j f "7 — REVISED AND CORRECTED TO DECEMBER 1, OFFICIAL REGISTER OF PHYSICIANS AND MIDWIFES NOW IN PRACTICE TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF ILLINOIS i,^ ^■7?'-l^'84. SPRINGFIELD. ILLINOIS. H. W. lff>KKER. State Printer and Binder. 1884. s^ ^^ S f*5(i>> ^ CONTENTS. Page. Prefatoey Notes concekning the Official Register of 188i v-ix Medical Practice IN Illinois: The ILLINOIS medical-practice act v The state board of health act viii Concerning practitioners and mode of procedure under the medical-prac- tice act XI Schedule of Minimum Requirements xi Decisions under ttie Medical-Practice Act xii Applications for Certificates xiii Requirements of the Practice Act xiv Construction of the Practice Act xv Official Register of Physicians : (Arranged alphabetically by Counties) 1-224 Non-resident Physicians 226-229 List of Revoked Ceiitific ates 231-234 Necrological Record 235-240 Directory of Medical Societies in Illinois 241-249 Official Register of Mid wives: (Arranged alphabetically by Counties) 251-275 Addenda 277-281 Indexes: Index of physicians. Index OF MID wives. Index of towns 322S28 PREFATOKY NOTES CONCERNING THE OFFICIAL REGISTER OF 1884. There are embraced in this — the third edition of the Official Register of Physicians and Midwives in Illinois, revised up to December 1, 1884 — the names, postoffice addresses, and other data necessary for the purposes of identification, of 5,585 physicians to whom certificates have been issued by the State Board of Health under the act to regulate the practice of medicine, approved May 29, 1877 ; and who comprise the great majority of those now engaged in practice in this State. To this number are to be added some 300 practitioners, who are exempt from the provisions of the law by reason of having practiced ten years in the State prior to July 1, 1877. So that the total number engaged in the practice of medicine in Illinois, at the close of 1884, is 5,885 of all classes.* Of the 5,585 certificated practitioners there are 4,780 who hold certificates from the State Board of Health, based upon "satis- factory proof of having received diplomas or licenses from legally- chartered medical institutions in good standing ; " 102 others are practicing under the certificates of the Board issued after satisfac- tory examination ; and the remaining 703 are non-graduates who have taken out certificates based on years of practice, although not required so to do by the law. A number of the 4,780 certificated graduates are also exempt by reason of length of practice before the passage of the act, but have obtained certificates from the Board for the purpose of establishing their professional status. In the first Register published by the Board, June 14, 1880, there were the names of 5,979 physicians, and in the second, published December 20, 1881, there were 5,^87 — the number of those engaged in medical practice during the last four years showing on the whole, a slight absolute reduction, not- withstanding the increase of population. For purposes of compari- son the following totals, from each of the three Registers, are here presented : « ^ . ♦Those exempt from the Medieal-Practice Act, on account of length of practice, are, nevertheless, required by th^ State Board of Health Act to register their names and postoflflcH addresses in the offlee of the county clerk of their respective counties; and it is from the returns from these ofQces that the number of non-certifloated physicians above given (300) has been obtained. VI June 14,1880. Dec. 20,1881. Dec. 1.1884. Total number engaged in prac- tice 5978 5987 588i5 Graduates and licentiates of medical institutions ........ 4282 4488 4780 Licentiates upon examination, State Board of Health. . . . 191 183 102 Exempt non-graduates, certi- ficated 948 896 703 Exempts, non-certificated 558 420 300 From' the above tabular statement it will be seen that, while the aggregate number of practitioners has not materially varied, there are some notable changes in the numbers of the different classes. Thus, there has been a gain of 498 graduates and licentiates of medical institutions — these now forming over 80 per cent, of the total number, as against about 70 per cent, in 1880 ; the number of licentiates upon examination of the State Board has been diminished nearly one-half — mainly by their transfer to the number of graduates, very many of them having, subsequent to their exam- ination, attended' lectures and obtained diplomas. Both classes of exempts show heavy losses, due mainly to death, graduation, aban- donment of practice and removal from the State. The following summary, from the first Eegister, and correspond- ing figures from the present volume, exhibit these changes for the whole period since the Medical-Practice Act went into operation : July 1,1877. Dec. 1,188J. Total number engaged in practice 7400 5885 Graduates and licentiates 3600 5032 Non-graduates ... 3800 853 Percentage of graduates and licentiates in 1877 48. Percentage of graduates and licentiates in 1884 85. Percentage of non-graduates in 1877 52. Percentage of non-graduates in 1884 15. The numbers for 1877, above given, are approximated from the returns of county clerks to the State Board, from applications, and from correspondence on file m the office of the Board, and represent, with substantial correctness, the actual numbers of those claiming at that date to be engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery proper, exclusive of midwives. The number of graduates and licentiates in 1884, above given, includes 102 licentiates upon examination of the Board, and 150 non-certificated exempts. Among the graduates and licentiates there are also 421 who are licensed as pharmacists. VII During the seven years of its existence, or up to December 1, 1884, the Board has issued 8,091 certificates to physicians — To graduates and licentiates of medical institutions 6,745 To exempts, on years of practice 1,127 To licentiates upon examination, State Board of Health 219 Diplomas or licenses have been presented by those now in prac- tice in the State, from 138 medical colleges and licensing bodies in the United States ; from 10 in Canada ; 14 in Great Britain ; 34 in Europe ; and 1 each in Africa and South America — making a total of 198 different graduating or licensing bodies represented. The subjoined list shows the number of representatives of these various bodies : MEDiCAii Institutions Repbesented in the Official Registek op Physicians, Titles of Institutions. Location. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital Eclectic Medical Institute College of Physicians and Surgeons ..„ St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Jefferson Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Medical College of Ohio Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Michigan. Belle vue Hospital Medical College . . American Medical College Homeopathic Medical College . Medical Department, University of Louisville Miami Medical College Medical Department of the University of the City of New York Department of Medicine, University of Peunsylvuiiia College of Medicine and Surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical College of Indiana Medical Department, State University of Iowa Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Medical Department, Westera Reserve University Medical School of Harvard University Nashville Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical Department, University of Buffalo Medical College of E vansville ". Long Island College Hospital Albany Medical College Starling Medical College Physio-Medical Institute Homeopathic Hospital College Berkshire Medical College Toronto School of Medicine Medical Department of McGill University Medical Department, University of Vermont Castleton Medical College Medical Department, University of Missouri St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons Homeopathic Medical College Medical Department, Dartmouth College Medical Department, Universities of Nashville and Vandeibilt University of Berlin .• School of Medicine, University of Maryland Homeopathic Medical College Hospital College of Medicine Medical Department, Transylvania University Indiana Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana ... Illinois Illinois Illinois Ohio Iowa Missouri Missouri Pennsylvania.. Illinois Ohio Michigan New York Missouri Illinois Kentucky Ohio New York I'ennsylvania.. Ohio N^ew York Indiana [owa Missouri Ohio Massachusetts. Tennessee Illinois New York Indiana New York New York Ohio Ohio Ohio Massachusetts. Canada. {'anada Vermont Vermont Missouri Missouri New York New Hampshir( Tennessee Germany Maryland Pennsylvania.. Kentucky Kentucky Indiana Indiana 822 289 274 240 2-28 196 190 179 178 176 Viil 108 89 87 68 07 as 61 51 49 47 42 88 31 29 28 28 28 27 26 25 25 24 24 24 23 23 21 19 18 18 17 17 16 15 14 14 14 13 13 Till Medical Institutions— Continued. Titles of Institutions. Geneva Medical College Detroit Medical College American Medical College Pulte Medical College Hahnemann Medical College University of Wurzburg Pennsylvania Medical College Medical School, University of Missouri Medical Department, University of Georgetown Illinois Army Medical Examining Board Columbus Medical College , Charity Hospital Medical College Medical Department of the University of Wooster Medical School of Maine (Bowdoin Coll«^gej Medical Department, St. Louis University Western College of Homeopathic Medicine Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania , College of Physicians and Surgeons College of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons .. University of Heidelberg University of Munich College of Medicine and Surgery Fairfield Medical College ,... Physio- Medical College University of Vienna. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Royal College of Surgeons Medical Department of Illinois College National Medical College Vermont Medical College* , Medical Department of Victoria College... University of Giessen University of Gottingen New York Medical College Royal College of Surgeons Royal College of Surgeons College of Medicine, Syracuse University Physio-Medical College of Indiana New Or]<»ans School of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Hu nboliit Medical College , Kan-asCity College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical College of Virginia University of Edinburg Medical Department of Laval University Examining Commission, Basle New York Medical College and Hospital for Women Eclectic Medical College Medical Department, Willoughby University Medical Department. Universitv of Louisiana Medical Department, Howard University Medical Department, Yale College Medical Department, University of Virginia Detroit Homeopathic Medical College Michigan College of Medicine Ecole de Medicine et de Chirurgie de Montreal University of Glasgow University of Christiana University of Copenhagen University of Jena Uni versi ty of Prague University of Z urich Location. New York Michigan Ohio Ohio Pennsylvania Germany Pennsylvania Missouri Dist. of Columbia . Illinois Ohio Ohio Ohio Maine Missouri Ohio Pennsylvania Maryland Missouri Germany Germany Pennsylvania New York Ohio Austria ('anada England Illinois Dist of Columbia.. Vermont Canada Germanv Germany New York Ireland Scotland New York Indiana liOuisiana Massachusetts Missouri Missouri Virginia Scotland Canada Switzerland New York iSfew York Ohio Louisiana Dist. of Columbia. <'onnecticut Virginia Michigan Michigan Canada Scotland Norway Denmark Germany Austria Switzerland IX There are eri-afiiiatea or licentiate=5, less than three in number, from 51 other institu- tions in the following: States:— California. Iowa, Massachusetts, North Carolina. Georgia. Kansas, Michigan. Ohio. Illinois. Kentucky, Missouri. Pennsylvania, Indiana, Maryland. New York, Tennessee. Vermont, Wisconsin. Also from the following foreign institutions:— In Canada: Trinity Medical School; Faculty of Medicine, University of Bishop's College; Medical Department, University of Toronto; College of Medicine and Surgery, Lower Canada. In Great Britain: Royal College of Physicians, England; Society of Apothecaries, Eng- lanil; King's and Qaeen's College of Physicians, Ireland; Rotunda Lying-in Hospital. Ireland; Royal College of Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Physicians. Ireland; School of Apothecaries' Hall, Ireland; Royal College of Physicians, Scotland; Univer- sity of St. Andrew. Scotland. In Europe: Academy of Medicine, Paris; University of Erlangen; Carolineu Medico- Chirurgical Institute, Stockholm; Examining Boards of Canton Aargan and St, Callen, and State Board of Switzerland; Royal Bavarian Surgical School; San Carlos Medical College Madrid; the Universities of Berne,— Bonn.— Breslau,— France,— Griefswald,— Kiev.— L9ipzig,—Marburg,— Naples,— Pesth.-Strasbnrg.—Tiibingen,- Warsaw. In Africa: Funehal Medical College, Madeira. In South America: University of Sucre, Bolivia. Since the close of the session of 1888, at which time the Schedule of Minimum Eequirements took effect, the diplomas of 21 colleges in eight different States have heen accepted only after an examina- tfon, of those presenting them, in the branches or subjects of the Schedule omitted by the respective colleges. The text of the Schedule of Minimum Eequirements entitling a college to be held in "good standing," the Medical-Practice and State Board of Health acts, and other matters Concerning Prac- titioners and the Mode of Procedure under the Medical-Practice Act, will be found in the preliminary section, entitled Mediral Practice in Illinois. Additions, changes and correctioiis, made while the Kegister was going through the press, will be found in the Addenda, beginning on page 277. These are fully indexed ; therefore, in consultmg the Kegister reference should be made to the Alphahetical Index of Navies, beginning on page 28j. Information of further changes and other corrections should be promptly furnished the Secretary by those interested, for the re- vision of the future Kegister, MEDICAL PRACTICE IN ILLINOIS. THE ILLINOIS MEDICAL PEACTICE ACT. An Act to Eegulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of Illinois. Approved May 29, 1877. In force July 1, 1877. Admission to practice medicine : Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That every person practicing medicine, in any of its departments, shall possess the qualifications required by this act. If a graduate in medicine he shall present his diploma to the State Board of Health * * * for verification as to its genuineness. If the diploma is found genuine, and if the person named therein be the person claiming and presenting the same, the State Board of Health * * * shall issue its certificate to that effect, signed by all of the members thereof, and such diploma and certificate shall be conclusive as to the right of the lawful holder of the same to practice medicine in this State. If not a graduate the person prac- ticing medicine in this State shall present himself before said Board, and submit himself to such examinations as the said Board shall require ; and, if the examination be satisfactory to the examiners, the said Board shall issue its certificate in accordance with the facts, and the lawful holder of such certificate shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges herein mentioned. Sec. 2. [This section is omitted as void, by reason of the pas- sage, at the same session, of the act establishing a State Board of Health, which see following. The section refers to the mode of providing boards of examiners in the absence of such State Board. The omissions indicated by asterisks in section 1, and in the remaining sections, also have reference to this provision for other boards.] Organization, duties and power of State Board: Sec. 3. The State Board of Health * * * shall organize within three months after the passage of this act ; they shall procure a seal, and shall receive through their Secretary applications for certificates and examinations ; the President * * * shall have authority to admin- ister oaths, and the Board to take testimony in all matters relating to their duties; they shall issue certificates to all who furnish sat- isfactory proof of having received diplomas or licenses from legally chartered medical institutions in good standing; they shall prepare two forms of certificates, one for persons in possession of diplomas or licenses, the other for candidates examined by the Board ; they shall furnish to the county clerks of the several counties a list of all persons receiving certificates. In selecting places to hold their meetings they shall, as far as is reasonable, accommodate appli- cants residing in different sections of the State, and due notice shall be published of all their meetings. Certificates shall be signed by all the members of the Board granting them, * * * VI THE ILLINOIS MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT. Verification of diplomas ; fee and penalty : Sec. 4. Said State Board of Health * * * shall examine diplomas as to their genuineness, and if the diploma shall be found genuine as repre- sented, the Secretary of the State Board of Health * * * shall receive a fee of one dollar from such graduate or licentiate, and no fur- ther charge shall be made to the applicants ; but if it be found to be fraudulent, or not lawfully owned by the possessor, the Board shall be entitled to charge and collect twenty dollars of the applicant presenting such diploma. The verification of the diploma shall con- sist in the affidavit of the holder and applicant that he is the lawful possessor of the same, and that he is the person therein named. Such affidavit may be taken before any person authorized to ad- minister oaths, and the same shall be attested under the hand and official seal of such officer, if he have a seal. Graduates may pre- sent their diplomas and affidavits as provided in this act, by letter or by proxy, and the State Board of Health , * * * shall issue its certificate the same as though the owner of the diploma was present. Examination of non-graduates : Sec. 5. All examinations of per- sons not graduates or licentiates shall be made directly by the Board, and the certificates given by the Board shall authorize the possessor to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Illinois. Certificates must be recorded: Sec. 6. Every ^person holding a certificate from the State Board of Health * * * shall have it recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which he resides, and the record shall be endorsed thereon. Any person re- moving to another county to practice, shall procure an endorsement to that effect on the certificate from the county clerk, and shall record the certificate, in like manner, in the county to which he removes, and the holder of the certificate shall pay to the county clerk the usual fees for making the record. Kecord book to be kept by county clerk: Sec. 7. The county clerk shall keep, in a book provided for the purpose, a complete list of the certificates recorded by him, with the date of the issue. * * * If the certificate be based on a diploma or license, he shall record the name of the medical institution conferring it, and the date when conferred. The register of the county clerk shall be open to public inspection during business hours. Fee for examining non-graduates : Sec. 8. Candidates for ex- amination shall pay a fee of five dollars, in advance, which shall be returned to them if a certificate be refused. The fees received by the Board shall be paid into the treasury. * * * Character of examination : Sec. 9. Examinations may be in whole or in part in writing, and shall be of an elementary and prac- tical character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the candidate as a practitioner. Certificates may be refused or revoked : Sec. 10. The State Board of Health * * * may refuse certificates to individuals guilty of unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, and they may re- voke certificates for like causes. In all cases of refusal or revoca- tion, the applicant may appeal to the body appointing the Board. THE ILLINOIS MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT. VII Definition of "practicing medicine": Sec. 11. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine within the meaning of this act, who shall profess publicly to be a physician, and to prescribe for the sick, or who shall append to his name the letters of "M. D." But nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit students from prescribing under the supervision of preceptors, or to prohibit gra- tuitous services in cases of emergency. And this act shall not apply to commissioned surgeons in the United States army and navy. License to itinerant venders : Sec. 12. Any itinerant vender of any drug, nostrum, ointment or appliance of any kind, intended for the treatment of disease or injury, or who shall by writing or print- ing, or any other method, publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, injury or deformity by any drug, nostrum, manipulation or other expedient, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars a month, to be collected in the usual way. Penalties for non-compliance with this act : Sec. 13. Any per- son practicing medicine or surgery in this State without complying with the provisions of this act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty days, nor more than three hundred and sixty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each and every offense; and any person filing, or attempting to file, as his own, the diploma or cer- tificate of another, -or a forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be subject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes of this State for the crime of forgery, but the penalties shall not be enforced till on and after the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven : Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to those that have been practicing med- icine ten years within this State. THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ACT. An Act to Create and Establish a State Board of Health in THE State of Illinois. Approved May 28, 1877 ; in force July 1, 1877. Appointment OF members; term of office; vacancies: Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint seven persons, who shall constitute the Board of Health. The persons so appointed shall hold their offices for seven years : Provided, that the terms of office of the seven first appointed shall be so arranged that the term of. one shall expire on the thirtieth day of December of each year, and the vacancies so created, as well as all vacancies occurring otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate : And provided, also, that appointments made when the Senate is not in session moy be confirmed at its next ensuing session. Powers and authority of the board : Sec. 2. The State Board OF Health shall have the general supervision of the interests of the health and life of the citizens of the State. They shall have charge of all matters pertaining to quarantine ; and shall have authority to make such rales and regulations, and such sanitary investiga- tions, as they may from time to time deem necessary for the pres- ervation or improvement of public health; and it shall be the duty of all police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employes of the State, to enforce such rules and regulations, so far as the efficiency and success of the Board may depend upon their official co-operation. Eegistration of births and deaths : Sec. 3. The Board of Health shall have supervision of the State system of registration of births and deaths as hereinafter provided; they shall make up such forms and recommend such legislation as shall be deemed necessary for the thorough registration of vital and mortuary sta- tistics throughout the State. The Secretary of the Board shall be the superintendent of such registration. The clerical duties and the safe-keeping of the bureau of vital statistics thus created shall be provided by the Secretary of State. Physicians and accouchers to register and report : Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all physicians and accouchers in this State to register their names and postoffice address with the county clerk of the county where they reside ; and said physicians and accouch- eurs shall be required, under penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jarisdiction in the State, at suit of the county clerk, to report to the county clerk, within thirty days from THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ACT. IX date of their occurrence, all births and deaths which may come under their supervision, with a certificate of the cause of death, and such correlative facts as the Board may require, in the blank forms furnished as hereinafter provided. EePORT of birth or DEATH IN ABSENCE OF PHYSICIAN OR ACCOUCH- EUR : Sec. 5. Where any birth or death shall take place, no phy- sician or accoucheur being in attendance, the same shall be reported to the county clerk within thirty days from date of [its] occurrence, with the supposed cause . of death, by the parent, or if none, by the nearest of kin, not a minor, of if none, by the resident house- holder where the death shall occur, under penalty as provided in the preceding section of this act. Coroners to report deaths : Sec. 6. The coroners of the sev- eral counties shall be required to report to the county clerk all cases of death which may come under their supervision, with the cause and mode of death, etc., as per forms furnished, under pen- alty as provided in section four (4) of this act. Disposition of penalties : Sec. 7. All amounts recovered under the penalties herein- provided shall be appropriated to a special fund for the carrying out of the object of this law. County clerks to keep registers and records : Sec. 8. The county clerks of the several counties in the State shall be required to keep separate books for the registration of the names and post- office address of physicians and accoucheurs, for births, for mar- riages, and for deaths ; said books shall always be open to inspec- tion without fee ; and said county clerks shall be required to render a full and complete report of all births, marriages and deaths to the Secretary of the Board of Health, annually, and at such other times as the Board may direct. Board to prepare forms for reports : Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to prepare such forms for the record of births, marriages and deaths as they may deem proper ; the said forms to be furnished by the Secretary of said Board to the county clerks of the several counties, whose duty it shall be to furnish them to such persons as are herein required to make reports. Meetings of the Board : Sec. 10. The first meeting of the Board shall be within fifteen days after their appointment, and thereafter in January and June of each year, and at such other times as the Board shall deem expedient. The meeting in January of each year shall be in Springfield. A majority shall constitute a quorum. They shall choose one of their number to be President, and they may adopt rules and bylaws for their government, subject to the provisions of this act. Officers and compensation: Sec. 11. They shall elect a Secre- tary, who shall perform the duties prescribed by the Board and by this act ; he shall receive a salary which shall be fixed by the Board ; he shall also receive his traveling and other expenses incurred in the performance of his^official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive no compensation for their services, but their traveling and other expenses, while employed on business of the Board, shall be paid. The President of the Board shall quarterly X THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ACT. certify the amount due the Secretary, and on presentation of his certificate, the Auditor of State shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount. Annual report : Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to make an annual report, through their Secretary or otherwise, in writing, to the Governor of this State, on or before the first day of January of each year, and such report shall include so much of the proceedings of the Board, and such information concerning vital statistics, such knowledge respecting diseases, and such instruction on the subject of hygiene, as may be thought use- ful by the Board for dissemination among the people, with such suggestions as to legislative action as they may deem necessary. Appropriation : Sec. 13. The sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the salary of the Secretary, meet the contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary, and the expenses of the Board, and all costs for printing, which, together, shall not exceed the sum hereby appropriated ; said expenses shall be certified and paid in the same manner as the salary of the Secretary. Office room : Sec. 14. The Secretary of State shall provide Tooms suitable for the meetings of the Board, and office room for the Secretary. CONCERNING PRACTITIONERS AND MODE OF PROCEDURE UNDER THE MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT. Undek the Act to regulate the Practice of Medicme in the State of Ihinois, all persons practicing medicine in any of its depart- ments are divided into two classes : — First, practitioners who had been practicing medicine ten Or more years within the State, prior to July 1, 1877. Second, those who have been practicing medicine in the State for a period of time less than ten years, prior to July 1, 1877, This second class is sub-divisible into two others — those who are practicing medicine, in any of its departments, who have neither a diploma nor license, and who are required by law to undergo ex- amination by the State Board for its certificate entitling them to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Illinois. And, second, those who can furnish satisfactory proof of having received diplomas as graduates in medicine or licenses from legally- chartered medical institutions in good standing. To BE HELD IN GOOD STANDING in Illinois, colleges must comply with the following schedule of requirements. This schedule took effect at the close of the session of 1882-83. No diploma issued since that date, is accepted as the basis for a certiticate, unless the diploma was issued in accordance with the schedule. The only other mode of obtaining a certificate is through an examination by the Board. schedule of requirements. I. Conditions of admission to lecture courses. ~1. Credible cer- tificates of good moral standing. 2. Diplomas of graduation from a good literary and scientific college or high school, or a first-grade teacher's certificate. Or, lacking this — A thorough examination in the branches of a good English education, including mathematics, English composition, and elementary physics or natural philosophy. II. Branches of medical science to be included in the course of In- struction. — 1. Anatomy^ 2. Physiology. 3. Chemistry. 4. Materia Medica andTherapeutics. 5. Theory and Practice of Medicine. 6. Pathology. 7. Surgery. 8. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 9. Hygiene. 10. Medical Jurisprudence. XII DECISIONS UNDER THE MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT. III. Length of regular or graduating courses. — 1. The time occu- pied in the regular courses or sessions from which students are graduated shall not be less than five months, or twenty weeks, each. 2. Two full courses of lectures, not within one and the same year of time, shall be required for graduation with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. IV. Attendance and examinations or quizzes. — 1. Regular attend- ance during the entire lecture courses shall be required, allowance being made only for absences occasioned by the student's sickness, such absences not to exceed twenty per centuroj^ of the course. 2. Regular examinations or quizzes to be made by each lecturer or professor daily, or at least twice each week. 3. Final examinations on all branches to be conducted, when practicable, by competent examiners other than the professors in each branch. V. Dissections, clinics and hospital attendance. — 1. Each student shall have dissected during two courses. 2. Attendance during at least two terms of clinical and hospital instruction shall be re- quired. VI. Time of ijrofessional studies. — This shall not be less than three full years before graduation, including the time spent with a preceptor, and attendance upon lectures or at clinics and hos- pital. VII. Instruction. — The college must show that it has a sufficient and competent corps of instructors, and the necessary facilities for teaching, dissections, clinics, etc. Concerning the proviso by which physicians are. exempted from the penalties of the Act, the Attorney General, J. K. Edsall, in an opinion dated November 9, 1877, says : "The proviso in question" is in these words : 'Provided, that the provisions of the Act shall not apply to those who have been practicing medicine ten years within the iState.' I have no question that the effect of this proviso is to exempt all persons who fall within its terms, from the penalties imposed by the Act in question. But, considering the entire scope of the Act, I am of the opinion that the duty is incumbent upon your Board to ascertain, as far as practicable, the names of all those who are entitled to the benefits of that proviso ; and that it is the duty of those who have thus practiced medicine ten years within the State to furnish you, on request, evidence of the fact by affidavit, or otherwise. Your Board may, with propriety, issue in return some proper certificate, which will show their right to practice under that proviso of the law." It is the duty, therefore, as well as to the interest of all who claim exemption from the penalties of the Act, in consequence of the fact of their having practiced medicine in this State for ten years previous to July 1, 1877, and who have not procured certi- ficates, to make affidavit concerning their period of practice, and file the same with the Board, thus establishing their status legally. Section four of the State Board of Health Act requires that all physicians and midwives, without exception, practicing in this State, shall register their names and post office addresses with the county clerk of the county where they reside. This registration is addi- APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES. XIII tional to, and independent of, the record of the certificate issued by the Board, and is obb'gatory in each county into which the physician's or midwife's practice extends. Appended is all needful information as to the course of procedure to be observed in applying for a State certificate and complying with the law. 1. Applications for certificates, etc. : Applications for certifi- cates, or for blank affidavits, should be made to the Secretary at Springfield. The county clerks are also furnished with blank affi- davits, or may obtain the same on application to the Secretary. A special form of affidavit has been prepared for those who have lost their diplomas by fire or otherwise, and may be had on appli- cation as above. Diplomas or licenses for verification, and affidavits properly filled out and acknowledged, together with the necessary letters of recom- mendation and fees for certificates, should be sent to the Secretary. For convenience, diplomas may be presented to any member of the Board for verification. In such case the affidavit " should be endorsed ''Diploma verified," with the signature of the mernber, before being forwarded to the Secretary. 2. Diploma or license to be presented for verification : In regard to practitioners of medicine who have been practicing in this State less than ten years, the law requires that those who are graduates in medicine, or who have licenses from legally chartered medical institutions in good standing, must actually present for verification, to the State Board, their diplomas or licenses ; and, in addition, such other satisfactory proofs as may be necessary. Graduates may present their diplomas or licenses and affidavits by letter or proxy. 3. Affidavits required : Affidavit must be made that the person presenting the diploma, or license, is the lawful possessor of the same. The affidavit should state date and place of graduation, and name of medical college; length. of practice in this State, as well as present place of residence. 4. Fee for certificates : The fee for a certificate of graduation is fixed by law at one dollar. 5. Examination of non-graduates: It is required by law that all' persons practicing medicine less than ten years in any of its de- partments, who are not graduates in medicine or licentiates, shall' be examined directly by the Board, which is authorized to issue certificates to those passing the examination. 6. Application for examination : The candidate for examination must fill out a blank form, which may be obtained on application to the Secretary. This must be sent to the office of the Board, and, if approved, the candidate will be notified when and where to appear for examination. 7. Fee for examination : Candidates for examination are required to pay a fee of five dollars, in advance — to be returned if the certi- ficate be refused. 8. Character of examination: Examinations may be made, in whole or in part, in writing or orally ; and shall be of an elementary XIV REQUIREMENTS OF THE PRACTICE ACT. and practical character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifica- tions of the candidate as a practitioner. 9. Ejiaminations to be made in propria PERSONA : Candidates for examination must present themselves in person before the Board. No examination papers can be sent out to individuals ; and no examination can be limited to any one or two special topics, or branches of study or practice. The examinations will be conducted by the entire Board, and upon all branches usually taught in med- ical schools. 10. Schools of practice :n e::amination : Questions relating to special methods or forms of practice or therapeutics will be referred for examination to the various individual members of the Board, as may be indicated. 11. Examination in a foreign language : Those desiring to be examined in any other but the English language may, in the dis- cretion of the Board, be examined through an interpreter, furnished at their own expense and approved by the Board. 12. Non-graduates must have studied three years : Candidates for examination must present evidence that they have studied med- icine at least three years. 13. Evidence of moral and professional standing : All appli- cants for certificates, whether holding diplomas or not, are required to furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral and professional standing; such evidence (letters of recommendation,) to be filed in the office of the Board as part of the applicant's professional record. 14. Certificates to be recorded in office of county clerk: Physicians are required to have recorded, in the office of the county clerk, the certificate which may be received from the State Board OF Health ; and in case of removal to another county in the State, to have the certificate recorded in that county also. 15. Physicians to register in each county : In case a physician practices in any other county than that in which he lives — he having recorded his certificate in his own county — it is not required that he have his certificate recorded in such other county or coun- ties. He must, however, register his name in the county or counties in which his practice extends, and make his returns of births and deaths occurring in those counties to the respective county clerks. In cases of professional consultation only, with resident physicians, such registration is not required. 16. Non-resident physicians peacticing in this state, amenable TO THE law : Physicians, residents of adjoining States, who practice in this State in counties adjoining the one in which they reside, are required to take out certificates of practice, as required of resi- dents of this State. They must record the same in the office of the county clerk of the county or counties in which their practice extends ; make returns of births and deaths in those counties to the county clerks, and in every respect conform to all the requirements of the law incumbent upon residents of this State. ^ 17. Certificates to exempt graduates : Certificates of gradua- tion will be issued, upon payment of the usual fee, to graduates who have practiced medicine ten or more years in this State, with- CONSTRUCTION OF THE PRACTICE ACT. XV out their being required to send diploma to the Board for verifica- tion, upon their making an affidavit to that effect, at the same time giving name of college, place and date of graduation. It is not obligatory upon this class of practitioners to take out a certifi- cate, but experience has shown the utility of such a step, in legal questions arising in practice, as well as in many matters involving the professional status of the practitioner. 18. Certificates to exempt non-graduates : Certificates will, when desired, be issued to non-graduates of ten or more years^ practice in this State, on affidavit of such practice, supported by evidence of good standing in a medical society, or the recommenda- tion of reputable professional or other men, w4io have known them during their term of practice. . Such certificates differ from those granted to graduates, and are issued in the discretion of the Board. 19. What constitutes "ten years' practice :" It is not required that the ten years of practice in this State shall be consecutive years ; but the sum total of practice in this State must amount to ten years before July 1, 1877. No allowance is made for the time spent in practice in any other State, or in service in the army or navy. 20. Change of location : It is important that when a change of location is made, it be promptly reported to the Board. Unless this is done, the Official Eegister will necessarily be incorrect. 21. Professional acts ili^egal prior to record of certificate : No one belonging to the second class, as defined in the beginning of this section, has a right to practice until the certificate of the Board is placed upon record in the county in which the individual lives. All professional acts, prior to this being done, are illegal and render the delinquent liable to prosecution. 22. What constitutes "practicing medicine" under the statute: The eleventh section of the act to regulate the practice of medicine in the State of Illinois, approved May 29, 1877, contains the fol- lowing : Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine within the meaning of this act who shall append to his name the letters of "M. D."— [Laws of 1877, page 156, section 11.] Independently of the statutory definition, the terms import and embrace the pursuit and vocation of one w^ho holds himself out to the public as possessing the requisite skill to treat disease, and accordingly prescribes for or treats patients as a physician. [Opin- ion of Attorney General Edsall, July 23, 1880. 23. Gratuitous practice does not exempt from the law : If a person " practices medicine," as defined by the statute, without complying with the law, it is wholly immaterial whether he charges for his services or not. He is guilty of a violation of the law, and liable to prosecution. This, how^ever, does not apply to gratuitous services rendered in a case of emergency by a non- qualified person. OFFICIAL REGISTER PHYSICIANS. Adams County. Official Kegister of Physicians Name. Registered Residence and Post- office. Prac- tice.* Baker. D.B Bapsett. M. F Bonney, Joe! W... Brumback, A. H Buecking, John H., Byrd. William A Clayberg, Perry G... Cohen, L. H Conrad, Charles E... Core. Albert Stewart. Curtis, C. R. S Drude, Francis Durant, 8. W. Edison, George W.. Ehmann. Ernst Guenther, Julius.. Hackman, F. W... Hatch, Henry— (I. Kendall H. W. Koch, C.L Koch. J. W Marks, P. A MeDavitt, James E. McDavitt, Virgil McMahon. R. VV.... Jan. Jan. Feb. Oct. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec, Jan. Sept. Jan, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Dec. Sept. Jan. Jan. 10. 1878 2, 1878 11.187S 22, 1884 21,1«77 29. 1878 2(sl877 18. 1877 8, 1878 17. 1880 29. 1878 27.187; i:-5,1877 SI, 1877 8. 1877 5,1878 31,1877 19,1881 7. 1878 2, 1878 Montgomery, E. B.. Nickerson. L. H. A. Rittler. John F. W.. Robbins, Joseph Roeschlaub, M.J... Rook. Charles W... Rooney, Abby L. F. Rooney, Michael... Schmidt, Albert H.. Schmidt, John Shawgo, J. B Torrence, W. P... "Wagner, Jacob A. Jan. 12,1878 Feb. 4.187^ June 29.1880 Aug. 12,1880 Feb. 22,1882 Whipple, A. A. Wilson, I. T Woods, Reuben Zimmermann, Charles Zimmermann, William Black, E. T Black. Joseph Nance Black, T.G Briggs, Robert . Cox. George W. Bates, A. D , Dunlap, W. B... Mar. Ft b. Feb. Feb. Aug. I Jan. I Jan. !Nov. Feb. Dec. Feb. Feb. Sept. Jan. 23. 187S 1,1878 7,1878 27,1878 6, 1878 24. 188S 7, 1878 7. 1878 28,188't 11,1878 31,1877 2(), 187s 27, 1878 6.1880 1,1878 Enlow, George W. Grimes, James M.. Alesher, J. H Angelo, W. S aeon. C. T April 13,1880 Dec. 27,1877 Dec 2iM«*77 April (). 1*^81 Mar. 20,188:j Dec. Dec, Feb. May Jan. 31,1877 31,1877 15,1878 8. \HH-^ 18, 1878 Feb. 20.1«!78 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan . 15. 1878 Apr. 26, 1880 (Juincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy R Quincy. R Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy. Quincy Quincy Quincy Quin«y Quincy Quincy Quincy Quincy Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Liberty. Liberty. Liberty Liberty Stones' Prairie Golden La Prairie N.Y Vt Me Ill Germany Va Ill , Scotland. Germany Pa Ohio Prussia... Tenn f'anarla... Germany. Germany. Germany. U. S Ohio . Minn. 55 Germany, 'termjiuy Ky Ky Ky Mo Del Germany Mass Bavaria.. Ill N\ Y N.Y Minn — Bavaria Ohio Pa... 111.... 34jN. Y. 53! Ky... 42 Pa 351 Germany. 36 Germany. Tenn. 111..... III..... Ill Ill 27 111.... 4-2 Va... 30 111 . 24 III... 261 U. S. 24 9 6 32 13 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Adams County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FILED FOR Record. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. Oct. Oct. July 9,1877 Rush Medical College 9,1877 Worcester Medical College 9,1877 Medical School, University of Missouri 18,1884; College of Physicians ^nd Surgeons, Chicago. 10, 1877i Fourteen years' practice 9, 18771 Missouri Medical College. Feb., June. Mar. .. 1870 .. 184- ...1858 11,1884 Jan. Jan. Feb. Oct. Nov. 10. 1878 2, 1878 11,1878 22,1884 14,18?7 10,1877 Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati. 9, 18771 New Orleans School of Medicine 1(), 18771 Twenty years' practice...- 3,1880 Rush Medical College Feb. 27,18fi7 May 11,1875 Feb. 15,18(52 Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. Oct. 9.1877 9,1877 9, 1877 13, 1S77 17, 1877 Oct. Dec. 9.1877 12, 1877 Dec. 11.1877 Dee. 19.1877 Sept ....1877 Oct. Oct. June Dec. Oct. 9,1877 9,1877 2(J,1H80 15.1S77 9, 1877 June Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 30,1879 9. 1879 9, 1877 9. 1«7 9, 1577 Aug. Oct. 24, 1883 9, 1877 Oct. 9,1877 Nov. Aug. 18, 1880 23. 1878 Oct. Mar. Feb. 19,1877 12,1^78 25, 1878 Oct. 1, 1880 Oct. 9,1877 Sept. 17. 1884 Oct. Oct. Mar. Mar. 9.1877 9. 187 30. 1X81 20.1883 Nov. 23.1877 Nov. 23, 1877 Nov. April Jan. 23. 1877 27,1882 14. 1878 Dec. Nov. Oct. Apr. Mar. 14. 1874 21,1^77 1.1877 (), 18S0 23, 1883 New York Medical College University of Berlin Rush Medical College Eighteen years' practice — Twenty years' practice Feb. 24,1880 Feb. 28,1854 Feb. 2,ls42 Feb. 2, 1870 Oct. 9,1877 Dec. 2(t,1877 Dec. 6,1877 Jan. 8,1878 Sept. 17,1880 Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 29,1878 27, 1877 14.1^77 31, 1877 8. 1877 New Orleans School of Medicine. Ten years' practice. ' Louisville Medical College ) Long Island College Hospital ( Jefferson Medi -al College ( Medical (.'oilege of Ohio Rush Medical College April 15,1857 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago iVIiami Medical College Medical Department, St. Louis University Medical Department, University of Louisville.. Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College ' Department of Medicine, Univ. University of Prague Jefferson Medical College University of Munich of Pennsylvania ... Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Woman's Ho^^pital Medical College, New York } Long Island College Hospital / Miami Medical College Missouri Medical College „. Homeopathic Medical College. Missouri Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Thirteen years' practice. Jefferson Medical College , j Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati I Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department. Univ. of the City of New York i Illinois Army Medical Examining Board I Bellevne Hospital Medical College University of Wuizburg University of Wuizburg Rush Med ical College Rush Medical College Medical Department University of Louisville J Bellevue Hospital Medical (Jollege 1 Kush Medical College Iowa State University, Keokuk .• Chicago Medical ('ollege Louisville Medical College • St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Rush Medical College Feb. 28,1873 June 17,18S0 Mar. 12,1870 Mar. 1,1H.53 Feb. 27,1877 Feb. Mar, Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Aug. 28. 18f)8 1, 18H7 1, 1855 9,1850 8, 1850 12. 1878 12, 1S74 ....1853 9.1801 Jan. 5.1878 Dee. 31.1877 Sept. 19,1881 Jan. 7, 1878 Jan. 2, 1878 Jan. 2,1878 Feb. 4, 1>S78 June 29,1880 Feb."22.'i882 Nov, Mar. Feb. Feb. 0,1828 b'eb. June 28,1883 Oct. l,187;s June 25,1874 Mar. 1.18t:6 Mar. 5. 1879 Neb. 25,186.4 Feb. 21,187: Mar. 10,1877 Jan. 25.1876 Keb. 26, is8(i Mar. 10,1851 1862 Mar. 1. 'S6i luly 18.1838 June 6.18 3 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 20,1883 Mar. Mar. Fe,b. May Mar. Feb. 31.1871 1, 1875 3, 18H<< 3:>. 1865 28, 1882 26, 1876 Mar Feb. 28,18-.7 Tune 14, 1N77 Mar. 6,18^0 Feb. 20,1883 5. 1879 1. 1878 7.1878 28, 1S78 6. 1878 Sept. 20.1883 Jan. 7, 1878 Jan. 7.1878 Vov. 23.1«!80 Feb. 11.1878 Dec. 31.1877 Mar. 14.1878 Mar. 7.1878 Oct. 11,1880 May 1, 1878 Sept. 18.1884 Dec. 2^ 18T7 Dec. 29.1877 April '^l"!^ Mar. 25.1883 Dec. Dec. Feb. May Jan. 7.1877 Feb. Jan. Feb. Apr. 31. 1877 31,1877 1, 1878 8.1883 18. 1878 20.1878 8.1878 28. 1878 26. 1880 Adams County. Official Kegister of Physicians Name. Registered n o Residence and Post Office. > 3 Prac- tice.* Years In all Total years. Bellomy,William T Aug. 4, 1884 R R R E R R R R R R E E R E R R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R BigNeck 28 23 3<» III Golden N J. Brown L F Jan. Jan. Apr. June Jan. Jan Jan. Mar. Jan. Dec. Jan. Feb. Apr. Dec. Mar. Sept. Apr. May May May Dec. Jan. Feb. Dee. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Mar. Feb. Apr. Oct. May Dec. Apr. Aug. Dee. Apr. Feb. Jan. 25, 1878 21, 1S78 17, 1883 4, 1881 12. 187^ 28, 1878 25, 1878 29. 1881 21. 1878 14. 1877 14. 1878 30, 1880 10,1878 5.1878 17. 1877 18. 18S0 16. 1878 20, 1880 21,1883 2, 1881 27, 1^79 13, 1878 22, 1877 14. 1877 14,1878 10. 1878 15,1^81 28, 1878 12,1878 1,1883 11, 1878 18, 1878 18. 1882 21, 1878 27,18?9 15, 1877 4,18/8 24. 1883 18. 1877 5,1878 28. 1878 18, 1878 Mendon Wis 4 4 2 3 CofflBld, James .... Mendon Pay son 39 111 27II11. 4 Crocker, Julius T ">, Curless James W Loraine . .... oq T,l Cushenbery, J. T. (2 Davison. J. H Golden 1 2(i fZ:::::::: 111 Ill . 3 1 12 2 14 25 4 20 12 3 Kellerville 1 Davison, T. A Kellerville IM Dillon Frank Marble Eead 24 40 Dorsey Albion W ..... Marcelline Va 14 Durant*, Josiah F Payson 46 Tfinn '^5 Easton James (.3 Lima 36 Scotland 4 Golden 43 44 3S 44 Ky 1 Fletcher, Joseph Mendon . . . Ohio Ohio T^ Gayer, James S Gilliland, William E Stones' Prairie Coatsburg 3 Ill 7 6 1 10 7 Godden, H. L Elderville 29 Ohio 29 Ireland. .. 6 Stones' Prairie 1 Griffin, Theodore LaPrairie. . . 38 21 ^7 N.Y Ill 7 Groves William D Marcelline Hawk, William C Fairweather VV. Va 5 2 Henry Walter Camp Point 21 21 Ill . . 1 King. E. C Payson Kv 2 20 17 31 22 2 Landon, W. M Burton 50|Ohio 53 Ky 54!R. I 40 Kv.. - _. '^6 Marshall. G. W. (4 Lima 17 Martin Luther A. Golden 9 Mileham, Samuel Camp Point '^0 Mitchell James A . . Ursa LaPrairie 27 28 Mo Noakes. T. V Kv 5 31 25 33 ?, Patton, Milton Golden" 64'Ohio 32 Ohio 49N. Y 52 Kv n Reynolds, Emery E Fowler 6 Sigsbee, William Mendon. 9 Skirvin, Henry C Coatsburg 1 Spence, John T Hickory Ridge. 23 34 III Sykes, James Beverly Til 14 1 9 6 16 1 2 13 Ticken, John D Coatsburg 25 (Tftrmanv . Tresler, J. E 32 ol Pa 9 Trotter, William C Richfield" Ill 6 Vowles, D. W Fowier 51 Va 27 Ohio 33 III -.-. Whitlock, G. E Columbus 1 Whray. Thomas R Columbus ?, Williams. Richard Ursa 53 Va ?4 "Williamson. William S Golden 30 48 Pa 7 27 7 Woodson, John C Seehorn Va At date of Registration. To Whom Certicates have been Issued. Adams County, Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FILED FOR Record. May Oct. Oct. Oct. Mar 16.1884 20,1884 1, 1877 1. 1877 30. 1882 Apr. Nov. Nov. Dec- Feb. 23,1881 23. 1877 30, 1877 31,1877 1, isas Jan. Oct. Oct. Sept Aug. 28. 1878 9,1877 4, 1877 23, 1880 21, 1884 July Oct. Oct. Dec. Feb. 8.1878 1, 1877 19.1877 11,1878 3. 1880 Apr. Apr. Mar. Oct. Nov. 16.1883 26. 1881 21.1879 9,1877 3, 1877 Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. Mar. 4,1877 1,1877 17. 1877 9,1881 20. 1878 Oct. Mar. Oct. Oct. Mar. 17,1877 1.1878 9.1877 1.1877 29,1882 Oct. May Oct. Dee. Aug. 1, 1877 7.1879 1.1877 14. 1877 24,1883 Jan. Mar. Oct. Jan. Mar. 8.1878 20. 1878 16.1877 12. 1878 21, 1880 Chicago College of Physicians and Surgsons College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eclectic Medical College. Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Louisville Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk — Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons. . College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk — Fourteen years' practice , — Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati College of PhysiciauK and Surgeons. Keokuk — American Medical College, bt. Louis St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk St. Louis Medical ColK'ge Miami Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department, Western Reserve University Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Bellovue Hospital Medical College Medical College of Ohio Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical School of Harvard University Medical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical Department, University of Louisville Eleven years' practice Rush Medical College. Feb. 26,18 ('astleton Medical College June 16,1852 Mar. 11,1884 Aug. 4.1884 May 15.18831 June 16. 1874 Nov. 19,1877 Jan. 27, 1874 Feb. 27,1878 Mar. 2, 1882 Apr. 17,1883 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 25,1881 June 4,1881 16,18;5Dec. 31,1877 13, 1857 Jan. 25,1878 17,1876 Jan. 25.1878 1,1881 Feb. 19.1883 1854 12, 1873 Mar. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. 25,1877 Sept. Mar. l,l867|Feb, 2, 1878 14. 1877 4,1S77 30,1880 16. 1878 Feb. Mar, Feb. Jan. July 14,18781 9,1870 Nov. 27,1877 26, 1874! Jan. 16,1879 23,1877 Mar. 16,1878 1,1868 Sept. 24,1880 Mar. 6,1883 Mar. 2,1881 Mar. 1,1879 Mar. 2,1876 June 12,1863 Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 18. 1873 9, 1849 1856 2. 1881 7.1874 Starling Medical College. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. St. Louis Medical College Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania. St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Twenty-four years' practice Certificate of examination Jefferson Medical College Anril 21,1883 May 2, 18x1 May 27,1879 Oct. 23,1879 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. Feb. Jan. Dec. Mar. 4,1877 14,1878 3,1878 15,1881 27. 1878 Nov. Mar. Feb. 25,1^50Feb. Feb. 28. 1882: Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. M;ir. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 28. 1864 Mar. 7, 1879 May 14, 1866 Dec. 7,1877 Feb. 28,1860 Sept. 22,1876 Jan. 14,1878 Apr. jFeb. [Jan. 9.1853 22.1883 5, 18; 8 5, 1878 18. 1882 18.1878 27,1679 15.1877 27,1878 28. 1883 14.1878 5. 1878 28, 1878 2. 1878 1) Registered in Pike; 2) in Greene; 3) in Hancock; 4) in Schuyler. Official Register of Physicians Alexander County. Name. Registered o a o o Residence and Post- OrricE. i2! Prac- tice.* si Bryant. J. H Apr. 12,1879 R Nov. 13, lh78 R Aug. 1(5.1878 R Cairo SO'Ey 5o;n. Y 43 U. S 55|(^ohn 2GjOhio 29 Ohio 47jKy 44 Mo 29 Ohio 33 Canada... 24 111 65N.H 70 Tenn. 30 Duuning. Ctiarles W. .. . Cairo. . 28 9.H Gordon, J. J Cairo 19 30 2 5 22 2c! 4 5 1 34 17 19 Leach, G. H Sept. 7,1877 Aug. 22,18;8 Aug. 22,1878 H R R 12 Parlier, D. H Cairo 9, Parker, George G Cairo 5 Petrie, J. S Jan. 20.1880: R Aug r8,1878: R Feb. 12, 1883 H Cairo '^ Smith, Sr.. William R Cairo ^ Strong, J. E Sullivan, James C Walton, Joi=ieph C 1 Aug. 8,1878 June. 7,1884 R n Cairo Cairo 5 1 Wood, William Cross William L... Jan. 22, 18^0 K Jan. 22,18S2 R 1 R Aug. 8,18;8| R June 25,1884 R Sept. 2,18781 R Aug. 8, 1878 i R Aug. 28 18;8; R Sept. 2o, 1878 R Jan. 3,1882 R Jan. 11,1882 R Aug. 2.18811 R May 11,1882 R K Aug .8.1878 R Aug 8.18*8 R Cairo Thebes 28 17 Gale.C. T •. Thebes Gibbs, J. A. M Thebes.... 1 9 4 15 16 30 26 20 43 6 12 18 5 25 14 q Patton, T. B PiBronnet. Alfred Eider. J. H Sehultz, Frederick tJ Wilson, W. B . Thebes Cape Girardeau, Mo. .. Cape Girardeau, Mo... Cape Girardeau, Mo... Cape Girardeau, Mo... Wickliffe, Kv 28:Ohio 59 England.. 37:Mo 51 'Germany. 47 Mo :.. 45'U.S (i9,Vt 27ilnd 45Ky .... 10 2 5 ^^ Bull, John 8 Hodges Park 36 Gause, Edwin J Hodges Park Greer, A. G.... Elcho 12 18 McRavpn,P. H Clear Creek 25 41 34 r, 5 Nowotny John I Hodges Park. .. nIy.....;. Pa 6 Porterfleld, John D Aug. 8.1878 Feb. 2.1881 Oct. 24, 1878 Aug. 10,1880 R R R R Commerce, Mo (Commerce, Mo 13 Porterlield. Virgil R Snider.I. W E. Cape Girardeau Commercial Point. 59 TT. S . . . . . 32 14 Stevenson, W. W *At date of Registration. Bond County. Beeson, William H. H. Brown, W. P., Gordon. James (1 Gunn, J. S McConnell, Delos W .. Hutchinson, W. B. (2 Matliuly, Jenkins — Oliver, E. W Sturges, Daniel B . Alpers, H. F Barnett, J. B Bytleld. Fred W. (3 Caulk, W.H.... Clinton. A. R. (tl Mar. 20,1878 Jan. 28,1^78 Dec. 21,1878 June 22,1^78 Mar. 1>578 Pease, Francis W.... Apr. 11.1883 Slaughter, Jonathan A ... Jan. 9.1^78 Wilkins, David 'Dec. 24,1877 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 9. 187ft Jan. 29.1878 Nov. 21.1S83 Feb. 14.1878 Apr. 2.1879 Apr. 4. 1878 R It R R R H It R R E R R H R E R R Greenville 37 62 59 ♦12 53 '>5 Ind N. C Ala Ky Ohio Ill 13 31) 33 38 28 1 26 24 10 16 7 40 25 15 27 4 Greenville Greenville , 29 13 Greenville 3? Greenville 'M Greenville 1 (ireenville 50 f)hin *>() Greenville ... 47 Ind 38 Ky 64iTenn 34'n. C 72 Tenn 49 Germany. 65 Tenn '^0 Mulberry Grove Mulberry Grove. Mulberry Grove Mulberry Grove 10 16 7 25 13 Sorento . 15 Cottonwood Grove Elm Point 51 Ind Ill 15 Pocahontas 38 Mo 12 8 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Alexander County. Certificate of State Boakd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examiaatioii- Years of Practice. Apr. •Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 5,1879 7.1877 7.1877 7. 18; 7 7, 187? Oct. Dec. Oct. Feb. Sept. 18,1877 3. 187 > lii.1878 10. I88H 7, 1877 May ■Sept. Mar. Apr. Deo. 24,18^4 7. 1877 21. 1879 1.1881 .8.1877 Jan. -July JVIay Feb. 25. 1884 1-.M878 27.1878 10.1878 2, 1878 Jan. Nov. ■July Sept. ■Oct. 4.1878 26.1877 2!t,1884 10, 1877 17,1877 Apr. Mar. Sept. Dee. Jan. 1.1878 5 188 2.1878 17.1880 28.1S78 Apr. 7,1880 Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery Medical School. University of Missouri . Medical Department, Western Reserve University Cast let on Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medicnl College of Ohio St. Louis Medical College Twenty- three years' practice — Homeopathic Hospital i ollege, Cleveland, Louisville Medical college Medical Department, Howard University. (Jastleton Medical College Seventeen years' practice Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York — Pennsylvania Medical College :.. Missouri Medical College; Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College Central College Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana Medical Department, University of Louisville Eighteen years' practice ' Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination Twelve years' practice - Medical College of Ohi) Fourteen years' practice School of Medicine, University of Maryland. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate filed FOB Record. July Mar. Feb. June Mar. Mar. Mar. 13.1849 1.1>50 2:3.185!> 17.1816 1, 1873 1.1872 2, 1858 Feb. Feb. Mar. June 26.1880 29,1872 6, 188;^ 16,1852 Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 12.1878 6,18o8 27,1878 4. 1848 10,1870 ..,1872 ..,.185: Feb. Mar. Mar. 27,1859 1,1881 ...1872 Mar. 5, 187! Apr. Nov. Nov. Aug. 12,1879 12.1878 16.1868 19. 1877 23. 1878 Aug. 23,1878 Jan. 24,1880 Aug. 17.1878 Feb. 12,1883 Sept. 11,1877 June 10,1884 Jan. 22,1880 1882 Jan. 8, 1878 Feb. Sept. May Aug. Sept. 13,1884 2,1878 16, 1878 28,1878 26, 1878 Jan. 11,1882. Jan. 11,1882 Aug. 2,1884 May- 8,1882 Apr. 11,1878 Mar. 29,1878 Sept. 10,1878 Feb. 2,1881 Oct. 24, 1878 Aug. 10,1880 Bond County. May Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. J)ec. Nov. Dec. Oct. Mar. -Apr. JDec. 17. 1883 25. 1878 2lM^77 11,1>S78 25, 187ft 29.187; 14, 1882 6. 1878 13.1^1 21,1879 11. 1881 29, 1877 ■June 29.1878J College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Jan. 8,1878 Twenty-nine years' practice . Dec. 21.1877 " " " "' July 6,1878 Mar. 31,1878 Memphis Medical College Thirty-two years' practice •. Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Feb. 14,1878 Mar. 3,1857 Mar. 10,1877 Mar. 1, 1883 Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Twenty- six years' practice ' Dept. of M(Miieine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Mar. 3(»,18'3 Cincinnati College of Meuicine and Surgery Feb. 1,1865 Sixteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeo,ns, Keokuk. Twenty years' practice 'I'hirteen years' practice Fd'teen years' practice Fifteen years' practice Feb. Jan. 21,1878 Dec. 24,1877 July 8,1878 Apr. .. 1878 .-Vpr. Feb. Apr, Jan. 11, 1883 5, 1878 24.1877 14,1878 17.1874 Jan. Mar. Dec. College of PhysTcians and Surgeons, Keokuk !Mar. 1,1881 Missouri Medical College.. jMar. 10,187o:Jan. 4,1878 29, 1878 9. 188.^ 28, 1878 Apr- 2,1879 Official Eegister of Physicians. Bond Countyi Name. Registeeed O W o o tr" Residence and Post- office. M Prac- tice. *=' 5f Fox, Julius C. (2 Jan. 24.1878 Jan. 4,1878 July .30,1878 Jan. 30,1878 June 20,1883 Nov. 21,1883 Jan. 29.1878 Apr. 19.1884 Aug. (), 1881 Apr. 9,1881 Dec. 31,*1877 Mar. 24,1878 R S R R E R E H R E R Pleasant Mound Pocahontas* 40] Germany. 30 Ala, 1(5 14 2 10 12 8 14 Gordon, T. H. (1 13 Hendrix. J. T Kirkham, G. T. (2 Pleasant Mound Old Ripley Sorenio 35 37 Tenn..;"; III. 2 10 Mason, L. H 34 43 Ohio: Ill 12 Matney. William D Sorento 7 Poindexter, E. P. (2 Woburn Seymour, James R Reno 24 24 27 41 22 ill Tibbetts, M. D Pierron .... Ind Ohio 1 Vogt, A. William Pleasant Mound , . . Beaver Greek Old Ripley Warren, J. A. (1 Wilkins. D. R 111 Ill in 2 10 2 *At the date of Registration. Boone County. Cowoll. C. G Cowell, EttieR Ellis, D.E Foote, D. E Lake, L. L Seymour, C. H Seymour, Mary A. Scott,C Tillotson, G. K. (1 Whitman, F. S. (2 Bachelder, J. W Britrgs, M. C Chilson, Benjamin Covert, George CrandiiU, Joseph B... Fuller. H. D Hutchinson, Robert (3 Jones, John W Markley, A. J , Richmond, S. H Stow, Daniell. (3. Tallerday, George C. Wood, Peter J. (3 Jan. 27,1881 H Jan. 27, 1881 H Dec. 17,1877 K Nov. 26, 1877 R Dec. 19,1877 R Dee. 31,1877 H Apr. 7. 1882 H Jan. 8,1878 R Keb. 4,1880 K, Dec. 12, 1877 H Dec. 26,1877 R Dec. 3. 1877 ,R ^.ug. 8,1883 'r Keb. 9, 1878 13, 1878 H IVLay H Jan. 9,1882 R Dec. 31,1877 R Keb. 23. 1878 h; Aug. 15. 1881 E Jan. 8, 1878 R Jan. 2,1878 H Aug. 12, 1880 E Jan. 9, 1878 E Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere Caledonia Poplar Grove.. Sharon, Wis... Clinton, Wis... Clinton, Wis... Capron Capron (Jlinton, Wis... Garden Prairie Caledonia Bonus Poplar Grove.. Capron U.S... U.S.., U.S., U. S.., U.S.., u. s.., \. Y... u. s.. U. 8.., U. S:., U.8 u.s u. s 48 u.s 60,U. S ...IN.Y...., 25 Ireland. 45N. Y 22j()hio.... 31U. S.... 47 U.S., 29 Mich. 39,U. S,, 10! 10 30; 6 10 j 10 2 12 *At date of Registration. Brown County- Bower. W. W Cox, Wm. M Dearborn, Jonathan Gray. W. G Irwin, Charles N King.W. H. K McClung, S. H Rickey, John C Tebo, George H. White, Lizzie Sept. 7,1877 Jan. 2,1878 Dec. 11,1877 Dec. 19,1877 uee. 20,1877 E .R R R R Mar. 6.1878 Dec. 3,1877 R R Dec. 16,1878 R Sept. 7. 1877 Mar. 25,1881 R R Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. .Mount Sterling. Mount Sterling. 55'Pa... 39 111.... N. H. Ky... Ky... 37 Pa... 30 Ohio 36 Ohio ...ilnd.., ...Illl To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Bond County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FILED- FOR Record. Mar. Dec. Aug. Jan. Mar. 12.1878 2;M877 13. 187X 25,1878 22. 1878 Jan. Dec. July Mar. 12, 1878 29. 1877 5, 1883 2,1881 25, 1884 Mar. 11. 1878 20, 1878 Fourteen years' practice Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Ten years' practice Medical College of Ohio Mar. 4,1875 June 18,1878 Mar. 1, 187 Certificate of examination Missouri Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Missouri Medical College Mar. 1874 June 5,1883 Mar. 2,1881 Mar. 4, 1884 June 19.1873 Mar. 5, 1878 Jan. 4, 1878 Jan. 4. 1878 Oct. 24.1878 Jan. 30, 1878 June 20,1883 Nov. 21,1883 Jan. 29.1878 Apr. 19.1884 Aug. •),1881 Apr. 9. 1884 Sept. 24,1878 Mar, 24,1878. 1) Registered in Clinton and Madison; 2) in Fayette; 3) in Montgomery. Boone County. Mar. Mar. Sept. Nov. Sept. 21,1878 30, 1878 4,1877 23, 1877 7,1877 Jan. Mar. Sept. Dec. Oct. 11,1877 31,1882 4,1877 31,1877 20, 1877 Nov. Dec. Nov. Feb. Feb. 23, 1877 20. 1877 27. 188-J 5, 1878 22. 1878 Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Dec. 5. 1882 10, 1878 5, 1878 25. 1881 1, 1877 Jan. Apr. Jan. 28,1878 19, 1880 2,1878 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Geneva Medical College Medical Department, University of Buffalo. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago lilighteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice Medical Department, State University of Iowa. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Albany Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Med cal Institute, Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Ten years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Feb. ..,1869' Jan. Feb. 11,1875 Jan. Jan. 24,1843 Sept. Feb. 26, 1851 Nov. Feb. 18,1847 Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. ..,1877 23, 1882 16.1875 15. 1876 28,1872 Mar. 1, 1881 Feb. 9, 1863 Feb. 21,1878 Jan. Apr. Jan. Feb. Dec. Dec. Feb. ^ug. Feb. Feb'. Mar. 4,1879 Jnn Feb. 15,1876 Feb Feb. 11,1868 Mar. 22.1881 June 10,1875 Mar. 23,1880 May 24,1870 Mar. Aug. Jan. Feb. Aug. Jan. 27, 1881 27, 1881 7. 1877 26. 1877 iy,l877 14. 1878 7, 1882' 8,1n78 4.1880 12, 1877 26. 1877 4. 1878 8.1883 9, 1878 22. 1878 9,1882 11, 1878 7, 1878 15,1881 8,1878 2, 1878 12, 1880 9, 1878 1) Registered in Kane; 2) in Winnebago and McHenry; 3) in McHenry. Brown County- Oct. Dec. July Dec. Jan. Mar. Nov. Jan. Sept. Mar. 24, 1877 26. 1877 29. 1880 17,1877 6, 1881 1, 1878 9. 1877 26. 1878 5,1877 25. 1881 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department, State University of Iowa Medical Department, University of Missouri Medical Department, I'ransylvania University Thirty years' practice Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College ( Medical College of Ohio I Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. 26,1878 10, 1877 1, 1869 1, 1872 17. 1872 1,1881 Oct. Dee. Aug. Dec. Jan. Mar. L)ec. Sept. Sept. Mar. 24,1877 31, 1877 6,1880 19.1877 14, 1881 6,1878- 3,1877 5,1881 7, 1877 30,1881 10 Official Eegister of Physicians Sro-vrn County. Name. Registeeed Residence and Post- office. Prac- tice. 3 (D Baxter, W. W.... Mears, J. W. N... Owens, D. W Scanland.S. W.. Bowman, Hiram. Bradberry. John T. Briggs, Henry Byrns, G. A Hobbs. W. T Lucas, George W... MoCabe. Arthur A... Millen, Wm. Francis. .Mills, G. M. (1 Wilson, Benjamin (2 Nov. 30.1877 Sept. 28.1878 Dec. 11,1877 Jan. 25,18,8 Feb. May 14. 1878 1, 1880 Dec. 8,1877 July 27,1878 Nov. 13.1878 R June 8.1880 R Dec. 17.18771 R Nov. 10.1877 it Hersman Hersman Hersman Hersman Ripley Cooperstown... Buckhorn ('oopersTown. ., Mound Station. Mound Station V-ersailles , Ripley Ripley Versailles ?,8Vt., 56 Vt.. 4« Kv. 43 Ky. 58, Pa. 38 Ry... 26 m.... 50 Ohio 38 111.... 33 III.... 21111 28 N. U.... 29 III 50 Ohio .. * At date of Registration. Sureau County. Anthony, W. C. Dec. 26.1878 Dec. 13.1877 Nov. 9,188i Dec. 31,18.7 Dec. 18,1877 June 5,1884 Mar. 25.1878 Feb. 1,1878 Dec. 20.1878 Dec. 11,18;7 Mar. 31,1882 Dee. 27.1883 Jan. 17.1878 Nov. 20,1882 Jan. 17,1878 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 26,1877 H E H R H R R E E R R H R R R R ]i H E R H R H R R R H E R R R R R R R E R R R Princeton Princeton Princeton 7(» 36 26 Vt 37 5 "22 9 17 5 43 1 1 5 28 11 6 33 27 31 37 Dakin, P. R.., Downer. AbnerG Ohio \. Y . .. 5 Kaull Wm. M Princeton .... 44 Ph 10 Keener, H.N Keller, William Princeton 36 41 30 64 Ill 9 Princeton Germany. Ph 17 Lockraan W. H 5 Mercer, William Princeton Ohio 40 Mercereau (Jlarence W I^rinceton 22 22 26 Ill 1 Palmer. Charles A Princeton 1 Rose, Wellington Princeton Tnd Schenk, E. J Princeton 53, Prussia... 341 Sweden .. HlMo 62N. Y 52N. Y 60 Ohio y6 i^pens, Conrad P ri nceton 11 Stein, John Henry Taylor, George W Princeton Princeton 3 Thompson, A. H .• Princeton 13 Boal,J. F ; Buda 18 "Fitch, H. Parker Buda Fuller, George H Dec. 26.1877 Jan. 23.1878 Sept. 23.1881 May 2.1882 Nov. 25.1878 July 16 1878 Apr. 15,1882 Feb. 1,1878 Mar. 15.1879 May .. 1879 Dec. 4,1880 Jan. 30,1878 Jan. 15,1878 Apr. 23,1878 Jan. 1,1878 Feb. 11.18K4 Dec. 26,1877 Feb. 6.1881 Sept. 10,1884 Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 23,1877 Buda 41N.H 45N.H 23'n.Y 62N. Y 39 Me 2(1 22 R 37 4 1 19 Huntly, 0. H Buda 17 J^ones. William Charles.. Burns. Lnwis R Buda Lamoille "'?, Hilton, G.W Lamoille Lamoille — Lamoille 4 Porter. W. H 27 31 4(5 i.'3 (i2 1 Remsburg, J. ij Rice, George I. (1 Md [iamoille Pa Ill 33 15 25 i 13 14 18 3 'I 15 1?, Batlev, G. S Tiskilwa Kirk Patrick William Lee,i'. W Powers, W. B Tiskilwii, Ohio 'i>h Tiskilwa Tiskilwa. 46 Conn 47N. Y 50'Ireland... 61 Ohio 38 Ohio 47N.Y 43N.Y 25Ind 45Vt 31 Ohio 40,N. Y 12 10 Wilkins, JohnI Tiskilwa '^5 -Marquis. James S. (1 Mason, William C. Walnut Walnut 7 11 Thompson, J. A. (2 Walnut Thompson, J. H. Walnut ?, Drollinger, S. C . Wyanet li'ield, Laura B Wyanet. 10 Kitchen, f.h "... . . Wyanet 8 Hobinson, F. C Wyanet 15 11 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Brown County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FILED FOR Record. Sept. 8.1877 May 1".1882 Oct. 12. 1878 May 14.18^0 Oct. 2G, 1878 Feb. 5.1878 April 19,1880 April 1.1^80 Feb. 22.1878 July 17.1878 July (),1<<78 April 6.1S^0 Dec. 18,1877 Sept. 5,1877 Rusli Medical College New York Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Sixteen year.s' practice , Twelve years' practice Feb. 1.1871 Dec. 1.1^77 Aug. (i.l85(! May 12.1882 June 18.1878 Oct. 31.1878 May 14,1880 Aug. 14,1880 Mis.^ouri Medical College Ct)lleere of Pliysicians and Sui-geons, Keokuk Hush .\Iedical College College of i'hvsicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Pliysicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush Medical College Mar. 1. Mar. 2. Feb. 21. Feb. 26, June 18, June 18, Mar. 2 Feb. 17, Feb. 18, 14, 1878 1, 1880 1861 Feb. ls.S(»;May 18551 ls(,9April 8,1878 1818 July 27,1878 1878 Nov. 15,1878 1S80 April 24.18S0 ls7»iJime 1.1877 1857, Mar. 9,1878 1) Registered in McDonougli and Scliuyler; 2) in Pike. Bureau County. pec. 21.1877 Dec. 11.1877 Dec. 9. 1882 May 25,1878 Dec. 13,1877 April 30,1884 May 21.1878 Jan. 31.1878 Oct. 5. 1878 Sept. 20,1877 Mar. 29.1882 Dec. 24. 188 < Feb. 2.1878 Mar. 30.1881 Oct. 4,1877 Dec. 15.1877 Dec. 21,1877 Mar. 21.1879 Bee. 20.1877 Dec. 13,187 Sept. 22, 188 1! May 2.1882 Aug. 31.1877, May 24.1878 Mar. 31.1882 Vermont Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati New York Homeopatnic Medical College Medi -al Dept. University of the Ci y of New York. Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Forty years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Cliicago Medical College Indiana Medical College Twenty-six years' practice Eleven years' practice St. Louis Medical College Syracuse Medical College Castletori Medical College starling Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Eclectic Medical In.stitute, Cincinnati . Jefferson Medical College Homeopathic Medical College, Univ. of Michigan Cast let on Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Medical Department, State University of Iowa... Jan. 2.1878; Pennsylvania Medical College April 2 188" Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Mar. 8.1878 Twenty-flve years' practice Dec. 12.1877 Twelve years' pi actice Jan. 21.1878 Ten years' practice Mar. Apr. Aug. Feb. Jan. 23,1878 1, 1878 21.1878 7. 1884 28. 1878 Jan. Jan. Oct. Sept 21.1882 2.1878 25, 1877 8,1877 Rotunda Lying-in Hospital, Dublin Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, F.eokuk. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Ten years' practice Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College June 25. May 21. Mar. 16. Mar. 9. Mar. 6. Mar. 4. Feb. 17. June 12, Mar. 21. I 1813 June 26,1877 1872 Dec. 13 1817 1882 Dec. 26.1882 18->5 Dec. 31.1877 1868 Dec. 18,1877 1884 June 5,1884 1874' ... Feb. 27.1878 18781 1876 Dec. 11,1877 Feb. 28,1877 Mar. Dec. Feb. Mar. 10,1876 Nov. Feb. 16. 18531 Jan. June 22,1851|Dec. 19 Feb. 19,1849 Dec. 24, Feb. 27.1879 Jan. 13.1857 Dec. 24 Mar. 8,1856 Jan. 19, 20. 185^2 1873 1878 1882 1878 1877 1877 1877 1878 June 27, 18821 Sept. June 17. 1819! May Feb. 26.1877 Nov. Feb. 26.187K Mar. 6,1878 Mar. 25,1858 Feb. 26,1880 Mar. 6.1852 July Apr. 23. 1«84 23,1882 25. 1878 16, 1878 15.1882 Jan. 19.1878 April 22,1880 May 23,1879 Dec. 12.1877 Jan. 30,1878 Mar. Apr. Feb. 14,1865 Keb. 2. 1870 Feb. Feb. 15,1875 June June 28.1^78 23, 1878 'il."i884 21,18,8 7, 1881' Feb. 6.1882 iJan. 4.1878 April 10. 1869 Dec. 18.1877 Feb. 3,1863iDec. 22,1877 12 Official Eegister of Physicians Bureau County. Name. Registebed o Residence and Post- Office. * t23 < H Peac- TICE.*^ ro o P CD Angle, Philip. Jan, 15,1878 Dec. 28.1878 Dec. 19.1877 Jan. 21.1878 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Apr. 8, 1884 Feb. 22.1878 Jan. 21,18?8 Mar. 31,1884 Feb. 5, 1878 Mar.- 11.1881 Jan. 15,1878 Apr."3d,'i884 Feb. 11.1878 Aug. 19,1883 R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R E R R R R R H. R New Bedford 88 33 31 32 5S 32 47 39 29 2(j 25 30 31 27 24 3( 25 47 25 54 35 32 33 Pa. 10 7 6 9 15 4 20 20 4 lO' Cunningham, T. N. Sheffield Dover Arlington La 7 Garten. M. H. (3 Gordon, Robert Ind Canada... Ohio Me........ U. S Ohio Ohio Ill ..... 6 4 Gray, Cornelius Dover 15. Hathorn. John E Arlington Maiden Maiden HoUowayville Ohio Van Orin 4 Hilton, Joseph H 1 Hopkins, Leroy S. 13 Hosier, J. W 4 Landis, B. F. (1. Pa Martin. J. Lester New Bedford Ohio Yorktown Limerick Mineral Dover .... Ill Mercer F. D Ill 5 2 ?,■ Merrill, C. M. (1 iii '.'..!"!!'. 'I Otterman. J. L Pa 1 1 Owens Alfred E u. s Priestman, John (5 Neponset Neponset Wheatfleld Ohio Sheffield Sheffield England.. England 22 19 Priestman John L Reader, Henry Dec. 28,1877 Jan. 12.1878 Apr. 25,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Ind 111. 29 5 8 8 10 Richardson A N (1 4 Sprague, Theophilus Stetson, James B England.. Mich 5< At date of Registration. Calhoun County. Barry, P. C Sept. 16.1878 R R H E R E E R E R R R R H R 47 6ti 11 35 5 3 18 24 27 14 22 IT McKinney. E. Hardin Tenn 29 Rustemeyer Peter Dec. 13.1877 May 9, 1884 Dec 1877 Feb. 15,1878 Mar. 2,1878 Jan. 1.3,1880 Apr. 11,1882 Dec. 21,1877 Mar. 10,1878 Hardin 41 Germany. 2l|Am 36 111 1 58 Mich .5. Springer.H.W WiUiams, George A Hardin 1 18 Brussels i ?4 Andrews. R.J Brussels Mich Prussia... N. Y 111. 18 Brands. Edmund W Graff, George P , Berrey. Issac . S Foiles, Lewis . . Brussels Brussels Batchtown 37 47 :: 12 20 Kampsville IT. S 2 9 1 2 Lock Franklin Belleview 41111 25 Mass 9' Ross, George W (^lilTdale 1 Smith. George B May 8, 1880 Sept. 22,1884 Batchtown 26 31 27 32 U. S Smvth Alp.inmm Byerton la Stone, Waldo H Hamburg Ill 2 3 Williams. B. H Summit Grove u. s At date of Registration. Carroll County. Greeley, Dustan M Nov. 26,1877 Dec. 4,1877 Apr. 3. 1884 Aug. 23.1883 E R FT Mount Carroll ..'. 45 26 23 45 N.Y Germany. Nova SCO. Germany. 16 2 12 Kallenbach Charles Mount Carroll 2 Plasch, Ernst H '.'.".".*.'. E Mount Carroll 18 13 13 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Bureau County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certificate filed for Record. Jan. Nov. Sept Jan. Nov. 4, 1878 20. 1877 8, 1877 8.1878 21,1877 Sept. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. 8, 1877 25, 1884 • 5,1878 29.1878 25,1884 Nov. Mar. Dec. Jan. Apr. 17. 1877 3, 1881 26. 1877 19. 1878 30, 1884 Dec. Apr. Nov. Apr. Jan. 28.1877 28, 1883 23. 1877 11.1881 30. 1878 Sept. Apr, Sept. 7. 1877 23,1878 5,1877 Ten years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College. . - Medical Department, McGill University Medical Department, State University of Iowa. Rush Medical College Miami Medical College Thirteen years' practice Medical College of Ohio Medical Department, State University of Iowa. JelTerson Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis Chicago Medical College Downing Medical College, England.. Chicago Medical College Ten years' practice Rush Medical College. Rush Medical College, Rush Medical College. Jan. Feb. May Mar. Feb. Mar. 17,1872 1, 1871 2, 1868 2, 1876 17, 1874 ... 1874 Jan. Dec. Dec. Jan. 15. 1878 28, 1877 19, 1877 21,1878 Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. May Jan. Mar. May Mar. Mar. Dec. Apr. Feb. 1.1873 5,1884jMar. 10, 1877 Deo. 22. 1881! Mar. 20,1877|Jan. 25, 18761 Jan. 25,1884 Apr. 24,1877iFeb. 27, 1883 May .. 1855 Jan. 29,1881 24,1877 4, 1884 11, 1878 Jan. Feb. Feb. 17, 1872 2,1870 2,1870 31, 1884 19. 1877 11.1881 15. 1878 26.1878 30, 1884 11, 1878 19, 1883 5. 1877 Feb. 14,1878 Jan. Apr. Dec. 12,1878 25, 1878 5, 1877 1) Registered in Lee; 2) in Whiteside and Lee; 3) in Knox; 4) in Hojiry and Whiteside; ■5) in Henry and Scott. , Calhoun County. Aug. 30.1878 Dee. 13,1877 Nov. 30,1877 April 21, 1884 Mar. 20,1878 April 8,1882 Nov. 24,1877 Jan. 25,1878 Nov. 15,1879 April 26, 1882 Jan. 14,1878 April 19,1878 May 28.1880 May 14,1880 Sept. 17,1884 July 13,1882 July 25.1878 Eleven years' practice Twenty-nine years' practice Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. Certificate of examination St. Louis Medical College Twenty-four years' practice Eighteen years' practice Twelve years' practice Twenty years' practice Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. . , Kansas City College Physicians and Surgeons. . . . Quincy College of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. 29,1872 Mar. 1,1865 Feb. 22,1882 Sept. 16,1878 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 5,1877 May 9, 1884 July 17,1883 Feb. 15.1878 Mar. 2,1878 Jan. 13.1880 May 6, 1882 Mar. 1.1878 Mar. 2,1876 Feb. 14.187 Feb. 28,1879 May 2,1880 June 24.1880 Mar. 26,1884 Sept. 22,1884 June 7.1882 June 18.1878 Mar. 15,1879 Carroll County. Nov. Dec. 27, 1877 26, 1877 26, 1884 13,1878 1 Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati May May Mar. Feb. 19,1859L__ 19, 18731 "0^- 21, 1876 .Ian. 21,1884 Apr. Aug. } Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College 28, 1877 9,1878 Mar. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago 3, 1884 Aug. Eleven years' practice 21,1883 14 Official Kegister of Physicians. Carroll County. Name. Registered CO o W o o t-l Residence and Post- office. F3 * 12! n 1 3 11 21 .... Masters. George B 26 Pa 31 ('anada... 42 Pa Smith, John I. (2 Jan. Dec. July Jan. Dec. 24. 1878 4.1877 18.1882 25, 1882 10,1878 1877 Shannon Shannon 11 Sprogle, Samuel H. (3 10- Donaldson, W. B Milledgeville 'I'hompson Milledgeville 28 33 28 111 Field, George William .... Grossman. Daniel S. (4 N Y Pa 8 2 29 7 "l McAffee, E. M Cli'iton Iowa 52 Pa 28 Pa 23 McPherson Robert Jan. Sept July Oct. 31.1878 2.1879 31. 1883 11. 1884 Milledgeville 7 Melugin, Francis E Thompson ■ 33 30 22 111 . Nederhiser. John R Fair Haven u.e Ill 3 .... Overfleld. Joseph W. (4. .. Limat Sackrider, David L Elkhorn Grove Thompson "ii 1 14 16 Saunders, MerrittL. (5.... Dec. May Nov. Nov. 10,1877 6.1881 17.1877 23,1877 R PM 37 Ky 28 Pn 11 Valentine, W. D Lanark Wales, Henry W. (6 H H 1 Lanark 37 39 1 Ill 14 Wales, Royal P. (6... ill 16' At date of Registration. . t P. O. Brookville, Ogle Co. Cass County. Bley, Jr., George July 5, 1881 Sept, 19,1878 May 31,1882 Jan. 22.1S78 Sept. 26,1883 Jan. 10,1878 June 4,ls78 Jan. 17.1878 Jan. 1,1878 Sept. 19.1883 May 10,1878 Oct. 20,1S84 Jan. 11.1878 Oct. 9. 1878 Apr. 10,18»0 Jan. 17,1878 R R H H R R R R E E R R R E R R Benrdstown 30 '^5 u s Ehrhardt, Henry Beardstown 111 2 ] ?■ Grav, R. Fletcher 4! 31 37 45 25 35 •^9 Pa Ill Sweden .. Ga Ill Unland, W. G Anderson, Bennett C Beardstown Arenzville . «j-- Boone, Nathaniel H Burnham, A. F Chiindlerville Ashland 21 -1 5 7 4 2 32 37 4 1 3 1 Colladay, Stephen M Hubbard, C. M Virginia Vityinia N H.. 3 7 Lyons, Daniel 3h 27 Ill Mathews. Charles S. (1 ... Nf^wmanville 111. ? Harris, John Chandlerville 23 Read. N.S < "handlerville 60()hio ')() Smith.D. G. (2 Virginia 30 25 Ill 4 Swope, Joseph M Tnri Taylor, David 0.. Philadelphia 32 Kv g *At date of Registration. 15 To Whom Certificates hate been Issued. , Carroll County, Certificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certiflriate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate filed- FOB Record. Dec. Dee. Dec. Apr. Sept. Mar. Dec. Nov. Oct. Dec. May July Oct. Apr. Oct. Aug. July Sept. Mar. Feb. May Dec. Dec. 14,1877 29. 1877 18. 1877 10. 1878 11, 1883 25.1884 (;.18S:i 19,188^ 5. 1877 1.1877 Chicago Medical College Chicago Medl''.al College Hahnemann Medical (Joltege. Chicago Bennett ('i)llege of Eclectic Medioine and Surgery. ) Dent, of Medicine and Surgerv. Univ. of Michigan ) Medical School of Harvard University Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Jefferson Medical (Jollege Medical (College <»f Ohio Rush Medical Col lege Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania 22. 1882 Chicago Medical College 13. 1882 24. 1877 4. 1878 11.1877 22. 1879 12. 1883 ll,18S4 21,1878 21. 1878 3,1881 24,1877 21.1877 CJhicago Medical College Department of Medi ine. Univ. of Pennsylvania. Homeopathic Medical College of Philadelphia Rush Medical College Apr. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. 22,1869 l,18«rt 4, 187G 21,1878 23, 1863 , . . 1865 21,1884 31.1882 28. 1879 17. 1872 9,1857 Dec. Jan. Dec. Nov. 19, 1877 4. 1878 21,1877 17, 1879 Oct. 3, 1883 Mar. Dec. 28.1884 12. 1883 Jan. Dee. 28.1882 July 16.1875 July 12. 1877 Dec. 1,1855' 1,1871. Jan. Long Island College Hospital Ft. VVayne College of Medicine Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. Louisville Medical College Eleven years' practice June 24,1879 Sept. Mar. 1.1883 July May Mar. 29. 1884 . . . 1875 Physio-Medical Institure. Cincinnati. Hahnemann M<-dical College, Chicago Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. Oct. 8. 1876 4. 1877 18,1882 25, l88iJ 10,1877 ....1877 31, 187g 2,1879 12, 1885 11, 1884 Mar. 1,1881 May Feb. 28,1863 Dee. Mar. 1,1861 Dee. 6, 1881 31,1877 31, 1877 1) Registered in Jo Daviess: 2) in Stephenson; 3) in Stephenson and Ogle; 4) in Ogle; 5) in Whiteside; 6) in Ogle and Jo Daviess. Cass County* June 21,1881; J-^fferson Medical C' -liege , June 11.18781 Missouri Medic il College May 2i.l'<82| HeriDg Medi<-al College Oct. 20, 18771 Hahnemann Medi.-al College, Chicago Nov. 17. 1881 1 Missouri Medical College June 10.18^2 Na.shville Medical College Mar. 1,1860 Mar. 1. 18781 Rush Medical College Feb. 26, 187^ Jan. 14.18:8 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, LTniv. of Michigan Mar. 26,1873 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 12, 1881' July 5,1881 2. 1877, Sept. 19. 1878 16. 1882: May 31.1882 14.1871 Jan. 22,1878 2, l»81 Sept. 26. 1883 Jan. Jan. June Oct. Mar. Dec. Apr. 14,1878 19. 1883 1,1878 3, 1884 3.1881 21 1S77 26. 188(» Dec. 17,1877 Eclectic 3lcdiciil College, Cincinnati. American Medical College, St. Louis Medical College of Ohio St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons ... Cleveland Medical (College American Medical ('oil ge, St. Louis Medical Department, University of Louisville Miami Medical College June 15.1882 June 4,1878 Jan. 17,1878 May 23, 1871 Jan. 17.1x78 June 5,1883 Sept. 19,188a Feb. Feb. Feb. May Feb. 27, 1878 2H, 1^83 24.1M4 24. 1877 27, 1880 Mar. 4,1875 Aug. Oct. Mar. Jan. May 3,1878 20. 1S84 3, 18x1 15. 1^78 15, 1880 Dec. 17,1877 1) Registered in Menard; 2) in Morgan. 16 Official Kegister of Physicians ChamDai^n County. Registered CO o W o o r Residence and Post- Officb. Pbac- TICE.* Name. So Albright, Adam C R R R R H R R R H R R R E E R R R R R H R R H R R R I R R R R H R R Champaign 23 29 56 50 43 34 33 67 32 53 68 47 30 55 30 43 44 23 44 40 33 43 44 55 29 u s €u8hing. H. E April 12, 1884 Feb. 28.1878 Dec. 26.1877 April 5,1878 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 20,1877 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 15.1878 Jan. 29,1878 June 21,1884 Jan."ii,"i878 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 3,1878 Mar. 9,188" Dec. 24,1877 Sept. 30, 1880 Mar. 9,1878 Feb. 3,1880 May 28, 188(t Feb. 5,1878 Champaign Mass .... Ohio N.Y W. Va 111. 32 27 7 9 8 45 9 27 40 23 4 28 6 22 20 14 Howard. H. C Champaign '>3 Hutchinson, Critten Champaign 7 Johnson, C. B (1 Champaign t) Kratz. Edwin A Champaign Champaign Pa. H Maxwell, W. J Pa. 3 Merryman, T. J Champaign Ill N. H..^.... N. H Ky Ind Pa Ill Ohio Va Ohio 9 Jlills OH. . Champaign 0^ Page, Samuel K . Champaign' 20 '^3 Keplogle.P. S ( 'hampaign 3 Waltman, William (7 Champaign 6 Wilcox, L. S Champaign 6 JBirney, Samuel H Urbana V Fugate, J. T Urbana 16' Xiimlley, Austin M Urbana Lindley, M Urbana Ohio N.Y ...... England.. 23 22 ^0 Morrison, James E Urbana 18 Prentice. Fred. W Urbana Sims, W B Ont".i"Ca'" Ohio Ill 13 21 36 17 12 1 2 26 3 11 16 4 1 13 Tufford. Charles D Urbana ^Vn Core, James (2 Homer 30 Holton Henry C . . Homer 1? MeCance, J. B Homer 1? Oakwood, Charles H ."". Sept. 11,1883 Homer 27 25 50 28 39 40 30 ill Ky Ohio Pa Rowland. Geo T Homer 1 Shaw Homer C. (2 Mar. 6, 1878 Oct. 6,1884 Feb. 5,1878 Jan. 18,1878 May r2,18S4 Mar. 22,188(i Jan. 29,188! Homer 1'^ Bailey, Milton R Bantoul Harmon, J. C McClure, Daniel P Rantoul Rantoul Vt Pa 3 10 Minturn, John M Rantoul Rv Wolf, William C Rantoul 97 Ohio Burres, William F KSidney 23 III Duncan. William S Sidney .... Hess, Adolphus Mar. 27,1878 Feb. 5,1878 Mar. 27,1878 July 15,1878 R R R R R R R R' R R R R R R R R R R i R R Sidney 38 ir^d 4 3 1 4 6 25 4 Ratts. Rinetiai't . ... Sidney 231nd 22 Ohio 3 Rukenbrod, William L.... Sidney 1 Crabb. J. N Fisher 27 30 Ind Pa Elder, A. L Fisher ?, Elder, Samuel G 1877 Fisher Pa 11 Newcomb, W. K May 4, 1882 Fisher 25 Iowa Mar-hall, Reuben GilTord McKinney. Thomas J. (2.. Mar. 15,1881 Apr. 18,1878 Jan. 30,1882 Mar. 9, 1878 Nov. 13,1883 Gifford 24 35 36 33 Ind N.Y Ind Ohio 1 8 7 4 6 3 1 Savage, P. A Gifford Walker, Theodore E Gifford Downing, Jonathan R. (2. Ogden 4 Harris, James F . (3 Ogden 37 Ind Keesor, L. W 27 2'^ 3] Ohio Ky Michael, Luther May 12,1884 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 19,18T7 Jan. 4,1878 Ogden Bartholow, J. M Philo niiin 11 10 1 11 Mandeville, J. D Parker, Calvin E Philo Philo 33'U.S 27 Mass 9 1 Weems, Elwood Philo Beard,H. G Beneflel, W. F. (4 Dec. 1.1881 May 20,1880 Feb. 1,1878 Dewey [vesdale 33Tenn 50lnd .33N. Y 23 U. S 8 22 11 1 14 Birdsell, E J Birney, Frank S Pesotum Sadorus 10 1 17 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Champaign County Certificate of State Boabd of Health . Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. April 17,1882 April 11. 1884 Jan. 9.1878 Nov. 19,1877 Mar. 30.1878 Sept Sept Jan. Feb. . 29.1877 . 10. 1877 2,1878 15. 1878 Sept . 10, 1877 Jan. Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. 25. 1878 19 1877 10. 1877 1. 188i 5, 1877 Sept Jan. Mar. Jan. leb. 7,1877 9. 1S78 23, 1880 15. 1878 6, 1878 Mar. Jan. Nov. Apr. 8. 1878 17,1880 16,1878 19, 18;7 25, 1883 Mar. Apr. Jan. 31,1879 17, 1883 19, 1878 26, 1878 Jan. Sept. Apr. July Jan; 2, 1878 19,1877 8.1881 1, 1880 26,18S1 Mar. Feb. Mar. July 20.1884 23.1S7^ 9. 187S 20,1878 18. 1878 Sept. Sept. Mar. Mar. 17. 1881 1(>, 1^7.^ 26. 1882 21, 1879 14, 18fc3 Apr. Mar. Nov. Dec. 24,1^78 27, 1^8 J 8,187> 2. 1H83 26. 1883 Oct.* Sept. Jan. Mar. 19.1884 25. 1877 12. 1877 15. 1878 1, 187^ Nov. Dec. Jan. Apr. 17,1881 24. 1877 2. 1878 4. 1884 Certifleate of examination Chicago Medical College Medical (>ollege of Ohio Starling Medical (College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical College of Ohio Dppt. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago J Cleveland Medical College I Nashville Medical College Twenty years' practice , Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Eclectic Medical College, Philadelphia , Long Island College Hospital Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Twenty years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Kentucky School of Medicine Victoria University College, Cobourg Thirty years' practice Jefferson Medical College Twelve years' practice Indiana Medical College Louisville Medical College Starlini; Me Q H *. -< Prac- tice.* Name, ^1 1^ Chaffee H Jan. Jan. Feb. Oct. July Mar. June Jan. Jan.- Mar. Mar. Dec. Dec. Nov. Jan. Mar. Apr. Aug. May Jan. Dec. Apr. Dec. Mar. Dec. 28. 1878 13. 1878 7, 1878 5, 1880 It). 1883 5. 1878 7, 1883 1.1878 28.1878 5. 1878 5. 1S78 21.187? 22. 1878 13.1883 4, 1878 14, 1878 28.1879 20. 1880 4. 1880 10. 1878 31.1877 22,1880 31.1877 28,1881 31, 1877 R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R E R R R E R E E Tolono 61 35 vt 25 14 3 11 3 21 1 17 G 5 8 10 25 (j 3 5 8 '^1 nhnmhprci T Ct Sadorus . . N Y . 10 (]]f\v\z .lRmft^ H Seymour .• 28 Ind 34 Ohio 2CTJ. S n Clai'k Lewis E Mahomet R flrflio" Cn.s^ins ]Vr Ivesdale Mahomet 43 33 45 29 32 33 T„ ?^ Thomasboro 111 1 Doyle Anthony St. Joseph Ohio 17 Mahomet (> Gillum Alphro j3 Sadorus Ill ,"> Ludlow Ireland .. 8 Seymour 35 Pa 59 Mass 32 Ind 31 Kv f> Hall Lyman Savoy 25- Ogden Harris', H. L. (3 Hazel. M M Foosland 3 Penfield 28 30 25 33 34 33 Ill 5 Lamb L Kossuth Tolono Ind Ill Langhaus, E. D. (2 Mathes. S M. (4 Foosland Ludlow Ind Ill 11 12 9 3 25 "l "'6 11 Meeker. N. J. (6 Purcell. J F Parkville 1^ St. Joseph Ohio 1 Bondville 24 Ohio 49 Ohio 2(;Ohio 22Ind 24 111 2 Salisbury. Samuel S Tolono IfV Bondville Sims Samuel N St. Joseph 1 Van Doren, C L Penfield Van Doren S H Jan. 3,1880 Penfield .... 30 111. ft 1 * At date of Registration. Christian County. Armstrong, Lewis C. Chapman, H. C Cornell, Daniel K... . Dorman, M. L Firey, John J Hall. H. H Johns, Thomas M.... Kitzmiller. Joseph H. •Pierce, Cyrus Rockwell, Charles V. Slater. Lyman B Whitecraft. JohnE. Deming, H. H. (1.... Dickey, Salem Dodge, J. H Eberle, Jacob K Eversoll, A. C Haywood. George M. Haywood. Julia F Higgins. L. D Patton, George W Campbell. J. W Gowin, Orman G Mason, L. H Salander, D. F. (1 April 17,1883 May 11,1878 Dec. 21,1877 Dec. Dec. Feb. Jan. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. Oct. Dec. 28.1877 15. 1877 26. 1878 — 1878 15. 1877 15, 1S7T 14. 1877 14,1877 15. 1877 25.1878 17. 1878 27, 1877 April 19.1881 Jan. 23,1878 Jan. 24.1878 July 29,1881 Dec. 19.1883 Dec. 19,1877 Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Taylorville Pana Pana Pana Pana. Pana , Pana. Pana. Pana. Pana Morrisonville Morrisonville Morrisonville Morrisonville 29 III. ... 57 Conn. 371 R. I. 37Ky 30111. 37111. ... 33! Ohio. 28 Tenn. 36N. Y.. 45 Ohio . 49111. ... 53lKy .. 32 Ohio 54 Ind . 56 Yt..., Pa. 111. N.Y Ohio Pa... 111. .. U.S. U.S. Ohio 19 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Champaign County. Certificatb of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination— \ Date of Years of Practice. Diploma. Ceetifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan. Nov. Jan. Sept. 10,1878 15M877 15, 1878 14, 1880 July 12.1883 Mar. July Dec. Jan. Mar. 1, 1878 7, 1882 28. 1877 15. 1878 8, 1878 Feb. 27.1878 Jan. 29.1878 Oct. 16.1877 Nov. 2,1883 Aug. 13,1877 Apr. 19,1878 Aug. 22,1879 Feb. 13,1879 Dec. 21,1877 Apr. 23,1878 Jan. Oct. Dee. Mar. Jan. 9, 1878 12. 1878 10,1877 26, 1881 2. 1878 Albany Medical College Geneva Medical College, New York Certificate of examination Certificate of State Board Med. Examiners, Kansas Dec. Jan. 26,1854 26, 1864 Mar. 31,1880 Medical College of Ohio Mar. 1,18S2 Feb. 26,1878 Mar. 1, 1882 Rush Medical (College Medical College of Ohio Seventeen years' practice Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush Medical College Certificate of examination Twenty-five years' practice Kentucky School of Medicine Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Medical College of Ohio Certificate of examination Ten years' practice 1 welve years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana. Rush Medical College Cleveland Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Louisville Medical College April 1,1881 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Mar. 8, 1878j Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery- Jan. Feb. 17,1872 14,1878 Feb. 26.187J Mar. 1,1877 Feb. 16,1875 Jan. Jan. Feb. Oct. July May July Jan. Jan. Mar- Mar. Feb. Dec. Nov. Jan. 28, 1878 16,1x78 17,1878 5, 1880 16, 1883 14,1878 14,1882 1.1878 28.1878 ,20, 1878 5.1878 5, 1878 22, 1877 13, 1883 4,1878 Feb. Mar. 23.1878 2, 1876 Feb. 27.1876 Feb. 21.1877 July 17,18.i4 June 1,1X80 Mar. .. 1877 Mar. 22.1881 Feb. 21,1878 Jan. Au}4. Mar. Sept. Jan. \pv. Dec. .VTar. Jan. 28,1880 20. 1880 23.1878 3, 1878 16,1878 22. 1880 22,1877 28. 1881 17, 1878 Jan. 5,1880 1) Registered in Douglas; 6) in Piatt; 7) in Clark. 2) in Vermilion; 3) in MeLean; 4) in Moultrie; 5) in Ford; Christian County. April 16. 1883| Missouri Medical College Jan. 25,1878 Thirty-three years' practice Jan, 14,1878| St. Louis Medical College Tnn 14 i87s' J Louisville Medical College J an. 14, 18/8, ] Kentucky Medical Academy Jan. 14,18781 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Mar. 30,1878 Jan. 15,1878 Mar. 30,1878 Jan. 14,1878 Sept. 7,1877 Sept. 17.1877 Jan. 28.1878 Oct. 20.1877 Nov. 8.1877 June 11,1878 April 15,1881 Oct. 22.1877 Feb. 7,1884 Feb. 7, 1884 Oct. 22.1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . Certificate of examination Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati.. St. Louis Medical College Medical School, University of Missouri. Fifteen years' practice , Chicago Medical College La Porte Medical College, Indiana Twenty-eight years' practice Jefferson Medical Col lege Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati St. L. Coll., Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons St. L. Coll., Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb. 22.1883 Missouri Mpdical College Jan. 9.1878 American Medical College, St. Louis July 25,1882 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Mar. 22.1878 Medical College of Ohio Nov. 8,18771 Missouri Medical College Mar. 6,1883 Mar. 1, 1867 June 23,1><75 Mar. —.187.1 Mar. 1,1869 Feb. 21.1878 Feb. May Mar. Feb. 21, 187 \pril 17,1883 May 4.1878 Jan. 14.1878 Jan. 30,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Jan. April Mar. Feb. 12,l>>74|Jan. 2, 1858. Sept. 27,1855 Oct. Keb. 9,1868 18, 1849 Mar. 11.1 a54 May 28,1866 Mar. 10,1881 Mar. 10.l88t Feb. 11.1868 Mar. 2.1882 Jan. 25,1877 June 6.18><2 24,1878 2.1878 14.1878 8, 1877 5. 1877 1. 1878 Feb. 16.1878 July 28,1881 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Tan. July 12.1878 29.1882 Mar. 1.1876 Deo. 19, 18>;3 Mar. 4.1875lDec. 19,1877 20 Official Eegister of Physicians Christian County. Registered a W Residence and Post- office. * PEA.C- TICE.* Name. CDO 03 ^ .=3 Simmons, AdarB. (1 Jan. 25,1878 E E R R R R R E R R R E E R R R R R E R E R H R R R R E E R Morrisonville 42 Ohin 11 7 Stratton. John A Morrisonville 25 73 Mass. .. Chestnut Thomas Rosemond Ohin 40 1 Fischer, Ferdinand Dec. 18.1879 Rosemond 27 Germ an V 1 Nicholson, Joseph T Rosemond. 29 41 III McDevitt, William E Feb. 7,1878 Jan. 16,1878 Dec. 31.1878 Oct. 17, 1878 Feb. 7,1878 June 23,1882 Way 28.1881 Pee. 27,1877 Dec. 31.1«78 Jan. 2, 1878 Mar. 27,1884 uar. 12,1879 eb. 6.1878 Jan. 29.1878 Dec. 29,18?7 Dec. 15.1877 Sept. 29,1877 Dec. 14,1877 Rosemond .... Ohio 12 8 10 2 15 9 1 8 20 8 n Rosemond 37 Ohio 8 Walker Granville M. (1 Rosemond 39 31 iir 10 Bixby, H. D Assumption Mass '^ Johnston, R. W Assumption 28Va 32 Ohio 25 111 6 Lambert. Samuel H Assumption 1 Rivard, George J Assu mption 1 Carroll Cephas L. (2 Edinburg 4l!Ohio 8 Greenwood, Basil Edinburg 58'Ky 39 Ohio '^O Reefy, S. L. (2 Edinburg 8 Staples, M. W ".. Edinburg 33 27 111 Alverson. Elbridge M Stonington Mo Bloxam, Henry Mt. Auburn Ill Ohio 28 30 3 10 29 3 •^7 Cussins, J. St. Clair Owaneco 26 11 Conijer J.J Palmer 28 Wis 31Ind 53lOhio 27T1I 3 Dickerson, J. H. (2 Blackburn 10 Frazier J. B .. Palmer '^l Matthews, John B Mt. Auburn 3 Anderson. Robert S Grove City 23 72 Ind McNeill, William Mar. Dec. May July Oct. June Dec. Jan. 29.1880 15. 1877 14. 1878 6, 1878 .. 1881 30,1882 28,1877 7,1878 Grove City . Md 45 11 39 McShea, Royal Owaneco 39 Canada 10 Porter Dennis W. (2 Stonington 34 21 Ohio Reynolds, 0. C. (2 Mt. Auburn 111 1 3 1 Semple, William F Stokes, Campbell A Vermillion, William H .. Grove City .... 21111 S Sharpsburg 23 32 111 Grove City Va Walton, George Clarksdale N. C 4 8 *At date of Registration. Clark County. Athon, William L April 3.1882 Dec. 26,1877 Aug. 10,1882 March4.1>79 Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 29,1877 July 25,lH78 Dec. 20,1877 Jan. 25. 1878 Jan. 8, 1880 Dee. 31,1877 Dec. 2J.1877 H R R R R R R R E K R R 1 R R R R R E Marshall 21 34 Til Bradley. R. H Marshall Ohio 5 10 20 23 20 18 29 5 2 16 31 30 2 19 5 Campbell. James Marshall 38 Ohio Gilbert, S. S „.. . Marshall 47 53 51 51 57 27 24 40 51 56 25 45 94 Ohio Ohio Ohio Ireland.... Ind Ohio 111.. ^0 Janes, John M. (I Marshall 4 Jumper, Simon Marshall ... ">() Logan, James B 18 Madison, James Marshall ?5 MeCann, W. G Marshall '?, Mitchell, Orlando Marshall Marshall ... VI Prewett, R. C. (1 Va 16 See. B.J. (1 Marshall Marshall Ky %l Stricklett, John G 111.. 13 Burlingame. Frank W Martinsville Comstock, Jesse, (2 Dec. 31,1877 March 1, 1884 Dec, 2, 1878 Jan. 9,1878 Dec. 24,1878 Jan. 10,1878 Martinsville 19 Comstoek, Rice Payne Martinsville Ill Doak, William H Martinsville 36 67 56 32 Ohio Ohio Ky. 6 40 30 2 1 Flenner, M McNary, W. H Martinsville Martinsville 22 30 Norman, A. H Martinsville Ind 2 21 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Christian County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan, Oct. Mar. Dec. Apr. 8,1878 21.1S82 17.1880 20, 1879 27,1882 Feb. Nov. Feb. Oct. Nov. 2,1878 8, 1877 5,187« 22, 1877 8,1877 June June Nov. Feb. Dec. 23, 1882 1,1881 8,1X77 21,1878 11,1877 Mar. Mar. Jan. Nov. Nov. 25,1884 21,1879 24,1878 3. 1877 8, 1877 Feb. Sept. Jan. Oct. Mar. 6. 1877 24.1877 14.1878 20,1884 16, 1880 Jan. 12,1878 Mar. 1,1878 June 11,1878 Oct. (),1881 June 27,1882 Nov. Jan. 8,1877 14,1878 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Louisville Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Starling Medical College May June Mar. June Feb. 27, 1867 29,1882 1,1844 3, 1879 23,1882 Eleven years' practice Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Ten years' practice Department of Medicine, Ui"iiv. of Pennsylvania ... Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Mar. 27,1867 Cent. Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, Indianapolis Chicago Medical College Detroit Medical College Twenty years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Mar. 10,1868 May 21,1872 Mar. 3,1881 Mar. 29.1881 June 27,1870 Jan. 7,1878 Feb. 12,1878 Aug. 19,1878 Feb. 7,1878 June 26,1882 June 1,1881 Dec. 19.1877 Feb. 8,1870 St. Louis Medical College Medical College of Missouri Twenty-seven years' practice Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Ten years' practice Rock Island Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis Kentucky School of Medicine Thirty- nine years' practice Mar. Mar. 5,1884 5, 1879 Jan. 2,1878 Mar. 27,1884 Apr. 3.1879 Feb. 6.1878 Feb. Mar. 21,1877 28,1877 Jan. 12,1878 1870 Feb. ..1849 May 12,1875 June 26,1884 Sept. 29,1877 Jan. 17.1878 Mar. 29,1880 ('ertifleate of examination Rush Medical College Louisville Medical College Rush Medical Col lege Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Depart Univ. of the City of New York Feb. 26,1878 Feb. 27,1878 Feb. 22,1881 June 6,1882 May 15,187 Mar. 10,1873 May 14,1878 Oct. .. 1881 June 30. 1882 Dec. 28,1877 Jan. 26,1878 1) Registered in Montgomery; 2) in Sangamon. Clark County. Mar. Dec. Sept. Jan. Jan. 30,1882 24, 1877 4,1882 2.187S 29,1878 Nov. 28,1877 July 25,1878 Jan. 2, 1878 Jan. .30,1878 June 26,1880 Jan. Jan. Mar. Aug. Jan. 8.1878 2.1878 1. 1880 12.1884 2,1878 Feb. Dec. Jan. Nov. Nov. 2,1884 3, 1878 30, 1878 2,1877 28,1877 Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Chicago Medical College Medical Department of Darmouth College. Twenty years' practice Certificate of examination Twenty years' practice Eighteen years' practice Twenty- five years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana Ohio Medical College Twenty-seven years' practice Thirteen years' practice Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Nineteen years' practice Rush Medical College... Medical Departnfent University of Wooster. Twenty-two years' practice Thirty years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis Mar. 8,1882 Mar. 13,1873 Oct. 30,1872 Jan. 1.1872 Feb. 22,1878 Mar. 1.1872 Mar. 15,1882 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. 26,1874 May 16,1876 April 3,1882 Dec. 26,1877 Sept. 7,1882 Feb. 18.1878 Dec. July Jan. Feb. July Feb. 28,1877 N„ 29,1878 11,1878 4. 1878 14, 1880 .. 1878 Feb. Aug. 26,1883 16, 1884 Mar. Dec. Mar. Mar. Dec. 3, 1884 20,1878 4, 1878 24. 1877 7,1877 22 Official Eegister of Physicians. Clark County. Registeeed 00 o W o g Residence and Post- OrricE. H : Nativity Prac- tice.* Name. July 11.1880 March 4, 1878 DecV21,"i877 Sept. 8,1880 R R H R R R R E R R R R R R R R ^ R R R E R R Martinsville 30 43 32 52 36 58 Ind Rubottora. W. H Kuby, G. P Thornberg P. F Mariiusville Martinsville . . . U. S U. S Ind Pa 12 9 10 15 31 12 9 Martinsville 10 Brnee William W Casey .... 13 Gilbert L W P Casey Ohio 24 Hevwood C, Jan. 24,1878 Nov. 29.1883 Jan. 7. 1878 Mar. 4,18J^3 Dee. 15,1877 Sept. 14, 1878 Apr. 18,1878 Aug. 7, 1878 May 1,1879 Dec. 24,1877 Casey 34 43 57 26 39 111 Tobias John M Casey Ind Ky 16 .... WiUiams R. F. Casey 3? Williams Thomas W Casey Ill Burner Samuel A. Westfleld Ohio 12 20 5 27 5 9 7 2 15 4 1 l'> Carey. G. A. E.. TTfi.ll .To'^pnli Westfleld 45 Ohio ....:. 2!t()hio 50lOhio 4 Westfleld '^ Westfleld 10 Baker. John W Walnut Prairie 33 39 111 5 Bates, C. C. (1 Clarksville Kv 5 Ha'ilit H W Livingston ,. 28'TI. S 7 Hatfield. M. A. Feb. 23,1878 Dec. 15,1876 June 11,1879 Mar. 9, 1878 Darwin 22 49 III ^ Hill, Olive Clark Center Walnut Prairie N. Y 15 27 Ohio 28 111... 3 Pearce, Edward Darwin 1 Prewitt Granville W. Livingston 33 26 Ill RvpTKon (^ F) April 13.1881 Jan. 2, 1878 Aug 1,1878 May 17,1881 York Ind 3 13 3 1 Volkers, Lewis. Dennison 44 Germany. 32 Ameriea.. 13 Wilkins, John M. Melrose Wilson Samuel R York 23 Ind *At date of Registration. Clay County. Elrod, E. B (4. Nov. Apr. Nov. Dec. Dec. Mar. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Apr. Nov. May Dec. Nov. 29, 1877 16. 1884 29. 1877 20, 1877 18, 1877 6, 1878 3. 1877 23,1877 19,1877 20,1877 22, 1877 21. 1877 14, 1877 11,1878 24, 1877 24,1880 18, 1877 22, 1877 B R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E E K R R R Flora 1 28 Ind 2 1 1 Flora 27 Ohio Flora ^1 Park, E Flora 43 54 25 51 60 41 35 65 37 S.C Ky Ky Eng Ohio Ind Ind Tenn Ky ""si 1 26 37 21 4 38 13 18 Suggett, James M Flora 15 Suggett, William L. (1 Wilson William B Flora 1 Flora ?5 Black Milo Clay City 1'^ Boyles E W Clay City . ',^1 Clay City « Pitner, F. R Clay City 38 Quertermous, .James Chatham J R (1 Clay City 11 Xenia 4 Ramsey, Georgia D Shirley.E.S Shirley, W. H ?5 Xenia 49 26 30 33 Ky Ky Ill Ind 24 4 7 5 ?A Xenia Xenia 7 Bovfes, James M Louisville 4 l^nrtOM (Tf^nrcA (^ Louisville Jan. Mar. Dec. Dec. Nov. July 29,18S3 24,1877 19, 1877 19. 1877 22. 1877 21, 1880 24 26 52 28 Ohio McNown William A Louisville Ohio Ind Ind . 1 18 1 Anderson, James BnwAn Alfivjjndftr S Hord Sailor Springs 18 Finch Amos P lola . ... 26 9 ^6 Gibson, E.P. ...!!."!! .' Hcosier Prairie 30 tJ.S 4 23 To Whom Certifcates have been Issued. Clark County. CEBTiFICATE OF StATK BoAED OF HEALTH. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed fob Record. June 2(5,1880 Nov. 2,1877 Nov. 7. 1877 Oct. 2,lH77 June 26,1880 July 12.1883 Jan. 16.1878 Oct. 25, i8'<3 Jan. 80,1878 April 16,1883 Nov. July Jan. Jan. May Sept. Jan. Oct. Mar. Jan. Feb. 20. 1877 17. 1878 29,1878 30. 1878 19.1X79 8, 1884 15,1878 13,1879 20.1878 28,1878 11. 1880 Mar. 20,1878 July 25,1882 April 11.1881 Jan. 28,1878 May 1,1878 Certificate of examination . Twelve years' practice New York Homeopathic Medical College. Ten years' practice Thirteen years' practice Mar. 25.1875 July Mar. 7, 1880 4, 1878 Sept. 8.1880 Twenty-four years' practice Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. RuHh Medical College. Indiana Medical College Twelve years' practice...,. Cincinnati College Medicine and Surgery Certificate of examination Ten years' practice Certificate of examination Medical College of Ohio Feb. 5, 1868 Jan. May 21. 1872 Nov. Feb. 20.1859 Feb. Mar. 1, 1883 May Nov. Sept. Apr. Aug. Feb. 16.1864 Kentucky School of Medicine Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana... Fifteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati May 8, 1883 Mar. 1,186 Chicago Medical College Missouri Medical College hio Medical College Thirteen years' practice Med. Dept. of Nashville and Vanderbilt University Feb. 27,1877 June "3,1879 Mar. 5. 1878 Feb. 25,1882 Mar. 1,1881 May 14, 1881 Medical Department University of Louisville. Feb. 28,1878 Feb. 25.1881 May 24. 1878 29. 1883 5. 1878 4. 1883 23. 1877 14.1878 18.1878 7, 1878 17.1879 Jan. 25.1878 Apr. Feb. 1.1878 14,1878 Apr. 8. 1878 Apr. Feb. Aug. 13, 1881 9, 1878 1, 1878 May 17,1881 1) Registered in Edgar; 2) in Crawford. Clay County. Oct. 6, 1877 Apr. 10, 18S4 Oct. 10. 1877 Dec. 20. 1877 Nov. 28. 1877 Feb. 15.1878 Oct. 10. 1877 Oct. 10.1877 Sept 17.1877 Oct. 6.1877 Nov. 23.18T7 Dec. 18. 1877 Oct. 6.1877 Feb. 2. 187X Nov. 27. 1877 Mar. 7.1^79 Oct. 6.1877 Oct. 6.1877 May 25.1883 Jan. 26. I8fc3 Aug. 9,1879 Apr. 22.1878 Jan. 15, 1878 Oct. 17. 1X77 July 10. 1880 Miami Medical College Miami Mt^d ical Col I ege Missouri Medical College Eighteen years' practice , Medical Department Transylvania University. Certificate of examination Medical Department, St. Louis University .... Ohio Medical College Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... Thirty-eight years' practice Kentucky School of Medicine St. Louis Medical College Jefferson Medical College Twenty-four years' practice St. Louis Medical College Ohio Medical College Cincinnati (Joll<^ge of Medicine and Surgery. Louisville Medical College American Medical College. St. Louis '>ri Eighteen years'"^ractlce. Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Twonty-six years' practice Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. Mar. Mar. Feb. 1,1876 6, 1884 27. 1858 Mar. 5, 1847 Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 1. 1853 2, 1841 4, 1862 18,1875 Mar. 1. 1864 Mar. 13.1873 Mar. ...1852 1879 Mar. 1. 1870 June 25.1872 Feb. 25.1881 June 5,1883 Mar. 10,1879 Feb." '2i" 1877 Feb. 26.1878 Nov. Apr. Nov. Dec. Nov. Mar. Dec. Oct. Oct. Nov. 29.1877 16. 1884 29.1877 28.1878 28.1877 10.1878 1.1877 10.1877 22, 1877 29, 1877 Nov. 27.1877 Dec. 28.1877 Jan. 5. 1878 Apr. 11.1878 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 28.1877 ()ct. 6, 1877 June 29.1883 Aug. 19.1879 May 1. 1878 Apr. 17,1878 Nov. 24,1877 July 10,1880 24 Official Eegister of Physicians Clay County. Registeeed W o Residence and Post Office. > i2! M Peac- TICE."^ Name. H =1 Gladson, M. M. (2 Feb. 7,1878 July 23,1878 Mar. 11,1878 July 30,1881 Nov. 22,1877 Aug. 11,1884 Dec. 3,1877 Aug. 1, 1883 Apr. 29,1881 Dec. 1.1877 July 12,1884 R R R E R § R R R R Hord 27 53 49 28 47 67 48 62 2-1 42 25 Tenn N. C Ky Ill Eng f;f 4 27 5 2 15 35 25 47 4 Hatton, Thomas 0. lola ... 20" Jones, Robert H. (3 Ingraham 5 Mahon, W. H Pickthall, Arthur Oskaloosa 11 Pugh, John W Sailor Springs Ramsey, A. M Oskaloosa .... 25 Schmidt. G Ingraham . Prussia... Ohio 10 Shoemaker, E. L Bible Grove Shore, Andrew J.{1 Thompson, Thomas W.... Gate wood.. , Oskaloosa Ind Md 5 5 *At date of Registration. Clinton County. Broening. Max Mar. 7,1879 Jan. 9,1878 Dec. 39,1877 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 29.1877 Jan. 8.1878 Mar. 1.1878 Aug. 14.1880 Jan. 8.1878 Feb. 14.1884 Mar. 7,1878 Dec. 19,1883 Dec. 19.1877 Dec. 19.1877 Jan. 19.1878 June 23, 1884 Dec. 19,1877 May""2,'i878 Jan. 2,1878 Nov. 21,1878 Dec. 15,1877 Jan. 2,1878 Mar. 1, 1878 Jan. 2,1878 Oct. 5,1882 Aug. 17.1882 Nov. 9,1882 1 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Carlyle 34 30 72 28 5( 32 54 . 28 Germany. U. 8 Germany. U. S u.s U. 8 Yu^ 10 11 47 2 24 8 25 6 34 1 7 1 24 2 17 g Gordon, J.T Carlyle 11 Meyer. John ... Carlyle 20- McGafflgan, A. J Carlyle .... 2 Moore, D. N Carlyle 23 Ramsey, Elam 8 Carlyle......... 8: Clinton, A. T Trenton 14 Gaffner, Theophilus Trenton & Toney, E.P Trenton 58,U.8 25|mo 39U 8 22 Ark 54 TT S 1(> Toney, Luther Clark Trenton Burns, A. M Clement 6- Gordon, Madison D Clement 1 Marks, David R Clement 12 Watts. William F Clement 27 40 22 25 36 22 40 25 49 46 30 32 34 41 27 u.s u.s Ill 2- Ball, Charles E Breese 9 Beehtold, W. G Breese DeBuhrmann, A Aviston U. 8 XJ 8 2 2- Entrektn, F. M Shoal Creek Everett. W. W. (1 Jamestown U. 8 Germany. France. .. France. .. U. S F: i ;::•.:: Ky 1 5 4 21 24 5 9 5 5 1 Fuchs, Gustav New Memphis 5- Gissy, Charles E Breese 4 Gissy, Charles G Germantown 6 Harris. Johnson New Memphis 24 Hays. William T. (2 Keysport 1 Heely, D. C Germantown 9^ Hord, GeorgeY Keysport McCambridge, Patrick Damiansville ... Newton, John T Boulder Ky *At date of Registration. 25 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Clay County Ceetificate of State Boabd oy Health. Issued. Basis of Certifleate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FlIiEI> FOB Recoep. Apr. 24, 1878 Jan. Mar. July Nov. 25.1878 8. 1878 27. 18^1 20,1877 Aug. Dee. Jan. Apr. Jan. 7.1884 18.1877 15.1878 23,1881 29, 1878 June 7, 1884 J Certificate of examination St. Louis College of 1 / Physicians and Surgeons ) Twenty years' practice Ohio Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis Ele ven years' practice Medical College of Ohio Twenty-flve years' practice University of Breslau Miami Medical College Certificate of examination Rush Medical College. Mar. 4, 1884 Feb. 27,1878 June 1,1880 Mar. May F.-b. Mar. July Nov. 1. 187g 4,1878 8, 1878 30, 1881 26, 1877 1.1867 Aug. 11,1884 Feb. 16,1878 Oct. 15, 1838 Aug. 1, 1883 Mar. 1,1881! April 29.1881 iJan. 31,1878 Feb. 19,1884' July 12.1884 I 1) Registered in Wayne; 2) in Jasper; 3) in Lawrence; 4) in Marion. Clinton County. Oct. Dec. Feb. Mar. Dec. Dec. Feb. Mar. Dec. 4. 1877 10. 1877 5.1878 20,1878 26. 1877 29, 1877 2. 1878 23, 1880 31, 1877 Feb. 1,1884 Apr. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 2, 1878 13, 1883 9,-1878 9, 1878 9, 1878 June 20,1884 Dec. 11.1877 Jan. 17,1881 Jan. 8.1878 Mar. 20,1878 Dec. Jan. Dec. Feb. Jan. 6,1878 9, 1878 12. 1877 22. 1878 19,1878 Aug. 30.1883 Aug. 10.1882 April 30,1880 Medical Department Univ. of the City of New York St. Louis ftjedical College Twenty years' practice St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College j Missouri Medical College ( Bellevue Hospital Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery . Missouri Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery.. Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College PhilaiJelphia College of Medicine Twenty-four years practice f'ollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Missouri Medical College Ohio Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Mar. Mar. 9, 1868 Mar. 9, 18681 Mar. [Feb. Mar. 10, 1876 Mar. Mar. 3.1856iDec. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. l,1870iJan. 1,1853 Mar. 4,188(1 Aug. .. 1843lFeb. 2, 1881 It 15, 1884 Feb. Mar. 5, 1878! Apr. Mar. 2. 1882: Feb. Feb. 5, 18631 Jan. Mar. 2, 1876; Jan. June 19,1865 Jan. Mar. Mar. 4.1884 4,1875 Feb. Mar. Mar. July 13, 1877 4. 1873 11,1875 1,1857 Feb. Mar. 14, 1878 2, 1869 Feb. 28,1878 Mar. 2,1876 Mar. 4,18S0 7, 187^ 7,1877 7, 1878- 25, 1878 29. 1877 14,187& 20. 1878 14. 1880 12,1878- 14, 1884 6.1878 5,1883: 12, 1878 12, 1873 19, 187a June 23, 1884 Dec. 19,1877 May 2,1878: Mar. 27,1878 Dec. Jan. Dec. Mar. Jan. 11, 1878 4,1878 19.1877 16, 1878 22, 1878 Oct. 5,1883 Aug. 17,1882 Nov. 9,1882 1) Registered in Bond; 2) in Bond and Fayette. 26 Official Kegister of Physicians Coles County. Name. Registeked O M O Residence and Post- Office. \ > iH5 >- < M H Prac- tice.* II 5| ^3 Brubaker. M. W Nov. 13,1882 Dec. 3, 1877 Dec. 6, 1877 Dec. 25,1877 Jan. 1,1878 Mar. 18,1878 Dec. 6,1877 Feb. 16,1878 Jan. 1,1878 R K R R E R ■r' R R R H R R R R R R R E R R R H R R PM E R i R E R R E R H R R R R R R P Charleston Charleston 25 63 25 41 25 27 41 25 47 52 33 51 48 26 45 51 22 36 55 22 63 45 43 21 41 Pa Ky Ill Ky Mo Ill Ill Ill Pa 3 41 4 20 2 5 15 3 22 22 (; 13 12 3 Chambers, W. M. 4*,^ Chambers, W. M. Jr Charleston. . . 4 ■Cunningham, H. C Charleston . 1^ Montgomery, J. T. . . Charleston ?, Neal, J. W Charleston ?, Patton, W. R Charleston 15 Peyton, Charles A.... Charleston. . . . 3 Silverthorn, Lemuel L (Charleston... ?,?, Spears, Abraham K Charleston V,?, Steele, Andrew T Dec. 14,1877 Jan. 7,1878 Feb. 2.1878 June 2,1883 Jan. 24,1877 Dec. 7,1877 July 14,1881 Dee. 8.1877 Jan. 24,1878 Dec. 14,1877 Nov. ...1878 Jan. 14,1878 Oct. ...1878 Jan. 26,1878 Jan. 18,1878 Jan. 2. 1878 Jan. 2.1878 Oct. 14, 1878 Apr. 23,1881 Janl"22,'i878 Mar. 8,1878 1878 Oct. 16,1883 Jan. 3,1878 Sept. 4.:878 Jan. 25,1878 Apr. 4,1881 July 19,1884 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 29,1878 Aug. 11,1881 Feb. 9,1878 Apr. 15,1880 Dec 11,1877 Charleston HI England.. Ohio Ill 6 Wilcox, S. 8 Charleston 13 "Winter. Kate . .. <'harleston 1^ Anderson. Sanford M Mattoon Bridges, Y. R Matioon Va 22 27 1 7 25 1 29 20 23 "is 6 31 16 14 V, Dora, James W Mattoon Ky Ill U. S Ky Ky Ky Va Ind........ u. s N. H Ind &■;:.:::; Pa. n Ferguson. 0. W Mattoon .' 1 Fry, Charles B Mattoon Oardner, Samuel D Mattoon .... '^•^ Head, G. P Mattoon Henry, A. M Zemper, Philip A Mattoon ^. Mattoon 27 'r^O McFall,D. M Mattoon Mattoon 16 McFall, James A Morse, L.F Mattoon 11 Paugh, William H 6 Pickett A. Gr Mattooa 51 47 51 34 45 28 3 * rz5 >■ < Prac- tice.* Name, Si Marlette, C. E Mar. 26.1884 June 6.1878 Dec. 17.1877 S.^pt. 30,1884 Dec. 4,1877 May 26.1884 Sept. 2,1884 R R R R R Trilla 26 26 44 27 53 34 29 Ind Ohio 4 1 McDougle. James Humbolt 1 Robertson, AT Ashmore Tenn Ky Ohio Ky U.S 20 6 24 2 1 la Striekler, Clarence A .... Etna Van Dyke, J Ashmore ?A Wheat. C. G . ... Lerna Wheat, Zachariah D Etna T *At date of Registration. City of Chicago. Abbott, Edward Carlton Abbott, George B Abel. JohnF Adam, Andreas Adams, Carlos J Adams. Charles Addison. Thomas... Adolphus. Philip Aiken. Alexandt;r J. Akers, James W Akins. WilliamT Alex, Andreas C .. Alexander, Harriet C.B. Allen, Aleri D Allen, Charles H Allen, Sara J Anderson, Samuel. Anderson, Thomas. Andrew, John D... Andrews, Edmund. Andrews, E. Wyllys. Andrews, Frank T... Andrews, Sarah W... Andrews. Jr., Wells. . Angear,J. J. M Anthony, Henry G. . Armstrong, John B. Arndt, Peter S Atwater, John Atwood, Eugene S. Avery, Samuel J Axford, William L.. Babcoek, Elmer E.. Babcock. Robert H. Baehelle, Gideon V. Bailey, Annie E Bai ley, E. Stillman. Bai ley, Samuel G... Bal dwin, Emma A. Ballard, Edgar A.. Ballard. William H. Banga. Henry Banks, James N Barker, William A.. Sept. 30.1884 Mar. 23,1878 Jan. 31.1880 Jan. 2. 1878 Dec. 15.1877 Feb. July Dec. Mar. Mar. 7,1878 17, 1882 15. 1877 28.1881 15. 1879 Mar. 20.18' June ■ 2, 1883 June 10.1884 May 5. 1883 Mar. 1. 1878 Apr. 3. 1882 April 9.1878 July 9. 1878 Aug. 16,1878 Oct. 6.1881 May 8. 1884 April 19,1882 Jan. 31.1878 May 29,1882 Mar. 27,1884 Feb. 23.1883 Jan. 18,1878 June 9,1881 Dec. 28,1877 Feb. 25.1878 Dec. 17,1881 Dec. Sept. 6, 1879 17, 1877 April 1,1878 June 24.1878 June 19.1878 July 16 1879 Dec. 19,1877 Oct. 29,1877 Dec. 28,1877 Oct. 23, 1879 1 Hoyne av 163 State 2801 State , 160 Canalport av. 253 W.Madison.. H L'522 Wabash av.... R 445 N. Clark R 737 W. Madison.... E 1400 Michigan av... R 3458 Cottage Grove. 367 Wabash av State and Polk av. 381 Dayton 335 Centre 351% Superior 63Rush... 34 Monroe 5. Halsted C. ife N. W. Ry. Dis. 6E. Sixteenth 6 E. Sixteenth 6 Sixteenth TO03 Cottage Grove. 979 W. Lake 143 Southwestern av. 230LaSalle av.. 71 Morgan 462Hurlbut 253 State 2823 Calumet av 715 Washington bd 68 Thirty-fifth Cook County Hospital. 2330 Indiana av 95 Fifth av 32 0akwood bd 3034 Michigan av... 63 Bryant av 84 Park av 3631 Cottage Grove 386 Hermitage av... 330 Sedgwick 2415 Michigan av. H Il71 Twenty-second. Ill Ill Ill Germany. U.S England. IMich Germany. Ireland.. Ill Pa Germany Pa U. S Mass 33 Mich . . . . 52 Ky 40| h^ngland 24|m 54 Vt 25illl 261111 44llnd 24111 53England. 111. .. Pa -. N. Y. N.Y. U.S. Vt Mich Wis N.Y Germany. Ind .. N.Y.. Conn. Ohio. N. Y.. 111. .. 60 N.Y. 22111. .. 15 34 29 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Coles County. Ceetificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. May 23,1883 Sept. 27,1877 Sept. 27, 1877 Sept. 23.1884 Sept. 22,1877 May Nov. 14,1884 17, 1883 Louisville Medical College Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Rush Medical College Medical College of Indiana Medical College of Indiana Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. May Mar. 25, 1881 1 Mar. 26,1884 21, 1877 i June 6,1878 9.1861 Dec. 17.1877 27.1879 Sept. 30,18S4 5, 1868, Dec. 4,1877 1,1882 May 26,18S4 l,1883,Sept. 2,1884 1) Registered in Cumberland; 2) Postofflce— Areola, Douglas county. City of Chicago. Sept. Mar. Dec. 30,1884 20,1878 5,1879 21.1877 15,1877 Nov. Mar. Aug. ..,1877 14.1882 23, 1877 25,1881 13,1878 Feb. May June Feb. 13. 1878 18,1883 7,1884 30,1883 6,1878 April Mar. April June Oct. 15,1881 30, 1882 9,1878 24, 1878 10.1877 May Mar. Dec. Oct. 28,1881 2,1884 29,1882 29, 1877 25.1878 Mar. Feb. Dee. Mar. Aug. 25,1884 22, 1883 31, 1877 29,1880 30,1877 Feb. Dec. Oct. 25,1878 15, 1881 29,1884 Nov. 28, 1879 Sept. 17,1877 Sept. 11,1877! April 23,1878 Nov. 17,1877 May 19,1879 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. Oct. Dec. Oct. 31,1884 11,1877 28,1877 18, 1879 Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College University of Heidelberg Dep'tof Med. and Surgery, University of Mich Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Bellevue Hospital and Medical Collesre Medical Department. University of Maryland Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medical College Medical College of Fort Wayne Rush Medical College Dep't Medicine and Surgery, University of Mich. Rush Medical College.. Medical School of Harvard University Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Kansas City College of Physicians and Surgeons.. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Chicago Medical College Department of Med. and Surg'y.University of Mich Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College New Orleans School of Medicine Berkshire Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Mijphigan. Bennett Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago t Chicago Medical College I College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York... Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Jefferson Medical College Woman's Medic{# College, Pa , Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Examining Committee, University of Basle National Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Mar. Mar. Mar. May Mar. 25,1882 5, 187X 4. 1879 4, 1856 20, 1868 Feb. 26,1872 -Mar. 21,1877 Mar. 12,1858 Mar. 22.1881 Mar- 12,1876 July 20,1878 Feb. 20.18S3 June 28, 188H Feb. 20,1883 Mar. ..,1842 Feb. 24,1881 Mar. 9,1876 April 3,187K Mar 5, 1878 April 6,1852 Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. No'/. Feb. Feb. 29,1881 15, 18«4 28.188't 15. 1876 15, 186(1 Sept. 27,1884 Mar. 23,1878 Jan. 31,1880 Jan. 2.1878 Dec. 15,1877 Feb. July Dec. Mar. Mar. 7.1878 17,18^2 15,? 877 28, 1881 22, 1819 Aug. 14,1878 June 2,1883 June 10,1884 May 5. 1883 Mar. 1, 1878 April 3,1882 April 9,1878 July 9, 1878 Oct. Mar. Apr. Jan. May 19.1884 Mar. 16, 1869 Feb. 2,1842 Jan. 26,1880 June 21,1877,Dec. 6.1881 8. 1884 18, 1882 31,1878 29. 1882 27,1884 23. 1883 18, 1878 9,1881 28, 1877 June Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. ....18641 3,1881 Dec. 17,1881 11,I884| J'jglDec. 6,1879 25!l867JNov. 30,1877 11, 1875' April 1,1878 21,1878 20.1814 13. 1879 — , 1863 Mar. 6,1881 Sept. 16, 18ri Mar. —1842 Feb. 27,1879 June 24,1878 June 20.1878 July 16.1S79 Dec. 19,1877 Oct. 29.1877 Dec. 28,1877 Oct. 23.1879 30 Official Eegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name, Bartlett, Kuf us H Bassetr. Charles F Bates, James Harvey ... Bates, Mary E Bausmaim, Andrew B... Baxter, Andrew J.. Beach, George L... Bedell, Leila G- Bedford. Lyman.... Beebe, Albert G.... Beebe, Ciirlis M Beebe. Ellen Beery. Charles C Behrendt, Alexander.. Behrens, B. M Belfleld. William T. Bell, John B Bell. William Bemife Joseph G.. Berry, Charles H... Kegistered May 5, 1879 June 3,1879 Jan. 30.1H78 April 19.1883 April 3,188J Jan. 23.1878 May 5. 1883 June 24. 1S78 Dec. 2'^.1877 Dec. 12.1877 Oct. 10.1883 April 27,18S0 Sept. 24,1S81 Sept. 20, 1884 July 8,1882 Jan. 31,1878 R R E June 1.1883 E Dec. 14.1882 R 82 W. Madison. . 90 Washington.. 3,^9 8. State 126 S. Halsted... 115 W. Madison. Berry. James G Jan. 10.^878 Bert. Eddy |l)ec. 10,1877 Bettmann, Boerne.. . Bettmann, Jefferson, Bid well. Theodore 8, Bil'ings, Frank... Binkley, John T.. Bishop, Kufus W. Bishop. SethS.... Blakesell. L. K... Blanchard, Joseph Blanchard. Wallace Blinn, Odelia Bluthardt, Theodore J. . Bockius, F. B. Eisen Boettcher, Wilhelm. Bogue, Chas. V Bogue. Roswell G... Bolton, W. B Bonynge, Francis G. Bosworth, A. W Boughton. Darius F. .. Boulter. Elizabeth E.. Bo wen, Mary H , Bowerman, M. A Bowser. James C... Boyd, Henry W Boyd, Robert D Boyer, Rurtis F Boyer. Valentine A. Residence and Post- office. 334 W. Monroe. H3 State 306 LaSalle av. 3711 Ellis av.... 81 Park av 7 Park av , 139 Twenty-ninth.. 181 state 580 Blue Island av. 163 State 45 Clark 231 W. Madison. 511 State .. vr^ LaSalle av. . 235State Sept. 7.1882 Jan. 23 18;hington pi. 3019 S. Parkav .. 126 State R 2976 State.... R |71 Morgan , H 3151 ludi tna av R 338 W. Madison. ... H 3872 Cottage Grove. R 1137 N.Clark 3"25 Indiana av.. 30()akw<>od bd.. 1236 W Madison. 362 Mohawk 4.1878 R 230 VVilmot av. 8.1-82 R 36 Ru.sh Feb. 18.18>2 Oct. 2'., l?<77 May 24,1882 Dec. 8.1877 Dec. 31,1877 Sept. 26. 1883 R 287 W Twelfth .. H 130('analt'Ortav. R .346 LaSalle av... R 1787 E k Grove av R 550 W.Madison... R 1194 Dearborn av.. Prac- tice.* 24 111. . 29Ia... '6><> Ind. 22 Wis. 28 Pa. . 34 Ohio.... Ill Ind Canada U. 8 U. 8 Mass Ohio 2-^ Germany 38 Norway.. 41 Va... 40 N. Y.. 40 Mass. 40|U. 8., 17 15 27jEngland... . . Mxermany , 25'U. 8 25 U. S 40;Ohio 28'U. 8.. 49 Tenn 27 U.S.. 28 Wis . , .. Mich. 58N. Y , 31 N. Y , 4l!Mass , 40 Germany. 28111 54 Germany 2^|Vt 45'n; y 53 England.. 3o| England.. ...'n. Y 39 46 Canada. .. 43N. y 37iN. Y 213 Canada. 38 Ky... 3i;Pa ... 2(;iConn. 64|Pa.... 4'» England. 33 Canada. . 22 N. Y 63 Prussia.. 69 Germany 33 Vt 32111 14 15 25 40 Vi 18 9 .... 2 S 29 36 21 9, 9 Oi To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate op State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FlLEiy FOR Record. April 22. 1879 May 13,1877 Aug. 23,1879 April 16. 188S Mar. 29,1882 Sept. Mar. June Sept. Sept 20.1877 2,18S3 20,1«78 17,1877 20, 1877 Aug. 8,1883 April 20.1880 Sept. 17.1SH1 Sept. 2:!, l■^^4 June 21,1882 June 14,1878 Jan. 31,1878 April 15,1884 April 10.1><83 Dec. 7,1882 Nov. Aug. Aug. Jan. Sept. 9, 1877 23. 1SS77 4, 1882 23,lh8o 11,1877 Oct. Dec. Nov. May June 24.1882 24, 1877 5,1883 14.1>s8" 13, 18>3 Feb. Nov. Mar. Nov. Jan. 15. 1878 22. 1877 5. 1818 3.1877 29.18:8 Apr. Feb. Jan. Dec. 1«,18S3 29. 1884 2.1^7H 17.1877 July 1.3,1882 Feb. June Jan. Aug. Apr. 26,1878 9. 18S3 5. 1^78 30,1-7; 26, 18S2 Oct. 29.1884 Sept. Feb. 14.18 13.1^78 9, ls7^ 2,1878 Apr. Apr. Feb. Oct. May 24 1878 26 1S8_' I'l, 18^2 23, 1877 15, 1882 Sept Aug. Aug. 1.1877 29.1 77 28,1883 Rush Me<1ical College (Chicago Homeopathic College Long Island College Hospital Woman's .Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hoston University School of Medicine Homeopathic Medical (College. Philadelphia. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago... Jefferson Medical College University of Berlin '... Christiana University, Norway Feb. April June Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Dec. 25, 1879 May 2,1879 June 24. 1874 Jan. 25,1882 April 21. 1882 April 4,1861'Mar. 20, 188;^ Mar. 6, 1878 June 24.1865 Dec. 1.1870,Dec. 1,1883 Oct. 25,1879 April 12, 1879, Sept. 23.1883 Sept. 28. 1875 July Rush Medical^ College Jefferson Medical College Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, University of Mich. Rush Medical College , Un i vers t y of Gottingen , . . . , Miami Medi(;al College Medical ('ollege of Ohio Medical Department, Western Reserve University. Chicago Medical College Pennsylvania Medical College University of Berlin ( hicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Physio-Medical College, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Women's Medical College, Pennsylvania Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College 5,1879 3, 1879 .30, 1878 19,1883 3. 1882 8, 1878 5. 1883 24, 1878 29, 1877 12,1877 10, 1883 27,1880 24, 1881 26.1884 8. 1852 Jan. 31,1878 Feb. 21.1878 Mar, ...1861 April 30, 1867 Mar. 22,1883 June 1.1883 June 24,1868 Dec- 14,1882 Feb. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. 16,1875 Jan. 10,1878 23,18(54 Sept. 24,1877 26, 1877 1 Sept. 7,1882 28, 1879: Jan. 23,1883 24,1863 Jan. 10,1877 Mar. 29,1881 Oct. 27,1882 Mar. 5.18535july 12,1884 April 29, 1882! Nov. 8,1883 Mar. 21.1876 June 29,1880 Feb. 20, 1883 June 15,1883 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Eighteen years' experience llush Medical College ^ College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Sixteen years' practice ) Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland \ King and Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Mich Hahnemann Medical ('ollege. Chicago Woman's Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago ..,1848 Apr. ... 1869 Jan. 14, 1868! Mar. 4,1861 Nov. 12, 1872! Feb. iMay 19, 1884 1 Feb Feb Mar. 12,1857 j Medical Department, McGill University , I Royal College of Physicians. London (■hicago Medical College , Rush .Medical College (Chicago Medical College Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania. .. riertiflcate of examination Medical School of Harvard University Kush Medical ('§llege , Hush Medical College , University of Berlin Oct. Dec. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. IMar. Oct, Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. 14. 1881 20. 1882 5, 1868 .., 1870 .., 1873 29,1876 23,1882 31,1883 25,1883 1.1866 22, 1875 10, 1878 4,1878 5. 1878 3,1877 6, 1878 1,188G • 28,1884 Jan. 5,1878 June 17.1884 July 19,1882 Feb. 26,1878 June 19,1883- Jan. 5,187^ Jan. 8,1878 May 8,1882 University of Strasburg Chicago Medical Colh-ge. Woman's Medical College, Chicago. Feb. Feb. Feb. Dec. Sept. Mar. Feb. Apr Jan. 5,1878|May 1836 Feb. May June Feb. Oct. May Dec. Dec. 14,1872 24, 1880 15,1876 8, 1862 10, 1841 9,1868 4,1881 9, 1883 9, 1878 6. 1878 4.1878 8.1882 18, 1882 23, 1877 24, 1882 8. 1877 31,1877 27. 18771 Sept. 26.1883 32 Official Eegister of Physicians City o£ Chicago. Name. Registered Residence and Post- Office. Pkac- TICE.* CD O Broe. Rudolph H Brooks. Almon Brooks, Jonathan W. Brophy, Truman W*. Brower, Daniel R Brown, Harry , Brown, Sarah A... Bruce, Susan E... Bryan, John C Brydon, James M. Buchan, John R Buchanan, Charles H.. Buchanan, Wallace W. Bueher, Charles A Buecking, Edward F... Buffum, Joseph H Bunker. William B Burbank, W. M Burke, Richard Henry. Burnett, Mary Weeks.. Burnside, A. W Burr. Albert H Burr. Nelson E Burrows, Eggleston. Burt, William H Burwash, Henry J. Butler, AlvinS Butler, Thomas O. Byford, Henry T... By ford, William H. Byrne, John H Caldwell, Charles Caldwell, Charles E. Caldwell, Charles P. Caldwell. Frances C. Caldwell, Juhet Camp, A. Royce Camp. Charles D Campbell, Augusta S. Canlleld. Corresta T. . Carder,' George H Carey, Thomas Lloyd. ^Carleman. Mauritz B., Carr, Wattson Carter, Charles H Mar. 29.1878 Jan. 14,1878 Oct. 27,1877 April 30, 1880 Jan. 12,1878 Nov. 13,1877 April 13, 1878 Sept. 21,1880 Feb. 21,1880 Oct. 19,1878 Dec. 29,1877 Dec. 31,1877 Nov. 21,1879 Sept. 20. 1877 April 20, 1880 IVlar. 23,1884 Feb. 7,1880 Sept. 16.1884 Mar. 24,1881 Mar. 24,1882 April 13,1881 April 30, 1884 Mar. 15,1883 Dec. 21,1877 July Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 19,1884 17, 1884 28,1881 27, 18?8 27, 1878 Feb. 20,1878 Oct. 15,1880 June 19,1878 Feb, 7,1878 Apr. 30,1883 Sept. Mar. May 21,1877 22,1878 14, 1879 Oct. May 27, 1882 9, 1882 Cary, Frank Ca-e, Lafayette W Cashman, David A Ca'iselberrv. William E. . . Chaffee, Charles W Chaffee. John B. Chandler. Geo. E Chapin, Elizabeth L (Jhew, John H Christie. Edmund Christie, John H Church, Nelson H Churchill, Frederick A. * Dentist. Jan. Dec. Mar. Mar. Sep. Apr. Jan. Feb. Dec. May Nov. Nov. May July Nov. May 9, 1878 17. 1877 30,1880 24,1883 15,1^77 2,1881 24,1883 4.1878 11, 1877 1, 1884 1.1881 ..,1881 2,1882 19, 1880 7,1877 10,1882 2935 S. Park av. 240 Wabash av.. 1832 Wabash av. 125 S. State 571 W- Adams.. Denmark. U. S Conn , 111 Pa 357 W. Monroe. 671 W. Lake... 265 N.May 1 Bryan pi 243 State 627 W. Indiana 390 Cottage Grove. 274 Forquer 439 W.Madison 561 W. Twelfth England. England. N. Brun. Ill Scotland. U. S Ill N. Scotia. N. Y 20 00 E. Washington 312 W. Indiana........ 388 Thirty-first Ashland av. and 47th. Central Music Hall... Penn. Ind... N. H. Wis.. 811 Washington bd. 584 State 126 State 233 Thirty -first 652 Washington bd.. 4301 Cottage Grove av.. 2334 Prairie av 63 Flournoy ., 125 S. State 1832 Indiana av : 231 W. Randolph. 815 Forty-third... 3859 S. State 3855 S. Halsted .. 137 W. Harrison.. 123 Lincoln ave 341 W. Adams... 169 Fourth av... 537 W. Monroe.. 244 Lincoln av... 368 Parkav..... 5l9j^ Van Buren 71 Sedgwick 325 W. Madison 1144 Milwaukee av.. St. Luke's Hospital. 384 N. Franklin 243 State 70 Monroe 2714 Wabash av 527 S. State 336 W. Madison..., 517 Dearborn av... 434 N. Clark 664 W. Nineteenth 869 W. Twenty-second. 820 S. Halsted W. Jackson U. S Ill Mass N. Y Canada.. Canada.. Mich England. Lnd Ohio 25 England. Mass Ill Ill Tenn Pa... Vt... Ohio. Ohio Ohio Mich Iowa;... Sweden. Va Ill Wis.. Conn. Mass. U. S.. Vt .... N. Y Vt Ill Md Canada. End N. Y Mich.... 33 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. CERTinCATB OF STATE BOAED OF HEALTH. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- CATE Filed FOR Record. Mar. 29,1878 Dec. 29,1877 Aug. 29.1877 April 19,1^^80 Aug. ...1877 Oct. April June July Oct. Aug. Jan. Feb. Sept. Aug. 5.18' 13, 18 8, 1880 29, 1879 5. 1878 ...1877 2.1878 29,18S4 10. 1877 ...1877 Chicago Medical College Medical Department, University of Virginia Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College. Medical Department, University of Georgetown. Medical Department, McGill University.. ;Woman's Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homoepathic Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana.. I Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 29,1878 July ..,18H5Jan. 14,1878 Mar. 4,l>35 0ct. 27,18?7 Feb. 24, 188'>| April ; 0.1880 Mar. 3, 1874 Jan. 12,1878 Mar. 18,1873 Nov. 13.1877 Mar. 2.1875 April 13,1878 Mar. 30.1880 Sept. 21.1880 Feb. 21.1877 Feb. 21.1880 Mar. 2,1875 Oct. 19,1878 Long Island College Hospital June 26.1872 "' " " ■" Feb. 15,1876 Mar. 13,1883 Jan. 24.]8(i4 Mar. 2,1876 April 13,1880 Mar. 15,1884 Dec. 24,1S77 Sept. 22, 1884 Oct. 5,1880 Jan. 25,1878 April 2,1881 Apr. 19,1884 Mar. 14,1883 Dec. 31,1877 Rush Medical College Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery.. Homeopathic Medical College of New York Rush Medical College Castleton Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago July Mar. Mar. Oct. Aug. 5.1884 15.1884 25. 1881 23, 1877 ...1877 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Columbus Medical College I Medical Department, Univ. of the City of NewYork. Western College of Homeopathic Medicine Medical Department, McGill University Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Ciiicago Medical College Medical College of Ohio Aug. ..,187 Oct. 4,1880 June 14,1878 Feb. 7,1878 Apr. 29.1883 Sept. Jan. May July Oct. Apr. Jan. Aug. Dec. Mar. Jan. Sep. Mar. Jan. Jan. Nov. Apr. Nov. Oct. Apr. 21.1877 30,18' 19,1879 12. 1881 24. 1882 27. 1882 2, 1878 30, 1877 10. 1877 23,1880 11,1883 ..,1877 30. 1881 11. 1883 28. 1878 21.1877 28,1884 1, 1881 4, 1877 28. 1882 Rush Medical College Medical School of Harvard University , Rush Medical College , Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Medical Department, University of Vermont Rush Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Chicago Medical College , Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Maryland Rush Medical College June 30,1880 Oct. 5,1877 Apr. 27,1882 Rush Medical College ^ Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania.., Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan, Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College, (Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College School of Medicine. University of Maryland Medical Department, McGill University , Medical Department, McGill University Rush Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Mar. Feb. June Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. July Feb.. Mar. Mar. Mar. July Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 3,1873 19, 1884 ..,1844 20,1883 27, 1879 .- 1853 29, 1881 1,1883 20. 1S77 10,1858 31,1879 21,1884 1,1881 13, 1873 4,1844 Dec. Jan. 29. 1877 24. 1878 Nov. 21.1879 Sept. 20.1877 Sept. Mar. Feb. Sept. May 20, 1880 25.1884 7, 1880 27,1884 24,1881 Apr. 13,1881 Apr. 30,1884 Mar. 15,1883 Dec- 21,1877 July Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 17, 1874] Feb. 17,1867!Oct. 21,1877iJune 21,1876iFeb. 13, 1883 Apr. 19,1884 17. 1884 28. 1881 27, 1878 27, 1878 20.1878 15. 1880 19, 1878 7, 1878 30.1883 28, 1877] Mar. 7,1878 23, 18(i8 Mar. 22, 1878 25. 1879 1,1881 23, 1872 2,1882 ..,18«8 3,1869 ..,1844 24. 1880 May 24,1879 6et'"27."i882 May 9,1882 Ja"n."24,'i878 Dec. 17,1877 Mar. 30,1830 21,1882 Mar. 2,1870 Jan. 22.1881 Sep. ..,1879 Jan. 30,1865 Feb. 21, 1877 Jan. 6, 1866 May 1,1881 Mar 7. 18631 Nov. 31. 1882 May 24, 1883 23. 1878 2. 1881 24, 1883 4,1878 11.1878 1.1884 14. 1882 ...1881 2. 1882 31.1875 July 19,1880 3,1869 Oct. ...1877 2,1882lMay 10,1882 —3 84 Official Kegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Registered o W o o Residence and Post- office. % M < Kl Pbac- TICE.* . Name. .— 05 Clacius, Charles E June 9,188-i May 17,ls83 Aug. 18,1 81 Oct, 6,1883 Jan. 28,187^ Jan. 15.187» Apr. 6. 188. Aug. 30.1877 Nov. 3 187^ R R R R R R R It E H R R R R R R H H H H R R H R H E E H R R H R H R R R R R R R R R E R R H R R R R R ' 322 W. Madi'^on . 5( 29 45 27 5() 52 23 58 55 2b 2(. 24 42 29 33 31 34 42 29 39 32 52 48 29 37 26 35 33 21 24 28 34 45 36 34 31 49 35 3^. 29 31 26 2^ 4(1 42 36 28 27, 35 60 24 34 25 24 30 50 22 Gerniany. Canada... N. Y N. Y •Clancy, Cornelius L Claik, Charles M 525 W. VanBuren 1»»47 W. Adams "32 "2(> Clark, Fr^iderick P. F 282 State Clark, J ohn S 558 LaSalle av . N.Y Kv 35 26 "2i 27 2 15 1 11 5 22 21 Clark, Thomas A 168 S. Halsted Clark, Ward Greene Clarke VVilliam E 259 Dearborn av 690 W. Monroe N?^Y.;.;.;. ' onn Ohio Mass Iowa Ill England.. N.Y Ill : "12 CUirv VVilliam J 3509 Cottage Grove 3424 Calumet av Cobb, Joseph P Apr. 18.1583 Nov. 6, 1884 April 18,1881 Feb. 9,1884 .... Coe Charles M Cook County Hospital.. 3102 S. State 2!>27 Archer av 15- Coker William W .... Colburn, J. Elliott 126 State .. .... Colby, Benjamin Dorr — Mar. 22,1884 Apr. 5.1884 Apr. 1.1 82 Apr. 6,1882 Sept. 19,18b-l Dec. 20,1883 Apr. 23.188S Jan. 4, 1S78 Dec. 31.1877 Jan. 2, 1880 Nov. 24,1877 Dec. 31.1877 June 9,1881 July 2«,1881 Jan. 6,1883 May 10.1879 Oct. 29.1881 July 24.1879 Sept. 27.1884 Dec. 1.1882 Jan. 7, 1878 Sept. 10.1877 Feb. 18,1878 Jan. 7, 1878 Feb. 11.1881 Nov. 3.1883 Mar. 28.1881 June 5.1880 May 29, 1884 Feb. 18.1878 Jan. ^4,1878 Feb. 27,1884 Mar. 5,1878 Jan. 18.1884 Aug. 1,1881 Sept. 22, 1877 Apr. 2.1883 April 5,1878 652 W. VanBuren 2474 Archer av 64 Ogden av Collins, Dennis 4 Coliister, John S N. Y Ohio N.Y N J 3 6 1 Colwell, Benjamin L Cunant, Robert W Condict, Alice B 31114 Calumet av 93 Laflin 236 LaSalle av 6 Cook, Henry H 27 N. Clark 271 Chicago av. . U.S Canada... R.I Canada... Tenn Mich c^anada... Conn N Y ...... n 31 25 7 6 7 3 7 Cooke, Alexander H ^ Cooke, Nicholas F 58 State 22 Copeland, William L Co pp. Benjamin D 719 Washington bd 126 W Jackson Cory, Alphonso L 4101 S. State 5 Coulter, Hugh A. 235 State 1 Crafts, Edward P 83 Madison 3 Crandall, Fredrick L 435 Wcibash av 3452 S. Halsted Crane, Francis J N Y Crawford. Alexander K. .. 5:6 Wabash av 2840 8. State 2733 S. Patkav Scotland.. Creighton, Charles J England.. Creighton, Martha J N.Y Ireland . . . Ohio N.Y II::::::. N.Y ill Sweden... '"8 5 10 20 7 8 4 Cronin. Philip H Clark and Oak . Cross, Edwin H 596 Sheffield av 237 N. Clark 887 Ashhind av 1925 Wabash av 3 10 13 Cunningham, George P... Curran, Patrick .... Curtis, Lester 7 Curtis, Watson H 1x9 Randolph 177 Blue Island av 2443 Wentworth av I»i50 Milwaukee av 125 State. Ill S. Robev 4 Cyner, Charles E Dahlberg, Alfred 4 Dal, John W. N. Y u. s : vt 2 Dale, Henry C Damon, Orison B 8 Danf orth, Isaac N 294 W. Madison . . . vt 17 n David, J. C , Davis, Charles Gilbert.... Central Music Hall.... 240 Wabash av Pa Mo N.Y Ky N. Y 1 17 1 Davis, E. Parker Presbyterian Hospital. 163 State 65 Randolph 6') Randolph 1 1 Davis, John G. 13 Davis.N. S 2g Davis, Jr., N. S Ill Ohio Ill '13 1 Davis, Wilson H E V)R. .^ Sil-MtM 11 Davison, Charles Rise cor.West'ri av &Mad H 17;S4 Waha.^h mv Day Francis B Nov. 22.1883 Feb. 4,1881, Aug. 21.1884 u. 8. ".:.... N.Y France.... Holland.. 1 2, 9^ 1 Day, Louise e R '2 30,1.^:82 26, 1880 17, 1883 21, 1883 Dep't of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. 29,1877 Medical Dep't, University of the City of New York. 2,1878i Homeopathic Mndical CoLege, Philadelphia Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 20.1883 Mar. 4, 18.^^,7 June 25,1883 B^eb. 1,1843 Mar. 1, 1852 Feb. 21,18S2 June 10,18(5 Feb. 23,1S5J Feb. 20.1883 Mar. 13.1883 Mar. 29.18S1 Aug. 3, 1872 Feb. 29,1877 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. 19.1880 Feb. 23,ls82 Feb. 26.1882 Apr. 4,1879 Mar. 1,1883 '^ i«77 J Royal College Suigeons, London o. 10// ) Medical Department, McGill University. 27.1877 2,1878 9, 1881 23, 1884 24, 1882 7, 1879 Rush Medical College. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College i Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 26.1872 6.1816 1. 1854 23. 1X73 28.1^7.' 1,1871 2.5.1871 22,1X81 ...1871 21. 1882 4, 187lt Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Missouri Medical Col lege Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. April 7,1880 June 20.1879 Sept. 23,1884 Nov. 21.1882 Jan. 5,1878 Aug. 29,1877 RushMedical College April 1,1878 Rush Medical College Jan. 8,1878, Department of Medicine nnd Surg., Univ. of Mich, Jan. 13, 1878jiLong Island Hospital College.. Nov. 26,1883i RushMedical College.., Mar. Mar. May Feb. Jan. Feb. 26,1880 Feb. 25,1879 Feb. 2i.l 84 Mar. 5.1878 June 25,1872 Feb. 21.1877 Feb. ...1S67 Mar. 3i», !8*:5 June 26,1873;Fel Feb. 25, 1^79, Nov June 9.1882 May 17.1883 Nov. 27,1880 Oct. 6, 1883 Jan. \pr. Aug. Dec. Apr. .Vov. Apr. Feb. 15,1878 6. 1882 30. 1X77 23. 1879 18. 1883 6.1884 18. 1881 9, 1884 Mar 22,1884 Apr. \pr. \pr. Sept. Dec. 5.1884 1,1882 6,1882 19. 1881 20, 1883 Apr. 23.18«3 June 19. 1878 Jan. 7.1878 Jan. 28.1878 Nov. 24.1877 Tan. June July Jan. May 7,1878 9 1X81 2f^.l88t 6. 1S83 10,1879 Oct. 29,1881 May 21,1^79 Sept. 27,1884 Dec. 1.1x^2 Jan. 7,1878 Sept. 10.1877 Feb. 18.1878 F^b. 4.1878 11.1^81 30. 1x83 25,1881 Rush Medical College Feb. 22.188llMar. 23,1878 Chicago Medical College Mar. 5.1878 June 21,1884; Bennett College Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Mar. 25. 1881 May 18,1878 Medical School of Harvard University Mar. 7.1866 Feb. 14,1878 Medical Department, Dartmouth College ..jNov. 6,1861iJan. Feb. Nov. Jan. July Sept. Mar. Nov. May Nov. Feb. 22,1878 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago .. -lA •jo-.^'j Missouri Medical College iMar. 11.187t ' 1 I Medical Department, University of Virginia 15,1884 29, 1881 17,1877 31, 1883 3, 1877 9,1883 2, 1883 1,1881 June 8,1881 Feb. 21.1884 July Rush Medical College iFeb. ) Bellevue Hospital Medical College iMur. I Medical Department, University of Georgetown.. Dee. Fairfield Medical College Jan. Chicago Medical College 'Mar. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb. Chicago Mndicatot'ollege Nov, Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Mar. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Mar. Feb. 21,1878!Feb. Mar. University of Sucre. Bolivia Rush Medical College July Feb. 3, 1873 21.1SX2 Jan. 11 i^ti^;^"**- 31, 1837 May I 27.1883 \pr. 14. 1-65, April 1, 18X4 . . . . 1. 18-^2 Nov. 27, 1879 Feb. ...1X60 Aug. 19,1884iFeb. 28. 1881 6. 1880 29,1,^84 18. 1<78 14.1818 27. 1884 5.1878 18. 1884 1.1881 4. 1878 2. 18^3 5, 1878 22.1883 4.1881 21.18S4 Z\ 1884 33 Official Kegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name. Registebed Residence and Post- office. Pbac- TICE.* CD O Pa DeBey, Gerardus B . . . DeBey, William Deggeller. John , DeLaMatyr. E. B Delemater, N. B DeVeny, S. Charles ... Dewey. Charles A DeWitt, JohnH DeWolf. Oscar C Dexter, Ransom Dickerson, Louise A.. Dickey, Fines J Dietrich, Henry J Diven, Adelia Barlow. Dobbin, Annette S Jan. Jan. Jan. May 7, 1881 July 31,1880 Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 27,1877 Nov. 9,1881 Dodge, David Dodge, Lewis Doering, Edmund J , Donoghue, Elizabeth B.. Doolittle, William H Dorland, Edwin H.. Dorland, Walter L. . Drury, Frank H Dudle.y E. C Duncan, Thomas C. Aug. 3, 1882 Jan. 30,1878 Jan. 12,1882 Feb. 13,1878 Nov. 17,1877 July 13.1881 Mar. 29,1>81 June 29,1878 Dec. 8, 1883 Mar. 9, 1880 April 9,1884 June 11,1878 Oct. 31,1877 Duncanson, Alexander A. Durselen, Charles N , Dyas, George K , Dyas, William Godfrey... Earle, C. Warrington Eaton, David P Eddy, Ellen Augusta. Edgar, William H Edwards, Edward W. Egan, Daniel Ehinger, Clyde E Eldred, William H Eldridge, Cornelius 8. Ellingvvood, Finley Elliott, Henry ■.. Jan. Feb. Jan. Jan. Dec. 24. 1878 20, 1878 19, 1878 23.187 29, 187 Elliott, William W Ellsberry. Isaac N Eltzholtz, Josephine C Ely, Charles F Emmons. Francis A Emerick, George M Engert, Rosa H Epler, Ernest G , Ermine, Lucy Eastman. Eskridge, J. H Estabrook. William W.. Etheridge, James H Euans, Benjamin L Evans, C. Horace Everett, Edward Everson, William Knight. E well, Marshall D Ewing. Elizabeth Wilson. Ewing, George V Jan. 24,1883 April 4,1883 June 15,1880 Feb. 16,1878 April 1,1881 May 17,1881 Mar. 27,1884 Dec. 31.1877 July 19,1884 June 2,1884 July Jan. Dec. Nov. Jan. 24. 188: 12, 1883 4. 1883 16. 1877 19. 1878 Sept. 6.1877 Jan. 12,1878 April 19.1883 Oct. 20, 1884 Sept. 7.1877 Sept. 22. 1884 Jan. 29,1878 July 6,1881 Sept. 11,1878 May 9, 1882 Jan. 15.1878 April 21.1884 Sept. 19,1884 Sept. 16. 1884 Feb. 26,1884 Jan. 11.1878 5, 187} 14,1882 H 21.1878 H 418 W. Harrison... 305 W. Harrison .. 325 Blue Island av 813 N. Clark 125 State 2437 Indiana av 207 Thirty-first 240 Wabash av 439 Washington bd. 76 Madison 271 Michigan av. 511 Wabash av... 312 Sedgwick.... 13*^ Campbell av. 676>6 N. Madison 182 W. Twelfth. 219 Ohio 2406 Prairie av.. 323 Chicago av, 165 Eighteenth . 215 Hoyne av... 892 W. Lake. ... 630 W.Indiana. 70 Monroe 670 W.Monroe.. H 1728 W.Madison. 2524 S. State 107 Clark 592 W. Adams 535 Washington bd. II 2801 State E 44 N. May E J4301 Cottage Grove. R ]2536 Wabash av R 12871 Archer av 62 S.Ada 69Kinzie 70 State 3732 State 194 Dearborn. 46 Honore Block 170 Thirty-first 141 8. Wood Central Music Hall. 119 Madison 467 W. Chicago a v.. 15 S. May Cook Co. Hospital. 188 Thirty-fifth 811 Forty-third 537LaSalle av.. 65 Randolph 240 Indiana 544 W. North. av. 126 State 2218 Indiana av.. 170 Washington. 673 W.Jackson-. 673 W. Jackson.. 27 Holland . . 32 Holland . . 3S|Switzerl'd 41iN.Y 35iN. Y 24lWis. 111. Mass Ontario. 36 Mich 30 111 31 swit'rland 3i:n. Y 42 111 62|Vt 61iN. Y 30| Germany. 42 Ireland... 27IN. Y 38IN. Y Ohio U.S.. Mass . 63!Rngland. 34 Germany Ireland Ireland . . U. S 30iVt... 37 N. Y. N. Y... Md Ireland. 23jIowa. 26N. Y. 36 111.... 25lnd... 30 'England. 49iKy 43;Ohio , 30 Denmark. 37 111. 25111 49 Germany 22U. S 35!\m 28II11 57 Canada.... .33N. Y 26 Ohio 31 Penn 28N. Y 58 Pa.... 391 Mich 44|Ohio , 53lOhio . 20 37 32 15 32 37 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for. Record. Feb. Dec. Oct. Jan. Dec. Feb. Mar. July Aug. Oct. 21,1884 15,1877 29,1877 11, i88r Rush Medical College Ten years' practice University of Munich Western College of Homeopathic Medicine Feb. 19.1884 20,1877j Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago June 9,1864 Mrjr. 1.1860 Feb. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. i873,Jan. 26. 1884 11. 1878 5, 1878 14,1882 21,1878 23,1880 12, 1881 21.1880 18.1877 27, 1877 Nov. 1.1881 Oct. 28,1884 Aug. 1.1882 Aug. 30.1877 June 8.1882 Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania.. Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Jefferson Medical College University of City of New York Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan, Woman's Medical College, Chicago Pulte Medical College . , Sv^iss Medical Council, Zurich Woman's Medical College. Chicago Woman's Medical College, Chicago Mar. 24,1871 Feb. 24,1881 May 7,1881 Mar. 13,18801 Mar. 2.1858 Jan. 30,1878 Mar. 26,lh62Dec. 27,1877 Nov. Nov. July Mar. Oct. Sept. Mar. April April Sept. Nov. Feb.- Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. May Sept. Mar. April Mar. Jan. Feb. jg^-, I ( National Medical College Rush Medical College 15,1877; Homeopathic Medicnl College of Philadelphia 11.1881 Chicago Medical College 25.1881, Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago 29.1877 Rush Medical College 14. 1880 1.1880 9,1884 16.18781 11.18771 Medical College of Ohio , Cleveland Medical College , M^■dical Department, University of Vermont Long Island Hospital College , Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago 15.18771 20.1878 23.1877 3.18771 28.18771 23.1883; 26.18831 20.1880; ...1877: 30. 1881 I 30.18811 25.1884 2.1878 21,1878; Western College of Homeopathic Medicine. Medical College of Ohio Chicago Medical College Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Washington University School of Medicine Rush Medical College May 27,1884; Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College H omeopathic Medical College, New York , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. j Royal College of Surgeons, London I Royal College of Physicians, Edinburg.l , Dec. 25,1877 Missouri Medical College Sept. 8,18771 Starling Medical College Nov. 28.1883: Chicago Homeopathic Medical College.... Nov. 15.1877 Homeopathic Medical College, New York. Aug. 9.1877} Rush Medical College Sept. ...1877i Dec. 15,18771 April 19,18831 Oct. 8. 1884 Sept. 4,1877 Sept. 19.1884 Oct. 5.1S77 July 29,1879 Oct. 5, 1878 May 29,1882 Aug. 13.1877 April 19. 1884 Aug. 9.1884 Aug. 9, 1884 Chicago Mpdical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago. (Chicago Medical College Woman's Medical College Rush Medical College Pennsylvania Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, University of Mich. Homeopathic Memcal College. Philadelphia Hahnemann Medical College. Ohio Eclectic Medical College, Philadelphia Chicago Medical College Woman's Medical College. Chicago Cleveland Medical College Mar. Mar. Aug. July Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 1.1881 Nov. 9.1881 4.1879;... 21. 1873 1 Aug. 3,18S2 29. 1876' Jan. 30,1878 28.1882 July 12.1882 2.1841 Feb. 15,1878 20,1871 2,1850 Nov. 12.1874 July 21.1881'Mar. 29.1881 19,1876iJune 29,1878 17.1877 13, 1881 Mar. 1.1880! Dec. 8,1883 Mar. 12,1874 Mar. 9,1880 June 28,1881 April 16,1884 June 24,1875 June 30.1879 Mar. 1,1866 Oct. 31,1877 Mar. 10,1858 Jan. Mar. —.1873 Feb. Mar. 21.1869 Jan. Jan. 7.1845 Jan. Mar. 22,1870 Dec. 24, 1878 20. 1878 19.1878 23. 1878 29. 1877 Mar. 28, 1882 Jan. 24.18^3 Mar. 20,1883 April 4,18&3 Mar. 2.3.1880 June 15,1880 Feb. 20.1846 Feb. 16.1878 Feb. 22.1881 April 1,1881 Mar. 30,188o'May 17,1881 Feb. 21. 1882; Feb. 21,1882 Mar. 1. 1868: Jan. 7.1878 Feb. 28, 1878! April 11.1878 Mar. 25.1879!t,,_„ o icoi Jan. 4.1879*^"^^ ^'^^^^ Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. 4.1875 28, 1861 2.1881 11.1877 ....1863 July 24,1882 Jan. 12.1883 Dec . 4, 1883 Jan. 19.1878 Mar. 13, 1873 April 17.1878 Feb. 27, 1873 Jan. 12.1878 Mar. 27, 1883 April 20. 1882 April 2-2.1884i Feb. 15.1876iSept. 7,1877 Mar. Feb. 5, 1847, Sept. 4. 1869' Jan. Mar. 26. 1878' July Mar. 1.1869 Oct. Feb. 23. 18821 May 22. 1884 29.1878 6. 1881 23. 1878 9. 1882 Mar. 2,l»52:jan. 15.1878 Mar. 26. 18841 April 21.1884 April 22,1884 Sept. 19.1884 Mar. 3. 18521 Sept. 16.1884 33 Official Kegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name. Registered 00 o W o o Residence and Posr- OrricE. i > * I2! > M Prac- tice.* — CD Falls, Samuel Kemp Sept. 18.1884 April 8.1881 Oct. 7,1881 R H R R R H R R R R R R R R R R R R E R H H R R H H R R H E E R R H K R R R R R R R li R R R E R 1^. R R E R R '330 S. Halsted j .321 Can aria.. 9 Farnham. Mary C 674 Fullerton av il42 Lincoln av. 42 32 iN. Y ... Tarr. Albert L 'Vt, 1 1 24 17 ■*i3 ' Feder Henry C 125 State 27 Canada.. 63|Germany. 44N.Y 44 Ohio".'."."'.". 39 Gfirmanv Fellbrich, Joiin Jan. 30,1878 Aug. 8,1878 Oct. 13,1877 June 20.1S78 Feb. 9. 1883 July 12,1884 April 12,1881 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 30.1878 Dec. 7,1877 Mar. 9,1880 Dec. 20,1877 June 24,1S84 Apr. 8.188(1 Jan. 28,1H78 Jan. 4.1878 Jan. 10,1878 Oct. 26.1877 Feb. 8, 1878 Mar. 28,1881 Apr. 1,1882 Sept. 25,1883 194 Clark 19 Fellows, H. Barton 2969 Indiana av 7 Fenger. Christian . 68 Madison 3(130 Michigan av 955 Milwaukee av ' Ashley and Thirty-first. 2704 Wentworth av 290 W. Twelfth Fenn, Curtis Treat Fernitz Gustav . . 13 2 Finucane, Andrew D ?4 III Finlev, Joseph J 25 32 49 48 42 30 46 29 40 39 27 44 32 23 55 27 33 24 31 41 43 42 32 30 27 40 41 35 33 29 64 37 29 23 -58 25 57 22 ■^1 ^4 38 40 37 48 28 Ill Austria.... Vt Pa * 7 26 26 Fischer, Gustavus.... " 6 Fitch. Calvin M 645 W.Madison 296 W. Monroe.. 9'^ Fitch, T. Davis '?6 FitzGerald, Francis W 420 Pullman Bld'g 112 Washington bd 4209 Walcott av W. India Fleming. J. McLean Fletcher, James W Scotland.. Ky Austria.... Norway... N.H...:... N. H Canada... Canada... Ill Conn 5 21 4 11 12 5 10 9 2 6 Folbrecht, Joseph Fosa, Laurentz 136 W. Twelfth 1078 Michigan av 779 W. Monroe. li Foster, Addison H. 10 Foster, Frederick H 83 Madison <^ Foster, R. Norman 10 Warren av 9 Fraser, Donald 279 Blue Island av 224 Ontario Freer, Otto T ? French, S. M. 61 Twentv-third . Fuller. Charles G (Central Music Hall 1593 Milwaukee av 170 State u. s England 2 .... Gandey, Thomas R. ... Gardiner, Edwin J Mar. 29.1880 D. C 9 Gardiner, Frank H 126 State Lid :::■.■.■.: Ind 1 6 1 Garrison, Amos L Dec. 31,1877 Feb.'*"4."i878 Jan. 5. 1878 Nov. 19.1883 May 1, 1883 485 Clark 4 Garrison. H. D 3625 Vincennes av 751 Washington bd 125 State 10 Garrott, Erasmus . .... Md Ohio Ohio.. ... U. S 22 2 7 6 Gaston. Emma F ? Gatchell. Charles B Gates. William S 2432 Michigan av 495 Lincoln av. 3 Gawrzyjeiski, Paul Geiger, H-^nry June 10,1884 Jan. 9.1878 April 3,1882 May 20.1881 Peb. 16.1880 June 25.1878 June 19. 1878 June 17,1881 June 4. 1884 Sept. 28.1877 Peb. 7. 1884 Feb. 18.1878 Jan. 16,1878 May 20,1880 Dec. 31.1877 Apr. 10,1884 Sept. 3, 1877 May 8, 1880 May 1,1883 Apr. 29,1882 Jan. 30,1883 875 Milwaukee av 491 N. Clark Germany. Germany. Ohio Pa 1 11 4 10 2 35 13 6 \i) Geutsch. Ferd H Getz, H. Landis 318 Division 223 Ontario Gibson, Robert C 494 Wabash av Pa N. Y Ohio I'a 1 Gill. Matthew 208 N. Clark Oilman, John E ^155 Washington bd 70 Monroe 10 Gilmore, Arnold P Godsman, Paul B Paulina and 22d England.. Goodner, George W Goodsmith. William P 369 Twenty-second 44N. Wells 101 Washington bd Central Music Hall 110 Clybourne av KM Warren av [11 Md 9 8 Gore, Joel R Pa....:... Germany. Denmark. Ill Mass Ill Pa 28 3 11 5 "lO 14 '>,?, Gradle, Henry 1 Graham, Christian P Graham, David W 7 Graves, Kate r 3629 Vincennes av 722 W. Lakp. Gray, Allen W . 10 Griiy, John T 181 W. Madison Green, Marv E 2119 Clark u. a Greeno, H. S 202 state N.Y N. Y 20 7 Gregory, Idris Helen 739Larrabee 2 39 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago* Oebtificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed fob Record. Sept. Mar. Oct. May Jan. Oct. Oct. Aug. Feb. July Apr. Nov. Jan. Oct. Mar. 15. 1884 3(1, 1881 5.18S1 10. 188 i 28, 1878 26. 1877 13. 1877 12. 1878 2.1>

i4 Feb. -.1871 Mar. 11,1874 Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Mar. Sept. 18.1884 Apr. 8. 1881 Oct. 7, 1881 Jan. 30,1878 Aug. 8, 1878 Nov.' " 2 i,' 1878 Feb. 2,1883 July 12,1884 Apr. 12,1881 June 21.1878 Jan. 30. 1878 Dec. 17.1877 Mar. 9, 1880 Dec". 20.1877 June 24.1884 Apr. 8.1880 Jan. 28, 1878 Jan. 4, 1878 Jan. 10.1878 Oct. 26,1877 Feb. 8. 1878 Mar. 28,1881 Apr. 1. 1882 Sept. 18,1884 Mar. 29,1880 Dec. 31.1877 Feb. Jan. 4, 1878 5, 1878 Nov. 19.-1S83 May 1. 1883 June 10,1884 April 3.1882 May 20,1884 Feb. 16,1880 June 25.1878 June 19.1878 June 17.1881 17. 1884 June 4.1884 10,186!) Sept. 28,1877 20, 1883 Feb. 7,1884 8.1850 Feb. 18.1878 10, 18741 Jan. 22,1878 Mar. 2, 1876 May 20,1880 July l.lH72Dec. 31,1877 xMar. 25.1884 April 10.1884 Mar. 4.18K8Sept. i>5.1877 Feb. 28.1879 May 8,1880 Mar. 22, 1883 May 1,1883 Mar. 15. 1882 Apr. 29,1882 Mar. 29, 1876 Jan. 30,1883 40 Official Eegister of Physicians. City- o£ Chicago. Name. Registered O O O Residence and Post- office. Prac- tice. * 03 |>— Griffin, Byron W. Aug. 24,1878 Dec. 27,1«77 Feb. 13.1878 Jan. 31,1878 Dec. 29,1877 Mar. 1,1878 July 28,1881 Dec. .19.1877 Oct. 17,1879 May 11,1882 Jan. 3.1878 Oct. 18,1881 Dec. 12,1882 June 19.1878 July 10,1878 Oct. 7,1881 Nov. 3, 1877 April 20.1882 Jan. 7, 1878 Oct. 17,1883 Sept. 29,1881 Sept. 12,1877 July 11,1881 Sept. 27,1884 June 28,1878 Nov. 17,1877 Nov. 3,1882 Apr. 23,1^84 Jan. 21,1878 Nov. -21,1883 Mar. 28,1883 Feb. 25.1878 Nov. 21.1877 Sept. 22.1881 June 21,1878 Sept. 24,1884 Oct. 15,1879 Mar. 26,1884 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Oct. 29,1880 Oct. 6,1877 Mar. 1,1881 May 20,1879 June 22,1883 Aug. 13.1879 Apr. 3,1884 Jan. 14,1878 Apr. 18,188S Oct. 29,1877 Apr. 3,1882 May 16, 1884 R R H H H R E R H E R R R H H E R R R H R R R R R R R R R E E R E R H R R H R R R H H R R R E R R R R R R R R R R H R 296 W. Monroe 32 56 50 45 45 38 33 32 25 32 60 26 32 49 44 38 25 37 Ohio N. Y Me N.Y U.S Ireland. .. Ala Ill ........ Ohio 3 24 28 19 S Griswold, William R •22 Park av 24 10 Gross, ivfaria M Palmer House. -|(V Grosvenor. Leniuel C 185 Lincoln av 12 12 Guerin, John 3102 State 12 9 3 12 Gain William L . 283 Clark . g Gurnea, George VV Gwvnne, Evan E. 351 Clark f69 Sedgwick Haas, Archibald 505 S. Canal Mo Germany. N.Y....... S;l :::::: N. Y W.Va Conn Ohio 5 36 1 "28 Hahn, Herman J 548 N. Wells 5 Haight, Vincent 1003 W. Madison 436 W. Adams Haines, Walter S Hale, Edwin M 65 Twenty-second 2400 Prairie av 1607 W. Forty-seventh .. 2 Washington Place 676 W. Indiana 16 Hall. George A 22! K. Hall. John L. S 10 3 14 6 1 3 40 Hall, "Junius M ,... 1 Hall, Randolph N Hall, Roberts 848 W. Harrison 36!Mass 25 U. S 6 Hall, Walter A 113 Locust Hall, WilHamE 3600 Dearborn av 1300 Wabash av 28 Mass 76 Ohio 3 Hamill, Robert C . . 32: Hammon, Glenn M. 173 Blue Island av 628 W. Adams V4 Pa. Hammond, Jabez D 24 45 40 31 23 30 26 39 n.y::::::; Hanson, Zenas P 304 Washington bd 241 Blue Island av 163 State... Me........ Canada... U.S U.S ('onn Wis 17 10 8 ""l 10> Harcourt. Luke A ^ Harper, John E Harris, Malcolm L Harrison, Wallace K 482 Milwaukee av 191 Clark i Hart, Marvin G 54 State Hasse, Frederick .570 Milwaukee av 3146 Wabash av Germanv Halfleld, Marcus P 29N.Y '.. ■■'5r"5. Hathaway, R. W 344 W.Monroe. 61 26 35 40 49 23 27 63 35 36 31 24 21 60 25 55 26 26 y.1 N.Y Mass... 28 irt Haven Joseph 178 Washington bd Central Music Hall. .... 125 State. Hawkes. William J Pa 11 17 26 10 Hawlfey, George Fuller.... Conn D. C Mass 1 Hay, Walter 243 State "^0 Hayes, Edwin A 172 VanBuren Haves, Plvmmon S 240 Wabash av Ohio Ohio N.Y N.Y Ill 5 27 "ii 1 5- i ayes, Justin 167 Wabash av 15 Hayner, Jennie E 182 S. Sangamon Central Music Hall 67 Rush Hedges. Samuel P ._. Heegaard, Bettie Louise. . 11 1 Helm, Ernesto Wentworth av. & 25th st 209 Thirty-first Wis Helm, Scott U. S Helmuth, Carl A 206Ohio W Chicago av. & Wood 672 W. Monroe Germany. Wis 34 31 Hemmi, Stephen A.. I emptead, Charles W Mo U. S 26 93 I: cndersoD, James E 367 Wabash av Henrotin, Fernand Hequembourg, Julian E.. Herz, Karl ... 166 Dearborn av , Central Music Hall 290 N Wells U.S N.Y Austria :: .... Hess. Frederick A Oct. 8, 1877 Sept. 12,1877 May 2, 1884 Jan. 2,1878 Sept. 4,1877 May 1.1884 Sept. 11.1884 241 Milwaukee av 267 Erie '>7 Norway. . . 5 20 20 15 15 6 Hessert, Gustav 42 44 41 38 36 40 Germany. Germany. Germany. Va 10 Henchling, Theodore W .. 509 N.Clark ?, Heymann, Hermann 249 N. Clark 13 Higgins. Charles C 135 8 Clark 13 Higgins, George H Hildebrand. Max 58 State England. . 211LaSalle av Germany. 12 41 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Ceetificate or State Boabd op Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate Filed- FOE Becoed. • Jan. 8, 1878 Dee. 27,18?7 Sept. 10,1877 Jan. 5,1878 Dec. 24,1877 Aug. -,1877 Dec. 29.1877 Sept. 6,1877 May 19.1879 Apr. 26,1882 Jan. Oct. Dec. June Oct. 3.1878 14, 1881 9, 1882 1,1878 5,1877 Sept. 17,1881 Sept. 10,1877 Mar. 29,1882 Oct. 29,1877 Oct. 16,1883 Knsh Medical College Albany Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Certificate of examination, University of Berlin... Bellevue Hospital Medical College Chicago Medical College Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College of Philadelphia Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Boston University School of Medicine Apr. Sept. July Sept. Feb. 24,1879 Rush Medical College 11 i»77 } License, Cincinnati Coll. of Medicine and Surgery ^^'^^"l } Rush Medical College 6.1881! Rush Medical College 23,1884| Rush Medical College 26,1878 Rush Medical College Nov. 13,1877 Medical Department University of Buffalo Oct. 31. 1882 Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Anril 19,1884 Rush Medical College Jan. 21, 1878| Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Aug. 31,18!53| Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Mar. 26,1883 Feb. 20,1878 Nov. 21,1877 Sept. 17,1881 Sept. 1?,1877, Sept. 22,1884 Feb. 5,1878 Mar 25,1884 Aug. 25,18;7 Aug. 24,1877 Aug. Oct. Feb. Apr. May Aug. Mar. Nov. Apr. Oct. Mar. May Aug. Sept. Apr. Nov. Sept. Apr. Sept. 10. 1880 5, 1877 22. 1881 22, 1879 5, 18^3 30,1877 31, 18S1 21. 1877 16. 1883 29, 1877 29.1882 12, 1844 29, 1877 12, 1877 28. 1884 21, 1877 4, 1877 28, 1884 8, 1884 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Chicago Medical College Syracuse Eclectic Medical CoHege Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York.... National Medical College _ Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College , Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland , Woman's Medical College, College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic .Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College , Certificate of examination. University of Berlin... Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania... Chicag. . Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College University of Prague Rush Medical College University of WuiEburg University of Wurzburg.. University of Bonn Medical Department, State University of Jowa. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College ,. University of Berlin Feb. May Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Feb. Feb. Mar. July Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15.1876 Aug. 2«.1878 31, 1853, Dec. 27,1877 1,1851 1 1 Feb. 13,1878 —,1859, Jan. 31,187& 25.1864 Dec. 29,1877 — 1866 19, 1873 21, 1877 27, 1879 Oct. 28, 1882 May Mar. July Dec. 31,1841 1,1880 13,1873 2,1859 1, 1856 Jan. Oct. Dec. Jan. July 1.1878 28,1881 19. 1877 17,1859 11, 1882 3, 1878 18. 1881 12. 1882 1.1878 10. 1878 Feb. 21,1879 Oct. 7,1881 Mar. 3,1874 Nov. 3,1877 Feb. 21, 1882 April 20, 1882 Jan. 17, 18721 Jan. 7.1878 June 3, 1882 Oct. 17,^383^ Feb. 2(1.1878 Mar.28,1838 ( beb.25.1861 ) Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. ..,1861 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Oct. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. 25,1868 19,1878 21,1«82 21,1877 20, 1883 Sept. 29, 1881 Sept. 12,1877 July 11,1881 Sept. 27, 1884 June 28,1878 Nov. 17,1877 Nov. 3,1882 April 23,1884 Jan, 21,1878 Nov. 21,1883 20,1883 Mar. 28,1883 12,1872 Feb. 25,1878 ...1850 Nov. 21,1877 24,1880 Sept. 22,1881 1, 1867 1 June 21,1878 10, 18841 ?!ept. 24,1884 6.1853 Oct. 15,1871^ 21,1884 17, 1872 10,1850 2, 1880 ...1867 30,1880 4.1879 20,1883 Mar. Apr. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Aug. Jan. Mar. Dec. ....1844 25, 1884 2, 1852 27,1883 5, 1868 21, 1882 9, 1884 19, 1873 14, 1858 24, 1864 18. mo 25, 186;^ 6, 188i 21,1869 Mar. 26.1884 Dec. 7, 1877 Dec. 7,1877 Oct. 29,1880 Oct. 8, 1877 Mar. 1,1881 Mar. 20.1879 June 22,1883 Jan. Apr. Jan. Apr. Oct. 22,1878 3,1884 14, 1878 18, 1883 29, 1877 April 3.1882 May 16,1884 Jan. 19.1878 Vlar. 11.1878 May 2,1884 Jan. 2,1878 Jct. 1,1877 May 1, 1884 Sept. 11,1884 42 Official Register of Physicians City of Chicago. Name Registered O Residence and Post- office. > H !2! Pbac- TICE. ♦ "^ Hildebrand, Herman E... Aug. 24,1877 June 1().1881 July 19,1881 Oct. 11.1877 Feb. 25.1878 Jan. 14.1878 Oct. 9,1882 Apr'.'"i7,i879 Apr. 7, 1884 Feb. 1,1883 Feb. 20,1878 Jan. 31,1878 June 9.1881 Nov. 1,1882 May 2. 1882 June 11,1X84 Oct. 24,1878 Oct. 14,1884 Sept. 8,1882 July 3, 1878 June 18,1878 Sept. 28, 18; 8 R R R R H R K R E H R R R R R H R R R 426 State 42 27 38 30 26 30 3> 37 29 48 22 53 50 25 34 29 33 34 57 55 60 40 3() 40 34 36 29 27 36 iH) 39 51 21 58 71 48 31 39 43 34 23 38 43 37 54 "42 26 59 47 Germany. England.. Va .. . 3 1 10 6 4 6 "12 7 3 Hinde.' Alfred 16Laflin ; 1 Hinish. William W 10 Mozart 7 Hoadley, Albert E 683 Washington bd 402 Centre av N.Y N. Y Wis England. Austria.;.. Ill Ireland Q Hobart, Henry M 4 fliobbs John 455 Centre av 428 W. VanBuren 397 Larrabee 6 HodPon, Frederick A Hoegelsberger, D. Frank Hoffman. Gustav A -... Hogan, Cornelius :W Larrabee 13l> S Halsted 7 HoUister.E. L 125 Twenty-second 170 State 207 Clark U. S Holllster, John H N.Y M ass Wis... N.Y Maine 30 21 2 6 22 Holmes, Edward L '^1 Holmes, Samuel J 315 Fulton Holroyd, Eugene E 771 W Lake Holyoke. William Pond.. 93 N.Clark Honey, Mary Louise 957 N. Clark Mass Hooper, Henry 215 Dearborn av Honore Block Mass Ohio U.S Pa. 9 32 22 35 18 11 9 Hooton, Marsena M 39 Hopkins, John F R 171 Park av s Horn, Francis S E R R H R H R E H R R R R R R R R H R R R R E R R R E R. R R R R R R R H E R 127 S. Western av Prtlmer House. oo Horsey, Edward H Canada... N. Y Canada . . 8 Hosmer. Arthur B 170 State n Hotchkiss, Isabella S June 15,1880 Oct. 5,1877 Mar. 29.1884 Oct. 7. 1884 Mar. 26,1880 Dec. 12,1877 Sept. 29, 1884 Feb. 26,1878 Feb. 21.1878 Oct. 26,1878 Oct. 26,1878 Nov. 10,1877 Jan. 10,1878 Feb. 26,1878 April 24,188:i Jan. 23.1878 Oct. 24.1878 July 12,1881 Nov. 24,1877 Nov. 14,1882 Feb. 6. 1882 Feb. 1,1878 Sept. 3,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Oct. 1,1884 Jan. 17,1878 Feb. 12,1878 ^'ept. 4,1877 Sept. 17.1877 Dec. 8,1881 Sept. 1,1877 Oct. 19,1883 June 1,1883 Dec. 31,1877 Oct. 2.1879 976 Milwaukee av . . . 181 Clark Hotz, Ferdinand C Germany. N.Y N.Y Ill- 13 '"2 1 13 8 3421 State... 208 S. Halsted., Central Music Hall 1634 Wabash av 547LaSalle av Howard. William A Howe, 0. Baxter 2 1 Hoyne. Temple S Ill Minn 13 Hunt, Florence W Hunt, J. Spafford 139 Madison 115 Dearborn N.J Conn N.Y England.. N.Y N.Y Pa U.S Me Ky Pa. 14 2K 2 32 47 26 6 "is 11 6 Hunt, Wi lliam C '>6 Hunter, Edwin W 520 Wabash av 9, Hunter, Robert 96 State . 3 Hurlbut, Horatio N 2332 Prairie av ?> Hurlbut. Vincent L 163 State ^6 Hurst. Nathaniel W Hutchins, Asa V 3906 State Jackson and Halsted... 125 State 6 Hutchins, John W 7 lEutchinson, James M 173 Blue Island 11 Hutchinson, Mahlon 175 Clark Hyde, James Nevins Hyde, Miranda E Illingswonh, G. M Ingals. Ephraim 240 Wabash av 259 W.Madison 232 North av Conn u. s N.Y Conn us".""." N.Y N.Y N.Y 15 H 8 31 "12 6 36 24 9 3 34 Throop 31 Ingals, E. Fletcher Ingraham, Sereno W 64 State 2M7 Clark "i Irwin, John E 200 E.Erie 389 W. Randolph 47 Clark 2 Irwin. Major F Isham, Ralph N 35 Ives, Franklin B 125 State Jackson. A. Reeves Jacobs, Thomas Kenny... Jacobson. Sjgismund D.. Jaggard. William W 271 Michigan av 1801 State 257 Milwaukee av 2330 Indiana av 50 26 40 26 30 44 24 Pa Ohio Denmark. Pa 30 2 15 4 "18 2 8 "ii Janspn, Anna C Jay, Milton .3100 Cottage Grove 126 State Denmark. Ohio Canada... "h Jennings, Patrick G 3517 Halsted . 43 To Whom Certicates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Aug. . ., 1877| Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. May 7,18791 Rush Medical College Oct. fi,1877! MiamiMedical College Oct. 11,1877 Chicago Medical College Nov. 22,1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Jan. Oct. Oct. Mar. Apr. 1, 1878 7. 1882 .31.1884 8.1878 4,1884 Jan. 30.1883 Sept. ..,1877 July ..,1854 Mar. 1,1880 Oct. 30, 1882 April 26. 1882 June 7, 1884 Oct. 24.1H77 Sept. 24,1884 Aug. 4. 1882 June 22, 1877' Oct. Feb. 26,1878 June Mar. 6,1875 July Mar. 12, 1872 Oct. Feb. 10.1876 Feb. Chicago Medical College Medical Department, University of Wooster Medical Department, University of Vienna, Austria Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Mar. July Aug. Feb. Feb. 12. 1872 3, 1X82 3, 1872 21.1878 23, 1884 Nov. Sept. Sept. May Oct. Mar. May Mar. Sept. Sept. Aug. Oct. Aug. Aug. Nov. Sept. Feb. Apr. Jan. Oct. July Sept. Oct. Feb. Oct. Aug. Aug. Feb. Nov. Peb. Sept. Sept. Nov. Sept. Sept. May Dec. Oct. Chicago Medical College Berkshire Medical College Medical School of Harvard University Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Woman's Medical College, Chicago Medical School of Harvard University.. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Mar. 28.1882 Nov. 7, 1847 July ...1854 Feb. 15,1878 Feb. 14,1878 Mar. Apr. June Feb. Mar. 2. 1882 22, 1884 ...1869 19, 1882 5, 1860 Twenty-two years' practice Queen's University, Canada Chicago Medical College.. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. University of Heidelberg Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago 22,1877 17, 1877 17,1877 29,18X0 5, 1877 25, 1884 22,1882 17. I88(t 6, 1877 26. 1884 29. 1877 31.1877 23,1877 23, 1877 K-, 1877 11.1877 26,1878 23, 18S3 21, 187X 23, 1877 6.1881 Bellevue Hospital Medical College 21,18771 Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.... 7.1882 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. 2,1882 Chicago Medical College 13, 1877 Rush Medical College 30, 1877 ...1877 13, 1882 22. 1877 5.1878 Apr. 15,1860 Mar. 16,1875 Mar. 30,188(1 Dec. 16,1865 Feb. 21,1884 Feb. 21,1882 June 12, 1878 Mar. ..,1865 Apr. 22,1884 Sept, Jan. Oct. 13,1877 16,1881 19,1881 11,1877 25, 1878 14,1878 9, 1882 April 17,1879 April 7,1884 Feb. 1.1883 Feb. 20.1878 Jan. 31.1878 June 9,1881 Nov. 1,1882 May 11 1882 June 11,1884 Oct. 24,1X78 Oct. 14,1884 Sept. 8,1882 July 3, 1878 June 18.1878 Oct. 8.18*7 June 15,1880 Oct. 5. 1877 Mai-. Oct. Mar. Dec. .Jefferson Medical College -. Rush Medical College ^ Rush Medical College Medical Dept., University of the City of New York (Lie. Ashtabula Co. (O.) Medical Society •. » Medical Department Willoughby University Riiph Medical College Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Medical School of Harvard University . Chicago Medical College , Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 8,1856 22, 1K5J 21,1877 5,1846 25. 18 a 20. 184U i&=;2 Mar. 12.1873 Feb. 20, 188 < Mar. ..,185S Mar. 3,1867 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. 10,1881 13,18t9 27, 1874 10, 1874 14, 1847 4. 1877 ..,1877 3,1881 ...1877 11,1883 14. 18a3 18, 1877 5. 1878 Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Medical Department, McGill University Thirty- Ave years' practice Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Rush Medical College Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania ... Medical College of Ohio University of (Copenhagen Department of Me"icine, Univ. of Pennsylvania ... Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department, Laval University Feb. 1,1871 June 20,1877 Mar. 1,1879 Mar." 'i." 1854 Feb. ...1850 Mar. 7, 1848 Mar. 2,l8-,1883 Apr. 21,1884 June 4,1874 Apr. 18,1883 May 19,1881 Mar. 30,1881 Mar. 27,1879 Jan. 21. 1878 Feb. 12.1883 May 5, 1880 June 18,1884 Mar. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Sept. Nov. Jan. Dec. Aug. Oct. Oct. Jan. Oct. Feb. 5, 1883 31,1878 23, 1878 28, 1S77 8, 1877 11, 1878 12. 1877 25. 1878 28, 1877 1,1881 22. 1883 8.1877 10. 1884 30. 1877 18. 1878 128 Milwaukee av. 70 Monroe 631 Centre av 112 Chicago av 4 Sixteenth 28 Denmark 40 III 21 Bohemia. 23! Sweden... 24 111 4 Sixteenth 240 Wabash av.... 359 State 246 Milwaukee av. 377 State 65N.Y 41 Pa 33iCanada . 50 Norway . 35 Russia... 3121 Indiana av . 115 Dearborn av. 358 Larrabee i:27 Robey 1738 Wabash av.. 28 304 Blue Island av , Randolph and Halsted. 1800 Wabash av Central Music Hall 241 Wabash av 70 Monroe 7-15 S. Halsted.. 3154 Indiana av. 472 State 199 Ontario N. Y U. S Germany III. 48 Germany. 35 Ireland ... 24N. Y 42111 28 Pa 75 Madison 726 Washington bd. 564 W. Twelfth 14 Loorais 538 Milwaukee av . . 75 E. Chicago av 695 Milwaukee av 557 N. Wells 3 Criminal Court B'ld'g^ 320 Milwaukee av 175 Twenty-second. 125 Clark Central Music Hall . Ireland... Canada.. Germany. Germany. N. Y Ill N. Y N. Y Germany. 2906 Archer av. 47 Germany. 32| Russia 36iGermany. 21|Ind 291 Germany. 21|H1 52kTermany. 25U. S 30 France.... 3948 Cottage Grove. 49 England.. 28 N. Clark 2203 Archer av. 381 N. Wells.. 80 Webster av. 356 State Central Music Hall. 4845 State 3872 Cottage Grove.. >62 S. Halsted 240 Wabash av Ohio.... Wis Austria , Md Mass.... Mo Ireland. Mich Ireland. 46 S. Morgan 94 Wells 119 Madison 66 W. Randolph 41 Clark 35 Ohio 321 U. S 34! Canada.. 23 Kan 38|England. 29lPa 18 12 12 31 3. 45 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Ceetificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Record. Nov. Nov. Mar. Mar. Apr. Oct. Sept.' Api'. . Oct. Dec.] Dec. O'l". Mar. Nov. May Nov. Mar. Sept. Apr. Mar. ,1883 21, 1877 17, 1880 17. 1880 11,1881 24.1877 11, 1877 26, 1882 17, 1877 29, 1877 12,1877 29. 1882 3, 1877 15, 188 i 3. 1877 1,1880 22. 1877 16. 1883 20, 1883 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ.. of Michigan.. Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College. Chicago Medical College June 29,1882 Mar. 11,1860 Feb. 24,1880 Feb. 24.1880[Mar. Mar. 29,1881 Apr. Nov. Jan. Mar. Ru sh Medical College Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Chicago Medical College Ten years' practice University of Munich Feb. Mar. Mar. ..,1839 15,1860 28, 1882 Feb. 3,1874 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Jefferson Medical-College Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Vermont. Rush Medical College , Medical Department, University of Vermont Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Oct. 3,1884 Bellevue Hospital Medical College April 27,1882 Louisville MedieaUoUege Sept. 11,18771 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Sept. 12. 1877 1 -University of Breslau Dec. 1j-,1877| Ten years' practice J.in. 11. 1880 j May 31,18791 Dec. 13.1883 Dec. 24,1877 Mar. 12,1883 Medical Department, University of Buffalo ('hicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Chicago Homeopathic Medical College April May Apr. May Mar. Mar. Feb. F-b. 3 Apr lOet. 19,1884! 15, 1884 i 16, 1883 9. 1881 25, 1881 Twenty-six years' practice Michigan College of Medicine Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College 21,1879 23, 1880 s. 188;i .13, 1880 25. 1884 June 14,1884 Sept. Dec. Jan. Jan. Aug. July Sept. Jan. Jan. July Oct. Oct. Jan. Oct. Feb. 2,1881 5. 1877 2. 1878 2. 1878 23. 1877 16. 1878 3. 1877 2.1878 2. 1878 Rush Medieal College Twentv-eisrht years' practice University of Heidelberg Certificate of .examination Rush Medical College ( Roval College of Surgeons, England < University of St. Andrews, Scotland I Royal College of Physicians, England Bennett (College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Twelve years' practice Rush Medical College Rock River Medical Society, Wisconsin Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. _ _ Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland 27, 1881 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati . . 17,1883 5, 1877 7. 1884 13, 1877 16.1878 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. June 31,1871 12, 1876 21,1882 ..,1860 21.1877 ..,1860 24, 1880 21.1876 20,1883 20, 1883 1,1878 20, 1882 1,1869 ..,1862 Jan. Feb. Apr. Oct. Jan. Jan. Oct. April Nov. May 5,1883 31, 1878 25, 1880 26. 1880 16. 1881 8, 1878 26. 1878 29,1882 18, 1877 19,1878 11,1883 5, 1882 1,1882 12,1877 17, 1884 Jan. 24,1878 May 26,1880 Dec. 31,1877 May 2, 1883 Mar. 22,1883 Feb. 25.1880 April 2.1879 Feb. 21,18-<2 Mar. 8.1866 Mar. 2, 1883 Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 5,1884 20, 1883 22. 1881 22. 1881 Feb. 25,1879 Feb. 20,1882 Feb. Dec. Mar. Apr. 22.1881 23. 1858 23,1859 29,1869 Feb. 21.1878 Mar. 20,1872 Feb. 16,1875 Nov. 16,1847 Mar. 22,1878 Feb. 21,1877 Feb. 22.1877 April 25, 1862 June 7, 1871 Feb. Jan. Mar. Jan. Feb. 17,1874 17. 1872 13,1883 25, 1865 16, 1875 May 4,1882 Dec. 27,1877 Feb. 16,1878 Jiine 3, 1878 July June Dec. Jan. Mar. 19,1883 ...1882 29, 1883 21, 1878 20, 1883 May 21,1884 June 4,1884 April 18, 1883 May 19,1881 Mar. 30,1881 Mar. 27,1879 Feb. May 12, 1883 5, 1880 •Jun.18.1884 Mar. Jan. Jan. Feb. Dec. 5,1883 31, 1878 23. 1878 1,1878 8, 1877 Sept. 11,1878 Nov. 12,1877 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. 28,1878 Aug. 1.1881 Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. Feb. 22,1883 8, 1877 10.1884 16,1878 18, 1878 46 Official Eegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name. Registered Residence and Post- office. Lewis, William R. Liebig, Edward.., Lilly, Isaac N Lilly.Tiiomas A . Lodor, Ciiarles H. Lonergan, William D. Low, Julia Ross Lus77 29, 1877 26, 1883 20, 1884 20. 1881 12, 1884 15,1877 H 23,1879 H 1001 W.Lake... 261 W.Taylor.. 422 W. Twelfth. 422 W. Twelfth. 26U3 S. Halsted. 199 Clark :i946 Lake av 877 W. Polk 422 Washington bd. 526 Wabash av 4,1883 3.I8SI! 27,1884 21.1'<8li 19. 1880 j 2,1884 1, I8V2! 4,1878 Jan. 19, 1878 May ,1883 Sept. 18, Jan. 5, Jan. 11. July 20. Dec. 29, Marshall, Ira E Mar-hall, John S Mat tin, Franklin H. . Martin, William Martin, William H... Martinek, William F. Masehek, Frank J Mathis, cah^bE Waiter, Mai tin ...... Matteson, Joseph Matthei, Alexander. Matthei, Phillip H.. Miiull, W. C Mauro, Andrea June 19.1882 iNov. 26,1883 Dec. 8.1881 Jan. 7, 1878 Dec. 17,1877 Maynard, William J McArthnr, Lewis L McAuliff, Edwin L Mcbri(l*\ Arthur E .. .. McCallister, Charles H. McCarthy. William .. McClure, Vincent C. . . McCormick, Francis. McCullough, John \i. McDonald, James H.. Jan. 25. April 1, April 21, Apr. 11. May 16, Mar. II, Feb. 27, Oct. 22, Dec. 10. 1883 1882 1.S84 18^9 1878 1881 1878' 1881 ' 1877, Feb. jApril Sept. Jan. jSept. jDec. June lApr. Apr. iNov. 18,1878 27, I8^3 13. 1884 11,1884 23. 1879 31,18771 10,1878 22. 1881 30, 18^3 19.1883 29,1883 R R May 4,1882 R Apr. 2,1881 E E Apr. 20, Jan. 21,1878 R Oct. 15,188l' R Dec. 30,1878 H 1877 ' R 18^8 R 1878 R lN8l R 1877; R 331 W. Van Buren Central Music Hall . . . 30 Central Music Hall 125 State 71 Dearborn 2993 Archer av. 240 Wabash av. 117 Clark 18 Winthrop pi, 551 Clark 2625 Prairie av Central Music Hall 315 Blue Island av.. 147 Larrabee 3145 Indiana av 126 S. State 95 Fifth av 163 Washington Clifton House .. 173 Blue Island av. 579 W.Adams 3904 S. State 59 N. State 262 S. Halsted 630 W.Lake 242 Wabash av Wabash av. and 22d 422 W. Twelfth 189 Maxwell 616 Centre av , 469 Blue Island av. 126 S. Halsted... , 314 Thirty-flrst 163 Stale R 113 Adams R 2139 Wabash av . R 2200 Michigan av... R 1041 W. Madison ... R 5^0 8. State Lincoln av. & Dunning 246 S. Halsted 3906 Cott age Grove 279Clark R 171 Blue Island av. R 259 Warren av H 5 Nineteenth R 9S. Halsted R 13020 S.Park av 29 51 37 35 25 « 38 U. S Germany. Ky Ky U. S Ireland... V. Y . . 3 13 13 13 1 3 a 10 la 13 22 38 47 '>6 U. S. ...... N.J N.J 111. 2 17 28 2 17 27 35 Sweden . ?5 Sweden . . 23 42 ?6 Cal U. S Wis. 2 16 "ii 28 35 46 \. Y Canada... 3 10 18 13 " i> 41 29 4(1 Scotland.. U. S N.Y IS 34 40 55 93 Ireland . . Poland... Ky 111.' "io 25 '"2 23. 35 33 Germany. 111. 14 12 4 16 20 11 I "'8 1 11 11 9 13 35 41 48 36 31 35 26 37 24 33 33 37 N.Y Canada... Switzerl'd Pa Ind U.S Ill England.. Wis Ill .. xMich Austria ... Bohemia . "is 10 2 "1 11 1 ''•5 Ill . 29 ^8 li'rance ... Ill 7 7 ^^ 111 44 35 36 33 25 28 21 3ii Germany. Ky Italy Mich Mass Ill Iowa U 8. 14 13 16 10 2 2 1 14 10 6 9 2 2 41 62 38 Canada... N.Y 10 35 10 32 47 32 Canada.,.. U.S....!.. 22 7 11 7 47 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Dec. Dec. Oct. Oct. Jan. 10.1877 10. 1877 18.1877 18.1877 23. 1883 May Apr. May Aug. Aug. 2,1884 19,1881 3.1882 ...1«77 23, 1877 Mar. 12.1883 June 21,1 SSI April 30,1><81 Sept. 17.18^1 Sept. 11,1877 April 28. 1884 Jan 26.1882 Nov. 10.1877 Nov. 17.1883 Sept. 17,1877 May Sept. May Mar. Aug. 21,1883 8,1884 1,1882 25,1881 22, 1878 April 17,1883 Oct. 31, 1877 Dec. 13,1881 16, 1878 Sept. Oct. Sept. July Dec. 18, 1877 5. 1877 4, 1882 19, IHSI 24.1877 June Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 14.18S2 24. 18-3 6, 1881 21. 1877 17, 1877 Apr. Apr. May 23. 1883 29, 1882 19. 1884 5. 1879 9. 1-78 Mar. 3, 1881 Feb. 25.1878 Jan. Nov. 14, 1878 3,1877 Dec. Mar. May Nov. Apr. 20.1877 2'. 1883 29.1><83| 1.18S3j 22.1879 Nov. 7.18771 Feb 2.1878 Apr. 19. 18S4 Apr. 28.18S3 June 26.1883 Rush Medical College Hershel's Homeopathic Institute. Dresden Medical Department. University of Louisville — Kentucky School of Medicine Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania. Missouri Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Medical Department. Univ. of the City of New York Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania .. Rush Medical College U 1 1 icago Homeopathic Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York .. Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Medical Department, McGill University Medical School of Harvard University Rush Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Botanic Medical College, Ohio Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. J Medical Department. University of Louisiana. I Certificate. University of Heidelburg Rush Medical College New York Medical College and Hospital for Women Medical Department, University of Vermont Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York... ('hiccago Medical College College of Medicine, Syracuse University Chicago Medical College •.. , Chicago Medical College Dep't of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. St. Louis Medical College , Rush Medical College , Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College I University of Gottingen ) Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. University of Naples Rush Medical College Rush Medical Coll ege Rush Medical College Medical Department, Louisville Medical College Jefferson Medical College Medical Department, McGill University Geneva Medical College, New York Chicago Homeopathic Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago... Chicago Medical College Feb. Oct. Keb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 17, 1874 — 1864 — , 1864 — . 1864 15. 1882 2.1882 1. 1881 7. 1882 26, 1861 ..,1851 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 27. 1877 21, 1877 31,1877 29, 1877 26, 1883 May 20,1884 May 20.1881 Sept. ^2,1884 Oct. 15. 1877 Oct. 23,1879 Feb. 20.1883 Mar. 2,1881 Mar. 2. 1883 Mar. 1, 1879 Mar. 14.1861 Feb. 19,1884 June ?7.1878 May 3. 1867 July 11,1861 Jan. 27,1864 May July May Sept. Dec. 4,1883 13, 1881 27,1884 21, 1881 19,i877 May 2,1884 Feb. 1,1882 Mar. .4,1878 Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. 15, 1882 26.1881 21.1882 22,1881 16, 1848 Jan. 19,1878 May 29,1883 May April 4.1882 2,1881 Mar. Mar. 22,1883 ..,1869 1863 Feb. 2, 1870 April 4,1876 June 3,1862 Mar. ..,1859 Mar. 31.1882 Mar. 25,1874 Feb. 28,1868 April 20, 1883 Feb. 18,1878 Oct. Dec. 15.1881 30. 1878 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Oct. Feb. Mar. Sept. Feb." Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. May Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 28.1882 10, 1876 30,1881 5, 1867 28. 1866 Jan. 24.1878 Feb. 16.1878 Sept. 6.1882 July 20,1881 Dec. 29,1877 June 19,1882 Nov. 26 1883 Dec. 8.1881 Jan. 7.1878 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 25.1883 Apr. 1,1882 Apr. 21,1884 12,1872iK.ept. 11.1879 5,1878 May 16,1878 12,1874 21,1882 19. 1884 22,1881 ..,1881 ..,1^61 2, 1869 5,1861 Mar. 11,1881 Feb. 27,1878 Oct. 22,1881 Dec. 10,1877 3,1868 22.1880 21. 1882 Feb. 18.1878 Apr- 27.18S3 Sept. 13,1884 26. 1883, Jan. 11.1884 12,1879 Sept. 23,1879 3, 1867 ...1846 6.1884 13.1883 Dec. 31.1877 June 10,1878 Apr. 22.1884 Apr. 30.1883 21. 1876! Nov. 19,1883 City of Chicago. 48 Official Eegister of Physicians Name. McElroy, Patrick H... McFatrick. James B.. McGaughey, J. A McGillis, William C... McGorray, Charles H. McGuffln, William Rice. Mcintosh, Lyman D — Mclntyre, Charles J McKenna, Michael J — McKittrick, Elizabeth.. McLean, Morris G McLennan, Alexander 8. McNeill, J. Edward Mc Williams, Samuel A. . . Meek, John W Mellinger, James H... Melms, Richard Mendel, Sarah A Mentzel, August Carl. Mercer, Frederick W.. Merckle, Henry Mergler, Marie J.... Merrick, Jerome C. Merriman, Henry P. Meyer, Baltazer J... Meyer, Henry Michelet, W. E. J .. .. Miessler, Ernest G. H. Miller, Adam Miller. Truman W Mills, James P Mintie, Robert L Mitchell, Clifford Mitchell, Joseph Sidney. Mitter, Robert Mixer, Mary Augusta — Montgomery, James Montgomery. Listen H.. Montgomery, W. T Moore, Daniel G Moore. Ellis C Moore, French ... Moore. Willis P... Moran, Michael C. Morey, Andrew C. Morgan, William E. Morgan, William H. Mott, J. W Moyer. Harold N... Mulfinger, John L.. Mullan, Eugene A.. Munn, Katharine D. Munsell, Anson S... Munzer. Isadore ... Murdock, E. P Murphy. J. B Neill.Wiliiarh J . Nelson. Daniel T. Registekzd Dec. 21,1877 April 7.1884 Mar. 5, \8M Nov. 2,18h3 Aug. 14,1882 Mar. 16,1883 April 25. 1883 May May Jan. Jan. 20, 1882 26, 1882 2, 18S0 28,1878 Aug. 6,1880 Sept. 28.1877 July 27,1881 Oct. 9.1878 May 9. 1881 April 12,1882 Nov. 11.1880 Nov. 25,1879 Dec. 18.1877 June 20,1879 April 11,1884 Jan. 8,1878 Sept. 17.1884 Feb. 24,1880 April 20, 18H0 Jan. 29,1^78 July 26,1880 Jan. 19, 1878 Aug. 20,1880 April 20, 1881 June 26,1878 June 24.1878 Apr. 3. 188: June Sept. Dec. Dec. Mar. 16,1S84 2,1881 4, 1877 10,1«7; 31, 1879 Mar. 10,18811 Apr. 12,188(1 Jan. 25,1883 Jutie 5, 1882 Nov. 7,1877 July 10,1882 Jan. 31,1878 Aug. 2,1883 Sept. 22,1881 Oct. 7, 1884 Jan. July Oct. Oct. Apr. 15,1878 17, 1882 1,1877 8, 1884 2, 1880 Feb. 8,1881 Nov. 3, 1880 Dec. 24,1877 Residence and Post- Office. 544 Hubbard 126 State 32(»5 Cottage Grove. 117 Clark 2505 Archer av 9 Hubbard Court 192 Jackson 165 Walnut 262S. Halsted Racine &, FuUerton avs. 71 W. Adams.. 260 S. Halsted. R 372 Chicago av. 70 s=tate. Lake and Robey. 16 N. Carpenter. 656 W. Twelfth.. 2321 Wabash av. 23 Eugenie 2600 Calumet av. 729 Halsted Central Music Hall. 1702 Milwaukee av.. 1350 Michigan av 286 W. Indiana 503 Sedgwick 3(»3 Blue Island av 737 S. Halsted 45 S. Elizabeth.... 45 Clark 903 W. Monroe 182 W. Madison i-hicago Homeo. Coll. 2432 Michigan av 345 Blue Island av 1931 Indiana av. 3/2 W. Indiana . 65 Uandolph 207 Clark 167 CI y bo urn pi. 2200 Archer av City Hall... 2200 Archer av 234 Milwaukee av. 18:! W. Twelfth.... 3160 State 248 Blue Island av Ashland av. & Twelfth. 193 W.Madison 583 S. Halsted 722 W. Twenty- first. 243 State 2615 Wabash av 58 Canal Port av 130 S. Halsted 262 8. Halsted. , 182 N. Httlsted. 125 State Prac- tice. Canada. Am Am Canada. U. S Ill Vt. Ontario... S.Carolina 39 Ireland. N. Y Scotland. Vt 43 24 111. 56 Ohio 23 Wis. 43 49 41 Vt. Germany, Canada. . 42 Germany. 28 Germany. 42 Wis 39 Mass 34 Norway... . .. Germany. 28 Wis 52 Germany 6'slMd 37 N. Y 30 Conn 24 Mass 38 Mass 24 Germany. 111.... Ohio Ohio Ind.. HI.... Ky U. S.... Ireland N. Y Wis. Ind.. Ky .. N. Y. 111. 27 U. 8. 50 Pa. 40 22 32 Mass..., Austria. Ind 23 Wis. . 271 Wis.. 381 Mass. CD O 3 O 19 30 49 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. CEKTirrcATE OF State Boakd or Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for ItECORD. Oct. Apr. Mar. Nov. Aug. 23.1877 4, 1884 3,1884 2, 1N83 1,1882 Mar. Apr. Nov. Mar. May 12,1S8:S 21, 1883 1,18S4 29, 1882 8,1883 Dec. 15, 1879 Sept. ..,1877 July Sept. July 29,1880 7,1«7? 6,1881 Oct. May M,r. Nov. Oct. 12, 1878 3,18si 30. 1882 6,18^0 6.1877 Dee. May Nov. Sept. Sept. 20. 1S77 19. 1879 7.1^77 13. 1^77 15. 1884 Mar. Oct. Dec. Oct. 13.1878 17, 1880 10,18?? 10. 1877 22. 1878 Sept. Apr. Apr. Jan. Mar. 18.1877 2, 1.^81 2.>.lN78 2, l«7» 29.1882 June ;^ov. Dec. Dee. Mar. 12,18S4 17.1877 4,l?s7r 10,1877 28,1879 Apr. Mar. Jan. May Nov. 5. 1879 l,ls80 23. 1883 22,1882 7.1S77 June 27,1882 Sept. 17, 18;7 Jan. I'J. 18;8 Nov. 28, I8:!t j Jun.20.187!t 1 !Sep.29.1884 Sept. July Sept. June Mar. 4.1877 14. 1^X2 3. 1877 20, 1884 17, 1880 Oct. May Nov. 25. 1880 14, IHNO 12. 1877 Rush Medical College Bf-nnett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Chicago Medical College . . Faculty of Medicine, University of Bishop's College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Sheboygan (Jo. (Wis.) Medical Society Trinity Medical School, Toronto.. Rush Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College \ College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston. ) Queen's College. Kingston Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania ( ; hicago Medic al Col lege Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago University of Berlin College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York University of Wurzburg Woman's Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College University of Christiana, Norway ... Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College Chicago Medical Departcuent, Univ. of the City of New York Geneva Medical College. New York Hahnemann Medical Coll-^ge, Chicago Beti/iett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, ("hicago Homeopathic Medical College , Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College , Woman's Medical College, Chicago Fourteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Hush Medical College Ru-h MedieaK'Ollege Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College. rhicago Medical College... Rush Medical Col lege Certilli'ate of examination. Ru-sh Medical College Certificate of examination. Rush Medical College , Jefferson Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Chicago Medical College College of PhysicHins and Surgeons, Chicago Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Medical School of Harvard University. Feb. 1.1871 Dec. 21,1877 April 4, 1884' April 7,1884 Mar. 27, 1883 Mar. 5.1884 April 12, 18811 Nov. 7.18h3 June 29. 1682 Aug. 14.1882 Feb. 20, 1883' Mar. 16,1883 Aug. 15. 1868 April 25. 1883 April 16.1884 Feb. 21.1882 May 20.1882 Mar. 2. 1880 May 26,1883 Feb. 19. 1873 Mar. 23,1873 April 22.1873 Mar. 5, 1878 Mar. 1,1866 Feb, 22,1881 Mar. Mar. Feb. May Mar. Feb. Feb. Jan. Mar. Dec. 12,1874 29.1X81 23. 1881 26. 1854 11, 1862 11.1858 27.1879 25, 1X66 9, 1865 22, 1877 Jan. 2,1880 Jan. 28,1878 Aug. 6,1880 Sept. 28, 1877 July 27,1881 Oct. 15,1878 May 9. 1881 April 12.1882 Nov. 11,1880 Nov. 25,1879 Dec. 26,1877 June 20.1879 April 11.1x84 Aug. 10,1878 Sept. 17,1884 April 3, 1878 Feb. 24.1880 Feb. 25,1X7X April 2<>. IXXO Feb. . ,1873 Jan. 29,1878 Mar. 10, 1817 July 26,1880 Mar. ...1863 Mar. 6. 1874 Mar. 22,1881 Apr. 3, 187X Mar. 1.1865 Feb. 21.1882 Apr. 22,1884 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. 14.1871 1.1871 25. 1879 17. 1876 24. 1880 24, 1880 21.18S:i 7. 18j7 28,1882 17. 1874 Feb. 25.1879 Feb. 24,1880 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 11.1874 29. 1882 14,1871 11.1884 24. 1880 25,1879 24. 188< 8,1865 Aug. 20,1880 April 20, 18S1 June 26.1878 June 24.1878 Apr. 3. 1882 June 19,1884 Sept. 2. 1X84 Dec. 4. 1877 Dec. 10.1877 Apr. 8. 1879 Mar. \pr. Jan. June Nov. 10.1880 12. 1X80 25. 1^83 5. 1882 7. 1877 July 10.1882 Jan. 31,1878 Aug. 2. 1883 Sept. 22, 1884 Oct. 7,1884 -Fan. 15.1878 July 17,1882 1,1X72 8.1884 2, 1880 Oct. Oct. A.pr, Feb. 8.1881 Vov. 3, 1880 Dec. 24,1877 50 Official Eegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Registeeed O M o o t-' Residence and Post- office. > > Prac- tice.* • CD Netzler. Fritz A. G Newell, 0. W Aug. 22.18K4 May 24.1882 May 2, 187^1 July 31.188H June 13,1«82 May 25,1882 Dec. 13.18«3 Mar. 20.1S7S Oct. 11.1881 Mar. 31,1880 Oct. 1.3.1881 Oct. 10, 1884 Oct. 20,1884 Mar. 13,1878 Dec. 14,1877 April 13,1881 Dec. 14.1877 April 29,1882 Aug. 27,1884 Jan. 9,1878 June 13,1884 July 23,18>'3 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 10,1878 Aug. 8,1883 April 4,1878 May 12,1879 R R H R R R E R R R R R R R H R H H H E E R i i H R E R % R R R R R R H R H R R R R H H R R R E R R H H E R R R R 127 Chicago av Clyb'rne &Fullert'n avs 125 State 33 50 32 27 24 30 35 21 2.-) 37 35 30 39 30 Sweden .. Pa Mass 8 26 "^^• Newniciii Friink H Newman, Henry P Newton, Frederick C 182 N. Halsted 971 W. VanBuren Central Music Hall 465 W- Madison N. H N.H 2 Nichols Emma M . Mich England.. 2 ?, Nichols, William T Nielson. Niels J 1712 Wabash av Norway.. N. Y Germany. Ireland... Conn W. Indies. Ireland ... Canada ... Wis ■"'6 Niles, John W 307 Division fv Nitz Charles F 800 N. Halsted Nolan Dennis W 221 W. Chicago av 410 Washington bl 511 W.Madison 4313 S. Halsted .... 13 5 8 6 20 North, Charles F Nouel, Aiiguste A O'CIery, Michael T Ogden, E.J Ogdeu, Henry 120 State ?, 2H8N. Clark 37 Ogden, Milton D 170 State Canada... HI 10 .«> Ohlendorf William C 645 Blue Island av 855 Washington bd 126 8. State 25 75 45 23 28 48 23 25 41 47 Olds Edward Franklin Vt... 47 20 Olin,* Henry '.'.'. N.Y .::::: N. Y 1.^ OlinH. W 126 State O'Shea David 647 W. Twenty-nrsc 156 W. Randolph 439 W. Chicago av Wood and York.. .. U. S Otto, Joseph . Germany . U. S. "."..'."". 12 2 15? Otto, Julius 2 Owen, C. S Owens, John E 1806 Michigan av 3570 Ellis av Md Denmark. 16 20 15- Paaren, N. H 12 Pague Charles 209 State . Paine, Albert G July 6,1878 April 6,1881 Jan. 5,1878 Dec. 3, 188S June 22,1881 Mar- 30,1883 Mar. 30,1883 April 12,1880 Jan. 30,1878 April 26.18S1 Oct. 14.1884 Jan. 4,1878 April 2,188:S Aug. 8,18H2 July 24.1882 April 29,1882 Aug. 31.1877 Mar- 7,1881 Nov. 5, 1880 Apr. 12,1878 Jan. 12.1878 Oct. 27, 1881 3919 Cottage Grove 1401 State 30 27 62 Conn Ohio Norway .. 1 5 35 Painter, Davton 4 Paoli, Gerhard C Ewing Block . 25 Paquin, E 152 Blue Island av Paradis, Abraham 107 Blue Island av 2819 Hanover 26 32 28 47 35 28 29 34 22 2J 46 26 53 26 31 34 40 34 45 37 32 28 59 41 36 Can^ada... 1 1 Park, Augustus V Park, Lottie Crego Parker, AnnaM 355 8. Hoyne av Wis 28 Grant pi N. Y N. Y N. Y 4 10 Parkes, Charles T 125 State 10 Parkhurst. Emogene Parkinson. Edward A 312 W. Adams 3212 Graves pi Mich England.. Bohemia . Pa Germany. Ill 5 5 Parsons, William 4329 Emerald av . . ^ Patera, Frank Joseph Patton. J. Mclntyre Patzer, Johann 709 Milwaukee av 237 S. Hoyne av 2107 Archer av "ii Pearson Charles J 128Honore 89 Randolph Pearson, Nils P Denmark. U. S Canada... N.Y Canada.... Conn N.Y Italy Ky.. Mass N.H Mass Va 29 1 6 7 16 1 1 12 'I 39 17 3 24 Pember, J. F. Mercy Hospital.. Phelan, J. Bruce 478 W. Indiana Phillips, Henry A. 50 W. Madison. 7 Phillips, Martin 272 S. Clark fi Piercy, A.Davenport Pickett. Emeline E 3203 Cottage Grove av.. 1154 W. Harrison 83 Madison I Piero. Francis L Dec. 27,1877 Apr. 29.1880 Oct. 13,1884 Feb. 21,1878 July 19.1878 Feb. 8, 1877 4 Pingree M. Gaylord. .. . 202 State 4 Piper, Richard J Piper, Richard U 312 W. Indiana. ?; 5 Pilsbury, John M 171 Twenty-second 181 W. Madison 10 Plecker, James H 2 51 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Ceetificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Eecord. Aug. 21,1884 Dec. 10,1877 Apr. 27,1879 July 20,18S0 June 10,1882 22, 1882 13, 1S83 29,1878 9,1877 17, 1880 17,1881 9, 1884 18,1884 29, 1877 20, 1877 Carolinian Medico-Chir. Institute. Stockholm Medical Department, State University of Iowa Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Detroit Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Woman's Medical College, Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Chicago Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Kush Medical College Chicago Medical College University of Leipsic Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College i Medical Dept, Univ. of the City of New York I University of Victoria College May Oct. Mar. Oct, Mar. Sept. Oct. Oct.' Aug. Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Aug. Mar. June May Nov. Aug. ALUg. Mar. 29,1877 Jefferson Medical College April 5,1879 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Aug. 19,1878; Medical Department, McGill University June 29,1878 Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Jan, 2,1878 Kush Medical College 11.1881 Rush Medical College 27,1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. 27.1882 Chicago Medical College. 13,1884 Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland.... 17.1880 Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania. 7, 1884 7, 188:{ 21, 1877 20,1877 6, 1883 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College , Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College , Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Nov. Nov. Mar. May ...1877 1,1883 18,1880 8,1883 23, 1881 Mar. May Mar. Sept Jan. 17,1880 20, 1880 25,1881 16, 1884 4,1878 Mar. 30,1883 Aug. 3, 1882 July 17,1882 April 27, 1882 Aug. ...1877 Feb. 26,1884 Nov. 5,1880 Dec. Oct. Oct. 15,1877 13, 1877 10,1881 Oct. 27, 1884 Nov. 3, 1877 April 19, 1880 April 6,1878 June 15,1878 Aug. ..,1877 Dec. 15,1877 Rush Medical College Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario Medical Department, Laval University Rush Medical Col lege Woman's Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rash Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Detroit xMedical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical Coll ege Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York University of Wurzburg Chicago Homeopathic Medical College University of Copenhagen Chicago Medical College J Medical Department, McGill University / Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Medical Department, Victoria College Woman's Hospital Meuical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Medical Department, University of Verrnont. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Dartmouth Medical College j Licentiate, Massachusetts Medical Society. 1 Jefferson Medical College , Rush Medical College Dec. Feb. Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. May Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. May Feb. Feb. 19.1883 26, l!'57 2.1879 3,1878 7. 1882 2, 1880 20,18^3 5,1878 15, 1876 24, 1880 4,1868 22, 1884 1,1876 13. 1876 9,1855 5, 1855 22,1881 28, 186-.' 28, 1882 28.1856 27, 1860 25. 1884 20,1883 25, 1865 21,1876 1. 1883 ..,1862 25,1879 3, 1867 20,187' 15,1876 Aug. 22,1884 May 24,1882 May 2,1879 July 31,1880 June 13,1882 May 25,1883 Dec. 13,1883 April 3,1878 Oct. 11,1881 Mar. 3L1880 Oct. Oct. Oct. Mar. Dec. Apr. Dec. Apr. Aug. 13, 1881 10,1884 20.1884 13, 1878 14, 1877 13, 1881 14,1877 29.1882 27, 1884 Jan. 24,1866 May 8, 1X78 Sept. ..,1881 Feb. 20,1883 Mar. 1, 1881 April 3,1878 Feb. 17,186 Feb. 24,1»81 Mar. 4. 1879 Feb. 16,1874 Feb. 20,1883 Mar. 9,1J^82 Aug. 14,18f;6 Mar. 2,1882 June 20,1853 Mar. 27.1883 Mar. 26,1874 April 26,1876 May 23.1871 April 4,1862 Mar. 2, 1880 Mar. 2, 1883 May 15,1866 Mar. 23.1880 June 30,1875 1840 Apr. 10,1861 Mar. 10,1865 Feb. 21,1877 June 13,1884 July 23.1883 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 10,1878 Aug. 8,1883 Apr. 4,1878 May 12,1879 July April 6, 1878 6, 1881 Jan. 5,1878 Dec. 3,1873 June 22,1881 Mar. 30,1883 Mar. 1,1883 April 12, 1880 June 30,1880 April 26,1881 Oct. 14,1884 Jan. 4,1878 April 4,1883 Aug. 8, 1882 July 24,1882 April 29, 1882 Oct. 20, 1877 Mar. 7,1884 Nov. 5,1880 June 19,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Oct. 27,1881 Dec. 27,1877 April 30.1880 Oct. 13,1884 Jan. 19,1878 Feb. 18,1878 52 Official Eegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name. Registeebd DC W Residence and Post- Office. > Prac- tice.* si pi Plumb, Henry R Apr. June June Mar. June Mar. Feb. Mar. Dec. Oct. Jan. Mar. Aug. Feb. July Dec. Jan. Apr. Mar. July Jan. Deo. Sept. Jan. Nov. April Dec. Dec. Oct. Jan. 29 I882I R 240 Wabash av 46 36 40 29 27 22 Conn Poland.... Me 21 12 12 3 Pomeiane, Marx. 12,18781 R 1254 Srate 9, Poppe, Otto B 1,1 S82 13, 1880 23. Ifc81 28.1881 25. 1878 28, 18X4 29. 1H77 3,1884 21,1878 22. 18^0 23, 1882 23, 1878 24,1880 14,1877 13. 18S3 4, 1878 17, 1884 17. 1882 23.1883 4,1x77 7, 1S77 4,lx7S 11,1(584 20. 1883 31,!88l 29 1877 12,1877 23, 1883 H R R R R K 2725 Portland av Porter, Fred D Porter, Millett N 1560 N. Halsted 3850 State .... Potter Lorenzo T 2139 Wabash av. s r, 1 20 1 41 Clark 39 M Y '>0 Praetorius G G- .... 23 28 Pa. Pratt, Er win H H R R R H 73 Randolph TT. S 5 4 12 10 2 9 5 Price. Cyrus A 126 State 34 Ohio 32'Mich 43,N. Y 24 Ohio 31 Canada .. Price, Oscar J Halstpd and Van Buren 75 Madison 9 Propeck J. W 215 W. Lake. "?, Purdy, Charles W . 163 State 6 Pusheck, Charles A Central Mnsic Hsll 27 45 31 33 25 III „.. Qiiales, Nilos T Quine. William E liakenius, ilerman R 241 Milwaukee av R 3151 Waba.sh av R IHOClybourn pi K Alexian Hospital Norway... I&leofMan Germany. Canada... 11 9 11 9 Ramsav, A. C. Lamothe.. Randell George Henry R R R H R E 11 R R H E R R R n 4024 Drexel bd Randolph, Robert 2011 Wabash av 3S 49 5(t 50 Va 3 29 22 30 7 Rauch, -ToliTiH Rea Robert L Grand I'acific Hotel.'... 112 Monroe Pa Va 20 18 Reading, Edgar 126 state TT S 10 Reading, Edgar M 3750 Langiey av 32 U. S Redlich, Henry 377 N. Clark 51 45 30 41 28 39 45 3ti 23 32 24 35 42 38 84 45 31 24 25 49 32 27 43 40 28 36 48 81 37 30 ''6 Germany. England. . N. Y Germany. Canada... Mass ... Reilly. Frauk W 56 Park av 20 8 10 7 8 Reiliy, Joseph 3835 S. Halsted 146 \. Clark ?, Reinhold, William 10 Reynolds, Arthur R 229 Division Reynolds Belle 526 Wabash av. Reynolds, Ben. Philip ... Reynolds. George Warren Reynolds, George William Reynolds, Henry J Mar. 26.1878 Feb. 28.ls;8 July 15. 1>80 Nov. 9,1883 June 24,18S4 Jan. 5.18S3 May 24, 18S3 May 3.18X2 June 4,1881 June 18,1884 Aug. 14.1882 Uet. 24. 18S4 Oct. 12, mo Nov. 13.1879 Jan. 11.1881 May 16,1884 Nov. 26,1877 Nov. 24, 188 { April 17,1883 12s Clark 214 Milwaukeeav 281 Bissell Wales N. Y N.Y 23 13 14 9 2138 Michigan av Canada... Wis 8 Rice, Nathan E! ilichai-dson, John P Richnrdson, J. liayner.... Righter, Edmund B R R H R H R R R H R H R R R R R E R R E 566Division 2^97 Archer av 2!t9] Archer av Thirty-first and State., 135 Twenty-ninth Central Music Hall 1254 s. state 428 Washington bd 113 Adams Me Pa Canada... Ill 8 20 15 .... Risdon. Carrie A Rivera, Thomas C Robey. Frai.klin R Robisoa, John A N.Y La S. C Ihd Germany . N.Y Ohio 2 9 1 26 1 "?,] Rogers, Fred. D 2412 Cottage Grove 441 Dearborn av .... Roler. E. 6. F Rose, Daniel D 220!) Michigan av 3300 State Va N.Y US. .. 16 6 12 1 Rosenberry, Adolph B.... Rosenthal, Adolph.. 89 itandolph .. ., ... 707 Milwaukee av Hungary . Austria.... Canada... Wis 13 20 8 2 1 Rosenttial, David May Jan. April May Oct. July Feb. 3. 1880 28.18:8 14,1883 5. 1882 13.1881 1,1884 23. 1878 Rowan, Peter J 13S S. DesPlalnes 7 Rowe William C 1431 Wrighiwoodav 784 W. Madison Roy, William C Mich Mich Ruehl Louis A 389 S. Halsted 1705 Wabash av 126 State Ruggles. Georgia Sackett Rush.EdwinF 29 27 Ind Ohio 1 4 1 3 *At date of Registration. 53 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Ceetificate of State Boead of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Apr. Sept. May Mar. June 27, 1882 5,1877 24,1882 1, 1880 21. 1881 Mar. June Mar. Sept. Oct. 8,1881 14,1878 2H,1884 17.1877 2.1884 Dec. June July 1.1877 20.187!) 13.1882 Dec. 18.1877 June 21.1880 Dec. July June Mar. July 10, 1877 6, 1878 1,1878 15,1884 14, 18>2 Dec. Aug. Aug. Jan. Oct. 4,18«2 ..,1877 ...1^77 2. 1878 29,1881 April 16,1883 No^^. • 9.1881 Dec. 15.1877 Oct. 12, 1877 Jan. 11.18<3 Mar. Oct. Mar. June Nov. 29, 1880 5.1877 8, 1878 21.1880 5, 1883 June 21,1881 Nov. 13,1882 May m.lSS:^ Sept. 17,1881 April 11,1881 April 19, 1884 Aug. 10.18S2 Oct. 22.18841 Oct. 1,18^0 Feb. 13,1879 Jan. May Nov. Mar. Apr. 3,1881 12.18^4 2.M877 30. 1882 1(3,1883 Jan. 11,18^3 May 3.1880 Sept. 10.18:7 Feb. 27, 188 H April 27, 1882 Oct. June 4,18Sl 20,1884 Medical Department of Yale College University of VVurzburg Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago .Detroit Medical College Medical School of Maine, Bowdoin College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical Ci >ll^-ge Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania . Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Bellevue Hospital Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Hahnemann Medical ('ollege, Chicago American Medical College, 8t, Louis j Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. I Queen's University, Kingston Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College. (vhieago Medical College Rush Merlical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Mt^dicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Bellevue Hospital Medical College Dept. of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Medical College of Ohio Medical Department Univ. of the City of New York Jan. Apr Mar. Feb. June Mar. Feb. Apr. Feb. Mar. 10,1861 1,1^66 27.1870 28, 1877 8, 1880 30.1880 20,1857 13,1K8:{ 18, 1873 1, 1880 Mar. 1.1»66 Feb. 22,1878 June 8, 1882 Mar. 20,1869 Feb. 26,1880 Jan. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. >rar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Feb Rush Medical College. Chicago Medical College St. Louis Medical College " Rush Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania.., Rush Medical ('ollege Medical Dt^partraent. University of Buffalo., Bellevue Hospital Medical College , Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Georgetown. Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Medical Department. McGill University Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Medical Department, University of Louisiana Meharry Mt-d. Dept. of Central Tennessee College. Rush Medical College Twenty-one years' practice , Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Mt^dical College Medical Department. University of Louisville Rush Medical College ;.. University of Vienna Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Medical Department, University of Toronto Hahupmann Medical College, ('hicago Bennett College oj, Eclectic Medicine and Surgery University of Gottingen Woman's Medical ('oUege, Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery 12, ■'866 22, 1869 26, 1878 19,1881 28, 1878 1.1879 20. 1849 1.1855 4.1&57 21.1877 Feb. 20, 18^3 Mar. 4 1861 Mar. 13,1872 Feb. 5,1868 Mar. 1.1876 Feb. May Feb. I'^eb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. May Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 26,1880 ...1863 19,1873 25, 1880 •a, 1875 Apr. 29,1882 June 12,1878 June 1.1882 Mar. 13,1880 June 23,1881 Mar. Jan. Mar. Dec. 23.1881 27, 1878 28,1884 29, 1877 Jan. Mar. Aug. Feb. July 21,1878 22, 1880 24, 1882 23.1878 24,1880 Dee. 15.1877 Jan. 13.1883 June 12.1878 Mar. 17.1884 July 17.1882 Jan. Dec. May Jan. Nov. 23,1883 4. 1877 4, 1S78 12,1878 17, 1884 ,\pril 20,1883 Dec. 81.1881 Dec. 29.1877 Jan. 26,1878 Jan. 23.1883 Mar. 26,1878 July"i5.'i886 Nov. 9,1883 20,18^3 June 24,1884 31. 1880 Jan. 5.1883 14,1863 3. 1865 29. 1881 May 24,1883 May 3.1882 June 4. 1881 21,1884 June 18.1884 14. 1873 Aug. 14.1882 23.1883 Oct. 24.18S4 24,1880 Oct. 12.1880 June 6.1879 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 30.1880 Jan. 11.1881 21.18-i4May 16.1884 16.1859 Nov. 26,1877 27, 1880 Nov. 24, 1883 20. 1883, April 17.1883 Dec. 31,1869! Feb. 19. 1878 May 3,1880 June 8.1870 Jan. 28,1878 Feb. 20, 18«3 April 14,1883 Mar. 29.1882 May 5,1882 Aug. 9,188rOct. 13,1881 Feb. 27. 1883 July 1,1884 Feb. 21.1878 Mar. 6.1878 54 Official Kegister of Physicians City of Chicago. Name. CfQ > !z; O >■ w H H o Residence and Post- Registered Office. ? Rutherford. Clarendon Rutter, Charles L , Ryan, James E , Sageser, Joseph 8 Sandberg, Carl F Sanders, Herbert B. Sanders, William H. Sattler, Philip Saunders. Vida A — Sawyer, Edward W. Scaife. Henry W Schaef er, Frederick C. . Schaller, George John. Schaller, John Scheppers, Desire Q. Schick, William H... Schirmer, Alfred ..... Schleyer, Christian .. Schloesser, Alfred G. Schmidt, Ernst Schmidt, Otto L Schneider, Samuel N. Schottenfels, Emil ... Scheuermann, Fred Sehreiner, Valentine Scudder, Jr., H. Martyn. Seeley. ThaddeusP Seiffert, Rudolph Seymour, Frederick Seymour, Harvey S. Shaffer, George H... Shanatian, Thomas . Shaver, George D. .. Shaw, Siremba .... Shaw, Thomas J... Shears, George F. Sheetz, Charles R. Shenick, Oliver T. Sherman, Frederick E — Sherry, Henry Shipman, George E Shumway, Charles W Sieber, Francis A. P Siegmund, Emilie R... Silva, Christ. C. P Simon'j, Charles John Simpson, John Simpson, Woodson L. Sincere, Emil Sinclair, (3harles F. Singley, Charles C. Skeer, JohnD. Sidles. Hugh P. Skov, Helen B.. Sloan, Henry H. Small. Alvin E,, Oct. 24,1882 Oct. 12, 1877 May 1,188-' May 24,1883 Aug. 9,1882 Apr. 4,1882 June 24,187!) June 8.1881 July 22,1884 Feb. 13,1878 Mar. 28,1884 Dec. 22,18/7 Sept. 25,1881 Dec, 18,1877 Jan. Dec. Feb. Dec. Jan. 2, 1878 12, 1879 20,1882 31,1877 25, 18' Jan. 5,1878 May 31,1883 Jan. 24,1883 June 22,1878 Aug. Dec. Dec. Mar. Dec. 26. 1879 29. 1877 13. 1883 15. 1878 31,1878 Dec. 31,1877 June 4. 1883 May 8, 188i Oct. 17,1877 June 18,1884 Apr. 5. 1882 July 15.1881 Mar. Kt.1881 April 3.1882 Oct. 16,1877 Oct. 20,1877 April 26, 1880 Jan. 21,1878 July 28,1883 Jan. Oct. Nov. Dec. May 23,1883 5. 1877 12. 1877 24, 1877 1,1882 iMay 20,1884 Sept. 22, 1884 Oct. 15,1881 Apr. 8.1884 Mar. 11,1880 May 24,1883 Sept. 26,1877 Dec. 29,1877 Webster & Clybourn av 182 N. State l26State 329 Park av 216 W. Indiana 357 State 3245 Forest av 168 S. Halsted e'entral Music Hall 3733 Viucennes av. .. 630 W.Adams. 103 State 224 Lincoln a v..., 193 W. Randolph 292 Larrabee 2933 Wentworth av 541 Blue Island av ^ § 3 Pe TIC r- AC- e.* si Small. Henry N .... Dec. Mar. Sept. Oct. Oct. June Nov- 29. 1877 1. 1K78 H E 188 Clark 36 37 50 62 u. s Pa 11 9 26 46 11 Smith. ArthnrW 468 W. Lake S Smith, Charles Gilman.. 18,1877! H 2220 Calumet av .... N h: . N.J *>"> Smith. David S 12. 1877 1,1879 21.1878 10. 1884 H H H R H PM R R R R H R R 1255 Michigan av Central Music Hall A'>, Smith, Jennie E Smith, Julia Holmes .360LaSalle av .... 163 S. State 38 39 "41 35 S9 28 26 43 46 60 33 32 25 30 .... 30 26 35 21 34 26 25 32 48 26 31 39 34 36 35 La 2 16 16 8 ?, Smith, Wi'liam F U.S Ill Md N. Y IR Smythe. Frank 52tj Wabash av. Snyder, 0. W. F Somers, George C . Sept. June July Dec. Anr. Jan. Sept. Mar. Jan. Feb. May July Feb. June April Dec- Apr. Dec. Sept. Mar. Apr. Feb. May July Jan. Mar. Oct. Dec. Sept Nov. Dec. May Mar. Feb. June April June June Sept. Dec. Oec. Nov. June Jan. Apr. 29,1*<81 3,1881 21,1881 31,1877 22. 1884 14,1878 27, 1879 25,1880 Madison and LaSalle... Grand Pacific Hotel.... 65 E. Randolph 8 Spalding. Heman Ind Sperry, (Charles C 3175 Archer av III :::::::: 3 17 16 35 3 7 4 "12 9 3 "■9 9 5 5 10 f$ 243 State 244 W Indiana N.Y Sweden... Ohio N.Y Ind Canada... §:l:;::;:; U.S N.Y Ill Hi Me Austria... Ohio Ala Pa Spork Emily. 5 Spra^ue, George 3648 Vincennes av 565 Fulton Sprague, Horace T Spray, John C 28.1878 R 133 S. Clark 7 St. John, Leonard. 6,1878 l,18«i3 5, 1878 5, 18Sn B R R 1^ .539 W. Monroe 0; Stahl. Edward L 171 Van Buren Stanley, Charles W 2113 State R Stanley. Frank A 90 Morgan 428 W. Madison 70 Monroe 1 Stansbury. Harriet E Starki^y, Horace M 13,1882 H 13.1^78 R 5 Starkweather. Ralnh E... Starrett. Carlton E 15.1877 10, 1884 26,1877 1, 1877 23. 1883 12. 1884 27. 1878 13. 1881 15.18^4 2.1S78 5.1878 6. 1884 28.1877 L'S. 1877 18.1882 n.l88:i 6, 1884 24,1884 25,1878 2((, 1884 8. 1881 18. 1878 28.1878 21,1883 6,1881 18,1877 22. 1877 8.1881 21. 1878 16, 1881 R E R I R H H R R R R R R H R R R R R R R H E R R R E R R R R R R R 202Stiite 3457 Indiana av 8 Stebalts, Frank W 802 S Halsted. *> Steele, Daniel A. K 1801 State ,"> Steger, R. W 163 State Stehman, Henry B 103 State 479 Noble Steinhaus, Henry Germany. lU 10 SteinhauR, Mary 479 Noble :. Steuernagel. George 886 N. Halsted Canada... (-. ermany 111 ;.. Ohio Va 3 10 3 8 Sterl, Alexander 361 Blue Island av Central Music Hall 3428 S. Halsted 4 Stevenson. Sarah Hackett Stewart, Charles A 3 Stillians, Daniel C 70 State 8 Stitt. James 8 . . 194 Clark . . . Stockham. Alice B 159 LaSalle 48 25 21 28 50 31 26 45 Ohio Stockton. Frank 243 State N.J Pa 2 Stokes, Sidney A 94 Washington bd 499 8. Wood Stone, Willis C N.Y Germany. Kv Wis Bavaria... "25 4 "17 Storck, Charles 153 Dearborn av .... 18 Stout. Alexander M Stowell, James H 1152 W, Harrison 529 State Strausser, Simeon 221 N. LaSalle av 30 Aldine Square .... n Rtreeter. John W 10 Streliz, Theodore 0. E.. . . 32i> Wells 50 41 34 ■1 40 21 33 30 2.3 33 40 Germany. Pa Germany . Ill Pa "ii 8 6 4 14 Stringfield, Frank M Stroinski. Oswald 128 Twenty-second 41 Clark .... Strong, Albert B 312 W. Indiana . 6: Struble, John 1596 Milwaukee av 126 S. State 9: Stubbs, James E Ohio Ill 1 Sullivan. Daniel H 2495 Archer av Synon. George C 249 Blue Island av 249 Blue Island av 68 Madison Canada... Canada... Ill 4 2 ?! Synon, William A Oct. May Dec. May 27, 1883 9.1881 21.1877 3,1884 ?i Tabor. Fred. S Tairert Adelbert H mi W. Lnke 966 W.Lake Vt. 7 20 ,^ Tagert, Alonzo D Vt 57 To Whom Certifcates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed fob Record. Oct. Oct. Sept Oct. Apr. 10,1877 23,1877 11.1^77 10.1H77 22. 1879 Oct. 5.1877 Nov. 8.18S4 Nov. 8.1S84 May 24.187« April 13,1880 July Sept Apr. Jan. July 20.1881 11.1877 21, 1X^4 14. 1878 29. 1879 Mar. Jan. 17.188(1 2S. 1878 Aug. 31.1877 Apr. Nov. 28. 1883 23, 1877 Jan. Dec. Mar. Aug. Apr. 6.18^0 16.1879 20.187S 23,1877 15, 18S4 Dec. Aug. 20. 1877 27. 1877 Mar. 12.1883 Mar. Mar. 15, 1?<84 1,1878 Apr. Dec. Oct. Aug. Oct. 26, 1881 6. 1883 23, 1877 24,1877 3. 1884 Dec. 28,1877 Aug. 29.1877 Nov 13.1X82 Dec. 1 Tascher, John 3 Taylor Charles S 5 Taylor, George 10 Rowland block 1552 Wabash av q Taylor, Olive M. P Taylor, Theodore T 126 Milwaukee av 51 N. State Kv... 7 Taylor, William H Wis England... N. H 3 Teare, John 411 Centre av '^0 Tebbetts. James H 438 W. Madison Central Music Hall 246 S. Halsted Thacher, Chester I Thayer, Charles E N.Y U. S 2 .... Theobald, George H 681 S. Halsted Germany. Russia.... Norway... Thilo. George C 465 Milwaukee av ,3100 Went worth av 535 W. Monroe 2 Thomas, A. L Thomas, Homer M Iowa Iowa Thome. Arthur G 185 Lincoln av Thometz, John J Halsted and Fourteenth Central Music Hall 286 W. Indiana Ill .... Thompson, Mary H Thompson, Merritt W N.Y U. S Ind . 16 1 15 1 Thomson, George A. Thurber, William P Dec. 28,1877 Aug. 14,1878 Sept. 28, 1877 2270 Archer av Canada... England.. England . . U. S Germany. Ky N.Y U. S N.Y N.Y N.Y Md Pa Mass TT S 40 15 2 22 12 34 10 1 13 30 4 18 8 25 1 1 4 11 11 Thurston, E. H 519 Wabash av 6 Tilley, Robert 125 State ?, Todd, John F 172 Twenty-second 171 Madison 336 W. Madison 22 Tomboeken, Henry Tomlinson, William M Sept. 19,1877 Nov. 5,1883 Mar. 11,1878 July 20,1883 Jan. 31,1878 Aug. 25,1877 Dec. 13,1883 Nov. 22,1877 Dec. 4,1880 Dec. 11,1877 Feb. 28,18a3 Mar. 1,1880 Apr. 7, 1880 Jan. 24,1878 June 12,1884 Mar. 31,1883 Feb. 23,1878 Nov. 21,1877 Dec. 12,1877 Sept. 16,1880 April 17,1880 Dec. 10,1877 May 20, l>81 Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 27,1878 Dec. 13,1883 Jan. 9, 1878 June 6,1881 Jan. 24,1878 12 Tongue, Frances J 212 Clark . 10 Tons, Edward L Tooker, Robert N. 243 State 237 Dearborn av. 4 Treat, Robert B 247 W. Madison 7 Trimble, Edmund G. R. . . . Trine, John G 170 State 105 S. State "lO Trowbridge, F. L 197 Madison 8 Tucker. Dexter M 2317 Wabash av 20 Tucker, Frank "W 898 Fulton Tucker, (xeoige W. 185 S. Paulina 24'tJ. S 26 TT. S. I'ucker, Henry S. 513 State . 4 Tucker, James J . 50 Thirty-fifth 37 23 28 42 50 2» 22 47 42 27 35 48 28 72 35 41 Mass N.Y 10 Tuthill, Jerome J 727 W. Indiana Tuttle, Clarence M 675 W. YanBuren 30o W. Indiana Ma'«s Twining, S. Douglas N. Y Germany. Germany. Canada... Me Canada... Mich Ill NY Ind 14 31 6 1 20 12 3 10 20 12 Ulrich, Julius 467 N.Wells 22 Ulrich, Raimond C 255 North av 6 Valin, Honore D 802 S. Halsted Valpey. John W Blue Island av. and 16th 15 N. Mav 12 vanHuren, Henry 9 Vanderhoof. Henrv W 2ti9 Bissoll.... 1 Yau Doozer, B. R. L 3119 Wabash av 10 Van Valkenburgh, F, P . 3839 Indiana av. ^0 Yan Zandt, G 744 W. YanBuren 496 LaSalle av Varges, Louis Germany. Germany. Canada . . . 1 44 4 17 30 Yenn, Charles H 615 Noble 1 Yenne, Henry 256 S. Halsted 10 1) Dentist. 59 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicag^o. Cebtificate of State Board oy Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. June Dec. Dec. May Nov. 8.1880 1.1877 24.1877 17, 1878 3, 1877 Dec. Nov. Sept. 10. 1877 19, 1884 19, 1877 23, 1884 May 9, 1878 Feb. Sept. Apr- Mar. Mar. 14,1881 17.18S1 16. 1883 12, 1888 23, 1880 Oct. Apr. Oct. 22,1879 12, 1882 6. 1883 28, 1882 10,1877 Dec. Oct. Dec. May Sept 29. 1877 25, 1884 18, 1877 24,1878 11.1877 Oct. Sept. Nov. Mar. 11. 1877 18,1877 2,1883 1, 1878 July 12, 1883 Sept. 18,1877 Aug. 25, 1877 Dec. Nov. 4,1882 10,1877 4. 1880 Nov. Feb. Jan. May Aug. 21.1877 22, 1883 17, 188(1 7,1879 20,1877 Mar. Oct. Nov Sept. 7,1884 28, 1883 31,1877 21,1877 13, 1877 July Mar. Dec- Nov. 24.1880 23,1880 7,1877 22.1877 3, 1877 Mar. Dec. Aug. Aug. Dec. 20, 1878 11,1883 30, 1877 10, 1880, 7, 1877 R ush Medical College Medical Department, Western Reserve University Jefferson Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Cliicago Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago. Kentucky School of Medicine Rush Medical College I Royal College of Surgeons, England.. i University of Glasgow, Scotland Dartmouth Medical College Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland. Chicago Medical College (-'hicago Homeopathic Medical College University of Strasburg Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Eleven years' practice Medical Department, University of Buffalo Chicago Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery \ Medical College of Indiana ) Indiana Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College ) Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati I Berkshire Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Ten years' practice Jefferson Medical College Medical School of Harvard University Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Certificate of examination Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Medical School of Harvard University Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department of Yale College University of Vienna University of Wurzburg Medical Department. University of Vermont Twelve years' practice ! Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Hush Medical College University of^Gottingen Rush Medical College Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario Feb. Feb. May Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Nov. Feb. May Apr. Nov. Feb. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 24, 1880 May 5,1880 20,1845' June 18.1878 11,1875 Pec. 27,1877 7. 1878 Mar. 10,1879 16. 1875! Aug. 12,1880 5. 1868 Dee. 12.1877 21, 1878' Aug. 23.1884 1.1869 June 1^,1878 pt. 27, 1884 22.1881|Sep 9,1842!j^ 27,1842;^*^'**^ 20, 1878 19, 1880 'Feb. 17,1881 25,1880:Opt. 6,1881 27, 1883 May 5.1883 2,18«^:Mar. 14.1883 25, 1878 1 June 18,1880 4,1879| 21, 1882; May 15.18«2 1,1883 Oct. 9,1883 21,1882 May 2,1882 22, 1870 July 5, 1878 Feb. 21.1877 Mar. 11,1884 Jan'."2i,'i865 Mar. 21,1876 Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 5,1863 24, 1866 1,1849 21,1878 1,1882 27,1874 1,1865 ,1847 1866 Mar. 1.1878 .Mar. 27,1879 Feb. 17,1867 Feb. 19.1884 Feb. 20,1883 Jan. 14.1864 Aug. 25,1847 July 7,1871 June 26,1879 Jan. 25.1865 Mav 21,1874 Mar. 12,1868 Dec. 29.1877 Dec. 28,1877 Aug. 14,1878 Sept. 28, 1877 April 30.1878 Nov. 5,1883 Mar. 11.1878 July 20,1883 Jan. 31,1878 Aug. 25,1877 Dec. 13,1883 22,1877 4, 1880 Nov. Dec. Dec. 11,1877 Feb. 28,1883 Mar. 1,1880 April 7,1880 Jan. 24,1878 June 12,1884 Mar. 31,1883 Feb. 23,1878 Nov. 21.1877 Dec. 12,1877 Sept. 16,18S0 April 17,1880 Dec. 10.1877 May 20,1884 Mar. 5, 1878 Feb. 21.1878 Mar. 27,1878 Feb. 20, 1883 Dec. 15.1883 May 21, 18.33 Jan. 9,1878 Feb. 15, 1876 June 6,1881 May 14, 18611 Jan. 24,1878 60 Official Kegister of Physicians City- of Chicago. Name. Registeeed 02 o W o Residence and Post- Office. > < >< PR TIC V- AC- )E.* F3 Verity. W.P Vilas Charles H Aug. Sept Dec. May May Jan. May Dec. Mar. July Apr. Sept. June Apr. Aug. 21,1879 11,1877 29. 1877 2-2. 1878 29,1883 30,1878 16. 1884 29.1877 29, 18S3 11,1878 29, 1884 16. 1884 10,187> 5, 1878 29,1884 29.1881 7.187s R H R R H R R R R R R R E E E R R R R R R R R R R H H R H R E R R R H H R R R R R R H H R R H E R R H R R E R R H R 62 Chicago av Central Music Hall 143 Twenty-second 204 W. Madison 2(- 32 3S 59 23 43 29 37 39 36 26 23 33 36 30 33 24 Wis vt.. u.s N.Y Me 11 1 31 4 Viaeent, Mary L i... 1 Vincent. Wesley u Wade, Frank S Hahnemann Hospital. . 131 Dearborn av 85 Washington bd 52 S. Peoria. . Wadsworth. Frank L Walker. Sidney... Me U ■:■■■■ England 9 '"3 14 15 9 Waltcn. Jane E Walton. Milton W S 736 VV. Madison 14 Ware, Lyman .... 125 State 10 Wassail Joseph W. (I. . 103 State Warner, Abraham L Cook County Hospital. 111 ... Watson. John 8 Canada... Me Canada. .. 3 12 s Watson. Lewis H 297indiana S Watson, Samuel J 424^ W. Jackson 188 S. Halsted Waugh, Thomas Ill Waxham, Frank E 2495 Archer av Ind Weaver, William H. Webb, FranCiS R May 16.1884 May 16,1884 Aug. 8. 1883 Nov. 19,1883 Sept. 29,1884 Feb. 12,1878 Dec. 5,1877 April 29,1882 April 17,ixsi Feb. 20.1878 Mar. ]2.188:{ Dec. 17,1880 Sep. 21,1877 June 23,lssi June 18,1878 May 16.1S82 Aug. 15,1883 Apr. 28,1882 Apr. 10,1881 Jan. 30,1878 Sept. 18,1877 Jan. 19,1882 Apr. 11.1884 Sept. 21.1883 Jan. 1«,1884 Dec. 5, 1 83 July 8, 1878 Jan. 30,187- Oct. 16. 1877 Apr. 19.18-3 Jan. 7,1878 Feb. 16,1878 Apr. 4.1878 June 6.1881 Feb. 2, 1880 Feb. 7.1880 Feb. 5,1876 Oct. 4.1884 Mar. ..,1882 Apr. 18,1883 2996 Archer av ■ Webb, William J. 728 Lincoln av Weber. Frederick C Webster, Charles E 806 Washtenaw av 64 State 33 Germany. 8 Webster, George W . . 541 S. Canal 27 3-> 56 34 42 52 56 31 57 35 41 49 53 29 30 38 47 26 29 44 43 43 21 40 49 23 41 31 40 55 45 36 24 62 38 28 Iowa Mass N.Y Germany. Germany. N.Y U.S 111. . 2 11 29 10 "24 20 9 Webster. J ohn C 829 W. Jackson 11 Weeks, Jerome F .... 157 Clark . .... ?<» Wegner. Otto 875 Milwaukee av 1504 Wabash av Weilhart. Catherine E Weller, F. Montrose. 159 Clark *^'? Wells. Catherine J Wells, William H Central Music Hall 281 Clark 8 Wescotl, Austin B. 57 S. S.Elizabeth 2963 Archer av Mass (rermany . Ky Ohio N.Y Vt 28 15 20 24 25 2 7 13 IT Westerburg, Richard n Westerfield, William C. 75 Madison. 7 Wetmore, Samuel W 2131 Wabash av Whaling, Julia Cone 3216 Forest av '^5 Wheeler, Frank. Wabash av and 31st.... Marine Hospital 125 Western av ?, Wheeler. William A Whiddon. Philon C End I'l Mass U. 8 1 11 White Charles 380 LaSalle av White! George H .. 1234 W. Jackson White, J. Edgar. 337 S. Lincoln Ohio Canada.. . 4 4 White Mary A 14 Rush . . . White. Sarah .J. 212Wai)ashav Mass U.S N.Y Pa N.Y N.Y 10 2 1 20 25 Whiting, Thomas H Whitney, Eugene W ( 'entral Music Hall 289 W. Twelfth 2 1 Wickersham, Swayne 235 State ?o Wilbur. Charles Aug Wilcox. AV.Leroy 501 LaSalle uv 126 Slate 13 Wild. Theodore Wilder, Flavins M 465 Milwaukee av 2429 Wabash av Germany. N.Y....... France.... N.Y N.Y La Ill Vt 12 10 13 33 18 14 4 8 16 12 10 Wilke. William M Wilkins. J. Rhodes 428 Milwaukee av Ashland Block » Wilkins. J. Sprague Willard, Alfred L 764 Walnut 207 State 3342 S. Paulina 7 1^ Willard Geo E 4 Willard Samuel 15 S. Sheldon 8 Williams, Charles A 28 Warren av U.S U.S.. ^^ Williams, Daniel Hale 3034 Michigan av 1) Dentist. 61 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City- of Chicago. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Mar. 1.1S80 Aug. 4,1877 Dhc. 20,1877 June 24,1X78 May 25,1883 Oct. 11.1877 Apr. 3n,18M Dec. 3.1877 Nov. 9 1^77 Oct. 29,1877 Apr. July Dec. Dec. Apr. 28. 1884 22,1-84 17. 1877 29.1H77 16. 1883 Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dnpt. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Medical Depattment, Willoughby University Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago — Rush Medical College Nashville Mndical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago. ('hicago Medical Col lege Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago... Rush Medical College Bennett (College of Eclectic Medicine and^Surgery Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. May Feb. Mar. 25, 1879 13. 1873 24, 1875 ..,1847 20. 1883 3, 1809 26. 1884 •24,1874 4.1 G>< 1, l»6ti 11.1884 19. 1884 'iO,1875 12. 1867 22,1883 Sept. 11.1877 Dec. 29,1877 July 1,1878 May 29,1883 Jan. May Dec. Mar. July Apr. Sept. June June Jan. 30.1878 16.1884 29, IS77 29,1883 11,1878 29, 1844 16, 1884 10. \H78 19.1878 29, 1884 Apr. 27,1882 Mar. 20,1878 June 14,1884 Mar. 4.1X78 May 14.1884 July 18,1883 Nov, 17.18S3 Sept. 23. 1N84 Aug. HO. 1877 Aug. 30,1877 Mar. 31,1882 Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Mar. 31.1882 Chicago Homeopathic MecMcal College. June 11.18^8 Dent, of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Mar. 9, 18'<3: Hahnemann Medical College, rihicago May 24,1878, Beilevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College , College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Chicago. .. Chicago Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan, Beilevue Hospital Medical College Medical Sehool of Harvard University. ( 'hicago Medical College Medieal School of Harvard University. Rush Medical College Feb. 21.1882 Mar. 5.1878 Mar. 13,18«;i Mar. 16,1875 June 28,1878 Mar. 1. 1875 June 27,188 Mar. 28,1882 Mar. 13,1«6- Feb. 22.1849 April 29. 18S2 Aug. 7.1878 Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 2,1882 2, 1XS2 30. 18 20, l>h3 1, 187»^ Sept. 20.1877 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati June 2I,1>81I Universitv of Wurzburg Oct. ix.ix77j St. Louis Medical College Apr. 27,1882 Medical Department, University of Buffalo. Aug. 13,1883 Tvventy-flve years' practice Apr. 27,1882 Apr. 9. 18x4 Jan. 29,1878 Aug. 2iMx77 Jan. 11,1882 Apr. 8.1884 Aug. 15.18S3 Jan. 15.1X84 Nov. 17.1883 Mar. 1, 1878 Feb. 15,1857 Jan. 5, 186( Mar. 2, 1859 Feb. 22,18o2 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Colh'ge of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Medical School of Harvard University Rush M edical College Kentucky School of Medicine Feb. 23,1882 Mar. 1. 1877 July 18,l8ii6 Feb. 15,1863 June ..,1881 University of Wurzburg Woman's Medical College, Chicago New York Medical College and Hospital for Women Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. 20,1884 27,18S3 23. 1x73 2. 18X3 26, lft7» Aug. 18. 1877 Dept. of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Aug. 30,1877 Castleton Medical College, Vermont April 17, )xx3 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Sept. 11.1877| Kush Medical College Oct. 27,1877] Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. Mar. ...1855 June 20,1X52 Mar. 20,1883 Jan. 25,186 Mar. 25,1868 Apr. June Oct. Nov. Nov. Aug. Jan. Apr. 4.1878 Chicago Homeopathic Medical College 3.1XX1J Starling Medical College. 