LIBRARY OF CONORESS LIST OF THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY FORD CHIEF, DIVISION OF MANl'SCRIPTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTINc; OFFICE 19 05 L. C. rard, 5_20007 0>lle>;:e Library PREFATORY NOTE In 1880 announcement was made in London that certain papers of Benjamin Franklin were to be sold at auction. The history of these papers was as follows: The}' " were bequeathed to WillianiTemplc Franklin by Dr. Franklin, and were used b}' him in the preparation of his edition of ' Memoirs of the life and writinos of Benjamin Franklin,' 3 vols.. London, s vo. [1818]; they bear ample evidence of his editorial work, a large (piaii- tity of matter having been struck out: in fact, in printing his grand- father's works, he seems to have proceeded on the idea of omitting everything which reflected on the British Ciovernment. Manv of the private letters and other papers are also unpublished. After the death of William Temple Franklin [in 1823] the papers were for some years in the possession of his landlord, a tailor, in London, who dis- posed of them, some thirt}' years back, to Mr. Henry Stevens, where they have since remained."" The sale was ordered b}' the executors of Charles Whittingham, to whom thej'^ had been pledged as security by Henry Stevens, a settle- ment of the Whittingham estjito being necessary. The public sale was postponed and the entire collection was offered at private sale to the United States Government. The purchase was consummated in 1882. The collection contained not onh' manuscripts of Franklin but also manv letters to him, state papers, diplomatic record books, and printed books and newspapers. At the time of the purchase a division was made, the manuscripts going to the Department of State, and the printed matter to the Lil)rary of Congress. And when the general transfer of the manuscripts was made by the Department of State to the Library of Congress, under the Executive order of March 9, 1903, the diplomatic records were retained in that Department. What is known as the "second series" was transferred, a collection bound in fourteen volumes, with a few additional pieces, such as the "Articles of Belief" and the letter to Strahan. In Senate Miscellaneous Docu- ment No. 21, 47th Congress, 1st session, was printed a list of the entire Stevens's collection of Franklin material; but that list is of little or no service to the student of history or the anti([uarian. The arrange- ment was defective and the manv errors in names and dates proved misleading. "Edward C. Biginore to T. F. Dwight, IH December, 1880. 4 PREFATORY NOTE The following list, prepared b}^ Mr. John C. Fitzpatrick of this division, is not intended to be a full calendar, but is designed to indi- cate the principal subject-matter of each paper, and to note the use of the material bj^ John Bigelow (Writings of Benjamin Franklin, 10 vols. New York: 1887-1888). The arrangement is strictly chrono- logical, and such Franklin manuscripts as were found in other collec- tions in the Library of Congress are inserted in their proper order in time. The calendar thus includes the whole of the second series of the Stevens's collection, with much other matter hitherto unlisted. An index will aid the investigator in locating a particular writer or sub- ject. The titles or offices attached to the names in the index are con- lined to those actually' held b}- the writers in the period covered by their letters or papers. I think it a fitting opportunit}" to explain the form of the calendar. The division has issued two most elaborate calendars of material in its possession, that of the Washington Papers, 1901, and that of the John Paul Jones, 1903. The Jones calendar contained 883 entries, and occupied the labor of an expert two full years to complete, allowance being made for interruptions. The Washington list demanded nearly the same amount of time and labor. The cost of calendaring is thus excessive, and frequently would exceed the value of the collection treated. Nor has experience shown the advantage of such minute descriptions of documents, the entry in the calendar sometimes con- taining more words than the document itself. The investigator can never be satisfied with an}^ summary of contents, but must refer to the original letter, and nothing short of a full publication can meet his needs. In place of a full calendar a partial one has here been made, in which only the leading names and subjects are noted. The names of the writer and of the person to whom written, the place and time of date and a brief reference to the matter of the paper — these are sufficient to serve as a general guide to the nature of the collection. The time saved is of importance, a few months sufficing for the prep- aration of such a partial calendar, and three or four collections can be made available within the same time as one collection formerly retjuin^d. WORTHINGTON ChAUNCEY FoRD Chief of Division of Manui^cripts HERBEiiT Putnam Lihrarian of Congress Washington^ January^ 1905 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Born at Boston. Jan. 17, 1706. 1718. Printer's apprentice. 1729. Editor and proprietor, Pcnnsj-lvania Gazette. I73r). Clerk, Pennsylvania Assembly. 1737. Postmaster, Philadelphia. 1748. Member Pennsylvania Common Council. 1750. Member Pennsylvania Assembly. 1751. Alderman, Philadelphia. 1753. Deputy Postmaster-General of America. 175-1. Pennsylvania delegate to Albany Congress. 1755. General. Pennsylvania militia. 1756. Colonel, Philadelphia militia. 1757. Agent, Pennsylvania Assembly in England. 1764:. Speaker, Pennsylvania Asnembly. Agent, of the State in England. 1768. Agent, Georgia in England. 1769. Agent, New Jersey in England. 1770. Agent, Massachusetts in England. 1775. President, Pennsylvania Conmiittee of Safety. Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Commissioner to Army at Cambridge. Commissioner to Canada. Member Secret Committee of Correspondence. Member Committee to draft Declaration of Independence. Postmaster-General of the United Colonies. 1776. President, Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention. U. S. Commissioner to France. 1778. U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to France. 1781. U. S. Commissioner to negotiate peace with Great Britain. 1785. President of Pennsylvania. 1787. Pennsylvania delegate to Constitutional Convention. Died at Philadelphia, Apr. 17, 1790. REFERENCES TO COLLECTIONS OTHER THAN FRANKLIN A-D. = Adams-Duma.s Correspondence. T. J. = Thomas Jefferson CoUection. W. = Washington Collection. C. C. = Papers of the Continental Congress. J. = John Paul Jones Papers. M. = Robert Morris Papers. 8. =Shippen Papers. The numerals in black-face type at the end of the entr}' indicates the locality of the paper in the Stevens volumes. THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1726 [Franklin, Benjamin,] Jounuil of Noyui^e from London July 22- to Philadelphia. Copy. 27 pp. 1-14 Oct. 11 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 1, 101 et seq. 1728 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Articles of Belief and Religion. Nov. 20 A. D. 14 pp. 1 vol. 15.5X10.5 c. m. Con- temporary copy of same. 22 pp. 1vol. 16. 8 X 10.7 c. m. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 1, 307. 1728 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Epitaph for himself. 1784 [Franklin] ''Adieu." 8ix line verse. Copies. 1 p. 2413 Apr. 22 1740 Fazakerly, N[icholas]. London. Opinion on question of Dec. 24 enlisting of servants in America. A. D. S. ? Marked "Copy." 15 [1740] [Penn. Thomas.] [Philadelphia.] ToT[homas?] Jackson [London^]. Desputes between the Governor [George Thomas] and Assembly about defence of province and victualling troops; discharge of servants; attitude of Friends; French settlements near western boundary; Richard Partridge to soUicit the King for release of the servants; sup- port of Friends in England; Burlington meet- ing of Friends took upon itself to designate who should be members of the Assembly. Copy. 2 pp. 15 1743 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Cadwallader] Nov. 4 Colden [New York]. Colden's proposed new method of printing. Copy. 2 pp. 16 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 1, 481. 1744 Franklin, B[onjaniinl. New York. To Cadwallader Apk. 5 Colden [Coldengham, N. Y.] Organization of a Philosophical Society [afterwards the Ameri- can Philosophical Society of Philadelphia]. Copy. 2 pp. 17 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 2,1. 10 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1745 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To ? Matri- JiNE 25 mony. Copy. 5 pp. Endorsed b}- Franklin: '•Old Mistresses Apologue." 18-19 Also auto, draft initialed: B. F. 2 pp. 20 1745 6 Partridge, Richard. London. To the Lords Committee Mak. 15 of Council [for Plantation Affairs, Whitehall]. iiecites charter rights of Pennsylvania, form of gov^ernment and prays for exemption of province from establishing a militia. D. S. 4 pp. 21 [1747?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To Cadwallader Colden [New York]. Andrew Baxter's book on the vis inertiae of matter. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 2379-82 Copy. 5 pp. 2383-86 Clipping from Vaughan's edition of Franklin's ^Yorks, as though written to Baxter. 8 pp. 2386 88 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 2, 96, as written to Thomas Hopkinson. 1747 8 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To James Logan, ^^'^^- ' Trenton. Pass's opinion as to cost of casting cannon; favors purchasing from New England. A. L. S. 2 pp. 21 1750 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Cadwallader] JiNE 28 Colden [New York]. Lightning and electricitj\ Copy. 3 pp. 21 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1887. 2,165. 1752-63 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Chronological record of services in Au(i. 1.3- the General Assembly [of Pennsylvania]. A. D. S. •• I'RiL— at beginning of document. 4 pp. 38 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1887. 3,220. 1753 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [George White- JixK field, London]. Goodworks. Press copy of a transcript. 4 pp. 22-25 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1838. VII, 74-77. 1754 Franklin, Benjamin. Short hints towards a scheme for Jink 8 uniting the Northern Colonies. See: Alexander, James, to Cadwallader Colden. 1754, June ^. 1754 Franklin, Benjamin, to James Alexander. See: Alexan- JtNK 8 der to Cadwallader Colden. 1754, June 9. 1754 Alexander, rJame.^. New York. To Cadwallader Colden JiNE 9 [Coldengham, New York]. Observations on [Benjamin Franklin's] hints toward uniting the Northern Colonies. L i.NE J pranklin. Short hints towards a scheme for uniting the Northern Colonies. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 11 Junk 8 Franklin. To James Alexander. Ki'ciuestin^r opinions on above hint.s. JiNE 20 Golden. To Franklin. Enclosing,' his remarks on Frank- lin's scheme. Golden. Remarks on the Hints for a Scheme of Union. Copies. 8 pp. ^^ Printed with exception of Colden's letter to Franklin; Works (Bii?elo\v) N. Y. 1887. 2, Z4'^. 1754 Golden, Cadwallader, to Franklin. Enclosing: remarks on June liO hints for a scheme of union. See: AU'xander, James, to Cadwallader Colden. 1754:, June W. [1754] [Franklin, Benjamin.] The Albany plan of union of the [July 10] Colonies. Articles adopted. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: '-Phm of a pro- posed Union of Massachusetts &c for their mutual Defence &c." ^^ Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 2, S-t-S. 1755 Friends in Philadelphia. Philadelphia. To the Friends May 5 in London. Antagonism dis])layed in Pennsyl- vania to allowing Friends a voice in government: a discussion of their rights; misrepresentations by their enemies; request their aid in settling matters with the Proprietaries in London; Assembly's address to the King. Copy of original signed by Samuel Powell, Anthony Morris, Hugh Roberts, John Reynell, Saml Preston Moore, Israel Pem- berton, John Armitt, Thomas Rose. "Copy Examined by Isr: Pemberton." 4 pp. 26 1755 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Edward Ship- May 24 pen, Lancaster. Road cutters. A, L. S. 1 p. S [17561 [Franklin. Benjamin.] Physical and meteorological obser- [-j^-lyS] vations. [Read before the American Philosoph- ical Society.] The properties of air. Auto, draft. 9 pp. 2317-20 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1HS7. 2, 324. 1756 Anonymous. Observation on a proposition to forbid in- |-De,.. ti] hal)itants of Pennsylvania from make treaties or corresponding with the Indians. Extract from Charter of Mar. -1, 1«580. Arguments against above proposed measure. 3 pp. 26 1756 Bouquet, Henrv. Philadelphia. To [Lt.] GoV [William Dec 15 DennvJ of Pennsvlvania [Phila'.'J. Demands quarters for [Brig.] Gen. [Daniel] Webb, a bat- talion of the Royal Americans and other troops, with hospital completely eciuipped. Contempo- 27 rary copy. 1 p. 12 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1757 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Memorandum respecting quarter- Jan. 20 ing of officers of arm}' in Philadelphia. Dissatis- faction of officers; Provincial Commissioners offered money in lieu of quarters; sum allowed according to rank; offer of private citizens. Auto, draft signed. 27 1758 [Franklin, Benjamin]. To [James Logan, Trenton]. Has Sept. 16 inserted his name in list of subscribers to [John] Baskerville's Milton; Ministry is inclined to as- sume Proprietary powers [in Pennsylvania]; would like his sentiments on getting rid of the Proprietary government; [Thomas] Osborne is teazing to have the book account settled; would like to have [James] Short examine telescope be- fore he ships it [to Logan J ; defense of Council of Indian Walk purchase; asks how report happens to be signed only by L[ynford] Lardner. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Endorsed by Logan: "Separate notes reed. J any. 1759." 29 1760 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [London.] To [Mar}^] Stevenson, May 16 Wanstead [England]. Advice on reading. Copy. 1 p. (half ms. and half print, from W. T. F's edition.) 32 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 3, 54. 1760 [Hamilton, James.] [Philadelphia.] Amendments pro- Sept. 25 posed to act appointing agents to receive money granted by Parliament. Substitution of names of David jr and John Barclay for Robert Charles, and other changes including granting power to the Lt. Govf. to appoint a special committee of the Council. Sept. 26 Pennsylvania, Legislature. Answer of Assemblj^ to above amendments, agreeing to some, disagreeing with others. Copies attested by Chas. ]SIoore, Clk. of Assembh\ 2 pp. 33 Printed: Penn". Provin'. Council Minutes. Harrisburg. 1S.^2. 8,501. 1760 Pennsylvania, Legislature. Answer of Assembly to Sept. 26 amendments proposed. See: Hamilton, James. Amendments proposed to act appointing agents, etc. 1760, Sept. 25. 1760 [Hamilton, James.] [Philadelphia.] Reply to answer of Sept. 27 Penn" Assembly respecting his proposed amend- ments to act appointing agents to receive money granted by Parliament. Agrees to Robert Charles appointment as agent; explains at length BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 18 duty ami rights of (iovenior in disposition of money; does not contest point of official personnel of coniniitteo; adheres to rest of amendments. Cop3' attested b}' Chas. Moore, Clk. of Assemltly. 2 pp. 34 Printed: P(.'iiu«. Provin". Council Mimitfs. Harrisl)urK'. 1J<.VJ. s,.'>u-j. 1760 [Pratt, Sir Charles.] [London.] Opinion on the Maryland Supply Bills [sent to Frederick Calvert, Lord Baltimore]. As to power of the Lower House to nominate officers; power of Upper House as to accounts; tax on nonjuror, nonresidents and imports; tenants, uncultivated land, plate, money and the Governor; advice to Lord Baltimore as to assumption of power l)y the Lower House. A. D. ? 2 pp. 30 1760 Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To John Baskerville [London]. Prejudice against his types. Copy. 2 pp. With additional page of l)iographic'al memorandum of Baskerville. 31 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 3, 128. 1761 Franklin, B[enjamin]. [London.] To Col. John Hunter. Oct. 9 Hampton, Virginia. Sorrow at the death of Hunter; estimate of his worth; condoles with ' Polly] Hunter?]; settlement of estate. A. L. S. 1 p. Addressed and franked l)y Franklin, 35 1762 [Franklin, Benjamin] [London.] Essay on "Fire." Auto. June 21 draft. 3 pp. On third pag-e is a memorandum of various calls to he made, toys to be bought and other incidental and unimportant matter. 36-7 Printeil: Works (Bigelow) N. V. ISS". ^^, 193. [1763?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To Col. [Henry] Bouquet [Phila.]. Notifying him that things will be provided [for troops?]. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2151 [1763?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia] Memorandum of hospital, bedding- and barrack supplies for Col. [Henrv] Bouquet's troops. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 2151 1764 Massachusetts, Legislature, Committe(M)f Assembly. Bos- JiNEL'o ton. To I Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia]. Acts of Parliament relating to sugar trade, Stamj) duties and other taxes; [George] Grenville states that Ministry desire to consult the good will of the colonies; necessity of remonstrating against these measures; Massachusetts desires to unite 14 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS with the several colonies in petitioning against measures. L. S. James Otis. Thomas Gush- ing. Oxenbridge Thacher. Thomas Gray. Edw. Sheaflfe. 2 pp. 42 1764 F[ranklin] B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Committee of Sept. 28 Massachusetts Assembly [Boston]. Acknowledg- ing letter of June 25 (q. v.); the House concurs in their view and has instructed the Provincial agent [in London] accordingly. Auto, draft. 1 p. ^ 43 1764 Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence. Philadel- Xov. 1 phia. To Richard Jackson [London]. Instruc- tions for his guidance respecting petitions of Assemblj' and Inhabitants on the Proprietary government; Benjamin Franklin has been ap- pointed to assist him; Joseph Fox is now Speaker of the Assembl}^ in place of Isaac Norris. L. S. Jos: Fox. Jos. Richardson. John Ross. Jon. Hughes. 3 pp. 44 [1764] Pennsylvania, Inhabitants. [Philadelphia.] Petition to King [George III,] in Council praying for a dis- regard of petition of the Assembh^ to put an end to the Proprietary government. Draft. 2 pp. 41 [1764] Pennsylvania, Legislature. [Philadelphia.] Petition of Assembly to King [George HI] to resume gov- ernment. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 2** auto, draft incomplete. 2 pp. 40 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 3, 303. 1764-97 Hartley, James. Anecdotes of the militar\' life of Maj. Gen. James Hartley. 47 pp. 3128-39 1766 Pennsylvania, Connnittee of Correspondence. Philadel- M.w 8 pliia. To Richard Jackson and Benjamin Franklin [London]. Instructions to secure confirmation of Assem])ly acts; law respecting poor of Phila- delphia; letters to be directed to Speaker of Committee of Correspondence, L. S. : Jos. Fox. Jos. Galloway. Jos. Richardson. Thos. Liv- crze}'. Isa. Pear.son. Giles Knight. 1 p. 48 1766 Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence. Philadel- J'NK tj phia. To Richard Jackson and Benjamin Franklin I London]. Address of gratitude to King [George III] on repeal of Stamp Act; readiness of Province to comply with demands of Crown in granting monej' for general safet}^ of the Colonies; Prov- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 15 ince's grievances under Proprietary government. L. S.: Giles Knight. Thos. Liverzey. Joseph Galloway. Jos. Fox. Jos. Richardson. Isa. Pearson. 2 pp. *^ 1766 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, Philadelphia. To Bonja- AuG. 28 mill Franklin [London]. Repeal of Stamp Act and Franklin's examination before the House of Commons; [George] Croghan and Indian treaty at Fort Pitt; Sir William Johnson and Indian boundary question; settlers encroaching on Indian lands; [Maj. Gen. Thomas] Gage's attempt to drive them back; Croghan's visit to the Illi- nois; [Rich'.'] Neave and their Ohio insurance; will assist Mr. Sevells. U pp. L. S. of the firm. Endorsed by Franklin: ''Very important about the Boundarv to be urged with the min^' 50-57 1766 Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence. To Richard Sept. 20 .lacksonaiid Benjamin Franklin, [London]. Pro- hibition of trade with Ireland; prevention of grievances by watchfulness of provincial agents; paper currency. L. S.: Jos: Fox. Jos: Rich- ardson. Isa. Pearson. 3 pp. 58 [1766?] [Franklin, Benjamin] [London.] Remarks on plan for reoulating Indian trade. Auto, draft. 6 pp. 45 Printed: Worto (Bigelow) X. Y. 1837. 3, 476. The plan on which above remarks were written will be found in Pennv Archives. Phila. 1853. 4, 182 et scq. 1767 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Loudon. Prohil)ition in trade.^ July 7 Statement of a problem to elucidate conditions of retaliating trade prohibitions. A. D. 1 p. 59 1767 Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence. Philadel- OcT. 17 phia. To Richard Jackson and Benjamin Franklin [London]. Transmission of news of Parliamen- tary proceedings; change from Proprietary to Royal form of Government; paper currency and American bills of credit; wine, fruit, oil and iron trade with European ports; remittance of duty on sugar from British West Indies; Royal ap- proval of acts; approbation of services. Con- temporary copy. 3 pp. 6® [1767 «] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Remarks on Judge [Sir Michael] Foster's argument in favor of right of impressing seamen. Draft. 22 pp. Partly in auto, of Frank- lin. 2251-58 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 4, /O. 16 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [1767 ? j [Franklin, Benjamin. ] Vindication of the Provincial paper money system. Copy of portion onl3^ 4 pp. 2148 Printed in full: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 4, 79. [1767-8] F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [London.] Petition to Parlia- ment against the practice of importing felons to America. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 2213 Enclosed in: Franklin to the Pennsylvania Gazette, n. d. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1880. 10, 120. 1768. Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To John Alleyne [Lon- AuG. 9 don]. Approves early marriages; congratulates him on his own and offers some advice. 5 pp. print. 62 W. T. F's printers copy. Page from work.s with Ms. corrections. 1768 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Examples of writing in his reformed [Sept. 26] mode of spelling. Quotations of two stanzas of poetry. Sept. 26 S[tevenson,] M[ary]. Kensington. To [Benja- min] Franklin [London]. The inconveniences of the new alphabet. 2 pp. of print, being pp. 471- 472 of "copy from Vaughan's edition for W. T. F's edition." Above documents use the reformed mode of spelling. 66 1768 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Scheme for a new alphabet and re- [Sept. 26] formed mode of spelling. 5 pp. of print. " Cop}' from Vaughans edition for W. T. F's edition," being pp. 467-68-69-70 and Table of Reformed Alphabet to face p. 470. 63-4-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 4,198-20.5. This document is dated by Stevens Sept. 28, which is obviously too late, as Miss Stevenson used this alphabet in writing to Franklin Sept. 2G. 1768 Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To [Mary Stevenson, Ken- Sept. 28 sington]. Answering her objections to the in- conveniences of the new alphabet. 6 pp. 67-69 W. T. F's printers copy. Page from works with Ms. corrections. [1768?] F[ranklin,J B[enjamin]. [London] To Michael CoUinson [London] Instances of the zeal of late Peter Col- linson in promoting knowledge. 1 p. with Ms. biogi'iiphicul note of Peter CoUinson. 61 W. T. F's printers copy. Page from works with Ms. corrections. 1769 Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly Committee. Phila- Apr. 18 dclphia. To Richard Jackson and Benjamin Franklin [London]. Account of seizure of wine by rioters; various laws awaiting royal approba- tion or dissent. L. S. : Jos. Galloway, Speaker. Jam^ Pemberton. Jos. Richardson. 2 pp. 70 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPER>i IT 1769 Swift, Joseph and others. Philadelphia. To David Bar- Ji NE 5 clay jr. and others, London. Resolutions of New York Asseml)ly; non-importation agreements of Virginia, Maryland and other colonies; tax on tea. L. S. : Joseph Swift. Alex** Huston. John Rhea. John Cox jun! Thomas Mifflin. James Mease. William West. Dan! Benezet. John Reynell. Abel James. Henry Drinker. Jere*." Warder. Tench Francis. Thomas Fisher. Ad- dressed to: David Barclay jr., Daniel Mildred, Thomas Powell, Dennis de Berdt, Richard Neave, & William Neale. 2 pp. 71 1767-69 Franklin, Benjamin. List of papers in Goddard's Penn- j-j^jj l^3_ sylvania Chronicle written by. Dates of appear- JuNE 9 ance of articles and pseudonym over which each appeared. Copy. 1 p. 170 [17691 Walpole, Thomas, John Sargent, Benjamin Franklin and |-juxe] Samuel Wharton. Memorial to the Lords Com- missioners of the Treasury to purchase lands [on the Ohio] for themselves and associates. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. C. C. 41, 10, 473 See: WorlTs (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888, 10, 346. 1770 Boston, Committee. Boston. To Earl of Rochford Mar. 23 [Whitehall]. Depositions relative to the Boston massacre; public hearing at Faneuil Hall; [Wil- liam] Sheaffe and [Bartholomew] Green in attend- ance; [John] Robinson's embarkation with Capt. Robson for London; safety of Commissioners of Customs; withdrawal of troops. L. S.: James Bowdoin. Saml. Pemberton. Joseph Warren. 3 pp. 73 ITiiited: Kidder's Hist, of Boston Massacre, p. Ill, as to tlie Duke of Richmond. 1770 Pownall, J[ohn]. Whitehall. To [Benjamin] Franklin July 14 [London]. Summons to appear before the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations on 18'" inst. in regard to laws passed by Pennsylvania in 1769. L. S. 1 p. _ 74 [1770?! Anonymous. Verses on Benjamin Fnuiklhrs inverting stove. Copy. 2 pp. 72 I'nnted Works (Sparks) Boston. ls;5s. VII. JTii. 1771 Galloway, Joseph. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin Apj, 5 [London]. Transmitting petition of House of Representatives of Pennsylvania to King [George 111] respecting unrepealed duties. L. S. 1 p. 75 15885—05 2 1771 Ai-G. , 10 1771 Oct. 15 18 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1771 Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To Humphrey Marshall, Apk. 22 West Bradford [Pennsylvania]. Frugality of the American people and encouragement of manu- factures. Facsim. of A. L. S. (2 copies.) En- closed in Franklin, Ledger of Post-Office accounts 1775-78. Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1S8S. 10, 315. Small, W[illiam?j. Birmingham. To [Benjamin Franklin, London]. Cause and theory of colds. A. L. S. 3 pp. ' 77 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1838. VI, 339-41. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly- resolve appointing Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania agent in Great Britain for ensuing year and [Joseph] Fox, [Sam- uel] Rhoads, [Thomas] Livezey, [William] Rod- man, [Isaac] Pearson, [Abel] James & [Joseph Galloway] a Committee of Correspondence. " Extract from the Journals. Chas. Moore, Clk. of Assembly." 1 p. Endorsed: "Appointment of Dr. F. Agent for Pennsy for the j^ear 1771 and 72 and 1774." 78 1771 Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence. Philadel- ^^^"^- 1^ phia. To Benjamin Franklin, London. Concil- iatory disposition of Parliament and American representation therein. L. S. : Jos: Galloway. Jos. Fox. Saml. Rhoads. Abel James. W™ Rodman. Isa. Pearson. 1 p. 79 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Craven St. To [Francis] Maseres [London]. Life annuities in Holland. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 80 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 4, 490. [Franklin, Benjamin.] London. To Govl [William] Franklin of New Jersey. Exercise. Copy. 2 pp. 81 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1887. 4. 497. Cavendish, H[enry] and others. London. Report to the Royal Society on lightning conductors for the powder magazines at Purtlect. Description of Vjuildings and reconmiendations for their protec- tion. Auto, draft of Franklin, and noted by him as having l)een signed by II. Cavendish, William Watson, B. Franklin, J[ohnJ Robertson. 4 pp. 82 Printed: Works (Bigelow) K. Y. 1887. 4, 602. 1772 Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To Anthony Benezet, Aug. 22 Philadelphia. Slavery and the English Guinea trade. Copy. 1 p. 83 1772 Jlne 17 1772 Aug. 19 1772 Aug. 21 Sept. lit 1772 Oct. 15 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 19 (Biojiiaphiciil note of lionezct added in a dif- ferent hand and at a very nmch later date.) I'rintcd: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18h7. 4. Ml. Franklin, B[enjaniin|. London. To Dr. [Jo>?ephJ Priest- ly [London], floral algebra. Copy, '.i pp. 84 rrintt'd: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18H7. I, .Wi. Pennsylvania, Legislature. Assembly resolve appointing [SanmelJKlioads, [Stephen] Shoemaker, [William] Rodman, [Isaac] Pearson and the Speaker [Joseph Galloway], a committee of correspondence for the ensuing year and Benjamin Franklin agent for the Province in Great Britain. *' Extract from the Journals. Chas. Moore, Clk. of Assembly." 1 p. 85 1772 Pennsylvania, . Committtee of Correspondence. Philadel- OcT. 16 phia. To Benjamin Franklin [London]. Gen- eral instructions; salary granted. L. S. : Jos: Galloway, Saml. Rhoads, St. Shoemaker. ^^'"'. Rodman, Isa. Pearson. 2 pp. 86 1772 Marshall, William. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin] Frank- ^^^"^- ^^ liii [London]. Consciencious scruples of Scotch Presbyterians against taking oaths in form pre- scribed; petitions for exemption; requests his influence with the King in their favor. A. L. S. 3 pp. 87 1772 Franklin, Benjamin. To Thomas Cushing. See: Frank- DEt- 2 Jin, Extracts from correspondence, 1772-3, Dec. 2-Dec. 31. 2. [1772?! Franklin, Benjamin. Memorandum regarding petition and attempts to .see [Wilis Hill] Lord Hillsborough. A. 1). 1 p. 261 1773 Franklin, Benjamin. To Thomas Cushing. Sec: Frank- J-^^- -^ liu, Extracts from correspondence, 1772-3, Dec. 2-Dec. 31. 3. 1773 Franklin, Benjamin. To Thomas Cushing. See: Frank- ^i-^K- <> lin. Extracts from correspondence, 1772-3, Dec. 2-Dec. 31. 7. 1773 Franklin, Benjamin. To Thomas Cushing. See: Frank- Mak. 9 lin. Extracts from correspondence, 1772-3, Dec. 2-Dec. 31. 6. l BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 23 tives to King, compliiinint^- of Gov. [Thomas] Hutchinson and Lt. Gov!^ Andrew Oliver pre- sented to Lord [William Lootro. Earl of] Dart- mouth by [Benjamin] Franklin has l»oen ordered before the Council. Clipping from early edition of Franklin's Works. 137 1773 Gushing, Thomas. Boston. To Benjamin Franklin [Lon- Dec. 10 don]. Arrival of tea in certain vessels consigned to certain merchants; feeling of the colonies and opposition to the tax; introduces .lohn Sprague. Marked: "(Private)" A. L. S. 3 pp. 196-8 1773 Gushing, Thomas. To Benjamin Franklin [London]. L. S. Dec. 10 duplicate of preceding entry with auto, signed postscript dated: Dec. 21 — Tea has been de- stroyed; refers him to Dr [Hugh] Williamson for particulars. 4 pp. 204-6 1773 Gushing, Thomas, to Benjamin Franklin. See: Cushing Dec. 11 to Franklin 1773, Sep. 16. 1773 Gushing, Thomas, Sanmol Adams, -lohn Hancock and Wil- Dec. 21 liam Phillips. Boston. To Benjamin Franklin [London]. Unconstitutional exercise of Parlia- mentary power; feeling in the colon v; arrival of tea ships; town meetings etc.; destruction of tea. L. S. 3 pp. [Signatures mutilated] Endorsed: "Papers relating to Hutchinson's Letters Sec." 208-10 1773 Franklin, B[enjamin.] To the Printer of the Public Ad- Dec. 25 vcrtiser [London] Declaration. See: Franklin, Benjamin. Account of comiection with atiair of Hutchinson letters. 1TT2-3. Printed copy of above, ISi!. 1772-3 Franklin. B[enjamin. ] Extracts from correspondence relat- I>Ec.J- _ i„(r to Hutchinson and Oliver's letters. (1) A))surdity of claim that he attempted to conceal his name in letter of Dec. 2, 1772. [This portion F'ranklin afterwards crossed over with red ink. The substance of it but in diti'erent words appears in the other two drafts, U-i and 120 of the F'ranklin Papers, q. v. and in the later form is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 386.] (2) Dec. 2, 17T2.— Franklin to [Thomas Gush- ing.] Extract of letter transmitting the Hutch- inson and Oliver letters with his caustic comments Dec. 31 2-t BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS thereon; they maybe shown to [James] Bowdoin, [James] Pitts, [Charles] Chaunce}^, [Samuel] Cooper, [John] Winthrop and others. (3) Jan. 5, 1773.— Franklin to [Thomas Cush- ing.] Extract proving that Franklin never sent an anonymous communication to Boston. (4) Mar. 24, 1773.— [Cushing, Thomas] Ex- tract of letter to Franklin. Copying of the Hutchinson letters. (5) Apr. 20, 1773.— [Cushing] to Franklin. Ex- tract relative to copying or retaining the letters. (6) Mar. 9, 1773.— Franklin to Cushing. Ex- tract relating to keeping the people quiet. (7) May 6, 1773.— Franklin to Cushing. Ex- tract as further proof of no attempt to conceal his name. (8) June 2, 1773, and June 4. — Franklin to Cush- ing. Extract relative to permission to copy or publish letters. (9) July 7, 1773.— Franklin to Cushing. Ex- tract. Cannot obtain leave to have letters copied but they may be shown to any one. (10) July 14, 1773.— [Cushing] to Franklin. Extract relating to secrecy and attempts to pre- vent letters becoming generally known; printed copies circulated in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. (11) July 25, 1773.— Franklin to [Cushing]. Extract respecting use of his name in connec- tion with letters. (12) [June 14, 1773.]— Cooper, Samuel to Franklin. Extract respecting secrecy of Frank- lin's name. (13) July 25, 1773.— Franklin to Cooper. Ex- tract denying that he placed restriction on the use of his name. (14) Nov. 10, 1773.— Cooper to Franklin. Ex- tract admiring Franklin's openness in the affair. (15) July 25, 1773.— Franklin to [John Win- throp]. Extract regarding rights of colonies, their growing strength and dependence of mother country thereon. (16) Dec. 31, 1773.— [Winthrop, John] to Frank- lin. Extract relative to agitation in America over evident purpose of Ministry to subject BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 25 people; petition.s and results: duty on tea and disturbances; consequences feared. Auto, draft. 8 pp. 92-93 (This ms. is apparently the extracts made to be inserted at places marked in the: Account of Franklin's connection with affair of Hutch- inson letters. 1772-3. These extracts in connection with that docu- ment do not make up the complete -Account " as printed by Bigclow and others, being lacking in the Report of the Committee of the Mass. House of Reps, of June 15, 1773. the Petition to the King and certain other documents.) The complete tract is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18«7. 5 378-416. 1773 Winthrop, John to Benjamin Franklin. See: Franklin. ^^^'- '^^ Extracts from correspondence. 1772-3, Dec. 2- Dec. 31. 1772-3 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Account of connection with aliair of Hutchinson letters. Auto, draft. 16 pp. 88-91 (This ms. is the running narrative of the explanatory tract prepared by Franklin for publication, the various letters, resolves, petitions etc., quoted are not here given but the places for their insertion are marked. The document was not published by Franklin and first appeared in print in Temple Franklin's edition of the Works.) The complete tract, with all insertions, etc., properly placed, is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 378-116, with minor verbal variations from this ms. 1772-3 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Account of connection with atiair of Hutchinson letters. Cop}-. 26 pp. 94-119 (This ms. is a copy of the original drafts, 88-91; 92-93 and 120-131 q. V. made, apparently, for W. T. Franklin's Memoirs, and, with the exceptions of the Mass. House of Reprs. petition to the King, Frank- lin's letter to Dartmouth, Aug. 21, 1773, and Dartmouth's answer, Aug. 25, and the card inserted in the Public Advertiser after the Whately-Temple duel, contains all extracts of letters, copies of papers, etc., etc., properly placed.) The complete tract is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 378-116. 1772-3 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Account of connection with atiair of Hutchinson letters. Copy. 23 pp. 120-131 (Thisms. is the major portion of what .seems to have been the final draft of the "Account." The first pages are mi.ssing and it begins abruptly in the midst of Franklin's refutation of the charge that he endeavored to conceal his identity. From this point it is complete to the end. all excerpts, papers quoted, etc., being given.) The complete tract is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 378-416. [1773?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London.] To Dr [John] Ingen- housz, [Vienna]. Answers to tjueries respecting^ electricity. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 2203 Printed Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5,165. [1773?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Notes on catching oold. Auto, draft. 11 pp. . 139-153 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 154-165. 1774 Mauduit, Israel. [London] Petition to Lords Committee J^^- 10 of Privy Council for Plantation Atfairs. Pray- ing to be heard on address of Massachusetts 26 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS House of Representatives presented b}^ Benjamin Franklin, Clipping from earlj^ edition of Frank- lin's Works. 138 1774 Franklin, Benjamin. Examination before Committee of Jan. 11 the Privv Council on aflfair of Hutchinson letters. Jan. 29 Report of committee upon petition of Massa- chusetts House of Representatives. Clipping from earl}^ edition of Franklin's works. 138 Printed- Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 306. [1774?j Walpole, [Thomas?] London. To [Benjamin] Franklin Jan. 24 [London]. Form of a letter. A. L. S. in 3'' person. 1 p. 1009 1774 Massachusetts. Legislature, House of Representatives. Jan. 29 Petition to King. See: Franklin, Benjamin. Examination before Committee of Privy Council, 1774, Jan. 11. 1774 Franklin, Benjamin. London. To Dean [Josiah] Tucker Fer. 12 [Gloucester]. Franklin's endeaA^or to be ap- pointed stamp agent in America. Feb. 21 Tucker, J[osiah]. Gloucester. To Franklin. Reply to above. 4 pp. Contemporary copies. 212-14 Printed Worlcs (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 285-6. Franklin, Benjamin. London. To Dean [Josiah] Tucker [Gloucester]. Stamp agency in America. Con- temporary cop3 . 2 pp. 216 Printed Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 287. Tucker, J[osiah]. Gloucester. To [Benjamin] Franklin [London]. Stamp agency in America. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. 218 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5,287. Georgia, Legislature, Assembly. Resolves respecting con- duct of Benjamin Franklin as agent of Georgia and his reappointment. Certified copy from Journals: " Rich^ Cuny"?" Crooks, elk" [of Assem- bly] 9 pp. 234-242 Enclosed in letter of Com" of Honse to Franklin 1774, Mar. 14. ((j.v.) 1774 Franklin, Benjamin. London. To Deun [Jo.siah] Tucker Feb. 26 [Gloucester]. Stamp agency. Contemporay cop3'. 8 pp. At close in Franklin's autograph is following: "Feb. 7, 1775. No answer has yet been received to the above Letter. B. F." 220-226 Printed- Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5,288. 1774 Young, William and others. Savannah. To Benjamin Mar. 14 Franklin [London]. Appointment as agent of 1774 Feb. 22 1774 Feb. 24 1774 Feb. 24-28 HKNJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS '21 the province. L. S.: WiUiii. Yoim^;. N. W. Jones, Joseph Clay, Thos Shrudor, Siunl. Farley, T. Netherolift, D. Zubly jr. 4 pp. 244 Printed: Works (BiKelow) N. Y. 18H7. 5, 33)i. 1774 Pownall, [John]. Whitehtill. To Be.ijamin Franklin Apk. 21 [London]. Requests his authority for actino- as agent for Pennsylvania. A. L. S. in 3^ person. Franklin, Benjamin, to Pownall. Quotes resolution of Pennsylvania Assembly appointing him agent. A. L. S. in 8'' person. In pencil. 1 p. 246 [1774] Franklin, Benjamin [London]. To (.lolin] Pownall [White- [Afr. 21] hall]. Quoting resolution of Pennsylvania As- sembly appointing him agent for the Province. A. L. S. in 3- person. Written in pencil at bot- tom of note: Pownal to Franklin of same date, q. v. 1774 Pownall, [John.] " Plan: Office.*' To Benjamin Franklin Apr. 26 [London]. Laws of Pennsylvania are under dis- cussion by the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations but Franklin's presence ha.s not been requested. 1 p. ^^^ 1774 Philadelphia, Committee of Correspondence. Philadelphia. May 21 To Boston Committee. The sense of the city regarding the tax on tea and taxation of colonies in general; non-importation and exportation agree- ments; suggestion of union of colonies to petition Kinff for redress of grievances. Copy. 3 pp. ^ 250 1774 Anonymous. Extract of a letter from Philadelphia. The j.sE 10 Boston Port Bill: formation of a union of the Colonies. 2 pp. ^^^ 1774 Franklin, B[enjamin]. London. To [Dr. Barbeu] Du- AuG. 20 »»ourg [Ptiris]. Introducing Dr. [Joseph] Priestly. [AUG.20J Franklin to [Johann David n Hahn [Germany]. Intro- ducing Dr Priestly. Franklin to Secretary of Batavian Society, Rotterdam. Introducing Priestly. Franklin to Prof. Allemand. Smoothing the sea with oil; introducing Priestly and sending pamphlet to Count Bentinck. Auto, drafts. 3 pp. 252 1774 Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly resolve appointing Oct. 15 Benjamin Franklin agent for the Province for Aug. 21 Aug. 21 28 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS ensuing year. "' P^xtmct from the Journals Chas Moore Clk. of Assembly." 1 p. 254 A. D. S. of Moore of same. 255 1774 Continental Congress. Petition to the King, for redress of OtT. 26 grievances. Recital of same, etc. Copy of orig. and signatures of 51 delegates. 10 pp. with date, endorsement and note of states from which dele- gates came, in Franklin's handwriting. 256-260 Printed; Force, Amer. Arch., 4th Ser., I, 934, and in the Journals of the Continental Congress (1904), I, 115-121. Note in liandwritingof W. T. F. that above was sent to Paul Went- worth, Dr Benja. Franklin, Wm. Bollan, Arthur Lee, Edmund Burke, and Chas. Garth. 1774 Thomson, Charles. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin, Oct. 26 London. Forwards Petition of Congress to King; [Thomas] Cashing has sent Franklin copy of proceedings A. L. S. 1 p. On outside is: " Capt Morwick is particularly requested to take great care of this and deliver as soon as possible, it being the Petition from the Congress " 262 Printed: Journals of the Continental Congress (1904), I, 122. 1774 Thomson, Charles. To [Benjamin] Franklin, London. For- Nov. 1 wards address to King and address to people of Great Britain and these colonies; complaint not factional but universal; conduct of ministry. A. L. S. 1 p. 263 Printed: Journals of the Continental Congress (1904), I, 122. 1774 Barclay, David. Norwich. To Benjamin Franklin [Lou- Dec. 18 don]. Printing of pamphlet; reconciliation with colonies; Lord H^^de [Thomas Villiers] and Franklin's ^' Hints." A. L. S. 2 pp. 264 Extract printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1837. 5, 28. 1774 Molleson, W. & R. London. To Benjamin Franklin [Lou- Dec. 20 don]. Wish to lend their testimony to just rep- resentations of American Congress on occasion of presentation of Petition. A. L. S. of firm. 1 p. 265 1774 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [London.] To W. & R. Molle- Dec. 21 son [London]. Inipropriet}' of merchants accom- panying the Petition to the throne; probability of merchants forming a petition of their own. Auto, draft. 1 p. 266 Printed: Journals of the Continental Congress (1904), I, 123. 1774 Barclay, D[avid]. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Dec] 22 [Loudon]. Meeting of merchants interested in commerce of America. A. L. S. in body of docu- ment. 1 p. 267 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 29 1774 [Franklin, HcMijainin.J London. To the Speaker of the Dec. 24 Colonial A.sseniblies. Petition of Congress has been W\d before the King by [Willitiin Legge, Earl of J Dartmouth; it will be presented to Par- liament on their convening. Auto, draft. 1 p. 268 ri774?J Barclay, DfavidJ. [London.] To [BenjaminJ Franklin [Dfx.?] [London]. Wishes to see Franklin. A. L. S. in 3d person. 1 p. 269 [1774] [Franklin. Benjamin.] [London.] To (the Printer of the Public Advertiser, London] The rise and prog- ress of the differences between Great Britain and her American colonies. Contemporary (•oi)y. 9 pp. 2179-87 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 323. [1774] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London.] To the Printer of the Public Advertiser [London]. Submitting a pa- per on the differences between American colonies and Great Britain. Auto, draft signed: ''A. P." 1 p. 2177 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 323. [17741] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London.] To the Printer of the Public Advertiser [London]. On the proposed act of Parliament for ])reventing emigration. Contemporary copy signed by Franklin: "A Friend to the Poor" and endorsed l)y him "Pa- per written in P^ngland by B. F. to discourage the intended Act for preventing Emigration" 10 pp. 2138-46 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 6,418. [1774?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London.] To the Printer of the Public Advertiser [London]. Franklin's wicked- ness in persisting to act for America. Same to same. Answer to Sir F[rancis] Ber- nard's charge; the chimney sweep anecdote. Franklin. Extract from Voltaire's Univcisal History. Contemporary copies. 4 pp. 2189 First document printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5. 33J. [1774?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London.] ''To the Printer of the Public Ledger" [London]. Rage of mini.sterial writers against America. Contemi)orary copy. 5 pp. With auto corrections bv Franklin. 2193-5 Printed. Works (Bigelow) N. Y. ISST. .=>. 333, as being sent to tlie Printer of the PuDiic Advertiser. 30 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1775 Barclay, D[avid]. London. To Benjamin Franklin [Lon- [Jan.] 2.? don]. Sends paper for his perusal. A. L. S. in 3d person. 1 p. 272 1775 Barclay, David. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Lon- Jan. 10 don]. Wishinj>- Franklin to call. A. L. S. in 3d person. 1 p. 273 1775 Barclay, D[a\id]. [London.] To Benjamin Franklin [Lon- Jax. 12 don]. Unanimous approbation of the Petition in newspapers. A. L. S. in 3d person. 1 p. 274 [1775?] Howe, [Mary.] [Mrs. William.] [London.] To Benja- tJ'^^'- '-^ min Franklin [London]. Wishes to communicate a letter of [Kichard,] Lord Howe to Franklin. A. L. S. in 3d person. 2 pp. 271 [1775?] Franklin, Benjamin. Queries relating- to the colonies to [Jan. ?] be discussed with [William Pitt, Earl of] C[hatha]m. Auto.draft. 1 p. 275 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18S7. 5, 340. 1775 [Pitt, W^illiam, Earl of Chatham.] A Provisional Act for Feb. 1 settling the troubles of America and for assert- ing the Supreme Legislative Authority and Super- intending Power of Great Britain over the Colo- nies. Contemporary copy b}' Franklin with his note of the fate of the bill and anal3"sis of the vote. 6 pp. XV See: An account of the negotiations in London in Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 493 et seq. Printed: Force, Amer. Arch. 4th Ser. v. 1, 1503. 1775 BoUan, W[illiani], B[enjamin] Franklin and Arthur Lee. Feb. 5 London. To the Speakers of the various colonial Assemblies. The petition to the King; [W^illiam Pitt,] Lord Chatham's motion to withdraw troops from Boston; attitude of merchants; rejection of petition of the Congress; [Maj.] Gen. [Thomas] Gage's letter respecting disarming the provinces; actions of the House of Commons. L. S. 3 pp. XV 1775 New Jersey, Legislature, Assembl3\ Petition to the King. Feb. 13 Recital of grievances [same as those cited in petition of C-ontinental Congress to King. 1774, Oct. 26, q. v.]; New Jerse3''s aid toward expenses of late war; repudiates ideas of Independence; prays for redress of grievances. Cortland Skinner, Speaker. Contemporar}' copy, 6 pp. Endorsed: '■'Kec''in the absence of Dr Franklin Si presented by J. W^illiams Jun"" to Lord Dart- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PATERS 31 mouth .Inly 12. 1775 -No answer returned— Original remains in the Kinj^.s Hands" 276-8 1775 [Franklin. Ucnjamin.j London. To Charles Thomson Mar. 13 [PhiladelphiaJ. Fate of the petition of to Parliament; petitions of English manufactur- ing and trading towns; bill restraining tisheries and trade of New England and other colonies, exempting New York and North Carolina; posi- tion of the Ministry; necessity of union among the colonies. A. L. 3 pp. C. C. 58, 343. Printed: Amer. Hist. Review, i.x, 524. 1775 Barclay, D[avidJ. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin, Mar. 16 [London] Dr [John] Fothergill wishes to see Franklin. A. L. S. in S" person. 1 p. 279 [1775] Fothergill, ,][()hn]. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [March] [London]. James Pemberton to know of the hol- lowness of ministerial pretenses; etiorts of D[avid] Barclay and others; Sir J[ohn] Pringle's anti- Americanism. A. L. S. 2 pp. With memo- randa relating to trade and of a miscellaneou.s nature, in pencil, on verso, by Franklin. 2217 1775 Warren, Joseph. Watertown [Mass.]. To Benjaniin Apr. 26 Franklin, London. Enclosing account of begin- ning of the war [battle of Lexington] and order- ing^'same to be printed and scattered throughout England. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. Attested b}' Saml. Freeman. C. C. 65, 1. 9. 1775 Franklin, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To [Dr. Joseph] May 16 Priestly [London]. Atiairs at Boston; phdo- sophical discovery made during voyage home.^ [Experiments with temperatures of sea] 1 p. (of print with ms. notes by W. T. F.) 281 I^riiUefl: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5. 532. 1775 Dumas, C[harles] G[uillaume] F[rederick]. The Hague. M,v 17 To [Benjamin Franklin, Paris]. Recommending Giraud and Planier, refugees from France; may find peace in Pennsylvania; expenses of voyage; his edition of Vattel; thoughts on the Congress. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. (In French.) A-D. 1775 Franklin, Benjamin. Philadelphia. Memorandum. Time M,Y of mail packets and merchant vessels between Falmouth and New York and London and Rhode Island. Auto, draft. 1 p. 280 32 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1775 Franklin, B[enjaniin]. Philadelphia. To [William] Stra- JuLY 5 han [London]. Severing friendship. A. L. S. 1 p. Bound with facsim. of same. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 534. 1775 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Dr. Joseph] Jlly 7 Priestl}'^ [London]. Burning of seaport towns; Lexington and Bunker Hill. 2 pp. Clipping from early edition of Franklin's works. 283 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 534. 1775 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Free trade resolution, offered in July 21 Congress, to throw open the ports in America to all nations of Europe. A. D. 1 p. Endorsed: "A proposal for opening the ports of N. A. bro' in by Committee read July 21, 1775— on motion postponed for future consideration." C. C. 24, 7. Printed: Journals of ttie Continental Congress (1905) III, 200. [1775] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Articles of Confederation and per- [Jlly 21] petual union. A. D. 7 pp. Endorsed by Frank- lin: "Sketch of Articles of Confederation" and in a different hand "Read before Congress Jul}^ 21, 1775." C. C. 47, 1. Contemporary copy [b\^ George Wythe ?] 4 pp. with 3 pp. of addi- tional memo, on proportion of representation in Congress and remarks by G[eorge?] W[3"the?] on 6th, 7th & 8th articles. XV Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 887. 5, 548, and in Journals of the Continental Congress (1905) III, 195. 1775 [Jefferson, Thomas.] Articles of Confederation and per- JuLY 21 petual union. Autograph copy of Franklin's plan. 4 pp. T. J. [1775] Franklin, [Benjamin.] Amendment to the observations of [.Ii'LY SI] Congress on Lord North's proposals for the colo- nies contributing their proportionate share for the general defense. A. D. 1 p. T. J. See: Journals of Congress, 1775, Jul}'^ 31. Printed: Journals of the Continental Congress (1905) III, 233. 1775 Franklin, Bfenjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Gen. George -^^'*^- ^" Washington, Cambridge]. Capture of a Cork clothing ship; Major [Christopher] French and two other officers captured thereon; powder sent to [Maj.J Gen. [Philip flohn] Schuyler. L. S. 2 pp. W. Printed: Force, Amer. Arch. 4th Sor., 3, 148. 1775 R[eed,] J[oseph]. Cambridge. To B[enjamin] Franklin, ''^'^'*- -'^ Philadelphia. JNliscarriage of Gen. [George] Washinoton's mail. W. [1775] [Oct. 3] 1775 Nov. 17 1775 Dec. 6 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 33 1775 Franklin, H[oiijainiii.] Philadelphia. To Dr [JosophJ ^^^- 3 Priestly [London]. America'.s tirniness; expense of war to F'.iio-hind. 1 p. Clipping from early edition of Franklin's works, 284 Printed: Works (Bigclnw) N. Y. 1W7. .=), .5.39. Franklin. B[enjaniin]^ []. To D[avid] Hartley, Lon- don. Separation of Entrland and the colonies. Dated 1777. Dec. 5. Franklin, Rfenjamin]. Philadelphia. To the Conunittee of Lancaster County [Pennsylvania]. Application for arms from Lancaster county. L. S. 1 p. XV Continental Congress. Refutation of charges against coloines in royal proclamation of Aug. 2l^. 1775. Broadside. Ip. On verso in pencil are Franklin's notes respecting, Tews and Anti-Federalists. See: Franklin. Notes for comparison, (n. d.) 2275. Broadside printed: Journals of the Continental Congress (1905) III, 409. 1775 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Charles Wil- ^^^'- ^ liani Frederick] Dumas [The Hague]. Alliance with Holland. 5 pp. Clipping from early tvlition of Franklin's works. 285 87 Printed: Works (Bifjelow) X. Y. 1887. 5,541. 1775 Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Passy. To ^^- 12 [Frederick,] Lord North [London]. England's barbarous treatment of prisoners; exchange. Brief of the Government's answer to al)ove: denial of charges etc. Contemporary copies l)y Dumas. 4 pp. A-D. Letter printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5, 540. Brief in: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 44S. Franklin, B[enjamin]. To Don Gabriel [Antonio] de Bour- bon, [Madrid]. Version of Contempor- ary copy. 2 pp. 288 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 5,547. Jones, R[obert] Wettest. [Philadelj^hia.] To Benjaiiiin Franklin [Philadelphia]. Delivery of prisoners. A. L. S. Franklin. To Rol)ert Morris | Philadelphia |. Disposition of prisoners. A. L. in od person. In pencil at bottom of Jones's note. 1 p. XV [1775?] Georgia, Legislature, House of Assembly. Address to King. Returning thanks for addition to terri- tory from Creek and Cherokee Lidians, and pra}-- ing for protection from outrages committed by those Indians. Copy attested: '"Rich*^ Cuny"' Crooks, Clk" 2 pp. 270 15885—05 3 1775 Dec. 12 1775 Dec. 30 34 BElSrjAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1776 Pellissieu, . Forges of St Mausire [Canada]. To Jan. 8 the President of Congress [Philadelphia]. Cana- dian matters; disposition of people, etc. Con- temporary'^ copy by Franklin. 6 pp. C. C. 78, 18, 43. 1776 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] Committee report [Jan. 25?] on letter from Committee of Trenton and Dr. [Richard] Huddleston's letter; thanks of Con- gress to Trenton Committee in executing orders relating to [Brig.] Gen. [Richard] Prescott and Capt. [ ] Chace; proposition of exchange of prisoners and agreement respecting hospitals, surgeons etc. to be made to [Maj.] Gen [Sir Guy] Carleton. A. D. 1 p. C. C. 19, 3, 215. [1776] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] Notes respecting [J-^N-*^] Dr. [Richard] Huddlestone; medical corps as prisoners; miscellany of naatters to be attended to. A. D. 2 pp. "c. C. 78, 19, 7. [1776] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Proposed introduction to a resolu- [Mar. 23] tion [of Congress?] Great Britain's barbarous policy. Dra£t. 2 pp. 291 Intended as a form of the Declaration, printed in Journals of Con- gress of the date given. 1776 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Saratoga, [New York]. To John -^P«- !•" Hancock [Philadelphia]. Awaiting [Maj.] Gen. [Philip John] Schuyler's orders; advices from Canada and difficulties of travel. A. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 78, 9, 13. 1776 Franklin, B[enjamin], Samuel Chase and Charles Carroll. May 10 Montreal. To [Maj.] Gen. [Philip John] Schuy- ler [Albany]. Retreat from Quebec to the Sorel River; necessit}' of forwarding supplies at once; British reenforcements. Contemporary copy. 8 pp. W. Letters to, 9, 110. 1776 Franklin, B[enjamin|. Philadelphia. To [Richard] Lord July 20 Howe [off Sandy Hook]. Howe's mission. Copy. 4 pp. 292 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,23. 1776 Franklin, B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] Resolve of Penn- JiLY 20 sylvania Convention granting use of new jail for prisoners of war. Contemporary copy. 1 p. C. C. 69, 1, 191. 1776 Howe, [Richard, Viscount Langar.] Oflf Staten Island. -^ufi. 16 To [Benjamin] F'-ranklin [Philadelphia]. Peace mission. Copy. 294 BKN.IAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 35 1776 Continental Congress. Mimitos of proooodincrs on Lord Sep. 2-t> Howe's proposals. Sep. 10 Howe, to Franklin. Ai-ranging conference. Sep. l.S-17 Continental Congress. Minutes containing report of com- mittee of result of conference with Lord Howe. Copies. S pp. 294-297 Printefl: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1HX8. 6, 27-;«. [1776] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Suggestion for a seal of the United [Aug.-] States. A. D. 8.7X15.5 cm. Also same differently worded. A. D. 6.7 X 20 c. m. This is attached to an A. D. of du Simitiere of a suggestion for the arms of Virginia, legend in ink and pencil sketch of the arms on verso. T. J. 1776 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Memorandum respecting introduc- [AuG. — ] ^JQji Iq a resolution [of Pennsylvania Convention i]. A. D. 1 p. 290 See also following entry. [1776] Pennsylvania, Convention. Protest against Articles of t-^^'^- '^ Confederation. Powers of big and little States; votes based on population. 8 pp. Copy. 293 Written between July 12 and Aug. 20, as only the first form of the Confederation contained the specific article criticised. W. T. Franklin attril)Utes thf authorship to B. F Continental Congress. Minutes of proceedings on Lord Howe's proposals. See: Howe. Richard, to Franklin, 1776, Aug. 16. Howe, [Richard, Viscount Langar.] To Benjamin Frank- lin. See: Howe to Franklin. 1776, Aug. 16. Deane, Silas. Paris. To Gen. [George] Washington [New York]. Introducing Mons. de la Brosse. Sep. 15 Leane to (jonunittee of Congress for Secret Correspond- ence. Introducing de la Brosse; [Dr. Barbeu) Dubourg's recommendation. Copies. Ip. 298 Printed: Diplo. Corrcs. (Wharton) Waslin. 1889. 2, 145. Deane, Silas. To Committee of Congress for Secret Cor- respondence. See: Deane to George Washing- ton. 1776, Sep. 15. Continental Congress. Minutes containing report of com- mittee of result of conference with Lord Howe. See: Howe, Richard, to Franklin, 1776, Aug. 16. Continental Congress. [Philadelpliia. ] To B[enjamin] F[ranklinJ, S[ilas] D[euneJ and T[homas] J[etler- .son] [Paris]. Additional instructions; recogni- 1776 Sep. 2-( 1776 Sep. 10 1776 Sep. 15 1776 Sep. 15 1776 Sep. l.'i-i: 1776 Oct. 16 36 BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS tion of independence from foreign ministers or prevention of aid to Great Britain. 2 pp. En- dorsed: "Report of the Comm" on preparing further instructions to the Commissioners. post- poned—Agreed to Ocf 16 1776" Auto, draft by George Wythe. C. C. 25, 1, 1. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 172. 1776 [Franklin, Benjamin ?] Sketch of propositions for a peace [Oct. ? ] with Great Britain. Independence and cession of territory to U. S. ; English motives for peace; Franklin's chances of weakening England's exer- tions. Copy with ms, note of W. T. Franklin. 3 pp. 299-300 1776 Dunlap's Maryland Gazette. Postscript. Containing: Nov. 25 Joseph, King of Portugal's edict prohibiting intercourse with American colonies. Signed, Count de Azambuja. Intelligence from Whitehall of attack on Charleston, S. C. Extracts of letters of Sir Peter Parker July 9, and Sir Henry Clinton, July 8. [Names mentioned in these accounts are given in index.] Intelligence received by Congress of reduction of Mt. Washington by enemj^, 16th inst; defense by Col. [Robert] Magaw and[Lt.] Col. [Lambert] Cadwallader. Published by order of Congress. Chas. Thomson, Secretary. Broadside, 1 p. 301 1776 Vaughan, B[enjamin]. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin ^^^- ^^ [Paris]. Encloses papers for his perusal. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 303 [1776?] Vaughan, Benjamin. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin ^^^^'- • ] [Paris]. Vaughan's letter to [William Pitt, Earl of] Chatham; obloquy to which Franklin is sub- jected. A. L. S. 3 pp. 304 [1776. 1 Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. [Passy?]. To [de Brant/en? Paris]. Request- ing Holland not to aid England and ottering free commerce with the United States, Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. 2223 ^'' ' Continental Congress, Committee of Correspondence, '^^' Baltimore. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Notification of appointment as special conmiis- sioner to negotiate treaty of friendship and com- BENJAMIN B^RANKLIN PAPERS 37 merce with Spain. L. S. : Benja. Harrison. Richard Henry Lee. .Iiio. Witherspoon. Will. Hooper. 1 p. 326 Duplicate. 1 \). L. 8. : Harri.son and Lee and tii})litate 1 p. L. S. : Harrison, Lee and Witherspoon. 327-328 Printofl: Sparks. Diplomatic Corres. II, 8. 1777 Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Leane. H^xtraets of cor'-e- J-^>«' 1^- ^ spondcnce relating to loans to L'nited States. Jan, 17. — From Commissioners to Secret Com- mittee [Continental Congress]. Farmer's General loan of 2,000,000 livres. Mar. 12. — Commissioners to Committee for Foreign Affairs. Above loan comes from the King I of FninceJ. Oct. 7. — Commissioners to Secret Committee. Secrecy necessary. Dec. — Commissioners to Comte Vergennes. King's loan of additional 3,000,000 livres. Dec. 18. — Commissioners to Secret Committee. Above loan of 3,000,000 and loan from Si)ain. Copy. 4 pp. 323 Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Deane. to Secret Committee of Congress. See: Franklin & Deane. Extracts of correspondence, 1777, Jan. 1-4-Dec. 18. [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] Paris. To Capt. [Samuel] Nicholson [Paris]. Purchase of a cutter for the United Sttites. Auto, draft by Franklin. 3 pp. 329 Printi'd: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 56. 1777 [Franklin, Benjauiin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee,] Paris. Jan. 26 To [Montaudouin Bros.. Nantes]. [Jonathan] Williams [jr]\s ability. Auto, draft by Lee. 2 pp. Endorsed: ''Supposed to be to M. Mon- toudoin " 331 I'riiiti'd: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 68. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] J.Ax. 26 [Paris.] To T[hoinasJ Morris, [Nantes]. Demand- ing remittance. Auto, draft by Lee. Note, " to Mr T. Morris" by Franklin. 330 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,66. 1777 Franklin, Benjamin. Paris. To [Dr. Joseph Priestly, Jan. 27 London]. Fixed air. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 332 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 60. 1777 J.\N. 17 1777 Jan. 26 38 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] [Jan. 28] [Passy.] To [Thomas Morris, Nantes]. Demand- ing payment to Deane of the ten thousand pounds allowed them by Congress; [J.] Gruel, Montau- douin [Bros.] or [John D.] Schweighauser will transmit same. Auto, draft b}^ Deane. 1 p. 334 1777 F[ranklin] B[enjamin] Paris. To ? Correspond- Jan. 28 ence; great amount of business to be transacted and the many interruptions. A. L. S. 2 pp. XV [1777] F[ranklin,] B[enjamin,] S[ilas] D[eane] and A[rthur] L[ee.] [Feb. 7] [Paris] To [Lord George Germain, London]. Demanding return of an U. S. merchant vessel taken b}^ a mutinous crew into England and threatening reprisals. Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. (Last part only.) 2358 [Note: This document was apparently suppressed and the one printed in Works (Bigelow) N. Y., 1888, 6, 65, sent in its stead.] 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin,] Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Paris. Feb. 7 To Lord George Sackville Germain [London]. American vessels taken into England by mutinous crews. L. S. 3 pp. In handwriting of Lee. Also 2d L. S. with slight verbal variations. 335 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, G5. 1777 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Paris. To Mrs. Thompson, Feb. 8 Lisle. Personal matters. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 337 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 66. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] Paris. Feb. 23 To [Lord Stormont, Paris]. Exchange of Capt. [Lambert] Wickes's prisoners. Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. 340 1777 Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Deane. To Committee for Mar. 12 Foreign Att'airs. See: Franklin and Deane, Ex- tracts of Correspondence, 1777, Jan. li-Dec. 18. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] Extract Mak. 12 of letter to Committee of Foreign Affairs [Phila- delphia]. Loan of Farmers General [of France] to United States. Oct. 7 Franklin, Deane and Lee. Extract of letter to Committee of Foreign Affairs. Supplies. Letter press copies. 2 pp. 810 Original copy enclosed in Franklin to Jean? Durival, 1781, June 12. q. V. 1777 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To de la Hay e [Paris?]. Mar. 15 Commissioners cannot concern themselves in 1777 Mar. 21 1777 Mar. 24 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 39 trade with the United States; ports of America are open to all Frenchmen. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 341 F|ranklin,J BjenjaminJ, Passy. To [ArthurJ Lee [Bur- gos, Spain]. Ati'airs in America and France. Auto, draft signed. 4- pp. 342 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1S««. 6, 79. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Silas Deane and [ ] Paulze. Paris. Tobacco contract with the Farmers Gen- eral. Contemporary copy attested by Paulze. 3 pp. (In French.) C. C.— 145, 369. Traiishi- tion by John Pintard. 3 py). C. C. - 145, 373. 1777 F|ranklin], B[enjaiiiin]. Paris. To Michael llillegas [Phil- Mar. 25 adelphia]. Introducing M. de Bert de Majan who wishes to serve in the Continental Army. Franklin. Passy. To [John D. Schweighauser ? NantesJ. Introducing de Bert; is glad to hear of Schweig- hauser's success through [Nathan] Rumsey. Auto, drafts signed. 1 p. 343 1777 F[ranklin,] B[enjaminJ. Paris. To Gen. [George] \Vash- Mar. 29 ington [Morristown, IS. J.]. Introducing Mons. Dorcet. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 344 1777 Franklin, Benjamin. Paris. Letter of recommendation. Apr. 2 Auto. draft. 1 p. 347 Printed iis footnote. Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 101. 1777 [Franklin, lienjamin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee.] Paris. '■^PR- 2 To Lord Stormont [Paris]. Exchange of prison- ers. Auto, draft by Franklin. 2 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: ''return'd with Insult." See: Works (Sparks) Boston, 1839, IX, 166-7. 348 1777 Franklin, B[enjamiM]. Paris. To Gen. [George] Wash- Apr. 2 ington [Morristown, N.J.]. Introducing deCenis who is recommended by Turgot. A. L. S. 1 p. W. Letters to. 14,190. Auto, draft of same. 346 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Pa.ssy.] To 'i Mons. de Apr. 2 Cenis; chances of foreigners obtaining employ- ment in America. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 346 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Passy. To M. Lith, Bayi'^'"th Apr. 6 [Bavaria]. His desire to go to America and unrea- sonableness of hfs requests. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) 18,S9. 2,302. 349 1777 F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Conde d'Aranda Apr. 7 [Paris]. Propositions of Congress as to war be- 40 BEN J AMEN FRANKLIN PAPERS tween Spain and Great Britain. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 350 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 6, 86. 1777 F[raiikliii,] B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy. To Rybot. Money bor- Apr. 9 rowed by Hood. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 351 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin.]. Passy. To Richard Bache, Phila- Apr. 14 delphia. Introducing Mr Guez. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 89. 352 1777 F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. Passy. Totlie Bishop of Tricomie. Apr. 22 Advises against going to America. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 353 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 90. [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] [Paris.] [Apr. 26] To Viscount de Ponte de Lima [Paris]. Portugal's edict prohibiting intercourse with American col- onies. Auto, draft by Franklin. 