UC-NRLF American Grape Training BAII.BY The Rural Pfc3ilt.1ng Company. I Main AOBIO DKPT LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF THE STATE VITICULTURAL COMMISSION. ived, January, 1896. Accession No. p3^~ Class No. . /: AMERICAN GRAPE TRAINING An account of the leading forms now in use of Train- ing the American Grapes. L H. Hxmsebolfc. Any one of these valuable books will be sent, postpaid, direct, on receipt of price Be careful to write name and post office plain, so that there may be no mistake in mail- ing. Address The Rural Publishing Co., New York. pOPULAR ERRORS ABOUT PLANTS. By A. A. CROZIER. A col- lection of errors and superstitions entertained by farmers, gardeners and others, together with brief scientific refutations. Highly interesting *o students and intelligent readers of the new and attractive in rural liter- ature, and of real value to practical cultivators who want to know the truth about their work. Price, cloth, $i. THE NURSERY BOOK. By L. H. BAILEY. A complete handbook of Propagation and Pollination of Plants. Profusely illustrated. This valuable little manual has been compiled with great pains. The author has had unusual facilities for its preparation, having been aided by many experts. The book is absolutely devoid of theory and speculation. It has nothing to do with plant physiology or abstruse reasoning about plant growth. It simply tells, plainly and briefly, what every one who sows a seed, makes a cutting, sets a graft, or crosses a flower wants to know. It is entirely new and original in method and matter. The cuts number 107, and are made expressly for it, direct from nature. The book treats of all kinds of cultivated plants, fruits vegetables, greenhouse plants, hardy herbs, ornamental trees, shrubs anr forest trees. CONTENTS : I. SKEDAGE. On Propagation by Seed. II. SEPARATION. III. LAVERAGE. Propagation by Layering. IV. CUTTAGE. Propagation by Cuttings. V. GRAFTAGE. Including Grafting, Budding, Inarching, etc. VI. NURSERY LIST. This is the great featnre of the book. It is an alphabetical list of al! kinds of plants, with a short statement telling which of the operations described in the first five chapters are employed in prop- agating them. Over 2,000 entries are made in the list. The following en- tries will give an idea of the method : Acer (MAPLE). Sapindacece. Stocks are grown from stratified seeds, which should be sown an inch or two deep; or some species, as A. dasy- carpum, come readily if seeds are sown as soon as ripe. Some cultural varieties are layered, but better plants are obtained by grafting. Varieties of native species are worked upon common or native stocks. The Japan- ese sorts are winter-worked upon imported A. polymorphum stocks, either by whip or veneer grafting. Maples can also be budded in summer, and they grow readily from cuttings of both ripe and soft wood. Phyllocactus, Phyllocereus, Disocactus (LEAF CACTUS . Cactece. Fresh seeds grow readily. Sow in rather sandy soil which is w r ell drained, and apply water as for common seeds. When the seedlings appear, re- move to a light position. Cuttings from mature shoots, three to six inches in length, root readily in sharp sand. Give a temperature of about 60, and apply only sufficient water to keep from flagging. If the cut- tings are very juicy they may be laid on dry sand for several days before planting. VII. POLLINATION. Price, in Library Style, cloth, wide margins, $i Pocket Style, paper narrow margins, 50 cents. THE MODIFICATION OF PLANTS BY CLIMATE.-By A. A. CRO- ZIER. An essay on the influence of climate upon size, form, color, fruitfulness, etc., with a discussion on the question of acclimation. 