B85F5 Genealogical Memorial OF THE ILY OF Buckley THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES £^'^"^^' ui.^-^'f A Genealogical Memorial OF Tilt: Family of Buckley, ^ ^emalngiral JEBinurial of tbe JFantil^ ai ^ntkizQ OF DERBY AND SADDLEWORTH IN THE COUNTIES OF DERHV AND YORK WITH Abstract ok Wills, Chancery Proceedings, Inquis. Post Mort., (2fc. By henry FISHWICK. F.S.A. [Privately Printed] 1900. Contents. 1 (139603 PAGES. The Buckley Family of Derby and Saddleworth - - - 5—13 Buckley of Grotton in Saddleworth -------- 14 Pedigree No. i. — Buckley of Derby and of Grascroft IN Saddleworth, County of York ------- 15 — 21 Pedigree No. 2. — Descendants of James, .second son of James Buckley of Tunstead --------- 22—23 Appendix (A) — Wills Proved at Chester ------- 24—3 J- ,, Wills Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury- ---------- 33 ,, Wills Proved at Lichfield - 33 Appendlk (B) — Proceedings in Chancery: Feet of Fines, &c. 34 — 38 ^\jt ISurkkp Jfamilj nf ©i^rbj anh ^atrMrhinrtlj. The Buckleys of Lancashire undoubtedly took their name from their territorial possessions in the parish of Rochdale. The pedigree of the family as recorded by Dugdale in 1664-5, goes back to the twelfth century, but from the absence of dates and other details, and the actual errors which it contains, it cannot be accepted as correct. In the twelfth century there was a Geoffrey de Bucklegh, Dean of Whalley, and he was a frequent witness to grants of land in Rochdale, to the Abbots of Stanlawe, and in 1332, in a similar capacity, appears an Adam de Bucklegh. Another Geoffrey de Buckley was slain at the battle of Evesham, and two centuries after his death, a Ralph Buckley had a window to his memory put in the Cathedral of Worcester, but there is no evidence to prove a connection between the two. In the time of Edward III. [1327-77], we find a John de Buckley living. In 18 Henry VI. [1439-40], we have evidence of a most satis- factory character, produced at a commission of enquiry before John de Radcliffe and others, that this John had a son, Robert de Buckley, who was seised in fee of a messuage and lands in Honnersfield, in the parish of Rochdale, and that he had married Alice, the daughter of Roger de Wyandene, and had issue a son, John, whose son, James, ultimately suc- ceeded to the estate. He was living in 1439, and the James Buckley, who in 1492 gave to his son John a messuage, &c., called Stonie Hay (now Stoney Heys), in Healey, in the parish of Rochdale, was probably his son and heir. A descendant (possibly grandson) of this John, of Stoney Heys, was James Buckley, of Healey [see p. 26], who left a Will dated 20th October, 1595, in which he names his brothers, Francis and Anthony; and Francis, Thomas, James, Sara, and Grace, children of Francis ; and Richard and Ann, children of Anthony. Returning to the main line of descent, the ne.xt two generations as given by Dugdale are unquestionably wrong, and there is unfortunately no evidence to prove the correct descent, but the estate was afterwards found vested in Robert Buckley, who married Grace, the daughter of John Holt of Ashworth, in the parish of Bury. Genealogical Memorlvl. and died loth May, 1576. his son and heir being Thomas Buckley, then aged twenty-three years ; ' he married Grace, the daughter of Arthur Assheton, of Clegg, in the parish of Rochdale, Esq.; he died 17th August, 1588, and was buried at Rochdale. He held the manor of Buckley with twenty messuages and cottages and demesne land ; on his death the manor passed to his son, Abel Buckley, whose descendants held it until the end of the last century.^ The early portion of the Buckley pedigrees, as already stated, is meagre and unsatisfactory, and even if it were trust- worthy (which it is not) it only furnishes the name of the son and heir and in some cases the name of one of his brothers. That the family in and before the sixteenth century was a very prolific one is proved by the fact that in the Parish Registers of Rochdale, between 1582 and 16 16, the name appears 300 times. As an example of this may be cited the Wills of Thomas Buckley in 1583, and Margaret Buckley in 1592, both being described as of Buckley. These documents prove the following : .... Buckley, = of Buckley, living say 1530. Thomas Buckley, = Ellen, of Buckley, living 1585. yeoman. Will 1585, dated 1571, [see p. 24.] Margaret. I Elizabeth, living 1592. Robert, living 1571- Anthony, living 1571- Arthur, living 1571- I James, living 1571- Francis, Grace. Jane, = Milne. Priscilla, living living widow, living 1571. 