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Copyright, Jaiuiar}-, 1908 PRACTICAL PONTICS The Eastern Press Company, Boston In the preparation of this volume we have endeavored to learn the names of the photographers by whom the various por- traits were made, and desire to give due credit to the following studios: Parsons, Adams; Litchfield, /\rlington: Dunklee, Athol; Chickering, Conlin, Glines, Marceau, Notman, O'Xeill & Jordan, Purdy, Siegel, Boston; liass, Brockton; Butterfield, Mc- Cabe, Cambridge; Moulton, Fitchburg; Phelps, Gloucester; Enterprise, Greenfield; Fuller, McKeen, Haverhill; Demers & Son, Lawrence, Holyoke; Dexter, Ipswich; Loth- rop & Cunningham, Marion, Lowell; Thomp- son, Marblehead: Butman, Middleboro; Reed, New Bedford; Thompson, Orange; Skinner, Quincy; Ames, Salem; Benoit, Southbridge; Fludson, South Framingham; Bordeaux, Bosworth & Murphy, Spring- field; Webster, Waltham; Adams, Whitins- ville; Fitton, Morrill. Schcrvee, Worcester. BAY STATE MEN IN WASHINGTON HENRY CABOT LODGE, Senator. LODGE, HEXRY CABOT, Republican, of Xahant. Was born in Boston, May 12, 1850; received a private school and collegi- ate education; was graduated from Harvard College in 1871; studied law at Harvard Law School and graduated in 1875, receiv- ing the degree of LL.B.; admitted to Suf- folk bar in 1876; in the same year, 1876, re- ceived tlie degree of Ph.D., for thesis on *'The Land Law of the Anglo-Saxons;" pro- fession, that of literature; is a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, of the Virginia Historical Society, of the Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Science, of the Xew England Historical and Genealogical Society, and of the American Antiquarian Society, and has received the degree of Doc- tor of Laws from Williams College, Clark Universit}^ and Yale University; was per- manent chairman of the Republican national convention which met in Philadelphia in 1900; chairman of the committee on resolu- tions of the Republican national convention of 1904 at Chicago; was a member of the commission on Alaskan boundary appointed by the President; served two years in the ^Massachusetts House of Representatives; was elected to the 50th, 51st. 52d, and 53d Congresses; was elected to the United States Senate Jan. 17, 1893. to succeed Henry L. Dawes; was re-elected in 1899 and 1905. His term will expire in 191 1. WINTHROP MURRAY CRANE Senator, CRAXE, WIXTHROP MURRAY, Re- publican, of Dalton, was born at Dalton, April 23, 1853; was educated at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, ^lass. Is a paper manufacturer; was a delegate-at-large to the Republican national conventions of 1892, 1896 and 1904; was selected as the Mas- sachusetts member of the Republican Na- tional Committee in 1892, 1896 and 1904; was lieutenant-governor in i897-'98-'99, and governor in I900-'oi-'o2: was appointed to the United States Senate Oct. 12, 1904. to till the vacancy caused by the death of Sen- ator Hoar. He was elected by the Legisla- ture in January, 1905. to fill out the term which expires ]March 3, 1907, and was re- elected for a full term of six years in Janu- ary, 1907. His term will expire in 1913. AMES, BUTLER, 5th District, Republi- can, Lowell. Born there in 1871; public schools, Phillips Exeter, West Point, Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. Me- chanical and electrical engineer. Agent W'amesit Power Co. of Lowell. Common Council, Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives three years; elected to 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Con- gress. GARDNER. AUGUSTUS P., 6th Dis- trict, Republican, Hamilton. Born in Bos- ton Xovember 5, 1865: Harvard College 1886, degree of A.B. Served as captain and assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Gen. James H. Wilson during the Span- ish - American War. Massachusetts state Senate two years; elected to the 57th Con- gress to hll the vacancy caused b\- the re- tirement of Hon. William II. Moody to be- come Secretary of the Xavy, and to the 58th and SQth Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. GILLETT, FREDERICK H.. 2cl dis- trict, Republican, Springfield. Born West- field, October i6, 185 1; Amherst College, 1874, Harvard Law School 1877. Lawyer. Assistant attorney-general of Massachusetts from 1879 to 1882; Massachusetts House of Representatives 1890 and 1891; elected to 53d, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th Con- gresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. GREENE, WILLIAM S., 13th District, Republican, Fall River. Born Tremont, Tazewell County, 111.. April 28, 1841; public schools. Real estate and insurance business. Common Council four years, president three years; mayor of Fall River 1880, 1886, 1895, 1896 and 1897; appointed post- master 1881; reappointed postmaster 1898; resigned and was elected to the 55th Con- gress to fill out the unexpired term of Hon. John Simpkins, deceased; also elected to 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re- elected to 60th Congress. 13 KELIHER. JOHX A., gth District, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there November 6, 1866; public schools. Real estate. Massa- chusetts House of Representatives i896-'97, state Senate 1S99-1900: elected to 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Con- gress. 14 LAWRENCE. GEORGE P., ist District, Republican, North Adams. Born Adams, May 19, 1859: Drury Academy, Amherst College, Columbia Law School. Lawyer. Appointed judge of district court of North- ern Berkshire 1885: Massachusetts Senate i895-'96- '97, president last two years. Elected to 53th. 56th. 37th. 58th. 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. LOVERIXG, WILLIAM C, 14th Dis- trict, Republican, Taunton. Born Rhode Island, 1835; Cambridge High School, Hop- kins Classical School. Cotton manufacturer. Massachusetts state Senate i874-'75: dele- gate Republican national convention 18S0; elected to the 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. 16 McCALL, SAMUEL \V., 8th District, Republican, Winchester. Born East Provi- dence, Pa., February 28, 185 1: Xew Hamp- ton (X.H.) Academy 1870, Dartmouth Col- lege 1874. Lawyer; Massachusetts House of Representatives 1888, 1889 and 1892; del- egate to Republican national conventions of 1888 and 1900; elected to 53d, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re- elected to 60th Congress. O'CONNELL, JOSEPH F.. loth Dis- trict, Democratic, Boston. Born Dorches- ter, December 7, 1872; St. Mary's Parochial school, Boston College, Harvard Law School 1896. Lawyer. Elected to 60th Con- gress. PETERS, ANDREW J., nth District, Democrat, Boston. Born there April 3, 1872. Harvard College 1895, Harvard Law School 1898. Lawyer. Massachusetts House of Representatives 1902, state Senate 1904 and 1905. Elected to 6oth Congress. 19 ROBERTS, ERNEST W., 7th District, Republican, Chelsea. Born East Madison, Me., November 22, 1858; public schools, Highland Military Academy, Boston Uni- versity Law School. Lawyer. City council of Chelsea two years; Massachusetts House of Representatives three years; Massachu- setts state Senate 1897 and 1898; elected to the 56th, 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. TIRRELL. CHARLES Q., 4th District, Republican, Xatick. Born Sharon, Decem- ber 10. 1844. Dartmouth College 1866. Law- yer, ^^lassachusetts House of Representa- ives 1872: state Senate 1881 and 1882; pres- idential elector 1888: elected to 57th, 58th and 59th Congresses. Re-elected to 60th Congress. WASHBURN, CHARLES G., 3d Dis- trict, Republican, Worcester. Born there January 28, 1857; Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1875, Harvard University 1880. Ad- mitted to Suffolk bar 1887. Massachusetts House of Representatives 1897 and 1898, and Massachusetts state Senate 1899 and 1900; delegate Republican national conven- tion 1904; Massachusetts member of com- mittee to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination. Elected to 6oth Congress. WEEKS, JOHN V\'., 12th District, Re- publican. Xewton. Born Lancaster, N.H., April II, i860; graduated at United States Xaval Academy 1881. Banker and broker. Served in the United States Xavy as mid- shipman from graduation to 1883; Massa- chusetts Xaval Brigade ten years, six years as commanding officer of the organization; member Governor Wolcott's military advis- ory board during Spanish-American war. Alderman three years and mayor two years, city of Xewton; elected to 59th Congress. Re-elected to 6oth Congress. 23 STATE GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE HON. CURTIS GUILD, Jr. Governor. GUILD. CURTIS, Jr.. Republican. Bos- lun. Born in Boston February 2, i860; pre- pared for college at Chauncy Hall School; graduated from Harvard College in 1881, class orator: editor and publisher "Boston Commercial Bulletin." Lieutenant-governor I903-'o4-'o5. Governor in i9o6-'o7-'o8. Prom- inent in politics for upwards of twenty years, being heard frequently on the stump in state and national political campaigns, particularl3^ in the Bryan campaigns of 1896 and 1900, and accompanied President Roosevelt on his speaking tour of the West in the latter 3'ear; chairman Repub- lican state convention 1895; vice-president Republican national convention 1896; presi- dent Republican Club of ^lassachusetts i90i-'02: chairman on Massachusetts day at the Atlanta and Xashville expositions. Adjutant 6th Massachusetts Regiment, ]\LV.]^L: brigadier-general on staff of Gov- ernor Wolcott: Spanish \\'ar veteran, being commissioned as lieutenant, 6th Massa- chusetts Volunteers; promoted to be inspec- tor-general of /th Army Corps with rank of lieutenant colonel, and later inspector- general of the department of Havana, where he achieved success in solving the sanitation problem, and won high commen- dation as well as the offer of higher posi- tions from President McKinley. Member Boston Chamber of Commerce. Masons, 32d degree. 27 HON. EBEN S. DRAPER, Lieut. -Governor. 28 DRAPER. EBEX S., Republican, Hope- dale. Born in Hopedale, 1858; preparatory training at Allen's school, Xewton, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Em- ployee of Draper Co.'s cotton mills and ma- chine shop; selling agent for the company 1896; typical Xew England manufacturer. Chairman Massachusetts delegation, Repub- lican national convention, 1896; lieutenant- governor i9o6-*07-'o8; president of Massa- chusetts Volunteer Aid Association during the Spanish War, and raised $200,000 for the equipment of the hospital ship "Bay State"; president of the Republican Club two years, also a member of the Xorfolk, Middlesex and ^lassachusetts Clubs. Member of cor- poration of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolog}- and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmar}-; one of the managers of the ]\rilford Hospital. 29 OLIN, WILLIAM M., Republican, Bos- ton. Born in Warrenton, Ga., September i8, 1845. Printer and newspaper writer. Private in the Civil War, 36th Massachu- setts volunteers. Secretary of the Common- wealth since 1891. Masons, 33d degree. 30 CHAPIX, ARTHUR B., Republican, Hol- 3'oke. Born W'illimansett Village, Chico- pee, November 17, 1868: Holyoke schools, Phillips (Andover) Academy' 1887, and Am- herst College 1891. Had a literary career of two years with the "Youth's Companion"; studied law with his father, Judge Chapin of Holj^oke, and was admitted to the bar in Hampden County in 1895. City solicitor of Holyoke, 1896. Mayor of Holyoke six years. State Treasurer i9o6-'o7-'o8. Bank director, member of numerous social clubs, closely identified with church and Y.M.C.A. work: member of the Masonic order. 