BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^ v> PEDES FINIUM, or FINES, RELATING TO THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. PEDES FINIUM: til? FINES, LEVIED IN THE KING'S COURT FEOM THE THIED YEAE OF EICHAED I. TO THE END OF THE EEIGN OF JOHN. EDITED BY WALTER RYE gortok^ : FEINTED BY A. II. GOOSE & CO. {l,ATE MILLER AND LKAVIXs), 1881. N59G7 ^irts Jfhtium. INTRODUCTION". Topographers have, I think, unaccountably neglected the mass of information which the Feet of Fines afford. The labour necessary to carefully go through the unindexed files is no doubt immense, but the results are so valuable that an account of a manor or locality is incomplete indeed without such labour being undertaken. As far as regards Norfolk, Le Neve no doubt supplied Blomefield with notes of most of the more important fines, so our county history is probably more perfect in this respect than any other ; but there are many instances in which important topographical and genealogical facts have been passed over.^ Moreover, at the time Le Neve was working so industriously, very slight interest was taken in families which were not or had not been in a knightly or gentle position, and no notes were taken by him of the names of the small free- holders, many of whose descendants are now of importance in the county. Nor did the variorum readings of the names of localities, of the utmost value in tracing their ^ For example, No. 1 fixes the date of the undated charter relating to the same transaction quoted at p. 308 of vol. x. of Blomefield ; No. 9 enables us to correct Blomefield, who created a new abbot of St. Bennet's, by referring to "John" instead of Ealph ; No. 36 mentions Hervey son of Hugh Le Strange, whose existence is not noticed by Blomefield or by the editor of the Visitalio)! ; No. 48 gives the parentage of Wm. de Redham, and so on. b 135 11. derivation,^ nor the immense wealth of field names, interest him in any way ; indeed we may roughly say that if a fine did not chronicle the descent of a manor or advowson, or give some pedigree information about some armigerous family, it was passed by unnoted. JN^early twenty years ago our Society began to print the Norfolk fines at length, with a translation and notes ; but only a dozen fines were issued,^ ably edited by the Rev. Gr. H. Dashwood, Owing, I believe, to the gentleman who sujiplied the copies of such twelve fines failing to send any more, their publication was dropped, and it was perhaps as well that it was so, for, published in this form, it would have taken about forty volumes the size of our Transactions to have completed them. I was subsequently asked to begin again in a tabular form, which, by omitting the formal parts of the document, has the advantage of giving five times as much information in the same space. For reasons into which I need not go now, though I may say that the delay has not been with me, the issue of these fines has been slow; but I am at last enabled to place in my readers' hands precis of the eight hundred and one fines relating to our county which were levied in the reigns of Richard I. and John, with indexes of the names and places which occur in them. I believe this is the first time that the fines of anj^ county have been seriously taken in hand, and I venture to hope that the results may induce others to work the fines of other counties. ^ The science of tracing etj'mologies -vras in its infancy. Blomefield, or rather his continuator Parkin, had "water" on the brain: nearly everj- place-name according to him came from " water." ^ These transcripts contained many inaccuracies, e.g., in Xo. 3 de Nereford is printed de Hereford; in the consideration 20^ is misprinted 10^; in No. 8 30» is printed 20* ; in No. 11 Scule is printed Seale; and the place- names are spelt wrongly. « • • HI. One discovery arising from the analysis is, I think, of very considerable importance, and that is that the fines for Norfolk vastly outnumber those of any other county. Indeed, for the reign of Richard I. Norfolk has 293, while Bedford- shire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cum- berland, Cornwall, Derbyshire, Devonshire, and Dorsetshire together only have 231. — Cooper on Piihlie Records, ii. p. 431. Coupling this with the facts that in the Norfolk fines there is a much greater proportion relating to small holdings of five acres ^ and under than in any other countj^ (a fact which points to numerous small freeholders),^ and that in the early Norfolk fines now before us we come across an unusually large proportion of Scandinavian names, we are drawn to the conclusion that we have here strong evidence that the Norman kings were wise enough to leave their near kinsmen the Danes undisturbed in their holdings to a very much greater extent than has hitherto been suspected. The point is so historically interesting that I hope I may be excused if I devote some considerable space to it. Perhaps as good a way to show the marked difierence in race between the inhabitants of our county and those of some of the shires will be to print the following analysis of the Christian or fore-names occurring in the fines for Bichard I. and John for Bedfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckingham- shire, which I have extracted, not without considerable trouble, from vol. i. of the printed fines published by the late Joseph Hunter for the Record Commission in 1835. Bedfordshire (91.) Abel Alditha Alienor Aumaric Adam Alexander Alviva Avicia Agnes Alice Amabel Bartholomew Albreda Alicia Arnold Beatrix * I have grave doubts whether an "acre" then was not much larger than the present acre. By the way, a "roda" was a rood, pp. 17, 20. 5 Mr. Greeustreet reminds me that the enormous number of Norfolk entries on the Be Banco Bolls bears out this. b2 IV. Berenger Gerinua Bertram Gilbert Cecilia Gregory Claricia Gunilda Cristiana Heimeric David Henry Edelina Herman Editha Hilary Egelina Hubert Elena Hugh Elias Humphrey Emma Jocelin Estrilda Johanna Eustace John Eva Jordan Felicia Katherine GeoflErey Lairna Gerard Laurence Lecia Ralph Letecia Reginald Maria Richard Margeria Robert Matilda Roesia M auger Rohesia Michael Roger Milo Sarra Natalia Simon Nicholas Stannive Nigel Stephen Olimpiada Thomas Osbert Walter Pagan Warin Patric Wido Peter William Petronilla Wischard Prudeneia Berkshire (90.) Adam Edward Hawisia Nigel Agnes Eleanor Henry Osbert Aillina Elias Herbert Petronilla Akina Emma Hodierna Philip Alan Ernald Hugelina Ralph Alexander Ernewi Hugh Richard Alice Eudo Ilbert Roesia Alina Eustace Isabel Robert Almaric Eva Ivo Roger Alveva Felicia Johanna Sarra Amicia Fulco John Sarvalus Anastasia Geofifrey Jordan Serlo Andrew Geramus Juetta Sibilla Arnold Gerard Lambert Silvester Athene Gerold Leslina Simon Baldwin Giles Letitia Stigand Berenger Gilbert Mabilia Thomas Bernard Ginda Martin Tiulphus Cecilia Golda Matilda Turebert Costancia Guinda Matthew Walter Cristiana Gunnora Margaret Warin Editha Hamelin Nicholas WiUiam Edmund Buckinghamshire (105.) Adam Amabilia Berner Agnes Amfria Cecilia Ailrich Amicia Claricia Ala Andrew Clement Alan Asketin Constancia Alard Aremaric Cristiana Alditha Baldwin David Alexander Basile Edward Alina Basilia Eilevysa Alice Benedict Elias Alured Bernard Elizabetha Emma Euticia Fulco Geoffrey Gerard Giles Gilbert Gocelin Godfrey Godwin Gregory Gunilda Ilamo Hamund Hawisia Helewisia Henry Herbert Hugh Isabella James Jeva Johanna John Jordan Juliana Lawrence "With these lists of names, nearly all of which are familiar to the antiquary, I will now ask my readers to compare the extraordinary list^ of Christian or fore-names from the Norfolk fines which is here subjoined, premising that very many of them are of sufiicient rarity to have escaped the notice of Miss C. M. Yonge in her valuable work on The Sistory of Christian Names. Lecia Oliva Rohosia Lemane Osbert RoUand Lubias Pagan Salumon Mabilia Peter Sanson Margena Petronilla Simon Martin Philip Stephen Matilda Quintin Susana Matthew Ealph Thomas Maurice Reginald Trianus Michael Richard Vielus Milo Richent VitaUs Muriell Richer Walter Nicholas Robert Warin Nigel Roesia Wido Oein [qy.Owen] Roger Wmiam Abric, 42 Acelina, 10 Achard, 8, 93 Achilchard, [used as surname] 114 Adeldreda, 98 Adelstan, 32 -Sldwin, 26 Aildive, 26 Aildrick, 58 Ailed, 52 Ailleth, 32 Ailmer, 50 Ailric, 34 Aihich, 45 Ailward, 10, 28 Ainalda, 10 Aki, 17 Aleluri (?), 22 Aleysia, 126 Alfwin, 104 Algar, 58 Aluric, 22 Alveva, 30 bis. Amindus, 46 Norfolk (322 Names.) Angod, 62 Armeniard, 106 Arnild, 94 Asalac, 28 Aselac, oO Asketel, 30, 34 Astin, 74 Astyn, 130 Athelward, 78 Atketel, 38 Aubertus, 64 Aured, 42 Avand, 40 Avant (?), 30 Ave, 50 Baldehiva, 32 Basilica, 78 Bela, 26, 72 Blakeman, 84 Blakewin, 20 Bonde, 12 (?) Boselinus, 84 Botilda, 8, 40, 58 Braies. 89 Brialed, 12 Bricce, 107 Bricthua, 94 Brictmar, 45 Britrich, 24 Brogo, 96 Bruma, 12 Bruniswein, 32 Brunsewein, 22 bis Bund, 64 Bunde, 104 Burdi, 108 Closwein, 120 Costinus, 70 Costar, 84 Costion, 80 Cruis, 40 Currichlt, 130 Cuti (?), 26 Dameta, 114 Damia (?), 99 Bering, 10 Dove, 48 Durand, 20, 122 Durant, 90 Ede, 58 ® To save space I have omitted all common and well-known names, such as William, John, &c. VI. Edift, 122 Ediva, 110 Edric, 34, 123 Edrith, 104 Elebald, 8 Eleured, 84 Elfleda, 40, 42, 74 Elflet, 132 Elfnoth, 74 Elfreda, 34 Elinne, 10 Elviva (? Elvina), 74, 92 Elwin, 34, 115 Emelina, 48 Emeloc, 72 Engeleda, 52 Engelieth, 32 Ernebm-ga, 136 Esole, 74 Estilda, 108 Espeland, 56 Estmund, 26 Estrilda, 110 Eund {?), 24 Eva, 28 Evis, 8 Fraer, 46 Frari, 28 Fredon, 94 Fulcher, 30 Fulcho, 7 Fulcred, 40 Geleraii(i), 116 Gena, 114 Gerberg, 66 Gerbode, 131 Goda, 36, 84 Godard, 30 Godein, 12 Coding, 82, 93, 129 Godiva, 36, 40, 54, 74 Godric, 74 Godwin, 66, 84 Goldrun (female), 10 Gomel, 54 Gosse, 34 Goucy, 112 Goutr', 24 Guiia, 40 Gunilda, 40 Gutfritb, 54 Guynilda, 36 Haco, 108 Haic, 80 Hakun, 24 Haldan, 128 Baldein, 10 Hamond, 28 Hane, 52 Hardewin, 26, 130 Hardwin, 10, 16 Harlewin, 34 Harvey, 24 Hawis (male), 26 Heloin, 34 Helye, 10 Helvisa, 12 Here ward, 54 Herlewin, 10 Herman, 34 Hervald (P Hernald), 42 Hervey, 26 Hodierna, 22, 40 Honfr', 12 Houward, 34 Howard, 10, 96 Huctred, 26 Huelin, 74 Hulf, 88 Ibert, 126 Hing, 110 Imbria, 12 Inea, 64 Ineta, 122 Inetta, 82 Ingeleth, 94 Isolda, 22, 139 Jurnet, 67 Ketell, 26, 54 Langlina, 40 Lecelina, 8, 22 Lecenta, 132 Lefeini, 50 Leffi, 30, 40, 50, 116 Lefwin, 92, 94, 104 Leman, 67 Leofwin, 108 Leowin, 44 Lesquen, 124 Leuric, 10 Leuwine, 34 Leva, 50 Levare, 40 LeTe, 24, 38 Levesun, 122 Leveve, 26 Levive, 8, 48 Levinic, 40 Leuric, 10 Lewand, 58 Livena, 112 Lucent, 17 Mabel, 112 Macelin, 124 Marcelina, 124 Mazelina, 136 Mazeline, 110 Morand', 94 Morant, 40 Odbert, 40 Ode, 106 Offing, 10 Oki, 40 Ordwi (?), 164 On-ich, 122 Osegod, 30 Osegot, 43 Osketel, 36 Otewic, 102 Other, 34 Ourverd, 32 Parmel, 139 Piwith, 79 Keiner, 24 Ribald, 44 Richer, 72 Richilda, 56 Riguare, 54 Rigware, 40 Rikolf, 52 Rixxe, 84 Rod', 57 Runilda, 30 Safred, 70, 88 Saffrei, 82 Safrei, 54 Salerna, 84 Scipard, 79 Scriotbi (?) 74 Scul, 127 Scule, 9, 10, 34 Sedegos, 42 Sefugel, 116 SefugeU, 38 Segelin, 36 Segviun or Seguinn, 101 Selvest'r, 88 Semann, 86 Sigar, 34 Sigenild, 12 Siredd, 1U8 Sirache, 78 Siric, 36 Si ward, 40 Stanard, 81 Stangrun, 22, 32 Stein grun, 90 Stanild, 54 Stannard, 88 Staumcr, 38 Sturmi, 12 Sugband (?), 74 Sumered, 86 Suneman, 88 Swan, 82 Swani, 17 Swarin, 22 Swartagar, 92 Swein, 58 Swenild, 67 \u. Swetive, 118 Swetema, 124 Swetman, 63, 54 Thodo, 8G Thedric, 54 Thieda, 44, C8 Thoke, 54, 74 Tholv, 72 Thorad, 34 Thurbert, 40 Thure, 54 Tliurgand (female), 88 Thurketell, 22 Thurkil, 10 Thurold, 26 Thurstan, 22, 30, 40 Toch', 54 Toke, 38, 72 Token, 38 Torald, 108 Torold, 72 ToiTond, 16 Tovi, 96 Turber, 113 Turgis, 60 Turild, 30 Turkctel, 30 Tui'kil, 102 Turstan, 40 Turstein, 42 Turvis, 57 Ulf, 24, 26, 30, 86 UlfketeU, 98 Ulfus, 8 Yacilla, 131 Villiam, 78 Vivien, 44 Wakelin, 42 Waren, 24 Warin, 128 Waringer, 103 Warner, 98 Werbald, 12 Wic, 34 Wictieve, 30 Wider, 17 Wigot, 10 Wimar, 58 Wimarca, 128 Wimer, 32 Winiunde, 52 Windlevi {?), 116 Wither, 73 W(uilfach, 68 Wulfyat, 82 Wulmar, 50 Wulnard, 52 Wulnad, 13 Wulnod. 24 W(u)lui-ic, 30 Wulvave, 54 W(u)lveve, 26 W{u)lviYa, 40 W(ii;lvive, 8, 46 Wulvi\'ia, 40 Wymer, 26 Ysmaina, 62 Yward, 129 I need hardly point out that a very large proportion indeed of these names are Scandinavian, and reference to the Index at the end of this publication will also show very many surnames of Scandinavian origin, e.g., Anketel, Bacun, Atketel, Ketel, Thurkil, and Thurold. The Norman and other continental names which occur are not as numerous as would be expected by those who fancy that the IS^orman Conquest literally flooded all England with ISTormans and Frenchmen. Of course many of the A Alius B entries were meant for A " Fitz " B, so it is difficult to ascertain exactly what numerical proportion of the landowners were Norman ; but I do not think that more than 110 Norman or French names" occur in the 801 fines. But, however the people came by their names, it is very interesting to find in a list of surnames occurring more than six hundred years ago such every-day Norfolk names as "^ It is of course hard to say in some cases whether the names were those of Normans who still bore Danish names, or of Danes who had come over direct, e.f/., Tholy Wace, Ulf Lovel, Warin, &c. Vlll. Bacon, Bayfield, Barrett, Burrell, Caley, Cobb, Colman, Cooper, Hammond, Durrand, Goss, Gurney, Lomb, Reyner, Rye, Rix, Swan, Swatman, Thirkettle, Tuck, Ulf, and Walpole. The rarity of nicknames or by-names is remarkable. All I have come across are about twenty, viz., Godsaule,^ le Cat, Wudecok, Cobbe, Swan, Cuckuc, Heron, Crowe, le Neuman, Kinesman, Wisman, Freman, Yvvelbume, le Blund, le Brun, le Gris, Pauper, le Gay, le Wile, le Curteis, and le Gros. Nor are the trade or occupation names as numerous as might have been expected, viz., Mercator and le Marchand, Faber, Bisop and Biscop, Clericus, Sacerdos, Diachonus, le Moinne, Cocus, Feutrarius, Falconar, Forester, Bedell, Carpentarius and Carpenter, Parmentarius, Camerarius, Hostiarius, Janitor, Piucerna, Molendarius, le Flittere, le Norreis, le Spicer, le Eschermisur, le Fevere, le Veautre, &c. As, roughly speaking, about one thousand and fifty varieties of names occur among the parties, attorneys, and tenants, in the fines printed hereafter, it is rather strange that not quite 3 per cent, of them should be nicknames or trade names. Of the remainder, about two hundred and forty were of the type " A the son of B," about fourteen were single names, such as " Ivo," and the rest for the most part were of the form " John of Snoring," ^ " Hugh of Skerdeston." So far I have dealt with the people and their names — we now come to the localities mentioned in the fines. Not the least reward of the dry labour of indexing was the dis- covery of over fifty localities which cannot now be traced in the county, and which escaped even the research of 8 Which after all may only be a corruption of Godselhage. * Variations are rare, but two may be noted, " "William Boidi son of Robert" (p. 118), and Alan de Englefield, otherwise filius Muriell (p. 132). IX. Mr. Munford.^ It may be convenient to give a separate list of them here, with some remarks opposite each. Alingeton, \6. Possibly Illington: there are two Allingtons in lincolnshire. Aracton, 129. Beneytleia, 117. Query Bentley in Suffolk. Billingesbi, 113. There is a BiUingborough ia Lincolnshire: cf. Billingford (bis) and BUlockby. Blakeworde, 11. Query Blackworth in Northumberland. Bodokesham, 125 bis. Chedestane, 91. Query Kerdeston: cf. Chedgrave : query Chediston in Suffolk. Cherwelleston, 87. Chilveston, 83. Clippesthorp, 103 : cf. CHppesby. Cotes, 83. Dicwude, 75 : cf. Dickleborough. Dinnenethou, 129. Dudwic, 55. Dunstale, 55. Querj' Dunstable in Bedford. Egleston, 9. There is " Eagle " iu Lincoln. Erwelestun, 95. Ess, 131. Estmora, 133. Finchele, 71: cf. Fincham. Glosebreg, 9 : cf. Glosthorpe. Grenesvill, 11. There is a Greenfield in Lincoln. Grovele (query), 85. Hatchetot, 133 : cf. Hackford. Haringeshang, 97 : cf. Herringby. Heveye, 129. Ilikeford, 35. Query Hackford : cf. Hickling. Horstun, 497 : cf. Horsley — -ford — ham — stead. Humersfield, 61. Homersfield in Suffolk, query. Illegrave, 121. Query H, possibly Hilgay. Inland, 87. Query near Gateley. Karboisthorp, 37 : cf. Garboldisham. There is a Garthorpe in Lincolnshire. Kikelington, 29. Query H. Kinesthorp, 59. Knardeston, 83. Kyneholm, 55 : cf, Cowholm, Norwich Priory. Langwade, 41. Possibly Lenwade. Lowingeham, 59. Nesse, 9. Neuwater, 11. Korcot, 85. Korthton, 9. Query Burnham Norton. Rocton, 11 : cf. Rockland. 1 I have referred in each case to the original fine to be sure that it has not been misplaced from the bundle of another county. X. Sailtwert, 127. Socestone (query), 107 Stikingeland, 105. Sudmere, 57 Tering or Toring, 9. Querj^ Terrington. Torpingemers, 117. Tunethorp, 111 : cf. Tunstall. Wicherestorj), 83. Wicelesford, 107. Query Wickford in Essex. Of these, eleven are clearly Danish, viz., BillingesJy, Clij)pesz'Aor7;, Dud?r/c, Ille^rr/r?, Karboisi'Ao/7?, Kines/Z/orj?, 'Kjneholm, Nesse, Torpingemers, Tune//^ or;;, and Wicheres/'orjo; and it is 'just possible they were names of villages which were dropped as the Danes left their neighbourhood. Nesse may have been off Foulness by Cromer, and be now lost in the sea like Shipden and Eccles. Of the others, three, viz., Bentley, Chediston, and Homersfield, are in Suffolk, and Dunstable is in Essex, and yet the fines in which they occur are clearly marked "Norf" in a cotemj)orary hand. So is another (p. 91), which obviousl}'' relates to Tilbury in Essex. More interesting still are the very numerous field-names, of which no less than four hundred occur. As charters and deeds of this date are very rare, and when they do occur seldom do more than specify the name of the manor or advowson conveyed, I have thought it worth while to arrange these names under headings as well as I can, asking my reader to treat leniently my versions of hitherto unknown places, which will no doubt receive many cor- rections from abler hands. The list affords a tempting field for conjecture, but, being no " scollard," I will leave this to others, and will only point out that we may recognize here many of our favourite field-names, such as Fouracres, Sevenacres, and Twelveacres ; Homefield, Northfield, and "Westfield. Many of the "gates" would seem to refer to the way to or direction of an adjacent village, e.g., Brancastergate, Stanhoegate, and Wintertongate. XI, Some of the names are unmercifully loug, e.g., Blacunkle- hevecllaud, Burwennesneulieland, Kaimluesmerehevedland, Dudegraveuverwang, and Dunehersseswang. Can tlie latter have meant the dun horse's wang ? Acre. Benehalfacre, 95 Fouracres, 19 Helwinesacre, 41 Hevedacre, 81 Ivnapewellacra, 73 Longehalfaker, 115, 117 Eodulvesakei", 39 Schortehalfacre, 95 Schirevesacre, 125 Sevenacre, 123 Sevenacris, 29 Sunndesacre, 139 Twelfacres, 99 Wildeker, 71 Beach, or Bech. Bech, 79 Eatlesbech, 63 Redhebech, 116 Waxsebeclie, 131 Brakes. West Brakes, 77 Bridge. Prestebrige, 61 Broom. Brom, 37 Brome, 75 Michelbrom, 125 Bury. Beveresbure, 39 Lingmiddelberg, 99 Stanborb, 91 Bush. Lahabush, 59 (? Lang- ham bvish) Busks.2 Aslakebusk, 103 Two buskes, 81 By. Billingesbi, 113 Cot. Lambecot, 39 Croft. Adverescroft, 121 Ailevesci'oft, 125 Alevescroft, 125 Alvodescroft, 37 Barlicroft, 17 Bubelescroft, 37 Beterhuscroft, 137 Bimegerescroft, 65 Bunes croft, 45 Colecroft, 59 Colescroft, 72 Crancroft, 113 Croft, 73 Crophto, 95 Estecroft, 21 Ethstanescroft, 113 Fruntescroft, 129 Gailecroft, 55 Geggiscroft, 15 Gittiscroft, 15 Godwinescroft, 135 Grasecroft, 87 Hachenescroft, 101 Harescroft, 39 Hestecroft, 101 (PEast Croft) Hethincroft, 17 Hobbescroft, 41 Hudiscroft, 25 Katecroft, 77 Kilnecroft, 45 Kingescroft, 137 Lillardescroft, 37 Linecroft, 25 Milliecroft, 45 Piggescroft, 103 Pottescroft, 19 Pratescroft, 133 Eanescroft, 125 Ridecroft, 43 Riecroft. 