P A 3875 R3 1892b MAIN ^^f%is^ '.r^r^i Ir^f^/Tt^l i rw\r^ wmi /^A ,tef. WmSm&m - LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %eceived /^^^' iSqJZ. Accessions No. ^^/S'. Class No. I . Mx Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/batrachoiOOarisrich THE FROGS OF ARISTOPHANES Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY APISTO0ANOY2 BATPAXOI THE FROGS OF ARISTOPHANES ADAPTED FOR PERFORMANCE BY THE Oxford (ynivereifg ©tramafic §ocut^ 1892 WITH AN ENGLISH VERSION PARTLY ADAPTED FROM THAT OF J. HOOKHAM FRERE AND PARTLY WRITTEN FOR THE OCCASION D. G. HOGARTH AND A. D. GODLEY (Djcfox^: 116 ^t^g ^ixut London: HENRY FROWDE, Amen Corner, E.C. 4v elcoOoTOiv, 0) bi(n:oTa, €(f)^ ols ael yeX&a-Lv ol 6e(i>\xevoi ; AT. vj] Tov At' o Ti jSoAet ye, 'nkr]v TTiefo/xat, rovTo 6e (jyvXa^at' ttclw yap kcrr ijbr] axoX'q. HA. /xr;6' erepov acTT^lov ti ; AI. ttXtiv y\ ft)s 6kLJ3o[xai. HA. rt 8^r' eSet /xe ra{)ra ra a-Kevr] cjyepeLU, etirep TrotTJo-o) ixrjbev Sivnep ^pvvixos 610)^6 TTOulv Kttl AvKts Ka/xetx/rta?, o* aK€VO^opov(T kKacTTOT €V Kco/xwSta ,* AI. /x?i z;t;z; 7roLrj(Tr}s' O)? eyo) Oecofxevos, orav TL ToiJT(ov t&v o-ocfyia-fjidTaiv Xbo), irXeiv T] ^viavTc^ irpecr^vTepos a'T:ip\oixai. HA. o) TpiarKaKobaLjJiOiv ap 6 TpdxrjXos ovToal, OTL OXi^eTai fxeVf to 8e yikoiov ovk cpel. AT. etr' oiix {;/3pis raur' eort kol irokXr} Tpv^i], OT eyo) [ikv odv Atorucro?, vtoj ^TafjLviov, avTos ^abi^u) kol novia, tovtov d' o)(w, tya ju^ raA.at7ra)/)otro /xr;8' a^^os (|)epot ; THE FROGS ACT I. . SCENE I. Before the Temple of Heracles at Thebes. Enter Dionysus with Xanthias, riding on an ass, and carrying bundles. Xan. Master, shall I begin with the usual jokes That the audience always laugh at? Di. If you please ; Any joke you please except ' being overburdened ' ! Don't use it yet — we've time enough before us. Xan. Well, something else that 's comical and clever ? Di. I forbid being 'overpress'd and overburden'd.' Xan. What use then in my bearing all these bundles. If I 'm to be deprived of the common jokes That Phrynichus and Lycis and Ameipsias Allow the servants always in their comedies Without exception, when they carry bundles? Di. Pray, leave them off— for those ingenious sallies Have such an effect upon my health and spirits That I feel grown old and dull when I get home. Xan. It 's hard for me to suffer in my neck, To be ' overburden'd ' and debarr'd from joking ! Di. Well this is monstrous quite, and insupportable ! Such insolence in a servant ! When your master Is going afoot and has provided you With a beast to carry ye. 6 BATPAXOI. SA. ov yap (fyipo) 'yco; AL TT&s ; AI. 2;?/ Tov 'AttoAAoo. HP. Kar €yo^y €^7]yp6ixrjv, AI. Kttt brJT cTTt r^y z^ews avayiyvcacTKOVTi ptot T7]v ^ Avbpopibav Trpbs ipLavrov €^aLcf)vr]s 'ttoOos Tr]V Kapbiav eTrdra^e ttw? oUl (T(l>6bpa ; HP. TioOo's ; 7:6(703 ris ; AI. piiKpoSj rfhiKos MoAcor. HP. TTolos Tis, a)5eA^t8t02/ ; AI. ovK. e^o) . HP. rt ftovXopevos ; AI. biopai 7roir}TOv be^Lov. oi pev yap ovk^t elcrlv, ol HP. Tt 8' ; OVK ^lo(p&v Cl > THE FROGS. - 9 And the club with the women's sandals— altogether — What 's the meaning of it all ? Have you been abroad! Di. I have been aboard— m. the Fleet— with Cleisthenes. Her. You fought — ? Di. Yes, that we did— we gain'd a victory : And we sunk the enemies' ships — thirteen of 'em. Her. You two did that? Di. So help me, Apollo ! that we did ! Her. {ironically). So you woke at last and found it was a dream ? Di. But aboard the fleet, as I pursued my studies, I read the tragedy of Andromeda ; / And then such a violent passion struck my heart, / You can't imagine. Her. A small one, I suppose? , / My little fellow — a moderate little passion ?^_.,x''''"'^ Di. It 's just as small as Molon ^ is— that 's all. Her. Well, what was it like ? what kind of a thing ? what was it ? Di. I can't declare it at once ; but I '11 explain it Theatrically and enigmatically : Were you ever seized with a sudden passionate longing For a mess of porridge ? Her. Often enough, if that 's all. Di. Shall I state the matter to you plainly at once; Or put it circumlocutorily ? Her. Not about the porridge. I understand your instance. Di. Such is the passion that possesses me For poor Euripides — Her. That 's dead and gone ? Di. — and it 's all in vain people trying to dissuade me From going after him. Her. What, to the shades below ? Di. Yes, to the shades below, or the shades beneath 'em. Her. But what's your object? Di. Why, my object is That I want a clever poet — 'for the good Are gone, the worthless only are alive/^ Her. Is not lophon a good one ? — He 's alive, sure ? * An actor at Athens probably of gigantic stature. ^^^ OF THT5 '^t^ lo BATPAXOI. A I. TOVTO yap tol kol [xovov €T €(ttI Xolttov CLyaOov, el kol tovt apa' ov yap (rd(f)' ot6' ovb^ avro rovO^ ottcoj ^x^'* HP. etr' ov 2o^oKAea, irpoTepov ovt KvpLirCbov, /xeAAet? avdyetv, eXirep y eKeWev bei a dyeiv ; AI. ov, irpLV y av ^locjiStVT, diroXalBiov avrov fxoi'ov, aV€V ^0b(OVL(T(0. KaXAcos 6 flip y EvpL7Tib7]s, iiavovpyos cov, kKv ^vvaiTobpavaL bevp* kinyeLpria-eU [xoC 6 6* evKoXos ixkv kvOdb\ evKoXos 6' CKct. HP. ^AydOiiiv 8e tiov ^cttlv ; AI. aiToXiTrcav [x cmoi^eTai, dyaOos ttolt]ti]s Kal ttoOclvos toIs (f)ikoLs. HP. TTol yijs 6 Tkrjjxoiv ; AT. €S fJLaKCLpcctv €V(i)\Cav. HP. 6 5e BevoKXi-qs ; AI. i^oXoLTo vrj Aia. HP. UvedyyeXos bi ; HA. irepl iixov 8' ovbels Xoyos €T:LTpi^o\iivov rov uiixov ovTOial a(l)6bpa. HP. ovKOVv €T€p^ €(TT kvTavOa jieLpaKvXXia Tpayddbias iroLovvra irXeXv rj fjLVpia, KvpLTTibov ttXuv rj trra^to) XaXia-repa; AI. eTTt^vAAtSes ravr iarl Kal a-TMjxvXiJLaTaf XeXibovoiV ixova-eXa, Aa)/3T^rat rixyrjs, h (fypovba Oclttov, rjv piovov x^P^^ ^^l^lly yovLpLOv 8e iroirjTriv av ovx evpoLs en Cr]T&v aVf o(TTLs prjpLa yevvalov Aa/cot. HP. TTcSj yovip-ov ; A I. QibX yovLpioVf oa-TLS (^Qiy^erai TOLOVTOvl TL TTapaK€KLvbvV€Vp€VOVf aiOipa Atos Sco/xartoz^, rj \p6vov iioba, THE FROGS. \ I Di. If he 's a good one, he 's our only good one ; But it 's a question : I 'm in doubt about him. Her. There 's Sophocles : he 's older than Euripides — If you go so far for 'em, you'd best bring him. Di. No, first I'll try what lophon can do, Without his father, Sophocles, to assist him. — Besides, Euripides is a clever rascal ; A sharp contriving rogue that will make a shift To desert and steal away with me; the other Is an easy-minded soul, and always was. Her. Where 's Agathon ? Di. He 's gone