31 TURNER, HENRY E., Republican, Mai- den. Born in Boston, May 4, 1842. Educated in the public schools and at Pierce Acad- emy, Milton. Able accountant and a writer and speaker on economic subjects. Treas- urer Maiden Republican city committee 1883, president 1884; member of the legisla- ture four times, serving on the committees on drainage, railroads, manufactures and public health; member of the executive com- mittees of the ]\Iiddlesex and Republican clubs. Mason, Royal Arcanum. A.O.U.W. 32 MALOXE, DAXA, Republican, Green- held. Born in Arcade, XA'., 1857: graduated from Harvard Law School, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1881. Six years trial justice at Greentield. Trustee of the Franklin Sav- ings Institution. House i893-'94; chairman of committee on judiciary; senator 1895 -'96, chairman of probate and insolvency and ju- diciary. Attorney-general i9o6-'o7-'o8. Re- publican state committee; member of grade crossing commission and X'^ew Bedford- Fairhaven bridge commission. District at- torney, northwestern district, two terms. Mason, past commander K.T. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BARRY, EDWARD P., Executive Coun- cil, 3d District; Democrat, Boston. Born there November 28, 1864; public schools, Boston University Law School. x-\ttorney at law. Common council two years. Presi- dent South Boston Citizens' Association, treasurer Ideal Harp Company. Publisher "South Boston Inquirer." Executive Coun- cil i907-'o8, committees on pardons, chari- table institutions, prisons, harbors and pub- lic lands, railroads, military and naval afifairs. 36 BEMIS, ALBIUX F.. Executive Council. 2d District; Republican. Brookline. Born Brookheld. July 19. 1856: public schools. Amherst College. Straw goods manufac- turer. House 1901 and 1902. committees on manufactures, federal relations (chairman), public lighting (clerk). Senate 1903 and 1904. committees on constitutional amend- ments (chairman), metropolitan affairs, pub- lic lighting, parishes and religious societies (chairman). Executive Council 1907. com- mittees on pardons, charitable institutions, prisons, tinance. accounts, warrants, state house. 37 BRIGHTMAN, CHARLES O., Execu- tive Council, ist district, Republican, New Bedford. Born there March 28, 1853; public schools. Contractor and builder. Common Council 1887; board of public works three years; Republican state committee fifteen years. Elks, Masons, K. T. 32d degree, Shriner. 38 COLE, SAMUEL, Executive Council, 5th district. Republican, Beverh'. Born Rutland, Vt., December 15. 1856: public schools. Market gardener. School commit- tee thirteen years; president Common Council i895-'96; Mayor I90i-'o2: House i897-'98-'99, committees on cities (clerk), engrossed bills, ways and means: Senate i903-'04, committees on drainage (chair- man), election laws, ways and means, fed- eral relations (chairman), taxation (chair- man). Director savings and co-operative banks; ex-president Board of Trade. Ma- sons, K.T., Odd Fellows. R.A., O.U^A.M. 39 GLIDDEX, WALTER S., Executive Council, 4th district. Republican, Somer- ville. Born Pittston, Me., April 30, 1856; public schools, Dirigo Business College, Augusta, Me. ]\Ieat and provision business as manager X. E. Hollis & Co. Masons, R.A.C., K.T., Odd Fellows, 999th Artillery Association, Central Club. JOXES, SEWARD W.. Executive Coun- cil: 6th District, Xewton. Born Ebensburg, Pa.. February 9. 1857: public schools and soldiers' orphans' schools of Pennsjdvania. Granite industry. Republican cit}- commit- tee eight years, state board of insanity four 3'ears, Xewton board of health thirteen 3^ears. Executive Council 1907. committees on harbors and public lands and railroads, military and naval afifairs. State House. Di- rector Xewton Centre Trust Co. eleven years: president Xewton Centre Savings Bank ten years. Massachusetts Republican Club. Xewton Club, Xorfolk Club, Masons. PAIGE, CALVIN D., Executive Council, 7th District, Republican, Southbridge. Born there May 20, 1843. Selectman three years, delegate Republican national convention .1884, presidential elector 1904; House 1878, c6mmittee on taxation. Executive Council 1907, committees on hnance, accounts, war- rants, military and naval afifairs. State House. Treasurer Central Mills Co., presi- dent Southbridge Savings Bank, director Southbridge National Bank. Home Market Club, Republican Club. RUSSELL, FRAXKLLX \V.. Executive Council, 8th District, Republican. Pittsheld. Born there August 22, 1841: public schools, Williston Seminary. Executive Council 1907, committees on finance, accounts, war- rants. State House. Woolen manufacturer. Masons. 43 REAIIXGTON, DAVID T.. sergeant-at- arms, Somerville. Born Plainfield, June ir, 1845; public schools. Superintendent of manufacturing of emer}- wheels. Appointed messenger 1890; Senate doorkeeper 1890; elected sergeant-at-arms 1904. G.A.R. Ma- sons. SENATE WILLIAM D. CHAPPLE, Senator. 46 CHAPPLE, WILLIAM D., 2d Essex, Republican, Salem. Born there August 6, 1868; public schools, Boston University Law- School 1890. Lawyer. Common Council i894-'95-'96 (president 1896); chairman Re- publican city committee 1901-02; House i897-'98-'99, committees on probate and in- solvency ( chairman ), constitutional amend- ments, impeachment County Commissioner Morrell (special): Senate i905-'o6. commit- tees on probate and chancery (chairman), bills in third reading, constitutional amend- ments, public lighting. Elected president of Senate at opening of session of 1907. Salem Republican Club, Masons, Odd Fel- lows. ABBOTT, GIDEON B., 9th Sufifolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there Alay 4, 1874; public schools, Harvard. Manufacturers' agent. Common Council three years; House i9o6-'o7, committee on street railways. Ma- sons. 48 BELL, TILTOX S.. 8th Suffolk, Repub- lican, Boston. Born Dedham, 1874: public schools. Manager Congregational Publish- ing Society. Common Council i903-'o4-'o5 ; Board of Aldermen i9o6-'o7. Young Men's Republican Club of Dorchester, Boston City- Club, Colonial Club. Harvard Improvement Association, Episcopalian Club. First Corps Cadets. Masons. 49 BUTLER, JOHN J., 7th Suffolk, Demo- crat, Boston. Born Ireland, June 7, 1865; national schools. Car driver, station master, collector. House i904-'o5-'o6, committees on relations between employers and employees, constitutional amendments, libraries, liquor law. K.C., A.O.H., John Mitchell Literary Association, Metropolitan Mutual Aid Asso- ciation. COWEE, EDWARD A., 2d Worcester, Republican. Worcester. Born West Boyl- ston, July 23, 1857; public schools. Miller and grain dealer. Selectman West Boyl- ston; House i896-'97, committees on agri- culture, federal relations. Masons, Odd Fellows. SI DEAN, CHARLES L., 4tli Middlesex, Republican, Maiden. Born Ashford, Conn., May 29, 1844; public schools. Glass manu- facturing business since i860. P. M., West- ford, Conn., twelve years: commissioner Windham County, Conn., six years; House of Representatives, Conn., i88i-'82; Com- mon Council, Maiden, i89i-'96 (chairman 1896): mayor Maiden 1899-1904 (inclusive); House i897-'98, committee on ways and means; Senate i905-'o6-'o7, committees on ways and means, banks and bankino- (chair- man), printing (chairman), bills in third reading, e^iucation. D I C K I X S O X, FRAXCKE W., ist Hampden, Republican, Springfield. Born there April 19, 1849; public and private schools. Undertaker. Real estate. Common Council i888-'89-'90 (president 1890); alder- man i903-'o4, mayor i905-'o6. Winthrop, X'aj-assett, Commercial Travelers' clubs; Mason 32d degree. Royal Arcanum, Odd Fellows. DIXON, EDWARD \V., 3d Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born Dublin, Ireland, No- vember 9, 1846; public schools. Comer's Commercial College. Master mariner. Com- mon Council two years, alderman i897-'98- '99; Senate 1907, committees on cities, fish- eries and game. 54 FAXOX, WILLIAM O., 2d Norfolk, Re- publican. StoLighton. Born there October 24. 1853: public schools, Boston University Medical School 1876. Physician. Repub- lican town committee six years; House i905-'o6. committees on public lighting, wa- ter supply (chairman); Senate 1907, com- mittees on public lighting, railroads (chair- man), water supply, recess cominittee on labor. Masons, Knights Templar. Odd Fel- lows, Norfolk Clui). 55 FISK, CHARLES D. B., 5th Suffolk, Republican, Boston. Born Hooksett, N.H., February 17, 1850; public and private schools. President Fegal Protection Com- pany, trustee of real estate, director Citi- zens' Mutual Insurance Company. Ex-pres- ident Boston Marketmen's Republican Club; Republican Club of Massachusetts. House 1905 and 1907, committees on parishes and religious societies, taxation (clerk), mercan- tile affairs. GALLOXD, GEORGE J., Franklin- Hampshire, Republican, Amherst. Born, Petersham, October 23, 1852; Amherst Col- lege. Merchant. Senate 1907, committees on engrossed bills, agriculture, labor (chair- man), public charitable institutions. ]Ma- sons. President Amherst Club. GARFIELD, GEORGE H., 2d Plymouth, liepublican, Brockton. Born Dennis, July 18, 1858; public schools. Grocer and provi- sion dealer. Republican state committee 1897- 1904. House 1892 -'93 - 1901 -'02 -'03 -'04, committees on payroll, rapid transit, elec- tions (chairman), water supply (chairman), public service, rules, congressional redis- tricting (special), salaries state and county officials (special); Senate i905-'o6-'o7, com- mittees on rules, counties, printing, water supply (chairman), public charitable insti- tutions, taxation, recess committee on taxa- tion (chairman). Masons, Odd Fellows. 58 GRIMES, JAMES W .. 7th Middlesex, Republican, Reading. Born Hillsboro, No- vember 21, 1865; Phillips Andover, Boston University. Lawyer. House 1897 -'98 -'99, committees on constitutional amendments, roads and bridges (chairman), probate and insolvency, printing (clerk): Senate 1907, committees on legal affairs, printing, street railways (chairman). Masons. Odd Fellows, Sons of Veterans, Mystic Star. X. H. Club, Middlesex Club. Republican Club. Home Market Club, Suffolk and Middlesex Bar Associations. Director First National Bank of Reading, trustee Blackstone Savings Bank. HALL, ALFRED S., ist Sufifolk, Repub- lican, Revere. Born there August 27, 1861; public schools, Alassachusetts Agricultural College. Market gardener. House i903-'04, committees on metropolitan affairs (clerk), elections; Senate 1907, committees on coun- ties, fisheries and game (chairman), metro- politan affairs, towns (chairman). Masons, K.T., Odd Fellows, Massachusetts Repub- lican Club, trustee Chelsea Savings Bank. 60 H ALLEY, DEXXIS E., 5th Essex, Dem- ocrat, Lawrence. Born Xatick, ]\Iay 26, 1863: public schools. Printer, reporter, ci- gar manufacturer. Common Council two 3-ears; House i892-"y3. committees on liquor law. printing. HIBBARD, JOSEPH H., 8th Middlesex, Republican, Lowell. Born Shoreham, Vt., April 3, i860: public schools, Ticonderoga Acadeni}^ 1878. Alusician, violinist, direc- tor and manager. House i905-'o6, commit- tees on prisons, mercantile affairs. Odd Fel- low, Elk, Red ]\Ian, Foresters of America. 62 JEXXEY, CHARLES F., ist Xorfolk, Republican, Hyde Park. Born Micldleboro, September i6, i860: public schools, Boston University Law School 1883. Lawyer. Li- brary trustee, cemetery commissioner, mod- erator, committees on by-laws, purchase of water supply, erection of public library; House 1886. committees on elections (chair- man), towns (clerk); Senate 1907, commit- tees on judiciary, constitutional amend- ments (chairman), liquor law (chairman). Xorfolk Club, Boston Society of Xatural History, Hyde Park, Dedham and Canton Historical Societies. 63 JOHNSON, JOHN LOVELL, 3d Worcester, Republican, Fitchbiirg-. Born Worcester, June 26, 1876; public schools, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. ]\lanager Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works. Board of Aldermen three years (chairman two years). Senate 1907, committees on banks and banking, cities, public lighting (chairman). Alasons, K. T., 32d degree, Shriners, Royal and Select Masters, trustee Fitchburg Savings Bank. 64 KEITH, EBEX S. S., Cape, Republican, Bourne. Born Sagamore, October 24. 1872; public schools. Railway car manufacturer. Republican town committee. Senate 1907, coinmittees on ways and means, counties (chairman), election laws. Masons, K.P. 65 LINEHAX. FRAXK J., 6th Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born Ireland, January 31, 1870; public and private schools. Building construction. Common Council three years, Board of Aldermen two years; House 1903- '04, committees on public service, drainage; Senate 1907, committees on drainage, mer- cantile affairs. 