5.1878 Medieal Department. University of Buffalo. 28. 18;9 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery 19,1877 Chicago Medical College 29.1878! Medieal Department, Illinois College.. 2.1878; Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago 16,18831 Chicago Medical College Apr. Mar. Feb. June Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. 3, 1878 4,185 22, 1X62 1, 1878 10, 1874 29,1878 14, 1X61 27. 1883 May 16.1884 Aug. 8, 1883 Nov. 19.1883 Sept. 29.1S84 Feb. 12.1878 Dec. 6.1877 Apr. 29.1«82 Apr. 17,1882 Mar."i2.'l883 Dec. 17.1880 Sept. 24.1877 June 23.1881 June 18.1X78 May 16.1882 Aug. 15.1883 \pr. 28,1882 April 10.1^84 Jan. 30.1878 May 4. 1878 Jan. 19.1862 April 11.1884 ^ept. 21,18^3 Jan. 18.1884 Dec. 5, 1883 July 8,1878 Jan. 30,1X78 Oct. 16. 1877 April 19,18X3 \pr. 5 1878 Feb. 16,1878 Apr. 4.1878 June 6,1881 Feb. 2,1880 Feb. 7,1880 Feb. 5.1878 Oct. 4.1884 Jan. 25.1878 April 18,1883 62 Official Eegister op Physicians City of Chicago. Name. Registeeed o » o o Residence and Post- office. Nativity Prac- tice.* Williams. George W Williams. John F Williams, Theodore D Jan. 15,1878 Jan. 4.1878 Dec. 27.1877 May 9,1882 Sept. 27, 1880 Oct 14,1884 R R H E R R 129 Twenty-second 133 Lincoln av 89 Aberdeen 45N.Y 40 Pa 35U. a 4 13 7 4 13 7 Williamson, Josei)h G. 137 Madison 43 38 Pa Wilson, Wiley H 336 Warren av Ga ... Winer, John King . Cook County Hospital. Cook County Hospital. 47 S. Elizabeth 21! Can ad a, Wing, Elbert Sept. 29.18831 K Jan. 29,1878! H 30 45 111 Wolgamott. George W.... Wood, Clifton B Ohio 19 1 15 13 1 1 1 21 13 Oct. 14.1884 Jan. 23.1878 June 22,1878 May 11,1881 Mar. 19,1878 June 2,1881 June 19,1878 May 7, 1879 Aug. 21,1884 R H H H R R R R R 2251 Michigan av 70 State 34 Ohio 52Mass 39 Mass 39:Pa 2611) 31 Germany. 43N. J 35 Sweden... 26 Austria . . . } Woodbury W. H 15 Woodward. Alfred W Woodworth. Emily F Woodworth. PlumerM. .. Wrede, Frederick Young, Henry 130 Ashland av 747 W.Jackson 45 Clarke 171 Blue Island av 50 W. Madison 13 i "13 Youngstedt, Magnus Zeisler, Joseph 332 Division 3 2970 8. Park av 2 ---. *At date of Registration. Cook County. Arnold, Wilhelmina. Arnold, William B... Barrows, Ransom M Benson, Frederick N. Ellis. Henry I Larkin, James J , Levi. John T McLaughlin. A. W McKinley. John K. Meeker, Lysander. Sinclair, J. G Swan, Charles F... Watt, Charles W... Wiesika. Paul Willing. Samuel E.. Bragdon. Merritt C. Clapp. Eben P Cotton, A. C Haven, Otis C Lyford, William H. Mann, O. H Marcy, Anson L ... Palmer, Henry P .. Parsons. Harry Poole, Isaac Quinlan, Charles H. (1. Russell. J. Edwin Trimble, David B Webster, Edward H Wire, George E June 14,1883 R Duo. 22, 1877 E Aug. 20,1884 E June 30,1880 Mar. 1,1884 H May 21, 1878 E May 25,1881 E April 6.1881 R May 5,1884 R Dec. 23,1882 R April 15,1884 R Aug. 3. 1882 R Juno 21. 1884 E Dec. 4, 1877 R Aug. 6,1883 R Aug. 2.1883 R Mar. . .1880 H Jan. 2.1878 H Oct. 25. 1882 H Mar. 12, 1883 R Nov. 26,1883 R May 26, 1883 H Aug. 5.1878 H Dec. 24. 1877 H Nov. 27.1877 H Oct. 6, 1882 H i)ec. 24,1877 R June 20. 1878 R April 29,1882 H Oct. 12.1877 R Dec. 19.1877 R Mar. 25,1884 R South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. South Chicago. Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston , Evanston Evanston Evanston Evanston N. Y. N. Y. U.S. Mich. N. H... N. Y .. Wis. .. Pa.-.. Ohio.. Ontario. Ohio.... U. S u. s Ill Germany. N.Y N. Y Ill Ill N.Y Ill R.I Mass W. Indies. 111.... Mass. N.Y. N. Y., 1) Dentist. 63 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. City of Chicago. Certificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Eecokd. Oct. 6, 1877 Aug. 29,1877 Oct. 25, 1877 Apr. 27,1882 Sept. 14,1880 Mar. 25,1884 Sept. 1,1883 Nov. 19,1877 Oct. 13, 1884 Aug. 30,1877 Aug. May Mar. June Nov. 29,1877 6, 1881 20, 1878 1,1881 15, 1877 May 19,1879 Aug. 9. 1884 Chicago Medical College , Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical CoUego, Chicago , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Kentucky School of Medicine Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College .., Chicago Medical (College Miami Medical College Jefferson Medical College .. Rush Medical College University of Vienna Mar. 13, 1873 Jan. Mar. ...18H5Jan. Feb. 23,1871 Mar. 29,1882 June 29,1880 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 19, 1884 Oct. 28.1882 Sept. 21,1861 Jan. 13. 1883 Oct. 1, 1866 Jan. Dec. May Sept. 25, 1865 3, 1880 5,1878 1, 1880 8.1856 Feb. 25.1879 July 3, 1882 16. 1878 4, 1878 27. 1877 9, 1882 27, 1880 14,1884 29. 1883 29,1878 14. 1884 23. 1878 June 22.1878 May 11,1881 Mar. 2-!, 1878 June 2, 1881 June 24,1878 May Aug. 23, 1879 21, 1884 Cook County. June 11,1883 Dec. 31.1877 June 10,1884 June 18,1880 Feb. 27,1884 May Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. 24, 1878 25,1881 1, 1881 21.1884 27, 1882 Mar. June •lune Dec. July 25, 1884 21,1882 14,1884 7, 1877 31,1883 Jan. Oct. Jan. Oct. July 31,1883 9,1879 8, 1878 21,1882 6,1878 Nov- Sept Dec. Nov. Nov. 24.1883 20,1877 31,1877 24. 1877 19, 1877 Sept Dec. Nov. Apr. Oct. 30,1882 24, 1877 3.1877 27,1882 11, 1877 Oct. Mar. 5, 1877 15,1884 College of Physicians and Surgeons. Chicago Mar. 13.18S3 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb . 18, 1864 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Mar. 25.1884 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincin nati I June 3, 1879 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Mar. ...1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb . 21,1884 Feb. 21,1878 Feb. n6, 1875 Mar. 30,1880 Feb. 11,1878 Mar. 2,1880 Mar. 23.1878 Feb. .,,1857 Mar. 20,1883 Feb. 25,1875 June 19,1883 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Medical Department. Univ. of the City of New York Medical College of Ohio Medical Department, McGill University , Medical Department, State University of Iowa Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Medical College of Ohio Long Island College Hospital University of Gottingen Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical Col lege Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. Ten years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. . . Berkshire Medical College Rush Medical College New York Homeopathic Medical College. Jefferson Medicfll College Chicago Medical College. Chicago Medical College. Dec. Apr. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 9, 1880 4.1879 10, 1873 23,1882 26, 1878 20, 1883 16. 1859 31, 1866 10, 1873 Feb. Nov. Feb. Mar. Mar. 28, 1882 19. 1862 ..,1865 5, 1880 12, 1837 June 14,1883 Jan. 29.1878 Aug. 20,1884 June 30,188() Mar. 1,1884 May 24.1878 Mar. 15.1878 April 6.1881 May .5. 18S4 Dec. 28,1882 Apr. 15.1884 Aug. 3,1882 June 21,1884 Dec. 21.1877 Aug. ,6.1883 Aug. Oct. Jan. Oct. Mar. Nov. May Aug. Dec. Nov. 2. 1883 4. 1879 15,1878 25. 1882 12. 1883 26, 1883 26, 1883 5, 1878 24. 1877 27,1879 Oct. 6. 1882 Dec. 29,1877 June 20,1878 April 29,1882 Oct. 12,1877 Mar. 20,1877 Dec. 19.1877 Mar. 27.1883 Mar. 25,1884 64 Official Eegister of Physicians Cook County, Registeeed CO o W o o Residence and Post- Office. t2! >■ H M Prac- tice.* Name. cdo !^ £?■ 3- 6 12 "l 9 10 = 1 Barber, Frank A Feb. 27,1884 Oct. 20.1877 May 7.1S81 Aug. 2 18S4 Sept. 18.1877 July 3.1884 Sept. ms78 June 10.18S4 Jan. 30.18-4 Apr. 2ij, 1878 Oct. 10.1883 Oct. 31.1884 Jan. 2i>, l!S78 Mar. 8.1878 Sept. 21,1877 Mar. 18,18'<4 May 31.1881 Mar. 28,1884 bec."3i."i877 June 8,1882 May 21.1?<81 Dec. 22, 188:-t Oct. 13.18X4 July 21,1883 Apr. 23,1881 Nov. 30. 18H1 Aug. 8. H81 Oct. 5.l8hl Oct. 15,18»1 Feb. 7.18S4 May 9.1-81 Apr. 3.1^84 May 3, tsx4 Jan. 15, 1878 Jan. 25.1878 May 2 18^2 Ocr. 4,18s4 June 1.^), 1881 May 9,1878 E H H H H R 11 R R R H K R R E H H H H R R H H K E H H R 11 H p Hyde Park 29 40 24 2« 45 34 2-' 28 36 27 23 45 32 Wis Canada... iMo U. S N. Y Pa. Flood J Ramsey Hyde Park u Gee. W. 8 Hyde Park Hiiffaker Thomas S Hyde I'ark Johnson, William S Hyde Park 9 Tia'w'^on Weslev Hyde Park 10 Lewis William H. D >Tvde Park N.Y".:.... Ind Hyde Park Mortis Alfred W Hyde I'ark Hyde Park •liss 6 Murphy, J. Kedfleld Waite, Lucy C .... Hyde Park U.S Ohio Ohio "16 6 Arter Francis G En 'lewood 1 Bacon. Martin W Englewood Ohamplin Alfred H Englewood . . . . Chavett, Franklin Englewood 66 29 2* 28 23 N.Y Pa :. Ill 32 20 Foster, J. M Englewood Oreeuleaf, George Thayer Englewood Harris, Andrew F Engl< -wood Wis . . • Holman, E. E Englewood . . TT s 6 27 "l3 7 Lovewell, Charles H Englewood 29!n. Y 3 Lyman, M. J Englewood 51 31 38 ■ 36 34 39 4) 53 3S 24 27 4i 39 42 62 24 31 70 25 43 '>8 N.Y England.. Canada... Ohio £11 26 Oliver, Emma L. K Englewood Pettit, J(jniithan Wilder. G.J Englewood Englewood .... Blanchard, A. G Pullman .. . Lyons, Jennie M Pullman Vt Ill Ohio Wis Pa.... "18 29 ""2 5 "15 12 34 3 1 35 McLean, John Pullman 18 Kankin, A. C ioekw 11. H. Saylor, Norman A Pullman. Pullman 28 Sharrer, John C Pullman Pa Day, Francis R F, Blue Island N.Y N.Y Germany. N.Y....... Ill Ill Mass Wis Gorton, Mary L 2 Faber, Carl Harmon, Joseph W H R R H K, Bluele-land Blue Island 10 14 Kauffman. Jacob S Blue Island 3 Head, Edwin C IJlue Lsiand Arnold, Josiah Oak Park "■ Baldwin, Amos E U Jffferson Fonda, David B E H ii R R R H K ! H H H R H R N.Y 16 16 Goldsmith, Albert A April 3.1884 June 17. 18^8 June 4.1SH1 July 8.1882 Dec. 2J,1^;7 June 10.1882 Hagenbuch, Allen W .1 efferson 25 Ph 3 "lO 30 1 12 1 6 3 Kiernan, James 'i^ 29JN.Y 40!N- Y Lowell, inmon S Jefferson. Smith, Royal 57 25 N.Y Ill ?6 Chamberlain, A. E Oak Park 1 Dixon, George M Oak Park Oak Park Oak Paik 35!U. S 24 V. Y 31 U. S 1 Fol^om. Edw ird G Harbach, V. W Sept. 14,1878 Feb. 5, 1864 1 McLaren, William L Oak Park Peak, Orrin June 26.1878 Oct. 22.1877 Jan. 17. Ih78 Dec. 3!,1S77 Dec. 28,1877 Feb. 10.188;^ Jan. 11, 1^7! Jan. 10.1H7H Oct. 27.18-2 May 5, IbSU Oak Park 52 34 Vt 24 h 27 3 11 5 4 24 24 Tope, J. W Oak Park nh\n 7 Wood. Elias VV.. [Oak Park 49N.Y 24 Vt: 37N.Y 29U. S 28 \. Y 48 V. Y • 21 Hulett, S. Eugene Palatine. 3 ShelTner, Alonzo N Palatine 11 Sutherland. C. M Wadham.s, Fred. C Austin. Solomon W Palatine Palatine Central Park 8 Bass, George E R 1 R (/Olehour 27 31 vt Bass, Luther G iRoseland 111 65 To WpoM Cebtificates have been Issued. Cook County. Obetificate of State Boakd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for Record. Feb. 4,1884 Oct. 18, 1877 May 5, 1881 July 31,1884 Sept. 18.1877 July 24,1879 July 6,1878 June 7, 1884 Jan. 21.1884 April 29,1878 Oct. Oct. Jan. Nov. Sept. Mar. May 3, 1883 30,1884 26,1878 21.1877 10, 1877 15, 1884 20, 1881 Mar. 25,1884 May Oct. Feb. July Dec. Oct. July 18, 1878 11.1877 4, 1881 11,1881 20, 1883 8, 18S4 14, 1882 April 18,1881 Sept. 7,1877 Oct. 18, 1877 Sept. 6,1881 Oct. 6, 1881 Jan. May Mar May Jan. 21,1884 12,1884 28,1884 3, 1881 11, 1878 Sept. 15,1877 Apr. 28,1882 Oct. 29, 1883 May 11,1881 Oct. 17,1878 Mar. 15,1884 Aug. 31,1877 Mar. 25,1881 June 21,1882 Dec. 21,1877 June 9.1882 Oct. 2,1884 Oct. 5,1878 Feb. 1, 1884 Sept. 22,1877 Nov. 21,1877 Oct. 8,1877 Jan. 5, 1878 Nov. 20,1877 Sept. 13.1877 Feb. 5.1883 Jan. 8, 1879 Sept. 15,1877 Oct. 26.1882 April 14, 1880 —5 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medical College Haiinemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. 21,1878 10, 1866 24. 1881 21.1884 1. 1868 Feb. Oct. May Aug. Oct. 27. 1884 18, 1877 7.1881 2, 1884 8,1877 Ten years' practice Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. Medical Department, University of Louisville Louisville Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Castleton Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Mar. 27,1878 Feb. 28,1884 Feb. 27,1877 Feb. 26.1878 Feb. 21,1883 Feb. 22,1868 Mar. 24,1875 Mar. 31,1 Feb. 27.1 Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Nov. Mar. Feb. Mar. June 23.1883 1.1S81 21. 1884 21. 1878 29. 1871 25.1855 1,1881 19, 1870 28, 1877 6, 1882 July 3, 1884 Sept. 13,1878 June 10,1884 Jan. 30,1884 April 29. 1878 Oct. 10, 1883 Oct. 31, 1884 Jan. 26.1878 Mar. 8, 1878 Sept. 21,1877 Mar. 18,1884 May 31,1881 Mar. 28,1884 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Rush Medical College , Starling Medical College Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Kentucky School of Medicine Woman's Medical College, Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Albany Medical College Feb. 24.1881 Jan. 21,1863 Feb. 14,1852 Mar. 29,1881 Mar. 10,1880 June 29.1880 Apr. 19,1884 Mar. 25.1884 Apr. 4.1879 Mar. 1,1844 Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery . Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Albany Medical College Central Medical College, Syracuse Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. 16, 1875 24. 1882 11,1868 29, 1881 21, 1878 Dec. 31,1877 June 8,1882 May 21,1884 Dec. 22,1883 Oct. 13,1884 July 21,1882 April 23.1881 Nov. 30.1881 Aug. 8,1881 Oct. 5.1881 Oct. 14. 1881 Feb. 7.1884 May 19,1884 April 3.1884 May 16.1882 Jan. 15,1878 Jan. 26,1878 May 2.1882 Oct. 4,1884 June 15,1881 Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, New York. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Rush Medical College Geneva Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Albany Medical College Medical Department, University of Vermont Rush Medical College, Feb. 21,1884 Feb. 15.1876 June 27.1874 Dec. 26.1871 Mar 1850 Feb. 24,1881 Mar. 6,1871 Mar. 5,1877 April 2,1879 Feb. 20.1871 Mar. 30.1854 Feb. 2.1870 June 25,185( Feb. 10.1876 May 21.1873 June 22.1877 Feb. 26.1878 Dec. 28,1854 July 1.1882 Feb. 24,1880 April 3.1884 June 17.1878 July 4, 1881 July 8,1882 Dec. 22.1877 June 10,1882 Oct. 21.1878 Feb. 5. 1884 June 26,1878 Jan. 17,1878 Dec. 31.1877 Dec. 28,1877 Feb. Jan. Jan. Oct. May 10,1883 11.1879 18. 1878 27.1882 5.188a Cook County. 66 Official Eegister of Physicians Name. jRegistebed Residekce and Post Office. :^H -I 25 Bennett, Mary E... Best, John E Bond, Arthur G — Bowser, James C. Burbank, C. H Burehmore, John H. Carey, Warren Carrier, Charles W... Chapman, George H. Clendenen, Irving — Congdon, J. L Coryell, George Curtiss, Rozel Morgan, Dodge, William C Doepp, William Dornbusch, Henry W. Doyle, Jeremiah Egan, William C Fargo, John F Fitzpatrick, John A. .. Fox. George M French, Amelia J German, William H. . Gilbert. Jr., James C. Goldspohn, Albert ... Good all, W. W. ... Graves, F. E Guild, Elias C Guild, W. L Heffron, Helen M. Hews, Charles Dean , Hoag, Junius C , Hoffman, G. F. Theodore. Holcomb, Fred , Hoover, ^. C Hughes, J. Owen Hume, James N J erome, L. R Johnson, Joseph H. 8... Johnson, W. A Jones, Joshua Keck, John Leonard, W. Wyckoff. Lowenthal, Louis Luken, M. H Mack, John A May, Jacob Maxson, O. T Maxson. O. P McCornack, E. A. McGinnis, J. W... Merrill. Harry W, Miller, E , Mills, John Lee... Moody, A. L , Morrison. Geo. H Mdffas, Maximillian. Munger, Merritt J Dec. 29, 1879 R Dec. 26, 1877 li Mar. 5, 1878 n Nov. 3,1884 R Jan. 31,1884 K Feb. 25, 1880 R Mar. 22. 18K3 April 20, 1882 Dec. 19.18?7 Mar. 30,1880 Jan. 19,1878 Sept. 30,1881 Sept. 2,1884 May 14,1881 Mar 17,1883 Nov. 14.1881 Nov. 24,1877 June 11.1881 Aug. 5,1880 Dec . 8, 1877 April 20, 1880 Feb. 29,1884 April 6,1878 Jan. 2,18»3 Feb. 13.1878 April 5,1881 Dec. 1,1877 Mar. 15,1883 Dec. 28,1877 June 1,1882 Sept. 10,1877 July 21,1882 Mar. 27.1881 Aug. May Dec. May Dec. 10, 1878 24, 1882 4. 1880 30,1884 26,18?7 Apr. 20,1883 Aug. 1. 1878 Apr. 19,1883 Nov. 18,18?9 Sept. 1,1877 April 26, 1878 Jan. 21,187N Jan. 1, 1878 Dec. 19,1883 June 14,1881 Mar. 13,1882 Dec. 27,1883 Nov. 21,1884 May 16,1881 Jan. 28,1878 Nov. 15,1882 Park Ridge Arlington Heights. Austin Lake View Rogers Park R North Evanston R iLa Grange H DesPlaines R Grand Crossing E |Maywood R Lyons. R Riverside. May wood Kavenswood Homewood... Barrington Lake Morgan Park... Norwood Park. Lemont La Grange Grand Crossing ... Morgan Park Union Stock Yards Des Plaines Lake Bloom Bartlett Bartlett Washington Heights Roseland... Winnetka .. Niles Kensington Austin Norwood Park... W^estern Springs. LaGrange.. Humboldt Park.. Thornton R Auburn, H Barrington. R H R R R R R E R R R R R H R R South Evanston Washington Heights. Niles Centre Lyons , Des Plaines South Evanston. South Evanston. Oak Glen , Brighton Park. May wood Kensington Brighton Park. Lemont Winnetka Wheeling Central Park. 35 34 37 23 35 37 33 U.S Ill 4 7 6 2 7 Va Canada... 4 111. 12 9 ^ U.S u. s. 5 31 27 38 NY u. S Mich 5 3 8 5 1 3 36 71 ^8 Ind N.Y U. S 13 32 4 22 39 47 vt Germany. 16 28 10 27 22 Germany. 1 38 Ireland. .. 10 1 31 Pa 6 2 1 (> 46 28 Mass Canada. . . 2: 1 48 47 Vt N.Y 26 2& '?8 Canada... 41 31 N.Y. ...:. Wis 20 5 15 5 35 ';^4 Ireland . . . Ill 10 10 46 Mass U.H.. 10 10 3() N. Y 31 U.S III.. . . 10 10 57 22 '>5 Germany. N.Y....... Ill 33 1 29 40 t)0 57 28 33 N.Y. England .. N.Y N.Y US 11 25 36 "io 10 ■'io 19 37 U.S 111.. 3 10 1(> '^6 Ohio 42 26 Germany. Ohio 18 1 13 1 34 27 53 N.Y N.Y Wis.!!^'.'.'.' 12 3 29 9 3 la ?,7 Ill 31 111.. 26 42 53 29 Iowa Pa N.Y N.Y "6 23 3 15 1 ^ Ill 32 38 Germany. U.S 5 16 5 67 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Cook County; Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certifleate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Dec. Dec. Mar. Oct. Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. Mar. 20,18771 Woman's Medical College, Chicago 2!>,1877j Rush Medical College 1, 1878i Rush Medical College 29,1884' Medical Department, McGill University 2G,1884i Rush Medical College '' Medical School of Harvard University Rush Medical College. Ifi, 18801 1!).1888' 13.1877 (Chicago Homeopathic Medical College 7,187r| Rush Medical College 23,18801 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Dec. 10,18771 Rush Medical College Sept. 26,18811 Tvyenty-two years' practice Aug. 1, 18^4i College ot Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago Nov. 18,188o; Jefferson Medical College April 7,1880 Mar. Feb. Sept. Apr. Apr. Mar. Feb. Apr. June 2, 18a3 12, 1881 8,187? 1,1881 13, 1880 25,1877 17, 1880 25. 1884 13, 18 1, 1883 Feb. 11.1878 Mar. 30.1884 Nov. 10.1877 April 30,1881 Mar. 6,1883 Dee. 28.1877 May 26.1882 Sept. 10,1877 July 13,1882 Mar. 25,1884 Aug. ..,1877 April 25. 1882 Nov. 29,1880 Apr. 4, 1884 Sept. 10,1877 Apr. Dec. Mar. Oct. Sept. Mar. Aug. Oct, Dec. Mar. 16,1883 26,1877 22, 188:^ 18, 1879 10,1877 20, 1878 29, 1877 19, 1877 17, 1883 25, 1881 University of Giessen. Rush Medical College j KiQg's and Queen's College, Ireland.. ) Royal College of Surgeons, England.. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Certificate of examination Castleton Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Fifteen years' practice Rush Medical College Ten years* practice , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Chicago Medical College Rush Medical Cf)Uege Albany Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department. University of Iowa, Keokuk. Medical Society, Lewis County, New York Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Medical College Jan. 25. Feb. 27. Feb. 9, Feb. 21, Mar. 4, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan June 26. Homeopathic Medical College, of Missouri Feb. 25, ~ ■ -. . . , « -- j^ Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. I 27,1873 Dec. 2,1870 Jan. 26, 1878 Mar. 3, 1883 Nov. 17.1872 Jan. 29.1877 2,1878 5, 1878 3,1884 31,1884 June 30.1875'Feb. 25,1880 Feb. 20, 1883 Mar. 22.1883 Mar. 5, 1877 April 20, 1882 Feb. 17,1874 Dee. 19,1877 May 23, 1872 Mar. 30,1880 Jan. 25,1865 Feb. 26,1878 iSept. 30.1881 Mar. 11,1884 Sept. 2.1884 Mar. 2, 1864 May 14,1881 Sept. 1,1856 Feb. Nov. Nov. Feb. Feb. 20,1883 Mar. 17,1883 t.iilNov. 14,1881 16, 1875 Mar. 15.1878 24,1881 June 11,1881 lAug. 5,1880 June 26,1851iDec. 8,1877 Feb. 26,1880 April 20,1880 Mar. 5, 1883 Feb. 29.1884 . lApril 18.1,^78 Feb. 26, 1878 Jan. 2,1883 iFeb. 13,1878 Mar. 22, 1881 April 5,1881 May 21, 1874, Dec. 1,1877 Mar. 25,18S4i Feb. 20,1883'Mar. 15.1883 Mar. 30, 1870 Dec. Mar. 28, 1882 June Feb. 25. 1861, Oct. Mar. 1,1882 July Mar. 6,1884 Mar. Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Dec. 31.18&3 Rush Medical College Apr. 17,1883| Rush Medical College Jan. 12,lx78| (certificate of examination Sept. 14,1881' Fifteen years' practice ... Aug. 27,1882 Chicago Medict# College.. Apr. 1. 1881 Jan. 12,1878 Nov. 9, 1882 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago < 'ertifleate of examination Medical Department, University of Georgetown. Mar. April 4, Feb. 19, 1867!Aug. 1859 May 1884Dec. 1884 May 1868 June 1879 Apr. 1869 Aug. 1883|Apr. 1879;Nov. 1873 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 21,1878 15,1876 20.1849 13, 1883 22, 1881 20,1883 23,1883 .. Oct. 21,1865 28,1877 1,1882 9,1877 21,1882 27, 1884 8.1878 4, 1882 4, 1880 30.1884 10, 1878 20,1883 1, 1878 19, 1S83 18.1879 5.1878 Apr. 26,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Jan. 1,1878 Dec. 19.1883 June 14,1881 Mar. 13,1882 Dec. 27,1883 Nov. 21,1883 May 16.1881 Jan. 28.1878 Nov. 15,1882 68 Official Eegister of Physicians Cook County. Name. Registered Q W Residence and Post Office. ;> >- H Prac- tice.* 03 1— (§5 Feb. Feb. Mar. Dec. June Jan. Sept. Feb. 29,1884 5, 1878 4, 1884 20, 1877 26,1878 26,1878 26, 1881 15,1881 R R R R R R R R R E R R R E R R R R R Lake View 28, Germany. 36 Conn Nettleton A. G Winnetka 9 25 4 24 7 3 3 4 Oliver, William H Washington Heights... 54 28 52 28 29 England.. 9 Otto Joseph P Peak, Orria Oak Park Vt Wis M\o.h '^4 Pease Hiram L Grand Crossing 7 Moreland 3 Runa'els J F Brown's Mills 29 Tnd Sage J. B Central Park 32 24 43 27 44 27 28 38 22 31 26 26 N.Y Wis .... Salisbury, C. W May Feb. Aug. Dec. Jan. Jan. Mar. June Aug. June June 18,1883 4,1878 12, 1877 20, 1877 4, 1878 28,1883 7,1878 16, 1879 28, 1884 28, 1881 1, 1883 Bloom Grand Crossing Scovel William C N.Y Ill 20 6 8 4 6 10 13 Skelly JohnC Lemont 6 Sparks, Addison J Kensington U. S Ill; 6 Wilmette 8 Tallman, Elihu D South Englewood May wood U. S Mass Mich Thayer, Carmi C _... 'PhiiAmrnlAr A 1 Axa.TKi Ar 1 Dunning Tillotson H. John Hegewisch . .. . Ind Neth'lds-. Pa 4 6 4 Was, J. W South Holland Wiedner Morris R.^ Dalton *At date of Registration. Cra-wford County. Connett, James E Firebaugh, I. L Jones, Absalom W Meserve, A. G Rafferty. T. N..... Eaton, Charles M Griffith, F.J. C Hughes, Daniel Mason, John C Ashley, James Barlow, Columbus Bristow, James C. (1 Bristow. N. P. (1 Connett. P. P Dale, William R. (2 Eaton, William M Edwards, T.J. (2 Ferguson, R. A Gavin. R. M. C Golden, John J Hoskinson,WilliamH6nry Ingles, John A Kibbie.H. 0.(2 Keys, C. W Lewis, James C. (3 Martin, James A McGowen, Thomas J Megrath, Henry, (3 Parkeson. J. D. (2 Steel. Nathaniel Thompson, John S Welsh, William J Apr. Nov. Oct. Dec. Dec. Mar. Dec. Mar. May May Jan. Dec. Dec. Jan. Oct. Sept. Dec. May Feb. Mar. 24. 1877 7, 1882 3,1877 10. 1877 11. 1878 20,1877 27, 1878 2, 1878 4, 1884 1,1878 24, 1877 20. 1877 28. 1878 26, 1881 18,1877 19. 1877 8, 1878 11. 1878 5, 1878 April 14, 1882 Mar. 25,1878 Dec. 17.1878 Mar. 20.1878 Feb. 20.1878 May Sept. Mar. Feb. Dec. 15.1879 9. 1880 18,1878 9, 1878 24. 1877 Dec. 19.1877 Apr. 2. 1881 Robinson.. Robinson . Robinson.. Robinson . Robinson . Annapolis. Annapolis. Annapolis. Annapolis. West York. Eaton Flat Rock Flat Rock New Hebron. Oblong Hutsonville. Oblong Bellair Longtown.-. Hutsonville. Trimble Morea Oblong Hutsonville. West York.. Palestine Heathsville.. West York... Hardinsville. Palestine Palestine Duncanville. ^1 Ind 30 35 Ohio Ill 3 5 4 9 3 94 III.. 4 31 Ind 8 31 33 33 29 23 Ind U. S U.S Ind Tenn 3 7 8 5 1 2 2 7 5 30 111. 1 21 2 12 3 1 52 25 49 26 Ind Ind Ohio Tenn 19 2 9 40 45 Ind Ind Ind 11 15 10 15 40 40 Ohio U.S 20 15 10 10 '^7 U. S... 40 Ind 33 33 38 U.S Ind.'.;:::'.: 7 7 17 1 5 12 ?3 Ill ?7 Ill 5 14 16 18 5 34 Ill 14 39 42 Ind Ind 3 18 28 30 Ind Pa 7 1 7 I 69 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Cook County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Feb. Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. Jan. Sept. Feb. Feb. Apr. Dec. Aug. July Dec. Jan. 26,1884 22. 1877 7,1877 21,1877 21,1877 26,1878 26, 1881 8, 1881 3,1880 16, 1883 29. 1877 13. 1878 6, 1878 29, 1877 11, 1883 Mar. 20,1878 June 11,1879 Nov. 18.1880 June 21,1881 May 10,1383 Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Medical Department. Victoria University, Canada. Chicago Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Chicago Medical College St. Louis Medical College Louisville Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Thirteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Certificate of examination Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Department of Medicine and Surg., Univ. of Mich. Rush Medical College St. Louis Medical College Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago Feb. Mar. May Mar. Mar. 19,1881 1,1869 2, 1866 13, 1877 13, 1854 Feb. 29,1884 Feb. 5, 1878 Mar. 4. 1884 Dec. 20,1877 June 26,1878 Mar. 20, 1877 Jan. 26,1878 Mar. 1,1881 Oct. 5,1881 Feb. 27, 1879; Feb. 15,1881 Feb. 22.1878! Mar. 21,1883 May 18,1883 jFeb. 4,1878 16.1875 Sept. 3,1878 Aug. 24,1878 Jan. 27, 1873 Jan. 4.1878 June 29, 18821 Jan. 28,1883 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 26, 1878! Mar. 23.1878 7. 18791 June 16,1879 4, 1880! Aug. 24,1881 27, 1878; June 28,1881 13, 1883! June 1.1883 Craiv£ord County. Apr. 18,1883 Indiana Eclectic Medical College Oct. 19,18771 Miami Medical College Oct. 6, 1882 1 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Nov. 28,18771 Miami Medical College Sept. 6,1877 Medical College of Ohio Mar. 4,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Mar. 20,187S Mar. 30,1878 April 30, 1884 Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. Oct. 24, 1877 1, 1877 1. 1877 7. 1878 25, 1880 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indianapolis, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical College of Ohio , Medical Dept.. Nashville and Vanderbilt University Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... Medical Department, University of Louisville. Medical Department, University of Louiteville. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department, University of Louisville, Sept. 8,1877 Feb. 9, 1878 May 4, 1878 Nov. 15,1877 Oct. 27,1877 St. Louis Medical College. May July Dec. Mar. Mar. May Mar. Nov. Dec. Jan. 31,1882 6.1878 26, 1877 1. 1878 18,1878 24, 1879 5. 1878 26, 1877 24, 1877 28,1878 Rush Medical College Fifteen years' practice Medical College of Indiana. Ten years' practice. Miami Medical College Certificate of examination Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Twelve years' practice Sept. 6, 1877 Jan. 19,1881 Medical College of Ohio Certificate of examination Fourteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Eighteen years' iJtactice Rush Medical Col lege Certificate of examination Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 16,1883 April 23,1883 26, 1875 Nov. 24,1877 ..,1878 Oct. 7,1882 3,1874 Dec. 3.1877 1,1869 Deo- 10,1877 Feb. 22,1878 June 23.1874 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 27,1878 aiar. 1, 1884 June 21,1877 Mar. 14,1872 Mar. 1, 1875 Jan. 22,1878 Mar. 1, 1877 Jan. 25,1867 Feb. 28,1878 Mar.""9,'i«7i Mar. 9,1882 Mar. 28,1866 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 28,1879 Feb. 21.1861 Feb. 19,1873 Mar. Feb. Mar. May July 11.1878 1. 1H78 27, 1878 2.1878 19, 1884 June 1,1878 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 20,1877 Feb. 15,1878 Nov. 1,1880 Sept. Mar. May Jan. Nov. 18, 1877 4, 1878 8. 1878 3, 1878 1, 1877 July 1,1882 July 12,1878 Dec. 17,1878 Mar. 7,1878 Mar. 23,1878 July 1,1879 April 11,1878 Feb. 12.1878 Feb. 9,1878 Nov. 9,1877 April 2,1881 1) Registered in Lawrence; 2) in Jasper; 3) in Clark. 70 Official Eegister of Physicians Cumberland County. Registeeed O n o Residence and Post- office. >- l2j Prac- tice.* Name. 3g k! Bailey, M. S Sept. 11.1878 July 18.1881 E R R E E E E E E E E E E E E § PM E E E E E E E E Hazel Dell 64 27 28 38 59 .32 31 33 47 48 55 26 46 46 24 31 39 30 51 54 59 46 37 65 23 44 R. I Ind U. S ?S'°v;;.v. U.S U.S Ind Ind Ill 24 4 3 10 34 3 3 11 22 7 29 1 12 23 u Bedwell, I. T. S Hazel Dell Bilby.F. M Hazel Dell .... June 4,1878 Jan. 25,1878 June 6,1878 Nov. 14.1882 Jan. 2.1878 Dec. 17,1877 Sept. 24. 1878 Jan. 1,1878 July 10,1880 Oct. 26,1877 Jan. 22,1878 June 16,1884 Mar. 23.1882 Feb. 19.1878 May 15,1882 Dec. 21.1877 Dec. 29,1877 1877 Hazel Dell 10 Little B F Hazel Dell 20 Young, Wallace Hazel Dell S Colliver, Richard T Goodwin Joljn W Greenup Greenup 2 11 James, N. G Greenup ?'> Bawlings, James A Albin George W. (1. Greenup 7 Neoga Ind Ind Ind Ohio Ill 27 Dougherty, G. F Eagan. G. T. (2.. Eichardson, F. M. (2. . Neoga. 1 Neoga. 10 Neoga 8 Bloomfleld, Robert G Toledo Toledo Ind 111. . 5 10 7 24 25 30 22 12 41 Park William W (3 Toledo 10 Toledo Itid^ U. S Scotland.. Ky Ind Ind Md Ky Yanaway. J. H Bannerman, J. G Toledo.. 24 Johnstown n Croake J. M Johnstown 11 Goodwin A J June 28,1883 Jan. 29,1878 Jan. 22.1878 Apr. 30.1880 Jan. 15.1878 Jewett.. .. . . 18 Je wett 11 Mondy Martin Jewett.. '>1 Eoberts. George M Shull, J. W Union Centre Johnstown '. Ohio 17 17 ♦At date of Registration. DeKalb County. Brown, Charles B Jan. 10,1879 Jan. 24,1883 April 11,1879 Jan. 21.1878 Nov. 26,1877 Dec. 3, 1877 Jan. 28,1884 Dec. 28,1877 Oct. 28,1882 Mar. 21,1882 June 12,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Apr. 4,1881 Mar. 22,1878 Jan. 4,1878 Apr. 5,1884 Jan. 2, 1878 Mar. 19,187s May 24,18S3 Sept. 22,1881 April 25.1884 Dec. 31.18?7 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 28,1877 Jan. 16.1878 E E E E E E H n H E E E E PM H H K E E E E E E PM E Sycamore Sycamore 31 63 22 45 57 46 25 40 35 23 71 55 i 54 29 58 51 24 32 25 39 34 66 61 Canada... Conn U. S u. s u. s 3 34 23 35 16 3 16 2 Bryant C H Sycamore 1 Bryant; William W Garvin Isaac W Sycamore '?3 Sycamore .... 3'^ Graves C. P . 1 Flolmo'; HorapA P Sycamore . in u. s Pa Nesbitt. George W Nitterniann John S 11 Sycamore .... '3» Worcester. Olive E Armstrong. Thomas (1 Ballou N E (2 Iowa Sandwich U.S U.S , Canada . . 42 31 10 Sandwich.. "^I Jacobs, Stephen W LiOwe Robert J Siindwich Sandwich .. ... u. s u. s Ill 11 21 4 33 29 1 1 1 13 9 17 30, 11 Misick, Charles L. (3 Sandwich 18 Stiles F. P Vermi lye, Valentine (4 Sandwich .. u. s Germany . Ill N. Y U. S U.S u. s U.S u.s ?5 Sandwich 11 Carter, Charles D DeKalb..... DeKalb 1 Everett, J. M. (5 DeKalb 1 Jenkins, J. M DeKalb DeKalb 5 Mayo, E. L . 9 Euby, Basil DeKalb 17 Wright,F. P DeKalb 30 71 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Cumberland County .^ Cbetificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- CATE Filed FOE Recobd. Aue:. June May Jan. Feb. 29, 1878 25, 1881 12,1883 16, 1878 2,1878 Jan. Nov. Jan. Nov. Jan. 30.1878 3.1882 28,1878 2,1877 25, 1881 Sept. 11,1877 July 7,1880 Oct. 6,1877 Jan. 16,1878 June 12.1884 Apr. Jan. May Oct. Jan. 27,1882 28,1878 13,1882 26,1877 11. 1878 Sept Nov. Jan. Nov. Apr. 17,1879 28, 1882 28.1878 28, 1877 14,1880 Jan. 29,1878 Eleven years' practice Medical College of Indiana Medical College of Indiana Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Twenty years' practice Feb. 27,1880 Mar. 1,1883 May 27.18ti7 Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Eleven years' practice Twenty-two years' practice Certificate of examination Mar. 16,1875 June 6, 1882 Rush Medical College American Medical College, St, Louis — Medical Department, University of Georgetown.. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Feb. June Mar. May Feb- 19, 1852 1,1880 6,1866 9.1876 19.1884 Jefferson Medical College Ten years' practice Physio-Medical College of Indiana. Twenty-four years' practice Eleven years' practice Mar. 10,187' Feb. 18,1875 Eleven years' practice Eighteen years' practice Eleven years practice Fairfield Medical College, New York. Hospital Medical College, Louisville. Seventeen years' practice Nov. 28,1882 Mar. Feb. , 1880 Jan. July 11,1878 18, 1881 Mar. 6. 1878 Mar. 12.1878 Nov. 14.1882 Dec. 17,1877 Oct. July Oct. Jan. June 10,1877 10,1880 26,1877 22. 1878 16, 1884 May 2,1882 Feb. 15,1878 May 15.1882 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 26,1880 June 28,1883 Jan. 22,1878 Apr. 29,1880 1) Registered in Coles and Shelby; 2) in Shelby; 3) in Jasper. DeKalb County. Dec. Jan. ISept. Dec. Nov, Oct. Sept. Dec. Oct. July July Sept. Mar. Jan. 4,1878 11,1883 14. 1880 10, 1877 24, 1877 29, 1877 15, 1882 26. 1877 21. 1882 11. 1881 12.1878 6,1877 30,1881 25. 1878 Sept. 20, 187? Mar. Dec. July May Sept. Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Feh. 29,1884 29. 1877 26. 1878 9,1883 17,1881 13,1877 29, 1877 10.1877 18. 1877 23. 1878 Medical Department, University of Buffalo , New York Medical College Chicago Medical College Worcester Medical College Rush Medical College. Medical Department, University of Buffalo. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department, University of Buffalo Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Woman's Medical College, Chicago Ten years' practice Berkshire Medical College Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice j Medical College of Ohio I Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. University of Berlin Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Seventeen years' practice Medical College of LaPorte, Indiana Feb. 23,1876 Mar. 4,1857 Mar. 4,1880 June 15,1854 Feb. 3, 1845 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 23,1876 24. 1881 20. 1866 26,1880 1, 1881 Nov. 10,1846 Feb. 22,1881 Jan. 10,1879 Jan. 24,1»83 Sept. 25,1880 Jan. 21,1878 Nov. 26,1877 Feb. Dec. Sept. Dec. Oct. Mar. July Jan. Apr. Mar. 3,1877 18, 1882 28,1877 28.1882 21,1884 19,1878 2, 1^78 4. 1881 22, 1878 15,1856 ...1869: Jan. 4,1878 Feb. Mar. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. June Feb. Feb. 20, 1880 Apr. ..,1844: Feb. ..,1841 1 Aug. 20, 1883 May 22,1881jSept. 21,1877Sept. 22,1864;Dec. 5,1868iDec. , Dec. 21.1846lMar. 5,1884 4, 1878 5. 1878 24,1883 22, 1881 14,1877 31, 1877 31,1877 2S, 1877 8,1878 72 Official Eegister of Physicians DeKalb County. Name. Registered s 8 Residence and Post- Opfice. * < Pkac- TICE. *" 2| BO Bedford, Franklin (5 Gardner, John L Oct. June May May May June Jan. Nov. Jan. May A.ug. Jan. Mar. May 25. 1882 14. 1883 17, 1879 13, 1878 9,1884 4.1884 23,1878 8, 1880 4, 1878 16,1884 9,1883 9, 1878 5,1878 16,1883 R R R R R E li R R H H R R R R R R R E R R H E E R R R H R E E R R R Shabbona Shabbona 48 ^8 Canada... Me 13 15 Kittell, George W Shabbona 55 U. 8. 29 19 9<> Morse, J. N Shabbona 49 24 27 33 25 30 28 26 25 28 21 26 54 23 27 33 44 36 58 55 U. 8 U. S 18 Stevens, James F Shabbona Steward, Oscar S Shabbona Ohio U.S Ohio England.. Ind 3 11 1 7 York, Herbert Shabbona Malta 11 Badgeley, J. A 1 Harvey, G. F Malta.... 1 Locke. S. A Malta Wetmore J. D Malta. Pa 2 2 1 Willis, James R Malta U.S U.S U. 8 9; Dickson, C. S Somonauk T MoiitorE Somonauk Schifferle, Edward Somonauk u. s Thomas, Edward May Oct. Oct. Nov. Jan. Dec. Feb. Oct. Jan. Dec. Dec. Nov. Feb. Feb. Sept. Apr. Apr. Feb. Oct. 23,1878 1, 1881 28, 1878 17. 1877 9, 1878 10,1878 2. 1878 23,1883 16. 1878 19,1878 3,1877 17. 1877 11,1882 2, 1878 27,1878 27. 1878 14.1884 .27, 1879 3,1883 Somonauk Canada... Ill U. 8 U. 8 U. S U.S U.S TnH 29 2 1 10 20 12 15 26 22 42 6 12 1 30 8 22 0(> Cook, W. H Hinckley '^ Fellows, Jesse H. (6 Kingston. . 1 Hill, A.M. (7 Genoa 10 Hitchcock, C. H Hinckley ^0 Hussey, D. J Wallace 12^ Jordan. M.W Cortland 15. Landis. Nathan L. ... Kingston. . . '^fi Lewis, George W Cortland 45 TT S '>^, Mack, John Freeland 62 34 38 u. s u. s m Macklin, George M McLean, John (7 Waterman Genoa 6 10 Mordoff, CM Genoa 25iU. S 57U. S 33 Canada.... 44 IT R 1 Potter, M. F Hinckley ^0 Spiers, R. B Kirkland fy VanVoorhis, John P Wallace ^1 Weld, Frederick J Wallace 24 32 Ill White, Alvin East Paw Paw TT a 5 14 9; White, Solon C Waterman 44 Can aria . a * At date of Registration. DeWitt County. Downey, F. E. . . . .... April 3,1879 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 2,1878 Dec. 14,1877 Apr. 27.1882 Dec. 13,1877 Aug. 9,1881 June 12,1883 Oct. 22,1877 Jan. 8,1880 Mar. 22,1878 Apr. 8.^1879 Jan. 27,"l882 Mar. 24,1883 Jan. 1, 1880 H R R R H E R E R R R R R R H Clinton 21 40 Tl, Edmiston, D. W. (1 CJlinton .... DhiD 18 10 37 13 15 Ifi Edmiston, J. A Clinton 38;Ohio 61;Germany. 45!Ohio 48 Rne'land.. (> Goodbrake, Christopher.. Howard, R. L Clinton 30 Clinton ^ Hyde, G. W Clinton 1f> Myers Joseph C. Clinton '>^^ U.S . Sappington, Milton Clinton m 51 32 40 50 27 26 22 u. s 'ir 36 23 34 Wright. John ?3 Wilcox, John M .• Clinton Clouser, John Farmer City Ohio Ohio N. Y Ohio Ky 12 30 4 10 Gardiner, James D. (2 Farmer City ...... 3ft Loda, Louis Farmer City 4 Myers, James F. Farmer City Mclntire. M. C Farmer City 73 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. DeKalb County. Ceetificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Nov. 19.1877 June 12.1883 Nov. 15.1879 Dec. 24,1877 April 28, 1884 May 28,1884 Nov. 19,187? Sept. 29,1880 Sept. 7,1877 Apr. 28,1884 Apr. Nov. Nov. Apr. Mar. Sept. Jan. Mar. Oct. Oct. July Jan. Nov Jan. Mar. Sept. Oct. Sept. Dec. Aug. Jan. Mar. Aug. Sept. 16, 188:^ 30. 1877 30,1877 16. 1883 15. 1884 7, 1877 2,1878 20. 1878 19. 1877 11,1877 6,1878 24. 1878 15.1877 19, 1878 8,1878 5,1877 10,1877 17, 1881 26. 1877 13,1878 12,1878 3. 1884 21. 1878 5, 1883 Rush Medical College.... Rush Medical College Rush Medical College — Eighteen years' practice. Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati . Chicago Medical College Rush Medical (College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Feb. 19,1873 Feb. 20,188:^ Feb. 20,1856 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Long Island College Hospital Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Mar. 25,1884 June 6,1882 Mar. 8,18C6 Feb. 24,1880 Feb. 15,1876 Feb. 21,1884 Feb. 20,1883 June 22,1876 Mar. 20,1877 Feb. 20,1883 Feb. 19,1884 Nov. 9, 1882 June 14,1883 Nov. 26.1879 Feb. 4,1878 May 9, 1884 June 4, 1884 Jan. 23,1878 Nov. 8,1880 Jan. 4,1878 May 16,L>84 Aug. 9.1883 Jan. 9,187& Feb. 4 , 1878 April 30, 1883 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College ('hicago Medical College , Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati American Medical College, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Fifteen years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Castleton Medical College Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 15,1860 15, 1876 5, 1878 11.1869 19, 1851 Mar. 3,1867 May 20,1875 Feb. 12,1867 June 15,1836 Feb. Oct. Oct. Nov. Jan. Dec. Feb. Nov. Jan. Dec. 4,1878 1,1881 2.S,1878 17. 1877 19,1878 10. 1878 2,1878 20. 1877 22. 1878 17,1878 Rush Medi©al College Chicago Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Medical School of Harvard University Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Medical Society Rush Medical College Feb. 1,1871 Dec. 31,1877 Mar. 13,1873 Nov. 17,1877 Mar. 1,18811 Feb. 1,1882 Mar. 12. 1846, Feb. 2,1878 June 12, 1878 Sept. 17, 1878 May 17,1856 Feb. 19.1884 Sept. 10,1874 Feb. 3.1869 Mar. 12,1878 April 14, 1884 Aug. 27,1878 Oct. 3,188» 1) Registered in Lee; 2) in Kendall and Kane; 3) in LaSalle and Kendall; Kendall and Kane; 5) in Ogle; 6) in McHenry and Boone; 7) in Boone. 4) in LaSalLe, DeWitt County- Mar. 28,1879 Sept. 8,1877 Oct. 20,1877 Oct. 20.1877 Apr. 26,1882 Pulte Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Oct. 20,1877 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. May 20,1880 Miami Medical College June 11,1883 Oct. 20,1877 June 30,1879 Dec. 20,1877 Mar. 28,1879 Jan. 12,1878 Mar. 14.1883 Dec. 15,1879 Thirty- six years' practice. Medical College of Ohio... Chicago Medical College ,. Ten years' practice Rush Medieal^ollege eaical College. Columbus Me( Certificate of examination. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 26, 1879 19, 1873 24,1866 21,1855 22,1871 9, 1876 1, 1880 Mar. Mar. 1,1854 4, 1879 Feb. Feb. 26, 1879 28, 1879 Feb. Feb. 2IM883 27, 1879 Sept. 3,1879 Sept. 13,1877 Jan. 2,1878 Nov. 12.1877 Apr. 27,188'^ Oct. 23,1877 Apr. 12,1882 June 11,1885 Oct. 22,1877 July- 8.187^ Mar. Apr. Jan. Mar. Jan. 22,1878 8, 1879 12, 1878 24, 1883 18, 1880 74 Official Kegistek op Physicians Pe Witt County. Name. Registered O A O o Residence and Post- office. t25 > Prac- tice.* Name. ■si Dennis, George F R R R R R E R R R Shumway Haumesser, George J. L . Phifer, John W May 3, 1881 April 1,1878 Shumway Shumway 22 29 27 49 26 27 37 70 56 III .. La Ohio '"l "7 Whitaere. George B Shumway Beecher City . Alsop, John Sept. 16,1884 Jan. 26.1878 Jan. 24,1883 Feb. 5, 1878 Feb. 28,1878 U. S 111... 22 4 3 6 .30 26 \9' Brumleve, Joseph A Chapman. J. C Dunn Thomas Jefferson. Teutopolis 4 Dieterieh . Ill Ky Germany. Ky Elliotstown & Eversmann, F. F Teutopolis 24 Field Lewis J . Elliotstown 24 Gretscher John G Teutopolis Feb. 11,1878 Dec. ..,1877 Oct. 10.1^78 Feb. 24,1880 Dec. 18,1877 July 12.1883 June 24.1884 Apr. 19.1878 Apr. 2,1878 Nov. 20,1878 Sept. 21,1S82 Jan. 24,1878 Feb. 12,1878 E R R R R R R R R B R E R Edgewood. 37 58 55 24 50 26 23 37 32 50 35 33 59 U. S Ky Pa 13 20 6 25 i:? Hammer, L. W Watson 10 Dexter 6- Jayne, William J Winterrowd Ky Ohio U. 8 Jones. J. S. (1 Moccasin ... 10- Schftffner, Sebastian Teutopolis McWhorter, Charles E Dieterieh Ill Ind Ohio Ohio Ohio N. Y Ya 4 15 12 13 13 6 32 9; Scott, James K Edgewood 15- Shamhart R. H . Winterrowd. ... , 12 St. Clair William Moccasin . . 1^ VanSandt. H. G Montrose 1.^ Yaudre, Charles A Dieterieh ?! Wills, John (1 Beecher City ?J *At date of Registration. Fayette County. Bassett, Charles R Bassett, G. W Nov. Dec. Nov. Mar. Apr. Nov- Aug. Dec. Nov. Dec. June Aug. Dec. Apr. Feb. Aug. Jan. Jan. June Dec. Mar. Feb. Nov. Apr. Feb. 16,1877 25. 1877 21,1877 10,1S79 18.1881 20, 1877 9, 1879 6, 1877 19.1877 19, 1877 15, 1883 2. 1879 28.1877 20.188! 17, 1881 31.1881 7.187H 17.1878 30, 1881 31.1877 6.1878 21.1878 10, 1879 20.18S1 23,1883 R R R R R E R R R R E R PM PM E R R R E R R R R H R Yandalia. . 42 'ohio 18 31 7 26 3 17 12 27 17 14 My- Vandalia 50iOhio 2l'lll 60!N. H 25|I11 41 Ky 35N.Y 51 Pa ?,!> Beach R. E Yandalia. ,"> Collins, Henry P Yandalia 16 Duncan Walter C Yandalia. JV Fallin, Benjamin F Yandalia U Gage. Frederick A. (1 Haller, F. B, (2 Yandalia. . .... 1'^ Yandalia 26 Hickman, T. G Yandalia 49 35 21 54 Ky 1,^; Higgins, R. T.. Yandalia Ill Ill la Higinbotom. Charles A... McCord, John N Yandalia Ill 29 5 Morey A. L Yandalia 30 111 ^ Morey. L. L Smith Henry D Vandalia 24 27 III .... Vandalia Ramsey Ohio 1 9 19 13 1 Andrews, George W 3o'ohio 50Ky 33 Miss 1 Goldsmith, D. D. Ramsey . 14 Gordon, W. P Ramsey 13 Stoddard, H. F '>3 Ill Stoddard, Luke F. (2 Ramsey 50 31 56 26 42 31 N. H Ill U. S Ind NY Ind 28 2 21 3 '"9 28 Welch Charles ?.■ Arrington, S. C Blaokburn, Charles H. (3. . Farina.. m Farina ^ Davis, A. C Hancock, Allen R Farina Farina 88 To Whom Certificates have been Issued, Effingham County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cekttfi- cate Filed FOR Record. Sept. 17,1881 Mar. 31,1881 Mar. 25,1878 April 13, 1880 Feb. 21,1878 Jan. 8,1878 Dec. 14.1881 j July 6. 1878 1 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 16,1878 Dec. 28,1877 Oct. Dec. Jan. July May 17, 1881 18.1877 30, 1878 6,1878 7, 1879 Nov. 20,1877 June 28,1883 Apr. 13,1884 Sept. 11,187? Apr. 23,1878 Nov. 28,1877 Dec. 21.1878 Sept. 12. 1882 Feb. 7, 1878 Medical Department, University of Buffalo Colleere of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk St. Louis Medical College Certificate of examination Ten years' practice Feb. 20,1871 Mar. 1. 1S81 Mar. 8,1878 May Apr. 3, 1881 1. 1878 Medical College of Ohio American Medical College, St. Louis. Certificate of examination Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Twenty-four years' practice Mar. Feb. 1.1872 27, 1879 Feb. Jan. 22, 1878 8,1878 Feb. 22,1881 Mar. 5. 185(t July Jan, Feb. Jan. 28. 1878 25.1883 5. 1878 23, 1878 Fifteen years' practice ,, Thirteen years' practice Ten years' practice Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk... Ten years' practice Medical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk... Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Twelve years' practice , Feb. 25,1879 Mar. 1,1881 Feb. 26,1884 Feb. 5,1863 Feb. Feb. Oct. Feb. Dec. July June Jan, 11, 1878 5,1878 10.1878 24,1880 18.1877 1-2, 1883 24. 1884 2, 1878 Twelve years' practice Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Medical Department, Western Reserve University. June Mar. 6. \SH-2 2,1853 Dec. Dec. Sept. Feb. 20. 1877 24. 1878 21, 1882 12, 1878 1) Registered in Fayette. Fayette County. Dec. Jan. Nov. Feb. Apr. 29,1877 2,1878 8,1877 24, 1879 16, 1881 Dec. Mar. 29,1877 22, 1879 17,1880 Oct. 23,1877 Nov. Oct. 8.1877 22.1877 June July Dec. Apr. Aug. 14,1883 29. 1879 26.1877 16.1881 10, 18S0 Apr. 18,1881 Oct. 22.1877 Oct. 22. 1879 June 27, 1881 Oct. 22,1877 Mar. Feb. Oct. Mar. Feb. 20,1878 9,1878 13,1879 25,1881 28,1883 Fifteen years' practice Twenty-five years' practice Missouri Medical College... Starling Medical College Certificate of examination., Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Twelve years' practice St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons » Medical Department, University of Missouri ' Jefferson Medical College Medical Department, University of Loaisville Nashville Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department. Illinois College. Physio-Medical Institute, Cincifinati. Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Cleveland Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine St. Louis Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati J Missouri Medical College I Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Missouri Medical College lOighteen years' practice Medical College of Evansville Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . . . , Medical Department. University of Louisville. Mar. Mar. 6, 1872 5.1849 Feb. 2,1859 Mar. Mar. Mar. May July June Feb. Feb. Mar. June Feb. Jan. Mar. Jan. -Tan. May 2. 1880 18, 1851 ..,1865 6, 1860 24.1864 5.1883J 29, 1848 11,1873 1. 1881 1,1880 22,1875 31, 1866 3, 1867 18.1881 30, 1874 25, 1871 Mar. 5,1878 Feb. Feb. Feb. 26, 1877 24.1881 27, 1880 Jan. Jan. Nov. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. Dec. Nov. Dec. 4,1878 3, 1878 21,1877 10.1879 18, 1881 6, 1878 2, 1880 6, 1877 19,1877 19,1877 June 15.1883 Jan. 28.1880 Dec. 2H, 1877 Apr. 20,1881 Aug. 14.1880 Aug. 31.1881 Dec. 3.1877 Mar. 1.1878 June 30.1881 Dec. 6. 1877 April 13.1878 Keb. 21.1878 Mar. 25.1881 April 20.1881 Mar. 7.1883 84 Official Eegister of Physicians Fayette County. Name. Rbgisteked O W o Residence and Post- OmcE. & % Prac- tice.* a3 Snyder, Asa (3 Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 25.1877 July 13,1881 Jan. 9,1878 Apr. 21.1884 June 13,1878 Mar. 5, 1878 Feb. 5.1878 Feb. 19,1878 June 11,1878 Sept. 27,1878 Mar. 11,1882 Dec. 28,1883 Aug. 22,1879 Mar. 3, 1883 (Dec.21,1877 1 Nov.22.1882 May 16,1882 R R R R R R E R PM E R R K E R Farina 52N. Y 40 Ohio 28 Ohio 77 Ireland . . . 38lnd 26'ohio 54 Ohio 36Tnd 39 12 2 57 11 1 11 17 13 7 14 14 5 4 ? Basseti, S. J.. St. Elmo 12 Durst. Charles W St. Elmo Frazer, J. T St. Elmo . 9^ Lane, D. F St. Elmo . 10 Blchardson, William D... Brownstown 1 11 Stringer, H. M Brownstown 1? Turney, Solomon R.. lirownstown 45 31 I'l 13 Barton, John S Vera Oh in 7 Bond, E. J Loogootee 50Wis 34 Ohio 30MO....L... 21 111 ... ■ 11 Greer, George ... St. Paul ^'>^ Holke Henry J St. Paul 4 Humphreys, A. Jackson Haliday 4 Milligan, George W Bingham 28 Til Pollock, Ostrander C Shabonier 38 66 Ky Ky 18 30 15 Thomas. W. D Hagerstown *At date of Registration. Ford County, Campbell, J. Y. (1 Dec. 21.1877 Feb. 4.1878 Feb. 4,1878 July 7, 1883 R H H R R R H R R H E R R R R R R R R R R R Paxton 4& 55 Pa. 20 29 6 1 23 17 Farrar, L. B Paxton U. S '^'^ Farrar, Laura E 40 23 48 33 26 24 25 26 27 32 u.s :::::: 111 Ind Pa f> Kelso, Elmer Lincoln Paxton 1 Kelso, Hugh A Paxton. '>0 Lytle, James Reed Aug. 25,1884 July 2, 1883 Mar. 23,1878 Dec. 6,1877 Mar. 20,1880 Oct. 11.1877 Jan. 16, 1878 Sept 'i5,"i877 May 4. 1878 Aug."i2;i884 June ..,1879 Nov. 3.1881 May 7,1880 Mar. 28,1878 Paxton Swisher, Milton B Paxton. 111..: Wylie, Samuel M Paxton u. s ' Baughman, S. S Gibson City.. Ohio Ill 2 1 Grove, J. I Gibson City Ragsdale. John T Gibson City.. Ill 4 10 4 Strauss. Talbot B U.S 10 Wiley, T.R Gibson City Cassingham. M 37 38 24 25 26 32 37 34 33 Ohio U.S San'w'his. Pa 7 15 7 Culbertson, Samuel D Piper City 1? Farley, H.E Cabary Miller. William M Cabary O'Brien.F.D Burr Oaks NY :::::; Iowa 1 1 O'Brien. W.F Piper City Perry, Eugene B Melvin N.Y Pa Scotland . 1 7 1 Watson, William H. (2 Cabery 7 Wilson, John Elliott 85 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Fayette County, Certificate of State Boead of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Recoed. Jan. Jan. July 8.1878 2,1878 11,1881 Nov. 8.1877 J Apr.24, 1878 1 Apr. 9.1884 June Mar. Jan. May June 11.1878 1.1878 30.1878 7,1879 1.1878 Oct. May 2^5 • Feb. April 5. 1878 10.1882 31.1883 13,1879 27.1882 (Feb. 5.1878 1 Nov. 1.1882 May 22.1882 Medical Department, University of Buffalo.. Twelve years' practice Medical Department, University of Wooster. ( JefTerson Medical College ) University of Edinburg Certificate of examination Medical College of Indiana June 14,1848 Feb. 27,1879 Mar. ..,1842 1820 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Eleven years' practice Twelve y ears' practice Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb. 28,1884 Feb. 14,1878 Jan. 13,1878 Jan. 3,1878 July 13.1881 Jan. 9, 1878 April 21.1884 Rush Medical College - Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Suigeons, Keokuk . Fifteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department, University of Louisville. Mar. May Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 5, 1879 June Mar. Feb. May 7,1878|June 25. 1865' Sept. 2.1882 May 4,1880 Jan. 13. 1879 Aug. 28, 18821 April 13.1878 6. 1878 5, 1878 7.1879 11,1878 27. 1878 11,1882 9,1884 22. 1879 27. 1882 |Dec. 21,1877 June 6, 1882! Nov. 22,1882 Mar. l,1860;May 24,1882 1) Registered in Bond; 2) in Montgomery; 3) in Marion. Ford County. Oct. 121,1877 Chicago Medical College Mar. Nov. 21, 1865! Nov. 4.1877 Aug. ...1877 Berkshire Medical College 8.1848 SftDt. 6.1877 Aug. ...1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago 1872 Sept. 6.1877 Sept. 18.1884 Sept. 15.1884 Chicago Medical College Mar. 27,1883 June 14.1880 J Twenty years' practice Sept. 8.1884 1 Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. 29. issi 19.1884 6, 1883 5, 1878 2. 1876 26. 1880 26.1875 Sept. 18.1884 July 2. 1883 June 30,1883 Pulte Medical College Mar. 20.1878 Chicago Medical College Mar. 23.1878 Sept. 17. 1877 Medical College of Ohio Dec. 7.1877 Mar. 29.1880 Oct. 6.1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago American Medical College, St. Louis Apr. 21.1880 Oct 11, 1877 Jan. 12,1878 Certificate of examination Jan. 16. 1878 Sept. 7, 1877 Rush Medical College. . Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. 14, 1874 16.1865 10.1866 24.1880 19,1884 15. 1876 Sept. 7,1877 Rush Medical College Sept. 15.1877 Apr. 22,1878 Jefferson Medical College. May 4. 1878 Apr. 14.1880 Rush Medical College June 7.1884 Rush Medical College , Aug. 12.1884 Sept. 6,1879 Rush Medical College . . June ...1879 July 6.1881 Certificate of examination Nov. 3.1881 Mar- 17,1880 Rush Medical College Feb. Feb. Feb. 24. 1880 16.1875 21, 1882 Mar. 29,1880 Sept. 7, 1877 Rush Medical College Mar. 27,1878 May 31,1882 Rush Medical College 1) Registered in ChampaigrI? Iroquois and Vermilion; 2) in Kankakee. 86 Official Eegister of Physicians Franklin County. Name. Registered O a o o Residence and Post- office. > o IS >■ Prac- tice.* si Brown D. P 11 E R R R R E R R R R E E R R R R R f R R R E R Benton • Durham James A Dec. 8,1877 Jan. 11.1878 Mar. 30,1878 Dec. 31,1877 May ...1878 Apr. 27.1878 Aug. 7.1882 Benton . . 46 41 27 36 38 68 29 111 Tenn...... Ill Tenn Ohio Pa Canada... 18 16 2 8 12 30 3 24 7 12 5 2 9 20 12 11 18 Hickman, Z Benton .. 16 Hutson. E. G Benton 'r^ Orr A. Gr Benton 8 Webster. Bvron E Benton 1^ Hamilton Samuel (1 Thompsonville .. ^^3 Mclntyre, A.J Brown William G Thompsonville Akin.. . . 94 Carter.' M. D. L April 23. 1878 Sept. 13,1879 Sept. 14,1878 April 10,1878 May 2,1878 Feb. 27.1878 Mar. 4.1878 Jan. 9, 1878 Feb. 2.3,1878 Mar. 30,1878 Mar. 12.1878 April 1.1878 Mar. 2.1878 Dec. 19,1877 May 30.1878 Mar. 27,1882 Dec. 31.1877 Oct. 26, 1877 Jan. 18.1878 Nov. 7,1877 Thompsonville 30 34 31 Tenn Ill Til. 7 Davis M. D Mulkeytown 19, Harrison F. 0. Christopher 5 Hutson. Ulysses Brayfleld 30|111 32lKy 46llnd 46, Tenn 42lTenn 2 Kelley, CO Poindexter, Randall (2 Ew'ing . 9 Uave '^0 Pope, HillB Plnmfleld 1'^ Reagin, Calaway Garner (3 Brayfleld 11 Gersb am 38 Ill ?togers. S. B Rotramel, Elijah M Rotramel. R. H Mulkeytown Tenn Frankfort 34 30 39 Ill 8 8 Frankfort Ml Smith, James D Smoth ersvil le Smothersville Tenn 6 13 24 25 3 4 12 7 6 58!Tenn r)4lTenn 13 Stacy W. T Mulkeytown 10 Webb Hill 53 31 Ill 25 Taylor. Robert Taylor's Hill Ill 3 Thornion CM Osage 27 Ala 38 Kv 3 Tits worth Alvadus Plumfield 12 Webb. Lewis M 30 111. 7 At date of Registration. Alton County. Barnard. T. F Dec. 21,1877 June 24,1884 Mar. 26,1884 Mar. 18.1878 Jan. 5, 1878 Dec. 29,1877 Dec. 19,1877 Dec. 21,1877 Dec. 1.3,1877 Dec. 28.1877 Dec. 21,1877 May 3,1881 June 14,1883 Jan. 8,1878 Aug. 26.1881 Jan. 16.1880 Jan. 5, 1878 Dec. 12,1877 Dec. 15,1877 May 3,1882 Dec. 26,1877 June 20,1878 Sept. 16.1884 June 13.1878 R R H R R E R R H R R R R R R R R R E R E R R H Canton 33 21 29 70 38 47 33 27 59 40 24 30 25 42 52 60 48 56 42 25 44 28 27 26 U.S Ill 5 1 Canton Ohio Grimshaw. Samuel Canton, England.. Ohio Mass Ill 41 12 25 4 3 18 20 2 3 6 Harris. J. V Canton 1?, Howard. A. R Canton 1 Ingersoll. Ellen A Nellis, James M Canton Canion 3 Canada... Ohio Pa 3 Strong Ozias G .... Canton 18 Sutton, James E Canton 10 Swisher, Edwin S . Canton Ill 2 Ball.R.M.C Baxter. Alfred J Astoria Astoria. Ohio N J 3 Bonnel, W. W Astoria Ohio Pa Va 18 30 28 19 27 16 15 4 3 2 18 Coe Russel . . Astoria. . 20 Elliott. Henry E . Astoria. 28 Toler B. G (1 Astoria. Va 19 Hull, 'Alexander Cain, Milton Lewistown Le wistown Ohio Ohio Mo U.S Ill Ill 27 10 Geigley, Jesse S Lewistown Johnson G W Lewistown 10 McLaren, W. R Lewistown. . 4 Randall Robert A Lewistown 3 Stipp, H. P Lewistown Ill 2 87 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Franklin County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. July Oct. Jan. Mar. Dec. 19. 1878 18. 1877 11. 1878 21, 1878 24, 1877 Mar. 8. 1878 Nov. 26,1877 Aug. 1.1882 Oct. 14,1881 April 8,1878 Sept, 6,1879 April 19,1878 Mar. 20,1878 April 19.1878 Teb. 7,1877 i'eb. 7,1878 Nov. 26,1877 Mav. 21,1878 Mar. 21,1878 Mar. 5, 1878 April 1,1878 Aug:. 9.1879 Nov. 13,1877 IFeb. 13.1879 Feb. 2.1882 Dec. 7,1877 Sept. 20,1877 Nov. 7,1877 Oct. 23,1877 Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Missouri Medical College Eighteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Nasliville Missouri Medical College Jefferson Medical College Twelve years* practice American Medical College, Cincinnati Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Micliigan. Twenty-four years' practice Evansville Medical College Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Araerictin Medical College, St. Louis .. Missouri Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine Twelve years' practice Miami Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination Missouri Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis. Thirteen years' practice. n Ten years' practice ./. Twenty-five years' practiqe College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Louisville Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College Date of Diploma. May Dec. Mar. Mar. Mar. 26, 1878 8. 1877 1,1861 5. 1878 12, 1869 Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan. 11,1878 Mar. 30,1878 Dec. 31,1877 May ...1878 Feb. 3, 1855 Jan. 4,1878 June 30, 1881 Aug. 7,1882 Feb . 27, 1878 April 13, 1878 Sept. 1.3,1879 22,1878 Sept. 14,1878 Jan. Jan Mar. Mar. 23, 1878 5, 1878 1,1857 Feb. Feb. Mar. 27,1877 14, 1878 5, 1878 Mar. 5,1878 Feb. 27,1879 June 16.1874 Feb. 26,1876 Feb. 6, 1872 Mar. 10,1872 April 10,1878 April ..,1878 Feb. 27,1878 Mar. 4, 1878 Nov. 26,1877 Mar. Mar. 30, 187? 2,187^ April 10,1878 Aug. 22,1879 Nov. 23.1877 Feb. 13,1879 Mar. 27.1882 Jan. 18,1878 Oct. 1,1877 Jan. 18,1878 Nov. 7,1877 1) Registered in Johnson: 2) in Hamilton and Williamson; 3) in Perry. Fulton County. Dec. June Mar. Feb. Dec. 17, 1877 7,1884 15, 1884 9, 187« 29, 1877 May Dec. Dec. Nov. Dec. 13, 1878 13, 1877 17.1877 7. 1877 17,1877 Dec. TVIar. Aug. reb. May 17, 1877 25,1881 3, 1880 5,1878 11,1881 Dec. 15,1880 Teb. 23,1878 Dec. 15,1877 Dec. 13,1877 April 26,1882 Sept June 13, 1879 1,1878 8, 1884 1,1878 St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago .. Birmingham Medical College, England.. Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. BTedical Department. McGill University.. Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. Rush Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Eighteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice Twenty- eight years' practice Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk.. Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush Medical ('ollege Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar, Feb. 13, 1873 20, 1884 21.1884 ....1834 1,1871 7,1878 13, 1874 31,1875 25. 1869 Dec. 24, 1866 Dec - Dec. 21,1877 June 24,1884 Mar. 26,1884 Mar. 1, 1878 Jan. 8,1878 June 4.1878 Dec. 19.1877 Dee. 21.1877 13, 1877 28, 1877 14,1876 Dec. 21,1877 5. 1879 May 3,1881 24, 1880 Aug. 18.1880 Feb. .1858 Aug. 26,1881 Aug. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7, 1850 1 Dec. Dee. 2, 1882 May 18. 1881 4, 1878 18.1877 15. 1877 3, 18S2 27.1879 14. 1878 April 4, 1878 22. 1881 1 Sept. 16,1884 17, 18761 June 13,1878 88 Official Eegister of Physicians Fulton County. Name. Registered Residence and Post- Office. > Prac- ,1 tice.*^ < "^ 1— IS3 \ rp — -c^ Brown, James A. (2 Gamble. M. T Gove, David A Harrington, M. T... Morse, A. B Smith, Elias Ball. Josepii T Evernden, Thomas F Gillett. W. J Hughes. Edward B... Wedge, D. O Clayburg. S, S — Harroa, Pennel (3 Rea, James A Saunders, R. A — Bacon, A. J Barcus, Darius M.. Beatty, I. L Beer, SimonB , Bennett, Stephen B. Breeden, J. H Brick, Samuel L. Clark. M. M Cline, W. M Curtis, J. D Darling, Orange C . Davis, E. G .. Elliott, William H.. Harmison, John Harrison, Frank M. Logan, John A Markland, W. P McCurdy, Columbus Nelson, W. D Nelson, Sr., William -D Newberry, George W Randleson, J. B Schenck, Myron P Skinner, James L Strode, William S .... Swindall. David D..., Taylor. Benjamin — Wakefield, Lucius L Watson, William R.. Welch, James K Wilson. William, (4 Jan. May Aug. Dec. Feb. Aug. Mar. Oct. Jan. Dec. 28. 1878 12, 1882 4, 1879 26, 1877 1,1878 2.1881 1, 1878 27. 1879 8. 1878 20, 1877 Jan. • 14. 1878 Dec. 27.1877 Dec. 20,1877 Sept. 30,1882 Nov. 16,1878 Dec. 17.1877 June 129,1878 Jan. Dec. 1, 1878 19, 1877 Jan. 14.1878 Feb. 8.1878 Dec. 12,1877 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Aug. 14,1882 Sept. 22.1881 Jan. 31.1878 Apr. 26.1878 Aug. 28,1878 Apr. 5, 1878 Jan. 29,1878 April 16, 1878 Sept. ..,1884 Jan. 23,1878 June 12,1883 April 1.1878 Feb. 18. 1878 May 3,1882 April 10,1884 April 26.1883 Jan. 1,1878 Jan. 17.18^8 June 23.1882 Jan. 4,1878 Feb. 23,187 Farmington. Farmington. Farmington. Farmington. Farmington. Farmington. Ipava Ipava Ipava Ipava j Ipava Avon . Avon . |Avon.. Avon.. Table Grove. St. David ... Fairview Ellis ville Fairview Summum Marietta . Vermont . Cuba . .... Fairview. E ! London Mills. H Bryant E Otto R [Cuba R Bryant R Banner E Smithfleld E Vermont.. R Marietta .. R St. David . R Smithfleld.... R Eliisville E Duncan City. R iMaple Mills.. R i Bernadotte .. PM Bernadotte E Vermont... R London Mills. Summum . Smithfleld. Cuba 46jU. S. 33Ta... 30 111... 50N. Y. 45N.Y. 49Ind 54 Ohio 30 England 36 U. S 39111 33 Ohio 39 111... 34 Ind.. 41 U. S. 56 U. S. 41111 .. 45 Ohio 25 111. .. 40 111 .., 39 111.... 43 Ind.. 28 Ohio 47 U. S. 57 Va . 45N.Y. 26 111. ... 28 Va... 39 Conn. 26111. ... 22 Ohio. 31 111 ... 48 U. S.. 3:UI1.... 27 111.... 53 Tenn. 39 111 43 England 27 111 5u|Va 37111 63N. C. 48 Pa... 42 Ohio 33 111 .. 33 Ky... 30,111 11 7 2 16 IS 10 26 '12. 2 10 IS S^ 10 29 17 10 ii 17 1^ 2 26- 17 15 *At date of Registration. 89 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Fulton County. Cebtificate of State Board Oj Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan. July Dec. Nov. Nov. 26. 1878 6, 1878 10.1877 20.1877 20, 1877 American Medical College, St. Louis. Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio , Sixteen years' practice Sixteen years' practice Feb. 11.1878 April 11, 1>^81 Dec. 16.1878 Deo. 29,1877 Jan. 15,1878 Jan. 9.1878 Sept. 7.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Sept. 18,1877 Sept. 6,1877 Sept. 6,1877 May 13,1878 Nov. 19,1881 Dec. 15,1877 Mar. 8,1878 Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Certificate of examination Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College .*.... Medical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Medical Department, St. Louis University Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati Seventeen years' practice '. Feb. Jan. Aug. Dec. Dec. 21,1878 15, 1878 21,1878 28, 1877 17.1877 July 13,1882 Sept. 17,1881 Feb. 2,1878 Mar. 27,1878 June 25,1878 Feb. ..,1878 June 25.1878 April 24,1878 Sept. 15, 1884 Jan. 30,1878 Nineteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Twenty-six years' practice Seventeen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Kentucky School of Medicine , American Medical College, St. Louis Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Eclectic Medical lastitute. Cincinnati. Rush ^tledical College Twenty-seven years' practice Jan. Mar. Mar. May Mar. Apr. Sept. Jan. Oct. Jan. 9,1883 23, 1878 1, 1878 2,1882 17, 1884 25, 1883 23, 18 31,1878 6, 1881 12, 1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk St. Louis Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Fifteen years' practice Rush Medical College Nov. 20,1877 Physio- Medical College, Indianapolis Twenty-three years' practice Fifteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical Department University of Iowa, Keokuk. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk| May 12,1875 Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 1,1875 Mar. 5, 1878 Dec. 16,1878 Feb. 25,18G8 Mar. 11,1874 Jan. 17,1872 Mar. 1,1866 June 10,1875 Mar. 18,1849 Jan. 26,1864 June 7,1881 Jan. 27,1874 June 9,1875 Feb. 4,1873 June 1,1882 June 29,1881 Jan. 23.1878 Mar. 5.1878 June 18,1878 Feb. 26,1878 May Feb. 19.1873 19, 1884 Feb. Mar. Jan. 27,1883 8, 1878 22, 1878 Feb. 19.1884 Feb. 26,1880 Mar. Feb. 1.1881 20, 1866 Feb. 16,1875 Jan. May Nov. Dec. Feb. Aug. Aug. Oct. Feb. Mar. 28..1878 12.1882 10,187» 25,1877 1, 1878 21,1881 13, 1881 27,1877 25. 187& 2, 187& Jan. 14,1878 Dec. 11,1877 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 11,1877 Nov. 16,187(> Feb. 7,1878 June 22,1878 Jan.' "ie," 1878 Mar. 12,1»78 Feb, 26,1878 Jan. 29,1878 Aug. 27,1878 Dec. 31,187T Dec. 26,1877 Aug. 14,1882 Sept. 22,1881 Mar. 26,1878 April 26,1878 July 3,1878 Mar. 18,1878 July 3, 1878 April 29. 1^78 Sept. ..,1884 Feb. 6,1878 June 12.1885 Mar. 29,1878 April 29.1878 May 3,1882 April 5,1884 Apr. 26.188a Oct. 4, 1878 Oct. 4,1878 June 2:s.l882 Jan. 16.1878 Feb. 5,1878 1) Registered in Schuyler; 2) in Brown; 3) in Wayne; 4) in Knox. 90 Official Kegister of Physicians Crallatin County. Name. Registebed o K o Residence and Post- office. o * >• H ! Hartley, John M 1 •Combs, George W Ridge way n Hanna, Finley Y 1 Karnes. Thomas H. B Ridgeway 10 Mcllrath, J. Thomas Ridgeway 1 Hall, Samuel C. (1 17 Harrell, James C. {L Omaha g Harrell, Jerome E Omaha. Porter, James A. (1 .... Feb. 1,1878 April 19, 1883 Aug. 18,1879 Nov. 11,1880 April 5,1878 Feb. 18,1878 May 28,1883 Omaha, Ill U. 8 Ind Ind Ohio Ill 17 12 11 1 15 7 1 17 Rodgers, H. L Omaha' 8 Albridge, Francis M. (1 New Haven ^ Barton, John F Waltonborough Gone, Sylvester R Leamington .... !"> Hicks. Thomas B. (1 New Haven 7 "Terry, John S Cottonwood . 23TnH 1 1 1 'At the date of Registration. Greene County. Gavanaugh, Thomas H..., Sept. 15.1884 Dec. 7,1883 Dec. 8.1877 Aug. 22,1881 Dec. 15,1882 Oct. 11,1884 June 4,1884 Dec. 24,1877 Feb. 19,1878 R R R R H H E R K R R R E R R E R R Carrollton 72 67 51 27 49 39 40 28 56 N. J N.C Mo HI U.S N.Y. England. . U. S England.. 51 35 23 2 26 1 17 7 28 19 Glemmons, Coston P Carrollton 35 Gro V,' , James T 12 English, Lindsay Carrollton ':► Hayward. M.P Carrollton Rew. CarletonH Turner, William D.. ( 'arroUton.. 17 Glement, P. A. (1 Greenfield. 5 Finch, Thomas Greenfield 9,8 Pettigrew, Samuel Greenfield. Rollins, JarrotL Mar. 24.1884 June 23.1880 Aug. 12.1884 Aug. 12, 1X84 Jan. 4. 1878 Dec. 4,1877 April 10. 1878 Feb. 26.1878 Feb. 21,1878 June 15,1880 Greenfield 26 37 29 37 27 45 34 38 28 40 Mo Wright. Charles H Greenfield Canada ' " Olampit, L. H itoodhouse . l( "19 4 21 7 12 4 13 Higbee. E. H Roodhouse 16 Lang, B. B Roodhouse Ind Mo Tenn Pa Ohio Ill 3 McEwen. Thomas (2 , Roodhouse 19 Scales, Y.D 2 Burns, George W. (2. Whitehall. 9 Ghapman, H.W Whitehall '> Potts, James T Whitehall 6 91 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Gallatin County* Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cfktifi- CATE Filed FOE Recoed. Feb. Jan. April Oct. Sept. 22,1878 4. 1878 6,1878 2:-}, 1877 15, 1880 Nov. Mar. Aug. Mar. Dec. 2.1877 27, 1884 29.1878 21,1879 24, 1877 April Jan. Nov. Mar. Jan. 1.1878 28.1878 28,1879 21. 1878 25,1878 Dec. Feb. April 24. 1877 2,1878 21,1877 22. 1878 7, 1880 Mar. 8.1878 April 14,1881 Dec. 7,1877 April 4,1878 April 28, 1884 Jan. 25,1878 April 16,1883 June 11,1879 Sept. 14,1880 Jan. 28,1878j April May 8.1878 18,1883 Fifteen years' practice Ten years' practice Eleven years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Miami Medical College Thirty-four years' practice ... Medical College of Ohio Eighteen years' practice Eleven years' practice Twenty-three years' practice Ten years' practice Twenty-nine year^^' practice .. Fifteen years' practice Medical College of Evansville Thirty- seven years' practice.. Rush Medical College , Twenty-four years' practice St. Louis Medical College Eleven years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Ten years' practice Medical College of Evansville Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania. American Medical College, St. Louis Seventeen years' practice Medical College of Evansville Cleveland Medical College Medical College of Evansville Fifteen years' practice Cleveland Medical College Medical College of Evansville Feb. Mar. 10.18,58 Afar. Jan. May Oct. Mar. 8, 1, 1880 Sept Nov. April Feb. 27,1878 Jan. iviar. Feb. 25,1865 "7,'i877 '26,"i886 Mar. May Jan. Feb. 1, 1881 21, 1869 9,1878 15,1878 25. 1878 3i». 1877 27, 1880 8, 1877 3, 1884 Sept. 25, 1880 April 5,1878 Heb. 4,1878 Dec. 2, 1879 Mar. 29.1878 Jan. 29,1878 Dec. Feb. Jan, Mar. April 20,1877 1,5,1878 16, 1878 22, 1878 7, 1880 28,1870 April 28, 1884 Feb. 23.1883 Mar. 4. 18(i8 Feb. 26,1880 May 21,1878 April 19, 1881 Dec. 19.1877 8, 1878 Feb. 1,1878 April 19.1883 Aug. 4.1879 Nov. 11,1880 April 5,188'J Feb. 20,1872 May 2,1878 Feb. 23,1883:May 28.1883 1) Registered in'White: 2) .in Saline. Greene County. Mar. Dec. Aug. May Jan. 7,1882 5,1883 19,1878 9,1881 11, 1883 May Oct. Feb. Aug. 8. 1884 26. 1884 20.1877 7, 1878 22, 1879 Mar. July Aug. July Dee. 15. 1884 21,1880 9,1884 14, 1884 26,1877 Nov. Jan. May Sept Dec. 17,1877 12. 1878 16.1878 17. 1877 13. 1878 Fifteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville. St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. Homeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia.... Homeopathic Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College Twenty-eight years' practice St. Louis Medical College .ISept. 15,1884 Mar. 8,1848060. ...1883 Mar. 2, 185rAug. 22.1878 Mar. 28,1879 Aug. 22.1881 Mar. 1,1857 Jan. 27,1883 Feb. 20,1881 Oct. 11,1884 Feb. 5.1871 June 4.1884 Mar. 13, 1873 Jan. 1,1878 Mar. 7,1878 Mar. 3,1868 Medical Department, University of Missouri June St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons Mar. Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville iMay Missouri Medical College J Mar. Eclectic Mediij^l Institute. Cincinnati May St. Louis Medical College Certificate of examination Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College j Mar- Jeff erson Medical College i Mar 7, 1883 Mar. 2.1880 July Aug. Aug. Dec. 29, 1884 4,18S4 19, 1873 Mar. 2, 1858 May 7, 1878 7, 1877 10. 1865 Dec- Jan. May Feb. June 18,1884 17, 1880 12. 1884 12, 1884 26. 1877 4, 1877 21,1878 18.1878 21,1878 15, 1880 92 Official Kegister of Physicians Greene County. Name. Registered O w § Residence and Post OrFicE. Pbac- TICE.* 0)0 r- — CO Redwine, J. W. Feb. 18,1884 May 5, 1881 Feb. 4,1878 Apr. .30.1880 Feb. 1,1882 April 10.1881 Jan. 16,1878 Jan. 31,1878 Jan. 21.1878 May 30,1878 May 25.1880 Dec. 10.1877 Mar. 5.1884 Sept. 18.1878 Jan. 23.1878 Mar. 7,1878 R H R E E i R R E R R R R R R Whitehall. 25 26 25 111 1 1 Shirley, Edwin K Whitehall Ill Pratt. 0. T Wrightsville Tnd i * Stout. J. M Wrightsville 63 Ohio ?•■?■ Webster, D. P.. . Wrightsville 3^ Ohio Webster, J. Q Wrightsville 29 25 36 50 33 47 33 31 32 45 49 N.Y Ill Ind Ireland... Ind England.. 111. 2 2 9 20 5 16 9 1 Arnold, Jerome (2 Patterson ?, Burnett, W. L. (3 Kane a Fenity. Peter (3 Kane '^0 Hays, James B. (2 Woody ... 9> Linfoot, H. B Walkerville T'f Miller, AdamE Ro'^kbridge. g Miller, Benjaman C Rockbridge Ala . Miller D. W Walkerville. Ill Ohio 111. 3 23 17 3 Reynolds, Oliver K. '(3 Waters, J. E 8 Athensville 17 *At date of Registration. Grundy County. , Ferguson. S. T. (1 Hand, Augustus F Dec. 31.1877 Jan. 5.1878 July 20.1878 Mar. 21.1881 Dec. 19.1877 Jan. 1,1878 Dec. 18.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 16.1878 July 2, 1878 Jan. 3. 1878 July 27.1881 Dec. 18,1877 Jan. 16,1878 April 29,1880 Mar. 9,1883 July 13,1882 Sept. 1,1879 R R R R R R R H R K R H H H R R E R R R R R R H R Morris 33 64 24 33 31 46 32 43 40 64 44 25 61 61 34 27 35 29 24 39 38 34 73 33 42 N. Y Vt Ill N. Y U. S u.s N.Y U.S u.s U.S S: i-;;::;: F; i;:::;:: England.. Denmark . Canada .. Ireland... Ill 12 30 1 11 9 / 23 7 20 17 42 20 2 35 41 12 Morris 30 Hand. Truman Morris 7 Oaks' J. F Morris 1 Palmer, A. E. Ridgeway, Emanuel Smith, A. D Morris 9 Morris. 23 Morris 7 Sturtevant M C Morris. g McMann, W. W. (2 14 Miller, James Gardner 31 Taxis John B" (3 Gardner. 17 Abell,'Edmund J. Coal City 9f Angell, Abner Mazon 34 Antis John Mazon 30 Bedford. J. R Verona Claussen. J. E. Mazon Cook William Backus Verona 11 1 10 Kelly', M. W . . Minooka 1 Lockerby. W.H Coal City Mcliane, Moses . Sept. Dec. Feb. Jan. Feb. Aug. 3,1880 28.1878 21.1883 31. 1881 8.18X1 8,1879 Highland Tp U.S U.S Scotland.. N.Y N.Y Canada . . . 20 7 11 39 8 15 9f> Moon, 0. W. (2 . Braceville.. 7 Murray John Braceville.. Reed. Royal Minooka ?^ Stinson C E Coal City. 8 Braceville At date of Registration. 93 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Greene County. Cebtificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- CATE Filed FOR Record. Jan. Apr. Pec. May Aug. 11,1884 23.1881 29, 1877 27.1880 10,1880 April Jan. Jan. Sept May 2,1881 12, 1878 12, 1878 10,1877 24, 1878 May Feb. Mar. Aug. Oct. 27,1880 15,1878 3,1884 29, 1878 26,1877 Missouri Medical College St. Louis Coll. of Homeopathic Phys. and Surgs. Missouri Medical College Twenty-two years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis American Medical College. St. Louis. Certificate of examination St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis Mar. 12, 1882 Feb. Mar. 10,188rMay Mar. 4, 1879 Jan. July June 1,1880 July June 1.1880 Apr. Jan. Mar. 13.1869 Jan. Mar. 2. 18591 Jan. May 16, 1878; May 18,1884 5,1881 14, 1878 17, 1880 10,1881 18.1878 22,1878 : 2, 1878 31. 1878 Oct. 18.1877 Missouri Medical College Rush Medical College , Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk.. Missouri Medical College Seventeen years' practice Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4, 1880 1 June 15,1880 3, 1869: Feb. 25,1878 19, 18841 Mar. 5,1884 14,1878 Sept. 18,1878 27. 1869 Jan. 23.1878 Mar. 7.1878 1) Registered in Jersey and Madison; 2) In Scott; 3) in Jersey. Grundy County. Sept. Sept. Jan. Jan. Dee. 6,1877 2, 1878 8.1878 29,1881 14,1877 Mar. Dec. Oct. St 20.1878 17,1877 6,1877 13,1878 6,1878 Nov. July Jan. Jan. 24.1877 1, 1881 15,1878 15. 1878 Apr. 13,1880 Mar. July Sept Mar. Jan. 5,1883 13,1882 6,1879 30, 1881 19,1878 Oct. Feb. Mar. JNOV. July 10, 1877 5, 1883 27,1878 17, 1877 29.1879 Rush Medical College Medical Department of Illinois College] Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Belle vue Hospital Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland Fourteen years' practice Medical Department. University of Vermont Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Geneva Medical College. New York ... Fairfield Medical College. New York.. j Certificate of examination I Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan, Medical Department. University of Buffalo ' School of Medicine University of Maryland Chicago Medical College University of Glasgow, Scotland Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department. University of Buffalo Jan. 25.1865 June 25,1845 Mar. 20.1877 Mar. 13,1871 Sept. 12,1877 Mar. 1,1878 8,1881 Mar. 1,1869 Dec. 19,1877 Mar. 5.1878 Feb. 28,1870 Feb. 24,1866 Aug. 3, May 11.1878 Dec. 18,1877 Nov. 17,1877 Nov. 6, 1878 Mar. 12, 1870 'Jan. Feb. 24, 18811 July Jan. 23, 18431 Jan. Jan. 31,1837 Jan. Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 20,1883 Mar. 29,1882 June 26,1879 Feb. 21,1881 Mar. 6,1855 Mar. 14,1871 April 27.1876 Feb. 5.1868 Mar. 20.1873 Feb. 23.1875 3. 1878 27,1881 28,1878 16,1878 Nov. ..,1881 Mar. 9.1883 July 17,1882 Sept. 1.18V9 Feb. 2,1878 Jan. 28,1878 Feb. 21,1883 April 22.1879 Feb. 8, 1881 Aug. 8.1879 1) Registered in Kendall and Will; 2) in Will; 3) in Livingston and Will. 94 Official Kegister of Physicians * At date of Registration. Hancock County. Hamilton County. • Registeked 00 o w o o Residekce and Post Office. > Q !2! H M H Prac- tice.* Name. 1^ =1 Benson, J. G April 1,1881 Jan. 16,1878 May 10.1883 Dec. 10,1877 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. 24,1883 Nov. 16.1877 April 18,1883 Dec. 27,1877 Mar. 9,1878 Dec. 31,1877 •Feb. 8,1878 July 25,1881 Sept. 23,1879 Jan. 19,1878 Nov. 17,1877 Mar. 23,1878 April 5,1880 Jan. 14,1878 Dec. 22.1877 Feb. 4,1878 Feb. 27,1878 July 18,1878 Mar. 6,1878 Aug. 12,1879 Feb. 8,1882 Apr. 16,1884 Dec. 15,1877 Oct. 13,1883 R R R R R R R R R R R R i R E R R R E R R R R E R R R R McLeansboro 24 43 28 27 53 28 26 21 34 52 50 53 33 41 55 55 43 26 4X 31 41 as 48 34 39 27 111 Benson, Valentine S Bozartli, Fines E . ... McLeansboro McLeansboro Ill Ill 22 I 25 22 'PI Dale, Marion C u. s Canada... HI. ^ DeFoe, Augustus.... McLeansboro McLeansboro o^ Hale, Henry E Hall, W.F ... Hall, William Wesley McLeansboro McLeansboro Ill U. a.....:. Ohio Pa 3 "ii 28 26 25 "i5 8 24 15 'i7 11 15 3 6 2 $ Lyon, C. M McLeansboro . 1(^ Millard, Z. R McLeansboro ?,K Rathbone, E. D McLeansboro 111 Ill N.C Ky Tenn Ky Tenn Germany. Pa 9(> Wilkey, J.H M'> Laws, Leonard B Walpole Moore, John G- Walpole I'f Organ. James T, (1 Walpole 8 Ritchey, 0. R Walpole.... Walpole.. }^ Williams. R. R 15 Broomer, Emanuel Belle Prairie Brumbaugh, A. M Dahlgren Broughton 17 Bullard, A. C Ill 10 Garrison, G. (2 Belle Prairie U.S Ill flH 17 Hunt, JohnT Macedonia. 5. Johnson, John H Macedonia Dahlgren .... ... 11 Karns. William JL> 3 Neel.EloisG Thackery . Ky Ill s Porter, Lewis A Broughton. Shaul. Monroe Belle Prairie . .... Wheeler, James G... Broughton 31 41 Tenn Westbrook, C. B Thackery 11?. :::::: 10 1lf Burton, D.F FoUen, JohnG. (1 Hills. J. Z Olmsted, E.D Rhea, Jr., Levi Jackson Wade, William D. (1 Corpening, M. L Ellis, David Grigson, H. J Kelly, Josiah R Kelly, John W Carlile, Jonathan B Carnochan, George H... Edwards, B. C Linn, W. S. (2 McKnown, J. T Henry, James (3 Kirkpatrick, George (3 . Kirkpatrick. R. B Martin,F.M Sutton, Robert (3 Boscow, T. H , Harlan, R. A Mar- 1,1879 R Jan. 22,1878 R Jan. 18, 1878 R Oct. 18. 1878 H Mar. 7.1882 R Jan. 1,1878 E .lulv 17, 1883 H Keb. 12, 1878 \i Jan. 12. 1878 K Jan. 9.1878 R July 14,1880 R April 19,1882 R Feb. 9. 1882 Ii April 12,1880 E Dec. 3, 1877 R Nov. 4, 1880 R Feb. 12. 1878 R Dec. 2,1878 h: Jan. 16,1878 V. Dec. 28, 1877 H Jan. 7,1878 E Dec. 10,1877 E Jau. 28, 1879 R Plymouth . Plymouth. Plymouth. Plyraouih. Plymouth Plymouth. Augusta... Augusta... Augusta.., Augusta. . Augusta Bowensburg. Bowensburg. Bowensburg. Bowensburg. Bowensburg. La Harpe La Harpe La Harpe La Harpe La Harpe Warsaw.. Warsaw.. 111. 111... N.Y. 281111. 111... U. S. Ky.. Ky.., HI.... Ill Ohio Scotland. N. J Ohio W. Va. . Ireland. Pa W. Va... 36 England, 58i England, 26U. S 95 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Hamilton County. Ceetificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate FlLEI> for Record. Mar. Oct. Dec. Oct. 30,1881 19, 1877 6,1881 19,1877 Oct. 19,1877 Mar. Oct. Apr. Oct. Mar. 21.1883 19. 1877 16, 1883 18.1877 8.1878 Jan. Oct. Dec. 11.1878 8.1878 21.1881 29.1879 7.1877 Missouri Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine Medical (College of Evansvile Chicago Medical College. i Medical College of Evansville 1 Medical Department, University of Louisville. Hospital Medical College, Evansville Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Medical College of Evansville Medical College of Evansville Twenty- five years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis. Fourteen years' practice Louisville Medical College Jan. 31,1878 Thirteen years' practice , Feb. 2,1878 Fifteen years' practice Jan. 11,1881 Missouri Medical College.. Jan. 2.5,18781 Seventeen years' practice. Deo. 28,1877 Ten years' practice Jan. 2,1878 Mar. 8,1878 June 29,1878 Feb. 20.1878 June 29,1878 Mar. 24.1878 April 9,1884 Mar. 6.1878 Jan. 28,1878 Seventeen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, Eleven years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk.. American Medical College. St. Louis Certificate of examination Kentucky School of Medicine. Certificate of examination Ten years' practice Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 2,188llApril ...1870 Jan. 1,1881 May 10, 1874 Nov, 20,1852 2.186y, 1, 1881 16,1878 10.1883 2,1877 Oct. 23,1877 Feb. 27,188S'Mar. Mar. 10,1874 Oct. Feb. 20, 18831 Apr. Dec. Dec. 23,1854iMar. Mar. 4,1851 Jan. Feb. June 2,188l|July |Dec. Feb. 25,1875 Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. 4, 1880 24,1883- L3,1S77 18, 18s:i 28.1877 9, 1878 16,1878: 8.1878. 25. 1881 23. 1879 12,1878 6, 1878 23, 1878 Mar. Jan. 6. 1878 21, 187& Feb. i-^oM Feb. 4.1878- 14, 18781 Mar. 20.1878 Jniy 18.1878 Feb. 14,1878 Mar. 6.1878 May 16,1878 Dec. 23.187^ May 13.187» Apr. 16,1884 Mar. 25,1878 Mar. 26,188a July 1,1883 1) Registered in Saline; 2) in Wayne. Hancock County. Mar. Jnn. Jan. Oct. Nov. 1.1878 15,1878 15, 1878 5.1878 27,1882 Feb. June Dec. Dec. Dec. 4,1878 19,1883 11,1877 1.1877 29, 18; 7 June April Jan. Oct. Dec. 8. 1880 17.1882 26.1882 26,1878 21.1877 June Dec. Oct. Dec. Dec. 26.1880 28,1877 17. 1877 10.1877 21,1877 Dec. 10,1877 17, 1877 15,1878 Rush Medical College College of Physi'cians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical.Department. University of Louisville College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Certificate of examination Louisville Medical College Fourteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk Medical College of Indiana Bellevue Hospital Medical College Twenty- two years' practice Bennett Collpere of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Hahnemann Medical College. Chicagft Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Thirty-five years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. 26,1878 Mar. Feb. 21,1861 Jan. June 10, 18751 Jan. Feb. 28,1878 Oct. Feb. 28,1882 Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. , Mar. 8,1870 Feb. 1.1883 'July 5. 1852 17, 1858 22, 1872 Mar. 2, Feb. 27,1878 Feb."25,'i852 Feb. 27.1880 Mar. 1, 1870 Feb. Dec. Jan. July Apr. Feb. Feb. Jan. Nov. Feb. Dec. Dec. Dec. 9,1863 Jan. Dec. June 18,1878 Jan. 1,187J> 22. 1878 18,187g 18. 1878 27,1883 16.1878 17.188^ 5.1878 22, 1877 !». 1878 12.1880 19. 1882 9.1882 3,1880 15,1878 10,1880 9. 1878 4 1877 2!>, 1877 28, 1877^ 7,1878 10, 1877 28. 1879 96 Official Kegister of Physicians Hancock County. Name. Registered Kesidence and Post- office. M?' Pbac- TICB.* tHay, Charles Hunt, T. B , Warner, Charles A.. Bancroft, Walton (4. Carpenter. A. M. (5.. Cleaver, H. T Davis. Willis H Callahan, James H.. Denton, Simpson R. Miller, John A Miller, John R... Akins. James 8.. Barr. John A. (1.. Bishop, Calvin S. Black, B. F... Blevins, John (6 Browning. Charles C. Corey, Y. B Disse. Conrad H Ferris. C.L.d.. Forney. C. S Githens, William H... Godden, H. L Gross. H. A Hamilion, B. R. Hamilton, William W. Hendricks, W. S Ing, O. C James, J. A Kingsley, Virgil (2 Law. R. I. (I Monroe. P. H Mott.W. G Mourning. W. H O'Harra, William G. Orr, Oscar Prescott, W Reaburn, John J Rice, Cyrus S. (3 Runyon, Charles A.. Spitler, Adam Stevens, Harbin Z... Veatch, William H... White, William L.... Wimmer, William P. Dec. Dec. Dec. D&a. Feb. Jan. 29,1878 8, 1877 l^J, 1879 8,1877 21,1878 8,1878 Dec. 11,1882 July 28,1884 Nov. 26,1877 April 4,1878 Dec. 3,1877 Dec. 20,1878 Mar. 1.1884 July 3.1883 Jan. 6, 1878 1879 Apr. 11,1878 May 15,1880 Jan. 12,1878 Aug. 18,1880 July 6.1882 Jan. 11,1878 Mar. Mar. Jan. Dec. Dec. 11, 1884 22, 1878 7,1878 3. 1877 29,1877 Dec. 25,1877 July 12.1883 Feb. 20,1878 Mar. 19.1878 June 2, 1884 Sept. 8,1879 May 26,1382 Dec. 19,1877 Jan. 21,1878 Mar. 1, 1884 Nov. 27.1877 Feb. 27,1878 May 31,1880 Aug. 20,1881 July ...1878 Warsaw — Warsaw Warsaw Keokuk, la. Keokuk, la. Keokuk, la. Keokuk, la. Elvaston... Elvaston... Elvaston... Elvaston Hickory Ridge.. Fountain Green. Ferris Dallas City Ferris Denver West Point Nauvoo Fountain Green. Adrian — Hamilton. Elderville. Sutter Nauvoo... Nauvoo.., Carthage. Burnside. Bentley.. Tioga Fountain Green. Elderville , Basco , Basco Pontoosuc Hickory Ridge. Dallas City Denver Disco Ferris Carthage. Sutter Carthage. Bentley... Adrian.... 6!Ky. 50 28 Germany. Mass...... Ky Pa.... Iowa. U. S Pa... Ky. Wis 111 Ill N. Y Prussia. Ill HI Ohio Ohio Germany. Pa III.... Ky... Ohio Ind.. 111.... N. Y.. U.S.. Iowa. Ky.... Ill HI.... U.S.. Va.... Pa.... Iowa , Va.. Ind. Ind. 111... Va.. 25 30 ... . 11 11 *At date of Registration. t Deceased. See Necrological Record. Hardin County. Hill, George W May 11,1878 Dec. 9,1882 April 26, 187f Mar."'23,*i878 I 28Ky 22iMo 33iKy 33 Ind 271111 1 1 12 6 5 \ Greene, A. E Cave in Rock Mozee, George Cave in Rock n Quiiiin. J.N. ...::::::::::: Cave in Rock 5 Butler, Jacob (^ Shetlerville 5 97 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Hancock County. Certificate op State Boakd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cebtifi- CATE Filed FOR Record. Jan. Nov Dec. Dec. Jan. 11.1878 8.1877 29, 1X77 16.1878 26, 1878 Jan. May Dec. July 26. 1878 28, 1880 29. 1879 9,1882 23. 1884 June 20.1879 Oct. 1,1877 Dec. 10.1877 Feb. Jan. 14.1882 14.1878 July July Aug. Dec. Mar. 11,1881 2,1883 9, 1879 16,1879 1, 1878 April 26, 1880 Jan. 12.1878 Oct. 19.1S77 Dec. 26,188:i Dec. 24,1877 Mar. 3,1884 June 11.1880 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 14,1877 1^0 V. 22,1877 Dec. May Feb. Mar. May 11.1877 18. 1883 23. 1878 8, 1878 24. 1884 ^ept. 29,1877 May 24,1882 Jan. 3, 1878 Jan. 15.1878 April 30. 1884 Dec. Mar. Dec. July July 10. 1877 8,1878 29.1877 6. 1x81 12. 1878 Medical Department of Transylvania University. Medical Department, University of Louisville St. Louis Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Medical Department, University of Louisville.... College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Bellevue Hospital Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk — Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati /College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk ) Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Long Island College Hospital American Medical College, St. Louis Medical Department, University of Missouri. Twenty-two years' practice University of Berlin Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk Miami Medical College St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Twenty- six years* practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Chicago Medical College Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 12, 1829 5, 1864 27, 1863 9. I860 24, 1854 ..,1872 25.1879 26.1870 15. 1882 1,1881 21, 1861 7,1870 17. 1875 13.1877 1,1881 June 22,1876 June 2,1881 June 7,1883 Jan. Jan. Jan. Dec. Feb. 14, 1878 5,1880 4, 1878 21. 1878 8.1878 Jan. 28.1878 Dec. 11.1882 July 28,1884 Apr. 4,1878 Dec. 20.1877 Dec. 30,1878 July 19,1881 July 3, 1883 Feb. 11,1853! Jan. 28,1880 Feb. 26, 18781 April 4,1878 Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. 2,1880 May ...1853 Feb. 22, 1874 2. 1858 21. 1870 Feb. 19.1884 June 10.1875 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical Department. University of Louisville Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. 18,1873 June 14,1877 Aug. 15,1880 2. 1878 18, 1880 Jan. 7,1878 Mar. 11,1884 Jan. 7, 1878 Dec. 31.1877 Dec. 29,1877 June 12,1873 Dec. 13,1877 Feb. 27.18s3July 12,1883 Feb. 14,1878 Mar. 4,1878 Feb. 13, 1877 Mar. 19.1878 Mar. 25. 1884 June 2, 1884 June 20,1876 June ...1878 Feb. 25,1869 Mar. 29,1876 Feb. 26,1884 Mar. 9, 1850 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 25,1867 June 18,1878 Sept. 8,1879 May 26,1882 Jan. May 21, 1878 27,1884 Dec. 19.1877 May 21.1878 May 31.1880 \ug. 20.1881 July ..,1878 1) Registered in McDonough; 2) in A.dams; 3) in Henderson; 4) in Hancock; 5) in Hancock and Henderson; 6) in Montgomery and Peoria. Hardin County. April 24, 1878 Nov. 27,1882 Apr. 29.1878 Apr. 30.1884 Mar. 21,1878 —7 Certificate of e!tamination Medical Colli-ge of Evansville Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Medical College of Evansville Feb. 7,1882 Feb. 22,1866 Feb. 26,1884 Feb. 27.1878 May 11,1878 Dec. 15,1882 May 6, 1878 April 5,1878 93 Official Kegister of Physicians Hardin County. Registered 00 § o Residence and Post- office. > !z5 Pbac- TICE.* Name. So 03 — I — CO Lacey, Royal R June 1.1878 Sept. 3.1881 May 5, 1882 Dec. 3,1877 Nov. 9, 1878 May 13,l«8l July 2.1878 May 5, 18*2 E R R R R R Elizabeth town 42 57 29 61 58 21 56 24 Ohio Pa. 14 32 4 16 28 2 25 2 14 MoGinnis, liollin J Rose Clare. •>o Paris. William J. J. (2 Karber's Ridge Ky Ill 4 Vinyard. John Elizabethtown 14 Wall, Armistead Elizabeth town Tenn Ill Ky... 111. . 20 Warford, John D Sparks Hill 2 Warford. William N R R Sparks Hill ?5. Womack, Joseph C Karber's Ridge '>,- *At date of Registration. Henderson County. Henry, Greenbury R Jan. 10,1878 Jan. 18.1878 Dec. 20,1877 Jan 12 1878 R R R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R R R Burlington, la. 49 Ky 42 Germany. 47 Ohio 43N.Y 3S|Iowa 57iVa 24 Ohio 29,Ohio 4l!Ohio 29 Iowa 29 20 22 19 14 29 1 5 18 5 10 4 '>(> Lengel, F. C Burlington, la, , . 9; McDili, David Burlingtot', la. 9Q. Burlington, la Burlington la. 19 Ransom, James J Jan. 12,1878 Jan. 7.1878 April 29,1.^78 April 29, 1878 Jan. 12,1881 May 24,1878 Jan. 22.1878 Apr. 26.1878 Mar. 4, 1884 Jan. 3,1878 Nov. 16,1882 Dee. 18,1878 July" ■ ■9; i 878 Jan. 22,1878 14 Beard, Ezra (I Raritan Biggsville Olena 12^ Bailey Juhn A 1 Bailey' William S. Brelsford, H Gladstone .... Cowden, I. P Olena 4 Hamilton, B. Frank (2 H rter, I. Foster Terre Haute (-armen 39 27 23 49 '>6 Ohio Ill 7 4 Humbert, O. Clinton Rozetta Biggsville Ill Nelson, Alexander P Ohio Ill . 23 4 29 ?J^ Newton JohiiC.. Carmen Piirk Cephas .. Oquawka 58 Vt. ^7 Robinson. VV. Clark 'IVrre Haute. Ruple, VV. C 29 35 Pa 1 10 1 Smith, VV. K. (2 Terre Haute Pa lO' * At date of Registration. Henry County. Cole, W.H Dec. Dec. Oct, July May Dec. June Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Oct. 21,1877 2(t. 1877 9,1><83 . . , 1S78 4,1880 18.1877 8. 1880 18. 1877 1 1 . 1877 24, 1877 2,1878 4,1882 R R R H R R R R H H R R R R R Ke wan ee 41 N Y 4 30 18 5 4 30 4 Day, William H Kewanee. 68 Mass 52 Germany . 31!Pa 29 Ohio 14 Dorpat. Joseph fl Kewanee. '); Irwin, H. M Kewanee. Mannon, John H. Kewanee. 4 Nance, Hiram (2 . . Kewanee 30 Nichols. John C 36 47 70 32 Ohio Smiley, James C. (2 Kewanee U. 8 Sweden .. Ohio TT Sl 19 50 3 12 3 7 ■■■3 10 Carlson, Daniel Galva 14 Dickinson, J. D Galva a Grove, William A Galva Galva 10 Lytle, J. P 29 ni :- ?, Scott. Thomas A Galva 30 24 Scotland.. TT. R 7 Weils, George A June 20, 1883 Galva West, Samuel Galva 27iOhio 99 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Hardin County. Certificate of State Board of HEAiiTH. Issued. Basis of Certifloate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. June 241878 Feb. 1, l«xi April 6,1^80 April 27,1882 Sept 16. 18; 8 Dec. 4,1878 May 9,1881 Oct. 2().lH78 June 7,1881 Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Seventeen years' practice t ('erUflcate of examination ^ Nashville Medical College Fourteen years' practice Twenty years' practice May 7.1878 ..1878 3, 1881 Feb, 23,1882 June Sept. May 5,1882 Sept. 21.1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Twenty-flve years' practice Nashville Medical College Mar. 1,1881 May 13.1881 Feb. 26,1884 1) Registered in Pope; 2) in Gallatin. Henderson County. Dec. 26,1877 Jan. 15,1878 Dec. 13,1877 tFan. 9,1878 Jan. 9,1878 Jan. 25, 1878 Mar. 23.187X April 2.S.I8T8I Mar. 5, IS7K Jan. 29,1878 Nov. 27,1877 Dec. 13. 1877 Oct. 3. 1883 Jan. 15,1878 Nov. 20,1882 Dec. 14.1877 May 7,18,v0 July 6,1878 Dec. 24,1877 Medical Department, University of Louisville... University of Jena St. Lonis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk . College of Physifians and Surgeons, Keokuk , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk , Medical College of Ohio ("oU^ge of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Rush Medical C'ollege Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Cleveland Medic?il College Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. 13,1877 Feb. 18,1873 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 1, 1878 April 3.1878 \pril 29,1878 Mar. 11.1878 June 16, 1874 May 21, 1878 Mar. Keb. Feb. Jan. Mar. 1, 18^7 13,1877 20, 1883 27,18(i4 2, 1880 Feb. 22,1854 Mar. 4. 18X0 June 18,1878 Feb. 16,1875 Dec. Feb. Mar. Feb. Nov. 28,1877 11.1878 4, 1884 25, 1878 22.1882 Dec. 19,1877 July Jan. 9, 1878 2,1878 1) Registered in McDonough; 2) in Hancock and McDonough. Henry County. Oct. 5,1877 Mar. 23.1X81 Jan. 14.1878 July 16. 1>-7S Apr. 1,1880 Sept. 17,1877 Apr. 1,1880 Oct. 16.1877 Jan. 28,1878 Deo. 21,187 Nov. 22,1«77 Jan. 15.1^7^ J Jan 12. 1878 1 Mavl9, 18S3 June 18,188:^ Mar. 29.1882 Long Island College Hospital rhenango <'o.. N. Y., Medical Society... St. Louis \fedieal College Boston University School of Medicine. Rush Medical College Medical School University of Missouri Rush Medical College Nineteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Ten years' pracnce St, fjOTiis Medical College Certificate of examination Rush Medical College ("!hif»ago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. June 25.1873 ,1849 Mar. 4,1875 Mar. 3.1875 Feb. 24,1880 Mar. 1,1847 Feb. 24,1880 Mar. 19.1874 Mar. 12.1874 Jan. Oct. May Feb. 20,1883 June Mar. 27, 1883 June Feb. 25.18791 Dec. 21.1877 Sept!* 26," 1883: July 22,1878 May 4, 1880 Sept. 19.1877 June 8,1880 Oct. Feb. 29, 1877 7.1881 2.1878 4.1882 26. 1879 13,1883 20.1883 100 Official Eegister of Physicians Henry County. Name. Registeeed 00 o w i Residence akd Post- Office. > i81 18. 1877 18,1881 2, 1878 1,1878 1,1878 10. 1884 Geneseo 11 Mache&ney, D. L Lowry. N. H. (4 Geneseo %? Woodhull Pa 111. 6 McClanahan H. M Woodhull Taylor, D. P ,.... Willis J. W .. Woodhull Pa 14 6 1^ Woodhull U- S Canada... 6 Adams, Wilson W Atkinson Annawan ., Baldwin, P. A N.Y Iowa Pa 24 9 11 18 Bowers 0. B Orion. Long, H. Horace (5 Orion 11 Priestman, John L Annawan .... Fngland . Sale. Joseph H. (5 Cleveland Ind Ohio Pa 11 19 38 11 Sale. R. R Colona Station !.'> Sexton H. H Alpha .... 35 Swem, J. A Atkinson Mo * At date of Registration. Iroquois County. Jewett D. L .... Sept. 19,1877 Aug. 28,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. 8, 1878 1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Feb. 19,1878 Sept. 21,1883 May 24,1883 Jan. 8, 1878 Nov. 22,1880 Mar. 18.1882 Mar. 8, l?s78 Jan. 8, 1878 Feb. 19,1878 Feb. 11,1881 .. . 1878 R H R R R R R R R R R R R R E R E R R E R R R R R E Watseka. 37 Conn. .. 13 2 20 23 11 15 12 4 10 Near. Jefferson S Watseka. 29Pa 47 England.. 49N. C 36111 46 Canada... 50 Kv... ?, Pitwood, L. N. Watseka ^0 Watseka '^ Vandolah, B. F Watseka 11 Brown, Ira Milford T Milford 17 Gasaway, N. H Gillum, Ira H 14 Milford 37 25 39 26 50 Ind Ind U.S Ohio ?, Hall, Omar Milford Woodworth, Leonard P . . Milford 3 Miller. D.Warren Gilman Raney, H. A Oilman N.Y.:.:.:. Ill Va N.Y Canada... N.Y Canada.... U. S Ohio N.Y 28 18 28 12 23 18 16 1 30 6 21 21 5 12 23 ?7 Snyder. John W Gilman 18 Wenger, Ellas Gilman. 57 38 48 45 45 36 54 32 44 44 28 42 47 38 ^8 Wright, Charlotte M 1^ DeVeling, J. D ?0 Stebbing Preston Chebanse ?, White, Harvey A. Dec. 1, 1883 Mar. 30,18H3 Jan. 10,1878 Mar. 5, 1878 Jan. 8. 1878 June 12.1884 Jan. 8,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 May 4, 1878 May 10,1882 Barritt, William M... . Onarga . 1 Brelsford, Joseph 18 Palmer, Ira F. (1 Onarga 5 Pearce, L. E Onarga 2 Deaver, John W Sheldon Ind U. S N.Y....... Ohio Denmark. Patrick, Z. E.. Sheldon. . ... ^ Robinson, Joseph W Sheldon 12 Speck, A. C Sheldon Anderson, Jacob Thawville 101 \ To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Henry County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate Filed fob Kecokd. May 6, 1881 April 26, 1882 Aug. 29,1878 Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 12,1877 Sept. 5.1877 Apr. 27,1882 Mar. 31,1881 May 28.1883 Dec. 7,1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical Colletre Thirteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Nineteen years' practice Feb. Feb. 24,1881 21, 1882 Feb. 4,1866 Rush Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Castleton Medical College, ^'ermont Dec. Mar. Dec. Dec. Mar. Oct. Feb. Feb. Apr. Feb. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Jefferson Medical College St. Louis Medical College Homeoparhic Medical College of Missouri. Rush Medical College 15,1877 30, 1878 24, 1877 13, 1877 21.1883 8.1877 Castleton Medical College, Vermont... 8,1881 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. 4.1878 Jefferson Medical College , 11,1881 Chicago Medical College , ^5,1878 Eleven years' practice , Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. July Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. May Apr. July Feb. Dec. Sept. Apr. May Dec. 25,1861 1,1881 1,1881 2, 188-:5 1,1852 23.1872 12,1878 Apr. 4, 1864 Mar. 25, 1875! Dec. 28, 18831 Mar. 10,1881 28,1882 1.1878 12, 1878 21, 1877 12.1877 31,1883 13,1877 May Mar. Mar. .. ,1851 25,1872 1,186S 29,1881 Jan. 28, 1878 Fifteen years' practice Aug. 29,1878 Thirty-five years' practice. Mar. 25,1884 American Medical College, St. Louis Feb. 28,1884 Dec. Feb. Feb. 4.1878 29, 1878 25,1877 24, 1883 21,1877 17.1881 13,1878 Mar. 1,1878 Jan. 30,1880 April 10.1884 1) Registered in Morgan; 2) in Stark; 3) in Lee; 4) in Knox; 5) in Rock Island. Iroquois County. Sept. 15.1877 Dec. 31,1877 Oct. 16. 1877 Sept. 24, 1877 June 30.1879 Sept. 20.1877 Feb. 13,1878 Aug. 24.1883 May 18.1883 Sept. 7,1877 Nov. Jan. Dec. Nov. Feb. 25. 1878 21, 1877 30. 1877 5, 1878 Jan. 28,1882 Sept. 2iJ.1877 Nov. 28,1883 Mar. 28,1883 Oct. 5.1878 Feb. 13,1878 Oct. 20. 1877 May 24,1884 Sept. 8.1877 Oct. 17.1877 College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Twenty years' practice Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice j Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. I Medical Dept., Nashville and Vanderbilt Univs Fourteen years' practice Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College Twenty-seven years' practice. Kentucky School of Medicine. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Twenty years' practice Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical College of Ohio Indiana Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Starling Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. ) Rush Medical Cftllege ( Bellevue Hospital Medical College Twelve years' practice April 4, 1878 Medical College of Ohio April 17,1882 Certificate of examination. 1862 Feb. 4.1876 Feb. 2,1870 Mar. Mar. 25.1858 1.1876 Feb. Mar. 20.1874 4, 1879 Sept. 19.1877 Aug. 28,1878 Oct. 20,1877 Sept. 25,1877 Nov. 25,1879 Sept. 24,1877 Feb. 16,1878 Sept. 21.1883 May 24.1883 Feb. 2, 1870 Dec. 8,1877 Mar. 13,1 Feb. 18,1859 Feb. 21,1856 Feb. 1, 1871 June 6. 1882 Mar. 8,1883 1849 May 21,1872 Feb. 26,1869 Feb. 17,1870 Jan. 17,1872 Mar. 1,1876 Mar. 2,1868 Nov. 22,1880 Feb. 13.1878 Dec. 21.1877 Feb. 18,1878 Mar. 14. 1881 1878 Dec. 1,1883 Mar. 8,1883 Mar. 9.1878 Mar. 24,1877 June 12.1884 Sept. 12,1877 Dec. 20,1877 May May 4, 1878 10,1882 102 Official Register of Physicians Iroquois County. Registebed 3 o Residence and Post- office. M Prac- tice.* Name. 5^ 5-1 SE Boue. T. NeAvton, (I Jan. Feb. Feb. June Mar. Feb. June Jan. Mar. Sept. July Aug. Jan. Jan. Jan. 25,1878 15, 1879 25, 1878 14, 1883 8. 1878 5. 1879 18. 1878 17, 1878 11,1881 18,1877 28,1884 17,1881 18, 1878 8, 1878 8, 1878 g E R E R E R R R R E R R R R R R E H R § I R Loda 40 32 3:{ 28 u.s N. Y Ind IT. S 13 3 5 5 7 4 13 21 13 Brown. Garrison Brown. W.S Bundy. Joseph E Woodland 5 Bundy, Lindley M Ash Grove 29|Ohio 27 Canada... 51 Ind 45! Ark. 5 Burry. James Raub Indiana. Critser Lewis W. Papineau .. Iroquois .... q Crozier. A. T 13 Curtain. A. Mc Donovan 22 27 111 Gernon, John H St. Mary's rirtnufla. 6 3 Hard, A. D. (2 Prairie Green .... Wis Hoekett, Lon Ash Grove. .. 3n'ohio 58 Pa 37:Ky 31iTT 8 3 27 16 8 3 13 24 3 Homer, W. F Buckley. 9-^ Humston, Milton L Morocco Ind. .. 15 Irwin. 0. H 3 Littell, John V Crescent City 29 34 53 34 22 31 26 N. Y ind.v ."!;;.■; Canada 1 Marshall. ^J. R McOlain. J. H McDonald. J. L Dec. Jan. May Apr. 31.1877 8,1878 12,18^1 13, 1883 1878 Clifton Iroquois Clifton Martinton 11 18 Metz, Matthew S. .. Pa 4 9 3 12 12 3 9 22 } Mich and, Ous . ... L'Erable Canada... Turin 6 Minton, Edward W Jan. Jan. May May Jan. Apr. 8. 1878 8, 1878 3. 1S78 8,1878 8.1878 24. 1878 Wellington 8 Muehlenpfordt. August... Ashkum 38'Gprmanv. 10 Sabin. D. E 44 2(> 111 Tr> Smith, Charles F Danforth TT K 3 Spitler. Daniel Iroquois 34 U. S 43'Ohin 6 Triplett, Cnarles E ?,?, At date of Registration. Jackson County. Bricker Jonathan B Feb. Feb. Dec. Jan. 25,1878 25,18-8 3.1877 24, 1878 R R R R R R E E R R R R R R R B R R R R R R Carbondale 671 45 18 25 27 3 18 Bricker, William J Carbondale 37 17 Hayton James Carbondale. 60 England.. 49, Ky. 28 Germany. 26 Tenn 10 Lightfoot, R. P 2 Liesch Hubert Carbondale McAnnally, JohnT McKinney. T. C. (1 O'Hara John June Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. Nov. April Jan. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Mar. Jan. 19,1883 4,1877 28. 1877 3,1«77 11,1878 19,1877 1, 1878 3,18^8 4. 1877 21. 1877 10.1877 4. 1877 17,1884 6, 18^3 9. 1878 (>arbondale. 87tVa 12 13 12 25 34 3 1 30 25 19 5 1 10 Carbondale. 47II1 41 Ohio 55Tenn 57 P;'. 13 Parson's M G Carbondale 11 Bain Charles Murphysboro 15 "Biprer F G Mn r nh viboro 93 Cox, G. W Murphysboro 3JKy 42 Ohio 62 Ky 47 Ky 41111 37 Ohio 2o'ohio 25 U. S 3 Elliott, Taylor D Hamilton J M. 1 Murphysboro. 30 Ingram. W. T Ormsby, 0. B Ague w. Frank M. (2 20 Murphysboro Makanda 11 5 DeSoto 1 Bavsiueer M W Grand Tower Blacklock R. B Vergonnes 61 Scotland.. 22 4 17 Cochran, W. J . .. Ava 4 Davis E A Nov. 3, 1879 ..,1879 26. 1877 30 Texas Garfljnttr (/harlp.s D Grand Tower. . . 25 Ky 2 Gordon, Noel R Campbell Hill ...1 103 To Whom Certifcates have been Issued. Iroquois County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for Kecokd. Jan. Feb. Mar. May Feb. 9,1878 28, 1879 1, 1878 7,188^ 22, 1878 Jan. June Jan. Mar. Sept. 11,1879 1,1878 11,1S78 25, 1881 13, 1877 July 24,1884 July Oct. Dec. Sept. 21,1881 17,1877 .31, 1877 29, 1877 May 7, 1879 Sept. 6.1877 Nov. 30,1877 April 13,1880 June 15,1883 Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Berkshire Medical College Louisville Medical College Rush Medical College Jan. 24,1*^66 June 18,1S78 Feb. 21.1>< Feb. 27,18S3 Jan. 22,1878 Jan. 25,1878 Mar. 5,1879 Mar. 13.1878 June 14.1883 M ar. 8, 1878 Mar. May Nov. Feb. Jan. 16,1875 Feb. 5.1879 7,1878 June 18 1878 25, 18561 Jan. 17.1X78 25, 18x1 1 April 7.1881 17. Ib72 Sept. 18, 1877 j Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan, ) JelTerson Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Twenty- three year.-^' practice Kentucky ScQool of Medicine Indiana Medical College June 28,1883 Mar. 29,18^4 June 7,1881 Medical Department. Butler University, Indiana... Rush Medical College Eighteen years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Mar. Feb. Feb. Jan. 24. 1871 28, 1879 26,1867 Mar Feb- Oct. 5,1878 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Sept. 8, 1877^ Rush Medical College INov. 27, 1877 Ten years' practice May 2,1878 Twelve years' practice Mar. 5,1878; Miami Medical College Feb. 23, 1! 20, 18»3 ... 1873 15,1>576 Feb. 26,1878 Dec. 5,1877 Rush Medical College Mar. 20,1878 Medical Department, Transylvania University. Feb. Mar. 5, 1868 1, 1856 July July Nov. Jan. Oct. May Sep.t. Dec. May June Nov. Nov. Dec. May Mar. 28, 1884 21,1881 17. 1877 7, 1878 26. 1878 26. 1879 11.1^77 12, 1877 12. 18SI 30, 1883 5.1878 20,1877 25, 1H77 4, 1878 7, 1878 Dec. 29,1877 April 24, 18*8 il Registered in Ford. (2 P. 0., Ambia, Benton Co., Ind. Jackson County. Feb. Feb. Nov. Jan. July 5,1878 5,1878 13,1877 12,1878 29. 1884 Apr. Nov. Nov. Nov. Feb. 16,1883 13, 1S77 2, 1877 26, 1877 24, 1881 Aug. Oct. Apr. Nov. Oct. 29,1878 5,1878 24. 1878 2,1877 4,1877 Sept. 7,1877 Oct. 10, 1877 Mar. Apr. Feb. 25,1881 16, 1883 13,1878 Eighteen years' practice Seventeen years' practice Ten years' practice. Certificate of examination Medical Department, Western Reserve University Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Thirteen years' practice St. Louis Medical College Fifteen years' practice Jefferson Medical College Medical College of Ohio (Certificate of examination Thirty years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville Rush Medical College j Medical College of Ohio I Miami Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Seventeen yeafR' practice Sept. 8,1877 Medical College of Ohio Oct. 13, 1879] Certificate of examination June 11,1879, Hospital Mf^dical College, Louisville. Oct. 6,18771 St. Louis Medical College Mar. 5,1881 Mar. May 27. 188'? 27, 1867 Mar. 13,1868 Mar. Feb. Feb. 25,1878 Feb. 25.1878 Dec. 3,1877 Jan. 24.1878 June 19,1883 Dec. 4,1x77 Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 3.1877 Aug. 20,1881 28,1849 Sept. 1,1878 27,1878 Dec. 24,1880 May 9, 1878 Nov 21,1877 Nov. 21,1877 Dec. 10.1877 Dec. 4. 1877 Mar- 26.1>-81 Apr. 24,1883 Mar. Feb. Mar. . 1873 Mar. 2, 1878 Nov. 3,1879 June ..,1879 Nov. 26,1877 22, 1877 12. 1875 104 Official Eegister of Physicians. Jackson County. Namk Kegisteeed 00 S o o Residence and Post- OrricE. >- iz! Peac- tice.* li tGraham, Malcolm (3 May 17,1878 Mar. 29,1878 Jan. 1.1878 Dec. 29.1877 Nov. 21,1877 May ...1879 Apr. 26.1878 Dec. 31,1877 Apr. 28,1884 Aug. 6, 1878 Jan. 8,1878 R R R R E R R R R R R Campbell Hill Hodges, Hezekiah C DegogniaT'p 75 49 Scotland.. Ky 43 17 9 18 14 5 6 4?^ Hunter, L. D DeSoto 17 Johnson. H Ava HI .:: <^ Knouff. E. W . Elkville . . 49 39 29 29 23 21 37 Ohio 111.. 11 Lee, Arthur M Pomona M Miller, Cyrus L Makanda Ohio Tenn Ill 5- Rosson, John B Vergennes ... 6 Taggart, Charles F Campbell Hill Thomlinson. Thomas E. . . Grand Tower U. S Ky 1 5 Wheeler, Elliott H Gillsburgh. ^ * At date of Registration. tRemoved to Perry Co.— which see. Jasper. County. Allen, Z Nov. 28.1877 Apr. 23,1884 Dec. 5, 1877 July 11,1879 Mar. 4,1878 Mar. 11.1878 Mar. 29.1884 June 2.1883 April 9,1881 R H R R R R K R R R E R R R R R R E R E E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Newton 47 32 25 28 30 42 27 28 45 41 24 48 Ohio Ind 20 •?o. Booker, Carroll Newton Franke, Adam A Newton . . u. S Franke, Jr., John Newton ind^ '.:■.::■.; Ki' 4 4 13 ... BLinman, H. S Newton 4- Maxwell. J. H Newton If^ Printz, E. T Newton Andrews, John C Rose Hill Ill Goodwin. A. J Rose Hill Ind...;.;: Ind 22 IS Jones, William A Rose Hill King, William May Bollinger, H. C July 31,1882 Dec. 6,1877 Aug. 14.1883 Feb. 4.1881 Nov. 27,1877 Dec. 17.1877 May 15.1880 Mar. ...1879 July 12,1878 Nov. 1,1880 Rose Hill rs,-::;::: 1 26 1 Willow Hill 25 Gavins, R. W Willow Hill Eidson, Henry A Willow Hill 34 60 49 S:i:::;::: 111. 1 38 26 1 Eidson. W. H Willow Hill ?f> Barlow, James M . . Tale 16 Byers. JamesM Yale Chapman. J. C Clark.N. S Wheeler, 27 37 40 25 49 35 25 50 23 34 28 48 28 56 70 27 56 29 63 Canada... u. S 3 S Latona Davison. James F Hidalgo Ohio Ind S;i. •;;;:: Ohio 12 4 25 3 10- Gettinger, Martin L Hunt's City ^ Harris, Colmore Mar. 4,1878 Apr. 28.18H3 June 25,1878 Feb. 7,1878 May 20,1884 Dec. 1,1877 Feb. 23.1882 Dec. 3.1877 Boos Station 15 Harris. John B Boos Station Langhead. J.T Larrabee. James Latona U. S Ill 15 If? McTaggart, Walter Bogota .. .... Myers. N. D ... Gila U. 8 Ky France.... Ind S; 1 ::■•:. Ill f 24 2 28 52 ^ ;!funn, William H Wheeler !'icquet, James St. Marie IS Rice, Matthew S. (1 West Liberty ^ Shamhart, George (2 Dec. 8. 1877 Feb. 19.1878 May 2.1883 Dec. 12.1878 June 5,1883 Dec. 4.1877 Latona v^ Stevens, Stephen Yale 3'> Tanquary, James H West Liberty Williams, J. A . Hidalgo .... f^J 28 ?,f^' Williams Samuel F Hidalgo Youngman, S. R. West Liberty. U. S 38 16 ♦At date of Registration. 105 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Jackson Count y Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed- FOR Record. Dec. 7,1877 June 1,1878 Nov. 2,1877 Dec. 7.1877 Oct. 23,1877 Oct. 13. 1879 Mar. 21.1878 Dec. 14. 1877 Apr. 8. 1884 May 10,1878 Medical Department, University of Louisville.:. Forty-three years' practice Seventeen years' practice St. Louis Medical College Eclectic Medicallnstitute, Cincinnati Nashville Medical College Medical College of Ohio..., Medical College of Ohio... St. Louis Medical:College. Nashville Medical College. Mar. 1,1876 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. 3,1869 14,1866 28.1878 17. 1878 1, 1872 5. 1884 26, 1878 Jan. 12,1878 Certificate of examination Jan. 25.187S June 20,1878- Jan. 1. 1878 Dec. 29.1877 Nov. 21,1877 Mar. Apr. Dec. Apr. Aug. ..,1879- 15.1878 31.1877 8,1884 6, 187& Jan. 23,1878. 1) Registered in Williamson; 2) in Williamson and Monroe; 3) in Perry, Jasper County. Nov. Apr. St Feb. 23, 1877 19.1884 6, 1877 25,1883 22,1878 Mar. Mar. May Nov. Nov. 8.1878 25.1884 12, 1883 28,1882 8,1880 Oct. Not. 10,1882 23.1877 Aug. 8.1883 Dec. Nov. 25,1880 23,1877 Oct. 31.1877 Apr. 26,1880 Dec. 14,1880 June 25,1878 Oct.* 25,1880 Apr. Oct. May 18,1881 21,1878 24,1883 19.1877 7,1879 Apr. 30.1884 ^o\. 10.1877 Feb. 17,1882 Nov. 23,1877 June 13,1882 Nov. 23,1877 Nov. 10.1877 April 30. 188:^ Dec. 4.1878 May 12,1883 Oct. 17,1877 Twenty years' practice Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Kentucky School of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk .... College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Chicago.. Medical College of Indiana Eighteen years' practice Certificate of examination Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Twenty-five years' practice J Indiana Medical College ) Medical College of Indiana Rush Medical College Twenty-five years' practice Chicago Medical College Medical College of Indiana American Medical College. St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Eclectic Medical Examining Board, Kansas.. American Medical College, St. Louis Fifteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago Medical College of Ohio Medical Dept., Nashville and Vanderbilt Univs College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical College of Ohio Nashville Medical College University of France Medical Department, University of Louisville Twelve years' practice Thirty-nine year's practice College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago Twenty-eight years' practice Medical College of Indiana Sixteen years' practice Mar. 6,1884 June ..,1877 Feb. 25,1879 Feb. 14.1878 Feb. 27,1878 Mar. 11.1884 Mar. 1. 1883 June 6, 1882 Feb. 29,1872 Mar. 1,1882 Feb. 24,1880 Mar. 4,1861 Feb. 27,1880 Feb. 27,1879 June 18,1878 June 10,1879 June 1,1881 Mar. 13,1883 Feb. 28,1877 Mar. 1,1879 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mdr. 26,1884 1,1872 22. 1881 20.1852 1, 1882 Mar. 13,1883 Mar. 1, : Nov. Apr. Dec. fluly May 28.1877 23. 1884- 5. 1877 11.1883 3. 1878 Mar. 8, 1878 Mar. 29,1884 June 2,18><3: Dec. 2, 188a July Nov. Aug. Feb. Nov. Dec. May 31. 1882- 28, 1877 14,1883 4, 1881 27,1877 17.187r 15,1880" July Nov. 12.1878 1,1880- Mar. Apr. Jan. 4, 187^. 28, 1883 25, 1878 May Dec. Feb. Dec. July Dec. Dec. May Feb. June 20.1884: 1,1877 23. 1883- 3. 1877 3. 1882 3.1877 17, 1877 • 2. 1883^ 5. 1880 5,1883; Dec. 4, 1877 1) P. O.. Wakefield. Richland Co.; 2) registered in Effingham. 106 Official Kegister of Physicians Jefferson County. Rkgistebed CO o o Residence and Post- OrricE. <1 Pbac- TICE.* Name. $ bJ Arendale, Daniel H R R R E R PM R R E R R H E R R PM R R R R R R R R R R Mt. Vernon 26 22 33 35 48 46 22 57 26 70 22 40 9W 24 24 "28 411 48 29 40 46 37 26 54 39 Ala Ill 2 Atkinson, Jiiraes L Feb. 14,1880 May 3, 1880 Mt. Vernon .... Bunton, Henry W. Mt. Vernon Ky. 7 6 21 15 5 Deichman F. William Mt. Vernon. .. . Ill Ill Jan. 16, 1878 Jan. 31,1878 Anril 21. \SM Dec. 12,1K77 Dec. 22.1877 Dec. 12.1877 Mar. 11.1«80 Feb. 20.1881 Jan. 8,187.s Dec. 13.1877 Jan. 9,1878 Jan. 12.187S Oct. 9.1879 Dec. 12.1877 Dec. 12.1877 May 1().1884 Mar. 1.1879 Dec. 27.1877 Jan. 8.187S Dec. 13,1877 May 21.1878 July 17,1879 Mt. Vernon 10 15 Frost, r. D Mt. Vernon Oreen, Eacl Mt. Vernon ■Green. VV. Duff Mt. Vernon Ky La U. S Ill . 34 1 49 30 Hllliard Samuel H .. Mt. Vernon . . ; 1 Hitchcock. J. W Mt. Vernon n Jones, William A Mt. Vernon -Knnnedy, Sarah L .... Mt. Vernon Ind Ohio U. S U.S u. s Ill 3 1 2 35 Koons, C. (I Mt. Vernon 3 Liggett, George S Mt. Vernon 1 Lucas, A. C Mt. Vernon Maxey. William M. A JWitchell, John H. (2 Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon 10 Newton, J. H... Mt. Vernon u. s u. s Ohio 13 25 11 Peavler, Henrv J Mt. Vernon Patton, Fred. W Mt. Vernon "' Piercy, Sherwood. (3 Mt. Vernon 111 10 17 13 3 30 14 10 Piummer. Hiram S.. Mt. Vernon. ... U. 8 u. s Ill 17 Porter. Samtiel S Mt. Vernon 7 W^atson, Walter.., Mt. Vernon. 1 Bernard, P. H Spring Garden Ill u. s 91, Peavler, James W Spring Garden M Porter, James H Spring Garden Eeed, H.I R R R E R R R R R E E R R E E R R R R R Spring Garden 21 16 '^1 Montgomery, M. V. B Dec. 31,1877 Opdvke 40 31 35 52 28 3i 31 24 41 24 u. s Ill 14 Patterson. Sidney E Opdyke Scarborough, Joseph B... Stonemetz, Jacob Edington. J. F Jan. 26,1878 Jan. ll.ls-8 Mar. 28,1878 Dec. 1,1877 May 15.1868 Jan. 8,1878 Opdyke Opdyke Woodlawn J.. u. s u. s Tenn Md U. S 111. 14 19 7 9 12 14 18 7 Hamilton, S. H '4 Woodlawn . . . 1 Watson, James H Woodlawn 10 Bogan, Samuel B Dix Bradford. William E Dix U. S u. s 15 14 Bruce. Azarlah July 21.1884 Sept. 26. 1877 June 13.1881 Dec. 11.1877 Dec. 19.1S77 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 13.1884 Apr. 21,1884 Mar. 11,1878 Dix .. . Eaton, R. S Belle Rive Yn^ 7 7 Fitzgerrell, Andrew J Fitzgerrell 24 36 42 29 34 65 26 •Gee, I. G. '5 Fitzgerrell Belle Rive Kv. 12 19 5 10 36 6 1? Hughey, William A i' 10 Crawford, W. S Galena .... 7 Fowler, B.F.. Galena ?,?, Fowler, Charles A Galena .... Godfrey, Henry T . Oct. June Nov. Dee. Nov. Jan. Nov. Dec. Nov. 7.1884 26.1879 19. 1877 11. 1877 28, 1877 9,1878 28. 1877 11,1877 28, 1877 Galena .... . .. Ireland... U.B 15 Harris, Sarah C .'.'.'. Kittoe. Edward D Galena England.. U.S U. S F:l::::::: ^■t 41 8 4 8 11 13 ?,(}■ Kittoe, E. R 8. Miller. George H Galena 4 Newhall, Edward G Galena K Weirich, Augustus Galena 11 Bucknam, A. F. Warren . . 10- Crummer, Benjamin F Warren Fate, Jesse C. Warren.. .... .... Ohio Ill 2 4 1 32 45 9 27 2 * >■ Pbac- TICE.* Green. Albert Mar. 28,1878 May 31,1883 Mar. 15,1880 Mar. ..,1878 Nov. 27,1877 Nov. 28,1877 Jan. 2.1878 June ' 5,"i883 Jan. 14,1878 Nov. 22,1877 May 5, 1884 R 11 R R R R R R R R R R Shullsburg, Wis. 25 25 27 32 41 36 36 25 35 43 41 23 u. s. Gunn. Hunh F Scales Mound U. 8 Hall B.F . :::. East Dubuque. .... Pa. .. . .. 3 3 4 16 10 1 2 19 18 Hutton. William Elizabeth France.... Canada... U.S Ill 1 Killough Thomas (1 Hanover. .... 4 Love Joseph G. (1 .... Hanover. .... .... n Hanover <> Peck.E. A Apple River Mich Ill Phelps, Oscar W. Elizabeth ^ Sharp, Jeremiah N. (2 Plum River U. S U.S Pa 11 SheffleM,D. A Apple River.. ift Plum River ♦At date of Registration. Johnson County. Benson, N. J Jan. I,18r8 Jan. 1,1878 May 20,1881 Feb. 16,1878 Oct. 29, 1877 Jan. 1, 1878 Dec. 6,187^ April 24.1883 Jan. 1,1878 June 19.1884 May 16.1878 Aug. 14.1884 Sept. 23,1879 R R PM PM R R R PM R R R R R E R R R R R R PM R R R R R R Vienna 30 45 31 45 47 53 23 25 30 32 42 28 50 25 23 111 3 11 18 22 1 ^ Bratten George ... Vienna Ohio Ky Ky. ?'