;"SIT. or CALIf I 3 1822 00112 9816 ^. THE HISTORY UK THK Pennsylvania Hospital 1751-1895 IIIOMAS G MORTON, M. l>. Fellow of the College of Physicians ; President of the Medical Staff and Senior Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Huspilal ; President of the I'hiladelphia Academy of Surgery ; Etc.. Ktc. ASSISTKI) IIV FRANK WOODULKV. M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians ; Honorary Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Medico-Chirurgical College : Etc.. Etc. PUBLICATION AUTHORIZED hV THE CONTRIBCTORS AT THKIK ANNUAL MEETING, .MAY, 1S93, AND DIRECTED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS PHII,AllKLrHI.\ TiMKs Printing House THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA Copyright, 1895, by the Cotilribiitors to the Pennsylvania Hospital. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. I'AGK I^tmis\'lvaiii;i liospital l-'ronlispiece The Pemisylvania Hospital, Vignette 3 IV-lition to the Assenihly for a Hospital .s Klection of First Hoard of Manasjers ... 12 Koplin Letter . .26 Law for Regulating Klection of Managers and Treasurers 29 I )riginal Seal of the Pennsylvania Hospital (I7,si4) 34 Perspective View of the Hospital (17.S5) jO The Corner-stone in 1894 ... 39 Rnle (ioverning Managers' Fines ... 41 Fast Wing of Hospital with Klaboratory in 176S Oo l-ontract with Continental .Authoritit-s for Klaboratory 62 Book of Fines, 175.S . 64 Hall of Centre Building . , ,' 79 Centennial Celebration of Washington's Birthday, Invitation to 87 Library-room looking P-ast go Group of Medical Men (1S871 103 Nurses' Home 107 Out-Patlent Department 109 The " Retreat " or " Lodge " 109 Memorial Pavilions 110 New Entrance, Female Department for the Insane, N'ignette 11; Portrait of Mr. Paul Busti ll.^ Kesidenceof Medical Superintendent of Insane Department "9 Prescription for Bleeding a Lunatic, by Dr. Fonlke (1791 I . . . 125 Bill for Chains for Liniatics (1751) 126 Cells for Lunatics, Pine Street Hospital 129 Portrait of Samuel Coates 139 I'ertificate of Insanity I4,s Kndorsement on Certificate 149 Doctor Rush's " Tranquillising Chair' J64 Female Department for Insane .... 16.S Reading-room, Male Department for Insam 170 Male Department for Insane 176 Parlor, Male Deiiartmenl for Insane '77 Parlor, Female De|)artment for Insane . 179 Parlor, Fisher Waril, Female Departnienl 181 Room in Fisher Ward 1S2 Department for Women — the Villa . 184 "The Villa," 1S4 Doric SiiMiiiKT House (".yninaslic Pavilion Mall in Ki-niak' Di'parlnii'iit Till- ■' I. \. Williamson" lUiililinn rill- ■• I. \'. Williamson" DuililinK, Sitting room Old Kntraniv, Insaiu- Dipartiniiit I'ortrail of Dr. Thomas S. KirkhriiU' " Takf care of Mini and I will Kt-|iay Tliie," X'iunitli- I'^ranklin's (Artier for Atlmission of a Patit-nt Admission I'aiitr Sinned by Dr. Rush Room I'sed for l.yinn-in Deparlnient (if(24-iS35) South View ol Hospital, showing Chains around I'enn Statue . Miniature of Ikiiiamin Kranklin : X'innetle ■ • ( Hiiiipse of Hospital: X'innette Plan of Orisinal Purchase of Hospital Site Plan of .Society Sipiare, West of Hospital Plan of Stpiare after K.\cliaii>ce with .Ahus-House . Plan of Sipiare after Final K.\chaiii;e of Properties Plan of Kastern Sipiare Plan of l.ot, South of Hospital . Picture House, for West's Painting ; \iKnelt<- Christ Healing the Sick Picture House, Rear View House of Employment. .Mmsllonse and PeiiiisvK aula llospilal Portrait of Dr. I.ettsoni ... Statue of William I'enn Charter of Privileges to Pennsylvania ( I7i»h Inscription on Pedestal of Peiin's Statue Letter of Kranklin RelVrrinj; to Statue ( 177.SI William Penn's Chair The Ritteuhonse Hall-Clock Marble Busts, Peiiii and Washinntou, Hall Keinale Deparlnient for Insane Kiifjravinj; of William I'enn Hospital Publications ; \'i){nette Portrait of Dr. Abraham Chovel Clinical Amphitheatre ( 1S6.SI: \'i<;iullc Hospital Charity Bo.\ ; Vis'iftte ... . . Contributors' Certificate . (lid Seal of Hospital I i-,S4i Managers of the Peunsylvani.i llcj>piial. ekitid .Ma\ i>v4 The .■\dniinistralioii ( )flice Silhouette, Josiah Hewes .... Portrait of Mordecai I,. Dawson Portrait of William Hidilli- Portrait of Wistar Morris Small Seal of Hospital, useil on Students' Certificates Rules for the Choice of Physicians (17.S21 Portrait of Dr. Benjamin Rush Student's Certificate, Conferring Risht t>> .Attend Praclici oflhe Hous>- Ward Dressing-Carriage, Antiseptic Model Ward Bed-Carriage Indenture ... . 185 189 190 I'M 192 '9.'; 1 1)6 2111 20.^ 2oS 23» 2-17 269 270 275 280 2MI 2.S- ^"S 3IA V9 J2' 323 3.1 ' 33i 333 335 336 .«7 3-1" 3AA 34.S 359 3^4 .365 .177 402 •105 409 420 429 43" •13-1 -139 441 450 471 477 478 480 Library looking Snuth, Managers' Meeting Room 485 Portrait of Thomas (iraeme, M. D. . 485 Portrait of Thomas Cadwalader. M. I' . 486 Portrait of John Rfdman, M. D. . . 486 Portrait of Lloyd Zachary. M. D. . . 487 Portrait of Phiiieas Bond, AL I). . . . 488 Portrait of John Morgan. "SI. I). . 4S9 Portrait of Adam Kuhn, M. I) 4gi Portrait of Thomas Parke, M. 1). 491 Portrait of James Hutchinson, M. 1 1 492 Portrait of William Shippen, Jr., M 1) 492 Portrait of John Koulke, M. L). . 495 Portrait of Caspar Wistar, i\L 1>. 495 Portrait of Philip Syng Physick. M. li 497 Portrait of Benjamin Smith Barton. M. I). 49,s Portrait of John Redman Co.\e. M. 1). . 498 Portrait of Thomas C. James, ^L I> 499 Portrait of John Syng Dorsey, M. I) 500 Portrait of Joseph Hartshorne, M. I). . 501 Portrait of John C. (Jtto, \L I). . . . 501 I'ortrait of Samuel Emlen, M. D. . . . . 503 Portrait 506 Portrait of Jacob Randolph, M. I) ... 507 Portrait of (ieorge W. Xorrls. M.I) . 507 Portrait of Charles D. Meigs, M. I). . 508 Portrait of William Pepper. .^L I). . 509 Portrait of Joseph Carson, ^L U ,Sii Portrait of Joseph Pancoast, M. I) 512 Portrait of John Forsyth Meigs, M. 1 1 ' . . 513 Portrait of p;dward Hartshorne, .M. ]>. 314 Portrait of Francis Gurney Smith, M. li 514 Portrait of William Hunt, M. I) .316 Portrait of I). Hayes .Agnew, AL D. . ... 516 Portrait of James A. Meigs, M. L). . . 51S Portrait of Richard J. Levis, M. I). . 51S The Hosjiital Pharmacy . ... 525 Communication from Physicians to Managers (1775) . 529 Report concerning K.xamination for .Apothecary 532 Certificate from James Craik, M.I) 534 Portrait of John Conrad, M. I). . . 536 Treaty Kim, with Steward Malin ... 538 Inscriiition on Treaty Elm Monumi in 539 Portrait of William (Junn Malin . 540 (Gatekeeper, deorgc Taylor, and "Crockie ' 545 Fire En.gine (1763) 546 TABLh OF CONTENTS. PAG List of llliistratioiis i Table of Conti-iUs iv Preface . v " On X'isilinn the Pennsylvania I lospit^il i The Pennsylvania Hospital •, Department for tlie Insane H.l Patients 201 Financial Affairs aiul Administration 247 Real Estate 2ii>t Works of Art, Memorial Furniture, etc. v'.S The Library and Patholojjical Museum . i|s Legacies, Donations, and Contributions -,'15 I.isl of Contrilnitors to the Hospital 177 The Hospital Administration (03 The Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital 405 Biographical Sketches of Managers i^io The Medical Staff 1 ■,'- Biographical Sketches of Physicians 4.S.S Apothecaries, Stewards, and Matrons . 525 Some Reminiscences ,S4S Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Hospital .s|o Officers of the Pennsylvania Hospital .v>.! Lineal Succession of Medical Staff sAi Index . S^'S PREFACE. About ten years ago, in an aliandoned closet in the " Retreat," an out-building of the Hospital, was found a large collection of letters, accounts, and memoranda, which were liable to be lost or destroyed. Among them were discovered many of the early papers of the Institution. The attention of the Board of Managers being directed to the existence of these perishable archives the following action was taken in reference thereto : At a stated meeting of the lioard of Managers held this day, the following was adopted ; Resolved, That this Board return their thanks to Dr. Thomas G. .Morton, for his bringing to their attention, certain .\ncient papers, relating to the Hospital, its organization and methods of administration, which he discovered in an inap- propriate place within the Hospital, and the same were directed to be placed by the Steward, in the Fire Proof Safe, in the Pine Street Hospital. Bbm. H. Siiokmakkk, Sici'v. Phit.aiuvI.T'Iiia, I nno, 30, 1SS5. It appears that some thirty years before, when alterations were in progress in the Library, these old documents had been carried over tn the Retreat, where they were subsequently overlooked and their existence forgotten. In order to preserve the valuable historical material contained in these manuscripts and to prevent their being again mislaid or lost, it was suggested, as an eminently proper procedure to incorporate them in a publication, which should be, in fact, "The History of the Pennsylvania Hospital." This was taken up for consideration at the Contributors' Meeting, in May, 1S93, when it met with cordial approval, as expressed in the following extract from the minutes : At a meeting of tlio Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital held May 1. 1R93, on motion of Mr. George M. Conarroe it was Resolved, That the Contributors have been glad to learn that a lull and com pletc history of the Hospital from its foundation in .\. D. 1751, is now in prepara- tion which will be a monument worthy in matter and style of the noble Institution — the first of its kind in .America — whose records it will preserve and perpetuate. Resolved, That the favorable attention of the Contributors is requested toward the fund for the i>ublication of this handsome volume. Not only was moral sii|)porl offered, but substantial contribu- tions were given, at that time and since, towards the expense of publishing the work, of which, grateful mention may be made in this place : Josephine M. Aver, (N. Y.), $500 ; John W. Biddle, $20 ; The Misses Blancharert, $5 ; Mrs. John L. I.eConle, Jio; Robert M. Lewis, S'o; Mary Morris, S2.S ; Thos. (!. Morton. M. I>.,S5oo; Henry Norris. S20 ; Ann \V. Pear- sail, $10; Anna M. Powers, Sii«); J. G. Rosengarten, $50 ; Wni. M. Singerly, $2.s ; James Spear, S20 ; Thom.as ScallerRood, S20 ; Edmund Smith, S20 ; Frank Thom- son, S50 ; Joseph B. Townsend, $50 ; H. C. Townsend, $10; Edward WilliuK. S2,i ; Sarah E. Wistar, S20 ; George Wood, $20. The thanks of the compilers of these records are cordially returned also to the Hoard of Manaj^ers for the encoiirat,'ement and support given during the progress of the undertaking, and acknowl- edgment is hereby especially tendered to the Publication Committee of the Board of Managers, Messrs. Benj. H. Shoemaker, Joseph It. Townsend, and Alexander Biddle, for active assistance and interest in the work, and also to I)rs. A. J. Ourt, John B. Chapin, and Henry M. Wetherill, and to Messrs. D. D. Test and W. A. Armstrong. Thanks are also returned to Mrs. Gillespie for permission to use the very artistic miniature of Franklin, wliich finds an appropriate place over the article on Financial Affairs and Administration. The fol- lowing letter is of some interest in connection therewith : Tuesday, December 4, 1S94. l)i;.VK Uk. Mdkton : I have great pleasure in granting the request you make to me in your note of yesterday. The negative of my miniature of Franklin is at your service for the History of the Tcnnsylvania Hospital. It may perhaps interest you to know that this picture was taken in Paris, by Duplessis, and was in the opinion of his daughter, Mrs. Bache (my grandmother), the best likeness of her father ever taken. It has been twice copied, once for the statue which was placed over the Franklin Market on Tenth Street, and which now stands over the Ledger Office door, and once for a frontispiece for Mr. Hale's " Franklin in France." I hope these facts will not interfere with your ilesire to have the copy, for I shall be glad to h.ive anything belonging to me connected with an Institution which I so much respect. I am most truly yours, E. n. Gii.lkspie:. For the typograjihical excellence of this book, the Contributors are indebted to the Managers of the Times Printing House, who have been most accommodating and courteous, rendering the task of the compilers as pleasant and as light as possible. Thanks are also due to Mr. James P. Harbeson of the Gutekunst Company for the unusual excellence of the illustrations. Wliile the list of Contributors to the Hospital has been most carefully compiled from the records, it is still possible that there may have been some errors, or omissions, and, in fact, the following names have been observed to be incorrect, for which slight typo- graphical errors due apology is made : (On page 369) Paletliorp, J. H. (375) Stiles, Henrj' ; Stiles, H. A. (378) Biddle, Katharine H. ; Biddle, Robt. and \V. C- ; Boker. Chas. S. (380) Cash, Andrew, D. ; Cattell, Elijah G. ; Claghorn, James L. ; Claghorn, James \V. (381) Cowperthwaite, Joseph ; Cramond, Henry. (382) Dreer, Ferdinand J. (383) Klmslie, .\nn ; Ehnslie, Elizabeth ; Elmslie, Rebecca ; Elmslie, William ; Kair- thorne, Frederick ; Fassitt, Alfred ; Fearons & Smith; Field, Charles J. ; Firth. Thomas T.; Fisher, J. Francis. (385) Griffitts, William F.; Griffitts, Samuel P.,M.lJ. (387) Hutchinson, I. Pemberton. (388) Kisterboch, Josiah. (389) Lindsay & lilakiston ; Lowber, Edward. (391) Moorhead, Joel B. (393) Powel, John Hare : Powel, Mrs. John Hare; Powel, R. Hare; Powel, Samuel. (394I Rhawn.W. H. ; Ricketts, John T. : Robinson, Moncure. (395I Sharpless, Xathan H. (400) Wurts, Charles S., M. D. In preparing this History of the Pennsylvania Hospital, from the original documents, special effort has been made to preserve the forms of archaic expression and peculiar orthography, of these ancient papers, by careful comparison of the proof with the original, even at the risk of seeming to sanction ])eculiarities of orthography, or of grammatical construction, which differ from the standards of the present day. The exertions made to obtain portraits of the Managers and Physicians have been only measurably successful and lead to regret that this attempt to secure complete sets had not been made man\- )ears ago. Among the noteworthy features of this work is material which, hitherto, has never been published, such as the letters from Lieutenant Governor Hamilton to the Penns; also various letters of the Mana- gers to the Proprietors ; letters from Dr. Fothergill of London ; cor- respondence of the Managers with Governors Denny and Richard Penn and also letters of Benjamin Franklin, who was the first clerk of the Pioard of Managers. The account of the difficulties of the Hospital administration during the trying period of the Revolution and the report of the action taken by the Managers on the bequest of questionable value contained in Franklin's will, are of special interest. The history of the development of the Department for the Insane and of the ceremonies attending the laying of the corner-stones of the buildings, has also decided interest and value. The opinion of Horace Binney, Esq., prepared by request of the Board of Manaj^ers, on the " Duties of the Coroner," and the text of tlie decision of the Lord Chancellor of England, in reference to an Act of Parliament, in favor of the Hospital, in the matter of the Pennsyl- vania l^nd Com])any'.s estate, with corres|iondence in relation iherelo, are also here published for the first time, while the services of Franklin and l-'othergill in this matter are, at length, publicly acknowledged. In the section of "Real Estate," is revealed a chapter of local history which hitherto has been inaccessible and which has been pre])ared with great care for this work. When- the corner-stone of the Hospital on Eighth Street was laid, in 1752, the locality was selected because of its remoteness from the built-u|) por tions of the city. The Managers afterward secured plots of land U> the west, east, and south, for hygienic purposes, in order to prevent encroachment by buildings, that would interfere with the patients' supply of fresh air. This laudable design was frustrated by the growth of the city and they consequently found it advantageous to exchange this property surrounding the Hospital for land in West Philadelphia. The illustrations, ii is believed, add very materially to the value of this Hisior)'. Among them attention is especially called to the fine photogravure of West's painting " Christ Healing the Sick." The vignettes at the heads of the sections, as indeed most of the illustra- tions, are from ])hotographic views taken especially for this book. Daniel Webster, in his speech at the •' Plymouth Celebration," (^•'Watson's Annals of New York," I'hila., 1S46, p. 364) well expressed the motives which have ins|iired the compilation of these records of the Pennsylvania Hospital : " It is wise lluis to recur to tlii; sc-nliimnts, and to tlit- diaraoli-r of those from whom wc are ik'scendcil. Men who are regardless of their ancestors and of their posterity, are very apt to be regardless of themselves. The m.'in who does not feel himself to he a link in the great chain to transmit his life and being, intellectual and moral e.xistence, from his ancestors to his posterity, does not justly appre- ciate the relations which belong to him. The contemplation of our ancestors and of our ilescendants ought ever to be witliin the grasp of our thoughts and aflections. Thf past belongs to us by atVectionate retrospect; v:\\\\k llii- futuie belongs to us, no less, by allectionate anticipation for those who are to come after us. And then only do we do ourselves justice, when we are ourselves true to the blood we inherit, and true to those to whom we have been tile means uf trans- mitting that blooil " " ®n IDisiting Zbc ipennsijlvania Ibospital." by FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. Whose fair abode is this? Whose happy lot Has drawn them in these peaceful shades to rest, And hear the distant hum of busy life ? The city's noise, its clouds of smoke and dust. Vainly invade these leafy walls that wave On high around it, sheltering all within. And wooing the scared bird to stay its flight And add its note of joy to bless the scene : The city's toils, and cares, and strifes are, sure, Alike excluded here — Content here smiles And reigns, and leads her vot'ries through the maze Of flower-embroidered walks to bowers of bliss : O ! 'tis a sight to warm the heart of him Who feels for man, and shares the joys he sees." * Poems of the late Francis S. Key, Esq., author of " The Star Spangled Banner." With an Introductory Letter by Chief J ustice Taney. New York, 1857. THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. From a | etition presented, tlie 23d of January, 1751, to the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, by '' sundry Inhabitants," Petition to it appears that, prior to the founding of the Pennsylvania Hospital, no Provincial permanent, public provision had been made in this Province for the Assembly, care of persons "distemper'd in Mind and depriv'd of their rational Faculties," or for the relief of sick and injured inhabitants. The petitioners speak of the insane as : Some of them going at large, a Terror to their Neighbours, who are daily apprehensive of the Violences they may commit ; And others are continually wasting their Substance, to the great Injury of themselves and Families, ill- disposed Persons wickedly taking Advantage of their unhappy Condition, and drawing them into unreasonable Bargains, etc. With reference to the indigent sick of the Province, it is set forth : That the good Laws of this Province have made many compassionate and charitable Provisions for the Relief of the Poor, yet something farther seems wanting in favour of such whose Poverty is made more miserable by the addi- tional Weight of a grievous Disease, from which they might easily be relieved, etc. The fact that temporary accommodation had been provided for sick strangers, although nothing of this kind had been furnished for permanent residents, was certainly a strong argument in favor of establishing a Hospital, and this is expressed in clear terms at the conclusion of the petition : The kind Care our Assemblies have heretofore taken for the Relief of sick and sjck di.stempered Strangers, by providing a Place for their Reception and .'\ccomnio- Strangers dation, leaves us no Room to doubt their showing an equal tender Concern for the Provided for. Inhabitants. And we hope they will be of Opinion with us, that a small Provincial Hospital, erected and put under proper Regulations in the Care of Persons to be appointed by this House, or otherwise, as they shall think meet, with Power to receive and apply the charitable Benefactions of good People towards enlarging and supporting the same, and some other Provisions in a Law for the Purposes abovementioned, will be a good Work, acceptable to God and to all the good People they represent. The public provision made for the sick and distempered ininii- granis above referred to had, in all iirobability, been insjjired, not so much by tender concern for their welfare, as by the desire to keep such persons out of the city, and by thus isolating them, to jirevent the introduction of contagious disease. The provisions here referred to constituted the first attempts to i)rotect the inhabitants by the establishment of quarantine at the port of Philadelphia. Indeed, up to 1740, whenever sick immigrants arrived at Philadelphia, it was the usual custom to ])lace them in empty houses about the city, and in this wav infection was frequently communicated to the neighbors. Care of Sick j^ ^^^^, ^^^ interesting to note some of the means and methods and Insane ' , ... , . , , . ^ Poor adopted m the Province for the care of sick and insane jjoor, from 1676 to the time when the petition just referred to was presented to the Assembly. The earliest provision for maintaining an insane patient is found in the records of the Uiiland Court, Delaware County, Pa., in 1676, Jan Cornelisscn, of AmeslancI, ComplayniiiK to ye Court that his son Erick is bereft of his nalurall Senses and is turned quyt madd and yt ; he being a poore man isnot able to maintaine him; Ordered: that three or four persons bee hired to build a little block-house at Amesland for to put in the said madman, and at the ne.xt Court, order will be taken yt ; a small Levy be Laid for to pay for the building of ye house and the maintaining of ye said madman according to laws of ye Government. This apjiears to have been the customary method of procedure, under the laws of the Province, in the case of indigent lunatics, who were incarcerated at the discretion of the Court; such provision was enforced, however, only where the safety of citizens was imperilled, or, where the lunatic had destructive or homicidal impulses. The opening of the Pennsylvania Hospital inaugurated a new epoch in the treatment of lunatics in this country, as it began by receiving them as patients suffering with mental disease, to be subjected to such treatment as their cases required, with a view to their ultimate restoration to reason, instead of simply confining them as malefactors. The project of establishing a public hospital in this city, the need of which constantly became more urgent, was considered by the Association of Friends as early as 1709. At a monthly meeting of Friends of Philadelphia, held the 25th of the ninth month of that year, the Records state : Steps toward Thomas GrifTith is ordered to pay Edward Shippen to the value of Eight Establishing Pounds Sterling when there is stock in his hands, towards defraying the charges a Hospital, of negotiating matters in England in relation to the School Charter and one that is endeavored to be obtained for an Hospital, according to the agreement and concurrence of the Meeting some time past, and was accordingly to send over by Isaac Norris to request of Gov. Penn who was willing to grant the same ; but upon advice thought it proper to have the School and Hospital in one which this meeting desires maybe moved again by James Logan, who is now going over to England. This appears to have been the first effort toward establishing a Hospital in this community. Whether the intention was to inaugurate an institution for the e.xclusive use of members of the Society of Friends or a general Hospital, is, of course, at the present time, unknown. Philadelphia being a place which could only develop in its early years by immigration, it was necessary to regulate the reception of persons who came by sea. The accommodations in the ships for passengers were insufficient, and too often, long voyage?, poor venti- lation, and improper food produced, among closely crowded passen- gers, scurvy, malignant fevers, and diseases of a dangerous type. In early Provincial times, a Hospital was usually considered as a pest House place where lunatics and other sick persons were confined, so that and citizens generally might be protected from contagious disease, or the Lazaretto. irresponsible acts of the insane. The medical care of paupers and lunatics was not deemed of so much importance as it is now. Not that the physicians appointed by the authorities to serve the quaran- tine station were incapable or uns) mpathetic, but the lime consumed in journeying to the Pest House was so great that only physicians of limited practice, or those who had assistants to do the work, could accept such a position. Those who did undertake to attend the Pest House, it appears, occasionally neglected their duties. When Dr. Thomas Graeme presented a bill for twenty years' services at the Lazaretto, the Assembly rejected the claim, " owing to his neglect of the service." The Pest House on Fisher's Island was purchased by the authori- ties February 3, 1743, for a quarantine station for shelter and isolation Need of a of persons arriving from sea with epidemic diseases, but not as a ^^"^[''^ refuge for the sick of the province. Even if it had possessed proper accommodations, it was too remote and inaccessible to be of any practical use to the citizens of Philadelphia. The want of a hospital located in the city soon came to be seriously felt. The Almshouse was simply a place of confinement. Willing physicians devoted much of their time to the poor, though many of these unfortunates were necessarily much neglected, owing to their homes being located in different and scattered parts of the city and suburbs, where they could not receive proper care. No one was more sensible of these difficulties than Dr. Thomas Bond, a prominent physician of large practice in Philadelphia. He was a man of great benevolence and occupied a position where the .S Efforts to Establish a General Hospital. Franklin's Assistance. necessity of such an institution could be appreciated. His pro- fession daily brought him in contact with the poor insane, the sick, and the injured, so that he became impressed with the idea of gathering a number of these unfortunates under one roof, where they would be provided with the care, comfort, and individual necessaries required. After vainly endeavoring to obtain subscriptions to carry out his purpose, he sought Franklin and secured his assistance. With the aid of this powerful auxiliary, so influential and withal so method- ical in everything he undertook, and by their combined efforts, the project was soon ])laced on a firm basis and the success of the undertaking assured. Franklin has had ascribed to him the honor of being the originator of the Pennsylvania Hospital; but he generously sets this error at rest, by a positive denial, in his autobiography.* He says: In 1751, Dr. Thomas Bond, a particular friend of mine, conceived the idea of establishing a hospital in Philadelphia, (a very beneficent design, which has been ascribed to me, but was originally and truly his) for the reception and cure of poor sick persons, whether inhabitants of the province or strangers. He was zealous and active in endeavoring to procure subscriptions, for it ; but the proposal being a novelty in America, and at first not well understood, he met with but little success. At length he came to me with the compliment, that he found there was no such thing as carrying a public-spirited project through without my being con- cerned in it. " For," he said, " I am often asked by those to whom I propose subscribing, ' Have you consulted Franklin on this business? And what does he think of it?' And when I tell them I have not, (sup|)Osing it rather out of your line) they do not subscribe, but say, they will consider it." I inquired into the nature and prob.able utility of the scheme, and receiving a very satisfactory explanation, I not only subscribed to it myself, but engaged heartily in the design of procuring subscriptions from others. Previously, however, to the solicitation, I endeavored to prepare the minds of the people by writing on the subject in the newspapers, which was my usual custom in such cases, but. which he had omitted The subscriptions afterwards were more free and generous ; but beginning to flag, I saw they would be insuflicient without some assistance from the Assembly, and, therefore, proposed to petition for it ; which was done. The country members did not at first relish the project ; they objected that it could only be serviceable to the city, and, therefore the citizens alone should be at the expense of it ; and they doubted whether the citizens themselves generally approved of it. My allegation to the contrary, that it met with such approbation as to leave no doubt of our being able to raise two thousand pounds by voluntary donations, they considered as a most extravagant supposition and utterly impossible. On this I formed my plan ; and asked leave to bring in a bill for incorpo- rating the contributors according to the prayer of their petition, and granting them a blank sum of money; which leave was obtained chiefly on the consider- ation that the House could throw the bill out if they did not like it. I drew * Btgetow's Auiobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia, 1868. page 381. 6 it so as to make the important clause a conditional one, viz. : " And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that when the said contributors shall have met and Franklin's chosen their Managers and treasurer and shall have raised by their contribu- Account of tions a capital stock of two thousand pounds value, the yearly interest of which Founding the is to be applied to the accommodation of the sick poor in the said hospital, and Hospital. free of charge for diet, attendance, advice and medicines, and shall make the same appear to the satisfaction of the speaker of the Assembly for the time being ; that then it shall and may be lawful for the said speaker, and he is hereby required to sign an order on the provincial treasurer, for the payment of two thovisand pounds in two yearly payments, to the treasurer of the said hospital, to be applied to the founding, building and finishing of the same." This condition carried the bill through ; for the members who had opposed the grant, and nt)w conceived they might have the credit of being charitable without the expense, agreed to its passage ; and then in soliciting subscriptions among the people, we urged the conditional promise of the law as an additional motive to give, since every man's donation would be doubled ; thus the cause worked both ways. The subscriptions accordingly soon exceeded the requisite sum, and we claimed and received the public gift, which enabled us to carry the design into execution. A convenient and handsome building was soon erected, the institution has by constant experience been found useful, and flourishes to this day, and I do not remember any of my political mana-uvres, the success of which at the time gave me more pleasure ; or ivherein, after thinking of it, I more easily excused myself for having made some use of cunning. After taking up the project, Franklin soon became enthusiastic and was ahvays a zealous \vorker in behalf of the Hospital. He was intrepid, forcible, and logical. His appeals supported by plain state- ments of facts were irresistible, convincing his hearers and readers of the necessity of establishing such an institution. The fact of its support by voluntary contributions, heretofore considered impossible, he demonstrated to be no longer a matter of doubt. In his " Brief Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital," Philadelphia, 1754, he makes the following statements : Sick and About the end of the year 1750, some Persons, who had frequent Opportunities Insane Poor of observing the distress of such distemper'd Poor as from Time to Time came to without Philadelphia, for the Advice and Assistance of the Physicians and Surgeons of proper Care, that City ; how difficult it was for them to procure suitable Lodgings, and other conveniences proper for their respective cases, and how expensive the Providing good and careful Nurses, and other Attendants, for want thereof, many must suffer greatly, and some probably perish, that might otherwise have been restored to Health and Comfort, and become useful to themselves, their Families, and the Publick, for many years after ; and considering moreover, that even the poor inhabitants of this city, tho' they had homes, yet were therein but badly accom- modated in Sickness, and could not be so well and easily taken Care of in their Separate Habitations, as ihey might be in one convenient House, under one Inspection, and in the hands of skilful Practitioners ; and several of the Inhabi- tants of the Province, who unhappily became disordered in their Senses, wandered about, to the terrour of their Neighbours, there being no place (except the House of Correction or Almshouse) in which they might be confined, and subjected to proper treatment for their Recovery, and that House was by no means fitted for such Purposes ; did charitably consult together, and confer with their Friends 7 Petition Made to the Assembly. and Acquaintances, on the best means of relieving the Distressed, under those Circumstances; and an Infirmary, or Hospital, in the manner of several lately established in Great Britain, being proposed, was so generally approved, that there was reason to expect a considerable Subscription from the Inhabitants of this City, towards the support of such a Hospital ; but the expense of erecting a Building sufficiently large and commodious for the purpose, it was thought would be too heavy, unless the Subscription could be made general through the Province, and some assistance could be obtained from the Assembly ; the following petition was therefore drawn, and presented to the House on the 23d of January, ' 750-5' : To the honourable House of Representatives of the Profiiue of Pennsylvania, Tlie Petition of sundry Inliabitants of the said Province, Humbly showeth, THAT with the Numbers of People, the number of Lunaticks or Persons dis- tempered in Mind and deprived of their rational Faculties, hath greatly encreased in this Province. That some of them going at large are a Terror to their Neighbours, who are daily apprehensive of the Violences they may commit ; .And others are continually wasting their Substance, to the great Injury of themselves and Families, ill dis- posed Persons wickedl.v taking Advantage of their unhappy Condition, and draw- ing them into unreasonable Bargains, &c. That few or none of them are so sensible of their Condition, as to submit voluntarily to the Treatment their respective Cases require, and therefore continue in the same deplorable State during their Lives ; whereas it has been found, by the E.vperience of many Years, that above two Thirds of the Mad People received into Bethlehem Hospital, and there treated properly, have been perfectly cured. Your Petitioners beg Leave farther to represent, that tho' the good Laws of this Province have made many compassionate and charitable Provisions for the Relief of the Poor, yet something farther seems wanting in Favour of such, whose Poverty is made more miserable by the additional Weight of a grievous Disease, from which they might easily he relieved, if they were not situated at too great a Distance from regular .Advice and Assistance ; whereby many languish out their Lives, tortur'd perhaps with the Stone, devour'd by the Cancer, deprived of Sight by Cataracts, or gradually decaying by loathsome Distempers ; who, if the Expense in the present manner of Nursing and Attending them separately when they come to Town were not so discouraging, might again, by the judicious Assistance of Physic and Surgery, be enabled to taste the Blessings of Health, and be made in a few Weeks, useful Members of the Community, able to provide for themsels'es and Families. The kind Care our Assemblies have heretofore taken for the Relief of sick and distempered Strangers, by providing a Place for their Reception and .Accom- modation, leaves us no Room to doubt their showing an equal tender Concern for the Inhabitants. And we hope they will be of Opinion with us. that a small Pro- vinical Hospital, erected and put under proper Regulations, in the Care of Persons to be appointed by this House, or otherwise, as they shall think meet, with Power to receive and apply the charitable Benefactions of good People towards enlarging and supporting the same, and some other Provisions in a Law for the Purposes above mentioned, will be a good Work, acceptable to God and to all the good People they represent. 8 ,„^^ . vif^;,^.^, imi-y.^,.. ^j£„^ ^.y /Cy^^y ~yy^i.. ./.'.^ . ^.^,."> „^,/!y. iC~^^ ./Uii' (<^ — «-.yy^^ tfC yyi..y.u!(t^^^y/^,y(,X. Y^ ojj^^'iy^y^ ^/jJin/Pci)>-'('4 ^^'^(^"ys^^' /y^^/f^-'^ J^fis^^rr^,. \ .'/^f i/'//'^ ,^/^ . v.wAir J^Z^''^' jM..rr,ii^ i^-'^-7^' f/^A ff t T ^f /JT^ ORIGINAL PETITION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PF:\'N?;Yr.VA\MA HOSPITAL. We therefore humbly recommend the Premises to their serious consideration. A. Morris, Jan. Jona. Evans. Joseph Shijjpen. John Inghs. John Mifflin. Geo. Spotford. John Reynell. Chas. Norris. William Griffitts. Reese Meredith. Jos. Richard.son. Jos. Sims. Edward Cathrall. Samuel Smith. S. Shoemaker. Saml. Hazard. Saml. Sansom. Amos Strettell. John Armitt. Jos'h Fisher. Nath'l. Allen. Wm. Plumsted. Luke Morris. Stephen Armitt. Samuel Rhoads. Wm. Coleman. Wm. Atwood. Anth Morris. Thos. Graeme. Will. Branson. Israel Pemberton. Joshua Crosby. Will. Allen. This interesting document was in the handwriting of Franklin, though not signed by him, probably from the fact that he was before the people as a candidate for public ofifice (being soon after elected to represent the City of Philadelphia in the Provincial Assembly). The wording of this petition is at once forcible and significant, not merely advocating the needs of the sick and injured, but the insane are referred to first, as if constituting the most important subject for legislation, and in a manner truly humane and highly enlightened. The views expressed on behalf of this afflicted class were far in advance of the times, and this document remains an imperishable monument to the honor, intelligence, and jihilanthropy of the origi- nators and promoters of this charity. Referring to this, Franklin says : On the second reading of the Petition, January 29, 1751, the House gave leave to the Petitioners to bring in a Bill, which was read the First Time on the first of February. For some time it was doubtful whether the Bill would not miscarry, many of the Jlembers not readily conceiving the Necessitj' or Usefulness of the design : and apprehending moreover, that the Expense of paj'ing Physicians and Surgeons, would eat up the whole of any Fund that could be reasonably e.xpected to be raised ; but three members of the Medical Profession, viz. : Doctors Lloyd Zachary, Thomas Bond, and Phineas Bond, generously offering to attend the Hospital gratis for three years, and the other Objections being by degrees got over, the Bill, on the seventh of the same Month, passed the House, jVcmiite Coii- tfadicente, and on the nth of May following, it received the Governor's approval. The following is the text of the original : Charter of the Pennsvlvani.\ Hospital Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis, Magnre Brittaniie, Francis & HiberniK, Vigesimo Quarto. At a General Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth day of October, Anno Domini, 1750, in the twenty-fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc. And from thence con- tinued by .\djournments to the Sixth Day of May, 1751. Petition presented to the .\ssembly. Petition read a second time and favorably considered. Charter granted by the Asseml)ly Establishing the Pennsyl- vania Hos- pital. Government vested in Cor- poration of Contributors. Managers and Treas- urer to be annually chosen. An ACT to encourage the establisliing of an Hospital for the Relief of the Sick Poor of this Province, and for the Reception and Cure of l.iinaticks. WHERK.AS tlte saving and restoring useful and laburious Members to a Community is a Work of publitk Service, and the Relief of the Sick Poor is notonlyan Act of Humanity, but a religious Duty: AND WHERKAS there are frequently in many Parts of this Province poor distempered Persons, who languish long in Pain and Misery, under various Disorders of Body and Mind, and being scattered abroad in different and very distant Habitations, cannot have the Benefit of regular Advice, Attendance, Lodging, Diet and Medicines, but at a great Expense and therefore often suffer for Want thereof; which Inconveniency might be happily reTUOved by collecting the Patients into one common provincial Hospital, properly disposed and appointed, where they may be comfortably subsisted, and their Health taken Care of at a small Charge, and whereby the Blessing of God on the Endeavours of skilful Physicians and Surgeons, their Diseases may be cured and removed. AND WIIERE.^S it is represented to this Assembly, that there is a charitable Disposition in divers Inhabitants of this Province to contribute largely towards so good a Work, if such Contributors might be incorporated with proper Powers and Privileges for carrying on and compleating the same, and some part of the publick Money given and ajjpropriated to the providing a suitalile Building for the Purposes aforesaid. THEREFORE, for the Encouragement of so useful, pious, and charitable a Design, we pray that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Honourable James Hamilton, Esq.; Lieutenant-Governor under the Honourable Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esquires, true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of P,>insylvaitia, and Counlics of Xitv Castle, A'liil, and Sussex, \i\mn Ddlaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same. That it shall and may be lawful to and for all Persons, each of whom shall have contributed or subscribed the Sum of Ten Pounds or more, towards founding and establishing an Hospital, for the Reception and Relief of Lunaticks: and other distemper'd and sick Poor within this Province, or as niany of them as shall think fit, to assemble and meet on the first Day of the Month called July next ; and for all Persons, who shall thereafter contribute the like Sum of Tin Pounds or more (together with the said first Subscribers) or so many of them as shall think fit, to assemble and meet on the second Day of the first Week in the Month called May, yearly for ever, at some convenient place in the City of I'nihidclphia, then and there to elect by Ballot, twelve fit and suitable Persons, of their own Number, to be Managers of the said Contribution and Hospital, and one other Person to be Treasurer of the same until the next Election ; and farther, to make such Laws, Rules and Orders, as shall appear to them the said Con- tributors met, or the major Part of them, to be good, useful and necessary, for the well governing, ordering and regulating the said Hospital, and for the Regulation of the future Elections of Managers, Treasurer, and other necessary Officers and Ministers thereof, and for limiting and a|)pointing their Number, Trust and .Authority; and generally for the well-ordering all other Things concerning the Government, Estate, Goods, Lands, Revenues, as also all the Businc-ss and Aflairs of the said Hospital : All which Laws, Rules and Orders so to be made as aforesaid, shall be from Time to Time inviolably observed by all concerned, according to the Tenor and F^ffect of them, provided they be not repugnant to the Laws of £'«^/aHrf, or this Government, and are approved by the Chief Justice, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the Attorney General of this Province for the Time being, under their Hands and Seals. And the said Contributors sliall be, and are hereby made a Body corporate in Law, to all Intents and Purposes, and shall Contributors have perpetual Succession, and may sue, or be sued, plead, or be impleaded, by made a the Name of The Conlrilnitors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, in all Courts of Corporation. Judicature within this Province; and by that Name shall and may receive and take any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, not e.xceeding the yearly Value of One Limitation of Thousand Pounds, of the Gift, Alienation, Bequest, or Devise of any Person or their Estate. Persons whomsoever ; and of any Goods or Chattels whatsoever ; and the said Contributors are hereby impowered to have and use one common Seal in their Affairs, and the same at their Pleasure to change and alter. PRO\'IDED nevertheless, That no General Meeting of the said Contribu- Capital Stock tors, nor any Persons acting under them, shall employ any Money, or other Estate, not to be e.xpressly given or added to the capital Stock of the said Hospital, in any other E.vpended. Way, than by applying its annual Interest or Rent, towards the Entertainment and Care of the sick and distempered Poor, that shall be from Time to Time brought and placed therein, for the Cure of their Diseases, from any Part of this Province, without Partiality or Preference. AND for the farther Encouragement of this beneficent Undertaking, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid. That when the said Contributors shall have met and chosen their Managers and Treasurer as aforesaid, and shall Two thou- have raised by their Contributions, a capital stock of Tuo Thousand Pounds sand pounds Value I the yearly Interest or Rent of which is to be applied to the accommodating conditionally of the sick Poor in the said Hospital, free of Charge for Diet, Attendance, Advice and given. Medicines) and shall make the same appear to the Satisfaction of the Speaker of the Assembly for the Time being ; that then it shall and may be lawful for the said Speaker of the Assembly, and he is hereby required, to sign an Order or Orders on the Provincial Treasurer, or Trustees of tlie Loan-Office, for the Payment of Tivo Thousand Pounds, in two yearly Payments, to the Treasurer of the said Hospital, to be applied to the Founding, Building and Furnishing of the same. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid, That Accounts to the Accounts of the Disbursement of the said Two Thousand Pounds, so be published, ordered by the Speaker of the Assembly aforesaid, or any Part thereof that shall be hereafter expended, as the Case may be, and of the Rents, Products and Interests of any real or personal Estates or Sums of Money charitably given to the Use of the said Hospital, together with a List of such Donations, shall be fairly drawn out and published annually in the Gazette, or other News-Papers : And the Managers of the said Hospital, shall at all Times, when required, submit the Books, Accounts, Affairs and CEconomy thereof, to the Inspection and free Examination of such Visitors as may from Time to Time be appointed by the Assembly of this Province, to visit and inspect the same. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority i,, failure of a aforesaid. That if at any Time hereafter, there should not be a constant Succes- succession of sion of Contributors to meet yearly and chuse Managers as aforesaid, then the Contributors. said Hospital, and the Estate and Affairs thereof, shall be in the Management, and under the Direction of such Persons as sliall be from Time to Time appointed bv Act of General Assembly of this Province for that Purpose. Signed by the order of the House. Is.\AC NOKRis, Speaker. Approved by the Governor eleventh day of !May, 1751. The strenuous efforts made for the establishment of the Hospital had not been in vain. Its iiromoters in the meanwhile had not been //:. ^y^^y'y -i'v/'./J^ .4?,.^^ .V/^"^, ■//?„„... ^ 'ret' ^.A^y^y^yj^ ■ * •^/yAr<-^^'''f^i^,<' (j'y.^.i/^ii'^ ^^^^ri U^yt"-^ y."yty»'.^^^'^' -^^^ . ^y7r^, ^'^iyyy/K-„;.p J/c'?^/^,y..^p7'. ''<9f^*„,/:^.^,y /■j'yy This illustration is a photographic reproduction of the first page of the niitnite-book conlaiotng report of the first Contributors' meeting and election o! Managets. It is in Franklin's handwriting. idle ; a subscription list was set on foot which in a short time amounted to over ;^2 75o, a sum much in excess of the figure required by the law to obtain the ^2000 from ihe Provincial Treasurer or Trustees of the Loan Office. On July 2d, the Managers met at the Widow Pratt's Royal Selection Standard Tavern. After some Discussion on the Choice of a Piece of a Site, of Ground on which to erect the Hospital, they adjourned and went in a body to view several places near " the Town " ' which were thought suitable for a location. They eventually agreed upon one particular lot belonging to Thomas and Richard Penn, the Proprietaries, on the South side of Mulberry (now .'Vrch) Street, from Ninth to Tenth Streets, and e.xtending 360 feet in depth southward from Mulberry Street. The Managers again met on July 6th, when it was "voted ticminc coiitradicente, that Joshua Crosby be the President of this Board until the next election, and that Benjamin Franklin officiate as Clerk until another shall be appointed." This particular piece of ground having been selected, the Man- Favorable agers drafted the following address, and forwarded it to Thomas Hyam location and Sylvanus Bevan, their agents at London, to be by them presented to the Proprietaries. What was done in this matter, and the answers the Managers received, and the other documents relating to the same, it is believed are of sufficient interest to be here placed on record. The Managers before appealing to the Proprietaries in England, Appeal to sought to enlist the interest of Lieut. Gov. Hamilton, who at that ,^^^\^°^ ° . Hanulton. time represented the Penns. It will be seen by the following corres- pondence that in this they were less successful than in other directions. The following is a confidential letter sent by Governor Hamilton- to Thomas Penn, in England : PHIL.\DELPHI..i, July 5, 1751. Hon'd Sir: I had the honour to write You a few days agoe by Captain Styles Letter from and as every thing remains in the same situation as was therein mentioned, I have Governor to nothing new to add at present. Proprietors. We have heard by the publick Papers of the unfortunate Accident that befell You, in your journey to Bath, and should have been kept in a very cruel suspence with respect to the consequence, But that Mr. Paris was so kind as to inform me by way of Boston, of your being out of all danger from the Wound so that we were at the same time made acquainted, with the Peril you had been in, & your happy recovery from it. Upon which, I begg leave most sincerely to congratulate You, and hope you do me the Justice to believe, that, no man more heartily rejoices at your escape from so imminent a Disaster. ^ By the Charter of October 25, 1 701. the City was incorporated under the name of "The Mayor and Commonality of the City of Philadelphia," previous to this it had been called a " town." ^James Hamilton, son of Andrew Hamilton, was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Pennsyl- vania in 1741. He was the first native Governor. In 1754 he resigned his commission, but in 1759, when in England, he again accepted the same office, which in 1763. he yielded to John Penn. 13 Young Mr. Pemberton and Others of ihu MaiiaKers of the Inltiided Hospital, (of whicli I gave yon some Account in my last, ) waited upon me this MorninK, and acquainted me, they were about to address You for a Benefaction to it, which they were desiring should be, of a piece of Ground, to erect their Building upon ; and desired me to back their request. — I told them plainly I should not concern myself in any Application of that kind ; neither did I believe you would grant it in the way they . ence with Baleenied friends, Thomas Hyam, and Silvanus Bevan. regard to site The Opinion we have of your Beneficent Principles induces us to make this of Hospital. Application to you, and we hope the Opportunity of exerting your Tenderness to the Afflicted and distressed will be so acceptable as to render any Apology unnecessary for our Freedom in requesting your Friendship in delivering and Solliciting the address we herewith send to our Proprietors, Thomas and Richard Penn. The Circumstances of this Province have, in a few Years past been much altered, by the Addition of a great Number of Persons who arrive here from several parts of Europe, many of whom are poor and settle in Remote parts of the Country, where suitable provision caimot be made for their Relief from the Various Disorders of Body and Mind some of them labour under, the consider- ation of which hath lately raised in many of the Inhabitants of this City a benevolent Concern and engaged them to apply for the Assistance of tlie Legis- lature by whom a Law is passed and some Provision made out of the Provincial Treasury for the erecting a Publick Hospitaler Infirmary under the Direction of a Corporation by whom we have lately been Elected the managers. But as the Publick Funds are not sufficient to answer the expense of endowing it, a Charitable subscription for that Purpose hath been proposed and begun with good Success. The Necessity and Advantages of this Institution are so Apparent that Persons of all Ranks unite very heartily in promoting it and as Several of our most Eminent Physicians and Surgeons have freely offered their Service for some years We have Good grounds to expect that this Undertaking may be of General Service much sooner than was at first expected and that our Legislature will soon make a further provision for the Building which we apprehend it will be prudent to contrive and erect in such manner as to Admit of such Additions as the Future State of the Province may require. The Principal Difficulty we now labour under is the want of a commodious Lott of Ground in a healthy Situation fur (tho' we havesogreat encouragement as we have mentioned) yet we cannot flatter ourselves with Speedily raising a Sum Sufficient to enable us to provide for all other necessary charges and to purchase a Suitable piece of Ground so near the built part of the City as the constant attendance of the Physicians and other consider- ations will necessarily require. We therefore are under the Necessity of laying 16 tile Slate of our Case before our Proprietors, and we hope the same Motives whicl) have induced Others will have due Weight with them to promote this Good Work, and that they will generously direct a Piece of Ground to be allotted for this Service. There are several Lotts in different Parts of this City very suitable but from their Situation etc., are of great Value for other Purposes we have therefore thought of one which is in a part of the Town quite unimproved and where in all Probability there will he the Conveniency of an Open Air for many years, it is the vacant part of the Square between the Ninth and Tenth Streets from Delaware on the South side of Mulberry Street, and is 396 feet East and West, and 360 feet North and South. The Lotts in this part of the City have not advanced in Value for several Years Past, and are not likely to be soon settled so that we are in hopes if you will favor us with your Application for this Piece of ground you will meet with no difficulty in obtaining it. The Interest of the Proprietors and People are so nearly connected that it seems to us Self-evident that they mutually share in whatever contributes to the Prosperity and Advantage of the Province which consideration added to the satisfaction arising from Acts of Charity and Benevolence will we hope have so much Weight with them, as to render any other Argument Superfluous, but as your own prudence will suggest to you the most Effectual Method of soUiciting this Address successfully we rely thereon so much as to think it unnecessary to add any thing more on this Occasion than that your Friendship therein will be e.\ceed- ingly gratefull to Us and our Fellow Citizens in general, and next to obtaining the Lott We Ask for the most agreeable Service you can do us, is to Obtain a Speedy Answer, for the promoting this Undertaking appears to us so necessary that all concerned therein are unanimous in determining to prepare for the Building early in the Spring of next year We are, with much respect, your obliged, real friends. To this the following reply was received : London, i8th, ist Mo., 1752. Esteemed Friends. — We received yours the sixth July past, and the address which it brought was by us delivered to Thomas Penn, Esquire, unto which we most readily joined what interest we have with him and his brother, to grant your request of a piece of ground, whereon to build the proposed Hospital in your City ; and we make no doubt but Joshua Crosby hath informed you of what his answer was, and also of what Thomas Hyam and Son wrote him from time to time on the subject ; and now we have the pleasure to acquaint you that yesterday we received a letter from him granting your request, a copy whereof is here under. We are your assured friends, Tho.mas Hyam, Silvanus Bevan. London, January 17, 1752- Proprietors Gentlemen. — You may inform the directors ot the Hospital at Philadelphia, ^f^f.^ another that we sent orders to the Governour, the nineteenth of December, by way of lot of ground New England, to grant them a piece ot ground to build the Hospital upon, though not the jiiecethey asked, yet one of the same size, and where, if it should be neces- sary, we can grant them an.addition. I Am, Gentlemen, your affectionate friend, Thomas Penn. To Messieurs Silvanus Bcz'an, and Thomas Hyam. The Governor was pleased to favor the managers with a copy of the instructions he received upon this occasion, which, after due con- 17 sideration, they made some observations upon, andsent to their agents. A copy of these several papers here follow in their order : Thomas and Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, tki'e and absolute i-roprietaries of Richard the province of Pennsylvania, and of the counties of New Penn, Esqrs', Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, in America. Charter and Xo James Hamilton, esquire, our lieutenant jjovernor of our said province and grant of a counties, and to all other persons whom these presents may concern, greeting, piece of Whereas it has been represented unto us, th.it there is a want in our said ground, province of a common Hospital, or Infirmary, for the relief of such poor as are atilicted with curable diseases ; and that many of the good inhabitants thereof, lu supply that defect, and out of a tender and charitable regard to their fellow creatures, had voluntarily subscribed, and were still subscribing, large sums of money, towards a stock for the support of such a Hospital ; and that the assembly there, being petitioned by a number of the inhabitants of all ranks and denomina- tions, had already granted two thousand pounds, for the founding, building, and furnishing thereof; and that the persons who had contributed towards the stock thereof, or many of them, had, in the month of July past, chosen certain persons to be managers of the said intended Hospital. And whereas the said managers had addressed us, laying the said affair before us, in confidence that so good and pious an undertaking would not fail of our approbation, and hoping, from the accustr.med bounty of our family in encourag- ing former designs of public utility to the peopleof our said province, the present would also receive our kind assistance ; and that as private i)eisons raised the stock to support the Hospital, and the assembly were to build the house, so that we would be pleased to favour the said managers with the grant of a piece of ground for the buildings and necessary accommodations for the said Hospital ; and also requesting our sentiments, if anything should occur to us that we might think of service with respect to the management or rules ol the said Hospital : Know ye therefore, that we, having taken tiie premises into our considera- tion, and .ipproving and gre.itly favouring the said general scheme and intention, and being desirous to aid and assist the same, as conceiving that the due execu- tion thereof may tend to the relief of many poor and necessitous persons in our said province and to the general benefit and advanl.tgeol the same, have resolved to incorporate the present and future subscribers by our grant of incorporation ; and at the same time to grant unto such corporation so incorporated, a valuable tract of land in a proper place within our good city of Philadelphia. In order whereto, we do by these presents, give, grant, and commit unto you, our said lieutenant governour. full power, commission, and authority, by one instrument or grant of incorporation, to be issued in our names, and to be sealed with the great seal of our said province, to incorporate and erect into a body poli- tick or corporate, by such name or title as to you shall seem most apt and conven- ient, all and every such persons, who already have subscribed and paid, or at any time hereafter shall subscribe and pay the sum of ten pounds or more, of current money of our said province, towards the founding and establishing a Hospital for the reception and relief of lunaticks, and other distempered and sick poor within our said province, such corporation to have continuance to such contributors and their successours for ever ; and to grant all usual , common , proper and reasonable powers of a corporation unto such corporation, and their successors ; and par- ticularly for the making of such reasonable and lawful by-laws, rules and orders, as to the said corporation, or the major part of them, when duly assembled in such manner as shall be therein appointed, shall seem useful and necessary for l8 •the well ordering, regulating and governinj; the said Hospital ; for the regulation ■of the future elections of managers, treasurer or treasurers, and other necessary charter fron officers and ministers thereof; for limiting their numbers, trusts, and authorities. Proprietors and the times and durations of their respective continuance in their offices, and the causes and manner of reraovmg any of them (if occasion should require) and ^generally, for the well ordering all other matters and things, any way relating to or concerning the good government, estate, lands, rents, revenues, interest, monies and goods, and all other the business and affairs of the said Hospital, and of the poor therein, and of the officers and ministers thereof And also to grant, that all such by-laws, rules and orders, so to be made as aforesaid, shall be from time ;to time inviolably observed by all concerned, according to the tenour and effect of them, provided they be reasonable in themselves, not repugnant to the laws of Great Britain, or of our said province, and be first approved by us, or such of us, our heirs or assigns, proprietaries of our said province, as shall for the time being 'be in America, and by the chief justice, and speaker of the assembly for the time being, under our and their hands and seals, in case we, or either of us, or the heirs or assigns of us, or either of us, or any of them, shall for the time being happen to be in America ; but in case we, or either of us, nor any of the heirs or assigns of either of us, proprietaries of our said province, shall happen from time to time to be in America, then being first approved by and under the hands and seals of the governour or lieutenant governour, the chief justice, the speaker of the assembly, and the attorney general of our said province for the time being, or by any three of them. And also to grant and appoint such persons to be present and immediate officers of such corporation (until a future election of new ones) as have already been chosen and appointed by the subscribers thereto, and to grant power to the said corporation, and to their successours, to take and receive, and •to hold and enjoy, for the use of the said corporation, any lands, tenements or hereditaments within our said province, not exceeding in the whole the yearly value of one thousand pounds at the time of such taking of the gift, grant, aliena- .tion, bequest or devise of any person or persons whatsoever ; and also to take, receive, hold and enjoy, any goods or chattels, to any value whatsoever; and to grant unto the said corporation power to use a common seal for the business of the ■said corporation, and the same at pleasure to alter and change ; but you are in such our grant of incorporation to insert one or more express provisoes and condi- ^tions, that no general meeting of the members of such corporations, or any per- sons acting under them, shall sell or convert into money, any real estate, given or to be given to the said corporation (unless directed so todo by the donor or doners of the samel nor shall employ or dispose of any i)rincipal money or other effects, ■which are or shall be given or added for the purpose of increasing of the capital stock of the said corporation in any other manner than by applying the annual irent, revenue, income, or interest of the same, towards the entertainment and cure ot the sick and distempered poor, that shall from time to lime be brought and .placed in or under the care of the said Hospital, and the officers and ministers thereof, for the cure of their diseases, from any part of our said province, without partiality or preference. And also that fair, full, and plain accounts in writing, of all subscriptions, benefactions, donations, and gifts of every kind to the said cor- poration, and of the disposal, employment and disbursements of the same, and of the rents, revenues, incomes, interest and produce arising therefrom, and of ithe disposal thereof, and of all salaries paid to any officers or servants, shall con- .stantly lie open in some publick part of the Hospital, for the free view and inspec- tion, at all times in the day, of any subscriber or contributor, and that an account of .the same, signed by .three or more of the managers, be, from time to time, once in the month of October, inevcrj' year, published in the Gazelle, or other news- paper, printed in our said province, for the information of all persons. And that the books, accounts, affairs, economy, disposition, and management of the said Hospital, and of all the estate, rents, revenues, and interest thereof, and of all the managers, treasurers, otTicers, ministers and servants thereof, and every matter and thing relating to the same, or to any of them, and all abuses concerning the same (if any such should ever happen) shall at all times be subject to the inspec- tion, free examination and reformation of such visitors, not exceeding four in number, as we, our heirs or assigns, proprietaries of the said province, or the lieutenant governour of the said province for the time being, shall from time to time appoint, so as the chief justice, and the speaker of the assembly of our said province for the lime being, be always two of such visitors. " And we do hereby give, grant and commit to you, our said lieutenant governor, further power, commission, and authority, in and by the same instru- ment or grant of incorporation to be so issued as aforesaid, to give and grant unto,, and for the use of the said corporation, and their successors for ever, all that part of the square or parcel of vacant land, in our said city of Philadelphia, herein- after described : that is to say, all that jiiece or parcel of land situated, lying, and being on the north side of Sassafras street, between Sixth and Seventh streets from Delaware, containing from east to west on Sassafras street three hundred and ninety-six feet, or thereabouts, little more or less, and from south to north, on Si.xth and Seventh streets, three hundred feet, and bounding northward on other vacant land, part of the same square, reserved to us, to hoUl unto, and to the use of the said corporation and their successours, to and for the use of the said Hospital for ever, rendering to the hands of our receiver-general, and of the receiver-general of us. our heirs, or assigns, proprietaries of the said provinces for the time being, in our said province, for our use, the yearly rent of five shil- lings of lawful money of Great Britain on the first day of March in each and every year henceforth for ever, under a declared and express proviso and condition to be contained in such grant of incorporation, that if, at any time hereafter, there shall not be a constant succession of contributors to meet yearly and choose managers and officers, then the said tract of land thereby to be granted, shall revert and return to us, our heirs and assigns, proprietaries of our said jirovince, as in our first and former estate. And you are to insert in such grant, all such other proper clauses and matters, not contrary to, or inconsistent with, the direc- tions hereby given, as to you shall seem proper and reasonable ; and particularly for the enrolment of the said grant in the master of the rolls office in Philadelphia. For which, this shall be to you our sufficient warrant, commission, and authority. Given under our hands and seals, this twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one. Thomas Penn, /,. 5. RicH.VRD Penn. L. S. The (iroposed grant ^vas respectfully but firmly declined; and the following "Remarks" made thereon, written by Franklin, were sent with a letter to Messrs, Hyam and Bevan, July 2, 1752. Grant The design of the hospital being (in itselO so beneficent, and our honorable declined as proprietaries having fully expressed their approbation of it in strong terms, as unsuitable, well as declared their kind intentions of aiding and assisting it, by granting a valuable tract of land, in a proper place, for a Hospit.il ; all therefore th.at seems necessary for us to do, is to convince our honourable proprietaries, that the ■methods by which they have proposed to aid and assist the Hospital, will by no means answer these good intentions, but are really inconsistent therewith. We must then beg leave to remark in the first place, with regard to the ■charter, that, as the act of assembly is undoubtedly the best grant of incorpora- tion that we can possibly have, and as the representatives of the freemen of this province have generously contributed towards the design, we should fail of the respect that is justly due to them, were wetoacceptof any other, without obtaining «ome very great and manifest advantage by it ; but that there are no such advan- tages in the charter proposed, is evident at first view : On the contrary, we should by it be confined to stricter limits than we now are, particularly with respect to the power of making bylaws, and being subjected to visitors of the proprietaries' appointment. But that clause w-hich makes the lot (and of consequence the buildings on it) revert to the proprietaries, on failure of a succession of contribu- tors, is so weighty an objection, that were there no other, we could not entertain the least thoughts of accepting the charter ; for as the sum allow'ed for support of the Hospital is limited, we may reasonably conclude, that in time there will cease to be a succession of contributors, and no person can imagine that when that hap- pens to be the case, the lot and buildings ought to become the private property of any man : And though the act of assembly hath made provision in a manner which may be liable to some inconveniences, yet it can scarce fail of answering the purposes first intended. The proprietaries, to be sure, have not attended to these consequences, or they never would have proposed any thing so inconsistent with the design they intended to promote. As to the lot that the proprietaries designed for the Hospital, it is so situated, and so circumstanced, that it will by no means be suitable for the purpose. It is a moist piece of ground, adjoining to the brick yards, where there are ponds of ■standing water, and therefore must be unhealthy, and more fit for a burying place (to which use part of it is already applied) than for any other service ; besides, as it is part of a square allotted by the late honourable proprietary for publick uses, as the old maps of city will show, our fellow citizens would ta.\ us with injustice to them ; if we should accept of this lot by a grant from our present proprietaries, in such terms as would seem to imply our assenting to their having •a right to the remainder of the square. The ground granted to the Contributors by the Proprietaries Managers having been found unsuitable, the gift of thfe site desired was again prefer to pur- solicited, or, failing in this, the Proprietaries were requested to name a price, if willing to sell. The following letter was accordingly addressed by the managers to Messrs. Hyam and Bevan : Philadelphia, 2d of 7th mo., 1752. Esteemed friends : We now, on behalf of the contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, with •much gratitude and respect, acknowledge the benevolent disposition you have manifested, by jour industry and care in solliciting our address to our proprie- taries ; and as we are fully convinced nothing hath been wanting on your parts, we should have been much pleased that the Lott which the proprietaries proposed ■for the Hospital, and the terms of their Grant, were such as we desired, or could accept. Immediately after the receipt of your letter, with the copy of that you had ifrom the proprietaries, our President waited on the Governour, who was pleased chase a more appropriate site. to comnuinicati- to lis the instruction he had reciivtd ; aiul as the answer given' Inciter til ''>' *''^' P'oprietaries to you may have induced you to think they had granted our Messrs Hyam r^qtiest, We think it necessary to send you a copy of their instructions to the and Bevan governour; after perusal of which, and of the few remarks we have made thereon, declining *^^ have no doubt, you will approve of our resolutions, not to accept of a I.ott on grant and "lese terms. offering to Before we agreed on the address to the proprietaries, we surveyed the square purchase, 'of wliich the lot proposed by them is a part) and the situation appeared to us in in every respect inconvenient and unsuitable for our purpose. It is contiguous to the brickmakers' ground, from which the city hath been furnished with bricks above forty years past, so that their large ponds being constantly filled with standing water, renders the neighborhood unhealthy, and of course absolutely improper for our purpose, which is to restore the sick to health ; and the only proper use of that sipiare will be for a burial ground, to which service some part of it hath been applied by a grant from the proprietaries ; and' the dissatis- faction which nppear'd, and still subsists among our fellow-citizens, on the proprietors claiming a right to make that grant is so great, that if there were no other objections, we would not run the risque of Increasing it. We still think that the I.ott we first mentioned is more suitable for us than any other so near the city, and of so small value, and we are not entirely without hopes that the proprietors, who have so fully declared their approbation of our design, will still grant the same to us ; We are assured, if they regard their own interest in the affections of the people, or even attend to the Justice of their concurring in the promoting of every scheme calculated for the publick utility of their province. They will cheerfully grant it to us ; And if you should entertain the same sentiments, we retpicst you to renew your sollicitations to them, and if you find tliem still unwilling to favour our request, we should be ple.ised to know whether they will sell it to us, or Lett it for ever on an annual rent, and the price or rent they propose ; for as the number of contributors still continues gradually encre.ising, we shall rather endeavour to purchase a Lott in a proper situation, than to build the house in an inconvenient place, or to accept of any I,ott on such terms as we know would give a general dissatisfaction. One of the contributors hath offer'd to give a Lott of ground much larger than that we now ask, and in a very good air ; but being about a mile out of town, we are apprehensive it will be inconvenient to the physicians, who, as they freely give their attendance, should be subjected to as little difi'iculty as possible. We have, for the present, hired a house tolerably convenient, into which we began to admit patients about six months since. The number received is twenty three, of which twelve have been cured and discharged, and eleven are remaining; and as the benefitls of this institution become daily more attended to, we have not the le.ast doubt that the minds of such who are bless'd with the means, will gradually become the more freely disposed to contribute towards this good work, and that it will soon become of general service to the people of this province. The kind manner in which you have cheerfully engaged to serve us, gives us reason to think you will approve of our writing to you with so much freedom ; we shall not therefore offer any apology for it. We are your Obliclged Friends, Joshua Ckosbv, President. The Proprietaries, through Messrs. Hyam and Bevan, ex|)lained the objectionable Reversion clause in their charter, and disclaimed any wish to appropriate to themselves the buildings which might be erected- 22 The only contingency contemplated was a restoration of the grounds, when they should cease to be used for the purposes for which granted. The proprietaries were, however, still of the opinion that their charter and the ground offered should be accepted by the contributors. To THE Managers of the Pennsvi-vania Hospital. Reply of Respected Friends, — We attended your proprietary, Thomas Penn, esquire, Hyam and and presented to him your remarks on the grant of land made by him and his Bevan. brother Richard to your society (dated the eighth of October, 1751), and requested instead thereof that spot which your memorial mentioned, and desired might be granted for the intended Hospital. He perused the remarks, and made objections to them, alleging that the ground which you desired was contiguous to that which they have offered, consequently no difference in the healthiness thereof. And as to the remark against its reverting to the proprie- taries he very readily declared nothing more was intended by the clause in the grant, than that provided the scheme for the establishment and continuance ot the Hospital should not succeed, either for the want ot the sum proposed to be raised as a fund, or through any other cause, that then the ground should revert, &c., but as to the erections thereon, they should be at the managers disposal. We desired his answer in writing, but he refused the giving it in that manner, and added, the governour should have the necessary instructions on the affair, unto whom you might apply concerning it. On the whole, he came to this resolution, not to make any alteration in what was before granted, nor to let or sell the spot of ground you pitch upon ; and therefore we are of opinion, you should either accept the proprietaries' ofier, with the clause relating to the reverting to them being e.xplained, or else fix on some other piece of ground, .^nd if there is no other objection than the small distance of a mile to the place which one of the contributors hath offered to give you, may not that be more fit for a Hospital or Infirmary, than to have it in the city, where infectious diseases may be much more liable to spread. What seems to us to disquiet the Proprie- taries is your Questioning their Right to the Square of which the Spot which they offer is a part and also that you esteem an Establishment from the .Assembly preferable to a Charter from the Proprietaries. We observe, with pleasure, the success that hath attended the beginning of the good work you are engaged in, and hope it will go forward, and be happily completed, and are, with hearty salutes. Your real friends, Jan'y 31, 1753. Thomas HvA>t, Svlvanvs Bevan. The Managers acknowledged the courtesies of Messrs. Hyam and Bevan. and regretted the failure of their request to the proprietaries ; the accounts of the Hospital to be sent as soon as published. Pensvlvania Hospital, 30th of 6th mo., 1753. Anotherletter Esteemed friends : of Managers. We have lately rec'd your favour of thirty-first, first month last, with duplicate of your former letters to our President, and being sensible that you have solicited our address to the proprietaries with all the diligence and care we could desire or expect, we gratefully acknowledge your friendship, and think ourselves under the same obligations we sho'd have been if your kind Endeavours had obtained the desired Effect. The accounts of the afiTairs of the Hospital, and of its present state, will be laid before the assembly at their next meeting, and soon after publish'd, of which 23 we sliall direct duplicates to be sent you ; and as you have interested yourselves In the promotion of it, and we are convinc'd of your good wishes for its success, when wc can Rive you a pleasing account of its advancement, sliall take the liberty of communicating the same, being, with real respects. Signed on behalf of the board of Managers, Your obliged frit-nds, Joshua Crosby, President. The next matter which engaged the attention of the managers was the ever recurring necessity of raising further contributions. For which purjjose, copies of the " Rise and Progress of the Hospital" and also of Franklin's " Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital," were sent to London. Letter and Philadelpiiia, 7th, 8th mo., 1754. Accounts sent -^fi'ssrs. Thomas Hyain and Sylvanus Bezan, Esteemed Friends, to London. Your cheerful concurrence with us, in the foundation of the Pennsylvania Hiispital, so fully assures us of the pleasure you would take in its success and advancement, that we determined to embrace every suitable occasion of commu- nicating the accounts of our progress; And the publick having received some benefit, and being, we hope, gradually become more sensible of the advantage of the institution, it was judg'd expedient, besides the general state of our accounts, to publish a narrative of our affairs from the beginning ; which being now com- pleated. We send you a dozen of them, not doubting of your friendship in distribut- ing them in such manner as. may be of most service ; and that if you find any of your friends disposed to contribute towards this good work, you will promote their doing it. We salute you with Respect The appeal of the Contributors to the Proprietaries had only resulted in the granting of a charter the provisions of which effectually precluded the possibility of its being accepted. They offered a lot of ground, which was entirely unsuitable on account of its marshy sur- roundings, and, moreover, did not belong to the Proprietaries, since it had been previously allotted and dedicated to public purposes for a |)ark. The acceptance of this particular piece of ground by the Hospital, if permitted by the government, would have apparently established the right of the Proprietaries to dispose of the remainder of the ground and thus allow it to revert from public use to private ownership * > Notwithstanding the original dedication of this square to public uses, this was not the fir15^> i6j 8//, being upwards of the reipiired sum, an order was drawn on the Trustees of the Loan Office for the payment of _;^2ooo to the Hos|jital. Of this sum, one-half (^1000) was to be paid immediately, the balance to become due and payable in twelve months. This money was placed i)y the Managers to the credit of (':i|iiial Stock account, and they ordered that it should not be loaned at interest by the Treasurer without sufficient real security, nor in less sums than ;^ioo. The first real estate owned by the Hospital was donated by Matthias Koplin, a pious, but eccentric German. The following quaintly expressed letter is self-explanatory : Sfptcniher llie 2, 1751. , „ ' , Cliriilofilier Samr, ^fy dear and beloi'cdfiiend : lion of Re.-il 1 • . Estate Whereas I have seen out of your newspaper that the conirit)iiti)rs of the Hospital at Philadelphia are carefully concerned about it and made a beginning 1 1 take care of the poor sick people and otjserved that it has not such a founda- tion nor is likely to become such a Hospital as I have seen and known in Germany, where great sums of alms were collected and ill-used according to the affection of the masters of the Hospital, governed by self-love, enriching themselves and favoring their friends, so that they lived in Plenty, Superlluity and \'olupluousness, in so much that they could drive in carriages like people of Rank, although they had nothing before nor any Income but out of the Funds of the Hospital (when on the contrary) the poor and needy in spile of alms being collected, sull'ered great want and were not taken care of according to their necessity, because it was consumed otherwise. But (considering! the noble foundation of this our Hospital, I can't but hope) it will be (also wiselyi managed by impartial hands, therefore I thought to make a free gift, and accordingly (I do make a gift) of a small lot of land for the use of it, situate between Germantown and Philadelphia. And I do send hereby, to my beloved friend the deed of it. The managers of the Hospital may make (a deed outi of it for the Hospital of Philadelphia and send it to me, and I and my wife will set Hands ami seals to it, before lawful witnesses, and if I should live some years longer in the flesh, I may not be expected to come to Philadelphia every year for the election of the twelve managers of the Hospital since that can be done without me, and I prefer to stay at home rather than ride on horseback, drive or walk. I am the old M.\TrniAS Koplin. P. S. — I pray you will not take it amiss that I made known my experience in the debauchery of alms as I have had no ill thoughts nor have any as yet. The above letter appears in full on the minutes, in German script, and is followed by the English translation. The Managers duly acknowledged this donation in the following letter, the original of which is in Franklin's handwriting : 26 a»j~l ,.._ i'L-i-^yiS^, i~-*/»A/— .^/i.,»j„ » . ■■■N^ AUTOGRAPH LETTER. TENDERING FIRST GIFT OF REAL ESTATE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL i«i « •vmsMT c*., niu. Philada., Oct. 3, 1751. Ackiiow- Respecled Friend ^falllnas K'oplin. ledgment of Thy Friend Christopher Saur hath communicated to the Managers of the Donation. Pennsylvania Hospital, thy letter to him, expressing thy Intention of making a free Gift to the said Hospital of a valuable Lot of Ground situate between Ger- mantown & Philadelphia ; for which the .Managers, in Behalf of the Poor, return thee sincere Thanks ; and hope thy charitable and generous Donation, and those made by other well-dispos'd People to this Hospital, will never be misapplyed in the Manner mention'd in thy Letter, as hath been usual in some Hospitals in Germany. As a Caution to future Managers against such Misapplications, they have order'd thy Letter to be copied in their Book of Minutes or Records of their Proceedings, that it may be preserved to Posterity as a Testimony of the original Intention of the Founders of this pious Institution. The Managers salute thee respectfully, by Thy Friend, J. Crosby, President. On October 3, 1751, ;^i,ooo was received by the Treasurer. Money from The first borrowers were James Pemberton and Israel Pemberton, Jr., .Assembly who took the money merely as an accommodation and as a means to "^este further contribute to the Hospital's interests. They also engaged to the Board to repay any part of it sooner than the allotted time, should it be wanted to make provision for the Building. At the same meeting, two hundred of the Subscription Papers were directed to be printed and dispersed in the country to collect subscriptions. Fearing lest some charitable persons might not have had the opportunity of seeing one of the papers, the Treasurer was ordered " to Advertise in the Newspapers that such as are incli.Ted to subscribe mav apply to him and such as have already subscribed may pay." It being mentioned by the Treasurer, that he was willing to give security in Treasurer to One Thousand Pounds for the faithful Performance of his office, the same was give security, agreed to, and that hereafter it should be a rule for the future that all Treasurers give security in such sums, as the Managers should require. The idea of preparing for building early in the following spring a Temporary was mentioned in the letter to Hyam and Bevan, agents of Thomas Hospital and Richard Penn, and it shows how desirous the Managers were to ''°"*' ^''^ ' build the Hospital on land owned by the contributors ; but at that time, owing to the want of funds, this was not possible. Realizing that the money then at command was not sufficient to warrant them in beginning to build, and knowing so well the number in the com- munity of sick poor needing immediate attention, it was agreed to begin operations in a private house without waiting until a lot could be secured and the Hospital erected. For this purpose, at a meeting oil September 5, again held at Widow Pratt's Royal Standard Tavern, " the President, and Dr. Thomas Bond are requested to 27 consider of some method to begin tiie Hospital in a Private House, so as to accommodate a few patients in order that at least some good might be doing, in the mean time till the Hospital is built." On October 12, 1751, this committee re|)orted : Judge Kin- That the house late of John Kinsey, Esq., deceased, with gardens, pasture, sev's Mansion stable, etc., was very suitable and could be obtained for the purpose: whereupon Hired as a '' "'•''^ agreed that the Managers should meet there on second day morning next. Hospital, at ten o'clock to view the same and consider what repairs it would require and what Proposals to make to the administrators of that estate.' After meeting on the apjjointed day, it was agreed — To talce the said house and apurttnances at P'orty pounds per annum and to lay out in Repairs the sum of Twenty-Five pounds, or if less be laid out, the deficiency to be paid in money ; tlie Rent to commence as soon as the Mouse is fitted ; and the Term to be Eighteen Months certain, and if the Managers should desire to continue longer the Administrators agree to use their interest that it may be at the same rent. While repairs ])rogressed, no time was lost in preparing and pro- viding everything which would be required for prospective patients, " Israel Pemberton and Dr. Thomas Bond were desired to look out for a suitable matron to take care of the house and of the Sick that shall be placed there." Physicians' "^^ "'-'•''' important matter was to select the best physicians from Services among those that could be had who were willing to serve on the Secured. Hospital staff without compensation. Three had already tendered their services, for we have already seen that on October 23, 1751, "Dr. Lloyd Zachary and Drs. Thomas Bond and Phineas Bond signified their willingness ; to give their attendance Gratis in taking care of the sick as Physicians and Surgeons for the First three years." The President, by resolution, was desired to "give them the thanks of the Board for their generous offer and to request Drs. Graeme, Cadwalader, Moore, and Redman to assist in consultations on extraordinary cases." A curious resolution was adopted at this meeting, which shows the characteristic ])rudence of the Managers, but which was probably never carried into effect : Physicians to Resolvid, that the Physicians of the Hospital, or such Practitioners as are give i)roof of to perform Operations shall first give demonstration of their Skill and Abilities skill, etc. in .\natomy, Operations, Dressings, and Bandaging before the Managers and such others as the Managers may think fit to join with themselves to assist in judging of the performance of such Practitioners. That this resolve be recom- mended to the first General Meeting of the Contributors to be p.assed into a law as a matter of the highest consequence for the safety of the Poor Patients and the Reputation of the Hospital. 'Judge John Kinscy's Mansion was on the somh side of Market Street below Seventh (High Street, No. 172, in i8it). 28 On January 2, 1752, the Committee entrusted with the prepara- tion of a draft of a Law to appoint and limit the power and duty of the Managers, etc., presented the same. This was agreed to, by the Contributors, at a special meeting, as will be seen from the following resolution : — The Contributors, having been duly notified, assembled on the 13th of January Law regula- at the Court House and adopted the following : ling Election A Law for Regulating the Elections of the Managers and Treasirer of Managers, OF THE Pennsylvania Hospital, and Declaring their Trust, Dltv, etc. AND ,'\rTHORITY. WHEREAS, by an Act of the General Assembly of the Province of Pennsyl- vania, entitled "an .'\ct to encourage the Establishing of an Hospital for the ■/ /.y/n/ ■■■:■■ ' '■ , e built, under the Limitations and Restrictions of the before-mentioned Act of Assembly. And the said Managers shall likewise have the Power to direct the Manner and Terms of Receiving and Discharging of Patients. And all Oliicers and Servants belonging to the Hospital, other than the Treasurer, shall be in the Choice, and under the Direction of the Managers, who shall allow and order their respective Salaries and may displace them and appoint others as often as they shall think fit. And the said Managers shall have the Power of calling General Meetings of the Contributors, as often as they judge it necessary for the Service and Advantage of the Hospital and shall cause due and iiublick Notice to be given of the Time, Place, and Design or Purpose of such occasional Meeting, at least Ten Days before the same is to be held, and shall nominate some discreet Member to preside therein and regulate the Debates thereof And the said JL'inagers shall have the Keeping, and Power of Affi.\ing the Seal of the Corporation, which Seal shall be made nearly agreeable to the Form or Draft hereunto annexed. And they shall settle the Accounts with the Treasurer from Time to Time ; and take Care that all Laws, Rules and Orders made by the Contributors and legally approved, be duly and faithfully executed : For all which, or any other Services relating to the Hospital, they shall not claim, receive or retain any Fee, Gratuity or Reward whatsoever. AND for the more orderly E.xecution of their Duty and Trust, the Managers are hereby required to meet at least once a Month at the Hosjiital, or some other fit Place in the City of Philadelphia, to confer and conclude concerning the Matters hereby committed to them : And shall cause fair Minutes of their Proceedings to be kept by their Clerk in a Book to be provided for that purpose. In every of which Meetings of the Managers aforesaid. Eight of their Number met shall be a Quorum, capable to consult, confer and conclude of and upon all Matters appertaining to their Trust, according to the aforesaid Act of Assembly, and the Laws of this Corporation : And whatsoever Seven of the Number so met shall so conclude, shall be deemed and taken for and as the Resolution of the Managers for the Time, and accordingly entered in their Minutes. To which Minutes, and also to the Treasurer's Accounts, all Persons concerned shall have free Recourse at all seasonable Times. 30 AND IT IS FURTH ER ENACTED by the Contributors aforesaid, that every Treasurer hereafter chosen, shall, before he take upon himself the Execution of his Office, enter into an Obligation with one sufficient Surety, in double the Value that doth or probably may come to his Hands durmg the Continuance of his Office, as near as can be estimated by the Managers, unto the Contributors of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Conditioned, that he will once in Three Months, or •oftener if required, render his Accounts to the Managers of the said Hospital, and well and truly account, adjust and settle with them when required, for and concerning all Monies that are or shall come into his Hands belonging to the said Contributors, and pay the Ballance that shall appear on such settlement to be in his Hands, unto such Person, or for such Service as a Board of Managers for the time being shall order cSc appoint, and not otherwise; and that he will at the Expiration of his Office well and truly deliver up and pay the Ballance of the Monies then remaining in his Hands, together with the Books of Accounts <:oncerning the same, and other the Papers and Writings in his Keeping belong- ing to the Contributors, unto his Successor in the said Office, and that he will do & Execute all other Things as Treasurer to the Contributors aforesaid, according to the true Sense and Meaning of this Law. And he is hereby author- ized immediately upon entering into his Office, to demand and receive of the Preceding Treasurer, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, tlie Cash, Books of Accounts, Writings & other Effects belonging to the Corporation, giving his Receipt for the same. AND for the more regular and satisfactory Conducting of future Elections, and the Preventing of Disputes and Misunderstandings among the Contributors concerning the same, IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, That the Place and Hour of the Elections shall be appointed by the Managers of the Current Year, and notified by their Clerk at least Twenty Days before the Election, by printed Advertisement. And the said Managers shall and are hereby required and impowered to nominate three discreet Members of this Corporation to inspect and judge of the said Election, and declare who are the Persons elected, and the Managers shall cause their Clerk to enter in their Book of Minutes the Names of the Persons elected, according to the Tickets. AND if any Person elected Manager shall refuse or neglect to act, or shall be absent from three successive Monthly Meetings of the Managers, in any of the first Ten months of the year for which he shall be elected Manager ; or if within the same Year or Term of his Office he shall be Confined by Sickness, or other- wise rendered incapable of executing the Office of a Manager according to tlie true Meaning of this Law, or shall die, the rest of the Managers as often as Occasion shall require in any of the Cases aforesaid, shall proceed in their Duty and Oflice without him, or, if they think fit, they shall nominate another of the Contributors to supply his Place as Manager, until the then next ensuing Election AND if any Person so elected Treasurer shall .ibsent himself from his said OflSce for the Space of Thirty Days, or shall be otherwise rendered uncapable, or neglect his Oflice or Duty of Treasurer ; it shall and may be lawful for the Managers for the time being to displace him from the said Oflice. And the Managers causing their Clerk to make a Minute for the purpose, containing their Reasons for Displacing him, he shall thereupon, and from thenceforth, cease to be the Treasurer aforesaid, and shall upon Notice thereof, adjust and settle with the Managers, and pay and deliver the Money, Books, Writings, Accounts, and all other Effects whatsoever in his Hands, belonging to this Corporation, to such Person or Persons as the Managers shall order and appoint. And in that Case, and so often, and also if the Treasurer shall depart this Life, the Managers shall nominate another of the Members of this Corporation, but not of their own number, to be Treasurer until the nejt Meeting for the annual Election, or other General Mceling of the Contributors. PROVIDKD ALWAYS, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- standing, That before the Managers for the time being, proceed to erect any Building for the said Hospital, a Plan of such proposed Building, with an Estimation of the Expense, shall be prepared and laid before a General Meeting of the Contributors, for their Consideration ; and their approbation shall be obtained before the same is carried into Execution. Signed by Order of a General Meeting of the Contributors. Joshua Crosby, President. The following endorsement appears on the above inslniment : Jan'y 17, 1752, The above Bill was read three Times at a General Meeting of the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, and passed by a very great majority. B. Franklin, Clerk. WE approve this Law. Will: Allen Chief Jusiiee. Isaac Norris Speaker of Ihc Assembly. Tench Francis .///. Gcn'l. Rules for February 6, 1752, the Laws and Rules regulating the admission Admission of Patients having received the approbation of the Chief Justice of Patients. ,vere also ordered to be recorded in the minutes of the Hoard. (See section entitled Patients.) Temporary On the same date, the wards being deemed sufficiently fur- Hospital nished, an advertisement was inserted in the "Gazette" stating that Opened, ^j^^ Hospital was now ready to receive patients. On February 10, a sjjecial meeting was called to consider the ajjplications of patients for admission into the wards for treatment. The consultants, Doctors Graeme, Cadwalader, Moore, and Redman, were invited to meet the Managers and attending physicians of the Hospital to assist in determining the most deserving. The Overseers of the Poor were also present and offered a number of sick poor for admission. After an e.xamination, the physicians reported that Margaret Sherlock's disorder was relievableand her case suitable ; she was the first patient received and also the first one cured. Other cases thought relievable were postponed to a more favorable season of the year. Josiah Barnet's case was judged relievable, but queried " whether within the Rules of the Hospital." Hannah Shines, the first lunatic ])atient, was admitted on the poor list. Several other cases were referred to a committee ai)pointed to meet the attending physi- cians weekly, whose duty it was to be pre.sent at the Hospital on Mon- days and Thursdays of every week at ten o'clock in the morning. Alice Courtnet was engaged as a maid or nurse at the rate of Ten pounds per annum, "she was to be considered on trial for one month, in 32 order that in case her services were not suitable she was to be dis- charged, otherwise kept the year." The first lunatic pay-patient, a woman, was admitted on March 5, 1752 : — her son-in-law agreeing to pay Twenty Pounds per annum, in quarterly payments, for her board and care. The fitting up of the (Market Street) Hospital, cost more than Dfhtincurred had been anticipated and necessitated a debt of one hundred and fifty '" fumisliinj; pounds, over and above the available funds accruing from interest on capital. It was agreed that the deficit should be borrowed from the one thousand pounds given by the Assembly, and that the same be replaced as soon as it can he spared out of the interest of the remainder of the capital stock. August 20, 1752, the second instalment of ^1000, voted by the Remainder of Assembly, was paid, and it was decided to loan this amount, also, at appropriation • 1 1 ii. 1 i i 'i received and interest with real estate security. , invested. As an example of economy, this item is worth recording: C'n November the 2d " the roof of the south side of the Hospital being much out of repair," it was agreed that "it be covered with cedar boards, reserving the right and privilege of removing them upon giving up the house." On September 29, 1753, James Kinsey agreed to let the house Kinsey Man- now used for the Hospital and Land thereunto belonging, for the term ^'°" '^S'"" of Three Years at 38 pounds, 10 shillings per annum. In the early Hospital days, after patients had been cured and dis- Patients re- charged, it appears that sometimes they returned to express their turn thanks, ,, . ^ , ..,.,, ,/-x -Tid make thanks ; no mention 01 the custom is found m the later records. On ,„„.rii,u,| November 17, 1753, ^ patient returned and gave thanks for the benefit he had received and offered his promissory Note for Three Pounds, Ten Shillings, as a substantial token of his gratitude, which was duly acknowledged. The Managers, probably at the suggestion of Franklin, realized Patients to be that the inmates of the Hospital who were able to perform some light employed, manual labor, should be emjiloyed, if only to keep them out of mischief; so they were provided with large and small spinning wheels, and two pair of cards, with some wool and flax, " to employ such Persons as may be capable of using the same." Thomas Bond and Benjamin Franklin, at a meeting held July 12, official .Seal. 1751, had been appointed a Committee to prepare a seal for the corporation. In order to secure a creditable work of art, Franklin wrote to Boston to have designs for a seal prc|)ared. Subsequently he submitted, for the inspection of the Managers, four different draughts of the Good Samaritan, proper for a Seal, which had been sent by the 33 for Seal. Kngraver. After some slight alterations made by the Hoard, one was selected and approved. The seal, made of silver, was not received until February, 1754. It was circular and two inches in diameter. The device was the Good Samaritan taking charge of the sick man, and delivering him to (he inn-keeper, with the inscription beneath : — Take care oi- him, and I WILL KEi'AV THEE. The name of the artist or engraver dofs not appear on the records of the Hospital. This seal was destroyed (being worn out) in June, 1833, and the one at present in use, of exactly the same design and proportions, but made of steel, w.\s substituted. The Seiil of rcnii>\ h aiiia Hospital. second one was engraved by Christian Gobrecht of Philadelphia ; a native of Hanover, York county, Pennsylvania. Believing that benefit would accrue from the circnlation of a brief accoimt of the Hosjiital, Franklin was requested to prepare such a history. On May 2S, 1754, Franklin presented his manuscript, " Some Accoimt of the Pennsylvania Hospital from its First Beginning to the Historyof Fifth Month, called May, 1754." It was ordered that the Clerk, tiie Hospital, j^i^^, Smith, get Fifteen hundred copies printed, in Quarto, and, on July 27, he reported that he had had the account of the Hospital jirinted. The Board ()revioiisly (May 28) had desired the President with two other Managers to "wait upon the Governor, James Hamilton, and acquaint Franklin writes a 34 him with our design of publishing the account together with a list ot" subscribers, and with our desire of having his name added to said list." The result of this interview with the Governor is briefly recorded. The gentlemen appointed to call upon the Governor reported, June 29, 1754, that they had waited upon him and delivered the message of the Board to him, but without the desired success. February 23, 1754, the accounts were jjresented to the Assembly, Accounts by Franklin. Soon afterwards, Mahlon Kirkbride with others who 'submitted to Assembly, were appointed a committee, visited the Hospital; they declared themselves " well satisfied and pleased with what they had seen," and reported to that effect to the Assembly. At a meeting held August 14, 1754, a report was made by several .\ Method for Managers who had been endeavoring to raise money, showing the soliciting sub- advantage of systematic effort. It was stated that several subscrip- ■'^'^'■'f.^'°"^- tions had been obtained since the last meeting, which, with those previously received, was the result of the adoption of "A method of soliciting sundry inhabitants of the City and County for subscrip- tions;" it was agreed to be very careful in asking others This method provided against an unpleasant coincidence in solicitation. Many subscriptions were now secured which formerly might have been lost ; as persons were likely to be annoyed or angered by repeated requests for donations, especially when coming from more tlian one person. Sufficient funds having at length been accumulated to warrant Pine Street the Managers taking up the project of building a Hospital, an effort Hospital- was again made to secure a suitable lot of ground, but this time the „ . ", ° " ' Constructed. Managers appealed to the public instead of to the Proprietaries and with much better success. Franklin gives the following interesting account of the early efforts of the Managers to secure the means to buy the ground for the erection "of a proper building 10 accommo- date the sick and injured and the lunaticks," under their care. In his " Brief .\ccount " (page 42) appears the following : When the Nature of this charitable Design became known to the generous Franklins Pennsylvanians, considerable Sums were soon added to the Stock, particularly by " Brief the Citizens of Philadelphia, wliere few of the Wealthy, or those of a middling Account." Rank, failed of contributing according to their Circumstances: Some Benelactions were also obtained from London, and some Parts of the West Indies, which encouraged the Managers to attempt the important Task of Building ; a Task the more dinicult, as they were not authorized (for good Reasons! to apply any Part of the Capital Stock to that Purpose ; the Sum of Monev given by the -Assembly ncil being half sutTicient, and the certain Prospect of a War in America, while it was like to increase the Occasion, lessened the Expectation of any further .Assistance from them. Nevertheless, confiding in the same Divine Providence, which had hitherto blessed their pious Endeavours beyond their most sanguine Hopes, for 35 Ground purchased. Assistance to purforni tlmt Work, which was now round necessary, not only from the Increase of the Number of Patients, but the Want of Conveniences, which no private House in the City could furnish them with, they again sought for a suitable Spot of Ciround to erect an I lospital on ; and, after various Enquiries and Consulta- tions, had the Satisfaction to purchase, on moderate Terms, the I-ot which of all in or near the City, was judged the most proper for such a Design : It is bounded on three Streets, the south front 396 1-cct, and contains between three and four Acres of Ground. (Our Proprietaries are Owners of near one Acre on the North, which, if obtained, will compleat the S(iuare, and the Prospects of four Fronts open to so many Streets, encompassing the whole Piece of Land, would then be secure. ) On Sciitcnibcr 11, 1754, ilic owners, wlio liad demanded ^600, made a reduction of ^100, and the Managers accordingly ptirchased the desired lot of ground. The I'cnns, later, (by a jiatent dated November 10, 1767), donated the adjoining strip of ground on Spruce Street, which gave the Hos])ital the entire sqtiare between Sprtiee and I'ine and Eighth and Ninth Streets, the area of the sipiare included being about four and three-tenths acres. Plan <>i Hospital presented. This purciiase being made, a coin|)lele plan of the buildings was directed to be so prepared, that a part might be erected, which could be occupied the ensuing season. Samuel Rhodes, one of the Man- agers, was very zealous in the work and, after consulting the physicians in regard to the situation of the cells and other conveniences, he presented a design of the v/hole building, in such form, that one third .36 might first alone be erected with tolerable symmetry ; and containing, independently of the other parts, all accommodations requisite and suitable for the present purposes and needs. At the meeting held January 25, 1755, this plan of the entire building was presented and discussed, and a fair draught of the Eastern Wing and Ward, with an estimation of its cost, was directed to be made, " in order that we may advertise the Contributors of the design, and obtain their assent to jjroceed in building early the ensuing spring." The Contributors were summoned to meet January 10. 