66 MAHOXEY, DAXIEL D., 2d Hampden, Democrat. Chicopee. Born England; public schools. Lumber mills, brewing last sixteen years. Alderman three years, city marshal Chicopee 1904; Senate i9o6-'o7, committees on engrossed bills, agriculture, labor, pris- ons, railroads, recess committee on Sunday laws. Foresters, Eagles, Red ]\Ien. McETTRICK, MICHAEL J., 4th Suf- folk, Democrat, Boston. Born there 1848; public schools. Civil engineer, agent. House 1885 to 1891, 1906 and 1907: Senate 1892;, committees on labor (chairman), ways and means, education, elections, constitutional amendments, woman suffrage, child labor (special), state expenditures. Congress 1893, 1894 and 1895. Knights of Columbus, A.O.H., Roxbury Veteran Firemen's Association. 68 MITCHELL, JOHN J.. 5th Middlesex, Democrat. Marlboro. Born there May 9, 1873; public schools, Boston College 1895, Boston Umversity Law School. Reporter, law student. House 1903 to 1906, commit- tees on election laws, street railways, met- ropolitan affairs; Senate 1907, committees on federal relations, parishes and religious societies, water supph'. K.C. 69 MOXAHAX, GEORGE E., 2d Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there January 20, 1867; parochial school. Real estate and in- surance. Ward 5 Democratic Club, demo- cratic ward and city committee. 70 MORSE. !!ARRY P.. 4th Essex,, Repub- lican, Haverliill. Born Bradford, July 29, 1854; public schools. Box manufacturer. Selectman and overseer of poor five years; Board of Aldermen i90i-'o2 (president 1902); House i904-'o5-'o6, committees on relation between emplo^'ers and employees, banks and banking (clerk), railroads, taxa- tion (clerk); Senate 1907, committees on cities, railroads, roads and bridges (chair- man). Masons, K.P., A.O.U.W., Essex and Haverliill Republican Clr.I.s XORCROSS, ARTHUR D., Worcester- Hampden, Republican, Monson. Born there November 7, 1848; Monson Academy, Mas- sachusetts Agricultural College 1871. Music business thirty-seven years, retired; mer- cantile, farming, cattle; treasurer savings bank, director national bank. Postmaster five years, school committee, selectman eight years, water commissioner. House i904-'o5-'o6; committees on relations be- tween employers and employees, prisons (clerk), labor, public service. POTTER. ELMER C, ist Worcester, Republican, Worcester. Born Framingham. August 2},, 1868: public schools. Dartmouth 1892. Teacher, lawyer. House i903-'o4-'o5- 'o6-'o7, committees on constitutional amend- ments (clerk), probate and chancery, mili- tary affairs, taxation (clerk), mercantile af- fairs (cliairman), federal relations (chair- man), judiciary, rules. RICH.AIOND, CLINTON Q.. Berkshire, Republican, North Adams. Born Hoosick, N.Y., December 17, 1859; Drury High School, Amherst. Street railway and hotel business until 1904. State board of educa- tion; House i896-'97. committees on libra- ries, public service (chairman). RILEY, HERBERT S., 6th Middlesex, Republican, Wobiirn. Born there Decem- ber 20, 1859; public schools. Tufts College 1882. Teacher, law^-er. School committee 1893- 1904 (chairman five 3ears), Republican cit\^ committee fourteen years (chairman nine years); House i904-'o5-'o6, committees on taxation, metropolitan affairs, constitu- tional amendments (chairman) ; Senate 1907, committees on judiciary, education (chairman), insurance, libraries (chairman). SALTER, WILLIAM R., ist Essex, Re- publican, Lynn. Born Eastport, Me., July 6, 1861; public schools. Shoe business, news- paper, traveling salesman, insurance. House t899-I900-'oi-'o4-'o5, committees on public service, cities, federal relations, election laws, employers and employees, fisheries and game (chairman), insurance; Senate 1907, committees on drainage (chairman), harbors and public lands, mercantile affairs. K.P. ^6 SCHUSTER, WIXFIELD S., 4th W^orcester, Republican, Douglass. Born Pittsheld, December 28, 1855; public schools. Woolen manufacturer. House 1902, com- mittee on public lighting; Senate 1907. com- mittees on drainage, harbors and public lands, insurance, public service (chairman), ^lasons. ^ SHAW. JAMES F., 3d Essex, Repub- lican, Manchester. Born Xewbiiryport, July i8, 1873; public schools. Street railway building and operating. Senate 1907, com- mittees on rules, ways and means, military affairs (chairman). Masons, Elks. 78 SOWLE, NATHANIEL P.. 3d Bristol, Republican, New Bedford. Born there Oc- tober 30, 1857; public schools. Merchant, manufacturer, exporter. House i904-'o5-'o6, committees on harbors and public lands (chairman), election laws. SPALDIXG, THORXDTKE. 2d Aliddle- sex, Repul:)lican. Cambridge. Born Boston, November i, 1871; Harvard A.B., 1895; Har- vard Law School. 1897. Lawyer. Cambridge Common Council 1899 to 1902 (president 1902). Ex-president and ex-sccretary Re- publican city committee; ex-secretary Re- publican state committee; secretary Middle- sex Club; chairman executive committee Republican Club of Massachusetts. ]yIason, Knight Templar. STEVENS. ELMER A.. 3d Middlesex, Republican. Somerville. Born Anson, Me., January 15. 1862; public schools. Provision dealer. Common Council 1895. House 1896- igo4-'o5. committees on cities, public ser- vice (chairman), elections: Senate 1906- '07, committees on metropolitan affairs, prisons, public service (chairman), recess committee on taxation, ways and means (chairman), constitutional amendments, parishes and re- li.ofious societies. TREADWAY, ALLEN T., Berkshire- Hampshire - Hampden, Republican, Stock- bridge. Born there September i6, 1867; pub- lic schools, Amherst College 1886. Hotel proprietor. House 1904, committee on ways and means; chairman Republican town com- mittee. IVIasons, K.T., R.A., Vice-president Stockbridge library, president Stockbridge Lighting Company. 82 TURNER, JOSEPH, 2d Bristol, Repub- lican, Fall River. Born Lancashire, Eng- land, March 2^, 1852; public schools. Mill operative, farmer, provision dealer. Com- mon Council four years, alderman-at-large four years; House 1907, committee on cities. Masons, R.A.C., K.T., Odd Fellows. K.P. VAHEY, JAMES H., ist Middlesex, Democrat, Watertown. Born there Decem- ber 29, 1871; public schools. Boston Univer- sity Law School. Lawyer. School commit- tee six years, board of health two jxars, selectman four years, Democratic state com- mittee three years, Democratic town com- mittee ten years, delegate Democratic na- tional convention 1904. Senate 1907, commit- tees on judiciary, education, towns. Royal Arcanum, A.O.H., Knights of Columbus, Ell<;s, ^Middlesex Bar Association, Social Law Library, Charitable Irish Society. WHEATLEY, FRANK G., ist Ply- month, Republican, Abington. Born Wood- bnry. Vt.. Jnl}' 6, 185 1; public schools. Dart- month College 1879. Teacher, phj-sician. Honse 1904-05, committees on pnblic health (chairman), water supply, hsheries and game; Senate 1907, committees on counties, public health (chairman), public lighting. WILLIAMS, THOMAS W., ist Bristol, Republican, Attleboro. Born Rhode Island, September 15, 1865 ; public schools. Journal- ist since 1879. House i90i-'o2-'o3-'o5'o6, com- mittees on banks and banking (clerk), rail- roads (clerk), printing (chairman), public lighting, taxation, recess committee on tax- ation; Senate 1907, committees on en- grossed bills (chairman), election laws (chairman), puhdic service, street railways. 86 COOLIDGE, HENRY D., clerk of the Senate, Concord. Born Chelsea, August 26, 1858; public schools. Mercantile busi- ness several years. Assistant clerk 1886- '87-'88; elected clerk in 1889 and re-elected every 3-car since. 87 DAVIS, LUKE K.. doorkeeper of the Senate, Worcester. Born Jaffrey. X.H., Februar}- 23, 1845 : public schools. Wood- worker. State House messenger twelve 3-ears; assistant doorkeeper five years; ap- pointed doorkeeper 1904. G.A.R.. K. of P. 88 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOHN N. COLE Speaker 90 COLE, JOHN X., 8th Essex, Republi- can, Andover. Speaker of the House. Born November 4, 1863; educated in the public schools. Newspapers; publisher of the Law- rence "Telegram," one of the leading daily- newspapers of the mill city, and publisher also of the Andover "Townsman" in his home town. Prominent in local affairs, hav- ing been a member of the school committee for eight years, also a member of the board of park commissioners; savings bank trus- tee. House i903-'o5, serving in 1903 on the committees on public lighting and state house, in 1904 on rules and relations be- tw^een employers and employees, and in 1905 on public lighting (chairman) and rules. Elected Speaker of the House in 1906, and re-elected 1907 and 1908. Masons, LO.O.F., Roval Arcanum. A.O.L'A\'. ABBOTT, JOSEPH, 25th Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born Hyannis, May 22, 1874; public schools. Railway starter. Re- publican ward committee 1906-07. K.P., Red Men. /!^ ADAAIS. ARTHUR S.. i6th Essex, Re- publican, ^Marblehead. Born there February 14. 1869; public schools, Bryant & Stratton Commercial School. Freight cashier Bos- ton & ]\Iaine railroad. Masons, Red ]\Ien, Odd Fellows. Republican Club. ARNOLD, WALLACE E. W. N., 5th Plymouth, Democrat, North Abington. Born there; public schools. Shoe manufacturer. Quincy Yacht Club, Cape Cat Club. 94 BARNES, FRANK L.. 5th Middlesex, Republican, Waltham. Born there August 20, 1864; public schools. Electrical engineer and contractor. Board of aldermen three years. Masons, A.O.U.W., Business Men's Association. 95 BARRELL, FRANK, 2d Worcester, Re- publican, Ashburnham. Born there July 26, 1853; public schools. Carpenter and chair- maker. Selectman two years. Odd Fellows, K.P. 96 BARRETT, CHARLES H., 21st Essex, Republican, Gloucester. Born there June 23, 1868; public schools. Provision business. Common Council two years; Board of Al- dermen (president); Republican state com- mittee. K.P., Red ]^Ien, Eagles, Business Men's Association. Master Mariners' Asso- ciation, Essex Club. 97 BARTON, HEXRY B., 3d Franklin, Re- publican, Gill. Born there May 21, 1853; public schools. Powers Institute. Farming. Town clerk and treasurer eighteen years; selectman and assessor four years, school committee six years. Grange. 98 BAYRD, FRAXK A.. 23(1 Middlesex, Re- publican, Maiden. Born Lynn. September i, 1873; Boston University. Newspaper pub- lisher. Chairman Ward 6 (Maiden) Repub- lican city committee: alternate Republican national convention 1904; House 1906-07, committees on railroads, printing (clerk). Republican Club of Massachusetts, Massa- chusetts Republican Editorial Association, Maiden Club, Mason. BEALS, JOSEPH E., 7th Plymouth, Re- publican, Middleboro. Born there ]\Iarch 18, 1834; public schools, Pierce Academy. Straw manufacturing. Water commissioner twenty years; House 1907, committees on liquor law, towns. Middleboro Business Men's Club. B E X X E T T . JOH X C, 4th Hampden, Democrat, Springheld. Born Boston. April 2, 1872; public schools. Foreman machinist. Chairman Democratic city committee: House 1907. committee on public lighting. BEUNKE, FRED L., 2d Middlesex, Re- publican, Cambridge. Born June 15, 1856; public schools. Stationery and periodicals. Common Council two years, Board of Al- dermen two years; House i9o6-'o7, commit- tees on public charitable i n s t it u t i o n s (clerk), election laws. Citizens' Trade As- sociation, Director Reliance Co-operative Bank; Alasons, Knights Templar, Odd Fel- lows, Royal Arcanum, X.E.O.P. BISHOP, ELIAS B., 4th Middlesex, Re- publican, Newton. Born there August 2, 1869; Phillips Andover, Harvard 1894. Har- vard Law School 1897. Lawyer. Republican city committee, Board of Aldermen three years: House 1907, committee on judiciary. Massachusetts Club and various college and social clubs. 103 B L A X C 11 A R D, CHARLES V., 26th Middlesex, Republican, Somerville. Born Cambridge February 2, 1866; public schools, Comer's Commercial College. Bookkeeper, financial manager. Republican city commit- tee, Boaid of Trade; House i9o6-'o7, com- mittees on printing, rules, public lighting (clerk), recess committee on taxation. Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, Legion of Honor. BOIVIX, CHARLES E., nth Bristol, Republican. Fall River. Born St. Francis, P.Q., December 12. 1872: public schools, Quebec Seminar}-. Laval L'niversity. City editor L'Independent. Registrar of voters; House 1907, committees on education, par- ishes and religious societies. Knights of Pythias. Odd Fellows. ^I.U., U.S.J. B. d' A, Fall River Bowling Green Club. BOYER, ALEXIS, Jr., 5th Worcester, Democrat, Southbridge. Born there Janu- ary 17, 1875; public schools. Contractor and builder. Library committee three years, board of auditors two years, selectman four years (chairman two years), Democratic state committee; House 1907, committee on public charitable institutions. Cercle Cana- dien. Knights of Columbus, Red Men, Eagles. BRICKLEY, BARTHOLOMEW A., 7th Suffolk, Democrat. Boston. Born there on May 7, 1883; public schools. Boston College, Georgetown College. Lawyer. Common council 1905. K. C, A. O. H.. Democratic State Committee. BROOKS, WILLIAM R., rgth Essex, Republican, Beverly. Born there ]March i, 1865; public schools, Comer's Commercial College. Shoe factory till 1888; fish busi- ness since. House 1903 and 1906, committees on harbors and public lands (clerk). Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, K.T., Beverly Repub- lican Club, Union Club, Jubilee Yacht Club; Sth Regiment M.V.M. 1884-1891. 108 BROWN, CHARLES H., 28th Middle- sex, Republican, Medford. Born Vermont, January 19, 1879; public schools. Metal furniture. Board of Aldermen two years; House 1907, committee on banks and bank- ing. Medford Club, South Medford Re- publican Club. BRYAN, JOHN T., 2d Hampshire, Re- publican, Aliddlefield. Born Worthington, February 17, 1859; public schools. Mer- chant and farmer. Republican town com- mittee twenty years; commissioner of high- ways fifteen years; chairman board of se- lectmen twelve years. BUXTIXG, GEORGE, 5th Essex, Re- publican, Methuen. Born Lawrence, Au- gust 31, 1868. public schools. Clerk. House 1907, committee on taxation. BURNETT, ANDREW J., 22d Middle- sex, Republican, Melrose. Born Charles- town, i860; public schools. Plumbing. Town finance committee three years, town and city committees eighteen years, ward alder- man four years; alderman at large twa years; House 1906- '07, committees on public lighting, counties (clerk), liquor law. BURNS, ALFRED S.. ist Plymouth, Democrat, Plymouth. Born there February 6, i860; public schools. Grocer. Registrar of voters; House 1907, committee on har- bors and public lands (clerk). Odd Fellows. "3 BURR, HERBERT W., 24th Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there June 15, 1866; public schools. Merchant tailor. Common Council three years; House 1906, commit- tees on constitutional amendments, public service (clerk). Massachusetts Republican Club, New Dorchester Club, Shawmut Club, Ashmont Club. 114 CAHOOX, CLEXRIC H, 2d Barnstable, Republican, Harwich. Born there February 4, 1875; public schools. Boston University Law School. Lawj^er. Selectman, chairman Republican town committee: House 1907, committee on lesral affairs. Odd Fellows. [15 CALLAHAN, TIMOTHY F,, 9th Suf- folk, Democrat, Boston. Born there Sep- tember 5, 1881; public schools. Student. House 1907, committee on election laws. 116 CARBREY, JAMES B., nth Essex, Dem- ocrat, Peabody. Born Lowell, January i6, 1854: public schools. Morocco dresser. As- sessor eight 3^ears; House 1907. committee on street railways. Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters. CARLETON, IGNATIUS J., 5th Suffolk, Republican, Chelsea. Born East Boston, August 7, 1866; public schools. Professional baseball fifteen years, manufacturer of pre- serves. Knights of Columbus. CARMODY. CORNELIUS J., 15th Wor- cester, Democrat, Worcester. Born Boston, January 11. 1867: public schools. Painter. Common council iQ04-'o5; board of alder- men 1906; member Industrial School Com- mission of Worcester, St. Anne's Total Ab- stinence Society, president Worcester Cen- tral Labor Union three terms. \ i s CHAMBERS, JAMES, 24th :\Iicldlesex, Republican, Everett. Born County Down, Ireland, December 8, 1864; public schools. Metal broker. Common Council four years (president one year), Board of Aldermen two years; House 1907, committee on con- stitutional amendments (clerk). CHESTER, WILLIAM E., 12th Sufifolk, Republican, Boston. Born there April 4, 1865; public schools. Master of properties Boston Theatre seventeen years. Common Council two years; House 1907, committees on liquor law. State House. Odd Fellows, K.P., Red Men, Knights of Golden Eagle. Theatrical ^lechanics' Association. CLARE Y, JOHN E., 8th Berkshire, Republican, Great Barrington. Born Fair- field, Vt., January 7, 1855; public schools. Publisher "Berkshire Courier." Town clerk, treasurer and tax collector. COFFIX, SAMUEL F., 26th Essex, Dem- ocrat, West Xewbury. Born there Decem- ber 27, 185 1 : public schools. Real estate. Town treasurer eight years; tax collector ten years; House i9o6-'o7, corimittees on agriculture, parishes and religious societies. Masons, American Order oi" Foresters, West Newbury Farmers' Club. COLE, DAVID, 3c1 Berkshire, Democrat, Cheshire. Born there September 26, 1845; public schools. Merchant and farmer. Se- lectman eleven years. COLEMAX. ELLEXWOOD B, Xan- tucket, Republican. Xantucket. Born there May 31. 1862; Coffin School, Chicago Ho- meopathic Medical College. Physician. School committee fifteen years, selectman five years (chairman one year), board of health; House 1907. committees on election laws (clerk): fisheries and game. Masons, K.T., Odd Eellows. Red ^Icn. John B. Chace Engine Co. COLLETTE, FRAXK. Jr., 6th Worces- ter, Republican, Spencer. Born there Jan- uary I, 1871; public schools, commercial college. Clothing, baker, insurance. House 1907, committees on drainage. State House. Executive committee. French Republican Club of Massachusetts; Foresters of America. [26 COLLINS, EDWARD D., 15th Suffolk^ Democrat, Boston. Born there 1878; pub- ic schools, University of Xotre Dame. !^awyer. K. C, Elks, Heptasophs, City" Point Catholic Association. 127 CONBOY, JAMES J.. 17th Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there December i, 1873; public schools. Plumber. Common Council three years; House 1907, commit- tees on parishes and religious societies. Secretary Tammany Club, A.O.H., St. Pat- rick's Total Abstinence and Literary Soci- ety of Boston. CONLEY, MARTIN F., i6th Middlesex, Democrat, Lowell. Born Ireland, April 2"]^ :87o; public schools, commercial college. Barber. Overseers of the poor four years; ^ouse i9o6-'o7, committees on public char- table institutions, drainage, public health. Foresters of America, Royal Arcanum, foung Men's Catholic Institute. COOGAN, THOMAS F., 14th Suffolkj Democrat, Boston. Born Dublin, Ireland! Boston public schools. Grocery clerk Common council two years. Heptasophs A.O.H., Foresters of America, William Ej Russell Club of City Point. f COOK, BEXJAMIX A., 12th Worcester, Republican, Fitchburg. Born Guilford, Vt.; public schools. ^Merchant. Masons, R.A.C., Odd Fellows, Park Club, president Fitch- burg Board of Trade and Merchants' Asso- ciation i904-'05. COOK, JOHN F., loth Essex, Repub- lican, Haverhill. Born Reading, June 24, 1843, public schools Shoe manufacturer, retired. Board of health three years, assist- ant assessor nine years; House 1907, com- mittees on libraries, military affairs. G.A.R., Wachusett Club. '32 ^^ ^ COOK, WILLIAM F.. 2d Hampden, Re- publican. West Springfield. Born Warwick, February 4, 1847; public schools. Truck- ing, coal and ice. House 1907, committee on roads and bridges. 133 COOK, WILLIAM H., 9th Bristol, Re- publican, Fall River. Born there March 7, 1856; printer twenty-two years, assistant assessor 1892-1903, assessor 1893 to 1902. Common Council 1885 and 1886. House i904-'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on railroads, pay-roll (chairman). ]\Lisons, K.P., Red Men. COOLIDGE, CALVIX, ist Hampshire, Republican, Xorthampton. Born Plymouth, Vt., July 4, 1872; St. Johnsbury Academy, Amherst, 1895. Lawyer. City Council 1899; city solicitor igoo-'oi; clerk of courts 1903; Republican city committee 1904; House 1907, committees on constitutional amend- ments, mercantile affairs. Phi Gamma Delta, Xorthampton Club. 1 COOMBS, FRANK O., ist Bristol, Re- publican, North Attleboro. Born Provi- dence, R.I., December 17, 1857: public schools, commercial college. Designer and engraver. House 1907, committee on rail- roads. Odd Fellow, K.P., Elks, Foresters of America. 136 COOMBS, REDXOR P.. 6th Norfolk, Democrat. Quincy. Born Islesboro, ^le., June 27. 1873: public schools. Wholesale provision dealer. Cit}' council. Elks Club of Quinc}'. 137 CORMACK. JOllX S.. i3tli Essex, Re- publican, Lynn. Born Grand Falls, Xew Brunswick, June 7, 1875; public schools. Dealer in groceries, confectionery and pe- riodicals. Republican city committee five years (secretary three years). Lynn Repub- lican Club, Prospect Club, Odd Fellows, Red Men. ■ 38 CRAXE. SAMUEL V.. 8th Worcester, Republican, Blackstone. Born Worcester, Oct. 4, 1855: public schools, Bryant & Strat- ton's College. Earmer, dealer in coal and wood. House 1900. committee on agricul- ture. Grange. A.O.U.W. CURLEY, DANIEL J.. Jr.. i8ih Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there December 23, 1874; public schools. Station master. Common Council two years: House 1907, committee on drainage. Shawmut Club, A.O.H., A.O.U.W., Ward 18 Democratic Club. [40 C U R T I S S , ELMER L,, 3d Plymouth^ Republican, Hingham. Born Derby, Conn., June II, 1861; Bridgewater Normal School. Attorney at law. Masons, Odd Fellows, Boston City Club, Young Men's Republican. Club. 141 CUSHIXG, GRAFTOX D.. nth Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there August 4, 1864; Nobles and Harvard. School commit- tee four 3^ears; House i9o6-'o7, committees on education (chairman), liquor law (clerk), ways and means. CUTTING. ALFRED L.. 13th Middle- sex, Republican, Weston. Born there Jan- uary 2~, 1868: public schools, Bryant & Stratton school. Grocer and general mer- chant. Selectman 1889 -1899; selectman 1900. Odd Fellows, Waltham Business Men's Association, Weston Athletic Ass'n, DALTOX, ERNEST, 6tli Hampden, Re- publican, Chicopee. Born Leicester, Eng- land, January 7, 1869; public schools, Kent's Hill, Me. Druggist. Board of health three years; House 1907, committee on public health. Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men. 144 1 1 CHARLES L., 23d Maiden. Born there schools. Vice-Presi- DAVENPORT, ^Middlesex, Republican, May 4, 1854; public dent Eastern Salt Co. Common Council 1882 and 1883, 1895 and 1896 (president 1896), water commissioner 1884 to 1889, sinking fund commissioner: House 1904- 'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on State House (chairman), taxation (chairman), metro- politan affairs. Masons, K.T., 32d degree; Maiden, Corinthian and Jeffries Yacht clubs, member Boston Chamber of Com- merce. 145 DAVIS, iliUAlAS L., 17th Essex, Dem- ocrat, Salem. Born Boston, March 15, 1852; public schools. Bookkeeper twenty years, shoe finisher, insurance agent. Common Council 1892 to 1899 (president 1897), school committee, Democratic city commit- tee 1892 to 1901 (president 1897 to 1899); House since 1900, committees on libraries, State House, liquor law (clerk), mercantile affairs (clerk), education. Father Mathew Total Abstinence Society, Enterprise Club, Elks, Veteran Firemen, Sons of Veterans, honorary member National Association Sta- tionary Engineers. 146 DEAX. CHARLES A, 21st Middlesex, Democrat, Wakeheld. Born England; pub- lic schools. Rattan business, farming. As- sessor, finance and sewer committee, secre- tary public library, president board of trade; House i898-"q9-I90I-'o2-'o3-'o6-'o7, commit- tees on taxation, revision of corporation laws, insurance, rules, special recess com- mittee of 1906 on insurance. Odd Fellows. 