LI BR AR Y c p UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIKT OK , Received J^/.£y. , i880'._. A ccessions No. 3^_/_^_^_ _ _ ^ Shelf No. . /. THE READER'S GUDE TO ENGLISH HISTORY. BY WILLIAM FEAE'OIS ALLE^, A.M., PEOFESSOK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. oJ.o/ybr/fc (II. v.)t 1415. tl415. Earl of Stafford 1__^ 1 I ^ 1 1 I John Edmund Eichard Neville Eleanor Anne = Humphrey Duke of Somerset, Duke of Somerset, Earlof Salisbury, ■fliG0{K.\i.2), m. Henry Percy Duke of Buckingham, 1 1444 (h. VI. 1) 1 1455 (h. VI. 2) m. Alice, d. of Thomas Montague, E. of Northumberland f 1460 (h. vi. 2) I the great E. of Salisbury (ii. v., vi. 1)^ (son of Hotspur), f 1455 I ~1 1 ' \ 1 ' 1 Margaret Henry Edmund Margaret Eichard John Henry Humphrey m. Edmund Tudor D. of Somerset, D. of Somerset, m. Humphrey E. of Warwick,* Lord Earl of North- E. of Stafford, Earl of Richmond tl464. f 1471 (u. VI. 3). E. of Stafford, "the Kingmaker," Montague, umberland, f 14:61 tl455, 1 1471 (h. VI. 2, 3) tl471. ( m. Margaret Beaufort 1485. Henry VII, 1509. Henry VIII. Isabel Anne m. George, D. of Clarence. m. Richard III. Henry Duke of Buckingham, tl483 (r. III.) Edward Duke of Buckingham, tlo21 (n.viii.). 2 Grandfather, by Margaret Stafford, of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, f 1485 (h. VI., 3). 8 Son of John Montague, Earl of Salisbury, f 1400 (r. ii.). ■* m. Anne, d. of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (h. iv., v., VI. 1), tl439. 22 TUDOR PERIOD. 1485-1603. 1485. Henry VII. I l'>09. I Arthur. Henry VIII. Margaret Mary I m. James IV. m. Charles Brandon of Scotland Duke of Suffolk {hjK of Angus) , By Katharine of Aragon : 1553. Mary I. James V. Margaret Frances ) Countess of Lennox m.lienry Grey By Anne Bullen : 1558. Elizabeth. Jane. Catherine m. Edw. Seymour By Jane Seymour : , 1547. EcWAjaD VI. Mary = Henry Charles Edward {Lord Damley) Lord Beauchamp 1603. James I. Arabella Stuart —William Marquis of Hertford. Froude's History of England embraces the period from 1529 to 1588. Creighton's Age of Elizabeth is a good short history of Elizabeth's reign. Gairdner and Spedding's Studies in English History, and Ewald's Stories from the State Papers, belong principally to the Tudor and Stuart periods. Robertson's Charles V., Prescott's Ferdinand and Isa- bella, Conquest of Mexico and of Peru, and Philip II., and Motley's Dutch Republic and United Nethe^-lands belong to this period. The history of the Reformation may be best read in Fisher's History of the Peformation and Seebohm's History of the Protestant Revolution. For the Reformation in Eng- land, Dixon's History of the Church of England (very impartial) and Geikie's History of the English Reformation (strongly partisan). See also Baird's Rise of the Huguenots. Macaulay's Essays upon RanJces History of the Popes, Hallam,, and Lord Burleigh ; Miss Aiken's Jlemoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth ; Lives of Raleigh, by Edwards, Creighton, and Towle. TUDOR PERIOD (HENRY VII. AND HENRY VIII.). 1485-1547. 