and left me too. Regretted by his friends, a worthy poet— Her. Gone ! where, poor soul ? Di. To the banquets of the blest ! Her. But then you've Xenocles — Di. Yes, a plague upon him ! Her. Pythangelus too — Xan. {aside). But nobody thinks of me ; Standing all this while with the bundles on my shoulder. Her. But have you not other young ingenious youths That are fit to out-talk Euripides ten times over; To the amount of a thousand, at least, all writing tragedy— ? Di. They 're good for nothing — ' Warblers of the Grove ' ^ ' Little foolish fluttering things '—poor puny wretches. That dawdle and dangle about with the tragic muse ; Incapable of any serious meaning — — There's not one hearty poet amongst them all That 's fit to risk an adventurous valiant phrase. Her. How * hearty ' ? What do you mean by ' valiant phrases * ? Di. I mean a . . . kind . . . of a . . . doubtful bold expres- sion — To talk about . . . ' The viewless foot of Time ' — And . . . 'Zeus's secret chamber in the skies' — ^ Quotations from Euripides. 12 BATPAXOI. \ 7] (fypiva [Jilv ovk eOekovaav djixocrat Ka6^ Up&v, yku>TTav 8* iiriopK-qcraa-av Ihia ttjs (ppevos. HP. ore h€ TavT apia-Kei ; AI. jjiaXXa Trkelv rj [xaCvoixau HP. ^ pLTjv KOJSaXd y €(ttIv, wj Kal crol boKd. A I. [XT] Tov ifiov otKet vovv' €;)(€t? yap olKiav. HP. Ka\ p.j]v arexvcas ye 7Tapi7r6vr]pa (jyad'eraL. AT. huTiveiv [xe bChaa-Ke. HA. 7r€pl ifJLov 8' o{i§ets \6yos. AI. dAX' ojviTep €V€Ka Ti^vbe T-qv (TKevriv €\o)v ^KOov Kara arjv ixLpL7]arLV, tva /xot tovs ^ivovs Tovs (Tovs (fypdaetasj el beoifjLijv, otcrt av expcn t66\ rjVLK rjkOes eirl tov Kep/Sepov^ TOVTOvs (ppdaov ixoi, Xifxevas, dpT07T(6kLa, TTOpveff dvaTraijkas, iKTpoiras, KprjvaSi obovSi TTokeis, biaiTas, TravboKevrpias, ottov KOpeLS okiyiCTTOL. HA. 776/31 e\xov 8' ovbeis Aoyos. HP. w (Txerkie, TokpLrjo-eLS yap levai ; AI. Kat av ye pLTjbev en irpos ravr, dkka cjypd^e t&v ob&v OTTCDS To-xt'O'T dcpL^opieO^ els "Aibov Kara)* Kal pL'qre 6epp.y]V pirjT dyav ^vyjiav (fypdcrrjs. HP. (I)epe brj, tiv avTcov (tol (f)pd(Tu> iTpcoTrjv ; riva ; p,ia p,ev yap ea-riv duo Kdko) Kal Opaviov, KpejjLacravTL (ravTov. AI. TTave, TTVLyrjpav keyeis. HP. dkk* ecTTLV drpaiTos ^vvTOfjLos TerpipLfjievr}, fj bia dveCas. AT. apa Kcoveiov keyets ; HP. pLakLo-Ta ye, AT. yj/vxpdv ye Kal bva-^eiixepov' THE FROGS. 13 And about ... * a person's soul . . . not being perjured When . . . the tongue . . . forswears itself ... in spite of the soul.' Her. Do you like that kind of stuff? Di. I'm crazy after it. Her. Why, sure it 's trash and rubbish — Don't you think so ? Di, ' Men's fancies are their own — let mine alone ! ' Her. But in fact it seems to me quite bad — rank nonsense. Dj. You 'U tell me next what I ought to like for supper ! Xan. (aside). But nobody thinks of w^ herewith the bundles. Di. But now to the business that I came upon (With the apparel that you see, the same as yours), To obtain a direction from you to your friends (To apply to them — in case of anything — If anything should occur), the acquaintances That received you there the time you went before — For the business about Cerberus — if you 'd tell me The wharves, the public walks, the public houses, The fountains, aqueducts, and inns and taverns And lodgings — free from bugs and fleas, if possible. If you know any such — Xan. (aside). But nobody thinks of me. Her. What a notion ! You ! Will you risk it ? are ye mad ? Di. I beseech you say no more— no more of that ; But inform me briefly and plainly about my journey : The shortest road and the most convenient one. Her. Well, which shaH I tell ye first, now.? Let me see now — There's a good convenient road by the Rope and Noose ; The Hanging Road. Di. No ! that 's too close and stifling. Her. Then there's an easy, fair, well-beaten track As you go by the Pestle and Mortar — Di. What, the Hemlock? Her. To be sure. Di. That's much too cold— it will never do. 14 BATPAXOI. €vdvs yap cLTTOTTriyvvorL TavTiKvr\\xia. ovK av pahLo-aLfjiL ttjv ohbv TavTr]v, HP. Tt hat; AT. ^vTT€p (TV t6t€ KaTrjkOes* HP. aXV 6 TT/XoiJ? TToXus. €vdvs yap €7rt XCfjLvrjv ii€yaXi]v i^ffetj Trtirv A I. €tra irws itepaioaOria-op.ai ; HP. €r irXoiapiia tvvvovt(dC v av bir). ovTOL yap eyyvTara irap* avTi]v rrjv obov 6771 Toia-L TOV YlXovTOivos oIkovotlv Ovpais. KOL x^^P^ TToAA.', w8eA(^e. AI. vrj At Kat av ye vyiaive. crv 6e ra (TTpdfxaT avdts Xap.^av€. HA. -Trptz^ Kttt KaraOea-QaL ; AT. Kat ra^ecos /xeWot 7rdj;v. HA. /utr) St}^', tKere^^o) (r\ aWa ixLo-Qcoo-aC Tiva T&V €K(f)€pOlxiv(tiV, 0(TTLS CTTt TOVT ipX^TaL. AT. eav be /xr) '^o) ; HA. rore /u' aye ti'. AT. KaXcos A.e'yet5. ical yap tlv €K(\)ipov(n. tovtovI veKpov. ovTos, o-e Aeyo) fxevTOL, ae tov TeOvrjKOTa' av6p(0TT€, jSouAet a-KevapC ety "AtSoi; (f)€peiv ; NEKP02. TToV arra ; A I. raurt. NE. bvo bpaxP'OLs iiicrOov reAets ; A I. jota At', dAA' ekaTTov. NE. virdyeO^ ^/otet? r?)? 68oi>. AI. avdpL€LV0Vj a> baipiovC, kav ^vp-^St tl . HA. VT) Tov Yloo-eib&j kclo-tl y 6 Kdpoiv ovtoctL AI. x^V ^ XdpMV, X^V ^ Xapcoi;, x^V ^ Xctpcoz;. XA. rt? ets dvairavkas €k KaK5>v Kal irpayp.dToov ; TLs els TO ArfOrjs nehiov, rj 's ovov iroKas, 7} 's Kepl3€pLovs, ^ 's KopaKas, rj Vt Taivapov ; Al. eyw. XA. rax€a)s e/x^ati^e. Al. TTOt flrx»ia-eti; SoKets ; e? KopaKas ovTcas ; XA. z;at jia At a, o-oi; y' owcKa. qifiaivc brj. A I. TTttt, 8ei}/)0. XA. bovkov ovK ayo), et fXT) vevavp.cv)(y]Ke rt]v irepl tS>v Kpe&v. HA. /xa roz; At", ov yap dkk^ erv^ov o^OakixiStv. XA. ovKovv irepiOpi^u biJTa T7]v kipLV-qv kvkAu) ; HA. TTov biJT dvap.evS> ; XA. irapd tov Avaivov kiOov^ 67ri rats draTravAats. A I . jxavOdvcLS ; HA. TTOLVV fxavOdvo). oXp.oi KaKobaiiJL(i)Vf rw ^vviTV)(ov i^icav ; THE FROGS, 19 SCENE II. Hither shore of the Acherusian Lake. Dionysus and Xanthias appear on the shore and look out over the Lake. Charon's voice comes out of the darkness. Hoy ! Bear a hand there. Heave ashore ! Xan. What's this? Di. The Lake it is— the place he told us of. By Jove ! and there 's the boat— and here's old Charon. (Charon's boat comes out of the darkness to the shore.) Di. Well, Charon ! welcome, Charon ! welcome kindly ! Cha. Who wants the ferryman ? Anybody waiting To remove from the sorrows of life "i A passage, anybody ? To Lethe's Wharf? to Cerberus Reach? To Tartarus ? to Taenarus ? to Perdition ! Di. Yes L Cha. Get in then. Di. {hesitating). Tell me, where are you going? To Perdition really — ? Cha. You '11 go anyway ! Don't fret yourself. Step in there ! Step in there ! Di. {to Xanthias). Come, Xanthias, come! Cha. {backing off, when Di. has embarked). I take no slaves aboard Except they 've volunteered for the naval victory. Xan. {whimpers). I could not, I was suffering from sore eyes. Cha. You must trudge away then, round by the end of the Lake there. Xan. And whereabouts shall I wait? Cha. At the Stone of Repentance, By the Slough of Despond, beyond the Tribulations ; You understand me ? Xan. Yes, I understand you : A lucky promising direction truly! {Runs off.) C 2, ao BATPAXOI. XA. kclOlC €771 K Koa^ Kod^' vpxv 8' tcro)? ovbev p,e\€i, BA. ^p€K€K€K€^ KOU^ KOttf. AI. dAA.' k^.6koi(rQ^ avr^ Kod^. ovbev ydp €v' €/Ae yap ecrrep^av pkv evXvpoL t€ Movcrai Koi Kepo^dras llav, 6 Ka\ap.6(^6oyya 7Tai((»v' TTpoareTuripTieTaL 8' 6 (f)opixiKTd6€y(6pL€(T6\ et 8?