1755, at the Court House, at three o'clock in the afternoon, " to consider the plan of the proposed building for the Hos[)ital and an Estimation of the Expense then to be laid before them." On March loth, at a meeting of the Contributors, at the Court fla" for House, a working plan of the new building was i^resented, the East Wing 3I)IJrOVt'Q estimate submitted for completing one wing being about Three thousand Pounds. After due consideration, this plan and estimate were unanimously approved and the Managers "were desired to proceed in getting the said eastern part built with what expedition they conveniently can." Manager Rhoads was appointed to supervise the work, provide materials, amd make agreements with workmen, etc. A building committee was appointed to advise and assist therein, as occasion might require. The Committee carefully husbanded its resources and conscientiously adopted the most economical methods of carrying on the work, and it was also quite successful in collecting funds for the building. By soliciting contributions from all persons engaged Efficient in the work, they secured from most of those from whom materials Business were purchased, either a large proportion of what they furnished, or a substantial reduction in their accounts. Their purchases were also distrilnited among the dealers so as to interest as many as possible and in order to obtain contributions from a larger number. So diligent were they in their apjjlications, that scarcely a tradesman was patronized, or even a workman employed, without his first pledging a donation or a discount, or inducing him to become a contributor. By systematically pursuing methods such as these the Managers were successful in engaging the sympathy and support of almost the entire community for this charitable enterprise. The approved plan of the new building is seen in the accom- panying illustration on the preceding page. In the complete design as exhibited, the ground plan was that of a centre structure of sixty-two feet front, its roof elevated above 37 Management. thf uvo lateral imildings, (the east and west wings), and projecting be- Piaii of yond them a sufficient distance to accommodate a balcony intended to Hospital jjg placed on the south front of each of the wards. The buildings fronted south, the principal entrance with a flight of marble steps, leading to a double door, being in the centre of the administration building facing Pine Street. The interior arrangement was briefly as follows : The ajiartments for the steward, matron, apothecary, the offices, parlor, library, drugshop, and a hall with a large stair-case leading to the upjjer wards, and many other conveniences, were Centre provided in the first floor of the three storied central building. In Building. , , , , . , j, j- • j i the l>asement was a large kitchen, steward s dining-room, and matron s room. Directly adjoining this, on the east and west, were two wings, each of which was eighty feet front, twenty-seven feet deep. These also had three stories, but with lower ceilings, so that they were less high than the administration building, which was made stdl more conspicuous by being surmounted by a tower for observation. Lateral, or In the first story or ground floor of each lateral wing were the East and cells for lunatics. A gallery ran the whole length of eighty feet down inRs. ^^^ centre, for such jiatients as could be trusted to walk about. There was also a ]jlace for bathing, latrines, etc. The second story was the men's ward ; it had four open fireplaces, and was also supplied with ventilators to carry off the foul air. The third story was like the second but intended to be devoted to the care of the women patients only. The upper floor or garret was intended for servants. It was also to be utilized for cases needing isolation and was for the use of either sex. _ , The plan also ijrovided two terminal wings, each twtntv-seven Wings, f^eet wide, and extending in length, north and south, no feet, built at a right angle to each of the lateral wards, and connected with them, as will be seen in the plan. In the middle of each terminal north and south wing, opposite the wards, there was a hall on each floor twenty-eight feet s^juare (including a stair-case). The roofs ])rojected beyond the other wings sufficiently to cover their cornices. They also were to be raised one storv above the lateral wards, and were surmounted with a balustrade around the top, and a cupola. This was not intended merely as ornament, but to arford a secure and convenient way out in case of fire. The whole extent of the building from east to west was 276 feet. The north and south fronts were to be nearly alike. By having the terminal wings run lengthwise across the wards, both convenience and looks were consulted, and it was hoped that "the east and west fronts will make an agreeable appearance." 38 The object of building the cross wings at the ends of the lateral wings was stated as follows : Besides the additional rooms for cells, private apartments for such patients as may be improper to be received into the great wards, these wings will also aflord many conveniences for the family, as cellars, store-rooms for provisions, kitchens, laundry, lodgings for servants, etc. The building usually known and herein described as the East Wing was completed at a total expense of ^2,927, 14s. 3/4d. The part of the Hosjjital buildings first erected was the east East Wing wing, exactly as now standing, about midway between Spruce and '^"'"P'^'^'*- Pine Streets, facing Eighth Street. On the 2Sth of May, 1755, 'he President, Joshua Crosby, attended by all the Managers, the physicians, and many contributors, by previous appointment, marched in a body from the Hospital on Market Street, accompanied by a select con- course of citizens, to the grounds, where a large crowd had assembled. The Corner Stone in 1S94, The [jublic schoolsof the city had been dismissed, and all thechildren of an age suitable to recollect the fact had been invited to attend to witness the ceremony. An invitation was also sent to John Key, the fir.-it individual born in the Colony in 1682, after the arrival of William Penn, to he present on this occasion. He accepted the invitation and assisted in the ceremonies. The corner-stone was a large piece of white marble, which was Cornerstone, deposited with due formality and with Masonic rites, in the southeast corner of the foundation. It contains the following inscription, which had been written bv Franklin : ,v; IN THE YEAR OF CHRIST Inscription MDCCLV. on llie Corner GEORGE THE SECOND HAI'IMLY REIGNING Sloni-. i 'I'he first regular meeting of the Managers to inspect the Hospital . cetniH: 111 ^^.^ Y^^^^ ^^ December 27th of the same year. Hospit.Tl The Hospital, before the building ot the East Wing was completed, suffered a serious loss in the death, on June 27, 1755. of the venerable President Joshua Crosby. In addition to his many other benefac- tions, he left a legacy of ;^ioo towards the building fund. Kraiikliii On June 30, 1755, Dr. Franklin was unanimously elected Presi- ileciecl jjgfit of ii^j; Board, to succeed Mr. Crosby, and he presided at the President. ,. ^ • i_ u ■ .1 1 i i- first meeting held in the new building. Contributors Early in 1756, the building was sufficiently finished to hold the meet in the Hospital. annual meeting tinder its roof; accordingly, on May 6th, the meeting of the Contributors was first held in the new Hosi)ital, and since that time the annual meetings have been regularly held in the same place. Org.inizcuion The Managers met for organization immediately after the of Board. Contributors' meeting on May 6th, when the following rule was adopted : Resolved to meet at the Hospital on the last Monday in every month at 5 o'clock in the afternoon till the end of the Month called September, and at 3 o'clock during the remainder of the year ; ench member is to pay 7s 6d for Total absence and one shilling for not coming on time, and for each hour's absence after the fixed time si.\ pence per hour, all of which fines to be disposed of as the majority may direct ; The Town Clock or when that does not strike, the watch of the oldest person present to be the standard to determine the time. The same resolution had been in force during the year, as is seen in the e.xtract reproduced from the minutes, on the ne.xt jiage. In .\ugust, 1756, the Managers hearing of the e.vpected arrival of the new Lieutenant Covernor, Capt. William Denny, concluded 40 " tlijt it may be expedient to address our new Governor on his arrival ;" and it was agreed, that the President of the Board, FJenjamin ...L^ ^^^.. ■/,.... .j,j-r-.' r\ a .._. /.^ ^f}/.:^yAt ^/ f^. 'i^J'L^ ^^jLi ^,^^.,i_j? ACr f,^j:^% Franklin, and others, should prepare a formal address. A record made on the book of minutes, September i, 1756. states that : William Denny, Esq., having lately arrived from London, to succeed Robert Hunter Morris, Esq., in the Government of this Province, the Managers and Treasurer waited upon him, on the First of Ninth Month witli the following Congratulatory Address : To THE Honourable William Dennv, Esq.. Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, etc. The Address of the Managers and Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital. May it please Ike Govcrrtor, The Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital beg leave to testify the Share Greeting of tliey take in the general Joy, on his Accession to the Government of tliis Province. Managers to Through the Favour of the Government, the Contributors to our Hospital were Gov. Denny, incorporated by Law, and vested with the Powers and Privileges necessary for the well ordering as well as increasing this extensive Charity. The nistitution has ever since nourished, and we have the great Satisfaction to find, that our Care and diligent Endeavors to relieve the Miseries, and heal the Diseases of the Poor, have been blessed with much Success ; and that our Power of doing Good is by the Benefactions of well-disposed Persons daily increasing. While this right Use continues to be made of the Privileges granted us, we hope our Corporation will be favoured with the Governor's Countenance and Protection ; and we request he would accept of our sincere Wishes for his Health, Happiness and successful Administration. (Signed) Benjamin Franklin, I'resideiil. 'l"o which the Governor replied : f7c;;//«'»;<'«, The Satisfaction you are pleased to express on my .Arrival, lays me unmodious ipiarters had become imperative. The Managers also decided to have the accounts of the Hospital put in proper shape for publication and printed and circulated, in tiic hope of gaining new contributors. It was deemed advantageous to include in this piil)lication an abstract of the cases, with the names of the patients, and also the names of several contributors added since the last publication had been laid before the Assembly. This work was directed to be done by the Monthly Committee, aided by Benjamin Franklin and Daniel Roberdeau. Samuel Rhoads was instructed to get in all the trades- men's bills relating to the new Hospital, in order that the Board at its next meeting might audit them and formulate a general account of the cost. On December 17, 1756, all the patients were removed from the Temporary Hospital on Market Street to the new building at Pine Street, and the first new ])atient admitted into the Hospital was on the following day. Franklin. At the meeting held March 28, 1757, the following minute was Attorney fur made : Hospital in -.,, . . , ^ . ,. i „ ■ • r- i i- i ■ ■ » j r. • ■ i ' The I resident of the Board, Benjamin Franklin, being appointed Provincial Agent to England and is about to sail in a short time, he is requested after his arrival there, to use his interest in Soliciting Donations to the Hospital whenever he may have a Prospect of Success therein, and Israel Pemberton and Evan Morgan are desired to prepare a letter to Thomas Hyam and Sylvanus Bevan, desiring their Friendshi|) in Assisting our President in any occasion he may have of Promoting the Interest of the Hospital. The object of making this request of Franklin was evidently to invest him with official authority so that he might legally solicit sub- scriptions and transact any other financial business which might be l)resented for consideration : this letter to Hyam and Bevan serving as credentials and as a ])ower of attorney in any emergency requiring such official sanction and authorization. When Franklin sailed on his first mission to England, in 1757, his circle of correspondents, both business and scientific, had already become widely extended. Among his European friends and corre- spondents were William Strahan, Lord Karnes, David Hume, Basker- ville the |)rinter, Galloway, Bartram, Dubourg, Benezet, Joseph Priestly, and many others. 'I'his gave him a large field of acquaintance in which to work ifi advancing the interests of the Hospital. 42 On December 29, 1760, a letter was written to Franklin fur some necessary drugs and medicines, and he was aiso asked " to join with some others of our fellow citizens, now in London, in soliciting con- tributions on behalf of the Hospital from several merchants who, we aiiprehend, may be induced to encourage the progress thereof." Instructions were also written to Franklin, while in London, to procure a specimen iron bedstead such as are commonly used in the hospitals in England. Franklin's agency and missioTi in England detained him for five years, but it finally came to a successful conclusion and he returned to Philadelphia November i, 1762. In October, 1757, a Committee of the Assembly visited the Visit of Com- Hospital and made examination into the condition of the patients, "utteeof and the general state of its finances, and " they were pleased to express themselves to be well satisfied with the order and management thereof." The following advertisement appeared in the " Pennsylvania f lazette " December 27, 1759 : For THE BENEFIT of the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL On Friday, the 28ih. of this instant, December, at the Theatre on SOCIETY HILL will be presented the celebrated TRAGEDY of HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. Tickets will be sold by William Dunlap, William Bradford, Thomas Gordon and Evan Morgan. As the money originated from what was considered such an objectionable source, the matter gave rise to some discussion as to the proper course to be pursued, the Managers feeling in doubt as to the propriety of receiving it under the circumstances ; yet unwilling to deprive the Hospital of it. The difficulty was finally happily adjusted, the Managers escaping from their dilemma in quite an original and ingenious manner, without sacrificing the interests of the Hospital, as the following minute will show : The Board being informed that a sum of Money hath been lately raised for Theatrical the Benefit of the Hospital, by a Stage Play acted near this City, which has been Uenefit. paid into the Hands of the Treasurer, the Matter being consider'd & most of the Managers being dissatisfied therewith, think it necessary that the following information should be published in the next " Pennsylvania Gazette," of January loth, viz. ; "THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL Was founded in the Year 1751, by an Act of the .'\ssembly of this Province, by which ' every Person contributing Ten Pounds, or upwards, towards founding the said Hospital, is qualified annually to Choose by Ballot twelve Persons of their own Number to he the Managers of the said Contributors, & one other Person to 43 be the Treasurer of the same, who arc enjoined to apply the annu.il hKimu- m Kxplanatorv '"'crest of the said Contribution towards the Kntirlainment and Cure of such Statement bv Sick and distempered I'oor, as shall, from time to time, be brought or placed in Manancrs ''"^ ^^'^ Hospital ; and have no Authority given them to refuse any Sums of Money, which may be lawfully contributed thereti>.' This account of the founding the saiil Hospital and of the Power of the Managers, is published for the Information of such Persons, who being unac- quainted with the said Law, may apprehend the Power of the Managers to be more extensive than it is, and to satisfy such that they are not authorized to direct the Treasurer to refuse the Money lately raised by exhibiting a Stage Play near the City, which was done without the Consent of the said Managers, in Conse- (|uence of the Injunction of the late Governor flenny, at the Time he granted Liberty to the Stage Players to erect the Theatre near this City. " Published by Desire of the Managers of the said Hospital." The Hallam Theatrical Company, of London, which gave the benefit, relieved the conscientious scruples of the Managers in a delicate and graceful manner, by placing the amount realized at the benefit, ;£4T, 2S 6d, in the hands of Governor Denny, "by whose order through Kvan Morgan it was paid to ye hospital." It is not surprising that the Managers were loath to receive money obtained in this manner; since the condition of the publii- mind, at the time, was greatly excited against all of the kinds of public amusements then in vogue, and especially against theatrical iierforui- ances. Moreover, the Managers, who were nearly all members of the Society of Friends, had themselves joined with other citizens, not long before, in a petition for an injunction against the erection of the theatre on Society Hill. Overcrowded Notwithstanding the increased accommodations which had been jjrovided in the new hospital, it was soon found that the overcrowded condition again caused serious embarrassment. It was quite difficult to reject many worthy applicants, who were daily presenting themselves for admission. Precautions were taken to admit only those requiring immediate and urgent attention, but in spite of everything the wards were usually crowded to their utmost capacity. The Managers were also obliged to give serious consideration to the problem as to the best means to i)ursue to meet the increased expense and the expected deficiency, as it seemed impossible to lessen the number of patients. They accordingly in their emergency, decided to make another attempt to increase the capital. This, however, they knew to be no easy matter. Their predicament is clearly indicated in the minutts of the meeting held Jan. 29, 1759 : On consideration of the present state of the funds of the Hospital, it is resolved that there is urgent necessity of lessening the expense, unless we can succeed better than we have lately in our endeavors to increase the capital stock 44 condition of Hospital. li was agreed to have a conference with the Treasurer and Ph)si- cians to devise some means to overcome this difficulty. This meeting was to have taken place on the twelfth of second month (February), but it seems that the subject was of so grave and important a nature that it could not be sinnmarily settled ; for on the 2d of February, I 759, it was noted : Having conferred on llie subject matter and no definite means decided upon, tlie Doctors agreed to examine and consider the metliods of providing for several hospitals in England, &c., and when prepared to lay a plan before us at a future meeting The Managers in their extremity decided to make another appeal Assembly to the Assembly for aid in this emergency. An address was accord- Petitioned, ingly prepared, and a committee was appointed to present it to the Speaker. It read as follows : To llie Honourable Ihe Representalh'es of the Freemen of the province of Pennsylvania, in general Assembly met. The Address of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, — shezceth That the said Hospital, founded about eight years since, with the approba- tion, and by the Assistance of the Assembly, hath been hitherto sujjported by the Contributions of private Persons and by divine blessing on the endeavours of the Physicians, upwards of three hundred distressed Persons have been cur'd of various Disorders of body and Mind, under which they had languished ; and many other have been considerably relieved, and thereby rcstor'd to a caiiacity of being serviceable to themselves and the publick. That the two thousand Pounds contributed by the Assembly, tow,ards the building, being long since expended, we have been under the necessity of apply- ing most of the contributions obtained from private Persons the last three years towards compleating the Work, and of course are prevented from increasing the Capital Stock ; the annual interest of which is the only fund we have yet received for the support of the institution. That the number of patients, who from all parts of the province apply for admittance, is lately much increased, so that upward; of one thousand pounds is expended more than our Capital Stock ; and as the benetits received by our distress'd Fellow Subjects are daily more known and considered, the prospect of our increasing Expences exceeds any rational expectations we can indulge, of being able to support the House, according to the original design, without some further Assistance from the publick. We therefore reconmiend the present State of the Husi)ital to your serious Consideration, aird hope the same benevolent disposition on which it was founded, will still he maiiifested by the Assembly of Pennsylvania, to promote so laudable an Institution, gradually becoming of the most extensive Service to this part of the King's Dominions. The Committee having duly transmitted the paper and accoiuiis Commitiee to the Speaker of the Assembly reported, April 30, 1759, that they reported, had performed the service assigned and that he had promised to bring the same before the House of .\ssem|jlv. 45 The Managers waited for several monihs for some notice of tlieir Hospital appeal, but without success. No action having been taken by the Acroimts ,\ssen,{jiy jt ^vas decided to politely remind this body of the pressing before the , / , , • , , , ,' , , , ' ^ , AsseiniiK' "^^^s of the hospital by adding to the documents the accounts of the last year past (1758-59), for submission. Before the House of Assembly now sitting, and to notify them that we should be ready to attend such Committee as they may appoint to visit the Hospital, inspect the Management and Stale thereof, also to remind them of the present Necessities to which we are subject for supporting the Institution which we hope they will take under Consideration and grant that Assistance and Relief requested in our Address presented at their last Sitting, in Order to i>romote the progress of a Work which hath been found to be of so great Benefit to the Dis- tressed and Indigent. The address and other papers were finally laid before the Assem- bly on June 25, 1759. The needs of the Hospital were now very pressing, money was scarce and commanded a high rate of interest, and as yet no sign of relief appeared from the .Assembly. The legislative machinery, at all times ponderous and slow, was at that time engrossed with novel and complex |)olitical problems ; which with other matters, entirely over- shadowed the appeal from the Hospital, which was accordingly temporarily .set aside. Franklin's influence and jirestige were sadly missed; his ex|)erience and energy were no longer available in behalf of the Hospital's interests in the Assembly, which he had so often wielded to great advantage — the philosopher, statesman and wise counsellor was now in I-ondon. No one seemed to possess the neces- sary ability or interest to press the measure to a successful issue. The requirements of the Hospital were urgent, every-day wants were to be met, bills to be settled, borrowing afforded but temporary relief, and only involved future expense in the [jayment of interest charges. In order to emphasize the urgency of their predicament to the people and Assembly, adopting Franklin's tactics, the Managers had recourse to the public prints, as appears from the following communi- cation in " The Pennsylvania Gazette," of July 12, 1759,' with an Abstract of Records and Accounts and the following remarks : , . From this View of the State of the Accounts, and by comparing the .Abstract il p'hr- of tile Cases with those formerly published, the Publick may oiiscrve the great , 1,1. annual increase of tlie Number of Patients, and consefiueiitly of the Benefits of ,, ^ .. ,, the Institution : which Consideration, together witli that of the Additional Conve- Gazette. niences for their Reception and .Accommodation, which have been attended with considerable Labour, and unavoidable LCxpence must undoubtedly jtfTord an equal Degree of Satisfaction to those who are already Benefactors to this Charity ; and we hope, will render an Apology unnecessary to others, who have hitherto Vide Franklin's " Some Accouni," etc. 46 neglected or deferred entering the List of Subscribers, for a Repetition of our Request for their Assistance in so commendaljle a Work ; and it being impractica- Hospital ble to make a personal Application to all such, especially to those who live at a \Vor|j, Distance, it is to be hoped nof>ft'ence will betaken, to the Prejudice of the Charity; but that all who are disposed to contribute, will pay their Subscriptions (or enter their intended Benefactions) to the Treasurer, or either of the Managers, as here- tofore notified. If notwithstanding what has been frequently urged in Favour of this Institution, such who are sensible of the undeniable Advantages of an Hospital, do yet withhold their Bounty, on a Supposition of the small Benefit which their Neighbourhood is to receive from it, they will please to consider, That they can never hope to do any Service for their own Poor, till ihey have made it more practicable to do so, by the Assistance they lend those who are already engaged in it ; which is the only probable Means of bringing the Charity nearer to themselves, and therefore it is much to be wished, that if they have it not in their Power to begin this Charity at home, they would begin it in a Place where it can be well attended by Physicians and Surgeons, and where it is necessarily formed on so large a Bottom, as to require more Helj) than can be had from those only who are at Hand, many of whom have not more interested Reasons for their Bounty, than if they lived in a distant Country ; their Motives being to promote a Spirit of Goodness and Humanity, which may extend itself on every Side, by administer- ing the most eflfectual Relief to all deserving Objects, without considering from whence they come. — They are encouraged to do it, by the great success which hath attended this good Work in every other Place ; the moral, religious, and civil Benefits of which, being visible, certain, and lasting, do immediately tend to the Honour of the Christian Religion, and the Happiness of Mankind. The Contributions which have been generously made this Year, have enabled the Managers to proceed in compleating some necessary Conveniences, which were Immediately wanted, and to receive and entertain a much larger Number of Patients in the House, tlian their Stock would permit before ; and if the Spirit of Charity towards this Institution continues, with equal Warmtli hereafter, it will soon become more extensively useful. To give it its proper Weight with the Publick, let it be considered, that in a City of large Trade, many poor People must be employed in carrying on a Commerce, which subjects them to frequent terrible Accidents. That in a Country, where great Numbers of indigent Foreigners have been but lately imported, and where the common Distresses of Poverty have been much increased, by a most savage and bloody War, there must be many Poor, Sick, and Maimed. That poor People are maintained by their Labour, and, if they cannot labour, they cannot live, without the Help of the more d c, i- Fortunate. We all know, many Mouths are fed, many Bodies cloathed, by one . " poor Man's Industry and Diligence ; should any Distemper seize and afflict this Person ; should any sudden Hurt happen to him, which should render him incapable to follow the Business of his calling, unfit him to work, disable him to labour but for a little time ; or should his Duty to his aged and diseased Parents, or his fatherly Tenderness or an afflicted Child, engross his Attention and Care, How great must be the Calamity of such a Family ! How pressing their Wants ! How moving their Distresses ! And how mucli does it behoove the Community to take them immediately under their Ciuardianship, and have the Causes of their Misfortunes as speedily remedied as possible ! Experience shews, this will be more elTectually and frugally done in a publick Hospital, than by any other method whatever. Can anything in this checkered World, afford more real and lasting Satis- faction to humane Minds, than the Reflection of having tiiade such a social Use of 47 the Favours of Providence, as renders them, in some Measure, Instruments which open a Door of Kase and Comfort to such as are bowed down with Poverty and Sickness ; and which may be a Means of increasing the Number of Peo- ple, and preserving many useful Members to the Publick from Ruin and Distress? That this is a Satisfaction which tlie Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital have a just claim to, all may be assured, by visiting the Mouse, examining the Patients, and considering the extraordinary Cases which are there received, and happily treated ; among which, it is hoped, they will find sufl'icient Instances to convince them, thai every Individual, in this and the adjacent Provinces, are interested in the Prosperity of this charitable Institution ; and induce them to consider, that " Riches make themselves Wings, and llee away ; but blessed is he that considereth the Weak, Sick, and needy, llie Lord will iKliver him in Time of trouble." And that it is better to give Alms, than lay up Cold. Notwithstanding the efTorts made to advance the cause of the Hosjiital before the Assembly and in the minds of the piibbc, the apijeal remained without api)arent result. These means proving fruitless, the Managers' hopes ttirned again to the public, and they determined to develoj) their own resources, in which they were more successful. They issued prints or pictures of the Hospital, and also a second "small quarto" edition, similar to the one jMiblished in 1754. It was called a "Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital ; from the first of iMay, 1754, to the fifth of May, 1761." This literary task was performed satis- factorily by a Committee on Publication, of which Samuel Rhoads was chairman. The essay which was presented to tlie Managers and a])])roved by them, contains the following appeal : c- 1 The Experience of above Nine Years, has given undeniable Proofs of the neces- rormai * Add al to ^''^' ^"'^ Usefulness of this laudable Instiluti Com.mander-in-Chief of the Province op Pennsvlvania and Counties OF New Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware. The Address of the Managers and Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital. ^[ay it phase the Governor, To accept our sincere and hearty Congratulations on his safe return and Accession to the Government of this Province. The Blessing of Divine Provi- dence, the Bounty of the Hon. Proprietaries, with the countenance and Aid of the Legislature of this Province and the Generous Contributions Oi" our Fellow Citizens and others, have rendered our Endeavours, assisted by the benevolent Care of the Physicians of this Hospital more e.xtensively successful than in the first Founding of it, we had reason to e.xpect. A faithful discharge of the Trust committed to us in order to continue and still to e.xtend the benefits of this Laudable Institution for the relief of the Sick and distressed Poor will we hope recommend it to the Patronage and Favor of the Governor who we confide will protect our Corporation in those necessary and useful Powers and Privileges granted by Charter and the Laws of the Province We wish the Governor all the Satisfaction and Pleasure which result from a Wise and Equal Administration, and from a benevolent Inclination to promote every Charitable design for the present and future Happiness of the People. To which Governor Penn very graciously responded : Genllemen, I accept with pleasure your Congratulations upon my accession [[is reply. to the Government of this Province, and I heartily thank you for your kind wishes. I am happy to find that the Bounty of the Proprietaries has concurr'd with other favourable Circumstances to render the Charitable and benevolent Institution at present under your prudent Management of such extensive Utility. An Institution founded upon the first principles of Humanity, cannot but recom- mend itself to Favor and Protection. And the Managers and Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital may rest assured that the privileges which this Charity derives from its Charter and the Laws of the Province shall want no support which I am able to give. On October 26, 1772, there not being a sufficient number ]jresent Committee to hold a meeting, it was decided to meet the 28th inst., at 6 o'clock, '"*^*' '' , _ _, ,- . ■ T-. ■ , 1 »» ■ TT Frieiuls' at the "Committee Room adjoining friends Meeting House in ^^legu,,™. Fourth Street." Another meeting, for the purpose of preparing a House. letter to the correspondents in Europe, was held at the house of Thomas Mifflin. About this time, the Managers began drawing bills of e.xchange Bills of on their agents in London, for money which was then becoming due Exchange. from the Pennsylvania Land Company's unclaimed shares voted by Parliament. On November 4th, after enumerating some eleven bills drawn, amounting in the aggregate to ^2,450 sterling, the Managers say : 55 And we iiUind in a fc-w days to draw for ^550, more, having the iipportuiiily of selling the liills at 60 per cent with Land Security. We liopu you will have the money in your hands before the bills appear and become due, but that you may not be subjected to any inconvenience, or our fund to any disadvantage in the sale of the stock, we have by the tenor of the bills contracted that they shall not be liable to any further damage than the payment of our lawful interest after they become due, until it suits you to discharge them. The Hospital -j-j^g Proprietary Government of Pennsylvania definitely termi- , .. '' nated September 26, 1776, with the final adimirnmcnt of the Provin- lutionary ' ' 1 1 ' 1 Period, cial Assembly, although the latter had practically ceased to exist at least si.\ months before this time. The authority of the King of Great Britain was i)ublicly and formally cast off by the official annoimce- ment of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence which was celebrated in Penn.sylvania on July 8th. \\\ the same act, the Royal Charter, and all the ])owers conferred by it, as well as the former laws of the Province, became of no effect. As these laws were for the most part adapted to the circumstances of the people, tiie new Assem- bly subsequently (January 28, 1777) passed an act to revive and put them again in force. The Act reads as follows: Act of " Each and every one of the laws, or acts of General Assembly, that were in Assembly, force and binding on the inhabitants of the said Province on the fourteenth day of May last, shall be in force and binding on the inhabitants of this stale from and after the tenth day of February next as fully and eflectually to all intents and purposes as if the said laws, and each of them, had been made or enacted by this General Assembly ; and all and every person and persons whomsoever are hereby enjoined and required to yield obedience to the said laws, as the case may require until the said laws or acts of General Assembly respectively shall be repealed or altered, or until they expire by their own limitation, and the common law and such of the statute laws of England, as have heretofore been in force in the said province, except as is hereafter excepted." During the intervening ])eriod, although the situation was beset with unusual difficulties, the Managers continued to carry on their humane work under the original charter. The funds of the Hospital at this period might have been sufficient to meet its ordinary current e.xpenses, but " certain contingencies and unfortunate circimistances," Hospital arising out of the disturbances incident to the impending war, in diffKuiiies. y^.^]yj,gj a[ Q„j.e ijoth the capital of the Hosjiital and its revenue. The expenses were also increased, so that, notwithstanding careful management, the institution became more and more involved in debt. The Managers were compelled to dispose of securities, and loans were returned de|)reciated in value, or jiaid in paper money which could not be redeemed.' ' Continmtal Money. The 6rst issue of Continental currency was made on May 10, 1775. In 1781, the General Assemlily passed " An Act directing the mode of adjusting and settling the payment of debts and contracts entered into and made between January i, 1777, and March i, 1781, and for other purposes therein mentioned." On May 31, 1781, Continental money ceased to be receivable for taxes and was no longer legal tender. 56 Their distress culminated when the British army entered Philadel- phia, September 26, 1777. The English military authorities forcibly British took possession of the Hospital, filled it with their sick and wounded '^■'■"y'" ij- J 1 J u , , , J Philadelphia. soldiers and sailors, overturned the usual orderly management, and on their departure appropriated to their own use the blankets, bedding, and instruments, for which the Hospital received no compensation, either at the time, or afterwards. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, June 17, 1778, the Managers were confronted by a serious financial problem. A law was passed compelling the accejitance in payment of debts of the Continental currency and this was taken advantage of by some debtors of the Hospital to discharge their mortgages and other obligations in depreciated money. The Managers were willing to compromise by accepting the interest in Continental money, but insisted that the principal or Capital Stock should not be impaired by payment in depreciated currency. However, twenty-seven of the „. . , ' - ' - ' •' h inancial borrowers insisted on the acceptance of the Continental paper issue, ujiTiculties. \vhich destroyed over one-half of the Capital Stock of the institution — so depreciated had become this currency that on May 4, 1781, State money was by proclamation declared to be 175 Continental for I State, and State being only 4 for i in Gold, made Continental 700 for I. The loss! of capital and interest by the Hospital from Ajiril, 1774, to April, 17S4, is partially shown in the following Exhibit: In 1774 the productive capital stock (money at interest), was _;^i8,6o7 Sjt 41/ In 1784 the productive capital stock (money at interest), was 9>5i6 i8s iid Reduction of principal or capital stock 9,090 <)s 5 i- ,-1 Depreciated '^'^^''^d, on accoimt of this dei^reriated condition of the currency, Curri-ncy for occurred towards the close of 1776. The authorities of the College Mortgagf. of Philadelphia having purchased a ])roperty, desired to have it made free from an incumbrance, of a mortgage held by the liospital, amounting to some three thousand pounds sterling. The Managers objected strongly to receiving the proceeds in Continental money on account of the injustice to the trust under their charge, by the greatly impaired value of the currency at that time. A special meeting was called, which was attended by the representatives of the College, Rev. William Smith and Rev. William White, the former being the Provost and the latter the Treasurer of this rising educa- tional institution. The matter was I'lnaliy amical)ly arranged by the Managers accepting substitute bonds for a i)art of the amount and receiving the balance, amounting to over eight hundred jjounds in currency. Continental The first mention of the Revolutionary War, made on the records ''" ,j!' of the Hospital, occurs on December 5, 1776, when a large number of wounded soldiers, sent by the Committee of Safety, were admitted. Again, on January 8, 1777, we find that many wounded soldiers, seamen and Hessians were received, and subsequently others were admitted. Quaker The members of the Society of Friends were, by their religious Managers principles, non-combatants. At the period just preceding the Revo- opposed to lutionary War, the leading Friends were not only among the wealth- iest and most influential citizens of the Province, but they had always taken an active part in promoting all measures pertaining to the wel- fare of the Province, as is well shown in the interest which they mani- fested in the Pennsylvania Hos])ital. When the Colonies resorted to arms, however, acting in accordance with their religious principles, many Quakers refused to take up arms or actively assist, either directly or indirectly, the American cause. Their neutral attitude and consistent conservatism gave rise to the popular belief that their personal 58 influence would be exerted against the Colonies, hence, during the excesses of party feeling they became the objects of general suspicion by the remainder of the community. Congress, in 1777, formally recommended that the Executive Council of Pennsylvania apprehend and secure a number of the most prominent and representative members of this sect living in Philadel- phia; and by order of Council, in August of that year, a number, Managers including several Managers of the Hospital, were arrested and without Ba"'shed to a trial were exiled to Staunton, Virginia, where they were compelled " to remain for about eight months. On September 29, 1777, the following appears on the Hospital record : The present Commotions, and arbitrary Measures of our late Rulers in Ban- ishing four Members to Virginia, to wit, Israel Pemberton, James Pemberton, Thomas Wharton, and Edward Pennington prevent the Meeting of a Board. These contributors and Managers were among the most active and efficient members of the Board. Again upon the minutes of September 29th it is stated that : Part of the British Army, under the Command of Sir William Howe, arriving in the City on the 26th of last month ; on the ne.xt day a great number of sick and Soldier wounded Soldiers (without previous notice given, or application to the Managers) Patients were brought into the Hospital, who crowded the Wards, incommoding our summarily Patients, and rendering it impracticable to pursue the former good Order of the introduced. House. Also that : Samuel Rhoads, Joseph Swift, and Robert Strettell Jones are appointed a committee to draw up a memorial to the Comr. in Chief, representing the present distress'd Situation of the hospital & requesting relief in the premises. At the period of the occupancy of the Hospital by the British troops, the Managers were again confronted with the financial trouble arising from the suspension of the continental currency, and the scarcity and high prices of provisions and other necessaries, so that thev were obliged to borrow gold, or " hard monev," for the support " Hard and care of the lunatics and provide medicines for the sick. On ,„o„ey" December 29, 1777, it is recorded : times. In the present Situation of Affairs it being impossible to carry on the Chari- table design of this Institution without gold or silver Coin, it is agreed to borrow the sum of one hundred Pounds in Specie upon Interest from Jacob Shoemaker. On May 25, 1778: A Committee consisting of Samuel Rhoads, Robert Strettell Jones, James Pemberton and Thomas Wharton, was appointed to wait upon Dr. Morris, the " '""^''y Inspector General of the British Hospitals, to represent to him the Loss in Spoiliation of Blankets, Medicines and Hay that the Institution had sustained by the admission '^°SP"*' of the sick and wounded Soldiers of their Army, and the detention of the Instru- ' '■''P'^'^>- ments and to request an immediate restoration of them. 59 It does not appear on the records that the Inspector General of the British Hospitals offered to make any restitution or even acknowl- edged the claim. A further illustration of the inconvenience and injury sustained during the period of occupation is found in the message sent to the Auditing Committee of Assembly, who, upon enquiring for the accounts of 1777, were informed October 11, 1779 : Annual That several citizens, four of whom were Managers of the Hospital having Accounts been sent to a distant part of the Continent, the papers necessary for making out delayed, that account had been mislaid and that the British Army having in the latter part of the Year possessed themselves of the Hospital, the affairs of the Managers were tlirown into confusion, that the Managers however did not despair of com- pleating the Accounts of that Year, which should be laid before the house as soon as they could be conipleated. East Wing of the Hospital with Elaboratory on the right, the latter built in 176S. Continental ^" -'"'^ ^-' '778> ^n agreement was entered into with Jonathan Army useof I'otts, D. D. G., and Thomas Bond, Jr., .\. D. G., representing the Hospital. Medical Department of the Continental Army, for the use by the latter of the pharmaceutical "Elaboratory"' of the Hospital for the purpose of preparing and compounding medicines for the use of the Military Hospitals. * The building, known for the past half century, as the " Nonh Ho^I^c," was formerly called " the Elaboratory." It is first mentioned in the minutes of the 29th of eighth month, 176S, when it is recorded, that " Samuel Rhoads, Jacob Lewis and Isaac Greenleafe, are appointed to purchase .Materials & employ Tradesmen to Erect a Building adjoining the Kitchen Convenient for an 60 On September 8, 1778 : Doctor Bond, Jr., of the Continental Hospitals applied to the board for the admission of a large number of convalescent Soldiers, under the direction and management of their Physicians and Surgeons, to which mode the Managers objecting, and upon a free conference, it was |)roposed to admit from time to time such of them as having passed the usual Examination of the attending Physicians and sitting Managers, may be deemed proper Objects ; so far as they can be accommodated without prejudice to our own Patients, and they being subject to the rules and management established in the house — the Soldiers, if admitted, are to be supplied with bedding and Provisions, which are to be delivered to our Steward by their Commissaries, their Nursing &c. to be paid for as shall hereafter be agreed upon. The following letter received by Samuel Rhoads wa.s communi- cated to the Board at a meeting held third month 30, 1779 : Sir. — I am called upon by the Medical Director General of the U. S. Army Hospitals to accommodate a number of convalescents who are to be removed from the general Hospital without delay. We shall therefore be much obliged for such part of your Hospital as can be spared, for which a reasonable rent will allowed. I am Sir, Yours, etc., (Signed) I. Melcher. Monday, 2gth March. Which being considered, Samuel Rhoads, Edward Penington, Jos. Swift and Robt. Strettell Jones were appointed to inform him, that there is no part of this house can be conveniently spared for the purpose he requires, and that we had reason given us to expect, Convalescent Soldiers. Correspon- dence with Military .-Vuthorities. Elaboratory." This structure is shown on an old print to the North of the east wing, or first part of the Hospital, which was built in 1755-56. Although originally intended to be but one story high, and as a " Elaboratory '' to prepare the drugs for the Hospital, it was subsequently devoted to various other uses. Lectures were delivered there, and at one tune it was used for patients, especially for sailors from U. S. Custotns, and subse- quently negroes were for many years treated in this building. Of late years no distinction of color, race or condition is made in assigning or treating patients in the wards. On November 24, 1783, Dr. John Foulke applied for the liberty to use one of the upper room' of the " Elaboratory " for the purpose of exhibiting Lectures on Chirurgical and Physical Subjects during the season, which was granted, and this was the only occasion where the " Elaboratory " is mentioned as being the place selected and designated by the lecturer. This venerable building, built with the same kind of brick as the Hospital, was put to many uses besides the lectures delivered in it. It was seized and occupied as a military Laboratory by the British while in Philadelphia, and was afterwards used by Dr. Bond. On the 25th of the second month, 1782, the committee for collecting the debts was authorized to receive from Robert Morris, Esqr., the Financier General, a Certificate bearing Interest for Rent due from the United Slates for the use of the Elaboratory before Robert Morris undertook the office of Financier General. There had occurred some misunderstanding with the Financier General which was eventually adjusted. On the 2gth of the ninth month, 1783, there is an entry of " £%j 5J, in Robert Morris's Notes, for balance of Rent, to the ist of the 8th Month last, for the Elaboratory," reported paid to the treasurer, by the committee. Again in 1735. " Received for rent of the Elabo- ratory and tenements ^76 14^-" As late as 1790, there was received a certificate of a debt due for rent of the Elaborately from the United States wilh interest from January i6, 1783. Subsequently, (1829), the Managers directed a stair-case to be erected for the accommodation ot female colored patients, with liberty to enclose part of the garden for a yard for their use. The building, in iSSt, was put in complete order, and has since been used as a general Recep- tion room for recent accidents. The second story has been converted into a general Surgical Ward. 61 when we accommodated the Doctors of the Continental Army, with our Elabor- atory, that they would secure us against being farther incommoded ; and to use such other arguments as may occur to them, to convince him of the inexpediency and impropriety of his request, which if he docs not decline, they are to apply to the General, and such others in power as may be proper to prevent the soldiers being sent there. At a meeting of the Board held Ajjril i, 1779, Dr. Bond attended and made the following proposal in writing: Doctor Thomas Bond, Jr., requests the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital would receive "a number of convalescent Patients from the general Hos- 7 "^ pitals into theirs, as the Bettering I louse is e.xceeding crowded, and the prescribing Patients. Surgeons of the Military Hospitals has pointed their house as the most proper for their purpose ; they and Dr. Bond .igree that they shall be under the care of Dr. Story as Steward, but that a military Surgeon will prescribe to them : that Dr. Bond will be in town, and hereby engages to do everything in his power to restrain the Soldiery, and prevent their commiling Damages, and behaving Irregularly, and the said Bond further promises to do all in his power to remove them totally from thence in six weeks — the lower Ward and garret only will suffice." Which the Managers taking into Consideration, agree to receive such conva- lescents as having passed the usual examination of the attending Physicians and sitting Managers, may be deemed proper Objects, so far as they can be accom- modated in the lower Ward and long Carret, under the care of their own Physi- cians and Surgeons, but subject to the rules and Government established in the Hospital. The Soldiers upon admission are to be supplied free of any expenceto the Institution, with bedding, provisions. Firewood and all other necessaries — their victuals to be cooked by some person appointed by Dr. Bond or his agents for that service, in the wash house, and that a reasonable compensation be allowed for the use of the house. The Managers duly considering the trust reposed in them, apprehend they cannot receive patients upon other terms, no persons afflicted with any infectious distemper, can on any account be admitted, and they are rather induced to acquiesce in this proposal from Dr. Bond's engaging "to do all in his power to remove them in si.\ weeks." June 16, 1779 : Dr. Bond, Jr., waited upon the Board and returned thanks for the use of the house for the Convalescents of the military Hospitals iS: expressed his desire of paying for the same. The .Managers leave it to the Drs.' generosity to make such compensation for the benefit, as he may deem adequate. Proposition Dr. Bond, Jr., in a subse(|iient communication, dated July 22, to receive 1 781, to the Board, i)roposed : Sick „ . That all the British Prisoners now sick in the Gaol of this City should be Prisoners. , , , , admitted as pay Patients into the Hospital, the number he supposed to be about Ninety and that in future the Sick belonging to the Army, or Sick Prisoners, should at all times be admitted on the same footing ; he judged the average num- ber to be cared for would be from forty to sixty. He also stated that he had con- versed with Robert Morris, Financier General, who gave him expectations that some Money would be available to enable the Man.agers to provide Bedding, &c. Upon being informed by the Board that no persons afflicted with malignant or infectious disorders could be admitted consistent with the Rules established in this Institution, he insisted that all the sick must be admitted or none. 62 k. •^Xi^y^^/.6./.; M1(&.,^^ vL.:/. ^CZ. ^ ^~~^«^^ io« »»,y.Ji^.i •^•Ai^^.J 4S^-^.^ny i-.^ --^ ^ \ CONTRACT WITH CONTINENTAL ARMY FOR USE OF ELABORATORY. The Board having maturely considered Ur. Bond's proposals are of opinion The Proposi- they are totally inadmissible being in direct repugnance to the Rules of the tion rejected. Institution. Two letters were received from Robert Morris, Esqr., the Financier General, Continental at a meeting held on December 3, 1783, relating to the above application made by .Soldiers Dr. Bond, Jr., for the admission of a number of Sick Continental Soldiers. A .-ulmitted. Committee at the same meeting reported upon a conference they had with the Financier. Mr. Morris having acceded to the rules established in the Hospital, the Managers decided to receive such of the diseased Soldiers at fifteen shillinfis Per Week, provided bedding & cloathing be furnished for them and that they shall in all Instances be subject to and governed by the same Rules & Regula- tions as other Pay Patients. Some years later, during the war with England of 1812-15, the Soldier Hospital was again called upon by the Military authorities for aid. P;ii>cnts of *" 1812 The minutes of the Meeting of April 25, 1814, refer to a letter from Alexander Walker, Jr., Agent for British Prisoners, in which he stated that he had paid for the Board of Wounded Prisoners Sent to the Hospital " cer- tain Sums which Col. Barclay Com'g. General declines to refund " was received & read. The President is requested to return an answer to the said Letter and to inform Alexander Walker that this Institution is chiefly supported by private Contribution & the U. States do not contribute at all to its support. That the United States having no Marine Hospital in this district send their diseased Sailors to the Pennsylvania Hospital and pay for their Board regularly as a Matter of course & that ahhough individuals who are strangers and destitute of Money and friends are frequently received maintained and relieved at the expence of the Hospital yet that in all Cases where there are private friends or Public Agents the Managers take Security from them and receive the price agreed for the sup- port of the Patients. On January 5, 1780, upon making up the account for 1777, it H,,spital was found that the Hospital had become indebted to a number of the a;;ainin Debt. Managers and other private citizens, for various sums of money loaned during the term of British occupation. These sums aggregated ^1104 I2J-. ^d. To cancel this indebtedness, the Managers were compelled, by assigning several bonds and mortgages, to cripple the finances, which were already in a state of great depletion, on account of the depreciation of paper money and imsettled condition of the currency. On January 20, 17S0, the Assembly was memorialized for further Appeal to the assistance in the financial emergency. In this document the recent •;^s^^''"ti'>- military experience was referred to, as follows : Certain Contingencies and unfortunate Circumstances, in the present War concurred in reducing the Capital, augmenting the common E.\penses and involv- ing the Institution in Debt. First — The Laws compelling the Managers to give up their Securities for Monies lent and receiving in lieu thereof depreciated paper Currency. Secondly — The British Army, invading the City possessing them- selves of the Hospital, occasioning the suspension of Paper Currency within their 63 Mana|;ers' Fines. Lines, raisinf; llie price of Provisions and necessitating the Managers to borrow Gold to support the Lunatics and to supply the Apothecary Shop and several of the Wards with those Articles, which by their means were lost or destroyed. Thirdly— Hy the continued depreciation of the Currency which the Treasurer is from time to time obliged to receive for Interest of the Capital Stock or for Rents and the consequent exorbitant charges uf Ilousekeepins- The rule relative to fines to be imposed on tlie Managers for non-attendance, or for lateness, it seems, had not recently been enforced, and a minute on August S, 17S2, states: The necessity increasing of the Managers punctually attending to the Duties of their appointed Meetings— it is determined that every Member who shall be absent longer than fifteen minutes after the stated hour of the Board's Monthly, or adjourned. Meetings shall pay to John Morton, who is appointed to collect the same, a fine of one shilling. And for total absence during such Meetings 2/6, unless prevented by Sickness. The book of fines was kept by the clerk and is shown in the following e.xhibit of the accounts of two prominent members: The confidence and sympathy of the Assembly of I'ennsylvania at this time was shown by a resolution adopted December 28, 1781, as follows : Assembly Risolvril, That the money arising from fines paid by Members of the House approve the for not attending pursuant to adjournment, &c., be paid to the Treasurer of the Management. Pennsylvania Hospital for the use thereof. 64 This grant of the Assembly was received by the Managers in 17S2, and amounted to jQz. \2S. dd. State money and ;^3i. i6x. a,d. S))ecie, as stated in the Hospital financial rei)ort for year ending Ajiril 26, 1782. On March 3, 1783, the minutes state: Nathaniel Falconer represents, that in Compliance with the desire of the last Grant of Board, he applied to the Comptroller's Office, to know whether the account Assembly exhibited by the Hospital for Money due from the supreme executive Council was alleged to be examined, and he was informed by the Comptroller that the Sum of ten thousand a Loan. Pounds continental Money received by this Institution in the months of March, April iS: May, 1780, stood charged against the Hospital, as so much lent by the Assembly — which being contrary to what he conceived, was understood by the Managers, it was deemed necessary to call this Meeting. Whereupon the following action was taken : The Board taking the same into their serious Consideration, and finding on l)erusing the Memorial presented on the 20th of the first month, 1780, to the honor- able house of Assembly that it prayed for a pecuniary aid to the distressed situa- tion of the Hospital ; and the said ^10,000 was by the Treasurer credited in his Accounts as a grant, from this State, not as a loan, it's judged expedient to address the Assembly thereon, requesting the honorable House will be pleased to con- sider it as a Donation. A memorial was accordingly prepared and sent To the Honorable the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General .\ssembly met. The Memorial of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Respectfully Sheweth, That their predecessors in Office were under the necessity of applying in the Year 17.S0 to your honourable House for such " Aids as might extricate them from their Difficulties by discharging the Hospital debts, restoring the Capital Stock, and enabling the Managers to prosecute the laudable purposes of the Institution." That in consequence of this application the Assembly were pleased to direct an order to issue bearing date the 27th of March, 1780, in favor of the Hospital for ten thousand Pounds continental Money, which was received and considered by the Managers as a gift, entered as such in their Books, and soon disposed of in the necessary Expenses of the House. That your Memorialists unexpectedly, and with great concern find, that the above Sum stands recorded on your minutes as a Loan ; and that they are liable to be called on for the repayment of the same. Your Memorialists therefore are obliged to solicit the Indulgent Attention of your Honourable House on this occasion, confidently hoping you will be pleased to order the above Claim to be relinquished. They beg leave at the same time to observe, that the same cause, which produced the former Memorial still exists with equal force — and that the Pennsylvania Hospital now stands in the greatest need of support, public as well as private. Pennsvlvanh Hosi'iTAL, 3d mo, 6th, 17S3. The Committee also prepared the following "brief view," for Brief \ lew the Assembly, which proved successful and the claim was remitted. . , ' presented. Petition of Managers to Asserabl)-. 65 The Members who are so obliging as tn cliliver the Memorial of the MaiiRKers Statement °^ '''^ Pennsylvania Hospital to the Assembly, will please li> be informed— that and Appeal ^'"■' '"'ention of the Memorialists in the Year 1780 was to obtain a gift Irom the to Assembly. Assembly to enable them to pay the Debts of the Hospital, which then amounted to upwards of eleven hundred Pounds in Specie, ft in son)e degree Ici restore the Capital Stock which had sulFered a loss of about eight thousand I'ounds like Money by the receipt of depreciated Currency.' That the Sum received in con- sequence of that application was Ten thousand Pounds continental Currency which at sixty-one, for one, the Exchange established by Government amounted lo no more than One liundred & sixty-three Pounds eighteen shillings ft eight pence. That the Managers of the Hospital remained strangers to its being con- sidered as a Loan, until on their Steward lately exhibiting an Account against the State for the board, ftc, of some Soldiers amounting to ^'69 I2.t 01/, it was ordered by the Council to be carried to the Credit of the Money lent lo the Hospital. That the reduced Funds of the Institution makes it necessary for them to be very assiduous in collecting every farthing, that is due thereto on any Account and even then what they receive is insufficient to p.iy the hire of necessary attendants, purchase Wood, and provide bedding, and other conveniences, and puis it out of their Power to take few, but Pay Patients, which is far from being within the original View of the Pennsylvania Hospital. These Considerations, the Managers are persuaded will be sufficient to induce the Assembly to comply with the present Request, and they Hatter them- selves would produce some immediate relief if the state of the Public Finances would possibly admit of it. To this was added subsequently this suggestion, May 6, 1 7S3 : Exemption There is however one Circumstance which the Managers beg leave to men- from Military t'on, and which they hope the Gentlemen to whose Care the present Memorial is Duty, commitled will not think improper — they could wish their Steward was excused from Militia Fines and Duties as in the first place, it is out of his Power to leave his Trust for the Time that is necessary for the purpose ; and the cost of non-com- pliance falls ultimately upon the Hospital. On November 2, 1786, the Managers again jjclitioned tlie .Vsseni- bly to exempt the Steward, Apothecary and Cell Keeper from Military Service, in consideration of the injury to which the patients would be liable when these employees >vould be absent from their post duties. In accordance with this request these officers of the Hospital were exempted by statute from military service. Unclaimed The Memorial to the Assembly, on Second month 25, 1782, prize money resulted in the ai)proi)riation of all unclaimed shares from prizes taken by the .Vmerican privateers and letters of marque, by a special Act. While the amounts ultimately received appeared large, the great depreciation of Continental currency made the donation of cotnpara- * Exact sum, ^8259 ijs id. The expenses of the Hospital, though greatly reduced, were double its fixed income. In 1788-89 it was in such straits that only seventy-seven patients were admitted during the year, of which number only twenty-eight were free or charity patients — the average number under treatment being forty -seven, mostly incurable lunatics. 66 lively little value for the purpose of defraying current exjienses. These unclaimed shares were those of seamen and others killed in naval engagements or lost at sea, who had no surviving relatives to claim the amounts belonging to them. It was deemed advisable by the Board at a Meeting held Committee on March 2, 1786, to appoint a Committee on Economy with powers Economy, not very clearly defined, but which proved to be very extensive. While great service was undoubtedly rendered by this Committee, the fact remained that, probably on account of its activity and efficienc}-, it became very unpopular with some of the Managers, subsequently, who thought it too officious and unduly interfering. This finally led to a spirited dispute in 1828, which proved to be the only serious disa- greement recorded during the existence of the Hospital. (Page 85.) The American Philosophical Society sent an invitation to the Eulogium on Hospital officials to meet with this Society at the German Lutheran Fr.inklin. Church on Fourth above Arch Street, on March ist, 1791, to hear an Eulogium on the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, by the Rev. William Smith. This invitation was accepted by the Managers. Among the distinguished guests ]5resent were President and Mrs. Washington, the Vice-President and Mrs. Adams, the Congress of the United States, the Governor, and State Legislature, and a large number of prominent citizens. In the spring of 1798, when the Managers were using every Franklin's endeavor to increase the funds of the Hospital, a rumor became Legacy, current in the city that Franklin had left a considerable legacy to the Hospital of which no public acknowledgment had ever been made. The following letter, signed by eighteen contributors was received by the Managers : Pennsylvania Hospital, 30 Ap. 1798. GenllemcH : There having been published in the News Papers a piece intimating that the plan of the Pennsylvania Hospital has not been approved by the Contributors ; also that the late Doctor Franklin left a considerable Legacy which has added to the funds of the Institution of which no account has been given to the Public, We request you in order to remove any improper impressions that may have been made on the minds of the people to the prejudice of the Hospital in respect to the said Plan & Legacy to publish in one of the news papers of the City, the E.xtract of Doc. Franklin's Will with the Minute made by the Managers on the 31st of 5th mo. and the 2Sth of 6th mo., 1790; also the minutes of the Contributors on the said Will dated the 13th of 7th mo., 1790, together with the minutes of the Contributors made at their especial Meeting the 1st of the 2d month, 1794, respecting the plan of the new building, etc. The Managers agreed to publish the extracts from the will of Doctor Franklin and also the minutes as requested in one of the papers as follows ; 67 Extract from Franklin's Will. Report of Committee upon Franklin's Accounts. Contributors discuss Franklin's Legacy. E.xtract of Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Will, dated the 17th July, 1788 : " During the number of years I was in the business as a Stationer, Printer and Post .Master a great many small sums became due to me for books, advertise- ments, postage of letters and other matters which were not collected when in ■757 I was sent to Kiigland by the .'Vssembly as their Agent and by subsequent appointments continued there until 1775 when on my return I was immediately engaged in the Affairs of Congress and sent to France in 1776 where I remained Nine Years not returning till 1785; and the said debts not being demanded in such a length of time are become in a manner obsolete yet are nevertheless justly due. These as they stated in my great folio " Ledger E." I bequeath to the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, hoping that those debtors and the descendants of such as are deceased who now as I find make some difliculties of satisfying such antiquated demands as just debts may however be induced to pay or give them as Charity to that excellent Institution. lam sensible that much must inevitably be lost but I hope something considerable may be recovered. It is possible too that some of the Parties charged may have existing old unsettled Accounts against me in which case the Managers of the .said Hospital will allow and deduct the Amount or pay the balance if they find it against me." The circumstances under which this legacy is left to the Contributors being considered, it is agreed that it will be improper to conclude either to accept or resign it without further consideration ; for the present the Board appoint Elliston Perot and Cornelius Barnes to take off from Benjamin Franklin's " Ledger E," the several balances due thereon, which Committee are requested to obtain what Information they can respecting the debts and to call a special Meeting when they are ready to report. The Committee appointed to examine the Ledger of the late Doctor Franklin and to report thereon, now produced^ a State of several Accounts arranged in Alphabetical Order on the whole of which there ap|iears a balance due to his Estate of Five thousand five hundred and eight Pounds 14-1. They also report they find divers blanks debits and credits, the amounts of which they arc not able to ascertain ; the Committee further report they called on several Persons who appear to be in Debt, some of whom say they have Accounts against the Doctor exceeding considerably his demands .against them ; Others say the Estates of their Predecessors have been settled many Years since and Division made, so that they cannot consent to admit of any such antiquated claims ; Upon the whole the Committee conceive there is no probability of the legacy being productive because the Act of Limitations applies against all the demands on the Authority of this Ledger and it being a Condition annexed to the bequest that the balance should be paid by the Contributors if any should be due from the testator's Estate, the Managers cannot therefore accept of this (lift at the risk of paying the debts of the decedent unless the Contributors require them to do it and therefore in Order to know their Opinion and to be enabled to pursue their directions, it is agreed that the Clerk shall advertise a General Meeting of the Contributors to be held at the Hospital on Tuesday, the I3tli of July next at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in order to lay before them an extract of the Will for them to proceed thereon as they apprehend the Occasion requires. The Clerk advertised the Contributors to meet and consider Dr. Franklin's Legacy, who accordingly met, and made the following minutes on the subject : At a general Meeting of the Contributors held seventh month, July ij, 1790, at the Hospital pursuant to Law public Notice thereof being given in two of the 68 News Papers of this City of Philadelphia, advertising them to meet for the Especial purpose of considering of a Legacy left to the Contributors for the Use of the Institution by Dr. Benjamin Franklin deceased and to determine what is proper to be done on the Occasion. * * * '^ * An extract from the last will and Testament of Dr. Benjamin Franklyn deceased was read, which has already been inserted under the Minutes of 5 mo. 3i> 1790- The Minutes of the Managers respecting the Case were then read likewise The Con- the Report of the Committee appointed by them to adjust the balances of the said tributors Ledger and the answers they received from a number of Persons to whom they Decline the have applied and who appear to be in debt ; An alphabetical List of the debts Conditional taken by the same Committee was also inspected and a general view of the Ledger Bequest, taken by the Contributors, from which it appears that many ol the debts are small, numbers of them due from Persons unknown, and all of them from thirty to sixty years old, which precludes every hope of recovering as much as will answer the demands exhibited against the decedent ; it is therefore the uxanimocs OPINION OF ALL THE CONTRIBLTORS PRESENT THAT THIS LEGACV CANNOT WITH S.AFETV BE ACCEPTED. Nevertheless being gratefully sensible of the active part which Doctor Franklyn took in promoting the Institution and having experienced the benefits of his benevolent Exertions for the Interests thereof on various occasions, they lament the Necessity they are under of declining to accept of a legacy from which the Doctor expresses a hope that something considerable might be recovered but which the Contributors have great reason to believe will never be the Case ; Under these Impressions it is agreed that the Managers should return the Ledger to Dr. Franklyn's executors with a Copy of this Minute. Signed in behalf and by desire of the Contributors. James Pemberto.n President. Witness : Samuel Co.a.tes Clerk. On April 30, 1792, however, the minutes state that: A curious Bedstead is presented for the use of ye Patients, by the Executors of Dr. B. Franklin, at his request in his life lime, which the Steward is to put in the long Room against ye next Meeting. A special meeting was held, at the house of Samuel Coates, 8 mo, 28, 1793, Yellow Fever for the purpose of looking into a violation of the rules of the Hospital on account Patients, of patients having been admitted, said to be suffering from " yellow fever." It having been learned that Two men had lately been admitted who were infected with a putrid malignant fever, which now prevails in the city ; one of whom (a negro) died the morning after he came in ; and the other supposed to be in the last stage of Yellow Fever, for which there is great reason to fear the spreading thereof, to the danger of the other patients in the House ; as well as communicating therewith. Dr. Foulke, under whose authority the patients had been admitted. was requested To visit the patients and investigate the matter, and do everything in his power to prevent the increase of this disorder in the family. Being thoroughly aroused to the impending danger from the epidemic, it was agreed that every physician should exercise e.xtra 69 caution in his examination of |)a'lients, especially those with fevers, before admitting them to the wards of the Hos|)ital. Yellow Fever A refuge had been provided by the authorities at " Hush Hill," Hospital, j^ ^ house and property of William Hamilton, which had been taken by the city |>hysicians as a Hospital to accommodate yellow fever patients and other victims of epidemic disease. The Managers, there- fore, were confirmed in their position that it was not their duty to receive such ]iatients, for fear of spreading the disease in the more thickly settled part of the cit)-. The condition of affairs in Philadelphia at this time wasai)palling ; the minutes of September 30, 1793, state : Tin- Yellow Fever raging in the city with great violence, a Board of Man- agers cannot be expected to meet until it abates, many of them being out of town or sick, and Cornelius Barnes dead. It is agreed by the Managers present that each of them will attend and do the duty of the sitting Managers, the ensuing month, (if their health permits) as often as they can. An attempt to hold a meeting to consider the cases of two patients in the Regular house rey I felt — and that I thought he required more assistance than he had — I mentioned that if he would accept my offer I would send Francis Higgins to his aid who was Steward of the Hospital, it had formerly been a prison keeper & used to their schemes & knew how to counteract them ; if that wo'd not answer his purpose if he desired it I would go to the Governor & request a further Guard to protect 72 him — he told me he was much obliged to me, but it was unnecessary — that they well knew he was well provided with Arms & pointing to Samuel several Musquets in the room he took up one with the bayonet fixed "^''^^ * &: presented it towards the Wall of his room sang ' I am ready for them, but there is no Danger ' — I told him keep a good lookout for I was confident they would try to escape, & left him; but in parting he asked me if I would go in the yard & see the Prisoners at their work. I excused myself for that time, &: said goodby, perhaps I may come another time — from the Gaol I proceeded immediately towards my own house to enquire how matters were at home, having received a hint that some thieves had entered my next Neighbour's house in the Night, — In my way home, in less than 5 minutes as I believe after I left Robert & when I had just reached Friends' Almshouse, I heard the sound of a Drum ; It startled me very much for Drum was never but then sounded in the City in the fever of 1 798 — I instantly turned round, knowing there must be trouble in the Gaol — I now hurried to it, & found Edw'd before the Gaol with a box of cartridges made up, & a number of People running to it from the State house which at that time was the rendevous of the Committee of Health with all their attendants — and just before we got to the Gaol steps a Musquet was fired. "On entering the house Robert Wharton accosted me thus: ' O Samuel \vhat you said has happened already.' " The warning which Mr. Coates gave to Robert Wharton prepared him to arm himself and run to the rescue of a keeper named Evans, just in time, as it appeared, to save his life. It was certainly an odd coincidence that Mr. Coates should have stopped at the prison to warn his friend Wharton of the threatened outbreak, as a result of a vivid dream, and that the rising of the prisoners should have taken place almost immediately afterward.^ I ' la Scharf and Wcslcott's History of Philadelphia this incident of the epidemic is referred to more in detail. " The fever made its appearance in the Walnut Street prison on the 13th or 14th of September, and its mortality was severe. There were then three hundred persons in confinement, including debtors. This disaster rendered it necessary to remove as many as could be safely taken away. . . . Some of those who remained became desperate and on the iSth made a bold attempt to escape. This was not a general movement on the part of the prisoners. Some of the convicts confined in the East wing took advantage of the visit of Dr. Duffield to seize the key and make an effort to escape. They knocked down Mr, Evans, a constable, who was acting as deputy keeper, and then called to the other convicts in the yard to aid them. Robert Wharton, then an alderman of the city, who was in another part of the jail, ran to the assistance of the keeper. When he arrived. Miller, the ringleader, had an axe raised to kill Evans. Wharton and G. Gass, an assistant keeper, seeing this, both fired their muskets at the same time. One of the balls (supposed to be from the musket of Gass) broke the right arm of Miller and entered his body. Vaughan, another convict, struck Evans with a bar of iron, and retreated into his apartment. Evans pursued him, and fired at him, sending a ball into his lungs. Another convict was wounded by a bayonet in the hands of a prisoner, a negro, who sided with the keepers. The majority of the convicts had nothing to do with this attempt. It commenced and ended with its projectors. Seven prisoners broke out afterwards by undermining the prison walls, and escaped." Vol. I., page 495. 73 In I'hiladelphia, during the summers of 1794, 1795 ■'"'^ '79*^' Yellow Fever Yellow Fever was epidemic, with an average mortality of about 800 per Ravages, y^^^.^ j^ j^^^ the deaths were 1,292. In 179.S no less than 3,645 persons succumbed to the iJesiilence. Tiiis ci)idemic continued for several years. In 1799 there were 1,015, '"1802,307; in 1803, 199; in 1805, 400; in 1819, 20; in 1820, 93 deaths. Then followed a period of immunity for thirty-three years, in 1853 there were 12S deaths; but other epidemics prevailed. Smallpox claimed 485 victims during the season of 1823-24; 427 deaths in 1852; 75H in 1861 ; 524 in 1865, and 4,464 in 1871-72. Asiatic cholera carried off 935 of the citizens in 1832, and 1,012 in 1849. Scarlet fever made ravages during the years 1861, 1865 and 1870, for each of these years respec- tively, the deaths numbering: 1,190, 624, 799 and 956. These figures are here referred to in order to explain the state of i>anic which prevailed at times, when several of the managers and ])hysicians temporarily left the city. The operations of the Hospital were subsequently interru])ted only once by an epidemic, and this was of less severity tiian those which occurred about the beginning of the century. The minutes of July 9, 1832, state that Cholera The Board was .issembled in consequence of the apprehension of the occur- Epidemic. rence of pestilential disease of the character which has made its appearance in New York, and wishing to l)e informed what me.nsures shall be adopted 10 provide for surgical and other cases after it may be deemed improper to receive them into the apartments of the Hospital. The fear of the ci)idemic was not without foundation, although the general exodus which characterized that of yellow fever did not obtain this year. The first case of cholera occurred on July 5th, the next on the 9th : these were followed on the 13th and 14th by three deaths. After the 14th the epidemic lingered. There were only three or four cases a day until about the 27th or 28th of July, when the .epidemic fairly set in. The cholera lasted until the fourth of October. .-Vltogether there were two thousand three hundred and fourteen cases reported in the city with nine hundred and thirty-five deaths. Meeting of The first meeting of the Contributors was held on July 1, 1751, Managers at the State House on Chestnut Street, when, in jjursuance of the _ [outside of Act of .\ssembly, they organized and elected twelve Managers and a the Hospital, treasurer. > ' The Legislative body first occupied the Stale House in October, 1735. A room in the State House was appropriated to the pubhc library of the city of Philadelphia in 1739. On March 17, i8o3, the Legislature granted permission to Charles Wilson Pcale to use the upper story and the eastern end of the lower story of the State House for his Museum, which was, in February, 1821, incorporated by act of Legislature mto the Philadelphia Museum Company. Originally Mr. Peale had opened |hc museum at his residence, comer of 1'hird and Lombard Streets. 74 The Royal Standard Tavern, a famous house, was located on Market Street near Second, and was kept by Henry Pratt. After his Places where decease his widow, Rebecca Pratt, succeeded to the proprietorship Meetings were held and the house then became known as "Widow Pratt's Standard outside of the Tavern." The first meeting of the recently elected Managers was Hospital, held at this place on July 2, 1751. There were no meetings of the Managers from June 20th until September 5, 1751, when Dr. Thomas Bond, the President, Joshua Crosby, and John Smith, met here to consider the " beginning of the Hospital in a private house to accom- modate a few patients, until the Hospital is built, also the rules for the admission of patients." Another meeting was held here on October 27, 1751. The election of Managers had been held at the State House or Court House for several years, until .-^pril i, 1756, when the new Hospital being sufficiently completed to afford the accommodations for the purpose, the Managers decided to hold all future meetings there. This was not strictly adhered to, as meetings were appointed to be held elsewhere, at taverns and citizens' houses. On November 8, 1762, a meeting of the Managers and Treasurer was held in the Warden's Room at the Court-House, when " they were informed by Dr. Shippen, Jr., lately arrived from London, that seven cases con- taining anatomical drawings, etc., sent by Dr. John Fothergill, had reached this port." The first session of Congress in the Court House building commenced March 4, 1770; and the last session ended May 14, iSoo. The Old London Coffee House was more generally known simply as the " Coffee House." The more important public demonstrations in Philadelphia in connection with political and other events for many years occurred at this popular hostelry, which was located at the southwest corner of Front and Market Streets. It had a large shed extending over the entire sidewalk to the curbstone. Watson's Annals represents the old building with the addition in the foreground of a group of negro slaves being sold at auction and standing on a platform made of boards resting on two barrels. May 27, 1762, a meeting of Managers held here to consider the sale of the John Jones house, which ])roperty had been beijueathed by Jones, a cordwainer, to the Hospital. .Another meeting was held on .August 2, 1762, to execute a power of attorney to James Tilghman to enable him to collect the Christopher Brown legacy in Maryland, and still another on May 27, 1765, when the Managers met to approve a letter to Dr. John Fothergill. There was another " London CofTee House," said to liave been located at Carpenter's Wharf, on Front Street below Black Horse Alley. Davenport's Tavern, or " The Bunch of Grapes," was formerl)- called the " Bull's Head ; " it was situated on Third below Mulberry (now Arch) Street. .August 28, 1769, the Managers " adjourned to meet at Davenport's Tavern, to consider the matter of employing an .Vpothecary and Steward." A committee was also appointed at this Meeting to purchase material and employ tradesmen to erect the famous building afterwards known as the " Elaboratory," whi( h figures consi)icuousiy several times in the annals of the Hospital. A tavern located in Bank .Street had tor its sign a portrait of Burns. A meeting was held May 14-15, 1770, at '• ]!urns' Tavern" to discuss the preceding measures, and " the result submitted to the Physicians who agreed to meet together to consider the same and give us their sentiments thereon." One important matter brought up was the excessive rates charged by the apothecaries of the town for the drugs furnished to the Hospital. AH further supply was by reso- lution agreed to be ordered from London, except such as should be wanted in cases of extreme emergency. .•\t the same meeting the Managers and Physicians considered " the attendance of the Students who have not paid six Pistoles and their improper conduct while dissecting, also the indiscriminate jjur- chasing of drugs." There were several taverns with the name of " Fleece," the one on Second Street opjjosite Taylor's Alley was the " Golden Fleece ; " here the Managers on April 15, 1771, met to consider some important matters relating to the Pennsylvania Land Company. "The Conestoga Waggon " was located on Market Street above Fourth. It was popular with tlie Military and Western men. October 29, 1771. the Managers met here to |)repare an address to Governor Richard I'enn, congratulating him on his arrival and accession to tiic Government of this Province. Adjoining Friends' Meeting House on Fourth Street was a Com- mittee Room convenient for small meetings. October, 28, 1772, the ALinagers met here " to consider the offer of Thomas Forrest of the undivided fourth part of a lot, in right of his wife, to sell for ^300, out of which he agrees to contribute ;C2^, said lot being situated in the square between Seventh, Eighth, Sjjruce and Pine Streets." Public taverns and Ordinaries were not the only places where the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital held meetings. Several are 76 recorded as having taken place also at the houses of the members of the Board and other citizens. Various' Anions; these, the most interestine; is the meeting of the Mana- =P'^'^'=' ° so Meeting gers and physicians at the house of Dr. Thomas Bond, November 26, |,,3^gj. 1766, to hear him read his Introductory Lecture to a Course of Clinical Observations in the Pennsylvania Hospital, which was after- wards delivered to the students at the Hospital December 3, 1766. This appears in full in the section on Medical Lectures. A special meeting was held at the house of Samuel Coates, on November 2d, 1786, for the purpose of requesting Reynold Keen to deliver a petition (asking for the exemption from militia duty of the Steward, Apothecary and cell keeper) to one of the city members to lay before the Assembly. Another special meeting was held here .August 2S, 1793, in regard to the Yellow Fever, and again September 7, 1795. During the epidemic of Yellow Fever in 1798, the Mana- gers held meetings for the transaction of business at the Middle I-'erry, ■Market Street Schuylkill, until the epidemic subsided. By Act of Assembly of April 11, 1793, the sum of Twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty six dollars and sixty-seven cents were Fvirther granted the Contributors out of the Arrears due to the Commonwealth Grants by under the Loan Office Act of February 26, 1773. The Managers were Assembly, directed to apply the money granted to erect, finish, and furnish for the accommodation of the diseased in body and mind, one building (the west wing) and also one other building (centre building), the first floor being for the accommodation of the managers, physicians, apothecary, steward, matron and other officers and servants of the house, the upper floors to be used for patients. By the same Act, unclaimed dividends of bankrupts' estates were to be paid to them by the Commissioners of Bankrupts, the Contrilnitors to be liable there- for, when claimed, etc. (which yielded in the end, nineteen thousand dollars for maintenance of the Hospital). In the proceedings of December 10, 1795, is recorded the copy of a memorial, which was sent to the Legislature, reciting the forego- ing facts, and requesting an additional grant in order to complete the centre and west wing of the Hospital. It concludes with this power- ful appeal to the members of the Assembly : That unless your Memorialists receive an additional grant it will be impossible for them to proceed in the arduous Duties of their ajjpointment ; of course they will be under the necessity of leaving the buildings in their present unfinished and useless State ; an event which the friends of humanity cannot fail to deplore, who feel for the miseries of their Poor and distressed fellow beings, lingering with sore and afflicting Diseases of body and mind and ready to perish for want of the comforts which such an Institution would afford tliem. Your Mi-niorialists acknuwkilm- with great satisfaction, those liberal uraiits of former assemblies by h liich their Predecessors have been assisted to lay the foundation of this noble anil useful institution. And with reverence to the author of all good, who disposeth the minds of Men to acts of Charily and l.ove they acknowledgetlial they owe its endowment to the liberal contriliutions of benevolent Individuals, by whose voluntary (iifts, thro' the blessing of Providence, they have reason to believe, many thousand Lives have been saved, whose names and cases recor See Works of Art and Memorial Furniture. 80 At a meeting lield Oct. 29, 1804: Samuel Coates presents to the Hospital a Gi-i man Servant C.irl, aged about Domestic years old, named , to remain three years, which the Board Servants accept and request that he will get her Indentures executed. He also offers purchased. , who is now in the house, for Eighty dollars, for the same time, which the Managers agree to pay she consenting thereto ; He likewise offers Francis for E;ighty dollars for three years, which the Board agree to give, Francis Con- senting to Serve, and to perform every duty required of him b)' the Steward ; but the principal Object the Managers have in view, in buying him, is to employ him in the Apothecary Shop, to keep it in good order, and to go of such Errands as may be thought necessary in the Medical Department.' It was ascertained, December 28, 1805, that in virtue of the ten Schuylkill shares owned by the Hospital, the use of Schuylkill water should be ■*™''^''- gratis for three years, thereafter at the rate of fifty dollars per annum. The committee on building the stable and wash-house were Cistern instructed to have a cistern dug to contain forty hogsheads for the water, purpose of washing. Schuylkill water was also to be introduced into the stable and wash-house, July 27, 1807. On May nth, a permit was obtained for the introduction of a pipe From Spruce street under the wall to the green house, the watering com- mittee having consented to grant one. August 21, 1807, the Steward is directed to read in every Ward Rules as to the Rules to be observed by the Patients once in every Month & Patients to to inform them particularly that ^^ '^^'^'^ ■' monthly. If anyone of them persist in smoking of Pipes or Segars after being cautioned by him to desist, such Patients on complaint to the Sitting Managers will be dis- charged for irregular behaviour. The custom of leaving the city during the summer months which began when epidemics threatened or prevailed, subsequently became the fashion. August 25, 1806, there were reported as absentees: Peter Brown, on account of his sickness, Thomas Morris at Long Branch for his health, and Joseph Saunders Lewis, Treasurer, gone to Boston. Pattison Hartshorne and Lawrence Seckel were granted leave of absence. May 27, 1809, it was agreed : pj.^^ To Advertize the Poor from the City or County to come to the Hospital where Vaccination, they will be vaccinated Gratis. On l\Iay 13, 1811, the Managers' fines were increased to fifty pi-.g- cents for total absence and to twenty-five cents for being late at any increased. meeting and no e.xcuse to be admitted for total or partial absence. 1 It was the custom in the early part of last century for immigrants to pay for their passage by personal service, and, under such agreement, many were sold for a term of years, by vessel owners to work out their indebtedness, and, hence, were known as " Redemption Servants.'" Some o( them afterwards acquired wealth and became influential citizens. (See article on Redemption Servants, in " Watson's Annals of Philadelphia," p 266.) 81 A Model of a Bedstead for diseased Persons invented by John Rhea Barton, Model of a appfC't'ce of the House, and which has met the Approbation of the Physicians Bedstead. '"'^^ presented (Sept. 26, 1814). It appears that the Sitting Maiiamers have Ordered seven Bedsteads on this plan some of which are in Use and have been found to answer better than any heretofore introduced into the Hospital. The Board applaud the ingenuity of the Inventor and return him their thanks for the Model. Apprentices Q„ j^j^y ,(), 1815, it having been made known lo ilie Hoard that the Managers of the Ahiishouse had invited the Apprentices of this House to attend an Operation in that institution : It is Resolved to permit the Medical Apprentices of the Almshouse to attend the Surgical Operations, which may hereafter be performed in the Pennsyl- Hospital. The following resolution, dated June 26. I1S15, from tlie Alms- house and House of Em]>l()yniLiit, was directed, July 31, 1S15, to he put on the Minutes : Rrsoli'id, Tliaf the Medical Students of the Pennsylvania Hospital be per- mitteil to attend the Surgical Operations which may hereafter be performed in this House. Apprentices November 27, 1815, on motion it was agreed : attend , . That the Apprentices of this House have the Libertv of attending the Lectures of Physicians belonging to the University other than those connected with the Institution and the expenses thereof be defrayed out of the general fund. Proposed Correspondence between the Trustees of the University of Clinic for the l>ennsylvania (regarding teaching in the Hospital) and the Managers mverei > o ^ j. ^|^^^ Hospital failed to lead to an\- mutual agreement. Pennsylvania ' - ° November 22, 1817. Gcnilcmen — The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, being desirous to secure to the Pupils of the Medical rJepartmeiit the advantages of a clinical Establishment in which the Treatment i>f the various diseases to which the human Frame is liable may be illustrated under the direction of one of the Professors of the University, have ajjpointed a Committee with power to make the arrange- ments requisite for the Accomplishment of that Object. Persuaded that your Board will be well inclined lo cooperate with the Trus- tees in a matter so highly important to the improvement and dissemination of medical Science, we ofTer to your consideration the following proposals : 1. That there be two Wards of the Hospital, one of the Males the other ot Females, appropriated exclusively to the Clinical Teacher, each Ward of suffi- cient dimensions to accommodate with convenience at least Fifteen Patients — two apartments are of course required in order that the Males and Females may be separated. 2. Besides the miscellaneous Cases in these Wards, the Managers will allot a certain number or portion of the maniacal and Venereal patients to be under the Care of the Teacher. The Hospital will as usual provide competent Nurses, one of whom to be entitled Matron who shall exercise a Controul over the whole. The Matron and Nurses to act under the direction of the Teacher in their care of the Sick subject to the regulations of the Hospital. 82 4. The Prescriptions of the Teacher to be furnished by the Hospital. 5. Tlie Teacher to have the use of the Lecture Room for the accommodation of the Class — the necessary Fuel and Attendants to be supplied by the Hospital. 6. Each Student in the Clinical Establishment shall pay to the Hospital the Sum of Ten dollars for every course of Clinical Lectures he may attend ; and no Candidate shall be admitted to a Degree in the University who does not jjroduce a Certificate of havinp; attended a Course of such Lectures and of having paid the Fee to the Institution. 7. The Clinical Teacher to be responsible for the Observance of such Rules as may be agreed upon with your Board, as to the Conduct of the Pupils. We beg to be favor'd with an answer to these Proposals as soon as may suit your convenience, and should a Conference be deemed advisable, we shall be ready to meet your Board for the furtherance of the wished-for Object With much Respect We Remain, Gentlemen, Your Obed. Servts., Benj.\min Chew, W. Meredith, Mos. Cadwai,.\der. After this proposition had been discussed, it was referred to a Committee which reported as follows : The Committee to whom was referred the communication from the University of Pennsylvania have given to that subject all the attention & deliberation to which, from its interesting complexion, it seemed to be so justly entitled. The interests of medical science are so intimately interwoven not only with the original design but present economy of the Pennsylvania Hospital, that your Committee would cheerfully advocate any plan, having for its object the more eflectual cultivation and diffusion of that important branch of knowledge, but which should not, at the same time, essentially interfere with the long established practice and wholesome regulations of the Hospital. Deeply impressed with these considerations, your Committee convened your Physicians & Surgeons, the Pliysicians of the Lying-in Departments excepted, on whose duties it was supposed the proposals of the University could have no mate- rial bearing — They all attended — The communication from the Trustees was placed in their hands^They have since returned it, with their written opinion, which for your information is herewith submitted. Your Committee have endeavoured to discover whether in any & in what manner the views of the University could be rendered in accordance with your rules, but they have been unsuccessful in the attempt — & report it as the result of their judgment, that the proposals of the University cannot lie carried into effect in the Pennsylvania Hospital. Samuel Coaxes, Thomas Stewakdsok, Thomas P. Cope. Philada., I2th mo. 6th — 1817. The following formal ojjinion was received from the Medical Staff in relation to the subject : The Subscribers are of opinion that the proposals of the Trustees of the University cannot be acceded to without infringing the rights of your physicians. All the patients of the Hospital have heretofore been attended exclusively by Proposition Declined. 83 the physicians and Surgeons whom tlie Managers havt- cliosen — and we bt-lieve that this regulation sliuiild still he observed. Thomas I'akke, JOSEI'H Hahtshokne, John C. Otto, S. Calhoun, Jos. Pakrish. Pennsa. Hosi'ITAI-, Dec. i, 1817. Female At a meeting of the Managers, licld September 14, 1824, the Board of following mintUe was made: Assistants Estiblished Believing that it may tend to the encouragement of the Officers and servants of this Institution in the diligent and faithful discharge of their duty & to the comfort and itni)rovement of the patients were we assisted in the internal manage- ment of the House by some of our discreet and e.\perienced female friends and it having been proposed to Amy Coates, Mary Cope, Catharine W. Morris and Beulah Sansom to join us in this interesting work S: they having kindly signified their Assent; the Board, September 14, 1)^24, thankfully Accejjt their Services and Authorize it empower them either jointly or separately as they shall see fit at all times convenient to themselves to visit and inspect the several Wards & apartments of the Hospital to afTord such counsel and aid to all who are in our employment S: to the patients as they may find occasion for and deem meet and report from lime to time t" the Managers individually or Collectively such altera- tions and improvements in the internal economy of the House as they may judge salutary, useful or needful. Report from To the Managers : Board of Agreeably to your Minute of Appointment dated 9 mo. last, we have fre- Female qently visited the Hospital, and during the course of our attention to the AfTairs A.ssistants. of the Household in its various departments, we are encouraged to believe our exertions altogether useless ; and it is in the pleasing hope that similar appoint- ments in succession will continue to be advantageous to the Institution, that we are free to projiose the enlargement of our number. Pursuant to these views of the subject, we take the liberty of naming for your consideration the election of Hannah Lewis, and Mary Hornor, as our coadjutors. As descriptive of the nature of our engagement, and for the sake of con- venience, we have adopted the title of " The Board of Assistants for the internal management of the Pennsylvania Hospital." With sentiments of respect we remain your friends, Amy Coates, Mary Cope, Catharine W'. Morris and Beui.ah Sansom. 4 mo. 14, 1825. This Board, 4 mo. 30, 1825, being well satisfied that Considerable benefit has oara of fgsyitgj jq (^e Institution from the disinterested services of these Friends f ema e appQJ„{ Hannah Lewis and Mary Mornor to be Members of the said Board of Assistants Assistants. Who are hereafter to be designated, "The Board of Assistants for Increased. ^^^ internal Management of the Hospital " At the annual election, held May 9, 1825, the Board of Assistants for the Internal Management of the Hos])ital were re-elected. The following year, Catharine W. Morris, Hannah Lewis and Mary Coi)e resigned, and their places were filled by the election of Hannah Paul, Martha Johnson and Elizabeth Archer. 84 On December 31, 1827, a communication was received from the "Board of Female Assistants," expressing their disapprobation of Board retaining "a certain employee in the Hospital, in any capacitv what- "^ Female ,,„,,,, / . ... ' , ' , .\ssistaiits ever. 1 he Managers, after due consideration, refused to comply au i- t, j w ith the request. The ladies thereupon tendered their resignations, and the Managers, by motion, declared the organization of the Board of Female .\ssistants abolished. At the same meeting the Managers gave consideration to the End complaints concerning the Committee on Economy, which had been "f Committee in operation since March 1786, (see page 67), and the following °° conom) resolution was offered : Resolved, That so much of any rule of this Board as constitutes a Committee of Economy be and the same is hereby repealed. It is recorded that „ . Resignation The votes being equally divided, the motion did not prevail. Whereupon of Managers. Joseph R. Jenks, resigned his seat as Member of the Committee of Economy, " but not as Manager." Charles Roberts then offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Steward, with the advice of the attending Managers shall have power to employ and discharge the servants and nurses as they may judge proper and the first Rule respecting Nurses and Servants is repealed. The object, evidently, was to abolish the Committee on Economy, which had, according to some of the Managers, overstepped the bounds of their powers in deciding questions which had come before them. The communication from the Female Assistants brought forward the matter, which had been smouldering for some time, to a crisis. The Committee of Economy had been invested with great powers in the control of the internal administration of the affairs, which may have engendered some want of harmony among the other members of the Board. It may be said, however, to the credit of the management that it appears to be the only instance of a disagreement of any importance, which has occurred in the history of the institution. On February 25, 1828, the following communication was Res|gn„,iop5 presented : Sensible that under existing circumstances, we can render you no acceptable or efficient aid, we have concluded to retire and j'ou are therefore no longer to consider us as Members of your Board. Thom.^s p. Cope, Joseph R. Jenks, Joseph Johnson, Israel Cope, Matthew L. Bevan. Philadelphia, February Sjtli, 1S2S. To the Managers. 8^ Roberts \aux was rcciucsted to act as Secretary. The Board being unable to transact business, there being no quorum : It is aKreed that Thomas Slewardsoii, the President, with Thomas Morris, be requested to take legal advice of Charles Chauncey Ksquire, and report thereon. Opmionof At a meeting held March i, iSiS, the following opinion was Charles presented : Chauncev, , ,,, ,- /■■,. r..r. ,• P ■ On the 25th of the present month, five of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital communicated their resignation, in writing, to the Board and retired. The number of the Managers remaining is seven and they have requested legal advice as to their powers and as to the Me.isures proper to be pursued by them. On the whole my advice is that the remaining Managers proceed without delay to fill the vacancies which have occurred in the Board, by the nomination of other Contributors, which Measure, I think is to be preferred to their under- taking to act witliout a full Board, because neither the labor nor the responsibility of this Trust, ought to rest upon so small a number of Managers. Ch.xkles Chau.ncev. Philadelphia, February 29th, 1828. Acting on The following resolution was then unanimously ado])ted : Advice of Where.^s by the resignation of Thomas P. Cope, Joseph Johnson, Joseph R. Counsel, j^.^^jg^ Israel Cope and Matthew L. Bevan which was made to this Board on the 2,slh instant, the said i)ersons having refused to act as Managers and retired from the office and five vancancies thereby exist, the rest of the .Managers think fit to nominate others of the Contributors to supply the place of said persons; and will therefore proceed to such nomination and appointment. Joseph Price, Alexander VV. Johnston, Mordecai Lewis, John J. Smith and Bartholomew WIstar were appointed in the place of the persons resigned. Centennial The first official recognition and celebration of the birthday ot Celebration Cen. Washington, occurred during his lifetime, in 1788, when the of the Birth of <^„|,reme Executive Council of Pennsylvania ordered salutes of ing on. jj|.jj]|g|.y fQ jjg jj^gj jj, |.,J5 honor, but his friends and admirers had, previously to this, met and informally established a custom, which was so well sustained by public opinion that it subsequently received the sanction of the City authorities. After his death, the celebration was distinguished by special enactment of Congress, then holding its closing session in Philadelphia. It was recommended by a|)propriaie resolutions, that the 2 2d of February, 1800, should be observed throughout the United States as a day set apart for exercises manifesting the popular esteem for the character of Washington. In Philadeli)hia, there was a public procession under the direction of the Society of the Cincinnati and also a parade of the Masonic fraternity and of the Military, and a])propriale addresses were delivered. In the year 1S32, occurred the centennial anniversary of Wash- ington's birthday, and it was celebrated with special distinction. A 86 Urge civic parade was a prominent part of the proceedings. In tiie ceremonies the Firemen's and Odd Fellows' organizations appeared for Centennial the first time in public procession. Every interest in the city was Anniversary, , , ,.,.,.. ,1 J 1 1 • Washington's sought to be enlisted in this immense display, and the peace-loving Bir.i,H„„ Managers of the Hospital were even invited to participate, as will be seen in the following formal invitation which was inserted in the minutes, but the action taken by the Board u])on the matter is not recorded. CE:VTE!VNUL CEIiEBRATIOIV. Sib, — ^The Committee of Arrangement, appointed by the Citi- zens of the City and County of Philadelphia, beg leave to ,■ address you as Chief Officer of /e imrtiduced into the Hos- pitals so far as circumstances will permit and a prudent and economical adminis- tration of the funds of the Institution will warrant it, and whereas the present Building will soon retpiire extensive repairs which may he more economically and conveniently efTected in conjunction with the desired improvements than if both should be earned on separately from each other : and where.as it is presumed that Ivihrary, lookin>^ East. the Pin sicians and surgeons of the house can give the Managers iinp(jrtai,t and valued advice on the subject, therefore. Kisiili'fil, that they be respectfully requested to furnish the Board as soon as they can conveniently do so, with a detailed plan of such alterations in the Hospital Buildings as in their oi)inion will best i)romote the object in view- together with their reasons therefore. The Medical Staff having been duly consulted, the work was commenced early in 1845. In March, 1S47, the Committee reported completion of improvements which cost 515,500, in addition an . expense of $5,000 for warming the house, .\mong the many changes made, the report stated that there ha 1 been a change in location of the Med cal l-ibrarv. 90 The large room in tlie second story of the Centre Building,' formerly used as a female medical ward, has been handsomely fitted up for the reception of the Library ; the expense has been defrayed out of the " Medical Fund." With regard to the alterations, the Btiilding Committee reported : Hospital , , , ,. , Remodelled. Little more than the old walls of the transverse sections and the belfry on the Tower remain to remind us of the past. .-Vjjril 24, 1848, the following appears upon the minutes : Several gentlemen having contributed the sum of I510 for the purpose of Trees having trees jilanted around tlie outside of the Hospital Square, the Treasurer is Planted, instructed to take account thereof and to give to such of the donors as were not heretofore contributors and have in this case made the legal contribution, certificates of Contributionship. He is also requested to pay the money over to the Steward of the Pennsylvania Hospital in the City, who is instructed to see to the application of the fund in company with the attending Managers. The exterior of the Centre Building remains to-day very much as Centre it was originally in 1796, but the interior arrangements have been Building- altered materially. On the third floor there is now one large ward, extending along tlie entire south front. .