UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNjA SAN DjEGO 3 1822 00161 4643 ^$' in ^^^ V ^..; 'ii'^ft;;;- M^^ o-e^u/t^ /41.UAZ, ^y^^- *-f^^ca^^^ dd^Tf^S/ presented to the LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • SAN DIF.GO by FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY IVERSON AND HELEN HARRIS (b 1:!^ u«™E»s,nQ;cjLfo« 3 1822 001 61 4643 THE ONIVERSITV tmRAHV •w^ THE Secret DoctrinE: THE SYNTHESIS SCIENCE, RELIGION, AND PHILOSOPHY H. P. BLAVATSKY, AUTHOR OF "ISIS UNVKIIvED." THIRD AND REVISED EDITION. satvAt nasti paro dhar^l\h. " There is no Religion higher than Tr\itli." Index to Vols. I. and II. LONDON: Thp; Thhosoi'hicai, Puhlishino Society, 7, Ditkic .STRi;i-n\ Ai>i;i.imii, W.C. NEW YORK : The Path Office, 144, Madison .\venue. INDLA: The Theosophicau Pubeishing Society, Benares. The Theosophist Office, .\dyar, ^L\dras. i8p;. ENTERED AT vST ATI ONERS' HALL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INDEX TO VOLUMES I AND II. Aam, Toom is, i, 737. Aanroo, Deceased allotted land in, i, 257; Domain of Osiris in, i, 737; Kheni, who gleans in, i, 241 ; Wheat in the field of, ii, 390. Aanroo-field, domain of Amenti, i, 257. AB, the Father, ii, 87. Ababel, the mystical Tree, ii, 653. Abacus, the Pythagorean, i, 387. Abahu, the Rabbi, ii, 56. Abarbanel, ii, 477. Abba Father, i, 3S0. Abba, Rabbi, quoted, ii, 661, 664. Abbe Bourgeois, ii, 301, 713; Brasseur de Bourbourg, quoted, ii, 787; Fabre on Prehistoric Man, ii, 789; Gorresio, quoted, i, 447; Hue, quoted, ii, 528. Abd Allatif on Sabteans, ii, 37S. Abdera, Democritus of, i, 142. Alxli of the Mahometans, ii, 636. Abel. Cain and, i, 705, ii, 132, 142, 143, 492; Hebel or, a female, ii, 135; Sacri- fice of, ii, 285; Soil, life-bearing, ii, 286; Woman, the first, ii, 406. Abenephius, i, 30S. Ab Hati, Animal Soul, ii, 670. Abhayan, ii, 424. Abhimanin, ii, 25S. 548; Sons of, i, 567. Abhiitarajasas, or Rajasas, ii, 93. Abjayoni, or Padmayoni, i, 399. Abode of Apollo, ii, 7; Crystalline, of the Great Mother, ii, 501 ; Deity, of the invisible, i. 736; Devachan the, of Bliss, i, 391 ; Kwanyin, of, i, 161; Ni- raksha, of the God's, ii, 419; Vishnu, of, ii, 5. Abodes, Monads, of Immortal, n, 16; Mortals, of Immortal, ii. 58. Above, Below, and. i, 59, 100, 295, 592, ii. 527. 538, 739. 740. Abracadabra, i, 50. Abraham, Bosom of, i, 621 ; Rl Rlion of, ii> 397; God of, ii, 536; Jehovah to, ii, 534; Lord God of, i, 506, 566; Pales- tine, coming to. i, 403; Pauranic ^IS.S., in, i. 15; Pillars of, Lingams, ii, 495; Race-father, a, ii. 43 ; Sarah and. ii, 184; Saturn identical with, i, 631 ; Seed of, i, 63 1; Sepher Jetzirah, and the, i, 26; Ur, came from, ii, 148; Woman of, freed and bond, ii. 80. Abrahams, Brahms and, ii, 138. A.-bra(h)ni becomes Abraham, ii, 148. Abram, Abraham and, ii, 43; Arba, de- rived from, i, 360; Circumcized servants of, i, 343; Lamp of, i, 361; No-Brah- man, or, ii, 210; Sarai, or SRI, and, ii, 80. Abrasax, Gnostic sects, ii, 496; Sun Eternal, ii, 224; Supreme God, a, i, 374, Abraxas, Generative Deity, a, ii, 497 Gnostic sects and, ii, 496; levo antago nistic to, ii, 570; Osiris on, gems, ii, 596 Priapus, one with, ii, 480. Abrayanti one of the Pleiades, ii, 581. Absolute, Adepts do not speculate on the, i, 86; Ain Suph the, ii, 570; All, the, i, 37; Aspects of the, i, 43; Atyantika, or, ii, 72, 323; Being, i, 70, 82, 91, 289, ii, 470; Be-ness, One, i, 42; Brahma, the. Cause, i. 482; Breath of the, i, 267; Cause, the, i, 36, 622, 738; Chit or In- telligence, i, 35; "Concealed Lord," the, i, 83; Consciousness, i, 32, 43, 72, 78. 82, 86. 87, 236, 286, 298, 696; Creative Power, the, and, ii, 82; Crookes on the, i, 635; Darkness, the, i, 86, 99, 522; Definition of the, no, ii, 37; Deity, the, i, 88, 194, 26S, 581, 672, ii, 168', 249; Dissolution, ii, 323; F^manation from the, i, 314; Essence, i, 36. 86, 294, 690; Existence, the one, i, 71, 74, 347; F'iery Breath of the, ii, 120; First cannot be, i, 43; Gleam borrowed from the. i, 275; God as. i, 443; Hegel on the, i. 44; Idea- tion, mirrored in, i. 350; Intelligence, i, 113; Itself the. stands In-, ii, 632; Kabalists' mistakes as to the, i, 235; Law, ii, 92; Life, i. 279, 296, 588, ii, 37; Li.ght, i, 98, 99, 222, ii, 41, 100, 171, 225; Mahamava of the, IS, ii, 466; Mahat, an aspect of the, i, 82 ; Man becoming one with the, ii, 82; Manas and the, i, 204; Monad becomes the, i, 160; Motion, i, 42, 74, 86; Mystery of the Tree of Life, ii, 621; Negation, i, 43, THE SECRET DOCTRINE. 381; Non-Being, i, 78, 84, 215; No- Nuniber is, i, 115; Xo-thing, the, i, 234, ii, 583; Nucleoles form part of the, ii, 37; One, i, 242, 276, 510, ii, 573: Ouloni, the, i, 378; Parabrahman, the, i, 43, 92; Paranishpanna is the, i, 74, 79, 84: Parinirvana, Perfection, i, 73; Perfection of the. All, i, 102, ii, 431, 586; "Perpetual Motion," i, 85; Per- sonified Powers, aspects of the, i, 374; Planes too near the, first two, i, 198; Plenum, the, container, i, 37; Point, the, i, 369; Pralaj'a, the, i, 40; Pre- cosniic Root-Substance, an aspect of the, i, 43; Presence, the, i, 678; Prin- ciple, i, 35, 81 ; Ray of the One, i, 144, 252; Reality, One, i, 42, 84, 569; Reflec- tion of the', i, 310; Rest, i, 98, ii, 84; Scientists on the, i, 538; Self identical with the. Higher, i, 297; Self-conscious- ness attained bv the, i, 81, 82; Silent All, i, 369; vSpirit, i, 35, 360, 481; Spi- noza on the. All, i, 689; Substance, Divine, i, 482 ; THAT which is the. All, ii, 168; Thought, i, 70, ii, 515; Time, i, 450; Truth, i, 79, 84; Unity, i, 37, 89, ii, 27, 249, 575, 616, 622; Unknowable, the, ii, 769; Unmanifested, or, i, 115; Upadhi, one, ii, 37; Veil shrouding the, i, 82; Wisdom, i, 3, 31, ii, 102, 401; Word, manifesting in the, ii, 584. Absoluteness, Breath of the, i, 267, 310; Conditioned, cannot be, i, 36; God, the, of, i, 445; Incomprehensible, i, 287; Infinity, the, of, i, 156; Non-being, of, i, 522; Parabrahman is, i, 44; Plane of, the, i, 154; Principle, of the One, i, 46; State of, indescribable, i, 49; Thought in its. Divine, ii, 566. Absoluter Geist, i, 81. Absolutes, Two, impossible, i, 36, 442. Ab Soo, vSpace called, ii, 527. Absorption in Brahman, i, 159; Laws of, specific, i, 174; Source, of man into his, i, 697. _ Abstraction, Absolute, 1, 363; Atom an, i. 559: Causeless Cause an, the, i, 622; Concretion follows the lines of, i, 200; Deity of the Pagans an, i, 707; Elohim not an, i, 251; Ever- Present an, i, 32; Holy of Holies an, ii, 495: Ideal, i, 363; Incomprehensible, i, 676; Jehovah not an, i, 679; Logos as an, i, 374; Mathe- matical, a, i, 733; Matter as an, i, 349, 619; Metaphysical, i, 76; Mulaprakriti as an, ii, 28; Plane of, i, 68; Reality to, giving, i, 271; Sephiroth not, i, 693; Shekinah the purest, i, 678; Spirit per se an, i, 215; .Symbols represent, i, 443, 675; Universal, a, ii, 495, 632. Abydos, quoted, i, 104, 249. Abydos. Osiris worshipped at, i, 471, 738; Synchronistic table at, ii, 384. Abyss, .\rg floating on the, ii, 482 ; Aryan and Semitic systems, between the, i, 479; Beginning, a great, in the, i, 460; Boundless and Void, i, 394; Chaos, the, of, i, 160; Chaotic, Fountains of the, ii, 150; Creation, the, of primordial, ii, 68; Darkness, the, of, ii, 57; Demiurgos reflected in the, looks of the, ii, 254; Destruction in the, ii, 58; Gate of the, ii, 621; Infinite, i, 369; Lady of the Nether, ii, 485; Lower, the i, 63; Male unit, dug by the. ii, 586; ISIanifested W'orld, the, ii, 245; Matter, the, of, i, 217; Mentality, the, of, ii, 85; Noot the celestial, i, 248; Space, the, of, i, 402, ii, 56, 151; Spirit of the, ii, 109; Waters, the, of primordial, ii, 613; Watery, ii, 690. 755- ^ ^ . Abyss., Ethiopia text. Job, 1, 454. Abyssinia, Book of Enoch in, ii, 560; Eg>'pt reached through, ii, 789; Forma- tion of, ii, 789; Island, formerly an, ii, 385; Pistis Sophia brought from, ii, 597- , r ■ .■ Academie des Inscriptions, 1, 150, u, 357, 543- . .. Accad, or Accadia, Sargon of, n, 730. Accadian calendar, ii, 732. Accident, Karma and, ii, 317; Lives, no, in our, i, 705. Accumulators, Faure's, i, 635. Accuser, Book of the Dead, the, in the, ii, 403; Soul, of the, i, 130. Achad, Ahu the Eka, the, i, 138; Creators called, i, 154; Elohim called, i, 137; Hebrew name for Jehovah, i, 102. Achaica of Pausanias, quoted, ii, 357. Achamoth, Ilda-baoth mother of, ii, 254; Sophia or, i, 157. Achar, Jehovah the, ii, 535. Achath, Creators called, i, 154. Acheron, ii, 373. Achilles, Heel of, ii, 674; Shield of, ii, 412. Achit, Anatma and Parabrahman, i, 89. Achyuta, Chyuta, became the, ii, 50; Im- mutable, the, i, 593; Vishnu, a name of, i, 46. Acosmism, i, 176. Acosta, quoted, i, 230. Acrania, ii, 694. Acropolis, Argos, the, at, ii, 308; Temple on the, i, 361. Actio inDistans, i, 529, 533. Action, Akasha exists because of, i. 354; Causes of, i, 584; Divine, kingdom of, ii, 252; Fatalism of blind, i, 705; Forces, Design in, of, i, 298; Fruit of our, i, 257; Independent, falsely so- called, i, 617; Karma or, i, 295, 695. ii, 316, 319; Marshalling of, i, 699; Matter and, i, 707, ii, 38; Molecular, i, 539; Nature of a God known b}-, i, 454; INDEX. Personal and impersonal, 11,319; Priests, good, the only, 1, 301; Seed of, i, 258; Sense and, i, 356; Spheres of, ii, 657; Spirits of, 1, 279; Spiritual sphere of, 11, 657; Thought and!^ the, 1, 311; Unity in thought and, 1, 706; Vital, develop- ing all forces, 1, 5S8, 647; Whirlwind raised by, 1, 701; Will determines, 1, 700; With and without, i, 91; World of, the third, 1, 117; Worshipped, of the, ii. 524- . . Active, Being, Periods of, 11, 249; Divine Mind in, operation, 1, 486; Dragon, after passivity, the Old, 1, 445; Existence, cycles of, ii, 540; Force a Principle, i, 687; Gods, World of the, 1, 469; Intelli- gence, Universal, 11, 631; Matter, i, 553. 572; Passive by turn, and, ii, 774; Periods of the Universe, 1, 394; Polarity, Ii, 706; Power, Sephira the, i, 378; Principle, 11, 62, 556; Self-Conscious- ness, 11, 332; Wisdom, the Logos as, ii, 241. Activity, Cosmic, ii, 325; Creation, in, i, 302; Creative force, of the, i. 401; Cycles of, i, 287, 11, 575; Cyclic, of Spirit, 1, 693; Fohat, of, ii, 621; Leib- nitz and living, 1, 691 ; Matter, of, i, 172, 304; Nascent, 11, 512; Organic units, of, 1, 687; Periods of, 1, 92, 178; Plane of, I, 203; Stages of, ii, 790; vSvabhavat, in- tense, of, i, 695; Terrestrial, i, 679; Vital, 1, 303. Actor, Dress of an, i, 623; Characters played by an, 11, 320. Acts, Consequences of, i, 308; Nature's, are cyclic, 1, 702. Acts of the Apostles, 1, 114, 349, ii, 504. Ad, Assyrian is "Father," in, ii, 46; Sans- krit is "First," in, 11, 45, 473; Sons of, i, 228. Ad-ad, Aramaean means "only one," in, ii, 45, 46. Ad-ah, Sons of, ji, 213. Adam, 11, 230; Adi-Nath Sanskrit for, ii, 473; Adml or Adami, ii, 3; Androgyne, ii, 135, 191; Apple, and the, 1, 153, 325; Ark, body of, in the, ii, 490; A-sexual, the, 11, 126; Athatnas or Thomas, ii, 143; Barhishad became the, of dust, ii, 81; Bible, in the, ii, 401; Biblical, the, ii, 8, 74; Book of Enoch and, ii, 132; Cain not son of, ii, 135; ChaUhean, the, II, 107; Children of, i, 482; Church, a, ii, 46; Clergy on descent from, i, 343; Collective name, a, ii, 4; Creation of, Ii, 411; Dead-letter sense, in the, 11, 159; Disobedience of, ii, 425; Dust, the, of, 1, 263, ii, 86, 90, 119; Ivarth, the, of, ii, 133; Eden, in, ii, 118; Elohim were, i, 105, 145, 11, 399; Enos and, ii, 492; Essence, emanating from Divine, i, 26; Eve, and, 1, 161, 345, 492, ii, 65. 156, 203, 278, 286, 292, 524, 665, 693, 739; Fall of, ii. 179. 538; Family of, human, 11, 300; First, the, i, 376; First man, not the, i, 345; Formation of, from clay, 11, 682; Garden, in the, 1, 435; Generations of, 11, 561 ; Generic name, a, 11, 475; Genesis and, 11, I, 185, 405, 698; Highest, the, 11, 529; Humanity, collective, il, 142; Initiating an, ii, 212; Jehovah or. 1. 479, 11, 133, 2S2; Jehovah-Cain made part of, ii, 406; Jews, obtained from Chaldaia, ii, 45; Kadnion (see Adam Kadmon); Kainiurath Identical with, ii, 412, 414, 415; Lifthraslr the coming, ii, 105; Lilith, and, ii, 183, 274; Madim, Mars and, ii, 152; Maimonides on, ii, 489; IMankind, is, 11, 126; Mosaic Bible, and the, ii. 46; Noah, period from, to, 11, 444; Oilah the Heavenly form, 1, 380; Pauranic MSS., in forged, i, 15; Personification, as a, ii, 410; Planet, formed Long after our, i, 345; Prlapean monster represents the fourth, 11, 480; Primitive Race, stands for the, 11, 132; Races, of the different, ii, 429, 717; Raphael to, 1, 682; Red, the, il, 153: Reincarnation, and, 1, 131; Rlshoon is the Lunar Spirit, ii, 415; Second, 11, i; Sons of, il, 329, 492, 567; Soul, the first living, 11, 540; .Soul of life, requires the, I, 267; Spirit, a quickening, 11, 540; Swaddling clothes, in, il, 730; Tailless, the, 11, 343; Terrestrial, the first, 11, 171; Theologv, in Christian, ii, 100; Tree of Knowledge, and the. 1, 434; Tree of Life, and the, ii, 226; White, the, 1, 344 ; Woman from the second, 11, 137; Yima, or, ii, 646. Adam-Adami, i, 380, il, 45. 46, 47, 473, 475, 478. Ad-am-ak-ad-mon, 11, 47. Adamas, Kablr, named, ii, 3; Ophite, the, ii. 479- Adam-F;ve, Jehovah or, 11, 135; Race, the Second, 11, 142. Adam-Galatea, 11, 159. Adami, Adam, Adml or, 11, 3: Red-earth, the, ii, 475; Symbol, the manifold, ii, 473- . . ,, - Adamic, Humanitv, 1, 25; :\Ian, 11, 329; Orthodox, 6,000 years, ii, 713; Race, the, i, 437. ii. 5. 95-. 749- Adam-Jehovah, ii. 47. Adam-Jehovah- Eve, 11, 132. Adam Kadmon, Adam-Adami or, 1, 380; Ad-am-ak-ad-mon or, ii, 47.; Adonis or, II, 47; Ain Suph, vehicle of, i, 466, ii, 770; Ain-Suph-Slieklnah, i, 679; Ancient of Davs and, 1, 90; Androgyne, il, 136, 4S9; An'u preceded, ii, 153; Archetypal Man, the, 1, 420, 478; Body of, 1, 260; Brahma and, 11, 132; Dual-Man, generic name of, ii, 40; Elohim framed, 1, 259; Female THE SECRET DOCTRINE. counterpart of, i, 236, ii. 282; Genesis, of. ii, 2, 119: Heavenly Man or, i, 161, ii, 49, 630, 662: Jehovah and, ii, 489; Kabalah, in the, ii, 4; Kabalists and, i, 202, ii, 136; Light, is Spiritual, i, 359; Logoi as. the, i, 266; Logos, the, i, 235, 463, ii, 135, 574; Lord, is the, ii, 135; Mind-born son of, ii, 133; Origin of, ii, 566; Paradigmatic, ii, 478; Sephira and, i. 125, 236, 461, 464; Sephiroth and, ii, 244, 744; Sephirothic Tree, personifies the, i, 376, ii, 4, 306; Symbol, the four- lettered, ii, 28: Twofold' man, the, i, 4S5; Yodcheva or, ii, 137. Adam-KDM, the Heavenly Man, ii, 40. Adams, Animal, ii, 274; Creation of the human, ii,49; Four, the, ii, 529; Kabalis- tic four, ii, 479; Nebo and Buddha both, ii, 478; Prediction of, ii, 460; Primitive men or, ii, 3 ; Primordial, seven, ii, 49. Adam's Earth, or primordial matter, i, 39, 594- Adamu, or Dark Race, 11, 5. Adan, the city of, ii, 30. Adaptation, Environment, to, ii, 779. Ad-Argat, the Syrian Goddess, ii, 47. Ad-ar-gat or Aster"t, ii, 46. Adbhitanya, ii, 333. Adbhutaiii in Athatua Veda, ii, 658. Adder, Dan described as an, i, 715, ii, 222. .-Idciress, Liverpool Geological Society, ii, Address to the British Association, i, 128. Address of the Gods to Vishnu, i, 454. Adelaide, Natives near, ii, 206. Adept (see also Adepts, Initiates, Rishis, Masters, etc.). Absolute not studied by the, 1S6; Alaya the Self of an, i, 80; Angel, ii, 662; Ape theory, an, rejects the, i, 212; Aryasanga, a pre-Christian, i, 80; Astronomers, ii, 738; Atlantis, an, on, ii, 426; Bacon an, Roger, i, 604; Chahkean, Bible of the, ii, 476; Chela to a higher Initiate, the, i, 227; Christos, becoming the full, ii, 613; Correlation of Elements, and the, i, 324; Cross at Initiation, attached to a, ii, 5S9; Dragon a symbol of the, ii, 293; Ego of an, ii, 227; Form, an, changing his, ii, 745; "G" and the, the letter, ii, 608; Galilean, ii, 241; Initiated, ii, 30; Invisible, becoming, ii, 814; Jivanmukta the highest, i, 77 ; Magic of the. White, ii, 445; Matter, on, i, 595: [Monad, read- ing all in the, i, 691, 692: [Mysteries of Nature known to the, ii, 5S0; Occultist, the, i, 169: Personalities of an, i, 296; quoted, ii, 425; Raja Yogi, every, a, i, 1S2; Revelation to an, ii, 476; Secret Wisdom, in, ii, 561; vSelf-made, a, ii, 378, 450, 451: Serpent a symbol of the, ii, 381; Spiritual faculties of the, i, 618; Student, reveals to the, i, 324; Third Eye of the, ii, 651; Trance of the, i, 561; Upadhis separated by the, i, 182; Vision of the, i, 531; Wilford, an, on, ii, 425; Will of an, born through the, ii, 127; Work without fault must be written by an, ii, 677. Adepts, Abode of, ii, 519; Age, in every, i, 525; Akasha of the, i, 361 ; Alchemists and, ii, 364; Ancient, the great, ii, 443; Apes, hope for the, ii, ^274; Aryan, ii, 401 ; Atlantean and Aryan, ii, 520 ; Authority of the, i, 647; Balaam taught bv, ii, 427; Beings perceived b}-, i, 663; Books, existence of, recorded in the Sacred, i, 19; Buddhahood reached by, i, 628; Celibate, the, ii, 87; Cis-Hima- la3'an, ii, 390; Civilize, tarry to, ii, 213; Classes of. seven, i, 628; Commentaries compiled by, ii, 26; Coptic, ii, 451; Cross used by, sign of the, ii, 593; Cyclic laws, and the, ii, 659; Death of, ii, 559; Dhyani-Buddha, have each their, i, 626; Difficulties encountered by, i, 193, ii, 741 ; Dragons, named, ii, 225; Earliest known, ii, 527; Egos of great, ii, 650; Egyptian, ii, 451; Fifth Race, of the, i, 452; Firm ground, on, i, 468; Forefathers of all, ii, 528; Forces of the IMoon, on the, i, 425 ; Generic title of, ii, 221; Good Law, of the, ii, 521; Greek, ii, 451; Heavenward aspira- tions of the, ii, 227; Hermes and, ii, 398; Hierophants, or, ii, 384; Hindu, ii, 668; History known to, i, 23; Indian, i, 330; Initiates and, i, 314. 671; Initia- tion, and, i, 435; Knowledge, cannot communicate, ii, 741; Life of the, ii, 521; Light known to, properties of, i, 562; Lipika, do not know all orders of, i, 153; [Mankind will be composed of, ii, 465; Manvantaras. of previous, ii, 99; Mental vision of, i, 190; IMoon, knowledge of the, i, 180; Multiply again, the, will, ii, 288; Mystery of the Lunar Chain known to, i, 202; Mystics of antiquit}% and, ii, 558; Nagas of the, i, 435: Names of, ii, 519; Nebo starts a new race of. ii, 477; Nebular Theory and, i, 576, 643, 646, 650; Nursery for future, i, 228; Occult Fraternity pre- .serve the teaching of, i, t8; Perfection of the, i, 294; Phraseology of the, ii, 372; Planetar}- system, on the, i, 649; Post-diluvian, i, 450; Pyramids, living under, ii, 367; Researches of, i, 671; Revelations not made by, i, 325; Right Path, of the, ii, 221; Saints, and, ii, 441; Science known to, ii, 471; Seed for future, ii, 238; vSerpent symbolical of, ii, 98; Serp6nt-holes, from, ii, 790; Seventh Race, will return in the, ii, 559; Shiva the patron of, ii, 295; Solar System known to, ii, 741 ; Sun's nature INDEX. known to, ii, 629; Sword of Knowledge used by, i, 585: Third Race, of the, ii, 220; Truths concealed by, i, i; Vidya, and Sacred, ii, 457; Visions of, i, 294; War between, ii, 527; "Wondrous Being" governs, i, 228; World-efforts of, I, 28. Adeptship, Candidate for, ii, 397; Embryo of divine, ii, 650; Hermes and, alle- gories of, ii, 398. Adhi Budha, Supreme Wisdom, i, 3. Adi, First, in Sanskrit is, i, 154, ii, 45: Race called, first speaking, ii, 473; One, . the, i, 3. Adibhuta, or primeval cause of all, 1, 3. Adi-Buddha, First or Primeval Wisdom, i, 84; Illusion, an, i, 84; Unknown, the one, i, 624; Wisdom of, concealed, i, . 135- Adi-Buddhi, or Absolute Consciousness, :, . 696. Adi-Buddhic Monad, i, 625. Adi-Budha, Correlation of, i, 161; Decrees of, ii, 52 ; Supreme Wisdom, or, i, 3. Adikrit, Creator, i, 399. Adi-Nath or First Lord, ii, 473. Adi-Nidana Svabhavat, i, 61, 125. Adi-Parvan of the MahabhcDixta, ii, 242. Adi-Sanat, the number, i, 61, 125. Adi-Shakti, Mulaprakriti emanation from, i, 39. Ad- 1 sh vara, ii, 473. Aditi, Akasha or, i, 354, 574; Amba or, i, 496; Cosmic vSpace or, i, S3; Daksha and, i, 165, 683, ii, 258; Depth of, un- fathomable, ii, 224; Diti is, ii, 648, 649; Dyaus or, i, 127; Gaea one with, ii, 281 ; Gaia metaphysically, ii, 69; Light, Primordial, ii, 46, 112; Mother, i, 686, ii, 554; Mulaprakriti called, i, 464; Sephira is, i, 379, 382, ii, 46; Sons of, i, loi, 126, 604, ii, 221; Space, is Infi- nite, i, 126; Spirit, and the, ii, 480; Sun, Mother of the, i, 578; Surarani, called, ii, 555; THAT, in, i, 34; Vach or, i, 161, 465, 468, ii, 47. Aditi-Gsea, Prakriti materialized is, ii, 69. Aditi-Praknti, 1, 304. Aditi-Vach, i, 380, 465. Aditya, Athivahikas, a name of, i, 157; Planetary God, the, ii, 69. Adityas, Ashvins, or Sacrificers, ii, 640; Devas, are real, ii, 95; Gods, the eight, or, i, 127; Planets, the, the seven, i, 126; Rudras who are, ii, 192,618; vSecret Doctrine, in the, i, 119; Sustainers of life, the, ii, 513; Vaivasvata period, in the, ii, 94; Varuna, chief of the, ii, 281 ; Vedas, in the, ii, 258; Vedic deities, the, ^ the, i, 100; Vedic times, the, of, ii, 555. Adi-Varsha, the primitive Eden, ii, 211, 213. Adjuster, Pesh-Hun is Karma's, ii, 52. Adjustment, Harmony, is universal, ii, 319; Inner ^Nlan, of the, ii, 280; Karma, by, ii, 317; Orbs, the, of, i, 223; Organ- ism, of the human, ii, 307; Sphere of final, i, 205 ; Struggles and wars of, i, 215; Work of, intelligent, i, 540. Ad-m, appellation of, ii, 45. Admi, Adam or Adami, ii, 3. Ad-on, or Lord of Syria, ii, 46, 47. Adon, Adonai and Adonim, ii, 473; Baal or, a Phallic God, ii, 482; Hiram's temple to, ii, 570. Adonai, Adonim and, ii, 473; Footstool of, ii, 245; lao-Jehovah, a name of ii, 407; Israelites, of the, ii, 473; lurbo- Adonai, or, i, 501 ; Jehovah, a title of, i, 472, ii, 487, 535; Jewish, the, ii, 47; Star, the, six-pointed, ii, 561 ; Sun, genius of the, i, 631, ii, 567. A Do Na Y, or Lord, ii, 473. Adoneus, a stellar spirit, i, 484. Adoni, Jews' reading of, ii, 137. Adonim and Adonai, ii, 473. Adonis, Adam-Kadmon or, ii, 47; First Lord, the. ii, 473; Lunar God, a, i, 425; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Osiris and, ii, 812; Pt'ah, identical with, i, 377. Adrasteia, the inevitable, ii, 319. Adulterer, Seed of the, ii, 622. Advaita, Brahman of the. Sect, i, 697; Doctrine, i, 92, 107; Philosophy, i, 37, 84, 569, ii, 674; Sect, the, i, 486; Vedan- tists, the, i, 86; Without a Second, i, 84. Advaiti and the Vishishthadvaita Philo- sophy, i, 89. Advaiti'n, Brahmans, opposed to ortho- dox, i, 37; Doctrines, i. 81; Occultists are not .\theists, i, 35; Philosophy, the, Vedantic, ii, 631. Advaitis, Purusha and Prakriti, on, ii, 633. Advaitis and Vedantins. i, 83. Advent of Christ, Enoch and Elijah, ii, 559; Second, the, i, 289. Adventures of an Atom, i, 167. Adversaries, Christianity, in, ii, 407; Gods, of the, ii, 173. Adversarv, Anthropomorphic God, of the. ii, 395;'Azazel, not the, of Jehovah, ii, 393; Demon, the, ii, 512; God and. ii, 534; Human form, in, i, 444: Jeho- vah the first, ii, 405; Law on the, the, ii, 501; Lucifer as the, ii, 171; Matter, the, of Spirit, ii, 244; Nature, the, in, i, 443; Satan as the, i, 443, ii, 246, 254, 392, 404. 406; Theology-, the, in, ii, 64. Adv. Hicr., i, 435, ii, 480. Adyar, Pandit at, i, 157. Adyta, Documents stored in the. i, 20; First Principle bevond the, i. 459; Ini- tiation Halls of tlie, ii, 480; Secrecy of the, i, 143- THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Advtuin, Sacred, of Occiilt IMysteries, h 687; Sanctum Sanctorum or, ii, 481. .'Bd-en, Ivlen or, ii, 45. A, E, I, O, V denote the Five Races, ii, 480. .^lian, quoted, ii, 437, 803. .-Eneas, Astral double of, ii, S14. ^■E>iei(f, quoted, ii, 62S. .E;olian, Cronus, form of, i, 139; Mars, the, name of, ii, 410. .fiolus, Tvphoeus chained by, i, 504. JEou, Adam, the Patriarch, i, 703: Eter- nity sometimes denoting, i, 92; Inter- mediate, an, ii, 512; Logos, or First, i, 375; Sunrise of another, i, 214. -Flons, Angels, created by, i, 374; Archaic, the, i, 180; Beginning of i, 671; Being- less, the, i, 376; Brahma and. Days of, i, 477; Chief of the, i, 217; Differentia- tion, of slow, ii, 778; Evolution of, duration of, ii, 575; Falling down of the, i, 449; First of the, ii, 399; Highest of the, ii, 514; Genii or, i, 217; Kalpas or, of Life, i, 142; Man- vantaras, in former, i, 297; ^Material History, of, i, 699; Nirvana, of suffer- ing before, ii, 85; Pairs of, ii, 601; Spheres, rebelliovis, of the, ii, 639; Time, of, i, 437, ii, 712. Aerial, Fire, and Ethereal, i, 508; Gods, the, class of, ii, 80; Navigation, i, 611; Spirit, serpent as an, ii, 218. Aeriform, Primeval man, ii, 84; Trans- formations of the, globes, i, 226. Aerius, or Pan, i, 501. .^irobes, i, 270, 278, 281. Aerolites, Howard on, ii, 828. ^ronautics, Vimana Vidya or, ii, 444. Aesar, an Etruscan God, ii, 120; Irish Gods, one of the, ii, 121. ^schylus. Initiate, an, ii, 437, 551 ; Prome- theus of, ii, 431, 549, 551, 806; quoted, ii, 283, 429; Tragedies of, ii, 712; Trilogy of, ii, 432. yEsculapius (see also Esculapius and As- clepios), Apollo, son of ii, 112; Asclepios or, ii, 21S; Embryo, and the human, ii, 270; Ptah, identical with, i, 377; Saviour of All, called, i, 377; vSerpent, and the, ii, 219; Sun-God, a, ii, 485. ^sers of the Scandinavian Eddas, ii, 30. ^sir, Scandinavian or, ii, 797. ^ther (see Ether, etc.), Aditi, is, i, 354; .\diti the principle higher than, i, 161 ; Akasha the primary of, i, 585; Ancients, of the, i, 353; Astronomy, in modern, i, 527; Being of another Plane, a, i, 530; Breath of the Father, is the, i, 103; Chaos, and, i, 459; Deified by Ancients, i-353; Elasticity of the, i, 52S; Element, the fifth, i, 392; Elements, the syn- thesis of all, i, 366, 502: Energy, the quintessence of all, i. 554; Ether and. of the Ancients, i, 353; Father, Omni- potent, i, 498; Father-Mother, is, i, 41, 105; Fire is, i, 1:4; Fiery Waters of Space, the, ii, 418; Forces, the cause of, i, 554; Gravitation, Father, and, i, 538; Greeks, the sacred, of the, i, 528; Hemera and, i, 135; Imponderable aspect of, i, 353; I^odge on, i, 530; Logoi, related to the, i, 465; Magnus, i, 353; Mochus on, i, 391 ; Noumenon of. Ether the, i, 553; Occultist, of the, i, 561; Osiris representing, i, 363; Pater Omnipotens, i, 353; Personifications of, i, 165; Phenomena, in the world of, i, 371; Prima Materia, the Soul of, i, 364; Richardson on Aith-ur or, i, 574; Science, unknown to, i, 12S; Sons of, i, 610; Spiller on the, i, 553; Subdivision of, i, 366; Synonyms of ii, 537; Ulom and, i, 391; Universal, i, 523; Zeus-Zen or, i, 363, ii, 138. .53theric vibration.s, i, 614. .53thiop river, the, ii, 435. -Ethiopians, Eastern, the, ii, 447; Pioneer race of the, ii, 436. .Etna, the celestial pillar, ii, 806. Affinity, Atoms, of the, i, 32, ii, 709; Caloric, of i, 572; Cohesion, laws of and, i, 279; Electric power of, i, 144; Mag- netic, ii, 121; Natural Selection and, ii, 672; Tongues, between Basque and Dravidian, ii, 835. Afghanistan, Arabs in, ii, 210; Khoorassan came from, tribe of, i, 17. Afghans, Ben-Issrael, children of, ii, 210; Israelites, and, ii, 210; Jews, will not call themselves, ii, 210. Africa, America and, ii, 341 ; Asia formed after, ii, 641 ; Atlantes of Western, ii, 804; Atlanteans and, ii, 782; Atlantis and, ii, 275, 834; Continent of, ii, 210, 806; Emergence of, ii, 276; Ethiopian of, ii, 493; Europe and, ii, 8, 341, 385, 781; Gigantic men in, ii, 444; Irish stones in, origin of ii, 359; Karma of, ii, 178; Lemuria included part of ii, 7; Migrations to, ii, 342; Negro of ii, 463; Nila in Western, ii, 421; Northern, ii, 765; Pushkara will form part of ii, 422; Races of ii, 203; Root-stocks of ii, 181 ; Shaka will form part of, ii, 422; Shveta- Dvipa and, ii, 420; Sicily joined to, ii, 793; Skulls of races in, ii, 177; Stones of ii, 794; Tribes of ii, 171, 439. 452; Types in, variability of ii, 444; Western, the first men lived in, ii, 718. Agadi, Akkad, called, i, 339; Sargon, capital of i, 339. Against Apion, quoted, i, 140. Agassiz, ii, 142, 179,- 180, 646, 682, 688. Agastva, the sage, ii, 242. Agath'odaemon, Archangel or, the highest, ^ii, 64; Christ the, ii, 293; Christos, the. INDEX. ii, 394; Egypt, called a king of, ii, 383; Genius, the Good, i, 513; Gnostic Saviour, the, ii, 480; Legend of, ii, 545; Light, Shadow of the, ii, 224; Mercury as,ii, 31; Pyramid tomb of, ii, 378; vSeth, was, ii. 378'; Serpent, the good, i, 441, 476, ii, 220; Tree of Being, and the, i, 443. Agatho laimon, the good Spirit, i, 368. Age, Argonauts, of the, ii, 4; Aryan Brah- uianical nation, of the, ii, 644; Augus- tan, the, i, 229; Azoic, of Science, i, 278; Black, i, 27, ii, 454; Blackness, of i, 510; Brahma, of, i, 37, 84, 195, 227, 309, 395, 437, 603, ii, 73; Bronze, the, of, ii, 208, 282, 816; Cambrian, the, ii, 10; Chipped- stone, ii, 782: Devonian, i, 273; I'.arth, of our, ii, 51, 69; Elephas primigenius, of the, ii, 726; Eocene, ii, 452, 715, 729; Fourth Race, of the, ii, 308: (ilobe, geological, of the, ii, 158, 163, 261 ; Golden, i, 706, 712, ii, 128, 208, 282, 285, 389, 440, 547, 762, 821; Great, i, 224, 266, 718, ii, 81, 322; Horror, the, of ii, 347; Human race, of the, ii, 653; Humanity, of i, 174, ii, 463; Ice, so-called, ii, 74; Iron, i, 706, ii, 208, 282; Kali, of sin and .sorrow, ii, 580; Kali Yuga, of, i, 728, ii, 413, 580; Kalpa or, great, i, 114, ii, 321; Mahakalpa or great, i, 68; Mammalia, of, ii, 628; Man, of ii, 69, 301, 725, 781; Meanings of, .several, ii, 334; Men, diniiniished, of ii, 345; Miocene, the, ii, ID, 452, 721 ; Moon, of the, ii, 69; Mytho- poeic, the, i, 287; Pakeolithic, the, i, 229; Pigmies, of ii, 754; Primary, the, ii, 169; Pyrolithic, the, ii, 169; Reptiles, of ii, 753; Sacred, the, i, 266; Satya Yuga, the, of, i, 97, 404, ii, 154; Secondary, man in the, ii, 8, 10; Silver, the, ii, 208, 282; Silurian, the, i, 273; Sin and Sor- row, of ii, 580; Stone, the, ii, 461, 719; Sun, of the, ii, 9; Tertiarv, ii, 9, 717; Third, the, i, 228; Third Race, of the, ii, 753; Titan of the Secondary, ii, 8; Titanic, the first, ii, 429; Tradition of the Christian, ii, 476; Truth, the, of ii, 154; Wheel, of the small, i, 226; World, of the, ii, 564; Zodiac, of the, i, 722. ^,^e and Origin of Man, The, ii, 551, 698. Aged, Form of the, ii, 744. Agent, Architect, Creator, for the, ii, 46; Creator as, ii, 46; Ivther an, i, 278; Free, man, a, i, 700; Gravity acting through an, i, 533; Immaterial, an, i, 519, 533; Lapis Philosophorum, or Ihiiversal, ii, 119; Magic, great, ii, 537, 539; Material, a, i, 519, 660; Spirit, an, of God, i, 216; Transmis.sion, of, ii, 60, III; Univer.sal, i, 554, ii, 119. Agent provocateur, the Lord an, ii, 405. Agent unique, a universal, i, 105. Agents, Causes of the, i, 5S4; Creation, of, i, 491; Forces on this Plane or, i. 536; Harmony, of Universal, ii, 104; Karma, of ii, 500; Kosmos, Active, in, ii, 114; Law, irrespon.sible, of the, ii, 243 ; Monads not merely, i, 691 ; Newton on the, i, 532. Ages, Archaic, i, 6, ii, 71, 105, 588; Azoic, the, ii, 169; Babylonian divine, ii, 655; Dark, the, ii, 448, 460; Day of Brahma, of a, i, 93; Duration of the, ii, 70, 71, 83; Geology, in, ii, 10, 166; Globe, of the, i, 733; Great, the four, i, 485; IMahayugas or Great, i, 93; Man, seven, of ii, 326; Middle, the, i, 670, ii, 480; Minor, the, i, 718; Natures of the, ii, 92 ; Periods of four, i, 397 ; Post-dilu- vian, ii, 456; Pre-diluvian, ii, 170; Pre- historic, i, 444, ii, 70, 285, 474; Primary, of Geology, ii, 166; Primitive, the, i, 693; Quaternary, the, ii, 705; Reptiles, of the, ii, 58; Science, of ii, 74; Second- ary, of Geology, ii, 166; Shakespeare, the seven, of ii, 124; Signification of the four, ii, 283; Year.s, meant by, i, 363. Agglutinative, Language in the, stage, ii, 699: vSpeech, ii, 209. Agruerus, the great Phoenician God, ii, . 150. Agneya, a synonym for Krittika, ii, 580. Agneyastra, also Agnyastra, fiery weapon, a, ii, 566; Magic, the, ii, 590.^ Agni, Abhimanin, ii, 258, 548; Aryan God, the, ii, 120; Asura, an, ii, 97, 525; Bhu- ranj-u, an epithet of ii, 548; Brahma, eldest son of i, 567; Dhruva and, ii, 579; Father of the three Fire.s, ii, 60; Fire- god, the, ii, 399, 611, 648; Friends of, the seven, ii, 640; God of Fire, the. i, 500, ii, 596; Hebdomad, and, the second, i, 483; Hindu, the, i, 364; Hymn to, ii, 554; Indian, the, ii. 400; Kali and. i, 477; Kama, identified with, ii, 186; Karttikcya and, ii, 580; Rapid, the, ii, 548; Sanskrit, in, ii, 106; 1 itans, sons of, ii, 150; Vaishvanara, a name of. ii, 325, 600; Vedas, in the, ii, 431; Vedic Trimurli, a. i, 117. Agnilxiliu, Priyavrata, son of, ii, 386. Agni-bhu, Karttikeya called, ii, 399, 580, 654. Agnidhra of Jambu-dvipa, ii, 334. Agnihotris, or Fire-priests, ii, 524. Agni-putra in India, the, ii, 379. Agni-ratha, luirce from an, i, 614, Agnis of the Aryas, ii, 90. Agnishvatta, Ancestors, the, ii, 81 ; Bar- hishads and, ii, 92; Boon of the, ii, 552; Dhyanis and the. Fire, ii, 96; Fires, the, devoid of ii, 81; Flame.s, or, ii, 83; Kumaras and, ii, 92; JNIarichi, father of the, ii, 94; Pitris, the, i, 204, ii, 93, 293; Progenitors, the, ii, Si ; Saviours, the, our. ii, 430; vSolar Deities are, i, 114. Agnishvatta-Kumara, ii, 377. 