35 pp. Price, paper, 25 cents. CRUIT CULTURE, and the Laying Out and Management of a Country Home. By W. C. STRONG, Ex- President of the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society, and Vice-President of the American Pomological So- ciety. Illustrated. New revised edition, with many additions, making it the latest and freshest book on the subiect. CONTENTS : Rural Homes Choice of Locality Treatment A Good Lawn The Approach. Fruits Location of the Fruit Garden Success in Fruit-Cul- ture Profit in Fruit-Culture. How to Procure Trees Quality How to Plant Time to Plant Preparing the Land Fertilizers Cutting Back Distances for Planting. Care of the Fruit-Garden Irrigation Applica- tion of Fertilizers Thinning the Fruit Labels. The Apple Insects In- jurious to the Apple. The Pear Dwarf Pears Situation and Soil Prun- ing Ripening the Fruit Insects Injurious to the Pear Diseases. The Peach Injurious Insects and Diseases of the Peach Nectarines. The Plum Insects and Diseases of the Plum Apricots. The Cherry In- sects Injurious to the Cherry. The Quince Insects Injurious to the Quince. The Grape Grape-Houses Varieties-Insects Injurious to the Grape Mildew. The Currant Insects Attacking the Currant The Goose- berry. The Raspberry The Blackberry The Strawberry. TheMulbeiry The Fig Rhubarb Asparagus. Propagating Fruit-Trees From the Seed By Division By Cuttings By*Layers By Budding By Grafting Insecticides Fungicides Recipes. Price, in one volume, i6mo., cloth, $i. pHRYSANTHEMUM CULTURE FOR AMERICA.- Ky JA.MKS MOK- TON. An excellent and thorough book ; especially adapted to the culture of Chrysanthemums in America. The contents include Propaga- tion by Grafting. Inarching and Seed. American History. Propagation by Cuttings. Exhibition Plants. Classification. Exhibition Blooms. Soil for Potting. Watering and Liquid Manure. Selection of Plants. Top-Dres- sing. Hints on Exhibitions. List of Synonyms. Staking and Tying General Culture. Insects and Diseases. Standard Chrysanthemums. Sports and Variations. Disbudding and Thinning. Oriental and Euro- pean History, Calendar of Monthly Operations. Chrysanthemum Shows and Organizations. National Chrysanthemum Society. Early and Late- Flowering Varieties. Chrysanthemums as House-Plants Varieties for Various Purposes. Price, cloth, $i ; paper, 60 cents. IMPROVING THE FARM, or Methods of Culture that shall afford a profit, and at the same time increase the fertility of the soil. By Lu- cius D. DAVIS, of Conanicut Park Farm. The contentstreat exhaustively on renewing run-down farms, and comprise the following chapters: Book- Farming. The Run-Dovvn Farm. Will It Pay to Improve the Farm? How Farms Become Exhausted. Thorough Tillage. Rotation of Crops- Green Manuring. More About Clover. Barn-Yard Manure How Made, Its Cost and Value. How Prepared and Applied. The Use of Wood-Ashes. Commercial Fertilizers. Special Fertilizers. Complete Manures. Ex- periments with Fertilizers. Stock on the Farm. Providing Food for Stock, Specialties in Farming. Price, cloth, |i. L T ANDSCAPE-GARDENING. By ELIASA. LONG. A practical treatise comprising 32 diagrams of actual grounds and parts of grounds, with copious explanations. Of the diagrams, all but nine have appeared in the serial, " Taste and Tact in Arranging Ornamental Grounds," which has been so attractive a feature of Popular Gardening and American Gardening during the past year. But in the new form the matter has been entirely rewritten. Printed on heavy plate paper, it is unsurpassed for beauty by any other work on Landscape Gardening. Price, 50 cents. HE BUSINESS HEN. Breeding and Feeding Poultry for Profit. The pat title of a unique book is The Business Hen. A condensed and, practical little enclycopedia of profitable poultry-keeping. P. H.Jacobs, Henry Hale, James Rankin, J. H. Drevenstedt and others equally well known have written chapters on their specialties, the whole being skillfully arranged and carefully edited by H. W. Collingwood, managing editor of The Rural New Yorker. Starting with the question, " What is an Egg?" the book goes on step by step to indicate the most favorable conditions for developing the egg into a "Business Hen." Incubation, care of chicks, treatment of diseases, selection and breeding, feeding and housing, are all discussed in a clear and simple manner. Two successful egg-farms are described in detail. On one of these