16351 \V3 UC-NRLF W LIBRARY OF CONGRESS > Subject Subdivisions (A) Under names of countries, states, etc* (B) Under names of cities (C) Under general subjects FIFTH EDITION WA.SBINf.5TON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1920 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Subject Subdivisions (A) Under names of countries, states, etc* (B) Under names of cities (C) Under general subjects FIFTH EDITION W/VSHINOTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1920 18 . L. C. card, 20-26008 PREFATORY NOTE TO ISSUE OF 1916 Since the third issue of this list in 1910, the recataloguing of several classes has been completed, that of others begun or advanced : Philosophy ; Heraldry ; Genealogy ; Political science ; International law ; sections of Art, Language and Literature ; Agriculture ; Military and Naval science ; special collections, Lincoln, Washington, etc. These subjects, covered fully or in part, have increased the list to more than double its former size. Together with the Preliminary lists of subject headings with local subdivision, recently issued, it forms a necessary complement to the main list of sub- ject headings, and a key to the subject subdivisions used on the printed catalogue cards. The compilation of the additions and the preparation of the revised list for printing are the work of Mary W. MacNair. CHARGES MARTEI, Chief of Catalogue Division HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C., July 1916 The fourth edition of this list having been exhausted, it is now reissued, incorporating additions which have been made from 1916 to date. June 1920 430358 i iwad ^aivsrf leii airiJ lo aobiba Hliuol teb oJ ftfQI moil absm n-xxf WiH doifiw enoHi!>b gni SUBJECT SUBDIVISIONS UNDER NAMES OF COUNTRIES, STATES, ETC. The subjects represented in this list belong mostly to the his- torical, political, and social sciences. For subjects in technology, science, and art, etc., which have country subdivision, see the "Subject headings with local subdivision," 1920 ; these are repre- sented under the country by a see reference only (e. g. Canada Botany. See Botany Canada) When subdivisions given below have been used only under cer- tain countries, it is so specified. As far as applicable, they may be used under other countries. Altitudes. Annexation. Under certain countries, e. g. Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico. Antiquities. Antiquities, Roman. Appropriations and expenditures. Under United States. See also subdivision Appropriations and expen* ditures under names of departments, institutions, etc. (e. g. U. S. War dept. Appropriations and expenditures) . Area. Army. Arrangement of regiments, etc., differs under various countries. For illustrations see France and Great Britain. Single regiments of the United States army are entered under U. S. artillery, [cavalry or infantry] followed by number or name of regiment (e. g. U. S. infantry. 21st regt.) When subdivisions given in the list below have been used only under certain countries, it is so specified. As far as applicable, they may be used under other countries. Army Ambulances. Appointments and retirements. Appropriations and expenditures. Barracks and quarters. Bibliography. Biography. Chaplains. Clerical work. Under United States. Commissariat. Crimes and misdemeanors. *T02 6 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES Army Continued. Desertions. Directories. Drill and tactics. See Army Artillery Drill and tactics ; Army Cavalry Drill and tactics; Army Infantry Drill and tactics. Enlistment. See Army Recruiting, enlistment, etc. Equipment. ; Examinations. Field service^ jtfjjg IQ% .20 \ Jfii:*v ftdwfc /iJrmoo avsd rfrnrfw Firing regulations. Guard duty. Handbooks, manuals, etc. History. . TO Illustrations. .. VfJ nd:> ,-f dvfif { wo j :x j ^ f \ v*nv' : Under Un * ed States '. aA .fejfeaq* oa d it , Insignia. Inspection. Under United States. Machine gun drill and tactics. Under United States. Manoeuvers. Medals, badges, decorations, etc. Military life. Negro troops .a9tO*ifeo>qw bnc Under United States. XT j rr , i Jt 1 Non-commissioned officers handbooks. .g ' j-.fr. Officers 1 handbooks. Officers on detached service. Ordnance and ordnance stores. Organization. Pay, allowances, etc. Periodicals. Physical training. Postal service. Prisons. Promotions. Records and correspondence. Recruiting, enlistment, etc. Regimental histories. Under Great Britain. (Subdivision Regimental histories is used under U. S. History Revolution, L War of 1812 , Registers. Regulations. Retirements. See Army Appointments and retirements. Sanitary affairs. Signaling. Societies. Statistics. Supplies and stores. Surgeons. SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB COUNTRIES 7 Army Continued. Target-practice. Technical education. Under Great Britain. Test shooting. Transport of sick and wounded. Transportation. Uniforms. Army Artillery. Artillery Drill and tactics. Artillery History. Artillery, Coast. Artillery-, Coast Target-practice. Artillery, Field and mountain. Artillery, Light. Under United States. Aviation corps. Under United States. Cavalry. Cavalry' Drill and tactics. Cavalry-History. Colonial forces. Corps of engineers. Under United States. Dental corps. Under United States. Engineers. (Corps of engineers is used under U. S. Army) Hospital corps. Under United States. Infantry. Infantry Drill and tactics. Infantry Equipment. Under United States. Infantry History. Medical reserve corps. Under United States. Military telegraph corps. Under United States. Mine companies. Under United States. Remount service. Signal corps. Under United States. Signal corps Drill regulations. Under United States. Territorial force. Under Great Britain. Torpedo companies. Under United States. Transport service. 8 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEK COUNTRIES Baronetage. Under Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland. Bibliography. Bio-bibliography. Biography. Biography Dictionaries. Biography Portraits. Boundaries. Capital and capitol. Exception: U. S. Capital; Washington, D. C.Capitol, connected by references. Census. Centennial celebrations, etc. Charters. Under American colonies, states, and cities. Charters, grants, privileges. Under foreign countries, cities, etc. Church history. Civil and political institutions, etc. See Politics and government Civilization. Claims. Claims vs. ... Under names of claimants (countries, states, cities, individuals, etc.) e. g. Maryland Claims vs. U. S. Climate. /^ L J f Coast defenses. Under United States; Europe. Colonial question. Under United States. Colonies. Subdivided by subject (e. g. France Colonies Banks and banking; Gt. Brit. Colonies Administration) ; and by country, etc. (e. g. France Colonies A Igeria) Commerce. Subdivided, when necessary, by country, e. g. France Commerce U. S. (with duplicate entry U. S. Commerce France") Commercial policy. Commercial treaties. Constitution. Constitution Amendments. Under United States. Constitution Anniversaries. Under United States. Constitution Signers. Under United States. '.. , .3317102 J1O<}- SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES 9 Constitutional conventions. Under names of states. Constitutional history. Constitutional law. Court and courtiers. Custom-house. Customs. See Social life and customs. Tk r Defenses. Departmental salaries. See Officials and employees Salaries, allowances, etc. Description and travel. cf. note under Description, geography. Description and travel Bibliography. Gazetteers. Guide-books. Maps. Poetry. Views. Description, geography. Substituted for Description and travel and Historical geography under Greece (as distinct from Greece, Modern), Rome, Gaul, and other countries of antiquity. Dictionaries and encyclopedias. Diplomatic and consular service. Diplomatic and consular service Appropriations and expendi- tures. Under United States. Diplomatic and consular service Buildings. Directories. See also Registers. Discovery and exploration. Distances, etc. Early accounts to 1600. Under America. Ecclesiastical history. See Church history. Ecclesiastical institutions. See Religious and ecclesiastical insti- tutions. Economic conditions. TA . ,. Economic policy. _. , . * . Emigration and immigration. Emigration and immigration Medical inspection. Under United States. Estates. Under France and Germany. Executive departments. 10 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES Executive departments Equipment and supplies. Under United States. Executive departments Records and correspondence. Under United States. Exiles. Under Siberia, Tasmania, etc. Exploring expeditions. Famines. Under names of certain countries, e, g. India. Foreign population. Foreign relations. General works arranged chronologically, followed by works limited to diplomatic relations of two countries, e. g. U. S. Foreign rela- tions France (with duplicate entry France Foreign relations U. S.} Foreign relations Speeches in Congress. Under United States. Foreign relations Treaties. See also Commercial treaties. Frontier troubles. Under Mexico. Gazetteers. See Description and travel Gazetteers. Genealogy. See also Biography. Gentry. Under Great Britain and Ireland. Geography. See Description and travel ; Description, geography ; Historical geography. Government. See Politics and government. Government property. Government publications. Government publications (Counties) Under United States. Government publications (Municipal governments) Under United States. Government publications (State governments) Under United States. Government vessels. Government vessels Inspection. Under United States. Governors. Under names of states and territories. Guide-books. See Description and travel Guide-books. Historic houses, etc. Historical geography. cf. note under Description, geography. Historical geography Maps. Historiography. See History Historiography. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES 11 History Addresses, essays, lectures. An ^f _..,., Under United States. Bibliography. Chronology. Dictionaries. Drama. Under United States. Fiction. Historiography. Humor caricatures etc. Under United States. Outlines, svllabi, etc. Periodicals. Philosophy. Poetry. In the case of European countries it may be preferable to make the period divisions under the subdivision Poetry (e. g. Ger- many History Poetry 1806-1815, with reference from Ger- many History 1806-1815 Poetry) Portraits. Societies. Sources. Study and teaching. By periods, reigns, administrations, etc. (e. g. France History Bour- bons, 1589-1189) History, Comic, satirical, etc. Under United States replaced by subdivision History Humor, cari- catures, etc. History, Juvenile. History, Local. History, Military. See also Army History. History, Military Anecdotes. Under United States. History, Naval. See also Navy History. History, Naval Anecdotes. Under United States. Immigration. See Emigration and immigration. Industries. Insular possessions. Under United States. Insular possessions Commerce. Under United States. Intellectual life. Internal improvements. See Public works. Kings and rulers. Kings and rulers Succession. 