STACK OJ6 757 Burlington fine Hrts Club. 1809. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE girts (fflub, 17, SAVILE ROW, W. RULES, REGULATIONS, AND BYE-LAWS, WITH LIST OF MEMBERS. 1899. Metchim & San, 8, Princes Street, Westminster, S.W. CONTENTS. PAGE GENERAL NOTICES 4 LIST OF COMMITTEE ... 5 HISTORY OF THE CLUB 7 LIST OF EXHIBITIONS - - 21 OBJECTS OF THE CLUB- 25 RULES AND REGULATIONS - - 27 BYE-LAWS - 39 LIST OF MEMBERS - - - - 43 1057664 GENERAL NOTICES. lEntrance tftt anti Subscription. THE Entrance Fee is 5 55., payable on Election, and the Annual Subscription is 5 $s., payable also on Election, and thenceforth on ist January in each year (Rule XIX.). Uanfeers. The London and Westminster Bank (St. James's Square Branch) are appointed Bankers, to whom Members now, or hereafter to be, admitted, are required to pay their several Subscriptions. To avoid inconvenience, and to ensure punctual payment, it is requested that Members will furnish their Bankers or Agents with authority to pay the Annual Subscription on ist January. Members of the Club are invited to present copies of their published or privately printed works, or any other useful Art publications, especially books of reference, to the Library. They are also invited to contribute, by Annual Subscription, to th* Library Fund. IJlnrUiujton r*T f^inrlirlaf-^ -,.,... ^ Book. for admission as a Member of the Club must be entered in the Candidates' Book, and the entry signed by a proposer and seconder, or by authority received from them. Members desirous of supporting the election may affix their signatures to the entry. 1 1. Names of Candidates, with those of their Names of Candidate* proposers and seconders, to be suspended in to be SU s- 32 Morning the Morning Room of the Club a fortnight Room. before the dates of election. Exceptional 12. The Committee has the power to elect Elections by Committee, as Members of the Club gentlemen holding distinguished Art appointments in. Scotland, Ireland, or on the Continent, on payment of the Entrance Fee of ^5 5^., and an Annual Subscription ofi is., such Annual Subscrip- tion, however, to be raised to ^5 5^., in case such Members should become permanently resi- dent in England. Annual i -?. An Annual General Meeting of the Meeting. Members of the Club to be held once a year on such day and hour in the month of May as the Committee may from time to time appoint. Report and 14. The Committee to submit to the Annual Accounts. General Meeting the Accounts of the Club for the preceding year, with a report as to the general position of its affairs^ together with an estimate of the expenditure for the ensuing year. Special 15. It is competent for the Committee at any Meetings, time to call Special General Meetings, and they are bound to do so on a requisition in writing signed by Ten Members of the Club, and speci- fying the object of such Meeting, the discussion at which shall be confined to that object. 33 1 6. A Special General Meeting may be called Expulsion, to consider the expediency of expelling any Member from the Club, and such Meeting shall have the power of expulsion on any grounds considered sufficient by two- thirds of the Mem- bers present thereat. Any person who may be expelled forfeits ipso facto all right to or claim, as a Member, upon the Club or its property or its funds. 1 7. The quorum for Special General Meetings is Fifteen. . 1 8. Six clear days' notice of all General Meet- Notices of ings to be given by circular posted to the address Meetings, of each Member of the Club resident in Great Britain. In the case of a Special General Meeting the circular shall specify the object of the Meeting. 