Mtf6 \IL'^9iH8B r\r\fi Tr iw^C J '^*\ AKkVKvs: ij^ Kv ^v^KKkAAAAA'^r^ ' .AN*.. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class %% P J. U t yc ya/^e-t t*/oy. Jf* 2S7 W/M a,j/uj.- c ■ y Chari Edmonds, cr. 4to., Large handmade Paper (only 25 THUS, each signed by the Editor); / plateo JFinne of flentier Ageing 2Dare CQpertotth t|?e Seaman cuts the croo&erj tnaue, 3f0 fcant of fojee tattaine tpe pappp ftoare ffiHpen cpecfe of tpue bac& beatea tpe migptp /9aue : £>o 31 (no idle) (one loncBc on mounting furge, 339a0 6ept aloofe bp canftert) captife0 gurge. ftpougp true intent Hit) flpec tpe flreame fo ftoift, Sea beaten 33arc& coult) fcantlp pet obtaine Zt>e Uoare tpll note : bp fubtile ZSopte tirift anD dtipcro tongue that beat mp 33oate amaine. ISlbat tpen? perforce, ant) maufjre iilotmus peat), 31 f&fp on StronTj, as free ftom tiaungew "Dicat). let Sicoppaunts ant) j/Hinotauru0 brootie, ILet ^Ticlope JFccrc, ant) fubtple etiren fyaggco, 22iitp grinning Jatrjeo ant) gafpmg gpt>Dp mooTje <8o lba&e tpeir cares, ant) fput tpeir fpamcleo bagge©. ] fojee rpem not,noj J72eutrall, Papifl, noj Cttile 3!aniis Jac&o : tpeir league Troo 31 abpo j . 3Cpou IPapift, tpou, falfe partet) to tl>p prince, vEt>at tooultifte bcreaue per grace of princelp potore, &o tpee 31 Cap tl>at cpec&ing , tiooft conuinte (30 ("ecmetb tbee) mp popnaunt poore tjeuororet JFor that thou rjcemft me Dampnet) bp tpp Tjoom, Stant) back Gr 13roc&, let £5antiog ta&e tpp room. Spall broc&pfh 9SaDger beare ao noto tpe ftoap, 2Dr Sbcpheruco Dog that bringctb in tpe Speepe? Spall toooluifp matea that tooont tpe fame to flap, Eebufee tpe aaapeipe ? no, no, tale tpou no bepe. Zo mp poore potore pie bare* thee from the foltj, Slnt) fpeppertw fpall ref;aptc tpee to tpp polrjc. aaapere* To the carping and 3!2Hperefore,toitptirah) tpp racing fpople bp tiap 8nt> fee tpou lurcfe (at leaft) toitpin tpp taue 223 1? pie &unne is tip, for feare of tyuntew prap: 2I23pat tpme tpp craft 10 not of force to faue» anD e&e at nigpt, betoare ift be tpp pap , 3nt) fieepe tpp foote from flipping ftuntew trap* 3nt) note to tpee tpou trouble facet) tirutige , ®pat plpe0 tpp felfe fo plpaunt Pnto cpaunge, 3nt> tontier panti tioofte beare tpp face fo 9Sutige : Upou ^pme fclaue tpou,p 4 fapft mp pen tiotp raunge: '©o tpee 31 fap (for tpat tpou moanfl mp cafe ) EeQraine tpp tongue,leafl 31 tjefcrp tpp face. &pp pootieti pean tpat tiotp ttoo face0 beare, 31 fee poto clofelp tmtierpanti it noti0, 3nt> triple tongue tpat bpti0 me toare tpi0 geare, Heal! cpauge lboulti come, 9Sut ttoene b0. ij. be obs. 8nti tperfore(3ianu0) once againe 31 fap, <8o cparme pour tongue, leaft 31 ta&e poob atoap. 8nti laft of all, 31 turne mp tale to tpee, t£pou Nunquam fanus bple reprocpfull mate, antJ carping careleffe ean&erb cpurle, topom pee 3Dpat routes ecp topere, reprouco toitp toortpp pate. JFor tpat tpou bel&ft toitp bellp burften pauncp, (Sainft tpem tpat papa from ptile Iboare to launch. %q tpee, to tpee mp flptting Jftufe auerre0, 2nti bounti bp 2Datpe of JFaptp, 31 tioo auotoe ?Cpat neptper pate nor parbrapnti top inferre0 ®pi0 toor&e of mpne topicp 31 tioo publpfij notne, JlSor meetje at all, tpougp topere it bringetp gaine, 31t pleafetp fome for to requite mp paine. JFor f come full Sic op ha nt. JFor toell tbou tootfte, if tbgrftp toere mg mintoe Zo beno tpe fame to topnne bg gagnfome tratoe, {£pen tooulto 31 torpte tbe tfjing tbat autbors ffntoe a gaine toitpin i ano toperebgSommes be maUe. 3f meane toaine ieftes to ftirre top filtbp game. 38ut 31 proteft mg parte Hoti> bate tbe fame anto onelg fee&es boh) to fequefter Gnne, 3nD Satbans torgfts tbat toriue men tootone to pell: iBg tbougbw be eleere, mg confeience cleane toitbin. ®b"0 fmotnetb (Son, tbat ecbeones tbougpt can tell. 2133 before, betoare anto let tpg carping Ipe* ffilfe, fure mg pen mg ggitleffe part foall trpe. anto to conelutoe, to all tbat toglp me toelf , 3nto loue bg tongue, Do totter to mg face, 3( ma&e requefl tbat rancour tbeg toepell anu let tpeir toertoiet to tbe ^ruetp geue place. ffilfe, let tpem ceafe to beare of friento cpe name. JFor 3f refufe to tafie tpem for tpe fame. ffi>nee (fure 31 am) toitp quipping quer&s perein, 31 baue not meant to taunt, or cpec& rpe gooto, J79or (ragling bent) 31 flauntoers tooo begin i £boiiBb truetb 3 fag, to fucp as togll be toooto. JFor ggltie man fintoes ecbe tbing to pis ujame. aHHpere gooto men can tpeir otone offences blame. 23 ut toel! , for fine anto finall entoe 31 fage Zo all fucb Sma&es as Ugng bp ftealing pace 3nto bougbing £urs tpat barcfc anto hrintoe atoap, 31 boltoe it beft tpat tpeg no more toeface 3n open truetb i JFor tpen, as tpeg toeferue, ©nbare&t 31 ige to launcb to&en tgme flbal ferue. FINIS. Q&Ad authorem Ric. Ma- thaeus, Londonienfis minifter. nr Vus probatur a pijs labor bonus: £>ui quodpium eft non diligit, Noli put are vincere bunc virum tibi. Huicfit loquela libera. §htis Zoilumfugitpius? Tu necpotes: Bonis mali nam detrahunt. Tibi beatajit precor folatio Vita ea, Deus quam tunc dabit, Cum tua fides Chrifto vtfacit des obuiam Regno pair is fummi fui. The UNi The Noueltieofthis Booke. S5Utt) 4£oueltie ag time oott) tying, 31 peeloe in meeter fceere: Cfrten netoeg tfjat to ttje (Bool? ijart map noptomenetoeg appeere* But pet tofjat tfcen ? Cue!) ftf tlje ttate of t&te our patent time, tirijat noto no oape ootf) paffe toitfiout Come neto oeuifeo crime. FINIS. ^|The Glory of the