43 Silescroft, 51 Tuiccroft (?), 37 AVudecroft, 117 Cross. Broccross, 95 Crundel. Gatlecrundel, 39 Slokrundel, 77 Dale. Bradale, 59 Cademanesdale, 35 Dimigedal, 61 Hartesdal, 9 Hungerdale, 57 Scodale {':), 113 Dele. Bolobogedel, 51 Crokelundele, 39 Kirkedele, 47 ]\Ianhondele, 77 Suinesdele, 25 Trendele, 105 Weistdele, 25 Delf.3 Hildelf, 101 Dich, or Dike. Burgdich, 95 Dich, 75 Lowedich, 81 Treisdikes, 103 Widebagedig, 35 Den. Yotenden, 95 Don. Hameldon, 9 Langedon, 23 End. Hildikesende, 101 Holegates end, 67 Fall gate. Pakkeresfaillate, 127 2 Buske or Bussbe, Prompt. Parv., 56 3 Delph, a drain which empties itself into a larger drain— a dyke which has been delved —Brogden's Provincial Words of Lincolnshire. xu. Fen. Allewellefen, 83 Mickelfen, 85 Field. Humesfeld, 61 (? the Home Field) Northfeld, 77, 119 Westfeld, 119 Fleet.4 Alfladeflet, 91 Meresflet, 101 Ford. Heaghenhildford, 71 Ilneford, 51 Sentford, 80 Furlong. Brantesfurlang, 61 Gavelefurlinges, 23 Langefurlang, 117 Michelemadfurlong, 129 Northfiirlang, 57 Suthmorfurlang, 61 Gate. Abunesgate, 95 Akergate, 77 Bergate, 97 Bradegate, 55 Brancestregate, 69 Brechegate, 95 Chirchegat, 95 Cranewissegat, 89 Creicgate, 25 Estgate, 95 Feltwellegat, 89 Grenegate, 77 Harthornesgate, 19 Herpelegate, 51 Hescogate, 107 Holandegat, 55 Holegate, 103 Kirkegate way, 93 Langhagate, 59 Litleholgat, 105 Marlingate, 95 Newetongate, 39 Northgate, 139 Nungate, 97 Rigeweigate, 77 Sepegate, 119 Stanhoegate, 87 Sumringate, 121 Suthwadhegate, 97 Uveregate, 127 Wellegate, 55 Westegate, 115 Westgate, 117, 121 Wetingate, 91 Wintertunegate, 49 Witegate, 31 "Wodegate, 59 Grave.^ Aiegrave, 39 Bertigrave, 101 Dudegrave, 117 Lambigrave, 57 Wlngrave, 81 Hage or Hoge. Bruneshage, 43 Frunteshage (wood), 129 Greneg, 113 Haringeshag, 97 Hoddehoge, 49 Langetheibage, 137 Ridehage, 133 Stanahage, 125 Wadhoge, 39 Hay.'' Hermitesbeie, 63 Exhaiz, 81 Rugunerbae, 101 Hall. Hiringeshal, 25 Rutlingebal, 15 Stanlial, 55 Head. Heued, 75 Onecoteshed, 95 Hill. Alwineshill, 61 Asgereshill, 107 Atterbill, 77 GalterbUl, 127 Hevekeshill, 97 Holegatebill, 37 Leirgravebill, 113 Lingbill, 95 Norbbill, 45 Quenbill, 19 Scridebill, 37 Snaresbill, 99 SutbiU, 107 ' Upon the Hill,' 45 Hole, or Hales. Foxbales, 125 Foxhole, 83 Muckole, 133 Holm. Brakebolm, 141 Brakenholm, 23 Crosbolm, 25 Henundesholm, 99 Holme, 19 Nieweholm, 25 Ho, or How. Babardeshowe, 55 Blacbeho, 59 Calculneshowe, 87 Erdehou, 125 Galecho, 125 Hedenesho, 137 Langeroe, 85 Milnehoe mersh, 97 Mulehou, 37 Packelowe, 59 Sewardescroe, 137 Stanbou, 139 Wiccericbeshoue, 35 Ing. Estldefridding, 77 Liteling, 101 Nordinge, 17 Spolinges, 39 Wadinges, 63 Lane. Netherlaine, 39 Ling. Spolinges, 39 Spotlinges, 39 Lond, or Land.^ Blacunldehevedland, 139 Blakeland, 99 Bradeland, 129 Brendeland, 99 Brodeland, 29 Buclond, 37 Bur land, 133 * A salt water tidal creek. 5 No doubt used in the sense of ditch or trench, Danish srrav. 6 " StiU used in Norfolk for a hedge."— Halliwell's Dictionary. ■' Also see " ad longam terram " and " ad curtam terrara," at p. 45. Xlll, BurwennesNeuheland , 41 Buscland, 115 Crundeland, 53 Eldeland, 117 Estlangelond, 39 Evedlond, 77 Gilbert's land, 95 Gorland, 119 Haxland, 85 Inland, 87 Kaimluesraerelieved- land, 105 Langedonohavetlond, 23 Langedon Brembe- lond, 23 Langeland, 87, 105 Lund, 57 Milneland, 21 Netherlond, 115 Neuloond, 75 Pacewineslund, 45 Radeland, 63 Redeland, 39 Rotilond, or Houlond, 101 Sandlond, 21 Sandland, 77 Sanland, 113 Schorteland, 95 Snakesland, 77 Sorteland, 9 Sortehardlond, 61 Sternelond, 21 Stornlond, 117 Swersland, 91 Taseburgland, 127 Wrogiland, 23 Meadow, Mede. Witemedes, 17 Estmedewe, 49 Mers, or Mere. Godinesmers, 115, 117 Torpinggemers, 117 Flaxmere, 133 Fresmere, 119 Hevedemere, 55 Ingemer, 133 Kirkemere, 113 Prestemere, 73, 131 Selimere, 95 Sclomere, 95 Wadmar, 75 Wetingate merr, 91 Mill. Bridge mill, 81 Erlesmilne, 71 Hundemilhe, 45 (? The Hundred mill) Mersmelne, 135 Skerehunger mill, 139 Uvermilne, 29 William's mill, 85 Mor. Estmor, 61 Estmore, 97 Kirbemor, 23 Notolnesmor, 119 Nab. Wunstanesnab, 133 Pit. Alderfanpittes, 123 Colput, 103 Greiputtes, 103 Grepittes, 119 Lampit, 127 Rod. Herolfvesrode, 93 Witmererod, 53 Slade.** Beeslade, 95 Merslades, 17 Spinney. The Spinney, 83 Sty. Berchenestie (?), llo Beretrenestie (?), 117 Didelstie, 95 Grenestie, 95 Humstie, 95 Medelesties, 73 Sidesternesti, 25 Thorn. Colebythorn, 89 Smalethornes, 55 Thorp. Brunsthorp, 47 Poketorp, 107 Toft. Bremestoft, 25 Edwinestofta, 95 Ethstanestoft, 113 Grisetoft, 27 Ilafketelestofta, 95 Kinesmannestoft, 99 Offrichestoft, 69 Piggestoft, 125 Toftes, 43, 49 Udostoft, 33 Ulnestuft, 81 Ulvestoft, 89 Westtoft, 131 Town's end. Westgate tonend, 57 Tun. Muletun, 79 Well. Kenting welle, or Kemingwelle, 89 Litlewell, 129 Scarbotewell, 63 Suthe-welle, 95 Wong, or Wang.^ Blacks wong, 123 Dudegraveuver wang, 117 Duneherssewang, 137 Ellernewong, 119 Munekeswong, 37 Netherwong, 117 Suineswong, 25 IJverswong, 115 Wood. Fredeswude, 95 Hakeford wad, 115 Westwude, 105 Wro. Killingewro, 49 » Variously explained; by Halliwell as a valley and a plain: the latter seems right. ^ The Danish wang, a meadow. XIV. Alfwanesherne, 123 AUesell, 123 Berch, 115 Berchenestic (? Beret- revestic), 115, 117 Breche, le, 129 Brith, 25 Cockesseg, 95 Drave, La, 63 Fortleg, 59 Foxhalls, 125 Fredue, ad, 75 Gateschiles, 39 Gosegras, 133 Unidentified Places. Grencg, 113 Hech', 25 Hes. 49 Heued, 75 Hocce, 25 Iseris, 21 La Drave, 63 Leavines, 55 Lochus,.123 Lukedonhel, 69 Micloweye, 125 llidchage, 133 Eediz, 79 Ringenuse, 53 Sewardescroe, 137 Siwatesfot, 123 Stanaue, 97, [? Stan- how] Stanberh, 91 Sudbroc, 117 Sirmecopt, 103 Ti'wate, 37 Twisler, 75 AVadegrote, 125 Westmad, 125 Westris, 133 Wileghes, 105. Wilgeshik, 95 Occasionally we find in tlie fines entries interesting for many reasons. Thus Humphry cle Herlham in 8 Ric. I. sold, for a hundred shillings, land to Ralph de Herlham (possibly his brother), for his equipment to Jerusalem, prob- ably in the fifth Crusade then being instituted by Pope Innocent III. ; and the objection naturally felt by large landowners to their sub-tenants giving land into mortmain, which did no service, is well instanced by Eva, daughter of Hawis de Moiiai, granting lands to Ralph de Torcy and his assigns — " praeterquam viris religiosis." Other instances of this exception will be found at pp. 35 and 69. Vineyards are mentioned at p. 137. The nominal or unusual considerations are also interesting, e.g., a pound of pepper (pp. 13, 67, &d, 85, 87, and 97) ; a pound of cuminin (pp. 21, 49, 53, and 77) ; a pound of incense (p. 99) ; a pair of gloves (p. 139) ; a pair of white gloves (p. 13) ; a hawk (pp. 65, 87) ; a hawk of the first year (p. 15) ; a pair of gilt spurs worth 6(/. (p. 21) ; four barbed arrows (p. 87) ; two horses (p. 25) ; a black horse of the third and another of the sixth year (p. 87) ; a horse worth 10 marks- and the return of a deed (jj. 119) ; a robe worth 2 marks (p. 117) ; a mantle and tunic (p. 33) ; two dresses and a gold ring (p. 51) ; two mallards (p. 27) ; two capons at Christmas (p. 139) ; a bullock (p. 105) ; 6,200 XV. "sticks" of eels (p. 103) ; freedom from toll (]). 61) ; a gold ring and participation in the benefits of a monastery (p. 51) ; and similar participation without a ring (pp. 97, 135, and 139). An early instance of "liquidation by ar- rangement " will be found at p. 137, where a creditor releases a debtor who owes him 30 marks for a cash payment of 3 marks. The consideration is occasionally absent (p. 127), but its most usual forms are — 1. Cash, or cash and regrant of part of the land in fee, or cash and life annuity, or cash and rent {i.e., purchase of a perpetual lease at a premium.) 2. Exchange for other land, or exchange for other land and cash, or exchange for other land for which rent is to be paid (i.e., exchange of freehold for leasehold.) 3. Rent, or rent and the grant of some other property, or a year's profits, or a release of arrears of rent. 4. An ANNUITY in perpetuity or for life. 5. The REGRANT for life at a rent or free of rent {i.e., a loan for life.) 6. The REGRANT of part absolutely {i.e., a partition.) 7. The REGRANT of part subject to a rent or service. Instances of persons not parties to the fine taking benefits by it will be found at pp. 51, 55 (Nos. 237, 266) ; and the reader will find numerous cases in which the " calling to warrant" fiction occurs, thus showing how much earlier it was in existence than the invention of recoveries. A few words on the Feet of Fines themselves may not be inappropriate.^ They are written in a very small writing ^ A Tery early Norfolk fine, not bound up with the series here indexed, is dated 35 Henry II. By it "Wm. de Curzun grants a messuage in Xorwicli to Jornetus the Jew, in consideration of a cash payment of 5 marks and an annual payment of 5s. See irniitcr's Fines, p. 23. XVI. on pieces of parchment about as long as, but narrower tlian one's hand, indented or notched along the top, and are as a rule in good condition. From the following exact transcrij)t of one of them a better idea of their form and contractions may be gleaned than from any description, however ample. H -i- final 9cord fca In Cur Dni Reg ap Norwic Anno Regni ^ E-ic vij" Die Sabb festo See Marg Cora Wilt de Glavill 1 Osb fit Huic T; Sim de Patesh Justic Dni Reg T; Alijs fidelib} Dni Reg Ic ibid psentib} Int Rob de Hicford pet T. Ada de Nereford ten de . viij . acr c ptin i Spham . un assa' de morte ancessoris summon fuit Int eos i cur pfata : Scilt qd id Ada cocessit eid Rob T; hedib^ suis tota pdcam traJ cu ptih tenend de se T, hedib) suis '. Reddendo In anuati sex denar ad fest' Sci Mich . T; ad XX . sol de Scutag : vi d T; ad plus ' plus . T, ad min i min p oi gsuetudine : T; p h* cocessone id Rob ded' dco Ade tria Bizantia Norf^ The above extended reads thus — Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia Domini Regis apud Norwicum anno regni Regis Ricardi septimo, die Sabbati festo Sancte Margarete, Coram Willelmo de Glanvill et Osberto filio Hervici et Simone de Pateshill, Justiciariis Domini Regis, et aliis fidelibus Domini Regis &c. ibidem presentibus. Inter Robertum de Hickford petentem, et Adam de Nereford tenentem, de 8 acris cum pertinentiis in Sparham. Unde Assisa de morte ante- cessoris summonita fuit inter eos in curia prefata ; scilicet quod idem Adam concessit eidem Roberto et heredibus suis totam predictam terram cum pertinentiis Tenendam de se et heredibus suis : Reddendo inde annuatim sex denarios ad festum Sancti JNlichaelis, et ad 20 solidos de XVll. sciitagio sex denarios, et ad plus plus et ad minus minus, pro omni consuetudine. Et pro hac concessione idem Robertus dedit dicto Ade tria bizantia. Norfolchia. And translated, thus — This is the final agreement made in the Court of (our) Lord the King at Norwich on the Sabbath day, in the feast of St. Margaret, in the 7th year of King Richard, before William de Glanvill, Osbert Fitz Hervey, and Simon de Pateshill, Justices of (our) Lord the King, and other faithful (servants) of (our) Lord the King, &c., there present, between Robert de Hickford (the) de- mandant, and Adam de Nereford (the) tenant of eight acres with (their) appurtenances in Sparham, concerning which an assize of mort d'auncestor was summoned between them in the aforesaid court. Namely, that the said Adam granted to the said Robert and his heirs all the aforesaid land with (its) appurtenances. To hold of him and his heirs, paying therefor yearly sixpence, and for every twenty shillings of scutage sixpence, and for more more and for less less, for all service. And the said Robert for this grant gives to the said Adam three bezants. Norfolk. None of the Fines for Norfolk have been printed except in the experiment already mentioned. The volumes published by the Record Commission in 1835 — 44 under the title of "Fines sive Pedes Finium," reach only to Beds, Bucks, and a few other counties whose initial letters are early in the alphabet. Nor, from their commencement until the 1st Henry VIII., c xvin. are there any public indices whatever to them.- Anterior to the last-named date the fines themselves ^ must be searched ; unless reference is made to the Lansdowne M»SS. 306, 307, and 308, which are apparently the original calendars, oi" entry books for the reigns of Edward III., Richard II., Henry IV., and Henry V., and which are easier to search. From the 25th Henry VIII., however, the Index- to (the Notes or duplicates of) the Fines, which gives short notices of the fines of each term arranged under the counties to which they belong, becomes available. Up to the 32nd George II. these indices give the Christian names of the parties, and the name of the locality as well. From the 1st George III., however, the entries run thus — Bell I Townlev I Millett f3-' Millett being the attorney's name. These indices being though not alphabetical, easy to search, are of course very valuable. The Books of Entries of Fines, which extend from 1611, are arranged in a similar way to the last-named series, but give a little more information, viz., the entry mentioned above in them stands thus — 297. Henry Bell esq Pit & William Townley & Mary his wife & others Defts in AVrettone — Millett. But the chief use of them is that the late volumes of this 2 There certainly are a few (eleven) volumes, purporting to be indices to fines, which have been noted by private collectors, chiefly Le Neve, but these refer to so infinitesimally small a portion of the fines that they are perfectly useless. Some counties, it is true, have separate indices to some of their fines, but I only know of those I have myself compiled for Richard I., John, Henry III., Edward I,, Henry YII., Henry VIII., Edward YI., and Mary. Most of these are to names only, and the last three arc printed iu Vol. II. of the KorfoUc Antiquarian Miscellany. "' Which are bound up in thin bundles or parts of twenl)-fi\o. XIX. series give references to the actual number borne by the Fines. Lastly, the King's Silver Books (which exist from the reign of Henry VIII., but owing to damage done them by fire are inconsultable until that of George I.) give yet more in- formation about the property and parties, e.g., the above referred to entry is thus extended. 20/. Norfolk Henry Bell Esq»^ Pit W™ Townley & 13/4 8 St Hil Rob' Thorpe & Ann Mary his wife defts of 2 mess 1 barn 1 sta 2 cur 2 gar 1 or 20 La 20 mea 20 pas & com of pass for all mann of catt with the app^^ in Wretton & Stoke flPery Bfore Harvey Goodwin & Jno Houchen gents by coiii 29 Deer 38 K Geo 3 Other ways of getting references to fines there are, as by searching the Extracts from Writs of Covenant (Alienation Ofiice), of which there are one hundred and thirty-five volumes, commencing 1576 (Index to same dating from 1661) ; and the Concords of Fines (Common Pleas), which begin Mich. 1, 2 Elizabeth ; but as they are generally more troublesome to find, and give less satisfactory information when found, I think the three series above detailed will suffice for the amateur genealogist. WALTER RYE. Selhurst. Note. — The party before whose name a star (*) is placed is in each case the grantor — or technically he who "quits claim." EREATA. el3, / or ij monialil)^ read et monialib'j. 21 , , cinnamon , , cummin. 31 , , Brentham ? , Bretteniiam. 32 , , Bnimswein , , Bruinswein ? 32 , , Stangim , , Stangrin? 34 , , Helom , , Heloin ? 47 , , Wallmgham , , Walsingham. 57 , , Westgaletoned , , "Westgattoned. 59 , , coucussu , , concTissu. 71 , , B'mghani , , B'nigham. 76 , , Tisteshal , , Tifteshal. 79 , , Hemford , , Heinf ord ? 82 , , de Saffrei , , fir Saffrei. 87 , , todis , , rodis. 90 , , Koeisin , , Koeisia. 90 , , Argentis , Argentes. 92 , , Leswin , , Lef win ? 96 , , Buislard , , Buiscard ? 115 , , Berchenestic , , Berchenestie ? 117 , , Beretrevestic , , Beretrenestie ? ^tbcs Jfittium; The nature of the Feet of Fines, notes of some of the earlier of which are appended to this paper, is I think so well known as not to warrant any lengthened remarks about it from me. Proved by experience to be the most binding, as well as the most convenient, form of transfer of land that could be devised, these fines (which were nominally an amicable arrangement, putting an end to a hostile suit in the King's Court) became most deservedly popular with the public, not only from their e£B.cacy, but from the safety ensured to a purchaser by the fact of a duplicate of each tine being pre- served of record in the custody of the court. On their value to the topographer and, to a less degree, to the genealogist, I need not dilate, though I may remind my readers that the earlier fines give minute accounts of the transfer of advowsons, manors, &c., at a date when deeds are excessively rare. To the antiquary who is neither genealogist nor topographer they will be of less interest, unless to the ethnologist, to whom the overwhelming proportion of Saxon and Danish in comparison with the Norman names, may seem to bear out the opinion that the Normans were numerically but a handful among the people they conquered, and to whom the many curious names of fields and localities, long since forgotten, may prove useful as rough material for his consideration. B Occasionally, hoTvever, ^ve find in them entries interesting for other reasons. Thus Humphry de Herlham in 8 Pdc. I. sold, for a hundred shillings, land to Ralph de Herlham (possihly his brother) for his equipment to Jerusalem, pro- bably in the fifth Crusade then being instituted by Pope Innocent III. ; and the objection naturally felt by large landowners to their sub-tenants giving land into mortmain is well instanced by Eva daughter of Hawis de Morlai granting lands to Ealph de Torcy and his assigns — " preeter quam viris religiosis." The nominal considerations for the grants are sometimes noteworthy — as, a pair of white gloves, a pair of spurs, a pound of cinnamon, and a pound of pepper or sixpence. A few words on the Feet of Fines themselves may not be inappropriate. They are written in a very small writing on pieces of parchment about as long as, but narrower than one's hand, indented or notched along the top, and are as a rule in good condition. From the following exact transcript of one of them a better idea of their form and contractions may be gleaned than from any description however ample. H -T- final Qcord f ca In Cur Dni Reg ap Norwic Anno Regni ^ Ric vij° Die Sabb festo See Marg Cora Wiii de Glavill 1 Osb fil Huic ^ Sirh de Patesh Justic Dni Reg" '\ Alijs fidelib} Dni Re£ T.c ibid psentib} Int Rob de Hicford pet T: Ada de Nereford ten de . viij . acr c ptin i Spham . un assa' de morte ancessoris su^moii fuit Int eos i cur pfata : Sciit qd id Ada cocessit eid Rob '\ hedib^ suis tota pdcam tra) cu ptih tenend de se T; hedib} suis ' Reddendo lii anuati sex denar ad fest' Sci Mich . T; ad XX . sol de Scutag : vi d T; ad j)lus ! plus . 1 ad min^ ' min^ p oi gsuetudine : T; p h^ cocessone id Rob ded' dco Ade tria Bizantia Norf^ The above extended reads thus — Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia Domini Regis apud Norwicum anno regni Regis Ricardi septimo die Sabbati festo Sancte Margarete Coram "VYillelmo de Glanvill et Osberto filio Hervici et Simone de Pateshill Justiciariis Domini Regis et aliis fidelibus Domini Regis &c. ibidem presentibus Inter Robertum de Hickford petentem et Adam de Nereford tenentem de 8 acris cum pertinentibus in Sparham. TJnde Assisa de morto ante- cessoris summonita fuit inter eos in curia prefata ; scilicet quod idem Adam concessit eidem Roberti et heredibua suis totam predictam terram cum pertinentibus Tenen- dum de se et heredibus suis Reddendo inde annuatim sex denarios ad festum Sancti Michaelis et ad 20 solidos de scutagio sex denarios et ad plus plus et ad minus minus pro omni consuetudine Et pro hac concessione idem Robertus dedit dicto Ade tria bizantia. Norfolchia. And translated, thus — This is the final agreement made in the Court of (our) Lord the King at Norwich on the Sabbath day, in the feast of St. Margaret, in the 7th year of King Richard, before William de Glanvill, Osbert Fitz Hervey, and Simon de Pateshill, Justices of (our) Lord the King, and other faithful (servants) of (our) Lord the King, &c., there present, between Robert de Hickford (the) de- mandant, and Adam de Nereford (the) tenant of eight acres with (their) appurtenances in Sparham, concerning which an assize of mort d'auncestor was summoned between them in the aforesaid court. Namely, that the said Adam granted to the said Robert and his heirs all the aforesaid land with (its) appurtenances. To hold of him and his heirs, paying therefor yearly sixpence, and for every twenty shillings B 2 of scutage sixpence, and for more more and for less less, for all service. And the said Robert for this grant gives to the said Adam three bezants. Norfolk. None of the Fines for Norfolk have been printed except in the experiment mentioned hereafter. The volumes published by the Record Commission in 1835 — 44 under the title of " Fines sive Pedes Finium," reach only to Beds, Bucks, and a few other counties whose initial letters rejoice in an early place in the alphabet. Nor, from their commencement until the 1st Henry YIII., are there any indexes whatever to them.