8 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Agni-Vislinu-Surya, ii, 643. Agnostic, Carelessness of the, ii, 623; Faraday sai(i to be an, i, 552; First Cause, speculation on, i, 348; Hseckel an, ii, 686; ^Mylliolators, and, ii, 620; . yuatrefages, attitude of, ii, 681 ; Specu- lative thinkers, ii, 167. Agnosticism, Geological problems and, li, 822; Janus-faccHl, i, 575; Nescience and, i, 36; Philosophy and, i, 697; Sci- ence and, i, 566; Spencer's, i, 43. Agnus Dei, ii, 400. Agnyastra, or fire-weapons, ii, 445. Agra-Sandhani and the Soul's Life, i. Agriculture, Ceres and, ii, 408; Discovery of, ii, 391; Huschenk, in the days of, ii, 415; Isis and, ii, 408; Isis-Osiris in- vented, ii, 383; Operations of, i, 703; Nabatheans, of the, ii, 477 ; Revelation of, ii, 380. Agriculture of the Nabatheans, The, ii, 476. Agrippa, i, 488, 670, 11, 511. Ah, root of the verb "to be," ii, 643. Aham = I, i, 489, ii, 488. Ahamkara, Ahamship or, i, 585; Being, the origin of all, i, 488; Desires of, i, 280; Egoship or, i, 585; Egotism, or the feeling of, ii, 649; Element, the, i, 218, 251; Indri3-a Creation and, i, 489; Manas springs from, i, 356; Origin of the Elements, the, ii, 651; Prakritis, one of the seven, i, 277; Sankhya philosophy, in the, i, 358; Spiritual ascension, opposed to, ii, 676; Triple aspect of, i, 357, 488; Vishnu Pitrdna, in the, i, 95. Aham-sa, or "I [am] He," ii, 488. A-hamsa, Brahma is, i, 47. A-ham-sa or Hamsa, i, 106. Aham-ship or Ahamkara, i, 585; Mahat becomes, i, 104. Allan or Day, ii, 61. Ahaz reproved by Isaiah, ii, 517. Ah-hi, Army, like an, i, 70; Celestial Beings or, i, 69; Cholianic, i, 83; Dliyan Chohans or, i, 70; Individuality of the, i, 70; Laws, act according to, i, 70; Paranishpanna, in their, i, 56; Powers of Nature and, i, 70; Responsibilities of the, i, 70; Universal Mind and the, i- 55- Ahi, Indra and, i, 223; Naga called, ii, 192; Vritra or, ii, 399. Ahi-Vritra, Indra and, ii, 402. Ahiye and Asher, ii, 491. Ahiye asher Ahiye, ii, 568. Ahmed Ben Yusouf Eltiphas, ii, 383. A'lioor, i.e., back, ii, 568. Ahriman, Ahura IVIazda, and, ii, 512; Angels, were primordial, ii, 513; Con- queror of, ii, 503; Dethroned, will be. ii, 438; Divine aspect of, ii, 544; Evil thought of, ii, 514; Fire, surrounded with,' ii, 543; Ministers of, i, 630; Or- mazd, and the Bull of, ii, 98; Osiris and, ii, 296. Aliti the Dragon, ii, 29. Ahu, Achad, the E^ka, the, i, 138. Ahura, Asura and, ii, 64, 642; Mazda, i, 135, ii, 102, 244, 304, 305, 374, 39^^. 402, 43^. 499- 502, 504. 512, 543> 643, 645, 743; Supreme Spirit or, ii, 62; Zoroastrians', ii, 525- Ai, crucifixion of the King of, ii, 588. Ai'doneus of the Subterranean World, i, 501. Ailanthus is bi-sexual, u, 141. Ainia the Great Mother, ii, 88, 401. Ain, Aior, En or, i, 235; Non-being or, ii, 662; No-thing, or, ii, 136. Aindri, Indrani or, ii, 649. Aindriyaka, Aindri the personification of, ii, 649; Creation, the third, i, 481 ; Or- ganic creation or, i, 489; Senses or, i, 490. Am I Akbari, i, 8. Ain Suph, Absolute Endless No-thing, i, 234, ii, 570; Adam Kadmon and, i, 202, 466, ii, 770; Boundless 'All, the, i, 134; Boundless Time, or, ii, 244; Christians have ignored, i, 420; Concealed, the, ii, 117; Deity, the Nameless, ii, 570; De- light of, in itself, ii, 134; Fiery Soul of the Pelican, the, i, 109; Forms of, i, 466; Head of, i, 381; Jehovah blended v^-ith, ii, 404, 630; Jewash, the, ii, 583; Kabalists, of the, ii, 136, 481, 495; Kala or, ii, 244; Left-hand of, i, 674; Mani- festation of, ii, 42 ; Mystery name of, ii, 133; Negation, a term of, i, 462; No- thing, the, i, 234, 677; Nothingness, the great, i, 367 ; One, is, ii, 303 ; Para- brahman and, i, 84, 138, 456, ii, 244; Ray from, i, 235, 624; Sephirothic aspects of, i, 374; Seven letters of, i, 358; Shekinah-Adam-Kadmon, i, 679; Unity, the concealed, i, 373, 378; Un- knowable, the, i, 84, ii, 44; Unname- able, the, ii, 44; Vehicle of, i, 466, ii, 770; Veil of, ii, 226; Zeruana Akerne and, ii, 244; Zohar on, the, ii, 565. Aion, Bythos, or, i, 373; Time or, ii, 514. Aior, En, Ain or, i, 235. Air, Akaslia and, i, 226; Ancients' know- ledge of, i, 568; Body, the cosmic gross, i, 572; Breath of all, born from the, i, 269; Chemical constituents of, i, 146; Composition of, i, 641 ; Coruscations in, i, 694; Creation of, i, 274; Eagle and, ii, . 121 ; Element, as an, i, 280, 304, 360, 382, 468, 482, ii. 615, -651; Ether and, i, 40, 278, 352, 582; Fire and, i, 273, ii, 120; Gases and, i, 503; God of the, i, 500, 501; Hydrogen and, ii, iii, 121; John INDEX. and, St., ii, 121; Monsters of the, ii 8; Mountain-top, pure, on the, i, 168; Nature of, i, 399; Nitro.ii^en and, i, 274; Occultism, the, of, i, 239; Personificati* ns of, i, 165; Prince of the, ii, 509, 542; Quaternary of matter, one of the, ii, 634; Race that could live in Fire or, ii, 230; Rudimentary man nursed by the, ii, 119; Space, spreads over, i, 399; Spirit and, i, 280, 365, 494, 498; Upadhi of, ii, III; Vibration breaks up, i, 615; Walk- ing in the, ii, 298. Air plane, ii, 302. Air vehicles, Vimanas or, ii, 444, 445. Airy Bodies, Chohans of the, ii, 17; Lords of the, ii, 79. Airy, Sir George, quoted, i, 639. Airyama-ishyo, ii, 544. Airyaman, the holy, ii, 544. Airyana Vaejo, ii, 5, 214, 305, 372, 434. Airyana-Varsedya, ii, 434. Aisii, Asr, Osiris or, ii, 120; Man, Hebrew for, ii, 591; Osiris, Asr or, ii, 120. Aitareya BrdliDiana, quoted, i, 103, 127, ii, 50, 436. Aitareya Upanishad, quoted, i, 36. Aith-ur, Solar Fire, Ether, i, 574. Aja, Hindii, the, ii, 371; Kama is, ii, 186, 611; Krishna is, ii, 72; Logos, as the, ii, 612; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 612; l^nborn, the, ii, 72, 186; Vedantins, the, of the, ii, 637- Ajitas refused to create, ii, 94. Ajunta, Ivab}rinths of, ii, 231. Ak or Creator, ii, 46. Ak-ad or Father-creator, ii, 45. Akarot, ii, 264. Akaslia, Adepts and, i, 361 ; Aditi and, ii, 46, 649; M,t\vQV and, i, 105, 354, 366; Amba means, i, 496; Celestial Virgin, the, i, 354; Chaos, proceeds from, i, 585; Definition of, li, 538; Diatlier- nianous Matter, is, i, 41; Differentia- tion of the elements in, i, 4S8; Klement not, the One, i, 41; Ether and, i, 41, 90, 105, 124, 226, 274, 276, 277, 278, 315, 353, 354. 527, 573; Fire and, 1, 273; iMrst- born of the One, the, i, 586; Fohat acts through, i, 135; Forces and, i, 641; Heat, and radiant, i, 41; Inter-etheric force and, i, 613; Kant and, i, 659; Mate- rialist, and the, i, 316; Mother, tlie, i, 354; Mother-Father, the, ii, 418; Mula- prakriti and, i, 39, 67; Narayana con- cealed in, i, 252; Nirvana and, eternal, i, 697; Noumenon of lather, the, i, 274, 583; Occultism and, i, 529; Pairs of opposites and, ii, 601 ; Pater .F)ther or, ij 530; Plastic, 1,46; Pradhana synonym for, i, 276; Prakriti and, i, 277, 553; Sophia Achamoth or, i, 219; Soul, the Universal, i, 377, Sound, and, i, 399; Spirit of, i, 494; Suljstance, primordial. i,347; Supersubstantial essence of, i, 561 ; vSthula Sharira of, ii, 650; Svnonvms of, i, 276, ii, 537; I'ni versa! vSoul,'the, i, 377; Vach, a form of, i, 161 ; Water, the symbol of, i, 494. Akashic, Jesus, Garment of, ii, 613; Pho- tographs of worlds, i, 46; Primal Na- tures, i, no; Principle, the, i, 279; Uni- versal vSoul, the, i, 39. Akbar, the Emperor, i, 7, 8, 18, 97. Aker, Apap slain by, ii, 223; God, the, ii, 621; Set's serpent, ii, 223. Akhu, intelligence or perception, ii, 669. Akibeel reveals meaning of portents, ii, 393- Akkad (see Accad), City of, ii, 730; Nim- rod, capital of, i, 339. Akkadians, Ak-ad or, ii, 45; Ancestors of the, 1,422; Brahmansand, ii,2i2; Cosmic powers conceived by, ii, 500; Creative God of the, ii, 382;' Ea of the ii, 64; Emigrants, the, were, ii, 213; Genesis of the, i, 381, 382, ii, 212; Lord of Ghosts of the, ii, 148; Months named by the, i, 712; Silik-Muladag of the, ii, 500; Serpent of the, i, 438; Zi or Spirit with the, ii, 57. Akkads, the Great Deep of the, ii, 56. Aksha or latitude, ii, 419; Akshonnati, or elevation of the pole, ii, 419. Akta or anointed, ii, 106. Alais, meteorites of ii, 746. Al-ait, the God of Fire, ii, 150. Alalus, Pithecanthropus, ii, 699, 718. Alaskan Peninsula, the, ii, 341. Alaya, Anima Mundi, the "Heart" of the, i, 88; Brahma, an aspect of, i, 81; Existence of, al)solute, i, 80; Param- artha and, i, 78; vSoul of the World, the, i, 79; Three- fold meaning of, i, So; Universe, of the, i, 56, 78. Albatross, magical properties of the, i, 388. Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon, i, 636. Albus McGaldus, skeleton of, ii, 792. Alcamenes, statuary of i, 41(5. Al-Chazari, quoted, ii, 43, 45, 244. Al-Chazari, the Prince, ii, 43. Alchemical, Chemical or, i. 580; Fact, an, i, 449; Metaphors conceal, meanings, i, 567; Progeny of Fire, description of the, ii, 68; vSecret, an, ii. 132; vSolveut of life, the, i, 278; vSvastika'an, sign, ii. 104; Test for pure air, i, 686; Transfor- inations, Nature'.s, ii, 179; Trinitv, the, ii, III. Alchemistic mysterie.«, ii, 667. AlcliL-misls. .Vdam's p;arthof {,39; Adepts and, ii, 364; Atlianor of the, i, no; Celestial Virgin of tlie, i, 495; Chemists and, ii, 364; Christian, i. 472; Cosmic Matter of the, i, 594; Ether, on. ii, 628; Exact vScience and, i, 167; Fictions of, i, 560; I'ires and the. ii, 112; Heirs lO THE SECRET DOCTRINE. of the, i, 670; Jehovah and Christian, i. 472; Matter, on, i, 595; Mediaeval, i, 26, 109; Miracles of the, i, 26; Mystic Watchers of the, i, 144; Occultists and. Eastern, ii, 627; Spiritual secre- tion, and, i, 555; Sun in the Ship, on the, i. 441; Tetragram of the, ii, 5S7; Transformations, on, i. 368. Alchemy, Birthplace of, ii, 807; Books on, ancient, i, 636; Chemistry, the new, i, 683; Compromise with, i, 539: Elements in. i, no, 638; Fourth Race taught, ii, 445: Hermeticism, or Western, ii. 120; Hydrogen in, ii, in; Mercury in, ii, 572: Occult, ii, 121; Ozone in, i, 606; Phenomena and. Occult, i, 165; Primor- dial substance of, i, 352; Renaissance of, ii, 807; Sciences, and ancient, i, 282. Alcyone in the Pleiades, i, 545, ii, 451, 582, 811. Aldebaran, ii, 829, 830. Alden, J. B., ii, 29. Aleim, Astrologers, the, ii, 213; Elohim, ii, 212; Magi or, ii, 213. Aleph, symbol of the Bull, i, 720, ii, 582, 607. Aletie, Planets, the seven, ii, 377; Titans, the, ii, 150, 377. Aletheia or Truth, ii, 605. Aleutian Islands, ii, 336, 341. Alexander Janmeus, ii, 530. Alexander Polyhistor, i, 10, ii, 56. Alexander, Prof., i, 643. Alexander the Great, i, 10, 144, 713, ii, 5, 435, 436, 803. Alexandria, Caesar and the burning of, ii, 807; Gnostics of, i, 448; Greeks of, i. 722. 723; Indian figures in, i, 387; Initiates of, ii, 606; Library in, i, 7, 18, ii, 731; Neo-Platonists of. i, 27, 440; Ophio-Christos of the Mystics of, i, 389. Alfuras, skulls of, ii, 550. Algse, i, 200, ii, 752. Algebra, i, 674, ii, 586. Algebraical term, an, ii, 584. Algeria, ii. 795. Alhim, Creator, the, i, 365; Elohim or, i. I37> I39> ii' 141; God. the, ii, 42; Hebrew, i, 118; Kosmos fashioned by, i. 369; Life, of, ii, 43; Light, creates, ii, 40; Wisdom of, hidden, ii, 43; Words of, ii, 45- Alhim-ness, ii, 43. Alkahest proper, the, i, 368. Alkaloid, Ptomaine, the, poison, i, 282; Saliva contains venomous, i, 282. All. Absolute, the, i, 37, 102, 252, 369, 689, ii, 168, 401. 584; Abstract, the, i, 43; Ain Suph, the, i, 134; Boundless, the, i, 55, 72, 134; Breath of the, i, 104; Causeless Cause, the, i, 43; Circle, the, ii, 658; Darkness filled the, i, 55, 72; Divine, the, i, 485; Emanation concealed in the, i, 36; Eternal, the, i,. 37; Germ becoming the, i, 31 ; God, the,, i, 96; Golden P^gg not created by the, i, 37; Infinite, the, i, 37; Life, is, i, 269; Nature, in the, i, 120, 352; No-Thing is the. Absolute, ii, 5S4; Nothing yet the, i, 462; Number, is One, i, 113; One, the, i, 37, 486, ii, 573; Pan the Great, ii, 614; Primordial Substance, the, i, 352; Ray of the, i, 252; Root of the, i, 171, 276; Rootless Root of, i, 98; Spinoza, the, of, i, 689; Unconditioned, the One. i, 2S8; Unconscious, the, i, 93; Unit merged in the, i, 351 ; Unknowable, the,, ii, 515; Unknown, the, i, 131. Alia of the Arabs, ii, 636. Allahabad, i, 422, ii, 231. All-bad, the snake not a type of the, ii,. 404. All-Being, Brahma, is, i, 85; Rootless Root of, i, 437. All-Be-ness, i, 85. All-Cause, Parabrahman the, ii, 114. All- Deity, Circle or, ii, 629; Science and tlie, ii, 103. Allegorical, Adam, permutations of, ii, 132 ;. Agne3'astra, origin of the, ii, 666; Ain Suph, descent of, ii, 770; Animals,, reference to the Sacred, ii, 191 ; Aryan writing, i, 329; Chaldsean tablets are, ii, 2; Cosmogony, accounts of, i, 261; Descriptions, ii, 671: Drama of Initia- tion, ii, 437; Emblem explained, i, 324; Event, of a moral, ii, 351 ; Flood, mean- ing of the, ii, 154; Forms of belief, ii, 595; Genesis is, ii, 444; Half-man, the, ii, 596; Interpretation, the, i, 401; Ka- biri, names of the, i, 703; Language used in the past, i, 327; Plato, language of, ii, 278; Puranas are, ii, 334; Ra, assimilation to, i, 248; Racial events, ii, 435; Religion, form of, ii, 478, 695; Rig Vedic hymns are, ii, 640; Scrip- tures are, ancient, ii, 80; Secret Doc- trine teachings are, ii, 2; Symbol, the, ii, 398; Systems, the, dual, i, 217; Thought, the, mode of, ii, 350; War in Heaven, the, ii, 280. Allegories, Anthropomorphic, i, 156; Aryan, ii, 401, 608; Astronomical, ii, 399, 619; Atlantis, of, ii, 811; Bible, ii, 661, 662; Cain, of, ii, 232; Conceptions in the shape of, i, 552; Cosmic, ii, 129, 399; Creation, of, ii, 58; Cube, of the perfect, i, 367; Cycles, of the, i, 396; Earth, of the, ii, 48; Egyptian, ii, 398; Esoteric truths given as, ii, 830; P'lood, of the, ii, 153, 328; Fohat, the key to the, i, 736; Greek, ii, 811; Hidden meaning of, ii, 456; Hindu, i, 371, ii, 581; Homer's, ii, 401; Isis-Osiris, of, ii, 152; Kabalah, in the, ii, 661; Manvan- taras, of the, i, 396; Matter and Pu- INDEX. II rusha, of, 392; Meaning of, ii, 108; of the. ii, 105; Secret Meaning of, i. Moon of the, ii, 48; Mosaic, ii, 131; 456; Serpent of the Brazen, 1, 390; Nacxas in the, ii, 192; Narada, of, ii, Shukra, an, of 11.36; Solomons Tem- =^00" 61S: Noah, of ii, 232: Oriental P^e, of i. 334: Spirit of 1, 456 11, 66, traditions full of i, 449: Pauranic, ii, 602; Suggestive, is, 1, 570; Sweat- us 184; Powers, concealing the nature ^or^, of the, 11, 186; Temple, of the, of the, i, 504: /'w'-^^^^. of the, i, 567, Ji. 334: Tien-Hoang. of the, 11, 30; ii II 61; Purusha and Matter, of i, Titans, of the Uestern. 11. 35; Tradi- xq2; Semi-esoteric, ii, S3; Sons of the tion, and, 11 246; L inverses, of the Seven i, 604; Testaments, in both, i, three, 1, 299; L ran us, of 1. 450; Vaivas- 334; Vach, veil, i, 468; Veil of ii, 157. yf^^a, of 11.^ 147.:. Vishnu, of 11, 42; Allegory, Abel, of ii. 492; Adam, of ii, Vishvakarma,of 11, 590; Warm Heaven, 185, 226; Agnishvatta, of the, ii. 81 ; of the, u. 66, 396; \ una, of 11, 645; Zeus, Androgynes in everv, ii, 132; Angels, ,,^^' "• ^^^' '^'^?i' •• o of the Fall of the, i, 215; Anugiid, A -embracer, the. 11, 281. from the, ii, 675, 676: Ape's origin, of Al -embracing Deity, the. 11. 407. the, i, 212; Archaic mvsteries, of the, ii, Allen, Grant, quoted, 11, 301, 717, 724, 726, 239'; Arvan, the, ii, 86,98; Astronomi- ,729- ^ ^^ ■ ^x, ■ .a^ cal, ii '^68, 404, 571; Asuras, of the All-Father, Abyss, dwelt in the, 1, 460; fallen i 210; Brahma, of ii, 82; Brazen Darkness wherein dwells the, 1, 461 ; Di- Serpent, of the, i. 390; Cain, of ii, 492 : , ,y^"^^^^^'^ "\t^^e house of 11 105. .. Candidate's awakening, Z the, ii. 589: A -Force inherent m the Monad, n, 116. Castor and Pollux, of ii, 130; Chahltean All-fours, dumb man walking on, 11, 301. account of Creation not. ii. 55: Codex All-good, snake a type of the, 11, 404. iWazaro'us, of the, i. 217; Cosmic, i. Alligator Mound. 11, 795. 22^, ii, 183; Cosmogonical. ii, 404; All-m-All, 1, 48, 370. Creation, of the, ii, 40, 55: Cronus, of All-knowing Lord the. 11, 97. i 4SO, ii, 440; Cross, of the, ii. 571; All-knowledge of Narada, 11, 599. Deluge, of the, ii, 4; Eastern, phrase- Allness of the world, 11, 41. olog\' of i, 131, 185; Edoni, of the All Nyug. 1, 50. Kings of ii, 57; Egyptian, i, 257; Allotropize. 1. 16S. Enoch, of ii, 561; Esoteric, i, 577; Eve, All-penetrating fluid, 1. 275 of ii, 204; Existence in, the Absolute, All-permanent, the, 1, 487, 637. i, 347; Fall, of the, i, 215. ii, 65; Fan- All-potent monad, 11 116. cies of ii, 97; Fire of Life, of the, ii. All-potential. Monad is, 11, 116; Moon is, 226; Gandhar\'a, of i, 569; Gniesis, in, shell of the, 11, 121; Unity, the, 1, 637. i, 266, ii, 185; Gnostic, of Satan, ii. All-powerful, 1, 541. .. 254; Greek, ii, 109. 159: Hanuman, of All-presence. 1, 56. 77. 11. 623. ii, 17-,; Hindii. ii. -,5: Indian, ii. 4; All-seeing God. Vislivakarma, the, 11, 590. Indra'^s Soma-drinking. of ii, 395; lo, All-Spirit, or Atnian. 11, 115. of ii, 436; Ischins. of the, ii, 393; Isis Allusions in the \ cndidad, 11, 642. Unveiled, in, i, 268; Israelites' deluge, All-Wisdom. 1, 389. of the. ii, 4; Jacob, of the sons of ii, All-Wise Deity. Dhimat or. 11. 186. 222; Juniter, of ii, 207; Kama, of ii. ALM. Mahomet's mystic word, 11, 4S5. 186; Ka'ndu, of ii. 180; Kevs of .seven, Almanac, i. 703. . , .. „ ii. 25; Kings of Edom. of the, ii, 57; Almeh, the Egyptian dancing girks, 11, 485. Kumaras in, ii. 610; Leda, of ii, 12S, Almightv. Deity, 11, 637; Lord God, 11, 535; 207; Lini^a Purdna, in the, ii, 260; .Matter, the, creating, 1. 682; Prayers to Manu, of the, ii, 156; Manus, of the, the. i. 506; vSatan first-born of the, 11, ii, 322, 653; Maruts, of the, ii, 648; 249: Throne of the, 11, 67; Triune, the, Matsya Avatara, ii, 72; Moses an, his- i. 678. torv of ii, 487; Nature's inability to Al-orit, the God of Fire, n, 377. create, of ii, 107; Origin of i. 435; Alorus, Adam, ii. 475. Palestine, concerning burial in. i, 621; Alpha. Christ the, 1, 720; Creation, the. Personification for purposes of i, 632; of ii. 105; Dhruva now. the Pole-Star, Poetical, ii, 105; Pralavas. of two, ii, ii, 648; Draconis. 1, 438. 11, 451 ; Esoteri- 814; Prometheus, ii. S3. 109. 432, 434; cisni. of Eastern. 11, 470: Omega, and, Piirdnas, in the, ii. 62. iS:;; Pururavas, i, iZ- 2SS. 347, 510, 674, 11. 46, 371,. SpS; of the, i, 569; Pvgmalion. of ii. 159; Polaris, i. 469; Tau the, of Secret Divine Raumas, of the,'ii, 193; Religion, in Wisdom, ii. 614. v^ .. every, ii, 103; Religious mvsteries. in Alphabet. ICgvptian. the. 1, 287, 11, 614; the, ii, 131; Satan, of ii, 254; Science God.s. of the. li. 380; Greek, the. 11, 596; rejects i 222; Scrolls of Wisdom, Hebrew, the. i. 121, 11, 582, 607; Mayas, of 12 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. the, i, 287; Philosophical meaning of the ancient, i, 121, ii. 606; Russian, ii, 577; Sanskrit, i, 121; Slavonian, ii, 577; Thoth, of, i, 325- Alphonso, tables of, i, 729. Al])ine, Ice-age in, valleys, ii, 74; Path of knowled< 393- 419. 500; Transformation in, ii, 463; Tribes of, i, 146, ii, 458; T/p- heaval of, ii, 425; Zuni Indians of, ii, 665. American, Anglo-Saxons, people were pure, ii, 463 ; Arch^ologists, ii, 442 ; Baffin's Bay on the, side, ii, 420; Denton, the. Geologist, i, 222; Geologists, i, 222, ii, 9; Journalists, ii, 460; Journal of Science, The, quoted, i, 112. 149; Kaba- list, an, i, 118; Naturalist, The, quoted, ii, 339; Noah, the, ii, 150; Primary Race, the, is a, ii, 464; Race will not be, the Sixth, ii, 465: Theosophist, quoted, an, i, 683; Traveller on the Great Pyramid, an, i, 334: Zone, the, ii, 465. Americas, Cataclysm will destroy both, ii, 464; Europe, portions of the, older than, ii, 641. Amers taught the solution of magic, ii, 393. Amesha Spentas, Amshaspands or, ii, 374, 402, 544, 643. Ameyatman, i, 455. Amida or Buddha, i, 134. Amilakha, or animated, ii, 37. Amitabha, A-mi-to Fo, is, ii, 189; Avatara of, i, 134; Buddha, or, i, 511; Dhj-ani- Buddha, a, i, 134; Dhyanls, or, ii, 189; Tien and, i, 381. A-mi-to Fo, or Amitabha, ii, 189. Ammianus Marcellinus, quoted, i, 424, ii, 447. Amnion, Creative God, the, i, 391; Eg3'p- tiaii God, the, i, 393; Exclusion, of, the, i, 738; Horns, becomes, ii, 487; Mon, or, i, 393; Moot and, i, 464, ii, 486; Mout, mother and wife of, i, 119; M3S- ■ tic eyes of ii, 223; Neith, was the God- dess, ii, 143; Theban Triad, one of the, ii, 486. Ammonia, elements of i, 637. Ammonites, Moloch of the, i, 427. INDEX. 13 Ammon-Ra, Amenophes, to, i, 428; Gene- rator, the, i, 393; Mother's husband, his, i, 422. Amtelja, Division of, ii. 698; Man, from, to, ii, 266; Reproduction of the, ii, 123. Anicebian souls, ii, 687. Amona, Mother, i, 380. Anioorland, ii, 828. Anioura, ii, 736. Ampere, Law of, i, 558. Amphain-Essumen, ii, 480. Amphibia, ii, 174, 694, 722. Amphibian, Ancestors, ii, 125, 724; Fauna, ii, 723; MammaUa traced to an, ances- tor, ii, 125. Amphibious, Crocodile sacred because, i, 440; Frog, nature of the, i, 413; Makara means an, animal, ii, 609; Rep- tiles, ii, 198, 211. Amphion, ii, 840. Amphioxus, ii, 387, 700. Amphitrite, ii, 611, 612. Ampsiu-Ouraan, ii, 601. Amrita, Guna, beyond any, i, 371; Im- mortality, i, 97, 98, 371, ii, 39S; Water of Life, or, i. 97. Amshaspands, ii, 374, 3S2, 402, 512, 543, 643. Amshaspend, Osiris the chief, i, 471. Amshaspends, Archangels, the, are, i, 471 ; Asuras, and, ii, 97; Dual nature of the, ii, 499; Manvantaric emanations, are, i, 463; One in Many are, the, i, 138; Synthesis standing for, the veiled, i, 362 ; Zoroastrians, of the, i, 152, 255. Amshumat, Sagara's grandson, ii, 602. Amulets, Mandrake, of, ii, 30; Psammite, made of, ii, 786. Amun the source of light, i, 138, 363. Amusement or Lila, ii. 56. Aniyot, Father, quoted, i. 512. An, Basin of Perstea in, ii, 576; Chief of, i, 737- Ana, Belita, and, ii, 485; Chakkean, 1, 119. Anactes, Kabiri identified with the, ii, 376; Vulcan's progeny and the, ii, 112. Amerobes, Human body, in the, i, 281; Scientists and the, i, 270. Anaerobic being, an, i, 270. Anagamin path to Nirvana, i, 227. Anagram, Kuniara an, ii, 610; Mvstic, a, ii, 488. Anagrammatic blind, an, ii, 613. Anagrammatical significance of Makara, ii, 612. Anagraniyas, i. 381. Anaitia, wife of Shiva, i, 1 19. Anaitis of the Medes and Persians, i, 425. Anak, Sons of ii, 79S. Anakim, ii, 351, 355. Analogies, False, i, 512; Gentiles and Jews, between, ii, 494; Cireek words, of, ii, 548; Sequence of. i, 670. Analogues of the inferior races, ii, 171. AnalogA^ Chemical composition, of, i, 654, 663; Comparative, indisputable, ii, 596; Cosmos and man, between, i, 196; Doc- trine of i, 210; Elements, between chemical, ii, 663; Esotericisms, between various, i, 248; Evolution, Law of, in, ii, 69; Human ovum, in the segmenta- tion of the. ii. 723; Law of i. 174, 211, 229, 238, 280, 592, 640, 662, ii, 69, 162, 163. 265, 652, 740; Life of man and the Universe, between the, i, 283; INIatter an, of invisible worlds, i, 664; Nature judged by, everything in, i, 142; Ovum, in segmentation of the human, ii, 723 ; Universe follows, i, 200. Analysis of Ancient 3fythokiq;y, quoted, ii, 409. Anandama3'a Sheath, the, i, 623. Anandamayakosha or Spiritual Soul,i, 181. Anania, John Lorenzo, quoted, ii, 636. Ananta, Serpent of Eternity, the, i, 438; Shesha or, i, 102, 103, ii, 52; Svastika and, ii, 105. Ananta-vShesha, Eternity, the Great Ser- pent of, i, 368; Vishnu, a form of, ii, 530. Anarchists, bab}-toys of, i, 614. Anathema, ii. 427. Anatma. i, 89. Anatomist, I)ryopithecus of the, ii, 714; Embryo, studied b3-the, ii. 198; Huxley, the great, ii. 720; Owen, the. Prof., ii, 726; Rudimentar}- organs, the, and, ii. 722. Anatomy, Anthropoid, of the. ii, 718; As- pirations not explained b\-. i, 193; Body, of the human, li, 690; Brain, of the. ii, 315; Comparative, ii, 91; Human body, of the, ii, 690; Love not explained b}-, i, 193; Man, the, of i, 643; Monke}-, of the, ii, 719; Pineal gland, of the, ii, 310, 311- Anaxagoras of Clazomense, i. 81, 143, 354, 486, 534, 620, 633, 641, 651, 683. Anaximcnes, i, 105, 645. Ancestor, Amphibian, an, ii. 125; Animal, of man, ii, 178; Anthropoid, ii, 160, 199, 683; Ape, of the, ii, 91, 197, 303, 462, 716, 721; Catarrhini, of the. ii. 718: Com- mon, a, ii, 704, 728; Darwinists on the common, ii, 728; Deucalion as, of the race, ii, 546; Divine, man's, ii, 761; Dryopithecus, of the, ii. 715, 717; Homo primigenius, of tlie, ii. 199; Human races, of the, ii, 546; Hypothetical, our, ii, 706; Pakeolithic nmn, of ii, 713; Pithecoid, a, i, 209, ii, 8, 671, 719, 757; Pithecoid-like, of man, i, 254; Plasti- dules, of our common, ii, 711; Primitive, the, ii, 169, 706; Protyle, of the, just- born, i, 303; Science and the human, ii, 715; Seth, a semi-divine, ii, 86; Talit- Esmun, the first human, i. 248. 14 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Ancestors, Akkadians, of the, i, 422; An- cient peoples, of the most, ii, 343; An- thropoids, of the, ii, 205; Apes, of the, i, 213, ii, 705, 706, 721; Arboreal, hairy, ii, 729; Arhats, of the, ii, 21, 182; Arupa Pitris our, i, 239; Atlanteans of the, i, 212 ; Australian tribes, Lemurians, of the, ii, 207; Autochthonous, ii, 3; Basques, of the, ii, 835; Beliefof savages concern- ing, i, 434; Brahmans, of Panini, ii, 458 : Breathed out man, the, ii, 90; Celestial, the, i, 268; Discoveries of our, i, 500: Divine, our, i, no, ii, 789; Divine man, of the, ii, 85; Dual-sexed, ii, 138; Fashion- ers or, ii, 99; Fishes, of the, ii, 723; Giant, ii, 367; Hall of, Totmes III, of, ii, 590; Human race, seven, of the, ii, 151, 223, 336; Indo-Iranians, of the, ii, 642; Isanagi and Isanami, i, 261 ; Lunar, i, 180, 184, 203, 248, 284, ii, 48, 79, 95, 107, 151 ; Mankind is offered by Science, the, ii, 686; Materialists, of the, ii, 387, Monera their own, ii, 160; Nahualts, of the, ii, 38; Occultists, of the, i, 242; Par- sis, of the, ii, 416; Philosophy of our, i, 552; Pitris are our, i, 114, 203, 239, ii, 48; Progenitors or, of men, ii, 49, 81, 95; Progeny of the, i, 245; Prophecies of our, ii, 105; Quadrumanic, ii, 699; Race, of the. i, 14, ii, 151, 223; Science offers to man, the, ii, 686, 693; Spiritual, ii, 183; Tales of Northern, i,.457; Terrene, the, i, 203; Trojans were Aryans, of the, ii, 106; Unicellular classes, of the, ii, 694; Wisdom of our, i, 520, ii, 105. Ancestor-sacrificers, the, ii, 640. Ancestral, Bodies, ii, 709; Features, re- version to, ii, 724; Germinal cell, the. i, 244; Heart, the, i, 240; Missing link, form or, ii, 716; Organisms, history of, ii. 693; Series of Man, the, ii, 705; Soul, Seb, or the, ii, 669; Spirits, the, ii, 3; Trees of our Race, ii, 693; Tvpes, ii, 685.778. . . , . Ancestry, Androgyne, 1, 339; Anmial, of man, ii, 722 ; Anthropoids, of the, ii, 724; Mammals, of the, ii, 195; Man, of, ii, 200; Nations with no common, i, 716; Pithecoid, ii, 161; Simian, a, ii, 718; Unknown, the, ii, 195. Anch (see Ankli) or Vital Force, etc., ii, 670. Anchitherium, ii, 756, 776, 777. Ancient, Ancients, of, ii, 88, 745; Adi- Sanat the Primeval, i. 125; Days, the, of, i, 90, 125, 134, 260, 423, 496,. ii, 87; Faiths embodied in, names, ii, 41 ; Man, the, ii, 429; One, the. ii, 661. Ancients, Astronomy known by the, ii, 563; Builders, Host of the, called the, i, 367: Chaos, the, on, i, 366; Charge against the, ii, 695 ; Chronological com- putations of the, ii, 655; Confucius on the, i, 20; Cosmic Circle of the, ii, 575 ; Cosmography of the, ii, 563 ; Cy- cles of the, ii, 414: Cyclic ^-Eons of the, i, 449; Dhyan Chohans, and the, ii, 617; Elements of the, i, 164, 325, 508, 519, 590; Evil defined by the, i, 445; Evolution known to the, i, 354; P'orces, understood the, i, 123; Geognosy of the, ii, 563; Gods of the, i, 125, 672, ii, 25; Hermaphrodites, the, and the, ii, 124; Imagination of the, ii, 457; Know- ledge of the, i, 229, 230; Kyriel of the, ii, 25; Machinery of the, i, 230; Matter and Spirit, idea of, i, 620; Moons of the, seven, i, 202; Philosophy of the, ii, 112; Physical sciences, the, and, i, 165, 465; Planets of the, i, 176, ii, 410, 637; Polar circles of the, i, 225; Powers known to the, i. 504; Quaternary with the, ii, 615; Religion of the, ii, 112; Sanctum Sanctorum of the, ii, 481 ; Science, the, and, i, 165, 465, 654, ii, 112, 153; Septenary constitution known to the, ii, 593; Sevening of the, i, 439; Six with the, number, ii, 626; Soiind to the, ii, 113; Speculations of the. ii, 656; Speech with the, ii, 113; Spirit and Matter, view of, i, 620; Symbologists and the, i, 321; Theos of the, ii, 575; Thought known to the, the power of, ii, 182; Traditions of the, ii, 389; Wisdom of the, i, 641, ii, 204; World-stuff of the. i, 112; Zodiac known to the, i, 709. Andakataka, ii, 651. Andaman Islanders, ii, 205, 206. Andes, ii, 7S7. Andhra dynasty of Magadha, ii, 231. Andrews, Dr., ii, 144. Androgyne, Adam, the, ii, 132, 135, 191, 478, 480, 529; Adam Kadnion the, ii, 489; Ancestry, i, 339; Angels, the, ii, 40; Being, an, divided his, ii, 156; Creative Gods were, i, 461; Creators, the, ii, 406; Deity, the, i, 427, ii, 69, 573; Deus Lunus, the. i, 426; Divine, the, ii, 132, 382. 434; Dual, ii, 224; Genesis, man of, ii, 136; Goat of :Mendes, the, i, 274; Gods, series of, ii, 636; Humanity, the, ii, 179; Jehovah is, i, 90; M is, the letter, i, 412; Mammals and, man, ii, 753; Moon an, deitv, ii, 69; Mother the, the Great, i, 236: Nature, ii, 495: Neptune, ministers of, ii, 610; Noah the, man, i, 478; Number ten, represen- tation of, i, 421; Ophis the, ii, 225; Po- tential, the, i, 267; Races, the, i, 47S, ii, 175, 182, 207; Ray, the, ii, 514; Result, the, i, 472 ; Sephira is, i, 379, 467 ; Sephi- ■ roth, synthesis of the, i, 125; Sexes or, opposite, i, 266; Stanzas on the, ii, 211; Stock, a prior, ii, 126; Unitj-, i. 378; Upper Adam is, ii, 479; Virgo-Scorpio, the, i, 445- INDEX. 15 Androgj'nes, Bi-sexual Race reincarnated in the, ii, 2; Creators incarnate in the, ii, 170; Humanity were, the third, ii, 27; Jod-Heva inactive, ii, 142; Root-Race, the, the third, ii, 174, 181 ; Scientists deny, ii, 787; Separation of the, ii, 172; Sweat-born and, ii, 186; Symbology of the, ii, 131. Androgynous, Aristophanes, raceof, ii, 187; Bi-sexual or, ii, 821; Deity, an, i, loi, 366; Dual-sexed or, i, 237; Eloha, the, ii, 63; Elohim, the, i, 154; Energy, the, i, 161; Eve, the, ii, 282; Gods held to be, ii, 138; Hermaphrodite and, ii, 125; Jah-Hovah, ii, 133; Jehovah is, i, 34, 679; Lemurian race was, ii, 821 ; Logos, the, i, 118; Manifested beings become, i, 160; Nature becomes, ii, 33, 142; Prin- ciple, the, i, 46, 380; Race, the, ii, loi, 131, 140, 187, 207, 294, 562; Second Self, the, i, 428; Separation of the, ii, 132, 208; Substance, the, i, 681; Unit, the, ii, 201 ; Word, the, ii, 566. Anemos, Pneuma or Wind, i, 247, 365. Anj"d7ige zu einer Phys. Schdpfioi<^s, etc., ii, 758- Angel, Animal and, ii, 363; Atom and, i, 132; Avenging, the, i, 705; Bird a synonym of, li, 306; Cherub or, i, 3S8; Companion, ii, 662; Counsel of the great, ii, 247 ; Darkness, an, of, ii, 25, 613; Death, the, of, ii, 117, 403, 406; Devaor, i, 227; Deva-lokas or, spheres, i, 663; Dhyan Cholian as, i, 242; Elo- him a fighting, ii, 396; Face, of the, i, 496, ii, 503; Fallen, myth of the, ii, 183; Gabriel, the, ii, 567; God or, i, 694, ii, 375; Guardian, ii, 502; Hier- archies, of the, ii, 27; Immaculate on earth, no, ii, 507; Incarnated, an, ii, 93, 296; Initiates define an, i, 621; In- transitive, nature of the, ii, 118; Jews, patron, of the, i, 496; Karmic law, under, i, 216; Lucifer, the Hright, ii, 117, 406; Messenger or, ii, 375; Meta- tron or, ii, 117; Michael, the, ii, 399, 400; Myth of the Fallen, ii, 183; Neme- sis a Fury or an, i, 704; Planets of a, ii, 88; Rebellious, the, i, 215; Record- ing, the, ii, 543; Revelation, the, of, ii, 597, 654; Saniael, the, ii, 117; vSatan, the, ii, 245, 406, 500; vSpheres, the, i, 663; Star, the, of the, i, 626; Sun, of the, ii, 399, 400; Worlds, of the, ii, 245. Angel-Force, ii, 769. Angelic Beings, i, 144, 239, 449, 493, ii, 83; Fall, the, ii, 296; Form of Jehovah, ii, 400; Heart, the, ii, 96; Heaven, the, ii, 513; Hierarchy, the, i, 154,484; Host, i, 70, 144, 245; Jehovah, form of, ii, 400; Light of Truth, entity presiding over the, ii, 539; Man, ii, 257, 295, 406; Na- rada, form of, ii, 86; Nirvana, an, entity and, ii, 85; Planes, seven, ii, 251; Vir- tues, i, 148, 424. Angel-man, i, 212, ii, 121. Angel-monad, Human and, i, 627. Angel-names, in the Bible, ii, 565. Angelologies, i, 672. Angelology, Christian, ii, 64, 527; Hebrew, i, 119; Jewish, ii, 527. Angelos, the Greek, ii, 51. Angels, Adonai, of the, ii, 473 ; Androgyne, ii, 40; Apes or, ii, 787; Asuras ami, li, 526; Azazel, one of the transgressing, ii, 393; Believers in, i, 661, 670; BihU, in the, i, 693, ii, 618; Birds, the gl>ph of, ii, 814; Bne Aleim or, ii, 392; Bo( ies of, ii, 232; Cherubim, and, i, 152; Cliris- tians, of the, i, 125, 242, 661; Company of, ii, 646; Cosmic Forces, as, i, 541; Constellations, as, ii, 121; Creations of, ii, 44, 65, 247, 253; Creative, the seven, ii, 4, 100; Darkness, the, of, i, 494, ii, 513; Demons and, ii, 61; Devils, and, i, 307, 731; Dhyan Chohans or, i, 295; Divine Breath, of the, ii, 100; Dragon and, i, 216, ii, 30, 523; Elements, as, i, 400; Enoch's, i, 569, ii, 618; Esoteric teachings as to, ii, 687 ; Ever-subjective, ii, 27; Existence of, i, 238; Face, of the, i, 468; Fall of the, i, 215, ii, 171, ]8o, 238, 280, 295, 51 1; Fallen, i, 11, 216, 218, 220, 240, ii, 63, 98, 109, 239, 287, 400, 407, 49«, 515. 