> Burris,.Elias H Vienna 1 Burris. T. R Vienna 11 Looney. W. A Vienna Tenn Tenn Ill Ill <► McUamron John Vienna '>^ Walker, Joel J T Ausbrooks, George W TunnellHill Tunnell Hill Fern, Wm. J ... Ill Ky 10 V> Hurst, Thomas J Tunnell Hill Simmons, F. W TunnellHill Ill Ohio N.C III. 17 1 13 3 3 17 Warnock, Thomas M TunnellHill. 1 Adams, George W Blanchiird, James Goreville New Burnside. 15 3 Graves, Isaac N Feb. 12, 1879 Lincoln Green U.S J? Looney, John T New Burnside... Martin, Owen P Feb. Feb. Jan. Dec. Jan, Mar. Sept Jan. Dec. 11,1878 1,1878 28,1878 7,1877 10,1878 25, 1H78 17,1884 4, 1878 4, 1877 Belknap 31 30 32 37 32 41 24 Ill 5 4 11 11 11 8 5 McCall. R. M Buncombe Miss Ky 4 McConnell. Albert Cross Roads <> Mizell, W.R New Burnside ¥y::::::i. Ill U.S Ill 11 Mulkoy. Philip D Cypress Creek 11 Sees, Alonzo P 8 Simmons, Joseph H Cross Roads Thomson, William Bloomfleld 15 3 15 Walker, L. F Grantsburg 25 111.::..:.... H Whitacre, Hiram N Goreville Whitnell, Josiah Jan. 22,1878 New Burnside 55 Ky 25 ?!> At date of Registration. Ill To Whom Certificates have been Issued. JoDaviess County. Cebtificate or State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Mar. Apr. Mar. Mar. Oct. 20.1878 16,1883 23.1880 8,1878 5, 1877 Chicagro Medical College Rush Medical College Loui'j ville Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. Chicago Medical College Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 5,1878'Mar. 20. 188:^ i May 27,1877 25, 1874 1 Aug. 22.1878 13. 1873 Nov. 27,1877 28,1878 31,1883 Jan. 29.1878 July 6.1878 Sept. 9,1877 Dec. 24,1881 May 21,1883 Oct. 24,1877 Oct. 10.1877 April 19. 1884 j Eleven years' practice I Long Island College Hospital Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan... Rush Medical College Feb. 20,18>3 Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk.. June 25, 1863 June 27.1878 Jan. 23,lKti7 July 1.18S0 Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Mar. 9, 1867 Ftb. 26.1884 July 16.1878 Jan. 2,1878 June 5,1S83 Jan. 14,1878 Dec. May 12,1877 5, 1884 1) Registered in Carroll; 2) in Stephenson and Carroll. Johnson County. Nov. Nov. May Nov. Oct. 26,1877 26, 1877 5, 1881 2,1877 23. 1877 Nov. Apr. Mar. Dec. June 26.1877 19,1878 17, 1883 7,1877 12,1884 Dec. Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. 12,1877 6,1884 17,1879 1, 1881 16.1878 Mar. Feb. Nov. Mar. Dec. 31,1884 2,1878 26, 1877 29, 1879 7, 1877 Jan. Mar. Aug. Dec. Nov. 4, 1878 21.1878 19.1884 24. 1877 26,1877 Mar. Dec. 21.1878 7. 1877 Medical Department, University of Louisville. Jefferson Medical College Physio-Medical Institute of Cincinnati Eleven years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Louisville Medical (College Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati Rush Med cal College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Seventeen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Thirteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Certificate of examination Rush Medical Collegei American Medical College, St. Louis Medical Department. University of Louisville Evansville Hospital Medical College Miami Medical College Eleven years' practice Nashville Medical ( 'oUege College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Fifteen years' practice Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical Department, University of Louisville. Mar. 1,1875 Mar. 9. 185:^ Mar. 1, 1881 Feb. 5,lh6jv Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 15.1860 27.1h7i» 1.1 88H 5,186- 26, lfc84 Feb. 26.1884 June"'7'i881 Feb. Jan. Mar. Feb. Mar. 19.1884 23, lx7^ 1.187t> 27.1879 6, 1874 Feb. Feb. 26.1878 26, 1884 Feb. 18.1874 Feb. 27.1.78 Mar. 2. 1855 Dec. Dec. -May Dec. Oct. 27. 1877 27. 1877 20. 1881 8, 1877 29,1877 Dec. 19.1877 Apr. 24.1883 Jan. 1.1878 June 19.1884 May 16,1878 Aug. 14.1884 Sept. 17,1879 Feb. 12,1879 Feb. 11,1878 Jan. 1,1878 Dec. "si." 1877 Jan. 10. 1878 .VI ar. 25.1878 ^ept. 7.1884 Jan. 4.1878 Dec. 4,1877 Jan. 22,1878 112 Official Eegister of Physicians Kane County. Name. Registeked OQ Q w f Residence and Post- office. > Prac- tice.* ©O CD- Allaire,P. A Dec. 31,187? Aug. 13,1880 Nov. 23,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Oct. 20,1884 Sept. 23,1884 R R H E H R R R E R R R R R R R R H R .a 3. R H H R R H R R ■r' R R R R R R H R R R E H R R R R H H R R R E E E Aurora 62 24 34 57 48 26 41 33 35 51 57 52 ■"42 69 u. s u. s 40 S8 Allen, George F Aurora Bartlett, F. L Aurora U. 8 U. s Pa 10 33 13 10 Brigham, L. E Aurora 18 Carr, George H Aurora 2 Cooley, Clinton G Aurora N. Y Elder, Thomas A Aurora Pa. 16 9 4 26 24 28 3 20 16 47 Elliott, F. M Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 27.1877 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 9, 1878 May 1,1882 Aurora U. 8 Ill N.Y N.Y U. 8 S.f ::::::: Hungary.. Conn U. 8 5 Gabel. Henry G Aurora 4 Gillett, S. C Aurora ^5 Hard, Abner (1 Aurora "4 Higgins. George Aurora . . . 27 Howell, E. B Aurora Aurora Hurlbut, M. JohnE 11 Ivaroly , Szenasi Aurora 16 McAlpine. Lemuel Dec. 27,1877 Mar. 30,1878 Oct. 27,1882 April 20, 1883 Aurora ?4 Murphy, William T Milbacher, H Aurora 23 32 37 Aurora Germany. Mass 2 8 1 Mowry. Christopher D Aurora ?, Parker, Caroline L Aurora Perry, George L Sept. 24,1883 Feb. 25,1879 Dec. 26,1879 Apr. 8,1880 Dec. 8, 1877 Dec. 26.1877 Dec. 27.1877 May 26,1884 Aug. 28,1883 May 8,1879 Sept. 24,1883 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 27,1877 June 9,1884 Jan. 30,1880 May 22,1883 Dec. 27,1877 Aug. 22,1878 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 21,1878 July 31,1884 Oct. 5, 1877 Jan. 28.1878 Apr. 23,1879 Sept. 21,1883 Jan. 2.1878 Feb. 25.1881 April 26,1878 Feb. 23,1881 Sept. 1,1883 Aurora 38 35 26 32 26 31 36 25 39 35 25 71 58 37 34 27 5() 58 50 52 45 32 23 41 57 41 31 25 41 "*26 30 ■"45 441 21 1 U. S u. s u. s Germany. U. 8 U. 8 U.S N. Y 5 10 3 4 3 6 12 Prichard, L W Aurora 10 Ransom. Penn W Aurora 8 Reder, Henry Aurora 4 Rice. M. S. Aurora .3 Ricker, S. J Aurora 6 Robbing, M. M Aurora 8 Selkirk, James Aurora Seymour, H.S Aurora U.S Slater, Catherine B Aurora Ohio n. 8 U.S N. Y Ill 1 3 20 3 13 3 1 Smith, Courtney Aurora 3 Spaulding, A Aurora 15 Stringer, Charlotte F Aurora 3 Triplett, Thomas M Aurora n Voorhees.l. M Aurora Ill Winslow, Charles E Aurora u. s "Winslow, L. A. (2 Aurora. u. s. Woods, George D. Aurora Pa. 25 24 23 18 7 2-,^ Bennett, Robert F Elgin. S; !;:::::: 24 Bingham, Oscar E Elgin H Brown, S. P Elgin 18 Burlingame, D. E. (3 Elgin. Mass. U. S. 7 Church, Archibald Elein Clark, Anson L(4 Elgin. Mass Germany. Vt 17 30 12 17 Jaeger, Christopher A Elgin 30 Kilbourne, E. A Elgin 7 Mills, James Elgin Scotland.. Pelton, 0. L Piatt. Amelia A Elgin Elgin U.S N.Y .... Shepard, W. A Elgin!!!!!!.!!!...!"!.... U.S U.S N. Y Sweden... U.S Ireland... U.S Ill 12 1 3 1 41 12 8 Stone, Charles A Elgin Elgm. 1 Stone, William G 1 Tapper, John George Elgin.. Teflft, Joseph Nov. 2, 1877 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 3,1877 Aug. 16,1881 Elgin Elgin. 41 Tyrrell, Pierce .. 12 Weld, N. A Elgin 8 Whitford,H.E Elgin 113 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Kane County. Certificate op State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Bate of Diploma. Ceetipi- CATE Filed FOB Recobd. Dec. 17,1877 Oct. 7,1880 Nov. 13.1877 Jan. 3,1878 Oct. 18,1884 tJept. 8.1884 Oct. 8, 1884 «ept. 10. 1877 Nov. 3, 1877 Dec. 10,1877 €ept. 20,1877 Sept. 7.1877 Dec. 26,1877 "Feb. 24 1882 Oct. IX. 1883 Jan. Mar. Oct. Jan. Oct. Sept. Oct. May Mar. Nov. 14.1878 20. 1^78 21.1882 24. 1883 5,1878 6.1883 6. 1H77 31. 1879 17. 1880 22. 1877 Dec. 26.1877 Oct. 20.1877 Sept. 8.1884 June 1. 1883 Apr. 22.1879 Jan. Dec. Dec. July Jan. 3.1883 21.1877 22. 1877 6, 1878 6, 1880 Apr. 13,1880 Dec. 10.18;7 Aug. 19. I8r« Dec. 12.1877 Jan. 29.187' Sept. 12. 1877 Sept. 10.187; June 14.1884 Sept. 6.1877 Jan. 19, 1878 Jan. May Dec. 31,1877 10.1878 24. 188 { Dec. May 25.1880 18. 1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Rush Medical College Homeopai hie Medical College of Missouri ) Physio-Medical College. Cincinnati ) Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Albany Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medicallnstitute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College l^ov. 21.1877 Mar. 31.1^81 June 28.lN8i Oct. 22.1877 Mar. 8,1878 «ept. 7.1877 JMar. 25,1881 —8 j Medical Department, State University of Iowa. I Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical Department. University of Wooster Sixteen years' practice Medical Departm ent of Yale College Rush Medical College University of Munich Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department of Dartmouth College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Chicago Medical College Medical Dept. University of the City of New York. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago.. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Albany Medical College... Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Woman's Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Fifteen years' practice Woman's Medical College. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Medical Department, University of Wooster Certificate of examination Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk.. Twenty- two years' practice Ru sh Medical Coll ege New York Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago.. E'-lectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Western College of Homeopathic Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York ... Feb Chicago Medical College Mar. Dept. of Medicine atid Surgery. Univ. of Michigan' Mar Mar. ..,18;i7 Feb. 24.1880 Mar. 2. 1x68 Feb. ...1852 Feb. 14.1866 Feb. 28.1870 Mar. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Dec. Aug. Nov. Jan. Oct. 3,1884 Sept. 5.1868 3.18(19 Dec. 26.1875 Dec. 19. 1852 Dec. 31,1877 13,1880 23. 1877 5, 1878 20,1884 23,1884 31,1877 31,1877 31. 1877 9,185i 5, 1868 Feb. 7,1850 June 30,1874 181 Mar. Feb. Aug. Ftb. Feb. Oct. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Nov. 16,1877 Apr. Jan. May 4,1878 9. 1878 1,1882 4. 1830 Jan. 26.1878 Mar. 2.1881 Oct. 15, 1876 20. 1872 29.1878 Sept. 25.1868 Feb. Apr. 19.1878 3»». 1878 27,1882 20,1883 4.1879 17, 1880 10, 1876 22. 1871 1.1865 3.1884 6, 18S3 27. 1879 Feb. 25.1879 Feb. Feb. Feb. 27.1877 28, 1878 28. 1877 Feb. 26.1857 Feb. 15, lS5'i Mar. 1.1867 Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. I Bellevue Hospital Medical College Woman's Medical College. Chicago.... Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Me Q * > M H Prac- tice.*^ Name. 11 3£. PI Whitford, H. K (3 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 22,1877 .'."".'.'.'.*.* .1878 E E R R R E R E R R H H R R R E R R R H R E R R R R R H H E R R R E R R R R R E E R E R Elgin 48 41 47 47 41 "25 57 34 25 64 54 -59 60 38 34 U. 8 u. s 27 16, Whitford. SusanK Eigiik .'.";.];: Elgin Whitten, P. M U.8 Canada... Germany. U. S 19 19 15 1 1 30 3 1 23 31 ■*35 29 2 Winchester, William Elgin. 19 Zahn, John Mar. 21,1879 Jan. 5,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. 4,1878 Oct. 11,1877 Nov. 18,1879 Jan. 23,1878 Dec. 19,1877 Jan. 29,1878 Oct. 23,1877 Jan. 15,1878 Aug. 3,1883 Elgin.... .'." 11 Augustine, J. C Batavia Batavia 1 Buchan, S. C Burroughs. L.M Batavia U. S Ohio N.Y U.8 Pa 30 Cooper, Charles N Batavia 3^ Fitts, A. A Batavia Garnsey, Charles A Batavia '^•? Missner, George Batavia Batavia Batavia 30 Patterson, J. C U.8 ::::::: Mass U. 8 Ill Patterson, R. J I^ Williams, H.W Batavia 9q Brown. Frank M Dundee 9, Bumstead, J. E Dundee . Cleveland, E. F Jan. 3i,i878 Mar. 18,1878 Mar. 11,1880 May 3,1884 Dec. 20.1877 Jan. 4,1878 Dundee 10 50 10 Goodwin, R.T Dundee 73 34 41 23 57 60 29 31 28 61 56 I! 44 Hinman, Albert W Dundee Schmid, Alfred Dundee Germany. U.8...... 15 Bishop, William Henry... St. Charles 7 Crawford, H. M. (2 St. Charles Ireland.. . U. 8 U. S U. 8 U. S England.. U. 8 34 39 7 8 7 28 28 9 7 11 23 15 15 20 22 11 '>i< DeWolfe. A.B St. Charles 36 Longacre, H. Y Dec. 28,1883 Dec. 3, 1877 Dec. 3,1877 Feb. 16,1878 Jan. 7,1878 Jan. 7, 1878 Jan. 9, 1878 Dec. 14,1877 May 15,1878 Sept. 20,1884 St. Charles 3 Blackman, F. H Geneva 8 Blackman, Julia C Geneva 7 Gully, JohnB Geneva '^1 Lane, L. B Geneva 7 Collins, N.P South Elgin DeWitt, Ralph R Hampshire 7 Hardy, H. F Kaneville . . . 30 nVh::::::: u. s N.Y 5. Harris,B Big Rock 9H Kelly, Linn A Winona, Minn . . . 40 3 McNair. Robert Maple Park !■> McNair, Samuel Sept. 13,1877 Aug.- 28,1877 Jan. 14,1878 July 5,1884 Jan. 1,1878 July 3,1884 April 3,1884 June 10,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Blackberry . 54 52 33 27 33 31 33 Pa Conn Va Ill 20 Millard, Samuel R East Burlington Sugar Grove 15 Norris, N.H 10 Patterson, William T Big Rock Reid. C.P Treadwell, William E Hampshire Maple Park U.8 U. 8 3 'S Van Patten, Louis Blackberry N.Y Canada... 2 3 Watson, J. S Blackberry s Willing, A. J Hampshire *At date of Registration. Kankakee County. Bannister, Henry M Oct. 25,1878 Sept. 9,1881 Aug. 17,1880 Oct. 25.1884 Dec. 17,1877 July 6, 1878 R H R H R R R R Kankakee 38 24 34 28 30 N.Y Mo N.Y 111. 6 1 12 •< iBeckuer, James F Kankakee IDewey, Richard 8 Kankakee H Fouser, A. R Kankakee . Prazee, J.N Kankakee Canada... Canada... 3 13 ?, Jolley, J.E Kankakee ^ Knott, Christopher W Kankakee Marcotte, Fred. L Mar. 1,1878 Kankakee 22 iii 1 1 115 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Kane County. Ceetificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Dec. Dec. Mar. Feb. Mar. 15,1877 15, 1877 28, 1884 21.1878 21,1879 Nov. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. 7,1877 IX, 1877 26,1877 3,1877 15,1878 Feb. Jan. Jan. Oct. Jan. 21,1878 25,1878 15,1878 19. Ih77 28,1878 July April Sept. Dec. Jan. 5,1883 7,1880 13,1877 2(i, 1877 6. 1880 May Jan. Dec. Feb. Sept. 1,1884 2. 1878 24, 1H77 22. 1877 6,1879 Sept Sept Feb. Sept. Oct. 21. 1877 21,1877 15. 1878 8, 1877 22. 1877 Oct. Nov. Jan. Sept Feb. 19,1877 30. 1S77 12, 1878 17, 1S84 21.1878 Sept. Aug. Jan. July Oct. 7. 1877 27.1877 28. 1878 5, 1884 6. 1877 Aug. Mar. Dec. Dec. 4,1884 27.1884 17, 1877 10.1877 Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Berkshire Medical College Nineteen years' practice Rush Medical College Feb. 6,1861 Jan. 7.1870 Nov. 22,1864 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Thirty years' practice ( Jhicago Medical College Medical Department, Howard University Twenty-two years' practice. . Thirty years' practice Chicago Medical College Berkshire Medical College... Twenty-nine years' practice. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Chicago Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Castleton Medical Col lege Chicago Homeopathic Medical College University of Tubingen, Germany Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Royal Belfast College. Ireland Cleveland Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Chicago Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Twenty-one years' practice Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati . Rush Medical Coll ege Medical Department, Dartmouth College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Fifteen years' practice Dec. Dec. 22.1877 22, 1877 Jan. 21.1863 1878 Mar .'"21 ,1879 Mar. Mar. 2. 1876 1. 1877 Mar. Mar. 18, 1809 3, 187» Dec. Jan. Jan. Oct. Nov. 31,1877 4,1878 4,1878 11,1877 18.1879 Mar. 12,1872 Mar. ..,1842 Mar. Mar. Mar. June Apr. 20,1883 30,1 25,1868 6, 1842 4,1879 Feb. 22,1878 Jan. 29,1878 Jan. 29,1878 Oct. 23,1877 April 20,1878 July 5,1883 Nov. 8.1860 June 20,1877 May 1,1848 Feb. 26,1861 Mar. 29,1876 Jan. Mar. Mar. May Oct. Jan. 31, 1878 18.1878 11,1880 3, 1884 18,1878 4, 1878 Dec. 28,1883 Mar. Feb. 22,1870 23,1871 1877 Feb. 11.1868 Dec. Dec. Feb. Dec. Jan. 3, 1877 3,1877 16,1878 24,1877 7,1878 Feb. Oct. Feb. Mar. 1,18 31.1866 16, 1859 15, 1869 Jan. 9,1878 Dec. 14,1877 May 15,1878 Sept. 20,1884 Rush Medi«al College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. ...'.. Medical Department of Dartmouth College... Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago ... Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Feb. Feb. Oct. Feb. May Mar. Mar. May Feb. 16,1859 Sept. 12,1862 Sept. ,1867 19.1884 20,187^ 25.1884 4, 1884 20. 1875 1.1866 Feb. July Jan. 13.1877 3.1877 1,1878 5,1884 1.1878 Aug. 7.1884 April 3.1884 Jan. 12.1878 Jan. 12,1878 1) Registered in Kane and Will; 2) in DuPage; 3) in Cook: 4) in Cook and DuPage: 5) in Will. Kankakee County. Aug. Oct. Nov. July Dec, 23.1877 13.1879 24,1877 17,1883 26, 1877 Aug. 13.1878 Dec. 4.1878 Jan. 26,187 National Medical College Pulte Medical College Dept. of Medicdne and Surgerv. Univ. of Michigan Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Medical Department, Laval University Medical Department, Victoria College Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 2,1871 Oct. 4, 18791 Oct. 28, 1869 May 20,1883 Oct. 3. 1874; Jan. 25,1878 14,1879 16.1878 25,1884 4,1878 May 3, 1865 Aug. 21,1878 Feb. 18,1848^ Mar. 20, 18771 Mar. 1,1878 ' 116 Official Eegister of Physicians Kankakee County, Name. Registebed O Residence and Post- office. M Pkac- TICE.* a> OS H- Pettyjohn, Elmore I Feb. 13,1883 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 23.1878 Dec. 18.1877 R R R H R R R R R R R R Kankakee Kankakee 26 57 37 33 41 30 Okio Pott enger, Wilson §:?•.:::::: Til 34 15 9 10 1 13 Scobey, W. E Kankakee 1? Spencer, 0. B Kankakee 5 St.pia.rns, Samnftl S^ Kankakee Uran,B.F Dec. 19.1877 Deo. 19.1877 Aug. 9.1882 June 26.1880 July 16.1883 Dec. 21,1877 July 27.1878 Kankakee 6 Warner, C. A Kankakee 32' TT. S 5 Bergeron, James E St. Anne 26 40 32 40 54 25 29 42 24 34 35 Canada. Laflin, William A St. Anne .... Ill 12 1 3 14 10 jMathieu, Levi St. Anne France ... England.. N.Y U. S. Thomas. Sidney S. (1 St. Anne 3 Wagner, John T St. Anne 13 Allen, A. D June 26,1883 R 1 Buckingham Allison, J. Wallace July 25,1883 Jan. 30.1878 Jan. 24,1883 April 13,1S83 May 15.1879 July 4.1882 April 15. 1878 Dec. 30.1879 Nov. 12.1878 R R R R R R H R R R El R E R R R R R R Essex .... France ... Vt 6 16 3 3 11 12 6 10 25 2 Cateman, S Union Hill 16 Bergeron, E. D Caldwell, Martin Bourbonnais Grove ... Herscher 3 9 Farley, B.P Buckingham Pa. 1 n Fawcett, John H Grant Park 42 Mo Gilborne, H. (2 (/abery 39 Ireland... 37111 57jOhio 5 Green, F. L Reddiek 4 Hawley, Samuel Waldron 99 Keyser, Hiram M Momence Mathews, John D April 26.188:^ Dec. 18.1877 Nov. 29.1880 Dec. 17,1H77 Dec. 18.1877 April 4.1882 Sept. 10.188S Jan. 3.1878 Vug. 30.1818 Dec. 24.1877 Momence . 77! vY. 40 26 14 Merrick, G.C Merrill, Warren W Manteno Hammond. Ind 53 25 32 31 U. S Ind 22 Monast. P. L Rouleau, Zephirim Rourbonnais Grove .... Manteno Canada... 7 9 1 17 3 37 2 7 6 Schmall, Octavius B Momence 33lnd 40|Germany. 30111 60 Pa 25 TT. S Striegnitz, Ernst B Van Home, George W Union Hill Grant Park 11 3 Watson, K. H Waldron , . 10 Wheeler, Herbert (3 Grant Park ^ 1 1 ♦At date of Registration. Kendall County. Bennett. Isaac E Jan. 16.1878 May 17.1882 R Piano 6 3 12 35 4 4 4 Blatohley, Oscar P Piano 31 41 52 25 40 Vt 3 Cook. David Feb. 4.1X78. R Piano N.J Ohio Conn U.S. 11 Jenks. Daniel S Dec. 11.1877 Sept. 25,1877 Sept. 8.1882 Mar. 26.1878 Oct. 8,1S80 Dec. 11.1877 Jan. 12.1878 Dec. 11.1877 Dec. 31.1877 Dec. 11.1877 R R E K E E R R E F, Piano 35 Lord, F. H Piano Bristol' 4 Bliss, Webster ')i Green. LirlaE Bristol '-^8 u. s. .. Kinnett. W. E Bristol 27 41 68 47 27 Ohio Sfe^;:;;;;.- Canada... 5 10 47 14 3 14 46 5 Redding. Aaron J Bristol a Jewell, D. B Oswego 38 Lester. G. B Oswego 11 Putt. William T Oswego .... 3 Van De venter. A. E Oswego .. 42n:-j:7.t.: 67 N.Y 14 ;Brady. J. T. H Jan. 31,1878 PM Kittle Rock 39 :Butler, Thomas P R R R R Lisbon 26 26 111 Davis Charles E Mar. 20.18S0 Dec. 17,1877 Nov. 30,1877 Lisbon ... TT a 3 4 14 French, W. H Newark 37|N Y. S Hopkins, Myron Yorkville 37 Hi...:::::: 12 117 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Kankakee County. Certificate op State Boaed o? Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. April 27.1882 Dec. 20,1877 Oct. 5,1878 Dec. 15.1877 Aug. 23,1884 Jan. 26,1878 Dec. 29,1877 Nov. 21,1881 Jan. 9.1878 June 26,1883 Dec. 28.1877 Sept. 9.1878 April 30. 1888 Jan. 11,1883 Mar. 1, 1878 Mar. April July Dec. 13,1^83 30,1882 .6,1878 25, 1882 18, 1877 Feb. 12,1878 Dec. 3. 1878 Sept. 8.1884 April 24, 188:-; Sept. 5,1877 Nov. 29.1880 Dec. 26,1877 Feb. 2, 1K78 April 27, 1882 Aug. 2, 1883 Dec. Aug. Jan. 21,1877 23,1878 12. 1878 Rush Medical College Thirteen years' practice Medical College of Ohio Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Bellevue Hospital Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical Department, Laval University Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago Bellevue Hospital Medical College Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Sixteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Rush Medical College Rush Medica I College Fairfield (N. Y.) Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Victoria College Medical College of Indiana Eleven years' practice Chicago Medical College Pennsylvania Medical College, Certificate of examination Feb. 21, 1882! May IFeb. Mar. 1.1866 Jan. Feb. 25,l8fi8|Dec. June 27,1877, Mar. l.lS72Jan. Mar. 1,1869 Jan. June 27,)881:A.ug. Jan. 25.1867 June Mar. 13,1883 July 13, 1882 4. 1878 23, 1878 15, 1877 Mar. 1.1872 Dec. Sept. Feb. 20. 1883 May Feb. 26.1877 Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. May Mar. 29, 1881 25.1N79 2, 1870 11,1874 9, 1872 31, 18fi9 26. 1867 21,1863 1,1831 20, 1851 23, 1880 2, 1870 — , 1872 1,1882 Mar. Mar. 16. 1875 2, 1841 23, 1878 2. 1878 9. 1882 26, 1880 16, 1883 31,1877 19.1878 5. 1883 25, 18-3 14, 1878 April 13. 1883 May 15,1879 July 27,1882 April 15,1878 Jan. 1,1880 April 26. 1883 Dec. 18,1877 Nov. Dec. Feb. May Aug. 29,1880 31,1877 11.1878 1, 1882 4,1883 Jan. 3,1878 Aug. 30,1878 1) Registered in Iroquois; 2) in Ford and Iroquois; 3) in Will. Kendall County, Jan. Mar. Mar. Oct. Sept. 12.1878 29.18821 8, 1878; 22.1877 7,1877 Sept. 5,1882 April 10.1878 Jan. 19.1878 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. 18,1878 Sept. Dec. Dec. Jan. Sept. 7,1877 28,1877 1, 1877 25. 1878 21, 1882 Mar. Nov. Oct. 27,1878 14,1877 5, 1877 Medical Department, University of Buffalo Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Eleven years' practice Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Woman's Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Thirty- eight years' practice Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Chicago Medical College Thirty-nine yeajjs' practice Kentucky School of Medicine Medical Department. Univ. of the*City of New York Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. May 20. 1872 2, 1882 5.1S66 5, 1866 17, 1874 1. 1878 28.1878 9. 1876 23. 1871 Jan. 24.1864 May 12.1874 Mar. 3, 1863 Jan. May 16,1878 17. 1882 Oct. Sept. 23,1877 25. 1877 Sept. 8, Oct. D.c. 8,1880 11,1877 Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. June 28,1882 Feb. 19, 1878 Mar. Feb. 17. 18741 Dec. Jan. 21,1863 Nov. 11,1877 31.1877 11.1877 31, 1878 20, 1880 17, 1877 30, 1877 lis Official Kegister of Physicians Kendall County. Registered s o Residence and Post- office. t % Iz5 Prac- tice.* Name. 3 =1 Kniffht, Mary C R R R E Yorkville .... 32 25 46 37 Me McClelland. Robert A May 3.1878 Jan. 31,1878 Oct. 2,1883 Yorkville NY": — .... Sherwood, W. T Yorkville N.Y CJ. S 12 1^ Smith, Henry Plattville * At date of Registration. Knox County. Aldrich. D. W Dec. 15,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Mar. 28,1878 Dec. 15,1877 Jan. 25.1878 Dec. 22.1877 Jan. 1.1878 Mar. 14.1878 Jan!'"ii.*i8f8 June 11.1879 Dec. 12.1877 Dec. 1.1877 Dec. 18.1S77 Dec. 1, 1877 Oct. 6.1881 n E H H E R R R H" R "r R H R R R R R H PM H H R R R R R H R R R R R Gal esburg 30 67 54 51 70 57 35 29 U. S U. S u. s N.H N.Y Ohio m u.s 7 31 33 27 45 35 12 4 7 Bell. S. T. (1 Galesburg 11 Carr. Marvin S. (2 Galesburg Galesburg Galesburg 27 Chase. M.J Clark, Almangon 22 Cooper. Sr., E. S Galesburg ^=1 Cooper, Edwin H Galesburg. 10 Cowan, James E Galesbnrg.. . 4 Edgerton, I. F Galesburg 27 Foote, George W Galesburg. 47 23 46 62 33 45 34 n.y::::::: III.. 24 24 Hopper, Harry C Galesb'irg Humphrey, A. Gr Galesburg Ohio U.S S: §;:•:::: N.Y 21 33 10 16 1 17 Hurd. H. S Galesburg.. 23 Judd, Herbert Galesburg.. 9 Kemper. John Galesburg 16 Kenfleld. SarahF Galesbbrg.. LaHann. Henry Galesburg.. .... Lambert, L. S Dec. 17.1877 Dec. 18,1877 Jan. 8.1878 May 10,1878 Feb. 3,1880 May 17,1881 Dec. 6.1877 Dec. 13.1877 Sept. 21,1881 Jan. 22,1878 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 24.1877 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. 4,1878 Jan'"i2,"i878 Aug. 29,1878 Galesburg 35 50 39 34 41 38 67 56 24 32 26 54 38 38 41 U.S U.S u.s N.Y Scotland.. 9 26 15 9 17 15 41 33 H Phillips. E. L Galesburg MO Pollock, Stephen D Galesburg 1F» Simmons, D. D Galesburg q Tait, Wm. F 17 Thompson, J. T Galesburg.. 14 Vivion, John B. Galesburg.. U.S N.Y 11 Welch, William W Galesburg.. 32 Wilson. John T Blair, John L. (2 Abingdon Pa U. S U. 8 Va 10 1 33 9 14 18 1 Heller, J. M Abingdon 1 Heller. W. H Abingdon 33 Miller, J. Harts, (2 Abingdon 9 Purdum. E. F. (2 Abingdon U.S Ohio 1? Reece, Madison. (2. Abingdon 18 Woodmansee, C. S. ... Abinjidon Bacon. D. W. C Oneida 51 61 N. Y U.S 27 33 '>9, Chapman, S. B Oneida .... 30 Martin, D. D Oneida 18 Pratt, Jr., James A May i,i882 Apr. 5, 1883 Mar. 11,1878 Dec. 11,1877 Apr. 20.1883 July 5,1881 Dec. 18,1877 R H HT R R R H Oneida 34 35 61 40 40 27 30 N. Yl Whitcomb, S. C u. s Hunt, Solomon H. Knoxville . . Conn Pa 18 13 17 1 6 18 McClelland, Milo A Knoxville 13 Paul. James M Knoxville Ohio Ill Schwartz. Edwin Knoxville 1 Stilson. E.H Knoxville U.S 4 119 To Whom Certficates have been Issued. Kendall County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. June 26,1882 Mar. 8, 1878 Feb. 15,1878 Sept. 13,1883 Woman's Medical College, Chicago .• Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. . Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Feb. 28,1882 Feb. 26.1878 Mar. 30.1859 Mar. 20,1883 Mar. 15.1878 Oct."""'2,'i883 Knox County. Oct. Dec. Sept Dec. Feb. 5, 18771 12, 1877 21,1877 15, 1877 5. 1878 Oct. 11,1877 Oct. Aug. Dec. Oct. 9,1877 13. 1878 28, 1883 19.1877 May July Nov. Dec. ■Sept 31, 1879 8. 1878 7,18?7 17,1877 11,1877 Oct. Feb. Dec. Sept. 13,1881 13, 1879 15.1877 11,1877 Dec. 22,1877 May 8,1878 17, 1877 11,1881 Dec. 17,1877 «ept. 11,1877 Sept. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 17,1881 29. 1877 15, 1877 15, 1877 24.1877 Jan. 11,1878 Nov. 20,1877 June Dec. Aug. 18,1880 15. 1877 29. 1878 May Mar. Mar. Aug. Sept. 24,1883 30. 1882 23,1883 13, 1878 17, 1877 Mar. 24.1883 June 21,1881 X>ec. 17,1877 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Eleven years' practice Castleton Medical College Medical Department, University of Vermont. Twenty-six years' practice J St. Louis Medical College ) Rush Medical College. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Twenty-seven years' practice Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Jefferson Medical College Hygeo-Therapeutic Medical College, New York. Geneva Medical College Albany Medical College Long island College Hospital Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan, Albany Medical College Miami Medical College St. Louis Medical College {Bellevue Hospital Medical College Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati Fourteen years' practice I Medical Department, Transylvania University. I Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Medical Department, Howard University Medical Department, University of Maryland. Rash Medical College Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Medical College of Ohio i Rush Medical College I Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pentisylvania. Medical Department, Iowa University. Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Thirty years' practice Eighteen years' practice . (vollege of Phvsicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Hygeo-Theraaeutic Medical College, New York. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. Mar. 1, 1874 June 14.1848 June 19,1850 Mar 1.1850 Feb. 21,1855 vlar. 1.1873 Feb. 17.1874 Mar. 1,1854 Mar 12,1879 April 15,1858 Jan. 23.1844 Dec. 24.1867 June 28,1867 July Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. l.i: 3, 1878 2, 1869 1.1856 1. 1871 13. 1880 24. 1881 21,1878 7, 1866 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. July Feb. Mar. May Mar. ....1836 ...1868 19,1846 6,1881 5,1868 21, 1877 21.1855 6.1868 6.1877 21,1861 14.1866 28, 1864 ...1849 Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 28. 1882 2(k, 1883 1.1866 1,186; 1, 1866 22.1881 10.1871 Nov. 27,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Sept. 28.1877 Dec. 15.1877 Oct. 29, 1877 Jan. 1,1878 Mar. 14,1878 Jan. 31,1878 June 11,1879 Dec. 1,1877 Dec. 18,1877 Dee. 1,1877 Oct. 19,1881 D"ee'."i7,'i877 Sept. 14,1877 VJan. 8,1878 Mar. 10,1878 Nov. 21,1877 May 17,1881 Dec. Dec. Sept. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. 18. 1877 13.1877 21,1881 15. 1878 27,1877 27, 1877 27, 1877 Jan. 21,1878 Dec. 14,1877 Jan!" 12. 1878 Aug. 29,1878 May 1,1882 April 2,1883 Sept. 24,1878 Oct. 16, 1877 April 3.1883 July 5,1881 Dec. 18,1877 120 Official Kegister of Physicians Knox County. Name. Registeeed o § o Residence and Post- OrncE. t2j M H Prac- tice.* li G a»:' Si Hensley, J. W Jan. 3.1878 Jan. 11.1878 June 1,1X83 June 2.1883 Dec. 24.18/7 Jan. 3,1878 Apr. 16.1878 Mar. 21), 1881 Sept. 0,1877 Apr. 25.1878 Apr. 2, 1878 Mar. 23,1881 Oct. 4,18811 May 13,1879 Aug. 2, 1881 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 6,1877 R R R R R E R R E PM R R R R R H R R H PM .R Yates City. hIky 35N. H 23 Ohio 17 11 1 17 Hoit, J.D.C Yates City 11 Royce, W. T Yates City. Trultt, Edward E. Yates City 22 111 .... McFarlane, Thomas Hermon. Pa * McMasters, W. W Hermon 59 55 30 .33 39 58 34 23 31 52 38 27 38 24 26 Ohio Fa 24 29 20 "Wilson, Samuel Hermon. 12 Bates, Joseph H Altona 111 Butler, Andrew C Douglas Altona Pa Scotland.. England.. N.Y Ill Ill 4 3 13 33 2 4 Chalmers, George S 3 Crocker, Charles C Victoria Edgerton, R. C Altona 33. Graham. A. J Douglas. 1 Hilton, George F St. Augustine Knowles, Gilbert L Gilson III... . Potter, A. H Maquon Ill 20 16 6 3 2 20 Slater. Albert S Wataga u.s::::::: Ohio Tenn Ill IX Smead, Carroll C Victoria 4 Southard, Robert W May 25,1878 Aug. 29,1884 Oct. 13.1883 Maquon 3 Tait, W. A Victoria Vixtrum, John A Victoria Sweden. 'At the date of Registration. liake County. Carter, J. M. G June 14,1883 Dec. 20,1877 Jan. 20,1881 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 24,1878 Nov. 23,1877 Jan. 1, 1878 Aug. 8, 1883 Dec. 13,1877 R R H H R R R R R H H H H R R H R H E R R R R R Waukegan 37 72 34 75 35 59 50 29 31 111 Corey, Benjamin S Wau kegan U.S 'ill.. 52 5 33 1 31 21 1 6 23 25^ Bacon, M. A WauRegan 5- Barker, W.C Waukegan u:!::::::: u.s u.s 31 Barney, George H Waukegan 1 Bean, Luther C Waukegan 8- Hubbard, Jackson A McCray, b.B Waukegan ...'. Waukegan. .... 21 Tombaugh, Leon H Milburn Pa 1 Baker.M.H Gatchell, Anna M Highland Park High wood U.S 12: Gatchell, Jr., H. P Highwood ' Gatchell, Sr., H. P May'"'3,'i882 Sept. 16,1878 Jan. 26,18S3 Jan. 26.1S78 Sept. 14,18S0 May 18,1882 July 15,1882 July 20,1878 July 1,1878 Nov. 22,1877 April 1.1882 High wood * Haven, Alfred C Lake Forest Lake Forest 24 42 40 26 28 26 24 59 Mass U.S Germany. U. S Ill 2 16 4 Henderson. Thomas 4 Knaak, Theodore L. (1.... Deerfield 12 Leonard, H. Rosecrans.. 3. Lindley, Philo H Lake p'orest McChesney, Willard Wauconda Wis Saunier, Andrew J. C Libertyville Mich.... Sweetland. Warren M.... Highland Park IT. 8 30 18 11 2 30 Taylor, David B Millburn 51 Ohio 38 IT. S. 14 Weston, Edward B. (1 Highland Park 8 Young, Orson V Rosecrans 38 Pa 2: *At date of Registration. 121 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Knox County. Certificate or State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FlLE» FOR Record. Dec. 17,1877 Nov. 22,1877 May 28.1883 May 28,1X83 Sept. 15,1877 Mar. Mar. Mar. June Apr. 21.1879 30,1878 31,1881 12,lH78 16, 1878 Mar. 23,1878 Mar. Apr. May July Dec. Dee. Mar. May Aug. 16, 1881 22.1879 Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice Columbus Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... Twenty years' practice Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Physio-Medicallnstitute, Cincinnati Jan. 25,1867 Jan. Jan. Feb. 24, 1882 June Feb. 27, 1883 June June 2,1875 Oct. Jan. Mar. May Feb. 27.1864 29,1881 7,1878 27, 1878 Chicago Medical College , j Thirty-three years' practice I Illinois Army Medical Examining Board College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk 7,1879 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. 26,1881 Rush Medical College. 17. 1877 12,1877 3.1881 6, 1878 23. 1884 Mar. 3,1867 Aug. 24,1883 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. ..,1862 25.1879 25, 1879 22. 1881 Twenty years' practice Eleven years' practice Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago. Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati.. Feb. Feb. Feb. 24. 1880 21.1878 27, 1882 Medical Dept. Nashville and Vanderbilt Univers. Mar. 1,] 4, 1878: 1.1878 1.1883 2.1885 1.1877 Apr. 16.1878 Apr. 7,1881 June 25,1878- Apr. 25,1878- Mar. Oct. May July Dec. Dec. 23, 1881 4, 1881 13, 1879- 27, 1881 29.1877 14. 1877 May Aug. 25. 1878- 29,1884 Oct. 13.1883^ 1) Registered in Peoria; 2) in Warren. Lake County. Apr. Dec. Jan. Oct. Mar. 13, 1880 29.) 877 19.1881 11,1877 1,1878 Sept. Oct. Oct. Aug. Mar. 18,1877 22.1877 11.1877 6.1883 30.1878 Sept. Sept. Sept May Nov. 21. 1877 6. 1877 17.1877 1, 1882 21.1877 Jan. Aug. Oct. 23. 18^3 13. 1878 14,18S0 11.1882 4,1881 Sept. Nov. Sept. Oct. 12,1877 24. 1877 12. 1877 18,1884 Chicago Medical College Fairfield (N. Y.) Medical College Certificate of examination Western College of Homeopathic Medicine Rush Medical College Vermont Medical College Albany Medical College , Chicago Medical College Medical Department, Western Reserve University Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Western College of Homeopathic Medicine , Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Western College of Homeopathic Medicine College of Medicine. Syracuse University Berkshire Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Medical College Pulte Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. . Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Feb. Feb. 28.1860 21. 1877 June 13.1849 Dec. 22.1863 Mar. 20.1877 Mar. 9,1877 Feb. 21,1868 Mar. 2.1859 Feb. 3.1875 Feb. 16.1850 June 10.1880 Nov. 19,1862 June 14.1883: Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 20.1881 Dec. 4. 1877 Mar. 26.187a Dec. 24.1878 Nov. 23,1877 Jan. 1,1878. Aug. 8,188a April 8.1878. May 3.1882- Sept. 19,1878- Feb. 23,1882 Jan. 26.1883 Mar. 16. 1875 Aug. 23.1878- Mar. 4.1879 Sept. 14.1880 Mar. 28.1882 May 18.1882: June 30,1881 July 15.1882. Feb. 17,1848 Mar. 1. 18t;9 Feb. 19.1873 Feb. 21,1882 July 20.1878 Jan. 1.1878. Nov. 22.1877 Apr. l,188i 1) Registered in Cook. 122 Official Kegisteb of Physicians XaSalle County. Registered O W Residence and Post- Office. > o !z5 Peac- tice.* Name. 2| It .=3 IBlahchard, Alba G Aug. 14,1882 July 12,1881 July 2, 1884 Jan. 7, 1878 Sept. 6,1881 Dec. 30,1879 Dec. 22,1877 Mar. 7, 1882 Jan. 23,1880 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 22,1877 Sept. 17,1884 Aug. 20,1881 Sept. 17,1884 Dec. 26,1877 Sept. 17,1884 Aug. 8, 1882 July 10,1883 Mar. 6,1878 Mar. 6, 1878 Dee. 20,1877 Mar. 29,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Sept. 8,1877 Jan. 9,1878 Sept. 27,1882 Dec. 4,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 11,1878 May 23,1883 Deo. 31,1877 Aug. 28,1878 Jan. 18,1878 Dec. 12,1883 Jan. 10,1878 Dec. 11,1877 Apr. 30,1880 Dec. 12,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Mar. 13.1882 Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Sept. 12, 1884 Dec. 26,1877 Jan. 3,1878 Feb. 22,1878 Apr. 30.1879 Dec. 12,1877 Nov. ..,1879 April ...1880 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 27,1882 Jan. 4,1878 Dec. 21,1877 Nov. ..,1875 Oct. 30. 1884 Oct. 30, 1884 Dec. 22.1877 Aug. 27,1884 Oct. 28.1882 E R R R R R R R E E R R E R R R R R H R H R R R R H E R R R R R H R R R R R R H R R E R H R R R R E H R R R R R R Streator .... 35 2S 32 31 28 37 40 28 41 u. s Bonar, Barnet L Streator Pa. ... 1 3 12 ... Bronson, George W Streator .... u.s u.s Ohio •Chalfant, CD Streator 10 Dlcus, J.F Streator •Green. F. L Streator . 111.. W. Va..... Ill 10 12 4 Hess, J.M.d Streator 10 Holland, 0. D Streator Hudson, Thomas P. (1. ... Streator England.. 10 6 -Johns, Charles (1 Streator . Leroy, David Streator . ... 56 28 57 25 50 32 39 21 27 32 36 53 37 38 69 24 25 39 49 24 45 48 56 34 50 44 23 59 52 62 52 25 28 40 59 66 25 52 38 N.Y Germany. Pa. U. S 36 13 Itfathis, Elbert N Streator IMillor, Benjamin G Streator . 14 14 Minor, Edward G Streator Nater, John H Streator . Switzerl'd 111.. 11 11 Palmer, Philip C Prindle, Frances A Streator Vt 2 ? Shoop, Frederick J Streator .... U. S. Smith, W. L. (I Streator Pa Stewart, F. A Streator U.S England.. Canada... U.S Pa 12 10 26 11 14 38 1^ "Taylor, John J. (1 Streator Streator Streator 10 Waggoner, George J Wells. George E. (1 3 9 Woods, D. Lindley (1 Streator 8 Woolley , Milton Streator N.Y U. S. 9H Auten, Alcinda Ottawa ^ascom, H. M Ottawa u U.S u.s Switzerl'd 111 5 17 23 5 Beckwiih, N. W •Curti, Bonifaz Ottawa Ottawa 8 1? Dyer, Ralph B Ottawa Dyer, Reuben F U.S N.Y Ireland . . . Md U.S U.S.. . 23 18 34 8 29 18 Gibbs, AlbertE Ottawa 18 Godfrey, H. M Ottawa '?8 Gundlach. J. S Ottawa Hard, Chester Ottawa 9 Hathaway, J. C Ottawa. ... Hiester, Alvin C Grand Ridge Hopkins, H. W Ottawa N.Y N. B Germany. U.S Ri^ "25 2 25 1 2 18 32 39 2 2 31 McArthur, R. M Miller. Gotlieb Ottawa Ottawa .... 25 9, Rosenburg, Jacob H Ottawa 6 ilyburn. J. S Ottawa 1 Sanders. Charity A Ottawa .... .... ?, Smurr, T. A Ottawa OhiO; N.J N.Y 111. Stout, Joseph Ottawa 30 Ward, Josiah Ottawa . . 9f) Weis.E. W Ottawa Zender, Mathias Germany. N.Y....... 90 Allen, Charlotte... LaSalle . .. Aplington, Burton Z LaSalle . ... Bry. Francis LaSalle 57 27 47 39 42 46 48 38 46 22 France. .. Pa 35 2 15 5 17 17 21 10 21 30 Burke, P. M LaSalle Clendennin, Floyd LaSalle Va U.S U.S Pa a Conant, G. F LaSalle ,>> Corbus, Josephus R LaSalle Cole, George B LaSalle Cole, Itory S LaSalle Pa Frazer, W. H LaSalle Canada. .. Germany. Ill 7 JMager, Carl F LaSalle JVloore, J. F LaSalle 123 ' To Whom Certificates have been Issued. liaSalle County. Cebtificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. July July June Dec. Jan. 14, 1882 11.1881 14, 1884 11,1877 17, 1881 Feb. Dec. July Jan. Jan. 12.1878 8, 1877 22, 1881 6, 1880 2,1878 Jan. Feb. Aug. July Dec. 8, 1878 26, 1884 2, 1881 14, 1883 18, 1877 Mar. July June Mar. Jan. 3,1884 25. 1882 26. 1883 1,1878 4, 1878 Sept. Jan. Oct. 8ept. Nov. 5,1877 26,1878 20, 1877 6.1877 30, 1877 Sept. Nov. Oct. Jan. JVIay 21,1882 24. 1877 8, 1877 30. 1878 3, 1883 Dec. Aug. Dec. Dec. Nov. 29,1877 23,1878 29. 1877 10, 1883 10, 1877 Dec. Apr. Oct. Oct. Mar. 28, 1877 26,1880 20, 1877 3,1877 29, 1882 Nov. Oct. Sept Feb. Dec. 24,1877 5. 1877 8, 1884 4,1878 17, 1877 Feb. 13,1879 April 22, 1879 Dec. 20.1877 Nox. 28,1879 April 13.1880 Dec. Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. 26, 1877 14,1881 21, 1877 31, 1877 7, 1877 Sept. Sept. Dec. Aug. Sept. 19,1884 19,1884 26,1877 25,188-1 4, 1882 Ecleciic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania Rush Medical College Medical Department, Western Reserve University. Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Ten years' practice , Bellevue Hospital Medical College , Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Fourteen years' practice Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Eleven years' practice .lune 6,1882 Mar. 15,1 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 16.1866 Feb. 24,1880 Mar. 31,1869 Mar. 1,1880 June 3,1879 Jan. 28,1873 Mar. 1,1848 Feb. 19.1884 Aug. July July Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Aug. Jan. 14. 18P2 12, 1881 2. 1884 2, 1878 21,1881 15. 1879 10, 1877 ..,1881 23. 1880 June 28,1883 Rush Medical College Woman's Medical College. Chicago College of i^hysicians and Surgeons, New York. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Feb. Feb. May Feb. 19.1884 28. 1882 15. 1883 26, 1878 Jan. Sept. Aug. Sept. Dec. Sept. Aug. July Mar. Mar. 15,1878 17, 1884 20, 1881 18,1884 18, 1877 17,1884 8, 1882 10,1883 6, 1878 6.1878 Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia Kentucky School of Medicine , Rush Medical College Fairfield (N. Y.) Medical College , Jan. 25,1867 Mar. 1,1855 June 29. 1876 Feb. 5. 1868 Jan. 23,1839 Sept. 15,1877 Mar. 1.1878 Jan. 2. 1878 Sept. 8,1877 Jan. 9,1878 Woman's Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Cert. Examining Board St, Callen, Switzerland.. . College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago... American Medical College, Cincinnati Twelve years' practice Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg Homeopathic Medical College, Missouri Indiana Medical College Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department, Western Reserve University Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rash Medical College Woman's Medical College. Chicago Jefferson Medical Col lege Medical College of Ohio Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. May Mar. Aug. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 28,1882 20.1873 ..,1864 27,1853 13,1883 18, 1856 ..,1884 3. 1843 1.1 18. 1854 8,1856 24,1880 25, 1846 22, 1854 28. 1882 24,1869 15. 1876 27. 1883 8. 1862 6.1845 Sept. Nov. Dec. 27,1882 30. 1877 17, 1877 May 23,1883 Dec. A-Ug. Jan. Dec. Jan. 31. 1877 30. 1878 18, 1878 12, 1883 22,1878 Apr. 26,1880 Oct. 22,1877 Oct. 4.1877 Mar. 30,1882 Dec. 10.1877 Oct. 17.1877 Sept. 12,1884 Jan. 3,1878 Twenty-nine years' practice , Missouri Medical College Twenty years' practice Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan.. Chicago Medical College Mar. 2.1877 Feb. Apr. 13, 1879 30. 1879 June 26,1879 Mar. 4. 1879 Feb. 17,1880 Medical Department.IUniversity of Missouri College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburg University ot Grief swald. Germany Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. July June Mar. 29.1848 12. 1880 27. 1874 9. 1872 22. 1866 18. 1867 15.1869 12. 1867 3. 1862 7, 1882J Jan. 2,1878 Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Dec. Aug. Oct. ..,1877 4. 1877 15, 1875 30.1884 30,1884 28.1877 27. 1884 28.1882 124 Official Eegister of Physicians lia Salle County. Name. Registered O w o Residence and Post Office. M Prac- tice.* P Oliver, William H. Dec. 12,1877 R R R R R H R R R R H H H H H R R E R R H R E R E R E R R R R R R R R R E H R R R R R R R E R R E R R R R R R R LaSalle 48 England.. 15 2 Xelowski, Henry l.aSalle Cook. Charles E Nov. 22.1882 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Oct. 25,1883 Mar. 18,1K78 Jan. 31.1878 Jan. 30,1878 Oct. 21,1882 Mendota. 23 45 45 35 45 37 as 25 30 III.... Cook, Edgar P. (2 Mendota Pa 23 23 11 23 16 10 2 4 ??; Corbus, J. C Mendota. Ohio Scotland.. U.S Switz'n'd.. N.Y Germany. Ohio 23 Duncan, Frank Mendota Mendota. ?, Edwards, Joseph W 93- Engele, A Mendota Mendota. 1 Everett, M. D. 7 Gelbach, Kudolphus W... Mendota ^ Maltbie, Ellen H Mendota Cox,H.H June"26","i88i Dec. 11,1877 Apr. 27,1882 Mar. ..,1878 May 3.1881 Dec. 29.1877 Sept. 15.1880 Feb. 4,1878 July 15,1884 Jan. 9.1878 Dec. 22.1877 Dec. 29.1877 June 17,1879 Dec. ..,1877 Oct. 29,1878 Dec. 20.1877 Dec. 18.1878 Aug. 11,1881 Mar. 31,1879 April 11,1882 Mar. 14,1882 Dec. 22,1877 Jan. 30,1878 July 8,1881 June 1, 1878 Dec. 29,1877 April 3.1884 Nov. 12,1877 Peru. Glover, W. A Peru 35 33 24 60 24 51 31 51 25 52 28 55 25 51 46 3( 30 67 65 32 23 66 28 46 30 4(1 33 26 28 26 n.j::::::: Hattan, Albert Henry (7. Peru. 111 9 9! Kingston, J. W Peru. Ontario... Milling, JohnT Peru. Ireland.... Canada... Switz'n'd.. Ohio Germany. Pa 35 2 25 8 29 .35. Oliver, Nathaniel E Peru 2 Shaid. Susanna Peru 12 Troyer, Yost S Peru 2 Ziesing, Henry Peru 23 Calhoun, Chambers D ... Earlville Dodge, W.F Earlville Mass U.S Me 20 5 12 Goble, EzraT. (3 Earlville ii Hurd,D. L Earlville 7 McCray. William J... Earlville 1 28 29 4 1 43 33 I Vosburgh. D. M Earlville U.S U.S U.S Pa Ky ?A Clymer, K Seneca 13 Cronyn, D. H. (4 Seneca Dromgold. Thomas N Major, F. W Seneca Seneca ..... Underbill, William H. (4.. Seneca, i N.Y Pa 20 Wilcox. G. G... Seneca Blood, Alfred.. .. Leland. 111. . 1 40 6 1 Forman, William M Leland Ohio Ireland... Scotland. 22 Hutchinson, William Leland .«> Kennedy, William Leland. Goodell, J.li Marseilles N.Y Ohio Va Pa U.S Maine 10 19 3 2 7 a Montgomery. James Marseilles u Smith. Edward T Marseilles Weirick. C. A Marseilles 2 Clark, S. M Ransom . ,5- Fogg, Charles E April 8.1879 Ransom Ives, Augustus Ransom . Provins, Clark B Ransom Blacke. S. L. B Jan. 17,1878 Oct. 14.1879 Mar. 16.1V81 Dec. 27.1877 Dec. 26,1877 April 1,1878 April 27,1878 Dec. 22.1877 Mar. 19, 18; 9 Feb. 19,1878 Jan. 25,1878 1877 Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 22,1877 Tonica 38 46 22 55 24 48 25 38 26 28 34 32 42 36 Ohio Conn Ill Ohio U.S U.S 11 18 ""30 4 16 2 Jennings, George N Tonica . 1,3 Vandevoort, F. C Tonica Vandevoort, Ira A Tonica 24 Armstrong, Elwood Atwood, E. K...., North ville Lostant 16 Blanchard, M. E 2 Bower, II. VV Sheridan U.S III. 12 1 Butler, F. A Sheridan Meridan Chambers, John W. (5 U.S N.Y U.S Pa U.S 4 4 10 19 8 4 Chase, T. W 3 David. C. A Sheridan 10 Elder, Samuel S Farm Ridge . .... 15. Ensign, William 0. (5 Rutland 8. 125 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. lia Salle County. Cebtificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certiflcate : Diploma— Examination— Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetipi- CATE Filed FOR Record. Dec. Dec. Nov. Doc. 7,1877 1,1877 1.1882 7, 1877 Nov. 1.1878 Oct. Sept. Nov, tSept. Oct. 24.1883 7.1877 24. 1877 7,1877 21.1882 Oct. Dec. Jan. Oct. Jan. 2.1884 7.1877 21,1882 8, 1877 21.1882 Feb. May June Sept. Jan. 22, 1878 3.1881 15.1878 15. 1880 2.1878 June Jan. Sept. May 7,1884 2,1878 8.1877 5, 1877 7. 1879 Oct. Oct. Dec. Jan. Aug. 17.1877 3, 1877 10, 1877 8.1879 2.1881 Oct. Mar. Sept. Dec. Nov. 3,1877 31,18«2 17,1881 18.1877 20,1877 Mar. May Dec. Mar. Nov. 8,18<<1 4.1878 25. 1877 27,1884 3.1877 Sept. Mar. Oct. Nov. Jan. 1.1882 28.1879 23, 188i5 11,1882 14, 1878 Oct. Mar. Dec. Jan. Mar. 13,1879 3,1881 12,1877 12,1878 2, 188i» April 15,1878 Nov. 22,1877 Mar. 28.1879 Jan. 8.1878 Dec. 3,1877 Sept. Sept. 5.1877 27,1877 Sept. 10.1877 Medical Department. Univ. of Victoria College University of Kier. Russia Chicago Medical College Medical Department. Western Reserve University. J Illinois Army Medical Examining Board 1 Cleveland Medical College , May 2, 1866 June 31,1848 Mar. 29.1881 Feb. 22.1854 May ...1862 Mar. ...1878 Feb. 23,1878 Nov. 22,1882 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 26,1878 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Rush Medical College University of Heidelburg Rush Medical College University of Munich Feb. Feb. Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland Royal Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburg. Hahnemann Medical College. Philadelphia American Medical College. St. Louis Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Feb. Apr. Mar. Oct. Mar. Jan. Feb. 15.1875 22. 1869 ....1861 2. 1870 25. 1881 19,1884 30.18n8 9. 1876 25.1877 22, 1871 Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. 25,1883 27, 1877 24. 1877 7,1877 21.1882 June 26,1881 Dec. 11.1877 Apr. 27,1882 Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin Chicago Medical College , Twelve years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis Certiflcate. University of Geissen. Germany. Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Dept. of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Eclectic Medical College. Cincinnati Long Island College Hospital Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical Department Transylvania University Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Twenty-two years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Fourteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati . Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio July 12,1842 Mar. ...1878 Mar. 30,1880 June 13.1881 June 18.1879 Oct. 15,1880 Feb. 4, 1878 July 15.1884 Jan. 9.1878 Sept. 18.1877 Dec. 29.1877 June 17.1879 Oct. 15.1877 Oct. 29.1878 Dec. 28.1877 AugVii.issi >\far. 31,1879 Mar. 31,1882 Sept. 30.1881 Dec. 22,1877 Oeo. 4,1877 July 8. 1881 June 1,1878 Dec. 29.1877 April 3,1884 Nov. 12,1877 Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. May Mar. Mar. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. 25, 1876 26,1851 29, 1884 27,1867 14, 1874 26,1870 27, 1879 ..,1851 28.1858 1.1874 2-M878 13. 183J Mar. ..,1851 Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 16.1875 Feb. Feb. 22, 1881 5. 1868 June 7, 1881 Feb. 10,1876 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Twenty-four years' practice Certiflcate of examination .. Sixteen years' practice Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. 12 1875 25.1879 1.1878 21 >, 1882 1, 1869 27.1864 22. 1881 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College. Louisville Medical College Dept. of Medicite and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College I Charity Hospital Medical College. Cleveland I Medical Department, University of Wooster.. Jan. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. 22.1878 April 8.1879 Jan. 17,1878 Oct. 14, 1879 Mar. 16.1881 Dec. 27,1877 April 1.1878 April 27. 1878 22.1870 Nov. 21.1877 27. 1879 May 13.1879 25,1874 Feb. 4.1878 21, 1876 Jan. 25,1878 3,1869 25, 18ri5 Dec. 29.1877 Sept. 12,1877 i5'S Sept. 14,1877 27. 1873 126 Official Kegisteb of Physicians IjaSalle County. Name. Registered 00 W Residence and Post- office. ^2! >■ H M 31 Meskimen J. A Vincennes Ind 11 Milam, John W Vincennes, Inn Ind Patton. Alfred i.. Tenn Ky Germany. Ill 36 33 10 14 Smith. H. M Swartzel, Joseph A Vincennes,Ind Vincennes, Ind 29 Baird, A. Q. (2 Bosart. J. M. (2 Sumner Ohio Ohio Iowa N.Y Ind 22 30 17 6 11 28 21 ^)'^ Burget, David Feb. 1,1878 Dec. 17,1877 Feb. 18,1878 Mar. 27,1878 Dec. ..,1877 Jan. 17.1878 April 11,1884 Feb. 7, 1878 Feb. 5, 1878 SO French, ZebaD Sumner . (^ McDowell, J. Sumner. 6 Murphv.H. A. (2 Sumner n Williams, G. A Sumner. '^S Barr, Jacob C Pa Ohio fi Barr. G. Walter Bridgeport Flanders, J. L Bridgeport N. H Ind Ill 44 34 3(> Frazer. M. D Bridgeport 17 Lewis. Harlie V April 13,1880 PM Malone. D. R Aug. 23,1880 Dec. 22,1877 Feb. 11.1878 Mar. 19.1878 April 19.1881 April 11.1878 Mar. 4. 1878 PM R R R R R n Bridgeport Ind Pa Ohio England.. U.S Ill 24 23 3 25 22 3 11 2 4 Maxwell, A. M Hridgf^port 9^ Ford.T. J Russellville . 3 Hale, Peter (3 95 Haughton, A. J Russellville 5 McGowen, T. J Russellville s Wolfe, A. P Russellville Ind Va 111. q Hall, Silas Jan. 2.1878iPlV1 Lawrence ville '^ Jenner. Edward J 1878 E R PM R R R R 4 Bobinson. E. H May 1,1880 June 23,1884 Dec. 12,1877 Nov. 7, 1879 Mar. 11,1878 Sept. 2,1884 Lawrenceville U. S Smith. James H Lawrenceville Ill •"• Ind Ill Frazer, Charles (3 St. Francisville .... 3 3 Grayson. T. J Lindsay. N. F. (4 St. Fran cisville 11 Bird Station. Ill 4 4 Lyons. William Allen St. Francisville Ill 127 To Whom Certificates hate been Issued. IjaSalle County. Certificate of State Boabd of HEAiiTH. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed- FOR Kecord. June 21.1881 Mar. 20,1878 April 22. 1879 April 9,1878 Oct. 30, 1877 Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery- Medical Department, Western Reserve University Miami Medical College Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 29. 1881 21.1878 27,1879 6,1878 2,18(39 Feb. Mar. Sept. Jan. Feb. 22.1878 4,1878 7, 1877 26. 1878 13.1878 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Thirteen years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Feb. 15,1876 Feb. 16,1875 Feb. 2. 1870 Mar. ,1876 June 28.1878 April 27, 187^ N6v."i3,"i877 Jan. 30,187S 1) Registered in Livingston; 2) in Bureau; 3) in Lee; 4) in Grundy; Lee; 6) in Livingston and Marshall; 7) in Marshall. 5) in DeKalb and Ijawrence County. June 1, 1878 Aug. 30,1878 Mar. 20,1878 June 1. 1878 April 19. 1878 June 23,1881 April 4,1878 Mar. 20.1878 Jan. 3. 1878 June 23,1881 Mar. Feo. Aug. April Dec. 20.1878 21,1878 2, 1881 24, 1878 7,1878 Jan. Dec. Dec. 25,1878 29, 1877 29, 1877 8,1878 20,1878 Jan. April Feb. Dec. April 11,1878 8. 1884 11. 1878 5, 1877 7, 1880 Sept. 29.1880 Jan, 4,1878 Mar. 8,1878 April 10,1878 April 2,1881 Mar. Mar. Nov. Feb. May 5,1878 20,1878 26. 1877 7, 1878 14.1880 April 30,1884 Dee. 1,1877 Aug. 23,1878 Mar. 21,1878 Aug. 7,1884 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Eleven years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Eclectic Mtidical College, Cincinnati Medical Department. University of Louisville — JefTerson Medical College Medical College of Ohio Eleven years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville St. Louis Medical College Starling Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Certificate of examination Medical College of Ohio Thirty years' praetice Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eleven years' practice St. Louis Medical College Medical College of Ohio Jefferson Medical College Medical Department. Dartmouth College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati American Medical College, Cincinnati , Twenty-three years' practice , Medical Department. University of Louisville., Twenty-five years' practice Medical Department, University of Buffalo Certificate of examination , Rush Medical College , Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati , Missouri Medical College , Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical College of Indiana Eleven years' practice Medical Department. University of Louisville Nashville Medical College Mar. 1,1867 Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. 1,1850 1.1870 1. 1859 Jan. 15,1879 Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. April 24, 1878 25,1881 June 28.1881 ..,1853 Apr. 15.1878 1, 1844 Mar. 25, 1878 Feb. 4,1878 25,1881 June 28.1881 ..,1857 Mar. 25.1878 ..,1849 Feb. 23,1878 27, 18791 Aug. 8.1881 iMay 1.1878 1.1854; April 22.1879 Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. 14. 1865' Jan. 12,1874 Jan. iMar. l,1865;Dec. 30, 1878 14,1878 '21,1878 27, 1878 ...1877 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. 1,1857' Jan. 17,1878 24, 1884' April 11,1884 ... 184l! 5. 1863 Dec. 8, 1877 2,1880 April 13,1880 22,1856 Jan. 12,1878 3, 1874 Mar. 14.1878 Feb. 1,1878 22, 1862 April 19,1881 Feb. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. April 11,1878 26,1878 Apr. 16,1878 17. 1875 Dec. 3. 1877 22.1878.Feb. 7,1878 4,1880 3,1884 June 23,1884 28, 1877. Dec. 12,1877 Nov. 7,1879 28. 1878; Mar.' 26,1878 26,1884iSept. 2,1884 128 Official Kegister of Physicians Xia'wrence County. Namb. Registekkd DO O W § Residence and Post- Office. > M Pbac- TICE.* on 1— (pi Smith, H P Mar. 28,1878 July 19.1882 Oct. 7, 1884 R R R Chauncey . 32 24 25 Ind :.. Hi^ 4 2 4 Taught, H. Martin Allison ?, Wordell, Morris .... Bird Station 1 * At date of Registration. liCe County. Appley, William R R R R R R R R R H R H R R R R R R R R PM PM R R R R R R R R R R R Amboy 631 Conn , 32 17 5 28 16 FeJker, John B Dec. 17,1877 Aug. 27,1879 July 16.1878 Dec. 11,1877 May 2.1882 Dec. 11,1877 Feb, 2.1880 Dec. 17.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Aug. ..,1879 Nov. 11.1878 Sept. 14.1877 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Apr, 26.1884 Dec. 21.1877 June 20,1881 Mar. ..,1881 May 16.1884 Apr. 30.1883 Jan. 14,1878 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 30.1877 July 26.1881 June 1.1883 Nov. 8. 1883 Dec. 22,1877 Dec. 17,1877 i)ecV24Vf877 Dec. 11.1877 Amboy . . 38 U.S 35111 56iPa 38'tI. 8. 17 Grant, Orris William Amboy 5 Hnzen. J. H Amboy . .. '>0 Loomis.C.E Amboy. 16 Sammis, W. M Amboy 30 45 3*^ 111 Travers, E. R Amboy .... Ireland. .. 111.. 16 11 36 4 6 9 41 1 14 l-l Wilcox, Charles A Amboy 8 Bardwell, George A Blackman, Orville B Dixon .. . F8 U. S ?<> Dixon 27 30 31 60 29 37 31 47 30 38 26 34 53 43 47 48 27 31 31 30 111.. '"" 4 Brooks, H. J Dixon 111 8 Brown, G. W. I. (1 Dixon 5 Pa Everett, Oliver (2 Dixon ... U.S 41 Oarrison, Harriet E Dixon.. .... 1 Hunt. Charles C. (2 Dixon Ohio 111.. 10 Scott, Clifton, Dixon. .. Wynn. Webster Dixon U.S Pa. 20 1 8 5 8 35 20 20 18 4 1 10 3 18 Grim, Adam Franklin Grove 1 3enry. William Pa. 3 Hewitt. H.M Koontz, Walter Franklin Grove Franklin Grove Franklin Grove Am U.S U. 8 F:i::::::. U.S U. 8 U.S U.S Germany. Roe, Uriah C 'H) Broffett, James H Paw Paw Grove Compton 15 Carnahan, Hiram 17 Crombie, John (2 Lee Centre 1*^ Cushman, Ruggles A Sublette Leavens, Dolenna C Lee Centre 1 Palmer, T. D. (3 Paw Paw Grove 10 Schreibner, G. F West Brooklyn 8 Sheldon, E.M Ashton Shinkel, J. N. D Ashton Stetler,T. H Paw Paw Grove 30 50 U.S U.S 2 20 2 Welsh. Wm.F ?0 liivingston County. Barnes, Samuel M,(l. Brewer, Daniel (I Fraley. J. F Heritage, J. F Kimball, 8. P Lewis, G. C Ostrander, Chauncey B... Dec. 22,1877 R Dec. 29, 1877 H Dec. 26.1877 April 19,1884 E H Dec. 31,1877 R July Dec. 23,1883 1,1877 i Fairbury Fairbury Fairbury Fairbury Fairbury Fairbury Fairbury U.S 7 U.S 6 U.S U.S 38 20 U.S 30 U.S Germany. ■*45 129 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. l^aivrence County. Cebtificate op State Bobad op Health. Certifi- cate Filed Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOB Becobd. Jan. 15,1878 July in, 1882 Sept. 21.1882 Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical Department, University of Louisville June 19.1873 Mar. 1,1882 Mar. 1,1882 Mar. 12,1878 July 19.1882 Oct. ,.7.1884 1) Registered in Riehland; 2) in Crawford; 3) in Wabash; 4) in Union. liCe County. Mar. 15,1884 Sept. 7,1877 Aug. 9, 1879 April 25,1878 Dec. 7. 1877 April 27, 1882 Sept. 13,1877 July 29.1879 Dec. 13,18;7 Dec. 7, 1877 Dec. Mar. 21.1877 8. 1878 8ept. 13, 1877 Dec. Oct. 7,1877 3.1877 April 19.1884 Dec. 7.1877 July 27,lb81 Jan. 9.1878 May 12,1884 April 27.1883 Dec. 26.1877 ■Oct, 16. 1877 Sept. 7.1877 Aug. 29,1878 May Oct. Oct. Sept. Nov. 31,1883 31, 1883 22.1877 8. 1877 28. 1879 Oct. 22,1877 Jan. 12,1878 Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania . .. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Twenty years' practice Rush Medical College Louisvil le Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College , Medical Department Willoughby University Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago j Berkshire Medical College I Rush Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Bellevue Hospital Medical College Certificate of examination Medical Department, University of Buffalo. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College... Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Fifteen years' practice Rush Medical College Twelve years* practice Medical Department of Dartmouth College Rush Medical College (Chicago Medical College Rash Medical College.. Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College July 2,1852 Feb. 15,1860 Feb. 25,1879 Feb. 4, 1862 April 30, 1874 Mar. 27.1861 Feb. 2,1870 Feb. 29,1840 Mar. 13.1873 Mar. 10.1874 Feb. 21,1878 Aug. 17.1836 Feb. 13,1869 Feb. 29,1876 Mar. 1. 1865 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 21.1855 22. 18S1 2.1870 22, 1878 17, 1875 ....1866 Oct. 17.1877 Aug. 20.1879 June 29.1878 Dec. 7,1877 May 2, 1882 Sept. 27,1877 Dec. 1,1879 Dec. 13.1877 Dec. 12.1877 Feb. 10.1880 Nov. 11,1878 Sept. 14.1877 Dec. Oct. 13.1877 5.1877 Feb. 15.1860 Nov. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. April 26.1884 Dec. 21,1877 June 20.1881 Mar. ...1881 May 16.1884 April 30.1883 Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 8. 1877 Dec. 27.1877 July 26,1881 14.18S2May 20. 1883, Nov. 5, 1869, Oct. 16. 1875 Oct. 18.1879 19. 1884 21.1876 ....1864 31.1883 8.1883 27.1877 2,1877 Oct. Jan. 29.1877 12, 1878 1) Registered in Bureau; 2) in Ogle; 3) in LaSalle. Ijivingston County. Oct. 27,1877 Deo. 17,1877 Dec. 18.1877 Apr. Dec. 1. 1878 26. 1877 Medical Department. University of Iowa, Keokuk. < Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago ) Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Fifteen years' pujictice Pennsylvania Medical College. i Castleton (Vt.) Medical College I Chicago Medical College Aug. 31.1883 Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Sept. 22.1881 Forty-five years* practice. Nov. 8,1877 bec."29.'i877 Dec. 26.1877 Apr. 17,1884 Dec. 31,1877 Aug. Oct. 6.1883 15,1881 130 Official Kegister of Physicians Ijivingston County. Name. Registered so o W o Residence and Post- Office. Pbac- TICE.* Pearson, J. J Jan. 10,1878 Aug. 19,1881 Mar. 4,1879 July 10,1882 April 16. 1884 Jan. 17, 1878 Aug. 16.1881 "Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 30,1878 Dec. 1,1877 Dec. 10.1878 Apr. 16,1878 Sept. 27,1881 R E E R R R R H R R H H R R R R R E R R E R E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R R R R H H F, Fairbury 25 27 53 27 32 39 28 47 41 40 37 28 45 53 52 45 59 61 46 34 43 32 52 31 38 50 44 33 26 44 26 67 34 25 24 23 35 35 26 27 39 24 Ind Ohio N.Y U. S 4 1 9 1 Stiles. Martin Fairbury 1 Vincent Levi Fairbury 9 Barr, C. H Dwight Palm Milton D wight Pa. 3 13 3 14 18 15 10 ' Rabe William L Dwight Dwight U. 8 Mich Germany. U. 8 U.8 U.S U. 8. 10 Roe. Eoiery W 1 Thole H. G Dwight 14 Baker. John B P ontiac 18 Holtzmann 8. E Pontiac a Keck, John (2 ... Pontiac 10 LonfiT Charles H Pontiac . .. Pontiac Scotland.. Ohio U.S U.S U.S U.S Penn U.S U.S U. 8 U.S U. 8 U.S u.*s 11 23 28 19 22 33 21 11 16 7 27 6 3 15 21 11 steward Samuel Pontiac. 15 Stites J J Feb. 23,1878 Feb. 4,1878 Jan. 31,1878 Jan. 18.1878 Dee. 19,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Pontiac. 13 Bostoek F H Chatsworth 12 Byington W. C Chatsworth 13 Hoadley. C. R Hunt Delos W Chatsworth . 14 Chatsworth 21 True,' Charles Chatsworth 8 Flick. DanielJW Cornell Jones T W Dec. 14,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Mar. 13,1878 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 17.1878 Dec. 24,1877 Cornell 5 Cornell ^6 Wilson I A Cornell 5 Alford, C. B Odell 3 Graymont , 1^ Bannister T Odell n Odell Dally H M Jan. 7.18S2 Dec. 18,1877 Jan. 2, 1878 Dec. 27,1877 May 7,1883 May 12,18^3 April 16, 1880 Feb. 12,1881 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. 29,1884 Feb. 2.1884 Mar. 5, 1878 Dec. 27,1883 Dec. 26,1877 May 23,1881 April 26,1878 Mar. 17,1880 June 20,1878 April 4,1883 Odell Ill Dackett, Daniel Forest England . . U. 8 Germany. N.Y U. S U.S Ill 12 3 27 6 1 1 1 7 15 li^ Forest. 3 Eppler Peter Cayuga, w Emington 6 Goding. F. W Farley H. E Ancona 1 Emington 1 TTand Fnrmnn S Nebraska. .... 1 Harding, B. A. (3 Holloway. James 8 Johnson. Benjamin F Kay, Z.L Langhaus. E. D.... Markle, J. N Blackstone Manville .. . U.S s-l 6 14 McDowell CuUom Nevada U.S U.S U.S Ind 2 6 9 1 6 Long Point 5. Ross C F Sannemin Salisbury, William W Schoor, George Jacob.... Stevens Daniel (3 Strawn Nebraska 45 40 31 Germany. 19 5 16 Ancona 5 Talbot, Charles W. R Sannemin 1 * At date of Registration. 131 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Liivin^ston County. Certificate or State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Kecord. Jan. 12,1878; Certificate of examination Mar. 25,1881 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Sept .22,1877| Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. June 21.1882. Chicago Medical College Mar. 26, 1884 Medical Department, Western Reserve University. Jan. 10.1878 April 23,1881 Mar. 30,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Nov. 21.1878 Dec. 26,1877 April 4.1878 Sept. 26.1881 Sept. 22, lh81 Feb. 21,1878 Jan. 28,1878 Pec. 31,1877 Dec. 2 M * Prac- tice.* il 05 pa> '"'no Brown, H. B Jan. 20.1878 Sept. 9.1884 Mar. 27.1878 Nov. 3.188:^ Jan. 2. 1878 Dec. 31.1877 May 4. 1878 May 4. 1882 Jan. 3.1878 Jan. 4,1878 July 20,1878 June 11,1880 Feb. 23,1878 Aug. 4,1879 Dec. 31,1877 Feb. 7.1878 Dec. 9.1879 R R R R R R R R R R I R H H H E H R H R R R R E E H R E R R R R R R R H R R R R R R R R R Lincoln 27 U. 8 35 Ohio 361 Germany. 34iMass 4iOjFrauce ... 46 U. 8 47 Md 25N. H 39,U. 8 45 U. 8 40 U. 8 23 IT. 8. 1 11 9 4 20 25 25 "ih 20 10 4 27 10 10 30 12 Calderwood. George M. .. Lincoln ... Ehrlich, H. K Lincoln . 9 Fish. William B Lincoln Fuseh, Charles Lincoln 14 Leeds. L. L Lincoln ?5 Miller. A. M Lincoln 9^ Miller, Katharine Lincoln Norred. C. H Lincoln n Perry. T. B Lincoln 19 Primm.T. W Lincoln 10 Sargent, A. M Lincoln Sargent. S Lincoln 49 31 30 69 U. 8 111. 27 Wiles. Chas. K Lincoln . 10 Wilson. K. M Lincoln U. 8 TT. 8. 10 Bartholomew. A Atlanta 11 Dunn, George W Atlanta 38!Ene-la.nfl . 2 Hunter. John Atlanta Kirk. William T. (1 Oct. 3.1878 April 23, 1881 Jan. 25.188S April 9.1878 Mar. 28.1878 April 9.1878 Jan. 21.1878 Dec. 21.1877 Jan. 17.1878 .\ug. 16.1881 April 20.1880 Mar. 27.1878 Mar. 20.1883 Mar. 25,1878 April 4,1881 Jan. 8.1878 Feb. 15,1878 May 18,1881 Dec. 29,1877 Nov. 3,1882 Atlanta 44 27 42 ^4 Ky. 24 20 Primm. John N Atlanta Hi Ebrito, George W Mt. Pulaski Pa U. 8 U. 8. 14 6 George, E Mt. Pulaski Mt. Pulaski Nolan. E. C .... Oyler.P.H Phinney, M. P Mt. Pulaski .... 32 TT o "13 ' 9 13 ""6 Mt. Pulaski 38 Canada... 36 Germany. 57!England.. 39 Ohin 13 Poppele. C. F Mt. Pulaski q Benson. C. H Latham 13 Hill. William C Holbrook. C. A Latham 36 Mich i Wheeler, E.N Latham Barkalow, J. A Elkhart 27 Obirt 2 4 0, Graves, E. H Elkhart 27 TT. S 3 Taylor, Charles B Elkhart 2Z 61 Kv Taylor, J. G Elkhart Ky.";:. 30 6 Aiskes, E. E Emden Germany. Barnett, John R Hartsburg . ... OC) Bullard. F. B. (2 Chestnut 'i 26 34 tJ.S Ohio 3 3 Davis, Hippocrates New Holland Ewing, Frank M Ill Guttery, William V July Dec. Mar. June Sept. Aug. July 16,1881 24.1877 20,1H83 6, 1884 6, 1879 31, 1878 2,1880 Middletown . Mass 4 3 Hamilton. J. G Cornland 29 TT. S. 4 Hatfield, C.L New Holland 37 24 27 25 III. ..:.:::: McClelland. Silas E. . Reason ..... Ill Meredith, J.T Ill Perry.L. M Broad well TT. 8 19 4 10 Smith, Julian A New Holland 33|U. 8 4 * At date of Registration. 133 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Logan County. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cebtifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Oct. 30,1877 Sept. 8.18'^4 ISept. 4,1877 Oct. 31,1883 Nov. 10.1877 Sept. 8.1877 Nov. 13.18S1 April 27, 1882 May 24.1878 Nov. 10,1877 July 24,1878 May 14,188(1 Nov. 21,1877 Mar. 30,1878 Oct. 5.1877 Oct. 16,1878 Sept. 7.1877 Nov. 21.1882 Aug. 19.1878 April 23, 1881 Jan. 23,1883 Mar. 30,1870 Mar. 1,1878 April 6,1878 Jan. 15,1878 Nov. 7,1877 Dec. 29.1877 Mar. 25.1881 Aug. 3, 1878 Mar. 1,1878 Mar. 19.1883 Mar. 20.1878 April 1.1881 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 7.1877 May 12,1881 Dee. 19.1877 May 6,1881 Oct. 2. 1884 July 6, 1881 Jan. 29.1878 Mar. 17.1883 May 12.1881 Sept. 6.1879 April 23, 1878 Oct. 13, 1879 St. Louis Medical College Hedical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Albany Medical College Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland Rush Medical College Washington University School of Medicine Woman's Medical College, Chicago Illinois Army Medical Examining Board ; Medical Department, University of Louisville , Ten years' practice Medical College of Ohio 3 Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery I Medical Dept., University of the City of New York Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Long Island College Hospital Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Feb. Mnr. Feb. Mar. Feb. 10, 1876 1,1881 23, 1872 27,1879 10,1858 20, 1856 7. 1853 28, 1882 ..,1864 27.1857 Jan. Sept. Mar. Nov. Dec. 12,1878 9, 1884 27, 1878 3.1883 10, 1877 Dec. 31,1877 .1880 May 4.1882 N6v."i0.'i877 Mar. 2,1880 ,1854 ,1859 Feb. 21,1878 June 26,1873 June 14,1880 Feb. 23,1878 Aug. Dec. 4, 1879 31, 1877 Eleven years* practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Homeopathic Medical College. Univ. of Michigan.. Medical Department, University of'Louisville Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Medical Department. Dartmouth College Medical Department. University of Buffalo Rush Medical College Louisville Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb. 6.1872 June 29,1882 Mar. 3,1854 Feb. 24,1881 May 12.1880 Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 11.1869 25.1873 26. 1878 27. 1878 14, 1865 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College , Feb. 27,1874 Feb. 24,1880 June 12,1878 Feb. 26.1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Missouri Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical Department. University of Louisville University of Gottingen Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. 1,1881 5, 1878 25, 1881 ...1848 7. 1877 Rush Medical College RuHh Medical College Medical Department. Western Reserve University Jeffer-son Medical College .". St. Louis Medical College Feb. 22.1881 June 26, 18^7 Mar. 2,1881 Mar. 30.1882 Mar. 3,1881 Oct. 3, 1878 April 25, 1881 Jan. 25,1883 April 9,1878 Mar. 28,1878 April 9.1878 Jan. 4. 1878 Dec. 21,1877 Jan. 17,1878 Aug. 16,1881 April 20, 1880 Mar. 27,1878 Mar. 20,1883 April 1,1878 April 4,1881 Dec. 17.1877 Dec. 7.1877 May 18.1881 Dec. 29.1877 Nov. 3, 1882 Certificate of examination Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine Medical Department, University of Louisville. Certificate of examination Feb. 20,1883 Feb. 19.1884 June 26,1879 Mar. 1,1868 July 6.1881 April 2.1878 Mar. 20.1883 June 6.1884 Feb. 2.1880 April 25. 1878 July 2. 1880 1) Registered in DeWitt. McLean and Tazewell; 2) in DeWitt. 134 Official Eegisteb of Physicians Macoupin County. Name. Registered cc o w Residence and Post- office. o > Prac- tice. 3° CC S Bahrenburg, J ohn E. (1 . . . Binney, J. P Dec. 22,1877 Feb. 8,1878 Mar. 24,1879 Dec. 24,1879 Jan. 22.1878 April 15,1880 Oct. 2.1883 July 21,1879 De.c. 28.1877 Dec- 26.1877 Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 19,1877 Dec. 24.1877 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 14.1877 H R R R R R R R E R R R E R R R R R H R E E R R R R R E R R R R E R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R li E R H K E R R R B Staunton Staunton 25 58 Ind. . . . EnsrlHnd. 20 4 26 1 4 9 19 36 9 4 1 7 31 16 9,0 Bley.D. L Staunton 24 U. S« 57 Germany. 22 IT. K. 4 Bley, George (2 Staunton '^O Bley, R. E. (2 Staunton 1 Dripps. CalvinT Staunton 34 60 63 Ill 4 Fischer, H Staunton Germany. 1 George. W. F Staunton 19 Mitchell. A Staunton Carlin ville Ky Ill Ill U.S. U. S Ky .■ 36 Corr. A. C 37 33 23 29 58 42 34 28 31 28 3. 50 26 39 37 33 40 30 32 44 58 39 58 45 24 29 59 29 32 28 55 49 25 25 26 27 24 50 38 47 34 25 33 25 98 q Corr Lucinda H Carlinville 3 Fischer, C C. J (Jarlinville.. 1 Hankins 11. A Carlinville ... 7 Holliday, Charles H Carlinville Carlinville '>8 Matthews, J. P England.. 111. .. 16 Woods. William M Carlinville Campbell, W. R. (3 Jan. 19,1878 Girard Ireland Jones Henry Taylor Girard . . Ky Tenn U.S Ohio u s 7 6 6 23 7 Dec. 15.1877 Dec. 31,1877 Dec 24,1877 June 30,1882 Jan. 27.1882 Jan. 2, 1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 10,1878 Dec. 26,1877 April 7,1884 Dec. 22.1877 Dec. 22,1877 Aug. 17.1884 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 22.1877 Girard a Mitchell, R.J Girard , e Simmons, Adam Girard 1? Simmons, A. H Girard Carlisle. McDonald Harris, W. J. (i Medora . . Ky Canada. .. Iowa W. Va Mo Ohio 15 11 10 20 5 15 Medora . . . . .... 11 Hitt J E Medora (5 Hunter, J Medora 18 Lane, J. H. (4 Medora 5 Pulliam. W. W Medora Brother, Ferd Bunker Hill Pa Pa Pa 15 29 15 35 20 15 Ellet.E. C Bunker Hill '^9 Hayes, David D Bunker Hill Hornsby. R. J: Milton. E. S Bunker Hill Ky IMaine Mo 18 Bunker Hill '>0 Riukel, E. H Bunker Hill Allen. W. A ... Dec. 15,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Mar. 10,1883 Dec. 29,1877 June 14,1884 Dec. 21,1877 Dec. 29.1877 May 14,1878 June 20,1883 May 24.1881 Apr. 2, 1878 Mar. 19,1884 Mar. 6.1878 Mar. 10,1881 Jan. 22,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Dec, 22,1877 Apr. 15,188( May 6, 1878 Jan. 3,1878 Apr. 15,1879 Dec. 22,1877 Apr. 3. 1878 Jan. 2,1878 Palmyra . Ill Delaware. Iowa Pa . 4 39 3 1 4 Almond, R. J Bell. Finis E Palmyra Palmyra 23 1 Carlile, S. D. (5 1 Thomas, Marvel Palmyra Ill Ash. John (4 Brighton Pa 25 17 2 '^5 Dickerson. J. T. (6 . ... Brighton 111 Pa 17 Gifford. Alfred Brighton ?, Rinkel, Jacob P Brighton Mo Collins James S Chesterfield III... Ill Ill Ky. 3 1 "'27 2 1 14 15 10 ' 2 11 2 4 s Corgan. L Chesterlield 1 Hall. Thomas H Chesterfield Murphy. C H Chesterfield V Bernreuter. Edward MtOlive Ill U. S u. s Me Germany. Ill 2 Binney John (1 Mt. Olive 1 Clyde. M.S. (3 Bartlett, A. T. (7 Mt. Olive Virden 3 1^ Boyer, John Virden 10 Virden 9, Shriver, William A. (8 Virden Ohio Ill Ill 11 Berry, R. Billiard Black, Charles H Dorchester Plain view, 4 Burwash, T. N 31 31 Canada ... Chapman. William B Stiirup Grove U. S 3 3 135 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Macoupin County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. 14,1878 29. 1877 14,1878 11,1878 14. 1878 Apr. 3, 1880 Sept. 11,1883 June 30,1879 Oct. 2«. 1878 Oct. 30, 1877 Nov. 22,1877 Oct. 30,1877 June 1,1878 Jan. 26,1881 Oct. 30, 1877 Oct. 8.1884 Jan. 29.1878 Apr. 1,1881 Mar. 30,1878 ■Sept. 5,1877 Oct. July Jan. Dec. Jan. J'eb. Jan. Mar. Jan. Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. May Nov. 19,1877 6, 1882 5, 1882 26. 1877 29. 1878 2,1878 12.1878 24, 1883 2, 1878 29,1878 2,1884 7, 1877 7, 1887 8.1882 3.1877 Nov. 22,1877 Mar. 2, 1883 Dec. 36.1877 June 11.1884 Jan. 3,1878 Mar. 20.1878 Apr. 15.1878 April 14,1881 May 16,1883 Mar. 5. 1878 Mar. Mar. Feb. Dec. Dec. Aug. Feb. Apr. Dee. Oct. Nov. Mar. Dec. 17.1884 17,1883 2. 1881 29, 1877 26, 1877 Missouri Medical College Twenty years' practice Jefferson Medical CoUf^ge Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College. Nineteen years' practice.. Thirty-six years' practice. Chicago Medical College.. Mar. 3, 1877 Mar. 11.1875 Mar. 1.1851 Mar. 10,1877 Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. 14,1878 8. 1878* 24'. 1879 24, 1879 22, 1878 Feb. Mar. 24,1 ...1878 April 15,1880 Oct. 2,1883 July 21,1879 Mar. 9, 1868 Dec. 26,1877 Woman's Medical College, Chicago: St. Louis Medical College Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Medical School. University of Missouri Long Island College Hospital Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. June 24,1874 7, 1S77 2,1871 1.1849 ..,1865 Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. Kentucky School of Medicine Long Island College Hospital Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago ... Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. American Medical College, St. Louis. Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Certificate of examination Feb. 24.1882 June 28.187' June f28,1878 Feb. 21,1878 Feb. 1,1871 Feb. 15,1865 June 8,1882 Mar. 2,1880 Feb. 5,1866 Dec. Dec. 26.1877 19.1877 Mar. Nov. 13.1882 1,1877 Feb. 6.1878 Apr. Jan. 2, 1878 2, 1878 Jan. 28.1878 June 30.1882 Jan. 27. 1882 Jan. 15,1878 Feb. 9,1878 Fifteen years' practice St. Louis Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. j Jefferson Medical College } Missouri Medical College Jefferson Medical College Mar. Mar. 10. 1876 20, 1883 18fi6 1862 Mar. ...1849 Feb. Jan. Mar. Jan. 7, 1878 23, 1878 26,1883 15. 1878 Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Medical Department, Transylvania University. American Medical College, Cincinnati , Missouri Medical College Rush Medical College Mar. 13,1869 Mar. 10,1842 June 18.18.57 Mar. 2.1882 Feb. 17,1874 Aug. 19,1884 Nov. 20,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Jefferson Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio Missouri Medical College Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery. Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical College Certificate of exam ination Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. 7,1839 2.1880 28. 1877 4.1884 6. 1851 18. 1860 8,1878 3,1881 24, 1880 Dec. 15.1877 Dec. 15,1877 Mar. 10,1883 Dec. 29,1877 June 14,1884 Rush Medical College Medical Department. University of St. Louis. Missou I i Medical College St. Louis Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis n i«77 ' St. Louis Medical College 11, lau -| ^^^^ Medical College 13,1879 Ten years' practice 15,1878 Missouri Medical College. 18.1877! Eclectic Medical Ir " Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. 19.1884 2, 1881 4,18><0 7,1877 26, 1875 ...1874 May July May Jan. Mar. Apr. Mar. Feb. Dec. 14.1878 20. 1883 24. 1883 16. 1878 19,1884 10,1883 10,1881 19.1878 31.1877 Oct. 16. 1877 1,1880 Medical College of stitute, Cincinnati, ►hio 7.1877 Chicago Medical College.. 20,1878 Missouri Medical College . 28,18771 St. Louis Medical College. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 2, 1876 7.1871 28, 1879 13.1873 5. 1875 12, 1878 Apr. May Jan. Nov. Dec. Apr. Jan. 15. 1880 6, 1878 22,1878 19, 1880 11.1877 3. 1878 7.1878 136 Official Register of Physicians Macoupin County. Registered O a o o Residence and Post- Office. > o « I Prac- tice.* Name. II CD '-' Crawford, J. B Jan. 15.1878 Aug. 20,1878 Apr. 18.1881 Feb. 14.1878 Deo. 22,1877 June 28,1884 Dec. 17,1877 Feb. 15,1878 Jan. 10,1878 Dec. 27.1877 Apr. 16.1878 Mar. 19.1884 July 27.1881 May 10,1881 R R E R R R R R R E R R R E Gillespie 50 38 45 24 35 23 Ohio Ill Ky U. 8 Mo Til 17 11 12 2 11 2 17 9 35 7 11 Dalron. W. B. (5 Scottville 11 Faith, James Scottville 1^ Gilson, George H Shipman .... ^ Gross. W. M Gillespie 5 Horine, Thomas A Piasa Scottville '^, Kinkead. A.G 43Kv _ 17 Mason, John W Barr's Store 29 (il 33 31 40 28 36 III 8 Miller, A Nilwood Ky 30 Pembroke, W. K Gillespie. Ill .. 6 Reid. J. G Woodburn Ill Ross. Daniel I Dorchester Ky 18 17 Trout. W. A Atwater Mo Williams, T.W Hornsby 111 At date of Registration. Macon County. Barnes. I. N Dec. 8. 1^77 Dec. 29.1877 Dec. 19.1877 Nov. 19.1877 Aug. 13.1884 Nov. 16.1877 Nov. 16.1877 Apr. 27.1878 July 10.1879 July 10.1879 1879 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R H R H R R E E R R R R R R Decatur 48 45 50 36 23 29 53 54 37 52 28 33 41 27 46 26 44 56 59 34 45 51 27 43 52 40 40 ^: §::;::: Canada... Pa 15 15 24 15 I'Jr Bridgeman. D. A Decatur «> Brown, Josiah Decatur *?o Bumstead. S. J Decatur 11 Capps, John C Decatur Decatur. Ill Chenoweth, Cassidy Ky Kv 8 27 38 8 25 5 12 18 3 9 it 26 26 9 R Chenoweth. W. J Decatur •^3 Curtis. I. B . Decatur.. Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio [nd Ind Pa 38 Grimes. Ellen F. Taft Decatur 5 Grimes, F. 8 Decatur ^ Harsha. William M Decatur 4 Hostetler. W. B Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 14,1877 Apr. 26.1884 Jan. .31,1879 Nov. 26,188:-} Sept. 16,1881 Dec. 22.1877 Dec. 14.18;7 June 22,1880 June 27,1878 Dec. 31.1877 Nov. 15.1877 Dec. 8.1877 Nov. 16.1877 Jan. 7.1878 Nov. 10.1880 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 21.1878 Mar. 1.3.1878 July 25.1882 Dec. 18.1877 Mar. 21,1880 Decatur 1^ King. J. 8 . Uecatur. (y Kinkaid. A. M Decatur MfT'Pan, Chamhfirs A Decatur. Ky . q Meisse. Leon Decatur. Ohio Me Mitchell. J. W Decatur 13 Moore. E. W Decatur. .... Ill N.Y. ...... Ill ^6 Parker, O.F Decatur , 1-^ Roe. A.J Decatur. . . 8 Sargent. Miranda M Decatur.. N. H Sibley.B. P Decatur ('onn N.Y Ill Ohio Ill 30 3 18 28 17 6 19 5 26 15 24 5 ?1 Small, A. R Decatur. 8 Sparks. Peter B Decatur. 18 Stoner, A.J.....\ Walston. R. L Decatur ?8 Decatur 17 Wevl, H. J Decatur. . .... Prussia 4 Wheeler. J. D. (1 Dec at u r 40 Ohio 19 Carley. H. H Blue Mound ?H Vt 3 T/houteau, Girard Blue Mound 50 La 1^ Harvey. John G .... Blue Mound 38 Tenn 10 Tobey R Blue Mouud..... 52 30 Md Ohio R Waldron, G. F Blue Mound Harrah. J. W Macon 137 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Macoupin County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for Record. Jan. 22.1878 Oct. 6. 1878 June 21.1881 No^. 13,1877 Nov. 3,1877 Apr. July Jan. Dec. Jan. 22. 1879 12, 187S 14.1878 21,1877 2, 1878 Oct. Jan. July July 20.1877 16,1878 26,1881 14,1880 Missouri Medical College .. Long I^-land Coll«^ge Plospital Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk St. Louis Medical College Seventeen years' practice St. Louis Medical Colb^ge Medical Department Illinois (College, Jacksonville. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Chicago Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine Missouri Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis. Mar. 2,1877 Jan. June 27, 1878, Oct. Feb. 9,1869 July Mar. 10.1876 Nov. Feb. 116, 1875 Nov. Mar. ,1879 Mar. y.l87n Feb. 14.1847 May 14,1847 Mar. 20,1877 Mar. 10,1865 Mar. 2.1881 May 17,1878 May Oct. Feb. Jan. Jan. 24, 1878 25,1878 18.1881 19.1877 9,1877 1.1879 8,1884 15.1878 10. Ih78 15, 1878 Apr. 16,1878 Mar. 19,1884 July 27,1881 May 10,1381 1) Registered in Madison and Montgomery; 2) in Madison; 3) in Montgomery: 4) in Jersey; 5) in Morgan and Greene; 6) in Jersey and Madison; 7) in Montgomery and San- gamon. Macon County. Oct. 23,1877 Nov. 8, 1877 Oct. 19, 1877 jOct. 4,1877 1 Oct. 19, 1877 Apr. 19,1880 Sept. 6,1877 Sept. 6,1877 Oct. 19,1877 June 30,1879 June 30.1879 J July 29,1879 1 June 1,1883 Oct. 19,1877 Oct. 19, 1877 May 30,1883 Jan. Nov. Aug. Oct. Oct. Dec. May Dec. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan, Jan. Jan. Nov. Nov. Dec. Mar. 11.1878 26. 1883 14, 1878 19, 1877 19. 1877 31. 1878 8. 1878 19, 1877 19.1877 27, 1877 19. 1877 19.1877 22.1877 2. 1878 11. 1878 25. 1878 8, 1877 17,1877 15.1879 28. 1879 Jefferson Medical College Medical Department of Dartmouth College ., Medical College of Georgia Illinois Army Medical l^xamining Board Homeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. Missouri Medical College Woman's Medical College. Pennsylvania S Bellevue Hospital Medical College I Berkshire Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati . Chicago Medical Col lege Albany Medical College Medical College of Ohio Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Maine (Bowdoin College) Medical Department, St. Louis University... Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cmcinnati Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri. Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. American Medical College. St. Louis... Twelve years'»practice Medical Department. University of Louisville 1 Cincinnati Collt?ge of Medicine and Surgery 1 Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College. Ft. Wayne College of Medicine , Nov. 23,1858 May Mar. Dec. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. June Mar. Mar. Feb. May Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Jan. Jan. May Jan. 7,1878 27, 1883 26. 1865 1,18(0 26, 1880 7, 1871 2, 1880 1,1863 ...1853 8,1851 1.1871 7. 1878 5. 1869 17,1874 3,1873 9, 1853 24. 1866 26,1875 5. 1870 30, 1874 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. 31.1862 12. 1862 3. lK6!t 11.1875 26.1879 Dec. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. 8.1877 17.1877 19,1877 5. 188a 19. 1877 April 19,1880 Nov. Nov. Apr. July July 16,1877 16. 1877 27. 1878 10,1879 10. 1879 29,1879 1^1877 Dec. 14.1877 Apr. 26,1884 Aug Dec, Jan. Mar. Sept. Dec. Dec. 11.1878 26, 188a 16,1881 22,1877 14, 1877 Jan. 22,1880 June 27.1878 Mar. 9, 1878 Nov. 15.1877 Dec. 8,1877 Nov. 16,1877 Jan. 7.1878 Nov. 30,1877 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 21.1878 Mar. 13.1878 July 25,1882 Dec. 18,1877 Mar. 21,1880 138 Official Kegister of Physicians Macon County. Registeekd 00 S o Residence and Post- Office. o m ■ * !2l < Pbac- TICE.* Name. sg i^ Kyner. D. T. (2 Naftel, John F, Dec. 8.1879 R R R B R E R R R R R R R R R R R R Macon .... 47 34 52 70 34 28 50 53 23 34 60 34 46 28 55 25 38 52 39 28 22 51 25 33 '?9 Pa 24 2 18 36 '>\ Macon Ohio N.Y Va 111. 1 €lark, H. N Dec. Nov. July Sept. Keb. July Apr. Dec. Dec. Mar. Nov. Sept. Dec. Dec. Dec. May Dec. Aug. Apr. Oct. Apr. Jan. July 14,1877 16,1877 14, 1882 7, 1878 5,1878 ..,1877 29, 1882 27.1877 15.1877 9. 1878 15,1877 ..,1882 25,1877 29,1877 3, 1877 29, 1884 Niantic 18 Faris E. S Niantie 9S Foster, Alva Curtis Rice John H Niantic. Niantic Ill 7 30 29 7 Axton, J. H Maroa Ky U.S Canada... 16 €arr R F Argenta '^•? Oatto, W. M vVarrensburg Connelly, J. L dooper Samuel Harristown IU 11 33 11 13 10 Sangamon Station Warrensburg N.Y N. S N.Y Ill 3^ Demsey, Cyrus F. (3 DeWatney. J. W Drury. Jr., George W JFerguson John S. 4 13 Oreana Harristown Ohio III. 30 2 14 29 12 10 6 25 14 Ham S. C 1 Hall J C Forsythe. ... Va. 1 Higgins, Wm. S Oakley Ill 95 Xiesiie, Joseph 15,1877 R Elwin Ind Pa. ... 10 Lonergan, M. Van B. (4. . 20, 1878 20, 1881 4,1883 2, 18X3 R R R R Casner 10 McLean. William T Warrensburg Ky England.. 6 :!kIorenzy, D. F Boody. ilichmond Alfred • . • 17,18781 R 6,1882 R Maroa. Vt 5 2 3 Hoss, A. M Ky At date of Registration. Madison County. Bull, A.D Aug. 1, 1882 Jan. 14,1878 Sept. 1.1882 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 6,1877 July 18.1878 Dec. 10.1877 Dec. 29,1877 Jan. 11,1878 R R R H R R R R R R R R R R E R R R ■r' R R R R R Alton . . . 58 38 25 45 40 47 24 52 31 76 Ohio Mo Mass . 36 16 3'> Davi«, Charles Alton 16 Tisher, Waldo Alton Oarvin, J. P Alton Pa Canada. . . Germafiy. U.S Ky U.S Germany . 20 3 18 ■"28 8 52 n Gibson, Robert Alton . . . 3 Ouelich, Emil Alton 18 Halliburton, W Alton Hardy, I. E Alton. ?5 Haskell, W. A Alton 8 Humbert, brederick Alton 48 McKinney, A. R Alton Armstrong, John M. (1 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 22.1877 Feb. 13,1878 Jan. 10,1878 April 15,1878 June 22,1881 Feb, 19,1878 JFeb.'"6,'i878 April 23,1880 Sept. 7.1882 April 11, 1878 Sept. 10,1877 Nov. 27,1883 Edwardsville 38 23 56 42 45 24 37 111.. 12 2 28 21 24 1 9 1? Fiegenbaum, E. W Edwardsville Mo.. ..!.... Swit'rland 111 9, 4 Olive, William (2 Edwardsville ^1 Pogue, Joseph Edwardsville Pa. '^1 Robinson, S. T Edwardsville . .... S. C u. s 1 Spauiding. Thomas B Weir. E. H Edwardsville 9 Edwardsville 1^ Knoebel, J. B Highland 46 28 24 25 28 63 Germany. Ill 20 '?0 McAlilly, Marquis L Raab, Ernst Philip Highland Highland 111.::::::. Rutz, G Highland Swit'rland Poland ... Germany. "ii 4i) 14 Sacconi. A. S. (1 Highland 7 fichloetzer, George Highland 26 139 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Macon County* Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Aug. 29.1878 Dec. 23.188(» Sept. 8.1877 «ept. 29,1877 April 27. 1882 Oct. 5.1878 Dec. 21.1877 Dec. 17.1877 April 27.1882 Jan. 28.1878 Oct. Mar. Oct. Sept. iDec. Oct. Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. 19. 1877 1, 1878 1().1877 15, 1882 12. 1877 8.1879 11.1877 16.1877 12,1877 26. 1878 Mar. 25.1881 Sept. 21,1883 Mar. 20.1883 Jan. 10,1878 June 22.1882 Rush Medical College Louisville Medical College Rush Medical College Botanic Medical College, Cincinnati St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Medical Department, University of Louisville. Albany Medical College Michigan College of Medicine Ten years' practice Feb. 20,1856 Feb. 26.1880 Jan. 25,1865 1841 Feb. 28.1882 Dec. 8, 1879 May Dec. Mar. 7,1878 ..-.1859 24, 1«55 1, 1881 Dec. 14.1877 Oct. 27.1877 July 14,1882 Nov. 14,1878 Dec. 21,1877 Medical Department, Western Reserve University Rush Medical College , Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College Miami Medical College Feb. Feb. ...1844 26.1878 Mar. 5,1882 April 29.1882 Feb. 5.1878 Oct. 27,1877 Mar. 9. 1878 Oct. 30,1877 Sept. 16,1882 Dec- 17,1877 Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Twenty-five years' practice Ten years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk.. Rush Medical College Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Detroit Medical Coll ege Louisville Medical College Mar. Mar. 21, 1877 ..,1873 Jan. 26,1878 Feb. Mar. Mar. July Feb. 22,1881 1,1854 14, 1883 10,1872jMar. 20.1882 July Dec. Dec. May Dec. Aug. Apr. Oct. Apr. 29,1877 3.1877 29. 1884 15,1877 20. 1878 20. 1881 4.1883 2, 1883 2, 1878 6,1882 1) Registered in Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian: 4) in Sangamon. 2) in Christian; 3) in Peoria; Madison County. Dec. 23,1880 Sov. 21,1877 May 22.1882 Jan. 15, 1878 Sept. .6.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Aug. 29,1878 Oct. 30. 1877 Nov. 2(1, 1877 July 13, 1882 Medical Department. University of St. Louis. St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical < 'oUege Penn Medical University Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. Medical School of Harvard University University of Vienna Oct. 30,1877 Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Jan. 19.1878 Jefferson Medical College. Feb. 9.1878 Bellevue Hosvoital Medical College. Jan. 12,1878 Starling Medical College. Feb. 13,1878 Twenty-one years' practice. Mar. 3. 1881 June 21.1881 Jan. 28.1878 Nov. 1,1878 Jan. 30,1878 April 7.1880 Aug. 10,1882 Jan. 19. 1878 Sept. 10.1877 June 21.1881 Pennsylvania Medical College - Med. Dept. Nashville aud Vanderbilt Universities. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice , Nineteen years' practice , Missouri MediciikCollege Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Humbolt Medical College University of Krakow University of Munich Mar. Mar. Feb. July Mar. ...1853 14,1861 21, 1882 1, 1855 4.1875 1859 Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 5, 1849 June 29,1869 July 19,1883 June 22,1874 Mar. 10.1865 Mar. 1,1876 Feb. 20,1852 Mar. 4,1857 Mar- 1, 1881 Feb. 3,1869 Mar. 4, 1880 Mar. 15.1881 May 1, 1861 Sept. 27. 1865 Aug. 20,1841 Aug- 11.1881 Jan. 14,1878 Sept. 1.1882 Feb. 9, 1880 Sept. 20,1877 Sept. 9,1878 Dec. 10,1877 Dec. 3.1877 Jan. 22.1878 Feb. 11.1878 Feb. 13.1878 June 22,1881 Feb. 19,1878 Feb. 6.1878 April 23, 1880 Sept. 7.1881 Feb. 9,1878 Sept. 14. 1877 Nov. 27,1883 140 Official Begister of Physicians Madison County. Name. Registered S o Residence and Post- Office. 1 Prac- tice.* -J 5" a fo Stammer, Peter Dec. Mar. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. 3,1883 18. 1878 17. 1878 5. 1883 28,1878 20,1878 20, 1878 8, 1878 H R R R R R R R E R R Highland 31 31 54 2() 28 43 "39 21 35 Germany. Svvit'rland Mass Mo.. Ill Ky... . 1 28 I 16 1 Wirth, Julius Highland 3 Dewey, G. H Hinch, Francis E CoUinsville CoUinsviile 2S Oatman, C. It CoUinsville 8 Powell, A. M CoUinsville n Strong, H. L Wadsworth, J. L. R CoUinsville CoUinsville u?^8..::..: U.8 111. 33 15 Hughey, 8. A. B. ; Venice Grayson, William H Venice., Va . 12 4 Irish, T. E Jan. 28.1878 Venice 111. Mathison, Thomas Venice i^ Mockbee, G. M E R "h R E R R R E R R E R h R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R E R R R R h R E Venice 24 33 29 U.S Mo Penn 5 11 5 Youree, C. S Feb. Jan. May' 4,1878 1,1878 'f6,'i878 Venice (> Bucknell, S. E Alhambra E» Dusenbury, A.T Alhambra Enos, C. li. (3 Alhambra. 63 35 48 22 40 34 72 50 43 46 42 46 31 25 22 N.Y Maine Ill ill. 4 6 13 4 Wharf. H.T Alh ambra 6 Duncan, W. Wilson (4 Oct. May Oct. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Dec. Mar. Oct. July 3.1884 15, 1884 29,1878 3.1877 8,1881 5,1878 2.1878 5,1878 20.1877 1.1878 20. 1877 27, 1881 New Douglas. 10- Dusenbury, Charles T New Douglas Shelton, V. T. (5 New Douglas Ky u Sharp, W. W. (6 New Douglas U.S Ind Prussia... England.. Maine..... U.S Germany. U. S Ill 12 40 25 22 10 17 13 3 1?^ Hays .John . . St. Jacobs 13 Kirsten, H. R St. Jacobs I Miller.E Stevens, B. F St. Jacobs 4 St. Jacobs 10' Sabine, F. A Troy 16 Schott, Charles Troy H Zanders, F. W Troy s Zenk.P.G Troy Burnap, Henry T Upper Alton Ill James, Edward C Jan. 28.1878 Jan. 5.1878 Jan. 5.1878 Dec. 28.1877 April 19, 1878 Feb. 21,187ft Jan. 3.1878 April 3,1882 April 21,188i> Aug. 23,1884 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 9,1878 Upper Alton .... lf> Lemen, E. C Upper Alton. ■35 41 28 24 3S 25 32 26 31 54 .35 78 45 111 U.S Mo La 9 13 5 1 15 4 q Yerkes, T. P n Dorr.H.R Worden 4 Engel, Edward Prairieton.. 1 Fisher, P Marine Germany. U.S 13 Gere.F Gray. G. C Moro 3 Halsey, Frederick S Fosterburg Vt Holderread, John Mitchell Pa 3 30 10 3 Irish. T.J Nameoki N.Y Ill U. 8 30 Judd.H.L Marine 10 Long. Benjamin F North Alton Martin, J. (J Oct. 21,1878 Bethalto Pa 17 17 Martin, William H Godfrey McDonald. J. H May 110,1879 May 4,1883 Aug. 11,1880 Worden Scotland.. Prance.... Va "24 4 Penhoel. M 47 24 27 25 55 42 35 67 23 '^ Powers, Homer Worden Proctor, Edwin G Md Ill 1 1 Reid.E. W April 11,1878 Jan. 25,1878 Sept. 1,1884 Aug. 30,1880 Bethalto Richards, N. B Bethalto Pa 24 4 12 16 ?0 Schmid. Werner Grant', Fork Switzerl'd Va Germany. Mo Smalley.D. E Long Lake 1?> Steiman. Gottfried 16 Thrailkill. John 8 Oct. 8, 1883 Carpenter 141 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Madison County. Cebtificate op State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Cebtifi- cate Filed FOR Recobd. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. July Mar. 20. 1883 15.1S78 11,1878 31.1883 19. 1878 26. \878 30.1878 30, 1878 26,1881 8, 1883 Jan. 4,1878 Feb. 13,1879 JSept. 8.1882 Jan. 26,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 April 24, 1878 April 27.1878 Oct. 13, 1879 Dec. 3. 1878 May 12,1884 Homeopathic Hospital College. Cleveland. Now Orleans School of Medicine Medical Department, University of Missouri. Feb. 25. 1880 Deo. Mar. 15. 1870 Mar. Feb. 28,1854 Jan. „. Mar. 8,1882 Jan. St. Louis Medical College Mar. 9,1871Jan. St. Louis Medical College Mar. 8,1882 Oct. Jan. May Jan. 5, 1878 19 187« 3.1880 8.1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. Nov. Mar. Ocf. July 14.1878 27.1877 2-5. 1878 19.1877 18, 1881 April 15.1878 Jan. 28.1878 Oct. 30.18; Oct. 30.1877 Dec. 18,1S77 April 13,187^ April 23. 1878 Dec. 18.1S77 Mar. 29.1882 April 19. 188t St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, Transylvania University. Chicago Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons.. Sixteen years' practice Twelve years' practice ..., American Medical College. St. Louis j Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... I Missouri Medical College ^'Usouri Medical College Albany Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Certificate of examination American Medical Colh'ge, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk ... Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk St. Louis Medi-'al College Thirteen years' practice j Uoiversity of Berlin I College of Medicine and Surgery. Lower Canada J Royal College of Physicians. Edinburg , I University of Edinburg , 3.1883 18. 1878 17. 1878 5.1883 28, 1878 Mar. Mar. Mar. June Feb. 1,1 8601 Feb 10,1843 3,1863 2,1881 25.1883 June 8,1 Feb. 26,1866 Feb. 27,1868 Mar. 12,1875 Nov. 1, 1838 Feb. 19.1874 Mar. Jan. Dec. Jan. Feb. 25,1881 14. 1878 26. 18 21. 15,1878 1S8) Mar. 30.1878 May 7. 1879 May 1. 188:-; Aug. 3. 1«8< Nov. 23,1882 Mar. Feb. 30.1878 5,1878 14, 1884 14. 1878 6,1883 Aug. Jan. Jan. Oct. 6.1883 American Medical College, St. Louis iierkshire Medical College Homeoparhic Medical College of Missouri. St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College. Fifteen years' practice St. Louis Medical College. Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College . Mar. 3, IH6^ Jan. 24.1864 Mar. 14.1873 St. Louis Medical College Mar. 7,187'; Thirteen years' practice St. Louis Medical College Mar. 12,1875 Missouri Medical College Mar. 2. 18S2 Missouri Medical College Mar. 4,1880 May Feb. Feb. Mar. 16,1878 26, 1884 14, 1864 1.1865 Mar. 7, 1863 Mar. 13.1862 Dec. 15.1857 Aug. 1.1857 May Nov. Feb. Mar. Mar. 27.1874 19. 1861 28, 1878 12, 1875 6, 1880 20.1878 Feb. 20.1878 Mar. 8. 1878 Jan. 28,1878 Feb. 4.1878 Jan. 15.1878 Apr. 6. 1878 July 4.1878 May 15.1884 Mar. 8,1878 Oct. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Dec. Oct. Oct. July 29. 1878 28. 1878 8, 1881 5,1878 7,1878 5,1878 17, 1877 1,1878 29. 1877 27, 1881 Sept. 5,1878 Jan. 8. 1878 Jan. 5,1878 Dec. 28.1877 April 19.1878 St. Louis Coll. of Homeopathic Phys. and Surgs Medical Department, University of Missouri St. Louis Medical College Medical Department. Dartmouth College Long Island College Hospital , Medical Department. Dartmouth College American M^^dical College. St. Louis St. Louis CollegH of Physicians and Surgeons American Medical Collf^ge, St. Louis Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons St. Louis Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College I Examining Comiiiission. Basle. Switzerland I Sanitary Commission. Zurich, Switzerland Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Sixteen years' practice American Medical. College, St. Louis. Feb. Mar. 23,18S1 1,1848 1865 Nov. 24,1830 June 28,1866 Nov. Jan. Feb. May Mar. Mar. Mar. June May Mar. 6,1850 25, 1877 28. 18S3 24, 1877 1. 1882 Jan. 3, 1878 April 8,1882 April 27, 1880 Aug. 23.1884 Jan. 17.1878 Jan. 9, 1878 Feb. 19,1878 May 10.1879 May 4, 1883 Aug. 11,1880 8.1878 April 11,1878 1,1865 3,1881 8. 1883 Sept. 1,1884 3.1873 Aug. 30.1880 June 5,1883 Oct. 8,1883 142 Official Eegister of Physicians Madison County. Name. Registeked O W o o p Residence and Post- office. Prac- tice.* rp O O Weidman. P. S Mar. 8,1878 May 19,1879 Mar. 18,1878 E E R Marine 51 u. s 23 ^1 Weissinger, W. G Nameoki Worden, Frank North Alton . .. 24 Ill 2 ?, *At date of Registration. Marion County. Clark. Wesley Dec. 10,1877 May 9, 1881 July 16,1878 Sept. 18,1879 Mar. 11.1880 R H R H H R R R R R R R R E R E H E R R R E R R E R R R R E R E R R E E R R R R H E R R R Central i a 35 22 3(J 29 32 59 U. S Ill 15 1^ Delancey, S. S Central! a. Diehl. John Germany. Ill N.Y England. . 13 3 2 30 Dunn C. N Centralia. Dunni Helen, S Centralia Centralia Hallam, John L. (1 .,.. 30 Ingels, Joseph (2 Centralia. Marshall, Charles P April 15.1882 Jan. 21,1878 Centralia 26 63 Ill Marshall, E. B. (3 Centralia. U.S 28 '?7 Marshall, J, E Centralia 4 Marshall. W. S. (4 Jan. 21,1878 Jan. 24,1878 Dec. 4,1882 Feb. 18,188* Dec. 2, 1878 Jan. 8,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Oct. 6,1881 Mar. 27,1878 Aug. 11,1881 Feb. 9,1878 July 30,1881 Jan. 8.1878 Feb. 2.1878 Nov. 25.1882 Dec. 10,1883 Centralia 29 50 26 63 55 53 63 59 62 25 43 28 62 41 48 33 44 42 48 24 U.S Ohio:::::: Prussia... 6 14 1 29 35 29 40 36 40 2 18 (> McFarland. P. M. (5 Centralia. n Richardson, WiUiamD. 1 Saxe M. H. 8 Centralia. 4 Scott, Rufus H Centralia. . .. .. 14 Stout, J. W Centralia Ohio U.S.. Ind N.Y Ill . 10 Wakeman, John A, Centralia 18 Wilson Thomas B Centralia. ^^5 Bevier, J. D 14 Camerer J t5. (6 Kinmundy . '> Forshee E. G Kinmundy . Ohio Ill 8 Mahon, W. H Skilling L. D Kinmundy . Ohio 15 Smith, W. Kinmundy. Ind Tenn Iowa Mo Tenn Tenn Ill 14 17 10 2:J 19 21 14 Blackburn. J. W luka 17 Hitt, John E. (7 luka 6 luka IK Irwin. T, L luka 10 Middleton. B. F DecV"7,'i886 luka 15 Riley, W. H luka Chapman, William (8 Patoka 14 Lewis. J. B Aug. 23,1878 Nov. 1?).1877 Mar. 25,1884 Mar. 14,1878 Jan. 2.1878 Aug. 19.1878 May 26,1884 1877 Patoka 25 41 21 48 37 29 57 45 53 26 22 28 42 56 N. Y Livesay. T. N. (8 . Patoka Ill Ohio 10 9 Murflu, W. W Patoka Rodgers, B. F Patoka Pa Ill 17 12 11 Fyke, John J Odin 11 Phillip.s. W. H Odin Tenn Smith. George C Odin Canada... Ind Ky 25 23 5^0 Smith, R. L Odin 12 Davenport, James A Dec. 17,1878 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 2,1878 Jan. 26,1878 Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 18,1877 Salem 32 Dean, C. A .. Salem N.Y Ill I 1 Feltman C A Sa.lftm Rainey, George S Salem Ill Ill England. . 2 15 32 2 Rainey, J. K Salem 15 Edwards, Francis H Sandoval 32 143 To Whom .Certifcates have been Issued. Madison County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cbbtifi- cate Filed fob Record. Jan. 11.1878 May 7. 1879 Jan. 9, 1878 Albany Medical College American Medical College, St. Lonis St. Louis Medical College June ...1855 Feb. 27,1879 Mar. 10,1876 Mar. 8.1878 May 19.187J> Mar. 18.1878 1) Registered in St. Clair; 2) in Boone; 3) in Jersey; 5) in Macoupin; 6) in Bond and Montgomery. 4) in Fayette and Montgomery; Marion County. Oct. Feb. Jan. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. June Oct. Feb. 20. 1877 20. 1878 26, 1882 19, 1877 19, 1877 3. 1877 26,1877 11,1878 22,1877 6. 1878 Dec. 31.1877 Oct. 22.1877 Oct. 4.1881 Mar. 25,1878 April 14,1880 Jan. July .Mar. Jan. Nov. Jan. July Jan. Jan. Sept. 9. 1878 27, 1881 ..,1878 19,1878 21,1882 29.187 5,1883 19. 18 28. 1878 14, 1880 Sept. 7,1877 Rush Medical College ; Mar. 29,1882 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Apr. 27.1878 University of Giessen Mar. 8,1878 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Feb. 23,1880 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Missouri.. St. Louis Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Fourteen years' practice Jan. 25.1878 June 24.1878 Sept. 7.1877 Mar. 25.1884 Jan. 25,1878 Jan. July Dec. Oct. Jan. 28, 1878 6, 1878 18. 1877 13. 1878 28. 1878 Jan. 12.1878 J Oct 10. 1884 J Jan. 15, 1878 Jan. 22.1878 Apr. 13.1878 Dec. 7,1877 Ten years' practice ( Worthington Medical College ■( Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia , Twenty-fl ve years' practice Jefferson Medical Coiiege... Rush Medical College , Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Feb. 16,1864 American Medical College, St. Louis. Fifteen years' practice . . . Medical College of Ohio . . . Seventeen years' practice. Jan. Feb. Dec. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. June 25. 1867 23, 1882 8, 1865 21, 1878 28, 1878 1,1818 14, 1878 22, 1881 1.1850 4, 1864 1,1872 3.1862 14,1878 5,1852 Dec. May July Mar. Mar. 10. 1877 9. 1882 16. 1878 22. 1879 11. 1880 April 15.1882 Jan. 4. 1878 Feb. 10,1879 Jan. 1, 1878 Dec. 4,1882 Feb. 18.1880 Mar. Mar. Jan. 25. 1838 Jan. 8. 1878 l,1853r""- 2,1878 .. ..Oct. 6.1S81 ..1888 Mar. 27,1878 Feb. 24, 1880 July 15,1881 Certificate of examination Eighteen years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Fifteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Fourteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice Eleven years' practice Certificate of examination. Twenty years' practice Twelve years* practice Thirty-two years' practice. Certificate of examination Eclectic Medici Institute. Cincinnati Certificate of examination Louisville Medical College ...; St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, University of Missouri. June 1.1880 Mar. 1. 1873 Feb. 3,1865 June 1, May 7.1878 Feb. 5,1868 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. July June Feb. Nov. 9, 1878 30. 1881 8, 1878 2,1878 25. 1882 Dec. 10.1883 Feb. 8,1878 Dec. 7. 1880 Nov. 19,1877 Aug. 22,1878 April 9,1x84 Mar. 14,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Aug. 19,1878 Dec. 31,1877 June 6, 1882 Feb. 25,1875 Mar. 6,1859 Mar. 2,1846 Dec. 17,1878 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 2,1878 Jan. 31,1878 Dec. 18,1877 144 Official Eegister of Physicians Marion County. Name. Registeeed O H Residence and Post- office. > : M Prac- tice.* It — S ►—GD Edwards. 8. G. H June 7,1878 Apr. 16.1881 Feb. 10.1882 Feb. 4.1878 Apr. 14,1880 Jan. ...1878 R R R R E R R R E R E R E Sandoval 27 24 33 49 m 25 40 46 57 u.s N. Y Ill Va Ohio Ill 4 8 6 22 31 5 18 16 17 3 Ounyon, Fred M. . .... Sandoval Pace, J. T. (9 Sandoval 6 Sherman, H. C Sandoval 15 Johnson, John B Alma 14 Kell, A. P Foxville 5 Kelso, William H Hickory Hill . .. U. 8 III.. 11 Lasatter, JohnB Dec. 19.1877 Apr. 26,1878 Feb. 22.1878 May 26.1877 Dec. 18.1880 April 21, 1879 Alma 16 Martin, E.B Vernon Pa:::.::..: 13 MoComb, J. J.(6 WalnutHill 1« Morton. Samuel (10 Vernon 48 73 58 Ireland... Va 19 44 10 9 10 Patton. Austin WalnutHill ?9 Phillips. William 8 Omega U.S 111.. 10 Tucker, George E Raccoon . .... 9 *At date of Registration. Marshall County. Baker. CM Baker, John G Davis, Charles Hamilton, F. A Hendricks. Stephen O Jones, W. H.d Kalb. J. C Powell. J. E Gale.F. O Mansfield. W. A Reeder. I.H Thomas. D. E Thompson, L. G Hudson. J. B Newkirk, G Potts,F Rich. Kendall E Case. Georere G Evans. J. W Hoover, J. L. (3 Mendenhall, A. L Robinson. E. R Smith. W. A Sherwood. L. I. (4 Tesmer. H Wiimont, W. H. (1 Feb. 11,1878 R j'eb. 11.1878 R Jan. 13, 1879 K April 1,1882 E Feb. 9, 1881 R June ..,1877 R Jan. 14.1878 R Jan. 3. 1879 R Dec. 10,1877 E April 8, 1884 R Deo. 11.1877 R Dec. 11,1877 R Dhc. 31.1877 R Jan. 26. 1878 E Dec. 21.1877 R Dec. 27,1877 Mav 25, 18S2 R Oct. ..,1881 E Jan. 3, 1879 R July 6,1878 R Nov. 13, 1877 R Jan. 21.1881 E Nov. 3.1S80 H Jan. 3.1879 Dec. 10, 1877 E Nov. 17.1877 R Henrv. Henry. Henry. Heury. Henry. Henry. Henry. Henry. Lacon. Lacon, Lacon... Lacon... Lacon... Wenona. Wenona. Wenona Wenona Belle Plain... Varna Lawn Ridge. Belle Plain... La Rose Evans. La Rose Sparland Lawn Ridge. Ky... N. Y. U. S. B. L. 30 Canada.. 47 Ohio 79 England. 37 Vt 26 III 53' Ohio 52 U. S 56 U. S 38 Ohio 30, Mich 50 Ohio . 57!Mass. 22 Ohio . 40 U. S.. 45, Ohio . 3l'Ohio 37 England... 28 III , 48U. 8 51 Germany, 45 N. Y. *At date of Registration. 145 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Marion County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cektifi- CATE. Filed FOB Eecobd. Nov, 7,1877 Apr. 12 1881 April 27, 1878 Jan. 28,1878 Dec. 28,1877 Jan. 22,1878 Sept, 23, 1878 Mar. 22.1878 April 1.1878 Nov. 20,1877 Jan. 8.1878 Oct. 24, 1878 Oct. 25.1880 Mar. 2, 1879 Medical College of Ohio Med. Dept., Nashville and Vanderbilt Universities. Medical College of Ohio Fifteen years' practice. Medical College of Indiana Chicago Medical College Eleven years' practice ... Sixteen years' practice .. Thirteen years' practice . Twelve years' practice .. Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania... Thirty-nine years' practice Ten years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis Mar. 2,1874 March 1, 1876 Feb. 27,1878 Mar. 1,1851 Mar. 10,1874 Apr. 16,1859 Feb. 27,1879 June Apr. July Feb. 7, 1878 16.1880 13, 1878 4. 1878 Feb. 1,1878 Apr. 25,1878 May 26,1878 Dec. 18,1880 Apr. 21,1879 1) Registered in Clinton; 2) in Bond; 3) in Washington; 4) in Jefferson and Washington; 5) in Clinton, Jefferson and Washington; 6) in Fayette; 7) in Jersey; 8) in Clinton and Fayette; 9) in Hamilton; 10) in Jefferson. Marshall County. Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. Jan. 1,1877 1.1877 1,1877 27, 1877 11.1881 Dec. Oct. Jan. Oct. Apr. 26,1877 22,1877 30,1878 19,1877 7, 1884 Oct. Oct. Dec. Oct. Sept. 19, 1877 19. 1877 26. 1.877 30, 1877 5, 1877 Oct. May Oct. Sept Mar. 16,1877 24,1882 17, 1881 8, 1877 30, 1878 Oct. Feb. July Nov. Nov. 30, 1877 22.1878 11,1881 23.1877 7, 1877 Oct. 29.1877 Medical Department, Transylvania University. Medical Department, Transylvania' University. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical College of Ohio Starling Medical College Thirty-four years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Evansville Medical College Starling Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Twenty years' practice Medical Department, University of Missouri. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Starling Medical College Miami Medical College, Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Twenty years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Medical Department. University of Iowa 1843 Mar. 11,1839 Mar. 6.1850 Feb. 4, 1873 July 1, 18 Mar. Mar. 1, 18(19 3, 185 May 20,1873 Mar. 2.^1884 Feb. 19,1852 Feb. 24,1851 April 26,1849 May 20,1871 Feb. 5,1868 Mar. ..,1850 June 7.1881 Feb. 19,1873 Feb. 25.18 Mar. 2,1869 Feb. 21,1878 Mar. 11,1880 May 20,1861 Feb. 15,1858 Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. Feb. 11.1878 11.1878 13,1879 11,1878 9,^8S1 Oct. 24, 1877 Jiin. 3,187,9 Oct. 23.1877 April. 8,1884 Oct. 22. 1877 Dee. 11,1877 Dec. 31,1877 Sept. 10.1877 Nov. 8,1877 May 25,1882 April 12,1878 Nov. 13.1877 April 17,1878 Aug. 18,1881 3,1879 11,1877 Jan Dec. Nov. 14,1877 1) Registered in Putnam; 2) in LaSalle; 3) in Stark; 4) in Peoria. -10 146 Official Kegister of Physicians Mason County. NXME. Registered o o Residence and Post- Officb. > Q < Peac- TICE.* CD '-^ 05 Bird, A. M Feb. 4.1878 Dec. 7.1877 ApriU 7.1879 Feb. 5.1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 22.1878 Feb. 19.1878 Jan. 14.1878 April 26.1884 Dec. 31.1877 Jan. 19.1878 Sept. 18.1877 Feb. 18,1878 Mar. 7.1881 Nov. 3.1877 Oct. 1.1878 Jan. 25.1878 April 9,1878 Oct. 26.1878 April 19.1880 Sept. 12.1884 Mar. 7,1884 June 25,1878 Feb. 17,1878 R R R R R H R R R R H R R E R R R R R R E R R R Mason City 35 33 39 60 Pa 9 6 19 32 4 9 19 29 3 22 25 20 26 2 2 8 Crane P Mason City Ohio".".:::: Pa Ill 6 Elsberry, I. N . . Mason City 10 McDowell. J. B Snear J W (1 Mason City 39! Mason City 4 Taylor.J.M Mason City 30 45 52 33 47 62 54 58 32 26 24 48 35 33 26 39 28 33 56 Mo Ill ^ Mason City 19 Walker. James P. (2 Cooper, C. C. (3 Mason City Havana Ky 111.. 2^ 3 Havana uls::::::: Austria. .. Me 18 MarenberfiT J. Havana Havana .... 25 Paul J B '^0 Parkins G. W. Havana va....::::: ?ft Darling, L. Abel Topeka 2 Topeka ?, Eldriclge. F. P T?nllfirf.nn .Ta.mft^ Kilbourn. 111. Bath Y»' 26 14 4 ?^ San Jose 14 Bath If 4 Forest City Bath Me Ill 10 Paul Edward W Forest City Root J W Kilbourn U.S Ky 10 19 10 10 Walker. W.W Winn J. M Easton. !<> Forest City 10 * At date of Registration. Massac County. Bronson, J. E Brown, Joseph Cummins, Zaehariah... Fisher, H.C Gebhart, David L Gebhart, Julius C. (3... Gowan, James E Halliday, F. F Norris, J. H Rhoads, S.J Rush, Charles S Williams, James A Willis, JohnT Finley. L. P Hutchinson, R. W Mangum, H. Y Taylor, Felix A Agnew. Archibald B. (1 Black. T.E. (2 Burnett. J. W Mobley. A. T Moore. Alexander B... Orr. Jesse A Williams. Charles S..., Williams, Charles W .. Young. John D Dec. 28.1877 Dec. 23.1878 April 22, 1881 Ja"n:'"i7.'i878 July 13.1883 Jan. Dec. Nov. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 26. 1878 9, 1877 20. 1877 10. 1884 26. 1878 8. 1877 ■ 4, 1877 14, 18H0 9, 1877 April 29. 1879 Nov. 8,187 o a '* -i Prac- tice.* 0,0 ni. ° Pi Bayne. W.T Dec. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. 10.1877 7. 1877 16, 1878 10.1877 18.1878 E H it ft R H H R R E R R R R R H R R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R Macomb 50 48 41 55 30 65 27 42 40 48 32 54 40 24 43 39 42 3:^ 30 55 22 62 2iJ 30 45 41 30 59 46 59 Ky 21 18 8 25 8 35 2 15 15 20 9 25 9 6 15 10 14 '>1 Blaisaell, W. :... Macomb Me....:::: Ohio Ky. 18 Bolles, Edgar H Dunn. B.J Macomb A Garretsop. P Macomb . Ill ::: Va Ill Ohio Ohio Ill Ill Pa Pa Ohio Va Ind Ohio Ill s Harris, Kalph Macomb 14 itfartin, J. M Mar. Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. 26,i88i 7, 1878 5, 1878 4, 1878 9,1878 Macomb . ..'. ^ Emery. J. H Gamble, J. K. (1 Blandinsville Blandinsville 14 1 Huston. William M. (2 Blandinsville ^0 Thompson. S. (1 Blandinsville 5 White, Abner Blandinsville 4 laines, William E. Bushnell M Harrison, H. M Aug. 28,i878 April 10. 1878 Jan. 22.1878 Dec. 25,1877 April 14,1878 July 1,1879 Dec. 17,1877 May 30,1884 Dec. 7, 1877 i)ec.""i,"i879 Mar. 15,1880 Dec. 21,1877 May 21,1881 Feb. 12.1878 Feb. 12,1878 Feb. 13.1878 Jan. 15.1878 Sept. 5,1881 Dec. 12,1878 Dec. 12,1877 Dec. 12,1877 April 7.1884 Bushnell 6 Pinkley. E. A. (3 Bushnell l.S Westfall. E. K Bushnell 10 Aiken. J. W Tennessee 13 B^ker. James Adair 8 Campbell. E. Newton Creel, D.M Good Hope Ill Industry Ky. 20 18 Horrell. Charles B Colchester III. Hull. A. (4 Good Hope Ohio Ill 35 '^5 Hull, J. It Sciota Johnson. B. F Colchester Ill Tenn N.Y Pa Pa Pa U.S 3 14 11 1 30 22 32 Kernal. Pleasant Prairie City 13 Knapp. J. B Bardolph 5 Knappenberger, H Kreider, H. W Sciota 1 Prairie City 30 Kreider, W. L Lance, S Prairie City New Philadelphia New Philadelphia 21 Leinathy. B Kussell, Samuel 23 32 26 35 26 Ill Ill Ill N.Y Ill "9 3 5 Sanders. S. F Good Hope 9 Shannon. G. G Sikes, Horace B Industry Bardolph 3 5 Wackerle. Charles J Colchester ';; Westfall. A. M. (4 Prairie City 1-^ Wilson. Nicholas E Aug. 8,1884 R Fandon 35 m ; 10 3 *At date of Registration. Mc Henry County. Bingham, A. C H R R R R R R H H E H R H H Harvard 48 39 24 39 43 23 39 34 24 U. S U. S 21 14 ?A Groesbeck John W Jan. 8.1878 Feb. 16.1878 Feb. 5. 1879 Jan. 8. 1878 Harvard V> 3 O'Conner. John A Harvard Wis U.S 111 15 22 2 17 14 Wade. B. A ?,' Wade. Newton M . . Harvard Woodruff Henry T Jan. 10.1878 Apr. 13,1881 Mar. 15.1884 Mar. 23.1878 Mar. 27.1878 Apr. 8.1878 Harvard f!-§ 17 Worthington. Lizzie B . . . . Eshbaugh. Walter S Griffith R Harvard .... U. S Marengo Misick W H Marengo 58 25 24 21 S-f 34 :n Nutt. F. L Marengo Peck E. S Marengo.... Ill Peck.MilliaA June i.i882 Marengo 11! 149 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. McDonough County. Certificate or State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed for Record. April Jan. Jan. Nov. Dec. 4,1878 8,1878 22,1878 21,1877 17.1877 Nov. Mar. Sept Jan. Jan. 26,1877 10, 1881 4,1878 10, 1878 25,1878 Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. Dec. 11.1878 8, 1880 11,1878 9. 1878 26.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 24,1878 Sept. 8,1877 June 20,1879 Jan. 25,1878 May Dec. July 27,1884 13. 1877 21,1888 6,1880 15,1880 Sept. Sept Feb. 6.1877 10,1881 6, 1877 6. 