23 Scott : Marmion (Drama, 1513). James : Darnley (Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520). Shakespeare : King Henry VIII. (Drama). Milman : Anne Boleyn (Drama). Boker : Anne Boleyn (Drama). Miss Mtihlbach (Mrs. Mundt) : Henry VIII. and his Court. Ainsworth : Windsor Castle. Ainsworth : Tower Hill (Catherine Howard, 1538). Scott: Lady of the LaTce (Poem). Mrs. Manning : Household of Sir Thomas More ; Passages in the Life of the Faire Gospellef)-, Mrs. Anne Askew. Mark Twain : The Prince and the Pauper. Mrs. Oliphant : Magdalen Hepburn. Dryden : The Conquest of Granada (Drama). Irving : Tales of the Alhambra. Miss Aguilar : The Vale of Cedars ; The Edict (1492, Spain). Miss Yonge : The Dove in the Eagles Nest (Maximilian). George Eliot : Roniola (Florence). Mrs. Stowe : Agnes of Sorrento. James: Leonora d'Orco (Italy). Shelley : The Cenci (Drama, Italy). Massinger : The Duke of Milan (Drama). Schaefer : The Artist's Married Life (A. Diirer). Hagen : JVorica, or Tales of Nilrnherg (id.). Byron : The Prisoner of Chillon (Poem). Talfourd : The Castilian (Drama, 1521). Mrs. Charles: The Schonherg-Coita Family (Luther). Miss Baillie : Basil (Drama, Mantua). Goethe : Goetz von Berlichingen (Drama). Ainsworth : The Constable of Bourbon. D'Azeglio : Florence Betrayed (1527). Mrs. Manning : Duchess of Trajetto (Italy). Cooper : The Headsman (Switzerland). Schiller : Die Verschworung der Fieschi (Drama, Genoa, 1547). 24 HOUSES OF VALOIS AND BOURBON. 1226. Louis IX., St. Louis Bourbon. 1270. Philip III., le hardi 1285. Philip IV., le hel Isabella 1314. 1316. 1322. Louis X., le hutin. Philip V., le long. Charles IV., le hel. Valois. I Charles 1328. Philip VI. Kobert Count of Clermont Louis Edward III. 1316. John I. Jane Anjou. 1350. John II., le ban Burgundy. I Charles, le mauvais, 1364. Charles V.,^esa^(e Louis I. King of Navarre. Orleans. I I Louis II. Louis I Angou leme. 1380. Charles VI. 1422. Charles VII. Charles John 1461. Louis XL 1498. Louis XII. Charles Louis III. Rene Philip, le hardi John, sans peur Philip, le hon 1483. Charles VIIL lolanthe Margaret Charles I I m. Henry VI le temeraire 1515. Francis I. Rene II. Mary- James John Louis John Francis Charles Cond«. 1547. Henry II. I Guise. Claude I Spain. Philip I. Antony Louis I I 1589. Henry IV. Henry. 1559. Francis 11. 1560. Charles IX. 1574. Henry III. Mary Francis Charles V. I I Mary Henry- Queen of Scots, le balafre. TUDOR PERIOD (EDWARD VI, MARY, ELIZABETH). 1547-1603. 25 Scott : Lay of the Last Minstrel (Poem). Ainsworth : Cardinal Pole (1651) ; Constable of the Tower. Mountford : Martyria (Unitarian martyrs). Mrs. Manning : Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Kowe : Lady Jane Grey (Drama). Ainsworth : Tower of London (Lady Jane Grey). Tennyson : Queen Mary (Drama). Aubrey de Vere : Mary Tudor (Drama, Catholic). Scott: The Monastery ; The Abbot. Swinburne: Chastelard; Bothwell; Mary Stuart; (Dramas). Schiller : Maria Stuart (Drama). Scott : Kenilworth. Wordsworth : The White Doe of Rylstone. Miss Yonge : Unknown to History (Mary Stuart). Kingsley : Atnyas Leigh ( Westward ho I) Macaulay : The Armada (Poem). James : Gowrie. Lander : Elizabeth and Burleigh (conversation). Lady G. Fullerton : Constance Sherwood (Catholic). Mrs. Manning : Good Old Times (Auvergne, 1549). Miss Yonge : The Chdplet of Pearls (France). James : The Brigand, or Corse de Leon (France). Mrs. Charles : The Martyrs of Spain (1561). Macaulay : Moncontour (Poem). Dryden : The Duke of Guise (Drama). Goethe : Egmont (Drama). Schiller : Don Carlos (Drama). James : The Man-at-Arms (1572, St. Bartholomew). Goethe : Torquato Tasso (Drama). Mrs. Charles : The Liberators of Holland. James : LLenry of Guise. Mrs. Manning : The Provocations of Madame Palissy. Coleridge : Remorse (Drama, Philip 11. ). Mrs. Ratcliffe : The Mysteries of Udolpho. James: Pose d' Albrct ; One in a Thousand. Macaulay : Lvry (Poem). 