5i«. 526, 533, 535, 536, 543, 553, 557, 564; Father, see the face of the, i, 376; Fiery, ii, 257; Forces, Intelli- gent, i, 255,' 541; Genii or, i, 217,371; Germ of the, ii, 157; Glyph of the, ii, 814; Gods called, i, 314; God's messages, doing, i. 231; Guardian, i, 242; Habitat of, ii, 117: Hallelujahs of, i, 671 ; Heavens as, the seven, i, 483; Hierarch}- of, i, 640, ii, 30, loi ; Higher, ii, 84; Host of the, ii, I, 28,374; Humanity and, i, 247; Ideal Light, the, and the, i, 306; Incar- nating, ii, 243, 378, 511; Independent, ii, 332; Ischins, the lower, ii, 392; Jews, of the, i, 125; Kabalah anr comprehension, i, 79. Artharva Waa, quoted, ii, 186. Arthur, King, ii, 411, 416, 797. Artificer, Gods, of the, ii, 360, 401. 572; Tubal Cain, an, ii, 408; \'ishvakarma, the, ii, 572. Arts, Ancients, of the, ii, 449; Architects taught the, i, 287; Atlanieans, of the, ii, 444; Bailly on the origin of the, ii, 784; 15eginiiing of the, ii, 380; Demi- gods taught thf, ii, 232; Enchantment, of, ii, 678; Eourth Race of the, i, 502, ii, 448; Inventor of the, ii, 557; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of the, ii, 331; Lost, the, ii, 449; Magic, i, 508; Mars the Lord of, ii, 410; Masters in the, i, 28; Origin of the, ii, 559; Prehistoric Ages, of tile, ii, 474; Progress in the, i, 724; Prometheus brought the, ii, 431, 432; Secret, i, 22; Sons of Cxod taught the, i, 229, ii, 604; Thirtl Race, of the, ii, 204, 448. Art-Speech, i, 332, 417. Artufas or Initiation Caves, ii, 191. Aruna, Jatayu son of, ii, 602. Arupa, Astral body, without an, ii, 99; Boililess or, i, 239; Devas, ii, 618; Divine, the, i, 62, 144; Essences, one of the, i, 60; Formless or, i, 125, 145, 221, 693; Gods, ii, 332; Incorporeal or, i, 219, ii, 204; No- Form or, i, 83; Numljers, etc., i, 60; Pitris, i, 239, ii, 96, 98; Plane, the, ii, 116; Pralaya not for the, world, ii, 72; Riipa and, i, 60, 63, 143, 147, 154; vSquare, the Formless, i, 125; Stanzas on, i, 116; Ten are the, i, 61, 125; Triad, the, i, 234; Universe, the, i, 61 ; World, the, i, 145, 470, 624. Arvaksrota, Man, the, ii, 172. Arvaksrotas, Brahma's seventh creation the, i, 4S1, ii, 172; Creation of the, i, 480, 481, ii, 172; Evolution of the, i, 472. Arva-st'han or Arabia, ii, 424. Aryabhatta of India, i, 142. Arya Maoazifw, ii, 72. Aryan, Adam, the, ii, 185; Adami an, symbol, ii, 473; Adepts, ii, 401, 520; A^e of the, Race, ii, 9; Agni the, God, ii, 120; Allegory, the, ii, 86, 98, 608; Asiatic, the, i, 232; Astronomy, i, 713; Castes, orthodox, ii, 429; Cataclysms will de- stroy the. Race, ii, 464; Chronology, ii, 75; Civilization, i, 18, ii, 349; Cosmo- gony, i, 366, ii, 251, 512; Creation, views of, ii. 57, 134, 512; Element, the, li, 463; Era, the, ii, 72; Esotericism, i, 140, 141, 247, 248, 412; Faiths, i, 417; Fifth Race, the, or, i, 138, ii, 9, 209^ 447, 461, 562, 650; (lenius Loci of the, i, 500; God, the, ii, 120; Hermes, the, i, 306; Hiero- phant, the, ii, 494; Hindu, the, i, 347, 416, 417, 713, 729, ii, 60, 354, 386, 424, 493, 640; Humanity, the, ii, 428; Initi- ates, tlie, ii, 525; Invasion, the, ii, 756, 783; Jehovah, prototype of, ii, 132; Lan- guage, the, ii, 210; Literature, the old- est, i, II; Matarishvan, the, ii, 431 ; Max Miiller's theory, ii, 797; Mystics, the, ii, 98; Mythology, ii, 138; Myths, ii, 608; Nations, ii, 332; Occultists, ii, 164; Origin of the. Race, ii, 738; People, the, ii, 473; Period, the, ii, 452; Philosophers, the, i, 81, ii, 167; Philosophy, 1, 416, 736, ii, 71, 386; Psycholog}-, the old, i, 247; Qabbalah, sources of the, i, 403; Race, the, i, 13, 138, 141, 347, ii, 9, iii, 129, 153, 175, 209, 260, 367, 413, 447, 452, 461, 464, 465, 470, 562, 650, 738, 755, 786, 812; Religion, i, 13, 20, 411, ii, 640; Risliis, i, 614; Root-Race, the, ii, 8, 738; Science, and Western, i, 683; Scriptures, ii, 648; South Sea Islanders, and, ii, 439; Stock, the, ii, 786; Supreme All of the, i, 306; S3'mbolisni, ii, 492 ; S3"ml)ologist.s, ii, 581; Symbolog}', i, 410; Symbols, i, 412, ii, 473. 577; Systems, i, 479, ii. 399; Theo-anthropographies, ii, 135: Theo- gony, ii, 62, 470; Thought ami Esotei i- cisni, i, 141; Traditions, ii, 129; Vedic Race, the, ii, 175; Wisdom, ii, 470. Aryan-Asiatics, ii, 452. Aryan-Hindus, ii, 343. Aryanism in the /vig Veda, ii, 395. Arvanists, Ignorance of, 428; Max Miiller, , and, ii, 443. Aryans, Adam, descend from the yellow, ii, 444; Adi unknown Deity of the, i, 3; Allegories of the, ii, 401 ; Archaic, ii, 38; Astronomy of the, i, 730; Atlan- teans and, ii, 412, 820; Circle a symbol of the, ii, 566; Cosmogony of the, ii, 26; Cosmographies of the, 11,638; Decimal notation, the, and, i, 386; Deity of the, i, 3, ii, 567; Early, the, i, 3, 139, ii, 104, 388, 643; E.gyptians and the, ii, 668; Esoteric Doctrine of the, ii, 38, 643; Ivther, the, on, i, 527; Europeans the latest, i, 458; Fifth Race, the. i, 139, ii, 803; I'orces, believed in intelligent, i, 458; Hindu, ii, 638: Holy of Holies and the. ii, 492; Knowledge of the ancient, i, 568: Max ]Miiller on the, ii, 443; Melee of Atlanieans and. ii, 820: ^Mongols an2>^^ 348, 461, 561; Giants, i, 450, ii, 74, 98, 242, 2S4, 292, 411, 442, 452, 465; Heirloom, ii, 449; Humanities, ii, 452;- Images, ii, 346; Initiates, i, 229; Karma- ■ and "the, race, ii, 317, 429, 782; Lan- guages, ii, 209; Law of offering, the, ii, 790;" Legend, Pharaoh and the, ii, 519; Libraries destroyed, ii, 731 ; Magic sym- bol, ii, 371; Mummy, gigantic, ii, 284; INDEX. 29 Nations, ii, 278, 444; Niobe the, race, ii, 814; Noah an, ii, 408; Offshoots, savage tribes are, ii, 761 ; Pakeolithic men, ii, 781; Part-cycle, the, ii, 750; Period, the, i, 668, ii, 195, 278; I're-Adaniic races were, i, 346; Progress, ii, 276; Proto- types, ii, 8; Prowess, ii, 796; Races, i, 211, 213, 214, 346, 426, 714, ii, 131, 155, 237, 260, 285, 286, 300, 333, 338, 348, 429, 441, 442, 461, 463, 561, 638, 755, 786; Re- cords, ii, 369; Relics, ii, 341, 358, 362; Savage tribes, offshoots, ii, 761 ; vSkele- ton of an, ii, 712; Sorcerers, ii, 98, 517, 673; Sorcery, ii, 299, 529; Submersion, ii, 148,320; Sub-race in Europe, seventh, ii, 786; Symbol of, magic, ii, 371 ; Titans, ii, 307; Traditions of the Moon, i, 427; Zodiacs, ii, 455. Atlanteans, Ancestors of the, i, 212; Ani- mality of the, ii, 829; Aryans and, ii, 412, 820; Battles between two classes of, ii, 816; Boasts of the, ii, 805; Classes of, two, ii, 816; Cursing the sun, ii, 805; Degradation of the, ii, 815; Descendants of the, ii, 799, 81S; Description of the, ii, 447; Destruction of the, li, 345; Doom of the,_ii, 452, 454; Dragons, called the Great, ii, 799; Druid priests descendants of, ii, 799; PIgyptians and, ii. 792; P"le- ments, and the four, i, 502; End of the, untimely, ii, 188; p;ocene age, of the, ii, 757; Extermination of the, ii, 323; Eze- kiel on the fate of the, ii, 518; Features of the, ii, 234; Force called by. Mash Mak, sidereal, i, 614; Gibborim or Giants were, i, 447; Greeks and, ii, 785, 792; Groups of, saved, ii, 366; Guanches an offshoot of the, ii, 716, 835; Iranians on the, ii, 816; Isis Uni'ci led on the, ii, 521 ; Kumaras connected with the, ii, 618; Lanka, the, of, ii, 246; Melee of, and Ar}-ans, ii, 820; Monads came with the, the last, ii, 3:7; Monsters bred by. ii, 717; Moses and, ii, 445; Powers of the. Superhuman, ii. 807; Raksliasas aiul, ii, 289; Remnants of, ii, 786; Rishis and, the, ii, 527; Romans and, ii, 785; Sans- krit not spoken by, i, 50; Senzar under- stood by, i, 26; Sin of the, ii, 316, ,728; Sons of Night, called, ii, 816; vSons of the vSun, called, ii, 816; South Pole, gravitated toward the, ii, 286; Speech of the, ii, 209; Race overlapped the, third, ii, 465; Ungodly, perished, ii, 366; Wives of the, ii, 300; Work ascribed to, ii, 53; Writing invented by, ii, 45.S; )'asiia on the, ii, 816. Atlantcs, Diodorus on, ii, 8og: Titans called, ii, 377; Franus first king of, ii, 808. Atlantic, Elevated ridge in the, ii, 348; Flood, the great, ii, 369; Great Waters, the, and the, ii, 820; Islands, ii, 8, 427, 835; Land and White Island, ii, 155; Lemuria, the, portion of, ii, 348; North and South, ii, 423; Ocean, i, 452, ii, 155, 424; Pillars of Hercules in the, ii, 155; Plato's, island, ii, 8; Proserpine, islands in the, sacred to, ii, 427; Steamers on the, ii, 165; Warlike power from the. Sea, ii, 785. Atlantides, Atlas, the seven daughters of, ii, 51S; Diodorus, accuse Axle of the wheel tilted, ii, 343. Ayana, the abode of Vishnu, ii, 625. Ayanam, Hindiis, of the, ii, 657; Rudus make an, three, ii, 656. Ajin = nothing, i, 374. Aza, to illuminate, ii. 120. Azael, the hosts of. ii. 515. Azal, Azazel derived from, ii. 393. Azazel, Azazyel or, ii, 393 ; Church dogma, 4 34 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. of the. ii, -?93; Iscliins, chief of the, u, 392; Mvsterv of, 1, 476; Scapegoat of Israel, the, ii, 406, 427 : Serpent a pro- totype of, ii. 405- ^ , r Azazyel, Azazel or, ii, 393; Scapegoat of Israel, the, ii, 406, 427- . •\z-burj, the mountain of, n, 421. Azhi-dahaka and Thnetaona, War be- tween, ii, 407. Aziluth, Chaiah obtained from, u, 639. Azoic ages, i, 278, ii, 169. Azores are remnants of an old continent, ii, 233, 835, 837. , , , , Aztalan the country o*^ the Aztecs, 1, 343. Aztecs, i, 343, ii, 150, 4*34- Azure blossom. Plant of the, 11, 443- Azure dragon. Constellations ol the, i, 439- , .. Azure seats, the, n, 443. Ba or the soul of breath, ii. 669. Baal, .^sculapius identical with, i, 377 ; Incense to, i, 712; Israelites, the, of the, i, 427; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Phallic God, a, ii, 482'; Phoenicians, of the, ii, 570; Priests of, ii, 223; Prophets of, ii, 483.; Saturn the same as, i, 496; Worship of, ii, 494- Baal-Adonis, 1, 501. Babbage, Dr., quoted, i, 130. Babe, the diyine, ii, 106. Babel, Builders of. ii, 392; Legend of the tower of, ii, 2 ; Tower of ii. 2, 284, 805. Babian, Ruins of, ii, 638. Babies, Dog-headed, ii, 59. Baboon, Catarrhine. ii, 700; Physiologi- cally regenerated, ii, 275. Baboo'ns in the Pliocene periods, 11, 714. Babylon, Arrow-headed inscriptions of, ii, 838; Divinities of ii, 396; Foundation cylinder of, ii, 730; Hierophants of, ii, 396, 397 ; Huschenk built the city of, li, 415; Inscriptions of, ii, 838; Mythology of, ii, 138; Nabatheans founded, ii, 474; Planetary temple of ii, 477; Religion of, i, loTTibetan cities might vie with, i, 16. Babylonia, Archaic statues of, 11, 732; Brahman learning had a seat in, i, 15; Gandunia was, ii, 46; Gan-duniyas a name of ii, 212; Nebo of ii. 477; Niffer or Nipur in northern, ii. 148; Pharisees' tenets came from, ii, 64; Sanskrit learn- ing had a seat in, i, 15; Secret wisdom in, i, 376; Semi-demon of ii, 200; Statues of, ii, 732. Babylonian, Ann a, God, ii, 147; Bel a, God, ii, 147; Benefactions, ii, 30; Cap- tivity, Gt-fiesis a reminiscence of the, li, 2 12 /Captivity, ii, 496, 653; Civilization, ii, 213, 730; Creation, legend of, ii, 2, 64; Cuneiform inscriptions, ii, 3; Cy- linders, the, ii, 3. 109. 236, 258; Dag, Oaiines the, ii, 61 r; Deluge, the, ii, 4; Divine ages, ii, 655; Dragons on, tiles, ii, 216; Ea a, God. ii. 147; Ezra, the, ii, 151; Flood, the, ii, 232; Fragments, ii, 5; Gods, i, 139, 147, 719, ii, 147, 296; Inscriptions, ii, 3; Landowner, ii, 474; Lateres Coctiles or, tiles, i, 381 ; Legend, ii, 2, 154, 401; Magism, i, 39; Moses, i, 339; Mysteries, i, 501; Cannes the. Dag, ii, 611; Qu-tamy a, landowner, ii, 474; Religion, ii, 731 ; Sargon was the, Moses, i, 339; Sin the. God, i, 417; Talmud, i, 26; Tiles, i, 339, 381, ii, 216; Zu the, God, ii, 296. Babylonians. Ancient, ii, 477; Cycles of th'e, ii, 597; Fall, and the, ii. 5; :Messiah of the, i, 717, Principle, .silent on the one, i, 458. Bacchante, Serpent in the hair of the, ii, 219. Bacchic frenzy, Circle dance a. ii. 4S3. Bacchus, i, 3'58, 425; Celestial Priapus born from Venus and, ii, 480; Fish, as a, ii, 327; Jupiter and, ii, 379; Lord, i, 501; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Phallic God, a, ii, 482; Sabasius called, ii, 437; Se- mele, mother of i, 430; Solar, the, ii, 438; Worship of, ii, 494. Back of bevont, the, ii, 681. Back. Visible universe, the, of the Lord, ii. 568. Bacon. Roger, i, 189, 521, 670, ii, 458, 462. Bacteria, n, 176; Living, pass through- boiling water, i, 666; Microbes, etc., i, 270; Organisms, in human, i, 281 ; Science, the. of i, 245. Bacterium, microscopical, i, 245. Badaoni, quoted, i, 7, 8. Badlias, imperfections or. ii. 172. Baer, von de, quoted, ii, 685. Baffin's Bay, ii, 420. Ba^avadain, quoted, ii. 656. Baiiak-Zivo, Father of the Genii, the, i, 216: Xazartean Gnostics, of the, ii, 159. Bai, the intellectual soul, ii, 670. Baibhar. ]\Iount, i, 4. Baillv, Age of the human race, and the, ii, 653; Astronomers, on ancient, i, 722- 730; Atlantis, believed in, ii, 387. 784; Atlantis, mistake of about, ii, 278, 412, 420; Atlantis, on the influence of, ii, 815; Atlantis of Plato, on the, ii, 277; Computation of ii, 454; Conclu- sions of i. 723 ; Ecliptic, on the, ii, 563 ; Fantastic theory of, ii, 656; Geology, knew nothing of ii, 809; Hindus, on the learning of the, ii, 784; Horse of • the fabled, li, 417; Lettres sur V Atlan- tide of ii. 415,- 784; Measure of time in Antiquity, on the, ii, 657; Plurality of Worlds,' on, ii, 746; Prehistoric nations, on, ii, 785; Slander refuted by, ii, 346; Theogony, on Hesiod's, ii, 821; INDEX. Traditions, on, ii, 385, 41 r ; Zodiac, on the, i, 711. Bailly's letter to Voltaire, ii, 784. Bain, Prof., i, 146, 149, 271, 347, 575, ii, 165. Baissac, Jules, Satan ou le Diable of, ii, 536. Bait-Oxlv, Tomb of, ii, 589. Bakhan-Aleare, Adoration of, ii, 590. Balaam, prophet, the, ii, 427. Bala-Rama, Krishna's elder brother, ii, 649. Balance, Good and evil, light and dark- ness, between, i, 217; Mars, Lord of the, ii, 410; Qabbalists, the, of the, ii, 479; Satan beareth the, and sword, ii, 244. Bal-i-lu (Marttanda), i, 126, 127. Balkh in Central Asia, ii, 353. Ball, Sir R. S., referred to, ii, 68. Balls, Fire, of, i, 64, 168; Fohat, makes, of Fire, i, 168, Primordial dust in the shape of, i, 222. Balthazar, one of the Magi, i, 717. Baltic, Amber only found in the, ii, 814; Level of the. ii, 793. Baltistan, ii, 434. Balzac, quoted, i, 96. Bamboo Books, the, ii, 316. Bamian, Colossal statues of, ii, 235, 351, 352. 353- . ^ Bandha, or bondage, 1, 156. Banner of Kama-deva, ii, 61 r. Banners, Tribes, of the twelve, i, 714; Zodiacal signs on the, of the twelve tribes, i, 715. Banquet, Plato's, ii, loi, 142, 187. Banyan, Everdiving human, i, 228; Tree, the, ii, 225. Baoth = chaos, i, 219. Baphomet, Eliphas Le\'i, the, of, i, 274; Satan, the goat-headed, ii, 406. Baptismal font. Neophyte emerging from the, i, 337. Baptism, Devil said to possess man till his, ii, 219; Messiah connected with water in, i, 413; Smoke, of, ii, 598; Spirit of Holv Light, of the, ii, 598. Baptist, John the, i, 216; Pymander and St. John the, ii, 121; Waters of Grace of the modern, i, 495. Barahiel, Rabbi, quoted, i, 678. Barbaradesa, ii, 424. Barbaras, Puranas, spoken of in the, ii, 424. Barbarians, Indus, Masters of the banks of the, i, 404; Mediterranean, ii, 796; Mlechchhas, or, i, 404, ii, 52. Barbarism, Dark ages of, ii, 448 ; Deluges of, ii, 785- Barbary, Spain, joined to, ii, 793. Barbelo, one of the three Invisible Gods, ii, 602. Baresma, Mystic and Mysterious, ii, 402; Twig, or the divine, ii, 544. Barhishad, Fashioners identical with the, Pitris, ii, 99; Fathers or, the, ii, 107; Fires, the, possessed of, ii, 81; Pitris or, ii, 93; Progenitors or ancestors, the, ii, 81. Barhishads, Kumaras, Agnishvattas and, ii, 92. Barium, i, 603. Barkayal taught Astrology, ii, 393. Barnabas at Lystra, ii, 505. Barnang, i, 50. Barni, quoted, i, 673. Bar-Hebrieus on Enoch, ii, 557. Barthelemy St. Hilaire referred to, ii, 214. Barth, quoted, ii, 470, 471. Bartlett, quoted, ii, 629. Bases, Upadhis or, i, 182, ii, 627. Bashan, Tall men of, ii, 798. Basht or Pasht, a Goddess, ii, 583. Basilea, Royal, Asteria called, or, ii, 8f7. Basilidean gems, i, 513; Stones, ii, 220. Basilideans, the, i, 373. Basilides, i, 374. Basin of Persea, ii, 576. Basis, Astral of the physical world, ii, 663; Carbon, the, of organic substances, ii, 627; Differentiation, for future, ii, 722; Forces, matter a, for the manifestation of, i, 536; Hydrogen, the spiritual and material, ii, 119; Kosmos, of the mani- fested, i, 673; Manifested, Being, the, of, ii, 27; Noumenal basis of the second triangle, i, 673; Noumenon requires a, to become a phenomenon, i, 70; Phenomenon, of a, i, 70; Perfection, the corruptible, the, of, ii, 100; Pli5-si- cal, of mind, ii, 715; Physical, world, astral, of our, ii, 663; Principle, of the, i, 181; Second Triangle, the, noumenal of the, i, 673; Upadlii or physical, i, 128, 301, ii, 633. Baskets of writings on palm leaves, ii, 441- Basle, Map published at, 11, 341. Basques, Ancestors of the, ii, 835; Canary Islands, the, allied to the men of the, ii, 782; Guanches, and, ii, 837; Lsolated language of the, ii, 834; Remote An- ce.stors of the, ii, 835. Bastian, Dr., ii, 271, 795. Bat-winged men, ii, 671. Bath-Kol, Daughter of the Divine voice, the, ii, 112; Hebrew, the, i, 161. Bathybius Hteckelii, i, 592, ii, 174, 201, 693, 708, 712. Bathybius, the gelatinous, ii, 687. Batoo, Noom sends a girl to, ii, 282. Battle, I'lames the, of the, i. 223; Gods and Asuras, between, ii, 523 ; Good and evil, the Great, between, ii, 520; Life, the, of mortal, ii, 284, 684. Battles, Creators and Destroyers, fought between, i, 64, 220; Planets, of the, i, 36 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. 128: Sons of Darkness, between the Sons of Light and, ii, 816; Space, fought for, i. 64. Bats, ii, 736. Batylos. the Grecian, ii, 89. Bauddhists, Seventh zone of the, ii, 421. Baudry, F., ii, 551. 554. Baunigartner, Prof., Germs for higher ani- mals, on, ii, 758. Be With I7s, Great Day, the, i, 63, 66, 154, 155. 159- 162, 2S6. Beaches. Scotland, raised, in, ii, 831; Plio- cene raised, ii, 797. Beale, Prof, Life, on, i, 590; Referred to, i, 695. Beam, Parent-Sun, of the, i, 700; Un- created, the, i, 296. Beams, Hosts of its incarnated, ii, 617; Light, of. ii. 201 ; Moon, the, and sparks of one, i, 65, 257; Sytnbol of our spiri- tual Egos, the, i, 258; Universal Sun, one of the, of, i, 245. Bear, Great, the, i, 233, 248, ii, 577, 579; Lesser, the, i, 442; Thot-Sabaoth, the, ii, 121; Typhon of the Great, ii, 577. Bearded, Serpent, i, 513, ii, 220; Venus in mythology, the, ii, 33. Beast. Apocalyptic great, the, i, 719; Arti- ficially-made, an, ii, 446; God or a, is man, a, i, 697; Woman and the, mean- ing of ii, 791. Beasts, Magic w'atchers or speaking, ii, 446. Beaumetz, Dr. D., referred to, ii, 162. Beaver, Consciousness of the, ii, 127. Becoming, Activity of God, is the, i, 301 ; Creation or, i, 302 ; Nature ever, not simply being, i, 278; Plane, began on this, i, 303; Sacred number of, nine the, ii, 658; Science ever, i, 562; Universe an eternal, the, ii, 470. Bede, Chronology, and church, ii, 413; Cosmogonical essav of the Venerable, i, 475- Beelzebub, ii, 406. Beer, the well of, i, 390. Bees, Civilization of ii,686; Parthogenesis, and. ii, 696; Reproduction of, ii, 142. Beger, Inscription discovered by, i, 430. Beginning, Soul, of the, i, 622;' Term in the. i. 376. Be^s:ninings of Life, quoted, ii, 269, 272, 418. Beglor, discoverer of the Cheta Cave, i, 4. Behemoth, Darkness, the principle of ii, 510. Behring's Straits, ii, 340, 343. Being, Absolute, i, 91, 215, 289, ii, 470; Absolute, and non-being of Hegel, i, 44; Absolute, the awful mystery of, i, 82; Absolute, and consciousness, i, 78; Active periods of ii, 249; Arcana of, i, 518, 647; Basis of manifested, ii, 27; Centres of ii, 37; Collectivitj', in its, i, 84; Conditioned, the two aspects of i, 43; Conscious and unconscious, i, 84; Consciousness and, ii, 294; Cycle of and forms, i, 160; Deity not a, but Be-ness, i, 89; Egg, the secret of represented by the, i, 384; Eternal non-being the one, i, 75; Evolution of the, i, 670; Existence, we limit, i, 76; Forms of, i, 699; Gana or classes of i, 310; Genea- logical Tree of, ii, 622; Generation, de- scended into, ii, 243 ; Hierarchy of the, i, 157, 671; Immortal, i, 437; Ladder of, the, i, 285; Life and, every form of i, 288; Life and, revolution of i, 213; Lords of, ii, 430, 606; Lords of, the seven, i, 117; IMahakalpa, cycle of, or, i, 72; ^Nlahat the vehicle of i, 453; Manifested illu- sive, i, 269; Manvantara, or period of sentient, i, 402; Modes of origin of the, i, 656; Monadic, ladder of i, 694; Moon as disposer of i, 415; Mysteries of, i, 4, ii, 619, 645; Mystery of the last word of i, 292; Mystery of the, i, 238, 243, 363, 706; Neutral centre of ii, 772; Nidanas, or causes of, i, 70; Non-being is absolute, i, 84; Nun-being a more real, i, 85; Non-being and, i, 190; Non- existence or absolute, i, 70; One, eternal Non-being, the, i, 56; One number or, i, 115 ; Passivity of i, 302 ; Plane of after Nirvana, i, 287; Planes of, i, 116, 147, 212, 274, ii, 251, 294, 669; Poles of the oppo- site, i, 651; Pure, i. 538; Root of All, the, i, 6go: Rootless Root, is not related to finite, the, i, 42; Sacred number of, nine the, ii, 658; Sat not in itself ii, 470: Secret of, and Non-being, i, 190; Self of the, i, 122; Serpent and tree a divine glyph, of Immortal, i, 437 ; Seven Planes of ii, 251; Seven Worlds of, i, 145 ; Spheres of, the, ii, 36, 651 ; Subhava, or, i, 90; Svabhavat, the synon5m of i, 90; Thread of, the, i, 256; Two planes of consciousness and. ii, 294; Ultimate substance the root of all, ii, 585; Uni- versal, the, i, 305; Vehicle of i, 453; World of i, 118, 145; World of one law in the, i, 695. Beingless, ^on, the, i, 376. Beit rage ztir Descendenzle/ire, referred to, i, 243. Beitrdge ziir Kenntmss, quoted, ii, 152. Bel, Anu, and Noah, ii, 153; Bible and, the, ii, 401 ; Creator, the, i, 381 ; Dragon, and, i, 11, ii, 396, 501, 528; God and Planet, ii, 26; Jupiter, or, i, 469; Mer- cury was the God. ii, 570; Moon, the eldest son of ii, 403; Mulil the older, ii, 148; Primeval Babylonian God, the, ii, 147; Saturn the same as, i, 496; Sin the son of Mulil the older, ii, 148; Sun, the, ii, 65. INDEX. 37 Bel-Belitanus, ii, 221. Bel-Merodach, Nebo son of, ii, 221. Bel-Moloch or Jupiter, i, 501. Bel-Shemesh Lord of the vSun, i, 427. Bela, son of Beor, ii, 746. Belgamer, the Swedish, ii, 818. Belgium, ii, 786. Belita Ana and Davkina, ii, 485. Bell-sounds in space, i, 608. Below, i, 59, 100; Above so, as, i, 295, 592, ii, 527, 739, 740; Above or, not known to the Occultist, i, 734. Belt, Thomas, quoted, ii, 735, 766. Belus, Thalatth conquered by, the male principle, ii, 57; the Temple of, i, 10. Benares, Astronomical observations at, i, 728. Be-ness, Absolute abstract space one as- pect of, i, 42; Absolute Being or, ii, 470; Aspects, of, in the vSecret Doctrine, two, i, 42; Being, from, into, ii, 27; Ideal Abstraction of,' i, 215; Life itself or, i, 89; Non-Being is Absolute, ii, 662; One Absolute, the first fundamental doctrine of the vSecret Doctrine, i, 42; Rootless Root, is the, i, 42; Sat, or, i, 145, 167, 309, 607, ii, 324; That is the One, i, 36; Thought or speculation, is beyond all, i, 42; Trinity symbol of the One Absolute, the theological, i, 42. Ben-Issrael, Afghans call themselves, ii, 210. BeN YaH, son of YaH, ii, 89. Benfev, referred to, ii, 97. Bengal, Dwarfed races in, ii, 429; Sagara the name of the Bay of, ii, 604; Tan- trikas of, i, 180. Beni-Klohim, vSons of God, ii, 407. Beni-Shamash, Vatican tradition of the, "• 532. . , Benjamin, Cancer m the sphere of, 1, 715. Beunoo or Phcenix, i, 331. Bentley, John, referred to, i, 397, 730, ii. 66, 79, 449; Chronology of, ii, 80; Great War, on the date of tlie, i, 396; Newton, correspondence of and, i, 533, 537; Pre- cession of the equinoxes, on, ii, 580; Pauranic Astronomy, on, ii, 264; War in Heaven, on, ii, 525. Beor, Bela the son of ii, 746. Be-raishath or the Higher Wisdom, i, 376. Be-rasheeth, In the beginning, i, 376. Bereschith Rabba, ii, 56. 744. Bergerac, de. New World of, ii, 742. Berkeley, Copyist, only a, i, 123; Princi- ples of Hmnaji Knoivledge, author of, i, 32. Bernard, Claude, i, 270. Bernardin de St. Pierre on the Plurality of Worlds, ii, 746. Bernouilli, Attraction, on, i, 533; Plu- rality of Worlds, and, ii, 746. Berosian, Cosmogony, the, ii, 56; History, a few facts from, i, 11. Berosus, Chahkean cosmogony of ii, 529; Chronological errors of, supposed, ii, 475; Creation, account of, ii, 282; Cos- mogony of i, 366, ii, 56; Days described by, ii, 541 ; Ea, obtained information from, ii, 122; Fragments left by, i, 10; Generations of Kings given by, ii, 412; Genesis, knew the source of ii, 152; Ilus, the, of, i, 362; Keys extant in the days of, i, 330; Legend in, ii, 143: Monsters described by. ii, 59; Oannes of ii, 200, 236; Primordial Principle of, ii, 755; Prophecv, taught, i, 712; vSaroses, on the, i, 719; thalatth of i, 423, ii, 64, 68. BerthoUet, Canaries, on the races of the, ii, 835. Bervllium, i, 602. Bes^ the God, i, 413- Bestiality, generations of, ii, 332; Human, ii, 770; Lemurian, product of ii, 72; Primeval mindless races, of the, ii, 728; Sterility the present result of ii, 205. Bestla, daughter of the Frost-Giants, i, 460. Bethel, the Jewish, ii, 495. Bethlehem, the Star of, ii. 655. Betyli and magic stones, ii, 361. Bhagavad Gild, quoted, i, 98, 113, 114, 407, 584, ii, 52, 121, 332, 675; Anugitd and, i, 121; Buddhism and the, i, 451; Daiviprakriti, on, i, 463; Esotericism of ii, 28; Fancied allusion to Buddh- ism in the, i, 451; Lectures on the, i, 43. 155, 159- 162, 466, ii, 94, 149. 332; Mulaprakriti according to, i, 39; Notes on. i. 294, 461, 464; Pistis Sophia in the light of ii, 601 : Secret sense contained in, ii, 147; Subba Row on, ii, 324; Translation of referred to, i, 114; Tree of Being, on, i. 437. Bhagavan' appealed to, ii. 424: Brahma hurled to earth by, ii, 507; Vishnu or, ii> 51- Bhagavat. Brahma directs his thoughts to. i, 369. Bhds:avata Pnrdna, quoted, i, 108, 398, 405, ii, 224, 258, 399, 436, 579. 5S0, 603, 604; Mantradruma in the, ii, 651. Bhagulpore. Round Tower of ii, 89. Bharata, India, generally means, ii, 386; India, or, ii, 424; Nandi brought from, ii, 426. Bharata-varsha, ii, 141, 192, 335, 336, 386, 411.421,423,526. Bharateans and Rakshasas, war between, ii. 820. Bhargavas. Race of ii. 36. Bha.shya. or commentary, i, 292. Rhashyacharya, N., quoted, i, 157. Khaskara, the light maker, i, 125, 129. 38 THE SKCRKT DOCTRINE. Bhaskara Acharva. ii. 335. Bhava. Being or slates of being, 1, 91; Logos called, i. 277. lUiainshya Parana, ii, 337. Bhons. Idols of the, ii, 619. Bhrantidarshanatah, _ false perception, material universe, i, 47, ii, 114. Bhrigu, Prajapatis, one of the, ii, 80; Rishi, the great, i. 470, ii, 36, 80; Shri, the daughter of, ii, 80: Shokra the son of, ii. 33- Bhriiiii, quoted, 11, 322. Bhrigus or consumers, ii. So. Bhuli, i, 466. Bhujam = side, ii, 609. Bhumi. Earth, or, i, 233, 257, 269, 652, 663: Mother, thy, i. 65; Principle, has reached her fourth, i, 280: Sisters of, the six, i, 270. Bhuranyu an epithet of Agiii, ii. 548. Bhur Loka, ii. 335. Bhuta. Creation, the second, i, 481, 488; Doubles, or, i, 206: Empty, senseless. man remained an. ii, 19. no; Form or mind, without, ii, 18; Primitive man a. ii, 107; Progeny of the boneless were, ii. Bhiitadi, Bhutas proceeded from, ii. 114; Elements, the, i, 399, 400- 488. Bhutas. Fierce beings called, ii. 172. Bhutasarga, Bhutadi preceded, i, 488; Creation, the second, i, 481 ; Creation, the elemental, i, 488. Bhutatman. living or life soul, ii, 114- Bhiitesha, Lord of the elements, Vishnu as. or, i, 488. Bhuts or the genii of Hermes, i. 314. Bhuvah. i. 466. Bhuvar Loka, ii, 335. Bhuvo-loka. the middle region, i. 398. Bible. Abstract ideas made concrete in. ii. 495; Adam in, ii. i. 46. 126. 282, 401, 490; Adept of the Chaldaean, ii, 476; Adonai in. ii, 473; Androgyne deity in. i. 427; Angels in. i. 693. ii. 64. 383, 618; Archaic, 'our, ii. 444: Astronomical .svmbols in. i, 715; Bel and. ii. 401; B'linds in. i. 152, ii, 495; Bue Aleim in, ii. 391: Breath of life in. i. 233; Brah- mans said to have plagiarized, i, 15: Carpenter of. ii. 106; Cherubim of. 1. 151; Chronologies of. i. 719; Chrono- logists and, facts, ii, 730; Chronology ot. i, 715, 719' ii' 74, 4i3, 660; Circle ami. the. ii, 575; Civilization, on stages of human, ii. 791: Covenants of. three. ii. 42; Creation, i, 345, ii, i. 85; Crea- tions of. ii. 5: Cross and the, ii, 575; Dark savings in. ii, 563 ; Dead letter of, i, 323. 336, 338, ii, 2, 100, 568; Devil in, i, 99; Eliazar on, 11, 142; Elohim in, 1, 369; Emblems in, i, 324; Enos in, ii, 134: Esoteric interpretation of, i, 335, ii. 239; Esoteric statements in, ii, 511 ; Esoteric work, an, i, 340; Esotericism in. i, 284; E; volution and, ii, 698; Exo- teric, ii, 694; Expressions of circum- ference to diameter in, ii, 574; Fables of i. 358; Fall in, ii, 216, 296: Fiat Lux of, the, i, 266; Flood in, i, 364, ii, 154; Geometrical figures in, i, 95; Giants in, ii, 163. 290. 526; Gibborim of,ii,355; God of. i. 679; God-names in, ii, 565; Great flood, records of, i, 364; Hebrew, the, i, 410; Hermaphrodites in, i, 346; Hermes, Bel and Homer, the way to the, tli rough, ii. 401 ; Homer and, ii, 401 ; Inconsis- tencies in, ii, 562; Indian symbolism, connected with, i, 341, 447; Interpreta- tion of, i, 340, ii, 7S9, 790; Jehovah of, i. 285, 630, ii, 134, 487. 630; Joseph in, ii, 106; Kabalah explains, i, 291, 368, ii, 239, 661; Kedeshim of, ii, 482; Key to, ii, 494; Legendary form of records of, ii, 246; Letters, contains, 3.567,180, i, 11; Living Soul, of the. i, 260; Logograms in, ii, 350; Male and female of, ii, 489; .Man in, svnonvm for, i, 260; Mandrake of, ii, 30; 'Mary in, ii. 106; Mighty men of, ii. 292; 3Iiracles. ii, 204; .Mosaic, the, ii. 45, 46; Mvstery language, and the, i, 338; Nabath'ean agriculture and the, ii, 476; Natural lii.story, at variance with, ii. 265; Nephesh in, i, 233; No first man except in, ii, 282 ; Noah of, ii, 320; Numerical method of reading, ii, 573; Occult teaching explains the, ii, 394 ; Paracelsus and,!, 313; Patriarchs, i, 487, ii. 383; Phallic element in, ii, 695; Plurality of worlds and, i, 664, ii, 748; Pre-Ada'mic races in, i, 346, ii, 263; Puranas compared with, ii, 133; Qu- tamv. of. ii, 477; Records of, ii, 246; Revelation, a divine, i, 423; Roman Catholics and, i, 506; Sacred animals in. i, 119, 476; Satan in, ii, 395; Science and. ii, 789; Secret Wisdom in, i, 336; Seraphim of, i, 151 ; Serpent worship, on. ii. 219; Seven in. ii, 638, 646; Seven periods in, i, 481 ; Solar years of, i, 719; Solomon and. ii, 414; Spirit in, li, 40; Sundav schools, in. i, 249 ; Svmbolism of the' organs of generation in the. i, 410; Symbols in. i. 715; Translations of. errd'neous. ii. 505; Zodiac in. i. 711, 712; Zoliar 2im\. i. 234. Bible de I 'ence, i. 476. Bible in India, ii, 461. Bibles. Translators of. ii, 567. Biblical Adam, ii, 8; Adam chronology, ii. 74; Ararat, ii. 154 1 Azazel and, . scholars, ii, 393; Chronology, i, 708,718, li, 80, 277, 35I-, 408. 410, 475, 496, 659, 729; Correct reading, i, 338; Cosmo- gonv, ii, 682 ; Creative God, ii, 630 ; Cross and, scholars, i, 721 ; Dagon, ii, INDEX. 39 147; Dead-h tter, ii. 159; Deluge, ii, 4; (ilyphs, i, 341 ; I am that I am, i, 107 ; Historv, ii, 213; Jews, ii, 496; Names, ii, 490:' Numbers, i. 341 ; Ori.