LB IRLF $B 20 602 GIFT OF SCHOOL LAWS Free Public Schools OF THE State of Delaware 1898-1909 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY +.* SCHOOL LAWS FOR FREE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE State of Delaware 1898=1909 Published by Authority of the General Assembly 1909 THE SMYRNA TIMES" PRINT. Smyina, Delaware PROVISIONS OF CONSTITUTION RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARTICLE X. EDUCATION. Section 1. The General Assembly shall provide for the estab- lishment and maintenance of a general and efficient system of free public schools, and may require by law every child, not physically or mentally disabled shall attend the public school, unless educated by other means. Section 2. In addition to the income of the investments of the Public School Fund, the General Assembly shall make provision for the annual payment of not less than one hundred thousand dollars for the benefit of the free public schools which, with the income of the investments of the Public School Fund, shall be equitably appor- tioned among the school districts of the State as the General Assem- bly shall provide; and the money so apportioned shall be used ex- clusively for the payment of the teachers' salaries and for furnishing free text books; provided, however, that in such apportionments, no distinction shall be made on account of race or color, and separate schools for white and colored children shall be maintained. All other expenses connected with the maintenance of free public schools, and all expenses connected with the erection or repair of free public school buildings shall be defrayed in such manner as shall be provid- ed by law. Section 3. No. portion of any fund now existing, or which may hereafter be appropriated, or raised by tax, for educational purposes, shall be appropriated to, or used by, or in aid of any sectarian, church or denominational school ; provided, that all real and personal property used for school purposes, where the tuition is free, shall be exempt from taxation and assessment for public purposes. Section 4. No part of the principal or income of the Public School Fund, now or hereafter existing, shall be used for any other purpose than the support of free public schools. 242661 CHAPTER 67, VOLUME 21. AN ACT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GENERAL SYSTEM OF FREE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in Genet al Assembly met: Section 1. The general supervision and control of the free public schools of this State, including those for colored children, shall be vested in a State Board of Education ; |^te Beard of which shall be composed of the Governor, the Secretary of State, the President of Delaware College, the State Audi- tor, and the senior member of each County School Com- mission by this Act created, as members by virtue and dur- T erm ing the continuance of their office. The Governor shall be the President and the Audi tor officers of shall be the Secretary of the said State Board of Education. The said State Board shall hold meetings quarterly, during Meetings the last week in each of the months of September, Decem- ber, March and June in each year, in the office of the Au- ditor at Dover, and may hold special meetings at the call of the President (or Secertary). The first meeting of the Firs t Meeting said State Board herein created, shall be on Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Four mem- bers shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a lessQ u <>m number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is secured. In any case where, under the Constitution, the powers Person fining and duties of the office of Governor devolve upon some per- oeS^of GOT- son other than he who was elected to fill said office, such member of persons shall take the place of the Governor upon said Bc State Board so long as he shall continue to act as Governor under the said Constitution. Before entering upon theoath duties of their office, the members shall be severally sworn or affirmed to well and faithfully execute and discharge the duties of their said office. Any member may administer such oath or affirmation. Section 2. The State Board of Education shall have loan? of St e power to make all by-laws requisite for its own govern- ment, and to prescribe and cause to be enforced all rules By-iaws, rules and regulations necessary and proper for the execution of 5ons r of U Board the powers and duties vested in it by the provisions of this Act, and tending to the advancement of the standard of instruction and education in the free public schools, and to rendering the school system uniform throughout the State. Examination > ^ stated periods, compile or cause to be corn- papers piled a set of examination papers, which examination pa* pers shall be as nearly equal as to the said State Board shall seem advisable, for all the teachers in all the free schools for white children throughout the State; and another set of examination papers which shall be as nearly equal as to the State Board seems advisable, for all the teachers in the free schools for colored children. Provid- ed, however, that in the case of teachers in graded schools, a different set of examination papers, adapted to the vari- Graded schools ous ^ ra ^es, may be framed. The said examination papers shall be composed of questions on pedagogy, orthography, reading, writing, mental and written arithmetic, geogra- Bubje i ? n s ati f on phy ' nistorv of the United States, the Federal and State Constitutions, English Grammar, physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks.stim- ulants and narcotics upon the human system, and on any other subjects or branches of knowledge which the said New examina State Board shall deem proper. New sets of examination- papers shall be compiled as aforesaid, from time to time, or former sets so revised or altered, as that no advantage may or can be gained by an applicant for a certificate from having been present at any previous examination. Adoption of The State Board of Education shall, at its first meeting held under this Act, adopt a list of text books to be fur- contracts nished the schools, as hereinafter provided, and make con- tracts for the rates at which such books shall be furnished which list shall be the same throughout the State; and shall have full power and authority to make any changes in said list, or to compile new lists at any subsequent meet- ing, which to it shall seem proper and advisable for the cause of education. Such lists shall always include books upon physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. It shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine finally all appeals from the several County School Commissions hereinafter created, and all appeals of AppealR teachers, applicants for certificates, county superintendents and members of school committees and boards of education. It shall issue a uniform series of blanks for the reports of teachers, and for those of any other school officer, which Blank* it shall deem advisable to be made for the advancement of education, the collection of statistics and the like for the clearer knowledge of the condition of the schools through- out the State; and shall require all records to be kept and returns to be made according to such forms. It shall make Report, report to each General Assembly of the work done, and suggest any alterations or amendments in the then existing school laws. The members shall receive no sala- ries or remuneration for their office, but each, exclusive of the Governor, Secretary of State and Auditor, shall be paid five dollars for each day actually spent in attendance at perdien * the meetings of the Board; provided, that not more than thirty dollars in any one year shall be allowed to any one member for such attendance. The said allowance shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the said members, upon the pa 5' ment warrant of the Governor, out of the general fund of the State. The said State Treasurer shall further pay all the reasonable and proper bills incurred by the said State Bil]s for Board for printing and postage authorized under the provi- printing, etc^ sions of this Act, out of the general fund aforesaid, upon being presented with proper vouchers therefor by its secre- tary. Whenever the State Board of Education shall hear any rSSwming appeals or take under consideration any matters or things, colored concerning the free schools for colored children in this State, or teachers in, or officers over, such schools, the Pre- sident of the State College for Colored Students shall sit as wno tosit. a member of the said State Board in the place and stead of the President of Delaware College, and it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of said State Board to give notice Notice to the said President of the State College for colored Stu- 8 Proviso Supervision of county School Com- mission How commis- sion is com- posed Appointment Arrangement of terms Political com- plexion Senior Meetings of County Com- missions Place dents whenever such appeals, matters or things as afore- said, shall come up for hearing or consideration by the said State Board; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be deemed or taken to confer upon said President of the State College for Colored Students any right or authority to at- tend at, or sit as a member of, or have any voice or vote in the meetings of the said State Board of .Education except in the case of appeals and matters and things affecting schools for colored children as aforesaid, and no other. Section 3. The supervision of all the free public schools, including those for colored children, in each of the counties of this State, subject to the general supervision and control hereinbefore vested in the State Board of Edu- cation, shall be vested in a County School Commission for each County. The said Commission shall be composed of three members, no more than two of whom shall be of the same political party. They shall be appointed by the Gov- ernor, and hold office for three years, or until their succes- sors are duly qualified; provided, however, that in the ap- pointment of the first set of County School Commissoners under this Act, one member of each of said Commissions shall be appointed for one year, one for two years and one for three years, for each county; and provided further, that in the apportionment of said first set of said Commis- sioners for the several counties, not more than two of either the one year members, or the two year members, or three year members, shall be of the same politcal party. In the appointment of said first "set of Commissions, the member appointed for each county for one year, shall be the senior member during the first year; the member appointed for two years, shall be the senior member the second year; and thereafter the member serving for his third year in the appointment of any set of said Commis- sions, shall be the senior member. Each County School Commission shall hold meetings quarterly, during the first week in the months of Septem- ber, December, March and June, in each year, in the office of the County Treasurer, or some other convenient place, in its respective County. Special meetings may be held 9 upon the call of any two members. The first stated meet- meetings ing of each of the County School Commissions created by First mee ting this Act, shall be held on Saturday, the fourth day of June in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. The senior member of the Com- 0fficers mission shall be its President, and the junior member shall be its Secretary. Two members shall constitute a quorum Quorum to do business, but one may adjourn from time to time un- til a quorum is secured. Before entering upon the duties of his office, each member of said commission shall be sworn or affirmed tooath well and faithfully discharge the same. The oath or affir- mation may be administered by any member. A vacancy vacancy in the office of County School Commissioner, caused by death, resignation, removal, disability, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term, provided that such appointee shall be of the same political party as he, to fill whose unexpired term, such appointee is chosen. A commission for an unexpired term as aforesaid, shall vest in the holder thereof all the powers, and subject him to all the duties which would have devolved upon him had he been commissioned at the beginning o said term. Each of said commissions shall have power to make all such by- f u y le ] J ws and laws as are or may be necessary for its own government, and to formulate and carry into effect all such rules and regu- latons as are requisite and proper for the execution of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Act. Section 4. The object of the County School Commis- objectofpoun- ,.,,,. , ty Commission sion shall be the investigation of the school system through out the County of its jurisdiction, the methods of instruc- tion and discipline employed in the schools, the perform- ance of their several duties by the various school officers and teachers, and the condition of school property. To this end each Commission shall have full power and author- Powers ity to visit all the schools in its County, including incor- visits porated schools, and to observe and question the teachers concerning their method of instruction and discipline; to Methods examine all reports and papers made to or filed with the Assistance of County Superintendent for its County, and to confer with deSt rinten " 10 Hearing complaints and aid him concerning the methods and systems which he has adopted, or desires to introduce into the schools under Reports his supervision; to make reports quarterly to the State Board of Education at its stated quarterly meetings, con- taining any suggestions as to improvement in school meth- ods and systems, and specifying any neglect or abuse on the part of any teacher or school officer whomsoever in its County. The Commission shall, at any of its stated meet- ings, be ready to receive any and all complaints concern- ing teachers, the County Superintendent, or any school officer, whomsoever, of the County under its jurisdiction, and to hear evidence upon the same. The said Commis- sion shall have power to determine the complaints afore- said according to the best ability of its members, subject however to the right of appeal to the State Board of Edu- cation as hereinbefore provided. It shall be the further duty of each of the said County School Commissions, to act sanitary as a Sanitary Commission over any and all school property in the County under its supervision; with full power to condemnation condemn any school building, or any part thereof, as unsafe or unhealthy; and upon the certificate of such condemna- tion by the Commission, the Trustee of the School Fund shall withhold from the district in which such condemned property is situated, its share of the State appropriation, lun r dw f ifhhei] until the further certificate of the Commission that such condemned property has been repaired or replaced, or that proviso as to provision therefor has been made. Provided, however, ls that nothing in this Act shall be construed or taken to con- fer upon any of said County School Commission any power, right, or authority to close or suspend any school for any reason whatever. Section 5. No member of any County School Commis- sion shall receive any salary by virtue of his office, but, upon the warrant of the Governor, the State Treasurer shall, out of the general fund of the State, pay to each member of said commissions the sum of five dollars for each day actually spent in attendance upon the meetings of the commission of which he is a member; provided that Per diem Limit cSp.88.voi. 23 such allowance shall not exceed the sum of seventy-five 11 dollars to any one member in any one year for such attend- Expenses ance; and the further sum of six cents per mile expended in visiting any of the schools under the supervision of the commission of which he is a member; provided, that such mileage shall not be allowed for more than one visit to any one school by any one member during a single quarter; and provided further, that such allowance for mileage shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars to any one member Limit during any one year. The said State Treasurer shall fur- ther pay all reasonable and proper bills incurred by the said County School Commission for printing and postage, Printing and out of the general fund aforesaid, upon being presented 1 ' with proper vouchers therefor by its president or secretary. SectionG. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Education, and also of each of the County School Com isons to give notice of the time and place of each of its mission stated meetings, by advertisement in two successive issues of three newspapers in the State, at least ten days before the time fixed for such meeting. In the case of the County School Commission, such ad- vertisement shall be in newspapers published in the county under its jurisdiction. Section 7. It shall be the duty of each of the first set Division of of County School Commissioners appointed under the provi- sion of this Act, to lay out and divide the County under its c jurisdiction into districts for colored schools. For this pur- pose each of said commissions shall hold a special meeting on Tuesday the seventh day of June in the year eighteen Meeting for hundred and ninety-eight at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at some suitable place in, with regard to the commission for New Caslte County, the city of Wilmington and in, Places of with regard to the commission for Kent County, the town m of Dover, and in, with regard to the commission for Sussex County, the town of Georgetown; each of said commissions having first given notice by advertisement in two succes- Notice by sive issues of two newspapers, of the time, place and pur- advertisement pose of such special meeting, and of the willingness of said commission to hear any and all persons who might have anything to state concerning the laying out of said districts. 