farms the owner has succeeded in developing a flock of 600 hens that average over 200 eggs each per year. Price, cloth, 75 cents ; paper, 40 cents. riRST LESSONS IN AGRICULTURE, (ind Edition, Revised and En- larged.) By F. A. Gulley, M. S-, Professor of Agriculture in the Agri- cultural College of Mississippi. This book discusses the more important principles which underlie agriculture in a plain, simple way, within the c >mprehension of students and readers who have not studied chemistry, botany, and other branches of science related to agriculture. It supplies a much-needed text-book for common schools, and is useful for the practi- cal farmer. Includes all the latestdevelopments in agricultural science as applied to the subject. Price, cloth, $i. Special prices for Schools and Colleges. THE NEW POTATO CULTURE. By ELBERTS. CARMAN. This book gives the result of 15 years' experiment v\ork on The Rural ground- It treats particularly of: How to increase the crop without corresponding cost of production. Manures and fertilizers: kinds and methods of ap- plication. The soil, and how to put it in right condition. Depth of planting. How much seed to plant. Methods of culture. The Rural trench system. Varieties, etc., etc. Nothing old or worn-out about this book. It treats of new and profit- able methods ; in fact, of The NEW Potato Culture. It is respectfully sub- mitted that these experiments at The Rural grounds have, directly and indirectly, thrown more light upon the various problems involved in suc- cessful potato-culture than any other experiments that have been carried on in America. Price, cloth, 75 cents; paper, 40 cents. UORTICULTURIST'S RULE-BOOK. -By Professor L. H. BAILEY, Editor of American Gardening, Horticulturist of the Cornell Ex- periment Station, and Professor of Horticulture in Cornell University- It contains in handy and concise form, a great number of Rules and Recipes required by gardeners, fruit-growers, truckers, florists, farmers, etc. Synopsis of Contents : Injurious insects, with preventives and reme- dies. Fungicides for plant diseases. Plant diseases, with preventives and remedies. Injuries from mice, rabbits, birds, etc., with preventives and remedies. Waxes and washes for grafting and for wounds. Cements, paints, etc. Seed Tables: Quantities required for sowing given areas. Weight and size of seeds. Longevity of seeds. Time required for seeds to germinate. Planting Tables : Dates for sowing seeds in different lati- tudes. Tender and hardy vegetables. Distances apart for planting. Ma- turity and Yields : Time required for maturity of vegetables ; for bearing of fruit plants. Average yields of crops. Keeping and storing fruits and vege- tables. Propagation of Plants: Ways of grafting and budding. Meth- ods by which fruits are propagated. Stocks used for fruits. Standard Measures and Sizes: Standard flower-pots. Standard and legal meas- ures. English measures for sale of fruits and vegetables. Quantities of water held in pipes and tanks. Effect of wind in cooling oft glass roofs. Per cent, of light reflected from glass at various angles of inclination. Weights of various varieties of apples per bushel. Amount of various pro- ducts yielded by given quantities of fruit. Labels. London's rules of horticulture. Rules of nomenclature. Rules for exhibition. Weather signs and protection from frost. Collecting and Preserving: How to make an herbarium. Preserving and printing of flowers and other parts of plants. Keeping cut-flowers. How to collect and preserve insects. Chem- ical composition of fruits and vegetables, and seeds fertilizers, soils and vegetables. 