19. The Entrance Fee is 5 5^., payable Entrance on election, and the Annual Subscription is Subscrip- $ 5-$-., payable also on election, and thence- forth on the ist of January in each year. 20. If the new Member does not pay his Payment of Entrance Fee and first Annual Subscription Fee and Subscription. within three months from his election, the Com- mittee shall, unless the non-payment be explained to their satisfaction, erase his name from the list of Members. 34 Defaulters. 21. The names of any Members failing to pay their Annual Subscription to be placed in the Morning Room on the ist of February, and unless the Subscription be paid on or before the ist of April following, such Members to cease from that time to belong to the Club, except a satisfactory explanation of the delay in payment be given to the Committee. To avoid inconvenience it is earnestly requested that Members will furnish their Bankers or Agents with authority to pay their Annual Sub- scriptions on ist January. Restrictions 22 . The main object of the Club being the w^ksof exhibition of Works of Art of past ages, the Artists. Works of living Artists will be admitted only upon special application from the Committee. Works for 23. Works for exhibition can only be admitted exhibition. . . with the sanction of the Committee. No reason will be assigned for the exclusion of any object offered for exhibition. Works for 24. Objects of Art deposited by Members for to be de- exhibition in the rooms of the Club are to be posited at Members' so deposited entirely on their own risk and own risk. responsibility. Duration of 25. No object is to remain for exhibition for exhibition. a longer period than one month, except at the special desire of the Committee. 35 26. Members have the privilege of personally visitors. introducing Visitors, subject to the Bye-laws or Regulations of the Committee. 27. Exhibitions of Works of Art and Conver- Exhibitions and Conver- sazioni for artistic purposes may be held in the s 32 ' "'- Rooms of the Club, with the sanction and under the control and regulations of the Committee. 28. Except at Conversazioni, Exhibitions, or visitors. Special Meetings, each Member may daily personally introduce not more than two friends, who will be admitted, while in his company, to all the privileges of the Club. The names of the Visitors, and of the Member introducing them, shall be entered by the latter in a book on their arrival. It is within the competency of the Committee from time to time, by Bye-law, to restrict, suspend, cancel, or enlarge this rule whenever in their opinion it is expedient to do so in the general interests of the Club. 29. At any Conversazione to be held at the visitors at Club each Member may introduce personally two friends (either ladies or gentlemen). 2 9 A. In case of Special Exhibitions, Mem- ^ d '^" bers may, subject to regulations to be from Exhibitions. time to time made by the Committee, introduce, personally or by ticket, a certain number of friends. 36 fuTo^r 3' '^ ie Committee may, if they think fit, members. on the recommendation of two Members, admit Artists, eminent Collectors, Literary Men, and others distinguished in Art, residing permanently abroad, as Honorary Members of the Club (without admission-fee or subscription), such Honorary Members being admitted to the privileges of the Club during any temporary residence in England, or for such limited period as the Committee may fix. Honorary 31. Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers may Members. be nominated by the Committee Honorary Members of the Club during their respective missions. Other members of the Diplomatic spnorary Body accredited to the Court of St. James's may be invited by the Committee to attend per- sonally the Club as Honorary Visitors for the space of three months : a renewal of these invita- tions being at the discretion of the Committee. Privileges of 32. Honorary Members and Visitors to enjoy Honorary J J J and'v/sitors & ^ ^ P r i v il e g es f tne Club, CXCCpt that of introducing friends. Opening and 33. The Club-house to be open every day ciub-house. from io o'clock A.M. to 1 2 P.M., when the outer door will be closed. Any Members, however, who may happen to be then within the house to be allowed to remain. 