^ Anterior to the last-named date the fines themselves^ must be searched. From the 25th Henry VIIL, however, the Index to (the Notes or duplicates of) the Fines, which gives short notices of the fines of each term arranged under the counties to which they belong, becomes available. Up to the 32nd George II. these indices give the Christian names of the parties, and the name of the locality as well. From the 1st George III., however, the entries run thus — Bell I Townley | Millet Millett being the attorney's name. These indices being, though not alphabetical, easy to search, are of course very valuable. ^ There certainly arc a few (eleven) vohimes purporting to be indices to fines which have been noted by private collectors, chiefly Le Neve, but these refer to so infinitesimally small a portion of the fines that they are perfectly useless. Some counties it is true have separate indices to some of their fines, but Norfolk is unluckily not so blessed. "^ Which are bound up in thin bundles or parts of twenty-five. The BooJcs of Entries of Fines, which extend from 1611, are arranged in a similar way to the last-named series, but give a little more information, viz., the entry mentioned above, in them stands thus — 297. Henry Bell esq Pit & William Townley & Mary his wife & others Defts in AVrettone — Millett. But the chief use of them is that the late volumes of this series give references to the actual number borne by the Fine. Lastly, the King's Silver Boohs (which exist from the reign * of Henry YIII., but owing to damage done them by lii'e are inconsultable imtil that of George I.) giv^e yet more in- formation about the property and parties, e.g., the above referred to entry is thus extended. 20/. Norfolk Henry BeU Esq''^ Pit ^Y^ Townley & 13/4 8 St Hil Pob' Thorpe & Ann Mary his wife defts of 2 mess 1 barn 1 sta 2 cur 2 gar 1 or 20 La 20 mea 20 pas & com of pass for all mann of catt with the app*^ in Wretton & Stoke ffery Bfore Harvey Goodwin & Jno Houchen gents by coin 29 Deer 38 K Geo 3 Other ways of getting references to fines there are, as by searching the " Covenant Book " and the " Concords of Fines," but as they are generally more troublesome to find, and give less satisfactory information when found, I think the three series above detailed will suffice for the amateur genealogist. With a few words on an undertaking relative to these fines which was some time ago commenced by our Society, I will conclude. 6 It was originally intended to print these fines at length ; in fact sixteen pages of them, containing extended copies and English precis of the first dozen fines, were printed in 1863, with an able Introduction and equally able Notes, by the Rev. G. H. Dashwood ; but owing to the gentleman who supplied copies of such twelve fines failing to send any more, the publication of them has never been continued. As all the information contained in these fines is capable of being shown in a much more concise and consultable way in a tabular form than by printing them in extenso, the former method has been adopted, as by its means more than five times the quantity of information can be given in the same space than by the latter. WALTER RYE. Chelsea. Note. — The party before whose name a star (*) is placed is in each case the Grantor — or technically he who " quits claim." PEDES FINIUM: OR Jfim^ ^i^Iitting to t\^t €mnt\) d ^0rf0lk. 8 Ko. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 1 3 Richard I. *Ilobert de Mortuo Mari. The Prior of Lewwes (by Symon Dean of Hecg- ham.) 2 7 Eichard I. Avicia daugliter of Ha- *Roger de Acra and Emma mund Tusard (by Johu Tusard his wife. de Fric.) 3 Robert de Hicford. *Adam de Hereford. 4 *Iloger Gulafre and Beatrix Robert son of Symon de bis wife. Saham. 5 *Lecelina and Beatrix, daughters of Edric. Gaufridus son of Gervase. 6 *Safrid sou of William and William de Tikebrom, Botilda his wife. Robert son of Reginald and Ulfus de Sueinestorp and William his son. 7 *Adam son of Aehard. The Monks of Acre and Alan son of Reiner, 8 *WiUiam Picot. William de Anemere. 9 *NichoIas PIncerna. Ralph abbot of Ilidm (by John the monlc.) 10 Wlvive, Botilda, and Levive. *William Spine. 11 Bartholomew son of Gau- fridus. *Reginald de Camera. 12 Ralph de Lenham. *Henry de Matham. 13 *Jocelin son of Ralph. Richard son of Elebald. 14 * William son of Ralph. William and Fulco the sons of Evis. Description of Property. One fourth part of a Knight's fee in Hecgham. (f ) All land held by the said Prior of the said Robert, in Toniestun and Cattestun, of the yearly value of 10 shillings andof 8 pence respectively. 60 acres in Tirington. 8 acres in Sperham. A mill in Glosebreg. Two acres in Nesse. 10 acres in Sweinestorp. 40 acres in Feltewell. 30 acres in TVulferton, namely all that Roger, father of the said WiUiam de Anemere, held there. To hold for the life of Christiana the mother of the said William de Anemere. The advowson of the Church of J^[orth Wale sham. 12 acres in Northtoh. 11 acres in Crec. (t) 3 acres of the same land, viz., 1^ rod at the head of the croft of Robert son of Scule, 3 rods at Sorteland, 2 rods and " unam midfurlongam dimidiam acrani " in Hartes- dal, and 3 rods in Hameldon, 40^ rent in Dallig and in Toring. (t) £4 rent in Egleston. acres in Carleton. 20 acres in Wicingesete Consideration, &c. The annual pajrment of 6 marks of silver and the release of (f) The regrant of the western moiety of the said pre- mises to the said Avicia, at the yearly rent of 4^ 4''. 3 bezants, the yearly rent of 6'^, and 6'^ for every 20* of scutage. 5 marks of silver to Roger and 2 besants to Beatrix; and the annual rent of 10^ 10* sterling. One mark of silver and a heifer worth 32''. 2| marks of silver. The yearly rent during the life of the said Christiana of 40*. 3 marks of silver. The profits thereof during the same year. The grant by Bartholomew to the said Reginald and to Ralph his son of (f) at the yearly rent of 9'^ 30 marks of silver and the grant of (f ) 7* sterling. The regrant of one fourth of said land at the service due therefor, viz., 15'^. 10 1 No. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 15 7 Ric. I. *Acelina de Stafield and Reginald de Stafield her nephew. Richard pposit of Doketon. 16 *E,oger Le Norreis. Hugh son of Elinne. 17 *Goldrun daughter of Offing. Eustace de Sireford. 18 Walter son of Galfridus. * John, capellanus of Tunstal. 19 *William son of Scule. Hardwin son of Haldein and Simon de Foxhol. 20 Richard & Henry the sons of Odo. * William son of Godard, 21 John son of Walter. * William son of Thurkil. 22 William son of Roger and Matilda his wife. *Saher de Biskele. 23 Thomas Le Bigod and Ag- nes his wife (by Roger de Reppes.) _ *Robert de Glanyill. 24 — *Richard son of Hlewiii Gaufr^ son of Robert, andl and Ainalda his wife. Godwin son of Ralph i 25 *William de Curzu. Robert son of Rocelin. 26 . ,. *Ailward and Emma his Peter son of B jte (Bea- wife, daughter of Eudo. trix ?) 27 *Walter and Leuric sons of Dering. Osb. Mcatore 28 Comitissa Gundreda (by Nicholas clericus.) * William de StHon. 29 *RobertleFlittere. Wigot Mercator. 30 Ralph de Lenham. *William son of Helye. 11 Description of Property. 10 acres in Dunton. 6| acres in Sireford. 8 acres in Sireford. 1 acre in Tunstal. 4 acres in Wichlgha. 3 acres in Neuwater. 30 acres in Stanford. (t) 7 acres in Hengliam, namely all Tvhicli he (John) had from the land of Richard de Stanlund, and half an acre in the close of the said John. 2^ rent in Grenesvill. A carucate of land in Eocton. 9 perches of land in Dockinges. One fifth of a knight's fee in Blakewrde. 6 acres in Heidon for which the lessors agree to pay a rent of 6*^ to their superior landlords. Messuage in Disce. The advowson of the Church of St. Peter of St^'ton to Gundreda for life " ut illi^ ecc^' q ptinet ad libam dote ipi'^ Gundr^ et p^t de- cessu ipi^ Gundi^ Comitf Rog le bigod 1 hedib} suis," 5 acres in Birston. 20 acres in Terning. (t) 10 acres of above property, viz., 5^ which were of William Bemeig and 5^ near the land of Robert Pattarin "versus occidente ante porta Howard," Consideration, &c. 16^ sterling. J a mark of silver. One mark of silver. 5^ of silver and the pro- fits of the land for the aforesaid year. One mark of silver. 12"^ and the profits of the same land for the afore- said year. The grant from John to WiUiam of (f) 40^ of silver, the yearlA' rent of 12^ and 5'^ in the 20^ "ad exercitu dfii reg." 5 marks. 5^ of silver. 5 marks of silver and 3^ The annual rent of 21*^. 6^ sterling. 60^ sterling. 10® sterling. The grant by Ralph to W"^. of (t) at the yearlv rent of 2^ 12 Date. 7 Richard I. "Petens." *IIugli son of Sturmi. Stephen de E,olvesbi (vel Rohiesbi.) *Brialed son of Bruma. *Godein son of Godwim *E,obert de Cokefold * William clericus.) *Robert de Mortemer. by Walter de Elingham. *Richard de Clipesbi. Ralph son of Bode and Emma his wife. Richard son of Sigenild. Thomas de Hasting. Roger son of Honfr^ Robert son of Simon de Saham. Stephen de Ludinge. Baldwin de Bures and Imbria his wife. "Tenens." |i John Leest^nge. *Helvisa sister of the said Roger. ^Henry de Turnecurt. *Robert Le Wile. *Eustace de Ho, the heir of Warin,formerly husband of the said Imbria. 13 Description of rropcrty. Consideration, &c. 18 acres in Elingham. 60 acres in Burg and Clipesbi. 3'^ in Creic. 4 acres in B'sele (Brisley ?) 24 acres in Frense, yiz., "cle feodo Sci Ed- mundi," and 30 acres in Tistehal, and land which was of Sleuetunge in Gissing, and land wliich was of Wicescard, and 6 acres of the fee of Roger de Gissing. 5 knights' fees in Hunestaneston, Totington, Ringsted, and Sniterton. (t) All the land of the said John in Toting- ton at the service of one Icnight's fee less a twentieth part, (except the church of the same town, which the said John, with the consent of the said Robert, gave to the church of the B. Mary of Kapess "ij moni- alib3 ibide d5 svientib5 " — and except the service, &c., of Henry de Turnecort in Totinton, of Hvs fil^ Hug^ Leest^'nge, of John de Kerebroc, of Emma de Mora, of "William de Bruna, of the Prior of Tiflbrd, of Malpas, of William son of Simon Faber, and of W^" Leres,) 30 acres in "Wttreton. (t) 9 acres of the same land (named in fine.) 40 acres in Totington. 1 virgate in Uptun. f ) a moiety of the same land. Dower of all tlie lands of Berewic which were of Widnard Butekarl, in the parish of Riwehall (Runhall ?) and half a mark's rent in the same place, payable by Fulcher de Aldeholt, (2/.) and Goce de Ho (4/8.) 20* sterling. The regrant of same at the yearly rent of 10^ 20^ sterling. 7^ sterling. 6 marks of silver. The grant by the said John to the said Robert of(t) and the paj'ment by the said John to the said Robert of £100 of silver. The regrant by the said Roger to the said Hel- visa of (t) 20/. & the yearly payment of one pound of pepper or sixpence, & 4*^ in the 20/. of the king's scutage. The regrant by the said Robert of (f) At the rent of " qnda albas cyrotecas." Date. 8 Ricliard I. 14 "Petens."' E,obert de Colevill and Alicia his wife. Thomas son of Michael, _("q' infra etate est.") *Alicia and Ilichard her son. El3^as Beurami. * Alice daughter of Martin. * John de Frid. "Tenens." * Alexander Pointell and Alicia his wife, daughter f of the said Alicia de I Colevill. *Eustace de Talcolneston. Deodatus prior of St.Faith of Horsham. *"Bartholomew Redham. Ralph de Verli. Peter de Frid. I Warin de Salle by Thomas, and Matthew his sons. Robert son of Ro^er. * Warin de Ermingland. John Ilautein. Simon de Cliketot. Julian de Swathfold. Robert clericus de Ructon. Ralph de Herlha * William de Reddam son of I Mathew. *Prior and monks of St. Mary of Acre (by Mag'" Richeriu de Fuheldon.) *Nicholas de Walesham. *Williani de Corechun. *Adam son of Helye de Sipeden. *Umfridus de Herlha. 15 Description of Property. One third part of Metton, as dower from the gift of AVilliam de Nevill, her late hus- band. 30 acres in Talcolneston. . acres in Alingeton. ! 50 acres in Nortun. Half a knight's fee in Hulm and Snetesham. (t) 14 acres in Snetesham and 3/. of yearly rent in the same town which John Le Moinne held. 24 acres in Tilenee. (t) 16 acres called Gittiscroft between the land I of Ade ThoU and Peter de Frid, also 3 acres ! called Geggiscroft, where the capital mes- suage of the said John de Frid is, 24 acres in Corpesti. (t) 2 acres "in Westig med de Corpesti." I Advowson of the Church of Lippenhoe. Advowson of Hailesdon (?) and the tithes of the mills of the same town and land called Rutligehal. (t) The Church of Heringby, which however Robert Hautein, brother of the said John, was to hold for his life, paying to the same monks 20/. a year nomine pensionis. "De ultima repsentac5e eccKe See marie de Walesham." 11 knight's fee in Helmingham. 34 acres in Sipeden and half the service of Roffer Clericus, and half the service of Reginald Palmer. A carucate of land in Herlha, (except the mill of Herlha for life of Humphrey.) (t) 20 acres in Hlha. Consideration, &c. The annual sum of 3 marks of silver. (none) Annual rent of 6*^. 10 marks of silver and half a mark annual rent. The grant by the said Ralph to the said Alice of(t) at the yearly rent of 6^. The payment of 20/. ster- ling and grant by Peter to John, of (t) At the yearly rent of 12'^. At the yearly rent of 3^ and 2^1. The grant by Warin de Salle to W. de Erming- land of (t) 15 marks of silver. The grant in exchange to the prior bv the said John of (t) ' ^ " unu ostur sor." [A hawk of the first year.] 30 marks of silver. 40^ of silver and the yearly service of 47^'^ The grant to Muriild the daughter of the said Humphrey of (f) at the rent of 6^. yearly. 16 . No. Date. " Petens." "Tenens." 54 8 Ricliard I. *William son of Walter. I William son of Eudo. , 55 — John cle Sarenton. 1 56 Peter son of Galfridus. \ *Eudo de Racheia and Galfr and Simon his brothers. . 57 *Hardwin de Warene and Christiana liis wife and William Faber of Wich- ing-ham and Mabill liis wife. William Batallie. j 1 58 Alan son of Richard. 1 1 *Roger son of Tome* (Thomas ?) 59 John Le Moine in the place of Margaret his sister. *Roger Buche 60 *Ileginald son of Torrond. Richard Capeit of Mouton (by AVilliam Freman his attorney.) I 61 *Peter son of Richai'd de AVilliam son of Alan de\ Wiggenhal. Clenchewarton. 1 1 17 ■ Description of Property. I a carucato of land in E. and W. Tudelia. (t) 37^ acres, viz., 4i wliicli EoLert Stiu-el holds, 3 which William Godsaule holds, 3^ in Estcroft, and 24 which lie between the church of Tudeha " et divisa de Alsinges," and 2i which Alice fil' Aki holds in E. Tudeha, and ^^th part of the niill of Gladeware, at the yearly rent of 6/.,scutage, &c. 40 acres in Sarenton, formerl}^ of Swani, father of the said John. (f ) One of above acres situate in Hethincroft. Advowson of Racheia. 20 acres in Sueineton and lands that were of Gaufi^ fil Wider. (t) 2 acres in Sueineton, viz., 3 rods in Barli- croft, 1 acre in Nordinge, and one rod formerly of Robert Eive. Land in Litleholm. (t) 3 acres in Draeton, 1 acre in Caldewell, 4 acres "in occidente pte vie de Binna," 2 pieces of land at Witemedes, and 2 acres at Merslades, One knight's fee in Walton, to hold to the Abbot, &c., of the Premonasterian order of Dcrham. Two acres in Mouton, to hold to Lucent, Jacob and Roger, sons of the said Reginald, by the consent of the said Richard. 4 ploughlands in Clenchewarton, Wygenhal, Tilnei, Islington, Lenn, and Grimeston, c Consideration, &c. For which Ralph gave to the said Ilumfrey 100/. " ad peg'nacone sua faciend ad Jerlin." The grant (in exchange) by W". fir Eudo to W'". fii' Walter of (f) For which W"\ fil' Walter pays 5 marks of silver. (t) The grant of For which Robert 40/. sterlmg and year, 40/. pays 2^ a 1 mark of silver to Hard- win and wife, 13^^ sterling to Faber and wife, and a grant to Hardwin and wife of (f ) To hold at the yearly rent of 6". The Roger of (f) grant in exchange to at the 5'early rent of 18^, and 3^^ for every 20/. of scutage. Alan also paj^s 8 marks of silver. 50 marks of silver paid by the said Abbot to Roger, and 50 to John. 1 mark of silver and the yearly rent of 4*^. 18 No. Date. "Petens." 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 8 Richard I. 69 9 Rlcliard I. Roger Le En. Roger de Brom. Sansone Abbot of St. Edmund. 'Hawis daughter of Henry de Shireford. *Amicia. *William and Roger de Sudfeld. *Richard de Lechesham. " Tenens." *Adam son of Gfilbert de Eleham. William de Pirnho. Alexander son of Gobol de Kirechbi. William de Creic. Ralph de Verli. Ralph abbot of St. Bene- dict of Holme. William de Huntingefeld and Isabel his wife (by AYilliam their attorney.) *Rogcr Picot, Hugo clericus. Deodatus prior of the Church of St. Faiths of Horsham. *Richard son of Stephen. 19 Description of Property. which the said William held of the fee of Simon fil' Hiehard and Ernald de Torlee, and Peter de Bekeswell, and St. Eadmund, and St. Etheldreth, and St. Pancratius, and Robert de Cap^vill, and Godfrey de Lisewis, and the Count of Brittannic, and the Earl of Clare, and the Prior of Westacre. (t) All the tenements which Richard the father of the said Peter, held in AViggehall, of the said William the day he died, viz., 10 acres in Tilnei, called Pottescroft, 15 acres formerly of Sibilia de Tilnei, abutting towards the south on the croft of Ralph de Hauvill, (at the service of a quarter of a knight's fee) and all the land of Grimeston, which belonged to the said William in the same town, at 20 acres in Eleham, (EUingham ?) A mill in Pirnho. One knight's fee in Kirechbi, (Kirby.) 26 acres in Creic, (Creake.) Land which was of Cecilie de Huine, (Holme) mother of the said Ralph de Verli in Huiiie and Snetesham. Advowson of the Church of St. Peter of Reppes and advowson of Ashebi. (t) Land called Fouracres in campo de Sud- feld, (Suffeld.) 60 acres in Lechesham, (Lexham) " et totam brueriam [brnshicood) de chemino de Norton usque Harthornesgate. (t) 20 acres in Lucham (Lytcham,) 30 acres in Quenhill, 2 acres in the same town, and 4 acres of brushwood, "que tangunt capud novi frussati eyx^diQVD. Willelmi." 12 acres in Colneia. 9 acres in Osmundeston. (t) 3 rods lying before the gate of the said Richard, at c 2 Consideration, &c. The grant in exchange to the said Peter of (f) The yearly rent of 22^ 2 marks of silver. The acquittance of all arrears. 20 shillings sterlings. 2 1 marks of silver. The grant in exchange of (t) The grant in exchange of (t) 5^ sterling. The grant in of (t) 1'' a vear rent. exchange 20 Date. 9 llicliard I. 10 Iticliard I. "Petens." *JS;icliolas son of Hugo. AYarin de Saiille (by Thomas and Matthew his sons.) "William de Len and Simon his brother. *Blakewin de Thornham. Walter de Basin gham. Geoffrey son of Walter. Peter son of Richard. Warin de Saule (by Thomas and Matthew his sons.) *E.i chard de Becco (by William de Becco.) *Alan de Mundeham. William do Bee and lingo clericus. "Tenens." Magister Simon de Torn- ham. *Philip capellanus de SauUe. *Ivo. Goscelin Feutrarius. *William Fleniang and Matilda de Besevill. *Bernard son of Durand. * John sou of Alan de Beiu- ham. *John capellanus of Cor- peste. William de Hasting. Peter de Egelfeld (by Henry de Br5.) *Boger son of Pagan. 21 Description of Property. A ploughland in Tornham, (Thornham.) (f) 10 acres of the same land which D°* Robert Batevill held lying in Tikewell, (TytchTvell) and Turnhani. 20 acres in SauIIe (>Salle) and Ilinetone (Illington ?) (t) Two parts of the same land, Half a messuage in Lynn. A messuage in Lynn. Half a knight's fee in Matlask. 7 acres in Tacolneston. One knight's fee in Grimeston. (t) half of the same land besides the capital ' messuage. 20 acres in Corpeste (Corpusty.) Consideration, &e. " Et pro pdcis iij rodis terre id Hie devenit homo i'pv^ Hugonis." The regrant of (f) 100' rent in of which liichard quits claim against William "ex dono Henrici frats sui cuip carta ht." Half a knight's fee in Mundham for 15 years. 8 acres in Wode Dallingcs — 4 acres whereof to be free alms to the church of Dallmg, viz., 1 acre called Sternelond, 1 called vSandlond, 3 rods in Estecroft, 3 rods in Milneland, ^ acre at Iseris. The regrant to Philip for his life of (t) at the yearly rent of 9'^ and two capons. 5 marks of silyer. 12 marks of silver. 60 marks of silver and the yearl}^ rent of 5^ The regrant of (f) To hold of John at the service of a pair of "cal- cariu de auratojs de pcio vj denai^ " (gilt spurs worth 6''.) Peter pays to John 10 marks of silver. The lease of the same land to the said John for his life at 2" 6'^ yearly. And that "Warin " quie- tabit idem Johariem con- tra Prior et Conven de Sea Fide." 30 marks of silver. 24 marks of silver and the rent as to 9 acres of a pound of "cinimi" (? cin- namon.) The grant to Ptalph capel- lanus, brother of the said Eog^er, of the same 4 acres for life at 20'' rent. 22 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 82 10 Richard I. 83 *ymcent son of Alan and Henry son of Briiinsewein Robert his brother. and Roger and Richard his brothers. 84 *Williani de Arden and Isolda his wife. William de Fossato. 85 Reginald son of Hervey. *Alan filius Presbiteri and Helewis his wife. 86 *Ralph de Boilund, Ranulph son of Robert de Stratim, 87 *Hodierna daughter of Hervey the prior and the Aluric de Rudham. Convent of St, Mary of Rudham, 88 *Ivo son of Brunsewein, William son of Stangrun. 89 * Joseph son of Aleluri (?) William VVudecok. 90 *Thomas son of Adam, Lecelina de gnerh (Yar- mouth ?) and William her son. 91 *Roger son of Thurstan. Humphry son of Ralph. 92 *IIermer son of John. William son of Augustin. 93 * William son of AYido. Peter de Holcham. 94 *Thurkctell son of Edwin. Richard Oi-gar, Claricia who was the wife of Humfrey, Swarin son of Osbert, and Matilda and Agnes his sisters. 23 Description of Property. And the said Roger also gives to tlie said church a pasture in Kirbemor. (Illegible — relates to property in Lodne granted to the Prior of . . c . . .) 9 acres in Sadelboge. Land in xVdthelbure, Hellingeham, and Bestorp. (t) Land in "\Yrogiland, and half an acre next to the windmill of Ralph de Burg, li acre at Langedonohavetlond (sic) 12^ acres in Langedon Brembelond, land in Braken- holm and Langedon, 3 parcels of land in Gremeston (Grinistou.) 12 acres in Stratton. 3 acres in Rudham. 17 acres in Tillene (Tylney.) (t) 2 acres in Gavelefurlinges. 40 acres in Telvetune (Thelveton.) (t) Half the same land. 7 messuages in gnem (Yarmouth) and a carucate of land in Blafeld (Blofield.) 1 acre in BerKngham (Burlingham.) 30 acres in Tuttin^'ton. (t) 20 acres in Banningham (except 5 acres which Hermer regrants to William at 4*^ rent.) "De 13 nummatis redditus" in Burnham. 3^ acres in Martham. Consideration, &c. One mark of silver. The grant in exchange of(t) at the yearly rent of 5/. 12^. Half a mark of silver and yearly rent of 6*^, and 6"^ for every 20^ of scutage. 10* sterling. The grant in exchange of (t) at the yearly rent of 6*^. The grant to "VVarin son of the said Joseph of (f) at 321'! yearly. 10 marks of silver and 6* yearly rent. Yearly rent of 1''. The release to Hermer (t) 1 mark of silver. 1 a mark of silver. of 24 Date. 10 Eichard I. "Petens." Roger cle Cardeston. *IIervey son of Eimd. *Eobert son of Waren. *Pcter and Muriel his wife. *Emma daiigliter of Osbert. *Roger nephew of Harvey. *Goscelin son of Wuhiod. *Thomas de "Walecot. *Amelia daughter of Ulf de Limia. *Ileiner son of Goscelin. "Tenens." *Milo de Nucers. *Nicholas son of Reginald. *Wiliiam Faber. Ralph Quarter. Hua-h his brother. Hakun de Herlham. Ralph de Bretham. Simon son of Robert and Geoffrey le Neuman. Roger son of Britrich. Rich'' de Runhal. Ralph de Tilencia and Goutr^^ Ic Cupo. Edward son of Leve. Richard de Clipesbi. Bartholomew de Cinci. 25 Description of Property. Comnion of pasture in Swaiieton. 30 acres in Ileiuford (Haynford ?) (t) 29 acres of tlie same land to hold of Wni. Fitz Eoscelin at 3^ 1"^ yeai'ly service. in Rokelund (Rockland.) (t) 1 acre at Eokelund at 4'^ rent. A messuage in Midelton. (t) 7 acres and a messuage, viz., 2^ in tke croft of Wido, 2 in Hiringeshal, and 2| in Brith. 11 acres in Bagetorp. 10 acres in Oueltane (Oulton.) (t) 4 acres in Oueltune. 16 acres in Len. (t) 10^ acres, and 1| acre, and 2 acres and 1 percli in Crosholm, " in j)"to de Len," and ^ acre in tlie croft of Ptoger Barat, and 3| acres in Linecroft, and 2^ acres " in campo de Hech," and 1 acre in Nieweliolm. 2 acres in Birlingkam scil. Bremestoft. To liold to tlie ckurcli of St. Andrew of Ber- lina-liam, and tlie said Richard and his heirs and successors. 2 messuages in Lenn de feudo filoru Simonis de Jernemue. 30 acres in Duntune. (t) 6 acres of the same land and 1 acre 1 rod in Sidesternesti, and 3^ perches at Sui- neswoig, \ acre in Wcistdelc, 1 acre in Creicgate, 1 acre in Iludiscrolt, \ acre in Ilocce, and 1 acre at Suinesdele, 30 acres in Clipesbi. 40 acres in Wichingeham (Witchingham.) Consicleration, ^ and the regrant of (f) right The regrant of (f) Half a mark. The grant of | an acre in Billokebi "apud boscum Ricardi de Clipesbi," at 7^ yearly rent. The regrant of 6 acres thereof, at the yearly ser- vice of 12*^ and 1'^ the 20^ of scutage. 6 marks to Peter and half a mark to his wife (no name given), and the rent of 4' and 1'^ the 20^ of scutage, Convej-- ance " viris religiosis " barred, as in No. 167. 60 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 237 10 Eichard I. *E.adulfus capellanus. William Brito. 238 *William son of Ave. Ralph de Scois. 239 *Wlmar son of Hugh. Reginald de Rya. 240 *Clement son of Richard. Robert son of Richard. 241 *Gocelin son of Leffi. Roger Puting. 242 *Bartholomew de Runlial, William, Prior of the Roger de Reppes, and Church of St. Mary and Gilbert de Ruuhal. All Saints of West Eustachius, and Ma- Acre. bilia the wife of Roger de Reppes, are also mentioned in the body of the fine as grantors.] 243 *Wlmar son of Hugh. Lefeini who was the wife of Hedric. 244 *Godwin Parmtar. Robert son of Aselac. 245 *Hervicius son of Peter. Leva daughter of Geoffrey. 246 *Ailnier son of Walter Fre- land. John Logu. 247 ♦William Battaile and AYil- lium de Huntingefeld and Ysabella his wife. William Brito. ol Descnption of Property. 20 acres in Sweino-tune, wliicli Ealj)b, with the consent of AYilliam Brito, grants to "William Batalie (sic). (t) A messuage " juxta alnet ipsiiis Willielmi Bataill (sic) in Sweingtun," to hold for Balph's life, at 1'^ yearly. 50 acres in Budham. (t) 4 acres and 3 rods thereof, viz., 2 acres 1 rood juxta Herpelegate, ^ an acre in Silescroft, ^ an acre juxta viam de Ilneford (?), 3 rod juxta yiam de Massingham, and 4 an acre in Bolohogedel ; to hold of Ralph at 3^ yearly. Half a messuage in Lenn. 25 acres in Hindolvestun. 16 acres in Hekino-hara. The advowson of the Church of Bunhal. Consideration, &c. Half a messuagre in Linn. ri 2 acres in Svdest^ne 12 acres in Pikenham. 3 acres in AViclewde. 60 acres in Sueingeton, Aldreford, Feletorp, Attlebrige, Mortun, Wichingeham,AVeston, and Taverham, and the advowsons of the churches of Sweiningeton, Aldreford, and Felthorp, to hold of William Bataill of William de Huntingfield and Isabella his wife. E 2 The grant by William Bat- vill (sic) to Ralph of (t) 10% 3 "minas ordei,' the regrant of (f) and 2^ sterling. 40^ sterlino;. 20^ sterling and the regrant of 2 acres thereof, to hold of the capital lord of the fee at 8*^ yearly. A gold ring and the grant to Bartholomew, &c., " pticipes fieri oinium bono^ q fiiint i pdca ecciia de Westacr." 2' sterling. The regrant of 1 acre thereof which lies at the west end of the toft of Bonde, at 1"^ yearly. 1 mark of silver. Half a mark. [The a . yearly service of] i of a Knight's fee and 40' William Bataill pays William de Him- tingefield 10 marks of silyer and Isabel 2 marks, and also grants to Wil- 52 No. Date. "Tetens." "Tenens." 248 10 Richard I. *Wlvivia sister of Edric. Adam the son of Robert and Emma his wife. 249 Simon son of Randulph. *Roger son of Hane (?) 250 John son of Turstan. *Alan his brother. 251 *Richard son of Julian. Matilda daughter of Gocelin. 252 Yvo son of Richard. *Earl Roger and Countess Gundreda, by Roger de Braham, seneschal of the Earl, and Geolfrej^ de Brokes, seneschal of the Countess. 253 Simon son of Rikolf. * Walter son of VVimunde. 254 *Hamo son of William. Walter de Dunham. 255 *Gilbert son of Henry. William de Uphale. 256 *William Buffum (Buffimi ?) Deodonatus Kide. 257 Roger de B='(ndon ?) *Bartholomew de Edisfield and Matilda his wife. 258 *rulcher Brito. Ralph de Wesenham. 259 *Reiner son of Osbert and William son of Wlnad, Ailea his wife, and Roger Godiva vidua, and Quarter and Engeleda Emma vidua. his wife. 260 *Beatrix daughterof AYilliam, Richard de Bretham. 261 *Radulf son of Turstan. Jocelin Feutrarlus. 2G2 *William de Nordwolde. John son of Lambert and Stephen his brother. 53 Description of Property. 4 acres in Dallinge. (t) ^ an acre at Crimdeland, 1 rod at Wit- mererod, and 1 rod at Ringenuse (?) at 4^^ yearly. IJ acre in sted. Half of 24 acres and 1 toft in Wigehaiide to hold of the capital Lord of the fee, at IS'^ yearly. The other half to remain to Alan on similar service. If John should die without issue by his wife his moiety to revert to Alan. 12 acres in E.enham. 1 carucate in Loppham, A messuage in Lenn. 7^ acres in Dunham. 7 acres in Assebi. A messuage in Len. The advowson of half Consideration, &c. the church of All advowson Saints of B^ndon. 8 acres in Weseham, to hold of Walter de Hoc at service of 12^^ yearly, and at yearly rent to Fulcher of a pound of cummin. 18 acres in Lenn. 30 acres in Bretham. A messuage in Len. 40 acres and a messuage in Wesenham. liam Brito at 20' yearly for the latter's life [vide No. 237.] The regrant to Wlviva of (t) The regrant thereof to Roger hold N to lord of yearly, one. of the capital the fee, at 3'' 1 mark of silver. The regrant to Yvo of half the land to hold at 5' yearly (mentions Godwin propositus of Lopham.) 3| marks of silver. G'^ of silver. 1 mark of silver. 3|^ marks of silver. 10^ sterling. 20^ 8^ Half a mark of silver and the regrant to hold of Richard and his heirs for ever. 43^ 2 marks of silver. ^4 Date. 10 Eichard I. *Henry son of Lambert. *Hugh son of Wlveve. Peter son of Walter, and Godiva daughter of Thoke. *E.ichard son of Ysaac. "Petens." Jolin son of Godiva. Richard son of Stanild. *Godwin son of Gutfrith. Robert de Crec. *Alured son of Walter. *Ricliard Turbern and Maria liis wife. *Rignare sister of Hervey de Dudewic. Safrei son of William. *Hiigli and Roger sons of Tocfi. *Walter son of Ketel. William son of Edmund. *Ricliard son of William. *Godwin son of Swetman. Ralpli son of Thedric. *Wlvav. " Tenens." Ralph Carpentarius and Basilia his wife. As^atha de Haddestun. Hermer de Benton and Gilbert his son. *Ranulph son of Richard. Geoffrey Braid. Richard de Refham. * Alfred de Dustale. Ralph son of Richard and Thure his mother. Gomel son of Ilereward. Richard son of Thedric. Ilamo de Dockin2:es. 55 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 18 acres in Crec. 7h acres in Horstede. 12 acres in AYestwcniz. 30 acres in Dunstun. 7 acres in Coleton. One-fifth of a knight's fee in Haddestun. 4 acres in Dudewic. 5| acres in Branton. 2 acres in Sparham. 1 rod in Kyneholm. 28 acres in Dustalc. 28 acres in Rudhani. 8 acres in Wj'chal and Heisingeton. 6 acres in Weston. 30 acres in Sudmere. 2 marks of silver. 2 marks of silver, 2 marks of silver. The grant thereof to nubert de Broo at the service of one-lGth of a knight's fee, the grant to Richard of 13 acres of land, to hold at the service of 3'' and 1'' for everv 20' of scutao-e, and 2 marks of silver. The grant to Alured of 2 acres .... at Wellegate .... Leavines . . . Gaile- croft Holandeo-at and Bahardes- howe, to hold at 3 oboli yearly. 4 marks of silver. The regrant of 4 acres in .... Hevedemere .... Stanhal . . . .Smalethornes .... and Bradegate, and one mark. Half a mark. 3*^ of silver. 4^ sterling and vearlv sum of 1<'. 2 marks of silver. Half a mark of silver and the regrant of an acre of the said land in Fare- maneswag, to hold at 2'' yearly. 2 marks of silver and half of 2 acres in the fields of Tileneie. 24^ sterling, The regrant of half tliercof, except his enclosed mes- 56 No. Date. "Petens." " Tenens." 278 10 Richard I. *Eobert Berlupeinne. Adam de Houeton. 279 — *Ricliard son of William and Eichilda his wife. Herbert son of William. 280 *Ralpli son of Roger. John his brother, 281 282 283 *Geoffrey Toke. Roger de Ho. Robert de Mortuomari. Espeland de Gernemut. *Robert de Morlay and Roger de Gessinge. *Henry T Jnecurt, 284 *IIenry de Marisco. *LaTirence capellanus. 285 ■ *Simon son of Roger de Chore vile. Robert son of Walter de Cherevill. 57 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 24 acres in Tunsted. 30 acres in Dimstan. (t) 3 rods at the head of the croft of Everard Bisop, 2 parts of an acre in Hungerdale, 2 parts of an acre in Lambig^ve, 2 parts of -J an acre at the head of the croft of Herbert in the acre of Brimi in Lund, ^ an acre in Northfurlang, and ^ an acre in Westgaletoned. 13 acres in Parva Rigsted. 15 acres in Hales. Common of pasture in Brisingeham, Hidinge, and Selfhangre. "Una mara q vocaf Micleme que -4- sub curia pdci Rob T: 1 magh fossat qd -r- ex.^ pdcam mara T: 1 pccata t^re de i5go T: logu pdci fossati 1 fossat pdcm T: c°ftu pdci Henric T; Coiigton." A messuage in Lenn. 9 acres in Tilneie. suage, to hold of Hamo at 2"^ yearly, for which regrant Wlvav pays 6 marks. The release to Robert of 2^* out of 30^ 3'early rent he owed Adam for 30 acres of land. The grant in exchange of 4 acres of said land and 18^ viz. (t) To hold of Herbert at 7'^ yearl3\ The regrant of half thereof to hold of the capital lord at 4"^ yearly, so that Ralph and his heirs should hold 7 acres of it for their mother's life. 2 marks of silver. 1 bisant. The grant in exchange of 11 pieces of meadow "in latitudine que jacet juxta curia pdciHenrT;decipunt ad c°ftu pdci Henril T: rminat ad cursu cujusda aque." 20^ sterling by the consent of Gerard, Prior of Nor- wich, "ad quern (sic) pertinet d )mu fundi." 2 marks of silver and also 4'^ out of 2^ service for a messuage in Tilleneie, between the land of Turvis de Wigenhale and the land of Rod son of God- win. 58 Date. "Petens." 10 Richard I. Micliael Chevere (or Che- *William cle TTunting-feitd nere.) and Isabel his wife. 2 3 4 5 1 John. * Walter son of Aildrick. Adam son of Robert. Nicholas son of Algar. *John son of William. Wimar de Hochara. *William and Lewana his wife. *Peter son of Botilda. *Ede daughter of Walter. *Gregory son of Peter de Suapham. *Christiana daughter of Peter de Billokebi. *Eo2rer Talebot and Kathe- rine his wife. Alexander son of Richard. *Ralph Magnu. Adam Le Yvvelhume. Elias son of Elias. Simon Mager. William, Eustace, and Godfrey, his brothers. Nicholas de Haledis. Agatha dauorhter of Wil- de Haddestune. *Richard Parmentarius and Muriel his ■wife. *Lecia daughter of Ralph Philip de Bretheham. Camerarius by John her son. *Gilbert de Tudeham. Ralph de Benhara. Simon de Huntedun. *Gaufridus son of Wimund. i*Herveus son of William. Peter dc Watligton. Ralph son of (Geoffrey ?) *Ernald de Il'llauc. o9 Description of Property. Consideration, &:c. 2 carucates of land in Wellingliani, " un The regrant for ever at the duellu coucussu fuit inter eos i pfata cur." service of half a knight's fee, for which "William paid 30 marks of silver. 4 acres 4 rods in Winterton, The regrant at 30'' yearly. 40 acres in Tibeliam to hold of John at 4'' yearly, "And Eog-er, the elder brother of the said Adam, conies into Court and quits claim of the said land to the said Adam for one bisant and AdauL gives to John I'j' sterling-." 1 carucate in Quideham. 20® sterling and an annuity to Ealph of 12''. 2 acres in Flokestorp. 6^ sterling. 40 acres in Dallinge. The regrant of part of the said land, viz., in Blache- ho Bradal Laghagate . . . Lahabush and Colecroft at 16'' yearly. in Kines thorp. A mark of silver. 35 acres in Suvapha. The regrant of 7^ acres at 12'' in . . . Wodegate . . . Packelowe and Fortleg-. One-sixth of 60 acres in Billokebi. 30^ sterling One-fifth of a knis^ht's fee in Haddestune. 1 mark of silver. 25 virgates and 3 bovates of land in Xittona. 12 marks of silver "in denariis." 40 acres in Geiton. 4 marks of silver. 1 carucate of land in Thorn ham. 6 marks of silver. 17 acres in Wicton. The regrant thereof to Geof- frey at 3® and 1'', Geoffrey also pa3's 16^* sterling. 40 acres in Barham. 2^ mai'ks of silver. A messuage and 10" rent in Lowingeh, 10 marks of silver. 60 Date. " Petens.' 1 John. *Ilobert son of Swein. *Jolin de Fridh. " Tenens.' The Abbot of Ramsey by- Reiner the monk. William son of Tiirgis. Ralph de Tasseburc. Alan de Beauteis. *Matthew son of Richard. *Simon son of John. *William de Bello Monte and Muriel his wife, by William Houel. Godfrey de Lisewis. Ralph de Benham. ♦Robert de Bosco and Eva his wife. Gilbert de Langetot. Gilbert Pauper (son of Godfrey Pauper.) ^Ralpli son of Goldwin. Robert de Sandecroft. 61 Description of Property. 64 pieces ("peat") of turbary in the marsh of Stowe. 4J acres in "Wigenhale. 12 acres and a messuage in Tasseburc. A messuage in Lenn. 2^ knights' fees in Saxlingeham, Binetre, Ikeburc, and Wichingham. The services, &c., which belonged to the said Godfrey, for a tenement which Gilbert held of him in Reinham, viz., of all the land which Ralph Largus held in Reinham, and of 2 pieces of land in Suthmorfurlang and of Sortehardlond, and of a piece of land at Estmor, and of the meadow which is of the fee of the said Godfrey between Prestebrige and the pool of Suthreinham, and of 6 pieces of turbary at Bratesfurlang, and of the croft which Safred held, and half an acre at the head of the said croft. 12 acres in Wigton. 2 carucates in Elmeham and Humesfeld, claimed as dower of Eva from the gift of Barthol. de Sandcroft late her husband. Consideration, &c. A messuage in the town of St. Ives (subject as herein mentioned) and a mark of silver. 4 acres (less one rood) in "Wigenhale, viz., 2i acres in the field which is called Severode, and 1 acre 1 rood in the field which is called Gildegore, at 6^^ yearly. 17^ 0^"^ yearl)' rent and 40® sterling. The regrant of the said messuage to hold of Adam son of Simon de Gerne- mue at 2^ yearly, which Adam is to pay to Alan 12*^ yearly : Simon pays to Alan 5 marks of silver. A hawk and the service of 2}4> knights' fees. To hold at the service named in a charter from Godfrey to Gilbert (as therein set out at length.) 10® 8'^ and the yearly rent of 26^. 30 acres in Humesfeld, viz., 21 acres 1 rood in Dimi- gedal and 1^ acre and 1 rood in Alwineshill, to hold for the life of Eva at 23i'^ yearly rent. 62 No. 14 Date. "Petens." 1 Jolm. ! Henry de Fleg. 15 16 17 18 *Robert son of Angod, *William, Abbot of Becco, and the convent of the same place, by Hugh the monk. *Ysmaina daughter of Warin Hostiarius. Richard (torn). "Tenens." *Abbraam and Matilda his wife. Ralph son of Angod. Wimer de Hooham. Alice de Geruemue and Ada her daughter. *Simon son of Peter de Stowe. 63 Description of Property. 3 messuages in Gernemue. i of a carucate of land in Cangham. Consideration, &c. "De una falda in Wrottha injuste levata ut ^deus abbas dix : " (240 sheep.) 2 messuages in Lenn, of which one is in the street of St. James and the other in Tuesday Market Place ("in foro martis ") and con- tained in length 100 feet, and in breadth 40 feet. A messuage in Welle. The grant to Abraam and Matilda of "domu lapidea integ° cu tota regata ubi sita -T- domus ilia a chimino usq., i aq^m yearly. The regrant ' at of 6 7s gd acres thereof, yiz., 3 acres "ad maram" and 3 acres "sub Scarbotewell, " at 30^^ yearly. 60' sterling. 5^ marks and ^rent of 3^ the 3 "early The regrant of the eastern half thereof with its ap- purtenances, namely, of the 30 acres lying be- tween " La Drave " and Hermitesheie, the half lying towards the south, and of 20 other acres lying between La Drave and Hermiteshie, the half lying toward the south, and in Wadinges 3 acres and 1 rood, and half the toft which Swetman held towards the south, and half the meadow at Eat- lesbech toward the north, and all the meadow which Stannard held in (Rade- lad?) and of certain shares of rights of fishing on certain nights at certain places, (as therein set out at length). 64 No. 19 Date. 1 John. "Petens." "Tenens." William de Muleton and *Agatlia de Haddeston. Alice bis wife *Hugli de Bernard. Stephen son of Reginald. *"VVilliani de Warenn. *Warin, Simon, and Robert de Colebi, by William de Pirho. Thomas Prior of Binham, *Adam decanus of Burne- ham. Ralph son of David and Inca his mother. *Magister Reginald de Lenn son of and William Ralph. *Helewisa who was the wife of Wm. de Houton. *Magister Reginald de Len. Richard son of Walter. Peter Bai'dulf. Ralph de Curcun. William de Burc and Simon de Crakeford. *Ralph de Dallinges. Stephen de AValsingham. *Aubertus son of Bund. Alice de Gernemue and Adam her son. Richard son of Galfridus. William son of Ralph. 65 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. One-fifth of a knight's fee in Haddestun, of which Agatha grants 3 acres lying under the wood of Fulco Bain aid towards the west, and 3 acres in Bunegerescroft, and 2 acres next the mere, to William and Alice, at the service of one-40th part of a knight's fee, 11 acres of land, and 6 acres of wood, and 2^ acres of meadow, and 2 acres of pasture in Taculnestun, and 9 acres of land and ^ an acre of wood in Fornesset. 2 carucates in Spichesworth. The advowson of the church of Jackesham. Half the advowson of the church of Coleby. 40 acres in Parva Eiburc. 40 acres and a messuage in Burnehamtorp which were of Harvey Sacerdos, Half a messuage in Lenne. A salt pit, &c., in Lenn. 18 acres in Houhton claimed as dower. Half a messuage and of a rent of 12% and half of 85 stalls (seldarum), and half of a salt pit and a half, and half of 6 acres and 3 rods of land in Len and West Weniz. Agatha pays 40^ sterling, and William and Alice quit their claim on the remainder of the one-fifth fee. 20^ sterling and 3 acres in Tacolneston to hold at 4^^ yearly. 15 marks of silver. A hawk (ostorius). The other half to remain to Warin, Simon, and Robert. The regrant thereof at 6* yearly. 5 marks of silver and the regrant of the premises to Adam for his life at 3'' yearly. The regrant thereof at 6*^ yearly, for which Aubert pays 4 marks. 40' sterling and the yearly rent of 12*^ and 3 "cumbar sai." 40^ sterling. 3| marks of silver and 2 marks of rent in Len, viz., Mag"" Wm. de Len 12^ Laurence capellanus 12*^, Jocelin de Walepol 3% Stephen de Walsingham 7s gd^ William son of Ptichard 8'', Henry his brother 8^ Richard Noth 6^ Ralph Kelloc 8^ Wm. son of Milo 8^ Richard de Bretham 12^', Wm. sou of Simon IS**, 66 Date. 1 John. 2 John. " Petens." ''Ealph de Lenham. Roger de Kerdeston. * William de Kaioii. *William de Raimes. *Thomas son of Walter. *Alice de Kailly by Peter de Bathe. *E,alph Mercator. * Godwin Parmentar. *John Mareseall and Alina his wife, and Gaufrid Cestr and Ysabel his wife. Robert de Erpingeham. "Tenens." Walter de Ainels (?) *Milo de Noiers. The Prior of Binham. John de Reinestorp. William, Parson of Meau- don (sic). John de Cailly. Gerberg de Gernemue. Humphry son of Siward. Roger de Kerdeston. Peter de Alto Bosco. 67 Description of Property. Consideration, Sec. Robert de Cibetei 12'', Gaufrid de Sechford 16", Leman de Wlwreton 12'', Galfrid de Sangham G'', William Kide 12^ Osbert Kirmetre 16'', Richard son of Swenild 6'', and Isaac son of Jurnet 22*^, to hold all these for ever at the yearly service of 1 lb. of cummin. Cross remain- ders in case of death of either William or Regi- nald without heirs. Half the manor of Reddenlial. 12 marks of silver and the yearly service of one-and- a-half knight's fee. A third of certain common of pasture in A black horse of the 3rd S wanton. year, and one of the 6th year. " De Secta et consuetudinibus quas idem AYil- William and his heirs to be lelmus dixit pertinere ad Hundredum suum quit of toll in the market de Wicton." of Binham. Half a knight's fee in Reinestorp. 100' sterling. 2 carucates of land in Meanton. 3 marks of silver. A carucate of land in Hildeburchworth, None. A messuage in Gernemue, which "William 40' sterling. Mercator held. 6 acres in Sidesterne. The regrant of 3 acres to the east thereof at 3'' yearly. Half a knight's fee in Neweton. 100 marks of silver and the service of half a knight's fee. Advowson of Erpingham. Half thereof to Peter grants to Robert 3 remain to Robert and half to Peter. acres in Erpingham, lying at Holegatesende "defeud Cordebof versus austr mo- nas?ii de Erpingeham" at a lb. of pepper ^'earl^^ 68 No. Date. "Petens." " Tenens." 40 2 John. *Ilicliard son of Robert. The Prior of Binham. 41 \ *Peter de Beches and Bea- trix his wife. John de Kailli. 42 *Brian son of Ealph. Milo de Hastings. 43 *Robert son of Pagan. Simon his brother. 44 *Clement de Dockinges. AYilliam Luvel. 45 Alan de Mundeham. *William de Sparham. 46 *William de Eboraco and William son of Anketill Matilda his wife. and Thieda his wife, and "William Wade and Al- veva his wife. 47 3 John. Robert de Vaus. *Robert son of Wlfach. 48 *Robert Crowe. Gaufridus Crawe his eldest son. G9 Description of Property. in Welles. (t) 6 acres in Magna "Walsingham which Bartholomew son of Warin held, and acres which Hago held, and 1 croft which the said Richard held in "Welles, to hold at 1 lb. of pepper yearly. 2 carucates of land in Denever. (t) "Tota villa de Crenewiz cum pertinen- tibus." A knio-ht's fee in Quideham. "Et si pdcus Brianus potit recnpare servic pdci feed iinius militis vsus WilliTi de Mun- chanesi pdictus Milo 9cessit qd hoc bri stet." Robert's share of the land which was of Pagan their father in Hakeford, Coleby, and Felmingham. 24 acres in Sume. (t) 2 acres between .... gate and Brancestre- gate which lay next the garden of Ralph Rikan, and 7 acres in Lukedonhel towards the east, and 1 acre in a croft, viz., towards the east, whereon to build a messuage, in the town of Doking, to hold at lO*^ yearh'. A carucate in Riburg (Ralph de Dalling is mentioned.) Matilda's share of the free tenement which was of her grandfather Reiner Salmar. Consideration, &c. 2 carucates in A carucate in Stratton to hold to him and his assigns, " praeterquam viris religiosis," and 7 acres in Stratton, viz., 3 acres in OfF- richestoft and 4 acres at the gate or door of Elen (?) Cupere. The grant in exchange of (t) The grant to Beatrix as dower for her life of (f) 20 marks of silver. 6 marks of silver and all Simon's land held in fee in Felmingham [7^ acres ?] at 6^ yearly. The grant of (f) The regrant thereof at 6*^ yearly, for which William pays 40'^ sterling. .... marks of silver, the messuage whicli the said Reiner gave in marriage with Estilda his daughter the mother of the said Matilda, and one-third of the capital messuage of Reiner in Lenn. The service of one-fourth of a kniofht's fee. (Natural love and affection 70 Date. 3 John. 4 John. " Petens.' ■Henry de Marisco. "Tenens." *Simon Burell. Robert de Sudale by Simon son of Simon. *Hermar de Limesie. *Maria daughter of William de Hadeseou. *Matilda daughter of Wil- Henry Pincerna and Juli- ana his sister and Henry her son. Tefeb de Aldeburg and William his son. *E.alph son of Turlac. Gilbert Abbot of Langeleg. Ham. Wniiam Bataill (?) ^Hawisa Pictav (iensis ?) her sister. William son of Jocelin. *E-oger Maloisell. William de Estim. *Costinus son of William. Hubert son of Gregory. *Jocelin de Lewct . . . Thomas son of Geoffrey de Lineford. *Thomas de Ingaldestorp and Sibilla his wife. Safred de Rungeton. ♦Geoffrey Ridell. Godfrey Colebec. *R,ichard de Risinge. Hermor de Bekeswell. 71 Description of Propei'ty. 40 acres in Hernested and Bodeliam, to liold at 4* yearly (except as therein mentioned.) (t) A carucate of land in Ilemsted and Bode- liani which the said Ilenr}' Pincerna claimed against the said Henry de Marisco. 40 acres in Aldeburg. 21 acres in Plumsted, B ingham, and Wlter- ton. A carucate in Langeleg. One-fonrth of the lands and tenements which were formerlj^ of their father in Bunewell, Carleton E,ode, and Tibenham (?) The reasonable dower of the said Matilda, formerly the wife of Ralph, in Morleg. 6 acres in Land which was of Geoffrey de Estim in Thorp. 2 acres in Siecche. 30 acres in Ykeburff. A messuage and 6 acres in Hecham. Half a carucate of land in Lineford to hold at half a mark yearly. The reasonable dower of the said Sibilla, formerly the wife of Peter de Bekeswell, in Bekeswell, Dunham, Fordhara, Crem- plesham, Stradshete, Finchele, Helingeia, Westacre, . . . .echa, Eokeshara, Tilneia, Teriiigton, AValsocne, Wiggchal, Marliani, Consideration, &c. The remission of (f) Henry Pincerna also pays 2 marks of silver. 1 mark of silver. 20' sterling. 40 marks of silver. 24 marks of silver. 22' sterling. The regrant thereof to Poger at 6'^ yearly, for which regrant Roger quits claim to William his right in certain premises abutting on the garden of Robert Tucke, &c. The regrant of 12 acres 3 roods thereof which lie next Erlesmilne, and the house which was of Geoff- rey Pictav, and 1| acre, &c , &c., abutting on the messuage of William Waleys, &c in Wil- deker, .... nildford, &c. 1 mark of silver 20* sterling. 30' sterling. 3 marks. next Haghe- 23' a year rent in Marham to tSibilla for her life. 72 No. Date. " Petens." "Tenens." 62 4 John. *Siinon son of Richer. Roger son of Richer. 63 64 *Richard son of Ralph. *Matilda daughter of God- Bela de Freing by William her son. Boselinus de Brunham. 65 66 win. Vincent clericus de Sur- lingham. *Godfrey son of Roger. *Herbert de Heloghetun. William de Burun. 67 676 68 Alan Walrain. *John son of Alured. Walter de Ravenigham. *Roger BoUe and Roger Dunewich. Reginald son of Roger clericus, and John and Hugh his brothers. *Robert 69 70 71 72 73 *Osbert de Lond and Agnes his wife. *Nicholas son of Osbert. *GeofFrey son of John. *Tholy Wace. *Werbald de Elingham. John Lambert and Ailicc his wife. William son of Geoffrey. Richard son of Emeloc and Toke his brother. Ranh Capellanus. Ilerland and Emma liis wife. 74 Robert son of Torold. *John de Norton. Description of Propertj-. Consideration, &c. Suldham, Fingham, Utwell, Surreia (?), Hilsingeton, Derbam, and Reston. 16 acres in Swaningeton. The grant to Roger of J 12 acres in Freing. an acre in Swaningeton, which lies next the house of Hugh lil^ Wither, to hold b}' free service at 1** yearly, for which Roger pays 10\ 1 mark of silver. 10 acres in Brunham. 4 marks of silver. 22 acres in Surlingham for life of Ediva the mother of the said Vincent. ■5 acres in Freng. The grant of 1 acre 1 rood in said town ( . . . Mede- lesties') at 4- a vear. I acre in Hecham to hold at 1"^ yearly 6 acres in Westwinc. .... in Shelton. (Recites the grant to Walter de SufEeld, in consideration of homage and 16 marks, of all his lands in Shelton, which he held in fee of Nicholas de Shelton to Olive his wife and William his sou.) A piece of land, 16 feet broad and 60 feet long, in Leu. 8 acres in Reinham. 12 acres in Gotele. 1 acre in Straton called Colescroft. 10 acres in Elingham. 1 mark of silver. 40^ 40^ sterling. A mark of silver. 20« of silver. o o 30 acres in Gelstweic to hold bv free service at 0' vearlv. Half a mark. The grant of 6 acres in Elingham, viz., 1 acre in Crofto, 1 acre in Knape- wellac% and 1 acre in Prestemere, to hold at 121"^ yearly. 1 mark. 74 No. Date. 4 John. "Petens." • "Tenens." 75 Alan de Wicton. *Richard son of Robert. 76 *William Carkene. John son of Beatrix. 77 *Thomas son of Roger, and Geoffrey his brother, and Richard Gerbald. Huelin their sister. -"• 78 Herbert de Karletime. *Roger Molendarius and Si- billa his wife. 79 John de Matlaske and Edith his wife. *Luca capellauus. 80 Godric Gerlag and Esole *Astiri Reben and Matilda his wife. his wife. 81 Botilda daughter of Tony. *Hugh son of William. 82 *Basil daughter of Ralph. William son of Peter. 83 Alan de Wichtun. *Roger de Cressingham and Agnes his wife. 84 Elvina daughter of Sug- Ralph son of Elfnoth and band (?) of Scriotbi (?) Elfleda his wife. 85 *Thoke and Godiva his wife Geoffrey de Horseia. 86 Richard, Prior of the Holy Sepulchre of Thetford. * William de Eston. 87 *Peter de Watling by Ebor- Lambert, Prior of Acre, ard clericus. by Richard janitor. 75 Description of Property. 5 acres in Wicton. 3 acres in Swerdeston. 15 acres in Apet. 2 acres in Carleton. 10 acres in Beremer, Berewic, and Stanlio. Consideration, &c. 3 acres in Tilney, viz., 2 acres in Twisler in Neuloond of Tilnei and 1 acre in Sentford. 12 acres in Pagg^ve. 30 acres in Wadtun. Half a carucate in AViclitun. 7 acres in Ormesbi, of which the half towards the east, with the capital messuage thereon, was to remain to Ilalph and Elfleda for their lives at free service, at 12'' yearly, and the other half to remain to Elvina and her heirs for ever, at 12'' yearly. After the death of Ilalph and Elfleda, all the land to revert to Elvina. 8 acres in Horseia. 30 acres in Huningham and half a mill in Tor p. 60 acres in Lawendich and Dicwude. The re grant of the eastern half at 8'' yearly. 6* sterling. The regraut of 5 acres, viz., 1 acre 1 rood "adFredue," 3 roods at the head of the croft, 1 acre at Brome, and 1 acre 1 rood at Wad- mar, I an acre at Heued, and I an acre at Dich, to hold at 15'' yearly. 4^ and 6''. The regrant thereof to the his the 10" said Luc and Paul son and the heirs of latter, to hold at yearly. The regrant thereof to hold at S'' yearly, and the pay- ment by Godric of 20^ Half a mark of silver. One mark of silver. 10 marks. 3 marks of silver. The regrant thereof to "Wil- liam and the heirs of his body at 7'' yearly. 7^ rent in Marham, viz., of John Capellanus 2*, of Robert ad Fontem 2^ 6^ of Walter ad Fontem 1^ 6'', and of William son of Reginald V, to hold 76 Date. 4 John. "Petens." *A(ia de Tisteshal. Thomas Blundus. William, parson of Helg- hetun. *Grilbert son of Peter. *E,ichard Walesern and Ma- tilda his wife. Geoffrey Crawe. Herbert le Marchand and Mabil his wife. "Tenens." Geoffrey son of Robert. Lambert [Prior of Cast] ellacr. 'Godfty son of Alan. Richard son of Ivo and Richard de Clare and Agnes his wife. Roger son of Reginald. Raimer son of Robert and Walter his brother. William de Curcun. *Lescia daughter of Regi- nald. Roheis daughter of Regi- nald. 77 Description of Property. 30 acres in Harg-liam. 20 acres in Ruchha, of which 8 acres, viz., 1 an acre in Akergate, 1 acre in Slokrundel, 2 acres in Katecroft .... super Evedlond de Katecroft, 1 acre in 1| acre abutting on Atterhill, and 2 acres in Grrene- gate abutting on Iligeweigate, should re- main to the said Prior, and the remainder to the said Thomas to hold at 10- yearly. Half an acre in Helghetun lying between Middelmilfi and the town of Helghetun. 15 acres in Caldecote. 4 acres in Freton. 30 acres in Stratun. 5 acres in Clipesbi, of which 4 should remain to Herbert and Mabil and the heirs of the latter, viz., 2^ acres in Dene, ^ an acre and i a rood towards the mill of Nicholas de Haledichs, 1| rood under the wood of Richard de Clipesbi, and ^ an acre which Lawrence held in Manhondele, to hold at 6^ yearly, and the remaining acre, which lies towards the north, shoidd remain to William and his heirs, 8fc. Half a carucate in Ruieshal. Coasideration, &c. by free service at the rent of a pound of cummin. 1 mark of silver. 2 marks of silver. 10^ sterling. 5 marks. The regrant of 36 acres thereof, viz., 3 acres which were of Agnes Noreus, 4 acres which abutted on the way from Ruieshal to Puleham, 2 acres in Sandland, 2 acres in Northfield abutting on Estldefridding, 1^ acre at Snakesland, ^ an acre abutting on the meadow of Ruieshal, 2 acres in West Brakes, 11 acres 78 No. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 96 4 John. *William Pens and Fulcho his brother. Margaret de Cressingham. 97 *Hervey son of Eudo. "William son of Poscelin. 98 *yilliam [_sic] Boisar. Warin son of Ivo. 99 *Alured son of "William. Pichard son of Pobert. . 100 *Philip son of Ivo. Alan de Tivetshale. 101 *Cristiana daughter of Hum- Pichard son of Walter and frey. Basilica his wife, and Matilda the latter's mother. 102 *A.lice de Munpinzun. Geoffrey de Assendon. 103 Henry son of Eobert. *Pobert Faber and Botilda his wife. 104 _ *Martin son of Eoger. Peter son of Sirache, 105 Walter parson of Sweines- *Milo do Sweinestorp and torp by Pichard de Matilda his wife. Sweinestorp. 106 *Martin sou of Poger. Pobert son of Athelward. 79 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. lying eastwards from the mill, and 10 acres lying southwards from the mill, for which Roheise pays one mark of silver. 11 acres in Frawesham. 2^ sterling. 13 acres in Hem ford. 1 mark of silver. A messuage in Sumerton, The grant of 1 rood in Sumerton next " toftru putoe " (? the well field) to hold at 2'' yearly. 30 acres in Claie. Half a mark in silver. 60 acres in Tivetshale. The grant of 6 acres in Tivetshale, at 6'^ yearly, viz., 2 acres ad domum Scipard, | an acre ad'- boscum Piwith, 1| acre at Bech, 2 acres at Rediz, and 2 acres which abut on the ditch at Muletun. 10 acres in Chineburdle. 32^ of silver. 28 acres in "Wigenliale whicli are admitted to 4 marks of silver. be of the right of Geoffrey and Margaret [Fulco was present and as- his wife, and the heirs of Margaret, to hold sented. of Fulco de Munpinzun and his heirs by free service at SO'' yearly. 7 acres in Freton. 5 marks of silver to Robert and Botilda, and 20' and 10' to Matilda and Alice the daughters of Botilda, who were present and re- leased their rights. 3 acres in Westwineche. Half a mark of silver. 10 acres in Sweinestorp in free alms to the 2 marks of silver Church of St. Peter of Sweinestorp. 7 acres in Westwinch. 23^ of silver. 80 Date. 4 John. *John son of Walter and E,oger his brother. *Eicard Toli. Haic (?) son of Turstan. " Petens." Thomas son of Henry. Warin de Salle by Thomas son of Simon, ^Ealph son of Henry. Nicholas de Haled iz and Agnes his wife. ^'Philip son of Yvo. "Tenens." Richard son of William and Wlviva his wife. Matilda vidua and Wil- liam her son. *Robert son of Edmund. *William de Nuiers and Thomas de Muntecorbyn. Ralph de Nuggufi. Agnes de Melham by John Pepi her son. *WiUiam le Curcun of Clipesbi. Geoffrey de Tiveteshall. * Herbert son of Costion. *John and Robert sons of Ernald Burgo, Paul de Mulkeberdeston. Reiner son of William. 81 Description of Property. Half a carucate in Iteringham. 12 acres in "Wiclewode. Half a mill and 6 acres in Holte. Half the advowson of the Church of St. Andrew of Wikelwod. 6 acres in Corpesti. 28 acres in Bittringe. Consideration, &c. 3 acres in Clipesbi (except the tenement of Robert capellanus of Billokesbij. 30 acres in Tiveteshal. 15 acres in Mulkeberdeston. 2 carucates in Burgo and Adhelmerton. 2 marks of silver and the grant of 2 acres in the said town, viz., 1 acre called Hevedacre and 2 half acres at Two buskes (?) ad Wlng^ve at 3^ yearly. The grant of 2 acres in the said town lying next at Morle at 4^ yearly. The regrant of half the mill and | a croft towards the west to the road, and 2 5 acres upon Thingham, andean acreattheKing's mill, and ^ an acre at the Bridge mill, and | an acre in Exhaiz to hold by free service at 11' 4*^ yearly. 5 marks of silver. The regrant thereof at IS*^ yearly, for which Ralph pays 2' of silver. The grant of 1 acre next Lowedich towards the west to hold at 8'^ yeai'ly. 20' sterling. The grant of 2 acres in Tiveteshal called Ulnes- tuft at 2^ yearly ; Geoff- rev also pays half a mark of silver. 1 mark of silver. The grant to Robert and his heirs by his tlien wife of 13 acres 3| roods in campis de Burgo, viz., 5 acres ... 25 perches of the land which was of Stanard Cnappyng to- wards the west, 1 acre G 82 No. Date. <'Petens." "Tenens." 117 4 Johu. *Roger Calun. John son of Beatrix. 118 ^^^ *E,obert son of Swan. Reginald and Henry, sons of Roger. 119 *Iloger son of Ealpli. Robert de Crec, and Robert son of Ralph and Alice his wife. 120 *Osbert de Sclielfhangre. Herbert son of Odo. 121 Inetta daughter of Godric. *Thomas Busing. 122 *Emma de Holme. Robert de Hulme. 123 ■ Roger de Bosco and Ave- lina his wife, and Hele- win de Bosco and Mabil his wife. *Roger fit Warin. 124 *Margaret fit William. "Wulfyat de Kattun. 125 *Martin de Saffrei. Fulcher fit Richard. 126 *William fit Thomas. Reginald fit Robert. 127 Ralph Abbot of Dierham. *Peter fit Amund. 128 *Robert fil Ilelewin. Hugh Capellanus by Ste- phen his brother. 129 *William de Massingeham. William fit Herbert. 130 *Jolin Withorspon and Sibil his wife, and Roger fit Robert de Walton. 83 Description of Property. 20 acres in Berton, 15 perches called Fox- hole, 1 acre called ,5 acres 3| roods of the land formerly of Ealph, &c. 7 acres in Westwinch. 7 acres in Fundehal. 30 acres in Lopham. 10 acres in Sipeden. The reasonable dower of Emma in the free tenements which were of Robert de Hulme, in Hulme, Wicherestorp, Knardeston, Sudfeld, Bieston, Bradeham, Chilveston, Sutton, Cotes, and Gremestou. li acre in Nor tun. 8 acres in Kattun. 7 acres in SHton (Stratton ?) 5 acres in Dram (Dereham ?) 30 acres in Dierham. 2 acres of land and 1 toft in Winebotsham. Consideration, &c. 12 acres in Massingeham. A messuage in Lenn. The regrant of 1 acre there- of, viz., i acre at Alle- wellefen, between the land of William de Giming- ham and the land of Nicholas parson, and ^ acre abutting on the Spinney at Allewellefen. 2 marks of silver. The grant of 2| acres in Fundehall, viz., in the croft of Wm. Brichtin. 5 marks of silver. 20^ The grant of one-third of all the lands which Ro- bert, father of the said Robert de Hulme held in the same, "cum uno masag qd vocat^" vetf masag de Hulme." The regrant thereof at 8'^ yearly, for which Roger pays half a mark. 19' sterling. 10' sterling. 1 mark of silver. 41 marks of silver. The regrant of the toft to Robert, to hold by free service at 4*^ yearly, and the payment of 1 mark of silver to him. The regrant thereof to Wm. de Massingeham and Ada his mother, to hold for their lives at 12'' yearly, for which regrant they ■pay 2 marks of silver. 20' sterling. G 2 84 Date. 4 John. " Petens. Boselin and Salerna liis wife. *Levina de Lenne. *Robert fit William. *Botilda, niece of AVm. de Carleton, and Agnes and Avicia her sisters, *Godfrey Pincerna. *John de Coletun. *William fit Ealph and Margaret his wife. *Walter de SuiFold and Oliva his wife. William Osgot. *E.eo'inald de Cornewall. Henry Loholt. Robert fit Roger. William fit Costar, *Goda daughter of Susan. William fit Robert. *Roger Buzun. " Tenens." The Prior of Ely by Roger the Monk, Geofirey fit William. Adam de Dunham. Adam de Ho. Eleured Stein. Ivo de Lincoln. Walter fit Roger. Thomas Busting. Ralph de M^lesham and Hawise his wife. 'Alexander de Kirkeby by Wm. fit Roger. *Blakeman Tot. Ralph Camararius. William Picot. * Willi am fit Godwin and Gilbert fit Rixxe (?) Robert de Saliam, 85 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. The reasonable dower of Levina, w" lich she 2 marks of silver. claims through William de Lenn, her late husband. 16 acres in Burston. • 3 marks of silver. 10 acres in Carleton. 6 marks of silver. 20 acres in Hindringham. 20= sterling. 6 acres in Coletun. The regrant of 2 acres thereof, viz., 1 acre at Bereford Mill towards the east, and 1 acre at Lange- roe, to hold by free ser- vice at 8'" yearly. A messuage in Lenn. 20^ sterling. The reasonable dower of Oliva as widow of 30 marks of silver. Roger fit Walter, her late husband, in Raveningham and Norcot. 2 acres in Grrovele (?) A partition by which Wm. took the north and Thos. the south half. 50 (?) acres in Burnhamtorp. i mark of silver. 10 acres " de alneto " (alder carr ?) in Elig- The regrant to Alexander ham and in Mickelfen. at the yearly rent of a pound of pepper. "De t'b^ dim acr^ tre" in Hueton. The regrant of the western half at 4^' yearly. 1| acre in Sotesham (Shotesham ? or Totes- 2= of silver. holm. Vide Bl. Norf. i., p. 498.) 6 acres in .... and The grant of 2 acres, viz., 1 acre which abutted on the road next William's mill, \ acre on the same road, and | acre on Hax- land, at 2^ yearly. 4 acres in Wichingham. The grant of 1 acre, which Warin held, at 8'' yearly. A carucate of land in Uvinton (0 vington) The regrant of 16 acres and and Kerebroc. a messuage in Uvinton, 86 No. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 146 4 John. Ulf Luvel aud Lecia his *Thomas de Ingollesthorp wife. and Matilda his mother. 147 Petronilla de Mortiio Mari by Walter fit Robert. * William de Bukeham. 148 *Robert fit Peter. Semann fii Robert. 149 Henry Bacun. *Roger Bacun. 150 *Iloger Gloz. Richard Gloz. 151 *John Le Sire. Herbert, Prior of Kokes- ford, by Hervey fit Walter. 152 *Adani fit Walter. Walter le 153 *Godwin fit Goscelin and Godfrey, Mabil, Estonild, Emma his wife. and Sumered. 154 *John fit Thede. Roger fit Turstan. 155 *Sinion de Inlande. Goscelin de Bronn (vel Broun) and Alienor his wife. 87 Description of Property. 5 acres in Snetesham. 20 acres, &c., in Bukeham, and the advow- son of the church of Old 17 acres in Houton. Half a mark of rent in Cherwelleston, to hold at service of four barbed arrows. 20 acres in 24 acres in Frenges. 4 acres in Walsoke. 3 acres of land and 3 acres of wood in Ilsing- ton. 2"acres in Seche. 17 acres in Inland and Gatele. Consideration, &c. viz., 6| acres at Lange- land, 10 acres in Grase- croft, and a messuage, which Thurkiil held, at 18'' yearly. The regrant to Thos. and Matilda and the heirs of Thomas, to hold at 6^ 3'early, they paying 10^ sterling for the same. The release of all rights over the 20 acres, excepting to her and her heirs "trib-5 bodis (rodis?) sci- licet in Calculnes-howe." Half a mark of silver. A hawk. The regrant of 1^ acre, lying next Stanhoegate, next the land of liichard fit S 20* sterling and the yearly rent of a pound of pejDper, or 6d. 2 marks of silver. The regrant of 1^ acre thereof, viz., 3 roods be- tween the land of the church of Ilsingtun and 3 roods between the land of St. Edmund and the land of Robert de Chev- ervill. 3 marks of silver. 2 marks of silver and the release to Simon of an acre and a half and a rood and a half in Inland next his house, in ex- change for which last- mentioned ground Simon grants to Goscelin and 88 Date. 4 John. " Petens." *Philip fit Yvo. 'Stephen fit Godwin. Stannard fil Hulf. *Thomas fit Safrid. Ralph de Boilund. *Williani de Fossato. *Selvestr de Winebotesham. Peter Molendinar and Thurgand his wife. " Tenens." Clement and Roger de Coleby and Alviva their mother. *Gunilda fil Hervei. William fil Yvo. Robert Estrun (?) Geofi'rey de Lagetoft (sic Langetoft ?) Thomas fil Mchol. Estmund fil Suneman. Ralph clericus. 89 Description of Property. 6 acres in Coleby A messuage in Herdelay 30 acres in Tivetshal. 3s. rent in Stratun. 30 acres in Saxlingeham and Tliurmodetun. A carucate in Karletun. 12 acres in TVinebotesham. 24 acres in Mundeford. Consideration, &c. wife 2 acres in the same town, abutting on the fee of the Hospital of Jeru- salem. The grant of an acre in the same town, of which half was in the field called Renting welle [or Kem- ingwelle] and the other between the land of Simon de Krakeford and Simon fit Ralph at Colebythorn, to hold at a penny yearly. The regrant thereof, with half the marsh which be- longed thereto and lay to the west, to hold for her life. The grant of 2 acres in Tivetshal which is next Ulnestuft [or Ulvestuft] to hold at 2^ yearly and the payment to Philip of 2 marks of silver. 2 marks of silver. 1 mark of silver. 5^ rent in Calling receivable as follows, from Stanard Witing and his heirs IS""; from Braies the wife of Robert and his heirs IS'^; from Beatrix the mother of Hugh 15"^ : and from Hugh the son of Turkill and his heirs 15^^. 6^ sterling. The grant of 6 acres in the same town, viz., 3 roods sub Cranewissegat, 1 rood subter Cranewissegat, 1 rood at the church, 3 roods subter Feltwellegat, 90 No. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 164 4 John. Adam de Yallib3. *01iver de YaUib3. 165 Bartholomew Faber. *Richard de Bernyngham. 166 Cristiana fit Hugh. *Hugh de Dunestun. 167 Gilbert, Abbot of Lange- *Boeisia fit Reginald de leia. Ruieshal. 168 Durant de Argentis and Roeisin his wife, and Simon de Waletun. *IS'icholas de Walesham. 169 *Peter fit Siric. William Steingrun (Stein- grim ?) 91 Description of Property. 2 carucates in Chedestane. 6 acres in Bailing. 3 1 acres in Dunestun. 41 acres in Ruieshal. A fishery in Thillebir ~ * 20 acres in Lenn and "West Winn3 . Consideration, &c. * This would seem to relate to Tilbury near Clravcsend, from the reference to the Thames, and it is difficult to see ^^■hy it is found among- the Norfolk fines. 1 acre and 1 rood in Swersland, 3 roods near Wetingate merr, 3 roods abutting ' ad linesti,' 1 acre npon Stanberh, and 1| rood next Wetigat^ to hold at 6'^ yearly. The regrant thereof to Oliver for his life. The regrant thereof to hold at 22^^ yearly, for which regrant Richard pays 20^ sterling. The yearly rent of 14'^. 5 marks of silver and the yearly rent of 3^. The regrant of the fishery " et I fluetto q} vocat' Alfladeflet 1 sit^ I mo- lend im sup eiid fluet ubicq^ Nicho voluit mo- lend illd constituere T; I chimin q'erit i Latitudine" of 24 feet, extending in length from the house of Salomon the Carpenter to " Tamisia," to hold at 3^ yearly, for which re- grant Nich' pays 9^ sterling. The grant to Peter by Wil- liam of all his lands in the marsh of Lenn lying between the fee of the Prior of Acre towards the north, and the fee of the Lord of Westweni3, &c., of a rod of land next the croft of Simon le Newe- man, &c., to hold at 2* yearly, for all which Peter pays 10^ sterling. 92 No. Date. 170 4 John. 171 172 173 174 175 176 — 177 178 179 180 " Petena." Agnes Gnte, by John her son. Bartholomew de Brandon and Bartholomew (sic) his brother. *Geoffrey Crawe. Basit fit Swartagar. *Joscelin de Birlingham and Matilda his wife, William and Margaret his wife, John de Depe- ham and Isabel his wife, and Emma their sister. *E;ichard Mercator and Alice his wife. John de Warples, John de Eggemere, and Matthew de Waterden. *John fit ... . (torn) Roger deSHton (Stratton?) *Edwin Carpenter. Geoffrey de Amblie. ^Balph HiUe. *John de Coletun. * Andrew de Couteshal. *Elveva daughter of Alured. Robert Mautalent. " Tenens.' Richard Trenebury and Mabel his wife, and Basilia her mother. Herveus son of Roger. William Brun. William son of Ilervey. Gervase and Nicholas de Filebi. John, Alexander, and Thomas, the sons of Leswin. 93 Description of Property. Eeasonable dower in from the gift of Ralph. Grante her late husband. An acre in Bernham. 40 acres in Stratton. 3 1 acres in Massingeham. Half a knight's fee in Beghetun. 40 acres in Berneham. 18 acres in Bitringe _„ — — (_, ^ (t) 4i acres in Herolfvesrode and 4| acres m Kirkegate Way. 6 acres in Coletun. (t) 1 acre at the mill of Bereford. 22 acres in Fretenham. 5^ acres in Filebi. Agreement as to 4 one virgate and ^ of another | virgate in Walsokne, viz., that one quarter thereof with the services of Achard and Goding should remain to " the aforesaid church " (no church is mentioned in any part of the line), and the remaining three quarters should remain to the said John Alexander and Thomas to hold of the said church by free service at 12'^ yearly. Consideration, &c. The regrant thereof at 8'-^ yearly. The yearly rent of 3*^. 40^ sterling and the grant of 18 acres in Stratton which Geoffrey held of Roger at 2^ yearly. No consideration mentioned. 20 marks of silver. 2 marks of silver. The regrant of 9 acres part thereof, viz., (f) to hold by free service at 6'^ yearly. The regrant of (f) to hold by free service at 4'^ yearly. 30^ sterling. 16® sterling. 94 No. Date. 4 Jolm, " Petens." Ralph sou of Alegar. Alan nephew of Wulfrlc. *Aiice daughter of Hakun de Beruham. Roger Dulle. * Walter son of Edrich, *B[enry de Habetun. *Williara de la leg. *Williaui Glauie. Earl Eoger Le Bigod. Luke dfc Hille and Matilda his wife, and William de Hil and Bricthua his wife. *William de Bukeham. Osbert de Wachesham. Roger son of Morand. *Editha and sister. Botilda her *Edmund son of Robert. "Tenens." Alan son of Ailmar. Roger son of Ralph. Matthew and Leuifi (Le- vina ?) his wife. *Roger son of Gocelin. Henry de Fleg and Ralph H'dwan. Henry le Puillicis de Brisingham. William son of Richard. Ingeleth fil' Lefwin. *Robert de Crec and Agnes his wife. *Margaret the widow and Adam her son. Nigell de Stamford. *AVilliam de Estori. ^Ralph son of Arnild. William son of Fredoh. DaA^id de Houtun. 95 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 11 acres in Torp and Stratton. (f) 3 acres 1 rood in Torp and Stratton, viz., at Cockesseg, Sclomere, Selimere (?) and Grenestie. 18 acres in B'^tun (Barton). 15 acres in Bernham. 5 acres in Karkebi. 6 acres in Waxtonesham. 24 acres in Brisingham. 5 acres in Karleton. 8 acres and 1 messuage in Tilney. 20' of land (sic) in Coleby. 4 acres in Nereford (t) 3 acres thereof, yiz., at Abunesgate, at Marlingate, at Didelstie, at Yotenden, and at Burgdich. The advowson of the church of Bukeham. 20 acres in Eston, Coleton, and mlingeford. 4 acres in Ringsted. 24 acres in Erwelestun. (t) Half thereof, viz., in Crophto, in Hafkete- lestofta, at the house of Godd, at Humstie, at Suthewelle, at Estgate, at Chirchegat, at Onecoteshed, at AYilgeshik, at Gilbert's land, at Benehalfacre, at Schortehalfacre, which abuts on Brechegate, at Edwinestoft, at Schorteland, " ad capud Parchi," under Linghil, abutting on Beeslade, and under Fredeswude. (J) 1 acre in Erwelestun after the death of Emma the mother of the said Editha and Botilda, which she lately held of the said AVilliam in dower. 14 acres in Houton. (t) An acre in Houton, half at Broccross and half " sub cur Edmundi." The grant of (t). m exchange 2 marks of silver. 5^ of silver. 2 marks of silver. 15^ of silver. 30^ 3^ marks of silver. 30' sterling. 40 marks of silver. The regrant of by free yearly. (t) to hold service at Old ■^2 4 marks of silver. The regrant of the whole to hold by free service at 2' yearly. The yearly payment of 6*^. The regrant of (f) to hold by free service at 6*^ yearly, and the grant of (J) to hold at I'' yearly. The grant of (f) to hold at 4' yearly and the cash payment of 8' sterling. 96 No. Date. " Petens." "Tenens." 196 4 John. Walter de E.avenino'liain. *Cecilia de Nortun. 197 *Bart]iolomew de Reddam, William son of Matthew de Reddham. 198 199 — ■ Richard Pulein by William his brother. *William and John and Robert his brothers. Godard son of Edric. Brogo son of Godfrey de Reinham. * 200 201 202 *Ranulph the son of Howard. *William son of Thomas. *Hugelina daughter of God- Emma de Saxlingham. Alan the Chaplain. Aubert son of Bonde. 203 204 — win. *Elfer and Alice his wife. *William Clerenbaud. Philip Prior of Acre. Roger magister de Simp- lingham by John Buis- tard (sic) his attorney. 205 206 *Richard Pulein. John de Beremer and Emma his wife. William de Hill and Goda his wife. *Luke the Chaplain. 207 208 Godard son of Toni. *Wimar son of William. Henry son of Godwin and Stephen his brother. Richard son of Simon. 97 Description of Property. A marsli iu Norton and 15 acres in Lodne. This fine is a warranty of a charter (therein set out) by which Cecilia, daughter of Cristian de Norton, grants to Walter de Sudfelcl, in consideration of his homage and 100% all her inheritance in Lodne which was of the fee of Goscelin de Lodnes, viz., Milnehoe mersh, to hold to him and Olive his wife and William his son and their heirs, at G** 5'early. 5^ rent in Whittun. (t) The site of the mill and mill pool of Whittun. 30 acres in Horstun. 32 acres in Reinham. (t) 10 acres thereof, viz., under the of John Pauper, at Hevekeshill, in Estmore, at Nungate, at Bergate, at Suthwadhegat and at Stanane. 9 acres in Saxlingham. 3 acres in Brom. Half a messuage in Lenn. 40 acres in HarTgeshag. 15 acres in Welles to hold to the said Roger and his successors. 18 acres in Horstede. 10 acres in Beremere, Berewie, and Stanho. 1 acre in Mothetun (Moulton.) 60 acres in Quideham. Consideration, &c. 40^ sterling. The regrant of (f) at the yearly rent of a pound of pepper. The equal division thereof. The regrant of (f) to hold at 14'' yearly. 1 mark of silver. 1 mark of silver. 40" sterling. 40" sterling. 30" sterling and partici- pation in the benefits, &c., of the said house of Simplingham for ever. 6" sterling. The regrant thereof to Luke and his son Paul and his heirs, to hold of John and Emma and their heirs by free service at 12^^ yearly, &c. An equal division. The regrant thereof to hold b}^ the free service of a pound of pepper annually and scuta ge. H 98 Date. 4 Jolin. *GeofFrey the Chaplain. John de Muncorbin. *Warner de Waxtunesham. *Alan de Snitertone and Alice his wife. ' Petens. *William son of Emma. Mabilia daughter of Wil- liam de Bretheham and Adeldreda her sister. *R.ichard de Senges by Ptobert le Gris. Roger Kempe and Mar- garet his wife, and Ulf- ketell of Derby and Ha- wise liis wife, and Eda the widow. "Tenens.' Hoger son of Safrid. ■Geoffrey son of David. Yincent Prior of Thetford. Nicolas son of Philip. Warin de Aldehage. *Walter fit Hervey and James his brother. Poffer de Ho. William fit Merild. 99 Description of Property. 3 acres in Burstone. 3 acres iu Bernham. 2 carucates in Kilverdestun " et de Norewika cum ptin," and the service of Damia (?) in Croxtun, viz., 4'' and a fishery in Snares- hill Avorth 5% and the meadow of Henun- desholm (?) Consideration, &c. 40 acres in Birlingham and Pankesford. (t) ] 4 acres in the same places, viz., at Brende- land, Kinesmannestoft, Blakeland, at the land of William Leffta, and in the turbary in Pankessford next to the turbary of Geoffrey de Sissesle. 6 acres in Toftes. (t) 1 acre in Toftes lying at Twelfacres. 20 acres in Bretham and all other land which said AYilliam Bretham held. 12 acres in Topecroft in Wudetun. 5 acres in Bilneia. Half a mark of silver. The regrant thereof to hold by free service at IG'^ yearly. (a) The grant to Warner of all his fee in Thorp and Heveringham in homage, rent, and other services, to hold for ever at the free service of a pound of incense yearly ; (b) mutual releases of all claims ; and (c) the pay- ment to Warner of 100 marks of silver. The grant of (t) to hold at the yearly service of 22^*. The grant of (f) to hold by free service at 1'^ yearly, Warin paying 1 mark of silver. The regrant of 20 acres in the same town which Matilda the mother of the said Walter and James held in dower with her house after her death, viz., 14 acres next the land of Linec, and 6 acres in Lingmiddelberg to hold at 2'^ yearly. 4 marks of silver. An equal division. H 2 100 No. Date. "Petens." "Tenens." 217 4 John. *Maro:aretdaufi:hter ofWil- Ham. Alan de Bassingeb'ne. 218 William fit Godric. Basil de Stibde and Heniy his son. 219 Reginald Bulax. Stephen Bulax, Nigel de Bifeld, Geoffrey Portar, and Robert fit Richard. 220 *Gaufridus fit Alice. William de Rakeia and Amabilia his mother. 221 *Tliomas de Eedham. Wimer his brother. 222 *Ralpli de Bailing. .... Prior of Binham and Reginald Chaplain of Little Riburg. 223 *Ilalpli son of Godwin. William Turnel. 224 ' *Alice daughter of "William de Hadestune. Agatha her sister. 225 *Helias son of Ealph. Wido de Torp. 101 Description of Property. 14 acres in Thorpe. 6 1 acres in Stiberde. 2® rent in "Wimundham and "VVrampIingham. One-tliird of a carucate in Rakeia. 35 acres in Redham. 10 acres in Parva Eiburg-. 24 acres in R,akeie. A fourth part of the lands of the said William in Lyneste, Carletone Rode, and Tiben- ham (?) 4s Qd j.pj-^^ ^Q Mereget°p. Consideration, &c. The regrant to her at 2^ and 1 lb. of pepper a year, for which regrant she pays 2 marks of silver. An equal division. Ditto. 2 marks of silver. 24 acres in Redham and Lirapenhoch, viz., 14 acres which Ketel de Shaft held, 2 acres in Hachenescroft, 2 acres at the gate of Peter de Hill, 1 acre at Hildikesende, 1 acre at Roulond (or Rotilond) 1 acre at Ber- tigrave, 2 acres at Heste- croft, and 1 acre at Lite- ling ; also the marsh which their father Roger held between Meresflet and Hildelf ; also Agnes, dau. of Segviun (?) with all her holding & following: to hold at 3^ 3^^ yearly. 10^ Half a mark of silver. . . . marks of silver. 4 acres in Herwic in aug- mentation of the free tenement which he held of the potent in Ru- gunShae which lies next the croft of "Waringer Frost. 102 Date. 4 John. " Petens." Otewic de Clipestorp. *Cristina daughter of Pagan. Eobert Abbot of Ramesia. Turkil son of Richard. John de Depeham and Isabel his wife. John de Reinestorp. Robert de TiteleshaL Stephen fit Peter. Berthol' Clerk and Berthol' Palmer. *Jocelin de Lewes. *Enima de Herpela3^ "Tenens." ^Roger Yiere. Geoffrey son of William. * William le Curteis. [N.B. "Rich^ le Curteis ap- ponuit clamam suam."] Stephen de Caldecote. *Joscelin de Birlingham and Matilda his wife. Roger fit William by Wil- liam fit Roscelin his his attorne3\ *Alan fit Robert. Miles fil Simon. *Richard de Baifeld. Hugh de Monasterio by Godefridus Colebec his attorney. Matthew de Gurnay. 103 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 1 acre in Clipestorp. The regrant at 4'' yearl}^ Roger paying 3^ ster- ling. Half an acre in Gatesle. 6^ sterling. 20 acres in Welles, and the quit claim of 15 The regrant of such land acres in Welles wliich lie within the old and all other land which fee. Walter the father of the said William held in Welles and Emeneth and .Heligeia, and elsewhere, on the day he went to Jerusalem, to hold at 20^ and 6200 sticks of eels yearly. 5 acres in Oxeburg-. 18* sterling. 12 acres in Birlingham. The regrant for the lives of Goscelin and Matilda at 4- a year, for wliich regrant they pay 5 marks of silver. One-sixth part of a mill in Taseburg, Half a mark of silver. Half a carucate in Titleshal. The regrant of 10 acres, viz., 3| at Holegate (which were of Reiner le Gray), 2| at Treisdikes, 1 -at Colput, 1 acre at Grei- puttes, 1 at Aslakebusk (next the land of Hugh fit Hulf), and 1 in Sir- mecopt (?) to hold at 12'' yearly. 1 carucate of land in [torn away. 20* sterling. Half the advowson of Brandon. 100* sterling. 14 acres in Heacham. 30* sterling. 