Y^ H w i:. LIBRARY OF C0NGT7t^^«S SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION COMPILED UNDER THB DIRECTION OF HERIMANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOQRAPHBB vVffi5y5^(i(f^pB8. r^ -J/ ' :;> •V^.i^fW WJx^v^ > J" r"'i ^ r "SJ" A^ ii^ ^--kl* T kC^ LIBRARY OF COI^GRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY AND WORKMEN^S COMPENSATION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HER^IANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOCR.VPHER SOUTHERN BRANCH, liMIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LDS ANGELES, CALIF. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 > 5 1 t ' ' ; ' J ' > ' ' 1 1 2 8 7 3 L. C. card. 11-35011 >•• •••• • • • • • »•• • •• »•••••• •••• • •* •••••• ••. • • • • • < • ••••••• ••••• •••#• • U I (A Q .i^^a^ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page, Prefatory note v-vi Addenda ■ vii-ix Bibliography ^»-7 General 8-28 List of current periodicals l-'!)-31 United States: Books 32-78 Articles in periodicals 79-95 Austria !>()-100 Hungary 101 Belgium 102-104 France 105-116 Germany 117-137 Great Britain 138-150 British colonies — Australia 151-153 Canada 153-156 New Zealand 150-157 South Africa 157 Greece 157 Italy 158-161 Japan 161 Luxemburg 161-162 Mexico 162 Netheriands 1()2-164 Rumania 164 Russia 164-166 Finland 166 Scandinavian countries: General 167 Denmark 167-168 Norway 108-169 Sweden 170-171 Servia 172 Spain 172-174 Switzerland 174-177 Author index 179-190 Subject index -. 191-196 III PREFATORY NOTE In 1906 the Library of Congress published a "Select list of works relating to employers' liability/' and in 1908 a " Select list of references on workingmen's insurance." In the time which has elapsed since the earlier date, the literature of employers' liabilitj^ and workmen's compensation has grown to very large proportions. The present list is based on this recent literature, but such titles as are still pertinent have been drawn from the 1906 list, and a few which dealt with workmen's insurance against accidents have been taken from the 1908 list. The recent agitation in the United States has been confined prac- tically to the compensation of workmen for injuries received in industrial accidents and the liability of employers for the same. The list so far as it covers the United States, therefore, has been restricted within the same limits. These restrictions could not be observed in dealing with the literature relating to foreign countries. There the subject was frequently found to be so interwoven with other forms of social insurance — such as insurance against unemploy- ment, sickness, and old age — that the scope of the sections devoted to foreign countries had to be sensibly widened. Advantage has been taken of this fact, to bring out in the subject index such other forms of social insurance as were perforce included in the list. The hst makes no pretensions to completeness, even for the United States. A very large number of pamplilets were received at the Library, but only a small part could be included in the list; the re- mainder have been kept together in the Division of Documents. A special collection of manuscript decisions, rules and orders of liability and compensation boards, blank forms for filmg claims and maldng reports of accidents, is also on deposit in the Division of Documents and may be consulted on application. The laws relating to compensation for industrial accidents in for- eign countries will be found in the two volumes of the Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, wliich have just been published. For the text of the most recent laws see the " Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor" and "Annuaire du legislation du travail." The list has profited by many valuable suggestions made by Dr. H. J. Harris, formerly of the United States Bureau of Labor, and now VI PREFATORY NOTE Chief of the Division of Documents in the Library of Con<^ress. Dr. Harris's recent investigations at the Bureau of Labor were largely within the field covered by the hst, and his expert knowledge was placed at our disposal without reservation. The list has also had the advantage of the hearty cooperation of Miss M. A. Matthews, Librarian of the United States Bureau of Labor, who rendered most valuable assistance in suggesting sources of information, which at the time were not in the Library^ of Congress. H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Lihrarian of Congress Washington, D. C, December 30, 1911 ADDENDA (Received too late for insertion in llie body of the list.] Germany. Laws, statutes, etc. Versicheningsgesetz fiir Ango- stellte. Vom 20. Dezember 1911. {In Germany. Laws, statutes, etc. Reichs-Gesetzblatt, 1911. Berlin, 1911. 4°. no. 68, p. 989-1061.) A translation, by Dr. II. J. IlaiTis, will be published during 1912 in the Bulletin of the United States Bureau of labor. Massachusetts. Supreme judicial court. [Opinion on the consti- tutionality of workingmen's compensation bill. (Ilouse bill, no. 2154.) July 24, 1911.] Northeastern reporter, Nov. 21, 1911, v. 96: 308 ff. Montana. Supreme court. Cunningham, State auditor, v. North- western improvement co. (Supreme court of Montana. Nov. 21, 1911.) Pacific reporter, Jan. 15, 1912, v. 119: 55 4-566. Decision on the constitutionality of the Coal miners' insm-ance act of 1909. New York (State). Court of appeals. Earl Ives, respondent, v. The South Buffalo railway company, appellant. Constitu- tional law — labor law — provision relating to "workmen's compensation in certain dangerous employments" (L. 1910, ch. 674) void under federal and state constitu- tions — legislation under police power of state, constitu- tional limitations and restrictions thereon. {In its Reports of cases decided. Albany, 1911. 8°. p. 201-320.) Decision rendered, Mar. 1911. Ohio. Supreme court. [A decision on the constitutionality of the workmen's insurance law was rendered by the Supreme court, Jan. 16, 1912, but the text of the decision was not received at the time this list of addenda went to press.] U. S. Employers' liability and workmen's compensation commission. Hearings before the . . . Commission. . . Pt. 4. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1Q12. (2), 1115-1560, p. 8°. Paged continuously with pts. 1-3. Hearings Dec. 14-20, 1911. "Statistical appendix [accidents to railway employees in United States]" :" p. 1475-1560. vii VII] ADDENDA U. S. Employers' liability and workmen's compensation commission. lie port. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1912. 120 p. S°. George Sutherland, chairman. Memorandum showing the law and conditions in the United States, Germany and England (prepared by Mr. Packer, secretary of the commission): p. 70-100. "Proposed bill": p. 101-120. Supreme court. Edgar G. Mondou, plaintiff in eiTor, vs. New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad co. In error to the Su})reme court of errors of the state of Con- necticut. Northern Pacific railway co., plaintiff in error, vs. Bessie Babcock, administratrix. In error to the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Minnesota. New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad CO., plaintiff in error, vs. Mary Agnes Walsh, administra- trix; and Mary Agnes Walsh, administratrix, plaintiff in error, vs. New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad co. In eiTor to the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Massachusetts. < January 15, 1912. > [Washington: Govt, print, of., 1912.] I4 p. 8°. Supreme court of the United States, nos. 120, 170, 289, and 290— October term, 1911. Decision affirming the constitutionality of the federal Employers' liability act of Apr. 22, 1908, and amendment of Apr. 5, 1910. Washington (State). Supreme court. State of Washington ex rel. Davis-Smith co., plaintiff, v. C. W. Clausen, as State auditor of the state of Wasliington, defendant. Decision of the court on the constitutionality of the Industrial insurance law of 1911. Pacific reporter, Oct. 30, 1911, v. 117: 1101 ff. West Virginia. Employers' liahility and laborers'^ compensation commfiission. Preliminary report of the secretary. [ Morgantown U911.] 7 p^ .V°. P. B. RejTDolds, secretary. Accompanying circular dated Dec. 2, 1911. Wisconsin. Legislature. Special committee on industrial insurance. Official report of testimony and proceedings [Oct. 4, 1909- Dec. 29, 1910]. [Madison, 1911.] 5 v. 4°. A. W. Sanborn, chairman. Typewritten sheets. ADDENDA IX Wisconsin. Supreme court. Borgnis et al. v. Falk co. (Supreme court of Wisconsin. Nov. 14, 1911. Concurring opinions, Nov. 16 and 22, 1911.) Northwestern reporter, Dec. 15, 1911, v. 133: 209-227. Decision on the constitutionality of the Workmen's compensation act of 1911. SELECT LIST OE REEERENCES ON EMPLOYERS' LIA- BILITY AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Bibliographie der Arbeiterfrage fiir das Jahr 1901-1909. Nach Materien geordnet. Beiheft zum ''Arbeiterfreund," Organ des Central- Vereins fiir das Wolil der arbeitenden Klassen. Berlin: L. Simion, 1902-10. 9 v. 8°. Compiler: 1901-1909: Peter Schmidt. Section 5: Arbeiterversicherung — Haftpflicht — Unfallverhiitung uiid Unfallstatistik — Berufskrankheiten. 5—19082 Additions Z7164.L1B5 la Bibliographie der Sozialwissenschaften. Bibliographie des sci- ences sociales. Bibliography of social science . . . Hrsg. von Dr. Hermann Beck im Aiiftrage des Internationalen Instituts fuer Sozial-Bibliographie in Berlin, l.-date. Jahrg., 1905-date. [Dresden: 0. V. Bohmert, 1906-date.] Monthly. Z7163.K85 [Jahrbuch], 190(5-1908. [Dresden: 0. V. Bohmert, 1907-09.] 3 v. 8°. See section viii. 4: Sozialversicherung, insonderheit Arbeiterver- sicherung. S— 21322* Additions Z7163.K852 lb Boos-Jegher, Ediiard. Industrie et metiers. 1. cahier. Legis- lation generale, y compris la protection des ouvriers. Berne: K. J. Wyss, 1904. x, 343 p. 8°. (Bibliographie nationale suisse, fasc. V 9f.) "Haftpflicht aus Fabrikbetrieb und Unfiille": p. 216-232; "Un- fallversicherung": p. 236-255. 5—9348 Z2771.B58 fasc.V9f Ic Bouyer, Joseph. De revolution de la responsabilite civile en matiere d' accidents du travail. Paris: L. Boyer, 1902. xxiii, 222 p. 8°. These — Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographie": p. v-xii. 4-5178 HD7814.B7 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 2 Charmont, Pierre. Lois d'assurances sociales et ouvrieres alle- inandes (Maladie. — Vieillesse. — Invalidite. — Accidents) et etablissements therapeutiques crees par les caisses d'assurances en AUemagne. Preface de S. E. le D"" Bodiker . . . introduction de M. J. Charmont. Lyon, {€tc?[: A. Storck & &^, 1903. (4), x, 226, {2) p. 8°. "Bibliographie": p. 221-223. 5-17262 HD7198.C4 3 Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Comite permanent. Bibliographie generale relative a la question des accidents du travail. Its Bulletin, 1890, v. 1: 170-177. HD7090.C6,v.l 4 Daguin, Arthur. Repertoire bibliographique sur la legislation relative aux accidents du travail. (Juin 1904). Paris, [etc.]: Berger-Levrault & c*'^, 1904. '^^ V- ^°- {France. Direction de V assurance et de la prevoyance sociales. Recueil* de documents sur les accidents du travail . . . no. 15.) 5-41892 HD7173.A3, no.l5 4a 2. 6d. Octobre 1906. Paris, [etc.]: Berger-Levrault & c'^, 1906. 93 p. 8°. {France. Direction de V assurance et de la prevoyance sociales. Recueil de documents sur les accidents du tra- vail . . . no. 15.) 5 Delcourt, Rene. Les resultats de I'assurance contre les acci- dents du travail, etude de droit compare. Paris: A.Rousseau, 1905. {8), 392 p. Tables. 4°. "Bibliographie": p. 375-384. 6-3613 HD7101.D3 6 Foerster, Robert F. Social insurance. (In Harvard university. A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects. Cambridge, Mass., 1910. 8°. p. 203-209.) Contents. — I. General. — II. Industrial accidents and disease. — III. Invalidity and old age. Z7164.S66H3 6a Frankenstein, Kuno. Bibliographie des Arbeiterversicherungs- wesens im Deutschen Reiche. Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1895. vi, 42 p. 8°. Appeared first in Zeitschrift fiir Litteratur uiid Geschichte der Staatswissenschaften, 1895; additions Jan. -Apr. 1895 are included in the separate (p. 40-42) 5-9351* Cancel Z7164.L1F8 employers' liability: bibliography 5 7 Ganger', E. Essai de biblioo;rapliie : securite des ateliers et accidents du travail. Corbeil (S. d)-0.): £". Crete iriipr. fypographique, [1899]^ 184 V- ^^°- "Assurances centre les accidents du travail": p. 115-166; "Respon- sabilit6 du patron": p. 166-179; "Assurance obligatoire": p. 179-184. 10-22149 Z7164.L1G3 8 Henderson, Charles Riclimond. Industrial insurance in the United States. Chicago: The University of Chicago press; [etc., etc.], 1909. via, 429 p. Tables. 8°. Bibliography: p. 323-326. 9-3310 HD7125.H5 9 Indiana. State library. Legislative reference dept. Select bib- Uograpliy on employers' liabiHty. (In State bar association of Indiana. Employers' liability. Indi- anapolis, 1911. 8°. p. 29-33.) 10 Journal of political economy. Bibliography of economics for 1909; a cumulation of bibliography appearing in the Journal of pohtical economy from February, 1909 to January, 1910, inclusive; ed. by the Faculty of the Department of pohtical economy of the University of Cliicago. Chicago, III.: The University of Chicago press, ["1910]. xiii, 282 p. 8\ "Social insurance": p. 225-232; "Accident insurance": p. 227-229; "Employers' liability and workingmen's compensation": p. 230-231. 10-19193 Z7163.J86 1 1 Lescohier, Don Divance. Industrial accidents and employers' liability in ^linnesota. Part ii of the TweKth biennial report of the Bureau of labor, industries and commerce of the state of Minnesota, 1909-10. [Minneapolis? 1910.] (4), 125-324 p. 8°. Bibliography on industrial accidents, employers' liability and work- men's compensation: p. 320-322. 11-18298 HD7816.U7M6 1910 12 Losseau, Leon. De la reparation des accidents de travail (responsabihte, garantie, assurance). Bibliograpliie des travaux en langue fran^aise. Bruxelles: Alliance typographique, 1897. 376 p. 8°. l-F-2509 Z7164.A17L8 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 13 McKitrick, Reuben. Accident insurance for workingmen. Proparcd with the co-operation of the PoHtical science de- partment of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin library commission, Legislative reference department, 1909. 70 p. 12°. ( Wisconsin library commission. Legislative reference department. Cornpara- tive legislation bulletin, no. 20.) "References": p. 5-9. 9-29262 HD7101.M2 14 Manes, Alfred. Die Ilaftpflichtversicherung. Ihre Geschichte, wirstschaftliche Bedeutung und Tcchnik, insbcsondere in Deutschland. Leipzig: C. L. HirscJifeld, 1902. viii, 272 p. 8°. "Alphabetisches Literaturverzeichnis": p. 268-272. 3-26103 HG9964.E63M2 15 Massachusetts. Bureau of labor statistics. Workmen's com- pensation acts. Its Labor bulletin, Oct. 1907, v. 12, no. 53: 153-156. Contents. — British statistics for 1906. — The new British act in common parlance. — Bibliography of workmen's compensation acts: a list of sources where either the EnglLsh or French text of all workmen's compensation acts, excepting those of Great Britain, can be found fp. 154-156.) HC107.M4A3,v.l2,no.53 16 Mavor, James. Report on workmen's compensation for injuries. Toronto: Warwicl: bros. <& Butter, printers, 1900. If! p. 8°. Printed by order of the Legislative assembly of Ontario. "Bibliography of workmen's compensation for injuries, Great Britain": p. 27-28. 9-13168 HD7814.M3 17 Miaskowski, A. von. Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Arbeit- erversicherungswesens in Deutschland. JalirbiicTier filr Nationalbkonomie und StatistiJc, v. 38: 474-496. HB5.J3,v.38 17a Miihlbrecht, Otto. Wegweiser durch die neuere Litteratur der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. 2. umgearb. und verm. Aufl. Berlin: PuttJcammer & MiihlbrecJit, 1893. {4), iH-xxviii, 764 p. 8°. Band 11. enthaltend die Litteratur der Jahre 1893- 1900 nebst Nachtragen und Erganzungen zu Band i (die Litteratur bis 1892). Berlin: Puttlcammer cfc MuhlbrecJit, 1901. xvi, 651 p. 8°. See section xviii, under Haftpflicht, Arbeiterversicherung, etc. 1-15506 Z7161.M96 employers' liability: bibliography 7 18 Spain. Instituto de reformas sociales. Proyecto do rcforma de la ley do accidcntos del trabajo de 30 de enero do 1900. Madrid: Impr. de la sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Rios, 1908. (8), 758 p. 8°. "Bibliograffa": p. 723-741. 8-36186 HD7816.S7A5 1908 18a Stammhaminer, Josef. Bibliographie der Social-Politik. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. iv, 648 p. 4°. Cover dated 1897. See index under Arbeiterversicherung, Haftpflicht der Unter- nehmer, Unfallveraicherung, etc. 1-6030 Z7164.S66S7 19 Tarbouriech, Ernest. La responsabilit6 des accidents dont les oiivriers sont victimes dans leur travail. Ilistoire, juris- prudence et doctrine, bibliographie, travaux parlemen- taires jusqu'a la date du 24 mars 1896. Paris: V.Giard& E. Briere, 1896. xv,516p. 8°. {Biblio- theque du College lihre des sciences sociales.) "Bibliographie": p. 459-471. 10-15472 HD7816.F8T3 20 U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. (Annual re- port of the Commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909.) Bibliography at end of each section. 11-12159/3 HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.TJ6 21 Library of Congress. Division of bibliography. Select list of works relating to employers liability. Comp. under the direction of Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1906. 25 p. 4°- Incorporated in the present list. 6-35013 Z881.U5 1906 22 Virginia. State library. Legislative reference lists, 1912. Richmond: Richmond press, inc., printers, 1911. 70 p. 8°. "Workmen's compensation and employers' liability": p. 58-70. 23 Willoughby, William Franklin. Workingmen's insurance. New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell cfc company, [1898]. (2), xii, 386 p. 12°. (Library of economics and politics, ed. by R. T. Ely, [no. I4].) "Bibliographical note": p. 379-386. 2-19686/2 HD7091.W4 GENERAL 24 American academy of political and social science, PTiila- delphia. Risks in modern industry. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science, 1911. Hi, (3), 317 p. S°. (The Annals, v. xxxviii, no. 1.) Contents. — pt. i. Industrial insurance and retiring allowances: Civil service pensions, by F. MacVeagh; Retirement systems for municipal employes, by F. S. Baldwin; Casualty insurance com- panies and employers' liability legislation, by E. W. De Leon; Some features of obligatory industrial insurance, by J. H. Boyd; Workingmen's compensation in the brewing industry, by L. B. Schram; Results of voluntary relief plan of United States steel corporation, by R. C. Boiling; Disability and death compensation for railroad employes, by D. L. Cease; Discussion. — pt. ii. Indus- trial accidents and their prevention: Prevention of industrial acci- dents, by C. Nagel; Inadequacy of present laws concerning acci- dents, by J. H. Hammond; Burden of industrial accidents, by J. Mitchell; Injustice of the present system, by J. B. Reynolds; Necessity for social insurance, by J. G. Brooks; Red cross measm-es for the prevention of disasters, by Mabel T. Boardman; Our lack of statistics, by Mrs. Florence Kelley; The three essentials for accident prevention, by C. Eastman; The necessity for safety devices, by J. C. Delaney; Government measures to increase mine safety, by J. A. Holmes. — pt. iii. Legal and constitutional ques- tions involved in employers' liability and workmen's compensa- tion: Law and social progress, by S. M. Lindsay; Constitutional problem of workmen's compensation, by W. D. Lewis; Present status of workmen's compensation laws, by W. G. Smith; Legal aspects of employers' liability laws, by J. M. Wainwright; A com- pensation law and private justice, by P. T. Sherman; An argu- ment against liability, by W. S. Nichols. — pt. iv. Legislation concerning employers' liability and workmen's compensation: Conditions of progress in employers' liability legislation, by C. P. Neill; The system best adapted to the United States, by M. M. Dawson; Points to be considered in workmen's compensation leg- islation, by L. Packer; Principles of sound employers' liability legislation, by F. C. Schwedtman; Progress in legislation concern- ing industrial accidents, by G. W. Anderson; New Jersey employ- ers' liability and workmen's compensation laws, by W. B. Dick- son; The New Jersey employers' liability act, by W. E. Edge; Recent New York legislation upon workmen's compensation, by J. P. Cotton, jr.; Workmen's compensation and the industries of Massachusetts, by J. A. Lowell: Attitude of foreign countries toward liability and compensation, by L. K. Frankel; Recent progress in Eiu-opean countries in workmen's compensation, by H. J. Harris; Enterprise liability for industrial injuries, by C. H. Swan; Discussion. 11-19001 Hl.A4,v.38,no.l HD7101.A5 S EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 9 « 24a Annuaire dc hi 16i2;islatioii du travail, publie par rOfTice du travail dc Bclgiquo. 1 .-14. aiinee; 1897-1910. Bruxelles, 1898-1911. IJ^v. 8°. See iudexes under Accidents, Assurance-accidents, etc. 7-42246 HD7806.A5 25 Artibal, Jean. L' assurance ouvriere a I'etranger. Paris: Societe d'editions scientijlques, 1901. Ill, iii, (1) p. 8°. Contents. — 1. ptie. Assurance ouvrifere en Allemagne. — 2. ptie. L'assurance ouvriere en Angleterre, Autrirhe, Belgiquo, Dane- mark, Hongrie, Italic, Norvfege, Russie, Sufede, Suisse. — 3. ptie. Assiurance centre le chomage. 2-17671 HD7091.A7 26 Aumatell Tusquets, Francisco. Los accidentes del trabajo; estudio de la ley de 30 enero 1900 y de sus disposiciones complementarias, seguido de un sucinto examen com- parative de la legislacion extranjera. Contiene ademas el texto de todos los reales decretos y reales ordenes espanolas sobre tan importante materia, de las leyes y reglamentos franceses, de las leyes inglesa, italiana, y parte necesaria de la alemana, todas ellas de reciente promulgacion. Barcelona: Lihreriade Penella y Bosch, 1903. 3-298 p. 8°. 4-8554 ' HD7816.S7A9 27 Australia. Bureau of census and statistics. Social insurance. Report by the commonwealth statistician, G. H. Kjiibbs ... to the Honorable F. G. Tudor, m. p., Minister of state for trade and customs. September, 1910. Melbourne: J. Kemp, government printer, [1910]. 108 p. 8°. Bibliography: p. 95. Contents. — I. The development of social insurance in Europe. — II. Social insurance in Germany. — III. Social insurance in Aus- tria. — IV. Social insurance in Hungary. — V. Social insurance in Italy. — VI. Social insurance in Finland. — VII. Social insurance in Holland. — VIII. Social insurance in the Scandinavian states. — IX. — Social insurance in France. — X. The problem of insurance against unemployment. — XI. The policy of social insurance in Australia. 10-32901 HD7091.A8 28 Baumgarten, F. A comparative view of the laws relating to workmen's compensation. {In International law association. Report, 1908. London, 1909. 8°. p. 501-511.) JX24.I5 1908 29 Workmen's compensation. (In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 8°. p. 182-185.) JX24.I5 1910 18984°— 11— —2 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ' 30 * Bellamy-Brown, Jacque.^. La protection internationale des travailleurs et.les accidents du travail. Paris: V. Girard cO E. Bnere, 1909. 348 p. 4°. These — Univ. do Paris. "Bibliographie": p. 341-343. oOa Bellom, Maurice. L'assurance ouvriere a Tetranger. Congres inter nationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1902, v. 13: 387-419. Address delivered Mar. 23, 1902 at the Conservatoire national des arts et metiers. HD7090.C6,v.l3 31 Les lois d'assiirance ouvriere a I'etranger. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1892-1909. 4 v. in 10. Tables. 4°. Contents. — I. Assurance contre la maladie. 1892. 1 v. — II. Assurance contre les accidents. 1895-1904. 6 v. — III. Assurance contre I'invalidite. 1905-06. 2 v.^ — IV. Supplement general. 1909. 1 V. 3-32021 32 Le service medical dans l'assurance ouvriere. Journal des economistes, Mar. 15, 1909, 6th ser., v. 21: 332-342. HB3.J8,6th8er.,v.21 33 Berghoflf-Ising, F. Die Arbeiterversicherung in den europai- schen Staaten. Jahrhuch filr Gesetzgehung , Verwaltung und VoTkswirt- scliaft, 1897, V. 21: 613-618. H5.J2,v.2l 34 Blount, W. A. The past, present, and future status of em- ployers and employees. {In Alabama state bar association. Proceedings, 1911. Mont- gomery, 1911. 8°. p. 185-203.) A discussion of the subject of employers' liability. 35 *Bodiker, Tonio Wilhelm Tjaurenz Karl Maria. Die Arbeiter- versicherung in den europaischen Staaten. Leipzig: Duncker cfc IJumblot, 1895. viii, 352 p. 8°. 36 Die Unfall-Gesetzgebung der europaischen Staaten. Leipzig: Dunclcer d' IIumMot, 1884- vi, 172 p. 8°. (Staats- und socialunssenschaftliche Forschungen. Bd. 5. Hft. 2.) l-G-1356 HB41.S47,v.5 36a Boissard, Arthur. La realisation de I'^galite entre nationaux et etrangers au point de vue de I'mdemnisation des accidents du travail, par voie de convention internationale. Rap- port presente &, I'Association internationale pour la pro- tection legale des travailleurs. Paris: F. Alcan, 1908. 10 p. 12°. employers' liability and workmen's compensation 11 37 Borght, Richard van tier. Arbeiterversicherung. (In Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1. p. 783-795.) "Literatur"': p. 794-795. H45.H22,v.l 38 Grundziige der Sozialpolitik. Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1904. ^^h 566 p. 8°. {Iland- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften ... hegriindet von K. Frankenstein, fortgesetzt von M. von Jleckel. 1. AM.: VolkswirtscJiaftslehre. xv. Bd.) "Bibliograpliie, bearb. von Dr. P. Lippert": p. 520-566. "Die obligatorische Unfallversicherung": p. 349-368. 5-1592 HD6955.B7 39 Bouvier, Emile. L'evolution de I'idee de responsabilite, deux livres recents. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, 1898, n. s., V.27: 176-185. Review of the following books: "La responsabilite des accidents," by E. Tarbouriech, Paris, 1896, and "La responsabilite du fait dea chosesinanimees," by Louis Josserand, Paris, 1897. 40 Bouyer, Joseph. De revolution de la responsabilite civile en matiere d' accidents du travail. Paris: L. Boyer, 1902. xxiii, 222 p. 8°. These — Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographie": p. v-xii. 4-5178 HD7814.B7 41 Brabrook, Sir Edward. Social insurances. Boyal statistical society. Journal, Dec. 1908, v. 71: 601-609. Discussion: p. 612-618. HAl.E8,v.71 Reprinted in Charity organisation review, Apr. 1909, n. s., v. 25: 207-217. HVl.C6,n.s.,v.25 42 Bramer, Hermann and Karl Bramer. Das Versicheningswesen. Leipzig: G. L. Hirsclifeld, 189^. xii, 4^3 p. 4°- {Haml- und Lehrhuclh der Staatswissenschaften . . . 1. Aht.: Volks- wirtscJiaftslehre. 17. Bd.) "Bibliographie," [von P. Lippert]: p. 377-413. "Unfallversicherung": p. 214-230. l-G-562 HG8051.B8 43 Campbell, Gilbert Lewis. Industrial accidents and their com- pensation. Boston and Xew York: Houghton Mifflin company, 1911. xii, (2), 105, (1) p. Tables. 8°. {Hart, Schaffner d- Marx prize essays, vii.) 11-1172 HD7101.C2 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 44 Cazajeux, J. Le Congres do Berne sur les accidents dii travail. lu'Jonne sociale, Dec. 1, 1891, v. 22: SoS-SGJf.. H3.R3,v.22 4") Chesney, Fernand. Patrons et ouvriers. — Responsabilite quant aux accidents dii travail. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, May, 1893, n.s.,v. 22: 295-315. 4G Cheysson, Eniile. L'assurance des ouvriers contre les accidents. Journal des economistes, Mar. 1888, v. 4?': 4^7-440. HB3.J8,v.47 47 Le Congres international des accidents a Milan et la garantie obligatoire de Tindcmnite. Revue politique et parlementaire, 1895, v. 3: 248-264- H3.R4,v.3 48 La statistique internationale des accidents du travail. {In Congrfes internationaux des assurances eociales. 7th, Vienna, 1905. [Rai^ports et proc^s-verbaux]. Vienna, 1906. 4°. v. 2, p. 199-216.) HD7090.C7 1905,v.2 40 Clark, Lindley D. Employers' liability. {In Bliss, William D. P., ed. New encyclopedia of social reform. New York, 1908. 4°. p. 445-447.) "References": p. 447. Summary of state and federal laws relating to employers' liability, revised to 1904: p. 447-448. H41.B62 50 Clay, Walter Gorst. The law of employers' liability and insur- ance against accidents. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, 1897, v. 2: 1-111. Contents. — Introduction; The United Kingdom; The British colonies; The United States; Germany; Austria; Norway; Switzer- land; Finland; Russia; Hungary; France; Belgium; Italy; Holland; Denmark; Sweden; Spain; Portugal; Bibliography. JA29.S7,v.2 51 Clum, jVlfred. An unexpected burden: or, who will pay the doctor? OUo law reporter, July 18, 1910, v. 8: 172-183. h'Z Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. 1st, Paris, 1889. llapi)orts et comptes rendus des seances. Paris, [etc.]: Baudry et c'', 1889-90. 2 v. Tables. Dia- grams. 4°- Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc.: — 1. 1: Etat de la question des accidents du travail en France et h. I'etranger, par Nuina Droz: p. 9-42; Definition des accidents du travail dans les divers pays, par H. Marestaing: p. 115-130; Statistique des accidents du travail (chemins de fer, mines, carrieres, apparcils a vapeur). Elements du prix de revient de employees' liability and workmen s compensation 13 I'assurance centre les accidents. Classement des risques, par Octave Keller: p. 137-193; La definition statistique des accidents et le recensement des professions, par Emile Cheysson: p. 195-204; La responsabilite des accidents du travail et le risque profes- sionnel, par Charles Dejace: p. 357^26; De I'intervention des tribunaux pour la fixation des indemnit6s en cas d'accidents du travail. Beneficiaires de I'indeninite suivant I'^tat civil des victimes, par Ren6 Jourdain: p. 427-440; Physiologic expori- mentale de I'assurance obligatoire et d'etat et de I'assurance libre et facultative, par Luigi Luzzatti: p. 441^49; Organisation de I'assurance centre les accidents, par Emile Cheysson: p. 451- 477; Examen des mesiu'es financi^res a prendre pour garantir efiicacement le service des pensions (Constitution de capitaux de reserve ou repartition annuelle des charges), par E. Beziat d' Audibert: p. 479-503; Differences a apporter dans I'organisation de Fassiu^nce suivant que les incapacity sont de coiu"te ou de longue duree, par Constant Bodenheimer: p. 505-514. — t. 2: Note de M. Baetzmann, sur les principes et regies des legislations scan- dinaves en ce qui conceme la responsabilite des accidents du travail: p. 27-31; Observations de M. Ichon sur les resultats de I'application aux mines de la loi d'assm^nce centre les accidents en Allemagne: p. 127-134; Le risque professiennel et le reglement des sinistres, par J. B. Gauthier: p. 266-271; L'assurance obligatoire eu facultative, par Luigi Luzzatti: p. 289-297; Centre I'assurance obligatoire, par M. Ricard: p. 309-315. 7-1804 Additions HD7090.C7 1889 53 Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. 2d, Bern, 1891. Rapports et proces-verbaux. Publies parlessoins du Comite suisse d' organisation. Berne: Impr. K. Stsempjli & c*^, 1891. xxiii, 797, 55 p. Tables. Plates. i°. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc.: — Aper(;u sur la question des accidents du travail en Russie, par A. de Keppen: p. 21-36; Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Uniall- versicherung in der Schweiz, von J. J. Kummer: p. 37-89 [avec traduction en fran(;aise]; Kranken-, Unfalls- und Invaliditatsver- sicherung imd ihre Verbindung, von Dr. Schuler: p. 169-187 [avec traduction en fran^aise]; Des rapports de I'assurance alle- mande contre I'invalidite et la vieillesse avec les assurances centre la maladie et les accidents, par Constant Bodenheimer: p. 215-236; La question des accidents et la legislation ou^Tiere dans les Pays-Bas, par Westerouen van Meeteren: p. 249-259; Die Gestaltung der Unfallversicherung in Deutschland, von Dr. Bodiker: p. 271-289; L'etat de I'assm^nce contre les accidents en Allemagne (traduction): p. 291-308; Abr^g^ de la legislation des Etats-Unis d'Amerique concernant les accidents du travail, par CaiToll D. Wright: p. 309-331; La question des accidents du tra- vail en Danemark, en Norvege et en Suede, par F. Baetzmann: p. 333-342; Etat present de la question des accidents du travail en France, par E. Cheysson: p. 343-378; Etat actuel de la ques- tion des accidents du travail en Belgique, par Charles Dejace: p. 379-400; Quelques mots sur la question des accidents du travail en 14 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Espagne, par E. Gruner: p. 415-424; Ueber den Stand der Frage betrelTend UniilUe bei der Arbeit in Oesterreich, vou M. Kulka: p. 431-456; Etat de la question des accidents du travail en Autriche (traduction): App., p. 3-27; Ueber die Arbeiter-Unfallversiche- rung in OesteiTcich, von Julius Kaan: p. 457-483; De I'assurance des ouvTiers centre les accidents en Autriche (traduction): Ajjp., p. 29-44; Etat de la question des accidents du travail en Italie, par L. Bodio: p. 547-562. 8-27545 HD7090.C7 1891 54 Congres interna tionaux des assurances sociales, 3d, Milan, 18,94. Rapports et proces-verbaux des seances. Milan: Impr. H. Reggiani, 1894-95. 2 v. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc. — t. 1: Donnees statistiques tirees du fonctionnement des assiirances ouvri^res contre les accidents; charges correspondantes, avec une note succincte sur I'assurance-maladie, par Arthur Fon- taine: p. 267-322; L'assurance et la frequence des accidents, par Georg von ]\Iayr: p. 339-364; Du fonctionnement des assurances sociales en Autriche, par Julius Kaan: p. 365-387; Le delai de carence dans la loi autrichienne d'assurance contre les accidents, par Karl Kogler: p. 389-400; L'etablissement d'assurance contre les accidents de Moravie et Silesie, par Alois Klettenhofer: p. 401-412; Etat actuel de la question des accidents du travail dans les differents pays, par Maurice Bellom: p. 463^94; Etat de la question des accidents du travail en Espagne, par Jos6 Mai'ia de Delas y Mu-alles: p. 495-509; La responsabilite des patrons en Angleterre, par Geoffrey Drage: p. 527-560; Etat des travaux 16gislatifs en Italie pour la protection des ou\Tiers et l'assurance contre les accidents du travail, par Vincenzo Magaldi: p. 561-619; Etat actuel de la question des accidents du travail en Russie, par Alexis deKeppen: p. 621-638; Apergudesloisetrcglementsadmin- istratifs concernant les rapports entre les fabricants et les ouvriers en Russie, par Alexis de Kobelatzky: p. 639-723; L'assvu-ance contre les maladies et les accidents en Suisse; portee economique des projets de loi, par Dr. Moser: p. 731-756; La faute lourde en maticre d'accidents du travail, par Charles Dejace: p. 757-793; De la necessity de comprendre dans l'assurance, contrairement ^ la legislation allemande, tons les accidents causes directement ou indirectement par le travail industriel, par R. van der Borght: p. 795-809; De I'influence de l'assurance contre les accidents sur I'am^lioration du traitement des blesses et le retablissement de la capacity de travail, par Dr. Boediker: p. 839-847; L'obligation de la garantie de I'indemnite et le liberte des diverses combinaisons d'assurance contre les accident?!, par E. Cheysson: p. 849-864; Avantage du libre choix de I'assureur en cas d'assurance obliga- toire, par Luigi Luzzatti: p. 865-881; L'assurance obligatoire, par Fr. W. Westerouen van Meeteren: p. 883-891. 5-2695? HD7090.C7 1894 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 15 55 Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. J^ih, Brus- sels, 1897. Ilapports, proces-verbaux dcs seances, et communications presentees an Congres, pub. par les soins du Comite beige d' organisation. BruxeUes: P. Weissenbruch, 1897. xlv, (2), 997 y. Illus- trations. Diagrams. Tahles. 8°. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc.: — Repartition et capitalisation, par Louis Maingie: p. 17-38; Du mode de constitution de I'indemnite dans Tassurance contre les accidents; capitalisation et repartition, par H. Adam: p. 39-59; Les tribimaux professionnels en mati^re d'accidents du travail, par A. Prins: p. 69-81; Mode de reparation des accidents du tra- vail; capital ou rente, par Edouard Vermot: p. 83-95; Les syst^mes de la capitalisation et de la repartition en matifere d'assm-ance centre les accidents, par Leon Marie: p. 129-143; Les systemes de la repartition et de la capitalisation en matiere d'assurance obli- gatoire contre les accidents, par R. van der Borght: p. 145-175; La faute lourde en matifere d'accidents du travail, par Leon Rycx: p. 177-191; La faute lourde en matiere d'accidents du travail, par Cyr. Van Overbergh: p. 193-226; De la constatation des acci- dents du travail, par F. Hanquet: p. 227-243; La faute lourde dana le legislation relative aux accidents du travail, par B. Chimirri: .p. 245-275; La question des accidents du travail en Grande- Bretagne; le projet de loi du gouvernement, par Sir Chai'les W. Dilke: p. 277-294; Les resultats de I'assurance contre les accidents en Allemagne et les avantages de I'assurance obligatoire, par Dr. Bodiker: p. 295-305; De I'extension de la legislation sur les acci- dents du travail aux maladies et a rinfirmite professionnelles, par Arthur Verhaegen: p. 409^21; Etat actuel de la question des accidents du travail en France, par H. Darcy: p. 423-465; Etat actuel de la question des accidents du travail dans les differents pays, par Maurice Bellom: 517-547; Sur la recente phase legisla- tive de la protection des ouvriers contre les accidents du travail en Italic, par Vincenzo Magaldi: p. 549-567; L'assurance ouvriere en Norvege, par Oscar SchjoU: j). 953-966. 5-26953 HD7090.C7 1897 56 5t1i, Paris, 1900. Rapports presentes et comptes rendus des stances. Paris: C. Beranger, successeur de Baudry et c'«, [etc.], 1901. 2v. 4°. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc.: — t. 1: Les assurances ouvrieres en Allemagne a la fin du xix'' siecle, par T. Boediker: p. 1-10; L'assurance ouvriere en Europe, etudiee d'apres ses resultats, par Dr. Zacher: p. 11-19; Le tarif des risques en vigueur dans l'assurance contre les accidents de I'Empire Allemand, par Konrad Hartmann: p. 21-52; L'organ- isation de I'assiurance ou\Tiere en Autriche, par Charles Kogler: p. 69-95; Siur la legislation itaUenne des accidents du travail et sur son application, par Vincenzo Magaldi: p. 97-130; Rapport siu* la loi fran^aise d'assurance contre les accidents et les conditions de sa mise en application, par Georges Paulet: p. 159-193; De 16 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS raasurance des accidents du travail et de sa realisation sous le regime de la responsabilit^ de droit commun, par Hippolyte Marestaing: p. 213-226; Note sur la legislation concernant I'assur- ance obligatoire des ouvriers centre les maladies et les accidents dans le Grand-Duch^ de Luxembourg, par II. Neuman: p. 227-260; Rapport sur la question des accidents du travail dans les Pays- Bas, par Ch. M. A. Bijleveld: p. 261-282; La pr6vention et reparation des accidents du travail en Belgique, par Louis Wodon: p. 283-302, Des relations mutuelles des diverses branches de I'assurance ouvri6re, par Maiuice Bellom: p. 329-368; Influence des etablissements d 'assurance-accidents et invaliditc sur le traitemcnt medical, par Charles Kogler: p. 391-409; La respon- sabilit6 des accidents du travail aux Etats-Unis, par Carroll D. Wright et S. D. Fessenden: p. 525-592; La loi sur les accidents du travail appliqu(5e en Sicile aux ouvriers des mines de soufre, par Pompee Colajanni: p. 609-652. — t. 2: L'assurance centre lea accidents du travail en Bussie, par A. Press: p. 195-206; Essai d'une classification rationnelle (numerique) des accidents du travail, avec application aux accidents des ouvriers de chemins de fer, par Gaetano Villani: p. 207-242. 5-26954 HD7090.C7 1900 57 Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. 6tli, Dus- seldorf, 1902. [Rapports et proces-verbaux des seances.] Pub. par les soins du Comite allemand d'organisation. Breslau — Berlin: Impr. C. T. Wiskott, 1902. Ixxviii, 1074 {i. e. 1078) 'p. Illustrations. 4°. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insurance, etc. : — Die wirtschaftliche und politische Bedcutung der deutschen Arbeiter-Versicherung, von T. Bodlker: p. 1-16; Traduction du rapport qui precede: p. 17-33; Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Europa nach ihren Systemen, von Dr. [G.] Zacher: p. 35-66; Traduction du rapport qui precede: p. 67-98; Die Bekilmpfung der Trunksucht in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Arbeiter-Kranken-, Unfall- und Invaliditiits-Versicherung, von J. Waldschmidt: p. 153-164; Resume du rapport qui precede: p. 165-167; Gegen- wilrtiger Stand der Frage der Berufsunfalle und der socialen Ver- sicherung in der Schweiz, von Christian Moser: p. 169-179; Tra- duction du rapport qui precede: p. 181-191; Das erste Dezennium der Arbeiter-Unfallversicherung in Osterreich, von Karl Kogler: p. 229-245; Resum^ du rapport qui precede: p. 247-252; Die Entwickelung der osterreichischen Unfall- Versioherung auf Grund des Kapitaldeckungsvcrfahrens, von Otto Pribram; p. 599-613; Resume du rapport qui precede: p. 614-616; Workingmen's insur- ance in the United States, by Gustavus A. Weber: p. 617-634; R6sume du rapport qui pr6c5de: p. 635-642; Considerations sur la loi italienne siu- les accidents du travail, par Arnaldo Lucci: p. 643-648; La question de la reparation des accidents du travail en Belgique, par Louis Maingie: p. 649-665; Trois annees d'applica- tion de la loi sur les accidents du travail aux ouvriers des mines de soufre de la Sicile, par Pompee Colajanni: p. 731-747; Les accidents du travail dans les etablissements militaires italiens, par EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 17 Charles de Sauteiron de Saiiit-ric'ment: p. 749-758; Essai statis- ticjue sur les deux premieres anii(5es de 1 'assurance oblisatoire pour les accidents du travail dans I'industrie du batiment d'apri\s les r^sultats de la caisse nationale italienne d'assurance centre les ac- cidents du travail, par Charles Vit^mara: p. 703-818; Gesetz [von 5. Juli 1901] betreffend den Ersatz fiir Verletzungen infolge von Unfallen bei der Arbeit, in Schweden: p. 819-834. 5-27070 HD7090.C7 1902 58 Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. 7th, Vienna, 1905. [Rapports et proces-verbaux des seances.] Vienne: Pub. par les soins du Comite dJ organisation, 1906. 2 V. Tables. 4°. Bibliographical index. Partial contents relating to employers' liability, accident insur- ance, etc.: — t. 1: Le developpement de I'assurance ouvrifere en Allemagne depuis le premier Congrfes international des accidents du travail tenu a Paris en 1889, par T. Bodiker: p. 1-43; Assur- ance ouvriere en Australie, par Sir John A. Cockbum : p. 45^8; Histoire de la legislation des accidents du travail et des assurances eociales en Espagne, par Jose M. de Delas: p. 49-58; Le devel- oppement des assurances sociales en Belgique pendant les quinze demi&res annees, par Jean Dubois et Louis Wodon: p. 59-84; L'assurance ouvriere dans les Etats-Unis, par Charles Richmond Henderson: p. 85-105; L'assurance ouvriere aux Pays-Bas, par. R. Macalester-Loup: p. 107-132; Les assurances ouvrieres en Italie; rapport, par V. Magaldi: p. 133-179; L'assurance ouvriere en Suede de 1889 a 1904, par John May: p. 181-201; Esquisse sur les assurance ouvrieres dans le Grand-Duche de Luxembom-g, par H. Neuman: p. 203-211; Les assurances sociales en France de 1889 a 1905, par Georges Paulet: p. 213-257; Resume sur I'etat des assurances sociales en Roumaine depuis 1889, par Alphonse Romalo: p. 259-265; Histoire de I'assm-ance ouvrifere en Suisse depuis I'annee 1889, par Edmund von Steiger: p. 273-291; La protection des invalides du travail en Russie, par Louis Skarynski et Alexandre Stoff: p. 293-322; L'assurance ouvriere en Hongrie, par Joseph Szterenyi: p. 323-344; Histoire de l'assurance ou\Tiere en Autriche depuis 1889, ayant siirtout egard au nouveau projet de loi, par Max Layer: p. 375-410; Les ouvriers etrangers et la legislation des assurances ou\Tieres, par Vincenzo Magaldi: p. 421-438; Rapports internationaux du droit de l'assurance ouvriere, par Ludwig Lass: p. 439-469; L'assur- ance ouvriere et le sentiment de la justice, par Karl Kogler: p. 471^83; Simplification de I'assm'ance ouvriere, par T. Bcidi- ker: p. 485-522; L'unification de l'assurance ouvTiere, par Richard Freund, p. 523-551; Siu" le problfeme de la simplifica- tion de l'assurance ouvriere, jDar Adolf Menzel: p. 553-570; L'assurance ouvriere en Finlande depuis I'annee 1889, par Aug. Hjelt: p. 625-635. 8-33819 HD7090.C7 1905 59 8th, Rome, 1908. Actes. Roma: Bocca, 1909. 3 v. 8°. 18 LIBK.\EY or CONGRESS 60 Dawson, Miles M. Cost of employers' liability and workmen's compensation insurance [in various foreign countries and the United States]. Z7. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sej^t. 1910, no. 90: 749- 831. HD8051.A6, no. 90 61 Valuation, in actions for damages for negligence, of human life, destroyed or impaired. {In International congress of actuaries. 4th, New York, 1903. Proceedings. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 929-939.) HG8755.I6 1904 62 Delcourt,Kene. Les resultats dc 1' assurance centre les accidents du travail, etude de droit comj)are. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1905. {8), 392]). Tables. 4°. " Bibliographic " : p. 375-384. 6-3613 HD7101.D3 63 Digby, Kenelm E. Recent European legislation with regard to compensation for industrial accidents. Yale law journal, May, 1908, v. 17: 485-498. 64 Ehrenberg, Victor. Versicherungsrecht. 1. Bd. Leipzig: DuncJcer d' TIumMot, 1893. xii, 536 p. 8°. {Sijstematisches Handhuch der deutschen RecJitsunssenscJiaft ... Jirsg. von Dr. Karl Binding ... 3. Abt., 4- T., 1. Bd. No more published. See index under Haftpflichtversicherung, Unfallversicherung, etc) These subjects are, however, only incidentally treated in this vol- ume, the author's purpose having been to treat the various branchea of insurance in a second volume. 65 Employers' liabihty, and workmen's compensation. {Li Encyclopaedia britannica. 11th ed. Cambridge. 1910. 4°. V. 9, p. 356-361.) AE5.E36,v.9 66 Fall, Charles G. Employers' liability for personal injuries to their employees. (/n Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Fourteenth annual report, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8°. p. 1-177.) HC107.M4A2 1883 67 Fox, Alan. Compensation for accidental injuries to workingmcn. World's worlc, Oct. 1906, v. 11: 1107-1108. ap2.W75,v.11 6S Franck, Antoine. The liability of shipowners. {In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 8°. p. 162-167.) JX24.I5 1910 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 19 69 Frankel, Lee Kaufer, Miles M. Dawson, and Louis I. Dublin. Workingmen's insurance in Europe. New York: CJuintics ])uhlication coini/iittee, 1910. xviii, 477 f. 8°. {Russdl Sage foundation publications.) Bibliography: p. 435^42. 10-19372 HD7091.F8 70 Garfield, James 11. Employer's liability and the compensation laws and the diiTerence between them. (/n Ohio state bar association. Proceedings, 1909. Columbus, 1909. 8". V. 30, p. 128-138.) Reprinted in Ohio law reporter, Aug. 16, 1909, v. 7: 249-258; Chi- cago legal new.s, Sept. 11, 1909, v. 42: 39-40; Ohio law bulletin, Aug. 9, 1909, V. 54: 325-329. 71 Gordon, J. F. Is the fellow servant rule becoming obsolete? Case and comment, Sept. 1911, v. 18: 193-198. 72 Gt. Brit. Foreign office. Reports by Her Majesty's representa- tives abroad on the laws regulating the liability^ of em- ployers in foreign countries. Presented to both houses of Parliament ... June, 1886. London: Printed hy Harrison d) sons, [1886]. 94 p. F°. (Parliament. Papers hy command. C. 4'^^4-) At head of title: Commercial. No. 21 (1886). J301.K6 1886,v.67 73 GUnther, Friedrich Wilhelm. Die Stellung der Auslander in der Arbeiterversicherung der europiiischen Staaten. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung-Wissenschaft, July, 1906, V. 6: 488-516. HG80l5.Z5,v.6 74 Guillot, Paul. Les assurances ouvrieres; accidents, maladies, vicillesse, chomage; legislation franpaise, legislations etrangeres, projets de reforme. Paris: Imprimerie (Jhaix, 1897. ix, 320 p. 4°- 5-11228 HD7091.G8 75 Guyot, ^'ves. Les accidents du travail et Ic Congres de Milan. Revue politique et parlementaire, Nov. 1894, v. 2: 281-302. CoNTENT.s. — I. Le Congres. — II. La responsabilit^ civile. — III. Le systeme allemand. — IV. Les pretentions du systfeme allemand et les faits. — V. Consequences. — VI. Inconsequences. — VII. Con- clusion. H3.R4,v.2 76 Hans, Pierre. Les abus dans I'application de la legislation sur les accidents du travail. Reforme sociale, Apr. 16- May 1, 1910, v. 59: 473-481; 558- 569. H3.R3,v.59 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 77 Harris, Addison C. Modern views of compensation for personal injuries. (In State bar association of Indiana. Report, 1909. [n. p.], 1909. 8°. p 48-80.) 77a *Hazelaiid, A. Xogle liovedpunkter i lovene om arbeideres ulvkkesforsikring;; uddrag af forliandlinger i Tyskland og Psterrige med vedfoiet oplysning oin de tilsvarende forslag i den Svenkse arbetareforsakringskomites instilling om samine emne. Krisiiania: Det Mallinske hogtrylckeri, 1889. 93 p. 4°- (Bilag til ArheiderJcommissionens instilling, 3.) 78 Higgins, ^Uexander Pearce. The basis of employers' liability for acts of their servants. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, Aug. 1903, n. s. V. 5: 109-114. JA29.S7,n.s.,v.5 79 Employers' liability and compensation to workmen on the continent. Edinburgh: W. Green cfc sons; [etc., etc.], 1898. v, 7-134 p. 8°. 8-A95Z HD7814.H63 80 Hill, Sir John Gray. Employers, employees, and accidents. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, Nov. 1910, n. S., V. 11, pt. 1: 55-67. JA29.S7,n.s.,v.ll Also printed in part in Law journal, Aug. 6, 1910, v. 45: 527-528. 81 Employers, employees and accidents, {In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 8°. p. 149-161.) JX24.I5 1910 81a Jagwitz, Fritz von. Die Vereinheitlichung der Arbeiter- Versicherung und der A'ii. Internationale Arbeiter- Vcrsicherungs-Kongress . Beriin: A. W. Ilayn's Erben, 1906. (6), 109 p. 8°. C-37192 HD7180.J2 82 Kerr, William Dunton. Workmen's compensation for indus- trial accidents. (In Wisconsin. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Eleventh biennial report, 1903-1904. Madison, 1904. 8°. p. 409-539.) HC107.W6A2 1903 1904 82a Lacombe, Etude sur la responsabilite des accidents du travail et sur 1' assurance obligatoire dans leurs rapports avec r agriculture. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du cor/lite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 350-373. HD7090.C6,v.6 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 21 83 Law, Frank E. State insurance of workmen's compensation for accidents. A paper read at the annual meeting of the Lial)iUty insurance association . . . New York, October 19, 1911. {New York: The Fidelity and casualty company of New York, 1911. ] 24 p. 8°. 84 Louis, Paul. L'ouvrier devant I'etat; histoire comparee des lois du travail dans les deux mondcis. Paris: F. Alcan, 1904. (4), ^v, 48O p. 8°. (Bihliotheque dliistoire contemporaine.) "Les accidents du travail": pp. 344-378. 6-1889 HD7809.L73 85 Manes, Alfretl. Grundziige des Vei-sicherungswesens. 2., ver- anderte Aufl. Leipzig: B. G. Teuhner, 1911. iv, {2), I46 p. 12°. {Aus Natur und Geisteswelt ... 105. Bdchen.) "Unfallversicherung": p. 84-89. "Haftpflichtversicherung": p. 89-95. 11-15619 HG8051.M25 86 Die Haftpflichtvei-sicherung. Ihre Gescliichte, wirt- schaftliche Bedeutung und Technik, insbesondere in Deutschland. Leipzig: C. L. IlirsclfeU, 1902. viii, 272 p. 8°. "Alphabetisches Literaturverzeichnis": p. 268-272. 3-26103 HG9964.E63M2 87 ed. Yersicherungslexikon ; ein Nachsclilagewerk f iir alle Wissensgebiete der Privat- und der Sozial-Versicherung insbesondere in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz; unter Mitarbeiterschaft von Priisident Professor Dr. v. d. Borght ... Justizrat Direktor Dr. Domizlaff ... [u. a.]. Tuhingen: J. C. B. Molir, (P. Siebecl), 1909. xv p., 1682 col. 4°. References at end of each article. Contents relating to employers' liability and workmen's compensa- tion for industrial accidents: Beamtenunfallfiirsorge, von Richard van der Borght: col. 192-197; Berufsgenossenschaften, von Rich- ard van der Borght: col. 227-234; Haftpflicht, von Otto Hagen: col. 491-496; Haftpflichlversicherung, von Alfred Manes: col. 496- 517; Reichsversicherungsamt, von Richard van der Borght: col. 991-1006; Unfallentschiidigung, von Richard van der Borght: col. 1242-1269; Unfallversicherung, von Richard van der Borght: col. 1319-1337; Unfallversicherungsanstalten, von Richard van der Borght: col. 1337-1347; Unfallversicherungs-Medizin, von Leo- pold Feilchenfeld: col. 1347-1360. 8-32650 HG8025.M2 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 88 Manes, Alfred. Versicherungswesen. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1905. xii, (3), 468 p. S°. {Teuh- ners IlandhucJierfur Handel und Gewerhe, Tirsg. von [7?.] Van der Borglit, Dr. Schumacher und Dr. Stegemann.) "Nachweis wortlich angefiihrtcr Stellen: p. 449^51. "Unfallversicheruns": p. 2G9-283. "ITaftpflichtversicherung": p. 284-299. 5-30401 HG8051.M27 S9 Meldrim, Peter W. Some })hases of llic idalioii of inast(M- and servant. (/n State bar association of Indiana. Report, 1!)11. [Indianax)olis], 1911. 8°. p. 160-180.) 90 Michel, Jules. A propos de la question des accidents du travail. Reforme sociale, Mar. 16, 1892, v. 23: 397-408. H3.R3,v.23 91 Mignault, P. B. The modern conception of civil responsibility: a study of comparative law. (In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 8°. p. 168-181.) JX24.I5 1910 Reprinted in Law journal, Aug. 6, 1910, v. 45: 528-529. 92 National civic federation. [Proceedings of] the tenth annual meeting, New York, Nov. 22 and 23, 1909. New York: The National civic federation, 1910. 347 p. 12°. . Contents relating to employers' liability and workmen's compensa- tion: — Workmen's compensation act in England, by A. II. Gill: J). 7-16; Workmen's insurance and the German Empire, by IMajor A. E. Piorkowski: p. 17-21; Insurance plans in foreign countries other than Germany and England: p. 21-25; Workmen's compen- sation vs. employers' liability, by Launcelot Packer: p. 26-32; Compensation for victims of industrial accidents; the employer's viewpoint, by George M. Gillette: p. 33-47; Should industry bear the burden incident to industrial accidents, by Samviel Gompers: p. 47-49; Discussion: p. 50-54; The employer's obligation to safe- guard machinery and the compensation plan of the Cleveland foundry company, by F. W. Ramsey: p. 58-68; ITow to avoid ac- cidents more important than compensation, by Walter G. Cowles: p. 68-75; Employes' aid society, superannuation annuities and vacation and sickness allowances of the Consolidated gas company of New York, by George B. Cortelyou: p. 76-79; Does liability insurance compensate employes fairly? by Louis B. Schram: p. 79-82; The work of the Commission of New York state on employ- ers' liability, by Joseph P. Cotton: p. 82-86; Constitutional phase of compulsory compensation for accidents, and constitutional fea- tures of workingmen's comi)ensation acts, by II. V. Mercer: p. 87-102; Reasons for changing existing system of employers' lia- bility, by W. E. McEwen: p. 102-110; Dusty trades in Massachu- eetts, by William C. Hanson: p. 111-142; Prevention versus cure EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 23 in industrial operations, by Henry R. Towne: p. 168-173; Federal liability law as applied to navy yard employes, by Admiral J. B. Murdock: p. 173-178; The operation of the federal liability law — has the railroad man been adequately compensated? by A. B. Garretson: p. 186-192; Discussion: p. 193-203; Should the indus- try bear the l)urden incident to industrial accidents? by Lewis W, W. Parker: p. 216-221; Industrial insurance funds — do they ade- quately compensate? by Arthur Williams: p. 233-241; Organized relief, by J. G. Pangborn: p. 242-258; Compensation for injured workmen in discharge of their duty, by W. II. Moulton: p. 273-277; Railroad relief departments, by J. N. Redfern: p. 279-285; Fed- eral employers' liability law, by Edward A. Moseley: p. 285-288; Life insiu-ance and the moral obligation of employers toward their workingmen, by Darwin P. Kingsley: p. 318-326; Importance of seeking reform through state governments, by Elihu Root: p. 332-334; Workmen's compensation in England, by A. 11. Gill: p. 344-347. HD6951.N3 1909 Summary printed in National civic federation review, Mar. 1, 1910, V. 3: 19-21. HD4802.N2,v.3 93 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries. Em- ployers' liability for personal injuries to their employes. {In its Eleventh annual report, 1888. Trenton, 1889. 8°. p. 75-242.) A general survey of the subject. HC107.N5A2 1888 94 New York (State). Bureau of lahor statistics. Industrial acci- dents and employers' responsibility for their compensa- tion. (In its Annual report, 1899. Albany, 1900. 8°. no. 17, pt. 2. p. 555-1162.) Contents. — Accidents and accident insurance in New York. — Employers' liability in England and America. — Accident insur- ance in Germany. — Accident insurance in Austria. — Legi.-^Iation in Norway, Finland and Denmark. — Legislation in Italy, France and Spain. — Employers' liability in other countries. — General review of the problem of industrial accidents. 4-13067/5 HC107.N7A3 1899 95 Dept. of lahor. Em])loyers' liability and accident insur- ance laws abroad . Its Bulletin, Sept. 1907, v. 9: 357-382. hcio7.N7A5,v.9 96 Newberry, Arthur St. John. Compensation for injuries to workmen. [Cleveland, 0.: Printed by J. B. Savage, <= 1911.] 11, (1) p. 8°. Cover-title. 11-20847 HD7816.U6N5 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 97 Olmsted, Victor II., and Stephen D. Fessenden. Employer and employee under the common law. Wasliington, D. C, 1901. 13 p- 8°. {U.S. Bureau of labor. United States Department of labor exhibit, Pan- American exposition, 1901. Monographs on social econom- ics. 3.) Reprinted from the UuUetiu of the Bureau of laV^Jor, Nov. 1895, no. 1: 95-107. ^ HD8051.A5,no.l 98 Pap, Geza. The international aspect of workmen's insurance. {In International hiw association. Report, 1908. Lon-lnn, 1909. 8°. p. 511-516.) JX24.I5 1908 99 Paulian, Louis. Le Congres de Milan sur les accidents du travail. Journal des economistes, Nov. 1894, 5. ser., v. 20: 235-243. HB3.J8,ser.6,v.20 100 Pic, Paul Jules Victor. Traite elementaire de legislation indus- trielle; les lois ouvrieres. Ouvi'age recompense par r Academic des sciences, morales et pohtiques. Prix Le Dissez de Penanrun, 1904. 3. ed. entierement refondue, et mise au courant de la legislation la plus recente. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1909. xiii, 1121, (2) p. 8°. r.ibliographical foot-notes. " Responsabilite du patron a raison des ac;cidents du travail. — Risque professionnel et assurance'': p. 748-839; Bibliographie: p. 748-750. 9-31717 101 Profumo, I^. G. Le assicurazioni operaie nella legislazione sociale. Torino, [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca, 1903. xxi, 402 p. 8°. (Bih- lioteca di scienze sociall. vol. xliii.) " Le assicurazioni operaie en Germania e negli altri stati d'Europa. Austria, Inghilterra, Francia, Danimarca [etc.]": p. 192-239; "Esame critico del varii sistemi di assicurazione operaia, epecial- mente del sistema tedesco: 1. I bencfizi del sLstema tedesco " : p. 240-2G2; 2. "Le quattro forme vigenti dell' assicurazione operaia. I loro difetti e 11 eistema migliore a seguirsi": p. 263-308; "Le assicurazioni operaie in Italia, precedute da un cenno storico sul movimento sociale " : p. 309-380. 4-19211 HD7091.P8 102 Renouard, Alfred. La legislation des accidents du travail en France et a I'etranger. Riforme sociale, Apr. 15- May 1, 1886, v. 11: 415-424; 470- 478. H3.R3,v.ll EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 25 103 Rouxel. Congres international ties accidents du travail. Journal des economistes, Oct -Dec. 1889, 4. ser., v. 48: 60-69. H:B3.J8,ser.4,v.48 104 *Sainte-Claire Deville, Edouard, La responsabilite des pat- rons envers leurs ouvriers et I'assurance collective contre les accidents du travail. [Le Caire: Imprimerie de V Institut franpais d'arcJieologie orientate, 1910.] 304-309 p. 4°. 105 Schwedtman, Ferdinand Charles, and James A. Emery. Accident prevention and relief; an investigation of the subject in Europe, with special attention to England and Germany, together with recommendations for action in the United States of America. New York: For the National association of manufacturers of the United States of America, [*= 1911]. xxxvi, 4^1 !>• Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. 11-11268 HD7101.S4 106 Seager, Ilenr}" Rogers. Social insurance, a program of social reform. The Kennedy lectures for 1910, in the School of philanthropy, conducted by the Charity organization society of the city of New York. New YorJc: The Macmillan company, 1910. v, 175 p. 12°. {American social progress series.) Contents. — The common welfare. — Industrial accidents, illness, and premature death: jirevention. — Industrial accidents, illness, and premature death: compensation. — Unemployment: causes and remedies. — Provisions for old age. — Next steps in social advance. 10-14688 HD7125.S5 107 Shad. well, Arthur. Industrial efficiency; a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America. New ed. London, New Yorlc and Bombay: Longmans, Green, and co., 1909. XX, 720 p. 8°. "Workmen's compensation and insurance"': p. 403-422. 9-14473 HC53.2.S6 108 Smith, Sion B. Liability for industrial accidents. Mines and minerals, Mar. 1911, v. 31 : 501-503. TNl.M6,v.31 109 Snow, iUpheus H. Social insurance. University of Pennsylvania law review and American laio register, Feb. 1911, v. 59: 283-297. 18984°— 11 3 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 110 Streeter, Frank S. "The world moves". (In Maine state bar association. Report, 1010-191 1, Augusta, 1911. 8°. V. 17, p. 16-48.) ' ' Workmen's compensation acts " : p. 26-4 1 . 111 Tarbouriech, Ernest. I^a responsabilite des accidents dont les ouvriers sont victimes dans lour travail. Histoire, jurisprudence et doctrine, bibliographic, travaux parle^ mentaires jusqu'a la date du 24 mars 1896. Paris: V. Giard cfc E. Brieve, 1896. xv, 616 p. 8°. {Bih- liotlieque du College lihre des sciences sociales.) " Bibliographic ": p. 459--471. Reviewed by Charles Rist in Revue d 'Economic politique, 1898, V. 12; p. 90-94; and by F. Souvaire-Jourdan in Revue du droit public et de la science politique, 1897, v. 7, p. 346-.'^53. 10-15472 HD7816.F8T3 112 Taylor, Washington Irving. Employer's liabilit}^ to their workmen for accidents incurred in the course of their em- ployment, and state regulation of dangerous industries. NewYorlc: Van den Ilouten <& Co., printers, [1889]. 125 p>. 8°. Thesis (ph. d.) — Columbia university. 8-7778t HD7814.T2 113 U.S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Labor in Europe. Reports from the consuls of the United States in the several coun- tries of Europe on the rates of wages, cost of living to the laboring classes, past and present wages, &c., in their several districts, in response to a circular from the De- ])artment of state. Washington: Government printing office, 1885. 2 v. 8°. ( United States consular reports.) 48th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. 54, pt. 1-2. 2299-2300 Material arranged by countries. See heading "safety of employes" under each country. 9-3068 HD8376.U48 114 Bureau of labor. Laws relating to compensation for industrial accidents in foreign countries. Part of the forthcoming Twenty-fourth annual report of the Com- missioner of labor. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1909. 277 p. 8°. 9-35899 HD7814.TJ5 115 Summary of foreign workmen's compensation acts. Its Bulletin, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 121-143. Includes the following: Austria, Belgium, British Columbia, Cape of Good Hope, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Spain, Sweden, ^^■estern Australia; British workmen's compensation act of 1906. HD8051.A5,no.74 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 27 116 U. S. Bureau of labor . Summary of foreign workmen's com- pensation acts. Its Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 719-748. Includes laws of the following: Alberta, Austria, Belgium, British Columbia, Cape of Good Ilojie, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger- many, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Neth- erlands, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Quebec, Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Spain, Sweden, Transvaal, Western Australia. HD8051.A5,no.90 117 — Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Wasliington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. {Annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 24tli, 1909.) Gist Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 132. Charles P. Neill, commissioner. Bibliography at end of each section. Contents. — v. 1. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany. — V. 2. Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Ru.ssia, Spain, Sweden. Appendix. Laws relating to compensation for industrial acci- dents in foreign countries. HD8051.A3 24th 11-12159/3 HD7101.U6 118 Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Die Haftpflichtfrage. Gutacliten und Berichte. Leipzig: Duncker (& Humhlot, 1880. 154 p. 8°. (ScJiriften des Vereinsfiir Socialpolitil'. 19.) Contents. — Adolf Held, von Erwin Nasse. — I. Gutachten iiber die Haftpflichtfrage beim Betriebe gewerblicher Unternehmungen nach osterreichischem Rechte, von A. Randa und A. Braf. — II. Die Haftpflicht gewerblicher Untemehmer nach englischem • Rechte, von V. v. Bojanowski. — III. Ueber llaftpflichtgesetzge- bung in Belgien, von M. van der Rest; (uebersetzt von L. Erhardt). IV. Ueber Haftpflicht im Konigreich der Niederlande, von A. Kerdijk. — V. Die Grundsiltze des franzosischen Rechts iiber Haftpflicht, von Petersen. — VI. Die Haftpflichtfrage nach dem in der Schweiz geltenden Rechte, von F. v. Wyss. — VII. Das Recht der Vereinigten Staaten in Bezug auf die Haftpflicht von Untemehmern fiir Verletzungen ihrer Arbeiter, von J. II. ^\Tiiting; (uebersetzt von H. W. Farnam). — Vlll. Zur Fortbildung des Haftpflichtgesetzes vom 7. Juni 1871, von J. Baron. — Anhang:— 1. Nachtrag zu dem Aussatzo: Die Haftpflicht nach englischem Rechte. — 2. Bericht iiber verschiedene Aussichteu, betreffend die Haftpflichtfrage, von A . Held . HB 5 . V4, v. 1 9 119 Villari, Pasquale. Employers' and workmen's liability laws. Chautauquan, June, 1898, v. 27: 291-294- ap2.C48,v.27 Translated from an article entitled "Gl'infortuni del lavoro," in Nuova antologia, 1898, v. 157: 385-414. AP37.N8,v.l57 120 Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik fiir . . . 1904-1910. Abdruck aiis den Jalii"buchern fiir Xationalokonomic und Statistik. Jena: G. Fischer, 1905-11. 7 v. 8°. See index under Haftpflichtversicherung, Unfallversicherung, etc. ca 6-30 Unrev'd HC10.V9 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 121 Weber, Ailna F. Workmen's compensation acts of foreign countries. U.S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, May, 1902, vo. 4O: 549-551. HD8051.A5,no.40 122 Willoughby, William Franklin. Workmen's insurance. New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell cO company, [1898]. {2), xii, 386 p. 12° . {Library of economics and politics, ed. by E. T. Ely, {no. I4I) "Bibliographical note": p. 379-386. 2-19686/2 HD7091.W4 123 Wolff, Henry W. Accident insurance. Economic review, July, 1895, v. 5: 297-318. HBl.E4,v.5 124 Employer's liability; what ought it to be? London: P. S. King, 1897. 118 p. 8°. 125 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versiclierung im Auslande. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung, 1900-08. 5 v. 4°- Issued in 20 ])arts, with 23 supplements, the latter numbered la- 15a, 18a; lb-6b, 8b. Each part has special title-page and short bibliography. In this list the parts relating to each country will be found entered under the name of the country. 8-782 HD7091.Z2 125a * Die Arbeiter-Versichenmg in Europa nacli ihren Systemen. [Berlin: C. T. Wislott, 1902?] 32 p. 8°. Caption title. From Internationaler Arbeiter-Versicherungs-t'uugress. 6. Tagung — Dusseldorf-17. bis 24. Juni 1902. 126 Unfallversicherimg. (/w Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1911. 4°. V. 8, p. 65-90.) Literatur: p. 90. Contents. — A. Die Unfallversicherung in Deutschland. — B. Die Uniallversicherung in Oesterreich. — C. Die Unfallversicherung in den iibrigen Staaten. H46.H22,v.8 127 Zwiedineck-Siidenhorst, Otto von. wSozialpolitik. Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1911. vii, (1), (2), 4''^0 p. 8°. (B. G. Teubners LlandbucTi erf iir Handel und Gewerbe.) "Die soziale Yersicherung": p. 377^22. 11-7885 HD6955.Z8 LIST OF CURRENT PERIODICALS WHICH INCLUDE MATERIAL ON EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AND WORKMEN S COMPENSATION 127a The American economic review. Princeton, N. J. 11-7619 HB1.A5 128 American labor legislation review. New Y'ork. 129 Die Arbeiter-Versorgung. Central-organ fiir das gesamte Kranken-, Unfall- und Invaliden-Versicherungswesen im Deutschen Reiche. Organ des Centralverbandes von Orts-Krankenkassen im Deutschen Reiche. Neuwied & Leipzig. 5-25499-500t HD7177.A8 130 Argentine Republic. Departamento Tmdonal del trabajo. Bole- tin. Buenos Aires. 1(>-I7748t HD8261.A3 131 * Association des industries de France contre les accidents du travail. Bulletin bimestriel. Paris. 131a Austria. Ministerium des Innern. Amtliche Nachrichten be- treffend die Unfallversiclierung und die Krankenversiche- rung der Arbeiter. Wien. 6-9182-3 HD7169.A2 132 Belgium. Ojjice du travail. Revue du travail. Bruxelles. 9-20873^ HD8501.A17 133 Canada. Dept. of labour. The Labour gazette. Ottawa. 8-10067 HD8101.A3 134 *Chile. Oficina del trabajo. Boletin. Santiago de Chile. 135 ^Commission Internationale permanente pour I'etude des maladies professionnelles. Bulletin. 136 Congres international des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent. Paris. 7-22211t HD7090.C6 137 *Finland. Industristyrelsen. Arbetsstatisk tidskrift. Ilelsing- fors. 138 France. Direction du travail. Bulletin. Paris. 1(>-I1573t HD8421.A17 29 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS t 139 Germany. Reichs-Versicherungsamt. Anitliche Nachrichten. Berlin. 9-16167t HD7177.A2 140 StatistiscJies Ami. Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Berlin. 7-41147 HA1231.C 141 Abteilung fur Arheiterstatistik. Reielis-Arbeits- blatt. Berlin. 9-12476-8t HD8441.A3 142 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Labour gazette. London. HD8381.A17 14.3 Human engineering. Cleveland, Ohio. 144 International labor oflB.ce, Basel. Bulletin. London. 8-31785t HD7801.I6 14.5 Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Bollet- tino di notizie sul credito e la previdenza. Roma. 6-22919-22 HG3071.A2 146 Vfficio del lavoro. Bollettino. Roma. 9-30559t HD8471.A4 147 Jahrbuch .. . . der Arbeiterversicherung . . . ZumGebrauche bei Ilandhabung der Arbeiterversicherungsgesetze. Berlin. CA9-5673 Unrev'd HD7177.A4 145 Journal of industrial safety. New York. 149 *Der Kompass. Organ der Knappschafts-Berufsgenossen- scliaften fiir das Deutsche Reich. BerUn. 149a Labour gazette, Canada: 5^ee Canada. Dept. of labour 149b Labour gazette, Great Britain: See Gt. Brit. Board of trade 150 *Maanedsskrift for socialstatistik. Kristiania. 151 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. Labor bulletin. Bos- ton. 8-32567 Additions HC107.M4A3 152 *Monatsblatter fiir Arbeiterversicherung. Hrsg. von Mit- gliedern des Reichs-Versicherungsamts. Berlin. 153 Nebraska. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Bulletin. Lincoln. 8-32571 HC107.N2A4 employers' liability: current periodicals 31 154 Netherlands {Kingdom) 1815-. Centraal bureau voor de statis- tiel'. Maandsc'lirift. Revue mensucllc. 's-Gravenhage. 8-18462 HA1383.A32 155 New York (State). Dept. oflahor. Bulletin. Albany. 9-1048t • HC107.N7A5 156 New Zealand. Dept. of labour. Journal. Wellington. 8-36300t HC621.A3 157 Ohio. Bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin. Columbus. 158 *I1 Ramazzini, giornale italiana di medicina sociale. Firenze. 159 Sociale Rundschau. Hrsg. vom Arbeitsstatistichen Amte im K. K. Handelsministerium. Wien. 8-4927 HD7879.A2 160 Soziale Praxis. Zentralblatt fiir Sozialpolitik. Berlin. 6-23367t H5.S7 161 * Spain. Instituto de reformas sociales. Boletin. Madrid. 162 The Survey, [social, charitable, civic]. New York. 9-33244t HV1.C4 163 Swe4en. Kommers'kollegium . Afdelningen for arbetsstatistil- Meddelanden. Stockholm. 10-24120t HD8571.A25 164 U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin. Washington. 4-18114/7 HD8051.A5 165 Interstate commerce commission, xiccident bulletin. 5-41547 HE1781.U5 UNITED STATES BOOKS 166 Adams, Thomas S. Labor laws. {In Adamp, Thomas S., and Helen L. Sumner, eds. Labor prob- lems; a text book. New York, 1905. 8°. p. 401-501.) "Employers' liability": p. 478-487; "Workmen's comijensation acte": p. 487-488; "Compulsory insurance": p. 488-493. HD8072.A25 167 Alabama. Laws, statutes, etc. General laws (ami joint resolu- tions) of the Legislature of Alabama passed at the session of 1911. Montgomery: The Brown 'printing company, 1911. cxxviii, ■ 768 p. 8°. "An act to amend section 3910 of the code. Liability of master or employer to servant or employee for injuries;" approved Apr. 18, 1911: p. 485-486. 168 Alger, George William, and Samuel S. Slater. A treatise on the The New York employers' liability act. Albany, N. Y.: M. Bender, 1903. xxvii, 218 p. 8°. 3-32417 169 Alger & Slater on the New York employers' liability act. 2d ed., rev. and enl. by George W. Alger. Albany, N. Y.: M. Bender cO co., 1907. xlvi, 291 p. 8°. 7-27355 HD7816.U6N5 170 American association for labor legislation. Review of labor legislation of 1909, by Irene Osgood [^Indrews], assist- ant secretary, American association for labor legislation. [Madison: Parsons printery, 1909.] 40 p. 8°. (American association for labor legislation. Legislative review no. 1.) " Employers' liability " : p. 10-16; "Industrial insurance " : p. 26-29. 9-32689 HD7833.A6 1909 171 Review of labor legislation of 1910. Irene Osgood Andrews, assistant secretary. New YorTc city, 1910. 2^ p. 8°. {Legislative review no. 6; Publication no. 11. American association for labor legis- lation.) "Employers' liability and workmen's compensation": p. 6-10. 10-21381 HD7833.A6 1910 32 employers' liability: united states: books 33 172 American association for labor legislation. Review of labor legislation of 1911. New York: American association for labor legislation, 1911 . 162 p. 8°. (American labor legislation review, Oct. 1911, V. 1, no. 3. Publication 14-) "Employers' liability, workmen's compensation and insurance: A. CommissionLS. — B. General liability laws. — C. Compensation and insurance acts " : p. 87-114. "In addition to the state commissions on employers' liability and workmen's compensation previously appointed in eleven states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New York in 1909, and in 1910 New Jersey, Montana, Washington, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri and Massachusetts, and by the federal government in 1910, the legislation of 1911 provides for the creation of similar commissions in nine other states, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Texas and West Virginia. In New Jersey, moreover, a special commission is authorized to observe the operation of the employers' liability act, and the term of office of the Massachusetts commission is extended." p. 87. 173 American digest; a complete digest of all reported Ainer- /^ ican cases from the earliest times to 1896 ... [Century ed.] St. Paul: West publishing co., 1897-1904. 50 v. 4°. "Master and servant. 111. Master's liability for injuries to servant": v. 34, col. 604-1427. Nov. 9, 98-1* Cancel 174 Decennial edition of the American digest; a complete digest of all reported cases from 1897 to 1906. v. 1-20. St. Paul: West publisUng co., 1908-10. 20 v. 4°. {Amer- ican digest system.) Supplemented by the American digest annotated; key-number series, 1906-date. "Master and servant. III. Master's liability for injuries to servant": V. 13, p. 120-1207. 8-17767 175 American federation of labor. President Gompers' report. ... Thirtieth annual convention ... St. Louis, Mo., No- vember 14, 1910. [ Washington, 1910.] 47 p. 8°. "Employers' liability — Compensation": p. 26-27. 176 President Gompers' report . . . Thirty-first annual convention ... Atlanta, Ga., November 13, 1911. [Washington, 1911. ] 60 p. 8°. "Employers' liability — Workmen's compensation": p. 16-17. 34 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 177 American federation of labor. Sketch model of tin net to provide compensation for workmen injured in hazardous industries. Approved by the executive council of the American federation of labor, February, 1911. [Washington, 1911.] 12 p. 8°. 178 Anderson, Luther C. Workmen's compensation. (In West \'irginia state bar association. Proceedings, 1910. [n. p., 1910.] 8°. p. 60-81.) "Discussion": p. 81-102. 179 Arizona (Territory). Constitutional convention, 1910. The pro- posed constitution for the state of Arizona, adopted by the Constitutional convention, held at Phoenix, Arizona, from October 10 to December 9, 1910. [n. 2>., 1910?] 40 p. 8°. For provisions relating to employers' liability, fellow-servant doctrine, workmen's compensation, etc., see Article 18, "Labor": p. 33-34. ARKANSAS— CASES 179a Armistead, Henry M., T. M. Mehaffy, and J. E. Williams. Aluminum company of America, plaintilT in error, v. George II. Kamsey, defendant in error. Motion of defendant in error for dismissal or affirmance and brief thereon. [Little Rock: Democrat print. <& litho. co., 1909 f.] Jf.3 p. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of the U. S. Oct. term, 1909, no. 228, changed to Oct. term, 1911, no. 56. In error to the Arkansas Supreme court. 179b Aluminum company of America, plaintiff in error, v. George H. Ramsey, defendant in error. Brief of the defendant in ei-ror. Little Rock: Democrat print. & litho. co., [1911]. 31 p. 8°. Cover-title. In the U. S. Supreme court. Oct. term, no. 56. In error to the Arkansas Supreme court. 179c Rose, Uriah M., W. E. Hemingway, and others. Aluminum company of America, plaintiff in error, v. George H. Ramsey, defendant in error. [Brief for plaintiff in error.] [Little Rock: Democrat print, cfc litho. co., 1910?.] 67 p. 8°. Cover-title. In U. S. Supremo court. Oct. term, 1909, no. 228, changed to Oct. term, 1911, no. 56. In error to the Arkansas Supreme court. employers' liability: united states: books 35 179d Kose, Uriah M., W. E. Hemingway, and others. Aluminum company of America, plaintiff in error, v. George II. Ram- sey, defendant in error. Brief in reply to motion to dis- miss or aflirm under rule 6. Uriah M. Rose . . . counsel for plaintiff in error. [Little Rod: Democrat print. & litJio. co. 1910?.] 34 p. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of the U. S. Oct. term, 1909, no. 228, changed to Oct. term, 1911, no. 56. In error to the Arkansas Supreme court. 179e U. S. Supreme court. Aluminum company of America, plain- tiff in error, vs. George H. Ramsey. In error to the Supreme court of the State of Arkansas. [WasUngton: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 3 p. 8°. No. 56.— October term, 1911. 180 Atlantic City conference on workmen's compensation acts, 1909. Report of conference held at Atlantic City, N. J., July 29-31, 1909. [Minneapolis? Minn., 1909.] (6), 319, {17) p. 8°. For reports of conferences held in January and June, 1910, see under National conference on workmen's compensation for industrial accidents. 10-1758 HD7816.TJ6A8 181 Bailey, William F. The law of personal injuries relating to master and servant. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1897. 2 v. 8°. 182 The law of the master's liability for injuries to servant. St. Paul, Minn.: West puUishing co., 1894. 'i-^; (^); 647 p. 8°. 183 Bartlett, George A. The industry ought to bear the cost of all accidents; risk as well as labor should be paid for. Speech in the House of Representatives, May 30, 1908. (In Congressional record, 60th Cong. 1st sess. v. 42, Appendix: 333-363.) Jll.R5,v.42,App. Included (p. 335-349) is an article by Launcelot Packer on "British workmen's compensation acts," reprinted from Bulletin of U. S- Bureau of labor, May, 1907, no. 70: 579-638. With this are re- printed from the same bulletin the text of the British Workmen's compensation acts of 1897 and 1906 (p. 349-356). These are fol- lowed (p. 356-363) by a summary of foreign workmen's compensa- tion acts, reprinted from Bulletin of the Bureau of labor, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 121-143. HD8061.A5,no.70,74 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 184 Beck, J. D. The burden of compensation. {In National civic federation. [Proceedings of] the 9th annual meeting, New York, ]90S. New York, 1909. S°. p. l:]l-140.) HD6951.N3 1908 185 Belmont, August. Salient features of workmen's conij^ensa- tion act recommended to the National <'ivic federation at the annual meeting, Jan. 12-14, 1011, by the Department on compensation for industrial accidents and their preveii. tion. • New Yorl, {1910]. 7 p. 4°. Also printed in 24th report of Connecticut Bureau of labor statistics, 1909/10, p. 3,42-347. HC107.C2F2 1909/10 186 BoUes, Albert Sidney. The legal relations between the em- ployed and their emplo3'ers in Pennsylvania, compared with the relations existing between them in other states. Supplement to the 28th annual report of the Bureau of industrial statistics. [Tlarrishurg, Pa.]: W. S. Ray, state printer, 1901. 196 p. 8°. 4-5171 HD7816.U7P4 188 Borland, William P. Railroad rate bill conference report. The conservation of men. Speech in the House of Rep- resentatives, June 18, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 2d sess. v. 45, Appendix: .343-345.) Jll.Il5,v.45,App. 189 Boyd, James Harrington, Workmen's compensation, or in- surance against loss of wages arising out of industrial ac- cidents. Address delivered before Ohio state board of commerce, Columbus, Ohio, November 17, 1910, With prefatory note and appendices. Pub. by Board of library commissioners. Columbus: The F. J. Tleer printing co., 1911. 1^.9 p. 8°. To this address are appended the workmen's liability laws and workmen's compensation act of the state of New York, the law providing "accident and total disability insurance for coal miners " of Montana, and extracts from "Workingmen's insurance in Europe." 11-33083 HD7102.U4B7 190 Bradbury, Harry Bower. Bradbury's rules of pleading in actions at law and in equity under the code of civil pro- cedure ... with a special chapter on the New York em- ployers' liability and workmen's compensation acts, with the texts of the acts, and forms of notices and complaints thereunder. New Yoric: The Banks law puhlishing company, 1911. Ixxiv, 1865 p. 8°. 11-24847 employers' liability: united states: books 37 191 Butler, Pierce. Employees' compensation for injuries. (In Minnesota state bar association. Proceedings, 1908. [St. Paul, 1908.] 8°. p. 32-45.) Discussion: p. 45-70. 192 California. Governor {Hiram W. Johnson). Inaugural ad- dress ... Jan. 3, 1911. Sacrmnento: Vi. W. Shannon, Supt. state printing, 1911. 13 p. S°. "Employers' liability law": p. 12-13. J87.C22 1911 193 Industrial accident hoard. ''Compensation" not the right word. [n. p., 1911.] 11. F°. Mimeographed copy. 194 ^ Why the Roseberry law? [n. p., 1911.] 11. F°. Mimeographed copy. 195 Laws, statutes, etc. Roseberry Employers' liability act. New York city: The Fidelity and casualty company of New York, [1911]. 15 p. 8°. Cover-title. Approved Apr. 8, 1911; effective Sept. 1, 1911. 11-22142 HD7816.U7C2 1911 196 The statutes ... and amendments to the con- stitution passed at the extra session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature, 1910. Sacramento: W. W. Shannon, Superintendent state printing, 1911. vi, (3), 2236 p. 8°. "Chapter 399. An act relating to the liability of employers for injuries or death sustained by their employees, providing for compensation for the accidental injury of employees, establish- ing an industrial accident board, making an appropriation there- for, defining its powers and providing for a review of its awards; [approved Apr. 8, 1911]": p. 796-806. 197 *Cary, Robert J. A brief on the power of Congress in respect of industrial insurance and the law of workmen's com- pensation. [Chicago, 1911.] ii, 163 p. 8°. Cover-title. 198 Cipperly, John Albert. Labor laws and decisions of the state of New Yorli. Re\'ised, with ail amendments to Decem- ber, 1907; and judicial decisions to March 1,1908. Albany, N. Y.: Banks and company, 1908. xxv, 462 p. 8°. 8-10456 HD7835.N7C5 1908 -K: 11 2 b i ,i 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 199 Clark, LiiuUey D. Labor laws declared unconstitutional. Washington, 1910. {4), 916-964 p. 8\ "Reprinted from Bulletin no. 91 of the United States Bureau of labor." "Liability of employers for injuries to employees"': p. 952-955. HD8051.A5,no.91 200 The law of the employment of labor. New York: The Macmillan company, 1911. xiii,373p. S°. "The liability of employers for injuries to their employees"': p. 124-186; "Workmen's compensation laws": p. 187-198; "Neg- ligence of employees " : p. 199-204. 11-30805 HD7834.C62 201 The legal liability of employers for injuries to their employes in the United States. (In West Virginia. Bureau of labor. Tenth biennial report, 1909-1910. Charleston, 1910. 8°. p. 121-232.) ' ' A compilation of the various laws of the United States regulating the liability of employers for injuries to employes": j). 1G2-231. HC107.W5A2 1909-10 Reprinted from Bulletin of United States Bureau of labor, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 1-120. HD8051.A6,no.74 202 Recent action relating to employers' liability and workmen's compensation. Z7. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 675-714. HD8051.A5,no.90 Also printed in 24th report of Connecticut Bureau of labor statistics, 1909-1910, p. 270-321. HC107.C2F2 1909-10 Also issued in separate form; Washington, 1910. , 203 Workmen's compensation and insurance: laws and bills, 1911. V. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 191 1 , no. 92: 97-181 . Reviews reports of commissions of Illinois, Massachusetts, Minne- sota, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington, and Wisconsin. Includes text of laws passed in California, Kansas, Maryland, ^Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, W^ashington, and Wis- consin. HD8051.A5,no.92 204 Colorado. Laws, statutes, etc. The compiled labor laws of the state of Colorado, including all enactments relating to labor to January 1, 1909. Denver, Col.: The Smith-Brooks printing co., state printers, [190SI 105 p. 8°. "Comp. by Melville, Sackett & Calvert, of the Denver bar." "Damages": p. 39-41. 10-8071 HD7835.C6A3 1909 employers' liability: united states: books 39 204a Conference of commissioners on uniform state laws. Special committee on uniform worlcmen^s compensation act. ... Uniform workmen's compensation act. [Boston, 1911?] 13 p. 8°. Hollis R. Bailey, chairman. " Second tentative draft, framed upon the so-called elective basis." 205 Conference of commissions on compensation for indus- trial accidents. Chicago, 1910. Proceedings of Con- ference of commissions on compensation for industrial accidents, held at Chicago, 111., on November 10, 11, and 12, 1910, pub. by Amos T, Saunders, secretary. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis co., printers, 1910. (4), [3]-362 p. S°. 11-8445 HD7816.TJ6C7 206 Connecticut. Committee on legislation regulating liahility of employers. Report of the Committee appointed to investi- gate and report regarding legislation to regulate the habiUty of employers. Hartford: Pub. hy tie state, 1909. 23 p. 8°. Committee: E. Allen Moore, C. J. Donahue, E. M. Day. " Proposed law " : p. 21-23. 9-6974 HD7816.U5C8 1909 CONNECTICUT— CASES 207 Brandegee, Kenealy & Brennan, lawyers, New London, Conn. Wilham H. Hoxie vs. the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad company. Brief for defendant. [New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor co., printers, 1909?] 67 p. 8°. Cover-title. Supreme court of errors, 2d judicial district, April term, 1909. Brandegee, Kenealy & Brennan . . . J. F. Berry . . . counsel for defendant. HD7815.I112U7 1909a 208 Connecticut. Supreme court of errors. Unconstitutionality of the Federal employers' liabihty act. Opinion. [New Haven]: The Price, Lee & AdTcins co., [1909]. 118 p. Cover- title. Opinions of the Court [Judge Simeon E. Baldwin] in the cases William H. Hoxie and Edgar C. Mondou against the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad company, with the oral arguments of O. E. Harrison, who appeared as the representative of the Attorney general of the United States, and of Edward D. Robbins, general counsel for the railroad. 9-26640 HD7816.U7C8 1909a 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 209 Connecticut. Sujn'eme court of errors. Liability of common carriers to employees. Opinions in the cases of William II. Iloxie X. the New York, New Haven and Hartford raihoad company, and Edgar G. Mondou v. tlie New York, New Haven and Hart ford railroad compan}^, together with Sen- ate rejK)rt no. 432, Sixt3Mirst Congress, second session, "amending emj)loyers' liability act." [^y-2G8. 10-33360 HD7836.I6D7 employers' liability: united states: books 41 214 Dresser, Frank Farnum. The Employers' liability acts and the assumption of risks in New York, Massachusetts, Indiana, Alabama, Colorado, and England. St. Paid, Minn.: Keefe-Davidson company, 1902-08. 2 v. 8°. Vol. 2 has title "The Employers' liability acts and the assumption of risks in New York, Massachusetts, Indiana, Alabama, Pennsyl- vania, Colorado, England; and including the Federal act." 2-13400 Additions 215 Eastman, Crystal. The American way of distributing indus- trial accident losses. {hi American association for labor legislation. Proceedings, 1908. Madison, Wis., 1909. 