147 DEAX, HEXRY E., 21st Worcester, Re- publican, Worcester. Born Oakham, Sep- tember 29, 1862; public schools and business college. Manufacturer wire goods. Common Council four years; House 1907, committees on fisheries and game, prisons. Masons, Odd Fellows, Worcester Continentals, Worcester Commercial Travelers' Associa- tion, Republican Club. C48 DEAX, WILLIAM M., 4th Bristol. Re- publican, Taunton. Born there Xovember 16, 1874: Boston University Law School. Lawyer. House 1906-07, committees on con- stitutional amendments (clerk), federal re- lations (clerk), elections (chairman), ways and means. Odd Fellows, K.T., Sons of American Revolution. 149 DENNY, DANIEL E., 13th Worcester, Republican, Worcester. Born there July 14, 1845; Worcester Academy. Real estate and insurance. Common Council two years (president one year): House T936-'o7, com- mittees on cities, military affairs (chair- man). Knights Templar, KniglUs of Pyth- ias, G.A.R. DESMOXD. JOSEPH C, jth Bristol, Democrat, Xew Bedford. Born Alilford, October 15, 1875; public schools. Clothing salesman. Secretar}^ mittee seven years. A.O.H. Democratic city corn- Plymouth Club. Elks, Democrat, Boston. Born Lynn. April 21, 1882; public schools. Attorney-at-law. Com- mon Council two years. Jackson Club, Catholic Literary Union. 152 DORM AX. WILLIAM E., 12th Essex, Republican, Lj-nn. Born there June 23, 1875: Chauncy Hall, Harvard University 1898, Harvard Law School 1901. Lawyer, School committee six years, chairman two years; House 1907, committees on election laws, printing. Harvard chapter Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Upsilon, Masons. J 53 DOYLE, ANDREW P.. 8th Bristol, Re- publican, New Bedford. Born Ireland, Au- gust 15, 1869: public schools. Insurance. Common Council, Board of Aldermen; House i9o6-'o7, committee on insurance, special recess committee on insurance. Cel- tic Club, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Knights of Columbus. DRAPER. EDWARD B., 4th Norfolk, Republican, Canton. Born, there November 27. 1876; Harvard College 1899. Harvard Law School 1902. Lawyer. Republican town committee two years ( secretary one year): House 1907, committee on street railways. Masons. University Club, Nor- folk Club. Norfolk Bar Association. DRISCOLL, FLOREN'CE J.. 19th Suf folk, Democrat, Boston. Born there Octo ber 15, 1871; public schools. Tag maker Democratic ward committee; House 1907 committee on libraries. Knights of Colum bus. 56 DRYSDALE, HUGH P., ist Berkshire, Republican, Xorth Adams. Born Alva, Scot- land, December ii, 1875: public schools, \\'illiams College. LawA-er. Secretary to Congressman Lawrence ten years. House 1907, committee on judiciary (clerk), ^la- sons. Odd Fellows. DUANE, PATRICK J., 5th Middlesex, Democrat, Waltliam. Born Cork, Ireland, August 18, 1862. Public schools, Sprague Correspondence School of Law. Attorney. Alderman two years, overseer of the poor; chairman Democratic city committee; House i9o6-'o7, committees on public ser- vice, constitutional amendments. A.O.H., Knights of Columbus, Foresters of Amer- ica, Mechanics' Debating Club. 158 EASTMAX, S. ALDEX, gth Worcester, Republican, Milford. Born in Dennysville, Maine, October 14, 1847; public schools. Manufacturer of wood and paper boxes. Masons. K. T. 159 y ELMER, CHARLES F., ist Franklin, Democrat, Conway. Born South Shafts- bury, Vt., August 25, 1856: Deerfield Acad- emy. Farmer. House 1907, committee on fisheries and game (clerk) ; roads and bridges. Masons, Grange, Sons of Veter- ans, Conway Club. 160 f ^(^ ELMORE, SAMUEL D., 3d Middlesex, Republican, Cambridge. Born Hartford, Conn., December 29, t868; Exeter 1889, Harvard 1893, Harvard Law School 1896. Lawyer. Cit\' government. Republican city committee: House 1907, committee on judi- ciary. Republican Club, Colonial City Trade Association, Bar Association, K.T. FARLEY, DEXXIS E., 4th Franklin, Re- publican, Erving. Born Colerain, June 12, 1852. Shelburne Falls Academy. Paper manufacturer. House 1907, committee on railroads. Masons, Sbriners, Red Men, A.O.U.W. 162 FAY, THOMAS J.. i8th Suffolk, Demo- crat, Boston. Born there April 24, 1879: public schools. Salesman. Common Council two years; House 1907, committee on public charitable institutions. A.O.H.. Ward 18 Democratic Club. I\ni«-hts of Columbus. 163 FENNELLY, FRANCIS J., loth Bristol, Democrat, Fall River. Born there February i8, i860, public schools. Newsdealer. House i905-'o6-'o7, committees on street railways, roads and bridges, prisons. 164 FERBER, J. BERNARD, loth Suffolk, Republican, Boston. Born May 28, 1876; public and private schools. Lawyer. Repub- lican ward and city committee four years, Common Council one year. House 1905 -'06- 'OJ, committees on bills in the third reading- (chairman), banks and banking, insurance (chairman), special recess committee on in- surance 1906, harbors and public lands. 165 FISHER, FREDERICK L.. loth Nor- folk. Republican, Norwood. Born there; public schools. Farmer and real estate. Se- lectman, assessor and overseer of the poor seventeen years (chairman four years) ; House 1907, committee on taxation (clerk). Masons, K.T., Odd Fellows. r66 FLAGG, CHARLES J., 8th ?.Iiddlesex, Republican, Holliston. Born Boston. Har- vard i8q8. Harvard Law School 1901. Law- yer. Moderator four 3'ears. Masons, Bos- ton City Club, Jasper Hill Golf Club. 167 FLYE. LOUIS E., 8th Xorfolk, Repub- lican, Holbrook. Born there January i8, i88r; Thayer Academy, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Town clerk five years; House 1907. committee on public lighting. ;Masons, Knights of Pythias, Xor- folk Club. 168 FOGG, CLAREXXE J., 25th Essex, Re- publican, Xewburyport. Born there Jul}' 10, 1853; public schools. Shoe cutter. Common Council one year, Board of Aldermen two years: House i9o6-'o7, committee on liquor law, special recess committee on taxation, counties (chairni;in). taxation. Masons, A.O.U.W. 169 FORRISTALL, HERBERT AL, 15th Es- sex, Democrat, Saiigiis. Born Troy, N.H., August 14, 1^59. Public schools, train de- spatcher B.& M.R.R. twenty-five 3 ears. Reg- istrar of voters ten years, selectman (chair- man); House 1907, committee on taxation. Masons, Royal Arcanum. FROST, HERBERT S.. i6th Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there; public schools. Real estate. Lawyer. FULLER, EDWARD J., 9th Norfolk, Re- publican, Sharon. Born there January 30, 1854; public schools. Farmer. Selectman and overseer of the poor ten years, assessor nine years; House 1907, committee on rail- roads. Odd Fellows, A.O.U.W., Norfolk Club. GARCELOX, WILLIAM F., 4th Mid- dlesex, Republican, Xewton. Born Lewis- ton, Ale., October 24, 1868; Bates College 1890, Harvard Law School 1895. Lawyer. House 1907, committee on ways and means (clerk). GATES, JOSEPH S., loth Worcester, Republican, Westboro. Born Petersham, October 3, 1856; public schools. Merchant. Town clerk six years, auditor seven years, tax-collector two years; Republican town committee seventeen years. Masons, Odd Fellows. 174 GILES, GEORGE A., 2d Middlesex, Re- publican, Cambridge. Born Apalacliin, XA'., Aiig-ust 4, 1875; Owego Academy, X. V.. 1894, Harvard 1898. Real estate and insur- ance. Common Council three years (presi- dent two years); House 1907, committee on ways and means. Cambridge Republican Club. Economy Club, Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men. GILMORE. EDWARD, gth Plymouth, Democrat, Brockton. Born there January 4, 1867; public schools. Grocer and provi- sion dealer. Alderman five years, Demo- cratic state committee eight years; House 1907, committee on roads and bridges. A.O.H., Knights of Columbus, Massachu- setts Catholic Order of Foresters, Emmet Club, Hofifman Club, Massasoit Club. 176 GOGGIXS. JAMES T.. 5th Berkshire, Democrat, Pittstield. Born there January 31, 1866: public schools. Foreman printer. Chairman Democratic count}' committee. 177 GRADY, THOMAS J., 6th Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born Newport, R.I., Decem- ber i6, 1877; St. Mary's private school, Boston College, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Common Council two years; House i903-'o4-'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on probate and chancery, bills in the third reading, ways and means, judiciary, consti- tutional amendments, federal relations, ex- ecutive council. 178 GRAHAM, WILLIAM J., 8th Essex, Democrat, Lawrence. Born there October 2, 1873. Phillips Anclover, Tufts Medical School. City committee 1896 to iqoo; House I904-'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on fish- eries and game, federal relations, cities. Kniffhts of Columbus. 79 GREENWOOD, HAMLET S., i8th Middlesex, Republican, Lowell. Born there 1871; public schools, Evening Law School, Boston Y.M.C./\-. Attorney at law. Common council i902-'o3. Masons, R.A., Lincoln Club. 180 GRISWOLD, LWMAX \V., 2d Franklin, RcpuLiican, Greentield. Born Watkins, N. Y., October 16, 1869. Amherst. Attorney at law. Republican town committee five years, school committee eight years: House 1906- '07, committees on militar}- affairs, public health (chairman), hsheries and game. Ma- sons, captain Company L, 2d Regiment M.V.M. . HALL. HOMER A., 2i\ Berkshire, Re- publican, North Adams. Born there No- vember 24, 1871: public schorls. Shoe cut- ter. Elks, Republican city onimittee. HALL. ^L\RTIX T.. 6th Middlesex. Democrat, Xatick. Born there December 23, 1877: public schools. Harvard College, Harvard Law School. Lawyer. School com- mittee two years; House 1907, committee on federp.l rehitions. i«3 HAM, HARRY H., 20th Suffolk. Repub- lican, Boston. Born there March 16, 1883; public schools, Dartmouth 1905. Lawyer. House 1907, committees on bills in third reading, printing. Sons of Veterans, A.O.U. W., Masons. 184 HAMMARSTROM, OSCAR C. i8th \\'orcester, Republican, Worcester. Rorn there October i8, 1877; public schools. Four- teen years American Steel & Wire Co. Com- mon council two years. Worcester County Republican Club. Masons. Odd Fellows. 185 HAXXOCK, PORTUS B., loth Plym- outh, Democrat, Brockton. Born Coventry, Vt., February 19, 1836; public schools. Pro- duce, real estate, insurance. House 1899 to 1902, i904-'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on libra- ries, public service, fisheries and game, fed- eral relations, harbors and public lands, pub- lic charitable institutions military affairs. Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Red Men, GAR. t86 HAXRAHAX, BERNARD F., 2d Suffolk, Democrat. Boston. Born there July 2"], 1875: imblic schools. Common council i905-'o'5-"o7. 187 HARDY. HORACE D., 29th Middlesex, Republican. Arlington. Born there Febru- ary 28, 1S77; Dartmouth 1899: Harvard Law School. Attorney-at-law. Republican town committee three years (secretary); House 1907, committees on constitutional amendments (clerk), street railways. Psi Upsilon :nid Sphinx; Suffolk Bar Associ- ation. HAYES, JOHN J.. 4th Suffolk. Demo- crat, Boston. Born there. Public schools, Boston College, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Common Council I9o6-'o7. Bunker Hill Democratic Club. Catholic Lit- erary Union, K.C.. Fr. Mathew T..