-\n improvement was also made in the amphitheatre, '■ By means of which there is a gain of about fifty seats, making accommo- dations for about three hundred students." " In the Hall the old wooden floors were replaced by handsome tiles." February 25, 1850, the Managers Change of Entrance. Hisolved, That it is expedient that the entrance on Pine Street shall be permanently closed for the admission and discharge of patients within eighteen months from the present time. January 27, 1851, the Managers voted : That the j)rincipal entrance to the Hospital be removed to Eighth Street. The building at the Eighth Street entrance, which was built for the gatekee[)er's Lodge, has a front of seventy feet on Eighth Street. In the centre is an arched gateway, which is the principal carriage entrance to the enclosure. There are also waiting-rooms for patients. The Contributors, at a meeting held May 14, 1855, requested the Managers to take energetic measures to obtain such an amount of subscriptions as would enable them to put up a separate building to accommodate the male patients of the insane department in West Philadelphia. The following Contributors were appointed to assist the Managers : Isaac Collins, Frederick Fraley, William Bettle, William Welsh,* Wistar Morris, Samuel Mason, Thomas Tasker, Horatio C. Wood. At the annual meeting. May, 1856, the Managers state that : It has not been customary to report to the Contributors the state of the Hospital in the city, but merely to submit at their annual meetings a condensed * this apartment has been used, since that time, also as the Managers' Meeting Room. 91 statement of the accounts, a few copies of which have l>eeii subsequently printed Annual ^"'' circulated. The Board deem it advisable, as well as due to those who arc Reports '"'cesled in this Charity, to maUe them more fully acquainted with its peculiar Issued situation at this time. From that time to llic present, the reports of all the departments, compiled by the Managers and Stewards, have been submitted to the Contributors at the annual meeting, the first Monday in May of each year, and afterwards published in ])amphlet form for distribution to the friends of the Hospital. The last annual reports of the several departments have been durably bound in black cloth, making a handsome volume. Picture Qf, July 2(3^ 1 85 4, the College of Physicians of Philadelphia ease [g^g^j ((.jg i}„iiding on Spruce Street for holding its meetings and College of library and it was so occupied until 1870, when the College moved Physicians, into its Own commodious, fireproof building at the corner of Thir- teenth and Locust Streets. Humane An unexpected source of assistance was found in the dissolution f"*^'h'^ of the Humane Society of Philadelphia. The object of this organi- zation was the recovery of drowned persons, the giving of medals for saving hiunan life, also to offer aid to those suffering from ca.sualties. A considerable fund having accumulated in the course of years, which the Society found difficult to expend for the purjjoses specified, the Contributors to the Hiunane Society concluded to petition the Legis- lature for the privilege of transferring its funds, then amounting to §22,478.50, to the Pennsylvania Hospital. On September 29, 1856, when the subject of the transfer of the funds of this Society to the Hospital was submitted to the Board, the following communication was sent in reply : PiilLADELi'Hl.v, gth mo. 10th, 1S56. To Ihe PrcsidenI and Managers of the Humane Society : I hereby certify that no objection has been made to me by any of the Contri- butors to the funds of this Society, or by any of their legal representatives, to the transfer of the said funds to the Pennsylvania Hospital. (Signed) Alex. J. Derbvshirk, .Sir. \\'hereu])on the following preamble and resolutions were adopted by the Humane Society, and a copy transmitted to the Hoard of Managers : VVIIKREAS, by an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved on the 17th day of March, 18.56, (a copy of which the Secretary is hereby requested to enter on the Minute Book after the record of the present meeting), the Managers of the Humane Society are authorized, on com- plying with the directions therein contained, to transfer, convey, and deliver to the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, all the funds, stocks, money and property of the said Humane Society. And whereas the notice prescribed in 92 Section I of said Act lias been published In the " North American and United States Gazette" and the " Daily News," two of the daily newspapers of the City of Philadelphia, twice a week from the 19th day of Fourth Month to the 19th day of Seventh Month, 1S56. And whereas the Secretary has this day certified that no objection has been made to him by any of the Contributors to the funds of the Humane Society or by any of their legal representatives to the transfer of the said funds to the Pennsylvania Hospital : Now therefore be it Kcsolfcd, That the President and Secretary be and they hereby are, authorized and instructed to transfer, convey and hand over to the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital as soon as they conveniently can, all the funds, stocks, money and property of this Society, and receive from the said Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital an acknowldgement thereof. Resolved, That the Treasurer be and he hereb)- is, directed to surrender and pay over to the said Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, whenever the President and Secretary shall direct him so to do, all the cash, stocks, loans and other securities belonging to this Society that may be remaining in his hands, after the payment of the orders authorized to be drawn upon him.' (Signed dy Officers of Humane Society.) The money was accordingly conveyed to the treasury of the Hospital to be used for charitable purposes in caring for the sick and injured, and the Humane Society, which was established in 1780, dissolved its organization and passed out of existence after an honor- able and useful career of seventy-six years. On lanuary 28, i8?6, the following memorial to the Legislature ...... , -' • ' ^ ' " o Limitation of applying for an amendment to the Charter to enable the Hosjjital to Estate held receive and hold contributions, bequests, etc., to an increased amount by Hospital the sum of which shall not exceed §50,000 annually, was read and E.xtended. directed to be forwarded to Harrisburg : To the Senate and Hoitsc of Representatives of the Commoiiweallh of Pennsylvania. The memorial of the Hoard of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital respectfully represents That in the year 1751 a number of the benevolent Citizens of the Common- wealth associated together to establish in the City of Philadelphia a Hospital for the relief of tiie sick poor and insane of the Province, that a Charter was soon after granted to "The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital " and that since that period it has been dispensing its benefits, as far as its means would permit through every section of the State. Your memorialists would further represent > that with the e.xception of some assistance granted by the Provincial Assembly and an early Legislature towards the erection of the original Structure, it has always depended for its support upon the Contributions of the benevolent and the income from its vested funds derived from the same source, and that from its ^ The following is a list of securities received by the Pennsylvania Hospital from the Humane Society: Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Certificates, ^,000: City Sixes, five Certificates, ^5. 500 ; Insurance Co., North America, no shares : Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 112 shares ; Philadel- phia Banli, seven shares; Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Co., three shares; Mortgage, (Christopher VV. Wesselmann), ^1,500; Mortgage, (Jesse Williams), $1,000; Check on Philadelphia Bank, $166. Acknowledged by Treasurer John T. Lewis. 93 Limiting the Income of certain Cliaritable Institutions. Sick and ■ Wounded Soldiers and Sailors. Wounded Soldiers. openinj; in 1752, to the close of the last official year no less than 5S.749 patients were received and treated in its wards, and of these 34,018 were jioor persons who received all the advantages of the Institution without charge of any kind: With the increased demands upon the two branches of this great Charity, your memo- rialists have steadily endeavored to enlarge their accommodations and are now engaged in securing the means of putting up a large building for the insane, which with their present Hospital in the City, will enable them to add largely to their means of usefulness should their income be sufTicient to support the additional number who can then be received. Your memorialists would therefore pray your honorable bodies that "the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital " may receive and hold any bequests or contributions made Ihem for the purpose of e.vtending the accommodations of the indigent sick and insane of Pennsylvania, and that they may hold vested funds devoted to this olyect, the annual income of which does not e.vceed Fifty thousand dollars. The appeal proved successful and the following was enacted : mereas. The contributors to the Pennsylvania hospital have existed as a Corporation for upwards of a century to the great benefit and relief of many thousanils of sick, wounded and insane persons admitted therein for treatment, and has been wholly sustained by private charity and without any charge upon the public treasury: And whereas, The said corporation has now two large buildings, and the inmates thereof to sustain by the income of its invested capital and are about to erect another that the se.\es of the insane department may be separately accommodated, which will require an increase of revenue to sustain it ; be it, therefore, further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said contribu- tors to the Pennsylvania hospital may acquire and hold for the maintenance and support of the several departments, and the inmates thereof, ground rents, bonds and mortgages, public and corporate loans and Stocks, to produce an annual income, together with such investments now held, not exceeding in the whole fifty thousand dollars per annum. Approved, The Twenty-first day of .March, .\nno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. (Signed) Jamks Pollock, GDvernor. The Managers in their annual reijort at a Contributors' Meeting held May, 1861, made mention of the special needs of the Institu- tion, particularly mentioning the prospective demands likely to be made by the Civil War, which had just begun antl wiiirli is referred to in the following terms : At the present time, when our country is threatened with the terrible scourge, war, it behooves us to endeavor to be prepared by every means in our power, to relitve these who may be sufferers from the insep:irable ills which must follow in its train, and that not one applicant should be allowed to leave our gate while there is room to acconwnodate, because the funds adequate to relieve are wanted. The following communication was received on October 27, 1861 : StJRGEON General's Office, State of Pennsvlvania. Mr. Wm. G. Malin, Steward. Dear Sir. — I have been requested on behalf of the United States to ask how many patients the Pennsylvania Hospital will offer to take and the rate of board. 94 I have suggested Jj per week, and said I had been informed that the Hoard had offered at least loo beds. Will yon promptly reply as I have promised an answer by 9.30 to-morrow ? Of course you can obtain the desired information either to-night or to-morrow morning as it is an emergency and I think the acting Managers will and can promptly res])ond. Until the arrangement is completed let this application be confidential. Send word by bearer what you can do to aid me in the matter and oblige, Yours respectfully, Henrv H. Smith. It was found that the Ho.spital could at oiice receive si.\ty jiatients Accommo- and be |)repared very promptly to admit eighty additional. A com- dation for mittee was aijpointed to confer with Surgeon General Smith and to ^ ' ' '^ Wounded prepare at once for ihe reception of the Soldiers and also to offer to soldiers the Government ground for tiie erection of temporary hospital offered, accommodation. At a specitl meeting held June 3, 1862, to consider the further Sick and accommodation of sick and wounded soldiers, it was : Wounded Soldiers. Resolved, That all the accommodations in the Institution in the Medical and Surgical wards are again ofiered for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers of our army who may be brought to the Hospital. On June 23d, an agreement was made with reference to tlie admission of Sick and Wounded Soldiers, and a contract was signed with R. H. Coolidge, Medical Inspector U. S. Army. The first reception of wounded soldiers was on July 7th and all were removed by October t3th, the Government having, in the mean- time, erected hoi|)itals in and around Philadelphia. The whole number admitted and treated in the Hospital was 124. Subsequently manv sick or wounded Soldiers and Sailors ajjplied for treatment as individuals and were received into the wards. In I7S4, Franklin wrote that : ' -^ Ministration The kind visits and conversation of some serious persons, and the pious books to the Sick that have been left in the Hospital, recommended to the perusal of the patients, by Visitors. have been attended with a blessing in these respects. It would therefore seem likelx' tliat ministrations to patients were regularly conducted, but no further mention is made of such work for many years. In 1764, a number of Bibles, Testaments and some Sermons were presented to the Hospital by the Society for the Promotion of Religious Knowledge. One of the most attentive and interested visitors to the sick was Visitors. Mr. Edmund J. Yard, affectionately known as Father Yard. He was born in Trenton, N. J., January' 19, 1792, and died in PhiLideljihia, December 5, 1876, aged nearly eighty-five years. He had been a 95 regular worker in tlie wards of the Hospital from his tweiitiuth year of age, in 1812, until his death, in 1S75, administering for sixty-three years to their spiritual wants and j,'iving aid and comfort to the patients. Religious Soon after his settlement in Phila(lel|ihia it became his habit to Work among ^.^^j^^ Sunday afternoons at the Hosi)ital, where his labors were llie Patients. ' , . , ,,. , . , , , , . •. crowned with success. His manner was so kind and tender that it seemed like soothing balm to the sick and wounded. I'rom many patients, after their leaving the Hospital, he received visits at his own lionie, and letters, after their removal from the city, affording; rich testimonials to the character of the good work wrought. Mr. Howard Edwards and Mr. Louis L. Forbes have been visitors in the wards for about thirty years, also taking part in the Sunday services. For the i)ast twenty-two years, Mr. Charles M. Morton hasdevoted much of his time and energy to the conducting of the religious services which are held regularly in the Library apartment of the Hospital, every Sunday afternoon and on Wednesday evenings. These services are non-sectarian, and are made a.s attractive and ])rofitable as possible. Some of the lady visitors conduct the music, with the assistance of the nurses and others connected with the Hospital. Musical and other entertainments are also given several times during the winter, and have jjroved occasions of much enjoyment. The value of these benevolent ministrations among the jiatients in the wards, which for so many years have been so regular and so satis- factory, have repeatedly been acknowledged by resolutions of thanks from the IJoard of Managers. Clergymen of every denomination are fretpiently in attendance and are sent for when desired by jxTtieiits. Coiurihutiiiii On February 22d, 1869, a welcome contribution of $2,000 was from U. S. received from the United States Sanitary (."ommission .Association, anitary ^^,.^j^ ^j^^ condition that it should be aijplied to the relief of sick Commission. ' ■ z^, ., or wounded United States Soldiers or Sailors, or the Orphan Chil- dren of such Soldiers or Sailors who have lost their lives in the United States Service. The donation was received with a vote of thanks, and the treasurer was directed to keep the money in a separate fund, to be expended only for the purposes specified. At an annual meeting of the Contributors, held May 2, 1864, it was Resolved, That tlic Board of i\raiiagcrs be and tliey are hereby recjuested to consider the propriety of selecting and organizing a few Christian women to serve as stated visitors at tlie IVnnsylvania Hospital, to aid in promoting the mental, 96 moral and s|)iriuial svc-lfart- of tlK- patients, anil lliat llie .Managers have the authority to carry the same into effect. In February, 1S65, the Managers recalling the valuable services Official of the former Board of Visitors (see page 84), voted to appoint a ^^°'"'"' ^ ' ° -^ ' ' Visitors, committee of Such ladies as may be deemed suitable to visit the wards of the Hospital, and read and converse with the patients from time to time. 'I'he following communication was received from the Visitors, June 26, 1866, as their first annual report : As it is now more than one year since a company of ladies were invited by the President of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital to confer together on the propriety of forming a committee to visit the patients. After a year's experience we can state that we believe our labor has not been in vain. The plan of organization has been a President, Secretary and Committee for the several wards so arranged that the Hospital has been visited every day during the two summer months. A Bible class for men and another for women have been held weekly ; and several interesting cases of a religious nature have claimed our attention, whose advancement has been promoted we believe by this work, giving us a fresh assurance of the truth; "My word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it sliall jjrosper in the thing whereto I send it." The number of our working members is very small and we trust the Man- agers w-ill aid us by inducing such of their friends as may be suitable to join us in this interesting field of labor. This committee has continued to visit to the present time and has been of uncjuestionable service in ameliorating the condition of many of those whose sufferings have compelled them to become Hospital inmates. With regard to the care of firemen, the following contract with the Philadelphia Contributionship was approved, July 29, 1867. This Agreement between "The Contributors to tlie Pennsylvania Hospital" of the first part; and " The Philadelphia Contril)utionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire" of the second part ; Witnesseth, That the jiarty of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid to the said party of the first part by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath agreed, and by these Presents doth agree, that the said party of the first part, shall and will, at any, and all times hereafter forever, admit and receive into their Hospital, for medical, surgical, and Hospital care, treatment, and maintenance, and upon such admittance and reception, shall and will bestow on the person and persons so admitted and received, such care, treatment and maintenance as aforesaid, without further compensation or payment, either by the said party of the second part, or by the person or persons, so admitted, received, treated, and maintained as aforesaid, than the sum of money now paid as aforesaid, the number, description, and condition of persons hereinafter set forth, whenever the same from time to time, shall be nominated and appointed for such admittance, Report of Woman Visitors. Injured Firemen. Free Beds Established. 97 reception and treatment. l>y the .Board of Directors of the said party of the second part, or their successors in office, that is to say, two persons, and not more than two at one time, hut either separately at difl'erent times, or together at Free Beds the same time, beinj; Firemen, members of the Fire Companies in the City of for Firemen. Philadelpliia in active service for the e.\tinKuishment of Fires, controlled or regulated by ordinance of the said City, and conformint; to the same, and which persons shall or may be from time to lime hereafter, disabled or' hurt in the performance of active service and duty as Firemen as aforesaid, so as to require or need such medical or surgical treatment, care and maintenance. It being understood and provided by both the said parties hereto, that if any such persons so nomin.ited and appointed, adniitteil and received into said Hospital, shall after such reception and treatment be adjudged by the party of the first part, under the advice of the surgeons and medical advisers of the said Hospital, to be incurable of such hurt or disability, the party of the first part, shall not be required to continue said person in said Hospital under this agreement ; But the said party of the second part, by their Board of Directors, shall never- theless always be competent to require that such person shall be continued in the said Hospital under this agreement, for the term of three calendar months from and after his or their first recejnion therein. And it is further agreed and provided that the several persons admitted and received in the said Hospital under this agreement, shall in all respects be subject to the same rules and regulations of (he said Hospital, as shall or may from time to time be in force for the government of patients in the said Hospital. In response to an application, the Mutual Association made a similar agreement : November 14. i,S67. To Ibf Managers ; — N'our application was laid before our board yesterday and they have consented to pay to the Pennsylvania Hospital Five Thousand dollars on the same condi* tions as the Philadelphia Contributionship — they will re()uire the same instrunieiils to be executed by the Hospital. This agreement was made and the money dul\ jiaid to the Treasurer. New At a meeting held October ii, 1867, a conference wiih the Clinical Medical Staff was held in reference to the erection of the new operat- mpu- j^ ^^j lecture-room, theatre. '^ On A])ril 27, 1868, the minutes state that : The design for the contemplated building met with the approval of the Sur- geons and physicians of the Hospital, who had been consulted. The plan is that of an Dctagonal edifice which admits of its being brfiught nearer the central por- tion of the old Hospital building than was thought advisable under plans previ- ■ ously considered. The difficult question of locality is satisfactorily answered by this plan ; and every objection as regards light and air, and ingress and egress in either the old or the new structures, which has presented itself hitherto, is fully avoided by this improved design. The amphitheatre was completed and formally opened January 9, 1869, by an address delivered by Dr. John F. Meigs, of the Medical Staff, to the Managers, and also to four or five hundred physicians and students. Mutual Association Company. 98 By tliL- coniplftioii of tliis building greatly iiicrfased facilities are afforded for the performance of difficult operations requiring a proper admission of light, which will remedy an inconvenience seriously felt in the old operating room, situated as it was in the cupola of the centre of the main building and ill adapted for accommodating the large number of students. The whole cost of the building was $27,072.08, ^vhile the sub- scriptions received from friends amounted to $12,742.82 ; the balance being paid from the Medical Library Fund. This building has been constantly in use since 1868, indeed up to the present time. With the completion of the New Memorial wards, a new operating and general Lecture-room will be required, in addi- tion to the three small operating rooms in the new buildings, so that the octagonal amphitheatre of 1868 is doomed soon to be demol- ished. At a meeting held March 29, 1869, at the request of the Hos- Microscopist. pital Staff, Joseph G. Richardson, M. D., was elected Microscopist to the Hospital. He was succeeded May 4, 1885, by Henry M. Fisher, M. D., the present incumbent. On May 5, 1890, the office was combined with others and Henry M. Fisher, M. D., was desig- nated as Pathologist, Curator, and Microscopist. The office of Pathological Chemist was established November 28, Pathological 1870, at the request of the Hospital Staff, to make such chemical "-''"'^ ■ examinations as may be required, by the direction of the Medical officers. At the date given, Horace Binney Hare, M. D., was elected the Pathological Chemist. This office was abolished May 26, 1879. The Managers, having recently decided to equip bacteriological and chemical laboratories, will probably, in the near future, revive the office of Pathological Chemist. In December, 1870, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania made Pennsylvania application for the use of the Picture House recently vacated by the Historical College of Physicians, to be used for a depository of their collection, "'^"' '' and as a place for meetings. The Society made some additions, by buildings, which included an extension on the east and west sides. The Historical Society occupied the premises until it decided to pur- chase the properly of the late General Patterson at the south-west corner of Thirteenth and Locust Streets, to which it removed its large and valuable collection in March, 1884. The Legislature in 1S71 passed an Act to set back the south line Hospital of Spruce Street, between Eighth and Ninth Streets ; which would \\''>ll- require the removal of the Hospital wall, on that street, about ten feet southward. 99 All Act DffiniiiK llii- liiii; iif Sprui'i' Strict, iRtwciii H^iH'itli and Niiitli Stricls, in the city of Pliiladclpliia. Section I. Bf it enacted &c. That the south line of Spruce Street, between Eighth and Ninth Streets, shall be at the distance of four hundred and sixty feel, three inches (460 fl. 3 in.) southward from the south side of Locust Street. Approved. The tenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. J NO. \V. Geary, Governor. Widening Ihe Managers, in reference to this Act of May lo, 1871, to set of Spruce back the wall on Sjiruce Street, Deem its necessity and propriety somewhat doubtful. If the Hospital is to be indemnified for the property thus taken from it. the setting back of the houses between Seventh and Kightli Streets, and west of Ninth Street, the widening of Barclay Street to si.\ty feet, all improvements gratuitously contributed by the Hospital to the city, should be borne in mind by a municipality which has never afforded aid to the institution although receiving inestimable value in the relief the Hospital has afforded to the helpless in its charge. Subsequently, in the case of the petition to the Court of Com- mon Plea.s to secure the widening of Spruce Street, which was opposed by the Managers, the Court dismissed the petition and Mandamus refused the writ of mandamus apjjlied for by the petitioners. The refused. Managers on their ])art jjetitioned the Legislature for the repeal of the Act authorizing the mutilation of the Hosjiital property, on the ground that it was an act to promote private interests, and not for the general benefit of the people. Soon afterwards the Legislature granted relief by a supplementary act. The carrying out of this Act would have necessitated the destruc- tion of many fine old trees,' which the managers and many of the citizens of the neighborhood were desirous of having preserved. A Supplement to an Act. entitled " An Act defining the line of Spruce Street between Kighth and Ninth Streets, in the city of Philadelphia, approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one." Relief Whereas, By an act of Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved May tenth, granted ""'' thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, it is provided that the sf Steward. I'oniplirnL-n- tary Dinmr. Presentation ofMr. Malin's Portrait. On January 28, 1889, it wa.s resolved, "That two Registrars should be appointed, whose duty it will be to pre])are correct tables of all cases for publication in the Annual Rejjort." The Managers, on October 26, 1885, took the following action in accordance with suggestions made in a communication made by Dr. John B. Chapin : The proposition to enlarjji- tlu- uperations of the ( )nt-l'atient Department of this Hospital, so as to inchide tile service for the medical advice and treatment of mental disea.ses. in the early or incipient sta^e, occurring amonK the poor and iiuiij;ent. hut nctt requiring custor the insane, many of whom, it is believed, might have been relieved by prom|)t anil intelligent advice. The subject of the prevention of insanity and its increase is one that may always eng.ige our serious reflection. It is believed the jiroposition under advisement is in the direction of a preventive measure and therefore worthy of your favorable consider.ition anil adoption. There are no data or experience to warrant an opinion or even a conjecture as to the extent of the demands for the service proposed, or even whether a demand exists, that will justify its permanent establishment. It is therefore projjosed that the step taken (if it shall appear wise to take any action, I be of a tentative character; that public annijuncement be matle that a Physician of the Department for the Insane will be in attentlance at the Out-Patient Department, .it 3 o'clock on Monday and Friday, the second and sixth days of each week, for the gratuitous advice and treatment of the indigent poor, believed to be suffering from the incipient symptoms of insanity, but not requiring custodial care. As the proposed service will be wholly experimental and tentative it is suggested that it be first rendered by physicians now connected with your Department for the Insane, all of whom will volunteer for the duty ; one to be designated by the Managers to make a beginning and serve two months. If the public offer to render to the class thus designated, this additional charitable and professional service, after a fair trial, shall demonstrate that no demand for its continuance exists, it can be abandoned without embarrassment, but if actual trial shall show that it meets a necessary want, and to be in the line of your charitable work, a staff may then be created, as the judgment ol the Managers may di-lermine with the experience actually gained. The proposed branch was established and public clinics api>ointi'd to be held regularly twice a week, which are well attended, and the service has been made permanent. At a mi-eting resented and accepted, to take effect April, i.'fS^. The Medical staff and Resident Physicians, deeming it fitting to take some public notice of the above action of the Hoard of Mana- gers, determined to tender the venerable Steward the honor of a Complimentary Dinner, which he accepted. The dinner was given February 21, 1883, at the Hospital, in the large library room on the second floor of Centre building. Dr. H. H. Smith presided, and Drs. Morton and Hunt were the Committee on .Xrrangenients. An inter- Dr. Morion Mr. Beni. H. Shoemaker Dr. CortWs Dr. ('.. KielHiiiK Blandford Surg. Geii'l Marslon Prof. William Lloyd Dr. William Anderson Dr. Joseph Recamier Prof. Leon Lefort Dr. A. L. Gubb Dr. Woodbury Dr. ChapJn Visitors. esting feature of the occasion was the presentation of a life-size portrait in oil of Mr. Malin, by the ex-Residents and Medical staff to the Managers, which now adorns the wall just outside of the old steward's room. In 1885, the " Association of Resident Physicians" was formed, Association of the intention being to meet each year at the Hospital ; the first meet- '; . ". ^ -' ' ^ Physicians ing was held in the Library of the Hospital on Thursday evening, instituted. December 17, 1885; dinner was served at 6.30, after w^hich several addresses were made ; these reunions have been held on several occasions, at irregular intervals, since that time. The Ninth International Medical Congress was held in the city Foreign of Washington, D. C. ; the Sessions opened on Monday, September 5, 1887, and a number of distinguished medical visitors from all parts of the world were in attendance upon its deliberations, during the week that it remained in session. As some of the delegates to the Congress stopped in Philadelphia for a few days on their way to Washington, it was thought that they might well be entertained by a visit to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Accordingly, the Board of Managers invited them to pay a visit to the Hospital, and arrangements were made to hold an informal Reception, asking some Philadelphia physicians to meet them, and Dr. Thomas G. Morton, of the Hospital Staff, was appointed to hold a surgical clinic, at which some special cases might be presented. The reception was held September ist, at three o'clock. The visitors were received by Messrs. Wistar Morris, Benj. H. Shoemaker, Alexander Biddle, and John B. Garrett, of the Board of Managers, and the members of the Medical Staff were also in attendance, con- sisting of Drs. William Hunt, Thomas G. Morton, John H. Packard^ John Ashhurst, Jr., J. M. Da Costa, James H. Hutchinson, Morris Longstreth, and Arthur V. Meigs. Among the foreign visitors were Dr. Jos. Recamier, of Paris; Dr. Julius Andeer, of Munich; Dr. J. S. Grant Bey, of Egypt ; Dr. Chas. L. Phillips, of Lon- don ; Deputy Surgeon General J. A. Marston, England ; Prof Leon Le Fort, Paris; Dr. Wm. Anderson, London, England; Dr. Wm. Lloyd, of London ; Prof. Wm. Murrell ; Dr. D. Leopold Servais, of Belgium; Dr. J. Cordes, of Geneva; Dr. G. Fielding Blandford, of London, and Dr. A. L. Gubb, of London. A brief address of welcome was then delivered by John B. Garrett, Esq,, representing the Board of Managers, after which some clinical cases of unusual interest were shown, illustrating the practice of the house, by Dr. Morton, and the guests made a tour of inspection, ending with a collation in the Library and a general conversazione. The visitors departed, highly pleased with all ihat they had seen, which had evidently made a very favorable impression upon them. The Nurse i.'or many years previous to 1875, the duty of nursing the sick r.iiniiiK and injured in the Hospital, as was generally the custom in all hos- Honif P't^'s. was entrusted to male nurses and assistants in each of the men's wards, and female nurses and assistants for the women's wards. These positions were given to trustworthy and experienced nurses, although they had no special training in the technical sense. .\bout this time a Committee ajipointcd to establish a " Penn- sylvania Hospital Training School for Nurses," re|)orted favorably upon a plan which was ai^proved and a System of Rules for Nurses in Training adopted. Applicants for the benefits of the School were recpiired to be twenty-one years of age. After a course of training of one year in the wards, both Medical and Surgical, the candidate having the approval of the Managers, Medical Staff and Matron, wa.s presented with a certificate that she had fulfilled all the requirements of the course and approving her good conduct and competency in nursing. In 1875, Miss Frances Irwin was ajjpointed the Chief Nurse to supervise all the wards and served three years. In 1879 the office of Superintendent of Nurses was created. Miss Rachel A. Hunting was ap|)ointed, who, with a corps of women trained under her direction, had the entire charge of the nursing in the female wards. At the close of the first year of trial, the Managers reported, "we believe we can with jiropriety say that in cleanliness, neatness and e.xactness of attention to all requirements and careful tender attention to their surgical and medical patients, the duty performed is all that can be desired." Student The Managers of the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia being "u-*^^ '^"'" desirous that the female nurses in training in that Institution should Hospital ^^^'^ ''^e advantages of at least one year's service in the wards of the Pennsylvania Hospital, application was made to the Managers early in 1879 and after several conferences with a Committee from the Woman's Hospital, this privilege was granted. This plan of introducing woman student nurses from the pupils of the Woman's Hospital was [Jut into operation October 27, 1879, and until 1882 the system continued in efficient o])eration, being carefully supervised for the benefit of patients, and it was found of great value as a practical school in nursing. In 1883, at the request of the managers of the Woman's Hosjjital, who felt the need of a more extended service from the nurses in ilieir 104 own wards, the arrangement which had been in force for four years, to the mutual advantage of both institutions, was terminated. On May 9, 1882, the following communication was received : To THE Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital : Gentlemen. — A resolution was jiassed by the Board of Managers of the Woman's Hospital, at a meeting held 4tli mo., 26th, 1882, to withdraw our nurses from the Pennsylvania Hosiiital. Owing to the length of service required by your worthy management being greater than we can afford to release them from the course of training of the Woman's Hospital, we feel obliged to atitiu 13, 1752, soon after the Hospital was opened. The minutes of Dcp.iitmcnt. January 2, 1753, record that on the above date John Small was admitted to be treated as an Out-Patient ; "a case of periodical Madness." Subsequently the records state " that several out-patients had received the advice of the physicians and the use of the medi- cines received from T.ondon." Medical attendance in the early days of the Hospital was also given the indigent at their own homes, the Apprentices being required " to visit the poor sick in the City." Occasionally the members of the Medical Staff were also called upon to perform this duty. The Hospital then being some distance from the built-up part of the City, a horse was kept for this service. In 1807 the Medical Staff recommended the appointment of Two Medical Gentlemen to visit all pcmr patients laboring under disease who may ap|ily for assistanre, and that llu-ir prescriptions he made up at the Hospital. This plan was adopted and Dr. John Syng Dorsey was placed in charge of the Northern, and Dr. Nathaniel Chapman of the Southern, district of the City. 107 Under this arrangement Drs. Hartshorne, Hryant, Hojikins, Extra-Miiral Betton, Calhoun, Moore, and others subsequently rendered efficient In 1818, when two new dispensaries were established by the City, one in the Northern Liberties, and the other in Southwark, visitation of the poor at their homes and the Out- Patient service of the Hospital were discontinued. There is at present no record of the number of Out-Patients attended before 1797, but from 1797 to 1818, 15,258 persons had been charitably attended and furnished with medicine at the expense of the Hosjjital. Re-ofKan The object in re-organizing this department in 1S72 was in i)art ization of the jq prevent the available means for the relief of recent accidents Jrom tpar - ijgjjjg restricted, and this, it was believed, could be accomplished by relieving the wards of such convalescents as could be safely returned to their homes, and be as well cared for by occasionally presenting themselves at the Out-Department. From 1872 until 1879 ^^^ rooms in the Eighth Street Gate House were used for this service. In 1879 the building known as the " Retreat,"' (also sometimes called " the Lodge") was so occupied, but the numbers applying for relief increased to such an extent, that larger accommodations were demanded. Accordingly, in 1892, a lot of ground 38x100 feet was ])urchased on Spruce Street, directly opposite the Hospital, upon which a building was erected, especially \i.„ designed for the Out-Patient Department, and presented to the Building Hospital by Mr. Garrett, one of the contributors (see illustration). prtsuiuid. ij^ {jjg ygg^^ qC jj^jj. ]„|jiding an Ambulance House was built. In regard to the plan of the new Out-Department, the minutes state that The Committee is iiiuier obligations to Dr. Thomas C;. Morton for many valuable suKKcstions. and for assistance in planning the buildinK : so arranging the rooms and windows as to secure the best accommodations and light for surgical work, as well as l)right, well ventilated rooms for patients while waiting. A memorial tablet records the gift of the building (which, with the ground, cost about $50,000) to the Contributors of the Hospital, as follows : ' In order to afford increased accommodation for the insane women, and to provide rooms for exercise and amu>ement, the Managers, with the consent of the Contributors, in 1825, built a two- story brick structure near the northwest corner of the lot, on Spruce Street below Ninth. On several occasions the neighbors complained of the noises of the insane during their periods of recreation and at other times. In 1S40 the new buildings in West Philadelphia were erected and all the insane patients were taken across the river. Subsequently the Retreat was used as an isolating ward during an epidemic of cholera and for cases of other infectious diseases at various times. On several occasions, while the surgical wards were being repaired or cleaned, the patients were temporarily transferred to the Retreat. It was torn down when the new Out-Patient Department was built in 1893. 108 W' >: ,/ ^ ■■ - -w^. J ^ - 'IH IBB feSRI 1 1 ^^___^^^>^^— rA ^V 1^ Hi v: I- H '"^ ' 1 R feiBI IB V 1 UJ LU DC t- C/) UJ O tr (/5 z 3 OQ z LU < a. o '<•' THIS DKI'ARTMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL HAS BEEN ERECTEO BY WM. E;VAXS f.ARRETT, JR. IN MEMORY OF HIS FATHER WM. EVANS OARRETT BORN 1798. DIED KS65. The daily clinical service for the patients who apply at the Out- Patient Department is now divided into Medical, Surgical, Mental and The " Retreat," or " Lodge," also used for Out-Patient Department. Torn down in 1S93. Nervous. Eye and Ear, Throat and Nose, and Diseases of Women and Children. The details of the service will be mentioned hereafter in considering the present administration of tlie Hospital, and appoint- ments for the different departments About 1873, ^^^ necessity of ])roviding in< reased accommodation, in the wards, especially for surgical cases, was frequently discussed by the Board, and each year the need became more urgent. The ques- tion was referred, from time to time, to various committees of Memorial Pavilions. 109 conference and was carefully considered. The necessity for the erection Enlargcniciit of new buildings attracted the attention not only of the Managers but of the- Hos- jjI^q jjC jj^^, ii^ejicai staff of the Hospital. Modern surgical progress pit.-it ri-ciini- , . ■ ... , . , , , , , , nu-iulid '"^de It impossible to continue any longer in the old methods, and this fact being fully recognized, this subject was finally brought before the contributors at the annual meeting, May 4, 1891, when the Managers reported in the following forcible terms, the great needs of the Hosjjital : The reasons, which but faintly set forth the necessity which exists, have been fre<|uently i)laced before you, they are now forcibly pressed upon us by a direct appeal from tlie whole of the medical and sur);ical staff, asking for more beds, more rooms, more means of relief and cure, if we wish to do the work presenting itself at our doors, and to keep in the front rank of Hospital service. They declare the work done in our field of usefulness as unsurpassed if equalled by any other institution — but what has been done, is not equal to what may be done, and the power for greater work they ask us at any risk and effort to ^ive them. We propose to meet them in the humane, energetic spirit which governs their appeal to us, and we would be recreant to our trust if we did not meet the urgent demands for increased and improved accommodation. We propose this year to construct a buildinji or buildings, with such additions as we are atlvisetl are necessary to place the Hospital on an etpiality with the best modern improvements for work and administrative capacity, and to this end ask your formal approval of the proposetl action for the incoming Board of Managers. The Contributors promptly and unanimously approved the proposition, and directed the Managers to proceed with the work. New The consideration of various plans immediately followed, and Buildmgs after numerous meetings and much discussion, the Medical Staff cted recommended to the Managers, that Dr. Edward Cowles, of Boston, whose scientific and thoroughly practical knowledge of modern hospital construction was generally recognized, should be asked to present a plan for the new buildings. This was agreed to and Dr. Cowles jjtepared a plan, which was approved, and work was commenced in November, 1892, under the su]3ervision of Architect Addison Hutton, and John Sunderland as superintendent. Ceremonv of ^" ^^J' '' '^93' ^''- Benjamin H. Shoemaker, President of the laying Cor- Board of Managers, being absent on account of sickness, Jose|ih B. ner-Stone. Townsend, Es(j., laid the corner-stone of the New Pavilions. The oration was delivered by George W. Biddle, Esq., from whose interesting and elo(juent address the following extracts are made; The family of the late Wistar Morris, a former President of the Board of Managers, h.iving made a munificent contribution (Si,So,ooo), for the erection of a Memorial House in honor of their deceased relative, upon the plot of ground within the present enclosure, which should place the Pine Street Hospital on an equality with the best modern improvenients for work and administrative capacity, the formal approval of the Contributors to the proposed action of the Z o > < < o 2 u s Managers in accepting tliis silt was asked and ot)tained. A year ago. the report of the Managers to the Contributors exhibited a pretty full outline of the Pvtncts character and style of the new constructions, their probable cost and the f^„„. changes made necessary for their erection by the removal of certain existing «. RjfiHI '' - buildings upon the proposed site. One of these changes required the building of a j.i a new Out-Patient Department, which is now finished, and in use, upon the north side of Spruce Street, opposite the Hospital lot. The Nurses' House, also begun in January, 1892. and finished at the close of the same year, gives accom- modation, in single rooms, for forty-two nurses, and thus provides for the eflicient working of this valuable staff of officers. To-day, you are asked to participate in the laying of the corner-stone of the Memorial Buildings, which, under Providence, it is hoped will be the means of maintaining and of greatly e.xtending the good work of this venerable Institution. The citizens of Philadelphia scarcely need to be reminded of the history and work of this Hospital, devoted to the relief of pain and of sickness, which seems to be as much a part of their civic heritage as that other historic building within the sound of whose bell we now are, where over a century ago the Declaration of this Country's Independence was proclaimed to the nations of the world. Ante- dating that event by a score of years, the stream of beneficent usefulness of the Pennsylvania Hospital has flowed steadily and fully during all this space of nearly a century and a half. But little remains to be said except to express the hope that this old Institu- tion, surrounded as it now is with so many fellow-workers in the same cause, may continue w ith them to pour out upon the afflicted, in greater abundance than ever, the benefits which it has heretofore scattered so liberally and indiscriminately upon all : and that the rearing of this new building, the corner-stone of which we are planting to-day, may fructify to the same deeds of beneficence, which have just been so imperfectly referred to, as the original purpose and design of this ancient foundation. It is in place to say here, that the external features of the new constructions will be in perfect harmony with the existing buildings, themselves a model of excellence, in the style of the architecture of the beginning of the last century. The new buildings have been designed in the same spirit, and will be character- ized by the same refined taste, and when finished, will be a great adornment to this part of our city. A great, classical author has said in beginning an account of the life of a dis- tinguished relative, that it is an ancient and honorable custom to describe the actions and character of the mighty dead for the instruction of those coming after them : and that it has ever been permitted to some of them to speak, without arrogance, of their own career of departed glory, for the same purpose. Let us close by saying, how much more applicable is this language to the history of an institution, founded in benevolence and good will to all. which for nearly a century and a half has been daily and actively dispensing its advantages to the afflicted in mind and body, and which is continuing, and we trust will still continue in the future, its labors of charity, with increased strength and renewed vigor, to countless generations to come. The new buildings face Spruce Street and extend 220 feet east Description and west and 124 feet north and south, but, owing to the broken out- "f '''e line, these figures exaggerate the area covered. Memorial The ultimate total capacity of these pavilions will be about 150 beds, of which eighty will be in the four large wards, ten in the women's special ward, twenty in the two children's wards and liie rest in the recovery and ])rivate wards. The cost of the buildings, complete and furnished, will be about $300,000. The basement walls are of Jonesborough granite, the superstructure Philadelphia red brick, with granite trimmings, and roof of slate. New Among the improvements contemplated in the near future are a tiiiiical new Clinical Operating Room and Amphitheatre, and also isolating ■ '"'"'■ pavilion wards for infectious diseases. It is proposed, also, to erect a theatre. 11 new reception ward building for men and women, for which plans will shortly be presented, in relationship with the new operating-room and connected by a corridor with the main buildings. DEPARTMENTS FOR THE INSANE. The ]jrincipal motive which had inspired the founders of the Care of the Pennsylvania Hospital as well as the main argument expressed in the Insane an petition to the Provincial Assembly, afterwards embodied in the Act of ""P^'lln'S Mav II, I7SI, was " the cure and treatment of lunaticks," in order , .. ' ' •> ' foundins the that " they may be restored to reason and become useful members of Hospital, the community." It was principally out of consideration for those unfortunate beings, who through loss of reason had become " a terrour to their neighbours," and for whom no adequate provision had hitherto been made, that the Managers felt the necessity of providing immediate accommodations. They accordingly decided to occupy, temporarily, the building known as Judge Kinsey's Mansion, for hospital purposes. Of the two patients who were admitted on the first day after the doors were open, February ii, 1752, one was a 'Mimatick" recommended by the Visitors of the Poor of the city. It was very soon apparent that neither the house which they had adapted, nor indeed "any other that could be hired " at that time, .\ special had what the Managers were willing to consider as " any convenient huildin.n apartments" for the proper custodial care and treatment of the luna- ""I""'"- tics. This, in their judgment, made it obligatory upon them, at the earliest possible moment, to construct a special Hospital, which should contain the desired conveniences. Plans were accordingly drawn, and, being duly considered and approved, building operations were begun in May 1755. The construction proceeded slowly, but steadily, until the Fast wing of the Pine Street Hospital was at length 113 so far completed lliat ])atients could be transferred. This was ac- Ncw buiidinK complished on December 17, 1756, as already stated. The insane occupud. ^vgre at tiiat ti,,ie accommodated on the ground floor of the building, which had been especially constructed for their use. Proper regard was shown for exercise, because in addition to the extensive grounds, there was on the first story of each ward "a gallery eighty feet in length for such of them as may be trusted to walk about, with a place for bathing," etc. KniarKiiiuiit By 1 792. the demands ujion the Hospital had very much increased iKccssarv. and the number of lunatics had become so large as to call for even greater ward accommodations, and to make it necessary, as speedily as possible, to complete the Hospital, according to the original plan, which has been referred to previously.' Petition for '^° carry out still further the intention of the Founders, a |)etition, mure funds, signed by the Managers, Treasurer, and Physicians, was directed to be presented to the .Assembly, on January 18, 1792, asking for another appropriation of some of the public funds for this purpose. The minute read as follows : The Lunatics in tlie House being greatly multiplied by llie Incre.ise of Inhabitants in the State, since the Hospital was built, as well as by many other Causes, it is found by Kxperience that a proper Separ,ition of the Patients cannot be made; neither can the Necessities of others be relieved, whose Cases require the aid of the Institution, iS: for whom .Applications are continually made, unless a Building more adequate to their Numbers is provided to receive them. The Managers & Physicians are therefore of Opinion ; that an K.xtensionof the House as nearly as Possible to agree with the original Plan, admitting only of such alterations as will more conveniently .iccommodate the Lunatics is indispensably needful ; for these Reasons they Resolve that a Remonstrance or Petition be presented to the general .Assemblj- setting forth the Necessity of complcating the Hospital & requesting Assistance to enable the Contributors to do it in such manner as to answer the humane Intentions of its original Founders. Appropria- The ])etition was duly sent, and was favorably received ; ten tion of thousand potmds and the unclaimed dividends of bankrupts' effects /.lo.ooo. ,ygre ordered to be ajjprojiriated to the use of the Hospital, by Act of April II, 1793. Western On November 28, 1796, the western addition to the new building Wing was reported by the Committee as ready for the reception of patients, completed. ^^^ ^^ ^^.^ accordingly directed to be opened for immediate use. Tin; On May 9, 1825, it was " Resolved, That the .Apartments in the " Lodge." New Building lie called the Lodge and be rtcclusively Appro])riated to Female Lunatic Patients to be under the care of female Attendants only." This building was also known as " the Retreat." (See illustration p. 109.) ' Page 36. 114 On June 30, 1829, it was strongly insisted by the attending Managers that the present crowded state of the Institution and the Separation prospect of abundance of funds made it incumbent upon the Board "f Sexes and to take measures more effectually to separate the sexes, classify the ^''*' '^''"°"- diflerent grides of lunatics, and provide more ample space for their recreation. The needs of the insane at length became so urgent that action Extension could no longer be dela)ed. It is recorded, January 31, 1831 : Deemed The great increase of the number of insane patients wliich claim the care of ' ' '' this Institution and for whose suitable accommodation and means of relief and restoration the Managers feel deeply concerned has been a subject of frequent consultation. The Board believes it to be a duty to record its sense on this interesting concern and to express its o{}inion that when sufficient funds can be procured by the contributions of the benevolent, it will be proper to afi'ord adequate space for that description of patients, the present building having become crowded. At a meeting of the Managers, held April the 25th, it was resolved that a copy of the foregoing minute be laid before the Contributors at their next meeting. At the meeting of the Contributors, held May the 2d, the further Separate association of Lunatics and Sick patients under the same roof, after Building for due consideration, was deemed inconvenient and not conducive to ' "^ insane 1-1/- Tirii- .. , 1 proposed. their weltare, and the following appropriate resolutions were adopted: Whereas from the great increase of Insane patients under the care of this Institution, that portion of the Hospital appropriated to the reception of such cases is no longer adequate to their proper accommodation. And Whereas it is evident that an .•\ssemblage of Lunatics and Sick patients under the Same Roof is inconvenient and unfavorable to the seclusion and mental discipline essential in cases of Insanity : therefore Resolved, That we consider it necessary to the interests of this institution and the furtherance of its humane design that a separate Asylum be provided for our Insane patients with ample space for their proper seclusion, classification & employment. Resolved, That the Board of Managers be and they are hereby directed to propose at a future meeting of the Contributors to be called by the Managers when prepared, a suitable site for such an .\sylum and the ways and means for carrying into effect the foregoing Resolutions. The Managers evidently did not feel able to take immediate action, for we read that, at the Contributors' Meeting, held June Removal of loth, 1835, Horace Binney, Esq., submitted the following resolutions, Lmiatic which were adopted : ' Department to the Resolved, That in tlie opinion of this meeting it is expedient that the Lunatic Country department of the Pennsylvania Hospital should be removed from the City of approved bv Philadelphia to the country in its vicinity, provided that the removal can be Contributors elTected upon such a plan as will promote the comfort and improve the health of the patients and admit of the superintendence and control essential to a good administration ot the institution. "5 Rfsolffd , That the ManaKcrs of the Huspilal he, and they are lierel>y requested to prepare and report to the Contrilmlors at their next nieetiiiK a plan of removal agreeably to the preiXMUnj; resoUition : embracing in their report the location in point of distance from the City, the general structure of the buildings to be erected, the details of the orj;anization for sui)erintendence and control, the funils and resources of the Corporation available for this object, and the probable cost ; with such facts and remarks as they may think it expedient to communicate for the information of the Contributors. A Committee was appointed by the Hoard of Managers to con- sider the above resolution and to report upon locality and plans for the proposed new buildings. Rcportof August 4th, 1835. the Committee appointed to prepare "a plan Committee. qJ- ^ Building for an Insane Hospital," etc., rei)(]rted : Your Conunittee dee])ly impressed with the magnitude of the subject referred to them and sensible that the Kreatest caution should be exercised in preparing a plan involviuK the comfort of many unfortunate human lieinRS, and the expendi- ture of an immense sum of money, have called in all the light within their reach, and given to it all the consideration of which they were capable. That an insane Hospital can be best managed within the limits of the City, and but a few minutes walk of all its Managers and Markets for every article of provision, Clothing, etc., which it may need, they have no doubt ; but as the popular opinion appears to be against a longer continuance of your insane department in the City, and your Contributors appear disposed to yield thereto, they confined themselves to such a view of the Subject.— The first question then to be decided was within what distance from the City, could such an Kstablishmeut be well managed : anil deter- mined, that it .should not exceed two miles from the limits of the City. The next and most difficult subject for consideration was, the whole i)lan for the Buildings, recpiiring arrangements for the comfort, security, classification and proper management of the patients and also the best and safest method of warm- ing and ventilating, and distributing a supply of water throughout the House, both for domestic purposes and to be available in the event of Fire to the Premises. They Inunil that the scheme of detached Rulldings wnuld be very costly, dilTicult of arrangement and very inconvenient in the management. That, also, for a single row of Cells on each Floor, or double rows but one story high, would cover a large space of (Iround and cost an innnense sum of Money and although ■desirable for some Classes of Patients, not needed by all. But as each has its advantages, they have, as yon perceive, embraced the whole of these views in the jilan now laid before you. Hlar for New The principal Building has double tiers of Cells, is two stories in height and Buildings for may be occupied by the quiet, chronic cases of Insanity enjoying bodily health the Jnsane. and be sufficiently airy for that class of Patients — the two stories furnish the means of dividing them if needed into two Classes; this main Building will accommodate 150 -"n --. , , ' ' ' j. i Z,//a,i^.,,i/ .^€» ,.„i/ y.^'/'-/''^/'/ ■•'" .■0^.yr''.^y^ ^-i iii'/>^rt''"^ C />ri.l/rfr/n .'infllll-'"^' /•fr.ii"''-l ■ ''• "•■»-' I'.rf'f^/^ r r rr ft t rt r r r f t • ■ - • r.y j /, , //.^ •Sy,y/i//i.U«y. .^^11 f-^" / C;>^/ / f,,,, a,c £„.,/, I/, y,>./f,ir>i"' .""-^ ,, ,„... vV A -/^"-^'»" . .j,,i,K''^,/.,f >.>/./ ./'.^- 1. /Kit- J>"i/ /,.>>/ rr.r c/^-yJ'Wrf'' ' .//'Mi,.l/. '-..r.r,/ A. ^/W/r ■'>.•<'■ r^^^i/i-'"' <*'/ '" / //»- //,, kJ,..i..hi y Portrait of Mr. Paul Busli. Il8 In the suggestion of a Plan, your Committee fiiul it a very difficult matter to accommodate i6o Patients in a single Edifice capable of being from time to time Bi|jidj„u- extended, and to contain all the recent improvements of classification, with any Committee's regard to Architectural proportions. For the purpose of classification they Report recommend the adoption of the plan of small buildings detached from the main Asylum, one of which will be sufficient at the outset. A plan for which together with one of the principal Asylum they now lay before you. The large Building will accommodate 170 patients together with the Family of the Superintendent, Domestics, Nurses, Cell Keepers, etc. and it is estimated will cost 5126,000. The small one is designed for the noisy and unclean, it is represented in the plan but one story high, will furnish room for twenty patients and their attendants, and is estimated to cost 519,000. With an additional story in height it would accommodate double the number of patients at an additional cost of but S8,ooo. The Mansion House now on the Farm ma\- be advantageously appropriated to the use of the Resident Physician and a few of the convalescent patients, for a time, before they return into general Society. riK R..■-i^iLnce ul th'j McJi'.al Siiperiiilcndt;iit ui tlic Dcp.aLni'.iu 101 the lusnite; formerh- the M;uision House of Mr. Busll, built in 1794. 119 At a meeting of Contril)utc)rs hekl February 8, 1S36, a report (iroiuul was submitted with the plan referred to by the Committee, the ..riKinaliy \ianagers recommending the erection of buildings upon the farm in .i-ciiKit o j.| j^j . recently purchased for this purpose of Matthew Arrison, whicli had i)reviously belonged to Paul Busti.and which the Managers acquired at the cost of twenty-eight thousand dollars. The illustra- tion, containing a portrait of Mr. Busti, is a photograph from a small engraving made in 1801, now to be seen in the hall of Mr. Busti's former residence, at jjresent occupied by the Medical Superintendent. (Illustration on preceding page). The Contributors, at this meeting, adopted the following resolu- tion : Rtsolved, Tlial tliL- Ripurt is lieri.t)y appnivcd ; and tlu' Maiiajjirs l)c- aiitlmr- izcd to carry into ffl't-ct, with as little delay as practicable, the plan of l)uilclinn;s and improvements reported for a Lunatic Hospital, with such alterations in point of detail as they may deem e.\pedient, as well in regard to the main asylum as to the detached building referred to in the Report. Bnildinjj The following Building Committee of the Managers was appointed ("..nnnittee. I'ebruarv the 29th, to carrv the above resolutions into effect, viz., Mordecai Lewis, Alexander W. Johnston, John J. Smith, Bartholomew Wistar, John Paul, and William W. Fisher. Architect On March the 12th. the Committee having satisfied themselves Selected, ^ith respect to the (|ualificati()ns of Isaac Holden, he was ajjpointed .\rchitect and mechanic for the construction of the new buildings under the direction of the Committee and sanction of the Board. HnildiiiK '" ^ minute entered April the 25th, it is recorded : located. That the Board ol Managers will meet .it the Farm with a view to locate the building the day after to-morrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The location having been decided upon, the work was carried on rapidly. On Jmie the 21st, the Committee met To seal the Jar to be deposited in the Corner Stone. The address to be delivered on laying the Corner Stone not being yet copied, it was concluded to entrust the putting of it, and other documents into the Jar. and scaling the same to Bartholomew Wistar, who reported on the 25tli that he had sealed the Jar. after duly depositing therein the various articles. Corner- The Corner-Stone of the building was laid at 5 o'clock on the Stone afternoon of 4th day, June 22, 1836, by Mordecai Lewis, the Chair- ■^"' man. It is a large piece of Granite, ([uarried on the premises, and was laid in the South E^ast corner of the Centre building. In a cavity made in the stone was deposited a large glass jar, or bottle, closed, containing coins of the United States currency as follows: One half eagle, one quarter eagle, gold ; one half dollar, one quarter dollar, one dime, one half dime, silver ; one cent, one half cent, one medal cent, copper ; " The National Gazette " of the Eveningof the 21st and " Poulson's American Daily Advertiser " of the morning of the 22d Inst. " Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, containing a copy of its charter & and otiicr documents connected with the early history of the Institution ;" published in the year 1754. "An account (Contents of of the origin, objects, and present state of the Pennsylvania Hospital," by \Vm. Comer- ('•. Malin. Clerk. &c., pub'd. in 1832. "The .■\nnual Account" or Report of the 5,0,,^ Board of Managers laid before the Contributors May 2nd, 1836. Two impressions of the Corporate Seal, one the original, and the other recently made. A copy of iJr. Benjamin H. Coates' Oration. With the following brief explanatory note : The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital having deemed it necessary to extend the Insane department thereof, and to change its location, by reason of the increased population of Philadelphia, and the erection of dwelling houses near to and on all sides of the Hospital in the City : — this Corner Stone of a build- ing to be appropriated to the insane patients of the Institution is laid this 22nd day of the .Si.vth month (June) in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hun- dred and thirty-si.x. Dr. Benjamin H. Coates then delivered, before a large assembly, an address, which was chiefly a sketch of the history of the Institution. The following extracts from this Address are of special interest : To found public institutions of an enduring character is acting for the benefit .Address of of future generations. The labor is one of dignity : dignified far beyond anything Dr. Coates. that occurs amid the ordinary turmoil of daily passions and interests and looking to the welfare of men who are to inhabit this earth long after each head that now attends with anxious interest to the philanthropic labor shall rest beneath the clods of the valley. Long after the few years allotted to these vain and bustling scenes shall have elapsed, when time and death shall have settled the puny effervescence of emotions that now fret in the pursuit of fortune or of fame, shall other men seek these shades for the relief of wretchedness and disease. Their bosoms will be distracted with the same feelings which at this moment agitate ourselves. Little will they reck of the ambitions, the hopes, and the fears which now occupy our minds. Their own will be sufficient for them ; and the only questions they will ask will relate to the fitness of the means we have employed to the ends for which they are designed, the relief and service of unfortunate human nature. Tasks of this kind do not belong to any age or country : they connect antiquity and posterity, and they unite remote and hostile empires in the common bond of usefulness and charity. We benefit by the cares, the studies and the munificence of our predecessors, and we are bound in our turn to imitate their example. From the days of Fabiola. the Christian lady who founded the first lunatic asylum, to an indefinite posterity, there is a continuous series of necessity and beneficence which knows not the distinction of race or generation. By far the smallest good effected in the erection of a great hospital is achieved during the lifetime of the founders. The great institutions of London and Paris continue from age to age to alleviate human suffering and administer to human welfare while the inquiring stranger asks who were the pious individuals whose splendid munificence has endowed these buildings, or whether they were indeed the offspring of the charity of nations. In the course of human events, results arise different from those originally contemplated by the founder ; benefits are achieved in new and unexpected directions ; and the institution which continues to fulfil with unabated scrupulousness its primitive office of protecting and relieving misery, acquires in addition the still greater usefulness of diffusing and improving the most important and valuable part of medical science. Oil the bi'.iiitiful spot whicli ymi now lii'liold. they (the Managers) purchased, in the loth month last, one hundred and one acres of land. Possession was deferred ; but they acceler<'iley comniencinK ill pursuance of an agreement the preparation of materials during the interval. They have obtained ill a district proverbially healthy, a fine gravelly soil, a beautiful and convenient situation within view of the great artery of our inland communication, the Columljia railroad, a sulBcient supply of water, and a quarry capable of furnishing all the ordinary stone which will be required fur the com- pletion of the buildings. The valuable erections within your view will be generally retained as suited to the wants of the establishment. In this situation, with abundant room, convenient access, pro.\iniity to a large and benevolent city, with the e.vperience of almost a century and the criticism of enlightened visitors, we may reasonably hope for a high state of perfection in our new insti- tution, and for a long series of progressive inii)rovemeiit and refinement. Here never, certainly, shall be heard the lash or the chain. We may hope that here the violent and ferocious shall be restrained from mischief or protected from injury by methods the mildest and most humane — that the temporary ebullition of an inflamed brain shall be allowed to expend itself in harmless noise or motion — that the helpless shall enjoy relief for his wants and preservation from indignity and disgust, unconscious of the kindness that protects him. Here shall the mind, enfeebled by long-continued disease, by the grinve and Report of '^^''**"' »itl' ll'<-' exception of the day-rooms ami the rooms in the Centre ImildinK Committee '''"^^ '^""'^ ''* covered with zinc and copper and the cornice all of stone, the patients' rooms have iron sashes in the windows and over the tloors, aiul each room has a ventilating flue reaching to the attic from whence the foul air is discharned into the atmosphere through ventilators turned by the w ind, there are three liKhtniu); rods, one on the dome is curved into the three in. pipe (iron) by which the water is conveyed into the tanks from the force pumps. S45 ft. distant on each belvidere extendinj; down to the bathing rooms and connected to the lar^e wastewater pipes which discharge into culverts — an area seven feet wide at the bottom encompasses the whole, it is si.x ft. below the surface of the uround the rise to which is a handsome sodded slope of 30 degrees from horizon. Two detached Buildings which are hollow squares 95 x 7,^ ft. one story high, three sides of each contains 20 dormitories, dining and bathing rooms, water- closets and passages 8 ft. wide, the fourth sides are open walls the interstices guarded by iron rods, enclosing the yard for the use of the patients, they are warmed by four furnaces each, the cellars are arched, the roofs covered with slate and each room is well ventilated. One workshop 20 .\ 40 ft., for the employment of the patients, with a handsome l>lastered room in the 2nd story to be used as an infirmary in the event of an epidemic in the main buildings. t)ne stone wash-house and mill-house 1 1 .\ 25 ft., one story high, containing the washing apparatus, horse mill and forcing pump. The following contingent and unadvoidable works have l)een done : An oval culvert 42.\3o in. e.vtending from a drain in the meadow west of the house 350 ft. to the centre building having branches of the same size each 176 ft. to the Northwest and Southwest angles of the area from » hich ])oints smaller ones 20 X 24 in. each 270 ft. in length, connect with the yards i>f the two detached buildings. All the openings are provided with cess-pools to prevent the escape of effluvia. Water-works — a circular cistern walled and llooreil with bricks, with hydraulic cement, 12 ft. deep and 12 ft. diameter often thousand gallons capacity is supplied from the fish-pond from a creek and from a strong spring within itself. A wall 5483 ft. in extent, lo'/i ft. high, enclosing forty-one acres, with which are the foregoing described buildings, the Physician's mansion, a large vegetable garden and pleasure grounds for the patients including two handsome woods of forest trees. The responsibility and labor of your C'onnnittce were nnicli increased by the loss of the services of the Architect, Isaac Holden, who was compelled by ill health to leave the country in 1839, the work being but about half accomplished. They have had to deplore the loss by death of three of their members, viz.: John J. Smith, \Vm. W. Fisher and Bartholomew Wistar, the want of whose valu- able assistance was seriously felt by them. MoRDECAi Lewis, Chairtiian. loth mo, 19th, 1S42. The report \vas accepted and the Committee discharged. The opening of the new Department for the Insane suggests a brief review of their treatment up to this time. 124 The Medical treatment appears to have been directed principally to the acute or sthenic forms of lunacy, or cases of so-called Tnatment of " Phrenzy." These were douched or played upon, alternately with the Insane, warm and cold water, (which may have accounted for some of the pulmonary fatalities elsewhere mentioned.) Their scalps were shaved and blistered ; they were bled to the point of syncope ; purged ouiK /s r/f/ '■ — ^ '^. — ^';^^».-^tin7< Prescription, written in 1791 hy Dr. Fouike, for bleeding a lunatic patient. until the alimentary canal failed to yield anything but mucus, and, in the intervals, they were chained by the waist, or the ankle, to the cell wall. Under this heroic regimen, some, probably the most "sthenic." recovered their reason. This general plan of treatment survived the removal of the patients to the Pine Street Hospital. There appears •25 nothing in the records to indicate any special mode of treatment lor TlK'raitfutic melanciiolia, or for the stuporous forms of mental disorder. Later Appliaiu-c-s there were mentioned certain special appliances for "rousing" such , ,, patients, which, judging from the description, must have, temporarily, at least, effected the desired object. There was connected with the Market Street Hospital a large garden, containing many trees. This was surrounded by a tightly boarded high fence upon the side of Market Street, the enclosed ground being used as an exercising ])lace for the quieter cases. The following brief and interesting memoranda, appearing on the minutes at this time, afford some light as to the supposed therapeutic ffi~ Bill for Chains for the Lunatics, 1751. requirements in treating the insane. Here, for instance, is a black- smith's account of March 7th, 1752: John Crcsson, blacksmith, against yv hospital, i pair of haiKlcufls, 2 legR locks. 2 large rings and 2 large staples, 5 links and 2 larjje rings and 2 swifc-lls for Ugg chains. Similar accounts appear later : To 3 locks, 13 keys, chains and staples for cells, /"i. 10. 3. 5th Mo. 25th, 1752. On sth Mo. 2>B Shoemaker. 126 In the earlier days' of tlie Hospital, even down to quite recent times, the mode of commitment of the insane was so easy and free Hhysical from formality that a few words hastily scribbled upon a chance scrap ■'''*"'''"'»• of paper was sufficient to place a supposed insane patient in the Hos- pital and deprive him of personal liberty. If he did not remain passive, chains or some other form of mechanical restraint were used. A sufficient number of such scraps of paper have survived to show the astonishing informality of the lunacy proceedings. The friend (or it may in some instances have been the enemy) of an alleged lunatic, applied to the Managers, or to one of the physicians, for an order of admission. If, as now, the friends or custodians were able to pay board, bond was taken for its regular settlement and, in the earlier years of the Hospital, this obligation contained a provision covering the funeral e.'cpenses of the patient if he died while under treatment. If the jiatient was indigent he was admitted as a free case, after being In'omiul seen bv one of the physicians and upon his report to the Managers •■^''""ssi"" 11 ■ V 1 ■ r 1 ^ 1 11 "' I'atients. that the patient was a fit subject for detention. Once in the cells, or quarters for insane, the patient had no appeal from the opinion of the attending physician. The following are the very brief records on the minutes of some of the early admissions and discharges. Dr. Moore's Negro man, a Lunatick, was received 3rd Mo. 25tli, 1753. His Kxlracts master promised payment. 4th Mo. 5tli, 1753. The Doctors gave due attendance from the and are of opinion that Isabel Charlton, a Lunatick, is not likely to receive any Minutes, further Benefit in ye Hospital, untill there are more convenient appartments and therefore ye Committee think it advisable to cause her to be removed. They were directed to notify ye Overseers of ye Poor of this City to receive ye said Isabel Charlton, ist. Mo. 23d. 1754. Admitted Negro Adam, a Lunatick and pay patient belonging to Mrs. Margaret Clymer, under the care of Dr. Thos. Bond. 2nd. Mo. i6th, 1754. Black Adam, at ye request of his Mistress Margaret Clymer, was this day discharged. 6th Mo. 26th, 1754. Admitted Negro George, a Lunatick belonging to Mr. Carrington of Barbadoes, a pay patient at los a week, under ye particular care of Doctor Sliipjien who engages for his board. The "Temporary Hospital" was in charge of a matron. .\ " male Keeper of lunaticks " was employed to guard the cells for men. The females were attended by the matron, assisted by such help from sane inmates as their condition permitted. Relatively little survives in the way of available records illustrative of the daily routine of the Temporary Hospital, but it is known, however, that the house was shortly afterwards found unfit for the care ' In the provincial history of our State, no general law was enacted for the commitment of insane to places of detention ; whatever legal proceedings were requisite for their guardianship, estates, etc., were derived from the English statutes. The charter of the Pennsylvania Hospital conferred power upon the Contributors to make all needful rules and regulations for the government of the Hospital and admission of patients. 127 of lunatics. Special efforts were tiierefore made to complete the Hospital then building, with the object of transferring them to better (|uarters. I'licr an.mi- While at the Temporary Hospital the insane were confined in iniiclMii.iii III (j,g cellar, in cells " under the wards for the sick." which was the only i-iiilH.r.ir> . jj^gij available. These cells were known to be damp and unwholesome, and a number of the patients died there from pulmonary disease. To make the apartments habitable, it was ordered C iistrucliiiii That tlic Ci-lls under the VVarils, should be imiiRdiaUly fiiiishtd, Ici bc- f 111 Cells planked FWiurs, under which to be arched to prevent the damage of the Rats and the Walls to be plaistered. The Kntry before the Cells may, for the present remain unpaved and only be plaistered all round, witlumt any Carpen- ters' work above the Floor, e.xcept a plain Washboard and I'asin^s tor the sides of the Windows, fitted for Inside Shutters to be hereafter made. l.ii;ht in 'fhere could have been no way of warming the "cells," and as '"^•"s. the only possible means of ventilation would have been by opening the windows, the i)atients must have often suffered from dampness, cold, and insufficient light. The Hospital wards, as in most private houses at this time, were more or less warmed by log-fires and feebly illuminated by a candle or two. Poor as such accommodations now a|)pear, it was the best the times afforded, and far better than was experienced in the existence of the average lunatic prior to its establish- ment. The insane were not supjiosed to require, nor to quite deserve, the usual comforts of life at this period, when even the sane dwelt in cold houses, slept in cold apartments, and sat through the long winter evenings by candle- or fire-light. New Cells I" • Ts^- t'lc '^'^"s for lunatics, in the basement of the Pine Street completed. Hospital, were so nearly completed that on December 17 the insane were transferred to their new quarters. The cells in this building had ])lank floors, arched below so as to prevent dampness and preclude association with rats. They were now very much more comfortable than in their former (juarters ; but notwithstanding the then prevalent theory, that the insane could not appreciate differences of tempera- ture, the long winter nights must have brought them much suffering from cold. Wood fires in cells were impossible, and C(|ually so the attempt to warm them tVom fire-places in the corridor upon which they opened. The minutes of January 25, 1762, record: It beint; observed some time p.ist that the Cells for the Lunaticks are rcn made warmer. As no other means were available, it was decided to adopt the expedient commonly em])loyed in Europe, of setting a char- coal brazier or furnace in the corridors, outside the cells. Unfortu- nately this device, though promi)tcd by the most humane motives, was found not to work very well. Everybody, even the Keepers, who could stand almost anything, nearly ])erished in the atmosphere of carbonic acid gas, and such a remonstrance arose from the lower floor of the house as to cause these deadly gas generators to be speedily removed. Hut the Managers were not discouraged ; the same year. 1794, the building committee were instructed to devise a ])lan "by which the ceils could be safely and ])roperly warmed by burning wood in stoves or otherwise." The stove of that period was an iron box, four feet long by two and a half feet wide. It is not probable that the cells were heated to any great degree by these wood-burning stoves, but it is likely that being i)laced in the corridor they may have tem|)ered somewhat the bitter cold in the rooms. From minutes and memoranda that have survived, it is ajiparent that these cells were not entirely satisfactory, for on April 24, 1758, occurs the following : Si'vcrall lunaticks haviiiK made thiir escape from ye I-los|)ital owiii); to ye Iron Barrs of the Cells beiiin too slender, the Monthly Committee w.as instructed to employ the same Smith that ni.ade them to make them Stron.i; and more secure. Protection As the Hospital stood on open ground, without fence or wall of P.atients around it, idle, curious, and thoughtless persons often assembled at the irom windows of the cells, which were level with the ground, to look at the Intrusion. , . ■ /- ,, , 1 . j 1 'i-l- lunatics, and finally they began to tease and annoy them. Ihis finally developed into such a nuisance that, on .Vjjril 8, 1760, it was proposed : Tli.it a suitable P.allisade Fence, either of Iron ur Wood, the Iron hein^ pre- ferr'd, should be erected in Order to prevent the Disturbance which is given to the Liniatics confin'd in the Cells by the gre.it Numbers of people who frequently resort and converse with them. It was also agreed to hire Two Constables, or other proper Persons to attend at such Times .is are necessary to prevent this Inconvenience untill ye Fence Is erecteri>iinlit hark, .^pril gtli, 175!*. Charles Jenkins made his escape at ni)»ht out of ye Cell Window ; but was soon returned. On July .^1, 175H ; lie again escapeil from the Window in ye lonn Aisle: and was not recaptured. (In February 26, 1759, reathnitted "at the request of Thos. Laurence, ye Mayor, to be confined untill it shall be thought prudent anil safe to release him. It appear- ing to ye Mayor that C. Jenkins was become allusive and Outragious ; that bis Wife & family were In great Hanger of their lives," a warrant was directed to John Mitdiell, Constable, for apprending it Committing him to ye Hospital, by wliom he was brought here last night, at ten Sliillings I'. Week. Three months later he got away again: — by breaking out the Iron Harrs of ye Cell Window, over the door last night. Although one of the cells was especially fitted up to prevent ii. he escaped several limes afterward. In the interim he probaMy enjoyed himself, as he was invariably returned " ina State of l>riinken madness." Some May aSth, 175S. .Admitted Martin Iliggins, a Mad person, who having, as unpleasant many others do without Leave, gone thro' the House to (he Top, S: there Care- experiences. Itssly and Imprudently running about, fell thence to the ground iS: was so much Hurt that his recovery was doubtful. July 28, 1758. Escaped Jacob Ashton by boring thro' the Hoor of his Cell & forcing out the Steeples of ye Iron Bolls. August 28tli, 1758. Admitted A. I)., a pay patient, an Outragious person. D. I), security, who desires that he may not bee Discharged without his Knowledge. January 27th, 17,59. Discharged — the lunatick Jane Hughes at the Re(|uest of her husband who paid /"^ to the Matron in full for her .-Vccommodatitin. The Damage done to the Cells &c. is Forgiven in Consideration of her Poverty. January 27th, 1759. Kscaped Jno. Jones, a Lunatick : he forced the Harrs o( his Cell in ye night and fled without Notice. November 26, 1759. .■\dniitted Harriott Hamilton, a Lunatick, reputed Daughter of the late Duke Hamilton, to bee in ye Hospital till a Vessel sails. On May 28th, 1760, the vessel sailed and took her to Kngland. December .^ist, 1759. Admitted Solomon C, a Drunken Mad Man, at the Request of his Brother, & by Desire of T. Stampe, ye Mayor, the former agreed with ye Board of Man.agers for his Maintainance. In the same year, Admitted Mark Kidil, junr.. an Irregular Person, on Pay fn; Ten Shillings P. Week, (his Father will pay). Afterward He left the cells Irregularly, i. e., broke the window and ran away. .Admitted Joseph Wolf a Jew from Lanca.ster County, who is quite Distracted. Mathi.is Bush promises to be his Security as far as the Effects of said Wolf now 'n his bands will go. Probably the first instance of a jiatient having a private attend- ant occurred in this year : William, son of Joseph Hart, a Lunatick an uliligation or buiul : ToWNSHIl" <)|- NoKTHAMPTDN, BlRMNCTtlX CofNTV. I uiulcrwittcii OviTsci-r of the Poor, Uo Promise to Satisfy and Pay lint" the Managers of the Hospital in the City of Philadelphia their full Demands for takiii); in & keeping one James Holland a Lunatic belonninK to our Said Town- ship until he shall be from thence removed. Witness my hand this loth Day ol June 1762 Signed, Jons Wkst, 0:Sret: At the foot of this paper the visiting physician writes wliat was Certificate then ehia, when Ralph Foster the Commander of the Ship tokl me she must be brought to the Hospital and that her Cure and Maintenance should not cost me a I'eiiny. In whi: Months at his House and I agreed with a Neighbour of my Master to maintain her till I was free. So having provided every thing for the reception of my Daughter and flattering myself how soon I would have her near me and see her daily, I came to the Philadelphia Hospital and was told that the Managers would deliver up the Girl to the Owners of the Ship who had assumed to pay for her cure and Accommodation and that these Merchants would sell her for the Charges of the Hospital. As I e.vpect that the Captain will have forgot his Word he gave me when I gave up my Daughter to the Hospital, or put me off with an Equivoca- tion that it will not cost me Money but that it must cost me my Daughter who is as dear to me as my own Life, As I expect no Mercy from the Merchants, who look upon poor Germans as upon other Merchandize and as the obtaining of Justice against them if they should attempt to sell my Child against my will is too expensive for a poor Stranger, .\11 My hopes is in you Gentlemen w ho preside over the Contributions of a Wealthy and charitable people in this and the neighbouring Provinces. And your petitioner humbly prayeth that you will be pleased to forgive the Cost of Curing and Maintaining my poor Child and not to commit me to an Argument with Merchants in which they might get the better of me when I being a poor Servent myself may be unable to support my natural Right to my Daughter .•\nd your Petitioner shall ever pray. CoNR.\t) I. DiiKR. Phil.^delphi.a, March 23. 1765. Altliougli no action appears upon the minutes, it is reasonable to suppose from their previous acts of kindness towards ])atients. that the Managers did not refuse to grant tiiis pathetic appeal of a father for his child. Annuitants have always been noted for longevity : and the records Longevity furnish such an instance of tenacity to life in the case of Josejjh Illustrated. Mountz, or Maunz, who appears to have been mildly insane. Under the plea of furnishing him with a comfortable home for the remain- der of his declining years, the Managers were induced to consider his admission into the Hospital as a boarder. The first entry upon the minutes relative to his case occurs on November 26, 1764, when 135 Aiiplycatioii was niadi- l)y C'hrisliaii Rori'liaik, on bi-half of Josi-'pli Mount/, or A I'aliinl ^''"""> •'' 'Vrson livinj! near Kphrata, or Dnncan Town, aged alxiut Siviiily niakis a I ifr ^ '^'"''"' ''"''' '" '">ve tlirti' or four liiindri-d I'onnds ; hi- desires to be admitted into Contract for V*^ Hospital during the Reniaynder of liis Life, on his securing to the fse thereof llosi)ital •'" '"'* '■-^'•"«^ which shall remain after his Death— the Settlement of which applica- C"are ''"'" ''' recommended to the Managers for the tyme being. On .\pril 29tli, 1765. Joseph .Mount/, having visited ye Hospital the preceed- ing week. Renew ing his application to agree with the Managers to supply him with Competent Support, during his life (he now being about Seventy years of age), in consequence of which he olVers to give to ye Hospital the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds in Cash and an .^tnuiity of Si.\ INuinds payable every \'e.'ir during his Lyfe. it is now .\greed that the Monthly Conunittee should .\dniit him and at the same time enter into an .Agreement with him in writing, expressing the Terms of his admission. Having made all arrangcnient.s lie departed; but reappeared at the Hospital on June 24th, about two months afterward, with the ))ro|)osition that he he allowed to enter and to remain, " For three or four Weeks, in order to try if ye House will prove Agreeable to him to resyde the remainder of his Days in." 'i'his was also granted and his exi)erience having proved agreeable, on July 29. 1765, it was reported that Joseph Mouiitz had assyned to ye Treasurer, for the use of ye Hospital, a mortgage and Bond from one David Shark, of East township, Lancaster County, for the payment of /'iso, date( Sleplicn Girard was delivered liy Girard's Dr. Hutchinson and William Gardner of a Child, named, in the presence of only Child. Edward Cuthush an;nst 27th. 1791. Mr. Joseph Henszey of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Dr. To Joseph Dolliy fur ye Bnriel of Mary Girard's Child To Gownd ,^,"2. 5. o To Minister's .Attendance o. 6. o To Clark's do. o. 4. 6 To Bell o. 5. o To Grave o. 7. 6 To Invitations o. 10. o /',!• ■■"'• o Mrs Mary Girard remained a patient, until her death, which occurred September 13th, 1815, after she had dwelt continuously in Interments the Hospital for twenty-five years. .\t the request of Stephen Girard in the g],g ^^.j^5 |ji,|-ied in the Hospital enclosure. Girard gave the Hos|)ital Ground's $^°°° o" October 30th, 1815, and bequeathed the Institution $30,000 by his will. Xear the resting place of this afflicted woman there is a block of marble, surmounted by an urn, which marks the grave of Charles Xicholes, who gave the Hospital $5,000 with the express condition that he should be buried in the Hosijital grounds. The marble has engraved ui)on it the following inscription : SAMUEL COATES. tat r MTtCUHST «., FHflA. rX MEMORY CHARLES XICHOLES, born in the Island o( Jfisry, Nov. 1759 and dk-d in Pliilailfiphia liic. 31st, 1807. By great industry, tecononiy and intejjrity he acquired a considerable estate. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS of which he bequeathed to the PENNSYl^VANIA HOSPITAL, and the residue in other charities and legacies to his friends. His body is interred In compliance with his request in this place. .\nd this monument is erected over it, by permission of the Managers of the Hospital, in order to perpetuate his name, by one of his E.vecutors. Samuel Coates, who was a Manager from 1785 to 1825, always .^ Manager's carried with him a rather large, leather-bound memorandum book, f'i^'iy- in which he noted, in ink, his reflections upon madness and his deductions drawn from his observations, with notes of the histories of especially interesting cases and incidents, which came under his notice in the cells, and the wards for the insane. Mr. Coates presented this book to his son, Benjamin H. Coates, who was one of the attending ])hysicians from 1S2S to 1841. Some of these annotations are of unusual interest and show marked ability in Mr. Coates as an acute observer. (See also page 72 for other Extracts.) Hannah Lewis was born on the west side of ye Schu\'lkill, S miles from Record of rhiladeljihia. Her Parents came from Wales, among the first Settlers of Pennsyl- a Case, vania and were respectable Friends. Their Children lived to be 97, 95 & SS years of age re.spectively. Her Lunacy was attributed to Grief at the death of her husband and became apparent by her preaching in Friends Meeting ; on the Court House Steps & other public Places. Being asked why her Ministry was not acceptable ? She replied because she si)oke through a trumpet so powerfully that the vulgar herd could not comprehend her. When the late Owen Jones by Appointment of the inontlily Meeting went to dissuade her from preaching, she Received him politely, invited him to set down & handed him a glass of wine with a biscuit. She then made a prayer, which being finish'd, She immediately reproved him as an unfit person to treat with her, because he had just taken the Sacrament, against the principles which he i)ro- fessed as a Quaker. She w'd neither acknowledge her Fatlier nor Mother & denied her own Children. She called herself the eldest daughter of King George the second and made severall .'\ttem])ts to visit him, but was prevented by her friends. At length slie escaped to N. York with her jjlate & /*3oo in Cash. There she concealed herself in a Shiii. and was not discover'd till the Vessel was several Leagues from the Land. In London She staid a few Years, confining her Visits chiefly to the (Jueen's Garden, in which she was permitted to walk 6t finally her Plate and the Money spent, & debts contracted which she was unable to pay, she Return'd to Philadel- phia ; but previous to embarking, she settled, as she said, her Tribute Money 139 with liir Katliir tin.- King of Gnat Britain, at tin- rate of 3 half picks of (lokl, 3 Observations ''•''"^ ptcks of Silsxr, and 3 half pecks of Copper heaped measure. To be upon a Case rt^mitted to her Annually, free of Commissions, from every Coinage of the of Insanitv Kingdoni. This she applied to support the Pennsylvania Hospital, which she called her Palace. Here she allowed her domestics to live in S|ilendour, equal to the rank which She, their Royal Sovereinn. held in the World. Soon after Hannah landed from Kngland, she took possession of a small tene- ment in VVillinn's Alley, a Stone building, one Story high, alxmt 12 feet Square and appear'd to have been raised as a Summer house only : in this she lived alone, calling it her Castle, & defenroved insolvent. Thus Richard lost all but his (jood character. He now became very Serious, and made preparations for the (".own, by advice of his friends, who encouraged him to K.vpect by it three or four thousand dollars a year ; With this View he sailed for London, but, when he was on the jjoint of taking Orders, he was Required to Subscribe the thirty-nine Articles ; but in Kood Conscience he could not do it. .Vnd therefore he Withdrew his .Application & returned to St. Kitts. Here he commenced study to be a Lawyer, >S: was well instructed in it, under the celebrated James Stephens, a 4,; at lirsl proniisi'il simu- linpnivtimnt win- simii alurwards riiidiTi'd AlH>rlivi.- liy Api.^^al t.. tin- ""•• C«;"« "f ">^- •'•"^I'it""- ., Thtst apartnu-iUs an- (lamp in Winter «: luo warm in Snmmir. Tliiy an- mori-ovcr so i-onslituted, as not to admit readily of a chanKe of air ; lii-nce tlit- sniell of thcni is both oflcnsivi- and unwholcsonif. Few patients have ever l)een confined in these Cells who have not been affected by a cold in two or three weeks after their confinement, and several have died of C'onsumpticm in consequence of this cold. These facts beinn clearly establishefl, I conceive that the appropriatinj; of the Cells any longer for the reception of mad people will be dishonourable both to the Science and Humanity of the city of Philadelphia. Should more wholesome apartments be provided for them, it is more than probable that many of them minht be Relieved by the use of remedies which have lately been discovered to be effectual in their disorder. With Kreat respect, I am, (".enllemeii, your friend and humble servant, Bknj.vmin Risii. On Jantiary 7, 1792, it was resolved To I'etition, or remonstrate the deneral .Assembly, settinK forth, the necessity of completing the Hospital and re<|UestinK Assistance to enable the Contributors to accomplish it in such a manner as to answer the humane intentions of the original Founders. Ilie favorable action of the Assembly lias already been men- tioned. (See page 66. ) An obligation, in the form re(|iiire(l liy (he (Governor, and fur- nishing the required security was prepared, and was read and approved, at the Contributors' Meeting, May 13, 1793. The Treasurer having Appro reported later that he had secured from the State Treasurer the sum of liri.ation ^10,000 ; this with other sums, which had been contributed and paid. Received, ^ere placed to the credit of the Building Committee for the " E.\- tended Buildings." Kpidemic The routine service of the Hospital was very much interrupted of Yellow about this time by the presence of an epidemic in the city, which Fever, obliged many of the Managers and physicians to leave the city. Business was in great measure suspended owing to the breaking out of yellow fever, which prevailed from August, 1793, to the 9th of September, during which " upwards of 4,000 persons died in the City and Liberties." (See account of Yellow Fever, p. 69.) December 30, 1793, the subject of building the west wing was resumed, and the committee was instructed to complete as soon as Ijossible an estimate of a plan "which will include a double range of Cells underground, and on the two first floors above, in the western division, with an area on the north and south sides." On February 27, 1797, Drs. Rush and Physick, in addition to their usual duties, offered to take under their own care every lunatic in the Hospital who was not the jjarticular patient of any other physician 144 of the house, for one year, "provided it meets with the approbation of the managers and physicians." TiL-atment A copy of this proposal was handed to each of the physicians, Jiiiu- 29tli. To ultitiwashiiig ye Wards 0146 Til a Spinning Whi-rl o 14 To WcaviiiK 60 ytls. Linni-n Cloth . ... i '5 Hiimaniiy <>!' Ii is intere>ting to note how leniently disjjosed were the early the Judiciary j„ji(-iary toward insane persons who were charged with crime. shown in «■>..- ,^ > ■ ■ ^ Commitment " '7°^' "• ''■ '" Bucks Lounty, was tried for murder and of an Insane acquitted on the ground of insanity. Chief Justices McKean, Atlee Person, and Bryan wrote to ihe Managers in relation to this case : As his insanity still continues and he is not eijihteen years of age, and has frequent lucid intervals, we are of the opinion that he may be restored to his reason bv^jroper nianaj;eineiu. He was received into the Hos|)ital. First The records do not indicate that suicide among llie insane was instaiite ^j- ,„Qf^. frequent occurrence in these earlier davs than at the present of Suicide . ^ r ■, .■ • ' • TT • 1 1 • time. One of the earliest instances, however, in the Hospital history was on April 29, 1765 .- Died — Paul Harbyson, a I.unatick. who handed himself this day. Copy of Commitment by Judge McKean, written on the back of the usual certificate of insanit\ . Pennsylvania : It appcarinji to me from inspectit>n, e.\amination & other evidence, that Mr. W. John Leonard Deneufville is by the visitation of God in a state of lunacy & derangement, and that it is dangerous as well for himself as others that he shouhl in his present state of mind be at large, I do hereby authorize & empower any Constable, or other discreet Citizen to take him the said John Leonard Deneuf- ville anil him convey to the Pennsylvania Hospital wKere he is to be delivered to the Steward thereof and treated with humanity and as other Lunatics are, until he shall be thence legally discharged by due course of Law. Given under my hand & Seal at Philadelphia the i.^th day of January 1797. Thos. M'Kkan. 'l"he above is the endorsement on the back of the admission paper signed by Rush, as shown in the illustration. The guiding spirit of Dr. Rush was fretpiently manifested in initiating reforms, as will be noted in his suggestion to the other members of the staff to unite with him in the following : Reforms First Month 3rd. 1803 — The Physicians recommend that a Well qualified suggested. Person be employed as a Frieinl and Companion to the Lunatics, whose business it shall be to attend them and when the Pliysirians direct their Fnlargement, to see them safe to their Apartments. The Managers acceded to this reasonable request and the Steward was directed to hire such a person. Again, on September 24, 1810, he addressed the following letter to the Board : 148 JPWadtlphia^ J^ ,^yj. /Ty. ^ being al; a a proper Pitlent for t?i« Pennfylva/iia HofpitaK 1| ,<::x,,,-^ : Jt^i L^v^^l/£e. being affliaed wIA f-i--^^e.<^^9ij^M ^-''|j tient for tlia PcnnrTlTaBJfi Hr.ff,;«i . *^ v ,' T> /iAv^. ^--yDf..^'-^'*^ i l^^-^y ■ f SlKiOgMlMJB w i^ ^,. ... „ ^. . being admitted a Patjent into the Pem». J^tvam»Hofp.(aI at my Requeft. y do hereby promif? to provide Z^^ / V,r . , ^'^^^' ^^-^ °^^'- Clo'hing. fdfficfent and faitabte for . o " ^ ^ ""'* ' '" P'^ 'o/"-^'"^ H'gg'"-". Steward of the faid Hoftihf, or. to hjs Succeflbr in Office, ^^^ r?f^ -^iC-^^/^ .__ per Week for Board, during ^> Contin'uance there ; to caufe yi^^ to b<, WITNESS /«^ Ha„d,tha ;^^^^^ Day of^_^ /^^^ Rofpitah ^^^^i^^^y ^^^^^Pa..eDt.nto.hePennfyIvvia Ti X-'. ^. A CERTIFICATE OF INSANITY, OF 1797, Signed by Dr. Benj. Rush, with obligation by a friend of the Patient, and an orde' for admission, directed to the Steward from a Manager. On the reverse side of this page is the Endorsement and Order of tne Court, With signature of Judge McKean. . avtiUBst CO.. rHim. J i^ftn^^{i^ji^^A.iY 4 1/' ^x»« // t.J ^j K^, £t^jCt%.^.£^nAnf'^ , y,'' /i. .<• V^^T*^ •" . t4 K^/ /'^ >-^ > -"/J ^^-^^ ^,/'- -^ /^ \ ) Genllemcn : — When our late illustrious fellow Citizen Dr. Franklin walked out from his house to lay the foundation stone of the Pennsylvania Hospital, he j ^tter from was accompanied by the late Dr. Bond and the Managers and Physicians of the jj^ Rush Hospital. On their way Dr. Bond lamented that the Hospital would allure j„ jj,^ strangers from all the then provinces in America. Then (said Dr. Franklin) our ji;,iiarived of their reason from nearly all the States in the SuKKestions. Union. As great ini|)rovements have taken place in the treatment of persons in that melancholy situation, within the last thirty years, I beg leave to lay an account of them before you, as far as I have been able to obtain them, from the histories of Asylums for mad people in foreign countries, as well as from my own e.vperience during five and twenty years attendance upon that class of |>atients in the Pennsylvania Hospital. By adopting them, we may e.xtend tlu- usefulness and reputation of the hospital, and thus contribute to add to the high character our city has long sustained for wise and benevolent institutions. The improvements which I wish respectfully tcj submit to your consideration are as follow : 1. That small and solitary buildings be erected at a convenient distance from the west wing of the hospital, for the reception of patients in the high and dis- tracted state of madness, in order to prevent the injuries done by the noises to persons in the recent, or convalescent state of that disease, and to patients in other diseases, by depriving them of sleep, or by inducing distress from sympathy with their sufferings. 2. That separate floors be approjiriated for each of the se.\es. 3. That certain kinds of labour, e.xercise and amusements be contrived for them, which shall act at the same time u])on their bermitted to converse with or even to see the mad people (the Managers and oflJicers of the hospital excepted), without an order from the attending jihysicians unless he de])ute that power to one of the resident .\pothecaries. Many evils arise from an indiscriminate intercourse of mad people with visitors, whether members of their own families, or strangers. They often complain to them of the Managers, officers and physicians of the hospital, and at 149 Reforms iirgcU by Dr. Rush. times, in so rational a manner as to induct; a belief that their tales of injustice and oppression are true. Madness moreover which nii^ht have been concealed in individuals and in families, is thereby made public. Nor is this all. The anticipation of being exposed as a spectacle to idle and sometimes to impertinent visitors is the chief reason why our hospital is often the last, instead of the first retreat of persons affected by Madness. I would rather die (said a young Rentleman of respectable connections in our City, a few years ago, who felt the premonitory signs of that disease) than to be gazed at and pitied, in the cell of a hospital. To prevent this poignant evil he discharged a musquet ball thro' his head, a few days after- wards. 6. That a number of feather beds and hair matrasses, with an arm chair be provided for the use of the cells of all those persons who pay a liberal price for their board, and whose grade of madness is such as not to endanger any injury being done to those articles. 7. That each of the cells be provided with a dose Stool with a pan half filled with water, in order to absorb the fcetor from their evacuations. The inventor of this delicate and healthful contrivance (Dr. Clark of New Castle, in England) deserves more from humanity and Science, than if he had discovered a new planet. Figure to yourselves, (Jentlemen, the sufferings of persons in a small room from inhaling the factor of their stools for hours after they have been dis- charged into a Chamber Pot ! Contrast the difference of this situation w ith that in which those persons passed days and nights of sickness and imifinement in their own houses ! But other and greater evils have followed the use of Chamber Pots in the cells of our hospital. A. VV. Searle, in Salem in Massachusetts, lost his life, in 1794 in consequence of the mortification of a wound upon his buttock brought on by one of them breaking under him, and there is good reason to believe that the malignant fever of which George Campbell died in the month of August last, was induced by his being constantly exposed to the exhalations from the fa:ces of mad people, in emptying their chamber pots and cleaning their cells. lam aware that it would be impracticable to carry into effect all the matters suggested in this letter, in the Present State of the funds of our hospital, but the comfort of the mad |)eople, and the reputation of the institution are inseparably connected with the immediate adoption of Some of them. There is a great pleasure in combatting with success a violent bodily disease, but what is this pleasure com- pared with th.at of restoring a fellow creature from the anguish and folly of mad- ness, and of reviving within him the knowledgeof himself, his family, his friends and his God ! But where this cannot be done, how delightful the consideration of suspending by our humanity, their mental and bodily misery. Degraded as they are by their disease, a sense of corporeal pleasure, of joy, of gratitude, of neglect, and of injustice is seldom totally obliterated from their minds. I shall conclude this letter by an appeal to several members of your board to vouch for my having more than once suggested most of the above means for the recovery and comfort of the deranged persons under your care, long before it pleased God to interest me in their adoption, by rendering one of my family an object of them. I am, Gentlemen, with great respect and esteem Your sincere friend and Servant, Benj. Rush. September 24th, 1810. 150 A committee was immediately appointed to consider this com- munication and report to the Board. On October lo, 1810, their Report on report was made, as follows : ^^- ^^^^ ^ Recommen- Your Committee appointed to report on a Communication from Dr. Benj. dations. Rush feel a Satisfaction in having to state that many of the subjects therein enumerated appear for a long time past to have claimed the attention of the Managers. As We find them Classed under seven distinct heads, our Report is in like Order. ist. Small solitary Buildings at a convenient distance from the West Wing of the Hospital for the reception of patients in the high and distracted state of Mad- ness, in order to prevent the injuries done by their noises. W'e understand that many of the Contributors have for Years past thought a separate Building would add greatly to the general comfort of the patients in the Hospital, but the funds of the institution not being adequate to such an expendi- ture, has prevented their bringing the subject forward for consideration. When there are funds and such an Appropriation is agreed upon, it may be a more proper time than now to consider whether One building could not be constructed to answer every purpose in preference to a number of small solitary buildings. 2. Separate floors for each sex in the present House. , We recommend this for adoption as far as practicable. 3. Relates to Labour, Exercise, and .■\musement. These are already practiced as far as we believe consistent with the Well ordering of such an Institution. 4. An Intelligent Man and Woman to attend the different Sexes to direct and show in their Amusements to divert their minds by Conversation, Reading, and obliging them to write upon subjects suggested to them by the Physicians. A Man is already engaged for this Service as far as to direct and share in their Amusements, And as a separate enclosure is now paled in for the Women it no doubt will claim the Consideration of the managers whether a Female may not be usefully engaged to superintend the Women Patients. Both Sexes are allowed Books to read and the means of writing when they are believed to be in such a state of mind as to render them proper. 5. That no Visitor be permitted to converse with or even to see the Mad People, the Managers and Officers of the Hospital e.xcepted, without an Order from the attending Physicians. Except very near Connections, Visitors are not permitted to see or converse with such Patients. 6. That a number of feather Beds and hair matrasses with an .Arm Chair be provided for the use of the cells of all those who pay a liberal price and whose grade of Madness is such as not to endanger any Injury being done to these Articles. We do not understand that Objections were ever made to the Patients having feather beds and Matrasses, in proper Cases, but Greater Objections some- times occur to such a regulation than the Injury which might be done to the Articles, such as furnishing them with the means of injuring themselves or others. 7. That each Cell be furnished with a Pan half filled with Water in order to absorb the foetor iVom the Evacuations. This is in part carried into effect and we suggest the propriety of furnishing each Cell in like Manner where it can be done with safety to the Patients. 151 The last and touching paragraph of Dr. Rii>h's letter to the Sad Case of Board, just quoted, in which he alludes to the fact thai it had pleased ail Insane (j^^ j^ interest him personally in this subject, referred to the case of '^"■ii r. , . , ,.,',..