} ttot' ev- 7}XCoLS iv ap.ipaia^iv rikdpi€(Fda biOL KvneCpov Kol ^A€a>, \aLpovT€s wStJ? TrokvKoXvix^oiarLv p-iXea-cnv, ^ Ai6$ (l)€vyovT€S op^pov ivvbpov ey /Qir^o) \op^lav aloXav €(p6€y^dpe(Tda 'jrop(f)oXvyo'Ka(f)XdcrpLa(nv, A I. /3p€KeK€K€^ Koaf Koaf, tovtI -Trap' v/xw2^ Xap^dvco. BA. 8etra rapa 7r€L(T6p,€(r9a, THE FROGS. 2$ Swept through our own sanctuary the rude rabble. Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax ! Koax ! Dt. [easies). Every part of me is rawing. But of course That's no consequence to you. Frogs. Brekekekex ! KOax ! KOax ! Dt. {rows on). Confound your Koax! Nothing but eternal Koax ! Frogs. Justly so, thou busy meddler ! For me the Muses all, sweet of song, loved and cherished, Me, too, horny-hoofed Pan, who plays on the sounding reed-pipe ; In me rejoices too, lord of all harps, Apollo, For the sake of the reed, wherewith his lyre he fits. Which in the waters deep I rear. Brekekekex! Koax! Koax! Di. {easies again). Here 's a blister on my hand ! Stop, ye tuneful creatures ! Stop, I say! Frogs. Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax ! Nay ! nay ! the more Sing we, sing we, if ever Leaped we happy, diving, diving, Through the sedges and galingale, Singing still our song melodious From sunny morn to sunny evening. Or if ever fled we showers And deep below the water chanted Various strains of merry music While the bubbles all broke above. Di. {stands up). Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax ! I thank ye. Frogs, for that word. Frogs. Fearful then will be our fortune ! 34 BATPAXOI. AT. havoTepa 6' €y(oy\ kXavvmv €t btappayqa-Ofxai, BA. /3p€K€K€K€^ KOOL^ Kod^. Al. ot/xcofer'* ov yap pioi /uteAet. BA. dWa fxrjv K€Kpa^6ix€(r6d y OTTocrov 7) (f)dpvy^ au rjfx&v Xavhdvrj 8t' rjjjL^pas. AI. ftp€K€K€K€^ KOCL^ Kod^, TOVT(o yap ov vLKrja-eTe. BA. ovbe pLr]v rjixas (tv TidvTcoi. AT. ovbeiTOTe' KeKpd^ofiaL yap, Kav /ute hfj hi rjfjiepas, €(09 av vjjL&v iTTLKparria-o) ro) Kod$, l3p€K€K€K€^ K0d( Kod^. eixcXXov dpa irava-eiv tto6' vfias rod Kod^. THE FROGS. 25 Di. [rows on). More fearful mine, who must row on \ E'en till I burst. Frogs. Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax ! Di. Confound you ! I don't care ! Frogs. Nay ! the more we '11 cry and clamour, Every throat to the widest opening. Straining all the livelong day! Di. {easies and stands up again)' Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax! Ye shall not get over me in Koax 1 Frogs. Never shall you get over us ! over us ! over us ! Di. Nor you me : for I will shout and I '11 bawl Even all a summer's day, Till I vanquish you all in the 'Koax.' Brekekekex ! Koax ! Koax ! [Splashes with the oar.) I thought I 'd not be long before I stopped your damned Koax I [Sits down and goes on rowing.) 26 BATPAXOI. XA. o) nave irave, irapa^aXov rw kcotti^. €K^aLVj cLTTobos TOP vavkov. AI. €\€ br] TO)^oX(a. 6 BavOCas. ttov BavOias ; ^ BavOtas. HA. lav. SA. X^V' ^ Seo-TTora. AT. rt eoTt ravTavOi ; HA. (TKOTOs Kat (36pl3opos. A I. KaretSes oui; -Trou tovs TrarpaAotas avTodi KOL TOVS €7n6pK0vs, otjs i\€y€v r)puv ; zA. (TV ov ; A I. vr\ TOP IToo-etSa) 'yo)y€, kol vvvi y 6p&. ay€ br}, ri bp&fxev ; HA. " TTpdUvai ^iX.TL(TTa v(^v, 0)9 ovTos 6 TOTTos (otIv ov TO, 6r]pLa Ta oeLV €(paaK eK€Lvos. AT. &)S olfxca^eraL. riXaCov€V€6' , tva (f)0^7)d€Lr]V eyo), etSws jU€ ixa\iixov ovra, ^tAort/xou/xeros. ovSei; yap ovrto yaiJpoz; ecr^' a)s *lipaKkijs. cyo) 8e y' ev^ai\xr]v hv kvTV){(Eiv tlvl, XajSelv T ay(avi(T[i a^tov tl ttjs obov. HA. VT] Tov Ata Kat pirjv alo-ddvofjiaL xj/oifiov tlvos. THE FROGS. 27 SCENE III. ^ Farther shore of the Acherusian Lake. (Charon's boat, with Dionysus rowing, appears and puts to shore.) Cha. Hold ! we 're ashore just — ship your oar ! Get out. Now pay your fare. Di. There — there it is— the twopence. Charon pushes off again and disappears, [shouting). Ho ! Xanthias ! Xanthias, I say ! Where's Xanthias ? Xan. [heard off). A-hoy ! Di. ' Come here. Xanthias runs on and embraces Dionysus. Xan. I'm glad to see you, master. Di. What's that before us there? [pointing). Xan. The mire and darkness. Di. Did you see the villains and the perjurers That he told us of? Xan. Yes, plain enough, and you ? Di. [looking round the theatre). Ah, now I see them, indeed, quite plain— and now too ! Well, what shall we do next? Xan. We 'd best move forward : For here's the place that Heracles there informed us Was haunted by those monsters. Di. Oh ! confound him ! He vapoured and talked at random to deter me From venturing. He's amazingly conceited And jealous of other people is Heracles ; He reckoned I should rival him, and in fact (Since I 've come here so far) I should rather like To meet with an adventure in some shape. Xan. [listening). By Jove ! and I think I hear a kind of a noise. 28 BATPAXOI. A I. TTOV TTOV ''(TTLV ,' HA. k^o-nia-Q^v, AI. ^foVto-^' Wi. HA. dXX' €(rrti; er rw TrpoaOe. AI. TTpocrOe vvv lOl, HA. Kat jui^z; opw i;^ roi' Ata OrjpLov [xiya. AI. 770 toV rt ; HA. bcLvoV iravTobairbv yovv yiyv^TaC t:ot^ fxiv ye fiovs, vvvl 6' opevs, irore 6' au yvvri oipaLOTarr} rt?. AI. TTOu crrt ; 96/) ctt avTr}V lo). HA. aA.X' ovK^T av yvvr\ ^cttlv, dA\' ^817 kvohv. AI. "E/^TTOuo-a Toivvv ka-ri. HA. TTupt yow AajHTTerat. aTraz^ ro Trpoa-coTrov. A I. Kttl or/ceAo? x^^'^ow ^xet. HA. z;^ ror Iloo-eiSw, Kat ^oXltlvov OoTepov, adcj) t(r6i. AI. TTot 8^r' hv TpaTroCpLrfv ; s,A. TTOt eycD ; AI. Up€v, biacfyvka^ov /u', tr* S o-ot fu/XTToVr/s. HA. a7ToXovpL€0\ a)va^ *HpclKA.