1877 9. 1878 Dec. Mar. Jan. Feb. Sept. 26,1877 25,1881 28, 1878 2, 1878 6.1877 Mar. 27.1878 Dec. 20,1877 April 28.1884 Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania . Eighteen years' practice Detroit Medical College Rush Medical College St. Louis Medical College Jan. 5,1870 June 8,1869 Feb. 13,1860 Mar. 12,1869 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago. Fourteen years' practice Bellevue Hospital Medical College — Twenty years' practice Feb. Feb. Mar. ...1878 Dec. 26.1878 Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk , Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania.., College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Fifteen years' practice 27,1869 24,1881 Mar. 26.1881 iDec. 7.1878 ar. 1,1866 Jan. 15.1878 April 7.1878 Jan. 11.1878 Mar. 2,1880 Mar. 13,1868 Feb. 13.1877 Ten years' practice Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eighteen years' practice Feb. 5. 1878 Jan. 7.1878 Jan. 22.1878 Feb. 3. 1869 Feb. ...1878 Feb. 25. 1879 June 20.1879 Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. Medical Department, Kemper College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Thirteen years' practice Mar. 11.1884 Mar. 10,1844 Mar. 2, 1880 June 14.1877 Medical Department, University of Buffalo Rush Medical <'ollege Rush Medical College Rush .Medical Col lege Thirty-two years' practice Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 22, 1870 22, 1881 20,1856 16, 1859 Missouri Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk... Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan... Detroit Medical College Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. July 2, 1877 22, 1881 25, 1868 ..,1875 10, 1872 College of Physicians and Surticons, Keokuk . Twelve years* practice... .-. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Feb. 14.1878 Mar. 1,1884 May Dec. 30. 1884 29. 1877 Feb. Mar. Dec. May Jan. Jan. Mar. Jan. Aug. 5. 1880 15,1880 10.1877 21. 1881 7. 1878 7. 1878 17.1878 15. 1878 29.1881 Feb. 10.1878 Dec. 12.1877 April 7,1884 Aug. 8,1884 1) Registered in Hancock; 2) in Henderson; 3) in Fulton; 4) in Warren. Mc Henry County. Dec. 29,1877 Oct. 4,1877 Jan. 22,1878 June :^0. 1S79 Nov. 27.1877 Twenty-one years' practice Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Fourteen years' practice Medical College of Virginia Univ. of Michigan Apr. 27, 1882 Chicago Medical College Sept. 11,1877! Chicago Medical College Apr. 2,1881 Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Mar. 25,1881 Hahnemann Mfidical College. Chicago. Jan. 19,1878 Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati.. Oct. 27,1877 Mar. 20,1878 Apr. 27,1882 Thirty-one years' practice. Chicago Medical College ... Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Mar. 30,18821 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago'. Jan. 27,1866 Jan. Mar. 24,1875 Feb. July 1855 Jan. Mar. 8. 1878 16, 1878 5. 1879 8.1878 Mar. 31,1880 Mar. 6.1881 Jan. 10,1878 Feb. 26. 18811 April 13.1881 Feb. 24. 1881 1 Mar. 15.1884 Feb. 6,1861 Mar. 2:i,1878 Mar. 27.1878 April 8,1878 Mar. 5,1878 Feb. 23,1882 Feb. 23,1882 June 1,1882 150 Official Kegister of Physicians Mc Henry County. Registered 00 Q a o g Residence and Post- office. H Pkac- TICE* Name. : : r- Wernham S. C. ... Jan. 31,1878 Feb. 28,1878 Dec. 19.1877 Dec. 31.1877 Mar. 25,1878 Dec. 16.1879 May 9,1882 R B R H R R R R R R R H § R E H E R R R H E "R" R R R R R R E E R Marengo 33 31 4 31 11 3 Woodstock U. S 4 Bennett E ... Woodstock . ... 62 Ireland 27 Buck William H. Woodstock 37 22 52 Pa 11 Cook. W. W Woodstock U. S Doolittle D G Woodstock N. Y 30 22 27 ' 20 2 29 13 Green DeWitt C Woodstock 46IN. Y 54N.Y 10 Brown, H. T McHenry 97 Apr. 17.1878 McHenry 34 Persia.... 50N.Y 24 HI Mills John Lee McHenry 15 Webster Edward P McHenry Ballou. E Nunda 51 42 Mass N. Y '-"i Bennett S F Jan. 29,1878 Richmond. •i Bradburn, J W Union Brown E E July 17,1883 Dec. 5,1877 Jan. 28,1884 Oct. 18,1878 Feb."23,"i878 Aug. 3,1878 Feb. 11.1878 Jan. 10.1878 Apr. 6.1878 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 3,1878 Aug. 15.18S4 Apr. 25.1883 May 15,1883 Feb. 13,1878 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 29,1878 Feb. 23,1878 Richmond 49 IT S- 13 35 2(1 Chase Warren Chemung . ... 52 40 60 27 50 24 31 41 61 40 40 32 26 49 36 36 31 54 35 U.S u. s England.. III. 16 Childs, A. 8. .. West McHenry Clark Samuel. Lawrence. Cook, Charles Edgar Grattan E 0. Huntley ' Hebron. U.S Ma'is N. fl 14 T^ Hall, William E Crystal Lake Hayes. C.W Horn G W Crystal Lake 7 Nunda () 30 13 3 7 4 Howard, 0. J West McHenry N. Y U.S U.S Ind la. 11 Lowell L D. Crystal Lake.... 13 McClure Finley Chemung 8 McJohnston. W. E . Nunda Merrill Harry W AlgoncLuin.. Morris, D. G. . . Sharon, Wis N Y U. S .... 25 20 Nason William A. Algonquin.. : tPomeranc, Marx .... Huntley. Poland.... U.S Pa 12 Sheldon. E. L Union 51 5 20 1 20 Ward,'S. E "." Richmond 9' - *At date of Registration. t See City of Chicago, p. 52. McLean County. Anderson, Samuel T Barnes, A. T .... Mar. 18.1881 Jan. 10,1879 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 28.1877 Nov. 13,1882 Nov. 22,1877 June 24,1878 Dec. 13,1877 Mar. 27,1878 May 4, 1883 Dec. 28,1877 May 24,1881 May 14, 1878 Apr. 12,1881 Nov. ...1879 R R R H E R R R R R H R R R H 36 Ohin 1 1 Bloomington 20 9 Bloomington 38 51 2i 33 31 40 51 41 3; 48 60 23 35 Ohio Ohio Canada... Ind Ohio Ohio Ohio Ind Ill D. C Ivy 18 Bishop Samuel Bloomington 8: 7 Brannen Dennis J Bloomington 1 Carr, C R Chapman. A.. It Cole N. B Bloomington Bloomington 6 5 17 31 20 22 37 6 Bloomington 12 Crothers, E. K Bloomington 28 Crothers Maria L Bloomington Dunn J . .... Bloomington 10 Dvson Dunbar S Bloomington 17 Foster, D. M Guthrie William E liloomington 4 Bloomington 111.."."..;... England.. Hallett, Joseph....'.!..!... Bloomington 151 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. McHenry County. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. ssued. Sept. 7,1877 10, 1877 16,1877 Dec Oct. Jan. Mar. 11,1878 20, 1878 Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Dec. 28.1877 May 8. 1882 Jan. 8,18 Apr. 5.1879 Sept. 14.1880 Feb. Dec. 4,1882 18,1877 Sept. 8,1877 July July Oct. Jan. Oct. Apr. Feb. Apr. Feb. Oct. Sept. Oct. 5.1884 5. 1883 19. 1877 21. 1884 5.18 19.1880 23. 1878 22. 1876 7,1878 29,1877 4, 1878 10,1877 July 12,1878 July 26,1884 Apr. 17,1883 Apr. 16,1883 Sept. 13,1877 Sept. 5,1877 Jan. 11,1878 Apr. 19,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College j Edinburg University I London University New York Homeopathic Medical College. Chicago Medical College Eleven years' practice Jefferson Medical College. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College. . Fifteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. , Twenty-five years' practice Chicago Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville. Albany Medical College Sixteen years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical College, New York... Chicago Medical College Twelve years' practice Rush Medical College Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Eleven years' practice Rush Medical College IRush Medical College Medical College ofiEvansville Rush Medical College Sixteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Universityof Wurzburg Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Twenty years' practice Medical Department, Universityof Georgetown Date of Diploma. Feb. Feb. 17,1874 J, 1871 1842 1839 MarV'30,'lS70 Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 30.1882 Feb. 9. 1850 Mar. 4, 1879 Mar. 1,1881 Feb. Mar. Jan. Cebtifi- cate Filed FOE Record. Jan. 31.1878 Feb. 28,1878 Dec. 19,1877 Mar. 25.1878 May 9. April 17, 1879 17, 1874 J an. 29,1878 4,1874 29, 1879 1 July 17 ,1883 Feb. Feb, Mar. Dec. 5.1878 21, 1878 1 Jan. 28,18S4 ll,1871jOct. 21,1878 30,1880 April ,3,1878 Feb. Feb. May 26. 1878 15, 1871 20, 1873 Jan. 27,1864 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 12,1878 Jan. 10, 18;8 Sept. 19.1878 May 7, 1879 25,1876 27.1^79 Aug 20.1883 Mar. 1,1866 April 1,1 F66 Jan. 25,1873 Mar. 11,: 15.1884 April 25.1883 May Feb. Dec. 1.1877 Jan. 29,1878 15.1883 13. 1878 Jan, 31,1878 McLean County. Mar. 3,1881 Nov. 26,1877 Oct. 1, 1877 Dec. 26,1877 Nov. 1,1881 Oct. 1,1877 Dec. 29,1877 Oct. 1,1877 Oct. 5. 1878 May 2, 1883 Oct. 1,1877 May 19.1881 Oct. 1.1877 April 11,1881 July 6,18781 Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Medical College of Ohio St. Louis Coll., Homeopathic Phys. and Surgeons.. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Bellevue Hospital Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Long Island College Hospital Jefferson Medical College Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. . Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri.. Seventeen years' practice Louisville Mertix5al College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. 2:^,1881 Mar. 18.1881 1856' Jan. 10,1879 Mar. 1,1860 1 Dec. 24,1877 Feb. 24,1870 Dec. 28,1^77 June 7,1881 Nov. 13,1882 Mar. Mar. 1,1871 4, 1877 1860 Mar. 20.185t» Mar. 15,18;<3 .1869 Mar. 2, 1841 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 21,1872 Nov. Feb. Dec. Jan. May 22. 1877 2,1878 13.1877 31.1880 4. 1^83 Dec. 28,1877 May 24,1881 Jan. 8, 1878 April 12, 1881 July ..,1878 152 Official Kegister of Physicians McLean County. Registered g o Residence and Post- office. > Q * !23 Prac- tice.* Name. S3 CO Haering. Theodore T Hill William Dec. 29,1877 Dec. 3,1877 R R Bloomington .. .... 45 48 47 52 37 37 30 39 28 31 54 30 45 Bavaria... Ohio Pa 17 28 27 26 13 7 n Bloomington '^ Lioar James . .... Jan. 12,1878 E Bloomington f^ Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 7, 1878 Dec. 27,1877 R PxM H R R Bloomington Germany. Pa. ^ Lioar Nelson Bloomington lO- Marsh B. P Bloomington N. Y £11 7 Mason, George W Moore D. Bloomington Bloomington Ohio Ohio 15 ■"io 30 15. Neiberger, W. E Apr. 3,1882 H 1^ loomington Orner C T ... Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 12,1877 Sept. 12,1882 Dec. 26,1877 R R H R R R e" R R R R R R Bloomington f; Parke, C. R Bloomington Bloomington .... Pa ?,0 Phillips, Mrs. F. A Smith, Lee [11.: .:.: Bloomington 111. .. 21 9,\ Smvth, P. A Bloomington Apr. 20,1880 Sept. 14.1882 29 Nev 5 '^ Bloomington Waters, Zera Dec. 21,1877 May 26,1884 Dec. 18,1878 Dec. 18,1877 June 5, 1879 Jan. 15,1878 May 21,18H3 Bloomington 40 45 47 42 N.Y Ohio Mass N. C U-8 18 1 24 32 15 15. Welch, Frank J Bloomington White, J.L Bloomington ',^3; Worrell, T. F .... Bloomington ^8 Elder, C. S . ... ' Lexington 15. Graham J C Lexington ... Graves, Walter H Lexington 29 52 Ill Jores Albert G Apr 17 1880 R. Lexington Pa. ... 18 1!> McAfferty, E .. Jan. 19,1878 Jan. 15,1878 June 20.1878 R I I R R R H R R R R R R R R R R R H R R R PM R R K R Lexington Lexington 4 Ind 15 ^ McHugh,U. C Stiles, W. H Lexington Lexington Waters J. W Jan. 15,1878 Lexington Buckworth, William. Leroy. 49 70 51 28 27 45 34 26 26 25 46 45 46 23 61 Del Va Pa 22 40 26 4 3 18 9\ F.-^poy. George. Feb. 18.1878 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 7,1878 July 24,1883 Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 7, 1881 May 16,1882 Leroy "Ki Fibber T. D Leroy ^fv Fisk, A. C. Leroy 111... Ind Ireland... Ky 4 Haig John ... Leroy Keys, Thomas W Leroy .. . . 1R MeKenzie, J. F Leroy Jt Tulhill, John A Leroy Ohio...... Birney, Homer Jas. Clark. Hevworth U.S Ill 2 « Bolin, J. Albert :.. Hey worth Gardner J. D Sept. 3,1879 Apr. 1,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 5, 1878 Jan. 7,1878 Hey worth .... Ohio Ky Pa 20 23 19 3 37 ?0 Marshall, Joseph Hey wortli 5 McFarland, D. H 15 Adams, C. H Normal III. a FoUett, Mass. 86 Hubbard, H. C Normal Logan James T. Feb. 13,1882 Jan. 3,1878 Dec. 8,1877 Aug. 11,1H82 Mar. 8,1878 May 17.1881 May 3,1882 Jan. 7,1878 Jan. 15,1878 Jan. 15,1878 Normal 43 37 29 30 39 48 22 26 35 32 Pa 17 9 4 1^ Woolsey, G. R Normal Ill f> Adams, J. C .... Hudson. Ohio Ky 4 Ballard H F. ('henoa Barton,'G. W. Pa.::::;::: 12 18 1« Boynton, J. H Chenoa N.Y Ill ft Burns, Richard R Towanda Chapin, S. L Douglas,D.T Elder. Guilford D Ill 3 7 1 % Selma N.J Ill 7 Danvers I 153 To Whom Certificates hate been Issued. McLean County. Certificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Aug. May Jan. Feb. Nov. 30.1878 7, 1878 9,1878 2. 1878 17,1877 Oct. Apr. Oct. Mar. Nov. 1,1877 13. 1880 16.1877 30.1882 22: 1877 Oct. Sept Oct. June Mar. 1,1877 12,1882 1,1S77 20.1879 30. 1881 Sept. Oct. May Jan. Jan. 4.1882 1,1877 24,1884 11,1878 13,1879 Aug. 29,1878 Nov. 24.1877 April 23.1883 Mar. 17.1880 Jan. 19,1878 Jan. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. 19.1878 1, 1878 30.1878 14.1878 20,1878 Jan. 4,1878 Sept. 8.1877 Oct. (J.1877 July 5. 1883 J Dec.13,1877 1 Oct. 23, 1883 Jan. Nov. May Nov. 11.1878 9,1881 13, 1882 9,1881 Mar. 28.1879 Oct. Sept Dec. Oct- May 1.1877 8, 1877 21,1878 1.1877 24,1879 Feb. 12.1878 Dec. 21.1877 Oct. 1.1877 June 21,1882 Mar. 8, 1878 Dec. Apr. Jan. Oct. Feb. 13,1877 26. 1882 12.1>578 5, 1877 7,1878 Eleven years' practice JelTerson Medical College Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Twenty-three years' practice Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . Chicago Medical College Fifteen years' practice Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Jefferson Medical College Feb. Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Medical School of Maine (Bowdoin College) St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical College of Ohio Medical School of Harvard University Medical Department, University of Louisville Rush Medical College Medical Department. Western Reserve University. Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and SurgiBry, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Starling Medical College Medical College of Ohio Twenty- seven years' practice Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Miami Medical College Twelve years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Louisville Medical College Medical Department, State University of Iowa. . , Rush Medical College , Jefferson Medical College J Rush Medical College I Medical College of Ohio Medical School. University of Missouri. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago... Medical School of Maine ..; Louisville Medical College Twelve years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Cliicago Medical College Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati Rush Medical College Certificate of examination Rush Medical T!ollege University of Michigan Mar. .8,1856 1858 1867 M^r. 4,1875 Mar. 30,1880 Mar. Mar. 2.1882 9, 1867 April 3,1847 Mar. 2,1882 Feb. 22,18,56 1851 Mar. 10,1876 May 16,1882 May 21,1«62 Mar. 8, 1883 Dec. ..,1853 1845 Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar, Feb. Feb. Mar. July 21, 18653 19, 1873 27, 1883 4. 1862 18, 1857 30,186r, 26, 1878 21, 1878 6. 1855 6. 1863 Feb. Feb. Mar. Sept. 4,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Feb. 4,1878 Dec. 20.1877 Dec. 31,1877 April 3.1882 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 12.1877 Sept. 12,1882 Dec. 26,1877 April 2,1881 Sept. 14,1882 Nov. 6.1877 May 26,1884 Dec. 18,1878 June 5.1879 Nov. 27,1877 Apr. 26, 1883 April 17, 1880 May 7,1878 Sept. 28,1878 June 20, 1878 Jan. 19,1878 April 8.1878 18,1857 12,1875 1, 1880 Feb. 25.1879 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 27, 1874 2,1881 21,1882 12, 1881 26,1879 28, 1879 Feb. Oct. Oct. July Dec. Oct. 18,1878 10,1877 16, 1877 24. 1883 26,1877 24. 1884 Nov. 9,1881 May 16,1882 Sept. 3,1879 Mar. 2.1853 Apr. 1,1878 Feb. 2,1870 Sept. 25,1878 Feb.? 11,1875 Dec. 21,1877 Sept. 1,1841 Jan. 7,1878 Feb. 27.1879 Mar. Mar. Feb. Apr, Feb. Feb, Feb. 26.1878 9.1868 Jan. 3,1878 1,1873 Dec. 11,1877 21,1882 Aug. 11,1882 .., 1869 > Mar. 8,1878 Feb. Mar. 18, 1 874 i May 21, 1882 May Mar. 1.187l'Jan. 28, 18771 Oct. 17, 1881 3, 1882 4, 1878 18, 1878 6,1884 154 Official Kegister of Physicians. Mcliean County. _ Name. Registeeed 02 O w o o Residence and Post- OFncE. k! Peac- TICE.* 2g S3 Girten, W. C R R R R R R R R R R R 1 E R R R R R R R R R R R R R PM R R H Towanda 30 30 u. s Ohio 10 5 12 4 20 4 1 "> Godfrey, F. H. (1 Jan. Mar. Mar. Jan. June Jan. Feb. Dec. Apr. Jan. June Jan. Oct. Dec. Mar. Jan. Dec. Apr. Jan, St. IS. Mar. Jan. Aug. Dec. Aug. Dec. Apr. 18,1878 11.1878 8,1881 16. 1878 24,1878 4,1878 4,1878 15,1877 28. 1879 12. 1878 7,1878 7, 1879 16. 1877 27,1877 28,1878 29,1878 12,1877 10,1880 17,1878 20,1878 ..,1879 19, 1882 4,1878 27,1878 30,1878 15. 1882 20. 1883 13.1883 12.1877 5,1880 Belleflo wer ,5 Green, A. W Petosi 36iTnd.... 1^ Hay ward, C. E Cropsey 31 45 29 27 56 34 111 4 Holderness, E. P. G. (2 .. Chenoa .... Ill Pa. ?0 Hudgin. J. H Potosi.. i Hull, M.D Arrowsmith 111.. 1 Hubbard. Silas Hudson N. Y Johnston, James Hudson 14 4 14 13 Jones, L. W Weston 29 41 60 38 111. Ky 4 Lackev, J. S Stanford 13 McNutt, Mary Arrowsmith Ohio 10 Morrow, Samuel (2 Weston Ohio 16 12 12 4 Vincent, Levi (3 Weston 51iU. S 41 Ireland 1? Montgomery, James Downs 1^ McConnell.L. C Gridley 42 27 Ohio ^9, Noble, CM .... McLean Til 2 6 4 4 23 2 1 Pollock, William L Heyworth .... 27iOhio 25 TT. S 6 Parkhurst. Fred J Danvers 4 Reedy. William H Towanda 3. 47 30 22 34 27 1 25 33 Fa. 4 Runyan, T. H Stanford Ky Pa 10 Rupp, D. F. (2 Chenoa... 1 Salthouse, H. L Belleflower .... lit. Spear. L. E Covell N. Y 111.. 1 1 3 7 Stretch, E. M Shirley, 1 Taylor, J. A. (2 Gridley 3 White. David A Oak Grove Cooksville. Ohio U. S Willhoite. Willis F Wilson, Milton C Downs Ohio Winter, H. A Saybrook 34 37 N. Y Ohio 4 4 Woolley, Elijah (2 Saybrook. *At date of Registration. Menard County. Antle, F. P Nov. 26,1877 Dec. 8.1877 Dec. 12,1877 Nov. 17.1877 Mar. 19.1883 Aug. 15,1882 Dec. 7, 1877 Apr. 11.1884 Dec. 22.1877 Oct. 18,1878 Nov. 17.1877 Sept. 29,1880 April 24,1880 Dec. 8.1877 Nov. 26.1877 Aug. 26,1879 Dec. 22,1877 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. 15,1877 E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R Petersburg 53 42 111 23 12 18 13 ?3 Elliott, C. E Petersburg Ohio T? Myers. J. T Petersburg 37 Mo 4 Newcomer, J. W. (1 Shipp, Farinda J Petersburg .39 37 22 33 29 3;^ 29 50 Pa Ill 11 Stuever, F. G Petei sburg Germany. Whitley. J. D. (2 Hamil, Charles Petersburg Greenview England.. Ill 12 12 Hurst, S.T Greenview Ky u. S 6 f\ Reed, Charles C Greenview Rosenberger, P. A Conway. James S Greenview Va 25 9 5 31 9 ?5 Tallula 3!) Ind 29,Ohio StiKy 390hio 4 Glenn . James A Tallula. Robertson, C. M Tallula 31 Sanford, G. H Tallula. 9 Bollinger, J. A Oakford 26 37 30 Ohio Hurst.M Ky Miss..:.... Ky. 9 4 10 q Massey, C V Athens Athens 4 Mudd, W. A 82 5 *At date of Registration. 155 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. McLean County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certiflcate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Aug. Jan. Jan. Jan. 24.1883 15.1878 31,1878 29, 1878 Oct. 5,1877 Dec. Dec. Jan. Oct. Nov. 26.1877 29, 1877 15.1878 1,1877 10, 1877 Oct. Oct. Nov. Sept Sept. 1.1877 17.1877 24.1877 22,1877 4,1878 Mar. 21.1878 Oct. 30.1877 Oct. 1.1877 April 19,1880 Sept. 11,1877 Oct. 1,1877 Dec. 18,1879 April 28,1882 Jan. 28,1878 Mar. 20,1878 Dec. Aug. Dec. Aug. Nov. 18.1877 9.1882 17.1883 7.1883 22.1877 Mar. 29,1880 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Miami Medical College Eleven years' practice Certificate of examination J Bellevue Hospital Medical College ) Missouri Medical College Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Louisville Medical College , Castleton Medical College Medical College of Ohio Louisville Medical College Chicago Medical College Ten years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery , Bennett College at Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Twelve years' practice Medical College of Ohio Jefferson Medical College , Jefferson Medical College , Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College , Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Kansas City. Starling Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Rush Medical College , Bellevue Hospital Medical College. . Medical College of Ohio Physio-Medical College of Indiana. Medical College of Indiana Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago June 18,1878 Feb. 29,1877 Mar, Feb. Mar. Feb. Oct. Mar. Feb. 1.1875 29. 1860 3,1875 26.1876 11,1842 1.1872 27.1877 Jan. 18,1878 Mar. 11,1878 Mar. 1. 1881 Nov. 20,1877 Jan. Jan. Feb. Dec. Apr. 8, 1878 4. 1878 4. 1878 15,1877 28. 1879 Mar. 6.1864 Feb. 10,1871 Mar. 25.1872 Jan. 12,1878 June 7,1878 Jan. 7,1878 Oct. 16.1877 Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. ...1859 11,1876 ...1871 30.1880 15, 1876 10.1855 4. 1879 23.18S2 31,1869 26. 1878 1.1875 1, 1875 22, 1S83 Ij: 19. 1873 Mar. Dec. Dec. 28,1878 13, 1877 12, 1877 Jan. 23,1878 Nov. Feb. May May Mar. Dec. Aug. Dec. A-ug. Dec. 13. 1877 23. 1880 9, 1882 4,1878 27. 1878 21,1877 15.1882 20. 1883 13,1883 7.1877 Feb. 26,1880 Apr. 5,1880 1) Registered in Champaign; 2) in Livingston; 3) in Livingston and Marshall. Menard County Dec. 1,1877 Mar. 9,1883 Jan. 14, 1878 Oct. 1->,1877 Mar. 17, 1883 Mar. 24,1882 Sept. 10, 1877 April 8.1884 Sept. 8, 1877 Mar. 1.1878 June 20,1878 Oct. 13,1879 Mav 14, 1880 Oct. 5, 1878 Oct. 10,1877 Aug. 22,1879 Sept. 8. 1877 Jan. 28.1878 Jan. 14, 1878 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland St. Louis Medical College Jefferson Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago May Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Rush Medical College Feb. Rush Medical College IFeb. Rush Medical (College . Rush Medical College. Rush Medical College. St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical College of Ohio Medical Department, University of Missouri Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Missouri Medical College Rush Medical CoUege American Medical College, St. Louis Medical Department, University of Louisville Feb Feb. Feb. Mar. ieb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. 17, 1859 25. 1869 9.1871 10, 186 J 27. 18S3 Dec. 3, 1877 Mar. 29,1883 Jan. 15,1878 Nov. 29,1877 Mar. 19,1883 21,1882 Aug 17. 1874 19, 1884 1,1871 26. 1878 2. 1859 25. 1879 1,1 «75 27, 1857 25,1868 5,1879 5.1868 23, 1878 1, 1870 15.1882 Dec 7.1877 Apiil 11.1884 Dee. 22.1877 Oct. 18,1878 June 21.1878 Oct. 23. 1880 June 1:8.1880 Oct. 19.1878 Nov. 26.1877 Aug. 26.1879 Dec. 22.1877 Jan. 30.1878 Jan. 30,1878 1) Registered in Sangamon; 2) in Cass. 156 Official Register of Physicians Mercer County. Registered CO o o Residence and Post- Office. > o Peac- TICE.* Name. ^ EL B* Craig, A. L Mar. 6,1878 Jan. 2.1878 Feb. 6, 1878 Sept. 8,1881 Sept. 9,1881 June 5. 1884 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Apr. 4, 1882 Nov. 28,1877 Jan. 31,1881 Dec. 29,1877 Dec. 25,1877 Jan. 9,1878 Jan. 28,1878 Feb. 11,1878 Mar. 23,1881 Sept. 28,1880 Sept. 29, 1877 June 10,1882 Dec. ...1877 Apr. 22,1880 Nov. 18.1877 July 4.1878 Dec. 21.1877 Sept. 22,1880 Feb. 8.1878 Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 21,1877 Feb. 4,1878 Mar. 31,18&3 Mar. 28,1878 Nov. 1. 1883 Dec. 25.1877 Aug. 5,1880 R E R R R H H R R R R il R R R R R R R R R R R E I R R R R R R R R Aledo ,4 111 Hall. \V. H Aledo 37 62 39 Ind Pa 10 8. Irvin, Gi^orge Aledo Johnston D. R Aledo . . . Ohio 16 6 Reynolds, J. W Aledo 42 24 26 65 N. Y Ill 6; Wright. L. W Aledo Allen, J. S. (I Keithsburg 111.. . 2 30 9t Kelly Samuel Keithsburg N.J 18 Kellv Wilber Keithsburg V3 Ind Marshall. E. L. (1 Keithsburg 54 30 43 52 35 30 48 34 27 53 26 44 32 40 23 57 25 41 37 37 39 28 52 26 72 27 30 ?8 Wiilets, AzroP Keithsburg Pa Ansiey. J. M. (2 S wedona Pa Ohio 15 10 Bras. Thomas H New Boston 17 Chowning, J. P. Millei'sburg 111.. 5 ,=> Cris\vell, Matthew (3 Hamlet Pa Pa. 2 24 ?, Derr N. H Joy 10 Ill Eyre Frank North Henderson Viola Pa Ohio 5 29 ' I'razier, J. B ?1 Lawhead, W. E Cable Me('utcheon, J. T. (4 Norwood Ohio McKintiie, Ebenezer L Viola .... Ohio 4 McMillan, D.I. (5 Sunbeam 111 10 2 30 10 Rathbun, F. D Ne-w Windsor Ill 2 Rathbun, J. B. (3 New Windsor Pa 111. ?% Reynolds, M. G Eliza. f Roseberry. J. S Seyler J. H. (3. .... ... Cable Preemption . .. N.J Pa Ohio Scotland. N. Y. 18 9 10 9 12 7 Stafford. 0. B New Boston 11^ Stuart, U. G Tovev, P. E North Henderson North Henderson Rich land Grove 4 Trego, Albert (2 Pa 17 17 Wallace, J. M Millersburg .... Ohio Willits, Thomas New Boston Ohio ... Ill 41 40 Wray, Austin L Cable * At date of Registration. Monroe County. Bock, Bernhard F Feb. 8.1878 Dec. 24.1877 Dec. 11,1877 Dec. 21.1877 Jan. 15.1878 April 18,1881 Apr. 3. 1882 Feb. 11.1878 Mar. 14.1S84 Jan. 4.18:8 Mar. 13.1884 Dec. 17,1877 May 17,1831 R R R S R R R R E R Waterloo 68 39 39 30 41 26 27 28 44 35 26 40 35 Germany. Ohio Germany. Greece, . . . Mo HI 46 18 16 2J 40 Deming, John P Waterloo .... 15 Rotlistein. Hugo Waterloo 1^ Soteriades, Nicholas Waterloo 1 Wetmore, A Waterloo 19 James, William A Harrisonville Johnson. Washington 8.. Harris* inville Harrisonville Mo Livingston, G. P Mo Mo Germany. Ill 1 13 12 1 Skeel, Samuel C ?, Bauemer. Franz Hecker 8 Canniff. George W Ivy .... CiieWning. J Renault 111 17 17 10 Fletcher. E. K Merrimao Point. Ind 10 Chandler. R. W Merriniac Point Gray. Gabriel C Dec. 29,1882 R Monroe City 33 fenn To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Mercer County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Mar. Dec. Feb. Sept Dec. 1,1878 10. 1877 13.1878 22, 1881 14.1877 June Dec. Mar. Mar. Jan. 7,1884 31,1877 9, 187- 30,1882 30, 1878 Jan. Dec. Aug. Jan. Dec. 17.1881 18,1877 29,1878 1I.18'8 12. 18'. 7 Feb. 13,1878 Mar. 25,1881 Sept. 17,1880 Sept. 24.1877 April 27,1882 Dec. Apr. Nov. 17, 1877 13, 1880 13, 1877 Sept 7, 1877 My. 27.1877 Oct. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. 6,1880 15,1878 10, 1877 24.1877 15. 1877 Mar. Jan. Oct. Dec. Dec. 16,188S 31.1878 29. 18S: 18, 1877 15,1880 Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Eighteen years' practice .'. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Medical Dept., University of the City of New York Certificate of examination Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Bellevue Hospital Medical College Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Rock Island Med ical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 26, 1878 8,1870 ..,1855 25,1865 11, 1875 21, 1884 22,187 9,1H78 28. 1882 15.1849 Mar. Jan. Mar. Sept. Dec. 6.1878 2.1878 4, 18V 8 27, 1881 27, 1877 June 9, 1884 Feb. 7.1878 Mar. 13,1878 Apr. 4,1882 Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. 3, 1855 21,1876 11.1876 1,1853 22.188! 10,1876 ...1849 22, 1882 Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. Certificate of examination Chicago Medical College j Jefferson Medical College I Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Feb. 25.1868 Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania .. Ten years' practice Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Jefferson Medical College Columbus Medical College Forty yea rs' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Apr. Mar. Mar. May Feb. May Mar. 22. 1869 12, 1878 21, 1877 ..,1869 24, 1880 30, 1865 13,1868 Mar. 26,1873 Feb. Mar. Feb. 27,1883 9. 1861 28. 1879 Mar. 2, 1880 Jan. Dec. Sept. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar. Sept. Sept. June 31. 1881 29,1877 26. 1878 9, 1878 28,1878 28, 1878 23. 1881 28, 1880 29, 1877 10. 1882 Jan, 2.1878 Apr. 22,1880 Nov. 19,1877 }• July 4,1878 Dec. 21,1877 Nov. Feb. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Nov. Jan. Mar. 8,1878 8, 1878 14,1878 4,1878 31,1883 28, 1878 1,1883 3,1878 8,1881 1) Registered in Henderson; 2) in Henry and Rock Island; 3) in Rock Island; 4) in Warren; (5 in Warren and Henderson. Monroe County. Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. 22,1878 28, 187h 21.1878 21,1878 21.1878 Apr. 2. 1881 May 3,1882 Mar. 21,1878 Apr. 30,1884 Dec. 14,1878 Mar. Dec. Jan. May Mar. 26, 1884 24,1877 26, 1878 14,188'> 29,1882 Royal Bavarian Surgical School Fifteen years' practice Missouri Medical College University of Munich St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons American Medical College, St. Louis, St. Louis Medicffl College, St. Louis Medical College Ten years' practice Fourteen years' practice Missouri Medical College 24,1829 Apr. 9,1878 I Jan. 31.1878 2,1877 Mar. 25,1878 12, 1876 April 3,1878 2, 1858 Mar. 25,1878 18,1881 11, 1882 25, 1878 31, 1884 4,1878 Dec. 29,1882 15S Official Eegister of Physicians Monroe County. Name. Registeeed CO § o Residence and Post- office. > o * 1-3 Prac- tice.* 3° 5f S3 Kemp, H. W Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 10,1877 Nov. 23,1880 Jan. 23,1878 Mar. 18,1878 Dec. 8,1883 June 25J883 Jan. 15,1878 April 12,1880 R R R R R R R R R flecker ^ Burkpville 64 36 33 34 30 22 77 61 24 England.. Germany. 34 13 6 13 ,0 34 Kuehn. Otto ^?, Lark. William W New Hanover 6 Nixon M. G. (1 Columbia Ill Germany. III. r^ Rose, William Columbia 10 Sennott John S flecker .... Shoemaker, Hammond H. Columbia y. s Germany. III.... 40 37 1 ',^5 Wilhelmj, C. A Maeystown Maeystown 26 Wilheimj, C. F. W. .. 1 ♦At date of Registration. Montgomery County • Cook, William H. Nov. 17,1877 Apr. 29.1881 Dee. 11.1877 Jan. 31,1878 Nov. 17.1877 Dec. 12.1877 Mar. 29,1884 iJ.r. 13,1877 Dec. 10,1877 Aug. 5. 1879 Dec. 10,1877 Dee. 15,1877 Dec. 15,1877 April 23,1884 Nov. 19.1877 April 5,1880 July 5,1884 April 16, 1878 Feb. 4,1878 Apr. 24,1879 Jan. 14.1879 Oct. 13,1881 Feb. 8,1878 Jan. 29,1878 Oct. 25,1880 Dee. 10,1877 Dee. 14,1877 April 8,1881 Mar. 12,1883 Feb. 18,1878 Dee. 20,1877 Feb. 2,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Dee. 8, 1877 Jan. 25,1883 June 15,1882 Oct. 14,1882 Dec. 18.1877 Mar. 20.1878 R R H R R R PM R E E R R R R E R E R R R E PM E E R R E R R R R R R R R E R R Hillsboro . 43 36 51 53 32 47 62 ll 17 16 Douglas, Edmund Hillsboro Field S Hillsboro . Pa. : 11 Fink. I. W Hillsboro HI Mo Canada... Md MS Fichtenkiim. fl. L .. Hillsboro .... .... 11 Logan W. H Marshall, W. P Hillsboro.. 13 Hillsboro 31 MeDavid John L Hillsboro • McLean, S. fl •. Hillsboro 28 32 41 58 36 37 23 54 35 22 26 52 23 66 28 58 37 30 40 34 53 25 43 37 35 46 34 50 23 Ill 3 12 19 32 14 13 S Michael N Hillsboro. . .. Va Mass Mass III.. 11 Sawyer, A Hillsboro . 19 Washburn, T. D Hillsboro 99 Blackwelder. J. F . Litchfield 14 Colt. J.D Litchfield Ohio Ill 13 Harris, W. fl Litchfield Hood, Humphrey fl. (2.... Kimball J. H Litchfield Pa Ill 25 2 21 Litchfield 1 Sihler, George A Litchfield .. . Canada Tilden, John fl Litchfield III 6 15 H Barcroft, A Walshville ... N. J Pa 13 Barcroft, V. B Walshville Bennett, Thomas Walshville England. . III. 45 40 Cox.F.M Walshville Davenport, M. S Walshville Va 32 9 6 12 11 24 90 Koen, J. T Walshville Mo Germany. Ohio Ill q Steinrauf, William Nokomis s Strain, H. S Nokomis 11 Whitten. Thomas J. (3 Nokomis 10 Easley, William J Raymond Tenn Ill 24 Easley, William T Raymond Herman, P. J Raymond III 19 8 12 23 12 25 18 flicks, W. F Raymond Tenn Ill Ill Ill 8 Buffington, C. D Barnett 10 Caldwell. G. W 22 Gary, John B. (1 .. . Donnellson 12 Cobb. Joseph Witt 111 Ill 23 Coffeen. F. H Coffeen Freeland, Pleasant L Haynes, Baxter (1 Witt Donnellson N. C Ky Ill 20 2 19 Haynes. Moses. (3 Donnellson 2 159 To Whom Certficates have been Issued. Monroe County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Feb. 7,1878 Feb. 7,1878 April 24,1878 Jan. 19,1878 Mar. 8, 1878 Nov. 80.1883 Aug. 29,18^8 May 24,1878 Apr. 1,1881 Thirty-four years' practice Twelve years' practice Certificate of examination St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. St. Louis Medical College Twenty-five years' practice Twenty-six years' practice St. Louis Medical College Mar. 1.1865 Feb. 14,1878 Mar. 7.1883 Mar. 5, Feb. Feb. Nov. Jan. Mar. 11,1878 11,1878 23.1880 3.1878 «. 1878 Dec. 8. 1883 June 25.1883 May 29.1878 May 20.1881 1) Registered in St. Clair. Montgomery County. Nov. 8.1877 April 27. 18821 Jan. 15, 1878 Nov. 8.1877 June 18. 1880 Got. 4.1877 Dec. 12.1877 Mar. 26,1884 Nov. 20,1877 Oct. 24.1877 Dec. 3.1878 Dec. 7,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 2, 1878 Sept. 17,1881 Sept. 29,1877 Mar. 29,188(1 June 11,1884 Nov. 8,1877 Aug. 30, 1878 Mar. 29.1879 Feb. 28.1879 Oct. 4, 1881 June 8,1878 Feb. 2, 1878 Oct. 25. 1880 Nov. 8, 1877 Nov. 8, 1877 Mar. .17.1881 Mar. 7,1883 Dec. 17.1877 Nov. 8.1877 Feb. 15.1878 Dec. 20.1877 Jan. 25, 1878 July 6. 1878 June 14.1882 Oct. 3.1882 Dec. 26.1877 May 22.1880 Oct. 22.1877 St. Louis Medical College St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri St. Louis Medical College Medical School of H arvard University Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Thirty-one years' practice Missouri Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Medical Dept., University of the City of New York Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Medical Department, Western Reserve University. American Medical College. St. Louis Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Department. McGill University Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati National Medical College Missouri Medical College .. Forty years' practice American Medical College, St. Louis Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati American Medical College. St. Louis American Medical College, St. Louis Medical Department. University of Wooster Jefferson Medical College Twenty-four years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons St. Louis ... Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College Ten years' practice Twenty-two years' practice Twelve years' practice Twenty-two years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk American Medical College, St. Louis Nineteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons St. Louis. Missouri Medical College , . Mar. 1,1867 Nov. 17,1877 Feb. 28,1882 April 29.1882 Feb. 23.1860 Jan. 19,1878 Mar. 4, 1854 Nov. 13.1878 Jan. 29,1869 June 2,1863 Oct. Dec. Mar. 4,1884 Mar. Jan. 27,1874 Dec. Mar. 3, 1866 Oct. Feb. 9, 1870 Feb. Apr. 2,1845 Dec. June 24, 1864 Dec. Feb. 21,18fi5iFeb. June 15,1881 Apr. Mar. 8,1851 Feb. 2'-;, 1880 Mar. ; 31, 1883 May 21,1872 Feb. ..,1868 Mar. 5,1879 June 2, 1881 Feb. 13,1872 Jan. 23,1878 Feb. 27,1879 Feb. 23,1865 Mar. 9, 1867 Feb. 28,1883 Jan. 21,1863 Mar. 6,1871 Feb. 28.1882 June 8,1882 Mar. 2. 1880 f Mar. 2,1877 10. 1877 13,1877 29, 1884 18,1877 25, 1877 7, 1879 10, 1877 29,1877 5,1878 23,1884 Oct. 4,1877 April 5.1880 July 5,1884 Apr. 16,1878 April 24, 1879 Oct. 13,1881 Feb.'"'8,'i878 Nov. Dec. Nov. Mar. Mar. Feb. Dec. Feb. Dec. Mar. 2,1880 10, 1877 22, 1877 23,1881 12,1883 18.1878 20,1877 2, 1878 31.1877 25.1878 Jan. 25.1883 June 15.1882 Oct. 14, 1882 Mar. ..,1880 Mar. 20,1878 160 Official Kegister of Physicians Montgomery County. Registebed CD O W § Residence and Post Office. > !z5 < Prac- tice.* Name. 1^ i-78 26. 1878 9, 1878 n. 1884 10,1878 Oct. 22, 1877 Mar. 11,1878 Jan. 1. 1878 Jan. 12, 1878 Jan. 31,1858 June 12,1878 Apr. 2,1884 Sept. 23.1884 Nov. 1,1878 Dec. 10,1877 20,1883 Feb. 28,1871 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. ; 1,1873 27,1879 27,1878 25,186' 17, 1876 June 10,1875 Mar. 2,1876 Feb. 22,1881 June 7,1881 Mar. 23.1880 May Feb. Mar. 29,1878 25.1880 1.1883 5. 1878 2,1878 April 11.1878 Aug. 23,1879 Feb. 2. 1880 Jan. 14,187S Feb. 12,1878 Oct. Jan. Feb. Aug. Aug. 5,1878 2. 1878 22. 1881 2.1881 18, 1880 162 Official Eegister of Physicians Morgan County. Name. Registeeed o Residence and Post- Office. > H < Peac- tice. * r- BO Edmunds, S Feb. 20,1880 1878 May 2. 1882 Apr. 17,1878 July 7,1880 Jan. ..,1878 Dec. 7,1879 May 13,1879 Dec. 12,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Aug. 2,1883 R R R R E R E E R R R R R R Alexander 40 41 25 5;^ 38 53 53 29 56 35 25 England.. Ky TU 10 ^ Evans, P. B Liter 4 Hamilton. J. W Murray ville Harris, G. F Lynnville Md Ill 31 27 25 2 40 5 3 Hicks, R. B. (2 Lynnville 6 Hill, J. H Franklin Ky 13 Long, C. P Murravville. Ind Ill xMd Mo U. 8 . Manley. W. C Franklin 2 Martin S. H Concord .. Woodson 22' Miller, G. W 5 Ogram, A. J Arcadia Perdue. L. C Concord Vertrees, C. M Feb. 13,1878 Feb. 2,1878 Murray ville 38 52 gk;.v.-.v. 9 29 <> Weagley, 8. G Orleans ^Q» *At date of Registration. Moultrie County. Dunlap, J. A May 7,18791 H Sullivan 3iIt1I. 1 1 Dunlap, Sarah E Mar. 26.1884 Dec. ..,1878 Dec. 31,1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Feb. 1,1878 Jan. 16,1878 Mar. 25,1880 April 30, 1879 April 19,1878 Dec. 15.1877 Oct. 3,1883 H Sullivan 36 69 47 50 48 57 58 24 37 41 (iO 46 III...:; . Everett, B. B Hardin, Edward L R E R R R R R R R R R R E R R R R R E R R R R R R R R R H Sullivan Sullivan N. C Tenn Ky Pa Ohio Vt Mo Ohio N.Y N.Y Ky 45 16 26 27 21 27 2 20 30 21 37 11 Kellar, A. L Sullivan 26 Lucas, 8. W Sullivan 15 Marshall, A, T Sullivan 9{) Porter, B. H Sullivan 7 Williams. A. U Sullivan Anderson, Marion J. Lovington 5 Cone.N.D. Lovington .... 11 Cooper. Samuel Lovington 30^ Donovan, J. D Lovington Gibbon, John Lovington 3;i Hostetler, C. M. L Jan. 18,1878 Jan. 18,1878 Mar. 11.188} Dec. 6.1877 Nov. 24,1877 Nov. 24,1877 Mar. 25.1880 April 15, 1878 Jan. 24,1878 Feb. 1,1878 Mar. 12.1878 May ...1879 Mar. 1,1881 Feb. 9,1884 Nov. 14.1878 Feb. 6. 1878 Sept. 24,1880 Lovington 35 30 25 35 30 45 26 60 55 28 Ind Ky. 11 3 1 5 21 5 31 28 « 16 27 4 11 Speer, J. A Lovington 3 Davis, W. H Bethany III. ::: Tenn Ill N.C 111. Pa Ky Ky 1 Hudson, G. W Bethany q- McMennamy, B. F Bethany 5 Pyatt, E. A Bethany . 10 Beals, F. M. Grays ^ Cooper, J. B. (1 Gardner, S. D. (1 Grier. D. D. (2 Cole's Station.... Whitley's Point Whitley's Point DaltonCity 2 24 5 16 Henry, W. M Arthur 52 28 Ky Ind Ind.. Hilligoss E. P. Arthur .... 4 Kelley Marcus F Cole's Station Pickering, R. A Rigney, John B Cole's Station 28 Ind 2 10 12 1 Arthur 10 Ruby, W. 8 Dalton City 42 1^ *At date of Registration. 163 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Morgan County. Ceetificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Ceetifi- cate Filed FOE Recoed. Jan. 14, 1878 Jan. 26.1878 Oct. Aug. Feb. 6, 1881 29, 1878 6,1878 Dec. Feb. Mar. Sept Jan. 26, 1877 3, 1880 28.1879 4,1878 19,1878 July May Jan. Jan. 5,1883 14,1880 12. 1878 29,1879 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan., j University of Louisville I Kentucky School of Medicine Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York... American Medical College, St. Louis Medical Dej^artment, University of Louisville Eclectic Medicallnstitute, Cincinnati American Medical College. St. Louis Twenty-two years' practice Missouri Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Feb. 25, 1868 2,1868 1,1859 4, 1880 3, 1847 23. 1878 ...1850 18,187(1 27. 1879 Medical Department, Western Reserve University, Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination. Twenty-nine years' practice Mar. 6,1871 Feb. 28,1883 Mar. 4, 1880 Apr. 9, 1878 1878 May 2,1882 July 10,1880 April 25,1878 Feb. 9,1880 April 8,1879 Aug. 2, 1883 Jan. 21,1878 Feb. 2,1878 1) Registered in Cass; 2) in Scott; 3) in Greene; 4) in Menard and Sangamon; 5) in Macoupin and Sangamon. Moultrie County. Mar. Mar. Jan. Dec. Dec. 30, 1878 25, 1884 28, 1878 4, 1878 24, 1877 Dec. 24,1877 Jan. 28,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Mar 17, 1880 April 22,1879 April 6.1878 Oct. 19. 1877 Sept. 24, 1883 Jan. 30,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. Mar. Dee. Nov. Nov. June Sept. Nov. Jan. Dec. May Mar. July Mar. Jan. 15. 1878 27,1878 26,1877 8,187 8. 1877 6, 1880 22, 1877 28. 1877 8,1878 29,1877 13. 1879 22. 1878 19,1883 6,1878 25, 1878 Oct. 17,1877 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Thirty-seven years' practice Sixteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville. Thirteen years' practice Twenty years' practice Pennsylvania Medical College Missouri Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical College, Pennsylvania Cleveland Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Thirty-three years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Louisville Medical College. St. Louis Medical College ., Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College... Jefferson Medical College.. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Geneva Medical College Twenty-four years' practice Medical College of Ohio Sixteen years' practice ,. Medical Department. University of Louisville. Missouri Medical College Medical College of Indiana Certificate of examination Ten years' practice Twelve years' practice Feb. 21,1878 Feb. 21.1884 Mar. 1,1857 Mar. 8,1850 Mar. 5, 1880 Feb. 25.1879 April 27, 1860 Feb. ..,1844 Mar. 9, 1868 Feb. 14,1866 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Dec. Dec. Jay. 4,1879 26, 1884 ...1878 .31,1878 14, 1878 Jan. 2, 1878 Feb. 1,1878 Jan. 16,1878 Mar. 25,1880 April 3t), 1879 April 19,1878 Oct. 27,1877 Oct. 3, 1883 Jan. 18,1878 28,1873 Jan. 8,18;8iMar. 2,1870 Dec. 12, 1872 Nov. 9.1861 Nov. June 3, 1879 Mar. 10,1845 Mar. 1872 Feb. 28,1879 Mar. 5, 1878 Mar. 1,1883 18, 1878 11,18&3 6,1877 24,] 877 24,1878 15,1878 24, 1878 1,1878 12. 1878 May ..,1879 Mar. 1,1881 Feb. 9,1884 Nov. 14.1878 Feb. 6, 1878 Sept. 24,1880 June Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1) Registered in Shelby and Coles; 2) in Shelby. 164 Official Eegister of Physicians Ogle County. Name. Registbked CO o W § It' Residence and Post- Office. > Q > Prac- tice.* 3£ Burns, William W .... Jan. 28.1878 Jan. 9,1878 May 19,1879 June S, 1882 Apr. 7. 1882 Apr 28,1884 Jan. 23.1878 Jan. 23,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 24.1878 Jan. 22,1878 Jan. 21,1878 May 2,1882 R H R R H R R R H R R R R Polo 57 45 69 24 42 22 28 47 48 35 28 68 21 u.s u.s Me......... U.S N.Y Ill 37 12 27 1 17 30 Chapman, George L Polo q Cutts.J.B.... Polo n Hopeman, Harry Polo Judson, James H Polo 17 liUckey, Charles M Polo Xiandon, John P. (1 Polo U.S u.s H:i::::;:; 111 3 23 11 15 7 41 3 McPherson, M. C Polo ??■ Scidmore, Melissa A. (2. .. Polo 11 Snyder, J. B. Polo 15 Aurner, George H Creston 7 Dunn, Martin .... Creston 11 Creston McKay N. B Creston 10 Bobbins, H. C Dec. 20,1877 Oct. 19,1883 Oct. 15,1879 Jan. 3, 1878 Jan. 4,1883 June 16,1882 May 20.1879 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 21,1878 E R E H H R R R E Creston , 41 28 38 31 55 36 24 39 64 U.S Pa U.S U.S England.. Vt 17 2 5 11 13 3 l5 Wilkinson, A. D. Creston 1 Woodward, Charles. . . Creston. ... .... 5 Chappell, William H Clements, Henry C Oregon Oregon. 2 9 Comings, Arthur F Helm, E. C Oregon Oregon U. S Mix, Henry A Oregon. U.S u-s 13 17 1^ Perrine, John Oregon Oregon. 10 Towl. Edgar. Albright, J. B. E Jan. 23,1878 Jan. 22,1878 June 10,1878 Apr. 18, 1883 July ...1879 Jan. 23,1878 May 24,1883 R R R R R R R, H R H E R PM B R R PM R R R E R R R H R E H R E R R H R Forreston 50 49 44 38 25 48 39 23 ■'30 48 46 21 68 215 54 28 "26 62 65 31 25 64 31 34 33 53 33 37 22 42 37 U.S u.s U::::::: N.Y Wales .... Mich Wis U.S e:i;;::::: U.S Ill 32 16 20 11 26 2 25 14 •;'► Balsbough, George S Covell, John D Forreston. 16 () Emmons John W Forreston. Winston, Thomas Forreston Carleton, Wellington Davis, H. G Rochelle Rochelle Gould, William W Feb. 4,1878 Nov. 15,1882 Feb. 1,1878 Oct. 14,1881 Rochelle Rochel'e. 17 Gray, Paschal P i Vaile, DeWitt C Rochelle ?3 Eversole. Joseph B. Adeline .... .... 14 Hanes. William W. Adeline Jacobs, Samuel J Jan. 23,1878 Mar. 26,1881 Adeline Adeline U.S Md Pa Iowa U.S U. S 43 '18 3 18 37 Line, 1 homas H. McCosh, John Mount Morris 14 Mershon, Joseph I Oct. 17.1879 Dec. 29,1877 Mar. 12,1878 Dec. 19.1877 Feb. 20,1878 Jan. 7.1878 Mar. 2,1880 1877 Mount Morris . . Newcomer, David Mount Morris 6 Speaker. William T Blount, Joseph B yron It:::::: U.S Md N.Y 30 25 10 4 30 Bowerman, Solomon B Wales 12 Carpenter. E. A. (3 Fleming. E. C 10 Leaf River. Gifford, Daniel Monroe Centre •J4 Howard D. W. . ,. Davis Junction. .. . Ohio U.S Ill Scotland.. England. Ill U.S U. S U.S 6 1 5 27 9 11 4 1 . Johnson, E. S.... Maxfleld, Carl M Sept. 7,1879 Feb. 1,1882 Feb. 25,1878 Dec. 15,1877 Davis Junction Holcomb '. Murray, John. Holcomb ;'6 Pankhurst, J. (4 Grand Detour !) Roe, Malcolm C (> Snyder John F Aug. 1,1882 July 31.1883 Apr. 5.1878 Kings Tofid Lavinia Grand Detour Wayland. J. P Woodcock Albert J Byron . . . . 7: 7 Stillman Valley *Atthe date of Registration. 165 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Ogle County. Certificate op State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- CATii, Filed FOR Record. Sept. Oct. Aug. Mar. 4,1878 23,1877 13,1879 26, 1882 31.1882 Apr. Oct. Sept. Mar. 7,1884 23, 1877 7.1877 26,1877 27.1878 Sept. Oct. Apr. Jan. Sept. 6,1877 9, 1877 27.1882 25. 187- 7,1877 Oct. 1.3,1883 June 11,1880 Sept. 19. 1877 Feb. 22,1878 June 15,1882 Apr. Sept. May Feb. Oct. 12, 1879 26.1877 16, 1878 22, 1878 11,1877 Jan. Oct. Apr, Oct. Oct. 11,1878 11,1877 17, 18S3 13.1879 11,1877 May Mar. Feb. Oct. Feb. 11,1883 15, 1884 2,1878 4,1881 6, 1878 Nov. 4, 1880 April 18, 1883 Aug. 30,1878 Mar. 26.1881 Jan. 25,1878 Nov. Dec. June Nov. Aug. 17,1877 26,1877 24, 1878 3, 1877 14. 1878 Sept Nov. 7eb. Mar. Aug. 6,1877 11.1880 2.1878 25.1881 22.1878 Jan. Feo. Dec. Mar. July C6.1882 21.1878 7,1877 8,1878 25, 18)52 June 14,1883 Mar. 30.1878 Mar. 23,1880 Medical Department. University of Louisville. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Medical School of Maine, (Bowdoin College)... Rush Medical College Seventeen years' practice Mar. Mar. Sept. Feb. 3. 1843 ...1869 7. 1842 21.1882 Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Homeopathic College for Women. Cleveland.. Fifteen years' practice Mar. Mar. Jan. Feb. 11.1884 1.1875 17, 1872 15, 1868 Rush Medical College Fairfield Medical College, New york... Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Feb. 2,1870 Jan. 31,1837 Feb. 21.1882 Feb. 6.1861 Missouri Medical College , Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Missouri Medical College Oct. 26,1877 June April 5.1882 7,1882 April 28.1884 Oct. 26. 1877 Sept. 17.1877 Dec. 31,1877 April 2,1878 Sept. 11.1877 Jan. 14,1878 May 3. 1882 Dec. 20,1877 Mar. 2,1882 Oct. 19,1883 June 3,1879 Jan. 27,1874 Feb. 21,1878 Mar. 2.1881 Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College , Seventeen years' practice Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania.. Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York... Rush Medical College Medical Department. Univ. of the City of New York Rush Medical College June 24,1880 Sept. 11.1878 Jan. 4, 1883 June 16.1882 Mar. 4. 1879 May 20, 1879 Jan. 27, 1864 1 Oct. 6,1877 Feb. 21. 1878 July 31,1883 Apr. 3, 1846 Jan. 23.1878 Detroit Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago.. Berkshire Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago... Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati... , Rush Medical College Physio-Medical Institute, CiiK'iJw.Mti Thirty-seven years' practico Rush Medical College Fourteen years' practice Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati Jefferson Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College , Eclectic Medical College, Pennsylvania Rush Medical College Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical Department, University of Iowa, Keokuk. , Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati , Twenty years' practice Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College ! Mar. Mar, Feb, Feb. June Feb. Nov. Feb. Feb. 9.1861 5.1857 20, 18^3 18. 1877 17, 1858 Jan. June Apr. Oct. Oct. ..,1871 May 20, 1883 28. 1852 27, 1880 19. 1853 22. 1878 10. 1878 18, 1883 27. 1879 13, 1877 24, 1883 Jan. Mar. 24, 1866 1,1883 Feb. 22.1881 Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Nov. 4, 1878 15, 1882 Dec. 24,1880 April 2,1881 23, 1876 Oct. 17, 1879 15. 1859 Dec. 27,1877 5 1878^ 18!l847jt)ec."l9'.'i877 25. 1866! Aug. 14.1878 16, 1875 Jan. 7,1878 6,1878 Feb. 25.1868 Feb. 24.1881 June 26.1879 Feb. 8,1870 Feb. 5, 1868 Feb. 8, 187(1 Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 11.1878 Sept. 9,1879 Feb. Mar. Dec. Mar. Aug. 1,1882 15. 1878 15. 1877 16. 1878 1,1882 June 28, 1878 July 31.1883 Feb. 21, 1878 April 5.1878 Feb. 24,18801 1) Registered in Carroll; 2) in Lee; 3) in Stephenson; 4) in Lee. 166 Official Kegister of Physicians Peoria County. Registered Li M Residence and Post- Office. > > 77 Mar. 4,1846 April 2,1883 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1, 1856 1,1859 15,1882 1, 1871 VI. ar. 2,1870 Jan. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Aug. 12,1878 27, 1877 17,1877 19. 1877 21, 1879 15, 1877 1,1882 Oct. 9,1878 May 11,1883 Sept. 6,1877 May 16,1882 Feb. 16,1878 Oct. 18,1877 June 9, 1882 Mar. Oct. Nov. Oct. June Nov. Oct. Aug. Oct. Jan. Jefferson Medical College I^Vlar. 10,1866 " "" " Feb. 6,1858 April 22, 1884 Feb. 25,185(1 Rush Medical College. Woman's Medical College, Chicago Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice Certificate of examination Medical Department, University of Georgetown. Royal College of Surgeons, Englaijd Rush Medical College Certificate of examination Rush Medical College Rush Medical College , University of Jena, Germany Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati American Medical College. St. Louis Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. School of Medicine, University of Maryland.. Rush Medical College Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 20,1883 July 1, 1865 Aug. 31,1840 Feb. 22,1854 Jan. Feb. Oc June Jan. Mar. Mar. 25,1865 28, 1882 24, 1848 6. 1882 23, 1878 1. 1883 1, 1883 Feb. 14,1865 Mar. 3, 1869 b. 5.1868 Oct. Oct. May Oct. Mar. Feb. Nov. Jan. 5.1883 18, 1877 30, 1883 17,1877 26. 1883 20. 1877 19,1877 2, 1882 20. 1878 4,1878 14.1877 10,1877 10, 1877 15,1884 22,1883 11,1881 27. 1884 12,1883 18.1878 Oct. 24,1877 Sept. 17,1877 Feb. 4,1878 Oct. 11,1883 Apr. 3,1882 Oct. 18,1877 June 16, 188 J July 1.5,1878 May 28.1883 May 28,1883 Aug. 27,1880 Oct. 17,1881 Sept. 20,1877 168 Official Eegister of Physicians Peoria County. Name. Registered cc Q a Residence and Post- office. o Prac- tice.* IS M.Kt Stewart J T. July 9.1883 April 20,1880 Feb. 8.1879 Mar. 6, 1880 Feb. 16.1878 Dec. 11.1877 Mar. 6.1880 May 23.1883 Jan. 19.1878 May 24.1880 Mar. 25.1878 May 5,1879 May 8,1879 Nov. 27,1878 Sept. 17.1877 July 17,1881 April 21.1879 Dec. 24.1879 Dec. 31,1877 May 5,1882 Jan! "is." 1878 Jan. 29.1878 Aug. 14.1884 April 14, 1878 Aug. 22.1878 Dec. 6.1878 Feb. 17.1879 July 9,1878 July 6,1878 Sept. 7,1881 May 1,1883 May 10,1882 Dec. 24,1877 Mar. 23,1883 Mar. 2. 1882 May 7,1883 Dec. 26.1877 April 4.1883 Jan. 28.1878 Jan. 24.1878 R R B R H R R R R R "r R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R H R R R R R R R Peoria 58 26 51 24 23 29 60 23 31 52 62 24 52 28 51 27 41 26 48 34 29 50 41 28 50 31 28 34 55 45 40 28 25 48 38 29 37 48 41 31 53 111 . . 32 1 20 4 29 28 Peoria Ill Switzerl'd S:i::::::: Germany . Md Mo Studer Joseph Peoria 20- Tice, FredL. C Peoria Timken J. H Peoria. 1 Toel George L. Peoria 4 "Weis, Ezra Peoria Whiting Marcus Peoria Will B Peoria Pel 9 28 10 g Allen Charles C. (2 Chillicothe. 111 20 Moffltt Elizabeth Chillicothe. lO* Thomas, J. F Chillicothe U.S U.S 111.. 1 Thomas F Chillicothe. 27 Alyea. T. E Henry Robert F 2 Prlnceville. Pa N. J Va Pa N. C 111. 28 3 19 2 17 9* Marcy Milton S Princeville. 1 Warren, W PrinceviUe 6. Bovard William C Trivoli 1 Brisendine, W, A IT Cole John .... Elmore .... Cooper, J. F Elmwood Ky Ireland.... Pa. 2 27 17 1 10 5 5 11 30 20 10 Brimfleld 90- Cravens, Sylvester, (3 Crum,T.J Rochester . .. . 17 Glast'ord Tnd N.S Pa. Daley, B Mossville 4; Duke D. T. Monica ,<> Filley. H. R Herrell D. H Brimfield U.S U.S Vt Ohio Ohio Ind 3 Summerville. 9 Holion, Noble Smithville 24 Hoover, Isaac L Lawn Ridge ^0 Johns, Charles (4 North Hampton 10 Keith Alvin N. Alta . ... Kerr, Robert A Smithville Ohio Pa N. Y Ill 2 23 1 1 5 19 2 9 3 Lobaugh, J. J Elmwood ?,(i~ McCarthy. Richard Miller. Charles M Trivoli 1 Brimfield T Perkins, S. R Plumer, T. R Monica Trivoli U.S Pa Ontario.... Pa "l8 Riopel, Solomon Robin's Nest . . Sloan, W. T Elmwood (> Young, H. C Kickapoo N.H ^ *At date of Registration. Perry County. Buckholz. C. T Dec. 26.1877 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 26.1877 Feb. 6.1880 Aug. 2. 1882 May 9. 1882 Dec. 26,1877 H R R R R K R DuQuoin 35 55 i 31 24 36 26 37 Prussia... Ky 12 25 30 4 8 6 Burgess. T. H. (1 DuQuoin *>(> Burgess. W. J DuQuoin K?;.v.'.v: 111. N.H Ill 15 Carr, Martin C DuQuoin 4 French, George G. (2 Leigh. J. T 8 DuQuoin Mayer. Edward DuQuoin Pa Tenn Ill 10 4 14 9 Reagin, P. P DuQuoin 4 Renfro, Joseph W Aug. 8,1878 DuQuoin 14 169 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Peoria County, Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued, Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. * Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. June 28.1883 Mar. 17.1880 Oct. 9,1877 Jan. 6.18X0 Nov. 17,1877 Dec. 11.1877 Jan. 6,1880 May 2,1883 Sept. 8,1877 Oct. 1.1877 May 10,1878 Oct. 1, 1877 May 24,1878 Mar. 23,1880 Sept. 6,1877 July 15,188] Mar. 21,1879 Deo. 1,1879 Oct. 16. 1877 April 27,1882 July 13,1882 Oct. 1.1877 Mar. 8. 1878 July 5. 1884 Mar. 2:J,1878 May 19,1879 Oct. 1,1877 Dec. 16,1877 Jan. Mar. 9. 1878 30, 1878 Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania ... Chicago Medical College University of Basle, Switzerland Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Mar. Mar. Nov. Mar. Feb. University of Zurich. Switzerland Jan. School of Medicine. University of Maryland Mar. 1850 July 9,1883 Rush Medical College. Rush Medical College ' Medical School, University of Missouri. I Bellevue Hospital Medical College Feb. Feb. Mar. Ten years' practice Medical Department, University of Missouri.. Chicago Medical College.. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical College of Virginia Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania., Seventeen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Brtltimojre College of Physicians and Surgeons University of Glasgow, Scotland Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ind. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Certificate of examination Miami Medical College Certificate of examination \ Castleton (Vt.) Medical College I Chicago Medical College Starling Medical College Jan. 2.1878 April 30,1883 April 26,1882 Oct. 9,1877 Mar. 19,1883 Mar. 10,1881 Nov. 17,1883 Oct. 16, 1877 April 24.1883 Sept. 7, 1877 Nov. 3. 1877 Medical College of Ohio Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. Rush Medical College American Medical College, Cincinnati Medical College of Ohio 4, 1879 25. 1853 12, 1879 22, 1877 7,1876 10, 1851 20,1883 3, 1869 1, 1850 ....1872 Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar, ....1852 5, 1878 2,11 16, 1853 5,1878 3, 1860 12,1878 Feb. 28,1882 Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Feb. Apr. 12,1880 Oct. 25.1877 Mar. 1,1880 Nov. 20,1877 Dec. 14.1877 Mar. 6, 1880 May 23,1883 Sept. 19,1877 May 28,1880 Oct. 13,1877 May 31,1878 Nov. 27,1882 Sept. 17,1877 July 17,1881 April 21, 1879 Dec. 24,1879 Nov. 14.1877 May 5, 1882 Jan. 28,1878 Rush Medical College Medical College of Indiana Eighteen years' practice Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Bellevue Hospital Medical College Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 4,1880 29, 1849 17, 1861 4,1883 Aug. 14,1884 14, 1878 Oct. 14,1878 Aug. 22,1878 Dec. 6,1878 Feb. 17,1879 July 9,1878 April 12,1878 Mar. 14,1872 Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York ....1842 5, 1862 25, 1878 1,1871 13, 1883 22, 1881 19, 1857 1. 1882 22, 1881 1,1883 Mar. Mar. 8, 1881 1, 1874 Mar. 14,1875 Oct. May May Oct. Mar. Mar. Nov, Nov. May Jan. 15. 1877 1, 1883 10. 1882 13.1877 23,1883 2,1882 30,1883 3, 1877 26,1883 28. 1878 Nov. 7,1877 1) Registered in Stark; 2) in Brown, Marshall and Woodford; 3) in Knox; 4) in Stark. Perry County. Nov. 27,1877 Dec. 18. 1877 Sept 7, 1877 Dec. 11,1877 Sept. 11, 1877 April 27, 1882 Sept. 7,1877 Mar. 22,1878 May 25.1880 Homeopathic Medical College, Missouri . Twenty years' practice Medical department St. Louis University Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Medical Department, University of Tennessee Feb. 19,1874 Mar. Mar. Mar. 1,1847 1,1876 2,1876 Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. 26,1877 31,1877 2, 187S 6.1880 7,1878 Mar. 2, 1882 May Mar. 3,1868 Jan. Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 24, 18801 June 16,1880 9.1882 ..,1878 170 Official Kegister of Physicians Perry County. Name. Registered 03 O w o o Residence and Post Office. > o % 3 Prac- tice.* "1 SO) Roberts, C. H Dec. 15,1881 Dec. 26,1877 April ..,1878 June 9,1878 April 1,1879 Dee. 28,1877 April 29, 1879 Jan. 15,1878 Dec. 26,1877 Feb. 13,1878 Feb. 2,1878 Dee. 27.1877 June 16.1879 Jan. 19.1878 Jan. 23,1878 Jan, 2,1878 May 17,1878 R- R R R R R R E R R R R R R R R DuQuoin 39 53 111 17 21 17 Tetrick. Amos DuQuoin 111.. 21 Wall. George T DuQuoin 39 Holman. Thomas A Pinckney villa 39 23 29 26 48 60 58 41 58 24 36 30 23 24 111.. 13 4 6 13 Huntsinger, H. P Pinckney ville Mich Pa Ill 4 McCandless. W. L Pinckneyville 6 Morrison. Guy Pinckney ville Peyton. Robert S Pinckneyville Ky.... 26 40 37 18 34 n Smith, George S Pinckne y viile Pa : Pa 15 Cox, H.J Tamaroa 12 Layman, S. J Tamaroa 111 IS Sams, T. M Tamaroa 111.. 34 Ward, F. M Tamaroa III.. Campbell. Samuel T Cutler Station 111. 3 2 2 2 3 Ferguson, W. H Swanwick.. .. N.H.V.;;:: Ohio Ky 2 Gillis, F.P Cutler Station ? Grahame, Malcolm Swanwick 1 At date of Registration. Piatt County. % Bohn. Jacob April 21,1884 Jan. 23,1878 Jan. 11,1878 Feb. 13,1879 Jan. 2,1878 June 14,1879 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 23,1882 May""27,"i883 Mar. 1,1879 Dec. ..,1877 July 25,1877 Jan. 23.1882 Jan. 16.1878 R E R R R R R R R R H R R H R g E R R R R E R R R H R R R PM R R Monticello 37 26 49 49 35 37 33 Germany. Ohio N. C... ... Ohio Ohio Ky. 1 2 30 25 24 10 10 6 12 1 Carper, J. H Coffin,N. G Coleman, John W. Monticello 9 Monticello Monticello 20 '>5 Jones, Byron B Monticello . . . . . *>! Lee, L. M Monticello .. i Mofflt, James. Monticello Ohio Ohio 10 Tidball, Leander L. (1 Monticello 6 Douglas. A. C Bement 1? Gregory, Lyman T Bement 24 69 52 23 23 33 24 26 66 23 29 24 40 37 22 48 Klapp, John R. Bement . N.Y N.Y U. S Mass Ky 40 28 2 ""9 14 Mitchell, T.J Smith. David W.. Bement Bement . 23 2 Trabue. Albert L Vance, N. Noble Bement 9 Green. Wilbur F Cerro Gordo U. S Jones Herbert C May 30,1881 Cerro Gordo Ohio Ohio HI.. 4 40 1 Simmerman. John A. .. Cerro Gordo 97 Thompson, William Apr. 29,1881 Mar. 23.1878 Apr. 6,1882 Jan. 20,1878 Feb. 26.1878 Cerro Gordo... Hammond . Abrams, D. 0. (2 Ill 4 4 Bowers, Walter C Milmine Ind. Caldwell. W.D Cisco Mo Ind ill 6 5 19 6 Henri, James N White Heath 5 Leforgee, W. L Hammond Mackville I Marshall, J. S Jan. 7,1878 Ohio 15 May. Sheflae R LaPlace Noe, Oscar D. (2 1878 Hammond. 31 27 49 54 45 36 36 Ind 111.. 8 Doss. Charles H Pittsfleld. ?1 Duffieltl. H. T Pittsfleld Hal pin. John C Pittsfleld Ill Ledlie, J. H Pittsfleld Ireland... 111.... 23 21 ?;■? Shastid T. W ... Pittsfleld. 21 Smith. R. O Pittsfleld Ill Bonney. Samuel H Barry. Ill Corkins. P. G Barry. N.Y Ohio Ill 27 13 ?7 Doyle. G. W Barry. 12 Likes, Alexander C Barry McKinney. J. G Barry 42 44 56 28 45 44 28 32 i 32 26 45 41 30 31 34 30 42 Ohio. . Nance. C. H Barry. ... Ind Ohio Mo Ill Ohio Del Mo 111.. 14 30 5 6 7 U Andrews. J). C Kinderhook 14 Johnston. William H Kinderhook McKinney. George W Kinderhook (> Penick. M Kinderhook 1<> Seamey. J. M Kinderhook 1 Tandy. T. S Kinderhook 7 Foreman, L. D Griggsville Harvey, L.J. (1 Griggsville N. H U 8 .. .. 2 1 Parker, T. W... Griggsville Griggsville Skinner, William Pa.!.:::::. 6 3 8 21 4 8 12 ^ Watson, T. M Griggsville Ill 3- Beasley, John R Aug. 11,18^1} R Jan. 25,1878 R Mar. 1,1878! r Baylis u. s N.Y Mass Mass Mo Ohio 8. Cobb, A-B Baylis *?] Fish. W. H Baylis 4 Winterbotham, W. H Sept. 19,1878 Jan. 15.1878 Jan. 31.1880 May 7.1878 July 16.1883 1 E R Baylis R Allen, C. I Milton 1? Campbell, John P.. . Milton , .. Dawson. J. H Milton Ind 4 4 Doss, Edgar P Milton Fortune, H. D Dec. 31.1877 R Pleasant Hill 37 66 59 32 Mo Vt. 13 40 26 6 4 Mosher, A Sept. 23.1878 May 18.1878 May 18,1878 R R R 'r* R R E E E R R R Pleasant Hill W Thomas, J. A Pleasant Hill Va ?(> Thomas, J. S Pleasant Hill 111.... ft Ashley, J. K Bedford . '?0 Barnd. A. P Mar".*"7,"i883 Apr. 8,1884 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 4.1877 Apr. 6,1880 Dec. 30,1877 Jan. 1,1878 Sept. 24,1884 July 29.1882 Martinsburgh 63 45 61 51 38 45 36 47 27 32 28 39 24 70 62 34 51 35 24 34 Ohio:::::: N.Y Md. . 35 24 37 19 31 Blaisdell.E. C Bee Creek 18 Brittingham, L. T Hannibal, Mo ('Obel. William Detroit Tenn Ill 11 Garrison. G. B.(l Bedford Griflfin. Robert H New Salem Ohio Ind S. C Ill 8 13 21 8 Harvey. J. E Nebo h Henry. J. M ?^ Hollembeak, George W... Hull Kinman. John S. (2 Hull . Ill Ill 2 2 18 1 26 25 ?, * Lease. Richard W Oct. 7,18791 R Hull ?, McAnally, Charles T McCrory,M.R Oct. 25,188(1 April 21,1881 Jan. 5,1878 Oct. 31.1879 April 4.1878 Mar. 1.1878 Mar. 12,1878 Mar. 2'7,1884 April 1,1878 Mar. 18,1878 Jan. 8,1878 Dec. 26,1877 R R B R ' R 1 H R k ! R El Dara New Canton N.C Ill ... 14 1 Miller. David Pearl Ohio U.S Ohio ?0 Morehead, Thomas W El Dara ?5 Murphy. J. W Chambersburg Phillips. J. G Perry Kv 23 7 1ft Pollock, R. R Nebo. Ohio U. S. 7 Ray, Charles R Nebo . Reynolds, A El Dara Summer Hill Ohio Ohio 9 9 Reynolds, W. F 6' 6 Schwartz, G. W Summer Hill 30 111. 4 3 Scott, Evans Time 42iPa 17 13 173 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Pike County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Sept April Nov. Mar. Aug. 8, 1877 16.1883 24. 1883 9, 18S3 13, 1878 Dec. April Nov. Jan. 2fi,1877 4,1884 19,1884 21, 1877 11.18;8 May Feb. Feb. Oct. Jan. 19, 1883 9, 1878 7,1878 17, 1877 21.1884 Feb. Peb. Dec. Feb. Mar. 6, 1878 20, 1878 21,1877 13.1878 25, 18»4 Dec. Sept. Dec. Dec. Jan. 10, 1877 8,1877 10, 1877 10. 1877 12. 1878 Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. St. Louis Medical Col lege St. Louis Medical College Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland... Medical Department, University of Missouri Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College. Rush Medical College Fourteen years' practice ., Fourteen years' practice.. Missouri Medical College.. Rush Medical College , Eclectic Medical In.stitute, Cincinnati Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania , Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati American Medical College, St. Louis . . St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Certificate of examination Jan. 30, 1878 Twenty years' practice Feb. 27,1X78 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk June 1,1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Jan. 10,1878 Rush Medical College June 14,1878 American Medical College, St. Louis Apr. July Dec. Sept. Apr. 23. 1878 12. 1K83 18, 1877 2, 1878 4, 1878 Apr. 4. 1878 Nov. 28,1877 •Oct. 26,1878 Dec. 29,1882 Apr. 7, 1884 Sept. 2,1878 Feb. 6,1878 Mar. 23,1880 Dec. 21.1877 Aug. 29,1878 Sept. 17,1884 July 6, 1878 Aug. 14,1878 Aug. 9, 1879 April 15.1881 Jan. 4.1878 Sept. 23, 1878 Feb. 21.1878 Feb. 21,1878 Feb. 22,1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio Twenty years' practice Thirty-one years' practice Eighteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Missouri.. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati American Medical College. St. Louis Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Quincy College of Medicine Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Mar. Deo. Mar. Jan. Jan. 25,1884! 27. 1877 4,1878 19. 1878 18,18781 Twenty years' practice Twenty-five years' practice American Medical College. St. Louis Medical Department. University of Missouri College of Physjpians and Surgeons, Keokuk Missouri Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College ^ St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk — Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. May Mar. Feb. 27, 1864 25, 1876 8,1882 7,1883 14, 1854 28,1856 4, 1884 5,1884 16,1853 27, 1867 7, 1883 5,11 Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. May 5,187 16,1875 15. 1865 12, 1875 22,1878 28, 18S4 12,1875 3, 1869 12, 1874 12, 1874 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 22,1872 Jan. 24.1866 May 16,1878 Feb. June -Mar. Mar. Feb. 14.1878 5.1883 1, 1865 2,1850 27, 1859 Mar. 1,1872 Mar. 1,1847 June Jan. June Feb. Feb. ..,1866 25, 1877 3, 1879 27, 1870 22,1860 Mar. 26,1884 June 18,1878 Feb. 22.1862 Mar. 2, 1881 Jan. Feb. Feb- Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. May 23. 1878 27,1865 14. 1878 4.1884 9, 1869 16, 1875 13, 1873 28,1864 Nov. 10,1877 Apr. 21.1883 Mar. 26,1883 April 9.1883 Aug. 21,1878 Dec. 28,1877 Apr. 7,1884 Aug. 21.1884 June 12,1882 July 31,1878 July Feb. Feb. Dec. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 18. 1883 14, 1878 18, 1878 27. 1877 3.1884 16,1878 20.1878 20. 1878 5.1878 26. 1884 Dec. 14,1877 Sept. 8.1877 Dec. 13.1879 Dec. 13,1877 Aug. 11,1881 Apr. 10.1878 Mar. 1,1878 Sept. 19.1878 Apr. 4, 1878 Jan. 3,18fc3 May 7,1878 July 16,1883 Dec. 31.1877 Sept. 23.1878 May 18,1878 May 18,1878 Mar. 7,1883 Apr. 8, 1884 Dec. 10,1878 Feb. 12,1878 April 6,1880 Dec. 30,1877 Dec. 14,1877 Sept. 24,1884 July 29.1882 Oct. 7, 1879 Aug. 9,1879 April 21. 1881 Jan. 5, 1878 Feb. 23.1878 Mar. 1,1878 Mar- 12,1878 Mar. 27,1884 April 1,1878 Mar. 18,1878 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 13,1878 174 Official Kegister of Physicians Pike County. Name. Registeeed o W o o Residence and Post Office. > 55 Prac- tice.* Years in 111. Total years. Sedberry, William Rush.. Smith, Stephen G July 27,1883 Jan. 29,1880 April 8,1880 Mar. ..,1874 R R R R Detroit Hannibal, Mo 22 34 24 38 Texas .... Ohio Mo Ill 2 2 1 11 1 ?, Wait. Walter J. Fairmont Williams, W. T Pearl n ♦At date of Registration. Pope County. Koch, James A Jan. Nov. Dec. Dec. May Dec. Dec. Jan. 2,1878 22.1877 13,1877 10,1877 31, 1882 10,1877 24. 1877 18. 1878 R R E R R R E E E E R R R R R R E R R R E R E R Golconda 41 35 47 33 28 31 56 24 25 39 28 "55 35 41 32 38 57 34 25 32 27 49 It.:::-: n.:::::: Ill 15 13 10 13 15 McCoy, Henry W Golconda .... 11 Ready, James Golconda 10 Smith, John R. Golconda . 13 Tavlor, H. S Golconda Young. John B Golconda Scotland.. U.S U.S Ill u. s u. s Ky. 2 12 4 3 16 1 ?, Blanchard, John (1 Lusk 1'^ Blanchard, John A Lusk 4 !31anchard, James F. Lusk 3 Pierce, William Jan. Feb. 1.1882 2,1884 Lusk 10 Berry, Julian Bay City 1 Carson, M. H Smithland, Ky liay City Carter. J. A.. Feb. 16,1878 Mar. 8.1S8:S Jan. -^1,1878 Mar. 8,1878 Dec. 11,1877 April 26, 1878 May 13,1882 June 21,1881 June 16,1878 Sept. 19,1884 April 27,1878 U.S. .'.... Ind U.S U.S U.S U.S Tenn Ky. 19 .1 7 7 31 1 1 4 3 13 14 Cummins, John S Raum 7 Dodd, Geoige S. (2 Hose Bud 10 Dunning. T. M. Rose Bud 6 Fulkerson. R. M . ... Eddyville 7 Gooch, James C New Liberty ^0 Hart, Samuel F Eddyville 1 LaRue, Henry Dallas Wool . Parmely, John W Rock . 111. 4 Stone, Jesse P New Liberty Tenn IIJ Taylor, Richard 11 Thompson, J. B New Liberty Wasson, John A Oak ... 10 Walker. James (3 Dec. 13,1878 R Bay City 48 Tenn .... 10 At date of Registration. Pulaski County. Bristow. George W. Bull, Johns Courtnev. W. P Ray. James B Brown, Benjamin F. Low, Edgar M Priddy, T.B Waite, John M... Chavers, Joseph. Hunting, John P. Jan. 3, 1878 Jan. :il.l882 Jan. July ...1878 3, 1879 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Mar. 8,1878 Oct. i.isfe June 29,1878 New Grand Chain. New Grand Chain New Grand Chain New Grand Chain Pulaski Pulaski Pulaski Pulaski.... Villa Ridge Villa Ridge U. S... Vt N.Y. Kv. Ohio.... Tenn.... Maine .. 175 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Pike County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Certifi- cate Filed Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOR Record. July 31,1883 Nov. 8, 1879 Medical Department. University of Nashville Columbus Medical College Feb. 24.1882 Feb. 27,1879 Mar. 6, 1880 Feb. 14,1878 Aug. 2, 1883 Jan. 29 1880 May 14,1880 St. Louis Medical College Feb. 25.1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk April 16,1878 1) Registered in Greene and Scott; 2) in Adams and Brown. Pope County. Oct. 4,1877 Sept. 12,1877 Dec. 24,1877 Sept. 12,1877 April 27, 1882 Sept. 7,1877 Jan. 4,1878 Jan. 22,1878 Nov. 1,1881 Jan. 28.1878 Oct. July Jan. Mar. Jan. 5.1883 20, 1880 28,1878 5,1883 28,1878 Mar. 21.1878 Dec. 24.1877 Nov. 26.1877 April 27, 1882 June 21,1881 June Sept. Mar. Jan. Mar. 1,1878 9,1884 8, 1878 7, 1878 ..,1878 St. Louis Medical College. Jefferson Medical College Ten years' practice Jefferson Medical College Rush Medieal College Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Ten years' practice Feb. 22,1861 Mar. 10.1864 Mar. Feb. Nov. Dec. 10, 1864 Nov. 2,1878 21, 1877 29, 1877 12,1877 Feb. 21, 1882 May 3,1882 Feb. 15,1876 Memphis Hospital Medical College Kentucky Medical Examiners. First Judicial Dist.. Fourteen years' practice Medical College of Evansville Ten years' practice Medical College of Ohio Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Ten years' practice Medical College of Evansville Miami Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis ) Medical Department, University of Nashville ) Medical Department, Vanderbilt University .. Eleven years' practice Medical College of Ohio Ten years' practice Mar. 8,1878 Ten years' practice Jan. 26,1875 June 7,1881 Mar. July Mar. Jan. Feb. 25, 1878 8, 1878 15,1878 Feb. Jan. 1,1882 1,1882 Feb. 14,1884 16,1880 iFeb. 16.1878 23, 1883 Mar. 8,1883 Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. May Feb. Feb. 27,1878'Mar. 25,1878 8, 1870 Jan. 24,1878 April 2«,1878 27, 1882 May 13,1882 1,1881 June 24,1881 16.1878 June 16,1878 llJl^Sept. 19,1884 ] April 27,1878 Mar. 2.18681 !Mar. 19,1878 1) Registered in Hardin; 2) Massac; 3) in Johnson and Massac. Pulaski County. Dec. 13,1877 Fourteen years' practice Jan. 3, 1878 Nov. 26,1877 Missouri Medical College Feb. 27.1859 Jan. 11,1882 Jan. 4, 1878 Seventeen years' practice Jan. 28, 1878 Twenty-flve years' practice Feb. 19,1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Rush Medical College Jan. 25,1867 Jan. 8, 1878 Nov. 2, 1877 Ten years' practice Jan. 21,1878 Nov. 2, 1877 Ten years' practice Jan. 21, 1878 Jan. 28,1878 Eleven years' practice Mar. 8, 1878 Sept. 22,1883 Ten years' practice . .. Oct. 1, 1883 Jan. 19.1878 Homeopathic Medical College, New York Feb. 28.1866 Feb. 29,1878 176 Official Eegister of Physicians Pulaski County. Name. Rkgistebed CO o g o : Residence and Post- Office. Nativity.... PE.VC- TICE.* Mar. ...1882 R R R R R E R R VillaRidge 28 34 Tenn Shanghai. 6 6 Villa Ridge Casey, Newton R Sept. 24,1877 Mar. 8.1877 Sept. 2.1878 Jan. 24,1878 Mound City 54 52 111... 30 29 18 12 5 38 30 Junction Ohio ^0 Crecelius, George W Mathews J. B Olmstead 45lnd-_ -_- 10 America 38 34 64 Ky 1? Stone W F Ullin Ind Mass f> Taber, Benjamin C June 11,1878 Mound City 35 At date of Registration. Putnam County. Cowen, J. M Duncan, CM McCormick. G. A Ramsey, G. W Seaton. J. H Bickle, Amos S.. Gaylord. E. (1.... Holsburg, D. B.. McGee, Albert C, O'Neal. J. F Pendleton, F. M. Stall. Robert J... Stipp. James H.. Taylor, O.F Dec. 22, 1877 R Aug. 16,1878 E May 25. 1«83 E Jan. 12.1878 H June 4, 1878 E May 1,1878 R Jan. 12,1878 R 1 Jiin. ..,1879 R June 30.1882 E Dec. 21,1877 E Dec. 14.1883 R June 5, 1884 E Mar. 29.1881 R Jan. 5.1882 K Hennepin Hennepin Hennepin Magnolia Hennepin Florid.' Magnolia Granville Mount Palatine Florid Magnolia , Florid Putnam Mafcgnolia Ohio Pa .. Ind. U.S. Ind. Pa U.S Fa Ohio England. N. Y. Ohio III.... N. C * At date of Registration. Randolph County. Gordon. William A Oct. July Oct. Jan. Oct. Sept. Nov. Dec. May Dec. 8,1877 3,1879 8.1877 28, 18S4 9,1877 16,1884 8,18Si) 10,1877 2. 1882 10, 1877 R R I R R H R H R R R R R R R R R 1 R Chester 60 45 34 42 Ohio Ill 33 22 8 17 ?^ Mann. C. A Chester 19 McKenzie, W. R Chester N.s.:::::: Germany. 8 Ostertag, A. Chester Chester Pollock, John t Williams. John A Chester Chester.. 28 39 49 32 47 as 47 37 31 53 44 45 Ill Zillikin. N Germany. Booth D. S. Sparta 25 6 16 9 23 13 13 Boynton, Solon R Sparta SI-.;::-.:: Ill Burgess, L. D Sparta 15 Gordon, Noel Robert Sparta 9 Guthrie. H. R Dec. Dec. May Jan. Dec. Jan. 13.1877 10.1877 17, 1882 12,1878 20. 1877 24,1878 Sparta Sparta Pa 18 Marshall, S. W Ill Ill 13 Weir. James W Childs C. J. (1. . Coultersville .. Md Ill Pa 31 8 20 ?4 Edgar. Robert S. Coultersville 7 Leiper, A. K Coultersville.. 18 McKee. Henry T Coultersville Crozier. W. J Mar. May 10. 1881 22 45 3 23 3 Homann, R 31,18781 R E vansville Germany. 23 177 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Pulaski County. Certificate of State Boead of Health. Certifi- cate Filed Issued. Basis of Certifloate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOR Record. Mar. 5,187^ Certificate of examination Mar. ..,1878 Mav 2. 1X84 Riisli Medif^al College Feb. 19,1884 Feb. 28,1857 F«-b. ..,>50 Feb. 26,1878 f^ept. 10 l«77 Oct. 4.187; June l^, 1878 Missouri Mndical (.'olleere (k)llt^fcre of Phy>icianjj and Surgeons, New York — Nashville Medical College Sept. 20,1X77 Mar. 8. 1878 Sept. 2,1878 Dec 28,1877 Twelve years' practice Jan. 21.1878 FhI). 2 1^78 American Medical ('ollnge, St. Louis Jan. 23,1878 Feb. 20,ls78 I'eb. 7 187.- Thirty-five years' practice . June 11, lb78 Putnam County. T)PC. 17.187* July 6,1878 Mav II. 188 i SMpt 6. 1877 May 16,1878 Dec. 4,1878 Dec 24,1877 Dec. 6.1879 Jan. Nov. 26. h82 24,1S77 Dec. 10.1883 June 2. issi JNIar. 2.-i.l88 Jan. 28.1878 Medical College of Ohio.. Thirty-one years' practice Benaeti Collng^of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical Collftge Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Dept, of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania J iinsh Medical CollegH I Medical DepHrfment. University of Nashville JclTcrson Medical ('oUege Fcleclic Medical Institute, CinciTinati Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Ifush Medical College Ten years' practice Mar. 2,1858 Mar. 20.1883 Feb. 1.^. 187ti May 23.1871 Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. June May '^ec. July •May Sept. May 21.1877 13. 1878 25. 1883 10, 1S77 30.1878 11. 1878 12. 1«78 11. 1870 Dec. 20. 1859'''^" • 12 18:8 Feb. 16,1880 7. l>^8^June 30. IS82 12, 1874iDee. 19,1877 Feb. 20, 1883' Dec. 14.1883 June 6. 1882 June 5.1^84 Feb. 25,1879 Mar. 29.1S81 IJan. 5.1882 1) Registered in Marshall. Randolph County. Oct. 4.1877 Aug. 9. 18"0 Oct 4 1>77 Jan. 2l.«x8» Oct. 4, 1877 Anril HO 1884 Mar. 2'> 1878 Sept. 12. 1877 April 26,ls-2 Sept. 10. l^77 Oct. 6.18*7 Oct. 23.1877 Sept. 10.18-7 Apr. 27.188' Jan. 8, 1878 St. Lou's Medical College St. Ijoiiis Meijical College. ... Dent, of Medicine and ■Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons St. liou s Medical College — St. Lonis Cnllesre of Phv^icians and Surgeons Homeopathic Medical Co lege of Missouri St. r.ouis Medical <'ollege St. Lonis (^oil.. Homeona.hic Phvs and Surgeons. Medical Department, University of Maryland St. Louis Medical College Dept. of Medicitu'. University of Pennsylvania. St. Louis Medical <'.i||ege ^ Mis^onii Medicnl <'ollego Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar, Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. M ar. Mar. 2. 1854 •J,lv.5S 30 1870 18,1^71 4, 18ti4 4.1881 28 1N78 2,18-.o Deo. 13.1877 Rush Medical Co|^g« Feb. Dec. 26.1877 D"pt. r.f Medicine. University of Pennsylvania ...| Apr. April 2«.18<<» Missouri Medical C ll^ge iMar. Anril r., 1881 Missouri Medi<»Hl College iMar. May 24,187-< Twenty years' practice I , Oct. Tuly Oct. ■Tan. Oct. Sept. Nov. Dec. 2. 1882 May 1. 1862 Dec. 12.187.- 31.1«55Dec. 4. 186 1 Dec. 2. 188 i, May 12.1847 Jan. 2 1870 Dec. 16.1^r,9 Jan. 4. 188t .. . 2,1881 Apr. May 8. 1877 3. H79 8.1877 28. 1SS4 9. 1877 16.1884 8, 1880 10.1877 2.1883 10, 1877 13. 1877 10. 1877 17.1882 12. 1878 20. 1877 21.1878 15,1881 31.1878 —1-2 178 Official Eegister of Physioians Randolph County. Name. Registered CO o a o o Residence and Post- Office. * !2; Prac- tice.* 3 5S Thompson. Jerome . R R R H E R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R I R R R Evansville . 22 31 27 49 111. Wilson, J. M Oct. June Dec. Mar. Jan, April April Oct. 31. 1877 25, 1S79 6, 1879 5, 1878 24.1878 21,1«79 7,18X1 23. 1878 Evansville Ill .' Mb ' '5 5 10 12 "i Adderlv, Henry C Bremen Red Bud 5. Bahrenberf?, Jonn P Barber, Joel C. Rockwood . .... 40 U. S 12 Beattie, A. B Red Bud Boldt, H. M Kaskaskia 28 Germany. 24U. S 32 Kv "4 10 60 Brands, Albert L. (2 Cecil, Dennis F Prairie du Rocher Rockwood 4 3^ Dyer, Lewis Menard .... 70 Vt. .. 00 Davis, Clinton Dec. 24,1877 Steele's Mills . Garrett, Thomas J. (3. Tilden • 28U. S 75 Scotland.. 46 IT. S 5 43 25 5, Hodges, Hezeklah C. (4... Mar. Oct. 27, 1878 8.1883 Rockwood 43 Hunter, James Blair 6 Keller, Jacob Steele's Mills... . 11 Lark, Thomas P Sept. 20,1877 June 28.1881 Feb. 21.18H0 Dec. 1,1877 Nov. 5. 1883 Dec. 17,18-7 April 27.1878 Jan. 17,1^78 •Ian. 22,1878 Mar. 26,1878 July 14,1880 Jan. 19,1878 Dec. 14.1877 Ruma 36 Ill 7 7 Mathews, John T Blair 28 30 Ill McMenomy, John McMillan, P. H. (4 Baldwin NY 5 5. Shiloh Hill ....:........:: Miller, John K Steeleville 29 III 33U.S 42IN.Y 27111 1 8 18 "1*4 1 Ray, John B Ellis' Grove g Rhodes, 0. H Baldwin . .. 10 Simpson.H. C Brewerville 4 Sloey James Prairie du Rocher Percy 41 43 40 28 73 111. 11 Steele, Robert Ill rd Strong, Samuel E St. Mary's, Mo Ill 8 2 53 Temple James W Preston . 111. ... 2' Vance, William, 4) Rockwood Ky... . 19> 'At date of Registration. Richland County. Battson 0. A Feb. Dec. Jan. Nov. Jan. Oct. Mar. May April Nov. Jan. Feb. Dee. Mar. Feb. 19,1878 21.1877 7,1^78 28,1877 11. 1878 13, 18=<2 27, 1878 3,1h8<» 11,1H78 28. 1877 25. 1878 1,1878 7. 1877 5, 188.5 9. 1878 '27,1881 10, 1878 9.1881 28. 1878 15,1878 22. 1877 5. 1878 R R R R E E R R E R R E R R E R R R R R R E E Olney . . Ind Ohio III.- Pa 29 33 14 W Olney 59 35 38 42 21 94 17 Bower, William Olney 14 Olney 1 Fisk P. H Olney Ohio Ill 20 ?, Foster Martin D Olney Hoyt. John W Olney Ill 6 4 14 24 35 30 33 14 30 (> Lampton, W. T. . .. Oinny 30 TT. S 4 Mace, A. W Olney 48 Me 14 Marshall, N. S. (1 Olney 45 60 Pa 4 McClure, S . . Olney Pa 30 Phillips, J Olney 62 65 36 58 NY.::...: Pa l^ Ridgeway. E. W Bobbins, J. W Olney . .. 31 Olney Ohio Md 1 Routzahn, J Olney 10 Rowland, Elbert Olney Spain J W Mar. Mar. Apr- Mar. Mar. De'c. Feb. OInf-v 46 32 30 31 46 22 48 Ind Conn 7 S Thompson, W. A Olney Wriiiht. Henry J. B Clutter. Joseph A Olney .. Ind Ky Ind Ohio Ohio i 6 113 11 22 1 23 6 Noble 11 Langdon, Henry S Noble Noble 9.0 Palmer. E. L. 2) 1 Palmer, James F. 2) Noble 21 179 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Randolph County. Certificate of State Boabd cf Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOB Record. Apr. 23.1878 Oct. 4. 1877 June 20, 1879 Nov. 28,1879 Jan. 8,1^78 Jan. 19,1878 April 5,1879 April 1,1^81 July 6, 1S78 Sept. 7,1877 Missouri Medical Collesre Medical College of Ohio , St. Louis Medical College , Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri American Medical College, St. Louis St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College.. Missouii Medical College American Medical (.'ollege, St. Loui Berkshire Medical College Oct. 26,1877 St. Louis Medical College Nov. 13,1877 St. Louis Medical College. June 1,18781 Forty-three years' practice. Aug. 24.1883: Nashville Medical College.. July 20, 1878 St. Louis Medical College. . . Sept. 7,1877 June 27.1881 Feb. 13.1879 Oct. 18,1877 Aug. 13,1883 Oct. 4, 1877 April 13, 1878 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 4,1878 Jan. 28,1878 July 10,1880 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 12,1877 Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Dec. Mar. Mar. Rush Medical College St. Louis Medical College Certificate of examination Medical School of Harvard University Rush Medical College St. Louis Medical College Ten years' practice St. Louis Medical College . Eleven years' practice Thirteen years' practice. . St. Louis Medical College. St. Louis Medical College Nineteen years' practice .. 5. 1878 1,18T3 12. 1>75 27,18:9 30, 1874 2,1859 5. 1>S7! 4,1881 16, 1H78 17. 1828 4,1864 12.1875 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 25. 1879 3, 1866 1, 1871 3,1881 Feb. Feb. 14, 1872 20, 1883 Mar. 19,1870 Mar. 12.1874 Mar. Mar. 13,1873 10, 1876 Oct. 31,1877 June 25,1879 Dec. 6,1879 Mar. 5, 1878 Jan. 24,1878 Apr. 21.1879 April 7,1881 Oct. 23,1878 July 1, 1884 Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 24,1877 June 20, 1878 Oct. 8,1883 Sept. 20.1877 June 28,1881 Feb. 21,1880 Dec. 1,1877 \ov. 5.1883 Dec. 17,1877 Vpril 27.1878 Jan. 17.1878 Jan. 22.1878 Mar. 26,1878 July 14.1880 Jan. 19.1878 Dec. 14,1877 1) Registered in Perry; 2) in Monroe; 3) in Washington; 4) in Jackson. Richland County. Oct. 16,1877 Oct. 10, 1877 Jan. 4.1878 Oct. 6, 1877 Jan. 8.1878 June 21,1882 Mar. 25, 1878 April 30,188(»| Apri] 8, 1878 Oct. 6.1b77 Oct. 6, 1877 Jan. 29. 1878 Oct. 6.1877 Feb. 28. 1S8:^ Feb. 6, 1878 Jan. 30.1883 Jan. 22.1878 Mar. 23. 1878 ^^-a' ).10. 187: r.24, 1883 Mar. 20, 1878 Mar. 8.1878 Mar. 11,1878 Mar. 11,1878 Twenty- nine years' practice Medical College of Ohio Fourteen years' practice Medical College of Ohio Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville Fourteen years' practice Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College American Medical College, Cincinnati Louisville Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Ten years' practice New York Medical College Miami Medical College Medical College of Ohio C^incinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medi#al College Missouri Medical College Fifteen years' practice I'clectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Mar. Jan. 2,1878 5,1844 Dec. 12,1877 ... I June 7.1878 Feb. 28.1877 Nov. 3,1«77 May 12. 1857 .Ian. 11.1878 June 6,1882 July 11,1882 Mar. 8. lx78iMar. 27,1878 Feb. 27,1880 \pril 30,1880 April 11.1878 Mar. 9,1858 Nov. 3.1877 Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. 24,1846 Jan. 3. 1855 Feb. 29. 1872 Oct. 15. 1872 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. June Mar. M.ar. 4.1858 1. 1872 27. 1S78 2. 1875 22. 18><1 7,1878 1.1878 26. 1877 5.1883 9,1878 Mar. Mar. 27,1884 26. 1878 Apr. 9,1881 May Feb. 5, 1878 Mar. 28. 1878 Mar, 15.1877 D^^c. 17.1878 Dec. V.1877 15, 1877 11,1868 180 Official Register of Physicians Richland County. Name. Uegistebed Residence and Post- office. Prac- tice.* V3 ^ « O 3k5 Pye, William H Banderson, Jr. A. M. Calvin, Joser)h I Davis. William H.... Fuson, J. L. 1) Palmer, George O Allen, N. 13 Canbv, S.S Eagleson. Thomas, 3). Gillespie, A. 4) Green.D. S. s) Jaekson, R. W. (I.... Legg, Charles Soli.ss.JohnP Van Congdon, M Deo. 22.1881 Apr.**iM88l Feb. 27. 1 79 Nov. 31,18:7 Noble Noble Wakefield. Wakefield. Wakefield. Mar. 28,1878 E Wakefield June 1.1X83 H Clarmont Miir. 25.1X78 R Calhoun Jan. 3.1878 R 'Parkersburgh. Dec. 20. 18;7 R Stringtown.,.. Vaughan, Robert F. G)... !\Tar. ..,1878 Jan. 31.1,s78 Peb. 20.1X78 Dec. 29.1877 beb. 7. 1&78 Nov. 17,1883 R Parkersburgh. R iDundas Stringtown CalhouQ ... Calhoun ... Parkersburgh. Mo... 111... Ind. . Ind . . Ohio Ohio.... Ky Ohio.... Ireland, Ky Tenn Ind Ohio Iowa England. Tenn *At date of Registration. Rock Island County. Arp, August H H It H R R H R \i H R E R R R H K H K li R H li li R R R R R R R H U R K Moline. 2, 3'» 52 31 39 50 Iowa Bardwell. Eugene b Jan. April Aug. Dee. Mar. Dec. Jan. May 18.1881 6.18.8 l:<. lAXl 15, 1877 23.1878 3. 1X77 8. 1S78 25, 18-iO Moline Pa 5 9 4 19 10 2ti li 31 "is 5 2X 2(i 8 . . . . Beals. MB Moline Moline N.Y Ind 8. C Ohio 9 Carter, H. W 1 Coggeshall, G. P Moiine 1 Cook. J.T Moline 5 Dunn, L. B Moline 43 III.. 33 Ohio '^0 McKinnie, P. L Moline 10 Mill»ir, Jane H Moline 45 63 25 3ti 25 3:^ 53 53 38 27 56 46 37 37 36 29 45 43 29 5'» 22 61 35 46 l>a 1*> Ormsby, John B Moline Vt Park, George S Feb. Mar. April Jan. nee. Nov. \pril Keb. Jan. Jan. May i-eb. \ug. Deo. fan. Ian. July Keb. July Vpr. Dec. Jan. Aug. 5. 1884 11. 1878 4.18^2 *2.i,'i878 1,1X77 27, ix;7 29. 1884 27. 18 4 18, 1876 1,1878 17. 18X3 7,1S78 11. IXHh 1,1877 22. 1X7H 18 1X78 l.V 1878 20, 1X78 17. 1883 12,1X81 4, 1x79 16,1878 17, IbSl Moline Ontario... Norway... III. .... . Piper, C.E Hchumaclier. Henry Moline Moline Moliae Moline 10 1 Sloan. VV. K Stewart, J Ohio Pa 6 Vitzthum,C .Moline Germany. Germany. 17 Wessel. P. H Moline 7 Wesrerberg. Frederick ... Moline Wimermuk. A. II Moline Sweden .. N. H Ind Ill I< • wa (xermany. Iowa NY Ohio Ohio Ohio Mich "S6 2(1 5 9 8 5 23 1-' 6 .35 Baker, John W. H Davenport, la -??, Baker, R.F Bowman, A. W Cantell Alonzo W Christianf^o •, Emii Davenport, la Dav» nport, la Davenport, la Davenport, la . 20 "9 Cleaves, M. Abbio Davenport la 1 French, Lucius Davenport, la .... IS Hazen. E. H Davenport, la..... 10 Kulp. J. H .. Davenport la. ... 4 Maxwell, .\. T Nichols, Stella B Daven poit, la Davenport, la 22 Porter, Mr.e.. M. W Davenport, la. England.. U. S Kv 2'^ 6 22 25 ?4 Preston, C. H Reid, J. A Davenport, la Davenport, la 6 Tomson, J.J Davenport, la 49lM'ass 9i> t 181 To Whom Cektificates have been Issued. Richland County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed fob Record. Dee. Mar. Mar. Mar. Oct. Jan. May Mar. Oct. Oct. Mar. Jan. Oct. Nov. Oct. 15. 1881 31. 1884 16. 1881 21. 1879 17. 1877 25. 1878 18, 1883 20. 1878 6, 1877 16,1877 2;^,1S78 29,1878 16. 1X77 3. 1877 20, 1877 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cine nnati Missouri Medical College Fourteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Sixteen years' practice I 9, 1876 Dec. 22,1881 4,1880: April 19,1881 Feb. 25, 1879 April 4.1879 iNov. 3,1877 May Mar. Fifteen years' practice ('oUege of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio Sixteen years' practice Missouri Mf>dieal College Certiflcat e of examination Eleven years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. National Medical College Apr. 24,1878 Certificate of examination. 'Mar. 28,1878 Feb, 14.1878 June 1.18&3 Mar. 5, 1X78 Mar. 23,1878 Mar. 1, 1866>iov. 3,1877 Jan. 1, 1878 Mar. 5. 187 May 10,1874 Sept. 1,1860 Mar. Jan. Nov. Dec. Jan. ...1878 31.1878 14,1877 14.1877 12, 1878 Nov. 17,1883 1) Registered in Jasper: 2) in Clay and Warren; 3) in Edwards and Wayne; 4) in Crawford and Jasper; 5) in Edwards; 6) in Hamilton and Wayne. Rock Island County. April 26.1882 Jan. 14.1884 Mar. 30.1878 Mar. 30. I8sl Sept. 17,1877 Mar. Aug. Dec. Apr. Jan. 20,1878 ...1877 21. 1877 19. 18X0 30. 1883 Feb. 1.1884 Pec. 20.1877 Mar. 30, 1X8J April 19. 1880 Jan. 11,1878 Sept. Sept. Oct. Feb. Jan. 17,1877 10. 1877 25.188:-! 26. 18X4 15. 1878 Dec. 21,1877 Mar. Feb. Jan. Nov. 1,1X78 2. 187S 18.1X78 30, 1877 Jan. Jan. July May 15,1878 15. 1878 6. 1X78 15.18:8 26, 1882 April Nov. Jan. June 10,l«84 2X, 1X79 15,1878 1,1881 Homeopathic Medical Dept., State Univ. of Iowa.. Medical Department. University of Buffalo Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Indiana Medical Col lege Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Kush Medical College Hush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Vermont Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Ten years' practice Medical Department, State University of Iowa t!ollege of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati , University of Jena, Germany bt. Louis, Coll., Homeopathic Phys. and Surgeons, Medical Departuient. University of Vermont Rush .Medical Col lege Medical Department, Dartmouth College , J Bellevue Hospital Medical College , I Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Rush xMedical ('ollege , Dept. ot Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan University of Giessen, Germany Medical Department, State University of Iowa Berkshire Medical College Medical Department, University of Wooster Medical Depar^ent, State University of Iowa -Medical Deparftnent, Western Reserve University. Woman's Medical College, Chicago Woman's Medical College, Pennsylvania Medieval Department. State University of Iowa Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Berkshire Medical College Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. July Feb. Feb. Jan. Mar. June Mar. 28,18. 1884 27. 1884 18. 1878 Mar. 6,1«6? Feb Mmt. Feb. M ar. Dec. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. ....1>^57 26. 1878 May 31 1x69 Feb. 1.3.1-7i Aug. 5.1873 Dec. I 1,1853 Jan. 1,1866 J iin. 6, 1x72 July 23.1818 Feb. 28.1882 July Jan. 1,1878 17. 1883 7. 1X78 11,18>0 1,1877 22,1878 18.1878 15. 187S 20. 1878 17, 1883 Mar. 4.1859 April 12,1884 Mar. 5.1873 Dec. 4,1879 Feb. 7,lx.55JaQ. 16,1878 Nov. 20, 1855 Aug. 17,1^81 -82 Official Kegister of Physicians Rock Island County. Registebed g o Residence and Post- office. 125 Prac- tice.* Name. 7 8 10 1 22 8 4 22 11 2 27 2 — CO Wessel, Henry 1 Dec. 27,1878 HE Davenport, la 27 29 34 25 49 32 25 47 42 27 50 26 24 5ti 45 25 55 58 41 24 54 21 Germany. III.. 7 Barth, George E Dec. 18.1877 Dee. 31.1877 Jan. 4, 1878 Dec. 11.1877 Dee. 12.1877 R R R R R Rock Island 9, Bernhardi. C Rock Island Germany. Cal Pa Pa q Carter, C. C Rock Island 1 Cowden, J. W Rock Island ?o Craig, G. G Rock Island 8 Eyster. George L Dee. 14.1877 R Jan. 23.1878 R Rock Island. . ., Pa . ? Gait. Thomas Rock Island U. S England.. Wis Va Me la 15 Jamieson, Alexander W.. July"28.'i878 Dec. 18.1877 April 12, 1881 Nov.'"20,'i8r7 Jan. 14.1878 April 18, 1883 Jan. 8. 1878 June 3.1878 April 9.1878 Dec. 27,1879 Sept. 9.1880 Sept. 9,18-iO June 3.1878 Dec. 27 1879 Jan. 19,1878 Aug. 16.1880 April 22, 1884 Nov.""27,'i877 K H R H H R H E R It R R H H R R R R R "ii' Rock Island. . 8 Kinyon, Claudius B R ock Island ? McKee. Joseph . Rock Island 1 Paul, W. B . Rock Island ?, Pelham. Annie N Rock Island , Plumnier, S. C. (1 Kock Island u. s...::: Pa 32 17 ^9 Reiter, John (2 Rock Island . 11 Stephens, W. H Rock Island . U S Truesdale, C . Rock Island Ohio vie Conn la 33 25 17 ?A Cobb, Stephen M Muscatine. la . 16 Dean, H. M. (3 1? Little, F. H Muscatine la . McAllister, H. C Muscatine, la . N. Y Ill 30 1 '>A McAllister, Lucius .Muscacine, la 1 McKennan, Hugh Muscatine, la n Morgr dge, George Muscatine, la . ■ Scotland.. Itobertson, W. S Muscatine, la 46 35 31 Pa rnd U. S 22 4 9 14 24 n Smith. Cal. W Clark, Samuel M Port Byron 3 Curtis. B. I. (I Port Byron 14 Fleming, W Port Byron 48 Pa. ■i^O Grover, Simeon Port Byron . . '^0 Lyford, W. H Dec. 27.1877 \ug. 17,1883 Feb. 7.1878 Dec. 19.1877 Jan. 1.1878 Mar. 30.1883 April 1.5.18S1 Nov. 27.1877 Jan. 2, 1878 Nov. 8. 1879 April 26. 1878 May 27.18-8 D^'c. 18.1877 Sept. 16. 18S4 April 1,1879 Jan, 12.1878 Dec. 15.1877 Jan. 7, 1878 Apr'ir22,"l884 Feb. 12.1878 Nov. 27. 18S2 Nov. 27. 1«77 Aug. n.l8S2 Feb. 20,1878 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R ii R R Port Byron . . 41 22 28 111.. 18 18 Marshall, Norman B Port Byron Ill McCord, J. S Port Byron. . . 111.. 5 18 29 4 12 11 2 1 4 23 38 5 20 36 27 30 «> Morgan, J. W Port Byron Ind Ohio N.Y N. Y Pa [a Ill N.Y Miss Ohio Mass Me Pa 1^ llogeis,E. E Port Byron 47 26 42 41 27 23 3'* 49 61 2') 46 58 54 51 W Bell. Charles M Andalusia . Boughton, William T Edgiugton Coz ad, J. (3 Andalusia .... 11 Crawford, W. D Coal Valley 1 Freek. William R. (1 Cordova . Hall.F. A Hawthorn, R. A (Cordova Drury 2 15 Hoke, J. Hugins. ClifEordE Cordova .^illsdale 22 Hunter, W Huyett, Joseph Milan yq Martin. Thomas Coal Valley Ohio Pa 96 Mathtiws. J. S Milan ?3 McCaw. Hugh B Reynolds McLouth, J.iyman W Rapids City 31 42 •^3 Ohio Milton. L Mibm ni Ill 16 1 1 1 Mo." her. Arthur H Buffalo Prairie 1 Smith, E. 11 E(lgiiigton 26 26 33 Pa I Smith. Orrin J Edging ton Wis. Stuart, F Reynolds Scotland.. 2 I 183 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Rock Island County. Ceetificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Recobd. Dec. 2G,1878 Dec. 13,1877 Oct. 20.1877 Dec. 29.1*577 Dec. 7, 1877 Dec. .10,1877 Dec. 1<50|.rune 3,1878 Feb. 21.1870 Dec. 27,1879 Mar. 8,1856 Mar. 6,1878 Mar. 12,1875 Fob. 22,1854 Feb. Apr. Mar. Feb. 16, 1859 2,1883 13,1873 17, 187( Mar. Mar. Jan. Feb. Feb. 5, 1879 1, 1X81 21,18 6 18, 1876 21,1877 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Rush .VIed'cal College ttush Medical College Columbus M-^dical College Rush Medical College April 10,1869 June 29,1879 Aug. 1,1860 Mar. 10,1843 Feb. Feb. 25. 1879 26, 1884 Aug. Apr. 16,1880 22,1884 Nov. 27,1877 Dec. Aug. Feb. Dec. Jan. 27,1877 17.1883 7, 1878 19, 1877 1, 1878 Mar. .30,1883 April 15, 1881 Nov. 27,1877 Jan. 2. 1878 Nov. 8,1879 April 28.1878 Sept. 18,1878 Dec. 18,1877 Sept. 16,1884 April 1,1879 Jan. 12,1878 Dec. 5, 1877 Oct. 16.1877 Apr. 22,1884 Feb. 12,1878 Nov. 27,1882 Nov. 27.1877 >5ept. 2^.1882 June 20,1874 Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 15,1876 Feb. 24,1882 Feb. 21, 18771 Feb. 20,1878 184 Official Eegister of Physicians Rock Island County. Name. Registeebd o Residence and Post- Office. > * ? S ; Prac- tice.* i Sturzman, Thomas B May 19.1880 Aug. 5. 1882 Dec. 31,1877 F, Hillsdale 3 Murray Jolin P. Mar. 20,1878 Feb. 11,1878 Aug. 13,1883 Mar. 27. is; 8 Feb. 12.1878 Apr. 11,1878 Jan. 20,1881 June 4.1883 Feb. 1.18;8 Feb. 4,1878 May 21.1878 Nov. 13,1883 Aug. 22.1879 Feb. 16,1878 Aug. ..,1878 Dec. 17.1877 July 5,1882 Dec. 26,1877 VI ay 2»i.l8S4 Mar. 20.1878 Dwc. 17.1877 Mar. 8,18?8 Jan. 25.1878 Jan. 6, 1«79 Nov. 26,1877 July 11,1882 July 1,1881 Nov. 23,1S77 May 3,1879 Feb. 11,18?8 Jan. 21,1878 Feb. 11.1878 Mar. 2S 18<8 Stone Foi't TnH 4 Osburn,' T. J. (3 Stone Fort 37 Ky 48 Miss T'r Osburn, William G. (4 Stone Fort 11 Parker W. H Stone Fort 53 41 59 40 25 40 2i) 35 Ky. 8 St, John, B. F Stone Fort Ky..".V.. n Young. B. S. f6 Stone Fort Ky. 3T El Dorado, 111. Vl Bourland, I. N El Dorado Ill Choisser (-harles El Dorado Ill .. 11 5 13 25 5 1 7 7 11' El Dorado Ohio Ill fv Karnes, Thomas H. B El Dorado 10 El Dorado 49 32 26 3(» 3i 23 31 40 41 59 2;^ 42 35 44 i.9 27 60 9:>, Ill ?5 Rawlings, George B El Dorado Va Ill {> Ross .John W El Dorado. 1 Weslbrooli, C. M El Dorado 111. 7 Carr James C. D. (5 Gallatia. i'enn Ill 7 Gallatia Grattan, P. D. B Gallatia Gallatia. Ill 12 ■'is 24 1*^ Laswell Thomas R. I'enn Miss Ill Ill Gallatia 18 Smith, C. A Gallatia.. Hariisburg 24 9i Cheany, S. L Harrisburg Ky Ind Tenn Ill Ill 20 7 17 \ 35 ?0 Hudr>on, Nimrod S Harrisburg 7 Provine. E. M H arris b u rg 17 Rose, James H Harrisburg 4 Swan, Walter S Harrisbuig 4 Furlong. B. F Carrier's Mills Tenn I'l Rf> Harris D. W Carrier's Mills Carrier's Mills 40 III.:.....:: 11 20 5 3 12 30 4 11 Rogers. E. (7 Burnett, H. L Carrier's Mills. 47 32 27 37 r'5 23 Tenn Ill Ill '^ Raleigh » Chennault, J. P . 3 MM.thnws .Tohn (5 llfileigh . ivnn Ill Ky 1^ Mitchell. T.S Baker J R Jan. ]2.18;s Jan. 25.1878 Mar. 8. 1878 Raleigh Mitchelsville 29 Carson. U. C South America ill 2. 185 To Whom Certifcates have been Issued. Rock Island County. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Jssued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed foe. Kecobd. ATayl 24,1879 Aug. 1.1882 Dec. 21.18;? Bennett College of Eelpctic Medicine and Surgery. Medical Department, University of Iowa Castleton Medical College Mar. Mar. 27,18T9 1,1882 ...1847 May 24.1879 Aug. 5, 1882 Dec. 31.1877 1) Registered in Whiteside: 2) in Henry; 3) in Mercer. Saline Counter. April 21,1884 Dec. 7,1 "7 April 6,1878 July 10.188(t Dec. 5. Ib83 April IS, 188<| April 13. 1XM> Mar. 24,1880 Jan. 19.1878 Dec. 13,1877 Aug- Mar. Dec. May Dec. 6, 1883 21.1^78 13.1«77 29. 1877 13.1877 Seventeen years' practice Society of Science and Medicine, Cincinnati Ten years' practice , Thirteen year^' practice Seventeen years' aractice June 3, 1855 Jefferson Medical (College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Thirteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Ten years' practice June 12,1873 Ten years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Fifteen years' practice Ten years' practice Twelve years' practice Miami Medical College Eleven ye.-irs' practice Medical College of Ohio Ten years' practice , Twenty-five years' practice. Certificate of examination Certificate of examination College ot Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College May 11,1883 Jan. 28.1H78 Nov. 26.1877 Mar. 8. 1»78 Sept. 17.1879 July 6, 1878 Jan. 12.1878 Nov. 13,1877 Nov. 26,1877 Junel4,la8 2 Dec. 13,1877 May 12.1884 Mar. 18.1S78 Nov. 2rt. 1877 Mar. 21,1878 June 10.1880 Mar. 5, 1878 Nov. 2,1877 Mar. 21.1878 Jan. 11,1878 J efterson Medical College. Nov. 13.1877| Thirty-five years' practice April 5. 1819 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Feb. 2,1878' Eleven years' practice Mar. 21,1879 Eleven years' pra(?tice .. Mar. 25,1>«81 ) Missouri Medical College Jan. 12.1878 | Certificate of examination Ten years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk ... Eighteen years' practice Twenty-four years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Medir-al Department, University of Louisville... Certificate of examination Seventeen years' practice Evansville Medical College Sept. 8.1880 Dec. 11.1883- Mar. 12,1860 Mar. 2. 1880 Feb. 4,1878 Mar. 1, 1883 Mar.*"'2'i874 June 16,1874 Mar. 1,1877 Mar. 2,188: Feb. 26,1884 Feb. 23,1878 Mar. 3,1858 Mar. 2,1878 Feb. 12,1878 Aug. Mar. Feb. Apr. Dec. 13,1883 27, 1878 12. 1878 11.1878 18, 1877 June 4,1883 Feb. 1,1878 Feb. 14,1878 May 21.1878 Mar. 18,1863 Aug. Feb. Aug. Dec. July Dec. May Mar. Dec. 22,1879 16, 1878 9,1878 17, 1877 5.188a 26.1877 26, 1884 20.1878 17, 1877 Feb. 27,1878 Mar. Nov. Feb. April 24,1878 Certificate of examination Nov. 21.18771 Medical Department, University of Nashville. Nov. 26.i«77 Chicag) Medical IJollege Jan. 8.1878 Medical Board. 3a Judicial District, Kentucky. Mar. 21, 1878i Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery... Mar. 10. 18771 July I Nov. 25,1879 May iFeb. Nov. Mar. 1,1881 Feb. 6,1878 9. 1877 27. 18*2 1,1881 23.1877 3. 1879 11,1878 14,1883 Jan. 21,1878 Mar. 1.1871 Mar. 28.1878 Mar. 3. l>-63 Jan. 12. 1878 June 4,1877 Jan. 25,1878 Feb. 23,1878. 186 Official Eegipter of Physicians Saline County. Name. Registered CO o W o o Residence and Post- office. & % Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOR Record. Oct. 26, 1878 Eleven years' practice Mar. 21.1878 Medical College of Evansviile Feb. 27.1878 Feb. 13,1877 Dec. 24,1877 Mar. 5.1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Certificate of examination Jan. 15,1878 Aug 12 1878 Feb. 7,1878 Twelve years' practice Mar. 6, 1878 Feb. 9, 1882 Eleven years' practice April 20,1882 1) Registered in Pope; 2) in White; 3) in Johnson; 4) in Pope and Williamson; 5) in Hamilton; 6) in Williamson; 7j in Gallatin; 8) in Franklin. Sangamon County, j July22.1881 1 July 2,1883 Jan. 24.1878 July 10,18^4 Feb. 13,1879 Jan. 14,1878 June 8,1882 Nov. 24,1877 Nov. 21.1877 Oct. 20.1877 Sept. 29,1884 Feb. 13.1879 Oct. 20, 1877 Aug. 22.1879 June 19,1883 Jan. 14. 1878 Oct. Oct. Feb. Dec. Oct. July Nov. Jan. Aug. Oct. May Oct. Jan. May Nov. 20.18771 16,1878: 23. 18821 11,1877 3,1882 12.1881 28. 1877 25. 1878 10, 1880 22, 1877 19.1881 19. 1877 14. 1S78 14,1880 20, 1877 Oct. Mar. June July I^ov. 20,1877 25, 1881 I ...1«82 23, 1880 29, 1882 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Bellevue Hospital Medical College Twelve years' practice Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical Department, University of Louisville... Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surj^ery .. Jefferson Medical College Ten years' practice Ten years' practice Jefferson Medical College Coll. of Phys. and Surg, of Ihe City of New York Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical College of Ohio Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Oct. 20, 18771 Dec. 2l,1877j Jan. 25,1878 J Jun.26, 1880, |Sep.22,18Sl| Jan. 14,18781 June Mar. 7,1881 14, 1883 July 3, 1883 Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. June May 13,1884 July 11,1884 1,1872 24. 1865 Jan. 16,1878 30, 1882 June IJan. iJan. 8,1856 Jan. 8. 1883 17. 1878 17, 1878 16. 1878 1,1871 Sept. 29,1884 6,18641 28, 1871 IJan. 7.1878 28, 1S79 Oct. 21. 1K79 6. 1883 July 23,1883 30, 1865 Jan. 22,1878 Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery June 19,1873 Jan. MedicalDepartment, Univ. of the City of New York Feb. 4. 1864 Feb. Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Mar. 6. 185:^ Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. 10,1876 Jan. Rush Medical College Feb. 21,1882 Oct. St. Louis Medical College . Rush Medical College Seventeen years' practice. Louisville Medical College St. Louis Medical College- Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical School, University ot Missouri Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Miami Medical College I Mar. Miami Medical College iMar. j Rush Medical College |Feb. I Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Mar. Missouri Medical College Mar. Certificate of examination 'June Jefferson Medical College Mar. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. j Bellevue Hospillil Medical College iMar. I Medical Department, Univer^ty of Louisville Feb. Bellevue Hospital Medical College Mar. St. Louis Medi(uil College Mar. Rush Medical College Feb . St. Louis Medical College Mar. 2,1859 1.1871 25, 1878 3, 1842 13,1873 24, 1880 22, 1877 ..,1849 17, 188i» 2. 1872 3. 1869 27, 1867 1,1H51 26. 1880 12. 1881 28, 1863 10,1871 8, 1867 10,1^81 8. 1882 24. 1x80 8, 1882 July Dec. Jan. Aug. May 10, 1878 6. 1878 ■'8.1878 3.1882 12.1881 27.1877 29. 1878 l(t,l>«80 6, 1880 July 11,1881 April 12, 1878 July"24".i886 Nov. 18,1882 Nov. Jan. 10,1877 10,1878 July Jan. 10,1878 May June July Nov. 29. 18S1 28, 1882 28, 1880 29. 1882 183 Official Kegister of Physicians Sangamon County. Name. Registered CO o W o o Residence and Post- office. 3* O < Prac- tice.* Thatcher. Ralph P Townsena. Justus Trapp A. H Sept. IS. 1882 Jan. 8, 187K Jan. 8,1x78 Feb. 6.1883 R Springfield 38 Ala 49U. S 64 Germany. :3N.Y 62 Germany. 46 Va 17 25 40 4 32 11 R R R H R R H E E R R R R R R R R R R E K H R R R E R E R E R R R R R H R R R R R \i R R R R R R R \i H R Springfield Springfield 14r 4{) Utley, Joseph H Springfield 4 Vaeth Charles F Springfield 10 Vincent, John A Oct. •2«.18r7 Apr. lf).l«84 Jan. 11,I8;8 Jan. 8, 1x78 May 1, 18:8 Vov. 2.1880 Nov. H.l.>82 Dec. 14,1877 Feb. F),1S78 Apr. 3. 1879 Jan. 11,1878 Nov." "5.1878 Aug. 16,1x81 Dec. 3,1577 Springfield r WhitlHV liHTifirlev SpringHeld 22 40 III Wlk'OX J. li Springfield.... .... III 16 28 35 10 20 25 2 5 2 13 Wilcox. L. H Springfield 69U. S 56 Germanv. 2S- Wohlgemuth, H Springfield Illiopolis Illiopolis 3a Asbury.I. M 32 46 Tl, 10 Holcomb, Harley Ohio 12 Liavvfeuce, J. H .... Illiopolis 48 Ohio 25 Mo... .... 23 Mayes, J. W. D Illiopolis 2 Maxwell, W.O 28 25 37 Ill 5 P.ogers. L. P. Nuckolls, George W Taylor. L. C Trott. J R TM 2 Auburn 111 III 3 2:j 17 "16 "26 ^ Auburn 44!tenn 40 U. S ■43 Ohio !!'.■.!! 48 Mass 10 Wheeler, Matthew S.. . Auburn 17 Wheeler, W.D \uburn Chatham Hewitt, S. Jan. 10,1878 June 12.1883 Jan. li»,1^78 Feb. 24,1880 Sept. 15,1«77 Feb. 20,18-0 July 3.lx8i Jan. 12,18;8 June 9, 1880 Jan. 19,1878 Mar. 19.1878 Oct.**'29."i883 Feb. 21. 1884 May 23.1878 Feb. 20.18:8 Mar. 18.1878 Dec. 6, I88I Oct. 16. 1877 Dec 18. 1817 May 12.ixxi Jan. 15, 1X78 Nov. 30,1878 Oct. 11,1877 Oct. 11,1878 Jan. 12, 1X7S Dec. 30,1880 Mar. 11,1878 Jan. 2,1878 May 13,1879 AiVg."26,"l878 Jan. 30,1878 Oct. 2. '877 16. McElwain, Thomas.. Chatham. Smith, J. H ('hat ham 52 23 55 35 34 26 29 35 Ky Vi Wrieht Charles D Chatham Chatham 11. Wright. N N. H 111. 27 12 17 Clark Lewis H Loami .... 12 Houck, R. M .. Ohio Lonergan, IVT. V Loami. ... Pa 111.::::::::: Bain. E. C Pleasant Plains Tenn 13 11 13 8 7 Correll, \i. 8 Plea'jant Plains 35 111 42111 --- 11 Jordan, Francis N PI- asant Plains bmith. fr. M Pleasant Plains ... 31 99 111 !> Brittin. A. L 111 England, W. L. 2) .... Cantrall 56 29 36 35 54 Ohio Ind Va . . 34 1 13 7 25 3 U Northcott, Edwin M. (2 Cantral I 1 Wheeler, H.G Holmes, Samuel A Cantrall Cotton Hill .... 13 ?! Newberry, E. F. (3 Taylor, A. D Cotton Hill Ohio Ill u. S ?,h Cotton Hill 9; Foster, William. Ciirran 28 26 59 .2 27 38 40 23 46 Liiid-iay, Elijiih R Ky ...::: Patterson, A. A ('ujTan Va 37 2 3 16 19 24 1<> Pratt, George W Pa •?■ Drennan, David A Pawnee U. 8 U. S La N. Y N. Y 3^ Johnson, William C. (4 Pawnee q Kerr, C 1 'awnee iq Babcuck, 0. B Rochester.. 1 Barnes. B. F Riverton 15- Botkin, J. W Lowder 10 Cole, George E Lowder.. . 31 31 30 Ohio Conway, J. S Salisbury Ind Pa 4 2 Deal. J Kiverton .. . . Fulton, William New Berlin '?i Fulton. L. W. New Berlin. .. . Va 10 1 2 4 10 Habert, William A Salisbury 22 29 Tenn Ill U. S 1 Hammer. A. F. .... May l", i878 Dec. 17,1877 herrv .... 1 McClelland. R. E Williamsvilie 4 189 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Sangamon County Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed roi{ Kecord. Sept. Jan. Jan. April Jan. 11,1882 15.1878 28,1S78 3. 1878 23, 1883 Oct. April May Jan. Oct. 20. 1877 9. 18^4 10,lK78 28.1878 20. 1877 Dec. June Jan. Sept. Mar. 18,1877 20. 1879 2. 1878 10,1S78 8,1878 Dec. April Jan. Sept. Sept. 29.1877 2,1'«81 19,1878 20, 18«0 5. 1877 Jan. Feb. June Feb. Mar. 19, A878 9, 1878 9.18SH 4,1878 23,188i> Sept. Jan. June Jan. June 6.1877 14.1878 21,lh8i 26. 1878 11, 18(50 Jan. 15,1878 Mar. 23.1^78 April 13. 188 1 AufiT. 14,1878 Feb. 21,1884 Aug. 2 1878 Mar. 20.1878 April 26.18V0 July 13.18^1 April 11.1884 Oct. Oct. May Jan. Dec. 1.1877 20.1877 12. 18s 1 24.187X 2 1877 Sept Sept. Sept. Dec. ,5.1877 5.1^77 5. 1877 23. 1880 Oct. 19.1878 Sept. May Oct. Aug:. Jan. 23.1878 13.1879 IS. 1879 13.1H78 14,1878 Sept. Feb. April Sept. 8, 1877 26. 1883 26. 1878 11,1877 College of Physicians f>nd Surgeons, New York Berkshire Medical College Forty years' practice l^ellevue Hospital Medical College Humboldt Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Twenty-eight years* practif'e Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Twelve years' practice Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Louisville Medical College BellGvue Hospital Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College liellevue Hospital Medical College. Missouri Medical ('ollege Rush Medical College Miami Medical College Cirtilleate of examination. / meriean Medical College, St. Loni.- Twelve years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical In--titute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk American Medical Coll' ge. St. Louis Mar. Nov. Mar. Oct. May Mar. Mar. 8,1865 Sept. 13,1^82 22,lf62Mar. 27.1878 !Jan. 31,1878 1.1878 Feb. 6,1883 24,1869, 26.1868 Oct. 26.1877 6. 1884, April 10,1884 1, 1860 June Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. M.ir. Feb. 19. 1873 Nov. Nov. 24, 18.52 26.1876 28. 1874 April 3,1879 18. 1876' Jan. 11.1878 22.18 1'...: l.l>s75Mar. 5.1878 2 1857 1 Sept. 30.1>80 5.1868,Dec. 3,1877 Mar. 1,1868' Feb. 16,1878 June 5, 1883 June 12.1 8S3 IFeh L'8.18;8 Feb. 24.1880 April 7.1S80 Jan. Feb. Feb. June June Med. Dept., Nashville and Vanderbilt Universities Mar. Eleven years' praetice ' . .. Rush Medical College Feb. American Medical College, St. Louis May Rush Medical College , Feb. Ten years' practice Rush Medical College Thirteen years' praetice Rush Med cal College St. Louis Medical College Rush Medical College Hahtiemann Medical College, Chicago Hospital College of Merlicine. Louisville Medical Der)artment. Transylvania University.. Chicago Medical College 25.1865 Sept. 15,1877 11.18 8 Feb. 18.1880 21. 18^2 July 3. 1S82 14. 1877 Mar. 11.18:8 l.lSSO June 21.1^80 I 1,1865 Jan. 19,1878 '25.i879r!!!!!. *.'!!" 16.1878 Dee. 31.1883 19. 1883; Feb. 21.1884 April 6.1878 May 1,18^0 Dec. 6, 1881 Feb. 21,1877 Feb."22,1881 May 3, 1854 Feb. '16.1875 Sept. 16.1877 F'eb. 9,1876 Dec. 10 1877 Feb 24.ls8l'May 12. i^si Mar. 14.1xiiiiJan. 2-', 1878 Mar. 20,1877 Rush Medical College ". Feb. Hush Medical College Feb. Rush Medical College iJan. St. Louis Medical ('ollege Mar J St. Louis Medical College I Missouri Medical College 16, 1875 Oct. 3, 18 9 Ten years' practice Medical Department, University of Wooster... College of Phvsicians and Hurgeons. Keokuk Med. Der>t., Nashville and Vanderbilt Universities. Chicago Medical College 25. Ixt5 7, 1879 Mar. ..,186(i Feb. F-b. Mar. Mar. Rush Medical College Feb. ('ol ege of Phvsicians and Surgeons. Keokuk jFeh. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago |Feb, Rush Medical College Feb. 27.1879 25.18:9 l.ls7'< 21, 1876 3 18«-9 28. \>S1 21.1878 17,1876 Oct. Jan. Dec. 11.1877 11.IS77 12,1878 30,1880 Sept. 20,1879 \Ug. Jan. 26.1878 30. 1878 Oct. 2. 1877 May Dec. 1,1878 17. 1877 190 Official Eegister of Physicians Sangamon County. * At date of Registration. Schuyler County. Name. .Registered so o M o f Residence and Post- office. > M Prac- tice.* n: 3 McGinnis, John Sept. 12,1877 Aug. 6,1878 Jan. 8.1878 Dec. 12,1881 Mar. 6, 1878 Jan. 10,1878 Jan. 10,1878 Jan. 18.1878 Dec. 7.1877 Sept. 22,1877 Mar. 2f).1882 Aug. 16.1879 Feb. 28,1880 R H I R K R R R Dawson 35:Conn 69 Md 8 39 4 9 10 14 11 10 15 K McNeill. William Mechanicsburg 3<)' Miller. Thomas Riverton 27 35 Ill 4 Mountz, Albett G Breckenridge v^ 7 O'Connor, J. C Buffalo 33 Ohio 42 ni 10 Price. W. B Berlin M Riddle H. H Mechanicsburg . 36 31 III. 11 (Smith. W. B New City Ohio 4 Stowe. L. S. S5alisbury 54!Ohio T^r Taylor, I. H Barclay 28 24 34 24 U.8 1^ Taylor James L (5. . .. Buffalo Hart. 111. 1 1 Sherman Wickersham, J. W Mechanicsburg la 1 1 T Ay ers, Mortimer Nov. 22,1877 Dec. 5, 1877 H B R H R E R R R R ii E R R R it R E R Rushville 29 32 42 55 70 36 24 37 52 22 48 61 23 42 22 24 28 28 52 III.. 9 f> Clark, Albert R.... Rushville Ill 14 III.. 18 10 48 11 2 18 13 19 3 15 30 IS McCorkle, Thomas N July 18,1882 liushville Ohio Md U. S Ill Ky... 10 Rushville... ■1'^ Prentiss. Melvin M Dec. 26,1877 Nov. 27.1877 Nov. 19.1877 Dec. 6.1X79 Jan. 14,1878 April 27, 1880 Dec."i6,'l877 Sept. 22. 1883 April 6,1878 April 29,1881 Mar. 2, 1 882 Dec. 18.1877 April 21, 1880 Apr. 19,1878 Sept. 20, 1880 Rushville ^ Seeley. L. C Speed, J.N Rushville. '^ ^^ Barnes, Robert M Ray Ind Ind Penn N. Y Mass U. S V?, Blankinship, J. S Browning 1^ 3 Coe Horace F .... Huntsviile . I'y Littleton W Davis, Jesse B Camden Donnelly, Jefferson W Doddsville . Ky Ohio Ill 10 1 10 King, WilberL Meacham, S. F .. ... Brooklyn . . Noyes, F. A. (1 Pleasant View III 1 *"25 1 Pickering. J. H Bluff City iii::::::::. Ohio Powell, William ^f> Watts, B.P Camden 11 * At date of Registration. Scott County. Brengle, D. D Curry, C. P Dec. 21,1877 Dec. 20,1877 April 21, 1879 May 14,1381 Apr. 19.1883 R R R R R Winchester Winchester Winchester , 69 40 .39 44 24 Germany. Ill U.8 Mo 35 14 8 20 14 Day, Joseph L 8 Day, W. C Winchester Winchester 1ft Taylor, Albert M Ky "CI To Whom Certficates have been Issued. Sang'amon County.. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Sept. 7,1877 Mar. lfi.l8S(t Oct. 12, 1878 Oct. 4. 1881 Mar. 1,1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 15,1878 July 12.1878 Nov. 17,1877 Sept. 12,1877 Sept. 8.1877 Dec. 31.187^ Sept. 6,1879 Rush Medical College :. Thirty- nine years' pract ice Dept. of M'-dicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan American Medical College, St. Louis Rush Medical College Feb. 3,1869 Jefferson Medical College , Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Med. Dept., Nashville and Vanderbilt Universities. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Medical College of Ohio Mar. 25,1874 May 16.1878 Feb. 26,1878 Mar. 7,1857 Feb. 19.1873 June 18, H78 Mar. 1. 1865 Feb. 1,1871 Feb. 21,1877 Mar. 28,1877 Feb. 28,1879 Sept. 12,1877 Oct. Dec. Mar. Mar. Jan. July Dec. Sept. Jan. Aug. Feb. 19.187S 12, 1881 6, 187» 4.187S 25, 1878 19. 1878 7, 1877 22, 1877 2.1882 16. 1879 28. 1880 1) Registered in Morgan; 2) in Menard; 3) in Christian; 4) in Montgomery; 5) in Piatt. Schuyler County. Nov. July Jan. Feb. Dec. 24,1877 29, 1880 25. 1878 13. 1879 21,1877 Nov. Sept. Dec. Mar. Jan. 17.1883 6,1877 21,1877 28. 1879 29. 1878 Apr. Oct. Oct. Sept. Mar. 6,1880 26, 1878 5, 1878 7. 1883 23.1878 June May Jan. May Mar. 21.1881, 12. 1882 12,1878 17.188H 1, 1878 Dec. 10, 1877 Homeopathic Medical College, of Missouri Fourteen years' practice , College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk St. Louis Coll., Homeop. Physicians and Surgeons Medical Department, University of Maryland Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Twelve years' practice Ten years' practice.... College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Fifteen years' practice Rush Medical College ^ Ameri(ran Medical College, St. Louis Medical College of Ohio i College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Certificate of examination College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Twenty-five years' praetice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Mar. 6, 1868, Nov. 27,1877 June 10, 18:5 Jan. 29.1878 Mar. I,l?<7l0ct. 2.1884 April 6, 1829 Dec. 26,1877 Feb. 4.1873 Feb; 16,1875 Feb. 28,1860 July 18,1878 Dec; 6, 1879 Feb. 4,1878 Mar. 2,1880 April 27,1880 Feb. 15,1853 Jan. 19,1883 Sept. Feb. 27, 1878 May 7,1883 6,1878 Mar. 1.1881 Feb. 28,1882 Mar, 2, 1880 Feb. 23,1871 April 29, 1881 Jan! ".'.','1878 Mar. 6, 1878 1) Registered in Fulton; (2 in McDonough. Scott County. July Oct. Dec. Sept. Apr. 29, 1879 5. 1878 26, 1877 •22,1877 17,1883 Thirty-three years' practice . . Medical Department. State University of Iowa. St. Louis Medical College J Missouri Medical College 1 St. Louis Medical College Missouri Medical College Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. 