<(in of mau, ii, 167; Patriarchs, i, 711, ii, 475; Phrase- ologv, ii, 473; Protestant, society of Paris, ii, 567; Pseudo-personages, ii, 152; Pyramidalists, i, 334; Riddle, ii, 392; Teachings rejected, ii, 159; Theo- logy, ii, 8; Writers, ii, 46. Bibii'othcca Indica, quoted, i, 104, ii. 335. Bibliotheque Orientale, referred to. ii, 412. Bimater, ii, 379. Binah, i, 472, ii, 2S2; Chochniah and, i, 678, ii, 143; Divine names of. i, 423; Female consciousness, ii, 556; Pemi- niiie word, a, i, 34; Heart or, i, 376; Intelligence, i, 260, 376; Jehovah in its best aspect is, i, 421 ; Jehovah no better than, i, 235 ; Jehovah with, identifica- tion of, i, 251; Nature, intelligent, ii, 88; Passive potenc}-, or intelligence, a, i, 380; Sephira, the third, ii, 401 ; vSephir- otal triangle, one of the i, 125; Triangle of, i, 125; Understanding, ii, 89. Binaries and unities, i, 258, 259. Binary, Chaos, the female, or, ii, 586; In- terlaced triangles, in, ii, 626; Number five, in, i, 412, ii, 60S; Pythagoreans hated, ii, 607; Yin the, ii, 584. Biogenesis, law of, ii, 710. Biogenetic law, ii, 197, 696. Biographer, of IMertz, Prench, i, 690. Biographical and Critical ICssay, ii, 532. Biographies, (lods, of the, ii, 181 ; Planets, of all the, ii, 49. Biography, Devi), of the Christian, ii, 500; Moses, the, of, ii, 447. Biological, Atlantis, evidence of, ii, S32; Physical forces are. in their essence, i, 508; vSacrifice of Daksha, revelation in the, ii, 192; Speculation, truth of, ii' 775; Speculation.s, modern, ii, 193; Theories of Science, i, 243. Biologist, Huxley, the English, ii, 725; Mode of generation, and present, ii, 124; Terra incognita of, i, 23S. Biologists, Antiquiiy of man not accepted by, ii, 8; Difficulties of, i, 244; Ivvolu- tion and Western, ii, 776; Protoplasm, seeking for homogeneous, i, 77. Biology, Celestial Ijodies, and the, i, 339; Materialistic views on, i, 339; Primitive, ilie, ii, 668; Principles of, ii, 364; Pro- blems of, i, 529; Progress achieved in, i, 697; .Science of, i, 389; Separation of sexes admitted by, ii, 194; Vital Prin- ciple, denies the, i, 660. Biourasp, delegate of Dzahhak, ii, 474. Bi])ed, Animals need not be either quad- rujied or. i, 665; Ape a, type, ii, 715; Evolution of man into a, ii, 462. Bipeds, Daksha made, ii, 193; Quadrupeds, created before, ii, 172. Bird, Angel, a symbol for, ii, 306; Ash-tree, divine", in the, ii, 54S; Constellations of the Vermilion, i, 439; First Cause pic- tured as an invisible, i, 384; Immor- tality of, ii, 39; Karshipta, the. ii, 306; Leda is the mythical, ii, 129; Manmial, after the re])lile and before the, i, 434; Phoenix, the, of Resurrection, i, 331; Rabbins' mythos of an enormous, ii, 653; Resurrection, of, in eternity, i, 331 ; Soul, symbol of ii, 306; Space the nest of the eternal, ii, 306; Wisdom, of, ii, 306. Birds, Angels, the glyph of higher divini- ties and, ii, 814; Apollo and Athene as, ii, 814; Balaam, which inspired, ii, 427; Desert, human beings with bodies of, of the, ii, 58; Divinities, glyphs of, ii, 814; Giant, ii, 23; (ilyphs of, ii, 814; Lizards with, wings, ii, 59; Reptiles, derivation of, from, ii, 775; Septenary law, and the, ii, 658; Shell-heads, with, ii, 211; South, of the, ii, 459; Third round, resultant of the. ii, 722. Bird's Nest, heaven, ii, 306. Birth, Astral, of the, ii, ] : Astronomy, of, ii, ^y. Atoms, of, i, 636, 639; Bacchus, of, ii, 379; Christ, of, i, 722, ii, 655, 730; Cross represents, ii, 587 ; Daksha, of, ii, 186; Death, destiny from, to, i, 700; PUements, of the, i, 304; P^orm, of every, i, 634; Fourth race, of. ii, 237, 754; P'unction, i, 419; Garuda. of, ii, 596; Globes, of, i, 192; Immaculate, i, 428; Inequalities of, ii, 171, 317; Initiates giving, to themselves, ii, 590; Krita age, given to a race who shall follow the laws of the, i, 405; Law of, uni- versal, i, 168; Life, and, i, 371; Man. of, ii. 287; Mars Lord of, ii, 410; Microcosm, of. ii, 612; Miraculous, ii, 580; Moses, of, ii, 447; New Sun, of i, 441 ; Number seven and, i, 342; Pentateuch and ori- gin of, ii, 574: Race, of new, ii, 465; Saviour, oracles as to, of, i, 721 ; Sep- tenary law, controlled by, ii, 6,sS; Spiri- tual, ii, 492, 613; World-Saviours, of, i, 721; Zodiac and, of Jesus, i, 720. Birthday of world, number seven, i, 438. Birthdays of Dhyanis, ii, 189. Birth-hour of Jesus, i, 717. Birth-originator, Jehovah as, ii, 490. I'irth-origin, ii, 490. Birth-shell, i, 639. Births, Gautama on previous, ii, 375; Second, several, for every, ii, 317. Rischof Coal formation, on, ii, 734; Ex- periments of, ii, 169. Bi-sexual, Androgynous, ii, 201, S21 ; Ele- ment, ii, 132; i^mblem, Jehovah, a, ii, 482; Hermaphrodite or, ii. 140; Mam- 40 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. malia, all life, before, ii, 628; Man. n, 141; Primitive humanity, ii, 138; Repro- duction, ii, 141; Root-types, 11, 777; Second race potentially, ii, 2; Third race, ii, 143, 207; Third root-race, ii, 143. Ri-sexuality, vegetable, ii, 141- Biune magnetism, creative, i, 436. Bjerregaard, C. H. A., quoted, 1, 691, 693. Black, Age, i, 27, 510, ii, 4.54- 555: A'^^^'"" teans, ii, 452; Birds, inner meaning of, i, 478; Co.smic svmbols, i, 477; Face, ii, 446; Fire, ii, 171; Land, ii, 333: Magic, i, 274, 506, ii, 148, 381, 412; Magician, 11, 446; Men, and yellow, ii, 233: Race, 11, 260; Races, ii, 366. 443, 735, 7^6; Saved, some, ii, 24; Sin, with, ii, 23, 237, 333, 426; Sins of, faced, ii, 445= Swan, 1, 106; Warrior, constellations of, i, 439; Water, i, 449; Waters, ii, 424. Blake, Dr. Carter, Article by, ii, 798; Nau- lette jaw, on the, ii, 786; Pacificus, named bv, ii, 827. Blanchard,' Opinion of, ii, 169; Origin of Life, on, i, 273; Pasteur rejected by, ii, 159. Blastema, Primordial, ii, 127; Protoplasm, or, ii, 126. Blastoderm, Formation of, ii, 723. Blessed, Hu, the Holv and, i, 678; Island of the, ii, 388; Ones, Hosts of the, ii, 619; Ones, the, i, 245; Seats of the, ii, 443; Virgin, rosary of the, ii, 41. Blind, Anagrammatic, an, ii, 613; Bhdga- vata Piirana, in, ii, 604; Bible a, i, 152, ii, 495; Jehovah a, ii, 405; Ogdoad a, i, Blinds, dead-letter, in Gnostic Gospel, 11, 601; Esotericism, of, ii, 323; Jewish Kabalists, of, ii, 595. Bliss, Absolute, i, 623: Humanity, final, of, ii, 649; Land of, ii, 372, 443; Non- Being, the, of, i, 56, 83; Parinirvana, of, i, 289; Seven ways to, i, 55, 70. Blochman, Dr., Translation by, i. 8. Blood, Ank signified, ii, 634; Atmosphere of, i, 580; .\tonement through, ii, 739; Circulation of, i, 591, 592, 610; Primitive luunanilv needed no, i, 667; Shedding of, the, i'i, 47; Spirit, water and, i, 623; Vital force niav poison, i, 588. Bloodshed, Sexvial, the first, ii. 408. Blue race.s, the, ii, 202. Blumenbach's Malay race, ii, 342. Blurred copies. Bestial sires, of their, ii, 717; Men, apes, of, ii, 273. B'ne Aleiin, ii, 239; Jewish Bible, of, ii, 391 ; Sons of God, ii, 392. B'ne Alhim, i, 474; Children of God, i, 444; Sons of the Gods, ii, 26. Boar, Avatara, the, i, 395, 396, ii, 56, 79, 263- 335- . .. „ Boat, Solar, 1, 247, u, 150, 55^- Boats, Third Race built, ii, 417. Boaz, Jakin and, ii, 522; Pillar of Solo- mon's temple, left, ii, 483. Bodha, i, 3. Bodhi, Samadhi or, i, 3; Tree of, ii, 622. Bodhiiuiu; quoted, i, 35. Bodhisattva, Candidate becomes a. i. 134; Chenresi a, ii, 189; Dhyan-Chohan, or, ii, 188; Gautama's mother, gives a lotus to, i, 406; Kwan-Shi-Vin, a, i, 511; Ultimate tenuity conceivable to, i, 98. Bodhisattvas, Buddhas or, human, i, 82; Dhyani-Buddhas, human correspon- dents of, i, 73; Human, worship of, ii, 37; Intelligences, as informing, ii, 37; Superhuman, i, 624; Terrestrial, i, 625; Worship of, ii, 37. Bodies, Animal, Monads in, i, 691 ; Ap- pearance, only human in, ii, 297; At- lantean, our, ii, 317; Atoms, of, i, 685, 690; Brahma, of, ii, 61; Devas in illu- sive, ii, 280; Divesting yourselves of 30ur, ii, 790; F^asily accessible, ii, 366; Elementar}-, i, 685; Entities of forces denied to be, i, 734; Ether, formed of, i, 616; Ethereal, of First Race, i, 691; Formation of Sidereal, i, 622; Four, i, 234; Generation of, ii, 608; Hierarchies, of the, i, 690; Inorganic, INlonads in, i, 691 ; Intelligence, the local fitting of, i, 666; Invisible powers clothe themselves in, i, 530; Lords, of the, ii, 19; Monads create for themselves, i, 693; P.lonads in every cell, i, 691 ; Phenomenal, are onlv, i, 692; Physical, in Pralaya, i, 286"; Planetary spirits, of, ii, 582; Powers, of, i, 530, ii. 46; Radiations of the seven, i, 280: vSeven groups fur- nished with, ii, 317; Shadows of, sin- less, ii, 645; Sideretil, i, 189, 622; Simple or elementary, i, 685: Sons of the Twi- light, of, ii, 20: Vishnu in all, i, 452. Bodleian Library, MS. in the, ii, 506. Bodv, Adam Kadmon, of, i, 260; Adam in the ark, of, ii, 490; Adept, of, ii, 244, 559; Animal, the, i, 580; Astral, the, 1, 177, 190, 262, 280, ii, 252, 524, 559; Astral Light, of, i, 456; Atma, illusive, of, i, 623; Atom, in man corresponds to, i, 673; Atoms of, i, 621; Brahma, of, ii, 170; Brute creation, and the, ii, 775; Building of the physical, ii, 251 ; Dawn, of, ii, 172; Dav, of, ii, 172; Deity, of, 1, 260; Desires, of, ii, 252, 478; Egypt of the, i, 442: Fire and Water, of, i, 58, 98; First, the, i, 211; Force, and, i, 546; Formation of, i, 733; God needed a, • conscious, ii, 244; Gods, of, ii, 172; Growth, of, ii, 266; Holy Ghost, the, of, i, 274; Human, the, i, 280, ii, 775; Illu- sion, of, ii, 60; Illusive, of Atma, i, 623; Infernal, of Astral Light, i, 456; Inner IXDKX. 41 Man changes his, ii, 294; Invisible, i, Giants, of, ii. 427 ; Gorilla and man, of 581; Kosmos, the. Astral, of, i, 190; the, ii, 720; Human fossil, ii, 367 ; Men Last, the, i, 66; Light, a, is? i, 523; Mani- with, ii, 19; Phosphorus for, ii, 76; fested, the, i, 379; Clustery over, ii, 284; Powerful with, ii, 21; Strata, scarcity Matter, water purifies tlie, of, ii, 598; of, in, ii, 725. Matter, in the animal, finelv diffused Book, Black age, written at the beginning form of, i, 580; I\Ioon and human, i, of the, i, 27; Secret, a, ii, 557. 250; Nephesh, mould of, i, 265; Night, Book of Alchazari, quoted, ii, 244. ii, 96, 172, 174; Physical, i, 177, 262, ii. Book of .Hi, ii, 653. 251; Procreation, used as means of, ii. Book of Changes, the canonical, ii. 39. 297; Psychic man, tool of the, ii, 316; Book of Creation, i, 482. Shell, the, i, 281 : Soul, built by the, ii. Book of Di itschiin, i, 472. 768; Soul and spirit inform, i, 669; Soul Book of Dzyan, i, 42, 45, 50, 53, 95, 105, in every part of, ii, 312; Spirit, soul 223, 279, 468, 737, ii, i'^, 50, 120, 230, 265, and, i, 73, 138, 147, 246, ii, 258, 637 ; 392, S02. Sthula Sharira or external, i, 242; Sun Book of Enoch, i, 667, ii, 131, 132, 153, and moon in connection with, i, 250; 239, 240, 294, 296, 328, 393, 475, 506, 507, Temple of the, i, 233; Temples for the 522, 532, 537, 557, 559. 562, 564, 566, 766, human, ii, 284; Universal forces cannot 805. be detached from its relation to the, i, Book of Cod, i, 230, ii, 52, 121, 400, 415, 557; Universe, of, i, 365, 366; Vehicle 485,496,656,799. of the soul substance, i, 174. Book of Hermes, i, 103, ii, 40, 475, 476. Body- vehicle, Soul, the astral envelope, BookofJasher,\,6^-,i. of the, i, 255; World, of, i, 138; Worn Book of Job, i, 99, 710, ii, 521. out, left for another, ii, 28S; Worship, ii. Book of Life, i, 130, 583. 292, 298. Book of Moses, ii, 483, 662. Boehme, Jacob, Genii, the nursling of Book of lYiimbei'S, i, 26, 109. 218, 234, 235, the, i, 536; Newton derived knowledge 245. 251, 260, 261, 467, 678, ii, 40, 89, 104, from, i, 536; Occultist an, ii, 629; Siona- 212, 395. 415, 483. 662, 745. iura Reriiin of, ii, 670; Theosophy of Book of Rules, quoted, i, 502. ii, 667. Book of Ruth and Schadash, ii. 392. Boeotia submerged, ii, 283. Book of Sarpardjni, i, 103. Boeotians, Deucalion of the, ii, 546; Zeus Book of Wisdom, ii, 117. written Dens b}' the, ii, 615. Book of the Aphorisms of Tson-ka-pa, i, Boetliius' De Arithmetica, referred to, i, 696. 386. Book of the }>eginnings, ii, 667, 819. Bogaterey, giants of Russia, ii, 797. Book of the Concealed JSIystery, i, 259, ii, Bogolul)of, Prof., on anaerobes, i, 270. 4, 87, 104, 306, 662. Bohn's Classical Library, referred to, ii, Book of the Dead, i, 95, 240, 247, 248, 252, 43"- " 257, 258, 331, 352, 386, 391, 408, 433. Bois-Reymond, du, Haeckel criticized by, 468, 736, 737, 738, ii, 3, 38, 55, 223, 296, ii, 686, 687; Hseckel and, ii, 700, 702; 350, 390, 403, 567, 576, 610, 613, 621, 670, Haeckel rejects, ii, 711; Haeckel, versus, 671. ii, 694; Value of pedigrees, on, ii, 693. Book of the Generations of Adam, ii, 132, Boker, dawn or morning, ii, 263. 142, 561. Bolivia, Chulpas of, ii, 795; Early man. Book of the Keys, \, 117. traditions in, of, ii, 787. Book of the law, Hilkiah found the, i. Bone, Aquilaine, caves, ii, 786; Imple- 712. ments, early, ii, 755; Ivi, ii, 204; Wheva, Book of the Ten Thousand Precepts, i, 75. ii, 204. Book of the Various Nantes of the Nile, ii, Boneless animals, ii, 22; Ethereal man, 383. ii, 158; Fathers, ii, 95; Life to men with Books. Ancient anatomical, ii, 349; Brah- bones, the, gave, ii, 18, 19, no; Mind- manical, the sacred, i, 291 ; Destruction born, ii, 166; Primeval man ]:)rojected of Chinese, ii, 731; l^noch said to have by, ii, 251: Primitive race, i, 637; Race, concealed his, ii, 558; Henoch author ii, 203; Self-l)orn or, ii, 180; vSweat-born of thirty, ii. 383; Hermes, concealment or, ii, 174; Third race, animals in. ii. of the, of. ii, 29, 558; Hermes, the, of, 194. ii, 29; Hermetic, i, 308: Inventor of, ii. Bones, Animals with, ii, 21, 22; Beings 557; vSecret, teach astronomy, the, i, with, ii, 18; Boneless gave life to men 224; \'edanta, of the, i, 290. with, ii, no; Daupliine, in Lower, ii. Rooks of 'J'hoth, 'n, t,. 289; Enormous, ii. 289. 353. 362; First Bopadeva, ii. 624. race wiih solid, ii, 343: C'Tiant. ii, 307: Bopp, i, 15. 42 THK SECRET DOCTRINE. Bor, son of Kuri, i, 460. Bordj, Mithras the son of, i, 363; Sugges- tive nivth of, i, 364. Borealis,' Aurora, and Australis. i, 226. Boreas, Astarte, and, i, 507; Athenians sacrificed to, i. 506: God, the frozen- hearted, ii, 6; Hesiodic, i, 504; Hyper- l)oreans, king of the, ii, 814; Hyper- borean land bevond the reach of, ii, 11. Borlase. Dr., on the Druids, ii, 799. Borneo, Fragments of, ii, 233; Pile-villages of. ii, 755; Recent formation of, ii, 833; Wild men of, ii, 206. Borsippa, Temple of Nebo at, ii, 477. Borv de St. Vincent, ii, 682. Bos^ Frontosus, ii, 300; Longifrons, ii, 300; Primigenius, ii, 300. Boscovitch on centres of force, i, 552. Bosom, Adili, of, i, 686; Breath returning to eternal, ii, 46; Created from her own, ii, 55; Divine, i, 57; Duration of, i, 55, 68; Farth, of, ii, 3; Eternal, i, 168, ii, 46; Eternal mother, of. i, 167; Eternal one, of, i, 621; Mother, the, i, 112, 169; Sons return to their mother's, i, 59; Space, of inner, i, 168; Stone of the, ii, 628. Bossuet, Fallen angels, on the, i, 353; Idolatr}-, on, ii, 292; Speculations of, ii, 509. Botany, Atlantis, points to, ii, 781; Eso- teric teachings confirmed by, ii, 206; Nodes, uses the term, i, 341 ; Occult, i, 282; Triangle, and the, ii, 628; Zoology, and, ii, 123. Bo-tree of Wisdom, the, i. 570. Bottomless, Pit, i, 361, ii, 248; Space in its, depths, i, 675. Boucheporn, de. Speculations of, ii, 344-.. Boucher de Perthes, Discoveries of, ii, 713; F'ossil man, on, ii, 290. Bouh. vSarmatian God, ii, 636. Bouilland, i, 729. Boulak Museum, i, 414. Boulanger, Regiie des Dieiix, quoted, ii, 3'^9- . ' . , Boulaq, Discoveries of mummies at. 1, 13 ; Theban Triad represented at, ii, 486. Boundless, Absolutely, i, 378; Aditi the, i, 126; Ain Suph, the, ii, 133; All, Ain Suph, the, i, 134; All, darkness filled tlie, i, 55, 72; Bounded and conv, ii, 68; Night and Day of, equal, i, 260; Night of, i, 41, 72, 129, 398, 403, ii, 73, 321; Nights of, i. 2,2,- 68, 85, 92, 395, 401, ii.84; Night's rest of, ii, 255; Origin of Gods from, i, 491 ; Ori- gin of name of, i, 145; Padma repre- sents half life of, ii, 189; Pa(hnapani, or, ii, 673; Panchasya, and, i, 234; Para- brahman, and, i, 48, 235, 486; Parabrah- man. witli, ii, 630: Pitris sons of. ii, 96; Phmetary principle, supreme, i, 393; Poetical description of night of, i, 403; Potencies of creation and. i. 85: Pra- dhana, superior to, i. 397; Prajapati =, i, 109, 122. 625; Prajapati-Vach or, i. 466; Prajapatis, one of the, i, 380; Pra- kriii ancl spirit, essentially, i, 595; Pra- kriti. aspect of, i, 592; I'rakriti. in womb of) "• 555; Prakritika at end of age of. i, 398; Pralaya, Malta, or, i, 195 ; Primary period of activity of, i, 490; Progeny of, first, ii, 81; Propator, as, i, 235; Ra and, i, 252; Rebels against, i, 494, ii, 399; Recoalescenceof, ii, 323; Rig Veda, not named in, i, 459, 479 ; Rudra and, ii, 578; Rudra. creates progeny in, ii, 649; Rudra from head of, i, 169; Sanan- dana son of, ii, 81 ; Sarasvati wife of, ii, 80; Sarpas from hair of, ii, 192; Saviours of, ii, 173; vSephirotic tree, personifies, i, 376; Seven creations of, li, 660; vShiva precipitated by, ii, 542; Shivaspringsfrom, ii, 260: Shiva, Vishnu and, i. 306; Six creations work of, i, 489; vSons of, i, 116, 141, 257, 444, 470, 493. 567. 624. ii, 48, 51. 81, 93, 96, 98, 140, 182, 186, 258, 293, 391, 661, 8(9; Sons of, rebellious, ii, 86; Soul of world, evolved from, i, 408; Sound of names answering to, i, 484; Spirit and Pra- kriti, essentially, i, 595 ; Spirit of life, i, 392; Supreme, very, ii. 375; Suras, breathed out, ii, 90; Svar-loka abode oC ii. 422; Swan, assumes form of, i, 382; Symbol of generative power, ii, 132 ; That, an aspect of, i, 401. 486; Tlieo- goii}- and, i. 468; Theos, is, i, 367; Uni- versal soul, Akashic form of. i, 39; Uni- verse and, i, ni, 464, 481, ii, 34, 323, 651 : Universe unaltered for a day of, i, 481 ;. Vach, and, i. 464, ii, 156, 495; Vach, daughter of, i, 161, ii, 436; Vach, female Logos of, ii, 112; Vahan of, i, T08; Vaivasvata, preceded, ii, 153; Vedas, not used in. i, 3; Vedhas and sons of, ii, 81 ; Viraj and, i, 162, ii, 94; Vishnu and, i, "5, 37> 306; Vishnu as. i, 453, ii, 155; Will or desire of, i, 135; Wrathful, said to be. ii, 82; Year of. i, 68; Years of, i, 363; Yoga or union with, ii, 122; Yogins ])raise, i, 453; Zones produced by, seven. ii, 652. Brahmachari Ikiwa. ii. 445. Brahniacharya, Life of, ii, 479. Bralima-devas, Order of, ii, 610. Brahmadicas. Wilford's. ii. 151. Brahma-Kalahamsa or divine Swan, ii, Brahma-Loka, the denizens of, 1, 399. Brahman, Absorption in, i, 159; Anthro- pomorphic reflections of, i, 91 ; Anupa- daka one with, i, 92; Atom, in every, i, 45; Brahni or, derived from root brih, i, 37; Brahma and (see Brahma); Divine unity, or. i, 2S6: Hamsa and A-hamsa, is. i. 47; Hamsa-vahana, and, i, 47, 106; Kalaliamsa, called, i, 47, 108; Krishna greater than, i, 437; Kshetrajna, or, ii, 676: Lord of all creatures, i, 123; Maha- Atma or, i, 409; Manifestations of. i, 437; !Mysterium :\Iagnum of Paracelsus^ the, i, 91; Nounieiion. the, i, 401; One 44 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Self merges into, i, 623; Pums spirit, and, i, 276; Reality, the only, i, 45, 46; Reflection of. i, 91 ; Root, the undeca}-- ins supreme, i, 35; Self, the, ii, 676; Spirit of life or, i, 499; Swan, the eternal, i, 47, loS; That or, i, 625; There is but one, i, 453; Unity, or the divine, i, 2S6; Universal soul is not, i, 453; Un- manifested, the, i, 38; Vehicle of, Brah- ma the, i, 46. Brahman, Advaita sect, of the, i, 697; Aryan, ii, 494; Astrologer, the, i, 429; Babylonia seat of, learning, i, 15; Cos- mogony explained to, i. 595; Dvija. ii, 73, 4S4:' Grihasta or family man, ii, 429, 524; Initiates, i, 456; Key to Puranas, Initiates and, i, 456; Mahat explained by a, i, 104; Manus corroborated bv a, four, ii, 149; Mystified by, i, 14; Occult- ist and, ii, -/S', Origin of true, i, 231 ; Sacrifice offered by, ii, 156; Theosophist, a learned, ii, 72; Universities, young, of the, i, 569; Upanishads, learned in the, ii, 624; Yogi, i, 429. Brahmana, Ainigitd, mentioned in the, i, 121, ii, 521, 674, 675; Hotris, and the, i. 123; Narada the, ii, 599; Self not, i, 115; Sevenfolil, explains meaning of, ii, 600; Vedas, portion of the, i, 290. Brahmanas, Blinds, used as, i, 598; Bodhi- sattvas and, i, 625; Creation, on first, i, 486; Earth, reborn on, i, 624; Esoteri- cism in, i, 18S; Knowledge of fire among, ii, 59S; Orientalists, reproached by the, i, 97; Origin of the, ii, 428; Per- sonnel of, ii, 297: Preeminently occult works, are, i, 97; Treatises on the primitive hymns, i, 11; Udana as understood by, ii, 599; Upanishads at- tached to, i, 291. Brahmanaspati, Brihaspati =, i, 145, ii, 523, 524; Brihaspati, Jupiter or, ii, 49; Exoteric worship, represents, ii, 524. Brahniauda Parana, i, 393, ii, 422. Brahmandika or Solar and Lunar Pitris, i, 477- Brah manic doctrine, i, 208. Brah uanical, Age of humanity, teachings as to, i. 174; Ambition, ii, 63; Aryan, nation, ii, 644; Books, sacred, i, 114, 291, ii, 134, 154, 302 ; Calculations, i. 168; Calendar faultless from, standpoint, ii, 55; Chronology, ii, 752; Creation in, books, ii, 134; Esotericism, i, 248; Fig- ments, i, 397, ii, 619 ; Figures, ii, 72, 74; Forgerijs, i, 15; Golden egg, the, ii, 583; Groed of power, ii, 63; Kosmos, doctrine of the, i, 173; Legends, ii, 438; Literature, i, 7; Logos, ii, 672; Mystic phrase, i, 625 ; Narayana, i. 93 ; Pitris of the, system, ii, 128; Popular writings, ii, 73 ; Raja Yoga, division of, i, 181 ; Sacred science of numbers, i, 117; Secret code, i, 292 ; Septenary in the, system, ii, 672 ; Temple literature, i, 7 ; Theo-mythology, ii, 97; Wisdom in the Rahasya, i, 292 ; Works, stored in a cave, i. 14 ; Writers, ii, 46 ; Yugas, doc- trine of the, i. 719. Brahmanism, Buddhism, compared with, ii, 674; Candidate for, ii, 484; Demons of, ii, 97; Exoteric, ii, 33: Four a sacred number in, i, 116; Hinduism or earl\-, i, 370; Infinite Essence, teaching of, re- garding the, i, 33; his ( 'iiveiled sav\ to be plagiarized from, i, 28; Venus in, ii, 33- Brahmans, Akkad tribes and, ii, 212; Ani- mus of. ii, 526 ; Arch-forgers and liars, declared to be, ii. 461 ; Aryan, ii, 407, 455; Authority for, ii. 647; Brahma is for, alone, ii, 174; Brahmanaspati Lord of ii, 49; Brahmaputras, claim descent from, i. 230; Buddhism, enemies of, i, 395; Buddhist canon po^.sibly not lost to, i, II; Budhism, esoteric teachings of, i, 3; Calculations of, ii, 53; Calendar of, ii, 54, 71; Caste among, i, 291, 293; Central Asia, primeval, initiated in, ii, 596; Chaldaeans instructed by, i, 15, 142, 722 : Chandalas and ex-, ii, 210; Chandra- gupta, arrayed against, ii, 580: Chron- ology of, i, 718, ii, 55, 69, 208, 628; Cycles of. i, 224; Deit}-, called after, ii, 134: Druids and, ii, 799; Dvijas or. i. 5; Eggs, do not eat, i, 392; Esoteric Biiddli- is))i, objected to title of, i, 2; Family ties and, i, 411; Figures of, ii, 163, 734; Forefathers of, ii, 455; Gautama a dis- ciple of, i, 292; Grihastha, ii, 81; Hells of, i, 225; India b}-, occupation of, ii, 643. S12; Initiated, i, 5, ii, 334, 596; In- structors of, ii, 784; Kali Yuga, testi- mony of, regarding, i, 726: Kalki Ava- tara of the, i, 412; Kshalriya kings, pupils to, i, 291; Life-cj-cle of, i, 252; Logoi, on, ii, 32; Lord of, ii, 49; Magas caste and, ii, 337; Mantras chanted by, i, 121; Manu contradicts orthodox, i, 37; Manu.scripts of. i, 7; INIe.ssiah of, i. 717; JNIonkt ys, regard for, i. 207; Moon's position dt termined by, i. 729; INIum- nieries of ii, 512; Mystical minds of ii, 586; Occultists differ from, ii, 321; Ori- ginal sin, do not believe in, i, 411; Orthodo.x, ii, 98; Pitris sacred with, ii, 95; Power of over .storni-s, i, 507: Puranas of, ii, 597 ; Religion of, in relation to Bible, i, 15; Rishis and, i, 630. ii, 527; Sacred books of i, 14, 21, 392; Secret Philosophy, and, ii. 672 ; Septenary divi- sion, and, ii, 627; Sevenfold cla.ssifica- tion of. ii, 678; Shramana and, i, 8; Shri-Antara of, i, 143; Soma drunk by, ii, 524; Teaching and, our, ii, 157; Tirva- loor, i, 724. 728; Twice-born, i, 5, ii, 118; INDEX. 45 Udana as understood by, ii, 599; Upani- shads of the, ii, 597; Upper India, land of, ii, 341; Vedas, keep original text of, i, 7; Voltaire attracted to, ii, 7S4; Wil- ford and modern, ii, 422; Zodiac, and the, i, 722. Brahma-Prajapati, Alive, breath of, be- came, ii, 526; Creative God, ii, 494; First- born of, ii, 48S ; Jehovah-Sephiroth, iden- tity between, and, ii, 133 ; Kalahamsa not vehicle of, i, 108; ISIale and female, i, 117; Viraj, creates, ii, 47. Brahma-Purusha. i, 373. Brahmaputra. Xarada a, i, 444. Brahmaputras, Brahmans claim descent from the, i, 230; Hindu, ii, 391. Brahmarandhra, in the crown of the head, i> 157- Brahma- Rudra, Mind-born sons of, i, 495. Brahmarshis, ii. 186. 527. Brahmas, Buddhas, and, i, 360; Five, i, 234. Brahma- Vach, Androgyne God, ii, 636; Aryan prototype of Jeliovah, ii, 132; Mann, bi-sexual in, i, loi ; Prajapati, female half of. i, 109. Brahma- Vach- Viraj, ii, 134. Brahma Vaivarta, i, 395, ii, 321. Brahma-Viraj, Adam. "Mars and, are red, ii, 47; Androgynous principle and, i, 380; Jehovah-Adam, identity between, and, ii, 133; Male-aspect of ii, 136; Praja- pati becomes, i, 109. Brahma-Viraj-Vach, ii, 132. Brahma-Vishnu = infinite space, i, 37; vShiva, transformed into, i, 587. Brahma- Vishnu-Shiva, or three heads on one neck, i, 416. Brahmin ignorance, ii, 460. Brahms an i A-brahms in davs of old, ii, 138. Brain, Anatomy, ii, 315; Anthropoids, of, ii, 720; Apes, of, ii, 203. 718, 720; Austra- lians, of ii, 720; Cell-ussue. ii. 712; Chokmah, number of the, or, i, 376; Dryopithecus, of ii, 714; Eyes grow out of ii, 309; Father, of the, i, 169; Grey matter, ii, 711; Human, i, 616; lUu.sion of our physical, i, 300; Impression, i, 286, 617; 'intellect, ii, 314; IMemorv, organ of, ii, 315; Mind and, i, 660, ii, 715; Monkey, of, ii, 719; Negro, of the, ii, 716; Nerve fibrils, i, 316; Normal or abnormal state of ii, 309; Organ of thought, the, ii, 721; Phosphorus for, i, 637; Physical basis of mind, ii, 715; Physics, ii, 711; Populations, of the oldest, ii, 551; Prolongation of, ii, 310; Quality or quantity of, ': ii, 550; Solar world,' of i, 590; Speech, and, ii, 69S; Vibrations of sound and, i, 605. Brainless, Sin of the, ii, 195. Brains, Mammalian, ii, 315; Palx'olithic man, of, ii, 724. Brain-stuff furnished b}- third principle of Great Mother, i, 311.' B'raisheeth, Construction, stands over the six Sepliiroth of i, 401; Logos, the first emanation or, i, 402. Branchiostoma, ^Materiali.sts, may be an- cestors of our. ii. 387. Brass symbolizes nelher world, i, 390. Brasseur de Bourbourg, referred to, ii, loi, 224. Braun, quoted, ii, 685. Brave. Dr., vStatues (liscovered b}-, ii, 764. Brazen, Columns of Ham and Cheiron. ii, 648; Feminine principle, i, 390; vSer- pent, i, 275, 379, 390, 446, 512, ii, 218, 381, 404, 495- Brazil, Fauna of ii. 836. Breal, quoted, ii, 281. Breast-eared men, ii, 671. Breast-eved men, ii, 671. Breath, Absolute, IMonad a, of i. 267; Ab- soluteness, of i, 310; ..Ether or, i, 104; All, of the, i, 93, 104; Angels of tlie first divine, ii. 100; Animal life, of ii, 59; Asu or, ii, 62. 70; Asuras, of God. ii, 62; Brahma Prajapati, of, ii, 526; less, eternal, i, 56, 84; Cool, i, 40; Cos- mos, organizes, i, 96; Creative, i, 32, 40, ii, 526;, of i, 93; Daj- of the great, ii, 6; Divine, i, 40, 73, 74, 217, ii, 566, 582, 685; Klement.s, first, of the differentiation of i, 488; Elohim, of, i, 402; Eternal, i, 56. 84, 86, 93, 104: Lvter- nal bo.som, returning to, ii, 46; FUernal, which is, i, 40; Ever-to-be-unknown power, of ii, 5S2; Father, of the, i, T04; Father, spirit the, of the, i, 112; Father- Mother, of the, i, 168; Fiery, li, 120; Film from a divine, i, 309; Fire, of i, 59, III, 113; First the, ii, 251; Focus of divine, ii, 5S2; Fohat of i, 16;), 696; Form, needed a, ii, 19; God, of i, 32, 96, 627, ii, 62, 93; Great, i, 39, 42, 43, 74. 171, 247, 286, 302, 491, ii, 6, 26; Heat, i. 129; Heaven, of, i, 232, 233; Hot, i, 40; Hu- man monad or, ii, no; Intra-cosmic, i, 279; Invi.sible, ii, 539; Kneph, con- cealed, of i, 378; Lha, of the, ii, 15; Life, the, of, i, 233, 246. 247, 262, 263, 264, 366, 686, ii, 86, 171, 185, 478, 623, 669; Light-maker or, i, 61, 125; Marttanda. dead, given back by, i, 129; INIother, of the, i, 59, 112; INIotion or, i. 32, 124, 540; Mystery of i, 142; Nephesh or. ii, 171, 478, 639; Nostril, from rij^ht, i, 737; Number is a, i, 96; One, ii, 517; One existence of i, 85 ; Perpetual motion, i, 85; Pneuma, ii, 119; Pralayic eternities, does not ce ise during, i, 85; Prana, or, of life, ii. 669; Progeny, Fohat. of their, i. 63; Serpent incubates waicrs with its, i, 378; Seven, gave life to the. ii, 26; Soul of ii, 669; Stone, becomes a, i, 46 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. 132; Substance, divine, of the soul of, i, 566; Supporters, of the, i, 274; Uni- versal soul, of the, i, 12S; Universe and great, i, 74; Vishnu, of, i, 398; Voice, self or wind, i, 123; Voltaire on the, ii, 93; Word, crystallized into the, i, 107. Breaths, Asuras the hitjhest, ii, 97; Dhyan Chohans, never-resting, i, 129; Direc- tion, which blow in every, i, 539; First seven, i, 61, 131; Formless fiery, i, 234; Hieroglyph of the, i, 737; Holy circuni- gyrating, i, 61, 131; Intellectual, ii, 332; Narada on the, ii, 598; One breath, of the, ii, 645; Smaller, i, 539; Understaiul- ing, had no, ii, 115; Worlds becoming as, i, 664. Bree, Dr. C. R., on Darwin, ii, 736. Bretagne, Carnac of, ii, 397. Brewster, Sir D., quoted, ii, 741. Briah, ii, 639. Briareus not a myth, ii, 74, 819. Briatic world, the, ii, 117. Bride, Christ, of, ii, 394; Christian Kaba- lists, of the, i, 236; Lamb, of the, ii, 241; Malkuth, of tlie heavenly man, ii, 630; Tetragrammaton, of, i, 260; Triangle, represented the left side of, i, 674. Bridge, Celestial, the, i, 23S. Brigiit-crested, Rikshas or, i, 488. Brihaddranyaka Upaiiishad, referred to, i, 145, ii, 578, 675. Brihaspati (see Brahmanaspati), i, 145; God and planet, ii, 26; Gold-coloured, tlie, ii, 523; Jupiter or, ii, 32, 147, 477, 523; Religion, representative of exo- teric, ii, 526; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 524; Shukra foe of, ii, 49. Brimham, Rocking stones of, ii, 362. British Association, Anti-Darwinists in the, ii, 735; Birmingham meeting of the, i, 596; Referred to, i, 635, ii, 178; Strobic circles, and the, ii, 623. British Columbia, Antiquities in, ii, 448. British Druids, ii, 668. British inch originated by the esoteric system, i, 335. British Islands, Birth of the, ii, 359; Ele- vation and depression of the, ii, 831; Referred to, ii, 348, 789; White Island, said to be the, ii, 420. British Isles, ii, 340, 793. British linear measures. Circle origin of, i, 333; Inch as unit of, i, 333. British Museum, Archaic statues in, ii, 346; Corroborative evidence in, ii, 356; Could not contain all books in library at Altyn-tag, i, 8; Dragons in, ii, 370; Easter Island statues in, ii, 352, 718; Referred to, i, 157, 429, ii, 447. Brittany, Menhirs of, ii, 367. Brobdingnagians, referred to, ii, 798. Broca, Prof., quoted, ii, 260, 719, 834. Brody, Ed., i, 423, ii, 88, 89, 145. Bronze, Age. ii, 208, 282, 283, 547, 816; Birth of the race of, ii, 548: Generation of ii, 102; Periods, ii, 783; Race of ii, 548; Wall of, ii, 820. Brotherhood, Adepts, of, i, 628, ii, 673; Nabatheans were an Occult, ii, 476; Palliative of, i, 706; Pledges demanded of Chelas by the, i, 1S8; Serpent, of the, ii, 404. Brotherhoods, i, 7. Brown, Atlanteans, ii, 452; Black with sin, race became, ii, 237; Races, ii, 237, 366, 443, 735, 786; Saved from the Fourth Race, ii, 24; Zone was, fourth on every, ii, 23. Brown-black faces, ii, 188. Brown, Robert, quoted, ii, 228, 331. Bruce, ii, 459, 560, 597. Brucker, quoted, i, 487. Brussels, Pre- historic Congress at, ii, 794. Bryant, quoted, i, 384, 385, 478, ii, 380, 409. B— S'ph-r, ii, 43. Bubastis, City of i, 416. Biichner, Ludwig, quoted, i, 158, 565, 575, 701, ii, 164, 688, 689, 758. Buck, Brahma under form of a, i, 465. Buckle, H. T., quoted, i, 317. Biicolica, quoted, ii, 637. Buddha, ^ons elapsed before term could be applied to mortals, i, 3; Aryan soil, a child of, i, 5, ii, 354; Avalokiteshvara, the first, i, 134; Avatara of Vishnu, ii, 611; Dakini, ii, 298; Darshanas and, i, 78; Dhammapada, in the, ii, 116; Dio- nysus is one with, ii, 438; Disciples of ii^ 37; Divine intellect, acquirement of i, 3; Divine prototype of the human, i, 134; Dvijas and, i, 5; Enlightened, i, 2; Gautama, ii, 354, 441; Gautama or Aniitabha, i, 511; Gautama, origins of the teachings of, i, 78; Gautama, a Sixth-Rounder, i, 185; Hindu, a, i, 5, ii, 354; Initiation, at his, i, 628; Knowledge not revealed since the davs of, 1, 291; Kshatriya, i, 5; Law, the Good, of, i, 11; Mahayana origi- nated after death of, i, 71; Maitreya, i, 412, 510; Mayamoha attributed to, i, 451; Melha with the personality of a, ii, 67; Neo-Platonists and, periotl between, i, 28; Nirvana on earth, who reached, ii, 560; Prohibition of the Lord, i, 696; Protectors of Law of, ii, 30; Reincarnation, ii, 375; Religion of, not contained in Esoteric Buddhism, i, i; Samadhi, in position of ii, 354; Saviour, the world's, i, 406; Sliankara- • clian,a, .successor of, i, 27 ; Spirit of, i, 134, '512; Supreme, i, 624; Svastika on statues of ii, 619; Threefold manifesta- tion of every, i, 625; Tibet, perfect, to incarnate in, ii, 188; Tradition of the life of, i, 291 ; Unable to teach all iin- INDEX. 