€ts. AI. ov fjLT} KttAets jot', wvOpaxf)', lK€T€V(t), pi-qbe Karepets rovvofxa. HA. Atovva-e toivvv. A I. rovr' 1^' riTTov Oaripov. HA. t^' ^Trep fpx^^* Sf^^po 6e{;p', S 8eo-7rora. A I. rt 8' Icrrt ; HA. Odppei' "TTavT^ dyaOa TreTrpdya^er, €^€(TTL 6* co(nT€p *Hy€Ao)(Os 17)01,12; Xiyeiv' €K KVfxdTcov yap av^tj aS yaX^i; 6pa>. rjixTTOvaa (f)povhr}. THE FROGS. 29 Di. {anxiously). Where ? where ? \ Xan. There just behind us. \ Di. Go behind then ! \ Xaii. There it 's before us now. — There ! Di. Go before then ! Xan. Ah, now I see it — a monstrous beast indeed ! Di. What kind ? Xan. A dreadful kind — all kinds at once. It changes and transforms itself about To a mule and an ox — and now to a beautiful creature ; A woman ! Di. {eagerly rushing forward). Where? where is she.'' Let me seize her! Xan. But now she 's turned to a mastijEf all of a sudden. Di. {retiring precipitately). Its the Weird hag ! the Vam- pyre! Xan. Like enough She's all of a blaze about the mouth. Di. Has she got the brazen foot ! Xan. Yes, there it is — By Jove ! — and the cloven hoof to the other leg, Distinct enough— that 's she ! Di. But what shall I do? Xan. And I too ? Di. {stretching out his hands to the audience) \ Save me, Priest, protect and save me, That we may drink and be jolly together hereafter. Xan. We 're ruined, Master Heracles ! Di. Don't call me so, I beg! Don't mention my name, good friend, upon any account. Xan. Dionysus then? Di. That's worse, ten thousand times! Xan. Come, Master, move along — come, come this way. Di. What's happened? Xan. Why, we 're prosperous and victorious : The storm of fear and danger, has subsided And (as the actor said the other day) Has only left a gentle qualm behind^ The Vampyre's vanished.' ^ ^ Where sat his own Priest in the front row. 30 BATPAXOI. A[. KaTOfiocrov. HA. VT} rov Ata. AT. Kavdis KaTOfjLOcrov, HA. VT] AC. Al. O[10(T0V, HA. vrj Ata. AT. otjuot raAas, o)? a>;(pta(r' avTrjv ibcov' HA. 68l 8e beCaas vTtepeTivppiaa-i (rov. Al. otjuot, TTodev /xot ra KaKa raurt Trpoa-iTTea-ev ; TLv alTidacoixaL Oe^v fJL aTToXXyvai ; HA. aidepa Atos bcofidrLov, 17 \p6vov TToba ; OVTOS. ' AT. rt eo-rii; ; HA. ov KaTrJKOV(ras ; AT. rivos ; HA. avXcDr TTVo^j. AT. lycoye, Kai babcDV yk jute avpa rts €l(rii:v€V(re fjivaTLKMrdrr]. d\y ripepX TTTri^avT€S CLKpoaa-co^eda. X0P02 MT2T12N. "'TttKx'} ^ ''IaK)(e. "TttKx'j ot) "TaK^^e. HA. roi3r eor' ckciz;*, S SeVTTo^', ot \i€p.vr\]xivoi kvravdd irov iraiCova-LV, oxjs €(f)pa(e v^v. abovai yovv tov "laK^ov ovnep Aiayopas, AT. Ka/zot boKOva-Lv. r)(rv\iav tolvvv dyeiv ^ikTKTTOV eCTTLV, 0)9 CLV €lb&fJL€V (ra(f)5>'S. XO. "laKX, S TToAvrt/xots ei' eSpats ivOdbe vaCoDv, (KOe Tovb^ dva Keip.5iva xop€va-(aVy oaLovs is Oiaa-QiTas, THE FROGS, 31 Di. Has she ? upon your oath ? Xan. By Zeus, she has! Di. No, swear again. Xan. By Zeus. Di. Well, swear once more! Xan. Once more I swear by Zeus ! Di. Oh dear ! what a fright I was in with the very sight of her : It turned me sick and pale — Xan. But see the priest here ! He has coloured up quite with the same alarm. Di. What has brought me to this pass V^^ Xan. It must be Zeus himself With his * chamber in the skies ' and * foot of Time.' Music is heard. HoUoh you ! Di. What? Xan. Why, did you not hear? Di. Why, what? Xan. The sound of a flute. Di. Indeed ! and there 's a smell too, A pretty mystical ceremonious smell Of torches. We '11 watch here, and keep quite quiet ! The Chorus of the Initiated enters with torches^ singing lacchus ! lacchus ! lacchus ! lacchus ! Xan. There, Master, there they are, the initiated : All sporting about as he told us we should find 'em. They sing in praise of lacchus, like Diagoras ! Di. Indeed, and so they are ; but we '11 keep quiet Till we make them out a little more distinctly. Chorus. Parodos. lacchus! who dwellest in a glorious habitation, lacchus, lacchus I Come, O come here to our dance in the meadow, Come to lead the sacred revel, — 32 BATPAXOI. TToXvKapirov [xev Tivaaauiv Trept K/oart a<2 jSpvovra (TTecfyavov ixvpTOiV Opaaei 8' eyKaraKpovcav TTobl rav CLKoXacTTov (jaXoTTaiyiJLOva rtjuar, XapLT(ov TrXetoTOz; ^yovaav /xe/yoj, ayvav, Upav oaioLs [JLVCTTats yopeiav. HA. S TlOTVia TTOkVTLJJL'qTe A^lXrjTpOS KOpT], a)S r]hv fxoL irpoa-iiTveva-e \oipei(iiv Kpecov. AI. ovKovv aTp^jx e^et?, i]v tl kol xopbijs Xd^rjs ; XO. eyetpe v vavalv Tiapi^^iv tlvol T] KaraTLXa rStv *F>KaTaloiv, kvkXColctl \opdicnv viraboiv, rj Tovs ^XLO-Qovs t&v 'jTOLr]T&v p'qTOdp (iiV eiT aTTOTpcoyfLj Ka)[jL(Dbr]6€ls €v rais 'narpiois reXcrais rat? rov Ato- vvaov' tovTOLs avb7ra)s dpets Tr]V '2(aT€Lpav ycvvatois TTJ (})(tivfj pLokTraCcov, rj Trjv x(apav (Tco^eLV (\)r\(T ej tols copaSy Kav 0oi>pVKL(i>v fxr] ^ovXrjTai. 6,y€ vvv €T€pav v}xv(tiv Ibiav rrjv Kap'no(p6pov ^aaCXeiav, THE FROGS. 35 Whoever takes bribes when guiding the State, and steers her on rocks in a tempest, Or plays the traitor with fort or ship, or smuggles goods from Aegina To help our foes— as Thorycion did, that wretched collector of taxes— Ropes and sails and timbers and pitch, to a Pelo- ponnesian harbour: Or tries his best to persuade us to send supplies to the enemy's navy; Or dares to defile great Hecate's shrine, while writing a Cyclical Hymnbook ; Or who by base rhetorical arts would dock the pay of a poet For a harmless gibe in our national feast, in the rites of great Dionysus ; — Once I warn such, and twice I warn such, and thrice do I sternly admonish — Avoid you quite our mystical rite : but we, as the darkness advances, Rejoice the night through ('tis the festival's due) with rh5rthmical singing and dances. Now boldly march we onward To the flowery meadows And valleys, time keeping. Jesting, mocking. With sport and gibe in concert. Now that we have freely feasted. Onward then ! and loudly sing The Saving Goddess' praises. Well marking the measure — Hers who ever Guards our country the year through, 'Spite Thorycion's evil will. So raise we again a different strain to the goddess benignant of harvest, D % 36 BATPAXOr. Arj/xrjrpa Oeav, €iTLKO(rixovvT€S C^^O^ols fxoATratj KeAa8 etre. Ai]fjir]T€p, ayvcdv opyicnv avaor(ra, avixirapacTTdTeLy KOL (T&C^ Tov (ravTrjs \op6v' Kal p! aa^a\(os iravripL^pov TTaiaai re koI ^op^vaaC KOI 77oXka pAV yi\oia pH et- ireti^, TToAXa 8e (nrovhaia^ koX TTJS (TTJ'S €OpTrjS CL^LOiS TTaLcravra kol crK(a\j/ai'Ta vi- KYjaavTa TaLviova-dat. vvv KOL TOV cbpoLov Oeov TrapaKaA-etre bevpo vecppo) hi aov avTolcriv ivTepoLatv ypLaTO)pL&(o bLaa-Trda-ovTai Topyoves Tt^pdcrtat, €0' hs iyo) hpop.aiov 6pp,-qa(o iroba ACT II. SCENE I. Before Pluto's Palace. Enter Dionysus and Xanthias. The Chorus come on and watch. Di. Well, how must I knock at the door now? Can't ye tell me? How do the native inhabitants knock at doors? Xan. Pah ! don't stand fooling there ; but smite it smartly, With the very spirit and air of Heracles. Di. {knocks). Holloh ! ! Aeacus. {from within). Who 's there ? Di. 