8°. p. 43-58.) HD7806.A4 1908 Also printed in Publications of American economic association, 3d series, Apr. 1909, v. 10: 119-134. HBl.A5,3d ser.,v.lO 216 Employers' liability. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1909. Albany 1910. 8°. p. 460--480.) Discus-sion: p. 480-511. Also printed as a separate pamphlet. 217 "Employers' liability," a criticism based on facts. [New YorJc, 1909?] 23 p. Illustrations. 8°. {Publica- tions of the New York branch of the American association for labor legislation, no. 1 .) "This pamphlet comprises extracts fi'om Miss Eastman's book on Work accidents to be published by the Russell Sage foundation." 11-5023 HD7833.A7,v.l Reprinted in Engineering news, June 17, 1909, v. 61: 651-654. TAl.E6,v.61 218 Work accidents and employers' hability. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, St. Louis, Mo., 1910. P'ort Wayne, Ind. [1910]. 8°. p. 414-424.) HV88.A3 1910 Reprinted in Survey, Sept. 3, 1910, v. 24: 788-794. HVl.C4,v.24 219 Work-accidents and the law. New YorJc: Charities publication committee, 1910. xvi, 345 p. Plates. Diagrams. 8°. {The Pittsburgh survey; findings in six volumes, ed. by P. U. Kellogg.) At head of title: Russell Sage foundation. 10-12104 HD8085.P6P6,v.2 220 Eaves, Lucile. A history of California labor legislation, with an introductory sketch of the San Francisco labor move- ment. Berkeley: The University press, [1910]. xiv, 4^1 p. 4°- ( University of Calfornia puhlications in econoTuics, v. 2.) Bibliography: p. 444-448. "Laws regulating the relationship of employer and employee": p. 261-286. 10-21328 H31.C2,v.2 HD7835.C2E2 18984°— 11 4 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 221 Edwards, .Vlba M. The labor legislation of Connecticut. [Xciv Yoj'lc: Puh. for the American economic association by the Macmillan company; etc., etc., 1907.] viii,322 j>. 8°. {Publications of the American economic association. Third series, vol. viii, no. 3.) "The employment contract and the employer's liability": p. 100- 116. 7-30620 HB1.A5 3dser.,v.8 HD7835.C8E2 222 Ekern, H. L. Organization of mutual employers' liability insurance companies. [Madison?]: Industrial commission of Wisconsin, 1911. Not in Library of Congress. 223 Emery, James A. Workmen's compensation in the United States, its principles and progress. {In National lumber manufacturers' association. National problems affecting the lumber industry. Official report, 9th annual con- vention, Chicago, 1911. Chicago, 1911. 8°. p. 73-97.) HD9751.N3 1911 224 Fairchild, Fred Rogers. The factory legislation of the state of New York. London: For the American economic association by the Mac- millan company; [etc., etc.], 1905. iv, {2), 218 p. 8°. {Publications of the American economic association. 3d series, vol. vi, no. 4-) Employers' liability: see index. 6-10337 HBl.A5,v.6 HD7835.N7F2 225 -Falkner, Roland P. Industrial accidents. {In National civic federation. [Proceedings of] the 9th annual meeting, New York, 1908. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 150-157.) HD6951.N3 1908 226 Fessenden, Stephen D. Present status of employers' liability in the United States. Washington, D. C, 1901. 5/+ p. 8°. {U. S. Bureau of labor. United States Department of labor exhibit, Pan- American exposition, 1901. Monographs on social eco- nomics. 4-) Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Bureau of labor, Nov. 1900, no. 31: 1157-1210. HD8051.A5,no.31 employees' liability: united states: books 43 georgia— cases 226a U. S. Dept. of justice. In the Court of appeals of the state of Georgia. Central of Georgia railway company, plaintiff in error, v. Victoria Waldo, administratrix, defendant in error. Brief of the Attorney-general of the United States as amiciis-ciirife upon the constitutionality of the Employers' liability act of April 22, 1908. George W. Wickersham, Attorney-general. Wade H. Ellis, assist- ant to the Attorney-general. O. E. Harrison, Pliilip J. Doherty, of counsel for the United States. [ Washington: Govt, jwint. off., 1909.] 90 p. 8°. Cover-title. 9-35598 HE2712.C43B35 227 Gilman, Xicholas Paine. Methods of industrial peace. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company; London: Macmillan and company, ltd., 1904- x, 4^6, (2) p. 12°. "Workmen's insurance and employers' liability", p. 198-239. 4-9259 HD5505.G4 228 Goodnow, Frank Johnson. Social reform and the Constitution. New York: The Macmillan company, 1911. xxi, 365 p. 12°. {American social progress series. [7].) "The constitutionality of government aid. II. Pensions in case of old age, accident or sickness " : p. 300-317. 11-23720 JK271.G7 229 Hard, WilHam, and others. Injured in the course of duty; reprinted, with some additions, from Everybody's maga- zine, being an exposition and some conclusions on the sub- ject of industrial accidents, how they happen, how they are paid for, and how they ought to be paid for; a plan on which labor and capital can unite to the advantage of both. [New York: The Ridgway company, 1910.] (10), 179 p. 16°. 10-13157 HD7814.H25 230 Harper, Samuel A. Workmen's compensation in Illinois. [n. p., n. d.] 28 p. 8°. ' Reprinted from the Illinois law review, Oct.-Xov. 1911, v. 6. 231 Harris, Addison C. Modern views of compensation for personal injuries. (In State bar association of Indiana. Report, 1909. [Indianapolis], 1909. 8°. p. 48-80.) 232 Hatch, Leonard W. Review of [labor] legislation, 1907-1908. {In New York. State library. Bulletin. Legislation, no. 39. Albany, 1910. 8°. p. 7-24.) "Employers liability": p. 13-14. Z6457.Al.N5,no.39 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 233 Henderson, Charles Richmond. Die Arheiter-Yersichening in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Anierika. Berlin-Grunewald: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung; A. Tro- scliel, 1907. digest of all the decisions contained in the American negligence cases and the American negligence reports. New Yorlc: Remiclc, Schilling & co., [1902]. Hi, 589 p. 8°. 2-14708 237 Hughes, Charles, comp. Manual of liability and workmen's compensation insurance; rules and rates for the state of New Jersey. [Boston, Mass.: The RoclcweU & Churchill press], 1911. xxi, 3-35 p., 36-201 numb. I. 16°. Numbered leaves printed on one side only. 11-20849 HG9964.E5H8 238 Illinois. Bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin. Labor legisla- tion enacted by the Forty-seventh General assembl}' of Illinois. 1911. Springfield: Illinois state journal co., state printers, 1911. 142 p. 8°. Contents. — I. The act creating the Employers' liability com- sion. Report of Commission and its attorney on employers' lia- bility. — II. Review of Senate bill no. 283, [Compensation act], udth analysis of other important labor measures. — III. Attitude of labor leaders respecting liability and workmen's compensation law. Protest of the manufacturers. Veto of Senate bill no. 401 .— IV. Laws enacted. ^Appendix. Brief abstracts of the labor laws of Illinois, arranged chronologically, 1819-1911. employers' liability: united states: books 45 239 Illinois. Employers' liability commission. Report. Initial meet- ing, March 24, 1910. Final meeting, September 15, 1910. [Chicago: Press ofStromherg, Allen <& co., 1910?] 249 p. 8°. Charles Piez, chairman. 11-33002 HD7816.U7I3 1910 240 Industrial insurance commission. Report to the Governor of Illinois. Springjield, III.: PTiillipshros., state printers, 1907. 30 p. 8°. Charles H. Hulburd, president. "A bill for an act to facilitate the insurance of employes against the consequences of accidents resulting in personal injury or death " : p. 11-14. 8-3205 HD7102.U5I3 1907 241 Laws, statutes, etc. A bill for an act to facilitate the insurance of employes against the consequences of acci- dents resulting m personal injury or death and to permit agreements between employers and employes with refer- ence to such accidents. [Spring-field, 1907.] 9 p. F°. 8-3328t HD7102.U5 I 3 1907a 242 The Compensation law. New YorTc city: The Fidelity and casualty company of New Yorl:,[1911]. 14 p. 8°. Cover- title. Approved June 10, 1911; effective May 1, 1912. 243 Laws . . . enacted by the Forty-seventh Gen- eral assembly . . . 1911. Springfield, III.: Illinois state journal co., state printers, 1911. xvi, 576 p. 8°. "An act to promote the general welfare of the people of this state, by providing compensation for accidental injuries or death suffered in the course of employment; [approved June 10, 1911]": p. 314-326. 244 Indiana. Laws, statutes, etc. An act concerning the liability of employers for injuries and deaths of employees, providing for compensation and damages therefor, defining rules of ' law, procedure and evidence for the trial of such cases, and other matters incident thereto, repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emer- gency. [S. 192. Approved Mar. 2, 1911.] [Indianapolis, 1911.] 4 P- ^°- At head of title: Chapter 88. 11-33157 HD7816.U6I6 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 245 Indiana. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws . . . passed at the Sixty- seveiitli regular session of tlic General assembly . . . 1911. Indianapolis: W. B. Burford, contractor for state printing and binding, 1911. 860 p. 8°. "Chapter 88. An act concerning the liability of employers lor injuries and deaths of employes, providing for compensation and damages therefor, defining rules of law, procedure and evidence for the trial of such cases, and other matters incident thereto, repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency; [approved Mar. 2, 1911]": p. 145-149. 246 Industrial accidents, a nation's duty . . . The text of a pro- posed law applicable to Maryland's mining industry, with a brief explanation of the reasons for such legisla- tion. [Annajyolisf 1909.] (2), I4 p. 8°. 247 *International harvester company and affiliated com- panies. Industrial accident department of Interna- tional harvester company and affiliated companies. Effective May first, 1910. [n. p.], 1910. 15 p. 16°. Cover-title. 248 *Joint conference of the central labor bodies of the city of New York, 1909. Brief in favor of a compensation act. [New YorTc, 1909.] 10 p. 4°. Submitted to the New York state Commission on employers' lia- bility. 249 Joint legislative committee of labor organizations. A brief on workmen's compensation for industrial accidents. Prepared by the Joint legislative committee representing the State society of labor . . . Kansas state federation of labor . . . Brotherhood of railway trainmen. [n. p., 1011.] 21 p. 8°. Cover-title. Signed by James Skahan, S. A. Bramlette, A. A. Roe, and others. 11-33029 HD7102.U4J7 250 Joyce, Joseph A. A treatise on marine, fire, life, accident and all other insurances, including mutual benefit societies, covering also general average, and so far as applicable, rights, remedies, pleading, practice and evidence. San Francisco: Bancroft- V^lntney comyany, 1897. 4 '^'- ^'°- 5-33931. employees' liability: united states: books 47 251 Kansas. Bureau of labor and industry. Employers' compen- sation act, {In its Report, 1909. Topeka, 1910. 8°. p. 124-134.) Progress of the compensation bill introduced in Congress in 1909 by Representative Sabath, of Illinois; reprinted from the "Railway record." HC107.K2A2 1909 252 Employers' liability. (/n {«s Report, 1909. Topeka, 1910. S°. p. 112-123.) Includes reprints of the section on employers' liability from the "Review of labor legislation of 1909," issued by the American association for labor legislation; of an article by Samuel Gompers, from the "American federationist;" and of an article by F. M. Judson, from the ' 'Railway record. " HC107.K2A2 1909 253 Liability of employer for personal injury to employee in action brought under the law known as "The factory act," chapter 356 of the laws of 1903. (In its Report, 1909. Topeka, 1910. 8°. p. 135-156.) Decision of the Kansas Supreme court in the case Kate Caspar, appellee, v. William Lewin et al., appellants. (82 Kan. 604); Decision of the United States District court for northern district of Illinois on the Hours of service federal statute (case of United States V. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway company; decided Apr. 21, 1909); Text of Hours of service act. HC107.K2A2 1909 254 — Governor (W. R. Stuhhs). [Special message on em ployers' liability and workmen's compensation.] Feb. 8, 1911. (In Kansas. Legislature. Journal of the Senate, Feb. 8, 1911. Topeka, 1911. 8°. p. 9-10.) 255 ■ Laws, statutes, etc. Session laws, 1911 . . . Topeica: State printing office, 1911. xxiv, 660 p. 8°. "Chapter 218. Providing compensation for persons injured in cer- tain hazardous industries; [approved Mar. 13, 1911]": p. 382-398. 255a An act to provide compensation for workmen injured in certain hazardous industries. [Topelaf 1911.] 15 p. 8°. Caption title, beginning: Substitute for Senate bill no. 331. Stamped, above the title: Passed. Approved by the governor Mch. 13, 1911. 11-33101 HD7816.U7K2 1911a 256 Workmen's compensation act. New YorTc city: The Fidelity and casualty company of New Yorlc, [1911]. 16 p. 8°. Cover- title. Effective January 1, 1912. 11-22141 HD7816.U7K2 1911 48 L.TBRAKY OF CONGRESS KANSAS-CASES 256a U. S. Interstate commerce commission. Henry Brinkmeier, })lamtiir in error, v. The Missouri Pacific railway co., defentlant in error. Brief of Interstate commerce com- mission as amicus curiae. Pliilip J. Doherty, attorney, Interstate commerce commission. Washington: Govt, 'print, off., 1909. 53 p. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of Kansas. No. 16090. 10-35213 HE2712.M8B35 257 Kingsley, S. C. Compensation in case of sickness, accident and death from the point of view of what a relief society would consider adequate. (In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, St. Louis, Mo., 1910. Fort Wayne, Ind., [1910]. 8°. p. 434-440.) HV88.A3 1910 258 Labatt, Charles Bagot. Commentaries on the law of master and servant. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers' co-operative publishing co., 1904. 3 V. 8°. Contents. — v. 1-2. Employer's liability. — v. 3. Relation, hiring and discharge, compensation, strikes, etc. 4-1326 259 Lattimore, Florence. Children's institutions and the accident problem. (In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, St. Louis, Mo., 1910. Fort Wayne, Ind. [1910]. 8°. p. 425-433.) HV88.A3 1910 260 Lawyers' reports annotated. Digest of the Lawyers reports annotated, v. 1-70 (cited "L. R. A.") with full index to annotation. Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers co-operative publishing com- pany, 1907. 3 V. 8°. "Master and servant. II. Liability of master to servant": v. 2, p. 2038-2081. 7-13008 261 Digest of the Lawyers rej)orts annotated, New series, V. 1-24. Cited "L. \l. A. (N. S.)." With full index to annotation, v. 1-24. Rochester, N. Y .: The Lawyers co-operative publishing com- pany, 1910. (4), 1818 p. 8°. "Master and servant. II. Liability of master to servant": p. 1159-1193. 7-23620 employees' liability: united states: books 49 262 Lescohier, Don Divance. Industrial accidents and employers' liability in Minnesota. Part ii of the Twelfth l)iennial report of the Bureau of labor, industries and commerce of the state of ^Minnesota, 1909-10. W. E. McEwen, Labor commissioner, [Minneapolis? 1910.] (4), 125-324 p. 8°. Bibliography on industrial accidents, employers' liability and work- men's compensation: p. 320-322. "The first four chapters are a study of industrial accidents from the point of view of compensation; chapters 5-14 are a study of accidents in the individual industries (iron mining, railroads, lumbering, sawmills, woodworking, general contracting, public utilities, metal manufacturing, flour mills and grain elevators, etc.) from the point of view of prevention. "Api^endixes (p. 315-324): Laws requiring accident investigation, and events that caused passage of these laws. — Bibliography (p. 320-322). — Index to employers' liability cases reported in v, 103-109 of the Reports of the Minnesota Supreme court." 11-18298 HD7816.U7M6 1910 Also printed in Minnesota. Bureau of labor industries and com- merce. Twelfth biennial report. 1909-1910. [Minneapolis? 1910.] 8°. p. 123-324. HC107.M6A2 1909-1910 263 Lewis, Frank Wesley. State insurance, a social and industrial need. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin company, 1909. {12), 233, (1) p. Tables. 8°. 9-8934 HD7091.L5 264 Lorenz, M. O. What form of workingmen's accident insurance should our states adopt ? (In American association for labor legislation. Proceedings, 1908. Madison, Wis., 1909. 8°. p. 59-75.) HD7806.A45 1908 Also printed in American economic association quarterly, Apr. 1909, 3d ser., v. 10: 135-151. HBl.A57,3d ser.,v.lO 265 McKitrick, Reuben. Accident insurance for worldngmen. Pre- pared with the co-operation of the Political science depart- ment of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsinlibrary commission. Legislative ref- erenc& department, 1909. 70 p. 12°. Wisconsin library commission. Legislative reference department. Compara- tive legislation bulletin, no. 20.) "References": p. 5-9. 9-29262 HD7101.M2 266 McLean, F. H. Industrial accidents in New York state and the need for a state commission of investigation. {In New York state conference of charities and correction. Proceed- ings, 1907. Albany, 1908. 8°. p. 114-131.) HV88.N7 1907 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 267 Maine. Bureau of industrial and labor statistics. Employers' liability. {In its Twenty-second annual report, 1908. Waterville, 1908. 8°. p. 300-339.) Includes a survey of European and American legislation. HC107.M2A3 1908 268 Industrial accidents and workmen's compen- sation. {In its Twenty-fourth annual report, 1910. Ausjusta, 1910. 8°. p. 218-272.) HC107.M2A3 1910 269 Laws, statutes, etc. Labor laws of Maine. Comp. and issued by Department of labor and industry . . . 1911. Waterville: Sentinel i^hlishing co., 1911. 72 ]>. 8°. "Chapter 89 of the Revised statutes — Right of action for injuries causing death": p. 34; "Chapter 258 of the Public laws of 1909— Employers' liability law": p. 35-38. 270 Manes, Alfred. Arbeiterversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 901-906.) "Literatur": p. 906. H45.H22,v.l 271 Martin, W. A. Master and servant. {In American and English encyclopaedia of law. 2d ed. Northport, N. Y., 1902. 8°. V. 20, p. 3-192.) "Master's liability for personal injuries to servant": p. 54-163. 272 Master and servant. {In Encyclopsedia of pleading and ])ractice. Northport, N. Y., 1898. 8°. v. 13, p. 891-930.) "I. Actions against master for injuries to servant": p. 892-915. 273 Maryland. Bureau of statistics and information. Labor laws of Maryland. Baltimore: [Press of Kolin & PoUoclc, 1906]. 62 p. 8°. "Chapter 139, 1902. — Co-operative insurance; [approved Apr. 1, 1902]": p. 54-57; (declared unconstitutional, Apr. 27, 1904, see TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, no. 57: 689-690). Chapter 412 [Miners' insurance act; approved Apr. 8. 1902]: p. 57-59. 274 Laws, statutes, etc. Laws made and passed at tlie ses- sion of the General assembly . . . 1910. Baltimore: George IF. King printing co., state 'printers, 1910. 1527 J). 8°. ' ' Chapter 153. An act to create a fund for the relief and sustenance of employees injured in coal and clay mining in Allegany and Garrett counties, and the dependents of employees injured or killed in such mining; [approved, Apr. 7, 1910]": p. 484-492. employers' liability: united states: books 61 275 Massachusetts. Commission on com'pensation for industrial accidents. Acts submitted [to the General court]. [Boston, 1911.] 57 p. 8°. {House, no. 1925.) 276 Report. [Boston, 1911.] 25 I). 8°. (House, no. 300.) Caption title. 277 * — - Tentative synopsis and draft of a proposed act providing for payments in case of accidents to em- ployees. Boston, 1910. 8 p. 4°. 278 Committee on relations between employer and employee. Report. Submitted in accordance with resolve approved June 5, 1903. January, 1904. Boston: Wright d' Potter printing co., state printers, 1904. 118 p. 8°. Signed (p. 70); Carroll D. Wright, Henry Starling, [etc.] "Employers' liability": pp. 36-56. "Appendix no. 10. The British Workman's compensation act [of 1897, and amendment of 1900; by A. Maurice Low]:" p. 88-95. 11-1817 HD8053.M4A5 1904 279^ ■ Generalcourt. Joint committee on the judiciary. [Report presenting bill providing for workmen's compensation. June 21, 1911.] [Boston, 1911.] 22 p. 8°. (House, no. 2038.) Presented by Amos T. Saunders. Views of the minority. [Boston, 1911.] 6 p. 8°. (House, no. 2039.) Signed: Wilmot R. Evans, jr. 280 House of represen atives. Committee on the judiciary. Evidence and arguments on the subject of regulating the liability of employers, in cases of accidents to their operatives tlu'ough the carelessness of fellow- employees. [Boston, 1885.] 88 p. 8°. (Massachusetts. House doc, 1885, no. 326.) J87.M4 1885g 281 Laws, statutes, etc. Acts and resolves passed by the Legislature during the session of 1911. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1911. 908 p. 8°. "Chap. 751. An act relative to payments to employees for personal injuries received in the course of their employment and to the prevention of such injuries. Approved July 28, 1911 " : p. 742-752. 52 UBKARY OF CONGRESS 282 Massachusetts. Laws, statutes, etc. The compensation law. New Yorl: city: The Fidelity and casualty company of New Yor]c,[1911]. 15 p. 8°. Cover- title. Part IV effective Jan. 1, 1912; remainder effective July 1, 1912. 283 Labor legislation in Massachusetts, 1910. Boston: Wright cfc Potter printing comfMny, state printers, 1910. 59 p. S°. (Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. Labor bulletin no. 73. June, 1910.) Accidents and compensation: see index. HC107.M4A3,no.73 284 Workingmen's compensation act (so called) passed by the Legislature, 1911, [Boston: J. C. Paige & co., 1911.] 22 p. S°. Cover- title. 285 Suprence judicial court. [Report upon questions re- garding employers' liability. July 24, 1911.] [Boston, 1911.] 4 p. 8°. (Senate, no. 615.) On the constitutionality of proposed legislation. 286 Mechem, Floyd R. Employers' liability. (^Iii Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1909. Chicago, 1909. 8°. p. 347-380.) Reprinted in Illinois law review, Nov, 1909, v. 4: 243-271; in Chi- cago legal news, July 10, 1909, v. 41: 404-406, 408-409; and in American law review. Mar .-Apr. 1910, v. 44: 221-255. 287 Megaarden, Theodor. Master and servant. (Ill American and English encyclopaedia of law. 2d ed. Supple- ment. Northport, N. Y., 1906. 4°. v. 3, p. 1218-1360.) "Master's liability for personal injuries to servant": p. 1230-1353. 288 Mercer, Hugh Victor. Constitutionality of workmen's com- j)ensation acts. (In American association for labor legislation. Proceedings, 1909. New York, 1910. 8°. p. 108-120.) HD7806.A4 1909 289 New York decision on workmen's compensation is no bar hcte ; brief submitted to the Legislature [of Minnesota]. [Minneapolis? 1911.] 23 p. 8°. 290 Workers' compensation. [Minneapolis?] 1910. (2), 214 p. 8°. Prepared by the author while chairman of the Committee on juris- Ijrudence and law reform of the Minnesota state bar association. 11-7272 HD7816.U6M5 employers' liability: united states: books 53 291 Miles, John E. The railroads their employes and the public. A discourse upon the rights, duties and obligations of each toward the other. [Printed hyth(\Memorial2)ress, Plymouth, 1906.] 199 j). 8°. "Employers' liability relative to injuries upon railroads:" p. 169- 175; " Revising Employers' liability act. Engineers' compensa- tion proposal:" p. 176-178; "Report of Special committee upon Employers' liability:" p. 179-189. fr-12580 HE1741.M64 292 Minnesota. Bureau of labor, industries and commerce. Indus- trial accidents and workingmen's compensation ... by Don D. Lescohier. [St. Paul, 1909.] 58 p. Diagrs. 8°. (Its Bulletin, no. 1, Oct. 1909.) Bibliography: p. 57-58. HD7816."Cr7M6,no.l 293 Employees^ compensation commission . Report to Legis- lature, January 1911. [Minneapolis? 1911.] 289, xiv p. 8°. Cover-title. H. V. Mercer, chairman. 11-7271 D78H16.U6M6 294 Laws, statutes, etc. General laws passed during the Thirty-seventh session of the state Legislature . . . [1911]. St. Paul: The Pioneer company, 1911. 732 p. 8°. "Chapter 281. An act to amend section 4503, Re\'ised laws of Minne- sota 1905, relating to action for death by wrongful act, and amount of damages to be recovered; [approved Apr. 19, 1911] " : p. 395-396. 295 Minnesota academy of social sciences. Papers and pro- ceedings of the fourth annual meeting; ed. by WilUam A. Schaper. [ Manlcato, Minn.]: For the Academy by the Free press printing CO., 1911. 241,viip. 8°. (Its Publications, vol. iv, no. 4- Contents relating to workmen's compensation: The evils of the present system of employer's liability, by W. E. McEwen: p. 154- 171. — Employer's liability and worlynen's compensation acts, by George M. Gillette: p. 172-189. — Discussion, by Fred L. Gray: p. 190-192.— Discussion, by Tom J. McGrath: p. 193-195.— A bill for an act to provide a workmen's compensation code, recom- mended by H. V. Mercer and \V. E. McEwen: p. 196-225.— A bill for an act to provide a code for the relief of workmen injured in employment, by an elective system of industrial insurance, recom- mended by George M. Gillette: p. 226-232. — Comment on the principal differences between the Gillette code and the McEwen- Mercer code, by George M. Gillette: p. 232-241. 11-17484 HV6783.M7 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 296 Missouri. Bureau of lahor statistics. The "fellow-servant" (luestion. By Lee ^lerriwethor, Commissioner of the Bureau . (In its Eighteenth annual report, 1896. Jefferson Tity, 1890. S'\ pt. 3, p. 371-400.) HC107.M8A2 1896 297 Governor, 1909-1911. (TTerlert S. TIadley.) Special message concerning liability of employer to employe, \\ith report of commission to Forty-sixth General assembly, Missouri. Jefferson City: The Hugh Stephens printing company, {19ir\. 18 p. 8°. 11-23860 HD7816.U7M8 1911 298 Mitchell, John. Shall industry bear the cost of industrial accidents ? (In National civic federation. [Proceedings of] the 9th annual meeting, New York, 1908. New York, 1909. 8°. p. 168-171.) HD6951.N3 1908 299 Moll, Theophilus John. A treatise on the law of independent contractors and their liabiUty, including formation of the relation, employers' general and exceptional liability, interliabihty of employers and contractors and their subordinates. Cincinnati: The W. H.Anderson co., 1910. Ivi, 378 p. 8°. 10-1686 300 *Moiitana. Auditor's office. Special report . . . relating to the operations of the coal miners accident and total disability insurance law. (Act approved Mar. 4, 1909.) Submit- ting facts and figures pertaining thereto, and showing experience gained, or established, for the period covered during w4iich such act has been in force. Helena, [1911]. 11 p. 8°. 301 Bureau of agriculture, labor and industry. Twelfth report ... for the years 1909 and 1910. Part II. Labor. Helena: Independent publishing co., [19109] (4)y ^33 p. 4°- "Workmen's compensation": p. 8-40. HC107.M9A2 1909-1910,pt.2 302 Insurance dept. Coal miners' accident and total chs- abihty insurance law hold unconstitutional. Helena, 1911. 3 p. 4°. {Bulletin no. 10, Nov. 24, 1911.) employees' liability; united states: books 55 303 *Montanai Laws, statutes, etc. Accident and total disability- insurance for coal miners. [Act of Mar. A, 1900.] Helena, [1911]. 8 p. 8°. 11-33155 HD7116.M6U6 1911 304 Laws, resolutions and memorials passed at the Twelfth regular session of the Legislative assembly . . . ion. Helena: IndepcTident publishing company, 1911. xxii, 639 p. 8°. "Chapter 29. An act defining the liability of persons or corporations operating any railroad in this state, for injuries received by em- ployes thereof . . . Approved Feb. 16, 1911": p. 47-48. MONT ANA— C A SE S 305 Cunningham, Harry R. Harry R. Cunningham, as State auditor of the state of Montana, respondent, vs. NortJi- western improvement company, a corporation, appellant. Transcript on appeal. Wm. Wallace, jr., John G. Brown, R. F. Gaines, attorneys for appellant, Northwestern improvement company. Albert J. Galen, J. A. Poore, attorneys for respondent. Appeal from the District court of the First judicial district of the state of Montana in and for the county of Lewis and Clark. [Helena? 1911.] 9 p. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of the state of Montana. No. 2998. Testing constitutionality of Chap. 67 of Laws of 1909 on Miner's insurance fund. 305a Montana. Attorney general's office. Harry R. Cunningham, as State auditor of the state of Montana, plaintiff and respondent, vs. Northwestern improvement company, a corporation, defendant and appellant. Brief of respon- dent. Albert J. Galen, Attorney general.- J. A. Poore, Assistant Attorney general, attorneys for respondent. [Helena? 1911.] 25 p. 8°. Cover- title. In the Supreme court of the state of Montana. No. 2998. 305b Wallace, William, jr. and R. F. Gaines, attorneys. Harry R. Cunningham, as State auditor of the state of Montana, plaintiff and respondent, vs. Northwestern improvement company, a corporation, defendant and appellant. Brief of appellant. Wm. Wallace, jr., R. F. Gaines, attorneys for appellant. [Helena? 1911.] 30 p. 8°. Cover- title. In the Supreme court of the state of Montana. No. 2998. 56 LIHKAKV OF CONGRESS 306 Moore, W. F. Liability insurance. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept. 1905, V. 26: 499-574. hi.A4,v.26 307 Moran, William J. Unbinding tlie eyes of justice. {In National civic fedcsralioii. [Proceedings of] the 9th annual meeting, New York, 1908. New York, 1909. 8°. 157-1G8.) Discusses the burden put upon the courts of the United States by the great number of negligence cases brought before them. HD6951.N3 1908 30. Fiscal year 1910. Manila: Bureau of printing, 1911. 174 V- ^°« "Labor accidents": p. 17-18. HD8711.A25 1910 343 Reno, Conrad. A treatise on the law of employers' liabiUty acts. Boston and New Yorlc: HougTiton, Mifflinand company, 1896. xiv, 423 p. 8°. 2-20196 344 A treatise on the law of the employers' liability acts of New York, Massachusetts, Indiana, Alabama, Colo- rado, and England. 2d ed. Indianapolis: The Bowen- Merrill company, 1903. lvi,623p. 8°. 3-2934 • 345 Reynolds, John M. Employer's liability and workmen's com- pensation. Speech in the House of Representatives, June 25, 1910. (In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess. v. 45, Appendix: 432-439.) Jll.Il5,v.45,App. 346 Rosenfeld, Henry L. Co-operation and compensation versus compulsion and compromise in employers' liabihty; an address dehvered before the National association of manufacturers, fifteenth annual meeting. Waldorf-Astoria, New York citv, Mav 17, 1910. [New Yorlc? 1910.] {2), 15, (1) p. 8°. 10-14119 HD7816.U6R8 64 ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 347 Ross, David. Laws covering accidents and employers' liability. {In Illinois. Bureau oj labor statistics. Twenty-ninth annual coal report, 1910. Springfield, 1911. 8°. p. 531-537.) Address delivered before the American mining congress at Goldfield, Nevada, Sept. 27, 1910. 348 Sabath, Adolpli J. Workmen's compensation bill. Speech in the House of Representatives, June 6, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess., v. 45, Appendix: 300- 313.) Jll.R5,v.45,App. 349 Sherman, P. Tecumseh. Explanatory statement upon work- men's compensation bill. Delivered at annual meeting, the National civic federation, Jan. 13, 1911, New York. New Yorlc city, [1911]. 1 I F°. Folded leaf in cover. Also printed in 24th report of Connecticut Bureau of Libor statistics, 1909-10, p. 322-337. HC107.C2F21909-10 350 South Dakota. Laws, statutes, etc. Enabhng act and consti- tution and the laws passed at the Twelfth session of the Legislature, 1911, Pierre: Hippie printing co., 1911. xi, 129, 471, 21 p. 8°. "Employers liability law. An act relating to common carriers by raihoad. Approved Feb. 25, 1911": p. 294-295. 351 State bar association of Indiana. Employers' liabiUty. Being the reports of the Committee on jurisprudence and law reform, and of the Special legislative committee to the 15tli amiual meeting of the State bar association of Indiana, together with a selected bibhography. [Indianapolis, 1911.] 33 p. 8°. ■'Select bibliography on employers' liability, compiled by Legis- lative reference department, Indiana state library, August 1911": p. 29-33. cal2-239 352 Report of Committee on jurisprudence and law reform: Employers' hability. {In its Report, 1910. [n. p.], 1910. 8°. p. 42-57.) "Discussion": p. 91-124. 353 State society of labor and. industry, Kansas. Legislative committee. Report for the year 1911. Topeka: Adams hros., 1911. J^l p. 8°. Cover-title. James Skahan, chairman. History of bills relating to employers' liability and workmen's com- pensation: p. 2-4, 16-33. 11-25356 HD7835.K2S7 employees' liability: united states: books 65 354 Street, Robert Goukl. The law of civil liability for personal injuries by nef;;ligence in Texas. Chicago: T. H. Flood and comimny, 1911. Ixxi, 710 y. 8°. 11-3482 355 Stronach, Alexander. Employers' liability insurance. {In Mack, William, ed. Cyclopedia of law and procedure. New York, 1905. 4°. v. 15, p. 1035-1041.) 356 Tennessee. Governor (Ben W. Hooper). Message ... to the Fiftv-seventli General assembly . . . Jan. 31, 1911. Nashville, [1911]. 29 p. 8°. Cover-title. "Fellow-servants' bill," p. 17-18. J87.T22 1911 357 Thornton, William Wheeler. A treatise on the Federal employers' liability and safety appliance acts. Cincinnati, 0.: The W. H. Anderson company, 1909. (4), iii-xlvii, {2), 410 p. 8°. 9-16582 HD7816.U6T6 358 U. S. Bureau of labor. Labor laws of the United States with decisions of courts relating thereto. Washington: Govt, print, of., 1908. 1562 p. 8°. (Annual report of the Commissioner oflahor, 22d, 1907.) Charles P. Neill, commissioner. Issued also in the Congressional series, no. 5325, as House doc. 982, 60th Cong. 1st sess. 5325 "Compilation of the labor laws enacted by the legislatures of the various states and territories in force at the close of the year 1907 (with the exception of Oklahoma) and those enacted by Congress up to and including the session of 1907-8." See index under Liability of employers for injuries to employees. 11-12157 HD8051.A3 22d HD7833.A4 1908 359 Laws regulating liability of employers for injuries to employees. Compilation of the laws of the states, territories, and United States. [Washington: Govt, print, off., 1908.] 61 p. 8°. (60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 207.) 5264 8-35102 HD7816.U6A4 1908 360 Railroad labor. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1890. 888 p. Map. 8°. (Annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 6th, 1889.) Carroll D. Wright, commissioner. Issued also in the Congressional series, no. 2751, as House ex. doc. 336, 51st Cong. 1st sess. 2751 "Employers' liability for personal injuries to their employes": p. 42-57. 11-12143 HD8051.A3 5th 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 360a U. S. Congress. Bills. Tentative bill of United States employ- ers' lial)ility and workmen's compensation commission. [WasMngton: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 40 V- 4°- 361 House. Compensating government employees for injuries sustained in employment. Debate in the House of Representatives, May 16, 1908. {In Congressional record, 60th Cong., 1st sess., v. 42, pt. 7: 6412-6417.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.7 361a Compensation of employees of the United States for injuries. [Debate in the House of Representa- tivesyDec. 6, 1911.] {In Congressional record, 62d Cong., 2d sess., v. 48, no. 3 (current file): 45-46.) Debate on bill H. R. 13.570. 362 Debate in the House of Representatives, Feb. 23, 1910, on a bill (H. R. 17263) to amend an act entitled "An act relating to the liability of common carriers by railroads to their employees in certain cases." {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 2d sess., v. 45, pt. 3: 2253-2260.) Jll.B5,v.45,pt.3 363 Committee on tlie judiciary. Compensation to government employees [for injuries. Hearing, March 23, 1908]. WasMngton: Govt, frint. off., 1908. 54 p. 8°. John J. Jenkins, chairman. 8-35434 HD7816.U6A3 1908 364 Hearings, [Feb. 28-March 1, 1906], on H. R. 239, relating to liability of common carriers by rail- roads in the District of Columbia and territories and com- mon carriers by railroads engaged in commerce between the states and between the states and foreign nations to their employees. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1906. 132 p. Table. 8°. John J. Jenkins, chairman. 6-35229 HD7815.R12U5 365 'Hearings on H. R. 17036. [February 19, 26, 28.] Washington: Govt, print, off., 1908. 234 V- Table. 8°. Bill providing for employers' liability regarding railroads. 8-30170 HD7815.R12U7 1908b employers' LlAlilLlTY: UNITED STATES: BOOKS 67 366 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Liability of common carriers. Argument of H. R,. Fuller, legislative representative of the Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, before the House Committee on the judiciary, relative to H. R. 7041, March 9, 1904. I Washington: Govt, print, off., 1904.] 55 y. 8°. 5-30415 ' HE1791.U58 357 Liability of employers. Report. Mar. 15, 1906. [ Washington: Govt, print, off., 1906.] 8 p. 8°. i.59th Cong. Istsess. House. Re pt. 2335.) 4906 Submitted by Mr. Sterling. 35g LiabHity of employers. Report. [ Washington: Govt, print, off., 1908.] 98 p. 8°. {60th Cong. Istsess. House. Rept.1386.) 5226 Submitted by Mr. Sterling, referred to the Houae calendar and ordered printed, April 4, 1908. "Views of the minority": p. 77-94; "Views of Mr. Parker": p. 95-98. 8-35327 HD7815.R12U7 1908a 369 Workmen's compensation. Hearings on H. R. 1, February 17 and March 15, 1910. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. 183 p. 8°. R. 0. Moon, chairman of subcommittee conducting hearings. 10-35484 HD7815.R12U7 1910c 370 Senate. Employers' liability bill. Debate in the Senate, April 9, 1908. {Ill Congressional record, 60th Cong. 1st sess., v. 42, pt. 5: 4526- 4550.) Jll.R5,v.42,pt.5 371 Debate in Senate on House bill 17263, concern- ing liability of common carriers to employees, Mar. 31, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 2d sess., v. 45, pt. 4: 4034-4051.) Senators Borah, Brandegee, Lodge, Hale, and others. Jll.R5,v.45,pt.4 372 Debate in the Senate, Apr. 1, 1910, on the lia- bility of common carriers to employees. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 2d sess., v. 45, pt. 4: 4091-4102.) Senators Dixon, Borah, Clay, Hale, Brown, Brandegee, Heybum, and others. Jll.R5,v.45, pt.4 G8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 373 TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on claims. Payment of certain government employees injured while in the dis- charge of duty. Report. < To accompany H. R. 26367. > [^YasUngton: Govt, print, off., 1911.] \S1] p- 8°. {61st Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Bept. 1190.) Various paging. Submitted by Mr. Bumham. Ordered printed Feb. 17, 1911. "The House report on H. R. 26367, and the Senate reports on the items that have been added by way of amendment, are made a part of this report. 11-35191 HJ8931.A3 1911 374 Committee on education and lahor. Liability of common carriers to employees. Hearings on the bill (S. 5307) relating to liability of common carriers to their employees, [February 21, 27, March 2-3, 1908]. Washington: Govt, print, off, 1908. 225 p. Table. 8°. 9-18069 HD7815.R12U7 1908c 375 Committee on interstate commerce. Liability of employers. Hearings before the Committee having under consideration the bills (H. R. 239, S. 156, and S. 1657) relating to liability of common carriers by railroads in the District of Columbia and territories and common carriers by railroads engaged in commerce between the states and between the states and foreign nations to their employees. May 3 to 8, 1906. Washington, Govt, print, off'., 1906. 360 p. Table. 8°. S. B. Elkins, chairman. 6-35177 HD7815.R12U7 376 Regulation of railway rates. Hearings, December 16, 1904[-May 23, 1905] . . . mth consohdated index of volumes i-v. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1906. 5 v. 8°. {o9th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 243.) Reissue, Avith additional material, of the edition of 1905. "Appendix J. Laws of the states and territories concerning em- ployers' liability": v. 5, p. 1047-1155. "Appendix N. pt. ii. History of bills and resolutions regarding safety on railroads, protection of employees, and settlement of controversies [1866-1905]": v. 5, p. 1281-1296. 6-9610 HE1843.A31 377 Committee on the judiciary. Amending em- ployers' liability act. Report. [Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910.] 15 p. 8°. {61st Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 432.) 5661 Submitted by Mr. Borah, ordered printed, March 22, 1910. 10-35399 HD7815.R12U7 1910a employers' liability: united states: books 69 378 U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the judiciary. Liability of common carriers to employees. Hearings, [Feb. 20, 1908], before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary on the bill (S. 3080) relating to the liability of common carriers engaged in commerce to which the regu- lative power of Congress extends under the Constitution of the United States. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1908. 56 p. 8°. Senator Knox, chairman of subcommittee. 8-35147 HD7815.R12U7 1908 379 Liability of common carriers to em- ployees. Hearing before the subcommittee of the Com- mittee on the judiciary on the bill H. R. 17263, to amend an act entitled ''An act relating to the liability of com- mon carriers by railroad to their employees in certain cases," approved April 22, 1908. ^yashington: Govt, print, off., 1910. 13 p. 8°. Hearing March 11, 1910. Senator Borah, chairman of subcommittee. 10-35290' HD7815.R12U7 1908e 380 Employers^ liability and worJcmen's compensation com- mission. Hearings before the Commission, May 10, 1911. Washington: [Govt, print, off.], 1911 . 34 p. 8°. 381 Hearings before the Commission. [Pt. 1.] Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911 . 2 v. 8°. {6 2d Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 90.) George Sutherland, chairman. Contents. — i. Hearings, June 14-16, 1911. — ii. Briefs submitted. 11-35761 HD7816.U6A4 1911 382 ■ Hearings before the Commission. Pts. 2-3. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911 . 2 v. 8°. Paged continuously with v. 1-2 of pt. 1. Hearings, Oct. 16-Nov. 10, 1911, including briefs submitted. 382a Index to Hearings, parts 1 and 2. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 15 p. 8°. Includes references to Hearings of May 10, 1911. 383 Industrial commission. Report on transportation . . . including testimony . . . review and topical digest of evi- dence, and special reports on railway legislation [by B. H. Meyer] and taxation [by Roswell C. McCrea]. Washington: Govt, print, off ., 1900-01 . 2 v. Map. Fac- similes. Table. Diagrs. 8°. ( The Commission's Reports, V. 4, 9.) Review of evidence on employers' liability: v. 4, p. 29-30; v. 9, p. xlviii-xlix; Digest of evidence: v. 4, p. 152-157; v. 9, p. cchni- cclix. For testimony on this subject, see Index of testimony in each volume. 4-18094/6 HC101.A3,v.4,9 70 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 384 U. S. Industrial commission. Report on labor legislation. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1900. (2), 308 p. 8°. {The Commission's Reports, i\ 5.) "As to the duties and liabilities of the employer to the employee": p. 76-87. 4-18095/7 HC101.A3,v.6 385 Reports on labor organizations, labor disputes, and arbitration [by Charles E. Edgerton and E. Dana Durand] and on railway labor . . . [by Samuel McCune Lindsay]. Washington: Govt, prird. off ., 1901. cxxxvii, 1172 p. Map. Tables. 8°. {The Commission's Reports, v. 17.) "Employer's liability: Common-law and statutory liability of cor- porations for injuries to (heir employees; the fellow-servant prin- ciple in lei^islation and court decisions": p. 895-902; "Court decisions on Employers' liability in railroad cases, 1895-1900": p. 970-1122; "Employers' liability laws": p. 1123-1135. 4-18103/8 HC101.A3,v.l7 386 Final report. Prepared in accordance with an act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1902. xi, 1259 p. Maps. Diagrs. 8°. { The Commission's Reports, v. 19.) "Compensation for accidents — employer's liability": p. 932-939, ■950-951. 4-18105/2 ■ HC101.A3,v.l9 387 Interstate commerce commission. A memorandum treat- ing of reasonable care, its origin and application. Sep- tember 1, 1907. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1907. 75 p. 8°. Pub. for the use of those charged with the enforcement of the federal safety appliance laws. By G. Bowdoin Craighill. 7-35322 HE1762.U5 388 Laws, statutes, etc. Employers liability laws, 60th Congress, 1st session, 61st Congress, 2d session. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. {2), 2, {2) p. 8°. 10-35585 HD7815.R12U7 IQlOd 389 Erdman act. < Public — no. 115. > An act concerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and their employees. [ Washington: Govt, print, off'., 1910.] 