2 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: "Rough of the Memorial to Portu- gal sent by M. Castrioto" 354 For memorial as sent see following entr3^ Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 91. X777 Franklin, B[enjamin], Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Paris. Apr. 26 To [Viscount] de Ponte de Lima [Paris] Portu- gal's edict prohibiting intercourse with American colonies. L. S. 2 pp. 357 Auto, draft b}" Franklin of above. 2 pp. 355 Copy by Deane. 3 pp. 356 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 93. [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee.] [Paris.] [Apr. ?] To Lord Stormont [Paris]. Exchange of prison- ers; complaints of treatment of same. Auto, draft b}^ Deane. 2 pp. 345 Endorsed: Not sent. Letter of Apr. 2 was sent in its stead, q. v. 1777 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Paris. To Dr [Samuel] Cooper, ^^AY 1 Boston. England's efforts. Franklin to [John] Winthrop, Boston. Sentiment in Europe. Franklin to [Thomas] Cushing, Boston. Europe prepar- ing for war; Capt. Thomson [Thomas Thomp- son?] and Brig Rising States; other privateer news through Mr. Greenwood. [The paragraph relating to privateers is crossed over and was not included in the letter as sent.] Auto, drafts. 4 pp. 358 Printed witlioiit privateer paragraph: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 95-99. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 41 1777 F[ranklin,J Bfenjamin]. Paris. To Madam Adoubedeiit ^1ay2 [ParisJ. Advises ai>ainst her son j^oiiii^- to America. Franklin to ? Seiuiini;- a)K)ve to be conveyed to Madam Adoubedent. Auto, drafts. 1 j). 359 1777 Morris, Rol)ert, Richard Ilenrv Lee, William Whipple May 9 and Philip Livingston. Philadelphia. To Ben- jamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee Paris, To provide a frij^ate for Capt. rJohn Paul Jones. Contemporary cop\' by Jones. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 9. 1777 Franklin, B[enjaminj. Paris. To Gen. [Geor»re] Wash- ^Iay 29 ington [Morristown. N. J.]. Introducing- C'ount [Casimir] Pulaski. A. L. S. 1 p. W. Letters to. 16, 4. Printed: Fortl, Writings of Washington, N. Y. 1890. 6,57. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Paris. To M. de Lauron [Paris?]. Jl-nk 6 Advises against his going to America; returns de Bartillot's Mcmoire. Franklin to Comtesse de Semeville [Paris?]. Encloses above answer to de Lauron; arrival of le Cheva- lier Dannemours. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 362 1777 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Paiis. To [Gen.] George Wash- Ji><'K 11 ington [Middle])rook, N. J.]. Introducing Baron de Randerode de Thuillieres. JcxE 12 Franklin to 'i [Cherbourg] Capt. BurnelFs prizes. Auto, drafts signed. 8 pp. 363 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin]. To M. Drouet. Capture of Capt. J^-'^'e23 Burnell; advice to his crew not to retaliate on Capt. Bienvenu. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 364 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin]. To Archil)ald Douglas [Cherbourg]. •^^■•^■■•-2." Capture of Capt. Burnell. JuNE2:i Franklin to Longprey, Cone}'^ & Son [Cherbourg]. Cap- ture of Capt. Burnell and disposition of prizes. Copies. '2 pp. 365 [1777] [Fothergill, John.] To [John Chorley]. The American [Jcne] Revolution a failure; [Benjamin] Franklin's friends and enemies in England. A. L. (portion missing) 2 pp. 361 Printed: W. T. F.'s edition. II. 68. 1777 Castrioto, F[elix] A[ntonio]. Paris. To [Benjamin Frank- JiLY 9 lin, Paris]. Proper form of address of memorial to Portugal. A. L. S. 1 p. 366 42 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin] to ? Refusing request for a July 15 commission in the American Army and advising against going to America. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 367 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] Paris. Jlly 16 To [F. A. Castrioto, Paris]. Memorial to be pre- sented to Court of Portugal. Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. 368 1777 Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Paris. July 31 To William Lee [Paris]. [John] Ross and [Thomas] Morris; orders Lee to Nantes to take charge. July 31 Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee to [Thom- as] Morris [Nantes]. [William] Lee will assist him in atfairs at Nantes. Auto, drafts by Frank- lin. 2 pp. 369 [1777?] [Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Deane.] Paris. To [JiLY?] [William] Lee and [Thomas] Morris [Nantes]. Order from Committee [for Secret Correspond- ence of Congress]; Capt. [Lambert] Wickes's prizes; Stival & Son, [Andre] Limozin, [Samuel] Delap & Plairne, Penet & Co are agents; funds in Sollier's hands; Morris's conduct. Auto, draft by Franklin. 2 pp. 302 1777 [Washington, George.] [Neshamini Camp, Penns3^1vania.] Aug. 17 To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Mons. de Cenis and French officers expectations of employment. Auto, draft b}^ Alexander Hamilton. 2 pp. W. Printed: Writings of Washington (Ford) N. Y. 1890. 6, 36. 1777 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Paris. To Gen. [George] Wash- AuG. 24 ington [Derby, Conn.]. Recommending [A ] de Knobelauch. A. L. S. 1 p. W. Letters to. 25, 187. [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] Paris. [August] To [Gen.] George Washington [Pennsylvania]. Intrusting money for Lafayette in his care. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 2389 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 70. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Bordeaux merchants. Sep. 1 Their complaint of [Stephen] Ceronio and [Thomas] Morris should be addressed to Robert Morris, chairman of Committee of Congress. Auto. draft. 1 p. 371 Sep. 3 1777 Sep. 4 1777 Sep. 7 1777 Sep. 9 1777 Sep. 10 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 43 [Franklin, Bciijaiiiiii. 1 Pussy. To Gen. [George] Wash- ington [Wilmington, Delaware]. Introducing Gonti(M- (Ic Biron. Auto, draft. I p. 372 [Franklin, Benjamin, and Silas Deane.j Bassy. To (ien. [George] Wa.shington [Wilmington]. Introducing Baron Steul)en. Auto, draft. 1 p. 373 Priiiteil: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. l.SXH. 6,104. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pa.ssy. To M. Paulze [Paris], Chances of his tobacco being taken by American cruisers; duty on clothing for American army. Auto, draft. 1 p. 374 [Franklin, B<'njamin.] Passy. To Melone & Co. [Prussia.] Furnishing of arms and clothing of Prussian manufacture to America. Auto, draft. 1 p. 375 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Passy. To (len. [George] Wash- ington [Chadds Ford, Penna.]. Introducing [Chevalier] de Caml)ray who is recommended by the Duke de [la] Rochefaucauld. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 376 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Gen. [George] Wash- ington [Chadds Ford]. Introducing three Peru- vian army officers. Auto, draft. 1 p. 377 [Ingenhousz? John.] London To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. B[enjamin] Wilson's experiments with lightning conductors; Lord Mahon's dispute with him. Copy in English, last paragraph in French. Oct. 3 Ingenhousz to Franklin. Wilson's experiments before Lord Shelburne, [Edward] Nairne and [William] Henly. (In French) 21 pp. 378-86 See: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1839. VIII, '2:16. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To ( [Benjamin] Oct. 4 Wilson's electiical experiments. Copy, part missing. Epigram respecting sharp & blunt conductors that appeared in London at the time. 2 pp. 389 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6. 111. [1777] L[ee] A[rthur]. Extract of letter to [the Committee of Oct. 6 Foreign Afiairs]. Supplies furnished by Ilortalez and Co. and understanding as to payment for same. Oct. 7 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee.] [Passy.] Extract of letter to [the Committee of Sep. 11 1777 Sep. 15 44 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Foreign Affairs]. Memorial to France and Spain; French loan and understanding as to repayment. Contemporary copies. 3 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 65, 206-7. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, -JOl and -104. 1777 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Ex- O^^"^- ^ tract of letter to Committee of Foreign Affairs. See: Franklin, Deane and Lee. Extract of letter to Committee of Foreign Affairs, 1777, ^Nlar. 12. 1777 Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Deane. To Secret Commit- OcT. 7 tee of Congress. See: Franklin and Deane. E:?:- tracts of correspondence, 1777, Jan. 14-Dec. 18. 1777 Franklin, Deane and Lee Extract of letter to Commit- OcT. 7 ^gg of Foreign Affairs. See: Lee, Arthur. Extract of letter to Committee of Foreign Affairs, 1777, Oct. 6. [1777 (] Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. [Paris?] t^'""-'^] To [Stephen] Sayre [Berlin]. His masquerade as a public character in Berlin. Draft. 2 pp. 2356 1777 Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Paris. ^^"^--^^ To Captns. [Thomas] Thompson [and Elisha Hinman, Paris]. Cruising instructions. Auto. draft by Deane. 3 pp. 390 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 112. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Hancock [Phila- delphia]. Introducing [Jean] Holker. Auto, draft. 1 p. 391 F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. Paris. To Sir Grey Cooper [London]. Relief of American prisoners. Franklin, to Thornton. Instructions regarding relief of prisoners. Auto, drafts. 3 pp. 392 Contemporary copies. 2 pp. 393 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188S. 6, 114-15. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Lord North. See: Frank- lin to Hartley, 1775, Oct. 3. [Jones, John Paul.] Nantes. To B[enjamin] Franklin, S| ilas] Deane and Afrthur] Lee [Paris]. Deliver}'^ of letter from the Secret Committee; superiority of small squadrons over large in annoying the enemy; places himself under their orders. A. L. 3 pp.' C. C. 58, 133. 1777 Dec. 4 1777 Dec. 11 1777 Dec. 12 1777 Dec. 15 1777 Dec. 18 1777 Dkc. 21 1777 Dec. HKN.IAMIN FKANKI.IN rAl'KRS Al') 1777 Franklin, B[(MiJ!iiniiiJ, Sihis Deane luid Aitiiur Lee. Di:( . 17 Pussy. To Capt. John Piiiil Jones, Nantes. De- sire to consult with iiini. A. L. S. of Franklin, sijrned also by Deane and Lee. 1 p. J. Franklin, lienjamin and Silas Deane to Secret Committee of Congress. See: Franklin c'i Deane. Kxtracts of correspondence, 1777. Jan. 14-Dec. IS. [Franklin, Bcnjaniin.J Paris. To [James Lovell, Philadel- phia |. [Silas] Deane's engagements with French officers. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 394 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. Ikhs. c, 117. Franklin, Benjamin and Silas Deane. To Comte de \'er- gennes. See: Franklin and Deane. Extracts of Coriespondence, 1777, Jan. 1-t-Dec. is. [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin.! Comparison of credit of Great Britain and the I'nited States. Auto, draft. 7 pp. Endorsed: •"Rough Draft of Affair of borrowing money" 308 11 Printed: Works (l*igeli)\v) N. V. isss. G, -13. [1777] Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. [Paris.] To Ambassadors of foreign courts at Paris. The United States is to send a minister to their courts; their friendship and trade solicited. Draft with pencil alterations in Franklin's handwriting. 1 p. 307 [1777] [Franklin, Benjamin, and Silas Deane. [Parish] To [Ferdi- nand] Grand [Paris]. [William] Hodge [jr]'s imprisonment on account of privateer of [Capt. Gustavus] Conyngham. Auto, draft by Franklin. 2 pp. 322 [1777?] D'Aranda, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, Conde. Madrid. To [Ferdinand Grand, Paris]. Extract. Wishes recommendation from U. S. Commissioners for Don Sebastian De Calvo who desires to serve as a volunteer in America. (In English) Grand to Franklin. Endorsement, in French, transmitting above extract. 1 p. 306 [1777?] Franklin, Benjamin, Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur [Paris]. To Capt. Gustavus Conyngham. The right of [William] Hodge [jr.], [John] Ross or [Silas] Deane to control his vessel. Auto, draft by Arthur Lee. 1 p. 2167 46 BENJAMIN BEANKLIN PAPERS [1777?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy?] To Dr. John Ingenhausz [Vienna]. Effect of lightning on a steeple in Cremona. Auto, draft. 9 pp. 2279-85 One additional page of same. 370 Letter press copy of secretary's copy. 12 pp. 2286-97 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 7,476. [1777?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To a friend. Recommendations for persons wishing appointments in American army; asks him to withdraw this his 23d application. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 324 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. G, 99. [1777?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To ? Gratitude for offer of services of his son in American army; little chance of his being able to obtain rank in America that his experience demands. Auto. draft. 2 pp. 305 [1777?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] Dialogue between Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Saxonj^ and America. Furnishing arms to America. Contemporary copy. 8 pp. With auto, notes by Franklin. 2197-99 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1887. 6,118. [1777?] Grand, Ferdinand to Benjamin Franklin. See: D'Aranda to Ferdinand Grand. [1777?] La Balne, Magon de. [Paris?] To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. Recommendations to Congress desired from [Benjamin] Franklin or [Silas] Deane for Marquis de Terre Blanca, Marquis de Salinas and Joseph Carrion who wish to serve in the Conti- nental Arm3\ A. L. S. in 3" person. 2 pp. (In French.) Endorsed by Franklin: ""3 Spanish Gentlemen" 2660 [1777?J Lee, A[rthur]. [Paris.] To Leogane & Co., Corona, Spain. Disposition of prize money from Capt, [Gustavus] Conyngham's prizes. Contemporary cop3^ 1 p. (In French.) 2668 [1777?] [Le Roy, Julien David.] [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Recommending de Beaussancours [?], Chevalier [Jean] de Bony and de Belle Isle for commissions in the Continental Army. A. L. in 3'^ person (In French) 1 p. 2502 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin], Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Passy. Jan. 10 To Jonathan Williams [jr], Nantes. A payment to Capt. John Paul Jones. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Attested by Thos. Hutchins. J. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 47 1778 Franklin, B[enjaminJ, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. Paris. •^'^^- ^^ To [Capt John Paul Jones, ParisJ. Promising to recommend crew [of the U. S. S. lianc/e}'] to Con- gress for reward in case of success of intended expedition. A. L. S. of Franklin, signed also by Deane and Lee. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 23. 1778 Lee, Arthur Paris. To Capt. [GustavusJ Conyugham "^■'''- ^^ [Bilboa, Spain]. Gardoqui [Son & Co] and re- fitting ship; public and private share in the ve.s- sel; captures of enemy's goods in neutral vessels. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 397 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin] and Silas Deane. Paris. To Capt. '^'^^' ^^ [John Paul] Jones [Nantes ^J. Prizes should be sent to Gourlade & Moylan, L'Orient; Samuel & J. H. Delap, Bordeaux; Gardoqui & Son, Bilboa and Leogane & Co. at Corunna; observance of neutrality; settlement of accounts with J[onathan] Williams. L. S. Jan. 17 Lee, Arthur. To Capt Jones. Objections to above. A. L. S. Jan. 18 Franklin, B[eniamin] and Silas Deane. To Jones, ^^'il- liam Lee has quitted the service [as U. S. Com- mercial agent]; no confidence in Thomas Morris; Gourlade [& Moylan] ; no reason to change above instructions. A. L. S. of Franklin, signed also by Deane. 4 pp. in all. C. C. 168, 19. Auto, draft by Deane of letter of Jan. 10. 2 pp. 398 Copy by Franklin of notes of Jan. 17 and IS. 2 pp. 399 Letter of Jan. 16 and Lee's note, printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, -171 and 473. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Passy. To James Hutton [Paris ^] ^^^- ^ England and peace with America. Contemp. copy. 3 pp. 401 A postscript of Feb. 12 which is however a separate letter (q. v.) 407 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1X88. 6, 125. 1778 F[ranklin]. B[enjamin], S[ilasJ D[eane| and A[rthurJ L[ee] ^'^^- ^ Paris. To [Ferdinand] Grand, Paris. Request to honor dmfts of William Lee and Ralph Izard. Contemp. copy. 1 p. 403 1 1778?] France. Treaty with United States. Separate and secret ^^^^''- ^'^^ 2" Act, [of the treaty of Friendship and Alliance ^ j granting an annual subsidy to the United States during tli(' continuance of the War. Draft. 1 p. 2219 48 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1778 La Plaigne, Emmanuel Pierre de Limoges. [France.] To Feb. 7 [Benjamin Franklin, Paris]. Orders of [Noble Wimberly] Jones; purchase of supplies for Geor- gia. A. L. S. In French. 3 pp. 405 :< OTE. — La Plaigne signs as captain of the 1st Georgia regiment. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Painbouef. To B[eniamin] Franklin, ^^^- ^^ Silas Deane and A[rthur] Lee, Paris. Divulging public secrets; suggestion of operation against [Richard] Lord Howe's fleet. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 193, 37. 1778 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Passy. To [James] Hutton [Lon- Feb. 12 (Jqi^j Prospects of peace. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 407 Printed: VVorlis (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6. 127, as a P. S. to letter. Franklin to Hutton, 1778, Feb. 1. (q. v.) 1778 la Ruelliere, . To de Sartine. See: Vergennes Feb- 15 to Franklin, 1778, May 15. 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To N[oble] W[imberly] ^^^- ^^ Jones, Georgia. Capt. de la Plaigne and his purchases of goods. Auto draft. 1 p. 411 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Arthur Lee [Paris]. Feb. 23 i^^y^ North's conciliatory bills. A. L. S. 2 pp. 413 Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 134. 1778 Adam, J[ohn]. London. To Mons. Derimple [Sir John Feb. 24 Daily mple?], Paris. English political situation; Lord North's conciliatoiy bills; the Lord Chan- cellor's [Heniy Bathurst] threatened resignation; [Edward] Thurlow and the Duke Bedford; war with France; Lord M[anstiel]d's visit to Lord Camden; Lord Carlisle, [William] Pulteney and Lord We.stcote probable appointees on the Ameri- can peace commission; [Thomas?] Townsend has changed his address; wi.shes to know Mac- Gregors. A. L. S. 3 pp. 415 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee]. To ^''''"'^- [Jonathan] Williams [Nantes]. Payment of bills, and expense accounts. Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. 400 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. To Gen. [George] Wash- '^^•^"- - ington [Valley Forge, Pa. J. Recommending do Fontevieux. Kecent copy 1 p. W. Letters to, 22, 96. 1778 Hutton, [James.] [London.] To [Benjamin Franklin, ^Iak. 4 Passy]. Peace propositions. A. L. S. 419 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 4U 1778 Franklin, to Iluttoii. Peace propositions and war witli -^'^''- -■* France. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 419 Fniiikliii t(i Hiitl Ray] de Chau- mont; thanks for his kindness, and words of farewell. Contemporar\' copy ( 1 j). 2504 1778 Lee, Arthur. [Paris.] Extract of letter to the Secret -^■'K- 2 Committee [of Congress]. His expenses. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. T. J. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Ferdinand] Grand '^^'^- 6 [Paris]. It will be sufficient check to mention [Jonathan] Williams's drafts to [Arthur] Lee or himself, before paying them. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 431 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Artiiiir LeeJ. To ^^''"- ^^ [Charles William Frederick Dumas. The Hague]. Alliance w'ith Holland. Franklin, Adams and Lee. To [E. P. Nan Berckel,] Grand 15885—05 1 50 BEKJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Pensionary [of Holland], Friendship for Hol- land, Auto, drafts by Franklin. 4 pp. 433 Contemporary cop}^ by Dumas 2 pp. (In French.) ' ' XV Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,164-5. 1778 Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, To Apr. 22 [James] Moylan, L'Orient. Stopping payment of BersoUe's bill. Auto, draft by Lee. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Bersolle, Brest. Explaining refusal to pay his bill. Auto, draft b}^ Lee. Franklin, Adams and Lee, To [John] Ross, Nantes Pay- ment of his bills; state of accounts etc. Auto, draft b}' Lee, Franklin, Adams and Lee, To Moylan. Sick men [Amer- ican sailors?] and discharge of one Miggins; will pay BersoUe's accounts as approved by Capt. [John Paul] Jones. Auto, draft by Franklin. i pp. in all. 435 1778 Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee to John [Apr. 22?] Ross. See: Franklin to Le Roy, 1778, Apr, 23. 1778 F[ranklin,] B[enjamiii]. To Le Roy, Cherbourg. [Silas] Apr. 23 Deane has gone; Capt. BurnelPs prize was at- tended to by [William] Carmichael or [Joshua?] Johnson. Auto, draft signed. [Apr. 22?] Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. To [John] Ross, Nantes. His contracts and drafts on Commissioners to meet same. Auto, draft by Franklin. [This draft is headed, "Mr Ross (addition)", and intended possibly as an addition to letter of Commissioners to Ross of Apr. 22. 435, q. v.] 2 pp. 437 1778 F[ranklin,| B[enjamin]. To [John] Ross [Nantes]. Papers '^^^- ^^ of late Thomas Morris. Auto, draft signed. 3 pp. Endorsed: " Not sent May 19, 78." 439 rrinted: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,173. [1778?] Anonymous. Letter from a gentleman in America to his [Apr.?] friend in France, Comte D'Estaign's services in America; landing of Silas Deane & Mons, Ge- rard; Gen, Washington's advice to attack Rhode Island; pilots procured by Lt, Cols. [Alexander] Hamilton and [John] Laurens; [Maj.] Gen. [John] Sullivan's cooperation; Lord Howe and [Rear] Admiral [John] Byron's fleet. Copy. 12 pp. 479-483 HENJAMIX FRANKLIN PAPERS 51 1778 [Jones. John Paul. J Hrcst. To fBcnjumin Franklin, John ^^^'' ^ Adunis and Arthur Loo, Passx J. Capture of the Dnil-r; exchange of prisoners and Comte D'Or- villier's advic-o; Lt. [Thomas] Simpson's arrest. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 61. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, .John ^^■^^'^ Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. Sale of prizes and reward of crew; ricrht of France to the pris- oners. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 72. On verso is portion of Jones auto, account of cruize of the liamjir. 1778 Vergennes [Charles Gravier, Comte de]. Ver.sailles. To •^^'^' ^'' [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. Paris]. Refusal of Capt. [SamuelJ Tucker to allow his ship, the U. S. Frigate Boston to be examined by the F'armers General. Contempo- rary copy ^ (In French.) 2 pp. 2505 1778 Vergennes [Charles Gravier, Comte de]. Versailles. To '^^•^^^^ [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Conduct of the American j^rivateer [Lion] commanded by John Warren. ^'^If La Ruelliere, . Madeira. To de Sartine [Paris]. Complaint of Warren seizing a French mer- chantman, liochel, captain Contemporary copies. ;>pp. (In French.) 2506 7 ^™ ,n [franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee.] Passy. To Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson [Brest]. His arrest; Capt. [John Paul] Jones will procure him pa.ssage to America where he can be tried. Draft l)y Lee. 1 p. 441 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin. John Adams and Arthur Lee.] To Capt. [John] Paul Jones ( Brest]. Report of his cruise; Lieut [Thomas] Simpson's arrest. Auto, draft l)y Lee. 2 pp. 443 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passyj. Letter to the Countess of Selkirk; hurtful insinuations of the P^nglish regarding the Whitehaven expedition. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 73. 1778 Botson, Henry. Petition to Le Sourse. See: Sartine to >• \v 20 Franklin, 1778, rJune S. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin], Arthur Lee and John Adams. Mav23 Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Jones [Brest]. Pilot for an advice boat to be .sent to America. May 15 -May 16 May 17 1778 May 18 52 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS A. L. S. of Franklin's signed also by Lee and Adams. 1 p. J. 1778 Vergennes [Charles Gravier, Comte de]. Versailles. To May 23 [Benjamin] Franklin [Pass}^], Intelligence de- rived from the Spanish ambassador of an English fleet destined for America. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2508 1778 Franklin, William T[emple]. Passy. To [Capt.] J[ohn] May 23 P[aul] Jones [Brest]. Enclosing letter. A. L. S. 1 p. J. 1778 Lee, Arthur, John Adams and B[enjaminJ Franklin. May 25 Passy. To [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Brest. Jones's cruise and capture of the Drake; reward of men and prize mone}^ regulations etc. A. L. S. of Adams, signed also h\ Lee and Franklin. 4 pp. J. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 597. 1778 Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. To May 25 J[onathan] Williams [Nantes]. Dismissing him from service; affairs to be solely managed by [John D.] Schweighauser, who is appointed b}'^ William Lee. Auto, draft by Adams. 3 pp. 445 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 596. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, John , ^^^^ -"^ Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy.] Transmitting account of his cruise; his protested draft; [8 ] Bersolle's refusal to furnish supplies; want of provisions and clothes. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 91. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] [Brest.] To [Benjamin Franklin, ^^■^^ "~ .lohn Adams and Arthur Lee,]. Extracts from journals and letters Apr. 17-24, describing Whitehaven expedition etc. Copy endorsed: '■'"Incorrect."" 9 pp. J. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 45. Franklin B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John Paul] Jones [Brest]. Letter to the Countess of Selkirk; Jersey privateers. -Contemporary copy. A— D. [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee,]. Account of the cruise of the Range)'. Whiteliaven expedition and action with the Drake. Contemporary copy. 12 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 79. Printed: Slierburne, Lileof Joim Paul Jone.s, N. Y. 1851. 45. 1778 :\i.\Y 27 1778 May 28 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN I'APERS 53 1778 [Jones. John Paul. J Hrost. To Benjamin Franklin •JiNEl []. Trouble with i?a/2r/f/-'* crew; obtiiininj,^ the ship [l?)(/n'/)] in Amsterdam. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 95. Printed: Sherbtirne, Life of John Paul Jonej, N. Y. 18.')!. W. 1778 I Franklin, Benjamin.] Paris. To ? Introducing Mons. •Ii^-E 1 Koulhac. Auto, draft. 1 p. 449 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. '^'^•■K -^ Marli. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Convoy for ships of Bas- marin, Raimbeaux & Co., to protect their trade with Ameri<-a and to make reprisals on Knulish commerce; the King is unwilling to detach any of his ships from public service. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2509 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Jt'NE3 Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. Draft on the Commissioners; sale of prizes and withholding of proceeds by J. H. Delap; trouble with Continental agents; criticism of Jones; arrest of Lt. [Thoma.s] Simpson. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 99 1778 Jones [John Paul.] Passy. To [Benjamin Franklin, •^^'^'^'^ Arthur Lee and John Adams and de Sartine]. Plan for expeditions. Copy. 3 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 70. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] do. ^^'^^^^ Marli. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Bill of exchange given by Capt. [John Paul] Jones to Bersolle, for supplies furnished the R-e6 [Passy |. Plan of uniting the .Vmerican ships abroad. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 107 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To "Gov.^j John] Rutledge Jt'>''K " [Charleston, South Carolina]. Introducing Mons. Roulhac. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 451 Rutledge had resigned from the Governorship before this ilatc. 54 BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de, Ji'NE 8 Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Re- specting petition of Capt Henr}" Botson. (In French.) Le Seurse, . Nice. To de Sartine. Respecting peti- tion of Botson. (In French.) May 20 Botson . Petition to Le Seurse for transportation to North Carolina. (In English.) Contemporary copies. 6 pp. 2511-13 1778 F[ranklin,] B[eniamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] June 10 Jones [Brest]. Ship for Jones. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 463 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 181. 1778 F[ranklin,] Benjamin, A[rthur] L[ee] and J[ohn] A[dains]. JiNE 11 Paris. To any captain bound to America. [Rear] Adml. [John] Byron's fleet anchored at Plymouth. Auto, draft by Franklin. 1 p. 455 1778 F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. Passy. To [David Hartley, Lon- J^'NE 16 don]. Exchange of prisoners. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 457 Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 183. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To ? Introducing "^^'^'^1'' [John?] Archer. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 459 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Barbeu Dubourg, [Paris] .June 19 Commissioning of a French privateer. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. Endorsed by Franklin: "M. Franklin est bien fache de le malheureux Evenement qu' empeche." 461 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. June 19 Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Arrival of de Senneville from America, on the frigate Nymphe; asks if Franklin has received an}^ news. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French) 2514 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Ju^'^'^o Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. J[ohn] D. Schweighauser and sale, at Brest, of prizes taken by the Ranger and Providence. Contempoi-ary copy. 1 p. (In French.) En- dorsed by John Adams. 2515 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Paris. To all commanders of Ji-NE 22 United States armed vessels. Safe conduct for BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 55 Moravian supply ship. Auto, draft signed. 463 Copy of samo, date of Apr. 1779. for l.ri^- Amity, Capt. .lanie.s Frasor. 519 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1837. 5. 122. 1778 Franklin, B[onjamin]. To [James] Hutton, London. Gen. .Titne2H Montgomery's monument. Auto, draft .signed in a diti'erent hand. 1 p. ^^5 Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. l.sHs. C, ISt. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To an engraver. [ABori'l.J JI.VE24 Paris. Dedication of a proposed print. Copy in French. 1 p. ^^'^ Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 6. 185. (Translation.) The engraving is thus described in the Hampton L. Carson Cata- logue, Vol. II, No. 1764: L'Vm6rique Independaute. Representing Fninklin m a Roman dress crowned with oak leaves, standing ami-lst a group of l.gures at the foot of a st4itute of liberty, with a wand in his left hand, pointing to an Indian maiden kneeling at the base of the monument, over the whole the figure ol "War- witli shield and spear, in the background trees and shrubberv, in the margin at the bott.mi a harp m a circle composed of thirteen links, upon which are the names of the thirteen United States, on either side of which are flowers, horn of plenty, etc. A Borel invenit ct delineavit, 1778 J. C. le Vasseur, Sculptor Re- gis et Majesfn imper- et Reg™ Sculp. " Dedi6s an Congrt^s des htats unis de 1' \m6rique. ' A Paris chez Vautcur rue Boucherat au coin de la me Xaintonge Par tear (rt^ humble et tris obiisseant Scrviteur Borel. [17781 Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. To [j,.xE] [Frederick. Lord North, London]. Exchange of prisoners. Draft corrected by Franklin. 4 pp. Endorsed: "Not sent." ^'^ Printed: Works (Bigelow ) N. Y. IS-'^S. 6, IStJ. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Passy. To [Benjamin Franklin, July 4 John Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. ^Phe com- mand of the Ramier; Lt. [Thomas] Simpson's behavior. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168. 1. 171. 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Daniel] Koljcnleau jrLY6 [Philadelphia!. Introducing Chevalier Dalzac. Auto, draft. 1 p. *®^ [1778] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. Memorandum respecting .luLvG trade with England and France. Auto, clratt with note bv W. T. F. that above paper was de- livered to [Gerard] de Kayneval to be commuin- cated to Comte de Vergennes. 2 pp. 471 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 639. 1778 Vergennes, [CharU^s Gravier.] Comte de. Versailles. To July G [ Benjamin | Franklin [ Pa.s,.y]. P ranklin s draft of reply; is impatient to know if Franklin has received an V news from America; a vessel from Boston having arrived at Brest on the 3d. Con- temporary copy. Ip. (In French.) 2516 56 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee.] July 11 Pa.ssj. To de Sartine [Versailles]. Placing Capt [John Paul] Jones under his orders. Oct. 12 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Marli. To [Franklin, Adams and Lee, Passy]. Wishes of the King respecting Jones. Contem- porary copies. (In French) 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 173. 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To David Hartley [Lou- July 13 don]. Exchange of prisoners. Copy. 1 p. 477 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 197. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. July 14 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Aid of the United States in supplying provisions to islands of St Pierre and Miquelon. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) " 2517 Translation printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 645. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. July 15 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Petition of James Hig- gins of Charleston and John Selby of Maryland for release from imprisonment with English sea- men; they claim to have served on the Hancock in a voyage to Nantes, and to have been captured on return trip by an English privateer. Con- temporar}^ copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2518 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. July 18 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Learns that there are many inactive American vessels in French ports, which could be usefully employed; suggest that proper orders be given. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2519 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Ji'LY 18 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Differences between the commander of the American frigate Boston^ and Frenchmen who volunteered as sailors; an exam- ination made by la Touche de Treville; has given orders concerning the sale of prizes at Brest by Schweighauser. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (In French) 2520 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPKRS -^7 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pussy. To (iov. Jonathan Tium- Ji'LY 22 bull [Hartford, Conn.]. Capt. Nilos arrival with despatches from Auto, draft. 1 p. 475 1778 Gerard de Rayneval, [Conrad Alexandre.] Versailles. To jii.ySI [Benjamin Franklin, PassyJ. News of encounter between Admiral Keppcl and Comte d'Orviliiers; French fleet has returned to Brest for repaiis. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (In French) 2521 1778 Jones, [John Paul. J Passy. To [Benjamin Franklin. John Aici. 2 Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. Keijuestin*; copies of certain letters. Auto, draft in H'' pei- son. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 181. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Aug. 10 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin. John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Eno;lish prisoners at Nantes; de la Porte, Intendant at Brest and duties on prize goods and prizes of the Raiuf> r. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2522 1778 Franklin, B[enjamin] and John Adams. Passy. To Capt. Aio. 10 [John Paul] Jones [Brest]. Deductions from sea- mens' wages or prize money; men of Whitehaven expedition to be recommended to Congress. L. S. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1. 185. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin P>anklin. John A, (;. 15 Adams and Arthur Lee, Passyj. Cahunnies of Jones; demands court martial of Lt [Thomas] Simpson; Capt. [Elisha] Hinman's rights; Edward Meyers testimony. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168", 1. 187. [1778] [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjan)in Franklin. John [Aug. 15] Adams and Arthur Lee. Paris]. C"hai-acter of naval officers; brief history of Jones prior to obtaining the Rangei'; (^ipt. [Mathew] Parke, Lts. [Thomas] Simpson and [Elijah] Hall: cruise of the Ranger: Simpson's behavior; seniority of rank in navy. Auto, draft. 1*2 pp.. formed by two letters each of which is mconiplctc. J. 1778 Franklin, Beiiiamin, John Adams and Arthur Lee. To Aug. 16 Mons. Paulze [Pari.>]. Ke(iuestmg a general dis- charge for Peltier du Dover from his submissions for cargoes of ail ships cleared for West Indies, but destined for North America. Draft with auto, corrections hy Franklm. 1 p. 485 58 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1778 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Aug. 22 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. The petition of Marc Francois Gautier, a prisoner at Brest, to be released on condition of his going to America to serve as a cannoneer. [Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de.] To Vergennes. Gautier's petition to Franklin; orders issued to [Jean B] de la Porte. Contem- porary copies. 1 p. (In French.) 2523 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Aug. 24 Passy. Prevention of employments. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 296. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 73. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Aug. 28 Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. La Prevalye's refusal to furnish further guard for the prisoners; Comte D'Orvillier's favor; exchange urged. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 146. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Aug. 30 Adams and Arthur Lee, Passy]. Continuation by La Prevalye of Comte D'Orvilliers guard; La Porte's offer to send prisoners to England; exchange suggested. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 153. [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Letters to [Edward] Bancroft; escape of the Jamaica fleet from Comte D'Orvilliers. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 295. [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. Extract of letter to B[enja- min] Franklin [Paris]. Treatment received and efforts to obtain a ship. Copy. 1 p. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 70. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel] de. Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Paper for an English ship to make an exchange of prisoners. Contem- porary copy. 1 p. (Li French.) 2524 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Passy. To Capt. Lemaire [Paris.] Sep. 6 Purchase of supplies for Virginia is in hands of [Arthur] Lee; reconmicnds [»! ] Gruel; letter to Tessier. Auto, draft. 1 p. 487 See- Works (Sparks) Boston. 1839. VIII, '221. 1778 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de Versailles. To Sep. 9 [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Paper for the English ship intended Aug . 31 1778 Sep. 4 1778 Sep. 6 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS ^'^ for ail exchange of prisoners; Nantes or TOrient to be the place of diseniharkation. Contem- porary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2525 1778 [Jones, .lolin Paul.] Brest. To [BenjaminJ Franklin Sep. 14 [Passy]. Complaints of being kept in France unemployed; begs Franklin's interposition with de Sartine in his behalf. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1. 201. I'lintrtl in piirt: Sherburne, Life of John F'aulJones. N. Y. ISol. '6. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel] de. Sep. 16 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin. John Adams and Arthur Lee.] Recapture of French mer- chantman Imhelle by the General Mifflin and law- regulating prize money in such cases. Contem- polarv copy. 3 pp. (In French.) 2526, 7 Translation printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 719. 1778 Fraissignes. Jaquo^- Memorial. See: Sartine to Frank- Sep. 16 liii, Adams and Lee, 1778, Nov. 16. 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin j^Ei. 18 [Passv]. Command of the Fo.r; letter^ written. Auto.' draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1. 205. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John I'aulJones, N. Y. INM. 76. Necker, Jacques. To Vergennes. See: Vergenues to Franklin, Adams and Lee, 1778, Sep. '24. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de. To Vergennes.' See: Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 1778, Sep. 27. [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Requesting efforts in his l)ehalf. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 207. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean (iualbert (iabriel] de. Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin. John Adams, and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Reciprocity in regard to recaptures at sea; uniformity of law as to prize money; Capt. [Hector] McNeil and the hah,JJ.'. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 2528 Translation printed: Diplo. Corre.s. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2.730. 1778 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Sep. 24 [Benjamin 1 Franklin, [John] Adams and [Arthur] Lee [Paris]. Exemption from cu.stoms duties of Americans returning to the United States. Sep. 18 Necker. Jacques. Paris. To \'ergcnnes. Exemption of American eflects from exportation duties. Con- temporary copies. 3 pp. (In French.) 2529-30 Translations printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. IS-'J. J. - W and 726. 1778 Sep. 18 1778 Sep. 21 1778 Sep. 21 1778 Sep. 21 1778 Sep. 24 1778 Sei>. 25 60 BENJAMIN P^RANKLIN PAPERS [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Exertions to obtain a command; letters written etc. ; desires the Ale?'i. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 209. Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin, [John] Adams and [Arthur] Lee [Paris]. Capture of [Ralph] Izard's goods by a British vessel and request for restoration; representation should be made to M. Sartine. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2531 1778 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Sep. 27 [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Influence of France with Barbarj^ powers to protect American commerce. Sep. 21 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Versailles. To Vergennes. Desires of the United States as regards the Barbary powers and French influence for protection. Contemporary copies. 6 pp. (In French.) 2532-4 Translations printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 2, 746, and 731. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond eJean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Oct. 1 Ver.sailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Requesting passports for Sieur Fagan for English ships to transport French merchandize to England. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2535 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Oct. 2 Marli. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. As to an armed ship and sailors to take [Capt John Paul] Jones to America. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2537 1778-80 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. Notes of condition of his Oct. 4- health; affection of the skin etc. A. D. 10 pp. Jan. 16 489-497 Printed: Works (Bigtlow) N. Y. 1888. 6,209. 1778 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Capt. [John Oct. 6 Paul] Jones [Brest]. Sartine's delay in procuring a ship for Jones; news from America. A. L. S. 3 pp. Auto, note by Chaumont of Sartine's intention. C. C. 168, 1, 397. 1778 Naples, Ambassador of. Paris. To [Benjamin Franklin, Oct. 8 John Adams, and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Ports of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PATERS 61 1778 OlT. 9 1778 ( )rT. V2 1778 Oct. 13 1778 Oct. 16 Sicily are open to tlic I'liitod Stute.s fluo, L. S. : " L'Ambassadeur (U> Naples." 1 p. (In French.; 2536 Translation prill tfd: Diplo. Corrcs. ( Wharton) Wash. 18«9. i. 7.")9. Hartley, D[avid]. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Exchanjov. 12 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Asks for exchange of Lt. Col. [Franc/ois Louis] de Fleury, now a prisoner at St. Augustine. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2546 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. >;ov. 14 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Release of citizens of the United States, prisoners to France. ( Contem- porary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2547 Trnnsiation printed: Diplo. Corrcs. (Wliartoii) Wash. Kh.s9. 'J, S38. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Guall)ert Gal)riel] de. j^'ov. 14 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. The English whale tish- eries off Brazil a proper object for American privateers. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2548 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Nov. 16 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris.] Is unable to give the convoy for ships going to America, requested by [John D.] Schweighauser. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French) 2549 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean (iualbert Gabriel] de. Nov. 16 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Enclosing menu)rial of a French surgeon, Jaques Fraissignes, taken prisoner by the English. Sept. 16 Fraissignes, Jaques. Hampshire, England. Memorial praying for exchange. Contemporary copies. 2 pp. (In French) 2550 64 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1778 Jones, [John Paul.] Brest. To William [Temple] Frank- Nov. 16 lin [Passy]. Minor matters. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 241. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Nov. 25 Versailles to [Benjamin] Franklin [Pass}^]. The King has sent papers for four British ships com- ing to Dunkirk; necessity for similar protection from American privateers; asks for four papers, in blank. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2551 1778 Neufville[-Montador,] Chevalier de Bayonne. To [Benja- ^^^'- ■'' min Franklin, Passy]. Sending an allegorical poem ["La Belle Poule"]. A. L. S. 3 pp. 2552 [1778] Neufville-Montador, Chevalier de. " La Belle Poule " [Nov. 27] An allegory in verse. 11pp. In French. 2403-8 1778 [Jones, John Paul.] Brest. To [Benjamin Franklin, Nov. 27 Passy]. Franklin's advice to [Lt. Peter] Amiel; obtaining a ship. Auto, draft. 2 pp. J. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. I^Ec. 1 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Acknowledging receipt of letters of protection for the four English ships coming to Dunkirk. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) ^ 2554 1778 Jones, [John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] F[rank]in] Dec. 9 and J[ohn] A[dams,] [Passy]. Memorial of Eng- lish prisoners; [D' Albert de] Rion's treatment of prisoners; prisoners faith in Father John [Mehe- gan]; news from America. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 157. 1778 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Dec. 18 [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Property of Dr. James Smith found; must pay the ordinary" customs duties, unless he proposes to take it to America. Contemporary copy, i p. (In French.) 2555 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Extract from diar3\ Inventions Dec. 18 submitted to him; power machine; war sugges- tions and [Jean Paul Marat's] elementary fire ex- periments. Copy. 2 pp. 502 Printed: Parton, Life of Franklin, Boston. 1892. II, 366. 1778 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Dec. 22 Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, Paris]. Assistance to Ameri- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 65 cans escaped to Fruiicc from Eiiolisli prisons; regulations respectinjr men of war and privateer prisoners in France. Contemporaiv copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 2556 1778 [Washington, George. J Philadelphia. To Benjamin ^^^- ^'^ Franklin [Passy]. Introducing the Manpiis de Lafayette; his record irj America. Draft in handwriting of John Laurens. 3 pp. W.. A, iv. pt. 1, 203. Printed: Writings of Washington (Sparks) Boston. 1834. ti. 118. 1775-78 Franklin, Benjamin. Ledger of Accounts of the United States PostOftice Department. Facsim of A. D. 1 vol. 59 folios. (2 copies.) [1778?] F[ranklin,] B[enjaminJ. [Passy?] To la Comtesse de la Methe [Paris ^J. Plxchange of Chevalier de Bazan- tin. Auto, draft. 1 p. 396 [1778?] F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. To [Dr. Joseph Priestly?. Lon- don]. Personal and political. Auto, draft. 2 pp. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. IbSS. (l, 223. 395 [1778] Cassel, Jean Henry and Franyois Antoine Setell. [Paris ^J Memorial to Vergcnnes [Versailles]. Claim for prize money on account of services under Capt. [Samuel] Tucker on U. S. S. Boston in encoun- ter with H. AL S. Fox- while conveying [John] Adams to France. 3 pp. (In French.) 2664 [1778?] [I^ee, Arthur.] [Paris.] Memorandum on the supposed wantof conridoncein Lee entertained by the King, andcharge of having given information in London of the treaty between the United States and France; Franklin recpiested to give information of these two facts to Congress and to express the astonish- ment caused by Lee's departure. 2 pp. (In French.) A. D. 2503 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Chev. de Neufville- '^^'" ^^ Montador, Bayonne. His allegory and senti- ments toward America. Draft. 1 p. (In French.) 2553 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin] and John Adams. To C ai)t. ^'''"- 1*' John Paul Jones [L'Orient]. Certifying to facts of his relinquishing command of the RiDujir in favor of Lt. [Thomas] Simp.son, L. S. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1. 229. 1779 Franklin, Bcnjauiin. | Passy. To Comte de Vergcnnes. ''"■ '^ [VcisaillesJ. Appointment as minister plenipo- 15885—05 5 Feb. 16 1779 Feb. 24 1779 Feb. 25 66 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS tentiary to France; esteem in America for Comte D'E.staign and Marquis de Lafayette; meeting on board the frigate [Alliance]. Auto, draft. 1 p. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 3.46. 510 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Jones [L'Orient]. Enclosing letters; mob in London. A. L. S. 1 p. J. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Jones L'Orient. Lord Selkirk's plate. A. L. S. Ip. J. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 3, 61. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. Comte de Vergennes [Ver- sailles]. Considerations of Congress on military operations in America. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 511 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 312. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Brig. Gen. de laNeuf- Mar. 6 ville [Paris]. Certifying to authenticity of his recommendation papers from America. Mar. 10 Franklin to all captains of United States armed vessels. Safe conduct for Capt. [James] Cook. Auto, drafts signed. 2 pp. 512 Letter, Franklin to Captains printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 321. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Arthur Lee, [Paris] Mar. 13 Refusal to turn over public papers to Franklin. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 515 With memo, at top of 2'' page: "Write to Mr Williams to take Care and Send the Types to Niles" Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888, 6, 326. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte de Vergennes Mar. 17 [Versailles]. [Donatien Le Ray] de Chaumont's efforts to raise a loan; Horneca, Fizeaux & Co's success with English loan; de Beaumarchais's claim and suit against Peltier; [Ferdinand] Grand's efforts. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 517 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 3, 84. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Passy. To Marquis de Lafayette [Paris]. Suggestions for descents on coast of P^ngland. Contemp. copy signed. 4 pp. 518 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,339. Sartine, [Antoinc Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Pa.ssy]. Requesting postponement of sailing of the Alliance; reasons therefor; consequent rear- rangements etc. Contcmporarj^ copy attested 1779 Mar, . 22 1779 Apr. 20 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 67 l»y W. v. Frunkliii. 2 \>\). In French. C. C. 168, 1,677. Trunshition. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1,681. 1779 F[ranklin,J B[(Mij;iiniMj. Passy. To [Dr. Samuel] Cooper Apr. 22 [BostonJ. Depreciation; paper currency. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 520 rriiited: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18»S. 6, 355. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Josiah Quincy [Braiii- Apk. 22 tree, Mass.]. Civility of the French; oxtniva- crance of America. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 521 Printud: Works (Bigi'low) N. Y. 1888,6. 353. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To de Sartine [Versailles]. Apr. 29 Letter from W[illiam] Bingham. M;irtini(iue, respecting- sinking of an American vos.sel by French at Guadaloupe. (In English.) May 26 Sartine to Franklin. Case of Capt. (biddings and brigan- tine Fair Flay. (In French.) June 25 Same to same. Indemnification of (biddings by the King. (In French.) Jlxe27 Franklin to Sartine. Inadequacy of indemnity. (In English.) Letter press copies of copies, i pp. 2557-60 June 27 letter printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7,98. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin] Franklin, M.^Y 1 Passy. Gratitude for his aid [in procuring the Lidle7i]. Auto, draft. 3 ])p. C. C. 168, 1,267. Printed; Sherburne. Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. Is-M. 'A). 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin] Franklin ^I^v2 [Passy]. Roleas(M)f prisoners. Contemp. Copy. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 165. 1779 F[ranklin,J B[cnjamin]. To Thomas Viny, Tenterden May 4 [England]. Peace, and immigration to America. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 522 Printed Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,379. 1779 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy. To Patience "Wright [Lon- :^Iay4 don?]. Advising against returning to America or coming to France. Auto, draft signed. -2 pp. 524 26 Autobiographical note of Mrs. Wright. 1 p. 526 Printed Works (Bigelow) N. Y 1888 6 380 1778 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Benjamin Vaughan, May 5 Wnnstead, near London. Editorship of Frank- lin's Works; paper for Dr. [John] or Dr. (Joseph) Priestly: [Joseph] Gallo\vay's [and Mr- Richard Bache^l account of destruction of Franklin > paper- in Philadelphia: E^spivent 68 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Villeboisnet's information; Gov. [William] Frank- lin's letter. Auto, draft. 1 p. 528 1779 Franklin, W[illiam]T[emple]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] May 8 Jones, L'Orient. Release of American prisoners from Senegal. A. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 193, 49. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] May 9 Jones [L'Orient]. Application for a [French] naval officer to accompany Jones. L. S. 1 p. Letter book copy. C. C. 132, 29 ; 193, 259. 1779 AUairz, [?]P . London. To Benjamin Franklin May 10 [Passy]. Proposition to supply the American forces with Dr [Robert] James's fever powders at half cost. L. S. 2 pp. 529 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt.] J[ohn] Paul May 19 Jones [L'Orient]. Respecting- issuing of com- missions and warrants. A. L. S. 2 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 91. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Committee of Foreign May 26 Affairs [of Congress, Philadelphia]. Financial and other troubles. Auto, draft signed. 10 pp. Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 388. 530-39 1779 Sartine to Franklin. See: Franklin to Sartine, 1779, May 26 Apr. 29. [1779] Polybius. Fragment from his treatise on the Athenian [May 28] Government. Auto, copy by William Jones. 12 pp. 540-42 See: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1839. VIII, 365. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To R[obert] Morris [Phila- JuNE 2 delphia]. Introducing Chevalier de la Luzerne who succeeds Gerard. Franklin to James Lovell [Philadelphia]. England be- coming disheartened. Auto, drafts. 3 pp. 543-4 Lovell letter printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 407. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To the Marine Committee JvsE'S of Congress [Philadelphia]. Arrival of the Allm7)cea.ndmut\nyoicYew; refitting; despatches and convoy; necessity of consuls. L. S. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 683. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 3, 201. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] Lsle of Groa [Groix]. To [Benjamin] JtNE 18 Franklin [Passy]. Destination; trouble with crew of the Alliance, Lts. [Benjamin] Hill, [Peter?] Adams and [Peter] Amiel. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 329. 1779 Sartine to Franklin. See: Franklin to Sartine, 1779, June 25 ^p^. 29. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Cl) 1779 Franklin to Siirtine. See: Fninklin to Surtiiu'. 17Tt«, JrxE27 Apr. 29. 1779 Franklin, B[oiijtimin]. Passy. ToCapt. [John Fuull.Iones June 30 [L'OrientJ. Orders for his cruise. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 2, 13. Printed: Sherburne, Lifetii.Iohu I'uul Junes, N. Y. 18.'>1. 'Ja. 1779 [Jones, John Paul. J Isle of Groa [Groix]. To [Benjamin JiLY 1 Franklin, Passy]. Account of cruise and inci- dents thereof. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 168.1, 333. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 95. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jlly ^ Jones [L'Orientj. Retitting; prizes etc. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. Attested by Thos. Hutchins. J. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6.431. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] I/Orient. To [Benjamin] Franklin, July 9 [Passy]. [Donatien Le Hay] de Chauinont's com- municativeness; repairs to squadron; Chaumont's suggestion. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 339. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin Franklin, JiLY 12 Pass}^]. Repairs to the Bon lloinme Richard; additional seamen. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 343. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1S.')1. 97. 1779 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Jones, July 19 L'Orient. Capt. [Pierre] Landais's prize: orders of Congress and time of cruise. L. S. 1]). with auto, comment by Jones. C. C. 168, 1, 351. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin] Franklin jlly 26 [Passy]. Project of attacking the Jamaica fleet. Auto, draft. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 355. Printed with verbal variations; Sherburne. Life of .lohn Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 98. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin Fninklin July 28 Passy]. Fouling of the Bon llonime Richard and AN /a nee; Lt. [Robert] Robinson; court mar- tial of Robert To\vers and John Woulton; inflic- tion of death sentence in foreign ports. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 357. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. 'lo Capt. [John Paul] July 28 Jones [L'Orient]. Mutinous disposition of his crew and efiorts to secure a new one. L. S. July 28 Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de. Passy. To Franklin. New crew for Jones; de Sartine's wishes as to 70 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS cruise of Capt. [Pierre] Landais. Contemporary copy by W. T. Franklin. 2 pp. in all. C. C. 168, 1, 379. Franklin to Jones, printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 98. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Extract of a letter from Boston. J^^LY 30 [Sent to Charles William Frederick Dumas, The Hague.] British expedition against Penobscot and action of the Massachusetts Council in send- ing ships and troops thither; gallant sea fight of Capt. [ffohn] Manley. Cop}^ by William Temple Franklin. 4 pp. Endorsed by Dumas: "Comu- nique par Mr Franklin" XV 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To [Benjamin Franklin, July 80 Passy]. Sinking of the prize Three Friends; death sentence by court martial. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 168," 1, 385. £1779] [Continental Congress, Marine Committee.] [Philadelphia.] [July?] To [Benjamin Franklin? Passy]. Retaliatory measures; designs against London, Liverpool and elsewhere. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. C. C. 152, 7,495. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. Certification of account Aug. 8 of John Ross. Contemporary copy on verso of a 2 page contemporary copy of Ross''s account. G. C. 19, 6, 555. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] Groix. To [Benjamin] Franklin Aug. 13 [Passy]. Fouling of the Bon Homme Richard and the Alliance; prize money. Auto, draft. 2 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 101. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Marquis de Lafayette [Havre?]. Exertions of the French ministry. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 545 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 434. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Marquis de Lafayette [Havre]. Sword presented by Congress. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. 546 Copy by C. W. F. Dumas with inscriptions and ornamentations of sword. (In French and English). 3 pp. XV Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 436. i«wQ Lafayette, [Marie Jean etc.. Marquis de] Havre. To Aug. 29 [Benjamin Franklin, Pass}^]. Acknowledging receipt of sword presented by Congress. Con- 1779 Aug. 19 1779 Aug. 24 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 7l teraponiry copy hy C. ^^■. F. Dumas. 1 p. XV Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 437. [1779] ^ [Franklin, William Temple.] De.^icription of .'^word triven [Aug. 29?] ]jy Congre.s.s to the Marqui.-^ dc Lafayette. A. D. 3 pp. Sketches of ornamentation of .sword- handle and guard. (2 piece.-^) C. C. 59, 1, 33. 1779 Sartine, [Antoine Rtiymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. ^^•'•^ Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin []. Orders and instructions for [Capt. .John Paul] Jones on his arrival at the Texel. Contenjporaiy copy by W. T. Franklin. 2 pp. C. C. 168, i, 411. Enclosed in Franklin to Jones, 1779, 8ep. 7. (q. V.) 1779 Franklin, [Benjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John Paul] S^P- '^ Jones [For delivery at the Texel]. Introducing [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; de Sartine's instructions for convoy. L. 8. 2 pp. C. C. 168, 1, 409. With auto, note by Jones of pub- licity given to matters by de Chaumont and com- plaint respecting the Concordat. 1779 ^ Continental Congress, Marine Committee [Philadelphia]. ^^'^- ^' Extract of a letter to [Benjamin] Franklin [Pa,]. The AllUmce and hopes of success from Capt. [John Paul] Jones's squadron. 1 p. C. C. 168, 1, 687. 1779 Anonymous. Abstract of letter to John Ross [Nantes,] ^^P- ^^ from Sweden. John Parrish's report of return of Capt. Davison's prize to the English. Copy. 2 pp. 547 1779 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Edward] Bridgen, ^^•^ London. Copper coinage in the United States. Copy. 2 pp. 548 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1S8.S. 6, 44(5. 1779 Denmark, King Christian VIL Order through [Andres ^""' ^ Peder,] Count Bernstortf to Bager releasing the Betsey and Union ^ prizes of Capt. [Pierre] Lan- dais, of the Alliance. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2561 1779 Jones, J[ohn] P[aul]. The Texel. To Benjamin Franklin ^"•^ [Passy]. of the Bon Homme Richard; description of events: encounter with the Sei'apls etc. etc. Contemporary cop}-. 17 pp. En- dorsed: '"an exact Copy.'' J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. V. 1851. los. 1779 Oct. 5 1779 Oct. 11 1779 Oct. 15 72 BENJAMIN FEANKLIN PAPEKS 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To John Jay [Philadelphia]. Ac- OcT. 4 counts; exchange of prisoners, etc. Auto, draft. 9 pp. 551-8 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 448. This letter was addressed to Jay as Prest. of Congress but he had, at this date, been succeeded by Huntington. Continental Congress. In Congress. Resoh^e tixing the sal- ar}^ of ministers plenipotentiary and their secre- taries, D. S. : Chas. Thomson, Secy. 1 p. 559 2*^ D. S. 1 p. ' 560 [Jones, John Paul.] Amsterdam. To Benjamin Franklin [Passy]. British treatment of prisoners; ex- change. Auto, draft. 2 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 175. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Pass3\ To [Capt. John Paul] Jones [The Texel]. Account of his cruise; engagement with the Serapis; accusations against Capt [Pierre] Landais. L. S. 4 pp. C.C. 168,1,187. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188S. 6. 459. 1779 Huntington, Samuel. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin Oct. 16 [Pass}^]. John Jay and John Adams appointment as ministers to negotiate treaties with Spain and England; William Carmichael and Francis Dana their secretaries; Franklin to raise funds to pay their salaries; John Laurens appointed Secretary to Minister to France. A. L. S. 2 pp. 561 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To James Lovell [Philadelphia]. Attempts upon English coast; mediation of Russia and Holland. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 562-3 Printed: Works (Bigelovv) N. Y. 1888. 6, 465. F[ranklin] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Dr [Samuel] Cooper [Boston]. Privateers; mediation of Russia and Holland. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 564 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6,471. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Joseph Reed [Phila- delphia]. Introducing M. Van Noemer of Hol- land; prospects of emmigration to America. Auto, draft. 1 p. 565 [Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean (nialbert Gabriel de.] Versailles. To B[eiijamin] Franklin [Pass}^]. [Capt John Paul] Jones's squadron at the Texel; the Alliance. Contemporary cop3\ 2 pp. (In French). Endorsed: "Inclosed in Dr. Franklin's of ye S*'^ " [to Jones.] C. C. 168, 1, 287. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Charles William Fred- Nov. 8 erick] Dumas [The Hague]. The American 1779 Oct. 17 1779 Oct. 27 1779 Nov. 1 1779 Nov, . 6 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 73 squadron; [Stephen] Sayre/s request for convoy; project of 11 treaty. L. S. 2 pp. XV 1779 Franklin. BlonjaiuinJ. Passy. To [Capt. John PaulJ >,^ov. 8 Jones [The TexelJ. De Sartine's letter ending the cruise; Capt. [Pierre] Landais; exchange of prisoners. L. S. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 167. 1779 F[ranklmJ, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Benjamin Vaughan, Nov. 9 London]. Publication of Franklin's works etc. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 567 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 0, 474. 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [Giovanni Battista] Beccaria Nov. 19 [Turin, Italvl. His convalescence. Auto, draft. ip. ' . "0 I'rintod: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 0, 4/*. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] TheTexel. To B[enjamin] Franklin Nov. 29 [Passy]. Certificates of Capt. [Pierre] Landais's conduct; interview with the French Ambassador [Due de La Vauguyon] and [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; guarding prisoners; Capt. [Gustavus] Conyngham with Jones. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 247. [1779 M La Vauguyon, Paul Franyois de Quelen, Due de. [The [Nov.?] Hague.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. [Capt. John Paul] Jones at the Texel. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) C. C. 168, 2, 99. 1779 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John Paul] Dec. 6 Jones [The Texel]. The Due de La Vauguyon s arrangements with Holland respecting French and American vessels at the Texel; orders re- specting the English prisoners. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 193, 151. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188.S. 10, 346. 1779 [Jones, John Paul.] Texel. To B[enjamin] Franklin Dec. 13 [Passy]. Respecting prisoners; complaints of treatment; [Donatien Le Kay] de Chaumont and the Concordat; intended depaituiv from Holland. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 193, 175. 