12 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES Languages. Learned institutions and societies. Legal antiquities. Under Greece and Rome only. For other countries see Law [country subdivision^ History and criticism (e. g. Law France History and criticism) Literary and scientific institutions. See Learned institutions and societies. Local history. See History, Local. Manners and customs. See Social life and customs. Manufactures. See also Industries. Maps. See Description and travel Maps; also Historical geog- raphy Maps. Medical statistics. See Statistics, Medical. Military antiquities. Under Greece and Rome only. Military history. See History, Military. Militia. Under United States and names of states ; Australia ; Canada. Militia Guard duty. Under United States. Militia Handbooks. Under United States. Militia, Naval. See Naval militia. Moral conditions. Name. TVT I'. Nationality. Native races. Chiefly for political relations between natives and the government. Not to be confused with general heading Ethnology. Naval history. See History, Naval. Naval militia. Under United States and names of states. AT Navy. When subdivisions given in the list below have been used only under certain countries, it is so specified. As far as applicable, they may be used under other countries. Navy- Appointments and retirements. Apprentices. Appropriations and expenditures. Artificers' handbooks. Under United States. Auxiliary service. Bibliography. Biography. Collier service. SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB COUNTRIES 13 Continued. Crimes and misdemeanors. Desertions. Directories. Drill manuals. Electric installations. Fiction. Field service. Under Great Britain and United States. Firearms. Firing regulations. Under United States. Tuel. Handbooks, manuals, etc. History. Hospital corps. Under United States. Hospital-ships. Illustrations. Insignia. Under United States. Lists of vessels. Manoeuvers. Medals, badges, decorations, etc. Medical corps. Under United States. XT Nurse corps. -Officers. Officers' handbooks. Under United States. Order-books. Ordnance and ordnance store*. Painting of vessels. Under United States. Pay, allowances, etc. Periodicals. Physical training. Prisons and prison-ships. Promotions. ^Records and correspondence. Under United States. Recruiting, enlistment, etc. Registers. "Regulations. Sanitary affairs. Sea life. 'Seamen's handbooks. 'Signaling. Small-boat service. 'Societies. "Staff corps. 14 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES Navy Continued. Supplies and stores. Surgeons. Target-practice. Transportation. Under United States. Trials of vessels. Uniforms. Victualling. Under Great Britain. Neutrality. Nobility. See also Peerage. Occupations. Official publications. See Government publications. Officials and employees Appointment, qualifications, tenure, etc. Medals, badges, decorations, etc. Under United States. Political activity. Under United States. Salaries, allowances, etc. cf. Salaries, pensions, etc., on p. 72. Peerage. Under Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland. Politics. Under America ; Balkan Peninsula ; Central America ; Spanish: America, etc. Politics and government Addresses, essays, lectures. Bibliography. Dictionaries. Examinations, questions, etc. Under United States. Handbooks, manuals, etc. Miscellanea. Under United States. Periodicals. By periods, etc. (e. g. Italy Politics and government 1849-1810) Population. See also Census. Presidents. Exception: Works on presidents of the United States are entered under Presidents U. S. Princes and princesses. Proclamations. _. , . Products. Public buildings. Public documents. See Government publications. Public lands. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES 15 Public works. Queens. Race question. Registers. See also Directories. Relations (general) with . . . General relations and mutual influence of two countries, e. g. Italy Relations (general) with France (with duplicate entry France Relations (general) with Italy) For diplomatic relations see sub- division Foreign relations. Religion. Religious and ecclesiastical institutions. Sanitary affairs. Scientific bureaus. Under United States. Scientific institutions. See Learned institutions and societies. Seal. Social conditions. Social life and customs. Social life and customs Illustrations. Statistics. Statistics, Medical. Statistics, Vital. Succession. See Kings and rulers Succession. Surveys. Territorial expansion. Under United States. Territories. Under United States. Travel. See Description and travel. Treaties. See Commercial treaties ; Foreign relations Treaties. Views. 'See Description and travel Views. Vital statistics. See Statistics, Vital. ' -'..;* c,rtr>\v ' tf2 !.- I* >M ,- ittV . .n ^*& .b . bbiammoD r i r /i .^^husiT ^ brrs noiinoR^Q .av; SUBJECT SUBDIVISIONS UNDER NAMES OF CITIES AND TOWNS . Classes of institutions or establishments, e. g. Theaters, Libra- ries, Hospitals, etc., are represented under names of cities, but not under names of countries that is to say, a book dealing with libraries in France is entered under Libraries France; one re- stricted to the libraries of a particular city, as Paris, under Paris Libraries. Abattoirs. See Slaughter-houses. Almshouses and workhouses. Ambulance service. Amusements. Anchorage. See Harbor Anchorage. Antiquities. Antiquities, Roman. Arsenals. Bathing beaches. Benevolent and moral institutions and societies. Bibliography. Biography. Biography Portraits. Bombardment. Under names of certain cities, etc. (e. g. Stonington, Conn.; Taku forts, China) Boundaries. Bridges. Business associations. Cafes. See Hotels, taverns, etc. Canals. Capture. Under names of certain cities, etc. (e. g. Elizabeth City, N. C.; Ticonderoga, N. 7.) Carnivals. See Festivals, etc. Cemeteries. Census. Centennial celebrations, etc. Charities. 464320 2 17 18 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER CITIES Charities, Medical. Charters. Under American cities. Charters, grants, privileges. Under foreign cities. Church history. Churches. See also Religious and ecclesiastical institutions. City hall. Civic improvement. Claims. Climate. Clubs. Commerce. Commercial institutions. See Business associations. Conservatories of music. Conventions and public meetings. Cries. Customs. See Social life and customs. Description Guide-books. Maps. Poetry. Views. Directories. See also Registers. Directories Telephone. Dispensaries. Distances, etc. Docks. Earthquake. Under names of certain cities, etc., e. g. Messina Earthquake, 1908. Ecclesiastical institutions. See Churches; Religious and ecclesi- astical institutions. Economic conditions. Evening and continuation schools. Executive departments. Exhibitions. Fairs. Ferries. Festivals, etc. Fires and fire prevention. Floods. Foreign population. Fortifications. Fountains. Galleries and museums. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER CITIES 19 Genealogy. See also Biography. Gilds. Government. See Politics and government. Government publications. Guide-books. See Description Guide-books. Harbor. Harbor Anchorage. Historic houses, etc. History. Historv Fiction. Hospitals. Hotels, taverns, etc. Industrial schools. Industries. Intellectual life. Learned institutions and societies. Libraries. Lighting. Literary and scientific institutions, etc. See Learned institutions and societies. Livery companies. Under British cities. Lodging-houses. Manners and customs. See Social life and customs. Manufactures. See also Industries. Maps. See Description Maps. Markets. Massacre. Under names of certain cities, etc., e. g. Chicago Massacre, 1812. Mayors. Medical statistics. See Statistics, Medical. Memorial inscriptions. To be used for markers placed on historic sites, etc. Monuments. Moral conditions. Morgues. Museums. See Galleries and museums. Music-halls. Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.) Name. Occupations. Office buildings. Official publications. See Government publications. 20 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER CITIES Officials and employees Appointment, qualifications, tenure, etc. Salaries, allowances, etc. Orphans and orphan-asylums. -r, 1 Palaces. Parks. Arranged alphabetically. Paving. See Streets. Playgrounds. Police. Politics and government. Poor. Population. See also Census. Prisons and reformatories. Public baths. Public buildings. Public comfort stations. Public lands. Public laundries. Public meetings. See Conventions and public meetings. Public schools. See also Schools. Public works. Rapid transit. Registers. See also Directories. Religious and ecclesiastical institutions. Riots. Sanitary affairs. ^V"* 1 Schools. See also Public schools. Scientific institutions. See L,earned institutions and societies. Seal: Sepulchral monuments. Sewerage. Siege. Under names of certain cities, etc., e. g. Saragossa Siege t 1808-1809. Slaughter-houses. Social conditions. Social life and customs. :.