'Tis I, the valiant Heracles ! Ae. {rushing out). Thou brutal, abominable, detestable, Vile, villainous, infamous, nefarious scoundrel ! How durst thou, villain that thou wert, to seize Our watch-dog, Cerberus, whom I kept and tended. Hurrying him off, half strangled in your grasp. But now, be sure, we have you safe and fast, Miscreant and villain ! Thee the Stygian cliffs. With stern adamantine durance, and the rocks Of inaccessible Acheron, red with gore. Environ ; and the circling hounds of hell : And Hydra with her hundred heads shall rend and tear thee, Wrenching thy vitals forth with the heart and midriff. Tartesian monsters and Tithrasian gorgons Shall toss and scatter thine entwined intestines. To them with hasty steps I will repair. {Exit tragically.) 42 BATPAXOl. HA. avbpeLa ye a> UocreLbov. A I. (TV b* ovK ebetaas rbv \j/6(f)ov tQv prjixoLTcav KOL ras aTT€L\as. HA. ov pLCL At' ovb^ i(f)p6vTL(ra. A I. L0L vvv, €TT€Lbr} Ar/juarttts Kavbpe'ios ct, (TV fxkv yevov 'ya>, to poiraXov tovtI Xa^chv KOL Ti]v \eovTrjv, €LTT€p a(\)o^6(Ti:Xayyj)o^ et* eyo) 8' ecrojxaC col crK€VO(f)6pos iv rw /xepet. HA. ^e/)€ br} ra)(ea)9 avr'* ov yap akXa tt€L(tt€ov' Kol ftkixj/ov et? Tov 'HpaKketo^avOCav, et 8etA6s eo-o/xat Kat Kara (re to A^/x' €\a}v. A I. /xa Ar aAA.' ak-qO&s ovk MeAtrr^j pLacrTiyias. (pipe vvvj eyo) ra (TTputpiaT alpcuixai rabi. A I A. fui^Setre raxe'foy rouroi/l rov KwoKkoiroVy Xva 8(5 buK-qv' avv€Tov. AI. ^fcet T TeOvrjKevaiy r) \ke\lfa rStv a&v a^Lov tl kol rpixos. KaC o-ot iroL-qa-o) lipayfxa yevvaiov irdw (^aa-dviCe yap rbv Traiba tovtovI ka^(>)V, . K&v TTori fx ekrjs dbiKovvT, clitoktclvov /x' ayiav, AIA. Kat TTws pa(TavL(T(t) ; THE FROGS. 43 Xan. {ironically^ to the cowering Dionysus). Most manfully done ! Di. By Jove, and I think it was : But tell me, weren 't you frightened with that speech ? Such horrible expressions ! Xan. No, not I : I took no notice. Di. Well, I '11 tell you what, Since you 're such a valiant-spirited kind of fellow. Do you be me — with the club and lion's skin, Now you 're in this courageous temper of mind ; And 1 '11 go take my turn and carry the bundles. Xan. Well, give us hold — I must humour you forsooth. Make haste ! {Changes dress.) And now behold the Xanthian Heracles ! And see if I won 't display more heart and spirit ! Di. Indeed and you look the character completely, Like that heroic Melitensian hang-dog — Come, now for my bundles. I must mind my bundles. Re-enter Aeacus with slaves. Ae. Arrest me there that fellow that stole the dog. There! pinion him! quick! Di. {to Xanthias tauntingly). There 's somebody in a scrape. Xan. Keep off, be hanged t 'ye 1 {Squares up.) Ae. Oho ! do you mean to fight for it ? Here, Pardokas and SkabUas and the rest of ye. Make up to the rogue and settle him. Come, be quick. {Scuffle. Xanthias gets the best of it.) Di. Well, is not this quite monstrous and outrageous. To steal the dog, and then to make an assault In justification of it ! Xan. {ironically). Quite outrageous ! Ae. An aggravated case ! Xan. Well now— by Jupiter May I die ; but I never saw this place before — Nor ever stole the amount of a farthing from you : Not a hair of your dog's tail. But you shall see now, I'll settle all this business nobly and fairly. This slave of mine — you may take and torture him ; And if you make out anything against me You may take and put me to death for aught I care. Ae. {softened). But which way would you please to have him tortured? 44 BATPAXOI. EA. 'jTOLvra rpoTrov, Iv KXCfMaKi br}(ras, Kp^iiaa-as, ixTTpi^ihi /xao-rtywi^, bepoov, (TTpel^Xcov, €TL 8' €S TCLS plvas o^os ^y^iwVy ttXCvOovs iiTLTLOels, iravra raXAa, 7rAr)i^ 7r/3(i(rvaKTos dv€[XLfxvT]CLT6\ ar 6vt€ KaK€LV(o Oeca. AI. opO&s X^yets' i^ovXofxriv 6' av tovto ere TTpOTspov TTOLrja-aij TTplv efjik Tcis irXrjyas Xa^^iv. THE FROGS. 49 Ae. You 're right there : {to DL) turn your stomach round, you fellow! {Strikes.) Di. Poseidon ! ! ! Xan. Someone felt that! Di. * — thou that rulest Aegean headlands and the deep gray sea ! ' Ae. {giving it up). Well, after all my pains I'm quite at a loss To discover which is the true real deity! I must take you before Proserpine and Pluto; Being gods themselves, they're likeliest to know. Di. Why, that's a lucky thought! I only wish It had happened to occur before you beat us. {Exeunt into the palace.) The Chorus remain on the stage, turn towards the audience and sing the Parabasis, 50 BATPAXOl. XOPOS. Mov(Ta )(0pQiV UpQv iTTL^rjdL kol ^XO ^ttl repyj/LV aoibas e/xas, Tov TTokvv 6y\ro}xiv7] Xa&v ox^Kov, ov (ro^iai [xvpiai KaOrjvraL, (fyiXoTLfjiOTepaL KXeo^wiros, e^' ov brj yjeikecnv afx- (piXdkoLs betvov kTri^peixeTai (r)prjKLa X€kLbo)V, €7tI fidp^apov k^o\xivy] TiiraXov' pvC^L 5' iiTLKXavTov dr]b6vLov vofxov, wj dTTokelrai, Khv Xaai yivoavrai. TOV Upov x.opov biKaiov cort y^p-qaTa rfj TroAet ^vpLTTapatve'LV kol btbdcrK^Lv. irpoiTov ovv rjijuv boKcl k^iaGiaai rovs 'noXiras Kd(j)€Xeiv tcl beifxaTa. Ket TLS rjjJLapTe acfiaXeis tl ^pvviyov iraXaLo-pLaa-LV, fKy€vi(r6ai (f)rjpLl \privai rot? oXiadovaiv t6t€ aiTLav eK^eto-t Ai;o-at rds irpoTepov a/xaprtas. etr' CLTLpLOv (prjpLL \pr\vaL pLrjbiv elv ev Tjj iroXeL. KOI yap ala-xpov eort tovs /xey vavpiaxrio-avTas ixiav Kol UXaraias evOvs etvaL kclvtI bovXoiv becnroTas, Kovbe TavT eyu>y e)(oi/x' av jxr] ov KaXu>s (f)da-K€iv dXX^ knaivS)' ixova yap avrd vovv eyovr ebpacrare. TTpos be TOVTOLS etKos vixas, ot /xe^' vp.