11779] Continental Congress. Philadelphia. To [ Benjamin Frank- Dec. [10?] liii^ Passy]. Conference with Gen. [George] Washington and Juan de Miralles's letter; assist- ance to Spain in reducing St. Augustine and con- quering East Florida; Spanish troops and ships desired. Draft. 3 pp. C. C. 25, 1, 287. 74 BENJAMIN FEANKLIN PAPERS 1779 [Franklin, Benjamin,] Passy. To [Andres Peder, Count Dec. 22 Bernstotf, Copenhagen, Denmark]. Delivery of prizes to English, Auto, draft. 4 pp. En- dorsed by Eranklin: " Rough Draft of Memorial to Denmark" 572 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 479. [1779?] [Vaughan, Benjamin.] [London.] To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. His Editorial notes to the edition of Franklin's writings. A. L. 4 pp. (First part only.) 2361 [1779?] Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de]. To [Benjamin Frank- lin, Passy]. [Edward] Bancroft's report of opin- ion of Commissioners; [Francois Louis] de Fleury and Lafayette, to have six millions between them; Vergennes letter to be shown to [John] Jay and and [John] Adams. A. L. S. 2 pp. 502 [1779?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Notes on the Aurora Borealis. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 503 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 6, 263. Note: This ms. covers the first 26 Us of the notes as printed by Bige- low who gives 3 additional ^s and additional matter on same sub- ject in reply to a letter from J. S. Winn. The 2* auto, draft the 29 1|s with auto, diagram of air currents 3 pp. 508-9, has following note: "N. B. this paper has been translated into French and inserted in the memoires of the Royal Academic of Paris." [1779?] Dubourg, Barbeu. Biographical sketch of. (In French.) 8 pp. 504-7 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] Co rone [Corunna, Spain]. To B[enja- Jan- 16 min] Franklin [Passy]. Escape from the Texel; bad condition of the ship [Alliance]; capture of Dutch ship from Liverpool; neutral colors. Auto, draft. 3 pp. C. C. 193, 81. 1780 Maseres, [Francis.] [London.] To "the editor of Dr Jan. 27 Franklin's papers" [Benjamin Vaughan, London] Extent of [Benjamin] Franklin's authorship of the Canada pamphlet. [Vaughan ?]. Answer to above. [Richard] Jackson's claim. Memoranda referring to this question in Franklin's autograph. 4 pp. 574 1780 F[ranklin,] B[cnjamin]. Passy. To Dr. [Richard] Price Feb. 6 [London]. Settlement of disputes among nations. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 575 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 6. 1780 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Dr. [Joseph] Priestley Feb. 8 [London]. Progress of science; Priestly's situa- tion. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 577 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 7. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 75 1780 [Jones, John Paul. J L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Fninkliii Feb. 12 [Passy]. Brief .synopsi.s of eiifragement ])etween the Bmne Ilomnw Richard and the Scnipi^. Auto, draft. 1 p. J. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.) I/Orient. To Benjamin Franklin Feb. 13 [Passy]. Itijurios to the AUiaiwe and need of repairs. Auto, draft. 3 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne. Life of John Piiul .loncs, N. Y. 1851. p. is-i. 1780 Franklin, Benjamin. List of medals granted by Feb. 17 to various persons since becrinning of the war, with certificate of Franklin that M. de Flcury was the only foreigncM- thus honored. Contem- porary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 2562 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Feb. 19 Jones, L'Orient. Repairs to the Alliance; lack of money; shipment of arms etc. for America. Contemporary copy 3 pp. Attested by Thos Hutchins, J. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 12. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin Feb. 21 [Passy]. Repairs to the Alliance. Auto, draft. 3 pp. J. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin Feb. 23 [Passy]. Repairs to the AlUanrr and payment ot crew. Auto. copy. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 85. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin Feb. 25 [Passy]. Supplies and passengers for America: need of a lieutenant; prize-money. Auto, dratt. 2 pp. J. I'linted: ShtTbimu-. Life of John PaulJones. N. Y. 18.M. 190. 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] M .K. 1 Jones [L'Orient]. Shipment of .stores for Amer- ica and passengers desiring to go on the .1/^^- ance. L. S. 3 pp. C. C. 193.817. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1S8\ 10, 3/J. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin M..K.3 [Passy]. Repairs to Alliance; trouble with [John D.] Schweighauser. [Jonathan] ^^ iHiams, de Chaumont and Gourlade over payment of prize money: cannon sent by [John] Bondheld. Auto, draft. 4 pp. C. C. 193,89. 1780 Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de. Passy To [Be"J^;->';] \uK 4 Franklin []. Orders to [Capt. John Paul] Jones to remove from the Sei-apu^. A. L. ^. 1 p. (In French.) J. 76 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPEES 1780 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Samuel Huntington Mak. 4 [Philadelphia]. Seizure of prizes by Denmark; England's situation; supplies and clothing. Auto. draft. 5 pp. 579-83 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18S8. 7, 19. 1780 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier 'Sl.^R- 5 de la Luzerne [Philadelphia]. Spanish naval defeat; consciousness of war. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 584 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 27. 1780 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Gen. [George] Wash- Mar. 5 ington[Morristown, N. J.]. Washington's reputa- ' tion in Europe. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 585 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 25. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin ^Iar. 6 [Pass}']. Sir R[obert]Finla3""'s invention of bombs; draughts [of French ships of war]. Auto, draft. 1 p. J. 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Capt. [John Paul] Jones ^Far. 8 [L'Orient]. Arms to be shipped; prize money. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 193, 279. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1887. 10,373. 1780 Bernstoff, A[ndres]P[eder, Count]. Copenhagen. To[Ben- ^iAR. 8 jamin Franklin, Passy]. Seizure of American prizes by Denmark. A. L. S. 3 pp. (In French.) Endorsed by Franklin: "Danish Minister's Let- ter in Answer to My Memorial" 587 Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 30. 1780 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Robert] Morris [Phila- Mar. 10 delphia.] Introducing Billion de Gayeres. Auto, draft. 1 p. 588 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[en jamin] Franklin ^Iar. 13 [Passy]. Repairs to Alliance; arrival of [Arthur] Lee and others; willingness to serve the King; Capt. [Pierre] Landais's ships. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 93. 1780 [Jones, -John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin ^^AR. 14 [Pass}^]. Ransom of Dryburugh's vessel; ship- ment of goods on the Alliance. Auto, draft. 2 pp. J. 1780 Richards, P . i^t Pierre, Martinique. Memorial to Mar. 15 Continental Congress. His sympathy with the American revolution; efforts to give assistance by forming an association of merchants to send bp:njamin franklin papers < ( powder, .salt etc. to Charleston; has suffered <,n-eat losses through the paper money; asks for aiii. A. D. S. 3 pp. (In French.) 2563 1780 F[ranklin,J Bfenjamin]. Passy. To James Lovell IPliila- Mak. iti delphia]. County meetings in England; Kod- ney's victory. Auto, draft signed. '2 pj). 589 PrinUHl: Works ^Bigelo^v) N. Y. ias8. 7,34. 1780 Franklin, B[enjaminj. Passy. To Gen. [GeorgeJ Wash- Mah. Ut ington [Morristown, N. J.]. Introducing the Chevalier de Ciuistcllux. A. L. S. 1 p. W. Let- ters to. 36, 208. 1780 [Franklin, Benjamin, j To John llancork | Bo.s- Mak. 26 ty„j^ Introducing Me.ssrs.Galatheau«ScComi)any who will call to account Messrs. Peurien i.<: La Fitte of Salem for a cargo received from Messis Burran. Auto, draft. 1 p. 590 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L*Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin Mar. 28 []. [Edward] Bancroft a witness to hap- penings on the Alliance; [Donatien Le Hay de] C[haumont] unworthy. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 97. 1780 Lewis, Francis. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin Mar. 28 Passy]. Ordering the Allianrc to America. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Attested t>y Thos. Hutchins. J. Prititep. C. C. 1, 93, 71. 1780 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Versailles. To [Capt. John Paul Ai'u. 1 Jones, L'Orient]. Gunpowder and prize money. Contemporary c()i)y. 1 p. Attested l)y Thos. Hutchins. J. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin| Franklin Apr. 4 [Passy]. Shipment of arms on the Alh'iin; : [Donatien Le Rav de] C[haumonfsl pertidy. Auto, draft. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 297. 78 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1780 [Vaughan, Benjamin.] To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Apr. 23 Letters forwarded by [Jonathan] Austin; intended translation of Franklin's works [Vaughau edition] by Dr. [Edward?] Forster's son; introduces Dr. [William] Hamilton, an acquaintance of Dr [Adair] Crawford; Speaker's retirement on ac- count of gout left to Dr [John] Fothergill and [Percival?] Pott; [Alexander] Wedderburne to be Chief Justice of Common Pleas; Sir Fletcher Norton goes to House of Lords; remains of the Rockingham system and scruples of Sir G[eorge] Savile. A. L. 4 pp. 591 1780 Ingenhousz, J[ohn]. Brussels. To [Benjamin Franklin, ^Iay 3 Passy]. Requesting answers to given queries regarding electricity; Le Roy has not shown him Franklin's advice; Walkier's experiments. A. L. S. 3 pp. 592 1780 [Vaughan, Benjamin.] [London.] To [Benjamin Franklin, ^^A^' 12 Passy]. Letter sent by Dr. [William?] Hamilton; Dr. [Adair] Crawford recommends bearer of this one; Dr. J[ohn] Jebbs packet sent in hope that Franklin may have some political observations to make; Dr. [Richard] Price's pamphlet; Dr. [Joseph] Priestley is ill and Drs. [John] Fother- gill, Webb, [William] Heberden and Sir J[ohn] Pringle attend him; politics and the Rockinghams; insensible hearts and heads of the ministr3\ A. L. 4 pp. 593 1780 Continental Congress, Philadelphia. Resolve. Drawing May 19 of bills on Franklin and Jay. See: Grand, Ferdi- nand. Estimate of funds required 1780, Sep. 20. 1780 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Passy. To Samuel Huntmgton MaySI [Philadelphia]. Credit of Congress; Denmark's seizures of prizes; capture of neutral vessels by Americans. Auto, draft signed. 6 pp. 594-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 63. 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John Paul] Jones •l^'NE 1 [L'Orient]. Orders of the Board of Admiralty for the return of the Alliance. I-*. S. 1 p. C. C. 193, 821. I'riiitL'd: Sherburne. Life of John PaulJones. N. Y. 1851. 191. 1780 Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Juan Gualbert Gabriel] de. Junes Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [PassyJ. French ship for sending supplies to America. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) Attested BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 79 by Tlios. llutchins. Enclosed in: Fniuklin, W. T. to Jones, 1780, June 4. (q. v.) J. 1780 Franklin, Wlillianil Tfoniplc]. Pussy. To (Capt. 1 John Ji;xe4 Paul Jones IL^Orient]. Orders of de Sartine assisting Jones in his departure. A. L. 8. 1 p. C. C. 193, 379. 1780 Franklin, B[onjaminJ. Passy. To Jean de Neufville & June 6 Sons [Amsterdam]. Their proposition to pay bills drawn by Congress on Henry Laurens. Contem- porary copy. 2 pp. C. C. 145, 33. 1780 Franklin, B[eniaminj. Passy. To Lt. James [Arthur] June 7 DeggB and other officers of the Allicmce, L'Orient. Their complaints as towages and prize money, sale of prizes; Denmark; their attitude to Capt. [Pierre] Landais and [John Paul] Jones. L. S^. 5 pp. C. C. 193, 405. 1780 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Passy. To Capt. [Pierre] Landais, JiNE 7 L'Orient. The command of the Alliance. Copy by Jones. 1 p. C. C. 193, 831. 1780 Degge, James Arthur, John Bulkly, and James Lynd, June 7 L'Orient. To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Peti- tioning for restoration of Capt. [Pierre] Landais to command of the AUI pp. C. C. 168, 1, 841. Primed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1HS8. 10, 375. 1780 Thevenard to Jones. See: Jonesto Franklin, 1778, June 13. ^^r^^ [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Jay [Madrid]. Misunderstandings m accounts; Jay's credit through [Ferdinand] Grand with d'Aranda; cor- respondence; Congress bills of exchange; Frank- lin's portrait. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 596-98 Printed, with exception of 1) relating to accounts. Works (Bigelow) N. Y. IbW. 7. ^2. 1780 1780 June 13 80 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1780 Jones, J[ohn] P[aul]. L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Frank- JuNE 13 lin [Passy]. Seizure of command of the Alliance by Capt. [Pierre] Landai.s, at instigation of [Alex- ander] Gillon and [Arthur] Lee; treatment of Lt. [Richard] Dale and others; shipment of stores on the Ariel. June 12 Landais, P[ierre]. L'Orient. To [Lt.] James [Arthur] Degge. Right to command the Alliance. June 18 [Thevenard,Antoine Jean Marie de.] L'Orient. To Jones. Landais's seizure of the Alliance. Contemporary copies. 4 pp. C. C. 193, 413. 1780 Neufville, Jean de & Son. Amsterdam. To [Benjamin June 15 Franklin, Pass}^]. Payment of bills of Congress drawn on Henry Laurens. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. C. C. 145, 35. 1780 Gudermeulen, C. Van der. Amsterdam. To [Benjamin June 15 Franklin, Passy]. Schei iC for continental trade with America. A. L. S. 3 pp. (In French.) 2564 [1780] Gudermeulen, C. Van der. Amsterdam. Memoir respect- [June 15] ing Continental European trade with America. A. D. 3 pp. 2565 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Versailles. To Capt Pierre Lan- ^^'^'^' 16 dais [L'Orient]. Repeating his orders of the 7'" to leave the Alliance. Contemporar}' copy. 1 p. C. C. 193, 839. 1780 Franklin, Benjamin. Versailles. To the officers and crew J^'-'^'K 16 of the Alliance. Ordering obedience to orders of [Capt. John Paul] Jones as commander of the ship. Contemporary copy by Mathew Parke. 2 pp. C. C. 193, 609. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin? JuN«l" Passy J. The Alliance and Capt. [Pierre] Lan- dais's deceit. Auto, draft. 2 pp. J. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. 206. Ap- parently forwarded by Franklin to Adams with the queries of June 18. (q.v.) 1780 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John Paul] Junk 17 Jones, L'Orient. Arthur Leo and mutiny on the Alliance. A. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 193, 827. Printed; Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18.S8. 7,89. [1780] Franklin, [Benjamin.] [Passy.] Questions put to [John] [June 18] Adams respecting conduct of Capt. [Pierre] Lan- BENJAMIN FKANKLIX PAl'KKS 81 dais us ivgards the coniniand of the Alli<(ii<-r. Conteini)()rarv tc^pv. .i pp. C. C. 193, 435. Priiitfil: Works ni .lolm Adunis, Boston. Is-V.'. 7, LtM. 1780 [Jones, John Paul. J L'Orient. To R[enjamin| Franklin Ji'^E-l [Passy]. Sailing of the .l/Z/tf/zct' from L'Orient: de Thevenard's orders to tire upon her; coi-re- spondence with Capt. [Pierre] Landais and [Ar- thur] Lt'e; letter to Capt. [MathewJ Parke; pur])oses of the cabal. Auto, draft, ^i pp. C. C. 193, 849. 1780 Franklin, B[enjaiiiin]. To V. \'an der Oudermeu- i^"^^-- len [Amsterdam]. Thouj,dits on formation of companies in Europe for trade with America. Contemporary copy. ^^ pp. Endorsed by Fkln: ''Papers *)c Letters relating to a Company pro- pos'd to be formed in Europe for the American Trade." 599 Printwl: Works (Bipelow) N. Y. isas. 7, 92. 1780 [Jones, John Paul.] L'Orient. To B[enjamin] Franklin Ji^'^'E 23 [Passy]. Capt. [Pierre] Landais and the Af/iavce; [Donatien Le Kay] de Chaumont's calculation of carry ino- capacity of the Arlil; suggestions re- specting the Serapis; enlistment of men; Theve- nard's new demand of Landais for the Bon Ilotnine Richarsence of [William ] Palfrey. Auto, draft. 1 p. 713 Franklin, [William Temple. J Passy. To Le Veillard [L'Orient ^ 1- His voyai,^e to America. Contem- porary copy. (In French.) 3008 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [Francis] Coffyn, Dunkirk. No letter from [Sanuiel] Wharton; troul)le over claim.s of Capt. [(JustavusJ Conynoham's crew and [William] Hodge [jr's] connection therewith: Cony no-ham was with Capt. [John Paul] Jones in Holland. Auto, draft. 1 p. 715 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 3J3. [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To John Vaughan [France i\. Correspondence. Contemporary co))y . 3008 [Franklin, William Temple.] To [Jonathan] \N'il- liams [jr.,] [Nantes]. Williams's Memoire to [Jacques] Necker; despatches for America; per- sonal matters. Contemporary copy. 3008 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [William] Hotlgson Apr. 1 [Amsterdam]. Robbery of prisoners by [Thoma.s] Digges. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 717 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 345. 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To William Caslon Apr. 5 [London]. Minor personal matters. Contom- 1781 Mar. 29 1781 Mar. 31 Apr. 12 1781 Apr. 12 1781 Apr. 12 porary copy. 3009 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To F[rancis] Dana [Paris]. Apr. 7 Opinion regarding Dana's mission to Ru.ssia. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 719 Letter press copy of A. L. 8. of same. 3 pp. 721-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7. '11\. Franklin, Wlilliamj T[emple.] Passy. To J[ohn] Jay [ Madrid). Purchase of articles for him in Paris. Contemporary copy. 3009 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To [William] Carmichael, Madrid. Franklin's enemies. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 727 I'rintwl: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7,22.^). [Franklin, Benjamin.] To J[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. Jay's promise of a loan; [Francis] Dana appointed minister to Russia; [John] Adams commissioned minister to Holland; in place of [Henry] Laurens 94 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS and has negotiated a loan there through [John] de Neufville [& Son]; [Ferdinand] Grand's friend- ship; Franklin's retirement; Jay to succeed him and [William] Carmichael to succeed Jay; [John] Laurens, support of credit of Congress and pay- ment of bills of Marquis d'Arauda; militar}^ stores. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 731 Printed: Diplo. corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 357. [1781?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Memorandum of clothing, gun- [Apr. 12?] powder, arms etc. shipped to America by Capt. Samson, The Mai'quis de Lafayette and other ships. Press copy. 2 pp. Noted in Franklin's handwriting: " given to Col. Laurens" 733-5 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Triol, Roux & Co. , Mar- seilles. Payment of interest on loan to Congress. Auto, draft^ 1 p. 729 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To AV[illiam] Car- michael [Madrid]. Minor personal matters. Contemporary copy. 3009 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Lieut. A. M. Woedtke. Information regarding his brother, late [Baron] de Woedtke. Auto, draft 1 p. 737 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To J[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. Purchase of a watch, etc. Contem- porar}^ copy. 1310 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To William Car- michael [Madrid]. Purchases made for him in Paris. Contemporary copy. 3010 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [Jonathan] Williams [jr.,] [Nantes]. Personal matters. Con- temporary copy. 3011 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To [Richard] Neave & Son [London]. Payment of his drafts on America. Contemporary copy. 3011 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Vicomte de Boudoire. M. d'Admiral's shipment of sugar; inquiry should be made of [Jean] Holker. Auto, draft. 1 p. 739 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Passy. To [John D.] Schweig- hauser [Nantes]. Payment of bill; will speak to [Jacques] Necker; [John] Laurens and stores. Copy. 1 p. 741 Jay, John to Samuel Huntington. See: Franklin, William Temple. Sketch of services, 1789, May 23. 1781 Apr. 12 1781 Apr. 12 1781 Apr. 13 1781 Apr. i:3 1781 Apr. 13 1781 Apr. 16 1781 Apr. 17 1781 Apr. 19 1781 Apr. 21 1781 Apr. 21 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 95 1781 [franklin. BcnjumiM.l Passy. To Gourlado & Moylan Apr '>3 [L'OiiiMitl. Ac-counts of Tossier, La doldir cVc Pothonnior & Co.; [Jonathan] Williams approval and nu'thod of drawing- l)ills. Auto, draft. 1 p. 743 1781 [Franklin. William Temple.] Passy. To Georg(> Fox \p„ o.. IFrancel. llishealth; news from America. Oon- APR. ^O L J '1011 temporary copy. 1781 [Franklin. Benjamin.] Passy To [Anne Robert Jacques] Apr 25 Marquis Turgot [Parish- C.iivino- a book trom the library of his brother; a machine for copymg letters o1)tained for him in London, l)ut not paid for; asks that it be sent to him at Abl)eMorel- let's. Contemporary copy. 1 p. (1" French.) 2572 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [William] Hod^>^on Apr. 25 [Amsterdam]. [Thomas?] Digges s villainy; Fes- sier^s draft. Auto, draft. 1 p. 745 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Adams [Holland]. Apr ^>9 Payment of his drafts; [John] Laurens s requests; peace commissioners in America; introduces " Major" [^Villiam] Jackson. Auto, draft. 1 p. Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 'i^s. 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Maniuis de Turgot May 1 [Paris?]. Description of stove. Copy. 2 pp. '^^ Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7. 229. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To [John] Laurens [Paris] M^y4 Payment of drafts. Copy. 1 p. ^^^ 1781 [Franklin. Benjamin.] Passy. To J[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. M.v5 [Brig.] Gen. [Daniel] Morgans account of his eno-a-ement with [Lt. Col. Banastre] larleton [at'Cowpens]; [John] Laurens's approbation of ac- ceptance of drafts of I John D] Schweighauser in favor of [Henry] Laurens; naval stores; [.lolmj \dams appointed M[inister] P[lenipotentiary] to Holland; engagement between French and Ln- glish fleet off Virginia Capes and abandonment ot Pensacola. Auto, draft. 1 p. 752 Printod: IMplo. Corres. (Wash.). 1889. 4,399. 1781 [Franklin. Benjamin.] Passy To Gov^ [Thomas] Jeffer- May6 son [Virginia]. Introducing Mr. Grieve; caseot [John] Paradies who married a daughter of Col. Ludwell. Auto, draft. 1 p. 753 96 BETfJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Gen. [George] Washington May 6 [New Windsor, N. Y.]. Introducing Mr. Grieve. Auto, draft. 1 p. 754 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Antoine Court de Ge- May 7 belin [Paris]. Tlie Indian language, compass etc. Copy signed. 4 pp. 755 2*^ copy. 2 pp., with biographic note of Court de Gebelin. 756 and 757 Printerl: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 232. 1781 F[ranklin,] B[eniamin]. To Francis Dana [Amsterdam]. May 11 Credit through [Ferdinand] Grand at St Peters- burg; letter of recommendation to Count Oster- man. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 758 Printed: Diplo. Corres (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 407. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Joseph Gal- loway [London?]. Requesting [Benjamin] Franklin's will. Contemporary copy. 3012 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Pass^^ To James Wood- mason [London]. Letter press copying ma- chine. Conteniporary copy. 3012 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Richard Bache and wife, Philadelphia]. Ben[jamin Franklin Bache]'s letters; Marquis de Marbois' account of Mrs Bache's patriotic activity. Auto, draft. 1 p. 759 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Samuel Huntington May 14 [Philadelphia]. Grant of money from France; maritime affairs, exchange of prisoners etc. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 760 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 241. 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. To Marquis de Lafayette [New May 14 Windsor? N. Y.]. Arnold's treason; England's course; Franklin's successor. Auto, draft signed. 3 pp. 761-2 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 234. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Francis Lewis [Phila- delphia]. Drafts of Congress. Auto, draft. 1 p. 769 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 247. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To G[eorge] Fox [France?]. News from America. Contemporary copy. 3013 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pa.ssy. To J[ohn] Adams [Amster- dam]. Inconvenience of Adams's drafts; rate of interest; has written to Fitzeaux, Grand & Co.; 1781 May 13 1781 May 14 1781 May 14 1781 May 16 1781 May 18 1781 May 19 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 97 drafts of and French financial plans; [Jiinios] LovelTs assurance; Adams's and Jay's drafts come to Franklin for jjaynicnt; export duties in America; Franklin's retirement; Adm' La Motte Picquet and privateers' prizes; accounts of actions between Destouches and Arbothnot, Greene and Cornwallis to be published in Hol- land. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 770 Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1S88. 7, 24S. 1Y81 [Franklin, William Temple.] Fassy. To [S 1 Bersolle ^^•^'^' -*^ [Brest]. Forwarding- of letters and despatches. Contemporary copy. 3013 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Fassy. To [John] Laurens [Brest]. ^^^^' -^ [Jacques] Necker has been succeeded by Joly de Fleury; payment of Gourlado & Moylan's account. Franklin to Gourlade & Moylan [L'Orient]. [Jonathan] Williams has approved the account in favor of Pothonnier & Co; Laurens's draft is necessary. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 778 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Pothonnier & Co. ^^i^^'--^ [L'Orient?]. Payment of Gourlade & Moylan's account; [John] Laurens's approval and Frank- lin's promises. Auto, draft. 1 p. 779 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passv. To Dr. [Samuel] Cooper ^^'*^^' ^^ [Boston]. Grants of mone}' and supplies through [Lt] Col. [flohn] Laurens; [Massachusetts] new constitution; effect of currency depreciation on French merchants; Cooper's letter in praise of d'Estaign, translated by I'Abljc MorcUet ami pub- lished; Cooper's sermon; Franklin's retirement. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 767 Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 188S. 7.244. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte de \'ergennes J^-'^'^ ■* [Versailles]. [John] Laurens's purchase of cloth- ing in Ilollanti; payment of drafts on [Henry] Laurens, [Joim] Jay and [John] Adams; montn' subject to drafts of Gen. [George] Washington; retention of part of money granted. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 780 Printed: Diplo. (;orres. (Wharton) Wash. 1S89. 4. 467. 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] To William ^^^^^ McCreery [France]. ()t)taining- passage for America. Contemporary copy. 3013 15885—05 7 98 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To John Adams [Amsterdam]. June 5 Drafts in favor of Capt. [John] Jo3'ner; [John] Laurens's and Commodore [Alexander] Gillon's purchases of supplies. Auto, draft. 1 p. 781 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 470. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To M. Mallet, Havre. June 7 Information respecting- William Williams. Draft with corrections by Franklin. 1 p. (In French) 827 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To [Jonathan] Junes Williams [jr.,] [Nantes]. Seeking information of a person claiming to be a relative. Contempo- rary copy. 3014 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To George Clifford & June 8 Teysser, Amsterdam. [Le Ray] de Chaumont's answer regarding protesting of bills and [Jean] Holker's credit. Auto, draft. 1 p. 781 1781 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To June 8 [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy] Purchase of cloth- ing in Holland and the payment of drafts. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 783 2** copy. 2 pp. 800 This copy enclosed in Franklin to Sam\ Hunt- ington 1781, June 11. q. v. Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 249. 1781 M[orris,] R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin June 8 [Passy]. Appointment as Superintendent of Finance; selection of Le Couteulx & Co as bankers of the fund granted by the King for the present campaign and inquiry as to their tinancial standing. M., A, 111. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 483. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To D. Wendorp and Thomas Hope June 8 He3iiger [Amsterdam?]. Privateers and em- ployments that should be exempted from inter- ruption even in war. Auto, draft. 1 p. 784 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7.250. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To "Major" [William] June 9 Jackson, Amsterdam. Payment of [John] Lau- ren.s's drafts; [Jean] de Neufville and term of bills; objections of France to Holland purchases; [John] Adams promissory note. Auto, draft. 1 p. 785 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To G[eorge] Fox J*^'^'^^^ [France]. Personal matters; the Opera-house fire. Contemporar}^ copy. 3014 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 99 1781 [Franklin, Beujumin.J Tu-ssy. To Cointe cle Vcrg-ennes Ji^-^'J^ 1^ [Versailles]. Drafts for [John] I^aurens's pur- chases in Holland; Conniiodore [AlcxanderJ (iil- lon's supplies; [John] Jay and Spanish loan; [Le Ray] de Chaumont's delays; orders from Con- gress and credit of United States; drafts on Jay, [Henr}'] Laurens, [John] Adams and himself; over draft of funds received from de Harvelay; refusal of acceptance of bills. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 786-7 Letter press copy of L. S. of same, s i)p. 788 95 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, ■1N=>. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Adams [Amster- J^'^'^ 11 dam]. Charge of his expenses. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 796 Letter press copj' of L. S. of same. 2 pp. 797-8 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7. 254. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass3\ To Samuel Huntington Jt>"E 11 [Philadelphia.] Disposition of French loans. Auto, draft. 1 p. 799 Enclosing letter Vergennes to Franklin. 1781, June 8, q. v. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 7, 263. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte de Vergennes J^'NEii [Versailles]. Delay in payment of [Lt. Col. Louis] Toussard's pension; loss of ship in which U. S. Consul [-General William Palfrey] was com- ing. Auto, draft. 1 p. 801 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 493. 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy. To [John ] Adams [Amster- •li'^'Eii dam]. Payment of salary as minister; items of expense etc. Press copy of a contemporary copy. 3 pp. T. J. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 7, J.'vl. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To[Jean?] Durival [Parish]. JL^•El2 Methods of keeping accounts; receipts to do liar- vela}'; misunderstandings between [Silas] Deane, [Arthur] Lee and [Caron]de Boauniarchais; review of transactions from 177t> with Hortalez t^- Co; exchange of receipts. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 802 Letter press copy of L. S. of same. 7 pp. 803 9 Enclosing extracts from letters from Franklin, Deane and Lee to Committee of Foreign Af- airs, 1777, Mar. 12 & Oct. 7. (|. v. 810 Printed without the extracts. Diplo. Corres ( Wharton i Wa>h. 1.h>9. 4, 499. 100 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1781 Continental Congress. Commission to John Adams, Ben- JtNE 15 jamin Franklin, Henry Laurens and Thomas Jef- ferson to accept mediation of the Empress of Russia [Catherine II] and Emperor of German}^ [Frederick IIJ in bringing about peace. Auto, draft bj' Charles Thomson. Ip. C. C. 25,1,345. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 502. 1781 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To June 17 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Has taken no part in the expenditure of the six millions granted to Congress through John Laurens; does not know of the arrangements made between Laurens and Gillon; may obtain information from Veinerange; disposition of funds from loan opened in Holland rests with Congress. L. S. '2 pp. (In French.) 2573 1781 [Huntington Samuel.] [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Benja- JuNE 18 min] Franklin [Passy]. Appointment of J[ohn] Jay, Henr}" Laurens, Thomas Jefferson and J[ohn] Adams Commissioners to negotiate peace. Draft. 2 pp. Endorsed: "passed 18 June 1781" C. C. 25, 429. 1781 Huntington, Samuel. Philadelphia To B[enjamin] Frank- JuNE 19 lin [Passy]. Appointment of [John] Jay, H[enry] Laurens, T[homas] Jefferson and J[ohn] Adams, Commissioners with Franklin to negotiate peace; his retirement. L. S. Marked: "Duplicate.'' 2 pp. Endorsed b}^ Franklin: "Refusal of my Demi.ssion" 812 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 511. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. "To J. Rocquette, a Else- •TiNE 21 vier & Freres Roquettes " [Amsterdam]. Payment of bills; loan-office certificates. Copy. 1 p. 813 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To[JohnD.] Schweighauser June 26 [Nantes]. Relief for Capt. Pickles. Auto, draft. 1 p. 814 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte de Vergennes J^'ne27 [Ver.saillesJ. [Dayid] Hartlej'^s proposition look- ing toward peace; answer to same. Auto, draft. 1 p. 815 Printed: DipU). Corres. (Wlmrton) Wash. issy. 1,522. [1781] [Franklin, Bcnjuniiii.] To Fizeaux tit [Grand. Amster- [Jcne28] damj. Retention of money ordered sent to America. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 101 11781J Franklin. To Coinniodore [Alexmidcr] (iilloii or Capt. •^'''^-^ [John] Joynei[Tho HaoueJ. Kcturn of money shipped, to Fizeaux & Grand. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 816 Mutilated to make a tailor's pattern. 1781 F[ranklin,]B[enjamin]. Passy. To Fizeaux c\^ (irand fAni- •^^'^^'^''^ sterdanij. Retention of money. Franklin to [John] Adams [Am.sterdamJ. Drawing of bills; [John] Laurens's expenditures. Auto. drafts. 1 p. 817 Franklin to Adams printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Waxh. 1889 4, 528. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [John] Jay [Madrid]. ^^'^^'^^ Payment of drafts of Congress. Auto, draft. 1 P- 818 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 528. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To '"Major" [William] "^^'^^''^ Jackson [Amsterdam]. Purchases in Holland and credit of the United States. Auto, draft. 1 P- 819 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1>W. 7, 268. 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To "' Majr." [William] Jack- '^^'^^' ^ «on, [Amsterdam]. Threat of proceedings against Franklin. A. L. S. 1 p. 820 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 260. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Fizeaux & Grand [Am- '^^'^^ ^ sterdamj. Order from the [French] Ministry for retention of money. Auto, draft. 1 p. 821 1781 H[untington,] S[aniuel]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin J^LY 5 Franklin [Passy]. Exchange of Lt. Gen. [John] Burgoyne for Henry Laurens. C. C. 16, 35. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To -Major" [William |Jack- •^^■"'^ son [Amsterdam]. Purchase of supplies in Hol- land and suspension of payments by Franklin. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 822 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188.S. 7, 2tUi. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To C'omte de V'ergennes ( V(>rsailles]. [PalteauJ Veimerange's estimates of furniture ordered by [John] Laurens; the Holland loan; [Ferdinand] (Jrand's notitication of suspension of payment; Capt. [Alexand('i| (iillon's conduct; stoppage of shipment of luoiioy |to the United Saites] and credit to Veimerange tSc Sabbatier [Fils v!C: Desprez.] Auto, draft. 2 pp. 824 L. 8. 8 pp. 825 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 5-17. July 6 1781 July 8 1781 July 9 1781 July 10 1781 July 10 102 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy, To William Hodgson, Lon- don. Money for prisoners through [Ferdinand] Grand; exchange of Veillard; no faith in [Thomas] Digges. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 826 Temple, J[ohn]. Amsterdam. To B[enjamin] Franklin [Pass}^]. Intended visit to Paris; regards of friends in England. A. L. S. ■! pp. 827 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [William Jackson, The Hague]. The Holland purchases; his impudence rebuked. Auto, draft, tt pp. 828-9 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 266. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Chev. [Palteau] de Veime range [Versailles]. Loss of stores and clothing furnished by Sabatier, [Fils] & Desprez; [John] Laurens expenditures; supplying the loss. Auto draft. 2 pp. 830 Cop3' of same, 2 pp. (In French) 831 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] Quotations [from MiltonJ. July 11 "My Ink with a little Loaf Sugar." "So when some Angel, by divine command" etc. "The same Ink without Sugar." "It must be so — Plato, thou reason'st well" etc. A. D. 1 p. 832 1781 F[ranklin,]B[enjamin]. Passy. To Fizeaux «fe Grand [Am- JuLY 11 sterdam]. Capt. [W^illiam] Jackson's demand; retention of money. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 833 1781 Jackson, W[illiam]. Passy. Order withdrawing [Jacques] July 11 Necker's order to Fitzeaux & [Grand] respecting shipment of money to the United States by Ben- jamin Franklin's direction. Contemporary copy attested "True Copy W. T. F." 1 p. 834 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Samuel Huntington July 11 [Philadelphia]. Retention of funds in Europe that were designed for shipment to America. Auto draft. 1 p. 835 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 559. This letter was sent to Huntington in his capacity of President of the Continental Congress, but Thomas McKean had then succeeded him to that office. 1781 M[orris,] R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin J^^Y 13 [Pass}']. The public credit; aid from France and Spain; depreciation of interest bearing certifi- cates etc. M., A, 146. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1S88. 7,270. 1781 Jri.Y lo 1781 JlLY 17 1781 July 17 1781 July 17 HKXJAMIX FRANKLIN PATERS 108 1781 M[orris|, Robert. Pliiliulclphiu. To Benjamin Franklin July 14 [Passy]. Establishment of a national bank; credit in Europe, oon-esjx indents etc. M., A, 159. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wawh". l««y. 4, o7l. I Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To J[ohn] Temple [Amster- danij. The inconveniences he will suffer in his proposed visit to France; news of acquaintances. Auto, draft. 1 p. 836 [Franklin, William Temple. J Passy. To S Hartley [P^ngland]. His case in France. Contemporary copy. 3015 F[ranklin, William TempleJ. Passy. To [JamesJ Wood- mason [London]. Stationery supplies. Contem- porary cop3'. 3015 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Baron de Thun [Paris]. Rev. M. Auer's request; power of attorney to sue should be sent to [Jean] Holker. Auto, draft. 1 p. 838 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [William] Hodo^son July 17 [London]. Recovery through Boutte & Co. of money from [Thomas] Digges; exchange of pris- oners. Auto draft. 1 p. 837 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Baron de Thun [Paris]. July 18 Answer to M. Auer's letter. Franklin. To Rev. Mr. Auer, Wirtemburg. Claim of widow Hockterin against Christian Schneider of Pennsylvania: Richard Bache's assistance; suit through [Jean] Holker. Auto, drafts. 2 pp. 839 M[orris,] R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin [Passv]. The Holland loan; transportation of specie etc. M., A, 192. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. i, 'i90. [Franklin, Benjamin. ] Passy. To Felix Vicq d' Azyr [Ver- sailles]. Power of infection in dead l)odies. Auto, draft. 4 pp. Extract from Courier de V Europe added in different hand and in French. 840 1 Printed: Works (Hit'olow) N. V. isss. 7, T,^^. 1781 M| orris, 1 R[o})ert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin July 21 | Passy]. Depreciation of Penn.sylvania l»ills of credit; specitic supplies; scheme^ for payment of drafts. M., A, 196. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (WhartoiO Wash. 1SH9. 4, 598. 1781 July 19 1781 July 20 104 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1781 McK[eaii,] T[homa,s]. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin] Frank- Jt'LY 21 lin [Pass}']. Appointment of Francis Dana Sec- retaiy to the Commissioners for negotiating peace until he can proceed to Russia as minister. C. C. 16, 45. [Franklin William Temple.] Passy. To Jonathan Wil- liams [jr., Nantes]. Capt. [Gustavus] Conyng- ham's proposed cruise. Contemporary copy. 3015 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Jonathan Wil- liams [jr.,] [Nantes]. Current events. Contem- porary copy. 3015 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To John Jay [Mad- rid]. Personal matters; public Unances. Con- temporary copy. 3016 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Robert Morris [Phila- delphia]. United States finances in Europe. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 842 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18S8. 7, 280. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Robert Morris [Phila- delphia]. Appointment as Superintendent of Finance; critics and bug-writers. Auto, draft. 1 p. 843 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7,279. 178fl. [Temple, John.] Amsterdam. To [Benjamin Franklin July 26 Passy]. Services to America; British ministr3''s misinformation; [Joseph] Galloway's falsehoods; Temple's interview with Lord North; the affair of the Hutchinson letters and Temple's part therein; his losses and claim for compensation; wants testimonial from Franklin to establish his claim. A. L. S. 12 pp. 846-8 Franklin, W[illiam Temple]. Passy. To W[illiam] Carmi- chael [Madrid]. Personal affairs; [John] Adams visit to Comte de Vergennes. Contemporary copy. 3017 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass3\ To [John] Bondfield [Bor- deaux]. His accounts; [Le Ray de] Chaumont's objections as to weight of cannon. Auto, draft. 1 p. 849 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [Jonathan] Williams Ijr.,] [NantesJ. Press-copy experi- ments. Contemporary copy. 3017 1781 July 26 1781 July 26 1781 July 26 1781 July 26 1781 July 26 1871 July 27 1781 July 30 1781 Aug. 4 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 105 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}'. To [Gerard] de Rayneval Aici. 5 [Versailles]. Sending- account of supplies ship- ped on the Marquis de Lufdijctie. Auto, di-aft. 1 p. 850 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To J[ohn] Adams [Amster- ^^^'- *' dam]. Payment of salaries. Auto, draft. 1 p. J'riiited: Works (Bigeliiw) N. Y. ISW. 7. 282. 851 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Capt. Moses Brown, Aug. 6 Amsterdam. Passport to Benjamin .Toy: on recommendation of [Thomas] Digges; Brown's prize. Auto, draft. 1 p. 854 Printed: Diplo. Corros. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4,623. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [Charles W. F.] Dumas AiG. 6 [The Hague [. Intelligence from Holland. Auto. draft. 1 p. 852 Printed, with a posteript not in this draft: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. ]8,S8. 7, 2S3. 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Passy. To F. R. Granger. Dun- AiG. 6 kirk. Power of attorney' and revocation liy Cawdell & Thomas. Contemporary copy. 1 ]). 855 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy To Jean de Neufville c't Aiu. 6 Sons [Amsterdam]. Capt. [] Brown's prize; [Thomas] Digges recommendation of Benjamin Joy. Auto, draft. 1 p. 853 1781 F[ranklin,] \V[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [Jonathan [ Ai<^!- « Williams [Nantes]. Commi.ssion and bond for Capt. Collyer, of the privateer Vengeance. Contemporary copy. 3017 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pa.s,sy. To [William] Hodg.son At'^'-*^ [London]. Boiitio «t Fils failure; Day '^^ loss; aid to [John] Trumbull and Mons. le Veillard; cap- ture of Samuel C'urson, Isaac (louverneur jr. and Dr. John Witherspoon and ill treatment of Mrs Gouverneur; mone}^ for relief of prisoners; .'x- change. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 856 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To J[ohn] Adams [Am.sterdam[. Aug. 12 News from America: posts hold by tiie British in the South; Cornwallis in Virginia: acccptaiu-c of bills of Congress. Auto, draft. 1 p. 858 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) 1889. ■!, t>30. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Francis] Cotiyn [Dun- Aid. 12 kirk]. Relief of escaped American prisoners; [Samuel] Wharton's letter to [Edward] Bancroft respecting sale of goods. Auto, draft. 1 p. 857 1781 Aug. 13 1781 Aug. 16 106 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Charles W. F.] Aug. 12 Dumas, The Hague. News from America; Franklin's opinion of Holland. Auto, draft. 1 p. 859 L. S. of same. 2 pp. 859 Printed: Works, (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 284. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple.] Passy. To Winslow War- ren. Refusing request for loan. Contemporary copy. 3017 [Franklin, Benjamin,] To J[ohn] Adams [Amsterdam]. Refusal b}' Congress of his resignation; appoint- ment with [John] Jay, H[enry] Laurens, T[homas] Jeflferson and Adams to negotiate peace; media- tion of Emperor [Frederick II, The Great, of Germany] and Empress [Catherine II] of Russia. Auto, draft. 1 p. 860 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 641. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Charles W. F.] Dumas ^^^'- 1^ [The Hague]. News of Dutch fleet; British in Virginia. Auto, draft. 1 p. Part in cypher. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 382. 860 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To LeNoir [Paris]. Actions Aug. 19 of a swindler calling himself Thierr}^ de Lavau. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 861 2*^ copy of same. 3 pp. (In French.) 862-3 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [John] Jay [Madrid]. -'^uG. 20 The Marquis's [Conde D'Aranda?] accounts; rates of exchange; complaints of lack of advices from America; [James] Lovell's letter; refusal to grant Franklin's dismissal told him first by [Comte de] Vergennes; payment of drafts of Congress; nat- uralization of foreigners and administering of oaths; Silas Talbot's request for aid; relief of pris- oners and seamen; villainy of [Thoma.s] Digges; danger of double pa3'ment of drafts; appoint- ment of Jay; [Henry] Laurens, [Thomas] Jeflfer- son, [John] Adams and Franklin commissioners to negotiate a peace with Great Britain; media- tion of Emperor [Frederick the Great] of Ger- many and Empress [Catherine II] of Russia; memorandum of drafts paid; turmoil in Holland; news from America; future supplies from France and salaries of the U. S. ministers. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 864-6 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4,643. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1U7 1781 ^ [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Peter Blake, London. '^^'''" ^^ Resolutions of Congrress forbidding trade with England; refuses Blake passport. Auto, draft. 1 P- 867 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Marquis de Castries '^^■''- — [Versailles]. ImprisonuKMit of American sailors by American merchant captains. Auto, draft. 1 P- 869 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Francis] Cotfyn [Dun- ^^^"^'- "^ kirk]. Case of Thomas Beer and Sanmel Stevens; escaping American prisoners to be sent to Hol- land in care of John Adams. Auto, draft. 1 p. 868 1781 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To '^'■''•-^ [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Joly de Fleury's communication respecting loan to U. S.: [Will- iam] Jackson, [John] Laurens and [Ferdinand] Grand; King will replace what was lost in the Marquis de Lafayette; doubts not he will render an account to Congress of the heavy sacrifices made by the King. L. 8. 1 p. (In French.) 2574 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Mrs. Woolford ^^^- 2^ [England]. Personal mentions. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 3018 1781 ^ [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [John D.] Schweighau- "^^^^ ^^ ser [Nantes]. Complaint of Marquis de Castries respecting imprisonment of American seamen. Auto, draft. 1 p. 870 1781 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [Jonathan] ^^'^- ^"^ Williams [Nantes]. Payment of drafts; supplies lost in the 2Iarquw de Lafayette. Contemporary copy. 3019 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Mons. Brochiel, Lisbon. "^^<^'-2'l Payment for his disbursements in behalf of American prisoners; failure of Dohrman; |,John] Jay will take charge of prisoners affairs in Por- tugal. Auto, draft. 1 p. 871 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Wiliiani Carmichael [Madrid]. Refusal to accept Franklin's resigna- tion; [John] Laurens's efforts and offense given the French Ministry; the young American who solicited leave to serve under the Duke de Crillon; loss of the Marquis de Lafayette; and cruise of Aug. 24 1781 Aug. 28 1781 Aug. 28 1781 Aug. 31 108 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Alliance; acceptance of bills; Comte de Ver- gennes notification that goods lost in the Lafayette will be replaced; loan in Holland. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 872 Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 285. Entire in: Diplo. Corres. (Wiiarton) Wash. 1889. 4, 659. M[orris,] R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin [Passy]. Payment of drafts; specie from Europe and military events. M., A, 294. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 666. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To George Little and others, Caen, Normand}'. Enclosing passport. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 873 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To J[ohn] Adams, [Am- sterdam]. John Ross's bills on Henry Laurens; payment of Congress drafts on [John] Jay, Lau- rens, Adams and Franklin; French aid; [Comte] de V[ergennes] note; protesting of bills in Hol- land. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 874 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 682. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To M. St. John "ChezM. Sep. 2 Le Mozier" Caen, Normandy. Assistance to American prisoners [George Little, Samuel Wales, Clement Lemon, Alexander Storey and Isaac Collins]; kindness of Due de Penthievre; loss at sea of the U. S. Consul General to France [William Palfrey], Auto, draft. 1 p. 875 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Capt. Sep- 3 Robeson. His negro boy. Contemporary copy. 3019 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Versailles. ToJ[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. Sep. 4 Payment of drafts of Congress; Comte de Yer- gennes refusal of aid; [John] Adams ill, [Henry] Laurens not at liberty and [Thomas] Jefferson may not cross the seas; negotiations in hands of Jay and himself. Auto, draft. 1 p. 876 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 694. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Jean de Neufville & Sep. 4 Son [Amsterdam]. Capt. [Alexander] Gillon's departure without the supplies; payment of bills for same; imposition on Franklin of entire trans- action; refers them to [John] Adams. Auto, draft. 1 p. 877 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Rev. W^illiam Nixon, Sep. 5 Valognes. Granting him aid. Auto, draft. 1 p. 878 1781 Sep. 8 1781 Sep. 9 1781 Sep. 9 1781 Sep. 9 1781 Sep. 10 1781 Sep. 11 1781 Sep. 12 1781 Sep. 13 1781 Sep, , 13 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 109 [Franklin, William Temple.] To Capt. Robeson. His negro bov. Contemporary copy. 3020 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Gerard] de Rayneval [Versailles]. Passports and account of atfuir between Lord Cornwallis ami the Marquis de Lafayette. Auto, draft. 1 p. 880 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Shatfer [Paris]. [Benjamin Franklin's] promise of as.sist- ance in ati'air with d'Antuii le Sa«,^e. Contempo- rary copy. 3020 Anonymous. "'Extrait dii Journal de Paris'' A letter on Women. 2 pp (In French.) 3028 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Greig, Gotten- berg [Sweden]. Keceipt of letters. Auto, draft. 1 p. 881 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. ToKev. Dr. [John] Wither- spoon [Philadelphia]. Release of [Dr. .loiin] Witherspoon [jr]. Auto, draft. 1 p. 881 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Joseph ^L Fox [America]. His brother's health. Contemporary copy. 3020 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To [John] Wither- spoon [Philadelphia]. News of his son. Con- temporary copy. 3021 [Franklin, Benjamin] Passy. To Richard Bache [Phil- adelphia]. Loss of his papers that were in hand> of [Joseph] Galloway; education of William [Bache]. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 883 Printed, minusone iiarasniph of pi-rsoiuil niiitters: Works ( Bii;fl..\v\ N. Y. 1888. 7. 293. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To F[rancisl Hopkinx.n Sep. 13 [Philadelphia]. Enemies. Auto, draft. '2 i)p. 885 Printed: Works (Biselow) X. Y. 188S. 7,291. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Daniel of St. Thomas ^^^ i;^ Jenifer, Philadelphia. Franklin's retirenuMit. Auto, draft. 1 p. ^84 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston, ls:^9. IX. 78. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To James Lovell | Philadelphia]. Sep. 13 Assi.stiince to [Sanniel] Cur.son and [ Isaac] (Jou- verneur; exchange of pri.-^oners; Dr. [John] ^^ ith- erspoon's rclcavo: Gerard [dc Rayneval] and Dr. [ ] Putnam's allair. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 886 110 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To J[ohn] Holker jr. [Philadelphia]. Enclosing duplicate of previous letter. Contemporary copy. 3021 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Pass3^ To John Ross [Philadelphia?]. Current events. Contemporary copy. 3021 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Richard Bache [Philadelphia]. Press copying machine. Contemporary copy. 3022 [Franklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [Sarah] Bache [Philadelphia]. Le Veillard's capture, and other personal mentions. Contemporary copy. 3022 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Ordering French works on finance. M., A., 368. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Jonathan Nesbit, L'Orient. Receipt of letters. Auto, draft with P. S. in handwriting of W. T. F. 1 p. 887 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Chevalier de] Veime- range [Versailles?]. Shipment of supplies and inspection of same as fixed by [Lt.] Col. [John] Laurens. Auto, draft. 1 p. 888 [Franklin, Benjamin] Passy. To Mons. St. John, Caen, Normandie. Encloses letter to Gov. [John] Hancock; Comtesse d'Houdetot's recommenda- tion of [St. Jean] Crevecoeur; loss of Col. [Wil- liam] Palfrey. Franklin to John Hancock [Boston]. M. St. John's assistance to five merchant captains of Boston [George Little, Samuel Wales, Clement Lemon, Alexander Storey and Isaac Collins]. Auto, drafts. 2 pp. 889 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Gerard] de Rayneval Sep. 22 [Versailles]. De Corny's request for passport for linens destined for America; de Malessherbes interested on recommendation of de la Luzerne. Auto, draft. 1 p. 890 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy, To Comte de Vergennes Sep. 22 [Versailles]. Passport for linens to be shipped to America; replacement of supplies captured by British. Auto, draft. 1 p. 890 1781 Sep. 13 1781 Sep. 13 1781 Sep. 13 1781 Sep. 14 1781 Sep. 14 1781 Sep. 14 1781 Sep. 20 1781 Sep. 21 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS HI 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Pa«sy. To J[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. Sep. 29 Jay's credit and salaries; refusal of ])ayment of bills. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 891 Printed; Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 736. 1781 Franklin, Btenjamin]. Passy. To Dr. [John] Inpenhousz Oct. J [Vienna]. Experiments in heat conduction by means of wires; [Benedict] Arnold's treachery; Germans in America and trade with Germany; England's wars; recommendation of [Julien David ^] Le Roy in place of le Beque de Presle as correspondent; Dr. [Edward] Bancroft to write him news of [Samuel] Wharton; -Jan. '20, 17S2: Pere Barletti's weathercock; unhappy situation of SirJohnPringle; Jane21,1782: Ingenhousz's difficulty with Dr. [Joseph] Priestley; Ahbe Nollet's attack on Franklin ; Wharton's remittance to [Francis] Coflfyn and money due Ingenhousz; Lavoisier's experiment with charcoal tire; situa- tion in America and change in England's attitude; death of Pringle. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 892 Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1H88. 7, 2%. 1781 Adams, John. Amsterdam. To [Benjamin] Franklin Oct. 4 [Passy]. Items of expense as minister. Letter press copy of contemporary copy. 1 p. T. J. 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Mrs. Woolford Oct 5 [England]. Personal matters. Contemporary copy. 3022 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To [James] Wcod- OcT. 5 mason [London.] Stationery supplies. Contem- porary copy. 3023 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To J[ohn] Adams [Amster- (jcT. 5 dam]. News of de Grasse and Barras; expedition either against New York or Cornwallis; peace negotiations; [Francis] Dana's arrival at St. Pe- tersburg; letters received from [Jonathan] Neshitt; Burgoyne's exchange for [Henry] Laurens and [Edmund J Burke's letter to Franklin on the sub- ject; [JohnI Thaxter's letter relating to the mast contracts with England; [Comte de] Vergennes and Luzerne informed; Holland loan: [Ferdinand] Grand's list of Adams's acceptances; payment of same. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 895 Printed: Uiplo Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4,768. 1781 Oct. 14 1781 Oct. 15 1781 Oct. 16 112 BENJAMIN FEANKLIN PAPERS [Franklin, William Temple.] Pass}'. To W[illiam] Car- michael [Madrid]. Personal matters. Contem- porar}' cop}'. 3023 F[ranklin,] B[eniarain]. Passy. To Edmund Burke [Lon- don] Burgoyne's exchange for [Henry] Lau- rens. Copy. 1 p. 896 Printed: Works (Bigelow) Wash. 1889. 7, 302. McKean, Thomas. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin] Frank- lin [Passy]. Appointing John Jay minister to Spain, John Adams minister to Holland and Wil- liam Carmichael and Francis Dana their respect- ive secretaries. Draft. 2 pp. C. C. 25, 1, 163. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Passy. To J[ohn] Jay [Madrid]. Oct. 16 His letter through Maj. [David S.] Franks; news of Capt [Alexander] Gillon and [James] Searle; former's actions; assistance to Capt. [William] Jackson; [Comte] de Vergennes letter to Comte de Montmorin. Franklin to Capt [William] Jackson [Corunna?]. Gillon's behavior; loss of goods and recoveiy of property. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 897 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 781. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [John] Bondfield [Bor- OcT. IS deaux]. Enclosing commission for privateer Sdlly. Oct. 25 [Franklin to Bondfield.] Claret for Richard Bache. Auto, drafts. Ip. 898 McK[ean,]T[homas]. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin] Frank- lin []. Letters to King [of France, Louis XVI,] acknowledging his aid and assistance toward reestablishing peace. C. C. 16, 103. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Chavalier] de Veime- range [Ver.sailles]. Purchase of clothing shipped wMth Capt. Griti'et by Le R03' deChaumont. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 899 Washington, George. [Yorktown, Va.] Extract from (jeneral Orders issued to the combined armies. Copy. 5 pp. (In French.) 2575-77 [Washington, George.] Near York in Virginia. To [Ben- jamin] Franklin, [»lohn] Adams and [John] Jay [Pas.s}^]. Announcing the surrender of Corn- waliis. Draft. 2 pp. In handwriting of John Laurens. W. A, VI, pt. 1. Printed: Writing.-j of Washington (Sparks) Boston. 1835. 8, 188. 1781 Oct. [19?] 1781 Oct. 20 1781 Oct. 20 1781 Oct. 22 1781 Oct. 22 1781 Oct. 22 1781 Oct. 22 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 113 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To J[ohnJ Adams [Am.sterdani]. Notification to Fizeaux & Grand as to paymont of draft; convoy of the South Cin'o/hia. 900 [Franklin, Bonjaniin. j Passy. To Fizeaux & Grand. Aiii- sterdani. Acceptance of drafts of Joliii Adams. Auto, draft. 1 p. 901 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, ComteJ de. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Joly de Fleury's decision respecting exemption from customs duties of cloth for the United States. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2578 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Mons. Debris.sac, St Oct. 24 Quentin, Picardie. Forwardini^ letter of Anthony Benezet. Auto, draft. 1 p. 901 1781 Franklin, Benjamin. To John Bondtield. See: Franklin Oct. 25 to Bondfield, ITSl, Oct. 18. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Marignac. Kec- OcT. 30 ommending- Madam Montgomery. Contempo- rary copy. 1 p. (In Frencli.) 2579 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To William Hodgson, Oct. 31 London. Money for prisoners; iiuiuiry as to [Thomas] Digges. Auto, draft. 1 p. 902 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Mons. Penet [Nantes]. Legal- OcT. 31 izing bonds for the State of Virginia. Auto. draft. 1 p. 903 1781 [F]ranklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Capt. Nov. 1 Robeson. Personal nv.itters. Contem])oi-ary copy. "^023 1781 [Franklin William Temple.] Passy. To Winslow Warren. ^"^- ^ Payment of loan. Contemporary copy. 3024 1781 Ffranklin,! B[enjaniin]. Pa.ssy. To IKichard] Bache [and Nov. 5 ^^.j^.-^^ Philadelphia]. Personal matters. Auto. draft signed. 1 p. 904 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To James Lovell, Phila- Nov. 5 delphia. Assistance given ISauuiel] Curson, [Isaac] Gouverneur and Dr. [John] Witherspoon. Auto, draft. 1 p. 904 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To | Robert] Morris |Phila- Nov. 5 delphia]. Credit of United States in Europe: chances of successful loans; France, Spain and Holland; purchase of supplies; engagement with 15885—05 S 114 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [Jacques] Necker; guarantee of payment of interest bills. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 905 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 828. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Adams [Amster- Nov. 7 dam]. Correspondence tampered with; personal accounts; exchange of Burgoj^ne for [Henry] Laurens; news of [Francis] Dana; mast trade with England; paj^ment of Adams's drafts; assist- ance to escaped prisoners; de Neufville's loan and credit at Fizeaux & Grand's; mediation and ar- bitration; Capt. [William] Jackson's purchases and Commodore [Alexander] Gillon's actions; [John] Laurens's part in payment for supplies; with- holding of ship taking same; dispute between Gillon, Jackson and [James] Searle; Dr. [Benja- min] Waterhouse's letter; future grants of money from France; payment of salaries of U, S. min- isters; withholding mone}' designed for America; shipment of goods. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 906-7 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Lt.] Col. [John] Nov. 8 Laurens [Philadelphia]. Chances [of William Temple Franklin] for a government position; brief history of the purchase of supplies in Hol- land; parts taken by [Commodore Alexander] Gillon, [Capt. William] Jackson, de Neufville, [John] Adams and [James] Searle; pa3'ment of Congress's drafts and stoppage of shipment of money to America; the Dutch loan. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 908 Printed: Diplo. Corres, (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 837. 1781 Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de. Nov. 10 Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Passage in a French man of war for Major [David S.] Franks carrying despatches from the Spanish minister of posts and franking to America. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2580 1781 Farmers General. Passy. Statement of account with Nov. 17 Franklin and Deane m behalf of Congress. D. S.: '' B. Franklin," '^Parseval," "St Armand," " De la Laage," "Pignon," " De la Haute." 2 pp. (In French.) Contemporary copy. 2 pp. C. C, 137, 3, 129; 145, 385. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}. To William Hodgson, Nov. 19 London. Money for prisoners; assistance to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 115 [Dr. riohnj Wither.spoon jr., [Samuclj Curson and [Isaac] Gouverneur; Capt. [John] Manley's exchantro for Major [William] Cowley; g-eneral exchanire of prisoners; allowance to same and preferential treatment; letters from Robert Small- peese jr., Allen Ord, Ephraim Wales, Joim Pur- ker, Caleb Miller, Jesse Breed, Edward Hopper, and Amos Esterbrooks; Rev. Mr. Den ward as administrator for prisoners; assistjince for Man- ley, Silas Talbot, and Zephaniah Hatch; prospects of peace. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 909 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Mons. deTolozan [Paris]. ^«^- ly Detention of Mr. Andrews. Auto, draft. 1 p. 910 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Jonathan Williams ^•J^'- 1^ [Nantes]. Property- protection of settlers going to America; Capt. [John] Folger's case. Auto. draft. "2 pp. 911 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Dr. riohn Withersp»)()n ^^°^'- ^^ [Philadelphia]. Return of John Withorspoon jr. Auto, draft. 1 p. 915 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte (U^ Veroeiuies, ^'^^'- ^^ [Versailles]. The surrender at Yorktown: the King's [Louis XVI] generous aid. Auto, diaft. 1 p. 917 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 848. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Kornmann & Co., Ko- ^*^^'- 21 nigsberg. Encloses answer to a letter. Franklin to 'i Relationship. Auto, drafts. 1 \). 919 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 312. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Isaac] Gouverneur and ^ov. 22 [Samuel] Curson [England]. Assistance granted them; recommends Jonathan Williams, [Ferdi- nand] Grand, or [Thomas] Barclay as agents to recover their property. Auto, draft. 1 p. 925 1781 [Franklin, Benjamm.] Passy. To Hobart [Paris?] ^ov. 22 Prospects of peace. Auto, draft. 1 p. 921 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass3^ To Bfenjaminl \'aughan ^ov. 22 [London]. Money to [^\'illianl] llodg.son for [Henry] Laurens; Sir Grey Cooper's assurances; exchange through [Ednuind] Burke for Bur- go^'ne; |Lt.] Col. [rJolin] Laurens health. Auto, draft. 1 p. 923 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wasli. 1889. 4,856. Nov. 22 1781 Nov. , 22 1781 Nov. , 23 Nov. 23 1781 Nov. 24 1781 Nov. 26 116 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To John Jay and John Adams [Paris]. Surrender of Yorktown. Contemporar}' copy. 3024 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To D[avid] S. Franks [Paris]. Passage to America in a French frigate. Contemporary cop}^ 3024 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy To J[ohn] Adams [Amster- dam]. Purchase of goods in Holland; [Commo- dore Alexander] Gillon's letter respecting [James] Searle and [Capt. William] Jackson; [Thomas] Barclay's arrival. Auto, draft. 1 p. 927 Printed: Biplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 4, 857. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Thomas] Pownall [Lon- don]. Mrs. Barry's claim and peace proposi- tions. Auto, draft. 1 p. 929 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 313. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Chevalier Buysson [Paris?]. His recommendations from Congress. Auto, draft. 1 p. 931 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Adams [Amster- dam]. Capt. [William] Jackson's departure for America and [Thomas] Barclay's arrival; de Neufville's claim on ships and supplies destined for America; letters from Gen. [George] Wash- ington; surrender at Yorktown and [Maj.] Gen. [Nathanael] Greene in Carolina; [Comte] De Grasse's movements; correspondence tampered with; payment of de Neufville's bills; Fizeaux & Grand's account. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 935 Printed in part: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 314. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Jean] de Neufville & Nov. 20 Son [Amsterdam]. Withholding the supply ships because of [Conmiodore Alexander] Gil- lon's departure; claims for freightage etc.; pay- ment of drafts. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 933 1781 M[orris,] K[obertj. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Nov. 27 lin [Passy j. The finances of America; French loans and controversies over same; lack of energy in the people, etc. M., B, 154. 