Honorable, is the fear e of God. The Beare doth heare me now in hand that Noble is thy race. The vertues of thy -worthy minde, sh ewe forth the gifts of grace. $•> To the high and Honor a- Me > ana W efpeciall goon llojDe, Lorde Robert Dudley , Earle of Leycefter, 35acon of Denbigh, ano I&nigftt of tjje moft noble order of the Garter , high Stewarde of fjerflpatetttealSurcoto of neto Wind-. fore, Edw. Hake^tnOeCttetoaCO tjjece, toifyett) oeplp pjeferuattontmtl) incceafc of Ijonoj to (Eootf fflo#. C/f A ^nzc* /» graffed in your Noble brejt y Farre grater gifts then tipe of mundane glee: Sith high renowme^your Honour , 6f f£atp#, to^tclj elfe mieftte Ijaue fOOnffe tntO ItCelfe , Ecce nunc in puluere dormio : toljat tjte gaine tyalbe, 31 fenotoe not:anD3|ampecCloaoeD,tt)atffatnei0not tije onelp, no no£ tfje cljiefeft enoe bee re= fpectett)»25ut on tfje ottjerpart>Ijat31 u)al 5ainetbatamtf)eJautj)0£oftbebook,none can be Co igno^aunt, but tee mape eafifpe tjt)e(Ce.<3)nce,monep3l pfnenone at t$i& time,eitber fo? touting; altering oj cojcec- ttnjr of tije fame: $ &ereof3!ttano fo cleece, ttjatbottjeland mp booke map be boulD to exempt our feluetffromrtjereacljeof mine otone flcgument tobieb conQftetb in tfce teptOOUmffOftl)Ofeto!)0(bpmale engine) Ue into ait foz Cc Nummus.anb tljugf mucjj be fpofcen to pjeuent tfje obp^objp $ rep^oclje tijat rtjigtoapmialjt be rapfeo atjainft me. Jo^fojpjapfeano commendation, if t&e fyacpneg of mp Satyrs toere not matter fufftcient to fettle me apintttlje expecta- tion thereof: pet 31 am not fo farce from 3luopment 3J tfcanfce (Bod , but ttjat 1 SUiU fenotoe To the gentle Reader. fcnoto ( in part) tol) at t'0 lacfeinge (aftoell in tlje inuentionas in rtjefcerfe of tljeboofce,) tljat ftjoulOe carpe atoap commenOation a-- mongft tlje better Cortofenglift)Poetetf of ourtpme: #no inoeeOe,it iis a mattertljat 3 ffrpue notfjfng: at all to attaine tonto: Jor if 1 dto,31 tooulue frequent tfje mea= ne#, toljicb are reading; anO p^acttfe, nep; tl)ertoljereof,ll)auebene acquainted toitl) to anppucpofeCnce tbe ftcft tfoee peered to^tc|)jCpentintt)e31nne0ofCljauncerp: beingnotoaboueaDofenofpeeretfpaffeo. £nO Co longe te it Otijeng ttjefe »>atp*e0 toece ficft maoe ano Cet foorttj, euen (as 31 mapeCape)in ntP cbilMu)epeece0,tobei*ot nottoittjttanOing; tierpe Ipttle 01 nothing 3]repentmee.*Dnlpl ioiflje tljat all tljat f §aue to^itten $ publiu)et> becetofo^e toere bp mereuifeo, anO tljat 1 migbt jaue lp-- cenCe anO lapfure to runne tljem ouer a* gaine, berebp to mafee tljem a little moje Cubttanciall it mpbabilitge ferueO tljereto: tobicljbeingonceooneanopetfomteO^oto fo^toaroejtoouloe bee from tljenCfoojtlj in Cettingfo^tlj of boofce&ujouloe appeared to tlje too^lOe bp tlje continuance of mp u"-- lence ; § 0j (to Cpeafce a trutbe) it igf not meete toe u)oulOe dope tlje too^lde toitf) to manp To the gentle Reader, to ma m> booked of toeafee jjanolimj: efpeci* allp>t)Ue0 t&elearneo tcauaileg anO pjo« Stable labours of too^ttjpe to^tecg are f apne to feeepe tlje Oooje (a* J mape terme ft)oktobtc& 10 moje,to lie buried inCHce* But touching t W mp boofee:3l baue not abjiDcreO it of anp one £>atpje tfcat toag in tlje firft eoption thereof, neptjjer baue 3 aooed tmto it anp otljer toijole&atpj: But 31 Ijaue enlargeo fcere ano tljere one, ano fcaue cojretteop'tojjoleboofee in manppla= ceg* 1 confette J coulDe Ijaue beenetopl* lino; to fcaue mcteafed tlje number bp H.oi iij.£>atp# at ttie leaft: darnel? of tmfcec: ujjeeueg ano Baplliffg one : ano of 1n= fojmerg ano feompnerg o^ apparitoura otter ttDOO»^£ai)tct officers (if ttjep all Co be) fjoto tljep abufe tlje Smbiectg ano peo- ple of tfctelRealme attlji0Oape,bp intole- rable ljier, ano in euerpe ^tjier, toljat Cptfe ^otone o\ ftiende (fapde Pauie) full foonetoould 31 erp^eite to tljee mp gtiefe, But Co peruerfelp failed it foojtl) tljat 31 fee no relief e* But pet Ctl) tljou fo tijg:ent arte and earned of tj&e cafe, 31 ffraunt tljereto if tljou attende and toalfce about tlje place* Content ig pleafde, quotlj Bertulph tljo, anii tljen tljep toalcfcte pfeece, Auahor. and 31 percepuing; all tljeir talclte, apppcbed &erp neere : and iopntng; clofe bnto tljeir Ode, 31 toalcfet toittj equall pace (ftfliitljout offence as 31 fuppofe tljeir talcfee tjad fuel) a grace.) Pauie. ^tjen Pauie began toitlj bifage pale and ijandeg coniopned fall, %a fettle fojtlj Ijim felfe to fpeafce, and tljus Ije fpake at latf. Clje fjifffjetf (Bod tljat fpttes aboue for ape in Ijeauenlp ^foone, tOjat l&iintz of miffbt tljat rules tfje fiea* and dfllelfetn toeeldea alone, (uengf $e Churchyarde l£e knotoeg it 31 do falfelp fpeake, o? (mooued tfjroucjb affect) It 31 tfnoucjlj Ijate or fauoj, Ipe in any one refpect. But firft, before mp rale becjpn, 31le tell pou fcotoe tlje ttaue l£att) man? one betjupled earft tfjat fougfjt tlje fame to Ijaue. ^t0 name alCo 31 topU not tticke to tell pou tuttl) tje reft* and to be fljojt, %e Nummus tjigljt (a paCttna; proper ffueft,) ^t looffetl) ofte toitfi 9£arcljauntmen and eke toitfj men of Hatoe, and Itgtjtlp tobere Ije bottetl), tfcere are people kept in aloe. 3]le eke declare fcotoe ttjat ag tie dotl) often men becjuple, o tljat rtjep doo not boord Jjtm tip U\ Cole intent to game* But Cucb a0 1 ft; all bere recite, cannot toitljout offence ®be Came oj Ceefce, oj feeepe, ojfpend tot) at Co be ttjeic pretence* BicauCe tljeic mindeg are all pertterCe : djep Cpende Coj Cppte 01 stint : and t^ouglj ttje luff of latolette boojdg, tbe Came doo tbep retaine* and tobat are tbep tbat Ceefce it Co f Cuen moft men noto a dape& 3|n Countrep, Citie and eacb toljece tbep finde ffniffer toapegf tPobtaine tlje Came, and Cpende it pll, 01 elCe to feeepe it too^Ce : and euer ape tbeir minder are bent to fpll tbeir farCed $urCe» But notoe, to\ tfjat tbe Ccope i0 large tobere toe map finde tbem out, and time but ffjo^t, 1 ratber meane to leaue tbe Countrp rout, and Churchyarde #nd medle toittj our 'GTotontty ladj* in London Cote precinct, (Ercept (as neede) ttje fembucbg muft be toitlj tlje Citfe Hincfet. ftfliljerag, toljen 3 Ijaue reclined tip of tljem t$e mott ettateg, Wen tell Ijotoe manp fctndeg of folcfee ne Ipue tottljfn tlje rateg janH bounds of Ijoneft Ceefetntj ftoje, of Cpendintj toell tlje Came, flDf cloCelp coucljina; tip tljeic Ijoo^d as bedlem bugs to tame* WP fy? (quotl) Bertulph) nolo me tljinfeS Bertulph. pou talfee not of tlje man ^jjat Ceru'de pou of tljat autttu) tottclj of late 31 toot neare tofjan. flD ifciende (quotlj Paule) 10 tlj 10 tlje faitlj Paule. and tin's tljp late beljeft ? 31 fttcfet not to begin mp tale at tljp alone requeft 1 and tljbu tljerefoje dtdtt pjomt'Ce mee tfjp Olent eare to glue* )3nd pet tljou interrupt!*- mp tale* ^otoe ft)ould 3! tljee beleue ? M friendlp faftlj attende a tofjile, and marfee me to tlje ende : itb bp tbe latoeg, eclje common toeatlj botb runne bte rigbtfull race* &nb Churchyarde #nd foj tfjat 3Latoe0 account pted ace, ectje tojjere tfje tt) ief ett ttape: Het 32,atoier0 tjjen be p^incipall, and firtt toftftfn mp plape* 2Sut ajs U\ 3]udcje0 nolo to fudge, jum** mp iudcjement toill not Cape : 31 toote full toell, tfjeir pjapCe toa0 Cpjead bp me tt)i0 otljec dape. £nd tEruetb it is, our Juogement Ceate0 Cue!) fluent ljeade0 poffeffe, 21$ former dape0 fo£ men of cfjopCe, bad neuec Cucl) 31 cjueffe, flfliljat tben ? no fojt, no one Delete, no place, no function fo 2Ilpjiffbtlp ftande0, but toitb tt)e good Come toiefced toeede dotf) gcotoe. flfliitlj toertue0 league, Com bice dotb Ipnfe and forme of cjodlp beto flDft equall mafceg toit!) men of tcotlj, Come Hypocrites bntrue, 31 knotoe friend Bertuiph, Come tljere be toljoCe bands regarde no meede, MlboCe Ijartea Dye no deceppt at all, from tobotm no tjarmeo pjoceede* &nd Cure 31 am, tofcen cauCe of tcott), before Cucl) men 10 trpde, dfllitb (tmple tcotlj, tljep 31uftice pcelde, and luttlu do deepde. 25ut Newes out of Powles But notoe, altbouaj toitf) tljefe tljece Cpt no one tljat Ootlj Diffent ^fjouglj all of tljem in publicque place DOO ling; Amefme lentent get tmOetljanDe pecljapg tljece ace tljat notoe ano tljen Deuoute 'Elje fugceo Cappe tljat 3luftice peeloeg: &nD toljete tljep Ipft to lotojc jfo^ Cppte or gapne, oj p^tuate tojefce, tljece 3!uftt'te coucfe i# ttapoe* #nb toljece ttiep Ipft to fmootljec tcotb, tljece, tigljt 10 cleane DtCmapOe* »>uct) Cuclj tljece be (oc Ijaue bin Come) to jo tojjen tljep cule alone, flfilfjen fcope $ coucfe Ijatlj Ijopft tljem tip ana fet tljem cljiefe in %$ionz ifcom Cenfoc^ Offtjt, anO pciuate maoe tljeit Ctoape and fupjeme place : W&m ttien tljep to?ing $ tojong tlje cigljt, tljen tljen tljep tcutlj Deface* 2fy Bertuiph, be tljece not tljinke pou, 31 n place of 3Iuftice fette »>ome faineO fo^teg* of fatoning »>p^eete0 t|iat coucfe of luffice lette? %fat fcame a femblaunce founo and gooo, tljat tutte ana Ijolp feeme, janD pet in Ijacte ace ttaugljt toitb guple, and ofte tmiuftlp Deeme ? 3! feace Churchyarde 3 feare 31 feare me falfetjod lucked in lappeg of learned CpCe 31 feare me Nummus oft peruerts in Come ttjat go foj topfe : . £>o tben, fome tfjiefe and Come befideg Co Cmallp ponder meede, 'Etjat tofjere tfcep fpt in common ftoape, tbere, 3l«fttce dot!) p?oceede. But fome againe tofjere plate bat!) made ttjeir poto^eg dittintf, 31 toon £>f popiu) totllesf, tt?ougt ffrutcb o? ffaine tDitb mutt) enojme do beate* and bente, from bence 3 feare me tome tbefe trpea of common fojt tC^at oft lament and oft aff^me ttjeic 3«Uffement to be tojt <3Dne Here betoapled \>i& toofull cafe and toifljett) t)im tonbome, another ccpeg toitlj twinging landed, ala0, 3 am fo^lome 9£p fute rtjug long depended &atb= fe$e Hatoe (0 on mp fyde, and pet in bacde aelapejs 3 l?e true 3udgement to abpde* anotbec tbug: be friended itf, tbe 3udffe dot!) loue fcim toell and me (ag pooje and needie) tfjep doo daplp t!ju0 depell Tltoo JVewes out of Powles ^Ttoo buntyert) mpleg anti mo^e 31 come: flfp atlltfe at borne (alag) %yz$ toitb mp Cb iloren Tjalfe fojeppntie: (JS> lamentable cafe.) % gooog are Cpent, totifcl) laboj bjouff^t, tfooufflj long anb carefull tople: %%z 3Latoe batb Ipcfct tp all my toealtb foj tofttcti 1 bpb turmople. 