1571. in 1571. 1571. Alice. It is possible that the James Buckley, the fourth son of the last- named Thomas Buckley, is identical with the James Buckley, of Healey. [see p. 24.] [Thomas] Buckley, ^ Anthony, = Richard. Ann. James Buckley, of Healey, Will 1595. Francis. ■■ Francis. Thomas. James. Sarah. Jane. ■ Inq. Post Mart. ' See History of Rochdale. Buckley Family. 7 About the middle of the sixteenth century (or probably earlier), William Buckley, presumably one of the junior sons of the Buckleys of Rochdale, settled in Derby; his Will dated loth June, 1564 [see p. ^3], was proved at Lichfield, on the i8th September, following; he is described as "William Buckley, the elder, gentleman;" he desired to be buried in the churchyard of Derby,' and left his estate to his wife, Margerie, and his children — but unfortunately their names are not given, and it is therefore probable that they were all under age. One of the children of William Buckley was William Buckley, the younger, of Derby, who married at All Saints' Church, Derby, on 31st August, 1567, Dorothy Sutton ; the registers of the births of the elder children have not been found, but the following were recorded in the All Saints' Registers : (i) Francis, baptized 8th July, 1574, married Edith .... In 1592 he had a dispute with the Derby Corporation as to his right to certain property granted by letters patent by Queen Elizabeth. The Corporation claimed that it was part of dissolved Chantry lands and that the income from it was used by the churchwardens for repairing the church. One witness, aged seventy-seven years, deposed that he remembered in i and 2 Edward VI. (1547-48), a commission directed that the land in question belonged to the king. The arbitrators awarded in favour of the Corpora- tion, and decided that Buckley's title was not good. Francis Buckley died 26th March, 161 2, and was buried the same day at St. Peter's. The /«^. Pos^ Mort. was dated 15th March, 10 James 1613 [see p. i"]^ ; he died seised of a house and lands in Derby, called Whitecross Field (which had belonged to his father, William Buckley) ; also a house called the College. Before his death he had settled the latter on his wife, Edith, for her life, with reversion to Philip Buckley, his son and heir, and his heirs ; failing issue, to his second son, Richard, and in default to James, brother of the said Francis. Philip was on 25th June, then last past, aged fifteen years {i.e. born in 1597). Richard, the second son of Francis, was baptized at All Saints', 30th December, 1598, and a daughter, Jane, was baptized on the 1st July, 1595. These three children, Philip, Richard, and Jane, administered to their father's estate. (2) James, baptized at Derby, 22nd September, 1575 ; buried there 27th April, 1623 ; had issue a son, William, and a daughter, Mary. (3) Nathaniel, buried at Derby, 3rd March, 1593-94. (4) Ellenor, 6th June, 1576-77, married 12th October, 1601, to Matthew Barrington. ■ The burial not recorded at any of the Derby churches. 8 Genealogical Memorial. One of the evidences as to the connection between the Buckleys of Derby, and the Buckleys of Saddleworth and Rochdale, is the frequent recurrence of the same christian names, Philip, Francis,' Nathaniel, &c., but the most satisfactory proof of this is in the ftict that in 1 585, William Buckley, of Derby, was seised of the reversion of the half of the manor of Quick, in the county of York, and as this manor contains the whole of Saddleworth it embraces both Grotton and Grascroft. A dispute as to this reversion was heard in the Court of Chancery, the details of which will be found on p. 34. A final agreement was come to in 1586, when the defendants acknowledged the right of William Buckley to the moiety in dispute, which