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A concise and practical discussion of the all-important topic of commercial fertilizers in connection with green manuring in bringing up worn-out soils, and in general farm practice* Price, paper, 20 cents. A NNALS OF HORTICULTURE, Vol. IV. Bright, New, (lean and Fresh. These Annals are entirely rewritten every year. They are the only records of the progress in horticulture. Exhaustive lists of all the plants introduced in 1892, with descriptions, directories, full accounts of all new discoveries, new tools, and a wealth of practical matter for Gar- deners, Fruit-Growers, Florists, Vegetable-Gardeners ami Landscape- Gardeners, comprise its contents. Ready soon. Illustrated. Vol. IV., cloth $i, Vols. I., II and III. at the same price. I N SECTS AND INSECTICIDES. A practical Manual concerning Nox- ious Insects and the Methods of Preventing their Injuries. By CLAR- ENCE M. WEED, Professor of Entomology and Zoology, New Hampshire State College. I think that you have gotten together a very useful and valuable little book. Dr. C. V. RILEY, U. S. Entomologist. It is excellent. I must congratulate you on the skill you have dis- played in putting in the most important insects, and the complete manner in which you have done the work. JAMES FLETCHER, Dominion Ento- mologist. I am well pleased with it. There is certainly a demand for just such a work. Dr. F. M. HEXAMER, Editor American Agriculturist. Price, cloth, $[.25. THE CAULIFLOWER. By A. A. CROZIER. Teacher and Practical Origin and History of this increasingly important and always de- licious vegetable. The Cauliflower Industry. In Europe. In the United States. Impor- tation of Cauliflowers. Management of the Crop. Soil. Fertilizers. Planting. Cultivating, Harvesting Keeping. Marketing. The Early Crop. Caution against planting it largely. Special direc- tions. Buttoning. Cauliflower Regions of the United States. Upper Atlantic Coast. Lake Region. Prairie Region. Cauliflowers in the South. The Pacific Coast. Insect and Fungous Enemies. Flea-beetle. Cut-worms. Cabbage- maggot. Cabbage-worm. Stem-rot. Damping-off. Black-leg. Cauliflower Seed. Importance of careful selection. Where the seed is grown. Influence of climate. American-grown seed. Varieties. Descriptive catalogue. Order of earliness. Variety tests. Best varieties. Broccoli. Difference between Broccoli and Cauliflower. Cultivation, , use and varieties of Broccoli. Cooking Cauliflower. Digestibility. Nutritive value. Chemical composition. Recipes. Price, cloth, $i. DRACTICAL FARM CHEMISTRY. A Practical Handbook of Profitable Crop-Feeding, written for Practical Men. By T. GREINKR. Part I. The Raw Materials of Plant-Food. Part II. The Available Sources of Supply. Part III. Principles of Economic Application, or Manuring for Money. This work, written in plainest language, is intended to assist the farmer in the selection, purchase and application of plant-foods. If you wish to learn ways how to save money in procuring manurial substances, and how to make money by their proper use, read this book. If you want your boy to learn the principle of crop-feeding, and become a successful farmer, give him a copy of this book. The cost of the book will be returned a hun- dred-fold to every reader who peruses its pages with care and applies its teachings to practice. Price, cloth, $i. C PRAYING CROPS.-Why,When and How to Do It. By PROF. CLAR- ENCE M. WEED. A handy volume of about 100 pages; illustrated. Covers the whole field of the insect and fungous enemies of crops for which the spray is used. The following topics are discussed in a concise, practi- cal manner : Spraying Against Insects. Feeding Habits of Insects. Spraying Against Fungous Diseases. The Philosophy of Spraying. Spraying Apparatus. Spraying Trees in Blossom. Precautions in Spraying. Insecticides used in Spraying. Fungicides used in Spraying. Combining Insecticides and Fungicides. Cost of Spraying Materials. Prejudice Against Spray- ing. Spraying the Larger Fruits. Spraying Small Fruits and Nursery Stock. Spraying Shade Trees, Ornamental Plants and Flowers. Spray- ing Vegetables, Field Crops and Domestic Animals. Price in stiff paper cover, 50 cents ; flexible cloth, 75 cents. UHN iu tne circulation aesK or any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW li- fe J996 20,000 (4/94) U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES 36.* 4a^ .> ? > ^^. f V .