12 Adjournment Each O f said Commissions may adjourn from time to time. Each of said commissons shall then, and as soon after the date of the special meeting aforesaid as may be, proceed to its work of laying out and establishing districts for colored schools in the county under its jurisdiction, and shall make Return return of their determination, giving the names, and the metes and bounds of the several districts so laid out by it, to the Clerk of the Peace of the proper county, who shall ?f u thepeice k P reserve tne same in the records of hisoffice,and who shall, within five days after the receipt of such return, certify to the Trustee of the School Fund the names and numbers of the districts so laid out as aforesaid. Certificate to Trustee of School Fund School meetings Notice Numbering districts Rights an 1 powers Acts of majority of commission Compensation of commis- sioners Proviso Immediately upon making return as aforesaid, each commission shall determine upon a time and place for each district thus laid out for the first meeting of the school voters held under this Act in said districts, and shall ad- vertise the same by posting five notices stating such time and place, in five of the most public places in each of the said districts, provided that the time for the holding of the meeting of the school voters shall not, in any case, be later than the last week in August in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. The districts so laid out by each of the said commis- sions shall be numbered in continuation of the school dis- tricts in the same county, and shall thenceforth be entitled to all the rights and powers, and subject to all liabilities and penalties by this Act provided. The determination and return of a majority of the County School Commission for any one of the counties, shall be as valid and effective as if made by all. Each member of each of said commissions shall re- ceive the sum of one hundred dollars for the performance of the task in this Section assigned, and the State Trea- surer shall pay him said amount, out of the general fund of the State, upon the warrant of the Governor; provided that no member shall be entitled to receive any sum what- ever if the commission of which he is a member shall not 13 have fully performed and executed the duties prescribed in this Section before Wednesday, the tenth day of August, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. The districts for colored schools when laid out and es- changes in districts for tablished as aforesaid, may be changed or altered, divided, colored people consolidated or united by the County School Commissions for the proper county at any time within the space of one year following; but not afterwards, except in the manner hereinafter provided in this Act. In determining upon the number of districts to be laid out as aforsaid, each commission shall be limited to the Limitation of number of colored schools in existence at the passage of JJSiSs of this Act. Sections. At the elections held under the provisions Qualification of Section 7 of this Act in the districts for colored schools, of any colored male person over the age of twenty-one years shall have a right to vote. In the apportionment and dis-^^fsc'hoci tributionto the school districts by the Trustee of the School Fucd Fund in the month of September, in the year eighteen hun- dred and ninety-eight, the districts for colored schools laid out and established under the provisions of Section? of this Act, shall be entitled to share therein, and none of the pro- visions of this Act as to the witholdingof a district's share in such apportionment, shall apply to the districts afore- said in said first apportionment and distribution. Section 9. The mode of having property transferred T r | r f r of from one school district to another, or of altering the boun- boundaries daries of existing school districts, or of creating new d is- New districts tricts shall be as follows: A petition stating the object sought shall be presented Petitions to to the County School Commission of the proper county at any of its stated meetings; signed, in the case of a petition to transfer, by the owner or owners of the property affected, For transfers or in the ase of a petition to create a new district by twelve For new or more freeholders of the district or districts affected. district Notice of the intention to present such petition must, in Notice all cases, have been posted in four public places in the dis- trict or districts affected and a copy of the same transmit- 14 Certificate New districts Numbers Rights and powers Notice of meetings ted to school committee of each district affected, through its clerk, ten days at least before the presentation of such petition. The County School Commission shall then deter- Determinationmine the matter, and shall certify its finding to the Clerk of the Peace of the county, specifying, when the prayer of the petition shall have been allowed the metes and bounds of the new districts, and of the alterations in the bounda- ies of old districts by* the transfer of property. A new dis- trict shall not be created unless it be made to appear to the Commission that such proposed new district shall contain at least thirty-five children over the age of five years, and that at least that same number will remain in each of the old districts affected. A new district thus created shall be numbered in continuation of the school districts of the county, shall be subject to and have all the rights and powers given by all the laws of this State having reference to free public schools. The Commission so having created a new district as aforesaid shall give notice in writing, at least ten days before the holding of the first regular meeting of the school voters to be held in districts created as afore- said, of the time and place for holding such meeting, which notice shall be posted in five of the most public places of the district. A failure to give notice as aforesaid shall in no wise affect or invalidate an organization that may be made by the school voters in such district, provided that a major- ity of the school voters of the district be present at any meeting, held without notice given as aforesaid. The find- ing or return of a majority of the members of the Commis- sion upon any petition as aforesaid, shall be as effectual and binding as if made by all. The limits of the school districts so created, and alterations of the limits of old districts by division, union of several as hereinafter provided, or other- wise, shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Peace of the proper county; and the number and location of such new districts and the alterations of old districts shall be certified to the Trustee of the School Fund by said Clerk of the Peace. Whenever any of the County School Commissioners of this State shall be satisfied that any real estate in the Majority of Commission to act Limits of districts Numbers 15 County of its jurisdiction, has not been included within limits or boundries of any school district for the two years T * &1 estate then next preceding, then and in such case the said Com- mission shall have the right, power and authority to trans- fer such real estate to any school district' of the said County Exception selected by the said Commission, provided said school dis- trict shall at the time of such transfer be maintaining a free school under the laws of this State. No petition shall Petition not be necessary in order to empower a County School Commis- n sion to act in the cases aforesaid, but the Commission shall before making such transfer, give the owner and occupant of such real estate notice of the time and place of the meet- Notice to ing of the Commission for the final determination of the SpaSt transfer. Such notice may be sent through the mail or may be left at the dwelling house being on the real estate afore- said, or if there be no dwelling house there, may be posted anywhere on said real estate, five days at least before the day of the holding of the meeting aforesaid. When any trans- commission fer as aforesaid shall have been finally determined upon, Suffer the Commission shall at once certify its action to the Clerk To whom or Secretary of the School Committee or Board of Education of the District to which the transfer is made. It shall like- wise certify its action to the Clerk of the Peace of the County who shall cause a record of the transfer to be made in his office. Section 10. Two or more school districts in any county uniting and may unite for establishing and supporting a free school for 00 their common benefit; and such districts, when united, shall be one district by the name of "United School District Nos. Name , in county." The manner of forming a union of districts shall be this: 1. Notice shall be given in each district which it is pro- Notice posed to unite, as required for stated meetings in the sev- eral districts. 2. At the meeting, thus called in each district, if two vote thirds of the voters present are in favor of the union, a committee of three of such voters shall be appointed to ar- Committ ? e range the terms and the meeting may be adjourned to hear 16 Eeport Majority to agree Vole Meeting of united district Election of committee Vote for con- tribution Purpose of meeting Powers Taxation Dividend How paid Place of meeting Proposal for several school nouses their report; if a majority of them agree upon a union with any other district, or districts, and settle with the terms thereof, the same shall be reported to an adjourned meeting, and if such report shall be adopted by t>vo-thirds of the voters present, it shall be obligatory, and the districts mentioned shall be united; provided like proceedings be had in all the said districts; but if, in either district, the report be not adopted by a vote of two-thirds, this shall not defeat the union between the other districts so adopt- ing it; they shall be united and the other shall be excluded. 3. A meeting of the united district shall be then held at the time and place fixed by the terms of the union. At this meeting, a school committee for the united school dis- trict shall be chosen, and a vote may be passed to raise money by contribution, but not by tax. This meeting shall also inquire into the proceedings preparatory to the union of the districts and its determination thereupon shall be conculsive. United school districts shall have the same powers and exercise them in the same manner as original districts. The power of taxation shall extend to the amount that could be lawfully raised by tax in the several districts composing such united districts, if acting separately. The union of districts shall not effect the account of the Trustee of the School Fund, but dividends of the income of the Fund shall be apportioned and credited to the original dis- tricts as before the union; and all sums placed to the credit of the several districts of which the union is formed, shall be paid upon the order of the school committee of the unit- ed district, and applied to the use of such district, upon their showing that a sum has been raised sufficient to en- title these several districts to draw their dividends as here- inafter provided. The place of meeting of school voters of a united school district shall be the school house of the dis- trict; or, if there be none, then one at the school house mentioned in the notices, which shall conform to any stand- ing order of the school voters. A proposal to have several school houses in a united district may be brought before a regular meeting of the school voters by inserting it in the notices of such meeting, if such proposal is made the Sec- 17 retary shall inquire concerning the regularity of the notice and make a minute of the fact. If it be carried, the school committee shall have power to execute it. Section 11, All the school districts of this State, gchool djg ^ whether single, united, consolidated or incorporated, as they tricte con- were established at the time of the passage of this Act, shall be, and they are hereby, continued school districts of the State, by the same names, and with the same metes and bounds, as they severally possessed and were defined at the time of the passage of this Act as aforesaid ; and the seve- ral Clerks and Commissioners, or Trustees, or members of school offiw continued Boards of Education in any or all ot said districts at the time of the passage of this Act, shall be, and they are here- by, continued as such Clerks, Commissioners, Trustees, or members of the Boards of Education for any or all of said districts for the full term for which each of said Clerks, Commissioners, Trustees, or members of Boards of Educa- tion were elected or chosen at the meeting of the school voters last preceding the passage of this Act. Section 12. Each school district, by the name of " School Power or District No.- -in- -county" or "United School bow property District, Nos. in - - county" (as the case may be, and filling the blanks properly), may take and hold ground for a school house, and the appurtenances and furniture; may take and hold by devise, bequest, or donation, real and personal estate, not exceeding in clear annual income one thousand dollars, for the use of the free school in said district, and may alien the same; may take bond from the collector, or from the clerk; may prosecute actions upon it, suit* and any action for injury done to any property of the dis- trict, in which action double damages and costs shall be recovered ; and also any action for a forfeiture or penalty due to the district; any of the said actions may be brought before a Justice of the Peace, if the sum demanded does not exceed two hundred dollars, and said Justice shall proceed as in other demands of like amount; may, where it appears upon settlement by the school committee of the districts that there is due from said committee of the district any sum of money actually received by said committee, bring- 18 an action of debt against the said committee, or the survivor or survivors of them in their individual names for re- covery of the same as also for the penalty provided by this Act, and judgment thereon shall be given as in other cases, and may be executed accordingly ; such action, no matter what the sum demanded be, may be brought before a Jus- tice of the Peace, and shall be proceeded in as other ac- tions within the jurisdiction of such Justice are, and the remedy hereby provided shall have a retroactive effect; and may sue for and recover in an action of debt any sum or sums of money due to the district, and may bring such ac- tion against any member of a late school committee of the district, or any other person whomsoever who may have any money belonging to the district in his possession, or who may in any other manner be indebted to the district, and the remedy hereby given shall have a retroactive effect. A school district shall not possess any other corporate power or franchise. Section 13. Every male person residing within the dis- trict, and having right to vote for Representatives in the General Assembly, and having paid his school tax for the preceding year and every female person above the age of twenty-one years, residing as aforesaid, and having paid a school tax in the district where she resides, for the pre- ceding year, shall be entitled and qualified to vote at all school elections in such district; and from and after the passage of this Act, every female person of the age afore- said, residing in an incorporated district, and having paid a tax as aforesaid, shall be entitled and qualified to vote at all school elections in such incorporated districts. Provid- ed however, that no white person shall have a right to vote at any meeting of colored school voters in any district, and no colored person shall have a right to vote at any meet- ing of white school voters in any district. If any person, not ^g^g so qualified, shall vote at any school meeting or election, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall be fined fifteen dollars by any Justice of the Peace in the proper county. stated meeting Section 14. A stated meeting of the school voters of Not to possess corporate powers Voting qualifications Penalty for voting illegally 19 each school district shall be held on the last Saturday in Time of meet- June except in New Castle County, where such meetings, in exclusive of those held in incorporated cities and towns, shall be on the first Saturday in June of each year, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon except District No. 8 in New Cas- tle County, where such meeting shall be held [from half- past four to six in the afternoon. The place for such meet- Place ing shall be the school house of the district, or, if there be none, at some place appointed by the County School Com- mission of the proper county. Such meeting shall be kept open for at least one hour. Any number of voters present H( shall proceed to business, and their acts shall be valid. The order of business for such stated meetings shall be : 1. The appointment of a chairman and secretary. 2. The report of the old committee of the district, and the appointment of a special committee to audit the ac- counts. 3. The election by ballot, by a majority of the votes cast, of one member of the school committee to serve for the term of three years as a successor to the member whose term shall at the time expire; provided, that at the first stated meeting of any school district formed, laid out, or created after the passage of the Act, there shall be elected in the manner aforesaid, a clerk to serve for the term of three years thereafter, and two commissioners, one for the term of two years, and another for the term of one year, or, in each case, until a successor be chosen; and the election in like manner to fill all vacancies, or unexpired terms, occas- ioned by death, or otherwise, of any member of said com- mittee. 4. To resolve whether any sum above that required to be raised by law, shall be raised for the ensuing year; and, if it shall be resolved to raise such an additional amount, to determine by ballot, by a majority of the votes cast, whether such amount shall be raised by tax, or by subscription. A stated meeting may, after the appointment of a Adjourned chairman and secretary, be adjourned; and the proceedings meetiugs 20 of the adjourned meeting shall be of the same nature and force, except as to a tax, as if had at the original meeting, meef'nouo If the annual stated meeting shall not be held in any district, p*T vert or if the school committee shall not then be elected, the district shall not thereby lose the power to proceed, but meetings, adjourned, occasional, or stated, may be held. Occasional meetings Business Duty of Sec- retary Fraudulent entries Penalty Notice of meetings Neglect Penalty Notice in case of no clerk Vote for tax Certificates Delivering Neglect Occasional meetings of the school voters of a district may be called by the school committee, by advertisement stating the business of the meeting, and posted as required for stated meetings. They must be held at the place where stated meetings are held. At such meeting, any number of voters present may transact any business mentioned in the advertisements but no other. The secretary shall make a note of the business mentioned in the advertisement, and where and when they were posted ; these entries shall be conclusive, unless proved fraudulent; and the making of fraudulent entries shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine, not exceeding one hundred dollars. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the district to give noticeof stated and occasional meetings, by advertisements, under hand, of the day, hour and place thereof, posted in five or more public places of the district, at least five days before the meeting; and if he neglects this duty he shall forfeit and pay to th3 district ten dollars; but the want of such notice shall not make the acts of the meeting void. If there be no clerk, the commissioner or commissioners shall give notice under the same penalty; and if there be no member of the committee to give such notice, it shall be given by the Clerk of the Peace, on application of five or more of the school voters of the district. No vote respect- ing a tax shall be taken at any other time than the stated annual meeting, or the substitute therefor. Three certifi- cates of the proceedings of every meeting of school voters- shall be made and signed by the chairman and secretary; one shall be delivered to the clerk of the district, one to the Auditor of Accounts, and one to the Clerk of the Peace of the County, to be kept as a public record. If the chairman or secretary shall neglect his duty in 21 this respect for the space of one month, he shall be deemed Penalty guilty of a misdemeanor and fined fifty dollars. If the certificates be not so delivered within one month, the proceedings of the meeting shall be void, and the school certificates committee in office, next before such meeting, shall con^ wh toact tinue in office, so far as to call another meeting, and shall proceed to do so by advertisements posted as required for stated meetings. A statement that the proceedings of thence of last meeting have not been duly returned, shall be sufficient statement of statement of the business ; and at a meeting so called, the business school voters shall have power to do an act which they could Powers do at the preceding meeting; and the meeting shall regulated by the law applicable to the preceding meeting, and shall be a substitute therefor. Immediately upon the election of commissioners in sin- gle or united districts, or members of the Board of Educa- missioners tion in Incorporated districts, the Secretary or Clerk of the Commissioners or Board of Education, as the case may be, shall transmit to the Clerk of the Peace of the proper county, the names and addresses of the Commissioners or members of the Board of Education elected for the ensuing year, which names and addresses shall be furnished the superin- tendent of public schools for the proper county, the State Auditor and the Trustee of the School Fund, by said Clerk of the Peace. Section 15. The supervision and control of the public schools in each district in this State now ed or hereafter to be established under the provisions of this Act (subject to the general powers hereinbefore vested in the State Board of Education and the several County School Commissions), shall be vested in a school committee for each district; which shall be composed of a clerk and two commissioners, who shall serve for three years from Term the time of their respective elections, or~until their succes- sors are duly qualified. The members of the said school ion committees shall be chosen or elected as provided in Sec- tion 14 of this Act. Before entering upon the duties of their office, each member of said committee shall be sworn oath 22 or affirmed to perform the said duties of his office with fidel- ity. Any member of the new, or of a late committee may duties" 8 administer such oath or affirmation. The powers and duties of the school committee shall be: To determine the site r lease or purchase the necessary ground, and build or pro- cure a suitable school house for the district, which shall be as near the centre of the district as practicable, and which, when built or procured, shall not be removed nor another built or procured without the direction of the school voters of the district at a stated meeting; to keep the school house in good repair and insure it against loss by fire, and to supply it with necessary furniture and fuel, and to bring action for any injury to it; to keep the school open for at least one hundred and forty days in each school year; to visit it at least once in each quarter of said school year; to employ a ^teacher or teachers who shall be well qualified mentally and morally for the position, provided, that no teacher shall be so employed who does not hold the certifi- cate of the County Superintendent for the proper county for the year in which such teacher is employed, except where such teacher is employed for specialist work merely as set forth in Section 16 of this Act; to dismiss a teacher for cause; to make regulations for the government of the schools in which the expulsion of a scholar for obstinate misbehavior may be provided; and to collect and receive the money required by this Act to be raised by the district in Sections 18 and 19 and to receive and collect all money belonging to, appropriated, or resolved to be raised by the district, and to apply and expend the same justly; to pay over to the successor in office any balance remaining at the expiration of the term of office; to make up the assessment list of the district and to provide for the collection of all school taxes, as set forth in Sections 18, 19 and 20 of this Act; to perform the several duties required of its members by Section 22 of this Act concerning free text books; to settle the accounts of the district with the Auditor and post copies of the same, as provided in this Act; to present the account so settled as aforesaid, and make general report as to the conditions of the school and the like and stating when and for what length of time the school was visited 23 by its members, to the school voters of the district attheir annual stated meeting; to give the required notices of all meetings of the school voters of the district as provided in Section 14 of this Act; to institute any and all actions as provided in Section 12 of this Act which may accrue to the district; to perform the further and other duties set forth in Section 16 of this Act; and generally to do all acts and things requisite for affecting the premises. The acts for a majority of the members of a school majority committee shall in all cases be as valid and effectual as if done by all. Vacancies in the committee shall be filled by the school ho^finSi voters of the district as provided in Section 14 of this Act. The special duties of the clerk of each school commit- Duties of tee shall be: To give notice of meetings of the school voters of the district as required by Section 14 of this Act; to perform the several duties enjoined upon him by Section 22 of this Act; concerning free text books, to keep a record book of the district, in which he shall enter its bounds and descrip- tion, and any changes therein, a copy of the certificate of the proceedings of every meeting of the school voters, the proceeding of the school committee, and the names of the scholars attending the school, a list of whom shall be fur- nished by the teacher, which book shall be evidence; and shall also keep all papers belonging to the district, or to the committee. If any Commissioner or Clerk of any school district Migappropria , shall misappropriate any funds in his hands belonging to tionoffund8 the school district in which he is such commissioner or clerk, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, by indictment, shall be fined not Penalty less than twenty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, together with the costs of prosecution, and upon failure to pay such fine and costs, he shall be imprisoned not less than three months nor more than two years. This provision shall be deemed and taken to be accumulative, and shall not affect or impair the individual liability of any 24 such commissioner or clerk in any civil suit which may be brought against him. TO pay over The members of each school committee shall pay to moneys to sue . cessors their successors in office all money due from them, and if penait for neglect to do so for ten days, they or any one of them, neglect shall forfeit and pay twenty-five per cent on the sum due in addition to the amount so due as aforesaid. Nocompensa The members of the school committee shall receive no salary or emolument, but for attendance before the auditor, as provided in Section 26 of this Act, they shall be allowed, in their account, one dollar each per day, and three cents Allowance each per mile of necessary travel. superintend Section 16. Each School Committee and each Board fiedof selection ^ Education of every incorporated district, immediately of teacher upon the selection of a teacher or teachers for any school or schools under its supervision, shall notify the County Superintendent for the proper county of such selection, stating the name, addresses and salaries of such teacher or teachers. It shall be the duty of each School Committee and of house 011 ' each Board of Education of incorporated districts to see that a flag of the United States, not less than eight feet long and six feet wide, is displayed on a suitable flag staff with proper appliances upon each school building, or near the same, in the district, during school hours. Maps m It shall be the further duty of each of the said Commit- tees and of said Boards of Education to see that at least one proper and correct map of the United States, not less than four feet long and three feet wide, and at least one proper and correct map of the State of Delaware, not less than three feet by two feet, are exposed to view in some public and convenient place in each school house in the districts. ihylioiogyVnd ^ sna ^ ^ e ^ e father duty of each of said Committees hygiene " a nd Boards of Education to see that all the pupils in all the free schools in the district are instructed in physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system, 25 and to see that all the said schools are sufficiently supplied with such text books relating to such subjects as are fur- nished the district in the distribution of free text books hereinafter provided. Any teacher in any of the freeSSroct* schools of the State, failing to so instruct all the pupils under his governance, shall, unless ordered to the contrary by a school officer having authority over him, be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered before any Pt Justice of the Peace of the proper county by any informer, school officer and any school officer ordering a teacher under him not to ?eacher g not to instruct the pupils as aforesaid shall be liable to like fane, recoverable as aforesaid by any informer. It shall be unlawful for any School Committee of a di trict, or any Board of Education of an incorporated dis-not holding , . . certificate trict, to employ as a teacher, or permit to continue to teach, any person who does not hold an unexpired "certifi- cate from the County Superintendent for the proper county, Exception except such teacher be employed for specialist work merely, such as drawing, music and the like, under penalty of having withheld from the district in which such person is employed or permitted to teach its share of the State ap- P propriation for the year of such employment or teaching. It shall be the farther duty of each School Committee instruction m and Board of Education in this State to see that the f&pilaa.s.aildthe in any class or classes in the school who are instructed in United States history by the teacher employed in the school shall also be instructed by the said teacher in the general principles of the Constitution of the United States and that of this State. The respective School Committees of adjoining districts Joint or graded shall have power to make such arrangements for the estab- sc lishment of a school or schools for the joint benefit of the children of such adjoining districts as they may deem pro- per and advisable. Every School Committee and every Board of Education Sanitary in this State shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to make any and all such rules and regulations governing the pupils of the districts as they shall deem proper or nee- 26 Vaccination Admission of pupils of other districts to higher departments Securing site for school house Freeholders Duty of Notice Plot, etc essary to the health of such pupils, and the prevention of the spread of contagious or infectious diseases, and to this end may, if they d^em advisable, provide for_the free vac- cination of such pupils. The Board of Education of each incorporated school district in this State may, and unless the needs of the pupils residing in such incorporated district shall render it un- advisable, shall, upon application, admit to the higher de- partments of such incorporated schools advanced pupils from other districts, upon such terms as the said Board of Education shall deem proper and reasonable; and the school committee of the district where the children so admitted reside, may, in its discretion, allow the amount or amounts prescribed by any such Board of Education for the admis- sion of such pupils as aforesaid. Section 17. In case the School Commissioners of any school district shall not be able to procure by agreement with the owner a lot of land suitable and proper for the erection of a school house for the use of the district, it shall and may be lawful for the said School Commissioners to apply to the Levy Court of their county, who shall thereupon appoint three judicious and impartial freeholders of said county, residing without the limits of said school district, to select a site for such school house and appurtenances, not to exceed half an acre in any case. The said commis- sioners shall, as soon as conveniently possible after the said appointment, notify the said freeholders and fix a day when they shall meet in said district to select such site, and shall also give notice to the inhabitants of said dis- trict of the time so fixed, by notices posted in five of the most public places in said district at least ten days before the day of meeting. The said freeholders shall, on the day so fixed, proceed to the said district, taking with them a surveyor, if necessary, and shall select such site as they may deem most suitable for the purposes aforesaid, and shall cause a plot and description of the same to be made out and delivered to the commissioners, who shall, within thirty days after such delivery, lodge the same in the Recorder's office of the proper county, to be recorded. The said free- 27 lolders shall also, at the time of selecting and locating the Assessment of site, assess the damages of the owner or owners, taking da into consideration all circumstances of convenience or in- jury, but in making such assessment, they shall allow at least the cash value of the land taken, and shall certify their award to both parties, owners and commissioners, where- upon, on payment of the damages, so assessed, the said land so taken shall become and be the property of the said school district for the purpose aforesaid. In case any such owner or owners be a minor, non-resident, or from any cause incapable of receiving, or unwilling, or neglect- ing to receive said damages, the said School Commissioners may deposit the same to the credit of such owner or own- Deposit of ers, in the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware, or any damages branch thereof, and such deposit shall operate as payment. In case the said freeholders should fail to meet on the Failure to day fixed, the commissioners may call them out again upon meel like notice to the district, as above provided. The said Adjournment freeholders shall have power to adjourn from time to time. The decision of a majority shall be as valid as that of the Decisions whole. The fees of the freeholders shall be one dollar per day. Fee? and All the expenses shall be borne by the district. Section 18. It shall be the duty of the school commit- r> uty of school tees of the several school districts for white children in the State, to make assessment lists for their respective districts. Such lists shall consist of the rates of persons of all the ment lists white male inhabitants of the district over twenty-one years SSiVshow old ; of the rates of the personal property of all the white inhabitants of the district; of the rates of all the assessable personal property within the district owned by any associa- tion or corporation, and of the clear rental value of all the JJJJSJJy "able assessable real estate within the district owned by white lotax persons, associations or corporations. The personal prop- erty of all white persons, associations or corporations, now subject to tax for school purposes in the school district shall be liable to assessment and tax for school purposes in the school district only in which it is actually located; and it shall be the duty of the school committee of the several 28 Assessment lists to be made upon personal view Shall only include prop- erty therein Exemption List of Assessables Lands in two districts Amounts to be raised by taxa- tion New Castle county districts for white children as aforesaid within the limits of this State, making the assessment lists for their respec- tive districts, to place thereon the rates of the personal property now subject to tax for school purposes in the school district in which it has an actual location, irrespec- tive o<: the residence of the owner thereof. The school com- mittees of the several school districts within this State shall not take the rates of personal property from the assessment lists of the hundred in which it stands assessed at the time, but shall fix the rates of personal property for their respec- tive school districts upon personal view thereof, or other sufficient information of the owners or persons having con- trol of the same. The assessment list of each school dis- trict as aforesaid, shall only include the personal property actually located therein; provided, that no property shall be assessed for school purposes under the provisions of this Act, which is exempted from taxation for county pur- poses. They shall assess the clear rental value beyond reprises of all the assessable real estate in the district, and make out a list of the names of the persons assessed, in alpha- betical order, the rates of persons, and of personal prop- erty, number of acres, or other description of real estate, and the clear rental value thereof. When the line between two districts crosses the lands of person "occupied in one body, the whole of such lands shall be assessed in the dis- trict where the dwelling house is, and no part in the other; provided that any tenant residing on such lands in an ad- joining district, shall, at his election, commumcated in writing to the school committee of such adjoining district, at any time prior to the completing of the assessment list, be only assessed, and have school privileges in the district in which such tenant resides. It shall be the duty of the School Commissioners in each of the districts aforesaid, annually, in the month of July, to assess and levy without regard to any vote thereon, in each of their respective districts, that is to say: in each of the school districts in New Castle County the sum of one hundred dollars; in each of the school districts in Kent 29 County the sum of one hundred dollars, and in each of the Kent county school districts in Sussex County, the sum of sixty dollars, to be applied to the support of the schools of their districts Su respectively. A copy of the assessment list shall be posted in some public and suitable place of the district for inspection; and the committee shall, by advertisement in at least five pub- lic places in the district, give notice that said list is post- Notice ed, and where; and of the day, hour and place (not less than five days thereafter), of their sitting to hear objec- tions to it. Upon such hearing, the said committee shall A ^ efllsjflp(I make all such just corrections, and add anything omitted, correction! The committee may adjourn if necessary. The list, when settled, shall be conclusive, and shall Lj 8t ^ be con- stand until the next assessment in the district when a new cl list shall be made for each school district. And every year the committee shall make proper additions and alterations Annual addi- in case of other persons or property becoming assessable, or being omitted, or in case of death or removal. The proceedings of the committee shall not be ques- tioned except for fraud or corruption. not i uestione ^un f ty report A copy of said statement shall also be transmitted by Siss?on cora " every school teacher as aforesaid and at the time aforesaid, certificates to the County School Commission through any of its members. of the proper county, duty of the County School Commission, and also the State Board of Education, to report the neg- lect, omission or failure on the part of any teacher in any district, including incorporated districts to make the state- ment at the time and in the manner aforesaid, to the proper superintendent, and thereupon the said superintendent shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to suspend the certificate of such teacher until a complete and correct statement jAforesaid shall have been made by such teach- er. V ^ n case anv applicant for a certificate shall be refused one by the County Superintendent on the ground that the said applicant has failed to answer the per cent, of the questions asked in the examination, as hereinbefore in this section provided, such applicant shall, if he desires to appeal to either the State Board of Education or the proper County School Commission, have the right to require that said superintendent shall exhibit a copy of the questions submitted at such examination, together with the answers be given by said applicant, when such answers were written; provided that the appeal be made at the stated meeting next following said examination. Section 25. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of free schools for each county in the State, to hold in his county a teachers' institute for the teachers in the free public schools for white children under his supervision, at least once in every year, and of at least three days' session. Appropriation i5o for each To defray the expenses of the said institute, the State Treasurer shall, upon the draft of the County Superintend- ent, pay to the said superintendent, out of the general fund of the State, one hundred and fifty dollars to be ex- pended by the said superintendent for the institute in his county, and for no other purpose. 41 It shall be the duty of the said superintendent to present at each day's session of the institute in his county, and to do all in his power to inform the teachers under his superintendence, by his own advice and suggestions, and by the advice and sugggestions of professional educators whose services he can secure, of the most improved and ad- vanced systems of instruction and discipline. Each of said superintendents shall, during the year, appear before the State Auditor and make settlement with him of all the moneys so expended by him for the institute in his county, and shall pay over to him all unexpended balances in hands. The State Auditor shall issue to the Coui^^Superin- tendent for Kent County, in the month of OctojJ^in every year a warrant for the payment of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the support and maintenance of the v 1<22 Delaware Colored Teachers' State Institute. The State Treasurer shall pay, out cf the general fund Payment of the State, to the said superintendent the said sum of chap 116) one hundred and fifty dollars upon the presentation of the vo1 22 warrant of the State Auditor aforesaid. It shall be the duty of said Superintendent to make arrangements for said Institute and to be present at eachbfii's day's session, and to do all in his power to inform the said colored teachers by his own advice and suggestions and by^ a the advice and suggestions of professional educatorsvoL22 whose services he can secure, of ihe most improved and advanced system of instruction and discipline. As soon as possible after the close of the said institute, the said Superintendent shall present his accounts and vouchers to the State Auditor for settlement and pay over any unexpended balance of said appropriation to the State Treasurer. Section 26. The State Auditor shall between the day of July and the first day of September in each year, jchooi commit- settle the accounts of all the school committees of the State. For this purpose, every such committee shall, under g^ y for penalty of forfeiting to the district twenty-five dollars for 42 May compel them What settle- ment must show When auditor shall ref^e to settle Consequence of refusal neglect, appear with its accounts and vouchers before him when he shall attend in the county for that purpose, whereof he shall give notice. He may compel them, by attachment, to appear and settle. The settlement shall show how long school was kept in the district, the compensation of the teacher, and the number of scholars; the sum raised, the sum drawn, and the sum expended; all of which shall be stated in the Auditor's report to the General Assembly. In case any school committee shall have failed or neg- lected to make proper return upon the blank forms furnish- ed it by the State Board of Education, as provided in this Act, or in case the schools in the districts for which the committee acts have not been kept open for the time speci- fied in Section 15 of this Act, the Auditor shall refuse to settle the accounts of such committee; and if, in conse- quence, settlement of any account shall not be made during his attendance for that purpose, the school committee shall incur the forfeiture by this Section provided, and there shall be the same liabilities and consequences as if it had failed to appear. If any committee shall fail to appear and settle with the Auditor, or if, on such settlement, it appears that it, or any of its members, has misapplied, or does not account for the money received by it, or with which it is charge- able, the Auditor shall make known the facts by letter, addressed to the Chairman and secretary of the last stated meeting. Section 27. The money appropriated by the General Assembly for the benefit of the free public schools, for each year, together with the income of the investments of the public school fund as it was constituted by law at the time of the passage of this Act, shall constitute the school fund for the year. The State Treasurer shall, by virtue of and during the continuance of his office, be the trustee of the school fund, and shall annually in the month of September apportion Apportion mentoffund said fund among the several counties of this State, and distribute each county's share of said apportionment among Notice of fail- ure to settle or to account School fund how consti- tuted Trustee of School fund 43 the school districts of the county; such apportionment and such distribution to be made in the manner and according to the same rules as prescribed and provided for the appor- tionment of the school fund by the laws of this State which were in force and operation at the time of the passage of this Act, except special Acts or parts of Acts, referring to \ the distribution of the school fund to particular districts, / and such laws, so far as they affect the apportionment and distribution of the school fund, shall be, and are hereby continued in full force and operation ; the amount appro- priated by the General Assembly to be apportioned and distributed in the same manner as the fees for licenses, forming a part of the old school fund were apportioned and distributed prior to the passage of this Act. Provided, however, that in the distribution of each county's share of said school fund, among the school districts of the county, no discrimination shall be made between the districts for white schools, and the districts for colored schools to be created and laid out under the provisions of this Act but each of said districts for colored schools shall be deemed and taken by said Trustee of the School Fund to be on the same basis and entitled to the same provisions as any dis- trict for white schools in the same county. The distribu- tion by the Trustee of the School Fund to several school districts as aforesaid, shall be in the following manner: He shall place the amount due the respective districts to the credit of the said respective districts in the Farmers' Bank of each of the counties in which the districts are severally situated; he shall then furnish the commissioners or Board of Education of each single, united and incorpor- ated district with blank drafts, numbered consecutively, Drafts in the following form: No. . Form of School District No. - County, Delaware. The Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware pay to or order - - dollars, being salary due the payee, as teacher, for the - - ending the day of A. D., 44 18. Charge same to the account of School District No. - - County. $ . Commissioners of District No. County Clerk of District No. - - County. Drawing fund The money thus deposited in the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware to the credit of the respective districts, shall be drawn out only upon the presentation of drafts as aforesaid, made payable to the teacher of the school of the district, signed by a majority of the commissioners or Board of Education, as the case may be, attested by the clerk of the district, and endorsed by the teacher to whose order * S mac ^ e P a y a kl e - Such drafts made by the commission- sofue se ers as aforesaid, shall be for the salary due the teacher, and for no other purpose; but no teacher employed in any free school in any single district thai is not incorporated Limitof salary in this State, shall be paid from the school funds of this ' State apportioned to the district and deposited as afore- said, a salary exceeding forty dollars per month. It shall be the duty of the Trustee of the School Fund, ovorln Sends * n making the apportionment among the school districts as of districts hereinbefore provided, in the month of September, in every year, to ascertain from the settlements of the State Audi- tor with the several districts of this State, made in the months of July and August preceding, as hereinbefore pro- vided, the amount or amounts of money each district may have in hand that has been received from the State, and raised by taxation as required by this Act, and is unex- pended at the end of the school year next preceding. He shall then deduct and retain from the sums or apportion- ments to which such districts are respectively entitled in the distribution of the school fund of the State, amounts equal to that which, from the State Auditor's settlement aforesaid, appear to be respectively unexpended in the hands of the commisisoners or clerks of the districts afore- said, and place the balance of the apportionments or amounts to which the districts are respectively entitled 45 as aforesaid to the credit of the said districts in the man- ner provided elsewhere in this Act. Provided, however, Proviso that should any district raise by taxation more money than that district is by this Act required to raise in order to be entitled to receive its apportionment of the school fund aforesaid, such amount that is in excess of the amount re- quired by this Act to be raised by taxation as aforesaid, shall not be charged against or be deducted from the ap- portionment for such district, but the amount so in excess as aforesaid, shall be retained by the districts raising the same, to be therein applied. The amounts retained by the JSSSSJ trustee of the school fund, and deducted as aforesaid from deducted the apportionment of the districts having in hand money unexpended at the end of the year, in excess of the amounts required to be raised by taxation aforesaid, shall be by said trustee of the school fund placed to the credit of the county in which the districts having moneys unex- pended as aforesaid are respectively situated, and be reap- portioned among the districts of the county entitled there- to. No school districts in this State shall be entitled to *$%$ tax be share in the apportionment of the school fund for any year, JSiffiS fo title nor shall the trustee of the school fund deposit any amount fund during the year to said district's credit, as hereinbefore provided, unless it shall appear from the settlement of the school committee of such district with the Auditor then next preceding the time of such apportionment, that said district has raised by taxation or subscription, the sum of one hundred dollars, if said district is situated in either of the counties of New Castle or Kent, or sixty dollars, if in New castie j> rx ii County said districts are situated in the county of Sussex; in the case of districts for white schools, or fifty dollars if said Kent county district is situated in either of said counties of New Castle guggex Count or Kent; or the sum of thirty dollars if said district is situated in said county of Sussex, in the case of districts colored for colored schools. Section 28. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed orReappoint- taken to prevent the reappointment or re-election of any Section o? * . . . ... A school officers school officer mentioned in this Act. 46 Section 29. All the provisions of the school laws of m force this State which were in force and operation at the time of the passage of this Act, providing penalties and for- feitures for the nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance of any person whomsoever, shall and are hereby continued in full force and operation so far as to apply to any such non-doing, mis-doing, or wrong-doing occurring prior to the passage of this Act, Law applicable Section 30. All the provisions of this Act, where not inconsistent with the provisions of the several acts incor- porating the respective incorporated districts in this State, shall apply to such incorporated districts; and where any provision of this Act is expressly made applicable to incor- porated districts, such provision shall apply to such dis- tricts, whether inconsistent or not. Section 31. None of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed or taken to affect or in anywise alter the rights, privileges and immunities belonging, at the time of the passage of this Act, to the free schools in the City of Wil- mington, including those for colored children in said city. Section 32. All Acts and parts of Acts vesting in the school committees, trustees, or boards of education of cer- tain particular school districts the power to raise and col- lect, without regard to any vote thereon, amounts in ex- cess of those provided by this Act, are hereby continued in full force and operation. Section 33. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved May 12, 1898, with all. subsequent amend- ments. Not, to affect Wilmington Schools Certain laws continued 47 AMENDMENTS TO THE SCHOOL LAWS. CHAPTER 219, VOLUME 21. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT Providing Graded School Facilities for the Children of the State. Whereas, There are a number of School Districts in this State in which no graded schools exist, whereby the children of such districts are deprived of many of the ad- vantages of a common school education enjoyed by the children in other districts; And Whereas, such districts are contiguous or close to other districts in which free graded schools are now established and maintained, wherein the children of such first mentioned districts might receive all the advantages afforded by graded schools without impairing the rights and privileges of the children now attending such schools, if permitted so to do without extra cost and expense; now therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Section 1. That from and after the passage of Act, it shall be the duty of the State Board of Education, and the same is hereby authorized, empowered and direct- ed to select such and such number of the free graded schools now established and maintained in any of the school districts of this State, for the purpose of admitting to such schools the children of other districts in which no graded school exists; and that the schools so elected as aforesaid, shall then be free to all the children of school schools s^ect-^ age of the County in which such schools are situated, or of children of such district or districts, or of such parts thereof, as shall districts be determined by said Board and under the rules and reg- i , ,, i T% i i./. Regulations ulations to be promulgated by said Board as hereinafter provided. ot chi d- 48 sc e nooif ion f Section 2. That the names and numbers of the free graded schools so selected as aforesaid, shall be certified by said Board to the school committees or Boards of Edu- cation of such schools, and also to the school committees of all the districts, the children of which the said Board shall determine may be admitted in such free graded school. And for the purposes and provisions of this Act, the said State Board of Education shall have full and final power to de- power of state cide what shall constitute a graded school, and what dis- S3Sl of Edu " trict or districts are without such graded schools. Rules and res Section 3. That the said State Board of Education ernii?g admTs- shall also have full and final power and authority to pro- mu igate such rules and regulations governing the admis- sion of all children under the provisions of this Act, pro- vided that no free graded school shall be compelled to admit to any of its departments any child from another district, when such department is already full; and such rules and regulations shall be binding upon all the dis- tricts in this State. The said rules and regulations, together with the names and numbers of the districts affected, shall be certified by said Board to ihe School Com- mittees or Boards of Education of all the districts affected Advertisement thereby. Such rules and regulations, and such names and of numbers shall be advertised in such manner, and for such length of time as said Board shall deem proper; which advertisement shall be paid for as other printing of said Board. The said Board shall also have full power to alter, Alterations of change, or add to any of such rules and regulations at any rules, &c. time i t may think proper. powers of Section 4. The several County School Commissioners now established by law shall have full and final power, jurisdiction and authority to hear and finally determine any disputes arising under this Act between any parent or guardian of any child, and any school officer, or between several school officers, school committees or Boards of Education; and in case any of said School Commissions shall determine that any child should be admitted to any free graded school, selected by the State Board as afore- said, and any school officer shall refuse to admit such child, 49 the said Commission shall certify the facts to the State Auditor, upon which it shall be unlawful for said Auditor to settle any of the accounts of the district wherein such graded school is situated, until a further certificate from said Commission that such child has been admitted. Section 5. Whenever any child shall be admitted under Tearherof provisions of this Act, to any free graded school, the teacher fo*eru or principal of such school, shall, within ten days, certify gjjjjj^'^* such fact, together with the name of the child, the date state Bo * rd of admission, the name or number of the school district in which such child lives, and the name or number of the dis- trict of such free graded school, to the State Board of Education, and the said Board shall certify the substance of the aggregate of such certificates to the State Treasurer state Board to sometime before the first day of July in each year. When- ever it shall appear from the certificates of the principals or teachers in the free graded schools of any county, that two hundred and fifty children have been admitted to such schools under the provisions of this Act in any one county, admitted it shall be the duty of the State Board to notify the com- mittee or Board of Education of each of the graded schools so selected by it as aforesaid, in such county, that no fur- ther children shall be admitted under the provisions of this Act, and the said Board shall not certify any further names to the State Treasurer as aforesaid. Section 6. That for every child admitted under the Graded provisions of this Act to any free graded school, such f ree graded school shall be entitled to receive the sum of twenty cents for each day's attendance of such child in such graded school, and the entire amount, due tosuch How aid graded school for such child, shall be paid to the district in which such graded school is situated, by the State Treasurer for every child so admitted as aforesaid, some- time in the month of July, upon receiving the vouchers of the teachers or principal of such graded school showing the name or names of such child or children so admitted as aforesaid, and the number of days* attendance of each such child in such graded school; provided, that no moneys shall be paid by the State Treasurer under the provisions of this Exception 50 Act to any district for or on account of the admission of any child whose name does not appear upon the certificate of the State Board to the State Treasurer as provided in Section 5 of this Act, as having been admitted to the graded school of such district. The said State Treasurer to a c t ? r [y asurer shall then certify the amount so paid to any district, to the State Auditor who shall include it in the settlements of the accounts of the Districts so receiving said amount as aforesaid. t o State Auditor Board of Education in Wilmington may refuse to admit non-resident pupils May charge and fix amount of tuition When ad- mitted State Treasurer to pay the amount pro- vided by law Board of Education of Wilmington sam powers as County School Commissioners Section 7. That nothing in this Act shall be deemed or construed to prohibit or prevent " The Board of Public Education in Wilmington" from refusing in its discretion to admit to any of the Public Schools in the City of Wil- mington any child not residing in said city or from charg- ing for the tuition of any such non-resident child, such sum as the said Board may deem proper; provided, how- ever, that when any such child shall be so admitted to the Public Schools of the City of Wilmington, under the pro- visions of this Act and with the consent of the said Board of Education, then the said Board of Public Education in Wilmington shall be entitled to receive from the State Treasurer the amount due under the provisions of this Act for the tuition of such child and the amount so received from the State Treasurer for the tuition of such child shall be deducted from the amount due from the parents or guardian of such child for its tuition as fixed by "The Board of Public Education in Wilmington* ' and provided further, that all rights and powers vested in the State Board of Education or the County School Commissioners by virtue of this Act shall, within the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington, be vested in "The Board of Public Education in Wilmington." Approved March 9, A. D. 1899. Amended and approved February 25 and April 19, A. D. 1909. 