(ov, iroXXa brj \ol TTaripes kvavixd)(r]a-av koi irpoa-i^KOva-iv yiv€L, T7JV fJLLav TavTYjv TTap^lvai ^vpLcjiopav alTOVjJLevoLS. THE FROGS, 51 SCENE JI. Parahasis, Strophe, Muse of the dances divine, come advance, take thy joy of my music, come hither to me ! Look on the myriad people, behold all wisdom around In her countless thousands Who are keener for glory than Cleophon ^, upon whose chattering, chattering, chattering lips Hovers a swallow from Thrace — Roars like any lion ! On a leaf of a barbarous tree it alights, And intones a sad dirge as a sorrowful nightingale, that death awaits him Though the votes be equal! Epirrhema. Now 'tis our part, as sacred chorus, jointly to advise the State What may best befit her honour. Firstly then we advocate Equal rights for all our townsmen, amnesty for all their fears; Phrynichus — that arch-intriguer— tripped up many in past years — Let not those who slipped aforetime be denied the grace to plead Should they ask to make atonement for a past and gone misdeed ! Further hold we, no Athenian should be stripped of civil right ; While 'tis plainly shame that all who fought in just one naval fight Earned at once Plataean status — slaves before, but masters now : After all may be 'twas better— rather will I e'en avow That the action is to your credit ; that alone was shrewdly done ! All the more then for your townsmen, whose mis- fortune was but one. Pass it over! they entreat you, they whose fathers all have stood By your side in many a sea-fight, through whose veins flows common blood ! - ^ The latest demagogue, of Thracian extraction and a keen sup- porter of the War party. E ij 52 BATPAXOI. aWa rrjs opyrjs avevTes, a> ao(f)(aTaTOL (jyvcrei, irdvTas avOpodirovs kKovres (rvyyeve'is KTr]a-(ayLe6a KaTTLTLfJiOVS Kol TToXiTaS, OCTTLS OLV ^VVVaVlXaXT]. €t 6e TOVT oyKcoaoiieo-da Ka7TOv ttoXltwv tovs KaXovs kol tovs KaKOVS, es re rapyaiov vojiia-jia koX to Kaivov xpvaiov. ovT€ yap TovTOKTLv ovdiv OV KeKL^b-qkevpievoLS, aXXa KaXXCaTOLs airavrcov, ws boKeX, vopaapidTaiv, KOL ixovois opOSis KOTretort KoX KeKaib(ovL(Tix4voLS iv re rots "EXXrjo-L kol rot? fiap^dpoKTi iravToyov, Xp(oix€6^ ovbev, dXXa tovtols rots irovrjpols xaXKLOis, X^es re kol irpdi-qv KoireXai rw KaKL(TT(^ KOjjLfJLarLf THE FROGS. ^'>^ Nay ! remit your anger ! heaven made you wisest of mankind — Welcome every man as kinsman, grant him with an equal mind All the rights of free Athenians, if he fought on Athens' side. Boast not overmuch your City, swell not in vain- glorious pride ! Still the angry waves embrace our ship : I charge you all take care. Some day we may know our folly, some day prove it, so beware ! Antistrophe. If I can judge of the life and the ways of a man, who shall suffer for them, sure as fate. Verily this pestilent ape who ventures to trouble us now, Cleigenes, the puny, Is not destined to stay very long with us, vilest bath- man of all who dispense Soap of soda badly boiled, Fullers' earth and mere dust? Though he knows he is foredoomed yet still he's rowdy, He fears that some night in his cups, if he walks with his bludgeon forgot, His foes may meet and strip him ! Antepirrhema. Often have we thought the City's case was truly much alike Both regarding older coinage and the novel gold we strike. So regarding these our townsmen, here the lowest, there the best: Never do we use pure metal, all submitted to the test, Unalloyed and stamped precisely with an image straight and fair, Best of all that's coined in Hellas, best abroad, best everywhere. This we use not — rather use we all the basest bronze we may. Stamped awry with vile impression, minted, issued yesterday ! Thus we treat our fellow-townsmen ! heap indignities and scorn 54 BATPAXOl. avbpas ovras koX biKaCovs kol KaXovs re KayaOovs, Kol Tpacf)4vTas iv irakaiaTpais koi \opois kol fxova-LKrj, TTpovarekovfjiev, rots be ^aXKols kol pivots kol TrvppCais Kol TTOvqpols KCLK TTOvqp&v CIS OLTTavTa y^pu>p.e6a VGTaroLS acpLyfxevoLa-Lv, olcnv rj irokis irpb tov ovbe cf)apixaKOi(nv elKrj paStcos e^pT^o-ar* av. akXa KOL vvv, covot^tol, pLera^aXovTes tovs Tpoirovs, y^pTjcrOe toIs Xpr](TTol(nv avOts' kol KaTOpOiacraai yap evXoyov' KOLV TL a^aXriT , k^ a^iov yovv tov ^vXov, T]V TL KOL '7Tdor\lf]T€, TTdor^eiV Tols (TOCpols boKr]Cr€T€. THE FROGS. 55 Ever on the wise of Athens, those we know are gentle born; Those we know are men^ the best and noblest, trained in manly wise. Fit to tread a holy measure, fit to win a poet's prize ! Yes ! the men we use are strangers, brazen rufSans every one. Each the last-arrived among us, vilest father's viler son ! Such we call to every service— men the City long ago Scarce had used for very scape-goats, scarce had deigned, right well I know ! Come, ye men of little wisdom, leave at last your foolish ways. Use again the good among you : should you prosper, all will praise : Should perchance mishap befall you, know the wise will say that 'God In that he is pleased to smite you, smites you with a worthy rod ! ' The Chorus turn again towards the stage^ as the actors re-enter. S6 BATPAXOI. AIAKOS. HAN0IA2. X0P02 MT2T12N. AIA. vrj Tov Ata tov a-coTrjpaj y€vvdbas avrjp 6 bea-TTOTTjs (tov. HA. 770)9 yap ov)(l yevvdbas ; AIA. TO 6e pJr] Trarafat cr' k^€X^y)(divT avTiKpvs^ OT^ hovkos (iiV €(f)a(TK€S €LVaL SeO-TTOTT]?, HA. w/xco^e \xivTdv, AIA. TOVTO p,€VTOL bovklKOV €vdvs 7r€7T0LT]Kas, on^p cyo) ^aip(£i ttol&v. HA. x^tpet?, LKeTevo) ; AIA. joiaXA.' CTTOTTTe-veLV boKca, oTav Karapd(T(a\xai Xddpa rw 8€cr77orr/. HA. rt be rovOopv^o^v^ rjvLK h,v TrX-qyas Xa^oiv TToXXas dTTLTjs Ovpa^€ ; AIA. Kat Tov6* rjbojjLai. HA. tC be TToXXa TrpaTTuiv ; AIA. 0)5 /iza At' ovSez; ot8' eyw HA. bjxoyvie Zev' kol irapaKoiJOiv bea-iroT&v CLTT hv XaX&a-L ; AIA. pLaXXa irXelv rj /uatVo/xai. HA. 0) ot/3' "AttoXXov, eixjSaXe ijlol ttjv be^iav, Kau bos Kxxrai KavTos k-vctov^ KaC p.oi (fypdaov, TTpos Aids, OS TjiJilv eariv opLOixaa-TLyCas, TLs ovTos ovvbov eoTt dopv^os XV l^^l )(0) Xoiboprjo-pLos ; AIA. Al(TxvXov KevpLirCbov. HA. a. AIA. TTpayfjLa irpayfjia [xeya KeKLvqTaL fxeya ev Tols veKpoldL koX orao-ts iioXXr] ttclvv. THE FROGS. 57 SCENE III, Re-enter Aeacus and Xanthias arm in arm. Ae. By Jupiter, but he's a gentleman That master of yours. Xan. A gentleman ! to be sure he is ! Ae. His never striking you when you took his name — Outfacing him and contradicting him ! — Xan. It might have been worse for him if he had ! Ae. Well, that's well spoken, like a true-bred slave. It's just the sort of language I delight in. Xan. You love excuses ? Ae. Yes, but I prefer Cursing my master quietly in private. Xan. What think ye of muttering as you leave the room After a beating ? Ae. Why, that's pleasant too. Xan. Mischief you 're fond of? Ae, Very- fond indeed. Xan. By Jove, so 'm I ! But listening at the door To hear their secrets ? Ae. Why, I 'm mad to do it. Xan. Well, give me your hand. And there, take mine — and kiss me, And there again ! —and now for Jupiter's sake — (For he 's the patron of our cuffs and beatings) Do tell me what 's that noise of people quarrelling And abusing one another there within. Ae. Aeschylus and Euripides only ! Xan. , Heh ?