anjou, France. Societe des bibliophiles bretons. Anthropology. See also Ethnology; Folklore. Academy of anthropology. _ _ Akademija umiejetnosci, Komisyja antropologiczna. American anthropologist. Anthropological institute. Anthropological society, Washing- ton. Anthropological society of Tokio. Anthropologie. Anthropologische Gesellschaft. Archives d'anthropologie. Berliner Gesellschaft. Centralblatt fiir Anthropologie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthro- pologie. Ecole d'anthropologie. HsnepaTopeKoe odmecTao jiio(5HTeae8 eci- ecTiiosnuiiiji, aHTponojioriii H DTHO- rpaitin. International congress of prehis- toric anthropology. Koenigliches zoologisches und an- thropologisch - ethnographisches Museum. Muenchener Gesellschaft. Societa italiana di antropologia. Societe d'anthropologie de Bruxelles. Societe d'anthropologie de Lyon. Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Antiquities. See Archaeology. Arbitration, International. See International arbitration. Arboriculture. See Forestry. Archaeology. See also Anthropology: Ethnolo- gy; Folklore; Inscriptions; Nu- mismatics; Palaeography. And for archaeological periodicals on special subjects see the follow- ing headings: Bible antiquities; Index Church antiquities; Classical an- tiquities; Egyptian languages and antiquities ; Oriental languages and antiguities; Semitic languages and antiquities; and Antiquities under the following countries' Algeria: America: Austria-Hun- gary; Belgium; Byzantine Em- pire; England; Finland; France; Germanv; Greece; India; Ireland; Italy; Netherlands; Scandinavia; Scotland; Switzerland; Wales. American antiquarian and oriental journal. American journal of archaeology. American numismatic and archaeo- logical society. Antiquary. Archaeological institute of America. Archaeological journal. British archaeological association. Collector. France. Ministere de 1'instruction. Comite des travaux historiques. International congress of prehis- toric anthropology. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Universitat. Archaologisch-epigraphisches Se- minar. See Appendix. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Praehistorische Com- mission. Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Sel- skab. Memoires. Numismatic and antiquarian soci- ety. Reliquary. Revue archeologique. Societe nationale des antiquaires de France. Society of antiquaries, London. University of Cambridge. Museum of general and local archaeology. Archaeology. Bibliography. Index of archaeological papers. Architecture. See also Decoration and Orna- ment; Fine arts; Metal-work. Academy architecture. Allgememe Bauzeitung. American architect. American contractor. American homes. American institute of architects. Architect and contract reporter. Architectural recprd. Architectural review. Architecture, L'. Architecture and building. Architecture et sculpture. Asociacion de ingenieros. Associated architectural societies. Brick builder. British architect. Brochure series. Builder. Building news. Bulletin des constructeurs. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Collegio degli architetti. Collegio degli ingegneri. Construction moderne. Deutsche Bauzeitung. Edilizia moderna. Edinburgh architectural association. Engineering record. European architecture. Inland architect. Manufacturer and builder. Materiaux et documents d architec- ture. Menuiserie ebdnisterie. Moniteur des architectes. Nouvelles annales de la construc- tion. Oesterreichischer Ingemeur- und Architekten-Verein. Petits edifices historiques. Revue generale de 1'architecture. Royal institute of British architects. Scientific American. Building edi- tion. Semaine du batiment. "5 Shoppejl's modern houses. Societa degli ingegneri. Societe centrale des architectcs fran- ?ais. Society of architects. Technical art series of illustrations of Indian architectural decorative work. Tegninger af aeldre nordisk Archi- tektur. Wiener Bauindustrie-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir Architektur. Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen. Argentine Republic. Museo de La Plata. Army See also Artillery; Military engi- neering: Military medicine; Navy Army and navy gazette. Army and navy register. Army and navy year book. ^rance. Ministere de la guerre tyand army record. Hart s new annual army list. Journal des sciences militaires. Maine bugle. Mijitar-wissenschaftlicher Verein Military historical society of Massa- chusetts. Military service institution of the United States. Navy & army. Neue militansche Blatter Revue d'infanterie. Royal united service institution. hoectateur militaire. United service. United service magazine. I'. S. War dept. United States army and navy jour- nal. United States cavalry association. United States military academy. Artillery. Ancient and honorable artillery company. Journal of the United States artil- lery. Revue d'artillerie. Rivista di artiglieria. U. S. War dept. Chief of ordnance. Aryan languages. Beitrage zur Kunde der indoger- mamschen Sprachen. Indogermanische Forschungen. Asia. See also Oriental languages and antiquities. Asiatic society of Bengal. Asiatic society of Japan. Imperial and Asiatic quarterly re- view. Royal Asiatic society. Royal Asiatic society. Ceylon branch. See Appendix. Societa asiatica italiana. See Ap- pendix. Societe asiatique. T'oung Pao. Assyria. See Oriental languages and an- tiquities; Semitic languages and antiquities. Astronomy. See also Astro-physics; Ephemeri- des; Meteorology; Terrestrial phy- sics. Annuaire astronomique. Astronomical and physical society. Astronomical journal. Astronomical society of the Pacific. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Astro- nomische Nachrichten. Berlin. Koenigliche Sternwarte. Besancon, Observatoire. Bordeaux, Observatoire. British astronomical association. Brussels, Observatoire royal. Cape of Good Hope, Royal observa- tory. Carleton college. Observatory. n6 Index Ciel et terre. Columbia college. Observatory. Cordova, Observatprio. Darlington, Walsinghatn observa- tory. Dresden, B. d'Engclhardt observa- tory. Durban, Natal observatory. Edinburgh, Royal observatory. France. Bureau des longitudes. France. Ministere de 1'instruction. Rapport sur les observatoires de province. Glasgow, Missouri, Morrison ob- servatory. Goettingen, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Greenwich. Royal observatory. Harvard university. Astronomical observatory. Heidelberg, Grossherzogliche Stern- warte. See Appendix. Himmel und Erde. llMuepaiopcKaa BapmaBCKaa oOcepBa- Topu. IInnepaTopcuifl KaaaiiCKiil yHiiBepcmerb. HMneparopCKia MoCEOBCKifi TOTT,. OCcopsaTopia. HxnepaTODcuiS Xapi.uoBcuia ynHBepca- Ten,. OftcepsaTopia. Institut de France. Academic des sciences. Jahrbuch der Astronomic. Jornal de sciencjas mathematicas. Kaiserlich - koenigliches Gradmes- sungs-Bureau. Kalocsa, Haynald Observatorium. Kiel, Sternwarte. Koeniglich-rheinischeFriedrich-Wil- helms-Universitat. Sternwarte. Koenigsberg, Koenigliche Albertus- Universitat. Sternwarte. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-aka- demien. La Plata, Observatorio. Leyden, Sterrewacht. Liverpool astronomical society. London, Regent's Park. George Bishop's observatory. Lyons, Observatoire. Madras, Observatory. Melbourne, Observatory. Milan, Reale osservatorio. Nice, Observatoire. Norske Gradmaalingskommission. Observatory. Oxford, Radcliffe observatory. Palermo, Reale osservatorio. Paris. Observatoire. Popular astronomy. Prague, Kaiserlich - koenigliche Sternwarte. Quito, Observatorio. Regia universita degli studi. Reale osservatorio. Rio de Janeiro, Observatorio. Rome, Specola vaticana. Rousdon, Observatory. Royal astronomical society. PyccKoe acTponoMuiocKoe oOmecTBo. Saint Petersburg. HincojaencKaa r.iaeuaa acTpoHOMHiocsaa oScepoaTopia. San Fernando, Institute y observa- torio. San Salvador, Observatorio. Science observer. Sirius. Societe astronomique de France. Societe beige d'astronomie. Socie'te scientifique Flammarion. Sydney, N. S. Wales. Government observatory. Tacubaya, Observatorio. Toulouse, Observatoire. Trieste, Kaiserlich-koeniglich-astro- nomisch - meteorologisches Ob- servatorium. Trinity college, Dublin. Observa- tory. United States naval observatory. University of California. Lick ob- servatory. University of Cambridge. Astro- nomical observatory. University of Chicago. Verkes ob- servatory. University of Cincinnati. Observa- tory. University of Denver. Chamberlain observatory. University of Glasgow. Observa- tory. University of Oxford. Observatory. University of Virginia. Leander McCormick observatory. University of Wisconsin. Wash- burn observatory. Vienna, Kaiserlich-koenigliche Uni- versitat. Sternwarte; Kuffner'sche Sternwarte. West Hendon House observatory. Yale. Astronomical observatory. Astro-physics. Astrophysical journal. O-Gyalla, Astrophysikalisches Ob- servatorium. Potsdam, Astrophysikalisches Ob- servatorium. Austria-Hungary. Antiqui- ties. Archaeologisch-epigraphische Mit- theilungen. Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Hrvatsko arkeologicko druztvo, Agram. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Central Com- mission. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Praehistorische Com- mission. Magyar tudomanyos akademia. Austria-Hungary. History. Archiv fur osterreichische Ge- schichte. Geschichtsverein und Naturhisto- risches Landesmuscum in Karn- ten. Autographs. Collector. Repertoire des ventes publiques. Auvere-ne, France. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Clermont-Ferrand. Baar, Germany. Ycrein fur Geschichte und Natur- geschichte der Baar. Babylon. See also Semitic languages and antiquities. Babylonian & oriental record. Bacon, Lord. Baconiana. Bacteriology. See also Microscopy. Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie. Institut Pasteur. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den Gahrungs- Organismen. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikroorganismen. Journal of pathology and bacteri- ology. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infec- tionskrankheiten. Ballads. Ballad society. Baltic Provinces, Bussia. Gesellschaft fur Geschichte. Banking. See also Bonds; Investment; Money; Stocks. Banker and tradesman. Banker's almanac. Bankers', insurance managers' and agents' magazine. Bankers' magazine. Canada. Report of the chartered banks. Institute of bankers. Revue des banques. Banking law. Banking law journal. Baptist church. Baptist review. Christian secretary. Watchman. Xion's advocate. Bavaria. Historischcr Verein fur die Ober- pfalz. Beer. See Brewing. Beet sugar. Sugar-beet. Verein fur die Rubenzucker-Indus- trie. Belgium. Antiquities. Academic d'archeologie. Belgium. Ministere de 1'interieur. Institut archeologique liegeois. Revue beige de numismatique. Belgium. History. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts. Com- mission royale. Institut roval grand-ducal de Luxem- bourg. Section historique. Bengal. Asiatic society of Bengal. Bible. See also Bible antiquities; Re- ligion and Theology. Bible society monthly reporter. Bible society record. Bible treasury. Biblical world. British and foreign Bible society. Ecole pratique d'etudes btbliques. Expositor. Expository times. Jewish quarterly review. Journal of Biblical literature. Societe des etudes juives. Theologisch tijdschrift. Theologische Studien und Kritiken. Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Bible. Bibliography. Theologischer Jahresbericht. Bible antiquities. Biblia. Deutscher Palaestina Verein. Palestine exploration fund. IIpiiKoc.iauHuii DajiecTHHCKiu cfiopmiKt. Society of Biblical archaeology. Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Bibliography. See also Libraries. Special bibliographies are also en- tered under their subjects. Allgemeine Bibliographic derStaats- und Rechtswissenschaften. Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon. Amateur de livres. American book-prices. American Unitarian association. Annuaire de la presse franchise. Annual American catalogue. Anzeiger fur die neueste padago- gische Litterattir. Archives du bibliophile. Arskatalog for svenska bokhandeln. Associazione tipografico-libraria. Bibliographia sociologica. Bibliographica. Bibliographical society. Bibliographic anatomique. Bibliographic de Belgique. Bibliographic und literarischc Chro- nik der Schweiz. P.ibliographische adversaria. Bibliographischer Monat.sbericht uber neu erschienene Schul- und Universitatsschriften. Bibliotcca dei glosr.atori. Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. See Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele. Bibliotheca philologica. Bibliotheca theologica. li'L.irupcKo i;nn;iioiiuo ApysocrBo. Boletin de la libreria. Book buyer. Book news. Book notes. Book-prices current. Book reviews. Bookman. Bookseller. Brinkman's alphabetische lijst. See Appendix. Bulletin bibliographique protestante. Bulletin des libraires. Bulletin des publications nouvelles. Bulletin des spmmaires. Bulletin du bibliophile. Bulletin mensuel de la librairie frangaise. Canadian bookseller. Canadian catalogue. Catalogue annuel de la librairie francaise. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie frangaise. Collector. Correio litterario. Courrier du livre. Dansk Bogfortegnelse. Deutscher Journal-Katalog. English catalogue. Germany. Ministerium des Cultus. Hinrichs fiinfjahriger Biicher-Cata- log. Index biblio-iconographique. Index medicus. Index of archaeological papers. Journal general de I'imprimerie. Just's Botanischer Jahresbericht. Kayser, Christian Gottlob. Voll- standiges Biicher-Lexicon. KHHSHHU B^CTHUKI. Librairie Damascene Morgand. Mitteilungen der Verlagsbuchhand- lung B. G. Teubner. Monatlicher Anzeiger iiber Novita- ten und Antiquaria aus dem Ge- biete der Medicin. Monthly list of parliamentary pa- pers. Musikalisch - literarischer Monats- bericht. Nachrichten aus dem Buchhandel. Nederlandsche bibliographic. Naturae novitates. New book list. New England historic-genealogical society. New England bibliopo- list. Nordisk Boghandlertidende. Orientalische Bibliographic. Parliamentary papers. Pettingill & co's Newspaper direc- tory. Polybiblion. Polytechnische Bibliothek. Przewodnik bibliograficzny miesie- cznik dla wydawcow, . . . Cracow. Publishers' circular. Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' weekly. Repertoire des ventes publiques. Revue bibliographique beige. Societe des bibliophiles contempo- rains. Sveriges periodiska litteratur. See Appendix. U. S. Government printing office. Superintendent of documents. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Buch- handel neu erschienencn und neu aufgelegten Biicher. Verzeichniss der erschienenen Mu- sikalien. Vierteljahrs-Katalog. Whitaker's reference catalogue. Woechentliches Verzeichnis. Zeitschrift fur hebraische Bibliogra- phic. Index Bicycling. See also Sports. Bicycling world. L. A. W. bulletin and Good roads. Bimetallism. Bimetallist. See Appendix. Biology. See also Bacteriology; Botany; Embryology; Marine biology; Mi- croscopy; Physiology; Zoology. Archives de biologic. Archives italiennes de biologic. Biological society of Washington. Biologische Untersuchungen. Biologisches Centralblatt. Biologiska forening. Cellule. Columbia college. Biological series. IlMnupaTopcuaa aica^oMiji iiayKt. M.6- langes biologicjues. Johns Hopkins university. Mem- oirs; Studies. Leland Stanford junior university. Publications. Liverpool biological society. Owens college. Studies. Revue biologique. Societe de biologic. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of bio- logical survey. Zeitschrift fur Biologic. Zoe. Birds. See Ornithology. Boards of health. See also entries under the differ- ent states of the United States in the main list. Massachusetts association of boards of health. National conference of state boards of health. Boards of trade. Board of trade journal. National board of trade. Bohemia. Archiv fur die naturwissenschaft- v liche Landesdurchtorschung. Cesky hd. Bonds. See also Investments. Bond record. Books. See also Bibliography; Book- plates; Copyright; Printing. American bookmaker. Papier-Zeitung. Bookplates. Book plate annual. Ex libris society. Ex-libris-Verein. Boots and Shoes. Shoe and leather reporter. Boston. Bostonian society. Botany. See also Agriculture; Biology; Floriculture ; Horticulture. Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift. American journal of pharmacy. Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique. Annals of botany. Asa Gray bulletin. Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. Berlin. Koeniglich-botanischer Gar- ten. Botanical gazette. Botanical magazine. Botanical society of Edinburgh. Botanische Jahrbucher. Botanische Zeitung. Botanischer Verein. Botanisches Centralblatt. Botaniska notiser. Botaniske Forening. Botaniste. Buitenzorg, Java. Jardin botanique. Calcutta. Royal botanic garden. Canada. Geological survey. Columbia college. Dept. of botany; Herbarium. Correspondance botanique. Curtis's botanical magazine. Deutsche botanische Gesellschaft. Deutsche botanische Monatsschrift. Finska vetenskaps societet, Helsing- fors. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro fauna et flora Fennica. Erythea. Garden and forest. Gardeners' chronicle. Harvard unversity. Gray herba- rium. Hedwigia. Herbier Boissier. Hooker's Icones plantarum. India. Botanical survey. Jahrbuecher fur wissenschaftlichc Botanik. Jamaica. Botanical department. Journal de botanique. Journal of botany. Just's Botanischer Jahresbcricht. Kaiserlich - koenigfich - zoologisch- botanische Gesellschaft. Kew, Royal gardens. Kew guild. Koeniglich - bayerische botanische Gesellschaft. Kruidkundig genootschap. Linnaean fern bulletin. Linnean society, London. Magyar novenytani lapok. Malpighia. Minnesota. Geological and natural history survey. Missouri botanical garden. New York. State botanist. New York botanical garden. Nuovo giornale botanico. Oesterreichische botanische Zeit- schrift. Phycological memoirs. gueensland. Dept. of agriculture, eale istituto botanico. Revue bryologique. Revue generate de botanique. Revue norticole. Saint Petersburg. limiepaTopcitiH Caur- iieTepOyprcKiii OoTanuiecKiu ca,i,i,. Societa botanica italiana. Societ6 botanique de France. Soci6te botanique du grand-duche de Luxembourg. Societe francaise de botanique. Socidte royale de botanique. Torrey botanical club. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of bot any; Division of chemistry. University of Pennsylvania. Botan- ical laboratory. Botany. Bibliography. Just's Botanischer Jahresbericht. Bottling. National bottlers' gazette. Brain. See Nervous system; Psychology. Brazil. Institute historico. Brewing. Brewers' journal. Bricks. See also Pottery. Brick. Brickbuilder. Bridges. See also Civil engineering. Annales des ponts. Ecole des ponts. British Guiana. Royal agricultural and commercial society. Brittany. Societe des bibliophiles bretons. Brookline, Mass. Brqokline historical publication so- ciety. n8 Index Sagamore. Buddhism. Pali text society. Journal. Building. See Architecture. Business. See Commerce. Byzantine Empire. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Cabinet work. See Furniture. Cactus. Baltimore cactus journal. California. Historical society of Southern Cali- fornia. Investor. Los_ Angeles. Land of sunshine. Canada, Dominion of. His- tory. Canada. Report on Canadian arch- ives. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Literary and historical society of Quebec. Nova Scotia historical society. Carinthia, Austria. Geschichtsverein. Carpentry. See Wood-work. Carpets. See also Textile fabrics; Uphol- stery. American carpet and upholstery trade. Carpet and upholstery trade review. Carriages. See also Motor carriages. Hub. Cars. See also Railroads. American engineer. Master car-builders' association. Catholic church. See Roman catholic church. Cattle. National stockman. Cavalry. See also Army. United States cavalry association. Caves. Societe de speleologie. Celtic languages. Gaelic journal. Revue celtique. Royal Irish academy. Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. Celts. See also Wales. Revue celtique. Charities. See also Hospitals; Missions. Association monthly. Benevolent fraternity of churches. Biblewomen and nurses. Burdett's Hospitals and charities. Charities record. Charities review. Charity organisation /eview. Charity organization society. Illinois. Board of public charities. Koenigliches Charite-Krankenhaus. Lend a hand. National conference of charities. Philadelphia society for organizing charity. Philanthropist. Sheltering arms. Societe internationale pour 1'etude des questions d'assistance. Society for organising charitable re- lief. State charities aid association. Toynbee record. Chaucer. Chaucer society. Chemical technology. See Technical chemistry. Chemistry. See also Agricultural chemis- try; Electrochemistry; Pharmacy; Physics; Technical chemistry. Actualites chimiques. See Appen- dix. American chemjcal journal. American chemical society. Analyst. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Annales de chimie. Chemical news. Chemical society of London. Chemical society of Washington. Chemiker-Zeitung. Chemisches Central-Blatt. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Gazzetta chimica. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift. llMnttpaTopCKifi CaHKTnoTepOyprcicii! ynu- BepCHTerB. H3iiKo-XiiMiiiecKoe 06- Tahrbuch der Chemie. Jahrbuch der Erfindungcn und Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der reinen Chemie. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Jahres-Bericht uber die Fortschritte der Thier-Chemie. Journal fur praktische Chemie. ournal of physical chemistry. See Appendix. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Kentucky. Geological survey. Chem- ical reports. Monatshefte fur Chemie. Popular science news. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. Societe chimique de Paris. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of chemistry. Vierteljahrsschrift fiber die Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Ge- nussmittel. Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. Zeitschrift fur anorganische Chemie. Zeitschrift fur den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Chemistry. Bibliography. American chemical society. Chemisches Centralblatt. Cheshire, England. Cheshire notes and queries. Historic society. Record society. Chihuahua, Mexico. Revista de Chihuahua. Children. Diseases. American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. American pediatric society. Archiv fur Kinderheilkunde. Archives of pediatrics. Tahrbuch fur Kinderheilkunde. Revue mensuelle des maladies de 1'enfance. Chile. Diario oficial. China. See also Oriental languages and antiquities. China review. Royal Asiatic society of Great Bri- tain. China. See Pottery. China painting. China decorator. Christian art. Revue de 1'art chretien. Zeitschrift fur christliche Ktinst. Christian science. Christian science journal. Chronometry. Besangon, Observatoire. Chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum year book. Church almanacs. American church almanac. Canadian congregational year book. Church of England. Official year book. Congregational year-book. France ccclesiastique. Illustrated catholic family annual. Sadliers' catholic directory. Year-book of the Unitarian congre- gational churches. Church antiquities. Bulletin d'histoire et d'archeologie rcligieuse du diocese de Dijon. Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Church history. American catholic historical re- searches. American Jewish historical society. American society of church history. Archiv fur Literatur und ivirchen- geschichte des Mittelalters. Bulletin d'histoire et d'archeologie religieuses du diocese de Dijon. Commission de 1'histoire des eglises wallonnes. Jewish historical society of Eng- land. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und \Vissenschaft des Judenthums. Revue de 1'histoire des religions. Societe de 1'histoire du protestan- tisme frangais. Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte. Church law. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Kirchen- recht. Church of England. Church of England. Official year book. Church quarterly review. Clergy list. Crockford's clerical directory. Daybreak. Guardian. Cigars. Cigar makers' official journal. Civil engineering. See also Engineering; Geodesy; Railroads; Sanitary engineering; Water supply. Allgemeine Bauzeitung. American society of civil engineers. Annales des ponts. Association of engineering societies. Association of engineers of Virginia. Association of Ontario land sur- veyors. Belgium. Ministere de 1'agricul- ture et des travaux publics. Canadian society. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Deutsche Bauzeitung. Engineering association of N. S. Wales. Engineering news. Engineering record. Engineering society of the School of practical science. Engineers' club. Engineers' society of Western Penn- sylvania. Genie civil. Illinois society. Incorporated association of munici- pal and county engineers. Indiana engineering society. Institution of cviil engineers, Lon- don. Institution of surveyors. Iowa society. Liverpool engineering society. Michigan engineers' annual. Midland institute. Municipal engineering. Nouvelles annales de la construc- tion. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein. Ohio society. Ontario school of practical science. Rensselaer society of engineers. Saechsischer Ingenieur- und Archi- tekten-Verein. Societe des ingenieurs civils. Surveyor. London. Technical society of the Pacific coast. Western society of engineers. Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen. Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen. See Appendix. Civil service reform. Civil service chronicle. Good government. National civil service reform league. U. S. Civil service commission. Classical antiquities. See also Classical languages; Greece. Antiquities; Italy. An- tiquities. Academic d'archeologie de Bel- gique. American journal of archaeology. Archaeological institute. Archaeologisch - epigraphische Mit- theilungen aus Oesterreich. Berliner Studien fur classische Phi- lologie und Archaeologie. Handbuch der klassischen Alter- tums-Wissenschaft. See Appen- dix. HmnepaTopcEaa aEa^eMia HayKt. Me'- langes grdco-romains. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissen- schaft. Kaiserlich - deutsches archaeolo- gisches Institut. Reale accademia dei Lincei. Revue archeologique. Revue des revues. Societe archeologique du departe- ment de Constantine. Classical antiquities. Bibli- ography. Kaiserlich - deutsches archaeologi- sches Institut. Jahrbuch. Classical languages. See also Greek language; Latin language. Berliner philologische \V ochen- schrift. Berliner Studien fur classische Phi- lologie und Archaeologie. See Appendix. Blaetter fur das bayerische Gymna- sialschulwesen. Breslauer philologische Abhand- lungen. See Appendix. Classical review. Cornell university. Studies in clas- sical philology. Grossherzogliche und herzoghche sachsische Gesamt - Universitat. Seminarium philologorum. See Appendix. Handbuch der klassischen Alter- tums-Wissenschaft. See Appen- dix. Harvard university. Harvard stud- ies. Hermathena. Hermes. llMuepaTopcsaa aitaseMia nayst. Me- langes gr^co-romains. Leipziger Studien. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissen- schaft. Journal of philology. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universitat. Dis- sertationes philologicae Argento- ratenses. See Appendix, xaiserlich-koenigliche Universitat. Ka Dissertationes philologae. See Ap- pendix. Index Mnemosyne. Neue Jahrbiicher fur Philologie. Neue philologische Rundschau. I'hilologische Untersuchungen. Philologus. Revue de 1'instruction publique en Belgique. Revue de philologie. Rheinisches Museum. Rivista di filologia. Verein deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. See Appendix. Wochenschrift fur klassische Phi- Iplogie. Zeitschrift fiir das Gymnasialwesen. Zeitschrift ftir die osterreichischen Gymnasien. Supplement. Wiener Studien. Clay. See Pottery. Climatology. See Acclimatization; Meteorology. Clothing. See Fashion. Coal. See also Minerals; Mines and Mining. American manufacturer. Colliery engineer. Colliery guardian. Coins. See Numismatics. College and School papers. Amherst student. Boston college Stylus. Bowdoin orient. Cambridge university reporter. Colby oracle. Columbia spectator. Dartmouth literary monthly. Delta Kappa Epsilon quarterly. E. H. S. record. Grotonian. Harvard advocate. Harvard crimson. Harvard graduates' magazine. Harvard lampoon. Harvard monthly. . . International association training school notes. Kansas university quarterly. Latin school register. Post-graduate and Wooster quar- terly. Pratt institute monthly. Round table. Sewanee review. Southern workman and Hampton school record. Stevens indicator. Tech. Technic. Technique. Technograph. Technology quarterly. Tennessee university magazine. Transit. Tuftonian. Tufts weekly. University beacon. University of Chicago. University record. University of Virginia. Alumni bul- letin. Williams literary monthly. Xavier. Yale banner. Yale alumni weekly. Yale literary magazine. Collee-es and Universities. See also Education; and names of institutions of learning in the main list. American college and public school directory. American university magazine. Annali delle universita toscane. Association of colleges and prepara- tory schools, in the Middle states. Bachelor of arts. Cambridge review. "9 Citizen. Commission of colleges in New England on admission examina- tions. Deutscher Universitats-Kalender. Graduate courses. Minerva. New England association of col- leges and preparatory schools. \ erem deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. See Appendix. Commerce. See also Banking; Investments; Statistics; Useful and Industrial arts. American contractor. Banker and tradesman. Bayensche Handelszeitung. Board of trade journal. Boston commercial. Boston journal of commerce. Boston merchants' association. Bradstreet's. British Columbia commercial jour- nal. British trade journal. Bulgaria. Bureau de statistique. Business. Chicago journal of commerce. Chile. Oficina dc estadistica. China. Inspector general of cus- toms. Cincinnati commercial tribune. Cincinnati price current. Commercial advertiser. Commercial and financial chronicle. Commercial bulletin. Boston Commercial bulletin. N. Y. Commercial herald and market re- view. Commercial year book. Economist. Jiconomiste frangais. Financial news. Financial review. France. Ministere du commerce. Gewerbeblatt fur das Grossherzog- thum Hessen. Goteborgs handel och sjofarts tid- ning. Greece. Ministere des finances. Home market bulletin. India. Dept. of finance. Jornal do commercio. Liverpool journal of commerce. Mining journal. Monde economique. National board of trade. New York journal of commerce. Tradesman. U. S. Agric. dept. Section of for- eign markets. U. p. Interstate commerce com- mission. U. S. State dept. Bureau of sta- tistics. U. S. Treasury dept. Bureau of statistics. Verkehrszeitung. Commercial law. See also Law. Revue de droit commercial. Zeitschrift fur das gesammte Han- delsrecht. Comparative anatomy. See Anatomy. Concliology. See Mollusks. Congregational (trinitarian) church. Advance. Canadian congregational year book. Christian mirror. Congregational record. Congregational year-book. Congregationalism Kingdom. Nebraska congregational news. Pacific, The. Pilgrim teacher. Religious herald. 120 Index Connecticut. Connecticut historical society. Connecticut quarterly . Kairfield county historical society. New Haven colony historical soci- ety. New London county historical soci- ety. Constance, Lake. Yerein fur Geschichte des Boden- see's. Cookery. See also Food. Table talk. What to eat. Cooperation. See also Labor. Almanach de la cooperation fran- gaise. American co-operative news. Co-operative news. Labor copartnership. Societe formee pour faciliter I'e'tude pratique des diverses methodes de participation. See Corrections. Copyright. Bureau de 1'Union Internationale. Propriet6 industrielle. Trade marks journal. Corea. Korean repository. Corporations. National corporation reporter. Costume. See Fashion. Cotton. See also Textile fabrics. Ellison's cotton report. New England cotton manufacturers' association. Cremation. Urn, The. Cricket. See also Sports. American cricketer. Criminal law. Criminal law magazine. Federal and state criminal reporter. Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Straf- rechtswissenschaft. Cruelty to animals. Animals' friend. Journal of zoophily. Our dumb animals. Thier- u. Menschenfreund. Cryptogams. Hedwigia. Linnaean fern bulletin. Crystallography. See also Minerals. Giornale di mineralogia. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie. Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Early settlers' association. Dante. Dante society. Giornale dantesco. Decoration and Ornament. See also Metal-work. Arte italiana decorativa. Artist, photographer and decorator. China decorator. Decorator and furnisher. Dekorative Vorbilder. Formenschatz. Furniture and decoration. Journal-rnanuel de peintures. Portafoglio delle arti decorative. Portefeuille des arts decoratifs. Revue des arts decoratifs. Technical art series of illustrations of Indian architectural decorative work. Delaware. Historical society of Delaware. Dendrology. See Forestry. Denmark. See also Scandinavia. Danske Magazin. Dentistry. American journal of dental science. Dental cosmos. Dental register. Dental review. Harvard university. Dental school. Items of interest. Dermatology. See Skin diseases. Digestive organs. See Stomach. Dijon, France. Bulletin d'histoire et d'archeologie religieuses. Diplomacy. See also International law. Almanach de Gotha. Archives diplomatiques. Giornale araldico. Memorial diplomatique. Revue diplomatique. Societe d histoire diplomatique. Domestic economy. See also Cookery; Food. Good housekeeping. Drama. See also Music. Almanach des spectacles. Annales du theatre. Dunlap society. Era almanac. Opera glass. Revue d'art dramatique. Theatre. Theatrical world. Dress. See Fashion. Drugs. See Pharmacy. Dutch East Indies. See Netherlands Indies. Dutch language. See also Germanic languages; Modern languages. 'T daghet in den oosten. Gids. Maatschappij der nederlandsche let- terkunde. Museum. Maandblad voor philolo- gie. Noord en zuid. Ons volksleven. Dyeing. Faerber-Zeitung. Moniteur de la teinture. Society of dyers. Textile colorist. Ear and Eye. American annals of the deaf. American ophthalmological society. American otological society. Annales des maladies de 1 oreille. Archiv fur Ophthalmologie. Archives of ophthalmology. Archives of otology. Centralblatt fur praktische Augen- heilkunde. Monatsschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Ophthalmic review. Royal London ophthalmic hospital. Earthquakes. Constantinople, Observatoire. Seismological journal of Japan. Ecclesiastical history. See Church history. Ecclesiastical law. See Church law. Education. See also Cojleges and Universi- tis; Industrial education; Physi- cal education; Schools. Academische Revue. American institute of instruction. American primary teacher. See Ap- pendix. American teacher. Annuaire de 1'enseignement pri- maire. Baccalaureat es sciences. Blaetter fur das bayerische Gymna- sialschulwesen. Brookline education society. Bulletin des cours. Chautauquan. Columbia college. Contributions to philosophy. Comenius-Gesellschaft. Deutsche Blatter fiir erziehenden Unterricht. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur auslancli- sches Unterrichtswesen. Education. Education, L*. Educational review. Englische Studien. France. Ministere de 1'mstruction publique. Grossherzogliche und herzoghche sachsische Gesamt - Universitat. Aus dem padagogischen Seminar. Inland educator, apan. Dept. of education, ohn F. Slater fund, "ournal of education. Boston, ournal of education. London, ournal of pedagogy. Kindergarten magazine. Ligue fran?aise de I'enseignement. Neue Jahrbucher fiir Philologie. Neuere Sprachen. New education. Paedogogische Studien. Paedagogischer Jahresbericht. Paedagogisches Archiv. Peabody education fund. Pedagogical seminary. Public-school journal. Revista de la mstruccion publica. Revue de 1'instruction publique en Belgique. Revue des cours et conferences. Revue des cours litteraires. Revue pedagogique. Rivista di filologia. School board chronicle. School review_. Sociedade de instrucg3o do Porto. Socit de I'enseignement superieur. Teacher's world. U. S. _ Interior dept. Bureau of ed- ucation. Verein fur wissenschaftliche Pada- ?ogik. Wiener padagogische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift fur das Gymnasialwesen. Zeitschrift fur den deutschen Unter- richt. Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. Zeitschrift fur die osterreichischen Gymnasien. Zeitschrift fiir mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unter- richt. Education. Bibliography. Anzeiger fur die neueste padagogi- sche Litteratur. Wegweiser durch die padagogische Literatur. E &yP tian languages and an- tiquities. See also Oriental languages and antiquities. Egypt exploration fund. Institut egyptien. Mission archeologique franchise au Caire. Revue 6gyptologique. Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde. Index 121 Electric lighting. See also Electricity. Eclairage electrique. Journal du gaz. National electric light association. Electric railroads. See also Railroads; Street rail- roads. Electric railway gazette. Johnston's Electrical and street rail- way directory. Electricity. See also Electric lighting; Elec- tric railroads; Electrical engineer- ing; Electrochemistry. Annuaire de I'electricite. Bulletin international de 1'electri- cite. Cornell university. Electrical soci- ety. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Elektro- _ technik. Eclairage electrique. Electrical age. Electrical review. London. Electrical review. N. Y. Electrical world. Electrician. Electrician, electrical trades' direc- tory and handbook. Electricien. Electricity. Elektrotechnik Verein, Vienna. Elektrotechnische Rundschau. Elektrotechnischer Vere_in. Formulaire de 1'electricien. Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik. Industrie electrique. Journal du gaz et de P61ectricite. Mining and scientific press. Societe beige d'electriciens. Societe internationale des electri- ciens. Western electrician. Electrical engineering. American institute of electrical en- gineers. Electrical engineer. Electrical engineering. Institution of electrical engineers. Electrochemistry. Deutsche elektrochemische Gesell- schaft. Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologic. Electrotherapeutics. American electro-therapeutic associ- ation. Embryology. See also Anatomy. Archiv fur Anatomic und Physiolo- gic. Anatomische Abtheilung. Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Archiv fur mikroskopische Anato- mie. Ergebnisse der Anatomic und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte. Engineering. See also Architecture ; Civil _ en- gineering; Electrical engineering; Mechanical engineering; Military engineering; Mines and Mining; Naval architecture ; Railroads ; Sanitary engineering; Technolo- gy; Useful and Industrial arts; Water supply. Asociacion de ingenieros. Cassier's magazine. Collegio degli architetti ed in- gegneri. Collegio degli ingegneri. Engineer. London. Engineer. N. Y. Engineer's year book of formula 1 . Engineering. Engineering magazine. France. Ministere des travaux pu- blics. Indian engineer. Massachusetts institute of technol- ogy. Engineering laboratory. National association of fire engin- eers. Revue technique. Societa degli ingegneri. L T niversity of Minnesota. University of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Engineering. Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift fur Architektur und In- genieurwesen. Engineering. Bibliography. Engineering magazine. England. Antiquities. See also Notes and queries. Antiquary. Archaeologia .ffiliana. Archaeologia Cambrensis. Archaeologia Cantiana. Archaeological journal. Berks, Bucks & Oxon archaeological journal. Bristol and Gloucestershire archaeo- logical society. British archaeological association. Cambridge antiquarian society. Clifton antiquarian club. See Ap- pendix. Cumberland and Westmoreland an- tiquarian and archaeological soci- ety. Essex archaeological society. Herts genealogist. Lancashire and Cheshire antiqua- rian notes. London and Middlesex notebook. Norfolk and Norwich archaeological so_ciety. Reliquary. Society of antiquaries. Somersetshire archaeological and natural history society. Suffolk institute of archaeology. Surrey archaeological society. Sussex archaeological society. University of Cambridge. Museum of general and local archaeology. William Salt archaeological society. Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. Yorkshire archaeological and topo- graphical association. England. History. See also Notes and Queries. British record society. Camden society. Chetham society. English historical review. Great Britain. Public recorVi office; Royal commission on historical manuscripts. Hakluyt society. Hampshire record society. Harleian society. Historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Huguenot society of London. Jewish historical society of Eng- land. Middlesex county record society. Navy records society. North Riding record society. Oxford historical society. Pipe roll society. Record society for the publication of original documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. - Royal historical society. Somerset record society. Surtees society. Thoresby society. English language. See also Germanic languages; Modern languages. Anglia. Beiblatt. Camden society. Chaucer society. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Dialect notes. Early English text society. Englische Studien. English dialect society. Erlanger Beitrage zur englischcn Philologie. See Appendix. Jurnal ov orthoepi. Poet-lore. Scottish text society. Surtees society. Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Phi- lologie. See Appendix. Engraving. See also Fine arts. Engraver. Internationale chalkographische Ge- sellschaft. Entomology. Academy of natural sciences. En- tomological section. Canadian entomologist. Deutsche entomologische Gesell- schaft. Entomological society of London. Entomological society of Ontario. Entomological society of Washing- ton. Entomologische Nachrichten. Entomologischer Verein, Berlin. Entomologischer Verein, Stettin. Entomologiska forening. Entomologist. Entomologists' monthly magazine. Illinois. State entomologist. Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging. New York. State entomologist. Ormerod. Report of observations of injurious insects. Psyche. PyccKoe enTOMojiorniecKoe oCmecTno. Schweizerische entomologische Ge- sellschaft. Societa entomologica. Societe entomologique de Belgique. Societe entomologique de France. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of en- tomology. Verein fur schlesische Insekten- kunde. Wiener entomologische Zeitung. Ephemerides. Berlin, Koenigl. Sternwarte. Ber- liner astronomisches Jahrbuch. Brussels, Observatoire royal. An- nuaire. France. Bureau des longitudes. An- nuaire; Connaissance des temps; Ephemerides des etoiles. HjraepaTopCBiB TOpi.eBCJtiS ynHBepCH- TeTt. OOcepsaTopia. Zeitstern-Ephe- meriden. Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris. Regia universitd degli studi, Turin. Reale osservatorio. Effemeridi del sole. PyccEoe acTpOHOMuiecBoe oCmecTBo. i5plionii5ri(lcs des etoilus. San Fernando, Instituto y observa- torio de marina. Almanaque nau- tico. Tacubaya, Observatorio. Anuario. Trieste, Kais.-koenigl. -astronomisch- meteorologisches Observatorium. Astronomisch-nautische Ephemeri- den. U. S. Navy dept. Nautical alma- nac office. American ephemeris; Atlantic coasters' nautical alma- nac; Pacific coasters' nautical al- manac. Epigraphy. See Inscriptions. Episcopal church. See Protestant episcopal churcii in the United States. Esotericism. See Occult sciences. 122 Index Ethics. See also Philosophy. International journal of ethics. Ethnography. See Ethnology. Ethnology. See also Anthropology; Archaeol- ogy; Folklore; Geography. Bataviaasch genootschap. Berliner Gesellschaft itir Anthro- pologie. Centralblatt fur Anthropologie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthro- pologie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Germanisches Museum. Globus. HMuupaTopcicoe Pyccsoo roorpaiJtaiccKoe o6ii(6CTBO. 3ruorpa4iaw list. Law magazine. Law quarterly review. Law times. Law times reports. 127 Lawyers' reports annotated. Legal adviser. See Appendix. Legal intelligencer. Legal news. Maine state bar association. Martindale's American law directo- ry. . See Appendix. Michigan law journal. Missouri appellate reporter. New Jersey law journal. New Mexico bar association. New York state bar association. New York state reporter. New York supplement. Northeastern reporter. Northwestern reporter. Notes of cases. Nouvelle revue historique de droit francais et etranger. Ohio state bar association. Pacific reporter. Pittsburg legal journal. Pump court. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence. Revue de jurisprudence. Revue du droit public. Revue legale. Scots law times. Scottish law reporter. Scottish law review. Selden society. Solicitors' journal. Southeastern reporter. Southern California practitioner. Southern New Hampshire bar asso- ciation Southern practitioner Southern reporter. Southwestern reporter. Story's legal digest. See Appendix. Supreme court reporter. Times law reports. U. S. Court of claims. University of Pennsylvania. Publi- cations. Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. Verhandlungen des deutschen Ju- ristentages. Virginia law register. Washington law reporter. Weekly law bulletin. Weekly notes. Weekly notes of cases. Weekly reporter. Yale law journal. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung iiir Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift fur das Privat- und 6f- fentliche Recht. Zeitschrift fur franzosisches Civil- recht. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Rechts- wissenschaft. Law. Bibliography. Allgemeine Bibliographic derStaats- und Rechtswissenschaften. Leather. Leather manufacturer. Shoe and leather reporter. Legislation. See also Lav.-; Political science. Annalen des deutschen Reichs fur Gesetzgehung. Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Austria. Kais.-koenigl. Handels- ministerium. Statistisches De- partement. Bulletin russe de statistique finan- ciere et legislation. France. Ministere de la justice. France. Ministere des finances. Germany. Reichs-Gesetzblatt. Gesetzgebung des deutschen Reiches. Great Britain. Parliament. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung. Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Ge- setzgebung. Revue critique de legislation. Revue de droit international. Revue politique et parlementaire. Societe de legislation comparee. 128 Index U. S. Congressional documents. State dept. Statutes at large. Libraries. Library journals. Annuaire des bibliothegues. Assqciazione tipografico-libraria. Bibjioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vitto- rio Emanuele. Bibliotheque nationale. Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve. Birmingham, England. Free libra- ries. See Appendix. Boletin de la libreria. Boston. Public library. Bowdoin college. Library. British museum. See Appendix. Brookline. Public library. Brooklyn library. Buffalo library. See Appendix. Bulletin du bibliophile. California. State library. Cambridge, Mass. Public library. Canadian bookseller. Carnegie library. Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. Chicago. Public library. Cincinnati. Public library. City library association of Spring- field. Mass. Library bulletin. Cleveland. Public library. Columbia college. Library. Concord, Mass. Free public li- brary. Cornell university. Library. See Appendix. Denver. Public library. Detroit. Public library. Enoch Pratt free library. Ex-libris- Verein. Fall River, Mass. Public library. Hamburg. Stadtbibliothek. Hartford. Public library. Harvard university. Library. Jersey City. Free public library. Koeniglich - preussische Georg-Au- gusts-Universitat. Bibliothek. Koenigliche Bibliothek. See Ap- pendix. Kongeligt Bibliothek. Lawrence, Mass. Free public li- brary. Leeds, England. Public library. See Appendix. Library. Library association series. Library company of Philadelphia. Library journal. Library notes. Liverpool. Free public library. Lynn, Mass. Free public library. Manchester, England. Public free libraries. See Appendix. Massachusetts. State library. Medford. Public library. Mercantile library association, N.Y. Mercantile library company, Phila. Milwaukee. Public library. Minneapolis. Public library. New Bedford. Free public library. See Appendix. New Haven. Free public library. See Appendix. New York public library. See Ap- pendix. Newark, N. J. Free public library. Newberry library. See Appendix. Newton. Free library. Oberlin college. Library. Osterhout free library. Our library. Paterson, N. T. Free public library. See Appendix. Philadelphia. Public library. Poughkeepsie. City library. Providence. Public library. Providence Athenzum. Public libraries. Quincy, Illinois. Public library. Revue des bibliotheques. Revue international des archives. Rivista delle biblioteche. St. Louis. Public free library. See Appendix. Salem, Mass. Public library. San Francisco. Free public library. Soci6t Franklin. Somerville. Public library. Taunton. Public library. See Ap- pendix. Toronto, Canada. Public library. See Appendix. Tufts library. U. S. Agric. dept. Library bul- letin. U. S. Library of Congress. University of Cambridge. Library. See Appendix. University of the State of New York. New York state library. Woburn, Mass. Public library. Worcester, Mass. Free public li- brary. See Appendix. Zuerich. Stadt-Bibliothek. Life insurance. See Insurance. Life saving. Humane society of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. U. S.. Treasury dept. Life-saving service. Light. See also Physics. Central-Zeitung fur Optik und Me- chanik. Lighthouses. U. S. Treasury dept. Light house board. Lighting. See also Electricity; Gas. Zeitschrift fur Beleuchtungswesen. Liguria, Italy. Sqcieta ligure di storia patria. Live stock. See Cattle. Livonia, Russia. Dorpater Naturforscher-Gescllschaft. Lombardy, Italy. Societa storica lombarda. Longitude. See Ephemerides; Geodesy. Lowell, Mass. Old residents' historical association. Lumber. See also Forestry. Hardwood. Northeastern lumberman. Southern lumberman. Lusatia, Germany. Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Lutheran church. Lutheran quarterly. Lutheraner. Lutherische Herold. Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of. Institut royal grand-ducal. Section historique. Machinery. See also Mechanical engineering; Patents; Technology. American machinist. Kalender fur Maschinen-Ingenieure. Lord's power and machinery maga- zine. Machinery. Master steam fitter. Mechanical world. Portefeuille economiquc des ma- chines. Power. Praktische Maschinen-Constructeur. Skizzenbuch fur den praktischen Maschinen-Constructeur. Skizzenbuch fur Ingenieure und Maschinenbauer. Technische Rundschau. Technologiste. Madagascar. Antananarivo annual and Madagas- car magazine. Magnetism. See Terrestial magnetism. Magyar language. Magyar nyelvor. Maine. Gorges society. Knox county historical and genea- Maine historical and genealogical logical magazine. Maine bugle, recorder. Maine historical society. Malacology. See Mollusks. Manitoba. Historical and scientific society. Manufactures. See also Iron and Steel; M-etals; Patents; Textile fabrics; Useful and Industrial arts. American manufacturer. See Ap- pendix. Manufacturer and builder. Northeastern lumberman and Man- ufacturers' gazette. Marine biology. Commission zu wissenschaft lichen Untersuchungen des deutschen Meeres. Danish biological station. Liverpool. Marine biological sta- tion. Marine biological association of the United Kingdom. Marine biological laboratory, Wood's Holl. Neptunia. Societe scientifique et Station zoo- logique d'Arcachon. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Marine engineering. See Naval architecture. Maritime law. Aspinall's maritime law cases. Journal de droit maritime. Revue internationale de droit mari- time. Maryland. Maryland historical society. Society for the history of the Ger- mans in Maryland. Masons. See Freemasonry. Massachusetts. Berkshire historical and scientific society. Boston. Record commissioners. Bostonian society. Brookline historical publication so- ciety. Bunker Hill monument association. Colonial society. Dedham historical register. Essex antiquarian. Essex county historical and genea- logical register. Essex institute. Historical collec- tions. Fitchburg historical society. Groton historical series. Lexington historical society. Massachusetts historical society. Military historical society. New England historic-genealogical society. Old Colony historical society. Old residents' historical association. Old South leaflets. Pocumtuck valley memorial associ- ation. Prince society. Putnam's monthly historical maga- zine. Sons of the American revolution. Massachusetts society. Worcester society of antiquity. Materia medica. See Pharmacy. Mathematics. Acta mathematica. American journal of mathematics. American mathematical society. Annali di matematica pura ed ap- plicata. Anna_ls of mathematics. Archiv der Mathematik. Archiv for Mathematik. Bibliotheca mathematica. Ceska Akademie cisare Franktiska Josefa. Deutsche Mathematiker Vereini- ^ gung. Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Giornale di matematiche. HMneparopcKiii Kasancifii! ynnBepcHTerB. $H3UKO-MaTOMaTHieCKOe oOmeCTBO. Institut de France. Academic des sciences. Institut royal grand-ducal de Lux- embourg. Section des sciences naturelles. Intermediate des mathematiciens. Jahrbuch fiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Tornal de sciencias mathematicas. Journal de mathematiques elemen- taires. Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees. Journal fur die reine und ange- wandte Mathematik. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Mathematisch-naturwis- senschaftliche Classe. Koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- physikalische Classe. Koeniglich-boehmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Koeniglich - preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathema- tische Abhandlungen; Mathema- tische und naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. Koeniglich-saechsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mathema- tisch-physische Classe. Koenigliche Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften. Mathematisch-phy- sikalische Klasse. Kongeligt dansk videnskabernes Sel- skab. Skrifter. Naturvidenska- belig og mathematisk Afdeling. London mathematical society. Mathematical magazine. Mathematical questions and solu- tions from the Educational times. Mathematical review. Mathematische Annalen. Messenger of mathematics. Monatshefte fur Mathematik. Nquvelles annales des mathema- tiques. HoBopocci8cKoe o6mecTBO ecTecTBOHCnu- TaTeaeii. MaTeMamqecuoe oiwlueuio. Quarterly journal of pure and ap- plied mathematics. Reale scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Revue de mathematiques speciales. Revue des mathematiques. Societa italiana delle scienze. Societa reale di Napoli. Accademia delle scienze fisiche. Societe mathematique d'Amsterdam. Videnskabs-Selskabet. Mathematisk- naturvidenskabelig Klasse. BtCTHHCT> OIIMT.loii <{>H3HKH II SJiyjIOHTap- Hoft MaTeMaTHKH. IIoiiy.iiiHo-nayiHuB Index American society of mechanical en- gineers. Compressed air. Engineering mechanics. English mechanic. Institution of mechanical engineers. Kalender fur Maschinen-Ingenieure. Lord's power and machinery maga- zine. Master steam fitter. Mechanical world. Midland institute. North of England institute of min- ing and mechanical engineers. Power. Sibley journal. Skizzenbuch fiir Ingenieure. Stevens indicator. Mechanics. See also Physics. Central-Zeitung fur Optik und Me- chanik. Medals. See Numismatics. Medical jurisprudence. Annales d'hygiene publique et de medecme legale. Massachusetts medico-legal society. Medico-legal journal. Vierteljahrsschrift fur gerichtliche Medicin. Medical missions. Double cross and medical mission- ary record. Edinburgh medical missionary soci- ety. Medical mission herald. Medical missions at home and abroad. Medicine. See also Anatomy; Bacteriology; Biology; Chemistry; Children. Diseases; Dentistry; Embryology; Ear and Eye; Genito-urinary or- gans: Hospitals; Hygiene; Insan- ity; Medical jurisprudence; Med- ical missions; Morphology; Ner- vous system; Obstetrics; Pathol- Zeitschrift fur Mathematik. Zeitschrift fiir mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unter- richt. Mathematics. Bibliograpliy. Bibliotheca mathematica. Mechanical engineering. See also Engineering; Machinery; Mines and Mining. American machinist. Surgery ; Therapeutics ; Throat an Lungs ; Veterinary medicine ; W< man. Diseases. Academic de medecine. Academic des sciences et lettres. Section de medecine. Academy of medicine in Ireland. Accademia medico-chirurgica. Alabama medical association. Allgemeine medicinische Central- Zeitung. Allgememe Wiener medicinische Zeitung. American institute of homoeopathy. American journal of the medical sciences. American medical association. American practitioner. Annales m6dico-psychologiques. Annee medicale. Annual of the universal medical sci- ences. Archiv fur pathologjsche Anatomic. Archives de mddecine et de phar- macie militaires. Archives de medecine experimen- tale. Archives generales de medecine. Archivio per le scienze mediche. See Appendix. Asclepiad. Association of American physicians. Associazione medica lombarda. Atlanta medical and surgical jour- nal. Australasian medical journal. Australian medical journal. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift. Birmingham medical review. Boston medical and surgical jour- nal. 129 Boston society of medical sciences. Bristol medico-chirurgical journal. British medical journal. Brooklyn medical journal. Buffalo medical and surgical jour- nal. Bullettino delle scienze mediche. Canada lancet. Canada medical record. Centralblatt fur die medicinischen Wissenschaften. Centralblatt fur innere Medicin. Chicago medical recorder. Chicago medical times. China. Inspector general of cus- toms. Medical reports. Cincinnati lancet-clinic. Clinical journal. Clinical society of London. College of physicians. Colorado state medical society. Congress fiir innere Medicin. Congress of American physicians. Connecticut medical society. Correspondenzblatt fiir schweizeri- sche Aerzte. Deutsche Medicinalzeitung. Deutsche medicinische Wochen- schrift. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Me- dicin. Dominion medical monthly. Dublin journal of medical science. Eclectic medical journal. Edinburgh medical journal. Fortschritte der Medicin. France medicale. Gaillard's medical journal. Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine. Gazette medicale. Georgia state medical association. Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heil- kunde. Glasgow medical journal. Great Britain. Local government board. Supplements by Medical officers. Great Britain. Privy council. Med- ical officer. Harvard university. Medical school ; Harvard medical alumni associa- tion. Illinois state medical society. Indiana state medical society. International medical congress. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesamm- ten Medicin. Journal de medecine de Bordeaux. Journal de medecine de Paris. Journal of comparative medicine. Journal of experimental medicine. Kansas City medical index. Klinische Jahrbucher. Lancet. Lancette franchise. Lyon medical. Majne medical association. Maine medical register. Massachusetts eclectic medical so- ciety. Massachusetts medical society. Mathews" medical quarterly. Medical and chirurgical faculty of Maryland. Medical and surgical register of the United States. Medical and surgical reporter. Medical bulletin. Medical chronicle. Medical director. Medjcal news. Medical press. Medical record. Medical register of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Medical society of New Jersey. Medical society of the state o'f Cali- fornia. Medical society of the state of New York. Medical society of the state of North Carolina. 130 Index Medical society of the state of Penn- sylvania. Medical society of the state of Ten- nessee. Medical society of the state of West Virginia. Medical times. Mcdicinisch - naturwisscnschaftliche Gesellschaft. Michigan state medical society. Minnesota state medical society. Mississippi state medical associa- tion. Missouri state medical association. Montreal medical journal. Muenchener medicinische Wochen- schrift. National eclectic medical associa- tion. Naturhistorisch - medicinischer Ve- rein. New England medical gazette. New Hampshire medical society. New Orleans medical and surgical journal. New Sydenham society, London. New York academy of medicine. New York medical journal. New York medical times. New York state medical associa- tion. Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde. North Carolina medical journal. la Salpe- ir Na- Ohio state medical society. Oregon state medical society. Orvos-termeszettudomanyi egyesii- let. Orvos-termeszettudomanyi tarsulat. Pan-American medical congress. Pester medizinische chirurgische Presse. Physikalisch - medicinische Gesell- schaft. Physikalisch-medicinische Societat. Practitioner. Prager medjcinische Wochenschrift. Presse medicale beige. Progres medical. Quarterly medical journal, eale accademia medica. See Ap- pendix. Reale istituto di studi superiori pra- tici. Sezione di medicma. Revue de medecine. Revue des sciences medicates. Rhode Island medical society. Riforma medica. See Appendix. Royal medical and chirurgical soci- ety. St. Louie medical and surgical jour- nal. St. Petersburger medicinische Wo- chenschrift. Sammlung klinischer Vortrage. Schmidt's Jahrbiicher. Surname medicale. Societa medico-chirurgica. South Carolina medical association. Southern medical record. Teikoku Daigaku. Medicinische Facultat. Texas medical kmrnal. Texas state medical association. Union medicale. Universal medical journal. University medical magazine. Verein der Aerzte in Steiermark. Vermont state medical society. Virginja medical monthly. Virginia medical society. Western medical reporter. Wiener Klinik. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Wiener medicinische Blatter. Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift. Wiener medizinische Presse. Wisconsin state medical society. Zeitschrift fur Heilkunde. Zeitschrift fur klinische Medicin. Medicine. Mental diseases. See Insanity; Nervous system. Merchant marine. See Navy. Metal-work. Metal worker. Travaux simples de serrurerie. Metallurgy. See Metals. Metals. See also Iron and Steel; Mines and Mining. Aluminum world. Annuaire des mines. Foundry. See Appendix. Institution of mining and metal- lurgy. Ironmonger. Mechanical world. Revue universelle des mines. Zeitschrift fur das Berg-, Hutten- und Salinenwesen. Meteorology. Adelaide, Observatory. Agricultural experiment stations. Massachusetts agricultural college, Meteorological observatory. State v Akademija umiejetnos'ci, Cracow. Komisyja fizyjograficzna. Sekcyia meteorologiczna. Materyaly do klimatog. Galicyi. Alabama. Weather service. American climatological association. Annuaire astronomique et meteoro- logique. Argentine Republic. Oficina mete- orologica. Associazione italiana. Astronomical society of the Pacific. Batavia, Magnetical and meteoro- logical observatory. Besancon, Observatoire. Blue Hill meteorological observa- tory. Bombay, Magnetical and meteoro- logical observatory. Bordeaux, Observatoire. British association. Report of Kew committee. Brussels, Observatoire royal. Bucharest, Observatiu meteorolo- Cairo. Observatoire khedivial. Canada. Dept. of marine. Meteor- ological service. Ciel et terre. Climat de la Belgique. Colorado. State weather service. Commission meteorologique de la Gironde. Constantinople, Observatoire. Crowborough, Eng. C. Leeson Prince observatory. Darlington, Walsingham observa- tory. Deutsche meteolorogische Gesell- schaft. Deutsche Seewarte. Deutsches meteorologisches Jahr- buch. DorpaterNaturforscher-Gesellschaft. Durban, Natal observatory. Finiska vetenskaps societet, Hel- singfors. Meteorologiska Central- anstalt. France. Departement de 1'Herault. France. Ministere de 1'instruction. Rapport sur les observatoires de province; Bureau centrale meteoro- logique. Geneva, Observatoire. Great Britain. Meteorological of- fice. Greenwich. Royal observatory. Harvard university. Astronomical observatory. Hongkong, Observatory. Hsnoparopccaa asaAenia Bayn. Mereo- poioraqecKiii cCopuuicb. Kepertorium lur Meteorologie. HMneparopcKiii HoBOpocciucsUI ynBop- curerb. ilereopujoriiqeccaa oOcupM- Tupia. UnnepaiopcKiii HIphOBCKifi yuHBepcn- Ten,. O6cepBaTopia. Meteorologische Beobachtungen. India. Meteorological dept. Tnstitutul meteorologic. Iowa. Weather and crop service. Italy. Ufficio centrale. Talapa, Observatprio. Kaiserlich - koenigliche Central-An- stalt fur Meteorologie. Kalocsa, Haynald Observatorium. Kansas. Weather report. Koeniglich-preussisches meteorologi- sches Institut. Koeniglich-saechsisches meteorologi- sches Institut. Koenigliche meteorologische Cen- tral-Station. Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akade- mien. Meteprologiska iakttagelser. Kongliga universitetet. Observa- toire. Kpninklijk nederlandsch meteoro- logisch instituut. La Plata, Observat9rio. Lisbon, Observatorio. Lyons, Observatoire. Madrid, Real Observatorio. Manilla, Observatorio meteorolo- gico. Maryland. State weather service. Melbourne, Observatory. Meteorologie lyonnaise. MeTeopujormeciiuu oOosp-feuie. Mexico, City, Observatorio. Milan, Reale osservatorio. Minnesota. Weather service. Mont Blanc, Observatoire. Munich, Koenigliche Stermvarte. Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten. Nevada. State weather service. New England meteorological soci- ety. New Jersey. Weather service. New York, city. Dept. of public parks. Meteorological observa- tory. New York. Meteorological bureau. Nice, Observatoire. Norske meteorologiske Institut. North Carolina. State weather ser- vice. Observatory. Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie. Oxford, Radcliffe observatory. Palermo, Reale osservatorio. I rague.Kaiserlich-koenigliche Stern- warte. Queensland. Post and telegraph dept. Meteorological branch. Real colegio de Belen. Regia universita degli studi. Reale osservatorio. Rio de Janeiro, Observatorio. Rome, Specola vaticana. Rousdon, Devon. Observatory. Royal meteorological society. Saint Petersburg. 1'jaBuaa 4>u3M oftcepBaTopia. San Fernando, Institute y obscrva- torio de marina. Anales. Sec- cion 23. San Paulo. Commissao geografica. Secgao meteorologica. San Salvador, Observatorio. Sch weizerische meteorologische Cen- tral- Anstalt. Scottish meteorological society. Societa meteorologica italiana. Societe meteorologique de France. _ See Appendix. Societe scientifique Flammarion. Stonyhurst college observatory. Index S ob"Irva?or?' *'***' Govcrnment Giornale di mineralogia. Brethren's missionary visitor. oc ,ervatory. HniiopaxopCKoe C.-IIeTep6yprcBoe MH- Bulletin missioniirp Symons's monthly meteorological ^uopLor^ooKoe oOineciBo Calwer MJsKwatt. missionary. , ,,? eum- Chinese recorder. Mineral industry. Christian missionary. Mmeralogical magazine. Chronicle. UnfversTty of California Lick ob Mmes and Mining. Friends' missionary advocate. servltory See also Coal; Iron and Steel; Gleanings ,n harvest fields. University^ of Wisconsin. Wash- .Metals; Minerals. Ha^est'^H andS ' burn observatory. American institute of mining en- S 3 , 6 ! 4 i iel 4- . Windsor NSW Tohn Trhhnt'* gineers. Herald of mission news. observatory Annales des mines. Home mission echo. Zikawei China Ohservatoire Annuaire des mines. ome missionary. Methodist eTDisconal church Be 'gim. Ministere de 1'industrie. I?trated missionary news. epi&oopai cnurcn. g ee Appendix India s women. African methodist episcopal church Berg-und huttenmannische Zeitung. Indian witness. review. California. State mining bureau. J a P an evangelist. Central Christian advocate. Canadian mining institution Journal des missions evangeliques. Christian recorder. Canadian mining review. Juvenile missionary magazine. Methodist review. Colorado. Mining bureau. f ! fe L and ! 'Kht for women. Methodist year-book. Columbia college. School of mines. Light bearer. World tor Christ. Compressed air Lutheran missionary journal. Zi?n s herald. Engineering and mining journal. M - es en 1 ? er an 4 missionary record". Metrology. Federated institution of mining en- Methodist review of missions. See Weights and Measures. gineers. Mission day spring. Michigan. Illinois mining institute. Pioneer and historical society of Institution of mining and metal- js ! n a ^' eaner ' the State of Michigan. T y- Mi^innarv' r Virr>mV1 Microsconv Jaarboek van het mijnwezen m ne- }J S derlandsch Oost-Indie. Missionary guardian. American monthly microscopical Jern-Konteret Annaler Missionary helper. journal. Kaiserlich-koenigliche ' Bergakade- Missionary herald. Belfast. Annales de micrographie. m j e Missionary herald. Boston. International journal of microscopy. Koeni'glich-preussische geologische Missionary herald. London. Microscope. Landesanstalt Missionary intelligencer. New York microscopical society. Lake Superior mining institute. Missionary messenger. Quarterly journal of microscopical Midland institute Missionary outlook. science. Mineral industry ' Missionary record. Edinburgh. Revista trimestral micrografica. See Mining Missionary record. St. Louis. Appendix. Mining' and scientific press. Missionary review of the world. Royal microscopical society. Mining industry Missionary tidings. Scottish microscopical society. Mining journal Missionary visitor. Societe beige de^microscopie. ^ ^ N. S.^Wales., Dept. of mines. Jf jff! n ! ^I^H?""' Middle ages. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift ftir Berg- sionsstunde. Archiv fur Literatur und Kirchen- und Hiittenwesen. . geschichte des M ittelalters. Ohio mining journal. Nederlandsche zendehnggenoot- Ecole des chartes. Bibliotheque. Pennsylvania state college. Mining AT S ^ na P- . Moyen age. bulletin. et cast m m any waters. Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Revue universelle des mines. M^t-h Af r ' Germanicarum medii aevi. Saxony. Koenigliches Finanzminis- J orttl Awlca. Military art. terium. Slon . s - t;pp Armv Sociedad nacional de mineria. r>u r - s ' s if 8 VI- er ?. n ,, -iur-1'i Societe de 1'industrie minerale Rhemische Missions-Gesellschaft. Military engineering. State mining journal Spirit of missions. Great Britain. Corps of royal en- Victoria. Dept. of mines. tar ,. in th , e . east gineers. _ Zeitschrift ftir das Berg-, Hutten- Af st j g0 ' EL - . Rivista di artighena e genio. un( j Salinenwesen Wesleyan missionary notices. U. S. War dept. Chief of engin- Turinpg and Minine- Bihli- w man's missionary friend. eers. "-"-a- Woman's missionary magazine. Military medicine. Ograpny. Work and workers in the mission Archives de medecine et de phar- Annales des mines. ,,r fiel ,1- , macie militaires Berg-und huttenmannische Zeitung. World wide missions. Association of military surgeons of Minnesota. ^ nana mission. the United States. Minnesota historical society. U. S. Navy dept. Bureau of medi- Missions. Missouri historical society. T cine. . See also charities; Medical mis- Modern languages. U. S. War dept. Chief of ordnance. sions Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Quarterly report of the medicai Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift. Sprachen. officers. Allgemeiner evangelisch-protestanti- Erlanger Beitrage ztir englischen Milk. scher Missionsverein. Philologie. See Appendix. Milchzeitung. American board of commissioners Harvard university. Studies and Zeitschrift fur Fleisch- und Milch- A for foreign, missions. notes. hygiene. American missionary- . Modern language association of tyr^-i Annales de la propagation de la foi. America. Annals of the propagation of the Modern language notes. See Nervous system; Psychology. faith . Neuere Sprachen . Mineralogy. Awake. Quellen und Forschungen zur See Minerals. Baptist home mission monthly. Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der Minerals. Baptist missionary magazine. germanischen Volker. See Ap- See also Geology. Berliner Missions-Berichte. pendix. 132 Index Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Lit- teraturgeschichte. Mollusks. Conchologische Mittheilungen. Deutsche malakozoologische Ge- sellschaft. Journal dc conchyliologie. Journal of conchology. Nautilus. Socjeta malacologica. Societe malacologique de Belgique. Money. See also Bpnking. Bimetallist. See Appendix. Sound currency. U. S. Treasury dept. Mint. Monism. Monist. Montana. Historical society of the state of Montana. Montevideo. Boletin mensual demografico. Morphology. See also Anatomy; Biology; Em- bryology. Gesellschaft fur Morphologic. Journal of morphology. Morphologische Arbeiten. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. University of Cambridge. Morpho- logical laboratory. Mosses. Revue bryologique. Motor carriages. Technologiste. Mountaineering. See also Travel. Alpine journal. Among the clouds. Appalachia. Club alpin beige. Club alpin francais. Club alpin suisse. Alpina. See Ap- ipendix. Club alpin suisse. Jahrbuch; Echo des Alpes. See Main list. Club alpino italiano. Club alpino siciliano. Deutscher und osterreichischer AI- penverein. KpiracKiB ropntiff Knj6i. Magyarorszagi Karpategyesulet. Mazamas, Portland, Oregon. See Appendix. New Zealand Alpine journal. Oesterreichischer Alpenclub. Oesterreichischer Touristen-Club. Scottish mountaineering club. See Appendix. Sjebenburgischer Karpathenverein. Sierra club. Societa alpina delle Giulie. Socjeta alpina friulana. Societa alpina meridipnale. Societi degli alpinisti tridentini. Societe des tounstes du Dauphine. White mountain echo. Municipal engineering. See also Civil engineering. Incorporated association of munici- pal and county engineers. Municipal engineering. Municipal government. See also Political science; Statis- tics. American academy of political and social science. Bradstreet's. City and state. J^ocal government chronicle. Local government journal. London. A journal of civil and so- cial progress. Municipality and county. Political science quarterly. Music. See also Drama. Almanach des spectacles. Annales du theatre et de la mu- sique. Chorgesang. Era almanack. Etude. Leader. Monatshefte fur Musik-Geschichte. Monthly musical record. Music. Musical age. Musical association for the investi- gation and discussion of subjects connected with the art and science of music, London. Musical courier. Musical directory. Musical record. Musical standard. Musical times. Musical year-book of the United States. Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbe- richt. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik. Opera glass. Organist's quarterly journal. Presto. Signale fur die musikalische Welt. Strand musical magazine. Vereeniging voor nederlandsche muziekgeschiedenis. Music. Bibliography. Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbe- richt. Verzeichniss der erschienenen Mu- sikalien. Naples. Societa napoletana di storia patria. Natural history. See also Anatomy; Biology; Bot- any; Entomology; Geology; Min- erals; Mollusks; Morphology; Ornithology; Palaeontology; Zool- ogy. Academia nacional de ciencias. Academia real das sciencias. Academic de Macon. Academic de Nimes. Academic des sciences, agriculture, arts et belles-lettres, Aix. Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Caen. Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Dijon. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Besanc.on. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Clermont-Ferrand. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Lyons. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts_, Rouen. Academic des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Savoie. Academic des sciences ct belles- lettreSj Angers. Academic des sciences et lettres, Montpellier. Section des sciences. Academic des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres, Toulouse. Academic nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Bordeaux. Academic rovale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bel- gique. Academy of natural sciences of Phil- adelphia. Academy of science, St. Louis. Accademia Gioenia di scienze natu- ral i. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Allgemeine schweizerische Gesell- schaft fur die gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. American association for the ad- vancement of science. American journal of science. American museum of natural his- tory. American naturalist. American society of naturalists. Annacs dc sciencias naturacs. Annals and magazine of natural his- tory. Annals of Scottish natural history. Archiv for Mathematik og Natur- videnskab. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Asiatic society of Bengal. Asiatic society of Japan. Association franchise pour 1'avance- ment des sciences. Ateneo vcneto. Australasian association for the ad- vancement of science. Australian museum. Bataafsch genootschap dcr proefon- dervindefijke wijsbegeerte. Belfast natural history and philo- sophical society. Belfast naturalists' field club. Berwickshire naturalists' club. Bibliotheque universelle et Revue suisse. Archives des sciences phy- siques et naturelles. Birmingham natural history and philosophical society. Bollettino scientifico. Boston society of natural history. Brighton_and Sussex natural history and philosophical society. Bristol naturalists' society. Buffalo society of natural sciences. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. California academy of sciences. Cambridge philosophical society. Canadian institute. Canadian record of science. Ceska Akademie cisare Frantiska Jpsefa. Chicago academy of sciences. Cincinnati society of natural his- tory. Davenport academy of natural sci- ences. Denison university. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. Deutscher wissenschaftlicher Ve- rein, Mexico. Deutscher wissenschaftlicher Ve- rein, Santiago. DorpaterNaturforscher-Gesellschaft. Elliott society of natural history. Elmira academy of sciences. Fauna. Verein luxemburger Natur- freunde. Ferdinandeum. Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. Field and forest. Field naturalists' club of Victoria. Finska vetenskaps societet. Fuerstlich jablonowski'sche Gesell- schaft. Geographische Gesellschaft und Na- turhistorisches Museum. Geschichtsverein und Naturhistori- sches Landesmuseum in Karnten. Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heil- kunde. Gesellschaft naturforschcnder Freun- de. Gesellschaft von Freunden der Na- turwissenschaften. Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Goteborgs kongliga vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhallet. Guernsey society of natural science and local research. Hertfordshire natural history soci- ety and field club. Hollandsche maatschappij der we- tenschappen. Illinois. State laboratory. Illinois. State museum. IlxnepaTopCKifi KasancKii yniinppciiTPTf.. o ecTecTBOHcnuTaie.ieii. (In IlMnopaTopcKiS MocKoscitifl yHHBopcn- Tt'Tt. OOmecTBo ncniiTaTe.ieii upH- cKiS XapiKOBCBii . UCiinocTKo HcnHTaTc/iei HiioepaTopCEoe ofimecrso jioCuTejeB eci- BCTBOsHaHiii, ampuiio-ioria H aTso- rpaiJnH. Indiana. Dept. of geology. Indiana academy of science. Institut national genevois. Institut royal grand-ducal de Lux- embourg. Iowa academy of sciences. Iowa state university. Natural his- tory bulletin. Irish naturalist. Istituto delle scienze ed arti liberal!. Kaiserlich - koeniglich - maehrisch- schlesische Gesellschaft zur Be- forderung des Ackerbaues. Kaiserlich-koenigliches naturhistori- sches Hof-Museum. Kaiserlich-leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturfor- scher. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Mathematisch-naturwis- senschaftliche Classe. Karolinska universitetet. KieBCKoe o<5mecTBo ecTecTBOHcnuTaiejiefl. Koninklijk natuurkundige vereeni- ging in Nederlandsch-Indie. Ljnnaean society of New York. Linnean society, London. Linnean society of New South Wales. Madras. Government museum. Magyar nemzeti muzeum. Mannheimer Verein fur Natur- kunde. Maryland academy of science. Maynard, Charles J. Contributions to science. Medicinisch - naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Meriden scientific association. Minnesota. Geological and natural history survey. Minnesota academy of natural sci- ences. Musee d'histoire naturelle, Mar- seilles. Musee royal d'histoire naturelle" de Belgique. Musee Teyler. Museo civico di storia naturale, Ge- noa. Museo civico di storia naturale, Milan. Museo civico di storia naturale, Trieste. Museo de La Plata. Revista. Museo nacional, Buenos Aires. Museo nacional, Montevideo. Museo nacional de Chile. Museo nacional de Mexico. Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Mus6um d'histoire naturelle, Lyons. Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris. Museum Francisco-Carolinum. Museums-association. Nassauischer Verein fur Natur- kunde. Natural history society of Glasgow. Natural history society of New Brunswick. Natural history society of Northum- berland. Natural history society of Wiscon- sin. Natural science. Natural science association of Staten Island. Naturalista siciliano. Naturaliste. Naturaliste canadien. Nature. London. Nature. Paris. Nature notes. Naturf orschende Gesellschaft, Alten- burg. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Bam- berg. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Berne. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Dan- zig. Index Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Em- den. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frei- burg im Breisgau. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Gor- litz. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Halle. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Leip- zig. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zu- rich. Naturforschende Gesellschaft Grau- bundens, Chur. Naturforschender Verein, Brunn. Naturforschender Verein, Riga. Naturhistorisch - medicinischer Ve- rein. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Han- nover. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Nu- remberg. Naturhistorischer Verein, Passau. Naturhistorischer Verein der preus- sischen Rheinlande. Naturhistorischer Verein "Lotos." Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten. Naturhistorisches Museum, Ham- burg. Naturhistorisches Museum, Lubeck. Naturhistoriske Forening. Natuurkundig genootschap, Gron- ingen. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Chemnitz. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis, Dresden. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, Brunswick. Naturwissenschaf tlicher Verein, Bre- men. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Carlsruhe. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, El- berfeld. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Hamburg. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Magdeburg. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Os- nabruck. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Ra- tisbon. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Trencsen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein an der Universitat, Vienna. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes, Wernigerode. Natufwissenschaftlicher Verein fur das Furstenthum Liineburg. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur den Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Sachsen und Thuringen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Schleswig-Holstein. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Schwaben und Neuberg. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Steiermark. New Jersey natural history society. New York academy of sciences. New Zealand. Colonial museum. New Zealand institute. Newport natural history society. Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde. Norfolk and Norwich naturalists' society. Nottingham naturalists' society. Nova Scotian institute of natural science. HoBOpocciBcKoe oOmecTso ecTecTBOHcna- TaTejeS. Nyt Magasin for Naturvidenska- berne. Oberhessische Gesellschaft fur Na- tur- und Heilkunde. Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Offenbacher Verein fur Naturkunde. Orvos-termeszettudomanyi egyesii- let. 133 Orvos-termeszettudomanyi tarsulat. Ottawa naturalist. Physikalisch - oekonomische Gesell- schaft. Physikalisch - medicinische Gesell- schaft. Physikalisch-medicinische Societal. Portland society of natural history. Provinciaal utrechtsch genootschap. Kay_ society. Revista de sciencias naturaes e sociaes. Revue des sciences naturelles de 1 ouest. Revue suisse de zoologie et Annales du Musee d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. Rijksmuseum van natuurlijke his- toric. Rochester academy of science. Roemer-Museum. Royal institution of Cornwall. St. Gallische naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. CaHKTneTepOyprcuoe o6u;ecTBO ecxect- BOHCuuTaiejefi. Santa Barbara society of natural history. Schlesische Gesellschaft fur vater- landische Cultur. Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Smithsonian institution. Sociedad cientifica. Antonio Alzate. Sociedad cientifica argentina. Sociedad espanola de historia natu- ral. Sociedad mexicana de historia natu- ral. Societi adriatica di scienze naturali. Societa dei naturalisti. Societa di naturalisti. Societd italiana di scienze naturali. Societa toscana di scienze naturali. Societa yeneto-trentina di scienze naturali. Societe d'e'tude des sciences natu- relles. Societe d'etudes scientifiques, An- gers. Societe d'etudes scientifiques du Finistere. Societe d'histoire naturelle, Colmar. Societe d'histoire naturelle, Tou- louse. Societ6 de physique et d'histoire naturelle. Societe linneenne, Bordeaux. Soci6t6 linneenne, Lyons. Societe linneenne de Normandie. Societ6 linneenne de Paris. Societe linneenne du nord de la France. Societe nationale des sciences na- turelles. Societ6 royale des sciences. Societe scientifique du Chili. Societe scientifique et Station zoo- logiq_ue d'Arcachon. Societe vaudoise des sciences na- turelles. Somersetshire archaeological and natural history society. Suffolk institute of archieology and natural history. Texas academy of science. Thurgaujsche naturforschende Ge- sellschaft. Trinidad field naturalists' club. Tromso museum. Tufts college studies. University of the State of New York. New York state museum of natu- ral history. Vpa-TbCKoe o6(. Atlanta. Atlanta constitution. Augusta, Me. Daily Kennebec journal. Ayer, Mass. Turner's public spirit. Baltimore. Baltimore American. Sun. Bangor. Bangor daily commercial. Barnstable, Mass. Barnstable pa- triot. Berlin. Berliner Tageblatt. Soziale Praxis. Vorwarts. Beverly, Mass. Beverly citizen. Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham state herald. Birmingham, Eng. Birmingham weekly post. Bombay. Bombay gazette. Dnyanodaya. Boston. American citizen. Argus. Banner of light. Beacon. Boston budget. Boston commercial. Boston courier. Boston daily advertiser. Boston daily globe. Boston evening record. Boston evening transcript. Boston herald. Boston home journal. Boston ideas. Boston journal. Boston journal of commerce. Boston post. Boston telegraph. Boston times. Boston traveler. British American citizen. Christian. Christian leader. Christian register. Citizen. Commercial bulletin. Congjregationalist. Cornere di Boston. Dorchester beacon. East Boston Argus-Advocate. Herald of the Coming One. Jamaica Plain news. Massachusetts ploughman. Morning star. New England farmer. New England Staaten Zeitung. Pilot. Republic. Saturday evening gazette. Watchman. Woman's journal. VVoman's voice. Zion's herald. Brockton, Mass. Brockton times. Brooklyn. Brooklyn daily eagle. Brussels. Independance beige. Peuple. Budapest. Pester Lloyd. Buenos Aires. Nacion. Buffalo. Buffalo express. Burlington, Iowa. Burlington hawk- eye. Burlington, Vt. Burlington daily free press. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge chron- icle. Cambridge press. Cape Town, Africa. Cape Argus. Caracas, Venezuela. Tiempo. Charlestown, Mass. Charlestown enterprise. Charleston, S. C. News and courier. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Cheyenne daily sun-leader. Chicago. Chicago daily tribune. Chicago journal of commerce. Chicago times-herald. Daily inter-ocean. Occident. Standard. Chillicothe, Mo. Missouri world. Christiania. Morgenbladet. Cincinnati. American Israelite. Cincinnati commercial tribune. Cincinnati enquirer. Cincinnati price current. Cleveland. Cleveland citizen. Cleveland leader. Cologne. Koelnische Zeitung. Colorado Springs. Weekly gazette. Concord, N. H. Concord evening monitor. Constantinople. Levant herald and Eastern express. Copenhagen. Aftenposten. Berlingske politiske og Avertisse- ments-Tidende. Costa Rica. Heraldo de Costa Rica. Davenport. Iowa churchman. Dedham, Mass. Dedham transcript. Denver. Denver republican. Detroit. Detroit free press. Dublin. Irish catholic and Nation. Irish weekly independent. LTnited Ireland. Weekly freeman. Weekly Irish times. Duluth, Minn. Duluth evening herald. Edinburgh. Expository times. Weekly Scotsman. El Cajon. El Cajon valley news. Fall River, Mass. Fall river daily globe. Fargo, No. Dakota. Daily Argus. Fitchburg, Mass. Fitchburg senti- nel. Fort Wayne, Ind. Fort Wayne sen- tinel. Framingham, Mass. Framingham star. Frankfort on the Main. Frankfurter Zeitung. Galata, Turkey. Arevelk. Galveston, Texas. Galveston daily news. Geneva. Journal de Geneve. Genoa. Corriere mercantile. Georgetown, Mass. Georgetown ad- vocate. Glasgow. Glasgow herald. Gloucester. Cape Ann breeze. Gloucester daily times. Gothenburg, Sweden. Goteborgs handel pch sjofarts tidning. Great Barrington, Mass. Berkshire news. Great Barrington gazette. Greenfield, Mass. Gazette and cou- rier. Groton, Mass. Groton landmark. Guatemala. Diario de Centro Ame- rica. Halifax, N. S. Halifax herald. Morning chronicle. Hamburg. Hamburger Nachrichten. Hamilton, Ontario. Hamilton spec- tator. Hartford, C9nn. Hartford courant. Havana. Diario de la marina. Haverhill, Mass. Haverhill even- ing gazette. Haverhill, N. H. Haverhill courier. Havre. Journal du Havre. Hayward, Cal. Arauto. Helena, Montana. Helena inde- pendent. Hingham, Mass. Hingham journal. Honolulu. Hawaiian gazette. Indianapolis. American noncon- formist. Indianapolis journal. Iquique, Chile. Patria. Jacksonville. Florida times-union. Jerusalem. Habazeleth. Kansas City. Kansas City journal. Kansas City times. Kingston, Jamaica. Daily gleaner. Weekly gleaner. Lakewood, N. J. Lakewood times and journal. Lausanne, Switzerland. Gazette de Lausanne. Lawrence, Mass. Lawrence daily American. Lemberg, Austria. Dziennik polski. Leominster, Mass. Leominster en- terprise. Lewiston, Me. Lewiston evening journal. Lincoln. Nebraska independent. Lisbon, Portugal. Jornal do com- mercio. See Appendix. Little Rock. Arkansas gazette. Liverpool. Liverpool journal of commerce. Liverpool Mercury. London. Board of trade journal. Clarion. Daily chronicle. Daily news. Daily telegraph. Era. Financial news. Guardian. Hentchak. Labour leader. Local government chronicle. London gazette. Mail. Saint James's budget. Standard. Times. World. Los Angeles, Cal. Herald. Louisville, Ky. Courier journal. Louisville commercial. Lowell, Mass. Lowell daily courier. Lowell weekly journal. Lynn. City item. Daily evening item. Index Madrid. Imparcial. Manchester, Eng. Manchester guar- dian. Manchester, N. H. Manchester union. Manitoba. Manitoba free press. Marlboro, Mass. Marlboro times. Memphis. Commercial appeal. Mexico. Mexican herald. Siglo diez y neuve. Milan. Secolo. Milwaukee. Amerikanische Turn- zeitung. Milwaukee sentinel. Peck's sun. Minneapolis. Minneapolis journal. Progress. Representative. Saturday spectator. Sunday times. Mobile, Miss. Mobile register. Montpelier. Vermont chronicle. Montreal. Montreal daily star. Munich. Allgemeine Zeitung. Nashville, Tenn. Nashville Ameri- can. Nashville banner. New Bedford, Mass. Evening stand- ard. New Bedford evening journal. New Haven. New Haven register. New Orleans. Daily picayune. Times-Democrat. New York. American catholic news. Arbetaren. Belletristisches Journal. Catholic review. Commercial advertiser. Commercial bulletin. Courrier des Etats-Unis. Eco d'ltalia. Evening post. Freiheit. Hebrew. Home journal. Independent. Irish American. Irish world. New York age. See Appendix. New York herald. New York journal of commerce and commercial bulletin. New York maritime register. New York times. New York tribune. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung. New Yorker Volkszeitung. People, The. Rural New Yorker. Sun. World. Newburyport, Mass. Newburyport morning herald. Newton, Mass. Newton graphic. Nogales, Arizona. Oasis. Nordhoff, Cal. Ojai. Oakland, Cal. Saturday press. Omaha. Omaha daijy bee. Ottawa. Ottawa citizen. Panama. Star and Herald. Paris. Daily messenger. Figaro. Journal des debats. Journal officiel. Messager de Paris. New York herald. European edi- tion. See Appendix. Temps. Philadelphia. Christian recorder.^ Germantown telegraph. Philadelphia record. Public ledger. Pittsburg. Pittsburg dispatch. Pittsfield, Mass. Berkshire county eagle. Berkshire evening eagle. Portland, Me. Daily Eastern Ar- gus. Portland evening express. Portland, Oregon. Morning Ore- gonian. 135 Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth times. Prague. Narodni listy. Providence. Providence daily jour- nal. Triangle. Quebec. Quebec morning chron- Quincy, Mass. Quincy patriot. Rangoon. Burma gazette. Richmond, Va. Richmond dispatch. Weekly edition. Rio de Janeiro. Jornal do com- mercio. Rio news. Rochester, N. Y. Post express. Rome. Fanfulla. Italic. Rutland, Vt. Rutland daily herald. St. John, N. B. St. John daily sun. St. Johns, Newfoundland. Evening telegram. St. Louis. St. Louis globe demo- crat. St. Louis republjc. St. Paul. Daily pioneer press. St. Petersburg. Hameliz. Journal de St. Petersbourg. Salem, Mass. Salem daily gazette. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake tribune. San Francisco. Argonaut. Commercial herald and market re- view. Daily ^report. Examiner. San Francisco chronicle. San Francisco news letter. State mining journal. San Juan, Porto Rico. Boletin mer- cantil de Puerto Rico. Santa Fe. Santa Fe daily New Mexican. Santiago, Chile. Diario oficial de la Republica de Chile. Savannah, Ga. Morning news. Seattle. Seattle post-intelligencer. Shanghai. North China herald. Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. Daily Ar- gus leader. Sitka. Alaskan. Smyrna. Affiches smyrneennes. Somerville, Mass. Somerville jour- nal. Spokane. Spokesman-Review. Springfield, Mass. Citoyen franco- americain. Springfield republican. Stockholm. Aftonbladet. Strassburg. Elsaesser Journal und niederrheinischer Kurier. Superior, Wis. Superior leader. Sydney, N. S. Wales. Sydney morn- ing herald. Taunton, Mass. Taunton daily ga- zette. Topeka, Kan. Topeka daily capital. Toronto. Daily mail and empire. Trenton, N. J. Trenton evening times. Trieste. Mercuric triestino. NVa ' Tint pa. Troy, N. Y. Troy daily times. Tucson. Arizona daily citizen. Valparaiso. Mercuric. Vancouver. Daily news-advertiser. Vicksburg, Miss. Daily commer- cial herald. Victoria. British Columbia com- mercial journal. Vienna. Neue freie Presse. Troshag. Virginia, Nevada. Virginia evening chronicle. Warsaw. Kurjer Warszawski. See Appendix. Washington, D. C. Evening star. National recorder. Washington post. Waterloo, P. Q. Canada. Journal de Waterloo. Watertown, Mass. Watertown en- terprise. 136 Wheeling, West Virginia. Wheel- ing register. Wilkes Barre, Penn. Wilkes-Barre times. Wilmington, Del. Evening journal. Morning news. Wilmington, N. C. Morning star. Umnipeg, Manitoba. Weekly trib- une. Woburn, Mass. Woburn journal. VI orcester. Arbetaren. Arbetarens Van. Skandinavia. Worcester daily spy. Yokohama. Japan weekly mail. Zanzibar. Zanzibar gazette. Zuerich. Neue Zuercher-Zeitung. Newspaper directories. American newspaper annual. American newspaper directory. Annuaire de la presse franchise. Anuario de la prensa chilena. Pettingill & co s Newspaper directo- Index Western Reserve and Northern Ohio historical society. Drugs, oils and paints. Oil, paint and drug reporter. Ophthalmology. See Ear and Eye. Optics. See Light. Orchids. Journal des orchidees. Lindenia. Orchid album. Orchid review. Organ. See also Music. Organist's quarterly journal. ry- Normandy. Soci6t6 de 1'histoire de Normandie. Norway. See Scandinavia. Notes and Queries. Cheshire notes and queries. East Anglian. Fenland notes and queries. Gazette anecdotique. Gloucestershire notes and queries. Intermediaire des chercheurs et cu- rieux. Leicestershire and Rutland notes and queries. Lincolnshire notes and queries. Middlesex and Hertfordshire notes and queries. Miscellaneous notes and queries. Northamptonshire notes and que- ries. Notes and queries. Harrisburg. Notes and queries. London. Notes and queries for Somerset and Dorset. Scottish antiquary. Scottish notes and queries. Wiltshire notes and queries. Wirral notes and queries. Numismatics. American journal of numismatics. American numismatic and archaeo- logical society. Numismatic and antiquarian society. .Numismatic chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic society. Revue beige de numismatique. Rivista italiana di numismatica. Societe francaise de numismatique. /citschrift fur Numismatik. See Appendix. Nursing. Bibjewomen and nurses. Trained nurse. Obstetrics. See also Women, Diseases. American association of obstetri- cians. American journal of obstetrics. Archives de tocologie. Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique. Obstetrical society. Zeitschrift fur Geburtshulfe. Occult sciences. See also Psychical phenomena; Spiritualism. Esoteric. Irish theosophist. Journal of practical metaphysics. Metaphysical magazine. Sphinx. Theosophy. Ohio. Early settlers' association of Cuya- hoga county. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Ohio state archaeological and histori- cal society. Oriental languages and an- tiquities. See also Egyptian languages and antiquities; India. Antiquities; Pah language; Sanskrit; Semitic languages and antiquities. American antiquarian and oriental journal. American oriental society. Asiatic society of Bengal. Asiatic society of Japan. Babylonian & oriental record. Bataviaasch genootschap. Biblia. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell- schaft. Harvard university. Harvard ori- ental series. See Appendix. Imperial and Asiatic quarterly re- view. International congress of oriental- ists. Japan society. Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichi- sches Handels-Museum. Koenigliche Museen. Kpninklijk instituut voor de taal- and- en volkenkunde van Neder- landsch-Indie. Musee Guimet. Orientalist. Royal Asiatic society of Great Bri- tain. Royal Asiatic society. Ceylon branch. See Appendix. Societa asiatica italiana. See Ap- pendix. Societe asiatique. T'oung Pao. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Oriental languages and an- tiquities. Bibliography. Orientalische Bibliographic. Ornithology. Auk. Ibis. Journal fur Ornithologie. Xuttall ornithological club. Permanente Internationale ornitho- logische Comite. Orthopaedia. American orthopedic association. Zeitschrift fur orthopadische Chi- rurgie. Otology. See Ear and Eye. Paint. Drugs, oils and paints. Oil, paint and drug reporter. Painting. See also Fine arts. Academy notes. New gallery notes. Paris. Salon. Royal academy pictures. Societd d'aquarellistes franc.ais. Palaeography. See also Inscriptions. Archivio paleografico italiano. Palaeographical society. See Appen- dix. Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rai- ner. Palaeontology. See also Geology. Bulletin of American paleontology. Canada. Geological survey. Ceska Akademie cisare Frantiska Tosefa. Illinois. Geological survey. India. Geological survev. Mem- oirs. Palaeontologia Indica. Leland Stanford junior university. Publications. Museo de La Plata. Anales. Pale- ^ontologia argentina. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie. New South Wales. Dept. of mines. Geological survey. New York. Geological survey. Palaeontographia Italica. Palaeontographica. Palreontographical society. Palzeontologische Abhandlungen. Schweizerische palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Societe beige de geologic. Societe geologique de France. University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of archxology and paleontology. VVagner free institute of science. Palestine. See also Bible antiquities. Deutscher Palaestina Verein. Palestine exploration fund. Palestine pilgrims' text society. lIpaBoc.iaBHufi lIa.iecTHncKifl cGopBura. Pali language. See also Oriental languages and antiquities. Pali text society. Paper. Papier-Zeitung. Praktisches Ilanc dbuch der Papier- fabrikation. Paris. Annuajre-almanach du commerce. Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris. Societe de 1'histqire de Paris. Societe des amis des monuments parisiens. Tout Paris. Parks. Boston. Park department. See Ap- pendix. Brooklyn. Dept. of parks. Cambridge, Mass. Park depart- ment. See Appendix. Chicago. South park commission- ers. Chicago. West Chicago park com- missioners. Lynn, Mass. Park commissioners. See Appendix. Massachusetts. Metropolitan park commissioners; Trustees of pub- lic reservations. See Appendix. New York, state. Commissioners of the state reservation at Niagara. Park and cemetery. Worcester. Parks-commission. Patents. Blatt fur Patent- Muster- und Zei- chenwesen. Canada. Patent office. Cycle monthly. France. Ministere du commerce. Descriptions des machines. Germany. Kaiserliches Patentamt. Great Britain. Commissioners of patents. Ingenieur. Inventive age. Propriete industrielle. Queensland. Patent office. Recueil special des brevets d'inven- tion. Repertorium der technischen Jour- nal-Literatur. Trade marks journal. U. S. Interior dept. Patent office. Victoria. Patent office. Vie scientifique. Pathology. See also Bacteriology; Medicine; Surgery. Archiv fiir experimentale Patholo- gic. Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomic. Archives de medecine experimentale. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anato- mic. Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Patho- logic. Journal of pathology. Pathological society, London. Pathological society of Philadelphia. Reale istituto di studi superior! pra- tici. Scuola d'anatomia patolo- gica. Rivista di patologia nervosa. Paediatrics. See Children. Diseases. Peace. See also International arbitration. Advocate of peace. Waff en, Die, nieder! Pedagogics. See Education. Pennsylvania. Historical journal. Historical record. Historical society of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania arch- ives. Pennsylvania German society. Pennsylvania magazine of history. Pensions. U. S. Interior dept. Pension of- fice. Periodicals. Bibliography. See also Indexes to periodicals. American newspaper annual. Annuaire de la presse francaise. Deutscher Journal-Katalog. Sveriges periodiska litteratur. See Appendix. Petrography. See Minerals. Pharmacology. Archiv fiir experimentale Patholo- g Ph armacy. Allgemeiner osterreichischer Apo- theker-Verein. Alumni journal. American druggist. American journal of pharmacy. American pharmaceutical associa- tion. Apothecary. Apotheker-Zeitung. Archives de medecine et de phar- rnacie militaires. Boston drug market. Buffalo druggist. Bulletin of pharmacy. Canadian druggist. Chemist and druggist. Deutscher Apotheker Verein. Drug reporter. Druggists' circular. Druggists' journal. Drugs, oils and paints. Ephemeris of materia medica. Formulary and druggists' magazine. Graduate. Iowa pharmaceutical journal. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Pharmakognosie. Jahres-Rundschau iiber die chemi- sche Industrie. Journal de pharmacie. Merk's market report. Meyer brothers' druggist. Montreal pharmaceutical journal. National druggist. New England druggist. New idea. Oil, paint and drug reporter. Omaha druggist. Pacific drug review. Index Pharmacal digest. Pharmacal notes. Pharmaceutical era. Pharmaceutical journal. Pharmaceutical review. Pharmaceutische Centralhalle. Philadelphia college of pharmacy. Practical druggist. Prescription. Reale istituto di studi superior! pra- tici. Sezione di medicma. Registered pharmacist. Retail druggist. Southern journal of pharmacy. SpaMga. Wea^M druggist. Philitely. See Postage stamps. Philology. See Language. Philosophy. See also Psychology. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Wydzial historiczno-filozoficzny. American philosophical society. Annales de philosophic chr6tienne. Annee philosophique. Archiv fur Geschichte der Philoso- phic. Archiv fur systematische Philoso- phic. Cambridge philosophical society. Columbia college. Contributions to philosophy. Critical review of theological and philosophical literature. Etudes religieuses. International journal of ethics. Journal of speculative philosophy. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Philosophisch-historische Classe. Kantstudien. See Appendix. Koeniglich. - bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philoso- phisch-philologische Classe. Koeniglich-boehmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Classe fiir Philosophic. Koeniglich - preussische Akademie der VVissenschaften. Philosophi- sche und historische Abhand- lungen. Koeniglich-saechsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Philoso- phisch-historische Cjasse. Kongeligt dansk videnskabernes Selskab. Skrifter. Historisk og filosofisk Afdeling. Literary and philosophical society of Liverpool. Mind. Mqnist. Philosophical and literary society, Leeds. Philosophical review. Philosophische Studien. Open court. Positiyismo. Reale istituto di studi superior! pra- tici. Sezione di filosofia. Reale scuola normale superiore. Annali. Filosofia. Revue philosophique de la France et de retranger. Rivista di filosofia scientifica. Victoria institute. Videnskabs - Selskabet. Historisk- filosofisk Klasse. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaft- liche Philosophic. Zeitschrift fur Philosophic und phi- losophische Kritik. Phonetics. See also Shorthand. Neuere Sprachen. Phonography. See Shorthand. Photography. American annual of photography. American journal of photography. Annuaire general et international. 137 Artist, photographer and decorator. British journal of photography. British journal photographic al- manac. Tahrbuch fur Photographic. Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft fur uhotographische Publicationen. Photo- American. Photographic news. Photographic review of reviews. Photographic times. Photographische Mitteilungen fiir Fachmanner und Liebhaber. Wilson's photographic magazine. Phrenology. Phrenological journal. Physical education. Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehung. Physical education. Physical geography. See also Geography; Terrestrial physics. Institute fisico-geografico. Kongliga fysiografiska sallskapet. Physics. See also Chemistry; Electricity. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Beiblatter. Annales de chimie et de physique. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. Astronomical and physical society. Cambridge philosophical society. Central-Zeitung fur Optik und Me- chanik. Chemical news and journal of phy- sical science. Digest of physical tests. E'cole normale superieure. Annales. HunepaTopcKiii Ka&iucKiii j aiiBDpcmoi L. BepcnTen>. aBETnerepSyprcKifi JBH- KO-iHMUiecKO 06- . Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Journal de physique. Koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaiten. Mathematisch- physikalische Classe. Koeniglich - preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikali- sche Abhandlungen. Koenigliche Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften. Mathematisch-phy- sikalische Klasse. Koeniglich-saechsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Mathema- tisch-physische Classe. London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine. Manchester literary and philosoph- ical society. Monatshefte fiir Chemie. Monatshefte fur Mathematik und Physik. Phys|cal review. Physical society of London. Physikalisch - medicinische Gesell- schaft. Physikalisch - technische Reichsan- stalt. Physikalische Gesellschaft. Physikalischer Verein. Rcale scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Repertorium der Physik. Royal physical society. Royal society of London. Philo- sophical transactions. Societa italiana delle scienze. Societa reale di Napoli. Accademia delle scienze fisiche. Soci6td de physique et d'histoire naturelle. Societe francaise de physique. BtCTHHIfL OHHTHOlt 4>H3HKII H 3JIOM6HTap- HoS MaTexaTuEH. IIouy.iano-uayjHLiS 138 Index Zeitschrift fur den physikalischcn und chcmischen Unterricht. Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Phy- sik. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Physics. Bibliography. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Beiblatter. Physio graphy . See Physical geography. Physiology. See also Anatomy; Biology; Em- bryology. Archiv fur Anatomic und Physiolo- gic. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiolo- gic. Archiv fur pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic. Archives de physiologic normale et pathologique. Archives italiennes de bio_logie. Centralblatt fur Physiologic. Gesellschaft fur Morphologic und Physiologic. Jahrbuch der Physiologic. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Physiologic. Jahres-Bericht uber die Fortschritte der Thier-Chemie. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur phy- siologische Chemie. Journal de 1'anatomie et de la phy- siologic. Journal of anatomy and physiology. Journal of experimental medicine. Journal of physiology. Monthly international journal of anatomy and physiology. Physikalisch - medicinische Gesell- schaft. CanKTneTepCyprcKoe oOmecTso ecTeci- BOHCiuiTaTejeS. OTAtJeaie soo.ioriH B 4>H3iaioriB. Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physio- logic. Socieie de biologic. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Zeitschrift fur Biologic. Zeitschrift fur Psychologic und Phy- siologic der Sinnesorgane. Picardy. Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. Pilgrimage. Palestine pilgrims' text society. Plumbing. See also Sanitary engineering. Sanitary plumber. Poisons. See also Chemistry. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Pharmakognosie, Pharmacie und Toxikologie. Poitou, France. Societe des antiquaires de 1'ouest. Polish language. Akademija umiejetnosci, Cracow. Komisyja jezykowa. Prace filologiczne. Political economy. See also Banking; Commerce; Co- operation; Finance, Public; La- bor; Socialism; Sociology; Statis- tics; Tariff. American economic association. American economist. Annuaire de 1'economie politique et de la statistique. Annual statistician and economist. Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Biblioteca dell" economista. Cobden club. Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-Fragen. Economic journal. Economic review. Economist. Economiste francais. France. Ministere de 1'instruction publique. Comite des travaux his- toriques. Section des sciences economiques. Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volks- wirte. Giornale degli economist!. (iunton's magazine. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirtschaft im deutschen Reich. Jahrbuecher fiir Nationalokonomie. Journal des economistes. Journal of political economy. Monde economique. National tfkonomisk Tidsskrift. National single taxer. Quarterly journal of economics. Revue d economic politique. Rifprma sociale. University of Nebraska. Depart- ments of history and economics. University of Pennsylvania. Pub- lications. University of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Economics. Verein fur Socialpolitik. Vierteljahrsschrift fur Staats- und Volkswirtschaft. Volkswirthschaftliche Gesellschaft. Yale review. Zeitschrift fiir Sozial- und Wirth- schaftsgeschichte. Political economy. Bibli- ography. Quarterly journal of economics. Political science. See also Civil service reform; Di- plomacy; Finance, Public; Inter- national law; Law; Legislation; Municipal government; Statistics. American academy of political and social science. American magazine of civics. Annalen des deutschen Reichs fur Gesetzgebung. City anci state. Columbia college. University fac- ulty of political science. Ecole libre des sciences politiques. Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volks- wirte. Good government. Gunton's magazine. Imperial federation. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirtschaft im deutschen Reich. }ahrbuecher fiir Nationalokonomie. ohns Hopkins university. Johns Hopkins university studies. Michigan political science associa- tion. Nation. Berlin. Political science quarterly. Revue du droit public et de la science politique. Revue sociale et politique. Riforma sociale. Societa reale di Napoli. Accademia di scienze morale e pplitiche. Societe d'economie sociale. La re- forme sociale. University of Toronto. University of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Economics. Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Vierteljahrsschrift fur Staats- und Volkswirtschaft. Yale review. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staats- wissenschaft. Political science. Bibliogra- phy- Allgemeine Bibliographic derStaats- und Rechtswissenschaften. Pomerania, Germany. Blaetter fur pommersche Volks- kunde. Gesellschaft fur pommersche Ge- schichte. Pomology. See Fruit; Horticulture. Populist party. American nonconformist. Missouri world. Representative. Portland cement. Verein deutscher Portland-Cement- Fabrikanten. Postage stamps. American philatelist. Mekeel's weekly stamp news. Philatelic journal of America. Revista filatelica. Post office. Archiv fiir Post und Telegraphic. Bureau international de 1 Union postale universelle. Post office guide. Postal record. U. S. Post office dept. Pottery. China decorator. China, glass and lamps. Clay record. Clay worker. Thonindustrie Zeitung. Poultry. California cultivator and poultry keeper. Farm-Poultry. See Appendix. Poultry world. Power. See Mechanical engineering. Presbyterian church. Evangelist. Over sea and land. Presbyterian and reformed review. Presbyterian record. Reformed presbyterian and cove- nanter. United presbyterian. Woman's work for woman. Printing. Associazione tipografico-libraria. Engraver and printer. Inland printer. National printer-journalist. Typographical journal. Prisons. Journal of prison discipline. National prison congress. Our paper. Societe generale des prisons. Summary. Profit sharing. See Cooperation. Protection. See Tariff. Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Church. See Appendix. Church social union. Churchman. Episcopal recorder. General theological seminary of the Protestant episcopal church. Iowa churchman. Living church quarterly. Protestant episcopal review. Provencal language. See also Romance languages. Armana prouven^au per lou bel an de Dieu. Revue de philologie franchise et provengale. Provisions. See Food. Prussia. Altpreussische Monatsschrift. Psychical phenomena. See also Occult sciences; Spiritu- alism. Annales des sciences psychiques. Borderland. Revue spirite. Society for psychical research. Psychology. See also Nervous system; Philos- ophy; Psychical phenomena. American journal of psychology. American psychological association. Annales medico-psychologiques. Annee psychologique. Archives d'anthropologie criminelle. Columbia college. Contributions to philosophy. International congress of experi- mental psychology. Journal of mental science. Mind. Princeton university. Princeton con- tributions to psychology. Psychological review. Revue spirite. Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane. Public hygiene. See also Boards of health under the different states of the United States in the main list; Hospitals; Hygiene. American public health association. Annales d'hygiene publique. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir of- fentliche Gesundheitspflege. France. Ministere de 1 interieur. Comite consultatif. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheits- amt. Italy. Ministero dell' interne. Japan. Central sanitary bureau. Journal of state medicine. Massachusetts association of boards of health. Mexico. Consejo superior de salu- bridad. National conference of state boards of health. Public health. Revue Internationale des falsifica- tions. Rivista d'igiene e sanita pubblica. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und offentliches Sanitats- wesen. Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Quebec. Literary and historical society. Railroad guides. ABC pathfinder and dial. ABC pathfinder railway guide. Railroads. See also Street railroads. American engineer. American railway association. American railway master mechanics association. American society of railroad super- intendents. Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen. Electric railway gazette. Engineering news. Locomotive. Locomotive engineering. See Ap- pendix. Master car-builders' association. Mining journal, railway and com- mercial gazette. New England railroad club. New England roadmasters' associa- tion. New York railroad club. Northwest railway club. Oesterreichische Eisenbahn - Zei- tung. Poor' ( S directory of railway officials. Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. Railroad gazette. Railway age. Railway engineer. Railway master mechanic. Railway review. Railway times. Revue generale des chemins de fer. Index Southern and southwestern railway club. Statistik der schmalspurigen Eisen- bahnen. Train dispatchers' association of America. U. S. Interior dept. Commissioner of railroads. Interstate commerce commission. Verein deutscher Eisenbahn- Ver- waltungen. Western railway club. Zeitschrift fur das gesammte Local- und Strassenbahnwesen. Rainfall. See Meteorology. Religion and Theology. See also Bible; Bible antiquities; Church almanacs; Church antiqui- ties; Church history; Church law; Missions; and the names of the following religious denominations : Baptist; Church of England; Con- gregational (trinitarian) ; Jews ; Lu- theran; Methodist episcopal; New Jerusalem ; Presbyterian ; Protes- tant episcopal; Roman catholic; Unitarian; Universalist. American journal of theology. See Appendix. Bibliotheca sacra. Canadian independent. Children's record. Christian. Boston. Christian. London. Christian cynosure. Christian express. Christian herald. Christian intelligencer. Christian literature and review of churches. Christian statesman. Christian work. Christian world. Church evangelist. Converted catholic. Critical review of theological and philosophical literature. Dagsbrun. Dansk Kirketidende. Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Sciences religieuses. Etudes religieuses. Evangelical Christendom. Evangelischer Heidenbote. Expository times. Family Christian almanac. Feuille religieuse du Canton de Vaud. Friend. Honolulu. Golden rule. Hartford seminary record. Hartford theological seminary. Helping hand. Herald of life. Herald of the Coming One. Homiletic review. Independent and nonconformist. Jahrbuecher fiir protestantische Theologie. Light bearer. Manifesto. Meadville portfolio. Messenger for the children. Monthly record. Moravian. Musee Guimet. Neue Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theologie. New unity. New world. New York observer. New York voice. Open church. Open court. Our country church. Outlook. Propagateur. Review of the churches. Revue de 1'histoire des religions. Revista cristiana. Revue du Christianisme pratique. Rundschau. !iogra- Sailor's magazine. Signs of the times. Societe des sciences et lettres. Mu- seon. Student volunteer. Sunday magazine. Sunday school times. Theologische Studien und Kritiken. Theologisch tijdschrift. Thinker. Treasury of religious thought. Twentieth century monthly. Unity. Woman's evangel. World's crisis. Zeitschrift fiir kirchliche Wissen- schaft und kirchliches Leben. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche 1 heologie. Religion and Theology. Bibliography. Bibliotheca theologica. Bulletin bibliographique protes- tante. Theologische Literaturzeitung. rheologischer Jahresbericht. Zeitschrift fiir hebraische Biblic phie. Religious art. See Christian art. Rhode Island. Providence. Record commission. Knode Island historical society. Rhode Island historical tracts. Soldiers' and sailors' historical so- ciety. Roads. See also Civil engineering. Annales des ponts. Ecole des ponts et chaussees. L. A. W. bulletin and Good roads. Massachusetts highway association. Missouri roads improvement jour- nal. U. S. Agric. dept. Office of road inquiry. Zeitschrift fur Transportwesen und Strassenbau. Romaic language. Apxeia TTJS Newrfyos 'EXX^w/cijj Roman catholic church. American catholic historical re- searches. American catholic news. American catholic quarterly review. Annales de la propagation de la foi. Annals of the propagation of the faith. Catholic champion. Catholic review. Catholic university of America. Catholic world. Civilta cattolica. Converted catholic. Correspondant. Illustrated catholic family annual. Irish catholic and Nation. Month. Orphan's bouquet. Pilot. Sadliers' catholic directory. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly. Tablet. Young catholic. Zeitschrift fur katholische Theolo- gie. Romance languages. Archivio glottologico italiano. Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Kritischer Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der romanischen Philologie. Literaturblatt fiir germanische und romanische Philologie. Litterarischer Verein, Stuttgart. Romania. Romanische Forschungen. Societe pour 1'etude des langues romanes. 140 Index Studj di filologia romanza. Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philolo- gie. Bomagna, Italy. Regia deputazione di storia patria. Borne. Antiquities. See Classical antiquities; Italy. Antiquities. Boses. Journal des roses. Rosarians' year book. Boyal academy of arts. Academy notes. Bubber. See India rubber. Bussia. History. Gesellschaft fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der russischen Ostsee-Provinzen. HunepaTopCKOe PyceKoe ucTopuiocKua Pyccsifl apiBBi. Salt. Zeitschrift fur das Berg-, Hutten- und Salinenwesen. Sanitary engineering. See also Gas; Hygiene; Public hygiene; Water supply. American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Engineering record. Gesundheits-Ingenieur. Technologic sanitaire. Sanskrit. See also Oriental languages and antiquities. Ananda-ac.rama series. See Appen- dix. Bibliotheca Indica. Bombay Sanskrit series. See Ap- pendix. Kavya-mala. See Appendix. Pandit. Usha. Scandinavia. Antiquities. Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Kongliga vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien. Lanets fornminnesforening, Gothen- burg. See Appendix. Nyare bidrag till kannedom om de svenska landsmalen ock svenskt folklif. See Appendix. Svenska fornminnesforening. See Appendix. Tegnmger af aeldre nordisk Archi- tektur. Scandinavia. History. Kongeligt nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Kongliga vitterhets, historic och antiquitets akademien. Konghgt samfundet for utgifvande af handskrifter rorande skandina- viens historia. Norsk historisk Kildeskriftfond. Svenska statens historiska museum. Scandinavian languages. See also Germanic languages. Arkiv for nordisk Filologi. Dania. Kj0benhavns Universitet. Univer- sitets-Jubilaeets danske Samfund. See Appendix. Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Arsskrift. Samfundet til Udgivelse af gam- mel nordisk Literatur. See Ap- pendix. Svensk tidskrift. Schools. See also Education. American college and public school directory. Association of colleges and prepar- atory schools. Biblioteca delle scuole italiane. Goteborgs hogskolas arsskrift. IIochschul-Nachrichten. Jahresberichte uber das hohere Schulwesen. New England association of col- leges and preparatory schools. Public schools year book. Statistisches Jahrbuch der hoheren Schulen Deutschlands. Verein deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. See Appendix. Scientific apparatus. See Instruments, Mechanical. Scotland. Antiquities. Ayrshire and Galloway archaeologi- cal association. Glasgow archaeological society. Scottish antiquary. Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Scotland. History. New Spalding club. Scottish history society. Sculpture. See also Fine arts. Architecture et sculpture en France. Materiaux et documents d'architec- ture et de sculpture. Seaweeds. See Algae. Seismology. See Earthquakes. Semitic languages and anti- quities. See also Jews; Oriental languages and antiquities. American journal of Semitic lan- guages. Babylonian & oriental record. Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Revue d'assyriologie. Revue semitique d'epigraphie. Semitistische Studien. Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Serbo-Croatian literature. Matica hrvatska. Shakers. Manifesto. Shakespeare. American Shakespeare magazine. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Shakespeare society. N. Y. Ships. See Naval architecture; Navy. Shoes. See Boots. Shorthand. Phonetic journal. Phonographic magazine. Shorthand educator. Student's journal. Silesia, Germany. Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vater- landische Cultur. Verein fiir Geschichte und Alter- thum Schlesiens. Silk. U. S. Agric. dept. Silk section. Single tax. National single taxer. Skin diseases. American dermatological associa- tion. Annales de dermatologie et syphilo- graphie. Archiv fiir Dermatologie. Slavic languages. Archiv fur slavische Philologie. Prace filologiczne. Socialism. Altruist. Altruist interchange. American Fabian. Brotherhood. Conservator. Fabian news. Fabian tracts. Freedom. Freiheit. Justice. Land and labor. Liberty. Neue Zeit. New Yorker Volkszeitung. Peuple. Revue socialiste. See Appendix. Twentieth century. Vorwarts. Social sciences. See Political economy; Political science; Sociology; Statistics. Sociology. See also Charities; Political econ- omy; Prisons; Socialism; Statis- tics j Woman. American academy of political and social science. American journal of sociology. Archiv fiir soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Arena. Bibliotheca sacra. France. Ministere_ de 1'instruction publique. Comite des travaux historiques. Section des sciences economiques. Gesellschaft osterreichischer Volks- wirte. Institut des sciences sociales. See Appendix. Journal of social science. Lend a hand. London. Musee social. See Appendix. New earth. Philanthropist. Revue des questions sociales. Revue du christianisme pratique. Revue internationale de sociologie. Revue sociale et politique. Rifqrma sociale. Societe d'economie sociale. La re- forme sociale. Societe internationale pour 1'etude des questions d'assistance. Soziale Praxis. Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Staats- und V'olkswirtschaft. Sociology. Bibliography. Bibliographia sociologica. South America. Revista sul-americana. Spain. History. Real academia de la historia. Revista critica de historia. Revue hispanique. Spanish language. See also Romance languages. Revista critica de historia y litera- tura espanolas. Revue hispanique. Spiritualism. See also Occult sciences; Psychi- cal phenomena. Banner of light. Philosophical journal. Revue spirite. Sports and Games. American angler. American cricketer. American yacht list. Badminton magazine. Baily's magazine. Bicycling world. Clipping collector. Collector. (Autographs.) Field, the farm, the garden. Forest and stream. Journal de la marine. Le yacht. L. A. W. bulletin and Good roads. Outing. Repertoire des ventes publiques. Shooting and fishing. Spirit of the times. Sports athletiques. Turf, field and farm. Whist. See Appendix. "Who won"? Yacht racing calendar and review. Staffordshire, England. William Salt archaeological society. Stamps. See Postage stamps. Statistics. See also Actuarial societies. Allgemeines statistisches Archiv. Almanach de Gotha. American statistical association. Annalen des deutschen Reichs fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Statistik. Annuaire de 1'e'conomie politique et de la statistique. Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. Annual statistician and economist. Archiv fiir soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Argentine Republic. Direcci6n gene- ral de estadistica. See Appendix. Austria. Kaiserlich-koenighche sta- tistische Central-Commission. See Appendix. Austria. Kaiserlich - koenigliches Handelsministerium. Belgium. Commission centrale de statistique. Boletin mensual demografico de Montevideo. Breslauer Statistik. Budapest. Statistisches Jahrbuch. Buenos Aires. Municipal statistics bureau. Bulgaria. Bureau de statistique. Bulletin russe de statistique finan- ciere. Canada. Dept. of agriculture. Cape of Good Hope. Statistical reg- ister. Chile. Oficina central de estadis- tica. See Appendix. Chile. Oficina de estadistica comer- cial. Costa Rica. Departamento nacional de estadistica. See Appendix. Deutsche Rundschau fiir Geogra- phic und Statistik. Dresden. Statistisches Amt. Finland. Bidrag till Finlands offi- ciela Statistik. See Appendix. France. Ministere des finances. France. Ministere du commerce. Annuaire statistique. Frankfort on the Main. Statisti- sches Amt. Frankfurter Verein fiir Geographic und Statistik. Greece. Ministere des finances. Hesse. Grossherzoglich - hessische Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatis- tik. India. Dept. of finance. Institut international de statistique. International congress of hygiene and demography. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura. Jahrbuecher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik. Japan. Cabinet imperial. Section de la statistique. See Appendix. Koeniglich-preussisches statistisches Bureau. Koeniglich-saechsisches statistisches Bureau. Mexico. Ministerio de fomento. Paris. Annuaire statistique. Prussia. Koeniglich - preussisches Ministerium fur Landwirthschaft. Roumania. Ministerul agriculture!, industrei, etc. See Appendix. Royal statistical society. Saxe - Meiningen - Hildburghausen. Statistik. See Appendix. Sociedad de geogratia y estadistica de la Republica mexicana. Societe de statistique. Statesman's year-book. Statistical and social inquiry soci- ety of Ireland. Statistical society of Manchester. Statistische Monatsschrift. Statistisches Jahrbuch. Stuttgart. Statistisches Amt. See Appendix. Sweden. Konglika statistika cen- tralbyran. See Appendix. Switzerland. Statistisches Bureau. Tokio statistical association. See Appendix. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of sta- tistics. Index U. S. State dept. Bureau of statis- tics. U. S. Treasury dept. Bureau of statistics. Uruguay. Anuario estadistico. Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reichs. Zeitschrift fur schweizerische Sta- tistik. Zuerich. Kantonales statistisches Bureau. See Appendix. Steel. See Iron. Stenography. See Shorthand. Stocks. See also Investments. Martin's stock fluctuations. Commercial and financial chronicle. Quotation supplement. Stoicheiometry. See also Chemistry. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Stomach and Intestines. Archiv fur Verdauungs-Krankheiten. Stone. Granite. Granite cutters' journal. Stone. Stone cutters' journal. Strawberry. Strawberry culturist. Street railroads. See also Railroads. American street-railway^ association. Commercial and financial chronicle. Street railway supplement. Electric railroad gazette. Johnston's Electrical and street rail- way directory. Street rajlway journal. Street railway review. Zeitschrift fur das gesammte Local- und Strassenbahnwesen. Strikes. France. Ministere du commerce. Office du travail. Sugar. See also Beet sugar. Jahres-Bericht fiber die Untersuch- ungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Zuckerfabri- kation. Surgery. American orthopedic association. American surgical association. Annals of surgery. Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie. Archives of surgery. Archives provinciales de chirurgie. Association of military surgeons of the United States. Atlanta medical and surgical jour- nal. Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie. Boston medical and surgical journal. Bristol medico-chirurgical journal. Buffalo medical and surgical jour- nal. Ccntralblatt fur Chirurgie. Cincinnati lancet-clinic. Congres frangais de chirurgie. Congress of American physicians and surgeons. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Medical and chirurgical- faculty of Maryland. Medical and surgical register of the United States. Medical and surgical reporter. New Orleans medical and surgical journal. Pester medizinische chirurgische Presse. Revue de chirurgie. Revue de therapeutiquc medico- chirurgicale. Royal medical and chirurgical soci- ety. I4i St. Louis medical and surgical jour- nal. Societd medico-chirurgica. Socie'te de chirurgie. Southern surgical and gynecological association. U. S. Navy dept. Bureau of medi- cine. Zeitschrift fiir orthopadische Chi- rurgie. Surveying. See Civil engineering. Sweden. See Scandinavia. Swedenborgian church. See New Jerusalem church. Switzerland. Centralkommission fiir schweizeri- sche Landeskunde. Zeitschrift fur schweizerische Statis- tik. Switzerland. Antiquities. Antiquarische Gesellschaft. Societe d'histoire ct d'archeologie de Geneve. Switzerland. History. Societd d'histoire et d'archeologie de Geneve. Verein fiir Geschichte des Boden- see s. Tariff. See also Political economy. Board of trade journal. Bradstreet's. China. Inspector general of cus- toms. fobden club. Home market bulletin. National association of wool manu- facturers. South eastern tariff association. U. S. Treasury dept. United States revenue journal. Taxation. See Finance, Public; Tariff. Teaching. See Education. Technical chemistry. Chemisch-technisches Repertorium. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur ange- wandte Chemie. Freie Vereinigung bayerischer Ver- treter der angewandten Chemie. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologic. Revue de chimie industrielle. Sammlung chemischer technischer Vprtrage. Society of chemical industry. Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch. Technology. See also Technical chemistry; Useful and Industrial arts. Annalen fur Gewerbe. Conservatoire des arts et metiers. Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Ecole polytechnique, Delft. Ecole polytechnique, Paris. Franklin institute. fndustria. Kaiserlich - koenieliches technologi- sches Gewerbe-Museiim. Koenigliche technische Versuchs- anstalt. Massachusetts institute of technol- ogy. Physikalisch - technische Reichsan- stalt. Polytechnic review. Polytechnische Gesellschaft. Reale istituto tecnico. Revue industrielle. Scientific American. _ Societe scientifique industrielle. Techniker. Technische Rundschau. Technology quarterly. Technology. Bibliography. Polytechnische Bibliothek. 142 Index Repertorium der technischcn Jour- nal-Literatur. Teeth. See Dentistry. Telegraph. Annales telegraphiques. Archiv fur Post und Telegraphic. Temperance. National temperance advocate. Society; for the study and cure of inebriety. Temperance cause. Terrestrial magnetism. Batavia, Magnetical and meteoro- logical observatory. Bombay, Magnetical and meteoro- logical observatory. Greenwich, Royal observatory. Kaiserlich-koenigliche Central- An- stalt fur Meteorologie und Erd- magnetismus. Munich, Koenigliche Sternwarte. Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum in Karnten. Prague, Kaiserlich-koenigliche Stern- warte. Real colegio de Belen. Saint Petersburg. 1'aaBuaa (Ji Stonyhurst college observatory. Terrestrial magnetism. THiJijuccKoe 43HiecKoe oOmecTBo. llar- IIHTIUJfl HSft.lIOjeULH. Toulouse. Observatpire. Universidade de Coimbra. Observa- torio. Terrestrial physics. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Jahrbuch der Astronomic und Geo- physik. Textile fabrics. See also Carpets. Fibre and fabric. Indian textile journal. National association of wool manu- facturers. New England cotton manufacturers' association. Textile manufacturer. Textile manufacturers' review. Textile record of America. Textile recorder. Textile world. Theatre. See Drama. Theology. See Bible; Religion and Theology. Theology. Bibliography. Theosophy. See Occult sciences. Therapeutics. See also Medicine. American electro-therapeutic asso- ciation. Annuaire de therapeutique. Bulletin general de therapeutique. Centralblatt fur gesammte Therapie. Revue d'hygiene therapeutique. Revue d_e therapeutique medico- chirurgicale. Societe de therapeutique. Therapeutische Monatshefte. Therapeutische Wochenschrift. Throat and Lungs. American laryngological associa- tion. Annales des maladies de 1'oreille et du larynx. Archiv fur Laryngologie. Internationales Centralblatt fur La- ryngologie. Journal of laryngology. Revue de laryngologie. Tools. See Machinery. Toxicology. See Poisons. Trade journals. See Useful and Industrial arts. Trademarks. See also Patents. Trade marks journal. Transylvania, Hungary. Verein fiir siebenbiirgische Landes- kunde. Travel. See also Geography; Mountaineer- ing; Pilgrimage. Cook's excursionist. Hakluyt society. Mittheilungen von Forschungsrei- senden. Mouvement colonial. Norske Turistforening. Oesterreichischer Touristen-Chib. Sqcieta d'esplorazione commerciale in Africa. Societe des touristes du Dauphine. Svenska turistforening. Tour du monde. Travelers' record. Tuscany, Italy. Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Toscana. Tyrol, Austria. Ferdinandeum. Unitarian church. Cambridge First parish. Sermons. Christian register. Every other Sunday. Messiah pulpit. Pacific Unitarian. Shu-Kyo. Southern Unitarian. Unitarian. Year-book of the Unitarian congre- gational churches. United States. History. For local and state societies and periodicals see the names of the different states. American antiquarian society. American catholic historical re- searches. American historical association. American historical review. Amerjcan historical register. American history leaflets. American Jewish historical society. Historical journal. Huguenot society of America. Johns Hopkins university. Johns Hopkins university studies. I, eland Stanford junior university. Monographs. Putnam s monthly historical maga- zine. Scotch-Irish society of America. Sons of the American revolution. National society. Southern historical society. Spirit of '76. Winnowings in American history. Universalist church. Christian leader. Universalist register and almanac. Universalist quarterly and general review. Universities. See Colleges and Universities. University extension. Citizen. Upholstery. American carpet and upholstery trade. Carpet and upholstery trade review. Decorator and furnisher. Upholsterer. Upper Palatinate, Bavaria. Historischer Verein fiir die Ober- pfalz. Useful and Industrial arts. General periodicals. See also Commerce; Technology; and for periodicals on special in- dustries the following headings: Books; Bottling; Brewing; Brick; Carriages; Dyeing; Food; Furni- ture; Ice; India rubber; Leather; Lumber; Machinery; Metal-work; Metals; Minerals: Mines and Mining; Paper; Pharmacy; Pho- tography; Pottery; Portland ce- ment; Printing; Stone; Sugar; Textile fabrics; Upholstery; Watches ; Woodwork. Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti. Alabama industrial and scientific society. American artisan. Annee industrielle. Annee scientifique et industrielle. Arte italiana decorativa e indust- riale. Associazione tipografico-libraria. Gewerbeblatt fiir das Grossherzog- tlium Hessen. Industrial world. Industrialist. Industries and Iron. Inventive age. Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichi- sches Handels-Museum. Oester- reichische Monatsschrift fiir den Orient. Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichi- sches Museum fiir Kunst und In- dustrie. Kunstgewerbeblatt. Mitteldeutscher Kunstgewerbe- verein. Montana. Bureau of agriculture, labor and industry. Royal agricultural and commercial society of British Guiana. Scientific American. Sociedad de fomento fabril. Societe d'agriculture, Industrie, sci- ences et arts du departement de la Lozere. Societe d'agriculture, sciences et Industrie. Societe d'encouragement pour 1'in- dustrie nationale. Socjete industrielle de Mulhouse. Socjete jndustrielle dc Rouen. Society instituted at London for the encouragement of arts. Southern workmen. Tradesman. Verein zur Beforderung des Ge- werbfleisses. Verkehrszeitung. Vie scientifique. Weymouth agricultural and indus- trial society. Wiener Kunstgewerbe-Vercin. Work. Vedas. Usha. Vegetarianism. See also Food. Food, home and garden. Venice. Regia deputazione veneta di storia t>atria. Ventilation. American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Zeitschrift fur Beleuchtungswesen. Veterinary medicine. American veterinary review. Archiv fiir Thierheilkunde. See Ap- pendix. Deutsche Zcitschrift fiir Thiermedi- cin. Sec Appendix. Journal of comparative medicine and veterinary archives. U. S. Agric. dept. Bureau of ani- mal industry. United States veterinary medical as- sociation. Veterinarian. Virginia. Southern historical society. Virginia. Calendar of Virginia state papers. Virginia historical society. Virginia magazine of history. Washington and Lee university. William and Mary college quarterly historical magazine. Vivisection. See also Cruelty to animals. Victoria street society for the pro- tection of animals from vivisec- tion. Zoochilist. Voyages. See Travel. Wales. Bye-gones. Cambrian archaeological association. Society of Cymmrodorion. Walloons. Commission de 1'histoire des eglises. War. See Peace. Watches. Hprological journal. Water supply. See also Sanitary engineering. American society of irrigation en- gineers. American water works association. Deutscher V erein von Gas- und \\'asserf achmannern. Irrigation age. Journal of gas-lighting, water sup- ply and sanitary improvement. London. Metropolitan water sup- ply. Mat lanual of American water works. New England water works associa- tion. U. S. Agric. dept. Office of irriga- tion inquiry. Weather. See Meteorology. Weights and Measures. Comite international des poids et mesures. Whist. Whist. See Appendix. Wisconsin. Parkman club. State historical society of Wiscon- sin. Woman. Association for the advancement of women. Woman's education association. See Appendix. Woman's evangel. Woman's journal. Woman's voice. Woman's world and Jenness-Miller monthly. Index Woman's work for woman. Woman. Diseases. See also Obstetrics. American association of obstetri- cians and gynecologists. American gynecological society. American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. Archiv fur Gynaekologie. British gynecological journal. Centralblatt fur Gynakolog^ie. Nouvelles archives d'obstetrique et de gynecologic. Southern surgical and gynecological association. Zeitschrift fur Geburtshiilfc und Gynakologie. Wood-work. Carpenter. International wood-worker. Menuiserie ebenisterie. Travaux simples de menuiserie. Wool. National association of wool manu- factures. Wuerttemb erg. Wuerttembergische Vierteljahrs- hefte. Wyclif, John. Wyclif society. Wyoming Valley, Penn. Historical record. Yachts. American yacht list. Journal de la marine. Le yacht. "Who won"? Yacht racing calendar and review. Young men's Christian as- sociations. Association monthly. International association training school notes. Men. Two states. Young men's Christian associations of the United States and Canada. Zoology. See also Biology; Embryology; Entomology; Mollusks; Ornith- ology. Archives de zoologie. Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Finska vetenskaps societet, Helsing- fors. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro fauna et flora Fennica. Harvard university. Museum of comparative zoology. 143 Institut zoologique de Lille. Kaiserlich-koenis;lich-zoologisch-bo- tanische Gesellschaft. Koenigliches zoologisches und an- thropologisch - ethnographisches Museum. Koninklijk zoologisch genootschap. Linnean society, London. Minnesota. Geological and natural history survey. Museo de La Plata. Seccion zoolo- gica. Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeni- ging. Novitates zoologicae. Oregon. State agricultural college. Laboratory studies. Rcgia uniyersita degli studi, Turin. Musei di zoologia. Regia universita di Genova. Musei di zoologia. Revue suisse de zoologie. CanrrneiepOyprcKoe ofinjecTBO eerecT- BOHcnuTTe.ieii. <)TAl;.inir ?oo.ioriH U cjmjio.ioriii. Societa romana per gli studi zoo- logjci. Societe natiqnale d'acclimatation. See Corrections. Societ6 scientifique et Station zoolo- gique d'Arcachon. Societe zoologique de France. U. S. Agric. dept. Division of or- nithology. University of Pennsylvania. Zoo- logical laboratory. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Zoologica. Zoological and acclimatisation so- ciety. Zoological record. Zoologjcal society, Phila. Zoological society of London. Zoological society of Tokio. Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut. Zoologjsche Beitrage. Zoologische Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Zoologische Jahrbucher. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. Zoologisches Adressbuch. Zoologisches Centralblatt. Zoologisches Institut, Gratz. Zoologisches Institut der Universi- tat in Wien und Zoologische Sta- tion in Triest. Zoologist. Zoology. Bibliography. Bibliographia zoologica. See Ap- pendix. ft