10.1874 13.1873 28.1861 9.1871 19, 1883 1 April 19,1883 192 Official Eegister of Physicians Scott County. Name. Bowman. George W Carver, J. B Carver, Wilson C Haifleld. A. C Higj?ins, L. C. (1 Loner, Jes«e Mel lintoek, William A... Pegram, 8. M. (2 Sawyers. J. D Smith, Marsh H Stewart, J. H Straight. George M Sir.ngfield. T. J. (1 Begistebed Residence and Post- Office. Dec. 4, 1880 R May 3 1-83 K Dec. •J.187S K Mar. 20. 1878 It Feb. 7.1878 R Sept. 10.1883 R April 1.1X81 R Dec. 12.1877 K Jan. 12. 1878 K Dec. 12.1877 E Jan. 17.1^78 R Aug. 2.1-81 \i Dec. 12. 1877 E Alsey .. Bluffs.. Bluft--^.. Naples. Naples. Exeter Naples Mau'-hester. Oxville Manchester. Exeter Merritt Manchester. U S. Pa... Pa... III... N. Y. Ml..., III... 111... III... Ohio III. .. Ky.. ♦At date of Registration. Shelby County. Bivins.F. B June 4.18S4I Nov. 30.1877 Dec.""ii.'l877 Dec. 3.18<7 Nov. 29.1877 Nov. 23,1877 Feb. 1,1878 Sept. 26,l87i^ May 23.1883 Mar. 3.1884 Dec. 14,1877 Jan. 8.1878 Nov. 23, 1877 Nov. 13.1877 Mar. 2. 1878 Nov. 23,1877 Aug. 11,1881 Jan, 4. 1878 Dec. 27,1877 July 11.1S78 Jan. 1-..1878 Mar. 13,18.-8 June 11.1-78 Feb. 6.188.1 May 1, 1878 Apr. 16,1878 R R R R R R R R R R R it R R R H R I'M E R R {J H B R R Shelbyville 28 50 53 42 56 40 42 111 Va 1 31 2!t 10 30 11 21 12 1 Catherwood, T. L Shelhyville ?3 EddiH G W Sliell)yville Va. 13 Fleming. W. L -^lielbvville Ill 10 Pen well Enos Shelbyville Ind Vt. ?4 Pierce W. W. ... Shelbyville R Reber. C. T Shelbyville Pa 10 Rhoads. G. W Shelbyville 46 Pa 11 Shelhyville 24 33 44 36 6.' 5^ 33 23 5" 4!l 5". 52 26 31 In 1 Smith, H. B Slieibyville Ohio N. Y Ky 7 L'l 14 22 31 9 3 Smith, Joseph G. Shelbyville Stilwell, E. Shelbyville Shelbyville 13 'i'hurnian, William J .... u.s::::::: Ohio Pa III. 9 Van Dyke. E Shelbyville ?4 Van Reed, D. R Shelbyville 'ii Westervett. J. C Shelbyville Wilson. W G Shelbyville Windsor Md Ill Va 25 19 25 26 13 Aldridge, Elizabeth 17 Aldd'lge. H. H. (1 Windsor '>'', Brunk, C. H. (1 Windsor Ky. '^1 Crane, William W Windsor .... III. Hilsabeck, Jr., W. P..(l... Windsor Ill 6 27 25 5 "6 6 M mtgoiuery, J. B Win sor 60 25 72 27 37 26 39 58 Ala Ohio Va 18 Warden. C. D. (I VViiKlsor Carey, Robert Sigel .... 13 Chapman, Philip E Sigel f'anada... England.. Ohio 9, Fro-t. r. (t Sigel T^ Kroegnr. John A. (2 Sigel 6 Smidih. R. VV. (I Sigel . V Wilhite, J. W June 3,1878 E E R R § R R R R Sigel, Ind Ohio 17 26 18 20 13 10 14 10 13 2 V>, Frazer. Jerome B Stewartson 10 Intiram. F. S Feb. 1,1878 F.b. 4.1^78 Feb. 20. IN78 Jan. 17, 1878 Stewartson , i... 41irnd 43 nuin 15 Knox J VV. ■^te vvart.son 18 Robev. D. L Stewartson. 49 31 44 35 37 29 Va. . 11 Worley ti. T .. Stewartson . Ill 10 Carr. C. H Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 19,1877 ^owden . . Va 14 CurlislM. McDonald (^'OW len Ky Illl. 10 Holin. John(3 (/owden 6 MoDermith, S. T Feb. 5, 1878 Cowden lu. S 2 193 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Scott County* Cebtificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Record. -July 24,1880 Jiay 1. 1883 Sept. 8.1877 Oct. 26,1878 Sept. 21,18 May Mar. Dee. Jan. Dec. 11,1883 15, 1884 10,1877 2, 1878 10. 1877 Dec. 12.1877 -July 13.1881 Dec. 10.1877 St. Louis Medical College... Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Medical Department, University of Buffalo Rush Medical College Rush Medical Col lege Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and SurgerV Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical College j — ('ollege of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati June 1,1880 Dec. Feb. 21, 1882 May Feb. 2. 1870 Feb. Feb. 25.1868 Feb. Feb. Mar. Jan. May 21.1882 19. 1884 7. 1865 21,1875 20. 1875 Feb. 2.1870 Mar. 4.18S1 Jan. 25.1876 4, 1880 3. 1883 18, 1878 Feb. 7, 1878 Sept. 10,1883 April 1,1884 Dec. 12,1877 Jan. 12. 1878 Dec. 12,1877 Jan. 17,1878 July 13.1881 Dec. 12,1877 1) Registered in Morgan; 2) in Greene. Shelby County. May Jan. Sept Feb. 2, 1883 11,1878 4, 1878 16,1878 8,1884 Nov. July Feb. Oct. May 24.1877 12, 1878 15, 1878 29,1879 2, 18S3 Jan. Dec. Nov. 11,1884 12, 1877 29.1878 8. 1877 8. 1877 Feb. Nov. Mar. Jan. Sept 20.1878 8.1877 26.1881 28. 1878 6, 1877 Jan. Sept. Dec. Mar. Oct. 26,1878 6, 1877 26. 1877 30. 1878 13.1879 Aug. 29,1877 Oct. 26,1878 Mar. 20.1877 Sept. 11.1878 Jan. 2, 1878 Aug. Dec. Jan. Mar. Jan. 13,1880 6, 1878 8,1878 9.1878 8.1878 Jan. Jan. May Jan. 28.1878 2.5, 1878 14, 1^80 8. 1878 Miami Medical College Miami Medical College — Miami Medical College Missouri Medical College Medical College of Indiana College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical (College St. Louis Medical College Columbus Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. 6, 1881 1,1870 3,1847 28, 1868 ...1848 June 4.1884 Jan. 17.1878 May 7. i«78 Oct. 8,1884 June 20,1876 Nov. 29,1877 Mar. 8, 1856 July 19,1878 Mar. ..,1866] Mar. 7, 1879 Feb. 3,1880 Feb. 27, 1877 May 23,1883 Mar. 12,1863 College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York Thirteen years' prac t ice I Certificate of examination I Medical College of Ohio Mar. 2.1847 Jefferson Medical College Mar. 7.1868 June 20.1877 Mar. 9.182 Feb. ...1862 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Medical Department. University of Maryland Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati Twenty-five years' practice Rush Medical College Mar. Dec. 3, 1884 14. 1877 Jan. 25,l«65Nov. 13.1877 Feb. 21,1878 Medical College of Ohio Mar. 1,1875 Rush Medical College Jan. 17,1872 Ten years' practice Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Thirteen years' practice Louisville Medical College i Twelve years' practice Medical College of Ohio Twelve years' practice Twelve years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Fifteen years' practice Medical College of Ohio Eleven years' practice. Kentucky School of Medicine. ■13 Fourteen years' practice Ten years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Louisville Medical College Feb. 28,1873 Mar. 1.1872 Feb. 12.1867 Mar. 4,1873 June"29,"i876 Feb. Mar. Nov. Nov. Mar. Nov. Aug. 23. 1877 13. 1877 2, 1878 13.1877 11.1881 July 11.1878 Jan. 15.1878 Mar. 13.1878 June 11.1878 Feb. 6. 1880 Mar. 20.1878 Jan. 7. 1878 Apr. 1G.1878 Jan. 10.1878 Feb. 10,1880 Jan. 17,1878 25.1878 1.1876lFeb. 25, 1878 19-1 Official Begister of Physicians Shelby County. Registebed m U o o Residence and Post Office. > !25 < H Prac- tice.*^ Name. %t ^ CD h-lP Anderson, Nathan E Oconee" Oconee ""39 25 55 38 43 41 47 28 32 24 40 39 31 Pa"!"!!".; 111. ""ii 4 29 3 12 14 2 Kendall, tf.M 10* Miller, John H. (4 May 13,1880 Oconee 4 Spell. John May 1,1879 R Jan. 14,1878 R Dec. 8,1877 R Jan. 31,1878 R Apr. 25,1882 R Oconee Md Ind Md Wales .... Ky \\ Brown. J. L Tower Hill 1 Fringer. G. W. (5 Tower Hill 1^ Morgan, John Tower Hill .. 7 Shelton, John Tower Hill 9r Abell.N. W Jan. 28.1878 Sept. 22. 1881 July 28,1884 Dec. 19.1877 Dec. ...1877 Oct. 18,1881 R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R kv. Brant, Isaac L Lakewood . Ohio!!."."!! 111. 2 2 Bolt, G. B Herrick . . Buck. W.P Moweaq.ua... N.Y....!!! Ind Ill 15 'I 11 3 n Fritts, T. J Cold Spring 13 Godfrey, John W MoweaQua. . . Howard, J. W. (6 Big Spring 11 Huff, William J May 17,1874 Apr. 10,1878 i5ec."27,i877 Apr. 3,1878 Jan. 31,1878 Apr. 8, 1878 Prairie Home .... 37 21 34 Ind U. S. 1 Jeffries, 8. D. (8.... Sexson McNutt, J. B. (3 Beck's Creek Ind T^ Elockey. Amos P Prairie Bird ^6 Ohio 2 8 5 3 22 'r^ Eloe, C.K Prairie Home 32 29 54 51 ^\Va!!!!! Ireland... Ohio N.C 8 Sparling. W. H MoweaQua 5- York, Amos Strasburg 3 York. Eli 9(>. ■ At date of Registration. Stark County. Backmeister. T Dec. 4,1877 H R R R H R R R R R R R R R R R R R H R E R Toulon 48!Germany. 21 .V Hall, K.M Toulon 45Ene'l«,nfl 16; 16- Hall, W. T Dec. 19,1877 April 5,1884 Dec. 31,1877 F9b. 1,1878 Jan. 9,1880 Dec. 20.1881 Jan. 16,1878 Mar. 4,1878 Dec. 26,1877 May 3,1880 Mar. 12,1883 Feb. 19,1878 June 10,1882 Mar. 19,1878 Nov. 19,1877 Oct. 10,1883 Feb. 6,1878 April 19,1878 Mar. 3, 1878 Feb. 22,1882 Toulon 38 32 47 40 39 53 41 22 48 44 26 36 80 29 36 26 38 49 36 28 U.S.....!! Pa 8 8. Long. L. L Toulon" Peterson, A. W Toulon Germany. England.. Pa^""-!!!!!! ^fl 11 19 14 "17 11 Copestake, J. C Wyoming 18 Fox. Harvey N Wyoming Wyoming 14 Magee, D. W Pierce, A. M Wyoming 17 Boardman, E. 0. (1 Osceola " .... Boardman, E. R. (1 Elmira ... ?!§!!!.•.:! S!i!!."!:!! U.S England.. U.S U. 8 U.S U.S Me N.Y 27 12 "16 5 1 8 1 12 25 12 6 '^7 Boardman, James G Bradford 1^ Claybaugh, W. W . West Jersey. Davison. 8. A Bradford m Farrell, J. Seth Fieldhouse, J. (2 Camp Grove Holgate, J. R Castleton. R McClanahan, W. S West Jersey 1 Morse, N. B. (3 Duncan .... ... v^ Potter 8 T W . Wady Petra . 9; Shaw, G. G Lombard ville <> Sprague, Loyal T *At date of Registration. 195 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Shelby County. Cebtlftcate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate FlIiED FOR Record. Ma,r. 17.1880 Jan. 25. 1878 Feb. 20. 18h(J 1.M878 Hov. 8. 1877 Dec. 3.1877 JSov. 8,18i7 JMar. 30, 1882 Jan. 22. 1878 Apr. 2,1881 Nov. 8, 1877 Sept. 8, 1877 Oct. IS, 1881 Apr. 22,1879 Dec. 27.1881 Mar. 20.1878 Dec. 16,1878 Jan. 12.1878 Dec. 26.1877 Jan. 2.1878 Jan. 26. 1878 Sept. 2. 1878 Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College Fifteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana... Missouri Medical College Starling Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk ... Missouri Medical College Medical College of Indiana Feb. Mar. 4. 1873 'i'.im Mar. 2,1875 Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 8. 1869 24,1863 28, 1882 21, 1877 1.1881 Missouri Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Central Coll. of Phys. and Surgeons. Indianapolis. Eleven years' practice Feb. 19,1878 Mar. 4. 1880 May 1, 1879 Jan. 14,1878 Dec. Jan. Apr. Jan. Sept. 8,1877 21,1878 26, 1882 28, 1878 22, 1881 Mar. 14,1871 Dec. 19.1877 Feb. 15, 186(1 Nov. 29, 1877 Mar. 1,1881 Oct. 18,1881 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Twelve years' practice Certificate of examination Louisville Medical College July Feb. 1,1880 14.1878 Feb. 28,1871 Detroit Medical College , Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati . Rush Medical College July Jan. May Apr. 17, 1880 10, 1878 Jan. 22,1878 Feb. 28.1878 10.1872 Jan. 31,1878 22, 1878 Apr. 8,1878 Mar. 1, 1858 1) Registered in Moultrie; 2) in Eflangham; 3) in Fayette; 4) in Montgomery; 5) in Christian; 6) in McLean; 7) in Macon and Moultrie; 8) in Coles. Stark County. Dec. 15,1877 July 26,1881 Dec. 17,1877 April 4,1884 Oct. 16,1877 Jan. Oct. May Jan. Mar. Dec. Sept. Mar. Mar. June Homeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia iMar. 1,1856 Dec. 17,1877 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ke'okuk 'Feb. 13,1858 Medical Department, Iowa University, Keokuk |Feb. 25,1869 Dec. 19,1877 Jefferson Medical College jApr. 2,1883 April 5.1884 Eleven years' practice ! Dec. 22, 1877 11.1878i Certificate Illinois Army Medical Examining Board Oct. 19,1864 Feb. 29,1879j Miami Medical College iMar. 1.1866 Jan. 19,1W9 Certificate of examination I iDec. 14,1878 Rush Medical College iFeb. 25.18fU'Jan. 1.1878 Rush Medical College jFeb. 26.1878 Mar. 26. 1877 8,1877 5, 1883 17, 1880 8, 1882 Mar. 1,1878 Sept. 6,1877 Mar. 16.18&3 Feb. 2.1878 Feb. 21.1878 Dec. 31,1877 Feb. 16,1882 1.1878 9. 1880 20.1881 16, 1878 19,1878 Twenty-seven years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department, State University of Iowa. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Eleven years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk... Jan. Feb. Jan. Mar. Jan. 9.1878 25. 1865' June 10.1880 20.1883 Mar. 9.1883 25, 1865; Mar. 26,1880 7,1877|June 10,1882 Feb. 26, 1878; Mar. Feb. 3, 1869; Oct. Feb. 20. 1883 Oct. Feb. Dec. 2, 1878 Apr. 19, 1878 11.1877 10,1883 6, 1878 13, 1878 Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania i April 27,1866 Mar. 11,1878 Medical Dept., University of the City of New York'Feb. 15.1876,Feb. 22,1882 ) Registered in Henry; 2) in Marshall; 3) in Peoria. 19( Official Kegister of Physicians St. Clair County. Name. Registered o W o Residence and Post- Office. > H H Prac- tice.* si P- 6 13 5 2 17 1? 24 Beehtold, Louis J. J Nov. July Dec. Dec. Nov. Nov. Jan. Nov. Mar. Nov. Nov. June July Nov. 24,1877 14,1880 14.1877 8,1877 24,1877 26,1877 7.1878 24,1877 3,1883 26, 1877 15.1877 17,1878 25, 1884 24, 1877 R R R R R H H R li R R R R R R R H R R R R R E R R R R R R R H E H R R R H E R R R R R R R R R R H R R R R R R R R R Belleville. 29 39 28 30 39 32 59 4t) 24 40 26 50 21 32 22 58 35 30 25 35 31 50 58 Belgium.. Germany. U. s U. S Germany. Germany. Germany. Ill 111. ^ Buesch, Martin George... Belleville 4 Dake, Charles R Belleville \ Gunn, A. B Belleville '\ Kohl, Julius Belleville.. 16 Loelkes, George Belleville q Belleville Belleville 20 Perryman, J. L 24 Rayhill, Charles G Belleville.. Ruhaeh, Ferdinand Belleville Germany. U. S Germany. U. S . 17 1 25 17 Seheel. A. M Belleville 1 Schuessel, Joseph Belleville. 15 Starkel, Charles H Belleville Stookey. L. P Relleville . U. S 111. 5 5 Thompson, Jerome Belleville Wagner, Michael April 27,1882 Belleville Germany. Mo 29 7 Waugh, William W Belleville.. West. Washington Dec. 3,1877 Belleville U. S Mo Ireland . . . u.s Hungary . Va Poland 9! 7 Deflann, Henry J East St. Louis 3 D wyer, John W. B Oct. Nov. Jan. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. 4, 1881 28, 1877 8, 1878 26, 1881 11,1878 15,1878 1,1877 East St. Louis 4 Fairbrother, H. C East St. Louis 6: i; Fekete, Alexander East St,. Louis .30, 1:0 Glover G. W East St. Louis 35 1 10 Illinski, A. X East Sr. Louis .... James, Lewis L East St. Louis 37 40 39 22 34 33 73 26 27 53 39 35 51 37 29 31 33 52 32 31 23 26 30 30 49 50 55 26 .39 40 32 46 111. 12, 12 Jennings. Thomas C East St. Louis U.S Germany. &..«;::;/; U.S Swilz'n'd.. Germany. N. Y Ohio England.. U.S N.Y 19 13 Koppe, William East St. Louis East St. Louis ....1 Muelheims, Robert Sept. 6, 1882 1 .... O'Melveny, Curran B East St. Louis Renois, W. H Nov. Feb. Feb. 28.1877 21,1880 15,1878 East St. Louis 11 5 Steiner, John... East St. Louis East St. Louis. . .. 40' 12 Strecker. C. F I Taft, H. W East St. Louis 2 Teague, Thomas J.... Feb. 9, 1884 East St. Louis. 19 Whitaker, Joseph East St. Louis 3 .... Winton, 0. R Dec. June 13, 1877 15.1882 East St. Louis 10 3 Comstock, Thomas G St. Louis, Mo Greene, T. Alonzo St. Louis, Mo Vt U. 8 U.S Ireland . . . Ireland. .. Mo Switz'n'd.. Mo 111.. 13 .... Liitton, CM Jan. April Oct. Oct. Mar. Jan. May 22,1878 2,1884 10.1879 10,1879 18,1884 22,1883 ..,1879 St. Louis Mo Michols, Andrew B St. Louis, Mo 9l . O'Reilly, Robert J O'Reilly, Thomas St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo . 13S 13 321 30 Robinson, A. C 10.. . Brun, Oscar .... Maseoutah 5 3 Cornick, Boyd. Mascoutah. . . . . 2' Cunningham, F Maseoutah. ll 1 Fabricius, J. A Dec. Dpc. Mar. Dec. Jan. Oct. Jan. Nov. Aug. Nov. May Dec. 12,1877 3,1877 26,1878 7.1877 16, 1878 17. 1878 2!^, 1878 30,1877 2, 1881 7. 1878 31.1880 15, 1877 Mascoutah Germany. U.S Germany. Germany. Germany. Germany. France.... Germany. 8! 2 Fuchs. Jr., A.J Mascoutah. .1; Leibrock, George. Mascoutah. Y^' i.n Schmitt, Henry 25 18 Berkebile, J. K Millstadt ■. 0- i 2 Newland, Theodore H. Millstadt ., . 5 I Saltenberger, John Sehlernitzauer, A Millstadt Millstadt. . i:< 1.^ 1:5 13 Vetter, Julius G. Millstadt Millstadt Vogel John A 19! Beehtold, Herman T O'Fallon 3o!u. S.....'.. 33 U. 8 41 4 Bates, 0. C O'Fallon 12 i 12 197 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. St, Clair County. Ceetificate of State Board of Health. Issued, Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cektxfi- catr Filed FOR ^ Record. Nov. 30.1877 July 2'.M88() Sept. 15,1877 Dec. 15,1877 Nov. 27.1877 Nov. Jan. Dec. Mar. Nov. 30. 1877 25. 1878 7. 1877 2, 1883 30, 1877 Nov. 20.1877 June 13,1878 July 24,1884 Dec. 7.1877 Apr. 23,1878 Oct. 9.1877 April 27, 1882 Dee. 11,1877 Mar. 25,1884 Oct. 4.1881 Dec. Jan. Nov. Dec. Feb. 1,18:7 15. 1878 22, 1877 17,1877 7, 1878 Dec. 10.1877 Dec. 1.3,1883 June 21.1881 May 8, 18^2 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Dec. Apr. Dec. Jan. Mar. Oct. Oct. Feb. Dec. July Sept. Dec. Jan. Mar. Dec. Jan. July 16,1878 Jan. 26,1878 Dec. 1, 1877 July 26,1884 Oct. 23,1878 June 11.1880 Jan. 11,1878 10, 1879 11,1878 13. 1883 6. 1884 13. 1883 18,1877 27,1882 17.1880 19. 1878 31. 1884 21,1879 21. 1879 7,1884 5. 1882 29.1879 10.1882 26. 1877 15. 1878 30. 1878 10, 1877 St. Louis Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. New.York. Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Twenty years' practice Medical Department, University of Missouri St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College University of Munich Fifteen years' practice . . . Rush Medical cJollege Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College . Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. 9,1870 Dec. 1,1877 Aug. .,lh73 Dec. 4. 1875 1 Aug. 2.1859|Dec. 4,1868'Dec. iJan. 10,1853,Feb. 8.1882 Mar. 2. 18581 Dec. 12. 18761 Nov. June 19.1884 July 6. 1872! Jan. 5.187 University of Warsaw Homeopathic Medical College. New York St. Louis Medical College , Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College. St. Louis Medical College . Ten years' practice Missouri Medical College . Twelve years' practice 1,1877 11,1880 14,1877 3, 1878 7.1877 1.1877 28. 1878 1.1878 3.188.S 1,1877 23, 1877 17.1878 25, 1884 9.1879 1846 Mar. 1, 1870 Mar. 3, 1868 Mar. 4.1884 Mar. 1.1877 Mar. 20.1872 Mar. 2,1854 .1842 Rush Medical College St. Louis Medical College Jefferson Medical College Missouri Medical College Medical Department, University of Vermont University of Berne American Medical College. St. Louis St. Louis Coll., Homeop. Physicians and Surgeons Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery St. Louis Medical College Feb. 17.18,58 Mar. 8.1883 Mar. 13.1880 Mar. 2,1S82 June 4.1866 Apr. 27.1882 Dec. 14,1877 Oct.""*4,'i88i Jan. 17.1878 Dec. 26,1881 Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 15.1878 Jan. 3, 1878 Sept. 6.1882 Missouri Medical College I Medical Department, St. Lou;.-, University. I University of Vienna, Austria. Eclectic Medicallnstitute, Cincinnati.. . St. Louis Medical College , Missouri Medical College Feb. 21,1880 Feb. 15,1878 Feb. 9. 1884 2, 1876 Mar. 21,1878 Mar. 6, 1856'! J^^^ ^^'^^^^ May 17.18671 Mar. 12,1874 Jan. 22,1878 Mar. ..,1875 April 2,1884 St. Louis Medical College Royal College of Surgeons, England Missouri Medical College J State Board of Examiners. Switzerland. I University of Basle Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Jefferson Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri University of Marburg, Germany Mar. .1868 Oct. June 15, 1849; Oct. Mar. Dec. 11,1879 Feb. 22,1877 28. 1879 28. 1879 4. 1874 Mar. 18.1884 Jan. 22,1883 Aug. ...1879 12,1878 Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons. American Medical College, St. Louis Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. May Mar. Mar. 1,1881 13,1873 11,18761 28. 1878; April 27.1878 18,1847 3. 1864' Jan. 4,1873 Oct. 14,1864 Jan. 4. 1864 Dec. 4.1884 Aug. 16, 1878' Nov. 5, 1880 ..,1865 Jan. 16. 1878 17, 1878 28, 1878 3. 1877 2,1884 11, 1878 ....1880 14.1878 198 Official Register of Physicians St. Clair County. Name. Registered CO S § Residence and Post- office. Nativity ... PJ! tic £ EL ■i 3 27 27 1 4 A.C- e.* .=3 Dunn, D. C Dec. 7,1877 Dee. 11,1877 Mar. 12.1878 Dec. 10,1877 Aug. 20.1881 R R R R R H R R R R R R R B R E R R R R R E R R H R R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R R E E R R O'Fallon 33 49 55 29 26 U::::::: S:i::::::: Germany . 1 Hixson Columbus. O'Fallon 13 MeGeehon, James it....... 0' Pallon '^0 Oatman. E. D O'Fallon 1 Tiedemann, E. F O'Fallon 3 Atlen, 8. E Lebanon Berger A . . Jan. 18,1878 Mar. 11,1884 Dec. 24,1881 Lebanon . 56 22 43 29 3S 25 Germany. Mo U.S Germany . Germany. IT. S 29 "id 14 19 V Dreseher, F. B Jones, James M Lebanon KoUas, John H Schaeffer, H Jan. 12.1878 May 12,1880 May :31,1884 Jan. 7,1878 April 13,1878 Dee. 28,1877 Dec. 1.1877 Mar. 21.1878 Dee. 1.1877 Feb. 12,1879 Dee. 4,1877 July 31.1882 Dee. 7.1877 Jan. 16.1878 April 23,1884 Nov. 27,1877 Dec. 15,1877 June 16,18h0 Dec. 1,1877 Jan. 10,1878 Jan. 17,1878 Jan. 17,1878 Dec. 15.1877 April 10.1884 Sept. 28.1878 Jan. 8,1878 Dec. ..,1877 Jan. 22,1878 Nov. 28.1877 Jan. 16,1878 11 Campbell J. M. .... Marissa . 1 Campbell. Thomas H Marissa. 28III 42iU. S 37;TT. S Coulter, A. P. (1 Marissa . 1Q Guthrie. J. G 10 3 Wilcox. W. Marissa 27 37 28 46 33 68 23 48 31 23 61 42 48 31 52 41 3X 37 23 27 .S3 32 45 36 28 U.S U.S Germany. 4 10 4 Carr, M. S Freeburgh 10 Hertel. H Koeberlin. Fred. .. Free burgh Germany. U.S Germany. U.S. 19 7 42 19 Woods, Alexander Freeburgh .... 7 Klinkhardt, E New Athens 39 Moeser, Philip New Athens Reder, Francis New Athens New Athens Germany. U.S Ohio Germany. U.S....... U. S Canada... France ... Switzerl'd U.S U.S Mo 22 10 35 J5 . 17 5 23 18 26 12 18 Watts, R. I 10 Bahrenburg, William . Lenzburgh . Bock, G. C Smithton *,^0 Bailey, John W Shiloh '^ Castor, Melvin W East Carondelet Summerfleld 9 Close, James A 4 Cristoffe, C. H French Village 8 Fischer. F. Xavier (2 . . . St. Llbory 11 Gains. W. 8 Risdon 10 Hewett, J. H Summerfleld n TnfrRm .John li Birkner East Carondelet Darmstadt Jennings, E. A Lehr A. F U.S Germany. Germany. France.... U.S U.S 7 5 12 23 13 5 ^ Listmayer. A. F Melgrani. F. A Miller, L.T West Belleville 5 Centreville Station Caseyville New Athens . 13 11 Moore 0. T 5 Newell John M Centreville Station . Rembe C H E E Mar. 25,1878 May 25.1880 Sept. 18,1878 Nov. 28,1877 Fayetteville West Belleville 22 52 54 23 Germany. Germany. U.S u. S Schmitt Joseph A. 24 28 ?, Smyzer, Jacob .... East Carondelet 7 Wiggins, J. L * At date of Registration. Stephenson County. Best, S.J Buckley, B.-T. (1 Burbank, J. C Caldwell, W. S Currier, L. M. (2 Jan. 8,1878 Dec. 31.1877 Jan. 5, 1878 June 6.1879 Oct. 12,1882 R jFreeport R Freeport. H I Freeport R JFreeport H iFreeport Pa 17 25 21 24 5 N. Y Pa N.M U.S 199 • To Whqm Certificates have been Issued. St. Clair Connty. Cektificate of State Boakd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Record. Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 21,1877 Mar. 18.1878 Dec. 26.1877 Sept. 17,1881 Mar. Dec. Mar. Dec, Oct. Jan. Apr. Apr. Oct. Oct. 21, 1879 26. 1877 25, 1884 20.1881 20, 1884 25. 1878 2,1880 30, 1884 23, 1877 23, 1877 Sept. 13,1877 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. 23,1878 Dec. 12,1877 Aug. 13,1878 Dec. 10,1877 July 25.1882 Dec. 10,1877 Dec. 7, 1877 April 19,1884 Nov. 29,1877 Dec. 7,1877 June 24,1878 Oct. 6.1877 Jan. 12,1878 Jan. 3,1878 Jan. 19, 1878 Dec. 24,1877 April 11, 1884 Oct. 5, 1878 Jan. Mar. Nov. 8.1878 21,1879 13. 1877 Nov. 30,1877 Dec. 7, 1877 June 11,1879 Mar. 21,1878 18,1881 5,1878 3. 1877 Jan. Oct. Dec, Mar. 31,1884 Louisville Medical College. Miami Medical College Twenty years' practice St. Louis Medical College . . St. Louis Medical College.. . Feb. Mar. 29,1872 Jan. 1,1866 Dec. Mar. Mar. 10,1876 Mar. 5, Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Humboldt Medical College, St. Louis Missouri Medical College Medical College of Indiana Kentucky School of Medicine Mar. Aug. 21, 1878 27. 1877 20. 1878 26, 1878 20,1881 Feb. 27,1869 June 24, 1862 Jan. 18,1878 Mar. 4.1884 Feb. 28.1879 June 26,1884 Eleven years' practice Missouri Medical College St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College Nineteen years' practice St. Louis Medical College Mar. 1,1880 Mar. 4, 1884 Feb. 3, 18C9 Mar, Dec. 29, 1884 20, 1881 April 16, 1880 May 31.1884 Oct. 29. 1877 University of Leipzig. Germany American Medical College, St. Louis .. University of Munich Medical College of Ohio Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago University of Giessen, Germany Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio University of Toronto Certificate of examination Mar. 14,1866 Dec. 22,1877 May 21, 1873! Sept. 20.1877 Feb. 27,1868;Dec. 14.1877 Mar. 8, 1878! Mar. 27.1878 |Dec. 13,1877 Mar. 13.1873jAug. 29,1878 April ...1833 Dec. 11,1S77 June 8, 1882 July 31.1882 Aug. 18,1852 Mar. 2. 1868 Feb. 21,1884 Oct. 9. 1844 Mar. l >- Peac- TICE.* Name. t 5" Deitrich. F. A Jan. 2. 1878 Jan. 2, 1878 Jan. 10.1878 Jan. 2. 1878 Jan. 4.1878 Jan. 15,1878 May 28,1884 Jan. 19,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 17,1878 Jan. 8. 1878 Nov. 15,1877 Jan. 11,1878 Apr. 13.1878 Jan. 3. 1878 Apr. 7. 1881 H R R H R B R R R H R R E R H R R R H E H PM \i R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R K R R R R R Freeport 40 50 52 45 35 66 23 32 41 50 35 36 55 57 43 38 26 23 38 29 29 29 40 30 55 25 45 46 Germany. Germany. Ohio Pa 17 21 28 19 10 43 1 8 11 26 10 11 25 33 20 11 3 14 Froning, P Freeport 21 Hance, F. W Freeport. ... 24 Hayes. R.F Hillebrand Christ. (1 Freeport 14 Freeport. .... Germany. N.Y Ill Md. ...!.... Germany. N.Y Ill 9> Levingston. William Freeport 3a Mease, D. 0. L Freeport 1 Porter, P. B Freeport Freeport 5- Schmedes, H. (1 11 Stearns, 0. E Freeport 26- Stoskopf, L Freeport 8; Volght. L.G. (1 Wilson. Sarah M Freeport . Freeport Md Ohio N.Y NY N.Y Ill 11 25 Wright. C. B..., Freeport 20 Beidler, J. A . Davis .. . 11 Benton, E. A Davis 9- Butterfleld. F. A Davis 2 Hoag, Edward J Davis Ill Kleckner David H Mar. 14.1878 Jan. 2,1878 May 15,1884 June 13, 1882 Jan, 10. 1878 Jan. 15.1878 Dec. 21,1877 Oct. -"4,1884 Jan. 3, 1878 Jan. 7.1878 Davis Pa Norway .. Ill U. S Pa 1 11 ■"2 14 7 30 1 19 25 1 Rostad, R. T. (3 Davis. ... g. Aurand, Samuel H ... Loran Blair, Johnson R Yellow Creek 2- Robb.D. B Dakota la Bride. George H Ridott III..';::.::. 1 Brundage, Charles BuenaVista Ridott Pa 12: Comley, John B Ill N.Y Pa. 1 Darling, F Lena 19 Fishburn, I. P Orangeville 2fr' Humphrey. Robert S Cedarville Leirzeil, C. P Oct. 2.1883 Oct. 2. 1883 Sept. 5.1883 Jan. 11.1878 Jan. 9.1878 Sept. 22,1881 Tan. 11.1878 Feb. 7, 1878 May 5, 1884 Jan. 3.1878 Jan. 11,1878 Mar. 1.1878 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 14,1878 Nov. 22.1880 Waddam's Grove Waddam's Grove Fountain Creek 27 54 28 46 40 32 44 65 23 41 45 27 27 43 30 Pa 2 30 1 Leitzell, J. B Pa 1 Moyer, Samuel R III.:..;:::. Salter, S. C. (4 Ijcna Ohio Ohio Wis. 21 14 8:- Saucerman, John W Winslow 14 Sauoerman, Martin Rock Grove Scott D. W McConnell's Grove Yellow Creek Ohio Pa 8 32 8- Seebold. J.B 17 Smith, J. Carson Waddam's Grove Rock City Pa. .... Snider, George W Pa N.Y. Pa 20 16 1 5 17 6 15 Staugland, E. C Rock City & Stiver, W. B Lena 1 Thompson, S.O Cedarville Wis Ohio N.Y 5 VonHorn. A. K Yellow Creek 15 Winslow. F. C Orangeville... 6- ^At date of Registration. Tazeivell County. Allen. W. H Feb. 11.1878 Feb. 19.1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan:""25:i878 R R R R R Pekin 32 37 60 "li Ireland... Ill Ireland.... N.Y Switzerl'd 7 13 33 18 40 7 Bradley. R. D Pekin 13 Charlton. R. C Pekin '^ Deyo. V.K Jorg.H Pekin Pekin "ii 201 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Stephensoa County. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certifloate: Diploma— Examination— Date of Years of Practice. Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOB Record. Dec. 7.1877 Dec. 7, 1877 Oct. 10,1877 Oct. 19.1877 Oct. 10,1877 Oct. May Jan. Dec. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Mar. 26. 1878 24, 1884 9, 1878 24. 1877 17,1877 5, 1877 23. 1877 15. 1877 3.1877 30,1878 Sept. 12.1877 Apr. 1, 1881 Apr. 30.1884 Mar. 30,1878 Dec. 14,1877 May May Nov. Jan. Dec. 12.1884 22, 1882 24.1877 22. 1>^78 29, 1877 Oct. 2.1884 Oct. 17.18/7 Dec. 26,1877 May 24.1879 Sept. 28, 1883 Sept. 28.1883 July 31.1883 Sept. 15,1877 Sept. 22.1877 Sept. 17,1^81 Oct. 10,1877 Feb. 9,1878 April 19.1884 Jan. 15.1878 Dec. 26,1877 Mar. 1,1878 Sept. 6.1877 Nov. 10,1877 July 26,1878 ( Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago < Medical Dept.. University of the City of New York I Rush Medical College University of Bonn Department of Medicine. Univ. of Pennsylvania Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania University of Berlin Twenty-five years' practice Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Eleven years' practice Twenty-six years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Twenty-flve years' practice Twenty years' practice .-.. Eelven years' practice Medical Department, University of Vermont Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati Chicago Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College , Castleton Medical College, Vermont Mar. Mar. Jan. May Apr. Mar. July 10, 1873 9. 1871 24. 1865 16. 1866 7. 1849 17,1858 Jan 30, 1868 Jan. Jan. May Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 7, 1878 Jan. Jan. Feb. 19.1884 Mar. 23.1869 Mar. Mar. 1,1869 1, 1866 June 9,1866 Feb. 24.1880 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. 21,1878 May 23,1871 Medical Department, University of Louisville Ten years' practice Pennsylvania Medical College.. Department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania... Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Pennsylvania Medical College Chicago Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Feb. Feb. Mar. Aug. Jan. Jan. Nov. Jan. Apr. 2. 1878 10, 1878 2, 1878 5.1878 15.1878 28, 1884 17. 1878 2, 1878 2. 1878 17,1878 26,1878 11,1878 11.1878 13, 1878 Sept. 24.1877 April 7,1881 April 2,1878 Jan. 2, 1878 21,1884 May 15,1884 27, 1882 June 13,1882 1,1864 1 Jan. 12,1878 1,1869 Jan. 25,1878 1846 Jan. 5, 1878 Feb. 28,1884 Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Jefferson Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Fifteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. JFeb. Jan. 1,1852 12, 1874 1, 1882 Oct. Jan. Jan. 4,1884 3,1878 7. 1878 Oct. 2, 18S3 5, 1853 Oct. 27,188:^Sept. ..,1863 Jan. 21,1863 Jan. 22, 1881 Sept. 7.1871 ...1846 26, 1884 17. 1869 27, 1861 Jan. Apr. May 2, 1883 5, 1883 11,1878 9, 1878 22, 1881 11, 1878 5,1878 5,1884 Jan. 11.1878 Mar. 26,1878 17,1872 Jan. .... iJan. 10.1874 Nov. 12, 1878 14,1878 22, 1880 1) Registered in Ogle; 2) in DeKalb and Kane; 3) in Winnebago; 4) in Carroll and Jo Daviess. Tazewell County. Oct. July 20. 1877 Medical Department, University of B uff alo 26.1881 Jefferson Medioal College Feb. Mar. Dec. 22.1870 7. 1868 5,1837 Feb. July Jan. 1,1878 27, 1881 Dec. 14,18771 School of Apothecaries Hall, Ireland 14, 1878 Feb. 13.1879 Certificate of examination Nov. 30,18771 Fifteen years' practice Jan. 25.1878 202 Official Kegister of Physicians Tazei^ell County. Registebed O Residence and Post- Optice. > Prac- tice.* Name. IE 0® Koch, Edward P Mar. 26,1881 R July 17, 1882 EH Pekin 26 21 Mo Low. SmithD Pekin Ill 3 22 34 14 23 14 3 McCoy. Alexander Sept. 20, 1884 Nov. 18.1877 Dec. 15,1877 May 20.1878 Jan. 16.1878 Apr. 3.1879 Jan. 9. 1878 R R R R R R R R H R R R R H H R R E E R R R E R R R R Pekin 53 N. Y 611 Germany. 37iN. J 45U. S 38 Ohio ^ Newmeyer. F. K Pekin 15 Schenck, W. E... Pekin M Crothers, R. W. (1 . . Delavan .... '>,?, Jennings. B. P Delavan 1?, Maclay.A.I Delavan 26 53 33 29 35 Ohio ... Maclay, C. B. Delavan Pa 25 ?1 Maclay, John Delavan Turner, D. M Dec. 13.1877 Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 26.1877 Oct. 26,1883 Feb. 11,1878 Aprii"2.i884 Oct. 25,1877 April 3,1880 Jan. 16,1878 i)ecV"8,'i877 Delavan Ohio. Ill 1 9 1 Berger, R. N... Hopedale q Jennings, J. N Hopedale ?^ Keys, Robert W. (2. Hopedale 22 32 ill.. 1 6 1 Allen, Wilbur.... TT. S a Kueny, B. F. A Mackinaw.. Miller. 0. A Mackinaw . 38 38 35 42 64 34 39 39 111.. 4 i Stahl.E.F Mackinaw.. Pa. . Blackburn, G. M. Minier Minier Ohio Pa. . 12 14 27 8 13 17 Nicolay, W.J 10 Spencer, T. R Pa 13 Conibear. W. H Morton. England.. Pa. 8 Gulick. H Washington.. .... ?, Osborne. W. S July 2,1881 Apr. 3,1878 Mar. 13,1878 May 16,1881 May 5,1884 Oct. 27,1877 Nov. 12.1877 Oct. 27.1877 Deer Creek Ill 14 Porter. J. W Deer Creek .... Rowland. G. T 25 Kv 2 2 ^ Shafer, G. R . Morton. 23 29 36 48 Ill 9, Watt. Benjamin Nicholas Ohio Weirick. William H Washington Pa 11 17 25 ?, Wileman, T. H Green Vallev Ohio 17 Wood, E. P Washington ?5 At date of Registration. IJnion County. Goodman, Thomas B Mar. 26.1884 Oct. 22.1877 Oct. 11.1879 April 15.1884 May 14,1880 Feb. 12,1878 July 7,1883 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 30,1880 Dec. 24.1877 Dec. 24,1877 Jan. 11.1878 Apr. 13,1883 Dec. 11.1882 Jan. 2.1878 May 3,1882 Dec. 19,1877 Apr. 8,1878 Apr. 1,1878 Feb. 13.1884 R R R I R R R R E E H R R R R R R R R Anna 24 32 111 Hale, J.I Anna. 111.. 9 9 Hester, William W Martin, Sidney C Anna Anna 33 46 30 30 4h 32 50 45 54 27 24 45 24 52 27 49 65 ill Mass .... Sanborn, Joseph H Stocking. L. E Anna N.Y Texas N.Y Ill U.S u. s Ky '4 1 23 2 22 12 23 1 Tomlinson. Albert B. Anna. 1 Wardner. Horace Anna '^3 Brown, Wilson Cobden Cobden ?, Dubois, A.M. (1 1?, Dubois.Mary L Cobden 10 Farrell. C. F Cobden ^0 Rogers, Henry H Rolens, M. F Cobden u. s Ohio 1 Cobden Ross, B. F Cobden Pa. 20 19 Eddleman. W. M. Ill Harmes, Henry Dongola.. Germany. Ill 27 2 15 29 19 Keesee. John... ?, Montgomerv, E. L. Dongola.. Miss Tenn Thomas, John L Dongola 29 203 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Tazewell County. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Mar. July Oct. Aug. Oct. Oct. 26.1881 13,1882 27, 1884 29.1878 26, 1877 20.1877 Sept Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. .17,1877 29,1877 15,1877 11,1878 30,1883 Nov. Dec. Dec. Oct. Dec. 17, 1877 15.1877 20. 1877 25,1883 7, 1877 Nov. Mar. Oct. Mar. Dec. 3.1877 25, 1884 24,1877 29,1880 28,1877 Oct. Oct. Oct. Apr. Mar. 26,1878 5.1877 22, 1877 27,1881 20,1878 Apr. Mar. Mar. Oct. Nov. 19,1878 25,1881 31. 1884 22, 1877 10.1877 Oct. 22, 1877 Missouri Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati New York Homeopathic Medical College. Twenty-one years' practice Julius Hospital. Breslau, Prussia Bellevue Hospital Medical College Jefferson Medical College Starling Medical College Jefferson Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medical College Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland Rush Medical College Twenty-two years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Long Island College Hospital , . Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . . Bellevue Hospital Medical College Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Louisville Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania... Seventeen years' practice Medical Department, University of Missouri. ... Mar. 2.1881 Mar. 26.1881 June 6.1882 July 17,1^82 Mar. 13.1884 Nov. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 24. 1842 3.1864 10,1855 21.1863 11,1874 ...1852 Jan 13. 1882 Oct. 30.1884 Sept. 30.1884 Nov. 1. 1877 Dec. 15.1877 Feb. 14.1877 Feb. (5,1868 Feb. 27,1883 Mar. 26.1872 Aug. 1,1877 Feb. 21.1884 Mar. 1.1874 Feb. 25.1869 May 28,1866 Feb. 15,1876 Mar. 10,1805 Feb. . ,1863 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. IVlar. Feb. Mar. 26.1876 22. 1881 19,1884 14,1866 Mar. 1,1851 Sept. 22,1877 Jan. 16,1878 April 3.1879 30, 1878 Dec. Dec. Dee. Oct. Feb. 13, 1877 29. 1877 26. 1877 26.1883 10. 1878 Dec. 17.1877 April 2,1884 Oct. 25,1877 April 13,1880 Jan. 16.1878 Dec. 8.1877 Jan. ...1878 Julv 2.1881 April 3.1878 April 30,1878 May 16,1H81 April 17,1884 Oct. 27, 1877 Nov. 12,1877 Oct. 27.1877 1) Registered in Logan; 2) in McLean. Union County. Mar. 25. 18S4 Oct. 6, 1877 Oct. 13. 1879 April 8.1884 April 29.1880 Feb. 7,1878 July 16,1883 Sept. 7. 1877 Oct. 12,1878 Apr. 8,1878 April 8. 1878 Jan. 4,1878 Julv 13.1882 June 11.1880 Sept. 6, 1877 April 28.1882 Nov. 26, 1877 July 6.1878 Feb. 22.1878 Oct. 13,1879 Chicago College of Physicians and Surgaons Chicago Medical College Jefferson Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical Department of Dartmouth College Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Nov. St. Louis Medical College Mar. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. Rush Medical College [Feb. Missouri Medical College Mar. Ten years' practice , Ten years' practice Twenty years' practice Kentucky School of Medicine Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. Rush Medical College Nashville Medical College Nineteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Medical Department, University of Missouri. . 11.1884 Mar. 26.1884 10. 1874 Oct. 22,1877 12,1873 Oct. 11.1879 23.1^84 April 15,1884 13,1856 May 14.1880 10,1876 Feb. 12.1878 27.1883 July 7,1883 20.1856 Dee. 31,1877 5.1878 Dee. 30,1880 June 28,1882 Feb. 26.1880 Feb. 17.1858 Feb. 23,1882 Jan. 11,1878 July 15.1882 Dec. 11.1882 Sept. 10.1877 June 18.1878 Feb. 14.1878 Feb. 27,1855 May Nov. 3,1883 26,1877 Mar. 2,1878 Feb. 13,1884 204 Official Register of Physicians Union County. Name. REftESTERED a: o » o o Residence and Post- office. > SI * >■ H < Prac- tice.* PS Si Williams. A. G ■ Sept. 17,1877 Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 29,1857 Jan. 4. 1878 May 27,1882 April 30.1884 Feb. 3.1882 Mar. 20,1878 Mar. 8,1878 Jan. 28,1878 Sept. 28.1877 Jan. 3,1878 Nov. 13.1877 Oct. 22.1880 Jan. 9,1878 Jan. 21,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 26.1877 Feb. 10,1883 R R R R n R R R R R R R E R R R R R R Dongola.. .. .. 46 65 33 33 29 24 59 31 30 50 47 50 53 32 37 35 31 40 31 Tenn France.... 111.. 15 43 6 15 D'Arcourt A.. Jonesboro 16 Lence, W. C Jonesboro a Sanders. DnvidR Jonesboro Tenn Ky 4' 4 White, William G Jonesboro ... . Willard, Simon III.. Barkhausen, H. C Springville Germany . U.S....... Tenn U.S U.S Ky. 30 7 7 18 18 15 21 iJ 8 5 15 1 9,0 Dick. James F. (2 Mt. Pleasant. . .. s Gay.F.C Alto Pass ?, Jones, 1j. M Lick Creek 1» Lawrence. Thomas Llndsey, J. G. (2 Mill Creek....'. Lick Creek 12 Mage<\ Henry A-lto Pass England... ?A Alto Pass Alto Pass : 4 McEIvain, Perry (3 Pa 10 McLane. W. L Mill Creek Ill R Ilich, 'l^homas J West Saratoga 111.. . 5 Scarsdale, F. E,. Bradshaw fir 15 Sessions, Oscar V Session's Landing At date of Registration. Vermilion County. Balsley, M. T. June 3,1881 Sept. 20.1883 Dec. 3,1877 Nov. 3,1882 Dec. 11.1877 Apr. 3,1884 Jan. 31,1878 Sept. 27,1880 Mar. 19,1878 Feb. 4.1878 Dec. 11,1877 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 8,1877 Dec. 10,1877 Dec. 10.1877 Dec. 6.1877 May 23,1883 Dec. 11,1877 Dee. 10.1877 Nov. 24,1877 May 12.1882 Oct. 5. 1882 Feb. 26.1S78 Sept. 21.1883 Apr. 28,1883 Nov. 27.1878 Jan. 8.1878 Feb. 4, 1878 R fi R R H R E H R R R R R R R R H R R R 1 : E E R R Danville 28 47 40 40 47 21 47 39 28 79 41 29 46 39 61 42 23 27 30 33 32 34 31 36 57 54 32 61 37 50 111 1 1 UameH Addie M Danville ill Barton* P. H B..ggs.J W Bj own, W. A .... Danville Danville Ind III.. 13 12 20 ■'25 14 4 56 •11 7 24 12 li Danville Tenn Ohio N.Y N.Y Germany. Ohio Ohio Mass u. s N.Y Ky U. S Ill 13 Chirk, George C Danville Clark H H Danville ^3 Danville 1 EdtMis, George Danville 4 Fithian. William . . Danville 47 Gillam, Isaac N Danville n Gillett R. W Danville 4 Henton. C. D. Danville ?4 Jones, George Wheeler... Kimbrough, A. H Danville Danville 12 L' avitt. C Danville Lei brock, P. H Danville . Danville u. s u. s U.S Ind Ohio Ohio Ind N.Y Ind........ Ohio Va 4 7 7 1 10 10 13 32 28 2 32 7 28 3 Moore, William J Danville 7 Morehouse, H. W .. . Danville 7 O'Haver, John W Danville Paul, William H Danville Danville Ditnville Peters. Ezra Redinon Theodore B "l White, Asa P Danville 3 Woodbury, William W. R. Danville ?,8 Brown H. T ?, Frankenberger, Samuel.. Henderson, James T Hoopeston f) Hoopeston Hoopeston U. S N. Y Pierce, William P Mar. 8. 1880 20 205 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Union County. Ceetificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. «ept. Jan. Oct. Nov. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Nov. Sept. Dec. Nov. May Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Feb. 10, 1877 4,1878 4. 1877 26, 1877 25, 1882 28. 1884 17. 1877 1. 1878 24. 1878 2, 1877 10, 1877 24,1877 2, 18771 3,1880 29,1877 11,1877 8, 1877 26, 1877 1,1883 College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis. Sixteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville. Medical College of Oiiio Medical College of Indiana Chicago Medical CoAege Twenty years' practice ; Nashville Medical College Certificate of examination Eighteen years' practice Missouri Medical College Fifteen years' practice Twenty-one years' practice Nashville Medical College : Ten years' practice Mar. 18.1871 Mar, 2,1872 Feb. 28,1877 Mar. 1,1882 Mar. 25,1884 Feb. 26,1878 Sept. 17.1877 Jan. 28,1878 Dec. 31,1877 Jan. 4, 1878 May 27,1882 April 30,1884 Jan. 17.1882 Mar. Nov. 8. 1878 6. 1877 Feb. 27,1859 Feb.' "24.1830 Rush Medical College Miami Medical College St. Louis Medical College Chicago Medical College.., Feb, 2,1870 Feb. 28,1872 Mar. 9,1871 Mar. 28,1882 Sept. 28,1877 Jan. 3.1878 Nov. 13,1877 Oct. 22, 1880 Dec. 9,1878 Oct. 5.1877 Dec. 31,1877 Dec. 6,1877 Feb.- 10,1883 1) Registered in Jackson; 2) in Johnson; 3) in Wayne. Vermilion County Apr. Sept. Nov. Nov. Feb. 11,1881 15. 1883 28, 1877 2, 1882 2.1878 Mar. Aug. Sept. Mar. Jan. 31,1884 13. 1878 20,1880 21. 1879 31,1878 Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. Feb. 26,1878 19,1877 3, 1877 7.1877 10,1883 ai.v 20.1877 3,1883 Jan. 9.1878 Oct. Oct. 4,1877 4.1877 May Oct. Mar. Aug. Apr. 10,1882 12,1882 1, 1878 24,1883 27.1883 Oct. Jan. Jan. 4,1877 2.1878 28,1878 Dec. 26,1882 Aug. 24,1877 Medical College of Indiana Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Chicago Medical College Thirteen years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical College of Ohio United States Medical College, New York City., Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Convention, Ohio , Eleven years' practice Medical Department of Dartmouth College. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Jefferson Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan.. St. Louis Medical College J Bellevue Hospital Medical College ■) Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Mich..., Rush Medical College , Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery , Miami Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Medical College of Indiana Lewis County Medical Society, New York , Rush Medical^ollege , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati J Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana I Medical Dept., Butler University, Indiana Medical Dept., University of the City of New York, .Mar- Feb. Mar. Mar. 3, 1881 24, 1881 10,1864 22, 1870 Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. May 21,1884 1, 1871 4, 1880 27, 1879 25, 1822 1871 Feb. 25,1861 Mar. 4, 1862 Mar. 9, 1858 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. July Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 30,1864 7,1883 11,1874 26. 1873 2,1870 2, 1870 2,1882 27, 1882 21.1878 26, 1875 15. 1874 7,1850 2, 1876 16, 1872 22, 1878 28,1879 6.1852 June 3,1881 Sept. 20,1883 Dec. 3, 1877 Nov. 3,1883 Feb. 28,1878 April 3,1884 Aug. 14,1878 Sept. 27, 1880 Mar. 27,1879 Feb. 4,1878 Dec. 20,1877 Dec. 8,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Feb. 23,1883 Dec. May Feb. Nov. Nov. 6,1877 23,1883 5. 1878 27, 1877 24,1877 May 12,1882 Oct. 13,1882 Mar. 9, 1878 Aug. 24,1883 April 28, 1883 Vov. 27.1878 Jan. 16,1878 Feb. 4,1878 Mar. 8.1880 20o Official Eegister of Physicians Vermilion County. Name. Registebed 00 o W o o Residence and Post- Office. M Pbac- TICE.* is S2i CD Si Roof Thomas J . . . R H R H R I a R R R R R R R R R R B E R r" R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R :ei R Hoopeston. 41 30 27 25 32 31 47 27 37 47 58 39 60 Ohio Ohio 13 Struss, Lewis N Mar. Dec. 12,1884 19, 1880 28,1878 Hoopeston Wabb, D.D Hoopeston Wilson, W. R Hoopeston. N. Y....... N. J 4 i Bradway , Charles T Fairmount — Fairmount Chapin, Samuel Jan. July Apr. Jan. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. 3. 1878 18.1884 11, 1883 2. 1879 19,1877 24, 1878 22.1877 25, 1877 N.Y Ill 5 19 1 7 22 35 12 41 9 Lamon, Charles E Fairmount (y Martin. K. C Fairmount... Ky 1 Nash. William R ? Ray Robert B Fairmount Georgetown U.8 Tenn Tenn Ohio 16 Balch, H. J. E 35 Cloyd John P. . . Georgetown 12 Hawes. A. M. Georgetown 41 Mills, Aaron Georgetown Mendenhall, P. W Dec 24.1877 June 15.1878 Jan. 9,1878 Apr. 30.1878 Jan. 3,1878 July 3,18!i3 May 2,1883 Jan. 28,1879 May 1.1880 Jan. 7.1879 Jan. 2, 1879 Feb. 19,1878 Jan. -',1878 June 23,1880 Jan. 16,1878 Mar. 1, 1879 Jan. 2,1879 Dec. 27,1878 May 4, 1883 Oct. 2,1879 Jan. 23,1879 Mar. 27,1878 Jan. 7,1879 Sept. 21,1881 July 20,1882 May ..,1881 Jan. 12,1878 May 10,1879 Jan. 5, 1878 Georgetown 30 27 40 29 53 28 29 57 24 27 44 32 34 29 64 . 27 7 2 2 8 20 3 7 Plowman, T. B Georgetown Md U.S Ind Ohio Ky. 9 Pritchard, E. T Georgetown , ? Miller, S. R Bismark . r> Norris,N. J Bismark 13 Poland, B. J. . Bismark.. Holton. Henry C Indianola 111. Hull. J.L Indianola Ohio Pa Ky 23 1 4 8 5 9 5 35 3 14 9 11 3 8 9 5 3 19 Odbert, F. N. (1 Indianola Worthington, R. R ., Indianola 4 Aydelott. William R Barnes. Jr., J. A Vermilion Grove Gessie, Ind Ind Ind N.H Ind England.. IT. S 1 >> Beard J. M. S. ... Ambia Ind 4 Birch. Elannus R State Line, Ind 4 Brickwell, Richard Rossville 3f> Brown, C. P s Brown. J. W 45'lll.. 28 Ohio 34 Ind 27jlnd 34 N.J 43 Ohio 7 Butz. J.E.P Potomac (» Cochran. William A Grape Creek 1 Carter, M. P.. Oakwood .... Crane, Jr., Matthias Ambia, Ind 9f Dunn, William G. (2 Sidell 1 Elder, B. H. Fithian. . . 31 29 23 34 26 Pa. 5 Fouch, James P U.S 111. S Fox Abraham L Oakwood French, Algy Deen East Lynn Ill ... " French, Truman P Armstrong Tnd 5 >> Graham, Thomas B. (3 Long .... Hall, W.I Gessie, Ind .... 35Tnd 12 7 Hewins. Charles F Rankin Vermilion Grove Ridge Farm 25 24j 44' U.S. Hinshaw, D. C Apr. Mar. Jan. Mar. Nov. Jan. Dec. Nov. 29,1882 15. 1878 10,1878 7,1878 1,1877 9,1878 29,1877 20. 1879 Ind Holaday, Abraham Howard. G. W Tnd 16 3 2 5 28 25 15 It Alvin 28 Ind 26N. C 26U. S 52U. S 50'u.S 44N. C Jones, S. W Catlin ?, Livingood, John R Rossville 5 Livingood, M. T McElroy.J. J Rossville ^.. Rossville 14 Mendenhall, M. C Moore, A. V Vermilion Grove Marvsville 10 Page, James N Dec. Feb. Jan. 7.1881 18.1878 24,1878 40 Ohio 15 20 6 5 S Porter, William D Higginsville. 51 1 30 Ky. 13 Post, George H Fithian Canada... 3 Rose, H. A Rankin 5 Scott, James A ............ Skelly John I... Jan. Dec. 12,1878 ..,1878 Potomac. si 29 til. 12 3 7 Steele, G.R Ridge Farm Ohio 3 207 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Vermilion County. Certificate of State Boaed 07 Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR ECOED. Feb. Apr. May Dec. Mar. 13. 1879 7. 1884 19, 1879 26. 1877 80,1882 Dec. June Mar. Dec. Sept. 28.1877 20.1884 2(). 1883 24,1877 5. 1877 Oct. Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. 8.1877 2. 1878 12, 1878 1.1878 20, 1877 Mar. Jan. May Jan. Apr. 23.1878 9,1878 1.1878 29,1878 24, 1883 Apr. May May Apr. Jan. 25,1883 6, 1878 14. 1880 6,1878 30,1878 Feb. Feb. June Feb. Mar. 9.1878 13, 1879 8. 1880 15.1878 1. 1878 Mar. Nov. Jan. 15,1878 1,1878 30. 1883 15. 1879 2. 1879 Mar. Mar. Sept. July Mar. 20.1878 20,1878 17. 1881 13.1882 25,1881 Mar. May Jan. Sept. Apr. 8,1878 13, 1879 21,1878 4,1882 27, 18S2 Jan. Dec. Mar. Sept. Mar. 16.1878 10.1877 20,1878 6. 1877 20.1878 Jan. Dec. July Mar. 11. 1878 15. 1879 29,1879 6,1881 1.1878 Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. Dec. 31.1878 12.1878 13, 1879 11.1878 24.1877 Certificate of examination Jefferson Medical College Certificate of examination Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago.. Medical College of Indiana Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Miami Medical College, Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana Rush Medical College Rush Medical College . .. Rush Medical College Forty- one years' practice. Rush Medical College . . . Rush Medical College Medical College of Indiana Jefferson Medical College , Rush Medical College , American Medical College. Cincinnati , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Jefferson Medical Cellege. Nineteen years' practice... Jefferson Medical College. Medical College of Ohio... Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Kansas City College of Physicians and Surgeons. Miami Medical College Thirty- five years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio Columbus Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana. Medical College of Indiana Rush Medical College Medical College of Indiana Medical College of Indiana Hush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Long island College Hospital Medical College of Indiana Long Island College Hospital Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville Medical College of Ohio Dept. of Medicine and Surg., Univ. of Pennsylvania Jefferson Medical College Starling Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Rush Medical College Medical College of Indiana Thirteen years' practice Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Rush Mfidical College Louisville Medical College Detroit Medical College Miami Medical College Mar. 24,1884 Feb. Mar. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 10,1876 1, 1882 17, 1872 25,1865 7,18S2 27,1877 15, i860 4.1847 18, 1869 Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. 26.1878 2, 1870 28.1878 11,1876 26, 1878 19. 1857 20. 1885 Apr. 2. 1883 Mar- 13,1880 Mar. 2, 1874 Feb. 2. 1870 Feb Mar. 2.18 Feb. 28.1879 April 12.1884 Mar. 19,1880 Dec. 28.1877 April 6,1882 Jan. 1,1878 July 18,1884 April 11,1882 Dec. 27,1877 Dec. 19,1877 Jan. 24,1878 Feb. 21.1S78 Feb."*"8,'i878 April 18,1878 Jan. 15,1878 April 30,1878 Feb. 4, 1878 July 3,1883 May Jan. May Jan. Feb. 2.1883 28.1879 14,1880 4. 1878 23. 1878 25.1875 Feb. Jan Feb. 26,1878 Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 19. 1878 2, 1879 June 23,1880 Mar. 6,1878 April 23, 1880 25, 1865 Jan. 28. 1878 May 1.1873 May 28. 1877 27. 1878 Dec. Jan. 22.1878 Mar. 22. 1878 Apr. 3.1881! Sept. 21.1882 July 3,1881 May 23. 1878 18. 1878 4,1883 2, 1879 10. 1879 27, 1878 1, 1878 21,1881 20, 1882 ..,1881 Feb. 28,1878 Mar. 11,1878 Feb. 25,1879 Mar. 1,1870 June 15,1882 Mar. 1, 1882 June 24,1869 Feb. 28,1876 Feb. 27.1878 Mar. 13. 1873 Nov Mar. 28.1849 Mar June 5. 1879 Jan. 23.1878 Apr. 29.1882 Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. 4,1856 14,1878 5,1868 17,1881 Jan. Feb. Feb. June Mar. 26. 1875 21,1877 26. 1876 8,1869 8,1875 Jan. Dec. 15,1878 10,1878 25,1878 1,1877 27.1878 17.1878 22.1879 Dec. 7,1881 Mar. S|p,1878 Dec. Jan. 30,1878 16,1878 208 Official Kegistee of Physicians Vermilion County. Registered Residence and Post- Office. > Peac- TICE.* Name. 1^ Steele, William D Mar. 9,1878 Jan. 13.1879 Feb. 14.1878 Jan. 14,1878 Jan. 7,1879 R R R R H Westville 43Tnd 30illl.... 45 Ohio 57ilnd 28TT. 8 14 4 21 32 3 Swain Patrick H Long. Vancamp, William N Vredenburgh. 8. H Blount 11 Higginsville 3';^ Wilson , Charles E East Lynn 3 'At the date of Registration. 'Wabash County. Biddle. E. D R R R R R R R R R E E R E R R R R R R R R R R Mt. Carmel 23 56 21 36 46 34 56 • 28 55 27 39 33 24 44 32 69 49 21 35 24 25 27 30 27 111 Harvey, James Dec. 14,1877 Nov. 26,1877 Nov. 30,1877 Dec. 5, 1877 Nov. 16,1877 Dec. 10,1877 April 25, 1883 Dec. 19,1877 Mar. 1, lb79 Feb. 25,1878 May 15,1878 April 4,1878 Dec. 22,1877 Jan. 4,1878 Jan. 19.1878 Dec. 29. W7 Mar. 31,1880 Dec. 27,1877 April 25, 1879 Nov. 25,1878 Dec. 8,1879 Nov. 18,1878 Feb. 7,1883 Mt. Carmel H: i: :::::: S;i::::::: U.S U.S Ohio Va U. 8. 29 2 13 17 7 32 "26 90 Lescher, L. J ' Mt. Carmel ^ Ridgway.lWilliam C ... Mt. Carmel 13 Rigg, Thomas J Mt. Carmel 17 Schneck, Jacob.. JVft. Carmel 7 Sears. Paul Mt. Carmel 3-^ Gray. Frank 8 Kroh, H.T. (1 Allendale "6 Leeds, Harry M Allendale ; Smith. James E McCiane, Charles T. (2 Allendale Bellmont U.S U. 8 U.S F:i::::::; 111 U.S u. s •6 5 1 19 12 45 24 ■""9 6 5 Nanney, W. N Bellmont ...... 1 Strahan, Delilah (2 Bellmont IQ Trego. J. D Bellmont V\ Clark. Elias Cowling 31 Friend. William (3 Mier .:.. 24 Kingsbury .George C McGilton. E, L. (4 Friendsville Mier Manley, Paul G Keensburgh McMurray, R. J Linn Ohio:::::: g:i::::::: 1 5 10 7 1 Niemiller, A. H. . Cowling . .... Waller. Fayette K. (5 Mier 10 Warner, M. E... Friendsville . .... At date of Registration. Warren County. Biart, Charles M. G May 24.1883 Dec. 3.1877 Dec. 5,1877 Feb. 9,1879 June 20,1882 Dec. 21,1877 Dec. 17,1877 Dec. 29.1877 Dec. 19,1877 Dec. 6,1877 Nov. 25,1881 Dec. 18.1877 Feb. 28,1878 Feb. 22.1878 Dec. 28.1879 R H R R R R R R R R R R H R R Monmouth 30 26 53 46 42 59 49 31 27 37 32 47 55 65 59 Belgium.. N.Y Pa. 1 4 27 16 1 Breed, G. H Monmouth 4 Brewer J. W Monmouth ^7 Crawford, 8. K Monmouth Ohio 111. 1'? Dobbin Annetta 8 Monmouth Gilbert A. V. T Monmouth N.Y Pa... Vt Ohio Ohio Ohio 25 25 3 4 9 3 Hamilton, 8. M 19 Harrington, H. L. (1 Holliday, W. S Monmouth Monmouth 2 3 Kilgore, y C. (1 Linn, E. C Monmouth H Monmouth Marshall. H Monmouth 8. C Ill 25 23 36 22 '■^5 McCleary. R. B Mitchell, William Monmouth ',^0 Monmouth ... Monmouth «5 Patterson. Thomas C Pa 22 209 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Vermilion County i Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Nov. 15,1878 Apr. 13.1882 " 23, 1878 2(). 1878 30, 1878 Feb. Oct. Mar. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indiana. Certificate of examination Eleven years' practice Thirty-two years' practice HahnemannlMedical College, Chicago Feb. 22,1878 May 15,1882 Apr. 16,1878 Feb. 21,1878 Apr. 3,1878 1) Registered in Edgar; 2) in Champaign and Edgar; 3) in Champaign. Wabash County. April 19.1880 Nov. 2,1877 Oct. 6, 1877 Nov. 26, 1877 Oct. 6, 1877 Oct. 6.1877 Oct. 6.1877 April 16,18831 Oct. 18,1877 Oct. 10, 1881 Feb. 7, 1878 May 17,18781 April 19,18781 Nov. 13,1877 May 24, 1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Oct. 17. 1877 Mar. 31,1880 Oct. 23, 1877 April 5, 1879 Nov. 15. 1878 Nov. 8,1879 April 27.18781 Jan. 30, 1883 Missouri Medical College .... Twenty-nine years' practice. Jefferson Medical College ... Thirteen years' practice Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Esculapian Medical Society, Illinois Medical College of Ohio Twenty-six years' practice Medical College of Ohio Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Evansville Medical College Nineteen years' practice Twelve years' practice Fourteenth Medical District Society of Ohio. Ten years' practice Miami Medical College Medical College of Ohio Miami Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio . .:. Miami Medical College Louisville Medical College. Mar. 4, 1880 Mar. Mar. Mar. Nov. Mar. 10, 1877 "'5,'i860 14,1871, 1,1847 8,1883 Feb. 28,1879 Jan. May Feb. Dec. 13,1877 Nov. 23,1877 Nov. 30,1877 Dec. 5,1877 Nov. 16.1877 Dee. 6,1877 April 25,1883 Dec. 19.1877 Mar. 1,1879 24,1878 Feb. 25,1878 7. 1878 1 May 22,1878 27,1878jMay 13,1878 Dec. 21.1877 iJune 4,1878 May MarV Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 9, 18321 Jan. iDec. 1,18801 Mar. 1,1870 Dec. 28,1879 April 24,1878 25, i«75 19.1878 19,1877 31,18K0 27, 1877 25. 1879" Nov. 25,1878 Dec. 8,1879 26. 1878! June 1,1878 ^7, 1877 Feb. 7,1883 1) Registered in Lawrence; 2) in Edwards; 3) in Edwards, Lawrence and Richland; 4) in Edwards and Lawrence; 5) in Lawrence and Richland. Warren County. May Oct. Oct. Feb. June 5. 1883 19, 1877 16, 1877 2. 1881 8. 1882 Sept. 7,1877 Dec. 15,1877 Nov. 20.1877 Dec. 17,1877 Sept. 20.1877 July Dec. Feb. Jan. Dec. 6,1878 15. 1877 22. 1878 28, 1878 13,1877 Missouri Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Twenty years' practice Depr. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigao. Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College , Louisville Medical College Rush Medical Coiiege College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Twenty years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Mar. 6.188:s!May 24.1883 Mar. 10.1873 Oct. 2.3,1877 ,Oct. 16,1877 Mar. 27, 1861 1 Feb. 4,1881 Feb. 28,1882 June 20,1882 Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. 18,1847 ..,1^53 16, 1875 27, 1874 3,1869 June 24,1878 Feb. 19,1852 Feb. 21.1878 Feb. 28,18551 Dec. Dec. Dec. Doc. Sept. Mar. Dec. Feb. Feb. Dec. 21,1877 15,1877 29, 1877 19. 1877 ..,1877 25,1881 18,1877 28,1878 22. 1878 28. 1877 —14 210 Official Eegister of Physicians Warren County. Name. Registekee DC S o Residence and Post- Office. >■ < H Pkac- TICE.* Shussler, Louis F Sept. 29,1884 Dec. 17,1877 Jan. 3, 1879 Dec. 6,1877 Dec. 6, 1877 Dec. 18,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Jan. 7, 1878 Mar. 15,18S1 Dec. 10,1877 Mar. 18,1878 Dee. 13,1877 Feb. 28,1879 Mar. 16,1883 Apr. 4, 1878 June 23,1881 Dec. 20,1879 Apr. 27,1882 Dec. 11,1877 Dec. 12,1877 Dec. 3,1877 May 24,1884 Dee. 28,1877 June 4.1881 July 29,1880 Feb. 11,1878 Dec. 22,1877 H H R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R ] R R ] R < Monmouth 29111 23 "Wis 1 1 2 15 20 12 10 8 31 13 40 25 1 1 Taylor, W. E Monmouth Troutman, John Monmouth 32 43 42 41 39 31 52 59 65 47 30 21 21 26 37 28 23 27 49 35 Ohio Pa. 1 1 "Wallace, James H. (1 Monmouth "Webster, John R Pa. 20 Weede, N. R Monmouth Pa N. Y Ill 11::::.-.: ^'°.:::::- Ohio 5 Aylsworth, Homer E Roseville 10 Brokaw, S. H Roseville 2 Dimmitt, James P Roseville 19- Lee, Joseph (2 Roseville 13 Ragon, B Roseville 35^ Taliaferro, D. M Roseville . 18 Burlingame, J. H Alexis Chase. E. D Larchland N. Scotia. Dimmitt, Frank "W Berwick . .. Graham, A. R Little York 111. Griffith, Benjamin A Swan Creek Mich N.Y Ill 12 1 3 4 28 10 20 4 10 Hoornbeek, N. B Zoungstown 1 Luster, George E Liennox Station Kirkwood. ... 3 McClanahan, James M Ohio Pa. 4 McCluhan, C. "W ■^wan Creek 17 Morris. Florance K Berwick Pa Randall, "William Grreenbush . ... Ind Ill 1J> Sherri'^k, Chauncey (3 Little York 23 1 Standley, J. "W Alexis Stewart, C. "W Kirkwood 54 56 Ky England.. 25 25 14 Temple, Thomas (1 Jameron 20 At date of Registration. Washington County Bernreuter, C Jan. 18.1878 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Dec. 7,1877 Jan. 9, 1878 Jan. 31,1878 Jan. 12.1878 1878 H R H R R R R E R R E R E i R R R R R 1 R R Nashville 51 31 45 33 44 "47 45 36 27 51 44 "35 63 24 35 55 30 66 "25 34 Germany. U,S Germany. U. S U. S u. s u. s Ill 20 9 12 6 16 28 23 11 8 18 Goodner, Lyman T Nashville. q Schmidt, H.D Nashville 1'? Troutt, J. J. (I Nashville.. 5 Berrv, David Ashley 9 Fancher, C.L Pace, W. C. (2 Ashley Ashley 28 '^3 Thompson, George W Ashley n Hughes, Robert. Jan. 17,1878 Feb. 5, 1878 April 3,1884 Jan. 7,1878 Feb. 13,1878 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. 6, 1877 Jan. 28,1878 Okawville. u. s u. s Ill 8 Mcflwain, James Okawville Okawville Poos, Robert C Randall, Jacob Okawville. Germany . U.S u. s Tenn U. S Miss U. S Germany . U.S....... u. s u. s u. s u. s u. s 26 16 16 9 40 3 8 22 3 30 4' 3 ?,h Wehr, S.F Okawville 11 Houston, J.B Hudson, George W Rich view Richview 13 9 Lucas H. B Richview. 30 "Wheeless, James H. (2 Belle Rive 3 "White, J. F April 4,1882 Dec. 19,1877 Feb. 13,1878 Jan. 24.1878 Jan. 12,1878 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 11,1878 Richview. K Boerner, C. F. E. (1 Venedy 1'^ Cady, James R Oakdale 3 Dempsey. A. (3 Foster, J. T, (4 Gibbons, W.H Goodner, 8 Three Mile Prairie Dubois Stone Church New Minden 30 9 4 3 Guthrie. B.G Feb. 13,1878 R Oakdale 11'.... 211 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. # Warren County < Certificate of State Board of HEAiiTH. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years in Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Mar. Dec. May Nov. Sept. Dec. Dec. Mar. Dec. Dec. Dec. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15.1884 17. 1^77 10. 1878 20.1877 7. 1877 17.1877 26,1877 29.1878 12.188! 20.1877 10. 1877 13, 1877 1. 1878 9,1883 25, 1881 June 21,1881 June 13.1878 April 2.1881 Nov. 17,1877 Sept. 20,1877 Jan. 8,1878 May 16,1881 Dec. 21,1877 Sept. 22,1881 April 7,1880 Aug. 29.1878 Dec. 29,1877 Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Missouri Medical College Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan St. Louis Medical College Kansas City College of Physicians and Surgeons... Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Jefferson Medical College , Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk.... Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Bennett ('ollege of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk Chicago Medical College Eleven years' practice Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College , Missouri Medical College Rush Medical College Iowa Medical College Government of Canada Feb. Feb. Mar. July Mar. 21, 18841 Sept. 29,1884 20,1877iDec. 18,1877 2. 1877 1 Mar. 10,1878 1,1862 Nov. 26,1877 17, 1858 Nov. 26,1877 June 19,1865 Dec. 18,1877 Mar. 27, 1867 Mar. 11,1878 Mar. 20, 1870 i Aug. 29.1878 Mar. 4, 1872 Mar. 15.1881 Jan. 8.1878 Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. 20.1856Dec. 7, 1853 1 J an. 26, 1878 27. 1883 22, 1881 Feb. 22.1881 June 12.1878 Feb. 22.1881 Feb. 17,1874 Mar. 10,1874 Feb. Mar. Apr. June Oct. 18. 1877 1,1878 28, 1879 16.1883 4, 1881 23.1881 25. 1878 Dec. Oct. 11. 1877 23,1877 Feb. 7,1878 Mar. 11,1876 May 24.1884 Mar. 9. 1858: Dec. 28.1877 Mar. 2.1881 Sept. 22.1881 June 17.1872 Sept. 1,1880 Feb. 24,1857 ...1852 Sept. 17,1878 Dec. 31,1877 1) Registered in Henderson: 2) in McDonough; 3) in Knox. Washington County. Jan. 9.1878 Dec. 24. 1877 Jan. 9.1878 Nov. 13, 1877 Nov. 26.1877 Jan. 28,1878 Nov. 26.1877 Feb. 27, 1878 Dec. 26. 1877 Jan. 22. 1878 Mar. 25,1884 Jan. 3,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Jan. 4, 1878 Sept. 26, 1877 Dec. 24.1877 April 14,18781 Nov. 26.1877 Dec. 7,1877 Dec. 24.1877 Oct. 16. 1877 Sept. 8. 1877 Oct. 6.1877 Nov. 28.1877 Oct. 23.1877 Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Medical College of Virginia Twenty-eight years' practice St. Louis Medical College American Medical College. St. Louis Jefferson Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York American Medical College, St. Louis Twenty-five years* practice .• Eleven years' practice Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Medical College of Georgia. Certificate of examination.. Medical College of Ohio St. Louis Medical College Medical College of Ohio Thirty years' practice Rush Medical College Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio Dept. Medicine and Surgery.Univ. of Pennsylvania Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1. 1861 5, 1868 1,1865 10, 1872 6. 1862 Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. Dec. 2, 1854 Jan. 23, 187 Jan. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. 12, 1869 5.1868 Feb. 28.1884 Feb. 2.1870 1835 Mar. Feb. Mar. 2. 1874 28, 1857 1. 1875 Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 5,1868 ...1873 2,1874 14, 1867 Jan, Feb. .Apr. Jan. Feb. Jan. Dec. 18. 1878 1.1878 12.1878 7, 1877 3,1877 31. 1877 12. 1878 ....1878 17, 1878 5,1878 3,1884 7.1878 13. 1878 25.1878 6,1877 Jan. 24.1878 April 4.1882 Dec. 19,1877 Feb. 13,1878 Oct. 22,187 Jan. 1,1877 Dec. 14,187o Dec. 4,1877 Dec. 22,187r 7 212 Official Ki^gister of Physicians Washington County. * Name. Registered o Residence AND Post OrncE. r ^ Peac- TICE.* 1^ pa Hoke, H. E May 9.1878 Feb. 27,1884 Oct. 27,1881 April 11,1882 Feb. 7,1878 April 5.1881 Jan. 27,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Nov. 3,1883 PM h' R R R R R R Addieville 40 47 68 30 U. S u. s Prussia... N. Y Germany . 111.. . 12 16 24 6 6 Jourdan, Joseph Reaueoup 16 Karbach, Philip H Hoyleton. n Neer. Davids Beaucoup 9, Rancli, A ">} Van Brunt. E. M Casper.. 41 34 46 36 Vernor, Ri(3hard E Elkton Ill 4 26 6 4 Welborn, E. E Hoyleton. Ind Germany . ?A Wendlandt, Gustav, (5 Hoyleton 6 *At date of Registration. Wayne County. Bean, Francis... Biggs, Erwin P. Carothers, G. W Hall.E.T HalLN. J Inskeep, James E McDougal, Charles S. Parmenter, J. A Rogers, T. M Sibley. C. W Smith. W.J Tharp. W. S Chapman, Philip E. (1. Reid, C. W Vonfossen, T Walters, James P. Blackford, E Ingram. E. W Mundy, Samuel... Roberts, E.B Smith, Edward H.. Bowman. John Branson, J. M Carson, William B. Dulaney, Isaiah H. Garrison, Barney E. (2. Griffith. Thomas P Jeffries, John A Johnson. Theodore A.. Johnson, W. M Lacey, James H. Melton, N. W Merritt. N. P. (3 . . Reid. Horace W.. Reynolds. J. M... Robertson. A. S.. Spriggs, A. R Weir.E. W White. Charles F. Williams, N.M... Dec. July Oct. Jan. May Jan. July Jan. Dec. Dec. 10, 1877 4. 1880 13, 1879 4, 1878 3,1879 9, 1878 14.188:^ 23, 1879 12, 1877 28, 1877 Nov. 9,1883 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 17,1880 Jan. 25,1878 April 10,1880 Jan. Dec. Mar. Dec. Mar. 12, 1878 20, 1877 21,1878 19. 1877 9. 1878 Feb. Dec. Feb. July Jan. July Mar. May Dec. 20,1878 15.1877 1,1878 6, 1880 27, 1882 22. 1880 14, 1878 24. 1884 18, 1877 May 28,1884 Jan. 17.1878 April 10,1881 Feb. 26.1883 Feb. 14.1878 Jan. 12.1878 April 26,1878 Aug. 15.188; July 27.1878 R I Fairfield PM Fairfield R R R E R R R R R R R PM PM R E R R E R R R PM R R R R R R R E E PM R E R R R R Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Cisne ('isne Cisne Cisne ... Mt. Erie. Mt. Erie. Mt. Erie Mt. Erie. Mt. Erie Zif Wayne City... Jeffersonville. Long Prairie.. Wayne City.. Johnsonville. Rinard Johnsonville. Johnsonville. Sims Station. Keenviile Wabash Enterprise. .. Six Mile Pin Oak Rinard Rinard Wayne City. Six Mile Ohio Ky... Ohio Ky.. Ky... Va N.Y. Ky .. Ohio Ohio .... Ky (Canada, Ky Ohio.... Ohio 111.... Ky... Ill ... 111... Ky... N.Y.. Ky... Ohio. Tenn. U.S.. III.... Ind... U. S.. Tenn. 111. 111. Ky. 111.. Ky. Ohio Ohio Pa... 111.... Ky... *At date of Registration. 218 To Whom Ceuti?icates ha."e been Issued. Washington County. Cektificate of State Board or Health. Cfrtifi- CATE Filed Issued. Basis of Certificate : Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOK Recoed. April 30,1878 Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati .. Mar. 19,1878 May 9, 1878 Dec. 26.1883 Sixteen years' practice Feb. 27,1884 Oct. 24,1881 Eleven years' practice Oct 27, 1881 Mar. 29,1882 Albany Medical College Dec. 23,1875 Apr. 11,1882 Feb. 5, 1878 Twenty years' practice Feb. 7,1878 Apr. 5,1881 April 1,1881 Missouri Medical College Mar. 2,1881 Mar. 2,1876 Feb. 20.1852 Mar. 4,1873 Wov. 29,1880 Medical College of Ohio Oct. 20, 1881 : !Tov. 2. 1877 Evansville Medical College Dec 20,1877 Oct. 20, 1877 Missouri Medical College Nov. 3,1883 1) Registered in St. Clair; 2) in Jefferson; 3) in Perry; 4) in Jefferson and Perry; 5) in Sangamon. Wayne County. Dec. 7,1877 July 1,1880 Oct. 17,1877 Dec. 29, 1X77 Apr. 2, 1878 Nov. 13,1877 June 26, 1883 Mar. 28,1879 Dec. 7,1877 Dec. 7.1877 Nov. 6, 1883 Dec. 24, 1877 Aug. 29. 1877 Dec. 26,1877 Mar. 10,1880 Oct. 6,1877 Nov. 2,1877 Jan. 4. 1878 Nov. 2,1877 Feb. 22,1878 June 21,1882 Dec. 26,1877 Jan. 4,1878 Dec. 13,1877 Feb. 15.1878 Jan. 27,1882 Keb. 23, 1880 Mar. 12,1878 May 14,1884 Oct 10,1877 Apr. 1.1884 Nov. 26.1883 Nov. 13.187V ^PV- 2.1881 Feb. 23.1883 Jan. 25.1878 Jan. 15.1878 Oct. 26.1878 Aug. 10.1882 June 3,1878 Medical College of Ohio Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Thirty years' practice Missouri Medical College Missouri Medical College Mar. Feb. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati Medical College of Ohio Chicago Medical College Medical College of Ohio Bellevue Hospital Medical College ... Thirteen years' practice Medical Department, University of Louisville. Louisville Medical College Forty-one years' practice Thirteen years' practice Miami Medical College Eleven years' practice Seventeen years' practice Sixteen years' practice. Ten years' practice Jefferson Medical College Vermont Medical College Ten years' practice Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Thirteen years' practice College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Thirteen years' practice Certificate of examination Chicago Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis St. Louis Medical College American Medical College, St. Louis.. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati. Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati.. Kentucky School of Medicine Fifteen years' practice Certificate of examination., Sixteen years' i«*actice Missouri Medical (Jollege .. Evansville Medical College. Mar. Mar. May Mar. Mar. Mar. 1.1875!Dec. 27,1878 July !Oct. 2.1869 Jan. 5. 18781 May 15. 1877; Jan. 8. 1883 July ... 1867 i Apr. ....1863:Dec. 1.1877iDec. 10,1877 14, 1880 13. 1879 4. 1878 3. 1879 9. 1878 14,1883 8. 1879 12, 1877 28, 1877 Mar. Feb. ........|Nov. 9,1883 5,1874 Dec. 27.1877 28, 1873 Jan. 17.1878 May 14.1878 April 10,1880 Mar. 2, 1876 Jan. Dec. Mar. Dec. Mar. 12. 1877 20,1877 21. 1878 19.1877 9, 1878 Mar. 30,1882 June ...1852 Feb. l-ian. Feb. 23, 1876 Feb. iJuly Mar. 1,1881 Jan. July Mar. Mar. 25,1884 May Feb. 19.1857iDec. 20, 1878 10, 1878 4, 1878 6,1880 27, 1882 22.1880 14, 1878 24. 1884 18. 1877 Mar. 7.1883!May 8,1884 June 1.1883 May 15.1877 Jan. 16.1878 May 1.1881 Anril 16.1881 June 28, 1882 Feb. 26.1883 Feb. 14,1878 Jan. 25.1878 Mar. 5. 1881 Feb. 27,1878 Aug. 15.1882 July 10,1878 1) Registered in Cumberland, Effingham and Shelby; 2) in Hamilton; 3) in Edwards. 214 Official Eegister of Physicians White County. Name. Registered Residence and Post Office. Prac- T CE.* Cook. Christian Foster, Frank J McHenry, George M .. Minick, John M Minick, William A Monroney. 8. L.. Morris, Nelson R . Stewart, E.L ... . Burdiok, L Hallem, Wm. L (1. Haynie, George W Lester, T. R Milliron, Joseph (1 Milner, Alfred Ronalds, Francis.. Stokes. A. W Stokes. .L G Stokes, John M Baker, Alfred (2 Brown, Marcus L. (2. Latham, Samuel C. (2 Long, Felix , Long, Thomas (2 MeOlain. A. M. (2 „ Foster, Elijah (3 Green, Milton S Lemon. Robert B Smith, JohnD Braun, WilliamE , Burnett. William E. (3. Emerson, Edwin B. Funkhauser, R. M .. Green. Thomas J... Griffith, Thomas P. Hendershott, Lynn W. (4, Holton, W. M Hunter, C. T Kinney, C. P Lawrence, Daniel. Lawrence, M. H... Mayhew. Reason A McMurtry, William P. Neal, Daniel Newell, David Owen, Grant R.* Parker. V. H. Phillips, Wesley (4. Porter. Lewis A Puckett, Alva Rawlings. S. O Robinson, M. M Aug. 19,1882! R Smith. William O Feb. 13.18781 E Springer, James (2 Nov. 2(>,1877iPM Stokes, William F. (5 lApr. .3.188;^ R Taylor, Reynolds I Dec. 1.1877' H Dec. Jan. Nov. May Mar. Dec. Aug. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan, Mar. Jan. 28, 1877 31,1878 20, 1877 30. 1879 18, 188J 22,1879 30. 1880 29, 1877 31,1877 12,1877 1,1878 ... 28,1X84 E 1,1878 R Feb. 15,1878 R Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. 7,1878 7,1878 10,11 18,1877 12, 1877 Nov. 13,1877 June 18,1880 Dec. 19,1877 Nov. 7, 1877 Dec. 1,1877 April 14,1881 June 16,1878 Feb. 10,1880 May 1, 1884 Dec. 12,1877 May 29.187!t Dec. 31.1877 Feb. 8.1881 Jan. 1,1878 Feb. 4,1878 Dec. 8,1877 Dec 29.1877 Oct. 20. 1881 April 25,1878 June 14,1878 Jan. 12, 1878 Feb. 21.1878 Dec. 13,1877 Feb. 16,1880 Dec. 1.1877 R Feb. 18,1878 R May 13,1879 R Mar. 20,1880 PM Feb. 13,1878 R Carmi 29 48 28 39 28 35 56 53 49 26 48 54 33 u.s Ohio Ill ! ,.i 12 Carmi.. .... 1 24l 17 Carmi 5 14 1 7 37 5 Carmi . Ohio N. Scotia. Ind N.Y Ill Ohio Ill 1 Carmi Carmi 2 Carmi . .... ' 13 Carmi 27i 27 Gray ville .... 23 20 Grayville Grayville Tenn Ind Ohio 23 8 20 20 Grayville Grayville 9 Grayville 19 Grayville 47 43 59 21 52 39 44 21 6(1 45 51 25 21 Grayville Ill 8 Grayville Grayville Ill 20 Ill .... Enfield Ind Tenn III. 27 12 18 "24 21 24 1 27 Enfield Enfield 11 18 Enfield Ill I'ingland.. Ohio Ohio Ill Enfield 24 Enfield 18 Norris City 23 Norris City Norris City 48 27 32 41 29 31 37 34 49 3S 30 32 53 39 40 49 55 Ill 14 7 5 11 14 Roland Ky Ill 6 Roland 4 Stokes Station Ill 11 III. .... Phillipstown Springerton Ill Ill Ohio Ind Ill Va Ky Ohio a-;::::;:: Ind Ohio 6 13 9 23 10 4 8 25 8 12 23 25 6 13 Mill Shoals 9 New Harmony, Ind Springerton Phillipstown 21 10 Gossett • 8 Roland Emma 8 12 New Harmony, Ind Phillipstown 21 25 Mill Shoals 13 Hawthorn 24 45 27 28 33 29 27 5(t 25 Ill Ky Ill Ill Ill Ill if 2 2 Burnt Prairie 13 Gossett Burnt Prairie 1 New Harmony, Ind School 10 Crossville Ill 1 til i III 4 15 3 12 4 Springerton Stokes Station 10 School 39 Ind ' 11 215 To Whom Cebtifioates have been Issued. White County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice - Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Becord. Humboldt Medical College, St. Louis Seventeen years' practice Jefferson Medical College College of Medicine and Surgery, Cincinnati. Kentucky School of Medicine Dec. 24,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Jan. 11,1878 May 24,1879 May 15.1882 Mav 7, 1879 Feb. 7,1878 Jan. 8,1878 Dec. 7,1877 Oct. 20, 1877 Dec. 20,1877 Twentv years' practice Mar. 25, 1884 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery April 14, 18G9 American Medical College, St. Louis Ten years' practice Jefferson Medical College Medical Department, Western Beserve University Medical College of Ohio Mar. 12.1873 June 21,1877 June 29,1881 Mar. 27,1879 Mar- 12,1860 Feb. 15.1855 Mar. 2, 1874 Oct. 20. 1877 April 30, 1881 Oct. 20,1879 Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec- Dec. 2, 1877 2,1877 19,1883 18, 1877 13,1877 Nov. 2, 1877 June 19.1880 Dec. 7,1877 Nov. 2,1877 April 1.1878 April 11,1881 Mar. 27,1878 May 10,1878 Mar. 21,1878 April 28, 1884 Dec. May Jan. Feb. Jan. 24. 1877 19,1879 12. 1878 23, 1880 12,1878 Sept. 17,1884 Jan. July Dec. July June June Feb. Jan. Nov. Sept. Dec. Sept. Mar. Apr» Feb. Aug. Feb. Oct. Mar. 1878 1878 1879 1878 1878: 1878J 1878 1878 1877 1879 7. 1877 8,1877 24. 1878 19, 1880 2. 1878 16. 1882 2.1878 18. 1877 30, 1882 Dee. 24,1877 Chicago Medical College. Nineteen years' practice Bush Medical College Mar. Apr. 29.1883 10,1 Hospital College of Medicine. Louisville Jefferson Medical College Hospital College of Medicine, Lonisville Twenty-seven years' practice Ten years' practice Feb. 20,1856 Feb. 26,1875 Mar. 12,1870 Feb. 24,1882 Medical Department, State University of Iowa. American Medical College, St. Louis Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati , Starling Medical College Twenty-five years' practice Feb. Jan- Feb. Mar. 21, 1870 1,1880 27,1858 1. 1859 EvansviUe Medical College Mar. 1.1881 E vansville Medical College Feb. 27, 1»77 Fourteen years' practice .. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Feb. 14,1878 EvansviUe Medical College Mar. 3,1884 Eleven years' practice Certificate of examination Certificate of examination Thirteen years' practice j Certificate of examination 1 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk . College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Nashville Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery C/ollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk... Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland Evansville'Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Twenty years' practice Twenty-five years' practice Twelve years' practice Jefferson Medical College Bush Medical College Certificate of examination Physio-Medical Institute. Cincinnati Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery- . Kentucky School of Medicine Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Ten years' practice Medical Department, University of Tennessee.. Ten years* practice Mar. 1.1881 Mar. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. May 11,1852 26, 1878 26. 1877 18. 1878 27.1868 27. 1878 19, 187 Mar. Jan. 11,1876 21,18a3 Mar. 2, 1880 June 19,1873 June 28.1882 Jan. 22.1878 Feb. 23,1882 Dec. Dec. Jan. May May Dec. Aug. Jan. Dec. Dec. 28,1877 31.1877 16,1878 30. 1879 17, 1882 22,1879 30. 1880 13.1878 31,1877 12, 1877 Jan. 1,1878 Mar. 28,1884 Nov. 21,1877 Dec- 12,1877 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 18. 1877 18. 1877 10.1883 28, 1877 1, 1878 Nov. 13,1877 June 30.1880 Dec. 14,1877 Nov. 7. 1877 April 5.1878 April 14,1881 June"5.i878 Feb. 10.1880 May 1. 1884 Jan. May Jan. Fob. Jan. Oct. Feb. July Dec. Oct. June 9, 1878 29.1^79 30, 1878 28,1880 20, 1878 28. 1884 21.1878 30, 1878 29,1879 25,1881 14, 1878 June 14,1878 Mar. 5,1878 Feb. 1.1878 Dec. 12.1877 Feb- 16,1880 Dec. 28,1877 Sept. 19,1877 May 13.1879 Mar. 20.1880 Feb- 13.1878 Aug. 19.1882 Feb. 13.1878 Nov. 20.1877 3, 1882 12, 1878 Apr Jan. 216 Official Eegister of Physicians White County. Name. Registkbbd g o Residence and Post- Office. > Q 2J •< Pbac- TICE. * i£ BO Thrift, Hamilton Jan. 20,1881 Apr. 9.1878 Dec. 27,1877 Jan. 1.1878 H 11 R R Mill Shoals 40 41 40 65 Va U. 8 9 !> Waddle.M School 1<> Walker, John 8 Sacramento Pa 13 35 1J^ Wolfe, Adam A Gossett' Tenn 3f> ^At date of Registration. Whiteside County. Anthony, Frank . Anthony, J. P. (1 Brown. A. A Crandall, J. B Gordon, F. W. (1 , Hagey. W. H. H Hill, M. Jasper Keefer, John F Kehr, Samuel Royer, Moses M. (1 .. Scott. E. D Strickler, David A Utle>. Henry Wheeler, Charles M. . Williams, Henry P... Donaldson, H. C. (2 ... Hazelton, Charles N. Johnson, R.B Nowlen, James A. (2. . Pearson, Charles J... Seger.D.B Taylor, Samuel Farns\vorth> Henry S. Hobart. Andrew J. ... King, Edward H McCormick, Henry W. Reynolds, Albert Smith, AlvinH Clendenin, George W, Griswold, C. A Hensinkveld, Henry J. Kennedy. H. M Seeley, Sherwood E Emery, Cora L Eskey. Franklin W Mosher, James H. (3. Soothill, John H Wells. A.P Allen, Mortimer D . . . Bowers, Oscar J Mar. 15,1881 Dec. 8,1878 Feb. 4,1878 Dec. 8, 1877 Dec. 8,1877 Dec. July Mar. Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Dec. Aug. Boyd, R. D Burridge, John S.. Carman, Fred W... Felker. N. F Forristall. D. E Frazer, William P McPherson, Charles W... Morrill. J. L. (1 8.1878 16, 1878 15, 1881 14, 1880 8,1878 April 4.1881 June 16,1882 Dec. 25,1877 Aug. 7,1883 Aug. 12,1884 17. 1877 10. 1878 5,1878 4, 1877 31, 1882 May 10,187 Dec. 4.1877 May 13,1878 May 15,1882 Mar. 4, 1878 Oct. 4. 1883 Feb. 7, 1882 Oct. 4,1883 June 18,1884 Mar. 18,1878 Oct. 30,1883 Oct. 5, 1880 Dec. 29,1877 June 17,1884 April 16,1884 Jan. 15,1878 April 25, 1883 Mar. 25.1878 Jan. 26.1878 June 13,1883 Apr. Ma: 11,1881 ay 30,1879 Mar. 9,1882 Jan. 7.1878 Apr. 3,1879 Dec. 29.1877 May 16.1884 Mar. 26.1878 Sterling.. Sterling.'., Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling. . Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Sterling.. Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Clinton, Iowa Clinton. Iowa Clinton. Iowa Clinton, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Prophetstown , Prophetstown . Prophetstown , Prophetstown , Prophetstown Fenton Center Erie Albany Erie Lyndon .. Rock Falls Lyons Coleta Penrose ... Rock Falls 111.... N.Y. N.Y. Vt. .. Me.. Pa. Ind. 111... Ind, Pa.. Ill .. Pa... N.Y. N.Y. 111.... N.Y. N.Y. N.Y. Ohio 111.... Maine Ohio .. Vt N.Y... Ill Pa Vt Ill W. Ya. Conn. Wis. .. Ind. .. N.Y... Ill W.Va. N.Y. III... N.Y. Pa.. 111. .. Pa England. N.Y U.S N.H N.Y. III. .. N.Y. 217 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. White County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Certifi- cate Filed Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. FOR Record. Mar. 26 1877 Missouri Medical College .... Mar. 21.1877 Dec. 16,1878 Certificate of examination Dec. 26.1878 Jan. 28.1878 Thirteen years' practice Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 24.1877 Thirty-five years' practice Jan. 1,1878 1) Registered in Edwards and Wabash; and Wayne; 5) in Edwards and Wayne. in Hamilton; 3) in Gallatin; 4) in Hamilton Whiteside County Mar. 12,1881 Sept. 17, 1877 Feb. 21,1878 Mar. 29,1880 Oct. 22, 1877 Nov. 20.1877 April 4,1878 Mar. 12,1881 Mar. 29,1880 Sept. 17,1877 Mar. June Dec. Mar. Aug. 25,1881 13, 1882 20, 1877 25,1881 7.1884 Sept. 6,1877 Dee. 7,1877 Oct. 5, 1877 Sept. 7.1877 April 27, 1882 Sept. Sept. Mar. Apr. Feb. 8. 1877 6.1S77 21, 1878 26, 1882 21,1878 Sept. 24,1883 Jan. 21,1882 Sept. 27, 1883 June 16,1884 Nov. 3, 1877 Oct. 4,1883 Sept. 14,1880 Dec. 18.1877 May 12,1884 May 12,1884 Nov. 27,1877 April 16,1883 Feb. 15,1878 Jan. 29,1878 Apr. 27,1882 Aug. July Apr. Dee. Mar. 13,1878 29. 1880 27, 1882 12,1877 29, 1879 Dec. 18,1877 June 6. 1882 Sept. 4,1878 Rush Medical College Berkshire Medical College Ten years' practice Medical Department, University of Vermont Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College , Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Rush Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . Pennsylvania Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Medical Dept., University of the City of New York Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Rush Medical College.,.. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Medical Department, Western Reserve University. Medical Department. University of Vermont Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago department of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania . . . Medical Department, University of Vermont Chicago Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Twelve years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Rush Medical College Long Island Hospital Medical College . Chicago Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Rush Medical College Ten years' practice Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Chicago Medical College Chicago Home^athic Medical College. Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati ... Feb. 22,1881 Nov. 7, 1848 Feb. 1, 1866 Feb. 5, 1868 April 3,1878 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 26,1880 Mar. 3, 1855 Feb. Mar. 24.1881 10, 1881 1848 Mar. 22,1881 Feb. 19,1884 Feb. 20,1851 Feb. 3. 1875 Feb. 4,1876 Feb. 16,1875 April 2,1882 Feb. 5, 1868 Feb. 22,1854 June ..,1860 Oct. 1,1859 Feb. Mar. June Mar. Mar, Mar. 9, 1856 4, 1864 12, 1872 Mar. 14,1881 Dec. 4,1877 April 15,1878 Dee. 4.1877 Dee. July Mar. Oct. Dec. 7, 1877 15,1878 14,1881 14, 1880 4, 1877 April 4,1881 June 16,1882 Dec. 25,1877 Aug. 7,1883 Aug. 12,1884 Dec. Dec. Jan. Dec. Aug. Dec. Dec. May May Mar. 4,1877 10. 1877 28. 1878 4,1877 31, 1882 4. 1877 4,1877 13.1878 15, 1882 2. 1878 Oct. 4, 1883 Feb. 7, 1882 Oct. 4,188» 25, 1884 June 18, 1884 6,1856 Dec. 4,1877 June 28,1883 Feb. 26,1880 Feb. 21,1884 Feb. 19,1884 June 26,1877 Mar. 27,1883 Mar. ...1874 Mar. 10,1874 Mar. 28,1882 Feb. 22,1878 Mar. 2, 1882 Mar. 10,1874 April 3,1878 Oct. 30,1883 Sept. 30,1880 Dec. 29,1877 June 17,1884 May 19,1884 Dec. 29,1877 April 25.1883 Mar. 1,1878 June 13.1883 Oct. 7,1878 Aug. 10,1880 May 9,1882 Jan. 7.1878 April 2,1879 Jan. 1,1878 Feb. 21,1882 May 16.1884 May 17,1856 Mar. 26,1878 218 Official Kegister of Physicians, IVhiteside County. Name. Registered O Residence and Post- office. > 55 3 Peac- tice.* 33- r- 53 Remage, George W. (2 Nov. 9, 1878 April 13,1881 July ...1881 Feb. 6,1878 Feb. ..,1878 R R R R E Coleta . 41 32 37 37 52 Ohio Pa 111. : Ill N.Y 15 11 2 8 27 Robinson, R. E Simmons, Electa U Albany Erie 4 Smith, A. Tampico 4 Talcott, Edwin J Spring Hill «3 *At date of Registration. "Will County. Alexander, H. W Jan. 14,1878 Oct. 1.1884 Dec. 10,1877 May 20.1879 Dec. 12,1877 Mar. 5. 1878 Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 4. 1877 Apr. 27,1882 July 17,1884 Dec. 4,1877 Apr. 5,1881 Jan. 2,1878 Feb. 4, 1880 Dec. 29,1878 May 25,1878 Dec. 13,1877 Feb. 19,1880 Dec. 4,1877 May 5, 1882 July 12.1880 Dec. 27.1877 Jan. 7. 1878 Mar. 14,1882 Dec. 10,1883 Apr. 25,1878 Dec. 28,1877 Apr. 9,1884 Dec. 25,1877 Aug. 16,1881 Feb. 17,1881 Jan. 11,1878 Dec. 4,1878 June 25,1883 Jan. 25,1881 Apr, 5,1878 R R R H H R R K E E R H R R H R E R R R R R R R H R R R R R R R R R R H E R R R R R H R H Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet 40 25 tl 34 50 37 36 28 55 54 43 38 50 U. S U.S Ill 12 "20 4 12 24 1^ Baldwin, H. H Casey, John K "'?6 Campbell, John A Ohio Vt Ind Ohio 4 Campbell M. B 11 Chapman, J. J Curtiss B.J . . 11 Dougall. William Scotland.. Austria... N.Y Germany . Canada. .. U.S Canada... 10 "30 30 17 16 24 9 Fahrner John Filkins, W. L Heise. A. W Hocking, William F Hosmer. G. H Nash Alfred 25 ■"8 Ogden, E. C Joliet Ogden. M. B .Joliet Palmer, Isaac S. (1 Rayner, Geo rge C Richards, Charles Bichards, William M Smith, Ary Bryant Werner, F. W Bacon, C. H. (2 Bradley William Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Joliet Lockport Lockport Lockport Lockport Lockport Lockport Peotone Peotone Peotone Peotone Peotone Plainfleld.. Plainfleld Plainfleld Plainfleld Braidwood Braidwood Braidwood Braidwood Manhattan 58 51 45 23 40 22 43 40 25 61 28 28 28 43 25 31 27 29 26 33 32 31 28 38 24 25 35 51 42 24 30 England.. N.Y N. Y Ill Mich 25 25 22 1 15 7 9 1 U. S. US U.S Ill Yt 20 14 3 39 14 1? Davis, Oliver C 3 Dogget. John F 39. Focht, L. M. (3 Pa Sehoop, F Germany. Ontario... N.Y Ill Elliott. William 'ii 1 1 4 5 1 4 8 8 3 9 2 "li 27 19 Mills, A. J Mills, William Francis ... 11 1 Sammons, E. H Shumway ,':E. B Ill Vt 1 4 Jump, D. W Owens, John C Ohio U.S England .. Vt . 5 Mortlock, John S 8 Backus. John B, (3 Dec. 29,1877 Mar. 15,1878 Dec. 14,1877 Feb. 2,1883 Mar. 2, 1883 Jan. 15,1878 Dec. 26.1877 Aug. 3, 1878 May 12,1879 Jan. 14,1878 Canada... Ill 7 Eldred, C. C. (4 9, LeCaron, H. (3 Wade,H. C Brannou, Londus France . . . England .. Ind I'a 9 1 Cowell. George E El wood Frankfort Mokena Channahon Mokena n Haas. E Hastings, LaFayette E — Jackson, William M Germany. N.Y....... 22 5 Jefferies. 0. H. P Ohio 2 2 219 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Whiteside County. Cebtificate of State Board of Health. Certifi- cate Filed Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma." FOR Record. Dec. 3.1878 Apr. 13.1881 July 27.1881 Oct 20 1877 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Woman's Medical College, Chicago Mar. 25.1863 Mar. 3a. 1876 Mar. 2. isxo June 25,1877 Feb. 23.1852 Ap'rii 2S."l8^i July . .1881 Long Island College Hospital Dec. 4,1877 Sept. 4,1878 Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati 1) Registered in Lee; 2) in Rock Island; 3) in Carroll. Will County. Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College St. Louis Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Medical School of Harvard University.. Ten years' practice Medical College of Ohio , Chicago Medical College , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Eclectic Medical College, New York , Dec. 3, 1877 May 7,1883 Dec. 26.1877 Sept. 6.1879 Dec. 29,1877 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 13,1877 Apr. 27.1882 July 15,1884 Dec. 7. 1877 Apr. 26.1882 Dec. 26.1877 Oct. !3. 1879 Apr. 22,1879 Mar. 1,1878 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. 26.1877 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 13,1877 May 2,1882 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Mar. 23,1880 Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Dec. 17,1877i Chicago Medical College Jan . 14. 1878 Geneva M edical College Apr. 27.1882 Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. University of Heidelberg. Germany New York Homeopathic Medical College Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Fifteen years' practice Medical Department, Univ. of the City of New York Albany Medical College Chicago Medical College Sept. 21, 1883 Sept. 20, 1877 Oct. 3,1877 Apr. 4,1884 Dec. 26,1877 Jan. 26,1881 Nov. 19,1880 Dec. 10,1877 Dec. 29,1877 June 18.1883 Woodstock Medical College Rush Medical College.. Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Miami Medical College Certificate of examination Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. Univ. of Michigan, Medical Department of Syracuse University Feb. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. 21.1877 27,188S 28, 1S5- 2, 1879 2, 1866 Mar. 1. 1864 Mar. 4,1868 Mar. 29.1882 June 9. 1875 Nov. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. May Mar. Dec. Mar. 14. 1842 28.1S65 3, 1866 ..,1856 27, 1879 21.1871 28. 1878 6,1852 24. 1855 31.1876 June 30,1881 Mar. 1, 1880 Mar. 4,18<.2 Jan. ..,1864 Mar. 2,1882 June Feb. Mar. Apr. Mar. 7. 1837 16, 1875 20, 1877 4, 1884 1, 1866 Nov. Mar. Dec. Nov. Nov. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. May Mar. Dec. 4.1880' 20, 1878 10, 1877 23, 1877 27. 1877 30, 1883 28,18S3 31,1877 25. 1878 9,1878; 28,1879 13,1877, Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery McGill University. Montreal Jefferson Medical College Detroit Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical College of Ohio Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Twenty-two yeaft;' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago . Chicago Medical College. Rush Medical college Feb. 24,1880 Feb. 17,1874 Mrv. 27,1872 June 18,1881 Feb. May Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. 22, 1878 23, 1870 30. 1870 11,1875 10. 1872 1,1880 1, 1882 28. 1871 25, 1878 22, 1878 Jan. 14,1878 Oct. 1,1884 Dec. 28.1877 Jan". "16.1878 Mar. Mar. Dec. Apr. July Dec. Apr. Jan. Feb. 5,1878 11.1878 17, 1877 27. 1882 17. 1884 11.1877 27. 1S82 2. 1878 4, 1880 Dec. May Dec. Feb. Dec. May July Dec. Apr. May Dec. Dec. Dec. Apr. Jan. 29,1878 25, 1878 26, 1877 19,1880 31, 1877 5, 1882 12, 1880 27, 1877 17,1878 16. 1882 10,1883 10.1877 28, 1877 9, 1884 2. 1878 Aug. 16.1881 Feb. 17,1881 Jan. 11,1878 Jan. 14.1878 June 25,1883 Dec. Apr. Dee. Nov. Dec. 2,1880 5,1878 22, 1877 27, 1877 14. 1877 Feb. 2.1883 Mar. 2,1883 Jan. 19.1878 Mar. 8. 1878 Aug. 3. .1878 Mar. 5, 1879 May 12,1879 Feb. 15, 1876 Jan. 14.1878 220 Official Eegister of Physicians Will County. *At date of Registration. Williamson County. Name. Registered TJl a n o o Residence and Post- Office. > > < Prac- tice.* t CO D ® .Si Minard. G. W. Mar. 13.1878 Dec. 27.1877 Nov. 2:^.1877 May 9, 1881 Mar. 5.1878 Feb. 22,1878 Jan. 8.1878 Aug. 24.1881 Nov. 22.1877 R H R R R H R R H Crete 52 29 57 28 55 45 26 31 25 l.^ 29 2 25 25 24 ■"5 10 ?'> Near, Jefferson S. (5 Frankfort "^ Perrv. Joseph Crete Conn Scotland . Germany . Ill Ind U.8 ^ Philip, William H. M Frankfort 1 Eich.W.L Elwood 1^ Kuden, C. F . Beeeher ?0 Searles, FrankW New Lenox Wilton Center .... Tillottson. H.John or Trott, S. E Wilmington 10 Wernigk, E Monee. .. 13 Willard, E. R Jan. 10,1878 R Wilmington. 47 N.Y 27 ^91 Bentley, W.H Denison, E. L Evans. George "W.. Fowler, J. M Hudson, Theodore. Lodge, A. N Lowry, James L. (I. Pease, Benjamin F. Stephens, John M.. Ferrell, H. V Perry, W. H Price, Jonathan... Yick, John W Watson, A. D Brown, C Graham, John J Sutherland, William P.... Baker, A. P Baker, M.D. (2 Phelps, William A Tomlinson, Albert B.. Burgess, W. J Felts, Benjamin R. (3. Fly. Jesse J. (4 Huddleston, John McDonald, M. M... Mitchell, Henry C. Mitchell, S.M. (5.. TidwelJ. JohnF..., White, Nathans... Wolf. Joseph R Nov. Dec. Mar. Mar. 16, 1877 8, 1877 5, 1879 9,1878 Dec. 3.1877 June 16,1884 Jan. 12.1878 May 16,1878 Nov. 6,1877 Mar. 18.1878 May 9,1882 Mar. 9. 1878 Feb. 13,1878 Nov. 8.1877 Feb. 18.1878 Dec. 19.1877 Dec. 28.1877 Dec. 28.1877 Aug. 20,1884 April ..,1878 Sept. 7,1878 May 13,1878 Dec. 21.1877 April 19,1879 July Dec. Oct. Mar. 22,1879 3,1877 16,1878 20, 1878 May 7, 1878 Marion. Marion. Marion. Marion. Marion. Marion Marion Marion Marion Carterville Carterville Carterville Carterville Carterville Creal Springs. Creal Springs. Creal Springs. Cottage Home Cottage Home Cottage Home Cottage Home Lake Creek Lake Creek Pulley's Mill.. Crab Orchard. Crab Orchard. Corinth , Corinth Attiia Ward's Mill..., Crab Orchard. 42 42 31 29 Pa N.Y Ky Ill 23 11 6 3 17 11 3 3 47 25 49 ?8 Ind... 111 23 1 19 2 9 21 "'io SI III.. 9 '>6 III. 33 Ill 7 4 25 7 29 56 31 Ky N.C Ill 4 13 37 30 Mo Ill 4 5 3 3 4 5 29 24 29 30 34 34 31 3:i 32 24 60 37 46 50 Tenn 111.. . 3 3 Tenn Texas Ky Tenn Ill 1 7 3 7 15 9 1 7 3 7 Tenn Ill 111. 11 9 111. 36 12 16 23 ^7 Tenn Ky Va 12 16 10 * At date of Registration. 221 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Will County. Certificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice - Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOR Record. Jan. Dec. Nov. May Jan. Jan. Sept. Nov. Nov. May 25, 1878 31, 1877 27. 1877 3,1881 25. 1878 30, 1878 13, 1877 18, 1880 9, 1877 14, 1880 Twenty-nine years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago New York Medical College Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Feb. Feb. Feb. 4, 1876 28. 1854 22, 1881 Nov. 22,1877 University of Berlin. Prussia Chicago Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Thirteen years' practice Rush Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. ...1854 20. 1877 4. 1880 17.1867 Feb. 19,1873 Mar. Jan. Feb. May Mar. 13, 1878 18, 1878 9, 1878 9, 1881 5, 1878 Feb. 22.1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Aug. 24,1881 Nov. 22,1877 Dec. 10,1878 1) Registered in Livingston; 2) in Cook; 3) in Grundy; 4) in Grundy and Kankakee; 5) in Iroauois. , Williamson County. Oct. Oct. Aug. 16.1877 18, 1877 21, 1879 5,1878 19,1878 Oct. Mar. Oct. June Oct. 18,1877 28.1879 18, 1877 1,1878 19, 1877 Mar. Apr. Mar. Feb. Oct. 8. 1878 27, 1882 5,1878 7, 1877 19, 1877 June Jan. Nov. Nov. Aug. 1, 1878 12,1878 26,1877 26,1877 18,1884 July Apr. Apr. Apr. Nov. 16,1883 1,1878 24, 1878 8.1878 2,1877 April Nov. Oct. Dec. 5,1879 22,1879 23.1877 2, 1877 23,1877 Apr. 4.1878 Ten years' practice Ten years' practice St. Louis Medical College Certificate of examination Medical Department of the University of Nashville St. Louis Medical College Jefferson Medical College Ten years' practice Eclectic Medical College Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Nashville Medical College Certificate of examination Thirteen years' practice Missouri Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Certificate of examination Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Ohio Kentucky School of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Missouri Medical College Certificate of examination Nashville Medical College Ten years' practice St. Louis Medical College. Chicago Medical College. Rush Medical College Twelve years' practice Fifteen years' practice Ten years' practice. Mar. 8, 1878 Mar.'"'i,"i878 Mar. Mar. 2,1858 12,1878 May Mar. 7, 1878 7, 1877 Feb. 14,1878 Feb. 23,1882 Mar. 11,1874 Feb. Oct. Dec. Mar. Mar. 20,1877 8. 1877 26. 1879 9. 1878 Nov. 19,1877 June 16.1884 Jan. 12.1878 July 3,1878 Nov. 5.1877 Apr. May Mar. Feb. Nov. 8.1878 9, 1882 9.1878 13.1878 8, 1877 14, 1878 June 22,1878 [Jan. 12,1878 Dec. 28.1877 Dec. 28.1877 Aug. 20.1884 Mar. 1,1875 Mar. 1,1875 June 26,1884 Feb. Mar. Sept. Feb. 27,1883 5.1878 7,1878 26, 1878 Mar. 7, 1879 Mar. 4.1879 Feb. 16,1878 April 6.1878 May 13.1878 Dec. 21,1877 April 19.1879 July 22,1879 Dec. 3,1877 Oct. 16,1878 Mar. 20,1878 May 7, 1878 1) Registered in Logan and Tazewell; 2) in Jackson; 3) in Franklin; 5) in Franklin and Saline. 4) in Johnson; 222 Official Kegister of Physicians Winnebago County. Rkgistebed o w Residence and Post- Office. ^25 Peac- TICE.* Name. Allaben, John E Nov. 20,1883 Dec. 18,1877 June 10,1882 Oct. 21,1882 Feb. 28,1878 Mar. 12,1883 Aug. 10,1881 Dec. 28,1877 Dec. 19,1878 Jan. 2,1878 Aug. 4,1880 Mar. 19.1884 Feb. 18,1878 Feb. 7,1878 May 16,1883 Jan. 31,1878 Jan. 12,1878 1878 R R R H E H R R R R R R R R E f R R R R R H R H H R R R R R R R R R H R R R R R R H R R R R R PM R H R E R R H R R E R J Rockford 25 34 30 41 57 52 67 77 40 37 u. s. Austin. Silas A Rockford u.s : 111.. ] ] 11 1 Baldwin. Marcella C Hockford 1 Boyd, William A Rockford Scotland.. N.Y N. Y Brown, George W. Rockford n Brown. Lorinda G Rockford Buckner, Henrietta L Rockford Me Ill Ohio Mass It 51 14 12 2 Catlin, A. M Rockford. 4(1 Catlin, E. P Rockford , 13 Clark D. S Rockford . 12 Clark, Lucius A Rockford Eckerson, E Rockford 31 34 50 24 "38 42 21 58 32 26 32 30 40 29 26 32 22 30 25 44 42 49 24 32 32 37 25 36 "58 66 32 61 30 N.Y 111. 7 4 27 Fitch. W. H Rockford . . 4 Goodwin, A. E Rockford Vt. 23 Graves Fred E Rockford 111. Hill.F.K Huntlev, EusebiaN. (1 Rockford Rockford N.Y N.Y Mass 111.. 3 4 15 3 4 Huse, Edward Carroll. Rockford 12 Kimball. Frank H Apr. 28,1880 May 3,1878 Dec. 19.1877 May 22,1879 Jan. 9. 1882 May 8. 1884 Nov. 30.1877 Jan. 13,1883 Aug. 6,18S1 MiW 27.18S4 July 27,1882 June 22,1878 Jan. 12,1878 Mar. 19,1880 Jan. 11,1878 July 12.1880 June 16,1879 Aug. 1,1882 Dec. 27.1877 May 13.1879 Feb. 25.1884 Nov. 8.1879 Feb. 23.18«2 Apr, 28.1883 Jan. 4.1878 June 4.1880 Dec. 17,1877 June 15,1880 Rockford Lane. Kobert P Rockford Pa 35 6 ***4 2 18 25 Lichty. Daniel (2. Rockford U.S U.S U. S Wis Pa 111.... 6 Mackintosh, M. A Rockford Manning, E. .... Rockford Rockford 4 Martin. Marshall T McAffee, W. D Rockford.. . 18 McDowell. W. A. (1 Rockford Nye, FredT Rockford 111. 1 6 1 Oder Edwin E . . Rockford Ohi^o ...... Patton. EllaM Rockford Pritchett G. L Rockford . Ill Ill Am N.Y. 4 4 20 4 Ransom. W. L. (3 Rockford 4 Rockford 12 Bohr, G. W Rockford 16 Sabin, Henry M Rockford U.S Ill Ill 14 13 Sager, Rockwood Rockford 1 Seward, Belle Rockford Tebbetts. H. W.. . . Rockford La. 10 12 4 12 6 26 33 9 36 2 Tibbetts, Lemuel Rocktord Rockford Ill Mass Pa 12 Wells, EmmaF 2 Williamson, George Rockford • 11 Winn. George L Rockford Rockford N.Y U.S Mass N.Y Pa XJhline. Stephen P Copeland. P Winnebago 23 Clark, E.J. . . Winnebago 1 Gearhart, W. R Winnebago 22 Miller. Thomas N Winnebago 1... N.Y Spalding, A. E. (4 . . . Winnebago Bean, B. H Feb. 1,1878 Oct. 4,1878 Sept. 30,1880 Feb. 2,1878 Sept. 20,1881 Feb. 20,1878 Jan, 28,1878 June 31,1879 June 22.1882 Feb. 20.1878 Dec. 31,1877 iVIay 31,1878 Cherry Valley 22 47 28 46 40 38 30 23 26 26 "59 27 Sd«::::::: 1 23 3 25 18 1 Billmyer, E. T Cherry Valley. . .... 23 Foote. Lucius F Cherry Valley 2 Van Buren, L. M Cherry Valley N.Y 20 Bell, Samuel French, S. H Beloit, Wis ^ewMilford Durand 7 Haines, George M Vt.." 7 Hartley, E. C Durand [11 Jaynes, W. C. B Beloit. Wis Ala Latham, Chester H Pecatonica :nd u. s 1 3 "14 5 3 Lovesee, E. R Lundy, W. N. (3 larrison Roscoe 12 Norton. A. K. (1 NewMilford 5 223 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Winnebago County. Cektificate of State Boakd of HEAiiTH. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Certifi- cate Filed FOE Recobd. Nov. 17.188:^ Dec. 5.1877 June 21, 1882 Oct. 21,1882 Apr. 4, 1878 Mar. P.IS'^S Nov. 29,1880 Aug. 29,1878 Sept. 7,1877 Sept. 29,1877 Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Rusli Medical College Woman's Medical College, Chicago Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania Jan. Mar. Jan. Oct. Mar. 2(!, 11 17.1884 19. 18 20, 1877 30,1881 Nov. 3. 1877 Dec. 28.1877 June 11,1880 April 19, 1880 May 13,1878 Chicago Homeopathic Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Fairfield Medical College Rush Medical College College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York , .. Bel levue Hospital Medical College Buffalo Medical College Chicago Medical College , Berkshire Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Homeopathic Medical College, New York Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan., College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Chicago Medical College : , Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery Sept. 18,18771 Chicago Medical College May 13,1879 Dec. 7,1877 Sept. 17.1881 Mar. 20,1878 Nov. Mar. May July Mar. 30.1881 31.1881 24,1884 25, 1882 1, 1878 Sept. 17,1877 Mar. 1,1880 Jan. 12,1878 Jan. 2,18 Mar. 21.1879 July 25.1882 Sept. 22,1877 Nov. 17,1877 July 29,1879 Sept. 7.1877 Mar. 31,1882 April 19. 1883 Aprir 1.1878 May 20,18S0 Sept. 11,1877 May 17.1880 Sept. 13.1877 Jan. 14,1878 Aug. 24,1878 Dec. 26,1879 Jan. July Feb. Feb. July Mar. Oct. Dec. Oct. May 2,1878 29, 1880 27. 1878 2, 1878 29. 1879 29. 1882 20. 1877 3. 1877 16. 1877 24, 1877 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Rush Medical College Homeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago Chicago Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Medical Dept. University of the City of New York Chicago Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar, Rush Medical College Feb. June 28.1883 Nov. 20,1883 Feb. 21,1877|Dec. 18,1877 Mar. 1,1881 June 22,1883 Apr. 1.1880 Apr. 10,1884 Apr. 28, 1868: Apr. 29,1878 Mar. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar, Feb. Feb. 12, 1883 3, 1880 19, 1878 2, 1878 4.1880 19. 1884 18.1878 22, 1877 16,1883 1,1883, Mar. 2,188o!Dec. ..,18271 25,1865iDec. 9, 18(35, Jan. 28, 18731 Aug. 20, 1877 i Mar. ....1868iFeb. 20,1850 Oct. 22, 1881 May 4, 1875 Nov. 6, 1877 6, 1873 Dec. 31,1877 8,1868 June 15.1880 30,1880 Apr. 28.1880 2, 1848 May 18,1878 9. 1877 13. 1879 9, 1882 8, 1884 4.1880 Nov. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 14.1871 Mar. 1,1879 Mar. 21.1873 Feb. 24.1880 1861 Feb. 26.1880 Mar. 29.1881 June 21.1877 June 29.1882auly 27. Feb. 26.1878 June 22.1878 Oct. May Jan. May Feb. Jan. 13,1883 Aug. 6.1881 May 27,1884 10,1874 Sept. 25,1877 4,1864iMar. 19.1880 12, 18621 Jan. 15.1878 5. 1863 Jan. 2,1878 25, 1879' June 16,1879 Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Feb. 23, 1882! Aug. 1, 1882 Medical Department of Dartmouth College 0.ct. 31,1866 Sept. 27,1877 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan. Rush Medical College Chicago Medical College Castleton Medical College Detroit Homeopathic Medical College Chicago Medical College Jefferson Medical College Chicago Medical College Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College Physio-Medical College, Cincinnati. Chicago Medical College Berkshire Medical College , Dent, of Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Michigan Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. , Chicago Medical College Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Chicago Medical College Chicago Medical College Twelve years' practice Chicago Medical College Mar. 1,1877 June 26,1879 Feb. 3, 1869 Dec. 11.1877 Feb. 25.1884 Nov. 7,1879 Mar. 21. 18761 Apr. 1.1882 June 6. 18521 Apr. 28,1883 Jan. 27. 1872 Apr. 3. 1878 Mar. 14.1871 June 22.1880 Mar. 1,1841 Sept. 14.1877 Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Nov. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 30.1880 11.1874 21.1877 ...1855 20. 1877 22. 1853 4. 1864 21.1876 2. 1870 4, 1879 2, 1882 21.1876 20. 1877 Mar. 12.1872 June 19, 1880 Oct. 24.1877 Feb. 1, 1878 Feb. 21,1880 July 28,1880 Feb. 2, 1878 Sept. 20,1881 Mar. 14,1878 Feb. 6, 1878 Aug. 11,1879 June 22,1882 Dec. 4,1877 Dec. 22.1877 Oct. 22. 1877 Oct. 30, 1877 224 Official Register of Physicians Winnebago County. Name. Registeeed s o Residence and Post- office. > > i Prac- tice.* ■< d ^03 Patterson, Almon May 7, 1878 Feb. 12,1878 Dec. 31.1877 Dee. 17,1877 Mar. 2,1878 Oct. 13,1880 Jan. 15,1878 Dec. 8,1877 R R E R R R H R Beloit, Wis 57 59 51 58 45 27 54 N. Y N.Y N. Y U. S U. 8 U. S 29 30 17 26 15 9q Kansom, G. P. (3 Roscoe. 30 NewMilford 13 Scott. Amos (I Pecatonica 16 YanYalzah, S.B Durand Station 15 Taughn.J.H veness. J. G Rockton Rockton England.. N.Y 14 25 14 TVaite.D.V Rockton 25 ♦At date of Registration. 'Woodford County. Adams, J. Q Dec. 11,1877 May 25,1878 Feb. 7,1878 June 1,1878 Dec. 29,1877 Dec. 26.1877 Feb. 16,1880 Dec. 13,1877 Dec. 26,1877 Dec. 14,1877 Dec. 21,1877 June 16,1883 Feb. .7, 1878 Mar. 1,1883 Jan. 4, 1882 Mar. 23,1882 June 7.1879 May 23,1883 June 24,1884 Dec. 29,1877 Jan. 8, 1878 R H R R R R E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R El Paso 58 Ohio . •?-''^ El Paso Chapman, R. U El Paso ... 43 40 54 54 55 37 26 56 54 50 39 38 35 38 29 45 31 45 50 Ohio Me Pa Ohio Vt Ohio 111.. 14 27 31 13 13 15 Cole, Frederick .... El Paso .... 13 Xerr, S. L EI Paso ?\ Lewis, Daniel a El Paso 31 Frink, Harvey Metamora 13 Kinnear, A. H Wliitmire J. W Metamora Metamora 12 Whitmire, J. S Metamora Ohio Ohio Pa. 32 27 25 14 8 14 6 3"? Wliitmire, Z. F Metamora ^^7 Barnes A. H . . Low Point 14 Crawford, N. B Ill 13 Dunlap William M Secor . . . U. S U.S Ohio Va Evans, Perry M. (2 Minonk 14 Ferry L. A Eureka Huffman, J. W . Roanoke .... MacCoy, James Benson U.S Ohio N.Y Ky 13 8 9 25 21 Mendenhall, A. L Kappa 5 Tweddale, James (3 Washburn . 9 Tribbey, P. L Secor 10 Wiicox, E. A Mar. 1, 1878 May 2, 1881 Dec. 29.1877 April 2.1879 Minonk '. ^1 Willis, William H Eureka 21 49 21 Ill teller. John G. (4 Spring Bay Germany. Ill ^3 1 'A3 teller, George A Spring Bay . 1 At date of Registration. 225 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Winnebago Countgr. Cebttficate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma— Examination- Years of Practice. Date of Diploma. Cektifi- cate Filed FOK Recoed. Oct. 11,1877 «ept. 11,1877 Sept. 4,1878 Nov. 22,1877 Feb. 15,1878 Sept. 23,1880 Jan. 28,1878 Oct. 29, 1877 Rush Medical College Rush Medical College Thirteen years' practice... Sixteen years' practice Jefferson Medical College. Feb. 3,1869 Feb. 7,1850 Medical Department, University of Vermont Fourteen years' practice Geneva Medical College, New York Mar. 11,1854 June ...1880 June 26,1854 Oct. 30, 1877 Sept. 25.1877 Mar. 25,1879 Dec. 17,1877 Mar. 2, 1878 Oct. 13,1880 Feb. 18,1878 Dec. 8,1877 1) Registered in Ogle; 2) in Lee; 3) in Boone; 4) in Henry. Woodford County. Oct. May Jan. 16,1877 18,1878 15,1878 Oct. 1,1877 Oct. 16,1877 Oct. Dec. Sept. Sept. 16,1877 15,1879 5,1877 18.1877 Sept. 18,1877 May Oct. Feb. Sept. 1, 1877 29,1883 22,1877 22. 1883 7,1877 Feb. 24.1882 Mar.%'29, 1879 Mar. 15,1883 Oct. 30,1877 Sept. 5,1877 Oct. 1,1877 Oct. 19,1878 April 26, 1881 Oct. 24,1877 June 30,1879 Twenty-two years' practice Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Certificate of examination ) Rush Medical College 1 Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Twenty- one years' practice Thirty-one years' practice . . . Ten years' practice Rush Medical College Rush Medical College I Jefferson Medical College. •< Rush Mf^dical College ( Illinois University Jan. Mar. Rush Medical College Fourteen years' practice Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Medical College of Ohio Rush Medical College Medical Department, University of Georgetown Medical College of Ohio University of North Carolina Miami Medical College Rush Medical College Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Rush Medical College Missouri Medical College St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Feb. 21,1878 25, 1865 1, 1870 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 27,1864 21,1877 ..,1856 ..,1850 ...1847 Feb. 7,1850 Feb. Feb. Apr. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. July Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. ....1864 28, 1879 2, 1870 3,1879 28, 1879 22, 1870 2, 1869 3, 1869 12,1871 18,1857 2,1881 ..,1856 7, 1879 Dec. 11,1877 May 25,1878 Jan. 25,1878 Dec. Oct. 12,1877 16,1877 Oct. 16,1877 Feb. 16,1880 Sept. 8,1877 Sept. 22,1877 Sept. 21,1877 Dec. 21,1877 June 16,1883 Dec. 24,1877 Mar. 1,1883 Jan. 4,1882 Mar. 23,1882 Dec. 22,1879 May 23,1883 June 24,1884 Oct. 13,1877 Dec. Nov. IVTay Dec. Sept. 3, 1877 26, 1878 3, 1881 1,1877 22, 1880 1) Registered in Livingston and McLean; 2) in LaSalle, Livingston and Marshall; 3) in Marshall; 4) in Marshall and Peoria. —15 226 Official Eegister op Physicians Non-Residents. O W Residence and Post-Office. Hi Prac- tice.* Name. CD O r- Aas, Carl E E R R R R I R R R R R I E H R R R R R R R R H R R E R H R R E H R R H R R R R H R R R H R R R R R E R H g R Wiota Wiota Hannibal Keokuk Millersburg St. Louis Wisconsin Wisconsin Missouri Iowa Iowa .... .... Missouri 35 26 53 Norway. . . Norway.. . 11 » Aas, David 0. Allen, A. L N.Y .!::: 22 ?,?, Bancroft. Walton Bates, Homer 38 48 55 Canada... Va 15 14 31 Beatty, George F . .. . Berg, A. A Blanchard, P. W Westphalia Sharon Port Adelaide.. Clary ville St-.Louis Davenport Davenport Davenport Milton Grundy Center. Stillwater St.Louis St.Louis Davenport Dubuque Davenport Clinton Hannibal Ambia 2817 Cass av St.Louis St. Bernice Muscatine St.Louis Dubuque St.Louis Kentland Canton Dubuque Keokuk Carthage St.Louis Dubuqae Dubuque Keokuk Hannibal Montieello St. Louis Walworth Keokuk St. Louis LaPorte Boloit Davenport Girard Dubuque Terre Haute St. Louis Pashan Burlington Burlington Burlington Davenport Nelson Missouri Wisconsin South Australia Missouri Missouri Iowa Iowa Iowa Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Missouri Missouri Iowa Iowa Iowa Indiana Missouri Indiana .St. Louis, Missouri Missouri Indiana Iowa Missouri Iowa Missouri Indiana Missouri Iowa Iowa Missouri Missouri Iowa Iowa Iowa Missouri Missouri Missouri Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Indiana Wisconsin Iowa Kansas Iowa Indiana Missouri Indiana Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Indiana Prussia... ..... Bollen, George 5fi England.. 25 Bond, Benjamin N. ^0 Borck, Edward. ., . 50 Germany. 30 Bowman. A. W Braceline, P. M 40 5 Brown. L. R Burdick J. H Burns. J. D 30 Ohio 8 5 14 (> Came, W. H 27lOhio Carson, N. B 39 Pa. Cassilly, John P Chamberlin M. H. Connelly, Michael E. (rain, C. W 55 48 32 N.H III.. 20 19 8 -i. . . Crozier, James 1^ Danson. C. T U. S Davis, J. T Dowling, Lee H 38 25 u. s Kv. 5 Eiseman A. H Felts, Columbus H Fox, Michael A Gregory, E. H 59 Kv 40 40 Gullbert, Samuel H Hall. George W 53 44 Del N.Y 32 21 9,0 Hatch. Jethro A. Hawkins, John W Hill, Robert L 38 Canada... 16 1« Hillis, D. B Hinchman. Charles W 20 20 Hinckley. John T 31 Ky Hoffbauer. William Jackson. E. R 31 35 6S 40 62 39 Iowa ^° 5 11 40 5- Jenkins, George F Lamb C. L 6 ?0 March and J B U S Maughs. G. M. B Maxon, J. S McDonald, 0. P Ky 38 7 n.y::..:.: McWilliam, R 36 -36 34 37 25 Scotland.. 10 10 Meeker Lysander Mellf^n, W. A U.S Scotland.. Pa 10 11 10 1 27 14 5 22 6 Middleton. William D Miller. George W 1 11 Minges. George j Mitchell, John D Iowa .... Mudd, Henry H 35 40 46 30 Ill n Myers, J. W Ind Pa Nassau. W. W . N xon, S. E W Va.:.. 6 Peck, W'. F 39 N.Y 16 15 Poindexter John 227 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Non-Residents. Cebtificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Basis o Certificate: Diploma— Examination— Years of Practice. Date of Diplotna. Dec. 21,1878 Mar. 25,1881 Sept. 4.18b3 Mar. 17,1880 July 5,1884 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Jan. Oct. Feb. Oct. Feb. Mar. Mar. Nov. Jan. Oct. 11, 1883 4, 1880 24, 1880 6, 1882 13,1879 15,1884 1.1878 18, 18>.0 19, 1878 26, 1878 Sept. 2,1878 July 16,1880 July 14,1884 Feb. 22,1878 Feb. 9,1878 June 11,1880 June 20,1884 April 13, 1880 Sept. 4,1883 Sept. 17,1879 j^ennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery , Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery , Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Michigan. Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Medical Faculty of Berlin Berkshire Medical College Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Missouri Medical College School of Medicine, University of Maryland..., Rush Medical College Medical Department State University of Iowa. Missouri Medical Col I ege Chicago Medical College Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. St. Louis Medical College St. Louis Medical College Pulte Medical College Jan. Mar. Jan. July Sept. 13, 1883 31.1881 10, 1«83 19, 1878 2, 1883 Medical School of Harvard University , Bellevue Hospital Medical College , Illinois Army Medical Examining Board College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Michigan., Hering Medical College , Missouri Medical College Sixteen years' practice American Medical College, Cincinnati St. Louis Medical College May 20,1875 Mar. 22,1881 Mar. 27,1861 Mar. 6,1881 June 20,1878 June 17,1875 Oct. 10.1849 Nov. 3, 1854 Mar. 20.1873 Feb. 28.1855 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Jan. 2.1862 26. 1878 3, 1875 ...1859 20. 1877 8.1870 25. 1877 5, 1868 1,1851 31. 1878 June 28,18/0 Mar. 1,1874 Nov. ...1861 Feb. 16,1875 June 26,1879 Mar. 16,1881 Mar. 4, 1884 Western College of Homeopathic Medicine. Jefferson Medical College Rush Medical College American Medical College, Cincinnati Rush Medical College Apr. 13,1880 Sept. 21,1883 Nov. 3,1881 June 20,1879 Dec. 21,1877 May 6,1878i St. Louis Medical College Sept. 16. 18801 Twenty years' practice Jan. 26,1880 Medical Department, University of Louisville. Dec. 28,18771 University of Berlin Oct. 31,1878 Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery June 14,1878 Sept. 4,1883 July 13,1882 Oct. 13,1882 Aug. 10,1880 Missouri Medical College , Medical Department. University of Missouri. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Keokuk. Medical Department, University of Missouri.. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Nov. Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Jan. 3.1856 1,1849 11,1857 10, 1856 14, 1860 25, 1854 27, 1864 Mar. 15,1872 Mar. 18,1872 Dec. 23.1871 June 24.1874 June 12.1878 College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York... Aug. 30,18781 Missouri Medical College ,... June 21.1882 Medical Department. University of Iowa, Keokuk. Sept. 15,1883j Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , Oct. 12,1878 Bellevue Hospital Medical College Feb. 22.1883 Mar. 29.1880 Apr. 14. 1880 Jan. 26.1880 Jan. 13.1881 Jan. 11,1878 July 6.1878 Dec. 31.1878 Dec. 28.1877 Mar. 17,1880 Bellevue Hospital Medical College , Bellevue Hospital Medical College Medical Department. University of Louisville , St. Louis Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery Department of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago New York Homeopathic Medical College Bellevue Hospital Medical College Kentucky School of Medicine Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 27, 1867 ...1843 28. 1882 1.1848 5, 1875 ...1860 11,1874 ...1857 ...1873 1. 1868 1. 1880 1. 1878 3.1853 ...1866 22. 1881 31.1855 19, 1874 1,1868 ...1863 ...1867 228 Official Eegister of Physicians Non-Residents. CO o W o o Residence and Post- Office. Q Pbac- TICE.* Name. IS Reynolds, Albert R 1 R E R i R R R Clinton Terre Haute Keokuk Terre Haute Knoxville Dubuque Fairbanks Montrose Vincennes Racine Hannibal Terre Haute Hannibal Sharon Terre Haute Grand Rapids Deep River Morocco. Dubuque West Lebanon Graysville Graysville Hillsdale St. Louis Wolfs Island Ft. Wayne Clinton Eldridge Davenport Iowa Indiana Iowa Indiana Iowa Iowa Indiana Iowa Indiana Wisconsin Missouri Indiana Missouri Wisconsin Indiana Michigan Indiana Indiana Iowa Indiana Indiana Indiana Michigan Missouri Missouri Indiana ..Iowa Iowa Iowa 40 vt 16 Richardson Samuel C . Scroggs, J. A 31 49 30 33 Pa.:::.*:::: 6 15 9 12 Semelroth. F. C Shinnick, C. C Ohio".'.:::: Maine Staples. George M 1? Stone, W. Stuart, R. L Swartzel, Joseph A Teegarden, M. R Thorndyke, Charles H.... Tomlin, Benjamin P 29 32 61 39 Iowa Germany . Ohio U. S 9 10 38 17 "io 17 Toorey. W. A 52 Maine 30 25 17 7 8 Treat. Charles R ?h Treat H.J •. PM PM E R R R R R R H R R H E E 43 33 38 n.y:::.::: Europe.... Ohio Veenboer, Melle Vincent, A. W Wakefield A. T Waples, Marshall H Weaver A. S Weir, Andrew N 47 26 Ind Ind 21 4 17 Weir, Samuel D Werner John . Wilcox, Mrs. H. Tyler Wilson George M . . 45 43 32 56 n:y::::::: Ind U. S 15 20 .... Worden James W Yfiomarm Clri.ra Ohio 13 Yeomans, James - - • *At date of Registration. 229 To Whom Certificates have been Issued. Non-Residents. Cbbtificate op State Boabd of Health. Issued. Basis of Certificate: Diploma — Examination ■ Practice. Years of Date of Diploma. Jan. July May Jan. Mar. 21,1882 24, 1880 28, 1880 14.1884 30, 1878 Mar. 8.1878 Nov 17,1881 April 28. 1884 Aug. 2, 1881 Mar. 8,1878 Sept. 12,1883 Mar. 29,1882 Sept. 5,1883 May 14,1880 May 20,1878 Sept. 18,1884 April 10,1878 Feb. 24,1879 Mar, 1,1880 Dec. 19,1877 Aug. 22,1879 Oct. 13.1879 Mar. 21.1879 April 19,1884 Oct. 31,1882 June 12,1883 June 1. 1878 June 13,1878 Oct. 5,1878 Medical Department, University of Vermont Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati , Rush Medical College Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago , June Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. 4,1864 26. 1877 17, 1874 ...1873 21. 1878 Medical School of Harvard University Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Medical Department, University of Louisville. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati Medical School of Harvard University Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Medical Department, University of Missouri. Twenty-five years' practice Physio-Medical College, Cincinnati Mar. 11,1855 Feb. 6,1861 June 17,1874 Feb. 27,1879 Nov. 1,1864 July 9,1866 June 5,1860 Feb. ...1853 Jan. 30, Physio-Medical College, Indiana Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College Jefferson Medical College Feb. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15,1877 21,1872 12, 1878 10.1865 ...1874 Medical College of Indiana Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Detroit Medical College Homeopathic Medical College. Missouri Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Medical College of Fort Wayne Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Feb. 28,1873 Feb. 21,1876 Mar. 3.1875 Mar. 6.1884 June 21.1867 Feb. 26,1883 Feb. 23,1878 June 12,1878 June 22,1878 REVOKED CERTIFICATES. REVOKED CERTIFICATES The following comprises only those whose State Certificates have been definitively revoked by the Illinois State Board op Health for "unprofessional and dishonor- able conduct." Akin. Nathan J.: Chicago; graduate. Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery; Certicate No. 3844, issued July 22.1878. Revoked. February 6.1880. Allen, George Preston: Chicago; graduate, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Michigan; Certificate No. 6182, issued September 16.1883. Revoked, January 17,1884. Atherton. Joseph: Leland. LaSalle county; graduate. Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; Certificate No. 4732. issued October 14.1880. Revoked, October 5.1882. Bate, John: Chicago; graduate. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery; Certificate No. 328, issued November 3,1877. Revoked. February 5,1880. Becker. William: Mokena. Will County; alleged graduate. University of Bonn, Ger- many; Certificate No. 4027. issued December 6.1878. Revoked, July 2,1884. Campfield, James H: Ottawa, LaSalle county; graduate. College of Physicians an Surgeons, Keokuk; Certificate 3339, i^ued March 27,1878. Revoked, March 2,1882. Fitzgerald, Joseph: Belleville. St. Clair county; graduate. Royal College of Sur- geons. Ireland; Certificate No. 5891. issued March 24,1883. Revoked April 30,1883. Frisby, P. M.: Union. McHenry county; alleged eleven years' practice: Certificate No. 737, issued March 8.1878. Revoked, April 11,1878. Gaylord, Charles: Paris, Edgar county; graduate. Medical Department of Dartmouth College; Certificate No. 4850, issued February 23.1881. Revoked, January 12,1883. Henderson. Generous L.: Chicago; graduate, Chicago Medical College; Certificate No. 98. issued August 30. 1878. Revoked, February 6, 1880. Hinkle, J.: Meredosia; alleged ten years' Ipractice; Certificate No. 9238, issued Decem- ber 21,1878. Revoked, January 14,1881. Honnard, Joseph: Grand Tower. Jackson county; alleged graduate, University of Strasburg, Germany; Certificate No. 3086, issued February 4,1878. Revoked, June 27, 1878. Jones, Alexander: Centralia, Marion county; twenty-three years' practice; Certificate No. 1010, issued April 13,1880. Revoked, January 17,1884. Jordan, J. H.: Chicago; graduate. Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati; Certificate No. 411, issued December 7,1877. Revoked, April 8,1880. Kraus. B.: O'Fallon. St. Clair county; alleged graduate. University of Tiibingen, Germany; Certificate No. 2985, issued January 22,1878. Revoked, December 13.1878. Linck. C: Litchfield. Montgomery county; alleged graduate. University of Tubin- gen, Germany; Certificate No, 2936, issued January 19,1878. Revoked, August 22,1878. Lins. Julius L,: Wallingford. Will county: alleged graduate. University of Marburg, Germany; Certificate No. 3565, issued April 8,1878. Revoked, September 29,1881. 234 Luders, Henry A.: Collinsville, Madison county; alleged graduate. University of Got- tingen, Germany; Certificate No. 5256, issued November 1,1881. lievoked, October 5, 1882. McLeod. E. S.: Chicago, graduate, Medical Department of the Iowa State University; Certificate No. 615. issued February 20,1878. Revoked, November 22,1881. McMenamy, J. W.: Mt. Sterling, Brown county; graduate. College Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk: Certitlcate No. 4805, issued December 15,1880. Revoked, March 2, 1882. Meyer, Servetus: Beecher. Will county; alleged graduate, University of Bonn, Ger- many; Certificate No. 3190, issued February 23,1878. Revoked, July 2,1884. Morgan, M.: Allendale, Wabash county; certificate of examination; Certificate No. 142, issued August 6,1878. Revoked, April 13,1883. Nothhelfer. Julius: St. Louis, Mo.; graduate. St. Louis Medical College; Certificate No. 5858. issued March 14, 1883. Revoked, April 30, 1883. Pasco, M. H.: Chicago; graduate. Medical Department of Dartmouth College; Cer- tificate No. 4343, issued October 29,1879. Revoked, June 10.1882. Peters, Charles H: Bloomington. McLean county; graduate, Winchester Medical College, Virginia; Certificate No. 868, issued August 25,1877. Revoked, February 6, 1880. Rogers, J. H.: A.lexis. Warren county; graduate, Victoria College. Canada; Cer- tificate No. 2675, issued January 9,1878. Revoked, June 27,1878. ■Rollman, Otto G.: Mt. Olive, Macoupin county; graduate, Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati; Certificate No. 3299, issued March 8,1878. Revoked, August 22,1878. Smith, Frank B.: Peoria, Peoria county; graduate, Hahnemann Medical College. Chicago; Certificate No. 4830, issued January 20,1881. Revoked, November 1,1883. Taylor, L. C: Atwood, Douglas county; twelve years' practice; Certificate No. 539. issued January 28,1878. Revoked, June 27,1878. Tripple, Fritz: Trenton, Clinton county; twenty years' practice; Certificate No. 1103, issued June 26,1883. Revoked, July 2,1884. Williams. Lucas R.: Chicago; graduate. Rush Medical College; Certificate No. 387, issued November 22,1877. Revoked, February 6,1880. NEGROLOGIGAL RECORD. NECROLOGICAL RECORD Name. Place of Death, Date or Death. Reported Cause of Death. Allen, James A. C Anderson, J. M ... Archer, M. C Avery, S. F Babcock, E.R Baker, James H. G Barker, M. E Barlow J. Milton Barnett, C. F Bartlett. Abner R Beaumont, J. H Beers, Edwin A Benjamin, 8. C. Beseler, Franz Joseph. Bowman. J Brewer, George W Brockhart, L Brown, W. H BrummaginR. J Bryan, J. L Buckley, Chas. C , Bullock, T. W , Burritt, J Grand Chain. Andover Macomb LaMoille Rochester York Stone Fort Annapolis Bunker Hill... Aurora Freeport McHenry Olmstead Chicago Flora Humboldt Toledo...; North Henderson Morrison Cambridge Chicago Vermilionville. .. Half Day Cannon, E. B Chamberlain, W Clendenin, Moses W. Clugston, D. A Comstock, Jesse Conner, E. A Corey. C.V Crane, W.H Cremeens, W. F Montezuma, Ind, Toulon Rockwood Utica Westfleld , Vandalia , CrainsvlUe Washington Ewing Davis. J Day. Ebenezer Dessau, David S DeWolfe, Clarence E. Dietrich, Chas. T. A.. Dillion, Amos Dixon, Levi Dodge, Warner F Dollins, A. D Drae^er. Augustus... Druding Adolph Dubler, W. H Dunn, McCann Dunne, William P.... Ewing, John Faller, A. B Farley. R.D Field, John W Finley, John H Fisher, Alexander. Franke, J Franz, Joseph B... Charleston... Grand Tower. Jacksonville.. Chicago Glendale St. Joseph Lincoln Earlville Benton Danville St. Louis Windsor Bloomington. Chicago Monmouth. Newton Jerseyville. Monmouth.. Streator .... Chicago Newton Chicago Dec. 24.1883 Mar. 23.1881 June 22,1882 Jan. 19,1883 Cerebro-spinal meningitis Heart disease Inflammation of stomach. Hypertrophy of liver Feb. Mar. Sept. Sept. Nov. Dec. Mar. Nov. 17, 1883 28.1883 3,1882 29. 1880 29,1881 26.1880 23, 1883 26,1879 Typhoid pneumonia Pulm. abscess— army wound. . Typhoidfever — F araly sis Phthisis pulmonalis Pericarditis and endocarditis Stricture of the bowels Acute inflammation of colon. . . July 31,1883 Feb. Mar. June Jan. June Mar. 27, 1882 12,1883 3. 1882 22. 1884 7,1883 31,1883 45 77 Oct. 28,1882 Jan. 19,1882 Nov. 12,1881 April 18,1882 1883 Nov. 2, 1882 Mar. 19,1884 Jan. Feb. Oct. Aug April June Oct. May April May 3,1884 20,1884 ,...1882 19.1884 19, 1878 3, 18&3 4, 1884 5,1884 28, 1880 14, 1883 16, 1883 Apoplexy. Cancer of stomach and liver.. Gunshot wound Typhoid fever Heart disease Acute congestion of the brain Burns ;'irrhosis of liver.. Chronic diarrhea. Typhoid fever. Pneumonia Typhoid fever. Pneumonia Ulceration of the bowels. Pneumonia Feb. 27.1882 Dec. 27.1881 July 22.1883 Sept. 27, 1884 July 7,1881 Nov. 16 , 1883 Feb. 15,1882 Mar. 15.1883 Asthenia Strangulated hernia. Pleuro-pneumonia... Phthisis pulmonalis. Heart disease Morphinism Suicide Pneumonia Softening of the brain. Phthisis pulmonalis Phthisis pulmonalis Senile gangrene Heart disease Railroad accident. ^ Paralysis of the bladder. Cardiac dropsy 238 Necrological Record — Continued. Name. Place of Death, Date of Death. Repobted Cause of Death. Freeman, A. R Folger, Henry A Forman, John Forsee. B. W Gallup, W.E Gholson, James T... Gideon, A. H Gordon, J. 8 Grace, John C Grau, 0. H Gray, Cornelius Gray. G. H Green, M. Croft Greer, Isaac Griepenburg, W. H. . Griffln, Stimson Grissom. Thomas L. Griswold, S. A Groat. Julius W Groesbeck, Adam . .. Halbrooks, George.. Hall, A. A Hamilton, S. J Hammond, R. D . Hamp Henry Harper. C Harris, John T Harvey, Joseph Hay, Charles Hester. M.H Hillis, John S Hoblit. G. B Hollis, H. T Hopkins. T.S Hord, J. T Howard, RuebenL.. Hubbard, N.W IngersoU, C. F Jackson, B. F Jacques, I. C Jennings, D Jones, Joseph R Karraker, W. J Kellogg, George Kendall, E. E Kerrell, John R Knowles, J. 8 , Laeufifert, W. H... Lamb, J. P Larned, E. A. H... Latsom, J Lay, J. W Leckie, R. W Leeds, James Lefflngwell. A. W. Lemon, H. D Little, A. C Lucas, D. R Luce, A. H Luttrell. James H. Lytle, Francis W.. Mallory. W. A Manahan, James B.. Mann, G. A Marlow, Andrew Marshall, Charles F. Martin, Jr., H. F Martin. W.H Massie. William New London.Wis Rock Island Chicago Lima Mendota Broughton Walnut Prairie. Burnside. Cave in Rock Alpha • Liter Bensonville Chicago Dix Columbia Liter Samoth Franklin Grove. Aurora Chicago Springville Fairfield Stone Fort Blandinsville .. Elizabethtown Butler Albion Nebo Warsaw Beaucoup Hillsboro Benton St. Llmo Ridgeway Keysport Clinton Fulton Norris City. Yale Cobden St. Joseph LeMoille .. Mill Creek Chicago North Henderson Glendale San Antonia.Tex Belleville Lovington Loekport Oblong Mill Shoals Melrose Friendsville DaltonCity Astoria Levee Mound Station... Bloomington Shiloh Hill St. Louis Riverton Pleasant Grove. Effingham Coultersville Baldwin Greenfield Godfrey Paris Jan. . , , 1883 Meningitis . Dec. 24, 1879 Phthisis pulmonalis. Aug. 19, 1884j Paralysis of the heart. Aug. 21, 18821 Abscess of the lung. July Jan. 15, 1882| Phthisis pulmonalis. 18,1882 Typhoid pneumonia. Nov. 1, 1882; Cancer in nasal cavity Oct. 23, 18S2 Apoplexy Mar. 5,1883 Burned May 24, 188:j Injuries in cyclone April 19, 1882; Apoplexy , Nov. 25, 18821 Apoplexy - 1882 Dropsy Mar. 21. 1883; Phthisis pulmonalis. . . May 24, 1883, Injuries in cyclone Mar. 1,1881 Phthisis pulmonalis... Mar. 5, 1883| Apoplexy Jan. 12, 1883, Overdose of morphia. Nov. 23, 1884 General debility 64 Jan. 1, 46:Dec. 18, 43IApril 11, 57Feb. 2, 63iMar. 15, 48 Sept. 18, 2a|Feb. 25, 47iSept. 9, 82 Sept. 18, 33 April ... 72!Apr. 10, 401 Sept. 10, 43 Sept. 26, 28 Oct. 10. Oct. 20, Aug. 9, May 14. Jan. 20, 1881 Phthisis pulmonalis. 1879 Phthisis pulmonalis. 1879| Abscess of liver 1883 Pneumonia 188:^ Pneumonia 1883 Accident 18S4iBright's disease 1884 1884 1881 1882 18-^1 1881 1882 1882 1884 1883 Gastritis. Heart disease Congestion of the stomach. Acute myelitis Malarial fever Typho-malarial fever Pulmonary gangrene Paralysis Typhoid fever Carbuncle on the neck Heart disease Nov. 13.1881 July 14, 1884 Paralysis July 13,1881 Phthisis pulmonalis. Dec. 22,1883 Marasmus 26 Jan. . . , 1883 Pneumoni? 54lApril 27.1883 Pneumonia 67 Jan. 25,1882 Pneumonia SllApril 2,1882 Heart disease 33 Mar. 30, 18831 Phthisis pulmonalis. 27 April 40 April 66 Sept. 57 Dee. 39 i Mar. 71|Feb. 57 Mar. 59, Oct. 70 July 40, 74 1 Jan. 67 Sept. April July 7, 1882 Typhoid fever. 22.1882 Alcoholism.-.. 5,1884 Cystitis 2, 1879, Pneumonia. 2,1879 Pneumonia. 4.1882 2. 1883 2.1881 25, 1882 Inflammation of the prostate Angina pectoris Chronic diarrhea Septicemia 57 26. 1884 Heart disease 4. 18s;i!B right's disease 14,1881 Phthisis pulmonalis 18,1884 Congestion of the bowels. Blood poisoning 61 April 18, 1884 56 1882 44 May 10. 1882, Congestion of the bowels. 58 Jan. 9, 1884| Pneumonia SSlAug. 11.1883Bright's disease 30! April 26, 1883| Phthisis pulmonalis 58'Mar. 1. 1882 ;B right's disease 56 Oct. 17, 18821 Phthisis pulmonalis 239 Necrohgical Record — Continued. Name. Place of Death, Date of Death. Reported Cause of Death. Mathews. Simon F Matlock, I. R McAllister. John Mcliride. T. H McBride, Samuel McCarty. J. M McCord, D. H McCosh. John MeCullousrh, James.... McNeal. Nathan H McNutt. James H McViekar. Broekholst.. Meade. W.B.... Melville, Andrew Midlesworth.I. R Middleton. W. S Miller, Frank C Miller, James N Mills. J. M Mohr. John G-. S Moliter. Nicholas Moore, Dickey Moore, Joseph C Moore, L."M Morse. John C Mnelheiras. Robert Muller. Emil Murdick, Jacob Newell.D Newkirk, AdamsonB..., Newlon.B.F Owen, George L Bainbridge Pin Oak Hartsburg Carlyle Towns'p Joliet Decatur St. Louis Centralia Mt. Morris Pawnee Paloma Arrowsmith Buffalo, N.Y.... Augusta Peotone Cowling Washington Shelby. la Greenfield Frankfort, Ky... Chicago Somonauk Texas , Chicago , Hamilton Elk Creek , Nashville New Athens Missouri 43 Jan. 47 Feb. 70 Jan. 35Dec. 61 >Jov. 39, Oct. 63l April 58 Oct. 87|June 48: Jan. 78: Sept. 73, Oct. 81 Nov. Chicago Falls City. Neb. Dallas City Parker, Charles E.. Parker, S Parsons. J. C Phiney.M.C Pierce, B. G Pitt. Joseph R Potter, Elias S Potter. U. T Prentiss. M. M..- Proudflt. S. M Puckett, Pleasant J. Purvines. A. T 8uinn, 8. W... uirk, John L. Ragland. C. J Randall. J. N Rea. Francis L Reed, H^nry Reuhl. William Reynolds, W.E Richings. Chas. Henry. Roe, F. M Rood. Joseph B Ross, M. L Ross, Joseph C Roy. James L Ruff. R. L Rugg. Herman Beardstown Delavan Ursa Minier Warren Jeflfers'nPreelnct Oregon Missouri Rushville Belle Prairie Burnt Prairie Salisbury Greenup, Chicago. Mulberry Grove Anna Chicago Minnesota , . Dalton's Station Chicago , Rockford Cass Lemont Quincy Lincoln Kentucky Mt. Vernon Delavan Nov. Feb. Oct. Mar. Jan. 30 41 CI 48 Nov. 58: Mar. 35| 37iJan. 28 April 37 Aug. 24 Jan. 58 Feb. 57 ,1881 Pneumonia 1884 Hemorrhage of lungs 1S82 Pneumonia , 18S1 Bright's disease ,1884 General paralysis ,1881 Epilepsy 18S4 Progressive anemia 1882 Phthisis pulmonalis 1884 Internal hemorrhage 1883 Embolism of lung 18^3i Malarial fever, 1883 Spinal disease 18so: Result of accident 188 51 Alcoholism and exposure 1881|Phthisis pulmonalis 1878 Phthisis pulmonalis 1882,Overdose of chloral 1882, Overdose of morphia ,1^83 1882! Apoplexy 1 883; Marasmus 18S:j| 1882ilntestinal obstruction 1881 Phthisis pulmonalis 1882'Phthisis pulmonalis 1884iOverdose of morphia 18791 Delirium tremens Aug. 28. 1883 Overdose of morphia Dec. 18.1883 Internal injuries from accident Mar. 3,1882 Cirrhosis of liver Jan. 26.1883 61 Aug. 60 April 56 Oct. 66 June 58, Nov. 55 Jan. 62|Mar. 34| 620ct. 31'Jan. 67, July 45Feb. 23.1882 5. 1879 23.1882 18.1882 27.1884 7.1883 2, 1883 ...1883 12. 1883 31.1884 3.1884 14.1884 Heart disease... Congestive chill. Pyemia 73IN0V. 8.1883 52 Oct. 21,1882 47 Sanders. S. A Sanders, S.N Schuckard, J. V Shields, A. M Simmons. H.B... Skinner. Thomas W.... Smith, Bowles C Snelling.J.R Spaar, A. V Areola Ma^foon Golconda Sterling Centerville Stat'n Athensville St. Elmo Kappa May 24 Aug. 66 Aug. 551 55; Dec. 691 Aug. 57| 40 Oct. 51 Mar. 55 Oct. 11,1881 ...1881 10.1883 3. 18h3 20. 1883 13.1884 24.18S4 ...1883 25. 1884 Aug. ...1882 Nov. 2.1881 April 2, 1883 1882 June 25.1882 Consumption Paralysis of bowels Fatty degeneration of heart. Phthisis pulmonalis Hemorrhage of the bowels.. . Overdose of chloral Pneumonia Dropsy and old age. Bright's disease Pneumonia Pneumonia Facial carbuncle. Suicide Disease of the bladder. Accident Suicide Paralysis of heart Chronic diarrhea.. .. Typho-malarial fever. Phthisis pulmonalis.. Phthisis pulmonalis.., Hemiplegia 32lJuly 4, 1883iPhthisis pulmonalis.. 30!Feb. 9.1884 3«lFeb. 13. 1884lRemittent fever 4l|8ept. 4,1883|Erysipelas 53 Sept. 30,1882iCirrhosis of the liver. 50l 1883iSuicide 240 Necrological Record — Continued. Name. Place OP Death. Date of Death. Repobted Cause of Death, Squire, Cyrus Starkey, J. J Stevens. H Stevens, U.G Stewart, Henry C St. John, William H.... Stone, E.D Stone, Robert Stephen. Stucker, John H Swain, I. N Sweeney. John Taylor,B. R Teague, Edward Thompson, James W. . Thorp, L.E Thyfault. J. M Titsworth, William O.. Toler, W. T Triblehorn, B Yandervort, John H Vaugh, E. Jacob.., .. Veitch, James B "Walker, James B Walton, Browning "Ward, Jonas L "Watts, Richard Ira..., Webster, Edward G.. Webster. Edward H.. Welch,E Wheat, J. O Whiting. C. M Whitnell, Charles N.- Wichman, Alexander. Wilde, JohnF Willeford, Henry F... Wilson, George A Wilson, James Wilson, O. E Wilson. R. B. M Wiley, Samuel Wolfe, Charles L Wooley, E. C Worthy, Jeremiah Wright, George H — Harrisonville ... Waynesville. ... Newton Newton Jacksonville. ... Oakley Garden Plains. . Dover, Tenn Rose Bud Williams' L'd'g. Bloomington — Nokomis Roekwood Lodi Nebraska Bourbonnais Paducah, Ky. Astoria Aurora Dix Rosebud. Grafton.. Forest City Browning Jersey ville West Virginia.... Como Dixon Ashley , Paradise Polo Sulphur Springs Waterloo Nevada Marion Elwin Mill Shoals Versailles Washington Earlville Olmstead Paris Newton Terre Haute 59 Dec. 42 June 74 July 69 Nov. 53 July 40 July 66: , 32iMar. SlOct. 40 43 April 7. 1881 18. 1884 2.1884 14,18S1 29, 1883] ..,1881 ...18821 20,1884 16. 1882 ...1882 4, 1883 Pneumonia Phthisis pulmonalis. Epithelioma Cancer of the rectum. Bright's disease 64 Sept. 1,1883 54 Sept. 18,1879 40 34 Mar. ..,1884 58! May 24,1884 37 1882 54: Sept. 8,1882 38 July 6, 1879 Phthisis pulmonalis Typho-malarial fever... Pneumonia Lumbo-pelvic cellulitis. Diabetes mellitus. Alcoholism Feb. Feb. ....1881 29.1884 211884 44Dec. 72 Sept. 64 May 41 Aug. 7lMay 31 Aug. 42iDec. 73 June 340ct. ...Jan, 32;June 68jOct, 67 1 Mar. 73 June 721NOV. 24 Oct Feb. Oct. July July Feb. Oct. Suicide Heart disease. General debility. Bronchitis Pneumonia. Anemia. 18S3 1882 1884 18?4 1881 1882 1879 1883 1884 1883 1883 1883 1881 1883 1882 1882 1879 1884 1884 1882 1882 1881 Overdose of morphia Indigestion Congestive chili Ulceration of the stomach . . . Uremic poisoning Phthisis pulmonalis Bright's disease Chronic bronchitis Effects of chloroform Phthisis pulmonalis Fatty degeneration of heart. Diabetes Pneumonia Pleuro-pneumonia Phlebitis Acute bronchitis [tration. Neuralgia and nervous pros- Pernicious remittent fever Progressive locomotor ataxia. Suicide Typhoid fever DIRECTORY OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES I N I L L I N O I S. —16 243 DIRECTORY OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN ILLINOIS ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. David S. Booth, M.D., President Sparta. III. 8. C. Plummer. M.D.. First Vieo-President Rock Island, III. W.T. Kirk, M.D.,Senond Vice-President Atlanta, 111. Walter Hay, M.D., Treasurer Chicago, TIL 8. J. Jones, M.D., Secretary Chicago, 111. H. B. Buck, M.D., Assistant Secretary Springtield, 111 . MISSISSIPPI VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY. F. W. Beard, M.D., President Vincennes, Ind. A. C. Miller, M.D., First Vice-President Missouri. J. A. Sutcliffe. M.D., Second Viee-Prepident Indiana. E. H. Luckett. M.D.. Third Vice-President Kentucky. A. M. Owen, M.D., Treasurer Evansville, Ind. G. W. Burton, M.D.. Secretary Mitchell, Ind. H. J. P. Wright, M.D., Assistant Secretary Olney, 111. ^SCULAP!AN SOCIETY OP THE WABASH VALLEY. J. P. Worrell. M.D.. President Terre Haute, Ind. Z. T. Baum. M.D., Vice-President Paris, 111. C. B. Johnson, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Champaign, 111. ADAMS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. R. Williams. M.D., President 1 Ursa, 111. L. H. A. Nickerson, M.D., First Vice-President Quincy, 111 W. E. Gilliland. M.D., Second Vice-President Coatsburg, 111. S. W.Durand.M.D., Treasurer Payson, III. E. B. Montgomery, M.D., Secretary Quincy, 111. Censors: Joseph Bobbins, M.D., M. Rooney, M.D., G, W. Cox, M.D. BRAINARD DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY. Merritt Hurst, M.D., President.. Sweetwater. 111. G. H. Sanford. M.D., Vice-President Tallu]a,Ill. W. P. Walker, M.D., Treasurer Mason City. III. J. A. Walker, M.D.. Secretary Mason City, 111. Censors: F. P. Eldridge, M.D., J. S. Conway. M.D.. W. P.Walker, M.D., H. B.Brown, M.D. , A. F. Burnham, M:. D. BROWN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. J. T. Bradbury. M.D.. President Cooperstown. 111. W. W. Baxter, Vice-President Hersman, 111. S. H. McClung, M.D., Permanent Secretary Mt. Sterling. 111. 244 CENTENNIAL MEDICAL SOCIETY. O. A. Battson. M.D., President Olney 111 J. H. Maxwell. M.D., First Vioe-PresidQnt .'.'..'.'.Newton.' 111.' E. W. Boyles. M.D.. Second Vice-President Clay City. III. N. S. Marshall. M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Olney. 111. Censors: Jacob Carter, M.D., J. H. Tanqiuary, M.D.. E. C. Burnett. M.D. CENTRAL ILLINOIS MEDICAL SOCIETY. Lee Smith, M.D., President Bloomington, 111. L. S. Wilcox. M.D., First Vice-President Champaign, 111. S. M. Wylie. M.D.. Second Vice-President Paxton, III. C. T. Orner, M.D.. Secretary and Treasurer Bloomington. III. Censors: John Wright, M.D., J. T. Pearman, M.D., A. T. Barnes, M.D. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. S. H. Birney, M.D., President Urbana, TIL F. W. Prentice. M.D., Vice-President Urbana, III. C. B. Johnson, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Champaign, 111. CHICAGO GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A. Reeves Jackson, M.D., President Chicago, III. Daniel T. Nelson, M.D., Vice-President Chicago. III. Philip Adolphus, M.D., Vice-President Chicago, 111. J. Siiydam Knox, M.D., Editor Chicago. 111. Edward Warren Sawyer, M.D.. Secretary and Treasurer Chicago, III. CHICAGO MEDICAL SOCIETY. D. A. K. Steele. M.D., President.. Chicago. 111. C. W.Purdy, M.D., First Vice-President .Chicago, 111. C. T. Fenn, M.D., Second Vice-President Chicago, 111. E. F. Ingals. M.D., Treasurer Chicago, 111. L. H. Montgomery, M.D., Secretary Chicago, III. CHICAGO MEDICO-HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ephraim Ingals, M.D., President Chicago. III. G. C. Paoli. M.D., Vice-President Chicago, III. Liston H. Montgomery. M.D.. Editor Chicago, III. Plym. S. Hays, M.D. , Secretary and Treasurer... Chicago, 111. Committee on Publication: Swayne Wickersham, M.D., D. R. Brower, M.D., R. G. Bogue, M.D., E. Ingals. M.U., D. W. Graham, M.D. CHICAGO OPHTHALMOLOGICAL AND OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY. F. C. Hotz.M.D., President Chicago, III. W. T. Montgomery, M.D., Vice-President Chicago, 111. B. Bettman, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Chicago, 111. CHICAGO PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. J. J. M. Angear, M.D., President Chicago, 111. E. L. Holmes, M.D., Vice-President Chicago, 111. J. H. Tebbetts, M.D., Treasurer and Secretary Chicago. III. Censors: J. J. D. Skeer, M.D., H. M. Lyman, M.D., Chicago, 111. CLINTON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. D. N. Moore, M.D.; President ....Carlyle, III. E. P. Toney, M.D., Vice-President Trenton, 111. A. J. McGaffigan. M.D., Treasurer Carlyle, 111. J. T. Gordon, M.D., Secretary.... Carlyle, 111. 245 CRAWFORD COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. T. N. Raffcrty, M.D., President Robinson, 111 A. G. Meserve, M.D., Treasurer Robinson, 111 J. A. Martin, M.D., Secretary ...Palestine, 111. Censors: W. J. Welsh, M.D., J. C. Mason, M.D., J. T. McGowen. M.D. DECATUR MEDICAL SOCIETY. Ira N. Barnes, M. D^ President Decatur, 111 . W. J. Chenoweth, M..D., Vice-President Decatur, 111. J. N. Randall, M.D., Secretary Decatur, 111. DEWITT COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. E. M.Taylor, M D.. President DeWitt, 111. D. W. Edmiston. M.D., Vice-President Clinton. 111. C. Goodbrake, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Clinton, 111. Censors: John Wright. M.D.. J. J. Lake, M.D., H. Tyler. M.D. DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS. Thos. D. Washburn, M.D.. President Hillsboro. 111. J. G.Harvey. M.D. .First Vice-President... Grove City, 111. J. Huber. M.D.. Second Vice-President Pana.Ill. H. H. Deming, M.D.. Treasurer Pana, 111. J. H. Miller, M.D., Secretary Oconee. 111. Censors: F. B. Haller. M.D.. Thos. J. Whitten. M.D., John Morgan, M.D., John Mills, M.D., D. F. Salander, M.D. DOUGLAS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. J. H. Apperson, M.D., President Bourbon, 111. James L. Beat. M.D., Treasurer Tuscola. 111. S. T. Sprees, M. D., Secretary Tuscola, 111. FOX RIVER VALLEY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Catherine B. Slater, M.D., President Aurora, 111. F. H. Blackman, M.D., Vice-President Geneva. 111. C. N. Cooper, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer .Batavia, 111. HAMILTON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. A. M. Brumbaugh, M.D., President Dalgren, 111. M. C. Dale, M.D., Treasurer McLeansboro, 111. W. F. Hall, M.D., Secretary McLeansboro. Ill . JASPER COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. James Picquet, M.D., President St. Marie, 111. Z. Allen, M . D. , Vice-President Newton, 111. H. S. Hinman, Secretary and Treasurer Newton, 111. Censors: S. F. Williams, M.D., W. H. Davis, M.D., J. H. Tanquary, M.D. JERSEY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. A. K. VanHorne. M. D.. President ". Jerseyville, 111. C. DuHadway, M. D., Vice-President Jerseyville, 111. E. L. H. Barry, M, D., Secretary Jerseyville, 111. JO DAVIESS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. fl. T. Godfrey. M. D., President Galena, 111. E. R.Kittoe, M. D., Vice-President ^ Galena. III. William Hutton. M. D.. Treasurer Elizabeth, 111. B. F. Crummer, M. D., Secretary Warren, 111. 246 MACOUPIN COUNTY SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL IMPROVEMENT. W.J. Harris, M.D., President !.Piasa, III. F. E.Bell, M. D., Vice-President Palmyra, 111. W. M. Woods, M. D., Treasurer Carlinville, 111. A. 0. Corr, M. D., Secretary Carlinville. 111. MADISON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. T. P. Yerkes, M. D., President Upper Alton, 111. T. S. balsey, M. D., Vice-President Fosterbiirg, 111. A. M. Powell, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer Coilinsville, III. MARSHALL COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Perry M. Evans, M. D., Vice-President Rutland, 111. W. H. Jones, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer Henry, 111. M.'lEAN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Lee Smith, M. D., President '. ..Bloomington, 111. S. T. Anderson, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer Bloomington.. 111. Censors: William Hill. M. D., George W. Mason, M. D.. Wm. E. Guthrie, M. D. MILITARY TRACT MEDICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Temple, M. D., President Cameron, 111. J. H. Wallace, M. D., First Vice-President Monmouth, 111. T. A. Scott, M. D.. Second Vice-President Oneida. 111. H. C. Hooper, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Galesburg, 111. Censors: Herbert Judd, M. D., H. C. Hurd, M. D., Madison Reece, M. D. MONTGOMERY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. W. T. Hicks. M. D., President Raymond, 111. H. H. Hood, M. D., Vice-President Litchfield, 111. W. A, Allen, M. D.. Secretary and Treasurer Hillsboro, 111. Censors: J. F. Blackwelder, M. D., W. H. Cook. M. D., T. J. Whltten, M. D. MORGAN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. J. D. Waller, M. D., President Jacksonville, 111. T. M. Cullimore. M. D. Vice-Presideni. Jacksonville, 111. G. V. Black, M. D., Treasurer Jacksonville, 111. W. C. Cole, M. D., Secretary Jacksonville. 111. NORTH CENTRAL MEDICAL SOCIETY. F. Cole, M.D.. President ElPaso.Ill. S. li. B.Blacke.M.D., Vice-President Tonica, III. . Wallace Whitmire, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer Metamora, 111. OGLE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. D. Newcomer, M. D.. President Mt. Morris, 111. E.P.Allen, M. D., Vice-President Stillman Vallev, III. J. Parkhurst, M. D.. Second Vice-President Oregon, 111. H. A. Mix, M. D., Treasurer Oregon, III. W. T. Speaker, M. D.. Secretary Mt. Morris, 111. SHELBY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. W.L.Fleming, M. D,. President. Shelbyville, III. W. G. Wilson. M.D., Vice-President Shelbyville, III. E.G. Stillwell, M. D. Secretary Shelbyville, III. 247 SPRINGFIELD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. H. B. Buck. M. D., President Springfield. 111. B. B. Griffith. M.D., Secretary and Treasurer Springfield, 111. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MEJDICAL ASSOCIATION. J. L. Hallam, M. D.. President Centralia. Ill, S. W. Marshall. M. D., First Vice-President Sparta, 111. George 8. Rainey, M. D., Second Vice-President Salem, III. H. P. Huntsinger, M. D., Secretary , Pinckneyville. 111. J. B. Rosson, M. D.. Stenographer Vergennes, 111. L. Dyer, M. D., Treasurer Chester, 111. Censors: A. De Foe, M. D., A. K. Leiper, M. D., 0. A. Mann, M. D.. W. R. McKenzie, M. D. ST. CLAIR COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Adolph Schlernitzauer, M. D., President Millstadt, 111" Ferdinand Rubaeh. M. D., Vice-President Belleville, 111. M. S. Carr, M. D., Treasurer Freeburg, 111. Julius Kohl, M. D.. Recording Secretary : Belleville, 111. J. K. Berkebile, Corresponding Secretary Millstadt, ill. STEPHENSON COUNTY SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. E. A. Carpenter, M. D.. President Baileyville. 111. F. W. Hance, M.D., Vice-President Freeport, 111. L. Stoskopf, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer Freeport, 111. TAZEWELL COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Richard C. Charlton. M. D.. President Pekin, 111. W. H. Conibear, M. D., Vice-President Morton, III. W. E. Schenck. M. D.. Second Vice-President Pekin. 111. R. D.Bradley. M. D.. Secretary Pekin, 111. W. H. Graves, M. D., Treasurer , TRI-COUNTY (ford, IROQUOIS AND VERMILION) MEDICAL SOCIETY. W. P. Peirce, M. D.. President Hoopeston. 111. G. W. Jones. M. D.. Vice-President Danville, 111. J. Brown, M. D.. Treasurer Milford, 111. S. M. Wylie, M. D., Secretary Paxton. 111. TUSCOLA MEDICAL SOCIETY. S. T. Specs. M. D., President Tuscola. 111. James L. Reat, M. D.. Treasurer Tuscola, 111. W.T. Pullium, M. D.. Secretary Tuscola, 111. VERMILION COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. John B. Livingood. M. D., President Rossville, 111. H. W. Morehouse. M, D.. Vice-President Danville, 111" R.W. Gillett. M. D., Secretary Danville, 111. W.H.Paul, M.D,. Assistant Secretary Danville, 111. W. A. Brown, M. D.. Treasurer Danville, 111. Censors: George Wheeler Jones. M. D.. W. T. Moore, M. D.. P. H. Barton. M. D. Necrologist: George Wheeler J5 Nineteen years' practice 20,1879 University of Prague April 30, 1867 4.1882 Royal School of Midwifery, Stock- holm. Oct. 3,1881 24,1878 Midwife Institute, Trier, Germany. Aug. 2. 1867 1882 Certificate of examination . 1883 Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark ... June 5. 1882 1883 Royal Midwife Inst., Stockholm.... April 1,1877 1881 Royal Midwife 8chool,Munich,Ger. Nov.30,1874 1884 Midwife School, Univ. of Prague . . June 13,1884 1882 Certificate of examination 18sliCertiflcate of examination 1882 University of Prague j April 8,1847 1883 Certificate of examination 1878 Certificate of examination ^ 1878 Certificate of examination 1878;Certiflcate of examination 1881jCert. Midwife Institute, Cologne... ! Nov. 4, 1870 1880 Twenty years' practice 1878 Certificate of examin£»tion 1880 1878 Dec. Sept Oct. Oct. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. July July July May Sept. Dec. June Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. July Oct. Jan. May Aug. 1878 1878 1878 Nov. 15,1878 Sept. Feb. May Sept. June June Mar. Sept. May Sept. Dec. Oct. May Sept. Oct. Sept. Nov. Dec. Oct. Sept. Sept. Twenty-two years' practice Cert, from Comm'rs of Berne Sept. 10,1844 Eighteen years' practice University of Prague Dec. 30,1871 Certificate of examination Fourteen years' ))ractioe Cert, of examination, Med. Exam. Com., Cologne. April 8, 1883 Midwife Institute, Kiel, Germany.. Nov. 1,1865 Certificate of examination Certificate of examination Roval Midwife Institute, Danzig.. . Dec. 12,1859 Twelve years' practice Certificate of examination University of Heidelberg, Ger May 1,1858 Twenty-six years' practice Midwife Institute, Univ. of Berlin.. Nov. 2, 1836 Certificate of examination Certificate of examination Royal Medical College, Dresden... Dec. 30,1880 Royal Midwife Inst., Gothenburg, Sweden. Dec. 29.1880 Midwife School, Christiana, Nor- way. April 30, 1861 Twenty-two years' practice Eleven years' practice 1878| Midwife Institute, Christiana April 30,1858 1882iCertificate of examination 1883 Certificate of examination 1878 Diploma Stettin, Germany 1878lCertificate of examination 1881 Certificate from Examining Com- I mission, Cologne, Gr. Mar.28,1877 1878 1881 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1883 14,1882 12, 1884 1878 1878 261 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Cook County— Cily of Chicago. Name. Residence and Post Office. Cektificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Why Issued. Smolibowski, M, Sobieska, Anna . . Soderline, Christine L. Soehle, Sophia . Bonder. Bertha. Sontvidt, Anna Spalnger, Mat ia Staniszewski, Tekla Stark, Anna Steflfer. Catharine.... Stemmerick, AnnaM Stiller. Fredericka A. W Storch, Amelia Svensson, Johanna Tappe, Antje A Tegtmeyer, Matilda , Teresevus, Inga J Tomseha, Maria... Tress, Bertha Twichans, Bertha Van Moll, Anna... Vogt, Caroline Vollmann, Mary .. VoUmer, Eva Van Horn, Mary Wagen, WilhelmineL., Wagner, Christina Wahrmann, Elise.. Weber, Catharine Wehrheim, Mary Weisskopf, Catharine. Wickboldt, Elizabeth . Widing, AnnaM Widmer, Catharine . . . Wiegland, Walburga. Witte, Christiana.. Woehrl, Margaret. Yanowick, Victoria. Zimmerling, Emily. 799 Blue Island av 917 Van Horn 193 W. Chicago av 265 W. Huron . . . 358 Ashland av. 184 N. Carpenter . 164 W. Thirteenth 108 Wesson 864 W. Indiana.. 148 Cornell 1006 W. 21st 72 Indiana 23 Bowman ... 87 Tovs^nsend I Kinzie 79 Milwaukee av. 250 Townsend... i96DeKoven 452 S. Clinton 1036 Milwaukee av 166 Augusta 472 W. 21st 164 Larrabee 62 W. Thirteenth. 542 Milwaukee av 72 Sedgwick 546 Wells.... 33 Cleaver.. 203 Maxwell 18 Hull 181 Wright.. 739N. Halsted.. 213 Townsend . . 123 Wells.. 4830 Laflin 218 E. North av.. 300 Blackhawk.. . May 19,1883 55 White , 319 Larrabee. July July Sept. Nov. Oct. Oct. July July Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Aug. Oct. Sept. Mar. May May Oct. Sept. May Sept. Nov. Sept. July June July May April Sept. Sept Feb. June Nov. Sept. May July Oct. 1881 1880 1878 1884 24, 1878 6.1882 1881 ,1878 1878 1882 6,1882 1882 1883 ,1882 1883 1879 1878 1878 1882 Ger. Midwife Institute, Posen, April 12,1872 Certificate of examination Royal Sundhets Coll., Stockholm . June 30,1860 Twenty-seven years' practice Midwife Institute, Heidelberg, Ger May31.1873 Royal Midwife Inst., Christiana Oct.31,1877 Certificate Midwife Commission, Cologne, Ger. Oct. 2.1878 Certiflcale of Midwifery, Gyrel, Bohemia. April 7, 1853 Twenty-two years' practice Twelve years' practice Midwife Institute, Cologne, Ger ... March *i7, 1877 Royal School of Midwifery, Potts- dam. Ger. March 12. 1867 Royal Examining Commission, Erfurt, Ger. Feb. 21, 1881 Authorities of Lund, Sweden Dec. 23, 1871 Certificate of examination „.„. Midwife Institute, Kiel. Ger April 29,1869 Ten years' practice Royal Orphan Asylum, Prague May ..,1849 Eleven years' practice Certificate of examination 1878! Certificate of examination 1878 Certificate of examination 1878! Certificate of examination St. Louis School of Midwifery June 16, 1880 Eighteen years' practice University of Leipsic, Germany . . . Oct. 6.1868 Certificate of examination Mecklenburg Midwife Institute Dec. 30. 1876 Royal Midwife Inst.. Blankenheim Certificate of examination Royal Minwife Institute, Colmar. . Aug. 14, 1872 Midwife Institute. Berlin Royal Midwife Institute, Stock- holm, Sweden. Aug. 2, 1881 Certificate of examination Midwife Institute. Univ. of Frie- burg, Germany. May 16, 1881 School of Midwifery, Griefswald . . Mar. 12, 1860 Royal Midwife Institute, Trier I Oct. 23, 1851 1882 1 Certificate of examination 1878iRoyal Midwife Institute, Posen.... July 27, 1868 ,1878 ,1883 ,1878 ,1881 ,1878 ,1883 ,1878 ,1878 ,1882 ,1878 ,1883 1878 1878 Cook County. Abbe, Phillipine Aherns, Louisa Albrecht, Anna C Anderson, Elizabeth K Baker. Gertrude DesPlaines. Colenour... Englewood, Lemont Kensington April 1.1878 Nov. 8,1879 Dec. 16,1878 Sept. 26,1881 Sept. 17,1879 Fourteen years' practice Twelve years' practice Certificate of examination Royal Midwife Institute, Gotteborg Sept. 22, 1877 Twelve years' practice 262 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Cook County. Residence and Post Office. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Behm, Margaretha Behrens, Maria .. Englewood Colehour. June 17,1884 Oct. 28.1878 Feb. 13.1879 Oct. 19.1878 June 15,1878 June 9,1882 May 18,1878 June 21,1882 June 15,1878 April 21, 1882 May 19,1883 Nov. 8,1880 July 31,1883 June 9,1882 June 19, 1878 July 13,1878 Mar. 23.1880 Mar. 2.1880 June 27,1881 July 14.1880 Sept. 27.1878 Feb. 11,1880 Mar. 15.1880 Sept. 27,1878 Jan. 30,1879 April 24,1883 Sept. 27,1878 Aug. 5,1882 April 30,1884 Twenty- two years' practice Certificate of examination.. Bellert Theresa. Niles Fourteen years' practice Twenty years' practice.. Boorman, Margaret Boss, Mary Lyons Lyons Evanston Blue Island South Chicago... Lemont Twenty-flve years' practice Carlson, Selma M Clausen, Anna Erickson. MathildeC. .. [I. M. Certificate of examination Twenty years' practice School of Mitiwives, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 23, 1879 Fagerstrom, Catharina Fischer, Magdelena Fust, Frederika Ten years' practice . South Chicago... New Bremen Thornton Royal Examining Commission, Marburg. June 24, 1881 Cert, of examination, Authorities Hasselman, Oatharina of Brunswick, Ger. June 27, 1877. Dip. authorities, Harlem, Holland. [J. M. Herfurth, Sophia Central Park Humboldt Lemont May 12, 1864 Certificate of examination Heustrom, Anne C Krause, Catharine Missouri School of Midwifery Dec. 17, 1881 ^ Twelve years' practice Thirteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice Kuhlman. Charlotte Lange, Christina Meier. Augusta Barrington Thornton. . .. Blue Island Lake Twenty years' practice McKale, Catharine Fifteen years' practice Nienwenhof, Tryntje O'Connor, Julia South Holland... Lake Thirteen years' practice Twenty-three years' practice Pauckner, Theresa Schornber, Mrs. F Grand Crossing.. DesPlaines Calumet University of Vienna, Austria May 30. 1865 Certificate of examination Stiemann, Lizetta Thirteen vears' practice Stonebing, Anna South Chicago... Matteson Havelock Twelve years' practice Teutsch. Henri tta Trausch, Magdalena Twenty years' practice Midwife Institute, Trier, Germany. June 26, 1855 Royal Midwife Examining Com- Wiederman, Anna Thornton Zschichner, C South Chicago... mission. Prussia. Mar. 27, 1873. . Royal Midwife Institute, Danzig, Germany. Dec. 14, 1864 Crawford County. Kirby, Louisa J May 1,1878 Ten years' practice Cumberland County. Prather, Delilah E Thompson, Eliza Ann. June 20, 18791 Eleven years' practice June 20,1879iTwenty-flve years' practice. DeKalb County. Orput, Maria L Risden, Augusta L. Oct. 31,1878 A.pril 24,1878 Twelve years' practice.. Sixteen years' practice. 263 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. I>eWitt County. Residence and Post Office. Cektificate of State Boakd of Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Cross Frances M Creek Nov. 15,1879 Feb. 24,1879 May 7, 1879 Twenty-five years' practice Swearingen, Amy Smallwood, Elizabeth . . Wapella Thirty years' practice.... ..'.'. Clinton Fifteen years' practice Douglas County. Cole, Susan George, Dorothy. Newman. Newman. Sept. 24, 1878 Twelve years' practice July 17, 1878 Fifteen years' practice. DuPage County. Ewald, Wilhelmine.. Hoffman, Catharine Wegener. Margaret , Addison Naperville , Fullersburg , April 22,1882 April 13,1878 Sept. 30.1878 Midwife Institute, Hanover, Ger- many. Dec. 15, 1877 Thirty years' practice Sixteen years' practice £dgar County. Richcreek, Eliza A Paris Oct. 24,1878 Twelve years' practice . Ed-vrards County. Altner, Augusta West Salem Albion Oct. Oct. Oct. i 19, 1878iT\Pfintv-tw7n vfifl.r«i' nra.f>tip.A Bunting. Eliza 24, 1878 13,1879 Lester, Charlotte Albion . . Fourteen years' practice . £ffingham County. Althoff, MariaA. . Huslage, Maria E. Lawyer, Urminda Vickory, Cynthia. Effingham Teutopolis Beecher City Effingham... June 30,1879 June 30,1879 Dec. 3, 1878 Mar. 21,1879 Twenty-five years' practice. Twelve years practice Fourteen years' practice Sixteen years' practice Fayette County. Clou, Mary Wheatland Wheatland St. Elmo Oct. 22,1878 Twenty-three years' practice June 3 1878 Tpn vftnre' rtranf^n(^. Miles, Ruth Mouser, Eliza A Sept. 30!l878 Eleven years practice Ford County. # Kunder, Catharine M Sibley April 30,1883 Midwife Institute Kiel, Germany April 30, 1859 264 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Franklin County. Residence and Post Office. Cektificate of State Boabd or Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Avery, Elizabeth Arms. Luciada E Frankfort Cave Dec. 3.1878 Feb. 13,1879 Mar- 28.1879 Sept. 30.1878 July 30,1878 Sept. 30,1878 Mar. 55,1880 Sept. 30,1878 Sept. 30,1878 Mar. 24.1878 Mar. 17.1881 Twenty- two years' practice Thirteen years" practice Brown. Catharine.. Benton . Twenty years' practice. Doty, Sophia ^. Essary, Jane A. .. . Benton Parish Twenty-eight years' practice Fifteen years' practice. Holavvell. Rachael Lewis, Mary A Macedonia* Goode Township Benton Eleven years' practice Fourteen years' practice.. Pyles, Nancy Twenty-five years' practice Phillips, Mary Benton Twenty-five years* practice Beeves, Malinda Benton Ten vears' practice ^ Bicher.son, Lucy. Frankfort. Fourteen years' practice.. Hamilton county. Fulton County. luinley, Eunice H.. \^eaver Rachel E. A. Lewiston . Monterey,P.O..C. Mar. 29.1878 Oct. 6,1882 Thirteen years' practice. Sixteen years' practice.. Gallatin County. Johnson, Lucinda Schaffer. Sarah A Williams. Sarah. Cottonwood Shawneetown.... Saline Mines Omaha. Apr. 6.1878 Oct. 24.1878 Oct. 19. 1878 Oct. 24,1878 Dec. 21,1878 Twenty-five years' practice Eleven years' practice Fifteen years' practice Williams. Elizabeth.. .. Twenty years' practice ^... Ward. Matilda Ridge way . Eighteen years' practice. Greene County. Kessinger, Rachael Miller, Rebecca Watkins, Sarah J... Welch, Catherine... Wrightsville CarroUton Barrows Station Kane Sept. 20, 1878 Nov. 15.1878 May 7,1879 Dec. 31,1877 Fourteen years' practice. Twenty years' practice... Thirteen years' practice.. Eleven years' practice Hamilton County. Boyd, D. D Macedonia Belle Prairie Piopolis .... Oct. 19.1878 Nov. 1,1878 Aug. 10,1882 Jan. 11.1879 Deo 16.1878 Oct. 6, 1882 May 13.1879 Oct. 24. 1878 May 14.1880 May 24.1878 May 24.1878 Oct. 19,1878 Feb. 21.1881 June 15,1878 Sept. 11.1878 Oct. 22,1878 Forty-six years' practice Brumer. Elizabeth Brumer. Elizabeth Eleven years' practice Sixteen years' practice Brock, Sarah Thackery Fifteen years' practice Davis, Mary Palo Alto. Forty years' practice Digby, Ann . .... McLeansboro W^alpole Twenty years' practice Ten years' practice Gray, Prisciila Harrelson. Jane Macedonia Piopolis Thirteen years' practice Kaufman. Agatha Thirteen years' practice Lee,MaryA.. Ellis Mound McLeansboro Braden Eighteen years' practice Ten years' practice Eleven years' practice McCloud, Mary A Oglesby. CLarindaE Sefried. Marie Belle Prairie City Broughton Walpole Trull. Martha A Fifteen years' practice Watson. Sarah Thirty years' practice York, Margaret Thackery Twenty-three years' practice 26o MiDwivES TO Whom Certificates have been Issued. Hancock County. Name. ke8idence and Post Office. Certificate of State Boaed of Heat,th. Issued. Why Issued. Harvey, Elizabeth Plymouth Warsaw Jan. 29.1879 June 6.1878 Twelve years' practice Jones, Sarah B Sixteen years' practice Hardin County. Alheit, Catharine.. Rosiclare Oct. 13,1879 June 26,1880 Dec. 23,1880 Apr. 21,1884 April 15, 1881 Dec. 3, 1878 Aug. 25,1883 April 20,1880 Eighteen years' practice. Ginger, Flora L Elizabethtown... Elizabethtown. . Elizabethtown... Elizabethtown... Elizabethtown... Bosiclare . . Thirteen years' practice Gibbs, Julia A . Certificate of examination Grace. Tennessee C Graham, Lucinda. Sixteen years' practice Twenty years' practice Ingram. Jane Sixteen years' practice Martin, Eliza J. Sixteen years' practice Patten, Hannah Elizabethtown... Sixteen years' practice Henderson County. Morgan, Harriet C. Dec. 3,1878 Twenty years' practice. Henry County. Eas, Annie Lynn .. Dec. 3,1878 Oct. 19, 1878 Mar. 29,1878 Fifteen years' practice.. Girkin, Eleanor Kewanee.. Eighteen years' practice Richards, Ann Woodhull. Deo. 14,1864 Iroquois County. Lonn, Emma N Chebanse 5, 1883 Midwife Institute. Goteburg. Dec.28.1866 Jackson County. Coleman. Elizabeth. .. Ehrhardt, Elizabeth .. Holt, Emily Hurst. Mary C Kisdorf, Catharine Lee, Susan Richards, Arminda C. Rendleman. Elizabeth Smith, Ellen Underwood. Mary M.. Wilson, Jane Winchester, Mary Pomona Grand Tower. Vergennes. ... DeSoto Carbondale ... Ava Ava Makanda Elkville Campbell Hill. Murphy sboro. Carbondale Sept. April July Feb. Sept. Sept. Nov. April Sept. Nov. June Aug. 24, 1878 15, 1878 12, 1878 3. 1881 14, 1878 25, 1878 15, 1878 27. 1881 30,1878 21. 1882 15,1878 21,1878 Twenty-one years' practice... Thirteen years' practice Twelve years' practice Fourteen years' practice Fifteen years' practice Forty years' practice Eleven years' practice Twenty-three years' practice. Twelve years' practice Nineteen years practice Twenty-flve years' practice... Eleven years' practice Jasper County. Hawley, Mary Granville. ,1881 Twenty-flve years' practice. 266 MiDwivEs TO Whom Certificates have been Issued. Jefferson County. Name. Residence and Post Office. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Issued. Wtiy Issued. Collins, LydiaM... Gillham, Francis E Hamilton, Athalia. Johnson, Mary A.. Lusk. M. A Vaughn, Sarah Mt. Vernon Opdyke.... Elk Prairie Laur PirzererelL. Mt. Vernon Mar. Nov. Feb. Feb. Dec. Sept. 22,1881 15. 1878 13. 1879 23. 1880 3,1878 24, 1878 Fourteen years' practice Twenty-seven years' practice. Fifteen years' practice Twenty years' practice Fifteen years' practice Thirty- two years' practice Jersey County. Brill, Sarah R Otterville .. Fielding June 29,1878 Oct. 19,1878 Oreen Hester N .... Fifteen years' practice JoDaviess County. Hurst, Anna Galena Dec. 31,1878 Feb. 24,1879 Sanitarv authorities, Zurich.Switz. Apple River May 18,1872 Remton, Elizabeth Fifteen years' practice Johnson County. Barton, Dorothy C . Dunn, Lucinda J Martin, Mary A Mathis, Caroline Pendergrass, R. M. Sutliff, Nazy. Vaughen, Elizabeth Form an — Cypress Creek. Cypress Creek. Vienna. Vienna. Vienna. May May Mar. Jan. June Aug. June 22, 1882 20. 1878 28. 1879 16. 1880 1,1878 13,1878 29, 1878 Sixteen years' prace Fifteen years' practice. . Fifteen years' practice. , Twelve years' practice. Sixteen years' practice. Fifteen years' practice.. Ten years' practice Kane County. Johnson, Siva Batavia April 22,1879 Mar. 29,1878 Feb. 24,1879 Feb. 2, 1882 Fifteen years' practice.. . .. Morris, Mary A Aurora Forty years" practice Reilein. Mary Aurora Fourteen years' practice Weber, Marguerite Aurora Midwife College, Grand Duchy, Luxembourg. Mar. 2, 1881. Knox County. Anderson, Clara A,... Bradford, Permelia A Hagen, Mariana Liden, Elizabeth B... Nilsson, Kristina Soft Van Winkle, Cath. A. Maquon ... Knoxville.. Galesburg. Galesburg Galesburg True' July 16,1880 Sept. 26, 1878 Nov. 19,1881 Mar. 29,1878 Deo. 6,1883 Oct. 24.1878 Medical College, Stockholm Dec. 23,1877 Thirty years' practice Royal Midwife Institute, Gotten- burg, Sweden. Dec. 29, 1869. Royal College of Midwives. Swed- en. June 19,1868 Midwife Institute, Gottenburg, Sweden. June 29, 1875 Eleven years' practice 267 MiDwivES TO Whom Certificates have been Issued. liake County. . Name. Residence ani5 Post Office. Ceetificate op State Boaed oj Health. Issued. Why Issued. Frederick, Louisa Waukegan Jan. 12,1879 Midwife Institute, Gottingen, Germany. Aug. 19. 1847 Ija Salle County. Dulil. Barbara Engle. Karolina Frickey, Sophia Herrokke, Henrietta Kerb, Ellen Kiessenbach, Emilie Bother, Sophia Saal, Magdelena Stokker, Olane LaSalle. Peru — Rutland. LaSalle. Peru Streator Peru Peru Norway. Nov. Sept. Aug. Sept. July June Feb. Jan. Apr. 3.1881 14.1881 6. 1878 21.1878 20,18801 15,1878 27,18841 3,1883 15.1878 Royal Midwife School, Trier, Ger. Feb. 17.1872 Fifteen years' practice Twenty-seven years' practice Certificate of examination Twenty years' practice Certiflcateof examination St. Louis School of Midwifery Dec. 19.1883 Midwife Institute, Freiburg, Ger. July 8,1855 Christiana College of Midwives, Norway. Jan. 18, 1837 liawrence County. Shinn, Emily Bird's Station.... Nov. 15.1878 liivin^ston County. Green. Ann M ICornell. Haney, Lorilla Pontiac. Lacaff, Lucretia G. McGovern. Christina B.. Webber, Catharine Winkler, Margaret Pontiac. Dwight., Nevada. Dwight. Oct. Dec. May Mar. Nov. Mar. 24,1878 4, 1878 4,1881 15,1880 15.1878 15, 1880 Eleven years' practice ... Eighteen years' practice Twenty years' practice .. Fourteen years' practice. Twelve years' practice... Thirteen years' practice . . Macon County. Baker. Sarah A Burk, Katharina.... Mills, Susan A Tuley, Martha S.... Wichman, Hermine Long Creek Boody Maroa Decatur Decatur Sept. June 24,1878 7, 1882 Nov. July Mar. 15, 1879 29,1879 29,1878 Fourteen vears' practice Midwife Institute, Geissen, Ger. ^ov. 2.1852. Twenty-eight years' practice Fourteen years' practice St. Louis School of Midwives Dec. 18,1874 Macoupin County, Brayford. Mary A.... Blaeuer. Elise Bilbruck. Charlotte. Drummond, P. A Geiser, Maria Hamann, Margaret. Carlinville... Palmyra Bunk«r Hill. Carlinville... Bunker Hill. May Apr. Nov. May Jan. 2,1881 25,1878 25, 1878 24. 1878 28, 1881 May 18,1878 Fourteen years' practice Thirteen years' practice Twenty years' practice Eighteen years' practice Missouri School of Midwives. Dec. 16. 1880 Royal Midwife Institute. Kiel. Oct. 30,1863 268 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HATE BEEN IsSUED. Macoupin County. Name. Residence and Post Office. Ceetificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Why Issued. Heggy, Eliza Ladley, Caroline Miller. Frederika McCarrel, Rosa Neft, Appoloiiia Nead. Jane Oschinscky, Margaret.. Rogers. Mary Jane Schmidt, Catharine Wilder, Elizabeth North Otter Cr'k Palmyra Bushy Mound... Brighton Carlinville Stirrup Grove... Mt. Olive Dorchester Staunton Carlinville June Dec. Oct. May Sept. Sept. Nov. July May 1878 Fourteen years' practice 1878 Fifteen years' practice 18T9|Fifteen years' practice 1878 Fourteen years' practice 1878| Cert, from Kirchheimer, Wurzburg I 185i 1878 Twelve years' practice . . St. Louis School of Midwives .. Dec. 18.1878 Fifteen years' years St. Louis School of Midwives Dec. 15,1865 May 6.1881 Fourteen years' practice 1,: 3, 13. 18,: 24,; 24. 8. 24, 17, 1879 188t» 1878 Madison County. Beeli, Caroline Highland June 10,1881 Blanke, Henriette Conrad, Mina Forler. Christina Grasse, Johanna Grob. Elizabeth Mueller, Caroline Mueller, Catharine Mury, Catharine Siegrist, Elizabeth Tausch, Elizabeth Wentzer, Caroline C.F.. Weisman, Louisa.. Zweif el, Elizabeth. Alton Grant Fork... Prairie Town. Collinsville... Worden Highland Collinsville... Highland Highland Worden Venice Prairie Town. Grant Fork... Apr. July Apr. Apr. Mar. Apr. May May Jan. Dec. Apr. Oct. Nov. 1881 1880 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Missouri School of Midwives Dec. 3,1880 Fourteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice St. Louis School of Midwives Dec. 24,1876 Ten years' practice Sixteen years' practice... 1878 St. Louis School of Midwives Dec.21,1876 St. Louis School of Midwives May 1,1868 Cert. Canton of Gearus, Switzer- land. June 18, 1851 Fifteen years' practice. .1881 ,1878 J 878 19, ^ 12, 1881 Twenty years' practice Missouri School of Midwifery, Dec. 15,1875 Eighteen years' practice. 26 23, 1881 1 Certificate of examinatioji Marion County. Caster, Nelly Copplej^ Martha A. .. Hays, Denisha Johnson, D. D Krickling, Fredricka Lakin, Mali nda Lowe, Elizabeth Lewis, Bridget Middleton, Mary J.. Timm, Mary Telford, Sarah M.... Tullis. Jane C Woelfle, Anna L Centralia... Walnut Hill Salem Patoka Central City Salem Patoka . ... luka luka luka Walnut Hill luka Central City Missouri School of Midwifery. Dec. 13,1877 Fifteen years' practice 2. 18791 Fifteen years' practice 24, 1878jTwelve years' practice 3, 1884: St. Louis School of Midwifery Dec. 16,1880 19,1878iTwenty-three years, practice. 22.1878 Twenty-eight years' practice , 1, 1878 Ten years' practice 13. 1879 Eleven years' practice 1.1880 Thirteen years' practice 8. 1881 Fifteen years' practice ",1881, Ten years' practice 22, 1883iTwenty-two years' practice... Mason County. Boyd, Keranhappuck A. Bath June 30.1879 269 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. County. Residence AND Post Office. Certificate of State Board of Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Champion, Mary Daly. Elizabeth R Holifleld, Ussis Metropolis Metropolis New Columbia... Feb. 11,1880 Feb. 27,1878 Feb. 24,1879 Thirteen years' practice Ten years' practice Twenty-three years' practice McHenry County. Degen, Christiana. Oct. 24,1878 Medical School of Trier, Prussia Oct. 23,1851 McLean County. Laufer, Wilhelmina Bloomington — Falk, Christiana... McNeill, Anne Mathias, Margaret Russell, Sarah Bloomington Bloomington Towanda Towanda Sept. 12,1878 June 8.1881 Oct. 9,1878 April 9,1880 June 01,1881 School of Posen, Germany Mar.30.1865 Certificate of examination . Twelve years' practice Fifteen years' practice Eighteen years' practice . .. Mercer County. Knott, Mary E . Joy Dec. 3,1878 Twenty years practice Monroe County. Becker, Margaretha .,.. Dedecke, Margaretha... Eniwich, Dorothea Krumm, Elizabeth Kuehn, Adelaide Langsdorf, Charlotte.... Mueller, Barbara Naumann, Elizabeth Pieper, Franke Waterloo.... Waterloo , . . . Columbia ... Columbia ... Burks ville... Burksville... Foster Pond Waterloo Monroe City, Sept. Nov. Mar. Mar. June Aug. April July June 14,1878 8.1880 26,1884 29,1878 21.1882 2. 1882 15, 1878 24.1880 17,1883 Royal Bavarian School, Wurzb'g. June 30, 1846 St. Louis Midwife Institute April 29,1859 St. Louis School of Midwifery . . . . Dec. 19,1883 Twenty-five years' practice Fifteen years' practice Seventeen years' practice St. Louis School of Mid wives June 28, 1860 Thirteen years' practice Seventeen years' practice Montgomery County. Bandy, Martha A. Carter, Elizabeth, Roberts, Eliza D,. Turner, Julia Ann Waldrop, Malinda Young, Sarah Honey Bend Witte Litchfield .. Oconee Litchfield ?.. Harvel Jan. 11, 1878;Twenty years' practice Mar. 21,1879 Ten years' practice Oct. 13, 1879 Fourteen years' practice .... Dec. 25, 1880 Fifteen years' practice Sept. 24,1878 Twenty-five years' practice. Feb. 13, 1879|Eighteen years' practice . . . . 270 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Moultrie County. Name. Residence and Post. Office. Cektificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Why Issued, Jones. Caroline Lovins, Lydia D. M Peters, Mary C Whitley's Point.. Sullivan Sullivan Sept. 9,1878 Oct. 19.1878 April 28,1884 Twelve years' practice Fifteen years' practice Twenty-three years^ practice. Ogle County. Mattmiller, Mary B Oregon Nov. 15,1878 July 29.1879 July 28,1881 Royal Midwife Institute, Stuttgart. Ghana June25.1850 Tilton, Susan Fifteen years' practice Zellers, Mary Peoria County. Bauer, Johana W.... Dinges, Anna Maria.. Errion. Elizabeth .... Irish, Catharine McDermott. Mary Schmitt, Mary Wolframs, Josephine Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria July 16,1884 Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Jan. 26.1878 19, 1878 24. 1878 21, 1880 21, 1882 Nov. 15,1878 Missouri School of Midwifery June 11, 1884 Twenty-five years' practice University of Wurzburg May28,1838 Twenty years' practice Thirteen years' practice Royal Midwife School, Heidleberg, Germany. Mar. 28,1871 Seventeen years' practice Perry County. Beck, Elizabeth ... Blum. Henrietta... Roemhild, Matilda Schulze, Louisa F. West, Ruth Wilburn, Rachael . Pinckneyville. Pinckneyville. Pinckneyville. Pinckneyville. Pinckneyville. Tamaroa Aug. 9,1879 Dec. 17,1878 April 22, 1879 Oct. 19,1878 Nov. 15.1878 July 29,1880 Twenty-five years' practice. Sixteen years' practice Fourteen years' practice — Seventeen years' practice... Twenty-six years' practice . Thirteen years practice Piatt County. Cripe, Susanna Cerro Gordo Cerro Gordo Sept. 25,1878 Oct. 19.1878 Fifteen years' practice Troxel, AnnaM Thirteen years' practice Pope County. Teuton, Cynthia A Rose Bud Oct. 24,1878 Twenty-five years' practice Putnam County. W hitaker, Anna B Granville Nov. 15,1878 Fifteen years' practice 271 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Randolph County. Residence and Post Office. Certificate of State Boaed of Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Green, Jane.._ Steele's Mill Bremen Aug. 22. 1879 Ten years' practice July 19,1878 Twelve vears' nractice Jones Sarah J Kaskaskia Chester Oct. 24.1878 Oct. 31, 1878 l^weJ ve years' practice Marstein, Elizabeth Twentv-five vears' rtracticft Marsteiuer, Elizabeth . . Chester Percy Bremen Chester Wine Hill. . .. Mar. 21,1879!Eleven years' practice Jan. 19, 1880 Fifteen years' practice Meyer, Fredericka Schuchert, Eleanor ..... Susse, Caroline July 29,1884 Seventeen years' practice Oct. 24, 18781 Eleven years' practice April 13,1880|Twenty years' practice April 1,1878 St.. T.oiiis School of Mid wives Yost, Johanna Red Bud Dec. 15,1865 Richland County. Banks, Sarah L Byrne. Temperance. Graham, Margaret A Walker, Sarah A Wheeles, Anna Olney Noble Wilsonburg Olney Dundas Jan. 10,1879] Certificate of examination.. Dec. 3,1878 Twenty-five years' practice. Nov. 9, 1881 1 Fifteen years' practice , May 17, 1878 Thirteen years' prs-ctice Sept. 24,1878lTwenty-five years' practice. Rock Island County. Bennett. Charlotte., Exner, Krezensia. .. Fuhr, Margaret Giles, Mary A Holmgren, Caroline Harthing, Martha... McCutchen. Mary.., Palmquist, Clara A., Peterson, Ellen Stein, Catharine Cordova Rock Island..., Buffalo Prairie Moline Moline Hampton Port Byron Moline Moline Rock Island Apr. Oct. Oct. Dec. June Dec. June May Oct. Oct. 10,1878 24,1878 29.1878 3, 1878 17. 1878 24, 1878 24. 1878 24. 1879 22,1878 6,1882 Eighteen years' practice Twenty-four years' practice Fifteen years' practice Twenty-three years' practice Sundhets College of Midwifery Nov. 20,1856 Seventeen years* practice Twenty years' practice Midwife Institute, Gothenburg Dec. 24,1864 Lund University, Sweden Dec. 25,1851 Royal Midwife Institute, Trier, Ger. Oct. 2,1858 Saline County. Arnold, Elizabeth Edmondson, Elizabeth. Hutchinson, S. H Roper, Francis Singleton, Martha Tawles, America Carter's Mills . . Stone Fort Stone Fort Carrier's Mills, South America Eldorado' Nov. 1,1878, Fourteen years' practice Mar. 27, 1H78 Fifteen years' practice Mar. 23,1880 Twenty-one years' practice. July 22, 1881 Eighteen years' practice Dec. 3.1878 Twelve years' practice June 26, 1882| Sixteen years' practice 272 MiDwivES TO Whom Certificates have been Issued. Sangamon County. Name. Residence and Post Office. Ceetificate of State Board of Health. Issued. Why Issued. Daly, Margaret T Enders, Margaretha.... Springfield Springfield Salisbury May 3,1880 May 30,1881 May 24,1879 May 28,1880 Sept. 2,1878 Nov. 8,1879 July 6,1878 June 19,1878 Mar. 10,1880 Fifteen years' practice Midwife Institute, Trier, Ger Sept. 30,1863 Holman, Mary E Meyers, Catharine Springfield Loami 'I'wenty-flve years' practice Twenty-five years' practice. Institute Midwives, Donaneschin- ger. May 7, 1873, . Stephan, Oresenzia New Berlin Springfield Springfield Springfield Troesch M. D Royal School for Midwives, Trier.. Oct. 2, 1861 Vogel Caroline St. Louis School for Midwives June 14,1878 Weisenberger, D Twenty- seven years' practice Schuyler County. Richardson, Elizabeth.. Boot, Lydia Bluff City. Rushville. Sixteen years' practice Seventeen years' practice . Scott County. Massock, Louisa Winchester Oct. 5, 1882 Certificate of examination Shelby County. Baker, Mar 7 J Brunker, Charlotte. Cushman. Hannah .. Rick, Margaret Schwenker, Augusta Severe, E. P Sigel , Moweaqua. Mode Sigel Shelbyville Holland Tp June 20,1878 May 31, 1879 Oct. 28.1878 Dec. 18.1879 Oct. 19, 1878 Aug. 29,1878 Twenty-three years' practice. Ten years' practice Thirteen years' practice Thirteen years' practice Twelve years' practice Twenty years' practice Stark County. St. Clair County. Baker, Caroline Lebanon O'Fallon . Oct. 22, 1878 Sftvfintftp.n vears' practice Becker, Rosina Dec 3 1878 TAWPiTitv-spiven vears' nractice Brenner, Eva Dec. 3, 1878 June 1,1878 Oct. 19.1878 June 10.1880 Sept. 0.1879 Oct. 25.1878 Oct. 22.1878 May 28.1880 Oct. 21,1878 Aug. 13,1878 June 10,1880 Ten years' practice Bron, Cecile O'Fallon. St. Louis School of Midwives Freeburg . Dec. 21,1876 Buehler, Catharine Fifteen years' practice.. Co well, Ann Cahokia Precinct Smithton.. Twenty-two years' practice Dierheimer, Maria A St. Louis Midwife Institute Millstadt.. Dec 21 1879 Ernst, Catherine. Thirty-one vears' practice Hendermann, Agnes Hertz, Mary Smithton.. Thirty years' practice Nineteen years' practice New Athens Lenzburg Millstadt. Hoffman, Walberga Killian. Barbara. ... Sixteen years' practice Twenty years' practice Knell, Margaret Lenzburg Fifteen years' practice , — 273 MiDwiVES TO Whom Certificates have been Issued. St. Clair County. Residence and Post Office. Certificate of State Board of Health. Name. Issued. Why Issued. Kraft, Maria West Belleville.. Belleville Sept. 30.1878 June 10,1830 Nov. 18,1880 June 18,1880 Nov. ■15. 1878 Oct. 31,1878 June 21,1881 Nov. 15,1878 Oct. 21.1878 Oct. 24,1878 April 11,1881 Oct. 24,1878 June 15,1878 Oct. 19,1878 June 15,1880 June 12,1880 July L,18S0 Oct. 24,1878 June 8,1880 May 17.1880 Oct. 19, 1878 May 28,1880 Deo. 4,1878 May 31,1879 May 22,1880 Midwife Institute, Heidelberg April 30,1853 Lange. Elizabeth. Fifteen years* practice Royal Midwife Institute, Breslau.. Xiebeck, Amalie. Belleville Shiloh July 13.1869 Seventeen years' practice Mueller, Sophia Floraville Twenty years' practice Pagels, Frederioka Pannier, W Fayetteville Belleville Fourteen years' practice St. Louis School of Midwives Lementon Millstadt.. June 17,1881 Peter, Elizabeth C Petrie, Elizabeth.. Twenty-two years' practice rwenty-flve years' practice Kau, Margaret Belleville Belleville. Twenty years' practice Sau, Maria Ernestine. St. Louis School of Midwives New Athens St. Libory Freeburg . Mar 19, 1881 Kaueh, Louisa St. Louis School of Midwives Dec. 19.1862 Recker, Mary. St. Louis School of Midwives Dec. 17,1873 Beiehert, Barbara .. . Thirty years' practice Salzer Judith Mascoutah Twenty-flve years' practice Twenty-seven years' practice Scheireek, Bertha Scrodi, Christian a East St. Louis.... Belleville Missouri School of Midwifery Dec. 21. 1876 Eleven years' practice Spriesterbach, Maria C. Stone, Margaretha Mascoutah Lebanon Fifteen years' practice Fifteen years' practice Stueckel, Anna M Suess, Elizabeth Mascoutah Fayetteville West Belleville.. Casey ville Belleville Twenty years' practice Twenty-four years' practice Terges, Elizabeth Werner, Elizabeth AVillnaann, Johanna. Ten years' practice .* Sixteen years' practice : Thirty-four years' practice Stephenson County • Dahl, Johannah Freeport. .... April 30,1878 July 14,1881 Aug. 29,1878 Midwifery Institute of Magdeburg. Guntermann Louisa Freeport. Cert. Royal Ex. Com., Marburg, Ger. Kent Dec. 29,1874 Keeler, Mary Ann Eighteen years' practice Tazewell County. Porster, Ursula Morton Oct. 4.1881 Oct. 24,1878 Nov. 22.1884 Oct. 19,1878 Cert. Bd. Health, Canton Thurgan, Kahler, Dorothy Dillon Switz. Dec. 22,1872 , Twenty-two years' practice Seipler, Sarah Thirty-nine years' practice Wombacher, Clara Fond du Lac TJuion County, Arnhart, Mary C Beisweigert. Paulina. . Ferrill, Emily Jones, Mary B Anna Jonesboro Cobden ... Dongola.. • — May 10,1878 Mar. 29,1878 Apr. 15.1878 Jan. 6, 1880 Twelve years' practice... Eleven years' practice... Thirteen years' practice. Twelve years' practice. . . ■18 274 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN IsSUED. Vermilion County. Name. Residence and Post Office. Certificate of State Boabd of Health. Issued. Why Issued. Boyd, Sarah A. .. Jones, Emiiy Metter, iiegina .. Myers. M. Irene . Bay, Melissa Rose, Esther Tebben, Rosanna Danville Danville Hankin . Danville Catlin .. Danville Danville Dee. 3, 1878 Ten years* practice Oct. 29, 1879 Eleven years' practice July 26,1881 Certificate of examination Mar. 21, 1879; Sixteen years' practice May 2,1878" Jan. 4, 1881 Feb. 16,1882 Ten years' practice . Fourteen years' practice Twenty-seven years' practice Warren County. Hale, Vina Monmouth Monmouth Nov. 15, 1878 Eleven years' practice Dec. 17, I878iTwelve years' practice Wedelin, Josephine M.. Washington County. Aherns, MaryE Blaze, Louisa Burns, Margaretha Evers. Louisa Gerfen, Caroline Gerfen, Maria Grabenkroeger, A. W. . Isringhaus, Catherine. Isrinehaus, Louise Johefs, Eliza Klingenberg, Maria Klingenberg. Margaret Koester: Elizabeth Koch. Mary ' Kohlfing, Angeline Woestman, Adeline — Zwadrisrewska, U Nashville ... Hoyleton — Okawville ... Covington .. . New MinU«su New Minden Okawville ... Okawville ... Okawville ... New Minden Addipville... Hoyleton Plum Hill ... Okawville Venedy Nashville ... Radom Aug. 23, Dec. 13, Feb. 13, Oct. 3. June 26, Dec. 24, Dec. 3. Mar. 29, July 27. April 27, Sept. 27. April 5, Aug. 10, April 1, April 15, 1878 1883 1879 1878 1883 1883 1878 Twelve years' practice Midwife Institute, Padubon, Ger. June 5,1866 : Ten years' practice Thirteen years' practice Sixteen years' practice Missouri School of Midwifery Aug. 16,1883 Sixteen years' practice 1878i Twelve years' practice 1878 1878 1878 1879 1882 1878 1878 Feb. 24,1879 June 19,1878 Twelve years' practice St. Louis School of Midwifery . . . Dec. 19,1877 Twelve years' practice Fourteen years' practice Sixteen years' practice Twenty years nractice St. Louis School for Midwives .. . Dec. 18,1874 Midwife Institute, St. Louis Dec. 18,1867 School of Midwives, Posen, Ger. May 22,1866 Wayne County. Enterprise Barnhill Tp Home Jan. 16, 1880 Twenty years" practice April 3, 1878 Fifteen years' practice Feb. 3, 1880 ! Fourteen years' practice Cox. Sarah G. C Coil, Susan V Finley, Margaret E Fairfield... April 16, 1878iTwelve years' practice Hiekoiy Hill Prairie Tp April 22, 1879 Sixteen years' practice McClemans, Nancy McGreu, Jane S April 1,1878 Thirty years' practice May 16.1878lTwenty years' practice May 24, 187s Twenty years' practice . Roberts, Mary. Mt. Erie Shaw, Elizabeth B Fairfield July 29, 1879iTwenty years' practice Turner, Julia A.... Arrington Tp Jeffersonville.... April 1,1878 Ten years' practice . Ward Sarah J. May 7 1879 Twelve years' practice ... White County. Durham, Lydia Ann Hutchcraft. Mary A. Kauzman. Lizette ., Trusty, Frances Stokes Station School Carmi Gossett Aug. 19,1878iThirteen years' practice May 15,1878 Eighteen years' practice July 7, 1882iSt. Louis School of Midwifery I June 9, 1882.... Jan. 6, 1880 Fifteen years' practice 275 MiDWIVES TO WHOM CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN ISSUED. Will Counrnr>fir>o Steinsmannn, Regina... Wischman, Dora Joliet Joliet . May 8,1878 Sept. 4,1878 Royal Midwife Inst, Kiel, Germany May 1.1867 Gooding's Grove Willson. Sarah H Twenty years 'practice Williamson County. Chamness, Nancy Clark. Rachel Impson, Ann Johnson, Asenath Odum. Ann Eliza. Stutts. Elizabeth . West, Leah Marion Cottage Home .. Carterville Corinth Sulphur Springs Pulley's Mills... Crab Orchard... Apr. Feb. Apr. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. 16, 1878 24,1879 1,1878 16. 1878 24. 1878 15, 1878 31, 1878 Twenty-five pears' practice Twenty-seven years' practice Ten years' practice Fifteen years' practice Eighteen years' practice Ten years' practice Seventeen years' practice Winnebag-o County: Anderson, Clara A Carlin. Augusta C Cox, Ann , Mobery, Olga Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford July July Oct. May 16. 1880, Medical College, Stockholm ....... Dec. 2.3,1871 29,1880 Royal Midwife Inst., Gotsborg, Sw. June 29,1876 19,1878|Twelve years' practice 12, 1884; Certificate of examination Woodford County. Beer, Magdalena. Apr. 15,1878 Sanitary Commission, Berne Sept. 1,1865 ADDENDA 279 ADDENDA TO THE OFFICIAL REGISTER OF PHYSICIANS, The following additions to, and changes and corrections in the Official Register op Physicians have been made (up to December 1, 1884.) while the sheets were'going through the press. Ames. Edmond: Antioch, Lake county; age. 33 years; nativity, Illinois; in practice, 10 years; graduate, Detroit Homeopathic Medical College, February 12, 1874; certificate issued, November 28, 1884. Anderson, Robert S.: Grove City, Christian county; registered, November 8, 1884; in prac- tice 1 year; certificate filed for record, November 8, 1884. See p. 20-21. Bernard, T. H.: (Spring Garden, Jefferson county,) instead of "P. H."— as on page 106. Byers, R. S.: (Yale, Jasper county,) instead of "James M."—as on page 104. Cantwell, Alonzo D.; (Davenport, la.,) instead of "Cantrell"— as on page 180. Chandler, R. W.: Merrimac Point, Monroe county; registered, November 25, 1884; age. 66 year^!; nativity, Virginia; in practice. 36 years; in practice in Illinois, 18 years; certifi- cate filed for record, November 25, 1884. See p- 156-157. Clark, W. E.: (Riley ville. Saline county,) instead of "W. i^."— as on page 186. Clendenin, Floyd: (LaSalle, LaS'alle county,) instead of "Clendemiin"— as on page 122. Coleman, Joseph F.: Murdock, Douglas county' age, 28 years; registered, November 22, 1884; nativity, Kentucky: graduate,SiKentucky!Sehool of Medicine, June 30,1884; certifi- cate issued, November 19, 1884; filed for record, November 22, 1884. Cravens, Sylvester: (see Peoria county, page 168), postofiice address, Rochester, Sanga- mon County. Darby, Henry H.: (Paris. Edgar county,) instead of "Henry C."— as on page 78. Darling, Abel L.: (Topeka, Mason county,) instead of "L. Abel"— as on page 146. Davison, T. A.: (see Adams county p. 4-5.) graduate, College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Keokuk. DeWatney, J. F.: (Oreana, Macon county,) instead of "J. W."—as on page 138. Everett, Edward: (see Chicago, p. 36-37r) certificate issued, March 29, 1882; graduate. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Fletcher. James \V.: (see Chicago, p. 38-39.) graduate, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Gaige. Frederick A.: (Vandalia, Fayette county,) instead of " Gage"— as on page 82. Gernon, John H,: (see Iroquois county, page 102.) postolflce address, St. Mary's, Hancock county. 280 Gilborne, H.: (see Kankakee county, page 116.) postofBce address, Cabery, Ford county. Grahame. Malcolm: (Campbell Hill, Jackson county,) Instead of "Graham"— as on page 104^ Green, D. H.: (Parkersburgh, Richland county,) instead of "D. /S'."— as on page 180. Griflfln. Edward MeC: Ava, Jackson county; graduate, St. Louis Medical College, March 5,1881; certificate issued, November 28,1884. Halliday, F. A.: (Metropolis, Massac county,) instead of "F. J'."— as on page 146. Harkness, George S.: 508 Ogden avenue, Chicago; age, 27 years; nativity, California^ graduate, College of I'hysicians and Surgeons, Cnicago, March 7,1884; certificate issued, November 19,1884. Hayner, Jennie E.: ^see Chicago, pp. 40-41,) graduate, Woman's Medical College^ Chicago. Hoover, Isaac L.: (see Peoria county, p. 168,) postoflQce address, Lawn Ridge. Mar- shall county. fludgin, J. H.: (see McLean county, p. 154,) postoffice address, Potosi, Livingston, county, Kirby, W. H.: (see DeWitt county, pp. 74-75,) graduate Chicago Medical College. Lasswell, T. R.: (Gallatia, Saline county,) instead of "iastoeZZ"— as on page 184. Lindsay, Elijah R.: (see Sangamon county, p. 188,) deceased. Manniere, Charles E.: 101 N. Clark street, Ohicago; registered, November 11,1884; age, 2S years; nativity, Illinois; in practice, 2 years; graduate, Chicago Medical College, March 28,1882; certificate issued, November 8,1884; filed for record, November 11,1884. McDill, John B.: West Union, Polk county; age, 51 years; nativity, Ohio; in practice, 25 years; graduate. Medical College of Ohio, March 1,1859; certificate issued, November 22, 1884. Pepoon, H. S.: Lewistown, Fulton county; registered, November 13, 1884; age, 25 years J nativity, Illinois: in practice, 2 years; graduate, Hahnemann Medical College, of Chi- cago, February 23, 1883; certificate issued, November 17, 1884; filed for record, Novem- ber 18. 1884. Pickett, Emeline E.: (see Chicago, pp. 50-51): registered, November 28. 1884; certificate filed for record, November 28. 1884. Powell, Hiram C: Paris, Edgar county; registered. October 10, 1884; age, 42 years; na- tivity. Indiana; in practice, 12 years; in practice in Illinois, 3 years; graduate. Eclectic Medical Institute. Cincinnati, Jauuary 27, 1874; certifictite issued, November 18, 1884; filed for record, November 15, 1884. Rigney, John B.: (see Douglas county, p. 76); postoffl.ee address, Arthur, Moultrie county. Scott, Jr., Thomas H,: Mr. Vernon, Lawrence county; graduate, Missouri Medical Col- lege, March 4, 1884; certificate issued, November 26, 1884. Seebold, J. P. ; (Yellow Creek, Stephenson county,) instead of " J. 5."— as on page 200. Smitson, W. T.: (see Piatt county, p. 170,) postoffice address, Atwood, Z^owc^as cowwi?/, Spence, J. T: (see Adams county, p. 4.) postoflflce address, Hickory Ridge, Hancock county. Strauss, Louis M.. Hoopeston, Vermilion county; registered, April 12. 1884; regular; age, 30 years; certificate issued. April 7, 1884; graduate, Jefferson Medical College, March 29, 1884; certificate filed for record, April 12, 1884. Taylor, Cora E.: Englewood, Cook county; registered, November 17, 1884; age, 31 years; nativity, Illinois; in practice, 7 years; graduate, Pulte Medical College, March 5, 1884; certificate issued, November 12,1884; filed for record, November 17, 1884. Taylor, Thomas M.: Bloomington, McLean county; registered, November 26, 1884; age,27 years; nativity, Illinois; graduate, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, March 10, 1881; certificate issued, November 25, 1884; filed for record, November 26, 1884. Thomson. George A.: (see Chicago, pp. 58-59,) 32 Thirty- first street, Chicago; registered, November 12, 1884; certificate filed for record, November 12, 1884. Todd, James F.: 2447 Prairie avenue, Chicago: registered, November 22, 1884; age, 43 years; nativity, Illinois; in practice, 22 years; graduate. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, March 5,1863; certificate issued, October 11,1877; filed for record (in Cook county, )Nov. 22, 1884. Removed from Galva, Henry county. Tomlinson, Albert B.: Cottage Home, Williamson county; registered, July 19,1883; certi- ficate filed for record, July 19, 1883. TVait, Walter J.: (see Pike county, p. 174,) postofflce address, Fairmount, Vermilion county. 281 Walker, John Warren: 727 W. Indiana street; registered. November 21,1884; age, 24 years; nativity, Maine: graduate. Rush Medical College. February 19, 1884; certificate issued, November 19, 1884; filed for record, November 21,1884. Webb, D. D.: (Hoopeston, Vermilion county,) instead of "Wabb"— as on page 206. Wharff, H. T.: (Alhambra, Madison county,) instead of "Whar/"— as on page 140. Whitford, Daniel H.: Bloomingdale. DuPage county: age, 32 years; nativity. United States; in practice. 7 years; in practice in Illinois, 2 years; graduate, Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. Marcn 23, 1877; certificate issued, November 22, 1884. Whitney, Franklin H.: 13 Twenty-sixth street, Chicago; age, 36 years; registered, Nov. 26.1884; nativity, Illinois; in practice. 2 years; graduate. Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, February 21,1883; certificate issued, November 22,1884; filed for record November 26,1884. INDEXES INDEX OFFICIAL BEGISTEE OP PHYSICIANS. PAGE PAGE page Aas, Carl, C ..226 Allen. 8. E ....198 Arnold, George W.... .... 62 Aas.DavidC ..22« Allen, 8araJ .... 28 Arnold, Jerome .... 92 Abbott, Edward Carlton .. 28 Allen. Wilbur . . . .202 Arnold, Josiah ....64 Abbott. Georr:ri B .. 28 Allen. W. A... ...-134 Arnold. M. B ....62 Abel, John i' .. 28 Allen, W.H ....200 Arnold, William B .... 62 Abell, Edmund J .. 92 Allen, Z. ....104 Arnold. Wilhelmina ... .... 62 Abell, N. W ..194 ..170 Allison. J. Wallace.... AUmond. R, J ....116 ....134 Arp, August H . 180 Abrams, D. Arrington, 8. C ..,. 82 Abrams. James H .. 74 Alpers, H. P .... 6 Arter. Frederick G.... .... 64 Adam, Andreas .. 28 Alsop, John .... 82 Artsman. E ....186 Adams, Anna S ..166 Alverson, Elbridge M . .... 20 Asbury, 1. M ....188 Adams, Charles .. 28 Alyea, T. E ....168 Ash, John ....134 Adams, C. H ..152 .. 28 Ames, Edmond Anderson, Bennett C. ....279 .... 14 Ashley, James 68 Adams, Carlos J Ashley. J. K ....172 Adams George W ..110 Anderson, E. V ....150 Atherton. Joseph ....233 Adams, J. C ..152 Anderson, J. M ....237 Athon. William L .... 20 Adams, J. Q ..224 Anderson, Jacob C ....100 Atkinson, James L — ....106 Adams, Wilson W ..100 Anderson, James .... 22 Atwater. John .... 28 Adderly, Henry C ..178 Anderson, Marion J .. . ....162 Atwood. E. R ....124 Addison, Thomas .. 28 Anderson, Nathan ....194 Atwood. Eugene 8 Augustine, J. .... 2i Adolphus, Philip .. 28 Anderson. R. G .... 12 ....114 Agnew, A. B ..146 Anderson, Robert 8 ... 20 Aurand, Samuel H ....200 Agnew, FrankM ..102 Anderson, 8amuel .... 28 Aurner, George H ....164 Aiken. Alexander J .. 28 Anderson. 8amuel T -- ....150 Ausbrooks. George W ....110 Aiken, J. W ..148 Anderson, Sanford M . .... 26 Austin. Silas A 222 Aiskes, E. E . .132 Anderson, Thomas .... 28 Austin. Solomon W ... .... 64 Akers, James W .. 28 ..233 .. 96 Andrews. D. C Andrews. Edmund — Andrews, E. Wyllys ... ....172 .... 28 ....28 Austin. W. M 90 Akin, Nathan J Auten, Alcinda ....122 Akins, James S Avery, 8. P ....237 Akins, William T .. 28 Andrews. Frank T .... 28 Avery, Samuel J .... 28 Albin. George W .. 70 Andrews. George W.. .... 82 Axford, William L .... 28 Albridge, Francis M .. 91) Andrews, John C ....104 Axton, J. H ....138 Albright, Adam C .. 16 Andrew, John D . . . .... 28 Aydelott, William R... ....206 Albright, J. B. E ..164 Andrews, R. J ....12 Aylsworth, Homer E.. ....210 Aldrioh, D. W . 118 Andrews, Sarah W .... 28 Ayres, Mortimer ....190 Aldridge, Elizabeth ..192 Andrews, Jr., Wells ... .... 28 Atdridge, H. H ..192 Angear. J. J. M .... 28 Babcock, Elmek E ....28 Alesher, J. H .. 2 Angle. Philip .... 12 Babcock, E. R ....237 Alex, Andreas C .. 28 Angell, Abner .... 92 Babcock, O.B ....188 Alexander, Harriet C. B .. 28 Angelo, W. 8 .... 2 Babcock, Robert H .... 28 Alexander. H. W ..218 Ansley, J. M ....156 Bachelder, J. W .... 8 Alford. C. B ..130 Anthony, Frank.. ...-216 Bachelle. Gideon V.... .... 28 AUaben, John E ..222 ..112 Anthony. Henry G .... 28 Backmeister, T Backus. John B 194 Allaire. P. A Anthony, J. P ....216 ....218 Allen, Aleri D .. 28 Anthony. W.C .... 10 Bacon. A. J .... 88 Allen, A. D ..116 ..226 Antis, John .. 92 Bacon, C. H Bacon, C. T 218 Allen. A.L Antle,F.P ...154 .... 2 Allen, Charlotte ..122 Antle, Thomas P ....186 Bacon, D. W.C ....118 Allen, Charles ..168 Aplington. Burton Z .. .-..12-^ Bacon, M. A ....120 Allen. Charles H .. 28 Apperson. J. H ...74 Bacon. Martin W .... 64 Allen. (J. I .172 Appley. William ....128 Badgley, J. A .... 72 Allen. George F ..112 Archer. M.C ...237 Bahrenburg, John E... ....134 Allen, George Preston .. ..233 Arendale. Daniel H Aftnstrong. Elwood . . . ...106 Bahrenburg, John P... .,..178 Allen, Joel ..130 ...124 Bahrenburg. William . ....198 Allen, James A. C ..237 Armstrong, John B — ... 28 Bailey, Annie E .... 28 Allen, J. 8 .156 Armstrong. John M... ....138 Bailey, E. Stillman.... .... 28 Allen, Mortimer D . ., .216 .166 Armstrong, Lewis C .. Armstrong. Thomas .. ... IS ... 70 Bailey, John A Bailey, John W 98 Allen, M. V ....198 Allen. N.B .181) Arndt. Peters ... 28 Bailey, Milton R .... 16 286 PAGE PAGE PAGE 3aiIey,M.S...... .... 70 Barry. Edward L. H. .. ....108 Beidler. J. A . . . .200 Sailey, Samuel G- .... 28 Barry, P. C. .... 12 Belfleld, William T.... .... 30 Bailey, William S .... 98 Barry, William Taylor Barth, George E ....186 ....182 Beil, ('harles M. 182 Bain. Charles ....102 Bell. FinisE ....134 Bain, E. C. ....188 Bartholomew, A -...132 Bell. Henry S .... 78 Baird, A. Q ....120 Bartholow, J. M.. .... 16 Bell. J. A ... 76 Baker, Alfred ....214 ....220 liartlett, Abner R 237 Bell, John B Bell, Samuel .... 30 222 Baker, A.P Bartlett, A. T ....134 Baker. CM ....144 Bartlett. F. L ....112 Bell, S.T ....118 Baker,D.B .... 2 Bartlett. Rufus H .... 30 Bell. William 30 Baker, James ....148 Bartley. John M 91) Bellomy. WilliamT.... 4 Baker, James H. C ....237 Barton. G. W ....152 Bemis, Joseph G .... 30 Baker, John B ....130 Barton. John F ...90 Beneflel, W. F .... 16 Baker, Jonn G ....144 Barton, John S .... 84 Benjamin, S. C ....237 Baker, John W .... 22 Barton. P. H ....204 Bennett, E ....150 Baker, John W. H ....180 Bascom, H. M -...122 Bennett, Isaac E ....116 Baker, J. K ....184 Bass. George E .... 64 Bennett, Mary E ... 66 Baker. M. D ....220 Bass, Luther G .... 64 Bennett, Robert F ....112 Baker. M. H ....120 Bassett, Charles A ...102 Bennett, S.F... ....150 Baker. R.F ,...180 Bassett, Charles F .... 30 Bennett. Stephen B.. . . .... 88 Baker, R. W ...im Bassett. Charles R..... ...82 P)ennett, Thomas ....158 Balbough. George S. .. ....164 Bassett, G. W ... .... 82 Benson. C. H ....132 Balch. H. J. E .•...206 Bassett, Harvey J .... 74 Benson. Frederick N. . ... 62 Baldwin. Amos E .... 64 Bassett. M.F 2 Benson, J. G .... 94 Baldwin. Emma A .... 28 Bassett, S. J ... 84 Benson. N. J ....110 Baldwin. H.H ... 218 Bate, John ...233 Benson, Valentine 8... .... 94 Baldwin, 3. N 166 Bateman, S ....116 Bentley, Morgan A .... 76 Baldwin. Marcella C... ...,222 Bates, A.D .... 2 Bentley, W. H ....220 Baldwin, P. A ....100 Bates, C. C ...22 Benton. E. A ....200 Ball. Charles E .... 24 Bates,F.H ... 76 Berg. A. A ....22(> Ball. Joseph T .... 88 Bates, HomerO . . .226 Berger. A ... 198 Ball. R. M. C .... 86 Bates, James Harvey . .... 30 Berger. R.N .-..202 Ballard. Edgar A .... 28 Bates, Joseph H ....120 Bergeron. E. D ....US Ballard, H. F ....152 .... 28 Bates, Mary "E ... 30 Bergeron. James E Berkebile. J. K 116 Ballard. William H.... Bates. 0. C " ....196 ...196 Ballon. E ....150 Battey. G. S .... 10 Bernard. T. H ' 106,279 Ballou.N.E .... 70 Battson, 0. A ....178 Bernhardi. C ....182 Balsley, M. T ....204 .96,226 Bauemer, Franz Baughman, S. S ....156 .... 84 210 Bancroft. Walton Bernreuter. Edward... ...134 Banga, Henry .... 28 Baum,Z.T ... 78 Berrey, Isaac S .... 12 Banks, James N .... 28 Bausmann, Andrew B . .... 30 Berry, Ch.arles C .... 30 Bannerman. J. G .... 70 Baxter, Alfred J .... 86 Berry, Charles H .... 30 Bannister. Henry M. .. ....114 Baxter, Andrew J .... 30 Berry, David ....210 Bannister. T. ....130 Baxter, W. W ... 10 Berry, James G .... 30 Barber. Frank A .... 64 Bayne, W. T ....148 Berry. Julian ...174 Barber. Joel C ....178 Baysinger, M. W ...102 Berry. R. Diliard ....134 Barcroft, A ....158 Beach. George L .... 30 Bert, Eddy .... 30 Bareroft. V. B ....158 Beach. R.E .... 82 Beseler, Franz Joseph ...237 Barcus, Darius M .... 8S Reals, F.M ....162 Best. John E .... 66 Bard well, Eugene 0. .. ....180 Reals. M. B ....180 Best. S. J ,...198 Bardwell, George A. .. ....12S Rean.B.H ...222 Bethel, Richard ....90 Bark alow, J. A ....132 Bean, Francis ....212 Bettmann, Boerne .... 30 Barker. M. \i ....237 Bean. Luther C ...120 Bettmann. Jefferson... .... 30 Barker, W. C ....120 .... 28 Beard, Ezra . .. , 98 Bevier, John C Bevier. J. D 126 Barker, William A Beard. Fred W.. ....126 ....142 Barkhausen, H. C ....204 Beard. H.G .... 16 Biart, Charles M. G... ....208 Barlow, Columbus ... .... 68 Beard, J. M. S .. 206 Bickle. A.mos S ....176 Barlow, James M ....104 Beasley, James N ...184 Bichmore. L. M ....150 Barlow, J. Milton ....237 Beasley, John R ...172 Biddle. E. D ....208 Barnard, T. F .... 86 Beattie. A. B ...178 Bid well. Theodore S... .... 30 Barnd.A.F ....172 Beatty, George F ...226 Rierer F. C ....102 Barnes, Addie M ....204 Beatty, I.L ... 88 Biggs. Erwin P ....212 Barnes, A. H ....224 ....150 Beaumont, J. H. Bechtold, Herman T... ...237 ....196 Bilhy F. M 70 Barnes, A.T Billings, Frank .... 30 Barnes, B.F ....188 Bechtold, Louis J. J... ...196 Billinger. E. T ....222 Barnes, Elizabeth B... .... 76 Bechtold. W.G .. 24 Bingham. A. C ... 148 Barnes, I. N ....136 ....206 Becker William.. 233 Bingham, Oscar E Binc-kley. John T 112 Barnes, Jr.. J. A Reckner, James F ...114 30 Barnes, J. C .... 74 ....190 Beckwith, N. W Bedell. LeilaG ...122 .... 30 I'.inney. John ... 134 Barnes, Robert M Binney, J. P ..-.i:-!4 Barnes, Samuel M ....128 Bedford, Franklin .... 72 Birch, Elannus R ...206 Barnett, Allen A ....108 ....237 Bedford J R 92 Bird. A. M Rirdsell.E.I 146 Barnett. C. F Bedford'. Lyman' .... 30 .... 16 Barnett. J. B .... 6 Bedwell.I. T. S .... 70 Birney. Frank S ..-. 16 Barnett. John R ....132 Beebe. AlbertG ... 30 Birnev. Homer James C..152 Barney. George H ....120 Beebe. Curtis M .... 30 Birney, Samuel H .... 16 Barr C H ....130 ....126 Beebe. Ellen Beebe, E. W .... 30 ....108 96 Barr. G. Walter Bishop, Charle.'^ W .... 26 Barr, Jacob C ....126 Beer, Simon B .... 88 Bishop, Rufus W....... .... 30 Barr, John A .... 96 Beers. Edwin A ....237 Bishop. Samuel ....loO Barritt, William M ....100 Beeson, William H. H. 6 Bishop. Seth S ... 30 .Barrows, Lorenzo P. .. .... 70 Behrendt. Alexander.. .... 30 Bishop, William Henry ....114 Barrows, Ransom M... .... 62 Behrens, B. M .... 30 Bivins,F. B ...192 287 PAGE. Bixby. H. D 78 Black. B.F 96 Black, OharlesH 1^4 Black.E.T 2 Black. G.V IGO Black, Joseph Nance 2 Black, Milo 22 Black, T.E 14G Black, T.G 2 Blackburn, Charles H 82 Blackburn. G. M 202 Blackburn. J. vy ...142 Blacke. S. L. B ,...121 Blackford, E 272 Blackiock, R. B 102 Blackman, l^H 114 Biackman, Julia C 114 Blackman, Orville B 128 Blackwelder. J. F 15« Blair.E. J Ihti Biair, John L 118 Blair, Johnson R 200 Blaisdell.E. C .172 Blaisdell, W. O 148 Blakesell. L. K 3o Blanchard, A. G 64 Bianchard, AibaG 12a Blanchard, James 110 Blanchard, James F 174 Blanchard, John .174 Blanchard. John A. 174 Blanchard. Joseph 30 Blanchard, M. E 124 Blanchard. P. W 226 Blanchard, Wallace 80 Blanck. JohnR 14 Bland, S.T 26 Blaukenship, J. S 190 BJatchley, Oscar P 116 Blevins, John 96 Bley.D. L 134 Bley, George 134 Bley, Jr., George I4 Bley. R.E 134 Blinn, Odelia 30 Bliss, Webster 116 Blood, Alfred 124 Bloomfleld. It. Goodwin... 70 Blount. Joseph 164 Bloxam, Henry )i{) Bluthardt, Theodore J 30 Boal. J. F 10 Boal, Robert 166 Boardman, E. O 194 Boardman, E.R 194 Boardman, James G •..194 Bobb,D.B. .2(10 Bock, Bernhard F. 156 Bock, G. C 198 Bockius. F. B. Eisen 3o Boeber.F 76 Boerner, C. F. E 210 Boettcher, VVilhelm 30 Bogan, Samuel B 106 Boggs, J. W 204 Bogue. Charles V 30 Bogue, RosweilG.... 30 Bohn. Jacob 17o Boldt, H. M ,.... 78 Bolin. J. Albert 152 BoUen, George 226 Bolles, Edgar. 148 Bolles, Hiram 186 Bollinger. H. C K'4 Bollinger, J. A 154 Bolt.G. B li»4 Bolton, W. B 30 Bonar, Barnet L 122- Bond, Arthur G 66 Bond, Benjamin N 226 Bond. E.J 84 Bonnel, W. W 86 Bonney, Joel W.... 2 PAGE. Bonney, Samuel H 172 Bonynge, Francis G 3o Booker, Carroll 104 Boone, Nathaniel H 14 Hooth, D. !S 1*6 Bosart, J. M 126 Boscow. T. H 94 Bostock.F. H 130 Bosworth. A. W 30 Botkin. J. W 188 Bone, T. Newton 102 Boughton, Darius F 30 Boughton. William T 182 Boulter. Elizabeth E 30 Bourland. I. N 184 Bovard, William C 168 Bowcock, (;, W 186 Bo wen, Alexander S 22 Bo wen, Mary H 30 Bower. R. W 124 Bower, William 178 Bower, W. W 8 Bowerman, M. A 30 Bowerman, Solomon B...164 Bowers. O. B 100 Bowers, Oscar J 216 Bowers, Walter C 170 Howman, A. W 180. 226 Bo\7man. George W 192 Bowman, Hiram . 10 Bowman. J 237 Bowman. John 212 Bowser, James C 30, 66 Bowyer, Eli 178 Boyd, Henry W 30 Boyd, R.D 216 Boyd, Robert D 30 Boyd, William A 222 Boyer, Bartis F .30 Boyer. Eli 126 Boyer. John 134 Boyer. Valentine A 30 Boyer. Walter N 100 Boyles. E. W... 22 Boyles, James M 22 Boynton, J. H 152 Boynton, Solon R 176 Bozarth. David 184 Bozatth. tines E.... 94 Braceline, P. M 226 Bradberry, John T 10 Bradburn, J. W 150 Bradbury, Maria L In6 Brad bury. R obert 30 Bradford, William E 106 Bradley, Charles D 30 Bradley, George F 3o Bradley, G. W 160 Bradley, R. D 200 Bradley. R. H 2<> Bradley. William 218 I'.radway, Charles T 206 Bradv.J.T.H 116 Bragdon. Merritt C C; Brandom, H. J i 186 Brandom. M. J 186 Brands, Albert L 1 Brands, Edward W 12 Brannen Dennis J 150 Brannon, Londus .218 Bianson. J. M 6 Branson, J. M 212 Brant. Isaac L 194 Bras, Thomas H ir)6 Bratten. George lio Braun. Louis 30 Brann, Rudolph 4 , Braun. William E 214 Brauns. Philo 3" Breadv.John Ely H'8 Breed: G. H 208 Breeden. J. H 88 Breidenstein, F. L 30 PAGE. Brelsford.H 98 Brelsford. Joseph .100 Breiidle. Ered 156 Brengle. D. D 190 Brenion, W 74 Brewer, Daniel 128 Brewer. George W 237 Brewer. J. W .'...208 Brick. Samuel L 88 Bricker, Jonathan B 102 Bricker, William J. ....'....102 BriL-kweil, Richard 206 Bride. George H 200 Bridge. Norman 30 Bridgeford. Jennie E 30 Bridgeman. D. A 136 Bridges, V.R 26 Briggs, George W 160 Briggs, Ht^nry 10 Briggs, M.C ,8 Briggs, Robert 2 Brigham. L.R 112 Brisendine, W. A 168 Bristow, George W 174 Bristow, James C 68 Bristow, JN. P 68 Brittin, A. L 188 Brittingham. L. T 172 Brix.D 100 Brock. Edward 226 Brockhart. L 237 Broe. Rudolph H 32 Broening. Max 24 Broffeit, James H 128 Brokaw, S. H 210 Bronson, George W 122 Bronson, J. E •. 146 Brooks. Almon 32 Brooks. H.J 128 Brooks. John B 166 Brooks, Jonathan W 32 Broomer. Emanuel 94 Brophy, Truman W 32 Brother, Ferd 134 Brower, Daniel R 32 Brown, A. A * 216 Brown. A. C 160 Brown, Benjamin F 174 Brown. C .220 Brown, Charles B 70 Brown, C. P 78.206 Brown. D.P 86 Brown. E. E 150 Brown, Frank M 114 Brown, Gariison Ht2 Brown. George W 222 Brown. G. W.I 128 Brown, Harry — 32 Brown, H. B 132 Brown. H. T 150.204 Brown, Ira 100 Brown, James A 88 Brown, James L 166 Brown, J. L 194 Brown. Joseph 108.146 Brown, Josiah 136 Brown, J. W 206 jBrown, L. F.. 4 Brown, Lorinda G 222 Brown, L. R. 226 Brown, Marcus L .214 Brown, SarahA 32 Brown, S. P Ii2 Brown, W. A 2 Cavanaugh, Thomas H 90 Cavins.R. W 104 Cecil. Dennis F 178 Chaffee. Charles W 32 Chaffee, H 18 Chaffee. John B 32 Chaitant. C. D 122 Chalmers. George S 120 Chamberlain, A. E 64 Chamberlain, W 237 Chamberlain, H 226 Chambers, J. G 18 Chambers, John E 70 Chambers. John W 124 Chambers. W.M 26 289 PAGE Chambers. Jr. W. M 26 Chatnplin, Alfred H U Chandler, George E 32 Chandler, R. W 156.279 Chapin, Elizabeth L 32 Chapln, H. d 74 Chapm, 6amuel 206 Chapin, 8. L 152 Chapman, A. L 150 Chapman, George H 66 Chapman, George L 164 Chapman, H. C 18 Chapman, H. W 90 Chapman, J. C 82,101 Chapman, J. J 21S Chapman, Philip E... .192,212 Chapman, K. CJ 224 Chapman, S. B 118 Chapman, William. 142 Chapman, William B 13l Chapman, W. H 166 Chapman. N. W 74 Chappell, William H 161 Charles, John E 166 Charlton, K, 200 Chase, M. J. 118 Chase, E. D 210 Chase, Henry H 100 Chase, T. VV 124 Chase. Warren 150 Chatham, J. li 22 Chavers, Joseph 174 Chavett, Franklin 64 Cheany, 8. L 184 Cheever, D, A. 166 Chennault, J. P 184 Chenoweth, Cassidy 136 Chenoweth, W. J 136 Ctiestniir, Thomas 20 Chew, John H. 32 Chewning, J 156 Childs. A. 8 150 Childs, C. J 176 Chilson, Benjamin 8 Choisser, Charles 184 Chouteau, Girard 136 Chowning. J. P 156 Christian, M. H 76 Christie, Edmund 32 Christianson, Emil 18o Ohristie, John H. 32 Cliurch, An^hibald Hi Church. Nelson H 32 Churchill, Frederick A 32 Clacius, Charles E 31 Clampit, L. H 9i) Clancy, Cornelius L 31 ClapD,EbHn P 62 Clark, Albert R 190 Clark, Almangon 118 Clark. AnsonL 112 Clark, Charles M 34 Clark, D. 8 222 Clark. E. J 222 Clark, Elias 20S Clark, Frederick P. F 34 Clark, H. H 201 Clark. H. N 138 Clark, James B 18 Clark, James C 26 Clark. John 8 34 Clark. Lewis E 18 Clark, Lewis H 188 Clark, Lucius A.. 222 Clark, iVt.M 83 Clark, N. 8 I04 Clark, 8. M. 124 Clark, 8amuel 15't Clark, Samuel M 182 Clark, 8umner 80 ■Clark, Thomas A. 34 Clark, Ward Green 34 -Clark. W. E 279 —19 PAGE Clark, Wesley 142 Clark, William E 186 Clarke, George C 204 Clarke, William E 34 Clary, William J 34 Claussen, J. E 92 Clay berg. Perry C 2 Clayburg. 8.8 88 Claybaugh. W. W 194 Cleary, Michael H 108 Cleaver, H. T 96 Cleaves, M. Abbie 180 (^leland, T. J 184 Clement, F. A .. 90 Clements, Henry C .164 Clemmons, Coston P 90 (Jlendenen, Irving 66 Clendenin, Floyd 279 Clendenin, Floyd 122 Clendenin, George W 216 Clendenin, Moses W 237 Cleveland. E. F 114 Cline, A. M 160 Cline. W.M 88 Clinton, A. R 6 Clinton, A. 8 24 Close. James A 19S Clouser. John 72 Cloyd. John P 206 Clougston. D. A 237 Clutter. Joseph A 178 Clyde. M. 8 134 Clymer. K ..124 Cobb, A. B ...172 Cobb, Joseph 158 Cobb, Joseph P. 34 Cobb. 8tttphenM. -. 182 Cobel. William 172 Cochran, C. (x 70 Cochran, William A 2"6 Cochran. W.J 102 Coey, Andr'^w J 34 (!oe, Charles M 34 Coe, Horace F 190 Coe. Russel 86 Ooffeen, F. H 158 Coffey, H.T 116 Coffield, James 4 Coffin, N. G 170 Coggeshall. G. P 180 Cohen, L. H 2 Coker, William W 34 Colburn, E. M 116 Colburn. J. Elliott 34 Colby, Benjamin Dorr 34 ('ole, Frederick 224 Cole, George P, 122 Cole. George E 188 (Jole. Hnnry A 90 Cole, Ivory 8 122 Cole, John 168 (.'oie. N. B 150 (^ole. William C 60 Cole. W. H 98 Coleman. James E 86 Coleman, John W 170 Coleman, Joseph F. 279 C/oliaday. Stephen M 14 Collins, A. Lawrence 78 Collins, Dennis 34 Collins. Henry P 82 Collins, James S 134 Collins, N. P 114 Collister, John 8 34 Colliver. Richard T 70 Colt. J. D 158 Colvard. Edward C. 90 Colwell, Benjamin L 34 fJombs. George W 90 ('Omings. Arthur F 164 Comley. John B 200 Comstook, Isaac M 78 Comstock, Jesse .^ 20 Gomstock, Rice Payne — 20 PAGE Comstock. Thomas G 196 Comstock, Jesse 237 Conant, G. F 122 Conant, Robert W 34 Condell, W. R 186 Condict, Alice B 34 Cone, N. D 162 Cone, Sylvester R 90 Congdon, J. L 66 Conibear, W. H ...202 Connelly, J. L 138 Connelly. Michael E....' ..226 Conner, E. A 2;S7 Conner, J. J 20 Connett, James E 68 Connett, P. P 68 Conrad, Charles E 2 Constant. William E 74 Converse, A. L 186 (Jonverse, James H 204 Conway, James 8 .154 Conway, J. 8 188 Cook, Charles E 124 Cook, Charles Edgar 150 Cook, Christian 214 Cook, David 116 Cook, Edgar P 124 Cook, Henry H 34 Cook, John 80 Cook, J. T 180 Cook, William Backus 92 Cook, W. H 72 Cook, William H 158 Cook,W. W 150 Cooke, Alexander H 34 Cooke. Nicholas F 34 Cooley, Clinton G ...112 Coomes, Asa 130 Cooper, C. C 146 Cooper, Charles N 114 Cooper, Edwin H 118 Cooper, Sr., E.S 118 Cooper, J.. B 162 Cooper, J. F 168 Cooper, Samuel 162 Cooper, Samuel 138 Copeland,P 222 Copeland, William L 34 Copestake. J. C 194 Copp.Benjamin D 34 Corbus, J. C 124 Corbus. Josephus R 122 Corcoran, George 168 Corgan, L 134 ('ore, Albert Stewart 2 Core, James 16 Corey, C. V 237 Corey, V. B 96 Cornell, Daniel K 18 Cornish, James V 70 Cornwell, G. W 80 Corkins, P. G 172 Cormick, Bovd 196 Corpening, M. L 94 Corr, A. C 134 Corr, Lucinda H 134 Correll, L. 8 188 Cory, Alphonso L 34 Cory,Benjamin S 120 Coryell, George.. 66 Cottel, Willis I 116 Cotton, A. C 62 Couch, H ... 166 Coulter, Hugh A 34 Coulter, A. P VS Courtney. W. P 174 Covell, John D 164 Covert. George 8 Cowan. James E 118 Cowan. J. M 176 Cowell. C. G 8 Cowell, EttieR 8 Cowell, George E 218 Cowden, L P 98 290 PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Cowden, J. W ..1S2 Curtis. Watson H ...34 Dean.H. M .182 Cox.F.M ..158 Curtiss.E. J ...218 Dearborn. Jonathan . 8 Cox, George W .. '2 Curtiss, Rozel Morgan. ... 66 Deaver, John W .100 Cox, G. W... ..102 Cushenbery, J. T — ,.. ... 4 DeBausset. Arthur 34 Cox.H.H . .124 Gushing, H. E ... 16 DeWitt, Ralph R .114 Cox,H. J ..170 Cushman, Buggies A... ...128 DeBey, Gerardus B . 36 Cox William M .. 8 .. 76 ..166 Cussius,J. St. Clair. ... Cutts, J. B Cyner, Charles E .. 20 ...164 ... 34 DeBey. William DeBuhrmann, A.; 36- Coykendall. James M... 24 Coyner, J. W Deckard, John P . 26 Cozad, J ..182 DeFoe. Augusta . 94 Cratt J- W Craf t*^ Edward P .. 16 .. 34 ..156 Dahlbekg, Alfred.... Dackett Daniel ...34 130 Deggeller. John .. . 36 DeHann, Henry J Deichmann,F. William.. 196 Craig.'A.L Dake, Charles E. ..'..... ...196 .106 Craig, Cassius M . 18 Dakin, P. R ... 10 Deitrich.F. A .200 Craig, G. G ..182 Dal, John W ... 34 Delancey, 8. 8 ..142 Grain, James H ..176 Dale, Henry C ... 34 Delemater, N. B .. 36 Cram. C. W ..226 Dale, Marion C... ... 94 DeLaMatyr. E.,B . H6 Crandall, Frederick L... .. 34 ..216 Dale, William R Daley.B ... 68 ...168 Deming, H. H .. 18 Crandall. J. B Deming, JohnP. .156 Crandall, Joseph B .. 8 .. 34 Dally.H.M ...130 Dempsey, A Demsey, Cyrus F .210 Crane, Francis J Dalton, W. B ...130 .138 Crane, Jr., Matthias ..206 Damon, Orison B ... 34 Denison. E. L .22(> Crane, 0. P ..146 Danforth, Isaac N ... 34 Dennis, George F . 82- Crane, W. H ..237 Daniels, H.C ... 76 Denny, Philip J . 90 Crane. William W .192 Danson. C. T ...226 Denton, Simpson R . 96 Cravens, Sylvester .168 Darby.B.F ... 78 Derr, N. H .Am Cravens. Sylvester .279 Darby, Henry H ... 78 Dessau, David 8 ..237 Crawford, Alexander K. . 34 Darby, Henry H... ...279 De Veling. J.D .100 Crawford, H. M 114 Darby, John ...108 De Veny, 8. Charles . . 3f> Crawford. J. B ..136 D'Arcourt, A ...204 Dover. B. H .. 78 Crawford, John S ..108 Darling, Abel L ...146 De Watney, J. F ..27J> Crawford, N. B .224 Darling, Abel L ...279 De Watney, J. F ..138 Crawford, S. K . 208 Darling,F. A ...200 Dewey. Charles A .. 36 Crawford, W. D ..182 Darling, Orange C ... 88 Dewey, G. H . 140 Crawford, VV. S ..l(t8 Davenport, James A.. ...142 Dewey, Richard 8 ..114 Crecelius, George W.... .176 Davenport. M. S . .158 DeWitt. John H..1 .. 36 Creel, J). M .148 David, C. A ...124 De Wolfe, A. B ..114 Creighton, Charles J — .. 34 David, J. C ... 34 De Wolfe, Clarence E . . . . ..237 Creighton, Martha J .. 34 Dav!.^, A. C ... 82 De Wolf. Oscar C .. 36 Cremeeus. W. F .237 Davis, Charles E ...116 Dexter, C. J .. 26. Cristo£fe,C. H ..198 Davis, Charles ...138 Dexter. Ransom .. 36 Criswell Matthew . .156 Davis, Charles Davis, Charles Gilbert Davis, Clifton Davis, E. A ...144 ... 34 ...178 ...102 Deyo, V.R Dick. James F . 2oa' Critser, Lewis W ..102 .. 70 ..120 ..204 Croake, J. M Dickerson, J. H Dickerson, Louise A -. 20 Crocker, Charles C .. 36 .. 4 ..202 Davis, E. G Davis, E. Parker ... 88 ... 34 Dickerson, J. T ..134 Crodthers, K. W Dickey. Fines J .. 3ft Crombie, John ..128 .. 34 Davis, Francis M 78 Dickey, Salem Dickson, C. 8 . 18^ Cronin, Philip ii Davis, H. G ...164 .. 72 Cronyn.D. H ..124 Davis. Hippocrates ....132 Dickinson, J. D Dicus, J.F .. 98 Cross, Edwin .. 34 Davis, Hosea ....190 ..122- Cross William L .. 6 ..150 Davis, J Davis, Jesse B ....237 ....190 Dieffenbacher. P. C Diehl, John ..146" Crothers, E.K ..142 Crothers, Maria L ..150 Davis, John G .... 31 Dietrich, Charles T. A... ..237 Crouch, J.H ..186 Davis, J. Scudder ....186 Dietrich, Henry J .. 36 Crow, James T .. 90 Davis, J. T ....226 Dillion, Amos ..237 Crozier, A. T ..102 ..226 Davis. M.D Davis, N.S .... 86 .... 34 Dillon, Frank.. .. 4 Crozier, James Dillon. William .. 18 Crozier, W.J ..176 Davis, Jr.. N.S ... 34 Diramitt, Frank W .210 .. 26 ,, 168 Davis, Oliver C 218 Dimmitt. James P Disse, Conrad H ..2l(^ Crum,T. J Davis.T. W .... 74 .. 96 Crummer, Benjamin F.. ..108 Davis, Vesselius ... 74 Diven, Adelia Barlow ... .. 36 Culbertson, Samuel D... .. 84 Davis, W. H ....162 Dixon, George ..106 CuUimore, T. M ..160 Davis, W. Hope ....186 Dixon, George M .. 64 Culver, Jacob .. 18 Davis, William H ....180 Dixon. J. N ..186 Cummings. John 8 ..174 Davis, Willis H ... 96 Dixon, Levi....; ..237 Cummins, Zachariah ..146 ..196 Davis, Wilson H 34 Doak. William H Dobbin, Annette 8 .. 20 Cunningham, F Davison. Charles .... 34 .. 36 Cunningham, George P. .. 34 Davison, James F ....104 Dobbin, Annetta S ..208 Cunningham, H. C .. 26 Davison, J. H. .... 4 Docker, Samuel N .. 90 Cunningham, James .... .. 78 Davison, 8. A ....194 Dodd, Georges ..174 Cunningham, T. N .. 12 Davison, T. A ....279 Dodge, David .. 36 Curless, James W . . . r . 4 Davison, T. A Dawson. J. H .... 4 ....172 Dodge, J.H Dodge, Lewis .. 18 Curran, Patrick .: 34 .. 36 ..198 ..190 237 Dodge, W^arner F Dodge, W.F ..237 Curry. C. P Day, Prances .... 64 ..124 Curtain. A. Mc ..102 Day, Francis R .... 34 Dodge. William C .. 66. Carti, Bonifaz ..122 Day, Louise .... 34 Doepp, William .. 66 Curtis, B. I ..182 .. 2 Day. Joseph L 190 Doering. Edmund J Dogget, John F Dollins,A.D Donaldson. H. C Donaldson, W.B .. 36 Curtis, C.K. 8 Day. W. C ....190 ..218 Curtis, I. B ..136 .. 88 .. 34 Day. William H .... 98 237 Curtis, J. D Deal. J... 188 ..216. Curtis, Lester Dean, C. A *...'.".'.. ....142 .. 14 2&1 PAGE. PAGE PAGE Donnelly, Jefferson W.. ..!!)() Durant, Josiah F ... 4 Ellzhollz, Josephine C ... 36 Donoghue, Elizabeth B. Donovan, J. D ..162 Durant, S. W Durham, James A ... 2 ... 86 Ely, Charles F .. 36 Emerick, George M .... 36 Doolittle. D.C ..150 Durselen, Charles N... . . . 36 Emerson, Edwin B ....214 Doolittle. William H .. 36 Durst, Charles W ...84 Emerson, E. L ....156 Dora, James W .. 26 Dusenbury, A. T ...140 Emory, ('oraL ....216 Doriand, Edwin H ?. 36 Dusenbury, Charles T. ...140 Emery, J. H... ....148 Dorland Walter L 3G Duvnll, P. M Dwyer, John W. B ... 26 ...196 Emmons, Francis A. .. Emmons, John W...... 36 Dorman, M. L .. 18 ....164 Dorn, Gay ..166 Dyson, Dunbar 8 ...150 Empson. M. D ....184 Dornbuseh, Henry W ... .. 66 Dy as, George K ...36 Engel, Edward ....140 Dorpat. Joseph .. 98 Dyas. William Godfrey ... 36 Engele, A ....124 Dorr.H.R . 140 Dyer, Lewis ...178 Engelhard, F. N... .... 76 Dorsey, Albion W 4 Dyer, Ralph B ...122 Engert, RosaH .... 36 Doss, Charles H ..172 Dyer, Reuben F ...122 England, W. L ....188 Doss, Edgar P ..172 English, G. F .... 78 Doss, JudsonI ..160 EaCxLEson. Thomas ...180 English, James P .... 78 Dougall, William ..218 Eurle, C. Warrington... ... 36 English, Lindsey .... 90 Dougherty, G. F .. 70 Easley. Robert B ... 74 Enlow, iieorge W .... 2 Dougherty, J. A ..160 ..170 Easley, William J Easley, William T .,.158 ...15S Enos, Charles W Enos, C. R ...108 Douglas, A. C ....140 Douglas, D. T ..152 ..158 Easton, James ... 4 Ensign, William Entrekin,F. M ....124 Do,ugla6, Edmund Eaton, Charles M ... 68 .... 24 Dowling, Lee H ..226 Eaton. David P ... 36 Epler. Ernest G .... 36 Downer, Abner G .. 10 Eaton.R. J ...106 Eppler, Peter ....130 Downey, P. E .. 72 Eaton, William M ... 68 Erler, Louis... ... 4 Downey, J. W 146 Eberle, Jacob K ... 18 Ermine, Lucy Eastman... 36 Downing, Jonathan R .. 16 .. 78 .. 86 Ebrite. George W ...132 222 Erwin, Douglas 108 Downs, James N Eshbaugh, Walter 8.. Eskey, Franklin W.... ....148 Downs, J. M Eddie. G. W ...192 ....216 Doyle, Anthony .. 18 Eddleman.W.M .. 202 Eskridge, J. H .... 36 Doyle, G. W ..172 Eddy, Ellen Augusta... ... 36 Espey, George ....152 Doyle. Jeremiah .. 66 Edens, George ...204 Estabrook, William W .... 36 .)raeger, Augustus '^37 Edgar, Robert S ...176 Etheridge, James H... Euans, Benjamin L — Evans. C. Horace .... 36 -)rennan. David A ,.188 Edgar, William H ...36 .... 36 Drescher, F. B Dresser, Thomas W ..198 Edgerton, I. F ...118 .... 36 ..186 Edgerton.R. C ...120 Evans, George W ....220 Drew, A. M .. 74 Edington, J. F ...106 Evans, J. W ....144 Drewry, Henry N .. 80 Edison, George W Edmiston, D. W ... 2 Evans, P. B ....162 Dripps, Calvin T .134 ...72 Evans, Perry M ....224 Droliinger, S. C .. 10 Edmiston, J. A ...72 Everett, B.B ....162 Dromgold, Thomas N... ..124 Edmunds. S , 162 Everett, Edward .36,279 Drude, Francis .. 2 ..168 Edwards, B. C Edwards, Edward W... ...94 ... 36 Everett, Jerome. Everett, J. M L26, 130 Duke, D. T ... 70 Dulaney. Isaiah H . .212 Edwards, Francis H 142 Everett, M. D .-..124 Dulin, William .. 78 Edwards, Joseph W.... ...124 Everett, Oliver „... ....128 Du Mars, K. A ..166 ..176 Edwards, S. G.H Edwards, T.J ...144 ... 68 Everett, W. W Evernden, Thomas F.. 24 Duncan, CM .... 88 Duncan. Frank ..124 .. 36 Egan, Daniel ... 36 Eversmann, F. F K versole, Joseph B — .... 82 Duncan, Thomas E Egan, William C ... 66 ....164 Duncan. Walter C .. 82 Ehinger, Clyde E ... 36 Eversoll, A. C ... 18 Duncan, William S . 16 Ehmann, Ernst ... 2 ■Everson. William Knight. 36 Duncan, William W ^0,82 Ehrhardt, Henry ... 14 Ewell, Marshall D .... 36 Duncan. W. Wilson ..140 Ehrlich,H. K .. 132 Ewing, Elizabeth Wilson. 36 Duncan-^on, Alexander A. 36 Eidson, Henry A ...104 rlwing, Frank M ....13-2 Dunham. S. A ..130 Eidson. W. H ...104 Ewing, George V...... .... 36 Dunlap, George W ..100 Eiseman, A. H ...226 Ewing. John ....237 Dunlap, J. A .162 Elder. A.L ... 16 Eyre. Frank ....156 Dunlap, Sarah E . 162 Elder,B. H ...206 Eyster, George L ....182 Dunlap, W. B .. 2 Elder, C.8 ...152 Dunlap, William M ..224 Elder, Guilford D ...152 Fabek, Gael .... 64 Dunn, B.J ..148 Elder, Samuel G ... 16 Fabricius. J. A ....196 Dunn, C.N ..142 Elder, Samuel S ...124 Fahrner, John ....218 Dunn, D. C ..198 Elder, Thomas A ...112 Fairbrother. H. ....196 Dunn, George W ..132 ..142 Eldred, C. C Eldred, William H ...218 ... 36 Fairhurst, O'Connell .. Fais. Jacob 126 Dunn, Helens .... 90 Dunn, J ..150 . .180 Eldridge, Cornelius S... Eldridge,F.P ... 36 ...146 Faith, James Faller. A. B ...136 Dunn, L. B ....237 Dunn, Martin -.164 Ellet,E. C ...134 Fallin, Benjamin F.... .... 82 Dunn, McCann 237 Ellingwood. Flnley ... 36 Falls, Samuel Kemp... .... 38 Dunn, Thomas Jefferson . 82 Elliott, C.E ...154 Fancher, C. L ...210 Dunn, William G ..206 Elliott, F.M ...112 Fargo, John F ...166 Dunne, William P ..237 Elliott, Henry ... 36 Faris, E. S ...138 Druding, Adolph Drury, Frank H ..237 Elliott, Henry E ... 86 Farley, B. F . . .108 36 Elliott, Taylor D Elliott. William W ...102 Farley.B. F ...116 Drary. Jr., George W.... .138 ... 36 Farley, James M ... 78 Dubois, A. M ..202 Elliot, William ...218 Farley, H. E 84,130 Dubois, MarvL .202 .237 Elliot, William H ... 88 Farley, R. D Farnham, Mary C ...237 Dubler, W. H *Ellis, David ... 94 ... 38 Dudley,E.C .. 36 Ellis, D.E ... 8 Farnsworth, Henry S.. ...216 Duffleld, H. T .172 Ellis, Henry I ... 62 Farr, AlbertL ... 38 DuHadway, C Dunning, Charles W.... ..108 .. 6 EUsberry, Isaac N. . 36 Farrar, S. B Farrar, Laura E ...84 Elrod. E. B ... 22 ... 84 Dunning, T.M .174 Elsberry.I.N ...146 Farrell. C.F ...202 292 PAGE Parrell, J. Seth 194 Pate. JesseC los Pawcett. John H 11(5 Feeler, Henry (J 38 Pegers, Charles H 150 Pekete, Alexander 1% Pelker, John B 128 Pelker, N. F... 216 Pellbriek. John 38 Peltows, H. Barton 38 Fellows, Jesse H 72 Peltman, '3, A. 142 Felts, Benjamin R 220 Feltz. Columbus H 22() Penger, Christian 38 Penity, Peter 92 Penn, Cuitis Treat 38 Ferguson, John S 138 Ferguson, O. VV 26 Ferguson, K. A 08 Ferguson, S. T 92 Ferguson, W. H 170 Peru. William J 110 Fernitz, Qustav 38 Perrell. H. V 220 Ferris, C. L 96 Ferris. Edmond. 78 Ferris, Ezra H 16 Ferry, L. A 224 Fiehtenkam. H. L 158 Fiegenbaum, E W 38 Field, George William — 14 Field, John W 237 Field, Laura B 10 Field, Lewis J 82 Field. 8 158 Pieldhouse. J. 194 Files, Chesterfield 80 Pilkins, W. L 218 Pilley, H. R 168 Finch, Amos P 22 Pinch, Thomas 90 Pink. L W 158 Finley, John H 237 Finley. Joseph J 38 Finley, L. P 146 Finucane, Andrew D 3S Firebaugh, L L 68 Firey, John J 18 Fischer. C. C. J 134 Fischer, P. J. T 76 Fischer, F. Xavier. 198 Fischer, Ferdinand 20 Fischer, Gustavus 38 Fischer. H IM Pish, WilliamB 13i Pish. W. H 172 Pishburn. LP 2oo Fisher, Alexander 237 Fisher, H. C 146 Fisher, L. A 78 Fisher, P 140 Fisher. T. D 152 Fisher, Waldo 138 Pisk, A. C 152 Fisk. F. H 178 Pitch, Calvin M 38 Pitch, H. Parker 10 Pitch, T. Davis 38 Fitch, W. H 222 Fithian, William 2'>4 Pitts. A. A 114 FitzGerald, Francis W.. .. 38 Fit zGerald, Joseph 233 Pitzgerrell, Andrew J 106 Pitzpatrick, John A 66 Flaglore, D. H 166 Flanders, J. L 126 Flantt. James A 108 Fleming. E.C 164 Fleming, J. McLean 38 Fleming, W ....182 Fleming, W.L. 192 Planner, M 20 PAGE Fletcher. E. K 156 Fletcher, James W 38,279 Fletcher. Joseph 4 Flick. Daniel W 130 Flood. J. Ramsey 64 Fly, Jesse J 220 Focht. L. M 218 Fogg. CharlesE 124 Poiles, Lewis 12 Folbrecht. Joseph 3S Polger, Henry A 238 Follen, JohnG 94 Follett, O 152 Folsom. Edward G 64 Foncannon, T. F 78 Fonda, David B 64 Foote, D. E 8 Foote, George W 118 Foote. Lucius F 222 Ford. T.J 126 Foreman, L. D 172 Foreman, William M 124 Forman, John 238 Forney, C. S 96 Forristall, D. E 216 Porsee, B. W 238 Forshee, E. G 142 Fortune, H. D 172 Foss, Laurentz 38 Foster, Addison H 3S Foster, Alva Curtis 138 Foster, D. M ...150 Foster, Elijah 214 Foster, Frank J 214 Foster, Frederick H 38 Foster, J. M 64 Foster, J. T 210 Poster, Martin D 178 Poster, R. Norman 38 Foster. William 188 Pouch, James P 206 Fountain, James H 160 Fouaer. A. R 114 Fowler, Charles A 108 Fowler, B. F 108 Fowler, E. S 186 Fowler, Henry M 108 Fowler, J. M 220 Fox, Abraham L 206 Fox, George M 66 Fox, Harvey N 194 Fox, Julius C 8 Fox, Michael A 226 Fraley, J. F ". 