^3i WA ml ?i^ jfSf^. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Commodore Byron McCandless ■ft.". f .« -^ '^i'>k ■^ • &!la^M'^##Mf&' SedVENiR ® ® I9tl) of April Y5- S0(JVENlR &. &, I9tf) of April, Y^. FLAG Tffi AINUTn AGN APRIL 19, 1775. its (OviQin and Histovy. By ABRAM ENGLISH BROWN, AUTHOR OF THE HISTORY OF BEDFORD. GLIMPSES OF OLD NEW ENGLAND LIFE, ETC. Pl'BLISHED BY BEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, APRIL IV, 1894. C'ojii/riylitcd i.] /~\X the I'JtIi of April, 177;"), a day to be remenil)eretl by all Americans of the present generation, and which ought, and doubtless will be, handed down to ages yet unborn, in which the troops of Britain, un- provoked, shed the blood of sundry loyal American subjects of the British King on the field of Lexington. . . . The detachment, seeming to thirst for hlood, wantonly rushed on and first began the hostile scene by firing on this small party, in which they killed eight men on the spot and wounded several others, before any guns were fired upon the troops by our men. . . . Colonel Smith Avith the detachment then proceeded to Concord where a part of the detachment again made the first fire upon some of the inhabi- tants of Concord and the adjacent towns, who Avere collected at a bridge upon this just alarm, and killed two of them and wounded several others before any of the Provincials there had done one hostile act. Then the Provincials (aroused with zeal for the Liberties of their country, finding life and everything dear and valuable at stake) assumed their native valor and returned the fire, and the engagement on both sides began. Soon after which the British troops retreated towards Charlestown (having first committed violence and waste on public and private property). . . . The engagement lasted through the day, many were killed and wounded on each side. "We never saw anything equal to the intrepidity of the Xew England minute men.'" — Lord Percy. "They fought like bears, and I would as soon storm hell as fight them again." — British Soldier. " They poured out their generous blood like water before they knew whether it would fertilize the land of freedom or of bondage." — U'tlMcr. / /'// '// HI' f III, III I J' he Immovtal i^cvoU. APRIL 19, '75. MENOTOMY. LEXINGTON. Nathaniel W y m a n . Jonas Parker. Robert Monroe. Samuel Hadley. Jonathan Harrington. Isaac Muzzy. Caleb Harrington. John Brown. Jedediah Monroe John Raymond. ACTON. Capt. Isaac Davis. Abner Hosmer. James Hayward. BEDFORD. Capt. Jonathan Wilson. WOBURN. Daniel Thompson. Asahel Porter. Jason Russell. Jabez Wyman. Jason Winship. SUDBURY. Josiah Haynes. Asahel Reed. DANVERS. Henry Jacobs. Samuel Cook. Ebenezer Goldthwait. George Southwick. Benjamin Daland. Jotham Webb. Perley Putnam. LYNN. Abednego Ramsdell. William Flint. Thomas Hadley. Daniel Townsend. vmmm\\w\\m\\\m\\m\\m\m ■I.I /////v////////, /"0//I /'■"''" BEVERLEY. Reuben Kennison. SALEM. Benjamin Peirce. CAMBRIDGE. Moses Richardson. John Hicks. William Marcy. NEEDHAM. Lieut. John Bacon. Sergt. Elisha Mills. Amos Mills. Nath'l Chamberlain. Jonathan Parker. DEDHAM. Elias Haven. MEDFORD. Henry Putnam William Polly. BROOKLINE Isaac Gardner. CHARLESTOWN. James Miller. Edward Barber. WATERTOWN. Joseph Coolidge. ^Mmmms:m\m\mmmmKAK ■ AY W//////////// uiiivcisiiy ui v^aiiiuiiiia SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. [,^,L^A CR Brovm - „ _ 114 Flag of the '''^^ M3B8 minute men / ^ ^ 'm^y.. ■ ^'i- -;<,i?>^ ^, ^,/, ^^ y ^''^v'y/ ' ^^^^^^^