\. & L. Society. HEWITT, LEWIS J., 25th Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born Leicester, England, February 13, 1870; Wigleston Preparatory College. Publisher and printer. Ward 25 Republican committee (chairman). Ma- sons, K.P., Red Men. 190 HIGGIXS. WILIAM P.. Mth Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there May i6, i88i; public schools, Xotre Dame University, Harvard Law School. House 1907, commit- tee on legal affairs. Knights of Columbus, City Point Catholic Association, A.O.H. 191 HILTON, FREDERICK H., 7th Middle- sex, Republican, Framingham. Born there February 12, 1882; public schools, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Masons, R.A.C., Knight Templar, Shriner, A.O.U.W., Country Club, director South Framingham Co-operative Bank. 192 HOAG, WILLIAM, 20ih Suffolk. Repub- lican, Boston. Born Lynn. Xovember i8, 1878; Roxbury Latin, Harvard College, Bos- ton University Law School. Lawyer. House 1907, committee on legal affairs. Execu- tive committee Massachusetts Reform Club; Boston Bar Association; United Im- provement Council of Dorchester. HOBSON, ERNEST E.. ist Hampden, Republican, Palmer. Born there September 29, 1878. Public schools. University of Maine Law School 1900. Lawj^er. Secre- tary Republican town committee two years; House 1907, committee on judiciary. Red Men, Royal Arcanum, Sons of Veterans, Palmer Business and Social Club. 194 HODSKIXS. FRANK G., Jth Hamp- den, Republican, Springfield. Born there December 26, 1876: public schools. Har- vard College. Attorney-at-law. House 1907, committees on engrossed bills, legal affairs (clerk). HOGAN, WILLIAM M., ist Middlesex, Democrat, Cambridge. Born Canada, June 2, 1876; public schools. Ironworker. House 1907, committee on liquor law. [y6 HOLMAX, SA^IUEL M.. ist Bristol, Republican, Attleboro. Born Xorton. Jan- uary I, 1862; public schools, Amherst, Bos- ton University, Harvard Medical School. Real estate, coal and wood, photographer. Tax collector nine 3'ears, school commit- tee three years: House 1907. committees on elections, towns. Knig-hts of Pythias. Royal Arcanum. HOLT, CHARLES T., 6th Hampden, Republican, Springfield. Born Petersham, August I, 1845; public schools, Newton Theological Institution. Coal merchant eight years, clergyman t .velve years, now engjiged in insurance business. Republican town committee; water commissioner, pub- lic library trustee; House 1907, committees on harbors and public lands, parishes and religious societies (clerk). Masons, G.A.R. 198 IIOS.MER. FRANK A., 3d Hampshire, Republican, Amherst. Born Woburn. No- vember 14, 1853; Amherst College. School teacher twelve years; editor "Berkshire Courier" two years; president of Oahu Col- lege. Honolulu, ten years. Member .\dvisory Council under Provisional Government in Hawaii. Masons. R.A.C.. .\ml;crst Club. HOVLE, ALOXZO F., 14th Worcester, Republican, Worcester. Born there Octo- ber 1 5, 1861; public schools, Hinman's Bus- iness College. Printer and stationer. House I905-'o6-'o7. committees on drainage (chair- man), counties (clerk). Masons, Odd Fel- lows, KniglUs of Pythias, Hcptasophs. HULTMAX. EUGEXE C, 5th XortV.lk, Republican, Quincy. Born Boston, July 13, 1875: Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. Republican city committer, city coun- cil; House i9o6-'o7, committees on election laws (clerk), water supply (chairman). Technology Club, Granite City Club. Quincy Point Business Men's Cluli. Bi^ston V.M. C.A. Knights Templar, Mystic Shriners. HYDE, GEORGE S. J., 7th Essex, Re- publican, Lawrence. Born Manchester, Eng- land, November i, 1849; Miles Platting In- stitute. Carpenter. School committee three years; House 1907, committee on education. U.O.G.C., A.O.F. i^ liSSf JEFFREY, WILLIAM T., 19th Essex, Republican, Salem. Born there January 23, 1876; public schools. Republican city com- mittee; common council igo6-'o7. M.C.O. F., A.O.H., Salem Republican Club. JOHXSOX, CHARLES CABOT, 14th Essex, Republican, Nahant. Born there De- cember 9, 1876; public schools, Bryant & Stratton Business College. Town clerk six years, treasurer three years; House IQ06- '07, committee on banks and bankinci. Fa- ther Mathew Temperance Society. JOHNSON, FRED O., nth Norfolk, Re- publican, Wellesley. Born Boston, February 10, 1855, public schools. Real estate and in- surance. Selectman and assessor three years, town treasurer hve years. Republican town committee twenty years; House 1907, committee on labor. Masons, Odd Fellows, Wellesley, Norfolk and Nehoiden Clubs. 205 JOHNSON. J. B. ALBERT. 19th Mid- dlesex. Republican, Lowell. Born there September 8, 1878: public schools. Massa- chusetts College of Pharmacy, Tufts Medi- cal College. Pharmacist, medical student. School committee i9o6-'o7. Red Men, Royal Arcanum. Foresters. Masons, Lincoln Re- publican Club, Bunting Cricket Club. 206 JOXES, AAROX R, 8th Worcester. Re- publican. Douglas. Born Temple, Franklin county. Ale., September ii, 1832; public schools. Alerchant. Selectman, overseer of the poor, treasurer, collector, school com- mittee, road commissioner, trustee free pub- lic library. }>[asons. JONES, JAMES A., 31st Middlesex, Re- publican, Stoneham. Born Townsend, Jan- uary 14, 1853; public schools. Real estate and insurance, director cooperative bank. Auditor, water coinmissioner, board of pub- lic works, Republican town committee (chairman and secretary); House i905-'o6- '07, committees on taxation, federal rela- tions, prisons (clerk). Masons, Odd Fel- lows, O.U.A.M., Athletic Club. 208 KATZAIAXX, FREDERICK G., 3^1 Nor- folk, Republican. Hyde Park. Born Rox- bury, September 12, 1875; public schools,. Harvard University, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Town auditor. Republican town committee: House 1907, committee on legal affairs. ^^lasons. Phi Delta Phi. KEEFE, DAVID P., nth Bristol, Re- publican, Fall River. Born Fitchbiirg, Sep- tember 29, 1855; public schools. Salesman, advertising solicitor. House i904-'o5-'o6-'o7, committees on federal relations, libraries, parishes and religious societies (chairman), elections. Veteran Firemen's Association, Republican Club. KEEXE, SIDXEY B., 25th Middlesex, Republican, Sonierville. Born Appleton, Me., January 10, 1861; public schools. Wholesale hay salesman. Republican city committee seven years (treasurer). Board of Aldermen three years (president one year) : House 1907, committees on libraries (clerk), water supply (clerk). Vice-president Sonierville Board of Trade, Sonierville Sons of Maine Club. KEITH, ROLAND M., 8th Plymouth, Republican, Bridgewater. Born there March t6, 1847; public schools, academy. Contrac- tor and builder. Republican town committee t>venty-six years (chairman four years); House rgo/, committees on labor, parishes and relig-ious societies. Masons. KELLEHER. \\'ILLL\AI A., 6th Essex, Democrat, Lawrence. Born there May IT, 1875; public schools. Tobacco dealer. Com- mon Council i903-'04 (president one year), alderman 1905; House 1906- '07. committees on military affairs, banks and banking. Knights of Columbus. KEMP, FRANK D., 5th Hampden' Re- publican, Springfield. Born Holyoke, June 9, 1862: public schools. Dairyman. Common Council one year, alderman one year; House 1907, committee on ways and means. Ma- sons, K. T., Masonic Club. 214 KEXXEV, AUCHAEL J.. 3d Bristol. Re- publican, Taunton. Born there July 12, 1863; jniblic schools. Insurance agent. Alderman three years; House 1907, committee on cit- ies. A.O.U.W., American Order of Forest- ers, Knights Sherwood Forest. KILLAM, JAMES Republican, Reading. 1874; public schools, tute of Technology. W., 20th Middlesex, Born there July 12, Massachusetts Insti- Engineering depart- ment metropolitan water and sewerage board since 1897. Selectman hve years (four years chairman), treasurer Republican town committee. Masons, Odd Fellows, Good Fellowship Club. KITTREDGE. EDWEX M.. 14th Middle- sex, Republican. Lowell. Born in Billerica, September 27, 1872; public schools. Real estate and care property. KXIGHT. JAMES H., 22d Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there October ii, 1876: public schools. Lawyer. Republican Club of Ward 22, Jamaica Plain Citizens' Association. Veteran Firemen. 218 LANE. FREDERICK S., 12th Norfolk, Republican. Foxboro. Born Norton, May 8, 1849; Stone's English and Classical School. Straw business, electric light, bank treasurer. Masons, Knights of Honor, Grange, Eastern Star. I LEARXED, WILLIAM F., 2d Worces- ter, Republican, Gardner. Born there Janu- ary 12, 1850; public schools. Shipper S. K. Pierce & Son. House 1907. committee on prisons. Secretary Republican town com- mittee ten 3^ears. Odd Fellows. LEES. SIDNEY, 8th Bristol, Republican, sew Bedford. Born Lancashire, England, -eptember 23, 1866: public schools. Mill verseer. Republican cit}- committee seven ears. B.P.O.E.. Sons of St. Georg^e, W'ash- igton Social and Musical Club. Pilgrim 31ub. Dartmouth Cafe Club. .J«)fefi LEIXIXG, ADAM, loth Hampden, Re- publican, Holyoke. Born Germany, Decem- ber 4, 1836; German schools. Bookkeeper and accountant. Board of Aldermen five years; school committee six years; House 1907, committee on water supply. Repub- lican Club, Masons. LEONARD. J. HEXRV, 23d Siittolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there September 18, 1879; public schools. Salesman. Common Council, i905-'o6. LIXSCOTT. ANDREW R., 20th Middle- sex, Republican, Woburn. Born Wilton, Me.; public schools. School-teacher. Board of Aldermen two years: House 1907, com- mittees on education, libraries. G.A.R., Masons. LOMASXEY, MARTI X M., 8th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there December 3, 1859; public schools. Real estate. Board of Aldermen 1893 to 1895; Senate 1896 and 1897, committees on engrossed bills, con- stitutional amendments, harbors and public lands, public health; House 1899, i905-'o6- '07, committee on metropolitan affairs. Hendricks Club. 225 LONG, GEORGE W., 3d Middlesex, Re- publican, Cambridge. Born there July 28, 1872; Manual Training School. Undertaker. House i9o6-'o7, committee on insurance and special recess committee on same, printing (chairman). North Cambridge Republican Club, Masons, Odd Fellows, Newtowne Club. 226 LOTHROP. JOHN F., 4th Middlesex, Republican, Xewton. Born Sharon, Decem- ber 17, 1847; private school. Carriage busi- ness, now retired. Board of Aldermen six years; House i9o6-'o7, committee on metro- politan affairs. 227 LOVETT, GEORGE E., 12th Suffolk, Re- publican, Boston. Born there February 27, 1849; public schools, Chaunc}^ Hall. Iron- worker. Common Council iSSS-'Sq-'qg; House i893-'94, committees on military af- fairs (chairman). State House, election laws. Ward 12 Republican Club, Masons, Odd Fellows, Commander Boston Light Infan- try Veteran Corps. 228 LUCE. ROBERT, 25th Middlesex, Re- publican, Somerville. Born Auburn, Me., December 2, 1862; public schools. Harvard 1882. Editor and publisher: proprietor Press Clipping Bureau. House since 1899, committees on insurance, taxation (chair- man), federal relations, revision of corpora- tion laws, counties, election laws (chair- man), constitutional amendments. Masons. 229 LYFORD, EDWARD C, Qth Worcester, Republican, Upton. Born Atkinson, Me.; public schools, Foxcroft Academy. Select- man, assessor, auditor. JMasons, K.T., and G.A.R. 230 \ LYNXH, CORNELIUS J.. loth Middle- sex, Democrat, Maynard. Born there De- cember i8, 1877; public schools. Cigar- maker. Eagles. 231 MADDEX, SAMUEL J., 19th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there May 17, 1882; parochial schools. Baker. Knights of Columbus, Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters. 232 MADSEX, JEXS J., nth Hampden, Re- publican, Holyoke. Born Denmark, October 9, 1869; public schools. Business manager newspaper. Bay State Club. MALLEY, CHARLES A., 20th Suffolk, Republican, Boston. Born Northtield, Jan- uary 22, 1876; public schools. Real estate and insurance. House 1907, committees on harbors and public lands. Masons, R.A.C., K. T., Roosevelt Republican Club, Park Street Club, Young Men's Republican Club Ward 20. r MANXOVITZ, DAVID. 8th Suffolk, Democrat. Boston. Rorn Poland: public schools. Boston Univcrsit\- Law School. Attorne}'- at law. Common council i903-'o4- '05. Hendricks Club. K. P.. Heptasophs. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Association, T^der- ation of Hebrew Charities. i MANSFIELD, CHARLES H., 15th Es- sex, Republican, Lynn. Born Wellesley, March 20, 1842: public schools. Newspaper reporter. Postmaster Wellesley three years. West Lynn Republican Club, Sons of Amer- ican Revolution. 236 MAYBERRY, CHARLES, lotli Worces- ter, Republican, Clinton. Born there April 27, 1876; public schools, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. House i905-*o6-'o7, committees on probate and chancery (clerk), engrossed bills, metropolitan af- fairs, insurance, legal afifairs. Masons, K.P. MAYHEW. ULYSSES E.. Dukes, Re- publican, West Tisbury. Born there August i6, 1848; public schools. General store. School committee; House 1891, 1892 and i906-'07, committees on fisheries and game (chairman), ways and means. 