128 Francis. E. T 108 Frank, JohnG 76 Franke, Adam A 104 Franke, J 237 Franke, Jr.. John 104 Frankenberger. Samuel ..204 Franklin, David 26 Franklin. J. W 26 Franz. Joseph B 237 Frasee. J. N 114 Fraser, Donald 38 Prazer, Charles 126 Prazer, Jerome B 192 Frazer, J. T 84 Prazer, M. D 126 Frazer, W. H 122 Frazer, Wdliam P 216 Frazier, J. B 20 Preeland. Pleasant L 158 Freeman, A. R 238 Freeman. N. 8 26 Preek. William R 182 Freer, Otto T 38 French, Algy Deen 206 French, Amelia J. 66 French, George G 16S French, Lucius 180 French, S.H 222 French, 8 M 38 French. Truman P 206 PAGE French, W.H 116 French, Zeba D 126 Preund, Abraham 76 Friend, William 208 Fringer. G. W 194 Prink. Harvey 224 Frisby, P..M 233 Pritts. T. J 194 Froning, P 200 Frost, CD 106 Frost, Lewis A 160 Frost. T.G 192 Fry. Charles B 26 Frye, J. C 166 Kuchs. Gustav 24 Fuchs, Jr., A.J 196 Fugate, J. T 16 Fulkerson. R. M 174 Faller, Charles G 38 Puller, F. P 78 Puller, George H 10 Fuller.H.D 8 Fullerton, James 146 Fulton, L. W :188 Pulton, William 188 Funkhauser, R. M 214 Furlong, B. F 184 Furry. John D 166 Fusch, Charles .132 Fuson. J. L 180 Fyke, John J 142 Gabel, Henry G 112 Gaddey, G. W 80 Gaffner. Theophilus 24 Gaffney. E. C 186 Gaige, Frederick A 82, 279 Gains, W. 8 198 Gale. C.T 6 Gale.F.C 144 Gallup. W. E 238 ! Gait. Thomas 182 Gamble, J. R 148 I Gamble. M.T 88 ! Gandey, Thomas R 38 I Gardner, J. D 152 j Gardner. John L 72 I Gardner, 8. D 162 I Gardner, Samuel D 26 ! Gardiner. Charles D 102 I Gardiner, Edwin J 38 i Gardiner, Prank H 38 i Gardiner. James D 72 Gardiner. John H 18 ! Garner, J. 8 26 : Garnsey, Charles A 114 I Garretson, P 148 I Garrett, Thomas J 178 Garrison, AmosL 38 j Garrison, Barney E ..212 1 Garrison, G 94 Garrison, G. B 172 i Garrison, H. D 38 j Garrison. Harriet E 128 Garrott, Erasmus 38 ! Garten. M. H 12 j Garvey, P. L 26 Garvin, Isaac W 70 I Garvin. J. P 138 : Gary. J. P. -. 108 Gasaway. N. H 100 Gaston. Emma P 38 Gaston. William C 166 i Gatchell, Anna M 120 ! Gatchell, Charles B 38 Gatchell, Jr., H. P 120 Gatchell. Sr., H. P 120 I Gates. Williams 38 ' Gau--e, Edwin J 6 Gavin. R. M. C 68 Gawrzyjelski. Paul 3S Gay.F. C 204 293 PAGE. PAGE PAGE Gayer, James S .. 4 Goodwin, A. E 222 Greer, George 84 O-H.vlnrfl r^ViH.rlfts 283 Goodwin, A. J Goodwin, John W. ..70,104 70 Greer, Isaac Gretscher. John G Griepenburg, W. H... 238 Gaylord, E Gearhart, W. R .176 ..222 82 Goodwin, R.T Gordon, George W... 114 238 Gebhart, David L ..146 90 Grier.D.D 162 Gebhart. JuliusC .146 Gordon, F. W 216 Griffin, Byron W 40 Gee.I. G ..106 Gordon, James .... .... 6 Griffin, Robert H 172 Gee. W. 8 .. 64 Gordon, J.H ...8,126 Griffin, Stimson 238 Geiger, Henry „ 3S Gordon, J. J 6 Griffin. Theodore 4 Geigley, Jesse S .. 86 .124 Gordon, J. T Gordon, J. S 24 238 Griffith, Barrett B.... Griffith, Benjamin A,. Griffith, B.M... 186 Gelbaeh, Rudolphus W. 210 George, E .132 Gordon, Lucien W — 90 186 George. W.F ..134 Gordon. Madison D... 24 Griffith, F.J.C 68 Gere, F ..140 Gordon, Noel R 102 Griffith, O. R... 148 German, William H .. 66 Gordon, Robert 12 Griffith, Thomas P.... .212.214 (^Ariion Tnbn TT 102 27!i .104 38 Gordon, William A.... Gordon, W. P Gore. Joel R 176 82 .. . 38 64 Gricson R J 94 Gettinger, Martin L Grim, Adam 128 Getz, H. Landis Grimes, Ellen F.Taft. Grimes, F. 8 136 Geutsch, Fred H . 3S Gorton. Mary L 136 Gholson, James T .23S Goshorn. N. J ....J81 Grimes, James M 2 Gibbon. John .162 Gould, William W 164 Grimshaw. Samuel... 86 Gibbons. VV. H .210 Gove, David A 88 Grissom. Thomas L.. 238 Gibbs, Albert E .122 Gowan. James E .... 146 Griswold, C. A 216 Gibbs, J. A. M . 6 Gowin, Orman G 18 Griswold, 8. A 238 Gibson, E.P . 22 Grace, John C 238 Griswold, William R.. 40 Gibson, Robert .13S Gradle, Henry 38 Groat, Julias W 238 Gib-on, Robert C . 38 Graff, George P 12 Groce,R. V 184 Gideon, A. H. .238 Graham, A. J 120 Groesbeck, John W. . . ....148 Griffin. Edward McC .... .2X0 Graham, A. R 210 Grosbeck, Adam .... 238 Gifford, Alfred .134 Graham, Christian P. 38 Gross, H. A 96 Gitt'ord, Daniel. .164 .208 Graham David W 38 Gross, James E Gross, Maria M 40 Gilbert, A. V. T Graham, J. C 152 40 Gilbert. Jr., James C ... Gilbert, 8. W. P . m Graham, John 4 Gross. W. M ....136 . -22 Graham. John J 220 Grossman, Daniel 8.. 14 Gilberts. S .. 20 Graham. 8. A.. 74 Grosvenor, Lemuel C .... 40 Gilborne, H IIG 280 Graham. Thomas B .. 206 Grove, J I 84 Gill, Matthew . 38 Grahame,Malcolm.l04,170,280 Grove, William A 9H Gillam, Isaac N .204 Grant, Orris William. 128 Grover, Simeon ....182 Gillespie. A ,180 Grattan, E. 150 Groves, ,J ohn N 80 Gillett. R. W .204 Grattan, P. D. B 181 Groves, J. 8 134 Giilett, H. C . . .112 . 88 Graves, (3. P Graves, E. H 70 132 Groves, William D 4 Gillett. W. J •.... Guelich, Emil 138 Gilliland, William E . 4 Graves, Fred E 222 Guenther, Emil E 164 Gillis.F.P .170 Graves, Kate I 38 Guenther, Julius 2 Gillum, Alphro D . 18 Graves, Isaac N no Guerin. John 40 Gillum.IraH .100 Graves. Walter H 152 Guilbert. Edward A .. 108 Gllman, John E . 38 Grau.C. H 23S Guilberl. Samuel H... 226 Gilmore, Arnold P . 38 .136 Gray. Allen W 38 Guild, W.L Guild. Elias C 66 Gilson, (leorge H Gray, Cornelius ..12,2:^8 66 Girtin, W. C .154 Gray, Frank 8 208 Guild. William L .. .76 Gissy, Charles E . 24 Gray, G. 140 Guin, William L 40 Gissy. Charles G . 24 Gray, Gabriel C 156 GulicR. H 202 Githens, William H . 96 Gray, G.H 238 Gully. John B 114 Gladson,M. M . 24 Gray, John T 38 Gundlach. J. 8 ....122 Glenn, James A .154 Gray, Paschal P 164 Gunn, A. B ....196 Glennan. M. A . 18 Gray, R. Fletcher 14 Gunn, HughF ....110 Glover, G. W .196 Gray. Samuel R 78 Gunn, J. S 6 Glover, W. A .124 Gray. W. G 8 Gunyon. Fred M ....144 Goble.EzraT .121 Grayson. T.J 126 Gurnea, George W — 40 Godden, H. L I, 96 Grayson, William H.. 140 Guthrie, B. G ....210 Godfrey. F.H .154 Greeley, Dustan M. . . . . ... 12 Guthrie, H. R ....176 Godfrey. Henry T .1('8 Gregory, E. H 326 Guthrie, J. G ....198 Godfrey.H. M .122 Gregory, Idrls Helen. 38 Guthrie, William E... ....150 Godfrey, John W -194 Gregory, Lyman T 170 Guttery, William V... 132 Goding. F. W .13» Green, Albert 110 Gwynne, Evan E .... 40 Godsman, Paul B . 38 Green, A. W 154 Goe,H. L .184 Green, De Witt C 160 Going. Z.H .108 (^Treen, D. H .189,280 Haas, Archibald .... 40 Golden. John J . 68 Green, Earl 106 Haas. E ....218 Goldsmith. Albert A . 64 Green, F. L .116,122 Haokman. F. W .... 2 Goldsmith, D.B . 82 Green, Lida E 116 Hadden, JohnM .... 18 Goldepohn, Albert . 66 .174 Green Marv E 38 Haering. Theodore T. Hagenbuch. Allen W. 152 Gooeh. James C Green', M. Croft 238 .... 64 Goodbrake, (Christopher. 72 Green, Milton 8 214 Hagey, W. H. H. ....216 Goodall. W. W . 6(i Green, Thomas J 214 Hagler. J. G ....160 Goodell, Krank W . 80 Green, W. Duff 106 Hahn. Herman J .... 40 Goodeli, J. H .124 Green, Wilbur F 170 Haig, John ....152 Goodell. William L . 80 Greene, A. E Qreene, T. Alonzo 96 Haight, Vincent .... 40 Goodman. Thomas B .202 . 38 196 Haines, George M. ... Haines. Walter S ....222 Goodner, George W Greenleaf , George Thayer 64 .... 40 Goodner, Lyman T .210 .210 Greeno, H.S 38 Haines, William E.... Halbert, William A... ....148 Goodner, 8 Greenwood, Basil 20 ...188 Goodsmith. William P... . 38 Greer, A. G 6 Halbrooks, George... ....238 594 PAGE PAOE PAGE Hale, Edwin M .... 4U Harkness, George S. .. ...280 Hayes. EdwinA . 40 Hale, Henry E .... 94 Harlan. R. A ... 94 Hayes, J. L .186 Hale, J. 1 ....202 Harmos, Henry Harraison, D. C , ...202 Hayes. Justin 40 Hale. Peter ....12(i ...146 Hayes, Plymmon 8 40 Hall. A>A ....238 Harmison. John ... 88 Hayes. R.F 200 Hall.B.F ...110 Harmon, J. C ... 16 Hayner, Jennie E 40,280 Hall, E. T ....212 Harmon, Joseph W ... 61 Haynes, Baxter ..15S Hall, F. A ....182 ....40 238 Haynes, Moses riaynie. George W 158 Hall. George A Harper, John E ... 40 . ,214 Hall, George W.: ....226 Harrah,J. W ...136 Hays, James B . 92 Hall. H. H .... 18 Harrell, James C ...90 Hays, John .14(» Hall, H. M ....194 Harrell, Jerome E.. ... 90 Hays. William T . 24 Hall, J. C .-..138 Harrington, H. L ...208 Hayton, James ,102 Hall, John L. S .... 40 Harrington. M. T ... 88 Hayward, C. E .154 Hall, Joseph .... 22 Harris, Andrew F ... 64 Hayward, M. P .. 90 Hall, Joseph .... 82 Harris, B ...114 Haywood. George M . 18 Hall, Junius M .... 40 Harris, Colmore ...104 Haywood. Julia F .. . 18 Hall, Lyman .... 18 Harris, D.W ...184 Hazel. xM.M .. 18 Hall, N.J ....212 Harris, G. F... ...162 Hazen. E. H .180 Hall. Omar ....100 Harris, H. L ... 18 Hazen, J. H .128 Hall, Randolph N .... 40 Harris, J. A ...184 Hazelton. Charles N ..216 Hall. Robert S .... 40 Harris, James F .16.18 Head.G.P 2(i Hall, Samuel C .... 90 Harris. John ...14 Hedges, Samuel P .. 40 Hall, Silas ....126 Harris. John B ...104 Heegaard, Bettie Louise .. 40 Hall, Thomas H ....134 Harris, Johnson ... 24 Hef^ly, D. C .. 24 Hall, Walter A .... 40 .... 94 Harris, John T Harris, J. V ...23S ... 86 Heffron, Helen M . 66 Hall, W. F Heidemann. George F... .. 76 Hall. W. H ....156 Harris, Malcolm L ... 40 Heise, A.W ..218 Hall. W.I ....206 Harris, Ralph ...148 Heister. AlvinC .122 Hall, William E .... 40 Harris, Sarnh C ...108 Heller, J.M .118 Hall, William E. ....150 Harris, W.H ...158 Heller, W.H.... ..118 Hall, W.T ....194 Harris, William B ...126 Helra,E.C ..164 Hall. William Wesley . .... 94 Harris, W.J ...134 Helm, Ernesto .. 40 Hallam, John L ....142 Harrison, Wallace K.. ... 40 Helm, Scott .. 40 Hallem, William L ....214 Harrison, F. ... 8(5 Helmuth, Carl A .. 40 Haller, F. B .... S2 Harrison. Frank M — ... 8S Hemmenway, L. G .. 76 Hallett. Joseph ....150 Harrison. H. M ...148 Hemmi. Stephen A .. 40 Halliburton. W ....1S8 Harrod. Pennel .,. 88 Hempstead, Charles W.. .. 40 Halliday.F. A ... 146 Harsha, William M.... ...136 Hench, John B .. 76 Halliday, F. A ....280 Hart, Marvin G ... 40 Henchling, Theodore W. .. 40 Halpin, John C. ....172 Hart, Samuel F ...174 Hendershott, Lynn W... ..2U Halsey, Fredrick S.... ....140 Harter, I. Foster ... 98 Henderson, Gererous L. ..233 Halstead, M. A ....160 Hartley, E. C ...222 Henderson, James E .. 40 Ham, S. C ....13S Harvey. G. F .... 72 Henderson, James T ..204 Hamil. Charles ....154 Harvey, J. A ...190 Henderson, Thomas ..120 Hamill, Robert C .... 40 Harvey, James ...208 Hendricks, S. A .. 70 Hamilton. B. Frank — ....98 Harvey, J. E ....172 Hendricks, Stephen 0... ..144 Hamilton, B.R .... 96 Harvey, John G ....136 Hendricks. W.S .. 96 Hamilton. F. A ....144 Harvey, Joseph ....2.38 Hendrix. J. T ^.160 Hamilton J. G 132 Harvey L J 172 Hening. Thomas S Henri, James N 186 Hamilton, J. M. .... — ....102 Harvey, Samuel ...162 ..170 Hamilton, JohnL ....166 Haskell, W. A ....138 Henrotin, Fernand .. 40 Hamilton. J. W ....162 Haslit.H. W ... 22 Henry, A. M . 26 Hamilton, Samuel .... 86 Hasse. Frederick ... 40 Henry, Greenbury K.... .- 98 Hamilton. S.H ....106 Hastings, LaFayette E ....218 Henry, James .. 94 Hamilton, S. J ....238 Hatch, Henry 2 Henry, Robert F ..168 Hamilton, 8. M ....208 Hatch. H.L ....160 Henry, Roland H .. 22 Hamilton, William W. .... 96 Hatch. Jethro A ...226 Henry, J. M ..172 Hammer, A. F ...ASS Hatfield, A. C ...192 Henry, Walter .. 4 Hammer, L. W 82 Hatfield. C.L Hatfield, M. A ...132 ... 22 Henry, William Henry, W.M IW Hammon, Glenn M... .--. 40 ..162 Hammond, Jabez D. ,. ....40 Hatfield, Marcus P .... ... 40 Hensinkveld, Henry J... ..216 Hammond, R. D ....238 Hathaway, J. C ...122 Hensley. John H ..126 Hamp, Henry ....238 Hathaway. R.W ...40 Hensley, J. W ..120 Hance,F. W 200 Hathorn, John E .... 12 Henton. C. D ..204 Hancock. Allen R ... 82 Hattan, Albert Henry. ...124 Hequembourg, Julian E. .. 40 Hand. Augustus F 92 Hatton. Thomas ... 24 Heritage. J. F .128 Hand, Furman S ....130 Haughton, A. J .. 126 Herman, P. J ..158 Hand. Truman . 92 Haumesser, George J. L.. 82 Haven, Alfred C 120 Herman. P. J Herod. T.G. S 160 Hanes, William W ...164 .. 90 Hankins, R. A ....131 Haven, Joseph ...40 Herrell.D. H ..168 Hanna, Finley Y ....90 Haven. Otis 62 Herriot.E. L ..160 Hanson. Zenas P .... 40 Hawes. A. M. C. . . .206 Hertel. H ..198 Harback, C. W 64 .... 40 Hawk William 4 Herz, Karl Hess, Adolphus . . 40 Harcourt. Luke A ' Hawkes, William J.... .... 40 .. 16 ....112 ....102 Hawkins John W ... 226 Hess, Frederick A Hess, J. M .. 40 Hard. A. D Hawley, George Fuller .... 40 122 Hard. Chf^ster ....122 Hawley, Samuel ....116 Hess. Thomas M ..166 Hardin, Edward L 162 Hawthorn, R. A Hay, Charles ...182 96,238 Hessert, Gustav Hester, M. H 40 Harding. B. A ....IW ..238 Hardwick, Harriet C. .... 26 Hay, Walter ... 40 He.ster, William W .202 Hardy, H. F ....114 Hay(3S, C. W ...150 Hewins. Charles F ..206 Hardy, LE ....138 Hayes, David D ....134 Hewitt, H. M ..128 295 PAGE Hewitt, J. H 198 Hewitt, S. C 188 Hews, Ciiarles Dean 66 Heymann, Hermann 40 Heywood, (J 22 Hiatt, Alfred H 76 Hickman, H. 8 74 Hickman, T,G 82 Hickman, William A 186 Hickman, Z 86 Hicks, R. B 162 Hicks, Thomas B 90 Hicks, W.F 138 Higbee,E. H 90 iHiggins, Charles C 40 Higgins, George 112 Higgins, George H 40 Higgins. L. C 192 Higgins, L.D 18 Higgins, R.T 82 Higgins. William 8 138 Higinbotom, Charles A... 82 Hildebrand, Herman E 42 Hildebrand, Max 40 Hill. A. M 72 Hill.F.K - 222 Hill, George W 96 Hill, J. H 162 Hill, M. Jasper 216 Hill. Olive 22 Hill, RobertL 226 Hill, William 152 Hill, William C 132 Hitlebrand, Christ 200 nHilliard, Bamuel H 106 :Hilligoss. E. P 162 Hillis, D. B. 226 Hiilis, Johns 238 Hills, J. Z 94 Hilsabeck Jr.. W. F 192 Hilton, George F 120 Hilton, G. W 10 Hilton, Joseph H 12 Hinch. Francis E 140 ZHinchman, Charles W 226 Hinde, Alfred 42 Hingston, J. W 124 Hinish. William W 42 Hinkle.J :... 233 Hinman, Albert W ....114 ;Hinman. H. S 104 Hinshaw. D. C 206 iHitchcoek. C, K 72 Hitchcock. J. W 106 Hitt, JohnE 142 Hixson, Columbus 198 Hoadley, Albert E 42 Hoadley.C. R 13'» Hoag, Edward J 2(io Hoag, Junius C 66 Hobart, Andrew J 216 Hobart, Henry M 42 Hobart, J. R 26 Hobbs, J'.hn „. 42 Hobbs, W. T 10 Hoblit.G. B 238 Hob«on, W. H 160 Hockett, Lon 102 Hocking. William F 218 Hodges, Hezekiah C... 104, 178 Hodson, Frederick A 42 Hopgelsberger. D. Frank. 42' Hoffbiuer. William 22« HolTman, Gustav A. 42 HofTman. G. F. Theodore. 66 Hogan, Cornelius • 42 Hoit. J. D. C 120 Hoke.H. E 212 Hoke. J 182 Holaday. Abraham 206 Holbrook, C. A 132 flolcomb, Fred 6(5 Holeomb, Harley 188 ! Jlolderness. E. P. G 151 ' PAGE. Holderread. John 140 Holeman, Edward 90 Holgate, J. R 194 Holin, John 192 Holke. HenryJ 84 Holland, O. D 122 Hollem. Franklin 82 Hollembeak, George W...172 Holliday, Charles H 134 Hollidav.W. 8 208 Hollis, H. T 238 Hollisier.E. L 42 HoUister, John H 42 Holloway. James 8 130 Holman; E. E 64 Holman, Thomas A 170 Holmes, Edward L 42 Holmes, Horace P 70 Holmes, Nathan 146 Holmes. Samuel A 188 Holmes. Samuel J 42 Holroyd. Eugene E 42 Holsburg, D. B 176 Holt, John F ....160 Holton, Henry C 206 Holton, Noble 168 Holton, W. M 214 Holtzmann. S. E 130 Holyoke, William Pond... 42 Homann. R 176 Homer, W.F 102 Honey, Mary Louise 42 Honn, Samuel H 78 Honnard, Joseph 233 Hood, Humphrey H 158 Hooper, Henry 42 Hoornbeek, N. B 210 Hooton, Marsena M 42 Hoover, Isaac L 168, 280 Hoover, J. L 144 Hoover, W. C... 66 Hopeman. Harry 164 Hopkins, H. W. 122 Hopkins, John F 42 Hopkins, Leroy 8 12 Hopkins, Myron 116 Hopkins, S. A 166 Hopkins. T. 8 238 Hopper, Harry C 118 Hoppins, Annie M 1(»0 Hoppins, Henry 1 100 Hord, George Y 24 Hord, J. T 238 Horine. Thomas A 136 Horn, Francis 8. 42 Horn, G. W 150 Horsnby, R. J 134 Horr, Asa 108 Horrell, Charles B 148 Horsey, Edward H 42 Hosier, J. W 12 Hoskinson. William Henry 68 Hosmer, Arthur B 42 Hosmer, G. H 218 Hostetler.C. M. L 162 Host^tler, W. B 136 Hotchkiss. Isabellas 42 Hotz. Ferdinand C 42 Houck, R. M 188 Hough, Charles L ..166 Houston, J. B 210 Houston, Maurice 42 Howard, A. R. 86 Howard, D. W... 164 Howard, G. W 206 Howard, H. C 16 Howard, J. W 194 Howard, O. J 150 Howard, Reuben L 238 Howard, Thomas T 76 Howard, William A 42 Howe, O. Baxter 42 Howell, E. B 112 Hoy ne. Temple S 42 PAGE. Hoyt John W 178 Hubbard* CM 14 Hubbard. H. C 152 Hubbard, Jackson A 120 Hubbard, N. W 238 Hul)bard. Silas 154 Huddleston, John. :..220 Hudgin, J. H 154,280 Hudson, George W 210 Hudson, G. W 162 Hudson, J. B 144 Hudson, NimrodS 184 Hudson, Theodore 220 Hudson, Thomas P 122 Huff, William J 194 Huffaker, Thomas 8 64 Huffman, J. W 224 Hughes, Daniel 68 Hughes, Edward B 88 Hughes, Isaac 8 186 Hughes, J. Owen 66 Hughes, Robert 210 Hughey, 8. A. B 140 Hughey, William A 106 Hugins, Clifford E 182 Hulett, S. Eugene 64 Hull, A 148 Hull, Alexander 86 Hull, J. L 206 Hull, J.'K.... 148 Hull. M. D 154 Humbert, Frederick 138 Humbert, G. Clinton 98 Hume, James N 66 Humphrey, A. G 118 Humphrey. Robert 8 200 Humphreys, A.Jackson.. 84 Humston, Milton L 102 Hunt, Charles C 128 Hunt, Delos W 130 Hunt, Florence W 42 Hunt, George H 78 Hunt, JohnT 94 Hunt, J. Spafford 42 Hunt, SolomonH 118 Hunt, T. B 96 Hunt, William 42 Hunter. C.T 214 Hunter, Edwin W 42 Hunter. J 134 Hunter, James 178 Hunter, John 132 Hunter, L.D 104 Hunter, Robert 42 Hunter, W... 182 Hunting, John P 174 Huntley, Eusebia N 222 Huntly, O. H 10 Hunlsinger, H. P 170 Hurd.D.L ...124 Hurd,H.S 118 Hurlbut, Horatio N 42 Hurlbut, M. John E 112 Hurlbut. Vincent L 42 Hurst. M 154 Hurst, Nathaniel W 42 Hurst, S.T 154 Hurst, Thomas J 110 Huse, Edward Carroll 222 Hussey,D. J 72 Huston, William M 148 Hutchins, AsaV 42 Hutch ins, John W 42 Hutchinson, Critten 16 Hutchinson, James M 42 Hutchinson, J. P 80 Hutchinson, Mahlon 42 Hutchinson, Robert 8 Hutchinson, R. W 146 Hutchinson, W. B 6 Hutchinson, William 124 Hutson, E. G 86 Hutson, Ulysses 86 Hutton, William 110 296 PAGE Huyett. Joseph ^ 182 Hyde. G. W „ 72 Hyde. James Nevins 42 Hyde, Miranda £ 42 IlLINGS WORTH, G. M 42 Illinski, A. X 196 Ing, O. C 96 Ingals, Ephriam 42 Ingals, E. Fletcher 42 Ingels, Joseph 142 Ingersoll, C. F 238 Ingersoll, Ellen A 86 Ingles, John A 68 Ingraham. Sereno W 42 Ingram. E. W 212 Ingram, K. S 192 Ingram, John L 198 Ingram. W. T 102 Inskeep, James E 212 Inskeep, W. A 80 Irish, T.E 140 Irish, T.J ....140 Irwin, Charles N 8 Irwin, H. M 98 Irwin, John L... 42 Irwin, Joseph A 142 Irwin, Major F 42 Irwin. O.H 102 Irwin, T. L 142 Irvin, George 156 Isham. Kalph N 42 Ives, Augustus 124 Ives, Franklin B 42 Jackson, A. Reeves 42 Jackson, B. F 238 Jackson, E. R 226 Jackson, R. W 180 Jackson, William M 218 Jacobs. Samuel J 164 Jacobs. Stephen W 70 Jacobs. Thomas Kenny... 42 Jacobson. Sigismond I)... 42 Jacques, I. 238 Jaeger. Christoph A 112 Jaggard. William W 42 James, Addison G 186 James. Edward C.... 140 James, J . A 96 James, Lewis L 196 James, Lizzie P 186 James. N. G 70 James, WilliamA 156 Jamison, Alexander W 182 Janes. John M 20 Janseu. Anna C 42 Jay, Milton 42 Jayne, William 186 Jayne, William J 82 Jaynes. W. 0. B 222 Jeffries, John A 21.2 Jeffries. John W 106 Jeffries, O. H. P 218 Jeffries, S.D 194 Jenkins, George F 226 Jenkins, H. D 26 Jenkins, J. M.... 70 Jenkins. L. O 78 Jenks, Daniel S 116 Jenner, Edward J 126 Jenner, Elisha 80 Jennings, D 238 Jennings, E. A 19S Jennings, George N 124 Jennings, J. N 202 Jennings, Patrick G 42 Jennings, R. P 202 Jennings, Thomas C 196 Jensen, Paul C 44 Jerome. L. R 66 Jessup, R. B 126 Jewell, D. B 116 PAGE Jewell, James S 44 Jewett, D. L 100 Jirka. Frank J 44 Johns, 168 Johns, Charles 122 Johns, Thomas M 18 Johnson, B. F 148 Johnson. Benjamin F 130 Johnson. C. B 16 Johnson, C. M 148 Johnson, C. T 78 Johnson, Claes William... 44 Johnson, E. S 164 Johnson, Franks 44 Johnson, Fred F 184 Johnson, G. W 86 Johnson, George W 14 Johnson. H 104 Johnson, Hosmer A. 44 Johnson, I. W 166 Johnson. John B 144 Johnson, John H 94 Johnson, Joseph H, S 66 Johnson, J, P 166 Johnson, K. B 216 Johnson. Theodore 212 Johnson, W. A 66 Jonnson, W. M 212 Johnson, Washington S...l.i»i Johnson, William C 188 Johnson, William S 64 Johnston, D. R 15^ Johnston, James 154 Johnston. J.P 160 Johnston, R. W 20 Johnston, William A 166 Johnston, William H 172 Jolley. J. E 114 Jones. Absalom W 68 Jones. Albert G .152 Jones. Alexander 233 Jones, Byron B 170 Jones, Emery C Kio Jones, Frank H 9l» Jones, G. G 160 Jones. George Wheeler... 204 Jones, Henry Taylor 134 Jones, Herbert C 170 Jones, James M 198 Jones, John W 8 Jones, Joseph R 23S Jones, Joshua 66 Jones, J. S 82 Jones, L. M 204 Jones, L. W 154 Jones. M. J 166 Jones, M. S 90 Jones. Robert H 24 Jones, Samuel J 44 Jones, S. W 206 Jones, T. W :..130 Jones. William A 106 Jones, William Augustus. 104 Jones, William Charles... 10 Jones. W. H 144 Jordan, Francis N 1H8 Jordan, J. H 23^ Jordan. M.W 72 Jorg. H 200 Jourdan. Joseph 212 Joy. Henry W 41 Judd. Herbert 118 Judd, H. L 140 Judson. James H 164 Juelsen. H. P. J 44 Jump. D. W 218 Jumper.Simon 20 Kadison. Albert P 44 Kalb. J. C 144 Kallenbach. Charles 12 Karbach, Philip H 212 PAGE. Karnes, Thomas H. B 90 Karns, William D 94 Karoly, Szenasi 112 Karraker, W.J 238 Kauffman, Jacob S 64 Kaull, William M 10 Kay,Z. L 130 Keck, John 130 Keeler. John F 216 Keeler. Horatio 44 Keener, H. N 10 Keernan. Reuben B 22 Keesee, John 202 Keesor, L. W 16 Keeton, 'Iheodore A 44 Keho, James 12 Kehr, Samuel 216 Keith. AlvinN 168 Keith. E. H 166 Kell, A. P 144 Kellar. A. L 162 Kellar, Jacob 178 Keller, William 10 Kellner, Max 44 Kelley, CO 86 Kelley, Josiah B 94 Kelley, Marcus F 162 Kellogg, George 238 Kelly, Francis W 44 Kelly, Isaac H. 184 Kelly, John W 94 Kelly, Linn A 114 Kelly, M. W 92 Kelly. Samuel 156 Kelly. Wilber 156 Kemp, H. W .158 Kemper. John 118 Kempef. Philip A 26 Kelso, Elmer Lincoln 84 Kelso. Hugh A....„ 84 Kelso. WilUam H 144 Kendall. E. E 238 Kendall. H. W 2 Kendall, J. M 194 Kendall, W.W 76 Kenelley, John S 146 KenllelU, Sarah F 118 Kennedy, H. M 216 Kennedy, Sarah L 106 Kennedy, Wilham 124 Kerber, Henry C 44 Kerler. Charles L 44 Kern. John 138 Kernahan. George 44 Kernal, Pleasant 148 Kerr, C .188 Kerr, Robert A 168 Kerr. S. L 224 Kerrell, John R 238 Kewley, J. R..... 44 Keys,C. W 68 Keys, Robert W 202 Keys, Thomas W 152 Keyser, Hiram M 116 Kibbie. H. C 68 Kieinan, James G 64 Kilbourue, E. A 112 Kilgore, J. C 208 Killion, Andrew 184 Killough, Thomas 110 Kimball. Frank H 222 Kimball. J. H 158 Kimball, S. P 128 Kimbrough, A. H 204 King, E. C 4 King, Edward H 216 King, John B. S 44 King, JuliaA 44 King, J. S 136 King. Oscar A 44 King, William 44 King, W. H. K 8 King, Wilbur L 190 297 PAGE Kinj?. William May 104 Kingsbury, George C 208 Kingsbury. John D 80 Kingsley. Virgil 96 Kingston. T. A 108 Kinkaid, A. M 136 Kinkead, A. G 1H6 Kinman, John S 172 Kinnear, A. H: 224 Kinnett, W. E 116 Kinney, C.P 214 Kinyon, Claudius B 182 Kioer, Charles M 44 Kippax, John R 44 Kirby, W. H 74,280 Kirchstein. Herman 44 Kirk. William T 132 Kirkham. G. T 8 Kirkpatrick, George 94 Kirkpatrick, R. B 94 Kirkpatrick, William 10 Kirsten. H. R 140 Kitchen, J. E 8(> Kitchen. J. L lo Kittell. George W 72 Kittoe. Edward D 108 Kittoe. E. R 108 Kitzmiller, Joseph H 18 Klapp, JohnR 170 Kleekner, David H 200 Kleist, Henry 44 Klinkhardt, E 198 Knaak, Theodore L 12'i Knapp. J.B 148 Knappenberger. H 148 Knight, Fremont C 44 Knight, Mary C 118 Knoebel. J. B 138 Knoll, Walter F 44 Knott. Christopher W 114 Knouff. E. W 104 Knowles, Gilbert L 12(i Knowles. J. 8 238 Knox, Charles R 44 Knox. J. Suydam 44 Knox, J. W 192 Koch, C. L 2 Koch, Edward P 202 Koch, James A 174 Koch.J.W 2 Koeberlin. Fred 98 Koen, J. T 16(i Kohl, Julius 196 Kollas, JohnH 198 Koons. C 106 Koontz. Walter C 128 Kopp, Edward R 44 Koppe. William 196 Kossakowski, M. P 44 Kratz, Edwin A 16 Kraus, B 233 Kreider. George N 186 Kreye, Paul 44 Krieder, H. W 148 Krieder, W. L 148 Kroeger, John A 192 Kroh. H. T 208 Krost, Joseph 44 Kruell, Frederick J 44 Kruse, Hero ..166 Krusemarck, (Jharles 44 Krusemarck, William 44 Kuehn. Otto 158 Kuenv. B. F. A 202 Kuh, Edwin J 44 Kulp. J. H 180 Ky«er. D.T i:i8 La Barrikre, Paul E 44 Lacey, James H 212 Lacey. Royal R 98 Lackersteen. Mark H 44 Lackey, James M 44 Page Lackey. J. S 154 Lackner, Erne«t 44 Laeuffert. W. H 2.38 Laflin. William A 116 La Hann. Henry 118 Lakay. Anton 44 Lake, John J 74 Lake.L. L 8 Lamb, C, L 226 Lamb, J. P 238 Lamb, L. Kossuth 18 Lambert. L. S 118 i Lambert. Samuel H 2o i Lamon. Charles E 206 Lampton, W. T 178 Landis. H. F 12 Landis, Edmund M 44 Landis, Nathan L 72 Langdon. Henry S 178 Landon, John P 164 Landon, W. M 4 Lance, S 148 Lane.D. F 84 Lane, J. H 134 Lane, Joseph S 44 Lane, L. B 114 Lane, Robert P 222 90 .LSO Lang. B. B Langhaus, E. D Langhead, J. T 104 i Lacing, Charles E 44 | Lark. Thomas P 178 | Lark. William W 158 Larkin, James J 62 Earned, E. A. H 238! Larrabee. James 104 La Rue, Henry Dallas 174 j Lasatter, John B 144 i Lasswell, Thomas R.. 184, 280 Latham, Chester H 222 ! Latham, Samuel C 214 Latsom, J 238 Laughlin, Charles 8 78 Law.R.1 96 Lawhead, W. E 156 Lawless, James 44 Lawrence, Daniel 214 Lawrence, J. H 188 Lawrence. M. H 214 Lawrence. Thomas 204 Laws, Leonard B 94 Lawson, Wesley 64 Lay. J. W 238 Layman, S. J 170 Leach, G.H 6 Lease, Richard W 172 Leavens, Dolenna C 128 Leavitt. C 204 Leavitt, Sheldon 44 LeCaron. H 218 Leckie. R. W ...238 Lecrone. John 80 Ledlie. J. H 172 LeDuc. E. H 76 Lee, Arthur M 104 Lee, Edward W 44 ;Lee, F. W 10 Lee, Joseph 210 Lee, J. H 186 Lee, L. M 170 Leech, Monroe S 44 Leeds, Harry M 208 Leeds, James 238 Leeds, L. L .132 Lefflngwell. A. W 238 Leforgee. W. L 170 Legg. Charles 180 Lehman. J 152 i,ehr. A.F 198 Leibrock, George 196 Leibrock, P. H 204 Leigh, Abraham 44 Leigh, J. T 168 PAGET Leinathy, B 148: Leiper, A. K 176 Leitch. Robert N 2ft Leitzell, C. P 20o Leitzeil, J. B .200 Leland. Kimball W .126 Lemen, E. C 140 Lemon. H.D 238^ Lemon, Robert B 214 Lence, W. C .204 Lengel.F. C 98 Leonard, H. O 120- Leonard, Raymond L 44 Leonard, W. Wykoff 66 Leroy, David 122 LeRoy, Elmore W 44 Leiioy, William G 7& Lescher, Lile J 208 Leseure. O 204 Leslie, Joseph 138 Lester, G. B lift Lester, T.R 214 Levi. John T 62 Levingston, William 200^ Lewis, Charles J 44 Lewis, Daniel... 224 Lewis, G.C 128 Lewis, George W 72 Lewis, Harlie V 126- Lewis, James C 68 Lewis, J. B 142. Lewis, J. S 126 Lewis, John S 108- Lewis, John 8 186 Lewis, Wallace F 44 Lewis, William H. D 64 Lewis, William R 46 Lichty, Daniel 222 Liebig, Edward 46 Liesch, Hubert ,...102 Liggett. Georges 106- Lightfoot. R. P 102 Likes, AlexanderH 17^^ Lilly, Isaac N 46 Lilly. Thomas A 46 Linck, C 23S Lindley, Austin M 16 Lindley,M Iff Lindley, Philo H 120 Lindsay. Elijah R 188,280 Lindsay, J. C 186 Lindsay, N.F 126 Lindsay, V.T 186 Lindsey, J. G 204 Line, Thomas H; 164 Lintoot, H. B 92 Linn, E. C 208 Linn, W. S 94 Lins, Julius L 233^ Listmayer, A. F 198 Littell, John.V 102 Little, A. C 238 Little, B. F 70 Little, F.H 182 Litton. CM 196 Livesay, T. N 142 Livingood, John R 206 Livingood. M. T 206 Livingston. G. P 156 Loar, James 152 Loar, Nelson 152 Lobaugh, J. J 168^ Lock, Franklin 12 Locke, S.H 72 Lockerby, W. H 92^ Lockman. W. H 10- Loda, Louis 72 Lodge, A. M 220 Lodor, Charles H 4& Loelkes. George 196- Logan, James B 20 Logan, James T 152: Logan, John A 8$ •29S PAGE Xogan, W. H I5S Xongacre, H. Y 114 Lonerjran, M. V 188 Xonergan, M. Van B 13S Lonergan, William D 46 Xong, iienjamin F 14t) liOng, Cliarles H I'M) Long, C. P 1G2 Long. Felix. • 214 Long. H. Horace Kxt Long, Jesse 192 Long, L. L 194 Long, Thomas 214 Loomis C. E 128 Looney, John T 110 Looney. W. A 110 Lord, F. H 11(5 Lord. John P 164 Loughbridge. S. 166 Love. Joseph G 110 Lovesee. E. R 222 Love well, Charles H 64 Low, A. (J 8i) Low, Edgar M 174 Low, JuliaRoss 46 Low, L. W. 8(1 Low, Smith D 202 Lowe. Robert J 70 Lowell, Inmon S 64 Lowell, L. D 150 JLownsdale, T. N 22 Lowery, John 22 Lowry, James L 220 Lowry, N. H 100 Lowry. R. F 100 Lucas, A. C 74 Lucas, D. R 23S Lucas, George W 10 Lucas, H. B 210 Lucas. S. W 162 Luce, A. H 238 Luce, Frank Henrv 46 Luekey, Charles M 164 Ludlam. E. M. P 46 Ludlam. Reuben 46 Luders. Hen ry A 234 Luken, M. H 66 Lull, Richard H 46 Lundgren, Andrew L 46 Lundgren. S ven A 46 Lundy. W. M 222 Luse, Frank V 64 Luster, George E 210 Luttrell, James H 238 Lycan, Riley 8 78 Lydston, G, Frank 46 Lyford, W. H 182 Lyford, William H 62 Lyman, Henry M 46 Lyman, M. J 64 Lynch. Patrick H. S 46 Lyon, C, M 94 Lyon, James Harvey 46 Lyons. Daniel 14 Lyons. Jennie M 64 Lyons. William Allen 126 Lytle, Francis W. 238 Lytle, James Reed 84 Lytle, J. P 98 ■-Ma CDONALD, James 46 Mace, A. W 178 Machesney, D. L ...100 Mack. John 72 Mack. John A 6{i Mackay, John H 12 Mackintosh, M. A 222 Macklin, George M 72 Maclay, A. 1 202 Maclay, C. B 202 Maclay, John. 202 PAGE Macpherson, Donald F 46 Madison, Frank M 46 Madison, George L 76 Madi.son. James 20 Magee, D. W 194 Magee, Henry 204 Mager. Carl F 122 Maher. Jeremiah 46 Mahon, W.'H ,,..24,142 Mahoney, L. H 14 Majeski, Wenzel 46 Major.F. W 124 Major, Labun S 46 Mallory, W. A 238 Malone,D. R 126 Maitbie, Ellen H 124 Mammen, Ernst 68 Manahan, James B ..238 Mandeville. J. D 16 Mangum, H. Y... 146 Mangum, JohnW 204 Manley, Paul G 208 Manley, W. C 162 Mann, Alban L 46 Mann. C. A 176 Mann. G. A 238 Mann, O. H 62 Mannheimer, Michael. . ,.. 46 Manniere, Charles E 280 Manning, Caroline E 46 Manning, Charles D 46 Manning, E 222 Mannon, John H." 98 Mansfield, W. A 144 Mantle, John R 126 Mapes, John W 78 Marchand, J. B 226 Marchand, Pierre 46 Marcotte, Fred. L 114 Marey,AnsonL 62 Marcy. Milton S 168 Marenberb, J 146 Marguerat, Eugene 46 Markland, W. P 88 Markle, J. N 130 Markley. A. J 8 Marks, David R 24 Marks, P. A 2 Marlette, C. E 28 Marley, JohnW 46 Mario w, Andrew 238 Marquis. James S 10 Marr, William L 46 Marsh. B. P 152 Marshall, A. T 162 Marshall, Charles F 238 Marshall, Charles P 142 Marshall, E. B 142 Marshall, E. L 156 Marshall, Frederick D 46 Marshall, G.W 4 Marshall, H.. 208 Marshall, Ira E 46 Marshall, Joseph 152 Marshall, J. E 142 Marshall, J. S 170 Marshall, John S 46 Marshall, Norman B 1S2 Marshall, N.R ....102 Marshall, N. S 178 Marshall, Reuben 16! Marshall, S.W 176 I Marshall, W.P 158 Marshall. W. S 142 Martini, C. W 78 Martin, D. D 118 Martin. E.B 144 Martin, E. C 2ii6 Martin, Franklin H 46 Martin. F. M ... 94 Martin, Jr., H. F 23S Martin, James A 68 Martin, J. C 140 PAGE Martin, J. M 148 Martin, J. Lester 12 Martin, L. B 166 Martin. Luther A 4 Martin, Marshall T 1.222 Martin. Owen P 110 Martin, S. H 162 Martin, Sidney C 202 Martin, Thomae 182 Martin, W. H 238 Martin. William 46 Martin. W. H 46 Martin, William H.. 140 Martin. William S 74 Martinek, William F 46 Mar&chek, Frank J 46 Mason, George W 152 Mason, John C 68 Mason, JohnW.... 136 Mason, L.H -.... 18 Mason. William C 10 Massey.C.V 154 Massie, William 238 Masters, George B 14 Mathes, S, M 18 Mathews, Charles S,. 14 Mathews, J. B 176 Mathews, J.N 80 Mathews. John C 184 Mathews, John D 116 Mathews, John T 178 Mathews, J. S 182 Mathews, Simon F 239 Mathieu, Levi 116 Mathis, Caleb E 46 Mathis. Elbert N 122 Mathison. Thomas 140 Matlock, L R 239 Matney, William D 8 Matter, Martin 46 Matteson, Joseph 46 Matthei, Alexander 46 Matthei, Philip H 46 Matthews, F.L 186 Matthews, John B 20 Matthews. J. P 134 Mattinly, Jenkins Maughs. G. M. B 22 Maull, W. C 4 Mauro, Andrea 46 MaxBv, William M. A 106 Maxfield. Carl M --....164 Maxon. J. S 226 Maxson, O. P 66 Maxson, 0. T 66 Maxwell, A.M. 126 Maxwell, A.T 180 Maxwell, J. H 104 Maxwell, W. C 188 Maxwell, W. J 16 May, Jacob... 66 May, SheffieR 170 Mayer. Edward 168 Maver, J. W. D 188 Mayhew J. R 160 Mayhew Reason A 214 Maynard. William J 46 Mayo. E.L 70 Meaeham, S. F 190 Meade, vV. B 239 Mears, J. W. N 10 Mease. D.C.L. 200 Meek. JohnW 48 Meeker, D. A 74 Meeker, Lysander 62,226 Meeker. N.J 18 Megrath. Henry « 68 Meisse, Leon .136 Meissler, Ernest G.H 48 Melgrani, F. A 198 Melms, Richard 48 Mellen, W. A 226 Mellinger, James H 48 299 PAGE JVIelton, L 182 Jlelton, N. W .212 Melugrin, Francis E 14 JMelville, Andrew 239 Mendel, Sarah A 48 Mendenhall. A. L.. 126, 144. 224 Mendenhall.M. C 20ti Mendenhall. P. W 206 Mentzel, August Carl 48 Mercer, F.D 12 Mercer, Frederick W 4s Mercer. William 10 Mercereau. Clarence W... 10 Merckle. Henry 48 Meredith, J. T 132 Mergler, Marie J 48 Merrick, G. C 116 -Merrick, Jerome C 48 Merrill, CM 12 jyierrill, Harry W 150 Merrill, Warren W 116 Merriman, Henry P 48 Merritt, N. P 212 Merrymari, T. J 16 Mershon, J F 166 MorshoD, Joseph 1 164 Meserve. tV. G 68 Meskiman. J. A 126 Metz. Ma:thew S Iii2 Meyer, Kalthazer J 48 -Meyer, Henry 48 Meyer, John 24 Meyer, Servetus 234 Michael, l/uther 16 -Michael. N 15S Michand, Ou;^ Iii2 Jilicheler, W. E. J 48 Midlesworth.l. li 239 Middlelon.B. \P... 142 Middleton, William D 226 Midleton.W. S 23S Miessler, C. F. 80 Milam, John W 126 JMilbacher. H 112 Mileham. Samuel 4 Millard, Samuel K 114 Millard. Z.R 94 Millen, William Francis... 10 Miller, A 136 Miller. Adam. 48 Miller, AdamE 92 Miller.A. J 78 Miller, A. M 132 Miller, Benjamin C 92 Miller, Benjamin G 122 Miller. C. A 2i'2 Miiller, Charles M -..16S Miller, Cyrus L 104 Miller, D 166 Miller, David 172 Miller, D. W 02 Miller, D. Warren 100 Miller, Ebenezer 140 Miller, Ellas 66 Miller, Frank C 239 Miller, Georere E lio Miller. Geor^^e H...: 108 JVtiller, George W 226 Miller, G. W 162 Miller, Gotlieb 122 Miller, James 92 Miller, James N 239 Miller, Jane H 180 Miller, J. Harts 118 Miller, JohnA 96 Miller, John H 194 Miller,JohnK 178 Miller, JohnR 96 Miller, Johns 166 Miller, Katharine 132 Miller, L. T .198 Miller, S. R 206 JMiller, Thomas N 222 PAGE Miller. Thomas O 190 Miller, Truman W..: 48 Miller, William M 84 Milligan, George W 84 Milling, John T 124 Million, Edward A 186 Million, J. L 186 Milliron, Joseph 214 Mills, Aaron 206 Mills, A. J 218 Mills. C.H 16 Mills, G.M 10 Mills, James 112 Mills, James P 48 Mills, John 78 Mills, JohnLee 66 Mills, J. M 239 Mills, William Francis.... 218 Millspaugh, JohnM 90 Milcior, Alfred 214 Milton, E.S 134 Minard, G. W 220 M inges, George .226 Minick, JohnM 214 Minick. William A 214 Minor. Edward G 122 Mintie, Robert L 48 Minton, Edward W 102 Mintiirn, John M 16 Misick, Charles L 70 Misi(?k. W. H .148 Missne)-, George 114 Mitchell, A 134 Mitchell, Clifford 48 Mitchell, Henry C 220 Mitchell, James A 4 Mitchell, John D. ;... 226 Mitchell. John H ...106 Mitchell, Joseph Sidney.. 4S Mitchell. J. W 136 Mitchell, Orlando 20 Mitchell. R. J 134 Mitchell, S. M 220 Mitchell, T.J 170 Mitchell, T. S 184 Mitchell. William 20s Mitter. Robert 48 Mix. Henry A 164 Mixer. Mary Augusta 48 Mizell, W. R 110 Mobley, A.T 146 Mockbee, G. M 140 Moeser, Philip .198 Moffitt, Elizabeth 168 Moffitt, James 170 Mohr. JohnG. 8 239 Molitor.E. 72 Molitor, Nicholas.... 239 Monast,P.L 116 Mondy, Martin 70 Monroe, P.H 96 Monroney, S. L 214 Montgomery, E. B.' 2 Montgomery, E. L 202 Montgomery, James 48 Montgomery, James 154 Montgomery. J. B 192 Montgomery, J. T 26 Montgomery, Liston H 48 Montgomery, M. B. V 106 Montgomery, W. T 48 Moody. A. L 66 Moon. O. W 92 Moore, Alexander B 146 Moore, A. Y 206 Moore. Daniel G 48 Moore, Dickey 239 Moore, D. N 24 fcMoore. D. O 152 Moore, Edward G 12 Moore, EllisC 48 Moore, E W 136 Moore, French 48 PAGE Moore, J. F ' 122 Moore, John G 94 Moore, Joseph C 239 Moore, L. iVL 239 Moore. O.T 198 Moore, William J 204 Moore, Willis F 48 Moran. Michael C 48 Mordoff. C. M... 72 Morehead, Thomas W 172 Morehouse. H. W .204 Morenzy. D. F 138 Morey. A. L 82 Morey, Andrew .C 48 Morey, L.L 82 Morgan, Elijah A 138 Morgan, G. W 186 Morgan, John 194 Morgan. J. W 182 Morgan, M 234 Morgan, VVilliam E 48 Morgan, \Villiam H 48 Morgiidge, George 182 Morrill, J. L 216 Morris, Alfred W... 64 Morris, D. G 150 Morris,Ewing V 160 Morris, Florance K 2lo Morrison, George H 66 Morrison, Guy 170 Morrison, James E 16 Morrow. Samuel 154 Morse, A. B 88 Morse. John C 2.39 Morse, J. N 72 Morse, L. F 26 Morse, N.B 194 Mortlock. Johns i:18 Morton, Samuel 144 Moseley, Allen K 78 Mosher, A 172 Mosher. Arthur H 182 Mosher. James H 216 Mosher, Madison E 146 Molt. J. W 48 Mott, W.G 96 Mountz, Albert G 190 Mourning. W. H 96 Mowry, Chri-topher D — 112 Moyer, Harold N 48 Moyer, Martin L 160 Moyer, Samuel R .200 Mozee, George 96 Mudd, Henry H 226 Mudd, W. A 154 Muelheimes, Robert... 196, 2.39 Muehlenpfdrdt. August . ..102 Muffas, Maximillian 66 Mulfinger. John L 48 Mulford, John Q 160 Mulkey, Philip D 110 Mullan, Eugene A 48 Miiller, Emil .239 Mulvane, G. J 78 Mulvane, J. K 78 Mundy, Samuel 212 Munger. Merritt J 66 Munn, Katharine D 48 Munroe, Thomas 190 Munseil, Anton S 48 Munzer. Isadore 48 Murdick, Jacob 2.39 Murdock.E. P 48 Murlln, W.W 142 Murphy, C. H 134 Murphy, H. A 126 Murphy, J. B 48 Murphy, John 166 Murphy, J. Redfleld 64 Murphy, J. W 172 Murphy, William T 112 Murray. John 92 Murray, John 164 300 PAGE PAGE PAGE Murray, John P ...184 McCurdy. Frances E .166 McLean. Chambers A.. ....136 Vlusselman. James T... ... 78 McCutcheon, J. T .156 McLean, C. T .... 74 Vlyers. James F ...72 McDamron. John .110 McLean, John .... 64 Myers, Joseph C ... 72 McDaniel. Lewis .. 6 McLean, John .... 72 Myers. J. T ...154 McDavid. John L .158 McLean, Morris G .... 48 Myers, J. W .,22rt McDavitt, James E . 2 McLean, 8. H ....158 Myers. N.D ...104 McDavitt. Virgil McLean, William T.. .. ....138 McDermith, S. T .192 McLennan. Alexander S.. 48 Mac Arthur, Robert D. . ... 46 McDevitt, William E . 2il McLeod.E. S ....234 MacOoy, James . . .224 McDill,David . 98 McLouth, Lyman W... McMahon,J. P. ....102 MacDonald. Peter S. ... ... 40 McDill.John B ..2S0 ....166 McAffee.E. M ...14 McDonald, James H .. 46 McMahon.R. W .... 2 McAtt'fte, VV. D ...222 McDonald, J. H ..140 McMann.W. W .... 92 McAfferty.E.. ...152 JVlcOonald.J. L ..102 Mc M asters. W. W ....120 McAlilly. Marquis L. ... ...i:-58 McDonald. M.M .22(1 McMenamy.J. W ....234 McAllister, H. ...182 McDonald, 0. P .226 McMennamy.B. F ....162 McAllister. John ...2H9 McDougall. Charles S. .. .,212 McMenomy, John ....178 McAllister. Lucius ...182 McDougle. James . 28 McMillan,D.I ....156 McAlpine, Lemuel ...112 McDowell, J. B .146 McMillan.P. H ....178 Mc Anally, Charles T.... ...172 McDowell, J. .126 McMurray,R. J ....208 McAnally. John 'ik Mc Arthur, Lewis L ...102 McDowell. W. A ..222 McMurtrv. William P. ....214 ... 46 McElroy, J. J .206 McNair.Robert ....114 Mc Arthur. 11. M ...122 McElrov, Patrick H. .... 48 McN air, Samuel ....114 McAuliff. Edwin L ...46 McElvain. Perry ..204 McNary.W. H .... 20 Mc Bride, Arthur E ...46 McElwain, Thomas McEwen. Thomas .188 .. 90 McNeal, Nathan H McNeilUJ. Edward. . .. ....239 McBride, T. H ...239 48 McBride, Samuel ...2S9 McPall, D. M . 26 McNeill, William .... 20 McCabe. Arthur A ... 10 McFall, James A . 26 McNown, Howard A... .... 22 MeCall.R.M ...110 McFarland,D. H ..152 Mc^own. William A. .. ....22 McOallister, Charles H. ... 46 McParland. P. M .142 Mc^utt,JamesH ....239 McCambridge, Patrick ... 24 McFarlane.'i'homas .120 McNutt,J. B ....194 McCance, J. B ... 16 McFatrick, James B .. 48 McNutt.Mary ....154 McCandless, W. L ...170 McGee, Albert C ..176 McPherson. Charles W ....216 McCann, W. G ... 20 McGee.J. Park .. 76 McPherson.M. C ... 164 McCarthy, Richard ...168 McGeehon, James K ..198 McPherson. Robert .... 14 McCarthy. William ... 46 McGaffigan, A. J. . 24 McRaven.P. H .... 6 -McCarty, J. M McCaw, HuffhE ...239 McGHUghey, J. A . 48 McShea, Royal ...-. 20 . . .182 McGillis. William C . 48 McSparin, James H — ....184 McChesney, Wiilard ... ...120 McGilton.E. L .208 McTaggert. Walter. . . . ....104 McClain, A. M ...214 McGinnis. John ..190 McVey.R.E ....160 McClain, J. H ...102 McGinnis.J. W .. 6(y McVickar, Brockholst. ...239 McClanahan, Henry M. ...100 McGinnis. Rollin J .. 98 McWhorter, Charles E. .... 82 McClanahan. James M. ...210 McGorray. Charles H .. 48 McWilliam, R ....226 McClanahan, W. S ...194 McGranahan. William H ,166 Mc Williams. Samuel A .... 48 McClane. Charles T. ... ...208 McGo wen. Thomas J . 68 McCleary. R. B ...208 McGuffln, William Rice.. . 48 McClelland, Milo A ...118 McHenry. George M ..214 Naftel, John F ....138 McClelland. R. E ...188 McHugh.U. C .152 Nance,Hiram .... 98 Mc(nelland, Robert A. . ...118 McJlrath, J. Thomas .. 90 Nance, C. H .-..172 McClelland, Silas E ...132 Mcllvaine, Thomas M — ..166 Nanney.W.N ....208 McClelland, William E. ... 74 Mcllwain. James ..210 Nash,Alfred ....218 MeClintock, William A. ...192 Mcintosh. Lyman D .. 48 Nash, William R ....206 McCloud, W. H. H ... 78 Mclntyre. A.J .. 86 Nason, William A ....150 McCluer. Benjamin. .... ...108 Mclntyre. Charles J .. 48 Nassau. W.W ....226 McCluhan. C. W ...210 Mclntyre. M. C .. 72 Nater,JohnH ....122 Mc('lung. S. H ... 8 McJobnston.W. E ..150 Naumann. Carl .... 76 McClure, Daniel P ... 16 McKain, E. E . 78 Neal.Daniel ....214 McClure, Finley ...150 McKay, N. B .164 Neal.J.W .... 26 McClure, S ...178 ...46 McKee, Henrv T ..176 ..182 Near, Jefferson S Nederhiser, John R LOO. 220 McClure, Vincent C McKee, Joseph .... 14 McComb. J. J ...144 McKenzie, J. F ..152 Neel,EloisG .... 94 Mc('Onne]l. Albert ...110 McKenzie, W. R ..176 Neer,DavidS ....212 McConnell. DelosW.... ... 6 McKinley, John K . 62 Neiberger.W.E ....152 McConnell. L. C ...154 McKenna, Michael J .. 48 Neill, William J .... 48 McCord.D. H ...239 ... 82 McKennan.Hugh McKinnie,Ebenezer L .. ..182 1.56 Neilfton. Neils J .... 50 McCord, John N Nellis, James M .... 86 McCord, J. S ...182 McKinnie, P. L .180 Nelson, Alexander P .. .... 98 McCord, T. Chester McCorkle, Thomas N... ...78 McKinney,A. R ..138 Nelson, Daniel T .... 48 ...190 McKinney, George W... ..172 Nelson, Sr., William D. .... 88 McCormick, Francis ... ... 46 McKinney,J. G .172 Nelson. W.D .... 88 McCorraick, U. A ...176 McKinney. J. F .. 74 Nesbitt. George W .... 70 McCormick, Henry W.. ...216 McKinney. J. W .. 76 Nettleton.A. G .... 68 Mc(3ornack. E. A ... 66 McKinney.T. C .102 Netzler, Fritz A. G.... .... 50 McCosh, John l(ii.239 McKinney. Thomas J .. 16 Neubert, Charles ....196 McCoy* Alexander ...202 McKinny.E. C .. 12 Newberry, E. F ....188 McCoy. Henry W ...174 McKittrick. Elizabeth.... .. 4S Newberry, George W . .... 88 McCoy, John ...152 McKnown.J. T .. 94 Newcomb. W. K .... 16 JVJoCray. H. B ...120 McKown.J. M .. 74 Newcomer. David ....164 JWcCray, William J ...124 VTcLane, Moses .. 92 Newcomer. J. W ....154 McCrory. M. R ...172 McLane.W.L. ..204 Newell. D ...239 Mc(vnllough. James — ...239 McLaren. William L ., 61 Newell, David ....214 McCullough. John R.... ...46 McLaren, W. R .. 86 Newell, JohnM ....198 McCurdy. Columbus ... ... 88 McLaughlin, A. W .. 62 Newell,O.W .... 50 301 PAGE Ne wkirk, Adamson.B 239 Newkirk.G 144 Newland. Theodore H 196 Newlon.B. F 239 Newhall, Edward G 108 Newmeyer. F. K 202 Newman, Frank H 50 Newman, Henrj' P 50 Newton, Frederick C 50 Newton,G. O 78 Newton, J. H 106 Newton, John 98 Newton.JohnT 24 Newton, John T 78 Newton. 0. W 78 Nlcholay,W. J 202 Nichols, AndrewB 196 Nichols, Emma M 50 Nichols, John C 98 Nichols, Stella B 180 Nichols, William T 50 Nicholson, Joseph T 20 Nickerson, L. H A 2 Niemiller, A. H 208 Niglas, JohnN ...166 Niles, John VV 50 , Nittermann. JohnS 70! Nitz, Charles F 50 Nixon, M. G 158 Nixon, S. E 226 Noakes, T. V 4 i Noble. CM 154! Noe. Oscar D 170 Nolan. Dennis W 50 Nolan, E. C 132 Norman. A. H 20 Norred. C. H 132 Norris, A.L 74 Norris, A. 8 74 Norris, J. H 146 Norris, N. H. 114 Norris, N.J 206 Norris, Nelson R 214 Norris, Oliver P 106 North. CharlesF 50 Northcott, Edwin M 188 Northhelfer. Julius 234 Norton, A.K 2.'2 Norton. Eben 13i» Norvell. Thomas B 166 Nouel. Augaste A 50 Nowlen, James A 216 Nowotny, John 1 6 Noyes, F. A 190 Nuckolls, George W 188 Nunn, William H 104 Nutt, F. L 148 Nye, Fred T 222 Oaks, J. F 92 Oakwood, Charles H 16 Oatman. C. R 140 Oatman, E. D 198 O'Brien, F.D 84 O'Brien. W. F 84 O'Clery, Michael T 50 O'Connor, J. C 190 O'Conner, JohnA 148 Odbert. F. N 206 Oder, Edwin E 222 Ogden, E. C 218 Ogden,E. J.... 50 Ogden, Henry 50 Ogden, M. B 218 Ogden. Milton D 50 Ogram. A. J 162 O'Hara. John 1«2 O'Harra, William G 96 O'Haver, John W 204 Ohlendorf, William C 50 Olds. Edward Franklin 50 Oleson. Charles W 76 Olin, Henry 50 PAGE Olin. H. W 50 Olive. William 138 Oliver. Emma L. K 64 Oliver. E. VV 6 Oliver. Nathaniel E .124 | Oliver. William H 681 Olmstead, E. D 94 O'Melveny, Curren B 196 | O'Neal. J. F 176 O'Reilly, Robert J 196 O'Reilly. Thomas 196 Organ. James T 94 Ormsby. JohnB 180 Ormsby. O.B 102 Orner. C. T 152 Orr. A.G 86 Orr, Jesse A 146 Orr, Oscar 96 Orr, Smith 126 Osborne. W. S 202 OsburnT. J.. 184 Oshurn. William G 184 O'Shea. David 50 Ostertag, A 176 Ostrander, Chauneey B...128 Otterman. J. L 12 Otto. Joseph 50 Otto. Joseph P 68 Otto, Julius 50 Overflew. Joseph W 14 Owen, C.S 50 Owen, George L "239 Owen, Grant R. 214 Owens, Allred E 12 Owens. D. W 10 Owens, John C 218 Owens, John E 5o Owsley, W. H 74 Oyler, P. H.... 132 Paaren, N. H . 50 Pace, J. T 144 Pace W.C 210 Page, James N 206 Page, Samuel K 16 Pague. (Jharles 50 Paine, Albert G 50 Painter. Dayton 50 Palm. Milton 130 Palmer, A.E 92 Palmer. Charles A 10 Palmer.E. L 178 Palmer, (ieorge O 180 Palmer. Henry P 62 Palmer.lraF l<»o Palmer, Isaac S 218 Palmer. James P 178 Palmer. Philip C ^2i Palmer, T.D 128 Pankhnrst. J 164 Paoli. Gerhard C 50 Paquin, E 50 Paradis. Abraham 50 Parcel. James H 22 Paris, William J. J -... 98 Park, Augustus V „.. 50 Park. Cephas 98 Park.E. C 22 Park, C. R 152 Park, George S. .180 Park, Lottie Crego 50 Park, Wesley 108 Park, William W 70 Parker, AnnaM. 50 Parker, Calvin E 16 Parker, Caroline L 112 Parker, Charles E 239 Carker, D. H 6 Parker, George G 6 Parker. H. J. 160 Parker, O. F 136 Parker, S 239 Parker. T. W 172 PAGE Parker, V. H 214 Parker. W. H... 184 Parkes. Charles T 50 Parkeson. J. D 68 Parkhurst. Emogene 50 Parkhurst. Fred J 154 Parkins, G. W 146 Parkinson. Edward A 50 Parmely. John W 174 Parmenter, J. A 212 Parsons, Harry 62 Parsons, J. C 239 Parsons, M. G 102 Parsons, William 50 Pasco, M. H 2:^4 Pasley, Julius .160 Patchen, George H 226 Patera, Frank Joseph 50 Patrick, Z. E 100 Patterson, A. A .....188 Patterson, Almon .224 Patterson, J. C 114 Patterson, R. J 114 Patterson, Sidney E .106 Patterson, Thomas C 208 Patterson, William T 114 Patton. Alfred 126 Patton, Austin 144 Patton, Ella M 222 Patton, Fred W 106 Patton, George W. 18 Patton, J. Mclntyre 50 Patton, Milton 4 Patton, T. B 6 Patton, W. R 26 Patzer, Johan 50 Paugh, JohnC 80 Paugh. P. G 80 Paug4i, William H 26 Paul, Edward W 146 Paul, James M 118 Paul, J. B 146 Paul, William H 204 Paul, W. R 182 Peak. Urrin 64 Peak. W.J 26 Pearce, Edward 22 Pearce, L. E 100 Pearman, J. T 16 Pearson, Charles J 50, 216 Pearson, J. J ..M» Pearson, Nils P 50 Pearson. P. A 22 Pease, Benjamin F 220 Pease. Francis W 6 Pease, Hiram L 68 Pease, L. T 170 Peavler. Henry J 106 Peavler. James W 106 Peck, E. A 110 Peck.E S 148 Peek, Millia A 1-18 Peck. VV. F 226 Pegram, S. M 192 Peiro, Fr'Hucis L 50 Pelbam. Annie N 182 Pelton. O. L 112 Pember. J. F 50 Pembroke. W. K 136 Pendleton, F. M 176 Penhoel, M 140 Penick. vl 172 Penwell. Enos 192 Pepoon. U. S 280 Perdue. L.C 162 Perkins. S. R 168 Perrine. John 164 Perry, Eugene B ... 84 Perry. George L 112 Perry, Joseph 220 Perry. L.M 132 Perry. T. B 132 Perry, W.H 220 Perryman. J. L .196 302 PAGE. Peters. Charles H 234 Peters. Ezra 2ii4 Peterson, A. W 1!H Petrie. J. S 6 Petrie , John W 160 Pettigrew, Samuel 90 Pettit. Jonathan (34 Pettyjohn. Elmore I li(i Peyton, Charles A 20 Peyton, Roberts .170 Phelan, J. Bruce 50 Phelps, Oscar VV 110 Phelps, William A 220 Phifer.JohnN 82 Philip. William H. M 220 Pliiliips.E. L 118 Phillips, F. A 152 Phillips, Henry A 50 Phillips. J 118 Phillips, J. G 172 Phillips, Martin 50 Phillips, Wesley 214 Phillips. W. H 142 Phillips, William S .144 Phinncy, M. C 239 Phinney, M. P 132 Pickering. J. H 190 Pickering, R. A 162 Pickett. A. G 26 Pickett, Emeline E .50,280 Pickett, William C 106 Pickthall. Arthur 24 Picquet, James 104 Pierce, A. M 194 Pierce, Cyrus 18 Pierce, William 174 Pierce, William P 204 Pierce. W. W 192 Pieronnet, Alfred 6 Piercy. A. Davenport 50 Piercy, Sherwood 106 Pilsbury. John M 50 Pingree. M. Gay lord 50 Pinkley, R. A 148 Pinson. A. J 78 Piper, C.E 180 Piper, Richard J 50 Piper, Richard U 50 Pitner. F. R 22 Pitner.T. J 160 Pitt, JosephR 239 Pitwood. L. N 100 Piatt, Amelia A 112 Plasch, ErnstH 12 Plecker. James H 50 Plimell, JohnT 80 Plowman. T. B 206 Plumb, Henry R 52 Plumer, T. R 168 Plummer, Hiram S 106 Plummer, S.C 182 Pogue, Joseph 138 Poindexter, E. P 8 Poindexter, John 226 Poindexter, Joseph S 16(i Poindexter. Randall 86 Poland. B. J .206 Polk, J. L 74 Pollock, John T .176 Pollock, Ostrander C 84 Pollock, R. R 172 Pollock, Stephen D 118 Pollock, William L 154 Pomeranc, Marx 52 Pomerance.Marx 150 Poole, Isaac 62 Poos, Roberto 210 Pope, Edwardira 68 Pope. HillB 86 Poppe, Otto B 52 Poppele. C. F 132 Porter, B. H 162 Porter, Dennis W 20 PAGE. Porter.lFred. D 52 Porter, James A 90 Porter. James H 106 Porter, J. W 74 Porter, J. W 202 Porter, Lewis A 94 Porter, Millett N 52 Porter, Mrs. M. W 180 Porter, P. B 200 Porter, Samuel S 106 Porter, William D 206 Porter, W. H 10 Porterfield, John D 6 Porterlield. Virgil R 6 Post, George H 206 Pottenger, Wilson 116 Potter, A. H 120 Potter, Elias S 239 Potter. J. H 74 Potter. Lorenzo T 52 Potter. M. F 72 Potter, S. T. W 194 Potter, U. T 239 Potts,F 144 Potts. JamesT 90 Powell. A. M 140 Powell, Edwin 52 Powell. Hiram C 280 I Powell, J. E 144 Powell. J. W 166 Powell, William 190 Powers. Homer 140 Powers. W,B.... 10 Praetorius. G. G 62 Pratt, Edwin H 52 Pratt, George W 188 Pratt, Jr., James A 118 Pratt, O.T 92 Pratt, Leonard 76 Prentice. Fred. W 16 Prentiss. M. M 239 Prentiss, Melvin M 190 Prescott, W 96 Preston, C. H 180 Preston, Samuel Hj. 78 Pre wett, Granville W 22 Prewett, R. C 20 Price, Cyrus A 52 Price, J.F 186 Price. Jonathan 220 Price, Oscar J 52 Price. W.B 190 Prichard, I. W 112 Priddy.T. B 174 Priestman, John 12 Priestman, John Jj 100 Primm. JohnN 132 Primm.T. W 132 Prince. A. E 160 Prince. Isaac 52 Prindle, Frances A 122 Printz, E. T 104 Pritchard, E. T 206 Pritehett. G. L 222 I Proctor, Edwin G 140 Propeck. J. W 52 Proudflt, S. M 239 Provine, E. M 184 Provins. Clark B 124 Puckett, Alva C... 214 Puckett, Pleasant J 2.39 Pugh, John W 24 PuUiam, W. T 74 Pulliam, W. W 134 Purcell, J. F 18 Purdum. E. F... 118 Purdy. Charles W 52 Purvines, A. T 239 Pusheck, Charles A 52 Putney. W. G -.126 Putt. William T 116 Pyatt. E. A 162 Pye, William^H 180 .PAGE. QuALEs, NiLES T 52: Quertermous. James 22 Quillin. J. N 96^ Quine, William E 52 Quinlan. Charles H 62 Quinn.S. W 239- Quirk. John L 239 Raab. Ernst Philip 138 Kabe. William L 130 Raede, W. W 90- Kafferty. T. N 68 Ragan. G. T 70' Ragland. C. J .239 Ragon.B 210- Ragsdale, John T 84 Rainey, George S 142 Rainey. J. K 142- Rakenius, Herman 52 Ramsay, A. C. Lamothe... 52 Ramsey, A. M 24 Ramsey.ElamS 24 Ramsey, George D 22 Ramsey, G. W 176: Ranck. A 212. Randall. Jacob 210 Randall, J. N ; 239- Randall. Robert A 8& Randall, William 210 Randell, George Henry ... 52 Randlesyn, J. B 88^^ Randolph. Robert 52 Raney, H. A 100- Rankin, A. C 64 Ransom. G. P.. 224 Ransom, Horace B 9S Ransom, James J 98 Ransom. Penn W 112 Ransom.W L 222 Rathbone. E. D 94 Rathbun, F. D 15ff Rathbun. J. B 15& Ratts. Rinehart 16 Rauch. John H 52 Rawlings, George B 184 Rawlings. James A 70 Rawlings. 8. 214 Ray, Charles R 172 Ray, James B T74 Ray. JohnB 178: Ray. Robert B 206 Rayhill, Charles G 196 Rayner, George C 218 Rea, Francis L 239' Rea, James A 88 Rea. Robert L 52 Reaburn. John J 9& Read, Edwin C 64 Read,N. S 14 Reader, Henry 12 Reading. Edgar 52 Reading. Edgar M 52 Reagin, Calaway Garner.. 8& Reagin, F. P 168 Ready. James 174 Reat. James L 74 Reber, C. T 192 Redding, Aaron J 116 Reder. Francis 198 Reder. Henry 172 Redlich. Henry 52 Redmon, Theodore B 204 Redwine. J. W 92 Reece. Madison 118 Reed, CharlesO 154 Reed, Henry 239 Reed. H.I 106 Reed. Royal 92 Reeder.I H 144 Reader, James W 126 303 PAGE Reedy, William H 15t Reefy, S. L 20 Reel. 8. A 26 Rees, AlonzoP 110 Reeves, A. J 70 Reid, C. P 114 Reid.C. W 212 Reid,E. W .140 Reid, Horace VV 212 Reid, J. A 180 Reid. J. G 136 Reilly. I'rank W 52 Reilly, John W 186 Reilly, Joseph 52 Reinhold, William 52 Reiter. John 182 Remage, George W 218 Rembe, 0. H. E. E 198 Remsburg, J. L 10 Renfro, Joseph W 168 Renois. W. H 196 Replogle.P.S 16 Reuhl, William .239 ReA^. CarletonH 90 Reynolds, A 172 Reynolds, Albert 216, 228 Reynolds. Arthur R 52 Reynolds, Belle 52 Reynolds. Ben. Philip 52 Reynolds. EmeryE. 4 Reynolds. George Warren 52 Reynolds. George William 52 Reynolds, Henry J 52 Reynolds, J. M 212 Reynolds, J. W 156 Reynolds, M. G 156 Reynolds. O. C 20 Reynolds, Oliver K 92 Reynolds, W. E 239 Reynolds, W. F 172 Rhea, Jr., Levi Jackson... 94 Rhoads, S. J 146 Rhoads, G. W 192 Rhodes, Edson 52 Rhodes, O. H 178 Rice. Cyrus 8 96 Rice, George 1 10 Rice, John H 1,^8 Rice, Mathew S 104 Rice, M. 8 112 Rice. Nathan E 52 Rice, Sylvester 8 80 Rich, Kendall E 144 Rich, Thomas J 204 Rich, W. L .220 Richards, Charles 218 Richards, N.B 140 Richards, William M 218 Richardson, A. N 12 Richardson. F. M 70 Richardson, John P 52 Richardson, J. Rayner 52 Richardsonf Samuel C 228 Richardson, William D. 84, 142 Richings, Charles Henry.. 239 Richings, Henry 222 Richmond, Alfred 138 Richmond, S, H 8 Ricker, S. J 112 Rickey, John C... 8 Riddle, H. R 190 Rider. J. H 6 Ridgeway, Emanuel 92 Ridgeway. E. W 178 Ridgway. William C 208 Rigg, Thomas J 208 Righter, Edmund B 52 Rigney. John B 76,162.280 Riley, Fletcher F 78 Biley. W. H 142 Rinedollar. Nelson 14 Ringland, George 78 Rinkel, E. H 134 PAGE Rinkel, Jacob P 13* Riopel, Solomon 168 RisdOQ, Carrie A 52 Ritchey, 0. R 94 Rittler, John F. W 2 Rivard. George J 20 Rivera. Thomas C 52 Robbins, H. C 164 Robbins, Joseph 2 Robbins, J. W 178 Robbins, M. M 112 Roberson, S. M 86 Roberts, E.H 170 Roberts, D. D 78 Roberts, E.B 212 Roberts, George M 70 Robertson, A. T 28 Robertson, A. 8 212 I Robertson, C. M 154 Robertson. W. 8 182 ! Robey.D.L 192 Ro bey, Franklin R 52 I Robinson, A. C 196 Robinson, E. H 126 Robinson, E. R 144 I Robinson, F. C 10 ; Robinson. Joseph W 100 ! Robinson, M. D 1X4 ! Robinson, M. M .214 i Robinson, R.E 218 ! Robinson, S. T 138 I Robinson, W. Clark 98 ' Robison, John A 52 I Rockey. Amos P 194 Rockwell, Charles V 18 Rockwell, H. 64 Rodgers, B. F 142 Rodgers.E 90 Rodgers. H.L 90 Roe, A. J..... 1.36 Roe. C. K 194 Roe, Emery W 130 Roe, F. M 76.2b9 Roe, Malcom C 164 Roe, Uriah C 128 Roesch. Frederick 52 Roeschlaub, M. J 2 Rogers, E. E 182 Rogers, Eustan 184 Rogers, Fred D 52 Rogers, Henry H 202 Rogers, J. B 18 Rogers, J. H 234 Rogers, L. D 52 Rogers, L.P 188 Rogers, 8: B 86 Rogers, T. M 212 Rohr. G. W 222 Rolens, M.F. 202 Roler, E. O. F 52 Rollins, JerrotL 90 RoUman, Otto G 234 Ronalds, Francis 214 Rood, JosephB 239 Roof, Thomas J 206 Rook, Charles W 2 Rooney, Abby L. F 2 Rooney, Michael 2 Root, J. W 146 Rose, Daniel D 52 Rose, H. A .206 Rose, James H 184 Rose,R.T 74 Rose. Wellington 10 Rose, William ..158 Rosecrance, James E 224 Rosenberry. Adolph B 52 JRoseberry, J. 8 156 Tlosenberger, P. A 154 Rosenburg. Jacob H 122 Rosenthal, Adolph 52 Rosenthal, David 52 Roskoten, Oliver J 166 PAGET Roskoten, Robert 16(f Ross, A. M .13^ Ross,B. F 202 Rofes. Bernard M 166 Ross, C. F... 130 Ross, Daniell 136- Ross, George W 12 Ross, John W 184 Ross, Joseph C 239 Ross, M. L 239- Ross, W. R m> Rosson, John B 104 Rostad, R. T 200 Rothstein, Hugo 15G Rotrauiel, Ehjah M 86 Rotramel, R. H 86- Rouleau, Zephirim 11& Routzahn, J 178 Rowan, Peter J 52; Rowe, Mark 78 Rowe. AVilliam C 52. Rowland. Elbert 178- Kowland. G. T 16,202 Roy, James L 239 Roy, WilliamC 5ii Royal, Berry A 176 Royce, W. T 120 Royer, Moses M 216- Rubach, Ferdinand 196 Rubottom, W. H 22- Ruby, Basil 70 Ruby, G. P 22 Ruby, W. 8 16a Ruden, C. F 220 Ruehl Louis A 52 Ruff, R. L 239- Rugg, Heman 239 Ruggles, Georgia Sackett. 52 Rukenbrod, William L.... 16. Runnels, J. F 68 Runyan.T. H 154 Runyon. Charles A 96- Ruple. W. C 98 Rupp, D.F 154 Rush, Charles 8 146 Rush, Edwin F 52 Russell, J.Edwin 62 Russell, Samuel 148 Rustemeyei', Peter 12 Rutter, Charles L 54 Rutherford, C 74 Rutherford. Clarendon 54 Rutherford, Hiram 26 Rutz, G 138 Ryan, James E 54 Ryan. Walter O 186 Ryburn. J.S 122 Ryerson, C. D 22 Sabin. D.E 102 Sabin, Henry M 222 Sabine, F. A 140 Sacconi, A. S 138 Sackrider, David L 14 Sage, J. B 68 Sager. Rockwood 222 Sageser, Joseph 8 54 Salander, D.F 18 Sale. JosophH lOO Sale, R. R 100 Salisbury, C. W 68 Salisbury, Jerome H 76 Salisbury, Samuel 8 18 Salisbury, William W 130 Saltenberger, John 196 Salter, 8. C 20O Salthouse. H. L 154 Sammis, W. M 128 Sammons. E. H 218 Sams, T. M 170 Sanborn. Joseph H 202 Sandberg, Carl F 54 Sanders, Charity A 122 304 PAGE Sanders, David R 2ii4 Sanders, Herbert B 54 Sanders, S. A 239 Sanders, S. F 148 Sanders, S.N 2^9 Sanders, William H 54 Sanford, G. H 154 Sappington, Milton 72 Sargent, A. M 132 Sargent, L 2ti Sargent, Miranda M 136 Sargent, S 132 Sattler, Philip 54 Saueerman, John W 200 Sauceiman. Martin 200 Saunders, James ?•; Saunders, Merritt L 14 Saunders, K. A 88 Saunders, Vida A 54 Saunderson, Jr., A. M 180 Saunier. Andrew J. C 120 Savage, F. A 16 Sawyer, A 158 Sawyer, Edward W 54 Sawyers, J. D 192 Sayler, A. J ....17o Saylor. Norman A 64 Saxe. M. H. S 142 Scaife, Henry W 54 SealHS, Y. D 90 Scanland.8. W 10 Scarborough, Joseph B. . .106 Searsdale, F. E 204 Schaefer, Frederick C 54 Schaefer. Hermann 80 Schaeffer, H 198 Schaller, George John — 54 Schaller. John 54 Scheel, A. M 196 Scheffner. Sebastian 82 Schenek, Jacob 208 Schenck, W. E ....202 Schenk, Myron P 88 Schenk, E. J 10 Scheppers. Desire Q 54 Scheuermann, Fred 54 Schick. William H 54 Schifferle, Edward 72 Schifferstein. Louis J 80 Sehirmer. Alfred 54 Schlangenhauf, George... 80 Schlernitzauer, A 196 Schleyer, Christian 54 Schloesser, Alfred G 54 Sharrar, John C Schloetzer, George 138 Schmall, Octavius B 116 Schmedes. H 200 Schmid, Alfred 114 Schmid, Werner 140 Schmidt, Albert H 2 Schmidt, Ernst 54 Schmidt, G 24 Schmidt. H. D 210 Schmidt, John 2 Schmidt, Otto L 54 Schmitt. Henry .196 Sehmitt, Joseph A 198 Schneider. Samuel N 54 Schoenneshoefer, H. L — 126 Schoop, F 218 Schoor, George Jacob — 130 Schott, Charles 140 Schottenfels, Emil 54 Schreibner. Smurr, T. A 122 Smyth, Alcinous 12 Smyth, P. A 152 Smythe, Frank 56 Smyzer. Jacob 198 Snelljng. J. R 239 Snider, George W 200 Snider. I. W 6 Snowden. J. F 26 Snyder, Asa 84 Snyder. J. B 164 Snyder. John F 164 Snyder, John W lOn Snyder. O. W. F 56 Boiiss, John P 18(1 Somers. George C 5? Songer, J. A 22 -20 PAGE. Soothill. JohnH 216 Soteriades. Nicholas 156 Southard, Robert W 120 Spaaf, A. V 239 Spain. J. W 178 Spalding, A. E 222 Spalding, Heman 56 Sparks, Addison J 68 Sparks. Peter B 136 Sparling. W. H 194 Spaulding. A .112 Spaulding, Leonard H 166 Spaulding. Thomas B,....138 S peaker, William T 164 Spear. J. W 146 Spear, L.E Spears, Abraham K 26 Speck, A. C 100 Speed, J. N 190 Speer, J. A 162 Spees.F.T 74 Spees, Samuel T 74 Spell. John 194 Spenee.JohnT 4 Spence, J. T 280 Spencer, H 218 Spencer, O. B 116 Spencer. T. R 202 Spens. Conrad 10 Sperry. Charles C 5*5 Sperry, Lyman B 56 Spiers, R, B 72 Spinkle, W. B 160 Spitler, Adam 96 Spitler. Daniel 102 Spore. Frank R 160 Spork, Emily ,56 Spragg. Sireno E 80 Sprague. George 56 Sprague, Horace T 56 Sprague, Loyal T 194 Sprague. Theophilus 12 Sprague, Jr.. Thos. Jeff... 76 Spray, John C '. 56 Kpriggs, A. R 212 Springer, H. W 12 Springer, James 214 Sprogle. Samuel H 14 Squire, Cyrus .240 Stafv. V7. T 86 Stafford, O. B 156 Stahl, E. F 202 Stahl.EdwardL 5<) Stall. Robert J 176 Stammer, Peter 140 Standley, J.W 210 Stanley, Charles W 56 Stanley, Frank A 56 Stansbury, Harriet E 56 Staples. George M 228 Statdes, M. W 20 Starkel. (Charles H 196 Starkey, Horace M 56 Starkey. J.J _,.240 Starkweather, Ralph E.... 56 Starrett, Carleton E 56 St. Clair, William 82 Stearns, O. E 200 Stearns, Samuel S 116 Stebalts, Frank W 56 Stebbing. Preston 100 Stedman. W. E 80 Steele, Andrew T 26 Steele. Daniel A. K 56 Steele. G.R 206 Steele. H 166 Steele. James M 80 Steel. Nathaniel 68 Steele, Robert 178 Steele, William D 208 Steger, R. W 56 PAGE Stehman. Henry B 56 Stein, John Henry 10 Steiner, John 196 Steinhaus, Henry 56 Steinhaus, Mary 56 Steinmann. Gottfried 140 Steinrauf, William 158 Stephens. John M 220 Stephens. W. H 182 Sterl, Alexander 56 Stetler, T. H 128 Stetson, James B 12 Steuernagel, George 56 Stevens. Abednego 26 Stevens, B. F 140 Stevens, Daniel 130 Stevens, H :..240 Stevens. Harbin Z 9r> Stevens, James F 72 Stevens, Stephen 104 Stevens, U. G 240 Stevenson, Sarah H.. 56 Stevenson. W. W 6 Steward. Oscar S.. 72 Steward, Samuel 130 Stewart, Charles A 56 Stewart. C. W 210 Stewart, D.T 78 Stewart, E. L 214 Stewart, F. A 122 Stewart, Henry C 240 Stewart, J 180 Stewart. J.H. .192 Stewart, J. T 168 Stiles. F.P 70 Stiles, Martin 130 Stiles, vv.H 152 Stillians. Daniel C... 56 Stilson.E. H 118 Stilwell. E. O 192 Stinson, 0. E 92 Stipp, H. P... 86 Stipp, James H 176 Stites. J. J 130 Stitt, James S 56 Stiver, W. B 200 St. John.B. F 184 St. John. Ijeonard. 56 St. John, William H 240 Stocker, Samuel M 160 Stockham. Alice B 56 Stocking. L. E 2(»2 Stockton. Frank O 56 Stoddard, H. F 82 Stoddard, Luke F 82 Stokes, A. W 214 Stolces, CampbellA 20 Stokes, J. G 214 Stokes, John M 214 Stokes. Sidney A 56 Stokes. William F ..214 Stolp, Byron C 68 Stone. Charles A 112 Stone, E.D 240 Stone, Jesse P 174 Stone, Robert Stephen. ...240 Stone, Waldo H 12 Stone. W.F 176 Stone, Willis C 56 Stone, William G .112 Stone, W.O 228 Stonemetz. Jacob 106 Stoner, A. J 136 Stookey, L. P 196 Storck. Charles 56 Stoskopf. L 200 Stout, AlexanderM 56 Stout, J.M 92 Stout, John.... 168 Stout, Joseph 122 306 PAGE. Stout.J.W 142 JStow. Daniel I S Stowe. L. 8 190 Btowell, JamHs H 5G iStrahan, Delilah 208 Straight. George M 192 Strain. H. S 158 Strangland. E. C 2(t0 Stratton. JohnA 20 Strauss, Louis M 280 Strauss, Talbot B 84 Strausser. Simeon «6 Strayer, Samuel S 76 Strecker,(J. P 196 Streeter, John W 56 Streliz, Theodore 0. E .... 56 Stretch, E. M 154 Strickler, Clarence A. 28 Striclcler, David A 216 Stricklett, JohnG 20 Striegniiz, ErnstB 116 Stringtleld. Frank M 56 Stringflold. T.J 192 Stringer. Charlotte F 112 Stringer. H.M 84 Strode. VViliiamS 88 Stroinski. Oswald 56 Strong, Albert B 5!) Strong, H, 1j 140 Strong, J. E 6 Strong. OziasG 86 Strong, Samuel E 178 Struble,John 56 Stuart, C. G 156 Stuart, P 182 Stuart, B. L 228 Stubbs. James E 56 Stucker, John 3 210 Studer, Joseph 108 Stuever, F. G 154 Sturges, Daniel B.. 6 Sturtevant. M. C 92 Sturzman, Thomas B 284 Stuve, Wilson 18ti Suggett, James M 22 Suggett. William L 22 Sullivan, Daniel H 56 Sullivan, James C 6 Sumrall, George 108 Sutherland. Alexander R.. 92 Sutherland. C. M 64 Sutherland, William P.... 220 Sutton. James B 8C Sutton, Robert 94 Swam, J. N ..2J(> Swain. Patrick H 208 Swan. Walter S 184 Swan, Charles P 62 Swarizdl, Joseph A 126 Sweeney, John. 240 Sweetland, Warren M 120 Swera. J. A. 100 Swindall. David D 88 Swisher, Edwins 86 Swisher, Milton B 84 Swope. JosephM 14 Sykes. James 4 Sylvester, W. T 74 Synon, George C 56 Synon, William A 56 Tabek, Benjamin C 176 Tabor. Pred. S 56 Taft, H.W 196 Tagert, Adelbert H 56 Tagert, Alonzo D 56 Taggart. Charles F 101 Tait. W. A 120 Tait, William P 118 Talbot, Charles W... W) Talbot. Eugene S 68 Talcott. Edwin J 218 Talcott, Joseph B 58 Taliaferro, D. M 210 PAGE. Taliaferro, Frank 58 Tallerday, George C 8 Tallm!ln. Elihu D 68 Tandy, T. S 172 Tanquary, James H 101 Tapper, John George 112 Tascher, John 58 Taylor. A. D ...188 Taylor, Albert M IHO Taylor, Benjamin 88 Taylor, B. U 240 Taylor. Charles B 182 Taylor, Charles 8 58 Taylor, Cora E 28ti Taylor, David B 120 Taylor. David O 14 Taylor, D. P • IdO Taylor, E. K. McA 74 Taylor, Felix A 146 Taylor. George O 58 Taylor. George W 10 Taylor. H. 8 174 Taylor, I. H 190 Taylor, J. A. 154 Taylor. James B 152 Taylor, James L 190 Taylor, J. G 182 Taylor. J. M 146 Taylor, John J 122 Taylor, L. C 234 Taylor, Levi 86 Taylor, O. F 176 Taylor. Olive M. P 5S Taylor. Reynolds C 214 Taylor. Richard 174 Taylor, Robert 86 Taylor. Samuel 216 Taylor, Theodore T 5S Taylor, Thomas M 280 Taylor, W.E 210 Taylor. W. ti 74 Taylor, William H 58 Taxis, John B 92 Teague, Edward 240 Teague. Thomas J 196 Teare, John 5H Tebbetts. H. W 222 Tebbetts. James H 58 Tebo, George H 8 Tefft, Joseph.. 112 Teegarden, M, R 228 Temple, James W 1*8 Temple. Thomas 210 Ten Brook. John 78 Ten Brook, W. H 78 Terry. John 8 90 Tesmer. H 141 Tetrick. Amos 170 Thatcher. Chester 1 58 Tharp. W. 8 212 Thatcher. Ralph P 188 Thayer. Carmi C 68 Thayer. Charles E 58 Theobald, George H 58 Thilo, George C 58 Thole, H. G 13ii Thomas. A. L 58 Thomas, D. E 141 Thomas, Edward 72 Thomas, Homer M 58 Thomas. J. A 172 Thomas, J. F 16s 'I'homa^, John L 202 Thomas, J. 8 172 Thomas, Marvel 184 Thomas, O. F 168 Thomas, Sidney S 116 Thomas. W.D 81 Thome, Arthur G 58 Thometz. John J. 58 Thomllnson, Thomas E. . .104 Thompson, A. H 10 Thompson, P. B 80 Thompson, George A...58,2a0 PAGE. Thompson, George W 210 Thompson, J. A lo 'J'hompson, J. B 174 Thompson, J. H !(► Thompson, J. T 118 Thompson. James W 240 Thompson, Jerome 178^ Thompson. John 8 68 Thompson, L. G 144 Thompson, Mary H 58 Thompson. Merritt W 58 Thompson, Perry C 160 Thompson, 8 148 Thompson, 8. C 200 Thompson, Thomas W 24 Thompson, W. A 178 Thompson, William llo Thompson, William 170 Thornberg, P. F 22 Thorndyke, Charles H 228 Thornton, (J. M 86 Thorp, L. E 240 Thrailkill, John 8 140 Thrift, Hamilton 2lG Thuemmler, Alexander... 68 Thurber. William P 58 Thurman, William J 192 Thurston, E. H 58 Thy fault, J. M .....240 Tibbetts, Lemuel 2J2 Tibbetts, M. D 8 Tiee. FredL. C l(ig Ticken, JohnD 4 Tidbrill, Jasper 108 Tidball. LeanderL 170 Tidwell. John F 220 Tiedemann, E. F 198 Tilden, John H .158 Tilley, Rob»^rt 58 Tillotson.G.K 8 Tiilotson, H. John 68 Timken, J. H 168 Tinsley, J. M 76 Tinsley, T. J 26 Titsworth, Alvadus 86 Titts worth, William' O ....240 Tobey.R 186 Tobias, John M 22 Todd, J ames F 280 Todd, John P 58 Todd, Lavinia. 164 Toel, George L 168 Toler, B. C 86 Toler. W. T 240 Tombaugh, Leon H 120 Tomboeken, Henry 58 Toralin. Benjamin P 228 Tomlinson, Albert B... 202, 280 Tomlinson. William M 58 Tomson. J. J 180 Tongue. Prances J 58 Toney. E.P 24 Toney, Luther Clark 24 Tons, Edward L 58 Tooker. Robert N 58 Toorey. W. A 228 Tope. J. W 64 Torrence. W. P 2 Torrey. Turner 74 Tovey, P. E 156 Towl. Edgar 164 Townsend, Justus 1S8 Trabue, Albert L 170 Trapp, A. H 188 Travers. E. R. 128 Treadwell. WilliamE U4 Treat, (diaries R 228 Treat. H.J 22S Treat, Robert B 58 Trego, Albert 156 Trego. J. D 208 Tresler. J. E 4 Tribbey.P. L 224 Triblehorn.B 240 3a7 PAGE page PAGE Trimble. David B .... 62 Van Voorhis. John P.. ....72 Walker. W.W 146 Trimble, Edward G. R. ... 5S Van Zandt, G .... 58 Wail. Armistead 98 Trine. JohnG ... 58 Varges. Louis .... 58 Wall. George T. .....170 Triplett, Charles E.... ...102 Vaudre, Charles A .... 82 Wallace. James H ....210 Tripleti. Thomas M..., ...112 Vaugh, E. Jacob ....240 Wallace, J. M 156 Tripple. Fritz ...234 Vaughan, Robert F ... 180 Wallace. W.H 186 Trott. J. R ..'.188 ...220 Vaughan. J. H Vaught, H.Martin ...224 ....128 Waller. Fayette K 208 Trott. 8. E Walshe. James 74 Trotter. William C ... 4 Veatch, William H .... 96 Walston, R. L... 136 Trout, W. A ...m Veenboer, M"lle ... 228 Walters. H.J 80 Troutman, John ...220 Veitch, James B ....240 Walters. James P 212 Troutt. J. J ...210 Veness, J. G ....224 Waltman. William.... .... 16 Trowbridge, F. L ... 58 Venn. Charles H .... 58 Walton. Browning ....240 Troyer, Mary E ... 74 Venne, Henry ....58 Walton, George 20 Troyer, Yosts ...124 Verity, W. P .... 60 Walton, Jane E 60 Trubiood. G. B ...160 Vermillion. William H .... 20 Walton. Joseph C 6 True, Charles ...130 Vermilye. Valentine... .... 70 Walton. Milton W .... 60 Truesdale. C ...182 ...120 Vernor. Richard E. 212 Walton, Peter Waples.MarshallH... 212 Truitt, Edward E Vertrees. CM ....162 228 Tucker. Dexter M ...58 Vetter. Julius G ...-196 Ward. F. M 170 Tuoker, Frank W .... 58 Vick. John W ....220 Ward, Jonas L 240 Tucker, George E ...144 Vilas. Charles H .... 60 Ward, Josiah 122 Tucker, George W .... 58 Vincent. A. W ....228 Ward, 8. R 150 Tucker. Henry S ... 58 Vincent. George ....184 Warden, CD... 192 Tucker, JamesI ... 58 ... 16 Vincent, John A ....188 Wardner, Horace Wardner, Morton 8 . . . ....202 Tuflford, Charles D .... Vincent, Levi ....154 ....176 Turner.D.M ...202 Vincent. Mary L .... 60 Ware, Lyman 60 Turner, William D ... 90 ... 84 Vincent. Wesley. 60 Warford, John D Warford, William N.. 98 Turney, Solomon R Vint, William D .... 76 98 Tuthill. John A ...152 Vinyard. John .... 98 Warner, Abraham L.. .... 60 Tuthill. Jerome J ... 58 Vitzthum. C ....180 Warner, Charles A — 96 Tuttle. Clarence M ...58 Vivion. John B ....118 Warner, M. E 208 Tweddale. James ...224 Vixtrum. John A ....120 Warnock. Thomas M. 110 Tweedy. Wakefield.... ... 80 Vogel, John A ....196 Warren, W ....168 Twining. S.Douglas... ... 58 Vogt. A. William .... 8 Warren, J. A 8 Tyler. Edward K ...184 Voight.L. G ....200 Warren. W. P ....108 Tyler, John H ... 74 Volkers. Lewis .... 22 Was. J. W .... 68 Tyrrell, Pierce ...112 Vonfo'^'^fin T 212 Washburn L C 108 Voorhees, I. M ....112 WashburniT.D 158 Uhline, Stephen P... ...222 Vosburgh.D.M ....124 Wassail, Joseph W... 60 Ulrich, Julius ... 58 ... 58 Vowles. D. W Vredenburgh. 8. H .... 4 ....208 Wasson, John A. . . . ... 174 Ulrich. RaimondC... Waters, J. E 92 Unangst. W. B ...170 Waters, J. W 152 Underbill. William H.. ...124 Wackeel.e. Charles J ...148 Waters, Zera... 152 Unland, W. G ... 14 Wackerle. William J... ....160 Walkins, Henry T 78 Uran.B. F ....116 Waddle.M ... 216 Watson, A D ....220 Utiey, Henry ...216 Wade, B. A ....148 Watson, George ....190 Utley, Joseph H ....188 Wade, Frank 8 .... 60 Watson, JamesH ....106 Wade. H.C .-..218 Watson. Johns .... 60 Vaeth. Charles F ....188 Wade. Newton M ...,148 Watson, Lewis H 60 Vaile. DeWittC ....164 Wade. William D .... 94 Watson. R.H 116 Valentine. W. D ... 14 Wadhams. Fred. C .... 64 Watson, Samuel J .... 60 Valin, Honore D ... 58 Wadsworth. Frank L.. .... 60 Watson. S.M 108 Valpey, John W ... 58 Wadsworth, J. L. R.-.. ....140 Watson. T.M ...172 Van Brunt, E. M ...212 Waggoner. George J.. ....122 Watson. Walter ....106 Van Buren, Henry ... 58 Wairner, .Jacob A .... 2 Watson. William H... 84 VanBuren. L. M ...222 Wagner, John M .... 74 Watson, William R... .... 88 Vancamp, William N.. ...208 Wagner, JohnT ...116 Watt, Benjamin Nicholas.202 Vance, George E ...126 Wagner, Michael -...196 Watt. Charles W 62 Vance. N. Noble , ...170 Wait. Walter J 174,280 Watts, B. P ....190 Vance. William .' ...178 Waite.D.V ....224 Watts, R.I ... 198 Van Congdon. M Vanderhoof. Henry W ...180 ... 58 Waite Lucy C 64 Watts, Richard Ira... Watts. William P 240 waite, John m::;:::.':: ....174 .... 24 Vandervoort. F. C ...124 Wakeraan, John A ....142 Waugh. Thomas .... 60 Vandervoort, Ira A ...124 Wakefield, A. T ....228 Waugh. William W... 196 Vandervoort, JohnH.. ...240 Wakefield. Lucius L... .... 88 Waxham, Frank E — 60 Van Deventer. A. E ...116 Wakefield, Philetus.... .... 74 Wayland, J. P ....164 Vandolah, B. F ...100 Walbridge. Luther P.. ...108 Weagley. S. G ....162 VanDoozer, B. R. L... ... 58 Waldron.G.F ....136 Weaver, A. 8 ....228 Van Doren. C. L ... 18 Wal^^s. Henry W .... 14 Weaver, William H... .... 60 VanDoren, S. H ... 18 Wales. Royal P.! .... 14 Webb. D. D 281 Van Duzer. Arthur J ... 76 ...192 Walker, Granville M... Walker. James .... 20 ....174 Webb. Franf'is R .... 60 Van Dyke. E '. Webb. Lewis M .... 86 Van Dyke. J ... 28 Walker. James A ....146 Webb. William J 60 Van Horn. A. K ...2(10 Walker. James B ....240 Weber. Frederick G... .... 60 Van Home, A. K ...108 Walker. James P ....146 Webster. Byron E .... 86 Van Home, George W. ...116 Walker. Joel J ....110 Webster. Charles E... .... 60 Van Fatten. Andrew .. ... 14 ^Walker. John S rWalker. John Warren.. ...216 Webster, D. P .... 92 Van Patten. Louis ...114 ....281 Webster, Edward G.. ....240 Van Reed. D. R ...192 ... 82 Walker, Joseph B .... 80 Webster, Edward H.. Webster, Edward H.. . .... 62 VanSandt. H. G Walker, L.F; ....110 ....240 Van Valkenburgh, F. P Van Valzah, S. B ...58 Walker, Sidney .... 60 Webster, Edward P.. . ....150 ...224 Walker, Theodore E. .. .... 16 Webster, George W. . . .... 60 308 PAGE Webster, J. G 92 Webster. John C 60 Webster. John R 210 Wedge. D.O 8S Weede, N. R 210 Weeks. Jerome F 60 Weems, Elwood 16 Wegner. Elias ,.100 Wegner. Otto .'.. 60 Wehr. S. F 210 Weidman, P. S 142 Weidaer, Morris R 68 Weilhart. Catherine E.... 60 Weir, Andrew N 228 Weir.E. H 138 Weir. E. W 212 Weir, James W 176 Weir, Samuel D 228 Weirich, Augustus 108 Weirieh. Christian 70 Weirick. C. A 124 Weis, E. W 122 Weis, Ezra 168 Weis, J. W 26 Weissinger. W. Gr 142 Welborn. E. E 212 Welch, Charles 82 Welch,E 240 Welch. Frank J 152 Welch. James K 88 Wel<3h. John Milton 78 Welch, William W 118 Weld. Frederick J 72 Weld. N. A 112 Weller. F. Montrose 60 Wells, A. P 216 Wells, Catherine J 60 Wells, Emma F 222 Wells. George 9S Wells. George R 122 Wells. William H 60 Welsh, William F 128 Welsh. William J 68 Wendlandt. Gustav 212 Werner, F. W 218 Werner, John 228 Wernham, S. C 150 Wescott. Austin B 60 Wessel. Henry 182 Wessel. P. H... 180 West,EugeneG 80 West, Samuel. 98 West, Washington 196 Westbrook. C. B 94 Westbrook, C. M 184 Westerberg, Frederick 180 Westerburg. Richard 60 Westerfleld, William C... 60 Westervelt, J. C 19i Westfall. A. M 148 Westfail. E. K ', 148 Weston. Edward B 120 Wetmore, A 156 Wetmore. J. D 72 Wetmore, Samuel W 60 Weyl, H.J 136 Whaling. Julia Cone 60 Wharff. rf.T 140,281 Wheat. C. G 28 Wheat. J. 240 Wheat. Zachariah D 28 Wheeler, C;harles M 216 Wheeler. Elliott H 104 Wheeler. E. N 132 Wheeler. Frank. 60 Wheeler. Herbert 116 Wheeler. H. G 188 Wheeler, James G 94 Wheeler, James H 210 Wheeler. J. D 136 Wheeler, Matthew 8 18S Wheeler, W. D 188 Wheeler, William A 60 PAGE Whiddon, Philon C 60 Whipple, A. A 2 Whitacre, George B 82 Whitacre, Hiram N 110 Whitaker, Joseph 19« Whitcomb, S. C 118 White. Abner 148 White, Alvin 72 White, Asa P 204 White. Charles 60 White, Charles F 212 White. David A. 154 White, George H 60 White. Harvey A loo White. H. F 106 White, J. Edgar 60 White, J. F 210 White, J. L 152 White, Joseph R 80 White. Lizzie 8 White, Mary A 60 White, Nathan S 220 White, Sarah J 60 White, Solon C. 72 White, William G 204 White, William L 96 Whitford, Daniel H 281 Whitford. H. E 112 Whitford, H. K 114 Whitford, Susan K 114 Whiting, C. M 240 Whiting, Marcus 168 Whiting, Thomas H 60 Whitley, J. D 454 Whitley, Langley 188 Whitlock. G. E 4 Whitman. F. S 8 Whitmire. J. S 224 Whitmire, J. W 224 Whitmire, Z. H 224 Whitnel, Josiah llO Whitnell, Charles N 240 Whitney. Eugen<^ W. .». 60 Whitney, Franklin H 281 Whitecraft. John E 18 Whitten, P. M 114 Whitten. Thomas J 158 Whray, Thomas R 4 Wickersham, J. W 190 Wickersham, Swayne 60 Wichraan. Alex 240 Wierick. William H 202 W esika, Paul 62 Wiggins, J. L 198 Wilbur. Charles August... 60 Wilcox, ('harles A 128 Wilcox, E. A ..224 Wilcox, E.T 76 Wilcox. G.G... ...124 Wilcox. Mrs. H. Tyler. 228 Wilcox. J. L 188 Wilcox. John M 72 Wilcox, L. S 16 Wilcox. S. S 26 Wilcox, W. TjeRoy,. 60 Wilcox, W. O.... 198 Wilcoxson, Hardin 188 Wild, Theo5 Aherns, Louisa 261 Ahnrns, Mary E 274 Albers, Maria C 255 Albrecht. A.nna C .261 Aldrich, Emilia... 254 Alex, Theresa 255 Ailieit. Catherine 265 Allen. Amanda .2")5 AltholT.Marla A 26H Altner, Augu.'^ta 263 Anderson. Annie 255 Anderson, Cl;ira A 266 Anderson. Elizabeth K — 261 Anderson, El len 255 Anderson, Karen M .255 Andressen, Mary. 255 Andrzej^^wka. Emma. 255 Appelr, Johanna C 255 Ai-ms. Lucinda E 264 Arnhart. MaryC 273 Arnold. Elizabeth 271 Avery, Elizabeth 264 Baade, Johanna 255 Baker, Caroline 272 Baker. Gei trude 261 Baker.Mary J 272 Baker, 8arah A 267 Balder, Johanna 255 Bandy, Martha A 269 Banks, Sarah L 271 Bartholme, Maria A 275 Bauer, Johanna W 270 Baughman. Elizabeth 251 Bealin, Anne Theresa 255 Baason. Kebecea 255 Beaton, Elizabeth 256 Becher. Elizabeth 256 Beck, Ehzabeth 270 Bee ker. M argaretha 269 Becker, Rosina 272 Beeli, Caroline 268 Beer, Magdalena 275 Behm, Margaretha 261 Behrens, Maria 262 Beisweigert. Paulina 273 Bell. Anna E 256 Bellert. Theresa 262 Bennecke. Johanna 256 Bennett, Charlotte .271 Beresin, Clara 256 Betz. Mary L 256 Biodermann, Augusta 256 Bilbruck. Charlotte. 267 Billing, Mary S 256 Bishop. Martha A 254 Biacicman. Louisa 254 Blaeuer. Elise 267 Blanke, Henriette 26S Blase. Louisa 274 Block, Katrina 2^ Bluhm, Wilhelmina 256 BInm, Henrietta 270 Boehme, Johanna 220 Boon, Margaret 274 PAGE Boorman, Margaret 262 Borggaard, AnnaM 256 Borrelle. Anna R 256 Boss, M ary 262 Bowes, Wilhelmina 2 .6 Boyd, D.D 264 Boyd, Keranhappuek A... 268 Boyd. Sarah A 274 Bradford, Permilia A 266 Brayford, Mary A 267 Brenner, Eva .272 Brill, Sarah R 266 Brock. Sarah 264 Bron, Cecile .272 Brown, Catherine 264 Bruhn, Maria 256 Brumer, Elizabeth 264 Brumer. Elizabeth 264 Brunker. Charlotte 272 Brzuszezika, Anna 256 Bucnner, Minnie E 256 Buegel. Caroline 256 Buehler, Catherine 272 Bunting, Eliza 263 Burckhardt, Helen 256 Burk, Katharina 267 Barns, Magaretha 274 Busehmann, Susanna 256 Busse, Caroline 256 Byrne, Temperance 271 Cade, Elizabeth A 254 Cadieaux, Caroline .256 Oarlin, Augusta C 275 Carlson. Selma M 262 Carter, Elizabeth 269 Caster. Nelly 268 Cederborg, Sophia 256 Chamness, Nancy 275 Champion, Mary 269 Chism, Polly 253 Christofferson, Johanna.. 256 Clausen, Anna 262 (Mark, Emily 255 Clark. Rachel 275 (3lou, Mary 263 Coil, SusanV 274 Cole, Susan .263 Coleman, Elizabeth 265 Collins, LydiaM 26fi Conrad, Mina .268 Cook Amelia 254 Copple, Martha A 268 Cordell, E.izabeth 256 Cowell. Ann 272 Cox, Ann 275 Cox. Sarah G. C 274 Cripe, Susanna 270 Cross, Fran cis M 263 Cushman. Hannah 272 D AHL, Johannah 273 Dahl, Minna 256 Dal V, Elizabeth R 26i^ Daly. Margaret T 272 Daniels, Sarah A 256 Dankert. Catherine 256 Daum. Eliza 256 PAGE! Davis, Mary 1.-264 Deckwerth, Mina 256 Dedecke, Margaretha 269 Degen, Christiana 269 Dehling. Johanna .256 Dettmann, Frederike 256 Dierheimer. Maria A 272 Digby, Ann 264 Dillon. Mary 226 Dinges, Ann Maria 270 Dirschmideva. Anna 256 Diltman. Maria 256 Dodt k, Josephine 256 Doll Freda 256 Dombroska. Caroline 256 Dorpat, Rosetta 254 Dota, Amanda 255 Doty. Sophia 264 Drummond. P. A 267 Duesing, Christina 256 Duhl. Barbara 267 Dunn. Lucinda J 266 Durham. Lydia Ann 274 Dursova, Otilie 256 Dyer, Emma 256 Dziemba, Maria 256 Eas, Anna 265 Eckle, Mary Ann E 254 Kdmondson, Elizabeth ...271 Ehrhardr, Elizabeth 265 Eisele, Maria Ann 256 Ellis, Susan 255 Elskens.Mary 256 Enders, Margaretha 272 Enders. Margaretha 256 Engle, Josephine 256 Engle, Karolina 267 H'-niwioh, Dorothea 269 Erich, Emma 256 Erickson, Margareta 256 Erickson, Mathilda C 262 Ernst, Catherine 272 Essary, Jane A ...264 Evers, Louisa 274 Ewald,WilhelmineA 263 Exner, Krezensia 271 Fageestegm, Catharina J.M 262 Fahlbuseh, Sophia 256 Falk, Christiana 269 Farber, Freida 256 Fechner, Louisa 257 Fei, Margaret 257 Ferrill. Emily 273 Fersohn. Franda 257 Finley. Margaret E 274 Fischer. Magdalena 262 Flackskam. Louise 275 F'ader, Alvinia 255 Fleming, Weronika 257 Flescher, Barbara 255 Foesking, Bertha K 257 Forler, Christiana 268 Forster, Ursula 273 French, Mrs. J. S 253 Fricker, Theresa 257 312 PAGE Frickey. Sophia 267 Friedrich. Frederika 257 Frederick. Louisa 267 Frobergr. Emma.... 257 Fuhr, Margaret 271 Fust, Frederika 262 Gansbr. Anna 257 Garrison. Sarati 274 Geiser, Maria 267 George, Dorothy 263 Gerfen. Oaroline 274 Gerf en. Maria 274 Geriaeh, Emma 257 Gibbs, JuliaA 265 Gierke, Margarate 254 Giles, Mary C. 271 Gillham, Elizabeth M 255 Gillham. Frances E 266 Ginger, Flora L 265 Girkin, Eleanor 265 Glick, HannaS.... 257 Godenrath, Caroline 257 Golli. Antone .257 Gowin, Nancy 254 Grabenkroeger, A. W 274 Grace, Tennessee 265 Graham, Luciiida 205 Grab am, Margaret A "271 Gramaiser, Elizabeth 257 Grasse. Johanna 268 Gray, Priscilla 264 Green, AunM 267 Green, Hester N 266 Green, Jane 271 Grein, Maria 257 Greuzner, Anna 257 Grob. Elizabeth 268 Gross, Catherine 255 Grossholz, Caroline 255 Grundmann, D. H 257 Grung, Anna G 257 Giintermann, Louisa 273 Habeemann, Maeie 257 Hagen. Mariana 266 Hale, Vina 274 Halvorsen, Ellen 257 Hamann, Margaret 267 Hamel, Martha E 254 Hamilton, Athalia 266 Hammerstrom, M 257 Hana, Anna 257 Haney, Lorilla 267 Harrelson, Jane 264 Harrison, Elizabeth 254 Harterraann, Marie .257 Harthing. Martha 271 Hartig. Elizabeth 257 Harvey, Elizabeth 265 Hasselman,Catharina.J.M.262 Hawley , Mary 265 Hays, Denisha 268 Heggy. EUza 268 Heidrich. Augusta 257 Heinke, Ehzabeth 257 Helf rich. Louisa 271 Henberger, Ehzabeth 257 Hendermann, Agnes 272 Henstrom, Anna C 262 Hente, Anna 257 Hepp. Rosa 257 Herfurth, Sophia 262 Hernwall, Augusta ..^ 257 Herrokke, Henrietta 267 Hertting, Albertina 257 Hertz, Mary 272 Hewitt. Elizabeth E 254 Hilgenberg. Theresa 257 Hinz, Augusta 257 Hirsch, C. M 257 Hoehne, Carolina L 257 Hoffman, Catharine 263 PAGE. Hoffman, Sophia 257 Hoffman Walberga 272 Holawell, Rachael 264 Holifleld. Ussis 269 Holman, MaryE 272 Holmgren, Caroline 'Z7I Holt. Emily 265 Holzel, Anna 257 Hoppe, Anna ...257 Hora. Susanna 257 Hornburg. Carolina 257 Hottendorf. Catherine ...275 Huber. Maria.. 257 Hubner, Carolina R 258 Hudson, Delilah J 255 Hulen. Leah E 253 Hulsmann. Anna 258 Hummel. Elenora 255 H'lndgeburth, Mary G ....258 Hurst, Anna. 266 Hurst. Mary C .. 265 Huslaae, Maria E .264 Hutchcraft.Marv A 274 Hutchinson, S. H 271 Impson, Ann 275 Ingram, Jane 265 Irish, Catherine 270 Irwin, Salome 254 Isringhaus, Catherine 274 Isringhaus," Louisa 274 Jacesky, Amalte 258 Jacobitz, Frederika 25S Jacobsen, Matilda 258 Jacobson, Olava 258 Janda. Rosalie 258 Janska, Catherine 258 Joberg, Johanna 258 Johefs, Eliza 274 Johler, Johanna 258 Johnson, Asenath 275 Johnson, D. D 268 Johnson, Emma C 258 Johnson, Lucinda 264 Johnson, Mary A 266 Johnson, Rose 258 Johnson. Siva 266 Jones, Caroline 270 Jones, Emily 274 Jones. Mary B 273 Jones, Sarah B 265 Jones. Sarah J 271 Juver, Christina 258 Kacer, Maria 258 Kagi. Ceeile 258 Kahl, Ida 258 Kahler, Dorothy 273 Kantz, Wilhelmina 258 Karl, Josephine .258 Karrer, Maria 258 Kassel, Maria 258 Katschke, Wilhemine 258 Kaufmann, Agatha 264 Kautz, Frederika 258 Kauzman, Lisette 274 Keeler, Mary Ann 273 Kelly. Patience 254 Kemball. MaryE 254 Kerb. Ellen .267 Kershner. Mrs. M. C 253 Kessinger, Rachael 264 Killian, Barbara 272 Klllion, Mary 255 Kirby, Louisa J 262 Kirch, Catherine 258 Kirchner. Frederika 258 Kisdorf, Catherine. 256 Kissenbach. Emilie 267 Kleier, El izabeth 255 Kleiner, M aria 258 Klengel, Johanna S. T....258 PAGE Klimmer. V 25$ Klingenberg. Margaret. ..274 Klingenberg. Maria 274 Knab, Augusta 258- Knapik, Anna 258 Knell. Margaret 272 Knospie, Sophie.. 258 Knott, MaryE 269- Koch, Mary , 274- Koester, Elizabeth 274 Kohler, Cattarina 258 Kopke, Sophia 258 Koschnick, Augusta 258 Kraft, Maria 273 Krampikowski, B. C 258 Krauel. Wilhelmina 258 Krause, (Catherine 262 Krause, Josephine 258 Kreamann, Caroline 258 Kreup. Maria 255 Krickling, Fredericka 268 Kruj^'er, Julia A 25$ Krumm, Elizabeth 269 Kruzer, Maria 25$ Kucharsky, Otelia 258 Kuck. Henrietta C. C 25$ Kuehn, Adelaide 269 Kuhlman. Charlotte 263 Kunder, Catherine M 26$ Lacaff, Lucretia G 267 Ladley. Caroline 268 Lakin, Malinda 26$ Lambert. Elizabeth 258 Landendorff, Frederika ..25$ Landt, Louise 258 Lane. Catharina 25$ Lange, Amelia 258 Lange, Christina 262 Lange, Dorothea, M. C.l 25$ Lange. Elizabeth .273 Ijangsdorf . Charlotte 269 Langston, Margaret A 255 Larsen, ('harlotte M 258 Lar.-en Mary 259 Laufer, Wilhelmina 269 Lawyer, Urminda 263 Laydon. Catherine .259 Lebisch, Magdalena 259 Lechner. Maria 259 Lee, Mary A 255 Lee, Mary A .264 Lee, Susan 265- Leichnitz, Emelia .259 Lester, Charlotte 26$ Lewis, Bridget 268 Liebeck, Amalie 27$ Liaberg. Metta 259 Linden, Elizabeth B 266 Lizer, Mary 275 Lonn. Emma N 265- Loosman, Regina 259 Lovins, LyJiaD. M 270 Lowe. Ehzabeth 26$ Lindblad. Betta 259 Luck('.n, Annie 259 Lundquist. Louisa 266 Lusk. M. A .256 Lutz, Augusta 259 Lutz, Mary 259 Lysy, Anna 259 Maats, Augusta 259 Malmberg, Matilde 259 Mark.s, Mariana 259 Marstoin. Elizabeth 271 Martin, Eliza J 265 Martin. i"Vlary A 266 Martzloff. Ursula 255 Massock. Louisa 272 Mathias, Margaret 269 Mathis, Caroline .266 Mathis, Serene 271 313 PAGE Mattmiller. Mary B 270 MeCarrel, Rosa 268 McClemans, Nancy 274 McCloud, Mary A 264 McCutchen, Mary 271 McDerniotr, Mary 27<) McGreu, June S 274 McKale, Catharine 262 McNeill. Anne 269 Mechler, Maria Louisa 259 Meier, Augusta 262 Meier, Henrietta 259 Meier, Louise 275 Metter, Regina 274 Metz, Barbara 259 Meyer, Anna • 259 Meyer, Francis 255 Meyer, Prederika 271 Meyer, Maria 273 Meyers, Catherine 27J Meyers, Elizabeth E 25:^ Middleton, Mary J 268 Miklceison, Josephine 259 Milek, Wilhelmina 259 Miles, Ruth 263 Miller. Frederika 268 Miller, Rebecca 264 Miller, Wanda .259 Mills, Susan A 267 Milne, Margaret .259 Mobery, Olga .275 Moe, Magdalena 259 Morgan, Harriet C .265 Morris, Mary A 266 Mosely, Judith E 254 Moser, Theresa 259 Mueller, Barbara 269 Mueller, Caroline 268 Mueller, Catherine 268 Mueller, Johanna 259 Mueller, Sophia 273 Muhring, Anna 259 MuUer, Ida 259 Munster, Theresa 259 Mury, Catherine 268 Myers, M. Irene 274 Naumann, Elizabeth 269 Neft, Appolonia 268 Neiber, Marie 255 Neitzel, Augusta W. E ....259 Nelson, Christina A 272 Nelson. Hannah 259 Nemnie, Shotkova .259 Nieuwenhof. Tryntje 262 Nieprasch, Wilhelmina... 259 Nilsson, Kristina Sofi 266 Norrman, Merit 259 North, Cynthia M 254 Novotney , Helena 259 OcASEKowA, Josephine . .259 O'Conner, Julia 262 Odegaard, Elzabeth 259 Odum, Ann Eliza 275 Oglesby, ClarindaE 264 Oleson, Regitze A 259 Orput, Marie L 262 Osckinlcky, Margaretha..259 Ostrup, Anna M 253 Owings, Ruth 254 P agels . Frederika 273 Palmquist, Clara H 2U Pannier, W 273 Patten, Hannah 265 Pauckner, Theresa 2K2 Pavlick. Maria... 26o Payne. Margaret 260 Peirritz. Contradine 260 Pekersha, Maria 26(» Pelterson. Arminda 260 Pemmer, Elizabeth 260 PAGE Pendergrass, R. M 266 Pertz, Margaret 260 Peter. Elizabeth C 273 Peters, Mary C 270 Petersen, Anna C 260 Petersen, Ida 260 Peterson. Ellen 271 Petrie, Elizabeth 273 PfafPinger, Alvisa 260 Phillips, Mary .264 Pieper, Franke 269 Poche, Caroline 260 Prather, Delilah E .262 Prete, Anna 260 Pudava. Maria 260 Pyles, Nancy .264 QuiNLEY, Eunice H. 264 Rau, Margaret 273 Rau. Maria Ernestine 273 Ranch. Louisa .273 Ray, Melissa 274 Raymond, Mrs. S. C 253 Reav, Elizabeth 253 Recker, Mary 273 Reeves, Malinda 264 Reichert, Barbara 273 Reilein, Mary 266 Reitmeirer, Anna 260 Heitraeirer, Rosa 260 Remton. Elizabeth 260 Rendleman. Elizabeth 265 Rentisch, Maria 260 Richards. Ann 265 Richards, Arminda C. 265 R'chardson, Elizabeth 272 Richcreek, Eliza A 263 Richerson, Lucy 264 Richter, Catherine 260 Itichter, Wilbemina 254 Rick. Margaret 272 Rinkle. Eliza 254 Risden, Augusta L 262 Rissling, Amelia 260 Rittenkamp. Emelie 260 Roberts, Eliza D 269 Roberts, Mary 274 Roemhild. Matilda 270 Rogers, Mary Jane 268 Rohlflng. Angeline — — 274 Root, Lydia .272 Roper. Frances 271 Rose, Esther 274 Rosenbaum, Rosina 254 Rosendorne. Veronica 260 Rother, Sophia 267 Rueschau. Louisa 260 Russell. Sarah 269 SAAL, MAGD ELENA 267 Salzer, Judith 273 Sanborn. E. M 272 Saulet. Mary A 255 Scarry, Margaret .260 Schaer, Louisa 260 Schafer, Louisa 260 Schaflfer, Sarah A 264 Scheireck, Bertha 273 Schevenac, Barbara 260 Schiller. Julia 260 Schimek, Barbara .260 Schmidt, Catherine 268 Schmidt, Helena 260 Schmidt, Rosa 260 Schmidt, Lizetta .260 Schmidt, Louisa 260 ^chmidt. Mary 270 Sphmollinger, F. 253 Schoen, Wilhelmina 260 Scholtz. Mary 260 Schomburg. Lena 260 Schondelmeier. Margar'a.260 Schornber. Mrs. P 262 PAGE Schreib, Wally 260 Schrteder, Frederika J. . . 260 Schuchert, Eleanor 271 Schuler, Juliana 260 Schuiz, Alvina 260 Schulze, Louisa F 270 Schuster, Anna M 273 Schutt, Caroline .260 Schwartz, Julia M. R 260 Schwenker, Augusta 272 Scott, Brith H 260 Scott. Mary 260 Scrodi, Christiana 273 Sebesta. Catherine 260 ■Seehaus, Margaretha 260 Sefried. Marie 264 Seidescheck. Rosa 260 Seipler, Sarah 273 Senn, Leondien 253 Severe. E. P 272 Seymour, Mary A 253 Shass, B 260 Shaw, Elizabeth B 274 Shinn, Emily 267 Siegrist, Elizabeth 268 Sievert, Caroline 260 Sievert, Ida. 260 Simon, Mas/dalena 260 SiuAtleton, Martha 271 Smallwood. Elizabeth 263 Smith, Elizabeth J... 254 Smith. Ellen .265 Smolibowski, M 261 Snedecker, Sarah .254 Sobieska, Anna 261 Soderline, Christine L 261 Soehle, Sophia 261 Sontvidt. Anna 261 Spalnger, Maria 261 Speiser, Louise 25^ Spriesterbach. Maria C...273 Staniszewski. Tekla 261 Stark, Anna 261 Steffer, Catherine 261 Stein, Catherine 271 Stammerick, Anna M 261 Stepham, Cresenzia ..272 Stieman, Lizetta 262 Stiller, Fredericka A. W..261 Stokker. Olane 267 Stone. Margaretha 273 Storch. Amelia 261 Stonebing, Anna '.262 Studeckel, AnnaM 273 Stutts, Elizabeth 275 Suess. Elizabeth 273 Susse, Caroline 271 Sutliff. Nazy 266 Svenson, Johanna 261 Swearingen, Amy 263 Tappe, Antje a 261. Tausch, Elizabeth 268 Tawles, America 271 Tebbeu, Rosanna 274 Tegtmeyer, Matilda 261 Telford, Sarah M 268 Teresevus. luga J 261 Teuton, Cynthia A 270 Teutsch, Henrietta 262 Thorn an, Susan 253 Thomas, Catherine 254 Thompson, Clarissa 254 Thompson, Eliza Ann 262 Thrasher, Louisa 254 Tilton, Susan 270 Timm, Mary 268 Timraermann, Agnes 255 Trausch. Magdalena 262 Treker. Elizabeth 255 Tress, Bertha 261 Trifte. Mary 255 Troesch, M.D 272 814 PAGE. Troxel, Anna M 270 Trull. Martha A 264 Q'rusty. Frances 274 Tulny, Martha S 2^7 Tullis, JaneC 2«8 Turner. Julia A. 274 Turner, Julia Ann 269 Twichaus, Bertha 261 Underwood, Maey M 265 Van MoLTi, Anna 261 Van Winlcle. Catherine A. 266 Vaughan, Elizabeth 266 Vaughn, Sarah 266 Verges. Elizabeth 273 Vett. Agnes 255 Viclcory. Cynthia 263 Vogel. Caroline 272 Vogt. Caroline 261 Vollmann. Mary 261 Vollmer. Eva 261 Von Horn, Mary 261 Wagen, Wtlhelmine L. ..261 Wagner. Christina 261 Wahrmann. Elise 261 Waldrop, Malinda 269 Walker, Sarah A 271 Ward, Matilda 264 PAGE Ward. Sarah J 274 Washburn. Elizabeth 254 Watkins. Sarah J 264 Watson, Sarah 264 Weaver, Rachel E. A 264 Webber. Catherine 267 Weber. Catherine 261 Weber, Marguerite 266 Wedelin, Josephine M 274 Wegener, Margaret 26? Wehle, Emma R 253 Wehrheim, Mary 261 Weisenberger, D 272 Weisman, Louisa 268 Weisskopf, Catherine 261 Welch, Catherine 264 Wenneke, Kathrina 255 Weutzer, Caroline C. F...26S Werner, Elizabeth 273 West. Leah 275 Wheeler, Anna 271 Whitaker, AnnaB .27' Wicliman,Hermine .267 Wickboldr, Elizabeth 261 Widing, Anne M .261 Widmer, Catherine 261 Wiedermann, Anna. 262 Wiegliind, Walburga 261 Wilburn, Rachel 270 Wilder, Elizabeth 268 PAGK Williams, Elizabeth 253 Williams. Elizabeth 264 Williams, Julia A 253 Williams, Sarah 264 Willmann. Johanna 273 Willson. Sarah H 275 Wilson. Jane 265 Winchester, Mary 265 Winkler. Margaret 267 Wischman, Dora 275 Witte. Christina 261 Woeh rl . Margaret .261 Woelfle, AnnL 268 Woestman. Adeline. 274 Wolframes, Josephine 270 Wombacher, Clara 273 Yanowick. Victobia 261 York. Margaret 264 Young. Sarah 269 Young. Sarah B 253 Youst. Johanna 271 ZelTjER. Mary 270 Ziiumerling. Emily 261 Zimmerman. Maria 2")5 Zschichner. C 262 Zwadrisrewska. U 274 Zweif el, Elizabeth 268 INDEX-TOWNS. Town. County. Pop. Page. Town. County. Pop. Page. Abingdon Knox *-- 1.511 138 ""m 196 153 250 623 875 1,492 146 3!»8 286 108 283 100 165 137 70 29 654 8.978 818 166 165 2.448 mi 76 164 96 86 216-218 SO 1 156; 162 210 150 140 208 1 128 142 100 19J 16S 80 138 120 204 2(t6 128 176 130 182 202 68 100 110 162 74 14 138 12 66 202 206 154 162 102 102 14 210 26-28 128 20 86 154 92 1011 132 220 136 74 18S 94 12 66 102-104 Aviston Avon Clinton Fulton liond 367 6s9 24 Adair McDonough... VVashaigton .. DuPuge Ogle 88 Addieville Addison Adeline Baden-Baden.. 6 Adrian Hancock Franklin Whiteside .... Edwards Mercer Morgan Warren McHenry Madison Wabash Lawrence St. Clair Henry Schuyler Ogle 150 2<'8 271 30 250 409 ■"4io 50 1,392 175 200 2.640 100 Akin Baileyville Baldwin Banner Barclay Bardolph Barnett 164 Albany Kandolph Fulton 178 Albion 88 Aledo Sangamon ... McDonough .. Montgomery.. Cook 190 Alexander Alexis 148 158 Algonquin Barrintrton Barr's Store Barry 66 Alhambra Allendale Mncoupin Pike... Cook Hancock 136 170 Allison Bartlett. 66 Alma. Basco 96 Alpha 114 Alsey Scott Batchtown Bath 12 Alta Peoria Effingham — Madison 439 39 160 3,136 121 65 150 146 Altamont Bay City Baylis Heardstown Beason. Beiiucoup Beaver Creek.. Beck's Creek... Bedford Beecher Beecher City,.. Bee Creek Belknap 174 Alton Pike 172 Alton a Cass fjOgan. . . . 14 Alto Pass Union Vermilion Lee.. Pulaski 132 Alvia Washington... Bond 212 Amboy 8 America Shelby 194 Ancona Livingston Hock Island .. '/GO 501 2,053 112 396 627 65 1.575 379 74 447 995 129 80 240 241 175 245 609 950 403 646 707 1,280 410 145 5Ygj.]y 4 Atlanta Attila Logan Williamson ... Macoupin Douglas. Sangamon Hancock — n Kane Cook Jackson Bible Grove Biggsville Big Neck Big Rock Big Spring Bingham Bird Station. .. Birkner Bismarck 24 98 Atwater Atwood 4 114 Auburn Shelbv 194 Augusta Favette 84 Aurora LaSallo 126-128 Austin Ava -it. Clair Vermilion 400 138 198 206 Population, census of 1880. 316 Town. County. Pop. Page. Town. County. Pop. Page. Blackberry. Kane 1.000 114 20 130 178 148 66-68 110 150-152 208 64 136 190 192 104 18 80 8 138 104 24 116 92 94 194 208 218 86 190 24 178 178 126 134 66 168 116 132 78 190 94 80 190 68 84 12 76 88 10 116- 102 10 200 190 190 182 110 134 158 96 214 84 4 148 160 12 164 84 156 6 8 180 76 100 190 210 26 102-l(t4 Camp Grove... Camp Point Canton Cantrall Capron Stark 50 1,131 3,766 107 323 2,213 3,118 2,018 198 2,513 53 150 1,931 692 1.594 778 900 20 ""i02 149 335 194 Blackburn Christian Adams Fulton Sangamon Boone 4 Blackstone Blair Livingston — Randolph McDonough ,. ('ook 85 100 772 140 50 17.184 86 18S Blandinsville . . s. Bloom Carbondale Carlinville Carlyle Carmen Carmi Jackson Macoupin ('linton Henderson White 102 Bloomfleld Bloomington... Blount Johnson McLean Vermilion.. . 134 24 9» Blue Island (^ook Macon 1,542 532 93 162 214 Blue Mound Carpenter Carrier's Mills.. Carrol Iton Carterville Carthage Casey Madison Saline Greene Williamson... Hancock Clark St. Clair Macon Washington .. DuPage Stark 140 Bluff City Bluffs Schuyler Scott 184 90 Bogota. Jasper .... 220 Bondville Champaign... Edwards Boone Macon '"m 25 218 25 96 ^2 Bonus Casey ville ('asner Caspar's Cass Castleton Catlin Cave 198 Boody 138 Boos Station... Jasper 21'^ Boulder Clinton 76 Bourbonnais G Kankakee Grundy Hancock Stark Union * Will BYanklin Sangamon Fulton 495 278 289 506 83 5,524 35 57 207 574 82 100 592 775 194 Braceville Bowensburg Vermilion J?'ranklin . . 206 86 Bradford Bradshaw Braid wood Bray field Bi-eckenridge.. Breed's. ... Cave-in-Rock . Cayuga Cedarville Centralia Central Park... Centreville St'n Cerro Gordo.... ( .'hambersburg. Champaign Chana Hardin Livingston Stephenson ... Marion Cook St. Clair Piatt 195 178 403 3,623 903 82 565 208 5,106 135 681 334 223 2,870 454 1.055 40 728 300 1.063 5!3 2,580 175 19 117 503305 936 541 96 130 200 142 64,66.6g 198 Breeze Clinton Randolph Randolph Lawrence Macoupin Cook 170 Pike 172 Brewerville Bridgeport Brighton Brighton Park. Champaign.... Ogle 16 164 Chandlers ville. Channahon Chapin Cass Will 14 218 Brimfleld 830 387 214 Morgan (Joles 160 Bristol Kendall Logan Charleston Chatham Chats worth Chauncey Chebanse Chemung Chenoa 26 Broad well Sangamon — Livingston Lawrence Iroquois McHenry McLean Winnebago ... Randolph Macoupin Douglas Logan Cook Peoria 188 Brockton Edgar 130 Brooklyn Broughton Browne Schuyler Hamilton 136 200 128 100 160 Schuyler Cook 230 152-154 Brown's Mills.. Cherry Valley.. Chester 222 Fayette Calhoun Douglas Pulton 121 150 50 449 211 135 324 778 80 338 57 40 25 1,441 111 41 148 114 584 2,319 387 176 Brussels Brushy Fork... Bryant.. Chesterfield.... Chesterville Chestnut Chicago 134 74 132 Buckhorn . Brown. 28-62 Buckingham... Buckley Buda . . Kankakee Iroquois Bureau Stephenson... Sangamon — Sangamon Rock Island .. Johnson Macoupin Monroe Hancock White Chillicothe Chrisman Christopher — Cisco Cisne 168 Edgar Franklin 78 86 Bu^na Vista.. Piatt 17H 185 170 Buffalo Wayne.: 212 Buffalo Hart Cissna Park Claremont Clark Center... Clarksdale Clarksville Clay City Clay Prairie.... Clayton Clear Creek — Clement Cleveland Cliflfdale Clifton Iroquois- 102 Buffalo Prairie. Buncombe Richland C 1 ark 163 98 105 79 612 180 22 Bunker Hill... : Burksville Christian Clark 20 22 Rnrrmidfi Clay 22 Burnt Prairie .. Edgar 78-80 Burr Oaks Ford Adams 941 40 315 303 2 Burton Bushnell Butler Adams McDonough .. Montgomery . Putnam (Uinton Henry 6 24 100 Calhoun 12 Byron Ogle 680 114 572 9, 012 136 Iroquois De Witt Grundy Rock Island .. Adams 474 2,710 568 312 218 800 ■i."d67 31 1.99S 45 163 2,889 38 102 Cabery Ford Clinton Coal City Coal Valley ('oatsburg Cobden ColTeen Colchester Cold Spring Colehour Coles Station... Coh^ta Collinsville Colmar 72 92 182 Cable Mercer. Alexander Boone 4 Cairo Union 202 Caledonia .Montgomery.. McDonough... Shelby 168 Calhoun Richland 148 Camargo Cambridge Camden Cameron Camplifdl Douglas Henry Schuyler Warren Coles ... 339 1, 203 184 231 104 214 194 Cook Moultrie Whiteside Madison McDonough... 64 162 216-218 140 Campbell Hill.. Jackson 148 "Population, census of 1880. 317 Town. County. Pop. Page. Town. County. Pop. Page. C/olona Station Henry 300 1.308 235 51 300 149 125 100 158 . 4 6 128 162 26 154 10 182 220 130 132 72 220 188 90 6 176 154 192 208 220 220 102 164 220 154 110 214 150 88 130 6S ■ 188 170 110 94 200 96 68 162 24 126 102 152-154 204 198 22 20(1 164 190 136 202 120 1«'4 70 170 202 108 22 96 102-104 66 172-174 16 74 82 82 26 96 106 128 190 202-2(14 158-160 102 Dorchester Douglas Dover Downers Grove Downs Macoupin Knox .... 69 10(1 240 586 175 ■*"274 175 180 134,136 Columbia Monroe Adams Alexander — Lee Morgan Coles 120 Columbus Commercial Pt. Compton Bureau DuPage McLean Rock Island .. Washington .. Edgar 12 76 162,154 Concord Drury 180 Cook's Mills . DuBois . 210 Cooksville McLean Dudley 78 Cooperstown.. . Brown. 200 447 39 437 100 953 100 100 6(1 30 58S 45 , 351 47 114 '"22.5 364 539 75 Duncan Duncan City ... Duncan's Mills Duncan vlUe ... Dundas Stark 194 Cordova Hock Island... Williamson.... Livingston Logan. Fulton 88 Corinth Fulton Crawford Richland Kane 190 31) 58 1,434 88 Cornell Cornland 68 180 Cortland De Kalb Williamson ... Sangamon Gallatin Bond Dundee 114 Cottage Home.. Dunning DuQuoin Durand Station D wight Oook .. 68 Cotton Hill Perry . .2,808 53(1 1.295 168,170 Cottonwood Cottonw'dGr've. Winnebago ... Livingston Gallatin 222.224 130 Coultersville.... Covell Cowden Randolph McLean Shelby Wabash Williamson.... Williamson.... Iroquois Ugle Eagle Creek. . Eariville E. Burlington.. E. C. Girardeau E. Carondelet.. East Dubuque. East Fork EastLynn East Newbern.. Easton East Paw Paw. East St. Louis.. Eaton. 90 Cowling. La Salle Kane 963 124 Crab Orchard.. 114 Creal Springs.. Crescent City.. Creston . .. Alexander St. Clair Jo Daviess Montgomery.. Vermilion •ft-rsey 50 18(» 1,037 ■"ii6 25 1'6 120 10.000 60 114 89 252 881 550 2.889 3,0(17 125 307 23 505 8,789 20 507 484 339 167 100 6 198 108-110 Crete Will 160 Cropsey Cross Roads... McLean 206-208 108 Crossville ^vhite Mc Henry Fulton Livingston.... Cook 162 546 656 150 Mason.. 146 Crystal T^9 1.107 45 420 91 182 2M) 298 W 1S8 165 12.-. 140 1.494 130 10- 357 182 1,1(18 152 13' 5" 125 lti4 8i' 196 310 73" 1,04" 125 65 8.516 20»i 183 147 1, 73;i 6,454 11.440 674 2, 1411 14(1 786 7:. 104 3.522 i,23t 449 741 500 176-178 86 192 128-130 212 14 206 88 4 148 82-84 72-74 88 124 198 216 S6 108 lOS 160 16 206 106 68 22 176 18 130 146 164 13S 140 200 96 4 142 86 16i 128 198 126 72 198-20(» 198 208 76 216 108 118 184 98 8 92 126 24 100 114 72 2(t6 "26 86 84 16 lot 136 1(14 100 120 134 98 16S 140 174 2-4 148 Goreville Gosset Gratton Grand Crossing Grand Detour.. Grand Ridge... Grand Tower.. Grand View....| Grantfork | Grnnt Park Grantsburg.... Granville Grape Creek.... Graymont Johnson White 38 8.-, 764 1,250 253 1351 966 205 205 279 100 260 110 214-216 Livingston.... Wayne Carroll Vermilion Fulton Jersey ('ook Ogle 108 66-68 164 Fait Held : Fair Haven... Fairmount . LaSalle Jackson Edgar . .... 122-126 102-104 78-8(> Madison Kankakee — Johnson Putnam Vermilion 140 Fairvveather.... Fandon Adams McDonou^h .. Payette De Witt Fulton La Salle St. tJlair Whiteside Hancock Jersey 116 110 Farina 176 206 Farmington — Livingston — Moultrie 130 162 Fayetteville .. Fenton Centre. Ferris . . Grayville Greenbush Greenfield Greenup Green Vailey... Greenview...... Greenville Gridley Griggsville Grove City Hagekstown.. Haliday Hallowayville .. Hallsviile Hamburgh Hamel White 1.533 2,000 9H5 605 145 450 1.890 419 1,515 119 108 214 Warren Greene Cumberland .. Tazewell Menard Hond M'-Lean i>ike 210 90 Fidelity 70 Fleldon Jersey 202 Fillmore :Fisher Fithian Montgomery.. (Uiampaign... Vermilion Jefferson i:rawford Clay Putnam Champaign... Livingston — Mason 154 6 154 Fitzgerrell Flat liock Flora 172 Christian Fayette Fayette 20 Florid ?oosland Forest . . 84 84 12 Forreston Ogle DeWiit Calhoun Madison Hancock Mercer. Piatt 47 95 175 1,026 72 216 4^3 576 4.-.9 300 125 23M 934 120 141 163 188 1.6(17 247 2,118 1(10 70 200 12it 260 74 Forsythe Fosterburg Macon 12 Madison Stephenson... Hancock A.dams 140 Fountain Creek FountainGreeu Hamilton Hamlet 96 156 Hammond Han.pshire Hampton Hanover Hardin . Hardinsville ... Harmon Hariisburg — Harrison . Harrisonville .. Harristown j Hartsburg 1 Harvatd Harvel . 170 Foxville Marion Franklin Morgan Lee Kane 114 Frankfort Franklin l{oc'k Island... Jo Daviess — Calhoun Crawford >1S2 110 12 Freeburgh St. Clair La Salle DeKalb Stephenson .. St. Clair Wabash Du Page Whiteside Jo Daviess 68 128 Freeland Saline . 184 Freepoi"' Winnebago ... Mcnroe Macon Logan . . . .. 222 French Village. :?riendsville.... Fullersburg 156 135 132 Fulton McHenry Montgomery.. Mason White 148 160 Galena Havana Hawthorn Hazel Dell Heathsville .... 1 Hebron 146 214 Galesburg Gallatia Knox Cumberland.. Crawford McHenry Monroe Cook 70 Saline 6$ Galva Henry 150 Garden Prairie Hecker 156-158 Gardner Grundy LaSalle riay Hei;ewisch Henderson Hennepin Henry Herrnon Herrick Hersclier Heisman Hey worth Hickory Hill... Hickory Kidge. Hi Lawndale Lawn Ridge — Lawrence Lawrenceville.. Leaf River Leamington.... Lebanon Lee Center Leland 132 Il-linois City. . .tliiopolis Indianola Marshall McHenry Lawrence Ogle 144 126-150 126 164 Industry Gallatin 90 Ingraham St. Clair Lee 2.125 245 653 2,109 1,520 30 150 90 198 lola.. Clay . 128 Ipava Pulton. ... La Salle Cook Stephenson... Warren St. CJair Iroquois Coles 124 Iroquois Iroquois Montgomery.. Edgar L«mont 66-68 Irving Lena 200 Isabel Lenox Station. Lnnzburgh L'Erable Lerna 210 ItMska luka Du Page Marion (Champaign.... Monroe Morgan Clinton Cook 198 102 Ivesdale 26-28 Ivy ... Lerov McLean Fulton 1,068 1,771 1,254 218 632 297 250 39 5,630 152 Lewistown Lexington Liberty 86 Jacksonville . McLean Adams Lake Union 152 2 Jamestown Jefferson Libertyville Lick Creek Lima 120 204 Jeffersonville.. Wayne Jersey . Adams Bureau Logan 4 Jerseyviile Limerick Lincoln 12 Jewett Cumberland.. Wavne 132 Johnson ville... Lincoln Green. Linn Johnson 110 Johnston Cumberland ,. Will Union . .. Wabash Kendall Montgomery.. Morgan Kendall Schuyler Warren Clark ■"216 4,329 68 101 200 79 87 306 1.679 635 19 378 104 130 250 208 Joliet.. Lisbon 116 Jonesborough.. Litchlleld Liter 158 Joi>pa. Massac Mercer Pulaski Calhoun Greene Kane 162 Joy Little Rock Littleton Little York Livingston Loami 116 Junction 190 210 22 Kampsville.. . . Sangamon.... Will 188 [Cane i . Lockport Loda ' 218 Kaneville Iroquois Edgar 102 Kankakee K .nkakee Edgar Logan 78-80 Lombard Lombard ville.. London Mills .. Long Du Page Stark . 76 Kappa Woodford Haidin Randolph Wayne 194 Karbwr's Ridge. Fulton 88 Kaskaskia Vermillion Saline 206-208 Keenviile Long Branch.. Long Lake Long Point Long Prairie... Longtown Loogootee 186 Keensburgh [ieithsburg Kellerville Wabash Mercer Adams. Madison Livingston ... Wayne Crawford 75 175 50 140 130 212 Kenney . DeVVitt Cook 68 Kensington Fayette Stephenson .. Adams LaSalle Clay 55 94 125 365 514 557 84 Kewaiiee Henry 200 Keysport Clinton Mason Loraine.. .. 4 Kilbourn.. Lostant 124-126 Kinderhook Pike Louisville Lovington 22 Kings Ogle Moultrie 162 ♦Population, census of 320 Town. . County. Pop. Page. Town. County. Pop. Page. Liowder LowPoint Sangamon — Woodford... . Champaign... ['ope 98 . 49 293 175 557 3(t0 486 76 100 875 490 1,341 15(1 483 97 3,144 956 200 305 771 384 a59 506 392 188 224 18 174 216 162 66 200 130 150 154 94 94 202 170 148 136-138 158 176 18 102-104 12 72 192 218 170 116 130 114 88 168 120 4 4 148-150 88 140-142 22(1 198 13S 124 20 172 20-22 KL' 206 196 8(1 146 146 26 66-68 92 190 134 22 84 178 4 124 160 124 15(i 192 224 78 146 132 74 208. 1^2 120 1(1(1 204 14 15(i 214-216 Millstadt Milmine Milton St. Clair Piatt 1,230 79 457 173 600 1,914 417 ■■"iso 100 523 7,805 1,037 503 119 5, 000 187 92 1,337 154 40 196 170 Ludlow Pike 172 Lusk Mineral Bureau THzewell Woodford Grundy Madison Sfiline Effingham Will? 12 Lyndon Whiteside Morgan Cook Minier 202 Lynnville Mvnonk 224 Minooka Mitchell Mitchelsville... Moccasin Mokena. .... 92 M'Con'ells Gk McDowell Stephenson... Livingston... McHeni-y McLean Hamilton. Hamilton Tazewell Piatt 140 184-186 82 218 McHenry Moline Rock Island... Kankakee Will 180 McLean. Momence Monee 1 1f; McLeansboro.. 220 Mace^2 172 1 224 178 66 214 1 90 ; 222-224 I 174 [ 98 120 104 64-66 20 210 206 98 I 178 190 126 124 j 216 1 22-24 ! 130 116 1 120 ! 114 i 88! 84 1-6 140 18 198 1 104 102 1 St. Paul Fayette 84 Raleigh Salem Marion Sangamon .... Massac Edwards Marion Alexander DeKalb Mason 1.327 113 3f 50 564 75 2.352 322 1,000 2IM. 734 311 50 H5!t 127 284 456 100 50 738 108 142 Ramsey Rankin Fayette Vermilion La Salle ('hampaign ... Hock Island.. Henderson.... Pope... Cook.. Schuyler Sali.-.bury Samoth 188-190 146 Ransom Rantoul. Samsville Sandoval Sandusky Sandwich San Jose Savanna Savoy 80 142-144 Rapids City.... Raritan 6 70 Raum. 146 Ravenswood... Ray . Carroll Champaign.... McLean Jo Daviess White.. 14 18 Saybrook Scales Mound.. School 152-154 Red Bud Reddiek Randolph Kankankee., . Edtrar 108-110 214-216 Redmon Sciota. McDonough... Edgai'. 148 Renault Monroe Bond Scott Land Scottville Seeor Seehorn Selma . 78 Reno Macoupin Woodford Adams McLean La Salle La Salle Union. 136 Reynolds Richfleld. Hock Island.. Adam*-. 192 79 60 46J 569 238 174 214 25 70 214 25 450 705 355 228 20 1.381 1.896 307 224 4 Richland Grove Rock Island.. McHenry Washington... Vermilion Gallatin Stephenson... Saline 152 Richmond Richview.. . Seneca Serena 124 124 Ridge Farm... Ridgeway Ridott Session's L'nd'g 204 Shelby 50 82 399 154 713 67 1.851 905 2,960 947 442 73 175 175 120 486 119 674 130 ""468 302 194 Seymour Sliabbona Shabbonier Shannon Sharpsburg Shawneetown.. Sheirield Shelbyville .... Sheldon Sheridan Sherman Shetlerville.... Shiloh Champaign.... DeKalb Fayette c arroll Christian Gallatin Bureau Shelby 18 Rileyville 72 Rinard . Wayne Brown St. Clair Cook 84 Ripley 14 Risdon Riverside. 20 90 Riverton Sangamon Woodford Ford 12 192 Roberts Iroquois La Salle Sangamon ... Hardin St. Clair Randolph Macoupin McLean Clinton Effingham Vermillion Champaign.,.. Shelby.... 100 Robin's Nest... iobinson Rochelle. Peoria ('rawford Ogle. 124 190 96 Rochester .. Sangamon Pope 198 Rock ShilohHiil Shipman Shirley 178 Rockbridge ... Rock (Jity Rock Falls Roekford Rock Gt'Ovb Greene ste?thenson... WhitesidH Winnebago..,. Stephenson... Rock Island... Pikp 202 161 894 13.136 150 11,661 204 95(1 237 529 529 718 326 400 3d8 49 145 772 240 804 768 175 250 1.662 265 402 100 "*i25 412 289 1,536 20 273 334 461 328 600 243 10 136 154 Shoal Creek... Shumway Sidell.. 24 80-82 206 Rock Island Sidney 16 Sigel 192 Winnebago.... Randolph Cook Sims Station... Sinclair 162-212 Morgan Wayne 12 11 118 400 61 102 250 Rogers Park Six Mile Smithflold Smithton Smithville Smothers ville.. Sodorus Somerset Somonauk Sorento South America. South Chicago. Suuth Elgin.... S. Engiewood.. S. Evanston South Holland.. Spark's Hill.... Sparland 212 White Fulton 88 Roodhouse Roscoe Greene Winnebago.... Pope St. Clair Peoria Franklin Champaign ... Saline 198 168 Rose Bud 86 Rose Clare Rosecraus Hardin Lake lG-18 186 Rose Hill DeKalb Bond 587 72 6,8 T?.fmpmnnfl Christian Warren Vermilion Henderson.... Randolph Schuyler Lawrence La Salle Whi'e Saline.. , . 20 1,9(J2 .480 200 1,518 250 200 375 1.754 176 133 19,746 158 620 200 100 353 1,358 490 125 5,089 385 92 184-186 (;o()k 62 Tt.<><4ti\;illft Kane . .. 114 Rozette Cook 68 Ruma Cook 66 Rushville Russellville ... Rutland (;ook Hardin Marshall Randolph Woodford..... White .. . 68 98 144 176 Sackamento Spring Bay Springertown.. Sprin^fleld Spiing Garden. Spring Grove .. Spring Hill Springville Stanford Staunton Steele's Mill.... Steelville Sterling Stewartson — Stillman Valley 224 Sailor Springs. Sannemin St. Anne St. Augustine.. St. Charles Clay Livingston.... Kankakee Knox 214 Sangamon .... Jefferson Warren Whiteside .... Union 18(> 106 210 Kane 218 St David Fulton 204 St. Elmo St. Francisville St. Jacob St. Joseph St. Libory St Marie Fayette Lawrence iVfadison Champaign.... St. Clair Jasper McLean Macoupin Randolph Randolph Whiteside .... Shelby Ogle 154 134 178 178 216 192 St. Mary Hancock 164 ♦Population, census of 1880. 323 Town. County. Pop Page. Town. County. Pop Page. Stirrup Grove. Stokes Station Macoupin — White '"ik 10( 337 151 137 104 331 5.168 134 214 210 184 2-4 20 194 130 122 180 128 114 162 198 172 168 12 88 126 156 96 210 170 156 154 70 88 154 170 218 86 18 148 98 82 94 100 6 , 18 86 14 66 210 78 172 96 10 18 70 124 146 194 152.151 194 24 28 68 168 140 126 110 76 74 176 150 70 116 66 140 16 4 126 206 82 12 1 Varna. Marshall Washington .. Madison Fayette Jackson Edgar Vermilion Fulton Marion Grundy Brown 286 408 613 116 ■"'.387 100 1.133 133 163 617 285 584 500 370 1.610 1,420 50 56 45 28 . 353 210 87 50 615 138 60 105 188 25 360 3(10 1.502 947 3,111 460 1,396 1,035 734 2; 728 291 1,507 190 298 4.031 1, 124 225 42 500 40 147 226 911 2,736 200 172 647 94 50 144 Venedy 210 Stone Church Washington... Saline Venice 140 Stone Fort Vera 84 Stone's Prairie Stonington Strasburg Strawn Adams Christian . Shelby Livingston La Salle Richland. Vergennes Vermilion Vermilion Gro. Vermont 102-104 78 206 88 Streator 144 Stringtown Verona.. 92 Sublette Lee 279 100 1,306 751 142 78 Versailles Victoria Vienna.. 10 Sugar Grove Kane Knox .... 120 Sullivan Moultrie St. Clair Pike Johnson Pulaski Mercer Macoupin Cass 110 Suramerfleld... Summer Hill . Villa Ridge Viola 174-176 156 Summervilie ... Peoria Calhoun Virden . 134 Summit Grove.. Virginia Wabash Waddam's G've Wady Petra.... Wakefleld Waldron Wales 14 Summum Sumner Sunbeam Sutter Pulton Lawrence Mercer... Hancock Warren Perry 128 1.021 50 20 121 200 213 164 3.02S 210 546 799 424 151 2.237 262 164 564 146 250 114 121 172 380 401 27 83 182 325 75a 955 421 5114 98 967 261 392 1,188 Wayne Stephenson... Stark 212 200 194 Swan Creek Swanwick Richland Kankakee Ogle 180 116 Swedona Mercer... Menard DeKalb Fulton Menard Perry 164 Sweetwater Sycamore Table Gkove. . Walkerville.... Wallace Walnut Walnut Hill ... 1 Walnut Prairie. Walpole Walshville Waltonboro'gh. Wapella Ward's Mill .... Warren. .. Greene De Kalb Bureau Marion (lark 92 72 10 144 22 Tallula Tamaroa Hamilton Montgomery . Gallatin De Witt Williamson ... Jo Daviess ... Macon. 94 158, 160 Tampico Taylor Hill.... Taylorville Tennessee Whiteside .... Franklin Christian McDonough... Henderson ... Effingham Hamilton Iroquois Alexander — Champaign.... Franklin Carroll Cook 90 74 220 108 Terre Haute Warrensburg . . Warsaw Washburn Washington Wash'nHeights Wataga . 138 Teutopolis Thackery Thawville Thebes Hancock Woodford Tazewell 94,96 2iJ4 202 66. 68 Thomasboro.,.. I^nox 120 Thompsonville. Thomson Thornton Waterloo Waterman Watseka Wiitson Monroe DeKalb Iroquois Effingham Lake .... 156 72 lOO Three-MilePra. Washington .. Randolph Pike Hancock Bureau Champaign Cumberland .. LaSalle Mason 82 Tilden Wauconda Waukegan Waverly Wayne 120 Time Lake 120 Tioga. Morgan DuPage Wavne De Witt Franklin De Witt Iroquois Marshall St. Clair Lee 160 Tiskilwa 76 Tolono Wayne City Waynesville .. Webb's Hill .... Weldon 212 Toledo 74 Tonica 86 Topeka 74 Toulon .... Stark Wellington Wenona West Belleville West Brooklyn. West'rn Spri'gs Westfleld West Jersey ... West Liberty... West McHenry Weston. 102 Towanda Tower Hill Trenton McLean Shelby Clinton Coles 144 198 128 Trilla Cook 66 Trimble Crawford Peoria Madison La Salle Johnson Du Page Douglas Pulaski McHenry Cumberland.. Kankakee 117 lifii 644 250 112 1,001 1.438 150 156 100 Clark 22 Trivoli Stark . 194 Troy Jasper ]ii4 Troy Grove.... McHenry 150 Tunnel Hill .... McLean Hancock Edwards Union 191 174 316 154 Turner. . .. West Point West Salem.... We.st Saratoga. Westville West York Wheatfleld Wheaton Wheeling Wheeler White Hall .... White Heath... White Oak Whitley's Point William.sville... Willow Hill Wilmette 96 Tuscola 80 204 UliLIN. Vermillion .... Crawford Sangamon — Du Page Cook 55 160 i'.'m 208 Union 68 Union Centre.. Union Hill 12 76 Un. Stock Y'ds. Cook. 4. 100 1.536 2.943 123 767 66 Upper Alton.... Madison Champaign... Adams LaSalle Cook .T Jasper 104 Urbana Ursa Greene Piatt 1,714 100 25 121 467 199 419 90-92 170 Utica Vfontgomery.. Moultrie Sangamon Jasper 160 Vandercook... 162 188 Vandalla layette Bureau 2.056 65 104 VanOrin (Jook 68 'Population, census of 1880. 324 Town, County. Pop. Page. Town. County. Pop. Page. Wilmington... Wilton Center Will 1,872 75 1.628 786 405 584 330 43 134 131 236 650 180 219 no 1,475 220 220 190 192 222 66-68 200 82 • 158 8 136 100 102 10(5 160-162 150 92 174 Worden Madison Greene Bureau Stark.... 384 150 738 1,127 89S 45 679 8f; 271 ii 85 86 40 140 Will . .. Wrigbtsville ... Wyanet. 92 Winchester Scott 10 Windsor Shelby Winnebago ... Wyoming Xenia 194 Winnebago Winnetka... Clay Jasper Knox Stephenson... Clark. ... 22 Winsiow Winterrowd . Stephenson .. Effingham Montgomery.. Bond Macoupin Henry Yale 104 Witt. Yates City Yellow Creek.. York 120 Woburn Woodburn 200 22 Woodhull Yorktown Yorkville Youngstown.... Zanesville.... Zif Bureau Kendall Warren Montgomery.. Wayne 12 Woodland Woodlawn Wo.odson Woodstock Woody . . Iroquois Jefferson Morgan McHenry Greene llG-118 210 158 212 Wool Pope * Population, census of RETURN TO DKK^^y ^SE BtOlOG?UBRARy™ LD2lA-6m-l '7'5 (S3364S10)476-A 32 Genera] Library <^04Sa3437T UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ■MWrnTm-M