51 CHAPTER 220, VOLUME 21. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT Providing for Circulating Libraries for Use of the Public Schools of the State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General assembly met: Section 1. That the State Treasurer be, and he hereby authorized and directed to pay on the first Monday commit teeon .... traveling libra- in the month of April in each and every year after the passage of this Act, beginning on the first Monday in said w m en'sciubs month of April in the year eighteen hundred and ninety- j. , .... When to be nine (out of any moneys then being in his hands as s State Treasurer) the sum of one hundred dollars to the chairman of the "Committee on Traveling Libraries" of "The State Federation of Women's Clubs of Delaware." Section 2. That the said sum of one hundred dollars HOW to be used so paid in each year as aforesaid shall be used by the said ^'Committee of Traveling Libraries" for the exclusive pur- pose of purchasing books and cases to hold the same, and circulating them among the Public Schools throughout this State, under such rules and regulations as said Committee shall deem proper. The said commmittee to receive no compensation whatever for their services. Section 3. That the said Committee shall make a re- Report port of their expenditure of said moneys to the General Assembly of this State at each of its bi-ennial sessions. Approved March 16, A. D. 1899. 52 CHAPTER 112, VOLUME 22. AN ACT Prescribing the Method of Apportioning the Public School Fund Among the School Districts of this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaivare in General Assembly met: state Auditor Section 1. That in order that the Trustee of the to ?rus?eeof ort School Fund shall have the information necessary to dis- echooiFund tribute the public school fund of the State, it shall be the duty of the Auditor of Accounts, to examine and settle the accounts of every single, united, consolidated and in- corporated school district in the State between the first day of July and the tenth day of August in each year, and to report the result of such settlements to the Trustee of the School Fund on or before the twentieth day of August, giving the amounts remaining in the hands of such dis- tricts unexpended of the moneys received from the State and required to be raised by taxation in order to entitle such districts to their shares of the said moneys from the State, the number of teachers employed in each school and the number of days taught by each teacher during the school year. A ro5ation ap " Section 2. That the income arising from the invest- ments for the benefit of the Public School Fund, together with the money appropriated from time to time by the Amended General Assembly for the benefit of the free public schools. Chapter 339, _ ,, . . volume 22 which said appropriation shall not be less than one hun- dred and thirty-two thousand dollars annually, shall be apportioned among the school districts of the State in the following manner: BOW divided The Trustee of the School Fund shall annually in the month of August divide the said income and appropriation among the school districts of the State, including consoli- dated, united and incorporated districts or schools, accord- 53 ing to the number of teachers employed for at least one hundred and forty days during the previous school year. In order to entitle any school district to receive share of said money so apportioned such district shall have Jpn . to ntitie . . , district to re- raised by taxation, or subscription for school purposes dur-ceive dividend ing the previous school year, if a white school district, at least one hundred dollars for each teacher employed, and, if a colored school district, at least fifty dollars for each teacher employed. Provided, that the Trustee of the School Fund shall, at the time of making said apportionment apportion to any school district that shall on or before the twentieth day of August file with him a certificate of the County School Commission of the County in which such district is situ- ated that an additional teacher or teachers are needed in Additional such district and that such district is provided with suit-secured d>b able room or rooms for such teacher or teachers and has levied and assessed an additional tax in said district of, if a white school, one hundred dollars, and, if a colored school, fifty dollars for every such additional teacher so desired and intended to be employed for the next school year, an additional share or shares of the moneys appor- tioned, according to the number of additional teachers so employed. And provided further, that no single, consoli- dated, united or incorporated school district or schools, rhlfSe/ssg, shall under said apportionment receive more of the money s Volume 22 so apportioned than one hundred and sixty-five teachers employed as aforesaid would entitle it to. Section 3. The said Trustee of the School Fund shall deduct and retain from the amount apportioned to any district or school the amount expended by him for text ntsto b * books for such district or school during the previous school year and shall also deduct and retain an amount equal to that which from the Auditor's settlement with such dis- trict or school made as aforesaid in that year appears to be in the hands of said district or school of the money re- ceived from the State and by taxation as aforesaid to en- title such district or school to its share of said State moneys, unexpended at the end of the year next preceding. 54 Duty of Trustee I* 1 case an y district or school having- filed the certificate SpoS h fanu F re n to of the County School Commission and received an addi- tional share or shares of the State moneys as hereinbefore this Act provided for, shall fail to employ such teacher or teachers for which such money was apportioned for at least one hundred and forty days during the succeeding school year or in any case where a district or school shall not employ a teacher or teachers, for the said period of one hundred and forty days for the school year for which such districts or schools receive a share of State moneys for such teacher or teachers not so employed, then and in either event the Trustee of the School Fund shall deduct and retain out of the apportionment of such district or school for the suc- ceeding year a sum equal to that which such district or school obtained for or on account of such teacher or teachers that such district or school so failed to employ. Provided, that should any district raise by taxation more money than that district is by this Act required to raise in order to entitle it to receive its apportionment of the School Fund, such amount that is in excess of the amount required by law to be raised by taxation aforesaid, shall not be charged against or deducted from the share of such district or school, but the amount so in excess shall be re- tained by the district or school raising the same. Section 4. That each district or school shall within P trusteed? r thirty days after this Act becomes a law report to the Trustee of the School Fund the number of teachers em- ployed in such district or school, which reports sfoall be a record in the office of said Trustee of the School Fund of the number of teachers for which such districts or schools are entitled to State moneys, subject to the additions here- inbefore provided for. Section 5. That all Acts or parts of Acts providing for special apportionments of the School Fund to certain dis- tricts or schools or a different apportionment from that hereinbefore provided for and all other Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 16, A. D., 1901. 55 CHAPTER 340, VOLUME 22. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT Authorizing Certificates to Teach in the Free Schools Without Ex animation, in Certain Cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: Section 1. That from and after the adoption of Act it shall be lawful for any County Superintendent of _, .,.-.,. .,.,. . , . give certificate Free Schools in this State, in his discretion, to give to anytot*udHoaiij person holding a diploma or certificate of graduation f rom Sipioma f rm c ai urse eacn case > be fixed by said commission, provided that a part con dition shall be, in substance, that such person schoois public sna ^ attend such normal school as said commission shall designate, and for such time as it shall determine, and that after such person shall, with the consent of said commission, cease to attend said normal school, that he or she shall teach in the public schools of said county for such time as the commission shall, in each case, appoint, if said commis- sion shall arrange with the proper authorities to offer such person an engagement as teacher in said public schools. Form and obligation shall be taken in the name of The character of State of Delaware, and shall be for such sum and with or obligation without surety, and with or without warrant of attorney 57 for the confession of judgment, as said commission shall, in each case, determine. The Attorney General is hereby authorized and required, Attorney Gen- Tipon a certificate of such commission that there has been pe^au/ifamed a breach of any of the conditions of any such obligation, to lf t b c respective counties of this State be and the same are here- mi h ssk)ne?f" ^v authorized and empowered to alter, divide, consolidate or unite the School Districts for colored people whenever said School Commissions shall deem such action for the best interests of the colored pupils in said districts. Aproved March 29, A. D. 1907. CHAPTER 124, VOLUME 24. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT Pertaining to the State of Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: constitution to Section 1. That the Constitution of this State shall schools be taught and explained to the scholars in each and every one of the public schools of this State. It shall be the duty of the several School Commissioners or Boards having control of said schools to see that the pro- visions of this Act are~complied with. Approved April 9, A. D. 1907. 69 CHAPTER 129, VOLUME 24. OF FREE SCHOOLS AN ACT Fixing the time for Holding School Meeting's in Kent County. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: Section 1. A stated meeting of the school voters of Stated meeting in Kent Co. to each district in Kent County exclusive of those held in in- corporated districts, whose respective charters fix the time injun e for holding their school meetings, shall be held on the first Saturday in June of each year at two o'clock in the after- noon. Section 2. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved February 25, A. D. 1907- 70 CHAPTER 90, VOLUME 25. OF FREE SCHOOLS. AN ACT for the Improvement of School Houses for Colored Children in Sussex County and Making an Appropriation Therefor. Whereas, Many of the buildings now used by the colored children for school houses are unfit and inadequate for the purpose; and Whereas, The financial condition of the colored people is such that they cannot afford to build school houses through taxation, solely, as provided in the general school laws of the State; therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: Section 1. That the sum of one thousand dollars is f c n h d ooi houis hereby appropriated from the State Treasury for the pur- ch r ii e dren e in pose of enlarging and rebuilding school houses for the Ixplndit ure ty colored children of Sussex County; the expenditure of said Sfcoum y ntro1 amount to be under the control and direction of the commission County School Commission for said County. Section 2. The County School Commission of Sussex o County shall decide after conference with the school corn- bunding mittees of the respective districts upon the location of the building, and, before the commencement of the work, shall deter- wh"ch 8 sban nt> determine the amount that is to be appropriated to the not exceed particular district; provided, however, that the amount necessary appropriated to any particular district shall not exceed one- half the amount estimated to be necessary to complete the contemplated school improvement in that district. HOW appro- Section 3. That the amount herein appropriated shall ?o rl be ] paid be paid by the State Treasurer on orders drawn by the President of the County School Commission, attested by the Secretary of the Commission. Appproved March 26, A. D. 1909. 71 CHAPTER 362, VOLUME 22. AN ACT Providing for the Establishment and Maintenance of Free Public Libraries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delacvate in General Assembly met, {three-fourths of the. members elected to each House concurring therein}: Section 1. That as soon as may be after the adoption of this Act, there shall be created and established a board to be known as "The State Library Commission for the State of Delaware. " Said Commission shall be composed HOW composed of nine persons to be appointed by the Governor, who shall respectively hold office for the term of five years or until their successors are duly chosen; provided, that in the first Commission created under this Act, the Governor shall appoint three members for the term of one year, T< three members for the term of three years, and three members for the term of five years. All vacancies on said vacancies Commission whether occuring by expiration of term, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor. No person shall be ineligible by reason of sex to serve on the Com- mission. Section 2. The said Commission shall organize by the organization selection from its members of a chairman and such other of Commission officers as are or may be deemed advisable; provided, that the State Librarian shall, by virtue of his office, be the state Librarian Secretary of said Commission, but shall have no vote or 8ecretary of voice in the acts and proceedings of said Commission. No No sa , ary for member shall receive any salary or compensation for his member services as such Commissioner. The Commission is hereby authorized and empowered . Additional to expend such sum or sums as it shall deem proper and powers necessary for effectuating the objects of this Act, provided said sums shall not in the aggregate in any one year ex- ceed the sum of one thousand dollar exclusive of the ex- 72 penses actually incurred by the members in attendance on the Commission, and of sums expended for necessary Sp t ay Treasurer P r i n ting, postage and stationery. Such sums, together SS>ems nt with the actual expenses of the members incurred in at- tending the Commission and all bills for necessary print- ing, postage and stationery, shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the said Commission, upon the order or orders of its Chairman or President, attested by its Secretary. Duties of Section 3. The said Commission shall have general supervision over all libraries in this State established or maintained under the provisions of this Act; and shall have the supervision and control of -all circulating libraries now, or hereafter to be, established under the provisions of Chapter 220, of Volume 21, of the Laws of Delaware; shall have power to require of any and all District Library Commissions created as hereinafter provided such re- ports as are or may be deemed proper; shall make certifi- cate to the State Treasurer when any library is entitled to State aid, as is hereinafter provided; and shall have all further and other powers necessary and proper for the general supervision of the libraries aforesaid. The said State Library Commission shall have power to make all rules and by-laws for its own government. The said Com- mission shall, in the month of January in each year in which there is a regular biennial session of the General ?eport blt ^ Assembly of this State, make report to said General Assem- bly of its doings and of any recommendations deemed ad- visable. mare(?eive ict Section 4. Any single, united, consolidated or incor- bequests,*c. . porated School District in this State may receive in its cor- porate capacity and hold any devise, bequest or donation for the foundation and establishment or for the maintenance, support and increase of a free public library within same. school District Section 5. Any single, united, consolidated or incor- to iiiRiii ' Free Public porated School District in this State is hereby authorized approved by and empowered to establish and maintain a free Public voters thereof .... Library, with or without reading room, provided that at any election held as hereinafter provided, a majority of the 73 qualified electors of said School District then present and voting, shall vote in favor of such establishment. Section 6. For the purposes of this Act, all the School classification Districts in this State, single, united, consolidated and incorporated, are classified according to the sums which the several Boards of Education or School Committees are authorized by law to levy and raise by taxation annually for current school expenses, as follows, namely: Every District in which the sum authorized as afore- said is six thousand dollars or more, shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the First Class; every District in which the sum authorized as aforesaid is not less than four thousand nor as much as six thousand dollars, shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the Second Class; every District in which the sum. authorized as aforesaid is not less than two thousand, nor as much as four thousand dollars, shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the Third Class; every District in which the sum authorized as aforesaid is not less than one thousand, nor as much as two thousand dollars, shall be deemed and taken to be a Dis- trict of the Fourth Class; every District in which the sum authorized as aforesaid is not less than five hundred, ror as much as one thousand dollars, shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the Fifth Class; every District in which the sum authorized as aforesaid is not less than two hundred, nor as much as five hundred dollars, shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the Sixth Class; and every district in which the sum authorized as aforesaid