238 MAYXARD, HERBERT T.. 4th Worces- ter, Republican, North BrookheUl. Born at Xorthboro, December 9, 1867; public schools, Bryant & Stratton Business Col- lege. Boot and shoe manufacturing. Select- man six years, board of health four years, Republican town committee four years. Trustee North BrookReld Savings Bank. Masons. 239 I McCANN, MATTHEW, 14th Essex, Re- publican, Lynn. Born Calais, Me., January I, 1863; public schools. Cigar merchant. City Council five years; House i904-'o5-'o6- '07, committees on prisons (chairman), fed- eral relations, mercantile affairs, public ser- vice. Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Red Men, Foresters. McCarthy, CHARLES R, 9th .Middle- sex, Democrat, Marlboro. Born there Au- gust 15, 1876; public schools. Newspaper reporter. K. of C, A.O.H., Spanish War Veterans, Sons of Veterans. Pastime Boat Club. McCarthy, JEREMIAH F., 3d Suf- folk, Democrat, Boston. Born there July 7, 1857; public schools. Real estate. House 1899-1900, committees on street railways, public service (clerk). Catholic Literary Union. 242 McCLATCHEY, FREDERICK T.. 4th Berkshire, Republican, Pittsfield. Born Xew Hartford, Conn., October i, 1873; Pittstield public schools. Clerk. Masons. ^H^ McDAVITT, THOMAS P., 13th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there; public schools. Caterer. Ccjmmon Council 1905-06. South Boston Catholic Club. 244 McDOXALD, EDWARD, 7th Berkshire, Republican, Lenox. Born Dover, England, July 17, 1844; Williams Academy, Stock- bridge. Cashier Lenox National Bank. Se- lectman twent}' years; House 1870. Masons, K.T., G.A.R. McGONAGLE, PHILIP J., 6th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there October 21, 1871; public and parochial schools. Common Council five years; House 1907, committees on parishes and religious societies, State House. Knights of Columbus, Jefferson Club, Roofers' Protective Union. 246 McGRATH, JOHN F., i6th Worcester, Democrat, Worcester. Born there January 10, 1881; public schools, Holy Cross, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. House 1907, committee on labor. St. John's T. & L. Guild, A.O.H., M.C.O.F.. Knights of Colum- bus, St. Vincent tie Paul Society. 247 McIXTlRE, EDWIX C. 23d Essex, Re- publican, Gloucester. Born there October 18, 1867; public schools. Pharmacist. Board of Aldermen igo2-'oT,; House 1904-05, com- mittee on harbors and public lands (clerk). 248 McKEXXEY. JOHX H.. 13th Essex. Re- publican, Lynn. Born Xcwport, Mc. Octo- ber 12, 1839; public schools. Contractor. Common Council three years; House 1907, committee on aj^riculture. G.A.R. 249 McKIE. LEWIS B., ist Suffolk, Repub- lican. Boston. Born there August 14, 1875; public schools. Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Common Council 1904 and 1905; House 1907, committee on public lighting. Ward i Republican Club, Win- throp Yacht Club, president East Boston High Almnr.i Association, fe^ McLAXE. GEORGE. Jr., 5th Essex. Re publican, Lawrence. Born there Jul}' 4, 1869; Phillips Exeter, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Republican city com- mittee hve 3'ears. Odd Fellows. K.P.. Law- rence Bar Association, vice-president Pros- pect Lnprovemcnt Society. •'H^ ^ ^ MEADE, TIMOTHY J., loth Plymouth, Democrat, Brockton. Born Boston, Novem- ber 7, 1864; public schools. Shoemaker. Common Council three years, Board of Al- dermen two years (chairman one year) ; ex- secretar}^ Democratic city committee. K.C. !52 MEEHAX, JOHX F.. 15th Middlesex, Democrat, Lowell. Born there November 24, 1875 : public schools, Alleghany College. Clerk. House 1907, committee on public service. Young Men's Catholic Association, Eagles. 253 MEYERS, JULIUS, 2d Middlesex, Re- publican, Cambridge. Born Pose, Germany, December 6, 1854; public schools. Mer- chant. Common Council three years; House i9o6-'o7, committee on street railways, re- cess committee on taxation, public health. Masons, K.P., Odd Fellows, Red Men. 254 MILDRAM, SAMUEL H., -Mth Suffolk, Republican, Boston. Born Arlington, De- cember 4, 1867; public schools. Special agent. Common Council three years; House 1907, committee on taxation. Colonial Club. Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving Club. Xew Dorchester Republican Club. 255 MOCK, JACOB H., 22d Suffolk, Repub- lican, Boston. Born there May 14, 1863. Restaurateur. Ward committee four years, delegate Republican national convention 1904; House I9o6-'o7, committees on elec- tions, taxation. 236 MOORE, FRED, 9th Bristol, Republican, Fall River. Born Hyde, Cheshire, England, April 4, 1874; public schools. Shipping clerk, insurance solicitor. Alderman at large two years. Foresters of America. Knights of Pythias. 257 MORGAN, DANIEL H., 5th Hampden, Republican, Springfield. Born there Janu- ary 14, 1879; Yale. Real estate. Republican city committee two years, chairman finance committee; House 1907, committee on banks and banking (clerk). 258 MORSE, LESLIE K., 3cl Essex, Repub- lican, Haverhill. Born there January i8, i860; public schools. Shoes and shoe find- ings. Common Council two j^ears (president one year); House 1907, committee on pris- ons. Masons, W^achusett Club. 259 MURLEY, JOSEPH J., ist Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there October 8, 1876; public schools, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. House 1907, committee on engrossed bills. Knights of Columbus, East Boston Athletic Association, East Boston High School Alumni Association. 260 MURRAY. WILLIAM F.. 4th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there September 7, 1881; public schools, Harvard 1904, Har- vard Law School. Lawyer. Common Coun- cil two years; House 1907. committees on elections, public lighting. Spanish War V^et- erans. Royal Arcanum, Heptasophs. 261 NASH, MELVIX S., 4th Plymouth, Re- publican, Hanover. Born Abington, August 3, 1857; public and private schools. School- teacher, insurance agent, minister. Library trustee, school committee nine years; House 1894 and 1907, committees on public health, parishes and religious societies, roads and bridges (clerk). Masons, R.A.C.. K.T., Odd Fellows. 26 J XASOX, ARTHUR L.. 4tli Essex, Re- publican, Haverhill. Born there Octdher 24, 1872; public schools. Shoes. Republican city committee three years; House 1906- '07, committees on parishes and relig-ious soci- eties (clerk), roads and bridti^cs (cK-rk). Central Club, .Odd Fellows. 263 NEWHALL, GEORGE H., 12th Essex, Republican, Lynn. Born there October 24, 1850; public schools, Wesleyan Academy. Real estate and insurance. Common Council two years, alderman four years; House 1894, 1895 and i9o6-'o7, committees on cities, con- stitutional amendments, insurance. Repub- lican Club, Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men, K.P., Royal Arcanum, A.O.U.W., president Lynn Board of Underwriters. 264 NICHOLS, MATXOLM E., loth Suff.>lk, Republican, Boston. Born Portland. .Mc. May 8, 1876; Harvard 1899. Xevvspapcr re- porter. Common Council two years. Ward 10 Republican Committee: Horse 1907. com- mittee on metropolitan affairs (clerk). 265 XICKERSOX, DAVID CURTIS, nth Worcester, Republican, Leominster. Born Harwich, January 21, 1854; Brimmer School, Boston, Brooks Academy. Dry goods. House 1907, committee on mercantile af- fairs. Member Leominster local clubs. 266 O'BRIEX, J. FRANK, 4tli Suffolk. Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there January 6, 1879; Harvard. Lawyer. Common council two years. A.O.H.. Catholic Literary I'nion. 267 w^'^^j^^^^r^Tf^^^^^^mw. O'BRIEN. WILLIAM H., i6th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born Gloucester, Sep- tember 9, 1864; public schools. Telegrapher. Ward 16 Democratic Club, K.C., Elks, A.O.H. 268 O'COXXELL, M. FRED, 12th Worces- ter, Democrat, Fitchburg^. Born Hopedale, June 14. 1870: public schools, Bryant & Stratton's, Boston University Law School 1898. Lawyer. House 1905-06-07, commit- tees on public lighting, judiciary (clerk)^ recess committee on Sunday laws. 269 O'CONNOR, PATRICK H., 15th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there January i, 1882; public schools. Collector. Common Council two years: House 1907, committee on education. Knights of Columbus, A.O.H., St. Augustine's Ushers' Club, honorary member Mercer Club. O'DONXELL, JAMES E., ijth Middh sex, Democrat, September 29, li University Law of Columbus. Lowell. Born Chelmsford. ^75 ; public schools, Boston School. Lawyer. Knights 271 OLIVER, JAMES, ist Worcester, Re- publican, Athol. Born there June 28, 1836; Harvard Medical School. Physician. School committee ten years; medical examiner; House 1907, committees on military affairs^ public health. Masons, Grange, G.A.R, 2T2 PARKER, LEWIS C. 12th Hampden, Republican, Westtield. Born there May 9, 1880; public schools, Williams College, Har- vard Law School. Lawvcr. D.K.E.. West- field Club. 273 PARKHURST, LEWIS, 27th Middlesex, Republican, Winchester. Born Dunstable, 1856; Dartmouth College 1878. Publisher. University Club, Country Club. PARKS. JOSEPH A., loth Bristol. Dem- ocrat, Fall River. Born Preston. England. May 2, 1877: public schools. Cotton mill emploj^ee, insurance, real estate. Alderman 1903; House i904-'o5-'o6-'o7. committees on cities, elections, labor (clerk), military af- fairs. PATTISON, LOUIS E., 7th Worcester, Republican, Webster. Born Boston Decem- ber 30, 1843; public schools. Lumber, wood and coal business. G.A.R. 276 PATTISON, THOMAS, ist Barnstable, Republican, Barnstable. Born London, Eng- land, January 20, 1854; public schools. Re- tired mariner. House i903-'o4-'o7, commit- tees on harbors and public lands, labor, fed- eral relations, public lighting- (chairman). Masons, Red Men, Odd Fellows. K.P. PERHA:\I, EDWIX C, nth Middlesex, Republican, Chelmsford. Born there IMarch 4, 1858; public schools. Farmer, butcher. House 1907, committee on agriculture. 278 PICKFORD, JOHN H., 20th Worcester, Republican, Worcester. Born Manville, R.I., September 9, 1849; public schools. Building contractor. House 1906-07. committee on public charitable institutions. City Repub- lican Clnb, Odd Follows. PIERCE, ERNEST H., 27th Suffolk, Re- publican, Revere. Born Boston, Alay 12, 1863; public schools. Newspaper publisher. House 1907, committees on elections, educa- tion. Odd Fellows. 280 PIERCE, MYROX E., nth Suffolk. Re- publican, Boston. Born there 1874: public schools, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Harvard Law School, 1898. Law- yer. Republican city committee five years; common council four vears. 281 POLLOCK, ROBERT E., i8th Essex, Republican, Salem. Born there October 23, 1851; public schools. Hair-dresser. Board of Fire Engineers; license commissioner (chairman twelve years); House 1907, com- mittees on drainage (clerk), public service. Salem Republican Club, Veteran Firemen's Association. A.O.U.W. 282 POPE, FRANK H., nth Worcester, Democrat, Leominster. Born Sandwich, March 7, 1854; public schools. Dean Acad- emy. Boston "Globe" correspondent. Sec- retary Democratic state committee 1897. Odd Fellows, Feominster Club. Union Club. Marlboro. 