3D&, II can Ijaue no 3Lato no? titfft, ne 9£onep baue 1 noloe: 3! muft go beg;, my pobetf be pne, to Ipue 31 futotoe not Ijotoe* CbeCe eareg of mine abbojreb baue, mine epe0 Ijaue toet my plants*. Qfyy I) art batb pernb in lubpment true, to fee fuel) tootull toant& %yti barbe to Cape, 3|le Ijoloe my peace* 25ut it tbeCe plapntss be true, &y\ Nummus Ctoapetb tbere toftfj Come, (a toojtbp cauCe to rue,) But bnto ^im tbat biffbett Cpt0, ano Cee0 ecbe Cecrete pll, aaiitb pjaper % commptte tl)e Came, t'amenoe it at bte topll* it fJ ft J' Sinn notoe to Haulers tbat Do parle, 5 ana pleaoe in cauCe of rtfffjt, tCO CUCb a0 foj Cpj Nummus topll turne oarfeneffe into Ipffbt, ano Churchyarde and Ipffljt into obfcured fence, and arfiuerfie tucne eclje t&inff: %o fuel) topll 1 pjoriede as nolo, ana to mp matter bjing* 3] topll not fpeafee of fine deuife, noj fotole decepptfull claufe, Jn Sleafeg, to?l0, and otljec tyke, but to^efiinff of tfce Hatoeg and foding of tlje Client fojtfj : foj tfjougt) tbat fraude abound, •and ttiougi) bp falfelp framing fo, eclje toljere ace besgerg founde: get 3| a0 no toe to ill blafon fo^, and geue pou toell to fee, ^otoe tbefe men iopne in matters falfe, retained foj a fee* &nd fo foj Nummus long delate a pooje and need? foule, %o fieefe and fiea tlje ample tojetcbe, to pplfec and to potole : %o u)jed fcim cleane from all Ijte toealtt), and tjjen perljapg relent, and toare full colde to apde W rtgfct, toljen Nummus all t'0 fpent. gea Ipfeetotfe tpg in doubte toitfc fome, toljen Nummus fo dotl) faple, 3|f tbep tfoougf) bjpbe of tfcotljer fpde, let not tlje fute to quaple* Newes out of Powles $L jfee Of Forma pauperis ? no no it tjatl) no Cent, feuclj fo^mall fees unoe Cmal reltefe tljep bttp no lanoe ne rent* 9®V frieno (tljerfoje) if pou Ijaue nougfjt toljeretoitlj to fee me ftpll But fojmes ana ffjotoes, ^Eafce formes a* foj CounCaple tf pou togil, (gaine But tofjat Capoe 1 ? toas p^omiCe made to paint Cucl) pjactt'Ce ijeece ? i^o no : gif Co, j mutt relent : (Breat matter botlj appeare herein: anD tljerefo^e toill 31 leaue tljem to tlje toojlolp tetoe: 3! meane tlje falfe ano fubtil ones, 3! Cpeafce not of tlje true, i£o£ Cucl) as are affected toell (as man? tljere are Cuclj jaitljoutjlj tlje falfe in number 000 erceeoe tjjem fcerp mucljO But toell, 0:0 too : tljis gotten poo Ijotoe is it Cpent 1 prape ? iFojCooti), no pooje man mutt Ijaue lantie: foj Co topll tfjep aCCape Sinn practice, tfjat in tpme tljep topll gette all into tljeir fjanoes, #no turne tlje poore mm Ijeadlong fo^tlj of all bot|) tioufe ano lances* Churchyarde Si u)ame it toece and great cepjocfje to fee a poo?e man dtoell, €>? fjatte a fjoufe not farce from tfjeicg: ttjeft jfJofed ijate tlje fmelL £nd long (no doubt) tljeic ii^ofes be, n'ffljt mifctjeuoujs of »>ent: jFoj tfjat totjict) once toad lantie demeafne, t0 golden notoe fo? rent. %typ fmell it fo^tl), t&ougf) farre it be: tbep Ijaue a bentceaunce jjoofcc: Boti) pacfnage and ougljt beaded tljeple Ijaue bp Ijoofee oj ccoofee. ^Ijeic p?incelp places ttatelp be, ttjeic fjoufes buplt foj ape, ^Ijeic ttacettesf tip aloft ace capfde, foundations diepe tljep lape. fe»o tfjud (no doubt) and facce moje pll, tljep let fpj Nummus toagge, Kefecuing; (till fome miffljtie apaffe to cutt toittjin t&e ba^ge. and Ijete pou He totjat toapte tljep lape and efee tofjat toaped tljep bfe ^o get tljtd pelfe s and gotten, fee bo to tljep tlje fame abufe* %ty nect ace iaetppjattifecd attorney and Petpfojfftnff mated: am> ®ttv* gea, Clacfeed, attojneped, fuel) of tljem pramr™. a0 Ipue of letode debated, (Ecfje Newes out of Powles (Eaclje fjonett calling; totaacoeg ilatae, Co pjeffeo ts3 from &itz, ^fjat iarolp can an Ijonett man xottl) jjoneftp arpCe* &na ttaiCe a0 fjatolp map l)e ftande, to ftoppe eclje ttrapneo u)pfte* feuci) fojce Ijatl) falCeljooo, mo^e ttjl tttttfr, Co aeaolp can tljep Ipfte* Ofllljat ccetaeg of gceeop griping crotaetf, taljat fotale infecting rotate, (Bood 3Lojo,taf)at ftojc of gleaning 3lack0 DiCpecCeo ace tfoougl) out ? Can Hataeg reltefe be eattlp got, 01 gotten, can't oo eaCe, aflltjece Cuclj great trouper of booing fiftjs mutt fpjtt Cpj Nummus ceaCe ? <3Df truetj Cuci) traineg, of trutljlee* mates Cucl) tjeapetf of montterjS tjtaell uce from guple Sltm of OiCoaine to bulgare ftate, tofjerein tljeic parents tople. OTJell, Churchyarde (Lfllell, tfcefe be t^ep, tfjat to&at foj tale and tofjat foj falCefjoU great, 2Doo tapnt tlje&ealme tottf) urpfes, t (top tlje toape to 9iuttice Ceate* 'Eljat make tfje iupce of 3|uftfcc Coto^e, tfjat ttitne tfje Jlatoeg to tojeake, ^fjat make true ludgemtt tafte U'be grail, tljat nougfjt but falfefcod Cpeake. (Itat hue and lufttlp lau)e out in purcljaCe 02 in pjide 9po?e largely t&en of Countrep States dotfj anp £>tate bedde* But fjere to u)eto tofjat pjotoling means, tofiat pjanckes tin's pplfring Cojt 3Doo tofe to gette fyi Nummus toftjj, and Co Ijoide tip tljeir poire 1 %ty8 tfjfs to doo, toere to to fjarde, i£ape, tfjia toere fuel) a tooojcke as if one only man u)ould pjeafe to figfct agafnft tfje ^urcke. But greater, pea farre greater t'toere to clenfe tfjts Cfjanell cleane. 31 tlj in kc Augaeus Oxeftalles to ere to tljisf a toojeke but meane, 31 knotoe good Judge* Ijaue begoonne and loaded bene farre 31 knotoe tfjat Come, to fjelpe ttjefe Ijurtes, rigfjt godlp carefull are* CX TSut Newes out of Pow/es 25ut neto found Clercfcetf and £)fi5cer0 Co pjeafe toitfj migflt and mapne, ^at (Hydra lifee) one Ijead cut of, Co? earp ijead Cpjingd ttoapne. (Bood^ord^tyallt&eCetoand^in^priets ape toalcfee abjoaoe at topll ? fe>f)all Namus no toljere ftact, but ttretijljt tijeCe CatcljpolleS catcl) Ij im ttpll ? ^all no manned epe tljat Ipueg tW bap, bebolde a better ftate ? atj, out alag, and u)all tljte totote feede alto ap eg of debate ? (Sltjp tfjen, xotiat man u)all Ipue in peace ? tofjoCe ponton u)all be faff ? dfllfjofe land and Ipuing u)all be Cne tofjere tljeCe men once are platt ? and tofjere almoft, o^ in tofcat £>ople do not ttjeCe 9t£onfter<3 Ctoarme ? clfilljat coatt frend Bertuiph can pou name toljere ttjeCe men do not fiarme ? 