• , a relative, who was admitted to the Hospital on i^eptember 7, 1810, and died there on August 9, 1837, after a continuous hospital residence of twenty-seven years. He had been a talented and poi)ular lieutenant in the United States Navy. While stationed at New Orleans he fought a duel with his intimate friend, a brother officer, whom he killed. It is said the affair was caused by a light and thoughtless remark ; that the speaker was really not to blame ; but that the point of honor compelled him to meet his friend. From that time forward he was a case of melan- cholia; rejecting all companionship, and all friendsliij), and was, at times, very morose. He was a most confirmed peripatetic, walking the floor, to and fro, every day and almost all day, until the jilanks of the ward flooring and of a certain i)lace u])on the board-walk of the yard were worn into deep gutters; these were always called " Rush's Walk." Samuel Coates, in his manuscript book of hosjjital occur- rences and philosophic memoranda as to the causes of insanity, tells the following anecdote : The Barber on conibing his hair pleasantly remarked li> liim that it was becominK quite Grey, " but never Miny Tuke and Pinel, or in the year 1751, the Petition was presented, to the Pro- vincial Legislature of Pennsylvania, representing "that with the The numbers of people the number of lunatics or j^ersons distempered '^•^""sylvama in mind" had increased, also affirming the great need existing for .1 ^^ p the proper care of the insane, and that many people of this class might be cured and restored to usefulness. The law creating the Pennsylvania Hos])ital was the pioneer attempt in America to create a hospital for the care and treatment of the insane, and it is a noteworthy fact that at that early date — forty- one years before the reform was begun by Tuke and Pinel — -its founders recognized that insanity was a disease, and proposed to establish an institution, to be in fact, as well as in name, a hospital where the insane should be treated by physicians. As has already been stated, such insane persons as were committed to the care of the Pennsylvania Hospital, from its opening in 1751 to 1841 — a period of ninety years — were received at first in temporary quarters at the Hospital on Market Street, and subsequently in wards in the Pine Street Hospital building, standing in the square bounded by Spruce and Pine, and Eighth and Ninth Streets. During the latter portion of this period the insane were cared for in the west wing, which was specially prepared and assigned to this class of patients. Here they were attended by the resident house-staff and by physicians residing outside of the Hospital. Of the many distinguished physi- cians, who in various ways rendered valued medical and surgical services to the Hospital during this early period of its history, one stands out preeminently as an alienist and author. The name of Dr. Benjamin Rush must always be held in grateful remembrance for Dr. Rush's the signal service he performed for the insane during his connection K'"i"ent with the Hospital, which lasted twenty-nine years. In the year 1S12, while attending upon the wards devoted to the insane. Dr. Rush published his work, entitled " Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind." Many of the principles and suggestions it contains for the moral management of the insane were far in advance of the practice of his day, and are worthy of com- mendation in the present age. He announced his belief that "diseases of the mind can be brought under the dominion of medi- cine by just theories of their seats and proximate causes." Although the principles of general medical practice then prevalent were a])plied to the treatment of the insane, and have been since much modified, he is justly and properly regarded as the father of psycho- logical medicine in America. As professor of the practice of medicine 161 Services. in the Medical Departmeni of the University of Pennsylvania, he imparted freely of his knowledge and experience acquired in the wards of the Hospital, to the students who attended his lectures, and made many valuable contributions and suggestions calculated to promote the interests of the insane during his long term of service. The A visitor to the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1787, who accom[)anied Hospital Dr. Rush in his regular visit through the wards, furnished the follow- in 17S7. jfig account* of what he saw in the house, es|)ecially that part devoted to the insane, whicii has an interest at the present period : "When we came to the Hospital, Dr. Clarkson left nic, and went into the cit)' on his son's horse. YounK Mr. Chirkson condncted me into tlie hospital. Dr. Rush arrived in a few minutes after. This huiUlinK is in the form, as you approach it from the city, of an inverted J.. It is surrounded « itli a hi);h wall, and has back of it a very large kitchen-garden. The door in the center opens into a large hall. On each end are apartments for the nurses, cooks, etc. We ascended the stairway out of this hall into another hall in the second story, at one end of which is a large room, which contains a fine medical library, where the Directors were sitting, and a smaller room, where the medicine is placed. On the opposite end are the apartments for the attending Physicians. The thirc ■ • ,ir, •, • , „ , , • i)aris of Great Britain. Wlule absolute non-restraint was not rennsj ivaniti * Hospital, announced as a dogma, actual restraint was seldom resorted to ; and, indeed, several patients who had been restrained for years before their admission to the Hospital, were, under the new system, with its better facilities for classification, cared for, without a resort to such severe measures, and wholly cured. Tabulated Another feature of the earliest report was the preparation of Statistics tables of statistics which were likely to have an importance in ascer- taining definite results and facts. .Mthough additional tables have been Reports. ° ° prepared, the original tables have been carried forward Ironiyearto year. 16S The various topics that are presented and discussed in the earliest reports with such candor and assurance, convey to the minds of Amuial readers of the present day, the impression that the gravity of the '^"-i""''*- responsibility was appreciated to a degree that may well excite surprise and admiration. They contained a code of principles which were to princinij-s become a guide in the conduct of the affairs of the Hospital in later which soveni years and were calculated to bring the treatment of the insane the Hospital, within the domain of medical science, and to elevate the standard of custodial care to a higher plane. They have to-day a recognized jjlace and force in the administration of every hospital throughout the country. So important were these principles regarded that they were reiterated in succeeding reports in order that the community, in which tiie Hosjjital was located, might be thoroughly impressed and I'dpuiar assured. Popular errors respecting insanity were also met and com- delusions batted. The doctrine that insanity was a visitation of wrath and .' Insanity. vengeance, or a reproach, was opposed. It was urged that the brain, like the lungs or other organs of the body, was liable to disease. .\s it was a common thing, for the treatment of various accidents insanity a and ills of life, to create hospitals, involving the erection of costly Dise.-isc, buildings and the employment of expensive means of treatment, it requinns was especially proper that disorders of the brain should be so treated, treitnu-nt A special plea was made that such institutions be called hospitals, and the name Hospital was properly affi.xed to the new institution, for the second time in this country, in order that a name, familiar to alias a place for healing, might popularly designate its character and purpose. .\t an early period in the history of the Department for the Amusc-mcnt Insane, the diversion of patients by various methods received the Hall for attention of Dr. Kirkbride. In 1845, ^ systematic effort was made ''">^'"^- to add, to the diversions they already enjoyed, a course of instruction by means of lectures. For this purpose a room was pre])ared with a stage, seats, and other fi.vtures for a lecture-room, and a beginning was made toward a collection of apparatus and illustrations. On two evenings of every week an audience of about one hundred jiatients assembled, listening with marked propriety to the different subjects brought to their notice. Not only the selection of attendants had received attention, but xursc- their regular instruction was now proposed upon the nature of their Training duties — embracing some general views of the nature of insanity — the School, principles which should regulate their intercourse with patients and each other — the proper mode of proceeding in difficult cases, and such other matters as would be likely to give them a just sense of the importance and responsibility of their calling. 169 During tlie first live years succeeding the opening of this depart- ment, the annual admissions had increased from 83 to 177; and the Iiicri-asecl whole number treated in one year from 176 to 328. While the appreciation recoveries during the last twelve years, previous to the removal of the ,, ., , insane from the city, had been three hundred, the number of rerover- llospital as -^ ' * shown in ies, during the five years succeeding the removal, was three hundred annual and thirteen. These results were regarded as extremely gratifying, admissions, as showing an increasing appreciation of the work of the institution, the results every year confirming the wisdom of the change that had been made. A glance at the financial results for the same period show that this part of the administration had prospered as well as its departments for the sick and injured. The expenditures from 1841 to 1845 "'ce $128,908.09. and the receipts during the same period were 5105, 752. 89. Krc-e The amount expended on free patients during the first period of Patients, five years after 1841, was §28,621.06. The amount expended during the same period by the Hospital in the city on free patients was at least $55,000 — the total amount expended on the indigent patients in the two departments was §83,621.06. Adfliiional On May II, 1846, a Committee on .\dditional Buildings, BuiltliiiKs appointed to take in consideration a communication from Dr. Kirk- anth„ri..provf of the plans recently laid before the Board by Dr. Kirkbride and consider Ins reasoninj;, as to tlie im|)ortance of this addition to the Insane Institution as a proper appointnunt of wards aiiionf; the difTerent i lasses of its inmates, as conclusive. The North wing, devoted to men, was so overcrowded in 1.S46, that the Managers authorized additions to be made on the north and south sides of the north, or men's, lodge, as being the most convenient position for the jmrpose. This additional accommodation was com- pleted and occu])ied in 1847. It united the North lodge with the main hos|)ital structure. North Occasional requests had been made for separate and private Willi; accommodation for a single jiatient, somewhat detached from the e.xtended. ,,,.,jj, edifice. The proposition was approved by the Managers and fottaire ^" enlightened and liberal gentleman, from another State, participating Built, in some of these views and anxious that a friend might have the benefit of such a residence during the existence of her mental disorder, cont»ibuted the sum of five hundred dollars towards the construction of such a structure. This liberal act led to the construction of a cottage, which for many years was devoted to the use of one, or two patients. The crowded state of the wards for women, a steady increase in the demands for admission, the want of iiroper means of classification, ^ ' ' Tuo and the great convenience which had followed the additions made to atlditional the men's lodge, led the Managers to authorize the construction of Wards two wards, one south and one north of the women's lodge, to conform t-rfi^ted in all respects to the plan that had been carried out at the north end " . *" ' '^ "^ patients. of the men's wards. This addition was occupied in the year 1849, and with the other parts of the Department, furnished accornmodation n;,,,.^, in the aggregate for two hundred and twenty patients, and this was Musi-umaiul looked upon at the time as the completion of the whole plan. Keadins- This formative period of the Department is notable also for the """" , , erection of a museum building and reading-room, the gift of inter- private Con- esied friends. This building became the repository of specimens of tributions. keacliiig-K»Kiiii. natural history, minerals, shells, etc. , and was also intended as a reading- room and place for retirement. Other suggestions for adding to the contentment and mental occupation were put in practical opera- tion. Reading and sewing classes were formed and persons employed to lead them. Books, to the number of eleven hundred volumes, had been collected and placed on shelves accessible to patients. All of these means were properly regarded as progressive steps in the treat- ment of the insane. At the close of the year 1851, the Pine Street Hosjntal had com- pleted its first century of charitable work, and the department for the Cliaiitablf insane the first decennial period of its history. The Managers were W^rk Hospital Oiinpleti.'S its First Century of 171 Impressions derived from a Visit to tile Department for Insane. now able to congratulate themselves upon llie successful completion of their original plans, the organization and successful admin- istration of this De|)artment, its gratifying results, and the public con- fidence it enjoyed. It was already making its influence felt in behalf of the interests of the insane throughout the State and from beyond the borders of the Commonwealth came frequent visitors and officials anxious to study its operations. Principles of medical treatment and administration, which had been adopted after being tried and found to be excellent, were returning good fruit. Of the Managers who were connected with the Pine Street Hospital in 1X36, when the corner- stone of the new Department was laid, but a single one was still con- nected with the institution. Ivven of all the members of the board, which acted at the organization of the Department, there were but two remaining in connection therewith at the ex]iiration of ten years. Amid all the changes in the lioard of Managers, however, there had been no change in the excellent principles and purposes that were sought to be established, nor in the hearty interest felt by its members, nor in the enlightened spirit with which every suggestion had been met and carried out. It was a fitting period to survey and note the good work of a hundred years. The founding of the Hospital was suitably commem- orated by a centennial address delivered by Dr. George B. Wood, June 10, 1851. In this address there was presented a history of the Hospital to this date, with an allusion to the events leading to the creation of a separate department for the insane. As an extract has already been taken from the notes of a traveller and inserted in a |>revious jjage of this historical account, of what he observed of the state of the wards of the Hospital in 1787 on the occasion of a visit in company with Dr. Benjamin Rush, so it is a satisfaction to quote from the addre.ss of Dr. Wood his impressions derived from a visit to the new De])artment sixty-four years later. A visit ti) the Department for the insane will amply repay any one who either loves the heaiilies of natureor the still greater beauties of beneficence in orderly, efficient, and e.\tensive action, .Ground the house are |>leasure grounds, of more than forty acres in e.vtent. of finely diversified surface, adorned with gr-iiis, shrub- ber)' and trees \\ ith a small wti enclosed, and from various points connnanfiinj; agreeable views. Neat, isolated buildings are seen here and there, inten;e. Additional Provision Required to Accom- modate the Insane. Erection of a New Building, and Separation of Sexes approved l>y Managers. charity, which, more titan a centur\" ajjo, l>ejian the ^;re;it \vi»rk in .America, and which has ever since conducted its iniporlant trust in a manner to command tlie confidence of the entire community. The plan for effecting this ohject which has long since been suggested to my own mind, and which I now desire to place on record, for the consideration of others, is. that a new hospital, replete with every modern tliscovery, and all the improvements suggested I)\' a large experience, and capable of acconinuxlating two hundred male |)atients. should be erected on the seventy acres of land now comprising the farm of this institution, and directly west of the present inclosed pleasure grounds ; while the present buildings, with everything included within our external wall, should be given up for the exclusive use of a similar mimber of females. It was urged that no special advantage e.xisted in the association of the sexes in the same building, hut that there were many actual disadvantages. The separation would give to each sex enlarged liberty, freedom of movement with greater privacy, while the grounds furnished an tme.xceptional site for the new structure. For several years the wards had been crowded and apjilications had been declined. There was not in the city or Stale sufficient provision for the number of insane then out of hospitals, without taking into consideration the expected requirements incident to the annual increase of popu- lation. It had been the broad and liberal policy of the Managers not only to conduct a hospital for the sick and injured, but to receive for care and treatment the insane at a time when no other provision was made for them by the city or State. On accoimt of the limited facilities of the parent institution, a separate department had been created in the vicinity of the city, and now (1854) at another ])eriod of its history, it was again confronted with the embarrassments of over-crowded wards and the necessity of turning from its doors many worthy persons for whom admission was sought. It was not i)robable that any other organization or institution would come forward to undertake to supply their needs. It is truly a scheme of benevolence, which interferes with no existing charity. It provides for a form of human suffering, which can in no other mode be properly treated. It is looked tt) for relief l>>' every class and calling when mental disease occurs. The plan of |nitting up an entirely new building, and then separating the sexes, received at once the approbation of the Managers and subse' sympathized with the movement. 174 The amount of money required to complete the new wards was e-itimated at $250,000, and it was resolved to commence the building as soon as $150,000 were subscribed. Although but a comparatively small number of citizens had been Liberal called upon during the year, it is gratifying to be able to state that at Subscriptions , , . , „ , r 1,1 L -i- J 'or Erection the end of the year 1854, the sum of $127,000 had been subscribed ^^ guildin" by two hundred and sixty-nine individuals — a fact that was considered most honorable to the community and encouraging to the Managers and to all concerned. The printed " Appeal to the Citizens of Pennsylvania for Means to Provide Additional Accommodations for the Insane," may be found as an Appendix to the annual report of the Hospital for the Insane for 1855. In the same report is printed a copy of a " Cir- cular," with a list of 269 subscribers and the amounts contributed by each. At a meeting of the Board of Managers held March 3d, 1856, corner-stone the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Laid of Xew Whereas, from a report made this day to the Board, it appears that there Building, has been subscribed towards the fund for erecting new buildings for the insane "ow the department of the Hospital, the sum of one hundred and forty-four thousand Department dollars, & <'"■ Males. Whereas, it is important that preliminary arrangements should be made, to enable the work to be commenced when the sum of one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars has been subscribed. Therefore, Resolved, that a Building Committee of Five members be now appointed, whose duty it shall be to superintend the construction of the Building and adopt such measures as may be requisite to liave the work faithfully e.\ecuted. Whereupon, the following Committee was appointed, viz. : James R. Greaves, Samuel Welsh, John M. Whitall, Alexander J. Derbyshire and Wm. Biddle. It was further "Resolved, that Dr. Kirkbride be requested to co-operate with the Committee." On motion, " the President, Mordecai L. Dawson was added to the Committee." It was also further "Resolved, that the Committee above named have no atithority to enter into any contracts until the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars has been subscribed. Samuel Sloan was elected as Architect, and John Sunderland as Superintendent of Construction. The first foundation stone was set in position July yth, by Dr. Joseph J. Kirkbride, and the corner-stone was laid October ist, by Richard Vaux, Mayor of Philadelphia, in the presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen, when addresses were delivered by George B. Wood, M. D., and others. 175 The following articles were placed in a glass jar with ground glass nfiiartiiKiit stopper, which was deposited in the cavity of the granite block, of ' Miiiis \vj,j(.ii jhj; corner-stone is made. The opening in the stone is covered by a piece of marble carefully cemented, and on this a heavy piece of granite is laid. 'I'he corner-stone is placed in the southeast corner of the centre building and about four feet below the surface. Articles deposited in the corner-stone : OiK' half euKlc, ) I )iie dollar. One- iiiiarter ea);lc, ,^ tlolil. < )ir' half dollar, One dollar, ) Oiifciuarter dollar, < »1K' iu to the ^s rapidly as the means at the disposal of the Committee and a just regard to Board of economy, wouUi permit. Managers The first stone of the " New BuiUling for Males " w.as laid on the 7tli of July, 1856, and it w.is opened for the reception of Patients on the 27th of October, 1859. It is situated in full view and on the western side of the building previously in use, at a distance in a right line of 648 yards, and in the midst of fifty acres of pleasure grounds and gardens, the whole of which are surrounded by a substan- tial stone wall, covered with flagging, and of an average height of ten and a half feet. The gate of entrance is on Forty-ninth Street (an avenue intended to be 100 feet wide), between Market and Haverford Streets, and by each of which, by means of horse-railroads, easy access to Forty-ninth Street may be had at all seasons. 176 D m > H m O 33 -\ X m en > Notwithstanding tile financial depression of 1S57-58, the work Department of building was prosecuted with so little interruption, that it was i„r Malts sufificiently completed to receive patients on the 27th of October, opened. 1859. The amount of money paid on account of the new building was c'ost of ;^322,542.86, and further liabilities had been incurred to the amount Buildins of $30,000. This total sum included, in addition to the erection of ■" the building, the expenditures for the boundary wall, carriage-house, carpenter-shop, machinery of various kinds, heating and ventilating ajjparatus, grading about buildings and furnishings. A few ladies, impressed with the noble character of the whole work and actuated by a desire to secure the greatest possible efficiency in the new institution and its arrangements, generously undertook to give their valuable aid in jiroviding funds for furniture. Parlor — Department for Men "There has been expended in the buildings and wall enclosing Committee's fifty acres of pleasure ground, the machinery for supply of water, Repoit on warming and ventilation, the laundry, stable and other out-buildirgs, *-""s' "f the improvement of the grounds and furnishing the wards of the f"'''''"". I ,- iiiti,/-,- . , Repairs and department for males, three hundred and fifty-two thousand, one i,„pr,,ve- hundred and eleven dollars and fifty-one cents (§352,111.51), of ments. which amount there has been received from contributors, three hundred and twenty thousand five hundred and forty-one dollars and thirty-three cents (5320,541.33), and interest for temporary invest- ment, eight thousand two hundred and seventy-.seven dollars and seventy-two cents ($8277.72), leaving upwards of twenty-lour thousand '77 dollars (§24,000) yet to be provided, in addition to which we shall be dependent on the liberality of our friends for twenty-five thousand dollars (<;25,ooo) to meet the cost of the repaiVs and improvements at the department for females." Departniiiu The De|)artnient for Men was organized by the a])pointment for Milks of Dr. S. Preston Jones, as assistant physician, the I'hysician-in- Organized, (jhjef having the general supervision and direction of both depart- ments. The day on which the first male patients were transferred (October 27, 1859), was observed by appropriate ceremonies, and in the presence of a large number of the contributors to the Hospital and others interested in its welfare and progress. Repairs .iml The wards at the Department for Women, which had been in Improve constant use for a period of twenty years, had deteriorated from much made Id "^^- The removal of male patients from the north wing furnished Department the Opportunity to make needed repairs and improvements. Although for Females, the financial condition of the department would hardly admit the outlay, the sum of <;25,ooo was considered necessary, and was expended to restore the wards and furniture to their best state. Close of The enlargement, completion, and occupation of a new depart- ISecoiul i^^ig^t building for men fittingly marks the close of the second decen- Period i>f "'*' period of the Department for the Insane. The sim])le record of Department the work accomplished, but faintly represents the labor, the anxiety, for Insane, the attention to details, and the time expended by the Managers and Building Committee, the Collecting Committee, and the Physician- in-Chief in reaching the result. The contribution of the large sum necessary was a manifestation of public sympathy in the under- taking and the practical benevolence of the citizens of Philadelphia. During the twenty years during which the Department for the Insane had been in operation as a separate institution, the whole number admitted was 3571 jiatients, of which number 1754 were discharged cured, 807 in various stages of improvement, and 274 remained under care. The sum expended for the maintenance of this depart- ment, no part of which was a tax upon its capital, for the year i860, was $84,144.16, an average weekly cost of $5-47 for each patient. At this moderate weekly charge there was open to any citizen who might be compelled to seek a retreat or hospital in a time of affliction and sickness, one of the best appointed institutions in this or any other country. It was observed as a part of the medical experience of this period by Dr. Kirkbride that "a very large proportion of all the cases received, when carefully examined, gave evidence of impaired 178 Ijride's Ob- servations general health and that a majority rei|uire a tonic and invigorating rather than a depletory course of treatment." "Of all the cases that Hr. Kirk- have been treated, no one, after entering the institution, has seemed to require or had general bleeding performed, nor has a head been shaved, while cold and shower baths have been almost entirely abandoned." "Reference may also he made to the great advance made in other details of what has been called the moral means of treatment. Mention may be made of the improved character of rooms and furniture, the much higher ratio of attendants to patients, the regular courses of reading, lectures, or entertainments, held during the evenings of nine months of the year. All these latter, with good musical instruments, ward libraries, various facilities for riding inside the inclosure, and a large number of additional means for occupation and amusement, were formerly almost entirely unknown." Parlor— Uepaitmenl for Wonien. " Other changes have been gradually occurring within the last twenty years, not less worthy of note, the importance of which, as regards the welfare of the insane generally, can hardly be over- estimated. Public sentiment has unquestionably been much enlight- ened, the errors and prejudices of a past day have been passing away, and insanity is gradually coming to be regarded in the same category as other diseases — one to which every person having a brain is liable, but often, as other disea.ses, amenable to treatment and cure." The 179 improved system here and elsewhere meant the substitution of intelli- gent medical treatment and management for simple custody ; nurses and attendants for kce|)ers ; that comfortal)le rooms and wards, open to inspection and visitation, should take the place of cells and strong rooms in secluded places ; and, that the law of love and lunnan sym- pathy should he sui)reme in dealing with this affliction. Occupatiiiii Every year's experience and observation seemed to emphasize the "'"' importance of additional means for the physical and mental imi)rove- Di versions , jj- /-.•. r\ n , _ .. ment, or the occupation and diversion of ijatients. Dry walks were of Patients. ' ' ' ' _ extended during 1862, and 1863, in order that regular and systematic use of the muscles in the open air might be encouraged. Out-door recreation was insisted upon because of the acknowledged advantage of securing fresh air and sunshine, and because it can be more regu- larly carried out than labor or games of any kind. During these years, light gymnastic exercises, as recommended by Dr. Dio Lewis were introduced. They were considered to be the true system of securing a proper development of the muscular system. For many ladies who have suffered from the want of jiroper muscular exercise in the open air, light gymnastics proved valuable aids to the restoration of health, and they jwssess the advantage of adding another means for breaking the monotony of the long evenings of winter. Two evenings of each week were set apart for gymnastic exercises and, during the year 1864, Dr. Kirkbride was enabled to announce that every evening of the week was occupied in some manner that contributed to the enter- tainment or benefit of the patients. The successful institution of light gymnastics and the good results that seemed to follow this system of mild and regular exercise suggested the erection of a hall or room affording sufficient room for the class. Again was the Hospital the recijiient of a donation, this time from Mr. Samuel Welsh, amounting to $3,000, which was increased by others, for the purpose of building a gymnastic hall and assembly-room. The hall was comjjleted and furnished in 1864 and has proved to the present day an important and useful building for the purpose for which it was originally intended. .... . The apartments at the deiiartment for women, made vacant Accommo- by the removal of male patients, were so far occupied by the admission d.itions of women that the limit was reached in 1867. The number of male riquired for patients in this Department, in 1859, was 132. In 1S67, the Fisir'"\Vard '^"""^er of female patients had increased to 172. Fortunately, erected, about this time, a highly esteemed citizen of Philadelphia, Joseph Fisher, Esq., in the disposition of his estate, furnished the Managers with all the funds necessary for an enlargement of the rSo accomniodatidn for women. The beiiuest was made specifically for " extending and improving the accommodation for the insane." The erection of the structure which received the name of " Fisher Ward," in honor of this liberal benefactor of the insane, was commenced in 1S67, and completed December 6, 1868. It is located south of tlie southern extremity of the main hospital building. It was " intended for a class of cases of the deepest interest; for very sick persons; laboring under acute affections of the brain, accompanied by high excitement, and yet, for olivious reasons, not most comfortably situated in the ordinary wards.'' The cost of the Fisher Ward (South) was $24,850. On several occasions in the history of the Hospital, wlien some pressing want was found to exist, relief had come raiici. 1-islicr W.iK from some unexpected quarter, so now at another period of embar- rassment, when all beds were occupied, and it seemed probable that new patients would be refused except as vacancies occurred, means had been providentially furnished to make a valuable addition for cinseof increased ward accommodation. Third The year 1870 marked the close of the thirtieth year of the I't-'cennial operations of this department. The ten years preceding had been ,'^^"" " ' , , , .' J f p> Di-partinem marked by the erection of a gymnastic hall ; the South Fisher AVards f,„. i„sane. from a bequest of Joseph Fisher ; and various improvements which 181 were rendered possible by a gifi of Sio,ooo from S. Morris Walii. That the De|)artinent continued to be appreciated by the community and was fulfilling its purposes is shown by the statistics of the year 1870, during which two hundred and sixty-one patients were admitted, a total of five hundred and seventy-four treated, and at the close of the year there remained one hundred and sixty-nine males, and one hundred and seventy-five females. The total receipts were SMS, 829. 73, and the amount exjjended for maintenance was $148,165.51. The average weekly cost of supijort of each patient was $8. 26. Room in Fisher Ward Erection of North Fishur Ward for Femak'S. Statue of Beiijaniin Franklin at Department for Females. During the year 1872, a further enlargement for tiiirty additional female patients seemed necessary and to render the department for women e(|ual in capacity to that for men. This addition was com- menced in 1872, and completed in 1S73. 'he cost was defrayed in great part from the remainder of the legacy left by Joseph Fisher, and it amounted to :>43,299.:2. The additions last made have been styled the Joseph Fisher Wards, North, to distinguish them from similar wards erected at the South end of the South wing, from a portion of the same benefaction. During 1878, the Department having come into pos.session of a statue of Benjamin Franklin, six and a-half feet in height, it was placed on a pedestal in a prominent i)Osition in the grounds of the dejjartment for women. It would seem only right that honor should thus be paid to the memory of Franklin, who was secretary and president 1S2 successively of the Board of Managers, was ever active in promoting the objects of its establishment, and was the author of many of its official documents, and especially of its appeals for legislative action or public benevolence. The constructive period of the material, or structural, portion of Completion this Department may be said to have extended from the opening in "' Mary 1841 to 1880. During the latter year, the Mary Shields AVards, ' ,^^ commenced in 1879, were comijleted. This addition is connected Pi-males. with the South wing of the department for women and can accom- modate thirty patients and attendants. It was intended to correspond in its location and arrangement with the North Fisher Wards, erected in 1873. When this building was projected the hope was expressed that, before its completion. Some one would be found whose generous benefactions to this Department would make it right that the name of the donor would ever be held in grateful remembrance by being given to this new structure. This hope was fully justified by the reception of a noble legacy from Mary Shields, which seemed to warrant the permanent connection of her name with the new wards, which were for the special benefit of her own se.x. It is not too much to say that in all the future the Mary Shields Wards will yield a return far beyond any anticipation of the generous donor, and be a lasting encouragement to others whose benevolent imjjulses may incline them to actions of a similar character. The cost of erection and furnishing the new wards was 525,806. Cost of During the years intervening, between 1870 and 1880, this Erection Department reached the highest number of inmates during the fortv '""' .... „, , ,. , . . , , ' Furnishing years of its history. The number of admissions averaged two hun- ,|^^, dred and forty-nine annually. The State Hospital at Norristown, n\-« Wards. which opened for the reception of patients during the closing years of this decade, afforded needed relief to many worthy persons and served ,. ,,..,. . , '. . 1 • , • Retrospect to relieve the Hospital from a pressure for admissions which it was ^^f Fourth unable to meet. These ten years were remarkable for the degree of Decennial prosperity it enjoved, and the enlargement of its work. In addition Period, to the wards just referred to above, five ornamental summer houses Department , , ., „ . .... for Insane, and two green houses were built. Extensive municipal improvements on Market and Haverford Streets were comiileted at a cost of manv ,, ■ ■ , ' - .Municipal thousands of dollars, involving also re-arrangement, re-building, and other and additions to the boundary walls ; internal modifications and Improve- renewals were made, and the whole property improved. This period '"'^"'*- was memorable in the history of the Department for the noble benefac- tions it received from persons who by their practical sympathy with its work, and confidence in its management, enabled the institution to enlarge the sphere of its usefulness. It was memorable also in the '83 losses it sustained by llic death of an unusual number of Managers, friends and benefactors of the Deiiartment, whose names always deserve to be held in grateful remembrance for the material aid they contributed, and the valuable aid they rendered by their judicious counsel and co-operation. On the first day of January, 18.S5, Dr. Kirkbride presented to Mi-nioriam. the Managers his forty-second annual report, which is both " retro- spective and suj;gestive." 'ri-<)U{,'h he was still enfeebled physically from the effects of a severe illness, from which he suffered in 1S79, there was no perceptible abatement of mental vigor to be observed, nor of lo\alt\ to a wiirk on wlii. h lie had exi ended the undivided forces Ur. Thos. S. Kirkhride's Final Rvporl. Ill P ^ i The Mary Shields Wards— The \ ilia. of ills entire life. Inclosing this, which jjroved to be the last of a long series of reports, Dr. Kirkbride useil the following language : In Tl O 3] § o The vacanc) in the office of Physician-in-Chief and Superin- tendent was filled by the election of Dr. John B. Chapin, Medical Klcction of Superintendent of the State Hosijital at Willard, New York, who ^'y^'^'^n- commenced his service September i, 1884. There was much doubt ;,„a Mtdical in the minds of the Managers as to whether the interests of the Superin- Hospitals would be best served by dividing the departments into two tt-ndent of distinct and separate administrations with independent chiefs and staffs , "^'''"^ '"'^" for Insane. of officers, or whether one general scientific and administrative head would not produce greater work and economy with enlarged fields of usefulness. The opinions of the most eminent alienists were carefully sought and considered ; many institutions visited by special com- mittees of the Board, after which the conclusion was reached that the continuance of the separate departments under one head gave reason- able promise of continued usefulness. For several years following 1876 there had been observed to be c:aiiscs of a gradual decline in the number of patients admitted, and the whole Decline in number annuallv treated, although the daily average did not materially Admissions change. This experience did not arise from any decrea.se in the number of persons becoming insane, but the opening of new hospitals created by the State, at Norristown and Warren, and the additions made to the Western Pennsylvania and Danville Hospitals, doubtless furnished accommodations for many patients who otherwise would have been brought to the Pennsylvania Hospital. At the open- ing of the Department for the Insane, in 1841, the hospital accom- modation in this State consisted of that furnished by this Hospital and the Friends' Asylum, amounting to about 275 beds. At the present time the other hospitals of Pennsylvania accommodate altogether over 7000 patients. The rapid accession to the whole hosjiital ()opulation was largely due to the State policy during recent years, which encouraged the transfer of the insane poor from alms- hou.ses to State care in State hospitals. In all movements for promoting the better care of the insane in the Commonwealth, the Contributors, the Managers and officers of Conducted this Hospital have been deeply interested. They have by personal Hospital service; by encouraging a sentiment favorable to the recognition ^" ^bject- of the claims of the insane; by seeking to educate the public Educate tiie mind through the medium of annual reports ; and by the e.xhi- Puhlic Mind, bition of the results to be obtained from the liberal administration of a well-conducted hospital, which has been a constant object-lesson, contributed largely to bunging about a better state of pu.blic sentiment on the subject of Hospitals for Insane. 185 On the first of November, 1885, ihc Managers extended the Out-Patient operations of the out-patient department of the Pine Street Hos]"Uie. of reasonable proximity to the main hospital and the ijuiet and retire- ment of a private house, from which it does not materially differ in its external appearance and interior arrangements. 187 The erection of the Cottage House, or Villa, for a chiss of [)atients The ivnii for whose care a proportionately larger rate was charged, was by the city of Philadeljjhia made the basis of a municipal claim for water supply, which resulted in a decision by the Supreme Court of the Slate that " 'I'he Pennsylvania Hospital is a purely public charity in the highest sense of the term." The citation of the case is as follows : The Court held that " this was a municipal claim for a water l)ipe fded against a portion of the premises of the West Fhiladel|)hia branch of the Pennsylvania Hospital. This particular branch is devoted to the care of the insane. While it was conceded that the sylvaiiia Hospilal is a purely I'll 1)1 ic Cliarilv. Dorir Summer House. buildings and grounds are exempt from taxation for the reason that the defendant is a purely public charity, yet it was contended that within the portion of the grounds charged with this claim there was a large building reserved exclusively for the use of patients paying a higher rate than any other ; that these i^ayments must exceed the cost of maintenance assignable to themselves, if the original cost of the property and any estimated rental be excluded. It appears to be con- ceded that the object of the trustees in maintaining this department of the institution is to make profit, by the use of which to extend the 188 Institution's capacity for good among the destitute members of the community. " It was not contended, nor is there anything to show, that there was any actual profit realized in this department after taking into consideration the value of the ground and improvements, and the costs of the maintenance. The apparent profit is applied to the gen- eral objects of charity, and no portion of it inures to the benefit of any person concerned in administering the charity. " The Pennsylvania Hospital is a purely public charity in the supreme highest and best sense of the term, and under all our authorities we Court decides think it is exempt from the species of taxation attempted to be '" '''^'"'' "^ . • 1 • T 1 n- J II l'"" Hospital, imposed in this case. Judgment atnrmed. The Supreme Court very clearly stated the facts that all the income of the Pennsylvania Hospital is expended in charitable work, Gymnastic Pavilion. and it cannot be regarded as a money-making institution, for any excess over maintenance which is paid by rich patients is used to sup- port others who are destitute of means to make any pecuniary acknowledgment. The prescribed term ot service of the Resident Physicians in the Resident Department for the Sick and Injured (Pine Street Hospital), for Physicians' some years prior to the year 1888, had been fixed at sixteen months. Term During this year the Managers deemed it expedient to enlarge the {„ serve four usefulness of the institution by extending the valuable opportunities months at for obtaining a knowledge of insanity at the Department for Insane Department to each newly elected Resident Physician. The term of the Resident '"sane. 189 Physicians was extended so as to include four months' service at the Department for Insane. Under this arrangement it was believed they would have an opportunity to observe the various forms of insanity, the treatment of the insane, the administration of the hospital, and to become generally belter qualified to discharge their duties as physicians and citizens. Gymnastic The year 1890 was marked by the completion of a gymnastic BuildinK for building on the grounds of the Deiiarliiient for -Men, and the opening Male Qf ^ ny^y entrance and ap])roach to the Deijartnient for Women. The tparttiK-nt gy„,^^(i(; pavilion was designed to enlarge the means of diversion, to break the monotony of life in the wards, and to ])roniote the ph)sical training of male patients. It was believed that being detached from the main building, there would be an increased Hall in the I'"em.ile Dt-partme?it. inducement to leave the wards and their associations for a time. It overlooks a well-kept lawn, prejjarcd for out-of-door games. The building is of wood, one hundred and five feet long and forty-two feet wide. It is surrounded by a sheltered veranda, twelve feet wide. It contains a reading-room, billiard-room, a bowling-alley, a sitting- Niw room and a room for gymnastic exercises. The buildings and grounds Entrance aj-g under the direction of a competent instructor who conducts the Gate an ^.j^gggs ^n^j special exercises. Dei)a*rtni(.-nt ^or a period of forty-nine years the grounds of the Department for Femaks. for Women were entered at the gate near Haverford Avenue and 190 Forty-fourth Street. During the year 1890, a new entrance gate and lodge were erected at the junction of Market and Forty-fourth Streets and Povvelton Avenue. The change seemed desirable to render the Hospital more accessible to lines of travel and centres of population. This great improvement was rendered possible by the gift of a benevolent friend. (See illustration page 113.) During the year 1889, sixty-one lectures were delivered to Lectures by attendants by the assistant physicians and seventy-four lectures on Assistant Botany and Natural History to classes of patients, taking for this P'^V'*"^''''"* to . , L,, . , , , L • , • Attendants purpose a morning hour. Ihis work was undertaken by the physi- ,,|,j patients cians in addition to their usual ward work and the regular evening The I. \'. \\'illianison Building. entertainments. It is mentioned specially, as it exceeded what had been previously done in this direction. In the annual reports for 1890, it was stated that during the _, preceding three years the Department for Women had been fully Deijartment occupied, so that any accession to the number would have been for Females impracticable, or attended with inconvenience. This condition '^'"y continued for the succeeding year. As the daily average number of "'^'-"1"'^ • patients seemed to be maintained without a prospect of speedy dimi- nution, the Managers were confronted with the problem of over- 191 crowded wards, and ihc c oiuiiiiicd cinliarrassiiiciu likclv lo arise ii> the classification of patients and medical administration. A hospital may be erected with every ajjpiiance for tlic care and treatment of its allotted number, but its o|)eration as a medical institution may be effectually paralyzed by overcrowding, with tiie risks antl discomforts that may attend such a condition. It was wisely resolved to enlarge I.V.William- the accommodations of this department of the Hos|)ital. This work son Wards ^yas undertaken in the summer of 1891, and brought to completion .rt-cte or (]y,j„„ d^g [.j^j nionih of this year. The whole number of beds for hfiiiale ° I'aiii-nts. patients and attendants added is forty-one. The building is an extension of the North wing of the original structure. These wards 1 lie I. \'. Willl.iinsoii Waul — Dcp.'irtineiit for Women — SiUn'>^ Kuoni. have been named the " I. V. Williamson Wards," in ))erpetual remembrance of one of the eminent benefactors of the Hospital. rift of ^" I'^^O'i th*^ Managers made a concession of a strip of land GroHiicl extending from Market Street to Haverford Avenue, 80 feet wide, to to City, the City, on condition that a sewer should be constructed without coiidiiioiiL-d ^,Qj.j jQ ,|^g Hospital, along the course of Mill Creek, to connect at C St c-tiatients, has led to the designing of a new building to accommodate forty patients, to be constructed it is ho])ed in the near future. It will be 101 feet long, 37^2 feet wide, with a dining-room 21 feet by 31 feet. Much thought has been given to the character of this new edifice, both in relation to its internal accommodation and its future relation to additional structures. The one now contemplated will cost about ^535, 000 lo 540,000." Ri'siiitsof Reviewing the work in the Department for the Insane, since the Half t\imirv removal to West Philadelphia, the Sujierintendent, Dr. Chapin, sums it up as follows : Of thf results of tifly yiarsnf aii ol tin- ilipartiiKiu (••>■ tla- iiisaiii-, it may \)v slatid it has nift all IIr- (k'Hiaiuls upon it in a liberal tnaiiiK'r. After the construction and equipment of wards and the addition of new wards, from time to time, its affairs have been so c inducted that no impairment of its capital h.as occurred. The Department has been nearly self-suslainin); from receipts for board of patients. It has been demonstrated tliat, the plant beiliH furnished, the larjjer ])r*)portion of patients have been able to pay the cost of their maintenance. In computing the charge to be made for board and treatment, the interest on the cost of the i)lant. which would be a considerable sum, lias not entered into the account. That the plan has been practicable and has met an actual necessity in this community, appears by the fact that neither the state, nor any other charitable orKanization, has undertaken to do e.\actly the line of work carried out by the Pennsylvania Hospital. Suitable wards have been provided and furnished, also medical service and attendance, suited to all conditions and reasonable require- ments. The Managers have also deemed it their duty lo consider and approve many worthy ai>plications for adnussion at less than the actual cost of main- tenance. They have also made the best use of the number of free beds at their disposal. .Applications At all times there have been application for relief beyond the available means for Relief of the Hospital and the need of its benefactions will rather increase than diminish Continue to '" cominK years. The petitions for relief come first to the Managers, so that they Kxceed the become familiar with the nature of the claims that come before them. Kvery .Available year shows a constant demand upon the charity of the Hospital and the Means. Managers have deemed it a duty to deserving persons, as well as in the line of a faithful execution of their trust, to bring to the freective f,,,. j„sane grounds ; two museum buildings on the grounds of the department for women. Also a building for the residence of the physician and superintendent ; barns, stables, carriage-houses, carpenter and repair shops, and green houses at each department, together with the furniture necessary for the conduct of a hospital of the first class. The career of this Department is a practical illustration of faith accompany- ing good works. It will stand in the future, as it has in the past, as an object lesson and as an example of a well-managed benevolent institution and medical charity in the community in which it is located. It has brought happines.s and consola- tion to thousands of families throughout the land. Its influence and principles have been reflected in the organization and administration of similar institutions in other States. It has inspired and stimulated others to make eflbrts in new fields of human benevolence. It has blessed the benefactors as well as the recipients of its benefits. Its noble buildings, and their history, turn the thoughts of the beholder to the earthly work of the Divine Master. ^95 THOMAS STORY KIRKBRIDE. M.D.. 1.1..!). IN MEMORIAM. Thomas Story Kirkbride was born near Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, at the paternal home on the hanks of the Delaware, on the 31st of July, 1809. His ancestors, like himself, were members of the Society of Friends and both branches of his family were among the first settlers of Pennsylvania, who came to this country with "William Penn. His father's ancestors were from the parish of Kirkbride, in the county of Cumberland, England. On settling in America, they took up land in the lower part of Bucks County, much of which remained in the possession of their descendants until 1867. His father, John Kirkbride, built, before his marriage, the house in which he lived until his death, in 1864. His mother was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Rachel Story, of Newtown Township, Bucks County. .\fter attending schools in the neighborhood of his home, he spent four years at a noted classical school in Trenton, N. J., and after- wards devoted a year to the sjjccial study of the higher mathematics at Burlington, N. J. The following year wa.s sjjent on his father's farm in practical pursuits which he felt in later years to have been of permanent advantage to his health. At the close of these agricultural months, he read medicine with Dr. Nicholas de Belleville, of Trenton, a distinguished physician and surgeon, who came from France with the forces under Lafayette in the American Revolution. In 1S32, Dr. Kirkbride graduated in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and was immediately appointed Resident Physician of the Friends' Asylum for the Insane at Frankford, remaining there until his election as Resident of the Pennsylvania Hos])ital. While at the Friends' Asylum, he was active in everything relating to the care of the patients and the management of the Institution, and on leaving he received a flattering testimonial from the Board of Managers and privately from individual members a confidential request to return and take charge of the Institution. He then spent two years at the Penns) Ivania Hosjjital. During the second year, his colleague was Dr. William W. Gerhard. 196 'nt > euitiufni CO., roiLA. Both Residents were diligent in the careful examination and noting of and cases under treatment ; their observations, which were published separately, were among the early Hospital reports issued in this country. In 1835 Dr. Kirkbride began general practice in Philadel|)hia. In 1839 he married Ann West, daughter of Joseph R. Jenks, a well- known merchant and a Manager of the Hospital. She died in 1862, leaving a daughter and a son. In 1866 he married Eliza, daughter of Benjamin F. Butler, of New York, Attorney-General under Presidents Jackson and Van Buren, who with four children survives him. Dr. Kirkbride was a constant visitor at the Hospital, keeping up his intimacy with the Medical Staff there engaged. The resignation of his friend, Dr. John Rhea Barton, led him to anticipate an appoint- ment as his successor as Surgeon to the Hospital in the autumn of 1840. One summer morning, when walking in Race Street, he met his friend John Paul, an active member of the Board of Managers, who, to his entire surprise, asked what would induce him to relinquish his long cherished plans and accept instead the office of Physician-in-Chief and Superintendent of the new Department for the Insane. It was a matter for very serious consideration. His professional friends regarded the change as ill-advised, indeed almost without justification. On the other hand, in the opportunity of starting a new institution, of developing new forms of management, and, in fact, of giving a new character to the care of the insane, Dr. Kirkbride finally, saw inducement to forego his prospects of distinction as a surgeon. Without any solicitation, or even application, on his part, he was elected October 12, 1840, to the post which he occupied until his death. .\fter visiting institutions for the insane to the north and east of Philadelphia, he moved the following December, with his famil\-, to the old mansion house within the Hospital grounds. From this time Dr. Kirkbride's ability and varied gifts were con- secrated to the insane. His energy and enthusiasm never flagged and his duties kept him always at his i)ost. His forty-two .\nnual Hosjiital Reports give the record of his life. They are at once the history of the institution and the story of his own untiring service. So com- pletely indeed is his career identified with the medical care and cure of the insane in hospital, that some knowledge of this subject is necessary for any true conception of his character and work. He represents a great idea, which he found worthy of life-long devotion. Eyes trained by knowledge to see his own ideal and to descry the Hospital of the future as it stood before his vision, can alone fully perceive the value, or 197 the incaninf,' of his labors. His earliest reports are peculiarly interest- ing as character stiuiies. Written shortly after he had entered the specialty, they reveal marvelous maturity of thought and firm grasp of the latest principles in the care of the insane, while the entire series of Reports form a valuable treatise on insanity and the relations of the community to the insane. I ir. Kirkbride was one of the "original thirteen" physicians, who, in 1844, founded the Association of Medical Superintendents, now the American Medico- Psychological Association. He was its first Secretary, serving seven years; its Vice-President, for seven years, and its President from 1862 to 1870. He took the greatest interest in its proceedings, and was rarely absent from the meetings. The interests of the Pennsylvania Hospital in its great work of caring for the sick and injured, lay next in his heart to the jirosperity of the Dejiartment for the Insane. His ])Ower of winning friendship was great and his relations to the Board of Managers were always characterized by unbroken confidence and mutual regard, which ripened in numerous instances into warmest intimacy. He ensured their co-operation by strict conscientiousness and unceasing labor. In 1853, after passing through a period of ill-health, but not of cessation from active duty, he felt that his " term of service had been nearly as protrai:ted as can be required of one individual," but he worked on with the same ardor thirty years longer — and this with a physique far from robust. Within the wards he found his chief delight in the exercise of that benign power over the insane in which he was unrivalled. To know him thoroughly one needed to see him surrounded by those to whom his life was devoted. Dignity, tempered by gentleness, invari- able courtesy, tenderest sympathy and tact marked all his intercourse with his patients. His "tranquil grace of tone and look" and manner, his wonderful i)atience and his genial disposition brought healing influences, which were strengthened by the resolute firmness, the unyielding i)erseverance and fortitude of his character. The sane and the insane recognized within him a rare spiritual force. In 1854, the wards were so over-crowded that further admissions were necessarily refused. He then suggested the erection of a sejjarate building, for males only, and published an •' Appeal for the Insane," besides writing many articles for the newspapers. He imparted his own enthusiasm to others, and many citizens, including the whole Hoard of Managers, threw themselves most heartily into the work. For thirty years, although not always prominently before the public, his counsel was constantly sought bv the medical societies and 198 successive Legislatures of Pennsylvania, in every movement relating to the care of the insane. His yearly Reports and his work on the Construction of Hospitals for the Insane are his principal writings, but he frequently contributed essays, reviews, and notices to the medical journals, and wrote frequently for the newspajjers, especially the old " United States Gazette" and "North American." Memoirs of his valued friends, Dr. William Pepper, Sr., Professor of Theory and Practice in the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Isaac Ray, the author of the " Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity," were written by request of the College of Physicians. Dr. Kirkbride was a member of the College of Physicians, the Philadelphia County Medical Society, the Franklin Institute, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the American Philosophical Society, and an honorary member of the British Medico-Psychological Association, etc. ; he was for ten years a Trustee of the State Lunatic Asylum at Harrisburg, Pa. , and for more than forty years a Manager of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. In 1880, Lafayette College, Pa., conferred on him the degree of LL. D. In 1880, after recovery from a severe illness of several months, he returned with renewed ardor to his accustomed work. Three years of active duty followed, during which, with less of physical strength, but if possible, with more energy of spirit than before, his presence was again the life and hope of the Hospital and of his home. In March, 1883, he was prostrated by typhoid-pneumonia. His illness lasted nine months. He died peacefully December i6th, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. The late Professor S. D. Gross, in his Autobiography, thus described Dr. Kirkbride's appearance: •'In personal appearance Dr. Kirkbride was eminently attractive. He was of medium height, with a fine physique, a well-shaped head, and a countenance highly expressive of benevolence and warmth of heart. His voice was sweet and gentle, and his presence and demeanor were such as to win at once the affection and confidence of his most wayward patients." One of his oldest assistants. Dr. John Curwen, wrote as follows : " Laboring with a single aim for the relief and welfare of those to whose care he had devoted more than forty years of his life, he has left behind him, in what he has written and in what he has done, a monument which will stand so long as the care of the insane will require the aid of those Institutions with which his name and his fame have been so closely connected." 199 By resolution of the Board of Managers, an extended Memorial of Dr. Kirkbride's life was jmblished with the annual re|)ort of the Hospital to the Contributors for the year 1S83. At a sjjecial meeting of the Board of Managers of ilic Hospital, held December 17th, 18CS3, the members adopted a minute and resolutions expressive of their sense of the great loss they had sus- tained and of their estimation of the value of his services; they also directed that a tablet be placed in the Centre Hall of the Department for Women, bearing the following inscription : THIS TABLKT RKCORDS rilK AKFKCTION ("I I KR ISI I i;i ) l-i iK I'llK MKMORV OK TIlilMASS. KlRKIiRIDK. M. D. FOR MORK THAN FoRTY-TW'O VICARS PHYSICIAN IN CHIEF AND Sll'KRINTKNDKNT OF THK HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. IN CHARCEOF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. l.N HIS OKKKIAI, DITIES, FAITHFCI, .ANI> EKKICIKM . rN HIS I'KOPESSION, SKII-KII. AM) INTIRINC;. IN HIS iii;nkvoi.IvNci5, wise and FAR-SEEINC. IN HIS CHRISTIAN FAITH, SINCERE AND STEADFAST. IN EVERY RELATION OF I.IFE, TENDER AND INSEI.FISH. HE WAS IN HIS PRACTICAL WORK IN THIS INSTITITION THE FIRM VET MOST GENTLE AND SYMPATHETIC FRIEND AND HEALER. AND BY HIS LIFE LONC AND SICCESSFCL LABORS ON BEHALF OF THE INSANE A BENEFACTOR OF .MANKIND. HE DIED AT HIS HOME, IN THE GROfNDS OF THIS HOSIMTAI, ON THE |6tH day of I2TH MONTH, 1883, IN THE SEVENTV-FIFTH VKAR OF HIS ACE. ''^''^"ihmxandlwiUteV PATIENTS. At the time when the Hospital was opened, the present customary distinctions between medical and surgical practice, and other special ''^''^ Medical departments, were not generally observed, and jiatients were attended ' . . indiscriminately, by any member of the Hosjjital staff who happened all Classes at the time to be on duty. Each member apparently was considered of Patients competent to treat all classes of cases that came into the institution, '"fiiscnmi- and in grave cases the entire staff was required to be summoned in consultation. It was the specialty of obstetrics which first was officially recognized in iSio, when the Managers elected Dr. Thomas Chalkely James and designated him especially as "Ph\'sician to the Lying-in Department." With this exception, the members of the medical staff, in the minutes referring to their appointments or resig- nations, are designated either as "physicians" or "physicians and surgeons" collectively, until the Managers at the meeting held Special September 5, 1821, were led into making this distinction a permanent Practice one in the institution, apparently, by the wording of the resignation "''^" ucei . of Dr. Joseph Hartshorne, dated August 27 : Be pleased to accept the resign.ation of my office as one of the Surgeons of the Hospital and receive at the same time the Assurance of my best wishes for the prosperity of the Institutidii and for the heallh and liappiness of each indi- vidual of your Board. Ordered, that at the Stated Meeting in the loth month next, the Board will proceed to elect a Surgeon, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Hartshorne. At the meeting in October, the following aj^ijears: The Board haviiiK Rranted tlie request of Doctor Win. Price and transferred Division him from the Medical to the SurRical Department lately vacated by the resigna- of Medical tion of Doctor Hartshorne, preceded to fill the vacancy occasioned by the transfer Service, of Doctor Price, when Dr. John Wilson .Moore was duly elected. It appears from this minute that, in 1821, the staff had already made the distinction between physicians and stirgeons, and the Managers now officially recognized a Surgical department as existing, although no [irevious reference to surgery as a special branch of practice occurs on the records. When the annual election of Physicians and Surgeons was held, on May 12, 1823, the members of the staff were officially divided, for the first time in the history of the Hospital. The results of the elec- tion were entered upon the minutes as follows: Physicians, John C. Otto. John W. Moore, Samuel Kmlen. Surgeons. Joseph Parrish, Thomas T. Hewson, John Rhea Barton. Physicians for the Lyin;;-in Department. Thomas C. James, John Moore. From this time forward the same system of classification has been followed, except, that when it was decided to finally close the Lying-in wards, in 1854, physicians to this department ceased to be elected at the annual meetings. In 1852, an additional physician and surgeon were added to the staff, making it consist of four physicians and four surgeons, which is the number at present composing the medical staff of the Pine Street department. In 1840, Dr. Thomas S. Kirkbride was elected Medical Sujjcrin- tendent of the Insane Department, thus recognizing another specialty in medical practice. Subsequently, the Managers elected a consulting Special ^iQ^ff^ representing various specialties, in connection wiih the Insane Departments _ r i ^ i^ • t^ i i ;in.-y llii.-:;» a^-gyt^y Jf-ir^V^d^i^ being afllidcd villi .«_ ^cri^- *y^» ii a projicr rtu'cni for ihc PcnnfjV.'ani* Mofpiiil, K^jH/ii^. »■.»>» ^ ^ •■»* .WuJi.. -. i^tt. ^ vUci-^ty "— > ^•. ? ■A v^ (M t-* f'-t-u 'fjlvini* Ho'pii.nl » n^ , wjlb at Icaft kvt J/Li bting njmincii a P.iiiait inio ili< Pcnn> ■R«joeft, uac do hcxtliy proinlfi; :o proviJc ^''"■- ♦i and oibcr Cloihiii);, fii.TKicir, r.n.I fuiiabic for \ kl\ Ufc \thi!c thtrc; to pay to Jofqih Htinzcy, Stc»-yd of lUc faid Hcfpiul, or 10 \\n Sijcccfiiir in OllJcc, /m* i-t\vvvi.rrf»'. ' to caufc. '■■»■• per \Wfc Ux UoarJ, dining ' «^"'I>'"y '"'>' physicians or surgeons they desire. Rules for Eleventhly, That all persons who have been admitted into the Hospital, shall Patients, be discharged as soon as they are cured, or, after a reasonable time of Tryal, are judged incurable. Twelfthly, That all patients when cured, sijjn certificates of their particular cases, and of the benefit they have received in this Hospital, to be either pub- lished or otherwise disposed of, as the managers may think proper. Thirteenthly, That no patient go out of the Hospital without leave from one of the physicians or surgeons, first signified to the matron : That they do not swear, curse, get drunk, behave rudely or indecently, on pain of expulsion after the first admonition. Fourteenthly, That no patients jiresume to play at cards, dice, or any other game within the Hospital, or to beg any where ill the city of Pliilaiklpliia, on pain of being discharged for irregularity. Fifteenlhly, That such patients as are liable, shall assist in nursing others ; washing and ironing the linen, washing and cleaning the rooms, and such other services as the matron shall require. The foregoing rules were agreed to by a board of Managers of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital, the twenty-third day of the first month (January) 1752. Bknj.\min Franklin, Clerk. We do approve of the foregoing rules, W'.M. .\i.LKN, Oiief JhsIuc. Isaac Nokris, Speatti- of the Assembly. Tknch Francis, Allormy- General. A rule was established by the Managers January 25, 1762, which enlarged the scope of their charitable work. It was Agreed that hereafter the Applications made by the Overseers of the Poor of any of the Townships within this Province for the Admission of Patients into this Hospital, if their cases are adjudged i)ro|>er, they shall be taken in free of Charge for their Maintenance. While such had not been the original intention when the Hosiiital was founded, the Managers had heretofore exacted from outlying townships a certain guarantee for board of the poor sent to the institution. This had been the rule, even with the indigent of Phila- del])hia, none were admitted without requiring some security, in case of death, for the removal of the body. Often when some ])oor stranger claimed the hospitality and care of the institution, with no one to act as security, one of the Managers or some other charitable citizen, pro forma, signed the admission i)a];er. All Classes The desire of doing good to all, irrespective of color or con- cared for dition, seemed to animate every one connected with the Hospital from its beginning. That no difference was made in favor of i)ay patients will be evident from the following minutes made February 29, 176S: Hesok'ed, Tliat Ihc P;iy I'atiLiits now in the Mouse and those who art- here- after Admitted be accommodated with no other Provisions for their Diet tlian the Diet. Other Patients, and any Extraordinary necessaries they require, Such as Tea, Loaf Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Wine or Spirits, they provide at their own Expence. It is recorded on the minutes, May 7, 1752, that an Indian having been found ill near the home of Isaac Norris, the latter reported the case to the Managers, who immediately took action in the matter, appointing John Reynell and Samuel Rhoads in con- junction with the physicians to consider it, "and if they find he cannot be otherwise suitably provided for, it is agreed that he may , , ,' be admitted into the Hospital." Upon investigation, Samuel Rhoads reported that John Reynell and he had visited the sick Indian and that " Isaac Norris had provided a place for him." The want of personal security did not deter any deserving, poor person, however, from receiving the benefits of Hospital treatment. Here are two of the many instances on record: October 3, 1764, " John Bryan a poor person was admitted with large ulcers, a pair of buckles his security." On September 28, 17S5, " a poor sailor was admitted \vith Rheumatism, his chest of cloathes, his security." On June 23, 179S, The Managers in full consideration of the Fifth rule for the admission and discharge of Patients, agree that the same be repealed so far as relates to requiring the security for the funeral Charges of poor Patients to which agree- ment the approbation of the Chief Justice, Speakers of the .\ssembly and State Attorney is solicited. On February 26, 1810, the following amended rules were adopted, making more easy the admission of poor patients in future : ist. Recent Accidents such as wounds and bruises may be received at all \mended times without Security provided they happen in Pennsylvania and are brought to Rules for the House within twenty-four hours after the accident. .-Vdmissions 2nd. Pregnant women of our own State, who are poor, and proper objects for admission into the Hospital, may be received without security, e.xcept for the removal of themselves and children when discharged. The Maintenance of the Mothers, and their infants, including Cloathing, when nescessary, to be charged to the income of the Cavalry Fund, and in Case that proves insufficient, to the general fund of the House. 3rd. The Attending Managers may sign in behalf of the Hospital as security for other poor Patients for Cloathing in Cases of absolute necessity if it will not Hospital exceed twenty-five dollars in any two months of the year; but if it should so to provide happen that a part of the said allowances of twenty-five dollars for any two Clothing and months sliould remain unexpended the surplus may be expended in the succeed- pay Funeral ing months of the same year Provided that a whole year not more than one hun- Expenses, dred and fifty dollars be allowed for cloathing and the usual security be always taken to remove the Patients when required. 4th. .-Ml funeral expenses of the Poor of our own State shall be charged to the Hospital. Tlie liberal spirit of the Managers is shown by their course with Free regard to free vaccination. March 28, 180S, the Secretary of \accination gQ^rd of Managers was directed " to give ]niblic notice in the news- papers that the Poor of Pennsylvania shall be vaccinated gratis, if they will call at the Hospital." Again on March 27, 1809, it is agreed "to advertise the Poor from the Cit\- and Country to come to the Hospital where they will be vaccinated gratis." Previous to this Inoculation time, inoculation was practised by the physicians of the Hospital, for Smallpox composing the Medical Staff; but as infectious diseases were not anionf; , • , , , , ■ , .,., • . Oiit-Paticnts admitted, the patients were treated at their homes. 1 he statistics are incomplete, but the following is of some historical interest : During the year 1 799-1800, among the outside patients were treated: 109 cases of "inoculated" smallpo.x, of which 68 were cured, 1 failed. 6 cases of " natural " smalljiox were also attended. Clothiiii; The physicians to the Pennsylvania Hospital on November 25, from the 181 2, recommended the managers " to apply three hundred dollars of p "^'1 ''^^ niedical fund towards clothing of such poor patients, wljo cannot find the usual security for that necessary article" ; again on April 25, 181 4, the physicians agreed to appropriate one thou-sand dollars to be taken out of the niedical fund •' for supply of clothing to indigent patients." Colored The Committee on Economy, on January 29, 1827, were charged Female to " jtrepare an apartment for the accommodation of coloreil female Patients, patients in which ihcy may be more suitably provided than they are at present." Directions April 9, 1757, Tom, a negro, belonging to Joseph Wharton, "an Concerniii;; honest slave," was the first jjatient who died in the new Hosijital. On Deceased jsfovember 26, 1766, the matron was given particular directions that Patients bodies of the patients who die, should be taken into the Upper Hall to be laid out in a suitable apartment there to be provided for that jnirpose. It was " Resolved, that when the Physicians shall conclude it Autopsies necessary to open the bodies of any of the dead, that they ])reviously consult the sitting managers thereon and obtain their consent." In the course of years, disputes have occasionally arisen between The Law of the physicians of the Hospital and the Coroner of the City of Phila- Coroncr's delphia, with regard to the relative rights of each ])arty to make " ' *" ' autopsies upon patients dying from injury, whether recent or remote. The following valuable contribution to the discussion of the duties of the office of the Coroner arose in this way : in the case of a woman named Elizabeth Taylor, who had been accidentally burnt about her body and died in the Hospital, in consequence thereof, a week after her admission, the Coroner of Philadelphia asserted his right to make a post-mortem examination. The latter in an official communication, dated September 28, 1840, addressed the Board as follows : The responsibility of an oath makes it an imperative duty on my part to call Communica- your attention to the fact, that many persons who die in the Hospital, the victims tion from the of accident, are buried without my knowledge. Now I believe that the law Coroner, makes it the duty of the Coroner to hold an inquest over the bodies of persons who die from casualties. In another letter he gives a list of authorities in support of his claim that "all deaths from accidents or casualties fall under the notice of the Coroner," without regard to " the nature of the casual- ties or the time that may elapse preceding death." This claim was opposed by the Managers and Horace Binney, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, was requested to inform the Board concerning the utmost limit of the duty of the Coroner. Mr. Binney, in a full report dated November 7, 1840. (which will here be given in a somewhat condensed form), denied this claim and declared that the authorities cited did not support it. The sudden- ness of the death is more essential than its accidental character. The right to jurisdiction of the Coroner, therefore, in a death from casualty, is not inherent, but in each case is due to attendant circum- stances. After briefly reviewing several points raised by the Coroner's correspondence, Mr. Binney proceeded to summarize the law upon the subject and then advised the Managers with regard to their duty in case of violent or accidental deaths, as follows : The office of Coroner, it may be remarked, derives its name from the circum- Opinion of stance, that it has principally to do with Pleas of the Crown, or such in which y^j. Bjnnev. the King is more immediately concerned. The judicial powers belonging to the office, have altogether perhaps a refer- ence to the rights and duties of the crown. If the death of a person involves a homicide, the Coroner intervenes to hold an inquest, that those who are culpable may be brought to justice in the king's courts ; and if the case is one in which the party is/elo de se, the inquest is necessary or e.\pedient to secure the forfeit- ure which follows the act ; and if it be a case neither of homicide nor suicide, it is the Coroner's duty to inquire whether there be not a deodand in consequence of the death, to the king, or to the lord of the franchise under him. These objects and ends of the office, may be regarded as limitations of its judicial power in England, e.\cept in the case of persons dying in prison, where, from a salutary suspicion that the death of all persons who are in the custody of a gaoler, may be brought about by violence or oppression, the law requires an inquest by the Coroner in every case, without regard to its circumstances. With respect to prisons, general suspicion supplies the place of particular suspicion. In other cases, it would seem reasonable to require the e.xistence of some particular grounds of suspicion, that the case is one which it concerns tlie office of the Coroner to inquire into, for some of the purposes I have mentioned. Mr. Binncy In renard to those cases where the whole end of the Coroner's inquiry is to on the ascertain whether there be a forfeiture by suicide, or a deodand from a death by Duties of the casualty, it is worthy of grave consideration, whether the powers of a Coroner Coroner, have not been m.aterially modified in Pennsylvania, by those provisions of our Constitution, which take away all forfeitures in such cases. I do not mean to consider that question at this time ; but I may remark, that since the proper functions of a Coroner under the Stat. 4 Edw. I., and at the common law, have not been enlarged in this State, and probably have been restricted, no reason- able objection can be urged .igainst their being limited here at least as much as they are in Kngland ; and that I think will be sufficient for the present inquiry. I regaril the Knglish authorities as settling the point, that e.MCept in cases of prisoners, the Coroner should hold an in<|uest only where there has been a I'ioUnI and tinnalinat death, or reasonable suspicion of such a death ; and that an accident superinducing disease and death, .it the enil of days and weeks, is not a case for an inquest. In Sir Kdward Hyde East's Crown Law, his commentary upon the duties of the Coroner is as follows : " First, the (Coroner's) inquiry is to be maressly requires that the Coroner " shall Ko Coroner. '« '''e places where any be slain or suddenly dead, or :ay at the rates and prices deltited to them, admitted the ecpiity of the account and consented that a verdict should be given for ^1014, due February 24, 1790. The point at issue was the objection of the Almshouse to the legality of the Hospital's charging for the board of patients wh(j were residents of Pennsylva- nia, alleging that the hospital funds were e.xclusively intended for that descrii)tion of people and that the Hospital had no right to take foreigners on charity, or the inhabitants of other Stales. The matter was fully argued before the Court, but not finally decided, on the Court being adjourned to the 3d of the following March. " The managers had reason to believe it would be determined liberally in their favor as they have a right to consider all persons meeting with c.-isualities in the Roads or Streets, or i)erishing with sickness in the State, as the poor of Pennsylvania without e.xception ; but if they are immediately sent from the neighboring State for the e.xpress pur|)ose of being supported in the hospital they ought not to be admitted." On .April 20, 1799, the Managers informed the Almshouse authorities they had room for si.v patients, il they had any diseased persons in their House, whom the I)hysicians of the Hospital should think proper subjects, they wouUI willingly receive them witlumt l>ay. The .Almshouse managers accedelicant being a Residenter." This arrangement being satisfactory to the Managers, the Com- mittee was discharged July 25, 180,3, it not being considered necessary to have any further conference, at this time, on the subject. A subsequent communication from the Guardians of the Poor was read February 27, 1804, in which they offered to transfer two pau- per lunatics to the Hospital, on condition that the Managers " in future provide them all and every Necessary, without any Exjienseto this Insti- tution." To this proposition tiie Managers made a reply, stating that 219 They an- now, and have been at all times well disposed to extend the benefits of the Institution, as far a they can legally and properly do it to the poor of the City and Districts of Philadelphia ; yet they are not willing to act inconsistently with thL-se rules in favor of the Guardians or of any other persfjns ; And they expect whenever the Guardians rightly consider all Circumstances, they will be disposed to j)romote the Interests of the Citizens, and not charge them with the Board of Confirmed Lunatics, whom the Managers of the Hospital, have offered to maintain free of any expense but Cloaths and funeral Charges. On July 31 , 1815, the following was received, showing an amicable feeling between the two institutions : In Board of Managers at the Almshouse and House of Employment 26th ol June 1815. Resoh'ed, That the Medical Students of the Pennsylvania Hospital be per- mitted to attend the Surgical Operations which may hereafter be performed in this House. John Harrison, Presl. The From the above it is seen that the claim that the excellent Pennsylvania charitable institution known as "The Philadelphia Hospital" now Hospital m existing in connection with the Philadelphia (Blockley) Almshouse, prior to '^ "the oldest Hospital in America" is evidently (niite incorrect. establish- Because it now exists in connection with the Philadeljihia Almshouse, ment of the jt can not be admitted that it was so from the beginning, or that its Philadelphia organization dates back to the establishment of the first Citv Hospital. ... „ , , ■ Almshouse in 1730-31. There are no facts to sustain such an asser- tion ; on the contrary, it is seen that the .Almshouse Hospital was not established until some time between 1812 and 1815. In the numerous communications between the Board of Guardians and the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, until the last above quoted, no allusion, direct or indirect, betrays the existence of such a medical organiza- tion. Had such a hos|>ital, in connection with the Almshouse existed, the Guardians of the .\lmshouse would not have made an arrangement for the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital to take their curable sick paupers as pay patients, thus increasing the expenses of the .Vlmshouse. Finally, that such Medical Hospital did not exist as late as 1802, is evident from the ])roposais of the Almshouse Board to wit : 1st, "That the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital will take from the Managers of the Almshouse all their lunatics and such other patients as may be considered curable cases and jjroper for admission into the Hospital." 2d, That the Managers of the Penn- sylvania Hospital " cause to be attended all their patients who may be in the .-Mmshouse by the Hosjjital Physicians gratis ; " and that " ihey be supplied with medicines except liquors etc. at the expense of the Hospital." It is evident that the sick and insane paupers at the Almshouse were not previously under the care of any medical organi- zation and received only the ordinary Almshouse care. At one ])eriod in the history of the Hospital, many Acadians were admitted for medical treatment. These people, in the early The part of the last century, dwelt in the territory now included in Nova Acadians ' ■' ■^ or r rencli Scotia, New Brunswick, and the adjacent islands, and were a peace- Neutrals. able and industrious, agricultural community, originally a colony of Bretons, who came from France under Pierre du Gast Sieur de Monts, a wealthy Huguenot, who had been commissioned viceroy of New France, with full power to settle and rule over a region extending from Cape May to Quebec. This domain was " Acadie," their chief settlement was at Port Royal, where they cleared the primeval forest and built their cottages, sixteen years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the shores of New England. At the conclusion of the war between England and France, the British Government confiscated their lands, and deported the unhappy Acadians to the colonies. In September, 1755, a ship arrived in the Delaware with nearly 1400 of these unwilling immigrants on board. After some delav, they were allowed to land and were placed in some small buildings on Pine Street below Sixth, especially constructed to provide for their accommodation and shelter. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Levick,iwho was born in lySgand died in 1886, in "Recollections of My Early Days" (1S81), says of the "Neutrals" : I often went out to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where I was known to the Steward and Matron, and to others there. The insane patients occupied one part of the building, and among them was the wife of the rich merchant Stephen Girard. She frequently had something to say to me, and I remember her bright, black eyes to this day. We made it a rule to leave the hospital early in the afternoon on account of its remote situation and our fear of walking from it near nightfall ; especially were we afraid to pass Pine Street between Fifth and Si.\th Streets, where the Neutrals had their huts, of whom we were dreadfully afraid. Either justly or unjustly, they were not favorites, and by us regarded as a dangerous set of people, to be studiously avoided. An entry upon the minutes, .\pril 26, 1763, reveals the fact that some of the patients were of this class : Admitted as Out Patients Seven French Neutrals accidentally poisoned by Eating Poke Root which they had mistaken for Horse Raddish. They were admitted on the loth inst. and discharged on the 23d, " being all recovered." Although no further reference appears in the minutes to these unfortunate people, there can be no doubt but that, on account of their destitute condition and their residence in the vicinity of the Hospital, they were often treated within the wards of the institution, as well as by the Out-Patient department. ^ The molher of the late Dr. James J. Lcvick, formerly one of the Physicians to the Hospital. 221 Although the founders of the institution could not have aniici- Soldier pated that it would ever be used as a Military Hospital, for a I'atii-ms. {j„,^._ diirjn^r the early years of the Revolutionary war, it was forcibly occupied for this iJurpose, by the English troops, and both before and after the IJritish occupation of the city it was called upon to take care of many of the patriots who had been broken in health, by exposure in the field or while encamped at \'allcy 1-orge. or wounded in various engagements with the enemy. Previous to this time, however, the French and Indian war had furnished patients. After (ieneral Dunbar returned to Philadelphia from Braddock's disastrous expedition, we find the following unfortunate case among the admissions, October 13, 1755 : " Michael Higgins a Soldier, was admitted, having his under jaw shot off in the late Engagement under deneral Hraddock." A soldier of the Royal Americans was admitted April 25, 1757, " for whose Board his Pay and Subsistance Money is to be allowed." August 17, 1757, " Admitted Thos. Boyd who had his feet mashed in the province Service, on board the Pennsylvania Frig- ate." March 15, 1758, "Admitted Jno. L'lric one of the provincial Soldiers discharged by order of Col. Jno. Armstrong, very hard of hearing. Prest. and Managers Security." In this case it ap|>ears that the sympathy of the Board was successfully appealed to, possibly the full diagnosis was not recorded and he was also suffering with general debility and it was thought that the Hospital treatment might restore his strength, even though his hearing failed to be improved. The Managers and physicians were obliged to obey their own rules of admission and provide security for a patient, and, where the sick person had no friends, they signed the obligation themselves. 'I'hus June 26, 1758, "William Elliott, a poor patient one of the Provincial Soldiers with a continual fever. Doctors and Managers Security." December 25, of the same year, " .\dniitted John Brown with an autumnal fever and Oeo. Wood with a fever; these two are Cai)tives lately released from Canada." June 25, 1759, "John Barbeau a French Prisoner was admitted, as a pay patient," and on the same day, "Admitted Richard Knowles as a Poor Out-Patient with Rheumatic Pains he was a Soldier taken at Oswego." On November 26, same year, there was "Admitted, James Pendergrass a pa) Patient, who lost his leg in the Province Service recommended by Jos. Fo.\, who promises that the Provincial Commissioners will pay, if necessary." The victims of prison discipline were received from time to time, thus F'ebruary 25, 1760, "Admitted Michael Butler a Poor Patient with Foul Ulcers. He came lately out of a French Prison, the present Managers his Security." June 30, i 760, " Admitted John York, a Poor Patient with a bad Leg, had been a Provincial Soldier and taken Prisoner to Canada and made his escape." August Soldier 27, 1764, " Henry Fowl a poor Soldier (from Fort Stanwicks) with a P»t'<^"ts- Gun-Shot Wound in his Leg." When the war of the Revolution began in earnest, the Hospital was of great service both to the wounded patriots and to sick or wounded captives. Thus it is recorded in the minutes December 5, 1776, " that seventy soldiers were admitted the fifth of Twelfth month, by order of the Council of Safety," and twenty of them went away at different times in this month. Many of these received their wounds in the defence of Fort Washington, and subsequently at Trenton and Princeton. This was the most trying time of the Revolution. General Washington had been forced to retire to the west bank of the Delaware, and General Howe was marching through New Jersey with his victorious army on his way to take possession of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Hospital now became a Military Hospital. It is recorded in local history that "The Council of Safety cleared a wing of the Bettering House for a hospital, and the Pennsylvania Hospital was set apart for the use of Continental troops. — The Senior and Junior Drs. Thomas Bond rendered efficient aid in organizing ihe hospital system upon a proper basis and securing competent surgical and medical aid." ' In December, Congress hurriedly removed to Baltimore and Washington appointed General Putnam, Military Governor of the city. Martial law prevailed and all male "citizens between si.xteen and sixty years of age" were enrolled. On December 30, 1776, nine hundred Hessians captured by Washington at Trenton, were brought to the city on their way to Lancaster. Part of these, being unable to continue their journey, were received into the Hospital for treat- ment. The Committee of Safety was dissolved and martial law yielded to civil government, on March 4, 1777, when the Supreme Executive Council took control and its President, Thomas Wharton, Jr., was proclaimed Captain-General and Commander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania, and the Courts were reorganized. "Soon after the beginning of the year there were twenty-two hundred Militia in the City awaiting arms and fourteen hundred sick in the Hospitals." - At this time the capacity of the institution was tested to the utmost, but the Managers were equal to the situation and continued at their post, faithful to the trust which had been placed in their hands. 1 Scharfir& Westcott. Vol. I, p. 333. Also this History, page 57. 2 Scharff & Westcott, Vol. I. p. 341. 223 February 4, 1777, the Managers acknowledge receiptor $88.10, ])aid SoUliir by order of Council of Safety " for Board, etc., of the Soldiers on |)er Paticiiis. ^(,g( rendered." March 4th, a committee was apiwinted to confer with the physicians esiiecially "relating to the use of Medicines for the Soldiers and Sailors lately introduced," and the following meeting (March 31) contains the rejiort of the committee, which " informed the Board that Doctor Bond who has the Care of the wounded Soldiers and Sailors, agrees to pay for or replace the Medicine of the house used for such as himself is jiaid for." After the iieriod of military occupancy, the authorities occasion- ally found it convenient to send invalid soldiers for treatment: War Office, October 3rd, 1784. Sir : ColoiK-1 Harmaii h.is intcriil three SoUlit-rs to Car|K-iU(.T's Hall so iiuich incapacitati'il by sickiiuss as to be riMidfrcd iiicap.ablc of procceilinn with the Troops to the Westward. Havinj; no Hospital here or any person to take tare of them, I nuist bey your assistance in i)rocurin); them admission into the Pennsyl- vania Hospital. I will hold myself responsible for the payment of all reason.ible charges that may be incurred for Board, Medicine, attendance, etc. I am Sir with i^re.at respect Your Most Ob'dnt and very H'bl Serv't, 1. Cari-tox. After the war the Managers had a number of soldier patients on their hands, even for several years, as we learn from the following minute of January 30, 1786: It appearing to this Board that Dennis Ford and Uavid Grady, Patients in the Hospital, belonginK to this St.'ite have been maintained .it the expense of this Institution for Four Years & that the amount thereof for Board, Medicine, & CloathinR is Two hundred S: forty-nine Pounds, twelve shillinjis, Samuel Howell and Samuel Coates with the assistance of Doctor Hutchinson are desired to apply to the State for i)ayment thereof. The Managers were finally successful in having the claim paid: CoMi'T. Gknf.ral's Office. March 22, 1787. Genlttnien, — I have settled and passed the Account for the Board and Cloath- ing of Dennis Ford and David C.r.idy in the Hospital till 25th March, 17S7, agree- able to your Account thereof Rendered, but in future this State will not pay more than twenty-two pounds ten shillings per annum each, as it cannot be done without a law for th.at purpose. — These men were in public service and what hath been now passed by this State and Allowed will be Absorbed in the pay and rations they would be intitled to from the United States, which will therefore be charged to their Account— and the sum I have ment'd as their future Allowance is the LHmost which the States are respectively permitted to give to soldiers who during their Service in the .^rmy were disabled from gaining their livelihood by labor — And therefore Penn'a will be able to gain a credit with the Union on Acc't of the E.xisting Requisitions for payments made on .\cc't of these men as a pension. I have the Honor to be, With gre.at respect. Gentlemen, your Most Obed. Servant, J. Nicholson. 224 Two years later, the following communication was received from the same writer, informing the Managers that the authorities had (iovemment discontinued the payment of pensions to persons disabled in the Correspon- ' ^ dence with service : j,,^ Managers Gentlemen, — The disabled persons in the Hospital who were heretofore paid of t''e for by this State cannot longer be so paid for — as the laws for paying pensions to Hospital, such persons as were disabled in the Service of this United States now cease to have their operation — According to a law passed last session. , It appears that soldiers continued in the Hospital for several years as pay patients, however, as intimated in the following note of March 26, 1792 : There being a number of sick soldiers in the House at 8/4 Per Week, which the Managers are convinced is lower than the average Cost of the Patients, it is agreed that Ten Shillings Per Week shall hereafter be charged for them and the sitting Managers are desired not to admit any Patients who have the means ol making payment under that price in future. The following belongs to a later period : Phil.\delphia, 14 April, 1814. Samuel Coates, Esq. air: — As British Agent for Prisoners of War in this district, I Have paid two Bills at the Pennsylvania Hospital for the maintenance of and attention to wounded prisoners amounting together to si.\ hundred and twenty -five dollars and twenty-eight cents, which Sum Col. Barclay our Comm'y GcnI. tells me he does not feel himself authorized to repay me, and seems to doubt whether I shall be able to recover it from the British Government, no charge being ever made to any Nation for sick or wounded Prisoners of War admitted to any Hospital within his Majesty's Dominions. Col. Barclay also tells me that his recommenda- • tion in behalf of British Sailors has often met with attention from the Managers of the New York Hos|)itaI unaccompanied with any e.xpense. He has requested me to mention these circimistances for consideration of your Board and has desired me to assure the Managers that if any opportunity should present itself of his being serviceable to the institution he will gladly embrace it — it was his good fortune to repay the obligations he was under to the Directors of that at New York, by obtaining permission from the British Admiral for the admission of a vessel containing their winter's supply of fuel. I shall be obliged by your answer, I am very respectfully Sir Your. Ob'd h'ble Servt., A. Walker Jr. The Managers at their next meeting directed a reply to be sent to the above, insisting upon observing the rules of the Hospital and stating that, although individuals who are strangers and destitute of money and friends are frequently received, maintained and relieved at the expense of the Hospital, yet that in all cases where there are private friends or public agents the Managers take security from them and receive the price agreed for the support of the patient. A number of years later, during the War of the Rebellion, the Managers were called upon at various times to make e.xtraordinary 225 preparations for the reception of sick and wounded soldiers of our Soldiers of army and a large number were admitted and treated.' the Civil ^^^ ^y^^ Contributors' Meeting, May, i86i,the Managers referred to tlie impending, terriblescourgeof civil war threatening the country, and the necessity of having additional funds to care for the sick or wounded soldiers who might be brought to the Hospital. Contribu- tions were freely offered. The first reception of wounded soldiers was on July 7, 1862, and in October following all were removed. The entire numlier treated was 124, principally surgical cases. On various occasions since that dale, soldiers have l)een admitted, both into the medical and surgical wards, and have been maintained and treated at the expense of the Hospital and no sjjecial record made of them. As the occui)ation of patients was not formerly recorded by the Managers, it is often only from the nature of the injury that the fact may be inferred that the patient in such cases is a seaman, while in a Sailors and , ' , .... ,, , ,,,, ^ -in.-, the United ^^"' ^"^ ^^^^ '^ mcidentally stated. 1 he first to api)ear in the Minutes, Sates Marine although probably not the first to be admitted into the Hospital, was Hospital " John Anderson (a poor sailor)," admitted May 30, 1757, "with Service yi^-g^j; j^ i^jg 'Poj-j occasioned by Chigers in his Feet," the disexse Patients having been acquired probably either in the West Indies, or Central America. William Walker, admitted July 6, 1757, suffering with a "Scorbutic Habit and Sinuous Ulcer in his Thigh," the result, it was alleged, of "beating & other Hard Treatment" by Captain Jno. Morrison. Accidents incidental to a sailor's life also sent patients into the Hospital, thus August 13, 1757, "Admitted Jno. Richardson (a poor Patient) who fell from a Ship's Top & broke his thigh." .\nd on the 17th, " Thos. Boyd (a poor Patient) who had his feet mashed on board the Pennsylvania Frigate." The interest of the Managers in the welfare of the patients, especially the poor and friendless ones, is evidenced by the following (December 25, 1758) : " Admitted George Saunders, a negro boy, with a wound in his Arm an engagement at Sailors Sea, Nicholas Jones his security as a pay patient ; the boy being called kindly a free Negro care must be taken on his discharge that N. Jones takes cared for no advantage of him for his entertainment here." Their sympathy is manifest also in the following entry on their book, January 29, 1759 "Admitted Richard Taylor (a poor Sailor) with a very bad Wound in his single Eye, the Doctors are apprehensive the Eye is destroyed." It was more substantially shown in the following case, ' See p»ge 95. 226 June 25, 1759 : "Discharged; Edward Dickett a poor Sailor at his request in order to go to London to his Friends. The Managers contributed the sum of jQ 3. 17/6. towards paying his passage & he produced a Receipt from Capt. Nicholson for jQ 5. paid in full for his Passage. ' ' As it is not stated that the Treasurer was directed to pay the sum, it probably was contributed personally by the Managers and not taken from the funds of the Hospital. Among the admissions were several Chinese and other Asiatics, who probably came here as part of the crew of some vessel. Further notice of individual cases would take up too much space, and the relation of the Hospital to the United States Marine Hospital Service will now be briefly reviewed. There were sailors under treatment in the Hospital during the latter part of the year 1776, for in the entry of January i, 1777 among the admissions for the preceding month, their were "two Sailors, who came in with a number of soldiers and Hessians." On March 4th, " a Committee appointed to confer with the Physicians on several matters relating to their Practice in the Hospital, gave an account of the Conversation they have had with some of them in respect to the Pay Patients, but there remains some further confer- ence necessary relating to the use of the Medicines for the Soldiers and Sailors lately introduced there, they are desired to confer further with them thereon," etc. The result was that Dr. Bond, who was then Acting Director-General of Hospitals for the Government, " who has the care of the wounded Soldiers and Sailors agrees to pay for or replace the Medicines of the house used for such as himself is paid for" which the Managers were obliged to be satisfied with. After the British army had evacuated Philadelphia, and had taken their sick with them, Dr. Bond again made arrangements with the Managers for the reception of Soldiers, and, probably, of Sailors also. By Act of the Congress of the United States, of July 16, 1798, g^-amt^,, ^f masters of vessels were authorized to deduct twenty cents a month United States from the wages of seamen to be paid to the Collector of Customs, this ^'avy and money to be applied, under direction of the President, for the relief ^''^''^"^"t of sick and disabled seamen ; provided, however, that it shall be expended in the District where it was collected. This pro-oiso not being satisfactory to the Southern States, Congress by Act, March 2, 1799, authorized the President to have the money expended either in the State where it was collected, or the next adjoining one ; the New- England members were so tenacious of their rights on this occasion, an exception was made of the four New-England States. By Act, passed May 3, 1S02, it was declared, that all the monies so collected 227 should form one general fund to be expended under direction of the President, without regard to the District or State in which the same was collected ; provided, however, that fifteen thousand dollars should be ai)proi)riated to the building of a Hospital in Massachusetts. Vatiiiits from The first reference in the minutes to the United States Marine till- Marine Hospital Service, appears in the following correspondence, which con- ospi a j^jpg ^ proposition to the Managers, from the United States Custom Service and '^ ' ° United States House, to take Sailor Patients from the United States Navy and Navy. Merchant service. On June 24, 1799, the following communication from the Collector of the Port, was presented : CrsTOM HorsK, I'liiladelpliia, June 20, 1799. Geiillfiitin : — The monies which may be collected in Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Western districts of New Jersey under the Law entitled an Act for the relief of the sick and disabled Seamen is to be expended under my direction for the purpose of making provision for the temporary relief and support of sick and disabled Seamen in the i>ul>lic and private service. It is most e.\pedient that the expenditure of this fund be made at Hospitals or other proper Institutions now established. My opinion of your Institution and the Management of it is so very high as to induce me to make you the first application. 1 am therefore to request that you will be pleased to take the same into your consideration and to say whether it will be agreeable to you to under take the relief and support of the Officers, Se.amen and Marines of the Navy of the U. States and Master Mariners and seamen employed in private or Merchant Vessels and, if so. it will be necessary to fix by ))recise agreements the Conditions upon which sick and disabled seamen shall be received Sc supplied with what- ever their Necessities may require, the Accounts must be rendered at least quarterly, supported by such vouchers as are usual an> llir Act of CorrtsrKin- Congrtss to be aftbrdi'd to those who are eiuitlcd and cumpelled to resort to its dence with ''f^fit, We are perhaps not well qualified to judxe yet we cannot forbear Collector of '"''""K ''"^ present Opportunity to remark that it would seem contrary to the the Port Spirit of the Cliarity that dictated that Law to the Legislature to construe it in such .\L-inner as to deprive those who most require the relief it affords of that relief merely because they most severely feel the Necessity of resorting to it to which We must add that no individual has been permitted to remain in this Institution longer tlian was required to restore him to Society with a prospect of that usefulness which every individual in his particular Capacity owes to it. Thy friends PASCHAI.I. HuI.LINCiSWOKTH SAMl'Iil, CoATKS. The following letters to the Collector of the I'ort have some historical interest : U. S. Trkasikv Uki'AKTMENt, December 20, 1806. iiVr.— Your Letter of the nth. Instant respecting the .Ifariiii- Hospital was laid before the President of the United States who approves the regulations you propose for the reduction of the expenses of that establishment to a level with the receipts of the funds. He adds that no Civil Magistrate can dictate to the United States who shall be the Objects of their Charity. I am very respectfully Sir Your Obedient Scrvt. Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury. U. S. Treasury Department 28 February 1807 S/j-.— Your letter of the i8th Instant having been submitted to the President of the United States for his consideration thereon I am directed by him to inform you that neither Maniacs nor Chronical Cases ought to be admitted into the Hospital & that if any of that description have been already admitted they ought not til be retained. I am very respectfully Sir Your Obed't. Serv't. Albert Gallatln Secretary of the Treasury. Custom House, Philadelphia, March 6, 1807. Gentlemen : — Enclosed I have the honor to transmit the Copy of a Letter I received from the Secretary of the Treasury dated 20 December, 1806, and another dated 28 February, 1807, both relative to the Marine Hospital. From the Instructions contained in the latter I presume it will be necessary that the Hospital Physicians should in their Certificates precisely state the Nature of the Disease of every applicant who is to be admitted on behalf of the United States and to with-hoki a Certificate in all Cases of Mania and Chronic Disorders. I am very Respectfully Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant, P. MlllLENBlRO, Collector of the Port. Collector's Office, Philada., Feby. 27th, 1809. Gentlemen : — You will please to Release the United States from any further Expense by discharging from the Marine Hospital the persons whose Names are contained in the inclosed List. I am very Respectfully Gentlemen Your Obd't Servant, John Steele, Collector and Agent Marine Hospital. To Messrs. VV. Povntell and J. Hewes. 230 on Sailor Patients in the Hospital This letter and list of patients was referred to a Committee of the Sitting Managers "who are requested to procure in Writing from Discussion Dr. Rush, his report on each of those Cases for the Collector's infor- mation, and if he insists on the patients being discharged, the Com- mittee are to require the Collector to remove them (agreeably to the terms of Admission) as expressed in the Notes he signed for each of them when received in the House." The Committee to whom was referred the Collector's Letter of the 27th Ultimo bring before us a Report and Letter of Dr. Rush, of which the following is a Copy : Penna. Hospital, 3 mo. 4, 1809. In Conformity with directions the Managers Respectfully inform the Collector of the Port of Philadelphia and Agent for the Marine Fund that they have obtained the .\nnexed Opinion of Dr. Rush on the Cases who by the Collector's Note of the 27th Ultimo are ordered to be discharged ; If after a Reconsideration of the Subject with this document before him the Collector should persist in his determination the Managers will unquestionably comply at the same time informing him that the Rules of that House (in compliance with the poor laws of the State) which make it necessary that the Security of every Person received into it should engage for the Patients removal when discharged must be complied. If therefore the Collector should believe it right to remove these miserable Objects the Managers have directed the Steward to deliver them to him or to such Person as he may authorize to receive them. JosiAH Hewes, Thos. Morris. March 4th, 1809. To the Managers : I have Carefully examined the Cases Viz. Isaac Davis, \Vm. Johnson, John Report by Roberts, \Vm. Barker, John Moore, Thomas Churchill and John Tree and am of Dr. Rush. Opinion that it will be incompatible with the duties which the Managers and Physicians of the Hospital Owe to Humanity and to Society to discharge them at the present time and for the following Reasons. Isaac Davis and William Barker are afflicted with a firiilcnl Disease of s\sch a Grade as to render both of them loathsome Objects of Compassion and wholly unfit to maintain themselves by any kind of labor or to be admitted into any House but a Hospital. William Johnson is afflicted with lamiiuss and Epilepsy the latter of which has reduced him to a state of fatuity so complete as to place him more upon the level of a brute than a Man. John Moore, Thomas Churchill S: John Tree are all insane and unable not only to support themselves by any kind of labour but if enlarged from their present place of Confinement may possibly injure themselves or others. Thomas Churchill is lame as well as deranged. John Roberts is afflicted with a sore Fool attended -with a Caries 0/ one of its bones : he is unable to walk or work, time and the Medical Aids of the Hospital may Cure Him. (Signed) Benjamin Rish. The preceding Minutes and Letters were delivered to the Collector. It is not known whether this reply was satisfactory to the Collector or not, but it appears to have terminated the correspondence. 231 Sailor Patients A letter dated May 28, 1S21, from John Steele, Collector of the Board of Port, Stating " that he is authorized by the Secy, of the Treastiry to Ascertain the lowest terms Per day at which the Hoard will furnish Marint Patienls with the necessary Medical & Surgical aid lodging «.V nursing for their Comfortable Accommodation," was read and referred to a Committee which made the following report : The Comniittti" to whom was referred the letter from John Steele Collector, respeitin;; Board of Custom House Patients, Report that in their opinion Patients may l)e admitted at forty cents per day including necessary Medical and Surjjical Aid, LodniuK, washiu);, and nursing for their Comfortable Accommodation. The rei>ort w.is .igreeil to and a copy signed by the President & certified by the Secre- tary directed to be lurnished the Collector. On October 31, 1825, the Managers concluded to increase the rate of the sailors' board : The Present price 40 cents per day or S2.8o-i(X) per week lor the stamen sinl by the Colleclor of the I'orl beinn unequal to remunerate the Hospital for the actual expenses, Matthew I,. Bevan is .ippoinled to Conmuinicate to John Steele that 45 cents per day or $3. i5-lo(jper week is believed to be a re.isonable compen- s.ation for the United States Seamen hereafter to be admitted to the benefits of the Institution and requesting him to address the Secretary of the Treasury on this Subject. May lo, 1830, the Collector made an attempt to have the rate reduced again : A Letter from James N. Barker Collector of the Port of Philadelphia was read requestinji a reduction of the Weekly rate to support of sick and disabled Seamen of the Merchant Service, upon deliberation it is agreed to fi.