-,., Ttt ,. Social life and customs Illustrations. Stables. ox ^- .L- f-ote -M Statistics. Statistics, Medical. Statistics, Vital. Stock-vards. SUBDIVISIONS XJNDEB CITIES 21 Storm. Under names of certain cities, etc., e. g. GalvestonS'torm, 1900. Street cleaning. Streets. Arranged alphabetically or numerically. Suburbs. Surveys. Synagogues. Theaters. Tombs. Topography. See Description. Vacation schools. Views. See Description Views. Vital statistics. See Statistics, Vital. Voters'. Voting precincts. Wards. Arranged numerically. Water-supply. Wharves. GENERAL FORM DIVISIONS UNDER SUBJECTS Addresses, essays, lectures. To include addresses, essays, lectures, whether issued singly* or in collections, whether by one or more authors. To be limited to the class of works specified, i. e. works which are usually brief and do not treat the subject as comprehensively or methodically as a regular treatise. Occasionally the term " essay " is applied to a work which really forms a comprehensive treatise on a subject or branch of a subject. In this case the subdivision is to be omitted. The same holds true of a series of lectures on a particular subject which, issued together, may form a connected and comprehensive treatise, and should therefore be entered under the general subject without subdivision, cf. Ad- dresses, commemorations, etc.; Addresses, sermons, etc., on p. 25-26. Bibliography. Bio-bibliography. Collected works. Ordinarily for works of one author. In certain cases, especially under scientific and technical subjects, the subdivision Collected works covers works by one or more authors (e. g. Science Collected works) Collections. Ordinarily to cover collections of works by different authors. In certain cases, especially under scientific and technical subjects, sub- division Collections is omitted, and subdivision Collected works covers works by one or more authors, cf. subdivision Collections on p. 35. Congresses. cf Congresses, conferences, etc., on p. 37. Dictionaries. cf. Dictionaries, indexes, etc., on p. 40. Directories. Exhibitions. cf. Exhibitions and museums on p. 45. Handbooks, manuals, etc. cf. Handbooks; Handbooks, treatises, etc., on p. 50. Historv. *A single address, essay, or lecture which deals with a particula'r phase or subdivision of a subject is to be entered under that, not under the general heading with subdivision Addresses, essays, lectures (e. g. an address on the history of medicine is to be entered under Medicine History, not under Medicine Addresses, essays, lectures) 23 24 FORM DIVISIONS Outlines, syllabi, etc. Confined to syllabi and outlines in the strict sense of these terms. Does not include treatises in the form of compends, manuals, or handbooks. Periodicals. Societies. Form subdivision for collections, memoirs, reports, transactions, etc., r j 10 of societies under the name of the subject or subjects of which they treat (e. g. Botany Societies) cf. Societies, periodicals, etc., on p. 74. Societies, etc. For publications of universities, museums, and other institutions, and gtmol of certain commissions which are not societies in the ordinary ac- ceptation of the word. Statistics. Study and teaching. cf. Instruction and study on p. 54, also the general headings Agricul- tural education, Technical education, etc. Year-books. cf. Almanacs, year-books, etc., on p. 26. .torfl a I 73l>mr ADDITIONAL SUBDIVISIONS USED UNDER SPECIAL CLASSES OF SUBJECTS By way of illustration some of the subjects or classes of subjects under which they apply are specified. Abbreviations. Law ; Numismatics. Abnormities. Hair. Abnormities and deformities. Organs and regions of the body. Abscess. Organs and regions of the body. Accents and accentuation. Names of languages. Accessories. Steam power-plants. Accidents. Automobiles ; Bridges ; Building ; Coal mines and mining ; Labor and laboring classes ; Railroads ; Theaters. Accidents and injuries. Sports. Accommodation and refraction. Eye. Accommodations on shipboard. Seamen. Accompaniment. Chant (Plain, Gregorian, etc.) Accounting. Under Banks and banking ; Corporations ; Finance ; Investments ; etc. ; and under trades, industries, professions. See also Practice Accoi(nting. Accounts, bookkeeping, etc. Railroads. Acoustics and physics. Music. Adaptations. Shakespeare. Addresses, commemorations, etc. Pilgrim fathers. 25 26 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Addresses, sermons, etc. Under important wars (e. g. European war, 1914- ; Franco-Ger- man war, 1870-1871; U. S. History Civil war} ; and under names of certain persons (e. g. Lincoln, Washington) cf. Addresses, essays, lectures on p. 23. Adjective. Names of languages. Adjustment of claims. Accidents ; Insurance ; Insurance, Accident, [Fire, Industrial, etc.] ; Street-railroads. Administration. Anesthetics; Colonies. Adulteration and analysis. Drugs. Adverb. Names of languages. Aeration. Water. Aerial operations. European war, 1914- Age. Domestic animals ; Earth ; Horses. Agents. Insurance; Insurance, Fire, [Life, etc.] Agriculture. Indians ; Indians of North America ; [Indians of the West Indies, etc.] Air-fleet bases. European war, 1914- Air-fleet bases, Naval. European war, 1914- Air-valves. Steam-heating. Albums. Postage-stamps. Allusions. Under names of prominent authors, e. g. Shakespeare. Almanacs. France History Revolution; U. S. History Civil war. Almanacs, year-books, etc. Music. Alphabet. Names of languages. Alphabets. Telegraph. Alternating current. Dynamos; Electric machinery. SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB GENERAL SUBJECTS 27 Amateurs' manuals. Dynamos; Electric apparatus and appliances; Electric engineering; Electric lamps; Electric motors; Telegraph; Telephone. American authors. French literature; French poetry; German literature; etc. American forces. U. S. History Revolution. Ammonia. Pipe-fittings. Analogy. Names of languages. Analysis. Air ; Cast-iron ; Food ; Gases ; Sewage ; Soils ; Steel ; Water ; etc. Analysis and chemistry. j . j Blood. Analysis and examination. Milk. Analysis and parsing. See Composition and exercises ; Grammar. Analysis and pathology. Urine. Analysis and testing. Sugar. Analysis blanks. Botany. Analysis, interpretation, appreciation. Music. Analytical guides. Music. Anatomy. Birds; Botany; Crustacea; Horses; Insects; Nerves; Respiratory organs; etc. Anatomy and physiology. Woman. Anecdotes. Under Germans in the U. S.; Indians of North America; Jews in the U. S. ; names of certain wars (e. g. France History Revolution; U. S. History Revolution) ; names of prominent persons (e. g. Lincoln, Washington) Anecdotes and sayings. Children. Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc. Art ; Authorship ; Law ; Libraries ; Literature ; Medicine ; Music ; Printing; Temperance; Theater; Travel. Anemia. Brain. Animal forms. Design, Decorative. 28 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Ankylosis. Under names of joints, e. g. Shoulder- joint. Anniversaries, etc. Under Reformation ; and under names of historical characters, au- thors, etc., e. g. Shakespeare. Annulment. Marriage. Anomalies. See Muscles Anomalies. Anthropometry. Indians of North America. Anti-slavery movements. Slavery in the U. S. Antiquities. Bible; Indians; Indians of Mexico, [North America, etc.] ; Jews;. names of Indian tribes. Antonyms. Names of languages. Aphorisms. Medicine. Apparatus. Gas manufacture and works; Sound. Apparatus and equipment. Gymnasiums ; Playgrounds. Apparatus and instruments. Dermatology; Electrotherapeutics; Obstetrics, cf. Instruments. Apparatus and supplies. Automobiles ; Canning and preserving ; Chemical engineering ; Cream- eries; Metallurgy; Photography; Telegraph; Telephone, cf. Sup- plies. Apparatus and supplies Catalogs. Photography; Telegraph; Telephone. Apparatus and supplies Testing. Photography. Applause, demonstrations, etc. Theater. Appliances, utensils, etc. Confectionery. Appointments, promotions, salaries, etc. Under names of departments or institutions, (cf. Salaries, pensions, etc.; also, under names of countries, subdivisions Army [Navy^ Appointments and retirements; Army \Navy^ Pay, allowances, etc.; Army [Navy] Promotions; and, under names of countries and cities, subdivision Officials and employees Appointment, qualifications, ten- ure, etc.) Appreciation. Dante; Goethe; Shakespeare; etc. Appropriations. Indians of North America. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 29 Appropriations and expenditures. Under names of departments, institutions, etc. (e. g. U. S. War deft. Appropriations and expenditures) Architecture. Indians of Mexico; Indians of North America. Areas and volumes. Surfaces. Armistices. European war, 1914- Arms and armor. Indians of Mexico; Indians of North America. Art. Indians of North America; Judgment-day; Mary, Virgin; Mound- builders; Nativity; Saints; etc. Art and the war. European war, 1914- Art collections. Under certain celebrated families, e. g. Medici, House of. Article. Names of languages. Artificial deformities. Foot; Skull. Artificial light. Photography. Ash-pans. Locomotives. Assaying. Gold; Silver. Assimilation. Plants. Assimilation and excretion. . Nitrogen. Associates and employees. Washington, George. Associations (of employers) Under trades, e.'g. Sheet-metal workers. Astronomy. Bible. Asylums and education. Blind; Deaf and dumb. cf. Education; Hospitals and asylums. Atlases. Anatomy, Human; Stars. Atrocities. Balkan Peninsula History War of 1912-1913; European war, 1914- Attenuations, dilutions, and potencies. Homeopathy. 30 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Attitude and movement. Man. Austrian authors. German drama; German literature; German poetry. Authorship. Shakespeare. Autochrome process. Color photography. Autographs. Under Musicians; names of individuals, e. . 'Dickens'. Autographs, Spurious. Shakespeare. Automatic systems. Telegraph. Automobiles. European war, 1914- Auxiliary verbs. Names of languages. Bacteriology. Under Air; Bread; Cheese; Dust; Food; Meat; Milk; Soils; Water; Diphtheria; Influenza; etc.; and under organs and regions of the body, e. g. Digestive organs, Eye. Baggage. Railroads. Barrage. Names of rivers. Basicity. Acids. Basket making. Indians of North America; Indians of South America. Battles. See Campaigns and battles. Bearings. Bridges. Belgian authors. French drama; French literature; French poetry. Benefices. Church of England. Biblical arguments. Temperance. Billeting. Soldiers. Biochemic treatment. Diphtheria. Biography. Actors; Children; Dominicans; Freemasons; Indians; Indians of . Mexico, [North America, etc.] ; Insurance ; Law ; Negroes ; Woman ; names of certain wars (e. g. France History Revolution) ; etc. SUBDIVISIONS U^DER GENERAL SUBJECTS 31 Biology. Insects. Birthday books. Shakespeare. Birthplace. Lincoln. Bishops. Church of England. Bishops Temporal power. Church of England. Blanks, forms, etc. Sec Forms, blanks, etc. Blockade. U. S. History Civil war. Blockades. European war, 1914- Blood-vessels. Brain ; Uterus. Boats. Indians; Indians of North America. Books and reading. Under names of certain persons, e. g. Napoleon I ; Petrarca. Brakes. Electric railroads. Branches, delivery stations, etc. Libraries. Bridges. Names of rivers. Brightness. Planets. British forces. U. S. History Revolution. Buildings. Under names of institutions and groups of institutions (^. g. Univer- sities and colleges Hungary Buildings} ; and under Postal serv- ice (country subdivision] (e. g. Postal service U. S. Buildings) cf. subdivision Public buildings under names of countries and cities, and Diplomatic and. consular service Buildings under names of countries. Buildings and structures. Railroads. Business English. English language. Business methods. Photography. By-products. Under special industries, e. g. Gas manufacture and works. Calendars. Business. 