1 fenotoe in tljiffamc calling ate a fojt of Ceemelp dfliicj^t^ ^tjat Ipue in peace, and furttjer peace, t&at Co ttieic Countrep digfjtg Ofllitt) found e er ampler of good life, toitt) luttice and toitt) trutl), ^at Ccacce from an? ftate of men a better Ipfe enCutlj* and Churchyarde and in ti)t0 Cpeac&e of mine, J meane and eke do compje&ende £ot onip Clercketf ano pjattiCeca But alCo oo intenOe 'Cfjat CounCaplecs fjaue equall p^aiCe and fcigfiec piaiCe in deede 25p tjotoe muct tijep in tjigtiec place ano fcigljer tljingetf p^oceede. 2But tljeCe, all tfjeCe ace notoe Co matcljt ano ouecCtoapde toitlj Ctoacmes s ^Ttjat Ceeld ano Celoome can tfjep tjelpe to fceepe tfce good from tiacmeg. 31 toiu)e to (Bod Come Thefeus mig&t gtue a cljoppe oj ttoapne ^no rattjec tljen ttjeCe tjeadtf ft)ould ttand, to cljoppc ano cljoppe agafne. i£otoe, toiiecag Bertuiph ijece pec&apa pou loofee 31 tyould declace i^oto tt)i0 great babble rakeg foj copne, and tjotoe rt>ep Nummus Cnace : 31 tell pou a0 31 tolde pou earft, tlji0 is too mud) to? me : tCfje penned of ttoentp Ckilfull men Co j tlji'0 tooulo needetull be* 31 n bjiefe, pet tljuu 31 dace affpmte tfcat tfjeCe Cupecauous tcapnetf 3(n Hatopers ttate, dCe fotole deceptess t'mlacgc tljcir piiuate gapnej*. c. u. (laiyicy Neruoes out of Powles aaiijtct) gotten once, 10 letodlp Cpent in pompe and pjotode arape, ^0 toljoCe foVole rapine Ceelp toigljteg ace ofte and ofte a p?ape* 3 leaue t&em ad 3 kfte tlje reft, 31 touclje and 0:0 mp toayetf* ^t'0 l^ojt diCcourfe tyetoeg toell enouglj tiotoe Ijere tpj Nummus ftoapetf^ Finis. The thyrde Satyr. Paule. /^| 2Duert toe notoe totjo elfe tfjere be V>I tljat grafping gape for gaine, /V * &nd let tj0 place tljem in ttje cue amongft tfn'0 gceedp traine* Halation©, p^iationtf take tfje teconde roome, fo* toojtfcp Co tijep be : W$tt ffatelp ftalcfee, and beare a pojt in llondon noto toe Cee* Qfllitb reuerence and too?u)ip great, toitf) cap and eafee toiti) fenee, flfllee muft befecfce %i& 9£aitteru)ip our patient to fee, and Churchyarde and tol) at of tW ? to ill tljtg fuffice ? jj2o : Nummus ootl) tfje deede. Vnguentutn Aureum 0J fuel) Ipfce toill make Mm runne toitlj Cpeede. ($o £>pmon go, oj (Bilbert elCe, 50 caft mp footeclott) on ? i£o ntede to bpd fbe 2Doctoj go, tje toill be gone anon* and toljentjeeg tfjece,to(ttj Colempn* face and graue deuiCed pojte l£e framed fjitf talfee foj to perCtoade oj elfe foj to delate <30 Ipkea Mm beft « tje botb can 000, ano bortj Co finely frame, ^Ijat Nummus fyall be npmmed ttreigljt. <£> patting pjetie game ? Ofliljo tooulo not blutye to fee Cuc& fratode, ano fact) fine framed fenacte ? Ofllljo tooulo not fcate tlje falfetjoode bple of tfjefe Co pieuiu) 3|acfee0 ? and (CootM? tf 1 ^ould affirme) 31 tieare Co muclj deceat flDf tfceirs in pegging after gaine, a0 tongue can not repeat* and (aa of courCe) 31 doo demaunde tjotoe tljep doo Cpend tfje Came ? jFotfootlj, 31 tjeare no good t|ff doo 1 jfco man can iuftlp blame Newes out of Powles ®\ ouffljt accufe tijem of poo deedes. But tin's mp CelCe can fape, Wat mod thereof tfcat g fee fpent, t0 on apparell ppe. iFoj but of late, ene tljus 31 Ijeard atoo^tljp 3Doctoj Cap: 9£p matters frame not as 31 toould, |le too^fee Come otljer toap* 31 fee tfjefe toeedeS be not to toeaee. lie fcencefo$) Co p^outde, Wbtt % totll liaue a pjetie £affge about tlje Cotone to tide. 3lle Ijaue a footecloatl), and eact) tfcfno; belonging: to tfie fame \ $®V feloto 2Doctoj Ijatt) tbe Ipke, and patting; apes f)iS name. Si (Kotone tottb graundcape toill 31 tiaue, a ftotnffing: SUeluet Cap, •a Coate according: fcerie bcaue : and rijen tft be mp fjap, (lflltt^ mt'gbtp loofceS, and learning fucf) as (Bod Ijattj giuen mie, lie tootte fyi Nummus to mp Ijandes, and make tlje Euddocfees flee Jfo^ feare almoft into mp purfe. Jle leaue mp ample gate, 3jle rattier frame mp felfe to ride Ipfee one of bifft ettate. and Churchyarde and tofcat i toere ttjefebutfcoffing toocDgf ? ges Cure, tjee (earncft bent) ^atl) Co puruepde, ttjat noto tje l)at& etien all fo? ttjat intent, and tl)U0 pou fee toitlj Ijoto great care tljep feefce t'enricfo tfceic ftoje, gou fee ttje pride ttjat ttjep mapntaine tt)?ous!) tfjig erceffiue lo^e. and (toell 1 toote) none ottjer meanes of fpence at all % fee, But onlp fuel) as toicbed are : (if anp elfetljere be.) flftltjerefo^e, it feemea tfcep Ijoojde it fcp and Ijpde it from ttje »>unne : ^tjep couec't clofe, and lock it fatt tpll mo?e ttjereto be toonne. ^ifep gtae Cmall almeg a$ 1 can fceare, foj beggars barcke apace, and fay tfjat ttjep of all men tooojft relieue ttjeir Voofull cafe : Hljeir pjide is great, and tjigl) t^ep loofce fo? feace of tearing lotoe : GHjeple giuc no place to anp man tot) ere ere tfjep Jap to go. 31 toell recojde a pzetie tale alluding to a trutlje « 31 fojee not muct) to tell it pou. ^arfee tjoto tfce fame enfutlje ? €MiU i3Dnce Newes out of Powles a «riuiiian, flDnce Ijapt it (tfooufffj a fotole miftbance) or a cano. tljat great Ucbate did rpfe nift,otbot|>. ^ettoeene a 2Doo fell tlje matter tben, Cljat tljep tnto tlje $\ztoi toould fo^ to decpde tlje fame. C&ep made relation of tlje cafe and finely gan it frame. %ty Pjetoj toljen Ije Ijeard tlje doltg contend about a fetrato, Ofllas foone content to fudge tlje fame, and affete nje man of Hato flfllljo toent tnto tlje (Ballotoeg firff, tlje hangman o^ tlje '^Tljiefe ? (Lflltjo fo^mofi toag of botb tljem ttoo and toljiclj toag tbece