283 PORTER, SAMUEL L., ist Essex, Re- publican, Amesbury. Born Portland, Ale., November lo, 1869; public schools. Car- riage trimmer, custom clothing, confection- ery, cigars. House I904-'o5-'o6-'o7, commit- tees on military affairs (clerk), roads and bridges (chairman), water supply. Company B, 8th Regiment, Sons of Veterans, Masons, Knights Templar, Odd Fellows, Essex Re- publican Club, Republican Club of Alassa- chusetts, Veteran Firemen, A. & X.U. 284 POWERS. JAMP:S F.. 13th Suffolk. Dem- ocrat. Boston. Born St. John's, Newfound- land. October i. 1872: Lawrence grammar school. Wholesale and retail liquor dealer. Chairman Ward 13 Democratic committee three years; House 1907, committee on banks and banking. Eagles. Foresters, Hep- tasophs. A.O.H. 285 QUIGLEY, FRANCIS X., 9th Hamp- den, Democrat, Holyoke. Born there No- vember 20, 1882; public schools. Newspaper reporter. Holyoke Philo Celtic Club. s86 RILEY, THOMAS P., -'3^1 Middlesex, Democrat, Maiden. Born Medford, July ii, 1875; public schools, Seton Hall, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Demo- cratic city committee, K.C., Elks, A.O.H.. honorary member Shawmut Club and Quincy Club. 287 ROBIXSOX, WILLIAM L., 2d Bristol, Republican, Mansheld. Born there Decem- ber 15, 1855; public school, business college. Dry goods. Selectman, school committee/ president public library trustees; House 1907, committee on roads and bridges. Ma- sons, Odd Fellows. ROBIXSOX, WILLIAM M.. jCv.h Suf- folk, Republican, Chelsea. Born there July 21, 1875; public schools, Worcester Acad- emy. Furniture. AMer.nin tour years (chair- man finance committee); House 1907. com- mittee on election laws. Masons, Alter Ego Club, Cosmopolitan Club. 289 HOSS, SAAIUEL, 7th Bristol, Repub- lican, New Bedford. Born Cheshire, Eng- land, Feb. 2, 1865; public schools. Cotton mule spinner. House 1892 to 1899, commit- tees on labor (chairman), State House, li- braries; House since 1902, committees on labor (chairman), constitutional amend- ments, recess committee on Sunday laws, recess committee on labor. President Na- tional Spinners' Association. >90 ROUS^IAXIERE, JOHX E., 21st Suf- folk. Republican, Boston. Born there Octo- ber 14, 1877; Harvard (college and law school). Lawyer. Ward 21 Republican committee five 3-ears, ^Massachusetts Club, Masons. SANDERS, HERBERT P, 6th Berk- shire, Republican, Pittsfield. Born there; public schools. Insurance. 292 SCHOOXMAKER.JOHX H., 4th Hamp- shire, Republican, Ware. Born Rochester, N.Y., February 14, 1869; Williston Semi- nary. Attorney at law. Chairman Repub- lican town committee, selectman, town council: House 1907, committee on insur- ance. Masons, Shriners, Odd Fellows. Sons of Veterans. SENNOTT, EDWARD J., ist ^liddle- sex, Democrat, Cambridge. Bern there April 4, 1867; St. Thomas Aquinas College. Jewelry salesman. House i904-'o", commit- tees on military affairs, roads and bridges. SHAW.EUGEXE E., 6th Plymouth, Republican, Carver. Born Pavvtucket, Iv.I.; public schools. Cranberry G^owci:-. SHEENAN, FREDERICK M. J., i/th Suffolk, Democrat, Boston. Born there Jan- uary 5, 1878; Boston University L a \v School. Reporter, lawyer. Common Council 1907. Boston City Club, Young Men's Cath- olic Association, Dudley Club, Catholic Alumni Sodality of Boston, Tammany Club, A.O.H., St. Patrick's T.A. & L. Society. 296 SHEPARDSOX, OSCAR J.. 2d Hamp- den. Republican, Chester. Born in Lee, December 5, 185 1; public schools, Harvard ■Medical School. Phvsician. Masons, Shrine. 297 SHEPHERD, JOSEPH J., 2d Plymouth, Republican, Pembroke. Born there Febru- ary 5, 1855; public and private schools. Un- dertaker. Highway surveyor ten years; Re- publican town committee; House 1907, com- mittee on counties. Masons, R.A.C., K.T., Odd Fellows. 298 SMALL, ISAAC M., 3^1 Barnstable. Re- publican, Xorth Truro. Born Truro, 1845; public schools, Cross Private School, Sterl- ing. Hotel keeper, marine reporter. House 190 1, committee on tisheries and game. Odd Fellows. 299 SAIITH, WILLIAAl H., 26th Middlesex, Republican, Somerville. Born there Novem- ber II, 1875; public schools. Tile contrac- tor. Assistant assessor two years, alderman at large three years: House 1907, committee on public service. Central Club, ]\Tass:ichu- setts Republican Club. 300 SOLIDAV, JOSEPH H.. ist Xorfolk, Republican. Dedham. Rorn Springville, Ohio, April ii. 1869: public schools. Ge- neva. Ohio. Xormal School. Teacher, law- yer. Republican town committee 1904; House i905-'o6-'o7. committees on metro- politan affairs (clerk), public service, towns, rules, street railwavs (chairman). STEARNS, HARRY N., 3d Middlesex, Republican, Cambridge. Born there Octo- ber 5, 1874; public schools, Harvard (Col- lege and Law School). Lawyer. Republican city committee. Common Council three years (chairman one year); House 1907, committees on rules, cities. 302 STODDART, JOHN A.. J2d Essex. Re- publican, Gloucester. Born Cambridge. May lo, 1869; public schools. Bryant & Stratton Commercial College. :\Iachinist and engi- neer. Common Council two years, alderman two years (chairman one year): House 1906- '07, committees on public charitable insti- tutions, iisheries and game. Rel Men. 303 STONE, LUCIAN B., 19th Worcester, Republican, Worcester. Born there Sep- tember 9, 1829; Leicester Academy. Con- tractor. Street commissioner fifteen years, alderman one year; House 1907, committee on street railways. ]\Iasons, K.T., Odd Fellows. 304 SULLIVAX. DAXIEL L., gth Suffolk, Democrat. Boston. Born there October i6, 1878; public schools. Receiving clerk. Com- mon Council three years; House 1907, com- mittee on libraries. Quincy Club. 305 SULLIVAN, JOHN F., zd Suffolk, Dem- ocrat, Boston. Born there May 17, 1875; public schools, Holy Cross College. Chair- man Ward 2 Democratic committee two years; House i9o6-'o7, committee on print- ing. A.O.H., Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, associate member G.A.R., Jef- fries Point Rowing Association, East Bos- ton Catholic Association. 306 SWA XX. GEORGE, nth Plymouth, Republican, Brockton. Born Derby, Eng- land, July i8, 185Q: public schools. Elastic goring weaver. Common council 1933-04- '05 (president 1905); board of aldermen 1906. Republican Club. Masons. Odd Eel- lows. Sons of St. George. Brockton Cricket Club. Lookout Eishing and Gunning Club. 30; THOMPSON, JOHN H., 17th Worcester, Democrat, Worcester. Born there August 26, 1873; public schools. Plumber. Common council two years. Father Alathew T.x\.B. Society, Eagles. 308 TODD, FRANK P., 24th Essex, Repub- lican, Rowley. Born there March 3, 1853; Dummer Academy. Dairyman. Essex Club. 309 TORREY, FRANK A., 24th Middlesex, Republican, Groton. Born Wobiirn, De- cember 21, 1874; Boston University Law School. Attorney at law. Selectman, as- sessor and overseer of the poor five years (chairman two years); Republican town committee; House T906, committee on bills in the third readint^^. Phi Delta Phi. TRUDEL, WILLIAM IL. j-J Essex, Re- publican. Haverhill. Iiorn Ste. Moni(|ue, P.Q., July 19, 1866; Laval L'niversity. Que- bec. Notary. Alderman four years (chair- man two years); House i9o5-'o7. commit- tees on cities (clerk): engrossed bills (chair- man). Republican city committee. Essex Republican Club. Wachusett Club. Pilurim Fathers. Elk>. 3" UNDERHILL, CHARLES L.. 25th Mid- dlesex, Republican, Somerville. Born Rich- mond, Va., July 20, 1867; public schools. Hardware dealer. House i902-'o3. commit- tees on federal relations (chairman), cities (clerk), counties. Elks, Masons, Royal Ar- canum, Somerville Y.M.C.A., Winter Hill Improvement Association, Somerville Board of Trade, Central Club, Ward 5 Republican Club. VARXUM, CHARLES F.. 17th MiJdlc- sex, Republican, Lowell. Born there June 28, 1846; Colby. Contractor and builder. Com- mon Council two years: House 1893, com- mittee on rapid transit. House IQ07, com- mittee on railroads. Odd Fellows. K.P.. R..\. 313 WALKER. JOSEPH, 2d Norfolk, Repub- lican, Brookline. Born Worcester, July 13, 1865; Phillips Exeter Academy, Brown Uni- versity 1887, Harvard Law School 1890. Trustee, lawyer. School committee seven 3^ears, chairman Republican town committee two years. Republican state committee, state board of charity. House i904-'o5-'o6- '07, committees on rules, ways and means (chairman). WALLIS, JOSEPH A., 20th Essex, Re- publican, Beverly. Born there December 12, 1837: public schools. Shoe manufacturer. Selectman, alderman, mayor two years. Republican Club. Union Club, Eastern Yacht Club. 315 WALSH, THOMAS S., 3d Hampden, Republican, Springfield. Born Hartland, Conn., 1859; public schools. Boiler maker. Board of Trade, N.E.O.P. 316 WARNER. FRED P., 2rst Suffolk. Re- publican, Boston. Born Plympton, N.S.; public schools, Digby Academy. Lumber business sixteen years. Common Council i904-'o5-'o6. Dudley Club, Canadian Club of Boston, Boston City Club. 317 WASHBURN, ROBERT i\I., 22d Worces- ter, Republican, Worcester. Born there January 4, 1868; public schools. Harvard College. Lawyer. Worcester Republican city committee. Republican Club of Massa- chusetts, Worcester County Republican Club, Quinsigamond Boat Club, Worcester Club. 318 WAUGH, WILLIAM L., 26th Middle- sex, Republican, Somerville. Born W'augh's River, Colchester County. X. S.; public schools. Carpenter and builder. House 1907, committee on counties. Masons. Knights Templar. Odd Fellows, Red Men. Xew Eng- land Order of Protection. Somerville Board of Trade, Vice-President Somerville Asso- ciates, Director Winter Hill Co-operative Bank. 319 WEEKS, A. S. PARKER, 23d Suffolk, Republican, Boston. Born there April 29, 1857; public schools. Blacksmith. Repub- lican ward committee live years; House i9o6-'o7, committee on metropolitan affairs. Roslindale Club, Roslindale Citizens' Asso- ciation, A.O.U.W., Sons of Veterans. 320 WEEKS, WILLIAM E.. 24th Michlloscx, Republican, Everett. Born Portland, Me., June 23, 1880: public schools, Boston Uni- versity Law School. Lawyer. House 1)05- 'o6-'o7, committees on roads and bridges (clerk), engrossed bills, education. Iei4;al af- fairs (chairman). WELLINGTON, JOSEPH O., 30th Tv dlesex. Republican, Belmont. Born C; bridge, June 22, 1850; public schools. M ket gardener. Selectman five years, asses nine 3'ears; House 1907, committee on ag culture (clerk). Boston ]\larket Gardene Association, Belmont Club. 322 WHITE. XORMAX H., 2'. Xortolk, Ro- ublican, Hrookline. Born Montcl.iir, X.J.. )eccinber 2^, 1871: public schools, Univer- ity of Xew York. Harvard. Treasurer Bos- on P)Ook Binding- Conipan}-. director Brooklinc Xational Bank, vice-president Brookline Republiciui Club; House 1907, committee on metropolitan affairs. 323 WHITNEY, EDGAR H., 27th Suffolk, Republican, Winthrop. Born Dublin, N.H.; public and private schools. Merchant. Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, Royal Arcanum, Win- throp Yacht Club (commodore). WILLCUTT. WILLIAM 15., _'4th Suf- folk, Republican, Boston. Born there De- cember 14, 1874; ptiblic schools. Manager. Common Council i905-'o6. Republican Club of Massachusetts, Ward 24 Repub- lican Club. Young Men's Republican Club, West Side Republican Club, Mattapan Road Club, Ashmont Club, Shawmut Club, Dorchester Yacht Club, Xew England Iron League. 325 WILLETTS, ISAAC E., nth Bristol, Republican, U:i\] River. Born Boston, No- vember 8, 1879; jrablic schools. Garbage contractor, depnt}' sheriff. House i905-'o6, committees on public charitable institu- tions, printing-, public health (clerk). 3:^6 WILLIAMS, WATERMAX L.. 3(1 Wor- cester, Republican, Holden. Born there Au- gust 10, 1867: Amherst College, Harvard Law School. Lawyer. WING, HERBERT, 6th Bristol, Repub- lican, Dartmouth. Born South Dartmouth, September 14, 1864; public schools, Bryant & Stratton school of Providence. Insur- ance, real estate, farmer. Republican town committee twelve years (four years chair- man) ; selectman, overseer of the poor and board of health six years (four j^ears chair- man). Masons, R.A.C., Knight Templar, treasurer South Bristol Farmers' Club. 328 WORSTER, RUSSELL B., 7th Norfolk, Republican, Weymouth. Born there June 30, 1872; public schools. Groceries and pro- visions fourteen years, real estate and insur- ance at present. Republican town commit- tee ten years; House 1907, committee on counties. Knights of Pythias, Masons, Knights Templar. Weymouth Firemen's Relief Association, I-'irc Department. 329 B E A T T Y, JAMES, Postmaster. Born August 26, 1845. Enlisted Co. I, 226. Regi- ment, September 6, 1861; served three years. Appointed messenger of House Jan- uary, 1886; legislative postmaster January, 1893. Alderman Waltham three years. Com- mander Post 29, G. A. R., Waltham. Odd Fellows, A.O.U.W. 330 KIMBALL, JAMES W., clerk of the House, Republican, Lj-nn. Born there De- cember 17, 1858; public schools. Printer. Page and messenger in House six years; as- sistant clerk 1888 to 1897. Masons. 331 PEDRICK, THOMAS R, House door- keeper, Republican, Lynn. Born Marble- head, February 20, 1846; public schools. Shoe business. Messenger sixteen years, assistant doorkeeper three years; Lynn Re- publican city committee twenty years (as chairman two vears). Odd Fellows, K. of H. 332 \ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. iIH^TtT I i i Htrfr II ^ B 000 019 483 7 3 1205 02129 5660 \ / \