5 p. 8°. 10-35323 HD5487.U5A4 1910 390 President, 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Special message com- municated to the two houses of Congress on January 31, 1908. Washington: Gov't print, off., 1908. {2), 81 p. 8°. {60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 213.) 5241 Recommendations for legislation concerning employers' liability railroad rates and trusts. 8-35134 HD2775.A4 1908 employers' liability: united states: books 71 united states cases 391 [McReynolds, James Clark]. Edgar G. Mondou, plaintiflF in error, v. the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad company . . . Northern Pacific railway company, plain- tiff in error, v. Bessie Babcock, as administratrix of the estate of Ora L. Babcock, deceased. Supplemental brief for the United States as amicus curiae. [WasMngton: Govt. i)rint. off., 1911.] 23 p. 8°. Cover- title. No. 313,383 in the T^. S. Supreme court, October term, 1910. Signed: J. C. McReynolds, special assistant to the Attorney general. 11-35212 HE27il.E5N8 392 TJ. S. Dept. of justice. Bessie Babcock, administratrix, plain- tiff, V. Nortliern Pacific railway company, defendant. Brief of the Attorney-general of the United States as amicus curiae upon the constitutionality of the Employ- ers' Hability act of Aprd 22, 1908. [ WasMngton: Govt, print, off'., 1909.] 76 p. 8°. Cover- title. U. S. Circuit court, district of Minnesota, 3d division, no. law 1776. 9-35890 HE2712.N9B75 393 Northern Pacific railway company, plaintiff in error, v. Bessie Babcock, as administratrix of the estate of Ora L. Babcock, deceased. Motion of the Solicitor- general for leave to be heard as amicus curiae. [ \Vasliington: Govt, print, off'., 1910.] 3 p. 8°. Cover- title. No. 700, in the U. S. Supreme court, October term, 1909. In error to the U. S. Circuit court for the district of Minnesota. Lloyd W. Bowers, Solicitor-general. 10-35654 HE2712.N9B78 394 Nos. 383, 558, 589. In the Supreme court of the United States. October term, 1910. Northern Paci- fic railway company, plaintiff in error, v. Bessie Babcock. New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad company, plaintiff in error, v. Mary Agnes Walsh, [etc., etc.] Brief for the United States as amicus curige. {Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910.] 64 p. 8°. Cover-title. Filed by the Solicitor-general and "restricted to the central question involved in the cases, viz, the constitutionality of the 'Federal employers' liability act.' " 10-35033 HE2711.E5N8 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 395 TJ. S. Sujireme court. Opinion and dissenting opinions on constitutionality of Employers' liability law. Nos. 216 and 222. October term, 1907. [WasMngton: Govt, print, off'., 190S.] 33 jp. 8°. (GOth Cong. 1st sess. House. Doc. 501.) 5377 9-2581 HD7815.R12U7 1908d 396 Vermont. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts and resolves passed by the General assembly at the Twenty-first biennial session, 1910-[1911]. Rutland: The Tuttle comyany, lirinters, 1911. 689 p. 8°. "No. 97. An act relating to the employment of labor [compensation for personal injuries]. Approved Jan. 28, 1911": p. 101-104. 397 Virginia. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Liability of employers. (In its Third annual report, 1900. Richmond, 1900. 8°. p. 179- 206.) HC107.V8A2 1900 398 Walton, E. A. A low criticisms. {In State bar association of Utah. Report, 1910. Salt Lake City, [1910]. 8°. p. 63-72.) Discusses the question of employers' liability. 399 Washington (State) . Em players' liahilitij commission. Report of ' commission appointed by Governor M. E. Hay to investigate the problems of industrial accidents and to draft a bill on the subject of employes' com]:)ensation to be submitted to the 1911 session of the Washington Legislature. Olympia, Wash.: E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1910. 4^ p. 8°. Paul E. Page, chairman. 11-33021 HD7816.U7W2 1910c 400 Laws, statutes, etc. Session laws . . . 1911. Olympia: E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1911. xiv, 2, 774 p. 8°. "Chapter 74. An act relating to the compensation of injured work- men in our industries; [approved Mar. 14, 1911]"': p. 345-374. 401 Workmen's compensation act. < Chapter 74, session laws of 191 1.> Olympia: E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1911. {2), 30, (Dp. 8' ?o 402 Workmen's compensation law. New YorJi city: The Fidelity and casualty company of New York, [1911]. 27 p. 8°. Cover-title. Approved Mar. 14, 1911; effective Oct. 1, 1911. employers' liability: united states: books 73 washington (state) cases 403 Denman & Fishburne, lawyers, Tacoma. The state of Washington on the rchition of W. E, Burgess, Mrs. O. F. L. Smith and Wilham L. Davis, a co-partnership, doing business under the firm name ... of Davis-Smith co., phiintiflF, vs. C. W. Clausen, Auditor of the state of Wash- ington, defendant. Mandamus proceedings. Brief . on behalf of defendant. Denman & Fishburne, attorneys for defendant. [PuiiaUu.p: Press of PuyaUup Valley trihune, [1911]. (3), 97 2>. 8°. In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. No On the constitutionality of the Industrial insurance act, passed 1911 . HD7817.D33 404 Graves, Kizer & Graves, lawyers, Spokane. State ex rel. Davis Smith company, plaintiff, vs. C. W. Clausen, State auditor, defendant. [Brief]. Graves, Kizer & Graves, of counsel for defendant. Spokane: Pacific printing co., [1911]. 150 p. 8°. Cover- title. "In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. Original application." "On the constitutionality of the Industrialinsurance act, passed by the Legislature of 1911". HD7817.D3 405 Washington (State). Attorney-generaT s office. State of Wash- ington ex rel. Davis-Smith co., plaintiff, v. C. W. Clausen, as State auditor of the state of Washington, defendant. Original proceedings in mandamus. Brief of plaintiff. W. V. Tanner, attorney for plaintiff. Harold Preston and Geo. A. Lee, of counsel. [Olymjna: E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1911.] 217, li p. 8°. In the Supreme court of the state of Washington. No. 9652. Testing the constitutionality of the Industrial insurance law, 1911. Appendices: "A." Foreign legislation relating to workmen's com- pensation and industrial insurance. "B." State action and legis- lation. "C." Federal legislation in the United States on the subject of industrial insurance and employers' liability. "D." Opinions of lawyers, judges, economists, employers, labor repre- sentatives . . . HD7817.D32 406 Weber, Adna F. Employers' liabiUty and accident insurance. {In Commons, John R. cd., Trade unionism and labor problems, p. 546-573. Boston, 1905. 8°.) HD6483.C7 From the Political science quarterly, June, 1902, v. 17: 256-283. Hl.P8,v.l7 18984°— 11 6 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 407 Whitin, Ernest Stagg. Factory legislation in Maine. [Xtw )'o/'A,'; Columbia university, Longmans, Green cfc co., agents; etc., etc.], 1908. {2), 5-147 p. S°. Thesis (ph. d.) — Columbia university. Reprinted from Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science of Columbia univen-jity, v. 33 no. 1. BibIiograj)hical foot-notes. "Employers' liability": p. 140. 8-33015 HD7835.M2W52 40S Whittelsey, Sarah Scovill. Massachusetts labor legislation; an historical and critical study, — \\dth an introduction by A. T. Hadlcy. [PhiladelpJiia: American academy of political <& social science, 1900.] 157 p. Tahle. 5°." American academy of political and social science. Annals. Sup- plement, Jan., 1901. Bibliography: p. 145-157. The employers' liability: p. 28-31; 89-95; 134-135. HI A41 Jan. 1901 Feb. 14, 1901-225 HD7835.M4W6 409 Wisconsin. Attorney generaVs dept. Railroads: liability of corporation where injuries are sustained by reason of negligence of co-employee. [Opinion, May 29, 1905.1 ^/n^{s Biennial report, 1904-1906. Madison, 1906. 8°. p. 362-369.) Wisconsin. Public documents. 1905-1906, v. 1. Opinion as to the constitutionality of proposed legislation. J87.W6 1907p 410 Bureau oflahor and industrial statistics. Industrial acci- dents and employers' liability in Wisconsin. (In its Thirteenth biennial report, 1907/08. Madison, 1909. 8°. p. 1-143.) HC107.W6A2 1907/08 411 Industrial accidents in Wisconsin. (Second report), 1907/08. Madison: Democrat printing company, state printer, 1909. (4), 71-14^ V- 8°. {Fourteenth biennial report, pt. 2.) Cover-title. Contents. — 1. A second year of accident returns, 1907-8: p. 71-84. 2. Industrial diseases as accidents (summary of two British reports): p. 85-87. 3. Two new mutual benefit schemes: p. 87-90. 4. The federal compensation act (and amending bill): p. 90-92. ' 5. Further comments on foreign systems: p. 92-115. 6. Sum- mary of bills in Wisconsin legislature of 1909: p. 115-120. 7. Survey of arguments and difficulties: p. 121-142. HC107.W6A2 1908/10 412 Governor {James 0. Davidson). Message. Jan. 13, 1909. [Madison], 1909. 48 p. 8°. ' . "Industrial accidents": p. 26-28. J87.W62 1909 employers' liability: united states: books 75 413 Wisconsin. Governor {Francis E. McGovern). Messa<;e ... to the Wisconsin Lo<2;islature . . . Jan. 12, 1911. [Madison, 1911.] 49, (/) p. 8°. Workmen's comi)en«iti()ii act: p. 9-13. J87.W62 1911 414 Laws, statutes, etc. Session laws, acts, resolutions and memorials passetl at the biennial session of the Legisla- ture, 1911. , Madison, Wis.: Democrat 'printing company, state printer, 1911. 1179 p. 8°. "Chapter 50. An act . . . relating to the liability of employers for injuries or death sustained by their employees, providing for com- pensation for the accidental injury or death of employees, estab- lishing an industrial accident board, defining its powers, providing for a review of its awards, and making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; [approved May 3, 1911]": p. 43-58. 415 Workmen's compensation act, with notes of Leg- islative committee and forms and rules of Industrial acci- dent board. . Wisconsin, 1911. [Madison? 1911.] 48 p. 8°. A. W. Sanborn, chairman of Legislative committee; C. H. Crown- hart, chairman of Industrial accident board. 11-25007 HD7816.U7W6 1911b 416 Workmen's compensation law. New Yorlc city: The Fidelity and casualty company, [1911]. 16 p. 8°. Cover-title. Effective, September 1, 1911. 11-22556 HD7816.U7W6 1911 417 Legislature. Special committee on industrial insurance. Report. [Madison, 1911.] I48 p. Tables. 8°. A. W. Sanborn, chairman. 11-25985 HD7816.U7W6 WISCONSIN— CASES 418 Borgnis, Edward G., Frank II. Schumacher, and Arthur Schumacher, plaintiffs. Edward G. Borgnis, Frank H. Schumacher, and Arthur Schumacher, an infant, by- Caesar D. Marks, his guardian ad litem, plaintiffs and respondents vs. The Falk company, defendant and appel- lant. Case. Milwaulcee: Burdicl: d^ Allen printers, [19 11]. 17 p. 8°. Cover-title. In Supreme court of Wisconsin. Carpenter & Poss, attorneys for defendant and appellant. HD7817.B73 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 418a Breslauer, Arthur. Edward G. Borgnis, Frank H, Scliu- iiijicher, and Arthur Schumacher, an infant, by Caesar D. Marks, his guardian ad litem, phiintifFs vs. The Falk com- pany, defendant. Brief of respondents. Arthur Bres- hiuer, attorney for respondents. Milwaukee, ^^is.: Evening Wisconsin co., yrinters, [1911], 6 p. 8°. Cover-title. Supreme court of Wisconsin, August term, 1911. No. 104. HD7817.B732 418b Carpenter & Poss, lawyers, Milwaukee. Edward G. Borgnis, Frank H. Schumacher and Arthur Schumacher, an infant, by Caesar D. Marks, his guardian ad litem, plaintiffs and respondents, vs. The Falk company, defendant and appellant. Brief for defendant and appellant. Carpenter and Poss, attorneys for defendant and appellant. Milwaukee, Wis.: Evening Wisconsin co., [1911]. 11, (1) p. 8°. Cover- title. State of Wisconsin. In Supreme court. August term, 1911. No. 164. 418c In the matter of the application of the Filer & Stowell company . . . and Thomas J. Neacy and Walter Read ... to the Honorable Levi H. Bancroft, Attorney general of the state of Wisconsin, to move in the Supreme court of said state for leave to bring an action in the name of said state against James A. Frear, Secretary of state . . . Andrew H. Dahl, State treasurer . . . the so-called Industrial accident board . . . the city of Milwaukee ... to enjoin them . . . from taking action under said chapter 50 or any part thereof . . . Brief and argument for petitioners. Carpenter & Poss, attorneys for peti- tioners. Milwaukee: Burdick & Allen print., [1911]. I40, (£) p. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of Wisconsin, August term, 1911 HD7817.F52 EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY: UNITED STATES: BOOKS 77 418d Carpenter & Poss, lawyers, Milwaukee. In the matter of the ap])hcutioii of the Filer & Stowell company . . , and Thomas J. Neacy and Walter Read ... to the Hon- orable Levi H. Bancroft, Attorney-general of the state of Wisconsin, to move in the Supreme court of said state for leave to bring an action against James A. Frear, Secretary of state . . . Andrew II. Dahl, State treasurer . . . the so-called Industrial accident board . . . the city of Milwaukee ... to enjoin them . . . from taking action under said chapter 50 or any part thereof , . . Petitioners' reply to Attorney gen- eral's brief. Carpenter & Poss, attorneys for petitioners. MilwauJcee: Burdick db Allen print., [1911]. 38, (2) jj. 8°. Cover-title. In the Supreme court of Wisconsin, August term, 1911. HD7817.r54 41 8e Wisconsin. Attorney general' s dept. Edward G. Borgnis, Frank H. Schumacher, and Arthur Schumacher, infant, by Caesar D. Marks, liis guardian ad litem, respondents, vs. The Falk company, appellant. Brief of the state submitted under invitation of the court . . . Madison, Wis.: Democrat printing co., [1911]. 4 V- ^°- Cover- title. In Supreme court of Wisconsin. August, 1911, term. Signed: L. H. Bancroft, Attorney general, Russell Jackson, Deputy Attorney general. HD7817.B733 418f In the matter of the application of the Filer & Stowell CO., Thomas J. Neacy and Walter Read, for leave to bring an action in the Supreme court, in the name of the state, against James A. Frear, Secretary of state; Andrew H. Dahl, State treasurer; Industrial accident board ... to enjoin the execution of chapter 50 of the laws of 1911. Brief of the state against the granting of the appUcation. Madison, ^Vis.: Democrat printing co., [1911]. S3 p. 8°. Cover-title. In Supreme court of Wisconsin, August, 1911, term. L. H. Bancroft, Attorney general, Russell Jackson, Deputy Attorney general. HD7817.F63 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 418g Wisconsin. Industrial commission. In re application of the Filer Si Stovvell compan}', on motion to invoke the original juris- (.lic'tion of said court to set aside and declare unconstitu- tional, Cliai)ter 50 of the laws of Wisconsin for 1911, known as the Workmen's compensation act. C. II. Crown- hart, Joseph D. Beck, Jolui II. Commons, Industrial commission of Wisconsin. Madison, ^Vis.: Democrat printing co., [1911]. 85 p. 8°. Cover- title. In the Supreme court of Wisconsin, August, 1911, term; brief and argument against the motion by the Industrial commission, fol- lowed by: Memorandum submitted by certain members of the Committee of the National civic federation (before the Congres- sional commission on employers' liability and workmen's compen- sation) (36 p.); Report of the Special committee on industrial insurance, Wisconsin Legislature^ 1909-1910 (148 p.); Workmen's compensation act, with notes of Legislative committee and forms and rules of Industrial accident board (48 p.); Industrial com- mission law (15 p.) HD8717.F5 419 Supreme court. Edward G. Borgnis et al., respondents, vs. the Falk company, ai)pellant. Nov. 14, 1911. [Madison]: Industrial commissioii of Wisconsin, [1911]. 81 p. 8°. In Supreme court of Wisconsin, August term, 1911. No. 164. Opinion of the court, rendered by Chief Justice Winslow. 420 Wright, Carroll D. and Stephen D. Fessenden. La responsa- bilite des accidents du travail aux Etats-Unis. (In Congres internationaux des assurances sociales, 5th, Paris, 1900. Congr^s international des accidents du travail . . . [Comptes rendus des s6ancesj. Paris, 1901. 8°. v. 1, p. 52&-592.) HD7260.C7 1900,v.l 421 Wright, George E. Proposed industrial legislation. (In Oregon state bar association. Proceedings, 18th and 19th annual sessions, 1908/09, 1909/10. Portland, [1911]. 8°. p. 6-17.) The address is devoted principally to the subject of workmen's compensation for industrial accidents. 422 Zartman, Lester William, ed. Fire insurance. New Haven, Conn.: Yale university press; [etc., etc.], 1909. via, 44^ V- ^°' {Yale readings in insurance.) "Employers' liability insurance ": p. 369-391. 9-24967 HG9665.Z3 422a Schaffner, Margaret Anna. Railway coemployment. Madison, Wis., 1905. 27 p. 12°. (Wisconsin free library com- mission. Legislative reference department. Comparative legislation bulletin, no. 1.) 6-22842 HE 1791. S3 UNITED STATES ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 423 1891. Valery, Jules. La theorie du ''co-service" aux Etats- Unis. Contribution a I'etude des mesures legislatives rela- tives a la protection des ouvriers en cas d' accident du travail. Revue d'economie politique, 1891, v. 5: 625-639. hb3.e,4,v.5 424 1897. Oppenheimer, Mary S. Employers' liability. Charities review, June, 1897, v. 6: 326-331. HVi.C5,v.6 425 1901. Willoughby, W. F. Accidents to labor as regulated by law in the United States. TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1901, no. 32: 1-28. HD8051.A5,no.32 "An amplification of a report on behalf of the Department of labor submitted to the Congres international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales, Paris, 1900." 426 1901. Recent legislation concerning employers' liability. JSew York (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1901, v. 3: 120-126. HC107.N7A5,v.3 427 1902. Bruce, Andrew A. Employers' liability in the United States. Forum, Mar. 1902, v. 33: 46-52. AP2.F8,v.33 428 1902. Weber, Adna F. Employers' liability and accident insur- ance. Political science quarterly, June, 1902, v. 17: 256-283. HI.P8,v.l7 429 1903, Laws of various states relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1896. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1903, no. 45: 391-436. "Maryland. Acts of 1902. Chapter 139. Liability of employers for injuries to employees — Cooperative insurance fund": p. 406- 408. HD8051.A5,no.45 430 1905. Barnett, George E. The end of the Maryland workmen's compensation act. Quarterly journal of economics, Feb. 1905, v 19: 320-322. HBl.Q3,v.l9 79 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 431 1905. The state cooperative accident insurance fund of Mary- land. V. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1905, no. 'u : 645-648. HD8051.A5,no.57 432 1906. Vance, William II. Liability for the unauthorized torts of agents. Michigan law review, Jan. 1906, v. 4: 198-214- 433 1906. Henderson, Charles R. Workingmen's insurance. World to-day, Feb. 1906, v. 10: 145-148. AP2.W75,v.lO 434 1906. Alger, George W. Some equivocal rights of labor. Atlantic monthly. Mar. 1906, v. 97: 364-368. ap2.A8,v.97 435 1906. Present status of employers' liability in the United States. New YorTc (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1906, v. 8: 91-97. HC107.N7A5,v.8 436 1906. Warner, Roger S. Employers' liability as an industrial problem. Green bag, Apr. 1906, v. 18: 185-192. 437 1906. The abuse of personal injury litigation. Green bag, Apr. 1906, v. 18: 193-215. Symposium by (he following persons: Clarence A. Lightner; R. B. Newcomb; Roy O. West; Percy Werner; Orla Taylor; Howard Bryant; J. L. Quackenbush; Russell Duane. 438 1906. Freerks, M. C. The right of an injured employee to enforce collection of a judgment . . . against an insolvent employer in an action against an insurance company. Central law journal, June 1, 1906, v. 62: 417-425. 430 1906. Farrow, Edward S. Liability of railroad employers under state and federal statutes. Railway critic, Sept. 1906, v. 5: 370-373. TFl.R42,v.5 440 1906. Winston, Garrard B. and Blackburn Esterline. Tlie act of Congress known as the Employers' liability act affecting common carriers is unconstitutional and void. Central law journal, Oct. 12, 1906, v. 63: 278-285. 441 1906. McSwain, J. J. Is the act of Congress of June 11, 1906, known as the "Employers' hability act," unconstitu- tional ? Central law journal, Nov. 9, 1906, v. 63: 356-358. employers' liability: united states: periodicals 81 442 1907-1909. Henderson, Charles Richmond. Industrial insur- ance. American journal of sociologi/, Jan., 1907-Jan., 1909, v. 12: 470-4S6; 717-734; 756-778; v. 13: 34-47; 181-199; 349-379; 489-507; 584-616; 841-854; v. I4: 64-77; 197-212; 451-464. Contents. — I. The extent and nature of the demand for a social policy of workingmen's insurance. — II. Local relief societies. — III. Benefit features of the trade-unions. — IV. The insurance of the fraternal societies. — V. The employers' liability law. — VI. ^ Private insurance companies. — VII. Firms and corporations. — VIII. Insurance plans of railroad corporations. — IX. Municipal pension systems and pensions for teachers. — X. The pension sys- tems of the Union and of the several states. — XI. Protective legislation.— XII. Survey and outlook. HMl.A7,v.l2-14 442a 1907. Henderson, Charles Richmond. Workingmen's acci- dent insurance. CJiarities and the commons, Feb. 2, 1907, v. 17: 823-825. HVl.C4,v.l7 443 1907. Alger, George W. The present situation of employers' liability. Charities and the commons, Feh. 2, 1907, v. 17: 826-828. HVl.C4,v.l7 444 1907. The constitutionahty of the federal Employers' Hability act. Columbia law review, Feh. 1907, v. 7: 116-118. Review of the decisions of the Circuit courts. 445 1907. Freund, Ernst. Constitutional aspects of employers' HabiUty legislation. Green bag, Feb. 1907, v. 19: 80-83. 446 1907. Reeve, Arthur B. Is workmen's compensation practi- cable ? OutlooJc, Mar. 2, 1907, v. 85: 508-511. AP2.08,v.85 447 1907. Manes, Alfred. Staatsversicherungsplane in Amerika. Soziale Praxis, Mar. 28, 1907, v. 16: col. 677-679. H5.S7,v.l6 448 1907. Gregory, S. S. The commerce clause of the federal constitution and two recent cases deaUng with it. Michigan law review, Apr. 1907, v. 5: 4^9-438. 449 1907. Gompers, Samuel. Employers' habihty law and the courts. American federationist. May, 1907, v. 14: 330-333. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 450 1907. Walker, W. S. Injuries to employees. Outlook, May 18, 1907, V. SO: 121. AP2.08,v.86 451 1907. The j)rinci{)le of employers' liability. American underwriter, July, 1907, v. 27: 52-54- HG8011,v.27 452 1907. Low, A.. Maurice. Shifting the burden: compensation for injuries. NortJi American review, July 19, 1907, v. ISo: 651-660. AP2.N7,v.l85 453 1907. Recent judicial decisions [in New York state] on employ- ers' liability. New Yorl (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1907, V. 9: 34,5-356. hcio7.N7A5,v.9 453a 1907. Keelor, R. S. Federal supervision and the law of compensation. Insurance press, Oct. 23, 1907, v. 25: S-9. 454 1907. McLean, Francis II. Industrial accidents and depen- dency in New York state. Charities and the commons, Dec. 7, 1907, v. 19: 1203-1212. HVl.C4,v.l9 455 1907. Atkin, Edgar Maitland. A problem of self insurance against industrial accidents. Charities and the commons, Dec. 7, 1907, v. 19: 1213-1217. HVl.C4,v.l9 456 1908. Anderson, Edwin G. Master and servant. Insurance news, Jan. 1908, v. 30: 14-16. HG80li.i53,v.30 457 1908. West, Thomas D. The dire cost of and best remedy for carelessness. In the foundry, shop, transportation and traveling. Iron age, Jan. 9, 1908, v. 81: 151-153. Tl.i7,v.81 "The endeavor to place the whole responsibility and cost due to individual carelessness upon the employer will have little weight in this country in preventing accidents under the present regime." 458 1908. Claik, Lindley J). The legal liabiUty of employers for injuries to their employees, in the United States. TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 1-120. HD8051.A5,no.74 Reprinted in Tenth biennial report of West \'ir<;inia iJureau of labor, 1909-1910, p. 121-232. HC107.W5A2 1909-10 459 1908. Setting aside of the Employers' liability act. Journal of political economy, Feb. 1908, v. 16: 109-110. HBl.J7,v.l6 EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY: UNITED STATES: PERIODICALS 83 460 1908. Freund, Ernst. The federal Employers' liability act. Clmrities and the commons, Mar. 7, Apr. 25, 1908, v. 19: 1662-1664; v. 20: 127-128. HVl.C4,v.l9-20 461 1908. Eastman, Crystal. Employers' liability in Pennsylvania. Charities and the commons, Mar. 7, 1908, v. 19: 1671-1682. Albany law journal, Mar. 1908, v. 70: 68-77. HVl.C4,v.l9 462 1908. West, T. D. Carelessness of workmen. Engineering magazine, Mar. 1908, v. 34: 1050-1052. TAl.E59,v.34 463 1908. Davenport, H, J. Employers' liability in insurance theory. Journal of 'political economy. Mar. 1908, v. 16: 157-159. HBl.J7,v.l6 464 1908. United States .Supreme court decisions. New YorTc (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1908, V. 10: 53-86. HC107.N7A5,v.lO "The federal Employers' liability act": p. 58-66. 465 1908. Hatch, L. W. Employers' liability or workmen's com- pensation ? New YorJc (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1908, V. 10: 442-456. HC107.N7A5,v.lO A paper read before the New York state conference of charities and correction, Nov. 1908. 466 1908. Henderson, Charles R. Workingman's insurance in Illinois. American economic association quarterly, Apr. 1908, 3d ser., V. 9:183-198. HBl.A5,3dser.,v.9 Contents. — I. Origin of the movement. — II. The acts of the Legis- ture of Illinois. — III. Report of the commission. — lY. The recep- tion of the report. 467 1908. Das neue Haftpflichtgesetz in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Verein deutscher EisenhaJinverwaltungen. Zeitung, May 30, 1908, V. 48: 689-690. HEl003.V2,v.48 468 1908. Bond, C. T. Purpose and character of employers' liability legislation in the United States. Central law journal, June 19, 1908, v. 66: 483-489. 469 1908. Schroeder, Theodore. Interstate commerce, employers' liability and the Supreme court. Government, June 1908, v. 3: 151-169. Hl.G7,v.3 470 1908. Moseley, Edward A. The penalty of progress. Independent, June 4, 1908, v. 54: I34O-I344. AP2.I53,v.54 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 471 1908. Compensation fur injuries of artisans and laborers in the service of the United States. V. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, July, 1908, no. 77: 383-335. HD8051.A5,no.77 472 1908. Hard, WiUiani. The law of the killed and wounded. Everyhody's magazine, Sept. 1908, v. 19: 361-371. AP2.E9,v.l9 473 1908. Hard, William. Pensioners of peace. Everybody's magazine, Oct. 1908, v. 19: 522-533. AP2.E9,v.l9 474 1908. llackett, Frank Warren. The federal Employers' lia- biUty act of 1908: Is it constitutional? Harvard law review, Nov. 1908, v. 22: 38-47. 475 1909. Lewis, Frank W. Employers' Uability. Atlantic montlily, Jan. 1909, v. 103: 57-65. AP2.A8,v.l03 476 1909. Commons, J. R. and others. Industrial insurance, indus- trial accidents and employers' liability in Wisconsin; dis- ■ cussion. MilwauTcee mercliants' and manufacturers' association. Bul- letin, Jan. 1909. Not in Library of Congress. 477 1909. Thurber, Raymond D. The labor law [of New York] as a basis for suit. Bench and bar, Eeb.-Mar. 1909, v. 16: 56-67; 93-109. 478 1909. Schaft'ner, Mar^^aret A. Emi)loyers' liability. American political science review, Fel). 1909, v. 3: 63. Note on the Ohio law of 1908. JAl.A6,v.3 478a 1909. Henderson, Charles Richmond. The logic of social insurance. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1909, v. 33: 265-277. Hl.A4,v.33 479 1909. Eastman, Crystal. A year's work accidents and their cost. Charities and the commons, Mar. 6, 1909, v. 21: 114-3-1174- HVl.C4,v.21 480 1909. Commons, John R. Workmen's accident insurance. Charities and the commons. Mar. 27, 1909, v. 21: 1259-1262. HVl.C4,v.21 480a. 1909. Sherman, P. T. The constitutionality of a workmen's compensation for accidents law. New York (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1909, v.ll : 47-57. HC107.N7A5,v.ll EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY: UNITED STATES: PERIODICALS 85 481 1909. Eastman, Crystal. The American way of distributing industrial accident losses. A criticism. American economic association. Publications, Apr. 1909, 3d ser.,V.10: 119-134. HBl.A5,3dser.,v.lO Discussion: p. 152-157. Also printed in Proceedings of American association ff)r labor legisla- tion, 1908: p. 43-58. HD7806.A4 1908 482 1909. Lorenz, M. O. What form of workingmen's accident insurance should our states adopt ? American economic association. Publications, Apr. 1909, Sdser., v. 10: 135-151. Discussion: p. 152-157. HBl.A5,3d ser.,v.lO 483 1909. Peck, Epaphroditus. Employers' UabiUty for accidents : probable changes in the existing law. Iron age, Apr. 22, 1909, v. 83: 1268-1269. Tl.l7,v.83 484 1909. Lightner, Clarence A. Economic aspects of the law of master and servant, in its relation to industrial accidents. MicMgan law review, Apr. 1909, v. 7: 4^1-473. Reprinted in Chicago legal news, June 5, 1909, v. 41: 360-362. 485 1909. Osgood, Irene. Employers' Habihty commission. Survey, May 22, 1909, v. 22: 296-297. HVl.C4,v.22 486 1909. Eastman, Crystal. Industrial accidents and employers' liability. Engineering news, June 17, 1909, v. 61: 651-654- TAl.E6,v.61 Reprint of the author's " 'Employers' liability,' a criticism based on facts," New York, 1909. HD7833.A7,v.l 487 1909. Packer, Launcelot. The hazards of industry- : should the workman bear the whole burden? Outlook, June 5, 1909, v. 92: 319-324. AP2.08,v.92 488 1909. Grant, Luke. The human waste in industry. Voter, July, 1909, v. 7: 48-52. JKl.V6,v.7 489 1909. McWilliams, Robert L. Wliat employees come within the protection of the federal Employers' liability act ? Central law journal, Sept. 3, 1909, v. 69: 166-169. 490 1909. Smith, Burton. Federal Employers' UabiUty act. Central law journal, Sept. 24, 1909, \. 69: 221-226. 491 1909. Gillette, George M. Competition or co-operation in workmen's compensation. Survey, Sept. 18, 1909, v. 22: 820-821. HVl.C4,v.22 492 1909. Thornton, W. W. Federal Employers' UabiUty act. Central law journal, Oct. 22, 1909, v. 69: 297-306. 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 493 1909. Gillette, George M. Workingmen's compensation laws. Iron age, Oct 28, 1909, v. SJ^: 1312-1315. "From the employers' standpoint." Tl.I7,v.84 494 1909. Ross, David'. Employers' liability laws. American federationist, Nov. 1909, v. 16: 9o3-9oS. HD8065.A5A2,v.l6 495 1909. Mechem, Floyd R. Employer's liability. Illinois law review, A^ov. 1909, v. 4- 243-271. Also printed in Proceedings of Illinois state bar association, 1909, p. 347-380.' 49G 1909. Clark, Lindley D. Review of labor legislation of 1908 and 1909. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Nov. 1909, no. 85: 455-496. "Employers' liability": p. 457-460. HD8051.A5,no.85 497 1909. Reeve, A. B. Capital and labor agree on workmen's compensation. Survey, Dec. 4, 1909, v. 23: 336-340. Hvi.C4,v.23 498 1910. Ashe, Sidney W. Employer's liability from an electrical viewpoint. Electrical world, Jan. 6, 1910, v. 55: 45-4^. TKl.E5,v.55 499 1910. WTieeler, Everett P. Compensation for workmen. Survey, Jan. 29, 1910, v. 23: 589-590. HVl.C4,v.23 500 1910. Serini, H. Ein Streifzug durch die Haftpflichtversich- erung der Vereinigten Staaten. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte VersicJierung-Wissenschaft, Jan. 1910, v. 10: 31-56. HG80i5.Z5,v.lo 601 1910. Employers' liability and industrial indemnity. American industries, Feb. 1910, v. 10: 23-25. "A statement issued by the Committee on industrial indemnity insurance, National association of manufacturers." 502 1910. Franklin, H. H. Prescribed compensation vs. em- ployers' liabilit3\ Facts showing advantages to all con- cerned. American machinist, Feb. 17, 1910, v. 33: 322-324. TJl.A5,v.33 50.3 1910. Liability of employer for medical services rendered to employee on request of agent in emergency cases. [Edi- torial note.] Central law journal, Feb. 11, 1910, v. 70: 119-120. 504 1910. Williams, J. M. State bar [of New York] and employers^ liability. Survey, Feb. 5, 1910, v. 23: 604-605. HVl.C4,v.23 employers' liability: united states: periodicals 87 505 1910. Mechom, Floyd R. Employers' liability. American law review, Mar.-Aj^r. 1910, v. 4-4-' 221-255. Reprinted from Proceedings of Illinois state bar association, 1909, p. 347-380. 506 1910. The humanitarian doctrine as respects employees. [Editorial] Central law journal, Mar. 4, 1910, v. 70: 163-165. 507 1910. Report of the New York commission on industrial acci- dents. Survey, Mar. 26, 1910, v. 23: 966-969. HVl.C4,v.23 508 1910. Operation of the federal liability law. — Special corre- spondence. American machinist, Apr. 21, 1910, v. 33: 731-732. TJl.A5,v.33 509 1910. Dawson, Miles M. Employers' liability insurance. American machinist, Apr. 28, 1910, v. 33: 782-783. TJl.A5,v.33 Abstract of an address delivered before the National metal trades association, Apr. 14, 1910. 510 1910. Dawson, Miles M. Employers' liability insurance. Good results from the German system. How employers' asso- ciations in the United States may improve upon present methods. Iron age, Apr. 21, 1910, v. 85: 916-918. Tl.I7,v.85 511 1910. Watrous, P. J. Work-accidents in Wisconsin. Survey, Apr. 9, 1910, v. 24: 84-86. HVl.C4,v.24 512 1910. Accident relief of the United States steel corporation. Survey, Apr. 23, 1910, v. 24: 136-139. HVl.C4,v.24 513 1910. Serini, H. Zur amerikanischen Haftpjflichtversicherung. Zeitschrift filr die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaft, Apr. 1910, V. 10: 361. HG8015.Z5,v.lO . 514 1910. Schwedtman, Ferdinand Charles. The National associa- tion of manufacturers' attitude toward the injured mem- bers of the industrial army. American industries. May, 1910, v. 10: 18-22. HD4802.A6,v.lO 515 1910. Liability vs. compensation as applied to actual cases. Survey, May 14, 1910, v. 24: 277-278. HVl.C4,v.24 88 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 51 G 1910. Master and servant — humanitarian doctrine as applied to employees of a railroad company. [Editorial.] Central law journal, June 10, 1910, v. 70: 419-420. 517 1910. Progress toward industrial justice. CJiautauquan, June, 1910, v. 59: 4-'^ • AP2.C48,v.59 518 1910. Dawson, ^I. M. Labor insurance in the United States. Engineering raagazine, June, 1910, v. 39: 411-4i'^- TAl.E59,v.39 511) 1910. Gitterman, J. M. Cruelties of our courts. McClure's magazine, June, 1910, v. 35: 151-16S. AP2.M2,v.36 520 1910. Krone, Charles F. Employers' liabihty i)olicies. American law review, July-Aug. 1910, v. 44- 513-537 . 521 1910. Dawson, M. M. Employer's liability insurance. Modern machinery, July 3, 1910, v. 25: 101-104- TJl.M8,v.25 522 1910. Gompers, Samuel. The price we pay. American fed erationist, Aug. 1910, v. 17: 665-669. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 On the question of compensation for industrial accidents. 523 1910. Chute, Charles L. Industrial accidents — a problem of to-day. American review of reviews, Aug. 1910, v. 4^: 218-222. AP2.R4,v.42 524 1910. Workmen's compensation acts. [Editorial.] Central law journal, Aug. 12, 1910, v. 71: 91-92. 525 1910. The new employers' liability law. New York. [Editorial.] Engineering record, Aug. 27, 1910, v. 62: 230-231. TAl.E62,v.62 526 1910. Nevin, A. Parker. New liabihty laws in New York American industries, Sei^t. 1910, v. 11: 23-25. HD4802.A6,v.ll 527 1910. Phillips, Cyrus W. Employers' liabihty and compensa- tion legislation. Case and comment, Sept. 1910, v. 17: 167-169. 528 1910. Scope of Federation's department on compensation for industrial accidents and their prevention. National civic federation review, Sept. 1910, v. 3: 20-21. HD4802.N2,v.3 employees' liability: united states: periodicals 89 529 1910. Decisions of New York courts. Constitutionality of Workmen's compensation act of 1910. New York (State). Deyt. of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 4o: 362-376. HC107.N7A5,no.45 530 1910. Eastman, Crystal. Work-accidents and employers' lia- bility. Survey, Sept. 3, 1910, v. 24: 788-794. HVl.C4,v.24 531 1910. Kingsley, Sherman C. Standards of compensation for sickness, accident and death. Survey, Sept. 3, 1910, v. 24: 795-800. HVl.C4,v.24 532 1910. Clark, Lindley D. Recent action relating to employers' liabihty and workmen's compensation. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 675-714. HD8051.A5,no.90 Also printed in 24th report of Connecticut Bureau of labor statistics, 1909/10, p. 270-321. HC107.C2F2 1909/10 533 1910. Essential features of a compensation law; Chicago con- ference of November, 1910. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 715-717. HD8051.A5,no.90 534 1910. Summary of foreign workmen's compensation acts. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 719-748. HD8051.A5,no.90 535 1910. Decisions of courts affecting labor. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 832-866. Employers' liability: p. 833-854, 859-865. HD8051.A5,no.90 536 1910. ^litcliell, John. Automatic compensation: The injured workman's rights. American federationist, Nov. 1910, v. 17: 971-975. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 537 1910. Flack, H. E. Employer's hability. American political science review, Nov. 1910, v. 4' 557-560. JAl.A6,v.4 538 1910. Clark, Lindley D. Labor laws declared unconstitu- tional. U. S. Bureau oflahor. Bulletin, Nov. 1910, no. 91: 916-964. "Liability of employers for injuries to employees": p. 952-955. HD8051.A6,no.91 539 1910. Clark, Lindley D. Review of labor legislation of 1910. TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Nov. 1910, no. 91: 1034- 1051. HD8051.A5,no.91 "Employers' liability and workmen's compensation " : p. 1046-1048. 18984°— 11 7 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 540 1910. Wigmore, John II. The uniform act for workmen's compensation in Illinois. [Elditorial.] Illinois law review, Dec. 1910, v. 5: 306-311. 541 1910. Ilall, John L. The federal employers' liability act. Yale law journal, Dec. 1910, v. 20: 122-130. 542 1911. Cease, Daniel L. Compulsory compensation for injured workmen. American labor legislation review, Jan. 1911, v. 1: ^l-J^S. Also printed in Bulletin of American economic association, Apr. 1911, 4th ser., v. 1: 276-281. HBl.A5,4th ser.,v.l 543 1911. Schwedtman, Ferdinand .Charles. Voluntary mdemnity for injured workmen. American labor legislation review, Jan. 1911, v. 1: 49-54. Also printed in Bulletin of American economic association, Apr. 1911, 4th ser., v. 1: 296-301. HBl.A5,4th ser.,v.l 544 1911. Parkinson, Thomas I. Problems and progress of work- men's compensation legislation. American labor legislation review, Jan. 1911, v. 1: 55-71. ' Also printed in Bulletin of American economic association, Apr. 1911, 4th eer., v. 1: 282-295. HBl.A5,4th ser.,v.l 545 1911. Walton, F. P. Workmen's compensation and the theory of professional risk. Columbia law review, Jan. 1911, v. 11: 36-50. 546 1911. Clark, Lindley D. Workmen's compensation and insur- ance: laws and bills, 1911. JJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1911, no. 92: 97-181. Reviews reports of commissions of Illinois, Massachusetts, Minne- sota, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington and Wisconsin. Includes text of laws passed in California, Kansas, Marjdand, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Washington and Wis- consin. HD8051.A5,no.92 547 1911. Decisions of courts aU'ecting labor. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1911, no. 92: 248-307. Employers' liability: p. 251-285, 291-301. HD8051.A5,no.92 548 1911. Snow, Alpheus 11. Social insurance. University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register, Feb. 1911, v. 59: 283-297. 549 1911. Notes on workmen's compensation. American economic review, Mar. 1911, v. 1: 154~161. employers' liability: united states: periodicals 91 550 1911. Compulsory Workmen's compensation act unconsti- tutional. New York (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1011, V. 12, no. 46: 57-80. HC107.N7A5,v.l2,no.46 Includes text of decision of New York Court of appeals. 551 1911. Tlie Employers' liability act of 1910. New York (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1011, V. 12, no. 46: 81-80. HC107.N7A6,v.l2,no.46 Synopsis of previous legislation, with provisions of act of 1910. 552 1911. Sherman, P. Tecumseli. The compensation commis- sions. A review of legislation i)roposed in seven states with respect to work accidents. Survey, Mar. 4, 1011, v. 25: 040-062. HVl.C4,v.25 Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington, Wisconsin. Reprinted in Iron Age, Apr. 6, 1911, v. 87: 842-844. Tl.I7,v.87 553 1911. Decisions of courts affecting labor. TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1011, no. 03: 633-672. Employers' liability: p. 639-649, 657-667. HD8051.A5,no.93 554 1911. Kane, Matthew J. The need of reform in our employers* liability laws. Yale law journal. Mar. 1011, v. 20: 353-357. 555 1911. Cease, Daniel L. Compulsory compensation for injured workmen. American economic association. Bulletin, Apr. 1011, 4ih Ser., V. 1: 276-281. HBl.A5,4thser.,v.l 556 1911. Parkinson, Thomas I. Problems of workmen's compen- sation legislation. ATuerican economic association. Bulletin, Apr. 1011, 4ih ser., V. 1: 282-205. HBl.A5,4thser.,v.l 557 1911. Schwedtman, F. C. Voluntary indemnity for injured workmen. American economic association. Bulletin, Apr. 1011. 4tl^ ser., V. 1: 206-301. HBl.A5,4thser.,v.l 558 1911. Employers' liability compensation. [Editorial note.] American federationist, Apr. 1011, v. 18: 207-200. Gives the names of the states which have abrogated the defence of "fellow-servant" responsibility. HD8055.A5A2,v.l8 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 55i> 1911. wSlierman, P. Teciimscli. Workmen's accident compen- sation. A review of the bills proposed by commissions in seven states. Iron age, Apr. 6, 1011, v. 87: S42-844. Tl.l7,v.87 Names of states: Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Minnesota, Massa- chusetts, Washington, and Ohio. From an article in Survey, Mar. 4, 1911, v. 25: 949-9()2. HVl.C4,v.25 560 1911. Reynolds, Sim. Possibilities of a new liability law : The question of what shall we do with our industrial wounded ? nines and minerals, Apr. 1911, v. 31: 532-585. TNl.M6,v.31 561 1911. Economics, pliilosoi)]iy and morals vs. the Court of appeals. [Editorial.] Survey, Apr. 8, 1911, v. 25: 77-80. On the decision of the New York Court of appeals declaring uncon- stitutional the Workmen's comjicnsation act. HVl.C4,v.25 562 1911. Dawson, Miles Al. The next step in workmen's compen- sation. • Survey, Apr. 8, 1911, v. 25: 91-93. HVl.C4,v.25 563 1911. Lindsay, Samuel McCune. The risks of industry. Survey, Apr. 15, 1911, v. 25: 110-111. HVl.C4,v.26 564 1911. The Court of appeals decision : [a symposium]. Survey, Apr. 29, 1911, v. 25: 185-196. Comment by Henry R. Seager, Ferd. C. Schwedtmau, Miles M. Dawson, Rayual C. Boiling, Louis Marshall, Frank J. Goodnow, Bernard Flexner, Louis M. Greeley, Morris Uillquitt, P. Tccum- eeh Sherman, Ernst Freund. HVl.C4,v.25 565 1911. Irwin, W. The awakening of the American business man: industrial indemnity. Century magazine, May, 1911, v. 82: 118-122. ap2.C4,v.82 566 1911. Roosevelt, Theodore. Workmen's compensation. Outlooh, May 13, 1911, v. 98: 49-54. Comment on the decision of the New York Court of appeals against the constitutionality of the New York act. AP2.08,v.98 567 1911. National association of manufacturers. Report of the Committee on industrial indemnity insurance. [F. C. Schwedtman, chairman] American industries, June, 1911, v. 10: 26-30. Summary. HD4802.A6,v.lO employers' liability: united states: periodicals 93 568 1911. Lcscohior, Don D. Industrial accidents, employer's liability, and workmen's compensation in Minnesota. American statistical association. Publications, June, 1911, n. s., V. 12: 647-660. HAl.A6,n.s.,v.l2 569 1911. Brewster, C. B. Industrial war or peace. Independent, June 29, 1911, V. 70: 1 417-1420. ap2.I53,v.70 570 1911. Dresser, Frank F. A constitutional compensation law. A discussion of feasible methods of attacking the problem to produce an equitable statute which will stand the test of the courts. Iron age, June 1, 1911, v. 87: 1319-1322. Tl.l7,v.87 571 1911. Bruce, Andrew Alexander. The New York employers' liability act. Micliigan law review, June, 1911, v. 9: 684-696. 571a 1911. Tynan, Leonard J. Workmen's compensation for injuries; with an analysis of the recently enacted New Jersey employers' liability law. New Jersey law journal, June, 1911, v. 34: 164-176. 