tie cljiefe ? Churchyarde W$z 2Do(toj being tfjus tnfrnmoe, fcneto not toljat bet* to fap» $e tbougbt aa cbpldiflp bim to take and ligjtlp bim to toap* (IflXpCe man pou ace no doubt, (quotb be) ttje Uicac of faint fooled (Bo u)ciue pou : foj pou baue bene taugbt in fome toell learned fct)oole& fefoetode foole quotb Paule, 3 toaccat pou, Pauie. but foole0 and cbpldjen oft 3Doo tell tlje tcutb : foj all mm knot) tbeic tongues ace toecp foft* But toell, no doubte, pet fome tbece be in London (tobome 31 ¬o) '(Ebat botb Oo gette fp£ Nummus toell, anli toell tlje fame beftotoe. Cljat leaoe no Doubt a fcectuoutf Ipfe, ano Ipue in (Bodlp feace : Cbat goodes to get by meaner pecuecfe at all times* topll fojbeace* flDf tbofe 31 baue not talcfeed bece, noj of tbe boned to\u But fuel) a0 (piled) feeme to feicfee, Ijecein 31 tioo exbo^t Co feeepe tbeic patience toljen tljep fee tbeic faulw cepcoued Ijeece: JFoj fuce 31 am tbat in mp tale gainft good dotb nougljt appeece. and Newes out of Powles ami Co 31 leaue tfjem to t^e Hojoe, and bio tljem all adue* 9pp tongue in o^dec muff ceco^de fucf) tijingtf ajs Oo enfue- Finis. The fourth Satyr. apotDeta. ^^Bw^apotljecacie tjere 3) leaue, riea&Sui. Ill to ^(C^ Co fo? Nummus tUffffe0, Pade ^*H&tt & f people nopeg toitl) pelfe, anO filtlp tttnefeing drugget £>o let 3! palte ttje burgeon, tofjo toft!) I)t0 fotole Oecepte, 2Dotf) fjoofee fyi Nummus to t)f0 fjandetf ano tafeetf fjim at recepte. W&z pelting; patches to ill pjeCume to practice Wdcfe, and Ofllfll minitter Ipfee learned men In place0 of tlje Hand. %tt go Cue!) £>qtnb0: 31 fenoto tljem not. get people Oo tomplaine : and to ell 31 toote, tfcep tfe fuel) toapeg fo^ meare intent to pine* a rablement of tafkall l&offetf a0 if toeelO tjarroto tjell, 31 rtjtnfee toe ft)ould not finde tlje Ipfee in Piutoes fcoufe to Otoell* But Churchyarde T£>ut let tfjem pacfee, Jle paffe tbem ore, perfjapjj tfjece man? be Botl) ioneft, good, and erpert men, tfjep fyall goe bp foe me, ana noto pie tucne me to mp tale, and (ag mp courCe dotl) tende) ^o eupll fo^t of 9£arcf)aunt men iaarc?>ant tfje fequele topll 3 bende, men. %W fee (3 pjape) botoe tljep turmople and fixe tljett tofjole intent 'flTo catcbe fyi Nummus bp tbe coate. Het'0 fee fjoto tbep be bent and fole atintcteti tnto game. flDne runneg me to tbe Jndeg, %o (Bpnnte, £>pafne, and Caletut : Jfcot m toljece be fucb cbaffare findeg, Bem but 30 (tljere altfiougb ft toft Ijim fmall) f e ,ntcnt topll tying Ijfm bere a pounde : *mlt gea, ten perfjapg, oj elfe tljep Ipe Vuljiclj in fttcij tocltlj abounde, ¬ber ffeudg me o?e tbe £>eaj3, and fullp fcauffbt tot'tb topeg, Mz bring* tbem Into HonOon, toljere at lengtb be toeltb enlopeg. W&z people ace fo fondlp bent, tljeple cljaunge t&eir Cbeefe fo? ctjalcfe, and fo? fuel) pelting; pfeutu) traft)e, tbeple let good c&afface toalcfe. Newes out of Powles Puerospue dD £ooliu)e, Eonde anli doltiu)e mome0, rilia de- !) ttten dCUOgde Of tDlt, cent. jd capong ccamde toitl) baclp co^ne : botoe farce ace ttone0 tmfit jfoc Cue!) ppld pairing pieuw) Cocfce0 ? botoe pll bettotode 10 toeltb a jFooie <£) n f UC ^ ne \j, cangleD Condiu) folteg JJ"" toljte!) cbaunse tbe Came Co? peltlj ? Ke Sr ^ ne bcmffejS mee o*e a painted ^ictt, tDe ^otoer anotjjec bjing;e0 a j^unne, of normon. and u)op0 ace fraught Voitlj tope0, toljece-- ace flgngliu) people toonne* (toitb ¬bec pounded toell in toealtb, (acquainted toritb tlje gupCe) 3Dotb biin$ b0 in Cucb dapntte0, a0 ttie man can bett deuiCe. £>ome elCe tljece be, and man? Cucb (cbiefe 9£accf)aunt0 in tlje Wane) ^tjat foj ouc }£eacock0 plume0 doo bjing; and Cplcfea ttje ttceame adotone: ^bep fcnotoe tlje 3latoe0 doo Ipmit toljece, and tobat Cucb QjoulD be toome, And tbep Cucb 3Utoe0 to erecute, baue eftCoone0 office borne* and pet fo$ tljat tbeic pine i0 Cuclj and toealtb Co peat tbecbp, TO^p mutt ftnbeace, and toincfeing: toalt Cbe 3Utoe0 mutt latoleffe Ipe : and Churchyarde %ty hangman quott) tlje Hatopec t&o, foj lie dotlj fcpll tbe man s 'flElje hangman Ije mutt go before, tlje ^eefe mutt folloto. ^jjan gDuotl) p^etoj fjarfce. 'Efjia 10 mp minde and Judgement in tlje caCe. ptjfatlon |e mutt 50 before, and Hatopec giue tjtrn place. &QI{)P tljen (qUOtt) Bertulph) b£ ?0UC tale Bertulph. pjjttttions men doo fcpll. and Hatopecg liue bp robbing: men, and Co tljetc Cofecg fplL flfllljerebp toitl) pjide embotte tljep Ctoell, and tofcerebp (caging) t^ep ^aduaunce tjjemCeluesi to tjono^gi tppe tinlatofull meanea atfap. gea Cure (quott Pauie) and Co tbep doo a number of tljem noto. But a0 to\ out pfjiQtiong, tljeic cunning; fenotoetb ijoto &C toell to fepll, a0 to purlopne : t^ep ace erpect in all. and Cojce not (Co tljat Nummus come) tobjcl) toap tjjetc ftaffe doo fall. £>ne Ijatl) a potion foj to Cecue and cute eclje feinde of gciefe, Ikeele Cell a quact to\ Cootie pence. %W feUoto 10 tlje chJefe Paule. £>uc£ arc fort. 9 Potion to cure all hitiuc of tiifeafee ano oriefco. and %Carnifi- cis potius Medici quam no- mine dig- nus. Newes out of Powles #nd fineft cfjplde in catting; of meng toaterg toljen t^ep neede. ^eele bpn tije bealtbp get bim borne and mafee ^i0 flflipll toitb Cpfede. <bougb be tiue from tbat tpme long, toitbout all feinde of paine* llfeele make t)im doubt and djead W tffe> and all foj filtbp pine. t^t topll perftoade tfjat men baue Ip'de in to|)ojdome and ercelCe, Mlljece neuer raigned fond affect, and tob^edome muct) rtje leffe* ¬ber ig fo 