47 parted to him, i, 5 ; Upanishads appealed to aj^^ainst, i, 292; Wisdom of, i, 3; Worship of some disciples of, ii, 37. Buddhagava, i, 4. Buddhahood, Great Adepts who have reached, i, 628. Buddhaism, correct spelling not Bnddh- ism, i, 2. Buddhaist, correct spelling not Buddhist, i, 2. Buddha-Ivha, ii, 441. Buddha-like children, ii, 433. Buddhas, Anupadaka, designated, i, 82; Rodhisattvas, or, i, 82; Brahmas and, i, 360; Celestial, i, 133; Church, spirit of. "present in the, i, 51 1; Colossal statues not, ii, 353; Confession, of, ii, 441; Con- templation, of, i, 134; Easter Island statues, contrasted with, ii, 235; En- lightened, or, ii, 441; Human, i, 82, 133, 624; Last of the, i, 510; Link between the, connecting, i, 700; Mah- atnias or, ii, 441; ]\Ianushi (human), i, 82; Odin and, two different person- ages, i, 13; Odin or Woden is one of the thirty-five, ii, 442; Precursors of, ii, 211; 'Prototypes of the, eternal, i, 133; Race of, ii, 433, 507; Shakyamuni, wlio preceded, ii, 441 ; Statues of, of previous Manvantaras, ii, 235; World has had four, i,_73. Buddlii, Akaslia, of, ii, 649; Atma, Manas, i, 257. ii, 60, 119; Atma, INI anas of the manifested universe, i, 46; Atma, in- separable from, i, 202; Atma, the vehicle of, i, 215; Atma, spiritual vehicle of, ii, 241; Atman and, ii, 251; Chit, equality of Manas in conjunction with, 1, 308; Conscience and, ii, 639; Cosmic monad, the, i, 200; Devamatri, vSun the, of, i, 574; Divine Soul, i, 45, 128, 144, 237, 620; Ego not, the human, ii, 83; Ego-tism destroyed l)y, i, 3; Faculty of cognizing, i, 3; Great Mother, second principle 01. 1,311; Human principle, sixth, ii, 627; Indiscrete, neither discrete nor, i, 489; Individuality, acquires by impulse and ■effort, i, 45; Intelligence or, i, 4(X); Manas _as connected with, ii, 647 ; Manas, Atma, the human Triad, i, 240; Manas attracted towards, ii, 520; Manas, becomes conscious through, i, 264; Manas, liberated from its terrestrial, i, 489; Manas, manifesting by, ii, 287; Manas merging into, ii, 438; Manas, the fire which is the union between, and, ii, 258; Manas, the Upadhi of, i, 128; Manas, union of, and, ii, 241; Mahat, characteristic property of, i, 277; Mirror, i, 623 ; Monad, the cosmic, i, 200; Plane of, i, 627, ii, 778; Plastic mediator, the, i, 263; Prakriti, a spiri- tual modification of, i, 623; Ruach or. i, 265; Sattva rendered, i, 98; Senses and, li, 674; Seventh .sense, ii, 676; Shankara on, i, 98; Sixth principle, i, 512; Soul divine in connection with, ii, 85 ; vSoul or, vehicle of Atma, ii, 61 ; Spiritual intuition, and, i, 351; Spiri- tual soul or, i, 177, 300, ii, 614, 631. 669, 670; Understanding or, ii, 675; Union between Manas and, ii, 251; Universal, i, 625; Upadhi of, i, 128; Vahan of Atman, the, i, 285; Vehicle of Atma, ii, 61. 241. Buddhi-Manas, Atma, the, breaks loose from, i, 215. Buddhis, Divine Souls, or formless, i, 145. Buddhism, Army of spiritual beings to protect, i, 151 ; Bha<^avad Gitd, and, i, 451: Hook of the Dead confirms, i, 240; Brahmanism compared with, ii, 674; Budhism and, diff"erence between, i, 2; China, in a.d. 61, i, 12; Chinese, com- pared with the Vision of Ezekiel, i, 151; Chinese, by Rev. J. Edkins, i, 12; Chinese, i, 4, 439; Christianity and, symbolism in, i, 588; Darshanas said to be taken from, i, 78; Esoteric, i, i, 2, 465; Esoteric Philosophy and, ii, 165; Exoteric, i, 465; Four a sacred number in, i, 116; Gautama Buddha, and, i, 78; Genii of Chinese, i, 439; Hatred of, i, 3; Hinduism, outcome of, i. 730; Isis Unveiled .sai.l to be plagiarism from, i, 28; Infinite essence, on the, i, 2,2)'- Max Miiller on, ii, 264; Monier Williams on, i, 78; Neither esotericism nor, in hso- teric Buddhis)ii, i, i; North, of, i, 624; Orthodox, and esoteric Budhism, i, 5; Philosophers of, i, 33; Religious system of, 1, 2; Sacred doctrine of, ii, 442; Sacred num])er in, i, 116; Swedcu- borg and esoteric, i, 143; Tliet)st)phv not confined to, i, i. Jjitddhisiii in Tibet, by Schlagintweit, re- ferred to, i, II, ii, 189, 298. Buddhist, Arhats, i, 12; Arya.sanga. eso- teric school of. i, 80; Ascetics, i, 197; Beginnings of, sects, i, 234; Canon, .sacred, i, 11, 14; Cliinese, i, 197; Chinese and, philosophy, i, 255; Classification, i, 181; Dragon temples in. countries, ii, 396; Esoteric and exoteric, ii, 619; Esoteric philosopher, Fohat of the, i, 135; Esoteric traditions, i, 395; Go(l and creation, denies, i, 697; God, recog- nizes no personal, i, 696; Hinduism and. i. 73":, i, 197; Legend.s, ii, 625; Literature, i, 11 ; Logos, ii, 673; Monastery in Kailas, i, 12; Mongolian, ii. 5^7; Mystics in Japan, i, 96; Xagas, ii, 30: Nanda, a, ii, 580; Pilgrimage, ii, 225; Reform, i, 5; Religion! Northern, ii, 441; Religion in rehition to the Z)'//^/^', i, 15; Rite during an, ii, 98; 48 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Schools, so-called esoteric, i, 4; St. Michael, a, ii, 67; Sovereign, Nanda the first, ii, 580; Svabhavat, i, 77, 125, 734; vSysteni, i, 234; Teachings, ii, 667; Tradition, i, 11 ; Vedantic teachers, and, i, 181. Buddhist Catechism, quoted, i. 696. 697. Buddhistic, Doctrine, i, 208; Legends, ii, 438; Occultism, i, 4; Svabhavat, the, aspect of Mulaprakriti, i, 90; Theo- sophv, i, 730. Buddhists, Alaya has a threefold mean- ing for esoteric, i, 80; Atheists, not, i, 35; Avalokiteshvara of, i, 155, 461; Canon, sacred, i, 1 1 ; China, sacred island of, in, i, 511; Creator denied by, i, 2>2>\ Founder, i, 392; Four truths ac- cording to, i, 74; Island believed in hy, mythical, ii, 673; Island of, sacred, i, 511; Kanjur of Northern, i, 11 ; Kwan- Yin, i, 308; Logos of the, i, 155; Lotus held sacred by, i, 406; Mystical nunds, ii, 586; Northern, i, 3, 11,510; Personal God, introduced no, i, 474; Positivists, of Archaic age, i, 33; Sacred books, i, 21; Secret books, tradition as to, i, 18; Seven-leaved plant sacred among, i, 257; Tanjur of Northern, i, 11 ; Tarini, visit the remains at, i, 8; Vedanta and Uttara INHniansa, i, 78. Budding, Increased by, ii, 176; Reproduc- tion bv, ii, 123. Budh. IViale organ, said by Phallicists to signify, i, 512; Mercury is, i, 513; Sans- krit root, to knov. , i, 2. Budha, Birth of, ii, 524; Esoteric Wisdom or, ii, 524: Ida, wife of, ii, 147, 148; J\Ien of, ii, 48; Mercury, or, ii, 31, 32, Z'^Z^ 391- 477' 57"^ • Mother of Mercury, 1, 15; Planet, a, li, 383; Sirius the star of, ii, 391; Soma, son of, i, 422, ii. 49; Soma, father of, i, 249; Wisdom, i, 2, 249, ii, 147, 148, 244, 524; Wise, ii, 523. Budha-Soma of India, Thot-Lunus the, i, 426. Budhaism, Esoteric Buddhism should have been, i, 588. Budhism, Buddhism and. Difference between, i, 2. 588; Esoteric, doctrines of. ii. 105; Esoteric Wisdom or, i, 159: Esoteric, orthodox Buddhism and, i, 5. Buffon, Fauna, on African and American, ii. 836; Geological dates, on, ii, 738; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 746; Referred to, i, 653, ii. 682. Builder, Architect not the, i, 458; Con- scious, last, i, 297; Divine, ii, 204; Fohat the, i, 163; Gods, of the. ii. 360, 590. • Builders, Babel, of the Tower of, ii, 284; Clothing, having donned their first, i, 286; Creators, or, i, 380; Dhyan Cho- hans called, ii, 180; Divine, i, 646; Divine thought, following the plan of, i, 362; Dolmen, ii, 795 ; Earth, descend on radiant, i, 66; Elohim or, i, 259; Fiery lives as, i, 283; Flames, elements, i, 60; Groups of, i, 153; Heavenly orbs, of, ii, 582; Host of the, i, 367; Initiators or, ii, 360; Logoior, i, 108; Luminous sons, the, i, 83 ; Magnum Opus of, i, 274 ; Masons or, ii, 773; Men, were all, i, 132; Mound, ii, 795; Mountain ranges, of our, ii, 160; Occultists believe in, i, 131; One, called, i, 634; Osiris the S3nthesis of the group of, i, 471; Planetary spirits and Lipika, difference between, i, 133; Powers, could only gradually obtain their, ii, 332 ; Prajapatis called, i, 402; Priests called, ii, 397; Pyramid, ii, 732; Seven, i, 115, 470, 521; Shining seven or, i, 233; Sons of God styled, i, 230; Stanzas, of the, i, 116, 401, ii, 382; vSupervision and guid- ance of, i, 253; Universe fashioned by, i, 83, 130; Watchers or, the, ii. 374; W'here were the, i, 56; World, of the, ii, 541- Bull, Adoration of, i, 97; Aleph or, ii, 582, 607; Apis the sacred, i, 159; Dragon and, i, 721; E^ye of the, i, 726; Fifth race, symbol of, ii, 562; Fire, principle of, i, 41-9; Head of, i, 720; Menc'.es, of, i, 413; Nandi, the sacred, ii, 426; One of four sacred animals, i, 388; Ormazd, of, ii, 98; Osiris, sacred to, i, 419; Pl:allic s3nibol, a, ii, 6j6; Pleiades be3-ond the, i, 711; St. Luke and the, ii, 121; Six- pointed star, in the, ii, 561 ; Symbol, as a, ii, 436, 562, 616; Taurus or, i, 720; Uriel the, i. 152, ii, 121. Bulls, Ass3rian, ii, 121; Men, with the heads of, ii, 57. Bulwer Lytton's Coming Race, i, 614; Zanoni, i, 626. Bumi haptaita, ii, 801. Buudahish, Referred to, ii, 5, 305, 306; Watermen of the, ii, 671. Bun^en, Baron, Deluge traced by, ii, 149; Egypt, on antiquit}' of. i, 469; Eusebius and, i, 10; Great Pyramid, on, ii, 793; Mene.s, on anticiuity of, ii, 391; Prome- theus, on, ii, 431; Referred to, i, 141, 575, ii, 35, 86. Burgess referred to, i, 730. Burliani i Kati, the, ii, 383. Buri the Producer, i, 460. Burmah, Philosophical teaching in, i, 4. Burmeister, Antiquity of man, on the, ii, 792; Development of the earth, on the, i, 701; Opinions of, ii, 164. Bxirmese, Nirvana. Neibban in, i, 70. Burneirs translations referred to, i, 355, 356, ii, 606. Burnes on statues at Bamian, ii, 352. Burning valle\- of the fallen angels, ii, 564- Burnouf, quoted, i, 40S, 11, 407, 579, 603. INDEX. 49 Burns, Robert, referred to, i, 322. Bushman, Low intellectuality of, ii, 177. Bushmen, Arrowheads of, ii, 549; cannot raise, ii, 439; Inferior race, an, ii, 300, 761; Lemuro-Atlanteans, ii, 206; Palaeolithic men, ii, 550; Pigmy, ii, 763. Busrali, Nabatheans came from, ii, 477. Butlerof, Prof, quoted and referred to, i, 271. 563- 566, 635, ii, 688. Butterfly, Kgo-Soul free as a, ii, 592; Grub becoming chrysalis then, i, 183; Soul symbolized by, ii, 306. Bybline heights, ii, 435. Bythos, Aion existed before, i, 373; Depth, ii, 224, 601, 605, 606, 607; Ennoia of, ii, 514; Gnostics, of, i, 235, ii, 514; Sige and, ii, 606, 607. Byzantine style of painting, ii, 355. Cabbalah, ii, 40, 41, 42, 80. Cabbalistic value of the name Christ, ii, 569- Cabar Zio, the might}' lord of splendour, i, 217. Cabiri, Faber's, ii, 376; Mysteries of, ii, 276; Races of, ii, 411; Sanchoniatho, of, ii, 411; Titans or, ii, 150, 151. Cabul and the Bamian statues, ii, 353. Cactus-plant, Races illustrated b}-, ii, 453. Cadiz, Atlantis located beyond, ii, 388. Cadmus, Alphaliet of, i, 7; Demi-God, a, ii, 380; Generic name, a, ii, 280. Caduceus, C}'noceplialus represented with, i, 417; Mercury, of, i, 600, ii, 218, 381; Scientific, i, 601; Serpent, of, i, 275, 434; S3'mbolized by ogdoad, ii, 614. Caecum, Vermiform appendix of, ii, 719. Caenogenetic facts, ii, 700. Cffinozoic ages, ii, 628. Ciesar Philippus the Arabian, i, 330. Caesarea, Bishop of, i, 10. Caesium, Seeds of, i, 603. Cagliostro and St. Germain classed as im- postors, ii, 165. Caherman, Simorgh instructs, ii, 653. Cai-caiTs fights the Divsefid, or white devil, ii, 42 j. Cain, Abel, and, i, 444, 705, ii, 132, 142, 143; Abel's blood, shedding, ii, 492; Allegory of, ii, 232; Esoteric, the, ii, 135; Gene- alogy of, ii, 409; Jehovah identical with, i, 446, 632, ii, 405, 406; Jewish myth of, ii, 412; Kain, or, ii, 135; Lord God, ii, 282; Mars, is, ii, 408; Nod, took a wife from land of, ii, 300; Personification of, ii, 410; Prototype of symbol of, ii, 285; Pulastya and, identity of, i. 447; Sacri- fice of, ii, 285; Samael or Satan, gene- rated by, ii, 407; Tiller of the soil, a, ii, 286. Cain and his IJi)ih, quoted, ii, 514. Cain-Jehovah, Eve giving l)irth to, 11,492; Jehovah- Eve and, ii, 135. Cain-Jehovah-Abel, ii, 132. Cain-Vulcain, ii, 410. Cainan, P^noch begets, ii, 409. Cainite, Kenite or, ii, 571 ; Jehovah, be- comes, the name of, i, 34; Phallic, and, i, 34; Races, ii, 181. Cainites, Creator, call the serpent, ii, 220; Degraded, ii, 407; Deluge, and the, i, 447, ii, 408; Fourth root-race, the, ii, 154. Cainozoic times, ii, 216. Cains of the human race, i, 609. Cairns, Proportions of, i, 230. Cairo, Frog goddesses in. museum, i, 414; Theban triad represented at, ii, 486. Cajetan, Cardinal, ii, 560. Calcic phosphate, i, 637. Calcium phosphate, ii, 169. Calculations, Astrologers, of, i, 703 ; Asura- maj-a, attriljuted to, ii, 51, 54, 73; Cycle, of the new, ii, 830; Cyclic seven, of the, V» 597; Cyclic, various', ii, 657, 659; Early- Aryan, ii, 279; Egyptian zodiacal, ii, 369; Esoteric, ii, 841; Esoteric system, basic, of, ii, 74; p-igures belonging to occult, i, 194; Geological, ii, 75; Hea- venly bodies, concerning the, of, i, 723; Hindu, i, 724, 72S, ii, 77; Kabalistic, ii, 574; Narada, of, ii, 73; Sods, of the, ii, 413; Soothsaying by cyclic, ii, 659; Temples and monuments, as to, ii, 397. Calcutta, i, 14. Calcutta Reviexv, quoted, i, 37. Calendar, Accadian, ii, 732; Atlantean works, of iij 54; Hindu, ii, 71; Tamil, ii, 72; Vedic, ii, 581. Calendar-forms of the Ma)-as of Yucatan, i, 419. Calendars, Nations, of various, i, 419; Ptolemy's, i, 726; Theogonies and reli- gious, i, 715. Calf, Allegor}- of the cow and, i, 428; Golden, the, i, 632, 739; Purauas, in the, i, 428. California, ii, 342. Californian Secjuoia, Species of, ii, 10. Caligraphist, Pakeolithic man a, ii, 769. Calisthenes, (juoted, ii, 656. Caloric, Equalization of i, 573: Luminous, i, 275; ^Material particles, not amotion of, i, 525; Motion, not a mere form of, i, 571; Solids and liquids, influence on, i, 574; Sun force or, i, 571, 572; Vital, i. 275- Calorific sun, Ivnergy of the, i, 563. Calorimetry, i, 525. Calpe, Strait of, ii, 3S8. Calvary, Cross of, in P^gypt, ii, 590; Tragedy on, solenni, i, 671. Calvin on IMichael, ii, 503. Calvinists, Theology of, ii, 31S. Calypso, Atlas, daughter of, ii, 805; Ogy- gia, island of ii, 813. Cambodia, Nagkon-\Vat of, ii, 448. 50 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Cambrian, Age, ii, lo; Life, ii, 752; Period, ii, 9, 726. Cambry, Recantation of, ii. 360; Rocking stones, on, ii, 359. Canibyses, Sais, at, i, 429; Temple of the Kabirim, in the, ii, 376. Camel, Flying, ii, 215; Llama and, ii, 836. Campanile column of San Marco, ii. 89. Canaan, Descendants of, ii, 397; Tall men of, ii, 798. Canaanites, Arts and sciences of, ii, 474; Nebo adored b)-, ii, 477. Canaries, the, ii, 233, 834. Canar}- Lslands, Guanches of, ii. 716, 782, 834, 835; Origin of. ii, 835, 836; vSculp- tured stones of, ii, 835. Cancer, Benjamin, in sphere of i, 715: South Pole, at, ii, 450; Tropic of, ii, 372, 421. Candaules, G^-ges successor of, 11, 819. Candidate, Adeptship, for. ii, 397; Brah- manism, for, ii, 484; Cruciform coiiches used bv, ii, 590; Dragon, fought the, ii, 398; Initiation, for, ii, 398, 484, 488, 572, 590; INIaruts represent the passions in, ii, 650; P}-thagora.s, and the school of, i, 467; Sun awakens the entranced, ii, 589; Tan, and, ii, 572. Candidates, Reincarnation revealed to, ii, 582. Candlestick, Golden, ii. 615. Canes Venatici, Nebula of, i, 655. Canine teeth in our Progenitors, ii, 703. Cannibalism. Neolithic, ii, 763. Canon, Buddhist sacred, i, 11, 14; Chris- tian, i, 220. ii, 566; Hebrew, i, 710; Je- hovah in the Christian, ii. 566; Mono- chord, of, ii, 635; Proportion lost, of, i, 229. Canonical Book of Chanf^es, the, ii, 39. Canonization of Confucius, i, 475. Canstadt, INIan of. ii, 726, 786, 787. Canton, Descendants of the Miao-tse, near, ii, 293. Cape de Verde, Elevation near, ii, 837 ; Lslands, ii, 233, 835. Cape of Good Hope, Meteorites at, ii, 746. Capellini, Discoveries by, ii, 301. Capricorn, North Pole, at, ii, 450; Tropic of ii, 372. Capricornus, Constellation of, i. 254, ii, 609; Dhyanis, abode of, in, i, 239; Dol- phin became, ii, 611; Goat and, ii, 612; Naphtali, in, i, 715. Captivity, the Babylonian, ii, 496, 653. Caput Angeloruni, ii, 247. Carbon, Atoms in benzol ring, i, 684; Ele-. ment. an, ii, 626; Elements saturated with, ii, 169; Gigantic masses of, i, 273; Groupings of, i, 602; Meteorites, in, ii, 746; Molecules of, ii, 167; Nature of intel- ligence and, i, 666; Physical body, and, ii, 627; Protoplasm, contained in, i, 698. Carbonic acid, Experiment wiih, ii, 144; Importance of i, 282, 637; Oceans of, i, 273, ii, 169; Plants depenilent on, ii, 303; Vapours charged with, ii, 166; Waves of, ii, 261. Carboniferous, Age, ii, 159, 753; Period, i, 273, ii, 289. Cardinal points, Cross pointing to, ii, 586. 587; Cube and the, i, 394; Pour, i, 369, 501, 676, ii, 609. 625; Genii of the, i, 439; Holy of Holies and the, i, 479; Mars held the, ii, 410; Zodiacal circle, of the, i, 389. Cardinal virtues, i, 217. Carib skulls, ii, 782, 834, 837. Caribbean Sea, the, ii. 442. Caribs, Skulls of the, ii, 780. Carl Vogt on cannibal man, ii, 756. Carlyle, quoted, i, 231, 232, 233, 321, ii, 493- Carnac, Brittan}-, in, ii, 357, 358, 362; Ini- tiates at (Morbihan), ii, 793, 796; Ser- pent's Mount, means, ii, 397; Stones of, ii, 794, 796. Carnelly, Dr., referred to, i, 638. Carpenter, St. Joseph the, ii, 106; Vishva- karma, of the Gods, ii, 572. Carpenter, Dr., on Foraminiferae, ii, 269. Carson (Nevada), Gigantic footprints at, ii, 798. Cartas, quoted, ii, 397. Cartesian system, Liebnilz opposed to, i, 689. Carthage, Giant's bones at, ii, 291; Joh- on, ii, 793. Casmilus and Kumaras, ii. 112. Caspian Sea, Astrakhan on the, ii, 434; Indian Ocean, and, ii, 644. Cassell, Rev. Dr., quoted, i, 138, ii, 41, 43. Cassini, i, 723, 725, 729. Cassiopeia, New star in, i, 645. Cassius, Hermone, on Kabirim. ii, 380. Cast-off dust of the minerals, ii, 179. Cast-off types, ii, 275. Caste. Brahman, i, 293, ii, 174; Chaldees, a, ii, 790; Initiates, of, i, 232; Levites, a priestly, ii, 13S; Magas, of, ii, 337; Nebo, devoted to, ii, 476; One Veda, one Deit}-. one, i, 108; Upanishads written before, system, i, 291. Caste-races or Gotras of Brahinans, ii, 527. Castes, Pv volution of sacerdotal, ii, 529. Castor and Pollux, Dioscuri were, ii, 379; Egg, born from Leda's, i, 392; Greeks, of the, ii, 377; Leda, sons of, ii, 128; Moon and, ii, 131; Semi-immortality of, ii, 130; Sun and, ii, 131. Cat, Basht with Jiead of, ii, 583; Basin of Perstea in An, of, ii, 576; Ivgypt, sacred in, ii, 583; Genus F^elis. ii, 773; Lunar orb, sign of i, 323; Lunar symbol, a, i, 416; Moon, symbol of, i, 322, 323; vSun also called, i, 323. INDEX. 51 Cat-myth of the Egyptians, i, 322. Cat-symbol, i, 324. Cataclysm, Atlantis, of, ii, 645; Book of Enoch, of, ii, 32S; Cosmogonical, a, ii, 154; Deluge, and, ii, 793, 829; pAirope on the eve of, i, 708; Final, ii, 465; Geological, ii, 155, 274: Hindu tradition of, ii, 153; Mid-I\Iiocene, ii, 751; Next, ii, 347; Orphic hymn on, ii, 830; vSlock reserved from last, i, 293; Zodiac used to foretell every, i, 712. Cataclysms, Archaic scientists and, ii, 738; Cosmic, i, 396; Ecclesiastes, in, ii, 743; Europe, will destroy, ii, 464; Final geological, ii, 234; Fourth round, ii, 158; Futiire, ii, 422; Geological, i, 27; Globe, ii, 146; Nations saved during, ii, 818; Periodical, ii, 323, 456; Political,!, 27; Racial, ii, 340; Secondary age, ii, 754; Sidereal regions, in, ii, 525; Stanza of Commentary, twenty-two, on, ii, 325. Catacombs, Chakhea, in, ii, 396; I'^gypt, in, ii, 396; Iconography of, ii, 620; Ozi- niandyas, of, i, 342; Svastika in, ii. 620. Catarrhine, Ancestors, ii, 792; Ape, ii, 702; Apes, descendants of, ii, 276; Ba- boon, ii, 700; Tailed, ii, 706. Catarrhines, Man and the long-tailed, ii, 704. Catarrhini, Ancestors of, ii, 718; Anthro- poids, ii, 203. Catarrhinians, Old-world, ii, 181. Catarrhinides, ii, 343. Catechism, Calvinist, ii, 318; Commen- taries on, ii, 60; Druses, of, ii, 30; h;so- teric, i, 318; Inner schools, of, ii. 294; Occult, i, 39, 171; Quoted, i, 145, 686; Senzar, i, 38; Southern India, of, ii, 34; Vishishihddvaila Philosophy, of, i, 157: Vishishthadvaita Vedantins, of, i, 568. Cater]3illar, emblem of Psyche, i, 103. Catholic cliurch, Roman, i, 496; Writer quoted, a, ii, 89. Catholicism, ante-historical, Roman, i, 431- Catholics, Christian, ii, 98; Dogmatic be- liefs of, i,.542. Caucasian, Arj'an race, ii, 493 ; Mountains, ii, 255, 416. Caucasus, Arctic circle and, ii, 417; INIonn- tains of, ii, 434; Prometheus chained on Mount, ii, 432; Songsters of the, ii, 417. Cauchy, Assumption of colours in eclipses by, i, 528; Material points, on, i, 530; Suggestion of, i, 524. Causality, Avyakta or, ii, 50; Immaterial, i, 435; Latent, is, ii, 249; Primal cause, of the, ii, 127; Unknowable, i, 163. Causation, P^ffects, and, ii, 512; I'inite, i, 699; Intelligent, ii. 779; Material, ii, 166; Physical forces, of, i, 504. Caxisative, Effects became, i, 458; Genera- tion of, ii, 486 : Number 9, male, i, 139^ Womb of world, i, 636. Cause, Absolute, i, 36, 482, 738, ii, 82; Ab- stract thought, of i, 125; All-Father, of all, i, 460; All things, of, i, 277; Archi- tect, of the, i, 460; Attraction, of, i, 532, 577; Beginningless. i, 595; Brahma the, i, 482, ii, 114; Causeless, i. 38, 43, 67. 86, 117, 279, 301, 453, 458, 622, ii, 251, 623; Causeless ideal, i, 85; Causes, of, i, 621 ; Concatenation of, ii, 701 ; Conscious, i, 563; Creation not work of highest, i, 473; Creative, i, 39, ii, 226; Definition of a, i, 551 ; Degeneration, of, ii, 201 ; Deity the highest, ii, 647; Divine thought the, i, 120; Effect, and, i, 77, 456, 474, 486, 504, 555, 622, ii, 259, 633 ; Efficient, i, 397, ii, 585; Electricity not a, i, 563; FvUiancipation, of i, 307; End- less, i, 595; Eternal, i, 42, 67, 72, 73, 77, 120, 486, ii, 319; F;xistence, of, ii, 538; ICxistence of a natural, i. 659; First, i, 43, 44, 234, 235, 544. 656. ii. 126. 127, 536; First and efficient, ii, 585; Generated, i, 215; Great Unknown, ii, 113; Idea the, manifestation, i, 683; Ideal, the, i, 85; Impossible to conceive anything without, 1, 76; Incognizable, ii, 511; Infinite, i, 42; Karana=, i, 73. 77, 120; Karma and, i, 695. ii, 36; Kos- mos merging in the one, ii, 199; Life, of, i, 247; ]\iaterial, i, 77; Mechanical, i, 650; Misery, of, ii, 401; Monad, of unity, i, 677; Nature, of, i, 486, 575; One causeless, the, i, 43, 85; One, the. i, 678, ii, 319; Operations, of, i, 667; Pagan philosophers sought for, ii, 623; Parabrahman not first, ii, 114; Per- petual, i, 595: Phenomena, of i, 605, 661 ; Phenomenon, and, i, 534; Primal, i, 72, 256, 678; Prometheus' gift, chief, of evil, ii. 439; Radical, i, 294; Seasons, of, i, 667; Space, the, i. 67; vSulTering, of ii, 401; Ihidifferentiated, i. 356; ITniversal, i, 716, ii, 539; Unknowable, ii. 46; Unknown, i, 38, ii, 512; Varia- tions, of ii, 684. Causeless cause, the, i, 38, 43, 67, 85, 117, 279, 301, 453, 458, 622, ii, 251, 623; Force, one, i, 481 ; Heat, breath of fire, or, i. Causes, Absolute cause of all, i, 482 ; Agents, of meaning of i, 584; Attrac- tion and jirimary physical, i, 533; Being, of, i, 70; Causeless cause of all, i, 301 ; Conscious, i, 169; Developing, i, 696; Dynamical eiTect of i, 705; Dzyu deals with primal, i, 133; I^ffects, and, i, 194. 555, 620, 650, 702, ii, 77; FHementals are secondary, i, 170; FIndexoteric, are, ii, 77; Existence, of, i, 56, 75; Forces awakened b}", i, 149; Heavenly orbs, of, ii, 582; Human units can produce good. 52 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. ii, 539; Intelligence be3-ond secondary, ii, 585; Light, of, i, 561; Man creates, ii, 319; Mayavic, i, 530; Mechanical, ii, 688; Miser}-, of, i, 55, 70; Phenomena, of, i, 525 ;' Primal, i, 518; Primary, ii, 626; Qualities, of knowledge of, i, 583; Real, i, 169; Science meddles with, i, 504; vSecond, ii, 126; Sinful lives, pro- duced by, ii, 539; Sphere of primal, i, 518; Transcendental set of, i, 618. Cave, Cro-Magnon, of, ii, 716; Devon, in, ii, 762; Gimil, of, ii, 105; Hor-eb, of, ii, 571; Initiation, of, ii, 248, 589; Malta, deposits of, ii, 763; vSepulchral, ii, 716. Cave-dwellers, Ape-like, ii, 725. Cave-hunting, Prof. Boyd Dawkins on, ii, 756- . . . o Cave-libranes in Lamaseries, 1, 8. Cave-men, i, 229, ii, t,;;-,^, 360, 756, 781, 782, 837- Cave-temples, 1, 230, 11, 231. Cavern, Fossils of Kent's, ii, 764. Caverties de Perigord, ii, 788. Caves, Ancestors of the Nualts, of, ii, 38; Aquitaine bone, ii, 786; Hindiistan, of, i, 341 ; Implements found in, ii, 549 ; Initiate-hermits, of, ii, 527; Initiation, ii, 191; Neolithic, ii, 367; Race which retired to rock}-, ii, 293; Rishis, of, ii, 398; Zoroastrian, i, 151. Cecit}' of negation, i, 670. Cedar, Initiate called a, ii, 519. Cedrenus cited by Fiirst, ii, 571. Celseno, daughter of Atlas, ii, 811. Celepas Geraldiniis on Henoch, ii, 383. Celestial, Abyss, i, 386; Ancestors, i, 268; Armies, ii, 579; Ascetics, ii, 604; Ash- tree, ii, 547; Beings, i, 144, 151, 222, 236, ii, 95; Beings, Ah-hi or, i, 69; Beings, or Anupadaka, i, 82; Beings, Avataras of, ii, 441; Beings, double of, ii, 502; Beings, Dhyan-Chohans or, ii, 243; Beings, happy, ii, 172; Beings, group of, i, 241; Beings, ho.sts of, i. 157; Beings, Lha or, ii, 25; Bodies, i, 307, 525, 634, ii, 661, 808; Bridge, i, 238; Biiddhas, i, 133; Calculations, i, 729; Chemistry, Dr. Hunt's, i, 537; Deities, numbers revealed by, i, 467; Demons, female, ii, 649; Earths, ii, 652; Fires, ii, 548; Fruits, ii, 39; Garment of primeval man, ii, 118; Genii, ii, 391; Gods, i, 501, 513, ii, 221, 645; Governors of humanit}-, ii, ^y, Hierarchies, i, 297; Hierarchy, i, 242 ; Host, leader of, ii, 399, 400, 649 ; Hosts, leader of, ii, 66, 580; Kabiri, ii, 380; Logos, i, 266; Man, one, i, 251; Men, i, 183, ii, 49; Messengers, ii, 324*; Militia, ii, 31 ; Movements, i, 723;. Mu- sicians, ii, 618; Nile, ii, 495, 613;- Num- bers of China, ii. 39: Phantasmagoria, i, 716; Pole, ii, 829; Porpoise, ii, 648; Power of the essence of the gods, ii, 97; Priapus, ii, 4S0; Prototype of man, i, 700; River, Noon the, i, 331; Selves, i, 624; Serpent, ii, 35; Singers, ii, 618; Sons of Dhyani-Buddhas, ii, 122; Space, i, 650; Spirits, i, 398, ii, 386, 510; Stones, i, 474; Teachers, ii, 294; Tetraktys, ii, 639; Thrones, ii, 443; Virgin, i, 90, 236, 354, 495. ii, 219,511, 539; Virgin-mother, i, 496. Celestials, Human intercourse with, i, 693. Celibacy a condition of Chelaship, ii, 309. Celibate, Adepts, ii, 87 ; Eternal, the, ii, 209, 260; Invisible, i, 237; Kumara the eternal, ii, 209; Sons of Brahma, i, 257. Cell, Embryological, i, 244; Infinitesimal, i, 243; Monad in every, i, 691, 693; Nu- cleated, ii, 175, 266, 696; Nucleus, ii, 175; Physical, i, 238; P.sychic, ii, 250. Cell-soul, BathyVjius, ii, 687; Hseckel, of, ii, 711; Simple, ii, 708. Cell-souls and soul-cells, ii, 686, 708. Cell-theory of botany and zoology, ii, ^23- Cell-tissue in the brain, ii, 712. Cells, Blind indifferent, ii, 685; Buddhist, ii, 354; Formation of, ii, 267; Fruit, i, 270; Material body, i, 283; Organic, i, 269; Organs, of, i, 283; Stone, ii, 549. Celsus, Origen against, i, 480. Celtic giants, ii, 797. Celto-Britannic regions, Druids of the, ii, 397- Celts, Apollo of the, ii, 47 ; Stone, ii, 763. Cenozoic monsters, ii, 307. Censorinus, quoted, i, 467. Centaurs or Naras, ii, 68. Central America, Earh- man in traditions, of, ii, 787; Le Plongeon explorer in, ii, 38; Monuments of, ii, 834; Ruins in, ii, 448. Central American history, ii, 289. Central Asia, Atmosphere of, ii, 372; Brahmans initiated in, ii, 596; monks of, ii, 354; Bunsen's deluge in, ii, 149; Caves of, i, 342; Civilization in, i, 16; Colossal statues of, ii, 353; Cross in, ii, 588; Crypts in, i, 19; Grotto in, i, 502; Mountains of, ii, 416; INIysteries engraved on rocks in, i, 250; Plateaux of. ii, 644; Pushkara and, ii, 422; Rock temples in, i, 342; Rocks in, li, 458; Sacred island in, i, 230; Shaka and, ii, 422; Sons of light in, i. 26; Table-lands of, ii, 764; Wisdom-Religion in, i, 403; Yellow iiue fled to, they of the, ii, 443. Central, Eye of vShiva, ii, 611 ; Fire, i, 275 ; Force, ii, 616; Forces of modern science, i, 649; Germ, i, 299; Group of the Milky Way, ii, 5S1 ; Land,'ii, 419; Mass, i, 608. Central point. Atoms emanated from the, i, 696; Circle with a. i, 390, ii, 583; In- finite space, in, ii, 495; Inward, turned, INDEX. 53 i, 363; Mystic system, of the, ii, 39; Pleiades a, ii, 582; Svastika and the, ii, 587 ; Unit denoted by the, ii, 626; White, i, 349. Central spiritual sun, Invisible fire in, i, 115; Manifested universe, in, ii, 120; Ray from, i, 275, 628; Siirya a reflection of, i, 127. Central sun, Aditi and the, i, 578; Crea- tive light, emits, ii, 249; Fohat, and, i, 222; threat, i, 296; Kal)alists', ii, 224; Mysterious, i, 736; Secondary and, ii, 250; Shadow of the, i, 700; Solar systems separated from, i, 41 ; Suns emanating from, i, 574; Universe evolv- ing from, i, 407; Universe, of the spiri- tual, i, 363 ; Word of, i, 252. Central wheel, i, 62, 141. Centre, Animal, i, 281 ; Astronomical cross, of the, ii, 561 ; Being, of, ii, 772 ; Circle, of a, ii, 575, 584; Circle whose, is everywhere, i, 94; Circumference, and, ii, 585; Creative force, of, i, 601; Draco the, ii, 35; Empyrean, of the, i, 673; Energy, i, 40, 696; Force, of, i, 601, ii, 325 ; Human stocks from a common, ii, 788 ; Keel}' on a neutral, i, 607 ; Laya or sleeping, i, 170; Life, of, ii, 273 ; Logos a, i, 467; Luminosity, of, i, 72; Macro- cosmic, ii, 201; IMysterious, i, 604; Neu- tral, i, 171, ii, 273; Rest of, ii, 250; Solar, the, i, 65S; Spiritual energy, of, i, 155; Sun the, ii, 162; Sun's, i, 729; System, of our, ii, 158, 162; Triad, a, i, 675; Unity, of, i, 467; Universe, of the, i, 310; Vitality, of, i, 620. Centres, Atoms, offeree, i, no, 688: Being, of, ii, 37; Caves stand for, seven, ii, 38; Creative, ii, 772; Emanations of the, i, 696; Energy, of i, 461, ii, 639; Esoteric learning, of, ii, 469; Etheric, i, 172; Evolution, of, ii, 37; Fohat, of, i, 171; Force, of, i, 141, 168, 490, 552, 691, ii, 71 1; Forces, of i, 129, 199, ii, 773; Form, of, i, 687; Imperishable, i, 64, 168; La}a, i, 169; Laya, seven, i, 63. 162, 171, 179; Life, of, ii, 36: Living, i, 590; Men born on seven difi"erent, ii, 259; Moiuids, of the, i, 693; Neutral, i, 172, 179; Para- brahman, innumeral)le, of energy in, i, 159; Religion, ancient, of, i, 13; Ring, of the, i, 40; Spiritual, i, 135; Vortices, of i, 227; Wheels, of force, i, 141, 16S; Wheels placed on imperishable, i, 64. Centrifugal, Evolution, i, 288; Force, i, 543, 648, ii, 27, 179; Forces, i, 448, 661; Matter, ii, 273; Spirit, for, ii, 273; Ten- dency equal to gravity, ii, 67; Theory, i, 649. Centripetal, Evolution, i, 28S: Force, 1, 649, ii, 27, 179; Forces, i, 302, 44S, 661; Matter, descending arc, for, ii, 273; Spirit will become, ii, 273. Cereals, Development of, ii, 390; Neolithic, "' 755- Cerebral hemispheres, the, 11, 310. Cerebration and chylification, i, 315, 316. Ceremonial magic, i, 35, 255, ii, 709, 791. Ceremonial worship, Egypt, of. i, 13; Profitless, ii, 98. Ceremonies, Egyptian, ii. 447: Hindu, i, 721 ; Palestine, of nations remote from, ii. 494: Worship, of primitive, ii, 383. Ceremony, Holy of Holies, of passing through the, ii, 492: Priest at the mar- riage, i, 674; Sacrificial, ii, 106; Sarva- medha, ii, 640; Yima, of, ii, 645. Ceres, Agriculture, and, ii, 408; Diana daughter of ii, 437; lerna, worshipped at. ii. 803: Poseidon and. ii, 417, 819; Saturn and, i, 546; Sicily, in, ii, 380. Cerinthus and the Gnostic sects, ii, 535. Certus sum, scio quod credidi, ii, 472. Cetacea, the, ii, 706. Ceylon, Atlantis, a remnant of ii. 233, 328; Eclipses explained in, ii, 398; Giants of, ii, 351; Lanka or, ii, 347, 454; Lemuria and, ii, 7; Leo vertical to, ii, 426; Veddhas of ii, 206, 439, 763. Chaiali, or principle of spiritual life, ii, 639- Chain, Cosmic, of universes, 1, 74; Earth lowest of the, i, 261, 396, 482, ii, 103, 529; Earth, of spheres beyond our, ii, 741; Evolution of our, i, 27S; Globes, of i, 72, 83, 175, 186, 194, 195, 203, 220, 252. ii, 25, 81, 105, 643, 790, 801; Humanity on our own, i. 194, ii. 72 ; Links in one. i, 199, ii, 26; Lunar, the, i, 194, 196. 202, 219; Lunar Pitris and the newly formed, i, 197: ]Mount Rhip;tns, of ii. 6; Objective little, our. i. 719; Obscuration of a whole planetary, ii, 322; Planet, of our, ii. S02; Planetary, i, 49, 73. 137, 153. 176, 177, 178, 179, 252. 258, 270, ii, 72, 243, 322, 334. 402, 636. 640. 652, 737. 743; Planets, of, i, 48; Pralaya, new. after, i. 205; Septenary, the, i. 141, 163. 219, 402, 640, 718, 719, ii, 322, 800; .Spheres, of i, 226, 402, ii, 596, 642; Stanzas occupied with the plane- tary, i, 90; String or, i, 187; Terrene, i, 179; Terrestrial, our, i, 187, 228, ii, 596, 745; ITniverse, connecting everything in tlie, i, 662; Wheel or planetary, i, 252; World-planets, i, 718; Worlds, of, ii, 268, 531. 640. Chains, Angels in the, of matter, ii, 516; Circular, of globes, i, 184; Earth, of, i, 275; Generally treated of i. 179: Globes, of i, 184. 188.629; Mars and Mercury are septenary, i. 189: Planetary, the, i, 175, 182, 194. ii, 325; Planets, of ii. 567. 