571b 1911. Randolph, Carman F. Legal aspects of systematic compensation for industrial accidents. Railway age gazette, June 30, 1911, v. 50: 1699 — 1700. TFl.R2,v.50 572 1911. Saunders, S. A. The Court of appeals. Survey, July 8, 1911, v. 25: 568-569. On the decision of the New York Court of appeals against the Work- men's compensation act of that state. HVl.C4,v.25 573 1911. Cohen, Alorris R. The Court of appeals. Survey, July 8, 1911, v. 25: 569-570. HVl.C4,v.25 574 1911. Boyd, James Harrington. Workingmen's insurance. World to-day, July, 1911, v. 21: 821-827. AP2.W75,v.21 575 1911. The Ohio workmen's compensation law. Ajnerican industries, Aug. 1911 , v. 12: 15-16. HD4802.A6,v.l2 576 1911. Schwedtman, Ferd. C. Relief tendencies in the United States. American industries, Aug. 1911, v. 12: 19-21. HD4802.A6,v.l2 577 1911. Venable, William Mayo. Industrial accidents and lia- bility of employers. Engineering magazine, Aug. 1911, v. 4^- 721-730. TAl.E59,v.41 94 l.IBKARY OF CONGRESS 57S 1911. Dawson, Miles M. Workmon's compensation. Would the best system for general welfare be constitutional ? Surveij, Aug. 5, 1011, v. 26: 671-676. HVl.C4,v.26 579 1911, Boyd, James TTarrington. Obligatory industrial insur- ance. Case and comment, Sept.-Oct. 1911, v. IS: 201-206; 260-262. "A discussion of the legal principles involved in the enactment and the putting into operation of a plan of obligatory industrial insur- ance as a remedy for the economic insecurity of workingmen which accompanies the modern wage system." 580 1911. Glass, Walter M. Assumption of risk. Case and comment, Sept. 1911, v. 18: 181-187. 581 1911. Stone, Duke. The doctrine of contributory negligence. Case and comment, Sept. 1911, v. 18: 188-192. 582 1911. Parmcle, George H. Compulsory compensation without litigation. Case and comment, Sept. 1911, v. 18: 199-200. 58.3 1911. Schwedtman, Ferd. C. Wliat can employers do. A word on employers' liability or workmen's compensation insurance. American industries, Oct. 1911, v. 12: 25. HD4802.A6,v.l2 584 1911. ^lorgan, William G. Mutual compensation insurance companies. American industries, Oct. 1911, v. 12: 26-28. HD4802.A6,v.l2 585 1911. Bruere, R. W. The weKare war. Harper's monthly magazine, Oct. 1911, v. 123: 674-681. AP2.H3,v.l23 586 1911. llall, James Parker. The New York workmen's com- pensation act decision. Journal of political economy, Oct. 1911, v. 19: 694-700. HBl.J7,v.l9 587 1911. liOtt, Edson S. State employers' liability or workmen's compensation. Market world and chronicle, Oct. 21, 1911, v. 88: 521-522, 539-541. 588 1911. Bauer, John. Workmen's compensation and the law. South Atlantic quarterly, Oct. 1911, v. 10: 846-355. AP2.S75,v.lO employers' liability: united states: periodicals 95 589 1911. Mitcliell, John. Compensation for industrial accidents. American federationist, Nov. 1911, v. 18: 908-909. HD8055.A5A2,v.l8 590 1911. Bartlett, C. O. Workmen's liability insurance. Manufacturers^ record, Nov. 16, 1911, v. 60: 59-60. A paper read before the American mining congress at Chicago. TSl.M3,v.60 591 1911. Wambaugh, Eugene. Workmen's compensation acts: their theory and their constitutionality. Harvard law review, Dec. 1911, v. 25: 129-139. AUSTRIA 592 * Austria. Ai^beitsstatistisches Amt. Gesetzentwurf, betrefTend die Sozialversicherung. (Kcgienmgsvorlage vom 3. No- vember 1908). Wien: K KIIof-undStaatsdrucJcerei,1908. (2), 338 p. 4°. "Separatbeilage zu Nr. 11 der 'Sozialen Rundschau'." 593 * Programm fiir die Reform und den Ausbau der Arbeiterversicherimg. [^^%en: K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1904.] ^^1 V- ^°' Caption title. 594 Verhandkingoii des standigen' Arbeitsbeirates iiber das Programm fiir die Reform und den Ausbau der Arbeiterversicherung. Wien: AusderK. K. Ilof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1908. 2 v. 4°- Contents. — 1. th. Plenarprotokolle. — 2. th. Ausschussprotokolle. 9-2579 HD7169.A7 595 Ministerium des Innern. Amtliclie Nacliricliten be- trefTend die IJnfallversiclierung und die Krankenver- siclierung der Arbeiter. 1890-1909. Wien: Kaiserlich-koniglidie Ilof- und Staatsdruckerei [1890]- 1909. 20 V. Tahles. 4°. Monthly. 6-9182—3 HD7169.A2 596 Die Gebarung imd die Ergebnisse der Unfall- statistik der im Grunde des Gesetzes vom 28. Dezember 1887 (R. G. Bl. Nr. 1 ex 1888), betrefTend die IJnfallver- siclierung der Arbeiter, erricliteten Arbeiter-Unfall-Ver- sicherungsanstalten. 1890-1894, 1897. Wien, 1892-99. 6 v. Tahles. 4°. 9-1061t HD7169.A3 597 Bellom, Maurice. L'assurance ouvriere en Autriche, et les projets de reforme. Revue d^economie 'politique, June, 1908, v. 22: 401-4^9. HB3.R4,v.22 598 J^es assurances ouvrieres en Autriche. Economiste frauQais, Sept. 23, 1905, v. 33: 44^-44^- HB3.E3,v.33 96 employers' liability: Austria 97 599 * Bellom, Maurice. De rorganisation des caisses de secours pour les ouvriers mineurs en Autriche. [Paris, 1891?] 73 p. Tables. Diagrs. 8°. "Extrait du Bulletin du Comit6 permanent du Congres des acci- dents du travail," 1891. HD7090.C6,v.2 600 Etude de la statistique de 1' assurance centre les acci- ilents en Autriche. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1893, v. 3: 387-441. HD7090.C6,v.4 601 Etude des coefficients de risques adoptes en Autriche en matiere d' accidents du travail. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1890, v. 1 : 533-564. HD7090.C6,v.l 602 Etude des etablissements d'assurance contre les acci- dents institues en Autriche par la loi du 28 decembre 1887. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1891, v. 2: 135-232. HD7090.C6,v.2 603 ^Bohemia. Arbeiter - Unfall - Versicherungsanstalt, Prague. Bericht der Arbeiter - Unfall - Versicherungs- anstalt fiir das Konigreich Bohmen iiber ihre Thatigkeit . . . 1890-1892, 1894-1909. Prag, 1891-1910. 19 v. F°. 604 * Statut der Ai'beiter - Unfall - Versicherungs - Anstalt fiir das Konigi^eich Bohmen in Prag. [Prag: K. u. K. Ilofhuchdruclcerei, A. Hasse, 1903.] 4^) 4 p. 12°. 605 Derblich, Leo. Das osterreichische Versicherungsrecht. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1903. xi, 167, (1) p. 8°. "Literatur": p. ix-xi. 11-21635 606 France. Direction du travail. Bases statistiques de 1' assurance contre les accidents d'apres les resultats de I'assurance obligatoire en AUemagne et en Autriche. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1899. 234 V- ^°' 1-21103 HD7101.F8 607 Etude sur les derniers resultats des assurances sociales en AUemagne et en Autriche. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1894-95. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Contents. — 1. ptie. Accidents. — 2. ptie. Maladie, invalidity et vieillesse. 1-21111 HD7179.F8 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 60S France. Direction du travail. Notices et comptes rendus. Fatns: Imprimerie nationale, 1892-93. 7 v. in 1. Tahles. 8°. . Contents. — Etude statistique de8 accidents du travail d'aprfes lea rapports ofliciels sur I'assurance obligatoire en AUeinagiie et en Autriche. — II. Resultats financiers de I'assurance obligatoire contre les accidents du travail en Allemagne et en Autriche. — III. Statistique des graves survenues en France pendant les ann^es 1890 et 1891. — IV. Examen analytique du 6e rapport annuel (1890) du "Departemcut du travail" des Etats-Unis d'Amerique (Industries houillere et sidorurgique). De I'emploi de3 artfeles et de la participation int6ress<5e du personnel dans les chemins de fer russes. — V. Resultats statistiques de I'assurance obligatoire contre la maladie en Allemagne. — VI. Resultats statistiques de I'assurance obligatoire contre la maladie en Autriche. — VII. Statistique des graves survenues en France pendant I'ann^e 1892. 1-21094 HD8421.A21 60D Fuster, Edoiiard, L'assiirance contre les accidents agricoles en Allemagne et en Autriche. Congres intemationaux des assurances sodales. Bulletin du, comite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 165-203. HD7090.C6,v.6 610 — La diminution de capacite de travail resultant des accidents professionnels, (Jurisprudence autrichienne.) Congres intemationaux des assurances sodales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 211^.-221. hd7090.C6,v.6 611 Documents sur I'assurance contre les accidents et le systeme de capitalisation (Autriche). Congres intemationaux des assurances sodales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1898, v. 9: 284-337. hd7090.C6,v.9 612 Nouveaux renseignements sur le risque accident et le cotit de I'assurance (Autriche). Congres intemationaux des assurances sodales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1899, v. 10: 266-277. hd7090.C6,v.10 613 Gaertner, Friedrich. Der Ausbau der Sozialversicherung in Oesterreich. ArcTiiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und SozialpolitiJc, Sept.-Nov., 1909, V. 29: 417-U3; 759-833. H6.A8,v.29 614 Harris, Henry John. Workmen's insurance in Austria. Washington, 1911. {8), 29-435 p. Tahles. 8°. Reprinted from twenty-fourth Annual report of United States Com- missioner of labor. Bibliography: p. 434-435. 11-35567 HD7171.H3 employers' liability: Austria 99 615 Insurance of labor in Austria. A digest of the laws covering accident and illness insurance and old-age pensions. Engineering magazine, Sept. 1909, v. 37: 997-1000. Reprinted from Engineering. TAl.E59,v.37 616 Kaflf, Sigmund. Die Unfallversicherung in Oesterreicli. Neue Zeit, 1S91-92, v. 10: 55-58. HX6.N6,v.l0 617 Kogler, Karl. Die osterreichischc Arbeiterversiclierung und die Auslander. Bericht erstattet der Internationalen Vereini- gung fiir gesetzlichen Arbeiterschutz. Wien: F. Deuticke, 1906. 21 p. 8°. {Schriften der Osterr. Gesellschaft fiir Arbeiterschutz. ix. lift.) 8-8336 HD7171.K8 618 Latka, Rudolf. Grenzfragen des Haftpflicht und Unfallver- sicherungsrechts. Verein deutsclier Eisenbahnverwaltungen. Zeitung, Sept. 21-25, 1907, V. 47: 1105-.1107; 1118-1120. On the relation of the Austrian and German laws on these subjects. HE1003.V2,v.47 619 Lederer, Emil. Die osterreichische Sozialversicherungsvorlage. Jahrhuch fiir Geseizgehung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtscliaft, 1909, V. 33: 269-298. H5.J2,v.33 620 Mayrhofer, Ernst. Ernst Mavrhofer's Handbuch fiir den politischen Verwaltungsdienst in den im Reichsrathe vertretenen Konigreichen und Landern, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der diesen Landern gemeinsamen Gesetze und Verordnungen. 5. verm, und verb. Aufl. Redigiert und hrsg. von Graf Anton Pace. Wien: Manz, 1895-1901. 7 v. Tah. (parthj fold.) 8°. " Uebersicht der Literatur fiir den politischen Verwaltungsdienst": V. 1, p. 34-40. "Die Arbeiterversicherung " : v. 5, p. 422-528. 3-1620 JN1709.M3,v5 621 Menzel, Adolf. Die Arbeiterversicherung nach osterreich- ischem Rechte. Mit Beriicksichtigung des deutschen Reichsrechtes systematisch bearbeitet. Leipzig: Dunclcer cO IlumUot, 1893. [v\-xviii, (2), 504 f- ^°' "Die Unfallversicherung": p. 207-351. 11-22993 HD7170.M5 622 *Osterreichisches Jahrbuch der Arbeiterversicherung. 3.- Jahrg. 190S- Wien: Verlag des Verhandes der Genossenschafts-Krankenlcas- sen, 1908. 1 v. 12°. 3d- year; 1908- ed. by Dr. Leo Verkauf. 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 623 Die Reform dor Arboiterversicherimg in Osterreich. Beichs-Arheitsblatt, Feb., May-Aug. 1905, v. 8: 148-155; 420-430; 507-515; 609-619; 697-701. hd8441.A3,v.3 624 Ronchamp, K. de. Les derniers resultats de Tassurance obli- gatoire contre les accidents en Allemagne et en Autriche. Revue d'economie politique, 1895, v. 9: 145-158. hb3.R4,v.9 625 Schiff, Walter. Die osterroichisclie Arbeiter-Unfallversicher- iing und die Sozialstatistik. Allgemeines statistisches Archiv, 1893/94, 'i>- 3: 66-118. HAl.A4,v.3 626 *Seltsani, Ferdinand. Die Gesetze iiber Unfall- und Kranken- Versicherung. Uebersichtlich mid popular dargostellt. Wien: Manz' sche K. u. K. Hof.- Verlags- und Universitdts BucMandlung, 1889. 2 v. 8°. 626a U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. {Annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909.) "Workmen's insurance in Austria": v. 1, p. 31-434; Laws, v. 2, p. 2444-2458. "Partial bibliography": v. 1, p. 434-435. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 627 Verkauf, Leo. Arbeiterversicherung in Oesterreich-Ungarn. {In Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 809-814.) "Literatur": p. 814. H45.H22,v.l 628 Das osterreichische Gesetz iiber die Unfallversicherung der Arbeiter. Jahrbucher fiir NationalokonoTnie und Statistik, 1888, v. 51: 430-437. HB5.J3,v.51 629 Die Reform der Unfallversicherung in Oesterreich. Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik, 1894, '^' '^' 42-102. H5.A8,v.7 630 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Oesterreich. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter- Versorgung; A. Troschel, 1899. 102 p. 4°- (^^^5 Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. lift. VII.) "Lidoratur": p. 56-57. Uas Supplement 7a. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.7 631 Unfallstatistik. (/n Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1911. 4°. V. 8, p. 43-65.) "Literatur": p. 64-65. Contexts.— I. Deutschland.— II. Oesterreich. H:45.H:22,v.8 HUNGARY 632 Bokor, Giistav. Die neiioii ungarischen Arbeiterversicherungs- gesctze. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaft, Oct. 1907, V. 7: 702-709. hg8015.Z5,v.7 633 Clermont, P. La nouvelle legislation hongroise sur les assur- ances maladies et accidents. Moniteur des assurances, Feb. 15, 1908, v. 40: 61-63. HG8015.M7,v.40 634 Hungary. Laws, statutes, etc. Loi du 6 avril 1907 sur I'assur- ance des personnes employees dans I'industrie et le commerce contre les maladies et les accidents. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1908, v. 19: 152-189; 307-326; 464- 485. HD7090.C6,v.l9 Translation in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2567-2610. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 635 * MunJcdbiztosiidsi liivatal. Workmen's insurance in the realm of the Holy crown of Hungary. Ed. by the Royal ■ Hungarian workmen's insurance office at the occasion of the Dresden hygienic exposition. By order of said office comp. by Sir Francis Herczeg. Budapest: ''Patria'' printing off., 1911. 29 p. 8°. 636 Marschner, Robert. Die Arbeiterversicherung in Ungam. Archiv filr SozialwissenscJiaft und Sozialpolitik, 1004, v. 20: 114-138. H5.A8,v.20 637 Roth, Paul. Die Versicherung der Arbeiter gegen Unfall in Ungarn. {In Assekuranz-Jahrbuch, 1904. Wien, 1904. 8°. v. 25, p. 23-30. HG8019.A8,v.25 638 Szanto, Menyhert. The labour insurance law in Hungary. Economic journal, Dec. 1908, v. 18: 631-636. HBl.E3,v.l8 639 Verkauf , Leo. Arbeiterversicherung in Oesterreich-Ungarn. (7n Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 809-814.) H45.H22,v.l "Literatur": p. 814. 640 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter- Versicherung in Ungarn. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter- Versorgung; A. Troschel, 1899. 103-133 p. 4°- (iJ'^s Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Aus- lande. Hft. viii.) "Litteratur": p. 113. Has Supplements 8a and 8b. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.8 101 BELGIUM 641 Belgium. Laws, statutes, etc. Loi & reglcments sur la repara- tion (les (lommages resultant des accidents dii travail. BruxcUes: J. Lchegue et c»«, 1906. 159 p. 1 ?°. 9-27303*Cancel HD7816.N3A5 1906 642 Lois et reglcments concernant la police du travail et le regime des etablissements classes. Bruxelles: Office de puhlicite, J. Lehegue et c^^ [etc.], 1906. 316 p. 12°. "Reparation des accidents du travail": p. 263-284. 7-11751 HD7896.A5 643 Ministere de Vindustrie et du travail. Rapport relatif a r execution de la loi du 24 decembre 1903 sur la repara- tion des dommages resultant des accidents du travail pendant les annees 1905-1908. Bruxelles: M.Weissenbruch,imprimeurduroi, 1910. 1 v. 8°. First report, 1905-1908, under the law which went into force July 1, 1905. 11-5730 HD7102.B3A4 644 * Office du travail. Assurance contre les accidents du travail (loi du 24 decembre 1905). Situation des caisses communes et des societes agrcees. Compte rendu de la gestion speciale des exercices 1905-1909. Bruxelles, 1908-09. 2 v. Tables. F°. Cover-title. 645 Brabant, Georges. La loi beige de reparation des accidents du travail consideree au point de vue de son application. Revue economique internatioTiale, Aug. 1904, '^- ^' 621-656; Sept. 1904, V. 3: 91-156. HB3.li5,v.2,3 646 Demeur, Maurice. Accidents du travail; expose critique du projet de loi amende par la Section centralc. Tamines: Impr. de C. Duculot-Roulin, 1903. 120 p. 8°. 11-21806 HD7816.F8D5 647 * Le risque professionnel ; traitc theoriquc et pratique de la loi du 24 decembre 1903 sur la reparation des dommages resultant des accidents du travail. Extrait des "Pandectes beiges." Bruxelles: F. Larder, 1908. 926 (i. e. 463) p. 4°. 102 employers' liability: Belgium 103 648 Leval, G. de. The Belgian law of 1903. Green hag, Apr., 1906, v. 18: 220-222. Translated by William C. Gray. 649 Lewinski-Corwin, Edward Henry. Workmen's insurance in Belgium. New Yorl, 1911. 122, (2) p. TaUes. 8°. Thesis (ph. d.) — Columbia university. Vita. Bibliography: p. 120-122. All-1461 650 Manes, Alfred. Arbeit erversicherung in Belgien. (In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1. p. 814-819. "Literatur": p. 819. H45.H22,v.l 651 Nameche, Leon. Reparation des dommages resultant des accidents du travail; commentaire de la loi du 24 decem- bre 1903, mis au courant de la doctrine et de la juris- prudence, suivi des documents officiels relatifs a I'exe- cution de la loi et de tableaux d' evaluation des incapacites permanentes. 2. ed. Bruxelles: E. Bruylant; [etc., etc.], 1908. vi, 578 p. Ji°. "Bibliographie": p. 17-18. 11-10410 652 Pagot, E. Assurances contre les accidents. La loi sur les accidents et les Beiges. Moniteur des assurances, July 15, 1906, v 38: 392-394. HG8015.M7,v.38 652a U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. {Annual report of the commissioner oflahor, 2Jfth, 1909.) "Workmen's insurance in Belgium": v. 1, p. 437-554; Laws, v. 2, p. 2459-2466. "Bibliography": v. 1, p. 554-556. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 653 Vermeersch, Arthur. Manuel social, la legislation et les oeu- vres en Belgique, avec une preface de M. Gerard Coore- man. Nouv. ed., entierement refondue. Louvain: A. Ui/stpruyst; [etc., etc.], 1904- (2),xxxix, 1009 p. 8°. "La loi sur les accidents du travail": p. 907-928. 5-13272 HD8506.V3 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 654 Wodon, Louis. La question des accidents du travail devant le Parlenient beige. Congres internationaux des assurances societies. Bulletin du comite permanent, Aug.-Oct., 1903, v. IJf.: Ifi2-J^I^7 . HD7090.C6,v.l4 655 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versichenmg in Belgicn, Berlin: Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung; A. Troscliel, 1899. 77 J)- 4°- (^^^^ ^^^ Arheiter-Versicherung im Auslande. Eft. XII.) "Litteratur": p. 43. Has Supplement 12a. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.l2 FRANCE G5G Autran, F. C. La responsabilite des proprietaires de navires, a raison des accidents de personnes d'aprcs le droit fran^ais. {In International law association. Report, 1910. London, 1910. 8°. p. 186-203.) JX24.I5 1910 657 Auvillain, Louis. Les ouvriers etrangers en France et les acci- dents du travail. Paris: Lihrairie generale de droit <& de jurisprudence, F. PicTion et Durand-Auzias, 1905. (4), H, 209 p. 8°. Thfese — Univ. de Paris. "Index bibliographique": p. i-ii. 6-19762 HD7816.F8A9 658 Beaumont, A. Assurances centre les accidents. Extension a Tagriculture de la loi sur les accidents du travail. Moniteurdes assurances, Feb. 15-June 15, 1907, v. 39: ^9-51; 98-101; 145-148; 181-188; 265-272. HG8015.M7,v.39 659 L'extension au commerce de la loi sur les accidents. Beforme economique, Apr. 13, 1906, v. 15: 4'^2-453. HB3.R3,v.l5 660 Extension de la loi sur les accidents du travail aux entreprises commerciales. Revue intemationale du commerce, de Vindustrie et de la hanque. Bee. 31, 1904, v. 6: 795-801; Mar. 31, June 30, 1905, V. 7: 261-266, 397-406. HPl5.R4,v.6,7 661 Les frais medicaux dans les accidents du travail. Moniteur des assurances, July 15-Oct. 15, 1907, v. 39: 397- 4OO; 459-462; 522-525; 572-577. HG80l5.M7,v.39 662 Bellom, Maurice. Die Arbeiter-Unfallversicherung in Frank- reich. ZeitscJiriftfur die gesamte Versicherungs- Wissenschaft , 1904, V. 4: 359-368. HG8015.Z5,v.4 663 De la responsabilite en matiere d'accidents du travail; comment aire de la loi du 9 avril 1898 et des lois et decrets subsequents. 2. ed. Entierement refondu et mise au courant des travaux les plus recents de la legislation et de la jurisprudence. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1902. viii, 1007, (1) p. 8°. 3-32020 18984°— 11 8 105 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 664 Bellom, ^faiirice. La question ties accidents du travail; etat uctuol ilevant le Pailement fran^aise. Revue 'politique et parlementaire, July, 1894, '^'- i- 65-78. H3.R4,v.l 665 Blanchet, Augustin. fitiidc d'une loi siir les accidents du travail en France. Reforme sociale, Od.-Nov. 1897, v. 34: 614-626; 663-676. H3.R3,v.34 666 Bouyer, Joseph. De revolution de la responsabilite civile en maticre d' accidents du travail. Paris: L. Boyer, 1902. xxiii, 222 p. 8°. Thfese — Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographic": j). v-xii. 4-5178 HD7814.B7 667 Cabouat, Jules. La loi du 9 avril 1898 sur la responsabilite des accidents tlu travail: examen pratique de doctrine et de jurisprudence. Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, Oct.-Dec, 1907, v. 6: 879-917. 668 Traite des accidents du travail; expose du systeme de responsabilite et d'indemnisation etabli par la loi du 9 avril 1898. Paris: Aux Bureaux des Lois nouvelles, 1901-07. 2 v. 4°- 8-27341 669 Caurier, (1. La legislation sur les accidents du travail dans ses applications aux agents de chemins de fer. Etude de la question du cumul des pensions d'invalidite et des rentes forfaitaires de la loi de 1898. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1909. vii, 143, (1) p. 8°. These — Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographie": p. v-vii. 11-21805 HD7816.F8C3 670 Charmont, J. Questions de responsabilite. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, 1898, n. s., v. 27: 129-136. 671 Cheysson, ^. Les accidents du travail et la pension aux ayants droit des ouvriers tues. Reforme sociale, Aug. 16, 1898, v. 36: 322-333. H3.ii3,v.36 672 Conner, B. H. Employers' liability in France. Oreen hag, Apr. 1906, v. 18: 225-227. , employers' liability: France 107 673 Courcelle, Louis Pierre Alcibiade Pourcelle called. Code annote des lois ouvrieres. Paris: Marclial et Billard, 1902. {4), xxiv, 321 p. 12°. {Petite hibliotheque pratique, xxv.) Bibliography at end of each chapter. "Accidents du travail": p. i-xxiv, 1-42. 2-28358 HD7883.C7 674 Traitc de legislation ouvriere. Contrats de travail. Bureaux de placement, contestations et conflits entre patrons et ouvriers: coalitions, greves, conciliation et arbitrage. Travail dans I'industrie. Accidents du tra- vail. Conseils des prud'hommes et du travail. Asso- ciations ouvrieres, professionnelles, cooperatives. Soci- etes de secours mutuels. Recompenses et retraites ouvrieres, etc.; avec une preface de M. Paul Beaure- gard. Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere, 1902. U), Hi, xv, 58 4 p. 8°. "Modifications aux lois des 9 avril 1898 et du 30 juin 1899 sur les accidents du travail": p. i-xv. "Accidents du travail": p. 383-451. 3-7399* Cancel . HD7884.C7 675 Delearde, D. and Ch. Renard. L'assurance des gens de mer centre les accidents du travail (France). Congres interna tionaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1904, '^- ^5: 100-112. HD7090.C6,v.l5 676 Diverneresse. La loi sur les accidents du travail en danger. Revue socialiste, Apr. 1908, v. 41: 295-317 . HX5.R4,v.47 677 Dormand, Marcel i. e. Charles Marie Joseph Marcel. De I'attribution de Tindemnite dans la loi du 9 avril 1898 relative aux accidents du travail lorsque la victime est morte des suites de I'accident. Toulouse: Impr. Lagarde et Sebille, 1904. 1^2 p. 8°. These — Toulouse. "Bibliographie": p. 3-4. 8-21158 HD7816.F8D7 678 *Duchauifour, A. Les accidents du travail. Manuel de con- ciliation; resume de la jurisprudence et evaluation des diverses invalidites d'apres les accords intervenus entre les parties. 2. ed., raise au courant de la loi du 31 mars 1905. Paris: J. B. Bailliere et jils, 1906. 365 p. 12°. 679 Employers' liability in France; [an account of the French laws on the subject]. Nationxd corporation reporter, Apr. 28, 1910, v. 40:382-383, 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CSO fitienne, Rene. Cours de legislation des mines. Saint- Etienne: Societe de I'iinprimerie TheoUer. — J. Thomas etc'", 1904. 487,0)2). Diagr. 4°. ( E cole des mines de Saint- Etienne.) Each division of the subject is followed by a bibliography. "Accidents du travail": p. 307-316. 5-35335 TN242.F8E8 681 Ferrette, Henry. Manuel de legislation industrielle, redig^ d'apres les programmes des facultes de droit et ceux du concours pour I'inspection du travail; avec le texts des lois ouvrieres et des tableaux analytiques. Paris: Lihrairie Marescq jeune, C. Marescq fils, successeur, 1909. vi, 7-564 p. S°. (BiUiotheque de VHudiant en droit.) 9-25260 HD7883.F3 "Les accidents du travail": p. 291-447. 682 and Charles Florentin. Les accidents du travail; com- mentaire de la loi du 9 avril 1898 et des circulaires et reglements d'adniinistration publique en execution de cette loi, avec tous les textes parus et les baremes etablis par le ^linistre du commerce pour la constitution des rentes viageres; precede d'une introduction de L. Mrman. Paris: V. Giard cO E. Briere, 1900. (4), 282 p. 12°. 2-30543 HD7816.F8F4 683 France. Assemhlee nationale. Chamhre des deputes. Com- mission d'assurance et de prevoyance sociales. Rapport sur diverses propositions de loi tendant a modifier certaines dispositions de la loi du 9 avril 1898 relative aux accidents du travail. Par M. Mirman. Congrl'S internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1901, v. 12: 75-192. hd7090.C6,v.12 684 Commission supe'rieure des caisses d' assurances en cas de deces et en cas d'accidents. Rapport sur les operations et la situation de ces deux caisses, Annee 1896-1898. Paris, 1897-99. 3v. Tables. E°. 7-21710 HD7173.A7 6S5 Direction de Vassurance et de la prevoyance sociales. Accidents du travail. Jurisprudence. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1900. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 1-21095— M 2 HD7102.F8A4 686 Accidents du travail. Lois, reglements et circu- laires (15 juin 1900). Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1900. (2), 188 p^- 8°. Cover-title. 1-21096— M 2 HD7816.F8A36 employers' liability: France 109 687 France. Direction Je Vassurance et de la prevoyance sociales. Recueil de documents sur les accidents du travail, reunis par le Ministere du commerce (Direction de 1' assurance et de la prevoyance sociales). Paris [etc.]: Berger-Levrault & c'^, 1902-10. 41 vols. 8°. "Repertoire bibliographique sur la legislation relative aux aecideuts du travail. Par. A. Daguin'': no. 15. CONTENTS. no. 1 (1903) Lois, r^glements et circulaires (avril 1903). no. 2 (1905) Loi du 9 avril 1898 (modifi^e par les lois des 22 mars 1902 et 31 mars 1905) et reglements d'administration publique du 28 levrier 1899. no. 3 (1902) Jurisprudence. [Tome ij (mars 1902). no. 4 (1902) Loi du 9 avril 1898 (modifiee par la loi du 22 mars 1902) et decret relatif aux declarations d'accidents. no. 5 (1902) Rapports aux Congres internationaux des accidents (Paris 1900-L)usseldorf 1902) par le directeur de I'assurance et de la prevoyance sociales. no. 6 (1902) Jurisprudence; table analytique des decisions publiees dans le fascicule no. 3 (mars 1902). no. 7 (1903) Jurisprudence. Tome ii (mars 1903). no. 8 (1903) Jurisprudence; table analytique des decisions publiees dans les tomes i et ii. (fasc. no. 3 et no. 7). no. 9 (1903) Jurisprudence. Tome in (novembre 1903). no. 10(1903) Jurisprudence; table analytique des decisions publiees dans les tomes i, n et iir. (fasc. no. 3, no. 7 et no. 9). no. 11 (1904) Jurisprudence. Tome iv (mars 1904). no. 12(1904) Jiu-isprudence; table analytique des decisions publiees dans les tomes i, ii, iii et iv. (fasc. nos. 3, 7, 9 et 11). no. 13 (1904) Maladies professionnelles. Rapport preparatoire au Comite consultatif des assurances contre les accidents du travail, no. 14 (1904) Legislation sur les accidents, annotee des decisions ds jurisprudence, no. 15 (1904) Repertoire bibliographique sur la legislation relative aux accidents du travail, par A. Daguin (juin 1904). no. 16 (1905) Rapport sur I'application de la lui du 9 avril 1898 (fevrier 1905). no. 17 (1905) Jurisprudence. Tome v (mars 1905). no. 18 (1905) Arrete fixant le tarif des frais medicaux et pharmaceu- tiques en matiere d'accidents du travail, no. 19 (1906) Deuxieme rapport sur Tapplication de la loi du 9 avril 1898 (mars 1906). no. 20 (1906) Jiu-isprudence. Tome m (mars 1906). no. 21 (1906) Troisieme rapport sur Taj^plication de la loi du 9 avril 1898 (octobre 1906). no. 22 (1906) Decret du 27 septembre 1906 arretant la liste des exploitations commerciales soumises a la taxe reduite pour le fonds de garantie. no. 23 (1906) Jurisprudence. Tome vii (octobre 1906). no. 24 (1906) Jurisprudence; table analytique des decisions publiees dans les tomes, i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, et vii (fasc. nos. 3, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, et 23). 110 LIBKAliY OF CONGRESS no. 25 (1907) Les at-cidcMils du travail dans ragrifultuic d'apres la statistique allcmaudc, par Edoviard Faster. no. 26 (1907) La statistique du risque professionnel et les enquetes autrichieniu's, par Edouard Fusler. no. 27 (1907) Quatrieme rapport sur I'application de la loi du 9 avril 1898. no. 28 (1907) Notice sur la statistique des accidents du travail en Autriche. no. 29 (1907) Jurisprudence. Tome viii (octobre 1907). no. 30 (1908) Cinquieme rapport sur I'application de la loi du 9 a\Til 1898. no. 31 (1908) Jurisprudence. Tome ix (mai 1908). no. 32 (1908) Jurisjjrudence; table aualytique des decisions publi^es dans les tomes i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, et ix (fasc. nos. 3, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, 23, 29, et 31). no. 33 (1908) Jurisprudence. Tome x (decembre 1908). no. 34 (1909) Seizieme rapport sur I'application de la loi du 9 avril 1898. no. 35 (1909) Jurisprudence. Tome xi (mai 1909). no. 36 (1909) Statistique des accidents du travail assures de 1899 k 1905. (Salaires assures — Rejilement des accidents), no. 37 (1909) Jurisprudence. Tome xii (decembre 1909). no. 38 (1910) Jiu'isprudence; table aualytique des d(5cisions pu- bli^es dans les tomes i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, et xii (fasc. nos. 3, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, 23, 29, 31, 33, 35, et 37). no. 39 (1910) Septieme rapport sur I'application de la loi du 9 avril 1898. no. 40 (1910) Deuxieme statistique des accidents du travail. Salaires assur(?s de 1899 a 1906 — Reglement des iudemnit6.«. no. 41 (1910) Jurisprudence. Tome xiii (octobre 1910). 5-41891 HD7173.A3 688 France. Laws, statutes, etc. Code annote de la legislation ouvriere; code du travail et de la prevoyance sociale, par G. Frerejouan du Saint. Paris: L. Larose ct- L. Tenin, 1908. viii, 607, (3) p. 4°. "Accidents du travail:" p. 237-438; "Assurances ouvriferes: " p. 439-492. 11-2137 HD7883.A4 1908 689 Le code du travail annote d'apres la juris- prudence et les circulaires niinisterielles; recueil metlio- dique do la legislation et de la jiuisprudencc reglant la situation des travailleurs et de leurs employeurs par Louis Andre [et] Leon Guibourg. Paris: Librairie generale de droit cfc de jurisprudence, 1905. (4),xvi,684p. 12°. "Accidents du travail:" p. 311-400; "Assurances en cas de decfes et d'accidents du travail:" p. 429^67. 6-14610 HD7883.A4 690 Lois ouvrieres, 1848-1900. [P-" cahier. Paris: Impr. Fayolle, 1901.] viii, 64 f- 8°. "Accidents:" p. 43-60. 3-23345 HD7883.A4 1901 employers' liability: France 111 691 Fuld, Liuhvig. Die Unfallsentschadigung der Arbeitcr im Ge- biete des franzosischen Rechts. Vierteljahrsschrift fur Volkswirtscliaft, PolitiJc und Kultur- gescMcJite, 1886, v. 90: 20-31. H5.V8,v.90 692 Grehrig, Hans. Die franzosische Sozialgesetzgebung in den Jahren 1907-1909. • Jahrhilcher filr Nationalokonomie und StatistiJc, May, 1911, V.96: 643-661. " Internationaler Arbeiterschutz (und Versicherung) :" pp. 648-649; "Nationaler Arbeiterschutz:" pp. 649-661. HB5.J3,v.96 693 Gely, Joseph. Etude generale siir le risque professionnel dans les accidents du travail. Toulouse: V. Riviere, 1898. viii, 134 P- S°- Inaug.-dis. — Toulouse. Bibliography: p. v-vii. l-F-3140 HD7816.F8G4 694 Gt. Brit. Foreign office. Report on the laws in force in France and Germam' with regard to the insurance of persons employed in mines, &c., and the legal liability of employers. Presented to both houses of ParUament . . . 1880. London: Printed hy Harrison and sons, [1880], (2), 13 p. F°. {Parliament. Papers hy command. C. 2607.) At head of title: Commercial. No. 29 (1880). J301.K6 1880,v.59 695 Translation of documents relative to the French law \di\\ regard to the insurance of persons employed in mines, &c., and the legal liabihty of em- ployers. (In continuation of ''Commercial no. 29, 1880")- Presented to both houses of Parliament . . . 1880. London: Printed hy Harrison and sons, [1880]. 9 p. F°. (Parliament. Papers hy command. C. 2631.) J301.K6 1880,v.59 696 Treaties, etc., 1901-1910 {Edward vii). Dispatch from His Majesty's ambassador at Paris, forwarding a con- vention between Great Britain and France, signed at Paris, July 3, 1909, in regard to workmen's compensation for accidents. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, August 1909. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Harrison and sons, [1909]. 5, {1) p. F°. {[Foreign office]. Miscel- laneous, no. 8, 1909.) Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4731, English and French. 9-30232t HD7816.G7A3 1909 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 697 *Griolet, Gaston, Cluirles Verge, and Henry Bourdeaux. Code des accidents du travail, avec annotations d'apies la doctrine et la jurisprudence et renvois aux ouvrages de MM. Dalloz. Publie sous la direction de MM. Gaston Griolet [et] (^harles Verg6; avec la collaboration de M. Henry Bourdeaux ... 2 ed. Paris: Bureau de la jurisprudence generale Dalloz, 1910. vii, (1), 288, 17 p. 16°. {Petite collection Dalloz.) 698 Guilhaud, Georges, Les intoxications professionnelles et la loi sur 1' assurance contre les accidents. Revue scientifique, Apr. 21 , 1906, o. ser., t. 5: Jf.86-Jf.91. Q2.R53,5th ser.,v.5 699 Guillot, Paid. Les assurances ouvrieres; accidents, maladies, vieillesse, cliomage; legislation fran^aise, legislations etrangeres, projets de reforme. Paris: Imprimerie Chaix, 1897. ix, 320 p. Jf°. 5-11228 700 Ingrain, A. E. French employers' liability. New national law of republic includes every industry. V. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Monthly consular and trade report's, Aug. 1906, no. 311: 138-140. HCl.B2,no.311 701 *International association for labor legislation. French section. Les accidents du travail dans I'agriculture. Rapport de M. Henri C^apitant . . . Compte rendu des discussions. — Vcbux adoptes. Paris: F. Alcan, [etc.], 1909. 1J^2 p. 12°. {Association nationals f ran faise pour la protection legale des travailleurs. [Publications]. 5. serie, no. 6.) "Bibliographie" p. 133-138. 702 Jacquey, J. A propos do la loi sur les accidents du travail. lu viie politique et parlementaire, Nov. 1897, v. 14-' 668-677. H3.R4,v.l4 70o Lacroix, Andre. La maladie professionnelle et I'assurance contre les accidents. Revue politique et parlementaire, July 10, 1904, '^'- 4^' 37-57. H3.R4,v.41 704 Larroque, Vidian. L'ctat et les compagnies d'assurances contre les accidents. Paris: Typ. A. Davy, 1902. 120, {2) p. 4°. Th^8e — Univ. de Paris. 3-23343 EMPLOYERS^ LTABTLITY : FRANCE 113 705 Le Marquand, II. Etude do la legislation ouvrierc applicable au Departeinent de la niarine. Inspection du travail. Revue maritime, Julij-Aug. 1911, v. 190: 5-100; 297-377. "Accidents du travail": p. 297-377. V2.R5,v.l90 706 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. La loi sur les accidents. Les correc- tions a faire; les tarifs dans les divers corps d'etat. Economiste frangais, June 17, 1899, v. 27: 813-815. HB3.E3,v.27 707 Masse, Daniel. Legislation du travail et lois ouvrieres; classi- fication, commentaire, jurisprudence, legislation comparee, projets et propositions de lois. Paris, Nancy: Berger-Levrault et c*«, 1904. ^^h ^'^4 P- Tables. 4°. "Accidents du travail. Reparation civile": p. 439-591. 5-403 H.D7809.M3 708 Legislation du travail et lois ouvrieres; classification, commentaire, jurisprudence, legislation comparee, projets et propositions de lois. Appendice: legislation de 1904 a 1909. Paris, [etc.]: Berger-Levrault et c*^, 1909. viii, 80 p. 4°- "Accidents du travail, reparation civile": p. 59-78. 10-12329 HD7809.M32 709 Memor. La loi sur les accidents du travail et le corps medical: consequences economiques et sociales. Revue Internationale du commerce. Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30, 1908, V. 10: 221-228, 473-487, 665-688. HFl5.R4,v.l0 710 Mirman, L. Les accidents du travail et le controle des societes d'assurance. Revue politique et parlementaire. Mar. 10, 1904, '^'- 39: 457-473. H3.R4,v.39 711 Mourral, Amedee, and Albert Berthiot. Accidents du travail. Loi du 9 avril 1898, modifiee par cellos des 22 mars 1902 et 31 mars 1905, reglements d'administration publique, decrets et arretes relatifs a son execution. Commentaire pratique et revue de jurisprudence, avec tableaux com- paratifs de la legislation etrangere. 2, ed. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1906. xxxix, 320 p. 8°. Bibliography: p. vii. 6-24030 , HD7816.F8M9 712 Ollivier, G. La loi sur les accidents du travail, son application. Revue sodaliste, May, 1906, v. 4^: 513-538. HX5.R4,v.43 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 71 o Paget, E. Accitlentes et simulateurs. Moniteur des assurances, Mar. 15, 1908, i\ J^O: 97-102. HG80i5.M7,v.40 714 Les accidents du travail et 1' agriculture. Moniteur des assurances, Dec. 15, 1906, v. S8: 714-717 . HG8015.M7,v.38 715 Accidents du travail; les abus. Moniteur des assurances, Apr. 15, 1909, v. 41: 131-135. HG8015.M7,v.41 716 L' assurance-accidents et les medecins. Moniteur des assurances, Jan. 15, 1909, v. 4^' 12-16. HG8015.M7,v.41 717 Decisions relatives a 1' assurance-accidents. Moniteur des assurances, June 15, 1909, v. 4i' 249-260. HG8015.M7,v.41 718 Decisions relatives a rassurances-accidents. Moniteur des assurances, Dec. 15, 1909, v. 41- 687-697. HG8015.M7,v.41 710 La loi de 1898 et I'assurance-accidcnts. Moniteur des assurances, Aug. 15, 1909, v. 41-' 44^~4'^4- HG8015.M7,v.41 720 La loi de 1905 sur les accidents. Moniteur des assurances, Nov. 15, 1905, v. 37: 626-630. HG8016.M7,v.37 721 La loi sur les accidents et les Beiges. Moniteur des assurances, July 15, 1906, v. 38: 392-394- HG8015.M7,v.38 722 Pascaud, H. Du recours de Touvrier contre le patron en cas d' accident. Journal des economistes, Sept. 1885, 4- sir., v. 31: 365-371. HB3.J8,ser.4,v.31 723 Pic, Paul. Etude critique de la loi du 9 avril 1898 sur les acci- dents du travail. Revue d'economie politique, 1898, v. 12: 497-521; 573-597. HB3.Il4,v.l2 724 Le probleme des assurances sociales. Liberte ou obligation. Revue economique internationale, Apr. 15-20, 1909, 6. annee, v. 2: 7-45. HB3.R5,6.armee,v.2 724a Picard, Roger. Les accidents du travail et les modifications a la loi du 9 avril 1898. Revue socialiste, Nov. 15, 1911, v. 54: 432-447. HX5.R4,v.54 725 Pinon, H. La rosponsabilite des accidents du travail. Revue d' economic politique, 1898, v. 12: 827-856. HB3.R4,v.l2 employers' liability: feance 115 726 Raynaud, B. Les modifications apport^es par la loi du 31 mars 1905 relatives aiix accidents du travail des ouvriers etrangers. Journal du droit international prive, 1905, v. 32: 899-902. JX6002.J5,v.32 727 Renard, Cli. La loi nouvelle sur les accidents et la fonction sociale du juge. Reforme sociale, May 1, 1902, v. 43: 688-696. H3.R3,v.43 728 Renouard, Alfred. Les projcts do reforme en France dans la legislation des accidents du travail. Reforme sociale, June 15, Aug. 1-15, 1886, v. 11: 671-682; V. 12: 138-152; 201-213. H3.R3,v. 11,12 729 Roux, Roger. La loi du 9 avril 1898 sur les accidents du travail est-elle applicable aux prisons? Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1903, v. 14-' 76-99. HD7090.C6,v.i4 730 Sachet, Adrien. Traite theorique et pratique de la legislation sur les accidents du travail. 5. ed. entierement refondue et mise au courant de la legislation et de la jurisprudence. Paris: L. Larose cfc L. Tenin, 1909. 2 v. 8°. 11-2136 HD7816.F8S27 731 Sauzet, Marc. De la responsabilite des patrons vis-a-vis des ouvriers dans les accidents industriels. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, Aug. -Nov. 1883, n. s., V. 12: 596-640; 677-704. 732 Sinceny, P. La loi sur les accidents appliquee a I'agriculture. Reforme economique, Jan. 25, 1907, v. 16: 67. HB3.E,3,v.l6 733 Societe d'economie sociale. Les accidents du travail et I'industrie. Reforme sociale, July, 1890, v. 20: 111-130. Report by A. Gibon, with discussion by MM. Cacheux, Mame, Fournier de Flaix, Bechaiix, Welche, Gniner, Cheysson and Baron de Roodenbeke. H3.R3,v.20 734 Les accidents du travail: la garantie de rindemnite. Reforme sociale, May, 1898, v. 35: 725-752. Paper by E. Cheysson, with discussion by MM. Hubert-Valleroux, de Lomenie, Eugene Rochetin, Patris de Breuil, Alfred des Cil- leuls and Paul Nourrisson. H3.R3,v.35 735 Le risque professionnel dans le code civil. Reforme sociale, Apr. 1898, v. 35: 634-667. Paper by M. Saleilles, read by M. Tarbouriech, with discussion by MM. Cilleuls, Tarbouriech, E. Cheysson and de Lomenie. H3.R3,v.35 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 736 Stieda, Wilhelm. Jlal'tpllicliL uiul Unfallversichenmg in Frankieich. Jahrhucher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 188 Jf, v. 4^: 245-264. HB5.J3,v.42 73()U U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. WasMngton: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. {Annual report of the commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909.) "Workmen's insurance in France": v. 1, p. 675-971; Laws, v. 2, p. 2497-2508. "Bibliography": v. 1, p. 971-974. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 737 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Frankreicli. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung; A. Troschcl, 1898. 85 p. 4°' (Sis Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. Hft. IV.) "Litteratur": p. 52-53. Has Supplements 4a and 4b. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.4 738 Arbeiterversicherung in Frankreicli. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaf ten . 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 820-839.) "Literatur": p. 839. H45.H22,v.l 739 Zeglickl, L. De la competence des tribunaux administratifs en matiere d' accidents pour connaitre des donunages aux personnes dans le cours de I'execution d'un travail public. Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence, 1898, n. s., V. 27: 247-252. GERMANY 740 Bebel, Ferdinand August. Rede iiber das Unfallversicher- ungsgesetz. Gohalten in der Reichstagssitzung vom 4. April 1881 . Aus dem amtlichen stenographischen Bericht. [Hottingen-Zurich: Vereinsbuchdr., 1881.] 34 p- 12°. Caption title. 11-12378 HD7102.G3B25 741 Bellom, Maurice. Les assurances ouvrieres en AUemagne. Revue 'politique et parlementaire, May, 1897, v. 12: 336-354. "Assurance centre les accidents": p. 339-346. H3.R4,v.l2 742 Etude des coefficients de risques adoptes en AJlemagne en matiere d'accidents du travail. Congres internationaux des assurances sodales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1890, v. 1: 431-502. HD7090.C6,v.l 743 Bielefeldt, Alwin. Die Heilbehandlung der gegen Unfall und Invaliditat versicherten Arbeiter in Deutschland. Im amtlichen Auftrage fiir die Weltausstellung zu Paris bearb. von Bielefeldt . . . standigem Mitg-liede des Reichs-Versicherungsanits. Berlin: A. AsJier & co., 1900. 56 p. 8°. 6-20488 HD7180.B5 744 Bitta, . Zur Vereinheitlichung der Arbeiterversiclierungs- gesetze. Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Nov. 1, 1907, v. 12: 1181-1186. 745 Bock, Eduard. Das StaMsrecht des Deutschen Reiches. Stuttgart: Druck von Glaser & Sulz, 1902. xiv, 895 p. 8°. "Litteratur" : p. xiii-xiv. "Die Unfallversicherung der Arbeiter": p. 270-358. 3-3993 JN3423.B66 746 Bodiker, T. Die Fortschritte der deutschen Arbeiterversicher- ung in den letzten 15. Jahren. Jahrhuch far Gesetzgehung, Verwaltung und Volksvnrtschaft im Deutschen Reich, 1904, v. 28: 529-558. H5.J2,v.28 747 Vereinfachung der Arbeiterversicherung. Jahrhuch fiir Gesetzgehung, Verwaltung und VoTksvnrtschaft im Deutschen Reich, 1906, v. SO: 1-29. H5.J2,v.30 117 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 748 Borchard, E. M. Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany. Pub. by the Librar}^ of Congress. Washington: Govt, jyrint. off., 1912. Includes a chapter on workmen's insurance, with references. 749 Borght, Richard van der. Die gewerbliche Haftpflicht nach dem II. Knt\viirfe des biirgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Jalirhiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistic, 1896, v. 66: 99-112. HB5.J3,v.66 750 Die Reform und Erweiterung der deutschen ITnfall- versicherung. Jahrhucher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistic, 1895, v. 64: 35-60. hb5.J3,v.64 751 Die Statistik der deutschen Arbeiterversicherung. Allgemeines statistiches Archiv, 1891/92, v. 2: 207-277. HAl.A4,v.2 752 tjber die Durchfiihrung des Unfallversicherungsge- setzes vom 6. juU 1884. Jahrhilcher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1886, v. 45: 497-533. hb5.J3,v.45 753 Bornhak, Konrad. Die deutsche Sozialgesetzgebung. 4., neu bearbeitete Aufl. Tubingen cfc Leipzig: J. C. B. Mohr, (P. Siebeck), 1900. (4), 85 p. 8°. " Die Unfallversicherung " : p. 44-57. 2-16326 HD7888.B73 754 Brandt, J. W. Die Organisation der gewerblichen Unfallver- sicherung (Berufsgenossenschaften) und ihro Bedeutung fiir das Gowerbe. Jahrhuch fiir Gesetzgebung , Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 1911, V. 35: 247-292. . H6.J2,v.35 755 Brauchitsch, Max Karl Ludwig von. Die neuen preussischen Verwaltungsgesetze. Nach dom Tode des Verfassers um- gearb. fortgefiihrt und hrsg. von Dr. . . . von Braun- behrens . . . Berlin: C. Heymann, 1900-08. 7 v. Portrait. 8°. "Unfallversicherung, Unfallfursorge " : v. 6, p. 211-751. CA 10-413 unrev'd JS5471.P5B8 employers' liability: Germany 119 756 Burghartz, Arnold. Die Rechtsnatur der Ersatzanspriiche im Arbcitorversiclierungsreclit. Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr, (P. Siebecl), 1909. x, 63 jh 8°. {AbJiandlungen aus dem Staats-, Verwaltungs- und VolJcer- recJit. Ilrsg. von Dr. Philipp Zorn [und] Dr. Fritz Stier- Somlo. [Bd.] VI, [lift] 3.) "Beniitzte Literatur": p. ix. 10-20411 HD7178.B8 757 Charmont, Pierre. Lois d' assurances sociales et ouvrieres alle- mandes (Maladie. — Vieillesse,- — Invalidite. — Accidents) et etablissements tlierapeutiqiies crees par les caisses d' assu- rances en Allemagne. Preface de Dr. Bodiker . . . introduction de M. J. Charmont. Lyon, [etc.]: A. StorcJc ct- cie., 1903. {4), x, 226, (2) p. 8°. "Bibliographie": p. 221-223. 5-17262 HD7178.C4 758 Deutsche landwirtschaftliche Berufsgenossenschaften, Berlin. Die landwirtschaftliche Unfallversicheruno; im Deutschen Reiche, 1888-1908. Festschrift zum Jubi- laums der Unfall- und Invalidenversicherung, 1910. Hrsg. von der standigen Kommission der Deutschen land- wirtschaf tlichen Beruf sgenossensch af ten. Berlin: Behrenddi CO., 1910. x, 104, (2), 192 p. TaUes. F o 759 Eger, Georg. Das Reichs-Haftpflicht-Gesetz betreffend die Ver- bindhchkeit zum Schadenersatz fiir die bei dem Betriebe von Eisenbahnen, Bergwerken, Steinbriichen, Grabereien und Fabriken herbeigefiilirten Todtungen und Korper- verletzungen. Vom 7. Juni 1871, in der Fassung des Ai'tikels 42 des Einfiihrungsgesetzes und unter Beriick- sichtigung der Bestimmungen des Biirgerlichen Gesetz- buchs. Erliiutert mit Benutzung der Akten der Kgl. preuss. Alinisterien der ollen tlichen Arbeiten und fiir Handel und Gewerbe. 5. verm. Aufl. Hannover: Helwing, 1900. xxi, 624 p- 8°. "Literatur": p. xix-xxi. 5-15733 760 Eichler, C. Die Unfallversicherung der Privatangestellten. {In Die Privatbeamten und die Versicherungsgesetzgebung. Jena, 1908. 8°. p. 78-117.) HD7179.P92 761 Elster, A. Haftplicht. (Jn Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3ded. Jena, 1910. '4°. V. 5, p. 219-224.) Literatur: p. 224. H45.H22,v.5 120 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 762 Farnam, Ilenrv W. Tho ]^sycholop;v of German workmen's insurunce. Yale review, May, 1904, v. 13: 98-113. Also printed separately. "A Btatement of the objections to compulsory insurance." Hl.Y2,v.l3 763 ' German workmen's insurance — A postscript. Yale review, Feb. 1905, v. 13: 435-4-38. Hl.y2,v.l3 764 Feilchenfeld, Leopold. Die Tiiiischungen bei Unfiillen und die Unfiillvcrsiclierung. Zeitschriftfiir die gesamte Versiclierungs- Wissenschaft , 1904, V. 4: 4^1-463. HG8015.Z5,v.4 765 Frassdorf, Julius. Die deutsche Unfall- und Invalidenver- siclierung nacli iliren neuesten Recimungscrgebnisscn. Sozialistisclie Monatshefte, Apr. 1906, v. 12: 275-282. HX6.S6,v.l2 766 France. Direction du travail. Bases statistiqucs del' assurance centre les accidents d'apres les resultats de 1' assurance obligatoire en Allemagne et en Autriche. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1899. 234 V- ^°- 1-21103 HD7101.F8 767 fitude sur les derniers resultats des assurances sociales en Allemagne et en Autriche. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1894-95. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Contents. — 1. ptie. Accidents. — 2. ptie. Maladie, invalidity et vieillesse. 1-21111 HD7179.F8 768 Notices et comptcs rendus. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1892-93. 7 v. in 1. Tahles. 8°. Contents. — Etude statistique des accidents du travail d'apres les rapports officiels sur I'assurance obligatoire en Allemagne et en Autriche. — II. Resultats financiers de I'assurance obligatoire contre les accidents du travail en Allemagne et en Autriche. — III. Statistique des graves survenues en France pendant les ann^ea 1890 et 1891. — IV. Examen analylique du 6e rapport annuel (1890) du "Departement du travail" des Etats-Unis d'Amerique (Indus- tries houilltre et siderurgique). De I'emploi des arteles et de la participation intdress^e du personnel dana les chemins de fer russes. — V. Resultats statistiques de I'assurance obligatoire contre la maladie en Allemagne. — VI. Resultats statistiques de I'assurance obligatoire contre la maladie en Autriche. — VII. Statistique des graves survenues en France pendant I'annee 1892. 1-21094 HD8421.A21 employers' liability: GERMANY 121 769 Frankel, Lee K. Cost of German accident insurance. Survey, May 8, 1909, v. 22: 228. HVl.C4,v.22 770 Frankenberg, H. von. Die Vereinheitlichung der Arbeiter- versicherung. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungs- Wissenschaft, Oct. 1904, V. 4/ 387-399.) HG8015.Z5,v.4 771 Zum fiinfundzwanzigjalirigen Bestehen des Unfallver- sicherungsgesetzes. ■ Eine Festbetrachtung zum 1. Okto- ber 1910. Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Oct. 1, 1910, v. 15: col. IO42-IO46. 772 Friedensburg, Fertlinand. The practical results of working- men's insurance in Germany. Tr. from the German by Louis H. Gray. [New YorJc: The Workmen's coTnpensation service and in- formation bureau], 1911. 62 p. 8°. Published originally in Zeitschrift fiir Politik, 1911, v. 4: 329-369. Includes severe criticisms of the German system. JA14.Z4,v.4 Reviewed in The Nation, Dec. 21, 1911, v. 93: 596-597. AP2.N2,v.93 773 Funke, Ernst, and Walter Hering. Buch der Arbeiterver- sicherung (Kranken-, Unfall- und Invalidenversicherung). Xach dem neuesten Stande der Gesetzgebung und Recht- sprechung zum praktischen Gebrauche, bearbeitet. Berlin: F. Vahlen, 1905. xvi, 350 p. 8°. "Das 'Buch der Arbeiterversicherung ' ist durch Erweiterung und Ausgestaltung des in unserem Schriftchen 'Die reichgesetzliche Arbeiterversicherung' bereits vorgefiihrten Stoffes entstanden." — Vorbemerkung. "Quellenangabe" : p. xv-xvi. 8-5168 HD7180.F82 774 Die reichsgesetzliche Arbeiterversicherung (Kranken-, Unfall- und Invalidenversicherimg) . Wer ist versichert ? Anspriiche der Versicherten. Verfolgung der Ansprtiche. Kosten des Verfahrens. Fiir die Ver- sicherten nach dem neuesten Stande der Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung dargestellt. 2., verb, und verm. Aufl. (6. bis 15. Tausend.) Berlin: F. Vahlen, 1903. 138 p. 12°. On cover: Unter Beriicksichtigung des Gesetzes, betreffend weitere Abanderungen des Krankenversicherungsgesetzes, vom 25. mai 1903. 5-34205 HD7180.F8 18984°— 11 9 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 775 Fuster, Edoiiard. Los accidents du travail aj]:ricole et I'expe- rience Allonumde. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 190S, v. 19: 49-70. HD7090.C6,v.l9 776 L'assurancc contre les accidents agricoles en ^Vllemagne et en Autriclie. Congres ijiternationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 165-203. HD7090.C6,v.6 777 L'assurancc des gens de mer contre les accidents du travail (Allemagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent. 1904, v. 15: 113-121. HD7090.C6,v.i5 778 Les charges de I'assurance ouvriere (Allemagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1899, v. 10: 570-582. HD7090.C6,v.l0 779 Nouveaux renscignements sur le risque accident et le cotlt de I'assurance (Allemagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1899, v. 10: 266-277. HD7090.C6,v.l0 780 La reforme des assurances sociales et le projet de code imperial (Allemagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1909, v. 20: 14-35. HD7090.C6,v.20 781 Geflfcken, F. Heinrich. Compulsory insurance in Germany. NineteentJb century, Sept. 1891, v. 30: 380-386. AP4.N7,v.30 782 Gerhard. Gerichtsentscheidungen in Ilaftpflichtversicherungs- Prozessen. Zeitsclirift fur die gesamte VersicJterung- Wissenschaft, July, 1904, V. 4: 399-421. ' HG8016.Z5,v.4 783 Gerkrath, Albrecht. Zur BcgrifTsbestimmung des Unfalls. Zeitsclirift fur die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaft, Jan. 1906, V. 6: 1-19. HG8015.Z5,v.6 784 Germany. Courts. Die Roclitsprcchung des Reichsgericlits (les Reichsoberhandelsgericlits und des Bundcsoberlum- delsgcriclits auf dem Gebiete des Versicherungsrechts ' (ausschliesslicli des Seeversicherungsrechts) von F. Ilacke. Berlin: W. Moeser, [1910]. 2 v. 8°. Contents. — 1. Bd. Die Privatversicherung. — 2. Bd. Soziale Ver- sicherung. 11-28353 employees' liability: geemany 123 785 *Gerinany. Laws, statutes, etc. Entwurf eines Versicherungsgc- setzes fiir Angestollto, [nebst Bogriindiing]. Berlin: C. Heymanns Verlag, 19U . 167 p. F°. 786 Entwiirf einer Reichsversicherungsordnung. [Berlin: GedrucHinder ReichsdrucJcerei, 1909-10.] 299,784, 38 p. F°. (Germany. Reichstag. Verliandlungen. XII. Legislatur-Periode. ii. Session, 1909/10. Anlagen zu den Stenographisclien Berichten, Nr. 340 undzu Nr. 340.) Contents. — Entwurf einer Reichsversicherungsordnung. — Anlagen zum Entwurf. — Zusammenstellung der Paragraphen der bestehenden Gesetze und der Paragraphen des Entwurfs. J351.H2 1909-19 10, Anlagen340 HD7177.A5 1910 787 Das Gewerbe-Unfallversicherungsgesetz und das Baii-Unfallversicheriingsgesetz, nach dem Gesetze, betr. die Abanderung der Unfallversicherungsgesetze vom 30. Jimi 1900. Bearb. von Franz Xaver Oefele. Milnchen: J. Schweitzer Verlag, {A. Sellier), 1902. vii, (1), 447 p. 8°. 11-27893 788 Gewerbe-Unfallversicherimgsgesetz vom 30. juni 1900. Nach der Bekanntmachimg des Reichskanz- lers vom 5. Juli 1900. Mit dem Gesetz betreffend die Abanderung der Unfallversicherungsgesetze. Vom 30. Juni 1900. Berlin: F. Diimmler, 1900. 100 p. 16°. 5-13070 789 Kommentar zum deutschen Reichsgesetz iiber den Versicherungs-Vertrag; von Stephan Gerhard, Otto Hagen, Hugo v. Knebel Doeberitz, Hermann Broecker, Alfred Manes. Berlin: E. S. Mittl.er und Sohn, 1908. xxxv, 818 p. 8°. Preface signed by Manes. "Unfallversicherung:" p. 715-761. 10-20316 790 Reichs-Gesetzblatt, 1911. Nr. 42. Berlin, 1911. 509-860 p. 8°. Contents. — Reichsversicherungsordnung. — Einfiihrung sgesetz zur Reich versicherungsordnung. 791 Textausgabe der Reichsversiclierungsordnung nebst Einfiihrungsgesetz, mit einer gemeinverstandhclien Darstellung des Rechts der Arbciterversicherung als Ein- , leitung, und ausfiiln'hchem Sachregister; hrsg. von . . . A. Diittmann. Altenhurg, S. A.: S. Geihel, 1911. xii,46*, 444 p. 12°. 124 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 792 Germany. Laws, statutes, etc. The Workmen's insurance code of July 19, 1911, Gormanv. Translation of the Kcichsvcrsichorungsordnung of 1911, together Anth the introductory laws; tr. by llonry J, Harris. U. S. Bureau of labor. . Bulletin, Sept. 1911, no. 96: 501-77 If.. HD8051.A5,no.96 Also issued as a separate A'olume. 793 Das Unfallversiclierungsgesetz fiir Land- und Forstwirthschaft, nebst dcm Gesetze, betr. die Abande- rung der Unfallversicherungsgesetze vom 30. Juni 1900, und dem Gesetze, betr. die Ausfiihrung des Reichsgesetzes vom 5. Alai 188C, liber die Unfall- imd Krankenvorsiche- rung der in land- imd forst\nrthschaftlichcn Betriebeu beschaftigten Personen vom 5. Aj^ril 1888. Ilandausgabe von K. Trutzer . . . in 3. Aufl. bearb. und mit den liiezu erlassenen Vollzugsvorschriften hrsg. von J. Keidel. Anshach, C. Brugel d' Sohn, 1904. t^-iH, (2), H^ P- 12°. {Die Reichsgesetzgehung auf dem Gehiete der Arbeiter- Ver- sidierung ... 3. Bdndchen.) 11-28448 793a Reichstag. 16. Kommission ilber den Entwurf einer Reichsversicherungsordnii7tg. Bericht der 16. Kommis- sion fiber den Entwm-f einer Reichsversicherungsord- nung — Nr. 340 der Drucksachen. [Berlin, 1911] 8 v. 8°. (Reichstag. 12. Legislatur- periode. II. Session 1909/11. Nr. 946) Caption titlo. "Berichterstatter: abgeordneter dr. Droscher." 794 Reichs-Versicherungsamt. Die deutsche Arbeiterver- sicherung als soziale Einrichtung. Im Auftrago des Reichs-Vorsicherungsamts dargestellt fiii'die Weltausstel- lung in St. Louis 1904. [Berlin: Reichsdruclcerei, 1904] '^ '^'- S°. Published also in Enojlish. Contents. — Hft. I. Entstehunt^ und soziale Bedeutung, bearb. von Ludwig Lass. — lift. II. Statistik dor Arbeiterversicherung, bearb. von G. A. Klein. — Hft. III. Unfallvcrhiitung und Arbeitshygiene, bearb. von Konrad Ilartmann. — Hft. IV. Arbeiterversicherung und Volksgesundheit, bearb. von [Alwin] Biclefeldt. — Hft. V. Arbeiter- versicherung und Volkawirtschaft, bearb. von Friedrich Zahn. 5-30426 HD7179.G3 795 The German workmen's insurance as a social institution. By order of the Imperial insurance office com]), for the Universal exposition at St. Louis 1904. [Berlin: Imperial printing office, 1904-] o v. 8°. Published also in German. Contents. — pt. I. Origin and social importance, prepared by Lud- wig Lass. — pt. II. Statistics of the workmen's insurance, prepared EMPLOYEES* LIABILITY: GERMANY 125 by G. A. Klein. — pt. III. Prevention of accidents and workmen's hygiene, prepared by Konrad Ilartmann. — pt. I\'. ^^'orkmen's insurance and national health, prepared by [Alwin] Bielefeldt. — pt. V. Workmen's insurance and national economy, prepared by Friedrich Zahn. New law enacted, 1911, see nos. 790-792. 5-30425 HD7179.G31 796 Germany. Reichs-Versicherungsamt. Einrichtungund Wirkimg der dcutsclion Arbeitervcrsichenmg; Denkschrift fiir die Weltausstellung zu Paris 1900, im Auftrage des Reiclis- Vcrsiclieriingsamts bearb. von Dr. Ludwig Lass und Dr. Friedrich Zalm. Berlin: A. AsTier c€' co., 1900. ix, {2), 2J-i.J{. p. 2 'plates. Chart. 2 diagrs. 4°- Contents. — 1. Th. Einrichtung der deutschen Arbeiterversiche- rung (Ludwig Lass) — 2. Th. Wirkung der deutschen Arbeiter- versicherung (PMedrich Zahn). 5-28455 HD7179.G33 797 Guide to the workmen's insurance of the Ger- man empire. Rev. ed. brought up to date for the Universal exposition at St. Louis, 1904. [Berlin and London: A. Asher <£• co., 1904-] 32, (14) p^ Tables. Diagrs. 8°. Officially compiled by Dr. Zacher, imperial privy counsellor, presi- dent of Senate in the Imperial insurance department. 7-42247 HD7179.A4 1904 798 Handbuch der Unfallversiclierung . . . die Reichs-Unfallversicherungsgesetze dargestellt von !Mit- ghedern des Reichs-Versicherungsamts nach den Akten dieser Behorde. 3., nach den Gesetzen vom 30. Juni 1900 neubearb. Aufl. Leipzig: BreitJcopf <& Hdrtel, 1909-10. 3 v. Tables. 4°. 11-1363 HD7102.G3A5 1909 799 Leitfaden zur Arbeiter-Versicherung des Deut- schen Reichs. ZusammengesteUt fiir die Weltausstel- lung in Cliicago, 1893. [Berlin: A. Asher & co., 1893.] 26, (4) P- Tables. Diagrs. 8°. Cover-title. "Im amtlichen Auftrage bearb. von Dr. Zacher, kaiserlichem Regie- rungsrathund standigem Mitglieddes Reich- Versicherungsamts." Pub. also in English with title: The workmen's insurance of the German empire. 10-8526 HD7179.A4 1893 12G LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 800 Germany. Jieichs-Versicherungsanif. The workmen's insurance ol" tJic (lerman empire. Guitlc ex])ressl3' prepared for the World's exhibition in Chicago, 1893. [Berliti and London: A. Asher <& co., 1893.] 26, (4) p. Tables. Diagrs. 8°. Cover-title, "Comp. by Dr. Zacher, permanent member of the Imperial insurance department." Pub. also in German, with title: Leitfadenzur Arbeiter-Versicherung des Deutschen Reichs. 10-8527 HD7179.A4 1893a 801 * Das Reichs- Versicherungsamt und diedeutsclie Arbeiterversicherung. Festsclirift des Reiclis- Versiche- rungsamt zum Jubiliium der Unfall- und der Invaliden- versicherung, 1910. Berlin: Behrend & Co., 1910. 204 V- F.° 802 Statistik der Arbeiterversicherung des Deut- schen Reichs fiir die Jahre 1.SS5-190G mit einem Anhange: Vorliiufige Mitteihmgen aus der Gewerbe-Unfallstatistik fiir das Jahr 1907. Im Auftrage des Reichs-Versiche- rungsamts fiir den viii. Internal ionalen Arbeiterversiche- rungskongress in Rom 1908 bearb. von Dr. lur. G. A. Ivlein. Berlin: Behrend <& Co., 1908. 48 p. 4°. 9-25059t HD7177.A5 1906 803 — The workmen's insurance of the German em- igre, described for the St. Louis universal exposition, 1904, by the Imperial insurance oilice and the Imperial statisti(;al oliice in Berlin, with the assistance of members of these offices and of organizations of sick, accident and invalidity insurance, &c. Catalogue and guide comp. by order of the Imj)erial insurance office by G. A. l\lein. [Berlin: Im/perial printing offi,ce, 190 4-] 36 p. Tables. 8°. Contents. — List of exhibitors. — Introduction. — Guide. — Catalogue. I. Plastic and pictorial exhibits. II. Graphical tables of sta- tistics. III. Books and pamphlets. New law enacted, 1911. See Nos. 790-792. 9-32105t HD7179.A4 1904a 804 Statistisclies Ami. Atlas und Statistik der Ai-beiter- versicherung des Deutschen Reichs. Beiheft zum Reichs- Arbeitsblatt juni 1904. Ilrsg. vom Kaiserlichen statis- tischen Amt, Abteilung fiir Arbeiterstatistik. Im auf- trage des Reichs-Versicherungsamts fiir die Weltausstellung in St. Louis 1904 bearb. von Dr. Jur. G. A. Klein. Berlin: C. Ileymanns Verlag, 1904- 38 p. Diagrs. 4°- 8-17065 HD8441.A3 1904a employers' liability: Germany 127 805 Germany. Statistisches Amt. Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. Berlin: Puttkammer & MuMbrecJd, ISSO-date. Includes statistics of the operation of the German system of work- men's insurance. 5-13724 HA1232.A3 806 Gorres, Karl. Ilandbuch der gesammten Arbeitergesetzgebung des Deiitschen Reiches. Enthaltend die Arbeiter-Ver- sicherungs- und Schutzgesetzgebimg, d. h. sammtHche Reichsgesetze iiber Kranken-, Unfall-, Invaliditats- und Altersversicherung . . . nebst den Reichs-Ausfiihrungs- Verordnungen, Bekanntmachungen des Bundesraths, Rundschreiben des Reichs-Versicherungsamts und Erlas- sen des Reichs-Postamts . , . die einschlagigen Bestim- mungen aus dem Handelsgesetzbuch, Strafgesetzbuch, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz u. s. f. Systematisch geordnet und hrsg. von K. Gorres. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder'sclie ' Verlagshandlung; St. Louis, Mo., [etc.]: B. Herder, 1893. xxxv, (1), 765 j). 8°. "Haftpflichtund Unfallversicherung": p. 110^48. l-G-54 HD7888.G7 807 *Golebiewski, Eduard. Licht- und Schattenseiten des Unfall- versicherungs-Gesetzes. Eigene Beobachtungen vom arztlichen und sozialpohtischen Standpunkt. Berlin: C. Heymann, 1890. xii, 304, (^), S p. TaUes. 8°. 808 Graf, Otto. Aus den Ergebnissen der Statistik der deutschen Arbeiterversicherung. TecJiniJc und WirtscJiaft, July- Aug. 1909, v. 2: 309-320; 346-350. T3.T26,v.2 809 Bemerkungen zum Entwurf einer Reichsversicherungs- ordnung. TecTinik und Wirtschaft, Sept. 1909, v. 2: 391-404. T3.T26,v.2 810 Gt. Brit. Foreign office. Germany. Report on the law of 1887 relating to insurance against accidents for persons engaged in maritime callings. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, 1888. {2), 44 j (^) P- ^°- (Diplomatic and con- sular reports. Misc. series, no. 107.) Translation of the German law, with an account of the rise and progress of insurance legislation in Germany, by Rennell Rodd. HC4.Il6,no.l07 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 811 Gt. Brit. Foreign office, lloport on the laws in force in France and Germany ^\dth regard to the insurance of persons employed in mines, &c., and the legal liability of em- })l()yers. Presented to both houses of ParUament . . . issb. London: Printed by Uarrison and sons, [1880]. {2), 13 p. F°. {Parlianfient. Papers by command. C. 2607.) At head of title: Commercial. No. 29 (1880). J301.K6 1880,v.69 812 Germany. Report on the question of emplo}^- ers' liability in Germany. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, 1894. (^), 29 J U) P- 8°- (Diplomatic and con- sular reports. Misc. series, no. 325.) Parliament. Papers by command. C. 7294-1. HC4.R6,no.326 813 Greissl. Wirtschaftliche Untersuchungen iiber die Belastung der deutschen Industrie durch die Arbeiter-Versicherungs- und Schutzgesetzgebung. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebu7ig, Verwaltung und VoTkswirtscliaft, 1899, V. 23: 855-912. H6.J2,v.23 814 Griinspecht, David. Die Entlastung der offentlichen Ai-men- l)flege durch die Arbeiterversicherung. Jahrhucher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistilc, Jan., Mar. 1907, 3d ser., v. 33: 63-89; 364-378. "Quellenangabe": p. 63-64. HB5.J3,8er.3,v.33 815 Gruner, E. Les charges resultant des accidents dans les mines en Allemagne. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 149-165. HD7090.C6,v.6 816 Statistique generale des assurances ouvrieres (Alle- magne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1894, v. 5: 34-83. HD7090.C6,v.6 817 Gunther, Adolf. Die deutsche Reichsversicherungsordnung. Annalenfiir soziale Politik und Gesetzgebung, 1911, v. 1: 150- 175. 818 Guyot, Yves. Les accidents du travail en Allemagne. Revue politique et parlementaire, Sept. 1897, v. 13: 44^-4^^- * H3.R4,v.l3 employers' liability: Germany 129 819 Hagen, Otto. Die neuen Versicherungsbedingungen. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaft, Apr., July, Oct. 1910, V. 10: 202-2^1; 461-483; 685-719. Contents. — Einleitung. — I. Lebenversicherung. — II. Feuerversich- erung. — III. Haftpflichtveraicherung. — IV. Unfallversicherung. — V. Einbruchdiebstahlversicheriing. HG8015.Z5,v.lO 819a Hahn, I. Eeichsversicheningsordnung vom 19. Juli 1911. Berlin: A. Troschel, 1911. 820 Hampke, C. Ergebnisse der obligatorischen Unfallversicherung in Deutschland fiir die ersten fiinf Jahre ihres Bestehens. JaJirhilcJier fur Nationalokonomie und Statistic, 1893, i\ 61: 4OO-43I. HB5.J3,v.61 821 Handworterbuch der preussischen Verwaltung. In Verbind- ung mit Oberregierungsrat Dr. Baerecke, geheimen Justiz- rat Broicher [u. a.] . . . bearb. und hrsg. von Dr. von Bitter ... 2. Aufl. Leipzig: Rossherg^ sclie Verlagshuchhandlung, A. Rossherg,' 1911. 2v. 4°. Haftpflicht: v. 1, p. 855-859; Unfallversicherung: v. 2, p. 763-773. 11-27875 JN4529.H2 1911 822 *Hanow, Hugo, and others. Kommentar zur Reichsversiche- rungsordnung; hrsg. von Hugo Hanow, Dr. F. Hoffmann, Dr. R. Lehmann, St. Moesle, Dr. W. Rabeling. 1. Bd. Berlin: C. Ileymanns Verlag, 1911. 1 v. 8°. 823 Hansen, P. Chr. Die Unfallversicherung der Seeleute. Jahrbilcher fiir Nationalokonomie und StatistiJc, 1886, v. 4^' 1-32. HB5.J3,v.45 824 Harris, Henry John. Industrial accidents and loss of earning power: German experience in 1897 and 1907. Washington, 1911. (4), 96 p. Tables. 8°. Reprinted from Bulletin 92 of the United States Bureau of labor. 11-35566 HD7262.A2H3 HD8051.A5,no.92 825 Workmen's insurance in Germany. Washington, 1911. (8), 975-1493 p. ^ Tahles. 8°. Reprinted from twenty-fourth Annual report of United States Bureau of labor. Bibliography: p. 1491-1493. 11-35568 HD7179.H3 HD8051.A3 24th 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 826 Hartmann, Kounul. Die Beitriigc der Betriebe zur Unfallver- sicherung unci das Gofahrentarifwesen. Technilc und Wirtscliaft, Aug. 1909, v. 2: 337-345. T3.T26,v.2 827 Dio Belastung der Betriebo durcli die Arbeiterversiche- ruiig. Deutsche WirtscJiafts-Zeitung, Oct. 15, 1906, v. 2: col. 919- 925. H5.D56,v.2 828 Hoffa, A. Welclie Xachteile haben sich bei der Durclifuhrung der Uni'allversicherungsgesetze vom arztlichen Gesichts- piinkte aus ergeben? ^eitsclirift fur die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaff, Jan. 1908, V. 8: 19-28. hg8015.Z5,v.8 829 Hog, Hermann. Arbeiterversicherung. (7/1 Elster, Alexander, ed. Lexikon des Arbeitsrechts. Jena, 1910. 8°. p. 11-16.) HD7887.E4 830 Unfallversicherung. (In Elster, Alexander, ed. Lexikon de^ Arbeitsrechts. Jona, 1910. 8°. p. 184-195.) HD7887.E4 831 Honigmann, and Alfred Manes. Arbeiterversicherung in Deutschland. (7/1 Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 795-809.) "Literatur": p. 808-809. H45.H22,v.l 831a Jahrbuch der Aibeiterversicherung, 1908-1911. Zum Ge- brauclie bei handliabung der arbeiterversicherungsgesetze, Berlin: Verlag der Liehelschen BucJiJiandlung , [1908-11], 8v. 24°. Editors: E. Gotze, P. Schindler. ca 9-5673 unrev'd HD7177.A4 832 *Das Jubilaum der Unfall- und der Invaliden-Versicherung. Bericht fiber die Feier hrsg. vom Festausschuss. Berlin: Behrend & Co., 1910. 112 ly. 8°. D. Spiecker, chairman. 833 Kestner, Fritz. Working-men's insurance in Germany. North American review, Sept. 1904, '^'- 179: 439-445- AP2.N7,v.l79 834 Kirchberg, Ernst. Die Organisation der Arbeiter-Unfallver- sicherung. Jahrhiicher fur Nationalokonomie und StatistiJc, 1890, v. 55: 402-412; 600-614. HB5.J3,v.55 employers' liability: Germany 131 835 Kohler, Unfallversicherung. {In Posener, Paul, ed. Rechtslexikon. Ilandworterbuch der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. Berlin, 1909. 4°. v. 2, p. 662-676.) JA63.P7,v.2 836 Kohl, Hans. Die Ilaftpflichtgarantie-Versicherung, eine neue Vorsichenmgsbranche. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung-Wissenschaft, Oct. 1906, V. 6: 619-633. HG80i5.Z5,v.6 837 Zur Verteidigung der Haftpfliclitgarantie-Versicherung. Zeitschrift filr die gesamte Versicherung-Wissenschaft, Apr. 1907, V. 7: 807-312. hg8015.z5,v.7 838 Lange, Ernst. Erweitening imd Reform der deutschen Unfall- versicherungsgesetzgebung. Archiv filr soziale Gesetzegehung und Statistilc, 1894, '^''' ^•* 410-429. H5.A8,v.7 839 *Lass, Ludwig. Die Stellung der Auslander in dem deutschen Arbeiterversicherungs- und Haftpflichtrecht. Bericht der deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung fiir gesetzUchen Arbeiterschutz. Naumhurg a. S.: Lippert & Co., 1906. 53, (1) p. 8°. "Literatur": p. 33-34. 840 Die Unfallversicherung. ' (In Dammer, Otto, ed. Handbuch der Arbeiterwohlfahrt. Stutt- gart, 1903. 8°. V. 2, p. 196-243.) Literatur: p. 242-243. HD7261.D2 841 Latka, Rudolf. Grenzfragen des Haftpflicht und Unfallver- sicherungsrechts. Verein deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltungen. Zeitung, Sept. 21-25, 1907, V. 47: 1105-1107; 1118-1120. On the relation of the Austrian and German laws on these subjects. HE1003.V2,v.47 842 Lesser, Ernest. Workmen's insurance in operation: Some figures from Germany. Economic review, July 15, 1911, v. 21: 309-314- HBl.E4,v.21 843 Manes, Alfred. Haftpflichtversicherung. (In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1910. 4°. V. 5, p. 224-228.) Literatur: p. 228. H45.H22,v.5 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 844 Manes, AU'ioil. Die njirtj)lliclitversicheruno;. Hire Goschichte, wirtschaftlichc Bedciitung iind Teclmik, insbesondere in Deutscldaiid. Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1902. viii, 272 p. S°. "Alphabetisches Literaturverzeichnis": p. 268-272. 3-26103 845 Meyer, lIii<2;o. Die Entwickelung der deutschen Arbeiterver- sicherung. (In International congress of actuaries. 4th, New York, 1903. Proceedings. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 625-655.) "DieUn£allversicherung": p. 633-640. Abstracts in English and French: p. 653-655. HG8755.I6 1904 846 Mond, Alfred. German working-class insurance. English review, June, 1911, v. 8: 4^6-506. ap4.E523,v.8 847 Muller, Paul. Les assurances contre les accidents en Alle- magne. Journal des economistes, Aug. 15, 1894, 5- ^^^-i ''^- ^^' 255-256. HB3.J8,8er.5,v.l9 848 Oppenheimer, Sir Francis. Insurance laws in Germany. Empire review, Nov. 1911, v. 22: 261-265. "Being extracts from the recently published report of H. B. M.'s Consul-general at Frankfort for 1910 and the first four monthe of 1911". Relates to the proposed revision of the social insurance laws. New law enacted 1911. See nos. 790-792. DA10.E5,v.22 849 Paasche, H. Das Unfall-Versicherung-Gesetz vom 6. Juli 1884, seine Entstehung und sozialpolitische Bedeutung. Jahrhiicher filr Nationalokonomie und Statistilc, 1884, v. 4^' 411-461. HB5.J3,v.43 850 Piloty, Robert Ferdinand. Arbeiterversiclierungsgesetze. Textausgabe mit Einleitung, Anmcrkungcn und den wichtigsten Ausfiihrungsvorscliriften. 2. vollstandig neu- bearb. Aufl. Munchen: C. E. Beck, 1900-04. 3 v. 16°. Contents. — I. Invalidenversicheruiigsgesetz vom 13. Juli 1899, erlilutert von Dr. R. Piloty. 1900. — II. Untallversicherungsge- setze vom 30. Juni 1900 . . . erlautert von Dr. Robert Piloty. 1902. — III. Krankenversicherungsgesetz vom 15. Juni 1883, 10. April 1892 ... In 2. Aufl. neu bearb. von Wilhelm Reden- bacher . . . Mit einer Einleitung: Das Recht der Arbeiter- versicherung in kurzgefasster Darstellung, von Dr. Robert Piloty. 1904. l-G-1118 HD7178.P5 employers' liability: Germany 133 85 1 Piloty , Robert Ferdinand . Das Reichs-Unf allversicherungsrecht, dessen Entstehungsgeschichte und System. Wiirzhurg: G. Hertz, 1890-93. 3 v. 8°. Vol. 3 has imprint: Dresden, G. Hertz, 1893. 5-11227 HD7102.G3P5 852 Pinkus, Norbert. Workmen's insurance in Germany. Yalereviev), Feb. 1904-Feh. 1905, v. 12: 372-388; v. 13: 72- 97; 296-323; 4I8-434. Hl.Y2,v.l2,l3 Bibliography: v. 12, p. 387-388. Also printed separately. Reprinted in part in John R. Common's Trade unionism and labor problems, Boston, 1905, p. 574-588. HD6483.C7 853 Prussia. Ministerium far Handel, Gewerhe, und offentliche Arheiten. Die unter staatliclier Aufsicht stehenden gewerbliclien HiiKskassen fiir Arbeitnelimer (mit Aus- schluss der sog. Knappscliaftskassen) und die Versicli- erung gewerblicher Arbeitnelimer gegen Unfalle im Preussisclien Staate. Berlin: Statistisches Bureau, {Dr. Engel), 1876. (4), xiv, {2), 310 p. 4°. 10-6631 HD7177.A6 1876 854 Romme, R. Les assurances ouvrieres en Allemagne. Revue de Paris, Aug. 15, 1900, v. 4: 845-864. AP20.R27,v.4 855 Ronchamp, E. de. Les derniers resultats de 1' assurance obli- gatoire contre les accidents en Allemagne et -en Autriche. Revue d'economie 'politique, 1895, v. 9: 145-158. HB3.R4,v.9 856 Rosin, Heinrich. Der Begriff des Betriebsunfalls als Grundlage des Entschadigungsanspruchs nach den Reiclisgesetzen iiber die Unfallversicherung. Archivfur offentliches RecU, 1888, v. 3: 291-362. JA14.A67,v.3 857 Die Bestrebungen zur Vereinfachung der deutschen Arbeiterversicherung. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungs-Wissenschaft, Ap>r. 1909, V. 9: 197-215. HG80i5.Z5,v.9 858 Das Recht der Arbeiterversicherung. Fiir Tlieorie und Praxis systematiscli dargestellt. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1893-1905. 2 v. 8°. Contents. — 1. Bd. Die reichsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Arbeiter- versicherung. — 2. Bd. Das Recht der Invaliden- und Altersver- sicherung. 5-13255 HD7179.R8 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 859 Rosin, Iloiniich. Die Reclitsnatiir dor Arbeiterversicherung. {In Slaatv«rechtliche Abhaiulluiigeu, Tubingen, 1908. 8°. v. 2. p. 40-134.) JA44.S8,v.2 860 Schiele, Ziir Reichsvorsicherimgsreform. Preussische Jahrhilcher, Apr. 1910, v. I4O: 97-114. AP30.P8,v.l40 861 Schmidt, Robert. Die Reichsversicherimgsordnimg. Sozialistische Monatshefte , Sept. 7, 1911, v. 3: 1225-1229. HX6.S6,v.3 862 Serini, II. Bedenken gegen die Ilaftpflichtgarantie-Versich- erung. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung- WissenscTiaft, Jan. 1907, V. 7: 89-99. hg8015.Z5,v.7 862a Siefart, Hugo. Der BegrifT der Enverbsunfahigkeit aiif dem Gebiete des Versicherungswcsens. Im Auftragc des Reiclis-Versicherimgsamts fiir den viii. Internationalen Arbeiterversicherungs-Kongress in Rom 1908, neu bearb- eitet. 3., vcranderte und verm. Aufl. Berlin: BeJirend cfc Co., 1908. xxviii, 211, [1] p. 8°. " Literatur-Verzeichnis " : p. xvii-xxviii. 11-18119 HG9262.G3S6 863 Stadthagen, Arthur. Das Arbeiterrecht ; Rechte und Pflich- ten des Ai-beiters in Deutschland aus dem gewerbhchen Arbeitsvertrag und aus den Unfall-, Kranken- und Invahdenversicherungsgesetzen unter besonderer Be- riic'ksichtigung des Burgerlichen Gesetzbuchs; mit vielen Beispielen und Formularen fiir Klagen, Antrage, Besch- werden, Berufungen usw. 4. durchgesehene und verm. Aufl Stuttgart: J. II. Dietz NacTif. (g. m. b. h.), [1904]. xvi, 626, (2) p. 8°. "Abkiirzungen": p. [vi]. "Unfallversicherungsgesetzgebung": p, 324^49. 5-1574G 864 Statistique de 1' assurance-accidents 1906, avec recapitulation 1886-1906 (Allemagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1908, v. 19: 79-84- HD7090.C6,v.l9 employees' liability: geemany 135 865 Stier-Somlo, Fritz. Deutsche Socialgesetzgebung. Geschicht- liclie Grundlagen und Krankenversicherungsrecht. Jena: G. Fischer, 1906. x, 407, (1) p. 8°. Bibliograi^hical foot-notes. "Quellenrogister nach der Zeitfolge dcr angefiihrten Gesetze": p . 380-394 . "Der Schutz des Ilaftpflichtrechts " : p. 36-44. ' ' Die Entstehung der Arbeiterversicherungsgesetze" (1881-1903): p. 60- 71; "Der Charakter der Versicherungsgesetzgebung " : p. 72-74. 6-21887 HD7888.S85 866 Zur Reform der Arbeiterversicherung. ArcJiiv filr Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, July, 1908, V. 27: 172-204. H5'.A8,v.27 867 Taussig, Frank W. Workrnen's insurance in Germany: some illustrative figures. Quarterly journal of economics, Nov. 1909, v. 24: 191-194- HBl.Q3,v.24 868 U. S. Bureau of labor. Compulsory insurance in Germany, including an appendix relating to compulsory insurance in other countries in Europe. Prepared under the direc- tion of Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of labor, by John Graham Brooks. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1893. 370 p. 8°. (Fourth special report of the Commissioner of labor.) 4-18108/4 HD8051.A7,v.4 868a Workmen's insurance and compensation sys- tems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. (Annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909.) "Workmen's insurance in Germany": v. 1, p. 975-1490; Laws, v. 2, p. 2509-2552. "Bibliography": v. 1, p. 1491-1493. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 869 Vacher, L. Les lois d' assurance ouvriere. Les accidents du travail. Societe de statistique de Paris. Journal, May, 1892, v. 33: 178-190. Statistics of the workings of the German laws. HAl.S6,v.33 870 Wagner, M. Nationalokonomische Gesetzgebung. II. Die Reichsversicherungsordnung. Jahrbucher filr Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Aug. 1911, 3d ser., v. 42: 178-214. HB5.J3,3d ser.,v.42 136 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 871 Weinrich, Alfred von. Einiges iiber den Kausalzusammenliang im llaftpllichtrecht iind in der Unl'allvorsicherung. Zeitschrift filr die gesamte Versicherungs-Wissenschaft, 1904, V. 4-' 93-100. HG8015.Z5,v.4 872 Wenck, ^[artin, i. e. Philipp Martin. Die Geschichto iind Ziele der deiitschen Sozialpolitik. Leipzig: G. H. Wigand, 1908. x, 242 p. 12°. {Die Politil des DeutscTien Reiches in Einzeldarstellungen; hrsg. von Chr. GroteicoU. Bd. 2.) "Sozialistengesetz und Arbeiterversicherung " : p. 39-110. 8-27154 HG6957.G3W4 873 Weyl, Richard i. e. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Richard. Lehrbuch des Reichsversicherungsrechts (Kranken-, Unfall-, Inva- liditiits- und Altersversicherungsrecht). Fiir den akade- mischen und praktischen Gebrauch. Leipzig: Dunclcer cO Ilumhlot, 1894- xvi, 1067, (/) p. 8°. "Quellenregister": p. 996-1032. 8-17916 HD7178.W5 874 Wiskott, Max. Das Versicherungswesen der deut.schen Buch- drucker. Breslau: C. T.WisTcott,1897. U),viii,173,{3)p. Table. 8°. Inaug.-dis. — Breslau. "II. Abschnitt. Unfall versicherung " : p. 95-105. l-G-2854 HD7116.P91G39 875 Wissell, Rudolf. Tauschung und Ubertreibung auf dem Gebiet der ITnfallversicherung. Sozialistische MonatsJiefte, May, 1909, v. 15: 629-638. HX6.S6,v.l5 876 Woedtke, Erich von. Unfallversicherungsgesetz. Kommen- tar. 5. Aufl. In der Fassung des Gesetzes, betreffend die Abanderung der Unfallversicherungsgesetze, vom 30. Juni 1900 als Gewerbe-Unfallversicherungsgesetz neu bearb. von F. Caspar. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1901. xii, 722 p. 8°. 3-3128 HD7102.G3W7 877 Wolff, Henry W. Accident insurance. Contemporary revievj, Jan. 1895, v. 67: 68-80. An account of the German system in 1895. AP4.C7,v.67 878 Zacher, Georg. German workingmen's insurance and foreign count ries. American journal of sociology, Sept. 1911, v. 17: 177-187. Translated by C. R. Henderson. HMl.A7,v.l7 employers' liability: Germany 137 870 Zacher, Gcorg. Unrallstatistik. (7/1 Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1911. 4". V. 8, p. 43-65.) , "Literatur": p. 64-05. Contents. — I. Deutschland. — II. Oesterreich. H45.H22,v.8 880 Zahn, Frederic. L' assurance ouvriere allemande a-t-elle re- poiidu a son attente ? Revue economique internationale, Jan. 1907, 4. annee, v. 1: 39-59. Favorable. HB3.R5,1907,v.l 881 *Zwiedineck-Sud.enhorst, Otto von, and others. Erorterung zur Keichsversicherungs-Ordnung. Vortrage erstattet in der Mitgliederung Versanunlung 1909 des Deutschen Vereins fiir Versicherungs-Wissenschaft, von Dr. v. Zwiedineck, Regierungsdirektor Schmid, Dr. v. Kobke, Dr. Stiegler und Amtsgerichtsrat Hahn, nebst anschlies- sender Diskussion. Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1910. 107 p. 8°. (Verofent- lichungen des Deutschen Verein fiir Versicherungs- Wissen- schaft. Hft. 18.) ■ 18984°— 11 10 GREAT BRITAIN 882 Andrews, C. K. The Workmen's compensation act problem, particularly in its relation to railways. Railway news, June 9, 1906, v. 85: 10^1. tfi.R65,v.85 883 Aronson, Victor Rees. The Workmen's compensation act, 1906. London, [etc.]: T. F. Unwin, 1909. 12, xii, 13-559, (1) p. 8\ 9-16857 HD7816.G7A8 884 Barnett, Henry Norman. Accidental injuries to workmen, with reference to Workmen's compensation act, 1906. With article on injuries to the organs of special sense, by Cecil E. Shaw . . . and legal introduction by Thomas J. Campbell. London: Rehman limited, 1909. vii, 376 p. 8°. Appendices: A. Text of the act. b. List of industrial diseases, c. Report of Departmental committee, etc. 11-11751 RA1121.B3 885 Baylee, J. Tyrrell. The Workmen's compensation act: what it is and what it might be. Westminister review, Jan. 1902, v. 157: 68-72. AP4.W5,v.l57 886 Beaumont, William Mardon. Injuries of the eyes of the cm- ployed and the Workmen's compensation act; problems in prognosis. London: H. K. Lewis, 1907. viii, 160 p. 12°. 9-16142 RE831.B5 887 Belfort, Roland. Fidelity guarantee and employers' liability. Private v. corporation guarantors — Wliy the latter are usually preferable — Employers' liability risks — The cheap- est method of covering them. World's worl {London), July. 1910, v. 16: 220-223. AP4.W85,v.l6 888 Beven, Tliomas. The law of employers lial)ility and workmen's compensation. 3d ed. London: Waterlow bros- cO Layton, limited, 1902. Ixv, (2), 570, Iviii p. 8°. 6-10459 138 employees' liability: great Britain 139 889 Beven, Thomas. The law of employers' liajjility and Avork- men's compensation. 4tli ed. London: Stevens dc Ilaynes, 1909. Ixxxiii, 953, (1) p. 8°. With the text of the Employers' liability act, 1880, and the Work- men's compensation act, 1906. 9-16394 890 "Volenti non fit injuria" in the li*^ht of recent labour legislation. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, 1907, n. s., v. 8: 185-195. JA29.S7,n.s.,v.8 891 Brabrook, Sir Edward. Workmen's insurance in the United Kingdom. C'ongres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1910, v. 21: 361-369. hd7090.C6,v.21 892 Butterworth's Workmen's compensation cases . . . (New series). Being a continuation of "Workmen's compen- sation cases" vol. i.-ix., ed. by the late K. M. Minton- Senhouse . . . containing reports of cases decided under the Workmen's compensation acts. London: Butterworth cfc co., 1909-11 . 4 '^- ^°- Vol. I, cases decided during the period September, 1907, to August, 1908; ed. by Judge Rueggand F. J. Coltman; vol. II, cases decided during the period September, 1908, to September, 1909, ed. by Judge Ruegg and Douglas Knocker; vol. Ill, cases decided during the period October, 1909, to October, 1910, ed. by Judge Ruegg and Douglas Knocker. 10-9502 893 Carey, James T. Employers' liability in England prior to the act of 1880. University of Pennsylvania law review, Feb. 1910, v. 58: 259-288. 894 Carlisle, Ernest J. Employers' liability and compensation to workmen in case of accidents, {In Manchester statistical society. Transactions, 1899-1900. Man- chester and London, [1900]. 8°. p. 141-170.) HA1.M3 1899-1900 895 Crane, R. Newton. Personal injury actions and workmen's compensation in England. Green hag, Apr. 1906, v. IS: 216-219. 896 Dawbarn, Climenson Yelverton Charles. Employers' liability to their servants at common law, and unfler the Employ- ers' liability act, 1880, and the Workmen's compensation act, 1906. 3d ed. By the author. With notes on the Canadian law, by A. C. Forster Boulton. London: Sweet d5 Maxwell, ltd.; Toronto: The Carswell co. ltd., 1907. xl, 564, 31, (1) p. 8°. 8-388 140 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 897 Edwards, Alien Clement. The Compensation act, 1906. Who pays? To whom, to what, and when it applies. 3d im- pression, with additional matter. London: CJiatto cO Windus, 1907. vi, (2), 126, {2) p. TaUe. 12°. Appendices: a. Text of Workmen's compensation act, 1906. n. Table showing cost of post-office annuities at different ages and for different amounts. 11-10000 HD7816.G7E3 898 Emery, George Frederick. A handbook to the Workmen's com- pensation act, 190G. 2d ed. rev. London: Bemrose & sons, [etc.], 1909. viii, 103 p. 12°. A 10-2523 899 Employers' liability and workmen's compensation. The evolu- tion of social legislation by which workmen are insured against all accidents: responsibilities of employers and the need for careful insurance. Magazine of commerce, Mar. 1906, v. 8: 199-205. HFll.M2,v.8 900 Employers' liability to workmen. Canada law journal, Nov. 15, 1908, v. U- 716-720. "A comparison of the English and Canadian statutes." 901 Firminger, F. L. The workmen's compensation acts, 1906 and 1909, and the county court rules relating thereto, with notes. 2(1 ed. London: Stevens & sons, limited, 1910. xv, 575 p. 12°. A 10-1656 902 Foot, Alfred. The practice of insurance against accidents and employers' liabilit}'. Being in the form of lectures deliv- ered at the London school of economics and political science (University of London) session 1906-7, and of papers read before the insurance institutes of London, 1907, and Birmingham, 1901. 3d ed., wuth acts of Parlia- ment. London: Smith and Khhs, limited, 1909. 215, {50) p. Illus- trations. Portrait. 8°. 11-15878 HG9343.G5F7 903 Franklin, C. IT. Workmen's compensation. (In Federation of insuranro institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. Joiu-nal, 1901. London, 1902. 8°. v. 4, p. 371-393.) HG8016.I5,v.4 employees' liability: great Britain 141 904 Good, T. Industrial legislation [in Great Britain] and its cost. Cassier's magazine, July, 1907, v. 32: 209-215. "With iiuliislrial legislation now carried so far that it adds something like £24,000,000 a year to the cost of our coal and will shortly add something like £37,000,000 a year on our industries in shape of workmen's compensation, we ask is it not time for a new policy to be adopted in our industrial affairs"? TAl.C34,v.32 905 Labor legislation in England; its cost and results. A lesson for America. Moody's magazine, June 1909, v. 7: Jf.56-461. Discusses the cost of the Workmen's compensation act. HGl.M85,v.7 906 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Employers' liability insurance com- panies. Statements deposited with the Board of trade in pursuance of the Employers' liability insurance compa- nies act, 1907, and the Employers' liability insurance com- panies (adaptation of enactments) order, 1907, during the year ended 31st December 1910. Ordered by the House of commons to be printed, 20th April, 1911. London: Pub. hy II. M. Stationery off; 'printed hy Wyman and sons, ltd., 1911. 204 V- ^°- (Parliament, 1911. H. of C. Repts. and papers, no. 121.) 907 Home dept. Memorandum on the Workmen's compen- sation act, 1906. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off, hy Darling & son, ltd., [19071 12 p. 8°. CA 9-5295 Unrev'd HD7816.G7A3 1906 908 Workmen's compensation. Statistics of pro- ceedings under the workmen's compensation acts, 1897 and 1900, [and 1906] and the Employers' liability act, 1880. Presented to both houses of Parhament by com- mand of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., 1899- date. Annual publication. 8-6121 HD7816.G7A2 909 Committee on compensation for industrial dis- eases. Report [with IMinutes of evidence, appendices, and index]. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Wyman and sons, limited, 1907. 2 v. in 1. Diagrs. F°. ([Parlia- ment. Papers hy command]. Cd. 3495-3496.) Herbert Samuel, chairman. 7-40838 HD7263.G7 1907 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 910 Gt. Brit. Tlome dept. Committee on workmen^s compensation. Keport of the depart montal committee appointed to in- quire into the huv rehitint^ to compensation for injuries to workinj^men. London: Printed for H. M. Stationer}/ off., hy Wi/man and sons, limited, 1904-05. 3 v. in 1. F°. {[Parliament. Papers hy command]. Cd. 2208, 2334, 2458.) Sir Kenelm Digby, K. C. B., chairman. Contents. — I. Report i& appendices. — II. Minutesof evidence with index. — III. Supplementary appendix: Memorandum by the chairman of the committee on foreign and colonial laws relating to compensation for injuries to workmen. 6-2008 HD7816.G7A3 911 Laws, statutes, etc. British workmen's compensation act of 1906. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 144-158. HD8051.A5,no.74 912 — Employers' liabihty insurance companies act, 1907. [7 Edward VII, ch. 46.] An act to apply the pro- visions of the Life assurance companies acts, 1870 to 1872, to companies carrying on the business of insuring em- ployers against liability to pay compensation or damages to workmen in their employment [28 August 1907]. Institute of actuaries. Journal, Jan. 1908, v. 42: 90-106. HG8754.I5,v.42 913 The workmen's compensation acts, being an annotated study of the Workmen's compensation act, 1897, and the Workmen's compensation act, 1900, by Adshead Elliott. With an introduction by His Honour Judge Parry. 2d ed. Manchester: Sherratt and Hughes; [etc., etc.], 1901. xxxii, 378 p. 12°. 2-21824 HD7816.G7E4 914 The Workmen's compensation act, 1906, being the fifth edition of "Elliott's Workmen's^ compensation acts," by Adshead EUiott. 5th ed. London, [etc.]: Sherratt d' Hughes, 1909. xxix, 728 p. 8°. 11-20358 HD7816.G7E43 916 The Workmen's compensation act, 1906. With notes, rules, orders, and regulations. By W. Addington Willis . . . being the 11th ed. of "Willis's Workmen's compensation acts," London: Butterworth ct co., [etc.], 1910. xxxix, (1), 334, ^^t U) p. 12°. The Library of Congress has other editions. 11-16786 employers' liability: great Britain 143 917 Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc. 1901-1910 (Edward vii). The Workmen's compensation act, 1900, with explanatory notes, comments, and digests of cases decided in the English, Scotcli, and IrisJi courts, by Henry Lynn. 3d ed. London: Jordan <& sons, limited, 1909. xx, 282 p. 8°. 11-10017 918 Parliament. House of commons. Select committee on employers' liahility. Report ... on the Employers' lia- bility act (18S0) amendment bill. London : Printed hy IL Hansard and son, [1886]. xviii, 648 p. F°. (Parliament, 1886. H. of C. Reports and papers, no. 192.) J301.K6 1886,v.8 919 Standing committee on law and courts of justice and legal procedure. Report ... on the Employers' liability for injuries to workmen bill; mth the proceed- ings of the Committee. London: Printed hy H. Hansard & son, [1888]. 2^ p. F°. (Parliament, 1888. H. of C. Reports and papers, no. 275.) J301.K6 1888,v.l2 920 Report on the Workmen's compensation bill ; with the proceedings of the Committee. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 June, 1906. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Wyman and sons, limited, 1906. 39 p. F°. (Parliament, 1906. H. of C. Reports and papers, no. 216.) J301.K6 1906,v.l3 921 Post-office. Committee on insurance under Worlcmen's compensation acts. Insurance under the Workmen's com- pensation acts. Report [and IMinutes of evidence] of the Departmental committee appointed to consider whether the Post office should provide facilities for insurance under the Workmen's compensation acts. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1907. 2 v. in 1. F°, ([Parliament. Papers hy command] Cd. 3568-3569.) Lord Farrer, chairman. 8-12340 HG9964.E64A4 1907 922 Treaties, etc., 1901-1910 (Edward vii). Dispatch from His ]\Iajesty's ambassador at Paris, forwarding a conven- tion between Great Britain and France, signed at Paris, July 3, 1909, in regard to workmen's compensation for accidents. Presented to both houses of Parhament by command of His Majesty, August 1909. 144 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS London: Printed for II. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, [1909]. 5, U) p. F°. {[Foreign office]. Miscel- laneous, no. 8, 1909.) Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4731. English and French. 9-30232t HD7816.G7A3 1909 923 Green, C. II. Employers' liability and the workmen's compen- sation act, 1897. {In Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal, 1900. London, 1901. 8°. v. 3, p. 443-401.) HG8016.I6,v.3 923a Hasbach, Wilhelm. Das englische Arbeiterversichenmgswesen. Geschichto seiner Entwickeliing unci Gesetzgobimg. Leipzig: Dunclcer d; Humhiot, 1883. xvi, 44'^, 0) P- S°. (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forscliungen, hrsg. von Gustav Schmoller. 5. Bd. 1. Hft.) l-G-1222 HB41.S7,v.5 924 Hill, William Ellis. The Workmen's compensation act, 1906. An act to consolidate and amend the law with respect to compensation to workmen for injuries suffered in the course of their employment. With explanatory notes, list of employes and servants within the act, and index. 2d ed. London: Waterlow d; sons, limited, 1907. xi,{2),74P' 8°. 7-26631 925 Hobhouse, L. T. Workmen's insurance and employers' liability. Nation, {London), Feb. 4, 1911, v. 8: 763-764. ap4.S67,v.8 926 Howell, George. Labour legislation, labour movements and labour leaders. London: T. F. TJnwin, 1905. 2 v. Portrait. 8°. "Employers' liability: compensation for injuries," v. 2, p. 422^32. 5-10469 HD8388.H77 927 Jackson, Thomas Chalice. The law of master and servant (including apprenticeship) and the Employers and work- men act, 1875, the Employers' linbihly act, 1880, the Workmen's compensation act, 1906. London: Macdonald and Martin, [1907?]. viii, 180 p. 12°. 8-18009 HD7875.J2 employees' liability: great Britain 145 92S Kelly, Richard J. The Workmen's compensation act (190G) The new law of master and servant. The Workmen's compensation act (1906) An act to consoUdate and amend the law with respect to compensation to work- men for injuries suffered in the course of their employ- ment. A popular handbook on the rights and liabilities of employment, with the final rules, forms, etc. . . . and a chapter on the relation of the act to seamen, by W. H. Boyd. [2d ed.] Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker, 1908. (8), vii-xv, (S), 369 p. 12°. 9-7578 HD7816.G7K5 929 Londonderry, Theresa. The 'Conservative' compensation (workmen's) bill of 1897.- Nineteenth century, Sept. 1897, v. 42: 349-352. AP4.N7,v.42 930 Low, A. Maurice. The British workmen's compensation act and its operation. U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Jan. 1901, no. 32: 103-132. HD8051.A6,no.32 931 Manes, Alfred. Arbeiterversicherung in Grossbritannien. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, pp. 840-849.) "Literatur": p. 849. H45.H22,v.l 932 Mavor, James. Report on workmen's compensation for injuries. Toronto: ^Yarwick bros. cfc Butter, printers, 1900. 4'^ V- ^°- Printed by order of the Legislative assembly of Ontario. "Bibliography of workmen's compensation for injuries, Great Britain": p. 27-28. 9-13168 HD7814.M3 933 Moncrieflf, Alex. The report of the departmental committee on workmen's compensation. • Juridical review, Dec. 1904, '^- 1^- 393-405; June, 1905, v. 17: 117-127. 934 Monnier, A. L'assurance contre les accidents du travail en Angleterre. Revue d'economie politique, June, 1905, v. 19: 522-555. HB3.R4,v.l9 935 Nash, Vaughan. The Employers' liability bill. Fortnightly review, Feb. 1894, ^« S-> 'y- ^^* 244-254- AP4.r7,'n.s.,v.55 146 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 936 New York (State). Dept. of labor. The new British act for the ouiii})eiisati{)ii of accidents of em])lo3-ment. Us Bulletin, Mar. 1907, v. 9: 74-95. HC107.N7A5,v.9 937 Oliver, Thomas. Qiielques problemes do medecine ou d'assur- ance sovdeves par \a recente legiskition (Grande Bre- tagne). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite j^ermanent, 1909, v. 20: 423-435. HD7090.C6,v.20 938 Packer, Launcelot. British workmen's compensation acts. U. S. Bureau of lahor. Bulletin, May, 1907, no. 70: 579- 652. Gives an historical exposition of the legislation, attempted legisla- tion, and legal decisions regarding employers' liability; an analysis of the parliamentary debates and report of the Departmental com- mittee, with the provisions of the several workmen's compensation acts, and the text of the acts of 1897, 1900 and 190G. HD8051.A5,no.70 939 Parry, Edward Abbott. The Workmen's compensation act; what it was to be and what it is. Fortnightly review, July, 1900, n. s., v. 68: 67-73. AP4.F7,n.s.,v.68 940 Parsons, .Vlbert, and Raymund Allen. The Workman's compensation act, 190G. od ed. of Parsons and Bertram on The Workman's compensation acts. London: Butterworth cfc co., 1907. xxxiv, (2), 366 ;>. 8°. 8-2636 HD7816.G7P3 941 Provand, A. D. Employers' liability. Nineteenth century, Nov. ,1893, v. 34: 698-720. ap4.N7,v.34 942 Employers' HabiUty. Contemporary review, July, 1894, '^- ^^•' 137-152. AP4.C7,v.66 943 Roberts, Walworth Ilowland, and George Wallace. The com- mon law and statutory duty and liability of employers as well to the public as to those employed. 4th ed., by the authors and Arthur Ilarington Graham. London: Butterworth & co., 1908. Ixxxii, (2), 1014, 1^0, (2) p. 4°. 8-32434 employers' liability: great Britain 147 944 Roddick, R. M. M. Legislation in the British Islands as to reserves held by employers' liability insurance com- panies. (In International congress of actuaries, 6th, Vienna, 1909. Gutach- ten, Denkschriften und Verhandlungen. Wien, 1909. 8°. v. 2, p. 663-681. HG8755.I6 1909 945 Valuations under the Employers' lialnUty insurance companies act, 1907. (In Insurance institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal, 1908. London, 1908. 8°. v. 11, p. 303-327.) HG8016.I5,v.ll 946 Ruegg, Alfred Hemy. The Employers' liability act, 1880, and the Workmen's compensation act, 1906. With the statutes relating to and cases decided on the previous workmen's compensation acts in England, Scotland and Ireland; the County court rules of procedure under the act of 1906; the Home office regulations and forms; together with notes and cases decided in the Canadian courts, and an appendix of Canadian statutes. With the Canadian notes by F. A. C. Redden. 8th ed. London: Butterworth c& co.; PMladelpMa: Cromarty law hook company; [etc., etc.], 1910. Ixxiii, {2), 980, 6Jf, (2) p. 8°. 10-28962 947 The laws regulating the relation of employer and work- man in England. A course of six lectures deUvered at' the request of the Council of legal education during Michaelmas term, 1904. London: W. Clowes and sons, limited, 1905. viii, 199 p. 12°, "Employers' liability act, 1880": p. 134-145; "Workmen's compen- sation acts, 1897-1900": p. 145-158; "Liability of employer for acts of workman": p. 158-163. 5-26761 HD7876.R9 948 Schooling, John Holt. The householder's nightmare. National review, July, 1907, v. Jj.9: 759-769. ap4.N25,v.49 "A pessimistic forecast of the workings of the English "Workmen's Compensation Act of 1906." 949 Senhouse, Robert Metcalfe Minton-. Accidents to workmen; being a treatise on the Employers' liability act. Lord Campbell's acts, the Workmen's compensation acts and matters relating thereto. 2d ed. (1st ed. by Minton- Senhouse and Emery.) London: Sweet and Maxwell, limited, 1902. lxviii,432p. 4°' 3-20496 148 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 950 Senhouse, Tf obort Metcalfe Clinton-. Difjest of workmen's com- pensatioii cases: bein*; a (liy;est of the reports of cases known as "workmen's compensation cases." London: ^V. Clowes and sons, 1903. xii, 57 p. 8°. See also no. 966. "Workmen's compensation cases. 3-14139 951 Smith, Cliarles Manley. A treatise on the law of master and servant, including therein masters and workmen in every descrij)tion of trade and occupation; with an appendix of statutes. The 6th ed. With notes on the Canadian law, by A. C. Forster Boulton. London: Sweet (& Maxwell, limited; Toronto: The Carswell CO., ltd., 1906. xcvi, 823 p. 4°. 6-23064 952 Spyers, T. G. The labour question; an epitome of the evidence and the report of the lloyal commission on labour. London: S. Sonnenschein cO co.; New Yorlc: C. Scribner's sons, 18^4- '^"i'i'h ^4^ P' ^^°' [Social science series. 75.] "Employers' liability": p. 85-100. 6-14589 H31.S7,v.75 HD8390.S79 953 Stansfield, Joseph J. H. Workmen's compensation and insur- ance. Electrician, (London), June 28, 1907, v. 59: 4^8-420. "Summary. — The author doals with the effect of the new Employers' liability act upon the position of the manufacturer, and show^ that in some ways the act is obscure, besides adding materially to the employer's liability." TKl.E64,v.59 954 Strong, William II. The growth of accident and employers' liability insurance in Great Britain. (In International congress of actuaries, 4th, New York, 1903. Pro- ceedings. New York, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 682-689.) HG8755.I6 1904 955 Sym, John David. The Workmen's compensation act [1897]. Juridical review, Oct. 1897, v. 9: 4^5-427. 956 Thomson, K. T. The Workmen's compensation act, 1897. Nineteenth century, Jun^, 1898, V. 43: 899-914. ap4.N7,v.43 957 Tozer, William II. Five years' experience of the elTect of the Workmen's compensation acts, with especial reference to schemes certified thereunder. Royal statistical society. Journal, June 30, 1904, v. 67 : 228- 256, HAl.Il8,v.67 employees' liability: gkeat britaix 149 958 Umpherston, Francis Albert. A commentary on the Work- men's compensation act 1906. With comparative tables of the Workmen's compensation acts, 1897, 1900, and 1906 and Acts of sederunt, arranged by J. Hossell Hen- derson, Edinburgh: TT. Green & sons, 1907. xxv, 369 p. Tables. 8°. 8-5875 HD7816.G7TJ5 958a U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's msurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. (Annual report of the Comviissioner of labor, 2J^th, 1909) "Workmen's insurance in Great Britain:" v. 2, p. 1495-1693; Laws: p. 2553-2566. "Bibliography:" p. 1694-1695. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.n6 959 Industrial commission. Report on the condition of foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor. [Prepared by Frederic Jesup Stimson.] Washington: Govt, print off., 1901. Hi, 2^2 p. 8°. (The Commission's Reports, xvi.) "As to the duties and liabilities of the employer to the employee": p. 67-75. Relates almost entirely to the British acts concerning employers' liability and workmen's compensation. 4-18102/3 HC101.A3,v.l6 959a Wamsley, A. W. The Workmen's compensation act, 1906; some economic aspects. Empire review, Aug. 1909, v. 18: 4^-51. DAl0.E5,v.l8 960 Wilson, Mona. Employers' liability and workmen's compen- sation. Westminster review, Feb. 1898, v. 149: 194-203. AP4.W5,v.l49 1961 Wilton, G. W. Workmen's compensation cases. Juridical review, Apr. 1909, v. 21: 100-103. 962 Wolff, Henry W. Die englische Arbeiter-Unfall-Yersicherung nach der Novelle zum Haftpflichtgesetz. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherung- Wissenschaft, Apr. 1907, V. 7: 268-277. HG80l5.Z5,v.7 963 The Workmen's compensation act. Economic review, Oct. 1897, v. 7: 433-449. HBl.E4,v.7 150 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 964 The Workmen's compensation act. "Specialist." Scottish law review, Apr. 1909, v. 25: 91-95. 965 Workmen's compensation. Tlie medical aspect. Times, {London), Dec. 29, 1910, p. 13, col. 5-6. 966 Workmen's compensation cases: beinfij reports of cases decided under the Workmen's compensation acts . . . Ed. by R, M. ^linton-Senhouse. London: W. Clowes and sons, limited; [etc.], 1902-08. 9 v. 8°. Vol. 9 edited by R. M. Minton-Senhouse, Judge Ruegg, and F. J. Colt man. Vols. 8-9 published by Butterworth & co. Vols. 1-7, 2d edition. 967 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in England (Gross- Britannien). Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung; A. TroscTiel, 1899. 99 p. Ji° . {His Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. HJt. V.) "Litteratur": p. 39. Has Supplements 5a and 5b. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.5 BRITISH COLONIES AUSTRALIA 968 Australia. Laws, statutes, etc. An act relating to compensa- tion to seamen for injuries suffered in the course of their employment. Assented to 13th December, 1909. {In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1909. Bruxelles, 1910. 8°. V. 13, p. 410-438. ) English and French on opposite pages. HD7806.A5,v.l3 969 Levy, Daniel. Workmen's compensation bill. Speech . . . when moving the second reading of the bill. Delivered in the Legislative assembly on 14 November, 1905. To which is appended a copy of the bill. Sydney: W. A. Gullicic, government printer, 1905. 24 p. S°. 9-3641t HD7816.A82L6 970 Manes, Alfred. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Australien und Neu-Seeland. Berlin: Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung; A. TroscJiel, 1908. iv, 81, 90 p. 4°- (ZacTier, G., ed. Die Arheiter-VersicTi- erung im Auslande. Hft. is) Has Supplement 18a, 1908. HD7091.Z2,pt.l8 970a Arbeiterversicherung in Australien und Neuseeland. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 906-913.) "Literatur": p. 913. H45.H22,v.l 971 *New South Wales. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to consolidate the acts extending and regulating the liability of em- ployers to make compensation for personal injuries suffered by workmen in their service. [Sydney: W. A. Gulliclc, government printer, 1909.] 6 p. 972 An act to amend the law with respect to com- pensation to workmen for injuries suffered in the course of their employment; and for purposes consequent thereon or accidental thereto. 19th August, 1910. (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1910. Bruxelles, 1911. 8°. V. 14, p. 310-332.) English and French on opposite pages. HD7806.A5,v.l4 151 152 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 973 *New South Wales. Laws, statutes, etc. Miners' accident re- liel' act, 1900 (no. 42, 1900); :Miners' accident relief (amendment) act, 1901 (no. 71, 1901), with regulations. [Sydney: W. A. Gullick, government 'printer, 1909.] (2), 29 p. 4°- Regulations made by the Department of mines and agriculture: p. 13-29. 974 Queensland. Laws, statutes, etc. Loi du 20 decembre 1905 concernant la reparation des accidents du travail. (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1905. Bruxelles, 1906. 8°. V. 9, p. 286-299.) Text in French. HD7806.A5,v.9 Translation in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2687-2692. HD8051.A3 24th 975 Reeves, "William Pember. State experiments in Australia & New Zealand. London: G. RicTmrds, 1902. 2 v. Maps. Tahle. 8°. Workmen's compensation laws in New Zealand and South Australia: V. 2, p. 211-216. 3-4202 JQ4015 1902 R4 976 South Australia. Laws, statutes, etc. Loi du 5 decembre 1900 concernant la reparation des accidents du travail. (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1900. Bruxelles, 1901. 8°. V. 4, p. 584-596.) HD7806.A5,v.4 Translation in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2699-2704. HD8051.A3 24th 977 Loi du 24 novembre 1904 modifiant la loi de 1900 concernant la reparation des accidents du travail. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1905, v. 16: ^87. HD7090.C6,v.l6 Also printed in Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1904, v. 8, p. 335-336. HD7806.A5,v.8 978 The workmen's compensation regulations, 1901. [Adelaide: C. E. Bristow, government printer, 1901.] 13 p. 9-4513 HD7816.A86A4 1901 979 Western Australia. Laws, statutes, etc. The acts of the Par- liament . . . passed . . . during the first session of the second Parliament. Perth: R. Pether, government printer, 1894. [34^] P- 4°- "No. III. An act to extend and rcsrulate the liability of employers to make comjiensation for personal injuries suffered by workmen in their service " : 6 p. EMPLOYERS^ LIABILITY: BRITISH COLONIES 153 980 ^Western Australia. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to amend the law [of Oct. 10, 1894] with respect to compensation to workers for accidental injuries suffered in the course of their employment. < Assented to, 19th February, 1902. > [London, 1902?] 10 f. 4°. Caption title. 980a An act to amend the workers' compensation act, 1902. [Perth, 1909.] 3 p. 4°. Caption title. Text of amendment in Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1909, V. 13, p. 438-441. HD7806.A5,v.l3 981 * An act to amend the law [of Oct. 10, 1894] with respect to compensation to workers for accidental inju- ries suffered in the course of their employment. Assented to, 19th February, 1902. [Perth: F. W. Simpson, government printer, 1909.] lip. 4°- Text in French in Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1902, v. 6, p. 197-208. HD7806.A5,v.6 CANADA 981a Alberta. Laws, statutes, etc. Workmen's compensation act, 1908. {In U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insiurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2435-2443.) HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 982 British Columbia. Executive council. Workmen's compensa- tion act, 1902. British Columbia gazette, 1904, ^- 44- 353-366. Rules made by the lieutenant-governor in council and issued by the provincial secretary, Richard McBride. 11-22876 J2.B7,v.44 HD7816.C26A5 1902 983 Laws, statutes, etc. Statutes . . . passed in the . . . third session of the ninth Parliament . . . 1902. Victoria, B. C: Printed hy R. Wolfenden, 1902. v, {2), 359 p. 4°- "Chapter 74. An act respecting compensation to workmen for acci- dental injuries suffered in the coiu-se of their employment; 21st June 1902": p. 313-322. Also printed in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2467-2472. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 18984°— 11 11 154 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 984 Canada. Dept. of labour. Legislation in Canada with regard to master and servant. Its Lahour gazette, July- Aug. 1906, v. 7: 54-60; 156-161. HD8101.A3,v.7 985 Legislation with respect to workmen's compensation in Canada. Its Labour gazette, Nov.-Dec. 1910, i\ 11: 546-556; 640-651. HD8101.A3,v.ll 986 Laws, statutes, etc. Loi du 21 juin 1902 concernant la reparation des doramages resultant des accidents du travail. Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bullet hi du comite permanent, 1903, v. 14: 657-666. hd7090.C6,v.14 Also printed iu Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1902, v. 6, p. 276-287. HD7806.A5,v.6 987 *Canadian manufacturers association. Workmen's com- pensation for injuries. A sketch of the present law in Ontario and a comparison of the systems of some other countries. Comp. by F. W. Wegenast. Toronto, 1911. IS p. 8°. 987a Report of Parliamentary committee. Industrial Canada, Nov. 1911, v. 12: 425-432. "Workmen's compensation": p. 428^29. 988 Employers' liability to workmen. Canada law journal, Nov. 15, 1908, v. 44: 716-720. "A comijarison of the English and Canadian statutes." 988a Manitoba. Commission on worlcmen's compensation. Report. Canada. Dept. of labour. Labour gazette, Apr. 1910, v. 10: 1166-1168. Summary of report transmitted to Legislature, Mar. 2, 1910. HD8101.A3,v.lO 989 Laws, statutes, etc. An act respecting compensation to workmen for accidental injuries suffered in the course of their employment. (Assented to ^larch 16th, 1910.) {In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1910. Bruxelles, 1911. 8°. V. 14, p. 362-391.) English and French on opposite pages. KD7806.A6,v.l4 990 New Brunswick. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts of the Legislative Assembly . . . passed in the months of April and jSlay, 1903. Fredericton, N. B.: Printed by order of the Legislature, 1903. via, 9-398, XX p. 8°. "Cap. XI. An act respecting the liability of employers for injuries to workmen," passed May 9, 1903: p. 35-45. employers' liability: BRITISH COLONIES 155 991 New Brunswick. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts of Legislative as- sembly . . . passed in the month of May, 1908. Fredericton, N. B.: R. IV. L. Tihhits, 'printer, 1908. viii, 9-273, xiv p. 8°. "Cap. XXXI. An act to further amend Chapter 146 of "The con- solidated statutes, 1903," being "The Workmen's compensation for injuries act": p. 74-80. 992 * [Laws] respecting compensation to relatives of persons killed by wrongful act, or default, and workmen's compensation act. [Fredericton? 1908?] 21 p. 8°. 993 Nova Scotia. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to amend the law with respect to compensation to workmen for accidental injuries suffered in the course of their employment. [Passed the 22nd day of April, A. D., 1910.] (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1910. Bruxelles, 1911. 8°. V. 14, p. 392-413.) English and French on opposite pages. HD7806.A6,v.l4 994 *Oiitario. Laws, statutes, etc. The Workmen's compensation for injuries act, 1892, 55 Vict. cap. 30 (0,), and the revised statute of Ontario (1887), chapter 135, commonly known as Lord Campbell's act. With copious notes, by George Smith Holmested. Toronto, 1893. xix, 164, U) P- S°- 995 * Quebec (Province). Commission on labour accidents. Report. [Montreal, 1908.] 61 p. 8' )0 b 996 * — - Laws, statutes, etc. 1909. An act respecting tlie responsibility for accidents suffered by workmen in the course of their w^ork, and the compensation for injuries resulting therefrom. [Montreal, 1909.] 6 p. 4°- (Quehec. Parliament. Legis- lative assembly. Bill no. 34- 1909.) Also printed in IT. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2684-2686. HD8061.A3 24th 997 An act respecting the responsibility for acci- dents suffered by workmen in the course of their work, and the compensation for injuries resulting therefrom. (Sanctioned the 29th May 1909.) {In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1909. Bruxelles, 1910. 8°. V. 13, p. 484-494.) English and French on opposite pages. HD7806.A5,v.l3 156 L.IBHARV OF CONGRESS 99S Quebec lojjjislution affecting labour, 100<). Canada. De/pt. of labour. Labour gazette, Oct. 1909, v. 10: 492-498. Workmen's compensation: p. 492-493. HD8101.A3,v.lO 099 Report of Commission on labour accidents appointed by the <;!;overnment of Quebec. Canada. Dept. of labour. Labour gazette, Apr. 1909, v. 9: 1111-1112. A review of the report, see no. 995. HD8101.A3,v.9 999a Wegenast, F. W. Compensation to workmen for injuries. Industnal Canada, July, 1911, v. 11: 1287-1289. "In view of the imminence of new legislation on this subject in various provinces, it is urged that a special committee be appointed to study it carefully. A preliminary survey of the English and German systems. Some recommendations." NEW ZEALAND 1000 Irvine, Robert Francis, and O. T. J. Alpers. The progress of New Zealand in the century. Philadelphia [etc.]: The Linscott publishing company; Lon- don \etc.]: ^Y. & R. Chambers, limited, 1902. iii-xvii, 460 p. 12°. {The nineteenth century series \v. 12].) Pt. I, to 1870, is by Irvine; pt. ii, 1870-1898, by Alpers. "Compensation for accidents": p. 338-341. 3-17616 DU420.I73 1001 Manes, Alfred. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Australien und Neu-Seeland. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung; A. Troschel, 1908. iv, 81, 90 p. 4°- (Zacher, G., ed. Die Arbeiter-Versiche- rung im Auslande. lift, xviii.) Has Supplement 18a, 1908. HD7091.Z2,no.l8 1002 Arbeiterversicherung in Australien und Neuseeland. (In Handw6rterbu(;h der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 906-913.) "Literatur": p. 913. H45.H22,v.l 1003 *New Zealand. Government insurance dept. Accident insurance branch. Annual report . . . 1910. [Wellington, 1911.] 1 v. F°. 1004 Laws, statutes, etc. An act to consolidate and amend the law with respect to compensation to workers for injuries suffered in the course of their employment. (10th October, 1908.) (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1908. Bruxelles, 1909. 8°. V. 12, p. 786-839.) English and French on opposite pages. ±11)7806. A5,v. 12 Also printed in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2661-2675. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 employers' liability: British colonies — Greece 157 1005 New Zealand. Court of arbitration under the Workers' compensation for accidents act, 1900. Decisions. Issued iiiider the direction of the Minister of labor. Wellington: Government printer, 1903-date. 10-19142 1006 Reeves, Wilham Pember. State experiments in Australia & New Zealand. London: G. Richards, 1902. 2 v. Maps. Table. 8°. Workmen's compensation laws in New Zealand and South Australia: V. 2, p. 211-216. 3^202 JQ4015 1902R4 1007 Tregear, Edward. Progress in New Zealand. Independent, July 19, 1900, v. 52: 1716-1719. On the Employers' liabiUty act. AP2.I53,v.52 SOUTH AFRICA 1008 Cape Colony. Laws, statutes, etc. Statutes passed by Par- liament during the sessions 1902-06 ... v. 5. Cape Town: Cape times, limited, government printers, 1906. 26, 4349-5221 , xxxix p. 8°. " Act to extend and regulate the liability of employers to make com- pensation for personal injuries to workmen and to punish certain offences in connection with such injuries; assented to 6th June, 1905": p. 4951-4961. Also printed in French in Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1905, V. 9, p. 393^05. HD7806.A5,v.9 Also printed in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2473-2478. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 1009 Clermont, P. Legislation relative a la reparation des acci- dents du travail dans la Colonie du Cap. Moniteur des assurances, May 15, 1908, v. 4O: 190-192. HG8015.M7,v.40 1009a Transvaal. Laws, statutes, etc. Workmen's compensation act, 1907. {In U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion systems in Europe. Washington, 191]. 8°. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2719-2726.) HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.TJ6 GREECE 1010 Greece. Laws, statutes, etc. Loi du 21 fevrier 1901 concernant les indemnites a accorder aux victimes d' accidents dans les mines et les etablissements metallurgiques et a leurs ay ants droit. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1901, v. 12: 290-301. hd7090.C6,v.12 158 LIHKAKV OF CONGRESS ITALY I nil Ag-uelli, AnuiKlo. Commonto ulla leggc sugli infortuni del lavoro. Milano: Societa editrice lihraria, 1902-05, {2), ii, Ixxvi, S44 p. r- LssiK'd ill 20 parts. 5-33801 HD7279.I8A5 loll? Baglio, Gaetano. L'assicuraziono degli operai contro gl' in- fortuni del lavoro e il Sindacato obbligatorio di assicura- ziono mutua fra gli esercenti delle miniere di zolfo in Sicilia. Pte. I. Napoli: Cav. A. Tocco-Salmetti, 1908. 91 p. 8°. Parte I: Caratteri del Sindicato obbligatorio siciliano. Parts 2-3 annoiinfcd on cover for curly publication. Apparently not issued during 1909-1910. 9-2060 HD7102.I8B2 10 lo Belloc, Luigi. I mezzi e gli apparecchi per prevenire gli in- fortuni sul lavoro in relazione alio Icggi italiane. 0})era illustrata con 844 figure intercalate nel testo. Torino, [etc.]: Unione tipografico-editrice , 1902. xiv, (2), 688 p. Diagrs. 4°. Apjiendix (p. 589-074): Legge, decreti, regolamenti, occ. per gli in- fortuni dcgli operai .^ul lavoro. Elenco delle altre disposizioni legislative e regolamentari che completano la legislazione sugli infortuni degli operai sul lavoro. Statistica degli infortuni sul lavoro. 4-1528 HD7273.B3 lull Besso, ^larco. II nuovo progetto di leggc sugli infortuni del lavoro. Nuova antologia, 1881, v. 60: 498-520. AP37.N8,,v.60 101") Boone, Henry Burnham. Workmen's compensation in Italy. Green hag, Apr. 1906, v. 18: 223-224. 10 If) *Cassa nazionale di assicurazione per gli infortuni degli operai sul lavoro, Milan. Ivegolamonto dei premi e delle indennita e tarilTe. Milano: E. Reggiani, 1904. 81 p. Tahles. 8°. Cover has imprint date 1906. 1017 * Consiglio superiore. Atti . . . 1903, 1905-1908. Milano, 1904-09. 5 v. Tahles. 4°. 1018 Congresso degli industriali italiani per la riforma della legge sugli infortuni del lavoro, Rome, 1908. Atti; pub. per cura del segretario generale, aw. Odoardo Sil- vestri. Roma: Tip. della Camera dei deputati, 1908. {4^,554 p. 8°. 10-16167 HD7102.I8C7 1908 employers' liability: italy 159 1019 Conti, Emilio. L'assicurazione obbligatoria della terra per gli infortuni dei contadini sul lavoro. Rassegna nazionale, May 16, June 1, 1908, v. 161: 166-182; 318-334. AP37.Il2,v.l61 1020 Gruner, E. Coup d'oeil sur les dix premieres aiinees de fonc- tionnement de la Caisse nationale italienne d'assurance contre les accidents du travail. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1895, v. 6: 203-213. HD7090.C6,v.6 1021 Italy. Laws, statutes, etc. Accidents du travail. Loi du 29 juin 1903 modifiant la loi du 17 mars 1898. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite perTnanent, 1904, v. 15: 5-30. HD7090.C6,v.l5 Contents. — I. Rapport presente le 25 juin 1903 a la Chambre dea deputes, par M. Ferrero di Cambiano. — II. Texte de la loi. The law is also printed in Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1903, V. 7: 299-314. HD7806.A5,v.7 1022 Loi du 17 mars 1898, no. 80, relative aux acci- dents du travail. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1898, v. 9: 229-241. HD7090.C6,v.9 1023 Texte de la loi codifiee sur les accidents du travail approuve par decret royal du 31 Janvier 1904. (In Annuaire de la legislation du travail, 1904. Brussels, 1905. 8°. V. 8, p. 375-399.) HD7806.A5,v.8 1024 Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Ai\- nali del credito e della previdenza . . . 1883-1907. Boma, 1883-1907. 73 nos. Plates. Tables. Diagrs. 8°. In dice per materie per il pcriodo 1883-1903. Roma: Tipograjia nazionale di G. Bertero e c, 1904- x, (2), 107 p. 8°. (Annali del credito e della previdenza. n.56.) 8-26368-9 HD7182.A6 1025 * Infortuni sul lavoro della gente di mare, notizie statistisclie per gli anni 1906-1908, Roma: Tipografia nazionale di G. Bertero e c, 1911. liv, 153 p. j}. 1020 Pateri, Giovanni. Gli infortuni sul lavoro; studio teorico- pratico della legge 31 gennaio 1904, n. 51 (testo unico) e del relativo regolamento 13 marzo 1904, n. 141, con appendici. Milano [etc.]: FratelUBocca, 1910. vii,616p. Talles. 8°. {Nuova collezione di opere giuridiclie, n. 159.) 11-13224 HD7102.I8P2 160 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1027 Profumo, L. G. Le assiciirazioni operaie nella legislazione sociale. Torino, [etc.]: Fratdli Bocca, 1903. xji, 402 p. S°. [Bih- liotcca di scienzfi sociali. v. Jf.3.) "Le assicurazioni operaie in Italia, precedute da un cenno etorico sul movimento eocialc": p. 309-323. 4-19211 HD7091.P8 102S Rameri, Silvio. Ijegcje c rogolamonto per gli infortuni degli operai sur lavoro, testo unico 31 gennaio 1904, n. 51 e regolamento 13 marzo 1004, n. 141, con commento, tabelle esplicative, circolari, nonnali, istnizioni, moduli e indice analitico. Torino: S. Lattes <& c; [etc., etc.], 1904- (4), [vii]-xxii, 352, (33) p. Tables. 12°. 10-977 HD7816.I8R3 1029 *Salvatore, Alfredo. Legge e regolamento per gli infortuni degli operai sul lavoro, con note e tabelle esplicative ad USD degli industriale e degli uomini di legge. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1900. vii, 302 p. 24°. (Manmili Hoepli.) 1030 Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani. La legge susrli infortuni del lavoro. Relazione della commissione composta dei soci F. Vespignani, F. Mazzanti, presidente, P. Piacentini, G. Podesti e A. Libani, relatore. Its Annali, 1892, v. 7, pt. 2: 105-109. ta4.S7,v.7 1031 La legge sugli infortuni del lavoro. Relazione della commissione composta dei soci Pietro Bonata, presidente; Giorgio de Vinccntiis, Virgilio Palombi e Annibalc Sprega, relatore. Its Annali, 1895, v. 10, pt. 2: 139-177. TA4.S7,v.lO 1031a U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compen- sation systems in Europe. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 2 v. 8°. (Annual report of the Commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909) "Workmen's insurance in Italy": v. 2, p. 1697-2009; Laws: p. 2611-2620. "Bibliography," p. 2010-2013. 11-12159 Additions HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 1032 Villari, Fasquale. Gl'infortuni del lavoro. Nuova antologia, 1898, v. 157: 385-414. ap37.N8,v.157 A translation of part of this article was published in the Chautaiiquan, June, 1898, v. 27 : 291-294. AP2.C48,v.27 employees' liability: ITALY japan LUXEMBURG 161 1033 Vincentiis, Giorgio de. Note e proposte sul progetto di legge presentato al Paiiamento dal Ministero d'agr. e commercio . (Lacava) per gli infortunii sul lavoro. Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani. Annali, 1893, V. 8, pt. 2: 277-290. TA4.S7,v.8 1034 Virgilii, Filippo. Das italienische Unfallversicherungsgesetz. Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitilc, 1905, v. 20; 356-361. HB5.A8,v.20 1035 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherimg in Italien. Berlin: Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung: A. Troschel, 1899. 132 p. Ji°. {His Die Arheiter-VersicTierung im Aus- lande. Hft. vi.) "Litteratur": p. 36. Has Supplements 6a and 6b. HD7091.Z2,v.l,no.6 1030 Arbeiterversicherung in Italien. (In Handworterbuch der Sta,atswissenscliaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 849-872.) "Literatur": p. 872. H45.H22,v.l JAPAN 1037 Saito, Kashiro. La protection ouvriere au Japon; projet de loi et enquete personnelle. Paris: L. Larose, 1900. U), 188, (1) p. 8°. "Accidents": p. 84-97. l-F-2464 HD7938.S2 LUXEMBURG 1038 Delearde, D. Accidents dii travail; extension a I'agriculture. (Luxembourg) . Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite peri.ianent, 1909, v. 20: 123-138. HD7090.C6,v,20 1039 * Luxemburg (Grand Duchy). Laws, statutes, etc. Das Arbeiterreclit. Zusammenstellung der die Reclitsver- haltnisse des gewerblichen Arbeiterstandes und der ver- wandten Berufe regelnden Gesetze und Beschliisse. Bearb. im Staatsministerium. Abteilung fiir Arbeiter- versicherung. Luxemburg: Buchdruclcerei C. Praum, 1908. (2), 3-298 p. 12°. Contents. — 1. Teil. Vertragsverhaltnis zwischen dem Arbeitgeber und dem Arbeituehmer. — 2. Teil. Arbeiterschutz. Soziale Hy- giene. — 3. Teil. Arbeiterversicherung und soziale Fiirsorge. 1G2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1040 Luxemburg (Grand Ducluj). Laws, statutes, etc. Extension de r assurance oblii2;atoire centre les accidents. Loi du 23 decembro 1904 [etc]. CorKjns inteniationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1905, v. 16: 328-343. hd7090.C6,v.16 Translation in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8°. 24th annual report. " v. 2, p. 2638-2G39. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.TJ6 1041 Loi (lu 5 avril 1902 concernant I'assurance ob- liiratoire des ouvriers contre les accidents. Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1902, v. 13: 337-374. HD7090.C6,v.l3 Translation in U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Europe. Washington, 1911. 8^. 24th annual report, v. 2, p. 2621-2637. HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 1042 Loi (111 12 mai 1905 concernant I'execution des lois, assurances-accidents, par rapport aux relations Internationales. Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1907, v. 18: 8-13. hd7090.C6,v.18 1043 Neuman, H. Notice sur I'assvirance obligatoire des ouvriers auxembouroj. Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1905, v. 16: 361-376. HD7090.C6,v.l6 1044 Zacher, (leorj;. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Lnxembiirg. Berlin: Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung; A. Troscliel, 1901. 69 p. 4°. (His Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. lift. XIV.) "Literatur": p. 25 Has Supplement 14a. HD7091.Z2,no.l4 MEXICO 104.') Mexico. La premiere loi sur la reparation des accidents. Congres intemationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1908, t\ 19: 48^- Summary. HD7090.C6,v.l9 NETHERLANDS 1040 Boas, Henri Herman. De rechten der verzekerden krachtens de ongevallenwet 1901. Amsterdam: N. V. Blikman & Sartorius, 1905. (6), xi, 293, (8) p. 4°- Proefschrift — Amsterdam. Bibliography: p. ix-xi. 6-25857 HD7102.N4B6 employees' liability: Netherlands 163 1047 Falkenburg, Ph. Arbeiterversicherung in den Niederlamlen. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 872-882.) "Literatur:" p. 882. H46.H22,v.l 1048 Kooperberg, Organisation du service medical dans 1' ap- plication de loi contre les accidents en Hollando. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1909, v. 20: 572-580. hd7090.C6,v.20 1049 Macalester-Loup, R. Accidents: note siir la situation de r assurance (Pays-Bas). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1909, v. 20: 154-159. hd7090.C6,v.20 1050 La loi du 13 Janvier 1908 sur les accidents (Pays-Bas). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1908, v. 19: 34-5-346. hd7090.C6,v.19 1050a Mayer, Adolf. Die Versiclierung gegen Unfalle in der Landwirtschaft in Holland. Zeitschriftfur Socialwissenscliaft, Nov. 8, 1911, n. s. v. 2: 783- 786. 1050b Netherlands. Laws, statutes, etc. Law of January 2nd, 1901, relating to legal insurance of workingmen against injuries resulting from accidents in certain industries. {In U. S. Bureau of labor. Workmen's insurance and compensation systems in Eiurope. Washington, 1911. 24th annual report. V. 2, p. 2640-2660.) HD8051.A3 24th HD7101.U6 1051 Loi du 8 decembre 1902 concernant I'execution de I'art. 75 de la loi du 2 Janvier 1901. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1904, v. 15: 145-174- HD7090.C6,v.l5 1052 Nolens, W. H. Les. assurances sociales tii Hollande. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1910, v. 21: 370-374. HD7090.C6,v.21 1053 Note sur la crise de I'assurance accidents (Pays-Bas). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite perTuanent, 1908, v. 19: 347-350. HD7090.C6,v.l9 1054 Peyrot, J. B. Sociale wetgeving. Verzameling van wetten en besluiten betreffende de arbeids-en fabriekswetgeving. Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willinlc cfc zoon, 1897-1904. 3 v. 12°. '•Ongevallenwet": v. 3, p. 1-300. HD7900.P5 164 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1055 ^Slotemaker, A. De scliadeloosstellino; })ij bcdrijfsongevullen. Ovcrzicht van de ()ni2;ovallon- on de boroopswot, in het })ijz()ndor voor worklicHlcn. Uitg. door dc Xodcrlandsche vcriHMiiflichtroclit unl(^r Boriicksichtisjuns; dor kiinftigen Gesetz- gobun<^ fiber die staatliclie Unfallversicliorung. Aarau: II. R. Sauerlamler d' Co., 1910. ix, 131 p. 8°. (Ziircher Beitrdge zur Rechtswissenschaft, hrsg. von A. Egger [lift.] 32.) "Literatur": j). vii-ix. 1122a Berghoflf-Ising, F. Die schwoizerische Kranken und Unfall- versicherung und die Initiative des Arboiterbundes. Jahrbuch fiir G esetzgebung , Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 1894, V. 18: 581-604. H5.J2,v.l8 employers' liability: switzeeland 175 1123 Forrer, L. Arbeiterversicherung. {In Reichesberg, N., ed. Handworterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung. Bern, 1903. 4°. V. 1, p. 168-194.) "Litteratur": p. 194. HC396.R35,v.l 1124 Frankel, Lee K. Accident insurance in a republic [Switzer- land]. Survey, Apr. 24, 1909, v. 22: 152-154. HVl.C4,v.22 1124a What a republic may do for its workingmen through accident insurance. New Yorlc (State). Dept. of labor. Bulletin, Mar. 1909, V. 11 : 58-68. hcio7.N7A5,v.ii 1125 Gmlir, Max. Haftpfiicht der Transportanstalten. {In Reichesberg, N., ed. Handworterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung. Bern, 1904. 4°. V. 2, p. 458-468.) Contents. — I. Einleitung. — II. Geschichtliches. — III. Das Eisen- bahnhaftpflichtgesetz von 1875. — IV. Das Ausdehnungsgesetz von 1887.— V. Der Entwurf von 1901.— VI. Literatur. HC396.R35,v.2 1126 Hafner, Karl. Meisterrecht und Arbeiterrecht. Wegleitende Entscheide des gewerblichen Scliiedsgerichts Zurich im Auftrage des Gewerbeverbandes Zurich zusammengestellt und bearbeitet. Zurich: Art. institut 0. Filssli, 1904. 180 p. 12°. {Schwei- zerisclie Reclitshiicher.) "Haftung fiir anvertrauten Werkzeug, ftir anvertraute Gegenstande, Schadigungen, etc." : p. 66-71; " Krankheit und Unfall " : p. 72-91. 0-34380 HD7920.H2 1127 Hellmiiller, Th. Haftpfiicht der Fabrikanton und Gewerbe- treibenden. {In Reichesberg, N., ed. Handworterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung. Bern, 1905. 4°. v. 2, p. 462-468.) Contents. — I. Einleitung. — II. Der Zweck der Haftpflichtgesetz- gebung. — III. Die haftpflichtigen Unternehmer. — IV. Die Gel- tendmachung des Entschiidigungsanpruches. — V. Die Versiche- rung der haftpflichtigen Unternehmer. — VI. Schlussbetrachtun- gen.— VII. Literatur. HC396.R35,v.2 1128 Jay, Raoul. La question des accidents du travail en Suisse. Revue (Teconomie politique, 1891, v. 5: 48-84- HB3.R4,v.5 1129 Jenny, O. H. The problem of sick and accident insurance in Switzerland. Yale review, Nov. 1910, v. 19: 235-254. Hl.Y2,v.l9 176 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1130 Kaufmann, Accidents: abus et n^vroses dc rjissurance (Suisse). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1910, v. 21: 201-21^. HD7090.C6,v.21 1131 Koechlin, Ch. Etude sur la loi fodcralesuisse sur rassurance contre la maladic ct les accidents et sur I'assurance pendant le ser\'ice niililaire. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite fermanent, 1899, v. 10: 542-567. Translated by Edouard FuBter. HD7090.C6,v. 10 1132 Landmann, Julius, Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung der Scliweiz. Basel: Ilelhing & LichtenJialin, 1904- cvi, (26), 4^6 f. Tables. S°. "Die llaftpflichtgesetzgebung " : p. liv-lviii, xciv-xcvii. 5-32457 HD7279.S9L2 1133 Lang, Otto. Die Einfiilu-ung der Kranken- und Unfallversich- erung in der Scliweiz. Neue Zeit, 1893-94, v. 12: 499-501. HX6.N6,v.l2 1134 Lavergne, Alexandre de, and L. Paul Henry. L'assurance contre la maladie et les accideiits en Suisse. Revue de science et de legislation jinancieres, Apr.-June, 1907, V. 5: 198-238. 1135 Manes, Alfred. Arbeiterversicherung in der Scliweiz. {In Ilandworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1909. 4°. V. 1, p. 882-894.) "Literatur": p. 893-894. H45.H22,v.l 1136 Pfleghart, Adolf. Das Verhaltnis der Ilausindustrie zur Kranken- und Unfallversiclierung. Im Auftrag des scliweizerisclien Industrie-Departements dargestellt. 1. Theil. Zurich: BucJidrucTcerei Conzett & Cie., 1905. xv, 170 p. 8°. "Literaturverzeichnis": p. vii-ix. "Die Kranken- und Unfallversicherung der Stickeroiarbeiter": p. 151-170. 6-24253 HD7111.P4 1 137 *Schweizerisches Arbeitersekretariat, Zurich. Enquete sur hi position de la classe ouvriere al'egard de la legislation federale concernant l'assurance en cas de maladie et d'acci- dent. Explications sur le questionnaire adresse aux socle tes ouvrieres et aux caisscs de malades en Suisse, par le Secre- tariat ouvrier suisse. Zurich: Sodete Suisse du Grutli, 1891. 4^ p. 8°. employees' liability: switzeeland 177 1138 Sigg, Jean. L'assurance centre la maladie et les accidents. Revue socialiste, Nov. 15, 1911, v. 5^: 391-403. HX5.R4,v.54 A very complete abstract of the law may be found in Belgium. Office du travail. Revue de travail, July 15, 1911, v. IC: 767-776. HD8501.A17,v.l6 1139 Switzerland. Bundesversammlung. Stdnderat. Bericht der Kommission des Standerates ftir die Vorberatung des Gesetzentwurf es iiber die Kranken- und Unf allversiclierung. (Vom 20. Nov. 1909.) (In Switzerland. Bundesblatt der Schweizerischen Eidgenossen- schaft. Jahrg. 1909. Bern, 1909. 8°. v. 6, p. 360-386.) J7.S8 1909,v.6 1140 Laws, statutes, etc. Loifederale sur l'assurance centre les maladies et les accidents, et siir l'assurance militaire (du 5 octobre 1899). Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1899, v. 10: 451-541. HD7090.C6,v.lO 1141 Loi federale du 28 juin 1901 concernant I'assur- ances des militaires centre les maladies et les accidents. Congres internationaux des assurances sociales. Bulletin du comite permanent, 1901, v. 12: 273-289. HD7090.C6,v.l2 1142 Loi federale sur l'assurance en cas de maladie et d' accidents (du 13 juin 1911). Berne, 1911. 52 p. 8°. Caption title. HD7102.S9A4 1911 1143 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in der Schweiz. Berlin: Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung; A. Troschel, 1899. 146 p. 4°- {His Die Arheiter-VersicTierung im Auslande. Eft. XI.) "Litteratur": p. 64. Has Supplement lla, 1908. HD7091.Z2.v.l,no.ll AUTHOR INDEX [The arable numbers refer to items, not to pages.] Adam, H 55 Adams, Thomas S 166 Aeppli, Hans 1122 Agnelli, Amaldo 1011 Alabama. Laws, statutes, etc 167 Alabama state bar association 34 Alberta. Laws, statutes, etc 981a Alger, George William.. 168, 169, 434, 443 Allen , Raymond 940 Alpers, O." T. J 1000 American academy of political and social science 24, 408 American association for labor leg- islation.. 170-172, 215, 217, 252, 264, 288 American digest 173, 174 American economic association 221, 466, 481, 482, 555-557 American federation of labor . . . 175-177 American statistical association 568 Anderson , Edwin G 456 Anderson, G. W 24 Anderson, Luther C 178 Andersson, Thor 1096 Andr^, Louis 689 Andrews, C. R 882 Andrews, Irene Osgood 170, 171, 485 Apostol, Paul 1059, 1060 Argentine Republic. Departa- mento nacional del trabajo 130 Arizona (Terr.) Constitutional convention, 1910 179 Armistead, Henry M 179a, 179b Aronson , Victor Rees 883 Artibal, Jean 25 Ashe, Sidney W 498 Asociation des industries de France 131 Atkin, Edgar Maitland 455 Atlantic City conference on work- men's compensation acts, 1909. . 180 Audibert, E. B^ziat d' 52 Aumatell Tusquets, Francisco. . 26, 1109 Australia.. Bureau oj census and statistics .* 27 Laws, statutes, etc 968 Austria. Arbeitsstatistisches Amt 592-594 Ministerium des Innern. 131a, 595, 596 Autran, F. C 656 Auvillain, Louis 657 Baerecke 821 Baetzmann, F 52, 53 Baglio, Gaetano 1012 Bailey, HoUis R 204a Bailey, William F 181, 182 Baldwm, F. S 24 Baldwin, Simeon E 208 Bancroft, L. H 418e, 418f Barnes, Charles B 323 Bamett, George E 430 Bamett, Henry Norman 884 Baron, J 118 Bartlett, CO 590 Bartlett, George A 183 Bass, Robert P 315 Bauer, John 588 Baumgarten, F 28, 29 Baylee, J. Tyrrell 885 Beaumont, A 658-661 Beaumont, William Mardon 886 Beauregard, Paul 674 Bebel, Ferdinand August 740 Bechaux 733 Beck, Hermann la Beck, Joseph D 184, 418g Belfort, Roland 887 Belgium. Laws, statutes, etc 641, 642 Ministlre de V Industrie et dii travail 643 Office du travail 24a, 132, 644 Bellamy-Brown, Jacques 30 Belloc, Luigi 1013 Bellom, Maurice 30a-32, 54-56, 597-602, 662-664, 741, 742, 1076, 1097, 1104 179 180 AUTHOR INDEX Belmont, August 185 BiTi^'hoff-Lsins:, F 33, 11 22a Berry, J. F 207 Berthiot, Albert 711 Besso, Marco 1014 Beven, Thomas 888-890 BielefeUlt, Alwin 743, 794, 795 Bijleveld, Cli. M. A 56 Bitta 744 Bitter, Rudolf von 821 Blanchet, Augustin 665 Bliss, William D. P 49 Blount, W. A 34 Boardman, Mahol T 24 Boas, Henri Herman 1046 Bock, Eduard 745 Bodenheimer, Constant 52, 53 Bodio, L 53 Bodiker, Tonio Wilhelm Laurenz Karl Maria. 2, 35, 36, 53-58, 746, 747,757 Bohemia. Arbeiter-Unfall-Ver- sicherungs Anstalt, Prague 603, 604 Boissard, Arthur 36a Bojanowski. V. v 118 Bokor, Gustav 632 Bolles, Albert Sidney 186, 337, 338 Boiling, Raynal C 24, 564 Bonata, Pietro 1031 Bond, C.T 468 Boone, Henry Bumham 1015 Boos-Jegher, Eduard lb Borah, William E 371, 372, 377, 379 Borchard, E. M 748 Borght, Richard van der 37, 38, 54, 55, 87, 749-752 Borgnis, Edward G 418 Borland, William P 188 Bomhak, Konrad 753 Boulton, A. C. Forster 896, 951 Bourdeaux, Henry 697 Bouvier, Emile 39 Bouyer, Joseph Ic, 40, 666 Bowers, Lloyd W 393, 394 Boyd, James Harrington 24, 189, 329, 330, 574, 579 Boyd, W. II 928 Brabant, Georges 645 Brabrook, Sir Edward 41, 891 Bradbury, Harry Bower 190 Bramer, Hermann 42 Bramer, Karl 42 Braf, A 118 Bramlette, S. A 249 Brandegee, Frank B 371, 372 Brandegee, Kenealy it Brennan . . 207 Brandt. J. W ." 754 Brauchit.^ch, Max Karl Ludwig von ^.. 755 Braunbehrens, von 755 Brcslauer, Arthur 418a Breuil, Palris de 734 Brewster, C. B 569 British Columbia. Executive coun- cil r 982 Laws, statutes, etc 983 Broecker, Hermann 789 Broicher 821 Brooks, John G 24, 868 Brotherhood of railway trainmen . . 249 Brown, John G 305 Brown, Norris 372 Bruce, Andrew Alexander 427, 571 Brufere, R. W 585 Bryant, Howard 437 Burghartz, Arnold 756 Burnett, L. II 341 Bumham, Henry E 373 Butler, Pierce 191 Butterworth's Workmen's com- pensation cases 892 Buylla, Adolfo A 1112 Cabouat, Jules 667, 668 Cacheux 733 California. Governor 192 Industrial accident board. . . . 193, 194 Laws, statutes, etc 195, 196 Campbell, Frederick B 326 Campbell, Gilbert Lewis 43 Campbell, Thomas J 884 Canada. Department of labor . 133,984,985 Laws, statutes, etc 986 Canadian manufacturers' associa- tion 987, 987a Cape Colony. Laivs, statutes, etc.. 1008 Capitant, Henri 701 Carey, James T 893 Carlisle, Ernest J 894 Carpenter & Poss . . . 418, 418b, 418c, 418d Cary, Robert J 197 Caspar, F 876 Cassa nazionalo di assicurazione Milan 1016, 1017 Cazajeux, J 44 Cease, Daniel L 24, 542, 555 Caurier, G 669 Charmont, J 2, 670, 757 Charmont, Pierre 2, 757 Chesney , Fernand 45 AUTHOR INDEX 181 Cheysson, Emile 46-48, 52-54, 671, 733-735 Chicago. Univ. Department of political economy 10 Chile . Oficina del trabajo 134 Chimirri, B 55 Chute, Charles L 523 Cipperly , John Albert 198 Clark, Lindley D 49,199-203, 458, 496, 522, 532, 538, 539, 546 Clay, Alexander S 372 Cky, Walter Gorst 50 Clermont, P 633,1009 Clum, Alfred 51 Cockburn, Sir John A 58 Cohen, Morris R 573 Colajanni, Pompee 56, 57 Colorado. Laws, statutes, etc 204 Coltman, F.J 892,966 Commission Internationale perma- . nente pour I'^tude des maladies professionnelles 136 Commons, John R 406, 418g, 476, 480 Conference of commissioners on uniform state laws 204a Conference of commissions on com- pensation for industrial accidents . Chicago, 1910 205 Congrfes internationaux des assu- rances sociales 3, 52-59 Congresso degli industrial! italiani. Rome, 1908 1018 Connecticut. Bureau of labor sta- tistics 202 Committee on legislation regu- lating liability of employers . . 206 Supreme court of errors 208, 209 Conner, B. H 672 Conrotte, Manuel 1110 Conti, Emilio .' 1019 Cooreman, Gerard 653 Cortelyou , George B 92 Cotton, Joseph P 24, 92, 326 Courcelle, Louis PieiTe Alcibiade Pourcelle called 673, 674 Cowles, Walter G 92 Craighill , G . Bowdoin 387 Crane, R. Newton . 895 Crownhart, C. H 415, 418g Cunningham, Harry R 305 Daguin, Arthur 4, 4a, 687 Darcy, H 55 Davenport, H.J 463 Davidson , James O 4.12 Dawbam, Climenson Yelvertou Charles 896 Dawson, Miles ]\1 24, 60, 61, 69, 509, 510, 518, 521, 562, 564, 578 Day, E.M 206 Dejace, Charles 52, 53 Delaney, J. C 24 Delas y Miralles, Joe6 Maria de 54, 58 Delcourt, Rene 5,62 Delearde, D 675,1038 De Leon, Edwin Warren 24, 211 Demeur, Maurice 646, 647 Dehman & Fishburne 403 Denmark . Arbejderforsilcrings- raadet 1077-1080 Laws, statutes, etc 1081-1083 Derblich, Leo 605 Des Cilleuls, Alfred 734, 735 Deutsche landwirtschaftliche Ber- ufsgenossenschaf ten , Berlin 758 Dickson, W. B 24 Digby, Kenelm E 63 Digby, Sir Kenehn 910 Dilke, Sir Charles V\' 55 Divemeresse 676 Dixon, Joseph M 372 Doherty, Philip J. . . . 210, 212, 226a, 256a Domizlaff 87 Donahue, C.J 206 Dormand, Charles Marie Joseph Marcel 677 Downey, E. H 213 Drage, Geoffrey 54 Dresser, Frank Farnum 214, 570 Droscher 793a Droz , Numa 52 Duane, Russell 437 Dublin, Louis 1 69,323 Dubois, Jean 58 Duchauffour 678 Diittmann, A 791 Durand, E. Dana 385 Eastman, Crystal 24, 21.5-219, 461, 479, 481, 486, 530 Eaves, Lucile 220 Edge, W. E 24 Edgerton, Charles E 385 Edwards, Alba M 221 Edwards, Allen Clement 897 Eger, Georg 759 Ehrenberg, Victor 64 Eichler, C 760 Ekern, H. L 222 182 AUTHOR INDEX Elkins, .Stephen B 375 p:ili(jtt, Adshead 913, 914 Ellis, WadeH 210,226a Elster, A 761 Emery, George P>ederirk 898 Emery, James A 105, 223 Eneyclopfcdia britannica 65 Erhardt, L 118 Esterline, Blackburn 440 Etienne, Ren6 680 Evans, Wilmot R., ;V 279 Fairchild, Fred Rogers 224 Fulkenburg, Ph 1047 Falkner, Roland P 225 Fall, Charles G 66 Famam, H. \Y 118 Farrer, Thomas Cecil Farrer, 2d baron 921 Farrow, Edward S 439 Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain and Ireland . . 903, 923 Feilchcnfeld, Leopold 87 Ferrero di Cambiano 1021 Ferrette, Henry 681, 682 Fessenden, Stephen D.. . . 56, 97, 226, 420 Finland. Arbetareforsdkringsko- mite 1 068, 1074 Industristyrelsen 137 Laws, statutes, etc 1069, 1069a Firminger, F. L 901 Flack, H. E 537 Flexner, Bernard 564 Florentin, Charles 682 Foerster, Robert F 6 Fontaine, Arthur 54 Foot, Alfred 902 Forrer, L 1123 Foumier de Flaix 733 Fox, Alan 67 France. Assemhlee nationalc. Chambre des deputes. Comm. d' assurance ct de prevoyance so- ciales 683 Commission superieure des cais- ses d'assurances en cas de dechs et en cas d' accidents 684 Direction de V assurance ct de la prevoyance socialcs 4, 4a, 685-687 Direction du travail 138, 606-608 Laws, statutes, etc 688-690 Franck, Antoine 1 . . 68 Frankel, Lee Kaufer 24, 69,769,1124,1124a Frankenberg, IT. von 770, 771 Frankenstein, Kuno 6a Franklin, C. H 903 Franklin, II. H 502 Freerks, M. C 438 Fr6rejouan du Saint, G 688 Freund, Ernst 445, 460, 564 Freund, Richard 58 Friedensburg, Ferdinand 772 Fuld, Ludwig 691 Fuller, II. R 366 Funke, Ernst 773, 774 Fuster, Edouard 609-612, 775-780, 1058, 1070, 1131 Gaceta adniinistrativa, Madrid 1111 Gaertner, Friedrich 613 Gaines, R. F 305, 305b Galen, Albert J 305, 305a Garfield, James R 70, 334 Garretson, A. B 92 Ganger, E 7 Gauthier, J. B 52 Geffcken, F. Ileinrich 781 Gehrig, Hans 692 G6Iy, Joseph 693 Gerhard, Stephan 782, 789 Gerkrath, Albrecht 783 Germany. Courts 784 Laws, statutes, etc. . . . 785-793. p. vn Reichstag 786. 793a Reichs- Versicherungsam,t 87, 139, 794-803 Statistisches Amt. .. 1 40. HI, SOI. S05 Gibon, A 733 Gill, A. II 92 Gillette, George M 92, 295, 491, 493 Gilman, Nicholas Paine 227 Gilmour, George 323 Gitterman, J. M 519 Glass, Walter M 580 Gmiir, Max 1 1 25 Gorres, Karl 806 Golebiewski, Eduard 807 Gompers, Samuel 92, 175,176,252,449,522 Gonzalez Rebollar, Ilipolito 1112 Good, T 904,905 Goodnow, Frank Johnson 228, 564 Gordon, J. F 71 Graf, Otto 808-809 Graham, Arthur Ilarington 943 Grant, Luke -188 Graves, Kizer & Graves 404 Gray, Fred L 295 Gray, Louis H 772 Gray, William C 648 AUTHOR INDEX 183 Great Britain. Board of trade .. . 142, 90G Foreign office 72, 694, 695, 810-812, 1098 Home department 907-910 Laws, statutes, etc 911-917 Parliament. House of Com- mons 918-920 Post Office. Comm. on insur- ance under Workmen's comp. acts 921 Treaties, etc 696,922 Greece. Latcs statutes, etc 1010 Greeley, Louis M 564 Green, C. H 923 Gregorj^ S. S 448 Gr'eissl 813 Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark.. 21 Griolet, Gaston 697 Griinspecht, David 814 Gruner, E 53, 733, 815, 816, 1020 Gunther, Adolf 817 Giinther, Friedrich Wilhelm 73 Guibourg, Leon 689 Guilliand, Georges 698 Guillot, Paul 74, 699 Guyot, Yves 75,818 Hacke, F 784 Hackett, Frank Warren 474 Hadley, A. T 408 Hadley, Herbert S 297 Hafner, Karl 1126 Hagen, Otto 87, 789, 819 Hahn, 1 819a, 881 Hale 371,372 Hall, James Parker 586 Hall, John L 541 Hallsten, Onni 1071 Hammond, J. H 24 Hampke, C 820 Handworterbuch der Staatswissen- schaften 37, 126, 627, 631, 639, 650, 738, 761, 831, 843, 879, 931, 970a, 1036, 1047, 1075, 1135 Hanow, Hugo 822 Hanquet, F 55 Hans, Pierre 76 Hansen, P. Chr 822 Hanson, William C 92 Hard, William 229, 472, 473 Hai-per, Samuel A 230 Harris, Addison C 77, 231 Harris, Henry John 24, 614, 792, 824, 825, p. vii Harrison, O. E 208, 210, 226a Hartmann, Konrad. 56,794,795,826,827 Harvard university 6 Hasbach, Wilhelm 923a Hatch, Leonard W 232, 465 Hazeland, A 77a Held, Adolf 118 Hellmiiller, Th 1127 Hemingway, W. E 179c, 179d Henderson, Charles Richmond 8, 58, 233, 234, 433, 442, 442a, 466, 478a, 878 Henderson, J. Hossell 958 Henry, L. Paul 1134 Herczeg, Sir Francis 635 Hering, Walter 773, 774 Heyburn, Weldon B 372 Higgins, Alexander Pearce 78, 79 Higgins, William E 235 Hill, Sir John Gray 80, 81 Hill, William Ellis 924 Hillquitt, Morris ' 564 Hjelt, Aug 58, 1072 Hobhouse, L. T 925 Hoffa, A 828 Hoffmann, F 822 Hog, Hermann 829, 830 Holmes, J. A 24 Holmested, George Smith 994 Honigmann, 831 Hooper, Ben W 356 Hook, Alfred J 236 Howell, George 926 Howland, Paul 334 Hubert, Valleroux 734 Hughes, Charles 237 Hulburd, Charles H 240 Hungary. Laws, statutes, etc 634 Munkdbiztositdsi 635 Ichon 52 Illinois. Bureau of labor statistics . 238 Employers' liability commis- sion 239 Industria I insurance commission 240 Laivs, statutes, etc 241-243 Illinois state bar association 286 Indiana. Laws, statutes, etc 244, 245 State bar association : ^ee State bar association of Indiana State library 9, 351 Ingram, A. E 700 International association for labor legislation 701 International congress of actuaries . 61 , 845, 944, 954 International harvester company . . 247 184 AUTHOR INDEX Inlcriuitional labor office, Basel ... 144 IntL'rnutioiuil law association 28, 29, 68, 81, 91, 98 Irvine, Robert Francis 1000 Ir\vin, W 50') Italy. Laws, statutes, etc 1021-1023 Ministero di agricoltura, indus- tria e commercio 145, 1024, 1025 UJJido del lavoro 146 Jackson, Russell 418e, 418f Jackson, Thomas Chalice 927 Jacquoy, J 702 Jagwitz, I'Mtz von 81a Jahrbuch der Arbeiterversichening 831a Jay, Raoul 1128 Jenkins, John J 363, 364 Jenny, O. II 1129 Johnson, Hiram W 192 Joint conference of the central labor bodies of the city of New York. . 248 Joint legislative committee of labor organizations 249 Josserand, Louis 39 Jourdain, Ren6 52 Journal of political economy 10 Joyce, Joseph A 250 Judson, F. M 252 Kaan, Julius 53, 54 Kaff, Sigmund 616 Kane, Matthew J 554 Kansas. Bureau of labor and in- dustrij 251-253 Governor 254 Laws, statutes, etc 255-256 Kansas state federation of labor. . . 249 Kaufmann 1130 Keidel, J 793 Keller, Octave. . . ." 52 Keelor, R. S 453a Kelley, Mrs. Florence 24 Kelly, Richard J 928 Keppen, Alexis de 53, 54 Kerdijk, A 118 Kerr, William Dunton 82 Kestner, Fritz 833 Kingsley, Darwin P 92 Kingsley, Sherman C 257, 531 Kirchberg, Ernst 834 Klein, G. A 794, 795, 802-804 Klettenhofer, Alois 54 Knebel-Doeberitz, Hugo von 789 Knibbs, G. II 27 Knocker, Douglas 892 Knox. Philander C 378 Kob^4atzky, Alexis de 54 Kobke, von 881 Koechlin, Ch 1131 Kogler, Karl 54, 56-58, 617 Kohler 835 Kohl, Hans 836, 837 Kooperberg 1048 Krone, Charles F 520 Kulka, M 53 Kummer, J.J 53 Labatt, Charles Bagot 258 Lacombe 82a Lacroix, Audr6 703 Landmann, Julius 1132 Lang, Otto 1133 Lange, Ernst 838 Larroque, Vidian 704 Lass, Ludwig 58, 794-796, 839, 840 Latka, Rudolf 618, 841 Lattimore, Florence 259 Lavergne, Alexandre de 1134 Law, Frank E 83 Lawyers' reports annotated 260, 261 Layer, Max 58 Leblanc, Leon 1062 Lederer, Emil 619 Lee, George A 405 Lehmann, R 822 Le Marquand, H 705 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 706 Lescohier, Don Divance. 11, 262, 292, 568 Lesser, Ernest 842 Leval, G. de 648 Levy, Daniel 969 Lcwiuski-Corwin, Edward Henry. 649 Lewis, Frank Wesley 263, 475 Lewis, W. D 24 Libani, A 1030 Lightiier, Clarence A 437, 484 Lindsay, Samuel McCune... 24,385,563 Lindstedt, And 1099 Lippert, P 38, 42 Lodge, Henry Cabot 371 Lom^nie, de 734, 735 Londonderry, Theresa 929 Lorenz, M. O 264, 482 Losseau, L6on 12 Lott, Edson S 587 Louis, Paul 84 Low, A. Maurice 278, 452, 930 Lowell, J. A 24 Lucci, Arnaldo 57 Luxemburg. Laws, statutes, etc. . . 1039- 1042 AUTHOE INDEX 185 Luzzatti, Luigi 52, 54 Lynn, Henry 917 Macalester-Loup R 58, 1049, 1050 McBride, Richard 982 McCrea, Roswell C 383 McEwen, W. E 92,262,295 McGovern, Francis E 413 McGrath, Tom J 295 McKitrick, Reuben 13, 265 McLean, Francis H 266, 454 McReynolds, James Clark 391 McSwain, J. J 441 MacVeagh, F 24 McWilliams, Robert L 489 Magaldi, Vincenzo 54-56, 58 Maine. Bureau of industrial and labor statistics 267, 268 Laws, statutes, etc 269 Maine state bar association 110 Maingie, Louis 55, 57 Mame 733 Manchester statistical society 894 Manes, Alfred * 14, 85-88, 270, 447, 650, 789, 831, 843, 844, 931, 970, 970a, 1001, 1002, 1135 Manitoba. Commission on work- men's compensation 988a Laws, statutes, etc 989 Marestaing, Ilippolyte 52, 56 Marie, Leon 55 Marschner, Robert 636 Marshall, Louis 564 Martin, W. A 271, 272 Maryland. Bureau of statistics and information 273 Laws, statutes, etc 274 Massachusetts. Bureau of labor statistics 15 Bureau of statistics 66, 151 Commission on compensation for industrial accidents. 275-277 Committee on relations between employer and employee 278 General court. House of repre- sentatives. Committee on the judiciary 280 Joint committee on the judiciary 279 Laws, statutes, etc 281-284 Supreme judicial court .... 285, p. vii Masse, Daniel 707, 708 Mavor, James 16, 932 May, John 58 Mayer, Adolf 1050a 18984°— 11 13 Mayi', Georg von 54 Mayrhofer, Ernst 620 Mazzanti, F 1030 Mechem, Floyd R 286, 495, 505 Megaarden, Theodor 287 Mehaffy, T. M 179a, 179b Meldrim, Peter W 89 Melville, Sackett & Calvert 204 Memor .- 709 Menzel, Adolf 58, 621 Mercer, Hugh Victor 92, 288-290, 293, 295 Merriwether, Lee 296 Meyer, B. H 383 Meyer, Hugo 845 Miaskowski, A. von 17 Michel, Jules 90 Mignault, P. B 91 Miles, John E 291 Minnesota. Bureau of labor, in- dustries and commerce 11, 262, 292 Employees' compens. comm . 293 Laws, statutes, etc 294 Minnesota academy of social sciences 295 Minnesota state bar association. . 191, 290 Mirman, L 682, 683, 710 Missouri. Bureau of labor statistics. 296 Commission on employers'' lia- bility 297 Governor 297 Mitchell, John 24, 298, 536, 589 Moll, Theophilus John 299 Moncrieff, Alex 933 Mond, Alfred 846 Monnier, A 934 Montana. Attorney general' s office . 305a Auditor's office 300 Bureau of agriculture, labor, and industry 301 Insurance department 302 Laws, statutes, etc 303, 304 Supreme court p. vii Moon, R. 369 Moore, E. Allen 206 Moore, W. F 306 Moran, P. G 333 Moran, William J 307 Morgan, William G 584 Morton, T. Mercer 339a Moseley, Edward A 92, 470 Moser, Christian 54, 57 Moulton, W. H 92 Mourral, Amedee 711 186 AUTHOR INDEX MUhlbrecht, Otto 17a Mullcr, Paul 847 Murdock, J. B 92 Nagel, C 24 Nam^che, L6on 651 Na.«h, Vaughan 935 Nassc, Envin 118 National association of manufac- turers 105, 346, 501, 567 National civic federation 92, 184, 225, 298, 307-309, 328, 336, 349, 418g National conference on workmen's compensation for industrial ac- cidents 310 National lumber manufactiurers' association 223 Nearing, Scott 31 1 Nebraska. Bureau of labor and in- dustrial statistics 153 Laws, statutes, etc 312 Ncill, Charles P 24, 117, 358 Netherlands. Central bureau voor de statistiek 154 Laivs, statutes, etc 1050b, 1051 Neuman, H 56, 58, 1043 Nevada. Laws, statutes, etc 313,314 Nevin, A. Parker 526 New Brunswick. Laws, statutes, etc ■- . . 990-992 New Hampshire. Governor 315 Laws, statutes, etc 316, 317 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries 93, 318 Court of common pleas (Essex Co.) 321a Employers' liability commission 319 Laws, statutes, etc 320, 321 New South M'ales. Laws, statutes, etc 971-973 New York (Stale) . Bureau of labor statistics 94, 322, 323, 325 Commission on employers' lia- bility 92,323 Court of appeals 328, p. vii Department of labor 95, 155, 93G Lajvs, statutes, etc 324, 325 New York s tate 1 >ar association . . 216, 326 New York. State library 327 New Zealand. Department of labor . 156 Government insurance depart- ment 1003 Laws, statutes, etc 1004 New Zealand . Court of arbitration under the workers' compensa- tion for accidents act, 1900 1005 Newberry, Arthur St. John 96 Newcomb, R. B ' 334, 438 Nichols, W. S 24 Nido y Torres, Manuel del 1113 Nolens, W. H 1052 Nordisk arbejderforsikringsm0de. . 1086 Norway. Lau's, statutes, etc.. 1087-1090 Biksforsikringsanstalten . . 1091-1093 Nourrisson, Paul 734 Nova Scotia. Laws, statutes, etc. . 993 Oefele, Franz Xaver 787 Osterreichisches Jahrbuch der Ar- beiterversicherung 622 Ohio. Bureau of labor statistics .. . 157 Employers' liability commis- sion 329,330 Laws, statutes, etc 331-333 Supreme court p. vii Ohio state bar association 70, 334 Oliver, Thomas 937 011ivier,G 712 Olmsted, Victor 11 97 Ontario. Laws, statutes, etc 994 Legislative assembly 16, 932 Oppenheimer, Sir Francis 848 Oppenheimer, ^lary S 424 Oregon. Laus, statutes, etc 335 Oregon state bar association 421 Osgood , Irene . See Andrews , Irene Osgood Paasche, H 849 Pace, Anton 620 Packer, Launcelot 24, 92, 183, 336, 487, 938, p. viii Page, Paul E 399 Pagot, E 652,713-721 Palombi, Virgilio 1031 Pangborn, J. G 92 Pap, Geza 98 Parker 368 Parker, Lewis W. W 92 Parkinson, Thomas 1 544, 55G Parmele, George II 582 Parry, Edward Abbott 939 Parsons, Albert 940 Pascaud, H 722 Pateri, Giovanni 1026 Paulet, Georges 56, 58 Paulian, Louis 99 Peck, Epaphroditus. 483 AUTHOR INDEX 187 Pennsylvania. Bureau of indus- trial statistics 18G, 337, 338 "Pennsylvania bar association 339 Petersen 118 Peyrot, J. B 1054 Pfleghart, Adolf 1136 Phelps, Edward Bunnell 342 Philippine Islands. Bur. of labor. 342a Phillips, Cyrus W 527 Piacentini, P 1030 Pic, Paul Jules Victor 100, 723, 724 Picard, Roger 724a Piez, Charles 239 Piloty, Robert Ferdinand 850, 851 Pinkus, Norbert 852 Pinon, H 725 Piorkowski, A. E 92 Podesti, G 1030 Poore, J. A 305, 305a Press, A 56 Preston, Harold 405 Pribram, Otto 57 Prins, A 55- Profumo, L. G 101,1027 Provand, A. D 941,942 Prussia. Ministerium fiir Handel, Gewerbe, undbffentliche Arbeiten. 853 Quackenbush, J. L 437 Quebec (Province). Commission on labor accidents 995, 999 Laws, statutes, etc 996, 997 Queensland. Laws, statutes, etc. . . 974 Rabeling, W 822 Rameri, Silvio 1028 Ramsey, F. W 92 Randa, A 118 Randolph, Carman F 571b Raynaud, B 726 Redden, F. A. C 946 Redenbacher, Wilhelm 850 Redfem, J. N 92 Reed, David A 341 Reed, Smith, Shaw & Beal 340, 341 Reeve, Arthur B 446, 497 Reeves, William Pember 975, 1006 Renard, Ch 675, 727 Reno, Conrad 343, 344 Renouard, Alfred 102, 728 Rest, M. van der 118 Reynolds. J. B 24 Reynolds, John M 345 RejTiolds, P. B p. vrii Reynolds, Sim 560 Ricard 52 Rist, Charles Ill Bobbins, Edward D 208 Roberts, Walworth Howland 943 Robertson, C. D 334 Robertson, S. S 339a Rochetin, Eugene 734 Rodd, Rennell 810 Roddick, R. M. M 944, 945 Roe, A. A 249 Romalo, Alphonse 58 Romme, R 854 Ronchamp, E. de 624, 855 Roodenbeke, Baron de 733 Roosevelt, Theodore 390, 566 Root, Elihu 92 Rose, Uriah M 179c, 179d Rosenfeld, Henry L 346 Rosin. Heinrich 856-859 Ross, David 347, 494 Roth, Paul 637 Roux, Roger. 729 Rouxel 103 Rubinow, I. M 1061 Ruegg, Alfred Henry. . . 892, 946, 947, 966 Russia. Laws, statutes, etc 1062, 1063 Rycx, Leon 55 Sabath, Adolph J 251, 348 Sachet, Adrien 730 Sainte-Claire Deville, Edouard 104 St. Moesle 822 Saito, Kashiro .• 1037 Saleilles 735 Salomon, Charles 1062 Salvatore, Alfredo 1029 Samuel, Herbert 909 Sanborn, A. W 415, 417, p. viii Saunders, Amos T 205,279 Saunders, S . A 572 Sauteiron de Saint-Clement, Charles de 57 Sauzet, Marc 731 Schaffner, Margaret A 422a, 478 Schaper, William A 295 Schiele 860 Schiff, Walter 625 Schjoll, Oscar 55, 1094 Schmid 881 Schmidt, Robert 861 Schooling, John Holt 948 Schram, Louis B 24, 92 Schroeder, Theodore 469 Schroeter, Jacob 1064 188 AUTHOR INDEX Schuler, Dr 53 Schumacher, Arthur 418 Schumacher, Frank II 418 Sch Weill man, Ferdinand Charles.. 24, 105, 514, 543, 557, 564, 567, 576, 583 Schweizerisches Arbeitersekreta- riaf , Zijrich 1137 Seager, Henry Rogers 106, 564 Seeler, N . von 1065 Seltaam, Ferdinand 626 Senhouse,RobertMetcalfeMinton . 892, 949, 950, 906 Serini, II 500,513,862 Servia. Laws, statutes, etc 1 108 Shadwell, Arthur 107 Shaw, CecilE 884 Sherman, P. Tec umseh 24, 349, 480a, 552, 559, 564 Siefart, Hugo 862a Sigg, Jean 1138 Silvestri, Odoardo 1018 Sinceny, P 732 Skahan, James 249, 353 Skarynski, Louis 58 Slater, Samuel S 168, 169 Slofemaker, A 1055 Smith, Burton 490 Smith, Charles ^lanley 951 Smith, Sion B 108 Smith, W. G 24 Snow, Alpheus II 109, 548 Societd degli ingegneri e degli ar- chitetti italiani 1030 Soci6t6 d'6conomie sociale 733 South Australia. Laivs, statutes, etc 976-978 South Dakota. Laws, statutes, etc. 350 Souvaire-Jourdan, F Ill Spain. Instilitto de reformas so- ciales 18, 161, 1114-1119 Laws, statutes, etc 1120 Spiecker, D 832 Sprega, Annibale 103 1 Spyers, T. G 952 Stadthagen, Arthur : 863 Stammhammer, Josef 18a Stansfield, Joseph J. H 953 State bar association of Indiana. . . 9, 77,89,231,551,352 State bar association of Utah 398 State society of labor and industry, Kansas 235, 249, 353 Steiger, Edmund von 58 Sterling, Henry 278 Sterling, John A 367, 368 Stieda, Wilhelm 736 Stiegler 881 Stier-Somlo, Fritz 865 Stimson, Frederic J 959 Stoff, Alexandre 58, 1066 Stone, Duke 581 Street, Robert Gould 354 Streeter, Frank S 110 Stronach, Alexander 355 Strong, William R 954 Stryk, Gustav 1067 Stubbs, W. R 254 Sutherland, George 381-382a, p. viii Swan, C. H 24 Sweden . Arhetareforsakringskomi- ten 1099 Kommerskollegium 163, 1100 Laws, statutes, etc 1101-1104 Riksforsakringsanstalten. . . 1105, 1106 Switzerland. Bundesversammlnng 1139 Laws, statutes, etc 1140-1142 Sym, John David 955 Szdnto, Menyhdrt 638 Szterenyi, Joseph 58 Tanner, W. V 405 Tarbouriech, Ernest 19, 39, 111, 735 Taussig, Frank W 867 Taylor, Orla 437 Taylor, Washington Irving 112 Tennessee. Governor 356 Thomson, R. T 956 Thornton, William \Mieeler 357,492 Thurber, Raymond I) 477 Towne, Henry R 92 Tozer, William H 957 Transvaal. Laws, statutes, etc 1009a Trap 1084 Tregear, Edward 1007 Trutzer, K 793 Tynan, Leonard J 571a Umpherston, Francis Albert 958 United States. Bureau of foreign comvierce 113, 700 Bureau of labor 20, 97, 114-117, 164, 226, 358-300, 626a, 652a, 736a, 868, 868a, 958a, 1031a, 1067a, 1084a, 1094a, 1106a, 1120a Congress. Bills 360a House 361-362 Committee on the judi- ciary 363-369 AUTHOR INDEX 189 United States. Congress — Contd. Senate 370-372 Committee on claims 373 Committee on education and labor 374 Committee on interstate commerce 375, 376 Committee on the judici- ary 377-379 Department of justice 210, 226a, 392-394 Employers^ liability and worh- m,en^s compensation commis- sion 380-382a, p. vii, viii Industrial commission. . . 383-386, 959 Interstate commerce commis- sion 165, 256a, 387 Laws, statutes, etc 388, 389 Library of Congress 21, 748 President 390 Supreme court 179e, 395, p. viii Utah. State bar association: See State bar association of Utah Vacher, L 869 Valery , Jules 423 Vance, William R 432 Van Overbergh, Cyr 55 Venable, William Mayo 577 Verein f iir Socialpolitik 118 Verge, Charles 697 Verhaegen, Arthur 55 Verkauf , Leo 627-629, 639 Vermeersch, Arthur 653 Vermont. Laws, statutes, etc 396 Vermot, Edouard 55 Vespignani, F 1030 Villani, Gaetano 56 Villari, Pasquale 119,1032 Vincentiis, Giorgio de 1031, 1033 Virgilii, Filippo 1034 Virginia. Bureau of labor and in- dustrial statistics 397 Virginia. State library 22 Vismara, Charles 57 Voss, George A 323 Wagner, M.*. 870 Wainwright, J. M 24 Waldschmidt, J 57 Walker, W. S 450 Wallace, George 943 Wallace, William, jr 305, 305b Walton, E. A 398 Walton, F. P 545 Wambaugh, Eugene 591 Wamsley, A. W 959a Warner, Roger S 436 Washington (State). Attorney-gen- eral 's office 405 Employers' liability commis- sion 399 Laws, statutes, etc 400-^02 Supreme court p. viii Watrous, P. J 511 Watson, Emile E 330 Weber, Adna F 121, 406, 428 Weber, Gustavus A 57 Wegenast, F. W 987, 999a Welche 733 Wenck, Martin 872 Weinrich, Alfred von 871 Werner, Percy 437 West, Roy 437 West, Thomas D 457, 462 West Virginia. Bureau of labor. . 201 Employers' liability comm p. viii West Virginia state bar association. 178 Western Australia. Laws, statutes, etc 979-981 Westergaard, H 1075 Westerouen van Meeteren, W 53, 54 Weyl, Richard 873 Wlieeler, Everett P 328a, 499 Whitin, Ernest Stagg 407 Whiting, J. H 118 Whittelsey, Sarah Scovill 408 Wickersham, George W 210, 226a Wigmore, John H 540 Williams, Arthur 92 Williams, J. E 179a Williams, J. M 504 Williams, John 323 Willis, W. Addington 916 Willoughby, William Franklin 23, 122, 425 Wilson, Mona 960 Wilton, G. W 961 Winslow, John Bradley 419 Winston, Garrard B 440 Wisconsin. Attorney general's de- partment 409, 418e, 418f Bureau of labor and industrial statistics 82, 410, 411 Governor 412, 413 Industrial accident board . . . 415, 418g Industrial commission. 222, 418g, 419 Laivs, statutes, etc 414-416 Legislature. Special committee on indust. insurance 417, 418g, p.viii Library commission. Legisla- tive reference department 13, 265 190 AUTHOR INDEX Wisconsin. Supreme Court 419, p. ix Wisconsin. University. Political science department 13, 265 Wiskott, Max 874 Wissell, Rudolf 875 Wodon, Louis 56, 58, 654 Woedtko, Erich von 876 Wolff, Uenry W. . . 123, 124, 877, 962, 963 Workmen's compensation service and information bureau. New York 772 Wright, Carroll D 53, 56, 278, 360, 420, 868 Wright, George E 421 Wyss, F. V 118 Zacher, Georg 56, 57, 125, 125a, 126, 233, 630, 631, 640, 655, 737, 738, 797, 799, 800, 878, 879, 967, 970, 1001, 1035, 1036, 1044, 1057, 1065, 1072, 1085, 1095, 1107, 1121, 1143 SUBJECT INDEX [The arabic numbers refer to items, not to pages.] Accident causes 323,326 Accident classification 56 Accident definitions 52, 783 Accident prevention 24, 92, 105, 106, 148, 262, 323, 457 Bibliography 1, 7 See also Safety devices; also under names of countries Accident reports: See also under names op countries Accident statistics 48, 52 Bibliography 1 See also Statistics under names of countries Accident valuations: See also under names of countries Accidents, industrial: Bibliography 3, 4, 4a, 7 Agriculture and employers' LIABILITY » . . . 82a See also Farm laborers un- der names of countries Alabama 167, 214, 344 Alberta 116, 981a Aluminum company of America (case) 179a-179e Argentine Republic 130 Arizona 179 Arkansas 179a-179e Australia 27, 58, 968-981, 1001, 1002, 1006 Bibliography 970a, 1002 Seamen 968 See also New South Wales, Queensland, South Aus- tralia, Western Austra- lia Austria 25, 27, 50, 53, 54, 56-58, 77a 87, 94, 101, 115, 117, 118, 126, 131a, 159, 592-631, 687, 841, 855 Bibliography 605, 614, 626a, 627, 630, 631, 640 Cost of industrial insurance .. . 612 Farm laborers 609, 776 Health insurance 131a, 595, 607, 608, 615, 626 Laws and legislation 115, 116, 615, 626, 626a Old-age pensions 607, 615 Statistics 596, 600, 606, 608, 631, 687, 879 See also Bohemia, Hungary, Moravia, Silesia Babcock, Bessie (case) . 391-394, p. viii Babcock, Ora L. (case) 391, 393 Belgium 25, 50, 53, 56-58, 118, 132, 641-655, 721 Accident prevention 56 Bibliography 649-651, 652a, 655 Laws and legislation 115-117, 641, 642, 652a, 653 Bibliography 1-23, 50, 100, 111, 117, 122, 125, 262, 351, 844 Bohemia 603, 604 Brinkmeier, Henry (case) 256a British colonies: See Great Britain : Colonies British Columbia 115, 116, 982, 983 Burgess, W. E. (case) 403 California 193-196, 203, 220, 546 Canada 133, 896, 900, 946, 951, 981a, 982-999, 999a See also Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec Cape of Good Hope. 115, 116, 1008, 1009 191 192 SUBJECT INDEX Carnegie steel company (case). 339a, 340, 341 Caspar, Kate (case) 253 Causes of industrial acci- dents: See Accident causes Central of Georgia railway COMPANY (case) 226a Children's institutions and industrial accidents 259 Chile 134 Classification of accidents: See Accident classification Classification of risks: See Risks, classification of Clausen, C. W. (case).. 403^05, p. viii Cleveland foundry company. . 92 Coefficients of risks: See Risks, coefficients of Colorado 204, 214, 344 Connecticut 206-209, 209a, 221 Consolidated gas company of New York 92 Constitutionality of employ- •ers' liability legislation 210, 392, 394, 395, 409, 440, 441, 444, 445, 469, 474, 538, p. viii Constitutionality of work- men's COMPENSATION LEGIS- LATION 24, 92, 197, 199, 208, 209, 209a, 226a, 228, 288, 328, 403-405, 480a, 529, 550, 561, 566, 570, 578, 591, p. vii-ix Contributory negligence: See Negligence, contribu- tory Cost of accident insurance... 52 Cost of employers' llability insurance 60 See also under names of countries Cost of industrial accidents.. 322, 323, 479 Cuyahoga County, Ohio 330 Dahl, Andrew II. (case) 418c- 418d,418f Davis, Willla-M L. (case) 403 Davis-Smith company (case). . . 403-405, p. VIII Definitions of industrial acci- dents: See Accident definitions Denmark 25, 50, 53, 94, 101, 117, 1075-1085 Bibliojrraphy 1085 Denmark — Continued. Farm laborers 1079, 1084 . Fishermen 1076, 1077, 1081, 1083 Laws and legislation 115, 110. 1081-1084, 1084a Seamen 1080 Dise.\ses of occupation: See OcCUP.\TIONAL DISfE.\SES Earning power, loss of 824,802a Europe 20, 24, 33, 35, 30, 50, 57, 63, 69, 73, 79, 101, 105, 125, 189, 267, 323, 808 Accident prevention 105, 113 Bibliography 20 Employment oflices 323 Exagger.\tion of accidents: See Misrepresentation and exaggeration of acci- dents Eye injuries 886 Falk company (case) 418, 418a,418b,418e,419, p. IX Feder.^l vs. state legislation: See State vs. feder.^l legis- lation Fellow-servant doctrine 71, 296, 385. 423, 558 Filer & Stowell company (case). 418c, 418d,418f,418g Finland 27, 50, 58. 94, 137, 1068-1072, 1075 Bibliography 1072 Laws and legislation J J 5, 116, 1069-1071 Seamen 107 1 Statistics 1068, 1074 Foreign workmen, st.a.tus of. . . 36a, 58,73 See aho Intern.\tional ac- tion; also UNDER NAMES OF countries France 19, 26, 27, 50-53, 55, 50, 58, 74, 94, 101, 102. Ill, 117, 118, 138, 656-739, 922 Accident prevention 131 Bibliography 12, 111, 657, 666, 669, 077, 687, 693, 736a, 737 Court decisions 687, 717, 718 Farm laborcM's 658, 714, 732 Health insiiraiKc 74 Laws and legislation 19, 115, 116, 673, 687-690, 707, 708, 711, 736a, 1109 Miners 680, 694, 095, 811 SUBJECT INDEX 193 France — Continued . Old-age pensions 74 Prison accidents 729 Railway employees 669 Seamen 675, 705 Statistics 687 Status of foreign workmen 726 Unemployment insurance 74 Frear, James A. (case). 418c,418d, 418f Georgia 226a Germany 14, 25-27, 50, 52, 53, 55-58, 75, 77a, 86, 87, 92, 94, 101, 105, 107, 117, 118, 126, 129, 139, 141, 147, 149, 152, 607, 618, 624, . 740-881, 999a, 1068, p. vii, viii Accident prevention . . . 105, 794, 795 Bibliography 6a, 14, 17, 631, 757, 759, 761, 773, 825, 831, 843, 844, 852, 862a, 865, 868a, 873, 932 Cost of accident insurance 769 Cost of industrial insurance. . . 778, 779, 813, 827 Coot of mine accidents 815 Court derisions 782, 784 Farm laborers 609, 687, 758, 775, 776, 793, 837a Foresters 793 Health insurance 2, 53, 129, 607, 608, 757, 773, 774, 793, 801, 806, 832, 850, 858, 863, 865, 873 Laws and legislation 115, 116, 757, 78-5-793, 850, 863, 868a, 938, 1109 Medical treatment 743 Miners 694, 811, 815 Old-age pensions 53, 607, 757, 858, 873 Poor relief and industrial in- surance 814 Printers 874 Public health and industrial insurance 794, 795 Seamen 777, 810, 823 Statistics.- 140, 606, 608, 631, 751, 794, 802-805, 808, 816, 864, 869, 879, 1068, 1074 Status of foreign workmen 839 Great Britain. . 15, 25, 26, 50, 54, 55, 92, 94, 101, 105, 107, 117, 118, 142, 214, 882-967, 988, 999a, p. via Accident prevention 105, 323 Accident valuations 945 Bibliography 16, 958a, 967 Great Brit.\in — Continued. Colonies 50, 968-1009a See also Australia, Canada, New Zeal.\nd, South Africa Cost of industrial insurance. . . 904 Cost of workmen's compensa- tion 905 Court decisions 892, 950, 966 Employers' liability insurance companies 906, 912, 944, 945 Health insurance 909 Laws and legislation 115, 116, 183, 278, 344, 884, 889, 897, 902, 911-917, 924, 946, 958a, 1109 Medical ser\ace 965 Postal employees 897, 921 Railway employees 882 Seamen 928 Statistics 15, 908 Greece 115, 116, 1010 Health insurance 31,53-55,74,106 Bibliography 6 See also under names of countries Holland: See Netherlands HoxiE, William H. (case) 207-209 Hungary 25, 27, 50, 58, 632-640 Health insurance 633, 634 Laws and legislation. . . 115, 116, 634 See also Austria. Iceland 1075 Illinois 203, 230, 238-243, 466, 540, 546, 552, 559 Indiana 214, 244, 245, 344, 351, 352 Industrial diseases: See Occupational diseases International action 30,36a, 58, 98, 692, 696, 922, 1042, 1098 See also Foreign workmen, status of International union of united brewery workmen op Amer- ica 342 Invalidity insurance: See Health insurance Iowa 213 Italy 25-27, 50, 53-58, 94, 101, 117,145,146,158,1011-1036 Accident prevention 1013 Bibliography 1031a, 1035, 1036 Building trades 57 194 SUBJECT INDEX Italy — Continued. I'^arm lahorors 1019 Laws and lejrislation 115,110, 1013, 1021-1023, 1026 1028, 1029, 1031a, 1109 Seamen 1025 Statistics 1013, 1025 See also Sicily Ives, Earl (case) 328a, p. vii Japan 1037 Kansas 203, 251-256, 256a, 353, 546 Laws and legislation 24a, 31,114,115,117,183,910 Bibliography 15 See also under names of countries Lewin, William 253 Luxemburg . . 56, 58, 115, 116, 1038-1044 Bibliography 1044 Farm laborers 1038, 1043 Maine 267-269,407 Manitoba 988, 988a Maryland 203, 246, 273, 274, 429-431, 546 Massachusetts 24, 92, 151, 203, 214, 275-285, 344, 408, 546, 552, 559, p. vii Medical service 32,51,56,87, 158, 503, 661, 687, 709, 716, 743, 938 See also under names of countries Mexico 1045 Milwaukee 418c, 418d Mine accidents 52 Minnesota 11, 203, 262, 289, 290, 292-294, 546, 552, 559, 568 Misrepresentation and exag- geration OF accidents 764, 875 Missouri 296, 297 Missouri Pacific railway com- pany (case) 256a Mondou, Edgar G. (case) 208, 209,210,391,p. viii Montana 189, 203, 300-305, 305a, 305b, 546, p. vii Mora VIA 54 National association op manu- facturers 514 National civic federation 528 Neacy, Thomas J. (case) 418c, 418d,418f Nebraska 153,312 Negligence, contributory 236,581 Netherlands 27, 50, 53, 56, 58, 118, 154, 1046-1057 Bibliography 1046, 1047, 1057 Netherlands — Continued. Farm laborers lO.'jOa Laws and legislat ion 1 15, 116, 1050, 1050b,1051, 1054 Nevada 313, 314 New Brunswick 990-992 New Hampshire 203,315-317,546 New Jersey 24, 93, 203, 237, 318-321, 321a, 546, 552, 559, 571a New South Wales... 116,969,971-973 New York (State).. 24,94,155,168,169, 189, 190, 198, 203, 214, 266, 322- 326, 328, 328a, 344, 453, 454,477, 504, 507, 525, 526, 529, 546, 550, 551, 561, 564, 571-573, 586, p. vii New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad company. 207- 210, 391, 394, p. VIII New Zealand 115, 116, 156, 975, 1000-1007 Bibliography 970a Newark district telegraph com- p.\N y (case) 321a Northern Pacific railway com- pany (case) 391-394, p. viii Northwestern improvement company (case) 305, p. vii Norway 25, 50, 53, 55, 94, 117, 150, 1068, 1075, 1086-1095 Bibliography 1094a, 1095 Fishermen 1089, 1090, 1092 Laws and legislation 115, 116, 1087-1090, 1094a Seamen 1088 Statistics 1068, 1074, 1092, 1093 Nova Scotia 993 Occupational diseases 2, 55, 135, 411, 687, 698, 703, 884 Bibliography 1 Ohio 157, 203, 329-334, 478, 546, 552, 559, 575, p. vii See also Cuyahoga County Old-age pensions 2, 74, 106 Bibliography 6 See also under names of cou.vtries Ontario 16, 932, 987, 994 Oregon 335 Pennsylvania 186, 214, 337-341, 461 Philippine Islands 342a Portugal 50 Prevention of accidents: See Accident prevention Preve.ntion of sickness: See Sickness prevention SUBJECT INDEX 195 Prevention of unemployment: See Unemployment prevention Professional risk: See Risk, professional Quebec 116, 99a-999 Queensland 115, 116, 974 Railroad accidents 52, 56, 422a See also under names of COUNTRIES Ramsey, George H. (case)... 179a-179e Read, Walter (case). . . . 418c, 418d, 418f Risk, professional 52, 100, 545, 580, 612, 647, 687, 693, 735, 779 Risks, classification of 52 Risks, coefficients of 601, 742 Rumania 58, 1058 Russia' 25, 50, 53, 54, 56, 58, 117, 1059-1067, 1067a, 1068-1072 Bibliography 1065, 1067a Laws and legislation 115, 116, 1061-1063, 1067a See also Finland Safety devices 24 See also Accident prevention Scandinavian countries 27, 52, 1074-1107 See also Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Swe- den Servia 1108 Sexton, Floyd (case) 321a Sexton, Lizzie Alida (case) 321a Shipowners 68 See also Seamen under names op countries Sicily 56,57,1012 Sickness insurance: See Health insurance Sickness prevention 106 Silesia (Austria) 54 Smith, Mrs. O. F. L. (case) 403 South Africa 1008, 1009, 1009a See also Cape of Good Hope; Transvaaj, South Australia. 115, 116, 976-978, 1006 South Buffalo railway com- pany (case) 328a, p. vii South Dakota 350 Spain 18, 26, 50, 53, 54, 58, 94, 117, 161, 1109-1121 BiLliography 18, 1118, 1119, 1120a, 1121 Court decisions 1113, 1114 Spain — Continued . Laws and legislation 115, 116, 1109, 1111, 1113, 1117, 1119, 1120, 1120a State vs. federal legislation . . 92 Statistics of accident insur- ance 54 See also Statistics, under NAMES OF countries Statistics of accidents: See Accident statistics Sweden 25, 50, 53, 57, 58, 77a, 117, 163, 1068, 1075, 1096-] 107 Bibliography 1106a, 1107 Cost of industrial insurance . . . 1099 Laws and legislation 115, 116, 1097, 1101-1104, 1106a Statistics 1068, 1074, 1099 Switzerland 25, 50, 53, 54, 57, 58, 87, 118, 1122-1143 Bibliography 1123, 1125, 1127, 1135, 1136, 1143 Court decisions 1126 Health insurance 54, 1122a, 1126, 1129, 1131, 1133, 1134, 1136-1142 Laws and legislation. 1125, 1139-1142 Railroad employees 1125 Soldiers 1140, 1141 Temperance movement and in- dustrial INSURANCE 57 Tennessee 356 Texas 354 Transvaal 1009a Unemployment INSURANCE 25, 27, 74, 106 See also under names op countries Unemployment prevention .... 106 United States 8, 24, 50. 56-58, 94, 107, 118, 127a, 128, 143, 162, 164-591, p. viii Accident prevention 24, 323, 376, 387 Accident reports 323 Bibliography 8, 233, 234, 270 Brewery employees 24, 342 Commissions on workmen's compensation 172 Court decisions.. . . 173, 174, 199, 236, 260, 261, 358, 385, 535, 538, 547, 553 196 SUBJECT INDEX r.MTKD States — Continued. Employment offices 323 Federal employer's liability law :.... 92,208, 210, 214, 22(ia, 357, 394, 395, 440, 441, 444, 459, 4G0, 4(i4, 467, 474, 489, 490, 492, 508, 541, p. viii Federal hours of service law. . 253 Federal safety appliance law. . 357 Laws and legislation 49, 53, 170-172,201,318,358, 359, 376, 388, 389, 546 Miners 24 Old-age pensions 92, 342 Railroad cMiipIoyees 24, 291, 422a, 442, p. VII JStatL^tics 24, p. VII Unemployment 323 United States steel corpora- tion 24,512 Vauago, George (case).. 339a, 340, 341 \'aluatiox of human mke 61 See also Great Britain: Acci- dent valuations Vermont 396 ViRGi.MA 397 W'aluo, Victoria (case) 226a Walsh, Mary Agnes (case).. 394, p. viii Washington (State) 203, 399^05, 546, 552, 559, p. viil West Virginia p. viii Western Australia J 15, 979-981 Wisconsin 203,409-^19, 476, 511, 546, 552, 559, p. viii, ix O s OUTMERN BRANCH, UNiVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, 7 ±0-4: ilU5em ^ 1911 U.S. Lll CTjy ^ ion of 13 lb 11 o_" ±s t. of r ef er ences )n employers' lia- Z "^v This book is DUE on the last stamped beloTV UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 495 257 V i .#• >^ -% \ s • n V # n