\ the pay at three dollars |)er week this beinj; the lowest sum received for the supjwrt of Patic nts in this Institution. If this arrangement should be approved by the Collector it is to take etVect from and after the close of the present quarter. The Secretary is requested to actpiaint James N. Barker of this determination of the Managers. Thisarranj^cmcnt was continued with the Marine Hosjjital Service, until it was found inexpedient to continue the yearly contract, which was annulled finally, May 31, 1880, by the Managers declining to bid for their support. Seamen, however, are not excluded by this action. American sailors appear among the recent accidents and also among the sick, as free patients, whenever deemed suitable for admission. English sailors are admitted by order of the British Consul, and seamen of other nationalities are likewise received on Consul's order, or as free patients. -]-l,g At the time that the Pennsylvania Hospital was organized, in Maternity 1 75 1, midwifery was in disrepute among physicians, partly because it Ward, ^vas usually practiced by ignorant old nurses, but principally because obstetrics as a science had not yet been born. In fact, it was gener- 232 ally considered improper even indelicate for a woman in labor to have a male attendant. A healthier state of public feeling was soon to be Neglect of created upon the subject. Dr. Wm. Shippen, Jr., with all the M'^wifery. enthusiasm of youth and fresh from his studies in the European Hospitals, determined to remedy this deplorable state of affairs by delivering public lectures upon Midwifery ; he accordingly began his first course to men and women in 1765, and opened a private lying-in institution in Philadelphia, the same year. In the " Pennsylvania Gazette" of January i, 1765, appeared the following moving appeal : Dr. Shippen, Jr., having been lately called to the assistance of a number of women in the country, in difficult labors, most of which was made so by the unskillful old women'about them, the poor women having suffered e.xtremely, and their innocent little ones being entirely destroyed, whose lives might have been easily saved by proper management, and being informed of several desperate cases in the different neighborhoods which had proved fatal to the mothers as to their infants, and were attended with the most painful circumstances too dismal to be related, he thought it his duty immediately to begin his intended courses in Midwifery, and has prepared a proper apparatus for that purpose, in order to instruct those women who have virtue enough to own their ignorance and apply for instructions, as well as those young gentlemen now engaged in the study of that useful and necessary branch of surgery, who are taking pains to qualify themselves to practice in different parts of the country with safety and advantage to their fellow citizens. The Legislature, in 1793, proposed to extend the usefulness of the Hospital by authorizing the Managers to establish a Lying-in and Foundling Hospital whenever moneys should be placed in their hands to do so. The following is an extract from an Act of .^jjril 11, 1793 : An Act for Extending the Benefits Experienced from the Institution OF the Pennsvlvani.a Hospital. WHEREAS the extending of the usefulness of the institution to the further purposes of a Lying-in and Foundling Hospital is deemed to be an object deserving of public encouragement : THEREFORE, BE IT further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that as the relief of the unfortunate women labouring in childbirth, and not able to provide for the expenses necessarily incident thereto, and also the misfortunes of suffering and forsaken infancy, are objects very deserving of some humane provision, it shall and may be law'ful for the Managers of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital to provide commodious apartments, for the purpose of answering the ends intended by a Lying-in and Foundling Hospital, w-henever monies shall be placed in their hands for such a purpose, and that they are hereby authorized to call for any such sums as may now be destined for such an use, whenever they shall be in such a situation to carry the benevolent design, for which such monies were granted, into full effect, anything in the Constitution or Charter of the said Hospital to the contrary thereof notwith- standing. Approved .A])ril the nth, 1793. Thomas Mifflin, troz'ernor of the Covitfio/i:cfa///i of Pennsyh'ania. .\ct .Author- izing the Establishing of a Lying-in and Foundling Department in the Hospital. 2.33 Lying-in Department in the Almshouse, First birth at the Hospital. It is of historical interest that a lying-in ward was established in t8o2, at the Almshouse, by Dr. T. Chalkely James, assisted by Dr. Church. Subse(|uently, after Church's early death from Yellow Fever, the work was continued by Dr. James in conjimction with Dr. Nathaniel Chapman. Dr. James gave his annual course of lectures at the city Almshouse, in connection with the Medical Depart- ment at the College. On the death of Dr. Shippen, in 1808, obstetrics was separated from anatomy in the college curriculum, at the instance of Dr. Cas])ar Wistar, who had been raised to the chair just vacated, and the new chair of Midwifery was given to Dr. James, with Dr. Nathaniel Chapman as adjunct. This arrangement con- tinued until 1813, when Dr. Chapman was elected Professor of Materia Medica, and midwifery devolved solely on Professor James. It was not, however, until 1843 ^^^^ ''^"^ Trustees of the University fully recognized the standing of this department of teaching by making attendance upon the lectures on midwifery obligatory upon tlie students, wlio expected to obtain the medical degree. The necessity, in the very early period of the Hospital history, of a Lying-in department was not recognized by the medical pro- fession and the Managers were averse to it, because they did not wish to appear to encourage immorality. They were, moreover, opposed to establishing a foundling asylum, which was thought to be a necessary adjunct, but which did not come within the scope of the Hospital plan. There was no reason why obstetrical cases should not occasionally have been received, yet no mention seems to be made of any of this class until thirteen years after the institution had been in active o])eration. The birth of a child first occurred within the walls of the Hospital July 17, 1765. It is recorded under this date: "Born a female child of Martha Robinson a poor patient." The advantage of having accommodations for these cases was not realized until some thirty-seven years after the first birth had occurred, and some fifty years from the beginning of the Hospital's active operation. On December 27, 1802, Samuel Coates "proposed the opening of a Lying-in Department;" but the subject being "considered of too much importance to decide on without a full Board it is agreed to refer it to be reconsidered at the next Meeting, at which the Physicians are all requested to Attend and James Hutchinson is to notice them accordingly." It will be observed with what extreme caution this new departure was received and acted on. The next mention made of the matter was on January 3, 1803, when: "The Proposal to admit Lying-in Patients came under con- 234 sideration, after which the Physicians withdrew to confer with each other, and when they returned they informed the Board they all agreed as to the propriety of opening the Lying-in Department, and if the measure was adopted they would undertake the care of such pregnant women as might be admitted and to attend to their calls in every case of emergency as they usually do to other patients." It is evident that the physicians had become by this time fully impressed with the necessity of just such a provision. It was, therefore, not until nearly ten years had passed, that the Contributors accepted the provisions of the act of April ii, 1793, establishing the department, and agreed to receive pregnant women on the same terms as other patients. The following announcement appeared in the "American Daily Advertiser" for February 22, 1803: "It is with great pleasure we inform tlie public, that the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, pursuant to the powers granted to them by the State Legislature, have agreed to open in the house of a lying-in department and that the first patient has very lately been admitted therein. "The terms of admission are to be the same as in other cases; that is, a woman may be admitted as a pauper, when the number does not e.xceed, what the income of the capital stock, and the profits arising from pay patients which is e-xpended on the poor, will maintain ; the number at the present time are forty persons. " When the poor list is full, those who send a patient, will have to pay from three to si.\ dollars a week. Overseers of the poor, of Pennsylvania, are always to be charged at the lowest rates, but paupers sent from another State, will be charged four dollars a week. " Good security must be given in every case to remove the woman and child, when required. " The usefulness of this branch of the institution, will be evident to every person who feels the importance of providing a comfortable asylum for poor lying-in women, and of rearing |)roper Nurses and Midwives, under the care of able Physicians, whereby the lives of many may be saved, that would be sacrificed in the hands of ignorant or unskillful practitioners. " As the enlargement of the plan of the Hospital and the e.xtension of its care, to the female part of the family in particular, will involve the contributors in further e.xpenses, it is to be hoped that donations and legacies will be given, commensurate with the great design which is herein contemplated. " To express the nature and uses of the Pennsylvania Hospital in a few words, it is an institution, not founded on taxation, but on voluntary contributions for the benevolent design of curing or alleviating the miseries of the lunatics and sick poor of Pennsylvania and for the care of lying-in women. " Can any objects be more proper to engage the attention and command the resources of every class of our wealthy and charitably disposed citizens, through the State of Pennsylvania? " For the information of those, who feel an impression of duty to assist the classes of poor above mentioned, it may be right to observe the usual way of doing it, is " First : By calling on Joseph S. Lewis, Treasurer, who is always prepared to receive contributions, and " Second: By legacies to the contributors in their corporate name, as follows, viz : I give ten, twenty, one hundred, or one thousand, pounds, &c., to the con- tributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, for the use of that institution." The Lying-in ward was opened May to, 1803 ; the first admission being on the 30th of March, and the first birth was that of a female child, on the 27th of April of that year. Physicians in favor of Establish- ment of Lying-in Department. Managers announce opening of the new Department. 'J3 The following i)artial list of Subscribers to the Lying-in Depart- Special nient was reported : Subscriptions to I viiiir-in ''"'^'^ ManaKt-rs liaviiiK optiii-d tlii- I,yinx- in Dipartnunt in the house, we tlic D ■D-irtni -nt subscribers, approving of their proccecliuK therein, tlo a^ree to subscribe towards the Institution as contributors the several sums to our names hereafter aflfixed. Stephen Girard S.^oo oo Levi Hollingsworth .... S202 84 Samuel Rhoads 30 00 James Smith 5° 0° James Wood 30 00 Huk'i Ely 30 00 Zaccheus Collins 100 00 Reeve Lewis 50 00 William Vicary 30 00 Wm. W. Smith 30 00 Philip Smyth 30 co Ant. M. Buckley 35 00 I. W. C 30 00 John Baun 30 00 Jeremi.ih Warder, Jr. ... 3000 Thos. Jones .t Stepluii Smith ,1600 Malcom McDonald ... .1o 00 Total $1,073 84 A very interesting, historical fact, in connection with this de])art- ment, now to be related, will illustrate the high estimation in which the Hosi)ital was held as a well administered charity. First City I" 1S07, an offer was made by the First City Troop of Cavalry to Troop of contribute certain securities, which they held as investments and Philadelphia which represented the amount received by the officers and privates of er a 1 )era ^j^^ ^j 'Proop for Services during the Revolutionary War. The con- Donation. ■' ' ° ditions and jiurpose of the donation are e.xpressed in the following agreement : On the 6th of April 1807, Messrs. Sam'l. Morris, John Dunlap and John Donaldson for an ' ' ■' ' '^ Department. in 1810. Dr. James served until November 26, 1832, when he resigned after twenty-two years of most acceptable service. Dr Hugh L. Hodge was his successor, and served until the department was closed in 185 1. At the request of Dr. James, an associate physician was appointed in 1820 ; Dr. John W. Moore being the incumbent, who was succeeded in 1829 by Dr. Charles Lukens, who resigned in 1839, when Dr. Charles D. Meigs was elected, who in turn resigned in 1840, and Dr. Joseph Carson succeeded him. On March 27, 1815, it was agreed " no resident physician or pupil shall at any time undertake to deliver a pregnant woman in the house without sending for the principal physician of the Lying-in Department." 237 In a report June 2S, 1S41, on the finances of the Hos|)ital, it was Closiiis of stated : the Lving-in Ward ''"'"' ^■''P'^"''''*"''^ "f '''^" f"'"' appropriatf; now open for that - y CO ii z r z S f^ to, a. e ■5-=i! IIS o"5 i-E ■=.2 M > 3 5 H (A I z. ei f F tn ■o a < z. 9> r^ i/> >n lo o •• « « »*j ^ ^ t^ I r^ J' — ct* «' « O* . t ~ N lO l> ^ X _r O O «/l 0» "T W» N _ (H o*— *nr^ on o p« -T f^ "^35. O r* "^j toco *o *0 M » r^ f^ f^r». 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Ct M M f . f c^oxx a.rt focccso •*> ? t 00 lO r^-o i t-* Oi i8 oo' ^.« »0 £ CO* — o V ^: »£)XC f^in-r^QOMIN "§- - rt — " 2 1> O '^ /^ (S N N>0 I/!--! f*5\D O r^*0 OO ■^r^l-»'Ol/l"" O^O lO = s S : a -= O = "- "C ra-OO 1^00 X O* - OC 03 •^r^w [^ N i^M r^fn r^(M ^i^ J" t^ t^x X CT^ oi r xxxxxxxj::xxx J: oo^ooxocxcccooc xaoooxci 243 RECAPITULATION, 1)1 rAKTMKNT FOR THE SuK ANIJ InJURKU. Whole Number of Pay P«lients admittect into the Pennsylvania Hospital trorn its opening, February ii, 1752 to April 28, 1894 36.9:4 Whole number of Poor Patients admitted during the same period 132.084 Cured Relieved liicinabte Removed by friends or at own request . . Removed to House of Employment . . . . Removed to City Hospital Kloped For misconduct Pregnant women safely delivered hilants horn and discharged in health . . For irregularity By writ of Habeas Corpus Died— Medical and Surgical Cases 12,393 Pregnant women 46 Infants ... . . 39 Still born . . 33 Whole number discharged Remaining in Hospital, April 28, 1894 «5.798 19.519 405 8.538 24 3 1.795 728 1.366 ".275 131,900 184 132.98* Dkpartment for the Insane. Whole number of Pay Patients admitted fium January i, 1841 to April 28, 1894 . Whole number of Poor Patients admitted during same period 8,501 2,137 10.638 Restored 4.422 Much improved 870 Improved '."83 Stationary *.492 Died 1.509 Alcohol and Opium Habit 125 Whole number discharged 10,201 Remaining in I4ospital, April 28, 1S94 . . 437 10,638 244 CO p orz ^ O rt C « ^ = = 1" „ '-J n -h o? £■ 1^ ^> 2 5^ 7 « !> ? c ;?: J. £ " s — « f- < u Q f- z < Q_ o '5 S c ^ (/} 1) •S.n 33*0 2:« 1- 00 lO — O O CvO OC OOOmNNOCO^OW q -^o — o 1J- 0\ •-■ moo o to— r>.«ooiNoc n o^oo n o t^ — f^ -\o »|n fo -t o I 2,3 I' (A a^ vfi CO r^a? o occ "^ ir, r-» i^ (JO o u^r-^rM -j-sC o^i^t^f^ ~3- ■ ■WC O O 00 OC ' "^ '7'^ uo ■o^ q q; N o- o o c^ n o_ r*ir>.00 00 roco rO»nf^QO 0»"3- - C* M 'O **! rO /lvO ^O OC OC QC - OvD OOO ^■^Q'O CT> l^'O ?> O^ "0 O r^ O <*j\0 — X ("i „ •/I TOO Oi-i ^>C00 t^- o o - r^o WT«0 ir >/-. ".■ccc*o U '5 > " 1 & <^.^ n x -o fr-o x' - rt * ^' - - -T W" N cT -' -,' n" N m" - -' to fO rS T? -^ rO r^ tn ■S "« > i.'|)artnK'!U was reorganized September 30, 1872, and on the 2Stli of the following month, tliree Physicians and four Surgeons were elected to attend to the Medical and Surgical Cases; an additional Physician was elected August 30, 1875, and in 1893, several more were elected to lake charge of special depart- ments. The following are the names and period of service of the medical gentlemen who have officiated : Physicians. NIorris Lonjp^treth* . lostph G. Richardson Joseph J. Kirkbride James (J. Wilson . . John B. Roberts . . . .\Tthur \'. Meigs . . Morris J. Lewis . . Robert Meade Smith Joseph S. XelT . . . Frank C. Handf . . Henr>- M Fisher . . John j. t)wcM .... Caspar Morris . . . Thomas S. K. Morton Sam'l B. Shoemaker Frcd'k A. I'ackard . Joseph I.eitly .... J. Allison Scott . . . When Elected. October 28. 1872 . . October 28, 1872 . . October 28, 1S72 . . August 30, 1S75 . . July 30, 1S77 . . . . February 25, 187S December 29, 1879 , January 26. 1880 . , March 29. iSSo . . . June 27. 1881 ... November 28, 1S81 March 27. 18S2 . . January 31, 1887 . , October 31, 1887 . October 27, 1890 . July 25, 1892 ... July 2S, 1892 ... July 31, 189,^ . . . Resigned. December 29. 1879 . Januar>" 26. 1880 . . October 31, 1887 . . Julvjo, 1S77 . . . . I'"cbruary 25, 187S March 27, 1S82 . . June 27. 1S81 . . . , March 29. iSSo . . January 31, 1S87 - . I November 28 i83i , I July 25, 1S92 . . . . July 25. 1892 . . . . ■ September 29, 1890 . April 2, 1893 . . . . Surgeons. Charles T. Huntert . . . . Thomas H. Andrews. . . Elliott Ricliardson . . . . H. Earnest Goodman . . William Aslibridge . . . , William C. Cox G'jorge C Harlan . . . , Wm. Barton Honkins . . T. Hewson Bradford . . Richard H. Harte^ . . . John B. Roberts .... Joseph M. i-'ox Charles B. Penrose . . . Walter D. Green .... 1 hos. S. K. Morton . . . Robert G. I-cConte . . . Peter N. K. Schwenk ia) Alexander W. MacCoy (d) John Montgomery Baldy(< When Elected. Resigned. April 27» 1884 . . October 27, 1877 . November 28, iSsi July 28, 1873 ■ ■ April 38, 1SS4 ■ ■ . October 29, 1883 . October 28. 1872 . October 28, 1S72 . October 28, 1872 . October 28. 1872 . July 28, 1S73 . . October 27. 1877 . October 27, 1879 . . . ■ November 28. 18S1 . November 28. 1S81 . . j October 29, 1883 . . .1 November 27, May 4, 1885 I July 25. 1887 May 4. 1885 ! September aS, July25. 1S87 I June 26, 1893 , September 28, 1891 . . | November 27, 1893 . June 26. 1893 July 31, 1S93 JuIy3i.iS93 October 30, 1893 ... 1 1893 ■ 1891 : Termof Ser\'icc. Years. Months. Terra of Service, Years. Months. * Elected to Hospital Staff, November 24, 1879, in place of Dr. J. Aitken Meigs, deceased. t Died. g Elected to Hospital Staff. November 27. 1893. {a) Surgeon to the Eve and Ear Department. (6) Surxeon to the Throat and Nose Department. Ic) Surgeon to the Gynxcological Department. Note.— The Oul-Patient Department for Mental Disease, instituted November, 1885, is under the charge ol the Assistant Physicians of the Department for the Insane, who attend in rotation. 246 FINANCIAL AFFAIRS AND ADMINISTRATION. The income of the Pennsylvania Hospital, in its early days, was principally derived from appropriations by the Provincial Assembly Early and from the contributions of charitable citizens. Later, the State Resources of Legislature voted to the Hospital unclaimed shares of prize money, also certain arrears due the Commonwealth, under the Loan Office Act of February 26, 1776, and unclaimed dividends of bankrupts' estates. In addition to gifts of land, there were special donations of money from the Penn Family. Among the occasional additions to the income are enumerated the proceeds from the exhibition of West's picture of "Christ Healing the Sick," also from a Stage Play, from a Charity Sermon by Rev. George Whitfield, from Webster's Lectures on the English Language, from a Sacred Concert, from " Charity Boxes," and from fees of Signers of Bills of Credit. Money was also received from legacies, donations from private individuals. Associations, Rail- roads and various other corporations, and the interest from invested 247 funds, and other sources. Quite a large amount was obtained from the assets of the Pennsylvania Land Company, London, which will be especially referred to on a succeeding page. Act of Incor- The act of the Provincial Assembly, May 1 1 , i 75 1 , in establishing poration. ,j,g Pennsylvania Hospital, made the Contributors a corimration and provided: ist. Authority to receive and take lands, tenements or hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly value of one thousand pounds,! of the gift, alienation, beijuest or devise of any ]>erson or persons ; 2d. Money, or other estate, expressly given or added to the capital stock of the Hospital, shall not be expended in any other way than by applying its annual interest or rent towards the entertainment and care of the sick and distempered poor, that shall be, from time to time, brought and placed therein for the cure of their diseases, from any part of the Province without partiality or preference ; 3d. If at any time, hereafter, there should not be a constant succession of Contributors to meet yearly, and choose Managers as specified, then the said Hospital, and the estate and affairs thereof, shall be in the management and under the direction of such persons as shall be from time to time appointed by act of General Assembly of this Province for that purpose. Provincial The same Act of Assembly appropriated two thousand pounds. Assembly currency, to the Capital Stock, towards the furnishing and sujiport ■ of the Hospital, provided an equal amount were subscribed by individuals towards a permanent fund. Occasional On A])ril 21, 1 759, was pa.ssed " An Act to prevent the e.\i>orta- sourcL-sof tJQn of bad, or unmerchantable, staves, heading, boards and timber." One-half the penalties prescribed by this Act was made payable to the " Contributors of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the use of that insti- tution, the other half to the inspector of lumber, or to him or them who shall sue for the same." The Hospital's share under this .Xct aggregated <;2i4.53. The Assembly also granted to the Hospital three-fourths of the fines or penalties levied by the Inspector of Flour on those who mixed corn-meal with middlings. 'I he share of the Hosjiital under this Act aggregated S63 1. 90. In 1762, in response to the Managers' a|>i)cal to help the Funds of the Hospital, the Provincial Assembly made a further grant of three thousand pounds, to replace the amount taken from ca])ital for maintenance of Hosjjital. .Among the miscellaneous sources of revenue it is noted that, in 1763, the Provincial Assembly Commissioners appointed to pave the ' By Act March 2i, 1851, the limitation of the Estate was extended to 150,000 per annum. 248 streets of Philadelphia, having no immediate use for the funds, loaned to the Managers, on their individual security, four thousand pounds, for one year without interest. The Hospital gained by this loan ^360 8.f. bii. March 27, 1780, the Assembly granted an order in favor of the State Hospital for ten thousand pounds, Continental money. This grant was Legislature misconstrued into a loan, but afterwards on appeal of the Managers, ' it was corrected and again voted as an appropriation. So great was the depreciation of Continental money that the grant of the Assembly was worth only ^163 lis. Sd. in hard money. The correspondence regarding this has already appeared (see page 65). January 27, 1783, Francis Hopkinson, Judge of the Admiralty, paid to the Hospital, per Act of Assembly, the unclaimed shares of prizes taken by the Continental ship " Saratoga," (amounting to _;^884 13.?. 6^/.); also, the proceeds of a \>nzQ made by the ship UnclainK-ci " Daniel Greene " (^348 oj-. od.), also shares of prizes taken by the Prize Money- Brig " Neptune " (^89 i is. ()d.) ; also, an additional share (^37 8s. Awarded. 6d.), and on May 11, 1784, several unclaimed shares of the prize brig " Ajax," captured by the brig " Friendship" (^3301) making a total, (less j£$2 is. yi., subsequently paid), of ^4608 12s. 6d., received by the institution in State money. The Assembly, for the purpose of aiding the Hospital, granted Assembly to it the fines imposed upon its members, which had amounted in Members' , 1786, to ^76 izs. lod. A number of contributions were received from members of the Contribu- Penn family: lions of the On May 17, 1762, Ricliard Hockley Receiver General to our I'loprietaries . „.|. , Thomas and Richard Penn Esq'rs. attending, acquainted tlie Board that the Proprietaries from their regard to this charitable Institution & a Desire to promote the good Purposes thereof have by Letters lately received from them given him Directions to acquaint the Managers that they would grant to the Contributors of the said Hospital the Lott of Ground adjoining the N'orth Side of the Lott on which the Hospital stands e.xtending the whole Length thereof from Eighth to Ninth Street along S])ruce Street which compleats the Square. And that they had likewise given Orders to their Receivers General for the time being for Payment of an Annuity of Forty Pounds P'ble on the first day of May yearly and that as it w.is the Proprietaries Inteittion Payment of the first Year's Aniuiity should have been made on the first of this Month which being past before the Letter came to hand he now paid at the Table the said Sum of Forty Pounds which the Clerk is directed to deliver to the Treasurer & desire him to give a proper Receipt for the same which Donations being esteemed by the Board an Instance of the Proprie- tary's generous Intention are thankfully received & it is .agreed that John Reynell, Evan Morgan, Tliomas Gordon, & Samuel Rhoads be a Committee to prepare an Essay of an Adress to the Proprietaries to manifest our grateful acknowledgment thereof, to be brought to the ne.xt Meeting of the Board for Consideration & the same Committee are appointed to apply for & receive the Patent granting the said Lott. 249 Lands anpointed to deliver to the Treasurer Sc recpiest him to make out a Certificate under the Seal of the Corporation as usual. The annuity of forty pounds was continued from 1762 to 1775, and, in all, amounted to ;^56o. The correspondence between the Managers and the Penn family, with the patents for the land, will be again referred to when considering the subject of the Real Estate of the Hospital, in the next section. Pennsylvania The Managers were informed by letter, dated June 7, 1760, from Land Thomas Hyam,> that an act of Parliament, entitled Company in London. An Act for vesting certain estates in Pennsylvania. New Jersey, and Mary- land, belonging to the proprietaries of a partnership, commonly called, the Pennsylvania Land Company, in London, in trustees to the said to be sold : and for other purposes therein mentioned, had lately passed. Also, that he had been instrumental in proposing and having inserted in the ait a clause granting to this Hospital all the money which might remain unclainud in the hands of the trustees on June 24, 1770. Dr. John Fothergill - and Mr. David Barclay acted in con- junction with Dr. I'Vanklin, as Attorneys of the Hospital in England. At the meeting of May 26, 1766, an important decision of the Lord Chancellor of England in favor of the Hosjjital is recorded. ' • • • " AmoiiK the important results of the interest [in the Hospital] fell in England, was the receipt of ;i larRi- sum of money, conSL-iincnt upon the settlement o( the concerns o( a ioint-stock partnership, denominated the " Pennsylvania Land Comp.iny in London." In the > ear 1760 an Act of Parliament was passed, vesting in trustees the estates of that company in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and MarjMand, in order that they might he sold, and the proceeds distributed. But as it appeared probable, that for a considerable portion of these proceeds, no just claimant would be found, the insertion of a clause in the Act was procured by the friends of the Hospital, granting to that institution all the money which might remain unclaimed in the hands of the trustees upon the 24th of June, 1770. Thomas Hyam appears to have been chiefly instrumental in bringing about this important event for the Hospital." [Cornell's His- tory of Pennsylvania, iS76,p. 41 J. Quoted from Woods Historical and Biographical Memoirs.] 'Dr. John Kothergill, boni in 1712 near Richmond, in Yorkshire, England, a member of the Society of Friends, was graduated in Edinburgh in 1737. He was interested in natural philosophy and botany, and wrote numerous treatises on therapeutics and pharmacy. He was associated with Howard in the reformation of the management of prisons. He was also a physician of eminence in London and was greatly interested in the Pennsylvania Hospital. He presented the Hospital with casts, models, and diagrams for the museum, and gave the first volume to the medical librar>- He died in 1780. He greatly assisted Franklin in advancing the pecuniary interests of the Hospital in ICngtand, as in the instance of the Penn- sylvania Land Co here referred to. He was a man of high character and great benevolence. Franklin said of him " I can hardly conceive that a belter man ever existed. [Thomas's Biographical Dictionary. Phila,, 1870.] 2^0 which was obtained chiefly through the friendly ofifices of Dr. Fother- gill. It is in reference to the above mentioned unclaimed shares of the Pennsylvania Land Company, the proceeds of which were to be given in trust to the Managers to hold for possible claimants. The decision is as follows : Tluirsday the 28tli day of June in the 4th Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the 3rd. 1764 on Behaif of the Proprietors of the Pennsylvania Land Company in London. I'pon OpeitiiifT the matter tliis present Day. niito the Right Ilonble. tlie Lord Higli Chancelor of Great Britain by Mr. York, being of Coiintell for the Hospital in Peimsylva. called the Pennsylvania Hospital, establish'd by an ."Vet of the General .Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, entitled, An Act to Encourage the Establishing an Hos])ital for the Relief of the Sick & Poor of the said Province, & for the Reception & care of Lunatics, // was alledged That by an Act of Parliament passd in the 33rd Year of the Reign of his late Maje.sty King George the 2nd, entitled an Act for Vesting certain Estates in Pennsylvania, New- Jersey & Maryland, belonging to the Proprietors of a partnership, commonly called the Pennsylvania Land Company in London, in Trustees to be sold, & for ot!ier Purposes therein mentioned, reciting a Conveyance in Fee, dated the nth & 1 2th of Augt. 1699. From Wm. Penn— To Tobias Collett, Michael Russell, Daniel Quard & Henry Gouldney, of several Lotts in Philadelphia, & a Tract of Land in the County of Bucks in Pennsylvania, granted to Richard Noble, and of 100 Acres of Land in the said County, & all Buildings and improvements thereon and of 60,000 Acres of Land in Pennsylvania. And also that by Indenture Dated the same 12th of Aug't. 1699, Between the said Grantees of the one ])art. and Wm. Beach & others of the other part, the said Grantees agreed to stand siezed upon Trust to E.vecute such Deeds as should be approved of by the Grand Committee, of the Proprietors, And that the Neat profitts of the Premises, should be Divided into 220 Siiares, iSc should be called the Proprietors of the Pennsyl- vania Land Company in London, with directions how the said 220 Shares Should be transferr'd or Descend in iut in the purchase of Land j p (_•( reduced Hank Annuities in the name and with the privity of the said Company. Accountant (leneral, to be there placed to the Credit of this Matter under the Said Title, AND he to declare the Trust thereof, accordingly Sulyect to the further order of this Court, And for that purpose the said Accountant (leneral, is to draw on the Bank, accordiuK to the Form prescribed by the Act of Parlia- ment, and the (leneral Rules, and orders of the Court in that Case made and provided. The drafts were signed by eight Managers. The amounts realized were as follows: * 32 Bills sold for /7.WO' 0.0 SterliuH or /'i 1,990. 5.0 Currency. I " " i.?4. 1.2 " 225.17.9 Paid Messrs. Bevans' Commissions iS7.i2.o Amount received /■7611.13.2 " /■i2,2i6 2.9111 Cur'cy. (Besides the /'i2,2i6.2.9 in Currency, as much more as the /rS7.I2.o Stcrlin;; was worth. ) The above amounts were paid at various times, the last portions not being received until after the close of the Revolutionary War. Funds from ^^Y ^^^ ^^ April II, 1793, entitled " An Act for extending the Arrears of benefits experienced from the institution of the Pennsylvania Loan Office Hospital," twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars ''■'" '"' ' and sixty-seven cents (526,666.67), were granted to the contributors out of the arrears due the Commonwealth under the Loan Office .Acts of Feb. 26, 1773, and the State Treasurer was directed to pay to the Hospital all moneys on that account received by him since the first day of January preceding, and to assign to the Hosi)ital the mortgages and securities upon which anything remained due. The managers were required to give security, and to use their utmost endeavors to collect the money and, after satisfying the grant, to pay the surplus to the State Treasurer. The Managers were appointed trustees of the Loan Office, etc., and were directed to apply the money granted to erect additional buildings, and to render an accoimt annually to the Legis- lature. Also any unclaimed dividends of Bankrupts' estates were directed to be jiaid to the Hospital by the Commissioners of Bank- ni aime( j-^jpfg {j^g Hosi)ital to be liable therefor, if subsequently claimed. Dividends of 1 ' 1 i J Kstates of Ih^^ Managers, by the same Act, were empowered to establish a Bankrupts. Lying-in and Foundling Department in the Hospital. On December 16, 1795, ^'^^ Commissioners in Bankruptcy paid to the Managers on account of unclaimed dividends and surpluses. S20.044.64, and on March 28, 1796, S6912.08. 254 The following correspondence is of considerable historical interest. It is recorded in the minutes of a meeting held November 22, I 796 : The Governor having lately paid a visit to the Hospital and signified a will- ingness in his next address to recommend to the Legislature to grant a further sum to finish the centre building, it was agreed that Robert Wain, Saml. M. Fox & Saml. Coates be a committee to take him the following address and to request he will introduce therein such parts of it as he may conceive will be useful on the occasion ; To Thomas Mifflin, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. The Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital acknowledge with great satisfac- tion, the benefit derived from that part of the Governor's last address, to the Senate and House of Representatives of this State, in which he was pleased to recommend that Institution to their attention for aid and support. The grant of money which followed this recommendation has enabled the Managers to finish seventy rooms in the West Wing and thus to provide suitable and convenient accommodations for a Number of Lunatics ; instead of the subterraneous and damp cells, in which they have hitherto been confined ; the pleasing hope of administering more effectual relief to this afllicted class of patients is much incouraged by the great success, which under every Inconvenience, has attended the Efforts of the hospital Physicians, during the last year ; according to the original jilan some progress has been Made towards connecting the two Wings of the Hospital by the center building, the foundation of which has been laid, the walls carried up to the level of the Ground floor, and many Materials provided for completing the Same. In the expenditure of the money intrusted to the Managers they have observed the strictest economy, but the sum granted being insufficient, They fear that the Work already done, if it should be left in its present unfinished state w'ill suffer greatly from the weather ; other inconveniences will gre.itly attend it ; the Steward and Matron will be too remote from many of the Patients, to aflibrd the necessary attention, The Number of nurses and servants must be increased, and Consequently the Expencesof the Institution. The room where the Managers meet, the Museum, the apothecaries Shop, and the apart- ments now occupied by the Steward & Matron and apothecaries are all wanted for the more comfortable accommodation and better separation of the sick, untill the center building be completed these Inconveniences cannot be removed ; the Managers forbear to enlarge on this subject ; it is unnecessary they think to dis- cant on the relief, which has been extended to many of the Citizens of Pennsyl- vania, as well as to distressed Strangers by Means of this Hospital ; the Governor having some years ago been a Manager thereof, has had a full opportunity of knowing the usefulness of an Institution, which among other charitable Endow- ments, has reflected honor on the humanity and public spirit of Pennsylvania. — They will therefore intrude no longer on his time, but to submit to the Governor the propriety of mentioning the present situation of the Pennsylvania Hospital in his next Address to the Legislature of this State. Signed on behalf and at the request of a board of Managers of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital, nth month 22, 1796. JosHH Hewes, President. Saml. Co.\tes, Sect^y. Visit of Governor Mifflin. Address to the Governor asking favorable mention. A Supplement to Act of April ii, 1793, passed April 4, 1796, An additional niade an additional grant of twenty-five thousand dollars to enable Grant from jj^g contributors to finish the buildings according to the original Assembly for , completinK •''*"' ^'<=- Buildings. At a special meeting held at the house of Josiah Hewes, December 28th, 1797, the draft of a second address to the Governor was produced, agreed upon and directed to be forwarded. Managers' Report of Progress and need of another Appropri- ation. The Managers of the Pknnsvi-vama IIosi'itai, Respectfully Represent: That they have with as much teconomy as the nature of the business would admit, proceeded according to the views of the Legislature, towards the Com- pletion of the buildings originally intended by the Contributors and have besides finishing the Western Wards in a stile of superior Consequence for the accommo- tion ol Lunatic Patients, raised and partly inclosed the Centre Buildings designed for the residence of the Officers and servants of the Familey, and for other necessary purposes. In thus far Prosecuting the Task a.ssigned lliem, the whole of the Monies granted by the Assemltly for the j)urpose, hath been e.xpeiideil anil the sum of eighteen hundred pounds, and upwards borrowed, besides incurring debts on unsettled accounts, to the supposed amount of Two thousand Pounds. Tile ;\Ianagers confiding in the Governor's willingness to co-operate with them in obtaining the means to complete a good design, so far happily bro't on its way, request that he will in such manner as may be most likely to promote it, aid an application, which they are about to make to the Assembly for the Sum of si.x thousand Pounds, which if granted, they hope will enable them to finish the Original Plan of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and to e.\tend its benefits much more widely, than their heretofore limited circumstances would .illow. Signed Josiah Hewes, President. Samiki. Cdates, Secretary. An address was also directed to be jirepared to be presented to the Legislature to second the Governor's recommendation. It appears in full in the minutes of the same meeting. Address to the Legislature. To the Senate and House of Representalwes 0/ the Commonweallh of Pennsrh'ania. The Afenioriat of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital Respectfully Slicu; That in the begining of the Year 1751 a plan was presented to tile Assembly, for a Public Hospital, for the benevolent purpose of receiving and accommodating the Lunaticks and sick poor of Pennsylvania. This plan was approved of by the Legislature, who shewed a good disposi- tion to carry it into effect, but they had some doubts of incouraging the building for fear that individual contributions would not be raised in proportion to Legis- lative aid. \ trial however, was soon made . . . The Legislature gave in May following, two thousand pounds towards erect- ing the Ea.stern Wing of the Hospital, embracing at the same time the idea of extending it, at a future day, whenever the Circumstances of the Province should require its enlargement ; To this gift they annexed a Condition that the money 256 sliouki not be paid untill the Coiitributois slitiuUI raise by suljsciiplion an equal sum for the same use. — This was soon done and in a short time more was sub- Appeal scribed than the Act required. to the The Institution was then organized, and Twelve Managers, a Treasurer and Legislature six Physicians were chosen, who freely undertook the service of the House for for I'unds the sake of the sick and suffering Poor. to nimplele A CHARTER was also procured, which provided that Committees of the the Hospital. House of Assembly, should visit the Hospital, whenever it appeared proper to them, that the annual accounts should be submited to the House, that the laws and rules for the Election of ManaKers, and Physicians, should be approved by the chief justice and attorney General and finally, to shew that every object of the Contributors tended to the Public Weal, a clause, was inserted by which the Hospital with all its property was to escheat to the Province in case, the Con- tributors should fail, — Thus in the early settlement of I'ennsylvania the Hospital took its rise — The Le>;islature became its Patron, and every humane citizen its friend. By a Combination of Public anil Private e.vertions of so many Charitable disposed people in the Province, the Managers were enabled to finish the Eastern appartments ; but the two thousand Pounds, which the Assembly gave, and the first Contributions that were raised, were expended in the buildiligs : it therefore became necessary to procure a reimbursement of this Money to the Capital Stock ; for which reason the Managers |)etitioned the Assembly to replace it. The Prayer of this Petition was readily granted, by which eventually, tlie Legislature had the e.vclusive honor of raising the first asylum of the kind that was known in the State, if not in the Union, for the most afflicted and helpless class of the people, both in body and mind. To the humane Citizens of Pennsyl- vania, and to many benevolent persons in England, and in other parts of the World, the Credit of endowing tin- Instilulicin with funds to suiiport it umiiies- tionably belongs. Such liberality is not to be found in the annals of this Country, in which a jirivate association of Gentlemen, who had no personal emoluments in view, have freely subscribed a productive stock of Twenty thousand, five hundred and eighty-five pounds, ten shillings and four pence, for the use for the Poor. In addition to this Sum, they have added to the Hospital Estate, two valuable Lots of Ground, to be kept open forever, for the benefit of fresh and wholesome air, for the Patients, — To prove that the Contributors have rendered this important service to the Country, the Managers can appeal to the annual accounts, which were rendered to your predecessors in the Year 1774, all of which they presume are Carefully preserved among the archives of the State. About this time the affairs of the Hospital were in a prospering Condition — When alas ! by events inseparable from the War, which occasioned the late revolution, the Contributors lost above Ten thousand Pounds — This Shock in the Infancy of the Institution, paralised the active operations of the Managers for several Years, but as the native benevolent spirit of Pennsylvania was yet alive to the miseries of their fellow suffering Citizens, the Managers were encouraged to re-assume their labours. And now, when Peace returned to heal the wounds of a long War, and tlie lap of Industry was filled with the Profits of agriculture and Commerce, the managers sought for new Contributions, which they received from many Charita- ble Citizens : by these means, the ("apital was partly restored so that in 1793 it amounted to seventeen tlicnisand and si.xty-llve I'omuls. eleven shillings and teni)ence. Al this time it became indispensably necessary to inlarRC the Pennsylvania Hospital, so as to admit a greater number of lunatics, who with other Patients were increased with the Krowing pnpulatlon of the state, and for whom the old appartments of the house, were inconvenient and wholly insufficient. To effect this enlargement of the building, the Managers submitted a new plan, nearly resembling the Original plan of the Hospital, with an Address, to the Legislature. They approved thereof, and gave Ten thousand pounds tow nrds carrying it on, to be paid out of the loan Office fund of the Year 1773. Of this sum, the Managers have received but ^'7,696 14.?. id. In addition to which on a further application, the Legislature gave in 1796 /9.3"5 o o Those monies amounting to /^i7.o7i 14^- irf- are the total .Amount of all the Cash received from the Legislature to this time, for the above purposes, and they are all e.xpended in carrying on the Work. In addition to what has already been i)rocured, there will be wanted agreea- bly to a report of the building Committee, which is now Submitted to the Con- sideration of the House : To pay the money that is borrowed /i,.Sii bs.2lid. To pay unsettled Accounts 2,000 o o .\nd to finish the buildings 4.S70 5 2 Total required to Complete the Estimate is ^8,381 lu. 4U(/. Of this sum the Managers are in hopes to collect the balance, remaining due of the /"io,ocpo given for the loan Office fund, ^2, 303 5^, 1 irf. Amount There will be then wanting in Cash jaicl by the said Trusti-i-s in cncli-avoriiig to recover the same, forthwith to be assessed, raised and levied of and upon the County, In the same manner by the same persons and under the same pains, Penalties and Forfeitures as other County Rates are l)y Law rial to Your Memorialists further State, that on the Transfer of the said MortKages, l.i-yislature they caused Precepts to he issued to sell the morlRaKed Premises as soon and in «ith regard such Instances where the same could be done with propriety after Default made to Loan in paying the Instalments of the same, and in many Instances the mortgaged Office Premises have been sold according to due Course of Law, and the Premises Estates, included in some of the said Mortgages, so as aforesaid assigned to the Managers of the said Hospital have sold for less than the Sums loaned upon the same with the Interest by the Sum of /,"45oS 3J. Mrf and that the Deficiency in the value thereof, has occasioned a Loss to the Trustees of the said Loan Office, and the said Contributors and Managers of the said Hospital to the amount above men tioned the particulars i>f which api)ear in a Schedule hereto annexed marked .\. Your Memorialists beg leave further to represent that several Estates which were under Mortgage to the said Loan Office for Monies loaned under the said Act of 2jrd. February. 1773 and which Mortgages were so as aforesaitl by the Treasurer of the State assigned and set over to the Treasurer of the Contributors to the said Hospital un;s. To conclude, Your Memorialists introduce their annual Accounts which they submit to Your Inspection, and as by removing the Seat of Government to Lan- caster, the customary visits of the Members to the Hospital, may be rendered more inconvenient than usal. Your .Memorialists think it proper to express their Willingness to meet your Enquiries in that, or in any place you will please to appoint, and to attend the Visitations You may order to the Hospital, under any Modifications you may think fit to Approve. Signed by the ManaRers. Pennsvlvania HiisiMTAi,, 1 2th month 141I1, 1799. The above was presented at Lancaster by Saml. Coates, who went there as a Committee of one for that purpose. Final .adjust .Acting imder the authority of a special Act of the Legislature of ment of Loan Pennsylvania, passed in 1804, an amicable adjustment and final settle- ment of the account between the Commonwealth and the Managers, acting as 'i'rustees of the Loan Office Fund, was made. The minutes of the Managers' Meeting, held June 25, 1804, contain the fol- lowing report of the Managers' Committee on the Loan Office Fund, which was accepted and the Commitle discharged : The above account haviny been settled agreably to a special Act of Assembly, made for the purpose at the last Session, the Managers consider themselves free from blame on account of any deductions that have been made from jur>''s ver- dict, that was given in their favor, for S5031. 36-100. They likewise hold them- selves clear of the Surplus Money, they recovered by the verdict, which has been appropriated under the .^ct, and not paid to their Treasurer, but inasmuch as the Comptroller and Register General have disallowed the charge of 5133.28-100 made by Charles Chauncey for his Commission of 2'a per cent., which the Managers think a reasonable charge for his trouble in the business, and which by capital Contract they .agreed to allow him, they request the Committee before they receive the balance, to write again to the Controller, t"t propose to him a recon- sideration of this item of the Account ; and if on a representation of the Case, he should still reject the Charge, the Committee are then to accept the balance of 1567 Dollars & 83 cents ; the necessity of submitting to the Act being obvious, altho in this Instance the operation of it appears unreasonable, and meets with the dis.tpprobation of all the Man.agers. In consequence of the fact that they had collected the entire amount, the Legislature by Act of April 4, 1805, directed a re-assign- Charity ment of the remaining mortgages and other securities. Sermon by ry^^ j^^^ George Whitfield, a dissenting clergyman, of great Rev. George , , ... , . ^ ..,,., 1 Whitfield oratorical ability, came to this country from England, in the early 262 Bfiiefit of the Hospital. , days of the province and held revival services, which created great popular excitement. As one of the substantial results of his preaching there was built for him in Philadelphia one of the largest churches then in the colonies. He is said to have preached while here to an audience of 15,000 persons. After a successful tour in the South, he returned to this city, where, prior to his departure for Europe, he preached in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Sunday, October 22, 1764, a Charity Sermon for the benefit of the Pennsylvania Hospital, taking his text from Rom. vii. 4. The amount realized, including his per- sonal contribution of five pounds, was j£iT4. 14. o. (or J465.86). On March 2d, 1786, the Managers received word that Mr. Noah f;,jai, Webster had made a public offer in one of the newspapers to give a Webster benefit lecture on the English Language, to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Li--ctures for provided he was waited on for that purpose. The Board agreed to accept this offer, and Josiah Hewes and Reynold Keen were appointed to wait on Mr. Webster and acquaint him therewith, and also to thank him, in the name of the Board, for his politeness. The following notice was read : " Next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, in the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Webster author of the Grammatical Institute will begin to read a short course of lectures on the English Language, and on education in general. Tickets for the whole course (of si.\ lectures) at 15.? and for an evening 39, sold by M. Carey & Co. R. Aitken and F. Bailey, at their Printing offices. A seventh Lecture will, if requested, be delivered for the benefit of the Pennsylvania Hospital. The even- ings i)roposed for the Lectures are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaj'S." As Mr. Webster generouslycomply'd with the request of this Board in giving a Lecture for the benefit of this Institution Josiah Hewes and Reynold Keen are a]^pointed to collect the Money arising from the Sale of the Tickets and pay the same to the Treasurer, The Committee for collecting the money for the tickets sold for attending Webster's lecture, on June 26, 1786, reported that they had received the entire proceeds, amounting to thirty-five pounds, two shillings, six pence. On May 4, 1786, " a Grand Concert of Sacred Music " was given sicred in the German Reformed Church for the benefit of the Pennsylvania Concert. Hospital, Philadelphia Dispensary, and the Poor. The Treasurer, on July 31, 1786 reported that Nathaniel Falconer and Reynold Keen had paid him forty one pounds, twelve shillings and two jjence, or $110.95, being (one third of ^124. 16.6) our proportion of the proceeds . Arising from the late Concert of Sacred Music held at the German Reformed CMuirch which the undertakers agree to give for the Use of this Institution for whicli they are requested to return the Thanks of the Board. Financial Advantages Early in the career of the Hospital, at the suggestion of Franklin, tVom Charity who fully appreciated the value of small things and the maxim with Boxes. 263 regard to " takiii},' care of the pence," it was agreed to liave •• Cliarity Boxes " made and set up to receive the donations of such as may be willing to give anything towards this jnirpose. Hugh Roberts and Saml. Rhoads were appointed a committee to have ihcm made. Under date of P'ebniary ist, 1753, it is noted in the minutes : Colli-itioMs Twflvf Till Boxis willi tiK- words " Charity hok tiik Huspitai. " paiiuecl by Charity "" them In ko'> take one of ihem to lie put up in his House in order to Collect Money for the Hospital ; the Board was informed that William Leech paint< ■! thanl. Williams Sam. Hazard. Many of tiie signers of this proposal, it will be noticed, were also contributors. As might have been expected, the measure was strongly antagonized by the jjoliticians of the day, and as the bill failed to pass, nothing was obtained at this time. 265 The Managers and Contributors subsequently succeeded in their efforts to obtain money from this source. In a report made by the Building C'oniniittee on February 23, 1756, it is stated, "On ixaniiiiiiiK tlie funds appropriated towards building, llii' total amount thereof appears to be about jC^ooo exclusive of the suliscriptions promised from the signers of the paper money lately emitted, which will be about /"sso." The Managers for the ensuing month (July, 1757) were desired to procure an Order on the Provincial Treasurer from the Signers of the late ^45,000, Rills of Credit of this Province for the simi due to them by the Act of Assembly, which they generously promised to contribute towards building the Hospital. Israel Pemberton informed the board thai "On the twenty-first of April, 1759, he received from .Saml. Preston Moore, the Provincial Treas'r. four hundred & seventy pounds eleven shillings and six- pence and paid the same to H. Roberts, our Treas'r. beinn the allowance due by law to the Siyners of the one thousand pounds Bills of Credit List emitted which they have generously contributed towards the building of the Hospital, .^nd as it w.as some time since agreed that as soon as the said Money was received by our Treas'r. he should |iut the same to Interest in order to replace the five hundred pounds Capital Stock paid in by John Baily, and since made use of in discharging the Debts due on the Building account, the Board was informed by Israel Pem- berton that the Treasurer on the twenty-third of April, 1759, lent the Sum to Andrew Doz, for which he hath given a Bond payable in twelve months." Signers of ^" ^^^^ '' '7^*' ^^^ following entry occurs: Paper Money. " Cash received from signers of the paper money /'166 ys. grf. and on May 3, 1765, By cash received of Samuel Preston Moore, Provincial Treasurer, Pursuant to an order of the signers of the last Emission of Pai)er Currency, ^601 2S. 6rf." A very interesting document was found among the old pajjcrs which will show the magnitude of the labor involved in signing bills at this time, as well as the ,Tm()unl realized by each individual signer; the paper is worded as follows : "A list of the Signers to the ^55,000 issued in the year 1764, with the respective sums due to each Person ; Who by their order dated February, 1765, & drawn on Samuel Preston Moore. Provincial Treasurer, in favour of Hugh Roberts, treas'r. of the Pennsilva. Hospital ; Gave the same to the Man.ngers of said Hospital, to be by them .Applied, for the payment of the Consideration Money, for the Lott of Ground bought of James Coult.is, Esq., And such other purposes as the said Managers should direct." The signers were paid fifteen shillings per thousand signatures for the tickets and forty-five shillings for the same quantity for the bills. On Oct 31, 1785, the Board having been informed that " the signing of the late emission of Paper Money is compleated and that as the persons named in the Law as signees had promised to give their Wages to this Institution, Samuel Howell, Josiah Hewes, Andrew Doz and William Hall, are appointed a Committee to call on them for their different Orders for such Wages & lodge the same with the Treasurer to be bv him received from the State Treasurer." 266 The Committee were as a rule successful in canvassing the signers; liut the following, on Ajjril 30, 1787, proved an exception : A signer of P3Dd' Moiitv The Committee appointed to call on as the first delinquent of ''. the kind, for the Wages he received for signing Paper Money, which he promised ^ to give to the Hospital, report they have divers times waited on him for it and he declines paying the same ; they are therefore requested to call on him again and if he persists in refusing to pay it, they are recommended to take such Measures to recover the Money as the Exigence of the Case may require. All measures which were thought might be successful in bringing the delinquent to terms were employed, but without avail. Subse- quently it became not uncommon to refuse to pay subscriptions; and quite a long list of these delinquents is foinid among the records of the Hospital. The following sums were received from the signers of paper money in the years specified and the statement shows to what extent the Hospital was aided from this source : / J. d. £ s. d. 1757—684 i« 9 1773— 54 o o 1758—360 o o 1773—245 o o^ '759—470 " 6 1775—286 14 9 1760—156 19 6 1787—144 2 5 1762 — 166 7 6 1787 — 44 4 o 1765 — 601 2 6 3214 O IIJ-z As an item of historical interest, it is noted that the Physicians of Charitable the Hospital charitably supplied the inmates with medicines gratis ^^o'^"^"- until December, 1752, when an assortment of drugs were procured from London at a cost of ^112 \^s. 2j^ti. sterling, to pay for which William Griffiths, a Manager, made a special appeal to the " rich widows and other single women" for a subscription. The widows contributed ^i II 5^-. Gd. and sundry women ^15 loi-., making a total of ;^i26 I5J-. 6d. in currency. It becatne quite popular among the charitable to donate fees, Fees and etc., received for public services, to the Hospital. Among these, Jury Fnies r ■ J r n » -^ ' CoMtrihuted. fees were received as follows, to wit : 1766 — I 5 o 1767 — 2 14 o Total, 16 4 7 The Underwriters at Wharton & Lewis' Insurance Office, in 1 792, gave their fines, amounting to jC^cj "js. 41/. Assignees also contributed. Robert Wain. Jr., and Mordecai Lewis Freas, in 1792, gave their commissions as Assignees of a bank- rupt's estate to the Hospital. ^181 SJ. each, or together ^362 los. 01/. 267 / i. rf. 1762— 3 13 7 1763— I '3 1764— 6 7 1765— 12 An act of swift, retril)utive justice, by which the Hospital l>enefited pecuniarily, is commemorated by this curious entry in the Treasurer's accoimts : Thirty ilo'lars reciiveil tin- ,v>t'' o' 5 nio. last liHixil from thri-c- wanKoiu-rs will) insulted eifjlu persons nn thf Wissaliiccoii road and fri)»l'tinfd tlK'ir liorsi-s, accomjianifd with a full aoknowlcd^jnuMU in writing of lliuir trans>;rfssion and a promise to demean themselves well in future and never to insult a traveller a^ain, on condition the injured jiarty would forgive and not prosecute them, to which they agreed on the Waggoners pa\'ing this contrihulion as a peace offering. liius\ial An unusual source ot a. donation to the Hospital is mentioned in Donations, the records for April 25, 1808. The Managers ordered the following entered upon their minutes: Ti) TUK M,vn.v<;krs ok THK I'KNNSVI.V.KNI.X HoSlMT.VI.. (,'inHfnii>i.^\n Compliance with the request of Ooverncur Morris, I have the pleasure 0I enclosnig, lor your benevolent Institution, a Check lor Two hundred and Nineteen dollars, being the Damages recovered by him from the Editors of the ".Aurora" in a Suit for a Libel, after deducting the K.\penses incurred in the Prosecution thereof. With great respect. I am Your Obedient Servant. Wii.i.iwi Mkkkiiitii. Walnut St., April i6th, i.SoK. (April 24, 1S15) A Letter was received and read Irnni Henry Drinker, C:isliiii of the Bank of North .■\merica, to the Secy, enclosing a Twenty Dollar note of that Bank which he represents was found on the floor sometime la,st summer it remaining unclaimed he now presents the same to the Pennsylvania Hospital subject to the Claim of any Person who may identify and claim the loss. The Secy, is desired to pay the anmutit to the Tre.lsurer and return the thanks of the Board to the Cashier. The Hospital Since the Act of Ajtril, 1796, making an additional grant to entirely finish the west wing and center of the I'ine .Street Hos])ital, the insti- depenr their innsideration. on December 6, 1776. The Contributors agreed : That the Managers or a board of them should execute under their Hands & the Seal of the Corporation a deed of Conveyance to Mary Reybold & her Heirs for the lot of ground in the Northern Liberties of the City near Gerniantown the Gift of Matthias Koplin on the terms reported by the Managers in their nnn- ute of November 6, 1776. The first real estate purchased by the Managers of the Pennsyl- y\\-a I'ur- vania Hospital was the site for the erection of the Hospital buildings, chase of On September 11, 1754, they learned that Society Square, Real Estate, extending from Eighth to Ninth, and north from Pine Street, could be obtained for ;^6oo. It was subsequently ascertained that the offer of sale was limited to the holdings of William Hinton and Richard 269 (injiiiicl lipf Hospital Site Purcliasfd Parker, 396 feet on Pine Street, from Eighth to Ninth Streets, and 366 feet northward to a strij) of ground on Spruce Street. This strip on Spruce Street, extending 396 feet from Eighth to Ninth, and 107 feet southward, belonged to the Proprietaries, Thomas and Richard Penn (who subsequently donated the same to the Hospital by patent, dated November 10, 1 767). The Society Square was bought December 7, I 754 ; the sum finally paid by the contributors to Hinlon and Parker, for the ground, being X5°°- The area of ground |)urchased was 3-32+ acres and the portion donated by the Penns, 0.97 acres, or altogether about 4.30 acres. J L L KiKlilh Slrei't 473 I'cel i " Z K 2 Q w s -. n 366 fe« Society Square. (Hiiiton & Parker's Lot) Bought by Managers Dec. 7, 1754, for .^500 as a Hospital Site •& Area 3. ,12 acres 366 feet 473 feet Ninth Street Original Purchase for Hospital Site The Deed for the ground purchased reads as follows : This Indentcrk made the fifteenth Day of November iti the ^'ear nl 'Mir Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty four between Richard Parker r\\ in the year One Thousand Seven hundred and thirty six And therein devised the same unto his Son the said Richard Parker his Heirs and .■\ssigns forever As by the same in part Recited Last Will duly Proved and remaining in the Register General's Office at Philadelphia aforesaid appears now this indenture WITNESSETH that the said Richard Parker party hereto William Hinton and Susannah his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Pounds Current Money of Pennsylvania (part of the afore- said Two thousand Pounds granted by the Assembly) unto them in hand paid by the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital aforesaid at and before the Sealing and Delivery hereof, The Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have and each and either of them hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeofled released and confirmed. And by these presents Do and each and either of them doth grant 271 l):ir;(aiii srll aliiii iiifi'iiO'ri'li-asiaiispital aforesaid and their successors forever all that tlie aforesaid Lot < )ri};inal of tlroviiid Kraiited in and liy the said first recited Indenture situated l>i>iinde 'c William Darvill's rt Lilts bought by Managers ■z of Hospital June 27, 1704 for ^500 M 1 !■ 7 l.tl .;h6 feet A-?, leet I'lUh Slrect Authorities to Exchange Property. Plan of Society Square, West ot Hospital. On August 26, 1766, the Board being informed by several Proposal of Managers of the House then erecting for the " Better Employment of Almshouse the Poor of this City of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark and Townships of Moyamensingand Passyunk and the Northern Liberties," that they have lately agreed for the Easternmost third part of the Square, con- tiguous (Mary Ayres lot) to the Lot bought of William Darvill by the Managers of the Hospital, it is now proposed that the Consideration Money for both pur- chases being added together and the Lot equally divided, the Easternmost part should be allotted for the Hospital and the Westernmost for the House of Employ- ment and an equal part, of the cost of the whole borne by each Institution, which the Managers agree to propose to the Managers of the House of Employment. 275 At a iiRitiiiK of the C'unmiitti'c of .M;iii:infrs of tin- House of Kmploy and tlie Conference Committee of the Managers of the Hospital the zjd of Kel)ruary, 1767. Present of Manafiers on (in. |,,.,rt ,,f | louse of Kmploy, Joseph Fox. I.uke Morris, Abel James ; on behall and House of of Hospital. John Reynell, Josh. Richardson, and Thomas Wharton. Taking into Employ about Consideration the state of the Square which is situate between the two institu- E.xchanjie in tio„s and that it would be more convenient that each of the I'ublic BuildiuKS Western Lot. should enjoy the part which is next to each particular institution. It was there- fore mutually Agreed tliat the Managers of the House of Employ should con- vey to the Managers of the Hospital the third part of said Square being the part they bought of Mary Ayres with the improvements thereon ; And that the said Managers of the House of Employ pay to the Managers of the Hospital the sum of Fifty Pounds. That the Managers of the Hospital convey to the Managers of the House of Employ the W'esternmost Moiety of the said Square being a part of the Purchase which the Hospital made of William Darvill ; That each of the institutions take Possession of their particular parts as soon as the deeds are" Executed. (Note) The North Jk South lines of said Square, so far as they relate to the two institutions, are but about 366 feet in Length, and that those Lots are bounded on the North by vacant Grounds &c. Tlie Deed was i)re])ared and e.xecuted, March 23, 1767, and the consideration money of Fifty Pounds paid to the Treasurer of tlie Hospital. Proprietaries The Proprietaries, 'I'homas Penn and Richard Penn, donated to Donate a jj^g Pennsylvania Hospital by patent, in 1769, a lot situated on the ,,, ""^ " south side of Spruce Street, between Ninth and Tenth Streets, Western Lot. ' . containing east and west on Spruce Street one hundred and ninety- eight feet, (west from Ninth Street), being executed under the great seal of the province and recorded in the rolls office. It is as follows : Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esquires true and absolute Proprie- taries AND Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania AM) COl'NTIES OF NEW CASTLE KENT AND SUSSEX ON DELAWARE. To all to uliom Ihcse ptcsenls shall come G reeling: Whereas in jiursuance of a Warrant dated the Seventeenth day of December last there was surveyed on the Twentieth day of January last A certain Lott of ground to the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital Situate on the South side of Spruce Street between the Ninth and Tenth Streets in the City of Phila- delphia Containing in length E^ast and West on Spruce Street aforesaid One hundred and ninety eight fret and in Breadth North and South on Ninth Street aforesaid One hundred and Seven feet Bounded Northward with Spruce Street Eastward with Ninth Street Southward with other ground of the said Hospital and Westward with ground intended to be granted to the Contributors to the House of Employment of the poor cStc. Now at the Instance and request of the said Contributors (by their Managers) that we would be pleased to grant them a Confirmation of the same. Know ye that for and in Consideration of the Sum of Five Shillings lawfull money of Pennsylvania to our use paid by the said Con- tributors (the receijit whereof we hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and for Ever discharge the said Contributors their Heirs and Successors by these 276 Presents) And of the yearly Quit Rent herein after mentioned and reserved We have given granted released and Confirmed and by these presents for us our Heirs and Successors Do Give Grant Release and Confirm unto the said Con- tributors their Heirs and Successors the said described Lott of Ground as the same is now set forth bounded and limited as aforesaid Together with all and singular the Buildings Improvements Ways Waters Water-Courses Rights Liberties Profits Advantages Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Lott of Ground belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders thereof To have and to hold the said described Lott of ground & premises hereby granted or mentioned so to be with its Appurtenances unto the Contributors of said Hospital their Heirs and Successors To the only Use and Behoof of the said Contributors their Heirs and Successors for Ever To be holden of us our Heirs & Successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Springetsbury in the County of Philadelphia in free and common Soccage by Fealty only in lieu of all other Services Yielding and Paying therefore Yearly unto us our Heirs and Successors at the said City at or upon the first day of March in every year from the first day of March next — Five Shillings Sterling for the same or Value thereof in Coin Current according as the Exchange shall then be between our said Province and the City of London to such Person or Persons as shall from Time to Time be appointed to receive the same. And in Case of Non- payment thereof within Ninety Days next after the same shall become due that then it shall and may be lawful for us our Heirs and Successors our and their Receiver or Receivers into and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises to re-enter and the same to have again repossess and enjoy until the said Quit Rent and all arreais thereof together with the charges accruing by means of such nonpayment & Re-entry be fully paid and discharged Witness John Penn Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said Province who by virtue of certain Powers and Authorities to him for this Purpose inter alia, Granted by the said Proprietaries hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia this Fourth day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Sixt\" nine The Ninth Year of the Reign of King George the third over Great Britain &c. and the fifty first year of the said Proprietaries Government. John Pexn" [L S] [Recorded 6th May 1769 in Deed Book L Vol. 5 page 34S &c.] The Managers, on October 27, 182S, received a letter from the corresoon- Giiardians of the Poor in charge of the City Almshouse, communi- dence with eating a plan for the improvement of the lot owned by them, Almshouse adjoining the western ground of the Hospital, if the Managers of the ^'•''"•''gers. Hospital would give twenty feet of their ground towards a forty foot street proposed to be opened through the Almshouse lot. On con- sideration the Secretary was directed to reply that the Board had no authority to make an\ arrangement in the premises, and do not deem it judicious to convene the Contributors at this time. At the meeting of the Contributors, held May 10, 1830, the Managers were, by resolution, directed to purchase of the Managers of the Almshouse their moiety of the square lying westward of the Hospital site, provided the same can be obtained for §50,000 ; and if the purchase can be made, the Managers of the Hospital are author- ized to lay out a thirty foot street to extend from Ninth to Tenth Streets, at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet south from Spruce Street, etc. On Afay 31, 1830, the Committee authorized to offer the Guardians of the Poor the sum of Sso.ooo for the Almshouse lot, reported having done so, and that this body had officially declined the proposition. E.xch.iiigf Dec. 27, 1830, the Managers received a proposal from Thomas of Lots. Mitchell, instructed by John Savage, to exchange the western lot for that of the Guardians of the Poor, so as to give the northernmost 160 feet of the Hospital lot to a 30 feet street for all the .•Vlmshouse lot south of said street, being 283 feet. The Board deeminR such an exchange calculated to improve the interests of the Hospital apjrointed Win. VV. Fisher and Alex. W. Johnston to attend to the subject, &c., and with further instructions to attend the sale of the Alms House Lot and bid therefor $50,000. The Committee on January 12, 1831, Sale of Reported they had attended the sale of the Aims-House Lot and had bid .Almslunise tiierefor Fifty thousand and t)ne hundred dollars : And that it was bought in at Lot. a hi;;her sum. That since then they had received from John Savage a proposal that he will purchase the .\lms House lot provided the Hospital Managers will join him in laying out a street twenty feet wide from Ninth to Tenth streets at Proposition ''"^ distance of one hundred and sixty feet from Spruce Street, and exchange to Exchange Northernmost one lnni(lre u ■a r 473 feet Tenth Street r Plan of Square West of Hospital Site, after the exchange of properties. (Ninth Month 26, 1766), Joseph Richardson proposes that if the Managers will purchase for the use of the Hospital the Lot of Ground, being one-half the Square between Seventh Street and Eighth Streets opposite the Hospital Easlw-ard that he the said Joseph Richardson will Contribute towards payment of the same, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds. (Fourth Month 2, 1767), the Committee appointed to confer with Reuben Haines, about purchasing his undivided Moyety of the Square of Ground, bounded by the 7th & 8th Streets from Delaware, & Spruce & Pine Streets opposite the Penna. Hospital Eastward, which he purchased of John Whitpain, which he 281 agrees to sell & convey to the Corporation of Contributors of the Hospital for Eastern Lot /'Sso— subject to the Dower of the Widow of Zachary Wliitpain dec'd, to be Purchased, paid in the followinK manner— viz. Two Hundred Pounds to be paid on E.xecuting the Deed, Two Hundred Pounds more in two months from the date thereof, and the remainder in tliree months from the date, and he further aRreis to contribute Fifty pounds, to be discounted out of the last payment, to promote the Charitable design of the Hospital which being considered & approved, the same Committee are desired to get the Title examined, and the deeds of conveyance drawn, and when compleated to call a board if they find it necessary. A Deed was i)roduced April 27,1767, intended to be executed by Reuben Haines & Wife for the undivided Moyety of the Square of (iround purchased of him, fronting the Hospital Eastward, which was read & examined & requiring some alteration the care thereof was committed to the same Committee who informed the Board that on a late conference with Reuben Haines, he prefers having the consideration Money to be paid S: mentioned in the conveyance, should be no more than Six hundred Pounds, and that no Notice be taken of his proposed Contribution of Fifty Pounds as at first proposed, which was agreed to. On May 25, 1767, report was made of a Deed from Reuben Haines Mc Wife lor the undivided Moyety of the Square of Ground purchased of him, situate Eastward of the Hospital, which was executed and deposited in the hands of the Treasurer. (Tenth Month 28, 1772), Thom.as Forrest ofl'ered for sale his undivided fourth part in ri^ht of his wife to the Square of Ground between Seventh iS; Eighth Streets bounded Norlhwanl with Spruce Street and Southward will) Pine Street for the sum of three hundred pounds out of which he agrees to Contribute Twenty five pounds to the Hospital. The Board concluded to purchase the said Lot of him on the Terms above mentioned and to pay him the money as soon as we are able to raise it which we have expectation will be in our power in a short time. The Sheriff of Philadelphia County, on November 28, 1774, served a Writ of Partition on William Wliitpain and the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital respecting the Square of Ground to the eastward of the Hospital, and Israel Pemberton, Edward Peninglon and the sitting Managers were apjjointed to take the necessary care rela- tive to the partition of the said lot and ijurchase of William Whit- pain, his share. (Twelfth Month 26, 1774), the Committee appointed to attend the Partition and purchase Wm. Whitpain's Share of the Square of Ground to the Eastward of the Hospital reported that Joseph Stamper Attorney to William Wliitpain (who is absent beyond Sea) being applied to on the occasion informed them that he had no Authority to sell Whitpain's Share of the Lot for less than /'450 which not being agreed to by the Committee, nor now by the Board, the matter is con- tinued under the care of the said Committee. And the Action at Law commenced for the Partition of the said Lot is withdrawn. (On Fourth Month 24, 1775), William Whitpain owner of an undivided Quarter part of the Square of ground to the Eastward of the Hospital attended the Board and ofTered to dispose of his part of the said Lot for the sum of Three hundred and Seventy five Pounds which the Board agreed to give him and appointed Thomas Wharton and Isaac Cox to get the deed for it drawn and executed and they are authorized to draw on the Tre.asurer for the purchase money, which being less than the said Whitpain first demanded it is agreed to present him w ith a certificate for ^30 as a Donation from him to the Hospital. 282 Fourth month i, 1776: The Treasurer reported tliat the Deed from William Whitpain to the Contri- Deed Exc- butors of the Penna. Hospital for liis undivided share of \i th of the Lot of Ground cuted for was duly executed and dehvered at the Rolls Office to be recorded and that he Eastern Lot. paid to the said Whitpain One hundred and seventy five pounds gave his obliga- tion in behalf of the Contributors for two hundred pounds and delivered a Cer- tificate for thirty pounds as a Donation from said Whitpain being the amount of the sum mentioned in the Deed for the said Lot viz. /;j75 and a Certificate of /"30. J 468 feet I-;il;hth Street J L Sevenlli Street 6S feet rt IJ -^ u V 5 X !: 2 = t/v *rt r 5 £■ i "S u 'Z 'B ^ s ^ 1 V h n 3 - c f- ^ 0" t ^ s V t^ S ti fe 5 vi - tl. li ^ I ^■ 5"? 0" g ^ s '> co" ^ =^5 f. < i£ •^ > s 5 It S ~ if - s = < c i a " -r- ,, 5S i_ ? rt c ^ A V < Plan of Eastern Square. r February 22. 1779. Doctor Bond applied to rent the lots lying to the eastward of the Hospital square ; it was agreed that he might have them '• for the rent of twelve [jounds in specie Per .-Vnnum for seven Years, putting them under good fence and leaving them in the same Condition at the expiration of the term." A letter was produced, November 27, 1786, from Thomas Forrest in behalf of Sarah Dodd (formerly Whitpain) claiming her dower in the lot eastward of the Hosjiital, late the property of her husband, Zachariah Whitpain, whereupon Reynold Keen, Thomas Moore and Joseph Paschail were appointed to investigate the merits of her claim and report at the next meeting. 283 January 28, 17S8. "The Committee on tlie claim of Sarah CleariiiK Whilpain report they have settled with her by paying her One hun- tlic full-. ^|.gj ^i^j pij-jy Poiinjs Paper Money lor which she hath signed a Release to all her right of dower to the lot East of the Hospital, and the whole Arrears due thereon which the Hoard ap])rove and the Treasurer is desired to get it recorded." The Managers finding it necessary to provide increased accom- modation for patients by enlarging the buildings, decided to ask authority from the Contributors for them to sell one or more of the lots of ground in order to obtain tlie necessary funds. On March 26, 1832: It is agreed to submit to tlie ne.\t .\imual Meeting of the Contributors the propriety of selling the Eastern Lot. At the Contributors' Meeting in May following it was Contributors Resolzed, That the Managers be authorized to make sale of the Eastern Lot .Authorize tlie for the Purpose of raising funds to erect buildings for the additional accommoda- Sale of Lots, tion of the Hospital. May 14, the Contributors having authorized the Sale of the Eastern Lot, John J . Smith, Bartw. Wistar and Charles Roberts are appointed to receive proposals from purchasers upon a plan of building now approved and submit offers to the Board. June 25, it is now agreed that ivhcii the Committee on the sale of the Eastern lot shall in any case conclude an arrangement with the purchasers, the President and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to convey the same in sufficient deeds agreeably to the restrictions determined upon under their signatures and the Seal of this Corporation. Sale of .'"'y '6, 1833, the Hoard assembled at the request of the Coni- Eastern Lot. mittee on the sale of the eastern lot, which reported That six lots had been sold on Spruce Street, and a like number on Pine Street and proposed that authority now be given to make deeds to the purchasers, whereupon it was resolved " that the President of this Board with the Treasurer of the Contributors be, and they are hereby empowered to execute sufficient conveyances to the persons who have bought, under the seal of this Corporation with such reservations as have been agreed upon in the general plan ; this power is to extend to the purchasers of the remaining part of the lot, as sales may be made." The street directed to be opened through the eastern lot having been proposed to be called Barclay Street, and that designation being previously used in this city, the Board agreed that the avenue be called Citron (now Barclay) Street, and that it be forty feet in width, and that it be entered u])on the record. On May 5, 1S34, John J. Smith, Charles Roberts, and Bartho- lomew Wistar, were continued to attend to the care and sale of the eastern lot. 284 The square on the south side of the Pennsylvania Hospital, from Eighth to Ninth Streets, extending from Pine to Lombard Street, Square Soutli (396 feet), being the whole front of the Hospital and opposite to it j. Is ill the opinion of this Board absolutely necessary to be secured to the Insti- Hygiene 01 tution, for the benefit of the southern air, as opportunity may offer to buy it, Hospital. A minute, dated Sept. 21, 1795, states that " it is therefore the unanimous Opinion of all the Managers present that a part of the Square which Richard Rundle owns of 112 feet on Eighth Street by iHi on Pine Street to Blackberry Alley, which lot he offers for One thousand pounds Cash, should be bought as soon as possible and added to the Capital Stock ; and that any Monies given towards this purpose or other Monies may be paid for the said lot. An order was drawn on the Treasurer for the amount in favour of Richard Rundle, which he is desired to pay out of the monies received from the Commissioners of Bankruptcy when the title is delivered and approved in writing by William Rawl or any other Counsel learned in the law." On Feb. 23, 1791, "Josiah Hewes, John Dorsey, Robert Smith, and Samuel Coates are appointed a Committee to wait on William Lewis, to know if he will accommodate this Institution agreeably to the e.\pectations he has given us by exchanging his lot on the South side of Pine Street for the lot bought of Isaac Snowden in the name of Samuel Coates on the north side of Spruce Street, which lot was bought with a view of exchanging with William Lewis and for no other purpose ; his definitive answer will be expected. On Feb. 22, 1802, William Lewis contrary to the expectations of the Managers after encouraging them to purchase the lot on Spruce Street and promising to exchange his own for it to accommodate the Hospital has come to a conclusion not to exchange on any terms but oflTer his lot at a very exorbitant price as will appear by the following letter of which it is agreed no other notice shall be taken than to insert it on the Minutes." "January 4th, 1802. " Gentlemen. — I have concluded either to sell my lots near the Pennsylvania Hospital or to let them on ground-rents or to erect buildings on them in the Spring in order to render them productive, but not to exchange them for other lots, and I deem it proper to inform you of this before coming to any particular conclusion respecting them in order that the Managers if they think proper may have an opportunity of becoming the purchasers. I am but a very indiflierent judge of their value, but from the best information I have been able to procure, I suppose it to be twenty-two hundred and fifty pounds. This sum I am willing to accept for them but I believe that I shall not take less. If the Managers are not disposed to take them at this price nothing further need be said on the subject, but if they are, I wi.sh to know it soon for the reasons mentioned " I am. Gentlemen, your friend and humble Servant, William Lewis." A proposal was received March 5, 1801, from John Taylor, in which he offered to sell his lot fronting on the south side of Pine Street 198 feet, and extending from thence 292 feet along Ninth Street to Lombard Street, for the sum of fifteen hundred pounds, payable without interest in twelve months. On receiving this offer the Managers adjourned to view the situation of the ground and having returned reported that they were all of opinion that 28s The said lot is indispensably necessary to this Institution and that it ought always to be left opi-n to artance at times when the yellow fever or infectious or contagious 5,ooo 2 " " Pine, 8th & 9th 4,600 9.200 5121,000 On motion, tiie above report was adopted. Offer March 5, 1852. This meeting was called by the Committee on Accepted for tj,g 5^]^ ^f the South lot to lav before the Board an offer by John South Lot. Eisenbrey to i)urchase all the unsold part of said lot at the price here- tofore fixed by the Board, provided no interest be charged imtil the first of March next. On motion, /Icso/vfd \hal the Commitlec be authorized to sell on the terms specified in the said ofler. 288 The lot was sold for §120,000, of which sum, $78,000 was ex|jended in repairing the Pine Street Hospital and $42,000 was Proceeds of carried to the capital account. ^'''"^ "^ ^"'*- At the Contributors' Meeting, in May, 1831, it was decided that a separate Hospital Building for the Insane Department was exjiedient and the Managers were authorized to sell vacant ground, in order to obtain necessary funds, and to select and propose a suitable site at a future meeting, i In 1S35, the Managers purchased the farm of Matthew Arrison, of I'urchase loi acres, for $29,289, situated in Blockley township. West Philadel- ol" ^Vest phia, about two miles west of the City of Philadelphia, between West „" " *[}' ^ ' ' ' Properties Chester and Haverford Roads, on the latter of which the entrance for insane was made. In 1838, an additional purchase of 93,2 acres adjoining Department, was made for $3500, which they considered desirable to include within the walls to be erected as a jilace of exercise and recreation for the patients. In 1845, '^w lots adjoining the farm of the Penns>l- vania Hospital for the Insane were purchased and conveyed to the Contributors for $2350 In 1849, '^c thanks of the Managers were presented to G. Roberts Smith for his gift to the Contributors of a strip of land 70 feet in width, along the whole eastern front of the grounds, extending from Haverford Road to Market Street, containing about three acres, making the whole tract ii3}'2 acres. The Hospital land extends from 42d to 49th Streets, and from Market to Haver- ford. = The minutes of the Managers stale that on March 28, 1808, Robert Wharton, Mayor, having l)y his proclamation informed the citizens of the regulations )jroposed on the ground plots of Philadel- ]ihia, from Fifth Street westward to Schuylkill, and called upon such as conceived their interest affected by those regulations, to state their objections to the Mayor, Aldermen and City Commissioners, Joseph Lownes, Zaccheus Collins and Peter Browne were appointed to inspect the proceedings of the Commissioners, etc., and If they are of opinion our estate is likely to be injured they are desired to attend the meeting of the Mayor, etc., to be held at the City Hall on the nth of May ne.\t, and state their objections on behalf of this institution. A meeting of the Contributors was held on August 12th, 1809, in pursuance to the above call published in two public Gazettes, inserted daily for ten days previously. 'The grounds surrounding Uie Hospital property on Eighth Street, which were purchased for the sum of $S9i7.27 by the Managers, were sold as directed by the Contributors. The amount ultimately realized, by their sale, aggregated, including interest, $325,000 - These purchases have been referred to more fully on page 117 ante. 289 \ miniitf ike, and thence as described in the act approved the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, entitled "A Supplement to incorporate the borough of West Phil.adelphia," itc. Approved. The third day of April, A. I), one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. \Vm. F. Johnston, Gm'ernor. .\s the result of this timely action on the pan of the Hoard, there \va.s no encroachment ujion the property of the Hospital liy the Borough of West Philadelphia and the grounds were ke|n intact for the uses of the insane department. City of As the opening of city streets through the grotmd of the Philadelphia Hospital would greatly impair its llsefulne^s for the ])tirposes of the rcstrtctccl - Insane Department, the Managers determined to prevent this inirii- from opening ' '^ ' streets sion by legal means. through To restrict the [lower of the city of Philadelphia to thus injure ground of the pro])erty occupied by the Department for Insane, the Managers r , voluntarily offered to throw out and dedicate to public use the grotmd for Insane. - . required for streets on tlie eastern and western boimdarics of the Hospital pro]jerty, if the Legislature would thereafter forever exempt the grounds occupied by the Department for Insane from being inter- sected, or cut into, by any public streets. The Legislature accepted the offer and passed the following Act : An Act to " Section i. Be it enacted S:c. That no streets, alleys, road or lanes, shall ever prevent be opened through the property belonging to the Corporation of the Contributors Streets being to the Pennsylvania Hospital, situate in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of laid out Philadelphia, without the consent of the said corporation, so long as the said through the property is used for the purposes of their Insane Department, any to the contrary grounds notwithstanding : Provided That said corporation shall contribute one half the without the ground for an avenue, on their east, and one on their west, line, each, one hundred consent of the feet in width, without charge to the City of Philadelphia. Managers. " Approved. The seventeenth day of April one thousanil eight Inindred and fifty-four." W'M. BicLER, Gavftiior. The proper deeds of dedication of the ground for the streets on the said east and west sides being executed, were accordingly delivered to and accepted by the city authorities, thus creating a legislative contract, the consideration for which has been furnished on the Hospital side, which can be safely relied on to protect the grounds in the future. The sufficiency of the contract has been sustained by a judicial inquiry in the ca.se of the improvement of Haverford Street, which it was proposed by the Board of Surveys to widen, by taking a strip off 292 the Hospital property. Upon objections, on behalf of the Contriliutors, being made, it was held by the Court, that, except with the consent The Claim of the Contributors, no part of the ground was liable to be taken Managers c 11- 1 ■ , 1 1 1 ■ , ■ decided by tor any public street, the protection under the above legislative ,. p , ■ contract being absolute. favor of tlie In the ravine separating the male from the female department, Hospital, a sewer of very large capacity, extending from Haverford Road to Market Street, was built by the city of Philadelphia; the Hospital having donated to the city, in 1891, a strip of ground eighty feet wide from Market Street to Haverford Avenue, provided that this sewer should be constructed without expense to the Hospital, (see page 192 ante). The attempt of the city authorities to open a street over this sewer subsequently, was successfully opposed by the Managers The Managers, foreseeing the rise of a contingency in the growth Purchase of the city and the erection of many buildings around the Hospital of Farm in propertv in West Philadelphia, which in the future might make it r'^'-'>"'are J- ' 1 r T^ r .- County, expedient or necessary to remove the Insane Department out 01 the city limits, have recently purchased a farm in Delaware County, in a favorable location. This is now used for convalescent patients and as a source of dairy and garden supplies for the Hospital, as already mentioned. (See page 193.) The relation of the Hospital to the City Government and the Ta.\ation of Commonwealth, with regard to the question of taxation of its propertv, Hospital r r^ ■ ■ 1 , ■ r , • ■ ' Property. IS of surhcient interest to warrant the devoting o( the remaining portion of this section to its consideration. Towards the close of the last century, the city of Philadelphia levied a special tax, the proceeds of which were to be devoted to \ Hospital building a hospital for quarantine purposes at the station on Little ^^•'^ levied Tinicum Island. As this was known i)opularlv as the "Hospital ]:... ]. .. ' ' - ' Philadelphia. Tax," the Managers feared that the income of the Pennsylvania Hospital might be affected by a general impression that their institu- tion was to be the beneficiary of this tax. Accordingly, at a meeting of the Managers, held January 26, 1795, ^^^ Secretary was directed to have inserted in the papers and distributed in hand-bills throughout the city the following minute : The Managers being informed that many of their fellow citizens entertain an Tht Peniia. erroneous opinion that the Ta.\, commonly called " The Hospital Tax " which Hospital they have lately paid, is for the Use of the House, think it a duty they owe to derived no the Contributors to inform the public that the Institution receives no benefit there- benefit from from ; the said Ta.\ being laid for the said purpose of erecting a building to Hospital accommodate persons with infectious diseases ; which is not to be within the Tax. limits of Philadelphia. The Principal Dependence of the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital is on the Legacies & voluntary Contributions of their charitable & humane fellow citizens, throughout the City and State. Many of thi-se whose Minds liavc brvii imi>resse i ^ ^ for Hosiiiial '^^'*^ "P before the benevolent as a deserving charity, all men knew of from the its good works and its jjressing needs, and even the benevolent single payment women and rich widows acknowledged its claims, there was then no o axes. {]jQj,g|,(^ j„ t|,^^ coniniiinity, of demanding that it should deplete its resources by ])aying taxes to the Slate or cit\. In fact it was declared a jitire charity and therefore properly exempt from such taxa- tion. There came a time, however, when an attem|)t wa.s made to a.ssess the i)roi)erty, and the Managers for a time were i)tit to consider- able trouble and some expense before the c|uestion was finally decided in their favor. (On March 2,s, i8oS), the Managers, being informed the Assessors intend to ta\ City of {he real Estate of the Hospital contrary to the usage & jiractice of their prede Philadelphia ccssors in Office since the foundation of the Institution; are unanimous in their exempts all Opinion the said tax should be repelled by every legal means in our power, and tile Kstates, appoint Zaccheus Collins and Edward Peiiinglon to attend on the Days of Appeal including 3„j Oaini an Exoneration therefrom. Ground-rent of the The Committee appointed to wait on the Commissioners to claim an exonera- Hospital tion for the Hospital of the Payment of Tax, Report April 25, 1S08, they have from Taxes, performed that service and th,it all the Estate including the Ground rent have been exempted from the Taxes. Legal opinion William Rawle's Opinion in writing w.as given by him & found to be very useful in useful on this occasion which is now delivered to the Treasurer to be kept among obtaining the records of the Hospital and the Committee are desired to return to William Exemption. Rawle thanks for his services, to Edward Tillghnian, also for the Ofler ol his Opinion gratis on this Subject. (On January 13, 1.H09), a Letter from John Dorseyof the loth. Instant informs the Hoard that the Question is likely to be brought on in the Legislature as it regards the propriety of taxing this and other Charitable Institutions throughout the State, Coinmiitee As an Exemption therefrom will be very important to the Hospital it is agreed appointed to that Zaccheus Collins, Paschall Hollingsworth and Samuel Coales draw a prepare Memorial to express the Sentiments of the Managers on this Subject and state Memorial to such reasons in favor of an exemption to the Hospital as may appear to them to Legislature. 1^6 proper; .And when the Memorial is prepared they are to call a .Meeting of the Board ; and lay it before them. 294 At a meeting held January 23, 1809, the lollowing Memorial was read and appioved. viz. : To tin- Sf)iale ami Hoitw of Ref>rescnlatiz'fs of the ConimoHWcaUh of J'etinsylvania. 'ilw Miiiiorial of the .'ifanasiers and Physicians of the J'ciinsyli'aiiia Hosfnial respectfully shcvelh ; That a part of the Estate of the said Instilutiuii Contrary to the Usage and practice of more than fifty years from its foundation has lately been assessed for the Payment of Taxes to the injury of the sick poor of the State ; and Contrary as your Memorialists apprehend to the nature of the Establishment and without adequate benefit to the Citizens of the district in which such assessments have been made. That the funds of the Pennsylvania Hospital have invariably been applied to the benevolent and Charitable purposes for which they were designed, Your Memorialists need only refer to your own files containing Accounts which have been every year submitted to Legislative inspection ; that they deem it superfluous to dilate on the Utility of an Institution to the Commonwealth at large which experience has tested and the merits of which have on several occasions been honorably noticed on the Minutes of the Legislature. Your Memorialists believing as they do that the Commonwealth never intended that a Charity raised by the bounty of Government and of private persons for the relief of the Sick and Miserable of Pennsylvania should be taxed for any purpose, earnestly request and on behalf of the Sick and Insane poor of Pennsylvania Confidently hope that you will in such way as may appear best, exempt tlie Estate and Funds of the said Hospital from Taxation. When the above Memorial is fairly transcribed the President and Secretary are desired to sign it on behalf of the Managers : and Doctors Rush and Wistar are requested to sign it on behalf of the Physicians, — and when signed Peter Browne, Zaccheus Collins and Samuel Coates are appointed to go to Lancaster and present it to the Legislature with the last Annual Accounts. Peter Browne & Samuel Coates report on February 27, 1809, that they pro- ceeded to Lancaster ^t waited there One Week, during which time they presented to the Legislature the Annual Accounts to the 4th. Month (.\prili 1808, also the Memorial to both houses ; the House of Representatives referred the Memorial to a Committee who reported by a bill in favor of exempting the hospital from the payment of Taxes which bill was debated and rejected in the said House. On March 27, 1S09, the Assembly not having legislated on the Memorial claiming an Exemption from the payment of Taxes it is agreed to refuse payment and to have a Case tried in the Supreme Court. Zaccheus Collins, Thomas Stewardson & Samuel Coates are appointed a Committee to engage any Three Attornies they may approve to defend the Institution on any suit, which may be brought for a Tax by the Collectors. Robert Allen the Collector of Taxes for New Market Ward & as Collector for Cedar Ward has sent in an Account for City, County, Poor & Health Taxes for the Year Eighteen hundred S: Eight Amounting altogether to Three hundred & Eighty One Dollars iS; Seventeen Cents the payment of which he demanded and being refused he has levied on Hay on our Easternmost Lot and says he will call on Seventh (Saturday 1 Day Morning Next at Eleven Oclock to know if the Board w ill pay him to prevent the Sale of our Property for the said Taxes, which being Considered, the Managers agree to refuse Payment and if he proceeds to Sale they Legislative Memorial of Managers asking exemption from Ta.vatioii. .Memorial presented with the Accounts of the Hos|iital. Bill to exempt Hospital debated and rejected. Managers refuse payment of Taxes. Taxes levied, payment demanded and refused, by advice of Counsel. ^95 will, if it call be done, purchasu the Articles so seized Sc sold; and bring an Action of Trespass on tile Case aKainst the Officers ; this Measure being recom- mended by William Rawie except so far as relates to the Taxes on Ground Rents ; which it is agreed the Tenants may pay and the Treasurer may discount them from said Ground Rents County Com- July 31. 1S09, "Robert Allen having seized for the Taxes and inissioner sold our Cows, Hay iVc. the same were purchased by Captain Wm. sells Cows, Vicary of whom the Steward afterwards bought them for the House. the Hospital '^^^ Committee are continued to bring the Action for Trespass in this Case agreeably to the Minute of Sixth Month (June) last." I On May 27, 18111, the Late Ordinance exempting the Vacant Lots from Taxation in the City Tax is directed to be inserted in our Manuscript Copies of the Laws. Action for (On November 30, i.sui, the Action for Trespass against Robert Allen. Col- trespass lector of taxes having been decided and Charles Chauncey Ksquire having brought; managed the Cause with Industry and Ability tho' without Success and having Decision declined to receive pecuniary s.ilisfaction for his Services the Hoard direct this against the minute as an Evidence of their Sense of the Obligation conferred by their Hospital. Counsel. ( February 13, 181 31, Samuel Coates, Joseph S. Lewis and Thomas P. Cope were appointed a Committee to draft a Memorial to the Legislature now sitting at Harrisburg soliciting an Exemption from Taxation of the buildings and Lois the property of this Institution and to cause the same to be presented without delay. The President and Secretary are requested to sign the said Memorial on behalf of the Board and the Physicians are respectfully desired to give it their Signatures. On the 22d, the Committee appointed to draft a Memorial to the Legislature reported that one had been forwarded, of which the following is a copy : Memorial to /"" "" Sfiuile and Honsf of Kt-finseiilalwcs of the Commomtealth of Legislature Pfiiitsylvania. to exempt The Memorial of llie Afanagtrs and Physicians of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Hospital respectfully shcuelh .- from Taxation That the Legislature of Pennsylvania, have at difl'erent periods made very liberal grants, towards building of said Hospital. That the few vacant lots belonging to the said Hospital, and which are only separated from it by the Intervention of Streets, were |)urch.ased by the Contribu- tors for the following I'ses, ist to erect thereon such buildings, as should be deemed necessary appendages to the Establishment. 2iid to keep the Hospital at a proper distance, from the dwellings of private Citizens, as a precaution against the ravages of lire. 3d to keep the buildings sufficiently open to fresh Air, which the Physicians, consider indispensably necessary to the Restoration of the Patients. 4tli To preserve a small range for the Cows belonging to the Hospital, fresh Milk being deemed of great importance in dressing the wounds of the Patients & being moreover a principal .\rticle of diet for the Sick. 296 ,Sth fur small Plots, on which to exercise occasionally the convalescent Lunatics, for whom moderate Labor is sometimes recommended, as a means of recovery. Such have been the motives for purchasing these lots. Duly appreciating these Motives, the City and County Commissioners were in the practice for nearly fifty years of exempting these Lots from Taxation but lately, the assessors have returned them and the Taxes have been enforced, to the manifest Injury of the Institution, and contrary as your memorialists apprehend, to the Spirit of the Charter, and it must be obvious that in proportion to the extent of these Exactions, must the Institution be deprived of the means of difT"using its Charity to the suflering stranger, and the afflicted of the Common- uealth at large. On a suitable representation to the City Councils, they have by Ordinance exempted the Hospital property from assessment for City Purposes, but the County Commissioners continue their Assessment. Your memorialists therefore respectfully request you will be pleased tu take the premises into your serious Consideration, and exempt the Pennsylvania Hospital, the lot on which it is erected, and the vacant lots of the Institution from taxation, so long as they shall be retained for the purposes set forth in this Memorial. Signed by the President and Secretary, and all the Physicians. Nothing having resulted from the above petition, the Managers a year later determined to make another appeal. On October 31, 181 4, Samuel Coates, Samuel W. Fisher, and Thomas P. Cope are a Committee to essay a Memorial to the Legislature to be submitted to the Board at their next Stated Meeting, Craving an exemption of the Hospital property from taxation. The Committee appointed on the Tenth month (October), 31st committee last, to prepare a memorial to the Legislature craving an exemption to prei)are of the Hospital property from taxation, reported, December 26, 1814, Memt-nai to an essay which beins read and considered was with some small altera- ^^'^ "* ""^"^ tions agreed to, and the President was requested to forward the same, signed by himself and the Secretary to the Legislature. reports. To the Senate and House 0/ RepresentaHves of the Commonwealth Memorial of Pennsylvania in General Assembly i[el. assigns The Memorial of the Managers of the Pennsylvania reasons for Hospital Respectfully sheucth, exempting That by the bounty of Government & the liberality of Individuals the Hospital from Hospital & Buildings appurtenant thereto were erected & paid for, the Square of Ground on which the same stands having been in part the Gift of Thomas & Richard Penn and in part purchased by the Contributors without Governmental Aid. So the several Vacant Lots in the Neighbourhood being all nearly Con- tiguous and separated only by the intersection of Streets were purchased and paid for by the Contributors without public aid. That the last mentioned Lots were purchased with a view to the health of the Patients & the Security of the Buildings and are so kept not yielding to the Institution any income whatever and saving only so much as would otherwise be necessary expended in hay and pasture for the Cows and Horses belonging thereto. That the Number of poor 297 piTSons aHlicU'd with various diseases of iniinl and body wlm have l>eeii main- tained by the Cor|>oral ion within the hist Ten Years in the Hospital Amount to One Thousand seven Hundred iV sixty three I)eing an average of mie hundred and seventy six and upwards Per Anniim. And the number of poor who have been attended by I'hysicians and furnished with Medicines at the expense of the Corporation Out of the House in the same Space of time Amounts ti> ten thousand three hundreil and forty four beiuK an Average of One thousand and thirty four per. Annum. That the whole Amount of the Annual income which arises from Monies loaned, Ciround-rents. Stock of the Inited States Hanks and other public Institutions is no more than seven thousand five hundred Dollars eV thirty five Cents. That Notwithstanding this extensive l"tility compared with the active funds of the Hospital, the City & County of Philada. have recently assumed to impose a grievous Ta.\ upon the said vacant Lots there having been Assessed levied and collected thereon under their Authority and for their exclusive I'ses for the Year 1S14, no less than One thousand one hundred .V thirty four Dollars Jk twenty eight Cents being a Sum far exceeding the .Annual saving from these Lots and more than One seventh part of the Whole .■\nnual income of the Hospital Estate. And the Managers would perhaps be wanting in duty to the Institution were they to Omit an Allusion to another and greater Burthen which threatens their funds if the City and County of Philadelphia contitnie to be authorised to levy and collect the Tax The burthen they mean is the I'nited States direct Tax, which if the Bill now before Congress should, as seems probable, be |>assed intoa Law, the Tax thereby imposed not assumed by the Stale of Pennsylvania & the Hospital Estate be Assessed agreeably to the County rales and levies, will more than double the burthen. Whereas if the State Legislature should in Wisdom exonerate the Hospital Estate from taxation, the law of the I'nited States will not affect it. To your Memorialists it appears to involve a serious contradiction to the bounty of the Legislature that they should .-Vnthorise One Section of the State to impose such a burthen upon a Charitable Institution which the State at large lias so materially Contributed to raise to its present Usefulness. They therefore respect- fully solicit the Legislature to grant them relief in the premises by passing a Law to prohibit the further imposition of Ta.\es upon the property and estate of the Pennsylvania Hospital and your Memorialists will acknowledge the favour in behalf of the Poor and alflicted of the state at large for whose benefit the Charity was intended without partiality or preference of One Section to another. On January 30, 1815, " Samuel Coates. Samuel W. Fisher and Joseph I.ownes, are a Committee to attend at Harrisburg on the sub- ject of otir Memorial now pending before the Legislature.'' The Committee appointed to that service reported February 27, unsuccessful. '815, that they had been to Harrisburg, but had again returned unsuccessful. Committee \'acant Lots "^" April 8, 18151 a Question on the necessity for returning the Lots. Buildings liable to U S ■""^ Furniture of the Pennsylvania Hospital to the Collector of the United States Direct Tax direct Taxes for the first district of Pennsylvania having been brought before the Board ; it was determined that the Treasurer make a return of the vacant Lots but that the House, Lot on which it Stands aiul Furniture were exempt from Taxation. The Councils of Philadelphia were next petitioned to e.xempt the vacant lots of the Hospital from ta.xation : 29S (October 30, 1815) the Managers appointed a Committee, to petition the Select & Common Councils to exempt the vacant lots of this Institution from Taxation They are likewise to prepare a Memorial to the -State Legislature on the same subject. (On November 27, 1815) the Committee appointed at the last Meeting to peti- tion the Select & Common Councils to exempt the Vacant Lots of this Institution from Taxation report that they had done so. The same Committee reported that they had not yet prepared a Memorial to the State Legislature believing it better to wait the Issue of the application to the City Councils. On December 25, 1815, the Committee on the Memorial to the Philadelphia City Councils report the successful result of their ai)plication and that Councils, by Councils had passed the following : ' *^ exempts vacant lots of An Ordinance For exempting from Taxation certain vacant Lots of „ ... *^ . " Hospital ground the property of the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital appropn- , ated to the purposes of the Institution. \VnKRi-;.