Whence Came The Red Man? University of California Berkeley GOD, the Great Spirit, is the maker and keeper of all nations. He has revealed himself to all peoples and has left his witness among them. The Indians have a history that tells how God first brought their fathers to America, and how his son visited them and taught them the true religion, and this story was written on plates of gold and preserved for the Indians of today. The Book of Mormon is that history. Will you read it's story? The True Story of the Indians. The Indians are of the Chosen Seed of Israel. The promises of God are rich in their behalf, and he has not left them without a witness of his love nor with- out a record of their past. His watchcare has been over them since time began and he purposes yet to do a mighty work among them. The story of the Indian forefathers is on this wise: Long centuries ago, many generations before the white man discovered the shores of America, God led a good man named Lehi, and his four sons and their families, out and away from the great and wicked city of Jerusalem which he was about to destroy, and promised to take them to a new land. God loved Lehi for his righteousness, and he determined to preserve this man and his family, and of Lehi's four sons and their children he said that he would raise up a great nation of people. Lehi and his four sons, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam, together with their families, traveled many days by land through the wilderness and at length came to the shores of many waters. Here God told them how to build a ship, and out of trees and logs they built a ship of most curious design. It was so 1 shaped that it would ride the water in all kinds of weather, and no waves could enter it, even in time of storm. When this wonderful boat was completed, Lehi and his four sons and their families started out, and for many days the Great Spirit caused a wind to blow over the waters and this wind carried the ship steadily forward until the shores of America were reached. America was then an uninhabited land. In all the regions north and south ro man was present and all was a great wild. Lehi and his four sons set to work with all their strength to tame this wilderness, and they dug into the mountains for ore and planted seed in the ground for food. They multiplied rapidly and in a few generations they had grown into a large nation of people. They spread out in all directions and built great cities and towns, the ruins of which may be seen to-day. Thus it went on for six hundred years, and then one day a great cloud came over the face of the sun ; it became dark at mid-day and in that darkness no man could see his hand. The earth shook as in the grasp of a giant, and where valleys had been, moun- tains were raised, and where great cities had stood, water came and buried them many fathoms deep. All nature groaned out in suffering, for the Son of God had been slain in Jerusalem and his body had been nailed to the cross. President Frederick M. Smith. This is the prophet and leader of the church. Many of the Indians know him well. He has spent much time among them and has great faith in the future of the Indian people. The people of this land were in a great terror and knew not what to do, when suddenly there came a great light again and Jesus stood in their midst and walked and talked with them and quited their fears. He told them that they were "the other sheep of his fold" of which he had spoken, and he told them he had come among them to bless and help them. Thus he talked, and he chose from among them twelve men and made them apostles, and others he chose to be elders among them, and he built his church as he had done at Jerusalem, and when he had finished his work he ascended up into heaven and in his place left the Comforter or the Spirit of peace to dwell with them. Before he left he promised that he would always remember them, and that even though they might wander from his path, he would one day return and that they should have a part in building up his beautiful city of Zion in the last days. That was nearly nineteen hundred years ago, but all these facts were written on tablets of gold and the history was handed on from father to son. For many years the people remembered the gentle teach- ings of the Son of God and all lived together in peace, prospering greatly, but at last they divided into two great camps and began to quarrel bitterly among themselves. Part of them became the color of fine copper and the red brethren fought against the white. Finally the white brethren so far forgot the 4 Joseph Smith. God chose this young man to restore the history of the Indians. He translated the gold plates of the Book of Mormon and or- ganized the true church. A mob killed him in 1844. J3 "a .tj |JS o ti g 8^ O ^ M rt II 1 4J ^ ^ c o I-H g l| --' 5 at cu ? If _co c/2 mmm In the pages of this book the Indian will find the true story of his past. He should read it. good teachings that God permitted them to be destroyed. The last white man of them all was com- manded to take the plates of gold on which the history was written and make a stone box in a hill- side and then bury the plates deep away. God said then that in a future time he would reveal this hid- ing place, and that this record should come forth that the red man might know from whence he cam 3, and that he might realize that God had not forgotten him nor loved him less than his brethren. Time went on for many centuries and the red man forgot much of his learning. He divided into many tribes and learned to speak in different tongues. He was free and happy until in 1492 the white man came from Spain, and from that time on the red man was driven from place to place, and his land was taken by strangers. It was then that God again remembered the red man. He raised up a young boy in the State of New York and led him to a great hill and on that hill showed him a spot in which to dig. That young man was Joseph Smith, and the stone box he found was the one hidden there many years before. In this box the gold plates were preserved and the Great Spirit commanded the young man that he should take them and by using a wonderful pair of glasses called the Urim and Thummim he would be able to Apostle Gomer T. Griffiths. President Smith appointed this good man to see that the gospel is taught to the Indian. He will have charge of the work among them, and will devote his life ministering to them. read and translate the plates. This the young man did and the book he translated and published was the Book of Mormon, the history of the Indians. He was commanded to establish God's Church again among men, and the same Comforter that was with the Indian fathers was promised to the members of the true church which he should establish. The preachers who worked for their salaries fought the New Church bitterly and finally Joseph Smith, the prophet, was killed, but the church prospered just the same and to-day it has over one hundred thousand members. It is organized just the same as Christ's Church in the early days of America and at Jerusalem. It has a prophet through whom the Lord speaks to his people; it has twelve apostles, one of whom is now going to spend his life among the Indians; it has elders who have power to baptize, power to confer the Comforter by laying on hands, and the power to heal by anointing with oil; it has priests, teachers, and deacons as anciently. This church teaches that all men should have faith in God, the Great Spirit; that they should be baptized in water so that their sins might be forgiven; that they should receive the Comforter; and that finally when they die they will be raised again to a life that never ends. All this the Book of Mormon teaches very plainly. It tells the same truths as the Bible and the two 10 books, one of the Indians and the other of the Jews, testify of Jesus the Son of God. The REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS brings the Book of Mormon and restores it to the Indians. Its missionaries come to tell the Indians the story of their past. They come to bring the Indian that Comforter, in which the Indian and his forefathers have always believed. Frederick M. Smith, president and chief man of the Church, has great faith in the future of the Indian. He has spent much time among them; he has visited in their homes and they have eaten many times in his. This year he is sending many good men among them and wants his people to be friends and brethren to them all. The Great Father will soon send his Son, Jesus, to live again among men. Before that time a great city of Zion. or the place of refuge in time of danger, will be built. The Red Men will take a great part in the Church of God. A place of safety for him will be prepared along with his white brethren, and even now many Indians are helping in the Great Cause. Many already are elders and members of the church. May the Great Comforter always abide with his children, and may he bless and help them all. 11 Published under supervision of the Publicity Department Printed by Ensign Publishing House Independence, Missouri 1920