37 34- Any Member intending to be absent from Super- the United Kingdom for one entire year or Members, longer may, by giving notice to the Committee, be placed on the list of Supernumerary Mem- bers ; and on his return he will be re-admitted, without ballot, as an ordinary Member of the Club, on payment of his full Subscription for the then current year. 35. All Members whilst on the Supernumerary Subscrip- List to pay an Annual Subscription of One Super- numerary Guinea only. Member*. 36. Any Member using the Club after the Liability for date on which his Subscription is due will be tion. liable for the Subscription for the current year. 37. No Member shall take away, or permit Newspapers, &c., not to !>e to be taken away, from the Club, on any pre- taken away, tence whatever, or shall injure or destroy, any Newspaper or other article exhibited by or belonging to the Club. No paper, pamphlet, or books are to be introduced into the Club without the sanction of the Committee. 38. In case of Members wishing to have a House house-dinner, a room may, with the consent of the Committee, be provided for that purpose, the Club having nothing whatever to do with either the providing the dinner or the service. 38 39. No Member shall give any money or gratuity to the sen-ants of the Club. 4' ^ account sna U be opened by any Sliis?"*" Member of the Club with any of the servants. Games of 41. No dice are to be used, and no Games of Chance are to be played in the Club. Cards. 42. The charge for each pack of Cards will be is. 6d. by daylight, and 2s. by candlelight. Two candles are to be allowed for each table. Bogs. 43. No dogs are to be admitted into the Club. of Rules"* 44' ^^ e -^- u ^ es an ^ Regulations for the time being of the Club may be altered or varied, but only at a Special General Meeting, and the pro- posed alterations or substitutions shall be fully specified in the Notice calling the meeting, and shall only be binding on the Club in the event of their being adopted by two-thirds of the Members then present. Addresses 45. Each Member of the Club shall commu- of Members. . . nicate his address to the Committee, and all notices posted to that address shall be con- sidered as duly delivered. Rules to be 46. Each Member shall be furnished with a furnished to printed copy of these Rules and Regulations ; but no Member shall be absolved from the effect thereof on any allegation of not having received such printed copy. 39 BY?:- LAWS Made by the Committee under Rule 4. 6fh February, 1872, amended 2nd July, 1895. I. That the entry in the Candidates' Book shall state the Candidate's name and usual place of residence, his rank, profession, or other description, and the place where he exercises his profession or carries on his business. That no Candidate can be balloted for unless a previous communication has been made in writing to the Committee, either by the Proposer or Seconder r certifying from personal knowledge that the Gentleman proposed will, from his social position, as well as from his cultivated taste, interest in Art, or other qualifications, be a desirable Member of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. No Dealer in Works of Art is eligible as a Candidate. \<)th February, 1872. II. That any Member of the Club may be at liberty to bring Works of Art, and leave them for a period not exceeding a fortnight in the Rooms on the second floor of the Club, for inspection and discussion. 40 2yd April, 1872. III. That the creation of periodical vacancies in the Committee, so as to admit from time to time of new Members taking part in the manage- ment of the Club, is highly desirable, and with this view the Committee shall, previous to each Annual Meeting, propose to a majority only of the retiring Members to offer themselves for re- election. 2 2nd April, 1873. IV. That no Member shall be entitled to assume, from the fact of the exhibition in the Rooms of the Club of any work of Art being his property, that the Club admits the authenticity or identity of the same. 15^/2 December, 1874. V. That the report of the General Committee in Manuscript, together with the Balance-sheet, also in Manuscript, for the preceding year, be laid on the table of the Reading Room at least one week before the day appointed for each Annual Meeting. 25/// October, 1898. VI. That with a view of giving additional facilities for the exhibition of works of Art in the Drawing Room, as provided by Rule 23, it shall be competent to any Two Members of the Com- mittee, acting togther, to authorise objects offered on loan, which they may consider of sufficient merit and importance, to be exhibited in the Drawing Room, subject to the confirma- tion of the next meeting of the Committee ; but this modification of the existing Bye-laws is not in any manner to affect the rights of the Members of the Club under Bye-law No. 2. LIST OF MEMBERS, FEBRUARY, 1899. LIST OF MEMBERS, 1899. ABDY, SIR W. NEVILLE, BART. AINSLIE, DOUGLAS ALDENHAM, THE LORD ALEXANDER, WILLIAM C. AMHERST OF HACKNEY, THE LORD ANDERSON, ARCHIBALD ANDERSON, PROFESSOR WILLIAM, F.R.C.S. ARBUTHNOT, CHARLES GEORGE ARCHDALE, GEORGE ARMSTRONG, WALTER ARTHUR, THOMAS GLEN ASTON, WILLIAM WALLIS AVERY, SAMUEL P. BACON, SIR HICKMAN B., BART. BACON, THOS. WALTER BALCARRES, THE LORD BALFOUR, EUSTACE J. A. BATHURST, CHARLES BEAUMONT, SOMERSET BEHRENS, WALTER L. BEXCE-JONES, ARCHIBALD B. 4 6 BENSON, ROBERT H., Trustee BENSON, W. A. S. BENTINCK, LORD HENRY, M.P. BEVAN, ALFRED H. BIRCHALL, EDWARD BLUMENTHAL, JACQUES BLYTH, HENRY BLYTH, REV. PHILIP W. BODE, DR. WILHELM, Hon. Member BOHN, HENRY BOND, EDWARD, M.P. BOUGHTON, GEORGE H., R.A. BOUSFIELD, WILLIAM BOWLER, H. A. BRABAZON, H. B. BRANTEGHEM, A. VAN BREDIUS, ABRAHAM, Hon. Member BROCKLEBANK, RALPH BRODIE, SIR BENJAMIN V. S., BART. BROS, J. R. W. BROWNLOW, THE EARL BRUCE, HON. MR. JUSTICE BUCHANAN, T. R., M.P. BUTLER, CHARLES BYWATER, INGRAM CARDWELL, EDWARD HENRY CARMICHAEL, SIR T. GIBSON, BART.. M.P. 47 CARYSFORT, THE EARL OF, K.P. GATES, ARTHUR CHADWYCK-HEALEY, C. E. H., Q.C. CHAPLIN, HOLROYD CHEYLESMORE, THE LORD CHURCH, PROFESSOR A. H., F.R.S. CLANRIKARDE, MARQUIS OF CLARKE, SOMERS COHEN, ALFRED L. COLES, EDWARD G. COLVIN, PROFESSOR SIDNEY COOK, SIR FRANCIS, BART. COOK, HERBERT F. COPE, W. H. CORFIELD, W. H., M.D. COWPER, THE EARL, K.G. CRAWLEY, G. A. CREWS, CHARLES T. D. CROFT, GEORGE C. CURZON, WILLIAM CUVELJE, THOMAS D'ARCY, W. KNOX DAVENPORT, CYRIL JAMES DAVIES, GEORGE R. DE MAULEY, THE LORD DENT, CLINTON T. DEVITT, THOMAS L. 4 8 DE ZOETE, WALTER M. DILKE, SIR CHARLES W., BART., M.P. DILLON, EDWARD DILLON, FRANK DOBREE, BONAMY DOUGLAS, GREVILLE DRAKE, LT.-COL. A. W. H. HORNSBY- DURNING- LAWRENCE, SIR E., BART., M.P. EGERTON OF TATTON, THE EARL ERMAN, PROFESSOR, Hon. Member EUMORFOPOULOS, GEORGE EVANS, SIR JOHN, K.C.B., F.R.S. FARRER, H. L. FARRER, SIR WILLIAM J. FELTON, W. FENWICK, GEORGE FIELD, J. LESLIE FIELD, WALTER FISHER, R. C. FLEISCHMANN, F. FLOWER, WICKHAM FORBES, JAMES STAATS FORREST, GEORGE WILLIAM FORTNUM, C. DRURY E., D.C.L. FRASER, SIMON HENRY FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS W. FRIZZONI, DR. GUSTAVO, Hon. Member 49 FROHNER, DR. W., Hon. Member FRY, LEWIS, M.P. GARDNER, J. STARKIE GASKELL, FRANCIS GATHORNE-HARDY, HON. ALFRED E. GIBBS, ANTONY GlLBERTSON, EDWARD GODMAN, F. Du CANE GOFF, COLONEL R. GOLDMANN, CHARLES S. GOLDSCHMIDT, ADOLPH B. H. GORDON, HENRY EVANS COSSET, MAJ.