consisted of 16 houses, 6 cot- tages, 20 "tofts," 16 orchards, 400 acres of land, besides 600 of heath and moor, and 200 acres of moss ; for this acknowledgment he gave ^240 [see p. 35.] It is noteworthy that in 1639, Abel Buckley, of Buckley, died seised of a messuage and 10 acres of meadow and pasture in Ouick,^ [see p. 36.] William Buckley died intestate ; he was buried at All Saints' Church, Derby, 2nd December, 1604. Not very many years after the death of William Buckley, of Derby, the manor of Quick appears to have passed to George Bouthe and Katherine, his wife, who in 1607, came to a final agreement with Sir Urian Leighe as to its transfer to him [see page 35-] Some of the Buckleys had however before this date obtained grants in fee of certain portions of the manor, as appears from " the Feet of Fines," taken 41 Elizabeth [1599], when an agreement was made between Henry Buckley, James Buckley, John Buckley, and Robert Buckley, on the one part, and John Bradshaw and Isabella, his wife, on the other part, whereby the latter in consideration of a fine of ;;^50, acknowledged the right of the Buckleys to 2 houses, 2 barns, 2 gardens, and 78 acres of land, with right of pasture, &c., in Quick [see p. 36.] It must be noted that William Buckley, junior, of Derby, was married in 1567, but we have discovered no register of the baptism of any child until 1574, in all probability between those dates several children were born, and one or more of them may have been parties to the agreement just referred to, and there is little doubt but that John Buckley, living in 1599, and Edmund Buckley, of Saddleworth, his brother (whose Will was proved 1605), were sons of one of the two William Buckleys, and from their fathers inherited lands in Grascroft. ■ In the Rochdale Registers Francis Buckley occurs ten times between 1582 and 1616, and in the Saddleworth Registers between 1613 and 1751 there are thirty-two entries of Philip Buckleys. ' Inq. Post Mori. BucKLEV Family, 9 At this period there were several Buckleys living at Grascroft and Grotton, but the positive evidence adducible is not sufficient to furnish the connecting links between them and the Derby and Rochdale Buckleys, but it may be accepted that such a connection existed. A Buckley of Grascroft, late in the sixteenth or early in the seven- teenth century, died, leaving a widow, whose Will was proved at Chester, in 1609, and in it she names her eldest son, Philip, and her younger children, Henry, Elizabeth, Sara, Ales, and Ann ; also her kinsman, John Buckley ; as she makes Philip the supervisor of her Will, and Henry her executor, it is clear that they were both of full age [see p. 26], but neither of them were old enough to be the father of the Edmund, of Saddle- worth, yeoman, who died in 1605-6 [see p. 27], without issue, and who left legacies to the children of John Buckley ( ? his brother) one of whom was Edmund Buckley, of Grascroft, who died 1640-41 [see Wills, p. 27], and whose direct descendants lived at Grascroft for over a century after- wards. ' Edmund Buckley (the son of John), in his Will, dated the last day in December, 1639, is described as of Saddleworth, yeoman ; he bequeathed lands in Grascroft to his eldest son, Robert, and other lands in Quick to his younger son, John, to whom he also left his interest in a " walk mill." Edmund Buckley died ante 20th April, 1640 (his wife, Anne, sur- vived him) ; he had issue : (1) Robert, of whom presently. (2) John, of whom beyond what is above stated nothing is known. (3) Edmund, who inherited from his father tenements at Clayton Bridge, in Newton, near Manchester. (4) Elizabeth, named in her uncle Edmund's Will in 1605, but dead before 1 640. (5) Ann, unmarried in 1639. (6) Jane, married Elise Knight. Robert, the son of Edmund, inherited from his father lands in Gras- croft ; as he died without Will and the Parish Registers of that date are imperfect, it is impossible to be certain as to the issue, but it is almost certain that he had several children, the eldest of whom was Henry Buckley, who in 1675 is described as " Henry Buckley, the elder, of Grascroft, yeoman; his Will was proved 4th May, 1677 [see p. 28J ; he had issue: ' There were also Iwo Robert Buckleys of Grascroft (father and son) living in 1635; the Will of the elder one being proved in that year [see p. 28.] lo Genealogical Memorial. (1) Henry, of Grascroft, yeoman, whose Will dated 22nd April, 1698, was proved at Chester; at the time he executed it he was "aged and infirm." He was buried at Saddleworth, 3rd July, 1698. He left to his wife, Mary, a third of his estate for her life in satisfaction of jointure, with remainder and the other two-thirds to his second and only surviving son, Philip, subject to certain conditions [see p. 29.] He had issue : (a) John, who lived at Grascroft, and was a "clothmaker;" he does not appear to have been married and had no real estate. His Will was proved at Chester, 19th May, 1695 [see p. 29.] [d) Philip, of Grascroft, yeoman ; he died in September, 1699, and his Will dated i6th May, 1699, was proved at Chester [see p. 30. ] ; although he only survived his father a little over a year he is described as being " infirm." One-third of houses and lands in Grascroft he left to his wife for her life, and the remainder to his son, Henry, on condition that he paid certain sums to his (testator's) younger son, John, when he came of age. Henry, the eldest son, was not himself then of full age, and the Will provided that if he died under twenty-one years of age the estate was to pass to John, the second son, with remainder to John, the son of John Buckley, of Grascroft, by Esther, his wife, the testator's sister. To his son, Henry, he left " the great table in the greai Aouse," at Grascroft, which makes it quite clear that there were two or more houses at Grascroft belonging to members of the family. (c) Ann, married Thomas Bradbury. (d) Mary, married John Bradbury. {e) Esther, married her cousin, John, the son of Robert Buckley, of Grascroft [see pedigree.] {/) Lydia, who married .... Schofield. (2) John, the second son of Henry Buckley, was living in 1675. (3) Philip, living in 1675, and was an executor of his father's Will. (4) Robert, of whom presently. (5) Samuel, buried at Saddleworth, 30th December, 1682. (6) Alice, named in her father's Will. (7) Ann, before 1675 married Edmund Buckley. (8) Sarah, married anie 1675 Daniel Whitehead, of Load Hill, and left issue. Robert, the fourth son of Henry Buckley, of Grascroft, was in his Will, dated 26th December, 1681, described as a yeoman, and being "aged and infirm," [see p. 31]; except a few legacies he left all his goods, &c., Buckley Family. ii to his son, Edmund, as both his other sons had been already provided for. The eldest son, John, no doubt being provided with a house at Grascroft, and James, the youngest son, having purchased Tunstead. He had several children then living; he was buried loth January, 1681-82, and had issue : (i) John Buckley, of Grascroft, who married Esther Buckley, his cousin (daughter of Henry Buckley) ; they had issue : (a) John, named in Francis Whewall's Will in 1658 [see p. 33], and was living in 1699. (6) James, named in Francis Whewall's Will in 1658 [see p. ^^1; he was then probably quite young, and died before 1699. (c) Margaret; (d) Martha; (e) Mary; all living in 1658 [see p. ^^.1 (2) Edmund was mentioned in Francis Whewall's Will in 1658, and in his father's Will in 1681 ; he had issue James and John, who were infants in 1658. There were several other Edmunds, of Saddleworth. living about this date, one of these left a Will dated 30th March, 17 10. An Edmund Buckley, of Quick, in 1696, had his house registered as a Meeting House. • (3) James Buckley (son of Robert); in 1658 he purchased from his uncle, Francis Whewall, Tunstead house and lands ; he had issue one son (and probably other children.) John Buckley, of Grascroft, yeoman, conveyed Tunstead to his son, John, 26th March, 1691. He was baptized at Saddleworth, i8th October, 1640; his Will dated 13th July, 1693, ^^as proved at Chester [seep. 29]; he was buried 14th March, 1 701-2. His wife died before him. In his Will he is described as "aged and infirm;" his estates of Grascroft he bequeathed to his eldest son, John, and his heirs for ever. After a few legacies he gave the rest of his estate to his five children ; he left legacies to his grandchildren, James, John, and Nathaniel Buckley. He had issue : (i) John Buckley, of Grascroft, yeoman, whose Will, dated 26th May, 1730, was proved at Chester; by it he left the " litde house in the top of the fould" to his wife, Margaret, for life "to live there." All his other messuages and lands he left to his only daughter, Mary ; but in case she died under age and without issue, the reversion to his nephew, John Buckley, of Tunstead. He declared that his table and "couch-chair" were to stand in the house as heir-looms until his daughter was twenty-one * Northowram Register, p. 154. 1 2 Genealogical Memorial. years old. His executors were his nephew, John Buckley, of Tunstead, and Daniel Whitehead, of Load-hill [see p. 31.] Mary, the sole daughter and heiress, married James Harrop, of Tame in Saddleworth, and had issue: (2) James Buckley, of whom presently. (3) Joseph, of Ouickwood, his Will, dated 2nd November, 1721, was proved at Chester [see p. 32] ; he was buried at Saddleworth 6th March, 1721-22. He left the usual one-third of his estate to his wife Jane, and the rest to his children. He had issue two sons, John and Edmund, and daughters, Mary and Peggy, all of whom were minors at the time of their father's death. John, the eldest son, left issue John. Mary, Lydia, and Ann ; for their descendants see History of Rochdale, p. 394. (4) Edmund, living in 1693. (5) Margaret, unmarried in 1693. James Buckley (the son of John) of Tunstead, yeoman; in 1704 he made a grant of Tunstead to his son John. The date of his death has not been ascertained, but he was alive in 1721 ; possibly he left Tunstead. No Will has been proved. He had issue : (i) John, of whom presently. (2) James, mentioned in his grandfather's Will in 1693. (3) Nathaniel, buried at Saddleworth 29th May, 1703.' John (the eldest son of James) of Tunstead, yeoman ; he was baptized at Saddleworth 12th July, 1690. He became an Independent and was a member of the Delph Chapel congregation, and married on 5th September, 171 5, Sarah, the daughter of James Garside, of Saddleworth. A gravestone in Delph Chapel-yard records that he died 31st October, 1758, in his sixty- ninth year, and that Sarah, his wife, died 2nd August, 1766, aged seventy- five years ; he had issue : (i) James Buckley, of Tunstead, clothier, who was born in 1720, and married at Saddleworth, i6th April 1752, to Mary Leach, of Hey House, who was buried at Delph Chapel, 30th April, 18 10, aged seventy-six years. He died in July, 1804, aged eighty-four years, and was buried in the Chapel-yard at Delph ; he had issue {a) John, of Upper Mill [see pedigree No. 1]; {b) James, of Hollyville [see pedigree No. 2]; {c) Alice; and {d) Elizabeth, married John Wagstaff, of Tunstead, and has issue a daughter, Jenny, who married Timothy Bradbury, who had issue a son, C. T. Bradbury. (2) John, of whom presently. (3) Nathaniel, died in 1741, s.p. ' I'rob.-ibly J.-xmes Buckley had other children, but for want of the necessary details in the Registers it is not possible to identify them. Buckley Family. 13 John, the second son of John Buckley, of Tunstead, was born 27th March, 1731 ; he married Mary, the daughter of Abel Hyde, of Tintwisle ; he died 8th January, 18 16, and had issue eleven children [see pedigree No. I.] The only son who left male issue was Nathaniel, of Carr Hill, who married a Miss Collier, and had issue : (i) Abel, whose son Abel, of Ryecroft and Galtee, is the chief representa- tive of this branch of the family. He has two sons, Abel and Harold [see pedigree.] (2) John, of Carr Hill, who had three sons, all of whom have issue. (3) Robert, died in infancy. (4) James Smith Buckley, of Ryecroft Hall, who had two sons (James and William Smith) and four daughters. (5) Robert Hyde of Mossley, who had four sons and a daughter. (6) David Hyde, died in infancy. (7) Mary, twice married, and had i.ssue. (8) Susan Collier, married the Rev. Jonathan Sutcliffe, and left issue. (9) Hannah, married Charles Hindley, and left one daughter. (10) Jane, married John Kershaw, of Hurst in Glossop, and left a son and a daughter. (11) Margaret Anne, who married Sir James Watts, ol Abney in Cheadle, county of Chester, who died 7th April, 1878; she died on the iith January, 1892; they had issue: (i) James, of Abney Hall, who married Anne Hadfield, daughter of Henry Browne, of The Gables, Manchester; he has issue James, Humphrey, Ughtred, Henry Lyonel, Miles Buckston, and Anne Hadfield. (2) Emma, married James Carlton, of Manchester, and has issue five sons and two daughters. (3) Susan, married Nathaniel, son of John Buckley, of Carr Hill, and has issue one daughter. IBmkkg of Olrfltton, in ^atitikhj0rtlj. In I Mary (1553), Gilbert Buckley appeared as the defendant and Sir John Byron as plaintiff, in the Duchy Court; the question in dispute being trespass on Buersill moor, in Rochdale.' The original document gives no genealogical information but the names of Gilbert, Bernard, John, and Edmund Buckley, yeomen, all appear. Except a Gilbert Buckley who married Jane .... in 161 1, the Rochdale Parish Church Registers from 1582 to 1641, contain no mention of a Buckley with this Christian name, and it may be assumed that the defendant above referred to is the Gilbert Buckley who settled at Grotton, in Saddleworth, and left a Will dated 20th October, 1603, which was proved at Chester, the 8th February following [see p. 32]; he is described as a husbandman; his wife, Ann, survived him. They had issue : (i) Richard, of whom presently ; (2) Thomas; (3) Francis ; (4) a daughter married to Thomas Leese (or Leche) ; of the three latter nothing is known, but as their father (Gilbert), mentions (but not by name) twenty grandchildren, it is probable that they were all married before 1603, and their descendants formed a great portion of the Buckleys of Saddleworth. Richard, the son of Gilbert, lived at Grotton Head, and in his Will dated 6th March, 1633 (proved 24th January, 1636), he is described as a yeoman [see p. 32] ; one of his executors was Thomas Leche, his brother- in-law. He was buried at Saddleworth, 7th September, 1635. He had issue: (i) John, who was buried at Saddleworth, 15th June, 1681, being described in the Register as of "Grotton Head, Senior;" (2) Richard; (3) Thomas ; (4) Edmund, was probably the father of John Buckley, bap- tized at Saddleworth, iith October, 1640, and who was there buried on 28th August, 1723 (aged eighty-three years); his widow being buried on 31st October, 1724 (aged eighty-two years); they had issue, three (or possibly more) children, viz.: (i) John of Grotton Head, gendeman, who was buried at Saddleworth, 27th December, 1738, aged seventy-two years. By his Will proved at Chester in 1740, he left an annual charge of forty shillings, to be laid out in oatmeal and given every Christmas Day at Grotton; William Buckley of Buckley, in his Will made in 1730, mentions John Buckley of Grotton Head, as his " kinsman ; " (2) William, buried at Saddleworth, on 13th November, 1715 ; (3) Mary, buried at Saddleworth, on 15th January, 1683, unmarried. • Duchy Pleadings, vol. 33, B. i, I Mary. 15 0) O w o 5 w 13 rt -'Hi BO ^ rt en o Q. < c O o u o> <1> CO ^ "o o o D k- ' ' m « ^ .o « «4 - >; 3 ma g d.:s - tu "^ rt rt > ■o o JZ 10 c . cfi ^ (u 00 o Q rt ° != "J ,, c .2 a jr - >-.s -^ T3 ° - P OJ « O P3-= S * ; >. lu : = c - --^ > ^ JZ o Q ? fc- {/) ■* (u c 3 m m j_, •* r~ fO b rt uT in U S rl -o c OJ « 0.— 2nd Se buried th Apr _ rt E n T3 W •— ' *-• t^ -T hH -g .e "P M J- ^ - in — ; 3 ^ j: ^ ._ — > rt = J2 ■— » to ■ 10 PL, O J3 £ -a CO -e 2 ^. ^ rt !> « "^ J2 CI JZ a •O rt 10 c — c -•iiS <: fe^-s s ^ rt at "t^ J_, so rt Robe ascroft, roved a - 10 tn Ml — c < > 0^ ^g J3 > in JC so j: S in .■5-^-o o . 5 S o o " « to O X) »o U c 3 rt --5 .£ o g > vo pT hO 10 ■S .S o ■ c c 'E -Ui w II c .i! 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CO CO r-x ::r B ti ^ II >» (L» 2 - \ k^ (/] iM ^-. a> pj o c V ^^ -^ ra z >^ i N J ■^i^;^ 3 « „ B "O c o.Si XJJ-O 1 — 1 f^ 19 O — j£ ^Ss t^ r^ <>• o n 0) E c 3 c2 — bo t- >- 13 >% C ' aj n s-: c » c-r J •fe< k^ OJ ^o a ^ <: >, >% >. c _^ c5 00 mpen yfield f Der HI s J3 Abel of coun C o II g cSod 1^ OS ' C XI -o ■^i 1 ^^ 1:^ 2 ^ c s** c - ^ =11 k bo B 3 >> II J?^\J^^ S ^ -1 r _ 11 . . 5= v)- I J} R ^ i2 =5 -i'B Bb B 3 ^ > ^3 "c h2 kT - - ^ ~1^ 1^ - 1 -1 ^ ^^ 1 James S of Ryecroft Audensha born i8o died 1 8s buried i St. Peter Church, Ashton-un Lyne. g 1 < II S^ "3 i:^'^^ i bO c c z cJ 1 II en 1 Robert, baptized at Tintwisle, 4th February 1803, died 1804. e < — 3 CJ 3 PQ 01 — t *^ 0« o; i •s (U efl en ' B B ^v;, II "> ■ n yi^ A CO § i--^ •s 1 1^ S: II — V c _- >. ■^ X ^ ^5? B < JB V t . a t~~ •C 00 (U '" ^T3 a: -a "> m Q 1U t "a >,.= rt S*" s II ' >^ c> ^ aj* - ^ ^ J>! Ji c a." ON • n K - c o kfl c < CO s H *r c «=> s = w E< B 2 E 1— >o 1b o ii u 4-* o a3 B 4-* -s CS OT pi B . a; O C c >■ "S, ° >^ II CS ^ "y 11 CO B~ 1) 0) (L> B o (O o i-i J3 lU ij" rC, X — II ^^ B B n - en ^^ < "ii « o vr> a o c -■ s ^o >< -S^ " (U Oil = S c 2 •a <; O c3 c J20 CS "« .s K 'C — CS ^^ s isi-s B ON 00 J>! X> CS o -C H- < ■o P5 >^-S _« .i! — "3 -o a; -w L^ (/5 •- (/2 11 C3 s S 'a U c %^.< 0) 3 Z^ o C5 XI (U •5 T3 . *-( 4-1 HH ^ SI ^ = -o 3 -i2 o ,^ pq 00 CO E-o o.2i _J3 SO _ 3 CS Q _ c ID -a. 3 _ 3 o 00 00 -J3 B < 5 J3 c A CS . c t> ^=•2 •s 3 cS > o u •> 0) »; ■^i II > JZ ^ Ot3 .« g-oo" *^ = ^locs >< ^ «! S O " 3 Q. E o CS 1) U S^^-^ K U - . "O 00 ►- >< o „ ►^ CO 00 ."2 c -a u B B < B 73 II > •-- ■^ J= ^ O u 4> T) b (U — Q 1 U CS c« JC CS B B rs *j o jr "~ f^ - CO CO ^ S X n^:^ " " u^ Ji n '^ E O _' >, ^ oj a - u _ u >s CS B o ^ •^ "i^ -< vi ;: . tic ^ G ^4 Jf r\ 4" 3 II — i^ 'rt ^ " dj ,_: V .-3 V O c o V3 o O (1) '~> s II J3 -■ cs c >. (> kH 1/7 3 C/J 3 J2 v_ 0) t/i •o o.i: >^ ^^ 'ji 11 o S rt 3 rt C '-'J 1— > o T5 J^ k. S « . — jr ^ o CO CA (A ll. k. CO (O 3 O WXo » i°.H — s o « 1— > II ■u _ a. •6 - « - ^ •-•ooco o CA C/l C -o O CO ^ u rt II ^ T3 •a 3 dj C V w _1J J^ •o ^• 1-1 rles Hin 2irrt M.l for •a c 3 C O n '-n ^ < II c a If, ri - c .•— C - S rt O ti c 3 >— > CO > o •a is j: "O _c ^ "S O CJ — -C r^ •5 •o .2u — OJ 3 ■^ h- « 3 n ^ I si ; ui o c H ^ ii > ~ C « tn O . 4; 73 _ ra .ui « .E _ n «-* - o -C J3 "•o = t o IE 4> CO -CO ^. O CO "O j: _S c c a> <• x> ^ 00 o -5 " IB " S. i c u .— 1-75 S 2 ^ 1! a - O •* _ CO " 1> 00 1» ■a " u F >< ^_, a> b- c Q- u l: a> c ^ o .- Q-g B ^ j« §^ •n b- Ch ,-s VO CJ C w rt B^ u-1 u: C! o ^ « s 0) d ?;^ c J= .c _0 CO 00 - O iT - -I '^ £ a P r- O = SZ « 2^T3 o 00 -00 i ji 5 E « ii o -^■' a - c c >^ (U Mersey Chapel r, 1845. 1 = 3 11 >^'^ C T3 ^ .S S.^ £ .c n ^ 3 " < r O >— > rt «'5 " °l c « 3 N '^ - O U ti. V) •u 00 u tn 3 00 r3 :i ^ -- t; j: "" X' 22 I « d S'ri, ■p- i4-» CJ W W « fv: a o « 1— t Q w t3 Cl, «4 «l 3 a U ^ r- m'-B ' « Si XI -o >* ■6 s o 00 - — 00 " rt 13 E-o S •^ X) T3 3 ™ N to I— > O VO CO 00 00 _ lU i-i M « C T3 -c o-ii U^T3 o .5 ^- o" o" Jiii 00 S b; 00 00 t; rt w w Ij -00 "5 rt E-o E 00 eq o >-i ^ !-• C T3 G k- (1) 2 o •- c xj "a 3 ."5 o* iA> t. 00 CO rt " M i-J 00 oo I = T3 t^ ^ r. := o.i! .~ X3 TJ 1) (U 00 ffi; O e5 ON ro o 00 CO CO *" *-■ c -o o OJ X2 '■5 OJ vo o •O inNO t £ apo:^ o OQ ■2 M 3 -, ■— w ; V ic 9 00 3 i5 5 ^ i^ I) bo o <" -o . I—* I- 3 _ -O n a; -^ "^3 3 !i ^ »- *C3 c k. ^ u - c V CD 4) -T3 O O 3 4J ^- rt « C ^ c — Ew. n O c< II _ k- >_ vO B O T3 BO C C3 —J u P M ' o J3 -PU IS u 3 , _ P2 — N i 00 00 « "- " .2! J^ 3 • O "O <~- _ ra E o E Oj: o n M-c -> 5U s w e o J4 ~ u 3 m e c n V "C c < D APPENDIX (A). Mills f robrb at Cljcstnr. Thomas Buckley, ok Buckley, 1571. '3n tbe IRame of (B05 Hmen >'^ Xir" daye of Auguste in y= XIIP yeare of the raigne of our Sovereigne Lady Elizabethe by y' grace of God of Englande France and Irelande Quene Defend of y' Faithe &." I Thomas Buckley of Buckley in y' County of Lane yoma' do make this my last Will as folowethe First I comend my Soule into y" hands of y° ev' lyvinge God by y° death & passion of whose dearly beloved sone Jesus Christe o' Lorde I trust to have remission of my sinnes & my body to be buriede in y" Pishe Churche or Church Yearde of Rachdalle I will y" all suche debts and dutees as I owe or am indebtede of right & conscience to any pson or psons be well and truly payde by myne executuore And after my debts payde and my funerall expences discharged I will y' all my goods chatels and debts movable and unmovable shal be equally devydede into three pts whereof I will and it is my mynd y' Ellen my wyfe shall have one equall pte in contentacon and satisfaccon of her pte of in and to all my sead goods chatels and debts and y" seconnde €quall pte of all my sayd goods chatels and debts I bequeth unto Arthur Buckley James Buckley Francys Buckley my sones Jane Buckley and Grace Buckley my doughters Prv'ded alwayes that the above sayde shall not extend to any leasse or leasses w'^'' I am now seased The take and leasse of my tyth come and grayne y" tack leasse and interest wch I have in a shopp in Rachdalle Toune and all bargaynes grants & contracts w''' I have touchlnge y° custoyde mariadge rule & gov'ante of Edmonde Haworthe & touching & concerning y" messuage lands tent' teime leasse interrest right or tythe of y° said Edmonde Haworthe or to him belonginge or appteyninge beinge in Whytworthe or els wheare I will and bequeth unto Ellen my wyfe to her owne pp use & it is my will y' Ellen my wyfe shall have y' sayde bargaynes grants knjanc goveimte contracts rights tytles & interreste w''' I y" sayd Thomas y' testator have of in & to or touchinge «S: concerninge y" sayd Edmonde Hayworthe his sayd mess lands tents & heredit'' leasses & farmes in Whiteworthe or els wheare uppO this condicon y' she shall kepe fynde & susteyne vi"' meate diinke lodginge and clothinge y^ sayd Edmonde Hayworth Randull Hayworthe & Rob' Hayworth brothers unto y' sayd Edmonde & Jane Buckley & Grace Buckley my doughters covenient & syte for there degre for duringe & so long as she or her ass or may by or in her right shall have on occup y' same and jf she will not kepe them as abovesaid then it is my will y' it shal be employede towards y° fyndinge as aforsayde of y" sayd Edmonde Hayworthe Randall Hayworthe & Robt Hayworthe Jane & Grace my sayd doughters and whearas Robt Buckley my sone &. heire apparent haih covfited & grantede to & w"' me y° sayd Thomas y^ testator by indenture beringe date y'' XXHI daye of March^ in y"" XI yeare of y" raigne of o' Sov'aigne Lady Elizabethe 1568 to pay unto James Buckley one of my sones ye some of ■ Non-official. BccKLEY Family. 25 XIII'' VP VIII' of currant English money within one yeare next after y' deceasse of me y* said Thomas & unto Jane Buckley & Grace Bucicley my yongest doughters y" some of XX" of currat English money to be payd by y' sayd Robte Buckley & by y' appoyntiiit of me y" sayd Thomas w'hin foure yeare ' & ende of y» sayd yeare next after y" decease of me y° sayd Thomas y' is to say evy yere VI" during ye terme of foure yeare then next folowinge as by y' same Indenture more at large dothe & maye appeare Nowe therefor for so muche as it is referred to myne appoyntmte at w' time ye sayd somes within y" sayd years mencofiede in y" said Indenture shal be payd it is my will & mynde & I do appoynt y" same to be payd as folowethe y' is to saye I will y' y" sayd some of XIII'' VP VIII'' be payd by y" sayd Robt Buckley his heyres excr & adm unto ye sayd James Buckley one of my young' sones his exer adm or ass at & reppo y' feast daye of S' Mychaell tharcangell next ensuing y" daye of my death & it is my will and mynde & I do appoynte by unto Jane & Grace my yongest doughters y' y° sayd Robt my eldest sone his heirs exer &: adm shall pay or cause to be payd unto ye said Jane & Grace there exer adm or ass ye sayd some of XX'' as followethe y' is yerely at & uppo every feaste daye of St Michaell tharcangell V' till y" sayde some of XX'' be fully payd And yf it fortune yethr y" said Jane or Grace my youngest doughters to dye before y" said paynite it is my will y' all y" said some of moneye shall be payd by y* said Robt my eldest sone unto Jane Mylne wydowe doughl' unto me ye said Thomas hs owne pp use & behoufe It I give & bequete unto Alys my last begoti-'o dought' III" VP VHP I give and bequeth unto Anthonye Buckley my sone XIIP IIII' I give & bequeth unto Anthony Mylne IIII" VP VIII'' yf he go to svice or any other good p'fermt or els ye moity or one-half thearof ye said Jane Mylne wydowe Moth' unto y said Anthonye shall have to h' own use and y'' sayd Anthony thoPhr half It I bequeth unto Agnes Coup &. Alys Coup eyth of them a payre of newe house cloths Pry'ded alwayes k it is my will