739; Strings, or. i. 190; System, in our. i, 629, ii. 325; Worlds, of, i, 176. [82. Chaitanya = intelligence, consciousness, i. 35- 54 the; secret doctrine. Chakna Padma Karpo, ii, 189. Chakra, Circle or, 1, 139, ii, 488; Disk of Vishnu, the, or, ii, 488, 576; Trans- Himalayan, i, 139; Wheel, the, or, 1, Chakravartin, the everlasting king, 11, 507. Chakshusha Manu of the sixth period, 11, 651. Chaldaea, Adam of the Jews came from, ii, 45; Astronomers in, i, 715; Berosus, in the davs of, i, 330; Catacombs in, ii, 396; Christian legends come from India via, i, 220; Chronologies of, ii, 229, 448; Dragon in, ii, 370: Klohini came 10 the Jews from, i, "118; Eml)lems of chaos in, ii, 403; Ghost of old, ii, 236; Giants of, ii, 351; Gods of, ii, 97; Israelites' captivity in, i, 332; Kabeiri or Kabarim received their name, i, 469; Magi of, i, 10, ii. 337, 413; :\Ieasures of, i, 332; Rabl)ins brought calculations from, ii, 597; Refugees of, ii, 210; Religion of, i, 299; Scriptures of, i, 10; Sorcerers of, ii, 223. Chaldaean, Account of Genesis, i, 10, 340, 382, ii, 2, 4, 5, 64, 109, 401 ; Adam, ii, 107; Adept, Bil)le of the, ii, 476: Alle- gory, ii, 304; Ana, Anna derived from the, i, 119; Annedoti, ii, 382; Anu be- longs to the. Trinity, i, 381, ii, 65; Arets = earth, in, ii, 152; Ark, allegory of the, ii, 304; Astrolatry and Astrology, ii, 659; Biblical figures, and, ii, 660; Book of A'lDnbers, i, 26, 218, 234, 245, 260, 261, 359, ii, 40, 89, 104, 117, 395, 483, 533, 662; Civilization, ii, 236; Cosmas Indicopleustes and a, ii, 417; Cos- mogony, i, 352, 381, ii, 57, 259, 529, 652; Creation, account of, ii, 55, 109; Curse, account of, ii, 295; Dagon, ii, 57, 147; Deluge, ii, 4; Dynasties, i, 719, ii, 330, 447, 510; Exotericism, ii, 97; Fragments, ii, 56, no, 122, 191; Gnostics, Christian, i, 234; Gods, the seven, i, 628, 718, ii, 102; Ileptakis, the seven rays of the, i, 248; Hierophants, i,377; Jews borrowed, Gods, i, 718; Kabalah, i, 221, 678, ii, 484; Kings, i, 340; Legends, ii, 315, 694; Literature, i, ii; Magi not, names of, i, 717; Man-fish, ii, 57, 147; Manu- script, i, 424; Moon worship, i, 417; Moses, source of, ii, 447; Nabathecw Ao^ricultioe, original of, ii, 474; Necro- polis, ii, 485; Noah, ii, 150; Nuah, ii, 153, 154, 485; Numerical s_ystem, i, 116; Cannes, i, 284; Oracles, i, 255, 372, 500; Philosophy, i, 678, 736; Ou-tani}-, ii, 478; Records, i, 15; Religion, i, 39, 736; Scriptures, i, 10, 497, ii, 46, 478; Sep- tenary, i, 497, ii, 648; Sin, i, 268, 425; Soma, worship of, i, 422; Star-worship- pers, ii, 474; Sun = El, in, ii, 570; Sym- bolism, i, 341; Symbols, ii, 401, 476; Tablets, ii, 2, 56, 64; Theogony, ii, 258; Third eve, legends of the, ii, 315; Tra- ditions, 'ii, 412; Triad, ii, 30; Trinity, ii, 65; Works, i, 308; Xisuthrus, ii, 147. Chaldttans, Akkadians and, i, 713; Arts of, ii, 474; Astronomical observations of, ii. 656; Belief of, i, 367; Brahmans and, i, 15; Chronology of, ii, 730; Circle, a symbol with, ii, 566; Civilization of, ii, 349; Cosmogony of, ii, 26; Druids akin to, ii, 799; Ea changed into Tia- mat by the later, ii, 56; Egyptians taught'by, i, 142; Esotericism of, i, 138; Fairy tales of, i, 287; Genii of, i, 219; Greeks and, i, 722; Jews borrowed from, i, 718, 719, ii, 151; Kabalah of, ii, 250; ]\Ioon, Nanak or Nanar among, ii, 148; Moses and, ii, 477; Mystery Gods of, ii, 3 ; Names in Genesis traced to, ii, 212; Observations of, i, 723, 726, ii, 656; Religion of, ii, 571; Science of, ii, 474; Svastika found with, ii, 620; Symbols of, ii, 566; Worlds of, ii, 638; Zodiac, of, i, 722. Chaldseo- Akkadian account of creation, ii, 3- Chakkeo-Arabic MS., 11, 476. Chaldaio- Assyrian, Accounts, ii, 3; Tiles, ii, 500. Chaldseo-Hebrews, ii, 569; Chaldseo- Judean, Gods, i, 719: Mythology, ii, 500. Chaldees, Ancestors of, ii, 343; Discoveries by, i, 641; Hebrews and, ii, 790; Initia- tion of, ii, 370; Legends of, ii, 154; Magi or, i, 440; Meaning of, ii, 790; Modern, i, 156; Mysteries, ii, 38; Sym- bology of, ii, 121; Taurus sacred to, i, 721; Tiamat or Tisalat of the later, ii, 64; Worship of, ii, 802. Challenger, the. ii, 348. 825, 826, 837. Chamber, King's, in Pyramid, i, 285, ii, 484, 488, 493, 589; Soul-perception, of, i, 301. Chamber of perfections, Cheops' tomb the, i. 337- , .. Chambers, J. D., quoted, n, 2. Chamber.s, Seven planetary, i, 621 ; South, of the, i, 710. Chameleon, Third eye in, ii, 310. Champ Dolent, near St. Malo, ii, 795. Champlain epoch of North polar sub- mersion, ii, 342. ChampoUion, quoted, i, 470, 513, ii, 384. Chandalas, Jews descended from, i, 332, ii, 210. Chandrabhaga, Barbarians masters of, i, 404- Chandragupta, Brahmans arrayed against, • ii, 580. Chandravanshas, dynasties and kings, 1, 417, 422. " _ Chandrayana or lunar year, 1, 68. Chang-ty, the Lord, ii, 293. INDEX. 55 Chanina, the Rabbi, i, 26. Ch'anocli, luios, or Haiiocli, ii, 409. Chant-like sounds of the Second Race, ii, 208. Chantonj^ or He of the thousand eves, ii, 189. Chaos, Abyss of, i, i6a, 402; -Ether and, i, 459; Ancients, of the, i, 366; Atoms in Primordial, i, 174; Baoth =, i, 219; Binary or, ii, 5S6; Bythos and, ii, 607; Chrouus and, i, 637; Cosmic powers at feml with, ii, 500; Creation from, i, 217, 487; Darkness of i, 3159, 719; Deep, or the, i, 95, 269, 331, 359, 737, ii, 148, 554; Delude and, monsters generated in, ii, 55, 327; Depths, the rayless, i, 237; Divine ra}' and, i, 99; Divine th<)u,L^ht and, i, 94, ii, 743: Kij.e^ dropped into, i, 384; Energy reflected in, i. 359: Erebus born out of i, 135; Evil or, i, 331, ii, 401; Fall into, i, 705; Flood of waters in, ii, 153; Great deep and, ii, 554; Great mother, the, i, 109, ii, 528; Harmony and, i, 467; Ideos or, i, 303; Kabalistic trinity, and the, i, 134; Ron- ton or, i, 234, 261 ; Light in darkness or, ii, 113; Matter or, i, 117, 157, 633, ii, 154; Moist principle or, ii, 625; JNIon- sters of, ii, 55, 57: ^Mother, i, 109, 655, ii, 528; Mulaprakriti, primary aspect of, i, 585; Non-being, and, i, 701; Noou or, i, 331; Nux born out of, i, 135: Personifications of, i, 464; Phanes and, i, 637; Primeval, i, 129, ii, 89, 530; Pri- meval deep, or, i, 95; Primeval space or, ii, 500; Primeval waters or, i, 361; Primitive, the, 1,655; Priuiordial, i, 174, 332, 352; Principles confused in, ii, 403; Ray, causes, to cease, i, 252; Secondary, ii, 510; Sense, to the, i, 32; Senseless, was, i, 363; .Shape, takes, i, 379; Sige and, ii, 607; vSound called the world out of, i, 467; Space or, i, 134, 402, 496, ii, 500; Spirit and, i, 99, 103, 499, ii, 69, 109, 401, 530, 694; vSymbolism of, i, 93; Svm- bols of i, 464; Thalatth presides over, i, 423; Universal form not mirrored in, ii, 744; l^niverse emerges from, i, 161, 650; Vacuity, or, i, 488; Virgin-Mother, i, 95; Void or, i, 367; Waters or, i, 93, 332, 361, ii, 153; Wisdom of, i, 102. Chaos-Tlieos-Kosmos, triple deity, the, i, 370; Section, referred to. i, 393, 399; Unknown First Cause, or, i, 365. Chaotic, Antegenetic or, period, i, 382; Earth, i, 363, ii, 138; Dreams, i, 192; Energ}-, ii, 631; Matter, ii, 634, 636; Period, i, 382; Principle, ii, 631; vStage, i, 4'^9- Chappe, the Abbe, ii, 657. Charachara or locomotive or fixed, i, 490. Characteristic, Budilhi, projierty of lila- hat is, i, 277; Hierarchies, of the, i, 296; Matter, of, i, 272, 278; Sabaean worship, of, ii,.483. Characteristics, Akasha, of, i, 276; Ani- mating principle, of the, i, 699; Cell, in the germ, i, 243; Cometary matter, of, i, 653; Earthly, i, 295; Gase's, of, i, 683; Genii of, i, 308; GocLs, of i, 308; Groups, of ii, 704; Human organism, of ii, 59; Kali Vuga, of, i, 404; Karma, of law of, i, 695; Matter, of, i, 690: Races, of, ii, 463; Zodiac, of signs of i, 714. Characterization, Law of permanent, ii, 704. Charcot, Mesmer, vindicates, ii, 165; Re- ferred to, ii, 387. Chariot, Heavenly form used as a, i, 380; Rav, used bv the, i, 235; Vehicle, or, i, 234; Chariots, Dhruva, attached to, ii, 513; Lha, of the, ii, 15; Planets, of the, ii, 34- Charles, Law of i, 112. Charm, Mandrake as a, ii, 30. Charmers, Serpents are, i, 440. Charms, Fruit, on, i, 508; Magic shield destroyed, ii, 412. Chart, Astro-theosophic, ii, 483; Atlanti.s, of ii, 837; Cyclopxdia, from a Japanese, ii, 213; Donnelly, of Atlantis bv, ii, 837; Ophites, of the, ii, 567; Origen'.s, i, 483; Primitive and symbolic, i, 349. Charvaka materialists, i, 451. Chastity, Condition of Chclaship, a, ii, 309; Gods of i. 511. Chat or elementary body, ii, 670. Chatamperamba the F'ield of Death, ii, 362. Cliatur, I:Cka is, i, 58, 100; Four, is, i, 100; Tri, takes to itself i, 58. Chatur-mukham or ])erfect cube, ii, 4S8. Chatvarah, in connection with Manavah, ^ ii, 149- Chaubard the astronomer, i, 550. Chavah, ICve a European transformation of ii, 204. Chayah in the Kabalah, ii, 670. Chebel or conception, .\bel is, ii, 132. Checks, niunber, ii, 569. Cheiron, Brazen columns of ii, 648. Chela, Accepted, an, i, 188; Lanoo or, i, 100; Need fear no danger, ii, 308; Pupil or, i, 227; vSagara, to Aurva, ii. 666. Chelas, Circle of pledged, i, 194; IMaster and hi.s. i, 50, T91 ; Meaning of the dragon not given to, ii, 530; Outer or semi-lay, i, 147; U])anishads used for- merly l)y, i, 291; Warning to. who fail, , "• 255. Chelaship, Conditions of ii, 309. Chelonians, ii, 736. Chemi or ancient Egypt, i, 393. Chemical, Action, i, 354: Actions peculiar to different orbs, i, 654; Aflinity, laws 56 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. of, ii, 658; Agent, ii, 627; Alcheinical, or, i, 5S0; Atoius, i, 165, 238, 682, 687, ii, 113, 711; Characteristics of cometary matter, i,652; Combination, i, 660; Constituents, i, 281; Death, action in, i, 573; Ele- ment, i, 684; Elements, i, 360, 499, 602, 684, ii, 663; Energy, i, 601; Evolution, i, 245; Force, i, 554. 555; Investigations, i. 732; Light, action of terrestrial, i, 653; Manifestations, i, 173; Molecules, compound, i, 686; Natural philosophy, branch of, i, 736; Organism, structure in an, i, 278; Particle, a, i, 680; Physical and, i, 597; Trinity, ii, iii; Variety and numerical relations, ii, 663. Chemicallv, Liquor vitas works on the atoms, i, 587. Cherais (Chemi) Phantom form of the, i, 393. Chemist, Atom of the, i, 524; Calculations of the, ii, 692; Occultist- Alchemist and, i, 167; Psychometer ought to be a, i, 222 ; Zero-point of matter, stops at the, i, 156. Chemistry, Aryans learned, ii, 445; Atomic mechanics, 'must be, i, 559; Atorns of, i, 239, 523; Crookes a .specialist in, i, 681; Department of, i, 680; Discoveries in, i, 164; Elements, i, 498, 598, 681, 682; Ether in, i, 527; Father of modern, ii, 694; Future, of the, i, 6S1 ; Hydrogen in, ii. III; Inductive science, an, i, 641; Magicians of the future, the, i, 281 ; Mechanics and, i, 558; Mediaeval ages and, ii, 449: Missing links of, i, no; Modern, i, 238, 562; Nature, and Oc- cult, i, 595; New, i, 683; Number seven in, ii, 663; Occult science, and, i, 635; Ozone not to be made by, i, 606; Phy- sics and, i, 657; Problem of, i, 652; Protvle and, i, 303, 362; Revolution in old, 1,683; Sub-elements, i, 371 : Terms, War in, about, i, 360; Vital, i, 5S0. Chemists, Adepts, alchemists and, ii, 364; Atom of the, i, 557; Atoms, beginning to revise the theory of, i, t66; Cometary matter not known to, i, 653; Elements, view of the, i, 682; Ozone of modern, i, 280; Protj'le, searching for, i, 77, 677; Zero, use of the term, i, 162. Chenresi, Dhyani, ii, 188, 189; Padmapani or, ii, 183. Chenresi Vanchug, the powerful and all- seeing, ii, 188. Cheops, Pyramid of i, 140, 337, ii, 484, 5S9. Cherub, Derivation of, i, 391 ; Garden of Eden, at the gate of, i, 152; Lord God rode upon a, i, 505; Seraph, or, i, 388; Serpent or, i, 390. Cherubim, Ark, over the, ii, 545; Bible, of the, i, 151; Cherubs, or, ii, 527; Im- mortality, conferring, ii, 254. Cherubims, Cunning work of the, i, 150. Cherubs, Apostles, and the, ii, 121; Ark, on the, ii, 482; Christian dogma, of, i, 119; Eighth world is the abode of, i, 469; Elohim, sparks and, ii, 90; Jews, of the, ii, 121; Tetragrammaton, stand- ing Ijeside the, ii, 377; Wings of the two, i, 714. Chesed = Globe G, i, 221. Cheta cave of Fa-hian, i, 4. Chevalier Drach referred to, i, 505. Cheybi or Spiritual soul, ii, 670. Chlian or Dan a term for Esoteric schools, i, 4- Chhandajas or will-born, 11, 618. Chltthniogya (Ipanishad, quoted, ii, 675. Chhaya, Astral image, or, ii, 106, 183; Double of the Pitris, or, ii, 127; Linga Sharira or, ii, 627; Pitris, of the, ii, 511 ; Race, ii, iS, 95; Self-born, ii, 19; Shadow, ii, 107, 183, 511. Chhaya-birth, a mode of sexless procrea- tion, ii, 183. Chhaya-Loka, Divine Ariipa reflects itself in, i, 62, 144. Chhayas, Boneless animals, of, ii, 194; Fathers, of the, ii, 223; First race formed from, ii, 145; Images or, ii, 243; Inferior, ii, 238; Lords entered the, ii, 170; Lunar Pitris, of i, 204; Men, ii, 197; Self-born were, ii, 146; Seven, of the third, ii, 624; Shadow- Adam, of our doctrine, ii, 529; Shadows, or, i, 214, 625, ii, 95, 561 ; Solid, became, ii, 22. Chidakasham, the field of universal con- sciousness, ii, 631, 633. Chiim, Elohim identical with, i, 154. Child, Earth, of, ii, 297; Egg of chaos, born in the, i, 219; Lotus-flower, seated on the, i, 409; Present is, of past, ii, 466; Radiant, i, 58, 100; Receiving the kingdom of God as a little, ii, 530. Child, IVIrs. Lydia IMaria, quoted, i, 383. Child-bearing, Engine, a, ii, 179; Holy of Holies pointed to, ii, 492. Child-birth, Artemis-Lochia goddess of, i, 425; Diana presided over, i, 415; Dragon and, ii, 400; Grecian moon- goddesses and, i, 2S4; Woman in, ii, 400. Child-giving, Jehovah's chief function was, ii, 489. Childhood, Humanity, of i, 293; Lan- guages, of ii, 209; Lemurians, of the, li, 285; Mankind, of, i, 245; Moses, of, ii, 447. Children, Birth of 11, 237; Cronus swal- lows his, ii, 434; Earth and mankind become, i, 667; Earth, of, ii, 97; God, of i, 444; Israel, of, ii, 567, 568, 662; Jesus on, ii, 530; Mary, of ii, 555; Men, of ii, 567; Niobe, of ii, S15 ; Rebellion, of i, 331, 391; Rebellious, ii, 222; Re- incarnations of young, ii, 317; Sun, of INDEX. 57 the, ii, 532; Yellow father and White mother, of the, ii, 19. Chini-naiig, the Chinese, ii, 382. Chimpanzee, Anthropoid nianunal and, ii, 203; Brain, size of, ii, 720; Creation of the, ii, 716; Dryopithecus and, ii, 714; Fossils of the, ii, 274; Unman descent of, ii, 721; Intelligence of, ii, 713, 716; Negro separated from the, ii, 716. China, Ancient annals of, ii, 316; Archi- tecture of, ii, 325; Buddhist Arhats reach, i, 12; Celestial numbers of, ii, 39; Clironologies of ii, 448; Confucius, V and, ii, 584; Cosmogony, i, 474; Dragon ^ temples in, ii, 396; Esoteric schools of, i, 7; Fallen demon of, ii, 510; Fohi in, men of, ii, 30; Garden of Eden in, ii, 213; Gautama called Amida in, i, 134; Kwan-Shai-Yin in, i, loi, 511; Kwan-Yin in, i, 160, ii, 189; Lotus revered in, i, 406 ; Lung-Shu of, i, 90; Monstrous reptiles in, ii, 753; Mountain tribe in, ii, 206; Nagarjunaof, i, 90; Philosophical teach- ing in, i. 4; Planetary conjunctions im- portant in, i, 720; P'u-to in, island of i, loi, 511; Revealed, quoted, i, 511; Shu- A7;/^ primitive Bible of i, 26; Tao-isls of ii, 584; Tradition in, i, iS; Yili-shit-lii- kia-lun of, i, 90. Chinaman, Japanese, can communicate with, i, 326, ii, 463; Oratorios to a, ii, 687; Svaslika and, ii, 619. Chinamen, Lineage of the inland, ii, 293; Offshoots of ii, 188; Year of, ii, 657. Chinese, Alphabet i, 326; Ancestors, ii, 138; Astronomical sphere, i, 722; Astro- nomical work, ii, 657; Astronomy, ii, 809; Atlantis in, teachings, ii, 388; Au- tumn, i, 439; Books, ii, 731; Buddhism by Rev. J. Edkins, i, 4, 12, loi, 151, 474, ii^ 189; Buddhist ascetics, i, 197; Buddh- ist philosophy, i, 255; Buddhist rite, ii, 98; Jiuddhists, i, 474; Characters, ii, 458; Chronology, ii, 229, 455; Civiliza- tions of ii, 349; Cosmogonies, i, 381, ii, 511; Cosmographies, ii, 638; Dragon, ii, 216, 220, 293, 381 ; Emperors, ii, 381 : Esotericism, i, 138; Exoteric worship, i, 150; Fjjftli race, and the, ii, 381 ; First man, 1,(392,,* Fohi, i, 711; Forefathers, ii, 443; Giants on, ii, 293; Language, i. 326; Legends, ii, 315, 385; Literature, i. 7; Logograms, ii, 350; Lunar month, i. 439; INIystics, i, 90; Nests, i, 663; Nir- vana in, Nippauj^, i. 70; Pliilosophy, i, 255; Records, i, 292; Religion of, i, 299; Riddle, ii, 488; SclTolar, i, 5, 512; Senzar commentaries, translations of i, 50; Temple literature, i, 7; Text of Stanza VL i, 160; Third eye, legends of the, ii, 315; Traditions, ii, 57, 191; Turanian class, belong to the, i, 13; Wisdom Re- ligion among, i, 403; Works known to Orientalists, i, 6; Writer, referred to, ii, 442; Yao, ii, 150; Y-King, ii, 391; Zo- diac, ii, 656. Chinesiselie IJteralur, quoted by Max Miiller, i, 20. Chinmatra or Parabrahman, ii, 631. Chintamany Raghanaracharya referred to, ii, 54.' Chior-gaur or dance of giants, ii, 35S. Chipped-stone age, the, ii, 7S2. Chips, l)y Max Miiller, i, 29. Chirani or Hiram, Secret work of ii, 119. Chit, Achit, Atma, Mahat, Parabrahman, etc., i, 89, 308. Chitkala, the Kwan-Yin of the Buddhists, i, 308. Chiton, a coat, ii, 212. Chitonulli-our, ii, 212. Chitragui)la, the register of i, 130. Chitrashikandinas, Bright-crested, or, i, 488; Great Bear, the, i, 248, ii, 668. Chlorine, i, 596, 601, 602, 639, 640. Chnouphis or Agathodtemon, the solar, ii, 220, 221, 394. Chnuniis sun of the universe, ii, 545. Cliogi Dangj')oi vSang}e, i. 624. Cholian, Hit Malia, ii, 434. Cliolianic, Dhyani-Buddhic, i, 83; Host, Dliyan, i, 183. Chohans, Dhyanis, Gods, i, 679; Five- fold, ii, 610; Intelligences, informing, ii, 37; Lords of the moon, or, ii, 17, 79. Choir, Gods, of ii. 146: Planets, of, i, 7iS- . . , .. Choirs, Genii, of 1, 313, Sjnnts of 11, 510. Chokmah, Binah and, i, 472, 67S ; Brain, or the, i, 376; Kether or, i, 472; IMale wisdom, ii, 556; Sephirothal triad, i, 125, ii, 282: Wisdom, or, i, 260, 379, ii, 88, 143, 743. Chokmah-Binah, the male-female, n, 663. Chokra or servant, i, 403. Cholula, Great pyramid of ii. 289. Chord, ^lagnetic or odic. i. 606. Chords, Etheric, i. 616; Universal con- sciousness, of i, 190. Chosen people, God, of i, 714; Israel, of ii, 570; Jacob, .sons of ii, 447; Jeho- vah's, ii. 631; Laws of the, ii, 112; Lord's portion, the, ii, 567; IVIoses, and the, ii, 491: Phallic symbols degraded bv the, i, 339; Traditions of the, ii, 112. Chow dynasty, ii, 316. Chow Kung. ii, 316. Chozzar. Dragon, ii, 372; Male-female, ii, 61 1; Neptune or, ii, 610. Chresto.s, Christos incanuiling in, ii, 605; .Mankind the, ii, 438; Trilnilation and sorrow, the man of. ii. 593. Chrests, Neophvtes were called, ii, 593. Christ, Agathodaemon or, ii, 293; Agni 58 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. suggestive of, ii, io6; Angtl man and, ii, 121; Ascension of, ii, 74S; iJirth of i. 722, ii, 655, 730: Bride of ii, 394; Budilhi, not, ii, 241; Christendom, and, ii, 682; Christians, the, ii, 530; Corner- stone, the, ii, 663; Cross is the, ii, 620; Epaphos, connected with, ii, 433 ; Ferouer of, ii, 504; Gnostic Cabbalistic vahie of ii, 569; Gnostic value of, i, 343; Gnostics and, i, 217, ii, 293, 671; Horus or, ii, 620, 671; Hosts of angels and, ii, 247; Jehovah or, ii, 79; Joseph's dream, star in, i, 712; Light of i, 507; Logos or, ii, 247; Lucifer as, ii, 569; Mercury the Ferouer of ii, 504; Nature of ii, 172; Nazarenes before, ii, loi ; Occult teachings of, ii, 241 ; Ophites, and, i, 512; Personation of the risen, ii, 535; Pisces refer to, i, 716; Planetary conjunctions and, i, 720; Prometheus and, ii, 431; Roman Catholics and, i, 671; Satan, and, ii, 522; Serpent, the. ii, 293; vSpirit of the teaching of ii, 586: Stars in the hand of ii, 669: vSun, i, 417; Taurus and, i, 720; Wisdom, an echo of ii, 507. Christ-Judas one of the lunar twins, i, 422. Christ-:\Ian, the, i. 83. Christ-state or Kri'hna, ii, 639. Christ-stone, ii, 3^6. Christ-Sun, Defen> er of the, ii, 503. Christendom, Chiist, and, ii, 682; Ignor- ance of ii, 499. Christian, Altar, i, 500; Angelology, ii, 64; Apostles' view of deity, i, 37 ; Bible, i, 712, 719, ii, 695; Bishop, blessing of ii, 587; Canon, i, 220, ii, 566; Catholics, ii, 98; Chronologers, i, 719: Church, i, 89; Churches, i, 25, 500: Circumcision, view of ii, 623; Clergy, ii, 275; Compu- tations, ii, 77; Creation, i, 278; Creed, ii, 694; Cross, i, 342, 721, ii, 103, 588, 620; Demons, ii, 500; Devil, i, 445, ii, 256; Dogmas, i, 97, 332, 430, 431, ii, 109, 500, 522; Dogmatic, a, i, loi ; Fra, i, 79, 23, 284, 408, 449, 710, 719, 720, ii, 240, 448, 581 ; Esther and atoms, associations of i, 734; Fall of the angels, idea of the, i, 97, ii, 180; Fallen angels, ii, 109; Fathers, i, 24, 72, 102, 360, ii, 580; Fire-worship- per, i, 146; Generals, ii, 74; Gnosticism, i, 27; Gnostics, i, 234, ii, 483. 594; God of wind, sacrifices to the, i, 505; Heathen, hated, of, ii, 494; Hebrew Bible, and, i, 410; Hermetic books, editor of i, 738; Hierarchy, i, 119; Hoi}- of Holies, ii, 488; Interpretation, ii, 41; Judaism, ii, 495; Kabalah, i, 261, ii, 34, 41 ; Kabalists, the, i, 27, 144, 218, 236, 251, 302, ii, 121; Legends, ii, 275; Lunar symbology, i, 416; Magna Mater, i, 422; Matter to the, i, 697; Melchizedek, writers on, ii, 409; Monks, ii, 561; Mysteries, i, 27, ii, 591;. Mystics, i, 46, 47,' 235, 374, 716, ii, 102, 479; Nations, i, 445, ii, 493, 622; Noah cannot be monopolized by the, ii, 408; Occultists, i, 46; One law of the, ii, 585; t)rientalists, i, 36; Orthodox, creed, ii, 694; Pagan and, i, 314. 506; Phallic sym- bols, ii, 89; Phallicism, i, 488; Philo- .sophy, ii, 407; Religion, i, 417, 488, ii, 26, 63, 243; Revelation, ii, 654; Roman Catholics, ii, 93; vSacerdotalism, ii, 591; vSatan of theology, ii, 63, 243; vSaviour, the, i, 720, ii, 240, 433; Scheme, the, ii, 522; Schemers, ii, 591; Scripture, i, 286; Sectarianism, ii, 483; Septenary, ii, 648; Seraphim, i, 151; Serpent, symbolism of the, ii, 370; Sniaragdiiic Tablet, dis- figurement of ii, 119; Smoothing, i, 30b; Soul, teaching of i, 622; Symbol, ii, 488, 495, 588; Symbolism, ii, 370, 485; vSynibologists, i, 717; System, ii, 97, 399, 639; Teachings, ii, 438, 667; Temples, ii, 89: Theogony, archangels, of i, 73; Theologians, i, ^iZ-^ 664, 718; Theological preiudice, ii, 61; Theology, i, 44, 67, 73, 98, "100, 307, 410, 411, 673,' ii, 44,. 49. 63, 73, 98, 100, 522; Topography, ii, 418; Traducens, ii, 491 ; Triad anthropomor- phized by the orthodox, i, 46; Trinities, i. 46; Trinity, i, 15, 46, 138, ii, 373; War in lieaven, dogma of the, i, 97, ii, 522; Wars, i, 506; Writers, modern, i, 508; Zodiac and the, era, i, 720. Christian, P., referred to, i, 120. Christi iiiily. Angelic hosts of i, 70; Arch- angels of i, ]i6; Blessings of '1 i, 506; Cross of ii, 593; Devil of ii, 556; Disso- lution, on the great, ii. 800; Dogmas of, i. 331; Dust of 1,25; Early, i, 24; Eccle- siastical, i, 218; Fire a symbol of .spirit in, i, 87; Genesis a prologue in, i, 39; Greece, in, i, 349; Greek philosophy and, ii, 585; Holy .spirit of early, i, 678; Intolerance of early, i, 666; Judaism, based on, i, 284; Magic in the begin- ning of i, 23; Marriage a symbol of, i, 674; Mediaeval, i, 24; Messengers of, i, 370; Monotheism of ii, 44; Orientalists insult, ii, 106; Rabbis' hatred of ii, 566; Religion, the latest, ii, 407; Satan, and, i, 443 ; Scriptures of Chaldsea the basis for, i, 10; vSempiternity invented by ecclesiastical, i, 68; Truth and fact, and, ii, 63. Christians, Absolute of the. ii, 570; Ain- vSuph, and, ii, 404 ; Angels of i, 125, 242; Archangels, i, 220. ii, 394; Astronomical ignorance of ii, 748; Bunsen denounced by, ii, 391 ; Creation as viewed by, i, 253; Cross of ii, 34; Devil of i, 446; Doc- trine of, i, 25 ; Dogma of ii, 403 ; Dragon of i, 721 ; Elect Messiah of i, 717; Foun- der of, ii, 540; P'rog-syndjol of early, i. INDEX. 59- 413; Genii of, i, 219; Gentiles and, ii, 494; Gnostics, ii, 639; God of, i, 220; Greek, i, 661, 670; Hindus almost, i, 14; Initiates among, ii, 63; Jehovah, and, ii, 534, 569; Jewish, i, 219, 260; Je^\■s and, ii, 494; Jordan, the, ii, 616; Kos- nios, idea of, ii, 15S; Last judgment of, i, 159; Latin, i, 670; Logosof i, 155, 441: Lucifer and, ii, 36; Maharajahs, four, i, 148; Messengers of, i, 163; INIonads of, i, 690; Morning star, of, ii, 802; Mystic, i, 216; Nazarenes and, i, 2Tg; Nemesis, i, 704; Non-initiated, ii, 65; Old Testa- ment and, ii, 496; Pagan nations, and. i, 432; Prometlieus and, ii, 431 ; Protes- tant, i, 695; Rabbins and, ii, 405; Re- bellious angels of, i, 631 ; Roman Catho- lic, i, 661 ; Sacred birds of, i, 38S; Satan and, ii, 35; Scriptural quotations ought to convince, ii, 663; Sectarian, i, 305; Self-evident meaning, blind as to, i, 301 ; vSerpent, and the brazen, ii, 381; Spirits of i, 130, 331; Supersensuous beings believed in by, i, 685; Supreme deity of, ii, 586; Svastika and early, ii, 620; Uni- fied name with the, ii, 63S; Venus-Luci- fer and, ii, 35; Verbum of i, 155; Water- lih% of, i, 406; Worm that never dies of, ii, 621. Christology is mummified mythology, i, 423- Christos, Adept becoming, ii, 613; Agatho- (kemon or, ii, 394; Atma or, ii, 504; Chnouphis the Gnostic, ii, 221; Chres- tos and, ii, 605; Dionysiis or, ii, 438; Divine, the, i, 155; Divine wisdom or, i, 496; PvSoteric sexless, i, loi ; Gnostics, of, ii, 570, 743; Initiates of, i, 216; Light of, ii, 41 ; Logos is, i, 159, ii, 241 ; Messiah or, ii, 26; Names of ii, 502; Nazarenes followers of, i, 219; Seventh principle, the, ii, 241; Sophia and, i, 157; Sun stands for, i, 159. Christos-Sophia, i, 513. Christs, race of New, ii, 433; Reincariui- tions of, i, 7CK.:). Chromosphere of the sun, i, 576, 638. C/iioiii(irs, quoted, i, 454, ii, 404. Chronologers, P)i1)le, i, 719; Kalpas of, i, 395- Chronological, Calculations, ii, 53, 75; Computations of ancients, ii, 655; Cy- cles, ii, 838; Data as to age of our planet, i, 174; Geology's speculations, li, 700; Information, ii, 70; Kapilas, meanings of, ii. 603; ]M\steries, ii, 87; Order ignored, ii, 334; Statements, ii, 157; Svsteni in Hebrew scripture, ii, 660. Chronologies, Chahkea and Cliina, t)f ii, 229, 448. Chronologists, Bible facts, and. ii, 730; Church, disputes among, ii, 413. Chronolog}-, Anthropologists, of, ii, 164; Archaeologists tamper with, i, 739; Aryan calculations, based upon, ii, 278; Bentley, of, ii, 80; Biblical, i, 708, 715, ii, 277,"35i> 408, 410. 475, 496, 659. 660. 729; Brahmans, of the, ii, 55, 69, 163. 208, 595, 628, 733, 752; Church, ii, 413; Dar- win, from, ii, 10; Deluges, of the, ii, 320; Discrepancies in, ii, 321; Divine dynasties, of, ii, 384 ; Dwarfing, ii, 337; Earth, of our, ii, 51 ; Eastern nations, of ii, 278; I^soteric, ii, 9, 413, S23; Eso- teric geological, ii, 749; Ivxoteric Jewish, ii. 414; Genesis, of, ii, 474: Geologists, of, ii, 164. 841 ; Greeks, the. ii, 656; Hiiulii, ii, 76, 77, 413, 581, 656; Initiates, veiled W, ii, 754; Insects, of, i, 157; Jews, ii, 414; JudEeo-Christian, i,397; Modern .science, of, i, 708; Modern scientific systems of i, 339; Occult, ii, 660; Orthodox teach- ings, of, ii, 55; Orthodox western, ii, 729; Puranas, of the, ii, 235, 236, 603; Race- periods, of, ii, 823; Riddles, in, ii, 375; Secret Doctrine, The, of the, ii, 471; Theological, ii, 205, 841 ; Unscientific, i, 719. Chronos, Creation of, i, 487; Plumes, chaos and, i, 637; Time or, ii. 281. 356. Chroub or Cherubs in their aninuil form, ii, 121. Chthonia the chaotic earth, i, 363, ii, 138. Chthonian divinities, ii, 380. Chu — Divine Spirit, ii, 670. Chuang a Chinese philosoi)her, ii, 230. Chulpas or burial places of Peru and Bo- livia, ii, 795. Chung Ku, the historiographer, ii, 57. Chupunika, one of the Pleiades, ii, 581. Church, Adam a, ii. 46; Angels of the Roman, i, 256; Bool; of Enoch and the, ii, 560, 564; Catholic, i, 119, 496; Christ, of, ii, 241; Chronoldgists, disputes of, ii, 413; Council of I£lyrus. ii, 292; Devil and the, i, 99. 100, ii, 249, 617; Dhyan Chohans called devils l)y, ii, 617; Dog- mas, i, 89, 218, ii, 400; Double sign and the, ii, ^il)'^ l-'.phesians, interpretation of i, 353; I'allen angels, and, ii, 535; F'atliers of the, i, 22, 27, 218, 373, 374, 4TI, 480, 500, ii, loi, 103, 567, 594, 601; l'*irst-born of, i, 429; Great enemy of, i, 494; Greek, i, 246, 314, 412, 496, 674; Immaculate conception, dogma of i, 89; Iuter])retalion. i, 353; Jews and, i, 332; Kabalisls in the, ii, 789; Latin, i, 27. 314. 674. 699. ii, i2>' 394. 485. 560, 564; IVIilitanl, ii, 593; Monza, at, ii, 620; Nave in a, ii. 485; Ofllcial, ii, 593; Per- sonal Crod. and a, ii. 498; Plato, and, ii, 623: Progress, ii, 739; Ritual, i, 14S, 330; Ritualism, ii, 400; Roman, the, i, 128, 148, 256, 412; Rome, of i, 416, ii, 241, 356; St. John, of, ii, 620; Satan, and, 6o THE SECRET DOCTRINE. ii, 536; Satanic legions, of, i, 353; Sons of, ii, 74; Spirit of Buddha present in, i, 512'; Teachings, i, 119. 446; Tempta- tion, on, i, 446. Church-lamps, Frog on the lotus on, 1, 414. Churches, Altar in, i. 500; Archangels of, i, 699: Birth of, ii, 243; Divme truth, fighting, ii, 394: Kgg-symbol of, 1, 394: Fio-ures of, ii, 77: Frog-s^nibol in, 1, 414; Karma of the, ii, 239; Marriage in, i, 674; Person 36 of, i, 468; Satan and, 1, 220; Sects, or creeds, no, i, 364; Seven, ii, 670. Churchianitv. i, 520, ii. 790, 791. Churchmen on the plurality of worlds. 1. 664, ii, 748. Churning of the ocean, 1, 97, 371, 407- 4t2. 428, ii,^39«- Chwolsohn, i, 424, 449, n, 473> 474. 475- 4753- Chv Fa-hian, author of Foe-Koue-ki, 11, 213- Chvlification and cerebration, i, 315, 316. Ch'vuta the fallen, ii, 50. Cibola, Cities of, ii, 39; Expeditions to, 11, 786. Cicero, ii, 222, 437, 472. Cichen-Itza, Sepulchre at, ii, 38. Cidastes, the genus, ii, 228. del et Teyreo{ Reynau(l, quoted, i, 547. Cifron an Arabic word, i, 386. Cimmerian darkness, ii, 70. Cimmerians, ii, 816, 818. Cincinnati, Dr. Crawford of, ii, 29; Masonic Review of, ii, 40, 80. Cipher and vSephrim, i. 386. Ciphering, First teachers of, i, 387. Ciphers, Figures or, ii, 244; Multiplied, ii, 321. Circassia, Raised stones in, ii, 361. Circe and the companions of Ul3'^sses, ii, 813. Circle, Ain-Suph a boundless, i, 462; All- Deitv, ii, 629; k\\ Presence of the bound- less,' ii, 623; Area, natural basis of all, i, 335; Area of inscribed in square, ii, 574; Arctic pole, of ii, 11; Aristotle omitted the, i, 674; Avalokiteshvara the great, i, 463; Bible and the, ii, 575; Boundary of the great, i, 118; Bound- less, the,'i, 125, 259, 462, 463, 673, ii, 51.2. 579, 623; British linear measures, origin of, i, 333; Central point, with, ii, 583; Chakra or, i, 139: Chelas, of pledged, i, 194; Circumference of a, ii, 42; Con- cealed unity symbolized by, ii, 5S3; Cosmogony,' of, i. 477; Cross and, i, 392, ii, 565- 571^ 576, 577. 579- 580, 615, 622; Cube and, ii, 634; Darkness, of 1, 229; Decussated, ii, 623; Deity and the, ii, 566; Diameter of the, i, 420, 421, 428, ii, 33, 42, 226, 584: Diyine spiritual, ii, 34; Eastern esotericisni, in, 1, 341 ; Egg, or, i, T53, 384; Elohim, of the, i, 139; End- less, i, 259; Fiery, ii, 372; Four-fold, i, 226; God is a. ii, 575; Heayen, of i, 459; Hierogram within a, i, 673; lao and the, ii, 565; Infinite, i, 368, ii, 488, 605; Infinitude of the, i, 672; Infinity of i, 138, 159; Jehoyah and the, ii, 565; Kaba- listic, i. 139; Life, of i, 242, ii, 587; Line, and, i, 386, 421, 478; Mandala, or, i, 412; Manifestation, of ii. 44: Mathematical point within, i, 672; Measures in rela- tion to, i, 332; ?vIoon, of i, 203; Mosaic Jews, of i, 219; Motion used inayicious, i. 541; Mundane, ii, 588; Mysticism of the, ii, 583; Necessity of ii, 317, 396; Nought or, ii, 606; Number of, i, :i8; One but the All, not the, ii, 658; One is an unbroken, i, 40; Parker on the, i, 335; Pass not, of i, 155; Perfect, ii, 583; Perpetual motion in a, ii, 470; Pillar and, ii, 486; Plane of, i, 40, 46, 673; Plato, of, ii, 623; Point in the, i, 118, 390, 460, 672, ii, 583; Primary, ii, 120; Primordial, ii, 577; Quadrature of the infinite, i, 368; Regents, of ii, 513; Sacred four within the, i, 126; Sciences, of ii, 73S; Serpent and, i, 391, 441, ii, 372; Spirals, formed of ii, 224; Spirit of life symbolized by a, ii, 582; Spirit, transformed into, i, 138; Square and, i, 672; Starry cross, and, ii, 582; Stars, of the seyen,' i, 439; Sun was the one, i, 139; Symbol of ii, 573, 582, 619; Sym- bolical', i, 94; Tau and, i, 34, ii, 572; Tetraktys within the, ii, 662; Time, of, ii, 512, 579; Tiphereth, of ii, 224; Triad, comprises a, i, 675; Triangle and, i, 672; Unity, of the divine, i, 3:; Uni- yerse, symbol of the, i, 47, 384; Un- known, 'symbol of the, i, 139; Upper, ii, 670; Veil over, i, 676; Vishnu, of ii, 488; Wisdom, of ii, 582 ; Yoni, or, ii, 133 ; Zero, or, i, 356: Zodiacal, i, 389. Circle-dance round the ark, ii, 483. Circles, Angels break through the, ii, 511 ; Dots, and, i, 124; Druidical, i, 230; p:arth and, i, 703; Fiery sons of Fohat in the four, i, 225; Fire, of, i, 449, ii, 109, 242, 287; Galilee, in, ii, 798; Greek, i, 699; Imaginary, in the heavens, i, 707; Lines, and, i. 124; Lokas called, i, 225; Map full of concentric, i, 475; Perpetual, of time, i, 699; Planets, of the, ii. 513; Seven, ii, 84, 513; Stone, ii, 362, 798 ; Strobic, ii, 623 ; Time, of, i, 699; Year, of the sidereal, ii, 372. Circular, Measurement, ii, 615; Monad, motion of the, i, 694 ; Motion, i, 222, 547; Prostration, ii, 583; Zodiac, ii, 451. Circulation. Blood, of the, i, 610; Matter, between the two planes of i, 172; Ner\-_e auric, ii, 312; Vital fluid, of i, 591, ii, 583. INDEX. 