2Doltlpfce Ccene and learnedly beguplde, ^at toljen be Ceetb pour trine, be topll Cap pou be toitb cbilde <bougb pou be a man : fo? Cure but bittie miflie be and fo full man? of tfjem plap, Co Buffardlifee tbep be. Paule, quotb Bertulph, giue mee leaue to interrupt pou bere* ifoj bp pour patience, pie requite tbe tale pou tolde tobple ere. Content quotl) Paule (and toitb good topll) 31 am rigljt toell apapoe %o beare tbp tale : mp talfee'u)all ceafe tpll tbou tbp minde baue Capde, C&ere Churchyarde ^eredtoelt(Comtime)tol)^e3!toa0bocn Bertuiph. a perfite cunning man, 2L good p&itttion toell beCeene : and Co ft tapped tfjan, 'Etjat be ftjould rpde abjoade to Cee a patient of Ijig. l$e Ijao a man rtjat roade toitlj Ijun (a iolp l&naue ptoisf.) %ty 2Dortor d?aue l)is ^o?Ce apace and roade toitl) merp cfjeere. T$z longed Coje to Cee tlje place tobere Nummus u)ould appeere* But aa Ije packed fojtf) in fjatte, bp cljaunce be did eCpie a Co?t of jFelontf in a Carte adiudged tijere to Die, &nd mufingto&atp'preaCe fljould meanc, Ije Cent ln'0 man tottf) Cpeede, t£o fenotoe tlje cauCe of all tlje crotode : Ijiis man pecfojmoe tfje ueetie* and potting;, Coone Ije did percepue tfce ^fjeeuea to Ranging pjett. ^e turnd ty$ ^ojCe at flgfjt thereof : %n flpe, be ttiougtjt it beft. and Co fje dpd toitl) tturdie pace, ^e gallopt on fjig toap. and a0 a man Ijalfc Cbarlie, lie fled a0 nought mfgfct make l)fm (tap. Newes out of Powles fy$ ^siifttt lotoolp affete tbe cauCe tol)? be opd rpbe fo fau\ flD S^afttet faue pour felfe (quotl) be) 31 tiije pou mafee poo batfe* i:ije SDoctoj ftoallotooe tip tot'tb feare, fpurde Cut and made atoap. Sinn tpll be came tottinn a m'ple, t)te l^orfe tiiO neuer (tap. ©ut toljen bee came bnto tjtmCelfe, be called bac&e bte man £nd b»n demaundinff caufe of urtefe, tbe fellotoe tfjug began* -3D fatter, tbanfee toe (Boo (quotb be) foj tbtg our go oO eCcape : Clfe furelp bad toe ftoinged botfj tottbtn an Ijempen <3Tape* ifoj ponder, tobere tfje pjeafe toag fo, 3 fatoe tbree bandfome men (LaitU'cl) foj tlje deatb of onlp one, toere to be banged tben. But toben 3 fatoe tljat rtjep (fo? one) toere all adtudgde to dpe, iRto neede to bpd mee baffe me tbence, no neede to bpd mee flpe : foj toell 3 topft, If pou toere feene tobtcb baue a number Uaine, Sou u)ould baue bene tjutt bp in Ijatte and neare returnde apme* %%t Churchyarde and flftacletj* baunt about tbe ffceate, Ipfce men of tjiffl) ettate : %\tiz ^oCen ftcototing; fo^tf) toftf) filcfee, and plumeg bpon t^etc pate* %ty l&aCkalletf noto mutt coame abroad e Ipke men of fjonett po^t i and fe>tcumpet0 ttatelp (n atttce Ipfce Hadiess muft refojt Ha places to^ere tljem CelueiS tl)fnfee beft toittjout all fcinde of doubt: ®bep tuftomde are about tlje ^Cotone and u)all be boine out* 31 1 Ceemetb Co tmdoubtedlp i foj noting .0 amended* aitboug;b tbe Hatoeg fcaue fyacplp Cet and punttyment extended* iJiotoe, otljec Come bapcieg fetcb abrade 31 toote nee tofcere, «uct» &e and tljcp Im'mj in moft pleaCaunt fpicc trine t$cm \ottb %op0 and ottjer pare : in fot in ' tEljeCe make fine moutjjed (Bentlemen. f!"L afor f e ' fo\ tofco but 9parcl)aunt0 noto ? t / be b J,, tlfllbo toalloto moje in toealtlj tljan ttjcp mm. Ipfee peered 3! toote net tioto ? gea, totjo are tijep but aparcfcauntmen **JJ* tbat baue tfce tottl? face ? traTJe 2 dailjo noto In banquets toitlj tljcCc men f tj>e cor. ace able to compare ? ruptfon of 3DX jFoc tbe traBe f afwfe of tr)e fame* tfjep rjaue montp in fuc|) price, pet eupll gotten sooDefl ftall be ill fpent. Newes out of Powles Jfoj fuel) ttraunp ffoje of oiuecg meateg ano Oiujeg finely tujougftt ? £211)0 liatj) rtje Ipfce ? no man bettoeg. &ttelnig;lj ft cotteg tljem nourjtjt* W$zy fell fo tieare ano tafee fuel) gaine, tbat toell tljep map afoo^oe Co fet fine S^arcljpanea ano fuclj Ipfee fcpon tljetc feruauntg boojOe* d)ti0 map toe fee tljefe fet no e of men J0t0 tljep fO£ Nummus pjOODe : 21 man tooulo tfjinfce tljat footfjlp tljep. tafee Nummus toi a d5ooOe. C&ep laboj fo toit| mirjftt ano maine, tljep fo befturce tfjeir (tumpejs, W$zy erercife fuel) acfctoarO loapeg to b\in$ it in bp lump& Cbep fecatcf), ttjep fcrape, tfjep mife, tljep at nijyljt tofjen tljep u)oulo reft, (mufe C&ep fearclje rtjeir fenfe0 anO betfjinfee jjotoe to obtepne it befi\ £nO al) alag, fome Oo Oeuife to let it out U\ pine : fe>ucb pine a# at tlje lengtb toill bjing: to tljem inf email paine* Sinn (not content toitl) fotole oecept tljat tljep in fale Do bfe) £>ome of tljem Oo in lone alas tljeic countrymen abufe* Het Churchyarde ILn $?eac!)ec0 ccpe and tell tljem ont, but notljing totll p?euaple i %$ej> flocfee, rfjep floute, and left at ft ^ep bid tljem feiffe rtjetr taple. 'Cbep Ijaue no ft)ame, but (bjafen fafde) t&ep fft'Cfe not it tO Call * lamenta. a gainefome Occupation. bU care * ana Co tlje people fall from Ijonett ftate, to plaine bancferotote t^ou^ fuel) tljeit Mlooluiu) toapeg. %ty Common0 neare toere fo oppjett a0 in tljefe toofull dape& %tyy boofee, t&ep Ijatofee foj Nummus fo, tjjep coffge, t&ep foptt and potole, %\)tV la? fuel) fnarejf bp booking; meaner tl)at tfjug tljep Nummus totole* & t&oufande meaner ftniftce, tljep account and call ercfjaunge, aitljougl) tfjerebp be men bnoone: tlje cafe te berie ttraunffe. and tooftill tpg no doubt to fee boto ligfttlp tljep do toap Waccount toljtcb nxuft be made bp tfiem to (Bob another bap* C&ep are rfffljt toife in toojldlp toptte : furpaffing: ig tljeir bjaine. But ol), tf)ep bo applie tlje fame to nothing elfe but gaine. 