1781 [Franklin, William Temple.] Passy. To Capt. Robeson. Dec. 2 Requesting payment of loan. Contemporary copy. 3025 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy To Watson & Cossoul. Dec. 2 Acceptance of bills intercepted by the enemy. Draft signed. 1 p. . 943 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TAPKUS 117 1781 M[orris,J R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Bonjauiiii Fnink- Dec. 4 lin [PassyJ. Payment of [JohnJ Ross's l)ills: [Ferdinand ^] (irand's and [William] Bin^rham's advances; bad manaf,annent in Holland. M., B, 206. 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To William Strahan [Lon- L>Ec. 4 don|. Personal matters and the printinf( ait in Paris and Madrid. Copy. 2 pp. 945 Printed: Works (Bigflow) N. Y. 1888. 7,S>3. 1781 M| orris, I R[ol)ert|. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Dec. 5 lin [ Passy j. Payment of Capt. [Jacob] Shreiber. M., B, 208. 1781 M[orris,] R[obert|. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Dec. 5 lin []. Payment of Baron de Frey. M., B, 207. 1781 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin F'mnk- Dec. 5 lin [Passy]. The French and Holland loans and the demand in America for F^rench goods. M., B, 210. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7,324. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To John Adams [Amster- Dec. 6 dam]. Difficulties over supplies purchased in Holland; [Jean de Neufvillo's] ])roposals and those of Inghaham & Bromtield; instructions to [Thomas] Barclay respecting the case. Auto, draft. 1 p. 947 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Thomas] Barclay, Dec. 6 [Paris?] Passport to Holland. Auto, draft. 1 j). 947 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Guillaume Jaumo.Lyon. Dec 7 Education of young Johonnot; prosectus of school at Ecully. Auto, draft. 1 p. 949 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Marquis de Segur Dec. 8 [Versailles]. Recommending Chevalier du Buys- son to his favor. Auto, draft. 1 p. 949 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Robert Morris ] Phila- Dec. 10 delphia]. Introducing Count Beniousky. "Nov. 10" Franklin to [Richard | Buclie. [Philadelphia. ] Introducing [Dec. 10] (joj„^(. Beniousky. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 951 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Felix Nogaret [Paris]. Dec 10 Apologies for not calling upon him. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 955 118 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass3\ To [Gerard] de Rayneval Dec. 10 [Versailles]. Introducing Mr. Mason of Vir- ginia; request to Vergennes to order part of Dutch loan into hands of [Ferdinand] Grand; request of merchants of Metz and shipment of goods as ordered b}^ [Robert] Morris. Auto, draft. 1 p. 953 Note: Paragraph regarding the Dutch loan is crossed out in the draft. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Comte de Vergennes Dkc. 10 [Versailles]. Amounts of drafts drawn on [Henry] Laurens, [John] Adams, [John] Jay and himself; request to order part of the Dutch loan into hands of [Ferdinand] Grand. Auto, draft. 1 p. 951 1781 Franklin, [William Temple.] Passy. To Babut & La- Dec. 10 bushere [Paris.] Personal business affair. Con- tern porar}- copy. 3025 1781 L'houmande, Jeudy de. ''Pout neuf" [Paris.] To [Ben- Dec. 10 jamin] Franklin [Passy]. Remedy for the stone; prescription etc. A. L. S. ttpp. (In French.) 2773-5 1781 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Mrs. C. Edes. Henry Dec. 13 Laurens's imprisonment and treatment. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 957-61 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 326. 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}'. To [William] Alexander Dec. 15 [Paris]. His visit to England. Auto, draft. 1 p. 967 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 333. 1781 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Pass3\ To Georgiana Shipley Dec. 15 [London]. [William] Alexander's visit to Eng- land. Auto, draft. 1 p. 965 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [William] Hodgson Dec. 15 [London]. Loss of correspondet'ce. . Franklin to Edmund Burke, [London.] Loss of corre- spondence. Auto, drafts. 1 p. 963 1781 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To [David S.] De<^- 1^ Franks [Brest]. His departure for America. Contemporary copy. 3025 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Major [David S.] l^Ec. 17 Franks (Brest?]. His complaint of treatment received in Brest. Auto, draft. 1 p. 969 1781 Dec. 19 1781 Dec. 19 1781 Dec. 19 1781 Dec. 21 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 119 [Franklin, Benjaniiii. ] Pussy. To Charles W. F. Dumas [Amsterdam]. News from America. Auto, draft. 1 p. 971 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 35. Ffranklin,] Wfilliam] Tfemplo]. Passy. To [Jonathan] Williams [jr.] [Nantes]. Personal matters and French politics. Contemporary copy. 3026 F[ranklin,l W[illiam] T[emple]. Passy. To Silas Deane [Paris]. Personal matters. Contemporary copy. 3026 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Case of Mason, of Virginia; Joly de Fleury's decision respecting the memoir to the merchants at Metz. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2581 1781 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. Dec. 21 To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. The request for another million to meet the engagements of [Henry] Laurens, [John] Adams and [John] Jay; funds placed with [Ferdinand] Grand in expecta- tion that nothing more would be asked; the new million should be taken from the Holland loan; Robert Morris counts upon using existing funds for the American Army: will nevertheless ask Jolv de Fleury to advance another million. L. S. 2 pip. (In French.) 2582 1781 [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Comte de Vergennes [Ver- Dec. 27 saillesj. [Ferdinand] Grand's letter and the ap- plication for part of the [Dutch] loan; payment of drafts. Auto, draft. 1 p. 973 Frinte. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia]. To Benjamin Frank- j.,x. 7 lin [Passy]. Drafts on Franklin; the Impost law in the United States; plan for adjusting the pub- lic accounts; plan for taxes in North and South Gu-olina and Georgia; replacing cargo lost in the Mcm^iils de Lafayette; the Bank of the United States. M., 0,2. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Jan. 16 lin [Passy]. Payment of Capt. P[ierro] Landais for transporting military stores to America. M., C, 6. 1782 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comtc] de. Versailles. To Jan. 18 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Sends a memorial of interest to the subjects of the Emperor, re- ceived from the government of the Netherlands; suggests that it be transmitted to Congress. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2583 1972 Franklin to Ingenhousz. See Franklin to Ingenhouz, .Ian. 20 1T81, Oct. 2. 1782 M[orri8,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia]. To Benjamin Frank- Jan. 22 lin [Passy]. Certificate respecting stores shipped by Col. [John] Laurens. M., C, 8. 1782 [Morris, Robert.] [Philadelpiiia.] To [the Governors of the Feb. 9 various States]. Circular: Domestic credit; con- dition of the linances; mistakes of States respect- ing same; prospects of peace; contract system of obtaining s\ipplies in Pennsylvania and elsewhere; selfish local feelings and energy necessary. Draft in cipher with interlinear tmnslation. 28 pp. 1010-1016 122 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1782 Marat, [Jean Paul.] [Paris.] To [Benjamin Franklin, Feb. 14 Passy]. Invitation to witness electrical experi- ments. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1017 [Franklin's auto, draft of the tale of the harrow is written on the blank page of above letter.] 1782 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Feb. 20 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. As to the Dutch loan and Franklin's erroneous balance due from it; disposition made of the proceeds; is not con- cerned in the expenditures of [John] Laurens; bills may be met from the loan in Holland; repeats the conditions on the demand for an addi- tional million livres; Luzerne asserts that Robert Morris believes the ten million loan to be intact; Jol}^ de Fleury must arrange for retaining four millions in the roj^al treasury subject to Morris's drafts. L. S. 9 pp. (In French) 2584-88 1782 [Lafayette, Marquis de.] Paris. To Comte de Jarnac. ^^^- ^ Exchange of Cap.. William Gore. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1018 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Lord Shelburne [Lon- ^^^- ^^ donj. Prospects of peace. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1019 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 2. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Mar. 22 lin [Passy]. Payment of Baron D'Arndt. M., C, 116. ^"^^^ M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- ^^^^- ^^ lin [Passy]. Sets of exchange. M.. C, 118. 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Gen. [George] Wash- ^^^^' ^ ington [Newburgh]. The surrender of Corn- wallis; attitude of England. L. S. 3 pp. W. Letters to. 55, 118. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 7, 429. 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. Memorandum of living ^ ' toads found enclosed in stone. Letter-press cop;t of a copy. 1021-23 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 184. 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Gen. [George] Wash- ington [Newburgh j. Introducing [Clavide Victor.] Prince de Broglie; change of ministry in England. L. S. 2 pp. W. Letters to. 55, 242. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7,437. Apr. 8 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 123 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Comte de Vergeiines Apr. 15 [Versailles]. Peace negotiations. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1024 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 7, 6, under date of Apr. 16. 1782 M[orri8,] R[obertl. [Philtidelphia.] To BcMijainin Fnink- Apr. 17 lin [Passyj. Drafts on France. Holland and Cadiz. M., C, 190. Printed: Diplo. Corre-s. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5,312. 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin. J Passy. To [Lord Shelburne, Lon- Apr. 18 don]. Peace negotiations; Oswald's interview with Vergennes; exchange of prisoners. Letter press copy of L. S. 5 pp. Endorsed in pencil by Franklin: " Answer to Lord Shelburno" 1026-30 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Paris. Notes for conversation Apr. 18 [with Richard Oswald] on subject of peace between the United States and Great Britain. Reparation for injuries; loyalists; cession of Canada, etc. Copy. 4 pp. 1031-32 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. V. 1888. 8, 13. 1782 Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de. Apr. 18 Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin []. Exchange of three American pri-soners. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) P^nclosing list. See next entry. 2589 [1782] Prisoners, Exchange of. List of American pri.soncrs and [Apr. 18] for whom exchanged, embarked on the Molly, cartel ship, William Bi))bins, master: Bryant Kewcomb, Jol> Field and Edward Savill ox- changed for Edward Ashley, Joseph Newman and James Miggins. D. S.: ''Wm. Cawdry Agent F'or Prisoners of War" 1 p. Enclosed in Ca.stries to Franklin 1782, Apr. 18. 2590 1782 [Digges, Thomas.] [London.] Memorandum to Lord Shel- Apr. 20 burne respecting powers of [John] Adams, [Ben- jamin] Franklin, [John] Jay. [Henry] Laurens and [Thomas I Jeflerson as commissioners of the United States. Copy. 3 pp. 1033 1782 Vergennes, [Charles Giavier, Comte] de. Ver,saill.">. To Apr. 23 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Forwarding me- morial of Denmark protesting against seizure of a Danish vessel by an American privatcM^-. L. S. Ip. (InFiench.) 1034 Translation printed Diplo. Corres (Wharton) Wash ls»9. o 3.!1. 124 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [1782] [Blome, Baron de. Paris.] To [Comte de Vergennes, Ver- [Apr. 23] sailles]. Complaining of seizure of Danish ves- sel b}' an American privateer. Copy in French. 1 p. Enclosed in Vergennes to Franklin of same date. q. v. 1035 Translation printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5,321. 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Pass3^ To Count de Creutz Apr. 24 [Paris]. Power to negotiate a treaty of Com- merce. Auto, draft signed. 1 pp. 1036 Memorandum by Franklin at bottom of page explaining circumstances surrounding above letter. 1782 Shelburne, [William Petty, Earl of.] [London.] To [Ben- *^''^- ~^ jamin Franklin, Pass}^]. Preliminaries of peace; exchange of prisoners. Letter press copy of copy. 3 pp. 1037-39 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 28. 1782 Grenville, [Thomas, Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [May 8] [Passy]. Intention of calling. A. L. S. in 3^ person. 1 p. 1040 Note by Franklin: "May 8 the Day of his Arrival." 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To C[harles] J[ames] Fox -^^AYlO [Whitehall]. Introduction of [Thomas] Gren- ville and peace negotiation. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1044-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 40. 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy. To Lord Shelburne [Lou- May 10 don]. Preliminaries of peace, exchange of pris- oners. Letter press cop}^ of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1042-3 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 41. 1782 Grenville, [Thomas.] Paris. To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. May 10 Offer to send letters to England. A. D. in 3*^ person. Franklin to Grenville. Thanks for above offer and invites him to breakfast. Auto, draft on same sheet with Grenville's letter. 1 p. 1041 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8,40-1. 1782 Pownall, T[homas.] Kichmond. To [Benjamin Franklin, May 13 Passy]. Widow^ Barry's and [John] Almon's ac- counts of publication and sale of Pownall's Topo- graphical Description of America; books sent by [Edward?] Bridgen to Bowens; Pownall's part in the peace negotiations; balance due Mrs. Barry. Letter press copy of copy. 3 pp. 1395 1782 May 17 1782 May 18 1782 May 18 1782 May 23 1782 May •23 1782 May 26 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 125 M[orri8,] R[o})ortJ. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [PtissyJ. Piiynient of drafts, state of accounts etc. M., C, 303. M[ orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Pass}']. Shipment of money: uneasiness for the Alliance. M., C, 305. M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Payment of eommissions on drafts. M., C, 5li. M[orris,] K[o]jert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Beaumarchais's claim; current needs. M., C, 327. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 437. Mf orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Arrival of the Al/ionce, Capt. [John] Barry, with Franklin's letters. M., C, 326. [Oswald, Richard.] Memorandum of Lord Shelbourne's notes, [respectino- peace nej^otiations,] to ))e com- municated to Franklin. Shelbourne to Franklin. Oswald and peace negotiations. Auto, copies by Oswald. 2 pp. 1046 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 67, 79. 1782 Parliament. A bill to enable His Majesty to conclude a [May 28] peace with the Colonies in North America. Printed copy. 2 pp. With ms. changes by Franklin. 1001 Note: The bill finally passed, May 28, wa.s agreed to liy tlie Lords June IS and approved by King June 19. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- May29 lin []. The .satisfying- of Beaumarchai.s's claim. M., C, 342. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 44.^. [1782] Franklin, [Benjamin.] Extracts from journal of peace [June 3] negotiations with Great Britain. Compensation of loyalists. Letter press copy of contemporary copy^ 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 2, 106. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18H8. s, 79-so. [1782] [Vaughan, Benjamin. London?] To [Benjamin Franklin, Jdne5-28]. Independence of America; disposition of the King; ending of the war; France's posi- tion. Auto, draft? 4 pp. (Part in French) 1047 126 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1782. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Dr. [Joseph] Priestley JfXE 7 [London]. Inhumanity of man toward man; philosophical experiments. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1048 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 464. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- JuNE 10 lin [Passy]. Sending copy of letter of Mar. 22 (q. V.) respecting Baron D'Arndt. M., C, 404. 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Bishop [Jonathan] Ji^^EiO Shipley [St. Asaph, England]. Prospects of peace etc. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1052 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 466. [1782] Lafayette. Passy. Draft [to Franklin] of discharge from [June 10] parole of aides-de-camp of Lord Cornwallis. i. e. Maj. [Alexander] Ross, Lt. Col. Lord [George] Chewton and Lt. [Henry] Haldane. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1051 1782 Lafayette. Paris. To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Ex- J^-^'Eil change of Lord Cornwallis's aides; [Maj.] Gen. [Benjamin] Lincoln a precedent; Gen. [George] Washington's attitude on subject of exchanges. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1054 1782 Franklin, B[enjamin]. To Dr. [Richard] Price [England]. Ju^E 13 Peace and the power of the press. Copy. 2 pp. 1055 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 470. 1782 Lafayette. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. J^'^'E -1 [Thomas] Grenville has dined with Comt de Ver- gennes and returns to England. A. L. S. 1 p. 1056 1782 Franklin to Ingenhousz. See: Franklin to Ingenhousz, 1781, JI-NE21 Oct. 2. 1782 Grenville, [Thomas. Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin June 22 [Passy]. Copy of his powere will be shown by [Comte] de Vergennes. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 1057 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Miss Alexander [Nantes]. June 24 Dedication of a book; frugality. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1058 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 7, 476. 1782 Laurens, Henry. Lyon. To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. June 24 j^lig assistance declined by [John] Adams; refusal to act as peace commissioner; peace sentiment in England; [Adm!] George [Bridges] Rodney's success; Lord Shelburne and exchange of Corn- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 127 wallis; exchange of prisoners under care of [Wil- liam] Hodgson; Lord Hillsborough's description of Laurens; decluration of latter to [Richard] Oswald; discussion of hi.> exchange for Cornwal- lis; kindness of [Jonathan Shipley,] Bishop of St. Asaph. Copy. 14 pp. 1059-67 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1H89. ">, SOS. [1782] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [Robert R. Livingston. Phila- [June25] delphia]. Last paragraph of letter only. Relates to C. W. F. Dumas. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1069 Entire letter printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. isss. 8, H)'>. 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Robert Morris [Phila- June25 delphia]. Goods shipped from Holland; [Thomas] Barcla3''s purchases; [Ferdinand] Grand's state- ment of finances; [Commodore Alexander] (iil- lon's actions and de Neufville's charges; draft in favor of H[enr3^] Hill; [Jacciues] Necker's faith in contract for furnishing provisions for French troops in America; statement of debt to France; method of repayment; goodness of King [Louis XVI]; German troops embarkation; Capt. Frey's debt; [Matthew] Ridley in Holland; letter to [Rob- ert R.] Livingston; England and peace negotia- tions. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 1070 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 513. 1782 Lafayette. St. Germain. To [Benjamin Franklin, Pass}']. [June 25] Desires reasons for his stiiy in France made clear to Congress; [John] Jay's arrival. A, L. S. 2 pp. Franklin to Lafayette. Will do as requested. A. L. S. 1 pp. Written on blank page of above. 1068 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Fnuik- JuNE 26 lin [Passy]. Payment of Dr. Texier. M., C, 460. 1782 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pas.^y. To R[i(hafd] Oswald June 26 [Paris]. Form of Oswald's commission; Lord Shelburne's sincerity; [Thomas] Grcnville and suggestion of a separate commission to treat .sepa- rately with America. Auto, draft. '2 pp. Note by Franklin: "This Draft being shown to Mr. Oswald and and he not chusing that his showing me Lord S.'s note should be mention'd. I tirst cross'd it out, but afterwards new model'd the whole. The Draft is in red Ink." 1072 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wlinrton) Wnah. 1889. a, 522. The "new model'd" draft is printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888 8. 111. 128 BENJA^LIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1782 H[artley,] D[avid]. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin Jl'^e 26 [Passy]. Progress of peace negotiations; inter- views with Lord S[helburne]; election to Parlia- ment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1074 1782 Hartley, D[avid], London. To [Benjamin] Franklin Ji NE 26 [Passy]. Introducing Mr. Bowles. A. L. S. 1 p. 1073 [1782] Grenville, [Thomas?] Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin U^'^E ?] [Passy]. The enabling bill [for King to negotiate peace] in the House of Lords. A. L. S. in bodj^ of document. 1 p. 1004 Note.— For bill see: Parliament 1782, May 28. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- J^'^"^' ^ lin [Passy]. Statement of the French loans; repayments, future grants, supplies etc. M., C, 464. ' Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 587. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert.] [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- '^^'^^' ^ lin [Passy]. Acknowledgement of the United States debt to France to be executed. M., D, 5. 1782 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To J^^"^' '^ [Benjamin Franklin, Passj^]. Expresses pleasure for the resolutions of the Maryland legislature; trusts it will undeceive the British ministry of an}^ hope of dividing the allies. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2591 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}". To [James Hutton, Eng- land]. Murder of Moravian Indians in Pennsyl- vania. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1075 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 121. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Richard Oswald, Paris]. Sentiment in Ministry respecting Inde- pendence. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1076 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 130. Continental Congress. Contract with France, acknowl- edging statement of financial indebtedness of United States to France, mode and conditions of repa3'ment etc., etc. D. S. : "Gravier de Ver- gennes." "B. Franklin" 7 pp. (In French). C. C. 145, 311. Translation by Charles Thom- son. 5 pp. C. C. 145, 341. Printed: U. S. Treatie.s and Conventions (Haswell) Wash. 1889. 310. 1782 Townshend, Thomas. Court at St. James. Order for J'^'^^' 2'^ (Commission to be issued to Richard Oswald, as Commissioner to negotiate peace with United 1782 July 7 1782 JULV 12 1782 July 16 1782 Al-g. 7 1782 Aug. 18 1782 Auci. , 29 1782 Sep. 3 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN I'APERS 129 States. Cont. copy. 8 pj). Endorsed by Fiiuik- lin: " Ordered Commission to Mr Oswald "" 1078 Franklin, H[cnjamin]. Passy. Certiticato of commission granted to Capt. (jriistavus Conyngham. Con- temporary^ copy. 1 p. C. C. 41, 2, 154. Grasse, [Franyois Joseph Paul,] Comte do, [Marquis de Tilly]. Paris. To [Benjamin Franklin ^ Passy]. Asking for an appointment for a conference, ha\ - ing man}'^ things to communicate. L. S. 1 p. 2592 Prieu (?) Strasburgh. To Brillon [de JouyJ. Paris. . The waters of Griesback a remedy for the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. {In French.) ' 2593 Franklin, [Benjamin.] [Passy. J Extract of a hotter to [Robert R.] Livingston [Philadelphia]. Salary as minister and expense account. Contempoiary cop3'. 2 pp. with press copy of same. T. J. 1782 Oswald, [Richard.] Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin Sep. 7 [Pass}']. Receipt of papers. A. L. S. in 3*' per- son. 1 p. (Mutilated.) 2422 1782 [Washington, George.] Newburgh. To[Sir Guy Carleton, Sep. g New York]. Extract of letter. Suspension of hostilities; depredations of savages. Sep 12 [Carleton, Sir Guy.] To [Washington]. Extract of letter. Suspension of hostilities; savages and the San- duskv Expedition. 3 pp. In handwriting of Chas^ Morse. 1079 Wash", to Carleton, printml: Writings of Wash?, (Ford) X. V. I.s91. 10, 75. [Franklin, Benjamin.] To Sir Joseph Banks [London]. Philosophical work and peace. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1080 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. s, 16y. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Lord [Grantham, Lon- don]. Dispositions toward peace on both sides. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1082 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 8, 710. Carleton, Sir Guy to Gen. George Washington. See: Washington to Carleton, 1782, Sep. 8. M[orri8,J R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Fiaiiklin, John Adams and John Jay [Paris], Payment of all bills and closing out of accounts. M., D, 225. Printed: Diplo. Oorres. (Wharton), Wash. 1889. .S, 763. M[orris.]R|ol)ert]. [Philadeli)hia. | To Benjamin Franklin [Pa.ssy]. The of supplies on public account. M., D, 227. 15885—05 9 1782 Sep. 9 1782 Sep. 11 1782 Sep. 12 1782 Sep. 25 1782 Sep. 25 130 BENJAMIN FEANKLIN PAPERS 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Franklin Sep. 27 [Passy]. Feeling in America against Britain and for France; necessit}^ of another loan etc. M., D, 236. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 771. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Franklin Sep. 27 [Passy]. Loan for the year 1783 and oi-ders for its disposition. M., D, 244. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton), Wash. 1889. 5, 775. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin Sep. 28 []. In cipher. M., D, 248. 1782 Continental Congress. Form of commission to Benjamin Sep. 28 Franklin to negotiate a treaty of amity and com- merce with Sweden, John Adams, John Ja}' and John Laurens successive alternates. Contempo- rary copy. 2 pp. C. C. 49, 93. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Franklin Sep. 30 [Passy]. Public stores Ijnng in Europe; condition of accounts etc. M., D, 262. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 788. [1782!;] Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du [Sep.?] Motier, Marquis de. [Paris.] Memorandum of sentence proposed by Vergennes to be inserted in the treaty between Great Britain and the United States. A. D. 1 p. (In English and French with copy of the French sentence on preceding page, in a different hand.) 2594 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Franklin ^"- 1 [Passy]. Convoy for the money shipped to Havana. M., D, 259. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 791. 1782 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin], Passy. Discharge from parole of ^CT. 1 Capt. [Edward] Fage, as a favor to Gen. Conw\ay; conditions under which discharge is granted. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1083 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- ■ lin [Pass}^]. Enclosing an act of Congress. M., D, 283. 1782 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- ^"- "^ lin [Passy]. Means of communication with France; shipment of money. M., D, 286. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 5, 802. 1782 M[orri8,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia. ] To Benjamin Frank- OcT. 7 lin [Passy]. Quoting paragraph of a letter BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 131 from the headquurtors of the tirmy. In cipher. M., D. 289. 1782 Franklin, f Benjiiinin]. [Pa.ssy.] Extract of letter to ^^T- 1-i [Robert R.J Livingston [Philadelphia]. Payment of minister's salaries and rate of exchange. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. and press copy of same. T. J. Entireletter printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8,195. 1782 Franklin, [Benjamin]. Passy. Extract of a letter to <>CT- 1-* R[obert] R. Living.ston [PhihidelphiaJ. Compen- .sation to loyalists. Dec. 5 Franklin. Extract of a letter to Livingston. Loyalist-^ and ii.sheries. Letter copies of contempo- rary copies. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 4, v. 2, 104. Both letters printed entire: \Vorltni- ments: Works (Bigelow) N. Y'. 1888. 8,237. 1782 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. [Versailles.] To Dec :^0 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Appointing time of meeting. A. L. S. in 3'' person. (In French.) Franklin, to Vergennes. Agreeing to above. Auto, draft in 3** person. (Written in English at bottom of above note of Vergennes.) 1 p. 2596 [1782] Jay, [Sir] James. [Paris.] To Benjamin Franklin [Passy |. Thanks for obtaining his exchange. A, L. S. I p. 2271 [1782] Pringle, Sir John. Eulogv of. (In French) liM'P- 985-99 [1782?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Pa.ssy.] To Madame dc Biilion [Paris]. William Temple Franklin's marriage with her daughter. Auto, draft. 2 pp. (In French.) 2663 [1782?] [Franklin, Benjamin, Passy.] Extract of letter to ? Tale of the harrow. Auto, draft. I p. Written on letter Marat to Franklin, 1782, Fel). 14. (q. v.) 1017 Printed Works ( Bigelow) N. Y. 1888 7, 286. note. 184 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [1782?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] "Information to those who would remove to America. " The class of people desired, opportunities etc. Contemporary cop3\ 18 pp. Headed by Franklin as quoted. 2233-49 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 172. [1782?] Anonymous to [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. James Bour- dieu's anxiety respecting- opinion of his ofBcious- ness. Postscript of letter only and part missing. 1 p. 1005 [1782?] Fitz-Herbert, AUeyne. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Thanks for passports. A. L. S. in 3'^ person. 1 p. 1003 [1782?] Jay, J[ohn.] [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. Enclosing- draft approved by [John] Adams of letter to Marquis de Lafa3^ette. A. L. S. 1 p. 2272 [1782?] [Oswald, Richard.] Memorandum respecting form of his commission to treat for peace. A. D. 1 p. 1006 [1782?] Vaughan, Benjamin. [Paris?] [To Benjamin Franklin, Passy.] Letter to T[homas?] T[ownshend?] and that of [David?] H[artley?]; Franklin's home in event of his coming to London. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1002 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin and John Ja}^ [Paris]. [Francois Jean] Che- valier de Chastellux's information as to condition of affairs in America. M., E, 26. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Passy. To John Jay [Bath?]. His health and enemies. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 1245 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 426. M[orris,] K[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Foreign loans; specific supplies and condition of the country etc. M., E, 33. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 202. Morris, Robert Office of Finance. To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. [Ferdinand] Grand's account, [John] Adams's Dutch loan and Beaumarchais's bills; state of finances, present condition etc. L. S. marked: "Copy" 2 pp. 1103 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889, 6, 202. 1783 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia]. To Benjamin Frank- Jan. 13 lin [Passy]. Gratitude to the King; condition of finances and rates of exchange. M., E, 44. Printed: Diplo, Corres (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 0, '204. 1783 Jan. 2 1783 Jan. 6 1783 Jan. 11 1783 Jan. 11 1783 Jan. 19 1783 Jan. 22 1783 Jan. 25 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 135 V[aughan,] Benjamin. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Arranging to call. A. L. S. in Ixxly of docuniont. 1 p. 1104 Continental Congress. Ratification of contract of 1782, Jul}' 16 with France. Auto, draft hy Charles Thomson. 7 pp. C. C. 145, 333. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}'. To Comte de Vergennes [Versailles]. King [Louis XVlj's loan of six millions; schemes with [Ferdinand] (yrand for raising mone\'; Congress's orders and gratitude; twenty million loan authorized. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1105 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 230. 1783 Fitz-Herbert, [Alleyne.] Paris. To [Benjamin Franklin, "^^^^ ^^ Passy]. Announces his tirst audience with the King in character of Ministei- Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty. A. L. S. in S** person. 1 p. ' 2597 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy, To Mrs. Mary Hewson, J-^"^- -' [England.] Death of friends; visit to England, etc. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1107 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, -2^,4. 1783 Vergennes, [Charles (xravier. Comte] de. Versailles. To ^^^' ^ [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Sending two copies of articles of the preliminaries of peace between Great Britain and France. 1 p. 2598 1783 Adams, [John], Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin, ^^'*- - Calling a meeting of the Commissioners to con- sider points in negotiation. A. L. S. in S"* person. 1109 1783 Adams, [John] Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. I* EB. 3 Arranging for a meeting with the British Minister. A. L. 8. in 3'' person. 1 p. 1110 1783 Carmichael, William. Madrid. To Benjamin Frank- Feb. 6 lin [Passy]. Introducing [Diego i'] Gardoqui. A. L. S. 1 p. 1111 1783 France. Treaty with United States for loan of six million Fkb. 25 livres and conditions thereof. D. S. : *'Gravier de Vergennes" '"B. Franklin." (In French), 8 pp. C. C. 145. 320. Translation t)y .lohn Pintard. 5 pp. C. C. 145, 965. Printed: l. S Treaties it Conventions (Haswell) Wash. 18S9. 314. [1783] ' [Jefferson, Thomas.] [Philadelphia.] To [Benjamin] [Fkb.?] F[ranklin, Passy |. Expectations of .sailing foi 136 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS France in a few days. Auto, draft. 8.1x16.5 c. m. Irregular shape. T. J. 1783 Lacarre, . Isle de Oleron [France]. To [Benjamin Mak. 3 Franklin, Passy]. General interest fixed on Franklin; sends remedies for the stone. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French) 2599 1783 [Segur, Philippe Henri, Marquis de] Versailles. To Ver- Mak. 3 gennes [Versailles]. Transportation of artiller}', troops and military supplies from Baltimore, proposes to g-ive war material to the United States Contemporary copy. ^ pp. (In French.) 2600 1783 Laurens, Henry. London. To Benjamin Franklin, "Paris" :\1ak. 6 [Passy]. [Richard] Oswald and the definitive treaty; Lord Shelburne and impeachment; friend- ship of the U. S. and the court of France; British troops in New York; sends by [Anthony Morris] Storer bill for establishing commerce between Great Britain and the U. S. ; [John] Adams and the Bruxelles anonymous writer; personal mentions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1112 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 273. 1783 Schbnfeld, de. Paris. To [Benjamin Franklin? Mar. 9 Pass\']. Introducing Bidermann, councillor of tlie court of Saxon}'; commerce between the United States and Saxony. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2601 1783 Dumas, [Charles William Frederick]. The Hague. To Mar. 14 Benjamin Franklin, Passy. Time has been absorbed by illness and ofiicial correspondence with John Adams; visit of Mr. & Mrs. Wheelock; the Hercules strangling the serpents medal; coming changes in diplomatic service of the United States. A. L. S. 2pp. (InFrench.) 2602 1783 Carmichael, William Madrid. To Benjamin Franklin Mar. 15 [Passy]. The Definitive Treaty of Peace; Lafay- ette's knowledge of state of aflairs in Spain; finances and Carmichaers salary ; introduces Baron Le Fort; [John] Jay's indecision. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1113 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To the Earl of Buchan Mar. 17 [Edinburgh, Scotland]. Immigration to America. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1114 Printed. Work.s (Bigelowj N. Y. 1888. 8, 2(57. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 137 1783 F[ranklin,l B[eniaminJ. Passy. To the Lord Bishop of Mak. 17 St. Asaph. [JoiKithiinlShiploylEnirliind]. Clamor atrainst poacoin Parliament; conuptnos.s in Groat Britain. Copy. 2 pp. 1116 I'riiite.l: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. V. 26.'^. 1783 Laurens, Henry. London. To Benjamin Franklin, "Paris"' y^^^^ 17 [Passy]. Formation of a ministry; the King [George 111], Lord Stormont and Duke of Port- land; l)ill for establishing a commerce with the U. S.; British troops in New York; jmblication [by PMmund Jennings] of [John] Adams's com- mission to negotiate treaty of commerce with Great Britain. A. L. S. '2 pp. 1117 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 18><9. 6, 307. 1783 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] do. Versailles. To .Mar. 22 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Segur's letter re- specting French artillery and miiitiiry supplies at Baltimore; asks for his opinion on the propo- sition it contains. L.S. Ip. (In French.) 2607 1783 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To John Dickinson Mar. 23 [Philadelphia]. Act of Pennsylvania Assembly respecting the lands of the Penns. Letterpress copy of L. S. 3 pp. 1119-21 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 272. 1783 French Army in America. Artillery and military sup- [M.vK. ?] plies at Baltimore. Statement of. '2 pp. (In l^>ench). 2659 1783 Laurens, Henry. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Apr. 4 Passy. His work in London; provincial bill and [William] Pitt; Laurens's commerce bill and its effect; Spain and boundary; [Edmund] Jen- nings's dishonesty; proposed visit to Passy; con- ference with [Charles James] Fo.x on withdrawal of British troops from New York and estaV)lish- ment of commercial relations. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1122 Prinl.d. Diplo. Corros. (Wharton) Wash. 1S8<1 C. 3.^8. ri783«] [L'Estevenon de Berkenroode. .] | Pans. J To [ Ben- \PR 10 jamin] Franklin [Pas.syl. Note of acknowledg- ment. A. L. in 3^' person, i p. (In t i-«^ihI>-) 2603 1783 Carmichael, William. Madriri*'a etc. Auto, draft. 4 pp. Incomplete, top & bottom of the second sheet being cut off. 1134 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 289. M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. The public credit. M., E, 325. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Whurton) Wash. 1889. 6, l-il. M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Power of Congress; credit and the situation. M., E, 327. Printed: Diplo. Corros. (Wharton) 1889. 6,449. M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] T^ Benjamin Franklin [Pass}']. ExtraV'agance and dishonesty in ad- ministration of affairs of the French army in America; suit brought b}' [Haym] Solomons against de Mars and de Brassine; consultation w ith [Francois Jean] de Chastellux. M., E, 329. 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [M. Walterstorff^ Paris]. June 7 Criticism of plan of treaty [proposed between Denmark and the United States.] L. S. 2 pp. 1136 [1783] Fitz-Herbert, [Alleyne.] Paris To [Benjamin] Franklin. [June 12] Passy. Offer to convey letters to England. A. L. S. in 'S'^ person. 1 p. 1137 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Passy. To i Hypothesis of JcNE 14 the shock of the electric bottle. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1138 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y'. 1888. 8,298. 1783 B[oudinot,] E[lias|. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin Frank- JuNEl6 liii^ John Adams and ,Iohn Jay, Passy]. Resig- nation of [Robert R.] Livingston as secretiiry of Foreign Affairs. C. C. 16, 192. 1783 Boudinot, Elias. To Benjamin Franklin. See: Franklin J^'^-i^' 1*^ to David Hartley, 1783, Sep. tJ. 1783 Franklin, [Benjamin] and [John] Jay. Pa.ssy. ToComte June 28 ^^ Vergennes [Versailles]. State of accounts of Congress; protesting of drafts, etc. Contem- porary copy. 2 pp. C. C. 137, 3. 103. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Whurtonj Wiisli. 18,S9. tl.oOS. 140 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1783 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To July 3 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Note of acknowl- edo^ement. 1 p. (In French.) 2608 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}^ To Comte de Vergennes July 4 [Versailles]. Transmitting request of Congress [for an additional loan of three million livres]. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1140 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 302 under date of July 14. 1783 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte de.] Versailles. To July 5 [Benjamin] Franklin and [John] Jay [Passy]. Their request for additional financial aid. July 4 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Passy. To Vergennes. Request of Congress for aid; [Anne Cesar, Chevalier de la] Luzerne's representations and measures adopted by Congress. July 18 Vergennes. To Franklin, Impossibility of granting fur- ther aid. (In French.) Contemporary copies. 3 pp. C. C. 137, 3, 107. Letter of July 4 printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton), W^ash. 1889. 6, ?>li. 1783 Thun, Baron de. [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin July 7 and [John] Jay [Paris]. Note of acknowledg- ment. A. L. S. in. 3*^ person. 1 p. (In French.) 2609 1783 B[oudinot,] E[lias]. Princeton. To [Benjamin Franklin, July 13 John Adams and John Jay] Paris. Revolt of the Pennsylvania Line; [Maj.] Gen. [Arthur] St. Clair; escape of Capt. [Henry] Carberry and Lt. [John] Sullivan; [Maj.] Gen. [Robert] Howe's detach- ment; Gen. [George] Washington's circular letter to the States. C, C. 16, 212. Laurens, Henry. Bath. To Benjamin Franklin, "Paris" [Pass}']. Will return to Paris. A. L. S. 1 p. 1142 Farmers General, [Paris]. Extract of a letter to [Ben- jamin] Franklin [Pa.ssy], Statement of account against United States in name of [Laurent] David; shipment of tobacco desired from [Robert] Morris. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) C, C, 137, 3, 111. Translation by Charles Thomson. 2 pp. C. C. 137, 3, 115, 1783 Vergennes to Franklin. See: Vergennes to Franklin, 1783, July 18 July 5. July 17 1783 July 17 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 141 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pussy. To R[obert] R. Livingston jii.Y T2 [Philadelphia]. Sicrning of the preliminary arti- cles; [John Adams's] mistakes about Vergennes; ret'-ulations of connnerce, etc. etc. Auto, draft, is'pp. 1143-46 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188S. 8, 304. [1783?! Franklin, [Benjamin]. [Passy.]. To Vergennes[Fontaine- [Jl•LY 27?] bleau?]. Presenting a copy of the Constitutions of the several States of the U. S. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 2626 Prhited: AVdrks (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 319. 1783 F[ranklin,J B[enjamin]. Passy. To Sir Jo.seph Banks jrLY27 [London]. Extravagence of wars, et<.-. Copy. 2 pp. 1149 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 8,320. 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pa.ssy. To R[obert] :Morris [Phila- jiLY 27 delphia]. Establishment of monthly packets be- tween New York and L'Orient; despatches for Col. [Mathias] Ogden; correspondence with Gen. [George] Washington opened in England: etfect on peace negotiations; Chastellux's opinion of atl'air with French Intendant and irregularities of de ^lars and de Brassine; [Ferdinand] Grand's financial difficulties; (John Adams, the Holland loan and failure of assistance from Le Couteulx;) fruitless application to French Court; tax system in U. S.; Farmers'-General request and favors due them. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1147-8 Printed: Diplo. Corre.s. (Whnrton) Wash, iss'.l. 6, 598. The part in parenthesis is crossed out and did not appear in the letter as sent. 1783 [Dugnani, , Corate.] [Paris.] To [Benjaminl Franklin .ji-LY 28 [Passy]. Sends a note to be transmitted to Con- gress on the credit of the United States. A. L. S. in 3** ijerson. 1 p. (In French.) 2610 1783 France. Treaty with United States. Establishing statu-^ jcLY 29 of consuls, vice-consuls and other agents. D. J^. : "Vergennes" " B. Franklin" (In French.) IS pp. C. C. 47, 219. ^,-gg stael, Baron de. [Paris.] To [Benjaminl Franklin. .,j.,v ;;o Passy. Announces his audience with the King as minister plenipotentiary of Sweden. A. L. S. inS^per.son. 1 p. (In French.) 2611 1783 Vaugkan, Benjamin. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin, \uc. 8 Passy. Introducing Dugiild Stewart. A. L. h. 1783 Aug. 14 1783 Aug. 15 142 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [Dugnani, Comte.] [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Pass}']. Will transmit to His Holiness [Pius VI] the book which Franklin sent. A. L. S. in 3^ person. 1 p. (In French.) 2612 Boudinot, Elias. Princeton. To Benjamin Franklin [Passy]. Ratification of treaty with Sweden; permanent seat of government. L. S. 4 pp. 1153 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 654. 1783 L'Estevenon de Berkenroode, . [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Aug. 15 Franklin [Pass}']. Will forward package sent to him; rumor of a mutiny in the American Army; trusts it is not true. A. L. S. in 3*? person. 2 pp. (In French.) 2613 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To H[enry] Laurens [Eng- AuG. 21 land]. Preliminary articles proposed by Great Britain as a definitive treaty of peace. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1155 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6, 658. Anonymous. To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Note of in- troduction. 1 p. 22.3X9.2 cm. 2423 Laurens, Henry. Bath. To Benjamin Franklin, "Paris" [Passy]. Delay of letter entrusted to [Thomas] Barclay; return to France; [Edmund] Jennings's pamphlet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1166 H[artley,] D[avid. Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. Requesting [James] Madison's pamphlet and other papers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1157 Note by Franklin: "rec, 31J. 1783 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Elias Boudinot [Phil- Sep. 13 adelphia]. Relations with European nations, trea- ties etc. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 1160-1 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 356. 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Dr. Richard Price, Sep. 16 London?]. Balloon.s, etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. Enclosing Franklin to the Royal Academj' at Brussels (q. v.) 1164-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 8, 3.S9. 1783 Zinner, Jean. Vienna. To [Benjamin Franklin. Pa.ssy]. Sep. 23 Proposes to dedicate his work *'Notitia Historica Coloniarum Americje Septentrionalis" to Con- gress; was inspired to this b}- ^I. de Bauck, once aid -de-camp to Horatio Gates. A. L. S. '2 pp. (In French.) 2615 1783 Zinner, Joan. Vienna. Memorial to the Continental Con- Sep. 23 gress, dedicating his histor}- [*'Xotitia Historica Coloniarum America? Septentrionalis"] to it. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In Latin) 2616 144 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1783 [Cice, Jerome Marie Chapion de] Paris. To [Benjamin Sep. 27 Franklin, Pass}']. Catholics in America; asks for certain information on their condition. A. L. S. : " + J. M. Aveg. de Bourdeaux." 2 pp. (In French.) 2617 Lenoir, Jean Charles Pierre. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Acknowledging copy of the Constitutions of the different States. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2618 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Franklin [Passy], American friendship for France; com- merce and its influences; taxes etc. M., F, 140. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6,707. F[rankliii,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Thomas] Brand Hol- lis [England]. The late Thomas Hollis. Copy. 2 pp. 1166 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 3888. 8, 363. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To D[avid] Hartley [London], Disposition of the British Ministry; [John] Jay's visit to England. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1168 Hartley, D[avid]. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Introducing Rev. Dr. Scrope. A. L. S, 1 p, ^ 1169 Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de. Fontainebleau, ToVergennes[Fontainebleu], Complaint of [Thomas] Barcla}"^ of seizure of cargo of military supplies for America in the Alliance, by [Forsters &] Puchelberg [& Co.] on account of nonpayment for supplies furnished Capt [Pierre] Landais on [John D.] Schweighau- ser's authorit}^; orders of [Benjamin] Franklin and [John] Adams; order to Cluet to replevy the supplies; [Joshua?] Johnson accounting; William and [Arthur] Lee's connection with the case; [Nathan?] Blodgett's account. Contemporary copy. 5 pp, (In French.) Enclosed in Ver- gennes to Franklin, 1783, Oct. 24, q. v. 2619-21 1783 Ver^ennes, [Charles Gravier, Conite] de. Fontainebleau. Oct. 24 To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Castries an- swer to [Thomas] Barclay's complaint of [For- sters &] Puchelberg [& Co,]; seizure of cargo of the Alliance. L. S, 1 p, (In French,) En- closing: Castries to Vergennes 1783, Oct. 16. q. V. 2622 1783 Sep. 27 1783 Sep. 30 1783 Oct. 5 1783 Oct. 8 1783 Oct. 11 1783 Oct. 16 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 14.^) 1783 Hartley, I)[avidJ. [London.] To [HcnjaniinJ Fninklin. Oct. 25 Passy. Flannel for waistcoat; [John] .lay's health. A. L. 8. 1 p. 1170 1783 Continental Congress, Princeton. Instructions to the Min- 0^.^.29 \stevs of the U. S. at the Court of Versailles. Treaty with Germany and other European nations; claim aoainst Denmark; expense of expedition of th»> B<>n llinmiu' Riclmrd: alli- ances with European nations; detinitive treaty with (Ireat Britain; explanation respectinir cap- tures in preliminary articles with Great Britain; settlement of [John] Jay's and [William] Carmi- chaers accounts through [Thomas] Barclay. IX S. : Chas. Thomson. 5 pp. 1171 5 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 18«y. 6, 717. 11783] [Boudinot, Elias. Philadelphia.) Speech [to Peter John [Oct. 31] y.^n BcrckelJ in reply to letter from their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands. A. D. 2 pp. 983 Printed: Journals of Congress of given flate. 1783 Boudinot, Elias. Princeton. To [Benjamin Franklin. Nov. 1 John Adams and John Jay.] Paris. Audience to [Peter John] Van Berckel; news of signing of Definitive Treaty of Peace by Col. [Mathias] Ogden; address of Van Berckel to Congress and answer of Congress to .sam(\ Press copy. 6 jip. 1191-1201 Address and answer printed: Jonrnals i.i ('(ini:ri>s..f ^iveii diite. 1783 B[oudinot,] P:[lias]. Princeton. To [Benjamin Franklin, ^'*'^ ■ 1 John Adams and John Jay] Paris. Forwarding instructions; news of signing of the Definitive^ Treaty; evacuation of New York. C. C. 16. 261. Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 18S9. 6, 7J0. 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Elias Boudinot [Prince- N„v. 1 ton]. French finances; treaties; du Calvert's claim. Letter copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1183-89 Printed: Works (BigeUnv) N. V. IHW. 370. 1783 Ml orris.] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Nov. 4 lin [Passv]. P^nclosing ratifications of contracts with the French Court. M. F, 220. 1783 Morris, Robert. Certificate. See; Franklin. Benjamin, Nov. 6 to John Paul Jones, 17S3, Dec. IT. 15885— 0.^ 10 1783 Nov. 19 1783 Nov. 20 146 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1783 [Chardon, .] Bordeaux. To Vergennes [Fontaine- Nov. 13 bleau]. Case of Forsters & Puchelberg & Go's seizure of supplies for America, in the Alliance, on account of nonpaj^ment for supplies furnished Capt. [Peter] Landais; [Thomas] Barclay's com- plaint; correspondence of [James] Moylan and Marquis de Castries; [Benjamin] Franklin's action; writ of replevin. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. (In French.) 2623 H[artley,] D[avid]. [London.] To C[harles] J[ames] Fox [London]. Plan for East Indies trade and reve- nue, submitted to Lord Chatham through Lord Camden in 176T. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1203 Lumas, C[harles] W[illiam] F[rederick]. The Hague. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. Has received the papers relating to the removal of Congress to Princeton, and they will be printed in the Ley- den Gazette; efforts of the anglomanes to make much of the incident, to affect the credit of the United States. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2624 1783 Blome, Baron de. Paris, To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Nov. 24 Requesting satisfaction for the capture in 1781, of the Danish merchant ship T/w Providence, (Capt. Andre Brun, owned by Erasmus Dyb wad, Christian ia) by the American privateer Henri/, of Boston, Capt. Thomas Benson. L. 8. 3 pp. (In French.) 2625 1783 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Dec. 3 [Benjamin] Franklin [Pass}^]. Case respecting the cargo of the Alliatice; [Thomas] Barclay and Chardon. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2627 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Henry Laurens [Lon- Df.c. 6 don?]. The anonymous Brussels letter; balloon experiments etc. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1203 Printed: Works (Bigelow)N.Y. 1888. 8,384. 1783 Franklin, Benjamin to Vergennes. See: Franklin, William Dkc. 6 Temple. Sketch of services, 1789, xVJay 23. 1783 Willink, Wilhelm & Jan; Nicholas & Jacob Van Staphorst Dec. 8 and de la Lande & Bros. Amsterdam. To Benja- min Franklin ''Paris" [Pass}'^]. Inability to pay drafts of Robert Morris; [Ferdinand] Grand's account. A. L. S. of Wilh" & Jan. Willink, signed also by Van Staphorst and la Lande. 2 pp. 1207 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 147 1783 Vergennes to Franklin. Seo: Franklin, William Temple. ^^^- 11 Sketch of services, 1789, Ma}^ 28. 1783 Dumas, C[harles] Wfilliam] Ffroderick]. The Hague. To ^^^- ^^ [Benjamin] Franklin, Pas^y. Great Britain and Holland; politics. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2628 1783 Barclay, Thomas. Anteuil. To [Benjamin Franklin^ l>Ec. 16 Passj]. Claim of Forsters cSc Puchelbercr & Co. to cargo of the AUinice, and [Joshua] John- son's accounting; [John D.] Schweighauser's and [James] Moylan's coimection therewith; point of "national concern" envolved. Copy. 3 pp. 1207 1783 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. Authority to Capt. J [oh n] ^^^■'^'^ P[aul] Jones [Passy?]. Appointing him agent for collecting prize money. Nov. 6 Morris, Robert. Philadelphia. Certificate of Capt. Jones's execution of necessary bonds as provided in resolve of Congress of Nov. 1, 1783. Contem- porary copies by Jefferson. 1 p. Endorsed by him: "Castries, M. de." T. J. Ser. 2, v. 14, 21. 1783 [Franklin, Benjamin]. Passy. To Thomas Mifflin [An- ^^^•25 napolis]. Treaty with England, Ireland and feeling of former toward America; constitu- tions etc. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 1209-15 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18S8. 8, 391. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Robert Morris [An- napolis^]. Financial situation; taxes in America. Auto, draft. 5 pp. 1217 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. V. 1888. 8, 398. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Pa.ssy. To [Samuel] Cooper. Bos- ton. Financial situation; politics in England, etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 p. 1225 31 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. V. 1888. 8, -lOi;. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Thomas Mifflin [An- napoli.s]. Retirement and recommendation of Wil- liam Temple Franklin. Auto, draft. '1 pp. 1233 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 8, -404. [1783] F[ranklin,] B[enjaminJ. [Passy.] Note on [Thomas] Bar- [Dec] clay's letter [of Dec. 16, 1783]: Supplies to be furnished the U. S. S. A/liajice by Moylan & Co.; [Pierre] Landais's .seizure of command and orders to [Forsters &] Puchell)erg [& Co.]; de- 1783 Dec. 25 1783 Dec. 26 1783 Dec. 26 148 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS mand for payment and [John D.JSchweighauser's position; Puchelberg's arrest of United States supplies. A. L. S. 3 pp. 2150 [1783?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To ? Prospect for emigrants to America. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2205 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y.' 1888. 10,76. [1783?] Franklin, B[enjamin]. Explanatory note respecting 22** Article of Preliminaries of Peace. Restoration of captured vessels. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1102 [1783?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To ? Impolic}'^ of war. Let- ter press copy of A. L. 3 pp. (Incomplete, be- ginning and ending missing.) 1235-7 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 463. [1783?] [Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de.] Memorandum respect- ing preliminary articles of peace between Great Britain and the United States. Auto, draft. 1 p. (Part in English and part in French.) 2667 Dumas, C[harles] W[illiam] F[rederick]. The Hague. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Sends a dispatch for Congress, which may be of interest. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2629 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass3\ To Comte de Vergennes [Versailles]. Puchelberg's arrest of arms and am- munition destined for America; letters of de Cas- tries and Chardon and [Thomas] Barclay's opinion; Alliance borrowed by de Sartine for cruize with Capt [John Paul] Jones and expense thereof borne by the King; provisioned by Gourlade & Mo3'lan as agents of [Le Ray] de Chaumont; Capt [Pierre] Landais's intrigue and orders to Puchel- berg as agent of [John D.] Schweighauser; [Joshua] fJohn.son's refusal to audit the account; exchange of prisoners taken by J[//mnc^; discus- sion of privilogo of arrest of goods of a state to satisfy claim of a private individual; Forsters claim for damages. Schweighauser, J[ohn] I), to Franklin. Puchelberg's con- tinuance in supplying the Alliance. Gourlade & Moylan, to Franklin. Supplies for Alliance. Schweighauser, to Franklin. Supplies for Alliance and Landais' bullying of Puchelberg. A. D. of Franklin. pp. 1251-1254 1784 Jan. 9 1784 Jan. 12 Jri.v 15 1780 July 10 Sep. 7 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TAI'ER8 149 1784 Mifflin, Thomas. Aiiniipolis. To Renjamin P>ankliii, Jan. 14 John Adams and John Jay [Parisl. Ratification of treaty of jjoace sent by Col. Josiiih Harmar. C. C. 16, 281. 1784 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, ComteJ de. N'ersaiUes. To jvN. 15 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Imi)risonmpnt of Lt Coh Sehatt'er. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2630 1784 Dumas, C[harles] W[illiam] F[rederick]. The na«ru(\ Jan. 15 To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Arrival of [John] Adams from London; trusts the inclosed will arrive in season to be sent to Congress with his former letter. A. L. 8. 1 p. (In French.) 2631 1784 Mifflin, Thomas. Annapolis. To Benjamin Franklin, Jan. 15 John Adams and John Jay [Paris]. Ratitication of treaty of peace sent by Lt. Col. David S. Franks and Col. Josiah Harmar. C. C. 16, 286. 1784 Carmichael, William. Madrid. To Benjamin Franklin Jan. 15- [Passy]. Loss of Franklin's regard; [John] Jay's ^^^-^- ■* resignation; Montgomery's otticiousness in nego- tiating with the Emperor of Morocco; credentials of Giacomo Francesco Crocco; lack of news from America; Conde de Florida de Blanca's bank and financial matters; letters to [Ferdinand] Grand; Conde de Campomanes', publications. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1255-6 1784 Franklin Benjamin. Passy. To Dr. [John] Ingenhousz Jan. 16 [Vienna]. Balloon experiments in France. Copy. 2 pp. 1257 1784 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia] To Benjamin Franklin Jan. 17 [Passy]. Payment of expenses of Col. [Josiah] Harmar who bears the ratifications of the Defini- tive Treaty. M., F, 373. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Comte de Vergennes ' Jan. 17 [Versailles]. Punishment of one Schatl'er. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1258-61 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N Y. 1888. 8. -131. 1784 Dumas, C[harles] \V[illiam]F[rederick]. The Hague. To Jan. 23 [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. Sends matter to be inclosed in former conmumication to Congress. John Adams is at Amsterdam; treaty with Great Britain. A. L. 8. 2 pp. (In French.) 2632 1784 Jan. 25 1784 Jax. 26 1784 Jax. 27 1784 Jan. 28 1784 Jax. 30 1784 Feb. o 150 BENJAMIN FEANKLIN PAPERS [Franklin, Benjamin.] Pass}'. To Mrs. Hare [England]. Advice as to emmigrating- to America. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1262 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 436. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To [Sarah] Bache [Phila- delphia]. The hereditary idea of the Society of the Cincinnati; the eagle as the bird of America. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 1263-66 Letterpress copy of L. S. 11 pp. 1270-1280 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 438. ? Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin? Passy]. Remedy for the stone. A. L. S.: ^'DeF " 1 p. (In French.) 2633 Hartley, David. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Introducing Dr. Ross at instance of [George] Dempster. A. L. S. 1 p. 1281 Anonymous. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Message from the Prince de Soubise, sending a package. A. L. in 3*^ person. 1 p. 2634 Laurens, Henry. [London.] To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. His health; the anonymous letters and de Nuf- ville's connection therewith; [Edmund] Jennings; [Elias] Boudinot's letters; political situation in England; [Jonathan] TrumbuITs news of New England trade with loyalists in Nova Scotia; [John] Adams contradiction respecting French West Indies trade; Laurens's need of money and his unpaid claims against England. A. L. S. ■i pp. 1282 1784 d'Aboville,[FrancoisMarie,Comte]. Paris. To Carter. ^^^- ^ Extract of letter respecting a cure for the stone and [Benjamin] Franklin. 2pp. (InFrench.) 2766 1784 M[orris,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- Fkr- 1- liu [Passy]. Financial arrangements for Euro- pean business; condition of the couniky. M., F, 437. Printed- Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 0, 7C9. F[ranklin,] B[enjaminj. Passy. To [Henry Laurens, Lon- don]. Corruptness of England. Copy. 2 pp. 1263 I'rinted: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 448. Le Carpentier, [Jean Baptistc.] [Paris.] To L'Abbe Lart'on. Treatment for the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In Fr(>nch.) 2767 1784 Fe]j. 12 1784 Feb. 13 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 151 1-784 Ml orris,] R[obert]. [ Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- 'kkh. 13 lin [Passy]. State of the ])ul)lic Hnanees, liabil- ities assets etc. M., F, 448. Printed: Diplo. Corrus. (Wharton) Wiish. IHX'J. 6. 771. 1784 Carmichael. William. Madrid. To [Benjamin Franklin ^Eu. U Passy]. Pul)lieations of Conde Campomanes and Abbe Gavarra; resignation; acceptance of bills of Congress; news of [John] Adams' return to Holland. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1284 1784 F[ranklin,l B[enjamin]. Passy. To William Strahan Feb. 16 [London]. Political situation in England. Copy. , 1285 4 pp. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8,449. 1784 Vaughan, Benjamin. [London.] To [Henry] Laurens Feb. 27 [London]. Conditions governing the West Indi.-s trade with the U. S. A. L. S. in 3d person. 3 pp. ^^^"^ With note in different hand at top of first page: "Make Mr Lau- rens's P. S. to his letter to Doctor Franklin 'JTth Feby. 1784 >ee: Laurens to Franlclin, 1784, Feb. 28. 1784 Laurens, Henrv. London. To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. Feb. 28 State of his funds; loan from [Ferdinand] (Trand; payment of [Robert] Morris's bills in Holland: U. S. system of finance; political crisis in England: Laurens's claim; trade between British ^^ est Lidies and U. S.; his health; embarkation for America. A. L. S. i pp. See: Vaughan. Ben- jamin to Laurens, 1784, Feb. 27. 1288 1784 Hartley, D[avid]. London. To [Benjaiiiinl Franklin M vK. 2 [Passv]. Departure of [John] Jay and exchange of treaty ratifications. A. L. S._ 1 p. 1289 Printed:"works (Sparks) Boston. 1840. x, 71. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To D[avid] Hartley [Lon- M..R.11 don]. [George] Dempster's recommendation of Dr.; exchange of ratihcations: attitude ot some of the States. Letter press copy of A. L. >. 1291 2 pp. 1784 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. To Henry Laurens [l-n- IL 12 don]. Payment of drafts of Congress; -tihc^tion etc. Letter-press copy of A. L.S. (;pi>. 1294 99 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 8, 46t,. 1784 Mifflin. Thomas. Annapolis. To Benjamin Franklin and M.VK. 20 John Adams [Passy]. Enclosing an act ot Con- gress. C. C. 16, 294. 152 BETSIJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Capt. John] Paul Mar. 25 Jones, Paris. Deduction of charges accrued on the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough. Copy by Jones. 3 pp. J. 1784 Hartley, D[avid]. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin Mar. 26 [Passy]. Delay in exchanging ratifications of the Definitive Treaty of Peace. A. L. S. 1 p. 1300 1784 [Hartley, David.] [London.] To Henry Laurens [Lon- Mak. 26 don]. Dela}' in exchange of ratifications. Con- temp. cop3'. 1 p. 1301 Printed: Diplo. Corres. (Wharton) Wash. 1889. 6,789. 1784 Laurens, Henry. Bath. To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. ^Iar. 28 Convention proposed to Lord Carmarthen by [David] Hartley on subject of [Charles] Thom- son's letter respecting delay in exchange of rati- fications of Definitive Treaty of Peace; [William] Carmichael's news of new drafts of Congress; [James] Bourdieu's ideas relative to commerce between Great Britain and America; regulation of Laurens's claim, private affairs, etc. L. S. 3 pp. 1302 Laurens, Henry. Bath. To Benjamin Franklin, Passy. Introducing [James] Bourdieu. A. L. S. 1 p. 1303 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Henry Laurens [Bath]. Exchange of ratifications through [David] Hartley and Major [Davids.] Franks. A. L. S. 1 p. 1304 Laurens, Henr} \ Bath. To Benjamin Franklin, Pass3^ Franklin's letter to Charles Thomson; exchange of ratifications with [David] Hartley; [James] Bourdieu's visit to Passy. L. S. 2 pp. 1305 Willink, Wilhelm & Jan; Nicholas & Jacob van Staphorst, and de la Lande & Bros. Amsterdam. To Ben- jamin Franklin, "Paris" [Pass}']. Through loan authorized by [John] Adams are able to honor Robert Morris's drafts. A. L. S. of Wilhelm & Jan Willink, signed also by van Staphorst & de la Lande. 1 p. 1306 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin] and John Jay. Passy. To Thomas Apr. 16 Mifflin [Philadelphia]. Receipt of ratification of Definitive Treaty of Peace through Col. [Josiah] Harmer and Lt. Col. David [S.] Franks. Letter press copy of A. L. S. of Franklin, signed also by Jay. 1 p. 1307 1784 Mar. 29 1784 ^Iar. , 31 1784 Apr. 7 1784 Apr. 15 1784 A PR. 22 1784 Apr. 22 1784 Apr. 29 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 153 1784 Franklin, B|»'iij:iiuiii. ) Pa.ssy. To [John] Walter [Lon- '^'''*- 1" doiij. •• Logotype" method of printiii*r- ^'<>!'>. 4 pp. 1308-9 2'* copy 3 pp. 1310-11 Printfd: Works (Bigtlow) N.Y. 1h,sx. s. 469. 1784 Laurens, Henry. London. To H[enjaniinj Franklin [Pa.ssyJ. -^''« 1*^ Exchange of ratifications; conniierce with Amer- ica and attitude of the Counril. and morchants. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1312 1784 Laurens, Henry. [London.] To [Benjamin] Franklin •^*'"- 1^ [Passy]. Feeling in Parliament of America's re- turn to allegiance. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1313 Above noted by Laurens a«: " P. .S. to ii Letter of this date IS'i" .\pril 1784." q. V. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Adieu. Six line verse. Sec: 1728. Franklin. Epitaph. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin.] Passy. To Benjamin Webb [Ge- neva]. Loan and new method of repayment. Copy. 1 p. * 1314 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. lN. t*. -173. 1784 Laurens, Henry. London. To Benjamin Franklin, ^^•^'^' ^ His financial condition and application to [Ferdi- nand] Grand: [Richard] Champion's and Bryan Edwards' pamphlets; Loyalists in Nova Scotia; treaty of commerce, [John] Jay's departure and D[avid] H[artley] ingenuousness: political aspect in England; King's [George HI [opinion of Frank- lin; Laurens' embarkation for America. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1323 1784 Laurens, Henry. London. To Benjamin Franklin,, ^^ay 10 Funds to be obtained from [Ferdinand] Grand; newspapers sent bv Col. [rlosiah] Harmer. A. L. S. Ip. 1324 1784 F[ranklin,] I>[en]amin]. To Rev. [Samuel] Mather, ^^^^ 12 Boston. Advice and anecdote of Cottcm Mather. Copy. 2 pp. 1325 Printed. Works (Bigelow) X. V. 1SJ<8. 8. -183. 