32 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Calendars, etc. Shakespeare. Calibration. Rolls (Iron mills) Campaign funds. Under Elections [local subdivision^ (e. g. Elections U. $. Cam- paign funds} Campaigns. European war, 1914- Campaigns and battles. U. $. History -French and \ Indian war, 1755-1763; U. S. History Revolution; U. S. History Civil war. Cancels. Printing. Cancer. Organs and regions of the body. Capitalization. Names of languages. Captivities. Indians of Central America; Indians of North America. Care and hygiene. Children; Infants; Ear; Eye; Hair; Skin; Teeth. Care and treatment. Epileptics; Insane. Cargo. Ships. Caricatures and cartoons. Triple alliance, 1882. (cf. subdivisions Cartoons, satire, etc.; Humor, caricatures, etc.; Portraits, caricatures, etc.) Cars. Electric railroads ; Railroads ; Railway mail service. Cars Heating and ventilation. Railroads. Cars Lighting. Railroads. Cartoons, satire, etc. Lincoln, (cf. Caricatures and cartoons) Case. Names of languages. Cases. Under Constitutional law ; International law and relations ; Torts ; Trade-marks; Trial practice; Wills; etc. (For the most part used for collections of illustrative cases for students, not for complete collections for the practitioner. Under a few subjects (e. g. Rail- road law U. S.) used as a form subdivision for individual cases) Cases, clinical reports, statistics. Gynecology; Obstetrics; Surgery. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 33 Casualties (Statistics, etc.) European war, 1914- Catalogs. Art ; Electric apparatus and appliances ; Engravings ; Incunabula ; Nat- ural history ; Seeds ; Stars ; Tools ; Woodwork ; etc. See also Appa- ratus and supplies Catalogs; Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Catalogs and collections. Under subjects in natural history, e. g. Birds; Shells, cf. Collections; Museums and collections. Catalogs of supplies, etc. Electric lighting. Catarrh. Stomach. Catechisms and creeds. Names of churches. Catechisms, question-books. Bible. .Catholic authors. American literature; German literature; etc. Cause and determination. Sex. Causes. Under Death; certain important wars (e. g. European war, 1914- ; U. S. History Revolution; U. S. History Civil war) Causes and character. France History Revolution. Causes and theories of causation. Diseases. Cavalry operations. U. S. History Civil war. Celebrations of invention. See History Celebrations of inven- tion. Censorship. European war, 1914- ; Theater. Census. Indians of North America. Centralization. Libraries ; Schools. Ceramics. Dentistry. Characters. Shakespeare. Charities. Jews; Jews in the U. S.; Negroes; Printers; Woman, cf. Missions and charities. 464320 3 34 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Charities, protection, etc. Children. Charts. Chronology, Historical. Charts, diagrams, etc. Anatomy, Human; Astronomy; Botany; Meteorology; Music; Optics. Charts, maps, etc. Names of bodies of water. Charts, tables, etc. Statistics, cf. Graphic methods. Checks. Postal savings-banks. Chemical analyses. Geology, Economic. Chemical analysis. Plants. Chemical composition. Fruit. Chemical systems. Fire extinction. Chemistry. Dyes and dyeing; Glass manufacture. Children. Indians of North America. Children's dances. T> Dancing. Chrestomathies and readers. Under names of languages other than English. English readers are entered under the heading Readers and speakers. Christian authors. Arabic literature. Chronology. Bible; Jesus Christ; names of certain wars (e. g. U. S. History Civil war) See also History Chronology. Church history. Names of denominations, sects, churches, councils, etc. Circulation, loans. Libraries. Citizenship. Indians of North America. Civic improvement. Cities and towns. Civil employment. *t<' Seamen; Soldiers. Civil rights. Jews; Negroes. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 35 Civilization. Jews. Claim departments. Railroads. Claims. Freight and freightage ; Indians of North America ; names of wars. Classification. Birds; Botany; Chemistry; Fishes; Insects; Language and languages; Law; Mineralogy; Natural history; Stars; Zoology; etc. Classification and nomenclature. Rocks. Classification of risks. Insurance, Fire. Clauses. Names of languages. Cleavage. Rocks. Clergy. Names of churches. Clothing. Infants. Clubs. France History Revolution. Codification. International law, Private; International law and relations; Law. Collaboration. Authorship. Collecting of specimens. Mineralogy ; Paleontology. Collection and preservation. Birds; Fishes; Insects; Mollusks ; Plants; Reptiles; Zoological rpeci- mens ; etc. Collections. Arms and armor ; Autographs ; etc. cf. Catalogs and collections; Museums and collections; also form division Collections on p. 23. Collectors and collecting. Art objects; Book-plates; Engravings; Furniture; Gems; Glassware; Metal-work; Numismatics; Postage-stamps; Pottery. Colonization. Epileptics ; Insane ; Negroes. Color. Indians; Stars. Coloring. Metals; Photographs. Colportage, subscription trade, etc. Booksellers and bookselling. 36 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Comedies. Shakespeare. Commentaries. Bible. Commerce. Indians of North America; Jews. Commissariat. Armies, cf. subdivision Army Commissariat under names of coun- tries. Commitment and detention. Insane. Committees. Legislative bodies. Committees of correspondence. U. S. History Revolution. Committees of safety. U. S. History Revolution. Comparison. Names of languages, Compends. Law. 2ifIK Competitions. Agriculture; Architecture; Art; Oratory; Poetry, cf. Prizes. Complications and sequelae. Diseases. Composition. Water. Composition and exercises. Names of languages. Composition, proportion, etc. Architecture. Compound words. Names of languages. Concentration camps. Under certain wars, e. g. South African war, 1899-1902. Concordances. Bible ; names of special authors, e. g. Shakespeare. Condition of slaves. Slavery in the U. S. Conditional sentences. Names of languages. Conditions and laws. Chemical reaction. Conduction. Heat. Conductivity. Electrolysis. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 37 Confiscations and contributions. European war, 1914- Congestion. Brain; Lungs. Congresses, conferences, etc. European war, 1914- Con junctions. Names of languages. Consecration. Cemeteries. Conservation and restoration. Books ; Engravings ; Manuscripts ; Paintings, cf. Restoration. Consonants. Names of languages. Constitution. Matter; Stars. Constitutions. _ Freemasons. Construction. Under certain technical subjects, musical instruments, etc., e. g. Bridges; Electric railroads; Furnaces; Hospitals; Locomotives; Machinery; Prisons; Railroads; Steam-engines; Telegraph lines; Telephone lines ; Theaters ; Flute ; Organ ; Stringed instruments ; Violin, cf. Design and construction. Contemporaries. Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare, etc. Contested elections. Names of legislative bodies. Contraction. Names of languages. Contracts and specifications. Under engineering subjects, etc., e. g. Building; Civil engineering; Electric engineering; Electric lighting; Electric railroads; Engi- neering; Pavements; Sewerage, cf. Specifications. Controversial literature. Slavery in the U. S. Convection. Heat. Conventional signs. Topographical drawing. Conversation and phrase books. Languages, Modern; names of languages. Conversation and phrase books (for soldiers, etc.) Names of languages. Conversion tables. Metric system; Time. 38 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB GENEBAL, SUBJECTS Copying. Photography. Coronation. Names of rulers, e. g. Napoleon. Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. , , Actors ; Artists ; Authors ; Musicians ; Philologists. Corrupt practices. Elections. Cost of construction. Canals; Electric railroads ; Railroads. Cost of operation. Railroad^; .treet : railrQa45.; f ;eijs)8 Children; Physicians; Universities and colleges. Costume and adornment. Indians of North America. noitoiJV- Costumes, supplies, etc. . *;^. Names of secret socfetres f . >j e rj ^ T Freemasons; Odd-fellows, Independ- ent order i>fv.i>nrgfl'>-infis:t8 ; abfiO-tlijsH ; tnoii-ft ;ra*rfo*M Councils. b^frhj?, ;n*8iO ;9JnP! rmtot&v. t e*flU; Indians of North America.. itofotnUnctti lb Court. Popes. Courts. Indians of North America. Craniology. Indians of North America ; Negroes. Credit guides. Under names of trades, etc., e. g. Jewelry trade; Lumber trade; Textile industry and fabrics. Credit guides of a particular locality have duplicate entry under Credit guides [local subdivision] Creeds. See Catechisms and creeds. Crime. Negroes; Woman. Criticism, Textual. Under names of special literatures (e. g. Greek literature) and under certain of the more important authors (e. g. Shakespeare) Criticism and interpretation. Under names of certain authors, 'e. g. Milton, Shakespeare. Criticism, interpretation, etc. Under Bible, and parts and books of the Bible ; Nibelungenlied. Crops. Insurance, Agricultural. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 39 Crossings. Railroads. Culture. Indians of North America. Culture media. Bacteriology. Curiosa. Literature. Curiosa and miscellany. Astronomy; Botany; Cosmology; Earth; Geometry; History; Law; Mathematics ; Moon ; Pyramids ; Solar system ; names of promi- nent authors, e. g. Shakespeare, cf. Miscellanea. Curious devices. Machinery. Current supply. Telegraph; Telephone. Curricula. Education; Universities and colleges. Curves and turnouts. Railroads ; Street-railroads. Cylinder packing. Steam-engines. Cylinders. Steam-engines. Dances. Indians of North America. Death and burial. Schiller. Declension. Names of languages. Decoration. Theaters. Degeneration and regeneration. Nervous system. Degrees. Names of universities, colleges, etc. Delta. Names of rivers. Density. Earth; Stars. Design. Bridges; Gas and oil engines; Locomotives; Machine-tools; Ma- chinery; Steam-boilers; Steam-engines. Design and construction. Automobiles; Dynamos; Electric machinery; Electric motors. Designs and plans. Architecture ; Architecture, Domestic ; Church architecture. 40 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Details. Architecture; Building; Church architecture. Details Drawings. Building. Development. Insects. Diagnosis. Veterinary medicine ; names of diseases. See also Diseases Diagnosis. Diagnosis and semeiology. Insanity. Diagrams. Electric wiring. Dialects. Names of groups of cognate languages and names of particular lan- guages. .Diameters. Planets; Sun; Mars (Planet); Venus (Planet) Diction. Names of languages. Dictionaries Polyglot. Names of languages. Dictionaries, Supplementary. Names of languages. Dictionaries and encyclopedias. Jews. Dictionaries, indexes, etc. Under literature headings (e. g. Drama, Fiction, Literature, Poetry; English drama, English fiction, Italian poetry) ; names of authors (e. g. Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare) Dictionaries, vocabularies, etc. Library science. Diminutives. Names of languages. Dining-car service. Railroads. Dioceses. Church of England. Diphthongs. Names of languages. Diplomatic history. European war, 1914- Direct current. Dynamos; Electric machinery; Electric power distribution. Discipline. Names of churches. .3-mmjiflTiG rfotmlQ is SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 41 Diseases. Children; Infants; Old age; Woman; organs and regions of the body; names of animals; etc. Diseases Diagnosis. Children; Infants; Woman; organs and regions of the body. Diseases Dispensaries. Nervous system; Throat. Diseases Eclectic treatment. Children ; Woman ; organs and regions of the body. See also Eclectic treatment. Diseases Electrotherapeutics. Woman. Diseases Homeopathic treatment. Children ; Infants ; Woman ; organs and regions of the body. Diseases Hospitals. Nervous system; Nose; Throat. Diseases and defects. Eye. Diseases and hygiene. Coal-miners; Miners; Occupations; Printers; Tropics. Diseases and pests. Under names of fruits, crops, trees, plants, etc. (e. g. Cranberry, Elm, Fruit, Grain, Grasses, Trees, Turnips) ; and under Crustacea; Fishes; Oyters ; Salmon ; Trout. Disinfection. Fertilizers and manures; Ships. Dislocation. Hip- joint; Patella; Shoulder; Thumb. Dispensaries. See Diseases Dispensaries. Displacement. Bladder; Heart; L,iver. Displacements. Uterus. Dissemination. Seeds. Distribution. Stars; Water. Diverticula. Esophagus. Doctrinal and controversial works. Names of churches and denominations. Documents, etc., sources. European war, 1914- Dosimetric treatment. Diseases, Constitutional; Tuberculosis. 42 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Drama. Under Easter; Indians of North America; Temperance; names of historical events and characters, etc. (e. g. European war, 1914- ; France History Revolution; Elizabeth, queen of England) Dramatic representation. Devil; Faust; etc. Dramaturgy. Jfii Opera. Drawing. Machinery. Drawings. See Details Drawings. Drying. Lumber. Jnomteoi} o Dust diseases. Lungs. Duties. Kings and rulers. Dwellings. Indians ; Indians of North America ; Labor and laboring classes. Dyeing and bleaching. Hair. Early projects. Pacific railroads. Early works to 1600. Encyclopedias and dictionaries. Early works to 1700. English language Dictionaries. Early works to 1800. Agriculture; Art; Astronomy; Chemistry; Diet; Geology; Geometry; Glass manufacture; Materia medica; Mathematics; Military art and science; Mineral industries; Pathology; Pharmacy; Physical geog- raphy; Physiology; Science; Surgery; Therapeutics; etc. Early works to 1850. Civil engineering; Electricity; Locomotives; Psychology; Railroads; Steam-boilers ; Steam-engines. Earthwork. Railroads. Eclectic treatment. Fever ; names of diseases and groups of diseases. See also Diseases Eclectic treatment. 9&y* .ano Botany ; Zoology. Economic aspects. Agriculture; European war, 1914- ; U. . History Civil war. Economic conditions. rtoVuifC Indians of North America. Economics of construction. Railroads. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 43 Editors. Shakespeare. Education. Defective and delinquent classes ; Feeble-minded ; Indians of North America; Jews; Mohammedanism; Negroes; names of churches, denominations, sects, orders, etc. cf. Asylums and education. Education, Non-military. Soldiers. Efficiencies. Steam-boilers; Steam-engines. Eggs. Birds, Fossil; Reptiles. Eggs and nests. Birds. Election. Presidents; Presidents U. S. Elections. Under names of legislative bodies of countries, states, etc., e. g. U. S. Congress Elections. Electric driving. Machine-tools ; Printing-press. Electric equipment. Automobiles ; Railroads. Electric ignition. Gas. Electric traction. Canal-boats. Electrification. Railroads. Electrolysis. Water. See also Manufacture and refining Electrolysis. Electrometallurgy. Names of metals. Electrotherapeutics. See Diseases Electrotherapeutics. Elements. Algebra; Astronomy; Physiology; etc. The form of heading is Astronomy (Elements) In arrangement it precedes the subdivisions. Ellipsis. Names of languages. Emancipation. Slavery; Slavery in the U. S. Embryology. Botany. Employees. Electric railroads; Hotels, taverns, etc.; Railroads; Street-railroads; Telephone. 44 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Employees Hours of service. Railroads. Employment. Blind; Children; Negroes; Woman. Endowment policies. Insurance, Life. Enlarging. Photography. Entrance requirements. Universities and colleges; names of universities, colleges, etc. Epithets. Under names of languages other than English. Works on general and English epithets are entered under the heading Epithets. Equipment. Armies ; Infantry. Equipment and supplies. Electric railroads; Fire-departments; Railroads, cf. Apparatus and equipment; Furniture, equipment, etc. Erecting work. Machinery. Errors, inventions, etc. History. Estate. aoluJ Washington. Esthetics. Indians of North America; Literature. Estimates. Under technical subjects, e. g. Bridges; Building; Carpentry; Electric engineering; Heating; Plumbing; Railroads. Estimates and costs. Engineering. Etching. Metals. Ethnology. Bible. Etymology. Language and languages; Names; names of languages. Etymology Names. Names of languages. Euphemism. Names of languages. European war, 1914 Americans in Europe. Evaporation. Fruit. Evidences. Christianity. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 45 Evidences, authority, etc. Bible. Evolution. Plants. Examination. Blood; Eye. Examinations. Civil service ; Universities and colleges ; names of universities, col- leges, etc. Examinations, questions, etc. Art; Chemistry; Dentistry; Engineering; History; Law; Physiology; Science ; Surgery ; etc. ; names of languages. Excision. Carotid artery; Parotid gland. Excretion. Oxalic acid. Exemption. Wages. Exercises and recreations. Schools. Exercises for dictation. Shorthand. Exercises, recitations, etc. Sunday-schools ; Temperance. Exhibitions and museums. Education. Experimental areas. Forests and forestry. Experimentation. Agriculture. Experiments. Electricity; Magnetism; Physics, cf. Lecture experiments. Exploration. Bladder; Esophagus; Larynx; Stomach; Trachea. Explorations and surveys. Names of railroads, cf. Surveying. Explosion systems. Fire extinction. Explosives. Coal mines and mining. Exposure. Photography. Extermination. Fleas ; Mosquitoes ; Rats. Extraction. Teeth. 46 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Facsimiles. Autographs; Block-books; Bookbinding; Incunabula; Manuscripts etc. Failures. Photography. Family. Lincoln. Fares. Railroads ; Street-railroads. Fees and fee-bills. Medicine. Fermentation and ferments. Urine. Fiction. Under names of historical events and characters, etc. (e. g. European- war, 1914- ; Freemasons; Iroquois Indians; Lincoln, Abraham;. Slavery in the U. S.) Field coils. Dynamos. Field work. Geology. Figure. Earth ; Planets. Figures of speech. Under names of languages other than English. Works on general and English figures of speech are entered under the heading Figures of speech. .26316 Ifiifia Filaments. Electric lamps, Incandescent. Films. Photography. Filtration. Wine and wine making. Finance. Corporations; European war, 1914- ; Insurance; Public utilities; Railroads; Universities and colleges; names of industries (e. g. * C . \ ^ Electric industries) ; etc. Finance, commerce, confiscations, etc. Under names of certain wars (e. g. South African war, 1899-1902; U. S. History Revolution; U. S. History Civil war) Finance, confiscations, etc. _, TT . r> > France History Revolution. _* , Fire-boxes. _ Locomotives. -r^- 1 r Fires and fire prevention. Under Dwellings ; various classes of institutions and buildings, p. g. Mill and factory buildings, Schools, Ships, Theaters, Warehouses. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 47 First editions. Bibliography; Literature Bibliography; also English literature Bib- liography; French literature Bibliography, etc. Fishing. Indians of North America. Fittings. Steamboats. Fixtures. Incandescent gas-lighting. Flock-books. Sheep. Floods. Names of rivers. Folk and national dances. Dancing. Folk-lore, mythology. Shakespeare. Food. Birds ; Fishes ; Indians of North America ; School children. Food question. European war, 1914- Forecasts. Twentieth century. Foreign bodies. Under names of organs of the body, e. g. Esophagus. Eye, Genito- urinary organs. Foreign language press. American newspapers. Foreign mail. Under Postal service [country subdivision} (e. g. Postal service U. S.) Foreign public opinion. Under certain wars (e. g. France History Revolution; U. S. His- tory Civil tear) Foreign relations. Under Catholic church (subdivided, when necessary, by country, e. g. Catholic church Foreign relations France, with duplicate entry under France Foreign relations Catholic church) cf. subdivision Foreign relations under names of countries. Foreign words and phrases. Names of languages. Forgeries. Bookbinding ; Shakespeare. Forms, blanks, etc. Agriculture; Genealogy; Library science. Formulae. -nr i Mathematics. 48 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEK GENEKAL SUBJECTS Formulae, receipts, prescriptions. Medicine. Formulae, tables, etc. Photography; Pottery. Foundations. Geometry. Foundations and piers. Bridges. Fracture. Under names of special bones, etc., e. g. Clavicle, Leg, Skull. Frames. Mirrors. Freight. Electric railroads; Railroads. Freight Tables, etc. Railroads. French participation. U. S. History Revolution. Friends and associates. Goethe; Shakespeare; etc. Fuel consumption. Locomotives. Funds and scholarships. Names of universities, colleges, etc. Funeral and memorial services. Washington, George. Furniture, equipment, etc. Hospitals; Hotels, taverns, etc.; Schools; etc. cf. Apparatus and equipment; Equipment and supplies. Gages. Railroads*. Caging and testing. Liquors. Galleries and museums. Art. Gallicisms. Names of languages. p .. Indians of North America. Gangrene. Lungs. Gasoline engines. .r*t3Cfeo:xiiUc ; #r Motor-boats. Gazetteers. See History Gazetteers. Gender. Grammar, Comparative and general; names of languages. SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB GENERAL SUBJECTS 49 Genealogy. French-Canadians ; Jews ; Kings and rulers ; Nobility. Geographical distribution. Birds; Fishes; Insects; Botany; Zoology. Geography. Bible. German mercenaries. U. S. History Revolution. German participation. U. S. History Revolution. German troops. U. S. History Civil war. Gift-books. European war, 1914- Gifts, legacies. Libraries. Gilding. Bookbinding. Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. Language and languages; Languages, Modern; names of languages. Government. Names of churches and denominations. Government guaranty of deposits. Banks and banking. Government ownership. Mines and mineral resources. Government relations. Indians; Indians of North America; names of Indian tribes. Grades. Railroads. Grading. Cotton. Grammar. Names of languages. Grammar, Comparative. Under names of languages and groups of cognate languages, e. g. Semitic languages Grammar, Comparative. Grammar, Historical. Names of languages. Grammars. Language and languages. Graphic methods. Algebra; Statistics, cf. Charts, tables, etc. Grates. Furnaces. Grave. Shakespeare. 4643 2( 50 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEE GENEKAJL SUBJECTS Growth. Cities and towns. Guerrillas. U. S. History Civil war. Guide-books. Voyages and travels. Guides. Under Postal service [country subdivision} (e. g. Postal service U. S. Guides} Haitian authors. French literature. Handbooks. Scientific expeditions. Handbooks, treatises, etc. Paleography. Headlights. Locomotives. Health and hygiene. Indians of North America; Woman. Heating. Farm buildings. Heating and cooking. Gas. Heating and ventilation. Greenhouses ; Railroads Cars; Ships, cf. Heating, lighting, and ven- tilation; Ventilation. Heating effects. Electric currents. Heating, lighting, and ventilation. Library architecture, cf. Heating and ventilation; Ventilation. Hemorrhage. Brain; Umbilicus. Heraldry. Book industries and trade. Herd-books. Cattle ; Swine. Hernia. Lungs. Hiatus. Names of languages. High tension. Electric power distribution. Historiography. History. History Celebrations of invention. Printing. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 61 History Gazetteers. Printing. History Origin and antecedents. Printing. History and condition of women. Woman. History and condition of women Middle ages. Woman. History and criticism. Drama; Hymns; Law; Literature, and names of literatures; Music; Poetry; etc. Homeopathic treatment. Fever; Metabolism, Disorders of; names of diseases. See also Dis- eases Homeopathic treatment. Homes. Washington, George. Homes and haunts. Dante; Schiller; Shakespeare; etc. Homes, asylums, etc. Odd-fellows, Independent order of. Homonyms. Names of languages. Hospital reports. Medicine, Clinical. Hospitals. Contagion and contagious diseases ; Epileptics ; -names of diseases, etc. (e. g. Diphtheria, Smallpox) See also Diseases Hospitals. Hospitals and asylums. Children ; Incurables ; Inebriates, cf. Asylums and education. Hospitals and dispensaries. Homeopathy. Hospitals and institutions. Orthopedia. Hospitals and sanatoriums. Tuberculosis. Hospitals, charities, etc. Names of wars and campaigns, cf. Medical and sanitary affairs. Hours of service. See Employees Hours of service. Humor. Shakespeare. Humor, caricatures, etc. Under names of certain wars, c. g. European war, 1914- ; U. S. History Civil ivar. (cf. subdivisions Caricatures and cartoons; Portraits, caricatures, etc.) Hydatids. Kidneys; Liver; Lungs; Spleen. Hydration. > , Plants. 52 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Hygiene. Hospitals ; Prisons ; Nervous system, cf. Health and hygiene and Sanitation. Hygienic aspects. Cold storage; Drinking cups; Ice; Laundry; Paper money; Roller- towels; Sewing-machines; Smelting. Hymn-books. Sunday-schools. Hymns. Names of churches and denominations. Iconography. Under European war, 1914- ; Negroes ; etc. ; names of certain per- sons (e. g. Cervantes, Colombo, Franklin, Lincoln, Napoleon, Wash- ington) cf. subdivisions Medals; Monuments; Portraits; Portraits, caricatures, etc. The subdivision Iconography is used when general works on por- traits and other representations of a person have appeared (paint- ings, engravings, medals, busts, statues, etc.) Under Shakespeare, in place of Iconography, the following subdivisions are used : Illus- trations; Monuments, etc.; Museums, relics, etc.; Portraits, etc. Identification. Crime and criminals; Type-writing; Writing. Idioms, corrections, errors. Languages, Modern ; names of languages. Ignition devices. Automobiles; Gas and oil engines. Illustrations. sri. ; Under Children's poetry; Fairy tales; Newspapers; Nursery rhymes; etc. ; names of authors, e. g. Shakespeare, cf. Pictorial works; Pic- tures, illustrations, etc. Under names of countries and cities subdivisions Description and travel Views (or Description Views} and Social life and cus- tarns-Illustrations have been used. Implements. Eskimos; Indians; Indians of North America; Indians of South America ; Indians of the West Indies ; Mound-builders. Implements and appliances. Fishing; Hunting, cf. Tools and implements. T .I.' Inauguration. Presidents U. S.; names of presidents. Inclined planes. Canals. Incrustations. Steam-boilers. Indemnities. Boxers. Indexes. Under Newspapers; Periodicals; special subjects (e. g. Engineering Indexes; Engineering Periodicals Indexes; Law U. S. Indexes') SUBDIVISIONS UNDEE GENERAL SUBJECTS 53 Indian authors. English literature. Indian troops. U. S. History Civil war. Industries. Indians of North America; Indians of South America; etc. Industry and trade. Canning and preserving. Infallibility. Catholic church; Popes. Infinitive. Names of languages. Inflammation. Under organs of the body, e. g. Brain, Eye, Spinal cord. Inflection. For works containing material on both declension and conjugation.. Under Languages, Modern; names of languages. Influence. Crusades ; Shakespeare. Influence and results. European war, 1914- Influence of environment. Man. Influence on man. Moon. Injuries and ruptures. Tendons. Inoculation. Syphilis. Insanity. Negroes. Inscriptions. Bells. Insignia. Armies; Military religious orders; Navies; Orders of knighthood and chivalry; Patriotic societies. Inspection. Building ; Canal-boats ; Fire prevention ; Hospitals ; Lumber ; Machin- ery; Ships; Steamboats; etc. Inspectors. Insurance, Fire. Installation. Electric lighting. Installation on ships. Telegraph, Wireless. Instruction. Drawing. 54 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEK GENEKAL. SUBJECTS Instruction and study. Instrumental music; Music; names of musical instruments. Instructions, methods, etc. Anthropology ; Ethnology. Instruments. Hydraulic engineering; Surveying, cf. Apparatus and instruments. Insulation. Cold storage. Insurance requirements. Electric engineering ; Electric lighting ; Electric wiring. Insurrection. Tepehuane Indians. Insurrections, etc. Slavery in the U. S. Internal structure. Earth. Interpretation and construction. Law. Interrogative sentence. Names of languages. Irish authors. English drama; English fiction; English literature; English orations; English poetry. Irish participation. U. S. History Revolution. Irish troops. U. S. History Civil war. Irritability and movements. Plants. Itineraries. Washington, George. Japanese authors. English literature; English poetry. Jetties. Mississippi River. Jewish authors. Arabic literature; German literature; Greek literature. Jewish participation. U. S History Revolution. Jewish troops. U. S. History Civil war. Jews. Anthropometry; Banks and banking; European war, 1914- ; In- heritance and succession; Labor and laboring classes; Marriage; Missions; Music; Numismatics. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 55 Jurisprudence. Blood; Insanity; Ophthalmology; Pharmacy; Surgery, Operative; and other subjects to which medical jurisprudence is applicable. Justice, Administration of. Indians of North America. Justification. Slavery. Juvenile literature. Astronomy; Biography;. Cookery; Electricity; Hygiene; Physiology; Science; etc. Keys. Outline maps. Kidnapping. Slavery in the U. S. Knowledge Art, [Astronomy, History, etc.] Dante; Goethe; Shakespeare; etc. Knowledge and learning. Shakespeare. Labels. Violin. Laboratories. Mechanical engineering, cf. Testing laboratories. Laboratory blanks. Chemistry; Physics. Laboratory manuals. Scientific and technical subjects, e. g. Biology, Chemistry, Cookery, Electricity, Metallurgy, Physics, Science. Land grants. Pacific railroads. Land transfers. Under Indians of North America; names of Indian tribes, e. g. Iro- quois Indians. Language. Children ; Gipsies ; Technology ; names of authors, e. g. Dante, Shake- speare. Language Dialects, [Grammar, Punctuation, etc.] Names of authors, e. g. Schiller, Shakespeare. Language (New words, slang, etc.) European war, 1914- Languages. Indians; Indians of Mexico; Indians of North America; etc. Last illness and death. Washington, George. Law. Book industries and trade; Children; Jews; Land tenure; Money; Taxation; Trusts, Industrial; etc. .BO! 56 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEK GENEEAL, SUBJECTS Law and legislation. European war, 1914- ; Indians of Mexico; Indians of South America. Laws and legislation. Under Dogs ; Drugs ; Electric engineering ; Epileptics ; Feeble-minded ; Insane; Nurseries (Horticulture); Pharmacy; Water; etc. cf. also in general alphabet special headings Agricultural laws and legisla- tion, Industrial laws and legislation, Labor laws and legislation, etc. Laws and regulations. Aeronautics; Automobiles; Cables, Submarine; Fire prevention; Plumbing; Postal service; Prisons; Steam engineering; Telegraph; Telephone; Theater; Theaters; Transportation; Ventilation; etc. Laws, decisions, etc. Freemasons; Odd-fellows, Independent order of. Lecture experiments. Chemistry, cf. Experiments. T 1 1 Legal status, laws, etc. Architects; Negroes; Woman. . Legends. Under Indians; Indians of North America; etc.; names of Indian tribes; also under special subjects, e. g. Cross and crosses. Legends and stories. Bears; Birds; Dogs; Elephants. Letter-carriers. Postal service Country subdivision^ Levees. Mississippi River. Lexicography. Names of languages. Libraries (in camps, etc.) European war, 1914- Library ... ~ Washington, George. Library records. Files and filing (Documents) Libration. Moon - (.yif, .-asiRlf, .ainow wf//H Canals. Ligature. Arteries; Carotid artery; Iliac artery; Veins. Lighting. Automobiles; Lighthouses; Mill and factory buildings; Railroads- Car s; School-houses; Ships; Tunnels. Liquefaction. P ;**! ;kn Liquor problem. Indians of North America. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 57 Lists. Under Taxation [local subdivision] (e. g. Taxation Boston Lists) cf. Registers, lists, etc. Lists of vessels. Under Merchant marine [country subdivision] (c. g. Merchant ma- rine U. S. Lists of vessels) Literary art. Lincoln. Literature. Indians. Literature and the war. European war, 1914- Little theater movement. Theater. Liturgy and ritual. Names of churches and denominations (e. g. Church of England. Liturgy and ritual) ; Jews. cf. Rituals. Live stock. Insurance, Agricultural. Live stock transportation. Railroads. Localization of functions. Brain; Spinal cord. Location. Hospitals; Railroads; Street-railroads. Locks. Firearms. Machinery. Clock and watch making ; Electric lighting ; Leather. Maintenance and repair. Electric machinery; Machinery; Railroads. Makers. Musical instruments. Management. Children; Electric power-plants; Electric railroads; Engineering; Hotels, taverns, etc.; Railroads; Telegraph stations; Telephone stations. Management and "regulation. Hospitals. Manipulation. Chemistry. Manning. Ships. Manning of vessels. Under Merchant marine (country subdivision] (e. g. Merchant ma- rine U. S. Manning of vessels) Manuals, text-books, etc. Music. 58 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Manufacture. Under names of articles manufactured, e. g. Carbon, Ice, Ordnance. cf. Trade and manufacture. Manufacture and industry. Chemicals, cf. Trade and manufacture. Manufacture and refining. Sugar. Manufacture and refining Electrolysis. Sugar. Manuscripts. Under Bible; Law; Liturgies; Music; names of authors, e. g. Dante, Milton. Maps. Under Classical geography; Geography, Ancient; Geography, His- torical; Geography, Medieval; Geology; Postal service U. S.; Rail- roads; Roads; names of certain wars (e. g. U. S. History Civil war} .UVf5l .\^ Maps and surveys. Insurance, Fire. Mafketing. f Farm produce; Fruit. Marks. .enoboflju Pottery. Marriage. Deaf and dumb. Mass. Moon. Materia medica and therapeutics. Homeopathy. Materials. Telegraph. Materials and instruments. Writing. Materials, 'fete. Bookbinding. Mathematics. Insurance ; Insurance, Life. Means of communication. Blind-deaf; Deaf and dumb. Measurement. Altitudes; Distances; Ships. Mechanical traction. Canal-boats. Medals. Under Freemasons ; Popes ; Presidents U. S.; names of certain in- dividuals, e. g. Washington, cf. Iconography. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 59 Medical and sanitary affairs. Armies; names of wars and campaigns, cf. Hospitals, charities, etc.; Sanitary affairs. Medical care. Labor and laboring classes. Medical examinations. Insurance, Accident; Insurance, Health; Insurance, Life; Labor and laboring classes. Medical inspection. Under Schools. Works dealing with the medical inspection of schools in one locality are entered under Schools (local subdivision] Sanitary affairs. Medicine. Indians of North America. Memorial services. Lincoln. Memorizing. Music. Mensuration. Forests and forestry ; Timber. Mental and physiological effects, Weather. Metabolism. Plants. Metallography. Cadmium ; Iron ; Steel. Metallurgy. Dentistry; names of metals, etc. Methodology. History ; Science ; Theology. Methods and manuals. Kindergarten ; Manual training. Metrics and rhythmics. Under names of ancient languages (e. g. Greek language, Sanskri* language) cf. Versification. Micro-organisms. Intestines. Middle ages. Under Church history. See also subdivision History and condition of wentcn Middle ages. Migration. Birds; Fishes; Insects; Plants. Migration and velocity. Ions. Migrations. Man. Milling. Cold; Silver. 60 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Minimum wage. Wages. Minting. Gold. Miracles. T r+\. *. Jesus Christ. Miscellanea. Economics; Literature; Money; Philosophy; etc. cf. Curiosa and" miscellany. Missions. Names of churches, denominations, etc.; Indians; Indians of North America; names of Indian tribes, etc. Missions and charities. Seamen. Mixed bloods. Indians of Mexico; Indians of North America; Indians of South* America. Models. Aeroplanes ; Locomotives ; Railroads ; Steam-engines ; Steam-turbines.. Money. Indians ; Indians of North America. Money-orders. Postal service. Monuments. Under names of certain individuals, e. g. Lincoln, Pitt. cf. Iconog- raphy. Monuments, etc. Milton; Shakespeare. Mood. Names of languages. Moral and religious aspects. Theater. Moral and social conditions. Negroes. Morphology. Botany; Flowers; Fruit; Leaves; Roots (Botany) ; Seeds. Mortality. Children; Infants; Negroes. Mortuary customs. Indians; Indians of North America; Indians of South America. Motion. Cells. Motion in line of sight. Stars. Motion in space. Solar system. Motive power. Electric machinery. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL, SUBJECTS 61 Motormen's manuals. Electric railroads. Motors. Aeroplanes; Automobiles, Gasoline. Movements. Eye. Moving-pictures. Shakespeare. Muscles. Eye. Muscles Anomalies. Eye. Museums. Under Indians of North America; U. S. History Revolution; U. S. History Civil war; and under Lincoln. Museums and collections. Materia medica; Pharmacy, cf. Catalogs and collections; Collec- tions. Museums and galleries. See Galleries and museums. Museums, relics, etc. Shakespeare. Music. Under Bible; Incas; Incunabula; Indians; Indians of North America; Indians of South America; Kindergarten; and under names of certain individuals, e. g. Jeanne d'Arc, Shakespeare, cf. Songs and music. Mutilation. Teeth. Name. Catholic church; Jews; Shakespeare. Names. Stars ; Indians ; Indians of Mexico ; Indians of North America ; names of Indian tribes; etc. See also Etymology Names. Natural history. Bible; Shakespeare. Naval operations. Under certain important wars (e. g. European war, 1914- ; Russo- Japanese war, 1904-1905 ; U. S History Civil war) Naval operations Submarine. European war, 1914- Navigation. Names of rivers, etc. cf. Steam-navigation. Necrosis. Jaws. Negatives. Photography; names of languages. 62 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEK GENEKAL SUBJECTS Negro troops. U. S. History Revolution, {War of 1812, Civil war, War of 1898v See also subdivision Negro troops under U. S. Army. Negroes. European war, 1914- Nests. See Eggs and nests. Nomenclators. Under scientific subjects, e. g. Botany, Paleobotany, Zoology. Nomenclature. Under Botany ; Chemistry ; Geology ; Natural history ; Science ; Zool- ogy ; etc. To be used for works dealing only with the scientific names of plants, animals, geological formations, etc. cf. Termi- nology, used for works dealing only with descriptive words and phrases. Subjects named above are, as a rule, to have both sub- divisions, i. e. Terminology as well as Nomenclature. Nomenclature (Popular) Birds ; Fishes ; Insects ; Mammals ; Zoology. Notation. Chemistry. Noun. Names of languages. Number. Names of languages. Numerals. Grammar, Comparative and general. Numerical solutions. Equations. Nutrition. Children; Infants; Plants. Observation blanks. Meteorology. Observations. Astronomy; Earthquakes; Magnetism, Terrestrial; Meteorology; Moon ; Planets ; Stars. Observatories. Earthquakes; Magnetism, Terrestrial. Observers' manuals. Astronomy; Magnetism, Terrestrial; Meteorology. Obsolete words. Names of languages. Obstructions. Intestines ; Lighting. Occlusion. Gases. Occupations. i-j Invalids. Occupations and busy work. Education of children. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 63 Oecologv. See Ecology. Officers. Armies, cf. subdivisions Army Officers and Navy Officers under names of countries. Officers' handbooks. Military art and science. Operators' manuals. Telegraph; Telephone. Orbits. Comets; Stars, Double. Orders. Architecture. Organization. Armies, cf. subdivision Army Organization under names of coun- tries. Organography. Botany; Natural history. Origin. Chinese ; Etrurians ; Indians ; Jews ; Life ; Man ; Teutonic race. Origin and antecedents. Sec History Origin and antecedents. Orthography and spelling. Names of languages. Outdoor books. Natural history. Outfits, supplies, etc. Camping. Outlines. Sermons. Outside work. School credits. Owners' marks. Books. Pageants. Shakespeare. Painting. Automobiles ; Ships. Pamphlets. Gt. Brit. History [period divisions} Papyri. Egyptian language. Parables. Jesus Christ. Paracentesis. Under regions of the body, e. g. Chest, Pericardium. Paralysis. Eye. Paraphrases. Bible. S 64 SUBDIVISIONS UNDEB GENEBAL SUBJECTS Paraphrases, tales, etc. English poetry; Epic poetry; etc. Parasites. Blood. Parodies, travesties, etc. Under names of certain authors, e. g. Shakespeare. Parsing. See Composition and exercises; Grammar. Participle. Names of languages. Particles. Names of languages. Passenger accommodation. Merchant marine; Steamboats. Passenger lists. Steamboats. Passenger traffic. Railroads. Passes. Railroads ' "'* ^ Patents. Under manufactured articles, industrial processes, etc. (e. g. Auto- mobiles, Bicycles and tricycles, Cotton baling, Electric machinery, Firearms) Pathology. Botany. Patriotism. Shakespeare. Pattern-making. Sheet-metal work. Patterns. Drawn-work; Embroidery; Needlework. Peace. European war, 1914- Pensions. Under names of professions, industries, etc. (e. g. Physicians Sweden Pensions') cf. Salaries, pensions, etc. Performance. Locomotives. Periodicals Indexes. See Indexes. Periodicity. Meteorology. Persecutions. Jews. Personal narratives. Under certain important wars (e. g. European war, 1914- ; Franco- German war, 1870-1871; U. $. History Civil war} SUBDIVISION U.NDEK GENEIiAL SUBJECTS 65 Personal narratives Confederate side* U. S. History Civil war. Personal narratives, French, [German, etc.] European war, 1914- Personality. Lincoln.; Washington. Pests. Sec Diseases and pests. Phases. Planets; Saturn (Planet) Philosophy. History; Law; Literature; Mathematics; Medicine; Physics; Science; Moliere ; Shakespeare ; etc. Philosophy and esthetics. Music. Phonetics. Languages, Modern ; jiames of languages. Phonology. Grammar, Comparative and general ; Languages, Modern ; names of languages. Photographic measurements. Stars. Photographs, maps, etc. Moon. Phrase-books. Shorthand. Physical characteristics. Indians of North America. Physical effect. Color. Physiological effect. Acids ; Alcohol ; Carbolic acid ; Heat ; Lead ; Light ; Opium ; Poisons ; Temperature; etc. Physiology. Birds; Botany; Insects; Music. Pictorial illustrations. Bible. Pictorial works. Under Astronomy ; Botany ; Geography ; Hunting ; Natural history ; Paleobotany ; Sports ; Zoology ; Birds ; Fishes ; Flowers ; Fruit ; In- sects ; Reptiles ; etc. ; names of wars, e. g. Russo-Japanese war, 1904- 1905. (cf. Pictorial illustrations; Pictures, illustrations, etc.; Por- traits, caricatures, etc.; also under names of countries and cities subdivisions Description and travel Views (or Description Views) and Social life and customs Illustrations) Pictures, illustrations, etc. Indians of North America; names of animals. 