is less than two hundred dollars shall be deemed and taken to be a District of the Seventh Class. Provided, however, that the provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Section shall not govern or determine of which class United School Districts Nos. 67, 96, 106 and school Districts Nos. 67 9o lOo 107 in Sussex County is; and said United School Districts Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107 in Sussex County be and the same is hereby expressly declared to be a District of the First Class; and all the provisions of this Act relating to a Dis- trict of the First Class are hereby expressly declared to be 74 Question of establishment of Free Public Libraries to be submitted to qualified electors of each district Petition Number of petitioners Defining conditl >ns for submission to voters of school Disrric s Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107. Vote to be by ballot Form of ques- tion to be voted on Qualification of voters Election applicable to United School Districts Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107 in Sussex County. Section 7. Every Board of Education or School Com- mittee in this State shall submit the question as to the establishment of a free public library in said District to the qualified electors thereof, at a special election to be held on the day next following the ensuing 1 regular school election in such District, not being Sunday or a legal holi- day; provided said Board or Committee be petitioned so to do thirty days at least before the next succeeding regular school election in such District, by a number of the quali- fied electors thereof. The number of qualified electors who must petition as aforesaid, shall be as follows, namely: in districts of the First or Second Class, twenty qualified electors; in Districts of the Third, Fourth or Fifth Class, ten qualified electors; and in Districts of the Sixth or Seventh Class, five qualified electors. Provided, however, that in United School Districts Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107 in Sussex County the method of petitioning for and the time of holding such election shall be as follows: "The Board of Commissioners of the Public Schools of Georgetown, Sussex County" of said District shall, when petitioned so to do by at least twenty qualified electors in said District, submit the question as to the es- tablishment of a free public library in said District to the qualified electors thereof, at a special election to te held on the fifth Monday next succeeding the date of the presentation of said petition to the sa i; d "The Board of Com- missioners of the Public Schools of Georgetown, Sussex County/' Section 8. The vote on the question as to the estab- lishment of a free public library, when submitted as afore- said, shall be by ballot, upon which shall be printed or written either the words "for a free library, " or the words "against a free library. " A majority of the ballots cast legally at said election shall determine the question. All persons entitled to vote at the regular school election next before such special election shall be entitled to vote on such question. 75 In all respects the place of voting, and the conduct of How held the election, counting of ballots, and the like shall be as now are, or hereafter may be, provided by law for the regular school election in the School District wherein such question is submitted. Provided, that the Board of Educa- tion or School Committee, upon being petitioned to submit the question of the establishment of a free library as here- inbefore provided, shall give notice of such submission by printed advertisements posted in at least five public places Notice of in said District at least ten days before the election. The said advertisements shall state the question to be submit- ted as hereinbefore provided, and the time and place of voting upon such question. In case any Board of Education or School Committee shall neglect or refuse to give such g ] c ct of notice, any qualified elector may do so, and the notice so Howmade given shall be as effectual as though given by said Board or effectual Committee. Section 9. If a majority of the ballots cast as af ore- f ?*S* said shall be against the establishment of a free library, the question as to such establishment may again be sub- mitted at special elections to be held on the day next fol- lowing any regular school election thereafter ensuing (not being Sunday or a legal holiday) as often as petitions therefor shall be presented to the said Board of Education or School Committee as hereinbefore provided. Section 10. If at any election the qualified electors Powerp of shall in the manner aforesaid, declare in favor of the estab- lishment of a free public library in any District, then the Board of Education or School Committee thereof shall, and it is hereby authorized, empowered and required to levy and raise by taxation for the purpose of the of such library therein, and also for the maintenance, in crease and support of said Library for the year then next ensuing, a sum determinable by the class in which such District belongs, that is to say: If such District be of the ci w*ificaon First Class, the sum required to be levied and raised as aforesaid shall be not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars; if such District be of the Second Class, the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not 76 less than one hundred and fifty, nor more than four hun- dred dollars; if such District be of the Third Class the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not less than one hun- dred, nor more than three hundred dollars; if such District be of the Fourth Class, the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not less than seventy-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars; if such District be of the Fifth Class, the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not less than fifty, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars; if such District be of the Sixth Class, the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not less than forty nor more than one hundred dollars; and if such District be of the Seventh Class, the sum so required as aforesaid shall be not less than twenty-five, nor more than seventy-five dollars. annually thereafter, such Board of Education or School Committee shall levy and raise by taxation for the maintenance and increase of the library so established as aforesaid, a sum as hereinbefore prescribed and limited in this section for the establishment of such library. 7n a Smem e a C n ted All sums authorized to be levied and raised by taxation SS*!" 611001 under this Act, shall be levied, raised and collected as school taxes for current school expenses are, and shall, if the said Board or Committee deem it necessary, be in excess of and in addition to the sum or amount author- ized to be raised in said District by taxation for current school expenses. Any District in which a library has been established as Each district to aforesaid, may fix any sum (not less than the minimum money to be SU m required to be raised in said District as hereinbefore raised, but not . . less than mini prescribed in this section) to be levied and raised in the District for the maintenance and increase of the library therein during the ensuing year; the vote to fix any sum shall be by ballot, and a majority of the ballots cast at such election shall determine the question. Section 11. Every School District in this State which To elect School ... . District ubra- shall establish a free public library pursuant to the pro- D * visions of this Act, shall annually thereafter, at an elec- tion held on the day next following the regular school elec- 77 tion (not being Sunday or a legal holiday) elect members of a school District Library Commission. The said District Library Commission shall be compos- Number of ed of the following number of members, namely: if it be a members - commission in a District of the First or Second Class, nine classification members; in a District of the Third or Fourth Class, five J^gJ'of**** members; in a district of the Fifth, Sixth or Seventh members - Class, three members. The members shall hold office for the term of three years, or until their succesors are duly elected and qualified; provided that at the first election of said commission next succeeding the establishment of a free public library as aforesaid the members of said com- mission shall be elected for the following terms, namely: for a District of the First or Second Class, three members shall be elected for one year, three for two years, and three for three years, or until their successors are duly chosen and qualified: for a District of the Third or Fourth Class, two of the members shall be elected for one year, two for two years, and one for three years, or until their succes- sors are duly chosen and qualified; for a District of the Fifth, Sixth or Seventh class, one of the members shall be elected for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, or until their successors are duly chosen and quali- fied; provided further, that the Board of Education or School Committee in any School District wherein the ques- tion as to the establishment of a free public library has been submitted and carried in favor of such establishment as hereinbefore provided, shall, as soon as may be after the decision upon such question has been ascertained, elect all of the members of such district library commission to compose the first district library commission to act until their successors have been elected by the qualified electors of the district at the time hereinbefore provided for such election. The members of any district library commission may or may not be members of the Board of Education or School school com- Committee of the District and no person shall be ineligible members of b to serve on said commission by reason of sex. Theelec- f tion of the members of said commission at any district election shall be by ballot by the qualified electors of said 78 First meeting, Organization. Treasurer. Bond of. Vacancy How filled. Library land, in hands of Report. district, and, in all other respects except as to the day of election shall be conducted as is the election of members of the Board of Education or School Committee in the District. Section 12. The first meeting of the District Library Commision shall be on the evening of Tuesday next suc- ceeding the election of its members. The Commission shall organize by electing from its members a chairman and secretary, and such other officers as it may deem proper. The treasurer of the School District shall be the treasurer of said Commission, and shall be subject to all orders of said Commission relative to moneys in his hands of which the said Commission, has custody, as provided in this Act. The official bond of said Treasurer shall be held and deemed to cover and include all such moneys, and the due and proper accounting therefor. A vacancy in said Commis- sion caused by refusal to act, death, resignation, or other- wise, shall be filled by said Commission until the regular school election next succeeding. A failure to attend three meetings of said Commission in succession shall, at the option of said Commission, be deemed a vacancy. Section 13. The District Library Commission so elect- ed as aforesaid shall have the entire custody and manage- -ment of the library and all property owned or leased, or donated, relating thereto, and all money raised by the dis- trict or donated for its establishment and maintenance, or paid by the State Treasurer, as hereinafter provided, shall be placed in the care and custody of said Commission to be expended or retained by said Commission for and in behalf of the district for the foundation and establishment and for the maintenance and increase of its free public library. The Commission shall make an explicit report to the district at each annual school meeting of all its receipts and expenditures, and of all the property of the district in its care and custody, including a statement of any unex- pended balance of money, and of any bequests or donations in behalf of the district, and of any sum or sums received from the State as hereinafter provided, with such recom- 79 mendations with reference to same as is deemed necessary for the district to consider. The said Commisson shall also make report and recom- mendation concerning the amount of money deemed neces- sary and proper by said Commission to be raised by tax- ation for any one year for said Library, to the Board of Education or School Committee after the selection of said Commission as aforesaid and prior to the fixing of the rate of taxation for said purpose by said Board of Education, or School Committee. The said District Library Commis- sion shall also make such reports, at such times and embrac- ing such matters, to the State Library Commission created by this Act as the said State Library Commission shall order and direct. The said District Library Commission shall also have Additional the power to procure by purchase, lease or acceptance of a Pc gift or donation, a room or rooms for said library, and to fit and furnish for the heat and light in the same, and the care thereof; and may, with the consent of the Board of Education or the School Committee use any school room or rooms for this purpose; to purchase or accept donations or gifts of books, magazines, newspapers and reviews; to em- ploy a librarian or librarians and a custodian and caretaker, and shall have such further and additional powers in the premises as are or may be deemed necessary for the foun- dation and establishment, and the support and maintenance of a library, or a library and reading room. The said Commission shall also have the power to make such rules and regulations for the conduct of the persons employed by it, and for the care and use of the books, newspapers, magazines and reviews in said library by the persons having authority to use said library, and also con- cerning the conduct and deportment of all persons while in or about said library or library and reading room, as said Commission shall or may from time to time deem proper and advisable; provided, the use of said library or library and reading room or the contents thereof shall be free to said district, or to any person outside the district who owns real estate assessable for the school of the district. The 80 infraction of ru | es and regulations so made by said Commission shall be enforcible by a penalty which the Commission is hereby authorized the same for a library, or library and reading room, to provide to impose. penalty. g^ pena i ty s h a ii cons i s t either of a suspension from the privileges of said library or library and reading room FInes> and the contents thereof, or by a money fine. All money fines imposed as aforesaid may be collected by proceedings HOW collected, instituted in the corporate name of the district before any Justice of the Peace of the County, and jurisdiction to hear and finally determine all such proceedings is hereby conferred upon any and all justices of the peace. The pro- cess, mode of proceeding and rendering of judgment shall be as now is, or hereafter may be, provided by law for the collection of fines before Justices of the Peace. Sacs!* 11 All fines so collected shall be paid to the district and by it paid over to the District Library Commission to be used as other money of which it has the custody and care as hereinbefore provided. Additional Section 14. In addition to its other powers, the Dis- ?esTd e e r nts S ^th-trict Library Commission may, if it deem proper, permit ct " persons living without the corporate limits of said dis- tricts, to enjoy and use said library or library and read- ing room exactly as though residents of said district, upon the payment to said Commission for the use of the library such fee or fees as said Commission shall deem proper. oawfo d r a mo n re Section 15. That any two or more School Districts KJ5^ f ofthS ma y unite for the Purpose of obtaining the benefit of this act - Act. Whenever any School Committee of any such dis- tricts shall be petitioned therefor by at least five qualified electors thereof, said Committee shall arrange with the School Committee of any other of said districts for the HOW ejected, holding of a special election to determine the question. At such election, any qualified elector in any one of said Districts shall be entitled to vote at said special election. If a majority of the votes then cast shall be in favor of uniting and establishing a free library for said Districts, the same shall be deemed and taken to be effected. The 81 districts so united shall be taken to be one district for the purposes of this Act, and shall be considered as belonging to the class which any one of said Districts would have be- longed to if there had been no union. Section 16. Whenever the State Library Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer of the State of Dela- ware that any single, united, consolidated or incorporated School District in this State has established a free public library therein, and has raised by taxation, gift, or other- wise a sum not less than the sum prescribed by Section 10 of this Act for the class to which such District belongs, for the support and maintenance of said library for the year then next ensuing, that then said State Treasurer shall pay to the District Library Commission of any such School District, a sum equal to one-half of the lowest sum prescribed in Section 10 of this Act for the class in which such district belongs; and annually thereafter, the said Amountof State Treasurer shall pay to said District Library Goihmis- sion a like sum, upon the certificate of the State Library Commission that said District has raised by taxation, gift, or otherwise a sum as hereinbefore provided for the main- tenance and support of a free public library therein for the year next ensuing. Section 17. That the free public library heretofore established in the Town of Dover be, and the same is here- by transferred to and made the free public library of the fem-d u> United School District known as "Dover Public Schools;" District of c and all the rights, powers, privileges and duties prescribed schools." by this Act for free libraries to be established under its provision, shall immediately vest in the library so trans- ferred, and in the said United School District, and in the Board of Education thereof, and in the local library com- mission having control thereof precisely as if said free library had been established in said united school districts in the first instance. The members of the local library commission having control of said free library at the time SSSSSeS to of the passage of this Act shall compose the District Li- Section. brary Commission after such transfer during the respect- ive terms for which they were severally elected. 