26 HOUSE OF STUART. 1603-1714. 1603. James I. 1025. Charles I. Elizabeth m. Frederick V., Count Palatine {the Winter King of Bohemia) Prince Maurice. Prince Rupert. Sophia m. the Elector of Hanover 1714, George L 1649. Commonwealth. 1653. Oliver Cromwell (Protector). 1658. Richard Cromwell. Ranke's History of England is principally upon this period. For the period to the accession of Charles II. the best work is the series of histories by S. R. Gardiner : 1. From the Accession of James I. to the Disgrace of Coke ; 2. Under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. ; 3. Personal Government of Charles I.; 4. Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I. His Puritan Revolution (E. S.) is the best short work. Cordery and Phillpott's King and Commoniocalth is excellent. Masson's Life of Jlilton gives a detailed his- tory of the times. Guizot's series of works contain: 1. Fng- lish Revolution; 2. Oliver Cromwell; 3. Life of. Monk. Macaulay has -essays upon Bacon, Milton, and Hampden; Mozley, upon Strafford, Laud, and Cromwell; Rogers (in Historical Gleanings, 2d series), upon Laud. Biographies. — Carlyle : Oliver CromwelVs Letters and Speeches. Miss Cooper: Life of Wentworih (Strafford). Bayne : Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. Goldwin Smith : Three English Statesmen (Pym and Cromwell). Forster : Life of Sir John Eliot and Statesmen of the Com- monwealth ; see also his Grand Rc7nonstrance and Arrest of the Five Members. Clarendon (Hyde) : History of the Rebellion, is by a leading participator. I. TO THE RESTORATION. 1603-1660. 27 James : Arabella Stuart. Ainsworth : Gmj Fawkes ; The 8ta7'- Chamber. Scott : The Fortunes of Nigel. Ainsworth-: The Spanish Match (1620). Marryat : The Children of the New Forest. Mrs. Manning : Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell. James : Arrah Neil (1642) ; Lord Montagues Page. Scott : Rohcby (Poem, 1644). Mrs. Rathbone : The Diary of Lady Willoughby. Thornbury : Lays of the Cavalier's and Roundheads. Ay toun : Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. Scott : Legend of Montrose (1645-46). Hogg : Tales of the Wars of Montrose. Miss Yonge : Journal of Lady Beatrix Orahara. Mrs. Charles : The Draytons and Davenants. Macdonald : St. George and St. Michael. Shorthouse : John Lnglesant. Whyte-Melville : Uohnby House. James : Henry Masterton ; Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall; The Cavalier (1651). Ainsworth : Boscohel (1651) ; Ovingdean Grange. Scott : Woodstoch. Horace Smith : Brambletye House. Miss Martin eau : The Dutch in the Medway. Miss Yonge : The Pigeon-Pie. T. A. Trollope : Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar (Paul V.). Otway : Venice Preserved (1618). James : Jleidelberg (1620). Manzoni : The Betrothed (I promessi sposi^ Milan, 1628). Meinhard : The Amber Witch. Schiller : Wallenstein (Drama, 3 parts). Dumas : The Three Musketeers. James: De I'Orme; Richelieu. Bulwer : Richelieu (Drama). De Vigny : Cinq-Mars. Mrs. Manning : Ldyl of the Alps. 28 HOUSE OF STUAKT. 1625. Charles I. 1660. Charles II. 1685. James II Mary m. William II., Pnnce of Orange 1689. Mary II. m. William III. 1702. I 1689. Anne. James William III. (the Pretender) Charles Edward (the Young Pretender). Henry (Cardinal of York). THE SPANISH SUCCESSION. 1598. Philip III. 1621. Philip IV. Louis XIII. = Anne Mary- Mary Anne = Ferdinand III. 1665. Charles II. | I Louis' XIV. = Maria Theresa Margaret Theresa = Leopold I. X Louis I I Louis. 