4643_20 5 66 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Planning. Cities and towns. Plans. Insurance ; Insurance, Fire ; Insurance, Life. Plans, Architectural. See Designs and plans. Plant forms. Design, Decorative. Plots. Shakespeare. Plotting. Surveys. Poetry. Art; Christmas; Easter; Music; Temperance; names of historical events and characters, wars, etc. Poles. Electric lines. &Q> ( Policies. Insurance, Fire; Insurance, Life; Insurance, Marine. Political and social conditions. Jews. Political and social views. Shakespeare. Political aspects. Languages. Politics and government. Jews. Politics and suffrage. Negroes, cf. Suffrage. Pollution. Water. Popular works. Dentistry; Homeopathy; Obstetrics. Port charges. Harbors. Portraits. Under local biography and history (e. g. France Biography Por- traits; France History Portraits') ; classes of persons (e. g. Artists, Authors, Children, Kings and rulers, Musicians, Women) ; and ' names of persons (under certain persons subdivision Portraits, cari- catures, etc. has been used) cf. Iconography. Portraits, caricatures, etc. Under names of certain individuals (e. g. Napoleon, Wilhelm n, Ger- man emperor) cf. subdivisions Caricatures and cartoons; Iconog- raphy; Portraits. Portraits, etc. Shakespeare. Postal notes. Postal service U. S. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 67 Postal service. European war, 1914- Postmasters. Postal service U. S. Pottery. Indians ; Indians of Central America, [North America, etc.] Power-plants. Telephone. Power utilization. Xames of rivers, etc. Powers and duties. Under Governors U. S.; Presidents U. S. (also under France Presidents; Mexico Presidents, etc.) Practice. Dentistry ; Homeopathy ; Medicine. Practice Accounting. Medicine. Prayer-books and devotions. Names of churches and denominations. Pre-Linnean works. Botany; Natural history; Zoology. Prepositions. Names of languages. Preservation. Under Monuments; Roads; Wood; various food products (e. g. But- ter, Eggs, Fishery products, Meat) Press correspondents. European war, 1914- Press telegrams. Under Postal telegraph [country subdivision^ (e. g. Postal tele- graph Gt. Brit. Press telegrams) Pressure. Blood.. Prevention. Accidents; Collisions at sea; Conception; Contagion and contagious diseases ; Dust : names of diseases, e. g. Diphtheria. Preventive inoculation. Under names of certain diseases, e. g. Plague, Typhoid fever. Prices. Art; Art objects; Books; Engravings; Furniture; Manuscripts; Pic- tures; etc. Prices and sale. Drugs. Primitive and early church. Church history. Printing. Catalogs; Engravings; Lithographs; Wood-engravings. 68 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Printing and writing systems. Blind. Printing papers. Photography. Printing processes. Photography. Prisoners, Exchange of. Under certain wars (e. g. U. . History Revolution; U. S. His- tory Civil war) Prisoners and prisons. Under names of wars (e. g. European war, 1914- ; Franco-Ger- man war, 1870-1871) Private collections. Art; Art objects; Engravings; Natural history; Paintings; Sculp- ture ; Textile industry and fabrics ; etc. Prize poems. Names of universities, colleges, etc. Prizes. Names of universities, colleges, etc. cf. Competitions. Prizes, etc. European war, 1914- Problems, Famous. Geometry. Problems, exercises, etc. Under scientific and technical subjects, etc., e. g. Algebra, Chemistry, Engineering, Geometry, Navigation, Optics, Physics. Production. Eggs. Programs. Concerts. Promotions. See Appointments, promotions, salaries, etc. Pronoun. Grammar, Comparative and general; names of languages. Pronunciation. Languages, Modern ; Names ; names of languages. Proof and certification. Death. Proper motion. Stars. Properties. i M Matter. Property. Indians of North America. Prophecies. Bible; European war, 1914- Proportion. See Composition, proportion, etc. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS G9 Pro-rating tables. Railroads. Prose. Shakespeare. Provincialisms. Names of languages. Psychology. Art; Music. Public lands. Surveying. Public opinion. European war, 1914- Publication and distribution. Bible. Punctuation. Names of languages. Purification. Air; Sewage; Water. Purification Chlorination. Water. Purification Ozonization. Water. Quarries. Indians of North America. Question-books. Sunday-schools. Questions. Examinations. Quotations. Shakespeare. Quotations, maxims, etc. Music; Woman. Radiation. Stars, cf. Temperature and radiation. Radiation and absorption. Heat. Radiators. Aeroplanes ; Automobiles. Rails. Electric railroads ; Railroads. Rate-books. Lumber. Rates. Cables, Submarine; Electric lighting; Electric power; Gas-lighting; Postal service; Public utilities; Railroads; Shipping; Telegraph; Telephone; Transportation; Water-supply. 70 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Rates and tables. Insurance ; Insurance, Fire, [Life, etc.] ; Taxation. Rates and tolls. Canals. Readers. Shorthand, cf. Chrestomathies and readers. - Ready-reckoners. See Tables and ready-reckoners. Recitations, exercises, etc. See Exercises, recitations, etc. Record blanks. Natural history. Records and correspondence. Railroads. Rectification and quadrature. Curves. Reduplication. Grammar, Comparative and general; names of languages. Reference lists. Bibliography. Refugees. European war, 1914- ; U. $. History Revolution. Regimental histories. Under names of certain wars, e. g. European war, 1914- : ; U. S. History Civil zuar. Registers. Automobiles; names of universities, colleges, etc. (for lists of gradu- ates and former students) Registers, lists, etc. Under names of certain wars, e. g. European war, 1914- ; South African war, 1899-1902; U. S. History Civil war. , ' : '- Miniature painting. Reservations. T A- r XT *U A Indians of North America. Respiration. Plants. Restoration. Architecture ; Jews. cf. Conservation and restoration. Reviews. Books. Rhetoric. Names of languages. 72 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS Rhythm. Names of modern languages, cf. Metrics and rhythmics. Rights of women. Woman. Rime. Names of languages. Ripening. Fruit. Rising and setting. Sun. Risks. Insurance, Fire. Rites and ceremonies. Jews. Rituals. Freemasons; Odd-fellows, Independent order of; Secret societies. cf. Liturgy and ritual. Rituals, Cipher. Secret societies. Road guides. Automobiles. Rotation. Earth; Moon; Sun. Rules and practice. Names of legislative bodies. Rupture. Heart; Perineum; Uterus. o f f ; Safety appliances. Barges ; Canal-boats ; Cotton machinery ; Factories ; Machinery ; Mine hoisting; Motor-boats; Occupations, Dangerous; Railroads; Scows; Steam-boilers; Street-railroads; Woodworking machinery; etc. Safety measures. Chemistry, Technical; Coal mines and mining; Electric engineering; Electric wiring; Merchant marine; Mining engineering; Naviga- tion; Theaters; Woolen and worsted manufacture; etc. Safety-plugs. Steam-boilers. 01- Salaries, pensions, etc. Under names of professions, industries, etc. (e. g. Actors, Musicians, Teachers ; Railroads, Telegraph) cf. Appointments, promotions, salaries, etc. and Pensions; also, under names of countries, cities, etc., subdivision Officials and employees Salaries, allowances, etc. Sample books. Paper. . * Sampling and estimation. Ores. Sanatoriums. Indians of North America, cf. Hospitals and sanatoriums. SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL SUBJECTS 73- Sanitary affairs. Under Schools [Country subdivision} (e. g. Schools France) ; may be extended to particular classes of schools (e. g. Normal schools) and individual institutions, cf. Medical inspection, Medical and sani- tary affairs, and subdivision Sanitary affairs under countries, cities,, etc. Sanitation. Railroads ; Ships ; Theaters, cf. Hygiene. Satire. Napoleon. Science. European war, 1914- Scientific applications. Photography. Scotch troops. U. S. History Civil war. Scottish authors. English drama; English fiction; English literature; English poetry. Scouts and scouting. U. S. History Civil war. Secret service. Confederate States of America; European war, 1914- Secret societies. Indians of North America. Secretions. Pancreas; Stomach. Semantics. Names of languages. Sepsis. Mouth. Shafts. Steam-engines. Sights. Firearms. Sign language. Indians of North America. Signaling. Merchant marine; Railroads. Sizes. Books. Sketch-books. Architecture. Slang. Names of languages. Snow-plows. Railroads. 74 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER GENERAL. SUBJECTS Snow protection and removal. Railroads. Social and moral questions. Woman. Social conditions. Indians of North America; Indians of South America, cf.' Political and social conditions. Social life and customs. Indians ; Indians of North America, [South America, etc.] ; names of Indian tribes; Jews; Negroes. Societies and clubs. Boys; Girls; Woman. Societies, periodicals, etc. Under names of certain authors, artists, etc., e. g. Shakespeare. Softening. Brain; Water. Soldiers' handbooks. -".Military aft "arid seittedl Ho 21101301 blt fiusibii! iu- i:j>mn v^ataf V^^norr.A rfjioKj .ooixaM ^o ancrbo! ;snfiifanl Ic ^kkr/l^otaiH' ,^ iiriW ABBREVIATIONS When indicating on the catalogue card the subject entries, abbreviate subdivisions as follows :* Antiq Antiquities Bibl Bibliography Bio-bibl Bio-bibliography Biog Biography Bound Boundaries Comm Commerce Descr. Description Descr. &trav Description and travel Diet. & encyc Dictionaries and encyclopedias Direct Directories Disc. &explor Discovery and exploration Econ. condit Economic conditions Emig. & immig Emigration and immigration For. rel Foreign relations Geneal Genealogy Hist History Indus Industries Manuf Manufactures (or Manufacture) Period Periodicals Pol. &govt Politics and government Sanit. affairs Sanitary affairs Soc. condit Social conditions Soc. life & cust Social life and customs Stat Statistics *At the head of the subject cards, it is preferable to write or print sub- divisions in full. 83 ,..,.,.,,,~~.. .TOi' , . eira 3& rr 3nhq 10 sjnw oi sfdET^rtq .Jl t 8Dusr> tooirfua snl : . 8 FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. OCT 2 2 1957 OCT191963 i Caylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y PAT. JAM. 21. 1908 U.C. BERKELEY LIBR/> UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY