SRARY VERSITY OF MJFCRNIA CATALOGUE OP THE ECONOMIC PRODUCTS OF THE PRESIDENCY OF BOMBAY; BEING A CATALOGUE OF THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL MUSEUM. DIVISION I.-RAW PRODUCE (VEGETABLE). COMPILED BY ASSISTANT SURGEON BIRDWOOD, M.D. OLIM PR^ES. ANN. Soc. MED. REG. EDIN. SECRETARY AND CURATOR, GOVERNMENT CENTRAL MUSEUM; OFFICIATING PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA, GRANT MEDICAL COLLEGE; SECRETARY TO THE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN INDIA. Multum adhuc restat operis, multumque restabit. PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY'S PRESS, BYCULL^ 1862. LOAN STACK H. J. CARTER, ESQ. F.R.S. DISTINGUISHED NATURALIST, IS INSCRIBED, AS A SLIGHT MARK OP THE ESTEEM AND GRATITUDE OP THE COMPILES. 229 PREFACE. THIS work was at first meant to be a simple catalogue of the economic specimens from the vegetable kingdom belonging to the Museum. But as these daily increased, and as the collection can only be regarded as in a provisional state until the Victoria Museum is ready for its reception, it appeared wiser to make it a catalogue of the vegetable produce of the Western Presidency. As the primary arrangement of its contents is economic, it will thus serve not only for the collection provisionally lodged in the Town Hall, but for the Victoria Museum. This is an advantage which fully compensates for the absence of the running numbers corresponding with numbers on the specimens, usual in cata- logues. The Museum is, however, not intended to be limited to the economic produce of this Government. It aims at illustrating the natural productions and industries of India, and of all other countries, particularly those in direct commercial connection with the great and growing store-city of Bombay. At present indeed little more than the Western Presidency is illustrated, and probably but little more than this will be done for some years. In the Catalogue, therefore, prominence is alone given to local products : all others, Indian or foreign, are merely mentioned in their economic order, in the notes or remarks on the former. They are mentioned, whether in the Museum or not, that the Curator may always have his wants in mind, and able also at once on its receipt, to place any specimen on its proper shelf. This plan admirably preserves order in a growing museum. In the cases corresponding with the Classes of the Catalogue, the upper shelves are occupied by Bombay products, the next below by the products of the rest of India, and the remainder by those of other countries in the order of their proximity to Bombay. The collection is thus arranged : first, in an economic point of view ; secondly, in a topographical ; and, thirdly, according to the natural system of - 5 PREFACE. De Candolle as followed by Balfour, In the Catalogue the topogra- phical arrangement is not indicated, except by inference. I have not, however, in all the classes confined myself to enlarging only on local products, and to instancing the chief foreign products. The drugs of an Indian Bazaar are one-half foreign, but I have catalogued each one prominently. On the other hand I have avoided the mention of drugs unknown to the natives of India. Under the Class of Woods I have specified only the best known foreign woods, and under the Miscellaneous Class, no foreign article. The reasons for the exceptions to the rule in the treatment of these and other classes are obvious. Under the Economic Classes, the natural orders are not num- bered in the sequence they assume in these, which would give each order a different number in almost every Class, but according to their numbers in Balfour. This will avoid all confusion in turning from Class to Class, and facilitates reference from one to the other, and from all to Balfour, or any other work on the system of De Candolle. Moreover, an appreciation of the mutual relation of the natural orders, and the discrimination of such as are economic, from such as are not, is unconsciously taught. To aid references to works on the system followed by Lindley, a table is prefixed to the Catalogue, showing the numbers of the orders in Lindley corre- sponding with those in Balfour. In nearly every instance the authority for the scientific names of each plant is given, and English names are only added when authorized by Loudon. The plants with English names, therefore, are those which have been introduced into Britain. The initial of the specific Latin name is invariably a small letter, as : Mangifera indica, Vitis vinifera, Dracocephalum royleanum ; except in cases in which the specific name was once generic, as : Trichosanthes Anguina ; and I have considered as generic not only old scientific names, but the names used by the Greeks and Romans, and writers of the Latino-barbaric ages, as : Balsamodendron Myrrha, PREFACE. Balsamodendron Opobalsamum, Strychnos Nux-Vomica ; and the latinized local names of modern botanists, as : Rhus Kakrasingee, Plantago Ispaghula. I have given capital initials to specific names taken from holy places, as : Cedrus Libani; and from 'persons to whom divine honours have been paid, or who have been sung by great poets, as : Carduus Mariamnus, Tephrosia Apollinea, Inula Helenium. Helenium is indeed an old generic name, but it here illustrates a principle which has guided me throughout the work. After the scientific and English name (where there is one) of each plant, its place in the Linnaean system is stated, and in the third line the part which gives it its economic place, and its com- mercial name. The Eastern synonymes are gathered from many books, and I have always followed the spelling of the authority I have copied from. To the eyes of oriental scholars this will no doubt prove distasteful, but no other course was open to me. In the remarks the earliest mention is indicated of articles of great antiquarian or commercial interest, and corresponding foreign products are named. Botanical observations are also made where requisite. In preparing this compilation I have consulted many works, and have, I believe, scarcely made a statement without authority. But it was impracticable to name my authorities after each statement, and even here I will not give a list of them. Some, however, I must mention, as 75 per cent, of this work is compiled from them. These are Balfour's Botany, Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom, Royle's Himalayan Flora, Roxburgh's Flora Indica, Royle's Fibrous Plants of India, Drury's Useful Plants of India, Ainslie's Materia Medica of Hindoostan, Pereira's Materia Medica, the Ulfaz Udwi- yeh, translated by Glad win, O'Shaughnessy's Bengal Dispensatory, Peddington's Catalogue, Moon's Catalogue, Graham's Catalogue, - 7 PREFACE. Simmond's Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, Crawfurd's Dictionary of the Indian Islands, Seeman's Palms, Archer's Economic Botany, Beckmann's History of Inventions, Sprengel, Fraas, Dr. Gibson's Reports on the Forests of Western India, and Cleghorn on the Forests of South India. From the first rough notes, to the last copy for the press, I have written out everything with my own hand, and have always corrected the proofs leisurely. But my notes have been the collec- tion of six years, and often I have forgotten their source; and although aware that no statement was entered in my notes with which at the time of entry I was not satisfied, and that I have often omitted statements v/hich on reperusal appeared doubtful to me, I am still apprehensive of errors from this cause. Again, correcting proofs is a most difficult task. My leading idea in compiling the Catalogue has been to prepare a handbook for myself, and what I hope to be useful to myself I trust will not fail to be so to others. It must be borne in mind that it is only a compilation from authorities, and that these alone must be held responsible for the correctness of their identifications and stated facts. The compilation completed, it remains my duty, or that of my successors, with the splendid aid of the Victoria Museum and Gardens, to verify and extend these identifications and facts. This work is published at the expense of Lakhmidas Khimji, a Bhatia Merchant, well known as the courageous and liberal sup- porter of every measure for the social improvement of his country- men. Having heard of it, he voluntarily offered to defray the cost. In Appendices A, B, and C will be found 1 st. A statement showing the extent of cultivation of the princi- pal products in the 1 2 Collectorates of this Government. 2nd. Statements showing the mean maxima and minima of the Thermometer, and the mean monthly rainfall in the principal Cities and Stations of the Government of Bombay. 3rd. A table showing the number of each natural order in Lindley in correspondence with the number given in Balfour. GEORGE BIRDWOOD. 8 DIVISION I. Class 2. B, DRUGS. N.O.I. RANUNCULACE^E. CROWFOOTS. Aconitum ferox. Wall. Aconitum Napellus. W. Monkshood, or Common TFolfs-bane. Aconitum palmatum. Don. Aconitum luridum. H.f. et T. Linn. Si/ft. Polyandria Trigynia. The root. Vernacular. Bikh, Bish, Bishnak, Ati-singeea-bish, Nep. Bish, Butsnab-bish, Beng. Mahoor, Hind. Butchnab, By. Ativassa, Tel. Habitat. The Himalayas, Sirmoor, Kemaon, Nepaul. Remarks. Bikh is indifferently applied to the dry roots of all the above species of Wolf's-bane, hut probably the root of Aconitum ferox has become more extensively distributed throughout the Bazars of Asia than those of any other species, and although no characters have yet been described by which it may be specifically recognised, in general estimation it is Bikh, par excellence. Meetha, Doodhya, and Meetha-teelia are names of preparations of Bikh. Dr. Buchanan, in his " Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul," enumerates four kinds of Bikh ; the first, Singya-bikh, he refers to a Smilax ; the second, Bikh, and third, Nirbisi, Royle refers to Aconitum ferox ; and the fourth, Bikhma, the latter author attributes to Aconitum palma- tum. In the Mukhzun-ul-Udwieh, twelve kinds of Bikh, according to Royle, are enumerated, ail of which it would be futile to attempt identi- fying, and they are only adverted to in connection with the second, namely " Buchimg like Judwar." Judwar, Zudwar, or Nirbisi is the Zedoaria of old writers, which some recent writers, on insufficient grounds, consider one with the Zedoaria rotunda of modern druggists, the root, according to Roxburgh, of Curcuma Zedoaria, the Buldi, or Bun- huldi of this country. In Sirmoor, however, Royle found the name JNirbisi applied to Delphinium pauciflorum, " but that,'* says he, " which is reckoned the best kind of Nirbisi in the Indian Bazars is of a 1 A DRUGS. very different nature, and brought down from Bissehur and from Um- ritsur the commercial capital of Lahore. This kind is fusiform and somewhat flattened and wrinkled, of a black colour externally, and in some respects resembling Bikh itself; when cut, the substance is found to be compact and of a brownish colour, with a slight degree of bitter- ness and acrimony." There is a Judwar in the Bombay Bazar like Bikh, only far more costly ; but the root found here, answering to Royle's description of Umritsur Nirbisi, is the article lately imported into England under the name of Padshah Salep, and which has excited consider- able interest there as to its botanical source. Lindley considered it to be liliaceous. Is it not the root of Asparagus adscendens mentioned by Royle, whose description is quoted by Liudley at page 204 of the third edition of his Vegetable Kingdom? In Bombay it is not well known, but is often spoken of as Punjabee Piaz and Khorasanee Piaz, or Punjab and Khorassan Onion. This question has come under discussion here in consequence of the name Nirbisi having been given to Bikh. Nirbisi signifies the antidote, particularly the antidote to Bikh, the poison ; and consequently the term can never with any propriety be applied to the latter virulent narcotic. See below Delphinium pauciflorum in this order, and Asparagus adscendens, Royle, N. O. 242. Bikh is first mentioned, according to Sprengel, by Nicander. The root of Gloriosa superba is known as Buchnag, and that of Lagenandra toxicaria as Futsunab in Bombay. Also Butch is the name of Acorus Calamus ; Kala-buchnak of Hymenodyction excelsum ; and Bish-tarak, Bish-hupra, Bish-bansh, and Bish-umba, respectively oiArgyreia speciosa, Trianthema obcordata, Beesha rheedii, and Cucumis Colocynthis. Aconitum heterophyllum. Wall. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Trigynia. The root. Vernacular. Atees, Hind. Habitat. The Westward Himalayas. Remarks. Under this name (Atees) according to O'Shaughnessy, the dry tubers of Asparagus sarmentosus, the Soota Mooli of Bengal, the Satawree of Bombay, are commonly sold in the former Presidency. The bark of a species of Betula used in Northern India for dyeing Chintz red (Ainslie) goes by the name of Atees, as also does Linseed. Coptis Teeta. Wall. Linn. Syst. Tolyandria Polygynia. The root. Vernacular. Mishmee teeta, Assam. Habitat. Assam, 2 DRUGS. Delphinium pauciflorum, Royle. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Trigynia. The root. Vernacular. Judwar of Bombay ? Habitat. The Himalayas, from Kashmir to Kemaon. Remark. It is uncertain whether the Judwar of Bombay is the same root as that referred to this plant by Royle. Helleborus niger. Linn. Christmas Rose. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. The root, Black-Hellebore. Vernacular. Katuroum, Sans. Kalikootkie t Dec. Kkertick, Kher- buckuswud, Arab. Kherbec/c-seeah, Pers. Habitat. Sub-Alpine Europe and Nepaul. Remarks. According to Sprengel, the Christiana of the Abbess Hilde- gard. It is not the e f XXe/3opay /ze'Xar of Dioscorides. ZTigella sativa. W. Small Fennel-flower. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Pentagynia, The seed. Vernacular. Krishna-jiraka, Musavi, Sans. Kalajira, Hind. Mu- grela, Beng. Koolunjun, Dec. Carin-siragum, Tarn. Ntdla-gila- kara, Tel. Kaloodooroo, Cey. Shoonez y Arab. Siah-daneh, Pers. Hub-sindee, Egyp. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Cultivated in India. Remarks. The Black Cumin of Scripture ; the 'p.\dv0tov of Hippocrates and Dioscorides. Pliny's name for it is Gith. Not to be confounded with Kaliezeerie the achenes of Vernonia anthelmintica, and Koolinjan the root stalk of Alpinia Galanga. See also " Condiments and Spices." N. O. 3. MAGNOLIACE.E. MAGNOLIADS. Illicium anisatum. Linn. Star-anise tree. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Pentagynia. The capsule, Star-anise. Vernacular. Badian khutai, Anasphool, Hind. Anasepoo, Tarn. Budianee-kuttai, Arab. Habitat. China. Remarks. This must not be confounded with the 7. anisatum of Thurnberg, a native of Japan, and now called after Siebold, as by Linnaeus, I. religiosum or Holy Star-anise, the Japanese laying its branches on 3 DRUGS. the graves of their friends, and its capsules being burnt in temples as incense. See also " Condiments and Spices." N. O. 6. MENISPERMACE.E. MENISPERMADS. Anamirta Cocculus. W. et A. Linn. Sytt. Dicecia Monadelphia. The berry, Cocculus Indicus, Cocques du Lerant, Bacca Orientalis. Vernacular. Kakamari, Sans. Kakmari, Hind, and Dec. Bacaen- ka-phal, Calcutta. Jerma t Hind, and Guz. Kaka-collei-verei, Tam. Kakichimpoo-vitteloo, Tel. Pola, Kaandaka-conuveh, Ga- rala-phala, Mai. Tuba-bidji, Malaya. Habitat. Concan, Malabar, Eastern Archipelago. Remarks. First noticed by Plukenet. See also " Narcotics." Cissampelos pareira. Linn. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Monadelpbia. The root, Pareira. Vernacular. Duk-nirbisee of the N. W. Provinces. Pata, Tel. Weni-wcda, Cey. Habitat. Concan, Malabar, Coromandel, West Indies, the Spanish Main. Remarks. First noticed by Piso. Cocculus palmatus. De C. Linn. Sytt. Dicccia Hexandria. The root, Calumba. Vernacular. Colombo-ke-jer y By. Habitat. Oibo, Mozambique. Remarks. First noticed by Redi 16/5. Tinospora cordifolia* Mien. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The root, and stem. Vernacular. Amoorta, Guduchi, Sans. Guhmcha, Gadancha, Beng. Gurcha, Hind. Gulo, Goolwail, Dec. Sheendie-codie, Tam. Tip- patingay, Galuchi, Manapala, Tel. Citamerdoo t Mai. Habitat. India. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. The starchy extract is sold under the name of Palo. 4 DRUGS. N. O. 8. BERBERIDACE^E. BERBERIDS. Herberts Iiycium. Royle. Ophthalmic Barberry. Berberis aristata. De C. Nepaul Barberry. Linn. Sytt. Hexandi'ia Monogynia. The extract of the bark, and root, and the wood. Vernacular. B. Lycilim, Kushmul, Himalayas. B. aristata, Chitra, Himalayas. Ambarbarees, Aarghees, Arab. Zirishk, Pers. The wood, Dar-huld, Dar-chob, Pers. The extract, Rusot, Hind. Hoosiz-hindee, Arab. Habitat. The Himalayas. Remarks. Rusot is the AVKIOI/ Iv8i Bem- tamara, Mai. Nelun, Cey. BaJdakoobtee, Neelufir ? Pers. Habitat. India, Persia, Ceylon, Siam, Cochin-China, the Philip- pines, and Moluccas (except Amboyna), China, Japan. Remarks. The flower is the Lotus of the ancient monuments of Egypt and India. It is now extinct in Egypt. It is strange that the ancient books of the Hindoos, according to Wilford (Asiat. Res. Vol. III. No. XIII.), place the source of the White Nile in the Padmawan or Sacred- lily Lake, and that Speke should have found the Nyanza so covered with Water-lilies that one might walk across it on their leaves. This Lotus must be distinguished from two other plants of the same name known to the ancients, viz. the herb MeHlotus officinalis ; and the Lotus of the Lotophagi, by some thought to be the fruit of Zizyphus Lotus (DesfontainesJ, allied to the Bair or Boree of India, and by Munby with greater reason, that of Nitraria tridentata. Pliny says the Lotus of the Lotophagi is the "Celtis" (Celtis australis, Linn.) "which has been naturalized in Italy," but he is wrong, as proved by Fee. Sprengel also, probably misled by Pliny, refers the Xwros- of Theophrastus (not his cuyuTjrio?) to C. australis, for six trees of which with the estate on 5 DRUGS, which they stood, Cneius Domitius offered L. Crassus 1 0,000,000 sesterces, and without the trees he refused to buy the estate. The mystic Lotus is sacred to Lakshmi the wife of Vishnoo, who is hence often called Kamala. See also " Starches," and " Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 13. PAPAVERACE.E. POPPYWORTS. ArgGHlcne mcxicana. Linn. Mexican Argemone y Gamboge Thistle, Fico deV Inferno, Cardo Santo. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Monogynia. The juice, and seed. Vernacular. Bramhie, Bramhadundie, Sans. Faring 'ee-datura, Suchianas, Bherband, Hind. Shial Kanta, Beng. Faring ee-datura, Peela-datura, Dec. Brumhadundoo, Brumarakash, Tarn. Brumha- dundie, Tel. Balu-rakkisa, Dotury, Can. Habitat. Mexico. Has over-run India and nearly all the tropical region of A sia and Africa. Remarks. First mentioned by Ferrand. See also " Oils and Oil-seeds.' 1 Papaver somniferum. Linn. Garden Poppy. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. The pounded herb, dry capsule, seed, oil, and concrete juice of the immature capsule, or Opium. Vernacular. The plant, Chosa, Sans. Post, Hind. Pasto, Beng. Casa-casa, Tam. Cassa-cassa, Tel. Aboonurn (father of sleep), Arab. The pounded herb, Boosa, Vulg. The capsules, Post, Vulg. The seeds, Cuscus, Vulg. Opium, Afeem, Hind, and Dec. Afiun, Hind, and Pers. Abinie, Tam. Afeeoon, Arab, and Malay. Habitat. Asia and Egypt. Cultivated in Egypt, Asia Minor, Hin- doostan, and China (?) Remarks. Hippocrates mentions "poppy juice" (/^Komov), and Dioscorides and Pliny opium. The latter observes, it was prepared from the " black poppy" (P. somniferum var. niyrum), and his description of the process closely resembles that given by Koempfer as followed in Persia. In India the White Garden Poppy is cultivated for opium. The greyish-blue variety of poppy seed is termed Maw-seed. The ^ap^aKov vyrrevOfs of Homer is thought by many, and with good reason, to have been a preparation of opium, but Royle regards it as referring to Cannabis sativa or Hemp. Homer mentions the poppy (p;/ea>i>) . See also " Nar- cotics," and "Oils and Oil-seeds." DRUGS. N. O. 14. FUMARIACE^E. FUMEWORTS. Fumaria parviflora. W. et A. Linn. Sytt. Diadelphia Hexandria. The herb. Vernacular. Pit-paprn t Hind. Buklut-ul-melik, Arab. Shaturuj, Shatra, Pers. Habitat. The Himalayas. Remarks. Said to be the Kairvos of the Greeks. N. 0. 15. CRUCIFEILE. CRUCIFERS. Lepidium sativum. Linn. Common Cress. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Biliculosa. The seed. Vernacular. Aleverie, Beng. Halcem, Beng. and Dec. Ahreo, Sindh. Adala vitala, Tel. Habitat. Persia ; widely cultivated. Remarks. The KapSapov of Hippocrates and perhaps of Dioscorides, and the Nasturtium and Dittander of Pliny. Alleeveray is the Tamil for Linseed. See also " Condiments and Spices." Sinapis sps. Linn. Species of Mustard. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The seed. Vernacular. Rajika, Sarshapa, Tuverica, Sans. Surson, Rai, Kali" sursoon, Tooria, Bunga-surson, Hind, and Dec. Raee, Bun-raee, Bul-raee, Shwet-raee, Sada-raee, Jooni-raee, Sanchi-sursoon y Beng. Suray-bij, Sindh. Kadaghoo, Tarn. Avaloo, Tel. Gan~aba, Rata-aba, Cey. Khurdal, Eubbr, Arab. Sirahuf, Pers. Habitat. The temperate zones : widely cultivated. Remarks. The vdirv of the Greeks. In India are cultivated chiefly S. ramosa, Raee; 8. glauca, Toria ; S, dichotoma t Kalie-surson ; and S. juncea, Bunaa-surson, the Khardel or Kubbr of Arabia and Egypt. See also " Condiments and Spices," and " Oils and Oil-seeds." N. O. 16. CAPPARIDACE.E. GAPPARIDS. Crataeva religiosa. Ham. Holy Garlicb Pear. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The leaf. 7 DRUGS. Vernacular. Farvunna, Varana, Pilwa, Sans, Bel, Hind, and Beng. Felvie, Tarn. Bilvn, Telia TJlimidi, Tel. Lunu-warna, Cey. The leaves, Bel-ke-pat, Vulg. Habitat. India. Remarks. First noticed by Van Rheede, Dalzell says C. Nurvala (Ham.) is the true Varvunna sacred to Siva. To Siva may here be mentioned are also dedicated the Jonesia Asoca, Ccesalpinia pulcherrima (Swartz), Jasminum undulatum (Linn.), Guettardia speciosa, Calophyllum inophyllum, Origanum Marjorana, Ixora Bandhuca, Artemisia austriaca, Nerium odorum, and Chrysanthemum indicum ; the eight last being also dedicated to Vishnoo. N. O. 18. FLACOURTIACE^E. BIXADS. Flacourtia cataphracta. Rox. Many-spined Flacourtia. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Polyandria. The leaf. Vernacular. Talisha, Sans. Talisputrie, Hind, and Dec. Panayala, Beng. Juggum, Sawunt Warree. Talishapatrie, Mai. arid Tam. Talishapatrie, Tel. Habitat. Nepaul, Behar, Bombay in gardens. Remarks. Paniala is also the Malabar name of Eriadendron anfrac- tuosum ; and Panawla the Bombay name of F. sapida* Flacourtia saplda. W. Esculent Flacourtia. Linn. Sytt. Dio:cia Polyandria. Vernacular. Swadoo-kuntuka, Sans. Panawla, Bowchee,l^y. Pud- da-kanrew, Nakka-neredu, Pedda-kana-regu, Tel. Habitat. Hindoostan. Remarks. Bowchee is also the Ahmedabad name of a cereal not yet identified in the Museum Catalogue. See "Agricultural Produce- Cereals," and " Fruits and Vegetables." N. 0. 19. CISTACE^E. ROCK ROSES. Cochlospermum Gossypium. De C. Golden Silk-Cotton tree. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The gum. Vernacular. Tannkoo-marum, Tam. Conda-gongu Chettu, Tel. Tschema-pungee marum, Mai. Ela-imbul, Cey. The gum, Kut- teera, Hind. Habitat. Travancore, Coromandel, Hurdwar, Arracan. Remarks. The gum is one sort of false Tragacanth of commerce. See " Gums and Resins," and " Woods." 8 DRUGS. N. O. 20. VIOLACE.E. VIOLET-WORTS. Viola odorata. W. March Violet. Linn. Si/st. Pentandria Monopynia. The dry flower. Vernacular. Behussej y Arab. Banafsha, Pers. and By. Habitat. The north temperate zone. Remarks. Probably the \fVKoiov TO p-'Aav of Hippocrates and toy rropfpv- povv of Dioscorides. Homer mentions " sweet violets " among the flowers of the island of Calypso. N. O. 25. TAMARICACE^E. TAMARISKS. Tamarix Furas. Tamariss indica. Rox. v. gallica. Linn. Indian Tamarisk. Tamarix dioica. Rox. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Trijrynia. The galls. Vernacular. The trees, T. indica, Jhaoo, Hind. Pakke, Tel. Toorfa, Arab. Gue, Pers. T. Furas, Asul, Arab, and Hind. The galls, T. indica, Burreemue, Hind. Sumrut-ul-toorfa, Arab. T. Furas, Chotee-mue, Hind. Sumrut-ul-asul, Arab. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries, Arabia, Sindh, Rohilcund. Remarks. Sugar (Guzunjabin, Pers.) is produced on T. indica (the fjivpLKTj of Homer and Hippocrates) by the puncture of the Coccus mani- parus. This is often called Arabian manna, to distinguish it from Toorunja- bin, Persian manna, Shir/cist, Khorassan manna, and Sicilian manna. Shir- kist is often generically applied to all these species of manna. Guzunjabin has been considered the manna of the Israelites ; but any reference of the article with which they were miraculously supplied in the desert of Sin to a botanical source must be unsatisfactory in the present state of science. The word manna from manhu, signifying " What is it I ?" showing the surprise and ignorance of the Jews regarding the substance, is all but conclusive against its having been Guzunjabin, when we consider how long in their bondage they had been settled on the high-road of the to-and-fro trade between Egypt, the copper-mines of Sinai, and the East generally. Guzunjabin moreover does not in the least answer the Mosaic description of manna, which " was like coriander seed white." It is true that some would translate the expression "Manhu!" "This is manna !" But from the context it is clear that when science is suffi- ciently advanced to rationalize profitably on this miracle, it will be the meteorologist and not the botanist who must account for it. The Jews are so jealous of this miracle that they have a curse against any who shall attempt to explain it. Pliny mentions the galls of the Indian Tamarisk. 9 B DRUGS. The famous shafts of Isfendiyar is formed from its wood. A species of Tamarisk, probably the Indian, was sacred to Osiris amongst the ancient Egyptians, and to Apollo amongst the Greeks. See also " Sugars," "Tans/ 5 and "Woods." N. O. 30. MALVACEAE. MALLOW-WORTS. Malva sylvestris. Linn. Common Mallow. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. The carpel and seed. Vernacular. Towdrie, Pers. Khabazee, Khitmee, Arab. Habitat. The north temperate zone. Remarks. Said to be the /AaXa^ x f P (TC " a f Dioscorides. N. O. 31. STERCULIACE^E. STERCULIADS. Eriodendron anfractuosum. De C. White Silk-Cotton tree. Linn. Sytt. Monailelphia Polyandria. The gum. Vernacular. Huttian, Hind. Skwet-shimool, Beng. Suffaid-sembul, Shameula, Dec. Pania, Paniala, Mai. Elavum, Tarn. Poor, Tel. Habitat. Khandeish, Travancore, Coromandel. Remarks. See also " Gums and Resins," and " Woods." Helicteres Isora. W. et A. East Indian Screw tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. The follicles. Vernacular. Avurtunnie, Sans. Merowrie, Hind. Muradsing, Kewun, Kewannie, Dhamnee, Dec. Sayamali, Kavanchi, Tel. Leeniya- ffaha, Cey. Kisht-bur-Kuht y Pers. Habitat. Concan and Deccan. Salmalia malabarica. S. et E. Red Silk. Cot ton tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. Vernacular. Salmali, Sans. Ruckta-Sembul, Hind. Saur, Dec. Moul-elavoo, Mai. Elavum marum, Tarn. Buraga, Tel. Maha- telambuy Cey. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Courtallum. Remarks. The Mochurus and the Suffaid mooslie of the Bazars are said to be respectively the gum and rootlets of this tree. The Mochurrus of Bombay is certainly not the gum of this tree, but a kind of gall produced on the Areca Catechu. The Moringa pteryaosperma (Gsert.) yields 10 DRUGS. a gum, however, which is exactly like iheMojrus received from Umritseer. Svffaid mooslie can never be obtained from this tree, and I have ascer- tained that it is not derived from any species of Curculigo although Cur- culigo brevifolia goes by the name of Mooslie, and its roots are used in medicine in this Presidency. The root stalk of C. brevifolia is, however, exactly like the Kala mooslie of Bombay druggists which is attributed to C. niyra ? Mooslie sheah is obtained, according to Royle, from Murdania scapi/lora, and Ainslie's description of it applies to Suffaid mooslie ; and notwithstanding that he says it comes from C. orchioides y may not Murdania scapiflora be the real plant, or at least some species of Trades- cantia ? See " Woods/ * Sterculia urens. Rox. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The gum. Vernacular. Kavalee, By. Vellay bootali, Tarn. Kevalee, Tel. Habitat. Concans, Courtallum. Remarks. Under the name of Kutira-gond the gum of this tree is included, and it is one sort of false Tragacanth of commerce. See also " Gums and Resins," and " Woods." N. O. 34. DIPTEROCARPACE^E. DIPTERADS. Dipterocarpus turbinatus. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The oleo-resin, Wood oil. Vernacular. The tree, Hora-aaha, Cey. The oleo-resin Gurjun-tel, India. Dhoonatil, Cey. Habitat. India within and beyond the Ganges. Remarks. See also "Gums and Resins," and "Woods." N. O. 40. AURANTIACE.E. CITRONWORTS. JSSgle Marmelos. C. de S. Thorny Bengal Quince. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Filva, Shreephttla, Sans. Bael, Shreephula, Hind. Corvalum, Mai. Vilva-marum, Tarn. Maredoo t Bilvamu, Malu- ramu, Tel. Belt, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Bontius. The ternate leaf of this tree is a symbol of the Hindoo Triad. See " Woods." 11 DRUGS. Citrus Aurantium. Risso. Siveet Orange. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polyandria. The rind. Vernacular. Narunya, Sans. Naringee, Hind. Kumla neeboo, Beng. Kitchlee, Tarn. Kichili, Kittali kaija, Tel. Dodan, Cey. Narunj y Arab. Jarok-manis, Malaya. Habitat. China ? Cultivated in India, South Europe, Azores, and West Indies. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Citrus Bergamia. Risso. Bergamot Citrus. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polyandria. The fruit, lime. Vernacular. Nitnbooka, Sans. Nemboo, Hind. Neboo, Beng. Lemboo ? Dec. Eroomitchee-narracum, Mai. Elemitchum, Tarn. Remma pandoo, Gajanimma, Tel. Dehi, Cey. Habitat. South Europe, India. Remarks. The C. acida of Rox. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and " Condiments and Spices." Citrus medica. Risso. Citron. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polyandria. The rind. Vernacular. Begapoora, Sans. Leemoo, Hind. Beg-poora, Bene. Lungamu, Bijapuramu, Madiphulla chettu, Dabba chettu, Tel. Sidaran, Cey. Utrvj, Ooturuj, Arab. Toorunj, Pers. Jar ok Malaya. Habitat. Asia. In ancient times it derived its name from Media, and is now found wild along the base of the Himalayas. Pliny says that in his day it would grow nowhere but in Media. Remarks. The ^Xoi/ ^diKov of Theophrastus, and Malum citreum of Pliny. It has nothing to do, as supposed by some, with the Citrus of the Mountains of Mauritania, the uood of which was so extravagantly prized by the Romans for tables. This is generally supposed to have been the Callitris quadrivalvis (Vent.) or Jointed Arbor Vita, the Conifer which yields the resin Sandarach. According as the markings of the wood were striped, spotted, or speckled, citrus tables were called "tigrinse," " pantherinse," and "apiatee." Citrus of the colour of honey and wine ("mulsum") was most prized. Cicero was a great fancier of citrus tables. He gave 9,000 for one, first mentions them, and one of his charges in the oration against Verres is " you stole a citrus table of distinguished age DKUGS. and beauty from Diodorus of Lilybceum !" Pliny says the Roman women used to turn these citrus tables on their liege lords whenever the latter complained of their expenditure on pearls. See also " Fruits and Vege- tables." Feronia elephantum. C. de S. Indian Elephant Apple. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Kupitfha, Bhu-kupittham, Sans. Kuth-bel y Booien- kavite, Kawtha, Koeet, Hind. Kuth-bel, Beng. Kaweet, Dec. Velanya, Pitavoola, Vullam, Nilavoola, Cootievella, Tarn. Nela- vellaga, Yelanya, Tel. Dewul, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. See also " Gums and Resins," and "Woods." N. O. 42. GUTTIFEILE. GUTTIFERS. inophylluzn. Linn. Sweet-scented Calophyllum. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The seeds. Vernacular. Poonaga ? Sans. Sultan champa, Surpunka, Hind. Surpunka, Oondee, Dec. Poona, Mai. Pinnay t Tam. Poonayamu, Tel. Teldomba, Cey. Habitat. Malabar, Deccan. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede and Flacourt. The Alexan- drian Laurel is Ruscus racemosus, and not this plant, as supposed in India. Poonaaamu is also the Telinga name of Rottlera tinctoria N. O. 195. See also " Oils and Oil-seeds." Caiysaccion longifoiium. W. Linn. Syst. Direcia Polyandria, The flower bud. Vernacular. Woondy, Poonaa, Surinyee, Gordeoondy, By. Surra jwnna, Tel. Tharrabee ? Pegu. The flower buds, Naykesur, Vulg. Habitat. The Concans. Remarks. Dalzell says these buds were sent to the Great Exhibition (1851) under the erroneous name of Naykesur. This is a name of Mesua ferrea (see below), but nevertheless is continually applied to the flower buds of^the Poonaa. They may be mistaken for " Cloves" and " Cassia flowers." Surra ponna is also the Telinga name of Barrinytonia speciosa. 13 DRUGS. Garcinia Mangostana. W. Common Mangosteen. Linn. Syst. Dodccandria Monogynia. The rind. Vernacular. Munyeestun, By. Manyyusta, Malaya. Manggis, Java, Bali, and Sunda. Manyyos, Lampung. Manyyisi, Bugis. Habitat. Malaya. Remarks. First described by Garcias. Garcinia purpurea. Rox. Linn. Syst. Dodccandria Monogynia. The concrete oil of the seeds. Vernacular. Kokum, By. Brindao, Goa. Habitat. Ravines of Concan. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. Sec also " Condiments and Spices" and "Oils and Oil-seeds." Hebradendron cambogioides. Graham. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. The gum resin, Gamboge. Vernacular. Gamboge, Rawund-cheenee-seerah, Guz. Mukki, Tarn. Gokatu, Kana-goraka, Cey. Assara-rewund, Arab, and Pers. Rony, Malaya. Habitat. Siam, Cambogia ; Ceylon about Buddhist temples. Remarks. The Gamboge of commerce comes from Siam. The tree has never been yet seen by a scientific observer in Siam, but as the Siam Gamboge is identical in its character with that obtained from the H. camboyioides in Ceylon, and as the tree in Ceylon has evidently been introduced by the Buddhist priests, and Buddhism being supposed to have passed from Siam to Ceylon, very little doubt can remain of Siam Gamboge being the product of H. camboyioides. See also " Dyes and Colours." Mesua ferrea. Linn. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The dry flower. Vernacular. Naya-cesara, Sans. Naykesur, Beng. Nay-chumpa, South Concan. Belluta-champagam, Mai. Na-yaha t Cey. Habitat. Cultivated in Bengal, Malabar, Courtallam, Burmah, Java. Remarks. First noticed by Van Rheede. According to Sir W. Jones, the five arrows of Kamadeva, the Indian Cupid, are tipped respectively with the M. ferrea, Pandanus odoratissimus, Mangifera indica t Michelia Champaca, and Pavonia odorata. Wallich found the M. ferrea, with 14 DRUGS. Jonesia Asoca and the gorgeous Amherstia nobilis, growing about the Buddhist temples in Burmah. N. O. 48. SAPINDACE.E. SOAPWORTS. Sapindus emargiliatus. Fohl. Emarginated Soap Berry. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Rishta, Arishfa, Phcenile, Sans. Rita y Hind. Buro- reetha, Beng. Retch, Dec. Rarak, Mai. Poovandie-cottay, Manaypoongunkai, Ponnanga, Tarn. Kunkoodoo, Koomuttie- ghenzaloo, Tel. Gas-penela, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. Arishto is the name of the Neem in Hindoostan. See also " Miscellaneous" Class. N. O. 50. MELIACE.E. MELIADS. Azadirachta indica. A. de Juss. Ash-leaved Bead-tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. The bark, leaf, and expressed oil of the pericarp of the fresh fruit. Vernacular, ftimba, Sans. Nim, Arishto, Hind. Neem, Dec. Bewa, Can. Aria-bepou, Mai. Veypam, Tarn. Fepa, Vaympa, Tel, Tel-kohomba, Cey. Thembau-kamakah y Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. First described by Breynius. Toddy is prepared from the juice of the young tree (Ainslie). It is sacred to Mariama. The generic name is derived from Azad-i-duruckht (Azadzracht of Avicenna), the Persian for the Melia Azederach (Linn.) the Deb, Common Bead Tree, or Persian Lilac of Anglo-Indians ; and the Melia sempervirens, W. or Ban, the Bukayan of the Deccan and Hindoostan, and West Indian Lilac or Evergreen Bead Tree of English writers. The true Persian Lilac is Syringa persica. See also " Oils and Oil-seeds," and " Woods." N. O. 52. CEDRELACE^E. CEDRELADS. Soymida febrifuga. Juss. Febrifuge Soymida. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. The bark. Vernacular. Rohuna, Patranga^ Sans. Rohun, Hind. Rouen, Ruhin, Dec. Swamy, Can. Woondmarum, Shemmarum, Tarn. Soimida, Sumi y Tel. Habitat . Goozerat ? Deccan. Remarks. See "Woods." 15 DRUGS. N. O. 55. LINAGES. FLAXWORTS. Linum usitatissimum. Linn. Common Flax. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Pentagrynia. The seed. Vernacular. Atasi, Matusee, Ooma, Sans. Ulsee, Tisi, Musina Musnee, Hind. Jowus, Dec. Aliveree, Alle-seroo-sanul, Tarn. Buzruc, Kettan, Arab. Kutan, Pers. Habitat. Egypt. Cultivated widely in Europe and India. Remarks. First mentioned Exod. is. 31. It is remarkable that Hemp and Flax, extensively cultivated in India, are not so, as in Europe, for their fibres, but for the narcotic resinous extract in one case, and for the seed in the other. The Arabic for cotton is Koton. See also " Oils and Oil-seeds." N. O. 62. ZYGOPHYLLACE^;. BEAN CAPERS. Balanites aegyptiaca. Delile. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Hingen, Beng. Hingenbet, By. Hudgah, Sholapore. Nunjoond, Tarn. Gara, Tel. Hilelge, Ilaledsch, Arab. In Egypt, Egleeg (Arab.) ; by the negroes Soum, and the fruit commonly Lalob. Habitat. Egypt. Found planted (?) in different parts of India. Remarks. There can be no doubt that this is the Persea of the ancient Egyptians, sacred to Athor, as suggested by Delile. Royle objects to the reference, as the fruit of the Persea is described (by Pliny) as being very agreeable, whereas the pulp of the Egleeg is exceedingly bitter and nauseous. Pliny, b. xiii. c. 17, in truth speaks of the Persea as " par- ticularly inviting for its luscious sweetness" (Bostock and Riley), but it is clear that he here confounds (as Dioscorides before him would also appear to have done) the Persea with the Peach or Persica, for in b. xv. c. 13, writing of the Persica or Peach, he states, "it is quite untrue that the peach which grows in Persia is poisonous, and produces dreadful tortures, or that the kings of that country from motives of revenge had it transplanted to Egypt, where, through the nature of the soil, it lost all its evil properties ; for we find that it is of the Persea that the more careful writers have stated all this." The Egleeg is the Myrobalonus chebulus of Wealing, but it is quite distinct from the true Chebulic myrobalan catalogued below. See "Miscellaneous" Class. Tribulus terrestris. Linn. Small Caltrops. Linn. Sytt. Decandria Monogynia. The fruit. 16 DRUGS. Vernacular. Soodumostra, Sans. Gokhoor, Beng. Gokoroo, Dec, Nerinyil, Mai. Neringee, Tarn. Palleroo, Tel. Sembu-nerenchi ? Cey. Kussuke-sagheer, Arab. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries, and India within and beyond the Ganges. Remarks. The rpi/3oXoy of Theophrastus. The Tribulus of Pliny is the Trapa natans or European water Chesnut, of the same genus as the Singhara of India ; but he includes the small Caltrops as a variety. N, O. 63. RUTACE^:. RUEWORTS. Peganum Karmala. JP. Syrian Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Lahooree Iloormul, Hind. Hurmaro, Dec. Habitat. Hindoostan, Deccan, the Mediterranean Countries. Remarks. Said by Royle to be the /*wXu of Dioscorides ; but he must certainly be wrong, as Dioscorides describes Moly as having leaves like grass and a bulbous root. Theophrastus gives a like description, and both probably refer to the Aliium nigrum (Linn.) which may also be the Moly of Homer, generally considered a fabulous plant. X&uta angustifolia. W. Narrow-leaved Rue. Linn. Syst. Decamlria Monogynia. Vernacular. Sudab, India. Habitat. Africa. Cultivated in India. Remarks. Royle states that Arabic authors give Fekltun, and Ufy&ani* as Yonanee synonymes, evidently corruptions of nrjyavov. The iryyavov of Hippocrates is the Ruta yraveolens, Common or Garden Rue. N. O. 64. XANTHOXYLACEjE. XANTHOXYLS. Xanthoxylon hastile. Indian Tooth-ache tree. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria, The seed. Vernacular. Tejbul, Hind. Habitat. India. Remarks. The Faghurch it is said of Avicenna. The term Tejfal i also applied loosely to many drugs. 17 DRUGS. N. O. 68. CELASTRACE.E. SPINDLE TREES. Celastrus montanus. Rox. Celastrus paniculatus. W. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Malkunganee, Hind, and Deccan. Valuluvy, Pedda- chintoo, Tarn. Bavungie, Tel. Habitat. Concans, Neilgherries, Vizagapatam, Dheyra Dhoon. Remarks. Dalzell states in the Deccan Malkangonee is the name of the first, and Kangoonee of the second plant. Danti and Goja-chinni are Telinga names of C. montanus, and Erikata, Gundu meda, and Maneru of C. paniculatus. The order derives its name of Spindle Trees from the fact that, from time immemorial, the Hindoos have made their spindles from a shrub of the family, a species of Euonymus. With Euonymus tingens the Hindoos also mark the tika on their foreheads. N. O. 70. RHAMNACE.E. RHAMNADS. Rhamnus wightii. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The bark. Vernacular. Rugt-rorar, By. . Habitat. Western Ghats, the highest hills of the Northern portion. Remarks. Rukt-roora is the name of Polygonum glabrum (Wilt.) and AJaba nigrescens (Dais.) It would also appear to be applied to Soymida febrifuga in Central India. N. O. 71. ANACARDIACEJE. ANA CARDS or TEREBINTHS. Mangifera indica. Linn. Common Mango. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. The kernel. Vernacular. Amra, Sans. Am, Hind., Beng., Dec. Mava, Mai. Mam-marum, Tarn. MaJtandamu, Mavi, Mamadichitoo, Tel. Etamba (wild), Amba (cultivated), Cey. Mangga (wild), Sunda. Mampalam, Malaya. Palam, Java. Kapalam, Lampung. The Archipelagic names of the cultivated Mango are all, according to Crawfurd, derived from the Sanscrit " Maha-pahala." Through the agency of Europeans, however, the corrupted form of the Sunda name for the wild Mango is becoming prevalent throughout the East from Madagascar to the Philippines ; and has extended to America. The Mangos of Mazagaon were once celebrated, 18 DRUGS. Habitat. East Indies. Cultivated near Muscat (?) and throughout the East ; the cultivated varieties all appearing to have originated in India proper. Remarks. See "Gums and Resins," "Fruits and Vegetahles," and "Woods." Flstacia jdentiscus. Linn. Mastic Tree. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. The resin, Mastic. Vernacular. Roomie mastike, Koondur-roomee, Hind. Uluk bayh- danee, Musteka, Arab. Kinneh, Kinnoli t Pers. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries, Remarks. The a-^ivos of the Greeks. The resin gives its name to the process of mastication. P. Khinjuk and P. cabulica yield Mastic in Sindh. See " Gums and Resins." Pistacia vera. Linn. Pistachio. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. The gall. Vernacular. Gool-i-pista, Pers. and By. Habitat. Persia. Remarks. The " almonds " of Gen. xliii. v. 1 1 . have been thought to be Pistachio Nuts. See also " Tans," and " Fruits and Vegetables." Xihus COriaria. W. Elm-leaved Sumach. Linn. Sygt. Pentandria Trigynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Mutchlee, Hind. Shumaky Hoot, Tumtum, Arab. Mahee, Persia. Habitat. Asia Minor and Persia. Remarks. The povs epvQpr) of Hippocrates according to Sprengel. Men- tioned by Pliny. See also "Tans." Rhus Kakrasinghee. Royle. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Trigynia. The gall. Vernacular. Kakrasingee, Hind., By. Habitat. Sub-alpine Himalayas. Remarks. Sec also " Tans." li) DRUGS. Semecarpus Anacardium. Linn. Marking nut. Linn. Sytt. Polygamia Dicecia. The nut. Vernacular. Nrooaknra, Bullatakee, Sans. Bhela, Belawina, Bhe- laman, Bhelawan, Hind. Gheru, Can. Kampira, Mai. Shayny- cottay, Shayrangcottay, Tarn. Nellajidi, Jeedighenzadoo, Bhalla- taki, BhallatamUy Tel. Kiri-badulla, Cey. Chai-bin, Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. The av6o$d\avov of Galen. See " Fruits and Vegetables/' " Oil and Oil-seeds," and " Miscellaneous" Class, and " Woods." N. O. 72. AMYRIDACE^. AMYRIDS. Balsamodendron Myrrha. Nees ab Esen. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The gum-resin, Myrrh. Vernacular. Bola, Vola, Sans. Bol, Heera-bol, Hind, and By. Valatipolam, Tarn. Mdrr, Arab. Hoboli (the gum-resin), Kero- beta (the plant), Abyssinia. Habitat. Gison on the borders of Arabia Felix, and the Troglodyte country. Remarks. First mentioned Gen. xxxvii. v. 25. under the name of Mur from its bitterness. The Greeks called it 2/ivpva and Muppa (JEolic), and Dioscorides observes that the Troglodytic was esteemed the best (Pereira). Mr. Vaughan distinctly states that Myrrh is produced in Arabia, and that in the Soumali country besides the true Myrrh, a kind of which the Arabic name is Baisa bol, and the Soumali Hebbakhade t is obtained. In Bombay inferior Myrrh is termed Baisabol. Pliny states the Myrrh which distils of itself was in his day called " Stacte." Amongst the adulterations of Myrrh also, he mentions " Indian Myrrh," which was probably " Bdellium" or " Googul" that substance being to this day fraudulently mixed with Myrrh in Bombay. B. Myrrha (N. ab E.) is considered by Lindley identical with the Amyris Kataf of Forskal. Fraas makes A. Kafal (Fors.), the myrrh plant. See " Gums and Resins." Balsamodendron Opobalsamum. Kunth. Balsamodendron gileadense. Kunth. Linn. Sytt. Octandria Monogynin. The oleo-resin, Balsam, Balm, Balm of Gilead, Balsam of Mecca. Vernacular. The oleo-resin, Ood-i-balessan, By. Akooyeelasemoon- roomee, Arab. Roghen-balsam, Pers. Balessan, Egypt. Habitat. Arabia, 20 DRUGS. Remarks. The Balm of Scripture. The /3a\cra/>ioi/ of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, called also Opobalsamum. The wood Xylobalsamum, and fruit Carpobalsamum, are also described by the ancients, and sold to the present day in Bombay. Pliny, Diodorus, and ancient authors generally, considered Judaea the native country solely of the balm trees, but we now know that they are found in Arabia. They would appear to have been confined to gardens in Judaea, and the vineyards of En-geddi are supposed to have been balsam groves. Diodorus gives En-geddi and the Dead Sea shore as the habitat of the trees. Calmet states that the Arabians have a tradition that the Queen of Sheba introduced them there on her visit to Solomon. They were an offering which must have been prized, for cen- turies later Pliny informs us that the Emperors Vespasian and Titus had the shrubs exhibited in Rome, and that the Romans were in the habit of carrying them in their triumphal processions ; and also that Alexander the Great, when in Judaea, thought it a fair midsummer day's work to fill a concha (from *0412 to *1238 of a pint) with Opobalsamum. Calmet derives the word Balsam from Baal-shemen, Royal Oil. The oleo-resin of Abies balsamea, the Canada Balsam Fir, has been substituted in commerce for true Balm of Gilead, and the little labiate of the Canaries Cedronella triphylla (Monch), goes by that name, and Melissa officinalis by that of Common Balm vulgarly. Opobalsamum was extravagantly prized as a panacea by the ancients, and the British Museum possesses a stamp of Herophilus the founder of the Alexandrian School for his Opobalsamum salve. It represents a figure of Roma seated, with a head in the left hand, all on Sard. See also " Gums and Resins." Balsamodendron roxburghii. Am. Linn, Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The gum resin, Indian Bdellium. Vernacular. Gooaul, Beng. and By. Kookul, Tarn. Mukul, Arabia and Persia. Roghen toorb, Aflatoon, Pers. Moolie-ke-teil a Hindee synonyme in the Ulfas Udwiyeh. In the same work Budleeyoon is given as the Syrian name. Habitat. Northern India, Silhet, Assam, Sindh, Deccan? Remarks. Generally thought to be the Bdellium (Bdolach) of Gen, ii. v. 1 2, and Num. xi. v. 1 7, and the /38e'XXiov and fMafcXubv vel p,ada\Kov of Dioscorides. Lassen however has suggested that Bdolach means Musk and not Bdellium, and it is difficult to resist his conclusion based as it is not only on the description given of Bdolach in Numbers, but also on its affinity to the Sanscrit word Madalaka, which is thought to mean Musk. In Genesis the word occurs in the passage " there (that is in the land of Havilath, compassed by the river Pishon) is bdellium and the onyx stone." The Pishon being considered by commentators to be the Indus, 21 DRUGS. the text seems so far to support the view of Gooyul being the ancient Bdellium or Madalcon. But the musk region of the Himalayas may he as appropriately described as compassed by the Indus, as Sindh and the Punjab. The association of Bdolach with gold points also to Thibet. Nothing is known of the locality of Havilath independently of the Pishon. So much for the positive argument for Bdolach being Musk. With regard to the negative ; neither the descriptions of the Bible, Dioscorides, nor Pliny in the least resemble Googul, while all indicate Musk. Pliny gives Bactriana as the country of Bdellium ; but says it also comes from Arabia and Media, the Median being called "peraticuin" (Trepara yijs) or " from the uttermost parts of the earth." The musk deer is not only found in the Himalayas but in Siberia, Tonguin, and Cochin China, and a substance analagous to Musk (Hyraceum?) is brought to Bombay by Zanzibar merchants. Googul, however, is found not only in Northern India, but in Arabia ; nevertheless, I am of opinion that Pliny never meant Gooyul by Bdellium, and that probably his " Indian Myrrh" and "Scordastum" refer to the modern Bdellium of India. It is strange that although familiar with Castoreurn, no ancient writers mention Musk unequivocally ; ^Etius (A. D. 550), being the first (Pereira) who describes it. The etymology of musk - is not determined. The connection of the " onyx stone " with "bdellium" in Genesis (ch. ii. v. 11) renders it necessary to remark that the word "onyx" is used in another sense in Scripture, accord- ing to Calmet, than that of the stone Shohem. Thus the word Shecheleth is translated by the LXX. as "onyx " (oi/v, a nail) meaning the celebrated " odoriferous shell " of the ancients ; although others understand by it Ladanum (the balsam of Cistus creticus, W. ; C. ladaniferus, W. ; &c.) arid Bdellium. Pliny says of Bactrian Bdellium that it "is shining and dry and covered with numerous white spots resembling the finger nails." And such Bdellium would appear to have been the /SSe'XX?; ow of Damocritus, an obscure medical writer quoted by Saracenus in his Scholia in Dioscoridis, and of Galen as quoted by Salmasius in his PlinianfB Exercitationes. Salmasius states that from the Greek words fj.a8f\Kov, /j-aXaxr], the Arab Molochil (Mukul) is derived ; which, if true, would lessen the force of Lassen's arguments in favour of the Bdellium of the Bible being Musk, if they were etymological only. Bochart asserts that the Bdolach of the Bible is neither a stone nor bdellium, but a shell, genus Unio. Hooker has called the Indian Bdellium tree B. Mokul y but I have not the means to determine satisfactorily whether this is a new plant, or a new name simply of the long known tree placed at the head of this article. Drury states that B. Mohul is distinct from B. roxbiirghii. Stocks states that, in Sindh, B. pubescens also yields Googul. In the Himalayas the Juniperus reliyiosa (Royle), and in the Bhore Ghat Cana- rium strictum (Rox.) are called Googul. The Googoola of the Telingoos is Boswellia glabra (W. et A.) Of the other kinds of modern Bdellium, " African " is obtained from B. africanum, the Nioutout of Senegambin, and Cerardia furcata (Compositse) ; " Egyptian " from Hyphcene thebaica (Palmse) ; and " Sicilian " from " Daucus gummifer " (Umbelliferaj). See also "Gums and Resins." 22 DRUGS. Boswellia papyrlfera. Hock. Boswellia ? Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The gum resin, Olibanum (quasi Oleum Libani), Frankincense. Vernacular. Saflaci, Shullokee, Cunduru, Sans. Salai, Gunduba* rosa, Dhoop, Esus, Lubnn, Hind. Koondur-zuchir, Guz. Awul- goondur, Dec. Paranghi-sambrani* Tarn. Luban, Cundur, Bistuj t Arab. Luban, Koonder, Pers. Labaniya, Syr. Habitat. Arabia and the Troglodyte country. Remarks. The Lebonah of the Bible (Ex. xxx. v. 34), the XijSavor, \if3avc0rbs of the Greeks. Pliny informs us that " there is no country in the world that produces frankincense except Arabia," and of the great interest taken in Olibanum, and the thuriferous or libanophorous region by the ancients. King Juba dedicated a work to Caius Ccesar on the subject. King Antigonus had a branch of the tree sent to him, and the mighty Emperor Augustus sent an army of 10,000 Romans under Julius Gallus into Arabia expressly in search of it. But the tree and the precise locality of its habitat continued unknown. Linneeus referred Olibanum to an unascertained Juniper. His followers boldly specified the Juniperus lycia (Coniferss). Bruce and, after him, Neibuhr searched in Africa and Arabia, but neither could learn anything about the tree. In 1807 Colebrooke most satisfactorily proved 'that Indian Olibanum at least was the product of the Boswellia thurijera (Cole) of Coromandel and Nagpore. Others on this concluded that the Olibanum of commerce was an Indian and not an Arabian product, an error which may be observed to this day, not only in popular, but also in some scientific works ; an error all the more remarkable, considering the positive statement of Pliny regarding Arabia, and the fact of Dioscorides expressly mentioning Indian as well as Arabian Olibanum, and of Frankincense being mentioned as a foreign article in ancient Hindoo books according to Heeren. Some foreign trade may indeed have recently sprung up in Indian Olibanum, but it (stalactitic Olibanum) must be quite a curiosity in com- merce as compared with the Arabian (tear Olibanum), the male frankin- cense of the ancients. In the museum at present there is only one fragment of Indian Salai. What then is the botanical source of Arabian Olibanum ? Endlicher referred it to Plosslea floribunda ; Hochstetter to Buswellia papyri/era^ now known to be one with Endlicher' s plant. Carter also determined the frankincense tree of Arabia to be Ilochs- tetter's plant. On this ground B. papyri/era is placed at the head of the article. Part of the commercial Olibanum, however, also comes from the Troglodyte country, and this a comparison of the best authorities would trace to B. papyri/era. Still the source of African and Arabian frankin- cense is not sufficiently cleared up. The museum samples of Soamali Olibanum received through Major Burton certainly diifcr from those received from the Southern parts of Arabia, and the question whether there is not more than one incense tree remains unanswered. I have received cuttings 23 DRUGS. from Abyssinia and Arabia, which, although they are not likely to survive the voyage thence, are certainly from two varieties at least, of olibanum trees, one being undoubtedly from the B. papyri/era. The other approached the indigenous B. thurifera. I shall shortly however receive from Captain Playfair plants of olibanum from different spots in Arabia and Africa, with samples of the incense actually gathered from them, at these places, correspondingly numbered. This will likely elucidate all disputed points. Mr. Vaughan gives the following as the different kinds of Luban imported for sale into Aden market : Luban maitee, from Bunder Mai t, collected chiefly by the Abardagahala Somalis during the months of July and August. Luban nankur or aungure from Bunder Aungure and the country of Door Mahomed, and the Abardagahala Somalis. Luban makur from the ports of Ras Rurree, Khor Bunder, Alholu, Murya, and Bunder Khasoom in the country of the Wursangali and Mij- jerthen Somalis about Cape Gardafui. The drug is collected in March, April, and May, and chiefly finds its way to Bombay through the entre- pots of Maccula and Shehr. Luban berbera or muslika, collected by the Aial Yunus and Aial Hamed Somalis ; and lastly the Olibanum of the Libanoforous Region of Ptolemy, or Arabian olibanum (of which Vaughan does not give the local name), exported from the ports of the Hadramautin enormous quantities to Bom- bay, and hence shipped to all parts of the world. Carter writing of the Arabian thuriferous district observes : " Coming from the north-east we first meet with the frankincense tree on the Sabhan mountains, in latitude 1 7 30' N. and longitude 55 23' E., where the desert ends, and the wooded mountainous region commences, and following the coast which runs south- west, we find the frankincense exported from the different towns, gradually diminishing after the Bay of Al Kammar, until we arrive at Makalla, from whence none is exported from the interior of Arabia, and but little used ex- cept what is brought from the African Coast opposite that town. By the same inquiry we learn that the produce of the Arabian tree is exported in largest quantities from places on that part of the Coast which intervene between the latitude and longitude mentioned, and the town of Damkote, in the Bay of Al Kammar, in 52 47' East longitude. Between these two points the trees are congregated in two distinct localities, on the summits and sides of the highest range of mountains near the Coast, and on the plain between them and the sea : the former is called Nedjee or high land, and the latter Sahil or plain on the coast/' He observes also that Ibn Batuta calls the tree Al Kundooroo. Colebrooke would derive the Greek word x^pos from Cundum, one Sanscrit designation of frankin- bense. Why is the great frankincense port of Arabia called Al Kammar ? Did it give its name to, or receive it from Frankincense ? The high price of this gum-resin in ancient times arose from the trade in it being a mono- poly, and from its extravagant use in religious ceremonies. Besides the Salai we have in India the Boswellia ylabra (Koonthrekum, Mai. Koon- dricum y Tarn. Googoola, Tel.), which yields a fragrant resin known as Goondricum ; and m the Bhore Ghat the Canarium stricturn (Rox.) goes 24 DliUGS, by the name of Dhoop on account of its fragrant exudation. The Salai of India is probably the basis of Wroughton's Ointment. Olibanum is often called Male Frankincense to distinguish it from Thus, or common Frankincense, the oleo-resin of the Abies excelsa or Norway Spruce Fir. In India also the oleo-resin of Pinus longifolia is, besides Birge and Cher- keyond, named Gundabirosa. No doubt too Juniperus lycia produces some of the Frankincense of European markets. In America a conifer is called Frankincense Pine. See also " Gums and Resins," N. 0. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. precatorius. Linn. Jamaica Wild Liquorice. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The root. Vernacular. Gunja, Sans. Guncha, Hind. Koonch, Beng. Koonee, Mai. Coondoomunnie, Tarn. Ghoorie-ghinza, Yashti-madhukam, Guli-vinda, Guruginja, Tel. Olinda, Cey. Habitat. India, West Indies. Remarks. First described by Mostus in the 1 5th century. A good sub- stitute for Liquorice. See also " Miscellaneous " Class. Acacia arabica. Will. Gum Arabic Tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The gum, Gum-Arabic; and concrete juice of the pods. Vernacular. The tree, Barbura, Sans. Kalikeker, Hind. B alula, Gursoonder, Hind, and Beng. Babla, Beng. Babool, Kaliekeeker, Dec. Kurroo-vaylum, Mai. Karoovelum, Tarn. Nella-toomie, Tumma-chettu, Tel. Akakya, Umgheelan, Arab. Mughilan, Pers. A varie ty, Ramkanta ; and another, Eree-babool, Dec. The gum, Goond, Dec. The extract, Akakia, Arab, and By. Habitat. India, Arabia, Egypt, Senegal. Remarks. Gum-Arabic, the KO^I of Hippocrates, is obtained from various species of Acacia, the best being procured from A. arabica, and A. vcra (Will.), a native of Arabia and Northern Africa, the sources of Turkey or Arabic gum, par excellence. A. arabica yields also an inferior Gum-Arabic called East Indian gum ; and A. vera together with A. seyul (Delile), a native of Egypt and Senegambia, and A. Senegal (Will.), a native of Western Africa, the Gum-Senegal of commerce. A. Karoo (Hayne) yields Cape gum, and in North Africa the so-called Morocco or Barbary gum ; and A. tortilis (Forskal), and A. Ehrenberghii (Hayne), the Be- douin-gum of Arabia. The Gum-Gatee of Bombay is a mixture of several gums. 25 DRUGS. The extract Akakia is described by both Hippocrates and Dioscorides. The Shittim-tree of the Bible is supposed to have been an Acacia. See. also " Gums and Resins," " Tans," and " Woods." Acacia Catechu. Will. Medicinal Acacia. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The extract of the wood, Catechu. Vernacular. The tree, Khadira, Sans. K'hayar, Hind. Khuera, Hind, and Beng. Kair, Khadera, By. Wothalay, Tarn. Podeel- maum, Tel. Khehiree, Cey. Shabin, Pegu. The extract, Kat, Kuth, Khuer, Vulg. Habitat. The East and West Indies. . Remarks. Catechu is manufactured in different parts of India ; and substances analogous to it are obtained from various trees in India and elsewhere, as from the leaves of Uncaria Gambir in Siam, and the kernels of Areca Catechu in the Deccan. Remarks on these will be made elsewhere. There is no reference made to Catechu in ancient authors, although the \VKIOV Ivfaicbv of Dioscorides was thought to be this article, until Royle apparently proved it to be the extract of certain Himalayan Barberries. Garcias therefore is the first known writer who mentions this plant. See " Tans," and " Woods." Agati grandiflora. Desa. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The bark. Vernacular. Ayastia, Bvka, Sans. Buka-ayusta, Beng. Augusta, By. Agati> Tarn, and Mai. Anisay, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and "Gums and Resins." Alhagi maurorum. Tourn. Prickly- stem Hedysarum. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The sugar, Persian Manna. Vernacular. The plant, Girikarniko, Tella-yiniya-chettu, Tel. Khar- i-shutur, Jaursa, Afghan. Al-yul, Arab. The sugar, Turunjabeen, Arab, and Pers. Juwansa, Shuturkai, Ooshturkhar, Hind. Habitat. Bokhara, Persia, Egypt, India. Remarks. The sugar is secreted apparently only in Persia and Bokhara. The plant is said to be the "Occhus" of Pliny, and the " uKavda cv 'Apia " of Theophrastus. Sprengel w r ould believe it also to be the " thorn" of Proverbs xxiv. v. 31. See above N, O. 25, and also " Sugars." 26 DRUGS. Butea frondosa. Rox. Downy-branch Butea. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The seed, Porassum seed. Vernacular. Palasa, Kinouka, Kinsuka, Sans. Kuenee, Hind. Palas, Beng., Dec., and Hind. Dhak, Beng. Pallus-kakria, By. Palassie, Mai. Porassum, Tarn. Moduya, Tel. Gas-kcela, Cey. Pouk-bin, Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. First noticed by Van Rheede. Gives its name to the memo- rable plain of Palasi, vulgarly called Plassey. Yields also a kino and a lac. See Pterocarpus marsupium below, and " Gums and Resins/' and " Dyes and Colours." Cassia Absus. Linn. 'Flour-leaved Cassia. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. The seed, Chaksoo, Hind. Chotvn, Sindh. Boo-tora, Cey. Kuskmeezurk, Hab-ul-soudan, Arab. Cushmeeyuh, Pers. Akakalis, Yonanee name in Bazars. Habitat. India, Darfour. Remarks. First mentioned by Alpinus. Cassia auriculata. Linn. Eared Cassia. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Talopota, Mayharie, Sans. Turwur t Dec. Tanaayree > Can. Avar ay, Tarn. Tang/iedo?, Tel. Rana-wara, Cey. Habitat. Deccan. Remarks. See also " Tans," and "Woods." Cassia lanceolata. Royle. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia . The leaf, Senna (Mecca and Tinnevelly). Vernacular. Suna-mukhi, Hind. Sana-pat, Beng. Nilaverie, Tarn, Nela-poona, Nela-tunghadoo, Tel. Suna, Arab. Habitat. Tinnevelly, Guzerat, Arabia, Egypt. Remarks. This plant yields Mecca and Tinnevelly Senna. It is different from the C. lanceolata of Forskal which he thought true Mecca Senna. Alexandrian Senna consists of the leaves of C. obovata (Calladon), C. acutifolia(Delile),w\di sometimes C. cethiopica(Guibourt). Calladon's plant also yields Aleppo t Senegal, and Italic Senna ; and sometimes with . 27 DRUGS. C. cethiopica, which forms the bulk, is found in Tripoli Senna. C. cethio- pica is also the source of Smyrna Senna. American Senna is obtained from C. marilandica. Senna is first mentioned by the Arabians, Mesue, Serapion, and Avicenna ; they all refer to the pod however, as does Actuarius, the earliest Greek writer on this drug. Catharto carpus Fistula. Pers. Purging Cathartocarpus. Linn. Sytt. Decandria Monogynia. The pulp of the pod, Cassia. Vernacular. Soovarnuka, Sans. Amaltas, Pykassie, Hind. Sonali, Soodali, Beng. Bhawa, Dec. Choonay, Mai. Cakay, Can. Koamay, Konekai, Sarakon-nekai, Tam. Rayla-kaia, Tel. JEh&la-yaha, Cey. Suck bur, Kayar-shembir, Khirnoob-hindee, Arab. Khyar-chember, Pers. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by Mesue and the Arabs. of Myrepsicus ; and Kaa-cria /WAmva of Actuarius. See also " Woods.' 5 Ceratonia Siliqua. W. Carol Tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dioecia. The pod, St. John's Bread, Carob, Algaroba Bean. Vernacular. Khirnoob-shamee, Nubtee, Kharroub, Arab. Habitat. Egypt and the Levant, Spain. Remarks. Mentioned by Theophrastus and Pliny under the names of " KfpaTvvia " and '* Ceraunia." Called St. John's Bread from the ignorant idea that the pod constituted the honey on which John the Baptist fed in the desert. The shells of the Carob are supposed, however, to have been the "husks" which the "prodigal son" desired to eat. They were used as fodder by our cavalry throughout the Peninsular war (Loudon). See "Fruits and Vegetables." Clitoria Ternatea. Linn. Winy-leaved Clitoria. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The seed and root. Vernacular. The blue variety, Asphola, Uparajita, Neela-yheerie, Sans. Kaliser, Khagin, Hind. Uparajita, Beng. Shlonga-kuspi, Shunkoo-puspha, Mai. Karakartan, Tam. Neeladintona, Neele- ghentana, Tel. Nilkatarodu, Cey. The white variety, Shwet- uparajita, Beng. Habitat. India. Remark. First described by Rivinus. 28 * DRUGS. Guilandina Bonduc. Linn. Oval-leaved Nicker-tree. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The seed, Bonduc nut, Molucca nut, Bezoar nut, Bonduc Indorum. Vernacular. Koobayratchie, Puticaraja, Sans. Catcaleji, Nata- caranja, Kutkaranga, Hind. Nat a, Beng. Kirbut, Sindh. Gutchka, Gudgega, Sagargota, Dec. Kalichikai, Tarn. Gachcha- chettiiy Tel. Kalu-wawul-cetiya, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. First distinctly described by Avicenna, but probably one of the Eagle-stones of the ancients. Llquoritia Offidnalis. Monch. Common Liquorice. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The root, Liquorice root ; and the extract of the root, Liquorice. Vernacular. Madhuka, Yastimadhucka, Sans. Jetimadh, Hind. Meetha-lukri, Dec. Addimodram, Tarn. Usulusoos, Arab. Bikh- mehuck, Pers. Usarieh-mehuk, a synonyme in the Ulfaz Udwiyeh. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries ; the Shat-el Arab (G.B.) ; and Cochin-China. Remarks. Probably the y\vKvppia of Hippocrates and Dioscorides. See " Sugars." MelilotllS Officinalis* Linn. Common Melilot. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The pod. Vernacular. Asperuck ? Hind. Zireer ? Pers. Habitat. North temperate zone. Remarks. The /zeXiXwros of Dioscorides. The pod contains an aromatic principle, Courmarine, also found in the Tonkin Sean, Dipterise odorata (Leguminosse). Mucuna prurita. Hook. Indian Cowhage. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The hair on the pod. Vernacular. Alkushee, Atmagupta, Sans., Beng. Kiwach, Hind. Kaunch-koori, Dec. Poonaykalie, Tarn. Peeliadagoo, Dulagondi, Tel. Naicorma, Malay. Habitat. India. 29 DRUGS. Poinciana pulcherrima. Linn. Flower Fence Poinciana. Linn. Syxt. Decandria Monogynia. The bark, leaf, and seed. Vernacular. Gul-i-turah, Kurish-churin, Hind. Krishna-choora, Beng. Tsettimandarum, Mai. Myte-konney, Komri, Tarn. Reyla, Pamidi-tangedu, Tel. Monara-mal, Cey. Habitat. West Indies. Naturalized in India. Pterocarpus Draco. Linn. Zitttt. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The resin, Dragon's Blood (Socotra and America). Vernacular. Dumul-ook-wain, Arab., Hind., Dec. Jyda-roomee, Arab. Kandamooryarittum, Tarn. Catgamoorgum-nitooroo, Tel. Habitat. Socotra, West Indies, and Spanish Main. Remarks. First mentioned by the brothers Commelyn. The Dragon's Blood of the Indian Archipelago is from Calamus Draco (Palmse), and that of the Canary Islands from Dracaena Draco (Liliacese). See also " Gums and Resins." PterocarpUS marsupium. Rox. Emarginate-leaved, or Indian Kino Tree. The concrete gummy juice, genuine or East-Indian Gum- Kino. Vernacular. Peet-shola, Hind. Bibla, Bewba, Bia, Dec. Hoonee, Southern Mahratta Country. Karinthayara, Mai. Yeanga, Tarn . Fegisa, Egisa, Tel. Gan-malu t Cey. Habitat. Malabar. Remarks. The origin of the term " kino " is not properly determined, but it is noteworthy that the Sanscrit and Hindoo names of the Butca frondosa (see above) are respectively Kinsuka, and Kuenee, and that that tree yields a Gum-Kino, called in commerce Gum-Butea, all over India. The 'Pterocarpus erinaceus (Lamarck) of Gambia and Senegal also yields a genuine Gum-Kino, and was the source of the original drug of the name when it first appeared in the Pharmacopoeias of Great Britain 1774-1787. The Botany Bay Kino is derived from Eucalyptus resinifera (Myrtacese). The Syzygium Jambolanum of the same order, the handsome Jambool of Bombay gardens, also yields a kino-like gum. See " Gums and Resins," and "Woods." Tamarindus indica. Linn, Common Tamarind. Linn. Syst. Monadclphia Triandria. The pod. 30 DRUGS. Vernacular. Umlika, Tintiree, Tintili, Sans. Nidi, Ambli, Hind, and Beng. Amlee, Tentool, Beng. Balam-pollie, Mai. Pollium, Tarn. Chinta, Tel. Maha-siyambala> Cey, Amblie, Tamar- hindee, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by the Arabians Mcsue, Serapion, Avicenna (Pereira). The ou Tarn. Kustoori, Peetooma, Tel. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries and India. Remarks, According to Fraas, this is the plant named by Theophrastus r) \evKT) aKavdos ', but Sprengel says it was first described by Ambrosinio. See " Gums and Resins," and " Woods." N. O. 75. MORINGACE^E. MORINGADS. Moringa pterygosperma. Gcert. Smooth Horse Radish Tree. The root. Vernacular. Sigroo, Sobhavjun, Sans, and Beng. Shajina, Beng. Moon a ay, Sujna, Hind. Sainga, Saigut, By. Mooringay, Mai. Nuffaa, Can. Moorungay, Tarn. Moorunga, Moonaga, Tel. Merikoolu, Ganmurunga, Cey. Habitat. The two Indies, Africa. Remarks. The seeds of this plant are the Ben-nuts of old writers, and the Ilub-ool-ban it is said of the Arabs ; and, according to Lindley, the Ben-oil of watchmakers and jewellers is obtained from them. Moringa aptera, however, is the Arabian and African species, and within the writer's observation no oil is obtained from Saiyut seeds in the Bombay Presidency. The " Myrobalanus " or "unguent acorn" of Pliny, and the ftdXavos of 31 DRUGS. Theophrastus and the Greeks are referred to the M. pterygosperma. I would take the liberty to suggest, however, that the seeds of M. aptera are truly meant by Pliny and other classical writers. Pliny mentions " Balanus " wood as inferior to that of the Persea, but " very durable." The wood of the Saiyut is worthless. DeCandolle doubts the distinctness of the two species of Moringa under comment ; and it may be that the Indian Marine/a, although it has not the hard wood and oil-seed of the Ara- bian, African, and West Indian plants, is yet specifically identical with them. M. aptera is the Yessur of the Arabs, the long pod of which they call Hab-ghalee. The seeds of neither plant have any connection with modern My robalans, which see below N. O. 81. See also "Fruits and Vegetables," and " Gums and Rebins." N. O. 76. ROSACES. ROSEWORTS. Amygdalus communis. Linn. var. amara. DeC. Bitter Almond. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The kernel, Bitter Almonds. Vernacular. .Kurwa badam, Hind. Badam tulk, Pers. Lowz-ul- murr y Arab. Habitat. Barbary, Syria. Cultivated in Southern Europe. Remarks. Almonds are mentioned in the Bible, and by the earliest Greek and Roman writers on medicine. See also " Fruits and Vegetables," and " Oils and Oil-seeds." Cydonia vulgaris. Pers. Common Quince. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Pentagynia. The seed, Quince seed. Vernacular. Behee-ke-beej, Hind. Beheedana ) Bedana t Pers., Dec., Tarn. Hubusufirjul, Arab. Habitat. South Europe, Asia Minor, Bokhara, Cabul. Remarks. The wdavea of Dioscorides, K v$lal. CarumboOy Tam. Laivangum, Lawungaloo y Tel. Warrala, Krabu- (jaha, Cey. Kurunphul, Arab. Mykek, Pers. Changkeh, La- wanff t Malaya. Gaumedi, Moluccas. T/teny-hia (odoriferous nails), China. Habitat. The Moluccas. Cultivated in New Guinea, Martinique, St. Vincent, Zanzibar, Malabar, Mauritius, Bourbon, Amboyna. Remarks. Kurphullon is the Yonanee synonyme of the bazars, but the best authorities deny that Pliny refers to the Clove under the name of Garyophyllon ; and although Paulus ^Egineta (A. D. 600-700) notices Kapvohuf, Yonanee Kurphullon, Italian Garofane, and French Girofle with the Latin Garyophyllon, whatever that was, is very 35 DRUGS. remarkable. Crawfurd remarks, however, that it is strange that Pliny, if he meant the Clove, did not compare it to a nail, as every nation has (clou, kloben, &c.) from the Chinese to the Dutch (kruidnagel, or herb nail). Laivang is also the Archipelagic name of the Clove-Bark of Eastern commerce, or Culilawan bark, obtained from several species of Cinnnmo- mum. The Clove Bark, or Clove Cassia of Brazil, is from Dicypellium caryophyllatum, like the species of Cinnamomum of the N. O. Lauracese. See also " Condiments and Spices." Melaleuca minor. Smith. The Lesser Melaleuca. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Icosandria. The oil distilled from the leaf, Cajuputi oil. Vernacular. The o[\,Kayapooti-ke-tel, India. The tree, Kayu- puti (white-wood), Moluccas. Habitat. Moluccas. Remarks. First described by Rumphius. See also " Oils and Oil- seeds." Myrtus communis. W. Common Myrtle. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The berry. Vernacular. Vilati-mendee, Hind. Ass, Asbiree, Mowrid, Ismar, Isferem, Arab. Habitat. South of Europe. Remarks. Mentioned in the Bible: Tne pvpo-ivr) of Hippocrates and Dioscorides. Pliny states that myrtle berries were used as a condiment before the introduction of pepper into Europe. The tree was sacred to Venus. See " Condiments and Spices." Punica Granatum. Linn. Pomegranate. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The bud, the rind, and the root -bark. Vernacular. Darimba, Sans. Anar, Gulnar, Hind. Dalim, Darim, Darmee, Beng. Madala, Mai. Madalum, Magilan, Tarn. Dadima-pandoo, Pawn danimma, Tel. Delumghedie, Ccy. Human, Rana, Kilkul, Arab. Anar, Pers. Delema, Malay. Habitat. Northern Africa, Armenia, Mazanderan, Bokhara, Cabul, Cashmire. Cultivated widely in Asia. Remarks. Mentioned in the Bible (as Numb. xx. v. 5). Herodotus calls the rind cridiov and the grains KOKKUVCS. See also " Fruits and Vege- tables," and " Tans." 36 DRUGS. N. O. 88. BARRINGTONIACE.E. BARRINGTONIADS. Barringtonia acutangula. Gyraphis paniculata, N. O. 164. See J< Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 110. UMBELLIFER^E. UMBELLIFERS. Anethum Sowa. Rox. Linn. Si/st. I'etitandria Digynia. The fruit (Indian?) Dill seed. Vernacular. Sitasiva, Missreya, Shaleya, Sans. Soioa, Soie, Soya, Shutapoospha, Hind. Sidoopha, Soolpha, Beng. Suva, Guz. Shatha-kooj)ha t Mai. Sadducooppie, Tarn. Suddapa, Sompa, Sopu, Tel. Sattacooppa, Ileen-oenduru ? Cey. Shubit, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. Probably a variety only of Common Garden Dill (A. grarco- lens), the iwyOov of Theophrastus and Dioscorides. See *' Condiments and Spices." 38 DRUGS. Apium involucratum. Box. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Chanoo, Rhaduni, Beng. Ajmood t Aneesoon, Hind. Habitat. Cultivated throughout Ilindoostan. Remarks. Anesoon is a synonyme of Pimpinella Anisum. . Carum Carui. Linn. Common Caraway. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Caraway seed. Vernacular. Curweeya, Arab. Habitat. The meadows and pastures of Europe and Asia Minor. Remarks. The napos of Dioscorides and Careum of Pliny, both names being derived from Caria, the native country of the plant. See " Condi- ments and Spices." Carum nigruin. Royle. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Black Caraway seed. Vernacular. Zeerah-sheeah, By. Habitat. Kunawar. Remarks. See " Condiments and Spices." Conium maculatum. Linn. Common Hemlock. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Hemlock-seed. Vernacular. Keerdamana, By. Habitat. Hedges and waste places of Europe and Asia Minor. Remarks. Supposed to be the KO>J/OI/ of the Greeks (the State poison of Athens), and the Cicuta of the Romans, Coriandrtun sativum. Linn. Common Coriander. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Coriander seed. Vernacular. Dunya, Dhanyaca, Sans., Hind., Beng., Dec. Danoa, Mai. Cottimbirry, Can. Cotiamillie, Tarn, and Tel. Cotum- baroo, Cey. Kuzeerah, Arab. Kushneez, Pers. Mety, Malay. Habitat. Southern Europe, Tartary. Cultivated in India. 39 DRUGS. Remarks. Mentioned by Moses, Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Dios- corides, and Pliny, being the Kopiawov and Kopiov of the Greeks. See also "Condiments and Spices." Cuminum Cyminum. Linn. Common Cumin. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Cumin seed. Vernacular. Jeruka, Ajaji, Sans. Jeera, Zira, Hind., Beng. Jee- raff a, Can. Siragum, Tarn. Gilakara, Tel. Dooroo, Cey. Kimoon, Arab. Jintan y Malaya. Habitat. Upper Egypt, Ethiopia. Widely cultivated. Remarks. Commonly called Suffaid-zeerah. Ainslie mentions a variety, the synonymes of which are Shazira, Dec. Nutsirayum, Tarn. Coomunie- siah, Arab. This variety is therefore probably the Carum nigrum of Royle. Cumin seed is mentioned by Isaiah, Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Pliny, the plant being the KVJJUVOV fjp.fpov and aiOioirutov (Hip.) of the Greeks, and Cuminum of the Romans. Dorema Ammoniacum. Don. Ferula orientalis. W. Eastern Giant Fennel. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The gum-resin, Ammoniacum, Gum-ammoniac. Vernacular. Oshak, Arab. Semug-te-ratees, Semug-bil-shereen, Pers. Habitat. 1). Ammoniacum, Irak ; F. orientalis, Morocco. Remarks. The dp.p.(ovia Malaya. Indian synonymes, as for the extract of the wood of Acacia Catechu, and of the kernels of Areca Catechu, N. O. Palmse. Habitat. Eastern Archipelago. Remarks. See also " Tans," Uncaria is also the name of a genus of Pedaliacse. - 45 DRUGS. N. O. 117. VALERIANACE.E. VALERIAN WORTS. Nardostachys Jatamansi. De C. Spikenard. Linn. Syst. Triandria Monogynia. The root, Spikenard (quasi Spica Nardi). Vernacular. Jatamansi, Sans., Hind., Beng., Tarn. Chehur, Bale- har, Sumbul, Hind. Shadamanjie, Tarn. Sumbul-hindee, Sumbul- ul-teb, Usrureh, Mooeygeeah, Arab. Nard, Pers. Habitat. Nepaul and Bootan at great elevations. Remarks. Said to be the Spikenard (nared) of that " Epithalamium Epithalamiorum," the " Song of Songs" of King Solomon on the occasion of his unscriptural marriage with the daughter of Pharaoh. St. Mark also writing " vdpdov TTIO-TIK^S noXvreXovs (" nardi spicati pretiosi" Fula.), and St. John in the same terms, both are thought to refer to Jata- mansi. Dioscorides unequivocally specifies it as vdpdos 11/81*07, called also, as he states, " Gangetic, from a river called Ganges." He also mentions vdpdos K\TiKrj, vdpdos opfivf], and vdpdos SupiaKj), the last a variety of the In- dian. There can be no doubt that the ancients, as Sir W. Jones has sug- gested, " used the word nard for any Indian essence in general, meaning what we now call atar, and either the dtar of roses from Cashmir and Persia, that of Cetaca or Pandanus, from the western coast of India, or that of Aguru or Aloe-wood, from Assam or Cochin China, * * * or the mixed perfume called abir t of which the principle ingredients were yellow-sandal, violets, orange flowers, wood of aloes, rose-water, musk, aiid true spike- nard." The word nard Sir W. Jones proved to be Persian, who, as the carriers of Jatamansi between India and the west, must have communi- cated the name to Hebrews (nerd), Greeks (vdpdos), and Romans (nardum). Russel informed Sir W. Jones that " spikenard is carried over the desert (from India, I presume,) to Aleppo, where it is used in substance mixed with other perfumes, or worn in small bags, or in the form of essence, and kept in little boxes or phials, like atar of roses." The various phials of the ancients, called " alabastron," were used for precious scents and cosmetics. Avicenna (Royle) used the word sumbul as the synonyme of vdpdos, and Persian books describe four kinds, viz. 1st, Sumbul-hindee (vdpdos ivdiKr)) ; 2nd, Sumbul-italioon or Sumbul-uklete (vdpdos KeXriKr)) ; 3rd, Sumbul-jiballee (vdpdos 6pivr)) ; and 4th, Sumbul-farsee (vdpdos 2upia*q ?) The synonymes of Sumbul-hindee they give as Sunbul-ool-teeb, Arabic; Nar- den, Greek ; Nardoom, Latin ; and Balchar and Jatamasee, Hindee ; and, moreover the s- of Dioscorides, KI X G>PIOV of Theophrastus, and Cicho- rium of Pliny. Lactuca sativa. De C. Garden Lettuce, Cos Lettuce. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia Polygaraia-equalis. The seed. Vernacular. Kahoo, Hind. Salada, Cey. Chaff, Egypt. Habitat. India ? Widely cultivated in Europe. Remarks. The 6ptta of Greeks and Romans. Dioscorides mentions QpiSag fjpepos and fyia aypLa. t The first is considered the Garden and the second the Strong-scented Lettuce. Lactucarium, or Lettuce opium, is prepared from both. Its virtues as an anodyne have been greatly extolled, although it appears tobe an inert substance. Yet from the earliest times paregoric powers have been attributed to the lettuce ; and in the beautiful myth of Adonis, Venus is represented to have thrown herself on a bed of lettuces "to lull her grief." (Paris-in Pereira.) See " Fruits and Vegetables." Leontodon Taraxacum. W. Common Dandelion. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia Polygamia-sequalis. The root, Taraxacum. Vernacular ? Habitat. Europe and Himalayas. Cultivated at Hewra and Da- pooree for the Bombay Government. Remarks. Supposed to be one d^dm? of Theophrastus. 49 DRUGS. Pyrethrum indicum. IJ. K. Indian Feverfew. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia Polygamia-superflua. The root. Vernacular. Akurkura, Ind. Ahkaracarum, Tarn. Habitat. India. Remarks. Possesses the same properties as the Pellitory of Spain, Anacyclus Pyrethrum, De. C., the irvpeQpov of Dioscorides and Pyre- thrum of Pliny. I Vernonia anthelmintica. Will. Purple Fernonia or Fleabane. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia Polygamia-sequalis. The seed. Vernacular. Kananaziraka, Sans. Kaliezeerie, Hind., Dec. Somraj, Beng. Cattasiragam, Mai. Caat-siragam, Tarn. Adavje-zeela- kara, Tel. Sanni-nayan, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described hy Van Rheede. N. O. 126. STYRACACE.E. STORAXWORTS. Sty rax Benzoin. Dry and. Gum-Benjamin Tree. Linn. Sytt. Decandria Monogynia. The concrete balsam Gum-Benjamin, Benzoin, Assa-odorata. Vernacular. Ood, Loobanee-ood, Dec. Sambranee, Tarn. Hussee- looban, Hussee-ool-jawee, Pers. Cominjan, Malay. Habitat. Siam, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. Remarks. The ancients are said by the highest authorities to have been totally unacquainted with Benzoin. This is remarkable, considering how familiar they were with eastern products, and that? Benzoin is the most fragrant of all the balsams. In fact, it appears to the writer impossible that it should have been unknown, and that its apparent omission from the works of Dioscorides and Pliny must be due to obscurity and confusion of description on their part. Reading their work's with the determination to find Gum-Benjamin somewhere, one might believe it to be the Mala- bathrum both describe, or at least one variety. This article sold at from 1 denarius to 300 denarii (8%d. to 10. 2*. 6c?.) per pound, while Bdellium sold at 3, Costus at 5, Frankincense at 6, and Myrrh (excepting Stacte, which sold so high as 40,) at the " very highest " at 1 1 denarii per pound! Indian Nard sold at 100 denarii per Ib. Crawfurd is of this opinion, and it is difficult not to follow him on reading the description of Pliny. Pliny also speaks of a " myrrha odoraria" in a way which suggests Benjamin : it sold at 14 denarii per Ib. Benjamin has been called Assa-odorata, Assa-dulcis, and Liquor Cyrenaicus. See " Gums and Resins." 50 DRUGS. Styrax officinale. Linn. Officinal Storax. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Boe, By. Usturak, Arab. Habitat. Levant, Greece, Palestine, Syria. Remarks. This is the classical o-Tvpag, but now no balsam is obtained from it, the Styrax of the London college being the balsam of quite an- other tree, and the Rose malloes of the Bombay Tariff, to which correctly belong the numerous eastern synonymes erroneously supposed to refer to classical Styrax. The present tree is therefore incorrectly called Officinal Storax. The root is used in Bombay like Eagle- wood, and yellow San- dalwood as incense in the temples. See N. O.'s 143 and, 210 below and " Gums and Resins." N. 0.129. ERICACEAE. HEATHWORTS. Rhododendron lepidotum. Wall. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Tsaluma, Tsuma, of Bhoteas. Taleesfur, Northern India. Habitat. Sikkim, Nepaul, Cabul ? Remarks. Royle states that Mafur, and Mafur-fooz, are assigned as. its Greek synonymes in Persian works- Talisafar he also observes is the Arabic name in Avicenna for the paKp of the Greeks and Macir of Pliny, which has not yet been identified. The Taleesfur of the bazars certainly cannot be referred to it. Rhododendron campanula!, um. Don. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Hoolas-kasmeeree, Burg-i-tibbut, Northern India. Habitat. Gossaing-Than in Nepaul : Kamaon : Thibet ? * ,< N. O. 136. MYRSINACE^E. ARDISIADS. Embelia Hibes. Sums.' Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Baibaruny, Waiwarung, Hind. Karkunnic, By. Vis- haul, Mai. Vellal, Tarn. Vayu-velanyam-chettu, Tel. Habitat. India. .51 DRUGS. N. O. 138. OLEACE^E. OL1VEWORTS. Fraxinus rotundifolia. Lam. Round-leaved Manna Ash. Fraxinus Ornus. Linn. European Manna Ash. Linn. Sytt. Diandria Monogynia. Sweet concrete exudation, Manna. Vernacular. Shirkhist, Bombay bazar. Habitat. Alpine South Europe ; Sicily, Calabria 1 Remarks. This substance is said to have been unknown to the ancients, although they are supposed by some to refer to it under the names of Spoo-o/ze'Xt (honey-dew), Rmop&t (honey-oil), and atpo/xcXt (honey-air). Certainly Pliny's description of eloeomeli should satisfy the most sceptical that he means Manna. See N. O. 25, and " Sugars.'* Olea? .? Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia T Sweet concrete exudation, Khorassan Manna. Vernacular. Shirkhist t Pers., By. Habitat. Khorassan. Remarks. True Shirkhist. It comes from Khorassan, and is supposed by Royle to be produced by an olive. The writer has discovered leaves amongst the balls of Shirkhist which come from Constantinople which certainly belong to a species of olive. See " Sugars." N. O. 140. ASCLEPI ADAGES. ASCLEPIADS. Asclepias CUrassavica. W. Curassavian Swallowwort. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The root. _- Vernacular ? Habitat. West Indies. Quite naturalised in India. Remarks. Is a good emetic and sudorific. Calotropis gigantea. R. Brown. Curled-flowered Calotropis. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The root, bark, inspissated juice, and sugar. Vernacular. Arka, Akund, Svaytaurkutn, Sans. Ak, Mudar, Hind. Rowee, By. Tecada t Can. Yercum, Vullerkoo, Tarn. Neela- jeeleeroo, Tel. Moodu-wara t Cey. Maioh, Burmah. Oshmar, Oschar, Arab. Bejd-eloschar t Eminion ? (Kercher) Egypt. White variety, Alarka, Sans. Shwet akund and urka, Beng. Tdla- jelladoo f Tel. The sugar, Sukhur*Qol~a$hur t Vulg. The spirit, Ear, By. 52 * DRUGS. * Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by Avicenna. An intoxicating liquor also called bar is prepared from this plant in Western India. The reat Ak-b&r was born beneath the Ak t and took his name from it according to the local tradition of Oomercote. See also " Narcotics," " Sugars," and " Gums and Resins." Kemidesmus indicus. R. Brown. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The root, Indian Sarsaparilla. Vernacular. ' Shadipa, Sans. Muarabu, Hind. Ununtamool, Kural, Beng. Muckwy, Dec. Narooneendee, Mai. Nunnari-vayar, Tarn. Sooffmndttpala, Pala-chukkanderu, Tel, Irimusu, Cey. Oshba, Arab. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel. Sarcostemma brevistigma. JJ\ et A. Twisting Sarcostemma. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The stem. Vernacular. Soma, Somaluta, Sans, and Beng. Tiaa-tshumoodoo, Pulla-tige, Tel. Muwa-keeriya, Cey. Habitat.- Hills of Punjaub, Bolan Pass, Rohilcund, Khandeish, hills about Poona, Coromandel. Remarks. The Som of the Vedas, its name beins: derived from the circumstance that it was gathered by moonlight by the ancient Hindoos. They carried it to their homes in carts drawn by rams ; and a fermented liquor was prepared by mixing its juice, strained through a sieve of goat's hair, with barley and ghee. This wine was drunk at all their reli- gious ceremonies, and was used as an intoxicant by the rishis, who, in the golden age of Hindooism, combined it at their meals with beef. Water passed through a bundle of Somaluta and a bag of salt will extirpate white ants from a field watered with it (Oriental Christian Spectator). See " Narcotics." N. 0.141. APOCYNACE^:. DOGBANES. Allamanda cathartica. Rte.andSch. Willow-leaved Allamanda. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. ? Habitat. South America. Naturalised in Bombay. Remark*. First described by Plumier. - 53 DRUGS. Alstonia scholaris. Don. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The bark. Vernacular. Septaperna, Sans. Chatinn t Beng. Sativeen, Shaitan, By. Pala, Mookum-pala, Mai. Eer-ellay-palay, Tarn. Edakula- ariti, Pala-garuda, Tel. Habitat. South Concan, Travancore, Coromandel, Assam. Remarks. "The natives (of the Ghats) have a superstitious fear of it, and say, it assembles all the trees of 'the forest once a year to pay homage." (Graham.) Cerbera Thevetia. Don. Linear-leaved Cerbera. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. ? Habitat.^ South America. Naturalised throughout the Western Presidency. Remarks. First described by Hernandez. Two grains of the bark are said to equal in antiperiodic power a scruple of Cinchona. There is a genus Thevetia, but the genus Cerbera includes no transfer from that genus (?), and it is wrong to give a specific term, unless an old generic, a generic form. Thevetia above should have been thevetiana or else thevetii. Being generic in form, however, it is written as usual with a capital initial. Nerium odorum. Box. Sweet-scented Oleander. Linn. Sijtt. Pentandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Karravera, Sans. Hyamara, Hind. Lal-kharubee, Beng. Kunher, By. Tsjavonna-aralee, Mai. Arali, Tarn. Ghen- neru, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. First described by Van ftheede. The "tree" in Psalm i, v. 3, refers to the Nerium Oleander, W. t Common Oleander t according to- Sprengel. Wrighlia antidysenterica. Don. Oval-leaved Wrightia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The bark and seed. Vernacular. Kootuga, Cheeree, Sans. Koorchi, Curayja, Inderjaw, Inderjau-shireen, Hind. Inderjo, Dowla-koora, Koora, By. 6V daga-palla y Palla-patta, Mai. Veppalie, Tarn. Patta-coodija, Ma- noopala t Girimallika, Kodisa, Tel. Tiwaj, Lissan-ul-asafeer, Arab. Habitat. Concan, Malabar, Ceylon, Bourbon. 54 DRUGS. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. The bark is the Conessi- bark of European Pharmacopoeias. It is named Inderjau-shireen to dis- tinguish it from Inderjau-tulky Holarrhena antidy sent erica and //. pu- bescens of this natural order. Andusaroon is the Yoonanee synonyme of native writers. Wrightia tlnctoria. Don. Dyer's Wrightia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The bark. Vernacular. Hyamaraka ? Sans. Bhoorcooree, Kala-koora, Kola- kooda, By. Pala, Palak, Palavay-raynoo, Tarn. Tshil-ankaloo, Chit-ankaloo, Amkudu, Tedlapala, Tel. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel, Cochin-China. Remarks. See " Dyes and Colours." N. O. 142. LOGANIACE^E. LOGANIADS. Ignatia amara. Linn. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed, St. Ignatius' bean, Faba febrifuga, F. amara, Nux Sera- pionis. Vernacular. Papeeta, Hind. Habitat. Philippines. Remarks. First unequivocally described by Kamel, who has lost the credit of many of his discoveries, owing to having sent them to others to describe. Strychnos Nux-vomica. Linn. Poison Nut. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed, Nux-vomica, Nux metella. Vernacular. Veeshamoostie, Kula/ca, Sans. Koochila, JEIind., Beng. Kajra, By. Kariram, Mai. Yettie-marum, Tarn. Moostighenza, Musadi, Tel. Koodakad-doorutta, Cey. Kha-boung, Pegu. Iza- rakee, Pers. Falooz-mahee, Khanek-ul-kelb, Arab. , Habitat. Concans, Travancore, Ceylon, Coromandel. Remarks. Latin translations of the Arabians, John Serapion, and Avicenna mention a Nux-vomica, but are supposed to refer to St. Ignatius 9 bean, their Nux-methel being considered our "Poison-nut" It proba- bly is Common Henbane seed. Avicenna himself calls Nux-vomica, Azara- khee and Adarachi. The true Naga-musada (Lignum colubrinum, Pao- de-Cobra,} of the Telegoos is S. colubrina. The term Lignum colubrinum has also, however, been applied to several other plants reputed antidotes to snake-bites, and amongst others to Cissampelos acuminatus t which is the Naga-mushadee of the Hindoos and Tileakoora of Bengal. 55 DtlUGS. Strychnos potatorum. Rox. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed, Clearing nut. Vernacular. Kutaka, Payaprasadi, Sans. Nirmullee, Nell-mall, Chilbinge, Hind. Gajra, Nirmalla, By. Tettamperel-marum, Mai. Chittu, Can. Tettam-cottay-marum, Tarn. Indupu, Chilla- ghenzaloo, Katakamu, Tel. Ingini, Cey. Habitat. The mountain regions of the Deccan. Remarks. See " Miscellaneous" Class. N, 0. 143. GENTIANACE/E. GENTIANWORTS. Ophelia Chirata. Cries. Linn. Sytt. Tetrandria Monogynia. The herb, Chirayta. Vernacular. Chirataka, Kirata-ticta, Sans. Chirayta, Hind. Skay- raat-coochie, Tarn. Sheelasuttoo-coielloo, Tel. Kubs-al-zarireh t Arab. Habitat. Nepaul ; the Morungs. Remarjts. Was supposed by Guibort to be the Ka\ap.o$ dpa>p.ariKos of the Greeks, a clear error. It is the Casab-al-datereh of Mathiolus. Mr. Balfour of the Madras Museum states that under the name of Chirayta many other species of Gentianworts are sold, as Chironia centauroides, (Rox.}, the Geema and Girmi of Bengal ; Exacum bicolar (Rox.} ; Exacum tetragonum (Rox.}, the JCoochuri of Bengal; Exacum hyssopifolium (Will.), the Voellareltoo of Telinga ; and others. Kreatis our local name for Andrographis paniculata, N. O. Acanthacese, and Chirati of Mukia scabrella, N. O. Cucurbitacese. Ophelia multiflora. Dalz. Linn. Syst* Tetrandria Monogynia. The herb. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Mahableshwur. Remarks. O. elegans (R. W.) is a native of the Pulney Hills and Northern Circars, and thus all India is provided with valuable bitters of the same order. The local names of the O. elegans are Silarus and Salagit according to the Honorable Walter Elliot, F.L.S., and Major Drury, which is a remarkable circumstance, seeing Sillarus is one of the eastern and commercial names of Rose Malloes, falsely .called Liquid Storax ; and Salajit, an Arabian synonyme of Solid Storax as it is call- ed, but which in truth is solid Rose Malloes. See N. O.'s 126 and 210, and " Gums and Resins." 56 DRUGS. N. O. 147. PEDALIACE^l. PEDALIADS. Pedalium Murex. Eox. Prickly-fruited Pedalium. Linn, Sytt. Didynatnia Angiospermia. The fruit. Vernacular. Ghejasoodumoostra, Sans. Burragokhroo, Hind. Ka- ka-moolloo, Mai. Amei-nerunshil t Ananeringee t Tarn. Yeanuga- pulleroo, Tel. dZtnerenchi, Cey. Habitat. Shores of the Deccan, and particularly at Cape Comorin. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. N. O. 151. CONVOLVULACE^E. BINDWEEDS. Batatas, paniculata. Don. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Bhoomi-koorma, Hind, and Dec. Phal-modecca, Mai. Deo-kunchanam, Bhuchakragadda, Nellagummudu, Chirigummudu, Metta-pala-tige, Tel. Ha-angilla 3 Cey. Habitat. Bengal, Assam, Deccan. Convolvulus Scammonia. Linn. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The gum-resin, Scammony. Vernacular. Sukmuniar, Mehmoodeh, Hind. Sugmoonia., Arab. Habitat. Hedges of Greece and the Levant. Remarks. Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Pliny all speak of a substance called by them o-Kappaviov and Scammonium, but it has not been com- pletely identified with modern Scammony. Exogonium Purga. Bentham. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The root, True Jalap. Vernacular. ? Habitat. The alpine woods of Mexico. Cultivated on account of Government at Hewra. Ipomoea CCerulea. Ker. Pale Blue Ipomoea, Morning Glory. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed. 57 H DRUGS. Vernacular. Neel-kulmee, Hind. The seed, Mirchai, Kala-dana, Hind. Hub-ul-nil, Arab. Habitat. East Indies. Ipomoea Turpethum. Don. Square-stalked Ipomcea. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The root, Turpeth, Turbith. Vernacular. Trivoorta, Sacs. Teoree, Doodh-kulmee, Niswut, Nncj- puttur, Hind., Beng., Dec. Shevadie, Tarn. Tella-tegada, Tel. Trasta-walu, Cey. Hudulzungee, Turbid (root), Arab. JIabitat. Malabar ; Coromandel. Remarks. First mentioned by Avicenna. N. O. 153. CORDIACE^E. SEBESTEN8. Cordia angUStifolia. Don. Narrow-leaved Cordia. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Goond, Goondnee, Gondi, Hind. Liyar, Sindh. Nar- roovalli, Chinna-botuhu, Tarn. Nukkeru, Tel. Habitat. Deccan. Remarks. Gondni is the name also of a species of Bulrush; and Goindu of Diospyros Goindu (Dalzell), N. O. Ebenacese. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and '< Woods." Cordia Myxa. Linn. Smooth-leaved Cordia. Cordia latifolia. Rox. Broad-leaved Cordia. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogyni*. The fruit, Sebesten plum. Vernacular. C. TNlyX3i,-Bu&adaruka, Buhoovaruka t Sans. Lusora, Hind. Buhoorai, Beng. Lesooroo, Sindh. Bookhur, Dec. Vidi-marum t Mai., Tarn. Nekra, Nakeru, Iriki, Pedda-botuku, Tel. Lolu y Cey. Sepistan, Arab. Sepistan t Pistan-sug t Pers. 'Kendal, Java. C. latifolia, Sheloo t Sans. Bhokur, Bura- lesoora, Hind. Burobuhooari, Beng. Gedooroo, Sindh. Bur- goond, Vurgoond, Guz. Bokhur, Dec. Kicha-virigi-chettu, Tel. Sepistan, Arab. Sepistan, Pistan-sug, Pers. Habitat. C. Myxa, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Goozerat, Silhet. C. latifolia, India within and beyond the Ganges. Remarks. The fruit of the latter is larger than that of the former species, and both constitute the Sebestena of old Pharmacopoeise. C. Myxa has been considered the Persea of the ancients already shown to refer to Balanites cegyptiaca : it is very probably the Myxa and Egyptian- 58 DRUGS. * plum of Pliny, and certainly it afforded the wood of the Egyptian mum- my cases. There is just a chance that it also may have been the Persea of Dioscorides, although the probability is that it is not, and that he, like Pliny, in describing the Persea, confounded it with the Persica or Peach. Sprengel refers the Persea to Cordia Sebestena, a species peculiar to the Antilles, and which Linnaeus most unfortunately named after a renowned product of the old world. The seeds of Cordia Myxa are sold under the name of Chakoon-ke-benge. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and " Woods." N. 0. 157. SOLANACE^:. NIGHTSHADES. Physalis somnifera var. flexuosa, Nees. Flexuose Winter Cherry. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Ashuva, Ashwa, Sans., Beng. Asgund, Hind., Dec. Pevetti, Mai. Amkoolang, Tarn. Penerroo, Aswagandhi, Pilli- vendram, Tel. Amuk-kara, Cey. Behmun, Barde t Obab, Uarak- esschefa, Arab. Sekaran, Egypt. Habitat. Concans, Travancore, Coromandel, Bengal. Remarks. First distinctly described by Van Rheede, but is thought to have been the o-rpi/xvos VTTVUTIKOS of Dioscorides, and the second kind of halicacalum of Pliny called morio and moly. Kunth recognised it in Egyptian mummy cases. It often goes by the name of Kaknuj in the bazars, but erroneously. Asgund is also the Hindee name of Justicia Adkatoda (Rox.) t the Adulsa, Bakus y or Vasooka of Bombay. Puneeria coagulans. Stocks. Linn. Sytt. Dioecia Pentandria. The berry. Vernacular. Kaknuj, Rajpootuka, Binpoonka, Hind. Puneer-ja- fota, Sind. Shaprunga, Peshawur. Hub-ul~yahood t Jowz-ul- murj, Arab. Kaknuj, Pers. Khumzuray, Candahar. Aroosuk- pus-purdah (Bride behind the curtain), Fars. Kuchoomun, Shiraz. Kumree-murja, Syria. Akeedoleon, Turkey. Ousfudnoon, Yonanee. Halikabum, Latin of Bazaars. Hub-ul-kaking, Vulg. Habitat. Sind, Beloochistan. Remarks. Stocks (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. iii.) observes that the berry Hub-ul-kaking has been referred to the plant " called by Tournefort Alkekengi officinarum, and by Linnaeus, Physalis Alkekengi, and the same plant is identified with the arpvxvos aXiKaKafios mentioned by Dioscorides. Dr. Royle * * has suggested the Nicandra indica (JR. and S.), referred more properly to the genus Physalis under the name of P. indica (Lam.) and which Loureiro called P. Alkekengi. Dr. Royle also throws out the idea that the widely distributed Physalis somni- . 59 DRUGS. fera (\sx.Jlexuosa, Nees) was the original Kaknuj, and that the N. indica was merely used as a substitute." He then goes on to prove that the Puneer-ja-fota of Sind is the true Ilub-ul-kaking, and establishes the plant as a new genus, its specific name being derived from its being used as the Solanum sanctum, Forskal (S. coagulans is the name Forskal gives), is in Arabia to coagulate milk. There can be scarcely a doubt of the correctness of Stocks' view ; of all writers on Indian botany, he having been the most accomplished and the shrewdest, and always absolutely truthful. He warns the reader, however, that if his Puneeria coagulans be not the source of Kaknuj, the synonymes of that drug as above given must be transferred to some other plant. * The Physalis Alkekengi (Linn.), is Pliny's first kind of halicacabum, called also callion and vesicaria. See " Miscellaneous" Class. N. O. 158. ATROPACE^E. ATROPADS. Atropa Belladonna. Linn. Deadly Nightshade, Common Dwale. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The berry. Vernacular. Sug-ungoor, Ungoor-shefa, Hind. Girboolee, By. Habitat. Temperate Europe. Remarks. Not well identified with any plant described by Theophras- tus, Dioscorides, and Pliny. Tragus (A. D. 1513) first undoubtedly mentions it. It is supposed to have been the plant which so fatally affected the Roman soldiers during their retreat from the Parthians ; and Buchanan tells us that when Sweno invaded Scotland, the wily Banquo provided the hostile army with liquors poisoned with Dwale, on drinking which they were quickly overpowered, Sweno himself scarcely escaping. "The insane root that takes the reason prisoner" of Shakespeare is also thought to be the Deadly Nightshade. mi * 4* - from its being ghtshade. The appellation of Bella-donna arose, perhaps, used by Italian belles to dilate the pupils of their eyes. Datura Hummatu var. fastuosa. Bernh. Purple Thorn-apple. Datura Metel. W. Downy Thorn-apple. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Black species, Doostoora, Krishna-dhattura, Sans. Kala-dhatura, Lal-dhatura, Hind., Beng. Umana, Nela-hum- matu, Mai. Karoo-oomattay, Tarn. Nulla-oomatie, Tel. Kaloo- attana, Antenna, Cey. Runjdhestee, Arab. Goozgeeah, Pers. Motecubung, Malay. White- species, Sada-dhatura, Hind., Beng. Hummatu, Mai. Tellay-oomattay, Tarn. Tella-oomatie, Dat- turamuy Tel. Suda-attana, Cey. Both in common, Dhatura, India. Jowz-mazil (Methel-seecl), Arab. Habitat. Egypt; Asia, 60 DRUGS. Remarks. The seeds of these plants and those of D. Tatula, of South Europe, were probably used by the priests of Delphi and other ancient oracles to produce prophecies. The seeds of I). sanyuinea (Floripondio) are to this day so used in the Temple of the Sun, in the city of Sagomozo in Peru (Lindley). In Avicenna Jowz mazel stands for D. Metel, according to Sprengel. D. Hummatu is first well described by Vesling. See "Narcotics." Hyoscyamus niger. Linn. Common Henbane. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed, Faba porcina, Faba suilla. Vernacular. Khorassanee ajwan. Hind. Khorassanie omum, Tarn. Showhran, Arab. Sapht, Egypt. Bunj, Buzir-ul-bung, Tokhem- bung-roomee, Pers. Habitat. Temperate Europe. Cultivated at Hewra on account of Government. Remarks. The voa-Kva^os ^f\as of Dioscorides and Hyoscyamus niger of Pliny. The voovcva/ios of Hippocrates refers to the White Henbane of Europe. Mandragora officinalis. W. Officinal Mandrake. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Luckmuna, Luckmunie, Hind. Yebruj, Beng. and By. Caat-jootie, Tarn. Ustrung, Serag-al-coshrob y Ussul-ul-loofah (root), Loofah (plant), Tufah-ul-shitan (fruit), Arab. Yabrooz, Merdumgeeah, Pers. Loofahat, Malaya. . ' Habitat. South of Europe ; Asia Minor. Remarks. According to Sprengel the pavdpayopa of Hippocrates and p.av8pay6pas of Theophrastus, which Fraas however refers to Belladonna. It is certainly the pavdpayopas p.f\as of Dioscorides and Mandragora of Pliny, and it is generally allowed to be the Dudaim of the Bible, Gen. xxx., Ter. 14. The word mandrakes in this passage the Sept- uagint renders /x^Xa /xai/Spayopwi/, but according to Calmet the Jews do not understand its true signification. He would translate it *' citrons," while others, he states, have suggested "violets," "lilies," "jasmines," and " plantains ;" the last also being considered by the Arabs the " Apple of Eve," and the " fig-tree," with the leaves of which both Adam and Eve covered themselves on their fall. Taking the story of Rachel and Leah, . however, in connection with the immemorial use of mandrake in the east by lovers as an incantation, the fruit being the "Love Apples" of the ancients, and the Hebrew root, Dod y of the word Dudaim signifying love, there can be no doubt of the identification followed in this catalogue. Mathiolus (says Calmet) tells us that " what has given occasion to man- 61 DRUGS, drakes having the name of Anthropomorphos" is the habit of quacks giving the roots of various plants the fashion of the human body to impose them on silly women under the name of Mandrakes or Hands of Glory. The belief in mandrake as a love philter (hence Venus was often styled Mandragorites) is an absurd superstition ; and yet a nearly allied plant, the Jarbarosa, has the same reputation in South America ! (Lind- ley.) Persian writers describe the Gensing of China as a Mandrake. Cucumis Dudaim, W., is the Apple-shaped Cucumber of the Levant. N. O. 161. LABIATE. LABIATES. Anisomeles malabarica. R. Br. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Bootan-kooshum, Sans. Gaozuban, By. Pemayrutie> Tarn. Moga-beerakoo, Mabheri t China-ranabheri, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. For Gaozubansee also N. O. 120. Dracocephalum royleanum. Royle? Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The seed. Vernacular. Tukm balungoo, Balungoo, Hind. Habitat, Cultivated widely in northern India. Hyssopus Officinalis. W. Common Hyssop. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Zoofce yeabus t Ushnaz-daoud, Arab. Habitat. South Europe ; Asia Minor. Remarks. Although there is much dispute on the subject, this is proba- bly the Esob so often mentioned in the Scriptures : strong as the argu- ments for Capparis cegyptiaca, may be. It cannot, however, be the hyssop of 1 Kings iv., ver. 33, where, recording the learning of Solomon, it says " and he treated about trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon unto the hyssop that cometh out of the wall" The writer would have us under- stand that the largest and the smallest plants were known to Solomon, and his antithesis, as well as the expression "hyssop that cometh out of the wall," point to some moss or lichen, probably the Gymnostomum fasiculare, a moss very common in the Holy Land, and as minute as that (Dicranum bryoides) which revived hope in Mungo Park in the deserts of Africa. 62 DRUGS. Lavandula StCSChas. W. French Lavender. Linn. Sytt. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Oostakhoodus, Arab., By. Habitat. South Europe and Asia Minor. Remarks. The t^uoi/ of Theophrastus according to Sprengel. Marrubmm VUlgare. Linn. Common White Horehound. Teucrium Chamaedrys. W. Wall Germander. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Habitat. Temperate Europe. Remarks. These are two of the ingredients of the celebrated Treeak- farook of the bazars, which is the representative of the Mithridatum, Theriaca Andromachi, or T. Damocratis of the ancients. Originally it consisted of but a few simples, but now contains so many as sixty-one including opium. It is, in fact, a complete aromatic opiate, a drachm of it being equal to one grain of opium. The little canisters of Treeak-farook found in the bazars are wrapped in paper on which is printed in Persian, " The Theriakh of Andromachi, an invention of Theron the Presbyter. It is prepared, measured, and made public by me, John Baptist Sylves- trius, in the Rialto, by authority of the excellent Government Physi- cians of Ancient Righteousness, and of the Council of Apothecaries and learned Physicians, &c., &c." (Mr. Waring). Theriaca Veneta is also a synonyme of this electuary, which is, moreover,- the origin of the English word treacle spelt triacle in the age of Elizabeth. Wall Germander is (Sprengel) the ^a/*ai5pup of Theophrastus. The ir6\iov of Hesiod, Musaeus, and Theophrastus (Folium, Pliny), is thought to be the Teucrium Polium of Linnaeus. Dioscorides and Theophrastus mention White Horehound under the name of jrpdo-iov, and Marrubium is its original Roman title. Stinking black Horehound, Ballota nigra, W., Labiatae, is the /SoXXwn; of Dioscorides and ballota of Pliny. Melissa Officinalis. W. Common Balm. Linn. Sytt. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Badrangbuyeh, Pers., Hind. Ramtulsee ? Hind. AfeA- ka-subza, Dec. Parsie-cunjamkoray t Tarn. Buklut-ul-faristoon t Buklut-ul-utrujyehy Arab. Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. The /xfXto-o-o^uXXoj/ and /icXtrratVa of Dioscorides, and Melis- xophyllum of Pliny. . 63 DRUGS. Mentha saliva. W. Tall red Mint. Linn. Syst. Didynaniia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Poodina, Dec. Widdetilam t Tarn. Nana, Hubbuh, Arab. Habitat. Temperate Europe and Asia ? Remarks. The pivdrj of Hippocrates and Tfeeophrastus according to Sprengel ; but it is very unsafe to identify specifically the sweet herbs of the ancients belonging to one class, and probably they themselves did not recognize the specific differences of modern science. Mr. Waring applies the above eastern synonymes to M. crispa, M. hercynica of Rohling. Mentha viridis. Linn. Spear Mint. Linn. Syst. Didynaraia QymnoBpermie. % The herb. Vernacular. Pahari-poodenah, Dec. Habitat. Temperate Europe, Himalayas. Ocymum Basilicum. W. Common Sweet Basil. Linn. Sysl~ Didynamia Gymnospermia. The seed. Vernacular. Manjirika, Sans. Kalee-tuhee, Hind. Pashanabhcd- die, Babooitulsee, Beng. Nazbo, Sindh. Subze, Dec. Tirnoot- patchie, Tarn. Vepoodipatsa, Rhu-talsi, Rudrajada, Tel. Saw- anda-tala, Cey. Rihan, Shahusferum, Hebuk, Asaba-ul-feteyat 9 Badrooj ? Bucklut-ul-zub ? Arab. Deban-shab, Nazbu, Ungoosht- kunee-zuckan, Tureh-khorasani ? Pers. Berunj-mishk ? Vulg. Habitat. India. Remarks. The "Q.K.HJLOV of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides it is believed, and Ocimum of Pliny, but this may well be doubted. Ocymum sanctum. W. Purple-stalked Basil. Linn. Sy*t. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Parnasa t Sorasaw, Ajaka, Sans. Kala-tulsi, Hind., Beng. Kural, Beng. Toolsee, Dec. Toolasee, Tain. Niella- tirtooa t Krishna-toolsee, Mai. Vlsee-badrooge t Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. Sacred to Vishnoo, whose followers wear a necklace of its stalks and roots. In the Deccan villages the fair Brahminee may be seen every morning, after having ground the corn and performed her simple toilet, 64 DRUGS. walking round and round the toolsee planted on a little altar before her hus- band's home, invoking the blessings of heaven on him and his children. The toolsee is also sacred to Krishna, the story being that it is the transformed nymph Tulasi, beloved by him. To Vishnu are also dedicated the Jas- minum undulatum and the plants mentioned above under N. O. 16. See " Miscellaneous" Class. Origanum Dictamnus. W. Dittany of Crete. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gyinnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Buklut-ul-gezal, Arab. Habitat. Candia. Remarks. The diKrapvos KPYJTIKOS of Hippocrates and Theophrastus, and SiKTafjivos diro Kprjrrjs of Dioscorides. " There blossom'd suddenly a magic bed Of sacred dittany and poppies red : * * * Perhaps, thought I, Morpheus, In passing here, his owlet pinions shook ; Or, it may be, ere matron Night uptook Her ebon urn, young Mercury by stealth, Had dipp'd his rod in it." Endymion. Origanum Marjorana. Linn. Knotted, or Sweet Marjoram. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Murwa, Dec. Marroo, Tarn. Mirzunjoosh, Arab. Mardakusch, Arab. Egypt. Habitat. Southern Europe, North Africa, Syria. Remarks. According to Fraas the d^mpaKov of Theophrastus, the of Dioscorides, and Amaracus and Sampsuchum of Pliny. Origanum VUlgare. Linn. Common Marjoram. Linn. Si/st. Didynamia Gymnospermia. . The herb. Vernacular. BuJdut-ul-yezal? . Sutur ? Arab. Oushneh? Pers Mridu-maruvamu, Tel. Habitat. Temperate Europe ; Asia Minor. Remarks. Probably the opLyavov ^\av of Theophrastus and dypopiyavos of Dioscorides. Iceland Moss, N. O. 273, is called Oosneh. DRUGS. KosmarinUS officinalis. Linn. Common Rosemary. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. The tops. Vernacular. Ukleel-ul-jilbal, Hasalban-achsir, Arab. Habitat. South of Europe ; Asia Minor. Remarks. The \ipava>ris o-re^ai/w^aTiKq of Dioscorides and Rosmarinmn of the Romans. Cachrys cretica> Lam., N. O. 110, is the XijSai/toriy of Theophrastus. Salvia haematodes. W. Bloody-veined Sage. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Lal-behman, By. Behen y Arab. Habitat. Italy. Remarks. First mentioned by Abulfeda. Salvia Officinalis. W. Garden Sage. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. The herb. Vernacular. Salbia, Hind. Sefakuss, Ainslie. Habitat. South Europe. Thymus VUlgaris. Linn. Garden Thyme. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Ipar, Hind. Hasha, Arab. Habitat. South-west Europe. Remarks. The Gvpos of the ancients was closely allied to this plant. N. O. 162. VERBENACE^E. VERBENES. Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. Vahl. Jamaica Bastard Verbain. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Rata-nil-nakuta t Cey. Habitat. Jamaica. Vitex trifolia. Linn. Three-leaved Chaste Tree. Linn. Sytt. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The leaf and fruit. Vernacular. Sindhuca t Jela~nirghoondi t Sindwara, Sans. Nishind- ha t Sedurif Samalu t Sinbalu y Hind. Peni-ke-shumbali t Hind, and 66 DRUGS. Dec. Caranosi, Mai. Neernoochie, Tarn. Tellavavillie, Tel. Meean-milila, Cey. Usslukeabie, Filfil burree, Arab. Lagondi, Malaya. Habitat. India. Remarks. Probably some of the above synonymes are meant for the Vitex Agnus Castus (Linn.), the celebrated ayvos of the Greeks and Castus of the Romans, or Common Chaste Tree of Southern Europe, and which derived its names from its use at the Thesmophoria, or sacred rites of Ceres, by the Athenian women. Dioscorides and Pliny both mention it, and it and its fruit are widely known in the East by the following syn- onymes : Shumbaloo, Hind. Ursud, Buzir-ul-fu,nfungoosht t Filfil burree,. Arab. Punjungoosht, Pers. See " Condiments and Spices." N. O. 164. ACANTHACE7E. ACANTHADS. Andrographis paniculata. //'. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. The herb. Vernacular. Cairata, Sans. Great, Kalupnath, Mahatita, Hind. Kala-megh, Beng. Kreat, Kalpa, Dec. Kiriatha, Cara-carinam, Mai. Kiriat, Can. and Tarn. Nela-vemba,T&m. Kari and Nel- la-vemoo, Tel. Attadie t Heen-bin-kohomba, Cey. Ufar, Arab. Habitat. India. Asteracantha longifolia. Nees. Long-leaved Barleria. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospennia. The seed. Vernacular. Itchoora, Ikshugandha, Sans. Gokshura, Hind. Kan- ta-koolika> Beng. Talimkhana, Dec. Wahel-schulli, Mai. Neer- mollie> Tarn. Neer-goobbie, Tel. Katu-iriki, Cey. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Bengal. Remarks. First described by Plunkenet. N. O. 166. PRIMULACEjE. PRIMWORTS. Cyclamen europaeum. W. Common Cyclamen. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Hathajooree, Hind. Urtenysa, Ussul-ul-urtenysa, Belc- hoor-miriem, Punjeh-miriem, Arab. Shejereh-miriem, Vulg. Habitat. North temperate zone. Remarks. The KVK^dfiivos of the Greeks, although as under the eastern synonymes, more than one species of Sow-bread was probably included un- 67 DRUGS. der that name. Pliny calls it Cyclaminos or Tuber terra. It is adulterated with a Violet root. Ceylon Moss, N. O. 2/6 too, is called Hathajooree. W. O. 167. PLUMBAGINACE.E. LEADWORTS. Plumbago rosea. W. Rose-coloured Leadwort. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Pentagynia. The root. Vernacular. Rukta-chitraca, Aroona-chitraca, Chitraca, Sans. Chi- tra, Lal-chitra, Hind. Rakto-chitra t Chitra, Beng. Schettie- codivalie, Choovondacoduvallie, Mai. Chitturmol, Cittra-molum, YerraJtodivaylie, Tarn. Yerra-chitra, Tel. Rathnetul, Cey. Shitturridge, Arab. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. N. O. 168. PLANTAGINACE.E. RIBWORTS. Plantago Ispaghula. Flem. Linn Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. The seed, Spogel seed. Vernacular. Ispagool, Pers. and Hind. Ispungur, Sindh. Ispo- ghol, Tarn. Isphagula, Tel. Buzr-katoona, Arab. Fuslioon, Yonanee. Habitat. Persia. Remarks. The -^vXXiov of Dioscorides and Psyllium of Pliny refers to a Fleawort y and is said to be identified with the Plantago Psyllium (W.} 9 the Fleaseed or Fleabane of South Europe. The Yonanee synonyme of Ispagool would lead one to suppose that this species might also have been included in the term by medical writers of antiquity. Plantago Psyllium. W. Fleawort. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogyuia. The seed. Vernacular. Bartung, India. Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. See P. Ispaghula. N. O. 169. NYCTAGINACE^E. NYCTAGOS. Mirabilis Jalapa. W. Common Marvel of Peru. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit. 68 DRUGS. * Vernacular. Bahubami, Sundiaragum, Sans. Sanji, Hind. Gulab- bas, Hind., Dec. Krishna-keli, Beng. Goolbajee, By. Undi- mundareiy Patrashi, Tarn. Chandra-leant a, Tel. Sendrikka, Cey. Zahr-el-lejl, Arab. Sjibb-ellejl, Egypt. Rambat-poluk- ampat, Malay. Reso, Japan. Habitat. West Indies. N. 0. 170. AMARANTHACE.E. AMARANTHS. Achyranthes aspera. Rox. Rough Achyranthes, or Chaff-flower. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Apamarga, Sans. Agareh, Hind., Dec. Lalchirchuri, Hind. Upanga, Hoorhooriya, Chirchiria, Beng. Cadelari, Mai. Nahi-ooroovie, Tarn. Ooteraynie, Pratyuk-pushpi, Antisa, Tel. Gas-karal-scebo, Cey. Neajam, Egypt. Habitat. India. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. N. O. 171. CHENOPODIACE^:. CHENOPODS. Salicornia arabica. W. Arabian Glasswort. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Chubuck-sowyeh, Cbook, Hind. Ghasul, Pers. Ush- nan, Arab. Habitat. Arabia. Remarks. The Museum sample is uncertain. Salicornia brachiata t (Rox.) Coromandel and the Sunderbunds, and S. indica (W.) Malabar, yield Barilla. The root of Black Pepper is called Chubuck. Spinacia oleracea. //'. Limn. Syst. Dicecia Pentandria. The seed. Vernacular. Sag-paluk, Paluk, Hind. Ispanaj, Pers., Arab. Habitat. (?) N. 0. 174. PHYTOLOCACE^l. PHYTOLACCADS. Gisekia pharnaceoides. W. Trailing Gisekia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Pentagynia. The herb. 69 DRUGS. Vernacular. Manalie keeray, Tarn. Easikedunti-koora, Tel. JEt- rilla-pala, Cey. Habitat. Southern India. N. O. 176. POLYGONACE./E. BUCKWHEATS. Rheum palmatum. W. Officinal Rhubarb. Linn. Syst. Bnneandria Trigynia, The root, Rhubarb. Vernacular. Rewund-chenee, Hind. Rawund, Reebass, Arab. Ri- vend-tchini, Pers. Habitat. Mongolia. Remarks. The pa or pjjoi/ of Dioscorides is supposed to be modern Rhubarb, and he speaks of it as coming from the countries beyond the Bos- phorus : and the Rheum Rhaponticum (Linn.), a native of the shores of the Euxine, Caspian, and Siberia, was formerly thought to be the source of Genuine Turkey, or Russia-Crown Rhubarb. Mr. Anderson at Chelsea Gardens, however, found that Rheum palmatum, was the only Rhubarb which yielded a root at all like the officinal article ; and hence, although no attempts to identify the plant in Mongolia have succeeded, it is very pro- perly concluded that Rheum palmatum is the source of the drug now known in commerce as Russian-Crown, because imported into Europe by way of Russia, but formerly, from having been carried through Turkey, called Turkey Rhubarb. Chinese, East Indian or Canton, and Dutch or Bata- vian Rhubarb are also derived from this plant, but would appear to be merely the refuse of the Russian market. Taschkend Rhubarb is also the refuse of the genuine drug, White, or Imperial, the root of R. leucorrhizum, (Pal.) Bucharian of R. undulatum, (Linn.), while Siberian is from an undetermined plant. Himalayan Rhubarb is derived from several species of Rheum, natives of the Himalayas, and European Rhubarb is obtained from R. Rhaponticum, R. undulatum, and R. compactum (Linn.), chiefly. It is strange that a druggist in Calcutta or Lucknow has to receive his Rhubarb after passing through Kiachta, St. Petersburgh, and London, and over two wide oceans, instead of through the Himalayan passes. Rumex dentatus. W. Dentated Dock. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Trigynia. The nut. Vernacular. Gool-hamas, Pers. Habitat. Egypt; Himalayas? Remarks. Gool-hamaz, Pers., Chooka-ke-phool, Hind., and Tamir, Arab., are general names for Dock-nuts. Whether I have properly iden- tified the Gool-hamaz of the Bombay Bazar, I have not data enough to positively state. The smaller Bacook-ke-phal, I refer, also tentatively, to R. cegyptiacuS) W., Egyptian Dock, JSeejbund seems another Rumex. 70 DRUGS. N. O. 178. LAURACE.E. LAURELS. Cinnamomuxn Cassia. Blume. Cinnamomum zeylanicum car. Cassia. Nees. Linn. Sygt, Enneandria Monogynia. The bark, Cassia-lignea. Vernacular. Tuj, Hind. Darchini, Dec. Lawunga, Tarn. Dawul- hurundu, Cey. Seleekeh, Arab. Ngoo-see, Burmah. Cayooma- nis ? Malaya. Habitat. C. Cassia, China, cultivated in Java. C. zeylanicum var. Cassia, India. Remarks. It is impossible, says Pereira, to determine whether 'this is the Kaa-o-ia of the Greeks. Sprengel states it to be so, and as they also describe a Kivvdptonov, and Kashu is the Malay word for wood, his conjecture is probably correct, although the descriptions in Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides of Cassia, and in Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Pliny of Cinnamon are vague.. Nearly all the so-called Cinnamon of modern commerce is Cassia. Cassia leaf, Tej-pat, has been thought the paXdpadpov of Dioscorides. The Kiddah of the Bible, in the English version Cassia, is translated 'ipts in the Septuagint, but Cassia both by St. Jerome and Sprengel. Probably every species of Cinnamomum yields Cassia-lignea as stated by Wight. Thus the species which yield Culila- ivan bark or the Clove bark of Eastern Commerce, namely C. Culilawan, Blume, C. rubrum, Blume, (Laurus Caryophyllus, Lour.), C. Sintoc Blume, C. xanthoneuron, Blume, and C. javanicum, Blume, (Laurus, malabathrum, Horsf.), and one of the kinds ofMassoy bark, viz. C. Kiamis, Nees, (C. burmanni, Blume), all no doubt are sources of Cassia, as well as of Culilawan or Clove and Massoy barks. C. zeylanicum var. Cassia is the Laurus Cassia of Linn. Syst. Nat., ed 1760, page 1010. C. Cassia is C. aromaticum, Nees, and Laurus Cinnamomum (Bot. Repos., table 595). See " Condiments and Spices." See "Cinnamon," "Tamula- putru," and " Orris-root," below. Cinnamomum iners. Rein. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Dar-chini, Hind. Coat-carva t Mai. Pachchaku t Tel, Habitat. Concans, Malabar. Cinnamomum loureirii. Nees. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The dry, immature flower-bud, Cassia flowers. Vernacular. Kio-kiu, China. Ni-kei, Japan. Habitat. Cochin China, Japan. Remarks. This is the Laurus Cinnamomum of Louieiro, . 71 DRUGS. Cinnamomum nitidum. Blume. Cinnamomum Tamala. AW*. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The leaf, Folia Malabathri, F. Talamapathri, F. Indi. Vernacular. Tamalaputra, Sans. Putruj (bark), Sadrus, Hind. Tej-pat, Beng. Cadegi-hindi, Arab. Habitat. C. nitidum, India, Ceylon, Java. C. Tamala, India. Remarks. Supposed to be the Folia malabathri of the ancients de- scribed by Dioscorides and Pliny, but pan (Piper betel} has also been said to be this article, C. nitidum above is the same as Laurus Mala- bathrica, Rox. and C. eucalyptoides, Nees ; and must not be confounded with C. nitidum, Nees, or true Cinnamon tree. Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Nees. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The bark, Cinnamon. Vernacular. Barasita, Sans. Dalchinee, Hind., Beng., Dec. Ka- tukarua, Mai. Karruwa, Tarn. Sanalinga, Tel. Kurunda, Rassu-coronde, Cacin-nama, Cey. Darchini, Pers. Theet-kya- boh, Burmah. Caymanis, Malaya. Kinman t Hebrew. Akimoona, Yonanee. Habitat. The Troglodyte country. Cultivated in Ceylon and Java. Remarks. Most assuredly included under the head of KivvdpafMov by Dioscorides. It is not to be doubted also that it is the Xylocinnamum of Pliny, Lib. xii. ch. 42; although he probably confounds some other aromatic with Cinnamon when speaking of it in ch. 63 of the same book. Cinnamon is before this, however, mentioned in the Bible (Exodus xxx. ver. 23), and by Hippocrates and Herodotus (Bk. iii. ck. 1 11). No doubt by all the ancients, as yet by the moderns, Cinnamon was never very care- fully distinguished from Cassia-lignea ; yet the ancients speak both of Cinnamon and Cassia, and not a little remarkable is it, that in the passage, from Herodotus above noticed, Cinnamon and Cassia are separately men- tioned within a line of each other. In the English version of the Bible Cassia is also mentioned in the verse succeeding that in which Cinnamon occurs in Exod. xxx. But some may regard this as a mere coincidence, the Hebrew word kiddeh in verse 2*4 being, as before stated, rendered by ipis in the Septuagint, although St. Jerome (Calmet) and Sprengel trans- late it Cassiai In Psalm xlv. ver. 8 the word, however, occurs in the Septuagint version 2/iupra, /cat a-raxr?;, KOL Kcuna; stacte here too being thought to mean not the best myrrh but eagle-wood. It is strange that both Herodotus when writing of Cassia, and Pliny of Cinnamon, have been thought to refer to Nutmeg, but on no other ground than because in the eyes of their critics Cassia-lignea is not sufficiently pronounced. The same reasoning would be good for thistles or figs. The habitat of 72 DRUGS. the Cinnamon tree has been the subject of much controversy. Dr. Thwaites believes it to be indigenous to Ceylon as he has found' what he considers original woods of it in the central ranges of that island. On the other hand, until the days of Ibn Batuta, no writer, European or Asiatic, makes mention of Cinnamon amongst the exports of Ceylon. Nees von Esenbach states that dar-chini is the Persian for Chinese wood and that Cinnamon is simply Chinese-amomum, but I follow Pliny, Ptolemy, Bruce, and the learned Cooley in placing the Regio Cin- namomifera in the Troglodyte country. Cooley, following Bruce, states that Gardafui, means the port (gard) of aromatics (aphaour) ; quasi Aromatum Promontorium. Arrian (Vincent) mentions nao-via and three other articles, all of which Vincent has translated as commercial sorts of Cinnamon, as with fragrant gums (apmpa) and frankincense the exports of Tabai, identified by the learned Dean of Westminster with Has Hafoon, and which Arrian implies were also the products of Aromata or Guardafui. Sir J. Emerson Tennent, K.C.S., who gives a clear summary of the " Cinnamon Controversy," and adopts the views of Pliny, Ptolemy, and Cooley observes that " Lankagodde, a learned priest of Galle, says the word lawunga in an ancient Pali vocabulary means Cinnamon, but I rather think this is a mistake, for lawanga or lavanga is the Pali for ' cloves/ that for cinnamon being lamago" Above it will be seen that "Lawanga" is the Tamil for Cassia. Lavunga scandens (Ham.), N. O. Aurantiaceae, is the Lavunga-luta of Sanscrit books, and a native of Shilet. It is remark- able that while the Indo-Germans prefer Cinnamon, the Mongolian races prefer Cassia-lignea, the more refined bark being unsaleable amongst the latter. The Cinnamon of Santa Fe is obtained from Nectandra cinnamo- moides, and that of the Isle of France from Oreodaphne cupularis, both Laurels. C. Zeylanicum is Laurus Cinnamomum (Linn. sp. pi. 528.) Laurus Cassia, (Bot. Mag. fig 1636)> and C. nitidum, Nees. See also "Orris root," and " Condiments and Spices." Laurus Camphora. Linn. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The solid volatile oil sublimed from the wood, Camphor. Vernacular. Karpura, Sans. Kafur, Arab., Hind., Dec., Malaya. Ghansar, Hind. Carpooram, Tam. Payok, Paroak, Burmah. Baroos, Malaya. Habitat. China, Japan, Cochin-China. Introduced into Java. Remarks. Camphor is first mentioned by Avicenna, Serapion, and Simeon Seth, and by the last under the name of Kafavpa (Pereira). It is strange that there really is no trace of this drug in Pliny and Dioscorides and other ancient writers. It has nothing to do with Borneo Camphor, the Lung naou heang or Dragon's Brain Perfume, so extravagantly prized as a panacea in China. This is the product of Dryabalanops aromatica (Gcert.)> N. O. 34. Dipterocarpacese, found in Borneo and Sumatra. An authentic sample of it is required for the Museum. If common Camphor 73 j DRUGS. could be converted into Borneo, and it might be, large fortunes would be rapidly made at the first start of the manufacture, the value of Borneo Camphor being in China 80 times that of China and Japan. Karpoor is a name of Columnea balsamica, Gesneracese. See " Oils and Oil-seeds." Laurus nobilis. Linn. Sweet Bay. Linn. Sytt. Enneandria Monogynia. The berry. Vernacular. Zafnee, Hub-ul-ghar (berry) Arab. Habitat. Italy. Remarks. The M^vrj of Hippocrates and the Greeks, and not the green bay tree of the Bible. This, and not the Laurel of English shrubberies, is the true poet's and victor's laurel ; and the term Bachelor (in the degrees of science and the arts) is derived from the custom which once prevailed of placing a crown of Sweet Bay, in berry r , on the heads of successful students, who were thus Bacca laureatus. The common Laurel of English shrubberies is Cerasus Laurocerasus, and the Portugal Laurel, C. lusitanica, both Roseworts. The Laurestine is Viburnum Tinus, V. Opulus being the Guelder Rose, both Caprifoliacese. One kind of 8d(f)vr] of Theophrastus, Sprengel refers to Avicenna tomentosa (Rox.) found in the salt marshes about the Vellard and Sion Causeway. Tetranthera roxburghii. Nees. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The bark. Vernacular. Maida luckri, India. Habitat. Mountains of India, Chittagong, Cochin-China, and Java. N. O. 184. PENJEACE^i. SARCOCOLLADS. Penaea? ? Linn. Sytt. (Peneea) Tetrandria Monogynia. The foetid gum-resin, Sarcocolla. Vernacular. Goojur, By. Unzeroot, Arab. Kunjudeh, Pers. Habitat. Ethiopia ? Persia ? Remarks. The 2apKo/ Tel. Habitat. Bengal, Deccan. Remarks. Called Belgaum Walnut on this side India, but all local English names should be avoided. See " Oils and Oil-seeds." * Bridelia spinosa. W. Prickly Bridelia. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The bark. Vernacular. Mooloo-vangay, Mai. Mooloo-venjay, Tam. Kora- man y Tel. Katu-kceta-kcela t Cey. Habitat. Assam, Circars, Travancore. CiCCa disticha. W. Long -leaved Cicca. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Tetrandria. The fruit. Vernacular. Hurfarori, Chelmeri, Hind. Cheramella, Huriphul, Nubaree, Beng. Urfalayoorie, Dec. Nelli, Mai. Cherambola, Goa. Arunelli, Tam. Racha-usirike, Tel. Rata-nelli, Cey. Cheremin, Malaya. 76 DRUGS. Habitat. Cultivated throughout India. Remarks. First described by Van Kheede. See "Fruits and Vege- tables/' Croton Tiglium. W. Purging Croton. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The seed, Croton seed. Vernacular. Jayapala, Nepala, Dunti, Sans. Jamalgota, Hind. Beng. Dec. Jyal, Rechuk, Beng. Cadel-avanacu, Neervaula, Mai. Jayapala, Can. Neervalum, Tarn. Naypalum, Tel. Ne- paylum, Cey. Batoo, Arab. Dund, Pers. Kannakoh, Burmah. Bori t Malaya. Habitat. Travancore, Cororaandel. Remarks, Croton Seed is also obtained from other species of Croton ; the term Granum Moluccum applied to it -should be restricted to the Cro- ton Pavana (Ham.) of Ava. Under the name of Jamalyota, native druggists also sell the seeds of Croton poly andrum (Rox.). Euphorbia canarlensis. Linn. Canary Spurge. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Trigynia (Monoecia Monandria, Smith). The gum resin, Euphorbium. Vernacular. Ukeil-nefseh, Firfyoon, Firbeyoon t Arab. Sheer- derukht-zekoom, Pers. Shia-dzaon, Burmah. Sudusudu, Malaya. Furbiune, Morocco. Habitat. Morocco ; the Canaries. Remarks. Discovered by King Juba of Mauritania and named by him after his physician Euphorbus. Ainslie's synonymes, viz. Saynd-ka-dood y Hind, and Dec., and Suddray-kullie-paal, Tarn., apply to E. antiquorum (Rox.) Jatropha Curcas. W. Angular leaved Physic Nut. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit. Vernacular. Kanana-kerundum, Nepala> Sans. Bag-bherenda, Hind. Beng. Erundi, Dec. Caak-avenakoo, Mai. Mara-naru- lee, Can. Caar-noochie y Caat-amunak, Tarn. Nepalam, Adivie- amiday Tel. Rataendaroo, Cey. Habitat. South America. Naturalized in India. Remarks. First mentioned by Monardes. Jowzul-kowsul and Jowz-ul- kie are given as the Arabic and Persian synonymes in some works, but they belong in my opinion to Randia dumetorum, which see. 77 DRUGS. PhyllanthUS Emblica. W. Shrubby Phyllanthus. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, Emblic Myrobalan. Vernacular. Amulki, Umrita y Sans. Amla, Beng. Aonla, Anooli, Amlaki, Aoongra, Aunwerd, Hind. Nelle, Mai. Nellie-kai, Tarn, Userekee* Woosheriko, Tel. Awusada-nelli, Gey. Amluj, Arab. Amuleh, Pers. Boa-malacca, Malay. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The pvpofiahavovs e/i7rXeV, of Myrepsicus according to Spren- gel. Compare its synonymes with those of Cicca disticha above. Ricinus com munis. Linn. Castor oil plant, Palma Christi. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The seed, Castor seeds. Vernacular. Eranda, Sans. Arendi, Hind., Beng. Bherenda, Beng. Citavanakoo, AvanaJc, Pandiavanak, Mai. Haralu, Can. Sittamunak, Valluk, Tarn. Amadum, Sittamindi, Tel. Endaru t Cey. Khiroa, Cherua, Tehscha, Zcejt, Djar, Arab. Beedinjeer % Rowgen, Pers. Kyet-hsoo, Burmah. Jarak, Citavanaca, Malaya and Sumatra. Habitat. India. Remarks. The Kporav of Hippocrates, Herodotus, and Dioscorides, also called KIKI by the Greeks, and Ricinus of the Romans ; its first Greek and Latin names being derived from its resemblance to a tick or dog-louse. The Kikayon of the Bible is thought to be the Palma Christi, but so disputed has this reference been that St. Jerome and St. Augustine, passing from the force of argument to the argument of force, actually exchanged blows on the subject (Pereira). The seeds have been found in the mummy cases of Egypt. See also " Oils and Oil-seeds." Rottlera tinctoria. Rox. Dyer's Rottlera. Linn. Syst. Direcia Polyandria. The powder on the capsule, Kamila. Vernacular. Poonnag, Poonnaga, Keshoor, Sans., Beng. Cumul t Hind. Toong, Beng. Shendree, By. Poonnagam, Corunga-mun- jemarum, Mai. Capilapodie, Tarn. Vassuntagunda, Chendurapu t Feligarum, Kunkuma-puova, Tel. Ham-parandcelia, Cey. Habitat. Concans, Travancore, Coromandel, Mysore. Remarks. Poonag is the Bomba^ name of the female of Calysaccion longifolium (Wight, N. O. 40), and Poonnag and Poonaga the Sanscrit and Bengal names of Alpinia nutans, Rox. N. O. 233. Keysur is also the Hindee for the Saffron Crocus, and Kesoor the Hindee and Bengal for Scirpus Kysoor (Rox.) t N, 0, Cyperacese, Similar sounding words also are 78 DRUGS. the names " in composition" of many other plants as Nagkeshur, Kesura^ vukoola, &c. See Crocus sativus helow. See " Dyes and Colours." N. O. 199. URTICACE.E. NETTLEWORTS. Cannabis saliva. W. Common Hemp. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. The herb and the resin. Vernacular. Bhanga, Gunjika, Fz/y,'Sans. Bhang, Hind. Gan- jar, Beng. Ganja, Dec., Tam., Malay. Tsjeroo-cansjava, Mai. Gangah, Tel. Mat-kansha, Cey. Kinnub, Arab. Bin, Burmah. Guiji-lacki-lacki, Malay. Kinnabis, Defroonus, Yonanee. Habitat. Caucasus, Hindoo Koosh, Himalayas. Cultivated in Europe for its fibre, and in Africa and Asia for the sake of its narcotic properties. Remarks. The tdwaQis of the "Greeks. Herodotus (Book iv. chs. 74 and 75) mentions its seeds being used by the Scythians as a narcotic, and Dioscorides that its expressed juice cures headache. In India the herb is used as " the increaser of pleasure," " the assuager of grief, " " the causer of laughter and a reeling gait," under several forms, as Gunjah the dried plant, after having flowered, and from which the resin has been taken ; Bang, Subjee, Sidhee, larger leaves and capsules without the stalks, &c. The Hashish of the Arabs consists of the tender tops of the plant after flowering. The resin in India is called Churrus and Momeea, the latter the finer. Bhanga is the name also of Ferbesina prostrata, N. O. 120. Adamson and Royle suggest that the vrjTrevdfs of Homer (Od. iv., 1. 221) may have been Hemp. Saifron, Elecampane, Mandrake, and Dwale have also been suggested by others. Homer, in truth, can mean no parti- cular substance by vfaevOes, but only the quality of some substance, for he uses the word as an epithet, not as a name. He sings simply of a (ap/za/cw vTiTrevfas, " a drug bttuiskinff sorrow, wroth allaying, and causing oblivion of all evils." Nepenthes can therefore no more be a drug than the word aKoXov or any other of the epithets in the description. The paregoric medicament referred to, however, may have been some portion of Canna- bis, but I believe not. Pope translates the passage referred to thus : " Meantime \vith genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen mixed a mirth inspiring bowl. Temper'd with drugs of sovereign use t'assuage The boiling bosom of tumultuous rage. These drugs, so friendly to the joys of life, Bright Helen learn' d from Thone's imperial wife; Who swayed the sceptre where prolific Nile With various simples clothes the fatten'd soil. From Pseon sprung, their patron-god imparts To all the Pharian race his healing arts." Now it was at Thebes that Menelaus sojourned in Egypt, and Helen learnt to mix this virtuous bowl, Diodorus likewise tells us that a potion, 79 DRUGS. having the power to drown all care, was a secret wnich the Theban women made their glory ; and, as Homer tells us, the Egyptians were emphatically a nation of druggists. It is clear, then, that of all the ancients they must have known opium ; and as to this day the Somniferous Poppy is known as Papaver Thebaicum, Confection of Opium as Confectio Thebaica, and Tincture of Opium or Laudanum as Tinctura Thebaica, there can be little doubt that whatever other ingredients Helen's bowl may have contained, the active principle in it was Opium in one shape or another. Elecampane or Enula-campana, is the root of Inula Helenium (W.) which is said to have- derived its name from the use made of it by Helen, and by others to have sprung from her tears. The roots may be found in the bazaar under the names of Ulaneeyoon, Ussul-ul-rasun, Arab, and Beykh-zunje-beel-shamee, Pers. The Arabic name Kirinub through the Dutch corruption Hennep is the origin of the English word Hemp. Burchell, Du Chaillu, and Burton all testify to the use of Hemp as a narcotic in South and Central Africa. See " Narcotics." N. O. 207. PIPERACE^E. PtiPPERWORTS. Chavica rOXburghii. Mig. Long Pepper. Linn, Syst. Diandria Trigynia. The dry immature fruit, Long Pepper ; and the root. Vernacular. Pippuli, Krishna-pippuli ? Sans. Pippul, Pilpul, Fel- fldrazy Hind. Pipilie, Dec. Tipilie, Tarn. ey. Peepal t Pip- puloo, Tel. Tippili, Cey. Darfilfil, Arab. Filfildraz, Pers. Peik-khyen, Burmah. Chabai-jawa, Tabee, Malaya. The root, Pippula moola, India. Habitat. India. Remarks. f Probably the n-cVepi paKpbv of Dioscorides. Peepul is also the name of the familiar Vrostigma religiosa. See "Condiments and Spices." .^ Cubeba officinalis. Mig. Linn. Syst. Diandria Trigynia. The berry, Cubebs. Vernacular. Sugandha-muricha, Sans. Timmue f Nepal. Cubab- chinee, Hind., Dec. Dumkee mirchie, Hind. Komoonkoos, Mai. Fal-mellaffhoOyT&m. Salavamirrialoo,Tel.' Wal-gummeris, Cey. Kubabeh, Arab. Kibabeh, Pers. Kurfiyoon, Yonanee. Sinban- karawa, Burmah. Komoon-koos, Malaya. Habitat. Bantam. Cultivated in Lower Java. Remarks. Pereira believes this article to be the fivpriSavov of Hippo- crates "for \stly, the remedy termed pvpridavov is distinguished from pepper (neTrept) and is said to be a round Indian fruit which the Persians call pepper; 2ndly, the modern Greek (Pharma. Graca, Athenis, 1837) 80 DRUGS. name for cubebs is pvpTibavov" The Myrtidanum of Dioscorides and Pliny was a medicament prepared by boiling wild myrtle berries in must. Piper nigrum. W. Black Pepper. Linn. Syst. Diandria Trigynia. The root. Vernacular. The plant and fruit : Vellajung, Mureechung, Kolubung, Muricha, Sans. Beng. Goolmurich, FHJilgird, Mirch, Hind. Choca, Kaly-mirchingay, Dec. Mellaghoo, Tarn. Moloovookocti, Mirialoo, Tel. Gammiris, Ce'y. Filfilmwud, Arab. Filfil-seeah, Pilpil, Pers. Babaree, Syrian. Nya-yoke-koun, Burmah. Lada, Malaya. The root: Schewka ? Sans. Choia-ke-jur, Dec. She- vium, Tarn. Chubuck, By. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. To ireTrepi a-rpoyyvXov of TheophrastuS ; n fire pi TO /xcXai/ of Dios- corides ; and Piper of Pliny. Hippocrates also mentions it. The Greek, Latin, and English name is from the Sanscrit for Long Pepper. The Bombay name of the root is probably erroneous, being perhaps traversed from the Persian for Salicornia arabica, N. O. 171. N. O. 210. ALTINGIACE.E. LIQUIDA^BARS. Liquidambar orientale. Mill- Oriental Liquidambar. Liquidambar Altingia. Blume. *. Liquidambar Styraciflua. Linn. Sweet-Gum tree. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Polyandria. The balsam, Rose Malloes, Copalm Balsam, Liquidambar, Buk- hur oil, Incense- oil, Liquid Storax, Solid Storax. Vernacular. Sillarus Meih-seela, Hind. Guz. Pers. Usteruck, Meati-lubani, Salajet, Meah, Sillarus, Arab. Cotter mija, Arab, and Turkey. Kara-ghyunluk-yaghy, Turkey. Rasamalla, Malaya. Habitat. L. orientale, Cyprus, Anatolia. L. Altingia, Java. L. Styraciflua, The Confederated States of America ; Mexico. Remarks. The balsam of these three trees is one, although known by different names in different parts of the world ; and that obtained from the two first is what passes in Europe under the name of Storax, and with the reputation of being the o-rvpa^ of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides, and the Styrax of Pliny which has been referred to Styrax officinale, Linn. N. O. 126. (See above.) This tree, a native of the Levant, Palestine, Syria, Greece, does not now produce any balsam, and consequently the officinal article must now be attributed to Liquid- ambar species. It has accordingly been generally accepted that classical 81 K DRUGS. Storax does not now exist in commerce, but, perhaps, this is too hasty a conclusion, for although no balsam is now obtained from , officinale, it does not follow that the o-rvpa of the Greeks, and Sty rax of the Romans, was obtained exclusively from that tree ; and, indeed, the probability is that they also obtained it from L. orientate, considering the coincidence of its geographical distribution and properties ; and it is not impossible that they were also acquainted with the identical product of Java. Liquidambar is more exquisite and powerful in odour than even Benzoin, of which also the ancients are said to have been ignorant. This may be as regards the latter substance, but as respects Liquidambar, at least that of Cyprus and Anatolia, it may be seriously doubted, and it must be on better evidence than any' yet afforded that the Storax of mo- dern Europe and the Rose Malloes of the Bombay Tariff is deprived of the additional aroma of classical association. The Greeks to this day call the balsam of the Cyprus plant o-rvpo vypa. Its bark is the Xylon Ef- fendi of the Cypriots and Cortex Thymiamatis vel Thuris of European druggists. In Bombay Sillarus and Salajet are the common names of Rose Malloes, with Usturuk as a synonyme. It comes from Java,* the tariff term being a trade corruption of the Malaya name Rasamalla. Such "fantastic tricks" are common in commerce, but this is one of the most instructive, excepting only the conversion by our merchants of Shakasi or Tree (that is recent, as opposed to semi-fossilized), into Jackass Copal. Usturuk is also the name of a wood used in Bombay by Parsees as incense, and this I have, under N. O. 126, referred to S. officinale. The Solid Storax of commerce is probabjy the resinous portion of Liquid Storax mixed with saw-dust or bran. The vdo-KcxfrOov or vdpKcxfrdov of Dioscorides, probably the same as the \a.vos or TnWa vypd of Dioscorides, and Pitch the TnWa frpd and 7mXi>7rio-o-a of the latter. He also mentions Pine Nuts (mrvfas) the seeds of Pinus Pinea (DeC~), Stone Pine; and First mentioned by Thevetius. See also " Starches." N, O. 230. ORCHIDACE.E. ORCHIDS. Eulophia ? Linn. Syst. Gynandria Monandria. The root, Oriental Salep. 85 DRUGS. Vernacular. Salep misree, Arab. Hind. Dec. Khusyat-ul-salib, Khusyat-al-kulb, Arab. Orkis, Saturyoon, Turphyla, Yonanee. Habitat. Cabul? andCashmir? Remarks. The opx^s of Theophrastus, Sprengel makes Orchis Morio (W.) y Meadow Orchis. Dioscorides mentions two kinds of Salep under the name of op x is, and a third, which he says is called o-arvptov, or rpi^vXXoi/. O. Morio ; O. mascula, (W.) Early purple Orchis; O. papilonacea, (W.) Butterfly Orchis; O. coriophora, (Per.) and O. undulatifolia, (Per.) all probably yielded classical Salep, and the two first, and O. militaris, (W.) Military Orohis, produce the best Salep in Europe. The source of oriental Salep is not determined, but Royle conjectures it to be derived from species of Eulophia ; probably E. vera and E. campestris. N. O. 233. ZtNGIBERACE^E. G1NGERWORTS. Alpinia Galanga. Swartz. Loose-flowered Alpinia. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The root, Greater Galangal. Vernacular. Koolunjuna, Sogunda-yoga, Dhumoola, Sans. Koolin- jan, Hind. Beng. Dec. Pankejur, Dec. Chitta-ratta, Mai. Pere-aretei, Tarn. Doomprastacum, Tel. Mahakaluwala, Heen- kaluwala, Cey. Khusroo-daroo, Khowlinjan, Koleejan, Arab. Habitat. Sumatra, Java. Remarks. Mentioned by Avicenna. The same Indian synonymes in- clude Lesser Galangal, the root of A. chinensis, (Ros.) a native of China ; and Light Galangal the root of A. nutans, (Ros.) Nodding Alpi- nia y a native of the East Indies generally. The root also of Ktempferia Galanga, (Linn.) is often also substituted for true Galangal in India itself. It is quite a spurious article. Costus speciosus. Rox. Showy Costus. Linh. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Kemboo, Kemooka, Sans. Keoo, Hind. Beng. Tsjana- kua, Mai. Bomma-kachica, Pushkara t Tel. Tebu-aas, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. This and C. ar^abicus, Linn., a native of both Indies, were once thought the sources of Costus. Curcuma aeruginosa. Rox. Green-rooted Turmeric. Linn. Sytt. Monandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Pegu. 86 BRUGS. Curcuma Zedoaria, Rox. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The tuber, Zedoaria rotunda. Vernacular. Nirbisha, Apavisha, Vishaha, Vunahuridra, Shoolika, Sholee, Sans. Nirbisi, Nirabisi, Junyli-huldee, Hind. Bun-hul- dee, Beng. Nirbisi, Dec., Can. Ambi-huldee, Dec. Cawa, Mai. Castoorie-munjil, Tarn. Tella-castoorie-passoopoo, Tel. Judivar, Zedwar, Makfirfeen, Arab. Tomon ? Malay. Habitat. India within and beyond the Ganges, the South Asiatic Islands, and China. Remarks. This is the C. aromatica of Salisbury. If it is not the true Zecloary, its synonymes must be transferred to the plant hereafter identi- fied with that celebrated drug. Nirbisi is a name of Kyllingia mono- cephala, and Burra-nirbisi of Scirpus glomeratus, both N. O. Cyperacese. Curcuma Zerumbet. Rox. Zedoary, or Broad-l&ced Turmeric. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The tuber, Zedoaria longa. Vernacular. Carchuraca, Carchura, Sathi, Sans. Kuchoora, Ka- khura, Kakhur, Hind. Carchuramu, Sati, Beng. Capura, Ordoo. Cachur, Carachur, Punj. Kutchoora, Guz. Dec. Can. Katon- inschi-kua, Mai. Palang-killungu, Capoor-kichlie ? Tarn. Kasturi- pasupu, Kuchoora, Kichlie-gudda, Tel. Wal-kaha^ Hinhoroope- calliculla y Cey. Zerumbad, Arab. Tomon ? Malay. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Chittagong, Bantam. Remarks. The C. Zedoaria of Roscoe. Hedychium spicatum. Royle. The tuber. Vernacular. Seer, Suttee, Kupoor-kuchree, Sidhoul, Hind. Habitat. Himalayas. Remarks. Now Globba Sidhoul. Kaempferia rotunda. Linn. Round-rooted Galangale. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The tuber False Zedoary. Vernacular. Bhuchampaca, Bhoomichampaca, Sans. Buneampa, Chambak, Hind. Booie-champa, Hind. Mai. ? Melan-kua, Mai. Kaha y Saukenda, Cey. Habitat. ? Cultivated throughout India. . 87 DRUGS. Remarks. Probably confounded by Avicenna with A. Galanga. This was supposed the source of the Zedoaries until Roxburgh traced them to his two Curcumas above noted. Zingiber Cassumanar. Rox. Downy-leaved Ginger. Linn. Sytt. Monandria Monogynia. The tuber, Zedoaria flava, Cassumanar. Vernacular. Vana-adrukum, Sans. Bun-ada, Hind. Beng. Kar- pooshpa, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Zingiber Zerumbet. Roscoe. Broad-leaved Ginger. Linn. Syst. Monaildria Monogynia. The tuber, Zerumbet. Vernacular. Booteh, Mahaburree-booteh, Buch, Mahabnrree-buch, Hind. 3hd Beng. Wal-inguru, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Booteh is also a name of Maize, and Buck of Sweet Flag. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Deroonuj-akrubee, Arab. Habitat. ? Remarks. This root has been referred to Doronicum Pardalianches, W., Great Leopard's Bane of Britain, N. O. 120, and the UKOVITOV of Theophrastus according to Fraas. It appears to me however to be a gin- gerwort. N. O. 236. IRIDACE^E. IRIDS. CrOCUS sativUS. Allioni. Saffron Crocus. Linn. Syst. Triandria Monogynia. The dried stigma, Saffron. Vernacular. Kasmirajamma, Kunkuma, Sans. Zofran, Keysur, Hind. Khoongoomapoo, Tarn. Khoon-koomapoo, Kunkuma, Tel. Kohoon, Cey. IToorkum, Zafran, Arab. Kerkum, Zafaran ? Abeer ? Pers. Thanwen, Burmah, Saffaron> Connyer, Malaya. Habitat. Asia Minor ; Cashmir ? Naturalized over temperate Europp. Remarks. The Carcos (Calmet) of the " Song of Songs" of Solomon, and ih&KpoKos of Homer and the Greeks. Hippocrates (Pereira) speaks 88 DRUGS. of the use of Saffron, and Dioscorides describes it. Theophrastus mentions three kinds of Crocus. Crocus, as Dr. Lempriere tells us, was a beautiful youth enamoured of a beautiful nymph, &c. and turned into this flower. Kunkuma is also a name of Rottleria tinctoria in Telinga. See " Con- diments and Spices.'* Iris florentina. Linn. Florentine Iris. Linn. Syst. Triandria Monogynia. The root, Orris root. Vernacular. Irsa, Sosun, Hind. Jyrsa, Ussulus-sosun-ul-assman- joonee, Arab. Beg-banopsha, Pers. ? Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. The ipis of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides. The Kiddah of the Bible is translated in the Septuagint Iris, but by St. Jerome Cassia. The word Iris, according to Calmet, is derived from the Hebrew Ir, " one who watches," " an angel," or " messenger of God," and Iris, according to the Greeks, was the " messenger of the gods." Royle considers the Shushan of the Bible, translated lily, to be the Iris, and to be the same as the Syriac Suseana. The Orris root of commerce consists of the rhizomes not only of Florentine Iris, but also of German and Pale Turkey Iris. See also " Miscellaneous '' Class. N. O. 237. AMARYLLIDACEJE. AMARYLLIDS. Crinum asiaticum. Linn. Poison bulb Crinum. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The bulb. Vernacular. Vishamandala, Sans. Sookhdursoon, Burra-kamoor t Beng. Nagdoun, By. Belluta-pota-tali, Mai. Veshimoonghi, Tarn. Veshamungaloo, Keshara-chettu, Lakshminarayana t Tel. Maha-tolabo, Cey. Habitat. East Indies and China. Remarks. Sprengel thinks this may be referred to by Theophrastus amongst the bulbous plants he describes, Lib. vii. ch. 13. Nagdoun is the Hindee for Artemisia vulgaris, and the Persian for Asparagus. N. O. 238. HYPOXIDACE^E. HYPOXIDS. Curculigo brevifolia. Ait. Hort. Kew. Linn. Sytt. Hexandria Monogynia. The root stalk. Vernacular. Mooslee-kund, By. Habitqt. Concans, Malabar, CoromandeK .89 t DRUGS. Remarks. The root stalk of this plant appears to me to be the Kola- mooslee of the bazars. Sufaid mooslee has been referred to C. orchioidea, but erroneously I believe from an examination of the above plant. N. 0. 242. LILIACE^E. LILYWORTS. Aloe socotrina. Lam. Aloe vulgaris. Lam. Aloe indica. Boyle. Aloe spicata. Thumb. Aloe litoralis. Kcenig. Linn. Sytt. Hexandria Monogynia. The inspissated juice of the leaf, Aloes. Vernacular. Mushabir, Eylwa, Hind. Oolowaton, Malaya. Cariapo- lam, Tarn. Bholum, Tel. Moosumbir, Arab. Sibr, Bol-seoh, Pers. Tayef, Socotra. A. vulgaris, Kuttalay, Tarn. Mok, Burmah. Gaharn, Oolowaton, Malaya. A. indica, Gheetwmar, Hind. Ghrito-komaree, Beng. Kunwar, Dec. Kuttalay, Tarn. Kala- bunda, Tel. Komarika, Cey. A. litoralis, Komaree, Beng. Chota-kunwar, Dec. Siroo-kuttalay, Tarn. Chinikala-bunda, Tel. Habitat. A. socotrina, Socotra, Caffre Coast? Cape of Good Hope. A. vulgaris, the Mediterranean countries, East and .West Indies (probably naturalised), Cape of Good Hope ? A. indica, India. A. spicata, Cape of Good Hope, India. A. litoralis, shores of the Deccan, and Guzerat. Remarks. Dioscorides and Pliny are the first to describe Aloes, and by its present name. The commercial kinds of Aloes are, 1st, Socotrine, Turkey, or Extract of Spiked Aloes from A. socotrina, and probably also A. purpurascens (Haworth) ; 2nd, Genuine Hepatic, Bombay, or East Indian Aloes from the same species probably as the last, and certainly obtained from the Island of Socotra ; Barbadoes Aloes from A. vulgaris ; Cape and Caballine Aloes from the several Cape of Good Hope species above-noted ; Mocha Aloes probably from the Socotrine species, being the refuse of the market ; Indian Aloes (not East Indian) from various Indian species, the round cakes from Jafferabad not noticed in any European works, being probably from A. litoralis ; and Cura$oa Aloes probably from A. vulgaris. See " Gums and Resins." Asparagus adscendens. Box. Linn. Sytt. Hexandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. ? Habitat, t 90 DRUGS. Remarks. Under the head of Buchnak, I provisionally referred the root known in England as Badshah-salep to this plant. Since then, owing to some Badshah-salep having accidentally become moistened and swollen by the rains, I have been forced to conclude that it belongs to some other genus, probably Allium. On swelling, it develops a powerful odour like Asafoetida, and more persistent. Asparagus sarmentosus. W. Linear-leaved Asparagus. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. Shetavurrie, Sans. Sajfaid-mooslie, Hind. Dec. Sha- tawriy Schcedaveli, Mai. Tanneer-vittang, Tarn. Tsulla-ghedaloo t Tel. Habitat. The Deccan. Remarks. Suffaid mooslie is in Bombay the name also of a root which seems to the writer to be that of a species of Spiderwort. Polianthes tuberosa. W. Common Tuberose. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Sandhy-araga, Sans. Rujuni-gundha, Beng. Gool- shaboo, Hind. Andi-malleri, Mai. Undimandari, Tel. The seed Toodree, Vulg. ? Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The Toodree seed of the Bombay bazar is like that of the Garden Wall-flower, and certainly of the same genus, if not species. I have never seen any kind of Toodree I could refer to Polianthes tuberosa. Towdree is also the name of a species of Mallow-wort; See N. O. 30. Urginea indica. Kunth. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The bulb. Vernacular. Jungly-piaz, Concans. Habitat. The sandy shores of the Deccan. Remarks. Substituted in India for the classical and officinal drug Squills, known in the bazars of India as Iskeel, Vulg. Unsool, Arab. Penlay-pa-dein, Burmah. N. O. 243. MELANTHACE.E. MELANTHS. Methonica superba. Lam. Superb Gloriosa. Linn. Sytt. Hexandria Monogynia. The root. 91 DRUGS. Vernacular. Cariari, Hind. Ulatchandul, Langool, Eesha-nungula, Kookora-neja, Beng. Buchnag, Kalawee, Karianag, By. Men- doni, Mai. ' Caateejan, Kartichey, . Tarn. Adavi-nabhi, Potti- dumpa, Tel. Niyagala t Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Hermann. Said to be a substitute for the classical and officinal drug Colchicum. There is a large yellow-flowered species on the Mozambique coast, and another with azure flowers in Senegal. Langool is also a name of Commelyna salicifolia, N. O. 248. Linn. Syst. 1 The corn, Tasteless Hermodactyl. Vernacular. Sorinjan shireen, Pers. Habitat ? Remarks. See next. Linn. Syst.? The corn, Bitter Hermodactyl. Vernacular. Sorinjan-tulk, Pers. Habitat ? Remarks. Hermodactyl (ep/ioda/ervAos) is first mentioned (Pereira) by Alexander of Tralles (A.D. 560), and Paulus JEgineta (A.D. 650), and Avicenna, Serapion, and Mesne. Two kinds are found in the bazars of Asia, and find their way into Europe, the Tasteless and the Bitter ; but their botanical sources and habitat still remain undetermined, although there can be little doubt of their being Melanths. The Ulfaz Udwiyeh gives Asa-ba-noormus, and Hulbeeb (Arab.), and Soorenjan-hindee (Vul- gar), as synonymes for Hennodactyls. N. O. 248. COMMELYNACE^E. SPIDERWORTS. Murdannia scapifolia. Royle. Linn. Syst. -- ? The root. Vernacular. Mooslee-seah, Hind. Habitat. The Himalayas. Remarks. I refer provisionally to this plant the root known in Bombay as Suffaid-mooslie, which is quite distinct from Satawree, of which Suffaid- mooslie is given as a synonyme in books. If in this there is no error, Bombay Sufaid-mooslie is the same as the Nelepannay root, referred 92 DRUGS. by Ainslie to Curculigo orchioides, N. O. 238 ; and as the Tal-moolee, Tal- moor, and Mohol of Bengal, and Nellatady of the Telingas. N. 0. 251. PALM^E. PALMS. Areca Catechu. W. Medicinal Cabbage Tree. Linn. Sytt. Moncecia Hexandria. The nut, and the extract from the nut. Vernacular. Goovaka, Sans. Gowa, Oodbeg, Beng. Sooparee, Hind. Beng. Dec. Paak, Camooghoo, Tarn. Poka, Oka, Tel. Puwak, Cey. Tofil, Arab. Kwoon-ben t Burmah. Penang, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First mentioned by Avicenna and Serapion. Is one of the sources of the Catechu of commerce. Sooparee is also a name of Ronde- letia longifolia, N. O. 115. Calamus Draco. W. Linn. Sytt. Dioecia Hexandria. The resin, Dragon's Blood. Vernacular. See Pterocarpus Draco, N. O. 74. Habitat. Jambi, Sumatra. Remarks. Pterocarpus Draco of Sdcotra, and Draccena Draco t N. O. 242, of the Canaries, also yield Dragon's Blood. Hyphaene thebaica. Delile. Doum Palm. Linn. Sytt. Dioecia Hexandria. The fruit. Vernacular. Oka-mundel, Diu Island. Habitat. Egypt; the Island of Diu (introduced?). Cultivated in Bombay as an ornament. Remarks. This is the K 6'i% of Theophrastus according to Fraas, and Cucus of Pliny according to Fee. Lodoicea seychellarum. Common Seychelles Lodoicea, or Sea Co- coanut. Linn. Sytt. Dioecia Monadelphia. The nut. Vernacular. Ubdie narikaylum, Sans. Dirya-ka-naril, Dec. Kad- del-taynga, Tarn. Samootrapoo-tenkaya, Tel. Habitat. The Seychelles, Maldives, and Laccadives ? Mahe (cul- tivated). 93 DRUGS. / N. O. 257. ARACE.E. ARADS. ScindaspUS officinalis. Schott. Officinal Scindaspus. Linn. Sytt. Moncecia Polyandria. The fruit. Vernacular. Guz-peepul, Beng. Auna-tippilie t Mai. Attie-tippilie, Tarn. Habitat. East Indies. N. O. 258. ACORACE^E. SWEET-FLAGS. Acorus Calamus. W. Sweet Flag. Linn. Sytt. Hexandria Monogynia. The root, Sweet Flag. Vernacular. Facha, Golomi, Sans. Igr, Buck, Kusseb-bewa, Hind. Such, Sufed Buck, Beng. Fyamboo, Fashampoo, Mai. Fassam- boo, Tarn. Fudza, Fadaga, Fasa, Tel. Wadda-kaha-vcesamboo, Cey. Igghir, Akaroon t Arab. Fudge, Ugir-toorkee, Pers. Linhay, Burmah. Habitat. Nepaul, Malabar, Ceylon, Bourbon, Amboyna. Remarks. The aKopov of Dioscorides, and not, as supposed by Sprengel, the KaXapos dpufiaTiKos of that writer, and " sweet cane" of Jeremiah yi. 20. Such is a name of Zingiber Zerumbet (Rox.). See " Andropogon Calamus aromaticus" in Class ** Miscellaneous/* N. O. 265. CYPERACE.E. SEDGES. Cyperus pertenuis. Rox. Cyperus rotundus. Linn. Linn. Syst. Triandria Monogynia. The root. Vernacular. C. pertenuis, Naga t Nagur-mootha, Beng. C. rotundus, Moosta, Sans. Mootha, Hind. Beng. Motha, Moostaka, Nagur-mootha ? Dec. Shaka-tunga, Tel. Kalanduru, Cey. Sad, Arab. Funarus, Yonanee. Habitat. India. Remarks. Probably both these fragrant roots are included among the KvjTfipov of Homer, Hippocrates, and Dioscorides. The Arabic and Yona- nee Bynonymes also probably apply to both. 94 DRUGS. N. 0. 266. GRAMIiNE,E. GLASSES. Bambusa arimdinacea. Schreb. Common Bamboo Cane. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The silicious secretion deposited in the joints of this and other species Tabasheer.' Vernacular. The plant, Vungsha> Sans. Bans, Beng. Mandgay, Dec. Kull-moollah, Mai. Moonghill, Tarn. Fedooroo, Kichakai t Tel. Niee-hindee, Pers. Tabasheer, Bun-lochun, Hind. Moon- ghill-ooppoo, Tarn, Vedooroo-ooppoo, Tel. Una-lee, Cey. Teba- sheer, Arab. Tubsheer, Pers. Wah-tai-ga-kyouk y Burmah. Habitat. India. Remarks. Tabasheer is yielded by several species, but I am unable to specify any other than the above plant. Dalzell gives, besides this plant, three other species as common to Bombay, viz., B. stricta (Rox.) the " Bas" or " Oodha" of the natives, of which Boar-spears are made; B. vulgaris (Schreb.} the " Kulluck" or "Bamboo;" and B. arundo (Klein.) the " Chiwaree" of the Ghats, familiar to Europeans in the shape of " Mahableshwur walking-sticks." Tabasheer is an article of the greatest antiquarian interest, as Salmasius, Sprengel, and Fee are of opinion that it is referred to, and not sugar, by the ancients, Dioscorides and Pliny for example, where they mention craKxapov and Saccharum. Salmasius states that the saccharum of the ancients, as described by them, had none of the properties of sugar, and was used in ways sugar never could be ; and in another place that the o-a^apoi/ of the Greeks was taba- sheer " beyond all controversy." Against this dictum the line in Lucan has been cited " Quique bibunt tenera dulces ab arundine succos " as if the bamboo could be a " tenera arundo." But Salmasius quotes this very line, and yet goes on to show by arguments one finds it difficult to refute, although common sense would reject the conclusion, that cane sugar was unknown to the ancients. One would think Pliny's description left little room^ for doubt ; yet Salmasius, by means of a comma, alters its whole meaning. The passage is as follows "Saccharon et Arabia fert, sed laudatius India ; est autem mel in arundinibus collectum, gurn- mium modo candidum, dentibus fragile, amplissimum nucis avellanae magnitudine, ad medicinee tantum usum." But, says Salmasius, "ita hsec distinguenda, collectum gummium modo, non ut est vulgo gummium modo candidum. Hsec omnia prorsum quadrant in tabascir, vel saccharum mambu;" "it is white, brittle to the teeth, is collected in reeds, is sweet," (!) " and useful in medicine." Dioscorides says " what is called crcLKxapov is a kind of concrete honey, found in reeds in India and Arabia Felix, in consistence like salt, and brittle between the teeth like salt. Taken dissolved in water it is borne by the stomach, &c. &c." It is diffi- 95 DRUGS. cult to deny that sugaY is not here meant, and very hard to consent that Tabasheer is. Pliny, copying from Diosco rides, as is plain, perhaps confused Tabasheer with sugar in his description, and thus has involved the subject in a way well-suited for the exercise of subtle and learned criticism. The Honorable President of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society has suggested to the compiler a reading of Pliny as ingenious as that of Salmasius, and probably more just, inasmuch as it supports the common sense view in the "Sugar Controversy." Placing a full stop where the first semicolon occurs, the Honorable Mr. Frere reads the pas- sage as follows : " Saccharon et Arabia fert, sed laudatius India. Est autem mel in arundinibus collectum, &c." As if Pliny, on mentioning, at once dismissed so familiar an article as " Saccharon," and then went on to describe in detail so rare a substance as Tabasheer must have been. Fee, Sprengel, and Humboldt simply follow Salmasius, Humboldt very diffidently. A passage from his " Prolegomena de distributione Geo- graphica Plantarum" (quoted in his "Cosmos"), states an opinion all, on reading the whole controversy on sugar, will probably acquiesce in, and is on other accounts worth introducing here. " Confudisse videntur veteres saccharum verum cum Tebaschiro Bambusse, turn quia utraque in arundini- bus inveniuntur, turn etiam quia vox sanscradana scharkara, quae hodie(ut Pers. schakar et Hind, schukur) pro saccharo nostro adhibetur, observante Boppio, ex auctoritate Amarasinhse, proprie nil dulce (madu) significat, sed quic^uid lapidosum et arenaceum est, ac vel calculum vesicse. Veri- simile igitur vocem scaharkara duntaxat tebaschirum (succur nombu) indicasse, posterius in saccharum nostrum humilioris arundinis (ikschu, kandeschu, kanda) ex similitudine aspectus translatum esse. Vox Bam- busae ex mambu derivatur ; ex kanda nostratium voces candis zuckerkand. In tebaschiro agnoscitur Persarum schir y h. e. lac, Sanscr. Kschiram" The Sanscrit name for tabascher is tvakkschird, bark-milk. Herodo- tus, Book xiv, ch. 1 94, writing of the Gyzantians, observes that in their country, " a vast deal of honey is made by bees ; very much more, however, by the skill of men." In a note, Hawlinson states, " bees still abound in the country, and honey is an important article of commerce. A substitute for honey is likewise prepared from the juice of the palm." Sprengel states that the sugar-cane is first mentioned by Abulfaidil, 13th century, and sugar by Moses Chorenensis, A.D. 462 ; and notwithstanding that it must, the writer would apprehend, be mentioned in Hindoo books of a far earlier date, it is not a little remarkable that a Hindee name of sugar is Cheene. N. 0. 267. FILICES. FERNS. Adiantum lunulatum. Spr. Linn. Syst. Cryptogamia Felices. The frond. Vernacular. Hunsraj, Mobarkha, Hind. Shuer-ul-jin ? Arab. Habitat. India. 96 DRUGS. Remarks. The dSiavrov of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and the ancients, is the Venus or Maiden-hair Fern of Europe ; found by Dr. Leith in the Bolan Pass under the name of Gool-i-mairam. Besides this, the following ferns are found in the bazars of India, viz. Mor-punkhee Asplenium radiatum. Iskoolikundrion Scolopendrium ? Doonditarus Dryopteris P Surkhus, Bitarus'&leri& ? Bisfaij, BulookunboonPolypodium ? Pureseoshun ? Bulootingen Polytrichum ? These references are by Royle. UNIDENTIFIED DRUGS belonging to the MUSEUM COLLECTION, DRUGS. REMARKS. Anchunchuck, seed . . Assalia, seed Aschir, a grass Bul-beej, seed. Cubsha Goa-Powder. Gool-i-gafus Hub-i-zulum, fruit Humama, plant Kanoocheh, seed Kirdaman, crushed bud ? Koob-kulan, seed Kumur-kuss, seed Mamerran Mooshk-tureh-museed, plant. Mudun must, tuber ? Ootunjun Powder from Celebes. Putravuntee, kernel. Shemby, bark Tukl-beej, seed. Tukmeriah, seed Vakerao, seed. . See Customs Tariff. See Customs Tariff. Andropogon, sp ? See Customs Tariff. Agrimonia, sp? Acanthacese ? Saxifragacese ? Umbelliferse ? Not Carpopogon pruriens. Not Conium maculatum. Sinapis,pusilla ? Name also of Gum kino, China. See Tariff. Labiatse ? Acanthacese ? Urticacese ? See Customs Tariff. From the Persian Gulf. Malvaceae. M DRUGS. B DRUGS DETERMINED and UNDETERMINED wanted for the MUSEUM COL- LECTION. Chiefly taken from the Great Exhibition List prepared by Dr. Royle, 1851. ** Probably many entered as undetermined, are, under unfamiliar names, identical with drugs already catalogued. Roots. NAMES. REMARKS. Aboo-kanus Afeemedoon Anarooli. Asgund Atees Atees Aveel-kusmeree. Bekh-atrilal. Bekh-kurpus Bekh-mhuk. Bekh-unjubaz Belamconda. Bhang-i-gundana Bidhara Bish Bozeedan Bunufsha Burahee-kund . . Burkuk-shirazee Burmooloo ? Chaya. Chirya-kund Chokka... Doodhee.. Fawania Filfil moorbel . . Gorkhe-pan. Gun-maturee. Gurbatas Gushoona. Jamgha's. . Junteeana Kacoota-kalung . . Turkey. Delhi, Surat. The kind " Hatrass," of Mirzapore. The kind "Bish" of Guzerat. The kind " Tirayamen" of Cabul. Delhi. Delhi. A Ilium tuberosum. Delhi. The kind " Kala-koot" of Umritsur. Surat. Viola repens, Cashmir. Hedysarum tuberosum, Cabul. Surat. Cashmir. Delhi. Euphorbia tristis. Pseonia corallina. Poorab. Delhi. Polypodium? Surat, Gentiana? Surat. Madras Presidency. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Kala-bichwa. . . . Kamraj Kana-kuchoo Keer. Kibbur. Kitchelly-kapoor. Kombhugras Koondush Koothee. . Kreez. Kukoora. . Kurkee-pona-ke-jur. Kurroo. . Kutol Mahmiran Mahmiran-kutai . Moela-huldee Muleem Moosli Nisoth. Nur-kuchoor. Pata. Peearanga. Peligeree Pokhur-mool Poombee-huldee. Puharee-huldee. Pukhan-bed Pursoona. Rataloo. Riitunjot, not Alkanet Salep-hindee. Salsa? and Falsa? Satheea Serab. Set-burwa. Shakakel. Shakakel-misree . . Shakakul Shogun-mentri. Songhia. Sutawur-suffed .. Suttee Tsuk 99 Poly podium. Lucknow, Poorub. Truffle. Delhi. Costus ? Momordica muricata. 'Gentiana ? Himalayas. Delhi. Ranunculus. Cashmir. Poorub. Himalayas. Every kind procurable. Sida acuta. Thalictrum. Delhi, Punjab. Saxifraga ligulata. Himalayas, Lithospermum ? Grewia? Surat. Saharunpore. Egypt. Cashmir. Delhi. Globba Sindhoul. Kangra. Euphorbia. Cashmir. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Turasees. Unduryan Unjbar Unjbar-roomee . . Urkoh ? Arkuree Colocynthis ? Cashmir. Bistort. Sindh. Arabia. Woods. Beejesar, Bijak Deodar . . Lodh . . Nima Pudmak . . Tuggur .. Deccan. Pinus Deodar. Himalayas. Symplocos racemosa. Simaruba quassioides. Prunus Puddum. Deyrah. Delhi. Barks. Bharungee Bhojputra Bhumbel. . Burkuk-shirazee. . Dar-sheeshan Kayree. Kheree, chips. Kilioomm Kirfae ,., Koora Koorchee. Kunhar-kapost. Kusaili Lulka. Musag Ooshk-chal. Roo. Sut-peora, Boorans 100 Verbesina prostrata ? Betula Bhojputra. Himalayas. Euonymustingeus. Himalayas. Surat. Myrica sapida. Himalayas. Madras. Furruckabad. Echites. Kheree *Pass. Ajmere. Walnut. Rhododendron arboreum. lay as. Hima- DRUGS. Plant and Leaf. NAMES. REMARKS. Abroon . . Afeenoos.. Akas-bel. Aloosureessoon . Amareetum. Anarooli. Arzuk. Aspruk . . Ayapana . . Babai Barunjasif Barungsudab Bhirmi-sugan Bhirmi-vidaya . Bhophullee Bhuenphullee. Bhunug. Berin-dundee. Bomadrum. Boodunk Banufsuj . . Burree-boontee. Daod murdan Dhool-phoollee . Dukhun nirbisi . Eema wanootalee. Foodnuj-burree. Furasion piazee. Gao-zuban-kohee. Gajuba. Garikoon. . Gugerun . . Guggoo-ghiroo. Gugundhol. Gal-miryun Gurgur-muneek . Hasha . . Hatha-joree Hishweh. Hulimo , . Jownchee Julneem . . 101 Labiatse. Delhi. Delhi. Surat. Delphinium. Eupatorium Ayapana. Ocymum pilosum. Artemisia. Nuijibabad. Delhi. Delhi. Delhi. Ajmere. Mentha Pulegium. Viola repens. Cashmir. Cassia alata. Euphorbia. Delhi. Of Bazars of Umritsir. Agaric. Grewia hirsuta. Adiantum, Cap. Veneris? Dr. [Leith. Delhi. The kind, a Polypodum. Surat. Delhi. Delhi. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Kal-meel. Kamohee Kapoor-ke-putta. . Khurzeen. Khusfer. Khutso. Khuttoo Kintooree. Kintooryoon Kishun-gonar. Koorund, false. Kuchila-ke-mulung Laltak. Lutopuree. Moobarka Mukareh . . Nah. Nirgund-baburee. Oordabeg Oostookhoodoos . . Oostukhar Parput. Pata Patree. Podenca? Poonjee. Post-burnee Purol-luttee. Purseeaoshan Putol-puttur. Ra-senna Sal-purnee Singha-koolee. Sitawul. Sudee. Sun-pat. Surphonka Tootiyse-haroonee Uftimoon Umar-bent Umsookh Undhaolee Zak. Zuek. 102 Phyllanthus multiflorus. Meriandra bengalensis. Delhi. Polycarpa corymbosa. Cabul. Viscum monoicum. Cut tack. Not Mobarka hunsraj, Euryale ferox. Shaharunpore. Prunella. Cabul. Delhi. Corchorus olitorius. Hedysarum alopecuroides. Not Pureeseeaoshan. Salvadora lanceolata. Shorea robusta. The kind, a Galega. Herpestes monniera. Delhi. Species of Cuscuta. Delhi. Surat. Delhi. DRUGS. Gums, Resins, and Gum-resins. NAMES. REMARKS. Aprang Booraga Derisana. See Seriss-ke-gond. Huzeez-mukke . . Jingun-ke-gond, or Khunnee- gond . . Kirasia ! . . Ladun ! . . Naguoree gond Nishasteh Pudam-ke-gond Sem-ke-gond. Gota-gond Siriss-ke-gond Toon-ke-gond Ungoor-ke-gond Zurdaloo . . Pterocarpus Draco? Said to be gum of Bombax malaba- ricum. A kind of Benzoin. Surat. Icica resinifera. Khera Pass. Cherry Gum. Surat ! Labdanum. Surat! Alalle archea. Nagora. Mirzapore. Cerasus Puddum. Baubinia gummifera. Derya. Mimosa Serissa. Cedrela Toona. Vites vinifera. Prunus Chooloo. Galls. Makee-kboord, Sumur-kokla Poorub. Flowers. Bbai-phamba. Bol-ke-phool. Gool-gajuba. Goontee. Moondhee Sphseranthus indicus, Fruits and Seeds. Ahlub Amchou 103 Surat. Bengal. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Amgoolee Anak-daneh Aod-suleeb Badrung . . Bapchi . . Bawurchee Binduck-hindee . Bol. Boomadur Buryana . . Chimoti-suffed. Chimpoute Dardah. Dindana . . Dookoo. Furunj-mooshk. Gab ' .. Gehoonle. Goondar-phul. Gowmadur. Gul-miskhun Gundunah Hub-ool-koolkool Hub-ool-musk . , Bub-ool-triuneh. Hoolhool. . Hoormal Indjan. Jamphul Jeapola Jouz-boa Jurjur Kakleh-kubar . . Kaksbee. Kana-bij. Kanoj Kasnee-seeah Khilaf .. Khoob-bazee Khoob-kala. Khulmee. . Kinro. Kurmulee 104 Elseagnus conferta. Himalayas. Iran. Xanthoxylon Badrunga. Ajmere. Psoralea corylifolia. Sapindus detergens. Absinthium, sp. Sida. Ajmere. Compositse. Diospyros embryopteris. Pterospermum. Anthericum. Cardiospermum Helicacabum, Abelmoschus moschatus. Cleome pentapbylla. Corchorus capsularis. Surat. Nageia Putrajiva. Myristica tomentosa. Moricandia lira. Alpinia ? Bengal. Delhi. Surat. Salix eegyptiaca. Malva rotundifolia. Althaea rosea. Delhi. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Kirvia. Knchorie. Kuhodia metha. Kulhuttee. Kumangla. Kumazrioos. Kunkol-mirch. Kunkoth. . ; . Kunotha Kunsola Kurhey. Kussoos Kutora. Lajwuntee Mahleb (Gowla, By) Mahmoodah. Maloni-basscai . . Moomiyse Mukhareh Mnttur-mushang. Narunga. Ooafenoos Oorud chulaka. Peearunga Phulwa . . Ila-sunna. . Reez. Ruwaseen Sal Sang Shah-husfar Sham-soondree. Shaneh-dushtee . . Shookakse. Shoshuna Shuboo-nak Shuogund Siah-tal-mukhana. Sinjud Soolfa Soomrakh Suhunjna-ke-beej Surawi 105 Balanites oegyptiaca. Legumiaosse. Patna. Cuscuta sp., not Hedera, ?limosa. Sindh. A j mere-. Not mummy. Euryale ferox. Surat. Bengal. Bassia butyracea. Salvadora ? Bertholletia ? ^Eschynomene Sesban. Shorea robusta. Hansi. Ocymum pilosum. Sida indica. Elseagnus dulcis. Bignonia indica. Himalayas. Elaengims Sinjid. Umbelliferse. Compositse. Malus communis. Celosia argentea. DRUGS. NAMES. REMARKS. Thy-gul. Tooree-siah. Tukhm gandah . . Tukhm kurpus. Tuntereeh Ufrunjeh. . Ukhburoos Urjan. Wood. Wunga-tukhm . . Zubeel-ool-jubbul Zuetoon Zuhr. Delhi. Rkus parviflorum. Urticacese. Coix indica. Cucurbitaceae. Delphinium staphisagria. Olea Zytoon. 106 DIVISION I Class 3. A. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. a Cereals, N. O. 266, GRAMINACE^E. GRASSES. Andropogon saccharatus. Rox. Linn. Sy&t. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Deodkan, Hind. Shaloo, Dec. Habitat. East Indies. Cultivated throughout India during the rainy and cold seasons. Remarks. This is thought to be the same as IIolcus saccharatus, Linn., the Taam of Egypt, and which includes //. Dochna, Forsk. the Dochn of Arabia and Egypt ; //. caffrorwtn, Thunb. ; and Sorghum arduini, Jacq. Imphee is probably another variety : and all, perhaps, are derived from a common parent with Soryhum vulgar e> Pers. COracana. Gtert. Thick-spiked El 'eusine. Linn. St/et. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Rajika, Sans. % Maud, Hind. Maroon, Murha, Hind. I5eng. Nanau/i, Sindh. Munduf, Kans;ra. Natcknee, Naala t llayee, Dec. Mootamy, TsjetlipuUe, Mai. Rayai, Can. Kaywur y Kelwaragoo, Tain. Sodi, Tamidaloo, Ponassa, Chola, Ragalu t Tel. KurakJcan, Cey. Mandwah, Pers. Habitat. Egypt, East Indies, South America. .Cultivated in India during the rains. 109 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Hordeum hexastiehon. Rem. et Schult. Winter Barley. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Situshooka, Yuva, Sans. Jow, Hind. Jub, Beng. Yoa, Kangra. Tosa, Nep. Satoo, Dec. Barlee-arisee, Tarn. Java, Yavala, Tel. Mu-yan, Burmah. Schceir, Arab. Sjceir, Egypt. Habitat. ? Cultivated during the cold season in favourable localities. Remarks. Pliny informs us that barley " is one of the most ancient aliments of mankind." It was the original prize of the victors at the Eleusinian games. Barley is mentioned Exodus ix. 3 1 ; and by Herodo- tus, who informs us (Book ii. ch. 77) of the Egyptians that " their drink is a wine which they obtain from barley, oLvos *< KpiOeav as they have no vines in their country." Pereira states that Hippocrates mentions three kinds of barley, " probably H. vulgare, H. distichon, and H. hexasti- chon; " species commonly cultivated in England. Oryza saliva. W. Common Rice. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Digynia. -.,. Vernacular. Arunya, Dhanya, Unoo, Tanneola, Ashoovrihi, Sans. Chawl, Hind. Dec. Sari, Sindh. Dhan, Pusnee, Hind. Beng. Payera, Mai. Arissee, Nelloo, Tarn. Beeurn, Cheni, Oori, Urloo, Matta/carulu, Nevari-dhanyamu, Tel. Wee, Cey. Saba, Burmah. Shali, Pers. Rooz, Aroos, Egypt. Brass, Malaya. Habitat. 1 Cultivated in India in two crops a year, the first being sown in the rains, the second in the cold season. Cultivated also in the Eastern Archipelago, China, and Asia generally, South Europe, and Central America. Remarks. Wild rice in India is known by the following names, Nivara, Sans. Newaree, Tel. Ooruvee, Cey. About fifty varieties are cultivated in this Presidency, and in Ceylon so many as 1 60 distinct varieties are recognised. Oobala chowl is rice which has been boiled in the husk. Theophrastus and Dioscorides and Pliny mention rice under the names respectively of opvfrv, opva, and Oryza. " In India," says Pliny, " rice is the most favorite food of all." Oryza nepalensis is the Upland Rice of Nepaul. Pan! cum flavidum. W. Linn. Syst. Triandria Dis;ynia. Vernacular, Burti, Poona. Habitat. Common everywhere in India. Remarks. I am doubtful of this identification. 110 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Panicum frumentaceum. Rox. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Shyamaka, Sans. Skama, Beng. Soak, Kangra. Samva, Hind. Saou, Sindh. Shamoola, Kathlee, Dec. Bonta- shama, Tel. Bajri, Pers. Habitat. Cultivated in India in a succession of crops from June to January. Panicum ilalicum. Rox. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Kungoo, Priyungoo, Sans. Kungoo, Kangni, Hind. Beng. Rawla, Beertia, Kukoon, Hind. Kerang, Sindh. Kora- kang, Chennah, Dec. Bajiree, Guz. Navonay, Can. Tanna, Mai. Tenney, Tarn. Kara, Koraloo, Tel. Tanahal, Cey. Gal, Pers. Kala-kangnee, India (Lindley). Habitat. Cultivated in Southern Europe, North America, and the East Indies. Remarks. The Keyxpos of Hippocrates, and milium of Pliny, according to Sprengel, both of which Fraas, however, refers to P. miliaceum. Spren- gel also believes it to be the eXv/iw of Galen. Panicum miliaceum. Rox. Millet. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. VreeHib-heda, Unoo, Sans. Chennah, Hind. Beng. Chinee, Sindh. Sawee, Warree, Dec. Katacuny, Tarn. Worga, Worglo, Dokhn ? Arab. Arzan, Pers. Habitat. 1 Cultivated throughout India. Remarks. The "milium" of Pliny, according to Fraas ; others refer it to his " panicum." Fraas refers the " panicum" of Pliny, as well as the eXv/Aoy of Theophrastus, and cXvpos 17 fteXiV/; of Dioscorides, which others have referred to P. miliaceum, to Sorghum cernuum. Panicum miliare. Lam. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Digynia. Vernacular. Nella-shama, Nella-shamaloo, Tel. Habitat. Said by Roxburgh to be generally cultivated throughout India. Remarks. Perhaps some of the Museum varieties of P. miliaceum and P. frumentaceum should correctly be referred to this species. Ill AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Panicum piles urn. Siv. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Digynia. Vernacular. Arzan, Hind. Rhadlee, By. Habitat. 1 It comes to the Museum from Poona only. Panicum ? Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Digynia. Vernacular. Danglee, Poona. Habitat. ? It cornes to the Museum from Poona only. Panicum ? Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Digynia. Vernacular. Ralee, ? Habitat. It comes to the Museum from the Punjab. Paspalum SCrobiculatum. Box. Punctured Paspalum. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Korudoosha, Kodruva, Sans. Kodn, Beng. Kodra, Kangra. Kodaha, Hind. Menya, Guz. Kodro, By. Kiraruga, Allu t Arikelu, Tel. Wal-amu, Cey. Habitat. Cultivated throughout India in the rains. Remarks. There is a variety called Harcek, said by Dr. Gibson to be narcotic, but which is returned as a cereal to the Museum from several collectorates. Penicillaria spicata. W. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Bujera> Bujra, Hind. Muttaree, Mai. Cumboo, Tarn. Peddiganti (plant), Gantiloo (grain), Tel. Habitat. Cultivated in India as a rain crop; cultivated also in Egypt. Remarks. This plant has many synonymes, viz. Holcus spicatus, Linn., Panicum spicatum, Rox. ; Pennisetum typhoideum, Pers. It also includes Roxburgh's Panicum involucratum. Sorghum cernuum. W. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Koonhee, East Bengal. Soondia, Broach. Habitat. ? Sent from Broach. Known also elsewhere in India. 112 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCECEREALS. Remarks. According to Fraas, the ^Xivos of Theophrastus, 17 i*f\ivrj of Dioscorides, and Panicum of Pliny. Others refer all these to Panicum miliaceum. Sorghum VUlgare. Pers. Indian Millet. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Zooma, Sans. Joar, Jaundri, Kurbi (stalk), Hind. Yoar, Kangra. Jowaree, Jondla, Dec. Jolah, Can. Chavela y Mai. Cholum, Tarn. Jonna, Jonnalo, Ramudi-talambralu, Tel. Taam, Arab. Kaydee, Durra, Egypt. Habitat ? The East Indies ? Cultivated widely over southern Asia and tropical Africa and America. Remarks. This is synonymous with Holcus Sorghum, Linn., and in- cludes H. Durra, Forsk., S. rubrum, W., and S. nigrum, Rox. ; and should probably include Andropogon saccharatus, Rox. and its varieties. Sprengel believes it to be alluded to in Exod. ix. 32 ; by Theophrastus in his chapter on Cereals, Book iv. ch. 8, and by Herodotus, Book i. ch. 19.3, where he describes tbe vegetable products of Babylonia. It is undoubtedly the " Indian Millet" of Pliny, with tufts called phobce, and is described also in Serapion, and by Fuchsius amongst the fathers of botany. Triticum aestivum. Rox. Summer Wheat. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. Godhooma, Soomuna, Sans. Gom, Beng. Gioon, Hind. Rank? Gih? Sindh. Gawn, Guz. Mar-ghoom, Ghawut-ghoom, By. Godumbay-arisee, Tarn. Godoomaloo, Tel. Burr, Arab. Gandum, Pers. Kumh ? Egypt. Gendoom, Malaya. Habitat. 1 Baschkir's country ? Cultivated in favourable localities in Hindoostan and the Deccan during the cold season. Remarks. Wheat is referred to in Deuteronomy viii. 8, but whether Summer or Winter, or Common Wheat , cannot well be said. Theophras- tus refers to both Triticum hybernum t Kunth, and Summer Wheat t nvpos Xeip.oo-7Topovp.evos Kal rpip.r)vos. Zea Mays. Linn. Common Indian Corn. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Triandria. Vernacular. Yavanala, Sans. Mokka, Bhuta, Hind. Chulee, Ko- kree, Kangra. Mukka-cholum, Tarn. Mokka-jonna, Mokka-jon- nalu, Tel. Muwa-iringu, Cey. Bajri, Pers. Jaggon, Malaya. Habitat. Tropical America. Cultivated now throughout the tropics. Remarks. Fraas identifies this with grains described by the Greeks : but how could they have known a peculiarly American plant ? Undoubt- edly Tragus, circa 1550, is the first who notices it. 113 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Linn. Syst.1 Vernacular. Kuraj, Poona. Habitat. Received only from Poona. Linn. Syst. 1 Vernacular. Buntee, Ahmedabad. Habitat. Received only from Ahmedabad. Remarks. Among the cereals from Ahmedabad I also received Bowchee, but it appears not to be a grass, but to belong to some different order I have not yet been able to determine. 114 DIVISION I. Class 3. A AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Pulse. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Arachis hypogaea. Linn. American Earth Nut, Manilla Gram. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Boochanaka, Sans. Moongphulli, Booe-moong, Hind. Kooi-swg t Felaitee-moong, Dec. Vayer, Nelay-codalay, Tam. Nela-sanagalu t Veru-sanuga, Tel. Cachang -goring, Sumatra. Habitat. South America, the Mediterranean countries. Remarks. The oviyyov of Theophrastus, spelt also oviirov, and ov'irov according to Sprengel ; and dpdx^va according to Fraas. See " Oils and Oil-seeds.' 1 Cajanus indicus. Spreng. Two-coloured Pigeon Pea. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Arhuka, Adaki, Sans. Urur, Hind. Orol, Beng. Toor, Dec. Towaray, Tam. Kandaloo, Carpoo-woolando, Tel. Rata-tora, Cey. Shakhool, Pers. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. It is the Cytisus Cajan of Willdenow, and the Doll-bush of Anglo-Indians, the stalks of which are used in the preparation of gunpowder in the Government works at Mazagon. See " Miscellaneous" Class. 117 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE PULSE. Canavalia gladiata. DeC. Sabre-podded Canavalia. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Shimbeel. Sans. Multshun-shim, Beng. Kudsumber, Hind. Segapoo, Tarn. Tella-tumbetten-kaya, Chamma, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First noticed by Van Rheede. There are varieties, red, white, large and small, all from C. virosa, W. and A. See " Narcotics." Cicer arletinum. Linn. Common Chick Pea, Common Gram. Linn. Sy*t. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Chennuka, Sans. Chala, Boot, Chuna-batoola, Beng. Hurbury, Chenna, Hind. Ghana, Sindh. Ghana, Guz. Kadala, Mai. Gadalei, Tarn. Saniyheloo, Harimandhakam, Tel. Nakhud, Pers. Homos, Egypt. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Remarks. The fpefiivdos of Hippocrates and Theophrastus, the Kpios of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, and eWpoy ddos fpefiwdov of Dioscorides. It is the Cicer of Pliny, who mentions a variety " arietinum" from its likeness to "a ram's head," and another, the "columbine" Chick-pea, or " Pea of Venus." Cyamopsis psoraloides. DeC. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Guvarphulli, Guz. Gouaree, Gaur, Mutkce, Dec. Koth-averay-kai, Tarn. Goruchikkudu, Tel. Habitat. ? Widely cultivated throughout the Deccan. Remarks. The Dolichos fabceformis of Wiildenow, and I), psoraloides of Lamarck. Dolichos Catjang. W. Small-fruited Dolichos. Linn. Sytt. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Lasunda ? Sans. Burbutti, Beng. Lobeah ? Hind. Chora, Guz. Lobeh ? Dec. Tadaguriny, Kurson-pyro, Can. Ala- sendi? Mai. Car -amunny '-pyre, Tarn. Duntoo-pesaho, Bobra, Boberloo (grain), Tel. Lee-mce, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Fraas thinks this may be the ^O/CTJ IvStKT) of Theophrastus. Van Rheede is the first to describe it clearly. DolicllOS Sinensis. Linn. Chinese Dolichos. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Loobia, Hind. Chaunro, Sindh. Choivlee, Dec. Paru, Mai. Kara-mam, Tarn. Alsanda, Alachandalu, Boberloo ? Kara- manulu, Tel. Wanduru-mce, Cey. Lobiya, Pers Ollceah, Egypt. 118 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE- PULSE. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First noticed by Rumphius. DolicllOS Uniflorus. Lam. Two-flowered Dolichos. Linn. Sy*t. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Kolutha, Sans. Kooltee, Hind. Moothera, Mai. Kol- loo t Tarn. Woolawooloo, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The D. biflorus of Willdenow. First mentioned by Plu- kenet. Ervum Lens. Linn. Lentil. Linn, Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Mussoora, Sans. Mussoor> India. Adz, Egypt. Habitat. France. Widely cultivated in the Mediterranean coun- tries and India. Remarks. Referred to Gen. xxv. 24, and the (fraicbs of Hippocrates according to Sprengel, and of Theophrastus, Dioscorides, and Galen, accord- ing to Fraas. See Dolichos Catjang. Pliny describes it under the name of " Lens" his " Ervum" being referred to Ficia Ervilia (L.), the opopos of Theophrastus and Dioscorides. The "Ervilia" of Pliny, or &xp* f Theophrastus, is now referred to Lathyrus Cicera (L.). The dc^a/o; of Theo- phrastus and Dioscorides is the Vicia Cracca (L.), not Lathyrus Aphaca (L.), which, according to Fraas, is the opopdyxrj of Theophrastus, although Sprengel refers dtpaKr) to L. Aphaca. It is the Cicer Lens of Willdenow. Roxburgh mentions an Ervum hirsutum (Will.) cultivated in Northern India for fodder under the names of Mussoor-chuna, and Jhunjhuniankari. Revalenta arabica is nothing more than Lentil bread, the name being a juggle of Ervum Lens, notwithstanding the illustrated advertisement of negroes digging at the roots of strange palms. Lablab VUlgaris. Savi. Black-seeded Dolichos. Linn. Sytt. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Bullar, Saim-ke-puttee, Walpapree, By. Wall, Sindh. Mutcheh, Tota-pyre? Tain. Lobiya, Pers. Liblah, Egypt. Habitat. Egypt. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. The Dolichos Lablab of Linneeus, first mentioned by Avicenna and Serapion. There are numerous varieties, and the following are enumerated by Roxburgh : 1st. Annapa) Tel. 2nd. Annapa-chikurkai, Dolichos albus (Lour.) and D. bengalen- sis, Linn. 119 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE PULSE. 3rd. Geea-shim t Beng. 4th. Goordal-shim, Beng. 5th. Dolichos purpureus, Lour., D. Lablab, Botanical Magazine, plate 896. 6th. Bun-shim, Beng. Adavi-chikkurkai, Tel. Dolichos spica- tus, Kon. 7th. A downy plant, with red flowers, and a dark-gray mottled seed. Dolichos lignosus, W., I have not detected in the pulse sent from any of the collectorates of this Presidency ; but as it is probably cultivated, a list of the varieties given by Roxburgh may be of service here : 1st. Panch-shim, Beng. Tella-chikurkai* Tel. Dolichos ungui- culatuSy Lour.- but not Rumph. Legumes straighter than in other varieties, seeds reddish. 2nd. Baga-nakhooa-shim, Beng. Legumes curved : size of little finger. 3rd. Sada-jamai-Jcooli-shim, Beng. D. cultratus (Will.). 4th. Pituli-jamai-pooli-shim, Beng, Flowers reddish purple, not white as in previous vars. bth. Doodha-pituli-shim, Beng. Legumes curved, and about five inches long. 6th. Ganchi-shim, Beng. Nella-chikurkai, Tel. Flowers red, legumes 6 to 8 inches. Seeds black, with a white eye. Lathyrus sativUS. W. Chickling Vetch. Linn. Sytt. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Khesaree, Teora, Beng. Kussoor, Hind. Matar, Sindh. Lang, Guz. Masang, Pers. Gilban, Egypt. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Only received from Guzerat by the Museum, but generally cultivated in Hindoostan. Remarks. The \dOvpos of Theophrastus, and " Cicercula" of Pliny. Fhaseolus aconitifolius. W. Aconite-leaved Kidney Bean. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular, Fasunta, Sans. Moot, Hind. Dec. Mohar, Sindh. Qlat, Guz. Tulka-pyre, Tarn. Kooncooma-pesaloo, Tel. Adas, Pers. Habitat. East Indies. PhaseolllS Max. W. Hairy -podded Kidney Bean. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. KrisJma-moog, Kala-moog t Beng. Kati-mung, Hind. 120 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Nella-pessara, Tel. Boo-mce, Cey. Ainslie gives the following synonymes ; viz. Masha, Sans. Kalie-oorud, Dec. Wooddoo, Mai. Chicuda, Can. Carpoo-ulandoo, Tarn. Minamolu, Nulla-wood- 0/00, Tel. Mcesh, Arab. Benoomash, Pers. Habitat. Cultivated widely in India. Remarks. This is the Black Gram of Anglo-Indians, and probably only a variety of P. Munao, or, as Roxburgh suggests, P. Mungo of it. It is not recognised in Graham's, or Gibson and Dalzell's Catalogues, Black and Green Gram being included in this Presidency under P. Mungo, which see. Phaseolus MungO. Linn. Small-fruited Kidney Bean. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria, Vernacular, Moodga, Sans. Mung, Hind. Hali-moog, Hari-moog, Kherooya, Bulat, Beng. Mung, Sindh. Moog (Green Gram), Oorud (Black Gram), Dec. Pucha-payaroo y Oolandoo, Tarn. Pachcha-pesulu, Nella-pesalu, Pasalu, Tel. Munmte, Cey. Ainslie gives the following synonymes, viz. Danie-masha, Sans. Oorud, Hind. Dec. Arad, Guz. Moony, Dec. Hessaru, Can. Ulandoo, Tain. Wooddooloo, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by Avicenna. The Green Gram of Bengal. The Black and Green Gram, according to the variety, of Bombay. A comparison of the authentic synonymes of this plant with those of P. Max, that is of synonymes other than such as are given by Ainslie, will remove all doubt of the Krishna-moog of Northern India being any other than our Oorud. Ainslie's synonymes are confusing, especially when compared with those he gives for P. radiatus (v. infra). But I give them entire, with the sufficient precaution of giving them separately, owing to my unfamiliarity with Mash. It was pointed out to me at Sholapore (1856-57) by a Bengal Subadar, and it was certainly P. radiatus which was shown me. But neither the grain of P. radiatus, nor any grain named Mash, has. been returned to the Museum from any of the Collectorates, and no one knows the name here. Roxburgh also describes Phaseolus aureus, or Sona-moog, Beng., and Phaseolus calcaratus, or Ranga-moog, Beng., the first being largely culti- vated in Bengal, and the second in Mysore. Phaseolus radiatus. Rox. Rayed Kidney Bean. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Masha, Sans. Mash-kulay, Ticorai-kulai (black-seeded variety), Bentr. Dord, Thi/dree- (black), Moong t Hind. Mah, Sindh. Minumulu, Karu-minumulu, Tel. Ulundu-mce, Cey. The following synonymes are given by Ainslie, viz, Harita, Sans. 121 p AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. Mag, Guz. Harie-moong, Dec. Cheroo-poiaar, Mai. Hasaroo, Can. Patchay-pyre, Panny-pyre (a var.), Tarn. Patsa-pesaloo, Tel. Habitat. China. Cultivated widely in Northern India. Remarks. " Is the most esteemed of all the Legumince, and bears the highest price" (Roxburgh). See P. Mungo. Phaseolus VUlgariS. W. Common Kidney Bean, Haricot nain. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. BaJda, Loba, Hind. Dambala, Geylon. Habitat. ? Cultivated widely over the world. Remarks. Erroneously called French Bean. Is the SoXt^os of Hip- pocrates and Theophrastus, and the " Phaseolus" of Pliny according to Fraas. According to Sprengel it is also the o-/zi'Xa of Dioscorides. P. multiflorus (W.), is the Scarlet Kidney Bean, Scarlet Runner ', or Harricot a rames. None other than the above species of Phaseolus have been, returned to the Museum, but several more are cultivated in Hindoostan, and in finishing with the genus it may be useful to enumerate them. Phaseolus alatus, W. P. cultratus, Wall. Winged Kidney Bean. Vernacular. Bun-burbultee, Hullounda, Hind. Katon-paera, Mai. Kar-alsanda t Tel. A native of Bengal and tropical America ? Phaseolus lunatus, W. Scymetar-podded Kidney Bean, Duffin Bean. Vernacular. Ooru-dumbala, Cey. A native of the East Indies. Phaseolus maximus, Sloan No vernacular. Widely cultivated, having probably been intro- duced from America. There are six varieties. Phaseolus trorsus, Rox. Vernacular. Seeta maas of the Newars. Cultivated in Nepaul. Phaseolus trilobus. W. Three-lobed Kidney Bean. Is edible, but not cultivated. Vernacular. Moodaa-purnee, Sans. Triangguli, Sans. Hind. Rakhal-kulay , Hind. Arkmutt, Mooganee, By. Pelli-pessara, Tel. Bin-mce, Cey. A native of the East Indies. Pisum arvense. W. Field Pea. JAnn. Sygt. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Keiao, Beng. Bisilleh t Egypt. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Remarks. See Pisum sativum. 122 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE CEREALS. sativum. W. Common Pea. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Harenso, Sans. Burra-mutur, Beng. Buttani, Muttur, Hind. Watana, Dec. Puttanie, Tarn. Goondoo-sani-gheloo, Tel. Ratagoradiya, Cey. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Remarks. The eptftivdos of Homer and Hippocrates, and the cpepivQos of Theophrastus, are referred to this plant by Sprengel. These Fraas refers to Cicer arietinum, and considers that the Common Pea is the TTLO-OV and TriWos of Theophrastus, and probably the epe/3/0o? fjufpos of Dioscorides. Sprengel agrees with him regarding the reference of n-tWo?; and refers the epefiwdos of Theophrastus to C. arietinum. PsOphocarpUS TetragOnolobUS. W. Square-podded Dolichos, Winged Pea, Ghevaux-de-Frize Bean, Pois carre. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Ckandaree, Ckarputtee, By. Dara-dambala, Cey. Habitat. Sicily. Widely cultivated in the East. Remarks. This plant is the same as Dolichos tetragonolobus, W. stated to be a native of the Mauritius. I believe it to be the same as Tetragonolobus edulis, Lunk, which is the same plant as Lotus tetra- gonolobus, W. and a native of Sicily. The flowers are white, blue, and, if the same as the Sicilian plant, reddish. Vicia Faba. Linn. Garden Bean t Faba Grceca, Faba major, Faba minor. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Ful, Egypt. Habitat. Egypt. Remarks. Mentioned in the Bible. The K vapos /leXai/o'xpoos of Homer, Kvafios \\rjvLKos of Hippocrates, /cva/xos of Theophrastus, and "Faba" of Pliny. The last writer would infer that this pulse is the Bean of Py- thagoras usually referred to Nelumbium speciosum. The Vicia of Pliny is Vicia sativa, L. the $'IKOV of Galen, and Faurum of modern Egypt, by some thought the true Faba Grcsca. Pliny notices the derivation of some of the most ancient surnames of the great Roman families from different pulse, as Cicero, Lentulus, Piso, Fabius. -123 DIVISION I. Class 3 A. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Fodder. N. O. 13. PAPAVERACE.E. POPPYWORTS. Papaver SOmniferum. Linn. Garden Poppy. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Polygynia. The seed cake. Vernacular. The plant, Chosa, Sans. Post, Hind. Pasto, Beng. Casa-Casa, Tarn. Cassa-Cassa, Tel. Aboonom, Arab. The seed Cuscus, Yulg. Habitat. Asia, Egypt. Cultivated in Egypt, Asia Minor, Persia, Hindoostan, and China. Remarks. See " Drugs." N. O. 14. CRUCIFER^E. CRUCIFERS. Sinapisms. Species of Mustard. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The seed cake. Vernacular. Rajika, Sarshapa, Tuverica, Sans. Surson, Rai, Ka~ lisursoon, Tooria, Bunga-surson, Hind. Dec. Rate, Bun-raee t Bul-rae, Shwet-raee, Sada-raee, Jooni-raee, Sanchi-sursoon, Beng. Suray-bij t Sindh. Kadaghoo, Tarn. Avaloo, Tel. Gan-aba, Rata- aba, Cey. Khurdal, Kubbr, Arab. Sirshuf, Pers. Habitat. The temperate zones. Widely cultivated. * Remarks. The vdm> of the Greeks. In India are cultivated chiefly S. ramosa, Race; S. glauca, Toria ; S. dichotoma, Kalie-surson ; and S. juncea, Bunga-surson, the Khardel, or Kubbr of Arabia and Egypt. 125 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. N. O. 55. LINAGES. FLAXWORTS. Linum USitatissimum. Linn. Common Flax. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Pentagynla. The seed cake. Vernacular. Atasi, Matusi, Ooma, Sans. Ulsi, Tisi, Musina, Mus- nee t Hind. Jowus, Dec. Aliveree, Allo-seroo-sanul, Tarn. JSugruc, Kettan, Arab. Kutan, Pers. Habitat. Egypt. Cultivated widely in Europe and India. Remarks. See " Drugs," and " Oils and Oil-seeds." N. 0. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Acacia arabica. Linn. Gum Arabic Tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The pod. Vernacular. The tree, Barbura, Sans. Kalikeker, Hind. Ba- bula, Gursoonder, Hind. Beng. Babla, Beng. Babool, Kalie- Tteeker, Dec. Kurroo-vaylum, Mai. Nella-toomie, Tumma-chettu, Tel. Akakya, Umgheelan, Arab. Mughilan, Pers. A variety, Eamkanta ; and another Eree-babool, Dec. Habitat. India, Arabia, Egypt, Senegal. Remarks. Acacia Farnesiana is also called Eree-babool. See " Drugs." Medicago sativa. W. Lucern. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The herb. Vernacular. >Valaitee-gawat> By. Habitat. Persia, Peru ? Cultivated in India. Remarks. The ^^ of the Greeks and Medica of the Romans, like the Citron from Media. It was introduced into Europe during the wars with Darius, as the British Expedition of 1856-57 introduced Hurayalee into Farz and Khuzistan. The plant has been immemorially known in Peru. M. falcata, W. Yellow Medick or Swiss Lucern is more hardy than Lucern, and might probably be advantageously attempted in India, where the soil is barren. N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITES. Carthamus tinctorius. 7T'. Officinal Carthamus. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia Squalls. . The seed cake. 126 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. Vernacular. Cusumbha, Kamalottara, Sans. Koosumbha, Sans. Beng. Hind. Kajeerah, Beng. Koosum, Hind. Seendoorkum, Tarn. Cossumba, Cey. Usfur, Arab. Habitat. Egypt. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. The KVTJKOS and KVIKOS of the Greeks. N. 0. 147. PEDALIACE.E. PEDALIADS. Sesamum indicum. DeC. Indian Oily-grain. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. The seed cake. ^ Vernacular. Tila, Sans. Til, Beng. Hind. Krishna-til, Hind. Gingelie, By. Wull-ellu, Can. Schit-elu ? Mai. Yelloo, Tarn. Novu, Tel. Tel-tala, Tun-pat-tala, Cey. Duhn, Djyldjylan, Arab. Roghen, Pers. Semsem, Egypt. Benjam, Sumatra. Habitat. India, from whence its migrations are traced to Mesopo- tamia, Egypt, and the West Indies on the one hand, and to China and Australasia on the other. Remarks. DeCandole's plant includes the 8. orientate of Sprengel, the Oriental and Indian Oily-Grain, being varieties, not separate species. Varieties are represented in Humph. Amboy. 5, plate 76, fig. 1 ; Bot. Mag. Sims, plate 1688; Van Kheede, Hort. Mai. ix, plate 54, et forte 55. S. laciniatum, W. of the neighbourhood of Hyderabad in the Deccan would also appear to be only a variety. It is the arjo-ap-ov of the Greeks, and Sesama of the Homans. Herodotus (Clio, cxciii) writing of the productions of the fertile plain of Babylonia observes " I know not how to mention, although I have seen it myself, th immense height to which Millet and Sesamum- will grow; for I am well aware that they who have not visited this country will deem what- ever I may say on the subject a violation of probability. They have no oil, but what they extract from the Sesamum. 5 * N. O. 266. GRAMINE.E. GRASSES. Andropogon glaber. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. Vernacular. Gundha-goorana, Beng. Tambut, Dec. Habitat. India. Andropogon scandens. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. Vernacular. Marwail, Dec. Habitat. India. 127 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. Remarks. Grows about hedges in the rains. " Cattle are not fond of it." (Roxburgh.) Cynodon Dactylon. Pers. Creeping Cynodon. Linn. Sytt. Triandria Digynia. Vernacular. JJurva, Sans. Doorba, Doobla, Beng. Doob, Ghaner, Hind. Hurayalee, Dec. Arugampillee, Tarn. Gherka, Ghericha, Habitat. Europe, India. Remarks. The aypoxms of the Greeks according to Fraas. " Its flowers in their perfect state, are among the loveliest objects in the vegetable world, and appear, through a lens, like, minute rubies and emeralds in constant motion Yrom the least breath of air. It is the sweetest and most nutritious pasture for cattle; nd its usefulness added to its beauty, induced the Hindus, in their earliest ages, to believe that it was the man- sion of a benevolent nymph. Even the Veda celebrates it ; as in the following text of the A't'harvana : ' May Durva, which rose from the water of life, which has a hundred roots and a hundred stems, efface a hundred of my sins, and prolong my existence on earth for a hundred years!' ' It is sacred also to Ganesha. Durva and Doorba must not be confounded with Darbha a svnonyme of the celebrated Cusha grass. See "Miscellaneous" Class. Sorghum VUlgare. Pers. Indian Millet. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. The stalks, Kurby. Vernacular. Zoorna, Sans. Joar, Jaundri, Kurbi (stalk), Hind. Yoar, Kangra. Jowaree, Jondla, Dec. Jolah, Can. Chavela, Mai. Cholum, Tarn. Jonna, Jonnalo, Ramudi-talambralu, Tel. Taam, Arab. Kaydee, Durra, Egypt. Habitat. The East Indies, widely cultivated. Remarks. See " Cereals." " The grasses, forming the greatest por- tion of the pasture for horses, cattle, and sheep, in most parts of the world, at the same time that they yield grain, which forms three-fourths of the food of man, are necessarily the most important class of plants in an economical and political point of view." "The cultivation of pasture-grasses having only recently formed a part of English agriculture, it cannot be expected that much attention should have been paid to the subject of hay and pasture -grasses in India, though some districts as that of HURRIANA,* like the natural pastures and meadows of the British isles, are celebrated for their pastures and herds of cattle. * The grasses of Hurriana belong to the genera Panicum, Pcnnisctum, Cenchrus, Chataria, Vilfa, Dactylocteniunt , Chloris, Eleusine, Achrachne, Poa, JSmgrostis, and A ndropogovi) the grasses of the Doab only finer perhaps. Royle, Hima. 13ot, p. 421, note. 128 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. The subject is one of the greatest importance, not only as affording pas- ture for horses and agricultural cattle, but also for improved breeds of sheep which India is likely to produce, and export their wool. The plains of India being subject to great heat with drought at one season, and heavy rains at another, cannot be expected to present any pasture- grounds resembling those of the best part of Europe ; but the temperature of the cold weather months, especially in the northern provinces, being such as to be most favourable for the cultivation of the same cereal grasses as in Europe, it is not surprising that good grass is produced there, and that many English gentlemen prepare very excellent hay. Their rapid growth, great height, and subsequent dryness, render many of the Indian grasses unfit for pasture at the end of the year. This the inhabi- tants * * * remedy, by* yearly burning down the old and dry grass, so as to allow the young blades which immediately sprout up to afford fodder for their cattle. But Europeans in India infinitely prefer, or indeed only give their horses, the creeping stems and leaves, scraped off the ground by the grass-cutter, of that grass which is known by the name of doob, or doorba (Cynodon Dactylon), and which flowers nearly all the ye;ir round, and is, fortunately, by far the most common in every part of India. * * * Cattle are also fed on chopped straw (bhoosa)* as well as the stalk of the joar (Sorghum milgare) cut into small pieces, and then called kurbee ; of this all kinds are remarkably fond. They are also fond of the straw of many other of the cultivated Graminea as Paspalum scrobiculatum, and Kora, Penicillaria spicata, Panicum italicum y fru- mentaceum, miliare, and Eleusine cegyptiaca. Buffaloes are also fond of kans t or Imperata (saccharum) Spontanea, and its varieties which are stacked for the purpose. India is not, however, destitute of pasture grasses, but they belong to genera and tribes different from those of Europe as Panicum, Eragrostis Saccharum, Rottboellia, $-c.f" The pastures of the various parts of India might probably be much, and at the same time easily improved, by the introduction of some of the pasture grasses of Brazil, which are of a gigantic stature, and perfectly tender and delicate." (Koyle.) One of the most important subjects indeed to which the Agri-Horticul- tural Society of Western India could give its attention, "Western India being very unfortunate in respect of all kinds of fodder. The compiler has known the whole cattle of a considerable city, having a large military cantonment in the neighbourhood, pastured nearly all the year round, on a bladeless area of splintered basalt, their nutriment being derived from the use to which the ground was put by the city. Regularly each morning when the inhabitants had turned out on the plain, the cattle were turned out after them. The milk was absolutely undrinkable, and * Bhoosa in this presidency is either simple bran, or a mixture of various substances, as bran of wheat, rice, chopped straw, and so forth. t Hoyle also mentions Andropogon martini (after General Martin), and Ischtemum pil.osutn, the latter very common in tho black cotton soil. Dalzell however terms it " the greatest pest to agriculturalists." ' 129 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. the meat only not uneatable because without it was starvation. It is such eating however that makes all the difference between an Englishman in India, and an Englishman in England, and the cachectic meat of this country is owing to the inattention to pasture arid hay grasses. In Bombay even, horse-dung is used as fodder for buffaloes and cows. " All flesh is grass," and no plants therefore are more worthy of experiment and improved culture in India. Linnaeus, as quoted by JEloyle, has tersely said "Graminea, folia pecoribus et jurnentis Iseta pascua, semina miuora avibus, majora hominibus esculenta sunt." Camel fodder-plants also, in some provinces of the Empire, call for intelligent observation and culture. The compiler has not studied the subject, but submits the following list of Camel Fodder-plants from the Government records of Sindh, on the authority of the late Dr. Stocks, whose accuracy is always as conspicuous as it is rare in Indian botanical works of a late date. Camel Fodder -plants of Sindh. SINDEE NAME. BOTANICAL NAME. Aout-lanee, or Ushuk-lanee Baver Bubber Chawr Chotee-lanee, or Fysur-lanee . Drunoo Fysur-lanee, vide Chotee-lanee. Gahro-lanee Goon Gudha-lanee, or Put-lanee Hajeroo . . . . . . r , Jhil Juree Kandero Kharee djar, or Kuber . . Kharee lanee Kip 130 Sueda sp. Acacia farnesiana, W. Acacia arabica, W. Agiceras majus, Gatu. Trianthema micrantha, Stocks. Crotalaria Burhia, Ham. Salsola sp. Cressa indica. Xygophyllum simplex, Linn. Mimosa tubucaulis, Lam. Indigofera pauciflora. Atriplex sp. Alhagi maurorum, Town. Salvadora persica, Linn. Salsola sp. Leptadenia jacquemontiana, DeC, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE FODDER. SINDEE NAME. BOTANICAL NAME. Kontee-lanee Kotuk Kuber ; vide Kharee djar. Kundo Mitho-lanee, or Samundur-lanee Moodheree Mulleero.. Put-lanee ; vide Gudha-lanee. Saduee djar Samundur-lanee ; vide Mitho- lanee. Tik Timmer Ushuk lanee ; vide Aout-lanee. Waho Wukkun. . Salsola sp. Glinus lotoides, Linn* Prosopis spicigera. Sue da sp. Corchorus humilis, Munro. Amaranthus tenuifolius, Rox. Salvadora indica, Royle. Eclipta prostrata, Rox. Avicenna tomentosa, Linn. Trianthema intermedia, Stock*. Zapania nodiflora, Linn. The Camel rejects the following : Puneer . . Sewur, or Sihar . . Thuhur ., Uk Puneeria coagulans, Stocks. Khazya stricta, DeC. Euphorbia nereifolia, Linn. Calotropis hamiltonii, Wight. The Camel eats the Jowr, Zoivr, or Nerium odoriim, W. Sweet-scented Oleander, but the plant " is nearly always fatal to him," Prangos pabu- laria, N. O. 110 (see "Drugs") is described by Moorcroft as affording excellent fodder for cattle in the neighbourhood of Draz. Attention has already been turned to it in India. The stalks of Imphee form excellent fodder, and probably this is the only service the plant will be in India, 131 DIVISION I. Class 3, B. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES N. O. 2. DILLENIACE^E. DILLENIADS. Dillenia speciosa. Thun. Large-flowered Dillenia. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. The calyx, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Ruvya, Sans. Beng. Chalita, Bens;. Mota-kurmul, By. Syalita, Mai. Uvva, Tarn. Tel. Pedda-kalinga, Tel. Honda-para, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. N. O. 4. ANNONACE^E. ANONADS. Annona muricata. W. Sour-sop. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Polygynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. ? Habitat. West Indies. Completely naturalised on the Island of Bombay. Remarks. First noticed by De Valdes, Piso, and Marcgravius. Annona reticulata. W. Netted Custard Apple. Linn. Rygt. Polyandria Polygynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Rama-Sita ? Sans. Luvunee, Nona, Hind. Beng. Ram-phut, Dec. Rama-Sitapullam ? Tarn. Rama- Sit apundoo ? Rama-phalam, Tel. Anona, Goa, Cey. Manna, Nona r Malaya. 133 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Habitat. South America ? Extensively cultivated in India. Remarks. I find no earlier reference to it than that of Van Rheede* Annona squamosa. Linn. Sweet-sop. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Gunda-gutra, Sans. Ata, Beng. Hind. Loona, Meba r Beng. Seetaphul, Dec. Anta-cheecha, Mai. Sitapullam, Tarn. Sitapundoo, Sitaphulam, Tel. Atta, Cey. Shurifa, Arab. Manua- papuwa, Sri/cay a, Malaya. Seeree-cayoo, Sumatra. Habitat. South America. Extensively cultivated throughout the East. Remarks. Van Rheede, so far as I can say, is the first to describe this plant. The Ate of the Philippines appears to be another species. A. Cherimolia, Mill, the Cherimoyer of South America, has been tried, but without success both at Bombay and Poona. It is considered one of the finest fruits in the world. Annona senegalensis is worth introducing. Between N. O.'s 4 and 10 we have N. O. 8, Berberidacese, species of which yield Barberries, which probably could not be acclimatized in Bombay. N. O. 10. NYMPILEACE.E. WATER-LILIES. Nymphaea Lotus. Linn. Linn. Sytt. Polyandria Monogynia. The root, stalk, leaf, and flower, used as vegetables ; and the seed as a nut. Vernacular. The red variety : Huluka, Ructa-sinduka, Sans. Ructa- kumbala, Beng. Rukta-chunduna, Hind. Kumul, By. Yerra- kulwa, Tel. Ruta-cBt-olu, Cey. The white variety : 'Koomooda, Sans. Shalook, Jiyrob, Beug. Bhamber, Bhambul, Sarong, Nilofar, Kuwulgotta, Hind. Koonee, Poonee, Napa (seeds), Lorhee (root), Sindh. Koee, Kumul, By. Tella-kulwa, Tel. Suda-(zt-olu, Cey. Nilofer, Naufar (quasi, Nymphaea Nili), Beshnm, Egypt. Nenuphar, Thibet. Habitat. Egypt, about the marshes of Rosetta and Damietta : East Indies. Remarks. This species includes N. rubra, W. et A., and N. pubescens, W. et A. Does it include A", ccerulea, Savigny ? It is said to be the Xwroy described by Theophrastus, Hist. Plant, iv. 10., and the 6 Xwros h alyvirTu of Dioscorides, iv. 114. It is mentioned by Herodotus, Bk. ii. 92, where, describing the customs of the marsh- men of the Nile, he writes : " They gather the blossoms of a certain water-lily, which grows in great abundance all over the flat country 134 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. at the time when the Nile rises and floods the regions along its banks the Egyptians call it the lotus they gather, I say, the blossoms of this plant and dry them in the sun, after which they extract from the centre of each blossom a substance like the head of a poppy, which they crush and make into bread. The root of the lotus is likewise eatable, and has a pleasant, sweet taste : it is round, and about the size of an apple. There is also another species of lily in Egypt which grows like the lotus in the river, and resembles the rose (eVri Se KCU oXXa Kpivea poSota-t e/zr6s poftidovrbs of Athen- reus ; the " Colocasia quam Cyamum aliqui vocant" of Pliny ; Nymph&a indica major, and Taratti, Rumphius ; Nelumbo Zeylonensium, Tour- nefort ; Cyamus mysticus, Salisbury ; Tamara, and Bem-tamara, Van Rheede ; Nymphcea Nelumbo, Burmann ; Nelumbo, Hermann ; and 2Ve- lumbo nucifera, Gsertner. In Bombay it blooms in the beginning of the rains, the flowers being beautiful beyond all description, every lively hue of " celestial rosy red," and milk white. 136 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. N. O. 15. CRUCIFER^E. CRUCJFERS. Brasslca Oieracea. Linn. Common Cabbage. a. capitata. Linn. White Cabbage. 3. rubra. Linn. Red Cabbage. y. Sabauda. Linn. Savoy. y. sabauda gemmifera. Brussels sprouts. 8. sabellica. Linn. Borecole. . Botrytis. Linn. Cauliflower. c. Botrytis cymosa. Brocoli. . caulo-rapa. Knol-khol, or Khol-rabi. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The entire plant in almost every variety, except /3 used as a vegetable : j3 used as a pickle. Vernacular. The Common Cabbage : Kopee, Beng. Hind. Krumb, Kirnub, Arab. Kullam, Pers. * Habitat. England. Remarks. The Common Cabbage (the pdyavos of Theophrastus, K pa^ jji/iepos of Dioscorides, and Brassica and Crambe of Pliny), and Knol-khol are very extensively cultivated in the Western Presidency ; other varieties only about large military stations, or by enthusiasts. Brassica campestris. Linn. a. rutabaga. DeC. Swedish Turnip. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The root, and top, used as vegetables. Vernacular. ? Habitat. England and Sweden. Remarks. The (3owias of Dioscorides, and Bunias of Pliny. Rarely seen. The Cqlza of the Dutch is a variety of this plant. Brassica Rapa. Linn. Turnip. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The root, and tops, used as vegetables. Vernacular. Shalgram, Beng. Pers. Golthru, Sindh. Luft, Arab. Habitat. England. Remarks. The yoyyvXrj ^fiepoy of Dioscorides, and paws of Theophras- tus. Rape or Coleseed is the product of Brassica Napus. 137 R FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Lepidium sativum. Linn. Common Cress. Linn. Syst Tetradynamia Siliculosa. The young leaf, used as small salad. Vernacular. Aleverie, Beng. Haleem, Beng. and Dec. Ahreo, Sindh. Adala vitala, Tel. Half, Arab. Habitat. Persia ; widely cultivated. Remarks. The ndpSapov of Hippocrates and perhaps of Dioscorides, and the Nasturtium and Dittander of Pliny. Alleeveraij is the Tamil for Linseed. See also " Drugs," and " Condiments and Spices." KaphanUS caudatus. Linn. Long-podded Radish. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The root, used as a salad. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Java. Raphanus sativUS. Linn. Common Radish. a. radicula. DeC. Long Radish. /3. oblonga. DeC. Turnip Radish. Linn. St/st. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Vernacular. Moolu&a, Sans. Moola, Hind. Beng. Muli, Hind. Dec. Muri t Sindh. Mura, Guz. Moolinghie, Tarn. Mullanyi, Tel. Rabu, Cey. Fioyl, Bokel, Arab. Turb, Pers. Fidjel, Egypt. Lobak, Malaya. Habitat. China. Cultivated over the world. Remarks. The pcxpavls and p Pers. Limun malehh, Egypt. Jarott, Malaya. Habitat. Asia. In ancient times it derived its name. from Media, and is now found wild along the base of the Himalayas. Pliny says that in his day it would grow nowhere but in Media. "Remarks. The tf\ov M^IKM of Theophrastus, and Malum citreiim of Pliny. See also " Drugs." Feronia elephantum. C. de S. Indian Elephant Apple. linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia.. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Kupittha* Bhu-Kupittham, Sans. Kuth-bel, Booien- ftavite, Kawtha, Koeet, Hind. Kuth-bel, Ben'g. Kaweet, Dec. Velanga, Pitavoola, Full am, Nilavoola, Cootievella, Tarn. Nela- vellaga, Yelanga, Tel. Deivul, Cey. Habitat. India. Remar/cs. See also " Drugs." Trlphasia Aurantiola. Lour. Three-leaved Triphasia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used in conserve. Vernacular. China narangi, Hind. Beng. Habitat. China. Completely naturalized in Bombay. Remarks. Cookia punctata, the Wampee of China, and Citrus Limonum, Risso, the Lemon, have both been introduced into Bombay, but without success. N. O. 42. GUTTIFERJE. GUTTIFERS. Garcinia IVIangostana. TJ r . Common Mangosteen. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Mungeestun, By. Manggitsta, Malaya. Manjjgis, Java, Bali, and Sunda. Manggos, Lampung. Manggisi, Bugis. Habitat. Malaya. Remarks. First described by Garcias. Has been successfully intro- 142 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. duced by the Honorable Mr. Frere and Mr. Rustomjee Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy into Bombay. Gareinia purpurea. Rox. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit ; and the rind, used as a garnish in cur- ries chiefly. Vernacular. Ko/cum, By. Brindao, Goa. Habitat. Ravines of Concan. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. Mammea americana, the Mammee-apple or Wild Apricot of South America ; Clusia Jlava, the Yellow-flowered Balsam Tree, or Mountain or Wild Mango ; and Grias cauliflora, the Stem- flowering Anchovy-Pear of Jamaica ; and Xanthochy- mus pictorius, H. K., of the East Indies, should all be tried in Bombay. N. O. 45, Malpighiacese, yields Malphighia jlabra, and M . pumcifolia, Smooth-leaved and Pomegranate-leaved Barbadoes Cherries ; and Nitra- ria tridentata of Tunis, the true Lotus tree, of the Lotophagi ; and N. schobem, the berry of which is the chief luxury of the tribes of the Cas- pian desert. See also " Condiments and Spices" and " Oils and Oil- seeds," and "Drugs." N. O. 48. SAPINDACFJE. SOAPWORTS. Nephelium Litchi. Don. Linn. Syst. Octandria ATonogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Litchi, China, Beng. Hind. Habitat. China. Thoroughly naturalized in Bombay. N.Longanum is the Long an of China ; and N. lappaceum, the Rambutan of the same country. The Long an has been tried and failed in Bombay ; as also Cupania sapida, the Akee of Africa, introduced into the West Indies by Bligh. The leaves of Cardiospermum Helica- cabum, a plant indigenous to this Government, are eaten in tbe Moluccas. N. O. 49. Rhizobolacese presents us with Caryocar butyrosuniy the Souaria, Suw arrow, or Surwha Nut tree of Demerara. N. O. 50, Meliacese, Lansium domesticum,t\\e Lansium ; and a species of Sandoricum, the Santoor of the Malay Archipelago. N. O. 53. VITACE^E. VINEWORTS. Vitis vinifera. W. Common Grape. Linn. Syxt. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit, conserve, and pickle. Vernacular. Vraksha, Sans. Beng. Drakhyaluta, Beng. DaJch> Angoor, Hind. Kodrimoondrie, Tam. Dracha, Kisumisu-chettu, 143 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tel. Wcel-midi, Oowus, Cey. Kerm (vine), Anub (grape), Umaseen (juice), Meweez, Zebeeb (raisin), Arab. Unyoor, Pers. Booangoor, Malaya. Habitat. Persia. Cultivated through the old world from India to the 51 North. Remarks. First mentioned hy Moses in the history of Noah. Is the olvoffropos of the Greeks and the Vitis Sativa of Pliny. Homer mentions the vine in his description of the garden of Alcinous, Odys. vii. Close to the gate a spacious garden lies, From storms defended and inclement skies : Four acres was th' allotted space of ground, Fenced with a green enclosure all around. Tall thriving trees confessed the fruitful mould ; The redd'ning apple ripens here to gold, Here the blue fig with luscious juice o'erflows, With deeper red the full pomegranate glows. The branch here bencft beneath the weighty pear, And verdant olives flourish round the year. The balmy spiiit of the western gale Eternal breathes on fruits untaught to fail : Each dropping pear a following pear supplies, On apples apples, figs on figs arise : The same mild season gives the blooms to blow, The buds to harden, and the fruits to grow. Here order'd vines in equal ranks appear, With all the united labours of the year; Some to unload the fertile branches run, Some dry the black'ning cluster in the sun ; Others to tread the liquid harvest join, The groaning presses foam with floods of wine. Here are the vines in early flower descried, Here grapes discoloured on the sunny side, And here in autumn's richest purple dyed. Beds of all various herbs, for ever green, In beauteous order terminate the scene. Two plenteous fountains, the whole prospect crowned. Again Odys. xxiv the scene referred to being Ithaca. Twelve pear trees bowing with their pendant load, And ten, that red, with blushing apples glow'd ; Full fifty purple figs : and many a row Of various vines that then began to blow, A future vintage ! tvhen the hours produce Their latent buds, and Sol exalts the juice! Herodotus (Euterpe, ch. 77) says the Egyptians " have no vines in their country." Of N. O. 54, Geraniacese, Geranium parviflorum has a root eaten in Australia ; and Pelargonium triste, tubers eaten at the Cape of Good Hope. N. O. 56. OXALIDACE^E. OXALIDS. Averrhoa Bilimbi. W. Bilimbi. Linn. Syst* Decandria Pentagynia. The fruit, used as a fruit, and pickle. 144 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Vernacular. Kurmurunga ? Sans. Kamarunya, Beng. Hind. An- vulla, By. Wilumpi, Mai. Bilimbi, Tarn. Bilin, Cey. Blim* bing, Malaya. Bessee, Sumatra. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Bontius. Averrhoa Carambola. W. Carambola. Linn, Syst. Decandria Pentagynia. The fruit, used both as a dessert and tart fruit. Vernacular. Meetha-kamarunya, Hind. Beng. Kumruck, Dec. Kurmul, By. Tamara-tonga, Kamaranga, Mai. Cey. Tamartam, Tarn. Blimbing-manis, Eastern Archipelago. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First unequivocally described by Garcias ab Orto, and Bon- tius. Oxalis corniculata. L. Procumbent Oxalis. Linn. Syst. Decandria Pentagynia. The leaf, used as a small salad, garnish, and potherb ? Vernacular. Amla-lonika, Amlika, Ambashta, Chookrika, Shooklika, Sans. Amrool, Beng. Hind. Ambuti, Hind. Dec. Pooliaray, Tarn. Pulia-chinta, Tel. Hememdab, Hemda, Homadmad, Arab. Habitat. Great Britain, Egypt, India. O. Acetosella is the com- mon Oxalis of England ; and A. crenata of Lima yields eatable tubers ; as also O. deppei. Tropeeolum Majus, Great Indian Cress, and T. tuberosum which yields eatable tubers in Peru, belong to N. O. 58 Tropseolacese. Zyyophyllum Fabago, the Bean Caper, so called from itg buds, like the unripe fruit of T. Majus, being used as a substitute for Capers, belongs to N. O. 62. Zygophyllacese. N. O. 70. RHAMNACE^E. RHAMNADS. Zizyphus Jujuba. Lam. Blunt-leaved Zizyphus. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit, and in pickle and conserve. Vernacular. Koli, Kurkhunda, Fadari, Phenila ? Sans. Kool, Budree, Narikelee-kool, Beng. Bier, Bair, Beri, Nazuc, Jharberi, Ilind. Perintoddaleiy Elentha, Mai. Elandei, Tarn. Rcngha, Reyyhoo, Tel. Maha-debara, Ilanda t Masan, Cey. Sidr 9 Nabik, Arab. Konar, Pers. Habitat. North Africa, Arabia, India. 145 8 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Remarks. First unequivocally described by Van Rheede. Z. Lotus, has been thought the Lotus of the Lotophagi, now referred to .Nitraritt tridentata, N. O. Malpighiacese. Z. xylopyra, W. the Gootee, and Z. ru- gosa, Lam. the Toorun of this Presidency, have both palatable fruit. Hovenia dulcis has, like the Cashewnut, a succulent peduncle, much esteemed as a fruit in China. N. O. 71. ANACARDIACE.E. ANACARDS, OR TEREBINTHS. Anacardium occidentals W. Common Cashew. Linn. Si/st. Enneandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a nut ; and the succulent peduncle- used as a fruit. Vernacular. Beejara-sala, Sans. Hijilee-badam, Beng. Cajoo, Dec. Parunkimanvah, Peiteira-manjo, Mai. Moondri, Tam. Jidi-memidi, Muntamamedi, Tel*. Watu-caju, Cey. Cadju, Malaya. Jamboo-eerong, Sumatra. Habitat. South America. Naturalized in Malabar, Coromaudel, Chittagong, Trichinopoly. Remarks. First described by Thevetius. Buchanania latifolia. Box. Linn. Syst. Decandria Pentagynia. The kernel, used as a nut. Vernacular. Piyala, Sans. Beng. Peeyar, Cheroonjie, Hind. Pyal, Charolee, By. Morceda, Mowda, Kat-manf/o, Tumbi, Tam. Tsa- roo-mamadi, Tsa-roo-puppoo, Tel. Habitat. Belgaum, Malabar, Coromaudel. Mangifera indica. Linn. Common Mango. Linn. Syt. Polygamia Monoecia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Amra, Sans. Am, Hind. Beng. Dec. Mava, Mai. Mammarum> Tam. Ma/candamu, Mavi, Mamadichettoo, Tiya- mamidi, Tel. Etamba (wild), Amba (cultivated), Cey. Mangga (wild), Sunda. Mampalam } Malaya. Palam, Java. Kapalam, Lampung. Habitat. East Indies. Cultivated near Muscat, and throughout the East, and in the West Indies ; all the cultivated varieties ap- pearing to have originated in India. Remarks. First .described by Garcias ab Orto, Bontius, and KameL The Archipelagic names of the cultivated Mango are all, according to Crawfurd, derived from the Sanscrit " Maha-pahala." Through the 146 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. agency of Europeans however, the corrupted form of the Sunda name for the wild Mango, is becoming prevalent throughout the East, from the Philippines to Madagascar, and has extended even to the West Indies. The Mangos of Mazagon, were once celebrated. Semecarpus Aiiacardium. Linn. Marking nut. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dicecia. The kernel, used as a nut. Vernacular. Nrooskura, Bullatakec t Sans. Bhela> Belawina, Bhe- laman, Bhelawan, Hind. Biboo, By. Gheru, Can. Kampira, MaL Shayngcottay, Shayrangcottay, Tam. Nellajidi, Jeedi- ghenzadoo, Bhallataki, Bhallatamu, Tummeda-mamidi, Tel. Kiri- badulla, Cey. Chaibin, Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. The av6o$a\avov of Galen. See " Fruits and Vegetables," "Oil and Oil-seeds," and "Miscellaneous Class," and "Woods." Spondias mangifera. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Decandria Pentagynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Amrataka, Sans. Amra, Beng. Hind. Ambara, Hind. Ran-amb, Jungli-am t Dec. Cat-ambola?n, Mai. Caat-maavu, Tam. Amatum, Adivie-mamadie, Tel. JEmb&rtella, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. Several species of Spondias have edible fruits as S. purpurea and S. Mombin, the Hog Plums of the West Indies ; S. Birrea, of Abyssinia ; and S. dulcis, the Otaheite Apple. N. O. 72. AMYRIDACE^E. AMYRIDS. Garuga pinnata. H. K. Wing-leaved Garuga. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a pickle. Vernacular. Toom, Beng. Hind. Koorak 3 Khanghur, Dec. Garugo, Kalugudu, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. N-. O. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Adenanthera paVOZlina. W. Yellow-flowered Adenanthera. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Koochunduna, Sans. Hind. Ructa-chunduna, Ranjuna, Beng. Mundateea, Can. Manseni-fcotta, TeU Mansiadi, Cey. . 147 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The seeds are said to be eaten in South America, but the statement seems incredible. Agati grandiflora. Linn. Syst. Diactelphia Decandria. The leaf, the pod, the flower, as vegetables. Vernacular. Agastia, Buka, Sans. Buka-agusta, Beng. Augusta, By. Agati, Tarn, and Mai. Anisay, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables" and " Gums and Resins." Tamarindus indica. Linn. Common Tamarind. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Triandria. The pulp of the pod, as a conserve and pickle. Vernacular. Umlika, Tintiree, Tintili, Sans. Nuli, Atnbli, Hind, and Beng. Amlee,.Tentool t Beng. Balam-pollie, Mai. Pollium Tarn. Chinta, Tel. Maha siyambala, Cey. Amblie, Tamar- hindee, Homar, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by the Arabians, Mesue, Serapion, Avi- cenna (Pereira). The ogvcfroiviKa of Theophrastus (Sprengel). See " Fruits and Vegetables," " Condiments and Spices," and " Woods." Trigonella Fcenum-Graecum. Linn. Common Fennugreek. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The herb, as a garnish in curries. Vernacular. Methee, Moothee t Hind. Methee-shak, Methika, Beng. Maihee, Dec. Mentia t Can. Vendiam, Tarn. Mentluoo, Tel. Oolowa, Cey. Helbeh, Arab. Shimlet, in the Ulfaz Udwiyeh. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Cultivated widely in India. Remarks. The Povnepas of Hippocrates according to Sprengel. The other vegetables of this order common in this presidency are given under " AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE PULSE." The following not yet introduced are deserving of attention : Apios tuberosa t of Canada. Bauhinia esculenta, of the Cape of Good Hope, the Yam-like root of which is eaten. Dolichos bulbosus (?) of Polynesia. Dolichos Soja, Soy of East Indies. 148 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Geoffroya superlia, Humb, ct Bonp., of the Amazons. Glycine subterranea, Voandzou of Madagascar. Hymencea Courbaril, Leathery-leaved Locust Tree of America. Inga dulcis, Sweet Inga of East Indies. Lathyrus tuberosus of Holland. N. O. 75. MORINGACE^E. MORINGADS. Moringa pterygosperma. Gcert. Smooth Horse Radish Tree. The root, used as a garnish ; and the leaf, flower, and pod as vegetables. Vernacular. SigroOj Sobhanjun, Sans, and Beng. Shajina, Beng. Moongay, Sujna, Hind. Sainga, Saigut^ By. Mooringay, Mai. Nugga, Can. Moorunga, Tarn. Moorungay, Moonaga, Tel. Merikoolu y Ganmurunga, Cey. Habitat. The two Indies, Africa. Remarks. The seed of this plant are the Ben-nuts of old writers, and the Hub-ool-ban it is said of the Arabs ; and, according to Lindley, the Ben-oil of watchmakers and jewellers is obtained from them. Moringa aptera, however, is the Arabian and African species, and within the writer's observation no oil is obtained from Saigut seeds in the Bombay Presidency. The " Myrobalanum" or "unguent acorn" of Pliny, and the ftdXavos of Theophrastus and the Greeks are referred to the M. pterygosperma. I would take the liberty to suggest, however, that the seeds of M. aptera are truly meant by Pliny and other classical writers. Pliny mentions "Balanus" wood as inferior to that of the Persea t but "very durable." The wood of the Saigut is worthless. DeCandolle doubt* the distinctness of the two species of Moringa under comment ; and it may be that the Indian Moringa, although it has not the hard wood and oil-seed of the Arabian, African, and West Indian plants, is yet specifically identical with them. M. aptera is the Tessur of the Arabs, the long pod of which they call Hab-ghdlee. The seeds of neither plant have any connection with modern Myrobalans, which see below N. O. 81. The root is an efficient substitute for Horse Radish. See also " Fruits and Vegetables/' nnd " Gums and Resins." N. O. 76. ROSACES. ROSEWORTS. Amygdalus Persica. W. Common Peach. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Tnffah-parsee, Khowkh, Ferfik, Arab. Kalloo> Kardee, Aroo 9 Pers. Habitat. Persia. Well-established in all first-class gardens in the Deccan, 149 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Remarks. The /u/Xca irepo-tidj of Theophrastus and Dioscorides and Persica of Pliny. See " Drugs," N. O. 62. Balaniles ceyyptiaca. Eriobotry a japonica. Lind. Common Loquat. Linn. Syst. Icosandria di Pentagynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Loquat, China, By. Habitat. China. Remarks. Well established about Belgaum. elatior. Ehrn. Hautboy Strawberry. Fragaria vesca. Linn. Wood Straivberry. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Polyg~nia. The succulent receptacle, used as a fruit. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Britain. Remarks. Well established in all first-rate Deccan gardens. This is a most profitable fruit to rear; a bed of a few square yards brings in from 15 to 20 the season. F. vesca is the Fraga of the Romans. Parinarium excelsum. Sals. Guinea Plum. Linn. Syst. Heptandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Habitat. Sierra Leone ? Remarks. Naturalized in Goa. Pyrus Mains. Apple. Linn. Syst. Icosandria di Pentagynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Seba, Sans. Seb, Seo, Hind. Titffah> Arab. Seeb, Habitat. Britain. Remarks. The /i7?Ae'a of Homer and Theophrastus. Pliny describes several varieties. It is very widely naturalized in India, but does not bear well. Besides the above the following Roseworts deserve attention, many of them being familiar importations from Persia and elsewhere : . 150 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Amygdalus Persica, W. var. /3 Nectarina, the Nectarine. Vernacular. S fiuft aloo, Moondla aroo, Pers. Chrysobalanus Icaco, Cocoa-plum of West Indies. Chrysobalanus luteus, Cocoa-plum of Sierra Leone. Cydonia chinensis, Thouin, Chinese Quince. Cydonia vulgaris, Common Quince. See " Drugs." Mespilus germanica, Common Eatable Medlar. Vernacular. Ukuj, Shejerut ul dub, Arab. Keel, Pers. Laroos, Vulg. To /Meo-TriAo^ ev 'iraXta of Dioscorides ; and Mespilus, var. Setania of Pliny. Poterium Sanguisorba, W. y Common Burnet of Britain. Primus Armeniaca, Common Apricot. Vernacular. Khoobanee, Hind. Zurd-aloo, Chooloo, Chinaroo, Badam-kohee (the kernel), Himalayas. Pistah? By. Burkook, Arab. Mishmish, Pers. Bakur-kohanee, Bokhara. M^Ae'a dp^viaKr) of Dioscorides ; and Praecocia niinora and Malus Armeniaca of Pliny. Prunus Cerasus. Common Cherry. See " Drugs." Prunus domestica, W. Common Plum. Vernacular. Aroo, Hind. Bargug, Ejass (a var.), Idrick (a var.), Shahlooj (a yellow var.), Arab. Aloo, Aloo-cheh (a small var.), Shah-aloo (a yellow var.), Konar? (Zizyphus Jujuba?), Pers. The npovvr} of Theophrastus ; o-vpiaKr) KOKKup/Ae'a of Dioscorides ; and Prunus of Pliny. Pyrus communis. Common Pear. Vernacular. Umrood, Kumusra, Arab. Kummitri, Egypt. Nashpatee, Pers. The oyxvy of Homel- and Theophrastus ; twrios of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, and Pyrus of Pliny. Pyrus domestica. True Service Apple. The ofy and ova of the Greeks, and Sorbus of Pliny. Rubusfruticosus. Common Bramble. Rubus Idceus. Raspberry. The /3dro? opdotyvrjs of Theophrastus ; paras ISaia of Dioscorides j and " Rubus called by the Greeks Idseus" of Pliny. Rubus rotundifolius (Zurd-anchoo), P. fruticosus, R. lasiocarpus (Kul-anchoo), and R. concolor, are all found in Cashmere and yield good fruit. Fragaria nubicola, Wall, cf the Himalayas resembles the European Strawberry. The Bissehur Peach (Bhemee) is Royle's Persica saligna. Cerasus Puddam of the Himalayas (the source of Pudmak bark) is used, to flavour brandy. The Aloo- bokhara cultivated about Guznee is referred by Lindley to Prunus bokhariensisy Royle. Royle states Kokamalis (KOKK.V^\^I) is its Yonanee synonyme in Persian works on Materia Medica. The plum of Irki, Royle referred to P. Aioocha, and the plum of Ladak is Roxburgh's P. trifolia. Pyrus sinica, the Sand Pear of China, is cultivated in Northern India, and the indigenous species of the 151 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Himalayas, Pyrus lanata, P. crenata, and P. Pashia are all edible, the fruit of the two former being called Paltoo by the natives (Royle). These Roseworts, no less than the better known species previously enumerated, might be tried in Bombay. Rubus lasiocarpus indeed is indigenous to this Presidency. N. O. 81. COMBRETACE^E. MYROBALANS. Terminalia bellerica. Box. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moiioecia. The kernel, used as a nut. Vernacular. Vibheetakee, Buhira, Sans. Bulla, Beheyra, Hind. Buhura, Hind. Beng. Boyra, Beng. Bherda, Yehela, Bullah, Dec. Tamkai, Tarn. Toandi, Tadi, Tel. Tani, Mai. Booloo, Cey. Pangah, Pegu. Beleylvj, Arab. Beleyleh, Pers. Habitat. India. Remarks. See also " Tans," and " Woods." Terminalia Catappa. Linn. Broad-leaved Terminalia. Linn. Syst. Polytramia Monoecia. The kernel, Malay Almond, used as a nut. Vernacular. Inguddi, Hing hoodie, Sans. Badamie, Hind. Budam, Hind, and Beng. Jungli Badam, Badamie-hindee t Dec. Ada- maram, Mai. Nattoovadamcottay, Tarn. Vodamovettilla, Ba- . damchettu, Tel. Cotumba, Cey. Catappa, Malay. Habitat. Malaya. Cultivated in India. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. He figures also (Part 5. Tab. 47) Colubrina asiatica (W. et A.), N. O. llhamnacese, under the name of Katapa. See also "Woods." Terminalia chebula. Rox. Oval-leaved Terminalia. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The kernel, used as a nut. Vernacular. Hariti/ca, Sans. Hur, Ilarkara, Huldah, Ilura, Urn- bedhur ? Hind. Huritukee, Beng. Heerda, Huldah y Dec. Arulay, Mysore. Kodorka, Mai. Kadukai, Tam. Karakaia, Sringi-tige, Tel. Araloo, Cey. Kayoo-bin, Pegu. Heliluj-kabu- lee, Arab. Hclilehkcelan, Pers. The unripe dry fruit is known by the following names, Kurkadaga, Sans. Zengi-har, Beng. fiingi, Tam. Ahleluj-asivud, Arab. Helilch-seeah, Pers. Habitat. Cabul, India. Remarks. First described by Avicenna, and again by Bryenius, 1 7th century. Chebulic Myrobalans are used for many purposes in India, and * FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. appear in the bazars under so many forms and colours that a tyro might fancy he was dealing with several species. They are arranged into six classes in the " Asiatic Researches," vol. 11, page 182, note, viz. Ilelileh-zireh, the fruit dried when just formed, and the size of cumin- seed, zeerah. Helileh-jawi, the fruit dried when the size of a barley-corn, jaw. Helileh-zengi, the fruit dried when the size of a raisin and black like a negro, zengi. Helileh-chini, larger than last, and greenish. Helileh-'asfer, the fruit near maturity and yellow, asfer* Helileh-cabuliy the fruit at full maturity. Mature Cabul Myrobalans sell for a rupee apiece in Bombay under the name of Surwarree-hirda. Besides the Myrobalans catalogued under the present natural order, an Emblic Myrobalan is known in modern com- merce. These are quite distinct from the ancient Myrobalan, the seeds of the Moringa aptera as already noticed, and their Phcenicobalanus, the nut probably of the Doum palm of Egypt, Hyph&ne thebmca. They have no connection either with the Myrobalanus chebulus of Wesling, the Bala- nites cegyptiaca of Delile, although the fruit of this tree is commonly mixed up with mature Cabul Myrobalans in Bombay either by accident or fraud. Mouriria Fuse which has a small palatable fruit belongs to N. O. 82, Melastomacese. See " Tans " and " Woods." N. O. 85. MYRTACE^. MYRTLE BLOOMS. Jambosa malaccensis. W. et A. Malay Apple. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Malacca-jamrool, Hind. Namball-paio, Mai. Jamboo- malacca, Tarn. Watu-jambu, Cey. Jambu-kliny, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First mentioned by Van Rheede. Jambosa VUlgaris. W. et A. Narrow-leaved Eugenia. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The fruit, Rose Apple, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Jambu? Raja-jambu, Sans. Gulab-jam, Hind. Beng, Dec. Jumboonawel, Tarn. Jumbooneredie, Tel. jRata-jambif> Cey. Goolab-jamaiiy Pers. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks, First described by Garcias ab Orto, 153 T FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Psidium pyriferum. W. White Guam. Psidium pomiferum. W. Red Guava. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Peyara, Anjeer, Lal-payara (red), Beng. Suffrijam (white), Amrut (white), Lal-suffrijam (red), Hind. Jam, Dec. Malacka-pela (red), Mai. Coia, Tarn. Jama, Tel. Suda-pera (white), Ratu-pera (red), Cey. Jambu, Malaya. Habitat. West Indies. Naturalized throughout the East Indies. Remarks. First noticed by De Valdes. P. cattleyanum of South America has purple fruit. Funica Granatum. Linn. Pomegranate. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia, The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Darimba, Sans. Anar t Gulnar, Hind. Dalim, Darim t Darmee, Beng. Madala, Mai. Madalum, Magilan, Tarn. Dadima-pandoo, Puvvu danimma t Tel. Delumghedie, Cey. Ruman, Rana, Kilkul, Arab. Anar, Pers. Delema, Malay. Ganysalan, Java. Habitat. Northern Africa, Armenia, Mazanderan, Bokhara, Cabul, Cashmire. Cultivated widely in Asia. Remarks. Mentioned in the Bible (as Numb. xx. 5). Hippocrates calls the rind /id s of Hippocrates, O-IKVOS of Theophrastus and O-IKVOS ^/xepos of Dioscorides, according to Fraas. 4 Cucumis utilissimus. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Kankoor, Kurktee, Beng. Kakrie, Hind. .Dos-kay> Pandili-dosa, Nakka-dosa, Tel. Habitat. East Indies? Cucurbita Citrullus. W. et A. Water Melon. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Chaya-pula, Kuttoo-toombie, Sans. Titu-laoo, Beng. Turbooj, Turmooz, Samauka, Beng. Hind. Hindano, Cauho, Sindh. Pitcha, Shakara-koomatei, Tarn. Darboojie, Tel. Pitcha- ghedie ? Komadu, Cey. Beteekh'-zichee, Arab. Hinduwaneh, Tarboozeh, Pers. Mandekee, Samanaka, Pataka t Malaya. Lamu- ja t Lampung. 156 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Habitat. South Europe. Cultivated widely. Remarks. The TreVo^ of Theophrastus, and eWpo? itivwv of Hippocrates, according to Sprengel. Fraas does not recognise it in the writings of the ancients. Cucurbita Lagenaria. W. Bottle Gourd, False Calabash. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Ulavoo, Sans. Laoo, Kudoo, Toomba, Beng. Hurrea- kuddoo, Sind. Dec. Irao, Siridh. Bella-schora, MaL Shora- Jcaiy Tarn. Anapa-hai, Ala-buvu, Anuga-kaya, Gubba-koya, Kundamuga, Nelanuga, Tel. Diya-laba, Cey. Kaddu, Pers. Dubba-dibbe, Quara-tauvil, Quara-m'dauer, Egypt. Habitat. India. Remarks. Lindley states that some sailors were once poisoned by beer which had been standing in a hollowed bottle gourd ; and that " there is reason to believe that some if not all the edible sorts (of Cucurbits) owe their freedom from poisonous properties to cultivation, for some in a wild state are found to possess them in much activity." Livingstone, it will be remembered, mentions that the Kenywe or Kerne (Cucumis coffer) of the Kalahari desert bears both sweet and bitter gourds. Momordica Bahamina also while eaten in some countries, is poisonous in others. Cucumis coffer bears large edible tubers. # Cucurbita Melopepo. W. Squash Gourd, Red Gourd, or Melon Pumpkin. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Suphuree-koomra, Beng. Hind. Schakeri-schora, Mai. Pusani-kai, Tarn. Gumudi, Kushmandamu, Bagala t Tel. Habitat. Levant. "Widely cultivated. Remarks. First mentioned by Avicenna. . Is the C. maxima of many botanists. Cucurbita ovifera. W. Egg-shaped Gourd, Vegetable Marrow. Linn. Sytt. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Habitat. Astracan. Widely cultivated. Remarks. A variety is called Succade Gourd. 157 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Cucurbita Pepb. TT. Pumpkin, or White Gourd. Linn. Syst. MoncEcia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Kurkaroo, Sans. Koshnanto, Beng. Koomra, Beng, Hind. Pandree-chickee, By. Cumbulam, Mai. Boorda-gomodoo, Cumbuly, Budadi-gumadi t Potti-gumadi, Tel. Alu-puhul, Cey. Habitat. Levant. Cultivated widely. Remarks. The O-IKVU of Theophrastus according to Sprengel ; and Ko\oKi>vdr] of Hippocrates and Theophrastus, and Ko\oKvv6a of Dioscorides, according to Fraas. See Cucumis Melo, and C. sativus. Cucurbita Pepo var. Calypentus is the Turban Pumpkin. This is the Melon, or Million of old English horticulturists, the true Melon being their Musk Melon. LufFa acutangula. W. et A. Acute-angled Cucumber. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Pentandria. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Damargava ? Sans. Jinga t Beng. Hind. Turi, Hind. Sindh. Toorai, Dec. Peechenggah, Mai. Peekun- kai, Tarn. Bira-kaya, Tel. Djinji, Malaya. Habitat. India. Egypt ? Remarks. First described by Rumphius ; an Alpinus ? Is the Cucu- mis acutangulus of Ainslie. Luffa pentandra. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Pentandria. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Dhoondool-ghoosa, Beng. Palo, Nep. Purula, Hind. Turi, Sindh. Goosalee-toorai, Dec. Nuni-beera, Tel. Khiyar, Pers. Habitat. East Indies. Momordiea Charantia. W. et A. Hairy Momordica. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable, and pickle. Vernacular. Karavulli, Sans. Kurilla, Oochi, Poti-kakar, Beng. Tel. Carela, Hind. Karelo, Sindh. Purwud, Karaila, Dec. Pandi-pavel, Mai. Pava-kai, Tarn. Kakerkai, Potti , Telia , and Ura-kakara t Tel. Karawila, Cey. Karelah, Pers. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. 158 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Momordica dioica. W. et A. Linn, Syst. Monoccia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Vahissee, Sans. Kurtoli, Dec. Erimapasel, Mai. Agokara, Angakara, Pooagakaratha, Tel. Tumba-karaivilla, Cey, Habitat. India. Momordica Balsamina. Linn. Balsam-apple. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Maaadelphia. The fruit, used as a pickle. Vernacular. Kurelo-jangro, Sindh. Mokah, Arab. Balesan, Egypt. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by Dodonseus. Telfaria pedata. W. et A. Linn, Syst. Dicecia Pentandria. The seed, used as a nut. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Zanzibar. Remarks. Was introduced from Zanzibar by Nimrno, but lias died out. The seeds are as fine as almonds, and yield an abundance of fine bland oil. It would be a great benefit to re-introduce it ; and all the Cucurbits deserve attention as a source of valuable oil. Trichosanthes Allgllina. W. Common Sna/ce Gourd. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Pottola? Sans. Chichinja, Jijinga, Jinga, Beng. Purwar, Hind. Kadotri, Rebhri, Sindh. Chichonda, Dec. Pood- alungai, Tarn. Poalkaya, Potlakaya, Podi-wilanga, Patola, Tel. Podi-wilanga y Cey. Petalu-ular, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Breynius, and Micheli. Sechium edule, the Chocho, belongs to this order, and should be introduced. N. O. 93. PAPAYACE^E. PAP AY ADS. Carica Papaya. W. Common Papaw. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Decandria. The fruit, used as a fruit. 159 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Vernacular. Pnpeya, Papaya, Beng. Hind. Dec. Pappoia, Umboa- lay, Mai. Puppali, Tarn. Bopai, Madanaanapa, Madhurnakam, Boppayi, Tel. Pcepol, Cey. Papa, Malaya. Gadang-castila, Bali. Habitat. East Indies, Confederate States of America, Brazil. N. O. 95. PASSIFLORACE^E. PASSIONWORTS. Passiflora quadrangularis. W. Square-stalked Passion-flower. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Pentandria. The fruit, used as a fruit. Habitat. Jamaica. Cultivated in Bombay. Remarks. This is the Granadilla of the West Indies, but has not yet fruited in Bombay. P. maliformis, P. edulis t and P. laurifolia, all furnish dessert fruits, as also do Tacsonia mollissima, T. tripartita, and Paropsia edulis. N. O. 97. PORTULACACE^E. PURSLANES. Portulaca oleracea. H. S. Small Purslain. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Lonika, Loonia, Sans. Mooncha, Loonia> Khursa> Kurfa y Hind. Moonya, Hind, and Beng. Buro-loonia, Beng. Karie-cheera, Mai. Dooda-gorai, Can. Caril-keeray, Puropoo- keeray, Tarn. Peda-pail-kuru, Boddu-pavili-kura, Ganja-pavili kura y Tel. Genda-kola, Cey. Buklut-ul-hukema t Arab. Turuck, Kherefeh, Pers. Habitat. The temperate zone. Remarks. The avdpdxvr) of Theophrastus and Dioscorides and Porcilaca of Pliny. The dv&pdxvr) of Theophrastus, or dv$pdx\rj as it is, sometimes called, is the drbutus Andrachne according to bprengel, and has been confounded by ancients and moderns with Purslain. Andrachne telephi- oides, N. O. Euphorbiacese, is so called merely from resembling Purslain. Between this order, and- the next furnishing our Indian fruits and vegeta- bles, there are three deserving of notice. N. O. 100. Ficoidese, of which Mesembryanthemum edule affords an edible leaf, and M. aloides, an edible root at the Cape; N. O. 102. Cactacese, of which Cactus Opuntia has a fruit often eaten ; and N. O. 103. Grossulariacese which includes Ribes Grossularia. W. Rough Gooseberry. Ribes Uva-crispa. W. Smooth Gooseberry. Ribes nigrum. W. Black Currant. Ribes rubrum. W. Red Currant. . a album, White Currant. - 160 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. UMBELLIFER.E. UMBELLIFERS. Apium graveolens. W. Celery. Linn. Syt. Pentandria Digynia. The stalk, used as a salad. Vernacular. Kerafs, Egypt. Habitat. Britain. Naturalized in India. Remarks. The o-eXtvpv of Theophrastus and the Greeks, the wild plant being their Coriandrum sativum. Linn. Common Coriander. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The herb, used as a garnish, chiefly in curries. Vernacular. Dunya, Dhanyaca, Sans. Hind. Beng. Dec. Danga, Mai. Cottimbirry, Can. Cottamillie, Tarn, and Tel. Cotum- baroo, Cey. Kuzeerah, Arab. Kushneez, Pers. Kurbara, Egypt. Mety, Malay. Habitat. Southern Europe, Tartary. Cultivated in India. Remarks. Mentioned by Moses, Hippocrates, Theophrasttts, Dios- corides, and Pliny, being the Kopiawov and Kopiov of the Greeks. See also " Condiments and Spices." Daucus Carota. W. Carrot. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The root, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Grinjuna, Canjara, Sans, Gager, India. Gazeragedda, Tel. Istufleeti, Juzir-ul~bostanee t Arab. Zardak, Pers. Djazar, Egypt. * Habitat. Britain. Thrives luxuriantly in Mysore, the Southern Mahratta country, and Sholapofcr and Poona Collectorates. Remarks. The according to Fraas ; and the Pastinaca of Pliny. Sium Sisarum. W. Skirret. The vio-apov of Dioscorides according to Fraas, and his eAa Hind. Sarwud, Bhootcase, Lanchout, By. BeWa, Mai. Fella^llay, Tarn. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HaUtat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel, Nepaul. Remarks. First described by Van Ilheede. Vanguieria spinosa. Hort. Prickly Vanguieria. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Pindeetuka, Sans. Muyuana, Muduna, Moina, Hind. Beng. Mainfuly Beng. Aloo, By. Voa-vanguier, Madagascar. Habitat. Madagascar ; Western India. % Remarks. Largely consumed by the labourers on the railway works in the hot season. The fruit of Morinda citrifolia, the Aal of this Presidency, is eaten in Australia, but is unfit for use here. Coprosma microphylla of this order is one of the plants called Native Currants in Australia. See N. O. 132 and 190. Under N. O. 1 1 7, Valerianacese, we have Fedia cornucopia, Red Tedia of South Europe, and Valeriana edulis, Kooyah of North America, both deserving introduction. N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITES. Carthamus tinctoriUS. W. Officinal Carthamus. Linn. Sytt. Syngenesia JEqualis. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Cusumbha, Kamalottara, Sans. Koosumbha, Beng. Hind. Tel. Dec. Kajeerah, Beng. * Koosum> Hind. Seendoor- kum, Tarn. Cossumb, Cey. Usfur, Arab. Habitat. Egypt. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. The KVTJKOS of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides. Safflower is cultivated in India chiefly for it* ffower and its seed. See " Oils and Oilseeds' 5 and " Dves and Tans." Cynara Scolymus. W. Garden Artichoke, Linn. Sytt. Syngenesia jEqualis. The immature flower head, and'bqttom (receptacle), used as a vege- table. Vernacular. Kunjir, Hind. Pers. Kharchiof, Hirshuf, Arab, Charsjuf, Egypt. Habitat. South Europe. Widely cultivated. Remarks. The o-KoAv/ior of Dioscorides, Fraas conjectures. 163 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Helianthus tuberosus. W. Jerusalem Artichoke. Linn, Sytt. Syngenesia Frustranea. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Bhramoka, Soorjya-mookhee, Beng. Habitat. Brazil. Widely cultivated. Remarks. First described by Columna. Jerusalem (Artichoke) is a corruption of gira sole t the Italian for turn and sun. Lactuca sativa. De C. Garden Lettuce, Cos Lettuce. Linn. Sytt. Syngenesia Polygamia-iequulis. The herb, used as a salad. Vernacular. Kahoo y Hind. Salada, Cey. Chqft Egypt. Habitat. India ? Widely cultivated in Europe. Remarks. The tipldag of Greeks and Romans. Dioscorides mentions 6piba rj^fpos and 0pl8a dypia. The first is considered the Garden and the second the Strong -scented Lettuce. Musa the brother of Euphorbus is said to have saved the life of Augustus by prescribing Lettuce ad libitum. see " Drugs." The following edible Composites also deserve attention in India. Artemisia Absinthium. W. Common Wormwood. The cfyivOiov of the Greeks. Artemisia Dracunculus. W. Tarragon. Tarchon t Arab, Calendula ojficinalis. W. Common Maryaold. Caltha luteola of Virgil and Caltha of Pliny according to Samasius and Sprengel. (tarduus Mariamus. Linn. Our Lady's Thistle. Cupduus virainianus. 1 Thistle of the Rocky Mountains. CichQrium Endivia. W. Endive. According to Sprengel the ccpis xrprevry prfvoffrvXXos, and according to Fraas the d/M&ucodcWcpa v of Theo- phrastus and Dioscorides ; and Come of Pliny. N. O. 122. GOODENIACE^E. GOODENIADS. Scaevola Taccada. Rox. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The leaf, used as ti vegetable. Vernacular. ? Mabitat. East Indies. Remarks. Four orders must be here parenthetically noticed. ^N. O.. 124. CAMPANULACE.E. 'Campanula Rapunculus. W. Rampion. 'Cyphia glandulifera. Tubers eaten in Abyssinia. yphia digit ata. Tubers eaten at the Cape. N. : . 128. VACCINIACE.&. Oxycoccus macrocarpus. Ph. Large-fruited Cranberry of America. Qccycoccus palustris. P. S. Common Cranberry. Faccinium Myrtillus. L. Bilberry t or Blaberry. iPaccinium uliginosum. ? Black or Bog Whortleberry of the High- lands. W&ccinium Vitis Idcea. L. Red Whortleberry or Cowberry. Fraas considers V. Myrtillus, the a^\os irapa 'ifys of Theo- phrastus. I*. O. 129. ERICACEAE. Arbutus Unedo. W. Common Strawberry tree. Arctostaphylos alpina. N, O. 132. EPAC^RIDACE^. Aztroloma humifusum t Tasmanian Cranberry. Leucopoffon richei, one of the plants called Native Currants in Australia. See N. O.'s 115 and 190* Lissanthe sapida, Australian Cranberry. 165 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. N. O. 133. EBENACE^. EBENADS. Diospyros glutinosa. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dioecia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Sindica, Timbiri, Sans. Gab, Beng. Gaub, Hind. Timbooree, Dec. Panitsjika, Mai. Panichekai, Toombikai, Tarn. Tumika, Tel. Maha-timbiri t Cey. Habitat. India. Diospyros Goindu. Dais. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dioecia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Goindu, By. Habitat. Western India. Remarks. See N. 0. 153. D. Kaki is the Keg-fig or Japan Date Plum; D. virginiana, the Persimmon, or American Date Plum; D. Lotus, the European Date Plum, and Sioo-nvpos of Theophrastus according to Spreugel. Euclea ovata of the Cape has also edible fruit. N. 0.135. SAPOTACE.E. SAPOTADS. Achras Sapota. W.. Common Sapota. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Kowut, By. Ratamee, Cey. Habitat. South America. Completely naturalized in Bombay. Remarks. A. mammosa, W. of South America has a fruit called Mar- malade. It is also called Mammee Apple, a name also given to Mammea americana t N. O. 42. A. Zapotilla, is the Naseberry. Bassia latifolia. Rox. Broad-leaved Bassia. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. The enlarged calyx, used as a fruit. . " Vernacular. Mudhooka, Madooka, Sans. Mahwa, Muhooa, Moula, Beng. Hind. Mowa, Mowrah, Dec. Poounum, Mai. Caat- elloopei, Tarn. Ipie, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. B. butyracea has an oily fruit, used as butter in Nepaul. 166 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. MimUSOpS Kaki. W. Obtuse-leaved Mimusops. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Ksheerike, Sans. Ksheerni, Beng. Kheeri, Chirni, Hind. Boasoo, Manil-kara, Mai. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The fruit of M. Elengi is eaten in some countries, but though the tree is common in this Presidency its fruit here is unpalatable, Chrysophyllum Canito of this order is the well known Star-apple of the West Indies. N. O. 138. Qleacese presents us with the European Olive (Olea europcea), the Zait of the Hebrews, and c'Xat'a and aypu\aia of the Greeks. N. 0. 139. SALVADORACE^E. SALVADORADS. Salvador a persica. Linn. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Kubur, Khareedjar, Kharee-peero (fruit), Sindh. Habitat. Western Asia. Remarks. Royle has proved this to be the " Mustard-tree" of Scrip- ture. In Sindh, Peero with a prefix, is the name of three different fruits, viz : Salvadora indica, Royle. Meetha-peero, also Sadneejar. Solanum incertum, Don. Ka(n)-peeroo(n). Phyllanthus multi/lorus ? Peeka-peero, also Kamohee. N. O. 141. APOCYNACE^E. DOGBANES. Carissa Car an das. Box. Jasmine-flowered Carissa. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a tart fruit, and conserve. Vernacular. Krishnapak-phula, Sttshenas, Avigna, Karamurdaca, Sans. Kurumcha y Paniamala?}$zi\g. Kurunda,ILind. Keelay, Mai. Kalaka, Tarn. Waka, Pedda-kalevie, Oka, Vakudu, Tel. Maha-karamba, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Garcias ab Orto. Oka is also the Telunga for Acacia Catechu, and Aka-mundel the designation in this Presidency of the Down Palm. 167 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Carissa spinarum. Don. Spiny Carissa. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a tart fruit and conserve. Vernacular. ? Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. This species is not indigenous to Bombay as C. Carandas is ; but is completely naturalized. Roupellia grata. Wall. Grateful Cream Fruit. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Sierra Leone. Remarks. Flowers richly in Bombay, but has not yet fruited, N. O. 142. LOGANIACE^E. LOGANIADS. Strychnos Nux-vomica. Linn. Poison Nut. Linn. Syst. Pent-anrlria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Feeshamoostie, Kulaka, Sans. Koochila, Hind. Bengv Kajra y By, Kariram, Mai. Yettie-marum, Tarn. Moostiffhenza? Mnsadi, Tel. Koodakad-doorutta, Cey. Kha-bcnwg, Pegu. Habitat. Oncans, Travancore, Ceylon, Coromandel. Remarks. See <{ Drugs." There can be no doubt, that this frmt is commonly eaten in the Concans, for the sake of the pulp enclosing its deadly seeds* Livingstone (Missionary Travels, ch. xiii.) states that the villagers of the Banyeti eat a variety of the Nux-vomica. " The pulp between the nuts is the part eaten, and is of a pleasant juicy nature, having a sweet acidulous taste. The fruit resembles a large yellow orange, but the rind is hard, and, with the pips and bark, contains much of the deadly poison. * * * The nuts swallowed inadvertently cause consi- derable pain, but not death ; and to avoid this inconvenience the people dry the pulp before the fire, in order to be able the more easily to get rid of the noxious seeds." Burton also (Lake Region of Africa, ch. iii.) states that the Nux-vomica is eaten in Africa. The fruit is of an " agro dolce flavour, with a suspicion of the mango:" and the nuts are swallowed with impunity, being too hard to digest. 168 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. N. 0.151. CONVOLVULACE.E. BINDWEEDS. Convolvulus Batatas. W. Tuberous Bindweed t Sweet Potatoe. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Sharkara-kanda, Ruktaloo, Sans. Lai and Suffaid- sukur-kundoo-aloo, Beng. Pendaloo, Hind. Gagar-lahori, Sindh. RattaloOy Sakur-kund, Dec. Ghenasa, Can. Kappa-kalenga, Mai. Sukkaray-vullie, Tarn. Sukkara-vella, Chilla-gada, Gra- svgade, Mohanam, Chiragadam, Genusugada, Tel. Batala (sudd, white ; ratu* red ; kaha, yellow), Cey. Zardak-lahori, Pers. Batatas, Malaya, and Mexico ? Habitat. East and West Indies. "Remarks. First described by De Valdes, Van Rheede, and Rumphius. It is the Potatoe of Shakspeare and old English writers. The " Kissing Comfits" of Falstaff were conserved Sweet Potatoes, and Eryngo root. C. braailiensis also has an edible root, and the root of Ipomcea macrorhiza is farinaceous. N. O. 153. CORDIACEJE. SEBESTENS. Cordia angUStifolia. Don. Narrow-leaved Cordia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia, The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Goond, Goondnee, Gondi, Hind. Liyar, Sindh. Nar- roovalli, Chinna botuku, Tarn. Nukkeru, Tel. Habitat. Deccan. Remarks. Gondni is the name also of a species of Bulrush; and Goindu of Diospyros Goindu, Dalzell, N. O. Ebenacese. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and " Woods." Cordia Myxa. Linn. Smooth-leaved Cordia. Cordia latifolia. Rox. Broad-leaved Cordia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, Sebesten plum. Vernacular. C. Myxa, Bukampadaruka, Buhoovaruka, Sans. Lusora t Hind. Buhoonai, Beng. JLesooroo, Sindh. Bookhur, Dec. Pidwnarum, Mai. Tarn. Nekra, Nakeru, Iriki, Pedda- botuku, Tel. Lolu, Cey. Sepistan, Arab. Sepistan, Pistan- sua, Pers. Mochajet, Egypt. Kendal, Java. C. latifolia, Sheloo, Sans. Bhokur, Buralesoora, Hind. Burobuhooari y Beng. Gedooroo, Sindh. Bwgoond, Furgoond, Guz. Bokhur t Dec. Kicha-virigi-chettUy Tel. Sepistan, Arab. Sepistan, Pistan-sug, Pers. -169 v FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Habitat. C. Myxa, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Goozerat, Silhet. C. latifolia, India within and beyond the Ganges. Remarks. The fruit of the latter is larger than that of the former species, and both constitute the Sebestena of old Pharmacopeia. C. Myxa has been considered the Persea of the ancients already shown to refer to Balanites cegyptiaca : it is very probably the Myxa and Egyptian- plum of Pliny, and certainly it afforded the wood of the Egyptian mum- my cases. There is just a chance that it also may have been the Persea of Dioscorides, although the probability is that it is not, and that he, like Pliny, in describing the Persea, confounded it with the Persica or Peach. Sprengel refers the Persea to Cordia Sebestena, a species peculiar to the Antilles, and which Linnseus most unfortunately named after a renowned product of the old world. The seeds of Cordia Myxa are sold under the name of Chakoon-ke-benge. See N. 0. 178; and "Drugs," and "Woods." N. O. 157. SOLANACE^E. NIGHTSHADES. Lycopersicon esculentum. Don. Love Apple, Tomatoe. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a salad and sauce. Vernacular. Wall-wanyee, By. Seemie-takalie-pullam, Tarn. Maha-rata-tamattie, Cey. Tamattie, Malaya. Habitat. South America. Cultivated widely. Remarks. First described by Anguillara ; but Fraas considers it may be the \vK07repo-iov of Galen. Physalis peruviana. W. Eatable Winter Cherry. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit, tart fruit, and conserve. Vernacular. Tapureea, Tepeeriya, Tophlee, Beng. Macao, Hind, Budda-busara, Pambudda, Tel. Habitat. South America. Cultivated widely. Solanum Melongena. W. Egg Plant. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Vartta, Sans. Bong, Bartakoo, Mahotee, Hingolee, Sans. Beng. Begoon, Beng. Baingan, Badanjan, Hind. Wangan, Sindh. Wangee, By. Faloothala, Mai. Kattrikai, Valoothalay, Tarn. Wangkai, Chirivanga, Niru-vanaa, Metta- vanke, Tel. Wambatu, Cey. Badangan, Arab. Pers. Trong, Malaya. Badinaan, Sumatra. A long variety, Kootee, Sans. Gooti-begoon, Beng. Kodivelung-kattrikai t Tarn. Neerwanya, 170 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tel. Another variety, Deergavartaka, Sans. Euri-byingun, Dec. Kaliana-katrikai, Tarn. Kodikaloo-vankaia t Tel. Habitat. Africa. Cultivated round the globe. Remarks. The o-rpvxvos of Theophrastus, and Megilana of the Abbess Hildegard according to Sprengel. The long variety Roxburgh makes a distinct species, S. longum. In Bombay there are several varieties, viz. Doorlee-wangee, round Brinjal ; Ban-wangee, common, large Brinjal ; and Yel-wangee, long, white Brinjal, of which a sub-variety is striped red (Graham). 5. ovigerum, S. nigrum, S. quitoense, Quito Orange, S. laci- niatum, Kangaroo Apple, and S. cethiopicum (cultivated in China), have all edible berries. The Thorns of Prov. xv. 1 9, Briar of Micah vii. 4, Cockle of Job xxxi. 40, and Wild Grapes of Isaiah v. 2, are supposed to refer to species of Solanum (Balfour). The Rev. Dr. Wilson (Lands of the Bible, ch. xiv) found S. sanctum, Lflnn., in Palestine, where the Arabs call it Leimun Lut, a Lot's Lemon ; and Dr. Wilson believes it to be the "vine" (Deut. xxxi. 32) "which grew Near that bituminous lake where Sodom stood." Hasselquist (Lands of the Bible), under the names of " Mala insana," and " Poma sodomitica," refers this berry to S. Melongena. The true Mad- Apple however is S. insanum, called, according to Dr. Wilson, Aneb-edh- dhib, or Grape of the Wolf, by the Arabs. Dr. Robinson (Lands of the Bible) believes the Calotiopis gigantea, our Ak or Mudar, to be the Apple of Sodom ; but he can hardly have seen the true Ak y as Dr. Wilson writes of it as having a fruit of a "yellowish colour," and " certainly like an apple or orange in size and form." The passage in Deuteronomy is : "Their vines are of the vineyard of Sodom, and of the suburbs of Gomorrha ; their grapes are grapes of gall, and their clusters most bitter ;" and probably refers to the austerity of the fruits of the plain of the present Salt Lake, rather than to any particular plant. Solanum tuberosum. W. Potatoe. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Alu-guddalu, Tel. Rata-innala, Cey. Habitat. Peru. Its cultivation has spread from this over the whole earth, to Spitzbergen, Kamtschatka, and Van Dieman's Land. Remarks. The Papas of Peru. It was introduced into Spain early in the 15th century, and from thence passed into Italy, and Austria. The colonists sent out to Virginia by Raleigh are supposed to have introduced it into England on their return home in July 1586. Gerarde figures it in his Herbal, 1597 ; but mentions it as having been then used like the Sweet Potatoe as a confection (Loudon). See Convolvulus Batatas, N, O. 151, For the genus Capsicum, see " Condiments and Spices." -171 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. N. O. 161. LABIATJE. LABIATES. SWEET HERBS. Remarks. See " Condiments and Spices." The tubers of Ocymum tuberosum are eaten in Java and might be tried here. N. O. 170. AMARANTACEJE. AMARANTHS. Amarantus Oleraceus. W. Eatable Amaranth. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Pentandria. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Shada-nuteeya, Beng. Tamdoolja, Maat-tambree, Dec. Tota-kura, Erra-tota-kura, Telia-tot a-kur a, Mokka, Peruga-tota- kura, Tel. Sudu-tam-pala, Cey. Schedach-nindi, Arab. Habitat. East Indies. AmarantUS polygamUS. W. Hermaphrodite Amaranth. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Pentandria. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Shakinee ? Champa nuteeya, Poorika, Beng. Chundi- sag, Chuolaee, Hind. Cholai-bajee, Guz. Choolae, Raggheree- ke-bajee ? ? Dec. Molay-keeray, Tam. Erra-doggali-kura> Dagla-kura y Mola-kura ? Tel. &ulu-TtQora-tampala> Cey. Habitat* East Indies. AmarantUS tricolor. W. Three-coloured Amaranth. Linn. Syst. Monoccia Pentandria. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. ? Habitat. East Indies. AlXiarantuS tristis. W. Round-headed Amaranth. Linn. Syst, Moacecia Pentandria. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Jillaka^. Sans. Maut-ke-bajee ? Dec. Kuppei-kireiy Aray-keray ? Tam. Quoi-tota-kura, Tantakura? Tel. Habitat. China. Cultivated in India. 172 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Aruarantus viridis. W. Green Amaranth. Linn. Syst. MoncGCia Pentandrla. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Brazil. Cultivated in India. Remarks. A. frumentaceus, A. Anardhana, and Achyranthes Lappaca, are cultivated in the east as corn crops. See " Starches." N. O. 171. CHENOPODIACE.E. CHENOPODS. Beta VUlgaris. W. Common Beet. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The root, used as a salad. Vernacular. Sulk, Arab. Paluk? Chukundier, Pers. Scelk, Scelg, Egypt. Habitat. South Europe. Widely cultivated. Remarks. The o-eCrXoi/, reurXoi/, and revrXis- of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Theophrastus, and Beta sylvestris of Pliny. The revrXiov fieXav of Theophrastus, and Black Beet of Pliny is a cultivated variety. Beta Cicla, W., White Beet, the revrXiov \CVKOV of Theophrastus, and White Beet of Pliny, is a distinct species. It is frequently seen in India, and is the Sicula of Catullus. (Loudon.) Chenopodium viride. Rox. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Beto-sag, Betoya, Beng. ChaJcweet, By. Rockeb-el- djammel, Arab. Habitat. ? Cultivated in the Deccan, Bengal, and Arabia. Remarks. C. Bonus-Henricus, W. English Mercury, is cultivated as Spinage at home, and has been successfully raised in Bombay. Spinacia oleracea. W. Common Spinage. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Paluk, Isfanaj, Hind. Habitat. 1 Cultivated in all temperate regions of the old world. Remarks. The Pinnis of Bengal and Hindoostan, Paluk of Sindh, Dumpa-bachchali of Telingana, and Isfanaj of Persia would appear to be S. tetrandra, Rox. Atriplex hortensis, W. Garden Orache, Mountain Spinage, the dvdpd(f)agis of the Greeks, and Atriplex of Pliny, a native of Tartary, has been successfully grown in Bombay. - 173 FUUFTS AND VEGETABLES. N. O. 172. BASELLAOE^E. BASELLADS. Basella alba. W. White Malabar Nightshade. Basella COrdifolia. W. Heart-leaved Malabar Nightshade. Basella lucida. W. Shining Malabar Nightshade. Basella rubra. W. Red Malabar Nightshade. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Trigynia. The herb, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. B. alba, Kalumbi y Sans. Suffet-pooi, Beng. Hind, Bayl-ke-butchla-ke-baji, Dec. Mayal-ke-bajee, Wahlea, By. Codipassalei-keeray, Tarn. Tinghe-batsali-koora, Alla-batsalla, Alubach-chali, Karu-bachchali, Tel. Sudu-niwiti, Sans. B. lucida, andB. COrdifolia ? Oopodaki, Sans. Poo?, Beng. Hind. Coot- toopassalei-keray, Tarn. Pedda-batsalla, Poti-batsali-koora, Tel. Ma-pat-niwiti, Cey. B. rubra, Pootika, Sans. Racta-bun- pooi, Pooi, Beng. Yerra-batsalla, Tel. Rat-niwiti, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The above four plants are probably varieties of one another, and not separate species. B. nigra, W. is cultivated in China. N. O. 176. POLYGON ACE-E. BUCKWHEATS. Rumex vesicarius. Linn. Bladder Dock. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Trigynia. The herb, used as a garnish. . Vernacular. Chuko, Sindh. Chucaka-ke-baji, Dec. Ambaree- chucka, By. Soori> Cey. Turshak, Pers. Humbcejt, Egypt. Habitat. Africa. Cultivated in the Deccan. Remarks. R. Patientia, W. Patience of Italy, the XdnaOov K^n-euroy of Theophrastus, and Dioscorides, and Rumex sativus of Pliny; R. sanguineus, W. Bloody-veined Dock, of England ; R. scutatus, W. French Sorrel ; R. acetosa, W. Common Sorrel ; and R. acetosella, W. Sheep's Sorrel of Britain, are all used either as Spinage plants or Salad. For Fagopyrum esculentum of this order, see " Starches." Coccoloba uvifera, W. is the Round-leaved Sea-side Grape of the West Indies. Between this order and the next, yielding indigenous fruits and vegetables, the following call for attention for the fruits specified : N.-O. 178. LAURACE^E. Persea gratissima, W. Avocado or' Alligator Pear of the West Indies. Annona palustris, W. Cork Wood of West Indies, yields the Alligator Apple, an austere, narcotic fruit. N. O. 183. EL^EAGNAC^E. Hippoph'de rhamnoides, W. Common Sea Buckthorn of Northern 174 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Europe, the berries of which are much eaten by the Tartars, and from which the fishermen of the Gulf of Bothnia prepare a rob, used with fresh fish. (Loudon.) N. 0. 185. THYMELIACE^E. Inocarpus edulis, the If, Maipe, and kata of Tahiti, or Otaheite Chesnut. N. O. 189. SANTALACE^. Fusanus acuminatus, the Quandong or Australian Peach ; and Leptomeria acida, one of the Native Currants of Australia. See N. O.'s 115 and 132. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE^:. SPURGEWORTS. Cicca disticha. W. Long-leaved Cicca. Linn. Syst, Monoecia Tetrandria. The fruit, used as a pickle. Vernacular. Hurfarori, Chelmeri, Hind. Cheramella, Huriphul, Nubaree, Beng. Urfalayoorie, Dec. Nelli, Mai. Cherambola, Goa. Arunelli, Tarn. Cheremin, Malaya. Habitat. Cultivated throughout India. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. Phyllanthus Emblica. W. Shrubby Phyllanthus. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. The fruit, used a pickle. Vernacular. Amulhi, Umrita, Sans. Amla, .Beng. Aoula, Anooli, Amlaki, Aoonara, Aunwerd, Hind. Nelle, Mai. Nellie-kai, Tarn. Usereke, Woosheriko, Tel. Aivusada-nelliy Cey. Amluj, Arab. Amuleh, Pers. Boa-malacca, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The pvpofidXavovs e/iTrXeV^ of Myrepsicus according to Sprengel. Compare its synonymes with those of Cicca disticha. Under N. O. 199. Urticacse, we have Gunnera scabra used for tarts like the stalks of species of Rhubarb. N. 0. 200. ARTOCARPACE^:.. ARTOCARPADS. Art o carpus integrifolia. W. Jaca. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monandria. The compound fruit, used as a fruit ; and the seed, used as a nut. Vernacular. Kantal, Rental, Beng. Phunus, Dec. Tsjacka, Pilavoo, Mai. Pila, Tarn. Pamsa, Tel. Kos t Her alee, Gediya 175 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (the fruit), Waltara (a var.), Wcda (a var.), Cey. Booa-nanca, Sukun, Klmvi, Tambul, Malaya. Chopada ? Sumutra. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First noticed by Zanoni. The Champada of the Archi- pelago is smaller, but far superior in quality. A. incisa, W., True Bread Fruit of the South Sea Islands, has been successfully reared in Bombay, but has not yet fruited. A Artocarpus Lakoocha. Rox. Linn. Sytt. Moncecia Monandria. The fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Lakoocha, Sans. Dephul, Beng. Lowi, By. Habitat. India. Ficus Carica. W. Common Fig. Linn, Syst. Polygamia Dioccia. The closed, succulent receptacle, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Adamvara, Sans. Doomoor, Beng. Unjeer, Dec. Semicattie t Tarn. Maydipoondoo, Tel. Rata-attikka, Cey. Tin, Arab. Egypt. Unjeer, Pers. Habitat. South Europe. Widely cultivated ; and very successfully in the Deccan. Remarks. Mentioned frequently in the Bible, the "wild fig'* of our translation however being Ficus Sycomorus, the o-vKa/ui/os eV alyimTQ) of Theophrastus, and which must not be confounded with the Sycamine tree of the Bible, the Morus nigra, Linn., or Common Mulberry of Italy, probably one a-vKdp.Lvos of the Greeks. The fig is the epivebs of Homer, and one kind of crvKr) probably of Theophrastus and Dioscorides. Pliny mentions several varieties of " Ficus." This fruit has played a great part in the history t)f man. The figs of Athens are said to have tempted Xerxes to the invasion of Athens, and with fig-leaves our first parents first clothed themselves. Pliny however tells the most striking anecdote in the history of the fig. " Cato, burning with mortal hatred to Carthage, anxious too for the safety of his posterity, and exclaiming at every sitting of the senate that Carthage must be destroyed, one day brought with him into the Senate-house a ripe fig, the produce of that country ; exhibiting it to the assembled senators ' I ask you/ said he, ' when do you suppose this fig was plucked from the tree ?' All being of opinion that it had been but lately gathered, ' Know then/ was his reply, ' that this fig was plucked at Carthage the day before yesterday so near is the enemy to our walls !' " Immediately after this the third Punic war commenced, and thus at last, as Pliny says, that mighty city, the rival of Rome for the sovereignty of the world during a period of a hundred and twenty years, fell by a fig ! The term sycophant has its origin in the fig Figs, Olives, Wine, and Honey were the staple 176 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. products of Attica, and it is said that, with the view of increasing the stock of Figs, their exportation was forbidden ; and hence those who, for a reward, gave information of their being smuggled away were called o-vKoffrdvrrjs. No such prohibition however existed during the period of Attica of which we have trustworthy record, and the more probable account (Boeckh) is that during some famine the sacred fig-trees were robbed, and a fig itself being worthless, and the punishment for the sacrilege severe, odium was attached to those who informed against the thief. The word once stamped with their meanness, would only be too appli- cable to a frequent trait of human nature ever* to fall out of circulation. Morus indica. Box. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Tetrandria. The compound fruit, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Tula, Sans. Toot, Beng. Hind. Dec. Coomblie, Tarn. Rata-cembilla, Cey. Babesaran, Malaya. Habitat. India. Remarks. M. nigra, W. is the Common Mulberry of Europe ; M. alba, W. the White Mulberry of China ; M. tartarica, W. the Tartarian Mulberry ; and M. rubra, W. the Red Mulberry of the West Indies. Between this and the next Indian order, the following edible species deserve attention .- N. O. 201. ULMACE.E. Celtis australis, W. European Nettle tree, said by some of the ancients to be the Lotus of the Lotophagi. Celtis occidentalis, W. American Nettle tree, Hackberry. Celtis aculeata, of Carribee Islands. N. 0. 212. CORYLACE^:. Castanea vesca, W. Common Chestnut. The Kao-rdvaiKov Kupvov of the Greeks probably. Corylus Avellana, W. Common Hazel. The Batriai Kupvai of Hippo- crates, rj f]paK\6(OTiKr) of Theophrastus according to Fraas ; Nux pontica of Pliny. Filberts and Cobs are varieties. Vernacular. Filberts, Bundook, Arab. Sindook, Vulg. Fagus ferruginea, W. American Beech. N. O. 215. JUGLANDACE^E. Can/a sulcata, W. "I Tr . , XT ^ Carya alba, W. / Hlc7wr y nuts of North Amer >. Gary a glabra, W. Hog nut of North America. Carya olivceformis, W. Pekan nut of North America. Juglans regia, W. Common Walnut. The Kapva Trepo-i^ of Theo- -177 w FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. phrastus according to Sprcngel ; the " Glans Jovis" of the Romans ; and Egoz of the Hebrews. Vernacular. Unkotka, Sans. Akrot, Hind. Dec. Jowz t VkrufuSj Arab. Charmaghz, Geerdigan t Jowz-roomee, Pers. Juglans cinerea, W. Butter nut of North America. N. O. 220. CONIFERS. Araucaria bidwillii, Hook. BidwelVs Araucaria of Moreton Bay. Araucaria imbricata, W. of Chili. Pitius fremontiana, Endl. Nut Pine of North America. Pinus Pinea, W. Stone Pine. See " Drugs." N. O. 221. TAXACEJS. Salisburia adiantifolia, L. T. Maiden-hair-Fern-leaved Salisluria of Japan. N. O. 223. CYCADACEJS. Cycas angulatd, of Australia. N. O. 224. DIOSCORIACEjE. YAMS. DioSCOrea aCUleata. W. Prickly-stemmed Yam. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Hexandria. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Mou-aloo, Hind. Beng. Kata-kelenga, Mai. Kantoo- kelangoOy Tam. Kaku-kukulala, Cey. Habitat. East Indies, Remarks. Goa Potatoe of Bombay butlers. DioSCOrea alata. W* Wing-stalked Yam. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Kam-aloo, Beng. Hind. Kastsje-kelenga, Perinvullie- kelenga, Mai. Yamskalung, Tam, Rosakenda, Cey. Habitat. India. Dioscorea bulbifera. W. Bull-bearing Yam. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The bulb on the stem, and the root, used as vegetables. Vernacular. Caroo-karinda, By Katu-katsjil, Mai. Panu-kodol, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. 1/8 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Dioscorea pentaphylla. W. Five-leaved Yam. Linn. Syst, Dicecia Hexandria. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Kanta-aloo 1 . Beng. Hind. Shendorvail-cltand, Oolsee, By. ffureni-kelangu, Mai. Habitat. East Indies. Dioscorea sativa. W. Common Yam. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Perinvullie-kelenyu? Mai. Yamskalung ? Tarn. Rata- kodolj Cey. Habitat. West Indies ; widely cultivated. Dioscorea triphylla. W. Three-leaved Yam. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The tuber, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Mar-chaina, By. Tsiagri-nuren y Mai. Habitat. Malabar. Remarks. Dioscorea bulbosa, Rox. is also cultivated in India. In England the stems of Tamus communis, W. Common Black Bryony, have been used as Asparagus ; and at the Cape Testudinaria elephantipes^ Burch. Common Elephant's foot, or Hottentot's Bread is eaten by the Hottentots. What is commonly called Caffre Bread belongs to N. O. 223. See " Starches." Under N. O. 229, Hydrocharidacese, we find Euclea ovata, has a fruit, eaten at the Cape. N. O. 235. M USAGES. MUSADS. Musa paradisiaca. W. Common Plantain. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The fruit, used as a fruit, and bread stuff. Vernacular. Eadali, Sans. Kach-kula, Beng. Hind. Maoz-kella t Kayla, Hind. Kail, Maoz, Dec. Fellacoy, Mai. Falei, Tarn. Komarettei, Arittie, Bouta-ariti, Chakrakelei, Kommuariti, Nalla- ariti, Tel. Anawalu-kesul, Khel-khany, C5y. Pesany, Malaya. Gadang, Java. Mowz, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. The name of this delicious and uncloying fruit has been derived from Musa, the physician of Augustus, and brother of Euphorbus, after whom Juba called the virulent gum-resin Euphor- biuin. It is almost self-evident, however, it is derived neither from the - 179 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. physician of Augustus, nor the Muses, but is simply the Arahic Muza, taste, signifying that the plantain is the relish of the palate as Opium is the juice, Bark, the bark, par excellence. Muza itself is referred by Lassen to Moko the Sanscrit for plantain. II um- boldt states that Sanscrit books give two other names, viz. bhamiphala, (sun fruit) and varana buscha ; and with reference to the ".arbori nomeu palae, porno ariense" of Pliny, quotes from Lassen to the effect that " the Komans mistook the word phala fruit, for the name of the tree, whilst varana, changed in the mouth of the Greek to ourana, was transformed into ariena. The Arabic mauza is probably from Moko, and bhanu seems to approach banana." Pliny, copying from Theophrastus, says of the pala tree, that its leaf resembles " the wing of a bird, being three cubits in length, and two in breadth. It puts forth its fruit from the bark, a fruit remarkable for the sweetness of its juice, a single one (branch ?) con- taining enough to satisfy four persons." Again, that the sages of India live upon its fruit, called ariena. There can be no doubt of the plantain being meant. But Banana can scarcely come from bhanu, the Banana being the M. sapientum of the West Indies. It has been thought by some to be the " tree of life" of the garden (Trapddfta-ov fv *E8/ Paradisum voluptatis) of Eden, and by others, who distinguish between the two, " the tree of knowledge of good and evil." St. Pierre observes that the violet cone at the end of a branch of plantains, with the stigmas peering through like gleaming eyes, might well have suggested to the guilty imagination of Eve the semblance of a serpent, tempting her to pluck the forbidden fruit it bore, as an erect and golden crest. The grape, shaddock, cherry, apple, and many other pleasant fruits, have also been thought the " forbidden fruit ;" the last from the passage of the Canticles, ch. viii. 5, " I awakened you under an apple tree ; 'twas there your mother lost her innocence;" "as if," says Calmet, "Solomon had here intended to speak of the fall of the first woman." Observing parenthetically that the " tree of life" is probably one with " the tree of knowledge of good and evil," it appears to the writer absurd to attempt to identify it. Neither cherries, apples, figs, grapes, shaddocks, nor plantains can confer immortality and omniscience; and if ever a tree is found that can, there will probably be no place for it either in the system of Linnaeus or of Jussieu. There are some very peculiar stories about these figurative trees, for any who may choose to search for them. The original habitat of the common plantain was probably from the Valley of the Euphrates, along the whole of the Sub-Himalayan tract, before the Deccan was joined to Asia by the formation of the alluvial plain of Hindoostan. The succulent herbaceous stem of this plant, crowned with large translucent green leaves, polished, parallel veined, and arranged as in the palms, render it one of the most grateful objects on which the eye can rest in the tropics, especially when in contrast with other vegetable forms. Its golden fruit, in handsome clusters, each a weight for a man, contain every element of animal nutrition, mixed with fragrant principles in such proportion, that at once it possesses all the wholesomencss and uncloying taste of the finest wheaten bread, and 180 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. the attraction of the most delightful confection. Moreover it is more easily cultivated, and more prolific than even the potatoe, and is almost the only tropical fruit without stone or core of any sort, and that can be eaten unaided by any instrument, without inconvenience, and indeed most conveniently. Well may it have been the primeval food of man, as certainly i^ has been associated with the Arian stock from its earliest records ; but the first chapters of Genesis are probably allegorical (Philo, St. Ambrose, Origen), (as strangely those will not admit who insist on the spiritual sense of Solomon's Epithalamium), and if any real plant was present to the mind of the writer, it was possibly the same as the Som of the Vedas, and Horn of the Zend Avesta. Of this order M. maculata and M. sylvestris, Heliconia humilis, and Ravenala speciosa, have edible seeds, or fruits. The Ensate of Abyssinia mentioned by Bruce is a Musad. The following also may be mentioned. N. O. 236. Barbiana hypogcea of the Cape has edible roots. Gladiolus edulis, Eatable Corn-flay of Cape of Good Hope. N. O. 237. AMYRILLIDACE^E. Alstrcemeria salsilla, Eatable rooted Alstrcemeria of Peru. Gethyllis edulis, also of the Cape, has edible roots. N. 0. 241. BROMELIACE^E. BROMELWORTS. Ananassa sativa. Schult. Common Pine Apple. Li-mi. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The mass of succulent bracts, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Ananas, Dec. Tel. Pooreethee, Koida-cheeka, Mai. Anasa, Tarn. Annasi, Cey. Anannas, Arab. Nanus, Malaya, Java. Manas, Bali. Lanas, Madura. Kamas, Lasnpang. Pan- dang, Celebes. Pina, Philippines. Nanas, Peru. Habitat. Peru. Grows luxuriantly in parts of the Concan ; and is a weed in Malaya and the Eastern Archipelago generally. N. O. 242. LILIACE^i. LILYWORTS. Allium Cepa. W. Common Onion. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The bulb, used as a vegetable, and garnish. Vernacular. Palandu, Latarka, Sans. Pulantoo, Beng. Peeaj, Hind. Beng. Kembally, Can. Vengyayum, Tarn. Wotliyuidda, Tel. Loono, Cey. Bussul, Arab, llawanymera, Malaya. Habitat. 1 Cultivated over the world. . 181 FUUITS AND VEGETABLES. Remarks. Mentioned Numb, xi., and is the Kpo^vov of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, and Cepa of Pliny. The following species of the genus are also more or less cultivated at large European stations, viz. Allium Ascalonicum, W. Shallot, a native of Palestine, the uovcaXawoz/ Kpoppvov of Theophrastus ; Ascalonia of Pliny ; Ascalonitas of the Capitularies of Charlemagne ; and, according to Sprengel, the "Garlic" of Numbers xi. 11. Allium Porrum, W. Leek, a native of Switzerland, the rrpdo-ov of Theo- phrastus and Dioscorides ; Allium Capitatum of Pliny ; Porrus of the Capitularies of Charlemagne ; and Leek of Numb. xi. 11. Vernacular. Puroo, Beng. Khorat, By. Koornas, Arab. Gundena, Pers. Korrat, Egypt. dllium Schoenoprasum, W. Chives, a native of Britain ; the o-Kopodov o-xto-Tov of Theophrastus according to Sprengel ; and the Britta of the Capitularies of Charlemagne. Allium Scorodoprasum, W. Rocambole, a native of Denmark, the ofaoaKopoSov of Dioscorides according to Fraas, and his o-Kopodoirpdcrov according to Sprengel, which Fraas makes A. descendens. Allium sativum, \V. Garlic, will be mentioned under *' Condiments and Spices." Asparagus ofncinalis. W. Chard, Common Asparagus. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The young shoot, used as a vegetable. Vernacular. Hilyoon, Nag down, Hind. Yeramya, Marchoobeh, Arab. Margeeah, Pers. Habitat. England. Remarks. The following edible Lilyworts are also deserving of atten- tion in India: Comassia esculenta, L : nd. Quamash of Columbia, the bulb of which baked, form the chief winter food of the Indian tribes of that territory. Cyanella lineata of the Cape of Good Hope, where its bulb is eaten. Draccena terminal^, or Cordyline Ti, the Ti of Australasia, which sup- plies at once food, sugar, and an intoxicating drink. Lilium kamtschaticum ; Lilium Pomponium, W. Scarlet Pompone ; Lilium spectabile, Link. Showy Lily ; Lilium tenuifolium, Fis. Slender-leaved Lily ; have all bulbs used as food in Siberia. 182 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Ornithogalhtm nmbeUatnm, W. Common Star of TSethleliem is deser- ving of note also, as its bulb is supposed to be the Chirionim or Pigeons' Dung of 2 Kings, vi. 25. (Balfour.) According to Fraas it is the fio\&ivr) of Theophrastus ; opvi66yd\ov of Dioscorides ; and Bolbine alba of Plinv. N. 0. 251. PALM.E. PALMS. Borassus flabelliformis. W. Fan-leaved Borassits, Palmyra. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Hexandria. The nut, used as food in innumerable forms ; and the germ. Vernacular. Tala, Sans. Tal, Beng. Hind. Tarie, Hind. Tar, Dec. Ampana^ Carimpana, Mai. Panana-kulloo, Tarn. Putoo- toadi, Tati-kulloo, Penty, Tel. Tal-gaha, Cey. Dom (Forskal), Taji, Arab. Lontar, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Crawfurd, Tennant, and other writers state that the germ of this nut pushed to the first stage of growth, dried in the sun, constitutes a palatable vegetable ; and that the same sun-dried and reduced to powder forms a flour held in the greatest esteem by the Dutch for its delicacy. COCOS nucifera. W. Common Cocoa-nut. Linn, Syst. Monoccia Hexandria. The nut, used in many ways. Vernacular. Narikela, Sans. Narikel, Beng. Narel, Hind. Tenga, Mai. Taynga, Tarn. Tenkaia, Narikadavti, Kobbari, Tel. Pol Nawasi, Tcembili, Cey. Jowz-hindee, Nardjil, Arab. Nur Malaya. Kalapa, Java. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The first distinct mention of this plant is by the Arabs (Abuzeidi and Wahebi) ; and later it is described also by De Valdes (Sprengel) , Kyphsene thebaica. Mart. Doum Palm y Gingerbread-tree. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Hexandria. The nut, used as a fruit. Vernacular. Oha-mundel, Din Island. * Habitat. Egypt. RemarJts. This is the *<>7 O f Theophrastus according to Fraas, and Cucus of Pliny according to Fee. - 183 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Phoenix dactylifera. Linn. Common Date Palm. Linn. Syxt. Dicecia Triandria. The berry, used as a confection, conserved in its own sugar. Vernacular. Kurmah, Chuhara, Hind. Temr, Nukhel, Rutul (the fruit), Usteh-khurma (the stone), Arab. Khurma, Pers. Habitat. The Levant. Remarks. The Thamar of the Bible, which gave its name to Tha- mar or Tadm,or, until it was changed to Palmyra after the conquests of Alexander ; and wherever the palm is mentioned in the Bible, the date tree is meant. The dates of Palestine were famous in ancient times, especially those of Jericho, which is spoken of (Dent. xxx. 3) as " the city of palm trees." The Greeks called the tree faivig from Phoenicia, whence the best dates as already stated were brought, distinguishing the female as 17 <> 01 lasmama. Alsophila ? J N. O. 273. LICHENES. Cetraria icelandica, Ach Iceland Moss* Cetraria nivalis, Ach. Snow Citraria of North Europe. Lecanora esculenta. Lecanora qffinis. Stricta pulmonacea, Ach. Liverwort Stricta. The Kirghiz Tartars also eat an undetermined lichen under the name of Earth-bread. N. O. 274. FUNGI. Agaricus species, furnishing " Mushrooms ;" principally A. campes- tris, Linn. Common Mushroom of English meadows ; A. Georgii, Sowerby, St. George's Agaric, and A. Prunulus, Csesalp. French Mushroom. Boletus esculentuSy Per. of Britain. Cyttaria darwinii, of Terra del Fuego. Cyttaria berteroi, of Chili. Exidia hispidula, of China. Morchella esculenta., Pers. Esculent Morel of Europe. Mylitta australis t of Van Dieman's land, weighs from 1 Ib. to 1 1 Ibs,, and is called " Native bread." Tuber astivum, of France. Tuber cibarium, Sibth. Common Tuffle of Europe. Tuber melanospermum, of France. N. O. 276. ALG^E. Chondrus mamillosus 1 ~ n, Chondrus crispus . . . . / C *& Moss - IfUrvillcea utilis, of Chili. Fucus, species. Gigartina speciosa, of Swan river. Gelidium corneum, forming the Bird's nests eaten by the Chinese. Gracilaria lichenoides t Ceylon Moss. Gradlaria spinosa, Agar-Agar of the Eastern Archipelago an,d China. 188 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Laminaria saccharina. This is said to find its way into India from the Caspian, heing said to he the Geelur-ke-putta of the Bazars, used only in medicine here. Laminaria esculenta, Badderlocks t of Scotland. Nostoc commune, of Arctic regions. Nostoc editle, of China. Rhodymenia palmata, Dulse, of Scotland. Suhria vittata, of the Cape. 189 DIVISION I Class 3. C. SUBSTANCES, NOT NARCOTIC, USED IN INFUSION, DECOC- TION, OR OTHERWISE IN SOLUTION OR MIXTURE WITH WATER, AS DRINKS. Sherbets. N. O. 33. TILIACE.E. LINDENBLOOMS. Grewia asiatica. W. Asiatic Grewia. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular Pulsha, Beng. Hind. Dec. Tarn." Dowaniya, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The berries of G. elastica, Royle, are used for the same purpose. See " Fruits and Vegetables." N. 0. 40. AURANTIACE.E. CITRONWORT8. Citrus Aurantium. Risso. Sweet Orange. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polj-andria. The fruit, Orange. Vernacular. Narunga, Sans. Naringee, Hind. Kumla-neeboo, Beng. Kitchlee, Tarn. Kichili, Kittali-kaya, Teb Dodan, Cey. Narunj, Arab. Narindj-hcelu, Egypt. Jarok-manis, Malaya. Habitat. China ? Cultivated in India, South Europe, Azores, and West Indies. 191 SUBSTANCES, NOT NARCOTIC, Citrus Bergamia. Risso. Bergamot Citrus, Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polyandria. The fruit, Lime, Bergamot. Vernacular. Nimbooka, Sans. Nemboo, Hind. Neboo, Beng. Lemboo ? Dec. Eeroomitchee-narracum, Mai. Elemitchum, Tarn. JSt emma-pandoo, Gajanimma, Tel. Dehi, Cey. Habitat. South Europe :" India. Remarks. The C. acida of Roxburgh. N. O. 70. RHAMNACE^E. RHAMNADS. Zizyphus Jujuba. Lam. Blunt-leaved Zizyphus. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Koli, Kurkhunda, Vaftari, Phenila ? Sans. Kool, Budree, Narikelee-kool, Beng. Bier, Bayr, Beri, Nazuc, Jhar- beri, Hind. Perintoddali, Elentfya, Mai. Elandei, Tarn. Ren- gha, Reyghoo, Tel. Maha-debara, Ilanda, Masan, Cey. Sidr, Nabik (fruit), Arab. Conar, Pers. "Remarks. First described by Van Rheede, although supposed to be referred to by Diodorus under the name of Connarus. N. 0. 74. LEGUMINOSJE. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. T am ar Indus indica. Linn. Common Tamarind. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Triandria. The fruit. Vernacular. Umlitca, Tintiree, Tintili, Sans. Null, Ambli, Hind. Beng. Amlee, Tentool y Beng. Bafam-pollie, Mai. Pallium, Tarn. Chinta, Tel. Maha-sirjambala, Cey. Amblie, Tamarhin- dee, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. First mentioned by the Arabs ; and the ogvfoiviKa of Myrepsicus. N. O. 76. ROSACES. ROSEWOETS. Rosa centifolia. Linn. Cabbage, Hundred-leaved, or Proving Rose, Rosa damascena. Mill. Damask Rose. t Rosa moschata. Mill. Volatile oil of the petals, Attar, or Otto of Roses ; and volatile oil of the petals distilled with water, Rose Water. 192 USED IN INFUSION, DECOCTION, &C. Vernacular. Goolab-ka-phul t Dec. Wurd, Arab. Gul, Pers. Mawar, Malaya. Habitat. R. centifolia, Persia. R. damascena, Levant. R. mos- chata, Nepaul. Remarks. In the Mediterranean countries, JR. centifolia is the flower used in the preparation of Rose-water and Attar ; in India, R. damascena ; and in Persia, probably R. moschata. Roses of different kinds were known to the ancients. Homer in several places sings of them, and of " rosy-fingered Aurora," in allusion probably to the practice of Eastern ladies colouring the tips of their fingers with various red substances, such as henna. Athenseus gives a passage from Stesichoros also, in which the flower is named : - Many a yellow quince was there Piled upon the regal chair, Many a verdant myrtle bough, Many a rose crown featly wreathed, With twisted violets that grow Where the breath of Spring has breathed. Herodotus mentions the sixty-leaved roses of the gardens of Midas, and Theophrastus a f>68ov eVaroi/cu^vAXa. Dioscorides informs us also that the rose was used to perfume wines ; that bathers leaving the bath were sprinkled with powdered rose-leaves ; that the root of this plant was used like costus ; and that carcanets compounded of nard, rose, costus, and other most precious perfumes (similar indeed to the Poona necklaces and bracelets of the present day), were worn by the ladies of Greece. Like the myrtle, hyacinth, and " violet dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes Or Cythereas' breath," the rose was amongst the chaplet flowers of Greece.- The myth was that it sprung from the blood of Venus ; and like the myrtle and apple it was sacred to that goddess. Rose Water and Attar are used to flavour various confections in the East. See " Sugars." N. O. 85. MYRTACE^E. MYRTLEBLOOMS. Punica Granatum. Linn. Pomegranate. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Darimba, Sans. Anar, Gulnar, Hind. Dalim, Darim, Darmee, Beng. Madala, Mai. Madalum, Maailan, Tarn. Da- dima-pandoo, Pavvu-danimma, Tel. Delumghedie, Cey. Ruman, Rana t Kilkul, Arab. Anar, Pers. Delema, Malaya. Habitat. Northern Africa, Africa, Armenia, Mazanderan, Bokhara, Cabul, Cashmire. Cultivated widely in Asia. Remarks. See " Drugs," and " Fruits and Vegetables." - 193 Y SUBSTANCES, NOT NARCOTIC, USED IN INFUSION, &C. N. O. 161. LABIATE. LABIATES. Mentha sativa. W. Tall Red Mint. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. The herb. Vernacular. Poodina, Dec. Widdetilam, Tarn. Nana, Hubbah, Arab. Habitat. Temperate Europe and Asia. Remarks. See "Drugs," and " Condiments' and Spices." Sherbet (Sharbat) like the Latin sorbeo, and syrup, and shrub, is from the Arabic sharaba, to drink. A Sherbet is essentially water, sugared, but usually further flavoured with some perfume, fruit, conserve, or sweetmeat. Says Sir Thomas Herbert, of Sherbet, " it is a drink that quenches thirst and tastes deliciously. The composition is cool water, into which they infuse sirrop of Lemons and Rose-water ; in these torrid countries (Gom- brown) being the most refreshing sort of liquor that can be invented, albeit the wine there was so good that we refused not to drink it with moderation." The best account of Sherjbets, the compiler has met with, is in Lane's delightful work on the Modern Egyptians. " The Egyptians," he writes, " have various kinds of Sherbets or sweet drinks. The most common kind is merely sugar and water, but very sweet : lemonade (sherab- el-leymoori) is another. The third kind, the most esteemed (sharab-el- benefseg), is prepared from a hard conserve of violets made by pounding violet flowers, and then boiling them with sugar : this violet sugar is of a green colour. A fourth kind (Sharab-el-tooi) is prepared from mulber- ries : a fifth (Sharab-el-hommeyd) from sorrel. There is also a kind of sherbefc (Zebeeb) sold in the streets, which is made with raisins, as its name implies. Another which is a strong infusion of liquorice root (Erk-soos), and called by the name of that rcot ; and a third kind which is prepared from the fruit of the locust tree (Karrob), and called in like manner from the name of the fruit. The Sherbet is served in covered glass cups, generally called " kullehs," containing about three quarters of a pint ; some of which (the more common kind) are ornamented with gilt flowers. The Sherbet cups are placed on a round tray, and covered with a round piece of embroidered silk, or cloth of gold. On the right arm of the person who presents the Sherbet is hung a large oblong napkin with a wide embroidered border of gold, and coloured silks at each end." No preaching will make men teatotallers, for the mind is drunk with wine, red in the cup, before it passes the lips : but Sherbets with their elegant service, and fascinating associations, would probably check much of the mere idle bibbing of narcotic stimulants. Sherbets called Zoofa and Lilloofal are also sold in Bombay, but being imported from Persia, prepared, I am unable to refer their flavour- ing agents to any plants. Zoofa is the Arab name of Common Hyssop. 194 DIVISION I. Class 3. D. NARCOTICS. N. O. 6. MENISPERMACEJE. MENISPERMADS. Anamirta Coculus. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Monadelphia. The berry, Cocculus Indicus, Cocques du Levant, Bacca Orientalis. Vernacular. Kakamari, Sans. KaJcmari, Hind. Dec. Bacaen-ka- phal, Calcutta. Jermce, Hind. Guz. Kaka-collei-verei, Tarn. Kakichimpoo-vetteloo, Tel. Pola t Kaandaka-conuveh, Garala- phala, Mai. Tuba-bidji, Malaya. Habitat. Concan, Malabar, Eastern Archipelago. Remarks. First noticed by Plukenet. This berry is added to malt liquors to increase their intoxicating effect. Its "action is due to the Eresence of a crystalline principle called picrotoxine. It is said to be irgely employed by the liquor retailers of Bombay. In the Gurhwal mountains an ardent spirit is distilled from the root of Cissampelos obtecta, and in Arabia from the berries of Coculus Cebatha, both plants being Menispermads. The Arabian spirit is called Kumr-ool-majnoon. The fruit of a species of Ptelea, Xanthoxylaceae, has been similarly employed, and as a substitute for Hops, the catkin of Humulus Lupu- lus, Urticacese. Also the following, Rhamnus pauciflorus, and R. Staddo, N. 0. 70, in Abyssinia ; Achillea Millefolium, N. O. 120, Ledum latifo* Hum, L. palustre, Ericaceae, and Myrica Gale, Myricacse, in Sweden ; and Salvia Sclarea, Labiatse, and Crocus sativus, Iridacese, in England. The fungus Amanita muscaria steeped in the juice of V actinium uliginosum N. O. 128, is used as an intoxicant in Kamschatka. When takefa, it communicates its properties to the urine, which when drank acts even more powerfully than the fungus itself, and thus a small fungus is made to propagate its effects indefinitely ; a providential arrangement which the Kamschatkans well appreciate in seasons of scarcity. - 197 NARCOTICS. N. O. 13. PAPAVERACE^:. POPPYWORTS. Papaver somniferum. Linn. Garden Poppy. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynfa. The concrete juice of the immature, capsule, Opium, Manus Dei ; and the mature capsule, Papaver, Poppy heads. Vernacular. The plant, Chosa, Sans. Post, Hind. Pasto, Beng. Casa-casa, Tarn. Cassa-cassa, Tel. Aboonom (father of sleep), Arab. The capsules, Post, Vulg. Opium, Afeem, Hind. Dec. Afiun> Hind. Pers. Abinie, Tarn. Afeeoon, Arab. Malaya. Habitat. Asia and Egypt. Cultivated in Egypt, Asia Minor, British India, and China. & " Remarks. The cf black poppy,' 1 and opium were known to the ancients, and the celebrated formis, " Santa Fe' Tea." N. 0. 129. ERICACEAE. Gualtheria procitmbens, " Mountain Tea" of North America. Ledum latifolium and L. palustre, 4< Labrador" or " St. James' Tea." N. O. 134. AQUTFOLIACE.E. Ilex par aguariensis, Mate or " Para- guay Tea." Ilex Gongonha, and /. theezans, Gongonha tea of Paraguay. Prinos glaber, used in North America. N. O. 160. SCROPHULARIACEJE. Caprtiria bifolia, used in ("eu- tral America. Veronica officinalis, **The de 1'Europe." -201 z NARCOTICS. N. O. 161. LABIATE. Micromeria Thea-sinensis, used in France. Monarda didyma, and M. purpurea, " Oswego Tea." Ocymum album, used in India. Saloia oflicinalis, " Sage Tea." . N. O. 162. VERBENACE.E. Lantana pseudo-Thea, " Capitao da Matto of Brazil." Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, used in Austria, under the name of " Brazilian Tea." N. O. 171. CHENOPODIACEJB. Chenopodium ambrosioides, used in Mexico and Columbia. N. O. 179. ANTHEROSPERMACE^E. Antherosperma moschata, used in Australia. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACEJE. Croton Eleuteria, and perhaps also Croton Cascarilla, are used in Hayti. N. O. 230. ORCHTDACEJE. Angrcecum fragrans, Faham of Mauri- tius and Bourbon. N. 0. 53. VITACE^E. VINEWORTS. Vitis vinifera. W. Common Grape. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Monogynia. The fermented juice of the grape, Wine. Vernacular. Draksha, Sans. Beng. Drakhyaluta, Beng. Dahh, Ungoor, Hind. Kodrimoondne, Tarn. Drachtr, Tel. Muddrap, Oowus, Wcp.l-midi, Cey. Kerm (tlie bine), Inub (the grape), Umaseen (must), Zebeeb, Meweez (raisins), Arab. Unyoor, Pers. Booaangoor, Malaya. Wine, Khumr, Arab. Habitat. Persia. Cultivated throughout the old world from India to the 51 north. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Grape juice, or must in the air, at a temperature between 60 and 80 Fahr., ferments,.and this ferrnety, drawn off its sediment, racked, sulphured, taid fined, is wine. Persia is undoubtedly the native country of the Vine, and on the ground of the story of Noah, we may conclude that wine was first made in the neighbourhood of Armenia. The Persian tradition is, that wine was discovered by the renowned Jamshid. " He was immoderately fond of grapes, and de- sired to preserve some, which were placed in a large vessel and lodged in a vaujt for future use. When the vessel was opened, the grapes had fermented ; their juice in tins state was so acid, that the king believed it must be poisonous. He had some vessels filled with it, and poison written upon each, these were planed in his room." Here, however, we must confess Jamshid's share in the discovery ends ; for, again, it was a woman who first tasted the " forbidden fruit." " It happened that one of his favourite ladies was affected with nervous headaches : the pain distracted her so that she desired death ; observing a vessel with poison written on it, she took it and swallowed its contents. The wine, for such it had become, overpowered the lady, who fell down into a sound sleep 202 NARCOTICS. and awoke much refreshed. Delighted- with the remedy, she repeated the doses so often, that the monarch's poison was all drank. He soon discovered this, and forced the lady to confess what she had done. A quantity of wine was made ; and Jamshid and" all his court drank of the new beverage which, from the circumstance that led to its discovery, is to this day known in Persia by the name of Zeher-i-Koosh, or the delightful poison." The Greeks attributed the discovery of wine to Dionysos, and Bochart would identify him with the founder of Babylon. The Greeks and Romans recognised about one hundred kinds of wine. The vineyards of France, Spain, Hungary, Sicily, Naples, the Cape of Good Hope, Por- tugal, Australia, and the Canaries, now produce more than a thousand varieties, the poorest of which probably as far excels the Falernian of Horace, as it is excelled by the best wines of the Cote d'Or, Zemplin, and the Haut Rhin. It is impossible in this catalogue to enumerate the ancient and modern wines ; but the following list, of plants, other than the Vine, yielding vinous liquors, or ardent sjwrits, in various parts of the world, is inserted to prove how in every clime, and from every order of plants, nature offers alcoholic stimulants *' to make glad the heart of man." N. O. 4. MENISPERMACEJS. Coculus Cebatha, used in Arabia in the preparation of Kumr-ool-majnoon. Cissampelos obtecta, used in Gurhwal. N. O. 33. TILIACE.E. Aristotelia Maqui, in Chili- Grewia asiatica, in India (v. supra). Grewia flava, "Brandy Bush" of the Cape of Good Hope. N. O. 40. GUTTIFER.E. Mammea americana, in South America to prepare Eau de Creole. N. 0. 70. RHAMNACE^E. Zizyphus Lotus, about Tripoli. Z. orthacanthuSy in Gambia. N. O. 71. ANACARDIACE.E. Anacandwm occidentale (v. infra), and Manyifera indica, in India. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. Acacia leucophlaa, and A. ferruginea, in India. Prosopis Alyaroba, in South America in the prepara- tion of Chica. N. O. 76. ROSACEJE. Pyrus Mains, and P. cotnmunis in England, the first for Cider, and the second for Perry. Spircea kamtscha- tica, used in Kamtschatka. N. O. 85. MYRTACE^. Eucalyptus gunnii of Tasmania affords an abundant sap, which ferments into a beer-like liquor. N. O. 103. GROSSULARIACE^E. Ribes Grossularia, used in Europe under the name of Champagne. N. O. 114. CAFRiFOLiACEyE. Sambucus niffer, yields Elderberry "Wine of Europe. N. O. 135. SABOTAGED. Bassia latifolia, yields the Mawhra of India. (P. infra). - 203 NARCOTICS. N. O. 140. ASCLEPI ADAGES. Calotropis giflaniea; yields the Bar of the Western Ghats, and the " Giya" of the Africans (Barth) (v. infra). Sarcostemma brevistigma, yields the Soma of the Vedas (v. infra.) N. O. 151. CONVOLVULACE^. Batatas edutis, yields the Yintro da Batatas of Brazil. N. O. 157. SOLANACE^. Solanum tuberosum, used in Europe in the preparation of Brandies. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE.E. Mani/iot ntilissima, used in the preparation of the Piivorree, or Ouycon of Guyana, Mastito of Mexico, and Aipy and Kaviaraku of Brazil. Piworree is prepared similarly to Maize, and Algaroba (i. - e. Prosopis Algaroba) Chiea, and Ava. A portion is chewed, spat into a bowl, mixed with water, allowed to ferment, and drunk. N. O. 199. URTICACE^. *Ficus Carica, yields the Mahay ah of Morocco. N. O. 207. PIPEUACE^E. Macropiper methysticum, used in pre- paring the Ava of the South Seas. N. O. 211. BETULACE^E. Betula alba, and B. alutinosa, afford, the " Birch wine" of Norway. N. O. 220. CONIFERS, Abies c-anadensis, and A. nigra, used in' the preparation of " Spruce beer" Species of fir are also used in the preparation of the Mum of Brunswick. N. O. 242. LILIACE.E. Agave americana, yields the Pulque, Octli, or Agava wine of Mexico. Draccena terminalis (Cordyline 2V), yields the Twer a of the Sandwich Isles. N. 0. 251. PALM^E. Borassus flabelliformis ; Caryota urens ; Cocos butyracea, New Granada, and Venezuela ; Cocos nucifera, East Indies ; Elais guineensis, Africa, and tropical America ; Mauritia vinifera, Brazil; Nipa fruticans, Eastern A rehipelago ; Phoenix dactylifera, and P. sylvestris ; Raphia vtnifei'a, West Coast of Africa ; Arenga saccharifer, Eastern Archipelago ; sEnocarpus Ba- caba, M. Batava, andy^. disticha of the Amazons ; from which the various Palm wines and Spirits of the tropics are prepared, among which may be named the Arrak of Goa, Milaffo of Congo, Cha of China, 'Tari, Sinday, and Toddy of India, Saura of Nicobar, Tuba of Manilla, and Saowire of Celebes. N. O. 266. GRAMTNACE^E. Avena sativa, used in the preparation of the Braga of Russia, Schara of the Calmucks, and other malt liquors, and corn spirits. Eleusine coracana, used in the preparation of the Boyah of the Deccan (Ainslie), and Murwa of Nepaul. Hordeum sps., used in Europe in the preparation of Ale, Beer, and Porter. Poa abyssinica t the Tejfof Abyssinia, similarly used in that country. Oryza sativa, yields the Arrak of Batavia, Mandrin 204 NARCOTICS. of China, Phaur of Nepaul, Lau of Siam and Burmah, Kiji, Temper, and Sichew of Java, Paniz of Corea, and Sacki of Japan. Saccfiarum officinarum, used in the preparation of Rum and Tafia in the West Indies ; the Basi of the Philippines, and Gu-arapo Wine. Secale ceneale, used in the preparation of the Toster of Germany, Snaps of Denmark, and Quass and Kisslyschtxhy of Russia^ and of other malt liquors and corn spirits. Sorghum vulgare, iised in the preparation of the Pombie of the Caffres, Zythum of Syria, and probably the Murwa or Bowza of the Grim Tartars, Carmi and Bwzah of Egypt, Pitta of Dahomey, Merissa of Upper Nile, Gualo of Congo, and other Millet beers. Triticum sps. y used in the pre- paration of Geneva, Gin, Whiskey, Eau devie de Dantzick, Tarasun of China, Phaur of Nepaul, Awamuri of Nepaul, and other corn spirits. N. O. 274. FUNGI. Amanita muscaria, produces the Muchumor of Kamtschatka. An Ardent Spirit is obtained by the distillation of a vinous liquid. When distilled from Grape Wine, the spirit is a Brandy ; when from a malt liquor, a Corn Spirit ; when from Toddy, or Palm Wine, an Arrack (a term unfortunately, also, applied by the Dutch to the spirit distilled from an infusion or Wash of Rice) ; and when from fermented Molasses or Treacle, a Hum. Liqueurs are alcoholic liquors variously flavoured, and sweetened. Alcoholic liquors are also prepared from animal sub- stance, as the black ant in Sweden, cow's milk and mare's milk in Tartary, sheep's milk in Afghanistan, lamb's flesh in China, and honey iu England,, where Mead was the only strong drink known for centuries. N. O. 68. CELASTRACE^E. SPINDLE-TREE. Catha edulis. Forskal ? Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Khat, Arab. Habitat. Abyssinia, Yemen. Remarks. The green or dry leaf is chewed, or the dry leaf is decocted. Surgeon Vaughan informs us, " Like Coffee, Khat * * * has been a fertile theme for the exercise of Mahomedan casuistry, and names of renown are ranged on both sides of the question, as to whether the use of Khat does, or does not, contravene the injunction of the Koran, ' Thou shalt not drink wine, nor anything intoxicating ;' " and he further on state* that, " a synod of learned Mussulmans is said to have decreed, that as beverages of Khat and Cafta do not impair the health, or impede the observance of religious duties, but only increase hilarity and good humour, it is lawful to use them, and also the drink made from the boonn or coffee berry." A wise judgment, and applicable to all intoxicants in modera- 205 NARCOTICS. tion, for what is the difference between eating lettuces, or drinking tea r coffee, or Khat, and drinking alcohol diluted to a strength which " cheers but not inebriates?'* Cafta above is the same as Khat. This important economic plant flourishes luxuriantly in Bombay. Although described, it is not named iu my edition of Forskal. See " Opium" and " Tea." N. 6. 70. ANACARDIACE^E. ANACARDS, OR TE- REBINTHS. Anacardium occidentale. W. Common Cashew. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The succulent peduncle. Vernacular. Reejara-sala, Sans: Hijilee-badam, Beng. Cajoo, Dec. Peitiea manjo, Parunkimavah, Mai. Moondri, Tarn. Jidi and Munta mamediy Tel. Watu-caju, Cey. Cadju, Malaya. Jamboo- cerong, Sumatra. 'Habitat. America. Cultivated in Malabar, Trichiriopoly, Coroman- del, Chittagong. Remarks. First described by Thevetius. A spirit is prepared from the peduncle by the Portuguese. The ripe peduncle itself has cerebral effects. The mango is also similarly employed. N. O. 74. LEGUM1NOSJE. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Acacia leucophlaea. Rox. Linn. Syft. Polygamia Moncecia. The bark. Vernacular. ? Habitat. Southern Mahratta Country : Coromandel. Remarks. " A spirit is distilled from the bark, and the trees are farmed on account of Government " (Dalzell). In Coromandel spirit is also pre- pared from the bark of A. ferruginea ; and Ainslie states that the bark of a species of Phoenix is also similarly used in India. Canavalia virosa. W: et A. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The pod. Vernacular. Eudsumbar, By. Habitat. The Concans, in hedges. Remarks. This is the parent of C. gladiata, De C. This is a common narcotic in the Concan. The pods are shred like French beans, boiled, and eaten, when intoxication follows. I have not met with an account of this plant in any book : nor with any but the humblest natives who are aware of its effects. See " Opium." 206 NARCOTICS. N. O. 115. CINCHONACE7E. CINCHONADS. Coffea arabica. Linn. Arabian Coffee. Linn. St/st. Pentandria Mouogynia. The burnt seed, Coffee ; the pericarp, or shell, and the leaf, Coffee Tea. 'Vernacular. Kawa, Beng. Boond, Cap/tee, By. Boonn (the seed), Qahoueh (the decoction), Arab. Cahwa, Pers. Eleave, Egypt. Cahvey, Turk. Habitat. Caffa and Enarea in Abyssinia. Cultivated in Arabia from circa 1554. Cultivated in Malabar, Ceylon, the Caffre Coast, Mauritius, Java, \Vest Indies, and Brazil. Remarks. Coffee has been in use in Abyssinia immemorially. It was in use in Persia, A.D. 875, and from thence was gradually introduced into Syria, Egypt, Constantinople, and Arabia. We find it at Venice about 1615, at Marseilles 1644, London 1652, and Paris 1657. In 1688, Ray observes, London might rival Grand Cairo in the number of its^coffee- houses. The Arabs roast the whole fruit of the coffee and not the seed only, and this they call Sakka or S'tlabi. In Bombay, I am told, some Arabs use only the pericarp of the fruit. The leaf is used widely in the Eastern Archipelago. Besides the Coffea arabica, other species have been formed, .as C. benyhalensis* C. zanyuebaria, C. mauritiana, and others, but these can only be varieties of the original Abyssinian plant. Avicenna circa A.D. 1000, and after him Ranwolf describe " Arabian Coffee." The following plants are used as substitutes for Coffee in various countries of the world : N. O. 74. LEGUMINOSYE. Cicer arietinum, Common Chick Pea, or Gram, the seed. Inya biylobosa, the seedi being used in Soudan. Par/da africana, the seeds being used in Ethiopia. N. O. 114. CAPRIFOLIACE^. Triosteum perfoliatum, the seeds being used in North America. N. O. 115. CINCHONACEJS. PsycJiotria sps., the seeds being used in the West Indies. N. O. 116. GALIACE.E. Galium Aparine, the roots being used in Ireland. - N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. Cichorium Intybus, the source of " Chicory." Leontodon Taraxacum, the roots being used like " Chicory" in Europe. N. O. 158. ATROPACE^. Hyoscyamus sp., the seeds being used by the Tonguses. N. O. 212. CORYLACE^E. Quercus sp., the Acorn being used in Europe. * N. O. 236. IRIDACE.E. Iris pseud' Acorus, the seeds of which have been experimentally used in England. The seeds of innumer- , 207 NARCOTICS. able other plants have been tried, and even burnt bread. Tbe seed of a plant called Kenauel in Turkey, was also shown at the Exhibition of 1851, as extensively used in the Kair-ar-eh, and Komah. N. O. 135. SAPOTACE.E. SAPOTADS. Sassia latifolia. W. Broad-leaved Bassia. Linn. Sytt. Dodecawdria Monogynia. The flowers. Vernacular. Mudhooka, Madooka, Sans. Mouta, Beng. Hind. Mahwa, Muhooa, Beng. Mourha, By. Pooiinum, Mai. Caat- elloopei t Tam. Ipie, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. A spirit is distilled from the flowers. N. O. 140. ASCLEPIADACEJE. Calotropis gigantea. R. Brown. Curled-flowered Cahtropis. Linn, Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The milk sap. Vernacular. Arka, Akvnd, Svaytaurkum, Sans. Ak, Mudar, Hind. Rowee, By. Yecada, Can. Yercum, VuUerkoo, Tam. Neela-jeeleeroo. Tel. Moodu-wara, Cey. Maioh, Burnith. Oshmar, Oschar, Arab. Bejd-el-oschar, Erminion ? (Kercher) Egypt. White var. Alarka, Sans. Shwet-akund and urka, Beng. Tella-jelladoo, Tel. The sugar, Sukhur-ool-ashur t Vulg. The spirit, Bar, By. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." The intoxicating liquor Bar is prepared by the tribes of the Western Ghats. It is the last plant in the world from which an intoxicating spirit might be expected, and yet Barth also states of the tribes of the Tagamah that tbey ferment their " Giyu' with its milk-sap. Sarcostemma brevistigma. W. et A. Twisting Sarcostemma. The juice of the plant. Vernacular. Soina, Somaluta, Sans. Beng. Tiga-tshumoodoo, Pulla- tiffe, Tel. Muwa-keeriya y Cey. Habitat. Hills of Punjab, Bolan Pass, Rohilcund, Khandeish, Hills about Poona, Coromandel. Remarks. The Sow, of the Veclas, and Horn of the Zend Avesta. Many passages might be quoted from the Vedas to show the superlative estimation in which Soma was held by the Brahmins of the olden time. I only give L>08 NARCOTICS. one, a finer Bacchic burst than I have met with amongst the most enthusiastic of the poets who have sung of Wine^ Rig Veda, ix. ' The purifying Soma like the sea rolling its waves, has poured forth songs, and hymns, and thoughts." N. O. 158. ATROPACE^E. ATROPADS. Datura Hummatu var. fastuosa, Bernh. Purple Thorn-apple. Datura Mctel. W. Downy Thorn-apple. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The seed. Vernacular. Black species, Doostoora, Krishna-dhattura, Sans. Kala-dhatura, Lal-dhatura, Hind. Beng. Umana, Neel-nummatu y Mai. Karoo-oomattay, Tam. Nulla-oomatie, Tel. Kaloo-attana, Antenna, Cey. Bunjdhestee, Arab. Goozgeeah, Pers. Rotecu- bung, Malay. White species, Sada-dhatura, Hind. Beng. Hum- matu, Mai. Yellay-oomattay, Tam. Tella-oomatie, Daturamu, Tel. Suda-attana, Cey. Both in common, Dhatura, India. Jowzmazil (Methel-seed), Arab. Habitat. Egypt ; Asia. Remarks. See " Drugs." The seeds of these plants are used com- monly in India on account of their intoxicating influence ; and frequently criminally, as in Bombay are also the seeds of Common Henbane of the same order. Species of Datura as S. Stramonium and D. sanguinea, are used as intoxicants in Europe and America. Nicotiana Tabacum. Linn. Virginian Tobacco, Herbe a la Reine. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The dried leaf, Tobacco. Vernacular. Dhumrapatra t Tamra-fcoota, Sans. Tumak, Tambaca, Beng. Hind. Bujjirbhang, Arab. Hind. Poghei, Tam. Pogha- ko, Tel. Doonkola, Cyng. Toombacco, Malaya. Habitat. America. Cultivated over the whole world, its range being wider perhaps than of any other economic plant, excepting the Potatoe. Remarks. Tobacco was first seen of Europeans in 1492, by Columbus and his followers, as though this unrivalled herb which, from its native seat in America, spreading over the wide world, has in every country from the equator to the poles found a home, the consoler alike of savage and philosopher, and equally within the means of king and beggar, were in verity the secret force which drew the old world to the discovery of the . 209 AA NARCOTICS. new ! It was afterwards described by Benzoni about 1 556, aud by Thevetius about 1558. Hernandez introduced it into Spain and Portugal, and from the latter country Joan Nicot sent a plant to Catherine de Medicis, whence the French name Herbe a la Reine. Tobacco leaf was brought to Eng- land by Ralph Lane in 1586, on the return of Sir Francis Drake with the Virginian colonists, and the practice of smoking having been adopted by Sir Walter Raleigh, and other courtiers, soon became common. Shortly after the seeds were introduced from the West Indies. Indulgence in Tobacco was prohibited by Popes, Sultans, Kings, Czars (or rather Grand Dukes of Moscow), and Shahs : a hundred books were written against it, amongst them the notorious Counterblast to Tobacco; the knout and death even were prescribed against smokers ; but Tobacco was greater than all, and prevailed, and prevails unimpaired in influence when now the Popes and Sultans are all but names of history. Tobacco is probably from Tabac, the smoking instrument of the natives of America ; possibly from Tobago in the West Indies, or Tabasco in New Spain. The Eastern synonymes, and the prevalence of smoking in the East, excite the suspicion that both the practice and the herb must be indigenous here, and some authorities have asserted this. We find, however, throughout Asia no species of Nicotiana but what are indigenous to America, although often found wild, a fact which need scarcely be weighed in the argument when we consider that two of the most widely spread, abundant, and pestilent plants in India Opuntia dillenii and Argemone mexicana are natives of America. It may be doubted, also, whether the so-called species of Nicotiana are not simply varieties of N. Tabacum. The use at least of Tobacco in Asia cannot well have been prior to the 17th century, or the Shahs and Sultans of that era would scarcely have protested against it in the tyrannical manner they did. Lane expressly states that Tobacco was introduced into Turkey and Egypt in the 17th century, and in 1601 it was carried to Java. "Smoking," of course, is known to have heen immemorially practised in the old world, but here the " smoking" of Tobacco is alone meant. The following so called species of Nico- tiana have been recognized, but perhaps the majority of them are only varieties of the first. (1.) N. Tabacum, Linn., the source oi Virginian, Maryland, Ken- tucky, Carolina, and Bilsah Tobaccos. (2.) N. latissima, Miller, including N. fruticosa, Linn., and N. chinensis, Fischer, the source of large Havannah Cigars. (3.) N. rustica, Linn., indigenous to America, and found wild also in Europe, Asia, and Africa, the source of Latakkia (Laodicea), Salonica (Thessalonica), and Turkey Tobaccos. * (4.) N. persican, Lindl., the source of Persian or Shiraz Tobacco. (5.) N. repanda, W., the source of small Havannah or Queen's Cigars. (6.) N. quadrivalvis, Parsh,, the source of Missouri? and Ohio? Tobacco. 210 NARCOTICS. (7.) N. nana, Lincll., a native of the Rocky Mountains. (8.) N. multivalns, Lindl., the source of the varieties of Columbian Tobacco, as Columbian, Farina ? Cumana ? Besides the Com- mercial kinds of the leaf already named, Brazilian, Dutch or Amers- foot, Manilla, St. Domingo Tobaccos, all from N. Tabacum probably, and Orinoco probably from N. latissima are met with. In India N. Tabacum is cultivated in the Deccan, and N. rustica to the northward. N. persica was introduced generally into the Bom- bay Presidency some years since by Colonel Barr. TOBACCO prepared for Chewing or Smoking may be either cut as Shag, Returns, Bird's-eye, Maryland, Kanaster, Orinoco, Turkey, Persian, and Farinas : or spun, rolled, or twist, as Pigtail, Negro-head, Cavendish, Irish-twist, Bogie, Alloa : or made up into Cigars as Havannnh, ^or Cheroots as Manillas, a cigar being pointed at the extremities, a cheroot truncated. SNUFFS are preparations of the leaf powdered and fermented, and may be either dry, as Scotch, Irish, Welsh, Spanish : or moist, as the Simple Ra- pees, Brown, Black, Cuba, Garotte, and Bolangero ; mixed Rapees, as Hard- man's Genuine, No. 37; and Scented Rapees, as Prince's Mixture, fyc. Tobacco is used over a wider area than any other narcotic, and probably in larger quantity than any other, excepting Pan, the leaf of Chavica Betlc, and tbe popularity of both is probably owing to the gentle and continuous calm and cheerfulness of mind they are capable of sustaining. Tobacco smoking is of course alone here meant, and in moderation. Tobacco taken internally, acts very violently on the human system, and probably Tobacco chewing and snuffing are always dangerous. Accidents may have also attended Tobacco smoking, but taken with care and temperance it is certainly the most innocent, delightful, and efficient of human indulgences. There is no chagrin, fret, or weariness, a pipe or, cigar cannot dissipate. Pereira (from whom most of the above information has been abstracted) indeed states, " I am not acquainted with any well-ascertained ill effects resulting from the habitual practice of smoking." And Christison writes, " In many individuals, who use it (Tobacco) habitually, the smoke has an extraordinary power in removing exhaustion, listlessness, and, restless- ness, especially when brought on by bodily or mental fatigue, and this property is the basis of its general use as an article of luxury. * * Some imagine that the practice of smoking and snuffing is detrimental to health, but this supposition is doubtful." Nevertheless the opposite testimony of other great authorities must be considered conclusive of evil of exces- sive smoking. What excessive smoking ^may be, is however a very difficult question. I know an officer who has for years smoked 3E300 worth of cigars yearly, and seemingly as yet is only the better for it. Says Burton, A.D. 1652, " Tobacco, divine, rare,, super-excellent tobacco, which goes far beyond all the panaceas, potable gold, and philosophers' stones, is a sovereign remedy in all diseases. A good vomit, I confess, a virtuous herb, if it be well qualified, opportunely taken, and medicinally used ; but as it is commonly abused by most men which take it as 211 NARCOTICS. tinkers do ale, 'tis a plague, a mischief, a violent purger of goods, lands, health, hellish, devilish, and damned tobacco, the ruin and overthrow of body and soul." See " Opium and Hemp," At the Cape of Good Hope the Hottentots smoke the leaves of Tar- chonanthus camphoratus, inn. N. O. 120; and of Leonotis Leonurus, R. Br., and L. ovata, N. O. 161, Labiatse. N. O. 199. URTICACE^E. NETTLEWORTS. Cannabis saliva. W. Common Hemp. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. . The herb and resin. Vernacular. Bhanga, Gunjika, Vijya t Sans. Bhang, Hind. Ganjar, Beng. Ganja, Dec. Tarn. Malaya. Tejeroocansjava, Mai. Gan- jah, Tel. Matkansha, Cey. Kinnub, Arab. Bin, Burmah. Guiji- lacki-lacki, Malaya. Kinnabis, Defroonus, Yonanee. Habitat. Caucasus, Hindoo Koosh, Himalayas. Cultivated in Europe for its fibre, and in Africa and Asia for the sake of its narcotic properties. Remarks. See " Drugs." The Herat Churrus or Kirs is esteemed the.most. The dried flowers are used in Morocco under the name of Kief '. The Assassins, or followers of " the Old Man of the Mountains " (whose descendant, according to Sir Charles Napier, is Aga Khan of Bombay !), are said to have derived their name from the use of Hashish or Hemp tops. " Running a muck" is derived from the effect of Opium on the Javanese, who become frantic under an extraordinary dose, and rush about with knives, shouting Amok t Amok ! kill, kill ! Burchell, Livingstone, Burton, and Du Chaillu testify to the wide use of Hemp as a narcotic in Africa. N. O. 207. PIPERACE^E. PEPPERWORTS. Chavica Betel. Mig. Betel Pepper. Chavica Siriboa. Mig. Siriboa Pepper. Linn. Syst. Diandria Trigynia. The leaves, Pan. Vernacular. Tamboolee, Puma, Sans. Pan, Beng. Dec. Nagbel, Hind. Betalacodi, Mai. Vettilei, Tarn. Tamalap, Tel. Bulat-wala, Cyng. Wurka-tunbole, Arab. Birgtum-bowl, Beykh-pan (root), Pers. Siri, Java. Basi, Bali. Chambai t Lampung, Bnyo, Philip- pines. Habitat. East Indies. 212 NARCOTICS. Remarks, Pan, either Betel leaf or Siri, with Betel nut and lime, con- stitute the narcotic masticatory of the East, for brevity usually called " Betel," and which is perhaps consumed hy the human family as largely as Tobacco. It is chewed, and the quid goes in Bombay by the name of Pan-psoopari, -and is sometimes the cover of a bribe. N. O. 251. PALM^:. PALMS. Areca Catechu. W. Medicinal Cabbage tree. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Hexandria. The kernel, Betel nut; and the extract of the kernel, Catechu (of one kind). Vernacular. Goovaka, Sans. Gowa, Oodbeg, Beng. Sooparee, Hind. Beng. Dec. Paak, Camooghoo, Tarn. Poka, Oka, Tel. Pawaky Cey. Tofil, Arab. Kwoon-ben, Burmah. Pinang, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. See " Drugs" and Chavica Betel. Paulo-Pinang is " Areca Palm Island." The intoxicating effect of Betel when chewed is due probably to the mutual reaction of the Betel nut, Betel leaf, lime, and saliva. Often the extract is substituted for the Betel nut itself, as also the extract of the wood of Acacia Catechu, and of the leaf of Uncaria Gambir. On the Malabar coast an intoxicating lozenge is prepared from the sap of Areca Catechu. Borassus flab ellifor mis. W. Fan-leaved Borassus, Palmyra. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Hexandria. The sap, fermented. Vernacular. Tola, Sans. Tal, Hind. Beng. Tarie, Hind. Tar Dec. Ampana, Carimpana, Mai. Panang-kulloo, Tarn. Putoo- toadi, Tatti-Kulloo, Tel. Tal-gaha, Cey. Lontar, Malaya. Tafi, Dom ? (Forskal) Arab. Habitat. East Indies. Caryota urens. W. Torn-leaved Caryota. Linn. Sytt. Monoecia Polyandria. The sap, fermented. Vernacular. Bherlee Mahr, By. Kitul, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Abounds in sap, but in this Presidency is found only on the Ghats. 213 NARCOTICS. COCOS nucifera. W. Common Cocoa-nut Tree. Linn. Stjst. Moncecia Hexandria. The sap, fermented. Vernacular. Narikela, Sans. Narikel, Beng. Narel, Hind. Tenga, Mai. Taynga, Tarn. Tenkaia, Narikudam, Kobbari-chettu, Tel. Nur, Calapa, Malaya. Pol, Nawasi, Tcembili, Cey. Jowz-hindee, Nardjil, Arab. Kalapa, Java. Habitat. East Indies. Phoenix sylvestris. Rox. Wood Date Palm. Linn. Si/st. Dioecia Triandria. The sap, fermented. Vernacular. Khujjooree, Sans. Sendhi, Kajur, Hind. Eetchum- pannay, Tarn. Eeto t Tel. Habitat. East Indies. N. O. 266. .GRAMINEJE. GRASSES. Oryza saliva. W. Common Rice. Linn. Syit. Hexandria Digynia. The grain. Vernacular. Arunya, Dhanya, Unoo, Tanneola, Ashoomihi, Sans. Chawl, Hind. Dec. Sari, Sindh. Dhan, Pusnee, Hind. Beng. Payera, Mai. Anssee, Nelloo, Tarn. Beeum, Cheni, Oori, Urloo, Mattakarulu, Nevari-dhanyamu. Tel. Wee, Cey. Saba, Burmali. Shalt, Pers. Rooz, Aroos, Egypt. Brass, Malaya. Habitat. I Cultivated generally in the tropical and sub-tropical V/\tllC * zones. Saccharum Officinarum. 'Zw. Common Sugar Cane. Linn. Si/st. Triandria Digynia. The sap, fermented. Vernacular. Ikskoo, Poondru, Rusala, Snns. Ik, Akh, Ookh, Uhyo Beng. Ganna, Khuloa, Kajooli, Ich, Uck, Hind. Oos, Dec. Karumboo, Tarn. Tebu, Mai. Chernkoo-bodi, Cherukoo-daboo, Tel. Kusseb-ul-sookr, Muddardjend (Forskal, nomen Indicum ?), Arab. Nie-shnkr, Pers. ^AA, Egypt. Habitat. India. Cultivated to the 35- 40 on both sides of the Equator. 214 NARCOTICS. Remarks. For the controversy regarding sugar, see Bambusa arundi- under " Drugs," and Saccharum officinarum, under " Sugars." The juice of the Common Sugar Cane is little used as an intoxicant in the Presidency. Guarapo is prepared from it, and also the Basi of the Philippines. Other Grammes are distilled in India, and doubtless plants of many orders besides those enumerated are used surreptitiously for the preparation of wines and spirits under this Government. Thus small quantities of spirit are, it is said, secretly prepared by the Hukims or Wieds from rose buds, jasmine flowers, orange peel, fennel seed (Indian), &c. Spirits from these would be strongly flavoured with their volatile oil, and must be of the nature of weak liqueurs. 215 DIVISION I Class 3. E. Condiments and Spices. N. 0. 1. RANUNCULACE.E. CROWFOOTS. Nigella saliva- W. Small Fennel-flower. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Pentagynia. The seed. Vernacular. Krishna-jiraka, Musavi, Sans. Kalajira, Hind. Mugrela, Beng. Koolunjun, Dec. Carin-siragum, Tarn. Nulla- gilakara, Tel. Kaloodooroo, Cey. Shoonez y Arab. Siah-danek, Pers. Hub-sindee, Egypt. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Cultivated in India.' Remarks. The Black Cumin of Scripture ; peXdvOiov of Hippocrates and Dioscorides; and Gith of Pliny. See "Drugs." N. O. 3. Magnoliacese furnishes Illicium anisatum, Linn, in China, and /. reli' giosum, Sieb. in Japan, the capsules of which are - aromatic, those of the former plant being the Star Anise of commerce. N. O. 4. Anno- naceae, Xylopia aromatica, the fruit of which is called Piper jfithiopicum. N. O. 15. CRUCIFERJE. CRUCIFERS. Sinapls 5/M. Species of Mustard. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. The seed. Vernacular. Rajika, Sarshapa, Tuverica, Sans. Surson, Rai, Kali-sursoon, Tooria, Bunga-surson, Hind. Dec. Race, Bun-raee t Bul-raee, Shwet-raee, Sada-raee t Jooni-raee, Sanchi-sursoon t Beng. Suray-bij t Sindh. Kadaghoo, Tam. Avaloo, Tel. Gan-aba, Rat a- aba, Cey. Khurdal, Kubbr, Arab. Sirshuf, Pers. Habitat. The temperate zones : widely cultivated. Remarks. Mustard was the vdrrv of the Greeks. In India S. ramosa, Raee ; S. ylauca, Toria; S. dichotoma, Kalie-surson; and S. juncea, Z\ BB CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Bunga-surson, the Khardel and Kubbr of Arabia and Egypt are chiefly cultivated. The other pungent Crucifers, Lepidium sativum, Nastur- tium officinale> or Loot putiah, Raphanus sativus, and R. caudatus are mentioned amongst vegetables. Cochlearia Armor acia, Horse Radish, is substituted in this country by the root of Moringa pterygosperma. N. O. 16. Capparidacese furnishes the Capers of commerce. N. 0. 40. AURANTIACE.E. CITRONWORTS. Bergera konigii. W. et A. Linn, Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Kristna-nimba, Sans. Karia-phullee, Beng. Bursunga, Hind. Karay-paak, Dec. Koodia-neemb, By. Kari-bepon, Kar- reya-pela, Mai. Kari-pilli, Karaway-pillay, Tarn. Kari-vepa, Karri-baympakoo, Tel. Watu-karapincha, Cey. Habitat. Cultivated in India. Remarks. First described by Rumphius. Citrus Bergamia. Rlsso. Bergamot Citrus. Linn. Syst. Polyadelphia Polyandria. The fruit, Lime : and the rind. Vernacular. Nimbooka, Sans. Nemboo, Hind. Neboo, Beng. Lembooo ? Dec. Eroomitchee-narracum, Mai. JElemitchum, Tarn. Nemma-pandoo, Gajanimma, Tel. Dehi, Cey. Habitat. South Europe, India. Remarks. C. acida of Roxburgh. The natives employ also the rind of other well-known Citronworts. N. O. 42. GUTTIFER^E. GUTTIFERS. Garcinia purpurea. Rox. Linn. Syst.. Dodecandria Monogynia. The rind. Vernacular. Kokum, By. Brindao, Goa. Habitat. Ravines of the Concan. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. Tropteolum majus, W. Great Indian Cress t belongs to N. O. 58. Tropaeolacese ; Zygophyllum Fabago, W. Common Bean-Caper, to N. 0. 62. Xygophyllacese ; and Xanthoxylon Budrunga and X. Rhetsa of India and X. piperitium of Japan, to N. O. 64. Xanthoxylacese, most of the species of which are used as pepper in their native countries. 218 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. N. 0. 71. ANACARDIACE^E. ANACARDS or TERE- BINTHS. Mangifera indica. Linn. Common Mango. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. The unripe fruit, fresh and preserved. Vernacular. Amra, Sans. Am, Hind. Beng. Dec. Mava, Mai. Mam-marum, Tarn. Makandamu, Mavi, Mamadichettoo, Tel. Etamba (wild), Amba (cultivated), Cey. Mangya (wild), Sunda. Mampalam, Malaya. Palam, Java. Kapalam, Lampung. Habitat. East Indies. Cultivated near Muscat, and throughout the East. Remarks. See " Drugs/' The inspissated juice of the ripe Mango cut into cakes, is sold in the bazars of this Government under the name of Amba-pooree. It is both acid and sweet, and used like Red Currant jelly with certain kinds of meat, is a fine zest. Cakes of the inspissated juices of various fruits are also common in Bombay. Spondias mangifera. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Decandria Pentagynia. The unripe fruit. Vernacular. AmrataJca, Sans. Amra, Beng. Hind. Ambara, Hind. Jungli-amb, Dec. Ran-amb, By. Cat-ambolam, Mai. Caat-mavu, Tarn. Adivie-mamadie, Amatum t Tel. Mmb&rcdla, Cey. Habitat. India. N. 0. 72. AMYRIDACE^E. AMYR1DS. Garuga pinnata. H. K. Wing-leaved Garuga. Linn. Syst. Decaodria Monogynia. The ripe fruit, fresh and dry. Vernacular. Toom, Beng. Hind. Koorak, Kanghur, By. Garugo, Kalugudu, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS.E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Tamarindus indica. Linn. Common Tamarind. ' Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Triandria. The pulp of the pod. 219 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Vernacular. Umlika, Tintiree, Tintili, Sans. Null, Ambli, Hind. Beng. Amlee, Tentool, Beng. Balam-pollie, Mai. Pollium, Tarn. Chinta, Tel. Maha-siyambala, Cey. Amblie, Tamarhindee y Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. Fruit mentioned by the Arabians, and the ogvfpoiviKa of Myrepsicus. Trigonella Poenum Grsecum. Linn. Common Fennugreek. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The leaf. Vernacular. Methee, Moothee, Hind. Methee-shak, Methika, Beng. Mathee, Dec. Mentia, Can. Fendium, Tarn. Ment- luoo, Tel. Oolowa, Cey. Helbeh, Arab. Shimlet, in the C7//ar Udwigeh. Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Cultivated widely in India. Remarks. The fiovKfpas of Hippocrates. N. O. 75. MORINGACEJE. MORINGADS. Moringa pterygosperma. Gcert. Smooth Horse-Radish Tree. The root. Vernacular. Siaroo, Sobhanjun, Sans. Beng. Shajina, Beng. Moongay, Sujna, Hind. Sainga, Saigut, By. Mooringay, Mai. Nugga, Can. Moorungay, Tarn. Moorunga, Moonaga, Tel. Jderikoolu, Ganmurunga> Cey. Habitat. The two Indies, Africa. Remarks. See " Drugs." N. O. 85. Myrtaceae yields no condi- ments and spices, native of, or cultivated in Western India. The berries of Myrtus communis, "W., are found in the bazar ;. and Cloves, the dry, immature buds of Caryophyllus aromaticus t Linn., are largely imported. See " Drugs." " Those of Calyptranthes aromatica (of Brazil) may be advantageously substituted. The Pepper called Allspice or Pimento is the dried (immature) fruit of Eugenia acris, and (Eugenia) Pimenta" (De C.) "The fruit of E. Caryophyllus is used in the same way in Brazil, and of Myrtus Tabasco in Cumana." (Lindley). Myrtus pimentoides, N. ab E., yields the Ovate Pimento of the West Indies. N. O. 110. UMBELLIFEILE. UMBELLIFERS. Anethum Sowa. Rox. . Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, (Indian?) Dill seed. 220 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Vernacular. Sitasiva, Missreya, Shaleya, Sans. Sowa, Sole, Soya, Shutapoospha, Hind. Saloopha, Soolpha, Beng. Suva, Guz. Shatha-koopha, Mai. Saddacooppie, Tarn. Suddapa, Sompa, Sopu, Tel. Sattacooppa, Heen-cenduru ? Cey. Shubit, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." Carum Carui. Linn. Common Caraway. . . Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Caraway seed. Vernacular. Curweeya, Arab. Habitat. The meadows and pastures of Europe and Asia Minor. Remarks. See " Drugs." Coriandum sativum. Linn. Common Coriander. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Coriander seed, Cassibor. Vernacular. Dunya, Dkanyaca, Sans. Hind. Beng. Dec. Danga t Mai. Cottimbirry, Can. Cottamillie, Tarn. Tel. Cotumbaroo, Cey. Kuzeerah, Arab. Kushneez, Pers. Mety, Malaya. Habitat. South Europe, Tartary. Cultivated in India. Remarks. . See " Drugs." Cuminum Cyminum. Linn. Common Cumin. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Cumin seed. Vernacular. Jeruka, Ajaji, Sans. Jeera, Zira, Hind. Beng. .Jeeraga, Can. Siragum, Tam. Gilakara, Tel. Dooroo, Cey. Kimoon, ^rab. Jintan, Malaya. Habitat. Upper Egypt, Ethiopia. Widely cultivated. Remarks. See " Drugs." Fosniculum Panmorium. De C. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, (Indian) Fennel seed. Vernacular. Mudoorika, Sans, Panmuohri, Mayuri, Souf, Hind. Goowamooree, Mooree, Beng. Warealee, Guz. Perun-siraaum f Tam. Pedda-aillakara, Tel. Dewadooroo, Rata-cenduru ? Cey. Raseeanuj t Arab. Badian, Pers. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." 221 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Pimpinella Anisum. Linn. Anise. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit, Anise seed. Vernacular. Setapushpa? Sans. Anesun, Saurif, Hind. Mu- hooree, Beng. Ervidos, Echra, Sataphushpha, Son/, By. Som- boo, Tarn. Kuppi-chettu, Tel. Sinhala-asamodagan, Cey. Anesoon, Arab. Razaneh-roomee, Pers. Jeramanis, Malaya. Hafiitat. Scio, Egypt, Asia. Cultivated widely. Remarks. See " Drugs.'* Ptychotis Ajowan. De C. Linn. Sytt. Pentandria Digynia. The fruit. Vernacular. Ajamodum, Sans. Ajwan, Juvanee, Boro-joan, Hind. Beng. Womum, Tarn. Amoos, Arab. Nankah, Pers. Habitat. Cultivated in India. Remarks. See " Drugs," under which Class Asafcetida, one of the conmonest condiments in use here, is catalogued. The plant is not known in Bombay, hence is omitted in this place. The Angelica of Europe is the root of Archangelica officinalis, Hoff. et Koch. N. O. 157. SOLANACE^E. NIGHTSHADES. Capsicum annuum. Linn. Common Capsicum. Capsicum baccatum. Linn. Bird-pepper. Capsicum grossum. W. Large Capsicum, Bell-pepper. Capsicum frutescens. Linn. Shrubby Capsicum, Guinea-peeper. Capsicum minimum. Blanco. Capsicum nepalensis. ' Dr. Owen. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The fruit, Chillies ; and the powdered capsule of C. frutescens, Cayenne Pepper. Vernacular. C. annuum, Gachmurich, Beng. Capoo-mologoo, Mai. Mollaghai, Tarn. Merapu-kai, Tel. Ratamiris, Cey! C. frutescens, Bran-maricha, Sans. Lall-lunka-muricha, Huldi-lunka-muricha, Beng. Lal-mirchie, Dec, Meneshena, Can. Tambhudud-da-meerchingay, Mahratta. (Piddington.) Mollaghai, Tarn. Merapu-kai, Tel. Gas-miris, Cey. Dar-felfel % Arab! Fcetf-el-achmar, Egypt. C. minimum,--^ a n-lunk-murich, Beng. Dhan-murich, Beng. Nayi-miris, Cey. 222 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Habitat. C. annuum, Equinoctial America. Cultivated in Africa and India. C. baccatum, India? meridional America. C. gros- sum, East Indies? C. frutescens, East Indies? and inter- tropical America. C. minimum, Philippines. C. nepalensis, Nepaul? Remarks. Besides the above, C. pyramidale, Mill. C. conoides, Mill. C. fastiaatum, Blume, C. angustifolium, De C. C. cerasiforme, W. C. longum, De C. C. cordiforme, Mill. C. tetragonum, Mill, are said to be indigenous to India ; C. sinense, Jacq. to China ; and C. crispum y De C. to Mauritius. C. luteum, Lam. is the Piment de Mozambique, and also indigenous to India. The greatest doubt is entertained of the Common Capsicum being; a native of Asia, but Sprengel says that it is, "without doubt," the Piperitis and Siliquastrum of Pliny. It is first undoubtedly mentioned together with C. baccatum and C. grossum by Fuschius. Fraas considers the vreVept drro^Kes of Theophrastus to refer to C. longum. C. frutescens is first described by Monardes. The word KU^IKOV first occurs in Actuarius. Chili is the Mexican term for all species and varie- ties of Capsicum. N. 0.161. LABIATE. LABIATES. SWEET HERBS. Lavandula vera. De C. Common Lavender. Linn. Syst. Digynia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. , ' \ V Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. Cultivated by Anglo-Indians. Sprengel, on the authority of Heyschius, refers the tyvov of Theophrastus to this plant, being the identification of Heyschius. Fraas refers Theophrastus' plant, with the o-roLxds of Dioscorides and Stoechas of Pliny, to L. Stcechas. De Candolle makes distinct species of L. vera and L. Spica. See " Drugs." Melissa officinalis. W. Common Balm. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Badrungbuyeh, Pers. Hind. Ramtulsee ? Hind. Mekka-subza, Dec. Parsie-cunjamhoray, Tarn. Buklut-ul-faris- toon t Buklut-ul-utrujyeh, Arab. Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. The /neXio-o-o^vAAoi/ and /AeXirraiW of Dioscorides, and Meli- sophyllum of Pliny. See " Drugs." 223 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. IVIentha piperita. Linn. Peppermint. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Habitat. Watery places in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Remarks. The p.ivdos rj f}8vocrp,os of Hippocrates, and pivdr] of Theo- phrastus, according to Fraas ; but Sprengel refers these Greek names to M. sativa, W. Mentha Pulegium. Linn. Pennyroyal. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Habitat. Europe, Caucasus, Teneriffe, Chilli ? Remarks. The y\rjx<*>v of Hippocrates and Dioscorides, and Pulegium of Pliny. Mentha sativa. W. Tall Red Mint. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Poodina, Dec. Widdetilam t Tarn. Nana, Hubbuh, Arab. Habitat. Europe and Asia. Remarks. See " Drugs" and M. piperita. Mentha viridis. Linn. Spear Mint. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Pahari-poodenah, Dec. Habitat. Temperate Europe, Himalayas, parts of Africa and America. -0 : Ocymum Basilicum. W. Common Sweet Basil. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Manjirika, Sans. Kalee-tulsee, Hind. Pashanabhed* die t Babooie-tulseCj Beng. Nazbo, Sindh. Subze, Dec. Tim- ootpatchie, Tarn. Vepoodipatsa, Rhu-tulsi, Rudrajada, Tel. Sawandatala, Cey. Rihan, Shahusferum, Hebak, Asaba-ul-feteyat, Badrooj ? Bucklut-ul-zub ? Arab. Deban-shab, Nazbu, Ungoosht- Jtunee-zuckan, Tureh-hhorasani ? Pers. Berunj-mishk ? Vulg. Habitat. India. Remarks. The uKtpov of the Greeks, and Ocimum of Pliny, it is believed. CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Ocymum minimum. W. Bush Basil. Linn. Si/st. Didynamia Gyrauospermia. Vernacular. Habitat. East Indies. Ocymum sanctum. JF. Purple-stalked Basil. Linn. Syst, Didynamia Gymnospennia. Vernacular. Parnasn, Sorasaiv, Ajalta, Sans. Kalft-tulsi, Hind- Beng. Kural, Toolsee, Beng. Toolasee, Tarn. Nielia tirtooa, Krishna-toolsee, Mai. Ulsee-badrooye, Arab. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." Origanum heracleotlcum. W. Winter Sweet Marjorum. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Habitat. South Europe. Remark*. The opiyavos r}paK\eom? o-Tecjbai/cojuaTi/o/ cf Dioscorides, and Rosmarinum of the Ilomans. See " Drugs." Salvia OfHcinalis. W. Garden Sage. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogj^nia. Vernacular. Salbia, Hind. Sefakuss, Ainslie. Habitat, South Europe. Salvia Sclarea. W. Common Clary. Linn. Syst. Diandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Habitat. Italy. Remarks. First mentioned by Tragus. The Annual Clary is Salvia Horminum, \V., the opfjuvov of Dioscorides, oppyvov of Theophrastus, (pop^iov of Paulus ^Egineta, and o>p/3toz/ of Galen. Satureja mcntana. W. Winter Savory. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospcrmia. Vernacular. Habitat. South Europe. Remarks. First mentioned by Mflthiolus. The generic term is from Satar, the collective name amongst the Arabs for all Labiates (Loudon) ; but which is sometimes also specifically used. Satureja hortensis. W. Summer Savory. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Habitat. Italy. Thymus citriodorus. P. S. Lemon Thyme, Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Habitat, British heaths. 226 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. ThyiHUS VUlgaris. Linn. Garden Thyme. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. Vernacular. Ipar, Hind. Ilasha, Arab. Habitat. South-West Europe. Remarks. The dvpos of the ancients perhaps. Amongst " Sweet Herbs," gardeners also include the Composites Tanacetum vulgare, W., Common Tansy, and Balsameta vulyaris, W., Common Costmary. N. 0.162. VERBENACE^E. VERBENES, Vitex bicolor. W. Two-coloured Chaste Tree. Linn. Syst. Didynaraia Gymnospermia. The fruit. Vernacular. Neergoonda s By^ Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The fruit is not used as a condiment, and is inferior to that of C. trifolia, Linn., in pungency and aroma. Both plants are apt to be confounded with W. Nee/undo, Linn., Quadrangular Chaste-tree, the Eastern synonymes of which are, Sindhooka, Sinduya, Sans. Nirgundi, Beng. Kisinda, Shumbalie, Hind. Noochie, Tarn. Wayalakoo, Tel. See F. trifolia, "Drugs." N. O. 178. LAURAOEjE. LAURELS. Cassytha filiformis. Linn. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The plant. Vernacular. Akash-wailj By. Habitat. India. Remarks. A parasite, found in long festoons growing over trees, ftnd said by Ainslie to be used for seasoning butter-milk by the Brahmins of Southern India. Cinnamonum iners. Rein. Linn. Syst. Enneandria Monogynia. The leaf. Vernacular. Dar-chini, Hind. Coat-carva, Mai. Pachchaku t Tel. Habitat. Concans, Malabar. Remarks. For the renowned aromatic products of the Laurels, Cinna- mon, Santa Fe, and Bourbon Cinnamons, Cassia-lignea, Folia-Malabatbri, and Culilawan or Clove-bark, Massoy-bark, Maida-luckri, and Cassia flowers, see " Drugs." Besides C. iners, C, Zeylanicum var., Cassia, 227 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. Nees, C. nitidum, Blum?, and C. Tamala, Nees, are indigenous to India. Sassafras nuts or Pichurim beans, used in flavouring Chocolate, are the seed lobes of Nectandra Puchury, Nees, of the Rio Nigro ; ami Cuju- inary beans are from Aydendron Cvjumury, and A. Laurel. Nectandra cymbarnm, Nees, of liio Nigro, Sassafras Parthenoxylon of Sumatra, Benzoin odoriferum, Licaria guianensu, and Mespilodaphne pretiosa, have all aromatic barks. Canella or Wild Cinnamon, and Winter's bark, are -al N. O 4. The Plume Nutmegs, intermediate between Laurels and Nutmegs, yield fragrant products also, but as yet of no great economic interest. " Both nutmegs and mace," observes Pereira, " were unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans^ unless indeed the 229 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. nutmeg; be the aromatic Arabian fruit used in unguents, and wbicli Theo- phrastus calls Kap-aicbv. Pliny says that the 'cinnamum quod cornacum appellant,' is the expressed juice of a nut produced in Syria. Does he refer to the expressed oil of nutmeg as some have suggested?" This may justly be accepted. That Comacum of the ancients, which was a fruit, Salmasius would identify with Cubebs. The ancients were also most probably acquainted with Mace. Avicenna describes /zaKep under the name of TaUsfar. Mesue dt fines Bisb(tseh to be Mace; and Serapioa appears to consider TaUsfar one with Bisbaseh. Some Greek and Arabic dictionaries render //a/cfp by Bisbaseh, and the m^dsrn Greek for Mace is /ioo-^ojiiaKfp. The best authorities are, however, against the conclusion that Mace is the ancient /ua/cep. Of Tulisfar, Salmnsius, in his chapter " De Mncer," remarks, " Quidam tamen illud Tulisfar, folium olivse Indicse interpretati sunt, ut notatum Alpago." In Northern India this is the name of the leaves of Rhododendron lepidotum, Wall. N. 0. 129. See " Drugs." N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE_/. SPURGEWORTS. Cicca distlcha. W. Long -leaved Cicca. Linn. Syst. Moncscia Tetrandria. The fruit. Vernacular. Hurfarori, Chehneri, Hind. CheramelJa, Huriphul, Nubaree, Beng. Urfalayoorie, Dec. Nelli, Mai. Cherambola, Goa. Arunelli, Tain. Racha-mirihe, Tel. Raa-nelli t Cey. Cheremin, Malaya. Habitat. Cultivated throughout India. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede. Phyllanthus Emblica. W. Shrubby Phyllanthus. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. The fruit, Emblic Myrobalan. Vernacular. Amulki, Umrita, Sans. Amla, Beng. Aonla, Anooli, Amlaki, Anongra, stunwerd, Hind. Nelle, Mai. Rellie-kai, Tam. Userekesy Woosheriko, Tel. Awusada-nelli, Cey. Amlvj t Arab. Amuleh, Pers. Boa-malacca, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The pvpopd*\avovs f/iTrXer^of Myrepsicus, according to Sprengel. Certain Spurgevvorts are also aromatic, as Croton Eleuteiia, Svvai tz, and other species of Croton yielding Eleutheria bark, or Cascarilla Croton Cascarilla, Don, does not yield Cascarilla, but is a source of Copalchi bark, Coutarea lati/Zora, N. O. Rubiace?e, and Strychnos pseudo-Quina> N. O. Loganiacese, being the other sources. 229 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. N. O. 207. PIPERACE.E. PEPPERWORTS. Chavica rcxburghii. Mig, Long Pepper. Linn. Syst. Dianciiia Trigynia. The dry immature fruit, Long Pepper. Vernacular. Pippuli, Krishna-pippuli ? Sans. Pippul, Pilpul, Felfildraz, Hind. Pippitie, Dec. Tipilie, Tarn. Can. Peepal Pippuloo, Tel. Tippili, Cey. Darjiljil, Arab. Filfildras, Pers. Peik-khyen, Burmah. Chabai-jawa, Tabee, Malaya. Habitat. India. Remarks. Probably the TreVept paf Vitex Negundo, V. bicolor, and V. trifolia ; the fruit of Myrtus communis ; and the fruit of Tasmania aromatica, a Magnoliad, N. O. 230. OIICHIDACE/E. ORCHIDS. Vanilla planifolia. H. K. Fragrant Vanilla. Linn. Syst. Gynandria Monandria. The fruit, Vanilla. Vernacular. Habitat. West Indies, Cultivated in Bourbon and Mauritius with other species, aud successfully reared in Bombay. Remarks. This is the Bombay species. V. aromatica, Swartz, also yields a pod which passes for true Vanilla, but the best Mexican Vanilla is from V. planifolia. V. guianensis, Spiltberger, yields the large Vanilla of Guiana, and V.Pompona^ Schiede, and F.palmarum, Liad. are also productive. 230 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES. N. O. 233. ZINGIBERACEJE. GINGERWORTS. Curcuma longa. Ros. Lona-rooted Turmeric. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The rhizome, Turmeric. Vernacular. Peeta, Sans. Huridra, Beng. Sans. Huldi, Sang. Beng. Hind. Hulud, Dec. Arsina, Can. M Hind. Mai. Kooa- maoo, Tarn. Habitat. The Concans, Nagpore, Travancore, Benares. Remarks. This is said to yield the East Indian Arrow-root of commerce, and most probably it does a portion. Much confusion exists, however, regarding the Arrow-root yielding Gingerworts of India, and I am as yet able to throw no positive light on the subject. Before last rains I planted out roots, obtained from Nagpore, Raipore, Travancore, Rutnagherry, and Mahableshwur, but none, save the Mahableshwur species (C. caulina, Graham, v. infra}, flowered; and all I can now state is, that except the Mahableshwur species, the other tubers and leaves could in no way be distinguished from each other. They will probably flower next rains (1862), when I hope also to raise plants from Benares and Bengal. Dr. Waring, when forwarding me the roots of the Travancore Cur- cuma, believed the species to be C. angustifolia, Rox. but had not examined the flower. It yields, he states, only a portion of what is called "Travancore Arrow-root/' by far the greater portion being obtained from the West Indian Maranta arundinacea t Linn. Often under the same name, he also states, Cassava meal is sold, the Manioc being largely cultivated about Travancore. CTShaughnessy states that the tubers of C. rubescens, Rox. are used in Travancore and Bengal ; those of C. leucorrhisa, Rox. in Behar ; and those of C. angustifolia, Rox. in Benares. Tikor he gives as the native name of each. Royle states simply, " The pendulous tubers of Curcuma rubescens, leucorrhiza, and angustifolia, yield a very beautiful fecula or starch, which forms an excellent substitute for the West Indian Arrow-root, Maranta arundinacea. It is sold in the bazars 236 STARCHES. of Benares, Chittagong, and Travancore, and eaten by the natives ; a very excellent kind, called tikur, is also made at Patna and Boglipore from the tubers of Batatas edulis" Aiuslie states C. anyustifolia to be the Malabar species. Curcuma caulina. Graham. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The fecula of the tubers, Mahableshwur Arrow-root. Vernacular. Chowur, By. Habitat. Mahableshwur. Remarks. This is the undoubted source of Mahableshwur Arrow-root. Curcuma pseudo-montana. Graham. Linn. Sysf. Monandria Monogynia. The fecula of the tubers, Rutnagherry Arrow-root. Vernacular. Kutcherra (Dr. De Crespigny), Sinderbur, Sinder- wanee Shindelwan, Hellownda (Graham), By. Habitat. The Concans. Remarks. I have not seen the Rutnagherry Arrow-root in flower, but it is probably the plant described by Graham under the above name from its resemblance to Roxburgh's C. montana. Is Graham's plant iden- tical with Royle's C. Kuclioor of Sirmore and Bissehnr? 'The other Cur- cumas on this side of India are, C. decipiem, Dalz. C. Zedoaria, Rox. and C. Amada, Rox. Alpiaia Galanga, Swartz, is also indigenous, and can yield Arrow-root. Canna glauca. Roscoe. Glaucous Indian Shot. Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The fecula of tubers. Vernacular. Habitat. South America. Naturalized in Bombay. Remarks. This plant yields a valuable starch, and is stated by Sim- monds to be one of the sources of Tous-les-mois, which is obtained chiefly from Canna edulis, Ker. Simmonds also gives C. coccinea, Roscoe, and C Achiras, Bot. Reg. tab. 1358, as sources of that West Indian product. But C. coccinea has a fibrous root like the C. indica, Roscoe, of Bombay gardens, and the Achira of Peru is probably a variety only of C. edulis, Ker. C. glauca flourishes luxuriantly in Bombay, but is not used. " Portland Arrow-root" is prepared from the tubers of Arum maculatum, Linn. Common Arum, Cuckoo Pint, Wake Robin, or Lords and Ladies of Britain. N. 0. 257. 237 STARCHES. N. 0. 234. MARANTACEJE. MAE ANTS. Maranta ? Linn. Syst. Monandria Monogynia. The fecula of the tubers. Vernacular. Halitat. Burmah? Remarks. There is a plant largely cultivated at Kirkee by the Agri- Horticultural Society of Western India, with tubers and starch indis- tinguishable from the tubers and starch of Maranta arundinacea, Linn. West Indian Arrow-root. It is not the West-Indian plant however, but I believe M. ramosissima, with which however I cannot identify it, as no description of that plant is accessible to me. The West Indian plant is said to be cultivated in India by nearly every Anglo-Indian writer. Is this true ? The Society's plant is said to have come originally from Cal- cutta (Silhet ?). M. arundinacea was firet described by Martyn, and West Indian Arrow-root was mentioned by Hughes in 1/51. N. O, 240. TACCACE^E. TACCADS. Tacca pinnatifida. Rox. Salep Tacca. Linn. Syst. Hexandria Monogynia. The root ; and the fecula of the root, Tahiti Arrow-root, Otaheite Salep, Tacca starch. Vernacular. Kunda, Dec. Carachunay, Tarn. Chunda, Tel. Halitat. The Concans, Malabar, Zanzibar, Eastern Archipelago. Remarks. The species of Tacca which yields the Tacca starch, actually produced at Tahiti, and the other islands of the South Sea, is T. oceanica, Nuttal. T. pinnatifida however yields an excellent starch, included under the same commercial designation, and was until lately considered the true Polynesian plant. N. O. 251. PALMJE. PALMS. Borassus flabelliformis. W. Fan-leaved Borassus. Palmyra. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The germ. Vernacular. Tata, Sans. Tat, Beng. Hind. Tarie, Hind. Tar, Dec. Ampana, Carimpana, Mai. Panang-kulloo, Tarn. Putoo- toadi, Tati-lndloo, Penty, Tel. Tal-gaha, Cey. Dom (Forskal), Taji, Arab. Lontar, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Crawford, Tennant, and other writers, state that the germ of 238 STARCHES. this nut, pushed to the first stage of growth, and dried in the sun, consti- tutes a very palatable vegetable, and that subsequently reduced to powder forms a fecula highly esteemed by the Dutch. The germ is eaten in Bombay and is the Pannay-kalung of the Tamils. Caryota urens. W. Torn-leaved Caryota. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Polyandria. The fecula of the pith. Vernacular. Bheerlee-mahr, By. Erimpana, Schunda-pana, Mai. Coonda-panna, Tarn. Teerooya, Tel. Kitul, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. This tree is chiefly found in Malabar, Bengal, Assam, and other parts of India, and is more remarkable for the immense quantity of toddy, w\& jaggery (sugar) it yields than for its fecula, which however is palatable, and easily obtained. I am not aware of its sago being used in this Presidency. Ainslie gives Codda-panna, as the Malabar name of Corypha umbraculifera, W. the pith of which also yields Sago. The best Sago, and the substance which is familiar to Europeans under that name, is obtained from two species of Metroxylon, namely, Metroxylon rumphii, Martins (Saaus rumphii, W. Sagus genuina, Rumphius), Rumphius's Sago-Palm, and Metroxylon Iceve, Martins {Sagus Icevis, Rumphius), of the Eastern Archipelago, the Rambiya of the Malays. Arenyasaccharifera, Labill. (Saguerus rumphii, Rox., Borassus Gomutus, Lour. Gomutus saccharifera, Spr. Saguerus saccharifer, Blume. " Palma Indica vinariasecunda, Saquerus sive Gomutus Gomuti," Rumphius. Anau, Marsden) the Sagwire, or Gomuti of economic works, and also a native of the Eastern Archipelago, yields largely a good Sago. Like the Caryota urens, it is yet more famous for its toddy and jaggery, as well as for the fibre covering the base of the petiole, the Ejoo or Gomuti of the Malays. The flesh of the fruit yields the " Hell water " of Dutch writers, but the seed is edible. The Ipurma sago of St. Thomas is obtained from Mau- ritia flexuosa, Wallace ; and Giulielma speciosa, Mart, of Guiana and the Amazon country is also faiiniferous. Metroxylon flare, Mart, yields a very inferior Sago ; as is also stated of Raphis Jlabelliformis, Ait. a native of Southern China ; and Corypha Gebanga, Blume, of Java. Phcenixfarinifera, "W. Small Date-palm of Coromandel, the Sirroo-eetchum of the Tamils, and Chittyeita of the Telingas, has a floury drupe eaten as a bread stuff by the natives without preparation. The ancients would appear to have been unacquainted with Sago, and the substance is first mentioned by Marco Polo. The word is from the Malay Sagu, which seems to be applied to whatever species of Palm or Cycad may in any region of the Eastern Archipelago be there the special source of the farina used. 239 STARCHES. N. O. 256. TYPHACE.E. BULRUSHES. Typha elephantina. Rox. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Triandria. The pollen. Vernacular. Hoyla, Beng. Boor, Booree, Sindh. Habitat. Sindh, Deccan. Remarks. This species of Cat's Tail affords the Booree bread of Sindh. The pollen of Typha utilis forms the Hunga-hunya bread of New Zealand. N. 0. 265. CYPERACEJE. SEDGES. Linn. Syst. Moncccia Triandria. The corm. Vernacular. Kutchera, By. Habitat. India. Remarks. A root is sold in Bombay under the name of Kutchera, and I am credibly informed from Tanna and Ahmedabad that it is commonly eaten in those Collectorates. It is apparently a Sedge. Kutchera is a name applied also to species of Curcuma, and is equivalent to the term " fecula." The corms of Cyperus esculentus, W. (p.a\ivo6d\\rj of Theo- phrastus), are used in the South of Europe. The Chinese eat those of Scirpus tuberosus, their Pi-tsi ; and Cyperus bulbosus,an&Scirpus dubius, Rox. are used by the Telingas. The following list of plants includes such as yield fecula, or are valued on account of the starch contained in their roots, bulbs, corms, or tubers and fruits, and which are neither indigenous to, nor cultivated on an economic scale in Western India ; and also a few indigenous plants little prized for their fecula, and which have already been catalogued in detail under the head of " Fruits and Vegetables" : N. O. 10. NYMPHJSACEJB. Nymphcea Lotus. Linn. Seed and root. See " Fruits and Vegeta- bles." N. 0. 11. NELUMBIACE^E. Nelumbium speciosum. \V. Seed and root. See " Fruit and Vegetables." N. O. 58. TROF-&OLACE.E. Tropaolum tuberosum. Maund of Peru. Root. N. O. 71. ANACARDIACE^. Manyifera indica. Linn, Kernel. See " Fruits and Vegetables." 240 STARCHES. N. O. 71. LEGUMINOS^E. 9 Apios tuberosus. Boer. Saa-ga-ban of Micmac Indians. Root. Dolichos bubosus. W. ? Polynesia. Root. Dolichos tuberosus. Gli/cine subterranea. Voandzou of Madagascar. Root, Lathyrus tuberosus. W. Holland. Root. Pueraria sp. See also "Agricultural produce, Pulse." N. O. 90. HALORAGACE^E. Trapa bicornis. W. China. Seed. Trapa natans. W. Europe. Seed. Trapa bispinosa. W. et A. India. Seed. See " Fruits and Vege- tables.'* N. O. 97. PORTULACACE^E. Claytonia tuberosa. Siberia. Root. Claytonia viryinica. Ph. North Ame-rica.- Root. N. O. 98. ILLECEBRACEJE. Spergula sativa. Norway. The flour of the seed. N. O. 110. UMBELLIFER^ Anethum yraveolens. W. Tampa of North American Indians. Root. Aracacha esculenta. One Aracacha of Peru. Root. Cymopterus ? The root is used by the Pawnee Indians. Helosciadium californicum. Oregon. Root.- To this order belong also the Pooh-pooh of the Spokan Indians, and the "Biscuit-roots" of Oregon. N. O. 117. VALERIANACE^E. Valeriana edulis. Kooyah of North American Indians. Root. N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. Carduus viryinianus Rocky Mountains. Root. Helianthus tuberosus. W. Root. See " Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 151. CONVOLVULACEJS. Batatas edulis. Don. Root. See " Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 157. SOLANACF..E. Solatium tuberosum. W. Root. See " Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 1G1. LABIAT/E. Ocy mum tuberosum. Kantany of Java Root. . 241 EE STA11CHES, N. C% 170. AMARANTACE.E. The grain Rajgeera of this Presidency belongs to this order. Lindley states that the seeds of Amarantus frumcntaccns^ and A, Anard- hana are gathered as corn crops in India. N. O. 171. CHENOPODIACE^. Chenopodium Quinoa. W. Quinoa grain of Peru. N. O. 1/6. POLYGONACE^E. Fagopyrum esculentum. Buckwheat. N, O. 200. ARTOCARPACE^;. Artocarpus incisa. W. True Bread Fruit Tree of South Seas, Ficus panifica. Abyssinia. N. O. 220. CONIFERS. Araucaria bidunllii. Hook. The Bunza Tunza of Mo-rcton Bay, Seed. Araucaria imbricata. \V. Chili. Seed. Pinus fremontiana. Endl. Rocky Mountains. Seed. Pinus Pinea. Linn. South Europe. Seed. N. O. 224. DIOSCORIACE^. Dioscorea aculeata. W. "} Dioscorea alata. W. j Dioscorea bulbifera. W. )>See " Fruits and Vegetables." Dioscorea pentaphylla. W. Dioscorea saliva. W. J Testudinaria Elephantipes. CafFraria. Pith. N. O. 230. ORCHIDACE^. Eulophia vera. "1 The roots of these plants probably cousti- Eulophia campestris. j tute Oriental Salep. Gastrodia sesamoides. R. Br. New Holland. Root. Orchis Morio, O. mascula, W. O. militaris, W. O. papilionacea? W. O. coriophora t Per. and O. undulatifolia, Per. yield European Salep. The Boyams root of New South Wales belongs, it is said, to this order. N. O. 235. MUSACEJB, Musa paradisiacal '. 1 Both yield feeuk. See " Fruits and Vege- Musa sapientum, W. / tables." N. O. 236. IRIDACE^E. A species of Tigridia, yields an edible root in Mexico. N. O. 237. LILIACE^. Camassia esculent a. Quamask of North American Indians, 242 STARCHES. r* See "Fruits andVegetables." N. O. 2f>7. ARACE.E. Amorphophallus campamdatus, W. Root. Arum Colocasia, W. Root. Arum esculentum ? Eddoes and Coco of West Indies. Root. Arum indicum. Lour. Root. Arum maculatum, W. The Source of " Portland Sago." Arum nymphcei folium . Root. Arum trilobatum, W. Root. Caladium costatum. Caladium grandifolium, W. Root. Caladium ovatum, W. Root. Caladium sagittifolium, W. Root. Colocasia himalensis. Colocasia macrorhiza* Arum rumphii of Polynesia, yields farina according to SimmonJs. N, O. 266. GRAMINACE^E. Avena sativa, Linn, and other species. Oats. Festuca (Glyceria, Brown) fluitans, Linn., of Russia. " Manna Croup." Ilordeum distichon, Linn., and other species. Barley. Oryza mutica, Rox. "Upland Rice." Panicumfasciculatum, Swartz. Jamaica, Cumana, Mexico, Guiana, Quito, St. Thomas. Panicum oryzoides, Swartz. Jamaica and Brazil. Paspalum exile, according to Simmonds the Fundi or Fundungi of West Africa. Poa alyssinica, Jacq, Teff of Abyssinia. Secale cercale, Linn. Rye. Sorghum avenaccum, Beauv. Cape, Sorghum caffrorum, Beauv. Cape. Triticum vulaare, Kunth. and other species. Wheat. Zizania aquatica, II. K. "Canada Rice." Soojce, Rolong, Semola, Semolina, Semoletta, Semola rarita, and Urena, arc simply forms of Wheat flour. See also " Agricultural Produce Cereals." STARCHES. N. O. 267. FILICES, Alsophila sp. Tasmania. Root. Cibotium billardieri. Tasmania. Pith. Cyathea medullaris. Diplazium esculentum. Gleichenia hermanni. Marat tia alata. Swz. Sandwich Isles. Nephrodium esculentum. Nepaul. Rhizome. Pteris esculent a. Swz. Australia. N. O. 273. LICHENES. Cetraria Icelandic a, Ach. Iceland Moss. Cetraria nivalis, Ach. Snow Citraria of North Europe. Lecanora esculent a. Lecanora affinis. Stricta pulmonacea, Ach. Liverwort Stricta of England. The Tartars also eat an undetermined Lichen under the name of "Earth bread." N. O. 274 FUNGI. Agaricus sps. Mushrooms of Europe. Boletus esculentus. Per. Britain. Cyttaria darwinii, with Arbutus berries, constitute the only vegetable' food of the people of Terra del Fuego. Cyttaria berteroi. Chili. Exidia hispidula. China. Morchella esculenta. Per. Esculent Morel of Europe. Mylitta australis. "Native Bread" of Tasmania. Tuber sps. Truffles of Europe. N. O. 276. ALG.E. Chondrus mamillosus. } ^ Chondru, erupm. \ Cam S ccn moSS ' Tf Urvillcea utilis* Chili. Fucus sps. Giyartina spcciosa. Swan River. Gelidium corneum> forming the Bird's nests eaten by the Chinese Gracilaria lichcnoidcs, Ceylon Moss. Gracilaria spinosa, Ayar-Ayar of the Eastern Archipelago and China, 241 STARCHES. Laminai'ia saccharina, \ f ^ , , Laminaria esculenta, Badderhcks, f 01 Nostoc commune, of Arctic regions. Nostoc edule, of China. Por-nhyra laciniata. I , 7 ^0^1 i 7> - 1 7^ , . ? SWUK. of Scotland. Porphyra vulyans> \ Rhodymenia patmata, Dulse of Scotland. Suhria vittata, Cape of Good Hope. 245 DIVISION I. Class 3. G. SUGARS. N. O. 25. TAMARICACE^E. TAMARISKS. Tamarix indica. Eox. v. Gallica. Linn, Indian Tamarisk. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Trigynia. The saccharine exudation, Arabian Manna. Vernacular. The tree, Ihaoo, Hind. Paklce, Tel. Toorfa, Arab, Guz, Pers. The exudation., Guzunjabin, Pers. Vulg. Habitat. The Mediterranean lands, Arabia, Sindh, Rohilcund. EemarJcs. This exudation is said to be produced by the puncture of the Coccus maniparus. It is often called Arabian Manna to distinguish it from Toorunjabin, or Persian Manna, secreted by Alhagi maurorum, Tourn. N. O. Leguminosse ; Shirkist, or Khorassan Manna, said to he the product of a species of Olive ; and Sicilian Manna the sweet concrete exudation of Fraxinus Ornus, Linn, and F. rotundifolia, Linn, both Oliveworts. Australian or Gum-tree Manna is a spontaneous exudation from Eucalyptus mannifera, Moudie (Trans. Med. Bot. Soc. iii. 24), N. O. 85. Myrtacese. Bennett states that the Eucalyptus viminalis of Hooker is the source of Australian Manna, and that it is produced by the perforations of a Tettigonia. He also states that a saccharine and muci- laginous substance, called Lerp by the natives, is produced on Eucalyp- tus dumosa, A. Cunn. by a Psylla. In a note to chapter viii. of Living- stone's Missionary Travels, it is said that a sweet gummy exudation called by the aborigines of New Holland Woo-me-la, is produced by a species of Psylla on a species of Eucalyptus. Is this Lerp ? In the chapter quoted, Livingstone mentions that the larvae of a species of Psylla appear in South Africa on the Mopane tree (Bauhinia sp. ? N. O. 74.) covered with a sugary secretion, which the inhabitants collect and eat. At the Cape of Good Hope, Vascoa amplexicaulis t De C. has a saccharine root, 247 SUGARS. called Zocthout-boschjc, used by the colonists as a substitute for Liquorice, tbe root of Liqitoritia officinaUs, Monch. The root of Abrus precatorius, Linn., Jamaica Wild Liquorice, is substituted here, and in the West Indies. Ononis spinosa, W. Common Rest Harrow of Britain, Glycyr- rhiza echinata, G. glandulifera, and Trifolium alpinum, have sweet roots, which however are little known. All are Leguminous Plants. At the Cape of Good Hope also the nectar found in the involucre of Protea mellifera, Linn. N. O. 182. Proteacese, is collected and used under the name of Boschjes Stroop. Other species also probably contribute to this natural syrup. The flowers of Columnea scandens, N. O. 145. Gesneracerc, secrete so large a quantity of honey that it is called Liane a sirop by the French colonists. Quercus mannifera, N. O. 212. Corylacese is said to yield a Manna in Kurdistan. Briancon Manna is obtained from Larix europ&a, De C. Common Larch, N. O. 220. Coniferce. Cedar Manna occurs on Cedrus Libani, Barrel, Cedar of Lebanon, also a Conifer. Orcin Manna is found in various Lichenes, N. O. 273 ; and various Algse, N. O. 276, as Laminaria saccharina, Ag., Halidrys siliquosa, and Fucus vesiculosus, Linn, contain a considerable per centage of Manna-like sugar. Sukhur-ool-ashur, the sugar of Calotropis gigantea, R., Brown, is probably of the nature of Manna. Paullinia australis, and Serjania lethalis, N. O. 48. Sapindacese, are supposed to furnish Lechequana honey, which is as dangerous in its effects as that mentioned by Xenophon. (Anab. lib. iv.) See under " Drugs," Alhayi Maurorum, Abrus preca- torius, Liquoritia officinalis, and Calotropis gigantea. N. O. 53. VITACE.E. VINEWORTS. Vitis vinifera. W, Common Grape Vine. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The sugar, Grape Sugar. Vernacular. The sugar, Dibs, Dips, Syria, Egypt. Habitat. Remarks. "In Syria a sweet preparation is made from the juice of the grape. It consists chiefly of grape sugar, and is exported to Egypt under the name of dips or dibs." "In Genesis xliii. v. 1 1, this word is translated honey, though the sweet of the grape is probably meant. Dibs is also the word used for Samson's honey (Judges xiv. 8), though Assal is the word now employed in Syria and Egypt to denote the honey of the bee." (Lewes in " The Chemistry of Common Life.") Raisins, figs, dates, and prunes, abounding in grnpe-sugar, may with propriety be classed amongst vegetable sugars ; as also the pods of Ceratonia Siliqua, the Locust-tree of Europe ; Hymena>a Courbaril, the West Indian Locust ; and GJeditschia triacantha, the Honey Locust of North America. The pulp of the pod of Cathartocarpus Fistula is also sweet, but nauseous. These four trees are all Leguminous. 248 SUGARS. N. O. 135. SAPOTACE^E. SAPOTADS. Bassia latifolia. Rox. Broad-leaved Bassia. Linn. Si/tt. Dodecandria Monogynia. The Sugar obtained from the flower. Vernacular. Mudhooka, Madooka, Sans. Mahwa, Muhooa, Beng. Moula, Beng. Hind. Mowa, Mourah, By. Poounum, Mai. Caat-elloopei, Tarn. Ipie, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Sugar is also obtained from Bassia butyracea, Rox., in Rohilcund. (Simmonds.) N. 0.251. PAIMM. PALMS. Borassus flabelliformis. W. Fan-leaved Borassus, Palmyra. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Hexandria. The Sugar prepared from the sap. Vernacular. TaJa, Sans. Tal, Beng. Hind. Tar, Dec. Ampana, Carimpana, Mai. Panany-Indloo, Tarn. Putoo-toadi, Tati-kulloo, Penty, Tel. Tal-gaha, Cey. Lorn (Forskal), Tafi, Arab. Lontar, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables," and "Narcotics." Caryota urens. W. Four-leaved Caryota. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Polyandria. The Sugar prepared from the sap. Vernacular. Bheerlee-mahr t By. Erimpana, Schunda-pana, Mai. Coonda-panna, Tarn. Teerooga, Tel. Kitul, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. See " Narcotics" and " Starches." Cocos nucifera. W. Common Cocoanut. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Hexandria. The Sugar prepared from the sap. Vernacular. Narikela, Sans. Narikel, Beng. Narel, Hind. Tenga, Mai. Taynga, Tarn. Tenkaia, Narikadam, Kobbari, Tel. Pol t Nawasi, Tcembili, Cey. Jows-hindee, Nardjil, Arab. Nur, Malaya. Kalapa, Java. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables." 249 FF SUGARS. Phoenix sylvestris. Rox. Wood, Date Palm. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Triandria. The Sugar prepared from the sap. Vernacular. Khurjjooree, Sans. Sendhi, Kajar, Hind. Eetchum- pannay, Tarn. Beta, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. This is said to be the largest sugar producer of all the Palms ; the sugar of Palms, or Jaggery, as it is called in India, being pre- pared by boiling down the sap. Phoenix dactylifera, Linn, is said also to yield sugar. The other sacchariferous Palms are Arenga sacchari/era, Labill. of the Eastern Archipelago, and Nipa fruticans, Thunb. of the shores of the Indian Ocean. N. O. 266. GRAMINACE^E. GRASSES. Saccharum Officinarum. Linn. Common Sugar-Cane. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. The prepared juice, Sugar. Vernacular. The plant, Ikshu, Pundru, Rusala, Sans. Ik, Akh, Ookh, Ukyo, Beng. Ganna, Khulooa, Kajooli, Ich, Uch, Hind. Oos, Dec. Karimba, Mai. Karoomboo, Tarn. Cherukoo-bodi, Cherukoobuboo, Tel. Kusseb-us-sookir, Arab. Nie-shukhir, Pers. Tabu, Malaya. Tuvo, Borneo. Tau, Floris. Tonga. To, Tahiti, Marquesas. Ko, Sandwich Isles. Jaggary, Ghudham, Gura, Guda, Sans. Goor, Dec. FeZ/ww?, Tarn. Kund, Arab. Sugar, Sakkara, Sans. Chenee, Hind. Shukhir, Dec. Sukkarei, Tarn. Panchadara, Tel. Shukhir, Pers. Arab. Tub-ir-zud (Sugar- Candy), Arab. Gula, Sakara, Kara, Gandis, Java. Habitat. Cultivated in both Indies. Remarks. Four varieties of Common Sugar-Cane are recognised by Kunth, viz. : a. commune. Poori, Beng. ; and Creole, or Native Cane of West Indies. /3. purpureum. Kajooli, Beng. y. giganteum. Kullooa, Beng. 8. tahitense. Otaheite Cane. Two other species are also admitted, viz. : S. violaceum, Tussac, said to be identical with the Otaheite cane. S. sinense. Rox. Cultivated in China. Cane-sugar cannot be proved to have been known to the ancients. Accord- ing to Sprengel the cane is first mentioned by Abulfaidil, and sugar by Moses Chorenensis. The Venetians imported Indian sugar by way of the 250 SUGARS. Red Sea into Europe prior to A.D. 1 148, and the plant was probably intro- duced into Rhodes, Crete, Cyprus, and Sicily by the Saracens. In the 15th century it was introduced to the Canaries by the Spaniards, and to Madeira by the Portuguese, whence it was carried to the West Indies and Brazils. The manufacture of sugar in the new world commenced during the 1 7th century. Cane-sugar may be crystallized or amorphous. White-, Brown-, and Pink- or Rose-Candy : and White, and Brown Sugar are examples of the first, and Barley-sugar of the second. Muscovado, or Raw-sugar, is a mixture of crystalline and amorphous sugar. Molasses (from mel, honey) is the drainings of Muscovado ; Treacle (Theriaca, Fcex Sacckari, Pharm., Loud.) "is the viscid, dark brown, uncrystallizable syrup which drains from refined sugar in the sugar moulds ;" Caramel is burnt sugar, and an article well known to Parsee Wine -dealers. Andropogon saccharatus, Rox. (Sorghum saccharatum, Pers. Holcus saccharatus, Linn, and perhaps Andropogon caffrorum, Kunth), is the " Broom corn" of America, and Sorgho-sucre of the French. It is simply the Shaloo of the Deccan, and Deodhan of Hindoostan, but has become very valuable in other countries as a source of sugar. A cane called Imphee has been experimentally cultivated with indifferent success in Western India for some years past on account of the sugar which it yields, and it is said to be Andropogon saccharatus, Rox. The plant known at the Cape of Good Hope as Imphee, has not however a black grain, like the so-called Imphee cultivated in this government ; and I believe this so-called Imphee not to be the plant of the Caffres, but that intro- duced into England from China. This may account for the indifferent success of its cultivation here, for prima facie a Cape variety of a sugar yielding Andropogon, would be more likely to bear out its local reputation in Western India than a Chinese, for both the Chinese and Cape plants are probably but varieties of Roxburgh's plant. .The " Maple Sugar" of North America is prepared from the juice of Acer saccharinum, W. A* dasycarpum, W. and other species, N. O. 47. Aceracese. "Beet- root Sugar" is prepared from Beta vulgaris, W., and ( ? ) B. Cicla, W. N. O. 171. Chenopodiacese. Sambucus nigra,^N. The Common Elder, N. O. 114. Caprifoliacese, yields a sugar, but at present of no economic value. Sugar is also now prepared from Potatoes, and might be theo- retically from any starchy vegetable. Honey is essentially a vegetable sugar, but will be catalogued under animal products. The following is a list of the Sweet-meats (Meethayee) sold in the Bazar of Bombay : MORE OR LESS CIRCULAR IN SHAPE. Jelabee. Sugar, ghee, and wheat-flour, mixed, melted, and formed into an irregular webb, by being poured out of a spoon having a hole at the bottom, and moved in a circular way. Sutur-phunee, or Tar-phunee. The same constituents, mixed, melted, drawn into fine filaments, and felted, as it were, together. 251 SUGARS. Mai-poor ee. The same, but resembling small pancakes. Reevudee. Lozenges of sugar, covered with til seed (Sesamum). Burra-buttasa and Chota-buttasa. Cakes of sugar, white and brittle. Annarsa. Sugar-cakes covered with Cus-cus (Poppy-seed). Nunkatai, Rich cakes of flour, sugar, almonds, with cardamoms and other spices, made by the Mahoniedans, and chiefly imported from Surat. Khaja. Ghee and fine flour. MORE OR LESS QUADRILATERAL OR CUBICAL. Burphee-saddee. Milk and sugar. Burphee-masalahee. The same with the addition of Pista (Pistachio- nuts), Chirongee (the kernels of Buchanania latifolia, Rox.), and spices. Budamee-hulwa-vola. Wheat flour and sugar paste, with almonds scat- tered over the surface. Budamee-hulwa-sooka. The same dried. Budamee-hulwa-musalaka. The same with the addition of spices. Dewka-hulwa. Thin slices of Budamee-hulwa. Goor-danee. Earth-nuts embedded in Goor (raw-sugar) and baked. Mesoor. Gram embedded in sugar. Narlee-pakh. Cocoanut and sugar. Doodee-ke-hulwa. Sugar, gourd in slices, and spices. MORE OR LESS GLOBULAR. Dood-pedda. Sugar boiled with milk. Dood-pedda-musalika. The same with cardamoms, nutmeg, and mace. Motee-choor-ludoo. Balls of sugar, wheat, and gram flour. Dulya-ludoo. The same made finer. Bessun-ke-ludoo. Sugar and gram flour only. Moong-Jce-ludoo. Moong flour {Phaseolus Mungo). Choorma-ludoo. "Wheat flour. Oodit-ke-ludoo. Oorud flour (Phaseolus Mungo, var.). Methee-ludoo. Fenugreek. Masaleka-ludoo. Any of above Ludoos with spices. Buttasa-ludoo. Buttasa (see above) in balls. MORE OR LESS CYLINDRICAL. Gugun-gantee. Little cylinders, flour within and sugar without, Goolabee-jamb, Sugar and flour. 252 SUGARS. Goolab- cheer ee or Sucker -ke-cheeree. Sugar and flour, in long sticks, hooked at one end. AMORPHOUS. Gool-kund. A conserve of rose flowers, almonds, sugar-candy, with cardamoms and rose-water. Hulwa is imported into Bombay, in saucers, from Muscat. Sheera. Lumps of sugar, wheat flour, and ghee, with a few almonds, being indeed amorphous Hulwa. Mawa. Milk and sugar boiled, being amorphous Dood-pedda. IRREGULAR. Kullee-ke-ludoo. Soft comfits of sugar and gram and wheat flour, being the elements of the balls called Ludoo. Boondhee-ke-ludoo. The same, but rounder. Mawa-Jte-buringee. A paste of milk and sugar with spices and pistachio- nuts., formed into a small pasty shape, covered with sugar, and baked. Kurinja. A small pasty, containing a mixture of cocoa-nut, sugar, cus-cus (Poppy seed), and spices. Sakur-chuna. Gram comfits. Yelchee-dana. Cardamom comfits. Kajoo-gola, or Suckur-7ca-kajoo. Cashew-nut comfits. Til-dana, or Suc/cur-ke-Til. Comfits, used on the Sunkrat holiday. Siickur-ka-khel. Sugar toys, used in the Dewalee holidays. Har-gantee. Sugar necklace, made in the Holee-holidays. Ghooguree. Comfits of sugar, ghee, and flour. Chuna-papudee. Split gram and sugar. Singer. Khaja (see above) shaped like a pasty and baked. 253 DIVISION I Class 4. A. GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. N. O. 4. ANNOiNACE^E. ANON ADS. Annona squamosa. Linn. Sweet Sop. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. Vernacular. See "Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. South America. Extensively cultivated throughout the East. Remarks. See " Drugs." This is one of the trees on which LAC is found, having been first noticed on it by Dr. Carter, who first fully and accurately described and figured the insect (Coccus Laced), the punc- tures of which cause the exudation of this substance. The other trees on which LAC is found are : Fatica laccifera, N. O. 34. Feronia elephantum, N. O. 40. Fumia laccifera? "U.O. 41. Vismia micrantha f j Schleiehera trijuga, N. O. 48. Zizyphus Jujuba, N. O. 70. Butea frondosa, Erythrina indica, Erythrina monosperma, ^>N. O. 74. Inga dulcis, Mimosa cinerea, Carissa spinarum, N. O. 141. Aleurites laccifera, ~) Croton Draco? >N. O. 195. Croton sanyuiferum, J 255 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Ur os tig ma religiosum, N. O. 200. Celtis sp. N. O. 201. Ulmacese. The Vernacular names for LAC are Laksha, Sans. Lakh, Hind. Guz. Komburruki, Tarn. Commoleka, Tel. Lakada, Cey. Khejijk, Burmah. Balo, Java. Ambalau, Malaya. In a note on Roxburgh's paper, " On the Lacsha, or Lac insect" (Asiatic Researches, Vol. ii. Lond. 1799), Sir. W. Jones observes, " The Hindus have six names for LAC ; but they gene- rally call it Lacsha, from the multitude of small insects, who, as they believe, discharge it from their stomachs, and at length destroy the tree on which they form their colonies. A fine Pippala, near Crishnayar, is now almost wholly destroyed by them." Dr. Carter's papers on the Coccus Lacca are contained in Vol. vii. Nos. 37 and 41 of " The Annals and Magazine of Natural History." In commerce LAC, gathered with the twigs on which it is formed, is called STICK-LAC ; the resin removed, and its colouring matter washed out, is SEED-LAC ; this melted in masses is LUMP-LAC ; or melted, strained, and run into thin layers, SHELL-LAC. LACQUER is a varnish of LAC. The Lac-work of Hydrabad, in the Deccan, is celebrated. See " Dyes." Crawfurd states that there is a dye on Sumatra called Laka, the wood of the tree named Tanarius major by Rumphius (Amb. lib. v. ch. 38, tab. 122), but I am unable to identify it with any species recognised by botanists : Blume (Rumphia) gives two species of Myristica with the vernacular name of Lakha. N. O. 18. FLACOURTIACE.E. Latia apetata secretes, in tropical America, a balsamic resin, becoming white in contact with air, like Sandarach. N. O. 19. CISTACE^S. ROCK-ROSES. Cochlospermum Gossypium. De C. Golden Silk-Cotton Tree. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. Vernacular. The gum, Kuteera, Hind. Habitat. Travancore, Coromandel, Hurdwar, Arracan. Remarks. See " Drugs." GUM-KUTEERA of commerce is the pro- duct also of Eriodendron anfractuosum, Linn, and Sterculia urens, Rox. N. O. 31. It is often substituted for Tragacanth. LADANUM is the resinous exudation from Cistus creticus, C. ladaniferus and other Rock- Roses of that genus. It is described by Herodotus (b. iii. ch. 112), and is said to be sold in the Surat bazar. N. O. 31. STERCULIACE.E. STERCULIADS. Eriodendron anfractuosum. De C. White Silk-Cotton Tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. Vernacular. The gum, Huttian~ke-yond t Hind. 256 GUMS AND GUM- RESINS. Habitat. Khandeish, Travancore, and Coromandel. Remarks. See " Drugs," and " N. O. 19," above; Stereiilia ttrens, below. Salmalia malabarica. S. et E. Red Silk-Cotton Tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. Vernacular. The gum, Mochurrus? Vulg. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Courtallum. Remarks. See "Drugs." The MOCHURRUS of the bazars, is a gall from Areca Catechu. Some kinds of Mochurrus appear to be the gum of Moringa pterygosperma, Gsert., and I have never been able to obtain any gum from the Red Silk-Cotton Tree. Sterculia urens. Rox. Linn. Syst. Monoscia Monadelphia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. Concans, Courtallum. Remarks. The gum of this tree forms a portion of GUM KUTEERA. See "N. O. 19," and Eriodendron anfractuosum, above. S. Tragacantha t yields the Tragacanth of Sierra-Leone. For true Tragacanth, see : 'N. O. 74," below. N. O. 34. DTPTEROCARPACE.E. DIPTERADS. DIpterocarpus turbinatus. Rox. Dipt ero carpus costatus. G Dec. Paranghi-samlrani, Tarn. Luban, Cundur, Bistuj, Arab. Luban, Koonder, Labanvja, Syr. Habitat. Coromandel. Remarks. The source of (Indian) OLTBANUM. As under B. papyri- fera, Hucli. in the class " Drugs " the Indian synonymes were included, so here I have included the Arabian, Persian, and Syrian, although Indian Olibanum is not known there, and my procedure in regard to the trees is perhaps objectionable. Under the class of Drugs I adopted B* papyri/era as the source of the OLIBANUM of commerce, but suggested that other African and Arabian Boswellias might contribute to it, and referred to the inquiries I had set on foot to determine the question, Captain Play fair has taken the greatest pains to obtain all the Olibanum trees to be found in the Soumali country, and through his exertions the following results have been so far reached. There are three trees in the Soumali country : 1st Yegaar, yielding the Luban Maitee, of the Arabs, 2nd Mohr Add, 3rd Mohr Madow, both yielding the Luban Sheheri of the Arabs, "possibly," writes Captain Playfair, " because it is principally taken to the Shehr and Makulla market from the African coast." Each of these, so far as can be judged from the leaves, is distinct from the plant described and figured by Carter, Vol. ii. of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, as B. thurifera (?), and after- wards identified by Stocks with B. papyi'ifera. No plant amongst those sent by Captain Playfair being like his plant, which moreover he found in Arabia, Dr. Carter began to doubt Stock's reference, and expressed the opinion that Mohr Madow would prove to be Hochstetter's plant. There can be little doubt of this, judging from the leaves. There are, then, three known African Olibanum trees. Boswellia papyri/era, or Mohr Madow t ? or Mohr Add, ' ? or Yegaar ; and one Arabian described in 1847 by Carter, but not yet named. Captain Playfair says there are other species in Africa, but he has never been able to get at them. Dr. Vaughan, Vol. xii. No. v. of the Pharmaceu- tical Journal, states Luban Shaharree (or Morbat] to be the name of Arabian Olibanum, which disagrees with what Captain Playfair says of Luban Sheheri ; but as in a subsequent reprint of Dr. Vaughan's paper, no Arabic name for ARABIAN OLIBANUM (see class " Drugs") is given, the reference first made may be assumed perhaps as having proved untenable. The Museum is very rich in its collection of Olibanum. B. thurifera is Roxburgh's B. serrata. 263 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Canarium strictum. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dicecia. Vernacular. Dhoop, Bhore Ghaut. Thelly, Mai. Congilium t Tarn. Habitat. Malabar. Tinnevelly. Remarks. Yields BLACK DAMMAR OF MALABAR. The following Amy rids also yield resinous exudations and juices : Balsamodendron africanum, (African) BDELLIUM. Amyris hexandra. 1 /, Amyris plumieri of the Antilles, ) Sources of ELEMI ' Bursera acuminata, of Caracas, RESIN OF CARANA. Bursera gummifera, of the West Indies, CHIBOU, or CACHJBOU. Linn. Canarium commune, (C. zephrynum, Rumphius, Bursera paniculata, Lam. Amyris zeylanica, Retz. Balsamodendron zeylanicum y Kunth. Colophonia mauritiana, De C.) of the Isle of France, yields a portion of TACAMAHACA (and it is said of ELEMI (Manilla) also). See No. 42. Commiphora madagascariensis is probably identical with Balsam odendron roxburghii, above detailed. Elaphrium elemiferum, Mexican ELEMI. Elaphrium tomentosum, yields a portion of TACAMAHCA. Idea ambrosiaca, RESIN OF COUMIA. Idea Aracouchini t BALSAM OF ACOUCHI. Idea Carana, AMERICAN BALM OF GILEAD. Idea Idcariba (included by Linnaeus with Amyris plumieri, under his Amyris Elemifera] yields a portion of (American) ELEMI. Hedwigia balsamifera, BEAUME A COCHON, or BEAUME A SUCRIER. ELEMI is thus derived from Amyris hexandra, A. plumieri, Canarium commune ? Elaphrium elemiferum, and Idea Idcariba. Pereira states, also, " I have received from Dr. Christison a specimen of the resin of Canarium balsamiferum of Ceylon, which, in odour and general appearance, strongly resembles elemi." If Willdenow's plant is meant, this is our Boswellia glabra, Rox. or Pimela glabra, Blume, above detailed. What is the source of (African) ELMI ? N. O. 74. LEGUMirsOS,E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Acacia arabica. Will. Gum-Arabic Tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India, Arabia, Egypt, Senegal. 2G4 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Remarks. GUM ARABIC (*(fyi/zt of Hippocrates) is obtained from various species of Acacia, the best TURKEY-GUM being from A. arabica and A. vera, Will. GUM- SENEGAL is from A. vera, A. Seyal, Delile, and A. Senegal. CAPE-GUM from A. Karoo, Hayne, which also yields MOROCCO or BAR- BARY GUM. BEDOUIN GUM is from A. tortilis, Forsk. and A. ehrenber- ghii, Hayne. Acacia arabica yields also an inferior GUM ARABIC, called EAST INDIAN GUM, which, if the same as the GUM GATTIE of the bazar, is a mixture of Babool gum, with the gummy and gum-resinous (?) exu- dations of several trees, as Feronia elephantum, N. O. 4Q,Azadirachta indica, N. O. 50, Mangifcra indica, N. O. 71, and Acacia Catechu, Vachellia Farnesiana, Acacia Lebbek, .A. odoratissima, and Cassia auriculata of the present order, Terminalia bell eric a, N. O. 81, and probably many other trees. Not having any authenticated gum of the four last, they will not be here detailed. Some have already appeared under " Drugs,'* and nearly all will be detailed under " Woods." A resinous extract is prepared from the pods of A. arabica, and sold in the bazar under the name of AKAKIA. Acacia Catechu. Will. Medicinal Acacia. Linn. Si/st. Polygaraia Monoecia. Vernacular. See "Drugs." Habitat. The East and West Indies. Remarks. See " Drugs," and A. arabica, above. Butea frcndosa. Rox. Downy-branch Butea. Linn, Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Palasa, Kinouka, Kinsuka, Sans. Kuenee, Hind. Palas, Dec. Hind. Dhak, Beng. Pallus-kakria, By. Palassie, Mai. Parassum, Tarn. Moduga, Tel. Gas-kaela t Cey. Pou/c- bin, Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." With B. superba, yields GUM-BUTEA, a variety of KINO which is produced also by Pterocarpus marsupium, Rox. (v. infra], (and Dalbergia oogeinensis, Rox.?) in India, and by P. erinaceus in Gambia and Senegal. BOTANY BAY KINO is the produce of Eucalyptus resinifera, N. O. 85. Myrtaceae, Syzygium Jambolanum of the same order, and Agati grandifora, N. O, 74, both of this country, also yield a Kino-like exudation. In the West Indies Coccoloba uvifera, N. O. 176. Polygonacese, furnishes a similar juice. Pterocarpus Draco furnishes the DRAGON'S BLOOD of Socotra, and the Spanish main ; that of the Canary Islands being obtained from Dracaena Draco, N. O. 242. Liliacese, and of the Indian Archipelago from CalanvM Draco, N. O. 251. Palmse. A species of Myristica (N. O. 180), the Dungan of the Philippines, " yields a crimson juice which is collected from incisions in the trunk, and used as 265 HH GUMS AND GUM -RESINS. a substitute for DRAGON'S BLOOD." (Lindley.) " The Dalbergia monetaria of Linnaeus (N. O. 74), yields a resin very similar to DRAGON'S BLOOD.'* (Lindley.) Poinciana regia. Boj. Royal Poinciana. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Habitat. Madagascar. Remarks. This flourishes luxuriantly ir Bombay, and yields gum abundantly. Pterocarpus marsupium. Rox. Emarginate-leaved, or Indian Kino Tree. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Peet-shola, Hind. Ribla, Bewa, Bia, Dec. Hoonee, Southern Mahratta Country. Karinthugara t Mai. Yeangd, Tarn. Vegisa, Egisa, Tel. Gan-malu, Cey. Habitat. Malabar. Remarks. Yields MALABAR KINO. See "Drugs," and Butea fron- cfosa, above. The following Leguminosse also yield gummy or resinous exudations : Astragalus verus, Asia Minor, Persia, ^ Astragalus creticus, Mount Ida, Astragalus aristatus (rpayaKavQa, Dios- corides), Greece, ^ Yield TRAGACANTH. See Astragalus gummifer, Lebanon Koor- ' Nt " 176 and 223 '" distan, Astragalus strobiliferus, Koordistan, J Banhinia ernarginata, "1 Bauhinia retusa t J Copaifera multijuga, and numerous other species yield COPAIVA. Erythrina monosperma, one of the sources of LAC. See " N. O. 4 ' above. Hymencea Courbaril, ANIME. HymentEa verrucosa, MADAGASCAR and EAST INDIAN COPAL. Hymencea sp., MEXICAN COPAL. Hymeiuea sp., a part of BRAZILIAN COPAL. Myrospermum peruiferum, BALSAM OF PERU. Myrospermum toluiferum, BALSAM OF TOLU. Pithecolobium gummiferum, yields gum in Brazil. Trachylobium martianum, yields a portion of BRAZILIAN COPAL. 266 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. COPAL is thus produced by several trees, viz. the MEXICAN from Species of Hymencea ; the BRAZILIAN from species of Hymencea, and Trachylolium martianum ; anrl EAST INDIAN and MADAGASCAR from Hymencea verrucosa, it is said. INDIAN COPAL, called also (Indian) GUM ANIME, is yeilded by Vateria indica. But none of these are the trees which yield the COPAL of the Eastern Coast of Africa, the source of which is unknown. I have seen it stated that Rhus copallina is a source of COPAL, but cannot find the reference. I have seen it stated also that a Guibourtia is the source of AFRICAN COPAL, but find no such genus in any botanical work. AFRICAN COPAL is found on the island of Zanzibar, and on the neighbouring mainland. " It was observed," writes Burton, "at Mombasah, Saadani, Muhonyera, and Mezegera of Uzaramo ; and was heard of at Ba;amoyo, Inbuanriaji, and Kilwa." "The Arabs and Africans divide the gum into two different kinds. The raw copal (copal vert of the French market) is called sandarusi zamiti, 'tree copal' or chakazi, corrupted by the Zanzibar merchant to 'jackass' copal. This chakazi is either picked from the tree or is found, as in the island of Zanzibar, shal- lowly imbedded in the loose soil where it has not remained long enough to attain the phase of bitumenization." "The true or ripe copal, properly called sandarusi, is the produce of vast extinct forests." "The gum buried at depths beyond atmospheric influence, has, like amber and simi- lar gum-resins, been bitumenized in all its purity, the volatile principles being fixed by moisture and by the exclusion of external air.* * That it is the produce of a tree is proved by the discovery of pieces of gum em- bedded in a touchwood which crumbles under the fingers ; the 'goose skin/ which is the impress of sand or gravel, shows that it was buried in a soft state ; and the bees, flies, gnats, and other insects which are some- times found in it delicately preserved, seem to disprove a remote geological antiquity." (Lake Regions of Central Africa. Vol ii. p. 403-405.) The ANIME of the Bombay market is sometimes AFRICAN (Zanzibar) COPAL, sometimes the resin of Vateria indica, and never the product of Hymencea Courbaril, N. 0. 75. MORINGACE^E. MARINGADS. Morhlga pterygosperma. Smooth Horse-radish Tree. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. The two Indies, Africa. "Remarks. Yields MORINGA GUM, or SAIGUT-GOOND. Of N. O. 76. Rosaceae, several species, particularly of the genus Prunus, yield CHERRY- TREE GUM. Of N. O. 85. Myrtacese, Eucalyptus reslnifera affords BOTANY BAY KINO, which must not be confounded with BOTANY BAY GUM, the fragrant resin of Xanthorrhcea arborea, N. O. 242. Liliacese. 267 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. N, O. 81. COMBRETACE^E. MYROBALA1VS. Terminalia bellerica. Rox. Linn, Syst, Polygamia Moncecia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India. Remarks. Abounds with gum, forming probably a portion of GUM GATTIE, see " N. O. 40 and 74." Terminalia argentea produces a resin in Brazil, and T. Benzoin, a fragrant resin used as incense in Mauritius. N. 0. 102. CACTACE.E. INDIAN FIGS. Opuntia mb esc ens. Walper Rep. torn. ii. p. 351. ed. 1843. Linn- Syst. Icosandria Monogynla. Vernacular. Habitat. Brazil. Remarks. A plant cultivated at the Agri-Horticultural Society's Garden at Kirkee, yields a gum somewhat resembling the false Tragacanths, in large quantity. N. O. 110. UMBELLIFERJE. UMBELLIFERS. Narthex Asafc&tida* Falc. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. Vernacular. Hinga, Sans. Iling, Sans. Beng. Hind. Dec. Hin- yoo, Sans. Cey. Perungyum, Tarn. Ingoova, Tel. Hilteet, Arab. Ungooseh, Pers. Angoo, Malaya. Habitat. Saristan, Afghanistan, Punjab. Remarks. Yields ASAFCETIDA, see "Drugs." Besides the Punjab sample, the Museum collection contains a number of samples from Persia. The other plants of this order, yielding fastid gum-resins, are Dorema Ammoniacum, Don, in Irak, and Ferula orient alls, W. in Morocco, yield- ing AMMONIACUM. Ferula persica ? W. in Persia, yielding SAGAPENUM. Ophoidia yalbanifera, Don, in Khorassan, and Galbanum officinale, Don, in Syria, yielding GALBANTJM. Opopanax Chironium, Kach, a native of the shores of the Mediterranean, yielding OPOPANAX. Lindley considers it likely that SARCOCOLLA also (referred generally to N. O. 184. Penseacese) may belong to the present order. IJedera terebintinacea, N. O. 111. Araliaceac, of Ceylon, yields a resin having the smell of turpentine. 268 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. N. 0.115. CINCHONIACE^E. CINCHONADS. Gardenia lucida. Rox. Gardenia gummifera. Rox. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. G. lucida, China-karinguva, Tel. G. gummi- fera, Chiftamatta, Garaga, Tel. The resin, Decamallee, India. Kunkham, Arabia. Habitat. G. lucida, Concans. G. gummifera, Southern Mahratta Country, Canara, Circars. Remark*. Yields DECAMALLEE, the KayKa^ov of Dioscorides perhaps. See "Drugs." Of N. O. 120. Compositse, Cerardia farcata yields one kind of AFRICAN BDELLIUM ; Othonna trifida of the Cape is resinous ; and Lactuca sativa and L. virosa, yield LACTUCARIUM, see " Drugs." Of N. O. 125. Styraceee, Sty rax Benzoin is the source of GUM-BENJA- MIN, or BENZOIN, and Sit/rax officinale, in ancient times of STORAX (a). See "Drugs." N. O. 135. SAPOTACEJE. SAPOTADS. Mimusops Elengi. Linn. Pointed-leaved Mimusops. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Kesura, Vukoola, Sans. Bukool, Beng. Bacul-mul- sari, Hind. Bholsari, Dec. Elengee, Mai. Moghadam, Tarn. Poghada, Tel. Habitat. Silhet, Bengal, Deccan. Remarks. Yields POGADA GUM of the Madras presidency. Isonandra Gutta, Hook, of the Malayan Archipelago, is the source of GUTTA PERCHA. Mimusops Kaki. W. Obtuse-leaved Mimusops. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Ksheerike, Sans, Ksheerni, Beng. Kheeri, Chirni, Hind. Boasoo, Manil-kara t Mai. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Yields gum. See " Fruits and Vegetables." N. O. 140. ASCLEPlADACyE. ASCLEPIADS. Calotropis gigantea. R. Brown. Curled-flowered Calotropis. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." 269 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Habitat. India. Remarks. The milky sap on evaporation forms a sort of CAOUTCHOUC. Cryptostegia grandiflora, R. Br. Large-flowered Cryptostegia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. Vernacular. Palay, Mai. Habitat. Malabar, Coromandel, Remarks. The milky sap on evaporation forms a sort of CAOUTCHOUC. Cynanchum ovalifolium, yields the CAOUTCHOUC, or INDIA-RUBBER of Penang. See also " N. Os. 141. 195. and 200." Cynanchum acutum yields the resin known as MONTPELLIER SCAMMONY, and Periploca mauritiana, BOURBON SCAMMONY. See"N. O. 151." N. 0. 141. APOCYNACEJJ. DOGBANES. Plumieria acuminata. H. K. Acuminated Plumieria. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Gobur-champa, Beng. Goolachin, Goburchamp, Hind. Khair-champa, By. Habitat. East Indies. , Remarks. The inspissated milk-sap forms a sort of CAOUTCHOUC. Collophora utilis, and Cameraria latifolia yield CAOUTCHOUC, GUM ELASTIC, or ELASTIC-RESIN, in South America ; VaTiea gummifera in Madagascar; and Urceola elastica, and Willoughbeia ednlis in the East Indies. (Lindley.) See also " N. Os. 140. 195. and 200." Of N. O. 151. Convolvulacese, Convolvulus Scammonia, Linn, yields SCAMMONY. N. O. 169. NYCTAGINACE^E. NYCTAGOS. Bougainvillaea spectabilis. Juss. Showy Bougainvillcea. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Habitat. Mexico. Remarks. Yields a gum, like Gum-Arabie. Of N. O. 176. Poly- gonacese, Coccoloba uvifera furnishes a Kino-like exudation, and Calligonum pal/asia, a gum^ like Tragacanth. Of N. O. 180. Myristicacese, a species, the Dungan of the Philippines yields an exudation resembling Dragon's Blood, mentioned under N. O. 74. SARCOCOL (o-ap/coKo'XXa of Dioscoricles) is thought to be the product of a species of N. O. 184. Penseacese, but Lindley considers that it more likely is derived from some Umbellifer. 270 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE^S. SPURGEWORTS. Euphorbia Tirucalli. Linn. Indian Tree-spurge. Linn. Syst. Decandria Trigynia. Vernacular. Lunka-sij, Beng. Trincalli, Mai. Tarn. Habitat. India. Remarks. This is the Milk Bush of Anglo-Indians. The milk sap evaporated, resembles INDIA RUBBER or GUTTA PERCHA. E. nereifolia Linn. (Sij, Vulg.) and E. antiquorum, Linn. (Narsej, Vulg.) have a similar juice. That of Euphorbia Cattimandoo, W. Elliot, of Vizagapatam hna attracted considerable notice. Euphorbia cnnariensis, Linn, is the source of the acrid gum-resin, EUPHORBIUM. Aleurites laccifera, Cruton Draco, and Croton sanguiferum, have been already referred to under N. O. 4. Siphonia elastica, yields the INDIA RUBBER of Brazil and Guayana. See " N. Os. 140. 141. 195. and 200." N. O. 199. URTICACE^:. NETTLEWORTS. Cannabis saliva. W. Common Hemp. Limi. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. Vernacular. See "Drugs" and "Narcotics." Habitat. Caucasus, Hindoo Koosh, Himalayas. Remarks. The resin is commonly called CHURRUS. See " Drugs." N. O. 200. ARTOCARPACE^E. ARTOCARPALS. Urostigma elasticum. Miq. Elastic-gum Fig-tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dioecia Vernacular. Kusneer, Beng. Habitat. Shilet. Flourishes luxuriantly on the coast of "Western India. RemarJiS. The source of INDIA-RUBBER. Ficus Radula, F. elliptica, and F. prinoides, yield it in America. The INDIA-RUBBER of Papantha is said to be derived from Castilloa elastica; and Cecropia peltata, a common tropical tree, also furnishes the substance. Of N. O. 209. Salicaceae, Populus niara, P. balsamifera, and P. nigricans, yield a balsamic exuda- tion. Of N. O. 210. Liquidambaracese, Liquidambar orient ale t of Cyprus and Anatotia, L. Altingia, of Java, and L. Styraciflua, of the Confederated States of America, yield a balsam known in commerce under the various names of COPALM, ROSE MALLOES, LIQUIDAMBAR, c. Of N. 0. 220. Conniferse. Abies balsamea, yields CANADA BALSAM. Abies eanadensisj Lind. a portion probably of CANADA BALSAM. 271 GUMS AND GUM-RESINS. Abies excelsa, De C. COMMON FRANKINCENSE, or THUS. Abies Picea, Lind. STRASBURG TURPENTINE. Callitris quadrivalvis, SANDARACH. Araucaria braziliensis, yields a fragrant resin. Dammar a australis, COWDIE or KAURIE, gum of New Zealand. Dammara orient alis, WHITE DAMMAR of Singapore. Juniperus lycia, W. 1 1 1 Juniperus phcenicia, W. / ^ ie Larix europcea, VENICE TURPENTINE, and ORENBURGH-GUM. Pinus Cemba, Lamb. CARPATHIAN. Pinus Deodara, KELON-KE-TEL, BALSAM. Pinus palustris, Lam. a portion of AMERICAN TURPENTINE. Pinus Pinaster, Acton, BORDEAUX TURPENTINE. Pinus Pumilio, Lamb. HUNGARIAN BALSAM. Pinus sylvestris, Linn. EUROPEAN COMMON TURPENTINE. Pinus Ttfda, Lam. a portion of AMERICAN TURPENTINE. ROSIN (yellow and black, COLOPHONY) is the resin of the terebin- thinate pines; and TAR and PITCH the products of their destructive distillation. Of N. O. 223. Cycadacese, Cycas circinalis yields a Tragacanth-like gum. Of N. O. 242. Liliacese, Dracaena Draco yields DRAGON'S BLOOD in the Canary Isles, as noticed under N. O. 74 ; and, Xanthorrhcea hastile affords a fragrant yellow resin in Australia. Under N. O. 251. Palmse, Cocos nucifera, W. Common Cocoanut, yields gnm in considerable quantity. Under " Drugs," teste Lindley, AFRICAN BDELLIUM is referred to Hyphaene thebaica. Seeman appears to doubt the reference, but in Vansleb's " State of Egypt" (London 16/8) the Doum is called the Gum- tree, and several authorities refer BDELLIUM to it. 272 273 n DIVISION I. Class 4. B. OILS AND OIL SEEDS. N. O. I. RANUNCULACE^;. CROWFOOTS. Nigella saliva. W. Small Fennel-flower. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Pentagynia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Cultivated in India. Remarks. See " Drugs." The seeds yield an oil, but little used. An oil is obtained from the capsules of Illicium anisatum, Linn, but only for medicinal use. N. O. 13. PAPAVERACE^E. POPPYWORTS. Argemone mexicana. Linn. Mexican Argemone, Gamboge Thistle, Fico deV Iferno, Cardo Santo. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Bramhie, Bramhadundie, Faringee-datura, Suchianas, Bherband, Hind. Shial-kanta, Beng. Faring ee-datura, Peela- datura, Dec. Brumhadundoo, Brumarahash, Tam. Brumhadun- die, Tel. Balu-rakkisa, Dotury, Can. Ilalitat. Mexico. Has overrun nearly all tropical Africa and Asia. Remarks. See " Drugs." It is not cultivated, and the oil obtained from the seeds, is not exported. Papaver somniferum. Linn. Garden Poppy. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. Asia and Egypt. 275 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Remarks. See " Drugs.'* The oil obtained from the seed is largely used both in lamps, and as food. The seeds of Sanguinaria canadensis, W. Blood-wort of North America, yield also a bland nutritious oil. N. O. 15. CRUCIFER^E. CRUCIFERS. Brassica Napus. Linn. Rape. Linn. Sygt. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Vernacular. Sursul, Guzerat. Habitat. Found on ditch banks in Britain. Cultivated extensively in Guzerat. Remarks. When and how was this plant introduced into India yields the Rape-seed, and Cole-seed of commerce, the Sursoo of Bombay merchants, from which the valuable oil is obtained by expression. It is one of the most important oil-bearing plants in India. Colza, cultivated for its oil in Europe, has'been said to be a variety of this plant, but De Candolle considers it a variety of B. campestris, Linn. Shanghai oil is obtained from the seeds of Brassica chinensis. The seeds of B. oleracea, Linn. Lepidium sativum, Linn, and Raphanus sativus, Linn, are also said to be expressed for their oil in India,. Camelina sativa, Crantz, Cultivated Gold of Pleasure, is cultivated in Europe for its oil seed. The seeds of Hesperis matronalis, Linn. Common Rocket of Italy, yield oil of Julienne. N. O. 16. CAPPARIDACE^l. CAPPARIDS. Cleome viscosa. W. Viscid Cleome. Linn. Syst. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Vernacular. Kooka-vaivinta, Kooka-vaimitie, Shunaca-barbara, Sans. ffoorhoorii/a, Beng. Hind. Ariaveela y Mai. Nayavaylei r Tarn. Walaba, Cyng. Habitat. Malabar, Ceylon. Remarks. This plant is not cultivated, and the oil obtained from its seed is little used. Under N. O. 17. Resedacese, Reseda Lute&la r Dyers' weed, yields oil of Weld-seed. N. O. 30. MALVACEAE. MALLOW-WORTS. Thespesia populnea. Lam. Poplar-leaved Hibiscus. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. Vernacular. Sooparshava'ka, Sans. Porush, Beng. Hind. Paris Paris-pipal, Hind. Porsmg., Pooarasoo, Tarn. Ghengaravie, TeL Sooriya-gaha, Cey. 276 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. This is the Portia Tree of Anglo-Indians. It is first men- tioned by Van Rheede. The oil obtained from the seed is little known. Hibiscus Jiculneus, Linn, of Southern India and Ceylon, also has an oil seed. The seeds of all the cotton plants (Gossypium sps.) are oily, but the varieties chiefly cultivated in India having seeds to which the cotton adheres firmly, do not yield oil in such a large proportion as those varie- ties in which the cotton is loosely attached to the seeds, at least to the pressure employed in this country. Hence, as a rule, the oil of cotton seed is not expressed in India. When the smooth-seeded varieties of Gossypium become generally cultivated, their oil will add largely to the profits of cotton cultivation, and enable the ryot to offer the fibre at a price probably below all competition. Under N. O. 31. Sterculiacese, several species of Sterculia, and Salmalia malabarica have oleaginous seeds deserving of attention. N. O. 34. DIPTEROCARPACE^E. DIPTERALS. Valeria indica. Linn. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. Vernacular. T r ella-Jcoodricum t Peinemarum, Mai. Koodricum, Tarn, Dupadamara, Tel. Habitat. Malabar, Travancore. Remarks. See " Gums and Resins." The oil obtained from the seed of this tree is solid. Solid oils, or vegetable fats, are also obtained from Garcinia purpurea (v. infra), and Pentadesma butyracea, of Sierra Leone, N. O. 42; from species of Bassia (as Shea-butter, v. infra), N. O. 135; from Fraxinus hanburii? (Insect wax) of China, N. O. 138, Oleaceae ; from Stellingia sebifera, of China, N. O. 195. Euphorbiaceae ; from Myrica cerifera, of North America, N. O. 208. Myricacese ; and from Copernicia cerifera, of Peru, N. O. 251. Palmse. Theobroma Cacao, N. O. 32. Byttrieriacese, yields what is called Butter of Cocoa ; and from Laurus nobilis, or Sweet Bay, and Cinnamomutn zeylanicum, N. O. 1 78. Lauracese, and from Myristica fragrant, N. O. 180, butter-like oils are procured. In the museum also there are samples of vegetable tallow from Japan and Borneo, the sources of which are at present unknown. For the former I am indebted to J. Ritchie, Esq., late Superintendent of of the P. & O. Company, Bombay. Oil is obtained from the seeds of Shorea robusta, Gsert. the Saul of Hindoostan. The species of Diptero- carpus, yielding the Wood- oil of commerce, have been noticed under " Gums and Resins." Camphor-oil, and Borneo or Sumatra Camphor, are obtained from Dryabalanops Camphora, Colebrooke. For true Camphor, see "N. O. 178," and "Drugs." Under N. O. 36, Ternstromiacese, Camellia oleifera, Abel, is valuable for its oil-seed. - 277 OILS AND OIL SEEDS, N. O. 40. AURANTIACE^E. CITRONWORTS. Bergera konigii. W. et A. Linn. Syst, Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. Cultivated in India. Remarks. First described by Rumphius. Oil is obtained from the leaves, but only on a small scale. The leaves of Citrus Aurantium, Risso, and Citrus Bigaradia, Risso, yield an essential oil called Essence de petit grain. Their flowers also yield a fragrant volatile oil, Oil of Neroli. Essence of Bergamot is obtained from the rind of Citrus Berg ami a, Risso, Essential oil of Lemon Peel from the Citrus Limonum, Risso. The Cedrat of perfumers from the rind of Citrus medica, Risso, and Essential oil of Citron from the flowers of the same. For Citronella, see " N. O. 266." Marmala water is prepared by distillation from the flowers of JEgle Marmelos. N. O. 42. GUTTIFER.E. GUTTIFERS. Calophylllim inophyllum. Linn. Sweet-scented CalophyUum. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Poonaga ? Sans. Sultan-champ a, Surpunka, Hind. Surpunka, Oondee, Dec. Poona, Mai. Pinnay, Mai. Poonagamu, Tel. Teldomba, Cey. Habitat. Malabar, Deccan. RemarJts. See " Drugs." The seeds yield a dark-green oil, called Domba-oil, in commerce. Garcinia purpurea. Rox. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Kokttm, By. Brindao, Goa. Habitat. Ravines of the Concan. Remarks. See " Drugs." A concrete oil is obtained from the seed, often called Cocum oil. The seeds of Garcinia pictoria yield a similar oil in Mysore, called Gamboge-butter. CalophyUum Calaba, W. the Calaba Tree, of Cochin, yields a clear oil. Oil is also procured from Mesua ferrea, in Canara. Pentadesma butyracea is called Butter or Tallow Tree in Sierra Leone, on account of the fatty oil yielded by its fruit Under N. O. 46. Erythroxylacese, Sethia indica, De C. (Erythroxylon mono- gynum, Rox. Cor. fig. 88) of the Circars, yields oil from its wood. 278 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. N. O. 48. SAPINDACEJE. SOAPWORTS. Sapindus emarginatus. Vohl. Emaryinated Soap-berry. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Rishta, Arishta, Phcenile, Sans. Rita, Hind. Euro- reetha, Beng. Reteh, Dec. Rarak, Mai. Poovandie-cottay, Manay- poongunkai, Poonanga t Tarn. Kunkoodoo, Koomuttie-yhenzaloo, Tel. Gas-penela, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." An oil, used only locally, is extracted from the kernel of the seed. The seeds of Pappea capensis, Eckl. of the Cape, abor.nd with oil, and I have been enabled through the kindness of Dr. Pappe to procure some seeds for experiment here. In N. O. 49. Rhizobolacese, Caryocar butyrosum, of Demerara has a very oleaginous nut, known as the Suwarrow or Souaria nut. N. O. 50. MELIACE^. MELIADS. Azadirachta indica. A. de Juss. Ash-leaved Bead-tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Ximba, Sans. Nim, Arishto, Hind. Neem, Dec. Bewa y Can. Aria-bepou, Mai. Veypam, Tarn. Vepa, Vaympa, Tel. Tel-kohomba, Cey. Thembau-kamakah, Pegu. Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." Oil is extracted from the fruit. Melia Azederach. Linn. Common Bead-tree.' Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Mullay-vaempoo, Mai. Malay-vaymboo, Tarn. Taruka- vepa, Tel. Lunu-midella, Cey. Zo2nzalacht 3 Egypt. Habitat. Syria. Found all over the Deccan. Remarks. This tree is first described by Avicenna under the name of Azad-durakt, and by Matthiolus. It is the Persian Lilac of Anglo- Indians. The oil expressed from the fruit is similar to Neem oil. Trichilia spinosa, W. yields an empyreumatic oil in Southern India. Carapa Touloucouna, of Senegambia, yields the Tallicoonah or Kundah oil of com- merce ; C. guianensis, the Carab or Crab-oil, of Guiana and Trinadad ; and C. molluccensis, Lam. (Xylocarpus Granatum, Keen.) a similar oil in the Eastern Archipelago. Under N. O. 52. Cedrelacese, an undeter- mined species of Swietenia, yields the Gayapa oil of Southern India, Grape-seed oil is obtained from the Vine, N. O. 53. , 279 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. N. O. 55. LINAGES. FLAXWORTS. Linum usitatissimum. Linn. Common Flax. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Pentagynia. Vernacular. Atari, Matusee, Ooma, Sans. Vlsee, Tisi, Musina. Musnee, Hind. Jowus, Dec. Alixeree, Allee-seroo-sanul, Tarn, Buzruc, Kettan t Arab. Kutan, Pers. Habitat. Egypt. Cultivated widely in Europe and India. Remarks. First mentioned, Exod. ix. 31. This is one of the most im- portant oil-yielding plants in India, and is largely cultivated. Under N. O. 62, Zygophyllacese, the seeds of Balanites cegyptiaca, Delile, yield a fat oil called Zachun ; but I never heard of its being expressed in India. Under N. O. 63. Rutacese, Dictamnus Fraxinella, Link, Bastard Dittany of Germany, abounds so in volatile oil as sometimes to enkindle the air round it. N. O. 68. CELASTRACE^E. SPINDLE TREES. Celastrus montanus. Eox. Celastrus paniculatus. //'. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Malkunganee, Hind. Dec. Valuluvy, Peddachintoo, Tarn. Bavungie, Tel. Habitat. Concans, Neilgherries, Vizagapatam, Dheyra Dhoon. Remarks. See " Drugs." The oil expressed from the seeds is of a bright scarlet -colour, and this subjected with other ingredients to de- structive distillation forms the Oleum Nigrum of Madras. N. O. 71. ANACARDIACE./E. ANACARDS or* TERE- BINTHS. Anacardium occidentale. W. Common Cashew. Vernacular. Beejara-Sala, Sans. Hijilee-badam, Beng. Cajoo, Dec. Parunkimanvah, Peiteira-manjo, Mai. Moondri, Tarn. Jidi-memidi, Muntamamedi, Tel. Watu-caju, Cey. Cadju, Ma- laya. Jamboo-eeronff, Sumatra. Habitat. South America. Naturalized in Malabar, Coromandel, Chittagong, Trichinoply. Remarks. First described by Thevetius. A bland nutritious oil of the finest kind is expressed from the nuts of this tree. It is not, however, of any commercial importance, as the nuts are generally eaten. The peri- carp, as noted under "Gums and Resins," furnishes an acrid oleo-resin. 280 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Buchanania latifolia. Rox. Linn. Syst. Decandria Tentagynia. Vernacular. Piyala, Sans. Beng. Peeyar, Cheroonjia, Hind. Pyal, Charolee, By. Morceda, Mowd, Kat-mango, Turnbi, Tarn. Tsaroo-mamadi, Tsa-roo-puppoo, Tel. Habitat. Belgaum, Malabar, Coromandel. Remarks. The kernels of the nut abound with a sweet, wholesome oil, which however is seldom extracted. The pericarp yields a black oleo- resin, like other trees of the order. This is the Chironyia sapida of Buchanan. Semecarpus Anacardium. Linn. Marking Nut. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dicecia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India. Remarks. The av6o$a\avov of Galen. The nut yields an oil, the pericarp a highly acrid oleo-resin. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS.E. LEGUMINOUS. Arachis hypogsea. Linn. American Earth-nuty Manilla Gram. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Boochanaka, Sans. Booe-moong, Moong-phullie, Hind. Booi-sing, Velaitee-moong, Dec. Vayer, Nelay-cadalay, Tarn. Nela-sanayalu, Veru-sanaga, Tel. Cachang-gorung, Sumatra. Habitat. South America, and the Mediterranean countries. Largely cultivated in India. Remarks. The owyyov of Theophrastus, according to Sprengel. This, like flax, rape, and sesamum, is one of the most important oil-yielding plants cultivated in India. A species of Arachis is said to be the source of the Teuss or Tea oil of commerce, obtained from China. Pongamia glabra. P. S. Smooth-leaved Pongamia. Linn. Suit. Duulelphia Decandria. Vernacular. Karanja, Naktamala y Sans. Caranj, Karunje, Hind. Canaga, Can. Pongam, Mai. Poongamarum t Tarn. Kanoo- yamanoo, Tel. Moyul-karanda, Cey. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel, Bengal. Remarks. First mentioned by Van Rheede. It is the Dalbergia arbo- rea of some writers. Karinga is also a Tamil name of Gardenia arbor ea t llox. a Cinchonad. The seeds yield oil in great abundance, and it is largely used for burning on the Malabar coast. It does not appear to be exported although very cheap. The seeds of Abrus precatorius t Butea 281 jj OILS AND OIL SEEDS. frondosa, Guilandina Bonduc, Ing a dulcis (Madras), and of Triyonella Fcenum Grtecum, and the wood of Dalberaia Sisso, Rox. yield oil for local uses, that of the Bonduc nut being employed only in medicine. Oil, is expressed from the seeds of Ccesalpinia oleosperma, Rox. (Umul-koochi, Beng. Noonee-glika, Tel.) in Bengal, and from those of Soja hispida, W. Soy, in Japan. The latter oil is said to be solid, and called Mijo. Huile de Cassie is prepared by macerating the flowers of Vachellia Farnesiana, W. (Gooya-baboola, By.) in olive, or any clear, sweet oil. It is one of the finest odours used in the composition of fashionable scents. " The short narcissus, and fair daffodil, Pansies to please the sight, and cassie sweet to smell." Casse is a French term for Black Currant leaves ; and Cassia for the pulp of Cathartocarpus fistula, Dryden, and the bark of Cinnamomum Cassia. The fragrance of the seeds of Dipterix odorata, called Tonka, Tonguin, or Coumarouma beans, is principally due to a volatile oil. The extract prepared from them enters into innumerable artificial perfumes, and is the chief ingredient in Bouquet de Champ. N. 0. 75. MORINGACE.E. MORINGADS. Moringa pterygOSperma. Gcert. Smooth Horse-radish Tree. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. The two Indies. Remarks. See " Drugs." The Ben oil of watchmakers is stated to be obtained from the seeds of this tree ; and it is stated also that oil is expressed from them in India. I have never seen oil obtained from them in this country, I have never been able to trace any in the seeds, and I do not believe the statements that they are oleiferous in India. N. O. 76. Rosacese furnishes Plum-kernel oil from Prunus domestica, and Almond oil from the kernels of Amygdalus communis, var. amara, De C. and var. dulcis, De C. The Volatile oil of Bitter Almonds is prepared from the first variety only. Miribane is artificial essence of almonds. Attar or Otto of Roses is obtained by distilling rose petals with water. In Northern India R. damascena is the rose employed, in Europe R. centifolia, and in Persia, it is believed, R, Moschata. Esprit de Rose triple is the ne plus ultra of perfumery. N. O. 81. COMBRETACE^E. MYROBALANS. Terminal! a bellerica. Rox. Terminalia Catappa. Linn. Broad-leaved Terminalia. Terminalia chebula. Rox. Oval-leaved Terminalia. Linn. Syst. Polygaraia Moncecia. Vernacular. See "Drugs." 282 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Habitat. T. bellerica, India. T. Catappa, Malaya. Cultivated in India. T. chebula, Cabul, India. Remarks. See " Drugs." Oil is expressed on a small scale from the kernels of all these plants. In regard to the Deccan designation of T. Catappa, Jungli-badam, it is to be noted that the same name'is applied to Canarium commune, N. O. 72. Under N. O. 85. Myrtaceee, Oil of Cloves, the basis of Rondeletia, and the Guard's Bouquet is obtained by distilling the dried immature buds of Caryophylus aromaticus, Linn, with water; and Oil of Pimento, similarly from the dried unripe berries of Eugenia Pimento, De C., and other species of Allspice. Cajuputi oil is distilled from the partially fermented leaves of Melaleuca minor, Smith, a native of the Moluccas. A volatile oil also is said to be prepared in India from the leaves of Psidium pyriferum, "W. and P. pomiferum, \V. Otto of Myrtle, is prepared by distillation from the flowers and leaves of Myrtus communis N. O. 92. CUCURBITACE.E. CUCURBITS. Cucumis Melo. W. et A. Melon. Linn. Syst, Monoecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Kurbooja, Beng. Hind. Gidhro, Sind. Baka-coy, Mai. Molam, Tarn. Rata-komadu, Cey. Beteekh (Musk-melon), Arab. Kirbooseh, Arab. Labofrangee, Malaya. Habitat. Persia? Cultivated over the world. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables." A sweet edible oil is obtained from the seed, as from the seeds of the species following. Indeed nearly all the Cucurbits have oily seeds, and it is remarkable that those in India should have been neglected on this point. Cucumis sativus. W. Common Cucumber.' Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Sookasa, Sans. Suska, Beng. Keera, Hind. Keera- kankuri, Dec. Mullen-belleri, Mai. Maloo-velleri, Tarn. Rata- kakeri, Pipingya, Cey. Kusud, Arab. Fakus, Egypt. Antimun, Eastern Archipelago. Habitat. East Indies. Cultivated over the world. Remarks. See " Drugs," and C. Melo, above. Cucurbita Pepo. W. Pumpkin, or White Gourd. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Kurkaroo, Sans. Koshnanto, Beng. Koomra, Beng. Hind. Pandree-chickee, By. Cumbulam, Mai. Boorda-gomodoo y Cumbuly, Budadi-gumadi, Potti-gumadi, Tel. Alu-puhul, Cey. Habitat. Levant. Cultivated widely. 283 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Remarks. See "Drugs," and C. Melo, above. Oil is extracted also in Madras from the seeds of Citrullus Colocynthis, Sclirad. and Bryonia callosa, Rottl. (Toomutti, Tam. Boddama, Tel.) and used for lamps. The seeds of Telfaria pedata, W. and A. of Zanzibar, yield a fine, bland oil in abundance. The seeds are also as fine tasted as almonds. The plant was introduced into Bombay by Nimmo, but appears to have died out. The seeds of Fevillea cordifolia, Ue C. of the West Indies, and F. trilobata, Linn, of Brazil, yield valuable oil also. The seeds of Aniosperma. Passiflora, and of Hypanthera Guapeva, of Brazil, yield a bitter oil. Benincasa cerifera, Savi, of India, secretes a waxy substance on the surface of its fruit,, Under the allied order N. O. 93. Papayaceee., the seed of Hydnocarpus inebrians yields the Neeradimootoo, Maroty, Tamana, or Soorty oil of Travancore, and the Madras Presidency. Under N. O. 98. Illecebracese, the seed of Spergula sativa, one of the species of Spurry of the meadows of Holland, yield a good lamp oil on expression. Under N. O. 109. Hamamelidacese, Hamamelis mryinica, has oleiferous seeds. N. O. 110. UMBELLIFEILE. UMBELLIFERS. Ptychotis Ajowan. De C. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. Vernacular. Ajmodum, Sans. Ajwan, Juvanee, Boro-joan, Hind. Beng. TFbmMW, Tam. Amoos, Arab. NankahyPers. Habitat. Cultivated throughout India. Remarks. Papers on the oil of Ajowan, by Stenhouse, are to be found in the Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, vol. xiv. p. 2/2, the Chemical Society's Quarterly Journal, vol. ix. p. 234, and by Haines, in the Chemical Society's Quarterly Journal, vol. viii. page 289. Volatile oil is also obtained in India by distillation from the fruit (seed, vulg.) ofCuminum Cyminum, Linn, and Pimpinella Anisum, Linn, and probably, as in Europe, from all the well known aromatic Urnbellifers. The oils are distinguished by the common names of the plants from which they are prepared as Anise, Caraway, Fennel, &c. N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITES. Carthamus tinctorius. W. Officinal Carthamus. Linn. Syst. Syngenesia J^qualis. Vernacular. Cusnmba ) Kamalottara ) ^>m\?,. Koosumbha^eng. Hind. Dec. Tel. Kajeerah, Beng. Koosum, Hind. Seendoorkum, Tam. Cossumb, Cey. Usfer, Arab. Ossfar, Qortom, Egypt. Habitat. Egypt. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. The KVTJKOS of Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides. The oil (Kurdee-ka-tael) is obtained from the seeds (Knrdee), and the 284 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. plant is one of the most important of those cultivated in India for their oil seeds. The flowers (Safflower) are used as a dye, and the plant itself is an agreeable pot-herh. It is the Crocus Indicus of Rumphius. Koosumb is also a name of Schleichera trijuga, W. et A. N. O. 48. Sapindacese. Verbesina saliva. //. K. Oil Seed Ferbesina. Linn. Stjst. Syngenesia Superflua. Vernacular. Ramtil, 13eng. Kalatil, Hind. JTirfn-Jfe, Can. Vale- suloo, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The seeds are the Niger seeds of commerce. The plant is now generally called Guizotia oleifera, De C. It is Sprengel's Jagera abyssimca, and Buchanan's Bupthalmum Kamtilla. It is an important oil seed, and largely cultivated. The seeds of Helianthus annus, W. Annual Siui-floiver (Bhramoka, India), yield oil ; and the plant might be profita- bly cultivated for the purpose. The seeds of Fernonia anthelmintica, W. Purple Fleabane (Kaleezerie, Hind. See "Drugs."), yield oil- but this would appear to be expressed by the Hakims only. The Madia oil of Lhih is expressed from the seeds of Madia sativa. N. O. 135. SAPOTACE^E. SAPOTAD8. Bassia latifolia. Rox. Broad- leaved Bassia. Linn. St/sf. Dodecandria Monogynia. Vernacular. See "Narcotics." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. " The seeds yield a large quantity of thick oil" "The oil is used in making soap in the Kaira Zillah."'Dalzell. Eassia longifolia. W. Long-leaved Bassia. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. Vernacular Mattooka, Sans. Mooa, Beng. Mohe, Hind. Ilium. lam. Ippa, Tel. Telmee, Cey. Habitat. The Deccan, in this government being confined to the southernmost districts. Remarks. The oil expressed from the ripe fruit is used in cooking for burning and in the preparation of country soap. It is usually solid. The seeds of B. butyracea, Rox. yield a firm butyraceous oil, eaten in Nepaul. Ihe Ske* or Golam, butter of Mungo Park's Travels, is the pro- duct of a Bassia. 285 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Mimusops Eleiigi. W. Pointed-leaved Mimusops. Linn. Sytt. Octandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Kesura, Viikoola, Sans. Bukool, Beng. Bacul-muhari, Hind. Buckhool, Wowlee, By. Elenyi, Mai. Mayadoo, Tarn. Pagada, Tel. Moona-mal, Cey. Habitat. IH.-a. Remarks. Oil may be expressed from the seeds in considerable quan- tity. Under N. O. 137. Jasmiuacese, Jasmine oil is prepared from the flowers of Jasminum Sambac, J. odoratissimum, and other species by distillation. Under N. O. 138. Oleacese, the pericarp of the drupe of Olea europtza, Linn, yields Olive oil by expression ; and Fraxinus hanburii (teste Murchison) produces the Insect Wax of China, probably on the puncture of some species of Coccus. Under N. O. 141. Apocynacece, oil is obtained in India from the seeds of Cerbera Thevetia, Don, and Wrightia antidy 'sent eric a, Don, but used only on a medicinal scale. Oil is said also to be obtained for medical use from the seed (Nux Vomica) of Strychnos Nux Vomica, Linn. N, O. 142. Loganiaceae. N. O. 147. PEDALIACE^E. PEDALIADS. Sesamum indicum. Ue. C. Indian, or Oriental Oily-grain. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. Vernacular. Tila, Sans. Til, Beng. Hind. Krisha-til, Hind. Bareek-til, Dec. Schit-eloo, Mai. Yelloo-cheddie, Tarn. Noowooloo, Tel. Tel-tala, Tun-pattala, Cey. Djyl-djylan, Arab. Kunjed, Pers. Semsem, Egypt. Habitat. India, from whence its cultivation was carried in the earliest ages to Mesopotamia and Egypt, and has now extended to the West Indies. Remarks. De Candole's plant is described in Rumphius (Amboyna, v. p. 204), and is the same as the S. orientale of the Linnsea of 1832. He admits three varieties, namely : a, grandidentatum, Humph. (Amb. v. tab. 76, fig. 1). /3, subdentatum,~Bot, Mag. 1688. y, subindivisum, Rheede (Mai. ix. tab. 54, et forte 55). This is the o-rja-apov of the Greeks, and Sesama of the Romans. Hippo- crate? and Theophrastus describe it. Herodotus mentions it in his description of the plain of Babylonia (lib i. c. 193). Pliny writes of it, " Sesamum comes from India, where they extract an oil from it ; the colour of its grain is white." In modern times the plant is first described by Prosper Alpinus in his work " De Plantis Egypti." It is one of the most important oleiferous plants cultivated in India, the oil expressed from its seeds being known in commerce under the names of Gingely and Bennie oil. There are black and white and red seeds, and the first are 236 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. often called Kola-til, a name applied also to the seeds of Ferbesina sativa t N. O. 120. Under N. O. 153. Cordiacese, oil is said to be obtained in the Madras presidency from C. officinalis, a doubtful statement if the plant mentioned is the same as C. Myxa, Linn. The seeds of Nicotiana Tabacum, N. O. 157. Solanacese, and of species of Datura, N. O. 158. Atropaceee, yield oil on expression, as oil of Deadly Nightshade, for example. Antirrhinum majus, Great Snap Dragon, N. O. 160. Scrophula- riacese, "is said to be cultivated in Russia for its seeds, which yield an oil little inferior to that produced from olives." (Withering). Patchouly is a distilled oil, prepared from the herb of Pogostemon Patchouly, Lind. N. O. 161. Labiatse, an order from which various other aromatic volatile oils are also obtained, as oil of Balm or Melissa, Thyme, Lavender and Spike, Rosemary, Marjoram, Mint, &c. See " Drugs," and " Fruits and Vegeta- bles." An oil is obtained from the wood of the Teak tree, Tectona grandis, N. O. 162. Verbenacese. Aloysia citriodora, H. Per. Lemon-scented Verbena, of the same order, and a native of Peru, yields the distilled oil, Verbena or Vervaine of perfumers, the basis of various " court bouquets." Uiider N. O. 171. Chenopodiaceee, Ambrina anthelmintica yields an essen- tial oil, which is however used only in medicine. Under N. O. 178. Lauraceee, Volatile oil is obtained from Cassia, Cinnamon, Sweet Bay (Laurus nobilis, Linn.), and Sassafras (Laurus Sassafras, Linn.) An expressed oil is also obtained from the berries of Laurus nobilis, and from the fruit of the Cinnamon tree. The latter is solid, and is called Cinnamon Tallow, or Suet, in commerce. There is also a distilled oil of the leaf of the Cinnamon tree, often called Clove oil in commerce, from its resem- blance, in odour and effects, to true oil of Cloves. It is lighter than genuine Clove oil. Camphor is a solid volatile oil, or stearoptine, sublimed from the wood of Laurus Camphora, Linn. (Camphora officinarum, Nees ab Essen.). See " Drugs." Persea gratissima, W. the Avocado, or Alligator Pear, is mentioned as having an oleaginous fruit. Under N. O. 180. Myristicaceae, a distilled oil, and also an expressed fatty oil, are obtained from the kernel (Nutmeg) of Myristic&fragrans, Houtt. and probably also from other species of the genus.. See " Drugs." Virola sebifera "also yields a fatty oil upon simple immersion (of the seeds ?) in water." (Lindley.) Under N. O. 185. Thymeliacese, Sarcostigma kleinii, \V. et A. of this Presidency, and the Deccan generally, has an oily fruit. Under N. O. 190. Santalaceae, the seeds of Santalum album yield a fixed oil, and the wood (Sandal wood) a volatile oil, the Santal of perfumers, used in the composition of Marechale and other old-fashioned scents. See class " Miscellaneous." And " oil is obtained, in Carolina, from the kernels of Pyrularia pubera" (Lindley). N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE^:. SPVRGEWORTS. Aleurites triloba. W. Three-lobed Aleurites. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Akola, Hind. Akhoroot, Beng. Japhal, By. Kara- angolam, Mai. Woodooga, Tel. Tel-kekune t Cey. OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Habitat. Moluccas, Bengal, Deccan. Remarks. Called Belyaum Walnut, and very generally Candle-nut Tree, by Anglo-Indians ; the kernels yield the Kekune oil of Ceylon. Ricinus COmmunis. Linn. Castor-oil Plant, Palma Christi. Linn. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Eranda, Sans. Bherenda Beng. Arendi, Beng. Hind. Citavanako, Avanak, Pandiavanak, Mai. Haralu, Can. Sitta- munak, Valluk, Tarn. Amadam, Sittamindi, Tel. Endaru, Gey. Khiroa, Cherua, Tehscha, Zcejt, Djar, Arab. Beedinjeer, Rowyen, Pers. Kyet-hsoo, Burmah. Jarak, Citavanaca Malaya. Habitat. India. Remarks. The Kporav of Hippocrates, Herodotus, and Dioscorides, also called KIKI by the Greeks, and Ricinus of the Romans. The Kikayon of the Bible has been thought to refer to the Palma Christi, but there is an uncertainty about the identification, and St. Jerome and St. Augustine passed from words to blows regarding it. The appellation Palma Christi, has been probably derived from its substitution by Christians on Palm Sunday for true Palm branches, in countries where the latter are not to be found. " In Rome upon Palm Sunday They bear true palms, The Cardinals bow reverently, And sing old psalms ; Elsewhere those psalms are sung 'Mid olive branches. The holly bough supplies their place Among the avalanches, More northern climes must be content "With the saJ willow." Salix caprea, W. Great round-leaved Willow, is the species of Willow used in Germany ; and Seeman quotes from Miss Baker's " Glossary of Northamptonshire Words," that it is to this day called " Palm" in the counties bordering on the Forest of Arden, thus explaining the passage in " As you like It," in which Rosalind says, " Look here, what I found on a Palm tree !" and which has given literary critics so much trouble. Clare so calls (Simmonds) the Goat Willow : " Ye leaning Palms, that seem to look Pleased o'er your image in the brook." Box would also appear to have been substituted in England. (D'-day Bk.) Nageia Putranjiva. Rox. Grey-barked Naaeia. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Tetrandria. Vernacular. Putruujiva, Sans. P9iiaolam t Mai. Kudra-juvi t Tel. Habitat. Hindoostan, Coromandel, Concans. 288 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. Remarks. The kernel of the fruit is abundantly oleiferous, and the tree is called Wild Olive y by Anglo-Indians. Jatropha Curcas. W. Angular-leaved Physic Nut. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia. Vernacular. Kanana-kerundum, Nepala, Sans. Bag-bherenda, Hind. Beng. Erundi, Dec. Caak-avenako, Mai. Mara-narulle, Can. Caar-?ioochie, Caat-amunak, Tarn. Nepalam, Adivieamida t Tel. Rat&ndaroo, Cey. Habitat. South America. Naturalized in America. Remarks. First mentioned by Monardes. The oil from the seeds is largely used in India for lamps, and is the Seed oil of European commerce. None, I believe, is exported from India. One of the Chinese varnishes is pre- pared by boiling this oil with oxide of iron. The seeds of Jatropha glauca, Vahl. (J. glandulifera, Rox.) are said to yield the Addale oil of Madras. The plant is found in this Presidency about Punderpore. It must not be confounded with J. gossypifolia, W. Cotton-leaved Physic Nut of Brazil, a plant very common in the gardens of the Island of Bombay. The Croton oil of medicine is obtained from the seeds of Croton Tifflium, W. and other species of Croton. The seeds of Hura crepitans t the Sand-box tree of the West Indies, are oleaginous. Stillingia sebifera is the Tallow-tree of China, its peculiar oil being expressed from the kernel. The seeds also of Elceococca vernicia of China, and of E. verrucosa of Japan, are oil bearing. Under N. O. 199, Urticacese, the seeds of Cannabis sativa, W. Common Hemp, already twice detailed, yield oil, largely consumed in Russia for lamps ; but which I am not aware of being economized in India. Oil of Hops is obtained by submit- ting the Lupuliuic glands found at the base of the scales of the strobilus oiHumulus Lupulus, Linn, to distillation. Under N. O. 207. Piperacese, volatile oils are obtained from the berries of Piper niarum, Linn. Cubeba officinalis, Mig. and the immature fruit ofChavica roxburghii, Mig. or Long Pepper. Under N. O. 208. Myricacese, Myrtle Wax, is obtained in abun- dance from the berries of Myrica cerifera, the Common Candle-berry tree of North America, and other species. Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Hazel (Corylus Avellana) nuts, N. O. 212. Corvlacese, and Walnuts (Juglans regia}, N. O. 215, Juglandaceee, yield oil, the product of the two last be- ing the Nut oil of commerce. The Coniferous (N. O. 220) oleo-resins, have been referred to under "Gums and Resins." Under N. O. 233, Zingi- beracese, both a fixed and a volatile oil are obtained from Cardamom seeds (Elettaria Cardamomum, Maton.) Volatile oil of Ginger is obtained from the rhizome of Zingiber officinale, Roscoe. Saffron (Crocus sativus, Allioni, N. O. 236. Iridacese) also yields a volatile oil by distillation with water. Oil of Garlic (Allium sativum, N. O. 242. Liliaceee) is prepared in India for medicinal use by expression. 289 KK OILS AND OIL SEEDS. N. O. 251. PALM.E. PALMS. COCOS nucifera. W. Common Cocoa/tut. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Hexandria. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The oil is expressed from the kernel of the nut, and is one of the most useful, and most important prepared in India. The follow- ing Palrns are also valuable for the oil they yield: Acrocomia sclerocarpa, Mart. Great Macaw-tree, of West Indies. Attalea Cohune y Mart, of Honduras and Panama. Cohune-nut oil. Copernicia cerifera, Mart, of the Brazils, yields a waxy exudation. Elceis ffuineensis, Linn. Oily Palm of Guinea. Elais melanococca, Gaert. Oily Palm of West Indies. Iriartea andicola Spr. (Ceroxylon andicola, Hnmb. et Bonpl.) of the Andes yields a waxy exudation. (Enocarpus Bacaba. ~\ CEnocarpus Batava, Mart. CEnocarpus disticha. CEnocarpus a/tissimus, Klotzsch. CEnocarpus bolivianus, Hort. j- 0f Tropical America are all SB TIT oleiferous. (hnocarpus caracasanus, Lodd. CEnocarpus Ckirayua, Hort. (Enocarpus Cubarroo, Hort. CEnocarpus utifis t Klotzsch. J Under N. O. 255. Pandanaeese, the flowering head of Pan d 'anus odora- tissimus, yields a fragrant oil on distillation, called Keora oil, which will certainly create & furor in the fashion, should it come into use in the prepara- tion of bouquets. Under N. O. 258. Acoracese, the fresh rhizome of Acorus Calamus, yields oil of Sweet Flag by distillation with water. Species of Cyperus (N. O. 265) yield essential oils. Under N. O. 266. Graminese, Andropogon Calamus aromaticus, Royle, is the source of Roosa- kctel ; Andropogon muricatus, Retz, of Essence of Vitivert, or Cuscus, the basis of the once fashionable " Mousselaine des Indes," and Andropogon citratum, De C. probably of a portion of Lemon-grass oil. But there is much confusion regarding the plants yielding the grass oils, which will be fully treated of under the " Miscellaneous Class." What is the source of the Aoati oil of Eastern Africa ? In the above list two kinds of oils have been mentioned, the natural vegetable fats or fixed oils, and the volatile, or distilled, or essential oils, sometimes called also essences, although an essence, strictly 290 OILS AND OIL SEEDS. speaking, is an essential oil dissolved in spirit, and equivalent to the French Esprit or Extrait. The first alone of those produced in India have been catalogued in detail ; the second, whether Indian or foreign, have been named incidentally only under the Remarks. Strictly all mention of them should have been omitted here, as their more proper place is, perhaps, the " Miscellaneous Class/' But I found I could not pass the different natural orders without recognizing them, and only the most im- portant of such as are Indian will re-appear under the " Miscellaneous Class," and these not so much for their commercial importance as for the historical interest attached to their sources. The natural Vegetable Fats, or Fixed oils, are obtained generally by expression, sometimes aided by heat, and in a few cases by boiling the tissue containing them in water. They generally occur in the seed. Their proximate principles as a rule are margarine, stearine, and oleine, of which two are always present ; and their consistence depends on the predominating principle, stearine giving their consistence to hard oils, margarine to soft, and oleine to liquid. Volatile oils, or essences, are prepared by distilling plants, or parts of plants, with water. They are also obtained from the resins ; and oleo-resins, called balsams. Some pre-exist in the plants, others as oil of bitter almonds, are only formed during the operation of distillation. They are arranged in three classes : the non-oxegenated, containing carbon and hydrogen, as oil of turpentine ; the oxegenated, containing oxygen, in addition to carbon and oxygen, as essence of cinnamon ; and the sulphuretted, containing also sulphur, as the volatile oil of garlic and asafoetida. Many deposit a crystalline principle, called stearoptine, of which camphor is an example, and which is also obtained from Anise and Ajwan. In India the volatile oils are seldom obtained isolated, the perfumers being content to communicate their odours to fixed oils, or fats, by enfleurage. In the above list, Essences, which are mere curiosities, have been omitted entirely as Elder-flower, Honey-suckle or Woodbine, Mignionette, Sweet-pea, Pine-apple, Magnolia, Jonquil, Lilac, Tuberose, Geranium, Violet, and Meadow Sweet. Many Essences, it may here be mentioned, bearing the names of plants, are not derived from them, but are prepared artificially, as Volkameria, Hovenia, Eglantine, or Sweet Briar, and Heliotrope. Violet and Geranium are sometimes fictitious also. The Essences being used as perfumes, all perfumes may be looked for here. Several of those not included under this class were mentioned under " Gums and Resins," as the Storax and Balsam (. e. Balsam of Peru and Balsam of Tolu) of perfumers. The remainder, as Rhodium, Sandal- wood, Orris (the chief ingredient in the bouquet known as Jockey Club and Rowland's " oriental herb" " Odonto"), Cascarilla, and Aloes-wood ; Cedar, will be detailed under the " Miscellaneous Class." 291 D I V I S I O N I. Class 4. C. ACIDS. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Cicer arietinum. Linn. Common Cheek Pea, Common Gram. Linn. Sysf. Piadelphia Decandria. Vernacular. See " Pulse." Habitat. The Mediterranean countries. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. See "Pulse." When at Sholapore, some years ago, my Moonshi asked me to lend him some towels to gather " a spirit," which he stated fell at night on fields of growing gram, and which, with water, formed an agreeable drink in the hot season. The cloths were laid over the tender gram, and by the morning were saturated with dew, having an intensely acid taste. This was wrung off, and bottled. Though unfamiliar to Europeans, this substance is well known to natives, and is mentioned by Royle, and others. The acid is said to be the oxalic. Other acid substances have been detailed under "Condiments" and " Sherbets," and the present article should have been placed under the latter, as a separate class of acids, although founded on the highest authority is superfluous. 293 DIVISION I. Class 4. D. DYES. - N. O. 18. FLACOURTIACE.E. Bixa Orellana. Linn. Heart-leaved Arnotta. Linn Syst. Polyundria Monogynia. The orange-red, waxy pulp, covering the seeds, separated by macera- tion in hot water, and made into balls or cakes, Arnotto, Anatto, Anotta, Roucon, Orellana, Terra Orellana, Vernacular. Lut-kun, Beng. Hind. Gaivpurgee, Hind. Kisree, By. Kuppa-manhala, Can. Korungoomunga, Mai. Kooragoo- mangjul, Tarn. Jafra, Tel. Kaha-yaha, Cey. Habitat. West Indies. Cultivated in Mysore, Travancore, Bengal. Seen in Bombay gardens also. Remarks. First described by Clusius. Besides the use of Arnotto as a dye, it is fraudulently added to butter and to chocolate to heighten their colour. In Hindoostan the wood (Dar-huld, vulg.J of species of Berberis, N. O. 8, is used as a dye. Isatis tinctoria, 'Woad, N. O. 15, the lo-dns of Dioscorides, and Isatis and Glastum of Pliny, yields a blue dye, with which the Britons coloured themselves, the practice indeed being the origin of their name, britho being the Celtic of " to paint." Glastum is from the Celtic glas, blue ; whence, also, Glastonbury, Glasnevin (Dublin Bot. Gardens), Glass-Haughton, Glasgow. Fortune states that Isatis indigotica is used as a dye in China. Reseda Luteola, W. Weld, or Dyers' Yellow-weed, of Britain, N. O. 17. Resedacese, affords a beautiful yellow dye, from which Dutch Pink is prepared. Cochlos permum tinctorium, Walper, N. O. 19 of Senegambia, is used as a dye; also Polygala tinctoria, Vahl, N. O. 22, in Arabia; the flowers of Alth cea rosea, Hollyhock, and Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis, Chinese Hibiscus, N. O. 30 are used for their colour; the bark of Elceocarpus Hinau, N. O. 33. Tiliacese, is used in New Zealand as a dye, and the leaves of Vallea cordifo- lia in Peru ; Gamboge the gum-resin of Hebradendron cambogioides, Gra- ham, N. O. 42, of Siam ; and Cissus tinctoria, N. O. 53, in the Brazils. With Euonymus tingens, N. O. 68, the Hindus mark the tika on their foreheads. French Berries, Graines cVAvignon, Turkey Berries, or * " 295 DYES. Yellow Berries, are the unripe berries of Rhamnus infectorius, R. amijgda- linus, and R. saxatilis, N. O. 70. The juice of the berries of Rhamnus catharticus, mixed with gum-arabic and lime water, and evaporated, constitutes Sap-green or Bladder-green. Green-Indigo, or Chinese Green- dye, is probably prepared from species of Rhamnus. Under N. O. 72, Rhus Cotinus (/foKKiryi'a, Theophrastus ; Coccygia, Pliny) is the source of Venetian Sumach, or Young Fustic, a bright yellow dye. For old Fustic, see "N. O. 200." N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS./E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. A den anther a pavonina. W. Yellow-flowered Adenanthera. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The wood, (False) Red Sanders, or (False) Red Sandalwood. Vernacular. Koochunduna, Sans. Hind. Ructa-chunduna, Ranjuna, Beng. Mandateea, Can. Manseni-kotta, Tel. Mansiadi, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede, and Rnmphius. See be- low the synonymes of Pterocarpm santalinns, Linn, the wood of which is Red Sanders. Ranjun is also a name of Ixora Bandhuca, N. 0. 115. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Butea frondosa. Rox. Downy-branch Butea. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The flowers, Pulas, Tisso, or Mudooga flowers. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India. Remarks. First noticed by Van Rheede. The flowers of B. superba, Rox. (Tiga-maduga, Tel.) are also used. Caesalpinia Sappan. Linn. 'Narrow-leaved Brasiletto. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. The wood, Sappanwood. Vernacular. Patunga, Sans. Btikkum, Beng. Hind. Puttung t Dec. Tsiapangum, Mai. Palinga-cuttay, Tarn. Bukkapa, Tel. Patanaee, Cey. Sapana, Malaya. Sachang, Java. Samya, Roro, Moluccas. Lolan, Amboyna. Sibukao, Philippines. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First mentioned by Abulfadil under the name of Bukum. Brazil wood is from Ccesalpinia brasiliensis ; Brasiletto wood from C. baha- mensis, and Nicaragua wood from C. echinata. 296 DYES. Indigofera tinctoria. 11'. East Indian Indigo. Linn. Syst. DiadelpLia Decandria. The prepared juice, Indigo. Vernacular. Nili, Sans. Neel, Beng. Hind. Dec. Neelum, Averie, Tarn. Neelee, Tel. Nil, Cey. Arab. Pers. Taroom, Malaya. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Indigo is the Indicum of Pliny, and TO IvSiKov $CL$IKQV of Dioscorides. There are more than one hundred species of Indiffofera, natives of the East Indies, Arabia, Africa, and equinoctial America. East Indian Indigo is the species chiefly cultivated in India, and /. Anil, W. West Indian Indigo in the West Indies. The latter is also, with other species, cultivated in India. Indigo is one of the most profitable products of India. In Nubia Tephrosia Apollinea, De C. in the countries of the Niger T. toxicaria, and in Ceylon, according to De Candolle, T. tine- toria furnish Indigo. Baptisia tinctoria, R. Brown, supplies it in the Federal States of America. All these are Leguminous plants. The dyes furnished also by IFrightia tinctoria, Don, N. O. 141, of India, Poly- gonum tinctorium of Europe, and Ampelygonium chinense, N. O. 176, and Gymnema ting ens of Pegu, and Marsdenia tinctoria of Sumatra, N. O. 140, are often named as kinds of Indigo. V. infra. Pterocarpus santalinus. Linn. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The wood, Red Sanders, or Red Sandal-wood. Vernacular. Koochunduna, Tilaparni, Ranjana, Ructa-chandana, Beng. Rukhto-chandun, Undum, Hind. Lalchundun, Dec. Ooruttah-chundanum, Mai. Whonnay, Can. Segapoo-shanda- num, Tarn. Kuchandanum, Tel. Ruct-handoon, Cey. Sundel- ahmer, Arab. Buckum, Pers. (Ainslie.) Habitat. Coromandel, Paulghat, Ceylon. Remarks. Sprengel considers this to be the Almug tree of 1 Kings x. 11, now identified with Santalum album, N. O. 190. Santalacese. See " Miscellaneous Class." Sprengel also identifies it with the Sundul of Avicenna, and it may be the " Red Sanda!wood" he mentions, together with " White." (Lib', ii. Tract, ii. ch. 657.) It may however be the wood of Adenanthera pavonina, or even of Ccesalpinia Sappan (v. supra). Of other Leguminous plants Baphia nitida of Sierra Leone and the Gaboon country furnishes Barwood or Camwood, with which Bandana handkerchiefs are dyed ; Genista tinctoria, W. Dyers' Green-weed of Britain, a yellow, and with Woad a green dye ; and Hcematoxylon campe- chianum of Campeachy, Logwood. Under N. O. 76, the bark of Photinia ditbia, Lind. is said to be used in Nepaul as a dye. W DYES. N. O. 78. LYTH RACEME. LOOSESTRIFES. Grislea tomentosa, Rox. Downy Gris j ea. Linn. Syst. Octnndria Monogynia. The petals. Vernacular. Uyni-jwala^ Dhatri-pooshpiha, Sans. Dhub, Dhanga- phul, Dheephool, Beng. JJhaitee, Dhauree, By. Sirinjie, Tel. Habitat. Hindoostan and Deccan. Remarks. The petals yield a valuable red dye of considerable impor- tance, but unknown beyond India. Lawsonia alba. Lam. Henna Plant. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The leaves, Henna. Vernacular. Sa/cachara, Sans. Shudee, Beng. Hind. Mayndie, Hina, Hind. Mailanschi, Ponta-letsche, Mai. Maroodanie, Tarn. Goounta-chettoo, Tel. Gorunia-gorinta, Cey. Habitat. The East Indies ; Northern Africa, Cyprus. Usually found in gardens. Remarks. Solomon is supposed by Sprengel to refer to the Henna plant in his Epithalamium (i. 14) : " My beloved is unto me as a cluster of Samphire (sometimes translated Cypress) in the vineyards of Engedi." It is undoubtedly the Kimpos of Dioscorides (i. 12*4), and "Cyprus in Egypt" of Pliny. It is mentioned by Avicenna also under the name of Henna. Lamert's species includes L. inermis and L. spinosa of other botanists. The women of Egypt, and of other eastern countries, tinge their fingers and toes, and often hands and feet, with the orange red dye of the Henna plant, and hence probably the designation of Aurora as " rosy fingered." In Egypt, also, on a certain night preceding the wedding, Henna is applied with linen bandages to the hands and feet of the bride, until the next morning, when they are of a bright orange, red colour ; and the night is called " the Night of the Henna." N. O. 82. MELASTOMACE^;. MELASTOMADS. Memecylon tinctorium. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. The leaves. Vernacular. Kanyavuh, Mai. Casau-checldy, Anjun, By. Kay- ampoovoocheddi, Tani. Alli-cheddu, Tel. Dcedi-kaha, Cey. Habitat. Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel. Remarks. The fruit is edible, and hence Roxburgh's name M. edule. The wood is called Kurpa in Bombay. Cremanium reclinatum and DYES. C. tinctorium of Peru, find Miconia fulva, /8 tinctoria of Brazil, yield yellow dyes. Blakea parasitica of Guiana yields a red dye. The juice of Tococa gianenasis is used in Demerara as ink. N. O. 115. CINCHONACE^E. CINCHONADS. Morinda citrifolia. Linn. Broad-leaved Morinda. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The root, Morinda. Vernacular. Af, Atchy, Hind. Aal, Bartoondie, By. Ca-da-pilva, Mai. Manja-pavattay, Noona, Tel. Ahu-yaha, Cey. Habitat. The Deccan. Cultivated in Kandeish. Remarks. First described by Bontius. The wood of Morinda tomen- tosa, Heyne, and root of M. umbellata. Linn, both of Travancore, and the latter known also in the Deccan under the name of Chota-alka also yield a red dye. Morinda tinctoria, Rox. is common in every part of India, and, yields a dye-root known under the name of Ach. Probably all the species of Morinda might be used as dyes, and nearly all are called Al. Hedyotis umbellata. Linn. Common Indian Madder. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. The root, Chay root. Vernacular. Saya, Emboorel-cheddie, Tarn. Chericeloo, Tel. Sayan- mul, Cey. Habitat. Malabar, Coromandel. Remarks. First described by Plukenet. See " Drugs" Hydrophylax maritimaj Linn, of the Coromandel coast is also, a dye plant. The fruit of Genipa americana, yields the beautiful violet blue, Lana or Caruto dye of Demerara and Berbice. Psychotria Simira of Brazil yields a red dye ; and Condaminea tinctoria of the countries of the Orinoco is also used as a dye. The fruit of Gardenia radicals is used in China. N. O. 116. GALIACE.E. STELLATES. Rubia Munjista. Rox. Heart-leaved Madder, Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. The root, Munjeet. Vernacular. Munjith-aroona, Beng. Munjittee> Hind. Poout, Mai. Manjittee, Saivil-coodie, Tarn. Mandestie, Tel. Habitat. Siberia. Cultivated in Hindoostan and the Deccan. Remarks. Munjeet, Morinda, and Chay, are often included under the general term of East Indian Madder. The Dyers' madder of Europe is yielded by Rubia tinctorum, Linn, the IpvOpoftavov of the Greeks, the ' 299 DYES. Erythrodanum and Rubia(?)ofthe "Romans, and Warentia of the Capitularies of Charlemagne. Garancine is a French dye prepared from Madder with sulphuric acicl. " Rubia angustissima of Tong Dong has also highly coloured roots, and Rubia Relboun is the madder of Chili." (Lindley.) Sir John Franklin (feste Simmonds) states that the Crees obtain a red dye from the roots of Galium boreale t and G. tinctoriiim. N. O. 120. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITES. Carthamus tinctorius. W. Officinal Carthamus. Linn Syxt. Syngenesia Squalls. The flowers, Safllower. Vernacular. Cusumba, Kamalottara, Sans. Koosifmbha, Beng, Hind. Tel. Dec. Kajeerah, Beng. Koosum, Hind. Sfendoor/nim. Tarn. Cossumb, Cey. Usfur, Aral). Habitat. Egypt. Widely cultivated in India. Remarks. The KVTJKOS of the Greeks. Bastard Saffron is prepared from this dye, and Pink Saucers, Spanish Wool, Crepon rouge, and other kinds, of Kouge. See " Oils and Oil Seeds." The flowers of Calendula officinalis W. Common Mary gold (Caltha of Romans) of this order are also used to adulterate Saffron ; and Serratula tinctoria, W. Common Saivwort of Britain, yields a yellow, and the leaves of Chicorium Infybus, Linn. Wild Succory of Europe and Asia, a blue dye, similar to Woad. Madia satica is used in Russia as a dye stuff. Under N. O. 126. Styraceoe, the bark of Symplocos racemosa, Box. is said to be used as a dye in Bengal under the name of Lodh, but is probably simply a mordant as suggested by Roxburgh. S. tinctoria is used for dyeing in Carolina. Under N. O. 133. Ebenacece, the wood of species of Diospyros is sometimes used for dyeing. N. O. 137. JASMLNACE.E. JASMINWORTS. Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis, Linn. Square-stalked Nyctanthes. Linn. Syst. Dinndria Monogynia. The tube of the flowers. Vernacular. Shephalika, Sans. Beng. Singahar, Shiooli, Beng. Uursinyhar, Hind. Paharbuttee, By. Mimja-pumerum y Mai. Pagala-mully, Tarn. Shephalika, Sepala, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Garcins ah Orlo. Under N. O. 140. Asclepiadacere, Gymnema tinyem of Pegu, and Marsdenia tinctoria of Sumatra yield blue dyes. 300 DYES. N. O. 141. APOCYNACE^ DOGBANES. Wrlghtia thietoria. Don. Dyers' IFrightia. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. The extract of the leaves, Pala Indigo. Vernacular. Ilyamaraka ? Sans. Bhoorcooree, Kala-koora, Kala- kooda, By. Pala, Pala/c, Palavay-raynoo, Tarn. Tshil-ankaloo, Chit-unkaloo, Amkuda, Tedlapala> Tel. Habitat. Concans, Malabar, Travancore, Coromandel, Cochin China. Remarks. Under N. O. 144, Bignoniacece, Bignonia Chica, Humb. et Bonp. of meridional America yields a red dye, and Jacaranda ovali- folia the Green Ebony of commerce. Under N. O. 154. Boraginacese, Anchusa tinctoria, W. Dyers* Bugloss of Britain (one ayxovcra of the Greeks) is the source of Alkanet. I have received also as Alkanet a root used in the Punjab as a dye. It is probably the root of Onosma emodi, Wall. Other species of Onosma and Echium rubrum, and Lithospermum linctorium are in Europe and elsewhere substituted for Alkanet. Under N. O. 164. Acanthacese, a species of Ruellia, produces a blue dyeiu China called Trenching, a name the Chinese also apply to the Woad they obtain from / 'satis indir/otica. In Assam also a blue dye called Room is obtained, according to Griffith, from a species of Ruellia. (Lindley.) Under N. O. 176, Polygonacese, Polygonum tinctorum is cultivated in Europe for its blue dve, resembling Indigo ; and other species also yield it. Under N. O. 185, Thymehcese, Daphne Gnidium, and Passerina tinctoria of South Europe, yield a dye. The former is the Casia herba of the Ro- mans, and 6vp,\aia of Dioscorides. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE.E. SPURGEWORTS. Rottlera tinctoria. Rox. Dyers' Rottlera. Linn. Sijst. Dicecia Polyandria. The power on the capsule, Kamila, Capila. Vernacular. Poonag, Poonaga, Keshoor, Sans. Beng. Cumul, Hind. Toong, Beng. Shendree, By. Poonctgum, Corunga-mun-jemarum, Mai. Capilapodie, Tam. Vassuntagunda, Chendurapu, Veliga- rum, Kunkumapuova, Tel. Ham-par andcelia, Cey. Habitat. Concans, Travancore, Coromandel, Mysore. Remarks. See " Drugs." Ricinus Tanarius of Sumatra is used there as a dye. It is the Tanarius minor of Rumphius (lib. v. fig. 121). Crawfurd states that the Tanarius major of Ilumphius (lib. v. 122), which I cannot identify, is used also as a dye in Sumatra under the name of Laka. Cro~0))/tnra tinctoria (rjXiorpoTnov TO /xutpoi', Dios.) of South Europe is the source of Turnsole. - 301 DYES. N. O. 200. ARTOCARPACE^E. ARTOCARPADS. Urostigma religiosum. Miff. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. The colouring matter extracted from the Stick Lac, Lac Dye, Lac Lake. Vernacular. Pippula, Sans. Ashwertha, Beng. Pippul, Hind. Ani-peejnil, Beng. /trealu, Mai. Arasiim-mamm, Tarn. Ray, Raghie, Tel. Bogaha, Cey. Habitat. India, within and beyond the Ganges. Remarks. Of Western writers, first described by the Arabs (Aba Hanifa). Amongst the Indians it is cf immemorial renown, but I do not know in which of their books it is first noticed. The term Lac applied to Gum-lac by the Hindus, is tlie same as lac, an hundred thousand, from the multitude of insects found in it. Lac-lake, or Lac-dye, is dissolved out of the Lac with boiling water, and then obtained by evaporation. The colouring matter is derived from the female of Coccus Lacca. Other insects of this genus also afford a similar colouring matter. The female of Coccus Ilicis found on Quercus cocci/era, W. the Kermes Oak is Kermes ; the female of Coccus Cacti found on O/mntia cochiniUifera ; the Nopal of Mexico is Cochineal ; and the female of Coccus polonicus, found on the roots of Scleranthus perennis, according to some, but of Polygonum cocciferum according to others, and probably also other species of root-Cocci as they are called, are the Scarlet Grains of Poland. Cochineal was not known to Europeans before 1518, although often called Coccus Indicus tinctorius, and Ficus Indies grana : but similarly we speak of Maize as Indian and Turkey corn, of species of Tropceolum as Indian Cress, and call the Turkey by that name, and the French, Cocq d'lnde, although Turkeys, Indian Cress, and Maize are indigenous to America. Indian, in these and analgous instances, simply means rare, precious, large, and the like. Kermes, which before the introduction of Cochineal from America, was universally employed for dyeing scarlet, now obtained from the latter has been known and used from the earliest ages. It is the Tola of Moses, wherewith the hangings of the tabernacle and the sacred vest- ments of the Hebrew priesthood were twice dyed. Sardis was celebrated for this scarlet dye, as Tyre and Crete for their resplendent purples, the Tyrian being obtained from shell-fish (as was also the red (?) of Tarentum), and the Cretan tincture from a plant which Theophrastus, Dioscorides, and Pliny, respectively, call TO KQVTIOV $VK.OS, <})VKOS 6a\aa- Pers. Kootn, Beersoon, Arah. Cotn, Egynt. Bo/u/Saw, Greece. Bomaga, Ckloptscha-teja, Russia. Bomby, Caucasus. Cotone, Bombagia, Italy. Algodon, Spain. Algodno, Algodeiro, Portugal. Coton, France. Cotton England. Ketoen, Boomwol, Holland. Kdttun, Boumwolle, Ger- many. Bomold, Denmark. Bomull, Sweden. Habitat. India. Cultivated in China, Persia, Arabia, Syria, and the Mediterranean countries, and probably also in the interior of Africa, and in America. Remarks. Cotton is mentioned in the earliest books known. There would appear to be four species, viz. : G. indicum, Lam. which yields Dacca, Berar, and China Cotton. G. religiosum, Heyne, the source of Deo Kapas> or Nurma-rooi. G. barbadense, Linn, the source of Sea Island, Uplands, New Orleans, Mexican, West Indian, Egyptian, and Bourbon Cotton. G, peruvianum, Cav. the source of the Cotton of Peru, Pernambuco, Maranham, and Brazil. Nankeen-coloured cotton, and fuzzy, or free seeds are produced indiffer- ently by the above species. As regards the American species it is important to bear in mind that Cotton was found by Columbus in the West 315 FIBRES. Indies, and by Cortez in Mexico, and that it has been immemorially used in America for clothing, both cotton wool, and cotton fabrics having lately been discovered in the ancient tombs of Peru. Hibiscus cannabinus. Linn. Hemp-leaved Hibiscus. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. The fibre of the bark, Deckanee Hemp, or Ambaree. Vernacular. GarniJtura, Sans. Mesta-paut, Nalkee, Pulooa, Beng. Hind. Sunnee, Saharunpore. Wilaitee-sun, Muttra. Ambaree, Bombay. Punday, Pundrica, Can. Gong-kura, Tel. Palunyoo, Madras. Pooley-numajee, Coimbatore. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. First described by Piso and Marcgrave. The 'silk- cottons belong to N. O. 31. Sterculiaceee, but can be used only as stuffing. N. O. 33. TILIACE^E. LINDENBLOOMS. CorchorUS capSUlariS. Linn. Heart-leaved Corchorus. Corchorus olitorius. Linn. Bristly-leaved Corchorus. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. The fibre of the bark, Jute. Vernacular. C. olitorius 9 Putta, Sans. Pat, Koshta, Bhungee, Beng. Singginganascha, Hind. C. capsularis, Ghinalita, Pat, Koshta, Hind. The fibre, Jute, Beng. Habitat. C. capsularis, East Indies. C. olitorius, Intertropical Asia, Africa, and America. Remarks. C. olitorius, is commonly known under the name of Jew's Malloiv. It is mentioned in Job xxx. 4, and is the Kopxopos of the Greeks. Gunny is cloth made of Jute. Tlia europ&a, Linn, is the Lime or Linden from the bark of which the Bass or Bast of Russia is prepared. IN. O. 55. LINAGES. FLAXWORTS. Xanum usitatissimum. Linn. Common Flax. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Pentagynia. The fibre of the stalks, Flax. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. Egypt. Cultivated widely in Europe and India. Remarks. Although long cultivated for its oil seed, it is only during the last few years that any attempt has been to utilize its fibre in India, and that only on any scale in the Punjaub. Linen is first mentioned in Exodus ix. 31. It is mentioned also by Herodotus, Pliny, and many other writers of antiquity. 316 FIBRES. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Crotalaria juncea. Linn. Striated-stalked Crotalaria. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. The fibre of the bark, Sunn Hemp, Brown Hemp, Madras Hemp, Taag, Conkanee Hemp, Salsette or Bombay Hemp, Travancore Flax. Vernacular. Sana, Sans. Ghore-sun, Meesta-pat, Beng. Sunn, Hind. Taag (Ambaree ? Graham), By. Shanamoo, Tel. Kenna, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Probably referred to in the following passage of Manu (Book ii. page 44), " The sacrifical thread of a Brahmin must be of cotton, so as to be put on over his head in three strings ; that of a Cshatriya of Sana thread only ; that of a Vaisya of wolleu thread." Sana here, however, may mean Ambaree. The plant is first described by Van Rheede, of Western authorities. It is the Wuckoo-nar of Travancore. Jubbulpore Hemp is obtained from C. tenuifolia> Rox. The Dunchee fibre of Bengal is from the JEschynomene cannabina of Roxburgh. The Pativa, or Mawal fibre sent to the Great Exhibition, from Bhagulpore, was pre- pared from the bark of Bauhinia racemosa. N. O. 140. ASCLEPIADACE/E. ASCLEPIADS. Caiotropis gigaiitea. It. Brown. Curled-flowered Calotropis. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fibre of the Bark, Yercum. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India. Remarks. See " Drugs." This fibre is also now known in Europe under the names of Ak and Mudar, Hindoostani names of the plant. Yercum is one of its names amongst the Tamils. Dsemia extensa. Don. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Digynia. The fibre of the stem. Vernacular. Ootrum, Nizam's Dominions. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. The commcnest weed in the Deccan. It was first brought to my notice by Captain Meadows Taylor, who gained a medal for fibre pre- pared from it at the Madras Exhibition of 1855. Marsdenia tenacessima, \V. et A. is the source of the Bowstring Hemp of Rajmahl, or Jetee fibre. The bark of Cordia anyustifoUa, Don, N. O. 153. Cordiacese, is made 317 FIBRES. into ropes, near Severndroog (Buchanan, teste Royle). Nepaul paper is prepared from the fibres of Daphne cannabina, Loureiro, N. O. 135. Thymeliacese, the order of the Lace-bark tree, Lagetta lintearia, P. S. of Jamaica. N. O. 199. (JRTICACEyE. NETTLEWORTS. Cannabis saliva. W. Common Hemp. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Pentandria. The fibre of the bark, Hemp. Vernaculur. See " Drugs." Habitat. Caucasus, Hindoo-Koosh, Himalayas ; cultivated in Europe for its fibre, and in Africa and Asia for its narcotic pro- perties. Remarks. See " Drugs" and " Narcotics." Although widely culti- vated in India on account of its narcotic properties, fibre is not prepared here from this plant. See " herb Pantagruelion," Rabelais. Bcehmeria nivea, Gaud, seu Urtica tenacissima, Rox. is the source of the China- Grass, or Rheea fibre of commerce. The Eastern synonymes of this plant are : Rheea, Assam. Kunkhoora, Rungpore. Pan, Shaw. Goun, Burmah. Ramee, Malaya. Caloee, Sumatra. Inan, Bonoa. Gambe, Celebes. Chu-md t China. Tsjo, Karao, Japan. Urtica crenulata, Rox. Chor-putta or Surat, and U. heterophyUa, Rox. Horoo-surat are also amongst the fibrous plants of Assam. The latter Rovle states is also a native of the Concan, and it is also included in Dalzell's catalogue. The Pooah fibre of Nepaul is from Boehmeria frutescens, and the Mesakhee fibre of the Murrees is also from a Nettlewort. N. O. 200. ARTOCARPACE^:. ARTOCARPADS. Antiaris saccidora. Dalzell. Linn. Si/st. Polygamia Dioocia. Vernacular. Chandul, By. Araya-angely, Mai. Habitat. The ravines of the Western Ghats. Remarks. " It is common in the jungles, near Coorg, where the people manufacture very curious sacks from the bark, and by a most simple process, which will be hardly credited in Europe. A branch is cut corre- sponding to the length and breadth of the sack wanted. It is soaked a little, and then beaten wiih clubs until the liber separates from the wood. This done, the sack formed of the bark is turned inside out, and pulled down until the wood is sawed off with the exception of a small piece left to form the bottom of the sack, and which is carefully left untouched. These sacks are in general use amongst the villagers for carrying rice, and are sold for about six annas each." (Graham.) To this order belongs Brussonetia papyri/era, used in China and Japan for the manufacture of 313 FIBRES. Crape paper. The Rice paper of China is prepared from the pith of Ara~ lia papyrifera, N. O. 111. Hederacese ; and that of the Eastern Archi- pelago from Sccevola Taccada, N. O. 1L'2. Goodeniaceee. Manilla Hemp, the Abaca of the natives of the Philippine Islands, is prepared from Musa textilis, L. Nee, N. O. 235. Musacese. The fibres of Ananassa sativa, N- O. 241. Bromeliacese are also used in the manufacture of cordage, and Pine-apple cloth, various species of Bromelia and Tillandsia contributing a portion to the so-called Pine-apple fibre of commerce. Spanish Moss, or Barba Hispanica, is the fibre of Tillandsia usneoides, not however prepared artificially from the leaves, but produced naturally, in the place of leaves and roots. N. O. 242, Liliacese, affords several fibres, viz. New Zealand Flax, from Phormium tenax : Bowstring Hemp, from Sanseviera zeylanica, the Moorva of Bengal, and Marool of Madras : and Agave, or Pita from Agave vivipera, Buch. (A. Cantata, Rox. Aloe americana, Humph.), the Cantata or Hindoostan, and Petha of Madras, for although a native of tropical America, like the Parkinsonia americana, Cashew, Prickley-pear, and Argemone mexicana, it has become naturalized in India, in many parts giving a type to the landscape. N. O. 251. PAL1VLE. PALMS. COCOS nucifera. W. Common Cocoanut. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Hexandria. The fibre surrounding the nut, Coir. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Ejoo or Gomuti is the horsehair-like fibre found about the base of the leaves of Arenga sacchari- fera, Labill. The Tucum thread of the Brazilians of the Rio Nigro, and Upper Amazon, is prepared from the young leaves of Astrocaryum valgare, Mart, not to be confounded with A. Tucuma, Mart. From the outer portion of the leave- stalks of A. acauie, Mart, the natives of the Rio Nigro weave baskets. Piassaba, or Para-grass, is the fibre found about the base of the leaves of Attalea funifera, Mart. (Leopoldinia Piassaba, Wallace), which also supplies Coquilla nuts, of which parasol and door handles are often made. The leaves of the Gebang, Corypha Gebanga, Blume, of Java, are made there into hats, clothing, nets, bags, and baskets, the industry giving employment to " thousands of boys and girls." The leaves of Eugeissonia tristis, Griffith, in Penang, as those of Nip a fruticans, Thunb. (sometimes placed under N. O. 255. Pandanacese) in the Eastern Archipelago, are woven into mats. In Carolina and Florida, hats are made of the leaves of the Palmetto, Sabal Palmetto, Lodd. Canes are the stems of species of Calamus. C. Draco, W. is believed to yield the white and brown Manilla Dragons 5 Canes of commerce : C. scipionum, Lour, the so-called 319 FIBRES. " Malacca Canes'* of Sumatra, and C. Rotang, Linn, and other species the common rattans of commerce. " Penang Lawyers" are the young stems of Licuala acutijicla, Mart, of the Eastern Archipelago. The vulgar designation is not complimentary to the sticks. N. O. 266. GRAMINE^E. GRASSES. Saccharum spontaneum. Linn. Linn. Syst. Triandria Digynia. The culm. Vernacular. Kasha, Sans. Kashiya, Beng. Kctgara, Hind. Kahn, Sindh. Relloogaddy, Tel. Habitat. India. Remarks. Sir W. Jones writes (Asiat. Res. IV. p, 248) : " This beau- tiful and superb grass is highly celebrated in the Puranas, the Indian God of war having been born in a grove of it which burst into a flame." He attaches to it the Sanscrit synonyme of Sara, and observes : " The Casd t vulgarly Casia, has a shorter culm, leaves much narrower, longer, and thicker hairs, but a smaller panicle, less compounded, without the purplish tints of the Sara. It is often described, with praise by the Hindoo poets for the whiteness of its blossoms, which give a large plain at some distance the appearance of a broad river. Both plants are extremely use- ful to the Indians, who harden the internodal parts of the culms, and cut them into implements for writing on their polished paper. From the munja or culm of the Sara was made the maunji, a holy thread, ordained by MENU to form the sacerdotal girdle, in preference even to the Cusa- grass." In these passages Sir W. Jones apparently refers to three distinct spe- cies. His Casd is evidently S. spontaneum, Linn, to which he has, it would seem wrongly applied the synonyme of Sara, the S. Sara of Roxburgh, or Pen-reed Grass of Anglo-Indians. S. Munja, Rox. is the true Munja. For Cusa, see " Miscellaneous Class." The Sur of Sindh, Boyle conjectures may be Arundo Karka, Linn, of which the Durma mats of Bengal are made. Various Rushes, N. O. 250, are used in different parts of the world for chair-bottoms, baskets, mats, and Japan mats are said to be made of Juncus effusus, a native also of Europe. Of Bulrushes, N. O. 256, the leaves of Typha elephanlina, Rox. the Pun, and Booree of Sindh, are used in that country for mats and baskets. Of Sedges, N. O. 265, Eriophorwm cannabinum, the Bha- bur, or Bhaburee of Hindoostan, is used everywhere along the Himalayas for making ropes, and the elegant shining mats for which Calcutta is celebrated are made of Papyrus Pangorei, Nees ab Esen. Papyrus anti- quorum of the Nile (translated Bulrush, and Hush, in the Bible), is the Sedge from the pith of which the ancients made paper. What are China, and Zanzibar mats, and the lambas of Madagascar, made of? Thatch, 320 FIBRES. broom, and dry-fence plants have been omitted, as also all plants any part of winch may be used for clothing, without preparation, as the leaf of Licuala peltnta, Rox. the Chattah-pat of the Assamese, and of Livistonia jenkinsiana, Griff, also a Palm, the Toko-pat of the same people, both being used by them as hats, as to do so would immoderately extend this work. 321 DIVISION I. Class 4. H. WOODS. N. O. 4. ANNONACE^:. ANONADS. Guatteria cerasoides. Dunal. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Polygynia. ROOM. Vernacular. Hoom, By. Chettaduduga, Tel. Remarks. Found in the coast forests of Western India. The wood is used in general carpentry, and for boat spars. The LANCE-WOOD of Cuba, and Guiana is produced by Duguetia quitarensis, Benth. N. O. 30. MALVACEAE. MALLOW-WORTS. Thespesia populnea. W. et A. Poplar-leaved Hibiscus. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. BENDY. Vernacular. Sooparshavaka, Sans. Porush, Beng. Hind. Paris, Parispipal, Hind. Bendy, By. Poursanghai, Tarn. Gangari, Tel. Sooriya-gaha, Cey. Habitat. Eastern Archipelago. Remarks. First described by Van Rheede, but evidently introduced by the Portuguese from the Eastern Archipelago. It is found in the coast forests, the wood being used for wheels, and boat timbers, and the shoots as rafters. N. O. 31. STERCULIACE^E. STERCULIADS. Salmalia malabarica. S. et E. Red Silk- Cotton Tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Polyandria. SAUR. Vernacular. Salmali, Sans. Ruckta-sembul, Hind. Saur, Dec. Moul-elavoo, Mai. Elavum-marum, Pula-marum, Tarn. Buraaa, Tel. Mahatelambu, Cey. 323 WOODS. Remarks. First mentioned by Van Rheede. Found both inland, and on our coast, the wood being used for light packing-boxes, and fishing floats. Sterculia fcetida. W. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Dodecandria. BASTARD POON. Vernacular. Jiingli-badam, Vul-g. Kudra-phikfat, Pinari-marum, Tarn. Gurrupu-badam-chettU} Tel. Habitat. Central and Southern India. Remarks. First described by Plukenet. Dalzell does not mention it in his Catalogue of Indigenous Plants, but Dr. Gibson mentions that it is found about cultivated holdings on the coast within this Government. South of Sawunt Warree it is very plentiful. It is used for boat spars in lieu of POON N. O. 42, infra. Under N. (X 22. Byttneriacese, Pter- ospermum indicum is the tree which yields AMBOYNA, or KYABUCA-WOOD. Under N. O. 33. Tiliacese, Berry a Antmonilla, produces the TKINCO- MALLEE-WOOD, of which the Massula beats of Madias are made. SAUL. is produced by Shorea robusta, of India. N. O. 40. AURANTIACE^l. CITRONWORTS. Feronia elephanlum. C. de S. Indian Elephant Apple. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. KAWTHA. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Remarks. Used in building. ORANGE-WOOD, is produced by Citrus Aurantivm. The Citrus -wood of the ancienls was produced by Callitris quadrivalvis, Vent. Jointed Arbor-Fitce, a Conifer. N. 0. 42. GUTTIFEIUE. GUTTIFERS. Calophyllum angustifolium. Rox. Linn. Syst* Polyandria Monogynia, POON. Vernacular. Poon, Malabar, Habitat. Prince of Wales' Island, Malabar, Mysore. Remarks. Dalzell states it is to be found at Neel-goond and Woolwee Ghats, S.W. from Dharwar, but the tree is everywhere becoming scarce, and calls for strict conservation. BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE, and CURLY MAPLE are varieties of Acer saccharinum, N. O. 47. Aceracese. 324 WOODS. N. 0. 48. SAPINDACE.E. SOAPWORTS. Sleichera trijuga. W. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia. KOOSUM. Vernacular. Koosum, By. Remarks. Found in the North Concan, the wood being used for making screw -rollers for mills and presses. N. O. 50. MELIACE^E. MELIADS. Azadirachta indica. A. de Juss. Ash-leaved Bead-tree. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. NEEM. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Remarks. First described by Brevnius. The tree is common every- where, and is used in building. BUKAYAN used for rafters, is M. sempirvirens, W. Dr. Gibson mentions M. superba with the synonyme NIMBARA, as producing a good wood in this Government. I find no other reference to it. N. O. 52. CEDRELACE^E. CEDRELADS. Cedrela Toona. Rox. Indian Bastard Cedar. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. TOON. KOORUK. Vernacular. Tuna, Cuveraca, Sans. Toon, Lood, Beng. Hind. Tarn. Kooruk, By. Tunda, Can. Habitat. Bengal, and the North Eastern provinces. Remarks. Found about Rajpooree creek, and used as a Cabinet-wood. Cedrela odorato, produces the CEDAR of Jamaica and Honduras. The RED CEDAR of Virginia, and the American PENCIL, CEDAR, are the products of Conifers, as is also the CEDAR of Lebanon. See N. 0. 220. Chickrassia tabularis. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. CHTCKRASSI. PUBHA. Vernacular. Chickrassi, Beng. Pubha, By. Ayle-marum, Tarn. Habitat. Chittagong. Remarks. Stated as indigenous by Dr. Gibson, but not by Dalzell. It affords a valuable cabinet-wood. 325 WOODS. Chloroxylon Swietenia. De C. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. SATIN-WOOD. BILLOO. Vernacular. Hulda, Billoo, By. Kodawa-pursh, Moodudad, Vum- maray, Tarn. Billoo, Tel. Boor ooch-g aha, Cey. Habitat. India. Remarks. Found in this Government in the Padshapoor jungles and those of the upper Mool. It produces a beautiful cabinet-wood. The light, canary SATIN-WOOD of America is said to be produced by Maba guianensis: N. O. 133. Ebenacese. MAHOGANY is the wood of Swie- tenia Mahagoni of Honduras, and the West India islands. Soymida febrifllga. Juss. Febrifuge Soymida. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Decandria. ROHUN. Vernacular. Rohuna, Patranga, Sans. Rohun, Hind. Rouen, Ruhin, Dec. Swamy, Can. Woondmarum, Shemmarum, Choar- kalli-marum, Tarn. Somida, Sumi, Tel. Habitat. The mountains of India. Remarks. Found in this Presidency only on the Satpooras. It yields a valuable cabinet-wood, sometimes called RED-WOOD, or BASTARD CEDAR. See Cedrela Toona. LIGNUM VIT.E is produced by Guaiacum officinale of Jamaica, N. O. 62. Zygophyllacese. N. O. 66. SIMARUBACE^. QUASSIA DS. Ailanthus excelsa. Indian Ailanthus. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. MAROOK. Vernacular. Aralu, Sans. Marook, By. Peru-mar am, Tarn. Peddu- manu, Tel. Remarks. Found in the ravines of the Deccan and Guzerat, and but little used except for sword-handles. N. O. 68. CELASTRACE/E. SPINDLE-TREES. Celastrus montanus. Rox. Linn. Syst. Pentandria lUonogynia. MALKUNGANEE. Vernacular. Malkunganee, Hind. Dec. Faluluvy, Pedda-chintoo, Tarn. Bavungie, Tel. Remarks. Found on the barren hills of the Deccan, and valuable for tile-dunnage. 326 WOODS. Euonymus garcinifolia. Linn. Sys(. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular Mori, Sylhet. Nooe, Nepal. Habitat. Sylhet. Remarks. Dr. Gibson says it is used in North Canara for rafters, but Cleghorn does not confirm this. N. O. 70. RHAMNACE/E. RHAMNADS. Zizyphus Jujuba. Lam. Blunt-leaved Zizyphus. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. BOR. BHER. Vernacular. See. " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. North Africa, Arabia, and India. Remarks. Found by river banks. The wood is used chiefly for sandals, and saddle-trees, but would do for sleepers. N. O. 74 LEGUMINOS^E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Acacia arabica. W. Gum Arabic-tree. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. BABOOL. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India, Arabia, Egypt, Senegal. Remarks. See " Drugs." Very common inland, and chiefly used for wheels and charcoal. The Shitiim wood of the Bible is referred to this tree. Acacia Catechu. W. Medicinal Acacia. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Moncecia. KHAIR. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. The East and West Indies. Remarks. See "Drugs." The commonest tree on the sea faye of the Western Ghats. The wood is used for uprights for houses. Acacia Lebbek, W. Egyptian Acacia. Acacia Odoratissima. W. Fragrant Acacia. Linn. Sytt. Polygamia Monoecia. SIRRXJS. Vernacular. A. Lebbek, Siris, Sans, Beng. Hind. Strut, 327 WOODS. Dec. Vel-venge, Tarn. Dirasana, Tel. A. odoratissima, Ran-sirrus, Dec. Stefa-marum, Karu-venge, Tarn. Shinduga^Tel. Habitat. A. Lelbek, Egypt, India. A. odoratissima^ East Indies. Remarks. The first plant is Roxburgh's Mimosa Sirissa, and the second his M. odoratissima. A. speciosa is also a synonyme of the first. Both are fine trees, with a hard, light wood, of general service. A. formosa produces the SABICU wood of Cuba, used for the stairs of the Great Exhibition of 1851. Butea frondosa. Rox. Downy-branch Butea, Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. PALAS. Venacular. See " Drugs" and " Dyes." Remarks. Used in house-building in Guzerat. Dalbergia latifolia. Rox. Broad-leaved Dalbergia. Linn. Syft. Diadelphia Decandria. BLACKWOOD, SEESOO. EAST INDIAN EBONY. Vernacular. Sit-sal, Beng. Seesoo, By. Bid, Can. Erupothi, Tarn. Irugudu-chettu, Tel. Remarks. Found in our coast forests, and one of the largest mountain trees in India. BLACKWOOD is also produced by D. sissoides, not found in this Government. The Sissoo of Bengal is D. Sissoo, and the wood is used there for gun-carriages. Our BLACKWOOD is a first class cabinet-wood, the well known Blackwood furniture of Bombay, being made of it. Dalbergia oogeinensis. Rox. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. TUNNUS. TEWUS. Vernacular. Tinisha, Sejanduna, Sans. Tunnus, Tewus, By. Remarks. Found both in our coast, and inland forests : the wood is used in building, and for carts and ploughs. " The pillars of Madajee Scindia's palace at Oojein are made of it." (Rox.) Dalbergia paniculata. Rox. Panicled Dalbergia. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria, PHASEE. Vernacular. Phasee, By. Hasur-gunni, Can. Pafsuroo, Tel. Remarks. Found both in the coast and inland forests, and used as TUNNUS. 328 WOODS. Erythrina illdica. Lam. Indian Coral Tree. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. PANGREE. Vernacular. Mundara, Sans. Palta mandar, Beng. Hind. Fur- rud, Hind. Pangree, By. Mooloo-moorikak, Mai. MuruJta- marum, Tarn. Badidil-chettu, Tel. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Yields the MUCHIE-WOOD of Madras. Toys and sword scabbards are made of it, and it is admirably adapted for trie latter. The seeds cf an Abyssinian species of this genus are called Carat in that country, where they have been immemorially used for weighing gold, whence the modern term carat, according to Bruce. The Coral-plant of Anglo-Indians is Jatropha multijida, N. O. 195. Hardwickia biiiata. Rox. Linn. Syst. Decandvia Monogynia. ANJUN. Vernacular. Anjun, By. Caratchu, Can. Acha t Atti, Tarn. Yepi, Nellore, Masulipatam, Guntur. Habitat. Coromandel. Remarks. Found in the Padshapoor jungles. Acha is a Tamil name also for Diospyros ebenastcr, N. O. 133. Anjun, is a name of Memecylon tinctorium, N. O. 82, infra. Pterocarpus marsupium. Rox. Emarginate-leaved, or Indian Kino-tree. Linn. Syst. Diadelphia Decandria. BEEBLA. HOONEE. Vernacular. See " Drugs " and " Gums and Resins." Remarks. Found in the inland forests chiefly, and much used for building. Tamarindus indica. Linn. Common Tamarind. Linn. Syst. Monadelphia Triandria. AMBLEE. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Remarks. Found about old temples ; the heart wood is very strong, and adapted for a variety of purposes. The LOCUST-WOOD of North America is produced by Robinia pseud 1 -Acacia, the ROSE-WOOD of Brazil from several undetermined species of Triptolomcea, a genus which probably also furnishes the VIOLET-WOOD and KING-WOOD of that country. Mora excelsa furnishes the MORA- WOOD, and Copaiba pubi- fora, the PURPLE -HEART of Guiana. 329 pp ' WOODS. N. O. 78. LYTJIRACE/E. LOOSESTRIFES. Lagersircemia parvifiora. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. BENTEAK. NANAH. BONDARA. Vernacular. Nanah, By. Fentaku, Can. Cuteka-catta-marum, Tarn. Chinangee, Tel. Remarks. Common in our forests, but more so south of Savitree. The wood is much used in the Dockyard. Dr. Gibson gives fio?iilara, as a native synonvme of South Concan. Lagerstrcemia fios-reginae. Retz. Oblong-leaved Lagerstrcemia. Linn, Syst. Polyandria Monogynia. TAMAN, MOTABONDARA. Vernacular. Arjuna, Sans. Jarool, Beng. Hind. Taman, By. Mota-bondara, S. Ccncan? Remarks. First described by Van-Rheede. Found chiefly South of the Savitree ; and the wood is chiefly used for boat knees, Arjuna and Arjoon are names of species of Terminalia t N. O. 81, infra. N. O. 79. RHIZOPHORACEJE. MANGROVES. Carallia integerrima. Be. C. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. PHUNSEE. Vernacular. Phunsee, By. Remarks. Found in the South Concan, and used in turnery. N. O. 81. COMBRETACE^E. MYROBALANS. Terminalia Arjuna. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. ARJUN-SADURA. Vernacular. Arjvna, Kukhooba, Sans. Urjoon, Beng. Cahua, Hind. Arjun-sadara, By, Remarks. Found of great size in the Belgaum and Soonda forests. Terminalia glabra. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Deeandria Monogyuia. AEEN. Vernacular. Aeen, Maitree, By. 330 WOODS. Remarks. Abundant in all the coast jungles, and also above the Ghiits ; and the wood is very valuable for building and other purposes. There is much confusion regarding the botanical synonymes of this tree, which I have not been ame to unravel, and consequently "the native names, except the local, are omitted. Terminalia paniculata. W. et A. Linn, Syst. Decandria Monogynia. KEENJUL. Vernacular. Keenjul, By. Pflarak Tel. Dcedi-fcaka, Cey. Remarks. Common above the Ghats, and used for agricultural pur- poses. Anjun is a native name of Hardwickici Lwata, N. O. 7-4, supra ; and Kurpaof Cvpania cavescens, N. 0. 48 ; zndlJarrinytoma acutanyula, N. O. 88. N. O. 85. JV1YRTACE.E. MYRTLE BLOOMS. Syzygiuna Jambolanum. W. et A. Linn. Syst. Icosandria Monogynia. JAMBOOL. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Remarks. Found in the Ghats and Concan forests. Being a fruit tree it should not perhaps be catalogued here ; but its wood, like that of the Jaca (Phuuus, Dec.), is so much used on account of its excellence, that as in the case of the latter, exception must be made to the rule which would exclude it. The wood of S. salicifolium, Wall. Pan-jambool is also used, according to Dalzell, for rafters in this Presidency ; but Dr. Gibson does not mention it. Dr. Gibson states that the wood of S. cary- ojrfiyltKum, Gsert. Rat-jambool, is equal to JAMBOOL, but it is only found south of the Savitree. Metrosideros vera, produces the IRON-WOOD of China; and Eucalyptus resinifera, the RED GUM-WOOD j and 2?. the BLUE GUM-WOOD of Australia. - 331 WOODS. N. O. 115. CINCHONACE^E. CINCHONADS. Morinda citrifolia. Linn. Broad-leaved Morinda. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. AL. BARTONDIE. Vernacular. See " Dyes." Remarks. Found about villages in the Deccan, and used fur door shutters, &c. Nauclea ccrdifolia. W. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. HEDOO. Vernacular. Keli-kudum, Beng. Iledoo, By. Hedde, Can. Manja- cadamba, Tarn. Dadaga, Tel. Remarks. Found in the coast forests. The wood is very inferior, and used for packing-boxes for opium. Nauclea parviflora. W. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. KUDDUM. Vernacular. Kuddum, By. Bota-Kudumee, Tel. Remarks. Found in the coast forests, and used for gun-stalks. The Kuddum of Bengal is N. Cadumba, Rox. Guettarda spedosa produces the ZEBRA-WOOD of the West Indies. N. 0.133. EBENACE.E. EBENADS. Diospyros melanoxylon. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Dicecia. EBONY. ABNOOS. Vernacular. Kakindoo, Sans. Kiew, Kendoo, Beng. Tiuduo, Hind. Abnoos, By. Tambali, Tarn. Tumida, Tel. Habitat. India, Ceylon. Remarks. Found in this Presidency, only in North Canara. It is one of the trees which produce EBONY. This plant is figured Rox. Cor. fig. 40'. The wood is black, and variegated. The other species producing EBONY are D. Ebenum, Retz. (Hebenaster, Rumph. Amb. 3 fig. 6 ?) of Ceylon, and the Moluccas, the wood of which is perfectly black: D. Ebenaster, Retz. said to be found about Calcutta, and probably the same species as I). Ebenum; D. tomentosa, Poir. (non Rox.; ; and probably others. The tree which produces African Ebony is unknown. Ebony is mentioned bv Ezekiel, with ivory as the merchandize 332 WOODS. of the men of Dedan ; and was familiar to the Greeks and Romans. D. hirsuta, Linn, of Ceylon, perhaps identical with Wallich's D. dubitt, produces CALAMANDER, or COROMANDEL-WOOD. Maba yuianensis pro- duces the SATIN-WOOD of America. It is allied, according to Dalzell, to our M. niyrescens, Dalz. Rvgtroora. N. O. 135. SAPOTACEJE. SAPOTADS. Bassia latifO-ia. Rox. Broad-leaved Bassia. Bassia longifclia. W. Long-leaved Bassia. Linn. Syst. Dodecandria Monogynia. MHOWA. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables" and " Oils and Oil Seeds.'* Remarks. B. latifolia is found in the Concans, but much more plentifully in Guzerat and Rajwarra. B. lonyifolia is found only in Dharwar and North Canara, and probably is incorrectly coupled by Dr. Gibson as a source of MHOWA- WOOD. Achras Sapota produces the BULLY-WOOD, or BLACK BULLY of America. Under N. O. 138. Oleaceee, the PARTRIDGE-WOOD of the West Indies and Brazils, is said to be pro- duced by Heist eria coccinea ; but it is probably the wood of a legu- minous plant. N. O. 144. BIGNONIACEJE. BIGNONIADS. Heterophragma chelonoides. De. C. Tree Trumpet Flower. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. PADRI. Vernacular. Padri, Padel, By. Mai. Ponpadyrce, Tarn. Tayada, Kaliyhootroo, Tel. Ela-palol y Cey. Remarks. Common on the Ghats ; and the wood is high coloured, hard, and durable, and useful for general purposes. Heterophragma roxburghii. De C. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. WURUS. Vernacular. Wurus, By. Remarks. Very common on the Ghats, and the wood is used for planks, and beams. It is Roxburgh's Biynonia quadrilocularis. Heterophragma suaveolens. De C. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. PURUL. 333 WOODS. Vernacular. Patuli, Sans. Parul, Beng, By. Ghunta, Mooy y Beng. Panda, Hind. Remarks. Common in the Dandclly jungles. The wood is strong and serviceable. Spathodea rheedii. Spreng. Linn. Syst. Dklynamia Angiospermia. MERSINGEE. Vernacular. Mer singes, By. Nir~pongeHon y Mai. Woodi, Tel. Remarks. Found in the inland forests. The wood is used in turnery. Tecoma undulata. Don. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospermia. RUGTRORA. Vernacular. Rugtrorn, By. Khew, Sindli. Remarks. Very rare. The wood is strong and durable, but ifs use is limited from its small size. Rugtrora is a native name also of' Rttamnus wiyhtii, N. O. 70; Soymida febrifuya, N. O. 52; M.aba niyresceits, N. O. 133, and Polyyonum ylabrum, N. O. I/O. Calosanthes indica, Blurne, the Tetoo of Bombay, although enumerated by Dr. Gibson is worthless as regards its wood. Biynonia xylocar^a, Itox. our Khursiny, the B air sing ty of Kandeish (Graham), is also more useful on accjuat of the oil yielded by its wood, than for its timber. N. O. 162. VERBENACE/E. VERHENES. Gmelina arborea. Rox. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Gymnospermia. SHEWUN. Vernacular. Gumbharee, Sans. Gumhar, Beng. Hind. Shewnn, By. Cummy-maruniy Tarn. Gumudu-chettu, Tel. jEt-damata, Cey. Remarks. Found in the forests below the Ghats. The wood is used for carriage pannels. Tectona grandis. Linn. Great Teak. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia, TEAK. SAGWAN. Vernacular. Segoon, Bens;. Hind. Say wan, By. JaafJi, Can. Tekka, Mai. Cey. Thaikoo, Tain. Teka, Tel. Jati, Malaya. Habitat. The East Indies. Remarks. Found in Western India in a chain of forests along the 334 WOODS. Ghfits from Kandeisli to Travancore. The Dane! oily forest south of Dhar- war is the largest. TEAK is the most useful of all the woods of Southern Asia. aliiSSima. Linn. Tall Chaste-tree. Linn. Syst. Didynamia Angiospmnia. Vernacular. Remarks. Found along the rivers of the Southern Concan. It produces a good cabinet-wood, hut little used. The CAMPHOR-WOOD of China is produced by Laurus camphora and the GREENHEART of Demerara, by Nectandra rodicvi, N. O. 178. The latter is the Bibiru tree. N. O. 190. SANTALACE/E. SANDALWORTS. Santaium album. Linn. True Sandahvood. Linn. Syst. Tetrandria Monogynia. SANDALWOOD. SUNDEL. Vernacular. Chandana, Gandhasara, Malayaja, Bhadrasri, Sans. Chanduna, Ben^. Hind. Malaya. Ghundasaru, Sans. Chundoie, Hind. Sundel, Dec. Tsjandana-marum, Mai. Gandaya, Can. Sandanum, Tarn. Tel. Rat-hihiri, Cey. Sundul-abiyaz, Arab. Sundul-safeid, Fers. Habitat. The mountains of the Indian Peninsula, and the Eastern Archipelago. llvnarks. Philologists by an infinity of transpositions make this the Alyuinmim or Almuyyim wood, brought by Hiram's navy from Ophir. Thus Max Muller, in his popular account of the identification of Malabar with the Ophir of the ancients, observes that the names for apes, peacocks, wary, and alyum-trees, are foreign words in Hebrew, as tobacco and yutta perclia are in English ; and that a/yum is clearly the Sanscrit valguka, one of the numerous names of Sandalwood in Malabar, where only it is found indigenous. This may be true. But Sandalwood is indigenous to the Eastern Archipelago, and that from Malaya is held in the best esteem throughout India. I have recently seen it argued that Malabar must be Ophir, because, in addition to Lassen's proof, M. Le Soauf would find gold there ; but the largest of les ceufs d'or of the Gold Company's protracted gestation sent me is unmitigated pyrites, and another mica. It is undoubt- edly one Sundul of Avicenna. The variety S. album, /3 myrtifolium y De C. is found in the Circars, and its wood is less precious. The San- dalwood forests of Western India extend uninterruptedly from a little to the South of the Teak forest of Dandelly and Sunda to the Northern slopes at the Nilgheris, lying the whole way above the Ghats. S. freycinetianum, Gaud, yields the SANDALWOOD of the Sandwich isles. 335 WOODS. N. O. 195. EUPHORBIACE.E. Briedelia spinosa. W. Prickley Briedelia. Linn. Syst. Polygamia Monoecia. ASUNA. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Remarks. Found inland on the coast in standing water ; is vised for well frames. Euphorbia TirUCalli. Linn. Indian Tree-spurge. Linn. Sytt. Decandria Trigynia. SEYR. TEJ. Vernacular. Lunka-sij, Beng. Seyr, Tej, By. (Gibson). Tiru- calli, Mai. Tam. Remarks. The Milk bush of Anglo- Indians. When found of sufficient size the wood is used for tile, and terrace dunnage. Putranjiva roxburghii. Wall. Linn. Sytt. Dioecia Pentandria. JEEWUNPOOTR. Vernacular. Jecwunpootr, By. Pongalam, Mai. Kerdrajuree, Tel. Remarks. The Wild Olive of Anglo-Indians. It is found on the coast, and used by the turner. Rottlera tinctoria. Rox. Dyer's Rottlera. Linn. Syst. Dicecia Polyandria. SENDREE. Vernacular. See " Drugs " and " Dyes." Remarks. Found both inland and on coast. The wood is useful as it is not readily attacked by worms. Buxvs balearica, produces the BOX-WOOD of Turkey, and Oldfieldia africana, AFRICAN OAK, or AFRICAN TEAK. N. O. 200. ARTOCARPACEJil. ARTOCARPADS. Artocarpus hirsuta. Lam, Linn. Syst, Monoecia Monandria. ANGELI. Venacular. Ran-phunnus, By. Ai/enee, Ansjeli, Mai. Angeli, Tam. Remarks. Found in Pnnt Suchew's country, and in the forests of 336 WOODS. Malabar and Travancore. The wood is excellent for house and ship- building, and has lately been brought prominently to notice by Dr. Cleghorn. Artocarpus integrifolia. W. Jaca. Linn. S>/st. Moncecia Monandria. JACKWOOD. PHUNNUS. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Very common in the coast forests. The wood is excellent, resembling MAHOGANY as it ages, and was used in Bombay for furniture until superseded by BLACKWOOD. Piratinera guianensis yields the SNAKE-WOOD or LETTER-WOOD of South America. The different kinds of oAK-w r ooo and BIRCH belong to N. O. 212. The Australian woods, BEEF-WOOD, BOTANY BAY OAK, HE-OAK, and SHE-OAK, are produced by different species of Casuarina, N, O. 213. C. equisetifolia, the source of HE-OAK is now very common in Bombay. WALNUT is produced by Juglans regia, N. O. 215, an order yielding also HICKORY-WOOD. N. O. 220, Coniferse produces the various kinds of DEAL, and CEDAR from Cedrus Libani, RED or PENCIL CEDAR from Juniperus bermundiana, and VIRGINIAN RED CEDAR from J. virginiana, (the CEDAR of Jamaica and Honduras belongs to N. O. 52. v. supra) ; and NEW ZEALAND, or COWDIE PINE, from Dammara australis. The HUON PINE of Australia is produced by Dacrydium franktinii t N. O. 221, Taxacese. N. O. 251. PA1JVLE. PALMS. Borassus flabeliiformis. W. Fan-leaved Borassus. Palmyra. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Ilexandria. TAR, Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Found along the coast, and used for building. Caryota Urens. W. Torn-leaved Caryota. Linn. Kyst. Moncecia Polyandria. MAHR. Vernacular. Merlee-Mahr, By. Kitul, Cey. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Found along the Ghats, and used for water conduits. 337 Q WOODS. COCOS nucifera. W. Common Cocoanut Tree. Linn. Syst. Moncecia Hexandria. PALMYRA-WOOD. PORCUPINE-WOOD. Vernacular. See " Fruits and Vegetables." Remarks. Found on the coast and inland, and used for water conduits. PALMYRA, or PORCUPINE-W T OOD, although chiefly produced by C. nucifera, is obtained also from other Palms. The cocos, or KOKRA- WOOD of the West Indies, is not a Palm-wood, nor is the tree which produces it known. Phoenix sylvestris. Rox. Wood Date Palm. Linn. Syst. Dioecia Triandria. SINDEE. Vernacular. See " Narcotics." Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Found inland and on the coast, and used for water channels. N. O. 266. GRAMINE^E. GRASSES. Bambusa arundinacea. Schreb. Common Bamboo Cane. Linn, Sytt. Hexandria Monogyuia. BAMBOO. MANDGAY. Vernacular. See " Drugs." Remarks. Dalzell gives three other species, common in Bombay. B. stricta. Rox. BAS. OODHA. Used for boar-spears. B. vulgaris. Schreb. KULLUCK. BAMBOO. B. arundo. Klein, CHIWAREE, the source of " Mahableshwur sticks." The uses of the Bamboo are almost infinite. In the above list of local woods, I have restricted myself to those enumerated by Dr. Gibson, as the best practical authority on the subject. It would have been easy to have given a much more copious list, but the effect would be to cause disappointment to practical men. Woods, like fibres, are required in large quantities, and of undoubted quality, as regards either their fineness, lightness, or most commonly, strength : and it would be worse then useless, therefore, to refer to kinds which are either worth- less, or mere curiosities. 338 DIVISION I. Class 4. J. MISCELLANEOUS. N. O. 33. TILIACE^E. L1NDENBLOOMS. Elseoearpus Ganitrus. Rox. Linn. Syst. Polyanclria Monogynia. Vcnacular. Roodrahsha, Sans. Dec. Roodrahya,, Beng. Habitat. East Indies. Remarks. Rare in Western India ; and the stone, worn as necklaces by the Sheevas, and fakirs, is imported in large quantities from Singapore. The Vishnoovas wear necklaces of Toolsie (Ocymum sanctum, W. N. O. 161) root, or stalks. N. O. 48. SAPINDACE^. SOAPWORTS. Sapindus emarginatus. Vahl. Emaryinated Soap-berry. Linn. Syst. Octandria Monogynia Vernacular. See " Drugs." Habitat. India. Remarks. The fruit under the name of Rita is used for washing the hair, the pulp round the seed being saponaceous, whence its generic name, quasi sapo indicus. S. Saponaria, W. Common Soap-berry (Bacca Bcrmudensis} of the West Indies is better known in Europe, where the seeds were formerly imported for waistcoat buttons. In America the fruit is used for washing, as is the fruit of other species of this genus elsewhere. There are several other saponaceous plants. In Jamaica soap is prepared from the leaves of Agave vivipera, N. O. 242 : the fruit of Bromelia Pen- guin, N. O. 241, is also used for washing in the West Indies ; and the bark of Quillaja Saponaria, N. O. 76, in Chili. In India the pods of Acacia concinna, De C. Sicakai, N. O. 74 V are also commonly used, and in Europe different species of Gypsophila and Soponaria, N. O. 28. Caryophyllacese. I have also in the Museum a saponaceous leguminous fruit from China, which as yet 1 have not been able to identify. The ancients were not familiar with the use of soap except as a sort of pomade, 311 MISCELLANEOUS. and used instead a number of substances from the mineral, vegetable, and even animal kingdom. The best of these substitutes among minerals were Nitron or Litron, and Konia ; the former probably carbonate of soda, and the latter a lye of potash; and amongst vegetables the plant called o-TpovOibv by tbe Greeks, and Rndicula, and Ilerba lanaria, by the Romans, and identified by some with the Gypsophila Struthium of botanists, and by others with their Saponaria offidnalis, both Clove - worts. Less legitimate, but probably more used ; substitutes were ointments and other preparations of all kinds of odoriferous gums and resins, roots, woods, and herbs. These were frequently carried about the person in little caskets called alabastra from their being often made of alabaster. In the passages of the Bible : " The Lord will take away the tablets, and it shall come to pass that instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stink :" and, " All thy garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad :" the words " tablets" and "ivory palaces" refer to perfume cases. N. O. 70. RHAMNACE^E. RHAMNADS. Zizyphus xylopyra. W. Linn. Syst. Pentandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Sootee, By. Habitat. India. Remarks. The wood is used for torches, as is also that of Ixora parviflora, Vahl. N. O. 115. Cinchonacese. The fruit is also used for blackening leather. N. O. 74. LEGUMINOS.E. LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Acacia concinna. De C. See " N. O. 48." Abrus precatorius. Linn. See " Drugs." Adenanthera pavonina. W. See " Dyes." Remarks. The seeds of both these plants, and particularly those of the first are used as jewellers' weights. The seeds of the first (Gunja, Sans. Goonch, By.) weigh on an average gr. l-f^, apothecary's weight. In Hindoo medical books the seeds are called rattica, and ten rattica are said to equal one mashaca, and eight mdshaca to one tola. See Erythrina indica, under "Woods." Bauhmia parviflora. Vahl. Small-flowered Mountain Ebony. Linn. Syst. Decandria Monogynia. Vernacular. Tana-raja, Sans. Apta, Wuna-raja, By. Areha* marum, Tarn. Arr2 30 14 5 -> 7 430 10 192 8 11 00 1 27 1 029 18 10 903 36 305 10 7 13 85 19 12 31 781 17 16 4 523 12 11 2 32 19 12 57 7 1 '! 17 04 6 3t?9 3 14 4 007 6 8 3 07 79.3 3 13 2 991 10 O 1 31 837 15 18 l 1 630 1 15g 1 361 8 13 3 4 04^ 12 5g 1 ()' 417 13 5 14 381 17 I 9 ' - 99 745 19 15j 15 173 4 5 07 1 13 9 ' 791 6 12 l 8 928 2 5 70 424 11 10 10 130 14 64 148 19 10 6 9 75 12 1 202 11 15 25 749 23 14 50-2 30 14 527 36 16 192 8 11,221 27 1 6 -1 9 18 2,07,8?5 19 8 1,09,721 12 6| 14 381 17 12i 2 17,389 13 97 560 19 1 L 15 173 4 5 2 071 13 9 12 160 13 4 3 12,235 10 12 791 6 12 351 t Cereals. 11 Pulse. APPENDIX STATEMENT showing the Extent to which each of the Principal cultivated in. 1859-60 COLLECTORATE3. f HOOGLEE OR KELTHEE, IT TOOK. f MUTT. 10 11 12 AlIMF.DABAD- f ( For 1859-00.. g\For 1858-59.. (For 1859-00.. 1 For 1858-59.. cf- ("For 1859-60.. \ For 1858-59.. fee / o \ $ / Increase .... (For 1859-60.. \ For 1858-59.. 5>r 4,062 10 2| 13,587 18 16$ \ 9,525 8 14 ("For 1859-60.. g \ For 1858-59.. to ' KHANDEISII . TOTAL,.- a i \ (For 1859-60.. B\FOT 1858-59.. &/ \ 39,724 8 31,431 1 15 8,293 6 5 f ("For 1859-60.. cs-XFor 1858-59.. S< u \ t /For 1859-60.'. \ For 1858-59.. SK 43,786 18 2| 45,019 Hi 8,293 6 5 9,525 8 14 352 Pulse. A (continued). Products of the Colkctorates of the NORTHERN Division ivas and 1858-59. TEEL AXD KORASKEE. 1F OREED. JUWAS on LINSEED. * HEMP OR PLAX. KUSSOOMB OR KlRDEE. 13 14 15 10 17 1 5G7 12 165 1 887 4 890 552 4 G80 8 890 386 23 24 413 1 1 315 13 8 oo 0(39 141 6(J8 5 15 2 143 5 9 647 7 13 3 432 18 14 1 599 117 1 833 16 15 l 448 3 16 3 483 7 18 1 15 371 18 16 2,120 12 1 35 4 1^ 13 -245 6 15 2,839 4 15 2 240 7 2 753 6 - 2 266 11 2 - 85 18 15 26 4 2 1 1 85,295 7 10 1,81,091 17 15 664 10 2,01 159 18 1 43 712 9 5 888 10 5 37 379 8 10 15 864 10 10 224 5 1 567 12 165 21 887 4 890 552 4 C80 8 890 386 23 2,27,919 11 2| 1,81,091 17 15 3 556 8 4,545 12 9 2,28,309 10 13| 1,43,712 9 5 2934 16 17 2,961 Oi 15,374 10 19 37 379 8 10 647 7 13 1 833 16 15 15,861 10 10 26 4 2j 259 4 6$ 353 Pulse. * i. e. Ambarec and Sunn. APPENDIX STATEMENT showing the Extent to which each of the Principal cultivated in 1859-60 COLLECTORATES. CHILLIES. CASTOR OIL. SUGAR CANE. 18 19 20 AlIMEDABAD < KAIRA BROACH f ("For 1859-60.. ^ IForl 858 -59.. 036 18 1,214 29 2,474 4 6,015 36 578 11 3,541 32 i fFor 1859-60.. g \Forl858-59.. !K 364 6 7 368 12 1 895 12 5 787 17 107 15 5 4 5 14 /-For 1859-60.. \Forl858-59.. . fcOs a> \ 2,288 7 10 1,443 12 3,039 19 3 3,578 8 13 845 6 18 538 9 10 (For 1859-60.. 1 For 1858-59.. |K 3,823 10 14* 3,864 9 1| 1,133 6 11 835 12 16 297 13 15 40 18 61 ! For 1859-60.. For 1858-59.. _ ___ .-- _ 29,180 14 5 29,228 1 2^ 5,891 14 -2 5,675 16 18} KHANDEISH . TOTAL..'! 215 17 32 47 6 17i fFor 1859-60.. g J For 1858-59.. * Q> \ 5,528 6 5,518 10 15 9 15 5 ' f For 1859-60.. rfl For 1858-59.. u \ 636 18 1,214 29 2,474 4 6,015 36 578 11 3,541 32 ! For 1859-60.. For 1858-59.. 35,656 18 16.] 34,904 2 16^ 18,488 18 1 18/396 6 2i 845 6 18 92 10 12} 631 1 8| 538 9 10 354 A (continued). Products of the Collcctorates of the NORTHERN Division was and 1858-59. COTTON. TABACCO. INDIGO. KODRA. t BOWTA. 21 22 23 24 25 44 13 26 515 38 74 Q83 7 o 230 J) 315 8 29 959 '>! 1 331 13 17 S7 1 7 6 715 1 10 2 832 9 1 251 42 50 -> 6 4 13 3 4 21 9 15 6 ] 500 15 4 8,9*3 8 15 8,78 2 18,082 1 4 16,951 12 3 612 8 813 7,545 9 1 71,293 19 4~ 38,570 12 44,345 13 18 155 6 15 1 130 9 1 200 1^ 63 748 10 2' 5 775 1 17- 2,82 806 11 133 2 911 18 14 1 481 13 5 8 150 13| 2 79 GOO 1 13 3 3 245 12 1 127 3 7 9 104 17 8 3,206 10 . 354 9 18 333 13 5 1 1 014 16 14 J 62 222 9 7| 869 13 7 57 083 3 7 57,629 1 9 961 1 10 -58 181 3 12 4,593 7 18| 91 8 3 1 ( ;8 5 2,85,043 6 5 4 5j?2 3 o 25 570 5 2 83 112 10 7 57 9 15 15 21 766 9 10 1 931 5 15 3 803 15 10 2 990 12 15 44,123 26 515 38 74 083 7 230 315 8 29 959 21 6,40,347 9 I8i 6,31,961 14 13$ 26,820 3 Hi 28,982 5 10 28,379 7 15 24,208 19 1 72.778 13 21 i;^,6io o 4i 3^,570 12 Oj 44,=i45 13 18 9 886 10 8| 1 253 12 5 4 371 14 1,500 15 4 3,415 14 3 200 12 65,861 7 13 5,775 1 17| t Cereals. APPENDIX STA TEMENI showing the Extent to which each of t fie Principal cultivated in 1859-60 COLLECTORATES. SALT PAKS. LAUG. JEEBA on CUMMIN SEED. 2G 27 28 AHMEDABAD r f For 1859-60.. g | For 1858-59.. f For 1859-60.. % \ For 1858-59.. 204 15 2 204 15 2 ( For 1859-60.. 3 For 1858-59.. . S*^ 3,350 9 5 4,504 3 5 1,213 14 fFor 1859-60.. 3 1 For 1858-59 . . . b ^ 521 11 3 521 11 3j 22,973 3 4 18,995 7 3J 3,077 16 Of f For 1859-60.. 1 For 1858-59.. . fcix' 1,155 5 12 1,155 5 12 KIIANDEISH . TOTAL.. < ^ fFor 1859-60.. g | For 1858-59.. . fcW *W 7 77 A r. 7*1 (\(V\ 1) 1 ^ 15,566 15 1,719 22 2 405 3 2,95 094 2 13,118 3 1,735 1 2 814 24 2,72 337 5 2 448 12 r.q 014 0.7 rv 9.~> 7 'if? *^7 ft 15 19 409 21 36 557 35 4,13,326 9 7f 4,00,651 6 5.} 3,26,072 12 14| 3,31,817 13 9 1,854 2 6 1 696 9 14 43,86,712 10 19| 43 57 449 10 17 1 13,786 17 4J 1,111 14 2 3,602 10 15 9,347 11 9j 157 12 12 2,45,895 11 19] 1 G6 632 1 1 17 59,263 2i 357 t Cereals. (Signed) S.MANSFIELD,. Revenue Commissioner, N. D. APPENDIX STATEMENT of Cultivation showing the Extent to which the SOUTHERN Division in COLLECTORATES. t JOWABEE. t BAJREE. t WHEAT. 1 2 3 4 f In 1 850-60 4 20 641 9 14 5 76957 10 12 78,962 37 3 < \InJ858-59 4,38,459 30 11 5,77,396 37 74,519 38 0$ 4 442 39 2^ ^ t In 1859-60 \ ., 17 818 20 13 439 26 4 ^- . ( In 1 850-60 7 44 -294 20 4 94 415 33 12 2 88 794 4 8 6 30,549 28 11 48 498 2 10 2 51 931 10 w t} t { Increase 1 13 745 1 4 36 863 3 8 ^ ( In 1859-60 { J^^, . 1 53 97 S> , 8 14 fin 1859-60 14,46 000 31 2 19 770 33 84 310 16 65 3 C 7,63 865 28 4} < 7 i < Increase 2 64 601 20 9 59,398 6 14| ^ / In 1859-60 J .^ 32 970 8 4 358 t Cereals. A (continued). Principal Products were cultivated in each of the Collcctoratcs of the 1 859-60 and 1858-59. t RICE. 1T GRAM. t NATCHNEE OB N A GLEE. t SAWA. tRALA. 5 G 7 8 9 50931 11 1 66 1^2 13 13 49 723 2'J li 59 050 25 11-2 1 207 22 7 071 4 >8 I 1 20,788 27 1,54,946 21 64 393 20 8 24,023 30 8 23,079 4 1 42,R13 4 12 12 333 10 4 64 393 20 8 24 03 30 8 2,280 13 4 14,160 19 71,285 33 6 294 30 13,530 14 74,081 37 3 129 19 636 5 3,165 11 2 796 4 1,44.080 32 72 59 26 4 44 792 1 50 105 5 75 430 31 8 44 792 ~ 6 -> 4 13 2 901 5 4 64,715 31 63,599 5 37,809 20 47,858 20 32,652 18 29,825 14 4 26,279 20 22,732 38 33,056 7 4 35,834 3 8 1,110 20 2 8^7 3 12 3,547 22 10048 39 15 ! - 2 777 ,6 4. 70,599 9 28,784 38 68,906 8 33,415 7 1,633 1 4,630 9 38.040 9 1,26,275 30 24,171 27 8 1,36,008 33 4 14 468 21 8 9,733 3 4 4,03,922 18 12 3,93,175 9 8 4,85,224 35 13 4,93,128 7 llf 1,69,575 24 12 1,05,265 5 12 1,01,390 8 25,862 17 33,056 7 4 35,834 3 8 10747 9 4 64 S10 10 75 52? 23 8 7 903 11 141 2 777 36 4 ' 359 t Cereals. Pulse. APPENDIX STATEMENT of Cultivation showing the Extent to which the SOUTHERN Division in COLLECTORATES. V HOOLOEE, OR KOOLTEE. f TOOK. IT MUTT. 10 11 12 " fin 1859-60 37 036 23 4 ^ 1 In 1808-59 3 530 18 I 5 Z< 4 506 5 2 1 * j^In 1859-00 | Decmis e e .... . fin 1859-60 25 86' ? 32 8 44 500 3 8 30 00 1 8 8 fi S 1 In 1858-59 .. a ^ 3 1 jjn 1859-60^-- ;;;; 25,862 32 8 44.500 23 8 30,020 18 8 fin 1859-60 11 308 14 71 172 21 9 138 7 !) a- 1 In 1858-59 .. 13 073 6 1 03 912 38 9 550 34 o 4 S o I " t Inl8 9 - G ll>ecreie ..;. 1,764 32 32,740 11 412 27 fin 1859-60 $ S 1 In 1858-59 g rt^ g.jjn 1859-60 > ^^ ;;;; g fIn!859-GO 37 064 72 667 2 2 797 35 P j In 1858-59 34 848 39 5 74 847 9 5 3 058 13 3 4 1 i r> /-i nr\ 4 Increase o 215 o 11 (in 1809-60 { j^;^ ;;;; 2 180 7 5 260 18 os fin 1859-60 j i n 1858-59 P5 "S [in 1859-60 > {^^ ;;; - flu 1859-60 K In 1 858-59 [in, 1859-60 [^^ ;;.\ fin 1859-60 ...c 74 235 6 8 1 88 340 6 8 78 993 3 12 ^ In 1858-59 47 923 5 5 1 78 760 7 5 45 139 25 I 3 I|*^ c -- ;;;; 26,313 1 3 9,579 39 3 33,853 18 10} 360 IF Pulse. A (continued). Principal Products were cultivated in each of the Collectorates of the 1859-60 and 1858-59. Tf.EL, OR KOOBASXEE If OOREED. Juwrs, OR LINSEED. HEMP, OR FLAX. KURDEB. 13 14 15 16 17 3 300 8 - 305 17 10 50 037 17 3 349 5 298 213 14 45 048 19 H 41 3 700 3 36 5 868 37 14| 02,4(15 27 8 70 877 35 10,279 13 8 12,307 21 6 045 f) 9 8 21,187 24 8 94 830 3g jo 71,822 6 4 21,537 32 8 1 6 279 1 3 8 6 261 31 8 71 8 0i > 6 4 3 643 14 4 28 546 1 570 20 46,643 23 - 61 570 3 o 145 17 o - 34 G05 17 46 460 3 8 540 1 12038 6 15 109 11 1 574 37 3 258 34 8 3 223 37 4 34 37 4 13.246 30 7,2-24 32 680 22 789 30 3, 43 2 26 3,661 13 12 3,235 16 - 3,649 9 12 26,468 26 6| 27,359 21 6,021 38 109 8 228 7 19 413 33 12 890 34 9 9 890 37 3 005 33 11 12 35 2 613 21 392 12 1 321 38 1 045 33 559 7 8 486 25 8 1,34,258 18 8 78,102 27 20,290 23 8 6/284 12 72,579 27 55,823 15 4 31,950 31 35,090 8 4 2,10,798 12 10J 1,18,868 32 1J 56,155 31 8 14,636 11 8 16,756 11 12 3 139 17 4 91,929 20 9| 361 1f Pulse. APPENDIX STATEMENT of Cultivation showing the Extent to which the SOUTHERN Division in COLLECTORATE3. CHILLIES. CASTOR OIL. SUGAR CANE. 18 19 '20 (In 1859-60 ,. 8,^73 19 8,v;86 31 7 5 <> S83 27 8 [In 1859-60 J^ crease ' fin 1859-60 1,187 12 6,5-J3 3-2 8 * 1 In 1858-59 1,505 29 4,415 3 12 *? C5 J S > 2,103 28 12 << g 1 In 1859-60 ^ e 318 17 f In 1 850-60 Io,l72 '29 3/81 17 1 In 1858-59 l:3,GO'J 1 3,4!M5 38 K? O ) c o < 1,570 '2tf 184 19 ra WlWI^JfS2i * . (\t\. 18V) 60 y. =s i H y 1 tf 3 ]In 1859-60 J}] 1 ^ 6 -' . fin 1859-60 8,569 1 1 15,431 '22 J),736 '24 | In 1858-69 9,067 36 4 15,477 25 7,380 11 < y C ^ 2,336 13 ' In 1859-60 j l n ^f p ' 4Q S 1 ! ^ 46 3 pq ^ ( Decrease .... 5,14J 5,506 19 ^1 B In 1859-60 ^^ I*" 364 19 ^ Tn 1ft r iQ HO 21,723 34 28,1(59 33 4 In 1859-60 *** ' 6,445 39 4 ( In 1859-^0 8.569 1 1 32,791 23 55,481 6 8 3 1 In 18-J8-59 9,<)67 36 4 50,585 15 67/254 16 7 o ^ 2 206 8 ^ [in 1859-60 \ $^ "" 498 35 3 1,773 9 15 362 A (continued). Principal Products were cultivated in each of the Collectorates of the 1 859-60 and 1858-59. COTTOX. TOBACCO. OTHEB CROPS. TOTAL. NET ItfCRBAsa. 21 22 23 24 25 6 033 *>3 ,353 290 17 4 16,51,399 14 8 837 10 3,01,150 21 15 15,98,885 12 52,139 35 5 55,514 H 1 903 7 4.455 6,334 13 12 6,801 38 4 4,703 24 3,93,431 26 12 5,59,741 10 14 30,18,493 3 4 28,75,125 21 4 2 09 14 4 1,43 367 22 1 879 13 12 1 66 309 24 2 1,32,206 6 1,37,192 15 4,340 29 6,947 25 1,11,554 35 ), 77,507 4 23,37,824 7 22,38,955 4 98,869 3 4 896 9 2 606 36 65 952 9 1 -> 1 44 29 8 3 66 806 2 4 1 51 436 5 13 3,80,195 39 9 49291 16 5 13,389 37 5 1,5-2,966 9 8 1,27,4'Jo 12 5 5,245 9 4,162 11 1,80,084 32 12| 1,70,652 22 15,26,862 15 13$ 14,76,430 23 12 25,470 37 3 1,082 38 9,432 10 12 50,431 32 li 2.45,714 28 2.05,073 15 2,551 18 2,031 22 4,08.533 14 3,78,191 34 13,62,675 33 12,97,725 22 40,541 13 519 36 30,341 20 64,950 11 13,629 9 11,^96 38 4 22,531 34 12,4b6 31 8 3,26,744 24 3,35,142 19 8 18,87,f'37 36 17,38,211 37 1,732 10 12 10,045 2 8 1,49 475 39 8 397 35 8 5,55.994 35 8 4,96,829 24 5 41,471 8 4 30,3:J1 33 8 18,75,784 19 4] 20,73,821 38 2 1,21,54,748 18 8J 11,GO,.55,5'29 SJ8 5^ 59,165 11 3 11,139 14 12 64 l ) 21 A OQ l *}3 1 98 037 18 135 o,49,218 29 13| 363 (Signed) W. HART, Revenue Commissioner, S. D, APPENDIX Statement showing the Mean Maxima and Minima of the Thermometer from Observations extending from January CALCULATED FROM January. February. March. April. May. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Max. 86-6 82-6 Min. 60-6 C9-9 Max. 92-3 83-6 Min. 62-4 72-2 Max. 99-0 86-7 Min. 60-4 72-8 Max. 98-88 *89'33 X in. * 77*55 *79-22 Max. 93-5 89-44 Min. 80-2 *80'22 RUTNAGHEKRY . . SAWUJTT WARREE. STJEAT 84-8 87-7 88-0 82-0 85-2 J81-285 t750 81-4 67-9 60-7 50*9 56-0 54-6 {51-285 t55-32 58.4 80-8 91-0 93-3 88-3 87-0 t89'125 t79-0 90.5 68-9 64-3 C7-5 eo-8 57-3 t55'375 tGO.625 69.0 88'0 97-2 101-2 97-3 97-6 t98'125 t86'875 93-2 73-6 70-7 7G-0 68-3 oo-o 1G3-25 t07-5 74-1 92-2 99'2 104-9 102-1 102-8 t!02-25 104-375 100'5 70-8 73-8 83-6 77-4 73-7 t73'875 t75-125 78-2 89-0 99-7 105-1 105-1 104-1 t!06-0 195-5 104-2 78-9 80-0 86-6 83-2 81-8 t78-375 tS2"25 83-2 BROACH AHMEDAEAD. . KAIRA .... BHOOJ, CUTCH. BAKODA . MAHEEKANTA .. KATTIAWAR PALANPORE . . *85'0 $72-0 *42-66 $60-5 *90-33 71-4 *47'44 61-5 *98-22 87'25 *53'44 72-10 *102'88 89-25 *63'33 76-5 *105-33 99-5 *7055 83-25 KHAUDEISH AHMEDNITGGUR .. POONA 79-9 81-8 84-2 80-7 5i-G 57-0 58-3 61.1 87-0 86-6 87-6 88-7 59-5 66-2 61 '2 65-6 94-2 92-5 92-9 91-3 65-6 70-5 C8'5 69'1 99-2 95-9 93-3 93-8 72-6 74-0 70-4 73-2 101-8 98-2 95-1 93-5 70-4 77'8 71-4 74-6 KHOLAPORE SHOLAPORE ....... BELGAUJI .. 83-4 81-6 '85-0 04-1 67-5 61-7 91-0 86-4 90-5 68-6 70-1 65-3 97-2 88-5 94-4 72-5 72-2 66-5 100-8 91-2 97-0 77-8 75-0 70-1 101-2 89-9 94-9 78-6 75-5 70-4 DHARWAE .... NOTE. The degrees are of ** Returns not * For nine years only. f For eight years only. % For seven ears onl. 304 at the principal Cities and Stations of the Government ofBomlay, calculated A.D. 1852 to September A.D. 18G1 inclusive. Tr.x YKARS. CALCULATED FROM NINE YEARS. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Mean. Max. Min. M;IX. Min. Max. Min Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min 94-8 77-0 82-7 70-1 84-2 75-8 85-3 75'1 90-44 71-22 89-11 66-22 85-77 61-55 t89'0 t77-875 *83-33 *76-77 *83-33 75-0 *83-44 *77'0 85-55 75-0 i-35'0 t73'75 t84-S75 t7 1-875 88-1 7C-8 80-9 75-8 80-7 754 *82-33 *7533 84-22 74-55 83-77 70-55 83-55 69-11 93'8 79-6 89-2 78-2 87-3 73-4 S9-5 77-0 92-0 73-44 89-55 66-55 87-11 6333 100-3 82-3 92-8 73-7 91-0 79-2 92-9 78-7 93-33 79-44 89-88 70-88 85-66 65-44 1051 82-0 90-5 79-5 91-5 78-9 92-7 78-4 93-44 70-88 89-77 64-33 82-88 58-11 101-7 80-2 'J-i'7 77-3 88-9 77-7 93-5 75-9 81-06 71*66 88-22 65-55 84-88 57-44 104-66 *80'G<3 *96-8S *80'33 t91'375 t77-25 t94-125 t~5-G2f> i95-75 tC9-5 191-5 tGO-125 tSl'5 155-5 t92-875 tS2-0 t86-75 t79-7S 182-875 176-375 184-625 t75-875 +85-428 72-428 t?9-714 Jfll'O J74-0 57-0 101-9 82-4 84-2 79-2 89-0 77-7 90-6 77-5 90-0 72-66 86-0 67-44 82-88 60-44 104-2 74-2 95-1 73-5 90-5 72-3 92-9 72-0 94-66 6344 192-375 J51-25 t88'5 t44-875 510-2-5 $85-6 J98-0 581-75 J87-75 70-0 J80-9 j 70 -75 1189-0 1)79-331 ||84-0 ||72-0 1176-0 1168-33 97-1 75-0 90-9 74-2 88-3 73-4 86-8 71-0 87-22 65-44 84-66 61-0 80-33 57-0 89-4 73-3 82-0 73-1 79-9 71-9 82-8 70-5 85-55 68-0 84-22 63-22 82-22 58-44 89-4 70-9 81-0 69-9 79-6 09-1 83-2 67-1 85-22 64-44 84-44 60-77 83- 11 57-77 87-5 73-3 80-9 72'0 79-2 72-1 82-5 71-8 82-88 71-11 82-66 6d-0 80-66 62-0 95-9 7.3-7 90-1 74'4 89-1 74-5 88-4 73-4 87-77 71-77 85-44 66-22 84-0 61-33 84-0 75-0 77-4 71-4 78-6 71-9 79-9 71-8 80-88 71-33 81-33 67-22 79-44 6V77 87-4 C9-9 79-2 69-3 80-6 68-5 82-7 68-3 84-22 67-77 84-44 62-88 82-77 61-88 Fahrenheit's Thermometer, vet furnished. For four years only. (I For three years only. GEORGE BIRDWOOD. continued M X KH Q ^ fc2 CL P^ <: he Government oj L inclusive. ^ ^ M - _KJ^. ^ ^ o >>s E 2 S jl^^ S '3 '* S .5^11 fe OQ g|? fcS _+- +**, * HDWOOD. ** C -- ** ^ 3 i ( eq W C5 * 5 * fc ^ cc *$ : . : *~* o : 0=0 oo* ! * w o ^ 5 W 5fl X v 2 CtTLATED INE YE^ ^ 5 c ' 0*0000 TOO o "* oooo--o* " -5 ** o > 5? -/* . ^ I s: ! i 1 J5 """ * r = ~ o ooo o " f "*T ) - w ^ u , T( .^ ) * 'if . 2. ~ S JH ^ "*! CD 1 J !f : !:!!:: ;;: :2* : ^!^^i ^3 *> ^ 5. ^2 5 J 1 3 g * ^^SS??^ Sig SS ^SS^ O 0) "S < ^ ^ ^ .5 fc | qg jj o M o.xS ool*c5 2^ co^^^n t V i 8 I s 'a. *1 to H EH to 1 "3 O 55 S3 ^^^^ S5 ^ 0050JW-NT05 . o -A ^. * 4r "* a w " s2 sS K Se ft ' 15 I :. '^ o* F *-* i i i Q SS S S^ a"~2 5*. ^., SS52g ^q 00 0*00500 00 ' O "*"*,-. o OJ n >> >e s =0 C 2 1 S # "Z . w . ^ ^. o o 5 * O0 4 .: v ;, ^Joooooct 02 N ^ s 4> 1 :'g :" :. : \ '' & 4-> o> g 1 ^ s! i| ill s Ss !L ^ CQ * ^ APPENDIX C. TA BLE showing the Number of each Natural Order in Lindley in co>re*pondence with the Number given in JBulfour. BALFOUR. LTNDLEY. BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. BALFOUR. LTNDLEY. N. O. 1 ,, 2 154 153 N. O. 41 / 146 \ 147 N. 0. 77 78 207 JI8 3 15! 42 144 79 279 4 152 ,, 43 145 80 134 5 103 > 44 224 , m 274 .. 6 J04 45 139 , ,s2 2S1 7 102 46 140 , 83 275 8 159 47 138 , 84 289 9 149 ,. 4s 136 , bo 282 10 148 ,; 49 143 , 86 276 M 11 150 50 173 87 2S3 12 155 ,, 51 164 ^8 290 13 156 52 172 89 278 14 158 53 160 90 277 15 123 54 187 91 2s5 ,, 16 125 55 183 92 105 .. 17 124 56 155 QQ / 08 18 110 ,, 57 186 ,, yo 1 109 19 20 1 22 f 116 \ 119 58 ,, 59 60 | 129 161 94 95 280 / 113 1 114 21 157 61 217 96 121 22 23 | 133 62 63 180 176 - 97 ,, 98 190 1*9 ,, 24 132 64 177 QQ f 120 2.i 118 65 178 i yy 1 167 26 117 66 178 100 200 27 181 67 226 101 201 28 188 fi8 225 102 2b6 29 128 69 135 103 2S7 30 130 70 222 104 288 31 126 71 174 105 214 32 127 72 171 106 215 33 131 73 175 107 216 34 141 ,, 74 209 10K 300 35 184 75 115 109 299 36 142 f 20-; no 296 37 38 1 162 76 | 210 i 211 HI / 98 1 297 39 163 | 212 112 298 40 170 L 213 113 302 367 APPENDIX C (continued). BALFOUR. LlNOLEY. BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. N. O. 114 ., 115 294 293 N. O. 157 158 1 238 N. 0. 199 f 84 I 86 116 295 159 235 r 87 H7 270 160 264 200 / { 88 118 271 ,, 161 255 201 221 119 272 " i r\-~> / 256 202 83 120 273 10- \ 257 203 111 121 254 163 258 204 182 122 263 164 263 205 197 123 269 165 265 206 19S 124 266 166 247 207 196 125 267 167 245 208 81 126 228 168 246 209 80 127 292 169 192 210 79 128 291 ,, 170 194 ,, 211 78 129 169 171 195 212 95 130 166 172 199 >, 213 77 ,, 131 168 173 202 214 89 132 165 174 193 215 96 133 229 jj 175 137 216 97 134 230 176 191 ,, 217 28 135 227 177 107 218 27 136 137 248 249 " 178 f 205 | 206 219 220 26 74 138 23? 179 100 n 221 75 139 250 180 101 222 76 140 239 181 99 ,, 223 73 141 231 182 204 224 58 142 232 183 82 225 59 143 236 184 219 226 71 144 262 185 203 227 72 M 145 260 186 220 228 70 H6 261 187 223 229 39 147 259 188 112 230 52 148 243 ,, 189 284 >. 231 53 149 244 190 301 232 51 ,, 150 f 233 I 222 >, 191 192 303 94 233 234 49 50 151 523 193 106 235 48 152 515 194 93 236 47 153 234 195 90 237 46 154 241 196 91 238 45 155 242 197 92 239 44 156 240 198 85 240 43 308 APPENDIX C (continued). BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. BALFOUR. LlNDLEY. N. 0.241 42 N. O. 259 37 f"~15 ,, 242 243 62 61 " 260 r 40 I 41 N. O. 272 1 16 L 17 244 60 " 261 4 Obis. r 12 245 63 262 32 273 < 13 246 55 263 33 L H 247 54 264 31 1 w , 248 56 265 30 7 , 249 57 266 29 r*7 A 8 , 250 , 251 58 38 267 r 23 4 24 274 ] 9 10 , 252 65 L 25 L 11 , 253 66 263 22 275 5 , 254 64 269 21 r i , 255 37 270 18 O>T /? J 2 , 256 ,, 257 35 36 271 r 19 1 20 276 1 3 >, 258 59 369 uu BOMBAY : PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY'S PRESS, BYCULLA. ,.<* *-..?- r ' . 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