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Thomas Mifflin [An- ^iAY 12 napolis]. Exchange of ratifications: commercial treaties with England and other counties. Auto. 154 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS draft. 2 pp. "Sent by Mr. Jay who sail'd from Dover the 31st" 1326 2"^ copy. Letter press cop}- of L. S. 3 pp. 1327-9 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 489. 1784 Continental Congress. Form of Commission to Benjamin May 12 Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams as minister plenipotentiaries to negotiate a treaty of amity and commerce with Russia. Copy by Charles Thomson. 2 pp. C. C. 49, 53. 1784 Franklin, Benjamin. Passy. To [Henr}^] Laurens, Lon May 13 don. Wish to retire; [William Temple Frank- lin's] advancement. Cop}^ 2 pp. 1330 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 8, 191. 1784 Franklin, Benjamin. Pass}'. To [John] Jaj^ and wife May 13 London?]. Wish to retire; [William Temple Franklin's] advancement. Copy. 1 p. 1331 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 494. 1784 Webb, B[enjamin.] Geneva. To B[enjamin] Franklin, May 18 Pass}. Thanks for loan; his tinuncial circum- .stances; remedies for the stone or gravel. A. L. S. 5 pp. 1332-3 1784 Mifflin, Thomas. Annapolis. To John Adams and Ben- ^^^^' "^ jamin Franklin [Passy]. Enclosing various in- structions relative to treaties to be negotiated. C. C. 16, 309. 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Pass3^] Meteorological Imagina- [May] tions and Conjectures. Auto, draft. 3pp. 1317-18 2*^ copy. 7 pp. (In French) 1319-22 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 486. [1784?] Continental Congress. Form of commission to John Adams, [May?] Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to negotiate treaties with the commercial powers of Europe and those bordering on the Mediterranean. Copy by Charles Thomson. 1 p. C. C. 49, 27. Copy by Thomson of a similar commission. 2 pp. C. C. 49, 29. 1784 Le Carpentier, [Jean Baptiste?] [Paris.] To [Benjamin J^'^'^ ^^ Franklin, Pass}^]. Remedy for the stone; pre- scription, etc. A. L. S. 3 pp. (In French.) Endorsed by Franklin: "Express mj' thankful Acknowledgements to M. Carpentier for his Good- ness in sending me his Receipt. I have not yet determined to take any Remedies. When I am, I will acquaint him. " 2768 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 155 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Thomas Mifflin [Amiai)- J^'^'- ^^ olis]. Commercial treaty with Great Britain and foundations of respect for U. S. in Kuropo. A iilo. draft. 2 pp. I334 Printed: Works (Bigclow) X. Y. 1888. 8, WJ. 1784 Castries, [Charles Kiigone Gabriel de La Croix, Mur(|ui>] J^'^'^^-O de. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [PassyJ. Repartition of prize money fi-om captures of Capt. JohnPaulJoues. L. 8. 2 pp. (In French.) Enclosing following entry. 2638 [1784] [Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis [Jlne20] , de.] Scheme for division of prize money among the several ships composing Capt. John Paul Jones' squadron in 1779. 2 pp. (In French.) Enclosed in preceding entry. 2639 [1784] Franklin, Benjamin. [] To David Rittenhouse [June 25] [Philadelphia]. Consideration of tire and proper- ties thereof. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 1335 6 Contemporary copy in French. G p^). 2635-7 PriiitL'ti: Works (Biffelow) X. V. 1888. 8, .506. [1784?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] The paper money of America. [JiLY 3?] History, nature, value, etc. Auto, draft. 7 pp. 2309-15 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 7, 339. 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [ J Diary. | Mutilated frag- Jily5-27 ments.] 7 pieces of ditierent sizes. A. D. 1337-41 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 509. 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Dr. [Thomas] Pereival July 17 [^lanchester, England]. On duelling. Copv. 8 pp. 1346 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. ias.s. 9, ti. 1784 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Messrs. Weems & JiLY 18 Gant, [London^] Difficulties of the ordination. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1349 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 8, 8. 1784 Adams, John. The Hague. To [Benjamin] Fmnklin, July 19 Passy. Lack of information or ne^vs from America. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1352 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1S88. 8, 10. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To B[enjamin] Vaughan July 26 [London]. Restrictions on commerce; wisdom of councils; luxury in Aniei"ica. L. 8. with auto. postscript. 15 pp. 1353-60 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 9, 11. (Kxeept the para- graph on the wisdom of councils.) 1784 July 27 1784 Aug. 4 1784 Aug. 5 1784 Aug. 16 156 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS H[artley,] D[avidJ, [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Pass}']. Report of Privy Council and other docu- ments relating to American trade are before Parliament. A. L. S. 1 p. 1370 H[artley,] D[avid]. [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. News that the American bill has passed. A. L. S. 1 p. 1371 [Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, Duke of.] [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Invitation to an assembly. A. L. ? In 3'^ person. 1 p. (In French.) 2640 F[ranklm,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Dr. [Richard] Price [London]. Quarrels in the Royal Society, poli- tics in England, etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 1376-8 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,46. 1784 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To [William,] Lord Howe Aug. 18 [London]. Thanks for present of Cook's "Voy- age." Copy, 1 p. 1379 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 49. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To W[illiam] Strahan Aug. 19 [London]. Profit in public office in England and America; English opinion of American courage etc. Copy. 4: pp. 1380-1 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 49. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Dr. Joseph Priestly ?- Aug. 21 London]. Profession of faith required by the Constitution [of Pennsylvania, 1776]. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1385-6 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 57. 1784 Franklin, [Benjamin]. Passy. To Baron Walterstorff Sep. 2 [Paris]. Appointing meeting to discuss treaty with Denmark. Letter press copy of A. L. signed in body of document. 1 p. 1388 1784 Guiard, . [Mans, France.] To [Benjamin Franklin, Sep. 6 Passv]. Sending cure for the stone. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) Written on verso of a 2 pp. printed "Remede contre la pierre et la gravelle par le Docteur Nathanael Hnlme " Endorsed b}^ Franklin: That I am much obliged to him & to M. du Bourg for the Communication of the Remedy, & pray them to accept ni}^ thankful Acknowledgements. That I have not yet resolv'd on making Use of any Remedy, the Malady being hitherto tolera- BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS 157 ble; if it throws worse ami I siiould make use of this, 1 will acquaint him with the .Success." 2770 1784 F[ranklin,| Bfenjamiii|. Passy. To f Richard] Price [Lou- •^'^''- " (louj. Iiitroilucing' Conite de Miraheau. Copy. 1 p. 1389 1784 F[ranklin,] Bfenjamin]. Passy. T(j B[enjamin| \'auuliaii Sfci-. 7 [LoiidoiiJ. Introducing ("onitc de Miralx'au. Copy. 1390 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. Ivs^. y, i,u. 1784 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Guiard, [Mans, ^KP- 12 France]. Thanking him for remedy for the stone. Letter-press copy of L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2771 1784 [D'Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca y Bolea, Conde.] Paris. ^EH. 20 'Iq [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Forwarding letter from ^Madrid. A. L. ? in 3"* person. 1 p. (In French.) 2641 1784 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To ^EP. 26 [Benjamin] Franklin [London]. Memoirc of Denevers, creditor of John [Jonathan:!] Williams [jr]. L. S.: "deVergennes." 1 p. (In French) Dated in error 1774. 253 [Franklin, Benjamin] Passy. To [Comte de Vergennes?, Versailles]. Complaint of Denevers against [Jona- than] Williams [jr]. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1391 M[orri8,] R[obert]. [Philadelphia.] To Benjamin Frank- lin [Passy]. Closing of accounts; contingent fund, attachments of public goods etc. M., G, 287. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1S88. 9, 63. Jefferson, Thomas, Paris. To [Benjamin] Fraidvlin [Passy]. Chevallie's part in Beaumarchais's claim against Virginia; [William] Short's knowledge of the case. A. L. signed in 3d person. 1 p. 1392 1784 Vergennes, Louis, Comte de. Paris. To | Bonjaniin] Dec. 1 Franklin [Passy]. Announcing the l)irtli of a daughter. A. L. S. ^ in 3** person. 1 ]). (In French.) 2642 Lee, Richard Henry. Trenton. To Benjamin Franklin [Pass}']. Recommendation of Congress of the :\Iarquis de Lafayette to the King. C. C. 16. 315. Lee, Richard Henry. Trenton. To Benjamin Franklin [Passy]. Resolve of Congress dela3'ing signing of Convention [with France, establishing powers etc. of consuls]. C. C. 16, 316. 1784 Sep. 28 1784 Sep. 30 1784 ^■ov . 25 1784 Dec. 11 1784 Dec. 1-i 158 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1784 Guiard, . Le Mans [France]. To Fonteneau, Dec. 18 Rouen. Malad}^ of the stone; treatment etc. etc. Contemporary copy. 8 pp. (In French.) 2776-79 [1784?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To St. Jean de Creve- coeur [Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur, New York]. Packet boats between France and America. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 2332 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 4. [1784?] Lansdown, [William Petty, Marquis of.] [London.] To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. [William Temple Franklin's] visit; remedy for the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. 2274 1785 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To ? Information Ja^'- 2 respecting- one Thomas Dunlap; believes him to be an Englishman or an Irishman. Draft. 2 pp. (In French.) 2645 1785 Bordel, Maignol ? de. Bordeaux. To de Tronquoy, Paris. Jan. 15 On the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) Enclosed in Tronquoj" to Franklin, 1785, Jan. 16. q. V. 2646 1785 Tronquoy, . Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. [Jan. 16] Sends letter received from Bordeaux; wishes to be helpful. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) En- closing: Bordel, Maignol de to Tronquoy, 1785, Jan. 15. q. v. 2647 Guiard, . Le Mans [France]. To Fonteneau, Rouen. Malady of the stone. Same to Same. The stone, treatment, etc., etc. Contemporar}" copies. 7 pp. (In French.) 2780-83 Franklin, Benjamin. Passy. To John Jay [Trenton?]. Attitude of Europe toward the United States. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1393 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 1393. Guiard, . To Fonteneau. See: Guiard to Fonteneau, 1785, Jan. IS. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To M. Michel, Havre. Assistance to Elizabeth Tingis. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1394 Franklin to Pownall. Receipt of the books, etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1398 1785 Jax. 18 Feb. 15 1785 Feb. 8 1785 P'eb. 15 1785 Feb. 19 1785 Mar . 1 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPPIRS 159 1785 Continental Congress. [Trenton.] Resolve, permitting .Mab. 7 Benjiuniii Franklin to return to America; to appoint his succes.sor and also a successor to J[ohn] Adams. D. S. Chas. Thomson Secy. Endorsed by Franklin: "RccoivM l>y the hand of Paul Randal Esq; from Mr Jay. May l\ 1785." 1401 Printed: Journals of Congresa ui nivuii dutc 1785 Jay, John. [Trenton]. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Mar. 8 Resolution of, permitting his return to America. L. S. 1 p. 1400 1785 Franklin, B[eniamin.J Passy. To [Benjamin] Vau*:lian Mar. 14 [London]. Criminal law in England; privateer- ing. Auto, draft signed. 7 pp. 1402-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. lK.s8. 9, 80. 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Dr. Richard Price, Mar. 18 England]. Presentation of books to town [of Franklin] in Massachusetts. Copy. '2 pp. 1425 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 188,S. 9,89. 1875 Hartley, D[avid]. Bath. To [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. :\Iak. 18 Appointment of [John] Temple Consul-general to United States. A. L. S. 1 p. 1427 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Jonathan Williams Apr. 13 [London?]. Release of an American citizen in Spain and conversion of a New Englander to Catholicism. Letter press copy of A. L. S. with P. S. in pencil. 1 p. 1429 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,9-J. 1785 F[ranklin,i B[enjamin]. Passy. To B[enjamin] Vaughan AiK. 21 [London). Manufactures in England; loose printing, etc. Copy. 2 pp, with sample of manner of printing. 1 p. 1432-3 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,96. 1785 Vergennes, [Charles Gravier, Comte] de. Versailles. To Apr. 28 [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Sends a memoire of Jean Orillard. Contemporary copy. (In French.) M.\Y 1 Franklin to Vergennes. [Jonathan] Williams [jr.] in Eng- land; Ori Hard's memoir misrepresents facts. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2648 1785 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To Cadet de Vaux, [Paris i] Apr. 28 Production of beer from mais. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1435 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,99. 160 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1785 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Dr. [John] Ingenhousz Apr. 29 [Vienna]. Physical condition; Weinbrenner's ag-ent and shipment of goods to America; electric- shock experienced; Lady Dowager Penn's com- plaints; [Samuel] Wharton's conduct toward In- genhousz and [Edward] Bancroft's opinion; con- trivance of a chimney clock; experiment of the globe floating between two liquors; gravitation of bodies to the earth during conjunction of sun and moon; tides; interruptions by visitors; in- fection in dead bodies; Royalists and condition of affairs in the United States; seeds from America through [William] Bartram for Count Chotck; malady of the stone; publication of Ingenhousz's book and Le Begue [de Presle's] connection there- with; balloon project; the prelate Nekrep; rem- edy for the stone; mistaken impressions of com- mercial honesty in America; Mesmer and the latest somnambule craze; relief at retiring from the pul)lic service. Auto, draft signed. 11 pp. 1437-47 Letter press copy of L. S. " 11 pp. 1449-69 Printed in part: Worlvs (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,93,99, and 102. 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To [Jonathan] Williams ^^■''^' ^ [London]. Orillard's memorial; personal mat- ters. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1471 1785 Franklin to Vergennes. See: Vergennes to Franklin, M.vY 1 1785, Apr. 28. 1785 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Passy. To Jean Rousseau. Lon- '^J ''Y :.' don. His memoir to Congress. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 1473 1785 [Franklin, Benjamin,] Passy. To Comte de Vergennes, ^^i-^Y •' [Versailles.] Taking leave of the Court. Auto. draft. Franklin, to [Gerard de] Rayneval, [Versailles.] Taking leave of him. Auto, di-aft initialed. 2 pp. 1473 Letter-press copy of A, L. S., Franklin to Rayneval. 1 p. 1477 Letter to Vergennes, printed: Worlcs (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 104. 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To Mr. & Mrs. [Richard] j^i-^'^' 10 Bache [Philadelphia]. Preparations for voyage home. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1479 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 9, 107. 1785 May 10 1785 May 10 1785 .May 22 1785 May 23 1786 May 26 1785 June ;12 BEN.IAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS H'A Franklin, H[enjaniinJ. Pussy. To Charles Thomson [Trenton J. Shipment of copies of a treatise on government. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 ]). 1483 Franklin, H[enjamin]. Pass}-. To John Jay [TreutonJ. Return to America. Letter press cop}' of A. L. S. 1 p. ' 1485 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 109. Vergennes. Versailles. To [Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. His departure for America. Copy. (In French) 1 p. 1487 Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 111. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Passy. To George Whately [Lon- don ?]. Old age; children in France, etc.. etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. pp. 1489-99 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 112. [Franklin, Benjamin, and John Adams.] Passw To Baron Thulemeier, The Hague. Signing of the Treat}'^ [of Commerce, with Prussia]; method sug- gested. Auto, draft of Franklin. 2 pp. 1501 F[ranklin], B[enjamin]. Pass}'. To i Dilhculty in writing French; cannot advise her to cross the ocean; leaves from Havre; proper season for crossing; trusts he ma}' visit her at Chaumont. Auto, draft. 2 pp. (In French.) 2649 1785 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Passy. To de Sequeville. Ac- J^'-""'^ ^' knowledging his many kind offices; asks his acceptance of a mark of his recognition. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2650 1785 Wyvill, [Christopher.] Paris. To Benjamin Franklin, June 17 Pass}'. Gratitude for the paper on the elective franchises of the small boroughs of England. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1502 1785 Franklin to John Barclay. See: Franklin. Account with June 19 the United States, 1785, June 20. 1785 [Franklin, Benjan)in.] Passy. To T[homa.s] Barclay June 19 [Parish]. His salary as U. S. Minister. Auto. draft. 2 pp. 1503 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 127. [1785] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To [Jean Antoine Hou- [June20] don?, Paris?]. Busts for [Julien David] Le Roy and [William] Carmichael; his complaint against Virginia. Auto, draft. I p. 2229 L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2651 15885—05 11 162 J^ENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1785 Franklin, Benjamin. Account with the United States of June 20 expenses as Minister to France from Dec. 1776 to May 1785. D. S.: "Jno. Barclaj^" 26 pp. ' ' Triplicate '' With copy of letter : June 19 Franklin to Barclay. Salary as minister. 2 pp. En- dorsed b}^ Thomas Jefferson: " Docf Franklin's account as settled by Mr Barclay and furnished by him to me for my govmt. in my own acc'^ with the U. S." 28 pp. in all. T. J. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 127. 1785 Grand, [Ferdinand.] Paris. Statement of account with June 26 William T[emple] Franklin. D. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3039 1785 Williams, J[onathan]. Dublin. To [Benjamin] Franklin, June 27 Passy. Ship for Franklin's passage to America. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1504 1784-5 [Grand, Ferdinand.] Paris. Statement of account of Jan. 26- William T[emple] Franklin. 1 p. (In French) June 28 3038 1785 Franklin, Benjamin. Passy. To E[dward] Bridgen [Lop- July 4 don?]. [Jonathan] Williams [jr.] to ship books; passage in Capt [Thomas] Truxtun's ship; [Joshua] Johnson's knowledge of Franklin's movements. Cop3^ 2 pp. 1505 Castries. Versailles. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Regret at hearing of his departure. Copy. (In French) 1 p. 1506 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 187. Franklin, [Benjamin]. Passy. To [Thomas] Jefferson [Paris]. Forwarding letters and recommending Dr. [John] Ingeiihousz. A. L. S. in 'S'^ per.son. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 46, 6. Contee, B . Ba3'onne. To Benjamin Franklin or the U. S. Minister at Versailles. Complains of to- bacco transaction with the Farmers General. A. L. S. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 14, 65. 1786 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Havre. To T[homas] July 20 Jefferson [Paris]. Preparations for departure for America; [Jean Antoine] Houdon's passage; Jefferson's books. A. L. S. 3 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, V. 33, 20. 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Havre. To [Capt. John] Paul "^^'^^ 2^ Jones [Paris]. Baron de Walterstorff's offer, in 1785 July 10 1785 July 11 1785 July 18 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 163 behalf of the Kitit^of Domiiark, of settlement for prizes [ttiken durinp; the Revolution]. Contem- porary copy. 1 p. C. C. 168. 2, 385. 1785 Franklin, B[eiijaininJ. Havre. To Thonia.s Jeti'erson July 21 [Pari.sJ. Thanks for steps taken with the Duke of Dorset and [fJohn] Adams; eml)arkation for Cowes with [Jean AntoineJ Houdon; Lamotte will copy [Joseph Siffrein] du Plessis's manu- script. A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. 1785 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Southampton. To [Ferdinand] J'^LY 25 (xrand [Paris]. Shipnient of his eflfeets, com- mission charges etc. Franklin to [Andre] Limozin [Havre]. Shipment of ef- fects. Franklin to [Jean ?] Holker [Rouen]. Shipment of effects. Franklin to Mons. Ruellan, Havre. Letter of credit, ship- ment of effects etc. Copies. 4 pp. 1507-8 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188^. 9, 150-5-4. 1785 Barclay, John. Paris. Account of bills drawn on the ^'^^^'- ^"^ Commissioners of the United States at Paris for interest of money lent the public previous to Mar. 1, 1778 and paid by [Ferdinand] Grand on order of [Benjamin] Franklin. D. S. •:5 pp. 58x74.1 cm. XV 1785 Barclay, John. Paris. Account of bills drawn on the -^'^■^'- 2"* Commissioners of the United States at Paris for interest of money lent the public previous to Mar. 1, 1778, and paid l)y [Ferdinand] Grand on oi-der of [Benjamin] Franklin. D. S. 1 p. 42.7x54.7 cm. XV Pennsylvania, Assembly. [Philadelphia.] Address to Benjamin Franklin. D. S. : John Bayard, Speaker. 1 p. 1509 I'rinted: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 9, 248. [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To Speaker and Assembl}^ of Pennsylvania]. Answer to address. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1510 Prim. d. Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 2-J9. University of Pennsylvania, Provost, Vice Provost and Professors of. [Philadelphia]. Address to Ben- jamin Franklin. D. S. : John Ewing, Provost. 2 pp. 1511 Printed: NVorks (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9. 249. Sep. 15 1785 Sei'. 15 1785 Hev. 16 1785 Sep. 16 1785 Sep. 17 1785 Sept. 17 1785 Sep. 17 1785 Sep. 19 [1785] [Sep. . 19] 164 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Franklin, Benjamin. [Philadelphia.] To the Provost, Vice Provost etc. of University of Penns}^- vania. Answer to address. Auto, draft. 1 p. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,251. 1512 Philadelphia, Justices of. Philadelphia. Address to Ben- jamin Franklin. D. S. : "In behalf of the Jus- tices Plun* Fleeson, Pres* " 1 p. 1515 Philadelphia Constitutional Society, Philadelphia. Address to Benjamin Franklin. D. S. : Will: Adisck, Chairman. 2 pp. 1513 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Philadelphia Constitutional Society. Answer to address. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1514 Franklin, B[enjarain]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] IMecom [Boston]. Announcing his arrival at Philadel- phia. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1518 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To the Justices of Philadelphia. Answer to address. Auto, draft. Franklin to the officers of the Philadelphia militia. Answer to address. Auto, drafts. 2 pp. 1517 1785 Philadelphia, Militia. Philadelphia. Address of Officers Sep. 19 to Benjamin Franklin. D. S. : James Irvine M. G. 2 pp. 1516 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Govf [William] Sep. 20 Greene "and Lady" [Providence]. Announc- ing his arrival at Philadelphia. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1520 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 262. 1785 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gen. [George] Sep. 20 Washington [Mt. Vernon]. Modelling of Wash- ington's bust by Iloudon. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed by Washn.: "From The Hon. Doctr Franklin" W. Letters to. 68, 163. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188S. y, 221. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Philadelphia. To Gen. [George] Washington [Mt. Vernon]. Forward- ing letters. A. L. S. 2 pp. W., Letters to. 68, 165. Franklin, B[enjaniin]. Philadelphia. To John Jay and wife [New York]. Journey from France. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. 1521 Printed: Works (Bigelow). N. Y. 1888. 9, 263. 1785 Sep. 20 1785 Sep. 21 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 165 McKean, 'rhoinas. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Franklin [Phila'.']. Franklin's election as president of the American Philosophical Society; cominir moetinf^ of the Societ}'. A. L. S. 1. p. 1522 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Philadeli)hia. To [Barb^] de Mar- hois [New Yoi-kJ. Wishino- him a pleasant voy- aoe and prosperity. Letter-press copy of A. L. 8. 1 p. 1523 Washington, (ieoro-e. Mount Vernon. To Benjamin Franklin [Philadelphia]. Congratulations upon his arrival. Copy. 1 p. 1524 Printed: Works (Bigclow) X. Y. ISKs. 9, 264. Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Philadelphia. To Charles Thom- son [New York]. Thanks for letter of congratu- lation on his return. Copy. 1 p. 1526 Washington, George to William Temple Franklin. Sec: Franklin, William Temple. Sketch of services, 17S9, May 28. American Philosophical Society. [Philadelphia.] Address to Benjamin Franklin. 1 p. 1529 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 188«. 9, 'Jti". [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To the American Philosophical Society [Philadelphia]. Answer to address. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1531 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Thomas Paine. Election as Councillor and health. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1527-8 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. vii, 2()5. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Sir Edward New- enham [r)ul)lin?]. Arrival at home; pu))lic grat- itude. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1532 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Phila- delphia]. Du Plessis memorial; reports of Frank- lin's capture by the Algerines; personal uKMitions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 1, 195. 1785 Picquet, J[ean] B[aptiste]. Lisbon. To [Benjamin] Frank- Dec. 9 lin , [Philadelphia]. Soliciting appointment as United States agent. Contem})orary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) T. J. Ser. 2, v. 65, 126a. [1785] Franklin, Benjamin. Memorandum [sent to Thomas Jef- ferson] of fees given at Versailles on New Year's Day to the valet de chamhre, porter etc. A. D. 1785 Sep. 22 1785 Skp. 24 1785 Skp. 25 1785 Skp. 26 1785 Sep. 26 [1785J [Sep .27] [1785] [Sep .27] 1785 Sep. 27 1785 Oct. .S 1785 Oct. 5 166 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS of William Temple Franklin. 2 pp. Endorsed b}^ Jefferson: "Etrennes." T.J. [17851] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy?] List of persons recom- mended for membership in the American Philo- sophical Societ3% to wit: M[arquis] de Condorcet, [Julien David] LeRoy, M. Feutry, M. Grivel, M. Gastillier, [Jean Louis Giraud] Abbe Soulavie, [Louis] LeVeillard, Due de [la] Rochefoucauld, M. Eli de Beaumont, Dr. [John] Ingenhousz, Humbert Gerbier, M. Charles, M. Cabanis. A. D. 1 p. With miscel. note respecting commerce on verso. 2316 [1785?] Williams, [Jonathan jr.] [Nantes?] To de Castries [Ver- sailles]. Letter of Foster; Capt. Avery and note of de Granchan which des Touches and Adolph & Lion endorsed; emploj^ed J. Cottin & tils & Jauge to obtain payment. A. L. S. 3 pp. (In French.) 2643, 4 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To James Bowdoin Jan. 1 [Boston]. Boston friends; science etc. Letter press cop3' of A. L. S. 3 pp. 1533-5. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 281. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Jan. 1 Boston?]. Family matters. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1536. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Genl. [Daniel] Jan. 1 Roberdeau [Alexandria]. His letter of congrat- ulation. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1537 1786 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To J[ohn] Jay [New Jan. 3 York], Recommending' Samuel Vaughan for employment in the Mint. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1538 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To J[ohn] Jay [New Jan. 7 York]. Transmitting- measure proposed for adoption by Congress respecting the Algerines; [Charles Biddle] Vice President [of Pennsyl- vania]'s interest therein. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1539 1786 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. New York. To T[homas] Jan. 18 Jefferson [Paris]. Acquaintance with Col. [James] Muiiro [Monroe] ; weakness of Congress; repre- sentation; Franklin's diplomatic appointment; personal matters. A. L. S. 5 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, V. 33, 21. 1786 Jan. 19 1786 Jan. 24 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 167 Franklin, B[onjamin]. Philadolphiti. To Jonathan Wil- liams jr. [Boston]. Makin^- of soap; nautical essay and diurnal motion; freshening salt water. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1540-41 Franklin, i?[onjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Boston]. Family matters; applications to Con- gress etc. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1542-5 Printed : Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1.S.SH. 9, 2S3. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To ]Mrs. Gaudin. Jan. 25 Her claim against Congress. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1546 1786 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin Jan. 27 [Philadelphia]. His reception by Pennsylvania; nothing new in either science or literature; the encyclopedia subscription. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 1, v. 2, 24. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan [Wil- liams, jr.. Boston]. Philosophical papers. Let- ter press copy of A, L. S. 1 p. 1547 Printed : Works (Bigelow) N. Y. ISH.-^. 9, 28.5. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Andre] Limozin [Havre]. Delay in receiving baggage from France. [John] Ross and [John?] Vaughan in- formed by [Edward] Bancroft of its intended shipment from Spain. A. L. S. 1 p. 1548 Letter press cop^- of same. 1 p. 1549 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Jan. 29 Grand [Paris]. Bills in favor of Theodore Hop- kins, Roy & f reres and Lea & O'brien; prosperity in America; delay of baggage left in hands of [Andre] Limozin. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1550 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Francis Childs [New York]. Printing materials. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1551 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Josiah Flagg [Virginia]. On obtaining employment in Phila- delphia. ' 1552 Franklin, Bfenjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan [Wil- liams, jr., Boston]. Philo.sophical papers; Wil- liams's dispute respecting Ameri'Miis as British subjects; Josiah Flagg's application. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1553 1786 Jan. 27 1786 Jan. 29 1786 Feb. 5 1786 Feb. 9 1786 Feb. 12 1786 Feb. 16 1786 Feb. 16 1786 Feb. 24 168 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Franklin, B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To William Hall [Philadelphia]. Account with estate of Robert Grace [and David Hall]. Auto, draft of A. L. S. 1 p. 1554 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia, To Jonathan [Wil- liams, jr., Boston]. The Brantry calumnies etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1555 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 292. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Dr. Jonathan] Shiplej^, St. Asaph [England]. Situation in America and his personal affairs. Copy, -i pp. 1557 Printed: Worlds (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 293. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certificate respect- ing- t3'pes furnished Francis Childs. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1559 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 297. T[honison,]C[harles]. [New York.] To [Benjamin Frank- lin, Phila.]. State provision for pensions to sol- diers and sailors. C. C. 18, Letter-book B, 28. T[homson,]C[harles]. [New York.] To [Benjamin] Frank- lin [Phila.]. Congress' permission to accept the portrait of the King of France. C. C. 18, Letter book B, 36. JFranklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Grand[Paris]. Personal matters; English reports of American conditions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1560 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 298. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Andre] Limo- zin [Havre]. His care of Franklin's baggage; discharge of one Hickes. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1569 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Prof. Steinsky. Receipt of books and arrival of Capt. Stutz. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1564 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Mons. Rnellan [Havre]. Arrival of baggage; payment to Capt. Jennings; books for the Ruellan children. Let- ter-press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1565 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Thomas] Rus- ton. Smoky chimneys. Letter press copy of A. L. S. I'p. 1567 1786 Feb. 25 1786 Feb. 28 1786 Mar, . 4 1786 Mar . 5 1786 Mar. 6 1786 Mar. 6 1786 Mar. 9 1786 Mar. 12 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 169 1786 Franklin, Bfenjainin]. Philadclpbia. To [Le] Couteulx .Mak. 19 & Co. [Pari.s.] RecomiiKMidiiij,^ Levi Hollincrs- worth. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1572 1786 Franklin, Bfenjamiu]. [Philadelphia.] To A[her!:J .lames Mak. 19 [Phila'']. Eiu'losinir account of the Bohemian Deists and requesting account of the Quakers in France. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. 1 p. 1571 1786 Franklin, B[cnjaniinJ. Philadelphia. To Thomas Jeffer- Mak. 20 son [ParisJ. Prosperity in America. A. L. 8. 3 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 33, 24. Printed: Works (Bigt-low) N. V. l><.s-i. 9. 30.'>. 1786 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] >1ak. 20 Grand [Paris]. Sends soap to his Parisian friends. Letter ])ress copy of A. L. 8. 2 pp. 1577 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 188X. 9. 302. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan Wil- Mak. 20 liams [Boston]. Recommending one Poole. Let- ter press copy of A. L. 8. 1 p. 1576 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Comtesse de Mar. 23 Beniousky [Maryland]. Surprise at her being in Maryland. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1579 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gen. [Daniel] Mak. 23 Roberdeau [Alexandria. Va.]. Purchase of his plantation. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1580 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1S88. 9, 30t;. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To William Alexan- :Mak. 26 der, Richmond, Virginia. [Oliver] Pollock's claim before Congress; Josiah Flaggs ati'airs. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. 3 pp. 1581-83 1786 Franklin, W[illiam]T[emple]. Philadelphia. ToT[h()mas] Mak. 26 Jeflerson [ParisJ. Introdui-ing a Mr. Muniford. A. L. 8. 2 pp. T. J. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Francis Childs, Mak. 26 New York.] Imperfections in type fonts; Ben- jamin [Franklin Bachc] will cast the missing let- ters. Letter-press copy of A. L. 8. 2 pp. 1585 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To F[rancis] Ilop- Mak. 27 kin.son [Phila 0- [John] Fitch to see nautical paper on propulsion of boats. Letter press -opy of A. L. 8. 1 p. 1587 170 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Comtesse de Apk. 4 Beniousky [Maryland]. His last letter by Mr. Mumford; introduces Mrs. Lennox of Baltimore. Letter press cop}^ of A. L. S. 1 p. 1594 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To L'Abbe de la Apk. 8 Roche [France]. Seeds, cardinal birds etc. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. (Very faded.) 4 pp. 1590-93 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 307. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Apk. >s Boston]. Disintegration of soap. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2. pp. 1595 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 188.8. 9, 388. 1786 Franklin, B[enjarain]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan [Wil- Apk. y liams, Boston]. Use of lamps; soap making; lawsuits on account of French indebtedness. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1597 1786 de Lavallette, . Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Pas- Apk. 10 sy]. Has deferred his departure for America till June; sends the dog Franklin desired. A. L. S. in S*" person. 1 p. (Li French.) 2652 1786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. To John Hancock [New York], Apr. I'l Recommending [Oliver] Pollock to Congress. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1598 1786 Franklin, B[enjdinin]. Philadelphia. To [Francis] Childs Apr. 22 [New York]. Luperfections in the types sent him. Letter press cop3' of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1699 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom -•^p^- 25 [Boston]. Crumbly soap. Letter press cop}" of A. L. S. 1 p. ' 1601 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 313. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia To Mrs. Hare [Eng- ■^^^- 28 land]. Purchase of a farm and emigrating to America. Letter-press cop}" of A. L. S. 1 p. 1602 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Francis Childs, May 1 New York]. Mistakes regarding the type fonts; paper sent by [Richard] Bache. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1603 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, M.\Y 2 Boston]. [William] Temple [Franklin] and [Jo- siah] Flagg and trivial matters. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1604 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PATERS 171 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Andrew Stni- May 6 hail [London]. Iiu|uiry for William Peterkin; death of [William Strahanj; iiKjuirics of various members of the Strahaii family; volumes of Cook's Voyages. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1605-6 1786 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To W[illiam] T[emple] May 7 Franklin [Philadelphia]. Despatches and letters sent to America; situation in Pennsylvania; dip- lomatic appointment; eommeree with Great Brit- ain and feeling there against America. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. T. J. Ser. 1, v. 2, 62. J 786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Comtesse de May 11 Beniousky [Maryland]. Bad news from England [regarding accident to the Count?]. Letter ])ress copy of A. S. L. 1 p. 1608 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Gov. Richard ^^I-^^ll Caswell, North Carolina]. Testifies with [John] Adams to [Edward] Bi'idgen's attachment to America; confiscation of his estate. Copy. 2 pp. 1607 1786 Franklin, Benjamin, Philadelphia. To [John Sargent? ^^^^' 1^ Halstead, England]. Collection of his debts in Philadelphia; personal remembrances. Copy. 4 pp. leio 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To[John Jay ? New May 15 York]. Requesting passport from [Diego] Gar- doqui for Mr. Whital [?]; [David] Hartley's por- trait. Letter press cop}' of A. L. S. 1 p. 1611 1786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To [Edward] Bridgen May 30 [England]. Restoration to Bridgen of his North Carolina estate. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. ' 1616-17 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Mary Hewson May 30 [England]. Her coming to America. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1612-13 Printi'd: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, :U7. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Granville] Sharp May 30 [England?]. Clergy's opinion of Bishop [Samuel] Sea})ury's conduct; alterations in Book of Com- mon Prayer. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. ' 1614 172 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1786 May 30 1786 June 3 1786 June 3 1786 June 3 1786 June 4 1786 June 4 1786 June 12 1786 June 18 1786 June 27 1786 July 3 [1786?] [July 3] Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Wallace, John- son & Muir [London?]. Agreement made through Capt. [Thomas] Truxtun; Mrs. [Mary] Hewson's intended vo3"age to America; arrange- ments with Capt. Willett. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1615 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom [Boston]. Behavior of [Josiah Flagg]; advice in the moon and personal mentions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1618 Franklin, B[enjamin], Philadelphia. To [Elizabeth] Par- tridge [Boston ?]. Neglect of correspondence and personal matters. Letterpress cop}' of A. L. S. 1 p. 1619 Franklin, B[enjamin], Philadelphia. To Thomas Lyttle- ton. Referred his letters to [Francis] Hopkinson; lease of certain ground. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1620 Franklin, B[enjarain], Philadelphia. To [Francis] Childs, New York. Inquiring about London news- papers. Letter press copj^ of A. L. S. 1 p. 1621 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gen. [Anthony] Wayne [Georgia]. Introducing Rev. William Nixon. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Grand [Paris]. State of his press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. laume] Otto [New York]. Canadian public rec- ords at Philadelphia. Letter press cop}' of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1625-6 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To[Dr. John Ingen- housz, Vienna]. His affair with [Samuel] Whar- ton; philosophical writings ec. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1627 1622-3 To [Ferdinand] account. Letter 1624 To [Louis Guil- Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. •LeRoy. 1888. 9, 321, as to David .Iiilien [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. Account of visit of Scotosh to the President of Pennsylvania. 4 pp. Enclosed in Franklin to Jay 1780, July 6. (q. v.) C. C. 69, 2. I'rinteil: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 325. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To [Thomas Paine? New York?]. A particular Providence BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 173 and th(> vtiluo of religion; advises Imniinj^ of his thesis. Auto, draft signed. 2 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: "Rough of I^etter dissuading from })ul)lishing his Piece." 1628 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,354. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Meconi, '^"'^' ^ Boston]. Receipt of soap; bad spelling etc. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1629 Printed: Work.s (BiKelow) N. V. 1888. 9. 323. c.xiept piiragniph relating to the soap. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [.lolinj ,Iay [New J^'^^' ^ York], Scotosh's visit to Congress and his desire to go to France. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1631 A. L. S. 1 p. C. C. 69, 2, 553. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 9,324. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philad<'lphia. To Charles Thoni- Ju^'^' ^ son [New York]. Introducing Scotosh, a Wyan- dot chief . A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: "Read 12 Julv, 178^). Referred to Secy, at War to report." C. C. 69, 2, 545. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 324. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certificate of having '^^'^^' " seen among the papers of Scotosh, certificate of [Capt. Thomas^] Stokely relating the saving of his life b}^ Scotosh. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. ' 1633 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Noah Webster. His lectures on the English language. Letter press copy of A. L. S. i p. 1634 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9. 327. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Arthaud [Cape FraiK/ois, HaytiJ. Honor paid Franklin; value of information sent. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1635 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. The loan of ITTS and the miss- ing million. Franklin to Charles Thomson. [Philadelphia.] The miss- ing million. Contemporary copies. 5 pp. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 6, 138. Printed: Works (Higelow) N. Y. IR'y*. 9. 328 and S.'W. The letter to Thdiiisoii is printed as hcinj,' dated .Ian. 27. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Nathaniel JciA 18 Gorham?, New York]. Introducing Mr. Swan- wick. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1637 1786 JlLY 9 1786 JlLY 9 1786 .IlLV 11 1787 J.vx. 2.^1 1786 July 21 1786 July 27 1786 July 27 174 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Franklin, William Temple. Certificate of membership in the American Philosophical Society. Eng-raved form filled out. Signed by B[en]'amin] Franklin and the other officers of the Society. Seal. 1 p. Franklin, B[enjaminj. Philadelphia. To [Francis Childs?, New York]. T3"pes and newspapers to be sent Philip Sansom. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. Almost illegible. 1638 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To ? Ex- change of newspapers etc. between [Francis] Childs and [Philip] Sansom; conditions in Amer- ica; treaty with Prussia. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1639 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia, To Samuel Potts. J^'^"*' -^ Discontinuing papers and desiring a statement of the account. Letter press copy of. A. L. S. 1 p. 1640 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Dr. [Richard] July 29 Price [England]. Remedy for the stone; peace between England and America. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1642 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Dr. [Joseph] July 29 Priestlej' [England]. Priestlej^'s experiments in natural philosophy; news of Mr. Nicklin. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1641 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom July 80 [Boston]. Personal matters; good quality of the soap. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1643 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To B[enjamin] J^^''' -^1 Vaughan [London]. Lead poisoning. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1644-47 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18,88. 9, 329. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Sir Joseph -A^uG. 1 Banks, London. Transmitting volume of trans- actions of the American Philosophical Societ}". Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1649 1786 Franklin, B[enjam in]. Philadelphia. To [Thomas] Percival ^uG. 1 [Manchester, England]. Transmitting volume of transaction of the American Philosophical Societ}'. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1648 1786 Barb6 de Marbois. [Francois de Bar])e, Marquis de Mar- AuG. 10 bois,] Philadelphia. To [Benjamin Fnmklin, Phila.]. French merchants of Philadelphia being BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAVERS 175 forced to sptvc in the niilitiii. Contemporary copy by Franklin. '1 pp. XV 1786 Franklin, B[iMiianiinl. [Philadelphia.] To [Mathew] An;. 10 Carey [Phila'']. Pultliration of an account of Franklin's life. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18HK. 9, 33'2. 1650 1786 Franklin, B[enjaniin]. Philadelphia. William Cocke Aug. 12 [Tennessee]. The new State Franklin and its admission into the Union. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1651-2 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. isxs. 9, 33:}. 1786 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin Ar<; 14 [Philadelphia]. Commerce with Europe; the har- bor of Cherbourg-; Morocco and the Tripolitan states. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 2, 122. 1786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] AiG. 15 Grand [Paris]. Drafts in favor of [Robert ^ Meade to defray expenses of Franklin's house building; printing letters of Didot. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1655 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Julien David] Aug. 15 Le Roy [Paris]. Description of stove for burn- ing smoke, desired by Le Noir and M. Cadet; [Ferdinand] Grand has the pieces on smoky chim- neys and maritime observations. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1653-4 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To John -lay [New Aug. 24 York]. Treaty with Portugal; Gen. Montgom- ery's monument; changes in will. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1657 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 336. 1786 [Thomson, Charles.] [New York.] To Benjamin Frank- AuG. 25 lin [Phila.]. Forwarding Act of Congress con- tinuing issue of indents for iiiten^st in Pennsyl- vania. C. C. 18, Letter-book B, 88. 1786 Durival,[Jean?]. Versailles. To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. Ar(i. 30 French loans to the United States in lTTinion of Countess Beniousky; Ingenhousz's account with [SamueH]\Vh;u-tonan(l [Jolin?]Vanghan's assist- ance; the i'hilosophical Society; Franklin's health 176 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS and present situation; John Williams has placed the loan office receipts in the hands of Jonathan Williams, jr. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1660-1 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia, To [Jane] Mecom [Boston]. Success of her bridge; medals. Letter press cop3' of A. L. 8. 1 p. 1665 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan Wil- liams [jr., Boston]. Dr. [John] Ingenhousz's account; personal mentions. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1663 Durival, [Jean?]. Versailles. To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. Loan to the United States in 1776 and gift of the King. L. S. Ip. (In French.) 1667 Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 9,337. Durival, [eJean?]. Versailles. To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. Receipt for the loan to United States in 1776. L. S. (In French.) 1 p. 1669 Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 9,339. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Joseph Borden. Statement of account. Letter press copy of. A. L. S. 1 p. 1671 Grand, [Ferdinand]. Paris. To Benjamin Franklin, Phila- delphia. Receipt for the loan [of 1776]. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) Endorsed b}" Franklin: ^'N, 3. Postscript from Mr Grand." 1673 Translation printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 9,339. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Charles Pinckney [Phila**]. Convention for ascertaining the powers and privileges of Consuls. A. L. S. 1 p. 1675 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To ? His situation at home. A. L. unfinished. 1 p. 1679 Franklin, B[en3amin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom [Boston]. Additions to his house. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1683-4 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 341. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To John Wilkes [London]. Mrs. [Mary] Hewson's voyage to America with Mrs. Wilkes. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1681 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Francis Childs [New York]. Payment of Childs's debt. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1689 1786 Sep. 4 1786 Sep. 4 1786 Sep. 5 1786 Sep. 10 1786 Sep. 11 1786 Sep. 12 1786 Sep. 19 1786 Sep. 19 1786 Sep. 21 1786 Sep. 21 1786 Sep. 25 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1 ' 'i' I7ftfi Franklin, H[eniaminJ. [Philadelphia]. To — -— IVir- Z -. son [Phila" J. Hoarinc, on boundary dispute be- tween Franklin and StiUe. Letter press c„pv of A. L. S. in '6" person. 1 p. It>b7 ,,86 Franklin, B[enjaminl. ^Philadelphia. To K^ov 1 .Ta.|es ^T .^ Bowdoin [Boston]. Introducing [PhdipJ Dejean ^F.i'. -'< 4.- \ T "Si 1 n 1691 Letter press copy ot A. L. &• i P- ,,8e Franklin. B[enjamin]. Philadelphia To [Philiy^ Dejc^j 1786 rphila'?!. Value of the Marquis de Castnts ^ promise. Letter press cop> ot A. L. b. i P^^^ i7Sfi Franklin. B[enianiin]. Philadelphia. To [Julien David] ^'Z ., LeRoy [Paris]. Pieces written at sea; memoires of the Academy etc. Letter press copy of A.L.S. 2 pp. ^/f»» i,ofi Franklin. B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [William] Alex- ^'11 , ander [Richmond. Va.]. Dispute over Meolson s ^^ estimate of quantity of type sold by Franklin; personal mentions. Letter press copy of A. L.^N 1,86 Franklin.' Bienjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Donatien Le Oct 7 Ravi ^e Chaumont [Passy]. Slowness ot lettei . ^ intended marriag-e of de Chaumont s son with an American girl. Letter press copy of A.^L.^^ 2 pp. , J Ffranklinl Bfenjiunin]. Philadelphia. To [ 1, 6 ^''""^ \!ban,nont ;]• Finds s«n,e consolation n> road.ns friendly letters; remenil.rance of past years: as he is ali-eadv in the other world, she is privdeged to take another husband; her brother wishes to take an American wife; a French wife should he gnen to balance; character of the jrirl; " tres mauva.s franvois, n'est-ce pas'"? Letter press copy ot A.L.S. '2 pp. (In French.) 2653-* Franklin Bleniamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] 1786 Franklm .1 d,.,^ (or his bnilding expense ir favor of J. (i. Koch, and Kaighn & Attn.ore; account for types from Didot. Letter P'''-"" «'P.; ofA.US. -2 pp. 1™:^ ,-o6 Franklin, B[e„jan>in]. Philadelphia. O'-derto Dav.dK.t- "t.. tcnhouse to pay .lohu IKvard h. s ,,^ member ot Congress. D. b. i 1>- 15885—05 y^ 178 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Bayard's receipt for John Bayard, Oct. 14 on verso. XV 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Thomas Jeffer- OcT. 8 son [Paris]. Election to membership in the [American] Philosophical Society and diplomas for various persons in Europe. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1705 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Charles Pettit Oct. 10 [New York]. Major [William] Judd's inquiries of Pelatiah Webster for [Col. John] Franklin and [Col. John] Jenkins; Wj'oming manifesto a ma- noeuvre of [Ethan] Allen's; printed by [Dr. Joseph] Hamilton at Hudson [N. Y.]; Col. [Timothy] Pickering chosen prothonotary for Wyoming; Spanish treaty for navigation [of the Mississippi] ; suggested purchase of the countiy. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1707-13 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Francis Childs Oct. 15 [New York]. Casting of type at Germantown; Childs's payment of bill. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1717 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Donatien Le Oct. 22 Ray de Chaumont, Pass}"]. Enclosing certiticate of his son's good behavior. Franklin. Certificate as above. Auto, draft and auto, draft signed respectively. 2 pp. 1834 Letter press copy of above letter (A. L. S.) 1 p. 1835 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 442. 1788 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To ? Lov- OcT. 25 ing message and thoughts of her companionship at Auteuil; hopes to be a better correspondent. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2655 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Capt. Willett. Carrying passengers; [John D.] Schwcighauser's authority. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1719-21 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Champion de Cice,] Archbishop of Bordeaux [France]. His brother's application for membership in the Societ}' of the Cincinnati; seeds sent b}' Capt. William Reed to Johnson, Barton & Barry; frame buildings. Letter press cop}' of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1723-5 1786 Nov. 16 1786 Nov. 19 HKN.IAMIN I-HANKLIN I'Al'ERS 1'^ 1786 Franklin, BLenjaiuinJ. riiihidelphiu. To Al»l.o de La Nov. 1:0 Roche [Fnuiee]. Unable to write because of perpetual interruption. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. ^'^^'^ Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 34f.. 1786 Franklin, Bfenjannnl. Philadelphia. To J[ohn] Jay, Nov. 21 [New Yorkj. Application for a consulship through Sir PMward NewenhamandGen. [George] Washington for Sir Edward's son; former's serv- ices to American prisoners in Ireland. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1729 1786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Granville Sharj) Nov. 24 [England]. Acknowledging receipt of letters and papers. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1731 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Thomas Wight jr. Nov. 25 [England?]. Respecting one eTohn Tyler. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1733 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 1888. 9, 349. 1786 Franklin, B[eniaminJ. Philadelphia. To ? The Nov. 25 gout; publication of his piece with advice to reconsider. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1888. 9. 349. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Edward] Ban- Nov.26 croft [England?]. Publication of Franklins Works and his Life ; prosperity of Americii. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1737 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1840. 10, 240. 1786 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom Dec. 3 [Boston]. Progress in building; Benjamin I rank- lin Stickney's relationship; bill for the wood. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1741 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To William Car- Dec. 4 michael [Madrid]. Philosophical Society trans- actions; [Louis (niillaume] Otto's piece on the discoverv of America. Letter press copy of A-L-S: ip. 17^3 I70fi Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Philadelphia. To Joseph Miguel ,,:, , de Flores [Madrid]. Transmitting vohune o the transactions of the American Philosophical Society to the Spanish Academy. Letter press copvofA.L.S. Ip. l''^^ 1786 Franklin, B[enjaniin]. Philadelphia. To Conde de Cam- Dec. 4 pomanes [Madrid]. Election to membership in 1786 Dec. 10 1786 Dec. 15 1786 Dec. 16 180 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS the Aniericau Philosophical Society. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1747 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Louis Guillaume] Otto [New York]. Imprisonment of Sieur de Brassine for debt. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1749 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Ann Rhoads [Philad.]. Estate of late Robert Smith. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1751 F[ranklin,] B[eujamin]. Philadelphia. To [Capt. Thomas de Ug-arte y Lianes, Marcus Hook]. Assistance ordered his ship to protect her from driving- ice. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 1752 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 350. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Nathaniel Fal- Dec. 16 coner [Phila**]. Orders to assist the Spanish frig-ate at Marcus Hook. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1753-4 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 351. 1786 Ugarte y Lianes, Thomas de. Marcus Hook, [Delaware Dec. 17 river]. To B[enjamin] Franklin [Philadelphia]. Gratitude for assistance rendered his ship. Translation in Franklin's autograph. 1 p. 1755 1786 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin Dec. 23 [Philadelphia]. Books and papers; European politics. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 2, 184. Printed: Writings of Jefferson (Lipscomb & Birch) Wash. 1893. 6, 23. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin], Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Dec. 31 Grand [Paris]. [Jean] DurivaPs letter respect- ing receipt for loan of 1776; [Silas] D[eane] or Beaumarchais's responsibility; purchase of quan- tity of Rcgvle d'' Antlmoine and state of Frank- lin's account. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. ^ 1756 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Gov. Edmund Dec. 31 Randolph, Richmond, Va.]. Commissioners ap- pointed [to attend the Convention called to revise the Federal Constitution] are: Thomas Mitflin, Robert Morris, George Clymer, Thomas Fitz- sinnnons, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris and Jared Ingersoll. Letter press copj^ of A. L. S. 1 p. 1757 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 181 [1786?j Fink, .Ia((iiu"s. ("hiini aj^-jiinst [Benjamin] Franklin for table .supplies ete. Also copy of agreement with Franklin. 6 pp. (In French. ) T. J. Ser. 2, 33, 10. 1787 Franklin, Blenjuinin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] •^ ''■"'• - Grand [Paris]. Keeei{)t for the French loan of 1776; state of Franklin's account. Letter j)ress copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1758 1787 Franklin, B[enjaminJ. Pliiladelphia. To William Blake. ''"^' '^ Personal financial mattt'rs with John \'au. ^^?'^ ^^ Franklin, Blenjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gov. [John] Sevier [Tennessee]. I lis letter by [Capt. John] Woods; accommodating the dilierences with North Carolina; Indian trouble on the frontier. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 1803-5 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To "The Corn- Juj:e30 stalk'' [Cherokee Chief]. His complaint to the Great Council [Congress]; recommends Mr. Drum- goole. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1808 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To " the old Chief " June 30 [''Cornstalk'' ^ of the Chcrokees]. Satisfaction June 30 184 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS for his complaints. Safe conduct for the Indians and [Capt John] Woods through Pennsylvania. 'Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1806-7 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To a [Cherokee?] June 30 Indian Queen. Her son and his business with the Great Council at New York. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1801-2 [1787] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Memorandum on the disadvantages [June] of public affairs being managed by one person; condition of Holland. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 1800 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. Ig88. 9, 396. 1787 F[ranklin,] B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Madam ? July 13 [France]. His age and health; squirrel skins for her daughter. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1809 1787 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Paris. To [Benjamin] Franklin -*^uG. 6 [Philadelphia]. Introducing Dr. [ ] Gibbons. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 2, 330. 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [ ] Smith, ^^^^- 31 [Phila'']. Claim against Franklin on behalf of estate of late [Robert] Smith; Mrs. [Deborah] Franklin's and [Mr.] Rhoads's connection there- with. Letter press copy of transcript. 3 pp. Almost illegible. 1810-12 Franklin, Benjamiii. Speech at the close of the delibera- tions of the Constitutional Convention. Copy. 2 pp. 1796 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 431. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Boston]. The Constitution; war; his buildings etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1813-14 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,406. 1786 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Alexander] Sep. 28 Small [England]. Taxation, loyalists etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 1816-19 Auto, draft of l*** page of above. 1815 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 414. 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Comte de la Oct. 7 Luzerne, San Domingo. Recommending Capt. John Earle, who saved crew and cargo of the French ship le.'^ Bons Enfans; dispute with Capt. Guichet. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1820-1 1787 Sep. 17 1787 Sep. 20 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 185 1787 Franklin, H[onjannn]. Philadelphia. To Gaetano Filan- OcT. 14 gieri [Italy]. Sends copy of the Federal Consti- tution. Letter-press eopv of A. L. S. 1 P- 1822 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. ISXS. 9. 441. 1787 Franklin, B[enjaniin]. Philadelphia. To Count Castig- OcT. 14 lione. Sends copy of the Federal Constitution. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1823 1787 Franklin, B[enjaniinJ. Philadelphia. To Thomas Joffer- OcT. 14 son [Paris]. Sends copy of the new U. S. Con- stitution; encyclopedias for [Francis] Hopkinson and himself have arrived. A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. Letter-press copy of same. 1832 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Marsilio] Lan- driani [Italy?]. Lightning conductors. Letter- press copy of A. L. S. 8 pp. 1824-6 Printed: w'orks (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 439. Franklin. B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Due de [la] Rochefoucauld [d'Anville, Paris]. Sends copy of the Federal Constitution. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Carmine Santoso [Spain?]. His work on Hebrew Institutions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1828 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [CTiam])attista] Bodoni [Parma, Ibily]. The beauty of his tvpes. Letter press copy of A. L. S. "2 pp. ' ^ 1829-1830 1787 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Mrs. Barry Oct. 14 . [France]. Personal matters. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1831 1787 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Oct. 19 Grand [Paris]. Introducing Charles Pmckney. Franklin to [Julien David] Lelloy [Paris]. Introducing Pinckney; Malesherbes' appointment to the ministrJ^ • Franklin to Abbes Chalut and Arnaud [France]. Intro- ducing Pinckney and thanks for portrait of Mably. Franklin to Lafayette [Paris]. Introducing Pinckney. Franklin to Due de la Rochefoucauld [Paris]. Introducing Pinckney. Contemporary copies. 3 pp. 1833 1787 Oct. 14 1787 Oct. 14 1787 Oct. 14 1787 Oct. , 14 1787 Nov. 10 1787 Nov. 10 1787 Nov. 14 1787 Nov. 19 186 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1787 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Oct. 22 Grand [Paris]. Federal Constitution and Euro- pean union etc. Letter press of A. L. S. 1 p. 1836 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 441. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To T[homas] Bar- clay. Testimonial to the value of his services in France. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Auto, draft. 1 p. 1837 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To John Jay [New York]. Recommending- [John] Bondfield as con- sul at Bordeaux. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1839 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Nathaniel Gor- ham [New York^]. Sending copy of a little speech. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 1840 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Comte de Buf- fon [Paris]. Franklin's treatment for the stone. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. (Much faded.) ' 1841-2 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188S. 9, 444. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Grand, Paris. Has drawn for £225 in favor of [Adam] Zantzinger. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1843 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Walter Dulany [Maryland]. His treatment for the stone. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. (Much faded.) 1844 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Charles Thomson [New York]. Recommending Mr. Drumgoole as an Indian agent. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Grand [Paris]. Franklin's protested bills through- Mons. Tessier; Adam Zantzinger's endorsements in favor of Russell & Smith, Warder, Dearman & Co., and Thomas Clifford. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1846 1787 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Barbo de Mar- ^^*^- ■'■^ bois [New York]. Mistake respecting Chevalier de Grandchain and election of Moreau de St Mery to membership [in American Philosophical Society]. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 1787 Nov. 20 1787 Nov. 29 1787 Dec. 6 1787 Dec. 6 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 187 1787 Franklin. B[eniainin]. Philadelphia. To Mons. Arthaud Dec. 11 [Cape Fiaiu/ois, Hayti]. Receipt of books for the [American Philo.sopbicalJ Society. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 1787 Franklin, B[enjaniin], Philadelphia. To [Jane] Meconi Dec. 11 [Boston]. Her son s nierchantile venture and her own situation. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 50 1787 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Gov. (ieorge Dec. 16 Matthews, Augusta, Georgia]. War with the Creeks; method of building in New England set- tlements. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1851 Printod: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. ISsS. 9, •««. [1787?] Franklin, B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To Comtesse de Houdetot [Paris]. Recollections and present troul)les in France; new Constitution of America. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 2225 1788 Franklin, William. London. To T[homas] Jeflerson J ^^- ly [Paris]. Loss of books obtained for Jefferson by William Temple Franklin. A. L. 8. 