— ?— ? Ae. Why, there's a desperate business has broke out Among these here dead people; quite a tumult 58 BATPAXOI. SA. eK Tov ; A I A. voixos TLs €v6db' eo-rt Acet/xez/os aiTo tG>v r€\v(aVf oaai /xeyaAat koI he^LoX^ TOV apidTov ovra tS>v kavTov avvri^yoiv (TiT7](Tiv avTov €V TTpvTaveico XafxISdveiVf Opovov re rov YlXovrodvos e^rjSf HA. [xavOdvoo. A FA. ecos dcjiLKOLTO rrjv Tiyvr]v cro(j)u>T€pos €T€p6s rt? avTOv' t6t€ be 'napaxciipelv ebet SA. TL bijra tovtI reOopv^rjKev Ala-^vXov ; AlA. €Kelvos et)(€ TOV TpayddbiKov Opovov, 0)S 0)V KpCLTLG-TOS TT^V Ti\Vr]V. SA. vvvX 5e rty ; AIA. oTe brj KaTTJXO' EvpnTibrjs, iiTebeiKvvTo rot? XuiTTobvTaLs kol toIo-l ^aXXavTioToixoLS /cat roto-t TiaTpaXoiaKTL Kal ToiyjiiipV')(oiv dvTiXoyL&v kol Xvyi(Tpi.G)v Kal (TTpo^^v v7T€p€ixdvr]a-av, KavopiLa-av (ro(p(oTaTov' KOLireLT eirapOels dvTeXdfSeTo tov Opovov, LV Aia-xvXos KaOrja-TO. SA. KOVK ijSdXXeTo ; AIA. fia At', dXX' 6 brjpios dve^oa KpLortv ttolcIv OTTOTepos €Lrj TTjv T€)(^vr}v ao(j>(aT€pos. HA. 6 T^v iravovpyoiv ; AIA. V7] At', ovpdvLov y ocrov. SA. /uter AlcrxyXov 8' ovk. -^(rav ere/)ot avpiia\0L ; AIA. oXCyov to \pi](tt6v ka-TiVy cocynep kvOdbe. SA. rt briQ^ 6 YlXovTOiv bpav irapaa-Kevd^eTai ; AIA. dyi£>va iroLelv avTiKa fxaXa kol Kpicnv KdXey\ov avT&v ttjs rexz^i]?. THE FROGS. 59 Xan. As how? Ae. First there's a custom we have establish'd In favour of professors of the arts. When anyone, the first in his own line, Comes down amongst us here, he stands entitled To privilege and precedence, with a seat At Pluto's royal board. Xan. I understand you. Ae. So" he maintains it, till there comes a better Of the same sort, and then he gives it up. Xan. But why should Aeschylus be disturbed at this? Ae. He held the seat for tragedy, as the master In that profession. Xan. Well, and who 's there now ? Ae. He kept it till Euripides appeared And flourished to the thieves, house-breakers, rogues, Cutpurses, cheats and vagabonds and villains That make the mass of population here. {Pointing to the audience^ And they, being quite transported and delighted With his equivocations and evasions, Hailed him Arch-poet : and, with that, grown proud. He laid a claim to the seat where Aeschylus sat. Xan. And did he not get pelted for his pains? Ae. Why no— the mob call'd out, and it was carried To have a public trial of skill between them. Xan. You mean the mob of scoundrels that you mention 'd ? Ae. Scoundrels indeed ! Ay, scoundrels without number. Xan. But Aeschylus must have had good friends and hearty ? Ae. Yes, but good men are scarce, both here and else- where. Xan. Well, what has Pluto settled to be done ? Ae. To have an examination and a trial In public. 6o BATPAXOI. HA. Kaireira ttws ov Kal 2o(^OKA.erj9 avTcXd^eTO tov Opovov ; AIA. jxa At' ovK CKelvos, ak)C ^Kva-e fxcv Ai(Txu\ov 0T€ bri KarrjXOcy Kavi^ake ttjv be^Lav, KaKeHvos VTT€X(apr](r€V avT(a rod OpovoV vvvl 5' e/xeAAez^, ws I^tj KAetSr^/xtSry?, €(j)€bpos KaOebelaOai' kclv fxkv Ala-xykos Kparfj^ efeti' Kara \b€Ka» AT. aAA' ovb€ iravTa TavTo, y eaT dXA.' rj TpCa. ET. ex^' ^' GKacTTOv elKoa-Cv y apLapTias. AT. Ato-;(^Ae, irapaivcd aoi a-KoiTav' et 5e fx^, 77/909 rptcrli; lafx/SeLOLGri TTpocro^eLkciiv (f)avet AI2. eyct) o-tcoTrw r9 yap i]\xapTr]Ktv ovpdvLov y oaov. AI^. Spas OTL krjpeXs ; ET. dAA.' okiyov yi [xol jmeXet. AI^. 7ra>s ^ifs /x' afxapT^lv ; ET. aS^t? e^ ^PX^^ A.^ye. AI2. Ep/x?} x^oVte, Trar/jw* eTroTrrevcoz; KpoLTT]. ET. ovKouz; *Opi(TTris tovt (ttI rw Tvix/Sia key a T(a TOV TraTpos TeOv^Gtros ; AI5. ovK ^AAa)s kiyoa. ET. TTOTep', OVV TOV 'EpjJLTJv, 0)9 6 7TaT7]p a7T(ak€T0 avTov (SiaCios €k yvvaiK^ias X^pos ooAois kaOpaCoLS, TavT iiroTTTevfLv ^v OeStv avTov Tpanov. ET. Kat ix7]v €\(ii y ws avTov aTTobet^io KaKov jjiekoTTOibv ovTa Kal iroiovvTa TavT aei. X(). Ti TTOTe TTpayfjia yevrjcriTai ; (jypovTL^eLV yap eymy €)(a), rtV apa fxiixyj/LV kiroicrei avhpX rw iiokv TikeiaTa hr] Kal KoXkia-Ta txikrj TTOt?/- aavTL tS>v €TI. vvvi, davpid^co yap eycoy' onrj fJLipL\lr€TaL TTOTe TOVTOV Tov ^aKX^iov avaKTa, KOL bibOLX VTT€p aVTOV. ET. 7:dvv ye piikrj 6avp,aaTd' 8etfet hi] rdya. €ts kv yap avTov iravTa Ta pLekrj ^vvT€pi&. A I. Kat [xrjv koyiovp-ai TavTa t&v xj/rjcfxov kafScov. THE FROGS. y^ ' Oeneus aforetime reaped a mighty crop And oifered first-fruits . . .' ^es. . . . Rum-ty tum-ty tum ! Di. * Rumty ' in the sacrifice ? what 's it doing there ? Eur. {impatiently). Tut ! tut ! good Sir !— Now let him speak to this — * Zeus, as Great Truth hath spoken . . .' Di. {interposing and pressing Eur. back). He '11 kill you with his * rumty tumty tum'! This cursed * rumty' grows on every line Like styes upon your eye-lids ! Let it be ! For heaven's sake leave it ! try his melodies. Eur. {sulkily). - Well, well ! I shall now proceed to expose him As a bad composer, awkward, uninventive, Repeating the same strain perpetually ! (Chorus comes forward.) Chorus. Say, can ye tell what the end shall be? For much we ponder, much we doubt ; How will he censure a poet First of all that have sung before Singer sweet of sweetest music Singer of many rhythms ? We wonder much how that will be: Will he censure our poet, Our god-inspired monarch ? We tremble for his safety. (Chorus retires.) Eur. Mighty fine music, truly ! I '11 give ye a sample ; It 's every inch cut out to the same pattern. Di. I '11 mark — I 've picked these pebbles up for counters. 76 BATPAXOI. (biavKiov TTpoa-avXel.) ET. ^6l&t *A\LX\€Vf tC ttot avbpohd'CKTOv aKovuiv ii] KOTTOV ov TreXa^ets €7r' apcaydv ; ^Epixav pJkv irpoyovov tLoix^v yivos ol irepl kifJLvav. It] KOTTOV ov irekdOeis ctt' dpo^ydv, A I. hvo crol KOTTca, Ato-x^Ae, tovto). ET. Kvbio-T *A')(aL(av 'Arpecos TTokvKolpave p,dv6avi ^ov TTOl. It] KOTTOV ov TreAa^eiy ctt' apoaydv. AI. Tpiros, Ato7(vAej crot kottos ovtos. ET. €V(f)afJL€LT€' iJL€\Lv /xeAwz'. A IS. Ka\xoiy aAts. kiil Tov cTTaOixbv yap avTov ayayeiv /3ovAo/xai, oTTcp efeXeyfet rr)z^ TToirja-Lv v^v fjLovov' TO yap jBdpos V(^v fiacravLei t&v pr}[xaT(ov. A I. tre 8€t3po vvv, etTrep ye Set Kat tovto /cte avbpQv TTOLTjTOiv TvpoiTbiKr\(Tai rix^vqv. \0. ilTLITOVOL y OL be^LOL. Tobe yap erepov av repas i'eo)(jxbv, OLTOirias TrXecoz/, 6 r^j av €TT€v6r]a-€V aWos ; fxa TOV, eyo) [xev ovb^ av et rtj eAeye /ixot tS>v iTnTv^ovTaiv, (TnOoiJLrjv, dAA' (oopujv hv avTov avTCL Xrjpelv. THE FROGS. 