6l Circulations or currents of the Astral Light, ii, 78. Circumcision, Antitype of, ii, 62.^. Circumference, Circle and, i, 460, ii, 575; Diameter and, i, 118, ii, 42, 574; Disap- pears, i, 34; Honoured dwells in the centre and, the, ii, 585 ; Presence, sym- bolizes the, i, 31; Sign of the, ii, 614; Triad, one of a, i, 675. Circunigyrating breaths. Holy, i, 131. Cis-Himalayan, Adepts, i, 182, ii, 390; Crypts ill, regions, ii, 622; Esoteric doctrine, ii, 606, 673 ; India, i, 182 ; Oc- cultism, ii, 51, 637; Regions, ii, 342, 622; Secret teachings, ii, 262, 322. Cities, Americas, ruined, of both, i, 739 ; Arts and, ii, 332; Atlanteaii, ii, 388; Cibola, of, ii, 39; Construction of the first, ii, 389 ; Dates of the foundation of, ii, 729 ; Divine dynasties, of, ii, 332 ; Egypt, of, ii, 450; Henoch built, ii, 383; Indian, ii, 231; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of, ii> 330> 331 ; Lost continent, of the, ii, 803; Phoenician, ii, 459; Sciences and, ii, 332; Sites of archaic, lost, ii, 325; Tchertchen, near, i, 17; Third and fourth races, of the, ii, 23. City, Akkad, of, ii, 730; Atlantis, of, ii, 811; Eight, of the, i, 331; Erech, of, ii, 4S5; Foundation of a, ii, 840; God, of, i, 721; Golden, ii, 399; Good, ii, 236; Holy, ii, 88; Letters, of, ii, 557 ; Sippara, off i; 339; Snakes, of, ii, 361. Civil calendar of Papanthi, i. 343. Civilization, Absence of any certain ves- tige of, ii, 325; Ancient, i, 16; Atlan- tean, ii, 275, 444, 447, 461, 763, 813, 826 ; Australians, of, ii, 699; Babylonian, ii, 213, 730; Bible on, ii, 791; Bushmen, and the, ii, 439; Central Asia, in, i, 16; Chaldsean, ii, 236; Continent, of the lost, ii, 233; Cyclopean, ii, S13; Dar- winians, and, ii, 830; Degraded, i, 213; Eastern Iranians, of, ii, 801 ; Egypt, of, ii, 450; Eocene period, of, ii, 787; Euro- pean, ii, 782; Evolution, of, ii, 686; Fall of, cyclic, ii, 763, 764; Germanic races, of, i, 458; Highest point of, i, 214; India, from, ii, 213; Kabiri to, ii, 380; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of, ii, 452; Nations, of archaic, ii, 349; Papu- ans, of, ii, 699; Prehistoric, i, 16; Pre- historic men, of, ii, 448; Primeval, ii, 830; Races, of the fourth and fifth, ii, 330; Relics of a great, ii, 788; Renais- sance of, ii, 782 ; Rise of, cyclic, ii, 763, 764; Seeds of, ii, 208; Tertiary age, of, ii, 717; Third race, of, ii, 342; Tibet, of, i, 17. Civilizations, Autochthonous, i, 716; Dates of, ii, 729; Divine dynasties, and, ii, 332; History, in, ii, 784; Promoters of ancient, i, 229. Civilized nations, Jehovah the God of, ii, ,569- Civilizers of mankind, the first, ii, 366. Clacha-brath of the Celt, ii, 358. Clairaudience puzzling to physiologists, i, 585. Clairaudient phenomena, i, 508. Clairvoyance, Eye of Dangma not, i, 77 ; Jnanashakti, manifestation of, i, 312; Normal, i, 272; Retro.speclive, ii, 216, 518; Thought transference and, i, 585; Tradition checked b}-, i, 708. Clairvoyant, Eye of, i, 72; Faculties, i, 680; jesus, powers of, ii, 241; Pheno- mena, i, 508; Wisdom, i, 31. Clairvoyants, vSpirits sensed b\', ii, 387. Class, Hierarchy, or, i. 297; Monads, of, i, 196; Spiritual entities, of, i, 297. Classes, Adepts, of, i, 628; Ariipa Pitris, of the, ii, 98; Being, of, i, 310; Creators, of, ii, 81 ; Dliyan Chohan.s, of, ii, 107 ; Divinities, of, ii, 619; p;gyptian gods, of, i, 470; Elohim, of, ii, 405; King- doms, of, seven, i, 696; Monadic hosts, of, i, 197; Monads divide into seven, i, 195; Pitris, of, i, 184, 202, 211, 239, 492, iij 93i 96; Rudras, of, ii, 192; Theolo- gians, of, i, 456. Classification, Archaic, i, 439; Brahmans, of, ii, 678; Continents, of, ii, 8; Cosmic principles, of, ii, 697; Difficulty of, i, 597; Elements, of, i, 640; Hierarchies, of the, i, 499; Human princi]>les, of, ii, 697; Septenary, the, ii, 646; vSevenfold, the, ii, 673, 678; Specie.s, of, i. 640. Clas.sifications, Names refer to, ii, 242. Clausiu.s, Prof., referred to, i, 559. 641. Clavigero, the seven families of, ii, 38. Cla}-, P'igures of, ii, 30; Human couple made of, ii, 808; Idol with feel of, i, 610, 632; Man made of, ii, 305; Potter and, ii, 304; Prometheus kneads the moist, ii, 546; Solid earth, for, i, 637; Spirits animate the man of, ii, 285; Tabernacle of, i. 284. C/f/i/t's Craiids Myslcits, quoted, i. 262. Clemens Alexandrinus, Bible, on the, ii, 565; Book of Ii)ioilu on tlic, ii, 564; Dragon, on the, ii, 293; Ex-initiate, an, ii, 590: Kabalah, on tlie, ii. 565; Moon- symbol, and the, i, 415; Mysteries, ini- tiated into the, i, 27; Neo-Plal(.)nisls, and the, ii, 293; Plioroneus, on, ii, 547; Quoted, i, 499, 500, ii, 466, 468; Referred to, i, 150, ii, 437, 565. Clerk IVIaxwell referred to, i, 603. Climacteric year of humanity, i, 720. Climate, .Arctic, ii, 817; Change of, ii, 328, 343. 766. 813, 814, 817. 821; Differentia- tion due to, ii, 685; CTieenland, former, of, ii, 10; Lenuiria, of, ii, 821; IVIiocene period, of, ii, 715; from the seventh, ii, m; Seventh, ii, y^i, 425; -62 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Spitzbergen, former, of, ii, lo; Tertiary times, of, ii, 755 ; Time and, ii, 149, 734, '^54- . .. ^^ ^ r Climates, Change m, n, 466; Europe, of pre-historic, ii, 780; Globe divided into seven, ii, 421; How we change our, ii, 740; Seven, ii, 421, 652; Zones, and, ii, 260. Climatic, Causes of variations, ii, 6S5; Conditions, ii, 642; Evolution, ii. 777; Variations, ii, 274; Vicissitudes, ii, 344. Climes of Hvaniratlia, the seven, ii, 642, 643. Clissold's translation of vSwedenborg, quoted, i, 143. Clodd, Edward, quoted, i, 32, ii, 724, 751, 754- Clothes, Cast-off, 11, 304. Clothing, Builders, of the, i, 66, 2S6; Inner principle, of the, i, 296; Origin of, ii, 211. Cloven tongues, i, 433. Co-latitude or Lambaka, ii, 419. Coadunition of Globes, i, 189. Coagula, on Smaragdine Tablet, ii, 104. Coal, Bituminous, i, 273; Formation, ii, 165, 734; Mines, i, 611; Primary age, in the. ii, 753. Coat of skin of the primitive man, 1, 704, ii, 163. Coats of matter, i, 706. Coats of skin, i, 211, 665, ii, 59, 76, 212, 294> 313. 777> 790- Cobras, Indian beliefs as to, ii, 220. Cocker on the Supreme Good, ii, 585. Code. Brahmanical secret, i, 392; Rishis, ii. 647: Rocking stones, of the, ii, 362. Codex XazarcFiis, 1,216, 217, 237, 268, 501, ii, loi, 407, 485. Coelus, Mercury son of, ii, 571; Terra and, sons of ii, 813. Coffin of Mahomet, the, i, 594. Cogito — ergo sum, ii, 252. Cohesion, Affinity, and, i, 279; Disturbed, i, 610; Entit}-, not an, i, 17a; Explana- tion of, i, 529, 572; Force of, i, 648; Law of, i, 279; Nebulae and, i, 648; Seven radicals, one of, i, 169; Substance, a of, i, 560. Cohesive force, i, 554. Coincidence, Number seven not a, con- .stant occurrence of, ii, 38; Strange, i, 344- . , . ^ , Coincidences, Numerical, 1, 700; Prof. Alexander, of, i, 643. Coincidentalist, :Mr. Proctor the cham- pion, i, 333, 344. Cold flame. Light called, 1, 59, no. Cold mother, i, 593. Cold Virgin, Hyle referred to as the, i, no. Colebrooke, quoted, i, 54, 78, 356, ii, 660. Coleman, quoted, ii, 164. Colenso's Elohistic and Jehovistic Writers, ii, 496. Coleridge, quoted, i, 296, 707, 716, ii, 497. Collect. Nova Pafrmn, quoted, ii, 417. Collect de Reb. Hi hem., quoted, i, 703. Collected Works, Wilson's, quoted, i, 490. Collection of Persian Legends, ii, 412. Collectivity of the Kosmos, uncondi- tioned, i, 174. College, Aleini, of priests called, ii, 212; Astrologers, of, ii, 213; Sacerdotal, ii, 225; Temples, i, 192. Colleges, Initiated priests of, ii, 561 ; Sacerdotal, ii, 231. Collingvvood, J. F., referred to, ii, 164. Coht, An inscription of, i, 425. Cologne Cathedral and the magi, i, 717. Colonies, Faunal, ii, 339. Colonist.s, India, from, ii, 436; Native races, and, ii, 824. Colonization, Roman, ii, 764. Colony of Egyptians, ii, 436. Colorado, Remains of tlie Cidastes in, ii, 229. Colossal, Buildings, Cyclopean, ii, S13; Images in the British Museum, ii, 234, 352; Men, ii, 351; Pre-tertiary giant, man a, ii, 8; Rocks, ii, 357; Statues, ii, 234, 235; Stones, ii, 291. Colo.ssi, Broken, ii, 275; Drapery of, ii, 354; Egyptian kings, of ii, 385. Colossus, Acropolis of Argos, of, ii, 308: Rhodes, of, ii, 353; Three-eyed, ii, 308. Colour, Air, from, i, 226; Aspects of, seven, ii, 516; Electricity and, i, 605; Genesis of, i, 480; Human race, of each, ii, loi; Keely on, i, 615; Men each of his own, ii, 18; _ Populations, of, ii, 837; Races, of the Aryan, ii, 260; vScale of, ii, 664; Sense of sight, and, ii, 113; Seven in the world of, ii, 516, 663. Colours, Curtain, of the Temple, i, 500; Eclipses, in, i, 528: Elements, of solu- tions of, i, 597; Life, of vegetable, i, 634: Luxor, of ii, 449; Perception of ii, 658; Races, of various, ii, 237; Sounds, and, i, 560. Coluber Tortuosus, or tortuous snake, ii, 240. Columbus, America, discoverer of, i, 315, 316; America prophesied 2,000 years before, ii, 388; Pacific, and the, ii, 833. Column, Cutha tablet, finst, of the, ii, 2; San INIarco at Venice, of ii, 89. Columns, Brazen, ii, 648; Tree of know- ledge, round the, ii, 4; World, of the, ii, 306. Colure, Summer- tropical, ii, 426. Coma of organic units, i, 687. Combat between Gods and Asuras, i, 455. Combats of the Gods, ii, 797. Combination, Chemical, i, 660; Eternal, INDEX. 63 ii, 2-. i, 8; Religion, i, 337. Comparison, Eastern doctrine and Wes- tern biology, between, ii. 776; Pagan and Christian demons, of. ii, 500. Compass, Deities jiresiding over points of the, i, 153; Loka-palas points of the, ii, 609. Compensation. Karmic, i. 196; Law of, i, 700. Complexion of the first seven human shoots, ii, 23. 237. Complexions, Human beings with swar- thv, ii, 2; Men, with varied, ii, 260; Shiva, of, i, 344. Comjjosilion, i^hemical. analogy of, i, 654; Living matter, of. i. 732. Com])ound. Celestial Hierarchies, from, i, 297; Elements, i. 619. 638. ii, 271, 277; Ether, i, 583: Gadolinium a. i, 6S5 ; IMolecule.s, i, 686: vSouls, i, 620; Unit of Logoi, i, 266. Compounds. Combine, ceased to, i, 51S; Dissociation jioint for, i, 639: Elements and. i.603: Mixtures nor. neither, i, 596. Comprehension. Divine, ii. 605: I-;iements having, i, 507: .Spiritualized mortals, of, ii. 374- 64 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Comptes Rendus, quoted and referred to, i, i88, 545- Conite, Pessimism of, i, 575. Conite de Gahalis, referred to, i, 664. Comte de Maistre, referred to, i, 525. Conatus to motion, i, i43- Concarneau, Moving stones near, ii, 360. Concatenation, Causes and effects, of, i, 194, 650, ii, 701; Man a, ii, 329. Concealed, Ain Suph the, ii, 117: Con- cealed of the, i, 360, ii, 556; Deity, 1. 393, 433, 472 ; Divine intellect of the, ii, 29; Egyptians, God of the, i, 393; Germ, i, 407; Good eternal only in the eter- nallv, i, 445; Hu, i, 678; Land, ii, 820; Lord, 1,83; Man, ii, 107; Mind of the, ii, 29 ; Mvsterv, book of, ii, 661 ; Point, i, 4S7; vSun, the, i, 309; Unity, i, 278, ii, 583 ; Wisdom, i, 135. Concentration, Seven forms of, ii, 674. Concentric circles of the Tao-ists, ii, 584. Conception, Absolute, of the, ii, 168; Anthropomorphic, ii, 41 : Arhat, of an, i, 269; Artemis- Lochia and, i, 425; Be- ginning, easy in the, ii, 429; Being with a mind of man, of a, ii, 573; Circle and diameter, of the, ii, 566; Cross and circle a universal, ii, 585; Day of the immaculate, i, 422; Deity of, ii, 575, 615; Element, of an, i, 598; Energy. of, i, 687; Eternal universe, of an, ii, 573; Finite, ii, 62; Foetus, of the, ii, 184; Ideal, an, ii, 479, 573; Immaculate, i, 27, 88, 90, 422; Incanilescent sun, of an, i, 173; Lunar influence causing, ii, 42 ; Matter of, i, 688 ; Metaphysical, i, 185, 299; Moon affects human, i, 202, 284; Mvstical, i, 674; Nirvana, of, i, 286; Original, in all religions, i, 457; Philosophical, i, 672, ii, 472; Philo- sophies, in all, i, 364; Pythagorean triangle the grandest, i, 677; Spencer, of, i, '738; Spiritual, ii, 492; Subjective, i, 702; Svsteni, of the, i, 294; Terres- trial, ii, 492 ; Third race Titan, of the, ii, 8; Unit, of an indivisible, i, 676; Unitv, of the, ii, 46 ; Universal, i, 294 ; Unkiiowaljle, of the, i, 738 ; Western, reversal of, ii, 707. Conceptionalists opposed to realism, etc., i, 32. Conceptions, Allegories and, i, 552; An- thropomorphic, ii, 586; Aryans, of, ii, 104; Deity, of, ii, 167, 586; Esoteric philosophy, ii, 687; Fallen angels, about the, ii, 239; German materialists, of, ii, 106; Glyphs and, i, 437; Moon, and the, i, 249; Mystical, ii. 104; Occult philosopln-, of, i', 295; Present man- kind, of, ii, 462 ; Pure, become impure, i, 631; Purclv spiritual, ii, 85; Scientific, ii, 701; Spiritual, i, 231, 687; Universe, of the, i, 683. Concepts of Modern Physics, i, 523, 524, 526, 535- 558, 594- , . Concordance, Crnden's, quoted, 1, 152. Concrete, Abstract to, from, i, 407; Ac- tuality, i, 702; Divine ideation passing to the, i, 407; Form, i, 363, 378, 407; Mind, experiences of the, i, 271; Or- ganism, i, 200; Symbols, i, 700; Uni- verse, the, i, 406; Voice, the, i, 125. Concretion follows the line of abstrac- tion, i, 200. Concretions, Causes of physical, i, 76. Concupiscence, The spirit of, i, 217. Concupiscent matter, blind, i, 268. Condensation, Atoms, of, i, 648; Matter, of, i, 645; Nebulae, of, i, 652, ii, 264; Nuclei of, i, 654; Oceans, of, ii, 169. Condillac on plurality of worlds, ii, 746. Conditioned, Boundless and, the, i, 86; Deit}-, a, ii, 114; Existence not, i, 666; Life, i, 623; Nature, ii, 774; Space, i, 662, ii, 252. Conductors of men, Lares or, ii, 377. Confession, Piuddhas of, ii, 441. Configuration, Upsala, of ancient, ii, 420; Venus, of, ii, 35. Conflagration, Ivarly terrestrial, ii, 510; Ecpyrosis or, ii, 829; General volcanic, ii, 321; Inlial)iLants of Svar-Loka dis- turbed by, i, 39S; World, i, 713. Conflagrations and Deluges, ii, 829. Conflict, Powers of nature in, ii, 483; Religion and science, between, i, 130, 731. Conflicts with the Sons of Will and Yoga, ii. 237. Confucianists, Complaints of, i, 9; Virtue for its own sake, love, i, 474. Confucius, China had, ii, 584; Cosmogony unknown to, i, 474; Dragon of, ii, 381; Future life, on a, i, 474; Great extreme of, i, 381, 475; Higher planes of evolu- tion, belonged to, i, 185; Life and Teachinos of, i, 20; Pythagoras a con- temporary with, i, 475;' Religion of, i, 9; Teachings of, i, 476; Transmitter, a, i, 20. Congreve, quoted, ii, 318. Coniferae, ii, 753. Conjunction, Constellations, of the same, i, 708; Epoch of 1491, at the, i, 724; Moon, earth and sun, of, ii, 79; Planets, of, i, 713, 717, 725, 726; Sun and moon, of the, ii, 79, 454- Conjunctions, Moon regulate conceptions, of, i, 249; Planetary, i, 720. Connubial life, Laws of Manu on, ii, ■ 4!^9- Conqueror, Alexander the Greek, ii, 436; Dragon, of the, ii, 402; Indra. a, ii, 395; Karttikeya, of Taraka, ii, 655; Spirit, of, ii, 66. Conquerors of the world, ii, 416. INDKX. 65 Conqiiest, Ignorance, of, i, 2go; Ireland, of, ii, 361: vSphinx, of the, ii, 569. Conquests of Sargon, ii, 730. Conscience, Counterfeit of the Spirit, the, ii, 639: Divine, Br.ihlhi or, i. 3; Soul or, i, 308. Conscious, Angels a, force, i, 693; Astral body, life of an Adept in his, ii, 559; Being, existence as a, i, 462; Beings, i, 215, 295, 490, 663, 690; Body, God needed a, ii, 244; Cause, i, 563, 605; Creative force, ii, 6SS; Ego of man, ii, 92; Egos, spiritual, i, 693; Entities in- habiting ether, i, 316; Entity, i, 313, ii, 255, 259; Evolution, spiritual, ii, 255; Forces have a, entity at its head, i, 313; Human or, being, i, 215; I am, the, ii, iiS; Immortal spirit, ii, 103; Intelli- gent beings, i, 663; Intelligent powers, i, 120; Law, cause of natural, i, 605; Life, i, 625, ii, 559, 597, 742; Man, ii, 363, 609; Maruts actual, existences, ii, 650; Mind, i, 4S6; Monads, i, 68r; Nerve-cells, ii, 70.S; Nounienon, guid- ing, i, 694; Powers, i, 120, 518, ii, 689; Primordial man, i, 269; Principle, the, ii, 116, 691; Soul, ii, 547; Spirits, ii, 176; vSpiritual quality, i, 309; Spiri- tuality on earth, ii, 66; Thinking unit, i;, 95-' . . Conscious God cannot l)e the origin of the universe, ii. 633. Consciousness, Absolute, i, 32, 43, 70, 72, 82. 86, 87, 298, 696; Adepts, of, i, 190; Animal, ii, 127; Animals, of, ii, 742; Annihilation, of, i, 680: Atom endowed with, ii, 709; Atoms the source of, i, 105; Binah or female, ii, 556; Bxlies not necessary to, i, 666; Buddlii is latent, ii, 287; Centres of, i, 273; Cliai- tanya or, i, 35; Clairvoyant wisdom superior to, i, 31; Cosmic, i, 221, 300; Dawn of huiiian, ii, 431; Degrees of, i, 295; Dhyan-Chohanic, i, 626; Differen- tiating, action of. ii, 65; Divine, of man. ii, 103, 687; Dream foundation of our collective, ii, 307; Dreamless slee]), of, i. 78; Expression of. i, 125; Pacts of, ii, 711; Female, ii, 556; Germ of awaken- ing, i, 491 ; Globes belonging to other states of. i, 189, ii, 741 ; Great Breath and, i, 43; Haeckel's .soul and, ii, 711; Human, i, 43, 8r, 229, 298, ii, 431; In- conceivable apart from change, i, 42; Individual, i, 43, 82, 83, 201, ii, 707; Individual Ego, of the, i, 351; Indivi- dualized, i, 44, ii, 251 ; Instinct or direct, i, 254; Jiva, of, ii, 252; Light of perfect, i, 688; Limitations, ini])lies, i, 86; Limitations to our, i, 76; ]Maii, of. i, 303, 593, ii, 103, 406, 552, 687; Material- ism, perverted by, ii, 701 ; Matter, and, through, i, 348, 350, 561; Mind and, i. 31 ; I\Ionad, of the. i. 195. 198. 267. ii. 60; Monadic, i, 202; Moral, ii, 689: Mysteri- ous nature of, ii, 686; Nature of the high- est being, of the, i, 233; Nature, in, i, 626: Nerve-cells, of, ii, 708; No atom without, ii, 742; Non-exi.stence or abso- lute, i, 70; Objective, i, 118; One Self, of the, ii, 606; Opening of, ii, 406; Parabrahman not even, i, 155. 461; Per- ception of, i, 462; Personality, of the false, ii. 320; Plane of, our, i, 71. 309, 592, 647. 661, ii, 631, 710; Planes of. i, 147, 190, 220, 637, ii, 287, 294. 669; Pos- session of the animal element, of. ii, 430; Possible emergence of, i, 44; Prajna or, ii, 32, 673; Pre-cosmic ideation and, i. 43; Primary element, the, i, 400; Primeval, i, 623; Profane, of the, i, 677; Profound sleep, during, ii, 741 ; Races endowed with, first, i. 290; Realilie.s and, i, 71 ; Sanjfia or spiritual, ii, 106; Science, of, i, 315; Self-anahzing, i, 84; Self, i, 44, 81; Sensation, and, i, 592; vSoul, ii, 552; Source of. i. 125; vSpirit and, i, 43, 44, 349, ii, 45; vSpiritual, i, 301, ii, 106; vState of, i, 202, 286; States of, i, 31, 68, 69, 123, 189. 221, 253, 697, ii, 32, 63^, 633, 673, 67S, 741 ; Subjective, i, 159; Theological, i, 731; Thought form in man's, i, 303; I'nccjiiditioned, i. 42; Undeveloped, i. 231 ; Universal, i, 82, 83, 190, ii, 515, 631; Universe, of the, i. 236, 295; Worlds on other planes of, i, 637. Consecrated, Inland sea, ii, 528; Place, a, i, 632. Consecration of the mundane egg, i. 3S5. Consequences of acts, i, 308. 448, 492. Conservation of energy, i, 128. 559. 563. Consrnalio)! of Solar JLticr<^\\ On tlit\ i, 128. Consolation, Prometheus, of. ii, 440; Sor- rows, for, ii, 508. Consolidation, iuirth's crust, of the. ii. 9; r'rame, of the human, ii, 320; (ilol)e, of the. ii, 146; Man, of, ii, 261; Physical, ii. 312. 697. Coiisonanls, Language mixed with hard, ii, 209. Consort, Astei\.of Ad-on. 11,47: Brahma, of, i, 364. Consorts of the Rishis, Pleiades, ii, 581. Constant, Abbe Louis (.see liliphas Levi), ii, 565- . Constantine. Enqieror. i. 27. 508. Constantino])le. Buniing the rolls at, ii, S07; Council of. ii, 292. Constellation. Horn, under which one i.s, i. 699; Capricornus, i. 25.^. ii. 609; Cygnu.s, i, 652; Dog. ii, 391: Draco, ii. 35; Dragon, ii. 368. 369. 371; Great Bear, i. 233. 248, ii, 579. 668; Hydra, ii, 451; Lion, ii. 451 : INIakara. ii, 610,612; Messiah, of the, i, 717; Pisces, i, 717; 66 THE SPXKET DOCTRINE. Pleiades, i, 726, 727, ii, 5^^ ■ vSaptarshis a, ii, 93; Shishumara a, ii, 64S; Taurus, i. 721; Zodiacal, i, 131. Constellations, Allegories abont, ii, 619; Animals svnil)olizc, i, 3S8: Astrological aspect of, ii, 1S9; Conjunction of, i, 708; Deluge associated with, ii, 368; Dolphin placed among, ii, 611; Fantastic, i, 720; Figurative relation with, i, 716; Flocks of.'^ii, 402; Hesiod and Homer, of, ii, 638; Hindii, ii, 451 : Hyades, the rain, ii, 830; Influence of, i, 730; Jod, referred to in, i, 711; Occult influence of, i, 440; Return of certain, i, 707; Seven great, i, 439; vSigns or, twelve, i, 712; Spectra of, i, 655; Spiritual powers of, li, 79; Stars and, i, 223; Zodiac divided into 27, i, 727; Zodiacal, i, 420, ii, 26, 345. Constitution, Archaic belief in the seven- fold, of man, i, 256; Astral, man's, ii, 760; Bodies, ether determines the, of, i, 574; Chain, of our, ii, 800; Changes in human and cosmic, i, 720; Grain of sand, of a, i, 733 ; Human body, of the, i, 250; Inner being, of the, ii, 499; IVIan, of, quoted, 1, 179; Man, sep- tenarv, of, 1, 181, 256, 262, ii, 555. 670, 677; Physical living, ii, 107; Ph,vsical, of the sun, Mars and moon, i, 649; Races, of the first two, ii, 303; Sep- tenarv, i, 191, ii, 800; vSpecialization is in man's astral, ii, 760; Venus, of, ii, 36- Constitutions, vSeptenary division in cos- mic and human, ii, 630. Construction, Cities, of the first, ii, 389 ; Universe, of tlie, i, 607. Constructive power, Foliat and the, i, T36. Con-substantial with the electric ocean, F^ssence, i, 661. Consubstantiality, Globes not in, i, 189; Natures of rulers and ruled, of, ii, 389; Spirit, of the, i, 673. Consumers, Bhrigus the, ii, 80. Consummation, Cycle, of the, ii, 273; Terrestrial physiological union, of, ii, 492. Container, Absolute, Plenum the, i, 37 ; Germs of life, of the, ii, 484. Contemplation, Buddhasof,i, 134: Dhyani- Buddhas of, i, 625; Doubts lead to cer- tainties in, ii, 462; Problem of the atoms, of the, i, 733; Pythagoras on, ii. Continent, Africa, of, 11,210,444; America and Pairope, between, ii, 834; America, of, ii, 192; Arctic, ii, 11, 417; Atlantean, ii, 673; Atlantic, ii, S36; Atlantis, of, i, 714, ii, 7, 54, 338, 387. 412; Atlas per- sonifies a, ii, 806; Cataclysms will de- strov our, ii, 464; Chinese story of a lost,'ii, 381; Civilization of the lost, ii, 233; Dialogue of the lost, ii, 803; Dry Island, ii, 418; Dvipas, divided into seven, ii, 422; Europe, of, ii, 7, 416, 834; Fate of every, ii, 365; Fifth, ii, 7, 38; Fourth, ii, 355, 733; Future, ii, 338; God- inhabited, ii, 232; Horse-shoe like, ii, 340, 420; Hyperborean, ii, 6, 7, 10, 286, 814; Islands of, ii, 342; Lemurian, ii, 7, 181, 207, 230, 286, 288, 338; New, appear- ance of, i, 615; North pole the first, ii, 419,829; Polynesian, ii, 234; Poseidonis and the great, ii, 811 ; Pre-Leniurian, ii, 819; Remnants of a submerged, ii, 835; Remnants of the fifth, ii, 465; Romaka- pura part of the lost, ii, 54; Seas, buried under, i, 4.73; Second, i, 396; vSinking of a, i, 339, ii, 321 ; Southern, ii, S33; Sub- merged, ii, 329; Submersion of the fourth, ii, 355; Tasmania, extending from India to, ii, 231: 1 bird Race, of the, ii, 388, 807. Continental, Formations, ii, 835; Masr^es, ii, 348; Trends, ii, 338. Continents, Allegory of. two, ii, 815; Ay- pearance of, ii, 643; Aryan scriptures, of, ii, 648; Atlantean Race, of, ii, 442; Atlantis, before, ii, 808; Clas- sics of the, ii, 804; Cumulative evi- dence of, ii, 832; Destruction of, i, 714, ii, 745; Disappearance of, ii, 820; Dvipas or, ii, 164; Elevation of, ii, 831; Equatorial, ii, 388; Fall of the old, ii, 344; Fifth race, ii, 463; Formation of, li, 422, 827; Four, ii, 1, 6, 734; Geologi- cal order of, ii, 8; Geology and sub- merged, ii, 330; Histoiy of, ii, 784; Huxley on former, ii, 825; Hyperborean, ii, 388;' Insular, ii, 334; Legends of, ii, 832; Deniuro- Atlantean, ii, 9; Lost, ii, 347, 428; INIaster on the lost, a, ii, 347; Mountains of the ancient, ii, 806; North pole and later, ii, 146; North to south, formed from, ii, 821; Oceans, and, ii, 743; Overlapping, ii, 452; Periodical sinking of, li, 340: Polar, ii, 411; Pre- historic, ii, i; Priyavrata's division of, ii, 386; Proofs of submerged, ii, 767, 822'; Races and, ii, 5, 645; Rise of, ii, 339; Seven, ii, 335, 34b 3^6, 422, 652, 791 ; Shifting of, i, 293, 11, 739; Sinking of, ii, 152; Sixth and Seventh, ii, 423; Sixth root-race, new, for the, ii, 800; Submerged, ii, 320, 330, 351, 411, 767, 784, 822, 827; Subsidence of, ii, 339: Suspected lost, ii, 766; Terrestrial, i, 452 ; Third and fourth, ii, 276; Three, ii, 641 ; Tradition of sunken, ii, 278; Upheaval of, ii, 376. Contingent re-coalescence of Brahma. ii, 323- ' ,.„.., Contra Celsum, quoted, 1, 480, 11, 567. Cotitra Getiles, quoted, ii, 151. Contra Hcer., quoted, i. 483. INDEX. 67 Contraries, Attraction of, i, 436; Har- mony, produce, i, 448; Shells or detnons called, ii, 117; Tutti quanti of, i, 4.44. Contributions to the Tlwory of Aatidal Selection, i, 362. Convulsion, Date of the last, ii, 326; Geological, ii, 340. Convulsions, Geological, i, 701, ii, 50; Globe, of the, ii, 770, 820; Nature, of, ii, 326; Subterranean, ii, 328; Uncon- scious, i, 58S. Cook, Capt., and Kaster Island, ii, 331, 352. Cooke, Prof. J. P., on Light, i, 634. Cool Breath is the Mother, i, 40. Cooling, Earth, of the, i, 545; Globe, of the, ii, 733; Sun, of the, i, 576. Cope, Prof., of Philadelphia, ii, 215. Copernicus, Intuition of, i, 143; Mean motions of, i, 729; Theories of, ii, 31. Copper, i, 603. Coptic, Adepts, ii, 451; I. O. H., ii, 4S6; Khamism or old, i, 141 ; Manuscript, i, 157. ii. 597; Phoenician, and, i, 140; Ro., P., ii, 577. Copts, Retzius on the, ii, 837. Cor Leonis, ii, 426. Coral-producing family, ii, 142. Corals and Millepores, ii, 268. Cordilleras the result of depositions, ii, 831. Cords, Quarters bound by, ii, 621. Core, Sanctuary of, ii, 3S0. Corinthian horses, ii, 576. Corinthians and the Delphic Temple, ii, 613. Corinthians, Epistles to, quoted, i, 4ro, 503, 628, ii, 86, TiS, 356. 540, 613. Corn, Adepts, buried with, ii, 390; Isis and, ii, 391; Life, of, i, 737; I*ro(hicti()n of, ii, 380; Zuni priests, presented to, ii, 665. Corn-bin, Porphyry sarcophagus com- pared to a, i, 337. Cornelius a Lapide. quoted, i, 431. Cornutus, quoted, i, 425, ii, 571, 572. Cornwall, Traditions of giants in, ii, 797. Coronado, referred to, ii, 39. Corpora Striata, ii, 315. Corpora Quadrigemina, ii, 315. Corporeal, Atoms, principles of the Gods, i, 693; Brahma, nature of, ii, 186; Coats of skin not necessary to a, being, i, 665; Incorporeal, cannot express the, i, 306; Nature, elements in, i, 502; Pitaras, classes of, ii, 97; Pitri.s, ii, 93, 96, 411; Things, ii, 514; Vasudeva, i, 306; World, ii, 643. Corporealism of positive philosojjhy, i, 216. Corporealities, Incorporeal, i, 618. Corporeality, (rods in visible, ii. 541 : Science and, i, 665. Corpse, Land turned into a, ii, 211; Mummy, swathed like a, i, 441 ; Serpent, encircled by a, i, 441. Corpses. Lapland, called IManee, ii. 818; Ptomaine generated by decaying, i. 282. Corpuscle and the future man, ii, 198. Corpuscular, Newton, hvpothesis of, i, 347: Theor.v, i, 525, 532, 536, 552, 575, Correlated successiveness. Law of, i, 699. Correlation, Cosmic, i, 400: Force of. i, 364, 554; P'orces, of i, 127, 207, 400, 503, 694. 737. ii. 479; CVrowth, of. ii, 779; IMonads and atoms with "Gods," of. i, 681 ; Personality, of individuality and, ii, 501: vSpirit, force and matter, of, i, 364; Vibration.s, of, i, 560; World-elements, of, i, 400. Correlation of Physical Forces, quoteil. i, 128, 504, 525, 539,554. Correlation.s. Atoms, of, i, 672; Forces, of, i, 568, 634; Spiritual, ii. 153. Correlative forces and fires, ii, 112. Correspondence. Human and divine con- sciousness, between, i. 679: Worlds, of upper and lower, i, 678: Zodiac and the twelve tribes, between, i, 714. Correspondence, Leibnitz*, quoted, i, 692. Correspondences. Doctrine of i. 210: Eternal law of. i, 640; Pliysical, ii, 315, 627; S])iritual, ii, 627; Types and ante- types, i, 640. Corridors, Labyrinth, of the, ii, 70: Tombs with, ii, 795. Corruptible, Perfection grows out of the, ii, 100. Corruption of physical puritv a curse, ii. 297. Corru])tions of language, Phonetic, of. ii, 2 1 o. Cortes. Report sent to the. ii. 191. Coruscation of a comet, i, 664. Coruscations of monads. Dazzling, i. 694. Cory, author of Ancient Frai^inents. i. 99. 363, 5or), ii, 57, 200. Corybantes, Vulcan'.s progeny and the. ii. 1 12. Cosmas Indicopleustes. quoted, i. 568. ii, 277, 417, 418. Cosmic, Active intelligence, ii. 631: Ac- tivity, i, 155, ii, 325; .\kasha, ideation, i. 347; Akasha. princi])le, i. 41; Alche- mist, matter of the, i. 594: Allegories. i, 223. 465, ii, 129, 183; Angels, i. 152; Ansated cross, meaning of, ii, 578: .As- pects or princii)les. ii. 631 ; Astrono- mical character of (ienesis, ii, 152; Asuras. demons, i. 223: Atomic differen- tiation and. i, 176; Atoms, i. 28S. 696, 735: Body, gross, i, 572: Changes, i. 334: Ciiildren. ii. 199; Circle replaced by Theos, ii. 575; Comets forms of exist- ence, i, 656; Conditions, ii. 159; Con- 68 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. scioiisness, i, 221, 300, 350; Constitution, i, 720; Constitutions, septenarj-, ii, 630; Correlation of world elements, i, 400; Creation, i, 390, 409, 463; Cycles, i, 703, ii, 53; Deep, ii, 281; Deities, i, 97, 413; Deity in, nature, i. 679; Deity, shadow of, i, 393; Demons, dragons, etc., i, 223, ii, 399; Depths, i, 100; Desire evolves into absolute light, i, 222: Deva.s, i, 151 ; Dhyan Chohan.s, i,66i ; Dhyani-Buddhas or, gods, i, 79; Differentiation, i, 200; Diluvian tragedy, ii, 379; Division, ii, 652; Divisions of time, ii, 77; Duad, i, 378, 681 ; Dust, i, 103, 132, 164, 667; Elec- tricity, i, 105, 113, 169, 605; Element, i, 127, 160, 508, ii, 375; lUements, i, 40, no, 650, 661 ; Energy, i, 136, 350, 696, ii, 631 ; Essence, i, 201 ; Events, i, 283, 396, ii, 147; Evolution, i, 25, 48, 53, 55, 91, no, 135, 362, 461, ii, 72, 324, 542, 672; Existence, i, 656; Eact, i, 223, ii, 67; Eire, i, 471 ; Elood, ii, 148, 154, 324, 369; I'"ocus, i, 40; Eorces, i, 136, 255, 450, 541, 581, ii, 139, 218, 440, 479, 648, 797, 808; Eornis, i, 477; Generation, standpoint as to, i, 250; Geometry applied to, theo- gony, i, 674; Glyphs, ii, 371; God.s, i, 79, 165,' 31 1, 498, 560, 501, 502, 503, ii, 378, 526; Gradation is septenary, i, 499; Great body, i, 687; Heat, i, no; Heaven, ii, 526; Idealism, ii, 633; Ideation, i, 43, 44, 135, 136, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 360,362, ii, 27, 592; Illusion, i, 203; Intelligence, ii, 631; Kabiri were, ii, 380; Laws, i, 295, 297; Life, i, 489, ii, 659; Light, i, 651, ii, 44; Logos, ii, 685; Magnetism, i, 169, 540; Mahat, principle, ii, 649; Manifestation, i, 472; Maruts, character of, ii, 651; Matrix, i, 126; Matter, i, 47, 67, 98, 103, 112, 124, 127, 141, 225, 364, 462, 550, 594, 647, 676, 736, ii, 169; Mists, i, 133; Monad (Ruddhi), i, 200; Monads, i, 679, ii, 325; Moon's, aspect, ii, 69; Motion, i, 32, 120; Mys- teries, ii, 87; Nature, i, 313, ii, 629, 650; North, action conies from, ii, 418; Nou- nienon of matter, i, 44; Orbs, i, 139; Organization, i, 33 ; Parabrahman, as- pect of, ii, 61; Passions, ii, 403; Patri- archs, symbols, ii, 409; Periods, i, 175; Phenomena, ii,68i ; Philosophy, Fiske's, ii, 823; Physics, i, 174; Plane, i, 135, 163, 169, 200, 421, ii, 113, 258; Powers, i, 380, 451, 478, ii, 286, 500; Prala^-a, i, 46, 478, ii, 72; Principles, i, 41, 128, 147, 233, 353, 494, ii, 649, 677; Protoplasm, i, 225; Protyle, i, 90; Re-births, ii, 84; Regents over, cycles, i, 703; Rest, ii, 324; Resur- rection, ii, 481 ; Riddles for scientists, i, 112; /■iig Veda, aspect of the, ii, 201; Scale, i, 685; Screen of illusion, i, 296; Self i, 356; Septenary law, ii, 659; Ser- pent, ii, 395; vSolarbody, i, T)11; Soul, i. 394. 578, ii, 119; Space, i, 35, 83, 128, 645, ii, 647; Spirits, i, 690, 692; Spirit-sub- stance, polarity of, li, 555; Substance, i, 43, 44, 104, 171, 348, 349, 350, 360, 362, 605, 622, 642, 654, ii, 27, 407; Syml)olism, ii, 157; vSymbols, i, 499, ii, 409. 