20 acres in Herpelay. The regrant of 2^ acres. viz., 1 at Piggescroft and 11 at Kaimluesmerehe- vedland at O'' rent. 104 Date. 4 Jolin. "Petens." *Walter fit Edrith. *Ralph fit Mauger. Adam fil E,obert. Robert de Suthdale by Simon his son. * John Gret (or Grei ?) *William de Baduent by Robert de Craneford. Alfwin Stalun and Goda his wife. *Robert de Bodham. *Matilda daughter of Semar. *Martin fil Adam. *Godwin fit Thurstan. *Julian fit Bunde. Robert fit Hugh. *Robert de Yaus by Wil- liam fit Peter. 'Geofiirey de Randeworth. "Tenens." Wimar Carpentarius. Thomas de BanTwham, O *Thomas fit Edward *John fit Robert. Simon le Neweman, Walter fit Thurstan. 'John fit Baldwin. Lefwin de Bodham. Odo and William sons of Herbert. Safred de Rungetun. Simon fil Robert. Richard fit Reginald. Philip fit Geoffrey. Ralph Abbot of Hulm. Stephen fit Thomas. 105 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 8 acres in AVaxtonesham. 1 mark of silver. 18 acres in Baningliam. 12^ sterling. 10 acres in Bramertun. 2^ sterling. 22 acres in Plumstede and B'^nig-liam and 8 acres in a field called Wl?tune. Westwude to hold at 26'^ rent. 10 acres in AYestwenich. 9^ sterling. One-fourth part of a kniglit's fee in Stikinge- 100' sterling. land. 9| acres in Sweinestorp. Regrant of 3 acres thereof which were of the fee of Hubert de Broc, and 3^ sterling. 1 acre in Bodhani. The grant to Ely as de Bod- ham of 1 acre in same town in a field called Wileghes to hold at 6'^ rent. 9 J acres of land and | acre of meadow in Grant of 1 acre in same Morlay. town, viz., 3 roods at Langeland and 1 rood at Trendele to hold at 2'* rent. Odo and William also give a bullock. 2 J acres in Sieche. 1 mark of silver. 10 acres in Lenne. 20^ sterling. 6 acres in Becham. 1 mark of silver. 1 messuage and 8 acres in Burnliam. A (t) 4 acres with the capital partition whereby Robert receives 4 acres messuage, to hold by free and the homage of Ade fit Edwine, viz., service, viz., by soccage 2 acres in Litleholgat and 1 acre in the to the king at 1 mark croft of Symon and 1 acre beyond the and 5*' yearly. house of Walkelin de Rosetto, and Philip receives (f) 2 carucates in Scotesham. 4 acres in Scotesham (which Robert, father of the said Robert de Vans, gave to the church of St. Benedict of Hulm) and 30 marks sterling. 15 acres in VValesham. The regrant to hold at 2' and seven quarters of . . . yearly. 106 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 252 4 John. Godwin fit Hugh. *Baldwin de Lius (?) and Matilda his wife. 253 *Ilobert de Sutton and Alice his wife b}^ Alured dehi Gare their attorney. Hugh de Herleberge. 254 __^ Peter de Norfolk. *Bartholomew de Walsing- ham. 255 _ *Bartholomew Faber. William fit Elye. 256 *John fit Ealph. Ralph de Dallinge. 257 Richard de Rumulli. *Alice de Manerio. 258 William fit Asketel. *Richard fit Bonde. 259 Armeniard fit Edric. *Godwin fil Turstan. 260 William fit Umfr'. *Warin de Aldehage. 261 *William fit William. William Palmar. 262 — *Gerard Prior of the Holv Trinity of Norwich. Thomas fit Walter Decan. 263 Ralph Abbot of Hulm. *Thomas Ridell and Cecilia his wife. 264 *Ordwi (?) or Cyrdwi (?) Henry fit William and fit Roger. Roger fit Ode. 265 *Hugh fit Roger. Roesia fit Reginald. 266 William Chaplain of Tortun . *Matilda fit Toruld. 267 *Bartholomew fit Walter. Simon his brother. 268 *Gaufrid fit William. William de Eston. 269 5 John. *Peter de Gloce (?) Alan de Hakebeche. 270 Walter de Creping. *Ralph fit Siredd'. lo; Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 2 acres in Wichinorliam. A knlg-lit's fee in Prilleston. 40 acres in Walsingliam. 4 acres in Dallinge. 8 acres in Parva Eiburg. Half a virgate in Wicelesford, 7 acres in Crec. Half of 3 messuages and 5 acres in Potestone. 6 acres in Tofta. 5 acres in Filebi. 36f acres of land, 4^ acres of wood and pasture, and 41 acres of meadow in Tistes- hal. One-third of the advowson of Bastwic. 7 acres in Yrikingham. A carucate in Ruiesbal. 6 acres in Carleton which she held of the fee of Herbert de Helegton, viz., 2 in Albe- croft, I which Bricce Biscop held, 3 roods lying at Suthill, | before the gate of AYm. Job, ^ at Asgereshill, ^ abutting on ditto. and I next Hescogate. D m e iiij°'xx Asle." acr t^re et de (? 90 acres.) X cum ptinecis in M . . . inffford and Carleton. The advowson of Sautou. 12 acres in Eligliam. 12'' of silver. 10 marks of silver. The regrant for life at a rent of 1 mark of silver a year. Half a mark of silver. The regrant of the western half at 12"^ yearly. The yearly rent of 6''. 4^ of silver. 2^ sterling. 40* sterling. Half an acre " in campo de Filebi apud Poketorp," and ^ a mark of silver. The grant to the Prior of 5i acres in Tisteshal which Dana fil AValteri held of the Prior. Half a mark of silver. 20* sterling. 4 marks of silver. 10* sterling and S** yearly rent. [The fine sets out her charter at length.] The grant of 23 acres thereof to hold of Simon at 42^^ yearly. All the land of the said William in Karleton to hold at 3* yearly. 3* sterling. The regrant at 2' yearly rent, for which regrant he pays a mark of silver. 108 Date. 5 John. "Petens." *Levena widow of William fit Costentin. Alexander Prior of Hick- ling by Augustin the Canon. William de Warenn. *Estilda (?) widow of Richard fit Torald. William de Warenn. *E,alph de Curzun. Warin Oisel and Beatrice his wife by Simon fil Robert. ^Elyas fit Richard. John Bishop of Norwich. (Illegible.) *Hubert fit Alexander. Ralph fit Peter. Eborard Clericus. (Illegible.) Alan de Hockeringham. *Christina daughter of Leof- win by Simon de Howe. *Adam de Wesenham and Basilia his wife. " Tenens." Ralph de Brecham. ^Henry de Fleg. *Haco de Well. William fit Richard. Bude (.? Bunde.) Geofi'rey de Marisco. * William fit Richard. Henry de Bosco. *Hamo fit Burdi. Juliana Goscelin de Walpol. *Walter fit TJmfrey Alexander de Yole. *Hubert de Rochage, Matilda de Bekeswelle by Robert Heron. Ralph Abbot of Dierham. 109 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. Her dower in Lenn and West Weniz. 10^ The advowson of Waxtonesham. The grant by Theobald de Yalones "advocatus do- mus de Hikeling" to Henry of all the land he held of him in Sumerton, Winterton, &c. 7 1 acres in Well. The regrant at 9"^ yearly rent, for which regrant Hacho pays ^ a mark of silver. .... Gontvno-. (Illegible.) Welles. (Illegible.) A carucate of land and a mill in Hechara thorp. 5 marks of silver. A messuage in Lenn. The regrant at 12'^ yearly rent, for which regrant William pays 7 marks of silver. A carucate in Bodham. 10 acres which William Sacerdos of Bernyng- ham held, and a mark of silver. Common of pasture in Horningetoft. The regrant at 2^ yearly rent. (Illegible.) (Illegible.) A messuage in Lenn which belonged to 20 marks of silver. [This Hubert the uncle of the said Hubert. fine is made with the consent of William, Greoifrey, and Hamo, the brothers of the said Hubert. 20 acres in Banham. The regrant at 3' 2'^ yearly rent and 5| marks of silver. .... Winebodesham. (Illegible.) 16 acres in ... . (Illegible.) 16 acres in Bekeswelle. 40^ 23 acres in Tilney. 5 marks of silver. 110 No. 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 Date. 5 John. 6 John. "Petens." William de Warenn. * Alexander fit William. widow of Wm. fit Costenton. Hoger de Stratton. Richard fit [Nicholas. Wm. Prior of Norwich. Alexander de Pole. (Illegible.) ^Stephen fit Bartholomew. (Illegible.) *Beatrix fit Wulric and Ediva her sister by Wm. de Eford. *Walter fit Roger. * John Marescall and .... his wife by Simon de Liclington. *Juliana widow of Ralph Clericus. ^Walter son of Roger de Bilneia by Alexander de Ormesby his attorney. Ralph Prior of Dunmawe. Roger fit Gilbert. *Estrilda, Mazeline, and Alice, daughters of Ilinsri. "Tenens." ^Illegible.) Richer fit William. (Illegible.) ThiedricEst . sconofLenn. Ranulph fit Robert. Adam fit Wido. (Illegible.) 'Robert fit Ralph. William de Warhara. Thomas Prior of ... . by Laurence de Thebrigg. Roger de Norwic. Robert de Mortemer. The Prior of the Blessed Mary of Sudwark. William le Grros. Richard de Seinges. *Hugh fit Odo. *Herbert de Helgheton. Simon Master of the Hos- pital of .... of Norwich. John Clericus of Balling. Ill Description of Property. 7 1 acres in AVell. A carucate of laud in Timethorp and Hefham. Dower in "West "VVeniz. (Illegible.) .... Twai. .... in suburb of Norwich. 12 acres in "Wimbodesham. (Illegible.) 2 messuages in Lenna and 36 acres in Walsing- ham. 18 acres in Tacolneston. Advowson of Raveningham. Advowsons of Hogring and Berk. 30 acres in Betele. A carucate in Grimestun. 16 acres in Hemebale. 30^ in rent in Karleton. 1 acre in Katton. 40 acres in Dalling, being a grant to Roger Bacon and his heirs to hold of the said John and Peter his son. Consideration, Sec. Half a mark of silver. The grant to Alexander of 3 acres in Timethorp abutting on a messuage which was of Simon his grandfather. (Illegible.) (Illegible.) (Illegible.) The regrant to hold of Eborard fit Baldewin. Eborard pays half a mark. The regrant to Stephen of the Walsingham land. 20^ The ffrant of the homaore and soccage of Walter de Sudfeld. (Illegible.) 10^ 20 marks of silver. 14*^ yearly. Robert til Walter, lord of the fee, is mentioned. 40^ 8^ sterling. (Illegible.) 112 Date. 6 Jolin. 7 JoLn. 8 John. " Petens." *]xicliard son of Mabel. Magister "William tie Lenn by Roger de Norwich his attorne3^ William Abbot of Sa . . e, *William fit Eichard. (Illegible.) E.aun the brother of Goucy by Halph de Hemsted. *Adam Clericus of Dalling. John del Frith. ^(Illegible.) Magister Ralph Bacun (?) *Ralph de Beufo. Richard de Ho. (Illegible.) *Ralph de Tirinton. (Illegible.) (Illegible.) Le estrange and Alice his wife by Nicolas Roger Le estrange. William de Runhae and Agatha his wife. *Richard de Houtone by Ralph de Reples, *Richard de Kailli. *Eustace de Turgarton. Bartholomew de Wicton (or Witton.) " Tenena." William Rtissu, *Livena de Walesham by Geoffrey de Norwich, her attorney. (Illegible.) Richard Noth. ^Geoffrey fit Ailward. Roger de Dalling by Ralph his son. *Lecia fit Ralph and Emma her daughter by Ralph del Frith. Alexander de Jernemue. *William de Hulmo. Philip Prior of Estacre. Luke Sacerdos and Elyas his son. (Illegible.) Magister Richard de Tir- ington. (Illegible.) (Illegible.) *Roger Gulafre. Richard de Tudcham Cecilia his wafe. Ralph and Richard of Wido. Peter de Kailli. Robert le Brun. *Robert de Nugun. anc sons 113 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. .... in Iloutune. 25= sterling. The services and of half 3 acres in Walesham The regrant for ever at 7^ which she acknowledges to belong to the yearly. church of Walesham. 7 acres in .... .... in Appelton. 40= sterling. 10 acres in Cattona [Scodale (?), Leirg^vehill, The yearly rent of ... . and Billingesbi mentioned.] 23 acres and the half of 3 messuages in Balling. The regrant of 10 acres thereof, viz., a la Kirke- mere, in Ethstanescroft, in Sanland, and in Cran- croft, to hold for life at 20^^ yearly. 16 acres in Tilleneia. Half a mark of silver. .... in Jernemue. 4 marks of silver. .... in Hulmo. 1 bezant. Advowson of Sudecrec. 100= sterling. 24 acres in Ho. [Holemere mentioned.] (?) 20 acres in Tirington of the fee of St.Etheldred. 6^ marks of silver. 18 acres in Gessing which Alice claims as rea- The regrant to hold at 12^ sonable dower from her late husband Simon yearly, for which regrant de Franchevill. Hoger pays a mark of silver. .... in Hokering. 26 acres in Norbarsham — R-ichard calling the The regrant of 4 acres there- Prior of Acre to warrant. of, viz., . ,in Greneg .... & lying between the land of Ralph Rust (or Rutt.) .... in Walepol. 5 marks of silver. 7 acres in Turgarton. IS'' a year and Robert paj^s half a mark. Advowson of Church of St. Magdalen of 18 acres in Warham. AVarham, 114 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 329 8 John. *Thomas fii Alexander. John Achilchard. 330 Gena widow of Adam de Prior and Conyent of Nerford. Westacre. 331 *Ileiner (?) de Albinico. William Earl of Arundel. 332 *E,ichard fit Lecie by Henry de Dockino'e. William de Shireford. 333 Roger *Pobert de Gillingeham. 334 *Emma del Frid. John del Frid. 335 Dameta widow of William Thomas fit Hugh de Roke- de Rokelund. lund. 336 The Prior of Norwich by *Robert Chaplain of Amer- Robert de Neuton. iughal. 337 (Illegible.) 338 (Illegible.) (Illegible.) 339 *Alex. fit Alured by John de Tunstall. William fit Edmund. 340 *William de Holcham. Peter de Bodham and Elewisa de Bodham. 341 Muriel widow of Wni. de Bello Monte. *William his son. 342 (Illegible.) 343 *Alice de Sparham. John de Folesham. 115 Description of Propertj\ 8^ and 12'' rent in Fordham and the rent of 2000 eels from the marsh of Redhebech, all of which John de Cremplesham gave to the said John in marriage with his daughter Katherine. Half all the land which the Prior held of Adam in Westacre. 1 knight's fee in Snetesham, Resinges, and Stanho. 4 acres in. Shireford. Advowson of Harpele. 10 acres in Tylen. 8 acres in Rokelund claimed in dower. Consideration, Sec. 10 acres in Ameringhal and 8 acres in Newton. in Hokeringr. 5 acres in Wichamton. The yearly rent of 4 " lumar (?) bladi." Reasonable dower in Timeltorp " sic aqua de- scendit anovoponteusquead Hakefordwad." 6 acres in Sparham which she claims in free marriage of the gift of Sculi de Sparham her father ; also 6 acres in Sparham which she claims as dower of Alexander fit Decani her late husband. I 2 3 marks of silver. 1 mark of silver and the yearly rent of 6'^. £10 yearly rent. The fee to revert to Reiner if he survives William. 1 mark of silver. 2^* rent in Nortun, which Roger Burel held. 20^ sterling. The regrant to Robert at 4^ for life, and after his death to his son John for life, and after his death to his (the latter's) wife Estrilda for life. The regrant of 4 acres thereof, viz., in Uvers- wong, Westegate, Ber- chenestic, Berch, lands of ElwinPalmer,Netherlond, Buscland, Longehalfaker, and the marsh of Godin- 20^ esmers at 6^'^ yearly. 16'' yearly rent. 116 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 344 345 346 347 348 8 John. *Theda wid.of Hugh Cuckuc. Richard (Illegible.) (Illegible.) *Grodwin fit Sefugel by John de Tunstall. Morice Forester. *Robert fit Richard. Roger de William fii Edmund. 349 350 351 *Henry fil Leffi and Beatrice his wife. Alexander fit Simon de Wickld. Eustace de Turgarton. Martin fit William. Abbot and Convent of Dereham. Ralph Abbot de " Ulmo." 352 • *Eichard fit Eanulph de Hissemer. Matilda Prioress of Kar- how and her convent. 353 * William fii Gelerani. William Cocus. 354 Ralph and Peter sons of Windlevi (?) *William Le Neuman. 355 9 John. *"W"illiam de Nuers. Hubert de Burg by John de Ingeworth. 356 *Adara de Kailli. Michael [de Ponyng.— Bl.l .... and Margeria his wife by Laurence de' Punffinges, 357 *Reginald (?) de Burnham and Juliana his wife. Hubert de Burg. 117 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 7 acres in Bene3'tleia claimed as dower. 1 mark of silver. 18 acres in Snetesliam. 3 marks of silver. 20 acres in 5 acres in AVichamto. The regrant of one-half, viz., in Beretrevestic, Dudegraveuverwang, Netherwonge, Westgate, Longhalfaker, and marsh of Godinesmers. 10 acres in 60^ Half an acre at the western side of the door 2 marks of silver. of the grange of the Abbot at Holcham. .... in Turgarton — land which John Grulin held. A marsh called Torpigemers. The regrant of the western half of the said Tor- pinggemers to hold at 12^ yearly. A knight's fee in Kalvele. The regrant of 24 acres, viz., in Eld eland, Storn- lond (?), Langefurlong, and Wudecroft, to hold at 12'^ a year. William Cocus pays 10 marks. 4 acres in Fvddon. The regrant of one of such acres, viz., that abutting on the mill of Sudbroc, &c. (illegible.) Beeston The regrant of } of such and Runeton, and one-ninth of 2 carucates 2 carucates to hold at 2^ of land in Ilindringham. a year, saving the dower of Sarra the widow of Raljah de Candos. The dower of the said Margeria from her The release of her dower in former husband John de Kailli in Brade- Hildeburwurth, Pike- ham, Denever, and Riston [the park of ham, Biston, and Claia. Brandenham and the old fosse mentioned] to hold to her for life. One-ninth of two knight's fees in Beeston 100^ sterling & a robe worth and Bunton and one-ninth of two carucates 2 marks [AValter de Fal- of land in Hindringham. cob} appon. clam. suum. 118 No. Date. " Petens." " Tenens." 358 359 9 John. ♦Robert fil Rami (?) and Alice his wife by Adam deHo. *Robert le Belage by Adam deHo. Hubert de Burg by John de Ingeworth, Hubert de Burgh by John de Ingeworth. 360 361 *Wido de Tichewelle by Nicholas de Docking. Herebert Prior of Rud- ham by Robert de Cole- kerke. Geoffrey fit Turstan and Matilda his wife. *Hamo Capellanus. 362 *William Blund. Wm. fit ^Ym. fit Roscelin. 363 * William Boidi son of Robert. Richard fit Roger. 364 365 *Lecia fit Swetive. *Herlewin fit Fulco. Godefrid fit Godefrid. William fii Reginald. 366 367 368 10 Jolin. *Nichotas de Docking. *Emma de Bellafag. ♦Reginald fit Henry. William fit Turstan and Goda his wife by Gaufrid fit Turstan. Simon fit Cecil. Ralph Prior of Dunmawe. 369 William de Suningham and Juliana his wife. *Hugh de Polstede and Hawisia his wife. 370 1 *Umfrid fit Turber. Hardwin de Mortun. 119 Description of Property. Consideration, &:c. One-ninth of two knights' fees in Beeston 100^ sterling [\yalter de and Runeston, and one-ninth of 2 carucates Faukberg appon. clam. of hmd in Hindringham. suum. One-third of ditto. The grant of 20 acres in Beeston and Runton, to hold by free service at 6'^ yearly and the pay- ment of 10 marks of silver. 30 acres in Docking. 5 marks of silver. 20 acres in Tivetshale, viz., juxta croftara 4 marks of silver and 28*^ Juliani .... Notolnesmor next the land of rent. Ralph Coket Ellernewong Grepittes .... Sepegate and Fresmere. The manor of Heiford [? Haynesford.] The service of a knight's fee and 100^ rent pay- able half-yearly. Fitz Roscelin also gives a horse w^orth 10 marks, and re- turns a charter which he had of AVm. the grand- father of the said William Blund, &c. 20 acres in Tateresford. The regrant of an acre called Gorland, abutting on the road from Duntou, 20 acres in Tilneia. to hold at a penny a year. 13^ sterling. A messuage and 18 acres in Torp. The regrant of the eastern half at 12'' yearly, Herle- 30 acres in Docking. win paying 1 mark. 5 marks of silver. Yarions services in Flitcham. 21 acres in Heraehale which he admits to be 4 acres in the same town in of the right of the Prior and of the Church Northfeld and Westfield. of St. Mary of Hemhal. 40 acres in Saham (?) [N.B. This is an extremely long fine, written in a foreign hand.' 2i acres in Mortun. Half a mark of silver. 120 Date. 10 John. " Petens." *Peter fit Hubert and Mar- garet his wife. *Robert Carpentar and Alice his wife. *Alice and Matilda the daughters of Robert de Bradefeld. *Cristina widow of Adam de Coleb}^. John le Gros. *Edric de Stokesby and Wlviva his wife. Alexander de Haggeford. *Williani de Iteringham. *Ilalph de Patesle. "Tenens." Ttalph de Tivill. Roo-er fit Nicholas Nicholas fit Reginald. Thomas fii Ralph. *Edmunda and Estrilda the daughters of Ailmer de Horshey by Walter Sherewind. Cristiana widow of Geoffrey de Scotho. Steffan de Oxon. *Odo fil Eustace. *Rand fit Hugh. William fit Warin. William de Nuers. Roger fil Vitalis. Reginald de Crakeford. * John fii Yvo and Margaret his mother. Lefflauii de Stocinb and Matilda his wife. *Richard de Iteringham. Bartholomew de Turtevill. Elias de Feres by Eustace his son. Roger de Ho. *Magister Thos. deweston. ^Luca the Chajslain. Henry fit Wlnsht. Josep fit Bonde. Gervase de Scotho. *Closwein de Bee. Walter fit Edmund. GeofiTrey fit Walther. 121 Description of Property. 7 acres in Coleton. 4 acres in Hiiidriugliam. 15 acres in Tllegrave. 10 acres in Coleby. 18 acres in Geistwevt. 9 acres in Stokingefe. 3 acres in Matelasc. 3 acres in Wichingliam. A carucate of land in Rudham. Half a knight's fee in Topecroft. 7 acres in Weston to hold by free socage at 24^ 3'early. 10 acres in Beremere and Berewick. 2 acres in Lenn. 3 aci'es in Horshey as to whicli Joseph calls Thomas de Thirne to warrant. 12 acres in dower from her late husband. 2 acres and a messuage in Geywd (?) which he admits to belong to Stephen and the Church of St. Faith of Gaywode (?) 4 acres in Curstorp. 40 acres in Ruieshal. Consideration, &c. Half a mark of silver. 31 acres in Sumringate (abutting on land of Julian de Nuers) to hold at 4*^ yearly. 20^ sterling. 