2 pp. T. J. 1788 Franklin, B[cniamin]. Philadelphia. To the Commis- j.,>,. 31 sioners of the Trea.sury [New York]. Vouchers of [John] Ross's account. Contemporary copy. 1 p. Attested by Wm. Duer. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 79, 119. [1788?] Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To John Morgan. rj^v 1 Thanks for honev. Letter press copy of A. L. S. ip. ^ 1854 1788 Jefferson. Th[omas]. Paris. ToW[illiaml Franklin |Lon- Feb. 9 don]. Refusing reimbursement for books lost by William Temple Franklin. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. 1788 Ffranklin,] B[eniaminl. Philadelphia. To Comte de Feu. 10 Moustier [New York]. His arrival in America. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 1855 1788 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadeli)hia. To Charles Vaughan Feb. 12 [Boston?]- Dr. -lohn Ingenhousz's account and John Williams\s place therein; opposition to the Constitution. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Thomas Jeffer- Feb. 15 son [Paris]. A Mr. Frazer\s errand to Vvmu-o. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 1788 Feb. 16 1788 Feb. 17 Apr. 22 188 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To St Jean Cre- vecoeur [New York]. Acknowledging receipt of his book; [John] Fitch's steamboat. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1858-59 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To [Louis] Le Veiilard, Passy. Ratification of the Constitution. Same to same. The Constitution and the two houses of Congress therein provided for. Extracts. 1860 Complete letters printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9,458 and 470. 1788 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Fictitious letter from a friend in Mar. 30 New York respecting the calumnies published in Philadelphia newspapers. Franklin. Account of the "Court of the Press." Its power, practices, authority, and checks proposed. Auto, drafts. 9 pp. 1863 and 2063-69 2** copy of Account. 10 pp., corrected by Franklin. 2066-9 First document printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 464. 2'<: Works. 10, 139. 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To John Wright Mar. .31 [London]. Receipt of glass machine for prepar- ing water as remedy for the stone; pa3'ment of [William] Caslon's bill; bill of exchange on Fer- dinand Grand. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864^5 [1788'^] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To Hall & Sellers [Mar. ?] [Philadelphia]. Publication of libellous articles by American newspapers. Auto, draft signed: "A. B." 1 p. 1862 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 464. [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To ? Intro- ducing Jonathan W^illiams[jr]. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1866 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Boston]. His fall; relationship of bearer, one Pope. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1867 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Mrs. Colas [Bos- ton]. Journey to Boston. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1869 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888, 9, 469. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Madam Brillon [Pass\"?]. His situation in America and personal famil}^ news. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. (Last part missing.) 1869-70 Printed: Works (Bigeli)w) N. Y. 1888. 9,468. 1788 Apr. 8 1788 Apr. 12 1788 Apr. 12 1788 Al'R. 19 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 189 1788 Franklin to Louis Le Veillard. See: Franklin to Veil- Ai'K. i.>i.> lard, 1788, Feb. 17. 1788 Franklin, B[enjaniinJ. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand 'Ai'«- -•> Grand [Paris]. Drafts in favor of Peter William Gallaudet and Jolm Wright; his health, public employment etc. Letter press cop}- of A. L. S. 1 p. 1871 1788 Franklin, B[eniaminJ. Philadelphia. To Madam Grand '^''"' "'^ [Paris]. Makino- of blankets; personal matters. Letter press cop}- of A. L. S. 1 p. 1872 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin). Philadelphia. To Madam [\'igni- -^'''^- -'^ ville] Helvitius [AuteuilJ. Personal matters, cor- respondence etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1873-4 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 18.S8. 9, 472. 1788 Franklin, [Benjamin]. Philadelphia. ToComte [Lomenie] Ai'H. -';; de Brienne [Paris]. Answer to his letter. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1875 1788 Franklin, B[(>njamin]. Philadelphia. To [Joseph IgnaeeJ ^I^v4 Guillotiii [Paris]. Disaster to his friends on the Ohio; property of Mons, Pique remainincr in Franklin's hands. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1876-7 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Johan Carl] ^^AY 7 Wilcke [Stockholm]. Transmitting volumes of [American] Philosophical Society transactions. Auto, draft. 1 p. 1878 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Princess Dasch- ^i-\v 7 kow,[St.] Petersburgh. Transmitting volume of [American] Philosophical transactions. Auto. draft. 1 ]). 1879 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To ( Insanity of a Mr. Elam. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 \). (Latter portion missing.) 1880 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To B[enjamin] Vaughan [London^]. Inti'oducing [James] Kum- sey. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1881 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Granville Sharp [Lo!idon i]. Thanks for l)ooks. Letter jiress copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1882 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To William Vaughan [London]. Personal matters. Letterpress copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1883 1788 May 12 1788 May 14 1788 .May 15 1788 May 15 3 90 BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS 1788 May 15 1788 May 17 1788 May 24 1788 May 24 1788 May 31 1788 May 31 1788 June 1 1788 June 3 1788 June 7 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To [John Coakle}^] Lettsom [London]. Thanks for honor of election to membership in the Royal Society. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1884 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To B[eniamin] Vau^han [London]. Will send him papers; health etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1885 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To Funkhau- sen? His son is respected and esteemed by his fellow-citizens and is major of militia. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1886 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [John] Ingen- housz [Vienna]. John Williams has settled his claim with [Samuel?] Vaughan. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1887 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To James Bowdoin [Boston]. Magnetism of the earth and its internal composition. Letter press copj' of A. L. S. 5 pp. 1888-92 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 473. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [John] Lathrop [Boston]. Boston, advance of science etc. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 1st p. 1893 2 last pp. ' 2415-16 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 3888. 9, 478. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Mather] B3'les [Boston]. Correspondence, personal matters etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1894-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888, 9, 451, as being dated Jan. 1, 1788. F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To James Pem- Introducing Joseph Fleshing. p. 1896 Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Payment of Zantzinger\s draft; the Constitution and personal 1788 June 8 berton TPhila'! Auto, draft. 1 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Grand [Paris]. adoption of mentions. Franklin to Grand & Gautier, Paris. His account. Franklin to [John] Bondfield, Bordeaux. Payment of his bill; Mr. Vernon's stay in Europe; arrets in favor of non-Catholics. Copies. 3 pp. 1897 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jo.seph Ignace] Guillotin [Paris]. Disaster to his friends on the 1788 JlLY 17 1788 Mar. 31 1788 Aug. 18 Mak . 31 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 191 Ohio; their packets renminiiijj:" in Franklin's hands. Letter press copj' of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1898 99 Franklin, B[onjuniinJ. [Phihidelphia.] La-st will and testament, and codicil dated June 22, 1789. Let- ter i)ress copy of a copy. 15 pp. 1900-23 Printed: Works (Bigelowi N. Y. l.s^>^. 10. -JOC. Franklin, Benjamin to Ferdinand Grand. See: Franklin to John An(l(>rson. 1T>\ IS. F[ranklin,J B[enjanHn|. Philadelphia. To [John^] An- derson [Scotland?]. Keceipt of l)ooks; the gout and stone. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand, Paris. Bill of e.xchanoo in favor of John Wrig-ht naming William Vauohan as alternate. Copies. 2 pp. 1925 1738 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [BenjaminJ ^^^.^. 13 Vauohan [London]. His health: letters to John Wright and [William] Caslon. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. Almost illooililo. 1927-29 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [SamiicH] (hir- AuG. 18. net [England]. John Tyler and money left him in England; his character; personal mentions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 193-13 1788 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To [Julien David] Sep. 17 Le Roy [Paris]. Civilities to [Thomas] Paine; reelection to the Presidency of Pennsylvania; [Antoine Laurent] Tavoisier's memoir; [John] Fitch's steamboat. Letter press copy of A. T^. S. 1 p. Much faded. 1861 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Benjamin Cham- Sep. 20 hers and others. Chambersburgh [Pennsylvania]. The blowing of a furnace l)y falling water. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1935-7 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. ls8.H. 10,6. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To R[obert] Morris [Philadelphia]. Desiring him to act as arbitrator with a Mr. Field in a dispute over a promissory note. Letter press copy of A. L. S. I p. 1939 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. ToCieorge Morgan. Baron de Poellnitz's remedy for the stone; Mor- gan's son. Letter press copv of A, L. S. 1 p. 1941 1788 Sep. 22 1788 Sep. 23 192 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1788 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To William Caslon Oct. 4 [London]. Payment of his bill for type through Smith, Wright & Gray; has set up B[eniamin] Franklin Bache in the printing business; selling tj^pe on credit. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 1943 [1788] Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To DucdelaRoche- [OcT. 22] foucauld [Paris]. Love of France; history of his life; condition of politics in America; Disserta- tion sur la Nyctalopie; personal mentions. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. (Filled out in pencil by Franklin.) 1947-51 Printed in part. Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 8. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To John Wright [London]. Thanks for his care of types from [William] Caslon, Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1953 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Miss Flainville [France?]. Her proficiency in English; misfor- tunes; Franklin's age etc.; personal mentions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1955 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To T[homas] Jeffer- son [Paris]. [Francis] Hopkinson's communica- tion respecting Tissofs edition of English books; [Benjamin Franklin Bache's] connection there- with; amendments to the Constitution; [George] Washington will be chosen the first President. Same. A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. 1961 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. ToDuPont[Paris?]. ^*CT. 24 Dictionary of French and English manufacturing terms; English restraint of trade; the new Con- stitution.. Letter press cop}^ of A, L. S. 2 pp. 1957 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Julien David] Oct. 25 Le Roy [Paris]. Retirement from public life; [Fitch's] steamboat. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1963 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 17. 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Diego Gardoqui Oct. 26 [New York], Requesting a protection for a trad- ing venture to New Orleans. A. L. 8. Ip. 1965 ITinted: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 18. 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Ferdinand] Nov. 10 Grand [Paris]. Introducing Gouverneur Morris; 1788 Oct. 22 1788 Oct. 23 1788 Oct. 24 1788 Nov. Ht 1788 Nov. 25 1788 Dec. 10 1788 Dec. 18 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPER8 193 [Jacques] Neckor and peace. I^etter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 196*7 Franklin, B[(MijaininJ. Philiidclphia. To Francis Childs [New York]: Desires payment of hi.s draft. Let- ter press cop3^ of A. L. S. 1 p. 1973 Printed: Works (BiKclow) K. Y. 1H,S.S. 10, 21. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Piiiladelphia. To [Elizabeth] Par- tridge [Boston], Health, future happiness, books, correspondence etc. Letter press cop}' of A. L. S. 3 pp. ' 1977 Printed: Work.s (Bigclow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 22. 1788 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To William Vaughan Dec. 9 [London]. Memoirs; purchase of an encN'clopie- dia; public affairs. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. 3 pp. 1981-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 188X. 10, 38. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Abbe Morellet [Auteuil, France]. Correspondence, memoirs etc. Letter-presscopyof A. L. S. 3pp. 1987-91 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X. Y. 18.><8. 10, 39. Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Julien David] Le Ro}^ [Paris]. Introducing Gouverneur ]\Ior- ris. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 1993 [1788?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To the Editor of the Federal Gazette [Phila.]. Comparison of the ancient Jews and the anti-Federal i.sts; revolt against Moses and Aaron and it parallelism to the objectors to the propo.sed new U. S. Consti- tution. Auto, draft signed: '''K." 5 pp. 2276 [1788?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To ? Apologies for not writ- ing; protestation of friendship etc. Letterpress copy of A. L. 1 p. 2671 [1788?] Loyalists, Pennsylvania. Analysis of list given in the [Philadelphia] Morning Post. 2149 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 18S8. 10,72. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [the editor of Feb. 9 the Massachusetts Magazine or ^Monthly Museum of Knowledge?, Boston]. Republication of his pieces. Letter press copv of A. L. S. 1 p. 1995 1789 Franklin, [Benjamin]. Philadelphia. To Garri- ^^■'^K- ^ gues. Arranging meeting in connection with estate of Eden I lay dock. Letterpress copy of A. L. S. in third person. 1997 15885—05 13 194 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1789 Vaughan, B[enjamin]. London. To [Benjamin] Franklin Mar. 4 [Philadelphia]. Franklin's "Life;" Bishop of St. Asaph, King of Sweden, English politics etc. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1999 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,81. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Comte de Mous- Apr. 27 tier [New York]. Papers relating to affair be- tween Mr. Thomas and Messrs. [Richard^] Bache and [Col. John?] Shee; attendance in the new Congress; best wishes for France. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 2002-4 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Francis Childs?, New York]. Pa3'ment of his bond. Letter press copy of A. L. 8. 1 p. 2005 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Thomas [Paris]. His account with [Richard] Bache and [Col. John?] Shee. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 2006 F[ranklin,] B[en jamin]. [Philadelphia. ] To Charles Biddle [Phila.]. Biddle's ability to serve on a Naval Board. A. L. S. 1 p. 2007 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certificate identi- fying a Commission from the Postmasters General of Great Britain and the handwriting of Anthony Todd. A. L. S. 1 p. 2001 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certificate of abil- ity of Robert Harris as lieutenant of U. S. S. Reprisal in 1776. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 2008 Franklin, William Temple. Sketch of Services to the United States with copies of letters: 1781, Mar. 12. Extract of letter, Franklin, Benjamin [to Samuel Huntington], recommend- ing W. T. Franklin to Congress. 1781, Apr. 21. Extract of letter, Jay, John [to Samuel Huntington], supporting above recom- mendation. 1783, Dec. 6. Franklin to Vergennes. W. T. Franklin, secretar37^ of legation. 1783, Dec. 11. Vergennes to Franklin. An- swer to above. 1785, Sep. 2(3. Washington, George, to W. T. Franklin. His merits. 4 pp. Printed matter. XV 1789 Apr. 27 1789 Apr. 27 1789 Apr. 28 1789 April 1789 May 23 1789 May 23 r.KN.IAMIN FK AN KLIN PAPERS 195 1789 F[ranklm,]B[enjaminJ. riiihidelphiii. To [Joseph] Pi iest- Mav ;u lev [London ]. Payment of a legacy to a Birmingr- ham man throuoh William Vaughan and Priestley. Auto, draft signed. In pencil. 1 p. 2009 1789 F[ranklin,JB[enjaminl. Philadelphia. To [Richard] Price May 31 [London]. Loss of friends: books purchased in London of [John] Walker. Auto, draft signed. In pencil, "i pp. 2010-11 Printed: Works (BigL-low) N. Y. 1888. 10. h7. In part. 1789 Franklin, B[cnjamin]. Philadelphia. To D[avid] Hartley Jlnk^ [London]. Sending American newspapers. Let- ter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 2045 1789 F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certiticate respect- juxE 9 ing relationship of John, Job and Thomas Ruston. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 2046 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Robert Morris June 26 [Phila.]. Acceptance of bills by [Ferdinand] Grand. Letter press copy of L. S. 1 p. 2047 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To F[erdinand] June 26 Grand [Paris]. Franklin's account. Letterpress copy of L. S. 1 p. 2048 [1789] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Observations relative to the origi- [Juxe] nal intentions of the founders of the Philadelphia Academy as regards the English school. A. L. 34 pp. ' 2012-2026 and 2043-44 Contemporary copy of the greater part of above with auto, signed memo, of explanation of same by R. Hare, dated Phila.. May 21, 179o, and an auto, note in pencil by Franklin respect- in t>- the comparative rights of the old and present trustees. 32 pp. 2027-2042 1789 Franklin, B[eniamin]. Philadelphia. To W[illiam] T[em- JuLY 3 pic] F[ranklin]. Personal matters. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 2049 1789 [Walter, John.] London. To [Benjamin Franklin, Phila- JuLY 18 delphia]. Publication of his logographic series and difficulties attending same. A. L. '1 pp. (Incomplete.) 2050 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane Mecom, Aug. 3 Boston]. Disposition of books; Nantucket rela- tions etc. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 2051-2 Printed; Works (Bigclow)N.Y. 1888. 10,134. 1789 Aug. 3 1789 Aug. 3 1789 Aug. 29 196 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Thomas?] Nel- son jr. [Richmond?]. Enclosing- certificate for [John] Paradise. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 2053 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. Certificate of John Paradise's oath of allegiance to the United States. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 2054 Wells, R[ichard]. Philadelphia. To [Benjamin] Frank- lin [Phila*^]. Inscription for the Philadelphia Public Library. A. L. S. in third person. 1 p. 2055 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,135. 1789 Franklin, [Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To [Richard] Aug. 29 Wells [Phila**]. Inscription for the Philadelphia Public Library. Letter press copy of A. L. S. in 3** person. 2 pp. 2056-7 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,136. 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [John] Bond- Sep. 5 field, Bordeaux. Settlement of his account. Letter press copy of unsigned letter. 1 p. 2058 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Grand & Co. Sep. 5 [Paris]. Books from abroad; health; shipment of corn to France; [William] Temple [Franklin]'s electrical apparatus; [Andre] Limozin and [ ] Garvey's accounts and draft in favor of Capt. Jennings. Letter press copy of unsigned letter. 2 pp. 2059-60 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Louis] Le Sep. 5 Veil lard [Passy]. Correspondence and health. Letter press copy of unsigned letter. 2 pp. 2061-2 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 137. 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To [James Logan, Sep. 16 Phila.]. Depositing medals struck for [Franyois Louis de] Fleuiy and [Anthon}^] Wayne and that commemorating the Burgojme and Cornwallis surrender in the Philadelphia Public Library. Draft. 1 p. 2070 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gen. [George] Sep. 16 Washington [New^ York]. Congratulations on his recovery; Franklin's health. A. L. S. 2 pp. W., Letters to. 74, 132. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,148. 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Comte de Sep. 21 Montniorin'^, Versailles]. Recommending [Dona- 1789 Oct. 18 1789 Oct. 19 1789 Oct. 19 1789 Oct. 20 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 197 tien] Le lia}- de Chaimiont jr. as successor to Marbois. Secretary's draft. 2 pp. 2071 Printed: Works (Bigflow^ N. Y. 188X. 10, 14S. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Dupont [de Ne- mours, Paris]. Commerce between France and the United States; Dupont's son. Secretary's draft. 2 pp. 2072 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jonathan Wil- liams [jr., Boston]. Settlement of an account. Letter press cop3' of L. S. with A. L. S. receipt for payment in full of above account. 2 pp. 2074 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Jane] Mecom [Boston]. Personal matters. Letter press copy of L. S. 1 p. 2075 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 149. [Franklin, Benjamin.] New York. To [Sylvanus ?] Urban [London]. Calumn}' that Americans endeavored to obstruct Cook's voyage. Draft corrected by Franklin and signed: "'An American." 2 pp. 2076 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, InO. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Gunning Bed- ^^' ^^ ford [jr., Newcastle, Delaware]. Requesting Franklin's articles of agreement with David Hall which were left in care of [James] Parker. Letter press copy of L. S. 1 p. 2077 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. ToI[saac?] Broome. Nonpayment of bond of [William^] Killen's son. Letter press cop}' of L. S. 1 p. 2078 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To William Alex- ander [Virginia?]. Claim against Virginia for type furnished before the Revolution. Letter press copy of L. S. 2 pp. 2079-80 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, tils?, Phila. ]. Franklin's finances in France; Chaumoiit's claim before Con- gress. Letter press copy of an incomplete letter. 2 pp. 2081-2 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,151. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. l^hiladelphia. R[obert] Morris ^^^- - [Phila.]. Franklin's funds in France. Letter press copy of L. S. 2 pp. 2084-5 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,153. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To James Logan ^"^- - [Phila.]. The vacant trusteeships of the Phila- 1789 Oct. 26 1789 Oct. 26 1789 Oct. 31 1789 Nov. U 1789 Nov. 14 198 BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS delphia Public Library. Letter press copy of L. S. 1 p. 2086 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] Queries and re- Nov. 3 marks respecting proposed alterations to the Pennsylvania Constitution. Secretary's draft. 7 pp. 2087-90 Letter press copy. 8 pp. 2091-98 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,184-91. 1789 "Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Due la Roche- Nov. 13 foucauld?, Paris.] Memoirs of his life; requests that he read them critically with Le Veillard and give a candid opinion thereon. Letter press copy of L. S. 2 pp. 1969-71 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To [Louis Le Veil- lard, Passy.] His memoirs. Letter press copy of L. S. 2 pp. 2099-2100 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,168. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [Donatien Leray de Chaumont, Passy.] Congress' debt to de Chaumont. Letter press copy of incomplete letter. 2 pp. 2103-4 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,170. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To William Vaughan [England]. Tyler's legacy and miscel- laneous personal matters. Letter press copy of an incomplete letter. 2 pp. 2101-2 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Jane Mecora [Boston]. Personal family matters. Contem- porary copy. 1 p. 2105 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To [David Hartley, London.] Health, situation in France etc. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. 2106 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow), N. Y. 1888. 10, 172. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To ? Claim of a Jew to having saved Franklin's life. Con- temporary cop3' part in Franklin's autograph. 2 pp. 2107 Printed: Works (Bigelow), N. Y. 1888. 10,174. 1789 Franklin, B[enjamin]. Philadelphia. To Noah VTekster Dec. 26 [Hartford]. Popular errors in the use of the English language. Draft signed. 8 pp. Last 2 pp. in Franklin's autograph. 2108-12 Letter press copy of L. S. 7 pp. 2113-19 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 175. 1789 Nov. 16 1789 Nov. 30 1789 Dec. 4 1789 Dec. 17 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 199 1789 [Franklin, Benjamin. J [Philadelphia.] To [an American publishor;' Plnla. ?J. Refutation of calumn}- of Americans in Dr. Kippis's Life of Cook; David Henry's reputation; English authorities recogni- tion of Franklin's action. Draft. 2 pp. 1*' page written by Franklin. 2083 [1789?] F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [Philadelphia.] To [Gov. Richard Caswell? North Carolina]. Ratification of the U. S. Constitution; recommendation of Drum- goole; Cherokee affairs; feeble health. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 2163 1790 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To 'i Con- Jan. 19 struction of thp 11*" article of the treaty of com- merce between France and the United States. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 2128 Printed: Works (Bigelow), N. Y. 1888. 10, 191. 1790 Stiles, Ezra. Yale College. To Benjamin Franklin, Phila- Jan. 28 delphia. Requesting his portrait for the college and his opinion as to Christ. A. L. S. 2 pp. 2129 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10,192. Note. 1790 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Monticello. To W[illiam] Temple Feb. 14 Franklin [Philadelphia]. His application for appointment in the diplomatic service. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 4, 4. 1790 [Franklin, Benjamin.] Philadelphia. To Ezra Stiles Mar. 9 [Yale College, Conn.]. Portrait and religious belief. Auto, draft. 5 pp. In pencil. 2130-32 Printed: Works (Bigelow), N. Y. 18.SS. 10. 192. 1790 [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To the Editor of Mar. 23 the Federal Gazette. [The Philadelphia Gazette, Andrew Brown jr.] Jackson's speech in Con- gress against meddling with the slave question. Auto, draft signed: "Historicus.'' 5pp. 2133-5 Printed: Work.s (Bigelow) N. Y. 188s. 10. 196. Jefferson, Thomas. New York. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Philadelphia]. Claim of the British as to the Eastern Boundary; requests facts relating thereto. L. S. 1 p. 2136 Franklin, W[illiam]T[emple]. Philadelphia. ToT[homas] Jetierson [New York]. Presents to ambassadors and foreign ministers in the United States on occasion of their relin(iuishing office. Contem- porary copy. 4 pp. T. J. 1790 Mar. .31 1790 Apr. 27 1790 Aug. , 1 1790 • Oct. 13 1790 Oct. 30 1790 Nov. 27 200 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1790 Jefferson, Th[omas]. New York. To [William Temple] July 16 Franklin [Philadelphia]. Securing a house for residence and offices. Letter press copy of A.L.S. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 4, 88. Printed: Writings of Jefferson (Ford) N. Y. 1895. 5, 210. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Philadelphia. To T[homas] Jefferson [New York]. Alterations to his intend- ent residence in Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 33, 54. Franklin, W[illiam]T[emple]. Philadelphia. ToT[homas] Jefferson [New York]. Intention to go to Europe ; desire of diplomatic appointment. A. L. S. 3 pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 33, 55. Collin, Nicholas. Philadelphia. To [William Temple Franklin, Philadelphia?] [Benjamin] Franklin's beliefs of future rewards and punishments. A.L.S. 4 pp. 3040 Jefferson, Th[omas]. Philadelphia. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin. Maps relating to the St. Croix river dispute; publication of [Benjamin] Fi'anklin's works. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. T. J. Ser. 1, V. 4, 130. Printed: Writings of .leffer.son (Ford) N. Y. 1895. 5, 251. [1790?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Notes for continuation of his auto- biography. Contemporary cop3^ 3 pp. 2120-21 [1790?] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Chronological list of philosophical pieces. Copy. 12 pp. 2122-27 1791 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To T[homas] ^p«- 6 Jefferson [New York]. His appointment; dispo- sition of England toward America; publication of [Benjamin Franklin's] works; the French Revo- lution and liberty; European situation; personal mentions. A. L. S. -i pp. T. J. Ser. 2, v. 33, 53. 1791 Franklin, W[illiam]T[emple]. [London.] To P[atrick] Col- ^Iay 25 quhoun [London]. Robert Morris [jr]'s need of money; sale of his lands. Letter press cop}^ of A.L.S. 3 pp. Endorsed". . . . Elk forest." 3041-44 1791 Delbauve, Amelie. Paris. Receipt to [William Temple] Oct. 19 Franklin for money paid. D. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3045 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 201 1792 ,j,^ Peuillet, L . Paris. To [William Temple] Franklin Jan. 2t> [London i]. French edition of [Benjamin] Frank- lin's Works. A.L. S. 4pp. (In French.) 3046 1792 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To Robert Apr. 20 Morris [jr., Philiidelphia]. Transaction of husi- iness for him and rate commissions. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. XV. 1792 Forestier, Joseph Jean Marie de. Certificate of marriage ji-NE 13 with Fortune Marie Olive Bernard de Coubert. Extract from register at Fribourg, Switzerland. Attestations etc. Addressed to [William] Temple Franklin [London]. Contemporary copy, 'i pp. (Li French.) 3262 1793 Bache, S[arah] (Mrs. Richard) [London.] To W[illiam] Mak. 23 T[emple] Franklin [London]. Requesting an immediate loan. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3049 1793 Bache, S[arah]. [London.] To [William Temple Franklin, Mar. London]. Secrecy respecting his loan. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3050 1793 Jones, Cant well. Bond for payment of money to Robert i^PR. 11 Morris jr. Printed form tilled out and signed. Morris, Robert jr. Transfer of above bond to William Temple Franklin. D. S. 2 pp. Auto, certificate by W. T. Franklin that above is a duplicate, 1793, 1793 Apr. 13 1793 July 6 1793 JlLY 11 1793 Jri.\ ■29 1793 Sep. 13 Apr. 2 3086 Jones, Cantwell. Bond for execution of stock transfer to William Temple Franklin. D. 8. 2 pp. Auto, certificate by W. T. Franklin that above is a duplicate, 1793, Apr. 27. 3085 Morgan, ^^•[illiam]. [London]. To [William Vaughan^ London]. Works upon assurances and annuities. A. L. S. Ip. 3048 [Franklin, William Temple.] [London. ] To [Sarah Bache, London.] Requesting return of loan. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 3052 Cadell, F . [London.] Account against W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin for advertising and books. AD 1 p. Auto. memo, bv Franklin of pay- ment. 3082 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To [llonryj Drinker [Philadelphia]. Inquiry of the Franklin townshij) and sale of other lands. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 3093-96 1793 Sep. 1793 Dec. 9 1794 Mar. , 12 202 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Le Veillard, [Louis?]. Paris. Bill of exchange against W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin for 100 livres. Printed form tilled out. 2^* of set of exchange. 1 p. Also 1"' of same set. 1 p. 3047 Drinker, Henr3\ Philadelphia. To [William Temple Franklin, London]. Land in Franklin township; division thereof, value etc. L. S. 4 pp. 3097-9 Franklin, \V[illiam] T[emple]. London. To Henrj^ Drinker [Philadelphia]. Disposition of the Franklin township lands. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 3100-01 1794-6 [Franklin, William Temple.] Calculation of interest on May 7- $10,000 [in stock of U. S. funded debt]. 2 pp. Mar. 31 3Q88 Second calculation 1794, June 30 to 1796, Sep. 30. 1 p. 3089 1794 Drinker, Henry. Philadelphia. To William Temple May 8 Franklin, London. Value of land in Franklin township. L. S. 2 pp. 3102 1794 Morris, Robert jr. [England.] To [William Temple May 29 Franklin?, London]. Payment of his debts. A. L. S. 1 p. 3065 1794 Morris, Robert. Philadelphia. Power of attorney to June 7 Charles de Cadignan to sell Pennsylvania lands of the Asjdum Compan3\ Contemporary copy. Attested by C. Cadignan and witnessed by Wm. Rayment and J. Marshall. 1 p. 3066 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. Note drawn on Robert Morris jr. for £500. A. D. 8. Ac- cepted by: "Robt. Morris Jun." 1 p. 3057 Morris, Robert jr. Chester [England]. To William Tem- ple Franklin, London. Payment of a note. A. L. S. 1 p. Auto. mem. of W. T. F. respect- ing above. 3055 Lawles8,V[alentiue] B[rowne]. Dublin. To [William Tem- ple Franklin, London]. Payment of notes to Robert Morris [jr.] and other debts. A. L. S. 2 1794 JCLY 18 1794 Aug. 8 1794 Oct. 31 1794 Nov. 12 pp. 3057 Franklin, William. [London.] To McEvers [Lon- don]. Purchase of William T[emple] Franklin's lands in New York. Nov. 19 McEvers, . To William Temple Franklin. Purchase of lands. A. L. S. in 3"? person. 2 pp. 1794 Nov. 18 1794 Nov. U» 1794 Nov. 29 1794 Dec. 5 1794 Dec. 12 1794 Dec. 22 1795 Jan. 17 1795 Feb. 7 1795 Feb. 10 1795 Mai I. 12 1795 Mar. 14 1795 Ma^ i-l BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 203 Also pencil memorandum signed W. R. respect- ing McEvers's whereabouts. 3053 Morris, Robert jr. Philadelphia. To William Temple Franklin, London. His passage to America and arrival home. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3063 McEvers, . To William Temple Franklin. See: Franklin, William, to McEvers, ITlU, Nov. 12. Drinker, Henry. Philadelphia. To William T[emple] Franklin, London. Negotiations for sale of the Franklin township lands; values etc. L. S. 3 pp. 3103 Lawless, V[alentine] B[rowneJ. Dublin. To William Temple Franklin [London]. Paj'ment of his notes. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3066 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To Robert Mor- ris jr. [Philadelphia]. Payment of [Valentine Browne] Lawless's notes. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 3058-61 Morris, Robert jr. Philadelphia. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin, London. Payment of drafts and pur- chase of land. A. L. S. 1 p. 3062 Drinker, Henry. Philadelphia. To William T[omple] Franklin [London]. Value of lands on Shamokin Creek. A. L. S. 1 p. 3083 Barclay, Robert. Southwark. To William Temple Frank- lin [London]. [Benjamin] Franklin's attempt at reconciliation between England and the colonies. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3079 and 3081 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. [London.] To [Robert Barclay, Southwark]. [Benjamin] Franklin's efforts toward reconciling Great Britain and the colonies. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 3080 Franklin, W[illiamJ T[emple]. London. To Henry Drinker [Philadelphia]. Sale of lands. Letter- press copy of A. L. S. 4 pp. 3105-8 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To [Robert] Morris [jr., Philadelphia]. Personal affairs and [Valentine Browne] Lawless's note. Contempo- rary copy. 1 p. 3064 Lancaster, Charles. [London.] Receipt to [William] T[emple] Franklin for payment of F. Cadell's account A. D. S. 1 p. Attached to Cadell's 204 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS account against Franklin, 1793, July 29. (q. v.) 3082 1795 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To V[alentine] June 5 B[rowne] Lawless [Dublin]. Payment of his note. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 3067-8 1795 Lawless, V[alentine] B[rowne]. Dublin. To W[illiam] June 10 T[emple] Franklin [London]. Payment of his debts. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3069 1795 Morris, Robert jr. Newark. To William T[emple] Frank- juNE 13 lin, London. Lack of horses and expectations of marriage. A. L. S. 1 p. 3070 1795 Drinker, Henry. Philadephia. To William Temple Frank- JuNE 25 lin, London. Land investments. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3084 L. S. 2 pp. 3104 1795 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. [London.] To Gouver- "^^ " neur Morris [Europe]. Dispute over stock trans- action. Auto, draft signed. 4 pp. 3071 1795 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. London. To R[obert] Mor- JuLY 12 ris jr. [Philadelphia.] Payment of his note; [Valentine Browne] Lawless's delay. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 3072-3 [1795?] Genet?, Duporcet de. Calais. To W[illiam] T[emple] "23Frem:" Franklin, Paris. Shipment of merchandize. [Dec. 14] j^ L S. 1 p. (In French.) 3092 1796 Low, Nicholas, Richard Harison, Joseph O. Hoffman, and June 15 William Henderson. New York. Bond to Wil- liam Constable for payment of money. Convey- ance of above bond by Constable to William Bell. 1796, Nov. 16. Contemporary copy ? by Consta- ble? 4 pp. 3112 1796 [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum of merchan- OcT. 1. dize shipped to. 1 p. (In French.) 3120 1796 Franklin, William Temple. Marine insurance policy of a Oct. 8 case and trunk from London to Dunkirk. Printed form tilled out. 1 p. 3113 1793-7 Jones, Cantwell. Cash account with William Temple Apr. 13- Franklin. 1 p. 3091 Jan. 1 1797 [Franklin, William Temple.] London. To [Cantwell] Mar. 8 Jones [Philadelphia?]. Loss sustained by non- payment of his debt. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. [Latter portion of letter missing.] 3078 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 205 1797 June 2 1797 June 1797 June 8 1793-7 Apr. 11- JULY 1 1797 Aug. 26 [1797?] [1797?] 1798 Jan. 1 1798 1798 Apr. 27 1798 Nov. 5 1800 July 19 Fox, George. Philadelphia. To William T[empleJ Franklin [London]. Franklin's financial affairs in Philadelphia; colleution of debts etc.; bonds of C[antwellJ Jones and Robert Morris jr. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3074 Franklin, W[illiam] T[eniple]. [London.] To Simond, Hankey t^c Son [London]. Insurance of louis d'ors from Dieppe. Letter-press cop}' of A. L. S. 1. p. ' 3114 Simond, Hankey & Son. [London.] To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin [London]. Insurance for louis d'ors. A. L. S. 1 p. 3115 Jones, Cantwell. Account of interest due, paj'ments made etc. on Robert Morris jr. 's bond. Also his account of interest etc on funded debt of the United States. 3 pp. 3090 Fox, George. Philadelphia. To William T[emple] Frank- lin, London. Bonds of C[antwell] Jones and Robert Morris jr. A. L. S. 6 pp. 3076 [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum respecting C[antvvell] Jones's debt. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 3077 [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum respecting [Cantwell] Jones's bond, [Robert] Morris jr.'s obligation etc. A. D. 2 pp. 3087 [Fox, George.] Philadelphia. To [William Temple Franklin, London]. Recover^' of debt against [Cantwell] Jones; collection of other debts. A. L. 4 pp. 3109 [Fox, George.] Philadelphia. To [William Temple Franklin, London], Case of his debt with [Cant- well] Jones and Robert ISlorris jr. A. L. 2 pp. 3111 Crawfurd, R[obert]. [London,] To William [Temple] Franklin [London]. Personal news. A. L. S. 1 p, 3117 Corsange & Co. Paris. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin [London]. Business matters. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3116 Vochez, J . London. To Laurenpon, Paris. [William Temple] Franklin's merchandize. Con- temporary copy. 2 pp. (In French.) 3118 206 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 1800 Vochez, J . London. To Dupont, Calais. July 19 [William Temple] Franklin's merchandize. Con- temporar}' copy. 1 p. (In French.) 3119 [1802?] Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Paris. To — -Laurenyon, "2Thermi- San Domingo. Business matters. A. L. S. Ip. [July 20] (In French.) 3121 1808 Ramsden, Thomas. Dunkerque [France]. To [Frances Oct. 28 W.] Boyd, Paris. Payment of her note. A. L. S. 1 p. 3148 [1808?] [Boyd?, Frances W.] [Paris.] To [Thomas Ramsden, Dun- [OcT. 29?] kirk, France]. Repayment of loan. Auto. ? draft. 3 pp. 3146 1808 Ramsden, Thomas. Dunkerque [France]. To [Frances Nov. 12 W. ?] Boyd, Paris. Payment of a servant. A. L. S. 1 p. 3147 1809 Boyd, F[rancesW.]. [Paris.] Receipt to [William Temple] Feb. 28 Franklin for money loaned. A. D. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3142 1809 B[oyd,]F[rancesW.]. [Paris.] To [William Temple Frank- Mar. 1 lin, Paris]. Loans. A. L. S. Ip. (In French.) 3144 1809 Boyd, F[rances W.]. Paris. Receipt to [William Temple] Mar. 1 Franklin for money loaned. A. D. S. 1 p. (In French.) Auto, note respecting same by Franklin. 3141 1809 Boyd, F[ ranees W.]. Paris. Receipt to [William Temple] July 5 Franklin for money loaned. 1 p. (In French.) 3141 1809 Boyd,F[rances W.]. [Paris.] To [William Temple] Frank- JuLY 5 lin, Paris. Loans. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3145 1809 Boyd, F[rances W.]. [Paris.] To [William Temple] Frank- OcT. 18 lin, Paris. Loan. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3151 [1809?] Boyd, F[rance8 W.]. [Paris?] To [William Temple] Franklin [Paris]. His loans to her. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3143 1810 B[oyd.]F[rancesW.]. [Paris.] To [William Temple Frank- Feb. 26 lin, Paris.] Loan. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3150 1810 Boyd, F[rances W.]. [Paris.] To [William Temple] Aug.? 16 Franklin [Paris]. Personal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3149 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 207 1810 Boyd, F[rances W.J. [Pari.s.J Receipt to [Williuiii Teni- Ocr. 29 pie] Franklin for money loaned. A. L. 8. 1 p. (In French.) 3142 1811 Madocks, W|illiauiJ A[lexanderJ. North Wales. To[Wil- ^'ov. 10 liam Temple Franklin, Paris?]. Invitation to visit Oxford and Wales. A. L. S. 4 pp. 3123 [1811?] Madocks, \V[illiam]A(lexander]. North Wales. To[Wil- ^"o\- -^ Hum Temple Franklin, Paris?]. Invitation to visit him; minor personal atJairs. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3122 1812 Hottingue, . Paris. To W[illiam] T[emple] Frank- AuG. 25 lijjj Paris. Business matters respecting William Boyd jr. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3125 1812 Boyd, William jr. Verdun [France]. To [William Tem- ^^^- - pie] Franklin, Paris. Business matters relating to Hottingue. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3124 1813 [Franklin, William Temple.] Paris. Draft on F[rances] D^- ^ W. Boyd, London, at 30 days sight for .t'T2 5s. A. D. Signature torn off. 1 p. 3153 1813 Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple]. Paris. To F[ ranees] W. Dec. 8 Boyd, London. Repayment of his loan to her. A. L. S. 4 pp. 3152 1814 Boyd, F[ranees W.]. Edinburgh. To [William Temple] J^N- 12 Franklin, Paris. Repa3'mentof hisloan. A. L. S. 2 pp. ^ 3154 1815 Anonymous. Memorandum respecting Mr. Robinson { Dec. 28 2 pp. (In French.) 3126 1816 Clibborn, Lewis & Co. Antwerp. To William Temple Feb. 5 Franklin, London. Payment of an account. A. L. S. 1 p. Auto. memo, respecting above by Franklin. 3157 1816 Boyd, Frances W. Paris. To [William Temple Franklin, Feb. -'3 London?]. Personal matters. A. L. S. '2 pp. (In French.) 3140 1816 Colburn, Henry. [London.] To [William Temple Frank- ^Iak. u liii, London]. Publication of [Benjamin] Frank- lin's works. A. L. S. 1 p. 3177 1816 Herries, Farquhar & Co. London. To W[illiam] T[emple] Sep. 10 Franklin, Calais. Transmission of draft. A.L.S. 1 p. 3161 1816 Valpy, R[iehard]. [London.] To [William Temple Frank- Sep. 20 lin, Calais]. Proof of [Benjamin] Franklin's Works. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3179 208 BENJAMIN FKANKLIN PAPERS 1816 Nov. 6 [1816] [Dec. 18?] Dec. 20 Dec. 18 Dec. 18 1816 Dec. 20 [1816?] Dec. 20 1816 Dec. 21 1816 Dec. 23 1816 Dec. 24 [1816?J [1816?] [1816?] [1816?] Colburn, H[eniy]. London. To William Temple Frank- lin, Calais. Publication matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3171 F[ranklin,] W[illiam] T[emple]. [Knightsbridge.] To William Alexander [Lincoln Inn Fields]. Pre- senting volmiie of [Benjamin] Franklin's Private Correspondence. Franklin to Sir David Dundas, Richmond. Presenting volume of Franklin's correspondence. Franklin to James Monroe, Washington. Presenting vol- ume as above. Franklin to John Quincy Adams, Ealing [England]. Pre- senting volume as above. Auto, drafts initialed. 4 pp. 3243 Franklin to Sir David Dundas. See: Franklin to William Alexander, 1816, Dec. 18. Alexander, William. Lincoln Inn Fields. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin [London]. Acknowledging present of volume [of Benjamin Franklin's Cor- respondence]. A. L. S. 1 p. 3189 Maraise?, Fred[eric S.] de. Paris. To [Frances W.] Bo3'd [Paris]. Personal affairs. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3183 Dundas, [Sir] David. Richmond [England]. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin [London]. Acknowledging present of volume [of Benjamin Franklin's Cor- respondence]. A. L. S. 1 p. 3191 Adams, John Quincy. Ealing [England]. To W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin, London. Acknowledging present of volume of [Benjamin] Franklin's Pri- vate Correspondence. A. L. S. 1 p. 3185-7 Colburn, Henry. [London.] To William Temple Frank- lin, Chelsea. Terms of publication [of Benjamin Franklin's Works]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3181 [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum of Henr^- Colburn's propositions for pul)lishing [Benjamin] Franklin's Works. A. D. 2 pp. 3265 [Franklin, William Temple]. "The Knightsbridge Ga- zette." First number. Auto, draft. 4 pp. 3159 Colburn, H[enry]. [London.] To [William Temple Frank- lin, London]. Edition [of Benjamin Franklin's BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 209 Correspondence] exhausted; preparations for an 8° edition. A. L. S. 1 p. 3247 1817 Faulkner, T . Chelsea. To Williaui Temple Frank- Jax. 1 lin, Knigfhtsbridcre. Demanding commission on publication of [Benjamin] Franklin papers. Jan. 3 Franklin, W[illiamj T[emple]. To Faulkner. Refusinc,' to allow his claim. A. Ls. S. 2 pp. 3251 1817 Franklin, William Temple to T. Faulkner. See; Faulkner, Jan. 3 T , to Franklin, 1817, Jan. 1. 1817 [Maraise?, Frederic S. de.] Pans. To [William Temple Apr. 24 Franklin, KnightsbridgeJ. Personal matters. A. h. 4 pp. (In French.) (Last page or pages missing.) 3237 1817 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. [Paris.] To William June 28 Temple Franklin, Knightsbridge. Franklin's memoirs. L. S. (In French.) de Pougens, F. I. To Franklin. The memoirs and per- sonal matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. in all. 3233 1817 Maraise?, Frederic [S.] de. Paris. To William Temple Ji-ne30 Franklin, Knightsbridge. Respecting Henry Williams. A. L. S. 4 pp. (In French.) 3235 1817 Starbuck, Samuel. :Milford, South Wales. To William JcLY 14 Temple Franklin, Knights})ridge. Claiming re- lationship with Benjamin Franklin and asking for a portrait and manuscript. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3193 1817 Franklin, William Temple. Knightsbridge. To [Samuel July 18 Starbuck, Milford, South Wales]. Sending press- copy of letter of Benjamin Franklin, portrait print etc. Auto, draft. 2 pp. (Latter portion missing.) ^^^^ 1817 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To W[illiam] T[emple] July 21 Franklin, Knights))ridge. Acknowledging receipt of portrait and letter of Benjamin Franklin; seals, dies and medals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 3195 [1817] Dundas, Isabella. Richmond [England]. To [William July 28 Temple Franklin, London]. Personal matters. A. L. S. '2 pp. 3227 1817 Beale, B . London. To [William Temple Frank- ji-Lv so li", London]. Announcing his secret marriage. A. L. S. Ip. 3211 15885—05 14 1817 Aug. 6 1817 Aug. 15 1817 Aug. 20 210 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Colquhoun, P[atrick]. [London.] To William Temple Franklin, Knightsbridge. The Elk Forest lands. A. L. S. 1 p. 3213 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To William Temple Frank- lin, Knightsbridge. Suggesting publication of memoirs of Benjamin Franklin. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3197 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To William Temple Frank- lin, Knightsbridge. Acknowledging present of Franklin manuscripts; the paper on Quaker prin- ciples; refinement of whale oil. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3199 1817 Ilbery, J- — . [London.] To W[illiam] T[emple] Frank- AuG. 21 lin, Knightsbridge. Publication details. A.L. S. 1 p. 3173 1817 Dundas, Isabella. Richmond [England]. To William Aug. 24 Temple Franklin, Knightsbridge. Personal men- tions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3223 1817 Colburn, H[enry]. London. To W[i]liam T[emple] Frank- ^UG. \in^ Knightsbridge. Publishing details. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3165 1817 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. Paris. To William Tem- Sep. 8 pie Franklin, Knightsbridge. The French lan- guage, origin historj^ etc. L. S. 4 pp. In French, with auto. P. S. in English by F. I. de Pougens. 3241 Anonymous. Gloucester [England]. To [William Temple] Franklin [London], Edinburgh Review on publi- cation of [Benjamin] Franklin's Works. A. L. S. : "W. H. M.'" 3 pp. 3229 M[araise?, ] F[redoric] S. [de]. Paris. To [William Temple] Franklin, London. Personal atfairs. A. L. S. 4 pp. (In French.) 3215 M[araise?,] F[rederic] S. d[e]. Paris. To [William Temple] Franklin [London]. Personal matters. A. L. S. 4 pp. (In French.) 3219 Marcet, Alexander [John Gaspard]. [London.] To Wil- liam Allen [London]. [William Temple] Frank- lin's case. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3217 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. Paris. To William Temple Franklin, Knightsbridge. Publication of [Benjamin] Franklin's writings. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3229 1817 Sep. 25 1817 Sep. 29 1817 Oct. 24 1817 Nov . 8 1817 Nov . 21 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 211 1817 Dec. 25 [1817?] [1817?] [1817?] [1817?] [1817?] [1817?] [1817?] Dundas, 1818 Jan. 13 1818 Jan. 15 1818 Jan. 18 1^18 Jan. 19 Forestier, [Joseph ,Jean Miirie] de. Paris. To William Temple Franklin [London]. Private matters. A. L. S. : '"■de Forestier nee Mile, de Couhert." 1 p. (In French.) With note in English on verso signed by "Amie.'' 3221 [Franklin, William Tenipio. [Kninhtshridge.] To [Henry C'olburn, London]. Requesting an advance [on the publication of Benjamin Franklin's Works]. Auto, draft. I p. 3252 Colburn, Henrv. [London.] To W[illiam] Temple Frank- lin [London]. Finances of publication [of Ben- jamin Franklin's Works]. A. L. S. '2 pp. 3163 Colburn, Henry. [London.] To William Temple Frank- lin, Knightsbridge. Publishing details. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3167 Colburn, H[enry]. [London.] To [William Temple Frank- lin, Knightsbridge]. Publishing matters. A. L. S. I p. 3169 Colburn, H[enry ]. [London. ] To [William Temple Frank- lin, London]. Difficulty over terms of publica- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. 3245 [Maraise,] Frederic S. [de]. [Paris?] To [William Temple Franklin? London?]. Miscellaneous personal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French and incom- plete; Hrst page or pages missing.) 3231 Isabella. [London?] To [William] Temple Franklin. Personal affairs. A. L. S. 4 pj). 3225 Archer, James. [London.] Certiticate respecting marriage of Joseph Jean Marie Forestier and Fortune Marie Olive Bernard de Coubert. Copy in handwriting of W. T. Franklin. 1 p. ' 3257 Crapelet, Georges Adrien. Paris. To W[illiam] T|empleJ Franklin, London. Translation of work of B[en- jaminj Franklin into French. A. L. S. '2 pp. (In French.) 3261 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. Paris. To William Tem- ple Franklin, London. Plautus, the French lan- guage etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 3263 Starbuck, Samuel. Mijford. To William Temple Frank- lin, London. Ordering volumes of [Benjamin] Franklin's Correspondence. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3201 212 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS Alexander, William. "Finchley'^ [England]. To [Wil- liam Temple Franklin, London]. Acknowledging receipt [of volume of Benjamin Franklin's Corre- spondence]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3249 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To W[illiam]T[emple] Frank- lin, London. Ordering books. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3203 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To William T[emple] Frank- lin [London]. Ordering 2'' edition of Franklin's Memoirs. A. L. S. 1 p. 3205 [Forestier, Joseph Jean Marie de.] Memoranda respecting marriage of Joseph Jean Marie Foustier and Fortune Marie Olive Bernard de Coubert. 6 pp. (In French.) Enclosed in preceding. 3263-4 Forestier, [Joseph Jean Marie] de, Paris. To [William Temple Franklin ? London]. Personal matters. A. L. S.: "de Foustier nee Mile, de Coubert." 1 p. (In French.) 3255 M[araise?] F[rederic] S. [de]. Paris. To [William Tem- ple Franklin?, London]. Personal matters. A. L. S. (In French.) 3 pp. 3256 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. Paris. To William Temple Franklin, London. Personal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 3259 Starbuck, Samuel. Milford. To William Temple Frank- lin, London. Payment for books ordered. A. L. S. 1 p. 3207 Saint-Ursin, Marie de. Calais. To Benjamin [William Temple] Franklin, London. Publication of [Benjamin Franklin's] Works and minor matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 3264 Starbuck, Benjamin. [London.] To W[illiam] Temple Franklin, London. Minor matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 3258 de Pougens, Marie Charles etc. Paris. To William Tem- ple Franklin, London. Minor and personal mat- ters. A. L. S. (In French, with A. L. S. of F. I. de Pougens in English, added.) 3 pp. 3260 From p. 3266 to 3500 (the end of volume XIV) is but a col- lection of William Temple Fi-anklin's miscellaneous notes, memo- randa, instructions for the printer etc. respecting his publications of Franklin's works. Feb. 1 1818 Feb. 2 1818 Feb. 9 [1818] [Feb ;. 12] 1818 Feb. 12 1818 Feb. 16 1818 Feb. 18 1818 Feb. 26 1818 Feb. 28 1818 Apr. 11 1818 Apr. 30 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 213 [ ? ] Ad^oyon^ . To [Benjamin Franklin]. The malady of the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2764 [ ? ] Anonymous. Extract of letter from Pennsylvania de.scril)- Apr. 9-10 jj^g massacre of the Indian congregations on Muskingum. Headed: *' American News. From the New York papers.'" 8 pp. 2231 [ i ] Anonymous. [Paris.] To [the Continental Congress, Philadelphia]. Arrangement proposed for pay- ment of French troops in America. Draft. 2 pp. (In French.) Headed: "Projet de Lettre a Ecrire au Congres par Monsieur Franklin." 2669 [ • ] Anonymous. To [Benjamin Franklin]. Reassurances re- specting McMahon's prescription for the gout. 1 p. (In French.) 2784 [ ? ] Anonymous. To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Conclu- sionof a letter. In French. 1 p. 12 X 10.8 cm. 2423 [ ' ] Anonymous. To [Benjamin Franklin]. Submitting a po- litical piece designed for publication. 1 p. 2221 [ ? ] Anonymous. To. [Benjamin Franklin]. Key to cipher in French. Numbers 1 to 47 inclusive. 1 p. 2169 [ ^ J Anonymous. To Benjamin Franklin, Paris. "Extraitdes Elemens de I'histoire d'Angleterre par M. L'Abb6 Millot.^' In French. 1 p. 2402 [ ? ] Anonymous. Memorandum of Charles Thomson's endorse- ment on Benjamin Franklin's letter to the Presi- dent of Congress 1788, Nov. 29. Ip. 10.6X10.2 cm. T. J. I • J Anonymous. Memorandum of patent granted Count Bathyan [Ignatius, Count Batthyanyi] by the Emperor of Austria for invention of navigating vessels against rapid streams. 1 p. 2401 1 ? ] Annoymous. Memorandum. '* Une infusion Tijeunde I'^n-a m^si s'en introduit a Paris & a Londres ou entr'autres, iSIr. [EdwardJ Nairne '' 1 p. (I.i French.) 2775 [ ? ] Anonymous. Petition against granting offices in the Col- onies to non-residents. Evils of system. 2 pp. 2306 [ • ] Anonymous. "'Recette contre les coliques nephreti({U('s." 2 pp. (In French.) 2769 214 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [ ? ] Anonymous. Recipe for cure of the stone. 1 p. (In French.) 2765 [ ? ] Anonymous. " Reflexions Politiques calculees d'apres la nature et la raison pour la felicite publique." 12 pp. In French. English translation in par- allel columns. 2397 [ ? ] Anonymous. "Remede eontre le Calcul & la Gravelle." 1 p. (In French.) 2759 [ ? ] Anonymous. Title of statistical work. 1 p. 3155 [ ^ ] [D'Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca y Bolea, Conde.] [Paris.] Memorandum of questions asked [Ferdinand] [ ? ] Grand. 1 p. (In French.) 2657 [ ? ] [Barclay ?, John.] Memorandum respecting [Benjamin] Franklin's claim to salary as Minister to France. Contemporar}^ cop3\ 2 pp. T. J. [ ? ] Bezont, [Etienne?]. [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Recommending de Villemont [?] who wishes to serve in the Continental Army. A. L. S. in 3^ person. 1 p. (In French.) En- dorsed by Franklin: " M. Bezont's Recom- mendation of an Ofiicer.'" 2662 [ ? ] Chautrey [?], Due de. To [Benjamin] Franklin. Remedy for the gout. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2756 [ ? ] Clarke, John. To ? Payment of a claim. Letter press copy of copy. Last page onl^-. 1 p. 2412 [ ''^- ] Colburn, H[enr}-]. [London.] To [William Temple Frank- lin, Knightsbridge]. Consultation of pamphlets in London Institution. A. L. S. 1 p. 3175 [ ? ] Commerce. State of American Commerce and Plan for protecting it. The eastern, middle and south- ern States; European and West Indies trade; profit with convoy; gain to Government, to peo- ple and to France through tobacco shipments; advantage to England in present situation; naval force necessary and French aid; plan to be fol- lowed in by convoys: estimate of the tobacco trade; presentment of expense, protit etc. 13 pp. 2154-61 [ ? ] Continental Congress. Instructions [to Benjamin Frank- lin, PassyJ. Desire of the United States to enter into treaty of Amity and Commerce with BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 215 the Emperor of Germany [Frederick II]. Con- temporary copy. 1 p. (In French.) 2665 English trunsliition. 1 p. 2666 [ ? ] Davila, Enrico Caterino. Extract from "History of tlu' Civil Wars of France [1.5.59-1.598]. Copy. 3 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: "Pere DanieP' [Gabriel Daniel?]. 2409 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy.] To Batilliet. Ac- ceptance of bills of exchan((e; refers him to [Ferdinand] Grand. Contemporary cop}-. 1 p. (In French.) 2661 [ ? ] [Franklin?, Benjamin.] To ? Is in an embarrassing position; if remittance is in tobacco, the Farmers General will object; if in rice or other commodit}', Beaumarchais will seize it; funds sent by Con- gress should be received direct. Contemporary copv. 2 pp. (In French.) Endorsed by Frank- lin: "Ask Mr. Grand for a Copj' of the Memoir that was sent." 2670 [ ! ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Pass}-?] To ? Inflammal)le air and balloons. Auto, draft signed: "rne Abonnee." (In French.) 2658 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Ink impressions of various leaves. [Presumably experiments looking toward print- ing of Colonial or Continental paper money.] 41 pieces. 2785-2808 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Memorandum of papers promised. A. D. 1 p. On versoin aditl'erent hand is: "To write to Mr Bingham that I can not answer his Draughts." 2410 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] ^lemorandum respecting Sir Isaac Newton's calculations in the lengths of pendu- lums. A. D. 1. p. 10. 3 X 19.9 c. m. XV r ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To the Koyal Academy at Brussells. Satirical philosophical question propounded for consideration. Auto, draft. 5 pp. Enclosed in Franklin to Richard Price, 1783, Sep. 10. (q. v.) 2207 The above Royal Academy was a Action of Franklin's imagrination. [ ? ] Franklin, Benjamin, Deane?, Silas, and Lee, Arthur [Paris]. To Capt. Adams. Contiding to his care despatches for Congress. Auto, draft by Arthur Lee. 1 p. 2147 216 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [ ? ] Franklin, [Benjamin]. [Pass v.] To Madam Bertine. Granting of a passport and willingness to serve her at all times. Auto, draft with note: "To be translated." 1 p. 2150 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia.] To the Printer of the Evening Herald. [Mathew Carey, Philadel- phia.] The British press and the State press censure of each other. Auto, draft, signed: "A Pennsylvanian." 3 pp. 1853 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 9, 449. [ ? ] Franklin, Benjamin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. [Pass3^] To F. & A. Dubbeldemuts, Rotterdam. The seiz- ure of their ship by an American armed vessel. Auto, draft by Lee. 2 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: "Answer to Dutch Merchants." 2201 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [Dr. John Ingenhousz, Vienna]. Extract. Mesmer's practice and the somnambule craze. 1 p. 2259 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston. 1840. 10, 76. Note. [ ? ] F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. [Passy.] To Chevalier de Ke- ralio [Paris ?]. Congratulations on the safe return of a young French officer from America. Auto, draft signed. 1 p. 2273 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [William Melmoth, England]. Franklin's portrait and Mrs. Melmoth; [Donatien Le Ray] de Chaumont sent the only one left to the Empress of Russia. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2304 [ ? ] Franklin, [Benjamin.] [Passy.] To Mouret. Advises against emigrating to America. Auto, draft signed in third person. 1 p. 2305 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To the Pennsylvania Gazette [Philadelphia]. England's practice of sending felons to America. Auto, draft signed: "A. Z." 3 pp. Enclosing: Franklin. Petition to Parlia- ment, 1767-8. 2215 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 119. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy?] To Gov. John Rutledge, South Carolina. Recommending M. Savarit. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2331 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Passy?] To [Frederic] Prince de Salm[KyrV)ourg?, Paris?]. Declining an invita- tion to dinner. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2333 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To [JohaD.] Schweighauser [Nan- tes?]. (Fragment of letter.) 1 p. 21.2 X 5 cm. 2423 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 217 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [London?] To [Thomas Walpole, London]. The Ohio land grants; requests that his name be strit-ken from tlie list. Contem- porar}^ cop}-. 2 pp. With auto, additions and corrections, in pencil, b}' Franklin. 2307 [ ? ] F[ranklm,] B[enjamin, Silas Deane, and Arthur LeeJ. [Paris.] To [Jonathan] Williams [jr., Nantes]. Ordering Capt. [Lambert] W'ickes's prize deliv- ered to [William] Lee. Auto, draft b}- Frank- lin. 1 p. 2395 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To ? English restraint of emigration to America. Auto, draft of last page of a letter. 1 p. 2411 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] [Philadelphia?] To ? The martial appearance of the militia. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2305 [ i ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] To ? Remonstrance of col- onies to Parliament. Auto, draft. 1 p. [Ap- parentl}^ a marginal note for insertion in some letter.] 2422 [ ? ] F[ranklin,] B[enjamin]. To ? Postscript to a let- ter. Franklin's letter written in t\'pographical terms. Letter press copy of A. L. S. Last page only. 1 p. 2414 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] ''A Letter from a Gentlemen in Crusoe's Island to his Friend in Pennsylvania.'' The arrival of the governor. Auto, draft. 1 p. Commencement only of letter. [The evident intent was a burlesque of Gov. Penn's admin- istration and the Proprietary disputes.] 2165 [ ? ] Franklin, B[enjamin]. Requests of tJonathan Williams. Books, debts etc. Draft with auto, note by Franklin. 2 pp. 2395 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] "A Thought concerning the Sugar Lslands." Contemporary copy. 3 pp. En- dorsed by Franklin as above, 2360 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 138S, 10, 44. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Cipher instructions. 1 p. (In cipher.) Endorsed: ""Doctr. Franklin Cypher.'' C. C. 59, 1, 143. [ • ] [Franklin. Benjamin.] Extract from Sir Robert [Bruce] Cotton's speech [on action of King, Charles I] in shifting place of meeting of Parliament. A. D. 1 p. 9.3 X 20.8 c. m. XV 218 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [ ? ] F[raiiklin,] B[enjamin]. Hints for consideration respect- ing management of the Orphan School at Phila- delphia. Letter press copy of A. D. S. 1 p. 2308 Printed: Works (Sparks) Boston, 18 . 2, 169. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Key to cipher. In English. Num- bers 1 to 660 inclusive printed with their literal values written in by Franklin. Additional num- bers up to 671 inclusive added by F. in red ink. At top of sheet is written, by F. : " With this easy to decipher because the Numbers are in order hard to decipher because the Words are not plac'd alphabetically." 2 pp. 2171 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Key to cipher. Letters A to Z in print with their numerical values written in by Franklin and eighteen additional words. Also following note: '"With this it will be eas}' to cypher because the Words are plac'd alpha- betioall}' hard to decipher because the Numbers are not in order." 2 pp. [This is the same as the preceding cipher.] 2173 [ 'i ] Franklin and Lafayette. List of British cruelties. Auto. draft. 4 pp. Endorsed by Franklin: "Ideas for the Prints." 2152 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. Y. 1888. 10, 73. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] List of Colleges and Societies of which Dr. Franklin was a member. 1 p. 2359 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Memorandum of doctrines to be preached. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2421 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Memorandum respecting manner of making out the public accounts. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 2321 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Note of a week's diet and health. A. D. 1 p. Miscellaneous financial memoranda on verso. 2175 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Note on the libert}^ of the press. Auto, draft. 1 p. 2278 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Notes for comparison of the ancient Jews and anti-Federalists. A. D. in pencil. 1 p. Written on verso of the broadside of the Conti- nental Congress 1775, Dec. 6, refuting the charges made in the royal proclamation of Aug. 23, 1775. See: Franklin to The Editor of the Federal Ga- zette, 1788? 2275 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 219 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Observations on American debts. Bankniptc}' and tinamial honesty of England; Parliament and the King's pa3'ment of personal debts; public debt; complaint against Americans. Auto, draft. 3 pp. 2137 [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] On a late auspicious marriage. (Verse.) A. D. 1 p. 2302-3 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 188«. 10,137. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] On Maise or Indian corn. Letter- press copy of A. D. 3 pp. 2298-2300 Priiitefl: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1887. 4,4.57. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] On tariff protection of manufac- tures in Pennsylvania. Satirical letter signed: "Q." Auto, draft. 1 p. 2301 .-. Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,118. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] On the Intei;nal State of America. Condition of the people, trade, industry etc. Auto, draft. 8 pp. Signed: ''Be quiet and thankful." 2260-66 Contemporary copy. 11 pp. Headed: ''For the Pennsylvania Gazette.'' 2267-9 Printed: Works (Bigelow) X.Y. 1,H.S8. 9,34. [ ? ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Poem. Orpheus and the power of music in Hades. 2 stanzas of eight lines each. A. D. 1 p. 2396 [ • ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] "Proofs of the old British Inten- tion to enslave America.'"' Auto, draft. 