-GEN. M. W. E., C.B. GOWLAND, WILLIAM GRAHAM, ALEXANDER GREEN, EVERARD GREENWOOD, HUBERT J. HALLE, CHARLES E. HARBEN, H. A. HARDY, PAUL HARLAND-PECK, G. HARRIS, F. LEVERTON HARRISON, LAWRENCE HAY, HON. CLAUDE HEAD, ALBAN HENDERSON, ALEXANDER, M.P. HERKOMER, PROFESSOR HUBERT, R. A. HICHENS, ANDREW K. HICHENS, REV. T. SIKES HIGGINS, ALFRED HILLINGDON, THE LORD HILTON, JAMES HOLFORD, CAPTAIN G. L., C.I.E. HOLROYD, CHARLES HOLZMANN, MAURICE, C.B. HORNE, HERBERT P. HUTH, EDWARD HUTH, Louis HYMANS, HENRI, Hon. Member INGELOW, BENJAMIN INMAN, THOMAS FREDERICK lONIDES, CONSTANTINE A. JACKSON, T. W. JAMES, ARTHUR JOHN JAMES, FRANCIS EDWARD JAMES, WILLIAM D. JARVIS, LEWIS JEKYLL, LT.-COL. HERBERT, C.M.G. JEX-BLAKE, VERY REV. T. W., D.D. KAHN, ALBERT KANN, RODOLPHE KAY, ARTHUR KENNARD, H. MARTYX KENNEDY, C. S. 5' KENNEDY, SYDNEY E. KENRICK, RT. HON. WILLIAM KITSON, SIR JAMES, BART., M.P. KNOWLES, JAMES LAW, ERNEST LAWRENCE, SIR TREVOR, BART. LEAF, WALTER LEATHAM, ARTHUR W. LESSING, PROF. DR. JULIUS, Hon. Member LIDDELL, ADOLPHUS G. C. LINDSAY, LEONARD C. LIPPMANN, FREDERICK, Hon. Member LLOYD, R. DUPPA LOFFT, ROBERT EMLYN LOFTIE, REV. W. J. LOUDON, WlLLOUGHBY J. G. LUCAS, ARTHUR LYONS, Lr.-CoL. G. B. CROFT MACCALLUM, ANDREW MACDONALD, J. MATHESON MACGREGOR, REV. WILLIAM MACKENZIE, MAJOR-GENERAL RODERICK MAINWARING, HON. W. F. B. MASSEY, M.P. MALET, COLONEL HAROLD MARLAY, CHARLES BRINSLEY MARQUAND, H. G. MARSHALL, JULIAN 52 MARTINEAU, E. H. MASPERO, PROFESSOR G., Hon. Member MEINERTZHAGEN, D. MIDDLETON-WAKE, REV. C. H. MILLARD, CHARLES ANTHONY MILLS, RICHARD, Trustee MITCHELL, CHARLES W. MONO, LUDWIG, F.R.S. MONKHOUSE, \V. COSMO MONTAGU, COLONEL HORACE MOULTON, J. FLETCHER, Q.C. MYERS, MAJOR W. J. NETTLEFOLD, FREDERICK NEW ALL, WILLIAM NOBLE, WILSON NORTHBROOK, THE EARL OF, G.C.S.I. NORTHCOTE, HON. SIR H. STAFFORD, BART., M.P. OMAN, C. W. C. PASS, ALFRED A. DE PEACOCK, WALTER PEARSE, BRICE HUGH PENSON, GEORGE WILLIS PFUNGST, HENRY J. PHENE, JOHN S., LL.D. PICKERSGILL-CUNLIFFE, H. PILLEAU, ARTHUR W. 53 PITT-RIVERS, LT.-GENKRAL PLUMBE, ROWLAND Poix, EDMOND DE PONSONBY, HON. GERALD H. B. POYNTER, SIR EDWARD J., P.R.A. PRICE, F. G. HILTON PROPERT, J. LUMSDEN, M.D. QUILTER, SlR WM. CUTHBERT, BART., M.P. RADFORD, W. T., M.D. RAPHAEL, Louis RATE, LACHLAN MACKINTOSH RATHBONE, W. G. RAWLINSON, W. G. REISS, FRITZ REISS, JAMES REISS, JAMES EDWARD RIPON, MARQUIS OF, K.G. ROBERTS, HUMPHREY ROBINSON, C. NEWTON ROBINSON, SIR J. CHARLES ROGET, JOHN L. ROME, W. ROTHSCHILD, BARON EDMOND DE RULAND, CHARLES, Hon. Member SALTING, GEORGE SALTMARSHE, ERNEST SECKENDORFF, COUNT G. VON, Hon. Member 54 SEIDLITZ, DR. W. vox, Hon Member. SEVERN, ARTHUR SHATTOCK, T. FOSTER SHERRIN. GEORGE SICHEL, WALTER S. SMITH, EDWARD SMITH, T. VALENTINE SMITH, WILLIAM SOTHEBY, MAJOR-GENERAL, F. E. SPALDING, SAMUEL SPIELMANN, MARION H. STAINTON, EVELYN STANHOPE, HON. PHILIP, M.P. STEPHENS, S. SANDERS STIRLING-MAXWELL, SIR JOHN, BART., M.P. STOKER, SIR W. THORNLEY STRACHAN, GEORGE A. STRONG, S. ARTHUR SWINBURNE, C. A. TAYLOR, JOHN EDWARD TEBBS, H. VIRTUE, Trustee TENNANT, SIR CHARLES, BART. THEOBALD, H. STUDDY, Q.C. THOMPSON, HENRY YATES THOMPSON, SIR HENRY TOMKINSON, MICHAEL TOMS, T. H. L. 55 TORR, CECIL TURNER, SIR CHARLES A., K.C.I.E. VALLANCE, AYMER VAUGHAN, HENRY, Trustee VENTURI, PROF. CAV. ADOLFO, Hon. Member VESCI, VISCOUNT DE VIVIAN, RICHARD GLYNN WALDRON, LAWRENCE A. WALKER, PHILIP F. WALKINSHAW, W. WALLIS, HENRY WARD, JOHN WARD, T. HUMPHREY WARREN, JOHN WARRINGTON, T. R., Q.C. WATERHOUSE, ALFRED, R.A. WATTS, ALFRED A. WEDMORE, FREDERICK WELCH, WILLIAM KEMP WESTMINSTER, DUKE OF, K.G. WESTON, ALEXANDER ANDERDON WHINFIELD, E. WREY WHITE, FREDERICK ANTONY WHITEHEAD, JEFFERY WIGRAM, PERCY WILLIAMS, J. C, M.P. WILLIAMS, SIR JOHN, BART., M.D. 56 WILLIAMS, PETER WILLIAMSON, GEORGE C. WILSON, REV. HERBERT WINDSOR, RT. HON. THE LORD WITT, G. A. WOERMANN, DR. KARL, Hon. Member WORTHINGTON, THOMAS WYNDHAM, GEORGE, M.P. WYNDHAM, HON. PERCY YATES, Rev. S. A. THOMPSON A 000018332 7