MECHANICAL DRAWING STANDARDS AND CONVENTIONS F. R. KEPLER STANDARDS AND CONVENTIONS MECHANICAL DRAWING BY FRANK R. KEPLER Cass Technical High School Drafting Department Revised by DETROIT MANUAL TRAINING CLUB'S STANDARDS COMMITTEE Published under Authority of THE BOARD OF EDUCATION DETROIT, MICH Copyright 1916, by FRANK R. KEPLER, Chairman First Issue .... October 1915 First Edition . . . March 1916 Second Edition . . . July 1916 Printed in Cass Technical High School Detroit, Michigan PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION A COMMITTEE on STANDARDS AND CONVENTIONS for Mechanical ^~JL Drawing was selected by the Executive Committee of the Detroit Manual Training Club. Copies of a preliminary issue of STANDARDS AND CONVEN- TIONS for Cass Technical High were used as a basis of inquiry and criticism. These copies were sent out to fifty representative concerns in Detroit and Michigan. The criticisms of a large major- ity of the representatives of these firms were gathered together, carefully noted, and discussed. Points were finally decided as the consensus of opinion seemed to indicate. School require- ments and good educational methods have governed the decision of points which did not seriously conflict with good industrial practice. This first edition is presented with the hope that these STANDARDS AND CONVENTIONS, determined as stated above, will be generally adopted in the schools. The chairman takes this opportunity to acknowledge the interest, suggestions, and helpfulness of the various members of the committee. Signed F. R. KEPLER, CHAIRMAN CASS TECHNICAL L. G. BURGESS, SEC'Y NORTHWESTERN P. A. CUMMINS CASS TECHNICAL EDWARD GATES CENTRAL JOHN F. GRANT EASTERN D. W. HICKOK WESTERN 2O65666 PREFACE TO FIRST ISSUE THE notes and plates for STANDARDS AND CONVENTIONS have been brought together by Mr. P. A. Cummins and myself for use in Cass Technical High School. They are the result of sev- eral years' experience in teaching Continuation, Evening, and High School classes, and are a study of the requirements of mod- ern drafting room practices. Mr. Carnot Iverson, Cass Technical High School, inked in all the drawings for the plates and made the original drawings for Plates 15 and 16. Friendly criticisms of our initial copy will be greatly appre- ciated as it is our endeavor to meet the best drafting-room prac- tices. FRANK R. KEPLER PLATE 1 Page Eiht GENERAL DIRECTIONS AND NOTES DIRECTIONS For Laying Out D-size Sheets Place a sheet of drawing paper $y 2 " by 12" upon the drawing board so that the upper edge is in line with the tee- square. Placing the tee-square diagonally across the paper from corner to corner, draw portions of the diagonals near the center to find the exact center of the sheet. Now through he center draw a horizontal and a vertical line across the paper. Measure 4y 2 " above the center and 4y 2 " below the center; through the points thus found draw horizontal lines. These two lines are the cutting lines along which to trim the finished drawing, making the sheet 9" by 12". Again measure 5y 2 " to the right and 5y 2 " to the left; through these points draw vertical lines. Next measure 4" above the center along the vertical line and 4" below the center and through these points draw horizontal lines. These four border lines en- close a rectangle 8" by 11". Observe Plate 1.* A title block is used in all cases. The title block will ap- pear in the lower right hand corner, arranged as shown in Plate 3. The title block should be penciled in complete before the drawing itself is begun. Guide lines in pencil should be drawn for the tops and bottoms of all letters but must not be drawn in ink. Each drawing shall first be done in pencil and submitted to the instructor for approval or corrections. The drawing is to be inked when it has been approved by the instructor and he has placed the word "INK" on the margin. When the drawing is finished, it shall again be submitted for final approval before the word "INK" is cut off. It shall then be trimmed to the proper size and handed in. One plate from each set may be retained as the property of the school. *The sheet may be laid out without first finding the center, hut the distance from the upper to the lower cutting lines must be 9" and the border rectangle must be 8" by 11". Page Nine o jO I MN '* "> F- 3M/7 O O PLATE 2 Ten DIRECTIONS For Laying Out C-size Sheets Place the sheet of drawing paper, provided for the pur- pose, on the drawing board so that one of the long sides is even with the upper edge of the T-square. Draw a vertical line y 2 " from the left-hand edge and another 18" to the right of the first. These two lines are the cutting lines along which the sheet is to be trimmed thus removing the thumb-tack holes when the drawing is completed. Leaving 1" margin at the left and y 2 " margin on the other three sides, draw a bor- der rectangle 11" x 16y 2 ". Observe Plate 2. Unless otherwise directed, a title block is to be placed in the lower right-hand corner. This title block is to contain the name of the school, the title of the drawing, by whom drawn, by whom traced, and checked as well as approved, and th enumber of the drawing. It is to be spaced and arranged as shown in Plate 3. A Bill of Material is generally placed on all drawings for shop purposes arid erecting. This list must contain the num- ber of parts, the material of which they are made, the name of the part, the reference number on the drawing and, if a pattern is required, the pattern letter. (The pattern num- ber consists of the drawing number and the letter; thus, PATT. C-204A). The letters of the Bill of Material are 3/32" high, and the columns are arranged as shown in Plate 4. It may be placed in any convenient space on the drawing but preferably above the title-block. The listing of the parts be- gins at the bottom, a few spaces being left at the top for the listing of additional parts if occasion demands it. Such stan- dard parts as bolts, machine screws, washers, etc., are listed but are NOT DRAWN. The cutting-lines, border rectangle, title block, and bill of material must all be arranged properly in pencil before the drawing itself is begun. Be careful to make the drawing ac- curate in pencil, making all corrections before inking any part of the drawing. Do not begin inking until the penciled drawing has been submitted to your instructor for his ap- proval and he has placed the word "Ink" on the margin. When the drawing has been carefully inked or traced it must again be submitted to the instructor for his final ap- proval before removing it from the drawing board. This approval secured, the finished drawing is to be trimmed to the required size, 12" x 18", and handed in. Page Eleven ? i | 1 1 j 1 ||s' I/- DKAW/NGS. X | l-gg T ^ Q: III 'M Ul ^ PC fcl 1 ^ i ^^ ^^ ^J ri Q* ^v o: k f/CAL. SCHOOL _ OEPT. 1* ! O O 1 gj CASS k* ^k *fc| n ^ H \ -:! *^ m - '"- ( f Qj D "^ if; - y { TJ 8 ^ - 1 i 7 * 7 ^/^ ''f; \ k V X t s V. y k x ki <* i i O v > ^ CO u 1- B. BILL OF MATERIAL fOH ALL X fl. 3. *3r. BOLTS.