1 p. Endorsed by Franklin as above. 2153 [ • ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. Auto, draft. 11pp. 2334-44 Printed; Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 9,25. [ • ] [Franklin, Benjamin.] The Retort Courteous. American payment of English debts. Auto, draft. 9 pp. (Last page a contemporary copy, not by Frank- lin.) 2322-30 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N.Y. 1888. 10,121. [ • ] [Franklin, William Temple.] To ? Payment of debt owing to Franklin. Auto, draft. 1 p. 3155 t • ] [Franklin, William Temple.] To ? Sale of land. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 'i 2 pp. 2419-20 [ • ] [Franklin? William Temple.] Copy for a Life of Benjamin F^ranklin. Printed clippings wath MS. additions, corrections etc. 12 pp. 3029-37 L •' J [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum of amounts loaned Madam F[rances] W. Boyd. A. D. 3051 220 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS [ ? ] [Franklin, William Temple.] Memorandum of natural history classification of eagle. 3127 [ i ] Franklin, William Temple. Note respecting letter of John Fothergill to John Chorley. A. D. 1 p. 360 Printed: W. T. F.'s edition II, 58. [ ? ] Guerin, . To [Benjamin Franklin]. Remedy for the stone. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 2757 [ ? ] Haton, . Londres. Extract of a letter to Bertir. Remedy for [Benjamin] Franklin's gout. 2 pp. (In French.) 2758 [ ? ] Huger, . To [Benjamin Franklin]. Suggesting remedies for the stone. A. L. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2755 [ ? ] Jackson, [Richard.] [London.] To Benjamin Franklin [London]. Mr. Huske to present Pennsylvania's petition to the House [of Commons]; has not seen [William] Dowdeswell. A. L. S. in third person. 1 p. 2270 [ ? ] Lafayette. [Paris.] To [Benjamin] Franklin [Passy]. Desire copy of memorial to French Court; Ver- gennes awaiting Luzerne's despatches. A. L. S. in third person. 1 p. 2273 [ ? ] McMahon, . To [Benjamin] Franklin. Medical pre- scription for the gout. Letter press copy of A. D. S. 1 p. (In French.) 2752 Medical Instructions, dated Aug. 24. A. D. S. : "McM." Ip. 2753 Also press cop}" of same. 2754 [ ? ] McMahon, . To [Benjamin Franklin.] Medical prescription for the gout. A. D. S. 1 p. 2761 Letter press copy of above with additional prescription of salts. "Pour son Excellence M. Franklin." 1 p. 2762 [ ? ] Manchester, [George Montagu,] Duke of. [London.] To To [Benjamin] Franklin [London]. Inviting him dinner. A. L. S. in 8d person. 1 p. 2400 [ ? ] RoUin, . [Paris.] To [Benjamin Franklin]. Rem- edy for the stone. A. D. S. in 3d person. 2 pp. (In French.) 2760 [ ? ] Schools, American, at Paris. Memorandum concerning. 1 p. (In French.) 2656 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PAPERS 221 [ 'i ] Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of. [London.] Notes of a speech [in the House of Lords]. Queries of the Government as to its demands on France, knowl- edge of French and Spanish armaments and Eng- lisli naval resource. A. D. ? 1 p. Endorsed by Franklin: "Queries &c (fee."' 2357 [ ? ] [Small?, Alexander.] On ventilation. Contemporary copy. 23 pp. 2367-78 A. D. 14 pp. (Incomplete.) 2362-65 2*? copy. (Incomplete.) 2 pp. 2366 Printed: Works (Bigelow) N. V. 1887, -1, 271. [ ? ] Vincent, . To [Benjamin Franklin]. Remedy for stone. A. L. 8. 2 pp. (In French.) 2763 [ '( ] Williams, Jonathan [jr.]. To [Benjamin] Franklin. Enclos- ing- a ''critique'" of [James] Bowdoin\s hypothesis of light. A. L. S. 1 p. For enclosure see: Wil- liams. A critical review. 2390 [ ? ] [Williams, Jonathan jr.] A critical review of observations upon an hypothesis for solving the phenomena of light. A. D. 16 pp. Enclosed in Williams to Franklin, (n. d.) 2391-94 INDEX [In this index the letters and documents are chronologically arranged under the alphabet group- ing, except in the case of Franklin, where a secondary alphabet of letters written to him is supplied. The calendar proper furnishes the chronological arrangement of papers written by him.] d*Aboville, Francois Marie, Comte. Col., commandant of Artillery, French Army. 1784, Feb. 9. To Carter. Accounts 1871 June 12. Franklin to Jean Durival. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 1785, Apr. 14. Carmichael, William, to Franklin. 1785 June 20. Franklin. Account with the United States. [ ? ] Franklin. Memorandum. Adam, John 1788, Feb. 24. To Mons. Derimple. Adams, John. Massachn.ietUi delegate to Continental Congress; Minister to negotiate peace with Great Britain; U. S. Commissioner to France; Minister to Holland; Commi.moner for negotiating peace witli Great Britain; Com- missioner to negotiate treaty of commerce with Great Britain; Mini.^ter to Great Britain. 1777?, Oct.?. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Stephen Say re. 1778 Apr. 22. Franklin, Adams and Lee to James Moylan. Also to John Ross and S. Bersolle. May 9. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin, Adams and Lee. 13. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 15. Same. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Thomas Simpson. 17. Franklin, Adams and Lee to John Paul Jones. Adams — Continued 1778 May 23. Same. 25. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Jonathan Williams, jr. 25. Lee, Franklin and Adams to John Paul Jones. 27. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 28. Same. June 3. Same. 3. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 5. Jones to Franklin, Lee, Adams and de Sartine. 6. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 11. Franklin, Lee and Adams to any captain bound to Amer- ica. June - Franklin, Adams and Lee to Lord North. July 4. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 11. H"rankHn, Adams and Lee to de Sartine. 14. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 15. Same. 18. Same. Aug. 2. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 10. Sartine to Franklin, Adams ami Lee. 10. Franklin and Adams to Jones. 15. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Paulze. 28. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 223 224 INDEX Adams — Continued 177S Aug. 30. Same. Sept. 6. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 9. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 16. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 21. Same. 24. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 25. Same. 27. Same. Oct. 1. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 2. Same. 8. Naples, Ambassador of, to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 12. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 16. Same. 17. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 19. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 26. Same. 30. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Nov. 5. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 6. Same. 12. Same. 14. Same. 16. Same. Dec. 1. Same. 9. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 18. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 22. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. [ ? ] Cassell, Jean Henry, and Fran(;ois Antoine Setell. Memorial. 1779 Feb. 10. Franklin and Adams to Jones. Oct. 16. Huntington, Siunuel, to Franklin. [ ? ] Lafayette to Franklin. 1780 June 18. Franklin. Questions. Adams — Continued 1780 Aug. 10. Franklin to Samuel Hunt- ington. Oct. 2. Franklin to. 1781 Jan. 11. Franklin, William Temple to. 27. Franklin to John Jay. Feb. 22. Franklin to. Apr. 12. Franklin to John Jay. 29. Franklin to. May 5. Franklin to John Jay. 19. Franklin to. June 4. Franklin to Vergennes. 5. Franklin to. 9. Franklin to William Jackson. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 11. Franklin to. 15. Continental Congress. Com- mission to Adams, Franklin, Laurens and Jefferson. 18. Huntington, Samuel, to Frank- lin. 19. Same. 30. Franklin to. July 27. Franklin, William Temple, to William Carmichael. Aug. 6. Franklin to. 12. Same. 16. Same. 20. Franklin to John Jay. 22. Franklin to Francis Coffyn. 31. Franklin to. Sept. 4. Franklin to John Jay. 4. Franklin to Jean de Neufville & Son. Oct. 4. To Franklin, 5. Franklin to. 16. McKean, Thomas, to Franklin. 22. Washington, George, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 22. Franklin to. 24. Franklin to Fizeaux & Grand. Nov. 7. Franklin to. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 22. Franklin, William Temple, to Jay and Adams. 23. Franklin to. 26. Same. Dec. 6. Same. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 21. Vergennes to Franklin. INDEX 225 Adams — Continued 1782 Jan. 1-8. Franklin. Diary. Apr. 20. Digges, Thomas, to Lord Shelburne. Sept. 25. Morris, Robert, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 28. Continental Congress. Form of Conmiission to Franklin. Nov. 5. Oswald, Richard, to Adams, Franklin and Jay. 5. Adams, Franklin and Jay to Oswald. Dec. 3. To Franklin. [ ? ] Jay, John, to Franklin. 1-783 Jan. 11. Morris, Robert, to Franklin. Feb. 2. To Franklin. 3. Same. Mar. 6. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 14. Dumas, Charles William Fred- erick, to Franklin. 17. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. June 16. Boudinot, Elias, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. July 13. Same. 27. Franklin to Robert Morris. Sept. 7. Franklin to David Hartley. 10. Adams, Franklin and Jay. Ex- tract of letter to Elias Boud- inot. Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. Nov. 1. Boudinot, Elias, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 1184 Jan. 14. ^lilHin, Thomas, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 15. Same. 15. Dumas, Charles William Fred- erick, to Franklin. 23. Same. Feb. 3. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 14. Carmichael, William, to Frank- lin. Mar. 20. Mifflin, Thomas, to Frank- lin and Adams. Apr. 15. Willink, Wilhelm & Jan; Nicholas & Jacob Van Stap- horst, and de la Lande Bros, to Franklin. May 12. Form of Franklin, Adams. 15885—05 15 commission to Jefferson and Adams — Continued 1784 May 20. Mifflin, Thomas, to Adama and Franklin. July 19. To Franklin. 1785 Mar. 7. Continental Congress. Re- solve. May 26. Franklin and Adams to Thulemeier. July 21. Franklin to Thomas Jeffer- son. 1786, May 11. Franklin to Richard Cas- well. Adams, John Quincy. V. S. Minister to Great Britain. 1816 Dec. 18. Franklin, William Temple, to. 24. To William Temple Franklin. Adams, Peter? U., U. S. Nanj. 1779, June 18. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. Adam.s, Samuel. Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives; Del- egate to Continental Congress. 1773, Dec. 21. Cushing, Thomas, Sam- uel Adams, John Hancock and William Phillips to Franklin. Adams, . ('apt., American mer- chant ship. [ ? ] Franklin, Deane? and Lee to. Adisck, William. Chairman, Phila'! Con^ttitutiininl Society. 1785, Sept. 17. Philadelphia Constitu- tional Society, Address to Franklin. d' Admiral, . Guadaloupe nter- chant. 1781, Apr. 19. Franklin to Vicomte de I^oudoire. Admiralty Board. See: Continental Congress. Adoubedent, Madam 1777, May 2. Franklin to. Adroyon? [ ? ] To Franklin. Advice. To l)e found in the Moon. 1786, June 3. Franklin to Jane Mecom. Respecting publication of a personal attack. 226 INDEX Advice — Continued 1786, Nov. 25. Franklin to ? Air. Properties of: 1756, July 3. Franklin. Physical and meteorological observations. Inflammable: [ ? ] Franklin to ? Albany plan of uniting the colonies. 1754, June 8. Franklin. Short hints towards a scheme for uniting the northern colonies. July 10. Franklin. The Albany plan. Alexander, James. Secretary of New York. 1754, June 8. Franklin to. 9. To Cadwallader Golden. Alexander, "William, of Virginia f 1781 Dec. 15. Franklin to. 15. Franklin to Georgiana Shipley. 1786 Mar. 26. Franklin to. Oct. 5. Same. 1789, Oct. 26. Franklin to. 1816 Feb. 1. To William Temple Franklin. Dec. 20. Same. Alexander, Miss 1782, June 24. Franklin to. Algerines 1786, Jan. 7. Franklin to John Jay. All, Isaac. Cajit., American merchantman. 1781, Jan. 20. Franklin to. Allairz, P . E)ujlish apothecary ? 1779, May 10. To Franklin. Allegiance, America's return to British. 1784, Apr. 18. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Allemand, Professor. 1774, Aug. 21. Franklin to. Allen, Ethan 1786, Oct. 10. Franklin to Charles Pettit. Allen, William. English scientist. 1817, Nov. 8. iMarcet, Alexander John Gaspard, to. Alleyne, John. Of London'i 1768, Aug. 9. Franklin to. "Alliance." 11. S. ship of war. 1780 June 7. Franklin to James Arthur Degge and other officers. 16. Franklin to officers and crew of the Alliance. " Alliance " — Continued Seizure of cargo of: 178S Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. 24. Vergennes to Franklin. Nov. 13. Chardon to Vergennes. Dec. 3. Vergennes to Franklin. 16. Barclay, Thomas, to Franklin. Supplies for: 1783, Dec. — . Franklin. Notes on Thomas Barclay's letter. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Alliance. With a European power: 1775, Dec. 9. Franklin to Charles Wil- liam Frederick Dumas. With foreign countries: 1783, Oct. 29. Continental Congress. Instructions to the U. S. ministers. Alphabet. New. 1768, Sept. 26. Franklin. Scheme for a new alphabet. Examples of writing. Stevenson, Mary, to Franklin, and Franklin to Mary Stevenson, all of same date. Almon, John. London bookseller. 1782, May 13. Pownall, Thomas, to Franklin. America, Norwegian discoveries. 1773, July 7. Franklin to Samuel Mather. [ ? ] Franklin. Proofs of British in tention to enslave A merica. [ ? ] Franklin. On internal state of America. American Colonies. Differences with Great Britain. 1774. Franklin to the Printer of the Public Advertiser. [ ? ] Franklin to the Printer of the Public Ledger. American debts, English complaints of. [ ? ] Franklin. Observations on American del)ts. American Philosophical Society 1785 Sept. 27. Address to Franklin. [ ? ] Franklin to. [ ? ] Franklin. List of persons rec- ommended for membership. 1786, July 21. Franklin, William Tem- ple. Certihcate of member- ship. INDEX 227 Americans in France 17S0, Mar. — . To Franklin. Amiel, Peter. H., U. S. Navy. 1778, Nov. 27. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. 1779, June 18. Same. Anderson, John. Scottish mitunil phi- losopher. 1755, Au>>. 18. Franklin to. Andre, John Lewis. Maj. ct- Adj. (ien., BritviJi Armij in America. 1780, Oct. 12. .\nonymous letter to Franklin. Andrews, . Ainerican merchant. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to de Tolozan. Andrews, , of Boston. i7S2, Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. Annuities. Cooperative association in Holland. 1773, June 17. Franklin to Francis Maseres. Anonymous 1756, Dec. 6. Observations on forbid- ding Pennsylvania inter- course with Indians. 1770 f, . Verses on Franklin's in- verting stove. 777.^, June 10. Extract of a letter from Philadelphia. 1778 f, Apr.? Letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in France. 1779, Sept. 18. Abstract of letter to John Ros.'j. 1780, Oct. 12. To Franklin. 1781, Sept. 9. " Extrait du Journal de Paris." 1782 .^ . To Franklin. 1783, Aug. 26. Same. 1784, Jan. 30. Same. [ ? ] To Congress. [ ? ] To Franklin. [ ? ] Memorandum. "Unein- fusion a jmrn de I'uva nrsi." [ ? ] Recette contre les coli- ques nephretique. [ ? ] Recipe for cure of the stone. [ ? ] Remede contre le calcul a la gravel le. [ ? ] Memo, of Chas. Thom- son's endorsement to Frank- lin's letter of Nov. 29, 1788. I Anonymous— Continued [ '.' ] Title of statistical work. [ ? ] To Franklin. [ ? ] Memo, of patent granted Count Hatthyanyi. [ ? ] "Rcdcxions Politiques." [ ? ] Petition against granting otHces in the colonies. [ ? ] Extract of letter from Pennsylvania describing Muskingum massacre. 1815, Dec. 2S. Memorandum respect- ing Mr. Robinson. ? 1817, Sept. 25. To William Tenq)le Franklin. Anti-Federalists Compared with an- cient Jews. 1788 ?, . Franklin to the VAhor of the Federal Gazette. Apsley, Henry Bathurst, Lord. Lonl Ilajh Chancellor, Great Brit- ain. 1778, Feb. 24. .\dam, John, to Mons. Derimple. d'Aranda, Pedro Pablo, Abarca y Bolea, Conde. Spanish Miiiister to France. 1777, Apr. 7. Franklin to, 1777 f To Ferdinand Grand. 1780, June 18. Franklin to John Jay. 1781 Jan. 27. Same. 27. Franklin to William Car- niichael. Apr. 12. Franklin to Jolm Jay. Aug. 20. Same. 1783, Apr. 14. Carmichael, William, to Franklin. 1784, Sept. 20. To Franklin. [ ? ] Memorandum of questions asked Ferdinand CJrand. Abarca y Bolea. See D'Aranda, Pedro Pablo, Abarca y Bolea, Conde. Arbothnot, Marriot. .Idmiral, Brili.'r- son. Aug. 8. Same. de Boug'ars, . Intendant, Sn)i Domingo. 1783, Sept. 7. Castries to Franklin. Boiindaxy, U. S. and Spain. 1783, Apr. 4. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Bouquet, Henry. Lt. Col., 60th rer/t., British Ariiu/. 1756, Dec. 15. To William Denny. 1763 f [ ? ]. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Franklin. Memo, of hos- pital, bedding and barrack supplies. Bourdieu, James. London merchant. 1782 f. Anonymous to Franklin. 1784 Mar. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. 29. Same. Apr. 7. Same. Bowdoin, James. Member, Boston Com- mittee of Correspondence; Gov- ernor of Massach it.^s. Instructions to V. S. Minis- ters. Carberry, Henry. Capt., 4th Continental Dragoons. 1783, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin. Adams and Jay. Carleton, Sir (iuy. Maj. (ien., British Army; IJ. Gen. and Com- mander in Chief in America. 1776, Jan. 25?. Franklin. Committee report. 1782 Sept. 12. To CJeorge Washington. Oct. 17. Continental Or- der. Nov. 8. Franklin to Vergennes. Carmarthen, Francis Ciodolphin, Mar- (juis of. British Secy, of State for Foreign Affairs. 1784, Mar. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 236 INDEX Carmichael, William. Secy., U.S. Minis- terto Spain; Charged' Affaires, Spain. 1778, Apr. 23. Franklin to Le Roy. 1779, Oct. 16. Huntington, Samuel, to Franklin. 1781 Jan. 27. Franklin to. 27. Franklin to John Jay. Apr. 12. Same. 12. Franklin to. 12. Franklin, AVilliam Temple, to. 13. Same. July 27. Same. Aug. 24. Franklin to. Oct. 14. Same. 16. McKean, Thomas, to Franklin. 16. Continental Congress to Frank- lin. 1783 Feb. 6. To Franklin. Mar. 15. Same. Apr. 14. Same. 24. Same. Oct 29. Instructions to U. S. Minis- ters. 1784 Jan. 15-Feb. 4. To Franklin. Feb. 14. Same. Mar. 28. Laurens, Henry,to Franklin. 1785, June 20. Franklin to Jean An- toine Houdon. 1786, Dec. 4. Franklin to. Carroll, Charles, "of Carrollton." U. S. Commissioner to Canada. 1776, May 10. Franklin, Chase and Car- roll to Philip John Schuyler. Carter, . 1784, Feb. 9. d'Aboville, , to. Carrion, Joseph. Lt. Col., Regiment de Pirera, Spanish Army. 1777 f. La Balne, Magon de, to Fer- dinand Grand. Cary, Mathew. Publisher, Columbian Magazine, Philadelphia; Phil- adelphia Evening Herald. [ ? ]. Franklin to. 1786, Aug. 10. Franklin to. Caslon, William. English type founder. 1787, Apr. 5. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. 1788 Mar. 31. Franklin to. C aslon — Contin ued 1788 Aug. 18. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Oct. 4. Franklin to. 22. Franklin to John Wright. Cassel, Jean Henry, of the French Royal Artillery. 1778. Cassel, Jean Henry, and Francois Antoine Setell. Memorial to Vergennes. Castiglione, , Count 1787, Oct. 14. Franklin to. Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de la Croix, Marquis de. French Minister of Marine. 1781 Jan. 28. Franklin to. Feb. 19. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. Mar. 8. Franklin to Gourlade&Moy- lan. Aug. 22. Franklin to. Nov. 10. To Franklin. Dec. 29. Franklin to. 1783 Sept. 7. Franklin to. Oct. 16. To Vergennes. 24. Vergennes to Franklin. 1784 Jan. 12. Same. June 20. Scheme for repartition of prize money. 20. To Franklin. 1785? Williams, Jonathan, jr., to. 1786, Sept. 27. Franklin to Dejean. Castrioto, Felix Antonio. Portuguese merchant? 1777 April 26. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Ponte de Lima. July 9. To Franklin. 16. Franklin to Deane and Lee. 1778, Mar. 10. To Franklin. Caswell, Richard. Govt. NorthCarolina. 1786, May 11. Franklin to. 1789?. Same. Catherine II, Empress of Russia. 1781 Jan. 1. Huntington, Samuel, to Franklin. Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. 20. Franklin to John Jay. INDEX 237 Catherine II — Continued [ ? ]. Franklin to William Mel- moth. Catholics in America. J7S.-S, Sept. 27. Cice, Jerome Marie Cha- pion de, to Franklin. Cavendish, Henry, and others. J77^, August 21. Report to the Royal Society on lightning conduct- ors. Cawdell & Thomas. Merchants. 17S1, Aug. 6. Franklin to F. R. Granger. de Cenis, . 1777 Apr. 2. Franklin to George Wash- ington. Apr. — . Franklin to. Aug. 17. Washington to Franklin. Ceronio, Stephen. Ag ent of Robert Morrisf 1777, Sept. 1. Franklin to Bordeaux merchants. Chace, . Capt., British ? Army. 1776, Jan. 25?. Franklin. Committee report. Chalut, , Abb6 17S7, Oct. 19. Franklin to. See Franklin to Abbes Chalut and Arnaud. Chambers, Benjamin, of Chambers- burgh, Penna. 1788, Sept. 20. Franklin to. Champion, Richard. English ceramist. 1784, May 6. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Char don, . F)-ench Procureur General du conseil des prises, Bordeaux. 1783 Nov. 13. To Vergennes. Dec. 3. Vergennes to Franklin. 17^4, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Charles III, King of Spain. 1781, Jan. 27. Franklin to John Jay. Charles, Robert 1760, Sept. 25. Hamilton, James. Amendments proposed to act appointing agents to receive money granted by Parliament. Also: Hamil- ton, James. Reply to an- swer of Penna Assembly respecting proposed amend- ments to act appointing agents, etc., 1760, Sept. 27. Charles, . 1785f. Franklin. List of persons rec- ommendetl for membership in the American Philo.«oph- ical Society. Charleston (South Carolina). Attack on: 1776, Nov. 25. Dunlap's Maryland Gazette. Chase, Samuel. Maryland Delegate, Conti- nental Congress; U. S. Com- missioner to Canada. 1776, May 10. Franklin, Chase and Carroll to Philip John Schuyler. Chastellux, Francois Jean, Chevalier de. Maj. Gen., French Army. 1780, Mar. 19. Franklin to George Washington. 1783 Jan. 2. Morris, Robert, to Franklin. May 27. Same. July 27. Franklin to Morris. Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de. Con- fidential agent Franco-Ameri- can negotiations. 1778 Apr 1. Gerard de Rayneval, Con- rad Alexandre, to Franklin. Oct. 6. Franklin, William Temple, to John Paul Jones. 22. Same. 1779 Mar. 17. Franklin to Vergennes. July 9. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin. Sept. 7. Franklin to Jones. Dec. 15. Jones to Franklin. 1780 Mar. 3. Same. 4. To Franklin. 28. Jones to Franklin. Apr. 4. Same. June 23. Same Aug. 7. Same. Sept. 23. Same. 1781 Jan. 11. Franklin, William Temple, to Ferdinand Grand. Feb. 14. Franklin to Buyck. 22. Franklin, William Temple, to Jonathan Williams, jr. Mar. 8. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. 238 INDEX Chauniont — Continued 1781 June 8. Franklin to George Clifford and Teysser. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. July 30. Franklin to John Bond- field. Oct. 20. Franklin to de Veimerange. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. 1786, Oct. 7. Franklin to. 1787, Oct. 22. Same. 1789, Nov. 14. Same. [ ? ]. Franklin to William Mel- moth. Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de, fils. 1787, Oct. 22. Franklin. Certificate. 1789, Oct. 31. Franklin to. Chaumont, Madam de. 1787, Oct. 7. Franklin to. Chauncey, Charles. Clergyman. 1772, Dec. 2. Franklin to Thomas Cash- ing. Chautrey, ? , Due de. [ ? ]. To Franklin. Cherokee Indians 1775 f. Georgia, Legislature, House of Assembly. Address to King. 1787 June 30. Franklin to the Cornstalk. 30. Franklin to an Indian Queen. Chester, , of Maryland. 1780 Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin. Nov. 11. Jones to William Temple Franklin. Chevallie, . 1784, Nov. 25. Jefferson, Thomas, to Franklin. Chewton, Geoige, Viscount. Lt. Col., 87th Foot and aid-de-camp to CdrnwalU^. 1782, June 10. Lafayette. Draft of discharge from parole. Childs, Francis. Neiv York printer. 1786 Feb. 5. Franklin to. 25. Franklin. Certificate respecting types. Mar. 26. Franklin to. Apr. 22. Same. June 4. Same. Childs — Continued 1786 July 27. Franklin to ?. 27. Franklin to. Sept. 25. Same. Oct. 15. Same. 1787, Jan. 15. Same. 1788, Nov. 19. Same. 1789, Apr. 27. Same. Chimneys, Smoky: 1786, Mar. 12. Franklin to Thomas Rustun. Chorley, John 1777, June. Fothergill, John, to. Chotck, , Count. Austrian noble- man. 1785, Apr. 29. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. Church, William Singleton. 1780, Oct. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. Cice, Jerome Marie Champion de. Arch- bishop of Bordeaux. 1783, Sept. 27. To Franklin. 1786, Nov. 19. Franklin to. Cipher, Key to: [ ? ] Anonymous to Benjamim Franklin. [ ? ] Franklin. Key to cipher. [ ? ] Franklin. Cipher instruc- tions. Claim against Franklin: 1786f Fink, Jacques. Claim. Clark, Richard, & Sons. Boston mer- cJiants. 1773 Dec. 10. Cushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. 21. Cushing, Thomas, Samuel Ad- ams, John Hancock and Wil- liam Phillips to Franklin. Clarke, John. [ ? ] To ? Clibborn, Lewis & Co. Antwerp mer- chants. 1816, Feb. 5. To William Temple Frank- lin. Clifford & Teysser. Amsterdam mer- chants 1781, June 8. Franklin to. Clifford, Thomas. Bristol merchant ? 1787, Dec. (>. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. INDEX 239 Clinton, Sir Ilenrj. .)faj. d'en. Britixh Army; Lt. Gen. tt Cnmmdr. in chief in America. See: Dunlap's Maryland Gazett*', 177H, Nov. 25. 1780, Oct. 12. Anonymous. To Frank- lin. Clock, Chimney: 17So, Apr. 29. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. Clothing'. Purchases in Holland: /r.s7, June .S. Franklin to Ver^ennes. Clouet, . French Commiasary-Gen- eral, Dept. of IJ Orient. 1783, Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. Clymer, George. Pennsylvania Delegate to Constitutional Convention. 1796, Dec. 31. Franklin to Edmund Randolph. Cocke, William. Briy. Gen., Tennessee iidlitia. 17S<;, Aug. 12. Franklin to. Cofl^, Hezekiah. Capt., brig '^ Bearer," tea .sJiip. 1778, Dec. 10. Cu.shing, Thomas, to Franklin. Coflfyn, Francis. Dunkirk merchant. 1781 Jan. 13. Franklin to. Mar. 2.3. Same. Aug. 12. Same. 22. Same. Oct. 2. Franklin to John Ingenhousz. Coinage, Copper, in United States: 1779, Oct. 2. Franklin to Edward Brid- gen. Colas, (Mrs.). Caiisin of Franklin. 1788, Apr. 12. Franklin to. Colburn, Henry. Loudon publisher. 1810 Mar. 11. To William Temple Frank- lin. Nov. 6. Same. 1816? Same. 1816f Franklin, William Temple. Memorandum. 1817, Aug. To William Temple Frank- lin. 1817 f Same. 1817? Franklin, William Temple, to. [ ? ]. To William Temple Franklin. Colden, Cadwallader. ^fember of Council, Xe^c York; Surveyor-General. 1743, Nov. 4. Franklin to. Colden — Continued 1744, Apr. 5. Same. 1747? Same. 1750, June 28. Same. 17r>4 June 9. Alexander, James, to. 20. To Franklin, with remarks on the Alhany plan. Colds, cau.'ies, etc., of: 1777, Aug. 10. Small, William, to Franklin. Colic, nej)liritic: [ ? ]. Anonymous. "Recette." Colleges from which Franklin received honors: [ ? ]. Franklin. List of colleges and societies. Colleton, James Nas-sau. Englishman. 178^, Nov. 8. Hartley, David, to Franklin. Collin, Nicholas, of Philadelphia. 1790, Oct. 30. To William Temple Franklin. Collins, Isaac. Capt., Boston merchant ship. 1781 Aug. 28. Franklin to George Little and others. Sept. 2. Franklin to St. John. 21. Franklin to John Hancock. Collinson, Michael, of London. 17, Nov. 21. Franklin to John Jay. ! Contee, B . Hdfionne merchant f I i:s,'>, July IS. To Franklin. , Continental Army. Mutiny of the \ Pennsylvania line. 17SS, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. Continental Congress 177'f. Oct. 2t). Petition to the King. 1775 July 21. Franklin. Free trade reso- lution. Dec. 6. Refutation of charges against colonies. 1776 Jan. 8. Pellisaieu to. 25?. Franklin. Committee re- port. Sept. 2-6. Minute.s of proceedings on Lord Howe's proposals. 13-17. Minutes containing report of committee on Lord Howe's proposals. 15. Deane, Silas, to secret commit- tee. Oct. 16. To Franklin. 1777 Jan. 1. Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. 12. Franklin and Deane. Extracts of correspondence, 1777, Jan. 14-Dec. 18. 12. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Committee of Foreign Af- fairs. May 9. Marine Committee to Frank- lin, Deane and Lee. Oct. 6. Lee, Arthur, to. 7. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Committee of Foreign .\f- fai rs. 7. Franklin and Deane. Extracts of correspondence, 1777, Jan. 14-Dec. 18. Dec. 18. Same. Continental Congress — Continued 1778 Apr. 2. Lee, Arthur, to secret com- mittee. Oct. 26. To Franklin. 27. Marine Committee to Franklin. 1779 May 26. Franklin to Committee of Foreign .\ffairs. June 3. Franklin to. July ? Marine Committee to Frank- lin. Sept. 17. Marine Committee. Ex- tract of letter to Franklin. Oct. 5. Resolve. Dec. 16 ?. To Franklin. 17 SO Feb. 17. Franklin. Li.^t of medals granted by Congress. Mar. 15. Richards, P . Me- morial. May 19. Resolve. Nov. 22. To King Louis XVI. 28. To Franklin. Dec. 18. Same. 1781 Mar. 17. Franklin to Francis Lewis and the .\dmiralty Board. June 15. Connnission to .\dams, Franklin, Laurens and Jef- ^ ferson. 1782 July 16. Contract with France. Sept. 28. Form of commission to Franklin. Oct. 17. Order. 17 S3 Jan. 22. Ratification of contract of 1782, July 16, with France. May 16. Resolve. Sept. 23. Ziimer, Jean, memorial to. Oct. 29. Instructions to United States ministers. Nov. 20. Dumas, Charles William Frederick, to Franklin. 1784, May 12. Form of commission to Franklin, Jefferson and .\dams. 1784 f, May?. Form of commission to Adams, Franklin and Jef- ferson. 15885—05- -16 242 INDEX Continental Congress — Continued 1785, Mar. 17. Resolve. 1787, Apr. 19. Franklin to Pennsyl- vania delegates. 1788, Jan. 31. Franklin to Treasury Commissioners. [ ? ]. Instructions to Franklin. [ ? ]. Anonymous to. Continental Congress to Franklin. See also: Boudinot, Elias; Hancock, John; Hunting- ton, Samuel; Lee, Richard Henry; Mifflin, Thomas; McKean, Thomas. Contract system in the United States. 1782, Feb. 9. Morris, Robert, to the governors of the various States. Conway, Henry Seymour. Gen. ami Coinmander in Chief, British Army. 1782, Oct. 1. Franklin, Benjamin. Dis- charge from parole of Ed- ward Fage. Conyngham, Gustavus. Capt., American privateer. 1777, Franklin and Deane to Ferdinand Grand. 1777 f Lee, Arthur, to Leogane & Co. 1777 f Franklin, Deane and Lee to. 1778, Jan. 16. Lee, Arthur, to. 1779, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. 1781 Mar. 23. Franklin to Francis Coffyn. July 26. Franklin, William Temple, to Jonathan Williams, jr. 1782, Aug. 7. Franklin. Certificate of commission. Cook, James. English navigator. 1779, Mar. 6. Franklin to all captains of United States armed ves- sels. 1789, Franklin to an American pub- lisher. Coombe, Thomas, of Pennsylvania. 1782, Dec. 24. Franklin to Francis Hop- kinson. Cooper, Sir (irey. One of the Secretaries of llie Treasury; Member of Parliament. 1777, Dec. 11. Franklin to. 1781, Nov. 22. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Cooper, Samuel. Boston clergyman. 1772, Dec. 2. Franklin to Thomas Gushing. 1773 June 14. To Franklin. 14. Gushing, Thomas, to Franklin. July 25. Franklin to. Nov. 10. Gushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. 1777, May 1. Franklin to. 777.? .«', Apr.?. To Franklin? See: Anon- ymous. Letter from a gen- tleman in America to his friend in France. 1779 Apr. 22. Franklin to. Oct. 27. Same. 1780, Sept. 8. • Extract of letter to Frank- lin. 1781, May 25. Frankhn to. 1783, Dec. 26. Same. Cornstalk, Cherokee chief. 1787, June 30. Franklin to. Cornwall, Charles Wolfran. Speaker, House of Commons, Great Britain. 1780, Oct. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. Cornwallis, Charles, Earl. Lt. Gen., British Army in America. 1780 Oct. 12. Anonymous letter to Frank- lin. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Frank- lin. 1781 May 19. Franklin to John Adams. Aug. 12. Same. Oct. 5. Same. 20. Washington, George. Extract of general orders. 22. Washington, George, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jav. 1782 June 10. Lafayette. Draft of dis- charge of aides of Cornwal- lis from parole. 11. Lafayette to Franklin. Corny, Louis Dominique, Ethis de. Com- missaire de Guerres, France. 1781, Sept. 22. Franklin to Gerard de Rayneval. Corsange & Co. Paris ba7i/:ers / 1798, Nov. 5. ToWilliam Temple Frank- lin. INDEX 243 Cottin, J , et file. Bordeaux f mer- chants. 1785 f. Williams, Jonathan, jr., to Cas- tries. Coubert, Fortune' Marie Olive Bernard (le. ny-2, June 13. Forestier, J<>sei)h Jean Mariede. Certifieateof mar- riage. isn, Dec. 25. Forestier, Joseph Jean Marie de, to William Temple Franklin. 1818 Feb. 12. Same. 12. Forestier, Joseph, etc. Memo- randa respecting marriage. 1818, Jan. V.\. Archer, James. Certiti- cate. Councils. Wisdom of: 1784, July 26. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Couriers. Payment of European: 1785, May 16. Continental Congress. Resolve. Court de Gebelin, Antoine. French an- (i'junriait. 1781, May 7. Franklin to. Cowdry, William. British ayent for pris- oner i^ of war. 1782, Apr. 18. Prisoners, exchange of. Cowes (England). Description of : i7~^6-, July22-Oct, 11. Franklin. Jour- nal of voyage. Cowley, William. 3/c(/., 22d Regiment, BritLfh Army. 1781, Nov. li». Frankhn to William Hodgson. Cox, John, jr. Philadelphia merchant. 1769, June 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. Crapelet, Georges Adrien. 1818,Ssin. 15. To William Temple Frank- lin. Crawford, Adair. Physician. 1780 Apr. 28. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. May 12. Same. Crawfurd, Robert 1798, Apr. 27. To William Temple Franklin. Credit 1777. Franklin. Comparison of credit of lireat Britain an6, Dec. 15. Bomiuet, Henry, to. Denward, — . Clergipnan of Deal, England. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. INDEX 247 Derimple, [Sir John Dalryiu- I.k- •.'] 177S, Feb. L'4. Adam, John, to. Des Touches, Charles Ren6 Dominique Sochet, Chevalier?. Citjd., Frencli Narii; Connnandnnt, Sou DoiniiKji) ! 1781, May 19. Franklin to John Adams. 1785 f. Williams, Jonathan, jr., to Castries. Dialogue between Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Saxony and Amer- ica. 1777 /. Franklin. Dialogue. "Dickenson." Continental Congress merchant scliooner. 1777, Feb. 7. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Lord George Sackville (jJerniain. Dickinson, John. 178S, Mar. 23. Franklin to. Didot, Francois Ambroise. French printer and type founder. 1786 Aug. 15. Franklin to Ferndinand Grand. Oct. 8. Same. Diet [ ? ]. Franklin. Note of a week's diet and health. Digges, Thomas. British spy. 1781 Jan. 12. Franklin to Bowens. 20. Franklin to L. de Neufville. 30. Franklin to John Hodgson. Feb. 23. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Apr. 25. Franklin to John Hodg- son. July 8. Franklin to William Hodg- son. 17. Same. Aug. 6. Franklin to Moses Brown. 6. Franklin to Jean de Neufville & son. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Oct. 31. Franklin to William Hodg- son. 1782, Apr. 20. Memorandum to Lord Shelburne. Diplomatic relations with Europe 178S, Sept. 13. Franklin to Elias Bou- dinot. Diplomats. Present.^ to /7.W, .\pr. 27. Franklin, William Tem- jile, to Thomas Jefferson. Disarmament of the Colonies. 1775, Feb. 5. BoUan, William, Benja- min Franklin and Arthur Lee to the speakers of the various colonial assemblies. Dohrman, . Lisbon merchant. 1781, Aug. 24. Franklin to Mons. Brochiel. Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, Duke of. liritish Ambassador to France. 1784, Aug. 5. To Franklin. 1785, July 21. Franklin to Thoma.-) Jefferson. Dorset, Chevalier. 1777, Mar. 29. Franklin to Washington. Douglas, Archibald. .Mate, Capt. liur- nell's Maryland pilot boat. 1777, June 23. Franklin to. Dowdeswell, William. Member of Par- liament, (Ireat Britain. [ ? ]. Jackson, Richard, to Franklin. Drafts. Payment of 1781 June 8. Franklin to Vergennes. 30. Franklin to John Jay. Aug. 20. Same. 31. Franklin to John Adams. Sept. 4. Franklin to John Juy. 29. Same. Oct. 5. Fi-anklin to John Adama. 22. Same. 24. Franklin to Debrissae. Nov. 7. Franklin to .Vdams. 8. Franklin to Jtilin Laurens. Dec. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 27. Same. 31. Vergennes to Franklin. 178?, Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. 1784 Feb. 14. Carmichael, William, to Franklin. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Mar. 28. Same. Apr. 15. Willink, Wilhelm it Jan; Nichola.>< »& Jacob van Stap- horst and Coniniittee of Privy Council. Du Plessis, Joseph Siffruin. French painter. 1785 July 21. Franklin to Thomas Jeffer- son. Oct. o. Jefferson to Franklin. Dupont, . Calais.'' merchant. 1788, Oct. 24. Franklin to. 1800, July 19. Vochez, J , to. Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel. Froidi author. 1789, Oct. 18. Franklin to. Durival, Jean. Diplomat; Director of Finance of Foreign Affairs of FVance. 1781, June 12. Franklin to. 1786 Aug. 30. To Ferdinand Grand. Sept. 5. Same. 10. Same. Dec. 31. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Dutch loan 178S,i\\\y 27. F>anklin to Robert Mor- ris. Dybwad, Erasmus. Christiania, Xur- tvay, merchant. 1783, Nov. 24. de Blome to Franklin. Earle, John. Capt., American merchant vessel. 1787, Oct. 7. Franklin to. Eastern Boundary. Dispute with (ireat Britain. 1790, Mar. 31. Jefferson, Thomas, to P'raiiklin. East India Company. Trade with America. 178-2, Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. East Indies trade 178.3, Nov. 19. Hartley, David, to Charles James Fox. Ecclesiastical tithes in tlie I'nited States. 1787 f, May ?. Franklin to ? Edes, (Mrs.) C . 1781, Dec. 13. Franklin to. Edwards, Bryan. West Indies merchant. 1784, May 6. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. Elam, . 1788, May 12. Franklin to ? Electricity i7J0, June 28. Franklin to Cadwalla- der Golden. 177S. Franklin to John Ingenhousz. 1777, Aug. ? Same. 7777 f Same. 1780, May 3. Ingenhousz to Franklin. 1782, Feb. 14. Marat, Jean Paul, to Franklin. 178.J, June 14. Franklin to ? Elsivier, . Amsterdam merchant. 1781,ivLi\e2\. Franklin to "J. Rocquette I'l Elsivier & Freres Ro- quettes. ' ' Elstirier ?, A. & Co. Amsterdam vur- chants. See: Elsivier, . Emigration to America. 1774 f Franklin to the printer of the Public Advertiser. England. Attack on coast: 1779, Mar. 22. Franklin to Mar.juis de Lafayette. Elective franchises of burroughs: 1785, June 17. Wyvill, Christopher, to Franklin. English school of the Philadelphia Academy. 1789, June. Franklin. 01)servation8 relative to the original inten- tions of the founders of the Philadelphia Academy. English honesty [ ? ]. Franklin. Observations on American debts. Epitaph 1728. Franklin. Epitaph. Erskine, Daviil Steuart, Earl of Ruchan. See: Buchan. D'Estaing, Charles Henri Thcodat, Comte. Vice Aith U. S. 1782 f, To Franklin. 1783 Jan. 26. Same. June 12. Same. Fitzpatrick, William 1780, Oct. 31. To Franklin. Fitzsimons, Thomas. Pennsylrania Del- egate to Constitutional Conven- tion. 1786, Dec. 31. Franklin to Edmund Randolpli. Fizeatix, Grand & Co. Amsterdam banker.^. 1781 May 19. Franklin to John Adams. June 28. Franklin to. 30. Same. July 5. Same. 11. Same. Fizeaiix, Grand & Co. — Continued. 1781 July 11. .latkson, William. Order. Oct. 22. Franklin to John Adams. 24. Franklin to. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 26. Same. 1782, Jan. 1-3. Diary. Flagg, Josiaii. Nephew of Franklin. 1786 Feb. 9. Franklin to. 12. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. :\Iar. 26. Franklin to William Alex- ander. May 2. Franklin to Jane Mecom. June 3. Same. Flainville, , (Miss) 1788, Oct. 23. Franklin to. Fleshing, Joseph 1788, June 3. Franklin to James Pem- berton. Fletcher. American sea captain f 1781, Feb. 25. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to Henry Bromfield, jr. Fleury, Francois Louis Teisseidre, Mar- quis de. I A. Col., Continen- tal A rmi/. 1778, Nov. 12. Sartine to Franklin, Adams aixl Lee. 1779f, Lafayette to Franklin. 1780, Feb. 17. Franklin. List of medals granteil by Congress. 1789, Sept. 16. Franklin to James Logan. Fleury, Joly de. Sec: Joly de Fleury. Flores, Joseph Miguel de. Prest., Span- i,<, July iM. Franklin. Free trade resolution. Frederick II (tlu- Great). Emperor of (ierinani/. 1781 Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. 20. Franklin t(j John Jav. 262 INDEX French army in America. Artillery and military supplies at Bal- timore. 1783 Mar. 3. Segur to Vergennes. 22. Vergennes to Franklin. Mar.?. Statement. Apr. 30. Vergennes to Franklin. [ ? ]. Anonymous to Continental Congress. French, Christopher. Major, British Army. 1775, Aug. 17. Franklin to George Washington. Frey, Baron de. Capt., Pulaski's Le- fjion. 1781, Dec. 5. Morris, Robert, to Frank- lin. Frey, . Capt. , American merchant- man. 1782, June 25. Franklin to Robert Morris. Friends. Attitude toward Pennsylvania government: 1740. Penn, Thomas, to Thomas Jack- son. Participation in government: 1755, May 5. Friends in Phila. to Friends in London. Principles of: 1817, Aug. 20. Starbuck, Samuel, to William Temple Franklin. Funkhausen ?, . 1188, May 24. Franklin to. Gabriel Antonio de Bourbon. Prince of Spain. 1775, Dec. 12. FrankUn to. Gage, Thomas. Major- General and Com- mander in chief, British Army in America. 1766, Aug. 28. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to Franklin. 1775, Feb. 5. Bollan, WilHam, Ben- jamin FrankUn and Arthur Lee to the speakers of the various colonial assembUes. Galatheau & Co. French merchants. 1780, Mar. 26. Franklin to John Han- cock. Gallaudet, Peter Wilhani 1788, Apr. 23. FrankUn to Ferdinand Grand. Galloway, Joseph. Member, Pennsyl- vania Committee of Corre- spondence; Speaker of the Assembly; Loyalist. 1766 May 8. Pennsylvania. Committee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. June 6. Same. 1769, Apr. 18. Pennsylvania, Legisla- ture, Assembly Committee to Jackson and Franklin. 1771 Apr. 5. To Franklin. Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania. Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. 1772 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania. Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. 1779, May 5. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. 1781 May 13. Franklin, William Temple, to. July 26. Temple, John, to Franklin. Galvez, Bernardo, Conde. Governor of Louisiana. 1781, Jan. 27. Franklin to WilUamCar- michael. Gant, . Episcopal postulant. 1784, July 18. Franklin to Messrs. Weems & Gant. Garbet, Samuel. English author. 1788, Aug. 8. Franklin to. Gardoqui, Joseph, Son & Co. U. S. Commercial Agent, Bilboa, Spain. 1778 Jan. 16. Franklin, Deane and Lee to John Paul Jones. 16. Lee, Arthur to Gustavus Co- nyngham. Gardoqui, Diego. Spanish diplomat; charge d'affaires to United States; Spanish minister to U. S. 1783 Feb. 6. Carmichael, William, to FrankUn. INDEX 2(33 Gardoqui — Continued 1783 Apr. 14. Same. 1786, May 15. Franklin to John Jay. 1787, June 11. Franklin to. 1788, Oct. 26. .Same. Garrig-ues, , of PhUadeljtliia. ns'J, ;Mar. 2. Franklin to. Garvey, . ILim' hanker f 17S9, Sept. 5. Franklin to Grand & Co. Gastillier, . Doctor of physic of Montargis. 1785 f Franklin. List of person.s rec- ommended for membership in the American Philosoph- ical Society. Gates, Horatio. Maj. Gen., Continental Army. 1780, Oct. 12. Anonymous, letter to Franklin. Gaudin, , 3Ir.-j. 1786, Jan. 25. Franklin to. Gautier, Marc Francois. French can- nonier. 1778, Aug. 22. Yergennes to Frank- lin. Gavarra, Abb6 17S4, Feb. 14. Carmichael, AVilliam, to Franklin. Gayeres, Billion de. A commissary for French troops destined for America. 1780, M&r. 10. Franklin to Robert Mor- ris. Genet, Duporcet de. Paris merchant f 1795, Dec. 14. To William Temple Franklin. "General Mifliin." Americanprivateer, Caj>t. Hector McNeil. 1778, Sept. 16. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. George III, Ki7ig of England. 1764. Pennsylvania, Legislature. Pe- tition of Assembly to. 1766, June 6. Pennsylvania. Commit- tee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. 1771, Apr. 5. Galloway, Joseph, to Franklin. 1773 June. Massachusetts, Legislature, House of Representatives. Petition to. George III — Continued 1774 Mar. 14. Young, William, and others to Franklin. Oct. 2t). Continental Congress. Pe- tition to. Dec. 24. Franklin to speakers of colonial assemblies. /775, Feb. 18. New Jersey, Legislature, As.sembly. Petition to. 1775 f, Georgia, Legislature, House of Assembly. Addres.« to. 1783, Mar. 17. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 1784, May 6. Same. Georgia. Legislature: 1774, Feb. 24-28. Assembly resolves. 177 5 f House of Assembly. Address to the King. Supplies for: 1778, Feb. 7. Plaigne, Emmanuel de, to Franklin. Gerard de Bayneval, Conrad .Vlexan- dre. French m in ister to C S. ; Secretary to Comte Yergennes. 1778 Apr. 1. To Franklin. Apr.?. Anonymus. Letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in France. July 6. Franklin. Memorandum re- spei'ting trade. .31. To Franklin. 177.9, June 2. Franklin to Robert Morris. 1781 Feb. 19. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams. Mar. 11. Franklin to. Aug. 5. Same. Sept. 9. Sanu". 13. Franklin to James Ix)vell. 22. Franklin to. Dec. 10. Same. 1783, May 7. Same. Giraud, . French refugee. 1775, May 17. Dumas, Charles William Frederick, to Franklin. Gerbier, Humbert. French doctor of pJiy/ic. 1785f Franklin. List of persons rec- ommended for membership in the American Philosoph- ical Society. 264 INDEX Germain, Lord George. Secy, of State for the Colonies. 1777 Feb. 7. Franklin, Deane and Lee to. Feb. -. Same. 1780, Oct. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. German troops. Embarkation for Amer- ica. 1782, June 25. Franklin to Robert Mor- ris. Germans in America. 1781, Oct. 2. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. Germany. Treaty with U. S. 1783, Oct. 29. Continental Congress. Instructions to the ministers of the U. S. [ ? ]. Continental Congress. Instruc- tions to Franklin. Gibbons, . English physician. 1787, Aug. 6. Jefferson, Thomas, to Franklin. Giddings, . Capt. , Newhury, ^fass. , hrigantine "Fair Play. ' ' 1779, May 26. Sartine to Franklin. Gillon, Alexander. Commodore South Carolina naval forces. 1780 Aug. 7. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin. June 13. Jones to Franklin. 1781 June 5. Franklin to John Adams. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 17. Vergennes to Franklin. 28. Franklin to. July 6. Franklin to Vergennes. Sept. 4. Franklin to Jean de Neuf- ville & Son. Oct. 16. Franklin to John Jay. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 23. Franklin to John Adams. 26. Franklin to Jean de Neufville & Son. 11182, June 25. Franklin to Robert Mor- ris. 1787, Feb. 9. Franklin to ? Goddard, William. Publisher "Pennsyl- vania Chronicle. ' ' i767-6:5»,Feb.l6-June9. Franklin. List of papers in Goddard' s Penn- sylvania Chronicle written by. Gore, William. Capt. , 33d Regiment, Brit- ish Army. 1782, Mar. 6. Lafayette to Comte de Jarnac. Gorham, Nathaniel. Prest. Continental Congress; 3fassachusettB Dele- gate. 1786, July 18. Franklin to. 1787, Nov. 14, Same. Gourlade & Moylan, Merchants and U. S. Commercial Agents, L' Ori- ent, France. 1778 Jan. 16. Franklin, Deane and Lee to John Paul Jones. 17. Lee, Arthur, to Jones. 1780 July 10. To Franklin. Aug. 7. Jones to Franklin. 1781 Jan. 20. Franklin to. Feb. 14. Same. Mar. 8. Same. 8. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. Apr. 23. Franklin to. May 21. Franklin to. 24. Franklin to Pothonnier & Co. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Gourlade, . Ij Orient merchant. 1780 Mar. 3. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin. Dec. 4. Same. 8. Same. Gout 17 SO, Oci.22. Franklin. Dialogue with. Remedies for: [ ? ]. Chautrey?, Due de, to Franklin. [ ? ]. Haton to Bertir. [ ? ]. McMahon to Franklin. Gouverneur, Isaac, jr. St. Eustatius mer- chant. 1781 Aug. 8. Franklin to William Hodg- son. Sept. 13. Franklin to James Lovell. Nov. 5. Same. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. 22. Franklin to Isaac Gouverneur and Samuel Curson. Grace, Robert. Estate of 17SU, Feb. 16. Franklin to Wm. ilail. INDEX 265 de Granchan, , of San Domingo f 1785 f. Williams, Jonathan, jr., to Castries. Grand, Ferdinand. Paris banker. 1777. Franklin and Deane to. 1777. D'Aranda to. 1777. To Franklin. 1777 f La Balni', Magon de, to. 1778 Feb. 6. Franklin, Deane and Lee to. Apr. 6. Franklin to. 1779, Mar. 17. Franklin to Vergennes. 1780 Jnne 13. Franklin to John Jay. Sept. 20. Franklin to Vergennes. 20. Estimate of funds required. 1781 Jan. 11. Franklin, William Temple, to. 27. Franklin to John Jay. 27. Franklin to William Car- michael. Feb. 22. Franklin to John Adams. 23. Franklin to. Apr. 12. Franklin to John Jay. May 11. Franklin to Francis Dana. July 6. Franklin to Vergennes. 8. Franklin to AVilliam Hodgson. Aug. 23. Vergennes to Franklin. Oct. 2. Franklin to John Adams. Nov. 22. Franklin to Isaac Gouver- neur and Samuel Curson. Dec. 4. Morris, Robert, to Franklin. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 10. Franklin to Gerard de Rayne- val. 21. Vergennes to Franklin. 27. Franklin to Vergennes. 1782 Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. June 25. Franklin to Roliert Morris. 1783 Jan. 11. Morris, Robert, to FrankUn. 25. Franklin to Vergennes. July 27. Franklin to Robert Morris. Dec. 8. Wilink, Wilhelm, & Jan; Nicholas it Jacob van Stap- horst and de la Lande it Bros, to Franklin. 1784, Jan. 15-Feb. 4. Carmichael, Wil- liam, to Franklin. 1784-6, Jan. 26-28. State of account of William Temple Franklin. Grand — Continued 1784 Feb. 2S. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. May 6. Same. 10. Same. 1785 June 2t). State nf ai-count of William Temple Franklin. July 25. Franklin to. Aug. 24. Account of bills drawn on Commissioners of V. S. at Paris. 1786 Jan. 29. Franklin to. Mar. 5. Same. 20. Same. June 12. Same. July 11. Same. Aug. 15. Franklin to Le Roy. 15. Franklin to. 30. Durival, Jean, to. Sept. 5. Same. 10. Same. 12. To Franklin. Oct. 8. Franklin to. Dec. 31. Same. 1787 Jan. 2. Franklin to. Apr. 22. Same. Oct. 19. Same. 22. Same. Nov. 20. Same. Dec. f). Same. 1788 Mar. 31. Same. Apr. 23. Same. June 7. Same. Nov. 10. Same. 1789 June 2tj. Same. 26. Franklin to Rol)ert Morris. [ ? ]. Franklin to Battilliet. [ ? ]. Franklin to V [ ? ]. D'Aranda. Memorandinn of questions asked. Grand, Madan). 1788, .Vpr. 23. Franklin to. Grand & Co. l't. 5. Franklin to. Grand & Gautier. J'ar!.'> hankers. 1788. June 7. Franklin to. Grandchain, Chevalier de, •>/ Parif. 1787, Dec. 11. Franklin lo BarlV Mar- bois. 266 INDEX Granger, F R . Dunkirk? mer- chant. 1781, Aug. 6. Franklin to. Grantham, Thomas Robinson, Baron. British Secretary of Foreign Affairs. 1782, Sept. 11. Franklin to. Grasse, Francois Joseph Paul, Comte de. (Marquis de Tilly.) Lt. Gen., French Navy. 1781 Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. Nov. 26. Same. 1782, Aug. 18. To Franklin. Gravel. Malady of. ;%?.- Stone or gravel. Gravesend (England). Description of i7;?6', July22-Oct. 11. Franklin. Jour- nal of voyage. Gravitation. Attraction during con- junction of sun and moon. 1785, Apr. 29. Franklin to John In- genhousz. Gray, Thomas. Member, Committee, Mas- sacJmsetts Assembly. 1764, June 25. Massachusetts, Legisla- ture. Committee of Assem- bly to Franklin. Great Britain. Grants of money to Provinces: 1760, Sept. 25. Hamilton, James. Amendments proposed to act appointing agents. Differences with Colonies: 1774- Franklin to printer of the Public Advertiser. 1774- Franklin to printer of the Public Ledger. Attitude of Ministry toward Colonies: 1775, Mar. 13. Franklin to Charles Thomson. Formation of Ministry: 178.3, Mar. 17. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Political situation: 1784, Feb. 3. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. Demands of France: [ ? ]. Shelburne, Earl of. Notes of a speech. Green, Bartholomew. Tenant, Boston Cii! Frank- lin. 1776, Apr. 13. Franklin to. 1777, Dec. 4. Same. 1780, Mar. 26. Same. 1781, Sept. 21. Same. Hare, , Mrs. Knglishwoman. 1784, Jan. 25. Franklin to. 1786, Apr. 28. Same. Harison, Richard. New York merchant. 1796, June 15. Low, Nichola.'^. Richard Harison, Joseph O. Hoff- man and William Hender- son. Bond. Harmar, Josiah. Col., V. S. Army. 1784 Jan. 14. Mifflin, Thomas, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 15. Same. 17. Morris, Robert, to Frankhn. 268 INDEX Harmar — Continued 1784 Apr. 16. Franklin and Jay to Thomas Mifflin. May 10. Laurens, Henry to Frank- lin. Harris, Robert. Formerly Lt., U. S. S. ' ' Reprisal. ' ' 1789, May 23. Franklin. Certificate of ability of. Harrison, Benjamin. Virginia Delegate, Continental Congress. 1777, Jan. 1. Continental Congress. Committee of Correspond- ence to Franklin. Harrow. Tale of the 1782 f Franklin to ? Hartley, David. Member of Parliament; British Commissioner for nego- tiating peace with America. 1775, Oct. 3. Franklin to. 1777, Dec. 11. Franklin to Maj. Thorn- ton. 1778 June 16. Franklin to. July 13. Same. Oct. 9. To Franklin. 20. Franklin to Felix Antoine Wy- bert, Joseph Lunt and Ed- ward Mackellar. 1781, June 27. Franklin to V^ergennes. 1782 June 26. To Franklin. Oct. 29. Same. Nov. 8. Same. 19. Same. 1782f Vaughan, Benjamin, to Frank- lin. 1783 May 3. To Franklin. Aug. 29. Same. Sept. 7. Franklin to. Oct. 8. Same. 11. To Franklin. 25. Same. Nov. 19. To Charles James Fox. 1784 Jan. 28. To Franklin. Mar. 2. Same. 11. Franklin to. 26. To Franklin. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 31. Franklin to Laurens. Apr. 7. Laurens to Franklin. Hartley — Continued 1784 May. 6. Same. July 27. To Franklin. Aug. 4. Same. 1785, Mar. 18. Same. 1786, May 15. Franklin to John Jay. 1789 June 4. Franklin to. Dec. 4. Same. Hartley, James 1764-97. Anecdotes of life of Maj. Gen. James Hartley. Hartley, S , of London f 1781, July 17. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. de Harvelay, , of the French Treas- ury. 1781 June 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 12. Franklin to Jean Durival. Hatch., Zephaniah. American prisoner. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Haton, . [ ? ]. Extract of a letter to Bertir. Haydock, Eden. Estate of 1789, Mar. 2. Franklin to Gar- rigues. Hall, William 1786, Feb. 16. Franklin to. Hall & Sellers. Publishers ' ' Pennsyl- rania Gazette,^' Philadelphia. 1788. Franklin to. Heberden, William. Physician. 1780, May 12. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. Helvitius, Vigniville (Madam) 1788, Apr. 23. Franklin to. Heminway, . American seaman? 1781, Jan. 13. Franklin to Francis Cof- fyn. Henderson, William. New York mer- chant. 1796, June 15. Low, Nicholas, Richard Harison, Joseph 0. Hoff- man and William Hender- son. Bond. Henly, William. Fellow, Royal Society. 1777, Oct. 3. Ingenhousz, John, to Franklin. ' ' Henry. " American privateer, of Boston, Capt. Thomas Benson. 1788, Nov. 25. de Blome to Franklin. INDEX 269 Henry, David. Compiler of ' The finilh- Hodge^Continued )/i(/n'.t MiKjazliie." 1789. Franklin to an American pub- lisher. Herries, Farquhar & Co. London haiiJccrif. 1816, Sept. 10. To William Temple Franklin. Hessians 1777, May 1. Franklin to John Win- tliro]). Hewson, Mary, Mr?, (nee Stevenson) 178S, Jan. 27. Franklin to 1786 May 30. Same. 30. Franklin to Wallace, Johnson & Muir. Sept. 21. Franklin to John Wilkes. Hickes, . 1786, Mar. 6. Franklin to Andr6 Limozin. Higgins, James. American seaman from Charleston, S. C. 1778, July 15. Sartine to Franklin, | HogendorflF, Adams and Lee. Hill, Benjamin. Lieut., U. S. Nan^. 1777 f Franklin, Deane and I^ee to Gustavua Conynghani. 1781, Mar. 23. Franklin to Francis Coffyn. Hodgson, William.- London merchant. 1781 Jan. 30. Franklin to. Apr. 1. Same. 25. Same. July 8. Same. 17. Same. Aug. 8. Same. Oct. 31. Same. Nov. 19. Same. 22. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Dec. 15. Franklin to. Dec. Same. Hofifman, Joseph O. Xeir Yorkjnerchant. 1796, June 15. Low, Nicholas, Richard Harison, Joseph (.). Hoff- man and William Hender- son. Bond. 178S, May 10. Franklin to George j Washington. 1779, June 18. Jones, John Paul, to Holker, Jean. Mircliant and French Franklin. Hill, Henry. Philadelphia merchant and member Pemvsylvania A.^.<^em- hly. 1782, June 25. Franklin to Robert Morris. Hillegas, Michael. Treasurer of the United States. 1777, 3Iar. 25. Franklin to. Hillsborough, Wills Hill, Lord. Secij. of State for Southern ( blonies, Great Britain. 1772 f Franklin. Memorandum. Hinman, Elisha. Capt., U. S. Nar;/. 1777, Nov. 25. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Thompson and Elisha Hinman. Consid General in I'nited States. 1777, Dec. 4. Franklin to John Han- cock. 1781 Apr. 19. Franklin to Vicomte de Boudoire. June S. Franklin to George Clifford and Teysser. July 17. Franklin to Baron de Thun. IS. Franklin to Rev. Mr. Auer. 1785, July 25. Franklin to. Holker, Jtihn.jr. J'tiiladrlphia merchant. 1781 Feb. 19. Franklin, William Temple, to. Sept. 13. Same. 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul, to | Holland Franklin, Adams and Lee. Hobart, . Englishman. 1781, Nov. 22. Franklin to. Hocksterin, Mrs., of Wurtemlnmj. 1781, July 18. Franklin to Rev. Mr. Auer. Hodge, William, jr. Dunkirk merchant. 1777. Franklin and Deane to Ferdinand Grand. 1776 f Franklin, Deane and I.^e to de Brantzen. 1778, Oct. 21. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 1781 Jan. 27. Franklin to John Jay. Aug. 20. Same. 1782 Jan. 18. Vergennes to Franklin. 270 INDEX. Holland — Continued 17S-2 Feb. 20. Same. 17S3, Oct. 31. Boudinot, Elias. Speech to Peter John Van Berckel. Holland, States General. Envoy. See: Berckel, Peter John Van. Hollingsworth, Levi. Philadelphia mer- chant. 1786, Mar. 19. Franklin to Le Couteulx &Co. Hollis, Brand 1783, Oct. 5. Franklin to. Hood, . Messenger f 1777, Apr. 9. Franklin to Rybot. Hooper, William. North Carolina Dele- gate to Continental Congress. 1777, Jan. 1. Continental Congress. Committee of Correspond- ence to Franklin. Hope, Charles. Capt., armed vessel "Friendship." 1776, Nov. 25. Dunlap's Maryland Ga- zette. Hopkins, Theodore 1786, Jan. 29. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Hopkinson, Francis. Pennsylvania Dele- gate to Continental Congress; Judge of Admiralty, Pennsyl- vania. 1781, Sept. 13. Franklin to. 1782, Dec. 24. Same. 1786 Mar. 27. Same. June 3. Franklin to Thomas Lyttle- ton. 1787, Oct. 14. Franklin to Thomas Jef- ferson. Hopper, Edward. American prisojier. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Horneca, Fizeaux & Co. Amsterdam bankers. 1779, Mar. 17. Franklin to Vergennes. Hortalez & Co. Firm name of Caron de Beaumarchais. 1791, June 12. Franklin to Jean Duri- val. Hottingue, , of Paris. 1812 Aug. 25. To William Temple Frank- lin. Hottingue — Continued 1812 Sept. 2. Boyd, William, jr., to Wil- liam Temple Franklin. d'Houdetot, Comtesse. 1781, Sept. 21. Franklin to St. John. 1787, Apr. 17. Franklm to. 1787?. Same. Houdon, Jean Antoine. French sculp- ture. 1785 June 20. Franklin to. July 20. Franklin, William Temple, to Thomas Jefferson. 21. Franklin to Thomas Jefferson. Howe, Mary. ( Mrs. William. ) 1775? Jan.?. To Franklin. Howe, Richard, Viscount Langar. Vice- Admiral; Commander in Chief, British Navy in North America. 1775?, Jan.?. Hovre, Mary, to Frank- lin. 1776 July 20. Franklin to. Aug. 16. To Franklin. Sept. 2-6. Continental Congress. Minutes of proceedings on Lord Howe's proposals. 10. To Franklin. 13-17. Continental Congress. Min- utes containing report of re- sult of conference with Lord Howe. 1778 Feb. 10. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin, Deane and Lee. Apr.?. Anonymous. Letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in France. Howe, Robert. Maj. Gen., Cordinental Army. 1783, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. Howe, William, Viscount. Lt. Gen. of Ordnance, British Army. 1784, Aug. 18. Franklin to. Huddlestone, Richard. Surgeon, 7th Foot, British Army. 1776, Jan. ?. Franklin. Notes. Huger, . [ ? ]. To Franklin. INDEX 271 Hughes, Jonathan. Member, Pennsyl- vania Committee of Corre- spondence. Signature. 1764, Nov. 1. Pennsylvania. Commit- tee of Correspondence to Richard Jackson. Hulme, Nathaniel. Physician, Royal College of Medicine, London. 1784, Sept. 6. Guiard, , to Frank- lin. Hunter, John, of Hampton, To. 1761, Oct. 9. Franklin to. Hunter ?, Polly. Wife of late Mr. Hunter of Virginia. 1761, Oct. 9. Franklin to John Hunter. Hunter, ?, late of Virginia. 1761, Oct. 9. Franklin to John Hunter. Huntington, Samuel. Prei^t. Continental Congress; Connecticut Delegate to Congress; Govr., Connecti- cut. 1779, Oct. 16. To Franklin. 1780 Mar. 4. Franklin to. May 31. Same. July 12. To Franklin. Aug. 9. Franklin to. 10. Same. Nov. 22. Continental Congress to King Louis XVI. Dec. 2. Franklin to. 3. Same. 1781 Jan. 1. To Franklin. 4. Same. Mar. 2. Same. , 12. Franklin to. Apr. 21. Jay, John, to. May 14. Franklin to. June 11. Same. 18. To Franklin. 19. Same. July 5. Same. 11. Franklin to. 1787, Apr. 14. Same. Huske, . Member of Parliament, Great Britain. [ ? ]. Jackson, Richard, to Franklin. Huston, Alexander. Philadelphia mer- chant. 1769, June 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., jmd others^. Hutchins, Thoma.s. V. S. agent f at L' Orient. 1780, June 2, Apr. 29. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. Ingenhousz, John. Phi/fdcian and Jiodij surgeon to Emperor of A ustria. 1773 f. Franklin to. 1777 Aug.?. Same. Ingenhousz — Continued 1777 Sept. 15. To Franklin. Oct. 3. Same. 1777? Franklin to 1779, May 5. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. 1780, May 3. To Franklin. 1781, Oct. 2. Franklin to. 1783, May 16. Same. 1784, Jan. 16. Same. 1785 Apr. 29. Same. July 11. Franklin to Thomas Jeffer- son. 1785 f Franklin. List of persons recom- mended for membership in the American Philosophical Society. 1786 June 27. Franklin to. Sept. 2. Same. 4. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. 1787, Feb. 12. Franklin to Charles Vaughan. 1788, May 24. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Same. Ingersoll, Jared. Pennsylvania Delegate, Continental Congress. 1781, Feb. 19. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. 1786, Dec. 31. Franklin to Edmund Randolph. Ingraham & Bromfield. Amsterdam merchants f 1781, Dec. 6. Franklin to John Adams. Interest bills. Payment by France. 1781, Nov. 5. Franklin to Robert Morris. Ireland. Colonial trade with: 1766, Sept. 20. Pennsylvania. Commit- tee of Correspondence to Richard Jackson and Ben- jamin Franklin. Izard, Ralph. V. S. Commissioner to Court of Grand Duke of Tuscan;/. 1778 Feb. 6. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Ferdinand Grand. Sept. 25. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Oct. 19. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. INDEX 273 Izard — Continnerl 1750, Aug. 10. Franklin to Samuel Huntington. 1751, Mar. 8. Franklin to Jonathan William?, jr. Jackson, Richard. Pennsiiliania Agent in London. 17'J4, Nov. 1. Pennsylvania. Commit- tee of Corre.spondence to. 1766 May 8. Pennsylvania. Committee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. June 6. Same. Sept. 20. Same. 1767, Oct. 17. Same. 1769, Apr. 18. Same. 1780, Jan. 27. Maseres, Frances, to editor of Franklin's papers. [ ? ]. To Franklin. Jackson, Tlionias, of London f 1740. Penn, Thomas, to Jackson, William. Capt. and Seqj. to John Laurens. 1781 Apr. 29. Franklinto John Adams. June 9. Franklin to. July 5. Same. 6. Same. 10. Same. 11. Franklin to Fizeaux and Grand. 11. Order. Aug. 23. Vergennes to Franklin. Oct. 16. Franklin to. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 23. Franklin to John Adams. 26. Same. James, Abel. Philadelphia merchant; Member, Pennsylvania Com- mittee of Correspondence. 1769, June 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. 1771 Oct. 15. 16. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. Pennsylvania. Committee of Corre.«i)ondence to Franklin. 17S0. To Franklin. 1786, Mar. 19. Franklin to. James, Robert. Ixtte English phimcian. 1779, May 10. Allairz, P , to Frank- lin. 15885—05 18 Jaug^e, S , et fils. Bordeaux tner- cha)it.'<. 1785 f. Williams, Jonathan, jr., to Ca.'^tries. Jaume, (iuillaume, of Lyoivn. 17S1, Dec. 7. Franklin to. Jarnac, , Comte de 1782, Mar. 6. Uiyfayette to. Jay, Sir James. Physician; Member, New York Senate. 1782, Nov. 27. Franklin. Discharge from parole of Capt. Francis Dundas. 178!g. To Franklin. Jay, John. Prest., Congress; I'. S. Min- ister to Spain; Commissioner to negotiate peace trith Great Brita in; Com missioner to nego- tiate treaty of Commerce villi Great Britain; U. S. Secy. Foreign J/ZoiV.s. 1779 Oct. 4. Franklin to. 16. Huntington, Samuel, to Frank- lin. 1779 f. Lafayette to Franklin. 1780 ]\Iay 19. Continentiil Congres.**. Re- solve. June 13. P>anklin to. Aug. 10. Franklin to Samuel Hunt- ington. Sept. 20. Grand, Ferdinand. Esti- mate of funds. 1781 Jan. 27. Franklin to William Car- michacl. Apr. 12. Franklinto. 12. Franklin, William Temple, to. 13. Same. 21. To Samuel Huntington. May 5. Franklin to. 19. Franklin to .\dams. June 4. Franklin to Vergennes. 10. Same. 18. Huntington to Franklin. 19. Same. 30. Franklinto. July 26. Franklin, William Temple. to. Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. 20. Franklin to. 24. Franklin to Mens. Brochiel. 31. Franklin to John Adams. 274 INDEX Jay — Continued 1781 Sept. 4. Franklin to. 29. Same. Oct. 16. Same. 16. McKean, Thomas to Franklin. Nov. 22. Franklin, William Temple, to Jay and Adams. Dec. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 21. Vergennes to Franklin. 1182 Apr. 20. Digges, Thomas, to Lord Shelburne. June 25. Lafayette to Franklin. Sept. 25. Morris, Robert,to Franklin, Adams and Jay. 28. Continental Congress. Form of commission to Franklin. Oct. 22. Washington, George to Franklin, Adams and Jay. Nov. 4. Oswald, Richard to Adams, Franklin and Jay. 5. Adams, Franklin and Jay to Oswald. 24. To Franklin. Dec. 3. Adams, John, to Franklin. 1782?. Same. 1783 Jan. 2. Morris, Robert, to Franklin and Jay. 6. Franklin to. Mar. 15. Carmichael, William, to Franklin. Apr. 14. Same. June 16. Boudinot, Elias, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 28. Franklin and Jay to Vergennes. July 5. Vergennes to Franklin and Jay. 7. Thun, Baron de, to Franklin and Jay. 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. Sept. 10. Adams, Franklin and Jay to Boudinot. Oct. 8. Franklin to David Hartley. 25. Hartley to Franklin. 29. Continental Congress. In- structions to U. S. Ministers. Nov. 1. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. 1784 Jan. 14. Mifflin, Thomas, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. Jay — Continued 1784 Jan. 15-Feb. 4. Carmichael, Wil^ liam, to Franklin. Mar. 2. Hartley, David, to Franklin. Apr. 16. Franklin and Jay to Thom- as Mifflin. May 6. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. 13. Franklin to Jay and wife. 1785 Feb. 8. Franklin to. Mar. 7. Continental Congress. Re- solve. 8. To Franklin. May 10. Franklin to. Sept. 21. Same. 1786 Jan. 3. Same. 7. Same. May. 15. Same. July 6. Same. Aug. 24. Same. Nov. 21, Same. 1787 f May ?. Franklin to ? Nov. 10. Franklin to. Jebb, John. Physician. 1780, May 12. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. Jefferson, Thomas. Virginia Delegate to Continental Congress; Gover- nor of Virginia; U. S. Com- missioner to France; Commis- sioner to negotiate peace with Great Britain; Minister to France. 1775, July 21. Copy of Franklin's Ar- ticles of Confederation. 1776, Oct. 16. Continental Congress to Franklin, Dean and Jeffer- son. 1781 May 6. Franklin to. June 15. Continental Congress. Com- mission to Adams, Franklin, Laurens and Jefferson. 18. Huntington, Samuel, to Frank- lin. 19. Same. Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Sept. 4. Same. 1782, Apr. 20. Digges, Thomas, to Lord Shelburne. INDEX 275 Jefferson — Contimu'ci , 1783, Feb. To Franklin ' 1784 May 12. Continental Congress. Form of couiniission to Franklin, Jefferson and Adams. Nov. 25. To Franklin. 1785 June 20. Franklin. Account with U. S. July 11. Franklin to. 20. Franklin, William Temple, to. 21. Franklin to. Oct. 5. To Franklin. 1785. Franklin. Memorandum to. 1786 Jan. 18. Franklin, William Temple, to. 27. To Franklin. Mar. 20. Franklin to. 26. Franklin, William Temple, to. May 7. To William TempleFranklin. Aug. 14. To Franklin. Oct. 8. Franklin to. Dec. 23. To Franklin. 1787 Apr. 19. Franklin to. Aug. 6. To Franklin. Oct. 14. Franklin to. 1788 Jan. 18. Franklin, William, to. Feb. 9. To William Franklin. 15. Franklin to. Oct. 24. Same. 1790 Feb. 14. To William Temple Frank- lin. Mar. 31. To Franklin. Apr. 27. Franklin, William Temple, to. July 16. To William Temple Frank- lin. Aug. 1. Franklin, William Temple, to. Oct. 13. Same. 1791, Apr. 6. Same. Jenifer, Daniel, of St. Thomas. 1781, Sept. 13. Franklin to. Jenkins, John. Colonel. 1786, Oct. 10. Franklin to Charles Pet- tit. Jennings, Edmund. Secretary to John Adams; British spy. 1783 Mar. 17. Laurens,Henry,toFrankliu. Jennings— Continuer. 4. Same. Aug. 27. Same. 1784, F'eb. 3. Same. Jennings, . Capt., American mer- rhanl ship? 1786, Mar. 9. Franklin to Ruellan. 1789, Sept. 5. Franklin to Grande Co. Jersey privateers 1778, May 27. Franklin to John Paul .lonrs. Johnson, Barton & Barry. Bordeaux merchants. 1786, Nov. 19. Franklin to Champion de Cic^. Johnson, Joshua, Of Maryland. Xanfes and London merchant. 1778, Apr. 23. Franklin to Le Roy. 1781, Jan. 27. Franklin to WiUiamCar- michael. 1783 Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. Dec. 16. Barclay, Thomas, to Frank- lin. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. 1785, July 4. Franklin to Edward Bridgen. Johnson, Sir William. Col., Agent and Sole Supt. of Affairs of Six Nations and other Xorthem Indians. 1766, Aug. 28. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to Franklin. Johnston, H . 1781, Feb. 23. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Johonnot, . American youth. 1781, Dec. 7. Franklin to Guillaume Jaunae. Joly de Fleury, Jean Francois. Director General of Finance, Prance. 1781 May 21. Franklin to John Laurens. Aug. 23. Vergennes to Franklin. Oct. 22. Same. Dec. 21. Same. 178£, Feb. 20. Same. Jones, Cantwell, of Delaware. 1793 Apr. 11. Bond to Robert Morris, jr. 13. Bond to William Temple Franklin. 276 INDEK Jones — Continued 179S-7 Apr. 13-Jan. 1. Cash account with William Temple Franklin. Apr. 11-July 1. Account. 1797 Mar. 8. Franklin, William Temple, to. June 2. Fox, George, to William Temple Franklin. Aug. 26. Same. 1797 f. Franklin, William Temple. Memorandum respecting Cantwell Jones's debt. 1797. Franklin, William Temple. Memorandum. 1798 Jan. 1. Fox, George, to William Tem- ple Franklin. Feb. 7. Same. Jones, John Paul. Capt., U. S. Nany. 1777. May 9. Morris, Lee, Whipple and Liv- ingston to Franklin, Deane and Lee. Dec. 15. To Franklin, Deaneand Lee. 17. Franklin, Deane and Lee to. 1778 Jan. 10. Same. 15. Same. 16. Same. 17. Lee, Arthur, to. 18. Franklin and Deane to. Feb. 10. To Franklin, Deane and Lee. Apr. 22. Franklin, Adams and Lee to James Moylan. May 8. To Franklin, Deane and Lee. 9. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Thomas Simpson. 17. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. 18. To Frankhn. 23. Franklin, Lee and Adams to. 23. Franklin, William Temple, to. 25. Lee, Adams and Franklin to. 27. Franklin to. 27. To Franklin, Adama and Lee. 28. Same. June 1. To Franklin. 3. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 5. Same. 6. To Franklin. Jones — Continued 1778 June 6. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 10. Franklin to. 30. Same. July 4. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 11. Franklin, Adams and Lee to de Sartine. Aug. 2. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 10. Franklin and Adams to. 15. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 24. To Franklin. 28. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 30. Same. 31. To Franklin. Sept. 4. Extractof letter to Franklin. 14. To Franklin. 18. Same. 21. Same. 24. Same. Oct. 2. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 12. Same. 13. To William Temple Franklin. 19. Same. 19. To Franklin. 22. Franklin, William Temple, to. 28. To William Temple Franklin. Nov. 1. To Franklin. 16. To William Temple FrankUn. 27. To Franklin. Dec. 9. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 1779 Feb. 10. Franklin and Adams to. 16. Franklin, William Temple, to. 24. Franklin to. May 1. To Franklin. 2. Same. 8. Franklin, William Temple, to. 9. Franklin to. 19. Same. June 18. To Franklin. July 1. Same. 8. Franklin to. 9. To Franklin. 12. Same. 19. Franklin to. 26. To Franklin. 28. Same. 28. Franklin to. 30. To Franklin. Aug. 13. Same. INDEX 277 Jones — Contimu'd Sept. 7. Franklin to. 17. ContiiK'ntal Cong;ress, Marine Committee. Extract of let- ter to Franklin. Oct. 3. To Franklin. 4. Franklin to John Jay. 6. Franklin, William Temple, to. 11. To Franklin. 15. Franklin to. Nov. 6. Sartine to Franklin. 8. Franklin to. 29. To Franklin. Nov. La Vauguyon to Franklin. Dec. 6. Franklin to. 13. To Franklin. nSOy Jan. 16. Same. Feb. 12. Same. 13. Same. 19. Franklin to. 21. To Franklin. 23. Same. 25. Same. Mar. 1. Franklin to. 3. To Franklin. 4. Chaumont to Franklin. 6. To Franklin. 8. Franklin to. 13. To Franklin. 14. Same. 28. Same. 31. Franklin to. Apr. 1. Same. 4. To Franklin. June 1. Franklin to. 4. Franklin, William Temple, to. 7. Franklin to James Arthur Degge and other officers of the Alliance. 13. Thevenard to. 13. To Franklin. 17. Same. 21. Same. 23. Same. 26. Wharton, Samuel, andothersto Franklin. 27. Franklin to. July 12. To Franklin. Aug. 7. Same. Sept. 23. Same. Oct. 13. Same. 20. Same. Nov. 5. Franklin, William Temple,to. Jones — Continued 177f> Nov. 11. To William Tt-nij)!.- Frank- lin. 17. To Franklin. 24. Same. 2ri. Franklin to. Dec. 4. To Franklin. 8. Same. 18. Same. 1781, Jan. 2. Lewis, Francis. Ques- tions in letter to Franklin. Feb. 14. Franklin to Gourlade & Moylan. Mar. 2. Huntington, Samuel, to Franklin. 17. Franklin to Francis Lewis and the Admiralty Board. 23. Franklin to Francis Coffyn. 1781. Franklin. Supplement to the Boston Independent Chron- icle. 178S, Nov. 6. Morris, Robert. Certifi- cate. Dec. 17. Franklin. Authority to. 1784 Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Mar. 25. Same. June 20. Castries to Franklin. 1785, July 21. Franklin to. Jones, Noble Wiml)erley. Plnmcian; Member, Georgia House of Asseuihli/. 1778 Feb. 7. La I'laigne, Emmanuel Pierre de, to Franklin. 8. Franklin to. Jones, Robert Wettest. .Sec;/., Philadel- phia Cotnmittee of City and Liberties. 1775, Dec. 30. To Franklin. Jones, Sir William. English jurist. 1770, May 28. F'ragment of Poly bins. Joseph, King of Portugal. Edict for- bidding intercourse with Americans. 1776, July 5. Dunlap's ^Laryland Ga- zette, Postscript, 1776, Nov. 25. Joy, Benjamin. 1781 Aug. 6. Franklin to Moses Brown. 6. Franklin to Jean de Neufville «& Son. 278 INDEX Joyner, John. Capt., American mer- chantman. 1781 June 5. Franklin to John Adams. 28. Franklin to Alexander Gillon. Judd, William. Major. 1786, Oct. 10. Franklin to Charles Pettit. Eaig'hn & Attmore. Philadelphiabuild- ersf 1786, Oct. 8. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Eeppel, August. Admiral and Com- mander in Chief, British Navy. [ ? ], July 31. Gerard de Rayneval to Franklin. Keralio, , Chevalier de 1781, Mar. 2. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Same. Eillen, William. Chief Justice of Dela- tvare. 1789, Oct. 26. Franklin to Isaac Broome. Eippis, Andrew. English biographer. 1789, Franklin to an American pub- lisher. Knight, Giles. Member, Penna. Commit- tee of Correspondence. 1766 May 8. Pennsylvania. Committee of Correspondence to Richard Jackson and Benjamin Franklin. June 6. Same. " Knig-hts-Bridge Gazette," (The) 1816?. Franklin, William Temple. "The Knights-Bridge Ga- zette." Enobelauch, Baron de. Lt. Col., Prus- sian Army. 1777, Aug. 24. Franklin to George Washington. Koch, Jacob (ierard. Philadelphia mer- chant. 1786, Oct. 8. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Kornmann & Co. 1781, Nov. 21. Franklin to. Iia Balne, Magon de. 1777 .'. To Ferdinand Grand. ' ' La Belle Poule. " ( Poem. ) 1778, Nov. 27. Neufville - Montador, Chevalier de. de la Br esse, . French officer. 1776 Sept. 15. Deane, Silas, to George Washington. 15. Deane, Silas, to Committee of Congress for Secret Corre- spondence. Lacarre, . French littirateur. 1783, Mar. 3. To Franklin. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Mo- tier, Marquis de. Maj. Gen., Continental Army. 1778, Dec. 29. Washington, George, to Franklin. 1779 Feb. 14. Franklin to Vergennes. Mar. 22. Franklin to. Aug. 19. Same. 24. Same. 29. To Franklin. 29?. Franklin, William Temple. Description of sword pre- sented by Congress. Oct. 27. Continental Congress, Ma- rine Committee, to Franklin. 1779. To Franklin. 1781 May 14. Franklin to. Aug. 23. Vergennes to Franklin. 1782 Mar. 6. To Comte de Jarnac. June 10. Draft of discharge of aides of Cornwallis from parole. 11. To FrankUn. 21. Same. 25. Same. 25. Franklin to. Sept. [?]. Memorandum respecting treaty between U. S. and Great Britain. Dec. 4. To Franklin. 8. Same. Dec. Jay, John, to Franklin. 1783 Mar. 15. Carmichael, William, to Franklin. Apr. 14. Same. 1783?. Memorandum respecting pre- liminary articles of peace. 1784, Dec. 11. Lee, Richard Henry, to Franklin. 1787, Oct. 19. Franklin to. INDEX 27y Lafayette— Continued [ ? ]. Franklin and Lafayette. List of British cruelties. [ ? ]. To Franklin. Iia Goldie, . French merchant. 1781, Apr. 23. Franklin to Gourlade & Moylan. LaflFon, , L'Abb^ 17S4,YQh. 13. Le Carpentier, ,to. De la Hante, . Farmer General of France. i75i, Nov. 17. Farmers General. State- ment of account with Frank- lin and Deane. de la Haye, . Paris f merchant. 1777, Mar. 15. Franklin to. De la Laag, . Fanner General of France. i75i, Nov. 17. Farmers General. State- ment of account with Frank- lin and Deane. La Luzerne, Anne C^sar, Chevalier de. French minister to the United States. 1779 Mar. 5. June 2. Franklin to. Franklin to Robert Morris. Aug. 10. Franklin to Samuel Hunt- ington. 1781 Mar. 8. Franklin to Jacques Necker. Sept. 22. Franklin to Gerard de Ray- neval. Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. 1782, Feb. 20. Vergennes to Franklin. 1787 Oct. 7. Franklin to. Oct. Lafayette to Franklin. Lamaire, . Capt., and agent for purchase of supplies in France for Virginia. 1778, Sept. 6. Franklin to. Lamps. Use of 1786, Apr. 9. Franklin to Jonathan Williams, jr. Lamotte, . Formerly clerk to Franklin. 1785, July 21. Franklin to Thomas Jef- ferson. Lancaster, Charles 1795, May 1. Rei-eipt to William Tem- ple Franklin. Lancaster county. See: Pennsylvania, Lancaster county. de la Lande & Bros. Amsterdam mer- chantsf. 1783, Dec. 8. Willink, Wilhclin ct Jan; Nicholas & Jacob Van Stap- horst and de la Lande & Bros, to Franklin. 1784, April 15. Same. Landais, Pierre. Capt., U. S. Naiy. 1779 July 19. Franklin to John Paul Jones. 28. Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de, to Franklin. Oct. 2. Denmark, King Christian VIL Order releasing the Betseii and Union. 15. Franklin to Jones. Nov. 8. Same. 29. Jones to Franklin. 1780 Mar. June 7. 12. 13. 13. 16. 17. 18. 21, 23, 24 26 July Aug. Sept 13. Same. 7. Franklin to. Degge, James Arthur, John Bulkley and James Lynd to Franklin. Franklin to James .Vrtluir Degge and other officers of the Alliance. To James Arthur Degge. Jones to Franklin. Thevenard to Jones. Franklin to. Jones to Franklin. Franklin. Questions put to John Adams. Jones to Franklin. Same. Franklin to. Wharton, Samuel, and others to. Franklin to commanding offi- cer of the Alliance. 12. Jones to Franklin. 10. Franklin to Sanmel Hunt- ington. 8. Cooper, Samuel. Extract of letter to Franklin. 1781 Jan. 2. Lewis, Francis. Questions in letter to Franklin. It). Morris, Robert, to Franklin. ^hlr. 17. Franklin to Francis Lewis and the Adnyralty Board. 280 INDEX Liaudais — Continued 1783 Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. Nov. 13. Chardon to Vergennes. Dec. -. Franklin. Notes on Thomas Barclay's letter. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Landriani, Marsilio. Italian natural philosopher. 1787, Oct. 14. Franklin to. La Neufville, Baron de. Formerly Brig. Gen., Continental Army. 1779, Mar. 6. Franklin to. Lansdowne, "William Petty, Marquis of. 1784?. To Franklin. See also: Shel- burne. La Plaigne, Emmanuel Pierre de. Capt., 1st Georgia Regt., Con- tinental Army. 1778 Feb. 7. To Franklin. 18. Franklin to Noble Wimberley Jones. La Porte, Jean B. Intendant at Brest. 1778 Aug. 10. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 22. Sartine to Vergennes. 30. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin, Adams and Lee. La Prevalye, Pierre Dumas, Marquis de. Commandant of Brest. 1778 Aug. 28, Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin, Adams and Lee. 30. Same. Lardner, Lynford. Member of Council, Pennsylrania. 1758, Sept. 16. Franklin to James Logan. La Roche, L'Abb^ de 1786 Apr. 8. Franklin to. Nov. 20. Same. La Rochefoucauld d'Anville, Louis Alexander, Due de la Roche- Guyon et de 1777, Sept. 10. Franklin to George Washington. 1785?. Franklin. List of persons recom- mended for membership in the American Philosophical Society. La Rochefoucauld d'Anville — Con. 1787 Oct. 14. Franklin to. 19. Same. 1788, Oct. 22. Franklin to. 1789, Nov. 13. Same. La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt ? Fran- cois Alexandre' Frederic, Due de. See: La Rochefoucauld d'Anville, Louis Alexander, Due de la Roche-Guyon et de. La Ruelliere, . French consul at Madeira. 1778, Feb. 15. To de Sartine. Lathrop, John. Boston clergyman. 1788, May 31. Franklin to. La Touche-Treville, Louis R6a6 Vas- sor, Vicomte de. Capt., French Navy; chef d'escadre, De Grasse's fleet. 1778, July 18. Sartine to Franklin, Ad- ams and Lee. Lauren^on, , of Paris? 1800, July 19. Vochez, J , to. Iii02, July 20. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. Laurens, Henry. President Continental Congress; U. S. Minister to Holland; Commissioner for negotiating peace with Great Britain; Commissioner for negotiating a commercial treaty with Great Britain. 1778, Mar 31. Franklin to. 1780 June 6. Franklin to Jean de Neufville &Son. 15. Same. Aug. 10 Franklin to Samuel Hunt- ington. Sept. 2C ). Grand, Ferdinand. Esti- mate of funds. Oct. 31 Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. 1781 Jan. 4. Huntington, Samuel, to Franklin. Feb. 22. Franklin to John Adams. Apr. 12. Franklin to John Jay. Mav. 5. Same. June 4. Franklin to Vergennes. 10. Same. INDEX 281 Iiaurens — ContiiHU'd 1181 June 15. Continental Congress. Com- mission to Adams, Franklin, Laurens and Jefferson. 18. Huntington, Samuel, to Frank- lin. 19. Same. July 5. Same. Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. 20. Franklin to John Jay. 31. FrankUn to John Adams. Sept. 4. FrankUn to John Jay. Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. Nov. 7. Same. 22. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Dec. 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 21. Vergennes to Franklin. Dec. Franklin to Edmund Burke. | 11/82 Apr. 20. Digges, Thomas, to Lord Shelburne. June 24. To Franklin. Dec. 3. Adams, John, to Franklin. 1783 Mar. 6. To Franklin. 17. Same. Apr. 4. Same. July 17. Same. Aug. 21. Franklin to. 27. To Franklin. Dec. 6. Franklin to. 1-784 Feb. 3. To Franklin. 12. Franklin to. 27. Vaughan, Benjamin, to. 28. To Franklin. Mar. 12. Franklin to. 26. Hartley, David, to. 28. To Franklin. 29. Same. 31. Franklin to. Apr. 7. To Franklin. 18. Same. 29. Franklin to. May 6. To Franklin. 10. Same. 13. Franklin to. Laurens, John. Li. Col., aide-de-camp to Wasltinglon; U. S. Special Mini.'h. 4. Carmichael, Wil- liam, to Franklin. Montmorin Saint Herem, Armand Marc, Comte de. French Ambassador to Spain; Secre- tary of Foreign Affairs. 1781, Oct. 16. Franklin to John Jay. 1789, Sept. 21. Franklin to. Moore, Anthony, (^naktr. /7.1.5, Mar. 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Moore, Charles. Clerk of Penna. Assem- bly. 1760 Sept. 25. Hamilton, James. Amend- ments proposed to act ap- pointing agents. 27. Hamilton, James. Reply to answer of Penna. As.sembly respecting amendments pro- posed, etc. 1771, Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legisla- ture, Assembly. Resolve. 1772, Oct. 15. Same. 1774, Oct. 15. Same. Moravian missions in Labrador. 1775, June 22. Franklin to all com- manders of United States armed vessels. Morellet, Andre, Abb4. French littera- teur. 1781 Apr. 25. Franklin to Anne Robert Jacques, Marquis Turgot. May 25. Franklin to Samuel Coo|)er. 1788, Dec. 10. Franklin to. Morgan, Daniel. Brig. Gen., Continen- tal Army. 1781, May 5. Franklin to John Jay. Morgan, George. 17SS, Sept. 23. Franklin to. Morgan, .Iacol> '.' J'hiladelphia merchant. 1766, Aug. 2K. Baynton, Wharton it .Morgan to Franklin. Morgan, John 1788 f, Jan. ?. Franklin to. Morgan, William. J'Jnglish actuary. /79:>, July 6. To William Vaughan. Morocco. Negotiations with Emperor of. 1784, JaTi. 1.">-Ffb. 4. {"ariniihael, Wil- liam, to Franklin. 292 INDEX Morris, Anthony. Quaker. 1755, May 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Morris, Gouverneur. Pennmflvania Dele- gate to Constitutional Conven- tion. 1786, Dec. 31. Franklin to Edmund Randolph. 1788 Nov. 10. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Dec. 18. Franklin to Jnlien David Le Eoy. 1795, July 12. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. Morris, Robert. Pennsylvania Delegate, Continental Congress; U. S. Superintendent of Finance; Delegate to Constitutional Con- vention; Pennsylvania Sena- tor, U. S. Congress. 1775, Dec. 30. Franklin to. 1777 May 9. Morris, Lee, Whipple and Livingston to Franklin. Sept. 1. Franklin to Bordeaux mer- chants. 1779, June 2. Franklin to. 1780, ]Mar. 10. Same. 1781 June 8. To Franklin. July 13. Same. 14. Same. 19. Same. 26. Same. 26. Franklin to. Au?. 28. To Franklin. Sept. 14. Same. Nov. 5. Franklin to. 27. To Franklin. Dec. 4. Same. 5. Same. 10. Franklin to. 10. Franklin to Gi^rard de Rayne- val. 21. Vergennes to Franklin. 1782 Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. 2. To Franklin. 7. Same. 16. Same. 22. Same. Feb. 9. To the Governors of the States. Morris — Continued. 1782 Feb. 20. Vergennes to Franklin. Mar. 22. To Franklin. 23. Same. Apr. 17. Same. May 17. Same. 18. Same. 23. Same. 29. Same. June 10. Same. 25. Franklin to. "> 26. To Franklin. July 1. Same. 5. Same. Sept. 25. Same. 27. Same. 28. Same. 30. Same. Oct. 1. Same. 5. Same. 7. Same. 27. Same. Nov. 8. Franklin to Vergennes. Dec. 14. Franklin to. 178S Jan. 2. To Franklin and Jay. 11. To Franklin. 13. Same. May 12. Same. 26. Same. 27. Same. July 17. Farmers General. Extract of letter to Franklin. 27. Franklin to. Sept. 30. To Franklin. Nov. 4. Same. 6. Certificate. Dec. 8. Willink, Wilhelm & Jan; Nicholas & Jacob van Stap- horst and de la Lande & Bros, to Franklin. 25. Franklin to. 1784 Jan. 1 7. To Franklin. Feb. 12. Same. 13. Same. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Apr. 15. Wilhnk, Wilhelm & Jan; Nicholas & Jacob van Stap- horst and de la Lande & Bros, to Franklin. Sept. 30. To Franklin. INDEX 293 Morris — Continued 17 S6, Dec. 31. Franklin tt) Edmund Randolph. 1788, Sept. 22. Franklin to. 1789 June 26. Same. Nov. 2. Same. 1794, June 7. Power of attorney. Morris, Kol>ert, jr. 179-^, Apr. 20. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. 179S Morris — (Vintiniu cane to John Paul Jones. Morwich, . Lkipt., British uwrchunl lessel. 1774, Oct. 26. ThoniHon, Charles, to Apr. 11. Transfer of bond to William j -^^^^ „^. t\. i • , * m- 1 T- _ 1 1- ' Mouret, . French pnnUr f Temple Franklin. 11. Jones, Cantwell. Bond to. 1794 May 29. To William Temple Frank- lin. July 18. Franklin, William Temple. Note drawn on. Aug. 8. To William Temple Frank- lin. Oct. 31. Lawless, Valentine Browne, to William Temple Frank- lin. Nov. 18. To William Temple Frank- lin. Dec. 12. Franklin, William Temple, to. 22. To William Temple Franklin. 1795 Mar. 14. Franklin, William Temple, to. June 13. To William Temple Frank- lin. July 12. Franklin, William Temple, to. 1793-7, Apr. 11-July 1. Jones, Cant- well. Account of interest. 1797 June 2. Fox, George, to William Temple Franklin. Aug. 26. Same. 1779 f Franklin, William Temple. Memorandum respecting Cantwell Jones's bond. 1798, Feb. 7. Fox, George, to William Temple Franklin. Morris, Thomas. U. S. Commercial Agent (it Nantes. 1777 Jan. 26. Franklin, Deane and Lee to. 28. Same. Julv 31. Same. [ ? ]. Franklin to. Moustier, Elenore Francois Klie, Comte de. French Minister to (nited States. 1788, Feb. 10. Franklin to. 1789, Apr. 27. Same. MoylEin, James. U. S. Commercial Agent at L' Orient. 1778, Apr. 22. Franklin, Adams and Jjee to. 1780 June 26. Wharton, Samuel, and others to Franklin. Nov. 25. Franklin to John Paul Jones. 1783 Nov. 13. Chardon to Vergennes. Dec. 16. Barclay, Thoma-s, to Frank- lin. Dec. Franklin. Notes on Thomas Barclay's letter. 1784, Jan. it. Dumas, Charles William Frederick, to Franklin. Mumford, , of Maryland t J7s>; Mar. 26. Franklin, William Temple, to Thoma'^ Jefferson. Apr. 4. Franklin to Comtes.«e Heiii- ousky. Murray, David, Viscount Stonimnt. See: Stormont. Murray, William, Ix)rd Manslield. See: Mansfiehl. Mutiny on an l'. S. merchant ship. 1777, Feb. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Lord George (iermain. MuskingTim Indians. See: [ ? ]. Apr. 9-10. Anonymous. Ex- tract of letter from Pennsyl- vania. 294 INDEX Ifairne, Edward. English electrician. 1777, Oct. 3. Ingenhousz, John, to Franklin. 1780, Nov. 13. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Anonymous. Memorandum. Naples. Ambassador of. 178S, Oct. 8. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. Naturalization in United States. 1781, Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Neale, William. London merchant. 1769, June 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. Neave, Richard. London merchant. 1766, Aug. 28. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to Franklin. 1769, June 5, Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. 1781, Apr. 17. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. Necker, Jacques. French Director Gen- eral of Finance; Controller General of Finance. 1778, Sept. 18. To Vergennes. 1781 Feb. 13. Franklin to. Mar. 8. Same. 31. Franklin, William Temple, to Jonathan Williams, jr. Apr. 21. Franklin to John D. Schweighauser. May 21. Franklin to John Laurens. July 11. Jackson, William. Order. Nov. 5. Franklin to Robert Morris. 1782, June 25. Same. 1788, Nov. 10. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Nelson, Thoma.s, jr. 178!/, Aug. 3. Franklin to. Nesbitt, Jonathan. L' Orient banker. 1780, June 26. Wharton, Samuel, and others to Franklin. 1781 Sept. 14. Franklin to. Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. Neufville, Jean de, &Sons. Amsterdam merchants. 1780 June 6. Franklin to. 9. Same. 15. Same. 15. To Franklin. Neufville — Continued 1781 Apr. 12 Franklin to John Jay. June 9. Franklin to William Jack- son. Aug. 6. Franklin to. Sept. 4. Same. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 26. Franklin to. Nov. 26. Franklin to John Adams. Dec. 6. Same. 1782, June 25. Franklin to Robert Morris. 1784, Feb. 3. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Neufville, L de 1781, Jan. 20. Franklin to. Neufville-Montador, Chevalier de. Commandant de Battalion de V Hotel Royal des Invalides, Bayonne. 1778 Nov. 27. To Franklin. 27. "La Belle Poule." 1779, Jan. 12. Franklin to. Neutral vessels. 1780 May 31. Franklin to Samuel Hunt- ington. Aug. 9. Same. Neutrality of French ports. 1778, July 18. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Ne-wcomb, Bryant. American seaman. 1782, Apr. 18. Prisoners. Exchange of. Newenham, Sir Edward. Irish Member of Parliament, Great Britain. 1785, Oct. 3. Franklin to. 1786, Nov. 21. Franklin to John Jay. 1787, May 24. Franklin to. Ne-w Jersey. Executive, (lovernor. See: Franklin, William. New Jersey. Legislature. 1775, Feb. 13. Petition to the King. Newman, Joseph. English seaman. 1782, Ay)t. 18. Prisoners. Exchange of. Newport (P^ngland). Description of: 1726, July 22-Oct. 11. Franklin. Jour- nal of voyage. New^spapers. Ethics of American: 1782, Dec. 24. Franklin to Francis Hopkinson. INDEX 295 New York. British troops in: 1783 Mar. 6. Laurens. Henry, to Frank lin. 17. Same. Apr. 4. Same. Nicholson, Samuel. Oipt., U. S. pri raieer Norton, Sir Fletcher. Formerly Speaker, House of Commons, Great Britain. 1780, Oct. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. O'Connor, , of Xew Yorkf 1787, Jan. 15. Franklin to Francis Childe. 1777, Jan. 26. Franklin, Deane an» Walpole. Oliver, Andrew. Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts. 1772-S, Dec. 2-31. Franklin. Extracts from correspondence relat- ing to Hutchinson and Oli- ver's letters. 1772-3. Franklin. Account of connec- tion with affair of Hutchin- son letters. 1773 Aug. 26. Cushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. Dec. 3. Pownall, John, to Clerk of Privy Council. Ord, Allen. American prisoner. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Orillard, Jean. Paris merchant. 1785 Apr. 28. Vergennes to Franklin. May 1. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. Orphanschool (of Philadelphia). Man- agement. [ ? ]. Franklin. Hints for consider- ation. [ ? ]. Franklin. Osborne, Thomas. Hookseller, I^ndon. I75S, Sept. U>. Franklin to James Logan. July 26. Temple, John, to Franklin. | Osterman, -, Count. Chancllorof 1780, Apr 23. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin Russia. 1781, May 1 1 . Franklin to Francis Dana. 296 INDEX d'Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, Comte. Admiral French Navy, com- manding Brest fleet. 1778, May 9. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin, Adams and Lee. July 31. Gerard de Rayneval to Franklin. Aug. 28. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 30. Same. 31. Jones to Franklin. Oswald, Richard. British Commissioner for negotiating peace. 1782 May 26. Memorandum of Lord Shel- burne's notes. June 26. Franklin to. July 12. Same. 25. Townshend, Thomas. Order for commission. Sept. 7. To Franklin. Nov. 4. To Adams, Franklin and Jay. 5. Adams, Franklin and Jay to. 24. Jay, John, to Franklin. 26. To Franklin. 26. Franklin. Extract of letter. 1782f Memorandum respecting form of commission. 1783, Mar. 6. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. Otis, James. Member, Committee, Massa- chusetts Assembly. 1764, June 25. Massachusetts, Legisla- ture. Committee of Assem- bly to Franklin. Otto, Louis Guillaume. French Charge d' Affaires in U. S. 1786 June 18. Franklin to. Dec. 4. Franklin to William Car- michael. 10. Franklin to. Oudermeulen, C. Vander. Amsterdam merchant. 1780 June 15. To Franklin. 15. Memoir respecting trade. . 22. Franklin to. July 3. To Franklin. 3. Same. Packet line, established between New York and L' Orient. Packet line — Continued 1783, July 27. Franklin to Robert Morris. Paine, Thomas 1785, Sept. 27. Franklin to. 1786?, Julys. Same. 1788, Sept. 17. Franklin to Julien David Le Roy. Palfrey, William. U. S. Consid- General in France. 1781, Feb. 19. Franklin to Jonathan Wil- liams, jr. 19. Franklin to John D. Schweig- hauser. 22. Franklin to John Adams. Mar. 19. Franklin to Schweighauser. 19. Franklin to John Barry. June 11. Franklin to Vergennes. Sept. 2. Franklin to St. John. 21. Same. Paper money 1767 f Franklin. Vindication of the Provincial paper-money sys- tem. 1784 f, Jnly 3?. Franklin. The paper money of America. Papers. Destruction of. 1779, May 5. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Paradise, John 1781, May 6. Franklin to Thomas Jef- ferson. 1789 Aug. 3. Franklin to Thomas? Nel- son, jr. 3. Franklin. Certificate. Parke, Mathew. Capt., U. S. Marines. 1780, June 21. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. 1778, Aug. 15. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Parker, Sir Peter to Philip Stephens. Extract relating to attack on Charleston. 1776, July 9. Dunlap's Maryland Ga- zette, 1776, Nov. 25. Parker, John. American prisoner. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Parker, James 1789, Oct. 26. Franklin to Gunning Bedford. INDEX 297 Parliament 1767-8, Franklin. Petition to. American representation: 1771, Oct. 16. Pennsylvania Commit- tee of Correspondence to Franklin. Authority over colonies: 177S Apr. 20. Gushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. May 6. Same. June 30. Same. July 7. Franklin to Samuel Mather. Aug. 26. Gushing, ThomaS; to Frank- lin. 1775, Feb. 1. Pitt, William. Provi- sional act for settling troubles of America. 1785, May 28. Bill to enable His Maj- esty to conclude peace with North America. Parrish, . Hamburg banker f 1779, Sept. 18. Anonymous. Abstract of letter to John Ross. Parseval, . Farmer General of France. 1781, Nov. 17. Farmers General. State- ment of account with Frank- lin and Deane. Partridge, Elizabeth (Mrs.). Nuce of Franklin. 1786, June 3. Franklin to. 1788, Nov. 25. Same. Partridge , Richard . Pennsylvania Agent in Great Britain. 1740, Penn, Thomas, to Thomas Jackson. 1745-6, Mar. 15. To the Committee of Council for Plantation Af- fairs. Paulze, . Farmer General of France. 1777 Mar. 24. Franklin, Deaneand Paulze. Tobacco contract with the Farmers General. Sept. 7. Franklin to. 1778, Aug. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. Pass, . Pennaylvania f foundryman. 1747-8, Mar. 7. Franklin to James Logan. Passports to immigrants to Ameriia. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to Jonathan Williams. Peace. Propositions: 1776 Aug. 16. Howe, Richanl, to Frank- lin. Oct.? Franklin. Sketch of proposi- tions. Opinion un: 1778 Feb. 1. Franklin to James Hutton. 12. Same. Terms of: Mar. 30. Franklin to William Pult- ney. Proposition.^: 1781 June 27. Franklin to Vergennes. Negotiations: Aug. 16. Franklin to John Adams. Commissioners: Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Sept. 4. Same. Prospects: Nov. 19. Franklin to William Ho-2S. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. Negotiations: 25. Franklin to Kolx^rt Morris. 26. Franklin to Richard Oswald. Oct. 29. Hartley, David, to Franklin. Nov. 19. Same. Dec. 3. Adams, John, to Franklin. 5. Franklin to Robert R. Living- ston. 1782 f. Anonymous to Franklin. 298 INDEX Peace — Continued. 1782 f. Oswald, Richard. Memoran- dum. n83 Feb. 2. Adams, John, to Franklin. Mar. 6. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. July 27. Franklin to Robert Morris. Aug. 21. Franklin to Henry Laurens. Oct. 8. Franklin to David Hartley. 11183 f. Franklin. Explanatory note of 22d article of treaty. 1783 f. Lafayette. Memorandum re- specting preliminary arti- cles. Pearson, Isaac. Member, Penna. Com- mittee of Correspondeyice. 1766 May 8. Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. June 6. Same. Sept. 20. Same. 1767, Oct. 17. Same. 1771 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence, to Frank- lin. 1772 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly resolve. 16. Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. Pearson, . 1786, Sept. 25. Franklin to Stille. Pellissieu, Director, Iron work, near TJiree Rivers, Canada. 1776, Jan. 8. To Congress. Peltier du Doyer. Nantes merchant. 1778, Aug. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to Paulze. 177 f), Mar. 17. Franklin to Vergennes. Pemberton, Isreal. Quaker. 17-'>.'>, May 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Pemberton, James. Quaker; member Pennsylvania Assembly. 1769, Apr. 18. Pennsylvania, Legisla- ture. Assembly Committee to Jackson and Franklin. 1776, Mar. Fothergill, John, to Frank- lin. 1788, June 3. Franklin to. Pendulums. Lengths of. [ ? ]. Franklin. Memorandum re- specting Sir Isaac Newton's calculations. Penet, of Plairne, Penet tfc Co., Nantes merchants. 1781, Oct. 31. Franklin to. Penn family. Lands in Pennsylvania. 1783, Mar. 23. Franklin to John Dick- inson. Penn, Thomas. Proprietary of Pennsyl- vania. 1740. To Thomas Jackson. Pennsylvania. Committee of Corre- spondence: 1764, Nov. 1. To Richard Jackson. 1766 ]May 8. To Jackson and Franklin. June 6. Same. Sept. 20. Same. 1767, Oct. 17. Same. 1771, Oct. 16. To Franklin. 1772, Oct. 16. Same. Constitutional Society : 1785, Sept. 17. Address to Franklin. Convention: 1776 July 20. Franklin. Resolve of Penn- sylvania Convention. Aug.?. Protest against Articles of Confederation. Inhabitants: 1760, Sept. 26. Answer of Assembly to amendments proposed to act appointing agents to receive money granted by Parlia- ment. 1764. Petition to the King. 1775, Nov. 17. Franklin to Lancaster County committee of safety. Legislature: 1764. Petition to the King. 1769, Apr. 18. To Jackson and Frank- lin. 1771 Apr. 5. Galloway, Joseph, to Frank- lin. Oct. 15. Assembly resolve. 1772, Oct. 15. Same. 1774, Oct. 15. Same. 1785 Sept 15. Assembly address to Frank- lin. [ ? ]. Jackson, Richard, to Frank- lin. INDEX 299 Pennsylvania — Continued Loyalists: 1788 f. Analysis of list. Proprietary government: 1758, Sept. 16. Franklin tf) James Lo- gan. Troops. Revolt of the Pennsylvania line: 17SS, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. University of: 1785 Sept. 16. Address of provost and others to Franklin. 16. Franklin to the provost and others. "Pennsylvania Chronicle" 1767-69, Feb. 16-June 9. Franklin. List of papers in Goddard's Pennsylvania Chronicle written by. Pennsylvania Gazette. [ ? ]. Franklin. On the internal state of America. Penobscot. British expedition against. 1779, July 30. Franklin. Extract of a letter from Boston. Pensions. 1786, Feb. 28. Thomson, Charles, to Franklin. Penthievre, Louis Jean Marie de Bour- bon, Due de. 1781, Sept. 2. Franklin to St. John. Percival, Thomas. MancheMer jyfii/si- cian. 1784, July 17. Franklin to. 1786, Aug. 1. Same. Peterkin, William. Englishman. 1786, May 6. Franklin to Andrew Stra- han. Pettit, Charles. PennsijlvanUi Delegate, Continental Congress. 1786, Oct. 10. Franklin to. Petty, William, Marquis of Lansdown. See: Lansdown. Petty, William, Earl of Shelburiie. See: Shelburne. Peuillet, L . 179^, Jan. 29. To William Tern pie Franklin. Peurien & La Fitte. Salem merchants. 1780, Mar. 26. Franklin to John Han- cock. Philadelphia. British troci>8 in: 1759, Dec. 15. Bouquet, Henry, to William Denny. Committee of Correspondence: 1774, May 21. To Boston Committee. Constitutional Society: 1785 Sept. 17. Addre.«*8 to Franklin. 17. Franklin to. French merchant^: 1786, Aug. 10. Barb^ de Marbois to Franklin. Justices: 1785 Sept. 17. Address to Franklin. 19. Franklin to. Merchants: 1769, June 5. Swift, Jo.seph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. Militia officers: 1785, Sept. 19. Franklin to. Orphan School: [ ? ]. Franklin. Hints for con- sideration on management. Public Library: 1789 Aug. 29. Wells, Richard, to Frank- Un. 29. Franklin to Wells. Riot: 1769, Apr. 18. Pennsylvania, Legisla- ture. CommitteetoJackson and Franklin. Philosophical pieces. Chronological list of 1790 f Franklin. Chronological list of philo.^ophical pieces. Philosophical Society. Formation of a. 1744, Apr. 5. Franklin to Cadwallader Colden. Phillips, William. Member, Mass. House of liepresenlatires. 1773, Dec. 21. Cushing, Thomas, Sam- uel Adams, John Hancock and William Phillips to Franklin. Pickles, . Cd/tt., American mer- chant res.'oi. 1781, June 26. Franklin to J(jhn D. Schweighau.«er. Picquet, Jean Baptiste. Li.fl>"" n, ,■,;•},, mi ' 1785, Dec. 9. To Franklin. 300 INDEX Picquet, La Motte. Admiral, French Navy. 17 SI, May 19. Franklin to John Adams. Pickering', Timothy. 1786, Oct. 10. Frankhn to Charles Pet- tit. Pignon, . Farmer General of France. 1781, Nov. 17. Farmers General. Statement of account with Franklin and Deane. Pinckney, Charles. South Carolina Dele- gate, Continental Congress. 1786, Sept. 19. Franklin to. 1787 Oct. .19. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. 19. Franklin to Julien David Le Roy. 19. Franklin to Abbes Chalut and Arnaud. 19. Franklin to Lafayette. 19. Franklin to la Rochefaucauld. Pintard, John M. U. S. Consul, Madeira. 1783, May 16. Continental Congress. Resolve. Pique, . 17 S8, May 4. Franklin to Joseph Ignace Guillotin. Pissot, Noel Laurent. French littera- teur. 1788, Oct. 24. Franklin to Thomas Jefferson. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. 1775 Jan.?. Franklin. Queries to be dis- cussed with. Feb. 1. Provisional act for settling troubles of America. 5. Bollan, William, Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee to speakers of the various colonial assemblies. 1776 f, Dec.?. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. 1783 Apr. 4. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. Nov. 19. Hartley, David, to Charles James Fox. Pius VI (Angelo Braschi). Pope of Rome. 1788, Aug. 14. Dugnani to Franklin. Plairne, Penet «fe Co. Nantes mer- chants and U. S. agents for prizes. 1777 ?, July ? Franklin and Deane to William Lee and Thomas Morris. Planier, French refugee. 1775, May 17. Dumas, Charles William Frederick, to Franklin. Poellnitz, . Baron de. 1788, Sept. 23. Franklin to George Mor- gan. Pollock, Oliver. Merchant. 1786 Mar. 26. Franklin to William Alex- ander. Apr. 21. Franklin to John Hancock. Polybius. Greek historian. 1779, May 28. Fragment from. Poole, ■. Philadelphia artisan. 1786, Mar. 20. Franklin to Jonathan Williams, jr. Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, Duke of. Prime Minister of Great Britain. 1783, Mar. 17. Laurens, Henry, to Franklin. Portrait. [ ? ]. Franklin to William Melmoth. Portsmouth (England). Description of. 1726, July 22-Oct 11. Franklin. Jour- nal of a voyage. Portug'al, King of. See: Joseph. Post-office. 1775-78. Franklin. Ledger of accounts of the U. S. Post-office. Pothonnier & Co. French merchants. 1781 Apr. 23. Franklin to Gourlade&Moy- lan. May 21. Same. 24. Franklin to. Pott, Percival. Surgeon, St. Bartholomeio Hospital, London. 1780, Apr. 23. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. Potts, Samuel 1786. July 29. Franklin to. Pougens, F , I , de. 1817 June 28. To William Temple Frank- lin. Sept. 8. Same. INDKX 301 Pougens — Continued 181S Feb. IS. Same. Apr. 30. Same. Pougens, Marie Charles Joseph de. French author. 1817 June 28. To William Temple Frank- lin. Sept. 8. Same. Nov. 21. Same. 1818 Jan. 18. Same. Apr. 30. Same. Powell, Sanmel. Quaker. 1755, May 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Powell, Thomas. London merchant. 1769, June 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. Pownall, John. Secy., Lords Commis- sioners of Trade and Planta- tions. 1770, July 14. To Franklin. 1775, Dec. 3. To clerk of the Privy Council. 1774 Apr. 21. Franklin to. 24. To Franklin. 26. Same. Pownall, Thomas. Member of Parlia- ment, Great Britain. 1781, Nov. 23. Franklin to. 1782, May 13. To Franklin. 1785, Mar. 1. Franklin to. Pratt, Sir Charles. Atty. General of Great Britain. 1760. Opinion on the Maryland Supply Bills. Pratt, Charles, Baron Camden. See: Camden. Prescott, Richard. Brig. Gen., Briti.<. Pennsylvania, Legislature, .Vsseinl>ly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania Committee of Corresjwndence to Frank- lin. 177S, Oct. 29. To Fninkiin. Rhoads, Ann (Mrs.) 178' I, Dec. In. Franklin to. Rhoads, , "/ Phihidilphi'i. 1787, Aug. 31. Franklin to Smith. 304 INDEX Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatiende Yimeure, Comte de. Lt. Gen. and Commander in Chief, French Army in America. 1783, Mar. 3. Segur to Vergennes. Bibot, . 1777, Apr. 9. Franklin to. Bichards, P . Martinique merchant f 1780, Mar. 15. Memorial to Congress. Richardson, Joseph. Member, Pennsyl- vania Committee of Corre- spondence. 1764, Nov.l. Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence to Rich- ard Jackson. 1766 May 8. Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. June 6. Same. Sept. 20. Same. 1767, Oct. 17. Same. 1769, Apr. 18. Pennsylvania, Legisla- ture. Assembly Committee to Jackson and Franklin. Ridley, Matthew. Maryland Agent in Euro})e. 1781, Dec. Franklin to. 1782 Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. June 25. Franklin to Robert Morris. Rion, D' Albert de. Formerly King's in- terpreter. 1778, Dec. 9. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin and Adams. ' ' Rising States." American privateer. 1777, May 1. Franklin to Thomas Cush- ing. Rittenhouse, David. Treasurer of Penn- sylvania. 1784, June 25. Franklin to. 1786, Oct. 8. Franklin. Order to. Roberdeau, Daniel. Pennsylvania Dele- gate, Continental Congress; Brig. Gen. Penna. militia. 1778, July 6. Franklin to. 1786 Jan. 1. Franklin to. Mar. 23. Same. Roberts, Hugh. Quaker. 1755, May 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Robeson, . Capt., . 1781 Sept. 3. Franklin, William Temple, to. 8. Same. Nov. 1. Same. Dec. 2. Same. Robinson, John. Commissioner of Cus- toms, Boston. 1770, Mar. 23. Boston Committee to Earl of Rochford. Robinson, Thomas, Baron Grantham. See: Grantham. Robinson, Robert. Lt. of Marines, U.S. Nary. 1779, July 28. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. Robinson, . 1815, Dec 28. Anonymous. Memoran- dum respecting Mr. Robin- son? Robson, . Capt. , British merchant f 1770, Mar. 23. Boston Committee to Earl of Rochford. Rochel, . Capt., French merchant ship. 1778, Feb. 15. LaRuellieretodeSartine. Rochford, William Henry Nassau de Zuylestein, Earl of. British Secretary of State for Southern Colonies. 1770, ]\Iar. 23. Boston Committee to. Rockingham, Charles Watson- Went- worth. Marquis of. 1780 Apr. 23. Vaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. May 12. Same. Rocquette, J . Amsterdammerchant. 1781, June 21. Franklin to "J. Roc- quette & Elsevier & Frerea Roquettes." Roquettes, Freres. Amsterdammerchant. See: Rocquette J . Rodman, William. Member, Pennsylva- nia Committee of Correspond- ence. 1767, Oct. 17. Pennsylvania Commit- tee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. 1771 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. INDEX 305 Rodman— Continued mi Oct. 16. Pennsylvania, Committee of Corresj)on(ience to Franklin. 1712 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assemljly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania, Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. Rodney, George Bridges. Adml. and Commander in chief, British Nai-y in West Indies. 1780, Oct. 12. Anonymous to Franklin. Rome, George, of Rhode Island. Aug. 20. Bowler, Met calf, to Thomas Cushing. Gept. 18. Cushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. Rollin, . [ ? ]. To Franklin. Rose, Thomas, (Jiiaker. 175'), :\Iay 5. Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in London. Rosencrone, . Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1783, Apr. 15. Franklin to. Ross, Alexander. Major, 81st Foot andaid- de-camp to Comicallis. 1782, June 10. Lafayette. Draft of dis- charge from parole. Ross, John. Member, Pennsylvania Com- m ittee of Correspondence. Sig- nature. 1764, Nov, 1. Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence to Rich- ard Jacke'on. 1767, Oct. 17. Pennsylvania Commit- | tee of Correspondence to Jackson and Franklin. Ross, John. U. S. Commercial Agent at Nantes. 1777, July 31. Franklin, Deane and Lee to William Lee. 1777 f. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Gustavus Conyngham. 1778 Apr. 22. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. 22?. Same. 26. Franklin to. 1779 Aug. 8. Franklin. Certificate of Ac- count. Sept. 18. Anonymous to. 15885—05 20 Boss— Continued 1781 Aug. 31. Franklin to John Adams. Dec. 4. Morri.>^, Robert, to Franklin. 1786, Jan. 29. Franklin to Andr6 Limo- zin. 1788, Jan. 31. Franklin to the Com- missioners of the Treasury. Ross, . English physician. 1784 Jan. 28. Hartley, David, to Franklin. Mar. 11. Franklin tu Hartley. Roulhac, . French merchant. 1778 June 1. Franklin to ? 7. Franklin to John Rutledge. Rousseau, Jean. iMndon merchant. 1785, May 5. Franklin to. Roy & Freres. French merchants f 17S6, Jan. 29. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Royal Society of London. Report to. 1772, Aug. 21. Cavendish, Henry, and others. Royle, Henry. English artisan. 1782, Jan. 4. Franklin to. Ruellan, . 1785, July 25. Franklin to. 1786, Mar. 9. Same. Rumsey, Nathan. Nantes merchant. 1777, Mar. 25. Franklin to John D. Schweighauser. Rumsey, James. Inventor. 1788, May 14. Franklin to Benjamin Vaughan. Russell, Franci.'j, Duke of Bedford. See: Bedford. Russels & Smith. Birmingham mer- chants f 1787, Dec. 6. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Russia. 1781, Apr. 7. Franklin to Fninci.x Dana. 1782, Dec. 3. Adams, John, to Franklin. Ruston, Job, of Chester County, Penn- sylvania. 1789, June 9. Franklin. Certificate. Ruston, John, of Maryland. 1789, June 9. Franklin. Certificate. Ruston, Thoma.'*. Physician. 1780, Oct. 9. Franklin to. 1786, Mar. 12. Same. 1789, June 9. Franklin. Certificate. 306 INDEX Rutledgfe, John. Gov., Soutli Carolina. 1778, June 7. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Same. Sabatier, Fils & Desprez. Paris mer- chants. 1781 July 6. Franklin to Vergennee. 10. Franklin to de Veimerange. Sabbatier & Co. See: Sabatier, Fils & Desprez. "Sadie Green." American privateer. 1783, Sept. 7. Castries to Franklin. St. Armand, . Farmer General of France. 1781, Nov. 17. Farmers General. State- ment of account with Frank- lin and Deane. St. Asaph, Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of. 1773, June 14. Gushing, Thomas, to Franklin. St. Augustine. Project against. 1779, Dec. 16 ?. Continental Congress to Franklin. St. Clair, Arthur. Maj. Gen., Contin- ental Army. 1783, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. St. John, . 1781 Sept. 2. Franklin to. Sept. 21. Same. St. Mery, Med^ric Louis Elias Moreau de, of Cape Frangois Hispa- niola. 1787, Dec. 11. Franklin to Barb^ Mar- bois. Saint TJrsin, Marie de. French physi- cian. 1818, Feb. 28. To William Temple Franklin. Salary of U. S. Ministers. 1778, Apr. 2. Lee, Arthur, to Secret Committee of Congress. 1781 June 11. Franklin to John Adams. Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Oct. 4. Adams, John, to Franklin. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 178^ Sept. 3. Franklin to Robert R. Living- ston. Oct. 14. Same. 1785 June 19. Franklin to John Barclay. 20. Franklin. Account with U. S. Salary — Continued 1785 [ ? ] Barclay, John. Memo, respect- ing Franklin's claim to sal- ary. Salinas, Marquis de. Capt., Lima Cav- alry, Spanish army. 1777 f La Balne, Magon de, to Ferdi- nand Grand. Salm-Kyrbourg, Frederic, Prince de. [ ? ] Franklin to. Samson. Capt., American merchantman. 1781 f, Apr. 12 ?. Franklin to John Jay. San Domingo ( West Indies ) . Seizure of boat off. 1783, Sept. 7. Castries to Franklin. Sansom, Philip. London merchant. 1786, July 27. Franklin to ? 27. Franklin to Francis Childs. Santoso, Carmine. 1787, Oct. 14. Franklin to. Sargent, John, of Halstead, England. 1769, June. Walpole, Sargent, Frank- lin and Wharton to Lords Commissioners of the Treas- ury. 1786, May 15. Franklin to. Sartine, Antoine Raymond .lean Gual- bert Gabriel de. French Minister of Marine. 1778 Feb. 15. La Ruelliere, , to. June 3. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 5. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin, Adams, Lee and de Sartine. 6. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 8. Le Seurse, , to. 8. To Franklin. 19. Same. 20. Same. July 11. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. 14. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 15. Same. 18. Same. 28. Chaumont, Donatien Le Roy de, to Franklin. Aug. 10. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 22. To Vergennes. Sept. 6. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 14. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. 16. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. INDEX 307 Sartine — Con t i nued 1178 Sept. 21. Same. 21. To Vergennes. Oct. 1. To Franklin, Adams and I.*>e. 2. Sanu'. 12. To Franklin. 13. Jone.s to Franklin. It). To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 19. Same. 19. Jones to Franklin. 22. Franklin, William Temple, to Jones. 26. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. Nov. 1. Jones to Franklin. 5. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 6. Same. 12. Same. 14. Same. 16. Same. 25. To Franklin. Dec. 1. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 22. Same. 11179 Apr. 20. To Franklin. 29. Franklin to. INIay 26. To Franklin. June 25. Same. 27. Franklin to. Sept. 5. To Franklin. Nov. 6. Same. 1780 June 3. Same. 4. Franklin, William Temple, to Jones. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. Sarsfield, , Comte. 1782, Oct. 19. Hartley, David, to Frank- lin. Savages. See: Indians. Savarit, . French merchanf. [ ? ] . Franklin to John Rutledge. Savill, Edward. Americo)i scamnn. J78J, Apr. 18. Prisoners. Exchange of. Savile, Sir George. Member of Parlia- ment. 1780, Apr. 23. Yaughan, Benjamin, to Franklin. Saxony. Commerce with United States. 1783, Mar. 9. deSchonfeld to Franklin. Sayre, Stephen. Former Secy, to Arthur Lee. 1777 f, Oct.?. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. Sayre— Continued 1779, Nov. 8. Franklin to Dumas. Schafier, . J A. Col., American militvi. 1784, Jan. 15. Vergennes to F"rank- lin. Schneider, Chri.«tian, of Germanlown, I'lnnsijlrania. 1781, July 18. Franklin to Rev. M. Auer. de SchOnfeld, . 17S.i, Mar. 9. To Franklin. Schools, American, at Paris. 1781, Dec. 7. Franklin to Guillaume Jaume. [ ? ]. ^Memorandum concerning. Schuyler, Philip John. Maj. Gen., Con- tinental Ann;/. 1775, Aug. 17. Franklin to (ieorge Washington. 1776 Apr. 13. Franklin to John Hancock. May 10. Franklin, Chase and Car- roll to. Schweighauser, John D. Nantes mer- cltant; U. S. agent for sale of prizes in Brittany; V. S. com- mercial agent at Xantes. 1777 Jan. 28. Franklin, Deane and Lee to Thomas Morris. Mar. 25. I'ranklin to. 1778 May 25. Franklin, .Vdams and I>ee to Jonathan Williams. June 20. Sartine Ut PVanklin. July 18. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Nov. 16. Same. 1780 Mar. 3. Jones, John Paul, to Frank- lin. July 15. To Franklin. Sept. 7. Same. 1781 Feh. 19. Franklin to. Mar. 19. Same. 19. Franklin to John Barry. Apr. 21. Franklin to. May 5. Franklin to John Jay. June 26. Franklin to. Aug. 23. Same. 1783 Oct. 16. Castries to Vergennes. 308 INDEX Schweighauser — Continued 1783 Dec. ] 6. Barclay, Thomas, to Frank- lin. Dec. Franklin. Notes on Thomas Barclay's letter. 1784, Jan. 12. Franklin to Vergennes. 1786, Nov. 16. Franklin to Willett. [ ? ]. Franklin to. Science. Speculations on advance of. 1780, Feb. 8. Franklin to Joseph Priest- ley. Scrope, . English clergyman. 1783, Oct. 11. Hartley, David, to Frank- lin. Scotosh. Son of Half King, Wyandot Nation. 1786 July 6. Franklin to Charles Thom- son. 6. Franklin to John Jay. 7. Franklin. Certificate. Seabury , Samuel. Bisliop of Connecticut. 1786, May 30. Franklin to Granville Sharp. Seamen (American). 1871 Fel). 22. Franklin, William Temple, to Jonathan AVilliams, jr. Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. 22. Franklin to Castries. 23. Franklin to John D. Schweig- hauser. Searle, James. Pennsylvania agent to ne- gotiate a loan in Europe. 1780, July 12. Huntington, Samuel. Extract of letter to Franklin. 1781 Jan. 27. Franklin to John Hay. Oct. 16. Same. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 23. Franklin to John Adams. Dec. 29. Franklin to Castries. S^g^r, Phillipe Henri, Marquis de. French Minister of War. 1781, Dec. 8. Franklin to. 1782 Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary, Nov. 5. To Franklin. 1783 Mar. 3. To Vergennes. 22. Vergennes to Franklin. Apr. 30. Same. Selby, John. American seamen from Bal- timore. 1778, July 15. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Selkirk, Helen Hamilton, Countess of 1778, May 18. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. Semeville, Comtesse de. 1777, June 6. Franklin to. Senneville, . Major, and aide-de- camp to de Kalb ? 1778, June 19. Sartine to Franklin. de Sequeville, . 1785, June 17. Franklin to. "Serapis," H. M. ship of war. En- counter with the Bon Homme Richard. 1780, Feb. 12. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. Servants. Enlisting in America. 1740, Dec. 24. Fazakerly, Nicholas. Opinion. Setell, Francois Antoine. Corporal, Com- pany de Cusse, Royal Artillery , French Army. 1778, Memorial to Vergennes. See: Cas- sel, Jean Henry, and Frangois Antoine Setell. Memorial. Sevell, . Englishman. 1766, Aug. 28. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to Franklin. Sevier, John. Governor, Tennessee. 1787, June 30. Franklin to. Shaffer, . American. 1781, Sept. 9. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. Sharp, Granville. Englishman. 1786 May 30. Franklin to. Nov. 24. Same. 1788, May 15. Same. Sheaffe, Edward. Member, Committee, Massachusetts Assembly. 1764, June 25. Massachusetts, Legis- lature. Committee of Assem- bly to Franklin. Sheafie, William. Deputy Collector of Customs, Boston. 1770, Mar. 23. Boston Committee to Earl of Rochford. Shee, John. ^^Col.," of Philadelphia. 1789 Apr. 27. Franklin to Comte de Mous- tier. INDEX 309 Shee — Continued 17S9 Apr. 27. Franklin to Thomas. Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of. Brit- ish Secretary of Stute. 1777, Oct. 8. Ingenhousz, John, t«. Franklin. 1782 Mar. 22. Franklin to. Apr. 18. Same. 20. Digges, Thomas, to. 28. To Franklin. May 10. Franklin to. 26. Oswald, Richard. Memoran- dum of Lord Shelburne' s notes. June 26. Hartley, David to Franklin. 26. Franklin to Richard Oswald. 1785, Mar. 6. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. [ ? ] . Notes of a s])eech. Shipley, Georgiana. 1780, Oct. 8. Franklin to. 1781, Dec. 15. Same. 1781 f Same. Shipley, Jonathan. Bishop of St. Asaph, England. 1782, June 10. Franklin to. 1783, Mar. 17. Same. 1786, Feb. 24. Same. Shippen, Edward. Prothonotary of Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania. 1755, May 24. Franklin to. Shoemaker, Stephen. Member, Pennsyl- vania Committee of Cor- respondence. 1772 Oct. 15. Pennsylvania, Legislature, Assembly. Resolve. 16. Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence to Franklin. Short, James. Optician, London. 1758, Sept. 16. Franklin to James Logan. Short, William, of Virginia. 1784, Nov. 25. Jefferson, Thomas, to Franklin. Shreiber, Jacob, ('apt.. Engineers, Con- tinental Army. 1781, Dec. 5. Morris, Robert, to Frank- lin. Sicily. U. S. commerce with. 1778, Oct. 8. Naples, Ambassador ot. to Franklin, Adamsand Lee, Simond, Hankey & Son. London briykern. 1797 June 7. Franklin, William Tt-mple, to. 8. To William Temple Franklin. Simpson, Thomas. lA., U. S. Xary. 1778 May 9. Jone,«, John Paul, to Frank- lin, Adams and Lee. 16. Franklin, Adams and Lee to. 17. Franklin, Adams and 1^«' to Jones. June .1 Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. 6. Sartine to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Aug. 15. Jones to Franklin, .\danis and Ix?e. 1779 Feb. 10. Franklin and Adams to Jones. July 4. Jones to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Skinner, Cortland. Speaker, Xeir .Jersey House of Asxemhly. 1775, Feb. 13. New Jersey, Legislature, Assembly. Petition to King. Slavery. 1772, Aug. 22. Franklin to Anthony Benezet. 1790, Mar. 28. Franklin to editor of the Federal Cta/.ette. Small, Alexander. Engli.'ihmau. 1787 Feb. 19. Franklin to. Sept. 28. Same. [ ? ]. On ventilation. Small, William. P^iiijlish physician. 1771, Aug. 10. To Franklin. Smallpeese, Robert. .Imeriran prisoner. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Smith, James. New )'i)rh phy.ticiau. 1778 Oct. 17. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Dec. 18. Vergennet* to Franklin. Smith, Ro])ert. Late architects, Phila- delphia. 1786, Dec. l.'i. Franklin to Ann Kh(.a Mi'm^ky. Sugar Islands. [ ? ]. Franklin. A thought con- cerning the Sugar Islands. Sullivan, John. Maj.-Gen., Continental Army; J*re^ident of Xew Hampshire. 1778 f, Apr.'! Anonymous. Letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in France. 178:, Mar. (1. Franklin to. 312 INDEX Sullivan, John. Lt., 4th Continental Dragoons. 1783, July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin, Adams and Jay. Supplies. Contract system in U. S. : 1782, Feb. 9. Morris, Robert, to Gov- ernors of the States. From France: 1777, Oct. 7. Franklin, Deane and Lee. Extract of letter to Committee of Foreign Af- fairs. 1780, Dec. 2. Franklin to Samuel Hun- tington. 1781 Mar. 11. Franklin to Gerard de Rayneval. Apr. 12? Franklin. Memorandum of clothing, arms, etc., sent to America. June 12. Franklin to Jean Durival. July 10. Franklin to Veimerange. Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Sept. 20. Franklin to Veimerange. 22. Franklin to Vergennes. Oct. 16. Franklin to William Jackson. 20. Franklin to Veimerange. Nov. 5. Franklin to Robert Morris. Dec. 10. Franklin to Gerard de Ray- neval. 178^, Sept. 25. Morris, Robert, to Franklin. From Holland: 1781, June 10. Franklin to Vergennes. 17. Vergennes to Franklin. July 6. Franklin to Vergennes. Sept. 4. Franklin to Jean de Neuf- ville & Son. Nov. 7. Franklin to John Adams. 8. Franklin to John Laurens. 23. Franklin to John Adams. 26. Same. 26. Franklin to Jean de Neufville & Son. Dec. 6. Franklin to John Adams. 1782, June 25. Franklin to Robert Morris. Payment for: 1781 May 5. Franklin to John Jay. June 4. Franklin to Vergennes. Surgeons. French navy. 1778, Sept. 16. Memorial. Suspension of hostilities. 1782, Sept. 8. Washington, George, to Sir Guy Carleton, Swanwick, . 1786, July 18. Franklin to Nathaniel Gorham. Sweden. Treaty of commerce with. 1782, Apr. 24. Franklin to Count de Cruetz. 1783, Aug. 15. Boudinot, Elias, to Franklin. Swift, Joseph, and others. Philadelphia merchants. 1769, June 5. To David Barclay, jr., and others. Talbot, Silas. 1781 Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodg- son. Tariff. [ ? ]. Franklin. On tariff protection. Tarleton, Banastre. Lt. Col., British Army, and Commander of Tarleton' s Legion. 1780, Oct. 31. Fitzpatrick, William, to Franklin. 1781, May 5. Franklin to John Jay. Taxation. 1764, June 25. Massachusetts, Legisla- ture. Committee of Assem- bly to Franklin. 1773, Dec. 10. Gushing, Thomas, to Franklin. 1774, May 21. Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence to Boston Committee. 1775, July 31. Franklin. Amendment to observations of Congress on Lord North's proposals. Taxes in United States. 1783, July 27. Franklin to Robert Mor- ris. Tea. Destruction at Boston: 1773 Dec. 10. Cushing, Thomas, to Frank- lin. 21. Cushing, Thomas, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and William Phillips to Franklin. Consumption of, in U. S.: 1779, Apr. 22. Franklin to Josiah Quincy. INDEX 313 Temple, Sir Jnhii. 1781 Jan. 20. Franklin to L. de Neufville. July 9. To Franklin. 15. Franklin to. •lie,. To Franklin. Temple, John. British comnil-r/eneral in United S((t(es. n8r>, Isl-AT. 18. Hartley, David, to Frank- lin. Temple, William.s (William Temple Franklin ?). 17SG, Apr. 10. deLavalletteto Franklin. Tennessee. »SVt'.- Franklin (State). Terre Blanca, Marquis de. Capt., Lima Arqitebusiers, Spanish Army. }777f. La Balne, Magon de, to Ferdi- nand Grand. Tessier, . Paris f ynerchant. 1781 Apr. 23. Franklin to Gourlade & Moylan. 25. Franklin to John Hodgson. 1787, Dec. 6. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Texier, . Surgeon, Pulaski's Le- gion, Continental Army. 1782, June 26. Morris, Robert, to Frank- lin. Thacher, Oxenbridge. Member, Commit- tee, ^fassachusetts A.'tsembly. 1764, June 25. Massachusetts, Legisla- ture. Committee of Assem- bly to Franklin. Thaxter, John. Private Secy, to John Adams. 1781, Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. Theology. [ ? ]. Franklin. Memorandum of doctrines to be preached. Thevenard, Antoine Jean ^larie. Com- mandant of the Port of Ij' Ori- ent. 1781, Feb. 22. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to Jonathan Williams, jr. 1780 June 13. To John Paul Jones. 23. Jones to Franklin. 23. Same. Thomas, , of Paris. 1789 Apr. 27. Franklin to ComtedeMous- tier. Thomas — Continued 1789 Apr. 27. Franklin to. Thomas, (ieorge. (iorernor, Pennsylvania. Dispute with Assembly. 1740. Penn, Thomas, to Thomas Jack- son. Thompson, Thomas. See: Thomson. Thompson (Mrs.), of England. 1777, Feb. 8. Franklin to. Thomson, Charles. Secretary, Conti- nental Congress. 1774 Oct. 26. To Franklin. Nov. 1. Same. 1776, Nov. 25. Dunlap's Maryland (Ga- zette. 1780, Nov. 22. Continental Congress to King Louis XVL 1781, June 19. Huntington, Samuel, to Franklin. 1782, Oct. 17. Continental Congress. Order. 1783, Oct. 29. Continental Congress. Instructions to U. S. minis- ters. 1784 ^lar. 28. Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. Apr. 7. Same. 1785 ]Mar. 7. Continental Congress. Re- solve. May 10. Franklin to. Sept. 26. Same. 1786 Feb. 28. To Franklin. Mar. 4. Same. July 6. Franklin to. Aug. 25. To Franklin. 1787 Jan. 25. Franklin to. Fel). S. To Franklin. Dec. 6. Franklin to. [ ? ]. Anonymous. Memorandum of endorsement of Franklin's letter of 1788, Nov. 29. Thomson, Tlioma.>'. Capt., American privateer ' ' Rising States. ' ' 1777 May 1. Franklin to Thoma.-^ Cashing. Nov. 25. Franklin, Deane and Ix-e to Thonuis Thomson and Elisha Hinman. 314 INDEX Thornton, . Major. 1777 Dec. 11. Franklin. Instructions to. 11. Franklin to Sir Grey Cooper. Thuillieres, Baron de Randerode de. CapL, Royal Deux Fonts f Regt., French Army. 1777, June 11. Franklin to George Washington. Thulmeier, , Baron. Frussian minister to Holland. 1785, May 26. Franklin and Adams to. Thun, Baron de. Minister Plenipotentiary of Wilrtemburg to France. 1781 July 17. Franklin to. 18. Same. 1783, July 7. To Franklin. Thurlow, Edward. Atty. Genl, Great Britain. 1778, Feb. 24. Adam, John, to Mons. Derimple. Tides. 1785, Apr. 29. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. Tingis, Elizabeth. 1785, Feb. 19. Franklin to M. Michel. Toads found in stone. 178.?, Apr. 6. Franklin. Memorandum. Tobacco. 1777, Mar. 24. Franklin, Deane and Paulze. Tobacco contract. 1785, July 18. Contee, B , to Frank- lin. [ ? ]. Franklin to ? [ ? ]. Commerce. State of American. Todd, Anthony. Secy., General Fost- office, London. 1789, Apr. Franklin. Certificate. de Tolozan, . Mattredes Requctes, Marecliaux de France. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to. Toussard, Louis. Lt. Col., retired. Conti- nental Army. 1781, June 11. Franklin to Vergennes. Tovrers, Robert. Quartermaster, U. S. Navr/. 1779, July 28. Jones, John Paul, to Franklin. Townshend, Thomas. Home Secretary, Great Britain. 1782, July 5. Order for commission to Oswald. 1782i Vaughan, Benjamin, to Frank- lin. Townsend, Thomas. 1778, Feb. 24. Adam, John, to Mons. Derimple. Tracy, Nathaniel. Newburyport mer- chant. 1781, Feb. 22. Franklin to John Adams. Trade. See: Commerce. Treaties with European nations. 1783, Oct. 29. Continental Congress. Instructions to U. S. Minis- ters. Treaty. With Denmark: 1783, June 7. Franklin to Walterstorff. With France: 1778?, Feb. 6?. France. Treaty of friendship and alliance. 1782, July 16. Continental Congress. Contract with France. 1783 Feb. 25. France. Treaty for loan of six million livres. July 29. France. Treaty establish- ing status of consuls. With Germany: [ ? ]. Continental Congress. In- structions to Franklin. With Great Britain: See: Definitive treaty of peace. With Prussia: 1785, May 26. Franklin to Adams and Thulemeier. With Sweden: 1782, Apr. 24. Franklin to Count de Creutz. Trenton. Committee of. 1776, Jan. 25?. Franklin. Committee report. Tricomie, Bishop of. France. 1777, Apr. 22. Franklin to. Triol, Roux & Co. Marseilles merchants. 1781, Apr. 12. Franklin to. Tronguoy, . Fresident of the Treasury of France. 1785 Jan. 15. Bordel, Maignol ? de, to. 16. To Franklin. Trumbull, Jonathan. Govr., of Connecti- cut. 1778, July 22. Franklin to. Trumbull, Jonathan. Arti.-it. 1781, Aug. 8. Franklin to William Hodgson. 1784, Feb. ;i Laurens, Henry, to Frank- lin. INDEX 315 Truxtun, Thomas. Capt., Ijondon packet. 17So, July 4. Franklin to Rdward Bridgen. 17S6, May 30. Franklin t<. Wallace, Johnson & Muir. Tucker, Samuel. Cnpt., U. S. frigate " Boston.'^ 1778 May 13. Verpennes io Franklin, Adam.s and Lee. 1778. Cassel, Jean Henry, and Fran- f^ois Antoine Setell. Memo- rial to Vergennes. Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques. French statesman. 1777, Apr. 2. Franklin to George Wash- ington. 1781 Apr. 25. Franklin to. May 1. Same. Tyler, John. 1788, Aug. 18. Franklin to Samuel Garbet. Tyler, . 1789, Nov. 16. Franklin to William Vaughan. Type. 1781, ^lar. 2. Franklin to Fournier. Criticism of: 1787, Oct. 14. Franklin to Giambattista Bodoni. Imperfections of font : 1786 Mar. 26. Franklin to Francis Childs. Apr. 22. Same. May 1. Same. Sale of: 1786, Oct. 5. Franklin to William Alex- ander. 1787, Jan. 15. Franklin to Francis Furnished Virginia before the Revolu- tion : 1789, Oct. 26. Franklin to William Alexander. Ugarte y Lianas, Thomas de. Capt., .S'/«t»/.s/( frigate " iV. S. de Loreto." 1786 Dec. 16. Franklin to. 17. To Franklin. ' ' Union. " British privateer. 1779, Oct. 2. Denmark, King Christian VII. Order releasing the Betsey and Union. Union of colonies 17.J4 June 8 July 10. 1774 ' Mar. 21. Franklin. Siiort hints to- wards a scheme for uniting the northern colonies. Franklin. The Albany j»ian. IMiiladclphia Conunittee i>f Correspondence to Boston Cijmmittee. June 10. Anonymous. Extract of letter from Philadelphia. United States, Seal: 1776, Aug. Franklin. Suggestion. Congress : 1789, Apr. 27. Franklin to de Muustier. Urban, Sylvanus. hmdun author. 1789, Oct. 20. Franklin to. Valpy, Richard. English schoolmaster. 1816, Sept. 20. To William Temple Franklin. Van Berckel. Sre: Berckel. Vaughan, Benjamin. Politician; yfemher of Parliament, Great Britain. 1776 Dec. 29. To Franklin. Dec.?. Same. 1779 May 5. Franklin to. Nov. 9. Same. 1779 f To Franklin. 1780 Jan. 27. To Francis Ma.seres. 27. Maseres, Francis, to editor of Dr. Franklin's papers. Apr. 23. To Franklin. May 12. Same. 1781, Nov. 22. Franklin to. 178^, June 5-28. To Franklin. 1783f. Same. 178.} Jan. 19. Same. Aug. 8. Same. 1784 Feb. 27. Same. July 26. Franklin to. Sept. 7. Same. 178') Mar. 18. Same. Apr. 21. Same. 1786, July 31. Same. 1788 Feb. 12. Same. May 14. Same. 17. Same. 316 INDEX Vaughan — Continued 1188 Aug. 18. Same. 1189, Mar. 4. To Franklin. Vaughan, John. PJdludelphia merchant f 1181 Jan. 14. Franklin, William Temple, to. Feb. 25. Same. Mar. 29. Same. 1186 Jan. 29. Franklin to Andre Limozin. Sept. 2. Franklin to John Ingen- housz. 1181, Jan. 9. Franklin to William Blake. Vaughan, Samuel. Metallurgist. 11S6, Jan. 3. Franklin to John Jay. Vaughan, William. London merchant. 1188 Mar. 31. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. May 15. Franklin to. Dec. 9. Same. 1189 May 31. Franklin to Joseph Priestley. Nov. 16. Franklin to. Vaughan, William. Director, Royal Ex- change Assurance Corpora- tion, London. 1793, July 6. Morgan, William to. Veillard, . French youth. 1781 July 8. Franklin to William Hodg- son. Aug. 8. Same. Veimerange , Palteau, Chevalier de. Com- missaire du Guerre, France. 1181 June 17. Vergennes to Franklin. July 6. Franklin to Vergennes. 10. Franklin to. Sept. 20. Same. Oct. 20. Same. Ventilation. [ ? ]. Small?, Alexander. On ven- tilation. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de. French Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1114, Sept. 26. To Franklin. 1111, Dec. — . Franklin and Deane. Extracts of correspondence, 1777. Jan. 14— Dec. 18. Vergennes — Continued 1118 May 13. Same. 15. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 23. To Franklin. July 6. Franklin. Memorandum re- lating to trade. 6. To Franklin. Aug. 22. Same. 22. Sartineto. Sept. 9. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 18. Necker, Jaques, to. 24. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 25. Same. 27. Same. 27. Sartine to. Oct. 17. To Franklin, Adams and Lee. 21. Same. 30. Same. Dec. 18. Same. 1118. Cassel, Jean Henry, and Fran- cois Antoine Setell. Memo- rial to. 1119 Feb. 14. Franklin to. 29. Same. Mar. 17. Same. 1179 f Lafayette to Franklin. 1180 Sept. 4. To Franklin. 7. Franklin to. 20. Same. Nov. 26. To Franklin. 1781 Feb. 13. Franklin to. Mar. 6. Same. June 4. Same. 8. To Franklin. 10. Franklin to. 17. To Franklin, 27. Franklin to. July 6. Same. 11. Same. 27. Franklin, William Temple, to William Carmichael. Aug. 20. Franklin to John Jay. 23. To Franklin. 24. Franklin to WiUiam Car- michael. 31. Franklin to John Adams. Sept. 4. Franklin to John Jay. Oct. 5. Franklin to John Adams. INDEX 317 Vergennes — Conti n ued Oct. 16. Franklin to John Jay. 22. To Franklin. Nov. 20. Franklin to. Dec. 10. Same. 10. Franklin to Gerard de Rayne- val. 21. To Franklin. 27. Franklin to. 31. To Franklin. Dec. Franklin to. 1782 Jan. 1-3. Franklin. Diary. 18. To Franklin. Feb. 20. Same. Apr. 18. Same. 18. Franklin to. 23. To Franklin. 23. Blome, Baron de, to. June 21. Lafayette to Franklin. 22. Grenville, Thomas, to Franklin. July 6. To Franklin. 16. Continental Congress. Con- tract with France. Sept. ?. Lafayette. Memorandum. Nov. 6. Franklin to. 8. Same. Dec. 30. Same. 30. To Franklin. 1783 Jan. 25. Franklin to. Feb. 2. To Franklin. 25. France. Treaty with U. S. for loan. Mar. 3. Segur to. 22. To Franklin. Apr. 30. Same. June 28. Franklin and Jay to. July 3. To Franklin. 4. Franklin to. 5. To Franklin. 18. Same. 29. France. Treaty with U. S., es- tablishing status of consuls. Oct. 16. Castries to. 24. To Franklin. Nov. 13. Chardon to. Dec. 3. To Franklin. 6. Franklin to. 11. ToFrankUn. 1783. Franklin to. 1784 Jan. 12. Same. Verg-ennes — Continued 17S4 Jan. l"i. To Franklin. 17. Franklin to. Sept. 28. Same. 1785 Apr. 28. To Franklin. May 1. Franklin to. 22. To Franklin. 1787, Apr. 22. Franklin to Feniinand Grand. [ ? ]. I^afayette to Franklin. Vergennes, I^ouis, Comte de. 1784, Dec. 1. To Franklin. Vernon, . 1788, June 7. Franklin to John Boml- field. Vessels. Propulsion of. [ ? ]. Anonymou.«. Memorandum of i)a tent granted Count Bat- thyanyi. Villemont, de, . Officer, Regiment de Metz, Ruyal Artillen. French Arvty. [ ? ]. Bezont to Franklin. Villesboisnet, Espivent. Xantes mer- chant f 1779, May 5. Franklin to Benjamin Yaughan. Vincent, . [ ? ]. To Franklin. Viny, Thomas, vf Kent, England. 1779, May 4. Franklin to. Virginia bonds. 1781, Oct. 31. Franklin to Penet. Vochez, J . 1800 July 19. To Lauren^on. 19. To Dupnnt. Wales, Ephraim. American prisoner. 1781, Nov. 19. Franklin to William Hodgson. Wales, Samuel. Capl., Boston merchant sh ip. 1781 Aug. 28. Franklin to George Little and othei-s. Sept. 2. Franklin to St. John. 21. Franklin to John Hancock. Walker, John. Eiiglixh le.ncogra}iher. 1789, May 31. Franklin to Richard Price. Walkier, . BrHMels electrician. 1780, May 3. Ingenhousz, John, to Franklin. 318 INDEX Wallace, Johnson & Muir. London hcmkerxf 17S'>, May 30. Franklin to. Walpole grant. 1769, June. Walpole, Sargent, Franklin and Wharton to Lords Com- missioners of the Treasury. Walpole, Thomas. London hanker; Member of Parliament, Great Britain. 1769, June. Walpole, Sargent, Franklin and AVharton. Memorial to Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. 1774 f, Jan. 24. To Franklin. [ ? ]. FrankHn to. Walter, John. Founder and proprietor of the London ' ' Times. ' ' 1784, Apr. 17. Franklin to. 1789, July 18. To Franklin. Walterstorff, . Danish Commis- sioner to negotiate with Frank- lin. 1783, June 7. Franklin to. 1784, Sept. 2. Same. 1785, July 21. Franklin to John Paul Jones. Warder, Jeremiah. Philadelphia mer- chant. 1769, Jnne 5. Swift, Joseph, and others to David Barclay, jr., and others. Warder, Dearman & Co. London mer- chants ? 1787, Dec. 6. Franklin to Ferdinand Grand. Warren, Joseph. Member, Boston Com- mittee; Prest. , Massachusetts Provincial Congress. 1770, Mar. 23. Boston Committee to Earl of Rochford. 1775, Apr. 26. To Franklin. Warren, John. Capt. , A merican privateer "Lion." 1778, May 15. Vergennes to Franklin, Adams and Lee. Warren, Winslow. 1781, Aug. 13. Franklin, William Tem- ple, to. Washington, George. Genl., and Com- mander in chief, Continental Army. 1775 Aug. 17. Franklin to. Washington — Continued 1775 Sept. 25. Reed, Joseph, to Frank- lin. 1776, Sept. 15. Deane, Silas, to. 1777 Mar. 29. Franklin to. Apr. 2. Franklin to. May 29. Same. June 11. Franklin to. Aug. 24. Same. Aug. Franklin, Deane and Lee to. Sept. 3. Franklin to. 10. Same. 11. Same. 1777. Same. 1778 Mar. 2. Same. Apr.?. Anonymous. Letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in France. 1779, Dec. 16 ? Continental Congress to Franklin. 1780 Mar. 5. Franklin to. 19. Same. 1781 May 6. Same. June 4. Franklin to Vergennes. Oct. 20. Extract from General Orders. Nov. 26. Franklin to John Adams. 1782 Apr. 2. Franklin to. 8. Same. June 11. Lafayette to Franklin. Sep. 8. To Sir Guy Carleton. 12. Carleton, Sir Guy, to. Nov. 20. To Franklin. '1783 Apr. 23. Same. May 10. Franklin to. July 13. Boudinot, Elias, to Frank- lin, Adams and Jay. 27. Franklin to Robert Morris. 1785 Sept. 20. Franklin to. 20. Franklin, William Temple, to. 25. To Franklin. 26. To William Temple Franklin. 1786, Nov. 21. Franklin to John Jay. 1787 May 24. Franklin to Sir Edward Newenham. May? Franklin to ? im)Ex 319 Washington — Continued 1758, Oct. 24. Franklin to Thomas Jef- ferson. 1759, Sept. 16. Franklin to. Waterhouse, Benjanun. Medical Mudent