79 In capricious eager sallies, Chasing, racing round the galleys. Di. Come, no more songs ! Aes. I 've had enough of 'em ; For my own part I shall bring him to the balance, As a true test of our poetic merit. To prove the weight of our respective verses. DL Well then, so be it — if it must be so, That I 'm to stand here like a cheesemonger. Retailing poetry with a pair of scales. Chorus comes forward. Mightily toil the clever bards! Here is the last, newest marvel, A marvel most strange and wonderful. Who in the world would have thought it would pass? Not we, not we ! nor, 'faith, had someone, One of our chance acquaintances, told us, We 'd not beheved him, rather thought him Jesting out of season ! 8o BATPAXOI. AI0NT202. A12XTA0S. ETPiniAHS. nAOTTON. AI. tOi vvv -napiaTaa-Oov irapa ro) TrXdortyy', A [2. Kal ET. Ibov' A I. KOI \aj3o[jiivo} to prjfi €K6,T€pos etiraTOv, Kol jxi] ix^Oija-Qov, TTplv av eyo) crcfx^v kokkCo-oh, A 1 2. Kttt ET. kxoii^ea. AI. TovTTos VVV XiyeTov ets rov (TTadpiov* ET. et^' c5i/3a9 KaO-qo-Od) avWa/Scav tcl /8t/3Afca' eyw be bv €717] tS>v ifJLwv ipS> p.6vov. THE FROGS. 8i SCENE a. The same. Dionysus, Aeschylus, and Euripides as before. Pluto on his throne. Chorus as before. Di. Move up ; stand close to the balance ! A es. and Eur. Here are we. Di. Take hold now and each of you repeat a verse, And don't leave go before I call to you ! Aes. and Eur. We 're ready. Di. Now then, each repeat a verse. Eur. {speaking info his scale). * I wish that Argo with her woven wings . . . ' Aes. {speaking into his scale). *0 streams of Spercheius, and ye pastured plains . . . ' Di. Let go ! see now— this scale outweighs the other Very considerably. Eur. How did it happen ? Di. He slipt a river in, like th' wool-jobbers, To moisten his metre : but your line was light, A thing with wings— ready to fly away. Eur. Let him try once again then, and take hold. Di. Take hold once more ! Aes. and Eur. We're ready. Di. Now repeat. Eur. ' Speech is the temple and altar of persuasion . . . ' Aes. ' Death is a god that loves not sacrifice ... * Di. Let go ! See there again ! This scale sinks down. No wonder that it should with Death put into it, The heaviest of all calamities. Aes. {triumphantly). Come, no more single lines! let him bring all — His wife, his children, his Cephisophon, His books and everything, himself to boot — I '11 counterpoise them with a couple of lines, tr G «2 BATPAXOI. AI, avbpes p.i]v ^x^*^ » A12. ov xp-q XiovTos (TKvpLvov €V TToAet rpii^eiv. yidXicTTa \x\v Xiovra pirj V iroXei Tp€(f)€iv, rjv b' €KTpa Ilakdixrjbes, w o-o^oDrar?; (^vais. tC bal kiyeis (tv ; A 12. Tr}v TToXiv vvv fioi (fipdcrov TTpStTOV, TL(TL ^pTJTat* TTOTipa TOLS X.pr](TTols ,' A I. TToOev ; /mto-et KcxKio-Ta. AI2, rots TTovTjpoLs 8' ijbeTat ; A I. ov 5^r' €KeLVT] y\ dkXa ^p)\TaL irpos fitav, A 1 2. ttQs ovv tls av (tu>(T€L€ roiavTiqv ttoXiv, fl fxriTe x^alva \xrire. aicrvpa av\i(l>ipei ; AI. €vpL(TKe VT] At', etirep dvabvcreL ttixXlv. AI2. €K€i (fypdaraiiX' dv- hdabl 8' ov ^ovXofxai, AI. fji-t] br]Ta av y', dAA* f.vQkv^ dvUi rdyada. AI2, Tr}V yrjv orav vofJiLcraiCTL ti^v tS>v TToAe/xtcoz; etvat (T^€T€pav, Tr}V 8e (Kperipav Tcav TroAe/x/coi^, Tiopov be 70,9 vavs, diropiav be tov iropov. AI. ev, TrAT/y y 6 biKaaTijs avrd Karaiiivei jjiovos. riA. Kpu'OLs dv. AI. avTT] (Ti^^v KpL(TLS yevri(T€Tai. alprj(TOfxaL yap ov7:ep tj v//vx?) 6e\eL. ET. fXcpLvrjpLevos vvv tS>v Oewv, ovs wjuioa-a?, ?7 /ut?)i> dird^eiv p^ otKaS', atpou rous (fyiXovs. AI. 77 ykSiTT dpi(ap.0K\ Al(T)(y\ov 8' atprio-o/xat. ET. Tt bebpaKas, w ixiapcaTar dvdp(a7r(t)v ; A I. eyoe) ; eKptva VLKCLV Ai(T'^v\ov, tltj yap ov ; ET. aL AtoVuo-', eto-o). AI. TL bai ; HA. Lva ^evLCTO) a-cpGi rrplv aTTOTiXelv, AI. ev rot A^yeis vr] Tov AC' ov yap ayOoixai rw upayp-aTi. XO. ptaKapios y' di^r/p €)(a)i; ^VVeCTLV riKpL^(OfJL€VrjV. TTapa 6e TroXAoto-iz; pLadclv. o8e yap ev (fypovelv boK'qaas TiaXiv a7T€i(Tiv OLKab^ av, eTr' aya^cp piev toIs TToAtrais, €7r' aya6(a be rot? laurov ^vyyeviai re Kat ^tAoto-t, 8ta ro orvveTo'i elvat, \apUv ovv pLT} ScoKparet irapaKaOripievov Xakeiv, ano^akovTa pLOVcnKi]v, Ta re f/e'yto"ra TrapaXbTTOvTa Trjs TpayiabiKrjs re;(rr^9. ro 8' eTTt (TepLvolo-Lv Xoyoicn Kttl (rKapL(pr](rpLoi(TL Xrjpaiv biaTpi^i]V apybv Troulardat, TrapacfypovovvTos avbpos. YIA, aye bij \aipodv, AI(T)(v\€, x^P^t, Kat o-a>fe TroAti^ ti]v rjpieTepav yv(Lp.aLs ayaOals, Kal Traibevaov Tovs avor]Tovs' noWol 8' etVtV* Kat bos TovTi Kkeo(avTi (f>ep(iiVy Kal tovtI rotcrt TTopiaTals, Mvppii]Ki 6' opLov Kal NtKo/uiax<{>* THE FROGS. 87 Di. Why, perhaps death is hfe, and hfe is death, And does not Hfe consist in eating and sleeping ? PI. Now, Dionysus, come with us within. Di. What for? PL To be received and entertain'd With a feast before you go. Di. That's well imagined. With all my heart : I 've not the least objection. Chorus. How blest, whoever truly holds Accurate knowledge and assured, We may tell, from many a case. He who is judged the wisest poet Now to his home returns again ; Well will it be for all the city. Well will it be for all his kinsmen, Well for all his friends, for he is Proved to have understanding true. Best not to sit by Socrates, Chattering all the livelong day. Casting away the poet's crown, All that is best and greatest neglecting, All the art of Tragedy. ^ Verily the contentious quibbler The trifler with words sonorous, Loitering long, for ever idling. Is but a fool and madman ! PL Go forth with good wishes and hearty good will. And salute, the good people on Pallas's hill ; Let them hear and admire father Aeschylus' skill In his office of old which again he must fill : You must guide and direct them, instruct and correct them With a lesson in verse, for you'll find them much worse : Greater fools than before, and their folly much more And more numerous far than the blockheads of yore. And give Cleophon this, and bid him not miss. But be sure to attend to the summons I send ; To Nicomachus too and the rest of the crew 88 BATPAXOI. KOL (fipa^^ avTOLs raxewy 7Jk€LV 0)5 €/>te bevpl kol ijli] fx^WeiV Kav fJLT] raxea)S ^/ccoo-ti^, eyo) VI] Tov 'AttoAAo) (TTL^aS aVTOVS KOL avixTTobio-as fX€T ^Ab^LlxdvTOV TOV A€VK0X6(f)0V KaTOL yrjs rax^ecos aTTOTreju^w. A12< Tavra TrotTJfTco* o-i; be tov Oclkov TOV €fJLOV Trapdbos 2o<^OKAet Trjpeiv, KCLixol (TUG 1 9 2005 DD20 6M 9-03 lJg#K ^w»V. »ii'!ffi^:\g ^r >' V.W rv-7^ ^llJ^ ^ «^ ^ 1 ^*. ^f,^ /l"^ ' i-^n -y ^-^wi^v W V A ^ y O^ W ^ ^^^ ^ WW pL. KJV^\