82 Corbit Librarr made a School class.i District Library Com- mission may borrow mouev For what purpose Shall adopt resolution and submit it to qualified voters of District Shall vote by ballot and majority of votes shall determine annual meet- ing of voters Form of Shall certify result to Board of Education That the free library known as the "Corbit Library" provided for under Chapter CCCCXVI of Volume 11 of the Laws of Delaware be and the same is hereby made a School District Library for the purpose of receiving all benefits provided in Section 17 of this Act, and for the purpose of ascertaining what appropriation said Library shall re- ceive under said Section from the State Treasurer, said Corbit Library shall be deemed and taken to be a library established under the provisions of this Act in a School District of the Third Class; but in all other respects said Corbit Library shall remain and continue as though this Act had not been passed. Section 18. That whenever the District Library Com- mission of any free public library now or hereafter estab- lished under the provisions of this Act shall deem it proper or expedient that a sum or sums of money should be bor- rowed for the purpose of the purchase of a library build- ing or of a site for such building and for the erection of a building thereon, or for the improvement or repair of any library building owned by such district or for the purchase of books for the use of any free public library as aforesaid, or for any or all of said purposes, that then the said District Library Commission shall adopt a resolution to that effect, and shall submit the approval or rejection of said resolu- tion to the qualified voters of said District at any regular annual meeting of said voters. The approval or rejection of such resolution by the voters of such district shall be by ballot and a majority of the ballots cast for or against said ressolution shall determine the question; provided, however, that if the resolution aforesaid shall be rejected by the voters at any meeting as aforesaid, the question may be again presented to said voters at any subsequent regular annual meeting of the voters of said District. The ballots shall be written or printed "For the Resolution to Borrow Money" or "Against the Resolution to Borrow Money." If the resolution aforesaid shall be approved by the voters of the district as aforesaid, then the District Library Commission shall certify the results of said elec- tion to the Board of Education or School Committee of said district and thereupon the said Board or Committee shall 83 be deemed to have the power and authority and are here- by required to issue and sell a bond or bonds for the amount named in said resolution. Such bond or shall be in such form and denomination, and shall such date and be at such rate of interest, not exceeding etu - six per centum per annum, and shall mature at such time Amount bor _ or times as said Board of Education or School Committee shall determine; provided, always however, that the ag- gregate of any sums borrowed under the provisions of this ce - taincla8S Section shall not exceed the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars in a district of the first class, nor the sum of Five Thous- and Dollars in districts of the second, third or fourth Bond class, nor the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars in dis- Hovv si s ned tricts of any other class. Any bond issued as aforesaid shall be signed by the president of the Board of Education or the Senior Member of the School Committee of the school district affected, and in case said district shall have a cor- porate seal, shall be sealed with the same, but if such dis- trict shall have no corporate seal, then the word seal with a scroll around the same shall be deemed and taken to be the seal of the district. Every such bond shall also be Faithpnd attested by the Secretary of said Board or the Clerk of ^001 said School Committee. The faith and credit of the school P led & ed district shall be deemed to be pledged by any bond issued under the provisions of this Section. The meeting at which the approval or rejection of the resolution to borrow money as aforesaid shall be any meeting at which members of the District Library Commission of said district are elected. Whenever any bond or bonds shall have been f issued under the provisions of this section, the Board Education or the School Committee of the district shall Kind . ot annually raise by levy and taxation a sum sufficient for the payment of the interest on the amount or amounts so bor- Tax for pay- , -iiiiTi f j. raent of inter rOWed, and shall likewise raise from time to time by levv estand , , i n i establish and taxation such sum or sums as shall be necessary to Diking fund establish a sinking fund for the payment of the debt secured by said bond or bonds at or before the maturity thereof. The sums authorized to be raised for interest and for a sinking fund as aforesaid shall be raised in the same manner as school taxes in said district are raised, and H wra 84 shall be in excess of any sum or sums authorized to be raised by said district by any other statute. Approved March 9, A. D. 1901. Amended and Approved March 31, A. D. 1903. Amended and Aproved March 21, A. D. 1905. Amended and Approved April 15, A. D. 1909. 85 APPENDIX. TRANSFERRING PROPERTY FROM ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT section 9. TO ANOTHER, OR ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF EX- ISTING DISTRICTS OR CREATING NEW DISTRICTS. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PRESENT PETITION. FORM OF Notice is hereby given that (I or we, as the case may be) will present a petition to the County School Commissioner of County at its meeting at Dover, on the day of ..... A. D. for (stating object of petition.) (Signed by petitioners.) FORM OF PETITION. To the County School Commissioners of County: The petition of (in case of petition to transfer, the name of the owner or owners, in case of petition for new districts or to alter the boundaries of old districts, the names of twelve or more free- holders of the districts affected) respectfully represents: That (state the object sought and the reason therefor). And your petitioner (or petioners) will ever pray, etc (Date) (Signed here by owner or owners in c r se of transfer, or by twelve freeholders in case of new districts or change of boun- daries.) UNITING OF TWO OR MORE DISTRICTS FOR ESTABLISHING section 10. AND SUPPORTING A SCHOOL FOR THEIR COMMON BEN- EFIT. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN AS REQUIRED FOR SCHOOL MEETING. FORM OF NOTICE TO BE GIVEN IN EACH DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the school voters in School District No in County will be held on .. the day of next (or instant as the case may be) at o'clock M., at in said District, for the purpose of (state here the object). (Date) (Clerk to sign here.) 86 After the terms of the union are settled and adopted, a meeting of the united district is held for the election of a school committee, &c , upon notice in the same form as the notice for stated meetings on page 3, except that the words "United School District Nos. - - in - - county" are inserted instead of "School District No. --- ". In case there is a proposal to have several school houses in a united district, that fact must be stated in the notices for the meeting. YEARLY OR STATED MEETINGS. Under Section 14. The clerk of the school district, or if there be no clerk, the commissioners, or one of them, or if there be none, the Clerk of the Peace (on application of five or more school voters of the district) are required to give notice of this meeting by advertisements under hand, of the day, hour and place, posted in five or more of the most public places of the district at least five days before the day of meeting. FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR YEARLY MEET- ING. --School Voters. Notice is hereby given that a stated meeting of the school voters in School District No ....... (or United School Districts Nos. ....... ) in ...... County, will be held on Saturday, the ...... day of ...... next (or instant, as the case may be,) at two o'clocK, afternoon, at ...... in said district. Dated the ...... day of _______ 19 ....... A.... B...., Clerk. When there is 1:0 clerk, the commissioners, or one of t.ietn* signs, thus : The acts of the meeting are not void although no no- tice be given; but the clerk or commissioner neglecting to give notice forfeits ten dollars. OCCASIONAL MEETINGS. Occcasional meetings of the schcol voters in a district 87 may be called by the clerk and commissioners, or any two of them. The call is by advertisements, under hand, of the busi- ness, and day, hour, and place, posted in five or more of the most public places of the district at least five days before the day of meeting. The business must be specified in the advertisements, and business not specified cannot be trans- acted. It must be at the place where the stated meetings are held. The meeting must be kept open one hour. A vacancy in the school committee may be filled at an occasional meeting; in that case, in place of the words "to consider and determine," &c., in the annexed form, use the words: "To elect a clerk (or a commissioner, as the case may be,) in lieu of - ". FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR OCCASIONAL MEETING. School Voters. An occasional meeting of the school voters in School District No in County, is hereby called by the subscribers, to be heM on ihe day of next (or instant, as the case may be,) at o'clock in the noon, at in said district to consider and determine (here describe the business.) Dated the day of 19 E.... P... , i G H , < School Committee. I.... J...., / (T i o are sufficient) MEETINGS CALLED BY THE CLERK OF THE PEACE. FORM OF APPLICATION TO THE CLERK OF THE PEACE TO ADVERTISE A MEETING. To the Cle.rk of the Peace for County: The subscribers, school voters of School District No. , in said county, request you to give notice according to law of the stated meeting of the school voters of said district on the Saturday in 19 ; there being no clerk or commissioner of said scioM district to give the notice. Witness our hands the day of 19 This application must be signed by at least five school voters of the district. The clerk may observe the foregoing form of adver- tisement of yearly meeting, concluding with the words: Given under my hand upon the application of five school voters of said district, (thern being no clerk or commissioner to give this notice) the day of , 19 , Clerk of the Peace of County. This advertisement must be posted, as required for other stated meetings, in five or more public places in the district. ORDER OF BUSINESS AT ANNUAL MEETING. 1. Appoint a chairman and secretary. 2. Let the school committee of the past year present their account, also their report, and at the meeting appoint persons to settle the account; and as soon as the settlement is made, let it be reported to the meeting and entered on the minutes. 3. Elect by ballot a clerk or commissioner (as the case may be) in place of the one whose term expires on this day; or fill any other vacancy that may exist of clerk or commissioners. A majority of the ballots given is neces- sary to elect. No person but a school voter of the district can be elected. 4. Resolve, whether any sum above that required to be raised by law shall be raised for the ensuing year, if so, to determine by a majority ballot whether it shall be raised by tax or subscription. This last vote must be taken at the annual meeting or the substitute therefor; it can be taken at no other time. The vote respecting a tax must be by ballot; it may be taken by writing "Fora Tax/' on some slips of paper, and "Against a Tax," on other slips; and each for a tax voting a slip "For a Tax;" each against a tax, a slip "Against a Tax." It is important to attend to each of these items sepa- rately, and have the proper entry distinctly made in respect to it. The proceedings of a meeting have been a mere 89 nullity in consequence of blending votes on several items. In respect to raising money, it is best to vote first what sum shall be raised, and enter the vote: and then vote con- cerning a tax, and enter this vote. If two or more persons receive an equal number of votes for clerk or commissioner (as the case may be), there is no choice, and the meeting should vote again, and so on until one person receives the majority of all the votes. CERTIFICATES. Three certificates of the proceedings of every meeting must be signed by the chairman and secretary, and de- livered, one to the clerk of the district, one to the Auditor of Accounts, and the other to the Clerk of the Peace of the county. These certificates ought to be made and signed at once, and delivered without delay. A chairman or secretary not doing his duty in this par- ticular, within one month, is liable to a fine not exceeding $50; and the proceedings of the meeting shall be void. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF YEARLY MEETING. At the stated meeting of the school voters in School District No (or United School District Nos ) in County, held according to law on Saturday, the day of 19 at the district school house in said district. A.... B , was appointed Chairman, and C D , Secretary. The account of the school committee of the past year, namely, : nd was laid before t< e meeting, and on motion, E F and G H were appointed to examine and settle the same. By a report, also, of said -chool committee, it appeared that there had bren kept in the district by a teacher (or ... teachers) a school for .the period of , the teacher's wages, the rate of , and the highest number of scholars males, and females. Upon a vote by ballot, K L . was elected clerk, (or commissioner, as the case may be), of the said district, he having a majority of votes.* (Here may be inserted the adoption of any resolution or statement of other business transacted which is not specified in this form) *The above should be substantially observed; but varied from so as to conform to acts. 90 Resolved, that the sum of be raised in this district above the sum required to be raised by law. The meeting voted by ballot respecting a tax for raising the above sum. And there was a majority of votes for a tax, (or against the tax, as the case may be.)* E F and G H , appointed as above to ex- amine and settle the account of the school committee of the past year, reoort, that they have examined and settled the same, and that upon said account there is a balance due to, (or from, as the case may be,) the district of Said report was adopted. A B , Chairman. Attest: C D , Secretary. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCASIONAL MEETING. At -*n occasional meeting of the school voters in School Dis- trict No in County, duly called by (insert the name of the school committee calling the meeting,) the school committee (or two of the school committee, as the case may be.) of said district, and held on the day of 19 , at (here insert the place where the stated meetings are held,) in said dist ict. A B , was appointed Chairman, and C D , Secretary. The chairman and secretary inquired respecting the advertise- ments of this meeting, and found that advertisements of the busi- ness, and the day, hour and place of this meeting were posted on the day of instant, (or last, as the case may be,) at (here mention by a proper description every place in which an ad- vertisement was posted), being five of the most, public places of said district, and the business mentioned in said advertisements was (here set forth the business as contained in the advertisements.) Upon a vote by ballot G H , was chosen clerk in place of K L , removed, (or refusing to serve, or de- ceased, as the case may be.) Reso'ved- [setting doum any prove* dings of fh* meeting, observing that no business can be transacted not mentioned in thr advertisements. } A B , Chairman. Attest: C D , Secretary. *The above should be substantially observed; but varied from so as to conform to 'acts. 91 SELECTION OF SITE FOR SCHOOL HOUSE. FORM OF PETITION. To the Levy Court of County: The petition of and School Commis- Section 17. sioners of School District No in County, respectively represent: That we are not able to procure by agreement with the owner a lot of land in said district suitable and proper for the erection of a school house for the use of said district. Your petitioners therefore pray that three jud'cious and impar- tial freeholders of this County, residing without the limits of said district, be appointed by this Court to select a site for a school house and appurtenances in said district. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. (Signed here by Commissioners.) NOTICE TO FREEHOLDERS. FORM OF NOTICE. To You are hereby notified that you and and have been appointed by the Levy Court of County to go upon and select a site for a school house in School District No. ...... in said County. We have fixed . . the day of A. D , at o'clock M., as the day for you to meet and select the site as aforesaid. (Date) (Signed by Commissioners.) Notice should be sent to each freeholder. FORM OF NOTICE TO VOTERS OF DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that we have selected the . day of A. D at o'clock M. , for the meet- ing of freeholders appointed by the Levy Court to select a site for a new school house in this District. (Signed by Commissioners.) 92 ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. As to the proceedings required in the assessment and collection of taxes, the law is so explicit that explanations of its provisions does not seem necessary. A form of notice of posting assessment list is given below. POSTING ASSESSMENT LIST. FORM OF NOTICE. Section 18. Notice is hereby given that a copy of the assessment list of School District of No is posted at for inspection, and that we will sit on the day of A. D .., at o'clock M., at to hear any objection to said list. (Signed by Commissioners.) The form of warrant to collector is given in the law in Sec lion 20. FORM OF NOTICE TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF DISTRICT We, the undersigned, tax payers in School District No County respectfully petition the School Committee of said district to call a meeting of the school voters for the purpose of voting on the raising of a tax of dollars to be used in repair- ing, building or furnishing a school house in the district. (Signed by Tax Payers). INDEX A ADJOURNED MEETINGS- (See School Meetings). APPEALS- State Board of Education to hear certain 7 Concerning colored schools, who to sit as member 7 From County School Commission 10 ASSESSMENTS- Committees to make 27 On what property 27 List of assessables 28 Lands in two districts 28 Amounts to be raised 28 Posting list, notice 29 Appeals 29 Additions and revisons 29 In colored schools 29 Amounts to be raised , 29 AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS- (See Graded School.) (See School Fund. ) To be member and secretary of State Board of Ed- ucation 5 Settlement of superintendent with 41 To settle accounts of school committees 41 May compel settlement 42 When shall refuse settlement 42 To notify officers of school meeting of failure of committee to settle .42 2 B BLANKS- State Board of Education to issue for reports, statis- tics, &c , 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION- (See State Board of Education) 5 (See School Committees) 5 May admit pupils of other districts to higher de- partments 26 BOOKS- (See Text Books) c CERTIFICATES (Teachers) Superintendent to sign 37 Countersigning 37-38 Requirements for 38 Applicants for may appeal 40 CLERK OF DISTRICT- TO notify Clerk of Peace of names and addresses of newly elected Commissioners or Board of Edu- cation 21 Special duties of 22 To distribute text books 34 To be responsible for safe keeping of books 34 To sell books and account for money 34 CLERK OF THE PEACE- Duty of in relation to return of county school com- mission, of colored school districts 12 To send names and addresses of newly elected school commissioners or members of Board of Educa- tion to auditor and trustee of school fund 21 COLLECTORS- Dalivary of warrant to 30 Powers 30 Refusal to act 31 Demand for tax 32 Time in which to collect tax 32 Neglect to pay over 32 COLORED SCHOOLS- Examination papers for teachers in 6 Appeals concerning 7 Supervision of 8 Division of counties into districts for 11 Numbers of districts 12 Rights and powers of districts 12 Changes in districts 13 Limitation of number of districts 13 Meetings in new districts, notice 14 Qualification of voters 13 Share in school fund 13 Assessments and taxation in 28 Amounts to be raised 28 To be free to colored children, age 32 Tax necessary to entitle to school fund 28 Districts may be altered, &c.,by County School Com- mission 68 Appropriation to enlarge and rebuild school houses for, in Sussex County, under control of County Commission 70 County Commission to decide upon location 70 To determine amount, not to exceed one-half neces- sary 70 How appropriation is paid 70 COMPULSORY SCHOOL SYSTEM- Children between 7 and 14 to attend schools months annually 58 Exceptions . , 58 Districts may reduce compulsory period to 3 months 58 COMPULSORY SCHOOL SYSTEM (Continued) Applicable only to pupils within 2 miles from school house 59 Attendance for like period in private school, ex- empts attendance at public schools 59 Private Schools to report 59 Violation a misdemeanor 59 Penalty 59 Appeal to General Sessions 59 Duty of Superintendent before prosecution 60 What notice sufficient 60 Fines, to whom payable 60 Attendance officers 60 Duties of 60 Compensation of 61 District may establish special truant schools 61 Incorrigible truants may be confined in Ferris Re- form 61 Pay for pupils 61 Assessors, duty of 62 Assessors, fees of 62 Superintendent to send list of children to teachers of district - 62 School officers may correct list 62 Report of teacher 62 Costs, how paid 63 Violation, a misdemeanor 63 State Treasurer, duty of as to dividend 63 Expenses of enforcement of Act, how paid 63 Superintendent of Wilmington, same power as County Superintendent 63 CONSTITUTION- Children to be instructed 25-68 COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSION- - (See Graded School.) (See Normal School Pupils.) (See Colored Schools.) Supervision of schools vested in 8 COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSION (Continued) How composed 8 How appointed 8 Term of office 8 Political complexion 8 Senior members 8 Meetings 8 Officers of 9 Quorum 9 Oath of 9 Vacancies in 9 By-Laws and rules 9 Object of 9 Powers and duties 9 Reports of 10 To hear complaints 10 To be sanitary commission 10 Power to condemn buildings 10 Per diem of 10 Expenses 11 Printing and postage 11 Notice of meeting of 11 Division of counties into districts for colored schools f 11 Meetings for,notice 11 Adjournment 12 Return 12 School meetings in districts laid out,notice of 12 Numbering 12 Acts of a majority of to bind 12 Compensation of for districting colored schools.... 12 Changes in districts 13 Petitions for transfer of property, altering boun- daries and creating new districts 13 Determination of petition 14 Certificate 14 Requirements for new district 14 Calling meeting in new district 14 Majority of commission to decide 14 Report of teachers to 39 COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSION (Continued) To report failure of teachers to so report 40 Appeals to, of applicants for certificates 40 Colored school districts may be altered. &c., by 68 Appropriation to enlarge and rebuild school houses for colored children in Sussex County, Expend- iture under control of County Commission 70 To decide upon location of building 70 Shall determine amount 70 How appropriation is paid 70 D DELAWARE COLLEGE- (See President of) DELAWARE COLORED TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Payment of bills of 41 DISTRICTS- (See School Districts) DRAFTS- On school fund, form of 43 E EXAMINATIONS- State Board of Education to compile or cause to be compiled sets of papers 6 For graded schools 6 Subjects of 6 New papers 6 Superintendents to frame questions 37 To conduct 37 Requirements for certificate 38 EXECUTORS OR ADMINISTRATORS - May execute warrant of collector 32 F FLAGS- On school houses 24 FREE PUBLIC SCHOOLS- Supervision of 5-8 To be free to whom .32 FREEHOLDERS- To secure site for school house 26 Duty of, notice 26 Plot, damages 26-27 Meetings, adjourned, etc 27 Fees and expenses 27 G GOVERNOR- To be a member and President of State Board of * Education 5 To appoint County School Commissioners, and fill vacancies in 8 GRADED SCHOOLS- Selection of 47 To be free to children of County or district 47 Regulation 47 Certificate of school selected 48 Powers of State Board of Education 48 Rules governing admission of children 48 Advertisement of 48 Certificate of rules 48 Alterations of rules 48 Powers of County School Commissions 48 Teachers to certify admission of pupils, to whom made 49 State Board to certify to State Treasurer 49 Limit of number of pupils 49 Pay to graded schools for scholars admitted 49 When and how paid 49 Settlement with Auditor. 50 Act not to apply to Wilmington 50 INCORPORATED DISTRICTS- Law applicable 46 INSTITUTE, TEACHERS'- Superintendent to hold 38-40 Teachers to attend 39 Expenses, how paid 40 For colored schools 41 Expenses, how paid 41 K KINDERGARTEN- May be established 33 L LEVY COURT- Application to for freeholders to select site for school house 26 LIBRARIES-- Appropriation to secure circulating 51 How to be used 51 Report 51 Creation of State Library Commission 71 How composed 71 Terms of office 71 Vacancies 71 Organization of Commisison 71 State Librarian, Secretary of 71 No salary 71 Additional powers 71 State Treasurer to pay contingent expenses 72 Duties of Commission 72 Make Biennial report 72 School district may recei ve bequests 72 May maintain free public library 72 Classification of districts 73 School districts of first class 73 LIBRARIES (Continued) Question of free libraries to be submitted to electors of district 74 Petition, number of petitioners 74 Conditions for submission in districts, 67, 96,106 and 107 74 Vote by ballot 74 Form of question to be asked 74 Qualification of voters, election 74 How held, notice of 75 Neglect of notice, how made effectual 75 Powers of Board of Education or School Committee 75 Taxation, classification of districts 75 Amount of tax in each class 75 Subsequent annual taxation 76 Taxes collected same manner as school taxes 76 Each district to determine amount of money to be raised, not less than minimum 76 To elect School District Library Commission 76 Number of members 77 Classification as to number of members 77 Members of School Commission may be members of Commission 77 First meeting, organization 78 Treasurer, bond of 78 Vacancy, how filled 78 Library property, or funds, to be in hands of Dis- trict Library Commission 78 Report 78 Additional powers 79 Infraction of rules 80 Penalty, fines, how collected 80 Disposition of fines 80 Additional powers as to residents without the dis- trict 80 Consolidation of two or more districts 80 How effected 80 Amount of annual appropriation to each free library district . 81 10 LIBRARIES (Continued) Free Public Library of Dover transferred to V. S. District of "Dover Public Schools" 81 Members of Library Commission to be continued for election 81 Corbit Library made a School District Library of third class 82 District Commission may borrow money 82 For what purpose 82 Resolution to be submitted to voters 82 To vote by ballot, majority to determine 82 Question may again be submitted 82 Form of 82 To certify result to Board of Education 82 Form of bond, denomination, rate of interest 83 Amount borrowed not to exceed certain amount 83 Bond, how signed 83 Faith of district pledged 83 Meeting for approval or rejection 83 Tax for payment of interest and to establish sink- ing fund 83 How raised 83 M MAPS- For schools 24 MEETINGS- (See School Meetings) N NEW DISTRICTS- (See School Districts) NON-RESIDENTS- Clerks of districts to notify of assessment 29 NORMAL SCHOOL PUPILS- Money for, expended by County School Commis- sioners 56 11 NORMAL SCHOOL PUPILS (Continued) From what section of State selected 56 Pupils selected to enter into bond to teach in public schools 56 Form of bond 56 When bond may be enforced 57 Money to be paid to Commissioners 57 Amount per week to pupil 57 Appropriation to be paid to County School Commis- sioners 57 o OATH- Of members of State Board of Education 5 Of county school commissioners 8-9 Of school committees 21 OCCASIONAL MEETINGS- (See School Meetings) P PETITION- For new district, transfer of property and change of boundaries 13 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE- Instruction in 24 Failure to instruct 25 PRESIDENT OF DELAWARE COLLEGE- To be member of State Board of Education 5 Per diem 7 PRESIDENT OF STATE COLLEGE FOR COLORED STUDENTS- To sit as member of State Board of Education, when 8 12 R REPORTS- Of State Board of Education 7 Of school committee to voters 21 Of teachers to commissioners 35 Of superintendent 36 Of teachers to State Board of Education 39 s SALARIES- Members of the State Board of Education not to re- ceive, exception 7 County school commission 10 State Treasurer 35 County superintendents 35 Of teachers 39-44 SANITARY COMMISSION- County school commission to be 10 Rules of school committees 25 SCHOOL COMMITTEES- Supervision of schools in 21 How composed 21 Term of office 21 Election of 21 Oath 21 Powers and duties 22 Acts of majority valid 23 Vacancies how filled 23 Misappropriation of funds 23 Pay over moneys to successors 24 To have no compensation, exception 24 To notify superintendent of selection of teacher 24 To place flag on school house 24 To supply school with maps 24 Instruction in Physiology and Hygiene 24 Ordering teacher not to, penalty.. . 25 13 SCHOOL COMMITTEES (Continued) Unlawful to employ teacher not holding certificate. . 25 Instruction in constitution 25 May establish joint schools 25 May make sanitary rules and regulations 25 Making assessments 27 To fix rate of tax 30 May receive taxes 30 Delivery of duplicate and warrant 30 Suit against collectors 32 To furnish text books 33 Ordering books 33 To provide for safe keeping of books 34 Sale of books to pupils 34 Report of teachers to 35 SCHOOL DISTRICTS- (See Colored Schools) Transfer of property in : 13 New ones 13 Altering boundaries of .13 Petition for transfer of property. 13 By whom signed 13 Petition to create new district, by whom signed-. . . 13 Notice of petition 13 Determination by County school commission, cer- tificate 14 Requirements in creating new district- 14 Number of new district 14 Rights and powers of 14 Notice of meeting in 14 Limits, to be recorded 14 Number, location, etc., to be certified to trustee of school fund " " 14 Uniting or consolidating of 15 Existing, continued 17 Powers to take property, etc 17 Suits by . . 17 But not to possess corporate powers 18 Joint schools in. . .25 14 SCHOOL DISTRICTS (Continued) Pupils of other districts may be admitted to higher departments in 26 Districts may borrow money for building, &c 65 Procedure to authorize 65 Notice of election 65 Second election, when may be called 66 Qualification of electors 66 Form of ballots 66 When bonds to be issued 66 Bonds, form of, &c 66 How executed 66 May issue mortgage instead of bond 67 Mortgage issued under same condition as bonds . . 67 District to provide for interest and sinking fund by taxation 67 Such tax to be levied and collected as other tax . . 67 May receive bequests for free public library ... 72 To maintain Free Public Library if approved by voters 72 Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107 of first class 73 Electors of districts to determine question of free libraries 74 Petition, number of petitioners 74 Defining conditions for submission to voters of School districts Nos. 67, 96, 106 and 107 ... 74 Vote by ballot 74 Form of question to be asked 74 Qualification of voters, election 74 How held, notice of 75 Neglect of notice, how made effectual 75 Powers of Board of Education or School Committee 75 Taxation, classification of districts 75 Amount of tax in each class 75 Subsequent annual taxation 76 Taxes collected same manner as school taxes ... 76 Each district to determine amount of money to be raised, not less than minimum 76 To elect School District Library Commission ... 76 Number of members 77 15 SCHOOL DISTRICTS (Continued) Classification as to number of members 77 Members of School Commission may be members of Commission 77 First meeting, organization 78 Treasurer, bond of 78 Vacancy, how filled 78 Library property, or funds, to be in hands of Dis- trict Library Commission 78 Report 78 Additional powers 79 Infraction of rules 80 Penalty, fi n es, how collected 80 Disposition of fines 80 Additional powers as to residents without the dis- trict ... 80 Consolidation of two or more districts *. 80 How effected 80 Amount of annual appropriation to each free library district 81 Free Public Library of Dover transferred to U. S. District of " Dover Public Schools." Members of Library Commission to be continued for election 81 Corbit Library made a School District Library of third class 82 District Commission may borrow money 82 For what purpose 82 Resolution to be submitted to voters 82 To vote by ballot, majority to determine 82 Question may again be submitted v .82 Form of 82 To certify result to Board of Education 82 Form of bond, denomination, rate of interest ... 83 Amount borrowed not to exceed certain amount . 83 Bond, how signed 83 Faith of district pledged 83 Meeting for approval or rejection 83 Tax for payment of interest and to establish sink- ing fund 83 How raised 83 16 SCHOOL FUND- Share of withheld, when 10 Share of colored schools in . 13 Uniting or consolidating- of districts not to effect distribution of 15 How constituted 42 Trustee of 42 Apportionment of 42 Manner of distribution 43 Deposit of 43 Drafts on, form of 43 For what purposes used 44 Part left over in districts to be reapportioned ... 44 Deductions 45 Amount of tax to entitle to . 45 Auditor to make report to Trustee of School Fund . 52 Appropriation 52 How divided 52 Amount to be raised by taxation 53 Additional dividends, how secured 53 What amounts to be deducted, 53 Trustee of School Fund, duty of, on failure to com- ply with act 54 Each district to make report to Trustee of Schcol Fund 54 SCHOOL HOUSES- (See School District) Condemnation of ' 10 Proposal for several 16 School committee to procure 22 Securing site for 26 Application to Levy Court, etc 26 Exempt from taxation 32 SCHOOL MEETINGS- 'First, colored school, time 11 Place, notice 11 In new districts, notice 13 For uniting: or consolidating districts notice ... 15 17 SCHOOL MEETINGS (Continued) Of united or consolidated districts . 16* Place of meeting 16 Qualification of voters at 18 Illegal voting, penalty 18 Stated Stated meetings, time of holding 18 Place of holding, 19 Open one hour 19 Business 19 Order of business 19 Stated meetings in Kent County 69 Adjourned Adjourned meetings 19 Occasional Occasional meetings 20 Notice of 20-21 Laws applicable 21 Failure to meet not to affect power to proceed . . 20 SCHOOL MONEYS- Suits for 17 Collection and receipt . . 22 Paying over 22 Misappropriation of 23 SCHOOL OFFICERS- Existing ones, continued . . . 17 Nothing in Act to prevent reappointment or re- electon of 45 Special laws relating to, continued 46 SECRETARY OF STATE- To be member of State Board of Education .... 5 SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS- With Auditor 41 Penalty for failure 41 What settlement must show 42 On failure to make returns or to keep schools open as required, auditor shall not settle 42 18 SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS (Continued) Notice to school meeting of such failure 42 Drafting on school fund 43 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION- (See Graded School) To have supervision of schools 5 How composed 5 Term of office 5 Officers of 5 Meetings 5 Quorum 5 Oath 5 Powers and duties of 6 By-laws, rules and regulations 6 Compiling of examination papers 6 Adoption of text books 6 Contracts for text books 6 To hear appeals from County School Commissioners 7 Blanks for reports 7 Report for General Assembly 7 Per diem of senior members of County School Com- missioners 7 Bills for printing, postage, etc,, of 7 Who to sit in appeals concerning colored schools, notice 7 Superintendent to attend meetings of, 36 Superintendent to execute orders of 37 Superintendent to deliver note book to 37 Superintendents to frame examinations for .... 37 Report of teachers to 39 Appeals to from applicants for certificates 40 STATE COLLEGE FOR COLORED STUDENTS- President to sit as member of State Board of Edu- cation when 7-8 STATE TREASURER- (See Compulsory School System) To pay per diem to certain members of State Board of Education 7 19 STATE TREASURER (Continued) To pay certain bills of, also 7 To pay per diem, expenses, etc., of County School Commissioners 11 To pay County School Commissioners for layng out colored school districts 12 To furnish order books for ordering text books ... 33 To keep account of books ordered 33 To pay for books 34 Allowance to for services under act 35 To be trustee of the School Fund 42 To pay contingent expenses 72 STATED MEETINGS- (See School Meetings) SUITS- Districts may maintain 17 SUPERINTENDENT County To have general superintendence of schools .... 35 Appointment of 35 Salary of 36 Qualifications of 36 Duties of 36 Powers of 37 To report to and act under State Board of Education 37 Examination questions 37 List of text books 37 To conduct examinations 37 To make and sign certificates 37 Countersigning certificates 38 To hold teachers' institutes 38 Requirements for certificate 38 Appeals from 40 Settlement with auditor ... 41 To pay money for Delaware colored teachers State institute 41 To suspend certificates of teachers failing to report 40 20 SUPERINTENDENT County (Continued) To give certificate to teach to persons holding di- plomas from Normal School or College .... 55 Good for one year 55 When certificate may be renewed 55 SUPERVISION OF SCHOOLS- (See Superintendents.) General supervision in State Board of Education 5 Vested in county school commissions 8 In school committees 21 SYSTEM OF SCHOOL- Rules to render uniform 6 County School Commission to investigate . 9 T TAXATION- Assessments for school purposes .... 27 Amounts to be raised .... Additional assessments Revisions of assessment .... Colored Schools . 29-30 Determination of rate of Discrimination in Amounts to be raised to entitle districts to school fund 45 TAXES- Determination of rate of Receipt of Abatement Warrant and duplicate Proceedings and power of collectors . 30 Attachment for Suits for . . Refusal of collector to act 31 Demand for, evidence Time to collect in . Neglect to pay over . School property exempt 21 TEACHERS- Exammation papers for . Appeals of . Supervision over c\n Employment of Qualification of 22 Dismissal 22 To furnish names of scholars 23 Notice of selection of 24 Failure to instruct in physiology and hygiene . . 24 Unlawful to employ, when not^holding certificate, exception 2 ^ Instruction in constitutions 25 To report to commissioners number of pupils, attend- ance, days of school and condition of text books 35 Superintendent may revoke certificate of ... - 37 Superintendent to make and sign certificates for . 37 Countersigning certificates of Institutes for Requirements for certificates To attend institutes Salaries of Annual report of, affidavit 39 Failure to report, suspension Salary of, limit 44 TEXT BOOKS- f Adoption of Contracts Changes in lists b What list of, shall include t> To be furnished pupils free ** Ordering Order books for ordering Duplicate order books .... State Treasurer to keep account of &> State Treasurer to pay for 34 Distribution of jf* Sale of 22 TEXT BOOKS (Continued) Clerks to turn over to successor 34 Safe keeping of 34 Sale of books to pupils 35 Teachers to make report of 35 TRUSTEE OF SCHOOL FUND- (See School Fund) State treasurer to be 42 To withhold dividend when 10 Clerk of the peace to make certificates to .... 12 Distribution of school fund among colored schools . 13 To apportion and distribute . . . 42 Deposit of fund 43 To reapportion moneys not used 44 u UNITED OR CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICTS- Name of 15 Manner of proceeding 15 VACCINATION- Of school children 26 VOTERS (See School Meetings) w WARRANT- Form of 31 Delivery of WILMINGTON- (Schools of) Law not to affect 46 YC OfT7 242661 UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 'UP 9 1919