\s the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital assisted by the benevolent donations of the Legislature of the State after having made large expenditures in erecting valuable and commodious Buildings and in establishing the institution upon a liberal and philanthropic plan, deemed it necessary to obtain possession of various lots of ground adjacent to the lot on which the buildings of the Hospital stand and acquired the same by purchase for the purpose of provid- ing for a free circulation of air and for securing a site for the additional buildings which the encrease of population might render necessary. And VVhere.^s for a long series of years the Hospital was unoppressed by taxesby Common Consent ol the Authorities who .Assess and Collect the same ; and it being manifestly iinpolitick to diminish b\' taxation the funds of an Institution derived from Public and Private Munificence and subservient to the cause of humanity & benevolence, an Institution in which the friendless and destitute of every nation may claim an interest, and derive comfort and assistance ; Therefore, Section i. Be it enacted by the Citizens of Philadelphia in Select and Com- mon Councils assembled, That the several lots of ground belonging to the Con- tributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, situated in the immediate vicinity of the lots on which the buildings of the said Hospital are erected and only separated therefrom by the intervention of Public Streets shall be hereafter wholly exonerated and exempted from .Assessment and taxation of any sum or sums of Money which hath or have been or may hereafter be directed by ordinance of the Select & Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia to be Assessed, raised, levied, or col- lected for any use or purposes whatever upon the estates real or personal within thesaid City, which exemption from taxation hereafter granted shall Continue in full force and operation only so long as the lots aforesaid shall remain as they now are unoccupied by buildings or may be occupied by buildings appropriated exclu- sively and alone to jiromoting the Comfort of the Patients or the Convenience and improvement of the Institution but from which no income rent or revenue ma\' be derived thereto. Section 2. And be it further enacted That if any tax heretofore Assessed by the City Commissioners on the lots aforesaid or any of them now remains due and unpaid by the said Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital to the Collector appointed to receive and Collect the same the said tax shall be and is hereby remitted and the City Commissioners are authorized and directed to include the 299 Atnuunt thereof ill till- allowance to be made to sucli Collector upon the final Settlement of his duplicate. Enacted into an Ordinance at Philadelphia the fourteenth day of December in the ^'spital Funds, but of the Citizens of Philadelphia and its Vicinity at large, who, as your Memorialists understand are prepared to express their Sentiments to your respective Houses. Under all the Circumstances they should think them- selves fully warranted in asking an entire exoneration of all their Corporate Estate from Taxation ; but they Content themselves with repeating their request, that the Hospital Buildings, the Lot on which they are erected, and the vacant Lots in the neighborhood thereof and separated therefrom only by the intersection of streets be so exonerated : and this they earnestly iS: confidently Solicit. Collector of (On February 8, 1816) the President stated that he had called this Meeting in U. S. Direct Consequence of the information received from the collector of the United States Tax made Direct Tax that there had been Assessed on the Vacant Lots of the Hospital for assessment the Year 1815 the sum of 5633.31 100, and having doubts in his mind whether it on the might not be expedient to apply to the proper Authority for a remission he had vacant lots, thought it right to consult the Board on the subject. After some Consideration it is agreed to make no such application for the present. 300 The Committee reported, March 25. 1S16, that the Legislature of the State had just passed the following Act, exempting the Penn- sylvania Hospital property from taxation, and for other purposes ; (Extract from an Act for the Relief of the Pennsvlvania Hospital.) "The Pennsylvania Hospital, together with the lot or square whereon the same is erected, and the adjacent lots now emi)loyed in direct aid and occupation of the said institution, shall be and remain free from the payment 01 taxes as long as the same shall be directly occupied and employed as at present for humane and charitable purposes." Approved the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. (Signed) Simon Snyder. On the 2yth of .\pril, the Committee report that they had forwarded to our Representatives in Congress, this Memorial requesting exemp- tion from taxation : To the Senate and House of Represciilaliz'es of llif United Stales in Congress Assembled. The Memorial of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital respectfully Shewelh : That the said Hospital was founded by an Association of Benevolent individ- uals, endowed by them and by the Legislature of the State, has been supported during all the Term of its existence by private Contribution, and that its funds are immediately or remotely applied wholly to the relief and maintenance of the indigent who are afflicted either with Corporal or Mental Maladies. That the Institution having had its Origin in Charity, and its funds having been uniformly applied to Charitable purposes, it seems to Your Memorialists Consistent with sound reason, policy and humanity, that Government should Cherish rather than distress it; nor can they believe that tlie National Legislature had this or similar Institutions in view, as objects of Revenue. The Assessor of this District, how- ever, finding no exemption in favor of the Institution in any Law of this State, caused the property belonging to the Pennsylvania Hospital, including the Hos- pital itself, to be assessed, in the same manner as if it were private property, and productive of profit to the owners; And in consequence of such Assessment a demand has been made by the Collector of the revenue of the first district of Pennsyla. for the sum of $633.33 being the amount of the Tax for the year 1815 Your Memorialists deem it proper briefly to State for the further information of Congress that the City and County of Philadelphia did within a few years impose a Tax on part of the property of the Institution other than the Hospital Buildings and the Lot of Ground on which tliey are erected, but that the Build- ings and Lot on which they stand were never considered objects of Taxation. That the property which was so assessed consists of vacant Lots in the Vicinity of the Hospital and separated therefrom only by the Intersection of Streets ; and that Your Memorialists applied to the City Councils, and the Legislature of the State, to e.\onerate this Institution from the burthen ; which applications they have the pleasure to state were deemed so reasonable, that those bodies respectively since the Act of Congress imposing the District Tax, passed an Act granting the request of Your Memorialists ; so that now neither the Hospital Buildings, the Lot on which they are erected nor the Vacant Lots in the vicinity, are liable to any demands in the nature of a Tax in Pennsvlvania. Pennsylvania Legislature exempts Hospital and vacant lots from Taxation. Memorial to Congress requesting exemption from Taxation. 30 ' RclyiiiK llierefcirc oil llif Juslicu >V Propriety of tlieir present appeal to the Highest Tribunal ol their Country, Your Memorialists earnestly solicit that the Funds of the Pennsylvania Hospital may not be reduced by the Assessment, but that Congress will grant them relief in the premises ; by so doing they will in etfect add to the Comfort of the poor and alllicted. (Signed) Samuki. Coatks, Pres'l. Thomas P. Coi-K, Sei'y. I'aymeni of 'lit; treasurer reported "that he had paid on May 27. 1816, the U. S. Direct Collector of the United States direct Tax the amount charged in the Taxon Estate Hospital estate," xvhii h was api)roved. The land selected and purchased in 1836 for the Department for ^ , the Insane, \vas Matthew Arrison's farm of one hundred and one acres. Ground Purchased 'o which additional purchases of about ten acres, and some other for Peiina. small lots adjoining, \vere located two miles west of the city of Hospital for Philadelphia, between West Chester and Haverford Roads, on the Insnnc latter of which was the entrance, (all this locality is now included in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia.) Act March ^^ ''^^ •■^*-'' '^^ '816 e.vempted from taxation only the property then 19, 1816, owned by the Hospital, jjroijerty subsequently acijuired remained Exempting subject to taxation as other real estate. To procure the benefits desired "t*'"'k[™'" fi'O"^ ''^^ ^^^ °^ 1816, therefore it became necessary to again petition Include '^'''■' I-egislature to exempt from taxation all the Estate of the Hospital. .■\ddilional (q„ ^o\. 30, 1838) the Committee, appointed at the last meeting of the Board Property ^f Managers to prepare a Memorial to the approaching session of the Legislature Piirinased. i-efpiesting to have exempt from taxation all the Estate of the Corporation, now produced one which was adopted, and the President requested to sign and forward it to llarrisburg — the effort was not successful. (November 25, 1844) On Motion Resolved, that a committee of two be appointed to memorialize the Legislature for the remission of the Hospital property from taxation — Lawrence Lewis and O. Roberts Smith were appointed. Ti> till Honorable the Senate and House of Represinlatives 0/ the Stale of M m ri 1 to Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, d'e. Legislature Z^"' I'etition of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital to exempt respectfully represents: from Taxes That their Institution was incorpor.ited in 1751. under the title of the " ("on- all the tributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital'" for the purpose of saving and restoring Estates of useful and laborious members to the community and the relief of the sick, poor the Hospital, and Insane, ,S:c. since which time to the 27th of April \. D., 1844 there have been received therein 41,414 p.atients of whom 22,595 have been poor, and maintained and treated wholly at the expense thereof. Your honorable bodies are referred to the annual statements of the atTairs of the Institution, regularly laid before you for further information on regard to its usefulness. Your petitioners represent that in order to further so great a charity, your honorable bodies besides furnishing pecuniary .xssistance, passed a law on the 19th of March, 1816 exempting said Hospital and its adjacent lots from the payments of taxes, so long as the same should be employed for humane and charitable purposes. 302 Tliat in i8;i6, in consequence of the increased number of patients and of many imijrovements particularly in the cure of the Insane the Contributors Memorial to enlarged their Institution by the erection of a separate establishment for these Legislature unfortunate beings on one estate bought for that purpose in Blockley Township, jg exempt Phila. County which was finished in 1841 and to which your petitioners point with property from satisfaction as one of the noblest Institutions and most efficient charities in the taxation. Union. The funds with which this important improvement was effected were the proceeds of sales of the lots adjacent to the Hospital in the City so as aforesaid exempted from taxation ; so that these lots became taxable at that time again, and so continue, the assessments of them and the improvements thereon being now considerably over $475,000.00. As the words of the exempting act above recited do not cover purchases made by the Hospital after its date, the newly acquired property thereof remains tax- able and is taxed as ordinary property. And your petitioners respectfully request a further and general exemption from taxation of their estates for state County and poor purposes on the specific grounds that the whole income from permanent sources is annually expended upon the poor patients of the Institutions by their charter provided, thereby relieving the state and county in exercising the charity of their foundation, by maintaining caring for and curing a large number of the sick and insane poor thereof; and further by the change in their Institution as above set forth they have contributed to the taxable property of the County an amount twenty times as great as that for which they ask an exemption. Under these convictions and with the belief that every dollar saved for the Pennsylvania Hospital from extraneous outlay will he directly applied to the benevolent purposes expressed in its charter, your petitioners respectfully request your honorable bodies to enact a law exempting their property from taxation. (This was approved by the Board and directed to be forwarded to the Legislature, January 27, i84.s.> March 31, 1X45, Win. B. Fling laid before the I'.oard a certified copy of an act of Assembly, to exempt from taxation the estate of the Pennsylvania Hospital, which reads as follows: " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania in General .\ssembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this act, the estates and property, real and personal, now belonging to the corporation of the contributors to the Pennsylvania hospital, shall be and remain free from the payment of taxes of any kind whatsoever. Provided, that nothing in this act shall exempt from the assessment and payment of road and poor taxes, so far as any part t)f the property of said Pennsylvania hospital is located in Blockley Township. "Approved, The nineteenth day of March, one thousand eiaht hundred antl forty-five." (Signed) Frs. R. Shink, Goveiiio): Legislature exempts all the Estates, properl\', real and personal, of Hospital from Taxes of anv kind. On motion resolved, that the thanks of the Board are tendered to Wm. B. Fling, for his exertions in procuring the above exemption which however does not appear to have been final, for on April 25. 1853, the committee appointed on the 31st of the first month last, to Thanks of the Board to Comnnttee in obtaining the act of exemption. 2,°3 endeavor to procure the passage of a law exempting the property of this Institution from taxation, made the following report, viz. : That they have attended to the duty assiRiied them and in order that the legislature should be mside fully acquainted with the reasonableness and the propriety of granting such exemption to this Institution, it was thought proper that one of the committee should proceed to Harrisburg, Mr. \Vm. B. Fling kindly offered to perform that duty, and the Committee have now the satisfaction of reporting the following Bill on the i8th iiist. and its approval by the Governor. (Signed) Lawkence Lewis, Chairman . "An Act to incorporate the State I,ine Railroad Company; authorizing the Susquehanna Bridge Company at Tunkhaniiock to borrow money : etc." "Section 7. That the estates and property real and personal, belonging to the Pennsylvania contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, shall be and remain free from the pay- Hospital ment of ta.xes of any kind whatsoever, so long as the income from said estates Property nnd property is used for the relief of the sick and insane poor, any law to the Xon-taxable. contrary notwithstanding." "Approved. The eighteenth day of .'Vpril, one thousand eight hundred and .fifty-three. (Signed) Wm. Bigler, Gm'enior." The Constitution of Pennsylvania, of 1874 repealed all laws exempting property from taxation, except as staled in the following section : " Art. IX, Sec. i. All taxes shall he uniform, upon the saine class of subjects, within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected under general laws ; but the General Assembly may, by general laws, exempt from taxation, public projjerty used for public purposes, actual places of religious worship, places of burial not used or held for private or corporate profit, and (i) institutions of a purely public charity. " Section 2. All laws exempting projjerty from taxation, other (lian the property above enumerated, shall be void. "(i). In the case of ex parte Pennsylvania Hospital, i Phila., 418, it was decided that property exeni|)t by law cannot be taxed until the exemption is repealed." 304 WORKS OF ART, MEMORIAL FURNITURE, ETC. In September, 1800, Benjamin West, President of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, was addressed by the Managers asking for a contribution. It was said, in their letter, that the Hospital building, " than which none, in this part of the world, united in itself more of ornament and use" was then nearly comjjleted, and, after a due comi)liment to the liberality of English contributors and an appeal to the affection which he could not but feel for the place of his birth, it concluded with the sentiment, that the works of an artist which ornamented the palace of his King, could not fail to honor him in his native land. This request received, in the following year, a favorable answer from Mr. West, who suggested as the subject of the painting the text of Scripture: "And the blind and the lame West's came to Him in the Tem])le, and He healed ihem." Certainly no l':''"ti".'! of ' Clirist Healing tile study more appropriate could have been selected and it was one which the Managers heartily approved. In August, 1810, notice was sick inthe received that the ])ainting might soon be looked for and expecta- Temple." tion was raised to a high pitch, not only among those especially interested in the Hospital, but also in the whole community. How- ever, for the present, their hopes were doomed to disapjjointment. The picture, when exhibited in F.ngland, excited such general admiration, that patriotism took the alarm and nobles and commons, with one accord, agreed in making a determined effort to retain it in Wist's first the country. Mr. West, who could not resist the various influences ex- PaiiitiiiK erted, was prevailed upon to allow the painting to remain; but he imme- the^Ro al ^iately began the work of making a copy, which he resolved should .-\cadi-niy cxcel the original. Considering the fact that he undertook this ill London, work at a time when the two countries were at war and consider- ing also his connection with the rulers and prominent men of his adopted country, we may fairly ascribe to him the merit of extraor- dinary indeijcndcnce and liberality of feeling, a.s well as of attach- ment to the place of his birth. It was not, however, until October, 1817, that the Painting reached this country. It was taken to a building which had been especially erected for its reception, upon the The second Hospital grounds on Spruce Street, and placed on exhibition ; being PaintuiK jjjj] mentioned in the newspapers, it attracted such a throng of arrives and . : , • • > j j ,- , . , , , • is Dlaced on ^'s'tors that it yielded for several years a considerable income to the Kxhibition. institution. The money received from the opening of the exhibition to its close in 1843, amounted to somewhat more than twenty-five thousand dollars ; and as the whole outlay on account of the picture was not equal to ten thousand dollars, the profit, deducting the cost of exhibition, amounted to no inconsiderable contribution, and approximated the amount paid West for the first copy of the picture, which was 3000 guineas. The earliest mention on the minutes, of the Painting, was September i, 1800, when it was recorded that the following letter was to be sent to Benjamin West : Sir. — Tile Pennsylvania Hospital by llie aid of government and many private subscriptions, is at lenntb nearly tinislieil. and no building that we know of in this part of the xvorkl unites in itself more of ornament or of use. Its object is the relief of maniacs and sick poor in Pennsylvania ; many thousands of these of every nation and country who have maintained an inter- course with Philadelphia, have enjoyecl its benefits in common with the resident poor of our own state. Conducted as the Hospital is, on a principle of e.xtensive benevolence, it has attracted the attention of many charitable anlying to strangers we are not to forget our own countrymen. However long they may have been absent, and however remote from the place of their birth, their bosoms glow with ardent affection toward it, and they feel an impulse, which they seldom resist, to promote in its works of utility and taste. Impressed as we are with these sentiments, we solicit, in behalf of the con- tributors for the Managers' room, a painting from West. The works of an artist which ornament the palace of his king cannot fail to honor him in his native land. 306 To this highly complimentary letter, ?>Ir. West replied : London, July 8, .80.. [^'','3"''' It is with satisfaction that I embrace tlie opportunity by the return of Mr. Gilpin to Philadelphia to convey to you my thanks for the polite and satis- factory letter written to me by the order of the President and Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital. The gratification it has long afforded me in hearing of the celebrity of those laws by which that Hospital is governed, the relief it affords to the sick poor, and the benign aid it gives to the afflicted in general, has placed it among the first of institutions. The proposal of placing a picture of my painting in a situation so honorable as that building presents, I cannot permit to pass without embracing. I there- fore accept the offer. The subject I have chosen is analogous to the situation. It is the Redeemer of mankind e.\tending his aid to the afflicted and of all ranks and conditions. The Passage is from St. Matthew chai)tcr 21, verses 14 and 15: " And the blind and the lame came to Him in the Temple ; and He healed them. And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that He did, and the children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hozanna to the Son of David, they were sore displeased." The design for the picture I have made from the alx)ve passage. The picture will be sixteen feet long by ten feet high, including the frame. I have conversed with Mr. Ciilpin on this business, and have requested him to see the president and managers and to convey to them my ideas how a j^icture of its dimensions could be placed to most advantage. On October 29, 1801, the following was sent to Mr. West: Esteemed Friend. — W'e have received thy letter of 8tli July by Joshua fiilpin. and laid it before the Managers, who have ordered us to e.Npress their grateful acknowledgements for the painting thou art prepariiy=; to present them for the benefit of that Institution. They also desire us to inform thee of their full appro- bation of the subject thou hast chosen, viz. " Our Savior Healing the Sick in the Temple.'' In order to preserve thy contributions to posterity as well as for this genera- tion, the Managers agree to fi.\ it in the contributors' room, a draft of which is inclosed with the CoTiimittee's remarks for thy information. Peace being now restored between Great Britain and France, we antici])ate with increasing pleasure the prospect of receiving the painting without injury, and that instead of gracing a Paris museum, it will honor the artist in his native country. From 1802 until 1810. no word was received from Mr. West, Imt in August of the latter year the artist apologizes on account of his sickness for not having finished the painting and mentions his inten- tion of resuming his labor, and proceeding therein till he completes the work. Under date, April 24th, 181 1, Mr. West sent the following: Sir. — I embrace the opportunity of writing you by the return of Mr. Scott to Philadelphia, and to request that you will have the goodness to inform the trustees of the Pennsylvania Hospital, that I had finished the picture of Our Saviour receiving the Lame and the Blintl in the Temple to heal them, with that success, .Mr. West. Ill riiuUr il ill the jiulnmi'iu <>f oiir lovrrs of tlic arts as holding llu- first rank in West's I.cttir '"> pnjdiulions of the |)tniil. with rcKard Tliis picture was what I painted as my cloiiatioi>nlarily raising tlie attention of all the various classes of the Paiutin" people in the capital, who became solicitous that il should be considered ,-is attached to the country, for which purpose the noblemen and >;entlemeii of the British Institution waited on ine with proposals to possess the piiture as a com- mencement of a National ("lallery. Under this consideration 1 found myself in such a predicament, that made a compliance necessary, but with a reserve on my part to make another for the Hospital, which I have commenced on a more improved plan of composition, and in the course of the ensuinn summer shall complete it, I hope with ei|ual, or more power, as it is my wish to do so ; those Kentlemen then made me their voluntary remuneration of three thousand guineas for letting them possess the picture. The picture is now in the British Gallery, and such is its popularity, that thousands of people of all descriptions are crowding weekly into the (".allery to have a sIkIu of it. I feel highly gratified by this occurrence in haviii); produced an historical composition which is sanctioned in Europe by those of taste and judgment in the fine arts as to make choice of it for an example to those studying this dignified department in art, and the destiny of its division in the American Hemisphere may one day ])roduce the same effect as it is held out to produce in this. It may be acceptable to you and to others to know what observation has been published in the London daily papers, on th.il pi. lure. I tlurefore send with this letter, two or three of those productions. The circumstances which have attended the picture will point out to my country-men, th.at the i)icture which I shall send them is not considered a mean one, and I hope th.it it will be as productive in its i)ecuniary aids to the Penn- sylvania Hospital, as it is on this side of the Atlantic in the British Institution. I request that my respects my be given to the Trustees of the Hospital, and that I am, yours with sincerity^ To this, the President of the 15oard of Managers made reply, August 26, 181 1 : Esteemed I'litiid, Beiijaiiiiii U'esI : 1 received thy letter on the 24th of April last, by which the .Managers of the Peiiusylvauia Hospital are m.ide acquainted with their loss, and the unexpected surrender of the picture to the British (lallery. The friends of this institution cannot but express their disappointment, at the same time they make the necessary allowance for the dilemma into which the most celebrated historical painter of the age has been placed, by a powerful appeal of the jirincipal patrons of the art, in a country where his genius has been fostered, and his labors remunerated for half a century. The Managers learn with great s.alisfaction thy beneficent intention of paint- ing another picture from the same sublime and .appropriate subject. It will be a model for the improvement of American artists, and a source of great emolument to a charitable institution. In December, 181 1, Mr. Joshua Giljiin wrote that he had visited the studio of Mr. West, and that rapid jjrogress had been made in the picture, which he had reason to hope would be finished before spring. 308 In view of the possible early arrival of the Painting, the treasurer of the Hospital was requested to confer with Albert Gallatin, the Secretary of the Treasury, on the means to be pursued for importing it, and, if possible, free of duty. (See page 312.) In May, 1812, Mr. Gilpin again wrote that the Picture is so far finished as to be beyond the reach of accidents, I mean all the principal parts, so that if any thing was to happen to Benjamin West the remainder might be finished by any good artist ; and still be far superior to the original. A painting of the kind must be left to the time of the artist, as, like an epic poem, it can be done only when the vein of fancy inclines them to it. He talked of finishing it, so as to send it down to the Liverpool exhibition, to be shipped from thence. I offered if it came down while the ' Bainbridge ' was here to send it freight free, but the exhibition here does not connnence until September. In 1815, the Secretary of the Hospital wrote Mr. West that the original proposition of the Managers to place the picture in the ( entre building of the Hospital was abandoned, and that it was their inten- tion to erect a building in conformity with the views of the artist on the grounds, especially designed for its reception. The plan was subsequently carried out. Under date of September 5, 1S15, Mr. West wrote: I received your friendly letter of 2Sth of June last, and I am pleased to liiid that the Managers a])prove of my plan for a room being erected in every lespect appropriate to the picture of Christ receiving the lame and the blind in the Temple to heal them. The picture is finished, and it is a satisfaction to me, and I hope will be to the Managers, as well as yourself and the public of Philadelphia, that it is highly approved of by the lovers of the fine arts, and the admiring throngs of London. This testimonial in its favor I believe the noblemen and gentlemen of the British Institution who so liberally solicited the first picture would gladly accept the second in its place. But the latter I think my exertions are more comjilete in approi>riate character, as I have introduced a demoniac with his attendain rela- tions, by which circumstance is introduced most of the maladies which were healed by Our Saviour. I trust on this occasion my liberal countrymen will not be angry with me in thus presenting to their Hospital a better picture in this second production, than it would have received in the first instance. Some months later, the President of the Board of Managers received the following letter from Mr. West : Newman Street, March loth, iSi6. Dear Sir. — Your letter of the 4th of January came safe to hand and it alfords me great pleasure to find that the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital have agreed to erect a permanent building as a place of safety for dei)ositing the Picture of Christ receiving the blind and the lame in the Temple to heal them. It would afford me the highest satisfaction if the directors would lay the geometrical design for an appropriate room to shew the picture in which I sub- mitted til vour notice some months ago to Mr. I. a TihIr- the architect and take Secretary of the U. S. Treasury requested to remit the duty on West's Picture. Permanent Building to be erected for exhibiting the Painting. 507 TlK- his advicf mi Ow iTccliiiK nf it. as tif is a man of talents in his profession and woiiUl see into my idea of having sucli a room as would show the picture to every |)ossil>le advanta)!e. When tile room is so muih advancetl as to ascertain the time of its completion and in a dry slate to receive the picture I will have it shipped for Philadelphia with its frame in a safe and proper manner. I wish it to be i)laced opposite tile entrance into the intended room, midway of which on each side there should be a low fire place for warniin;; the room in winter which fire places I will compliment with a picture. The building especially erected to accommodate " West's I'icture Picture" was upon the Sjiruce Street side of the Hospital grounds, Hous.-. midway between Eighth and Ninth Streets; the quaint old building was constructed after suggestions from the famous jiainter himself, for the exhibition of his picture. " The construction of its walls, stamjis it as a product of the olden times. The bricks that comijose them, instead of being laid end to end after the modern fashion, alternate witii an endwise, and a cro])urse laid brick." Then, too, the long pointed windows, severely plain, threw over the whole an air of reverence. "West's Picture House" was subsequently used, (after the removal of the painting to the Department for the Insane), as a meeting-room by the College of Physicians, the Philadelphia Patho- logical Society, and, subsequently, by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In later years it was altered into a Nurses' dormitory. (See I'age 105.) The building was erected in part from voluntary sub- scriptions and it is interesting to note the fact that Stephen Girard's name is first on the list of subscribers, and for one thousand dollars. The vignette at the head of this section presents a view of the Spruce Street front of this building, and the rear view is given upon page 319. The picture house was enlarged by the Historical Society in 1870. (See page 99 anff.) In 1893. the picture house was finally torn down in order to make room for the new Memorial Wards. The following letter was also written by Mr. West while in London : Nkwm.a.n Street, March zd, 1817. .)/r Dear Sir. — I received your obliging Letter with one from .Mr. Sully stat- ing his opinion how very appropriate the Room is which is to contain my Picture of Christ ill the Tem|>le. and another from Mr. Evans, one of the Owners of the Ship Electra— (Capt. Williams now in London, consigning the Picture to the Care of the latter for its free Conveyance to Phil.idelphia), and I request that you will have the Goodness to present my respectful Acknowledgements to Mr. Sully for his kind attention, » itii the same to Mr. Kvans for his very polite and friendly oft'er. The tin Case containing the Design and Elevation of the Building wherein the Room is which is to contain my Picture came to Hand perfectly safe, and to you My good Sr. and the Man.igers, I feel myself much indetited for that friendly Attention to my Request in having the Room so constructed that the Picture may be seen to the greatest Advantage, and for which I beg that you and the other Gentlemen will accept my most sincere thanks. 310 I am preparing two Pictures, which accompany that of Christ in the Temple and wliich shall be properly framed and have Drapery of appropriate Colour to Correspond- place around them when they are put up, for be assured that a Donation to the g„^^. „.itli Hospital of my native Country shall be as complete in every Respect as my Bj.„j Wist. humble Kfforts can effect, but for as short a Time as possible, I must detain the large Picture, otherwise I shall be deprived of the Opportunity of putting the other two into that perfect Union of Colour and Effect which ought to prevail. — When that is accomplished I will consign the three Pictures to America, with my suggestions in Answer to your Communication respecting the Admission of Artists and others to view the Pictures when placed in the Hospital — Respecting the Building which is to contain my Pictures, I must take leave to observe that it is very remote from my Intention to depreciate the Merits of the Architect who erected it, in making the following Observations, but I think there is a Misappli- cation of Gothic Architecture to a Place where the Refinement of Science is to be inculcated, and which in my humble Opinion ought to have been founded on those clear and self evident Principles adopted by the Greeks — an attention to which in the appropriate Character of all subsequent Buildings raised in Phila- delphia (and that at no greater Expense than attends Buildings in general) will in a short time make that City as the Scitc of Elegance and Science in the western World, and impress on the Mind of the Beholders the mental Refinement of its Citizens — Such is the Effect produced on People of Information travelling through Countries where they behold that Propriety of Building in every public Work and City, and which stamps the Character of Civilization — In giving my free Opinion of this Subject, I beg you will rest assured that I mean not to underrate the Talents of Mr. Webb as an Architect — It is the Gothic Taste I combat with, as inapplicable to the Building in question, for that Architecture is the Insignia of a Period, when the civilized World had passed away. Science had fled, and the Mind of Man lay in Darkness — Then arose monkish Superstition and monkish Taste — but now, that Science has arisen, let the Cities of America in their Streets and in their Highways proclaim its Ascendancy by every visible Mark of its eternal Truth — I feel an interest that the State of Pennsylvania should keep the lead in all mental Refinements, as her Commencement was founded on those Principles of Equity and true Feelings towards an unoffending people in a then Savage state, which gave her an Ascendancy and Dignity in the Minds of the just and virtuous throughout the World, and that Pennsylvania may ever retain that Preeminence, both in Truth and Science, is the most ardent Wish of. My Dear Sir, Yours Very Sincerely. Bkxj. West. To the President. The follo\ving note was sent by the Shipping Agents in London : Sir. — In conformity with your orders we have done tile necessary duty in shipping the Picture painted by Mr. West of Our Saviour in the Temple, on board the ship Electra, Captain Williams, for your port ; the picture and frame are packed into two cases and especially directed as per the enclosed bill of lading deliverable to you ; the cases are also sealed by orders of the Lords of the Treasury here, that no revenue Officer here should dare to open them and thereby do any injury, and we hope you will obtain the same indulgence from your revenue officers. As the Lords of the Treasury have remitted the duty |)ayable on exports you will assuredly obtain the same indulgence on your side. London, .Aug. 6th. 1817. 3'i On the 17th (.lay of August, 1S17, tlic shii) '• Klectra " saik-d from I-ondon, and on the 13th of Ociobc-r arrived at Philadelphia. The Managers' minutes state : The picture was safely com eyed frnm the ship t" llic room of the edifice specially coiistriicted to ilisplay and preserve it and 011 the ,^tl instant was first in America exposed to public view. Tliere it is intended to remain a lasting proof of the lieniftn purpose of its author and of tliat patriotic affection which has already been evinced by himself and his late amiable wife for the Citizens of Pennsylvania, their native l;uilendid .specimen of excellence in the arts and a Painting, pledge of the affections r)f its author tor his native land is a free gift to this charitable Institution. That although thus liberally presented it is. by law. subject to limy and imisl he valued and tlie duty paid from funds devoted to charity unless you shall he i)leaseresent from a native American who ranks among the most eminent living artists, to the country of his birth ; that as a production of genius in the arts, it is entitled to the countenance of a Government whose patronage is cheer- fully afforded to all, the means of difiusing knowledge and taste, and that as the more immediate property of an institution existing solely for benevolent purposes and generously given to it in aid of those purposes, it fairly claims an exemption from the duties imposed on imported merchandise. Your memorialists hereui)ou respectfully request that Congress will be pleased to grant a remission of the duty which by law is chargeable upon this l)ainting which has been thus generously given to this Charitable Institution and to the Country. The petition was favorably acted upon by Congress, as the follow- ing shows : The Act to Remit thk Dcrv on .\ Painting Presented to the Pexnsvl- Congress V.ANI.A Hosi'iT.vi.. passes an Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ;\,.( („ ri.^iit States of .America, in Congress assembled, that the duty secured to the United fi,^. duty „„ .States on a painting lately presented by Benjamin West, President of the Royal tp^. Paintiu". .■\cademy, London, to the Pennsylvania Hospital, be. and the same is hereby, remitted. He.nrv Cl.w, Spfakcr of llie House of Represenlalh'es. .Approved. January 14, iSiS. John G.\ii.lard, J.\MES Monroe. President of the Senate pro tern. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of " An .\ct to remit the duty on a painting presented to the Pennsylvania Hospital," which act was approved on the 14th of January, 1818, and the original whereof remains deposited in the Office of the Department of State. Given under my hand and tlie seal of my office, this twenty-first day of January, in the year of Our Lord, one tht)usand eight hundred and eighteen ; and of the Independence of the United States the forty-second. John Quincv Adams, Secretary' of State. A description of tlie Painting was prepared to be presented to each visitor to the E.xhibition : On an area of about one hundred and sixty square feet, the eye meets I'escnptionoi between fifty and sixty figures, all finished after living models. "'^' •ii"i'"K- Jesus of Nazareth, tlie Saviour of mankind, who whilst on earth went about doing good, is represented in this painting as exerting miraculous power in healing the sick : on his face, the mikhiess of a man of the tenderest feelings is blended with the majesty of a messenger from God. His attitude is easy and dignified ; the drapery elegant and noble ; ample without incumbrance ; folded with simplicity and taste, and according to the old and generally adopted costume of red and blue. Tile head, hands and feet are most beautifully wrought, very gracefully disposed, and the whole figure follow'S the line of beauty without affectation or constraint. Christ is surri)iin(li.'n Apostlfs ; partly of tlic afflicted and languid. l>roiiKlit to him as the Foiinlaiii of of the I'ife ; and of the Pharisees and priests, wlio view the Messiah with invoUintary Paintini;. wonrominent figure in this grleasing, so enchanting to the sight, may not long be deprived of that blessing. This group is backed by that of the high-priest and Pharisees, whose coun- tenances, by their variety and aptness, are in a most classical style, A figure in the right corner, pointing at our Saviour, and glancing on him with a look full of malice, has been mistaken for the traitor Judas ; but the painter had too correct a conception of his subject to bring forward such a hideous character. Fear and cowardice are fit companions for conscious guilt, and Mr. West has most appropriately placed Iscariot in the background, lurking behind the two Apostles who are beyond the blind man, and darting, slyly, through the crowd, a glance full of malignity, perfidy, and treason, at the divine prototype of goodness, truth and mercy. His invidious eye and part of his sallow face are all that can be seen of him. From a group of Priests, Scribes, and Pharisees, the sight of the spectator is agreeably and gradually led, by the contrast ol several elegant women, bearing baskets and doves and flowers, to an inside view of the Temple, where, in the sanctuary, the seven branched candelabrum burns with lamps, conveys the roving eye to a glance at the gate called Speciosa, so well represented in one of the car- toons ; young Levites. boys crying " Hozanna," and other figures of less import in the demijour, fill U]) the intervals, without crowding, and direct our attention to a more interesting part of the |)icture. On the left side of the canvas, an elderly woman, distorted by complicated disease, is brought to Jesus by several friends and relations, two of whom appear to be Roman soldiers, whose sturdy mien and military dress contrast excellently with, and set off. the pallid faceand emaciated limbs of the suflferer, as well as the beautiful and most lovely features of her distressed daughter. In the front of this afi'ecting scene a centurion is in the act of kneeling ; his attitude, the anatomical merit of his figure, and the classical correctness of his costume, deserve our unfeigned admir.ation. He e.xpresses what he feels, and appears to feel the most profound veneration for Him whom he so earnestly sup- plicates. Between him and Christ one of the principal groups is placed. All old man, worn out with a long and death-brooding illness, is carried by two strong porters, one standing at the head and supporting the superior part of the body, the other kneeling, his back towards the spectators, and holding fast the feet and legs. Such attention has been paid to anatomy and coloring in the wiirking up of these two figures, that both, and especially the standing one, seems rather living beings than the masterly and successful efibrts of a judicious pencil. What shall we say of thesick man intrusted to their care? The impres- sion still remains, and it will not be easily removed from our minds. Surely the e.vpression on the face of the reviving Lazarus, by Sebastiano del Hiombo, is admirable ; and it has been whispered that the restoring hand, whose original wonders we are relating, had somew-hat to do there with making up for the rapacity of Time ; here the expression is greater still : we read in the half-sunken eyes, on the projecting brows, and quivering lips of the decaying man, lively hope and heart soothing confidence pronounced with the most energetic emphasis. His skeleton, arms and hands are raised towards the real source of health and comfort, and his feet, which happen naturallj- to be nighest the healing power, by a gentle glow of returning blood, which distinguishes them from the general tint of the body, seem to have already felt the emanating virtue that flowed sponta- neously from Him who alone could say, in truth, " I am the life." The beautiful woman who holds the crutch of her dying father, the healthy complexion of her face and the glow of her extended neck : the figure of a young man above : the lovely boy annexed to the group ; the blind old man led by a lad ; the young Apostle, who seems engaged in eager conference ; the lunatic boy in the arms of his afflicted father ; the impassioned air of his two sisters, who are looking towards our Saviour ; — all here deserve the most unqualified approbation, and make the centre of the picture the focus of interest. The last group constitutes, with the person of Christ, the entire subject. All the rest is accessory. No episode, no digression is idly introduced which might detract in the least from the full attention of the beholder ; and, although the Son of <;od appears to feel for all the sufferers who surround and entreat his benevolent attention to their respective infirmities, yet the entire scene consists in the act of healing the sick man. On October 28, 1843, the Directors of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts sent to the Board of Managers of the Hospital a flattering proposal for the loan of the picture : Pe.nnsvi,v.\m.\ Academy of the Fine Arts. Phii,.\delphi.\, October 28, 1843. Gentlemen. — The Directors of the Academy are desirous to offer to the public for a limited period, during the coming w inter, an exhibition of choice works of art, connected exclusively with religious and scriptural subjects. They propose to exhibit only a limited number of pictures, and aming them to give a prominent place to the productions of Mr. West's pencil. Already possessing themselves his greatest work, and having made arrangements for several other of his large and masterly productions, they are particularly desirous to unite with these his admirable |)ainting belonging to the Pennsylvania Hospital, on such terms as your Board may agree with them in considering mutually advantageous. It is believed that such an exhibition would bring your |)ainting to the notice of our citizens in a manner to do justice tt) Mr. West's fame, and in accordance with what would be acceptable to himself were he living, and at the same time would somewhat add to the revenue derived from it by the Hospital, as at present exhibited. Proposal to loan Painting to .\cademy of Fine -Arts. Tnislinn thai llii- itlort \vi- an- inakiiiK in txtiiuliiiK a lovr for lliu liiu' alts in Philaclclphin, may nii-ct your approval and co-opiration, we shall in- most happy to arraiiKc with any committee- from your body the terms upon which your picture can he obtained for said exhibition. We remain, Kenllemen, very respectfully yours, f. G. Ctiii.Ds, CiiAKi.Ks Graff, IIVMAN Gkatz, n. I). Gil. PIN. 'I'liis apiilic.ition was granted November 8, 1843, when it was resolved : Proposal That the Managers accept the terms proposed by the Conunittee of the to loan Academy of the Fine Arts with regard to West Painting— to wit : forty dollars PainiiuK per month, and all expenses of removal and risk. accepted. -y^^ picture was safely returned at the close of the Exhibition. Some years later a letter of similar tenor from the Hon. Joseph R. Ingersoll, was received : .■\pril 6. 1X4-. Geiillcmiii. —TUv Directors of the Pennsylvania .\cademy of the Fine .\rls intend to open an Kxhibition in their newly constructed fire i>roof >;alleries on the tenth of May. If not inconsistent with your views, they would be ple.ised to receive under their care the Paintiiij; of " Christ healiiiK the Sick " which belongs to the Pennsylvania Hospital. .■\lthouKh it would be out of your iiiiniediate possession, it would be s\iliject at all times to your supervision ami recall : ami would not be less secure from injury, and more jierhaps the subject of study and examination than it is in its present place. The removal could be eliected eillR-r by your own a^euts or under the care- ful direction of the Academy as minht be most agreeable to your selves. .\ very prominent and distinjcuished position would be assigned to the paintinK. With great respect, Vour servant, To the Managers. J. R. 1mu:ks(.t.i.. The Painting was again loaned to the Academy in 1S53, was returned, and subsequently it was jilaced in the Hall of the Dejiart- nient for the Insane. Sully's portraits of Dr. Rush and Mr. Samuel Coates, which were also loaned, were returned to the Centre Building of the Pine Street Hospital, where they still remain. PaintiiiK In 18S4, the Painting was found to require cleaning and varnisli- restored to j^^g Afterwards it was removed from the Insane Department to tiie Hospital \\\i\\ clinical amphitheatre at the Pine Street Hospital, and jilaccd in a con- appropriate spicuous position, above the operating table, on the south wall. The ceremonies, occasionof the restoration was made a public One, on November lo, 1884, and several formal addresses were delivered before a large audience, collected in response to an invitation from tlie Hoard of Managers. The President of tiie Hoard, William Hiddle, introduced the orators. The address of Dr. Morton was mainly devoted to relating the foregoing History of the Painting of '• Christ Heating the Sick in tiie TemiJle." The Address by Mr. John B. Garrett is so appropriate as to warrant its introduction here: Addnssoii Before I came here tliis eveniiiK I heard an expression of surprise from one of the friends of the Hospital, that the Managers should use the mere restoration and removal of this picture, valuable as it is, as the feature of a public occasion like this. I confess it was a somewhat natural criticism, but when I look upon such an audience as is gathered here, and remember that the Pennsylvania Hospital is one of the most venerable and one of the most honorable charitable institutions of America, when I remember the historj- of this picture, which we have just listened to, I confess that it is no mean occasion, but it is one that we very honorably and jiroperly grace. And I am sure I may say on behalf of the Managers of the Hospital that they are very grateful to the friends of the institu- tion for their presence to-night, and still more may I say to the Managers, on behalf of this company, that we have enjoyed, and are enjoying, the privilege which is granted here of feasting our eyes upon this beautiful scene. Benjamin West may not have been a great man, but he certainly was a remarkable man; he was a man of genius; he was a man of patience and ])erseverance in the calling which he believed was allotted to him. He lived to a wonderfully green old age. From the early age of seven until he had filled out the fourscore years of life he diligently used his pencil for a wise and honorable purjjose. To whom can we point in any sphere of life who has covered so nearly three- quarters of a century with diligence in any occupation? Beginning at the age of seven, and manifesting a wonderful gift at that early period, doing a piece of coloring at the age of nine that he himself in the very prime of his years commended as equal to some of his best efforts ; going to Italy to study the masters when he had scarcely reached his manhood ; entering in London the very best society ; and in the prime of life being made the Royal Historical Painter for King George HI ; keeping that up as I have already said, far beyond the ordinary allotted life of man, he presents to us a picture of patience, of diligence, which is most commendable, and which every one of us may well study and well emulate. The history of this particular picture covers the whole of this current century. It was in the year 1800, when the last century was fading away, that the Managers of the Hospital first conveyed to Benjamin West their request that he would do them this honor. It is one thing for a man to sit down and with his pen part with accumulated w-ealth when he can no longer use it or take it to another sphere, but it is altogether a different thing for one to give, as did Benjamin West, in this case, of his time and talents and artistic skill, when they were all needed for his own proper support, for a work of charity like this. He had just before declined the knighthood that was proffered him by King George III. Not apparently because of any conscientious objection to holding the title, but because he w-as already too poor to maintain the dignity of such a position. I think when we recollect this fact, we have an added value given to the work of that man's hand, and to his genius, which cover many of the years of his old age. Now, as to this place of deposit for the picture. That it was of great value to him is abundantly testified by the fact that its counterpart, less masterly in its conception, and less perfect in its execution, than the one before you, yielded to him three thousand guineas. That it had great value to this Hospital, is also proven by the fact that it has yielded in revenue to the Hospital in the years gone by, about fifteen thousand diillars in our .\merican money. The one picture cost its owners fifteen thousand dollars, the other yielded to its owners no less a sum. occasion of placing the Painting in the Clinical Amiihi- theatre. DuriiiK Us lurliir yiiirs, :\s you luivc alnady htard, it was diposili'd in ilu- Mr Cam-It's ''"''nth a^o, "Where is tliat liistorii al picture painted by West ? " would certainly have said they did not know. Perhaps some of them would have said " I never have heard of it." Familiar as I was with Ihe |)icture from having passe's Krasped, and which he has happily trans- ferred to the canvas before you ; and I am willing to believe that upon this wall. where it now hangs, in the face of successive generations of young men, it will be an interminable lesson ; that it will be as bread cast upon the waters, which shall return after many days. I see in it, not only the work of man's genius, but a spiritual lesson of God through man's instrumentality, and I believe we may thank God that he guided the mind and pencil of the painter to such a work, and that it is in the possession of this Hospital to enter to-day upon a new era of its historv and its usefulness, which shall last through many ages. Am I wrong in stamping this .'is a noble, as well as a veneralile charity ? Situated in the very heart of this city, near to its railroads and its manufactories, and to its tiensest i)opulation, it is most convenient to very many of those who are stricken down, especially by accident, and it is therefore still, as it has ever been the institution of its class which is most resorted to, and most [)atronized, within our borders. I will not detain you. I know, my friends, that )-r»u have come here rather to see than to hear. I hope you will linger here and feast your eyes up<)n this picture, that you may take away with you from it some true instruction, which shall live and abide in your hearts, and that you shall circulate among those with whom you mingle the tidings of what you have seen, that others may come and enjoy it to-night, and that it may yield a large revenue to the Pennsylvania Hospital in money, and a still larger revenue to mankind in the good it shall instill in the minds and the hearts of the peoi>lc of this community. I know no more honorable occupation than that of the practitioner of medi- cine ; and it is my prayer that the hundreds of young men who shall fill the seats that you fill, tlirousl' succeeding years, may drink in the instruction which shall be got from that wall ; that it may be instrumental in God's hand in giving them a nobler conception of that work which is intrusted to their hands ; for that as they minister to the poor body, they may never fail in le likeness of a sleeping infant in ri-d and black ink. It is said 3>9 that wlicii lit; was about eight years old, he leiiriied from the Iiuluins huw tu Biocrariliv of l"'-'!'-"''^ '''^' '^'-''^ ■■""' yellow colors with which they stained their wea|>oiis; these Beiij'imiii ^*'''' i'ldiK". ami some hair |)eiicils made from the tail of his mother's favorite West '''•"■'' '"'i furnished the materials for his earliest ellorts at painting, and constant practice soon enahled liim to make further and satisfactttry jirogress. The village of Westdale, which was named after the West family, but now known as Swarthniore College, still contains the old house in which West was born. It was on the attic walls of lliis house that the young artist drew nianyof lii^ well known charcoal sketches. At nine years of age. West came tt> I'hiladelpliia and niade the ac —I >- CO z z a. Q z < cn O X w Z u > o UJ CO O I For more than fifty \ears the I^aintini; has been freely exhibited within the Husjiital buildings. After tlie Picture House was vacated it was leased to the College of Physicians, and subsequently to the Historical Society (as mentioned on page 99). It is also inter- esting to note that the Philadelphia Pathological Society was permitted the use of a lower room for its meetings during the time that the building was occupied by the College. The first mention in the Hospital records of prints or engravings I'rints, of the institution, occurs in the minutes of a meeting of the Hoard KuKraviiiKs, of Managers held in May, 1762. when the suggestion was made that '"'"''"ss a plate should be engraved in order that a ])icture of the Hospital might accompany a formal vote of thanks, or address, to Thomas and Richard Penn, in London, who represented the Proprietaries of the Province at that period. Accordingly, in October, it is recorded that " two prints, framed and glaized," were sent together to Richard Hockley to be forwarded to Thomas and Richard Penn. with an address in acknowledgment of the first instalment of the annuity of forty pounds sterling, granted by the Proprietaries, who, at the same time, had given assurance that they would also grant a i)atent for a lot of ground contiguous to the Hospital property, which was much desired by the Managers. It was doubtless an occasion of much sincere congratulation among the friends of the infant charity, when this substantial assurance of interest and appreciation of the Penn family was received, as it not onl\- furnished much needed aid. hut also was an evidence that the Proprietaries had become friendly to their benevolent enterprise, to which they had formerly been indif- ferent and neglectful, owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding at the beginning. .A-pril 26, 1763, another lot of prints of the Hospital was received and the bill of ^8 ordered to be paid. The earliest engraved view of the Hospital, showing only the Knjrraved east wing, as first built, is an engraving, by Hulet,i of the " House of Prims of the Employment, Alms House and Pennsylvania Hospital." This i)rint Hospital, was given by Cecil Percival,- of Henbury, near Bristol, England, in July, 1883, to Anna L. Lippincott, of Haddonfield, New Jersey, who presented it to the Hospital, April 5, 1884. (See illustration.) It was subsequently stated in the minutes that, in 1768, a large, colored engraving of the Hospital and Poor House, drawn by Nicholas Garrison, was presented to the Hospital. The Poor Hou.se, at that period, occupied the adjoining lot west of the Hospital 'Tlie Engraver, Hulet, worked from 175010 1760, according to G, Reed, Keeper of Prints and Drawings in the Brilisii Museum. =.\ Grandson of Spencer I'ercival, Prime Minister of Great Brilain, 1809-181^. Dr. Lettsoni alKint EnKraviiin. grounds. This illustration gives a very \ivid impression of the sparsely settled condition of the < ity, esjjecially in the vicinity of the Hospital, which then looked out upon n])en commons and green fields. In ^[ar< h, i.Sot. it is mentioned incidentially that an elevation of the Hospital had been drawn by Parkyns," but the artist HaviiiK retired from this city and there bcinK little or no prospect that he willenKrave the phUe it is asreed ... to write to Or. J. C. Lettsom, of London, and request that he will have it e.\ecnted under his own direction for the use of the students. Correspon- The unfinished work was sent to Dr. Lettsom. •• by the ship dence with George M'Collom, now about sailing for London." A letter mailed by Dr. Lettsom in July, was received the following Sei)tember. .As this letter illustrates the friendly sentiments existing between the corresjjondents, and incidentall) refers to a recent improvement in paper-making, it is copied here verbatim. (The head-lines were printed in capitals across the head of the sheet of paper, of letter size.) KINK PAI'KK.MAMKACTIRKD FROM STRAW ALDNK. THE 23U OF OCTOBER, iScK>. M Koops. T. BIRTON. PRINTER, LITTLE QUEEN STREET. Esteemed Friends. Sum' I. Coales, Josiah Hi-.ies : So far from thinkin;; it requisite to offer any apology on your part for the supposed trouhle you imposed upon nie, respecting; a copper plate of your Hospital, and its impression on pottery, that 1 consider your request, as a mark of your respect, and as a favour conferred ujjon me. I will further add, that I shall ever he ready to cooperate with you in promoting the interests of your puhlick and private institutions. It becomes me inileed to make an apology, for deviatins from your directions with respect to the ennravinn of the plate, which you recomn)ended to be in aqua-tint ; but upon consulting engravers, they assured nie. it was a superficial mode, that would not admit of more than 100 impressions. I then consulted Benjamin West, who decidedly encouraged me to ailopt engraving in stroke, (line,) as l)oth more elegant and durable. I laiti before him specimens of engravings of different artists, and the muinent he saw those of Cooke, a rising artist, he was highly gratified, and advised me to engage him. I knew him as a patient I had attended, and as a worthy ingenious man. He asked thirty guineas for the e.xecuticm of the plate. I told him that I considered myself limited to twenty, that it was for a puhlick body, and might add to his credit and benefit ; .and he has agreed for this last sum, as he considered the engagement would prove an honorable testimony in his favour. West said the smn w.is small indeed ; and at the same time he was so pleased with Cooke as an artist, though unacquainted with him personally, that he would call upon Cooke to assist him in the performance, or give him free admission to ' George Isham Parkyns, who is here referred to as llic one who had left the city without fulfilling his enRaKemenl to engrave the plale. was an English draughtsman whose specially was aquatint engraving. He was in the employ of Freeman, the publisher, but like many oilier artists of Ihat day and this, was somewhat erratic in his life and inclined to nomadic habits. The work that he was engaged lo execute by the Managers was an elevation of the Hospital to accompany an engraved form for a certificate lo be given 10 students in testimony of their attendance upon the practice 01 the house and having performed their duliessalislactorily. 322 see him, and consult liini at his house, the hitter was much gratified when I com- municated to him the approbation and kindness of your distinguished country- q^ Lettsom's man ; and I dare say that Cooke will exert liimself to please V\'est, as well as to Correspon- promote his own character ; but the engraving cannot be finished in less than (ignce two months, to do justice to the design. As soon as his department is completed Ashby will execute the inscription. I have attended his family for many years, and know him to be an amiable man, as well as a capital letter engraver. In the same capacity, as patients, I am acquainted with Xeale and Bailey, a great house in the pottery line, and who have a manufactory of their own in London, for transferring engravings from copper to earthen vessels, si>ecimcns of which they have exhibited to me, and although they would not conclude at this moment, the e.xact expense of the work yon wished to have e.xecuted, I am persuaded that it will not exceed your limitation. I thought it would acceptable to you to be informed of the progress I have made towards accomplishing your request and it would give me much pleasure should every thing eventually acquire your approbation and am respectfully your friend. Lo.vDDN, July 3, 1801. J. C. Lettsom. May 10, 1802, two letters of .special interest were received from Dr. Lettsomi ; one of these was written on paper made of "India Sugar Bales," as the Managers had it. but the advertisement printed on the one sheet on which the letter was written declared the material to be "an East India Article, called paut or jute (or Crotolaria Juncea, or Paut), which grows in ^'"^'■°>«>,_ India; it is the same from which Gunney Bags are made." The learned doctor seemed ver\ much interested in new discoveries and improvements of all kinds as well as in benevolent institutions. This letter continues the discussion of the subject of the copper-plate given in his charge to be engraved : Esfeenif'd friends. — .\s I have not preserved a copy of my letter to you respecting the plate of the Hospital in your city, you will excuse any needless repetition in the i)resent address. Our distance is such, as to have occa- Dr. Lettsom. sioned some difficulty to determine how- to act for the best. I have therefore uni- formly consulted Benjamin West : and it is with his opinion, that I have concluded ' John Coaklev Lettsuiii was an English physician, born about 1744, of Ouaker parentage. He studied in EdinbufKb. Paris and LevHen. and in [769 settled in London. Tbrough the influence of Dr. Folhergill he obtained a l;irge practice. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1771. He wrote a biography of Dr. Fothergili and a number of treatises on natural history. His friendship for the Pennsyb-ania Hospital is conspicuously displayed in his letters herein published, and by bis constant efforts in nir.nv ways to ser\ e this institution. He died in 1815. 323 lij strike otV;i iiiiinliii' i>( iniprissions Inmi llu- plali- liiri-, rathir than lo siiul tin- platt- for you tense of Esletiiieil Friends: — Since my letter of November last, I have been able lo hnj;ravini; eonimuuicate to you, the whole expenses of the ennraving &c. which amounts to I late for ^ |arj;er stun than you limited me ; but how to have lessened it I could not devise. Contributors j i,;,^.^ received of (llenny & Mackenzie, 40. (Guineas; as to the small super- Cerlihcale. mii„,Try sum. I have expended you may act as you please, as it cannot be an object of Imporlance any way. I confess I thou>;ht .\shl>y's charne luKh ; but I believe he is the first artist in his department in London. I think I mentioned the hesitation 1 experienced as to taking off imijiessions of the plate here and by the advice of Heiijamin West, I dccideil to have them taken here ; for let a plate be ever so j;ood w ithout this last care, every previous perfection and e.\pence are thrown away ; and I must say that a more masterly and finished plate I do not remember to have seen, and much will it eiicrease my jjleasure should you view- it with the same partiality. I have not heard from StafVordshire, respecting the impressions of the plate on Porcelain, but I have already run you into so much expence that I shall not (ji^e any orders of execution till 1 have your commands. LoNlxiN, January 23, 1802. In this letter Dr. Lettsom enclosed his final aciDunt with tlie vouchers. These bills will show the cost of this fine plate and the proofs from it. /.. s. .1. 1801, Oct. 5. Knijravinj; a view ol I'eiiiisylvaiiia Hospital li> \\ . Cooke 21 o o Paid Writing Knjjraver Two Lines 012 o Copper Plate 11 11 6 " Nov. 16. Knuraving Writins; to the l)i|iloma lo Peiiiisylvani.i Hospital, by Harry Ashby Jt Son s Her ci. PrintiuK 250 Views of Pennsylvania Hospital at /".20b Per Hundred, by Cox .t Barnet 5 .1 •■ 10. Quire of Best Wove double Elephanl at iS/o per Quire 9 o o Packing case for Ditto 012 o — — o 46 3 6 Rec'd by (ilenny & Mackenzie 42 o o Due to Dr. Lettsom 4 t, 6 After reading Dr. Lettsom's letters, at the meeting of May 10, 1802, it was decided to request the Treasurer to remit the amount 324 which had been paid by '■ James McKensey and A. Glanney " to tlie Doctor, as well as 12/0 sterling, shipping charges, disbursed by McK. & G. " for engraving the Plate for the Pupils of the Hospital." Thanks were returned to Dr. Lettsom for the " elegant print he has sent the Contributors, of the Medical Society in London." The students who were entitled to "a Certificate with an engraved view of the Hospital " were to be charged two dollars each for them. The Managers were apparently quite proud of their engraving, Knsravings and no doubt it was a very fine piece of workmanship, probably the Presented, very best which could be obtained in those days. Several of the engravings were neatly framed and, in the name of the Contributors, one was presented to Thomas McKean. Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, one to the L'niversity of Pennsylvania, and one to the College of Physicians. The University of Pennsylvania acknowledged the receipt of the " Elevation of the Hospital " and expressed their satisfaction with it and their wishes " for the Prosperity of the Institution." The following letter was received from the Governor of Pennsyl- vania : Philadelphia, July 3ci, 1802. Sir: — On my arrival in the city iVoiii Lancaster. I this morning received the highly esteemed Present of a drawing of the elevation of the iirincipal front of the Pennsylvania Hospital, elegantly framed, from the Board of Managers, together with your polite letter of the ist. instant. Be so good. Sir, as to assure the Board, that I feel sensibly this mark of their kind attention, and tliat the humane & charitable Institution under their management shall at all times be an object of my particular regard. While it is conducted in the liberal and wise manner as at present, it will be a blessing and an honor to the Slate, ami nuist secure the gooil wishes and patronage of all good men. I am. Sir, with sentiments of particular esteem Your most obedient humble Serv't. Thos. McKkan. The College of Physicians made acknowledgment, as follows : Philada.. Aug. 4th, 1S02. 5/^.-1 liave the honor of communicating to you the request of the College, that you would return their acknowledgements to the Contributors to the Penn- sylvania Hospital for their letter and the framed engraving. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obdt. Servant, Thos. T. Hkwson, Si-crr/ttiy. Dk. Ri;i)\hx, Presidetil oJ the Collcgf of Physicians. Dr. Lettsom wrote, in a subsequent letter, with regard to a set of engraved porcelain for the Hospital : Esteemed Friends:— \\. is but a few days ago, that I enclosed a letter from Neale & Bailey, informing me, that the impression of the Pennsylvania Hospital, could not be well conveyed to porcelain. Since this time another attempt has been made, and I think successfully : but as I did not fully comprehend the iiiiiiiitifL' of your orilirs rispciliiiu this dcpartiiicm ol it ; I ilid not duisr to procet-cl fiirtlRT till I lii-ar from you, cspi-cially as I had, l>y takiiiKoff inipri-ssions of tlK- plati- on paper iK-re, i-xcccdtd the pecuniary limits you nave me. I have Dr.I.ettsoni -. ^^^^^^, ^^.^^^ ^^^^^_ ^^^^^^_ ,^y ^^^^, ^^f ^^^^.^^„^^.„ . .„„| i,„|,t. ,„ receive your coninian*o2. J- I". I.kttsi.m. Although no mention is made in the hooks of minutes, of the " impressions on porcelain" it is evident from the tenor of Dr. l.ett- som's letters that the Managers were desirioiis of having the engrav- ing of the Hospital transferred, or printed, upon a service of dishes for the institution ; at least they desired those to be used at tiie officers' table might be thus decorated. Two more letters were received from Dr. Lettsom, relating to the matters confided to his care : Eslfiiiifd Friends, Joaiali Hewcs, Saiiitifl Cualis. : HaviuK answered your letter of March, iSoi. and endeavoreil as effectually and consistently as I possibly could, to fulfill your request. I need only repeat, that the impressions of the Diploma with a print of the Medical Society here, were duly forwarded by .Mackenzie and C.leiiny ; and since, a platter as specimen of the Hospital, in porcelain. Ill your letter, you mention, that y(mr library is ample and valuable: and altlio' I may not render it more valuable, by any performance of mine, I bej; leave to enlarge it by the addition of my ■'Hints" in t, Volumes, of which I request your acceptance for the Hospital, the prosperity of which, will always afforil pleasure to your frienlaining, as I had paid that attention to your refpiests, w-hich they merited, and which I took more pleasure in fulfilling than I should have done by serving myself. Your letter of Nov. 23, last, renders my mind ipiiescent, and gratifies it with your approbation. I now come to a more important part of your letter, wherein you mention re-touching the copper engraven here, and transmitted to you in the box with the impressions. You aara- tion and defence in England are two fold. They may have 4000 gun boats & brigs, we have 600, e<|ual to their number in power. Besides we have nixi ships in commission, and 550,000 armed men in England, inspired with the love of their country and a Prince universally almost adored. Every port against ns is blockaded, and a lock boat can scarcely escape us. The ocean is studded with ships, like the firmament with stars : The enemy has indeed 1200 vessels in Boulogne, from whence an attrmpt \vill be made to land about Dungeness : but should they get out of their port, and even land, they must be destroyed in detail as they have no covering fleet. Should they safely effect a landing which would require at least two tides ; and perhaps a third to suit our coast, we could in twelve hours face them with 150,000 troops; and in two days 2fX),ooo more. Buonaparte has pledged himself to attack England, but I am persuaded, that he is ignorant of the people — their resources and their loyalty ; and that it was from mistaken notions that this tyrant pledged himself .\s he cannot in force get out of his own ports, and as a large army is often when unemployed, as dangerous to friends as to enemies, the continental powers are in more lianger than England. which like a wasjj's nest is full of stings, which no hand can enter without being wounded. Our King is nearly recovered from a return of his former malady ; wliicli I (loul)t has been renewed from the feelings of his mind, respecting Hanover, and the conduct of the prince of Wales ; probably who. not a little agitated from the manner in which Pitt deserted him and retired from the Cabinet, an;rtssiiin cxiilcd iiuliid. Iiy tin- sliorl bul iiii|iri-ssivc inaiinur, in wliiih you wisliid for tin- ha|i|>iiiess nf my couiUry, iiiid that of your friciul, London, March 21, 1804. J. C Lkttsom. Knuravcil On February 25, 181 1, the lioard of Managers voted to have CiTtifiiate "A view of the Pennsylvania Hospital taken, and an l-^ngraving of the same with a Certificate for the Students shall be prepared before the next session ; also thai a similar i)late be jirocured to be presented to every Contributor of Ten I'oundsand u|iwards." Whether or not this action was due to the fact that the plate engraved by Cooke, of London, had been lost, or become defective, or worn out, docs not appear. At the meeting of March 25, 181 1, the drawing, or sketch, of the south front of the Hospital, executed by William Strickland, was "laid before the Board; and approved;" the committee having charge of the matter were instructed "to have the Engravings fmished." The price paid to William Strickland* " for a drawing a South West view of the Pennsylvania Hospital" was 525. The bill bears date, April i, 181 1. For some reason which does not appear on the records William Strickland, architect, author and artist, as well as engraver, was not ])erniitted to engrave the drawing he had made of the Hospital. We find that on .April 29, 181 1, TIk' ("iminiitti-i.' appoiiincl ti> procure a \ii\v or Urawiuj; ol'lhr Pinnsylvaiiia llnspital and lo h.ivc thf saini- fngravi'd in thu best Mannir Report, " Th.at they have made a Contract with Mr. Seymour, KnKraver, for enjiravinn the drawing and the Certificate, lieretofore annexed, for the Sum of F-our Hundred Dollars, to be executed in the best style, the drawing lo be engraved by himself and the Certificate by Mr. Vallance ;- this sum to include the Cost of the Copper and every other Item rel.iting to the Completion of the Plate. ' ' The Drawing was placed ill Mr. Seymour's hands the 26th of March last, but we could not prevail on him to make any promise of having the Engraving finished before the first day of December next but he will use his best endeavours to have it done by that time. ' William Stricklanci was born in rhiladclphia in 17S7, studied archileclure under I.alrobe, and became ihe most noled American arcbitectof his lime. Hewasalsoautbor and engraver; niosl of his works being in aqua-linl method. Several landscape and battle pieces by this artist arc were published in, the " Portfolio " in 1S14, 1S15, and 1816. He died in 1854, aged sixly-sevcn. while engaged in superintending Ihe construction of the Stale House al Nash- ville. Tennessee. The 1-egisIature of Tennessee voted that a crypt should be prepared for his remains in thai splendid edifice and there they have since remained. ' John Vallance studied under John Trenchard, a pupil of James Smitbers, an English- man, who had settled in Philadelphia in 177.1. and in 1779 had engraved the blocks for printing the Continental money John Vallance was in partnership with James Thackara Their principal works were the plates for Dobson's " Encyclopxdia." X'allance engraved, in 1795, the plates in the " Transactions of the Philosophical Society." No doubt Mr. Seymour had a well established reputation : this would account for the proviso of the work being done by himself, and not by one of his workmen. To John \'allance was entrusted the letteiing, this being his line. N!r. Seymour probably confined himself to views and |>ortraits. Having other engagements and no doubt wishing to produce a fine piece of work, the artist would not allow himself to be hurried, and it was impossible 10 execute the plate as promptly as desired or before the designated time. 3-'8 The certificate for the Contributors is deferred till the one in liand for the Students is finished. A copy of this fine work was neatly framed and presented to Simon Snyder, then Governor of Pennsylvania, May 25, 181 2, and one was sent to Benjamin West. May 27, 181 1, re-considering their determination of April 29th, to defer the engraving of the plate for the Contributor's Certificate, it was decided to consider the proijrietv of employing John Exilitis,' ,, ^ ' ' - I - o .' hngravingfor formerly a patient in the Hospital, to do this work. Contributor's The superior work done by Seymour, who had an established Certificate, reputation, would not allow of association with any poorly executed engraving for the Contributors' certificate by an obscure or com- paratively little known artist. Hence, tlie wisdom and necessity of the Managers assuring themselves of the substitute's abilities. That these were found satisfactory is evident from an entry made on the minutes, June 28, 1813: " An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of John Exilius for One hundred Dollars in part payment of the Engraving for the Contributors on which he is employed." Another payment of Fifty dollars was made on September 27, 1813, and a further sum of one hundred dollars " on account of the Engraving " was paid. The Committee to superintend the engraving for the use of the Contributors reported, June 27, 1814, its completion by John Exilius. The sums recorded a.s having been paid to Exilius for engraving the plate, therefore, was $250. These particulars in regard to the engravings of the Hospital, while of no great historical imi)ortance, may serve to convey to those especially interested, an idea of their cost, should any copies be in their possession, or seen elsewhere. January 27, 181 2, the Committee on the Engraved plates presented their final report which was substantially as follows: Th.it there have been struck oft" Four hundred iS: fifty five Impressions of the Certificates and View on the same Sheet and forty four Imjiressions of the Views separately ; all of which have been delivereressioii of this engrav- ing. Captain Vickary commanded one of the "Packets" at that time plying between England and Philadelphia; and, besides being a Contributor to the Hospital, he had in his vocation, frecpiently rendered valuable and unrequited services. He thus made it possible for the Friends of the Hospital in Europe to send in his care books and other contributions without any expense and he also conveyed, for the Managers, messages and other information, or jjrocured articles and |)erformed many other small commissions, which could be better tlischarged in person than by letter. It does not appear that any freight or postage was charged by him for anything carried to or from tlie Hospital. The Managers appreciated his kindness and good will, and manifested their gratitude by this token of their esteem. Uistriiiiitliiii The Treasurer was requested " to take charge of fifty copies of i)f CcTtiti- Exilius's engravings and distribute them to jiersons who are, or may .', " " become. Contributors." Tiie sitting Managers were desired to and stiukins present "each of our Physicians with a copy of the same engraving." Ci.iitiiMi.il. The practice, thus early inaugurated by the Managers, of pro- viding engraved certificates for students who had followed the prescribed course of service and attendance upon jiractice in the House is still continued. The IJoard of Managers in 1S20, also ordered a plate engraved for issue to Contributors, certifying to their membershij) in the Corpo- ration. This plate was engraved by Mr. W. E. Tucker, and is best described by an illustration. The annual reports for many years have been embellished by handsome plate engravings of the Hospital. Some of the illustrations are given in this work of the engravings thus annually sent out to contributors and the public. In 1894, the report (if the Hospital for the Sick, contains a new engraving, showing the north elevation. This beautiful frontispiece was presented to the Managers by one of their own number, Mr. John S. Jenks. DtlKi- -^t ^ meeting held June 50, 1794, it was announced that (lovernor I'aiiitiiiKsaml Thomas Mifflin had presented a picture, in oil colors, of an " Insane scul|)iiiri-. Woman," by his daughter, Emilia Hopkinson, and this very creditable work of art was then received and acknowledged by a vote of thanks. This painting now hangs on the wall of one of the Residents' rooms, etc. Mr, Joseph Parker Norris presented a painting, also in oil, of Doctor Lloyd Zachary, one of the early Physicians of this institution, for which he received the thanks of the Board. .\|>ril 24, 1820, (Icii. Tlios. ('athvalatrtr, dh iK-half ol John I'lMiii. prcsfiUcd llirec- " proof prints " ; oik- of William Piiin, founder of Puiuisylvaiiia. one of his fattier, Admiral I'enn, and one of the monumenl erected liy the said Jciliii I'enii. to the niemorv of the .\dmiral. Kiirniture Carriages In December, 1871, Mrs. Mary Ann Marshall presented a like- ness in wax, alto relievo, bearing the inscription, "Abraham Chovet, born May 25, 1704, drawn May 25, 1784, by his servant. Dr. Eckhout." It had been given by Dr. Chovet's daughter, Susannah Maria Penelope Abingdon, to Mrs. Marshall's grandfather in 1793. November 29, 1802, John Penn, through his attorne)-, John statue of Reynell Coates, offered to the Managers, for the Hospital, a portrait William [vnn ; . ,,,.,,. „ . , 1- i 1 • 1 . Bust ol Jolm of William Penn, requesting at the same time to know in what ^^^^^^^ J^^ position it would be placed. John Dorsey and Samuel Coates were appointed to select an appropriate place for the picture of the distinguished founder of Pennsylvania. Information as to the position chosen was to be communicated to John Penn. Whether or not a suitable place was found is unrecorded. The following day the committee reported that they had sent to John Penn "a plan of the Contributors' room," and had written him on the subject of his pro- posed gift ; it is probable the location assigned to the picture was therein designated. This picture, however, was never presented. September 24, 1804, it is recorded on the minutes that " A Statue in Lead of William Penn is arrived in the Shi]j ' Pigou ' from London." No letter accompanied the gift of John Penn, which was accepted "in lieu of a portrait which he had, at first, proposed giving to the Hospital." There being being no letter of advice accompanying the statue one is led to wonder how the Managers knew that the statue was "in lieu of the picture," or, indeed, that it came from John Penn. Subsecpient action, however, shows that probabl) John Reynell Coates, Penn's attorney, had verbally conveyed the information. Joseph Lownes and Samuel Coates "were appointed to enter it at the custom house and see that it is brought to the Hospital." r"" ■■' AML.LLVM PtNN ' BOB^ DrnD J i. ' 331 A month later, Samuel Coates was instructed (Oct. 29, 1804): StaHii- of To write to John IVnn Esqr. and ri-tiirii him tlic thanks <>( this Board for tht- Pinn vahialilc and very aci eptalile present he has Inst sent us, of a Statne of his Grand- received, father William Henn, tlie Founder of Pennsylvania. Two ])ositions were regarded as eligible for the location of the statue, and these were referred to a Committee, for final decision. The preferred sites were, first, in a " N'itch " to be made over the Front Door on the south side of the centre building, or, second, on a marble pedestal on the " gra.ss-plad " before the said door, as they may approve, on which pedestal they are to have inserted such " Inscriptions as are approved by them, after consulting those jjersons on whose judgment they may think fit to rely on this occasion." It afterwards appears, in the minutes, that John Reynell Coates, John Penn's attorney, had personally made application for the statue, and ))rol)ably had privately informed the Managers of this ; hence, the knowledge of its origin above expressed on the receipt of the statue. Samuel Coates was expressly requested to return the thanks of the Board to him " for the .\pplication he made." It is evident that the Managers' proceedings were not marked by undue haste, for the follow- ing letter of thanks (ordered a month before), written two months after the receipt of the statue, was read and officially a])i)roved : I'i;n\svi.vxma Hosim hi., 26th, iitli month, iSo^. JOH.V PlCNN, KsyllKK. Esleinicd Friend:— '\\\v Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital have received the statue of William Penn by the Ship " Pinou," Capt. Collet, from London, the freiKhl of which was jjeneronsly paid on thy account by John Reynell Coates. This ornament so interesting ///(• .yfanagers of the I'rnnayli'anut t/ospilal : IVrniit im- (li-ntlt-nun t" ask your acccptanci- uf an .Arm Cliair of British Oak which formerly heloii);cprentice, Jacob Whitman, Aged about nineteen years, the same is accepted with the thanks of the Board and ordered to be placed over the Breast work in the Managers' room, and the Treasurer is desired to give him a Certificate as a Contributor of fifteen Pounds. (.•\ugust 25, 1806) A Painting is presented by Redwood Fisher, viz.: "The Physicians Attempting to Cure a love-Sick Maid" in a gilt frame — which the steward is ordered to put up in the Tea Room. Carriages have been on various occasions presented to the Hos pital. June 26, 1786, Thomas and Samuel Miers presented a family carriage, which was put in good repair, and the ne.\t September was sold for jQdo, as had been directed by the donors. Xoveniber 26, 1 794, Samuel Cooper, of Delaware, bequeathed a carriage and horses for the patients' use, with a fund for their support. July 29, 181 1, a well-made carriage was presented by Robert Fielding for the use of patients. The attending Managers, on August 26th, were directed " to liereafter mention the condition of the carriage in their monthly reports. ' ' Musical instruments have also been presented for the entertain- ment of the sick and insane. October 27, 1S28, Dr. John Y. Clark i)resented a Piano Forte for the use of the Insane Patients of this House. November 24, 1828, Dr. Washington pre- sented to the Institution, for the use of the Insane Department, a musical instrument called "The (irand Harmonicon." In the main hall of the Pine Street Hospital, Dials, Clocks inider the west staircase, stands an eight-day high and other case clock, which attracts the attention of every M"^">o''ial . , . , , . , . Furniture. visitor, and which deserves special mention on account of its historical associations. It was con- structed by Mr. David Rittenhouse, of Xor- riton, about 1780, and is of a larger size than usual, requiring winding only twelve times a year. It was deposited in the Hospital, March 24, 1819, by Miss Sarah Zane. Subsequently, by her will, it was bequeathed to the institution; her death occurred in 1870. I'he following description is supplied by Mr. J. L. Gropengiesser, who for a long time has had charge of the clock. Some )ears ago he was called upon to make e.xtensive 337 repairs, on account of an accident caused by tiie breaking of a cord Details of and the consequent falling of the weight upon the mechanism, which H IK" Clock (iign occupied the lower part of the case. He writes as follows: Construclidn. r,,, , . , ■ ■ , j • i , , , The cl6cK IS [provided with a planetarium, showing the motion around the sun of the heavenly bodies — Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, and the Earth. It has a zodiac circle telling the daily equation of the sun and the length of the da\-. It shows the jjassage of the moon and its equation. It has two chiming bells, sounding the <]uarter hours, and ten musical bells pla)ing a tune every hour. When the clock was ])ut in order by Mr. Gropengiesser, he introduced a new music-barrel, jilayir.g si.\ different airs, viz.: "Old Folks at Home," "Home, Sweet Home," " Auld Lang Syne," "Star Spangled lianner," " The Last Rose of Summer; " and " Then You'll Remember Me." There is no record telling what airs were formerly |)layed by this instrument. The clock was originally made with a " Cirkell " (circular) or "Graham" escapement, which has no maintaining power, such as now is commonly used in these clocks. It also has a peculiar system of calculating fractional numbers, which early in the present century was abandoned by clock-makers, for a better mode of dividing equal numbers by higher numbers of cogs in the calculation. The clock has a wooden pendulum, beating seconds. The dial is of metal engraved, the numbers beinL; in Roman characters. The u|)per central i)ortion above the dial exhibits the ])laneiarium, on the left hand upper corner of the dial is a small dial giving the tonic position of the moon, the right ui)per corner shows the sun equation, by a hand indicating the daily difference between the mean and a|)|)arent time. In the left lower corner is an arrangement to control the mechanism for striking; on the right side is a dial indicating the succession of the six tunes. On the inner hour circle of the dial is the moon with an es|iecial visage of the position of the same. It also shows the movement of the earth independently of the moon. When the musical jjortion of the clock was renewed by Mr. Gropengiesser, new connections with the |)lanetariiim were also introduced. Previously to repairing, it had been only used for several years as a silent timejiiece, but since the restoration, the chimes are now regularly heard ; the musical airs, however, are generally kept in reserve, in order to obviate annoyance by their constant repetition. The Hospital clock was made under the personal direction of Rittenhouse," and cost at that time considerably more than one 'David Rittenhouse was born April 8, 1732, near Germantown; died, Philadelphia, June 27, 1796. 33» thousand dollars, but its intrinsic value is greatly increased by its historical associations with the development of the institution, of which it has been an inmate for the greater part of a century. In the Hospital records mention is made of other clocks: The Board being informed by a I,etter Feb. 28, 1764 from Thomas Fisher Clocks and now in London to his Father Joshua Fisher, th.tt Thomas Wagstafle of London is Spring Dials, willing to present the Hospital with a Curious Spring Dial suitable for the Hall the Clerk is Desired to request Joshua Fisher to Acquaint him that it will be an .Acceptable present & gratefully received by us. The letter received in reply was the following: Esteemed Friends. — The regard I bear the Province of Pennsilvania, Respect to the City of Philadelphia in particular & Esteem for its Inhabitants. The Distinguishing mark of the Favours I have received from them Claim my acknowledgements and as a small Token thereof Present them with a Spring Dial for the use of the Pennsilvania Hospital to be fi.ved up therein at the Direction of the Managers. In the Performance whereof I have not so much Consulted Ornament & Elegance as real Usefulness being E.xecuted in the best Planner for Keeping Time. I request your acceptance thereof and am with Real Esteem Your Assured Fr'd Thos. \Va<;st.\ffk. London the i6t^ 8th mo. 1764. A Letter was produced & read from Thomas Wagstaffe dated London the i6th of the 8th mo 1764 last signifying that as a token of his regard he has presented to this Hospital, a Spring Dial which being lately received. Per the ship Hannover Capt. Falkner, is thankfully received & for the present placed in the Managers' room and James Pemberton is desired on behalf of this Board to acknowledge our grateful acceptance of this donation & to send him a Certificate under the Seal of the Corporation of his becoming a Contributor. Also to get a Certificate for Elias Bland in consideration of his kind present of the fire Engine Sometime Since presented by him and received. This timepiece is circular, 81 inches in circumference. It still keeps fairly correct time and is continued in usej it hangs on the wall of the Women's Surgical Ward, on the landing, going to the second floor. Other clocks have been at various times presented, but no special note appears to have been made by the Managers in their minutes. The local disposition of the timepieces is indicated in the following : On July 30, 1810 the Committee for repairing the Clocks and procuring a new one report they are finished ; the old Clocks are placed in the East and West Halls and the new One in the Manager's Room. John Penn, Esqr., of London, on June 28, 1811, presented, through his attor- ney, John Reynell Coates, his Bust. Through the same channel the " acceptable present " was acknowledged and thanks of the Board returned. James Traquair, a stone-cutter who had some taste in sculpture, produced a bust of William Penn. in white marble, which he 339 Bust of Win. Pcnn by native Sculptor. presented to the Hospital, and which was duly acknowledged at the meeting of July 26, 1802. The incident is worthy of more than passing mention. Among the old letters, two were found from this original individual which may he well reproduced here: I'HILADELI'lllA, July 15, lSo2. (jfiilltnun. — Wisliinj; to si'i' my |)ror<.ssu)n advance- in iniprovtMni'm, I have turnt'd part of my attention to the liner l>ranches of it ; As a specimen, I present you witli a Inist of the venerable William I'enn. It is of Pennsylvania Marble anri-si'iiti-(l to thu Institution a liki-niss of Samuel Coati-s, President of Presented the Board of Managers, the following Resolutions hein^ moved and seconded by Svdly. were unanimously adopted : 1st. /["fio/ft-rf that the thanks of this meeting lie connnunicated to Thomas Sully for his valuable present of a likeness of Samuel Coates, President of the Board of Managers. and. Resolved that the Managers of the Institution do present to Thomas Sully, a Certificate, as a Contribution to the Pennsylvania Hospital. 3d. /Prto/r'frrf that the President of the nieetiuK, be authorized to ronnnuni- cate the Resolutions to Thomas Sully and the Hoard of Managers. By order of the Meeting. Zacchkis Collins, Chairman. Rkdwoou FlSHKR, Secretary. Pknnsvi.v.wi.v Hosi'ir.KL, 5th Mo. 13, 1813. The following letter was received and read, 5th month 31st, 1813 : "To the Managers of llic Pennsylvania Hospital. f /<■«//(■»;<■«.— Feeling very sensibly the loss of our deceased Professor Dr. Benjamin Rush, and sympathising with ymi on account of the loss your Institution has sustained, our minds have been excited to a Spirit of Commemora- tion an- 26th., 1813. Whereupon Edward Penington and Reeve Lewis were appointed to employ Thomas Sully to execute the portrait. The painting now occupies a commanding |)osition at the side of the door of the Library, on the second floor of the Centre building of the Pine Street Hospital ; the life-size portrait of Manager Samuel Coates occupying a similar ]iosition to the left side of tlie door. William R. Cla])p, son of Allen Clapp, a steward of the Hospital, was appointed clerk and librarian December 28, 1840, and he served acceptably until March 26, 1849, when he resigned. He was much interested in the Hospital, and after leaving it, he presented, June 28, 1857, a finely executed copy of Sir Thomas Lawrence's celebrated oil painting of Sir Astley Cooper, the dis- 342 tinguished surgeon, which has since adorned the hall of the Hospital. The Board accepted the gift with a vote of thanks (June 29, 1857), sir Astley and made Mr. Clapp a contributor. Cooper. A bust of the late Dr. Benjamin Rush, e.xecuted in plaster by William Rush, carver, was presented October 25, 1813, by Joseph S. Coates, and one executed in like manner, and by the same artist, of Doctor Philip S. Physick, was presented by John R. Coates. The Secretary was requested to return the thanks of the Board to the respec- tive donors. On February 23, 1818, Zaccheus Collins presented a bust of Doctor Caspar Wistar, for which the Board thanked him, and directed that it be placed in the library. The jjrincipal Works of Art owned by the Managers and deposi- \\orks ot Art ted in the Pine Street Hospital are: belonging to tlie Hospital. P.4I.NTINGS: Christ Healing the Sick. Portraits; Lloyd Zachary ; Samuel Coates; Benj. Rush, M. D. ; George B. Wood, M. D. ; Joseph C. Turnpenny ; James H. Hutchinson, M. D. ; William Biddle ; Wistar Morris ; Jacob P. Jones ; Sir Astley Paston Cooper ; William Gunn Malin. Crayons : James Hutchinson ; Alexander Derbyshire ; John ('onrad. .\lso the Fothergill Crayons, and other miscellaneous pictures and diagrams, deposited in the Museum. The following works of art belonging to the Hospital adorn the walls of the Insane Department. Contributed by Jacob G. Morris: " Penn's Treaty with the Indians," by Witman from West's Painting; "Views on the Grand Canal, Venice," after Canaletto; " Views of Naples"; "Madonna," after Corregio ; "Magdalen," after Titian; "The Fornarina," after Raphael; "Charity," after Shidone ; " Moonlight Scene," an original by Challi. James B. Ord, Oil Painting, 52 .\ 42 inches, executed by himself. John Farnum, Oil Painting. Abraham Miller, Oil Painting. Marble bust of George Washington. Marble bust of William Penn. Oil Painting, Fruit Piece. Oil Painting of John Wright. Portrait of George Ord by his son. John Livezey, Oil Portrait. Water-Color of Hampton Court, presented liy Mr. A.}, .\ntelo. Five Water-Color Paintings, presented by Mr. John \'. lluber. Two Oil Paintings from Mrs. Juliana R. Wood. Study in Oil, by Benjamin West, presented by Thomas Rogers Merchant. Storm at Sea, by Benjamin West, presented by Thomas Rogers Merchant. Portrait of Dr. Thomas S. Kirkbride, by S. B. Waugh. Portrait of Joseph Fislu-r. 34,5 Crayon of Mary Sliiilds, Photograph portraits of WilMain Wtls'i, John Wi-lsli, and Sannit-l Wilsh. Photographs of Managers : Mor'' Executors, Hugh Roberts and Samuel Neave, with the consent of the ' " . ■ residuary legatees, "towards founding a Medical Library." These books were received on the 9th of January, 1767, and a week later, on tlie 17th, we find also that The Medical Books of tlie Library of Dr. Benjamin Morris, dec'd, being presented by his sister Deborah Morris towards tile same purpose consisting of 55 volumes, were brought to the Lil>rary. The latter were principally standard medical works, collected by Dr. Morris during his attendance upon the University of Leyden. Mr. Wm. Strahan of London, England, in 1774, made a donation of books to the value of one hundred pounds. This gift was jjerhaps prompted by the following letter to Mr. Strahan, which the Com- mittee to procure books for the medical library laid before the Board, July 25, 1774, the list of needed books having been com])iled with the assistence of the medical staff. Phil.\., 4th Mo., 1774. Respected Friend. — The Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital having deputed us to procure some books for the Medical Library, as we apprehend thou canst supply us in the most advantageous Terms we herewith send thee a List of them desiring thee to prepare and ship them by the first Vessel coming to this Port that they may be here Vjefore the winter. This we are very desirious of as the young Students who from the neighboring Provinces attend the Lectures of the several professors in our Medical School may then have the benefit of reading them a year sooner than they can if they should not arrive before next Spring ; for the Cost of them we will send thee a timely Remittance. When any new Books or Essays on any branch of Medicine appear we shall be gla;es attending the present mode of lending out the Medical Books helonKiiiK to the Hospital ; Ordered that a book shall not be lent out of the Hosi)ital Library to any i>erson e.vcept to the Managers, the Physicians, and to the .Students who have attended or do attend tile Hospital. Tliat any I)ook l>orrowetl shall not be kept out longer than the time mentioned in a Promissory Note to l)e given for the same and that a Sum of Money equal to the Value of the Hook borrowed shall be deposited in the hands of the Librarian, which deposit money unless the liocik be relumed in Months nndefaced, shall be forfeited. The e.xtreme carefulness and prudent foresight of the Managers and their wise and judicious suiieriniendence of the Library, are frequently manifested in their corresj)ondence, of which the following is an example: Jul)' 31, 17.S6, "The Committee appointed to import the books for the Medical IJbrary re])ort that they have wrote the following letter and ordered the books I'er the invoice enclosed." Puii.A., 30th 6 month — 1785. Sir. — Inclosed you have the first copy of a bill of E.xchange drawn by the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital on John and Robert Barclay & Co. Merchants of London for fifty four pounds ten shillings and two pence Sterling for the purpose of purchasing for their .Medical Library the Books Mentioned in the written list. We trust you will furnish us with the Books at as reasonable rates as possible and as they are for our Library and will be handled often, request that you will attend particularly to the binding that it may be both Neat and strong : should the Money remitted be insulTicient to purchase the whole of the Books you will please to attend to the Note at the bottom of the List. You will please to ship the books by the Harmony, Capt. Willett. As the owners gener- ously agreed to bring them freight free : let the jiackage or packages be directed for the Pennsylvania Hospital. \\*e ,'ire ^'our Friends (signed) SAMfEI. HoWELL, To i'eler IVynne Esq. Wii.i.i.am H.\i,l. In spite of the watchful guardianship of the Library, it appears that books were missed from time to time. According to the catalogue made and dated the 27th of December, 1787, the Managers discovered 35° that there were a number of books therein not accounted for. They then made the following rule, January 28, 1788: The Aputhf cary is ordered on no pretence to lend a book out of the Medical Regulations Library to a Manager, Physician, or to any other person, without taking a note or for Loaning sufiicicnt deposit. Samuel Coates is desired to advertise the lost books in Books. " Hall and Sellers' Gazette" and to request the persons in whose possession they are to return tlu-ni. It is gratifying to learn that the committee was able to report, at the meeting February 25, 1788, that the lost books had been duly advertised and that one had been restored. A comprehensive system of regulations was agreed to by the Managers at the meeting held December 28, 1789, "by and with the advice and Consent of the Physicians when the rules for the preserva- tion thereof" were adopted, and the Rules for the Library were printed and distributed. At a meeting, held May 31, 1790, the Committee on preparing a Catalogue reported that " the business is completed, and six hundred copies are printed, and now brought to the house." The following interesting item also appears under the same date: It is agreed that each of the Managers, Treasurer, and Phx'sicians may have Catalogues gratis. Also that One should be sent to Dr. Leltsom and one to Ur. John Redman, formerly one of our attending Physicians and now President of the College of Physicians. The money value of the work was, at the same time, fixed at a moderate sum : It is also agreed that the Students should pay ;»th of a dollar each, for a Cata- logue of which the Librarian is to keep an .Account and to jjay the Money with the fines on Books to the Steward when the .Attending Managers require him to do it. A standing resolution was adopted, August 30, 1790, to the follow- ing effect: "It is now agreed to be a Rule that the Treasurer is always th be allowed the Use of the Library." The fees for the Students were increased. May 10, 1802, to ten dollars for a single season, and twenty dollars for the perpetual privilege, " with a copy of the Catalogue gratis." It had been expedient to slightly modify the rules after consultation with the medical staff, before their final adoption, and the fact that the physicians had been duly consulted and had approved the regulations, made the Managers less disposed to favor further changes, consequently it is recorded in the minutes of a meeting, held October 31, 1791, that the Physicians propose several alterations in the Rules of tile Library and respect- ing the .admission of Pupils to wliich the Managers are averse. issued. What the proposed changes were does not appear upon the minutes, Init they were probably considered too unimportant to be recorded. Kjrst The first Catalogue was published in the year 1 790, and represented CataioKuc twenty-one folio volumes, seventy-seven quarto, three hundred and forty-one octavo, and eighty-nine duodecimo — total, five hundred and twenty-eight volumes. An addition, or suijplement to the Catalogue was compiled, printed, and issued three years later. The Library having been greatly enriched by gifts and purchase, it was decided on January 28, 1805, to prepare a new Catalogue which was finally issued the following year. The industry and zeal of Samuel Coates, Secretary of the Library Committee, was manifested in his interest in the Library and assist- ance in preparing the Catalogue. The Managers, (February 24, 1.S06), tendered the Committee the thanks of the Board for Their strict alteminn tn tlie duties of their rippointnieiit. Also t;i" "f tlit- I.ilirary is aiitlioriEcfl l-'"t "f ''"■' Library. Issued. As indicating the money value of the books and furnittire at that time the following is of interest: (.April 27— 1.S29) The Treasurer reports having efTected an Insurance on llie Library for the sum of five thousand dollars in the American Kire Insurance Company for seven years. 'I'he newly-arranged Catalogue was completed by the following August and, at the meeting on the 3d of this month, the following record was made : A highly interesting historicalsketchof the origin and progress of the Medical Library of this Institution prepared by William G. Malin Librarian, was read at this time and the Managers believing its publication with the Catalogue prepared by the same individual, will be useful, it is agreed to append it thereto, and the Library Committee are authorized to have it printed. The Library Committee was authorized and re(|uested to prtsent copies of the Catalogue to each Physician or Surgeon who is or has been in attendance at the Hospital and to the Resident Physicians; also, one copy to each of the Managers and the Treasurer and the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Almshouse, the Philosophical Society and the New York Hospital. A copy was subsequently presented to the Philadelphia Library Coni]:any and the Athenaium. It was resolved to sell the Catalogue at one dollar per copy. Supi)lement Eight years later, in 1837, it was found necessary to issue a su|)- Compiled. plement to the last Catalogue, which was also comi)iled by the Librarian. The Library at this time comprised 7300 volumes and was growing at the rate of more than 150 titles jier annum. In 1856, it was found that the colltclion had increased to over ten thousand volumes, under the careful sui)erintendence of the Board of Managers and the excellent guardianship of Mr. William G. Malin, who had devoted himself to his duties and took great interest in caring for the books, both while actually in charge as librarian and subse- quently while Steward of the Hospital. It was deemed advisable to New Edition prepare another edition of the Catalogue at this time and the Managers of Catalogue. ^^^^.^ ^^ fortunate as to secure the services of Dr. Kmil Fischer, whose literary and scientific attainments well fitted hiin for the task, which he undertook with zeal. The peculiarities of the new classified Cata- logue arc best explained in the words of Dr. Fischer in the preface to the work, in which he i)ays a deserved compliment to his ])redecessor in office : The Library . . . contains at present io,.soo volumes and is considered now one of the best, if not the best, collection of Medical Works in this country. The perusal of its Catalogue will sliuw that it is a fair representative of medical standard literature, particularly ill its English and Frencli part, a result greatly owing to the interest taken in the choice and jiurcliase of works by Mr. Malin, the former librarian and present steward of the Hospital, and by some of the medical i- e s officers of the House. The present Catalogue is an entirely new work and has "' i w been compiled independently of its predecessors. For the old plan of disposing a . og e. the works in alphabetical order of the names of their authors, a classified arrange- ment according to subjects has been substituted. Dr. Emil Fischer did this work entirely by himself while he was subjected to many interruptions, for, during this time, the Library was open and the books, owing to their being in use for constant refer- ence, were liable to disarrangement in the regular order they should occupy upon the shelves. His views as to system and details of classification are also given in his preface to the Catalogue from which we have just quoted : For the classification used in the present Catalogue, the compiler is essen- tially indebted to the Catalogue Raisonne of the Library of the Medical Society of Edinburgh, the arrangement of which has been followed out as far as some differ- ence in the compass and character of the two libraries would permit. The whole work has been divided into four parts, viz : Medicine, Science, Literature, and Miscellanies. Each part has been subdivided into chapters, the first and most important i)art containing eight of them, viz : 1. Anatomy, includ- ing Human and Comparative Anatomy ; H. Physiology ; IIL Materia Medica and Pharmacy, including Hygiene and Therajjeutics ; IV. General Pathology and Practice of Medicine : V. Surgery ; VL Midwifery and Diseases ol Women and Children; VH. Medical Jurisprudence and Medical Police; and VHL Medical Literature. It will be found, that the classification and sub-classification of the different chapters coincide, as far as can be in a work of this kind, with those adopted in most systematic works on the different branches of medical and general science. Only in those instances where no scientific ground for classification could be found, the alphabetical arrangement has been had recourse to. For the disposition of a book, not only its title but also its contents had to be taken into consideration. In order not to separate a work from others contained under a certaiii sub-head, and treating on the same subject, but from different points of view, its relation to the general head had to be sometimes disregarded. Titles which had to be repeated frequently, were abbreviated in accordance to the head under which they were placed, and by this measure unnecessary incumbrance of the Catalogue was avoided. The space thus gained has been taken advantage of for the quotation of monographs, essays, &c. contained in collective works, or in appendices to larger treatises. These quotations have been necessarily confined to such essays, which either were known to have been published in a separate form, or which, from the nature of their contents or extent, seemed to be of some importance. Some of these points had to be ascer- tained by the aid of bibliograjihical works. The Catalogue Raisonne of 1857, with the supplement issued in 1883, is still in use as the official catalogue, and has been found to facilitate reference and to greatly increase the usefulness of the Library. It was received with marked evidences of appreciation, both by the 355 Present State of Library. The Anatomical and Patliolojjical Museum. Letter from Dr. John Fothernill accompany- ing Casts and Diagrams for Teaching. Managers and the Medical Staff of the institution, and Dr. Fischer had the proud satisfaction of accomplishing a useful and laborious work in a manner which reflected the highest credit u])on his industry and literary skill. The additions to 1893 bring up the aggregate number of vohniies to 14,81 2, coni])rised as follows : octavos, 1 1,103 ; ducxlecimos, 1482; quartos, 1828; folios, 399. It was probably a i)art of the original design of the Managers and Physicians of the Pennsylvania Hospital to provide for the establish- ment of an Anatomical and Pathological Museum in connection with the institution, or if this had not been their intention originally, it was suggested by them shortly after the new building was opened. It is recorded that on the 30th of April, 1757, Deborah Morris ])resented a human skeleton, for the i)ur])ose of medical teaching. In 1 772 a skeleton and prejwrations of muscles and arteries were pur- chased from the estate of Dr. William Logan, deceased; and again December 28, 1805, the executors of a Dr. Carter, of Virginia, pre- sented a skeleton to be used for the purpose of instructing students and others attending the practice of the house. An important event in the History of the Hospital occurred at a meeting of the Managers and Treasurer, which was held in the Warden's Room at the Court House, Philadelphia, the Sth iiih month, 1762 : The Board being called at the Ki- Ann Marshall presented to the Hospital a miniature likeness of Dr. Chovet, which was executed on his eightieth birthday. 359 lie was appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy in tin- I'nitcil Company of Barbers and Surgeons, August 21. 1735. Dr. Chovet married in London ; his wife died in Philadelphia and was buried in Christ Church cemetery, February 12, 17S5. Dr. Chovet's Dr. Chovet brought with him from Kngland an excellent collection of wa.\ Lectures, preparations of difterent parts of the human body which he had made himself; these were utilized in his medical lectures. During the winter of 1774-1775 he delivered lectures on Anatomy and Physiology, his advertisement reading : "At the Anatomical Museum in Videl's Alley, Second Street, on Wednesday, the seventh day of December, at six in the evening. Dr. Chovet will begin his course of Anatomical and Physiological lec- tures, in which the several parts of the human body will be demonstrated with their mechanism and actions, together with the doctrines of life, health and the several effects resulting from the actions of the parts, on his curious collection of anatomical wax-works and other natural preparations ; to be continued the whole winter until the course is completed. " As this course cannot be attended with the disagreeable sight or smell of recent deceased and putrid carcasses, which often disgust even the students of Physic, as well as the curious, otherwise inclinetl Ui this useful and sublime part of natural philosophy, it is hoped that this undertaking will meet with suitable encou ragcment . ' ' Dr. Chovet is represented to have been a nian of small, almost dwarfed stature, and of a mirthful, jocular disposition. He is described, in advanced life, .as one who might be seen almost dail)', enfeebled by age, shufiiing along in seeming haste. His bowed head, which leaned forward beyond the cape of his old- fashioned black coat, was covered by a small cocked hat, closely turned up behind upon the crown and cocked in front which diil not conceal his long white hair. His locked teeth and his compressed lips were in continuous motion as if he were crunching something. He carried a golil-headed Indian cane, secured by a black silken string dangling from his wrist. The heels of his capacious shoes, well lined in winter se.ison with thick woolen cloth, and ferule of his cane might be heard jingling and scraping the pavement at every step. On the street he always seemed to be hastening to a patient dangerously ill as fast as his ;iged limbs would permit, without looking to the right or left. He used expletives freely in his conversation and was notable for sarcastic wit. It is doubtful if his profes- sional career was always pecuniarily successful, the necessity which required him at his advanced age to within a few weeks of his death, to visit patients in all kinds of weather, would indicate he had not met with financial success. His character and the quality of his professional acquirements entitled him to high rank among the medical profession, and with them to respectful remembrance. Shortly before his death he requested that his funeral be a plain one, and by no means to have the bell rung for him, as was the custom of the times when a person was dying, because he did not wish to disturb sick people by such an unnecessary noise. Dr. Chovet died March 24, 1790, aged 85 years. Dr. Chovet was the only one of the twelve senior founders of the C<*llege o( Physicians who was not a native of Phil.adelphia, and he was over eighty years of age at the time it was instituted. " At such an advanced age men are not invited to engage in anew enterprise unless their qualifications are eminent in the estima- tion of their colleagues." In 1797, Dr. John Redman presented to the collection a repre- sentation of the bones of the ear, made of brass. 360 August 26, 1799, the Managers entered into the following arrangement : Will. Stevens Jacobs to board in the house during the prevalence of Yellow Special fever and while here to put the museum in good order, to pay $4 per week for his Caretakers board, find his own liquor, and not to go to the city during the fever. for the Dr. Jacobs apparently was in no great haste to complete his work „ "j„ted or had great dread of the epidemic, for we find four years later, May 28, 1803, he presents a bill "for putting the museum in good order and making a skeleton." Possibly the museum required more attention than was thought necessary previously ; but whether the services of Dr. Jacobs were continued, or occasional, it appears that he was the first official curator of the collection, unless Dr. Shippen may be regarded as the first to fill that position. January 28, 1805, a Catalogue of the Museum and Library was compiled and printed. A month later (February 25) a committee was instructed to remove to the new museum room the paintings and castings, etc., under the inspection of Drs. Physick and Wistar. This work appears to have been done leisurely, for the committee did not report the work completed imtil June 24, 1805. A special caretaker of the Museum having been appointed, the following receipt for the preparations was given, which is of interest as an inventory of the Museum at that time : Pexns. Hospital, 25th 8nio. 1806. Received under my care and responsibility from the Managers of the Hospital all the articles of the .'Anatomical museum contained in the list thereof viz: Imitations of the internal parts of the human body in wa.\ by the late Dr. Chovet from No. i to No. 8 inclusive. Dried preparations by the late Dr. Chovet and others from No. i to no. 93 inclusive. Preparations of different parts of the human body in Spirit of Wine, by the late Dr. Chovet and others from No. i to no. 60 inclusive, and Three Castings in Gypsum, and eighteen Paintings in crayons ; presented by Dr. Fothergill of London. S.\ML, C. Hopkins. The museum rapidly increased in size and importance, and great interest was taken in adding to the collection by all of the members of the medical and surgical staff. When in 181 7, the building was erected for the exhibition of West's painting, accommodations were made in it also for the anatomical and pathological preparations. In 1824 it was decided to part with the museum, which had now become so large as to require special provision and care. It is also to be considered that medical instruction no longer occupied such a prominent position in the minds of the Managers, since other institu- tions had sprung up in the community which relieved the Hospital of 361 the necessity of taking a|)ijrentices to train as physicians and " the practice of the house" ceased to hold its former important place in medical instruction in this country. On April 26, 1824, therefore, the following was adopted : The Believing that the Museum beloiiginK to this establishment may l>e rendered Fothergill niore useful to the interests of science under tile management of the University ; Collection 'ind this Board entertaining moreover the most friendly feelings towards that Deposited in very valuable Institution, it is resolved to present the collection including the the Museum necessary cases to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. of t le Subsequentlv the following was received by the Managers: UniversUy of ' ' ^ j e> I'ennsylvania Jifsulz'cd. — That the Trustees reciprocating in relation to the Pennsylvania Hospital the friendly feelings e.vpressed by its Managers for the University of Pennsylvania, do accept with pleasure anil thankfulness the valuable Museum offered by the Managers and appoint a committee to receive the same anembly. The place of honor among the contributors belongs to Doctors Lloyd Zachary and Thomas and Phineas Bond, who made |)Ossible the establishing of the Hospital liy generously offering to attend the Hospital gratis for three years. , , As soon as the law establishing the Hospital and granting the sum of All Anpropri- ^ ' . :ition and :i two thousand pounds towards the founding, building and furnishing of Po|)ular the same was formulated and its condition made known, that an eipial Siibscription. amount must be subscribed towards the capital stock, the promoters of the design promptly set on foot a subscription, which in a short time considerably exceeded the amount re(piired by the Act (^2751, i6x. 8^/). The subscriptions varied in sums from one jjound to two hundred and fifty, the latter being contributed by William Allen, Chief Justice of the Province, but for the most part this amount was made up of sums of from ten to thirty pounds. The earliest and first gift of land, about four acres, located in Northern Liberties, near Philadelphia; on the Germantown Road, was donated September 2, 1751, as a subscription of twenty-four pounds by a German, Matthias Ko])lin, who was accordingly made a Contributor. His quaintly-e.xpressed communication has already been quoted (page 26). Owing to the vigilance and constant importunities of the Man- agers, the custom was introduced into the community of contributing jury fines, contested sums of money, moneys in the hands of trustees, assignees and other sums not claimed. Deceased strangers' effects and valuables were also turned over to the Hosi)ital authorities, the Managers giving bonds to protect the donors and others, and to indemnify them in case of claim from heirs who might appear to demand a restitution. *By Act of March 21, 1856, the limit was cxleiuled to 150,000. 366 LEGACIES, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND GRANTS FROM 1751 TO 1894- The Pennsylvania Hospital from the year 1751 up to the present time, has received numerous sinns of money from various sources. The following lists of Legacies, Donations, Contributions, Special Deposits and Grants include the amounts received, with the dates and names of donors. Those persons who contributed the sum required to constitute the individual a member of the Corporation, will appear in a se[)arate " T.isr of Contkihltors." LEGACIES. A 1765 I8I2 Alibiiigton, Susanna P. I250 00 1S85 '775 .\bralianis. Kiiocli . . S3 33 1814 1873 .^j^iiew, John .... 1,425 00 1891 1765 .Allen, Hannah . . . 26 67 1817 1761 Allen, Mary 266 66 1859 1770 .'\llison, Robert . . . 266 66 1863 1761 Andrews, Mary . . . 533 ii 1785 1796 Armatt, Ann (j^'d-rent) 1881 1777 Ash, Caleb 31 iT, 1769 1803 Ash, Caleb .... 200 00 1890 1776 Ashbridge, .Aaron . . 80 00 1889 1761 Asiieton, Marj^aret . 26 67 .S77 1816 Aston George . . . 400 00 1847 1794 Attniore, Caleb . . . B 66 66 1874 1761 1871 Baird, William S. - . 1,000 00 1806 1857 1.S72 1821 J761 Baldwin, John . . . 133 ii 1872 1869 Barrett, Nathan . . . Barton, Isaac .... 95 4,300 00 00 1756 Bavnton, Peter . . . 26 67 1793 1849 Beck, Paul, Jr., . . . 975 00 '775 1867 1886 1884 1877 1765 Benzel, or Bensill, George 80 00 1773 Bettle, or Biddle, Wil- liam ... 66 66 1893 Biddle, Mary Living- 1772 1858 ston Cochran . . . 5,000 00 1878 Biddle, Thomas S. 1,000 00 1755 18S7 Binney, Susan . . . IO,OIX) 00 1759 1819 1807 Blakey, John .... 266 66 1843 Blenan, Pierre .Antoine 1.740 00 1873 Boker, Charles S. . . 490 50 1832 1770 1820 1891 Boulden, William H. 500 00 1766 Bourneman, Daniel . 16 00 1765 Bouquet, Gen'l Henry 106 66 1858 1873 1820 1803 Bradford, William . '. 266 66 1863 Breck, Samuel . . . 225 62 1770 Bright, James .... So 00 1801 1765 Bromwich, William . 53 a .77. 1769 1811 1864 Brown, Benneville U. 1,000 00 1765 Brown, Christopher . 1,585 51 1875 Brown, Mary D. . . . 30,000 00 i860 Butler, Benjamin F. . Soo 00 1761 1879 c 1773 Cadwalader, Jolin Roberts 13 a 181 2 1874 Campbell, St. George '8.s6 Tucker 2,000 00 1 76 1 Campbell, Thomas $26 67 Caull, Frederick . 3,200 00 Chancellor. William I, Clark, Hannah . . 50 00 Clark, Jane .... 1,000 00 Clark, John .... 95 00 Claypool, Debor.ih 266 66 Coffin, Arthur (J. 3,500 00 Coleman, William . '.33 iT, Colhoun, Jane .Mien vifia^ 26 Colhoun, Mary Maria 26,756 00 Collins, Timothy K. 50 00 Cook, William Wallace 385, 000 00 Cooper, Esther L. . 2,000 00 Cooper, Rebecca . ,53 ii Cooper, M.U., Samuel 2,415 76 Cope, Jasper . . 5,000 00 Cope, William D. . 5,000 00 Correy, Robert . . 500 00 Coultas, James . . 266 66 Co.\, Isaac .... ^i2< ii Cozzens, George . 4.S7 31 Craig, George . . . 476 25 Crammoud, Heiu'y 37,692 71 Creighton, Eliza H. 95 00 Cress, Charles , . . 400 00 Cresson, Elliott . . 5.728 84 Crosby, Joshua . . 266 66 Croyder, Henry . . KJO 00 Curren, Nathaniel . ^i?, .33 D Dale, Dorothy . . 390 00 Davis, John .... 1.33 .33 Dawson, Elizabeth lotj 00 Dawson, Josiah . . 27, soo 00 Dawson, Mordecai L. 5,o *K> 266 66 266 66 1,000 00 4,000 00 800 00 2,040 00 2,000 00 1,200 00 15,000 00 1,200 00 1869 Hertzog, Ann .... 1822 Hewes. Josiah .... 1769 Hill. Edward . . . 1765 Hindniarsh, Elizabeth 1884 Hobson, Eliza .... iSf>s lloUingsworth, I. Ci. 1866 Hood, Nathaniel I'. . 1887 Hopkins. James . . 181 1 Howell. Samuel . . . 1770 Hulbert. Philip . . . 1836 Huinpton.or Hampton, Elizabeth 17S5 Hutchison. Michael . 1 1893 Ihrie. Anna M. ... S2 ,' bequest. =■$5000 for " Henry M. Phillips* Free Bed. 369 1766 Stanly, Mary . . $66 66 '783 '77' Slaiitiin, Danifl . . 26 66 1892 1 874 Stcvinsun. William 5,000 00 1871 '794 Stoops. Janus . 1,8893' '754 .S74 Stout, Htnry J. . • 25,€X>0 00 18X9 '77' Stoiil, Jr)St*i>h . . . 26 66 1810 17-2 Strcttcll, Ann 53 33 1890 T '«75 '815 1890 Taylor, Charles . . . 9.500 00 i8o» i8«7 Temple, Joseph K. ■•1.525 50 1804 1819 Thomas, Dinah . . >c 00 1772 '856 Thomas, John R. . I, 000 00 1805 1818 Thomas. Margaret . '.« 33 1767 1810 Topi ill, Thomas . "37 33 I,S88 I&OO Toplitl. William . . 330 67 1867 1772 Turner, Peter . . . 266 66 1767 '774 Turner, Thomas 400 00 '774 V 1892 ■ 765 1891 Vance, John M. . . 4.772 41 ■797 1870 Vau.x, Eliza H. . . 1,000 00 1802 '883 Vaux, William S. . 1,000 00 '797 W '«93 1870 '774 1828 Wachsmuth, John Gottfried . . . . 1,950 00 1862 1885 Wagner, Mary . . 1,000 00 1885 Wanner, Tobias . . 10,914 78 '763 WasRoner, Abrah: "1 53 33 '757 1886 Walley, Samuel C. 6,200 95 1792 i860 Walley, Samuel Ste ele' 1879 W.ill. J..hn ... Wain, A. I.isle . . Walton, Samuel . . Warner, Kilward . Warner, William Jr Welch, William . Welsh, Sanniel . . Wetherill. (Jeor^e I Wharlon, Chamltss Wharton, Kaihel . Wharton. William . White. William . . Wickoir. I'eter . . Williams. Stephen Williamson, Isaiah V' Williamson, Thomas Wilson, Roljert . . Wilson, William Y. Wilstach, Anna II. Wilt, Christoplur . Wistar, Bartliiilumeu Wistar, William . Wistar, John, ,^(l. Wister. ("harlis . Wood, Richard D Wood, William . Wright, John . . z Zachary, Lloy«59 I 00 i8=i7 10 00 1868 13 33 1781 3 00 1864 10 CKJ 1781 13 33 i860 2 00 i860 1 82 1 4 00 .5 00 15 00 I 00 17.S9 i860 1.H59 i860 1867 1781 4 66 i860 24 00 1848 6 00 1786 1848 1781 6 00 1848 2 00 1771 20 00 1781 6 80 1848 4 00 1849 2 50 1848 ■8 53 i860 5 00 i8si 15 " 1781 5 46 1781 19 46 1781 16 00 1761 18 48 14 44 1S85 25 00 i860 2 00 187S 25 00 i860 25 00 i860 I Oil 1 78 1 12 1,3 1 85 1 5 00 1 78 1 3 00 i860 I 00 1 78 1 22 40 18.S9 I 00 1764 20 00 17S1 19 48 18.S9 2 00 1767 12 00 1766 I 00 1754 5 00 1779 10 00 1786 5 00 1848 20 00 1762 1781 i860 4 00 1781 I 00 1757 10 00 I8.S5 I 00 1781 5 00 i860 10 00 i860 .S' ,33 i860 10 66 1 1781 Kern, Mrs. William H Kirkpatrick, J. T. Kitchen, William R. . Klemm, Frederick A. Knight, Davis .... Kno.K, Robert ... Knhn, Jr., Hartnian Kuhn, Peter K. J. I). I.., Mrs. . M Macalcster, Miss Lily Macaley, Jolm .... Mackey, James B. . . March, Benjamin C). Maris, T. R'. Martin, Mrs. O. . . Mason, James S. Matlack White . . Matlack, Sarah .Ann .McCalla, .Anna . . McCalla, Belle . . . McCalla, Charles . . McClenachan iS: Moore McCrea, J McCubbin, James . . McCulloch, Ur. . . . McCullough, J. . . , McOonough, A. . . . McElroN', A McHugii, Mr McNeill & Co., P. McSparran, .Archibahl Mead, Cieorge .... Mease, James ... Melchor, Waggoner ^S: Co Mellor iSc Ritteuhouse . Meyers, H, M. Meyers, Martin Jr. . Middleton, Isabella Middleton, Lvdia Mifflin iNc Butler Miles, Edward . . Miller, Charles . . Miller, Hannah . . Miller, John .... Miller, lolm C. . . Miller, P MiUigan, James . . Minshall & Jacob . Minshall, Thomas . Mitcliell, Abr.iham Mitchell, p;dward . Mitchell, John . . . Mitchell, John . . . Mitchell. J. B. . . . Mock, John .... Montgomery, John MontmuUin, .Adelaic Moore, .Allen . . . Moore, John .... Moore, Mary . . . Morris, Deborah Morris, Mrs. E. H. Morris, Hannah E. Morris, Mrs. Isaac Morris, Widow . . 820 00 10 00 25 00 5 00 25 00 3 00 2(J an 4 fJO 5 ex J 2.i 00 3 f>o 20 DO 2,S CH} 2.S (Hi 2 (K) 2.S 00 4 66 :i (W 1 (Mi 66 I 00 8 00 I 00 9 60 9 33 6 50 5 (_M> S (j() 2.5 (M) .■> (H) 3 00 3 00 2 5*' s {X) 10 00 5 65 10 (Xi 4 00 20 (K) s (Kl ,1 l)0 2.S ()<) 2 (H> 12 So 13 .>.! 10 00 2 iKi I (Kl .S IIO 1 (X> 2 4JO 2 (X) 4 00 12 .S'> 6 <>o 21 > *JO 10 00 '«59 1756 1756 1767 17H1 '«S9 KS52 1766 1S.S9 -»i IS6S 1.S67 17X1 iM67«5 1766 781 ■763 1849 787 1865 1766 i860 1859 l8b» 781 -«s i860 1848 7«5 7»S 1760 17S1 178. 1865 1.S66 |86« 1861) i860 1859 1775 1859 1762 1758 1769 1779 1848 ■859 1859 7S1 Morris, Mrs. I. 1'. Morris, Morris, Jr. Morrison, (icor^L' Morton. John . . Mosi.r, I'hilip . Molt, Janus . Moyir .S: lla/anl Murdoch, Marv Mnrtha, J. 1'. '. . MusKrovi.-, Joseph M. C. I) M. K. T N Nancarr*)W, Jolui . . iNatlians. William Nisliitt.J.ilMi M...N; Co, NiwlK.l.l.Mrs.Wni. II. Nuwlin, Mrs. Jam- . . Nfwiin, William I' Newport, Janus . . Nil.lock, KlizaJ. . . . Nil)lock, Marjjarct . . N'ilVrn, Salma .... Niiholson. William North. Joseph .... Norton, I*'rancis . . . o )ellers, Janus . . . XTiccrsof Uritish .Vrinv Old Patient ' >rd, (ieorj^e )rne, Mr P 'aKe, S. Davis . . 'arisli, Roherl . . 'arrish, Kdward >arrv. Rachel K. . 'arvin, W. .S: Co. . 'ascliall, Benjamin I'ascliall, Heiilah . 'alterson. R. . . . '.itterson, Mrs. R. •ani, 1). H 'aul, William . . . *eck, John .... •ellar, James . . . 'enrose, Bartliolomew 'enrose, Isaac . . 'enrose, Samuel :Vpper, George S. . I'epper, S. N. . . . 'epper, W. I'. . . . 'erkins, S. H. . 'erot, Mrs. Frances 'erot, Mary N. . . eters, Kvan . . . Peterson, Mrs. Chas. J. 'ettit & Kolwell . 'lister, Jaeol) . . 'leasants, Robert 'ollaril, William 'orter, R. R. . . 'orter, W . . . . I't)tts, Kniily . 'otts, James . . S25 «o 7 60 18 48 8 00 2 00 25 CX) 20 00 M M 10 00 6 00 25 00 5 "<> 3 00 5 00 21 66 25 00 5 00 10 CO 2 00 1 00 3 00 ■ 33 8 00 2 00 9 ,17 4 00 36 00 3 '2 24 00 10 (to 25 00 7 86 2 00 25 00 10 00 8 00 ■3 33 5 O" 5 «o I 00 8 00 66 73 53 00 00 00 5 00 25 00 5 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 '3 33 2 93 580 7 33 1 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 762 Potts, Jonathan . . 767 Potts, Capt. Joseph 848 Powderly, P. ... 859 Pratt, Thomas . . 800 Preston, William . 848 Price, R 781 Price ."t Snovvden . 848 Price, William . . 771 Pritchar3 33 I 00 5 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 20 00 I 00 '3 33 5 00 I 00 I 00 10 00 4 00 12 uo I 00 I 00 1 ou 10 00 2 00 8 00 >3 33 10 00 10 00 8 ' 33 1851 Wollerlon, William . 8 43 4 00 i«59 Wood, Caroline . . . 10 00 2 00 18.S7 Wood, Francis R. . ID 00 1706 1S4S Wood, William 1 IM 10 00 '775 Woodrnw. Ilenr>' . 21 69 5 33 1781 Wooils, John ... 4 00 25 00 "7.S3 Wooley, Kdmund . 13 .33 5 00 i860 Workman .S: 5 00 i860 Workman. Mrs. . 2 .so 9 33 1852 Wright >V llntili r 20 i7«3 1764 1813 1770 17S6 1819 SPECIAL DEPOSITS OF UNCLAIMED FUNDS. .Allen, William, Chief Justice $13^ 03 Cassidy, Janus ... 56 00 Cooper. Jacob .... 456 03 Dawson, William 79 89 Duche, Jacob . . 27 00 Fisher, Thomas. Samuel and Miers .8s .^.3 Fisher, Samuel R. . . 218 66 1768 1763 1802 1848 1832 1H26 18^6 1826 Jones, John, Kst. of . $2,500 53 Kenneth it .McMurtrie 74 40 Lewis, Mordecai 193 60 Norris, J. I', tt J. R. NelT 376 76 Ralston, Robert ... 191 20 Slewarilson, Thomas and John Ashley . . 865 06 .Stewardson, Thomas 4,410 18 Warner, Joseph . . . .^oo m GRANTS BY ASSEMBLY AND AN ACT OF PARLIAMENT. May 11, I7,si. For building, and furnishing the Hospital (page 9) jC^.x"" .A|iril 21. 1759. One-half the fines for shipping Lumber contrary to Law (page 248) S214 ,S3 Three-fourths the fines for selling Middlings nii.\e CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, From i7;i to 1894. 1S5- 1821 ■S57 >7«5 1.S06 I7S,S 1865 1H56 '754 I7«i 1859 177s 1751 1.S60 1.S56 1.S4.S ■ «56 1767 18.H 1856 i860 i85« i«45 1832 1786 1 801 1856 1856 ■795 1751 1791 1S56 1856 '755 •751 1754 1759 1 791 1761 1857 1S59. "859 1764 i«45 176. 1868 1847 1859 1841 i860 1841 1856 1859 1869 1847 1809 1 886 '873 1754 '833 A. 1786 Aston, Peter ... S26 67 Abbott iSc Lawraiui.- . 5100 00 '893 Atkinson, Rebecca M. 4.750 00 Abbott, \Villi;iiii . . 30 00 100 00 ■754 Attwood, William . '.33 33 Abbott, William I-. . 1858 Aiidenreid, Lewis . I.2IX> 00 Adams, Richard . . . 26 67 55 00 40 00 1856 Austin, John B. . . KX> 00 Adams, Robert . . . 1856 Ayres, George . . 100 00 Afllc'ck, Thomas ■ 865 •'A" 600 00 Agnew, D. Hayes, Dr. 30 00 1867 Anonvmons . . . 2.300 0.) Agiitw, Joim .... KXJ 00 B. All)t-rger, Jacob T. 250 00 1827 Bache, Franklin, Di w 00 Allair, Ale.xaiukr 26 67 1849 Bache, T. Hewson Dr. 30 00 Allen, Chaiiiless . . . 29 66 1761 Bacon, David . . . 26 67 Allen, John C 50 00 1763 Bacon, Job .... 35 75 Allen, Joseph .... 32 87 1803 Bacon, John .... 30 00 Allen, William . . , '.269 33 1867 Bacon, Joseph . . . 261 00 Allen, W. Ashhurst, Samuel . . 100 00 '775 Barnes, Barnabas . 36 98 .Ashhurst, William H. 500 00 1788 Barnes, Cornelius . 33 33 Ashhurst, William L. 30 00 1770 Barren, William 26 67 Ashley, John ... 100 00 .786 Bartholomew, John 26 67 Ashmead, W. S: James 5,000 00 '799 Bartling, Christlieb 39 '2 Ashmead, William, Dr. 400 00 1867 Bartol, B. H. ... S50 00 Aspden, Matthias . . 2667 1886 Bartol, George E. 140 00 Astley, Thom.as . . . 30 00 1798 Barton, Benj. S.. M. [ ). 60 00 377 1890 Barton, Francis . . Sl.lMNI (X> 1S87 Biddle, Elizabeth S. S30 00 iS23 Harton. Jolin Rli ea, 1864 Biddle, Emilv .M. . 50 00 Ml) 380 00 1852 Biddle. GeorKeW. . 130 00 1847 liarlon, Isaac . . . 880 00 1887 Biddle, Helen K. . 30 C»J 1S57 Barton & Co., Sam uel 100 00 '855 Bi(Klle, Henrv J. 3o(j (x» '771 Bartrani, (jcorj^c 26 67 1864 Bi(Ulle, J. Williams 50 00 1787 Bartrani, Isaac : n 00 1768 Bass, Robi-rt . . . 40 ou "754 Biddle. John . 26 67 1762 Bassist, David . 2667 1846 Biddle. John B., .Ml) .^o 00 '«57 Bates iS; Coats . . . 100 CX) 1889 Biddle. John W. . . . loo 00 >S9 Baii^li, Samuel 100 00 "855 Bidtile. Jona. Williams 250 00 1 88 2 Baum. Charles, M. D. 30 00 1881 Biddle, Julia W. . . . joo 00 1866 Bayard. Cliarles P. 100 00 '»57 Biddle, W .so 00 1855 Bayard, James . 125 00 1887 Biddle, Marv H. . 30 00 1768 Bayard, Jolni . . . 26 67 1867 Biddle, Robert and \\ E. I(x> 00 '754 Bayley, John . . . 26 67 "857 Biddle, Samuel . . . .^o 00 "754 Bayntoii, Ji>hn 88 00 1807 Biddle, Thomas . . . 30 00 ■756 Bavnton, Peter . 27 20 "854 Biddle, Thomas A. . 900 00 1881 Beid, Edward, Jr. 50 00 1867 Biddle, Mrs. Thomas \. 100 00 1856 1852 Beaver, Thomas Beck, Henrv Paid . 100 00 30 00 1849 1880 ) Biddle. William . . 2.240 00 ■797 Beck, Paul, Jr. 140 00 18X7 Biddle. William, Jr. 30 (K) 1892 Becker. J. A. . . ^o 00 1865 Bines. David \. . . 30 "754 Bedford, (uinninK "26 67 1865 Bines, S. Mason . . . 30 00 "859 Bedlock, Edward 200 00 ■ 865 Bines, S. Mason, Jr. . 30 00 '»33 Beeslev, Tlieophil us 1865 Bines, William T. . . V* 00 E., M. D. . . . 152 00 "758 Biiii;liam. William, .Sr 96 85 1S65 Bell, Emilv . . . 30 1X1 I -8 1 Hinnhain, William . . 620 CH> "865 Bell, Helen . 30 00 1810 Binney, Horace . . . 2.250 00 "759 Bell, John . . 26 67 "8.57 Binncy, Horace, Jr. . iixj 00 1827 Bell. John, M. I). 30 00 1S60 Hinnev, Mrs. Horace so 00 1867 Bell. Laura . . . 30 00 1820 Bird, Charles . . . 58 00 1786 Bell, Capt. Thomas 26 67 1786 Bird, Edward . . •. v6 67 1867 Benient & UoUKhc rt>' 1,000 00 '773 Birbeck, .Morris . . 26 67 "75" Benczet, Anthony 3" 33 ■758 Bissell, John . . . 26 67 ■752 Benezet, Daniel . 7466 i860 Black. John .... l 00 1756 Beiiezct, James . 48 70 1867 Blackburne, I'rancis, r. 2 (JO i'*59 Benners, Henry M. 33 34 to 1891J Blanchard. Harriet 17,000 00 '■•<55 Benners, James . "45 83 Blanchard, Maria . I7,(xxj 00 .766 Bland. Elias .... 53 33 1857 Benson, Gustavus S. 250 00 •755 Bleaklev, John. Sr. .53 33 1851 Bettle, Samuel. Jr. 30 00 "75" Bleakley. John . . '33 33 1851 Settle. William . 30 00 1786 Blewer. Joseph . , 29 67 I88g Betz. John F. . 5.o(X) 00 "859 Blight, Atherton . 4(X> 00 1809 Bevan. .Matthew L. 50 00 "856 Bli«ht. .Maria . . . 5(x> 00 1766 Bevan. Timothy . 226 67 1867 Bliss, Theodore KX) 00 1764 Beveridji;e. David 53 33 1797 Blodget. Sanuiel IfKJ (X> "76,5 Bicklev. Abraham 40 00 1.856 Bloodi^(,od, Joseph I 150 (X> 1872 Biddle, A. Sidney 30 00 "857 Bockiiis. E. F. 500 CKJ ".^55 1S90J Biddle, .'\le.\antler "6,75s 34 "856 "852 Bohleii.Jolin . Boker. Charles I.. . 2, -MX) 00 2^0 00 1872 Biddle, .Arthur 30 00 "852 Boker. Charles S.,.M.D. 30 00 i860 Biddle, Mrs. C. . 100 00 1794 Boiler, Fredrick . . 26 67 1872 Bid'\S7 ]>Soz 1S59 1794 J7>Si 1 761 J 754 1769 1761 i«59 i'\S9 it<6o i.-<59 17S7 1754 1856 1.S76 1799 1855 1S68 :S76 i^i4 KS57 1H40 1852 1867 1867 1876 1828 1754 1856 i86o 1 8s I Bimsall. Kdward Buukhaiiinicr.Allfn li. Borie, Adolph E. . . Borie, Mrs. Adolpl Horic, C. and H. Borii", Cliarks I.. Borie, Henry P. . Bossier, Henry Boulttjn, John . . Bourne. Tliomas Bouvier. Micliael Bowen ^: Kox . . Bowen. William K Bower. Henry Bowman. John Boyd cSc HoukIi . Bovd, Thomas A. Boyd, W. G. . . Boyd, William S. Bover, William 11. Bracken, J. H. . Bradfor.l, James H.. Ml). Bradford, T. Hewson, M. U. . . . . . Bradford. William Bradford, Willam, Bradforil. Wiliiani Brady, Patrick Branner, George Branson, Samuel Branson, William Bray, Mary . . Breinlnall, David Bridges, Robert . Briniihnrst, James Brini;lnirst, John Brint;lun'sl. John Brin^hurst, Joseph Brinton, (;eor.!;e . Brinton.Jane . . Brock, John . . . Brock, John 1'. . Brooks, Kdward . Brooks. Thomas . Brown, Ale.xander Brown, Ale.vamler Brown, Andrew . Brown, Beinieville Br 00 UK) 00 33 34 126 67 200 00 947 00 140 00 5' Fiirnum .S,oo'5 00 Brown, Mary S. . . . ,30 00 Brow^n, Moses .... 200 00 Brown, Mrs. Moses 50 00 Brown, Peter .... 123 72 Brown, Samuel . . . (o 00 Brown, T. W. & M. . 100 00 Brown, T. Wistar . 2.425 00 Brown, Washington . 630 00 Brown. William ... 70 00 Brown iSc t"o., Wm. H. nx> 00 Brown, William Henry 76 67 Brown, William J. . . 30 46 Brush, Kdward N., M. D. 30 ix> Bryan, Timothy M. . nxj 00 Butcher, Washinjjton hh) 00 Bute it Smith .... 250 00 Butler, John M. . . . uxj 00 Bryan, George M. . . 4*> 70 Bryan, Timothy M. u«> 00 Brynes, Daniel 26 67 Byron, Joshua . ,'o 00 B. J. T 100 00 c Cabeen & Co. 1857 Cabeen & Co 1836 Cadwalader, George . 1771 Cadwalader, John . . 17SI Cailwalader, Thomas. M. D 1813 C'ailwahuler. Thomas 250 00 100 00 ■-53 33 66 66 30 00 379 1867 i!to6 1.S31 1781 >79« 1856 17». i«59 1S15 I«i5 1852 1858 i860 i«57 ■.~<57 1874 ■785 1754 1.S57 1806 1S52 1865 i«59 I8s6 i860 1S56 1761 '«57 '756 '«57 1856 1849 1871 i'\S9 i860 ■859 '754 1840 i860 1858 1858 1857 1859 1761 1786 "893 1856 "755 '859 '75« 1855 1754 I7«5 1847 ■ 858 1885 1807 '754 i>k,j '855 '756 C:ulwallaik-r, John Cain, Hai'kiT. & C"ook Calticlcvi^li. Aiulrt-w . CaUlclcu^li, Koliirt A. Cal(l\vi-ll. Aiulri-w . . Caklw^ll. tharks, M. I). CaUlwill «: Kii>;li-I> Caklwill. Saimu 1 Caklwi-ll «: Co., JaiiK'S K Calliiniii. Sanuiil. M. D. Catiiao, Sarah .... Cainac, TiiriKT . Caniac, William, M. I). Camblos. Chark-s . . Canipbell, Arcliihald Canipl)cll, Hunh . . Cainpki-ll. Jaiiu-s R. . Carnpliill. St. Gcorni' T Campbell & Kingston CampHtr, William Campion, Josipli 11 Canbv. Kli . . Canliy.Jolm Canhy, Samntl T. . Cancr. William J. . . Caniull. S. W. . . . Cannell, Mrs. S. W. . Carey, Henry C. Carpenter, Emanuel Carpenter, Kraniis Carpenter. Thomas Carpenter, William Carson, George C. . Carson, Joseph, M. I >. Carter, Jerome . . . Carter, John ... Carter, John C. . . . Carter & ScattcrKood Carnthers, Samuel Cash, Andrew ... Cash nnknovvn . . . Castamajor, Prudent Castner, Samuel . . . Catherwood, H. & II. W Cattell, Ale.tanck-r <">. Cattell, Kliza G. . . . Chalmers, James . . Chaloner. Jolin . . . Chamberlain, S. B. Chambers, Andrew Chambers, David Chambers, Mrs. I). . Chancellor, Samuel Chancellor, Wharton Chancellor, Wm., Dr. irhancellor, William . Chancellor, William Chandler, Joseph R. . Chapin, Joiin H., M. 1). Chapman, Nathaniel, Dr. Chattin, James . Chauncey, Charles Chauncey, Nathaniel Cheesnian, Samuel R. M. Si 50 (Mi '759 Chevallier. I'eter S6.S 06 .v 00 '756 Chew. Henjamin . 66 66 50 CKt \m Child, James . . . 99 "5 3" 00 Childs, GeorKe W 2,100 00 ,M 67 '8.S9 Chikis ."t Peterson . 100 DO IIM) IK) I.S56 CMiristian. Samuel J. 200 (X> tiMI «> '754 Church, John . . . 26 67 i.S 20 1864 Churchman, Charles W. 200 00 '858 Churchman, I'rai;; & i'o. 50 00 525 00 1856 Cla;;horne, Janus [.. 150 fJO 4" 1840 Clapp, .Mien . 30 00 .?o 00 '859 Clark. Charles 50 00 IS" IM) 1.S68 Clark. Clarence 11. 200 00 100 (K> 1761 Clark. Daniel . 26 67 100 Oti 1864 I'lark .S: Co.. K. W. 3,500 625 00 1858 Clark, Kdward W . 3 1856 Clark, Knoch N. l,(XKJ IX» 2,000 00 1S60 Clark. Kphraim. Jr 100 rx) 26 66 1852 Clark. Jane SftO 00 4" (KJ 1780 Clark. John 26 67 5" (K> '8.S9 Clark, John so 00 4" tXi 1787 Clark, Samuel 26 67 ,?o 00 1826 Clarke. J. V.. M. D. 2b 67 200 00 '756 Clarkson, Matthew 73 88 .■i" CX> 1786 Clay, Curtis ... 26 67 5(K> (>0 1807 Clayton, Thomas . 40 00 .so 00 '89.? Clay tor. Helen A 3,000 00 IIXJ CXJ 1803 Clenunt. James W. 30 (Kl 26 67 '754 Clitlord, Thomas 2"' 4 95 .5" 0<) '759 Clifton. William 62 67 Sl 6y '893 Clothier. Isaa<- II. V* 00 5" CK) '754 Chilo. Janus 26 67 400 00 1761 Clynu-r. (ieorxe . . 63 72 .?" CX> 1857 Coates. .Miraham . 200 00 .V> 00 ■ '859 Coates. Heni.imin . KX) 00 230 CtO 1820 Coates. IKniaiuin 420 Oi) Horner. M. D. 26 67 100 00 i '8'.? Coates, (ieorKeM. . V> 00 26 67 1 1776 Coates, Isaac . . . 66 66 .v (K> 1755 Coates. John . . . 32 80 2..V?6 22 17.S5 Coates. John. Jr. 40 IHt 500 00 '794 Coates, John Reynel 26 67 100 00 , 1796 Coates, Jos. Saunder- 26 67 1 '785 Coates. Josiali . . 29 67 IIH) 00 '797 Coates. Josiali I-. 26 67 Il« 00 1 186 Coates. N. C. . loo Oit 50 00 '77' Coates. Samuel . . .?87 2,? 53 33 1 '794 Coatis. Samuel. Jr. 26 67 27 20 1755 Coates, Thomas, Jr. 26 67 11x1 00 1866 Coburn. Robert ,50 o<> UK) 00 '856 l"ochran iV Russell IiX» cx> 26 67 i8vS Cock. Thomas I-"., .M. >. .^0 00 .)" 00 1864 Collin tS: .Mteinus . ISO 00 26 67 i 1856 Cotlin. Arthur <;. . KM) 00 20.5 00 1788 Coldbreath. James 26 67 26 67 '859 Coleman. <; Dawsoi 1. .500 00 58 00 1856 Coleman. Harriet 2'X) IX) .?o €X) 1871 Coleman. M. j. 75 w> 100 00 1848 Coleman. Robert 50 00 M> tx) • '754 Coleman, William 115 "8 26 67 : 1845 Coles, Kdward . . I. so 00 26 67 1856 Colket, loffin . . . 425 00 40 1HI 18.57 Collins. Kreilerick .So 00 5" 00 1.S48 Collins. Hannah W 130 no 26 67 1 '848 Collins. IK 170 00 ;8o 1S4S Collins, Joseph H. 1762 Collins, Stephen 1^56 Collins, T. K. & P. G. 1795 Collins, Zaccheus . 1S59 Cohvell, Stephen 1772 Combe, Thomas . . 1857 Comegys. B. B. . . 1858 Comly, Franklin A. 1867 Comly, Franklin A., 1870 Conarroe, Geo. M. . 1851 Conrad, Charles . . 1852 Conrad, John . . . 1S52 Conrad, Solomon 1859 Contriljutors . . . 1766 Conyngham, David Mayfield .... 1756 Conyngham, Redmond 1801 Cook, Ale.xander 1857 Cooke, Jav . . . 1867 Cooke & Co., Jay 1822 Cooke, John . . 1856 Cooley, Aaron B. 1859 Cooper, Abigail . 1865 Cooper, Esther L. 1754 Cooper, Jacob . . 1798 Cooper, Samuel, M.I> 175+ Cooper. William 1 856 Cope, Alfred . . 1833 Cope, Caleb . . . 1870 Cope, Edwin R. . 1867 Cope, Elias . . . 1856 Cope, Francis R. 1856 Cope, Henry . . 1817 Cope, Israel . . 1813 Cope, Jasper . . 1856 Cope, John E. . . 1809 Cope, Thomas P. 1867 Cope, William L). 1782 Copperthwaite, Josep 1859 Corbit, Daniel . . ■773 Corby n. Thomas i860 Cornelius & Baker J891 Cornelius & Rowland, 1761 Correy, John . . . 1757 Cowpiank, Jonathan '755 Coultas. James . . 1819 Coultas. John . . 1867 Co.\. James S. . . 1857 Co.v, John 1786 Co.\, William . . . 1854 Co.\e, Alexander B. 1854 Coxe, Brinton . . . 1758 Coxe, Charles . . . 1854 Coxe, Charles B. 1S54 Coxe, Charles S. 1845 Coxe. Daniel W. 1854 Coxe Eckley B. . . 1859 Coxe, Edward S. . 1854 Coxe, Henry B. . . 1 76 1 Coxe, Isaac .... 1761 Coxe, John. M. D. . 1798 Coxe. John Redmond, M. D 1887 Coxe, Rebecca . 1780 Coxe, Tench . . 1761 Coxe, William 1786 Coxe, William, Jr. S50 oo 1856 52 00 1 761 irxj 00 1786 140 00 1849 500 00 1865 30 69 1 1869 50 00 1866 100 00 1S59 50 00 1817 30 00 1857 30 00 1847 ^0 00 1864 27 50 1763 5,500 00 ■«57 1754 32 00 1S56 34 67 i»57 26 67 1772 1,200 00 1858 2.500 00 1858 30 00 1751 100 00 1752 600 00 1856 600 00 1857 37 33 1865 40 00 1855 26 67 ■859 S,6oo 00 1866 I 630 CO 1775 4,cKx) 00 179a 100 00 1754 425 00 1891 2,ICX) 00 1864 50 00 i8i8 95 00 1857 3i 3i i860 620 00 1819 100 00 1856 26 67 1856 100 00 1857 446 66 1845 1,200 00 1859 50 00 26 67 1858 26 67 i860 306 66 44 00 50 00 1865! 300 00 1873 1 13 33 1816 30 00 ■857 30 00 i860 66 67 1856 30 00 ■ 8.57 1,030 00 18.57 50 00 1S60 30 00 1886 1,000 00 18.S9 30 00 i86s 6956 1858 32 40 1787 1856 68 00 1757 200 00 1815 53 66 53 33 1859 26 67 Craig, Andrew C. . . $310 00 Craig, William ... 66 66 Craig, James and John 2933 Crammond, Henry 30 00 Craven, Thomas . . 100 00 Creely. George R. . 450 00 Creighton, Hamilton 100 00 Creighton. Robert . . 100 00 Cresson. Caleb . . . 100 00 Cresson, Charles C. . ujo 00 Cresson, Elliott . . .?o 00 Cresson, Enilen . . 50 00 Cresson, James ... 26 67 Cresson, James . . . 300 00 Cresson, John .... 26 67 Cresson, John C. . . 1,000 00 Cresson, Joseph . . . 530 00 Cresson, Joshua ... 40 00 Cresson, William P. . 150 00 Cromelien. George . 100 00 Crosby, Joshua . . . 266 66 Crosby, Thomas . . 129 81 Croskey, Henry . . . 400 00 Croskey & Co. . . . 500 00 Crossman. James M. . 200 00 Crozier, John P. . . . 6,000 00 Crozier. Mrs 50 00 Cruikshank, James 40 00 Cruikshank, Joseph . 201 20 Cruikshank, Rachel . 26 67 Culp, Matthias ... 26 67 Cummings, A. Boyd . 5,000 00 Cummings, A. W. . 50 00 Cummings, Charles H. 50 00 Cummings, Daniel B. 100 00 Cummings, Mrs. D. B. 50 00 Cummings, Richard P. 55 00 Cummings, William . 150 00 Curren. Martin ... 50 00 Curtis, Benjamin T. . 200 00 Curwen. John .M. D. . 530 00 Curwen Stoddart & Bro 30 00 Cuthbert, Allen . . . 100 00 Cuyler, Theo 50 00 D Da Costa, Jacob M. M. D 300 00 Dahlgren, Bernard 30 00 Dale. Richard C. . . 50 00 Dale. Mrs. R. C. 50 00 Dallett, Brothers . . 300 00 Dallett, Eliza .... 100 00 Dallett, Gillies . . . kkj 00 Dallett. Mrs. John . . .SO 00 Dana. Mary W. ... ,30 00 Danforth, Wright & Co. 100 00 Darlington, Smedley 50 00 Darrach, James, Dr. . 30 00 David, John 30 00 Davis, Benjamin . . . 250 00 Davis. David .... 26 67 Davis, David Jones M. D 60 00 Davis, Edward Mott, Jr 100 00 381 1856 Davis. Kllwooil . . . SUHJ *H> '859 l«58 IJavis, HarljL-t it . 200 00 ■859 1880 Davis, Henry L. . . 250 00 1859 1827 Davis, Isaac . . 26 67 1859 1856 Davis, Isaac R. . . 100 00 '794 185S Davis, John C ... 100 00 '85 1 ■754 Davis, Thomas . . . 82 45 "754 1781 Dawes, Ahijah . . . 408 00 '813 ■795 Dawes, Jonathan . . 30 00 '8.S9 1 80S Dawes, Sanuiel K. 3" (K) '7.S4 1859 Dawson, Kli/al)eth 2CX) (M> 1.S60 1856 Dawson and Hancock 100 00 '756 1867 Dawson, T. Russell . 30 00 '845 1856 Dawson, Josiali . . . l.rxxj 00 i»33 1870 J Dawson, Mordecai L. 3.<»5 00 '859 1805 1798 Dawson, Rohert . 40 00 1867 '7«5 Dawson, William . . 26 67 '77' 1852 Dawson. William M. , 40 00 '7.59 ■857 Day, Michael . . 1 041 00 '75*' 1809 Dayton, John .... 30 00 1872 1805 De Haven iV Broliier i«j 00 1857 1772 Dean, Joseph .... 48 90 1808 '777 Delany, Sliarpe . 21)6 67 '754 1786 Delany, William . 26 67 '7M 1S56 Delaware, L. . . 100 00 '77' 1759 Denny, William . 276 66 "8.57 1855 Derhyshire. 1856 1872 j Alexander J. . . . 2,080 00 '8,59 1864 Derbyshire. Mary A. 5 00 ■ 849 1752 Deshier, David . 44 00 '795 i860 Desilver. Charles 5" 00 1.S60 1859 Desilver, II. T. . . 50 00 '8,W 1857 Devereux, John . . so 00 '7.54 1805 Dewees, William I'. 1807 M. D .S" 00 ■ 85- 1764 Dickinson, John . , ■85 06 '88.! 1765 Dickinson, William . 3^ 33 1856 Dickinson, James N. 100 00 1867 1856 Dickinson, Levi . . 200 00 1782 DierinK. Henrv . . . .1° 00 1868 Dillard. ilenry K. . . 30 00 1856 1844 Dillin>^liam, 1866 Wallace H 30 00 1856 1756 Dilworth. William . . 26 67 '857 1859 Dillworth, William 100 00 1766 ■763 Dillwyn. < ic-<)r^i- . . 82 39 1856 1801 Dillwyn. William . . 400 00 '859 1761 Din^ee. Charles . . . 26 67 1877 1852 Dini-ee. Joseph . . . 30 00 "847 1867 DisslfHi. Henry . , . 500 00 17.S6 ■859 Divine. William . , . 100 oward .... Dreer. Frederick J. Drexel, .\nthony J. Dre.xel Jt Co. . . . Drinker. Daniel . . Drinker. I Ienr\' . . Drinker. John . . . Dropsie, .Mosis .-\. . Drown. William .\. Drown. Win. A.. Jr. Duclie. Jacob , . . Dniheld. Kdwaril Dullield. Samuel, M. Duhrinu. Henrv . . Dulles. Joseph'll. . Dulles. Mrs. Jos. H. Dundas. James . . Dunlap. John . . . Dunlap. William Dunn. .Nathan Dnpuy, Daniel Dusar. Klorimonil Diitilh. Charles . . Dutilh. Mary C.. and Daughter .... D. M. C Earl, Samuel W Karl, Thomas . . Earp, Thomas . . Earp, Thomas, )r.. Eastbnrn. Thomas Eastwick. .-Viidrew M Ebbs, William . Eckert, Mrs. Emily T Eckfeldt. Adams Eddy, (;eor;;e . . Eddv, James . . Eddy, Lucy H. . Eddy, Thomas Edwards, (ieorne W Eisenbrey >S: Sons, Jci Eisenbrey, John. Jr Klam, (lervas . . . Elam, Robert . . . F'lam, Smnuel . . Elfreth. Jeremiah . Elkins. William L. Elkinton, (leorKe M. Elkinton. Thomas . Elliott, .Andrew . . Elliott, Isaac Elliott, John . . . S.V "•> 33 "" 34 «' 33 "" 20 <>T 21 M ) 00 66 66 50 00 50 fX) 3666 lUt) 0(> 5S 4S KHI 00 35S '«« 350 00 5 2,130 00 "33 33 2(X> 00 V> 00 26 67 60 00 KM) <«) 1,hn . . . 1782 Elliott, John. Jr. . . 184^ Ellis, Charles . . . 1S56 Ellis & Co., Charles 1851 Ellis, Evan T. . . . 1754 Ellis, Thomas . . . 1852 Ellis. William . . . 1856 Ellison & Sons, John 1865 Ehnsley, Ann . . . 1865 Elmsley, Elizabeth 1865 Elmsley, Reljecca . 1865 Elmsley, William . 1809 Elmslie, .'\lexander i8s3 Elkington, Lindley M 1884 Ehvvn. .-Mfred . .'. 1803 Ely, Hugh .... i860 Ely, R & M . - . . 1S7S Embly, John . . . 1826 Emerson, (ioverneur, 1754 Emlen, George, Sr. 1756 Emlen, George, Jr. 1755 Emlen, Joshua . . 1754 Emlen, Samuel . . 1822 Emlen, Samuel, M.L) 1755 Engle, Paul . . 1856 Errickson, Michael 1859 Erringer, J. Livingstoi i860 Erwin, Mrs. John H 1866 Erwin, .Mary L. 1755 Erwin, Robert 1856 Estlack, Thomas 1881 Evans, Allen . . 1807 Evans, Clark C. 1833 Evans, Charles 1870 Evans, Charles . '754 Evans, Edward . 1800 Evans, Edward . 185S Evans, Horace Y. is6o Evans, Miss Jane 1772 Evans, Joel . . . 1771 Evans, John . . . 1858 Evans, John . . 1756 Evans, Jonathan 1806 Evans, Jonathan 1857 Evans, Josepli R. 1800 Evans, Josiah . 1817 Evans, J. William 1864 Evans, J. Wistar 1857 Evans, Rowland G 1840 Evans, Thomas . l8,S7 Evans Sc Watson i860 Evans, William, Jr 1851 Euston & Weer . 1864 Everly, Adam . . 1806 Eves, Joseph Bennett 1857 Ewing, Robert . 1785 Ewing, Thomas . 1810 Eyre, Ann K. . . "^55 Eyre, Joshua P. . 1817 Eyre & Lawrence 1813 Eyre, Maria K. . 1802 Eyre, Nathan . . F 1865 Pagan, John .... 1857 Fahnestock, B. A. . . iS>9 Fahnestock & Co. . . i860 Fahnestock, Mrs. G.W B. , M.D . M Dr. S30 00 i> 38 00 I' 30 00 800 00 l! 30 00 li 26 67 i; 30 00 '■ 100 00 iJ 75 GO If 75 00 I 75 00 I 275 00 If 50 00 l! 30 00 li 30 00 u 30 00 I» 30 00 I, 50 00 li 55 00 It 266 67 iJ 50 11 I, 26 67 K 174 26 l! 26 67 I, 26 67 I 250 00 K 205 00 I 50 00 7': 00 U 56 33 I 30 00 I 75 00 I 30 00 I 30 00 I 30 00 I 26 67 I 26 26 I 100 00 I 50 00 I 42 90 I 90 40 I 50 00 I '53 60 I 27 00 I 200 00 I 26 67 I 100 00 I 30 00 I 50 00 I 27 00 I 100 00 I 30 00 I 30 00 I 100 00 I 100 00 I 100 00 I 40 00 I 60 00 I 200 00 I 2989 I 40 00 I 46 66 I I 50 00 I 420 00 I 100 00 I 30 00 1859 Fairth 1768 Falconer, Caj)!. Na- thaniel 76 66 1867 Fales, George .... ^ 00 1856 Fales, Lothrop & Co. 2<» 00 1776 Falkenstine, Ludwick 26 67 1758 Falkner, Lester ... 26 67 1856 Fallow, Christopher . 100 00 i8,s6 Fallow, John .... 100 00 1764 Farmer, Ferdinand . .'3 33 1752 Farmer, Richard, Dr. 26 67 1865 Farnham, Charles A. . 900 00 i860 Farnum, Elizabeth H. 1,500 00 i8.s6 Farnimi, George W. . 200 00 1864 Farnum. J. Edward . 200 ocj 1845 Farnum. John .... 3,310 00 i860 Farnum, Mar\' . . . i,0(X) 00 i860 Farnum, Susan . i.wjo 00 1856 Farr, John C 200 00 1S67 Farr iN: Brothers ... 50 00 1855 Fassett, .Alfred . . . 2(X) 00 i8'6 Faust, David .... iix) 00 1856 Fearans & Smitli . . i. f 100 00 1867 KilliT, Wt-aviT & Co 250 00 1870 r;ardelle, K. U. Dr. 30 00 i»59 Kit/.>;iTaltl, H. N. . . 100 00 I»S6 Garrett. Kdward 100 00 1S67 FlaiuiK->ii. S. and J. M 500 00 1878 <;arrelt, George Sellers 30 00 ■ 756 Kloison, I'Uinket . . 79 '» '8.S7 Garrett, Isaac I'. . 300 fX> 1.SX5 Kliikwir. Hannah C 1,000 00 '875 (larrett, John B. .50 00 ■■\S7 Klin;;. IK-nry . . . . 130 00 1S67 Garrett, Ualter . . 500 00 185; "857 Klin;;. William . . . FlinK, Mrs Urn. . 130 00 .so 00 1856 1891 Garrett, William K 52,400 00 ifijg Flin«. William B. . 166 67 1867 Garrett, Wm. K., Jr 500 00 ■«57 KlinK. Mrs. Wm. H. rjo 00 1806 GarriKUes. Abraham M. 30 00 ■ .•<59 Klanurl'ill. A.J. . . 100 00 1796 (iarrisjues, Kdward 27 00 '75" KlowtT, Knooli . . 7466 '754 Garrigucs. Isaac . . 26 67 l8,S- Folius, fk^or^i.' \V. . 100 00 '783 Garri;;nes, Sanuiel, Jr. 26 67 1852 F.>KK. Aaron . . . 30 00 '857 (iarrison, Jolni . . 100 00 1858 Kolwill, ("hark-s S. . 50 00 '8.S7 Gatdull, Francis R 150 00 1801 Kohvill. John . . . . 30 00 18.S8 Gaul, William . . 3,So 00 '77J Folwi-11, William . . 90 67 1867 Gaw, Bacon & Co. U») 00 '7S4 Forhcs, IIii;;h . . . . 26 67 '755 (George, David . . 26 67 I78i Korhfs. William . . 53 37 '859 (k-orge, David . . 1,000 00 1852 KorlKs, W. S., M. I 30 00 18^7 George, Jesse . . . 1,000 00 185S Korcl, John M. . 300 00 '«59 GeorKC, Rebecca 1,000 00 I7SS Korbi-s, Standisli 26 67 "796 George, Thomas 30 00 1867 Fornt-y. John W. . 2CK) 00 1856 George, Thomas 30 00 1772 Komst. Thomas 66 66 1842 Gerhard, Benjamin 78 00 '857 Foslir. William B. . 100 00 1807 Gerhard, William . 30 00 i860 Fostir, Wm. B.,Jr. . so 00 '835 Gerhartl, William W .,I)r 80 00 176s FoUK-r«ill. John, M.I) 666 66 iSj; Gheeii, John R. . . 20O 00 '»33 Fottirall. Stiplun V, 30 00 '859 Gibbons, .'Vbraham 350 00 1770 Foiilki-. CaUb . 3466 '8.S3 Gibbons, Charles . 230 00 1784 F.nilki-. John, M.I). 32 00 '857 (;il)bons, Jane . . . 200 00 '75*< Foiilki, Jndah . . . .^6 00 '754 (fibbons, Joseph . , 26 66 1857 Fox. Charles V. . . . 1,500 00 1762 (iil>bons, William . 40 00 1786 V*ix, (iC'or;;c . . . 40 00 1790 Ciibbs, Beiij.imin . . 40 00 ■83s Fo.x, Gc'orKi-, M. D. . 26 67 1796 (libbs, Josiah Will: rd 266 67 1880 Fox, Joseph, M. I). 50 00 1761 Gibson, John . . . 52 50 I?."!' Kox, Joseph 112 87 1848 (;ibson, John . . . 105 00 i860 Fox, Miss Mary . . 50 00 18.S8 Gibson, Son vN: Co.,} >hn 5,7(K> 00 1819 Kox, Samuel . . . . 50 00 1867 Gibson. Rebecca 5(X) 00 '794 Fox, Sanuiel M. . . . 316 67 1821 Gibson, William, M D. 40 00 1826 Fox, Samuel M., M.D .10 CO 1856 Gilbert, Henry , . 200 00 1867 Fox, Samuel N. . . . 100 00 1858 (;ilbert S; Co., John 100 00 1807 Francis, Thomas W loo 00 1866 Gilbert, Mary . . . 50 00 '75' Franklin, Beniamin 66 67 1883 Gillespie, John, M. I). 30 00 1802 Franklin, Walter . 30 00 '858 Gillespie, J. L. . . so 00 1754 Franklin. William . 26 67 1856 Gillespie, William D. 50 00 '7.S5 Franks. David . . . 26 67 1879 Gillin.^ham, Joseph K. 150 00 1759 Franks, John . . . 66 67 ■859 flilpin, Mrs. Kliza . KX) 00 1848 Fraley, Frederick . . 1,130 CO 1812 fiilpin, Joshua . . 50 00 1786 Frazier, Nalbro . . . 26 67 '8.s8 Gill)in, Henry D. . 200 00 1859 Freas, Jacob . . . . 30 00 1870 Gilpin, John F. . 550 00 1876 Freem,in, Mrs, F;iiza . 5,000 00 I86,s f;ilpin, V. and J. F, 40 00 18.S9 FrencluV Richards 300 00 1786 Girarion. Lord Adam . 43 60 G '754 Gordon, Thomas '59 23 'SS9 (iorgas, (;. W. . . 100 (K) '769 Gale, William , . . . 213 33 '75' Gra;mc, Thomas, M D. .S3 3« 1852 Halliard, James . . . 40 00 i8,S7 Graff, Eliza Ann 100 00 1754 Galloway, Joseph . . .so 67 '763 Graff, Jacob .... 26 67 '755 Ciamble, Joseph . . . 66 67 1757 Graff, Sebastian . . 53 33 384 1769 Graham, Hciiry Hale 526 67 1859 Graham & Co., James 5000 1877 Graham, James . . . 2(x> 00 1892 Graham. John H. . . 30 00 1761 Grandom, John ... 26 67 1856 Grant, Samuel, Jr. 100 00 1754 Grant, Wilham ... 80 81 1754 Grasshold, Christian . 26 67 1865 Gratz, Miss Rebecca . 50 00 i860 Gratz, Robert H. . . 200 00 1815 Gratz, Simon .... 30 00 1754 Gray, George .... 40 00 •755 Gray, George, Jr. . . 53 33 1855 Gray, Joseph .... 26 67 1855 Grav, Robert E. . . . 800 00 1859 Grebie, Edwin . . . 100 00 1851 Greaves, James R. . . 1,020 00 1890 Green, Walter D., M.D. 30 00 1751 Greenleafe, Isaac . . 101 95 1754 Greenway, Robert . . 28 80 1859 Greeves, Elizabeth 50 00 181S Greeves, James R. . . 90 00 1865 Greeves, James R. . . 70000 1795 Greeves, Thomas . . 50 00 1852 Greeves, Thomas . . 40 00 1857 Gricner & Harkness 100 00 1801 Grellet, IVter ... 30 00 1817 Griffith. Jolm R. . . 70 00 1751 Griffith, William 6' 33 1859 Griffith, W illiam F. . 30 00 1788 Griffiths. Samuel P., M.D. 26 67 1851 Grigg, John 2,125 00 1818 Griscom, Samuel 30 00 1885 Griscom, William A. . 90 00 1756 Grath, Andrew Henry 53 33 1865 Grave & Brother . . 200 00 1855 Grave, Henry .... 100 00 1762 Growdon, Lawrence . 133 33 1755 Grubb, Nathaniel . . 27 47 1855 Gumbes, Rebecca . 350 00 1855 Gurney, Eliza P. . . . 500 00 1796 Gurney, Francis . . 30 00 H 186s Hacker, Elizabeth M. 40 00 1865 Hacker, Hannah M. . 40 00 1857 Hacker, Isaac T. . . 200 00 1845 Hacker, Isaiah . . 530 00 1865 Hacker, J. Barclay 40 00 1845 Hacker, Jeremiah . . 560 00 1865 Hacker, Morris ... 50 00 1857 Hacker, N. P. S: S. W. 100 00 1865 Hacker, Paschall 40 00 1865 Hacker, William 40 00 1845 Hacker, William E. . 60 00 1785 Haga, Godfrey . . . 126 66 1786 Haines. Caspar Wistar 2667 1796 Haines, Catharine . . 266 67 1865 Haines, Henry . . . 380 00 1866 Haines. Jane R. . . . 500 00 1886 Haines, Newbold R. . 30 00 1762 Haines, Reuben . . . 133 33 1806 Haines. Reuben . . . 100 00 1757 Hair, Eleanor .... 56 31 1856 Hall. A. Douglass, M.D. 60 00 1751 Hall. David 152 66 ■775 Hall, William .... 124 80 1781 Halluwell, Israel . . i860 Hallowell, Morris L. . 1857 Hallowell, M L., & Co. 1756 Hallowell, Thomas . 1766 Halnecker, George 1881 Hamilton, George P. . ■759 Hamilton, James . . ■759 Hamilton, Robert . . 1811 Hamilton, Talbot . . 1886 Hamilton & Sons, William C 1886 Hamilton, William C. 1872 Hanimcrsly, George W, 1867 Hannnitt, Barnabas . 1764 Hammilt, Benjamin . 1S67 Hammitt & Neal . . 1848 Hancock, Samuel P. . 1867 Hand, James C. & Co. 1856 Hand, James C. . . . 1831 Handy, George . . . 1859 Handy. Margaret J. . 1761 Hannis, Andrew . . 1762 Hannum, John . . . 184S Hansen, Robert . . . 1857 Hansell, William S. . 1S45 Hanson. William R. . 1769 Harbeson, Benjamin 1558 Harbet & Davis . . . 1761 Harbine. Jonathan 1867 Hardie, James G. . . 1775 Hardie, Capt. Robert 1852 Harding,John,Jr.,.M.D. 1751 Harker, .■\dam . . . 1559 Harkness. .-Mfred M. . 1865 Harlan, Geo. C, M.D. 1834 Harlan, Richard . . 1769 Harnian, Jacob . . . i8,^8 Harmer. James . . . 1867 Harmer, William . . 1863 Harmstead, George R. i86o Harper, James . . . 1771 Harper, Thomas . . 1893 Harper, William, Jr., 1855 Harrah, CharlesJ. . . 18.S7 Harris, Ann 1859 Harris, George W. . 1841 Harris, Joseph C. . . 1887 Harris, Marv Powers 1845 Harris, Robt. P.. M.D. 1828 Harris, Thomas, .M.D. 1836 Harris, William, .M.D. 1858 Harrison, A. W. . . . ■ 7*4 Harrison, Charles . . 1889 Harrison, Frazier&Co 1829 Harrison, George . . 1856 Harrison, George L. . 1560 Harrison, Mrs. Geo. L. ■759 Harrison, Henry . . 1858 Harrison. Joseph. Jr. l8i6 Hart, .-Kbraham . . . 1867 Hart, Henrv, M. D. . 1786 Hart, John 1884 Hart, Marv C 1856 Hart, William H. . . ■775 Hartley. James . . . 1S83 Hartshorne, Charles . 1843 Hartshorne, Edward,M. S28 67 50 00 100 00 26 67 26 67 30 00 266 67 53 33 30 00 60 00 200 00 250 00 250 00 ■33 33 50 00 205 00 400 00 700 00 30 00 200 00 26 67 26 67 105 00 100 00 30 00 26 67 200 00 26 67 250 CO 26 67 30 00 26 67 30 00 30 00 30 00 247 79 100 00 200 00 ICO 00 100 00 40 00 50 00 384 34 100 00 200 00 30 00 250 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 CO 26 67 500 CO 300 00 100 CO 100 00 ■94 01 5,000 00 200 00 100 00 66 67 30 00 400 00 36 10 ■30 00 D. 30 CO |St6 Hartslicriu-, IKiirw M. I) iSii Ilartslxjrm-.Jos.. M.I) 178^ HartsliDrnc, I'altison 17.S6 Harlsliiiriu-. Kiilianl 1796 Harvey, Isaar. Jr. . I».s6 Harvey, Jusiali I.. . 1867 Harvi-v, Mrs. Julia 1807 Harviy, Pliilip Wliitl 1835 Hasillini'. Jnliii 1810 Haskitis, Tlii>?nas 1751 Hasscrt, .-Xmil '755 Hatkinsoii, Julin 1859 Haucl, Juks 1857 Haiiji, Hirman 1828 Havin, Josluiu 1856 Hay. William . 1758 Hayilock, Kl>iii . 1783 Haydiick, Kuln-rl 1821 HaycUick, SaniiiL-l 1856 Haywood, Mrs. . I8j8 HaywoofI, I.rwis 1846 Hazaril. .X. KiilUrtoii 1828 Hazard, KrskiiK- 1752 Hazard, Sanuul 1S64 Hazard, Sptiuir H. 1787 Hazk-hiirsl, Isaac . ■795 Head, .Ann .... 17.S4 H tad, John .... 1785 Htail, John Jr. . . 1857 Hilarton, (".. Craij;, M. I) iSjg Htilinan M: Rank . 1M58 Hclniiith, licornf . 1858 Hclniuth, W. S.. M. 1839 liiliniitli. Mrs. & Williani 184.S Hiinl..!, Williani . 1847 HiiKkrson, Kdwin iS,S7 Henderson, (korge 1760 Henderson, Williani 1762 Hendrick, .M>raliain 1.S65 Hendrie, Daniel . . 1864 Henry & Co , T. C. 1787 Henszev, Joseph 1868 Hentz, j. Henrv 1867 Henzey, Marshall 1801 Herkness, Adam 1856 Heron & Martin . . 1858 Herring, Silas F. . '755 Htwes, Hugh . . 1758 Hewes. Josiah . . . 1859 Hewson, Addinell, M. D iSoi Hewson, Thomas T. M. I) 1822 Hevlin, Rowland Parry, M. I). . . 1856 HihbanI, Mary . . 1754 Hicks, Kdward . . 1798 Hi^Kins, Francis . i8s6 Hildeburneit Bros. I.SS9 Hildelnirne, Charles 1889 Hildeburne, Mrs. Janus II 1764 Hill, Henrv .... 1857 Hill, Marshall . . . ■Id I). '765 $50 00 '7S6 40 00 '754 1o6 66 17S1 26 67 1846 •So 00 '8.S5 200 00 1856 100 00 '754 140 00 1810 30 00 '7.S4 so 00 '785 66 66 1865 26 67 100 00 1827 450 00 1S22 M '7.S9 IIXI o HolVinan, William . . 26 67 Hollanil, Thomas . . 26 67 Holling, Michael . . 26 67 Hollingshead, Hugh F. 30 00 Hollingsworth. Henry 40 00 Hollingswortli. Levi . 260 17 Hollingsworth. I'aschai 50 00 Hollis, Peter C. . . . 50 00 Homer, Collady it Co. 200 00 Hand, John 27 00 Hoopes & Townscnd 750 00 Hoopes, Adam ... 80 00 Hoopes, Curtis . . . ihn (i. . . 30 00 House. Samuel . . 26 67 Hfiuston, Henry H. . i,.S,50 00 Houston. William C. 1,000 00 Howard & Co. . . . 100 00 Howard, John . 26 67 Howard, Philip R. . 200 00 Howell. .Arthur H. 100 00 Howell. lU-nianiin B. .5000 Howell i<: Brothers 505 00 Howell, (ieorge . . . yio 00 3S6 1783 Howell, HuKli . S26 67 ■ 787 1768 Howell, Isaac . . . 26 67 1801 ■«57 Howell, John A. . . 100 00 1768 1.H56 Howell, Joseph . . 200 00 1765 1864 Howell tS: Co.. J(»sej )h 200 00 1786 1X07 Howell, Jfiseph K. . 80 12 1751 1751 Howell, Joshua . . 102 66 1858 1754 Howell, Sanuiel . . +4 66 1774 1772 Howell, Samuel. Jr. 45 90 18.55 i«S7 Howell William . 100 00 ■755 ■«57 Ho.xie, S. K. ... ,50 00 1859 1867 Hoyt iS: Rrotlier . . SO 00 1807 1771 Hubley, .iVdam . . 84 2.3 1858 1782 Hubley, John . . . 26 67 1885 1765 Hudson. .Samuel 106 43 1856 1754 Hudson. William 26 67 1857 ■751 Hu'^lus, John . . . 130 14 I75> 1859 Hulme, John . . . 30(j 00 ■857 ■756 Humphreys, Charles 38 02 1848 1759 Hum])lireys, James 7.S 51 ■8.59 1757 Humphreys, Joshua 26 67 ■859 1856 Humpliries, Charles 400 00 1857 ■857 Humpliries, May 500 00 ■855 1869 Hunt, ."Vlfred .' . . 50 00 1852 1762 Hunt, John .... 26 67 1857 1761 Hunt, Roger . . . 26 67 1859 1852 Hunt, William, M. I). ,80 00 1765 i»74 Hunter. Charles T.. Dr. I JO 00 187S 1787 HuntLT, (ieor^e, .M.I). 29 10 1893 1768 Hunter, James . . 27 33 18S5 1856 Hurley, Aaron . . 75 00 1826 1869 Hurlev, Massev . , 5X) 00 1844 1829 Hurley. Robert M...M.I). 26 66 1864 1857 Hurley, Samuel 50 00 1752 1856 Hutchinson Benjamin !'. 150 00 1869 1859 Hutchinson, Charles 1858 Hare 650 00 '859 1867 Hutchinson, Emlen 2.50 00 1859 ■834 Hutchinson, James 30 00 1752 1867 Hutchinson, James H., 1867 M.I) 8iX) 00 1857 1859 Hutchinson, Joseph H., 1788 M. IJ 100 00 '754 1845 Hutchinson, J. Peni- iSl 5 berton 4,150 00 1856 1867 Hutchinson, Miss 1877 Margaretta . . . 350 00 1855 1863 Hutchinson, Samuel 100 00 1859 18^6 Hutchinson. Thomas 27 00 1870 1H69 Huttc^n, .Addison 1,000 00 18,5s 1800 Hutton, James . . 1 26 67 1776 1822 ■759 Ibison. William . . 26 67 184 1 J 879 1851 1859 i860 1870 Ingersoll, Charles . 30 00 1855 Iiigersoll, James R. 200 00 1857 Ingersoll, Joseph R. 1,350 00 18,7 Ingles, Joseph I.. . 40 00 1847 1 75 1 1761 1867 Irwin, John H. . . 100 00 1779 Irwin, Matthew . . 28 46 1865 lungerich, Mrs. Kdw C. 30 00 I7bs, J^)seph ... 39 56 Jacoby, Leonard 26 67 James, Abel 130 19 James, Jeffries & Sons 100 00 James, John 26 67 James, John (). ... 33 34 James, Joseph .... 26 67 James, Kent it Santee 370 00 James, Thos.Chalkley Ur. 26 67 James, Thomas C. . . 300 00 Jamison, John, Jr, . . 50 00 Janney. Benjamin S., Dr. 100 00 J.'Uis, Lewis 100 00 Janson, L)erick ... 66 67 Jaurcstche is Car.stairs kx> 00 Jayne, David, M. 1). . 1,530 00 Jayne, David W. . . 30 00 Jayne, Eben C, . . . 80 00 Jeaiies, Joseph . . . 600 00 Jeanes, Joshua T. . . 2.10000 Jeanes, Samuel . . . 2,280 00 Jeanes, Thomas ... 50 00 JelFeries Chalkley . . 30 00 Jekyll, John 26 67 Jenks, Klizabeth Slory 5,000 cxj Jenks, Helen C. . . . 50 00 Jenks. Helen I .50 ocj Jenks, Jose|)h R. 1,03000 Jenks, Watson ... 40 00 Jenks, William P. . . 5,050 00 Jenney, Robert. LL.D. 26 67 Jennings. Napoleon .-\. irx) 00 Jessup, .Alfred I). . . 2,000 00 Jessup. Mrs. A. D. 100 00 John Frederick L. . . 50 00 Johns, Matthew ... 29 62- Johns, Sidney ('•. . . io Johnson John .... 120 <«j Joiuison, Joseph ... 26 67 Johnson, Joseph ... 30 00 Johnson, Lawrence . 800 00 Johnson, .Mary M. . . 1,80000 Johnson, Robert S. 2(x> 00 Johnson, Ruth L. . . 100 00 Johnstm, Russell H. . 30 00 Johnson, Samuel . . 500 00 Johnson, William . . 50 66 Johnston, .Alexander W. 30 00 Johnston. Wni. P., .M.I). 30 00 Jones, .Alfred .... 30 00 Jones, .Andrew M. . 530 00 Jones B. Muse ... 50 00 Jones, Mrs. B. Muse . ,50 (x) Jones, Caleb .... 30 00 Jones. Charles . . . . 202 71 Jones, Kdward ... 26 67 Jones, Ezra 26 67 Jones, George W. . . ,30 00 Jones, Herbert ... 74 36 Jones, Isaac 394 75 Jones, Isaac 26 67 Jones. Is.aac C. ... .30 (mi Jones, Jacob 66 67 3«7 iS67 Jones, Isaac I., Ji 1855 JoiRS, Isaac T. 1762 JiiiK-s, Jacob 1H51 Junes, Jacijl) 1*. . . . 1X03 Jones, James .... '754 Jones, John i88» Jones, John II. ... '795 Jones, Jonathan . . 1X20 Jones, Jonathan . '759 Jones, Joseph .... 1809 Jones, Josepli .... 1856 Jones, Joseph .... iXsg Jones, Mrs. Joseph 1W6 Jones, Mrs. Mary T. . 17.% Jones, Norris .... 1S67 Jones, Owen .... '775 Jones, Owen, Jr. . . 17X7 Jones. Richard . . . '754 Jones, Roherl .... '773 Jones, Kohert Streltel 1X65 Jones, Samuel .... 1865 Jones, Samuel llarvi-y '''*57 Jones, Samuel N. . . I.Hig Jones, Sanuiel T. . . 1S56 Jones, Sanuiel \V. . . ''^Sg Jones, Mrs. Samuel \V. KS87 Jones, Sarah F. . . . 1803 Jones, Thomas . . . '759 Jones, William . . . ''**55 Jones, William 1). . . i,S47 Jordan, Antoinette 1870 Jordan, J. Kwini;, M. I). '794 Jordan, John .... 1S46 Jordan, John 'r. . . i86« Jordan. John W. . . 1761 Jay. (.apt Daniel . 17.S7 Joyce, Doininiclc . . 1761 Judah, .\hraliani . . 1831 Justice, Ge<>r>;e M. '''*57 Justice, (leor^e R. . 1S58 Jones, I'hilip S. . . . 1822 J. M '«65 J. S K 17S1 Kaijjhn, John . . . 1807 Kane, Klisha K. 1864 Kay. Alfred . . . . 1756 Kearney, Kdmund 1755 Kearsley, John, M. 1754 Keen, I'eter ... 1769 Keen, Reynold . 1859 Kellev, Charles . 1848 Kellev, Dennis . 1857 Kelto'n. Robert . 1759 Kendal Benjamin 1754 Kensil, Mattliias . 1855 Kent. William ('. 182: Kenworthy. John 1761 Keppi'l. Henry 1S69 Ketchum. J«ihn 1814 Kinilier, Knnncr . 1841 Kimber, Thomas 1856 Kimber, Thomas, 1761 KinK. Charles . . 1751 King, Joseph . . Jr. $Y> 00 200 00 26 67 3.330 00 50 00 26 67 ',044 .54 66 66 31 »o tx> 26 67 100 00 220 00 100 00 8,(.KX) 00 26 67 500 00 103 40 26 67 26 67 53 33 100 00 100 CO 200 00 30 00 530 00 50 00 30 00 26 67 88 00 275 00 30 00 30 00 26 67 230 00 30 00 "26 67 26 67 26 67 27 00 100 00 100 GO HX) 00 icx) 00 3A 67 110 00 30 00 34 66 80 00 62 96 7« 55 100 00 655 00 100 00 34 66 26 67 32 33 30 00 S3 33 100 00 30 00 330 00 400 00 SO 00 98 66 1801 Kini;. Reay 1893 Kinnehan. Rev. K. 1761 Kinsey, I'hilip .... 1857 Kirk. William .... 1858 Kirkbride .Ann Jenks 1S58 Kirkbride, .Ann West 1859 Kirkbride, Klizabelli 1842 Kirkbride. John . . . 1858 Kirkbride, Jos. J., M. D. 1867 Kirkbriile, l,iz/.ie H. . 1754 Kirkbride, .Malilon 1835 I Kirkbride, Thomas S.. 1859] M. I) 1856 Kirkham, William . . 1856 Kirkpatrick. David 1859 Kirkpatrick, De Haven 1866 Kirkpatrick, Kdwin . 1857 Kirkpatrick, Kdwin T. i>J57 Kirki)atrick. Roulanil 1.S67 Kirk|)alrick, William 1801 Kisselman, Fretlrick 1858 Kisterbrach, Josiah 1881 Kline. Mahlon N. . . 18,56 Kniuhl, Kdward C. 1786 Knii;IU. I'eter .... 1858 Kni;;lil. Reeve I,. . . '755 Knowlis. John . . . 1867 KoniKmacher. .Ailam .A. 1S58 Koanes, Charles . . . 1857 Koanes. Isaac .... 1751 Koplin, Matthias . . 179S Krebs, Cieorne . . . 1762 Kreeble. (".eorge . . . 1754 Kripner, I'aulus . . 1856 KruK. Frederick \'. . 1754 Kuhl, Kdward .... 1774 Knhl. Frederick . . . '754 Kuhl, Marcus .... 1S26 Ui Ri>che, Rene. M. D. 1856 Lanuerennc, I'. I.. . 1.S59 Lambert, John . . . 1856 Lancaster, Jacob B. . 1764 Lancaster, Joseph . . 1787 Land. Henry M, M. 1). 1.S59 I.anilreth, liaviil . . 1867 Landreth, iV Co.. I). . 1852 Lannhorne, Daniel A. M. 1) i860 Lapsley. Mrs. .Anna W. 1851 La|>sley. David . . . 1857 Lajjsley. Joseph B. . 1786 Large, Kbenezer . . 1865 Lamed, William H. . I.'i57 Law. Kdward K. . . I859 Law. Mrs. Kdwar '05 00 400 00 too 00 140 00 '05 00 uxt 00 26 67 ',330 00 750 00 2(X> 00 KMf 1856 1848 Lejee, William R. . . 1 . ' 30 00 18.S9 ■857 Leland, Charles . . . 100 00 l8:;8 1867 Lennig, Cliarles . . . .50 00 18,S7 1879 Lennig, Frederick , 50 (K) ■893 i860 Lennig Fredrick . . 50 00 1854 1892 Leiitz & Sons. Charles 30 GO 1858 1852 Leslie, James .... 27 00 1819 1856 Levick, James J.. M. D. ,1" (h:> ■859 1857 Levick. Richard ivc Co. 100 (KJ 1 88 1 1871 Levis, Richard J., .^L D. 3" oil 1848 I845 Levy, Lyon J 55 00 1863 1796 Lev\', JNIoses .... 40 00 1864 1857 Lewis, Anna M. . . . 350 00 ■859 1856 Lewis, Cliarles S. . . 400 00 1761 1795 Lewis, David . 60 00 1832 1863 Lewis, David 1 )lilham .so fX) 1857 1857 Lewis, Edwin M. 6(K) 00 '7,=i9 1865 Lewis, Elizabeth W. . 100 00 i860 1770 Lewis, Ellis 26 67 1765 1852 Lewis. Francis .-Mbert 3" 0(J 1780 1859 Lewis, Francis S. . . loo 00 ■754 1851 Lewis, Francis W., Dr. '30 00 1859 i860 Lewis, F. Mortimer . 180 00 1856 ,844 Lewis, George T. . . 530 00 1857 1812 Lewis, Hannah, Jr. . 100 00 ■857 1864 Lewis, Henry .... 600 00 1877 1751 Lewis, Jacob .... 127 46 1857 1 759 Lewis, Jcphtha . . 26 67 1832 1845 Lewis, J. Smith . . . 3" 00 1867 1840 Lewis, John T. . . 1.646 70 1867 1864 Lewis cSc Bro., John T. 500 00 1856 1870 Lewis, John T., Jr. . 130 00 1856 1799 Lewis, Joseph Saunders 7667 1859 1845 Lewis, Joseph Sannders 130 00 1893 1S28 Lewis, Lawrence . . 2.. 550 00 1857 1865 Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence 100 GO '756 1 85 1 Lewis, Lawrence, Jr. 2.80 00 1763 1812 Lewis, Mary .... 100 00 1752 i860 Lewis, Miss Marv . 200 00 1794 1858 Lewis, Mrs. Martha R. 100 00 1816 1775 Lewis, Mordecai . , 1,048 87 1752 1806 Lewis, Mordecai, Jr. . 100 00 1794 1858 Lewis, Mordecai, D. . 2,670 00 1792 1873 Lewis, MorrisJ., M. D. ^o 00 ■785 1859 Lewis, Mrs. and Miss .50 00 1756 1786 Lewis, Nathaniel . . 26 67 1766 1 75-? Lewis, Robert , . 86 00 1S56 1848 Lewis, Robert M. . . 50 00 1755 1851 Lewis, Robert M., Jr. 30 00 1S36 1865 Lewis, Mrs. Robt. M. 200 00 1829 1802 Lewis, Reeve .... 50 00 1761 1760 Lewis, Samnel . . . 26 67 1875 1806 Lewis. .Samuel Neave 100 00 1820 1853 Lewis, Samnel Neave. J ■■ 30 00 1S31 i860 Lewis, Sarah .... 200 00 1756 1843 Lewis, Saunders . . 1,810 CO 1771 1893 Lewis, Saunders, Jr. . ,v> 00 1786 Lewis, William . 26 67 '8.S7 Lewis, William . . . Le-\. Charles E. . . . Liddan, .\braliani . . Licper, Thomas . . . Lightfoot, Thomas Lightfoot & Walton . Liglitfoot, William Lincoln, Abel ... Lindsay iS: Blackstoii Lindsay, John .... Linnard, James M. Lipjiincott, George Lippincott, Horjice Lippincott, Jas. Dundas Lippincott, J. K. S: Co. Lippincott, Joshua Lippincott S: I'arry . Little, .^mos R. & Co. Little iV Shannon . . Livezey, Edward, ^LD. Livezey, John ... I^ivezey, Sarah M. . Livezey, Thomas, Jr. Llovd, Isaac S. . . Lloyd. Maria D. . . Lloyd, Samuel . . Lloyd, Susan P. . . . Lloyd, William . , . Logan, Cieorge, M. D. Logan, William . . . Long, James . . • Longstreet, Wm. W. Longstreth, Joshua . Longstretli, Mary .Ann Longstreth, Morris, M.D Longstreth, Wm. W. Looney Robert . . Love, John B. . . . Love, Thomas C. . . Loveriiig. Joseph S. . Lowber, William T. . Lowbcr. Mrs. and Miss Lowe, A. C Lowler, Edward Lownes, James Lownes, John . Lownes, Joseph . Lownes, Joseph Lownes, Josiah H. . . Lo.vley, Benjamin . Lucas, Setb Lucas, William . . Ludlum, (ieorge . . Ludwell, I'liilip . . . Ludwick, Chrisloplier Ludwig. Kneedler iS; Co. Luke, John Lukens, Casper P.. M.D. Lukens, Charles. M.D. Lukens, John ... Lutz, David M. . . . Lyle. James Lynch, William . . Lynn, John Lvon, Capt. Charles "A Lady" " Two Latlies "' . . . S2667 100 00 26 67 26 67 40 00 60 00 26 67 30 (K> 20 0(> UK) <"«» y> (>(> .?o (X) i>75o 100 fX) 100 (K) 100 IX) 43 (K* 30 00 ICX) 300 00 "30 CX> Il» 00 50 00 625 00 300 00 50 00 50 00 1 250 00 26 67 .53 33 32 (H) 46 66 .50 00 32 00 26 67 26 67 26 67 45 ii 26 67 Sim 00 26 67 100 0*) 30 00 32 00 105 00 50 00 3" 00 39 08 26 67 1..S95 00 500 00 .3S9 1/54 I1S56 '754 |S4.>> 1JS67 1.S67 1.S67 |,S69 <75S iS4« i«5q '\'>7 1S56 <><57 1.S67 ■••<54 ■773 '754 '775 '775 1856 17.SS iSoi 17S.S '754 1.S21 17S1 i«52 I.s.t9 '859 i«»5 IS,S6 1761 '•■<56 1H17 'S55 1X65 '859 1.S67 1858 '75« 1856 '857 '75' '754 '755 1K27 1754 1867 1858 i«S7 '857 1801 '755 1856 '765 1848 '859 i8s6 'S45 'S45 '857 '765 M Maa;;, J.'icol) Macalislcr, Charlfs . Ma 1858 loo 00 1 '7«7 uio 00 1 '«59 225 00 ' 180? 100 (X) 1865 100 00 1856 100 IXI '«57 30 tX) '85. 26 67 '85. 214 20 1856 26 67 1851 34 30 i860 1 ,955 00 1 '«57 53 82 1761 V* 00 1762 53 ^^3 1 '7S« 40 00 1 "<56 75 00 ; 17.S1 30 67 1 1 761 I.I.So 00 1 '•'<'5 630 (X3 '752 3,800 00 '765 '«59 600 00 1858 2.SO 00 18.S8 42 00 1858 100 00 1867 40 00 9 1.S6S 125 rjo 1856 22,5 00 18,84 30 00 1.S84 30 00 '7.54 '75 00 1764 106 66 '75' .McC'.ill, Catharine .McCall, Harry, Jr. . McCall. Samuel MiCallum. William Ml Calliim >V Co. .McCahoii. W. J.^V Co. McClellan. CkorKe.M.ll McClenachon, Blair . McConkey, Uavid . . McCracken, James Ml C'rea, James . McCrea, James .^. . . MiC"ullon«h, John . . McCurdv, John R. .McDonald, .Malcolm .McKweii. Thomas, M. I). McCjee, Janu-s .... Ml Henry. Alexander R .Mcllvaine, HukIi . . Mcllvaine, James . McKean, Uorie iSc Co. Ml Kean. Henry I'ratt .Ml Keaii, Mrs, .' . . . McKeown, Charles McLane, Allen . . . McLean .t Stewart McMichael, John . .Mc.Murtrie, Richard C. McMiirlrie, William Mcl'herson, John . Mease, James, M.I). . Mease, John Me.'ise. John, Jr. . . Medar.i, Joseph S . . MeKaiHee & Brother . Mefjar^jee, Charles Menar^ee. Samuel .Menarnee & Co.. Theodore MeKear, Thomas J. , MeiHS. Arthur \'., M.I) -MeiKS. Ale.xaniler W. .Meisjs, Chiirles I). .M.I). Meins, Kdward B. . , MeiKs, J. Aitken. M I). Mei^s, J. Forsyth . . Meijjs, Marv R B Meins. William M. . . Melchior I.eonaril . . Mellor, Thomas . . . .Mellor, Banes, .V Mellor Mercer, John C. . . . Meredith, Charles . Meredith, Kees . . . Meredith, Samuel . . Merrick, Samuel \'. . Merrick iSc Sons . . . Meyer, Conrad . . . Meyers, John B. . . Meyers, Joseph B. . . Meyers, Isaac ... .Middleton, C. Wilmer Middleton. How.ird W. Mifflin, Benjamin . . Mifflin, Ksthcr . Mifflin, CieorKe . $ll«> IMJ ItXJ 00 26 f^ .VK> 00 100 00 100 00 1. 30 00 85 9» 5" 26 26 00 67 67 51 X) 00 26 67 5" f)0 3" 55 00 1,01*) 1X1 IIX) 00 330 00 '.?" 00 1,500 OQ IO,(XX> 00 .5" 00 So tM) 26 67 66 66 53 33 KJO 00 .V> 67 66 66 50 00 62 66 3J ,So 3" 00 100 0 II.S 40 106 66 26 67 2.255 00 I, SOO 00 3' 00 230 ' 00 350 • 00 10 ■ 00 30 • 60 tX) 00 26 57 26 67 106 66 300 1761 Midliii, Jnim . . . . S141 02 '75' >754 Mifflin, John, Jr. . . . 26 67 ■75' 1784 Mifflin, John F. . . . 32 00 1787 '75' Mifflin, Jonathan 206 67 1765 I7«5 Mifflin, Jonatlian . . 40 00 1855 ■775 Mifflin, Josepli . . . 3' '8 1855 1S19 Mifflin, Lloyd . . . . 27 00 1834 1751 Mifflin, Samnel . . . 99 06 1855 1751 Mifflin, Samuel . . . 26 67 1 '893 J 767 Mifflin, Thorntis . - 78 66 18 18 J 762 Mildred & Roberts 454 67 1865 i«59 Miles & Son, Jacob 100 00 1852 1775 Miles, Samuel . . . 36 70 1807 i.s.sb Miller, Abraham 5(» 00 1866 1S79 Miller, Charles F. . 30 00 1844 1.S67 Miller, E. Spencer . SO 00 1 84 1 1754 Miller, George . . 26 67 1884 1.S5S Miller, Hiram . . . 100 00 1867 1.S92 Miller, Isaac L. . . SO 00 1865 17.S6 Miller, James . . . 26 67 1846 iSoS Miller, John . . . 1,55 00 1854 '•S7 Miller, John S. . 200 00 i8,S7 17«6 Miller, Maiinus . 26 67 1841 .764 Miller, Peter . . 26 67 i8s2 1S56 Miller, Richards . . 100 00 1865 1S66 Miller, Thomas . . 150 00 1 88 1 185S Miller, William . . 120 00 1757 1856 Milne, David . . . 800 00 1796 1761 Milner, Edward . . 26 67 1796 1764 Milner, Edward . . 26 67 1865 1857 Mislcev, A irx3 00 1867 1867 Miskev, Merrill S: ■S57 Thackara .... 500 00 1751 1848 Mitchell & Bro. . . 30 56 1801 1867 Mitchell, J. E. . . , 50 00 1754 182s Mitchell, J. K., M. 1 30 00 1866 18.S4 Mitchell, S. Weir. .M. D . T,(> 00 1756 1760 Molantl, John. Jr. . 26 67 1S65 1857 Molloy, Michael . . TOO 00 1859 1S21 Montelitis, William 40 00 1800 '75' Moode. William . 26 67 1 76 1 1859 Moon. Mahlon . . 50 00 1754 1867 Moore iSc Canipion IlKJ 00 1758 '754 Moore, Charles . , 26 67 1857 1761 Moore, Charles, M 1 1 26 67 1859 i86s Moore, Henry I). . \ao 00 1826 1867 Moore & Son James 500 00 1855 1856 Moore, J. Wilson. M. D. icx> 00 1848 1820 Moore, John. M.D. 30 00 i8i6 Moore, John W., M.l ) . I so 00 1780 1787 Moore, Patrick . . 26 67 1 80 1 1751 Moore, Robert . . 66 66 1864 '752 Moore, S. Preston. D 142 26 1844 1S58 Moore, Samuel, MI ). 200 00 1756 1804 Moore, Sarah . . . I,S6 66 "893 '756 Moore, Thomas 62 69 1857 Moore, Thomas H. 50 00 1815 1754 Moore, William , . 66 66 1812 ■859 Moore. William 1 1 , 5,S50 00 1874 1859 Moorehead, Joel H. 600 00 1S67 1859 Moorehead, William Ci. 100 00 1764 1759 Morgan, Benjamin 133 76 1806 1757 Morgan, Evan . . 178 71 1 78 1 1765 Morgan, John, Dr. . 26 67 1865 1 858 Morrell, John R. . 200 00 1761 1857 Morrell, Robert, M.I ). 100 00 ■833 1761 Morrell, William, C; pt. 30 66 1836 Morris, Anthony . . Morris, Anthony, Jr. Morris, Benjamin Wistar Morris, Cadwalader , Morris, Catharine . . Morris, Catharine W. Morris, Casper, M.D. Morris, Casper W. Morris, Effingham li. Morris, George . . . Morris, George C. . . Morris, George W. . Morris, Gouverneur . Morris, Hannah . . . Morris. Henry . . . Morris, Isaac P. . . . Morris & Co,, I. P. . Morris,Towne.tCo.,I I'. Morris, Isaac W. Morris, Israel ... Morris, Israel W. . Morris, Israel, Jr. . Morris, Jacob G. . . Morris, Jacob G., Jr Morris, James T. . Morris, Jane ... Morris. John .... Morris, John, M. D. . Morris, John M. . . . Morris, Jolni T. . . Morris, J. H Morris, Jones & Co. . Morris, Josejili . . ■ Morris, Joseph . Morris. Joshua Morris. Levi ... Morris, Luke .... Morris, Lydia ... Morris. P. Penibcrton Morris, Richard Hill . Morris, Robert . . . Morris, Samuel . . Morris, Samuel, Jr. . Morris, Samuel . . . Morris, Stephen . . Morris, Stephen P. . Morris, Stephen P. . Morris, Tasker & Mor- ris Morris, Thomas . . . Morris, Thomas, Ir. . Morris, Wheeler & Co. Morris, Wistar . . . Morris, William . . , Morris, Wistar (familv of) I Morrison, George iSl F:v: Morrison, William . . Morton, Charles :M. . Morion, Helen K. , . Morton, John . . Morton, John, Jr. Morton, Robert . . Morion, Robert P. . . Morton, Samuel . Morton, Samuel C Morton, Sanuiel G., Dr. $258 66 '65 56 26 67 78 04 50 00 5(« (to 3" 00 I,0(JO 00 3" 00 50 00 '25 00 .1" 00 219 00 1,600 00 4,280 IX) 1,030 IX) 250 00 1,000 00 175 00 30 00 3.350 CO ItX) 00 I(X) 00 26 67 '75 00 1,500 00 .53 33 26 67 2,50 00 175 00 30 00 1,000 00 1 98 05 30 00 53 33 55 00 [04 9' '75 00 3i> 00 26 67 290 95 '23 72 83 46 I .0(XJ 00 100 00 39 00 300 00 3.09' 90 26 67 r^o 00 75" 00 ,^",705 00 70 93 30,000 00 111 .so 00 30 00 3" 00 50 00 29 66 4' 00 5' 23 .>o 00 4" 00 73c 00 31- 00 391 i862 1867 1K89 1859 1831 ■845 1867 1810 1754 1781 1886 1886 1858 1847 I8S7 1859 ■883 1865 1884 Morton, TliomasCF. Dr. Morton, Thomas S, K., Moses, lloraci; . . Moss, K. L Moss, John Mover, Charles . . . Mover ^t Hros. K. P. . Miillowhy, John . . . Mnr^atroytl, JanR-s MurKatroytl, Thomas Murray, Ann and Charks Willin,; . . Murray, Mrs. per Chas. VViMiuK . . . Musser, William . . Myers, John H. ... Myers, Joseph B. . . Myers, Kirkpatriek .t Co "M " "M." 1. " M." William M. N .Jos.phC 1)1 182^ Nanired 185(5 Neall, Daniel . . 1764 Neave & Son, Richard 1751 Neave, Samuel . . . 1760 Ne.nte, William . . . 1857 Needles. J.iseph .A. . l8is Neill, Henrv. M I). . 1852 Neill. John M D . 1751 Nelson. John , . . i860 Nelson, Mrs. Kolierl . 1786 Nesbit, .Alexander . . 1857 Nevins. James . . . 1856 Newhold. Charles 1828 Ncwbold, James S. . 1856 .\ewl)old, Son it Aert- son 1867 Newluill. Boric tV Co. 184s Newhali. Paul W. . . 1856 Newhali. Thomas .A. . 1863 Newlin, J. Shipley . . 1856 Newlin. Thomas S. . 1863 Newlin. Thomas S., Jr. 1871 Newkirk. Kev. M.itthew. Jr. . . . 1822 Nicliols()n, Lindsay 1867 Nicholson. Richard I,. 1786 Nicklin. Philip . . . 1759 Ni.xon. John 1751 Noble, Sanuu-1 . . . 1859 Norcross ^i Sheets . . 1751 Norris, Charles . . . iSqo Norris. Charles . . . 1.S33 Norris, (Jeor^e W., Dr. 1751 Norris, Isaac .... 1857 Norris. Isaac .... 1813 Norris, Joseph P. . . 17Q4 Norris, Mary .... 1,856 Norris, Richard . . . 1863 Norris iS: Sons, Richard 1863 Norris. .Samuel . . . 1863 Norris, William K., Dr. 1865 Norton. Charles F. . 1845 Notman, John .... , S80 00 1818 Dr. 50 00 '752 50 00 100 00 100 00 1858 3" 00 1858 50 00 '758 60 00 '759 26 67 1856 29 67 '857 18.56 475 86 17S1 1852 3.310 16 '754 ia i860 l<» 00 '758 225 00 1856 1813 '8,S9 )r. 27 00 I7(>2 1 10 iHt I, -150 266 67 410 79 .76. 266 66 1813 100 00 30 00 27 IX> 1.890 26 67 100 00 1.861 26 67 '859 100 00 1858 .so 00 1867 30 00 1.852 i,6(x) fM> 1858 llKJ 00 1781 50 00 '857 400 00 '839 100 00 '857 600 00 '8,S9 100 00 '8.S5 1776 250 00 1848 290 00 100 00 1786 26 67 '7.S4 4,1 66 '7.S6 26 67 1786 I IX) 00 '754 66 67 iScxS 30 00 '8,53 80 00 18.57 330 00 '758 200 00 1840 SO 00 '7,S6 26 67 '815 500 00 l.><05 1 250 00 ■858 200 00 1 1819 30 00 1 '8S7 400 00 '857 .V> 00 I7.S4 NuKeiil, (leoiKe . . iNyKh, Peter o Oakford & Son, Charles Oat, lieor^e R. . . . Odenheinier, John . . OtVev Daniel ... OKdeii, Charles S. t)Kden, John M. . . Okie, J. B, . Olden, John . Ord, lleoiKe Ord, John Ord, Joseph H Orde, (ieorne Ormes, Samuel. M 1 1 ( )rne, Henjamin , Orne. James il. Orne, J. I-". .S: K. B. Orsborne, Charles . Osbourne, Lewis (1. Otto, John C, Ml). Olio. Margaret J. . . < 'Mseiand, John . , < 'nterbridne, llarvev & Co ; Owen, George , . . Owen, Griffith . Packard, Frederick A. M. D Packard, John II , M !> Packer, Asa . Pane, George W . . . Pajce, G. WashiuHlon P.iHe, William Byrd, Dr. Palmer, John .... Palmer M: Co.. Jonathan Palmer, Thomas . . . Palmer o<» 2oo (X» 26 67 '25 o»i KXI 40 o«» 4(KJ CKI 33 X^ 40 (Ml l(X> 00 26 67 200 ini 40 250 00 200 IH) 100 CKJ 30 00 102 (XI IIK) tXI 1 ,026 66 3(K) 00 1.700 00 300 00 26 67 •SO oo 3' 33 33 33 58 48 26 67 26 67 100 (K» 160 00 '3" CXI 2b b? (O 26 67 40 00 40 00 I(X> 00 3" (H> 2IX> (X> .SO (X> S3 33 392 1/94 '7S6 1768 ■795 ■«59 ■794 ■752 ■795 ■«5S 1856 i860 1800 1864 185S ■858 ■893 1845 '859 176. ■825 ■758 1814 1855 1S19 ■877 1838 ■86s ■865 ■756 ■856 ■ 851 1867 ■754 ■865 1814 ■751 1751 175^ ■754 1770 ■75I ■795 ■795 1856 1788 1788 1762 ■834 ■854 1834 ■799 1766 i860 1S89 1 761 1761 1787 '793 ■857 1842 ■859 1846 Pascliall, KlizalKlli Coates Pascliall, Isaac . . . Pascliall, Joseph . Pascliall, Joseph , . . Pascliall, Rola-rt S. . Paschall, Sarah . . . Pascliall, Thomas . . Paschall, Tliuinas . . Patterson, F.dward Paltcrsoii, Joseph . . Patterson, Mrs. Morris Patton, Abraham Patton, J. Price . . . Paul, Daniel ... Paul, Daniel, Ir. . . Paul, Daniel R. . . . Paul, Hannah .... Paul, James W. . . . Paul, John Paul, John Paul, Joseph .... Paul, Joseph M. . . . Paul, Sarah R. . . . Pa.Kson, William P. , Peace, Ann Coleman . Peace, Edward, M. D. Peace, Edward Coleman Peace, Philip Physic . Pearne, Richard . . Pearsall, Robert , . . Pearson, Davis . . . Pearson & Co., Davis Peel, Oswald ... Peirce, Calel) .... Pemberton, Henry Pemberton, Israel . . Pembertun, Israel, Jr. Pemberton. lames . . Pembertor., lolin . . Pemberton. Joseph Peninjiton, Edward Peninttton, Edward, Jr. Penington, Isaac Peniston, John F. . Penn, Joiin .... Penn, John, Jr. . . Penn, Thomas and Richard, (sonsofWi Penn) Pennock, Abraham I. PennocU, Caroline Pennock, Caspar V\'. M. D Pennock, George . Pennock, Nathaniel Pennock, Sallie VV. Penrose, Charles Bingham, M. I). . Penrose, James . . Penrose, Thomas . Penrose, Thomas, J Penrose, William Pepper, Ffedrick S. Pepper, Citorge . . Pepper, Mrs. Cleorge S. Pep|)er, Henry . . . i860 Pepper, Mrs. Mary . S30 00 $26 67 1867 Pepper, Mrs. S. N. . 70 (X) 45 .U ■837 Pep])er, William, M. D. 260 f») 29 66 iS6s I'ei)|)er, Will.. Jr., M.D. .50 'H) 266 66 1866 Perkins, Benjamin, Jr. 4 00 100 00 1 856 Perot, P'rancis ... UK) 00 150 00 179" Perot, John 160 00 100 00 1856 Perot, Joseph .... 160 00 26 66 ■834 Perot, Sanson! .... 30 00 100 00 1867 Perot & Co., T. Morr.s 60 00 50 00 ■ 856 Perot, William S. . . 100 Ot> 50 00 ■ 858 Peters, p'raiicis , . . too (X> 30 00 ■751 Peters, Richard . . . ■33 33 100 00 ■757 Peters, William . . . 26 67 1 00 00 1781 Peterson, Derick . . 28 67 26 67 181 1 Peterson, George . . 50 00 50 00 1864 Peterson, R. S. . . . 30 00 30 67 1765 Pettit, Charles . . 29 10 50 00 17S1 Phile, Frederick, M. I). 26 67 225 00 1857 Philler, Cieorge . . . 100 00 30 00 1888 Phillips, Ellen .... 30 00 100 00 1 888 Phillips, Emily . . . 100 00 30 00 ■857 Phillips, Henry M. . 2(X) 00 50 00 1867 Phillips, Moro .... 250 00 50 00 1868 Pliipps, Sarah .... 55 "0 38 75 1787 Phvsick. Henry . . . 26 67 300 00 ■794 Physick, Philip's. M. 1), 140 00 30 00 ■785 Pickering. Timothy 26 67 21X) 00 ■859 Pierpont, P'rancis . . 100 00 66 66 ■845 Piatt, Clavton .... 30 CK> 30 00 1843 Piatt, Wil'liam .... 130 iXi ■50 00 ■795 Pleasants, Israel . . . 50 <» 266 67 i860 Pleasants, Mary T. . 50 00 266 67 ■767 Pleasants, Samuel . . ,84 02 119 21 ■73^ Plunistead, William . 66 66 7466 ■75' Pole, John 40 00 ■41 25 17,86 Pollvart, Ignatius . . 26 67 93 33 i860 Porter, William A. . 45 o" 26 67 ■«59 Potter, Thomas . . . 200 00 26 67 ■859 Potts, David, Jr. . , 150 00 100 00 1761 Potts. John 106 66 80 00 1780 Potts, Jonathan, M. 1). 96 00 266 66 1767 Potts, Joseph .... 266 66 1768 Potts, Samuel .... 33 33 1861 Potts, William F. . . 250 oil 493 33 1795 Poulson, Zachariah, Jr. nx) 00 30 00 ■857 Poultney, C N. . . . 150 o 26 67 1867 Powell, Mrs J,,hn Hare 250 01 > 26 67 1864 Powell, R Hare . 2(M) (XI 50 00 ■752 Powell, Samuel . . . 135 99 '759 Powell. Samuel . . . 288 (Kl ^0 00 ■8.S9 Powers, Mrs Anna M. 1,050 00 26 67 1848 Powers. Thomas H. . I,, ^40 (» 34 66 1781 Poyntell, William , . III 00 293 33 1786 Pragers, Michael , . 26 67 26 67 ■857 Pratt, D. T 30 30 act I. So I Pratt. Henry .... '33 33 30 ixj ■859 Preston. Jane .... 100 (X> 100 00 1852 Price, Eli K. 140 00 30 00 1804 Price, Joseph . . 26 67 393 1S52 I'rici.-, Jiisliiia I I.SJ2 Price. Richard . . . '■\S" I'ricf, Stephen S. . . iSii I'rice. William, M. I ). 1770 I'riiiHle, Jiihii . . . . i«57 Pritclutt Jt Hau;;h . . iSsg I'rilclRll, Tlmmas . 1S67 I'roctiir, William, Jr. 1758 Purviance, Samuel i.S6,s Purvis, Miss Fanny K i>S66 Purvis, Sarah .\. 1S57 Pusey, Kilwaril T. . 1761 Pusey, William . . . i>57 oueen, James W. . . R 1795 Ralston, Rohert . . . 1S67 Ramherger, William K. i,H65 Rami, H. Iluwar.l. M.I). 1559 Randall, .^. I.. . . 1865 Randolph, Kdw. Tavlor i.S2(i Randolph, Jacoh, Mil). 1S56 Randolph i^Jenks . . I i)<67 Randol))li, Julianna . 1851 Randolph, Nathaniel 1857 Randolph Richard . i8^i Rankin, David ... i 1864 Rathlnm, R. N. . . . ■757 Rawle, Benjamin . 17.56 Rawle, Kraiuis . . . I7,S9 Rawle. William . . . 1763 Raw son, Christopher, 1758 Read, Andrew . . . 1788 Read, James .... 1864 Read, John M. . . i,S57 Reath, Renjamin H. 1751 Reilman, John. M. I>. 1756 Redman. Joseph 1858 Redner, Joseph J. . 1867 Redner, Lewis 11. 1857 Reed, William B. . . 1804 Redwood, William . . 1706 Reeve, Peter ... 186.5 Reeves, Samuel J. . 1859 Rchn, William L. . . 1867 Reid, William P. 1859 ReiKle, Jacob . . . i:6i Reillv. John 1865 Reillv & Son, P . 1857 Reillv, Philip S. . . 1867 Reillv, Rohert I.. 1856 Relf.Charles P. . . . 1758 Relfe, John ... 1857 Repplier, John G. . . 1867 Repplier, J. G.&G.S. 1751 Revnell John .... 1857 Revnolds. .Anne R. 1865 Rhann. W. 11 1756 Rhea, John 1859 Rlioads, Charles . . 1864 Rhoads, Edward, M.I), 1560 Rhoads. Klizaheth . 1S64 Rhoads, Jas. E.. M. 1). 1859 Rhoads, Mary .Ashhrid^e 1751 Rhoads. Samuel . . . S.' 00 18.59 so 00 ■857 26 57 1851 50 00 1821 360 00 1762 50 00 1848 "26 67 '751 |8,S9 I86.J IlKJ IHJ 1858 '75' 1869 50 00 1766 100 00 1856 400 00 '857 50 00 1767 200 00 1852 30 00 '857 .200 00 1857 100 00 1806 30 00 ■84.^ 150 00 '85s ,200 00 I«35 150 00 '765 26 66 1866 65 12 1781 32 00 '"63 81 38 i860 26 67 18,58 93 33 "754 50 00 1864 30 00 1867 26 67 1858 14 89 1865 7' 50 1 84 1 50 00 1823 50 00 184' 100 40 1765 197 09 1881 250 00 200 00 175' 30 00 1856 50 o 87 '859 30 00 1810 30 00 '857 200 00 1856 30 00 1813 50 00 1849 50 06 1857 Rhoads, Samuel, Jr. . $4665 Rhoads, Samuel . . . 100 041 Rhoads, William G. . .^o oo Rholiothain. Geor|{e . 26 67 Rianhard, 11. B. . . . ,50 00 Rice, John 2,o Rickets, John T. . . 100 00 Riddle, Samuel . . . 100 00 Rid>;w;iy, Jacob . . . 500 (jo Ridt;way, John J. . . 1,53000 Ridfjway, Thomas . . 300 Rig^s. Romulus ... 26 67 Ringold, Thomas . . 72 00 Ritchie, Crais; \). . . 70 00 Rittenhouse, I)avi 00 Roberts, A. S >t E. . i, <»> Roberts, HuRh . . 86 14 Roberts, llunh . 100 ixi Roberts, Mrs. HukIi . i Robins, Thomas . . . uxi (Xi Rollins. Mrs. Thus. . .50 00 Robinson, Mancure 1 ,o8(^j rx> Robinson. Thomas 28 80 Rockhill . V> 00 1833 lS2« Rush, William, M 1 1. 45 00 '8,59 I75« Rush, William . 32 00 1857 1786 Russell, Kdwaril 26 67 1S52 1.S58 Rutter, Clement S. HX) 00 1864 1788 Rutter. Geor,E;e 4" 00 i.s.,6 I'-^S? Rutter, Xewhall. .S; C. 100 00 '^S7 1767 Rutter, Thomas . . 53 .^?; ■863 1858 Ryerss, Joseph W. KXJ 00 1876 1849 A" Restored Patient" S ICKt CXJ I86i ■845 1856 1S64 Sager. Adeline Mar?;aret 5" 00 "750 Saltair, Thomas . . . 26 67 186., ■»59 Sansoni, Hannah 500 00 17.58 1794 Sausom, Joseph . . . 26 67 1856 ■751 Sansom, Samuel . . 59 47 .887 1768 Sansom, Samuel. Jr. . 32 00 1754 '783 Sansom. William . . 4'3 33 17.54 1852 Sargeant, Kitz- 1884 William, Jr .^0 00 1856 1752 Sauer. Christopher 93 33 1863 1814 Saunders. Ann . . . 205 00 1S07 '«59 Saunders. J. iS: M. . . l(X> 00 1868 1856 Saunders, John . . 50 00 1752 1754 Saunders, Josejjh . . '73 00 1751 1856 Saunders. Macphersun 50 00 175S i«55 Sauter, Charles . . . 33 33 1771 1811 Savage, John .... .30 00 1752 1856 Savage .So Co.. J. R. . 50 00 I 700 1864 Savery. William. M. I). .30 00 1S12 Sawyer, James . . 5" 00 1859 1780 Say, Benjamin, M. 1). 27 66 iSgo '75' Say, Thomas .... 107 66 i8,?4 i«59 Scattergood. Joseph . 120 iT<:) 1867 1 i«57 Scattergood, Samuel S. .50 00 1876 1 1872 Scattergood. Thomas .?o 00 1876 i«59 Schaffer, Josejih L. . I IK) 00 J.S57 Schafier, William I,. . 1,50 IW 1799 1865 Schiedt. Abraham . . 30 W) 18.59 1858 Schiedt. (Jottlieb 30 00 1870 1S9.? Schiedt. Coltlieb 579 45 1792 1S14 Schlatter. William 50 (X) '797 1873 Schmidt. Ilenr)" . . . .lO 00 1755 1821 Scliott, James .... l.lO 00 17.54 1S42 Schott, James. Jr. . . 30 00 1761 1887 Scott, Anna U. . . 500 00 1834 1759 Scott, John 53 33 1762 1856 Scott, John M. 30 00 1764 '855 -Scott. Lewis .A. 90 00 1819 1858 Scull, David .Soo 00 1858 Scull, Gideon . . 21X) 00 1.S67 Seckel, (ieorge I>avid Seckel, Lawrence . . Sellers & Penuock Sellers & Co., William Sellers. Samuel . . . Sergeant. John . . . Serniftn. Josi-ph . , . Sennard. Joseph . . Seybert, Henry . . . Shaw. Samuel .... Shallcross. M.C.. .Vl.li. Shannon. Kllwood . . Shannon. Jacob H. . . Sharpless, Anna R. . Sharpless Bros . . . Sharpless, Blakey . . Sharpless. Edward Sharpless, Knos . . . Shari)less, Henry G. . Sharpless, Isaac . . . Sharpless. John M. Sharpless. John S. . . Sharpless, M. V. B. . Sharpless. Nathan Sharpless. Samuel J. Sharpless, Townsencl Sharpless, William. P. .t A Sheatr. John T. . Shee. Walter . . Sheppard. Catharine Shei)pard. Rebecca C, Shewell, Joseph . . Shewell. Stephen .Shinn. James T. . . .Shipley, Joseph . . Shipley, .Samuel R. Shipley, Thomas Shipley, Thomas Shipley, William Shippen, Edward Shippen, Edwartl. Jr. Shippen, Joseph, Jr. . Shippen, William. Ml ). Ship])en, William. Jr.. M. D Shober, loseph B. . . Shober. John B., M.D. Shober. Samvie! I.. Shoemaker, Benjamin H Shoemaker. 2d, Benjamin H. ... Shoemaker. Charles . Shoemaker. Charles .Shoemaker. Charles H. Shoemaker. Geor.ge . Slu)emaker. Jacob . . Shoemaker, Jacob . Shoemaker. Jacob. Jr. Shoemaker. John . . Shoemaker: John W. Shoemaker. Jonathan Shoemaker. Jonathan Shoemaker, Nathan. M. D Shoemaker. Robert . >53 33 293 33 100 00 3,200 00 30 00 100 00 77 73 26 67 30 00 30 46 ^o 00 1 3(K) 00 lfX3 00 100 GO 2,SO 00 30 00 .jO CO 200 00 30 00 30 00 1 .'KX> 00 ,^0 00 ifx> 00 30 00 100 00 90 00 ,50 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 ^o 00 '26 67 53 33 30 00 .500 00 100 00 ,^0 00 50 00 '26 67 26 67 26 67 26 67 6' 33 37 33 .SO 00 30 00 126 67 2. 150 Oi» v> 00 26 67 100 00 3" 00 26 67 100 00 26 67 KVS 85 26 67 26 67 26 67 26 67 26 67 400 00 395 lido SliDfUiaUtr, RohiTt, Jr. S.^i <)o 1857 Slioiniakir & (.1)., Rohcrt yx) cx) 1876 Shoiniakir, Saniiul li. 30 00 l8oi Slioumakfr, Thomas . 26 67 1867 Sliortridm'. N. I'arkiT 2,000 00 1890 Sliryock, Fliirini-u V. 30 00 1891) Sliryock, W'illiani KiiIkIU 30 00 1858 SlmstL-r, I.awriiui- icx) 00 1756 Shiitf, Attnood , . .M 66 '759 Slnilf, Barnehy . 80 00 1758 Sliuti-, William . 26 67 1858 Sii'KiT, I'lUr . . . 100 1858 Simis, Samuel . . . upo 00 1756 Sims, Bnckridge *>S 73 1761 Sims, Joseph .... 91 00 1883 Sims, Joseph ... .?o 00 1801 Simpson, John 50 00 1/74 Simpson, .Samuel 26 67 1848 Siter, John .... 30 00 1768 Sitgreaves. William 26 67 1801 Skerrett, James ... 99 33 1817 Skerrett, William .\ 35 00 1858 Slade & Co., Alfred 100 00 1857 Sloan, Henry . . 100 00 1855 Sloan, Samuel . . 130 ix) 1859 Sloat, (;eor;;e B. 100 o« 1856 Small, Robert II 2cx) rx) 1858 Smith, Allien II ..\1 11. 50 00 1845 Smith, .-\le\ander II 15000 1834 Smith. Benjamin 1*. 30 00 1867 Smith, fharles . . . 2i« 00 1856 Smith, Daniel, Jr. . 2ix) 00 1863 Smith. I). C Wharton 30 00 1859 Smith. Kdrnund . . . nxj 00 1881 Smith. iMhv.ird nx) 00 1856 Smith, Kdward A.. Ml). 2ihj 00 1859 Smith, F. G., M.D. . 30 00 1855 Smith, (ieorKe, M.D. 21x100 1806 Smith, (ieor^e . , 120 00 1859 Smith, (leorjje K. , .^o 00 1859 Smith, (leor^e I'. . . iix) 00 1837 Smith, (jeor^e Roliirts 1,1,8000 1847 Smith, Henry H., M.D. 3000 1856 Smith, Jacob R. . . 450 00 1865 Smith, Isaac R. . . 30 1802 Smith, James ... 30 00 1785 Smith, James, Jr. . . 26 67 1865 Smith. James D. . . 50 00 1857 Smith. James S., Jr 100 00 1751 Smith. John .... 152 81 1760 Smith. John 26 67 1807 Smith, John 50 00 1886 Smith. John F. . . . 5,00000 1863 Smith. Jolm Jay . . . 3000 1857 Smith. John T. . . . 100 00 1767 Smith, Jonathan B. 26 67 l8i,s Smith, Joseph .Mien 30 00 1851 1868 1.S60 1856 1803 1867 1867 1761 '754 1787 1864 'S9.I '7.S4 '856 1803 1864 1856 1867 l8 200 00 500 00 30 oo 1(X> o 30 txi 37 .W 100 (x> 26 67 200 50 00 30 00 28 00 26 67 30 00 7(xi 32 00 200 Of> 26 67 66 66 50 00 30 00 130 (XI 2,500 00 26 67 30 (XI 30 (JO 625 00 75 «> 80 (X> 50 (X> nxj (x> ICXJ CXJ 62 fx) KXJ (Xt HXl 00 KU 33 "7 93 26 67 26 67 26 67 430 00 50 00 50 00 150 00 I .QUO 00 i(X> 00 65 C) 26 67 too 00 50 «x» :M '77' Stevens, Robert . . . $26 6; 1856 1856 Stevenson, Cornelius 200 00 1867 1856 Stevenson, Miss 1867 Frances N 300 00 1844 '754 Stevenson, James . . 26 67 1864 1781 Stevenson, Robert . 43 00 IS66 1 865 Stevenson, William . 30 00 1856 i«57 Stevenson, William E. 100 00 1857 1S42 Stewardson, ijeor^e ■ 30 00 1859 1794 Stewardson. Thomas 60 00 1858 1870 Stewardson, Tliomas.Ji . 100 00 IS65 ■835 Stewardson, Thomas, M D. 30 CO I80I 1771 Stewart, James . . . 26 67 1756 1807 Stewart, James, M.I). 27 00 1856 '859 Stewart iV Peterson . 300 00 1856 1802 Stewart, Thomas . . 40 00 1859 1857 Stewart. William H. . 1,000 00 1859 1818 Stiles, Edward James 30 00 I85S 1843 StillC-, Alfred, M.D. . 80 00 1857 1857 Stille. Miss Maria . . 100 00 1876 1849 Stille, Mcjreton, M.I). 30 00 1859 1864 Stillman, Thorjias . . 50 00 1765 1859 Stitt & Brown .... 100 00 1859 1761 Stivers. John Casper 26 67 1859 1816 StocU, John 30 00 '857 1856 Stod^3 00 1845 1856 Stoddart, Joseph . . 113 00 1859 1859 Stokes. Cranville . . 100 00 1845 1802 Stokes, James .... 41 00 18 -,6 1S60 Stokes, Joseph W. 30 00 1859 1857 Stokes. Samuel E. . 400 00 1852 ■754 Stone. Jatnes .... 26 67 1761 1856 Stone & Sons. John . 250 00 1795 1758 Stoopes. James . . . 26 67 i860 1758 Stor\'. Enoch .... 64 5S 1867 '859 Stotesbury, Richard (;. 50 00 1858 1771 Stout, Joseph .... 25 67 1858 1857 Stratton iSc Brothers . 125 00 1865 1764 Stroker. Adam . . . 26 67 1885 1892 Strawbridi;e. Justus C. 30 00 1859 1754 Stretcli, Joseph . . . 168 42 '756 1751 Stretch. Thomas . . 26 67 1865 1 75 1 Strettle. .^Kmos . . . 481 50 1754 1867 Stronj^, William . . . 100 00 1816 1857 Strou]) Sc Brother . . 100 00 '859 1830 Struthers. John . . . 40 00 1815 1858 .Struthers. Thomas 200 00 17S1 1851 Struthers, William 300 00 1856 1857 Stuart, (ieorge H. . . 600 00 1 865 1876 Sunderland, John . . 200 00 1858 1867 SuppU-e. John . , 30 00 1814 1816 Sutler. Charles J. . . 30 00 1 864 1807 Sutter, Daniel .... 80 00 1857 1784 Swanwick, John . . . 40 00 1786 1772 Swift, Joseph .... 84 58 1865 1844 Swift. Joseph .... 1,2^5 00 1 86 1 1 76 1 Swift, Samuel - . . 26 67 1858 1S48 Svkes. Robert W. . . 30 00 1858 1775 Syng. Philip .... 44 00 1882 1867 S Miss 100 00 1817 1875 S..M 50 00 '857 1S69 Tales, George .... 100 00 1859 1852 Taskcr, Joseph R. . . 30 00 i8s8 1873 Tasker, Rebecca A. . 100 00 1766 1844 Tasker, Thomas T. . 2,530 00 '754 1852 Tasker, Thomas T., Jr. 30 00 1780 Tathain, Brothers . . $1,350 00 Tathani, (Ieorge N. . 200 00 Tathain, Henry B. . . 200 00 Tathain, William P. . 680 00 Tatum, Edward ... 30 00 Taws, Lewis .... 100 00 Taylor, Charles . . . 1,600 00 Taylor, George E. . . 300 00 Taylor, George W. . 50 00 Taylor, Gillespie & Co. 40000 Taylor, CJillespie . . 200 00 Taylor, James .... 65 00 Taylor, John .... .?4 66 Taylor. John IJ. . , , 5cj 00 Taylor, Jos. W., M. L). 200 00 Taylor, Mar5'A. . . . 100 00 Taylor, Nathan . . . 100 00 Taylor, Virginia . . 100 00 Taylor, William . . . iix) 00 Temple, Joseph E. 80 35 Tessiere, Mrs 50 00 Test, David 26 67 Thackara Jas. Allen 30 00 Thackara, William 40 00 Thaine, David ... 50 00 Thomas, George, M.D. 30 00 Thomas. George . . 2cw 00 Thomas, Isaac, M. D. 30 00 Thomas, Jacob M. . . 30 00 Thomas, Jane .... 200 00 Thomas, John D. . . 35 00 Thomas, John R. . . 30 00 Thomas Joseph ... 32 00 Thomas, Jose])!) . . . 266 66 Thomas, Joseph M. . 50 00 Thomas, Lydia . . . 100 00 Thomas, Moses ... 125 00 Thomas, Moses & Son 150 00 Thomas, Richard S. . 30 00 Thomas, Samuel A. . 1,000 00 Tliomas, William G. . 100 00 Thompson. Charles . 1 1 1 56 Thompson, Charles T. 30 00 Thompson, Christopher 40 00 Thompson. Edward . 300 00 Thompson, George . 100 00 Thompson, James B. 60 00 Thompson, Jolin . . 30 67 Thompson, John J. 400 00 Thompson, John J., Jr. 13000 Thompson, J. Edgar . 600 00 Thompson, Jonah . . 50 '.'o Thompson, Lewis ^ Co. 100 00 Thompson, Newcomb B. 100 00 Thompson, Peter. Jr. 31 66 Thompson, Susan T. 30 00 Thompst>n, Th(»m;is . kk) chj Thompson, Wm. M:(ieo. 100 00 Thomson. George H. 100 00 Thorn. George W. . . 41 67 Thum. George ... 40 00 Thurlow. Hughes & Co. 200 00 Tlmrlow. Paul . . . 100 00 Tilge, Henrv Sl Co. . 250 00 Tilghman. James . . 53 33 Tillbury, Thomas . . 61 51 Timmons, Dean ... 53 33 397 1755 TinkiT. JdIiii '775 Toilil, Akxanclir . 17«7 Toilcl, John ... 1799 Tolaml, IKnry . . 1764 Towers, koliirl 1781 Toivvrs. Kobi-rt. M.I I. 1847 Tott 111', John ... 1856 Townc, John II. . . 1867 Townst-nd, F. ('•. 1859 Townsind, lliiiry . 1858 Tounsiiiil, Joseph H i860 Townsctul. Solomon 1810 Traquair, Janus . . . »^S7 Tri-(hck, Betijaniin S. 1867 Triinlik-, Joscpli . . 1867 Trott. (leorKf .... 1S56 Trotter, t harlis W. . 1857 Trulti-r, t harlis N. . 1856 TroltiT, Kdward II. . 1864 Trotter. (leor^e . . . 1752 Trotter. Jost-ph 1856 Trotter, Win. Henry 1867 Troutnian. (leorKe Si. 1856 Truck. John 1789 Truman, Riiliard i8i;9 Trump. Mu liael iS; Son 1819 Tucker, A. H.. M. I). 1820 Tucker. Benjamin 1751 Tuite. Robert . . 1801 Tunis. Richard . . 1761 Turner, Joseph 1754 Turner. Peter .... 1873 Turnpenny, Kli/alieth R. 1856 Turnpenny. Joseph C". 1876 Turnpeiinv. Marv K. 1865 Tutt Charles I'.. M.I). 1802 Twells. (Jodlrey . . . 1787 Tyliout. Andrew . . 1865 Tyler, (ieorge K. .• . 1785 Tyson. Daniel .... 1856 Tvson, Job R 1864 T. S U 1769 L'sher, Abraham . . . 1893 Valentine, John K. 1856 Vansyckle, Mrs. S. li. 1761 Vanderen, John . . . 1756 VanderspieRel, William 1859 Vandever it Bolton . 1837 Vandyke, F. A. M. I). 1796 Vasse, .Ambrose . . 1785 Vaujthn. John .... '855 Vau.x, Eliza H. . . . 1826 Vau.'c. fieorge .... 1856 Vau.t, fleor^e .... 1819 Vaux. Roberts . . . 1856 Vaux. William S. . . 1867 V'aux. William S. . . I8,s6 Verree S: Mitchell . 1859 Vezin, Charles . . . 1799 Vicary, William . . . 188? Vizard. Isabella . . . 17S6 Von I'huls, William S5.? 3.; .U '7 i8o 00 '«59 50 00 i8,s6 30 00 186.) 650 00 1765 30 00 '"56 49 06 ■859 iix) 00 1767 550 00 1782 240 00 1858 1,300 00 1867 100 00 1758 1,150 00 1856 250 00 1840 26 67 17-6 550 00 1856 100 00 l«65 100 00 1864 26 67 1864 100 (X) 1816 40 00 1786 .V> 00 I7«5 53 33 1761 80 00 1754 '33 33 ■ 786 26 67 l^67 50 00 i«5S 1.275 00 1801 50 00 1848 30 «o i»6S 26 67 1872 55 20 |8.S6 250 00 '755 160 00 1772 100 00 1803 50 00 1788 1771 ■857 302 60 '857 '857 1786 ' -.S9 30 00 1856 200 00 ; 1859 26 67 ' 45 53 1870 100 00 '7.58 30 00 1807 266 66 1857 26 67 1858 200 00 is.rs 30 00 I8.S6 80 00 '857 30 00 55 00 '754 100 c» 1762 100 00 1826 100 00 'S73 146 60 '856 250 00 1806 26 67 1769 w \\"achsmulh, John bert, Jr. Wain Sallie N. Wain. S. Morris Wain, William Walsh. Robert K. W.'ilsh, Samuel Walton, S. I). Wartler. Benjamin Waro 35"i "" 1.350 00 50 00 45 33 300 ou 80 00 26 67 26 66 30 00 100 CX] 26 67 .VV> «') 30 00 "26 67 100 00 130 00 30 00 3" O" 35 00 26 67 '33 33 26 67 26 67 S63 33 100 ou 2.234 "5 loo 00 3" O" 2,so CO .so 00 26 67 26 67 8ot» 00 350 00 30 IKl 26 67 30 00 lOM 00 100 00 30 00 233 34 5SO 00 80 o» 32 00 30 00 70 00 300 00 176 25 26 6; 398 I8l2 ■«59 1863 1856 i«S9 i«57 1858 1762 1856 1776 1848 1821 I7»6 1856 1857 1859 i860 i860 1846 1856 1845 1851 .877 1865 1859 1754 1754 1 761 1845 ■758 1785 1834 1754 1864 1857 1859 1856 1856 1859 1859 1763 1856 1858 1780 1864 1856 1865 1775 1756 1774 ■751 1864 1795 1756 1756 1756 1765 1857 1867 1787 •854 1858 1785 1867 1866 1852 Watson, Joseph . . . Watson,]. \' Watson, Lewis T. . . Wattson, Thomas B. . Way, J. T Weaver, George J. . . Weaver & Valkner . We!)b, James .... W'eber, John C. . . . Webster, Noah . . . Weightman, William 8 Weir, Silas E Wells, Gideon Hill . Wellsford & Wilson . Welsh, John 2 Welsh, John, Jr. . . . W^elsh, Josephine K. . Welsh, Rebecca M. . Welsh, Samuel ... 5 Welsh, Mrs. Samuel . Welsh, William ... 2 Welsh, Samuel S:Wm. Wentz, Catharine . . 5 Wercherer, John R. . Werst, John West, Charles .... West, Charles, Jr. . West, James .... West Robert .... West, William . . . West, William . . . West, Capt. William . Westcott, George . . Westcott, Gideon G. . Whetham, James U. . Wetherill & Bro. . . Wetherill, CharlotteW. Wetherill & Co., (;. I). Wetherill, (Jeorge I). Wetherill, Henrv M.. M. D Wetherill, Joseph . . Wetherill, Rachel H. . Wetzler & Co., 1). \. Wharton, Charles . . Wharton, Charles W. Wharton, Francis R. Wharton, Henry . . Wharton, Isaac . . . Wharton, James . . . Wharton, John . . . Wharton, Joseph . . Wharton, Joseph . . Wharton, Kearney Wharton, Robert . . Wharton. Samuel . . Wharton, Thomas . , Wharton, Thomas. Jr. Wharton, Thomas F. Wheeler, Charles . . i Wheeler, Samuel . . Whelen, Edward S. . Whelen & Co., E. S. . Whelen, Isaac .... Whelen, Townsend & Co. Whilden & Sons, Alex. Whitall, lames . . . S40 CO I85I 100 00 1864 100 00 1858 150 00 1857 30 00 1824 100 00 1754 100 00 1796 26 67 1867 200 00 '833 9366 1855 5JO 00 1868 50 00 1869 26 67 1785 200 00 I84S rxx) 00 1 75 1 50 00 '857 100 00 '756 100 00 1763 ,072 22 1762 850 00 1762 530 00 1798 100 00 1856 000 00 1859 30 GO 1775 30 00 1858 33 33 1768 53 34 1888 125 33 1754 105 00 1762 160 00 1807 26 67 1762 30 CO 1S57 26 67 1754 50 00 1770 500 00 1751 50 00 1832 70 00 1856 50 00 1752 920 00 1828 1S65 30 00 1857 26 67 1856 30 00 1856 50 00 1883 234 66 1867 30 00 1858 200 00 1857 100 00 54 07 1784 13386 1856 3466 1758 133 33 1856 50 00 1857 50 00 ■ 857 40 00 ■859 75 35 1854 93 '2 1S08 73 32 1857 100 00 1S44 ,250 GO ■775 26 67 1 86 1 230 00 1761 ICO 00 1806 7667 1754 50 00 1856 100 CO 1856 30 00 1786 Whitall. John M. . S2, Whitall. Tatum .Nc Co. Whitaker. Robert White, .Ambrose . White, Henry . . White. James . . White, John, M. I), White & Son, John R White, Josiah . . White, Rebecca White. Samuel J. White, Samuel S., l)r White, Solomon . White, Thomas H. White, Townsend White, William K. Whitehead, James Whitfield. Rev. CieorKe Wliitelack, Isaac Whitelack, James Whitelack, Martha Whitney & Sons. .Asa 16,7: Whitney, Mrs. Asa Whitpain, William Wickersham, Morris Wickersham. Robert Wiegand. John . . Wier, John . . WikotV, John . . . Wilcocks, Benjamin C Wilcocks, John . Wilco.x & Co.. James M. Wilkinson, Anthony Wilkinson, Brvan ■. Willan, Robert . . Willets, Jeremiah . Williams, Benjamin 1 Williams. Daniel Williams, Henry J. Williams, Horace, Di Williams, Howard Williams, Isaac S. . Williams, Isabella . Williams. Jacob T. Williams, John H. . Williams, Mary Ann Williams & Co'., R. r &J.J. W illiams, Samuel . Williams, Samuel . Williams, Stephen Williams. Thomas R Williamson, Isaiah \'. 50, Williamson, Mahlon Williamson, Passmore Williamson, Peter . Williamson. Samuel Williamson. Thomas Willing, Charles. M.n Willing, Richanl . Willing, Richard . Willing', Thomas Willing, Thomas M Wills, Joseph . . . Wilmer. J. Ringold Wilnier, John R. Wilmer, Lamljert . '30 00 320 00 '50 Ot) 500 00 30 00 33 27 40 Oti 50 00 60 00 500 00 200 00 400 00 26 67 126 67 26 67 625 00 26 67 465 86 68 40 4" 80 100 00 725 00 100 00 So 00 250 00 53 33 100 00 26 67 26 67 50 aj 93 33 100 00 26 67 56 39 26 67 30 00 50 00 1 00 53 726 67 30 00 100 00 100 0() 100 00 50 00 .50 00 100 0(» 100 00 26 67 .50 00 26 67 200 00 .300 00 too 00 250 00 257 "7 85 CXJ 95" 00 .447 00 27 40 530 00 66 66 100 00 26 67 100 00 500 00 26 67 399 lSu6 \Vi lSl6 \Vi 1S64 \\i iSlo \Vi >7S5 \Vi '8-S Wi 186S \Vi '«59 Wi •■\S9 Wi i«S4 Wi 1856 Wi 1821 Wi '857 Wi 1858 Wi ■859 Wi ■754 Wi 1893 Wi ■893 Wi •857 Wi 1754 Wi 1885 Wi "785 Wi 1785 Wi 1857 Wi ■S57 Wi '77" Wi 1758 Wi 17S1 w 1856 Wi 1840 w 1856 Wi '75' w 1795 Wi '79' w '795 w iSlo Wi '759 W 1856 w 1856 w '752 w I.S10 w 1840 w '835 w '754 w I7,S(S w '787 w 1786 w i860 w '785 w '865 w 1769 w 1 80 1 w 1872 u 1832 w 1846 w 1 80S w 1795 \\ '859 w 1798 \\- 1865 w. .825 ' w. 1854 1 1 " '845 w 1865 w 1S02 wi 1865 W( ilson, AkxaiidiT ilsoii, Kilward . . ilson, Klwood, M. 1). ilson, (ictir^t S. . . ilson, James . . . ilson, Jane G. . . . ilson, Joseph I,a|)sley ilsoM, Joseph I'. . ilson, Oliver Howard ilson, R. Sterling . ilson, Rothmel . ilsc^n, Thomas . . ilsiin, William S. ilstm & Sons, Wni. ilstach, William I', inder, Kdnnnul . indrim James II. indrim, John T. . . inehrenner. David S. iney, Jacob .... irijman, Charles, M.I), irtz. Christian . . . irtz. William . . . ise, Charles .... ise, John ishart, Thomas . . ishart. William . . ist.ir. nartholoniew istar. BartlKilomew istar, B. Wyatt . . istar, Calel) Cresson istar, Caspar . . . istar, Caspar . . . istar, Caspar, M. I). istar, Catharine. Jr. istar, Charles J. . . istar, Daniel . . . istar, Dilwyn . . . istar, Elizabeth . . istar, John .... istar, John .... istar, John ... istar, Mifflin, M. D. istar, Richard . . 'istar Richard . . . istar. Richard, Jr. . istar, Sarah .... istar, Sarah .... istar, Thomas . . . istar, Thomas, M. D. istar. William . . . istar, William . . . isiar. Wm. Wynne oelppcr, David . . oelpi>er. David, Jr. oelpper, Georjje . . oelpper, (icorge G. omrath. (ieorge F. ood. .Andrew . . . ood. Caleb .... ood. George B ,M.D. ood, Horatio C. . . ood. Horatio C, Jr., M. D ood, James .... ood. James F. . . . S40 1X1 40 00 30 00 30 00 26 67 .SCO 00 luo 00 150 00 30 00 ■30 00 500 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 500 00 26 67 500 00 5CXJ CO 125 TO 42 67 30 00 26 67 26 67 30 00 40 00 26 67 54 07 .10 67 26 67 27 00 26 67 200 00 100 00 26 67 100 00 30 00 53 .13 26 67 100 00 53 33 30 00 27 00 230 00 74 45 26 67 32 67 320 00 100 00 26 67 30 00 330 03 138 50 30 00 140 00 30 00 70 00 51 66 250 00 120 00 30 00 5.730 00 1,030 00 50 00 30 00 50 00 i;6i '865 '754 1M6.J 1851 1864 1865 1796 1856 '857 1756 '773 1864 i860 i.S^6 '845 '7.54 i,s«7 icS6o 1S64 '859 '752 1 85 1 '857 1867 '8.S9 '859 i860 '853 1772 1 78 1 1867 1872 1872 '859 '857 1813 18.56 i860 1858 1785 1856 '755 '8.S9 1 78 1 ■ 8,S7 '756 1807 1856 1856 1867 '754 1857 '754 17.S4 '777 '7.54 '7.59 1792 Wood, John W I.John B. . . W 1. J.iseph .... WiMid ,V I'erot .... Wood, Kicharil D. . . Wo.xl «: Co., Richard D Wood, William K. . Wooilhouse, James, Dr. Woodnutt, William Woodside & Co., John Wooley, Stephen . . Woolmer, John . . . Work. McConch ct Co. Workmen, in Factory of Code, Hopper «: Gratz Worrell, Albert . . . Worrell, John R. Worrell. Peter . . Worth. Francis .Armilt Wnrthinglon. Henr\* R. Wri«ht. ICdward M. Wri;;lit, (Jeorjje .\. Wriijht, James . . . Wright, James A. . . Wright, lohn .... \\ riKlil, R. it G. A. . Wright, Richard . . Wright, Samuel . . . Wrinler, George Wurtz, Charles S..M. I). WynkcMip, Benjamin . Wvnkoop, Henrv . . W- J ■ . W. K. R W. M. K V ard. Gihnore ,N; ardle)', Mar\' .Am mall. Benjamin mall. Charles . arnall S: Cooper arnall, Kdward arnall, Kllis . . arnall, Fllis . . arnall, Francis . 'arnall, Howard arnall, Beter, M. eaton. William II ork, Thomas orke. Samuel 'onng, Alexander 'oung. Charles . 'oung. J.'imes S. oung, William oung, William J. 1 . II. S26 67 50 CXJ 26 67 3,50 00 ',33" 00 100 00 50 «j IIMJ 00 200 00 IIXJ o 50 00 50 CM> 53 33 510 IK> ,S 30 IH) 30 67 125 TO l.So 00 39 "" Zachary, Lloyd, M. D. Zane, Isaac Zane, Isaac, Jr. . . . Zane, Jonathan . . . Zane, N.athan . . . Zane, William . . . 200 (Ml 30 ,„< 30 (HI .S 00 38 02 30 00 900 00 i33 33 100 00 .S8 00 30 00 .80 00 40 00 '.13 .13 26 67 26 67 50 00 400 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ASSOCIATIONS, CORPORATIONS, ETC. Associations. iSSo Atlantic Refining Co S500 00 1864 Phuenix Iron Co 250 00 i86q I Sanitary Commission 3,ooo 00 1864 Schuylkill Navigation Co 300 00 Banks. 1.S64 City National 100 00 1864 First National 500 00 1864 Penn National 100 00 1864 Philadelphia 1,000 00 Fire Companies. 1759 Friendship 26 67 1865 Reliance 200 00 IPgj U"'°" ^'ii Insurance. 1S64 Delaware Mutual Safety 1,000 00 1868 [ Mutual Assurance 6,000 00 1864 Mutual Life 500 00 1864 North .■\mcrica 1,000 00 1867 Philadelphia Contributionship 5,000 00 Railroads. 1857 Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Portsmouth 500 00 Ja.f Lehigh \'allev 2,500 00 10/ I J 1867 f Pennsylvania 15,000 00 'j,5 f Philadelphia and Reading 17,000 00 o_ ( Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore 6,200 00 18/ I J Townships. 1762 Middletovvn 150 66 1774 West Nantmeal 16 00 1762 Providence 13 73 1755 Thornbury 26 67 Miscellaneous. 1807 First City Troop of Cavalry of Philadelphia, (page 236) . . 6,400 00 1855 The Humane Society, (page 92) 22,478 50 FREE BEDS IN PERPETUITY. Memorial Tablets in the Main Hall of tlie Hospital for the Sick, contain the following list of names of persons for whom beds have been established : — JOHN BAIRD. JACOB P. JONES. ALE.X.ANDER BENSO.N". CH.ARLES LENNIG. JOHN F. BETZ. WILLIAM M.^SSEY. COL. CHAPMAN BIDDLE. WILLIAM HILL MOORE. ELIZABETH BINNEV. CiEORCE S. PEPPER. HORACE BINNEV. HENRV .M. PHILLIPS. MARIA E. BLANCHARI). JULIA ANN PHILLIPS. WILLIAM A. BLANCHARD. MARY SHIELDS. MARY A. BL'NTING. WILLIA.M F. SIMES. MARY CLAYTOR. ELIZABETH MONROE SMITH. WILLIAM WALLACE COOK. JOSEPH E. TEMPLE. CHARLES M. ECKERT. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. WARWICK BAMFYLDE FREEMAN. SAMUEL WELSH. JESSE GEORGE. HOWARD EMERICK WENTZ. SYLVANUS W. GODON, V. S. N. MARY W HITAKER. ELIZABETH STORY JENKS. SARAH A. WHITAKER. WILLIAM P. JENKS. ISAIAH V. WILLIAMSON. ANNA H. WILSTACH. 401 -'-^^i^frlll Strvii'is <>[ M;iiiaiii-rs. Till-: HOSPITAL ADMINISTKATION. 'I'lif history of ilie I'ennsylvania Hospital, as it has been detailed in the earlier pages of this vohime, consists in very large part of the acts and the achievements of the Managers, who are the representa- tives of the corporation of the Contributors in the administration of the affairs and government of the institution. Since the granting of the Charter by the Provincial Government in 1751, there has been a constant succession of active, earnest managers who have devoted their energies and their time to the welfare of the Hospital. So successful and efficient has been their disinterested service that it has commanded universal commendation, both in this country and in England, the home of the former proprietors of Pennsylvania. T'he verdict of the community has been well summed up in an address delivered by Dr. John Forsyth Meigs, a member of the medical staff, on the occasion of the conclusion of the first quarter of the second century of the existence of the Hosjiital, in 1876. Dr. Meigs says: .\|)|>ri ri;ilivf Little could Dr. Thomas Bund, or cvc-n that many-sided genius, Franklin. trihuli- l>v a when they began their laliors in the cause of this Hospital, foresee to what a member of ''eight of honor and usefulness the institution would rise in the cour.se of a the Mipro- priate some of the good things provided for the poor. The Board of Managers, then, is the vis I'iva, the soul, heart, and mind of Disinterested the Pennsylvania Hospital. It is like the King — it never dies. Composed of i^;il>i,rs of the twelve men, it has cherished and ruled the Hospital for one hundred and twenty- Hoard of five years. It elects all the officers but the Treasurer. It collects and spends Managers, the money. It is responsible for each and every failure, and for every success. It chooses the medical and surgical staff for the sick and wounded department, and the physician-in-chief and the medical assistants for the insane department. Can any one say that it has not chosen well? Is it not one of the boasts of the Hospital, that it has always furnished to the poor, the best medical and surgical talent to be found in Philadelphia? It has secured for the poor many of the most distinguished medical names of the country. Bond. Cadwalader, Rush, Physick, Norris, Pancoast. But why should I prolong the list? All Philadelphia knows perfectly well that her ablest physicians and surgeons have been glad to serve the Pennsylvania Hospital. The Board governs the e.xjienditurcs. It must regulate the expenses by the income, and, when the means do not suffice for the needs of the institution, it has but one resource, the public, not State or city, but the general public. And we have seen already how well this public has been satisfied with the action of the Board, for has it not, in answer to such appeals, given large sums of money? The Managers superintend the operations of the two departments of the Hospital by means of visiting Conunittees or visitors. The Board appoints two members of their body on each of these Committees, and the committees pay regular weekly visits to each branch of the institution. The members of the Committees inspect the wards, see the officers, hear reports, and examine accounts. These duties are now, and always have been performed, with great regularity. This system of visitation and inspection is of essential consequence to both branches; to the insane department, it is vital. I have said that the Board has but one check upiHi it, the fact that it is electetl annually by the contributors, but I must add tlu.t the Board acts under the original charter granted by the Provincial .^ss.nibly. hi this charter, are- several 403 provisions so excellent that I will cite llieni fur the lienefit of the reader. (Ine is T il • to '''■'' ''"-" feasurer is elected by the ciintrilnitiirs at the same period, once a year, .1 ■ u ■". 1 when thev elect the Managers. This ^ives to the treasurer a liiRlier (xisilion on me Mospilai , ., . . I - „ ^ the Hospital stalT than any other otlicer save the Managers themselves, and invests him with a certain independent responsihility and dignity, which he could not have, were he merely a creation of the Managers. Another provision of the charter, which seems to me admirable, is that in which it is declared " That no general meeting of the said contributors, nor any ]>ersons acting under them, shall employ any money or estate, e.vpressly given or added to the capital stock of the said Hospital, in any other way than by applying its amiual interest or rent towards the entertainment and care of the sick and distempered poor, that shall be from time to time brought and placed therein for the cure of their diseases, from any jiart of the Province, without partiality or preference." This seems to me eminently wise, since it takes from contributors. Managers, and treasurer, the temptation to use for any purpose, it matters not how wise and provident such purpose might appear at the time, the capital fund of the institution. One feature in the history of the Hospital, connected with this subject, I think is deserving of notice, and this is that the present excellent treasurer, Mr. John T. Lewis, who has served the instition now for 34 years, was preceded by his father, uncle, and grandfather, three generations of the same family, whose united term of service counts to but f7.i> 1780 1879 1885 1763 1767 1891 1758 1754 17'i6 1836 Died 793 D 758 R S2S R 8.^5 13 8S7D 766 R 7.S2R 868R 864 D 810 D 802 D 825 R 822 R 86SR »>28R 828 R 776 D 781 R 755 D 757 R 872 D 879 D 804 R 788 R 758 R 842 R S42 R 827 R 783 R 790 R 872 D 817 D 776 R 838 D 7.59 R 8s6R 856 R 797 R 757 R 7S3R 884 R 764 R 770 R 766 R 756 R 771 R 838 R I Year 9 '38' ■ 4 40 7 :i 18 27 24 7 6 16 4 Mo. Day Remarks 1 28 2S 9 6 2 29 8 3 5 9 2 7 4 I 26 15 Present Manager. I Present Manager. Member of Original Board. Present Manager. Lost at sea on his return from Island of New Provi- dence, in winter of 1775-6. II 26 Memberof Original Board. S 29 6 Member of Original Board. Present Manager. Present Manager. 405 liniu Served ,KUc.c..l, ««{5;.S"" r.rcevfs.jas. R. . i-i|.' fUifTitls, William 17.=..' Haines. Henry ... '875 Hiill. William '-85 ilarrison, Henry . . .762 Hartshoine, Chas. ■ . I8K, Hurlshorne. P^Uison . 1788 lln/ard, Samuel . . . ■7,Sl Hewcs. Josiah .... 1781 Ho Jones. Charles .... "7.V> Jones, Isaac .... ■7.S2 " " 1760 " " 1764 Jones, Jacoh P 1 866 [ones, Owen. Jr. ... 17S1 Jones, Ro!)l. Strettell . ■ 77.; Keene, Reynold .... I7SI Lawrence, Thomas, Jr. '?.';.■ Lewis, lacob ..... 17.'>9 Lewis, lohn T. ... IS«1 Lewis, John T.. Jr. . . 1888 Lewis, Joseph S. . . . I8s6 Lewis, Lawrence . . . ■«34 Lewis, Mordecai . - . 1814 1S28 Lewis, Mordecai D, . 184S Lewis, Reeve 1811 Logan. William . . . 1770 Lownes, Joseph . , . 1804 McMurlrie, Wm. . . 1791 Mason, Samuel . . . ■81.S Masters, William . . '7.';7 Mease, John 1760 Mitllin, George .... 1780 Mifflin, Samuel . . . ■7.'i8 Milllin, Thomas ■ 77' Moore, Tliotn.is ... nfi Morgan, Evai ■7.S1 " " '7S3 Morrcll, William . . . 1776 Morris, KIlitiKharn B. . 189.^ Morris, Jacob G. 1844 Morris, Joseph . . . 17.S1 '• '• I7f9 Morris, Joseph S. . . . 1811 Morris, 'I'lioinas . . . •79.; Morris, Tlionias . . 1817 Morris, Wistar .... 1857 Morton, John .... 17SI Nixon, John 1766 ■768 ■7.51 Norris, Charles .... Paschall, Joscpli 17S6 Keniarks 18.S4 U ■ 757 R 1 781 K 1817 D 1809 D 1840 K 1891 U 1785 R 1766 R ■772 R ■7.S2 R ■ 79s D 9 II .S ■ ■ 2 a 2 >5 10 33 8 33 4 3 / 4 10 S 9 I'leseiil Tu-asurer. Present Manager. 2 Member of <_>riKi"al Koiiid. I 25 '■ Pi esfhl M.inagei. Present Matianer. Member"! Original lioaid. . . Present Manager. 27 ' Lost at Sea on steamer j "Arctic." ^ I Member ofOriginal Boatd 7 ' 27 , 27 , " I '' I 3 Member of Original Hoard. » I 400 T'auJ.JoIiii Peniberton, Israel, Jr, Pemberton, James Penington, Edward Penington, Edward Pennock, Abraham Penrose, Thomas , Perot, Ellistoii . . Peters, Richard . . Pleasants, Israel . Pleasants, Samuel Poulson, Zachariah Powell, Saimiel . . Po\ntell, William . Price, Joseph . . . Red man , J oseph , Reeve, Peter . . . Keynell, John . . . Rhoads. Samuel . Richardson, Jos. . Roberts, Charles . Roberts, George Roberts, Hugh . . Roberdeau, Daniel Riindle, Richard . Sayre, John .... Seckel, Lawrence . Sbewell, Stephen . Shinn.JamesT. . . Shoemaker, BenJ. H Shoemaker, Jacob Shoemaker, Jonathan Smith, Geo. Roberts Smith, James, Jr. Smith, John . . Smith, John J. Smith, Robert Stewardson, George Stewardson, Thos Strettell, Amos . Swift, Joseph . . Sr. 'Ihompson James B Thompson, John J. Towiisend, Edw. Y. Townsend, Joseph B. Turnpenny, Joseph C, \'aux, Roberts . . . . Wain, Robert . . . \Valn, S Morris . \Vatson, Cliarles . Watson. J osejih . . Welsh, Samuel . . West, Wiliiam . . Wharton, Isaac . . Wharton, Thomas Whitall. John M. - . Willing, Thomas M. Wistar, Bartholomew Wistar, Barlbolomew W'istar. Richard , , Time Served KIccleil Resigned 01 Died Remarks Vear Mo. Day 1S25 1844 n iS 8 ■75' 1779 i> 27 9 21 Memberof Original Hoard. 175S 177.1 iSos 1780 R '779 R 1S20 R 22 6 . . . '4 11 ' 18 17S6 1834 R 1798 R Resigned same day elected. 12 1789 1806 R 17 1 2fi '75' 1752 R 10 3 Memherof Original Boaid 1796 1 '779 1800 R 4 2 1781 R . . . ' 18 ' 1806 1S08R I 10 1778 1780 R I u 25 1806 1811 D 5 2 I 1S28 '845 R '7 5 24 1766 1767 R I I 10 1779 1786 R 6 II 28 ■752 1780 R 27 11 27 '75' 1781 R 29 10 20 Memberof Original Hoartl. 1756 1770 D '4 6 15 ■ S23 J 844 R 21 3 '774 1776 R 2 2 "28' '75' 1756 R 4 10 2 Member ofOriginal Board 1771 17^6 .771 R 1758 R 27 28 I 11 1766 1776 R 10 I 1787 .789 R 1 11 27 1 1757 1758 R 8 I 1790 1820 R 29 8 28 .758 1760 R 2 4 1S84 1B67 I'resent Manager. Present Manager and President. 1776 1781 R 5 2 29 17S1 17QO R 9 I 7 1838 iS^^o R 12 3 6 . '795 i8b5 R 10 I 29 '75' 1756 R 4 10 2 Memberof Original Board 1761 1762 R I . . . 1S2S 1836 R 8 6 28 " 179S 1805 R 6 II 28 IRJ2 1855 R 13 4 22 iSofi 1841 D 33 2 17 1766 1766 R I 25 1776 1786 R 10 3 2 1R17 1872 1S17 R 23 I '875 n 2 11 1H68 1S69 R 5 21 1869 1870 Present Manager ' 1892 b' ' 21 6" ' I's ' 1823 '795 1834 R- 1800 R II 5 1 3 'S55 1S70 D 15 2 28 1824 1846 R 21 I 27 1S12 1824 R 12 5 14 \ 1856 18.70 R 34 2 3 1776 1778 R II 28 17S1 1784 R 2 11 12 1-62 1769 R 7 I 2g 1772 1779 R 1867 R 7 16 3 21 iSli 1811 R 1 25 I78g I79«I> 's' 7 7 1S2S 1841 D 13 5 3 1S03 1806 R 3 3 25 •107 PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD. Elcctct! Resigned Year ' Monili I.? Joshua Crosby Benjamin Frunkiin . . . John Kc\ nell Sainiitrl Rhoads .... Peter Reeve .... Samuel Howell ... Reynold Keene Josiah Hewcs Samuel Coates . . . Thomas Slewnrdson, Sr. John I'aul Mordeiai Lewis .... LawrenLC Lewis .... William B. Flm^ .... Mordecai L. Dawson . . William Biddic . ... Wistar Morris Benjamin H. Slioemaker I7S1 1755 It -■s ■75.S 1757 1 10 3 '757 1760 3 II 27 17S0 1781 I '.; I7h[ 17V. : r 17x6 l7^.y l7,Sy 1790 ., I ; 179" ISI2 21 IQ 20 iSlj IS25 ■3 6 >7 IS25 1841 ■S 6 2.^ 1S41 1844 2 II 24 1844 1849 4 S 11 IS49 1856 6 7 33 1850 lSs5 l8s6 1872 16 10 ^ 1872 iSS; 14 ; 1SS7 IS.,1 i-^'jl In olFice SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD. 18 "9 BetiJHiniii Franklin John Smith .... Isaac Grecnicaf . . James Peniherlon . Thomas Millliii . . George Roberts . . Thomas Kisher . . Robt. Strettell Jones Tcncli Coxe . . . Isaac Wharton . ». Reynold Keene . . Samuel Coates . . Thomas P. Cope Roberts \'aux . . Charles Roberts . Bartholomew Wistar George Roberts Sm Georyc Slcwardsoii William Riddle Wistar Morris Benj. H. Shoemaker James T. Shinn . . . th 1757 '7.^9 1772 1774 1776 '777 1780 17S1 ■ 783 I -so I.S12 1S28 ■■Wl '\>7 1840 l8ilii<.'!i of |ihysiciiitis. Thf Hospital, as has l>ft-ii already slalfd, was lirst i)ry l>r. Himtl, who riilistcd Ik'iijaniiii Franklin's synipathy and si-i'in'cU- assistance in t'staMishinK it n|>liia, July 14, 175.S. He was a prominent merchant and one of the founders and original managers of the Hospital. As one of the chief nii>vers in a scheme of colonization, having for its ultimate aim the Chrislianization of the Indians, he expUired i'eniisyivania, had meetings with the Indians, with whom he bargained for liie land, and hy his edbrls, ol>taine^ainst the Delawares ami other Indians, Mr. Pemberton, with others, went on a mis sion which set'ured a conference at Kas- ton, where a treaty of peace was made. He was one of the founders of the " Krieiull>' .Association tor re^aininji and preserving peace with the Indians bv pacific measures," he was also active in est,iblishini; the Pennsylvania Hospital, and a member of the Kirst Hoard of M.inas;ers. He was a member of the Society for the Cultivation of Silk ; to these and other benevolent organizations he contributed liberally. His Quaker |>rinciple5 conipelleprenliced to learn the carpenter's trade and beeanie a ^veaUhy builder. He was one of the most faithful and hard working of tile members of the Hoard of Managers. In active service since the inauguration of the Hospital, lie was foremost in every enterprise ; all proiects of any imptjrtLUice w'ere conlided lo his supervision ; it was he who submit- ted the plan for the new Hospital on liecember 21, 1754; (see page 36). On March 11, 175.5, lie was "appointed to superintend the new building and pro- vide materials," a committee being asso- ciated with him, consisting of Joshua Crosby, Hugh Roberts and iose])ii Ko.\. Being a builder and a man of great practical e.xperience and accpiaintance among the notables of his day, he could better accomplish matters relating to jiolitical or administrative permits anartner in the siiipi)iiig and importing house of Abel Jones. In his early connection with the Penn- sylvania Hospital, lie sent circular letters of his own writing to many foreign cor- respondents, soliciting aid lor this benev- olent enterjjrise and succeeded in olitain- ing funds by representing in a forcible manner that the Hospital was designed for citizens of all nations and that sailors from all parts in need of its aid should enjoy Its benefits. He was the author of "The Doctrines of Christianity, as held by the People called IJuakers, Vindicated," in answer to Ciilbert Tennent's sermon on "Law- fulness of Defensive War," 2d ed. Phila. 1747, Svo. lie was an active promoter of the first efficient fire-in.surance company in .America, and took out the first jiolicy himself. He was a member of the Philadelphia Assembly in 1750; he also sailed the first line (jf packets to Kurope ; anti was an active and prominent mem- ber of society. On October 7, 1748, at ( jerniantown meeting, Philadelphia, he married Hannah, daughter of James Logan, the Councellor. In 1762, after the death of his wife, who was a preacher among I'riends, he returned to Burlington to end his days in the place of his birth. He was appointed by the Kin.g one of the Council for New Jersey, in which position he continued until his r tht- rcri-piinn ami curu t>f liinatirs and ital. He was twice married : his first wife was Mar>;aret, a daughter of Dr. Rod- man, of Bucks County ; his second wife, was Mary, daughter of Joseph Parker, Deputy Register for Chester County. He died January 15, 1766, aged fifty- three years. Is.\AC Jones, elected 1752 and resigned in 1756: again elected in 1760 resigned in 1762, and for the third time elected in 1764 and continued in otfice until his decea.se, ( 1773). Mr. Jones was universally esteemed as one of the most honest antl useful mem- bers of the community : he was for a long time an .Alderman, and for several suc- cessive years. Mayor of Philadelphia. He was President of the Courts of Quar- ter Sessions an4. aged seventy- six years : the following obituary notice was published at the time : " I In Kriilay l.ist, departed this life, in the sevenlv - si.xtli year of his age, Mr. John Rev- nell, of this city, merchant. To enum- erate the merits of the deceased is not our intention — we trust they have founil a better repository than a fugitive newspaper could allord Ihein — the e.xcel- lent character aiul e.xtensive usefulniss of the man. were too well known ami loo justly estimated, to derive any lustre from encomium ; and ;;s long as the (»iie or the other are retneinbered. the death of John Reynell will be coiisiliia, distinguished for his private virtues and public spirit. He established in 1.S13 a white lead manu- factory, which in 1S19 passed into the possession of Mordecai and Samuel N. Lewis. He served for several years as a Repre- sentative in the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, with advantage to his country, and acceptably filled several other offices of public trust. He died November 18, 1770, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. J.ACOB DiCHE, elected August 3, 1756, resigned 175S. He was the son of Anthony Duch^, a Huguenot refugee, who came with William Penn to .■\merica. He was born in Philadeljihia in 1739, and was grad- uated by the University of Pennsylvania '" '"S"- He was licensed in 1759 by the Bislio]) of London and became an elo- cpient Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. He was Rector of Christ Church, Phila- delphia, in 1775. He married a sister of his classmate, Francis Hopkinson. and at the beginning of the Revolution espoused the cause of the Colonics. .At the meeting of the first Congress, September 4, 1774, he was invited to make the opening prayer. " For his excellent Prayer, so well adapted to the present occasion," Con- gress gave him a vote of thanks. He was chosen Chaplain to Congress July 9, 1776, and he gave his salary to the relief of the families of Pennsylvania slain in battle. He resigned the Chaplaincy in October. When the British held possession of Philadelphia, he became alarmed at the gloomy aspect of affairs and in October, 1777. wrote to Washington urging him to discontinue further resistance. The let- ter being transmitted to Congress, Duche fled to England, and became Chaplain to the Lambeth Orphan Asylum, his estate in the Province was confiscated and he as a traitor was banished from this country. . He returned to Philadelphia in 1790, where he died. January 3, 1798, and was buried in Christ Church. 413 Wli I.IAM Masikks, i-liLlud 1757, ri-- siK"i'art of Philadelphia, which was called " (Ireen Sprinjc." where he lived and operated the Globe Mills on the l'i>hocksink (,'reek. He repre- sented Philadelphia in the Assembly for many years ; was one of the Commis- sioners to spend money appropriated for defence of the Province ol Pennsylvania. He married Marw daughter of Thomas Lawrence, the Coiincellor, and died November 24, 1760, and was bnried in Christ Chnrcli. Pl.lNKKTT Fl.KKSoN, elected in 17.17, resinned 1759. He was born in Philade1i)hia in 1712, anhia. .Anthony Bene- zet was born January 1,5, 1713, anuled throughout the country, the most important were : " An Account of that Part of Africa Inhabited by Negroes" {1762); "A Cauticui to (jreat Britain and her Colo- nies, in a short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Knslaved Negrois in the British I >ominions " ( 1767) : " Sonu- Historical .^ccounl of Guinea, with an Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Tratle " ( 1771 1 ; " A short .Ac count of the Religious Society of Frienils" (17.S0) ; " ,\ Dissertation on the Plainness and Simplicity of the Christian Religion" (17.S21. Also tracts against the "Use ol Ardent Spirits," and " Observations on the Indian N.alives of this Continent " (17«4I- He die*o; was the fourth Secretary I > 759- " 772)- He was a son of Israel Pemberton, Sr., and a grandson of Phineas Pemberton, one of the earlv ,an«l distinguished set- tlers of Pennsylvania. He was born in Philadelphia, .August 26, 1723. From his youth he w.as distinguishecl for dili- gence, integrity, and benevolence. In 1745, hetraveleil toCarolina, .and, in I74,'<. he visited Europe and travelled nuich in England. < >n his return he engaged extensively in commerce, in which he received successful returns. He was a liberal contributor and useful nian.ager of the Pennsylvania IIosi>it,'d. He was not so eminent .a man among the Friends as his brother Israel. Jr., but was inlluential in church .and public affairs. His unimpeachable integrity as a merchant made him much sought after in settling controversies in trade by arbi- tration. He w.as one of the Burgesses of the town of Philadelphia. He became early interested in the welfare of the negroes, and became one of the organi- zers of the Pennsylvania .Abolition Society, and of which, on Benjamin Franklin's death, in 1790, he became President. 4U During the Iiulian wars lie, aided liy his l)rothers. endeavored to restore peaee ; many of the Indian chiefs visitinj{ Phila- delphia were hospitably entertained by him. One of the important objects of his life was the distribution of religious and instructive books. In 1756 he re- signed his meml)ership in the Assembly, because the service involving the con- sideration of military atVairs was incom- patible with his religious principles. In 1757 he published '"An Apology for the People called the Quakers, containing some reasons for their not complying with Human Injunitions and Instruc- tions in Matters relative to the Worsliip of God." His country-seat, on the Schuylkill River, was occupied by some of Lord Howe's officers when the British were in Philadelphia ; it subsequently passed into tlie possession of the General Government, and is now the United States Naval Asylum. In his ow'ii reli.gious society he was a loved and honored member. He was averse to war, because he was ojjposed to the settlement of political tlifterences by arms. He was included in the si.\- teen or seventeen citizens of Philadeljihia who were banished to \'irginia in 1777; *' to keep the peace." There he spent a couple of years and wrote out a jour- nal, some of which has been published in the " Friends Miscellany," Vol. VII. He died February g, 1809, aged eighty- five years. Thomas \Vh.\rt(in was twice elected : the first time 1762. resigned in 1769; again in 1772, resigned in 1779. He was also Treasurer of the Hospital, (1769-72.) Thomas Wharton, liis ancestor, emi- grated from W'estmorelandshire, Kng- land, to Pennsylvania, about i6N^. and served in Common Covincils of Philadel- phia (1713 to 1718.) He died July 31. 171.S. leaving a large estate to lie divitled among his children. Joseph Wharton, the father of Thomas, born August 4. 1707, became a prosperous merchant of Philadeljihia. He lived at his country-seat. Walnut Grove, on Fifth Street near Washington .A\L-Tnie, Phil;i- delphia, which was madt.- fatuous, after his death, as the scene of the celel)rated Meschianza, held there in 1778. Thomas Wharton was born January 15, '/^"".i'- He became a merchant of iutlu- ence and wealth and belonged to the Society of Friends. He was a part owner of " TheCrhronicle." a leading newspajier of the city. In 1774. Washington wrote that he " dined with Thotiias Wharton." Mr. W'harton was one of the many Friends, who actively o]>posed the itppressive measures of the Knglisli GoverninenI and was in 1765 a signer of the non- importation agreement. When the Colo- nies resortenfiscated tnuier an Act of Pennsylvania. He died near Philadelphia in the winter of 1782. .\mos Strkttki.i.. elected 1766, resign ed June 30. of the same year. He was born in Dublin, 1720, the son of Robert Strettell, one of the Provincial Counsellors. In his youth, brought by his jiarents to Philadelphia, he became an assistant to his father in his business and became an eminent and ititelligent mer- chant. When his father was elected Mayor, Amos became a representative in General Assembly: an .^Idernum of the cit\' : Trustee of the(»eneral Loan Office, and of the College of Philadelphia. On November 2, 1752, he married in Christ Church, Hannah, daughter of Samuel Hasell, the Counsellor ; she inher ited, from the Bnlkleys, real estate in Chester County, upon which Benjamin Morris built the liouse known as the " Knoll," located near Phoeni.vville. He died on January 13, 1780, in the si.vtieth year of his age. JosKi'H Redm.\n, elected 1766; resign- ed October 5, 1767. He was a native of Philadelphia, and a descendant of one of the first settlers of the Slate ; he w as for several years elected to the office of High Sherifi". the duties of which he discharged with great reputation for his equity in general and charitable attention to the prisoners in partiiular. He was endowed with a remarkable sweetness of temper, and eminent degree of humanity and benevolence, which led him lo sympathize with and perform acts of kindness lo the poor and distressed. He died September 19, 1779, :»S<-il 59- John Nixon, elected July 27, 1766; resigned, August 25 of same year, and .again elected in 1768 and resigned in 1772. He was born in West Chester, Pa., m 1733 ; his gran
  • arenls emigrated to .\merica at the close of the seventeenth century from Wexford. Ireland. His father. Richard, wasa shipping merchant in 1738 and built Ni.xon's Wharf on the Delaware River. Philaiielphia ; he was a 41; im-niln.r of lliv City CuumilslVimi i;;!^ to the tiiiU' uf his tuiii of the " Associators." The soil siicceetled tii the Imsiness of the father am! in 175'). ihiriiiK the excite- ment of tile KreMi h war, lie was elected Lieutenant of the company of which his father had been Captain on its orxan- ization. In 1765 he signed the non- importation ajjreeiiient against the stamp act, and from that time took an active part in opposition to the usurpations of the Crown ; he was one of the Wardens of the Tort of I'liiladelphia in 1756; a nieiiiher y Paul Revere, and a moiuh later was made a nieniher of the first committi-e of correspondence; was a delex^ile to the convention of the pro- vinces in 1774-75- The Associators in April, 1775, were again called into activity and John Nixon was made Lieutenant-Colonel of the Third Battalion known as "the Silk Stockings ": he was also a member of the I'oniniittee of Safety from its organ- ization till its dissolution, and presided at its meetings in the absence of its chair- man. He had charge of the defences of the Delaware at Korl Island in May, 1776, anil in July was in command of the Guards of the city : he was also an alder- man of I'liiladelphia. On July 4, 1776, Congress adopted the Declaratioii of Independence ; it was ordered that on the ,stli it should be pro- claimed in each of the Cnited .States, and at the heail of the army, 011 the 6tli. The Committee of Safety of Philadelphia ordered that it should be read and i)ro- dainied at the State House on Monday, July Sih, at noon ; at that time and |)lace, by popular .■ip|)ointiiient, John N'i.xon read and publicly proclaimed the Uecla- ration of Independence. Col. Nixon in July took the Battalion of Associators to .Amboy, where they had six weeks of service. In December, having been made Colonel, to succeeIying the army of the Cnited States with provisions, and subscribed /'.sooo for that purpose. He was one of the organizers of the Bank of North America in 17.H3, and its second prcsiileiit from 1792 until his eiise. He took no active part in the Kevolu- tioiiary war, being in Fngland at that period. He travelled extensively in the i'nitcd States from Philadelphia to Georgia. With the same spirit that actuated his father, he (with his brother) deeded the Loganian Library- and i)roperty to Israel PeniberlifU, Jr.. \\illiam .Mien, Kichard Peters and Benjamin I-'ranklin, to be with William Logan and his brother, James Logan, the trustees or managers, and he acletl as Librarian until his death. He al the two Burgesses, to rejireseiit IMiiladelphia in the General Assembly of tlie Slate, and two years afterwards, was api)ointed a delegate from the St.ate to the Conti- nental Congress. Thomas Mifilin was appointed Major of one of the Continental regiments, thereby severing his connection witli the Society of Kriends in which he was born and reared. He joined the camp at Boston, where he distinguished himself by opposing a detachment of British soldiers. An officer of higli rank declared he '' never saw a greater dis|)lay of personal bravery than was e.xliibited on this occasion in the cool and intrepid conduct of Colonel Miffiin." After the withdrawal of the British troops from Boston, Colonel Mifflin was commissioned l)y Congress Brigadier-General, he having discharged most satisfactorily the arduous duties of Quarter-Master General. By a Congress- ional resolution of May 25, 1776, a com- mittee was appointed to confer with Generals Washington, Gates and Mifflin "touching the frontiers towards Cana- da ;" — at this time he was but thirty-two years of age. About this time he was commissioned to raise the militia of Pennsylvania. His efforts were attended with some degree of success in Philadelphia, and at the head of fifteen hundred enlisted men he marclied to Trenton. General Mifflin was again dispatched to Philadelphia to take charge of the numerous stores in that place ; Congress also deemed it of importance that " General Mifflin should make a pro.gress through several of the counties of the State of Pennsylvania, to rouse the freemen to the immediate de- fence of the city and country," and resolved " That the Assembly be re- quested to appoint a committee of their body, to make a tour with him, and assist in this good and necessary work." This important commission was accepted and its duties discharged with his usual ability and zeal. This was accomplished iust before the b.ittle of Princeton, and its victory with that of Trenton secured .\inerican Independence. In Col. Trum- bull's painting of the Battle of Princeton, General Milflin makes a cons])icuous figure in the memorable contlict ; in Feb- ruary following. Congress bestowed upon him the rank of Major-General. In 17S3 he was elected by the Legisla- ture a member of Congress, and in the fall of the same year was made President of that l:>od>\ in which I'apacity he re- ceived from (leneral Washington his re- signation as Commander-in-Chief of the American Army, and as lUity required on t'l's august occasion, made a rei)ly to Washington's address. In 1785 he was cho a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania and elected Speaker of that body. In 1788 he was President of the Sujireme E.xecu- tiye Council of the State, imder the Con- stitution of that period. In 17S7 he rep- resented Pennsylvania in the convention assembled at Pliiladcl])hia to frame a government tor the United States ; he was also a member and became Presi- dent of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania in 1790, and after its adop- tion became the first fiovernor, and held the position nine years (1790-99). In 1799 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives. He was a member ot the American Philosophical SocietN' from i76,s until his de;ith. He died January 20, 1800, at Lancaster, at that time the seat of the State Govern- ment, aged fifty-six years. Ai)propriate resolutions were passed by the Legisla- ture, and his interment and monument provided for at public e.\i)ense. Edvv.\kij Penington, elected 1773, re- signed 1779. He was the son of Isaac Penington. who was for many years the Sherift" of Bucks County, Pa. Edward was born in Pliiladelphia, December 4, 1726, was educated in the Friends' School, and afterwards became a merchant of the city. In 1761. and for several yi Jrs subse- quently, was one of the Judges of the Court of the Common Pleas. In 1762, by Act of Assembly, was one of the Trustees in whom was vested the State House and other public buildings, ' for the use of the freemen of their province and their representatives ; " in 1768 elected a member of the .American Philosophical Society. By the action of this organiza- tion in 1770 there was formed a " Society for the Cultiv.ation of Silk " of which he became treasurer. When the news of the p.ass.age by Par- liament, of the Boston Port Bill reached Philadelphia. Judge Penington was one of the members who in May 1774, assem- bled at the " Coflee House," and formed a committee of correspondence, anil in July of the same year, became a member of the Provincial Convention. When the Revolutionary War began, his Quaker ])rincii)lesled him to join the '' non-resist- ants." and was classed among the dis- atfected, and in 1777, on the approach of the British, he was arrested and sent to Virginia. After his return, in 1790, he was elected to the City Councils ; and the year before his death was appointed by the Legislature one of the commis- sioners to distribute money among the French refugees. 417 He was marrifd at Friends' Muctiiig, Novi-mlR-r 26, 1754, to Sarah Shoemaker, daughter of the Coiiiutllor. Ill 1767, acting as Attorney for Ann Penn, he offered I'ennsliury Manor for sale, piibhshed a description of it, giving right of title, and alsii some historical events concerning; it. lie also wrote a " I'oetical Proclamation, " being a satire on the Conunitlee of Inspection in I'hila- delphia. He died September 30, 1796, aged sixtv-nine years. RouiCRT Strettkli. Jones, elected 1773, resigned 1781 ; he was the eighth secretary ( I777-I7ito). His father was one of the wealthy mer- chants of Philadelphia and was chosen to fill many important public offices by his fellow citizens. Robert w.as born July 21, 1745; he re- ceived the degree of A. M. from the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1765. He was one of the secretaries of the American Philosophical Society ; a Director of the Library Company of Philadelphia: a member of the Committee of Inspection and Observation for the City and Liber- ties, August 1775, and also one of its sec- retaries. He resided for some years in New Jersey, and was at one time a mem- ber of its Legislature. On March 2,5, 1774, he was married in Christ Church to Ann, daughter of Joseph Sliippeii. He died in Burlington, X. J., March 16, 1792, and was buried in St. Mary's (iround. Tn<)M.\s Fisher, elected 1775, resigned 1776. He acted ,is the seventh Secretary from May 13 to July 30. 1776. He was a son of Josluia Fisher, of Lewes. Delaware, afterwards a merchant of Philadeliihia. Thomas was born May 6, 1741, and on coming tli^ son of William Coxe and Frances, daughter of Tench Francis, Attorney-General of the Province of Pennsylvania. His ancestry were originally from Somersetshire, in England. He received his education at the College of Philadelphia. On leaving College, he entered the counting-house of Co.xe & Furnian, and on attaining his majority, May, 1776, became a partner of the house, under the name of Co.\e, Furman & Co.\e. He was elected by the Legislature of Pennsylvania a Commissioner to Ihe .■Annapolis Federal Convention, which met on September 14, I7'^6, to discuss the proposed Federal Constitution, etc. The Commissioners reconunended that a Convention should be held on the second Monday of May, 17S7, which was ap- proved by Congress, and the result of the Convention which assembled on that day was the present Constitution of the United States. In 17S8. Mr. Coxe was elected by the Legislature, a member of the Continental Congress, until the period at which the Constitution of the United States should go into operation. In September, 1789, an act was passed, organizing the Treas- ury Department. The following May, Mr. Coxe received the appointment of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. In May, 1792, he was ajipointed b\' the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to the position of Com- missioner of the Revenue : this position he held during the rest of the administra- tion of (ieneral Washington. In 1S03 lie was appointed by President Jefferson, Purveyor of the Public Supplies of the United States, which position he held un- til the office was abolished in 1S12. His writings were voluminous and ex- tended through a period of many years, the only works which were collected and republished in book form were : " A Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield's Obser- vations on the Commerce ot" the United States, with Two Supplementary Notes upon .American Manufacturers" ( Phila- delphia and London, 1792I; "A View of the United States of America" (Philadel- phia, 1794, and London, 179.S) : "A State- ment of the Arts and Manufactures of the United States, for the year 1810" (Phila- delphia, 1814). In 1787 he published a pamphlet which was read before the SocietN' for Political Inquiries, at the houseof Benjamin Frank- lin, (May II, 1787) entitled : ".An Inquiry into the Principles upon which a Com- mercial Svstem for the United Slates should be Founded, to which are added some Political Observations connected with the subject." .Mr. Coxe during his whole life devoted himself to the encouragement of American manufactures. In 1775, when but twenty years of age, he was a member of the United Company of Philadeljjhia, for Pro- moting American Manufactures. In 1787, he was one of the most active of the founders of the Pennsylvania Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Domestic Manufactures, which w-as instituted at that time, and at the instance of Dr. Rush, he delivered the inaugural address, and subsequently he became President of the Society. In 1S12, Congress instructed the .Secretary of the Treasury to have com- piled a statement of the Manufactures of the Country. Mr. Gallatin applied to Mr. Coxe, as the first authority among economists, to execute the undertaking. In 1786, Mr. Coxe having seen some cotton growing in gardens in Maryland, was convinced that it might be exten- sively cultivated in this country ; the result of an examination satisfied him that all the region south of latitude thirty- nine was capable of producing cotton ex- tensively. He thenceforth employed his pen to attract pulilic attention of the community to the subject, with complete success; He deserves to be named the Father of the American Cotton Industry. He it was also who first attempted to bring an Arkwright machine to the United States. Mr. Coxe died in Philadelphia July 17, 1824, aged sixty-nine years. Reynold Keene, elected 1781, re- signed 1790; eleventh Secretary U783 and 17S6) and the seventh President of Board of Managers. He was born on the Island of Barbadoes about 1738 and was the son of Peter Keene. He passed most of his life in Pliiladelphia and was elected to represent the city and liberties of Philadelphia in the Provincial Convention of Pennsyl- vania. (January 23-28. 1775.) .Alter this. Mr. Keene removed to Read- ing, Pa. and was appointed .April 21, 1777, a Commissioner for the County of Berks, to audit and settle the accounts of the militia and flying camp of the said county, for arms and accoutrements purchased by the officers of those corps and the property of persons lost in actual service ; also of those persons who have been killed, died in the service of the States or were made prisoners. In 177.8. Mr. Keene returned to Philadel- phia, then occupied by General Howe, leaving his family in Reading ; this step induced some suspicion of his loyalty to the cause of the colonies, and a 419 "Venilui;" of his pLTSiinnl kuo'Is was ordert'd l)y OjI. Ili'iiry Hallcr. Hi- was also riciuircil l>y an ail of Central AsSfMihly. passed March 6, i???*, to nndir himself to the juilne of the Su- preme Conn to abide liis trial for treason to tile fommonwealth. Mr. Keene was nnahle to comply with this and he innirred the penalty, vi/. attainder as a traitor, and he forfeited his property to the Slate. Subsequently, upon his petition, an act was passe,S, aged sixty -two years. JosiAii IIkwics. elected 17S1. resigned 1S12, w.is the eighth i'resiclenl of the Board of Managers (1790-1.S121. serving for twenty-one years and eleven months. He was a native of New Jersey, but .it an early period of his life became a resi- dent of Philadelphia City, where for nearly half a century he was indus- triously and successfully occupied in trade and commerce. By a scrupulously honest and upright lile he obtained the respect and confi- dence of his fellow-citizens, which they manifested by hiselection in many of our public institutions, charitable and com- mercial. The same benevolence which distin- guished him through life, had its inllu- eiice in the distribution of his estate, of which a considerable portion was applied to charitalile purposes. He died .August 17, 1821, in the eighty- ninth year o( his age. AiJAM lUiii.KV, elected 1782, resigned 1784, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, January 9, 1740. He was commissioned a Major of the Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment on Decem- ber (■>, 1776: commaniled the Eleventh Regiment with the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel from June 5, 1779, and retired on January 1, 1781. From 1785-89 he was a member of the Assembly, and in 1790 a State Senator. 420 His " Jiiunial uf Kvcnts in 1779" "as 1 publisiifd in tlit- Pennsylvania Arcliives 12 Scrii-s \'ul. XI I. ' Ht died in Philadelphia, May, 1798, aged fifty-eight years. Nathaniel Falconkr, elected 1782, resigned 17.S3 ; re-elected in 17^4, and and resigned 1790, as the meetings of Board occurring at the same time as those of Common Council, of which he was a meml)er, they interfered with his duties to that body.' Captain Falconer had rendered valu- able services to the Hospital in many ways. At one time he commanded a packet ])lying between Philaikl]>hia and London, and on many occasions had brought books for the Library, and surg- ical instruments, besides conveying let- ters and attending to inany affairs of im- l)ortance for the Managers in London ; all of which were remembered when a vote of thanks was tendered him. Andrew Doz, elected 1783, resigned 178S, was born October 14, 1727, and was a grandson of Andrew Uoz, a Huguenot, who had charge of Penn's V'ineyard at Fairmount. His country, his church, and the poor shared the benefits of his charities dur- ing his life and were rememl)ered by him with peculiar liberality in the hour of his death. In his will the Pennsylvania Hospital is mentioned first as a bene- ficiary of his valuable estate. He died on Thursday, December 18, 1788, aged si.\ty-one years. Samuel Howell, elected 1784, re- signed 1789. was elected the si.\th President of the Board of Managers from 1786-1789 and served over three years in that position. He was a successful business man of Philadel])hia and in the year 1765 joined with other merchants in a non-importa- tion agreement to countermand all orders for English goods until the stamp act should be repealed. He was also one of the Committee on Correspondence : also a member of the Committee of Safety. He died December 9, 1807, at his country-seat near Frankford, Philadel- phia. Pa. Samuel Coates, elected 1785, and re- signed 1825, from failing eyesight, the effect of double cataract, having served the Hospital forty years and four months; he was the twelfth Secretary (1786-1812). He was also the ninth President of the Board and iield the pttsition from 1812 to 1825. He was born at Philadelphia, August 24,1748. His parents were Samuel and Mary Coates, fu-er Langdale, his ancestors were from Leicester, Kngland. His grandfather. Thomas Coiites, whc» came to Philadelphia in 1684, was a merchant and a convert to the Society of Friends. Samuel lost both parents at an early age. He was then taken in charge by his uncle, John Reynell. He obtained a gootl classical and business etlucation, and at the age of nineteen he had charge of and conducted a small commercial business from April 13, 1768, to May 31, 1771. He then went into business with his uncle, the firm being Reynell & Coates; this continued until 1782. In October, 1783, he associated with himself his brother, Joseph Langdale Coates; this continued until 1791, when he en- gaged in the New England ("ommission trade, which he conducted with great activity till 1793, when the epidemic of yellow fever made its terrible ravages in this city, which enlisted his sympathy and active interest in precautionary and charitable measures. His further in- terest in mercantile affairs gave place to his devotion to public duties, which from this time until his death engrossed his whole time and attention. He, with his family, continued in membership with the Society of Friends, and he was regu- lar in his attendance at Public-Worship; He was twice married. On January 12, 1775. he married Lydia Sanders, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Sanders. His wife died October 24, 1789. He was again married on Novetnber 17, 1791, to Amy, daughter of Benjamin Hotter, one of the earliest and most prominent of Market Street merchants. His wife and her two sons survived him, and four children of his previous marriage. He was permanently identified with the public events of his time, his integrity, business experience, and well-known philanthropy made his counsel and per- sonal services nuich sought after by his fellow-citizens, who showed their confi- dence in him by their call to a succession of public duties, which occupied his time and attention during the later por- tion of his life. On July 25, 1785, he was elected a manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and at a meeting of the Board of Managers held at his residence March 3. 1786, he was one of the conunittee appointed and instructed to report "on a plan of economy and on the cause of the great expense of the house." A plan was re- ported by which e.xpenditures might be greatly diminished, and a better system of responsibility created ; on the 30th he was the first named of a committee of three " to revise theminutesand prepare for the annual election." In May he was elected Secretary of the Board, .and on May 11, 1812, he was unanimously 421 elfcctcci Presiilint of tlu- FJoard of Man- agers, which position ht-lii-lil for Ihirtit-ii years until incri.-asiiiK infirmitifs ol>hKi'(l iiim to risityi Noviinhtr iX, 1S25, whi-n thefollowiii>;ininuti- was made : "Sanuitl Coatis, thr viniralilL- rrisiilcnt of tlio Board, wlio has fillud the position of a Mananir for upward of forty-one years, and served the institution with zeal and ability, personally atteiiiled and resi);ned his seat in consequence of his advanced age and many infirmities. The Board regrets the necessity and accompanies his retirement with sincere wishes for his health and happiness." lie was nominated and appointed August ,^i, 17.S6, a member of " the over- seers of the Public Schools founded by Charter in the town and county of Phila- pliia," and resigned the duty from ad- vanced ane on June 27, 1X13. On June 6, i.SiK., Ik- was elected a Director of the original Hank of the I'nited States, I>einK one of the number elected to succeed those nieiuliers who were required by law to vacate their places, and he con- tinued in this position until the close of the Banlc in i.-ii2. In 17.S4 he was elected Treasurer of the I'iiiladelphia Library Company, and helil this position until 179?, when he reliTUinisheil it to take charjje of the l.onanian Library, under the same directors, and this he held until failing eyesight coinpelleositions. are not few, and they were strikingly illustrated in the memorable autumns of 1793 and I79.~<, when pestilence (Yellow Kever) and death reigned in Philadelphia. On the former of those awful seasons he was assiduous in his attentions as a manager and, by his pres- ence and advice, encouraged anmmittee who perilled their lives for the relief of the sick anrother John, as merchants. In 1786, he was admitted a member of the Societ>" of Friends, at the monthly meeting of Philadelphia, where he resided during the remaimier of his life. On January 9, 1787, he was married by Friends' ceremony, to Sarah Sansom, only daughter of Samuel and Hannah Sansom. He enjoyed excellent healtli until the autumn of 1.S20 when he was attacked with influenza at Yellow Springs, which left him subject to asthma. He died November 28, 1834, aged eighty-seven years. S.\MUEL M. Fox, elected 1794, resigned 1797- Mr. Fox filled many public positions, being a member of the Corporation, and President of the Bank of Pennsylvania ; Director of the Philadelphia Library, and Trustee of the University of Penn- sylvania. His talents, integrity and in- dustry, and his attention to the interests of literature and art, rendered him an e.xtremely useful member of the commu- nity in which he spent his life. He died Ajjril 30, 1S08. Robert W.\i.\' elected 1795, resigned 1.800. was descended from an English Quaker family of Settle, in the West Rid- ing of Yorkshire. Born in Philadelphia, February 22, 1765, he was educated at the Friends' Academy. He inherited a large estate and embarked in business in with his brother, under the firm-name of Jesse and Robert Wain, and continued the West India and English shipping business, wiiich had been established by their father ; they became widely known for many years in the East India and China trade, which almost equalled that of Stephen Girard. Mr. Wain was for several years a mem- ber of the State Legislature ; was elected to Congress as a Federalist 1798-1801. During the war of 1812, he built the first cotton factory in this country ; and was largely interested in iron works at Phoe- nixville, Pa. He was it strong protec- tionist, and was selected by " The Penn- sylvania Society for the Encouragement of Manufactures." to refute the specious arguments used in a paper on free trade. He published his " .Answer to the Anti- Protective Report of Henry Lee " while the excitement of the tariff question was 423 at its lii'iKlit. Hu was alsii the author iif "Scvfil Litters Id Klias lliiks." wliich attractcil ^rcat attc-ntiuii, aiul is sii|i|H>st*(l loliavfcoiilirnuil the laith iirinaiiy ill the oriKiiial ilixtriiiis i>f the Society of Friends; wliile Mr. Wain was a l'"rieiul in principles, aiul a regular atteiulant at the nieeliiinsof that Society, he iliil not conform to the peculiarities of their dress and lan^ua^e. lie was lor many years a member of Councils, and at one time President of Select Council, lie was also President for many years of the Chamber of Com- merce; of the Philadelphia Insurance Company ; .Atlantic Insurance Ci'mpany ; and the first Presiilent of the Mercantile Library Company ; and a Director of the Bank of North America; of the Philadel- phia Library Company; a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania ; and by the will of Stephen Girard, one of the Trus- tees of his estate. He died January 24, 1836, aged 71 years. Jami:s Smith, Jr., elected 1795, re- signed lSjS, was born in Philadelphia, October 15, 1750, his forefathers were members of the Society of Friends. He was one of the representatives of his godfather, James Lo>;an, in the ad- ministration of tile alVairs of the Library, which he had establislief the works troin one Imnilreii tons in 1819 to six hundreil in 1S30, and one thousand in 1840. They also commenced in 1817 the manufacture of acetic acid, and in 1830 they made lin- seed oil. In 1849 they est.iblislied their own works at Richmond, (now a part ot Philadelphia City), and increased their business by the manufacture of red lead, litharge, mineral, acetate of le;id and other pigments. They were old fashioned merchants, gentlemen of the purest character, most admirable manners and highest respectability. Mr. Lewis, though actively engaged in business, was not neglectful of public in- terests, or of the broader interests of humanity. In 1814, he was one of the founders and the President of the Society, for opening soup-liimses for the poor, which was the pioneer association of its kiiul ill I'liiladilphia. (In June o, 1808, he married Klizabeth, daughter of James and Esther Smith. He died August 15, 1851, in the sixty- eighth year of his age ; he was a member of the Western District monthly meeting of Friends. RonKRTS Vaux, elected in 1823 re- signed in 1814, was the fourteenth Sec- retary (1828-1834). He was descended from an ancient family which emigrated from France to Sussex Co., England. Cleorge Vaux, his great-grandfather was born near Ryegate in 1671. He was a physician, and a niein- ber of the Society of Friends. Roberts Vaux was born at Philadelphia, January 21, 1786; his early education was obtained at Friends' Academy. At the age of eighteen he was pl.iced in the 426 coumiiiglioiise of Joliii Cooke, nicr- cliant ; at the age of twenty-one he entered mercantile hiisiness. He was a member of tlie Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Scllools as early as 1S07 ; and one of the originators of the Public School System of Peinisvlvania, being the first President of the Public Scliool Board of Philadel- |>hia, a jjosition he held for fourteen years. He was admitted to the bar in iro- fession. He was also a memljer of the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons : one of the foiuidersof the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society ; of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, the Apprentices' Library Company, the House of Refuge ; of the Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, and other benevolent institutions of Pennsylvania. He was one of the Commissioners of the original Board for the erection of the State Penitentiary for the Eastern Dis- trict of Pennsylvania, and became a writer of distinction on penology, and an active worker in the prison-reform move- ment. He was also a member of the American Philosophical Society ; Acade- my of Natural Sciences : Linnajan So- ciety; Franklin Institute; the Athenaeum ; also of a number of scientific societies of Europe. He was appointed by the President, with advice of the Senate, a Director of the Bank of the United States, in 1833 ; also designated by President Jackson, Commissioner to treat with the Indians. He was also oflered the mis- sion to St. Petersburg, which he declined. He published, in 1809, his " Eulogium on Benjamin Ridgway Smith ; " in 1S17, " Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Bene- zel ; " and in 1S21 a French translation fParis); also in 1S26, "Notices of the Original and Successive Efforts to Im- prove the Discijjline of the Prison at Philadelphia." He died at Philadelphia, Jamiary 7, 1836, aged forty-nine years. John Paul, elected 1825. continued in office until his decease in 1844. He was elected July 29, 1841, the eleventh Presi- dent, and served as such three years. He filled many important positions in the various departments of society, both civil and religious ; was a prominent member of the Society of Friends ; he on one occasion was occu]iied for nearly four consecutive years, in accompanying a minister, who was engaged in a religious visit to the meetings of Friends in Amer- ica. For many years, he acceptably filled the w.'ighty and responsible position of Elder and Overseer, and was conscien- tiously concerned to discharge the duties belonging to these offices with fidelity and diligence. He died July 28, 1844, in the seventy- third year of his age. JosKPil RicH.AKDSON Jenks, elected 1S27, resigned 1.S2S, was born Sei)tember 16, 1767. in Middletown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Thomas and Rebecca (Richardson) Jenks ; grandson (jf Thomas and Mercy (Wildman) Jenks and Joseph and Mary (Pa.vson) Richardson, who were among the early settlers of Middletown Town- ship, Bucks County. Tiiomas Jenks, his father, was a farmer who was the ])roi)rietor of a fulling mill in Bucks County, which his father had run before him ; the mill being estab- lished prior to 1740. He was a member of Pennsylvania Assembly in 1775; also of the Convention which framed the ("on- stitution of Pennsylvania in 1790; and was a State Senator at the time of his death. May 30, 1799. Mr. Jenlis's early years were spent in Bucks County. When a young man, he came to Philadelphia and established himself in business on Delaware Avenue, above Arch Street, as a flour merchant. He was successful and prosperous, being ranked, in 1S45, one of Philadelphia's wealthy citizens. He was married three times ; on Octo- ber 10, 1792, to Sarah Watson, who died December 5, 1800. His second marriage was on June 6, 1809, to Ann West, who died January 17, 1842. The issue of this marriage was three daughters, one oi whom died in infancy. Of the remaining two, Hannah and Ann, the former was married to Stacy B. Collins, of New York, the latter to Dr. Thomas S. Kirkbride, who was, from 1840 to 1886, Su]>erinte!i- deiit and Physician-in-Chief to the Penn- sylvania Hospital for the Insane. His third marriage, on February 29, 1844, was to Ann Ely, who died June 15, 1854. He came of a verv long-lived famih', his grandfather, Thomas Jenks, lived to be nearly ninety-eight years of age. Mr. Jenks, in person, was a rather spare man of a little above medium hei.ght. ami of a genial temperament ; anil throughout his active life he was a prominent and intluet^al citizen. He died June 26, 1858, in the ninety- first year of his age. Joseph Price, elected 1828, resigned 1845, a .son of Richard and Ann Burson Price, was born .August 21, 176S; was married to Ann Callender. May 5, 1790. He was a merchant, but retired from business earlv in his married life, and devoted mucli of his time to philanthropic work in the prisons. He was a manager 427 of till' ircrlor of the l*Iiiladeli>hia (.'ontrilxitionship ( Ilaiidin-Hand) from ihi.s l(» 1S46. He died June 30, 1S46, in tile seventy- sixth year of his ajje. Lawrence Lewis, elected 1834, died in 1855, was also thirteenth President in 1849, and served until his decease. On the lather's side, Mr. Lewis was of Welsh descent, his ancestors having emi- grated friim Wales in the latter half of the seventeenth century, in cons-'quence of the persecution of the Society of Friends, of which he was a member. His mother's family, the Lawrences, were Kn.nlish anti includetl many lu>nor- al)le names, anions them. Captain James Lawrence, of the I'nited Stales Navy, and General Lawrence Kearney, of the Army. Lawrence LewMs was Ixirn in Philadel- phia, on the 17th ol July. 1787. Soon after his hirth, the family removed to Bnrlin^on, N. J., in which neinhtiorhood he liveti and received his education. Ambitious of improvement, he came to Philadelphia, when about twenty years of a^e, and entered the counting-house of his brother-in-law. On the 4th of April, 1S17, he married Ann Maria, dauj^hter of John Clements Stocker, Ksq., of I'hiladelphia. When the discovery of anthracite coal was m.ide, .Mr. Lewis was early in the field and became a land-owner in Schuyl- kill County. From that time he con- tinued to be largely interested in the developmeut of the mineral resources of that county. In the municipal, financial, charitable, and religious growth of Philadelphia, Mr. Lewis always took a prominent part, and he was elected a member of Select Council. In company with Samuel V. Merrick and others, he succeeded, in the face of great opposition, in introduc- ing gas into this city. .After serving as Councilman for a number of years, he resigned Mr. Lew is served as Director of the Bank of the United States and Sec- retary of the Mutual .\ssurance Com- pany, remaining with the fornn^ com- pany until its dissolution. I-'or thirt\'-four years he was a Manager of the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, having been chosen five years after the Society was organized. Mr. Lewis became a Manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital in the year 1834, and continued his connection with the Institution for twenty-one years and seven months, the latter piirlion of the time beci>ming by s -niority. President of the Board. To one of his sympathetit nature the work was congenial and he entered upon it with a zeal and enthu- siasm, which ended only with his life, alwa>'S co-operating witli the medical and surgical stalf in matters relating to the efiiciency of their work. Mr. Lewis early perceived the ilesirabllity of se|»ar- ating the department for the insane from the general Hitspital.whii'h he warmly ad- vocated, and was largely instrumental in the purchase of the fine property on which that department now stands. His inter- est in the Hospital is illustrated by the fact that one of the very last acts of his life was to call two of his fellow-managers to his betlside to place a substantial con- tribution in their liands for this eminently worthy object. Mr. Lewis died on the 30th of Decem- ber, 1S55, in the sLxly-ninth year of his age. James R. CiKEevks was elected twice, first, 1836, resigne. Mr. Morris at the time of his death was a manager of the Penns\'lvania Institu- tion for the Instruction of the Blind ; vice-president of Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Keeble-Min(lese(|Uently added liberally to this first subscription. His death ociurred DecemIxT 8, 1872, at the age of seventy-three years. Ci.KMK.NT CoK.NKi.i. BiDm.K, elected 1846, died 1S55. He was the son of Col. Clement C. Bid- die, was born in Philadelphia, ( )ctolx*r 24, 1-84; his early education was obtained at the .^cailemy of the Cni versify of Penn- sylvania, on Fourth Street. In February, 1800, he obtained a mid- shipman's warrant, and went to sea under the ekier Connmxlore Decatur. During a cruise in the Mediterranean, he was [jlacecl in charge of .1 prize, which he brought successfully inloport. .After threx; ye.-u-s service, he resigned froni the navy, and afterwards visited Kugland. On his return to Philadelphia, he commenied the study of law under John Sargeant and gained admission to the Bar, yet he never engaged in legal practice, having a pre- ference for a military life. On the 01 ca- sion of the "Chesapeake " alVair in 1807, he anticipated war with Kngland, and accepted a lonnnission as Captain of Dragoons, from President Jefferson, and was stationed at New Orleans. When Kngland disavowed the attai'k on the "Chesapeake," Captain Biddle resigned. In the war of 1812, he raised in Phila- delphia, a company of volunteers called the State Fencibles, and was elected its captain in July, 1812. He was only re- cently married and not weallhy, yet he gave, during the period of the war, his whole time and .ibililies to the service of his country. On the organization of the F"irsl Regiment of \olunteer Light Infan- try of the Pennsylvania Line, he was elected Colonel. In the autumn of 1814 the regiment was stationed at Camp Dupont, Delaware. At the close of the war, Mr. Biddle returned to Philadelphia, and was ap- poined by the Governor a notary public, a position he lielil for several years. He edited the American edition of the "Treatise on Political Kconcmy," by Jean Baptiste Say, (translated into Eng- lish by Prinsep) and with the addition of notes, and a translation of the introduc- tory essay, (which had been omitted by the English editor!, the work was favor- ably received and passed through several editions. He was an influential advisor of the government in its financial policy at that time. In September, 1831, the Free Trade Convention assembled in Philadelphia, and Mr. Biddle took an active part in its deliberations. In 1821 he was elected a member of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. In 1834 he was President of the Phihulelphia Savings F'und Society, 430 ail institution he had been instrumental in cstaljlishing and over which he pre- sided until tile time of his death. In the spring of iJ^jX, he again visited Europe, this jouriKv, lasted about six months. On his return to Philadelphia, Mr. Rid- dle's e.xcellent health continued unim- paired until May, 1S54, after which he, for many months, sufl'ered from a distressing malady, which prevented him from en- gaging actively in liis public duties, but his deep interest in every deijartment of the Hospital, and especially his anxiety to advance the new buildings for the Department for the Insane, continued unabated, and he must long be held in grateful remembrance by all connected with the institution. He died at Philadelphia, August 21, 1855, in his seventy-si.xtli year. John Farnum, elected 1846, died in 1872. He was by birth, education, and con- viction a member of the Society of Friends. Deeply interested in every portion of tile Pennsylvania i^Iospital, he was especially so in the Department for the Insane, where he was a frequent and ever-welcome visitor. He was one among the si.x who gave a hearty approval to the plan to erect a new Hospital for the Female Insane, and showed his sincerity by at once making a first subscription of one thousand dol- lars in aid of the object. He subsequently added liberally to his first subscrifjtion ; he also offered to give five thousand, whenever four otiier sums of a similar sum were subscribed, which in due time were obtained. In his last days and in the testamen- tary distribution of his property he showed a generous remembrance of the Pennsylvania Hospital. He died June 11, 1S72, in the eighty- second year of his age. William Biddle, elected 1849, died in 1887, was elected the fifteenth Presi- dent of the Board of Managers in 1872, and held the position until liis death. He was a member of the Committee of the Board of Mana,gers to erect a new build- ing for the Male Department for the Insane. He also was the nineteenth Secretary of the Board (1855-1861). He was the son of John and Elizabeth Canby Biddle. He was born at Philadel- phia, May 17, 1806, the fifth in descent from William Biddle, who settled at Bur- lington in 1680, and who was a member of the Governor's Council, of the Assembly, and of the Council of Proprietors o^West Jersey Of the latter body he was for a considerable time President. It is from him that the large family in this city bearing his name is descended. The subje place on our record some fitting tribute to his memory and of our sense of the loss which we antl the institution c^ver which he so long anti faithfully presided, have sustained by his death. " He was elected as a Manager of this Hospital in 1849, and to the presidency of the Board in 1872, so that for a period 431 of thirty-figlU years and mie mdiitli Ik- lias bci'ii otficially omiicitcd willi this tiinc' honored institution. " During this lonj; pericxl. the interests, enficieniy and prosperity of tliis Hospital have ocinpied a lar^e share of his time, his thoughts, and his lalHirs. ' Kndowed hy nature with a vigorons and active mind, and possessinj; in an emi- nent degree the characteristics of intig- rity, charity, and benevolence, this Hos- pital allorded him a field for the exercise of all his gareiits were John S. and Sarah Mickle, who married in 17.^8 and lived at Woodbury, New Jersey. The issue of this marriage was ten children, of whom John M. was the seventh, four died in infancy or childhood. John M. Whitall was born at Wood- bury, N. J., November 4, 1800. In 1816 he began seafaring life as an apprentice on the ship "William Savery," in a voyage to the East Indies. In 182.^ he became chief mate on the s'lip " .\nier- ica," and in 1824 took conini;ind as cap- tain of the " New Jersey," a new vessel, and at that time the largest in the port of Philadelphia. After his eleventh voyage he left the sea and engaged in 1829 in the retail dry-goods trade. About a year after, he associ.ited with him John C. Capp, anil entered the wholesale business. At the end of five years his partner withdrew. In the crisis of iX'ij, .Mr. Whitall deemed it proper to reliii<|uish business, a seltle- iiieiit with Ins I'reditors was made on the basis of seveiitvfive per cent, of their claims, payable in instalments. In 1850, of his own option, he voluntarily paid in full, principal and interest, the remaining twenty-live ])er cent., which aiiiounteil to over 550,000, for which he was pre- sented by his creditors with a costly pitcher and salver, suitably inscribed; in the paper he was styled the " Honest Ouaker Merchant." In 1838, he entered into partnership with G M. Haverstick. his brother-in- law, and William Scattergood ; in 1818 Mr. Haverstick withdrew, and in 1845 .Mr. Scattergood, Mr. Whitall then asso- ciated with him his brother, Kranklin ; the business so incre.ised tlial in 1847 ground on Race Street, above Fourth, l'hilahia, w.is purchased for a new warehouse, into which they removed the following year. His glassworks were at Millville, New Jersey. In 1&62 Mr. Whitall became interested in mission work among the poor. A mission school for colored people was started, called the" Little John Wesley," on Sliippeii Street ; additional room was soon rc<|uired and the school was re- moved to the mission church in St. Mary Street. A Mother's Meeting, in connection with the school, was carrieil on. where the women attended for three hours anil made up clothing, which was afterwards sold to them for a small sum. Mr. Whitall defrayed the whole expenses of the school. Ill July, 1867, after a service of twenty- seven years in the glass business, he retired. This release left him at liberty to iiiiir more actively into different l>ublic works. .Mr. Whitall held many imjiortant posi- tions. He was appointed one of the Juilges of District Court; a Guardian of the Poor for PhiL'idelphia I'or three years. This appointment was renewed in 1864, and in 1867 was elected Presi- dent of the Board, August 19, 1867. He was one of the executors of Dr. David Jayne's estate in 1866 ; Overseer of Twelfth Street Meeting, etc. On November .s, 1830, in Friend's Meeting House at Woodbury, N. J., he 4.32 married Mary, sixtli (lauj;litir of John and Hannali Tateni. He wrote several religious tracts among which were tliose on " The True Christian Life' and "The Interior Life of Divine Union." John M. Wliitall was athnired for his bold, firm, decisive eharactei'. He was also loveil for his warm sympathetic- nature and, when any were in need, these so beautifully combined as to make him a most valuable and coniforting friend and counsellor. On June 12. i«77, he died at "Idle- mere," liis sunmier residence at Atlantic City, N. J., aged seventy-six years. Alexandkk J. Dkkiivsiiikk, elected 1855, died i«7g. He was born in Philadel])hia, Decem- ber 19, 1808. His ancestors were mem- bers of the Society of Kriends ; at an early age he received instruction at the Friends' School House on Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and although not liimself a member of this reli^ioiis l)ody, he was a regular attendant at its meetings and an earnest and conscientious believer in its doctrines and principles, of which he gave, in commercial life, an honorable illustration. At the a.ge of sixteen, he was appren- ticed to Timothy Paxson ^i: Sons. Com- mission Merchants, with whom he re- mained, until his majority, as clerk for the house, which was engaged in tlie flour business. He became book-keei:)er for the firm, and when .Mr. Paxson, the head of the firiii, retired, in 1.S36, Mr. Derby- shire carried on the business and asso- ciated Mr. Watson Jenks with him. The l)artnership continued for over ten years, and was dissolved January, 1S46, when Mr. Derbyshire carried on the lousiness himself and by unremitting exertions he laid the foundation for his future success as a prominent merchant and financier. He established the firm of A.}. Derby- shire & Co., January i, 1850. associating with him his cousin. John Derbyshire, and erected two spacious storehouses on North Delaware Aveime, Philadel- phia. Mr. Derbyshire, about this time, gave his attention to mining and railroad m;it- ters, and became identified with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and was one of its Directors at the time Mr. Samuel \V. Merrick was President, when the terminus of the road was at Harrisburg. Before the Pennsylvania Railroad was fairly organized, Mr. l)er- byshire seeing its great aard of Trade to facilitate the constructi<)n of the road. He was repeatedly elected a Director of tlie Company, antl remained such until about two years before his death, when he retired after receiving a complimentary vote for Director. Mr. Derbyshire was never married, but always liad around him many in whose welfare he felt an interest, or with whf»ni he was comiected by ties of consanguin- it\' and whom he felt a real pleasure in welcoming to his hospitable home. He was a prominent citizen of Philadel- phia, wi' known in the communit)" in which he lived as a business-man of great sagacity and success, but most particu- larly from the active, earnest interest he took in all religious and charitabU- move- ments, having for their object the amelio- ration of the condition of the poor and distressed. His connection with the Pennsylvania Hospital commenced in the year 1855, when, tin'ough his influence, the funds of the Humane Society of Philadelphia, of which he was Secretary, were transferred to the Hospital, in trust for the benefit of those who might come vmder its care. He manifested an unwavering interest in the welfare of the diflVrent depart- ments of the Institution, and never tired in advancing its prosperity and promot- ing its usefulness. In 1853, the Department for the In- sane being crowded, the proposition was first made to erect another building for males, in order to effect the sepa- ration of the sexes. At this meeting, with unanimous approval of the Board of Managers, Mr. Derbyshire was made a meniber of the collecting committee and subsequently of the building com- mittee and, in addition to the duties of this great work, he constantly took opportunities to make valuable jiresents to the Insane and other Departments of the Institution. He accunml.ated a large fortune, and always expressed great .solicitude that it should be so applied that it should be made to produce the best results and to do the greatest amount of good to his fellow-beings. After settling annuities on several of his relatiotis and friends, he bequeathed the residue of his large estate to the Pennsylvania Hospital, after the death of the last of these annuitants, with- "out any restriction as to the mannc-r in which it shoidd be used. His name will be rememberetl with gratel'ul feelings by the sick and the unfortunate, whose necessities he so liberally ministered unto. He was a Director and President of the Mine-Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad. He was a meniber of Select Councils of Philadelphia and lie was also Secretary of the Humane Society of Phila- -4.?,'i clelpliin iiiilil it dissolvid and traiisfcrrrcl its asstts to the I'lniisylvaiiia Hospital. He died Marcli 29, i»79, in the seventy- first year of his atce. S. MoKKIS Wai.n, elected 1S55, served until his decease in if<7o. His connection with the Hospital was at that most important i>eriod, when it was deemed ailvisalile to erect special Iniildin^^s lor the male insane. He not only guvi; liberally himself, but he ob- tained liberal subscriptions from many wlio had both means and inclination to aid jjood works. He lived to seethe Hospital with all its varied arranuenienls and ap pliances completed and in successful oper- ation ; but the completion of this work did not in the slightest de^jree lessen his interest in any of the other liepartnients of the Pennsylvania Hospital. He wisely determined, ii\ the disposition of his estate, to become his own e.xeciitor, by giving durini; his lifetime so as to wit- ness the Iienefils he was bestowinj;. .At the period of conunencement of the civil war, when the income of the Insane Department had diminished in as great ratio as its e.vpenses had increased, Mr. Wain j;ave, for immediate use, ten thousand dollars which he had designed for the department for the insane "lor the i)Uri>oseof eiidowinji two additional free beds, and at the same time, to be expended entirely in supplying certain very desirable improvements and fur niture much needed, to be inated by the Physician in-Chief and to be a|>pro. ved by the Hoard of Managers." Mr. Wain wasa meinberof the Society of Friends, and a regular attendant of their meetings, and a thorough believer both in their doctrines and in their prac tical application to all the social relations of life He w.as never married. He died, December 22, i,*<7o, aged sixty- three j-ears. W'iSTAR MoKRrs, elected 1857, con- tinued in office until his decease in 1891. From 1.SS7 to 1S91 he serveti as the si.\- teenth President of the Board of Man- agers, and had previously acted as Secre- tary from 1S61 to 1S71. In 1837. Mr. Morris entered the firm of Morris. Tasker S: Co., and until a few- years before his death he continued af its head. In 1855 he w.as elected one of the Directors of the Pemisylvania Railroad Company, he subseipiently became a Director of all of its lea.sed lines. For some years he was the oldest Director of the Company. He was a prominent Friend, but was very liberal in his views. In May. 18S8, Mr. AJorris entertained at his house the Presbyterians both of the Northern and Southern Churches, at their t"enlennial Celebration, when President Cleveland and wife were also iireseiit. He gave liberally to charity. He (lie'ears was a Manager of this Hospital and for the last four years ol this long term, was Presi- dent of this Board. " Kndowed with great natural gifts, possessing pre-emint iitly sound jutig- n)ent, he acquired great experience in business aDairs, aiul having a heart full of l>enev(»Ience and synipatli\' f<^)r the sick and alHicted. all these altribules. found an appropriate field for their exer- cise in the aanied (leneral Grant durinn a part of his tour around the world, 1.S77-.S. He died February 5, 1880, aged sev- enty years. J.vcoii I'. Junks was elected a Manager in 1866, and served until his decease, in 1885. He was born in Philadelphia, on Second Street, near Arch where his parents were then temporarily residing, May 9, 1806. Much of his boyhood, as well as of his later years, was passed in the conntrv, either at his lilockley home or at thai upon the Wissahickon. Hisearly education was at the Kriends' School, but, a few years before reacliiiin man- hood, he became a pupil of the late John r.ummere, whose school at linrlinKtou had then attained ureal prominence. Jacob 1'. Jones was greatly attached to his old preceptor, and always spoke of him with respect. Machinerv and its workings, from his bovhood, had a great charm for him. and soon after leaving school, he visited the principal woollen manufactories of New Kngland, in, one of which he became an apprentice and was for a short time en- gaged in business lliere on liis own ac- count. All plans of this kind were set aside by (he failing health, and later by the death, of his maternal uncle. Sanmel Paul, who beipieathed to him his i>rop- erty on the Wissahickon. For years the Paul familv had been owners of lanarliiilialion in a Inisiness to which for nearly tweiily- five years he hail devoted himself with indii'slrv and zeal. This retiring from business, however, did not mean a life of idleness ; on the contrary, it was used as atlording the opporluniiv for larger engagements in public and benevolent work. For nearly forty years Jacob P. Jones was a Director in the Hank ol North .Xmerica ; for mure than Iw eiity five years in the Hoard of Managers of the Pennsyl- vania Companv for Insurances on Lives aiul (".ranting .\nnuities ; for many years he was also a Managersof the Delaware In- suraiiie Companv and the Western Saving Fund, besides being actively interested in numerous iron, railway, coal, gas and other companies ; and was also con- nected with the llaverford College. For main- vears he was a Manager of Preston Retreat, a lying in charity founded bv the will of the late Dr. Preston, an' uncle of his wife. Mr. Jacob P. Jones, also, for nineteen years and eleven months, rendered faithful service as a Manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital. He married, Julv i,S. 1840, Mary, daughter of Richard and Sarah Thomas, of Chester Valley, Pa. Jacob P. Jones died May 20, 1885, in his eightieth vear. A portrait of him, a gift fnmi his widow, Marv T. Jones, has been placed in the Hall' of the Pine Street Hospi- tal. JosiCPlI C. TiknI'I;nnv, elected 1870, died 1892. His paternal grandparents were John and Margaret Turnpenny, of Hrislol, Knglaiid, and his maternal' grandparents, Joseph and Sarah Claiborn, of Shetlield, Kiigland. His father's name was John, his mother's Tabitha, both members of the Societv of Friends. He was the youngest of four children : but two of whom lived to c.ime to ..\merica— himself and his brother Frederiik, who studied medicine and graduated at the fniversity of Pennsvlvania. .After practising for a few year's. Dr. Frederick Turnpenny died in 1S40. Joseph C. Turni)ennv was born in Sheffield, England, on the 28th of Sep- tember. 1812. He came to this country with his parents in 1817. He was edu- cated at Friends' School on Pine Street near Sec 1792: The I-iinatics in the House being greatly nuiltiplicd by the Incrcaseof Inhabi- tants in the state, since the Hospital was built, as well as by many other Causes, it is found by Experience, that a proper separation of the Patients cannot be made; neither can the necessities of others be relieved, whose Cases re<|uire the aid of the Institution ; & for whom .•Applications are continually made, unless a Building more adequate to their Numbers is provided to receive them. The Managers it Physicians are therefore of Opinion ; that an Kxtention of the House, as nearly as Possible to agree with the original Plan, admitting only of such Alterations as will more conveniently accommodate the Lunatics, is indisi>ensably needful ; for these Reasons they resolve that a Remonstrance or Petition be i>re- sented to the general Assembly, setting forth the Necessity of completing the Hospital. ^ requesting .Assistance to enable the Contributors to do it, in such manner, .is to answer the humane Intentions of its original Founders — which Petition, Bartholniew Wistar, Samuel Coates, Elliston Perot, Cornelius Barnes, Dr. Rush, Dr. Hutchinson, and Doctor Shippen are appointed to prepare, and when ready to call a Meeting of the M.anagers and Physicians & lay it before them ; who, if they approve are to sign it, & have it presented in such Manner, as they may agree to when assembled together. The matter was kept actively under consideration and a siiecial meeting of December 19, 1792, contains the following record : At a special Meeting of the Managers, Physicians, and Treasurer this day, at the house of Samuel Coates. Present, Josiah Hewes, Samuel Clark, Owen Jones, Jr., Klliston Perot, Samuel Coates, Cornelius Barnes, Thomas Penrose, Bartholomew Wistar, Pattison Hartshorne, and Joseph Paschall. Managers; Mordecai Lewis, Treasurer. Physicians, Dr. Rush, Dr. Parke, Dr. Hutchinson. 44i Increased ac- commodation required. Joseph Paschall, Saiime! Coates, Dr. Kiisli & Dr. Hutchinson report, that they called on Thomas McKean, and William Bradford, and also at the house of Report of Edw'd. Shippen, who was not at home; to request that they, as Judges of the Committee. Supreme Court, would, in aid of our memorial, send a Representation to the general .Assembly, stating the necessity of enlarging the Hospital, so as to receive a greater number of P.atients, and requesting the Grant, which the said Memorial solicited for that purpose. The Judges received their Visit, in a friendly manner, e.xpressing their great Regard for the Institution, and promised to confer with Edw'd. Shippen, their associate Judge, the ne.xt day. They accordingly met, and agreed, (of which they informed Dr. Hutchinson,) that they would deliver to the assembly, such a Representation & Petition, as we requested in their official Character, on this Condition, That, if the money was granted, and the building e.ttended, in conse- quence of our joint Applications, a clause should be inserted to provide, that they, the Judges, should have free liberty to commit Lunaticks therein, from every part of the State, without the let or hinderance of anj' of the Managers ; who nevertheless should retain the right of fi.xing the rate of Payment, for the board ol Patients, when the funds were not sufficient to admit them as Paupers ; and also the right (as usual) to govern the house. If the preceeding Proposal was not accepted, they agreed cheerfully to co-operate with us, or any of their fellow Citizens, in applying for the grant, as private Gentlemen, but not as Judges of the supreme Court ; — which, being con- sidered, it is the unanimous opinion of all 'present ; that the Managers have no right, to make such covenant, to bind the Contributors ; nor can they acknowledge the propriety of any Authorities being exercised in the Hospital, than such as are already known; and agree with the existing Charter, and Constitution thereof. The Managers & Physicians, are nevertheless sensible of the kind Disposi- tions of the Judges to promote the Interest of the Hospital and therefore request them to exert themselves by personal .Application, in such manner, as to them, may appear best, and most likely to obtain the object of our Petition ; which as Citizens, they have been pleased to approve. In response to the above petition by the Managers and Physicians a legislative committee visited the Hospital and made the following report, which was read at a meeting of the Managers, held ist mo., 27th, 1794: " The Committee appointed by the SENATE and ASSEMBLY of PEXNSYL- VANI.A on the loth instant, to visit the HOSPIT.AL, made Report, which was read as follows, viz. : " That, accompanied by a Committee of the SEN.ATE, they have visited the Committee PEN'NSYL\'.AXIA HOSPITAL, and from having examined its arraingements, and reports to the enquired into the State of its Funds, they have Reason to believe that the Insti- Legislature, tution is conducted with equal attention to good Order, and strict Economy. — Several very curious anatomical Preparations, purchased from the Repre- sentatives of the late Dr. Chovett, have since last Year, been added to those previously collected, forming together an Exhibition which for its utility & value we apprehend is unequalled by any of a similar nature, in the United States : and notwithstanding the addition necessarily made to the current Expences of the house, by reason of the Purchases, the COMMITTEE have the pleasure of reporting that the Capital Stock has been encreased, TWO HUN- DRED and THIRTY FOUR POUNDS 98, since an account of it was laid before 44.? till- tirst Si-ssii)n of tlif I.;isl I.i'Kislatiiri-, — CcmsiclcraWc I'ro>;ri-ss has luiii iiiaile Coiiimitti-e '" C'lliftinn tin- iimnks K''ii"t';' *''<■" l-='w of the nth iif April, 1793, for rccomiiK-iids I'^li^'xIi'iK thu 1r-ik-(Us cxpi-rii-iKi-il fruiii the Iiistitiitiun of the I'KNNSYI-N'ANIA apprupriatiun "(ISI'ITAI., out of tlic Ls due to the loan Oflice of 1773, the sum of, five thou- sand three hundred Pounds, having been already received, and suitalile measures taken to expedite the C"ollection of the Remainder. " EncouraKed by this suciess the Managers have prepared a Plan of the addi- tional Plans intended, and ealleSc died soon afterwards, yet every Precaution havinj; been used to prevent a Communication of the Disease, neither any of the Patients, nor even those who attended the infected Person, were in the smallest degree aU'ected by a similar Complaint ;— a Circumstance, which in itself must convey, a stronger Evidence in favour of the good arraingement & salubrity of the Hospital, than any Kulogium your Com- mtttee can bestow. " At a special Meeting held at the Mouse of Samuel Coates, ist, 2d mo., 1794. Upon Information now cimimunicaled by the Managers present, Resoh'ed, That it is proper to proceed as early in the present Season, as is practicable in compleating the original plan of the hospital, by erecting the centre House, and western-wing so far as to run up the walls thereof, and shingle the same ; also to finish the western ward, for the accommodation of Persons afflicted with Lunacy. Resolved, in order the more comfortably to accommodate Patients labouring under this afflicting malady. That the western ward shall extend in width, six feet more than the present ward, so as to admit two rows of rooms or cells on a floor for this purpose. Rrsoh'id, That the Centre-House be finished with a dome, and the south Front thereof, w ith si.\ marble Pilasters, agreeable to the Elevation now exhibited. Joseph Swift, Oiairmaii. Tho.mas VVistar, CItrk. Appeal to November 26, 1795, the Board considering the importance to the Governor public of completing the new building, which could not be effected Miinin. without further a.ssistance from the Legislature of the State, therefore, concluded to a.sk the Governor to endorse their request, in his address to the General Assembly. To Thom.\s Mifflin Esqr. : Governor of the State of Pennsvi.vania. It being notorious that the population of Pennsylvania has incre.tsed at least in a three-fold proportion since the Pennsylvania Hospital w.is founded in the Year 1752 it must be obvious to a reflecting Mind that the increase of Disorders is in some Degree in a proportionate Ratio therewith— Without ascribing it to any uncommon cause, as may thus account for the number of lunatic Patients who are so much multiplied among us, that for want of a suitable place to accommodate them in, many have been confined in Gaols, or poorhouses, chained among the sick, where they cannot be properly attended. & others have been roving about 444 the City .ind Country, incapable of maintaining; lln.'nis<.-lvi.-s, and dans<-Toiis to tlie Community : tliis t-vil may l^e remedied, & many Citizens relieved by confining them in convenient places where they may have the benefit of medical aid — Under these impressions tlie Managers of tlie Pennsylvania Hospital are pre- paring a jjetition to the next assembly to solicit money to finish the new buildings for the purpose of taking in a greater number of |>atients ; — this subject the Managers wish the Governor in general terms to represent to the next assembly, and if possible to draw their attention to secure the benefit of their late Grant of Ten thousand Pounds by such further aid as may be sufficient to complete the buildings : without which the work that is already done will be of no advantage. As already related (page 255) the Governor very favorably The Governor mentioned the Hospital in his annual report, and the ultimate result '"•'™i's an was a handsome appropriation for the jnirpose of completing the Hos- ' l''"""'^"" pital according to the original plan. In accom])lishing this result the labors and influence of the Medical Staff were largely exercised and due credit should be given them for their disinterested devotion to the Hospital ; the above is only a solitary Illustration out of many which could be cited. The personnel of the first Medical Staff, as already observed, was of a high character. Its members were not only eminent in their own vocation, but they also had acquirements and accomplishments which made them leaders in the community, and active and influential in its j^jj,], social affairs. Dr. Lloyd Zachary is reputed to have been " one of Character the most gifted men that ever lived in Philadelphia. He rendered "' K-^rly incalculable services to the Hospital, which was founded in his time, •'-''" ^'^'■'* and of which he was made first physician. In the community, there Medical probably was not one who was more respected and beloved. * =!= * staff. His devotion to the Hospital was never subdued, and, when he died, his will was found to contain a liberal donation in money and books to that institution." 1 Dr. Thomas Bond was intimate with Benjamin Franklin and was actively interested in his schemes for general education and philanthropy. With Dr. Zachary, he was teacher of the medical students of the city, and inaugurated the present system of delivering clinical lectures at the Hospital. His first lecture was deemed by the Managers of sufli(;ient importance to warrant its insertion in full uiion the minutes. 2 In fact. Dr. Bond was himself a member of the first Board of Managers, this compliment being paid him in recognition of his agency in projecting the plan of the hospital and his energy in establishing it upon a working basis. When in November, 1776, the Pennsylvania Hospital was set apart for the use of the Continental ■ Scharf & Westcott. * See page462 for lecture in full. 445 troops, Dr. Thoinas Bond, assisted by his son, Dr. Thos. Bond, Jr., rendered efficient aid in organizing the Continental .Army Hospital system upon a i)roper basis, and securing competent surgical and medical aid. It was a trying time, for in addition to political troubles, smalli)0x broke out among the soldiers, and, without vaccination, it was impossible to prevent thecontagion froms|)reading. He vvasselected as one of the representative citizens, by the Assembly in 1779, to serve as one of the Managers of the newly organized University of the State of Pennsylvania, the reputation of which ha.s since extended to every part of the civilized world. Early I'liysi- Thomas Wynne, of Cjer Wys, Flintshire, North Wales, a " Chir- ciaiisoftlie nrgeon " came over in the ship "Welcome," which sailed fioni Pro V I tictf Deal, England, .August 30, 1682, with his friend William Penn, the Proprietary. The services of this skilled physician were needed by the company even before reaching their destination, for, it is recorded, that there was an outbreak of smallpox among the passengers, during which thirty-one of them perished. As an illustration of the esteem in which jihysicians were held in those early days and their social importance, it may be mentioned that Dr. Wynne was ihe President of the first Provincial .Assembly held in Philadelphia. Dr. Wynne's daughter married Dr. Edward Jones. Seventy years after the founding of the city by Penn, the Hospital was organized and, on its consulting staff, we find Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, whose father had married Martha Jones, the grand-daughter of Thomas Wynne. Dr. Thomas Cadwalader was therefore the great-grandson of Dr. Wynne and he ably sustained the honor of his family by serving as a member of the Common Council of Philadelphia from 1751 to 1774; he also was a member of the Provincial Council fiom •755 ^" ''^^ period of the Revolution, when he became a Medical Director in the army. In 1750, he had the honor of prejiaring the first systematic course of Medical lectures to be delivered in a Philadel- phia College. These facts are mentioned to illustrate the statement that the members of the Medical Staff of the Hospital were not only eminent in their own profession but were men of affairs and patriots. A relative of Dr. Cadwalader's, Dr. Cadwalader Evans, a man of note in his day, also served on the Staff of the Hospital ; being the successor of Dr. Samuel Preston Moore. It was to Dr. Cadwalader Colden, who early in the eighteenth century was a resident of Phila- delphia, (but after living here for ten years removed iK'rmanenily to New York), that Benjamin Franklin was indebted for valuable suggestions, that eventually led to (he formation of the Scientific Association, which developed into the present American Philosophical 446 Society. The brothers, Drs. 'I'homas and Phineas Bond, were associated in the famous Junto, and were among the originators of I'liysicians Franklin's more ambitious organization for "Promoting Useful •''^ ^■'^•" '^'^ Knowledge among the British Plantations in America." This Society, which went into full operation in 1744 had the following original members : Dr. Thomas Bond as Physician ; John Bartram, botanist ; Thomas Godfrey, mathematician ; Samuel Rhoads, mechanician ; William Parsons, geographer; Dr. Phineas Bond, general Natural Philosopher; Thomas Hopkinson, President; William Coleman, Treasurer; Benjamin Franklin, Secretary. In 1767, this was consoli- dated with the "American Society for Promoting and Propagating Useful Knowledge," among the members of which were the physi- cians above mentioned, and the American Philosophical Society was organized with Dr. Thomas Bond as the representative of the older organization, with Dr. Benjamin Franklin as its first President. It is interesting to trace the intimate association of Franklin with the members of the first Medical Staff, since it led directly to the founda- tion of the Pennsylvania Hospital, in the growth and development of which he became so deeply interested. Dr. John Redman, who was one of the founders and the first President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, was also the medical preceptor of the American Sydenham, Dr. Benjamin Rush, who became a member of the Medical Staff of the Hospital. Dr. Thomas Graeme who was invited to attend the hosjjital as a High Pcr- consultant in extraordinary cases, was a graduate of the University sonal and of Leyden and a hiKhlv educated and accomplished phvsician. He „ "'^f. " , -' b . r I - standing of was appointed Master in Chancery and, in 1731, became a p-j^st Medi- Justice of the Supreme Court. He was the first President of the tal Stafi. St. Andrew's Society, founded in 1749. The services of Dr. Wm. Shippen, Jr., to medical education in this country, are acknowledged upon another jjage and also referred to elsewhere in this history. Enough has been recorded in this place to show that the present members of the medical staff have good reason to think highly of their predecessors in the service of the Institution, and may indeed be proud of having men of such eminent attainments in science, of such excellent achievements in civil and social affairs, and of such high moral worth, as members of the medical staff, even in the early days of the Hospital. The leaders in the profession in Philadelphia, in 1751, w^ere Thomas and Phineas Bond, Thomas Caihvalader, Lloyd Zachary, Samuel Preston Moore, John Redman, and Thomas Graeme, who, as already stated, formed the first medical and surgical staff of the 447 Hospital. The other noted physicians of the time were Dr. Kdward Jones, a son-in-law of Dr. Wynne, Dr. Thomas Lloyd, Dr. Griffith Owen and Doctors Goodson, Witt. Golden, and John Kearsley, Junior. It is most interesting to learn that "There is scarcely one named from old Dr. Daniel Wills (of Burlington, N. J.) down, who either direi tly by his jjosterity, or indirectly by some act of his life, has not influenced for good the welfare of the Pennsylvania Hosjjital." ' TliL- Cla.ssii;tl As described in Thacher's American Medical Biogra])hy, we find atnl Siiiiiti(i<- that the ]>rofessional men of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries AitainnK-iiis ^^.^^.^ generally much better educated than most of their successors Physicians °^ '"*^ present time. Almost without exception they were classical scholars. Their graduating essays must be written in Latin. Travel was essential, notwithstanding the encumbered modes of motion to which they were subjected. Leyden, Paris, lulinburf;h, London, Oxford, Upsal, Bonn and to some extent Vienna, Berlin, and the Italian, schools, received and honored lliem ; they, as a rule by their subsequent career, e(iually honoring the places which they visited and where they sojourned. They were also men of affairs. It is surprising what a part they took at home in |)olitics(in its broad sense) and government. They were good soldiers, and freely offered themselves and their services to their country in times of need. A long roll of honor could be written to record their merits and embalm their memories ; but it may be condensed in the single state- ment that with them education never militated against personal good- ness (as some people stoutly maintain that it does with most men) for whether in ])estilence and ])lagiie, in poverty, or wealth, they vaunted not themselves but worked faithfully " for the good of their fellow beings, and to the glory of God.'' M. ut the one at Besanjon that can be compared to this at ' Address on the Early Physicians of Philadelphia and its Vicinity, by Dr. James J. Levicic, read December, 1885. before the Association of Ex-Rcsideiit Physki.-ilis of the Pennsylvania Hospital. 448 of a visit to the Hos]>ital Pliilacielpliia. Evvry sick and every poor person has his bed well furnished, but without curtains, as it should be. Every room is lighted by windows placed opposite, which introduce plenty of light. "Blacks are here mingled with the whites and lodged in the same apartments. This to me seemed a balm to my soul. I saw a negro woman spinning with activity by the side of her bed. She seemed to expect a word of consolation from the director ; she obtained it, and it seemed to be heaven to her to hear it. On our return from the hospital we drank a bottle of cider. Compare this frugal repast to the sumptuous feasts given by the superintendents of the poor of Lon- don — by tliose humane inspectors who assemble to consult on making repairs to the amount of si.v shillings and order a dinner for six guineas ! You never find among the Quakers these robberies upon indigence, these infamous treasons against beneficence. Bless them, then, ye rich and poor; ye rich, because their fidelity and prudence economize your money ; ye poor, because their humanity watches over you without ceasing. " The hospital is fine, elegant and well kejjt. I observed the bust of Franklin in the library and was told this honor was rendered to him as one of the principal founders of the institution. Each one of the lunatics (about fifteen I has a cell, with a bed, a table and a convenient window fitted with grates. Stoves are fixed in the walls to warm the cells in winter. Tliere were no male persons among them. Most of the patients are victims of religious melancholy or of disappointed love. Dr. Rush has invented a kind of swing chair for their exercise. I asked the humane and enlightened Dr. Rush why the cells were placed beneath the ground floor, exposed to the unwholesome humidity of the earth. He told me he had endeavored for a long time, but in vain, to introduce a change in this particular, and that this hospital was founded at a time when little attention was thought necessary for the accommodation of fools. I observed that none of those fools were naked or indecent — a thing very common with us. These people I>rfServe, even in tlieir foll\', their primitive characteristic of decency." In a paper contributed to the first volume of the Pennsylvania Hospital Reports (published in 1867), Professor Charles D. Meigs gave some reminiscences of the Physicians and Surgeons who had served the Pennsylvania Hospital. The article is sufficiently interest- ing and appropriate to warrant the insertion of a considerable part if it here : Do we merely flatter ourselves, then, when we indulge the belief, that in the United States, our venerable institution, so widely known and so long and nce'i hv highly respected, will be looked to with much trustfulness, when coming forth, p. ..r n\-,.,c as now, from her centurial silence, she assumes to speak as e.v calheiira and r> ^f ■ ' ' D. Meigs, claim a higher place \\\ our .American schools of medicine and surgery ? We can- not but opine that in thus concluding to make more jiublic her inner life and charities by the circulation of regular reports of her clinical experiences and observations, and methods of teaching, she must become an accepted clinical teacher not for Philadelphia alone, but for universal Medicine ; aiid that, if the managers of this enterprise should, in time, come to send forth sincere reports of her clinical lectures and clinical transactions, they cannot but attain an authority equal to those of the most distinguished hospitals of the world. Hence, we may expect that these volumes will meet with a most hearty and general welcome by all the lovers of progress in our calling, at home and abroad ; such a welcome will be the warmer from the fact that vast numbers [of our .American physicians ■U9 Reminis- have hfcn stiuli'ius of the liousi-, and aftir "walking liir wards," have carried Address by ""' '"'" ''"•' ■'•^'""''^st resions of the Creal Repuhlic, a lively memory of the Dr MeiKS P'easaiit and profitable honrs spent within her walls ; memories of the scientific truths ; memories of the fine diaKnoses, the sure prognoses, and tile skilful appli- cations i>f therapeutics and surgery, whose accuracy surprised, while the bold- ness and dexterity astonished them. Not hundreds, but thousands of thise American physicians, have carrieil out and spread everywhere in the land the testimonies and traditions that have made her name familiar as a household word : we heard that household word in our remote village near a thousand miles away, and near three-quarters of a century ago. Though she never before thought to make herself thus an open and public dispenser of knowledge, out of, and far from, her own boundary walls, yet how many thousands of them that were in weakness and pain and in the fear of imminent death have, for a century past, owed their relief and their release to her far-reaching modest, and silent charity. We trust it is by no means presuni|)tuous to claim for this ancient and honored institution an unf the most eminent among American physicians and surgeons ; since barely to mention the ■ names of Ur. Rush and Ur. Philip Syng Physick ought to establish that claim, for those names areyari/*' faiillime priruipi's in American physic and surgery. To these may rightly be addeil the venerated nanus of Kuhn, Barton, Wistar, Dorsey, J. Rhea Barton, and James. These alone appear to us to warrant our assumption of a former superiority in American medical teachings, while we, by no means, are so im])ertinent as to claim a present supereminence, where the innnense progress of American civilization has scattered broadcast over the land the richest, the most precious treasures of science and art in our noble jirofes- sion ; but it will not be deemed an impudence, on our part, to pretend to at least equal rank in the actual republic of medical letters. For our private opinion we beg to excuse ourselves, on the ground that, very early in the century, we had the happiness and the great hap|)iness, to sit at the feet of many of those Gamaliels who so overbore our young hearts and minds with an intimate conviction of their virtue and wisdom that even the chill of old age is as yet impotent to lessen the glow of our admiration an f. autiRUHSt CO., vMiu. Dr. Rush, by his actions and liis writings became in a certain sense and extent the American Galen, for we tliink it cannot be doubted that he did transmit address bv his idea, as a governing and directing element down through more than half a jjj. \iti<»s century of American Medicine, controlling the practice of physic with an authority during that time, as potent as was the authority of the great Pergame- nian in the far longer series of centuries, from the second until deep into the seventeenth. Yet even to-day the name of Galen is not blotted out ; and like Rush's is only under the eclipse of this progressive age. They are both marking and ineffaceable titles on the roll of history in our Medicine. In a great degree. Dr. Rush, though so long ago joined to his fathers, still rules much of the medical practice in many parts of the United States. His was a great mission and he filled his station well. When I was a boy of 12 years old, the name of Dr. Rush was a sort of myth in my young ears and was known by all the people of yon sequestered village on the Creek Frontier ; and when in the autumn of iiSi2, I first entered his lecture- room in the old University building on Ninth Street, I was enrapt : his voice, sweeter than any flute, fell on my ears like droppings from a Sanctuary and the spectacle of his beautiful radiant countenance, with his earnest, most sincere, most persuasive accents, sunk so deep into my heart that neither time nor change could eradicate them from where they are at this hour freshly remembered. Oh ! but he was a most charming gentleman I a "grave and reverend and potent signor" in the scholar class of mankind I Now this was one of the men who graced this old Hospital in our young days, with his teachings, his learning, his wisdom and his manners, formed upon the grand old style of Washington's court, of which, alas ! but a few scattered and bowed down specimens are here and there to be seen lingering in our country. There it was, as well as in his lecture-room, that he helped to mould and fashion the manners and deportment of that house in a way to make it specific — characteristical. Yet not to him alone are our thanks due for the form of this school and its individual signiticancy. He had brave coadjutors whose ministra- tions there and elsewhere laid on the brows of Philadelphia the Science-Crown, that shone so far and so bright in those ])alniy days of his School of Medicine. Dr. Kuhn, a favorite pupil of Linnaeus, w-ho learned to love him at Upsala, was a man distinguished for learning and probity ; an honor to our calling. Dr. Philip Syng Physick, long a pupil and assistant and trusted friend of Mr. Hunter, and long a resident in the Hospital in Mr. Hunter's service at London, was like his master a model of e.xactness and certainty. I never saw a man who knew so thoroughly well all that he knew. It seemed as if his science and art were ledgered in his brain, so that he could turn on the instant to page and line. Dr. Physick's service in the house was continued during more thau twenty-two years, from 1794 to 1816, when he resigned his office. His manners were to the last degree dignified and elegant, and as he still w^ore his hair powdered and clubbed, he bore about him a sort of traditional look, which added to the respect which everywhere, in public and private greeted him, always reverently. In the midst of a crowd of students more than five hundred in number assembled from all quarters of the compass, impetuous, ingenuous hot heads from the Carolinas, restless Georgians, bold sons of Kentucky, and buckeyes from the Northwest, or the graver students from the North, the moment the Professor entered the lecture- room, all was hush, with a general pleased expression murmured all over the amphitheatre, "and car and eye attentive bent " to the mellifluous tones of his voice, or the most admirable illustrations of surgical processes that he so pro- fusely supplied. He was a man like a statue of marble but animated by a promethean light and warmth. Dr. Physick was a very marking nian in our 451 • American world of Mt'tlioini", a man aUo^ethi-r pectiliar (or ability and therefore Ar. Rush and Professor Physick, prompt us to refer to the learned, benign, beloved Wistar ; Caspar Wistar. long the .able Professor of Anatomy in the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, where and from •lis honorable See, he dispensed over the land the precious doctrines, U|>on which are based all onr hopes of usefulness and distinction in the profession of physic. He w.as fully up to the broad level of the time anil he too carriei! there his grave, serene, most admirable manners as examples of the p«>lite tieineanor of gentle- men at the close of the i8th century. No student dared to behave unlike a gentleman in his presence. How cotdd such men serve and act and connnand so long in that house, and not leave like a beautiful ship in the sea, a long bright w.ake of gentle light bchinil ! Here too w.as Horsey. John Syng Horsey, a nephew of Dr. Physick, adjunct first, and next full Professor of Surgery, brought up in his likeness, an eloquent, ardent, most able teacher, a gentleman most i>opular in the Hospit.al and the school .alike, but too soon alas, snatched from us by the same fat.al power that early deprived the world of the admirable Bichat. Whoever will read Dorsey's Surgery will learn what it was that common sense said in those limes in the art of surgery. Though we have not the least doubt or lack of faith in the great progress of medicine in all its branches in the nineteenth century, must we first say risiim lenealis aiiiici before we venture to add that we early received Dorsey's Surgery as a man takes his wife, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, until death doth us part ; and though our golden wedding is already past and gone, that we adhere to our eng.agement then and there. That eminent gentleman. Dr. Thomas T. Hewson, with whom it w.as our privilege to enjoy a long and friendly acipiaintance, was one of the good furtherers of onr house's name and fame. Hr. Joseph Hartshorne, a bold, highly instructed and most dexterous surgeon ; Joseph Parrish, a model man, from the Society of Friends; Hr. J. Rhea Barton, for thirteen years and five months the ornament and pride of the surgical department of the Hospital, in which his mind h.ad been trained by his very long residence as house pupil, in a depart- ment he illustrated by his rare conservatism and .acknowledged skill: these and many others whom we love to remember, but yet are too redundant for this our limited space, but among them a man born for the place, and in his own, his right place — we mean Dr. William Pepper. How can we omit the name of Dr. William Pepper? To name him is to praise him, so extensively known .as the admirable clinical lecturer .at the Hospital near twenty consecutive years, subsequently as Professor of the Practice of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania. Well, then, a cliilil grows up to manhood, forming anil forming, and forming his character from r. Meigs, miles for the sole purpose of showing me their sore knuckles, which had annoyed them for years and cost them large sums in fees without the least avail. The sore knuckle had been supposed incurable. Very well, then 1 As soon as I saw an obstinate sore ujjon a man's knuckle, how should I, how could anybody avoid making the reflection, that the sore must have been kept up by the motion of the joint, which opened and shut the ulcer dozens of times every day so that it could not heal ; or that other reflection, that a sore finger, like a broken bone, requires for its treatment nothing more than a splint." The Professor then cut from a card a narrow piece, which he converted, by bending it, into a half-cylinder, adjusted it to the palmar surface of the sore finger, dressed the sore with a create to prevent the bandage from sticking to the edges of the sore, and bound it with a narrow roller. " There ! that's all ! that will cure your finger ! " And there never was a sore knuckle that could not be cured in a few days by keeping the ulcer at rest by means of such a splint, for as a broken leg wants nothing but a splint, so a sore knuckle wants nothing but a splint. He said that his patients were much sur- prised by the rapid way in which they were cured, to effect which, you see, said he, only a little common sense was wanting. It was this same common sense attribute by which he was distinguished as a practitioner and as a teacher, that led to his great success in the treatment of diseases of the joints, and particularly in management of morbus co.xarius, which he always treated by his carved splint. Dr. Physick was a great bleeder, and though not so ultra as Guy Patin, or Botalli, he carried the use of venesection to a very great length. He used to tell us that while he was resident and assistant in St. George's Hospital, at London, a man who had fallen from a scaffold, was brought into Mr. Hunter's ward insensible from concussion of the brain. " What shall I do for the man ? " said the young disciple to his master. " Shall I bleed him, sir? " " Bleed him ? bleed him, sir? No, sir; you would kill him outright. Wait, sir, until he reacts, and then bleed him — bleed him to death, sir ! " On this te.xt Dr. Physick founded very elaborate instructions for us who were his pupils. A spoken word, ofttimes becomes a guiding idea for a man's whole life, and the hospital pu|)il never forgot this one. One day while strolling along Ninth Street near the University buildings, I was overtaken by Professor Dorsey, who hooked arms with me and said, " Come along with me ; I will show you a case." We entered a house in Market Street above Ninth, where, in an upper room a man was lying on a bed, pale, breathing very slowly, and perfectly insensible ; his pulse was soft and infrequent and he snored a little at times. This man, said Dorsey, fell from a scaflbid, and has got a concussion of the brain. He has no fracture of the skull, and yet see how 1 am healing him. I have done nothing but wrap his head in this towel wrung out of cool water. " Is that all that you arc going to do for him. Doctor ? " " Yes, all for the present. Don't you remember what John Hunter said to Dr. Physick: 'Wait until he reacts, and then I shall bleed him,— of course I will?'" Of course we cannot pretend to know how far Mr. Hunter's strenuous expres- sion of his opinion — as to the actual status of the brain in concussion, while the heart is beating feebly and faintly because the cerebrospinal axis has received a shock that half deprives it of its innervating force — was meant to go ; but it seems clear that he must have entertained a wholesome dread of the battering power of the reacted heart when impelling its arterial columns into the brain- 453 tfxlurt- after such a slunk aiul (Ichiliialion. Kur utirsilvi's, howfver, we do know Aildriss l>v ^'*"'^y " '^" "'■'" " "^ '"'^^ *■' '^^'•'^ l"okfrci- of a lit-arl roiisctl and Dr Mi-its '"^'li'^"""' i"t" violviil reaction as a force inily injective, packing, crowdinj;, and disruptive, under which tissues are melted or broken down as the curtain of a liesieKed fortress melts and crumbles ami is broken down under the drivinn. dis- ruptive power of the siege guns. We and direction : and though we had scrupulously attended at his lectures and illustrations at the University of Pennsylvania, more than once did he terrify us by the exhibition of his dash in the practice of his art. One instance out of many may illustrate our meaning. It was long ago that a woman fell under our charge laboring with a terrible conjunctivitis, one so extremely violent as to threaten her with loss of the eye through ulceration of the cornea, or by a com- plete glaucoma to which it might perhaps have led. The Professor had filled our mind with a conviction that he was right in pushing the use of bloodletting to oulraiHc for the purpose of reducing the injection-force of the heart to a proper balance with the resisting power of the minute arteries and capillaries of the conjunctiva. He h.ad instructed us to bleed daily until this balance of forces should be effected. Accordingly Mrs. Smith, wlm was agonized with pain, was duly bled, to-day, to-morrow, the next day and next morning, and so on until at last she fainted so badly that terror laiil hold on us, and we fled for shelter and for succor to the good man's oflice in Fourth Street. He was very pale, very sick, and very feeble ; yet, said he, "I will meet you at Mrs. Smith's at ten o'clock to-morrow morning." Now, I declare that my very copious and repeated bleedings, and all my lotions and cataplasms and eye-waters had not in the least discernible degree lessened the pain, the engorgement, or the redness of Mrs. S.'s conjunctiva. She was half blind already, when, at ten o'clock. Dr. P. accompanied me to her darkened chamber. " Give me a little light from yonder window," said he, after examining the i)ulse. " Open the shutter a little wider." Then touching the lii^'ii. lo xl'SiTvi.- this favorable oiiieii from tliu iloor ami now yon Dr Meijis. **''" '""' ''•'' '"'' l'"'**^' '"'• l>reatliinK, liis iinprovi-d animation, for he actually recognizes and speaks to us, that lie is decidedly better, leading lis to expect that the crisis is past, and that he will entirely recover ere long." The man did recover, but we never lost any part of thai simple, undertoiied, but deep-graved lesson in diagnosis and prognosis. If Dr. I'liysick taught us connnon sense about sore knuckles, I>r. Rush latiglu us connnon sense on the decubitus of sick people, on their gestures and the whole expression of the figure. This was the way in which the good man taught us to turn " niony a pickle into monv a niickle." The little incident fruclilied ill our intelligence for more than fifty-five years of practice and ofltiines gui' sup- ,.,.,,.., ,., ji ported by the the income derived from the sale of tickets for lectures and the sums physicians, paid by students for attending the practice of the house. The fees from each of these were according to custom in the European hospitals, in reality the perquisites of the medical staff; but the physicians not only offered their gratuitous services to attend patients, but also con- sented to lecture to students, without remuneration, (mly stipulating that 457 the fees should be devoted to tlie maintenance of a Medical Library. A l.ir«i- and Under the judicious administration of the Managers and fostering valuabk- ^^^^ ^f jj^^ medical staff, the Library in a short time l)ecamc the Collection of ..,,,. , ,. , , , ^ ■ , ■ Books l"''"'^'!'^' collection of medical works of reference in this coiiniry, and for many years subsequently it continued to be the largest individual collection of medical books in the United States. Even at present, it continues unique in its possession of rare and valuable works and of many complete files of medical journals, which cannot be now duplicated. The history of the Library has been given on another page ; this mention is necessary in order to show its relation to medi- cal teachini; at the Pennsylvania Hospital, to which the Library has always been a valuable adjunct. On the other hand, no consideration of the medical library would be com])lete without reference to the lectures, which for a long time were delivered in the same room, and were illustrated by the plates and models belonging to the Library and Museum. The first ^^ Stated at the commencement of this section, medical Course of education in this country received its first impulse and encourage- Leciiireson nient from the members of the medical staff of this institution. Medicine in j-j^. 'phQp,^^ Cadwalader, the Provincial Counsellor, and afterwards one of the ])hysicians to the Hospital, gave the first course of medical lectures delivered in the Western hemisphere, before a claresence an Kssay on the " I'tility of Clinical Lectures, and a plan for e.xecuting the same for the benefit of the Students in Physic, and promoting the Kood purposes of this Institution ; " which is ordered to be inserted on tile Minutes of this Board, beinj; as follows, viz. : Or Thos When I consider the unskilful hands the Practice of Physic & Surgery has of Bond's In- "ecessity been Committed to, in many parts of America, it gives me pleasure to trodii t rv '"■'''"''' *" many Worthy Young Men, training up in those professions, which, , , ._ ' from the nature of their Objects, are the most inttristiiig to the Communitv, and 1-ecture. ^ '^ - ' yet a great pleasure in foreseeing, that tile iinparalled public Spirit, of the Good People of this Province, will shortly make Philadelphia the Athens of America, and Render the Sons of Pennsylvania, reputable amongst the most celebrated Europeans, in all the liberal .Arts and Sciences. This I am at present certain of, that the institutions of Literature & Charity, already fouiuled, Jt the School of Physic lately open'd in this City alTord Sufiict. Foundation for the Students of Physic to accjuire all the Knowledge necessary for their practising every Branch of their professions, respectably, and Judiciously. The great E.vpeiici.- in going from America, to Europe, & thence from Country to Country, & Colledge to Colledge, in (Juust of Medical (Qualifications, is often a Barr to the ciiltivation of the Brightest (ieniuses amongst us, who might other- wise be Morning Stars in their jirofessions, & most useful Members of Society. Besides every Climate i>roduces Diseases peculiar to itself, wliich re<|uire experience to understand and Cure ; & even the Diseases of the several Seasons in the Same Countrv, are found to differ so much some Years, from wh.at they were in others, that Sydenham, the most Sagacious Physician that ever lived, acknowledged that he was often ditTiculted auts of never failing Experience are handed down from Father to Son, from Tutor to Pupil. That this is not a Speculative opinion, but real Matter of Fact, may be proven from the Savages of America, who without the assistance of Literature have been found possessed of Skill in the Cure of Diseases incident to their Climate, Superior to tlie Regular bred, and most learned Physicians, S: that from their discoveries the present practice of Physic h.as been enrich'd with some of the most valuable Medicines now in use. been 5iiished for some time and Lectures have been fi^iven and one operation performed therein." A Ihousand dollars was appropriated from the Muclical Fund for this imprnvc- ment in the means for imparting instruction at the Hospital, bill some other appropriations from Ibis Fund had liule if any connection with either lectures or students. March 25. 1811. Ibe east lot was fiiiisbcd with railiiiRS, and a niontb later, the whole square cast of the Hospital was fenced in, anne of which died of .Astnialic roniplaints, the other of a Phrenzy succeeded by a I'alsey, and ask you whether anything short of ocular deinonstr.atiou : rou'd have given you just Ideas of the causes of the Patient's IJeath, in one we saw a dropsy in the left sitle of the Thora.x, an