5^ and an annuity of 4''. The regrant of 12 acres to hold at 2* yearly. The regrant of 2 acres in the field of Stokingh to hold of the capital lord at 15^' yearly. 2 marks of silver. Half a mark of silver. 20® sterling. 15 marks of silver. Thomas pays 1 mark. The regrant to Paulin, son of Luke, and the heirs of his body at 12'' yearly. Should he have no issue, to Nicholas. 1 mark of silver. The regrant of 1 acre 3 roods thereof, viz., in Adveres- croft, &c., and to hold by free service at 16'' a year. 15® sterling. The regrant to Closwein for life at 12'' yearly. The regrant at 9'' yearly. The regrant of half thereof to hold at the service of one- fortieth of a knight's fee. 122 Date. 10 John. "Petens." William Nepos. *Wido de Sernebrune. *William le Permter and Beatrix his wife by Thomas his son. William Prior of Norwich. *William de Anamara and Edift his wife. *Ilichard fit Simon. *Ileginald Fabr de Samford. *Agatha de Bovill by Peter de Lacresnere. *Cristiana widow of Adam de Coleby. *Robert fit Pti chard b}^ Walter his son. Paunulph fit William. Thomas fit Ralph. *Peter fit Hubert and Mar- gery his wife. *Pichard fit Ibu by Simon his son. *GeofFrev de Grena. " Tenens." *Ineta fit Henry. Nicol de Sernebrune. Durand le Eschermiour. 'Peter de Claye. *Ernald fit William. ^Simon de Tornham by Gregory his brother. Palph de Crec. E-alph fit Emma. Deodatus Prior of St. Faith by William the Monk. Cristiana de Monteneia. Simon de Crakeford. William fit Ptobert de la funteine. Roger de Ho. Onich fit Levesun. Hugh le Brun. William fit Richard de Mortuomar. Raunulph fit William by William his son. Geoffrey Tercel. Beatrix fit Agnes and Hugh her son. 123 Description of Pr( jperty. Consideration, &c. 8 acres in Rudliain. The regrant of 4 acres for Advowson of Sernebrune. her life at 6^ yearly. 16* sterling. 1| acres in Ingham. 1 acre between the land of Bernard de Hacthorp and land of Edric Spic to hold at 6'' yearly, for which \Vm. and Beatrix A carucate in Tornham. pay 20* sterling. 16 acres and a messuage in Crec. A mark of silver. 6 acres in Warham. The regrant of 2 acres thereof in the field called sevenacre . . at 4'' yearly. 12 acres in Horsham. 3 5 marks of silver. A carucate in Trikestun claimed as dower by 6 marks and 10*. Cristiana from her late husband Robert le Veautre. Her dower in respect of 11 acres in Coleby. 1 mark of silver. 2 acres 1 rood and the one- third of a rood in The yearly rent of 4|'', Fileby. 6 acres in Sotesham. 1 mark of silver. 3 acres in Clenchewarthon. 20* of silver. 15 acres in Coleton. ] mark of silver. 30 acres in Eggemer. 5 marks of silver. 2 acres of land and 2 acres of pasture in The regrant of 1 acre in Kyrkested. AUesell next the wood of Berch at 1"* a year. 1 3 acres in Claye. The regrant of 2 acres, viz., "in Cayo q^ d-" Blacks- won g " to hold at 2^* a year. 4 J acres in Palling. The regrant of half thereof, viz., in Siwatesfot ... in Lochus Alfwane- sherne . . . Alderfanpittes ... at 6'' a year. 124 No. Date. *' Petens." "Tenens." 406 10 John. Adam fit Regiuald. *Swetema fit Gaufr'. 407 Adam Cholle of Leiin. *Richardfit John de Tilneia, and Simon, Ralph, and Godfrey his brothers. 408 *Ricliard fit Lesquen. Safrid fit "Ralph. 409 » *Emma widow of William de Belag. Gervase de Parco. 410 William de Holebec. *Ralph de Leonib-5 and Emma his wife. 411 *Walter fit Eobert Brito. Thomas La Veile. 412 Walter Le Brun. *Ralph de Fueldon. 413 * William fit Ilug-h. Wido de Verdun and W'" de Holkham. 414 *Alveva widow of Gilbert. Richard Earl of Clare by Hugh de Bodekesham his "athornatus." 415 *William fit Walter. Reginald de Sumere. 416 *Marcelina widow of Rich- R,ichard le Awe by Richard ard Camerar by Robert his son. fit Macelin. 417 Humfrey fii Turber. *Ralph fit Lefiy. 418 *Aliva widow of Gilbert. Richard Earl of Clare by Hugh de Clar. 419 Roger fit Osbert. *William de Curzuu. 420 *Stephen de Warham. Geofi'rey fit Peter de War- ham. 421 ♦Walter Faber de Saxford. DeodatusPrior of St.Faith. 125 Description of Property. 4 acres iu Toft. 20 acres in Tilneia and Wigelial. 10 acres in Stratton. 16 acres in Baldeswell. 7 acres in Wikingeham. 40 acres iu Bastwic. Half a carucate in Fueldon. 12 acres in Saxlingham, 1| acres in Bodekesham, 7 acres in Sumere. 20 acres in Hadesco (.-') 1 acre in Morton. 1| acres in Rodokesliam. 2 carucates in Wicklingham of the fee of Earl E-oger le Bigot (saving to Roger Cocus his tenement, viz., 40 acres for which he is to pay 8^ sterling, and also saving to Mamo (?) de Kirkley his tenement of 12 acres, for which he is to pay 2^ and two capons.) 15 acres iu Warham, 12 acres iu Horsham. Consideration, &c. The regrant of 2 acres, viz., in Westmad . . . Michel- brom ... to hold at 3* yearl3\ Half a mark of silver. The regrant of 2 Piggestoft acres m Stanahage. 20^ sterling. abutting on The regrant of half thereof at 18^ yearly. 1 mark argent. The regrant of all except 3 acres, viz., in Erdehou . . . Schirevesacr . . . Galecho. Regrant of 3^ acres . . . to hold at 4'' yearly and scuta ge. Half the croft called Ailev- escroft . . . Micloweye to hold at 2^ yearly. 2 marks of silver. 2^ acres in . . . Ranescroft abutting on Wadegrote to hold at 1'^ yearly. Half the said acre to hold at 1^'^ yearly. Half the croft called Aleves- croft. The service of two knights' fees and £14 and ^ a mark. Regrant of 2 acres in the field called Foxhalls Qd yearlv. 3 marks of silver. at 126 No. Date. "Petens." ♦' Tenens." 422 10 John. Godfrey del acre. *William de Scales. 423 Richard Parmentar, *Reginald de Crakeford. 424 *Jolin Coleman and Roger his brother by Henry fil William. William de Eggesfeld. 425 *Peter fit Hubert and Mar- garet his wife. Hagen fil Warin. 426 *Richard de Bedsted. Hil[ary] Prior of [Lew]es by Richard Coleman. 427 * William fil Benedict. Roger fii Reginald. 428 Richard fil Ibert by Simon his son. Adam fii Elie. Ditto. Ralph fii Bartholomew. Ditto. John Mercator. Ditto. Amabilia fii Elie. 429 *Aleysia fil William. William Brun and Alan fii WiUiam. 430 *Gervase de Sparham and Amicia his wife and Agnes her sister. Geofii'ey Palmere. 431 *Ralph fit Henry. William fit Geofii-ey and Muriel his wife. 432 — *Gervase de Scotho. John fit GeofFre}''. 433 Gilbert Abbot of Langley. *Roger Bacun, and Walter de Raveningham, and Reiner (?) de Ho, and Ernald de Charnell, and William de Ingelose, and Reginald de Brokel, and Ralpli de Bello Campo. 127 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 30 acres in Rucham. The regrant of half at ll'i yearly, excepting the capital messuage which is to remain to "William, in exchange for which he gives Godfrey an acre onGalterhill next the land of Thomas fit Scul. 1 aci'e in Skegeton. 20^ sterling. 2 acres in Adelmerton. The regrant of 1 acre, viz.. wliich lies next the road called Pakkeresfaillate, to hold at 3 ' yearly. 7 acres in Coleton. Half a mark of silver. 6 acres in VV aleton. 3J marks of silver. Half of a mill and ^ of an acre in Refham. The regrant at 2^^ yearly, Roger paying 10\ ... in Eggemere. ^ ,^ ' T,, f A long and complicated 10 acres m ditto. v ^ 7 perches in ditto. I 1 acre in ditto. '^ 30 acres in . . . [torn._ The regrant of a rod of land abutting on Taseburgland . . . and on Lampit . . . on land of Hervey le Spicer, and half an acre at TJveregate, and 30^ 3 acres in Sparham. 3* sterling. 30 acres in Sailtwert. 1 mark of silver. 3 acres in Scotho. Nil. Advowson of three parts of the Church of the Holy Trinity of Lodnes. 128 No. Date. 434 435 436 437 438 439 10 Jolin. 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 ."Petens." *Robert fit Ralpli Matilda his wife. *Peter fii Hubert. *Robert le Gris. *E,icher fii Geofirey. *Edina fii Ulpb. *Wimarca fii Osbert. and Geofii'ey de Naringes. *Roger fii Haldan. *Ralpli de Clay and Agnes his wife. *Ilichard fii Ralph. Ralph fii Warin. *William fii Robert. * William le Neuman. *John fii Robert. *Seman Capellanus. John fii Alice. Albina Yreneto & Beatrice and Ediva her sisters by William de Brom. "Tenens." Henry fii Robert and Basilia his wife. Henry Abbot of Dereham. William de Watacre. Gilbert fii Geofii-ey. Raunulf Capell. William fii Richard. 'Alan de Heleghton by William his son. Godfrey fii Roger. Walter de Witton. Philip de Bodeham. *Hugh Swan. Jordan fii William. Philip Prior of Acre. Robert de Haldsted. Hugh Plume. *William de Kelechou Edina his wife. *Simon de Erwelleston. md 129 Description of Property. 5 acres in Snetesliam. 20 acres in Ysted and 13"^ rent in Weibrede. 15* rent in Torton. 14 acres in Wichingeliam. 4 acres in Aracton. 1 carucate in Lornedis (? Launditch.) 1 carucate in Helgheton. 7 acres in Griraueston. 2 carucates in Witton and Warliani. 6 acres in Ci'ec. 9 acres in Bicham. 3 acres in Stratton. 22 acres in Baggethorp. 40 acres in Heveye. 7 acres in Aslacton. 3 acres in Dinnenetlioii. 15 acres in Kyrkeby. Consideration, &c. 1 mark of silver. 2 marks of silver. 1 mark of silver. Half a mark of silver. 2 marks of silver and the grant to her son Hanulph of 3 acres of the said land, viz., that which Goding May held at IS'* yearly. The regrant at 18* a year, Alan pays 12 marks. The regrant of 4 acres, to hold at 12'». The grant of 36 acres and 3 poles in Warham which Yward Presbiter held of Bartholomew, father of the said Walter de Witton, to hold to him and the heirs of Agnes at 12** yearly. The regrant to hold at 129 Description of Property. Half of 7 acres and half of a messuage in Hecham, and half 30 acres in Hillingeton claimed as dower ..... Hillington water mill. 7 acres in Dallinges and all her claim to half the windmill which Eoger Bacun held in the same town. 30 acres in B acton held of the Prior and Convent of Norwich, to hold to her and her son Geoffrey and the latter' s heirs, with remainder to her daughter Beatrix. A mill in Hunworth called Skerehunger. 100* rent in Melton, which are quit claimed to the Earl. Half . . . acres in Crane wurth, and half 12 acres of meadow and pasture, and half a mill and a quarter of a water mill, and half 5 marks of rent in Letton, claimed as dower. The service of a knight's fee which he held of 8imon in Hainsted and Holt, and 3^ marks of silver, and all his claim in the service of 4' 4'' and a pair of gloves which he received of tenants of Isolda fii Parmel, in Kent. .... Tilneia .... Islingeton. 9 acres in Seche. 3 acres in ditto. One-third of 2 acres in Tilneia. Advowson of Berneia. Consideration, iSrc. The rent of 3^ 7'' yearly. The re grant for her life of 6 acres, viz., a croft at Northgate and a "placia" called Blacunldeheved- land, and a "placia" called Stanhou, to hold at 12'^ yearly and two capons at Christmas, and a "placia" called Sunndesacr. 100 marks of silver. An allotment of certain land in satisfaction and 28* 8''. Richard de Risino^, Roofer le Swatinges, and John fii Brixi are named. The release of all arrears of service. 5 marks [Reginald fll Simon puts in his claim.] 2 marks. 5* sterling. The admission of the gran- tors into all the benefits of the monastery. 140 No. 510 Sir 512* Date. 16 John. 11 Jolin. " Petens." John fit Hugh by Roger de Stratton. *E.oger deClare and Wul viva his wife by William de Hemraesby. *Ilichard fam Roger de Wlfreton and Matilda his wife. *Aliva widow of Reiner Perm tar. " Tenens." Matthew Clerk de Danby Simon fil Robt. and R.oger fii Godland de AVell. * These two fines were by mistake of the calendarer placed and numbered after No. 510, through his mis-reading "undecimo" "vicesimo," and forgetting the duration of John's reign. On my pointing this out, they have been placed with the other fines of 11 John, 141 Description of Property. Consideration, &c. 7 acres in Ormesby and an admission that The regrant of 5 acres to they have no right to the Church of hold to them and the St. Margaret of Ormesby. heirs of "VVulviva at 6^ yearly, and of 2 acres, viz., 1 in Brakeholm and another between the land of the Church and the land of Hichard fit "Wulford, to remain to John. 4 acres and a salt pit in Babbingel. Half a mark of silver. 4 acres in suburb of Lenn, claimed as dower. The regrant for her life of 2 acres thereof. INDEX LOCORUM. N.B.— For remaiks as to the probable locality of the tmidentifled places printed ia italics see page ix. Acre Priory, 113 Alburgh, or Aldboroiigh «, 71 Alderford, 51 Alingcton, 15 Alpington, 113 Aracton, 129 Arminghall, 115 Ashby cum Oby, 19 Ashby, 53 Ashill, 107 (P), 13r(?) Aslacton, 129 Attleborough, 23, 41, 49 Attlebridge, 51 Aylmerton, 37, 81, 127 Babingley, 141 Bacton, 139 Bagthorpe, 25, 129 Banham, 109 Banningham, 23, 105 Barford, 93 Barmer, 75, 97, 121, 135 Barney, 29, 139 Barnham, 23 Barningham, 71,105,109 Barsham, 59, 131 Barsham, North, 113 Barton, 95 Barwick, 75, 97, 121 Bastwick, 125, also see Woodbastwick Bawdeswell, 125 Beckham, 105 Beechamwell, 71 Beeston, 83 Beeston St. Lawrence, 137 (?) Beeston Regis, 117 bis, 118, 135 Beetley, 111 Beighton, 93 Beneytleia, 117 Bergh Apton, 75 (?) Berton, 83, 133 Besthorpc, 23 Bexwell, 109 Bichani, 129 Billingesbi, 113 Billockby, 59, 81 Bilney, 99 Binham, 17 Bintrj', 61, 133 Entering, 81, 93 Blakeicorde, 11 Blofield, 23, 39 Bodokesham, 125 bis, 131 Bodham, 71, 105, 109 Booton, 133, 137 (?) Bradenham, 83, 117 Bramerton, 105 Brandeston, 55 Brandon, 35, 53, 103 Bressingham, 57, 95 Brettenham, 31, 53, 99 Brisley, 13 Brockdish, 131 Broome, 97 Bfunsthorpe, 45 Buckenham, 31, 95 Buckenham, Old, 87 Bunwell, 41, 71 Burgh, 13, 111 Burgh juxta Heingham, 133 Burgh by Aylsham, 8 1 Bmiingham, 23, 25, 99, 103 Burnham, 23, 33, 39, 73, 93 bis, 95, 99, 105 Burnham Thorpe, 47, 65 Burston, 11, 85, 99 Caistor, 31 Caldecote, 77, 133 bis Caldwell, 1 7 Calvele, see Kelvele Cantley, 33 Carbrooke, 85 Carleton Rode, 71, 101 Carlton, 9, 75, 85, 89, 95, 107, 111 Catton, 59, 83, 111, 113 Cawston, 35 bis Clicdintane, 91 Cherwelleston, 87 Clenchwarton, 17, 123, 131 Cley, 31, 79, 117, 123 Clipesthorj}, 103 Clippesby, 13, 25, 49, 77, 81 Colby, 65,69,89,95,119, 123 Colney, 19 Coiton, 55, 85, 93, 121, 123, 127 Colveston, 83 Congham, 63 Corpusty, 15, 21, 81 Cotes, 83 Cranworth, 137, 139 Creake, 9, 13, 19, 35, 37, 41, 55, 107, 123, 129 Creake, South, 37, 113 Crimplesham, 71 Crostwight, 137 Croxton, 99 Custltorpc, 121 Calling, 9, 53, 59, 89, 91, 107, 111, 113,131, 135, 137, 139 Denver, 69, 117 Deopham, 37 Dereham, East, 31, 73, 8S Dicwude, 75 Dinncncthofi, 129 Docking, 11, 119 bis Drayton, 17 Diidwic, 55 Dunham, 53, 71 Dunstalc, 55 Dunston, 55, 57, 91 Dimton, 11, 25 Earlham, 15 Easton, 95 Egleston, 9 Egmere, 123, 127 Ellingham, 13, 19, 23, 49, 73, 85, 109 Elmham, 61 Erpingham, 67 144 Erwelestun, 95 Ess, 131 Estmora, 133 Felmingham, 69 Felthorpe, 51 Feltwell, 9, 31 Filby, 93, 107, 123 Fincham, 73 (?) Finchele, 71 Flitcham, 47, 119 Flockthorpe, 59 Fordham, 71, 115 Forncett, 65 Fotestone, 107 Foulden, 117, 125 Foulsham, 131 Fransham, 45, 79 Frenze, 13 Frettenham, 93 Fring, 27, 31, 39, 73 bis, 87 Fritton, 35, 77, 79, 137 Fulmodeston, 107 (?) Fundenhall, 83 Gateley, 27, 73, 87, 103 Gay ton, 59 Gay wood, 121 Gillingham, 39 Gissing, 13, 113, 135 Glosebreg, 9 Grenesvill, 11 Gresham, 133 Grimstone, 17, 19, 21,23, 41, 43, 83, 111, 129 Grovele, 85 Guestwick, 73, 121, 135 Gunton, 109 Hachetot, 133 Hackford, 29, 69, 115, 137 Sadestune, 43, 55, 59, 65 Haddiscoe, 125 Hainford, 25, 79, 119 (?) Hales, 57 Hardley, 89 Hardwick, 31, 43, 137 bis Hargham, 77 Jlarlvgeslianq, 97 Harpley, 103, 115 Heacham, 9, 71, 73, 103, ] 39 Hackford, 119 Hecliamthorp, 109 Pleckingham, 33, 51 Helhoiighton, 77, 129 Hellesdon, 15, 27 Hclmingham, 15 Hempnall, 111, 119 Hempstead, 71, 139 (?) Herringby, 15 Heveye, 129 Heveringland, 33 Heydon, 11 Hickling, 109 Hikeford, 35 Hilborough, 117 Hildebuvchworth, 67 Hilgay, 71 Hillington, 15 (?), 29, 35, 139 Hindolveston, 51 Hindringham, 117 bis, 119, 121, 135 Hingham, 11, 47 Hockering, 111, 113,115 Hockwold, 31 Hoe, 113 Holkham, 117 Holme, 19, 83, 113 Holt, 81, 135, 139 Honingham, 75 Horningtoft, 29, 109 Horsey, 75, 121 Horsham, 123, 125 Horstead, 27, 37, 55, 97 Horstun, 97 Houghton, 43, 65, 87, 95, 113 Hueton, 85 Hulm, 15 Enmesfield, 61 Hunstanton, 13 Hunworth, 139 Ickburgh, 61, 71 Illcgrave, 121 (? Hilgay) Hlington, 21 Ingham, 123 Inland, 87 Irstead, 129 (?) Islington, 17, 55, 73, 87, 139 Itteringham, 81 Kalvclc, 117 Karboixt/iorpe, 37 Kikclington, 29 Kilverstone, 99 Kjmberley, 49, 79 Kinrsthor}), 59 Kirb}^ 19, 95, 129 Kirstead, 123 Knardfston, 83 Kyneholm, bb Lakcnham, 137 Langham, 41 Launditch, 71, 129 Letton, 35, 135, 139 Lexham, 19 Limpenhoe, l5, 43, 101 Lingwood, 29 Litcham, 19 Littleholm, 17 Loddon, 23, 97, 127 Lopham, 29, 63, 83 Loivrinqeham, 59 Lynford, 71 Lynn, E., 107 (?) LjTin, North, 39 bis Lynn, 17, 21 bis, 25 bis, 27, 35 bis, 37, 39 bis, 51 bis, 53 (4), 57, 61, 63, 65 ^3), 69, 73, 83, 85, 91, 97, 105, 109 (3), 111, 121, 141 Marham, 71 Marlingford, 49, 107 Martham, 23, 47 Massingham, 83, 93 Matlask, 21, 121 Mautby, 27, 37 Melton, 45, 67, 139 Mendham, 33 Metton, 15 Middleton, 25 Morley, 71, 105, 131 Morton, 51, 119, 125 Moulton, 17, 35, 97 Morningthorpe, 27, 101, 137 Mulbarton, 81 (? see Berton) Mundford, 89 Mundham, 21 Narford, 95 Nesse, 9 Ncuwatcr, 1 1 Newton, 67, 115 Norcot, 85 Northton, 9 Norton, 15, 83, 97, 115 Norwich, Suburbs of, 111 Norwich, St. Peter Man- croft, 135 Ormesby, 49, 75, 131, 141 Osmondeston, 19 Oulton. 25, 47 Outwell, 73 Ovington, 85 Oxburgh, 103 145 Paggravc, 75 PaUing, 123 Pankcsford, 99 Pickenham, 51, 117 Pirnho, 19 Plumstead, 39, 71. 105 PriUeston, 107, 137 Quiddenham, 58, 69, 97 Rackheatb, 17, 101 Rainhara, 61, 73, 97 Kainham, S, 61 Rainthorpe, 67 Raveningham, 85, 1 1 1 Redenhall, 67, 137 Reedham, 101 Reepham, 111, 127 Repps, 19, 131 Repps, South, 135 Rcaton, 73 Richam, 129 Rldiny (Rising?), 57 Ringstead, 13, 57. 95 Rising. 57 (?), 115 Rockland, 25, 35, 115 Roctoii, 1 1 Roudham, 51 Rougham. 27, 77, 127 Roxham, 71 Rudham, 23, 35, 55, 121, 123, 135 Rimhall, 45, 51 Runham, 53 Runton, 117 bis, 119, 131, 135 Rushall, 13, 41, 77, 91, 107, 121 Ratluighall. 1 5 Ryburgh, 45, 69 Ryburgh Pai-va, 65, 101, "107 Ryston, 117 bis Saddlebow, 23 Saham, 119 S(iilwer({?}, 127 Sail, 21 Santon, 107 Saxlingham, 4 bis, 61, 82,27, 125, 131 bis, 133 Scottow, 127 Setchy, 45, 71, 87, 105, 139 Sharrington, 17 Shelf hanger, 57 Shelton, 73 Shereford, 11 bis, 115 Shemborne, 123 Shipden, 15, 35, 83 Shipdham, 135 Shotisham, 85, 105, 123, 133 Shouldham, 73 Shropham, 37 Skeyton, 127, 137 Snitterton, 13 Snettisham, 15, 19, 43, 87, 115, 117, 129 Soccstone (?), 107 Somerton, 37, 79, 109 Southery, 73 Southmere, 125 Sparham, 9, 55, 115, "127 Spixworth, 65 Stanford, 1 1 Stanhce, 75, 97, 115 Stibbard, 101 Stikint/ eland, 105 Stokesbv (Stokingby ?), 121, 135 Stow, 27, 59, 131 Stradsett, 71 Stratton, 11, 23, 41, 69, 73, 77. 83, 89, 93, 95, 125, 129 Sudmerc, 6b, 69 Suffield, 19, 83 Siirlingham, 49, 73 SwafFham, 59 Swainsthorpe, 9, 29, 79, 105 Swanington, 51 bis, 73 Swanton, 17, 25, 49, 67 Swardeston, 75 Syderstone, 41, 51, 67 Tacolnestone, 15, 21, 65, HI Tasbiirgh, 61, 103, 135 Tatterford, 119 Taverham, 51 Ttring, or Torhuj, 9 Terrington, 9, 31, 71, 113 Thelton, 23 Themelthorpe, 1 1 5 Thornham, 21, 59. 123 Thorpe, 71, 75, 95, 101, 119, 133, 137 Threxton, 123 Thvirgarton, 113, 117 Thxrmodeston, 89 Thurne, 41 Thurning, 11, 133, 137 Thurton, 39, 131 (:-') Thiixton, 131 (:-) Tibbenham, 59, 71, 101 TUburij, 91 Tilnev, 15, 17, 19, 23, 41, 57, 71, 75, 95, 111, 113, 115, 119, 125. 133 Tilney - cum - Islington, 139 bis Titchwell, 21 Tittleshall, 43, 103, 133 Tivetshall, 13, 33, 79, 81, 107, 119 Toft, 41, 49, 99, 107, 125 Topcroft, 121 Torpijigtnifrs, 117 Tottington, 13 bis, 23, 29 Tuddenham, East, 17,45 Tuddenham, West, 17 Txnethorp, 111 Tunstall. 11, 39 Tunstead, 37, 57 Twai, 111 Upton, 13 Wacton, 49 Walpole. 113, 133 Walsham, 15, 27 bis Walsham, North, 9, 27, 105, 113 Walsingham Magna, 69, 107, HI Walsoken, 35, 71, 87,93 Walton, 17, 33 (?), 43, 47, 127 Warham, 113, 123, 125, 129 Waxham, 95, 105, 109 Weasenham, 53 bis Weybread, 129 Welle, 63, 109, 111 Wellingham, 59 Wells, 27, 47, 69 bis, 97, 103, 109, 131 Westacre, 71, 115 Weston, 55, 121 Whissonsett, 9, 29 ^\Tiitvvell, 137 Wielesford, 107 Wicherestorp, 83 Wickhampton, 115, 117 Wieklowood, 51, 81 bis Wiggenhall, 17, 19, 31 bis, 33, 41, 53, 55 (?), 71, 79, 125 Wighton, 59, 61, 67, 75 Wimbotsham, 83, 89, 109, 111 Winch, West, 31,45,55, 65, 73, 79, 83, 91, 105, 109, HI Winterton, 37, 59, 109 14t) Witching-ham. 11, 25, •27, 35, .31, 61. 8-5. 107 bis, 121, 125, 129 WhitUnghara, 125 {>) .Witton, 29, 31, 97, 129 Wolterton, 9, 13, 27 (r), 71 Woodbastwick, 107, Wood Dalling, 121 Woodrow, 4 Woodton, 75, 99 Wootton, 33 (?) Wramplinghain, 101 Wretham, 63 Wretton, 41 125 Wymondham, 101 Yarmouth, 23, 61, 113 Yaxham, 65 Yelverton, 27 Y'keburg, 71 ^« book is due on th., "^'^'* ^'-^ub/e^to-l^f.^^- ^OW, Of ^«^'^'2U74» YCi 09^04