1700. Philip V. Joseph Ferdinand. MaryAntonia Joseph I. Charles VI. Macaulay's Shtory of England coy ers the last half of the seventeenth century. See also his essays on Sir William Temple and Sir James Mackintosh. The sixth volume of Masson's Z/i/e of Milton gives a good history of the reign of Charles II. Fox's Life of James II., and Mackintosh's History of the Revolution of 1688, ai-e important works. Histories of the Reign of Queen Anne have been written by Lord Stanhope and Mr. Burton. Coxe's 3Iemoirs of the Duke of Marlborough belongs to this reign. Good small works are, — Hale : The Fall of the Stuarts (E. S.) ; Morris : The Age of Anne (E.'S.) ; and Creighton : Life of Marlborough. Pepys and Evelyns Diaries, and the essayists of Anne's reign, also the works of De Foe, give good pictures of the times. II. FROM THE RESTORATION. 1660-1714. 29 Mrs. Charles : On Both Sides of the Sea. Scott : Peveril of the Peak. Ainsworth : Old St. Paul's. Mrs. Manning: Cherry and Violet; Dehor aKs Diary. Ainsworth : Talbot Harland. James : Pussell. Scott : Old Mortality. Blackmore : Lorna Doone. Ainsworth : James II. James : The Fate. Miss Yonge : TJie Last of the Cavaliers ; Danvers Papers. Talfourd : Glencoe (Drama). James : The Kings Highway. Scott : The Pirate ; The Bride of Lammermoor. Marryat : Snarleyoiv. Scott : The Blael Dwarf. Thackeray : Henry Esmond. Bulwer : Devereux. Ainsworth : St. James". Scribe : A Glass of Water. Bungener : The Preacher and the King. Mrs. Manning: Jacques Bonneval; or, The Days of the Dragonnades. James : The Huguenot. Miss Martineau : Messrs. Vandeput and Snoeh (1695). Miss Miihlbach (Mad. Mundt) : Prince Eugene. 80 HOUSE OF HANOVER TO 1789. 1714. George I. 1727. George II. Frederick 1760. George III. William Duke of Cumberland. KINGS OF FRANCE. 1610. Louis XIII. Orleans. 1643. Louis XIV. Louis Louis Duke of Burgundy 1715. Louis XV. Louis 1774. Louis XVI. Philip I Philip {Regent) Louis Louis Philippe Louis Philippe (Egalite) 1830. Louis Philippe. Earl Stanhope (Lord Mahon) : History of England (1713 to 1783), from a Tory point of view. Lecky : History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Leslie Stephen : History of English Thought m the Eighteenth Century. Thackeray : Lectures on the Oeorges. Wright : Caricature History of the Georges. Macaulay's essays upon FredericTc the Great, Lord Clive, and Lord Chatham; essays upon Walpole and Adam Smith, by Rogers {Historical Gleanings, 1st series). HOUSE OF HANOVER TO 1789. 31 Scott : Roh Roy (1715). WordsAVorth : Roh Roy (Poem). James : Henry Smeaton. Ainsworth : Preston Fight. Ainsworth : South-Sea Bxihhle. Scott : The Heart of Midlothian. Mrs. Charles : Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan (Methodist), Keade : Peg Woffington. Thackeray : The Virginians. Ainsworth : The Lord Mayor of London ; Tlie 3fisers Laughter. James: The Gipsy. Scott : Waverley (1745). Lever : Treasure Trove. Ainsworth : Good Old Times. Campbell : Lochiel (Poem). James : Ticonderoga. Mrs. Manning : The Old Chelsea Bun-hoicse. Lady G. Fullerton : Too Strange not to be True. Miss Edgeworth : Castle Raclcrent. Scott : Guy Mannering ; Redgauntlet. Lever : Gerald Fitzgerald (1780). Dickens : Barnaby Rudge (1780). Miss Burney (Mad. d'Arblay) : Evelina. Bulwer: Lucreiia ; The Disowned. Disraeli: Venetia. Ainsworth : John Law. Browning: Hing Victor and King Charles (1730). Helps : Lvan de Biron (1740). Bungener : The Priest and the Huguenot Miss Tytler : The Huguenot Family. James: The Ancient Regime (Castleman). Miss Mtihlbach (Mad. Mundt) : Berlin and Sans-Souci ; Fredeiick the Great ; The Merchant of Berlin ; Old Fritz and the New Era; Joseph LI. and his Court; Mohaw.- med All. Paalzow : The Citizen of Prague. George Sand : Consuelo. 32 REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. 1789-1815. 1760. George III. 1820. 1830. I I George IV. William IV. Edward Ernest Augustus Duke of Kent King of Hanover 1836. Victoria. George V. King of Hanover. KINGS OF FRANCE. 1715. Louis XV. Louis 1774. Louis XVI. 1793. Louis XVII. 1814. Louis XVIII. 1824. Charles X. Duke of Berry Henry V. Count of Chambord. Histories of England, in tlie reign of George III., by Adolplius (Tory) and Massey (Whig). Macaulay"s essays upon Warren Hastings, Ifadaine d'Arblay, William Pitt, BoswelVs Johnson, and Barh-e; essays by Rogers upon Wilkes and Home Tooke {Historical Gleanings, 2d series). Gold win Smith: Three English Statesmen (Pitt). Letters of Junim ; 3femoirs of Madame d'Arblay. Trevelyan : Early History of Charles James Fox. For the Revolutionary period Ali.son's History of Europe presents the Tory view; Thiers' French Eevolution, and Consulate, and Empire, the French view. A more impar- tial, but unfavorable view, is presented by Von Sybel: History of the French Eevolution ; Taine : Origins of Con- temporary France ; and Lanfrey : History of Napoleon I. Of short histories there are Morris : The French Revolution (E. S.), and Van Laun : French Revolutionary Epoch. C. K. Adams : Democracy and Monarchy in France, gives a survey of the whole Revolutionary period. REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. 1789-1815. 33 Dickens : Tale of Two Cities. Mrs. Gaskell : Sylvias Lovers. Blaolcmore : The Maid of Skei: Marryat : The King's Own (1797). Scott : The Antiquary ; St. Ronan's Well. George Eliot: Adam, Bede. Cooper : Wing and Wing. Miss Thackeray : 3£iss Angel (Angelica Kaufmann). Lever : Charles 0' Malleg ; Tom Burke of Ours. Blackmore : Alice Lorraine. Mrs. Charles : Against the Strearn (Wilberlbrce). Thackeray : Vanity Fair. James : Aims and Obstacles. Miss Yonge : Kenneth. Erckmann-Chatrian : The States General (1789); The Country in Danger (1792) ; Mada^ne Therhse (1792). Miss Roberts : On the Edge of the Storm; Noblesse Oblige. Miss Marti neau : Peasant and Prince. Mrs. Gore : The Tialeries. Victor Hugo : Ninety-three. Erckmann-Chatrian: Year One of the Republic; Citizen Bonaparte. Miss Porter : Thaddeus of Warsaw (Kosciusko). Miss Martinean : The Hour and the Man (Toussaint rOuverture). Miss Tytler : Citoyenne Jacqueline. Trollope : La Vendee. Saintine (Boniface) : Picciola. Madame Cottm : Elizabeth, or the Exiles of Siberia. Miss Miihlbach (Mad. Mundt) : Marie Antoinette and her Son; The Empress Josephine ; Louisa of Prussia and her Times; Napoleon in Germany ; Napoleon aiid the Queen of Prussia ; Queen Ho r tense ; Andreas Hofer. Mrs. Manning : The Year Nine (Andreas Hofer). Baroness Tautphceus : At Odds (id.). Fritz Renter : Ln the Year Thirteen. Erckiuann-Chatrian : The Conscript; The Invasion of France ; The Siege of Phalsburg ; Waterloo. Victor Hugo : Les Miserables. Dumas : TJie Count of Monte Cristo. 'V OP THB UNI71RSIT1 Ill a 8 "3 C S «> 9 M 0) Q « '^ « « 2 3 s ■" irt •5 « (u c^ « o^ « in CM 8 ^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS W.UL BE ASSESSED FOR FAIl-UREJOJ^^^URN 129-1« — L i n n » n Y use 1964 AU G 3 1954 Lli •a CON