591; Terrestrial man, ii, 113; Theogony, i, 674, ii, 151; Trinity, ii, 113; Ultimates, ii, 27, 28; Universes, i, 74; Veil, i, 462, 576; Vitality, i, 128, 226; War in heaven, a, event, ii, 396; Will, i, 693; World, i, 134, 148, 499. Cosmical. Allegories, ii, 399: Duration of, periods, ii, 53; Elements, i, 360, 371; I'act, a, ii, 525; Elood, ii, 368; Forces, i, 147; Generation, ii, 138; Key, ii, 600; IMeaning of the Sacred Eour, ii, 621; Periods, ii, 53; Rishis, i, 470; Symbol and emblem, significance of, i, 324; System, elements of the, ii, 591; Taber- nacle, significance of, i, 150; Wars or struggles, i, 215. Cosmo-metaphysical explanation, ii, 568. Cosmo-psychic powers, the, i, 114. Cosmo-sidereal sense. Primitive human race in a, ii, 132. Cosmo-theogony to, Anthropogony, from, ii, 103. Cosmocratorcs, Fabricators of the Solar s3-stem, ii, 26; Cireek, ii, 102; Higher one.s,- or, ii, 26; Rectores tenebrarum or, i, 148; World bearers, i, 353; World- pillars, i, 256. Cosmogenesis, Anthropogenesis precedes, i, 234; Mulaprakriti basis of, ii, 27; Oc- cult portion of i, 153. Cosmogeological key, ii, 416. Cosmogonic, Jewish, traditions, ii, 3; Myths, i, no; Vi.sion of vSt. Paul, i, 693; Work, portion of the, i, 299. Cosmogonical, Allegory, ii, 404; Cata- clysm, ii, 154; Construction, ii, 566; Evolution, ii, 62 ; Hypotheses, i, 641 ; Legends, i, 354; Problem, i, 655; Svas- tika a, sign, ii, 104; Symbols, ii, 46; vSvstem, esoteric, i, 646; Tablets, ii, 57; Taraka-maya full of, truth, ii, 49; Teach- ing, occult, i, 718; Theory, i, 650. CosvioQoiiie dc la Revelation, quoted, i, 543, 550. Cosmogonies, Ancient, ii, 26, loi, 511, 652; Basis for, i, 290; Cardinal Wiseman on, ii, 744; Chinese, ii, 511; Fifth race, of our, i, 370; Genetic, ii, 660; Hindu exoteric, i, 477; Light comes from dark- ness in all, ii, 510; Pauranic, ii, 660; Similar opening sentences in all, i, 477; Universal soul, on the, i, 377 ; Venera- tion in, i, 458.; Volumes of description, i, 672 ; Water in, i, 93. Cosnios;o7tics Aryennes, referred to, i, 359. Cosmogony, Ancient, i, 359, ii, n8; Ar- chaic, i, 169, 252, 475; Arhats, of the, ii, INDEX. 69 470; Aryan, ii, 251 ; Rerosus, of, ii, 56; Biblical, ii, 682; Chaldsean, ii, 57, 529; China, of, i, 381, 474; Circle in every, li, 566; Creators of every, ii, 138; Cross in, ii, 593; Deluge and, ii, 153; Detailed, explained in The Secret Doctrine, i, 25 ; Diameter symbol in. ii, 566; Divine Thought and, i, 31; I^gyptian, i, 235, 369, ii, 828; Emblematical, ii, 376; Eso- teric, i, 134, 142, 184, 643, 653, 672, ii, 36; Evolution in every, ii, 118; Ex- plained, i, 220; General, i, 214; Gene- sis, in, i, 39; Golden ^%^i, and the, i, 459; (yrecian, i, 134; Hesiod's, ii, 471 ; Hindu, i, 595, 684, ii, 47, 661; Intelligent plan, an, ii, 77; Japan, of, i, 235, 237; Japanese, i, 235; Jewish, ii, 694; Logos of every, ii, 743; Manu, of, ii, 606; Modern speculations in, i, 633; Mystic numbers in, ii, 39; Norse, i, 460; Num- ber nine in. i, 341 ; Number seven in, ii, 38; Numerical facts relating to, i, 193; Cannes, of, ii, 57; Occult, i, 172, 297, 645; Pherecydes, of, i, 217; Philosophy and, ii, 40; Phoenician, i, 135, 487; Plane- tary system and, i, 41; Primitive, ii, 259; Primordial, mysteries of, ii, 619; Primordial substance and, i, 352; Pu- ranas, and, i, 371, 374; Records of, ii, 262; Rishis, of the, ii, 470; Sanchunia- tlion, of, i, 363; vScandinavian, i, 394; Science, of, ii, 701 ; Secret Doctrine, of the, i, 293, 737; Semitic, ii, 251; Seven builders in every, i, 470; vShinto ac- counts of, i, 261; vSpiritual aspect of. i, 85; Stanzas on, i, 41, ii, i, 469; Svastika and, ii, 106; Swan myth and, i, 383; Swan-symbol and, i, 382; Symbol in, ii, 584; Taurus sacred in, i, 721 ; Theories on, ii, 469; Treatment of, ii, 842; Tri- angle in, i, 674; Tyrrhenian, i, 363; Universal esoteric, i, 653; Universe, of, i, 175; l^nknown deity of, i, 349: Vaivas- vata in, ii, 155; Vedic, ii, 46; Water in, i> 94- CosiiiOiirapliie, quoted, i. 547. Cosmogra])hies of Hindu Aryans. Egyp- tians and Chinese, ii, 638. Cosmography, Ancients' knowledge of, ii, 563; Numbers and, ii, 595. Cosmolaters, Occultists are not, ii, 204. Cosmolatry, Astronomy and, ii, 80; Fetich- ism, not'a, i, 498; Modern science, and, ^' 372. Cosmological, Allegory, n, 4"' : Dragons, ii, 403; Law, i, 517; Problems, i, 647; Serpents, ii, 403. Cosmologies, Ancient, ii, 638. Cosmology, Modern, 1,645; Occult, i, 104; Occult' 'teachings concerning, i, 549; Root-idea of every, i. 457. Cosmos, Analogy between, and man, i. 196; Awakening of, i, 302; Cosmic heat. and, i, 1 10; Creation of, ii, 694; Dual motion affects, i, 302; Equilibrium pre- served in, i, 448; Fire of, i, 115; Fohat, in, i, 162; Foot-rules within the re- sources of, i, 272; Formations of, i, 128; Humboldt's, ii, 712; Imagination of the, i, 327; Logoi in the, ii, 673; Lotus, symbol of the, i, 88; Mother of, i, 124; Mysteries beyond the visible, i, 142; Numbers in, i, 117, ii. 590; Our little, i, 591; Padma, symbol of, i, 88; Pheno- menal, i, 118; Physical, i, 96: Principles of, i, 162; Protomateria, from, i, 303; Resources of, i, 272, 665; Rope that hedges off, i, 118; Ruling of, i, 154; Septenary division of, ii, 651; Solar, i, 182, 650; vSolar system, or, i, 396; vStars in our, i, 156; Svastika and, ii, 104; Time, and, ii, 27; Universal science and, i, 117; Visible, i, 41, 142, 153, 154. Coste, quoted, ii, 150. Cottus, a giant, ii, 819. Couch, Torture, of, ii, 620; Vishnu, of, i, 102. Couches used at initiation, Cruciform, ii, 590- Couloinb's law, i, 546. Counsellors, Vigilant, i, 474. Count de ]\Iaistre cuts the (rordian knot, i, 547- Count Hugo Cestrensis and the INIona stone, ii, 361. Count Si. Germain, ii, 212. Counterfeit of the Sijiril, ii, 639. Counterpart, F'erouer, the spiritual, ii, 504; Hebel, of Cain, ii, 135; Man's ethereal, i, 206; Spirit, of, ii, 639. Counterparts, Objective, of the noumenal essences, i, 295; Phonetic, of lao, ii, 570. Countries of the World. The. by Robert Brown, ii. 331, 352. Coins Philosophiqite el Iiiterpretatif des Initiations, ii. 607. Covenant. Ankh. (M-. ii. 577; Ark of the, ii. 43, 4S1, 482, 485, 487. 496, 545; Bible, of, ii, 42; Jews, ii, 495; New Testament, or, ii, 40. Cover, Dr., on the Halitetus Washingtonii, ii. 459- Covering soul. Shade or, li. 669. Cow, Audumla, or, i, 394, 460; Bull and, i. 4x9: F*53: Design, "' 573' 590- Dhyan Chohans, i, 135, ii, 377; Effort, i, 302; Element, i, 482; Elohim, ii, 1, 81, 133, 630; Energy, i. 603; Faculty, ii, 227; Fire, i, 22, ii, 82, 99. 106, 282, '432, 554; Force, i, 331, 400, 601, ii. 61, 105, 536; Forces, i, 132, 456, 522, 696, ii, 37, 479, 516, 606, 688; F"unc- tion, i, 231; God, Akkadian, ii, 382; God, Amnion the, i, 391; God, amuse- ment of the, ii, 56; Ciod. biblical, ii, 630; God. Hhrantidarshanatah, the, i, 47; God, Jehovah a, ii, 489; God, son of the Hither, or, i, 408; (iods, i, 389, 457, ii, 99. 208, 494, 618, 641 ; Hosts, i, 100, 135, ii, 247, 511, 640; Instinct, ii, 288; Jehovah a, God, ii, 489; Law, ii, 248, 590. 629; Light, ii, 243, 249; Logoi, i, 407 : Logos, the, i, 134, 135. 237, 373, ii, 243; Magnetism, i, 436; Man, i, 389; Nature, i, 34, 121, ii, 436; Origin of all things, i, 421; Passion, ii, 81; Plan, i, 131; Plane, ii, 39; Planetary angels, ii, 134; Potencies, ii, 594; Potency, ii, 162, 607; Potentiality, li, 612; Power, i, 87, 486, 533, ii, 82, '133, 191. 203, 258, 429, 480, 566. 573, 590, 773: Powers, i, ^2>-' ^3, ^2,2,^ 456, 45«. 472. 535. ii. 44. 28f, 403, 428, 511. 573, 582, 6t,7 ; Principle of nature, i, 337; Principles in the Gods, ii, 113; Progenitors, li, 128; Purposes, i, 171, 310; Rishis, i, 233; Sephiroth, ii, 630; Snake or, power, ii, 191; Soul, i. 386; Source of the divine mind, i, 684; Spark, ii, 258; Speech or verbum, ii, 572 ; Spirits, i, 73, 219, 542, ii, 2; Sun, ardour of the, ii, 617: Triad, i, 299; Trinity, i, 550; Word, ii, 572; World, i, 221. Creator, Absolute Ai,i,. an aspect only of ii, 168; Adani-Kadmon the. ii, 478; Aditi as, i, 683; Anthropomorphic, i. 38, 444, ii, 44, 167; Bel the, i. 381: Brahma the. i. 37, 47, III, 125, 306, 380, 409. ii, 56. 172; Budha a, ii, 477; Buddhists and a, i, 33, 696; Corporeal world, of ii, 643; Creation and. impossible, i, 697; Daksha the, i, 683, ii, 192 ; Dark races, of, ii. 5: Demiurge, or. i. 444. ii, 5. 29; Demiurgic, i, 377; I)estrt)yer, and, ii, 121; Devil and, i. 445; Divine foresight of, ii, 405; Ethereal body of ii, 91 ; Exe- cutive agent, an, ii. 46; Father and, i, 674, 738, ii, 47, 95; Female, i, 160; Feta- hil llie, i, 217; l-'ire the, i, 109, ii, 120; I'oliat, or, i, 6aS; Generated himself has, ii, 671; Genesis, of ii, 85; Globe, of our, ii, 497; Ilari the, i, 399; Holy Ghost the, i, loi ; Humanity, of, ii. 325; Image of ii, 490; Incorporeal, ii, 251; Jehovah the, ii, 407, 497, 630; Kama a, ii, 186; Karma-Nemesis, of nation.s, i, 704; Kashyapa the, ii, 140; Light, of, ii. 225; Logos or, i, 300. 380, ii, 58; Lord God or. ii, 85; Male, i, 95; IMan a, ii, 110, 202. 256, 304; INIichael, of ii, 66; Monotheists, of modern, ii, 585: Na- tions, of i, 704; Nebo a, ii, 477; Noah 72 THE SECRET DOCTRIXE. the, ii, 632; One principle not the ini- ii, 64: Powers of Nature in ancient, ii, mediate, i, 458; Osiris the, i, 736; Pan- 695; Sects, or, no churches, i, 364; Tra- theists do not deny a, i, 36; Personal, a, ditions in exoteric, ii, 204. ii, 167; Reincarnated, ii, 202; Scientific Cremation once universal, ii, 796. human, i, 650; vSerpent called, ii, 220; Cremona Ed., quoted, ii, 145. Shadow inferior to his, ii, loi ; Sound Crescent, Argha, of the, ii, 484; Cow the, ii, 594; vSozura, of the mythical, ii, marked with, i, 419; Mary represented 688; Spirit of the earth a, ii, 500; Super- on, ii, 485; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 616; human, ii, 646; Supposed, ii, 318; Su- Satan and, ii, 35. preme, ii, 134; Tree of knowledge, of Crest-Jeiuel of Wisdom. The, \, 622. the, ii, 402; Vishnu the, i, 409; Zeus Cretaceous, Formation, ii, 340: Period, the. ii, 432. the, ii, 164, 753; Rocks, ii, 717. Creators, Androgyne, ii, 406, Architects, Cretans, Diclynna of the. i, 425. or, i, 154, 253; Ases or, ii, 102; Battles Cretin, an arrested man. not an ape. ii, of, i, 64, 220; Beings on the earth, of, ii, 716. 82; Body of illusion, of the, ii, 60; Creuzer, i, 499, 501. 715. ii, 298. 360. 384, Builders'or, i, 3S0, 408, 471; Classes of, 386; Beliefs, 011 primitive, i, 499. the four, ii. 63,61, 99; Destroyers, and, Critias, quoted, ii, 412, 785, 804, 808, 811. i, 64. 220, 283; Dhyau Chohans our, ii. Critical, Condition, water in a, ii, 144; 37; Displeased, ii, 55; Divine, ii, 539; Period, i, 720. Divine mind or, i, 277; Douhle-sexed, Critique de la Raison Pure, quoted, i, 673. first, ii, 138; Earth, of the, i, 730, ii, 102; Cro-Magnon, Cave-men, ii, 782, 837; Men, Elohim, or, i, 163; Enemies of the, i, ii, S34. S35; Paheolithic type, ii, 726; 284; Female, i, 392; Forces or, ii, 168; Sepulchral cave of, ii, 716. Forefathers or, i, 479, ii, 259; Forms, Crocodile, Dhyanis, and, i, 239; Dragon, reject the, ii, 170; Group of, i, 253; and, i, 440; Evolution of, i, 698; Hus- Heaven, of, i, 730; Hierarchies of, i. chenk's horse begotten by a, ii, 415; 459; Host of, i, 444, ii, 539; Ideal, i. Makara or, i, 254, 412, ii, 370. 609; ]Meso- 409; Image of, i, 262; Kumaras the, ii, zoic times, o*", ii, 163: Pentagram and, 617; Lunar fathers become, ii, 122; i, 240; Progeny of, ii, 417; Sacred, i. Magnum Opus of the, i, 273; I\Ian, of, 378; Sacred Nile, of the, ii, 610; Se- i, 215, 246, 4S5. ii, 90, 100: Manus the, bekli, called, i, 241; Soul come.s from ii. 324; ^tlaterial universe, of, ii, 571; men, whose, ii, 671; Symbol of, i, 241; Material world, of, ii, 109; Pitris are, ii. Worship, i, 434. 92; Planetary, i, 90, 102 ; Powers of na- Crocodile-Dragon t3pe of Sevekh-Kronus, ture, or, ii, 626; Practical, i, 409; Praja- i, 439. patis or. ii, 86; Progenitors and, ii, 752; Crocodile-headed God of Egj'pt. ii, 613. Progeny of, ii, 49; Pygmalions, were, ii. Crocodiles, Celestial Nile, in the. ii. 613; 107;" Races, of the earliest, ii, 456; Re- Winged, ii, 269. pentance of, ii, 201; Rishis, are, i, 477; Croll, quoted, i, 557, ii. 9, 149, 153. 328, vSeptenarv or planetary, i, 102; Seven, i, 724, 726, 734, 735. 754. 794. 380, 392, 624, ii, 280; Spiritizal, i, 231, ii, Cromlech.s, Perfect proportions of the, i, 440; Thinking man. of, ii, 90; Thoughts, 230. of ideal, i, 241; Too spiritual, 11,256; Cronid Brothers, the. ii, 809. Will of i, 214; World, i. 392, 624. Cronus, Adam and, i, 703; Arkite Titan, Creature, Immortal, i, 697 ; Physical, man an, ii, 151; Dagon, and, i, 703; Dura- a, ii, 644; Primeval, ii, 709; Special tion, stands for endless, i, 450; Emblem creation, of ii, 716; Tiamat, of, ii, 109. of i. 275; Generation and, ii, 281 ; Giants Creatures, Budha, of ii, 478; Chain, imprisoned by, ii, 819, 820; Harp of ii, emerging from the. ii, 529; Destruction 408; Isis and, i, 409; Jupiter and, ii, of i, 397; Elementals sentient, i. 241; 507, 542; Kala or, i. 496; Lemurians Four-armed human, ii, 308; Kala, on governed by, ii, 808; INIeaning of. ii, the plane of ii, 579: Karma, of, i, 696; 281; Myth of ii, 296; Onnazd identical Karmic law, of i, 297; Logos first of with, i, 139; Orphic theogony. in, i, 47; ii, 172; Mammalians, preceding, ii, 179; Osiris and, i, 409; Saturn, or. i. 450. 496, Nebo, of ii, 478; Reason, without, ii. 703,11.410, 808; Sydic. ii, 410; Symbol- 59; Sacrifice so as to redeem all, i, 289. ism of ii. 282; Time or, i, 461, ii, 432, Credat Judteus Apella, ii, 472. . 434, 438; Uranus or, ii, 2S1; Zeus, and. Creed, Christian, orthodox, ii, 694; Mar- ii, 440, S07. tyrs of every, i, 317; Pagan symbolical, Cronus-Saturn, Jupiter son of i, loi; ii. 409; vSymbolism of a, ii, 49T. Melchizedek and, ii, 409. Creeds, Exoteric, ii, 204, 698; Jewish, ii, Cronus-Sydyk and his sons, ii. 376. 494; Nations, of other, i. 506; Popular, Crook = Vau. ii, 482. INDEX. 73 Crookes. Prof. Win., ciuoted, i, 164, 303, 350. 361, 596, 599, 600, 635, 682, 684, 685, ii, III; Referred to, i, 566, 654, 681, 683, 686, ii, 688, 77S. Crores, Kalpa, of the, ii, 326; Pantheon, of deities in the Hindii, i, 100; Wheel whirled for thirty, ii, 16, 55; Years, of, ii, 69. ■Cross, .\nsated, i, 721, ii, 227, 571, 590, 616; Antiquity of, ii, 620; Anubis holdin^ij out a, i, 441; Astronomical, ii, 561, 582; Bible did not orit^inate, ii, 575; Christ, stood for the, ii, 621 ; Christian symbol, ii, 588; Christians, of, ii, 34; Circle, and, ii, 577, 579, 5^0, 582, 585, 622, 623; Crea- tive cause, s\-nibol of, ii, 226; Cube un- folded, or, ii, 636 ; Decussated, ii. 592 ; Dragon with the ansated, i, 720; E^arth represented by, over globe, ii, 33; Egyp- tian ansated, i, 721, ii, 578, 614; Ele- ments, and the, ii, 593 ; Equinoxes, of, ii, 577 ; Evolution of, ii, 226 ; Fall of. ii. 584; Flesh, of, ii, 39; Four partitioned line, a, ii, 635 ; Four-footed, ii, 576 ; ( rlobe over, ii, 33, 34; God vShoo and. ii, 576; Horizontal and vertical line form, ii. 626; Human life, and, i, 342 ; lao and, 11,565: Initiation, of, ii, 592; Jaina, ii, 103 ; Jehovah and, ii, 565 ; Jesus on., ii, 591; Jews, of the, ii, 615; Love, of, ii. 592; Man attached to, i, 342, 343, ii, 592; Meaning of, i, 321; Mundane, i, 34; Pagoda of Mathura in form of, ii, 622 ; Palenque, i, 419; Paul on the, ii, 586; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 593 ; Phallus, and, 1,436; Plato's, ii. 592; Primeval form of, i, 496; Prometheus on the, ii, 592; Py- thagorean decad, and, ii, 605 ; Riddle of, ii. 587; Rose and, i, 47; Sevenfold, ii' 593; Slioo and, God, ii, 576; Sun and, ii, 589: Svastika or, ii, 103, 576, 620; vSymbol of, i, 195, 342, 412, ii, 226, 573, S*^'^, 619; Tau or Egyptian, i, 436, ii, 614. 634 ; Typology of the, ii, 576 ; Venus represented by, and globe, ii, ^5, 34. 'Cross-breed, Apes a, ii, 273 ; Po.ssibilit}' of a, ii, 299. Cross-breeding, ii. 211, 300. Cross-symbol, Phallic form of the, 1, 342. ■Cross-sj-mbolism, Variations of the, ii, 577- 'Cross-worship of the Jews, ii, 622. Crosses. Italy, in, ii, 571. 'Crotch, W. Duppa, quoted, ii. 826. •Crown, Fohat unites the. i, 62; Kether the, 1, 260, 376, 380, 467, ii, 630, 662 ; Sephira is, i, 236, ii, 42: Sej^liirothal tree, the, i, 2aj. Crowns, Dragon with seven, ii, 509. Crucibles, Living animal, ii, 179. •Crucified. Krishna, ii. 592; Mount Kajbee, of, ii, 47 : Prometheus, ii, 47, 432 ; Titan, ii, 43L 432. Crucifix, Final form of the, ii, 620. Crucifixion, Initiate, of, ii, 591; ]\Ieaning of, ii, 591 ; Metaphorical, ii, 508; Mys- tery of, i, 390, ii, 591 ; Nails, ii, 592 ; Theo- retical use of. ii, 590 ; Three Maries at, i, 413- Cruciform, Couches, ii, 590; Hermes-Mer- cury were, symbols of, ii. 571 ; Lathe, i, 343, ii, 572 ; Noose, ii, 578 ; Symbols, ii, 571 ; Termini, ii, 572. Cruden. quoted, i, 152, 261, 446. Crusaders and the vSwan-s\nibol, i. 382. Crust, Earth, of, i, 281, ii,'9, 263; Planet, of a, i, 608. Crustacea, ii, 62.S, 752. Crustacean, the hard-shelled, ii, 163. Crux, Ansata. the, i, 342, 392. ii. 378. 576, 579; Dissimulata, ii, 620; Materialists, avoided by, ii. 699; Objective and Sub- jective, of the, i, 66i. Crypt, Egyptian, ii, 397 ; Temple, ii. 5.89. Crypts, Archaic, ii. 396; Cis-Himalayan regions, in, ii, 622: Lamasarie.s, of, i', 8; Libraries, in secret, i, 18 ; Mysteries re- corded in subterranean, i, 250; Russian travellers, known to, i, 19. Crystalline, Life, i, 80; ^Mother, abode of the great, ii, 501 ; Waters of primeval wisdom, i. 432. Crystallization, Process of ii. 72: Trans- formation through, ii, 266. Crystals, Evolution of, ii, 736; Origin of, ii, 267; Snow, of, ij, 616, 629. Csoma di Koros on Aryasanga, i. 80. Cte'i's or Yoni, ii, 4.S9. Cube, Atom a. i, 523; Circle, and. ii. 629; Creative plane, on the. ii, 39; Cross and, ii, 572. 592, 636; Fertile number and, ii, 634: First one, the, i, 62; Man a, ii. 39; jNIeanings of i, 394; Nature, in, ii, 629; Perfect, the, i. 46, 367, 476. 485. ii, 4-88, 647; Pythagorean triangle and. i. 676; Second one, the, i. 155; Sevenfold, ii, 662; Six-faced, i. 90; Symbols of, i, 367; Unfolded, the, i, 342, ii, 39, 572, 592, 627, 635, 636. Cubes. Angelic beings, symbolize tlie, ii, 83; Geometry of nature and, i, 61, 124; Sparks called, i, 120. Cubic form of Mercury, ii. 572. Cubic Hermes of F;gypt, ii, 572. Cubical city descending out of the hea- vens, a, ii, 79. Cul)ical structure of Noah, the, Ii, 632. Cubits, Inch the of Egyptian, i, 333- Cudworth, of, ii, 168, 277. Cuelap, Cyclopean ruins at. ii, 7S8. Culluie-God, Sea, conies from tlie, ii, 236; Worslii]) of, ii, 148. On/i y'r\/>/io;/r. ii. 514. Cnmbcrlanil, Bishop, ii. 410. Cumming, Gordon, ii, 459. 74 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Cuneiform, Fragments, ii, 457; Inscrip- tions, ii, 3, 57; Texts, i, 381. Cunningham, General, i, 12. Cup, Golden-winged, ii. 400; Illusion of, i, 394; Retribution of, i. 210. Cup-like markings on stones, ii, 361. Cup-marks are records, ii. 361. Cupid. Kros, and, i, J34, ii, 68, 69, 1S6; Venus mother of, ii, 68, 436. Curbati or fallen angels, i, 353. Curd-like or nebulous, i, 226. Curds, Cosmic matter, and, i, 98: Fohat, of, i. 736; Liiminous es^g spreads in. the, i, 58. 95; Mother, of the, i, 593: Ocean (of Space), in the, i, 124; 0?:aohoo is One, remain and, i, 58, 97: vSea of, ii, 334; Space, in, i, 124, 269; World-stuff or, i, 227. Curdv appearance in sun's envelope, i, 578. Curetes identical with the Kabiri. ii, 376. Currents, Astral light, ii. 78; Fluid, of the fiery, i, 362; Matter, of nebulous, i, 544; Nature, of, ii, 539; Vibrating, ii, 249- Curse, Corru]:ition of physical punty atem- porary, ii, 297; Destiny, means doom or, i, 402; Devil, of belief in a personal, ii, 394; Dragon, of the, ii, no: Earth, of the. i. 401; Fall, after the, ii, 295; Fire of Prometheus turned into a, ii, 430; In- carnation, of, ii, 256; Karma, of, ii, 428; Karmic, ii, 109; Kronos, of, ii, 433; Life, of, ii, 255; Personal being, not pro- nounced by a, i, 215; Philosophical point of view, from a, ii, 428; Physiology, from the standpoint of, ii, 429; Prome- theus, against, ii, 255, 430, 439; Pro- nounced, is, i, 64, 213; Retardation, of, ii, 207; Speech, a, i, 12:; Woman and, ii. 226. Cursed the sun, People who. ii. 805. Curses, Church, ii. 245; Deity, men, a, ii, 585 ; Satan on. ii, 245. Cursing, Satan on, ii, 50T. Curtain, Adytum, of the. ii, 481 ; Egyptian temples, in, i, 150, 500. Curtis, Geo. T.. quoted, ii, 722. Cusa, Cardinal, quoted, ii, 168. 575; Pascal and, ii, 575; Quoted, ii, 168. Cush, Ham, son of, ii, 648; Ximrod, son of, ii, 474. Cushing, F. Hamilton, became a Zufd, ii, 665. Cntha tablets, ii, 55. 58. Cuttle-fish, ii, 309, 459. 460. Cuvier, quoted, i. 532, ii. 215, 216, 289, 753. Cuzco, Fortress of, i, 230. Cybele, Lightningof, i, 361 ; Lunargoddess, 'a, i, 425, 430. Cycle (see also Age, Round, Kalpa, Yuga, etc.), Ananta the, ii, 103; Ascending arc of our, i, 702, ii, 137, 314, 322, 466; Atlantean, ii, 282, 452, 561 ; Beginning of,, i, 209, 468; Calculations of the new, ii, 830; Creation, of, i, 400, ii, 573; Down- ward, ii, 137; Dragon or, ii, 509: Emblem of the Solar, ii, 596; Evolution, of, i, 203, ii, 198; Fauna, and, ii, 59; First and Second Race, between, ii, 184; I'ourth, ii, 697; Fourth Race, ii, 452, 561; France, of, i, 708; Garuda a, i, 454,, ii, 265: Globe, of our, i, 200; Grand, i, 703, ii, 224; Great, i, 278, 702, ii, 596; Horse is a, ii, 417; Human, i, 29S, ii, 710; Incarnations, of, i, 45. 205, 246, 626, ii, 173, 196, 393. 509; Initiation, of, i, 333, ii' 598; K-ali Vuga, of, ii, 4SJ; Karma worked out in every, i, ^41 ; Limar, ii, 814; Mahakalpa, i, 220, 278, ii, 596; Mahavuga or, i, 702: IManu, of a, i, 93; ]Manvantara or, of activity, i, 92, 287, 736; Manvantaric, i, 211, 454, ii. 63, 103, 417; Metempsychosis, of, i, 208; ]\Ioon"s, ii, 828; ]\Iundane, ii, 482; Mystery, of the, ii, 597; Narada reborn in every, ii, 337 ; Xaros, of the, ii, 654, 655; Nations, of, i, 348; Necessity, of, i, 45, 247; New, a, i, 27, 478; Noah's deluge, of, i, 478; Occultists, of, ii, 199; Planets, ii, 828; Primordial, ii, 577; Procreating, i, 206; Ra's phases, of, i, 252; Races, of, i, 348; Racial, i, 450, ii, 290; Round, or, i, 93; Sacredness of, ii, 77; Sar and Saros, or, i, 139; Secret, ii. 652: Sidereal year, of the, i, 712; Solar, ii, 596: Sun's, ii, 828; S}nibolism, of, i, 435; Tidal changes, of, ii, 629; Time, of, ii. 486. 795: Transformations, of. i. 244; Transmigration, of, i, 206; Triple, i, 197: Tropical years, of, ii, 80; Turning-point of the, i, 208; Universe, of our. i, 215; War in heaven, of the, ii,49: Years, of eleven, i, 591; Years, of 25.868, ii, 451. Cycles, Activity, of, ii, 575; Adam, before, ii. 415; Ancients, of. ii, 414; Astrono- mical, i. 707, ii, 51; Babylonians, of, ii, 597; Chronological, ii. 83S: Close of, i, 671; Cronus and, i, 451; Cycles within, ii, 345; C\xlopes, sons of, i, 229; Disease, in. ii, 658; Duration of, ii, 657, 729: Energy of. i. 686: Esoteric, ii, 73; p; volution, of i, 41. 288. ii. 190, 462, 774; P^xoteric, i, 706: Forces, of, i. 600; Generating, ii, 593: Geological, ii, 78; Heaven, in. ii. 481: Historical, ii, 391; History proceeds in. i, 739: Human, ii, 336.653: Ideas, of, i. 41; Incarnations, of ii. 542: Kalpas, or, li. 86; Karmic, i, 698; Kings, of. i, 287: Length of ii, 53; INIahakalpas ajid. 1. 396: Manifested worlds, of. ii, 543: Matter, of, i, 699, ii, 465; Maya, of, ii. 155; INIinor, i, 396, 704: IMosaic Jews, of, i, 719: Motion of,. ii, 614; Mystic astronomy, of, ii, 51; INDEX. 75 Nations, ii, 314, 461 : Obscuration, of, i, 198; Overlapping, ii, 452; Pantlieists', i, 702; Periodic, i, 686, 734; Persona<^es mistaken for, ii, 602; Pesli-Hun rej^ula- tor of, ii, 52; Precession, of, i. 713; Psychic, ii, 158,838; Races, and, ii, 775; Racial, ii, 78; Rebirlh.s, of, ii, 256; Rest of Deity, of, ii, 575; Rounds or, i, 182, ii, 653; vSacred fij^ures of, i, 191; Secret, i, 224, ii, 86: Septenary, i, 288, ii, 659; Series of, i. 201 ; Shesha, in the bosom of, ii. 53; Smaller, i, 278; Sothiac. i. 469; Spiritual, i, 699, ii, 158, 838; Spirituality, of, ii, 465; Subjective world, i, 68; Sub- races, of, ii, 314; Svabhavat and, i. 696; Theojfonic evolution of, i, 421 ; Time, of, ii. 104, 512; Various, i, 118; Vis j^eneratrix goins; to and fro in, i, 602; Week of days, of, ii. 660; Winters mean, ii, 644; Yugas or, ii, 61; Zoologv, of, ii, 774- Cyclic, .Activity, i, 693; ,Eons, i, 449; .Ag- gregations, i. 647; Brahma, character of, i, 471; Calculations, ii, 657, 659; Civilization, ii. 764; Descent, i, 448; Destiu}-, ii, 465; Development, ii, 438; Disease, changes in, i, 202; Divine breath, i, 73; Divisions, ii, 658; Ele- ments, curve of, i, 620; Events, i. 708; Evolution, i, 159, 252, 448, 695. ii, 37, 209. 313, 438, 440, 772; Globes, order of, i, 194; Gyration, i, 582; Impulse, i, 684, ii, 782; Intricacies, ii, 53; Languages, evolution of, ii, 209; Law, i, 45, 317, 450, 684, ii. 78, 166, 312, 763, S24, 830; Matter, activit}' of, i, 693; Meanings, ii, 603; Motion, ii, 84; M3-steries, ii, 433. 658; Nature's acts are. i. 702; Periods, i, 703; Pilgrimage, ii, 108, 466; Powers, i, 310; Pralayas, ii, 697; Precession, ii, 275; Progress, i. 314, ii, 772; Rebirtli.s, ii, 242,244; Reincarnation, ii, 155; Religion, ii, 764; Repetitions, ii, 701; Saviours, ii, 433; Seven, ii, 597; vShiva, character of, i, 471 ; Task, i, 300; Time, ii, 434, 596; Tropical year, ii, 531; Transformations, ii. 433; Vishnu, charncler of, i, 471; Wheels, i, 703; Years, i, 473, 719, ii, 93, 531- Cyclical, Asterisms. progress of ii. 264; .\.strouomy, ii. 345; Cataclysms, ii, 154; History, ii, 345; Law. i, 640: J' in Kosmos, ii. 77; Space, translation in, i. 601 ; Time, i, 707. Cyclones of 1888. ii, 739. Cyclo})ean, Buildings, ii, 331. 620. 813; Easter Island, remains on, i, 342, 352, 473; Eye, ii, 313; Lore, ii, 796; Monu- ments, ii, 360; Peru, erections in, ii, 788; Remnants, i. 473, ii, 307; Ruins, ii. 275. 346. 35^- Statues\ i. 342, 352; Struc- tures, ii, 357. 796; Towns in Pairojje, origin of, i, 230. Cyclopaedia, Chart from a Japanese, ii, 213. Cyclope.s, Apollo and, ii, 813 ; Druids not, ii, 358; Fourth race belonged to the, ii, 307; Hyperborean, ii. 813; Kabiri and, ii. 408; One-eyed, ii, 813; Science igno- rant of, ii, 360; Sons of cycles, the, i, 229; I' and, ii, 813; Wisdom-eye of, ii, 813; Work of, ii, 353. Cyclops, Demi-god, a, ii, 74; Man a, ii, 303; One-eyed, ii, 809; Penseus and, ii, Cygnu.s, Constellation of, i, 652. Cylinders, As.syrian, ii, 236; Babvlonian, ii. 3, 109, 258,' 730. Cyllene, Mercury born on Mount, ii, 571. Cynocephalus the dog-headed ape, i, 417, ii, 203. 692. Cypher, Hieroglyphic, ii, 458; Occult, i, 121. Cypriote R, the. ii, 577. Cyprus, vSargon conquered, ii, 730. Cyril and the cruciform couches, ii, 590. Cyropccdia, cpioted, i. 715. Cyrus the Great, i, 715, ii, 376, 730. Cytoblastema the cell-germinating .sub- -stance, ii, 267. Cyzicans and the Argonauts' stone, ii, 361. Cyzicum, Stone left at, ii, 361. Czolbe repeats the Occultists' savings, ii, 164. Dabar, Word or Logos, i, 374. ii, 42. Dabarim, Ten words of Kabalah, i, 466. Dabistan, referred to, i, 712, 715, ii, 5, 375. Dactyli and the Kabiri. ii. 360, 376. Daedalus, Colossus attributed to, ii, 308. Ditnion. Jupiter, i, 506; Li.ghtning, of, i, 506; Nargal, ii, 224. Dienions, Plato's elementary, i, 619. Daeva, Invocation of the, ii, 544. Daevas. Pivil-doing. ii, 543. Dag, Oannes, the Babylonian, ii, 611 ; Mes- siah, i, 717. Dagon. Babylonian, i. 717; Chaldx-an Xisuthrus, of, ii, 147;, i, 368, ii, 57; Oannes and, i, 423, ii, 147, 200, 520; Saturn, etc., i, 703. Daimon of vSocrates, ii, 437. Dainiones aned at the new. i, IOC: Rebirth of the worMs at, ii. 173, '>42: Svstem (i\ the rebuilding of the, i, 578. Dawns. Seven, n, 322. Dawson. Sir W., on the origin of man, ii, 769- . .' .. , Dav. Age ot humanity, m the, 11, 463; Allan or. ii. 61 : Be With Us. the great, i. 63. 66. 15.S. 15,0, i6r. 286; Body of the, ii, 172; Ivnd of the great, i, 59: Globe, for each, ii, 799; Gods, of the, ii. 656: Great, the, i, 63. 154: Great Breath of the. ii, 6; Kosmos awakes to a new. i. 142: Last, of world, ii, 800: Maya of the, i, 696; Nirv.ana has neither night nor, i. 400; Planets, on. ii, 747; Polar, length of a, 78 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. ii. 305, 817; Pregenetic, i, 428; Seventh, the, ii, 243, 260, 263, 512. Day and Night, Alternation of, i, 45, 443 ; Germs of, ii, 534; Interval between, ii, 63 ; Pair, a, ii, 599 ; Periods marked as, i, 418; Symbol of, ii, 129. Day after Death, The, quoted, ii, 145. Day-Fires, ii, 17, 66. Day of Brahma, Age or, i, 266, 481, ii, 321 ; Duration of a, i, 68, 719; Knd of a, i, 397; Great Breath, or, ii, 6; Kalpa or, ii, 73: Length of a, i, 363, 399, 451; Life- cycle or, i, 252 ; Mahapralaya after a, ii, 155; Maliayuga a, i, 402; Manus in a, fourteen, i, 93, 485; Manvantara or, i, 40, 395 ; ]VIanvantaric dawn, at, i, 73 ; Night and, i, 260 ; Period of a, ii, 72 ; Planet and a, ii, 697 ; Pralava after, i, 603. Day-star, Lucifer the genius of the, li, 526; Sun, the, i, 275. Day-sun, Osiris, the, ii, 613. Dayanand Sarasvati Svanii, i, 14, ii, 72, 224. Dayanisi, Worship of, i, 427. Days, Ancient of, i, 90, 260, 496, ii, 87; Brahma, of, i, 92, 395, 401, ii,'53o; Crea- tion, of, i, 48, ii, 744; Deity, of the, ii, 575; Natural measure of, ii, 569; Plane- tary chain, of the, i, 178; Solar, i, 418; Week, of the, ii, 615. Dazzling face. Great king of the, ii, 445, 446. DBRIM, i, 374, 466, ii, 40, 42, 43. De Aniui. Frocr., quoted, ii, 634. De Aniuia, referred to, i, 142. De Bell Jud., quoted, ii, 118. De Ccclo, referred to, i, 142, 535, ii, 162. De Chateaubriand on the serpent, i, 434. De Cii'itate Dei, referred to, ii, 35. De Ciiltii Eiiypt, i, 388. De Diis Syriis, referred to, i, 424. De Doctd Ignorantid, of Cardinal Cusa, ii, 575- De Fiindamcnto Sapientuc, \, 313. JDe (jeneratione Honiinis, i, 581. De Idol., ii, 504. De hide et Osiride, i, 150, 249, 372. De la Croix Afisee, quotetl, ii, 576. De la Vega, quoted, ii, 353; Rocking stones, on, ii, 360. De jNIaistre, quoted, i, 662. De MejisiliKS, quoted, ii, 572. De Mortillet, referred to, ii, 795. De Motibus PlanetariuDi Hartnonicis, i, 535- De Miiiidi Opif., quoted, i, 438, ii, 637. De Mysteriis, quoted, i, 256. De Placitis Philosophoruui, i, 674, 683, ii," 635- De Quatrefages, The Human Species, by, ii, 792. De Religione Persarum, ii, 379. De Rouge, quoted, i, 429. De Senectnte, quoted, ii, 222. De Soinniis, quoted, ii, 118. De I'entis, quoted, ii, 131. De I 'iribiis Meiiibivruiii, quoted, i, 581. De I'itd Apolloiiii. quoted, i, 434. Dead-letter, Allegory versus, ii, 393; Bible, of the, i, 336, 338, ii, 2, 292, 568; Blinds in the Gnostic gospel, ii, 601; Dogma and, ii, 204; Husk of the, ii, 350; Inter- pretations, ii, 601 : Lingam worshippers, ii, 495; Orientalist, to" the, ii, 470; Or- thodoxv, ii, 598; Puranas, of the, ii, 2)2,2)^ 618; Religions, ii, 394; Sameness of the, ii, 544. Death, Abode after, i, 501 ; Adepts, of, ii, 559; Angel of, ii, 117, 403, 406; Change called, ii, 4S4; Children of, ii, 317; Cross represents, ii, 587; Fire is, i, 146; First Lord of, ii, 497; Foreseeing, ii, 551; Girdle is, ii, 245; Ignorance is, ii, 225; Initiate, of an, ii, 613; Jesus, of, i, 720, ii, 571; Kosmos, of, i, 400; Krishna'.s, ii, 555; Life and, i, 45, 249, 398, 445, ii, 499- 539; Lipika not Deities of, i, 131; IVIaha Pralaya and, ii, 323; Mara or, ii, 613; Mars the Lord of, ii, 410; Moon the Cxoddess of, i, 416; Mysteries of, ii, 471; Nature of, i, 573; Nergas or, ii, 2; Penalty, i, 388; Periods of, i, 178; Per- sonified wisdom and, ii, 381; Phcenix, of the, ii, 653 ; Plane, a change of, i, 557- ii, 539; I'tah, God of, i, 393; Red Sea or, i, 442; Satan free from, i, 220; Septenary law in, ii, 658; Soul after, ii, 381; Stiffering not finished b)-, i, 71; Tree of, ii, 591; Universal life and, ii, 539; Universe, of the, ii, 612; Yama, Cxod of, ii, 48; Yima's kingship and, ii, ^^■ Debir, or Kirjath-sepher, ii, 557. Decad, Combinations of, i, 341 ; Interlaced triangles are, ii, 626; Monad, emerging from the, i, 475; Pythagorean, i, 68, 341, 675, ii, 584, 605; vSeptenary and triad form, i, 259, ii, 616; Ten and, i, 356, ii, 614; Unities and binaries in, i, 259; Universe, contains the, i, 126. Decades, Week of, ii, 659. Decan of Zodiac, ii, 452. Deccan, Weakened races in the, ii, 429. Deceased, Aanroo, in, i. 257; E^gg, in the, i, 3«5. 391- December, Solar gods incarnated in, i, 719. Decharme, referred to, ii, 129, 130, 131, 28 r, 282, 283, 379, 408, 547, 552, 553, 554. Decidua, ii, 705, 706. Decimal notation, i, 386, 387, ii, 40. Decussated, Circle, Plato's, ii, 623; Cross, ii, 5S6, 592- Deep, Aditi the great, ii, 281 ; Chaos or the, i, 269, 331, 359, 737, ii, 148, 154; INDEX. 79 "Cosmic, ^reat, ii, 281; Darkness on the face of, ii, 62, 513; Deniojis of, ii, 401; Dragons of ii, 21, 193; Ea, the God of ii, 147; Gaea the great, ii, 281 ; Great, i, 496, 686, 736, ii, 56, 247, 2S1, 554; Great face of ii, 500; Powers of ii, 401 ; Pra- laya and, i, 686; Primordial waters of i, 108; Ra issuing from, i, 252; Sages come forth from, ii, 520; .Space or, i, 736; Spirit of ii, 109; Thahissa or, ii, 122; Universal matrix or, ii, 68; Virgin Mother or, i, 95; Wisdom, of ii, 5, 56. Deer, Naphtali likened to a, i, 715; Vach changed into a, ii, 436. Definitions of Asclepios, i, 308, 314. Defunct, Book of the Dead, in, ii, 621; Egypt, in, i, 240; Heart of i, 131; Journey of i, 248; Soul or self of i, 247; Sun, ii, 613; Toom prayed to by, i, 737; Transformations of every, i, 247; Wicks, of the, i, 257. Degrees, Adeptship, of ii, 650; Con- sciousness, of i, 295; Devas,