2D.t'i. and Newes out of Powles 3]n deelie, tfje ftomacfe ouercbarope ana man full p?a;oe tottt) meate, 2Dotl) make dje minbe ano into art) e man bnfit fo^ reafonjs Ceate* jfoj cbaunge no boubt annopeg tije man, anti meate not toell inbetobe, 2Dotf) make t&e Came Ccant balfe a man if reaCon be renetobe* SLtiti toljat of tbte ? tyoulbe tbte refc^mbe, boufe keeping; note bepell ? ijio Cure, foi boCpitalitie becomtb ttjem berp toelL But tbat tbte ct)iere te altoap Cucb, 1 plainelp do benp. »>ome feaft peat men toi frenbfyip fake, anb let tbe pooje go bp + •tRej rather boot to oppieffe tbe pooje, anb bp Cuclj frien&«)tp got, Cbe poo^e baue nought tottljin tbeic banbtf tobtcb rtjep get to tbem not* jfoj tobat tbiouffb frenbfyip toeltl) $ fo^ce no one eniopes tbe tbing;, W&m (it tljeg ipfee) Come toiil not Coone into tbeir cloucljeg biins. But gooog pll ffote, ace eupll fpent* &nb botoe can tfjep beftotoe W&tiz toeltlj on pooje anb ^eacbettf true dfllbicb tfoougbbecept oio potoe? 0o Churchyarde jjio fie, t'toere fljame and fotole repjocbe t'aue beffprgf at tfjeic bojde : an't Ceemeg (Come tljfnk) all pll bettotode that's Cpertt t'encreaCe (Etodg toojde. ifoj (too^Ce tljen tljte) Come cannot bpde faue beg;pr0 at tljeic gate, 0oi not repine toljen ^eacljer0 Ipue in meane and ample date* flD Labirinths of lOtljCome lull, flD Ijellm) humane fcart0, i3D beafflp belcljina; belp pd0 tfjat tljujs ttetc tfoje conuacw : SD lumpitye lUtCfeea, tljat lieffec Ijad to ijaue of Hiand0 ttoje : Co totnne tlje Eptcljman, tljen to feede tlje beffffec at ttjetc doje. 3D ttonp fjart0, tfjat moje efteeme a 9£onc&ep tpde toitlj cljafne, Ctjen ttjeir pooje blotter, to\ tofjoCe Cake Cfj?(tte 31eCu0 Cuffecde patne. £D toickcD (Iflltffljw of toooluifl) feindc, toljtcl) Co tlje ?Umbe0 deuoto^e, and ccacfelp cram tljemCeluea toitlj Cpople of need? Coule0 eaclj Ijoto^e. and (moje tljen tljte:) fo? Ijoto dotlj toalck Is5>tr Nummus dap bp dape ? ^oto trudffetlj it to bup tfce flflltfe and 2Dauffl)ter fine arrape ? 2Wfff. C&ep Newes out of Powles %%t% mutt, not go ag ottjer boo* afllfjerefoje, ttjep muff aeuiCe 4E0 Ijaue ttjent fenotone from contort Cojt bp Come netofangleti guiCe* ^PW meete ttjerefo?e, as trjep too not toittj courtlpfce 2Dame0 compare, dum to ttjep ftjoulo from totontu) totueg ttjetr garments neto rep aire* 8no Co (CojCoottj) tji0 totfe mutt tjaue pjepareO out of fjano, <0ape garments of ttje fineft ftuffe tjjat is tofttjnt ttje lantu fetje mutt tjaue Martlet, Square I ILace, toi'ttj Ctjaine about tjtr necfe: »>tje mutt tjaue cofflp tun&e of ctjaunge, ann all ttjtnges at tjir becfe. ^ir 2Daug;tjter alfo mull be clao to ell Ipfce a ?Latiie0 feere, SOXo all to toalcfee about ttje ftceate toittj tjtr true 3Louer Deere, dflltjat ttjo ? jfotfoottj, uje muft not toeo but tofttj Come toealttjte man, £nti one ttjat mutt be ffrounoeD rpctj, ttjoufftj tjonett totjen tje cam Sitio ttjutf 1 Cap (aftoell t'W Ceene) faj^e Darnell mutt be pjancfct janti toalcfce at topll : totjecebp ft tjapg oft tpmeg ttjat u)e te bancfcte. £n& Churchyarde and all tfoougb meaner euen of bic »>ice tobicb fo confume0 bis good, and iope0 tbecein, moje tljen to giue tfce bungcie tojetclj f)t'0 foode. Cbaunce fome men fee good deedetftbepdo. But in good Coort) not 31 (TOouffl) many naugbt) can bndecttand, tFtoece Onne on tbem to Ipe* and notoe, a0 fome pou fee to Cccape bp bple flnittce toape0 : »>o ma? pou fee tbem fpend a0 pll in tbefe ouc later dapes. 31 meane fo? fo mucb a0 tljep fpend. But to ell fjaue toe to toeete, Htyiv booking and rtjeic Cb etting tp t'0 all as farce bnmeete as tljte tbefc fpence and filtbp trade, a0 t^fsf tbeic p^otoling guife, && ttn'0 tbeic building all fo? pine and pjoffte to arpfe : as tt)f0 tljeic fjatetull bple contempt of pooje and needp &lifgl)t0: as tji0 tbeic robbing and tbefc Health a0 tbefe tbeir anfull fligl)t0* %\>t pooje complaine and toanting, ccpe tfoougb ljungec tjalfe fojepinde : and fome tljiotujlj toant, about tbem banc tbefc fainting bjeatjj ceflgnd* and Newes out of Powles and pet tljeir Coferg farced Ipe* %fyiv Bao# are filUe at tulL But toote pou toljat ? ft 10 referu'oe iFoj %ib W Piette 'Erull, 3nli SDicfe Ijte Bop tljat tiappact latide: toljicl) foi ^10 fake, perctjaunce CEuen botjj of tljem, tojjen Ije f* gone, topll mafee fpj Nummus Daunce. But altoapeg tfjig is not tlje cauCe of fuel) tljetr fpttefull Ijoojd. ifo? cert0 3) tljinfee tijep neuer loofee at all to come aboojti 31 n crooked Charons bQlv Boate « <3Dj elfe perljapg tfjep tfjinfee (Slfif long: ttjep l)aue) tfie JBope u)all purge anli faue tljem all fo? cljtnfee. Sinn in tlje meane time toeene tfjep bed to couer't clofe and fine, ^nli bjing moje toot, t'encceafe tlje freape. TOte tu&sement i& of mine* flElfe tinges? amide, befoje erpjeft, u)oulD nere fo pll rematne, But foone tfiep tooulD refojme tfcem toell anli mafee tljem ftreigljt apine. flflitu'cl) fo to lio, (Bon graunt tljem grace, and clenfe tjeir fpltljie minlieg: 'Eljat auarice mape once liecap to&fcf) fo tljetr boUp bindetf, and Churchyarde ano fubfett mafee0 to bple oeuife, to fltffurie ano oeceate, TOat naufftit ttjep ace, ano topll pecttlt tpll grace oo bloto retteate. 31 enoe toftfc tfjem i p^oteaino; ttpll 31 tourf) no poo man tjeere, But Cucf) a0 t^ougt tljeCc toojOU of mine ujall to^atftfuU bent appeere. jfoj Cute 31 am tljat manp iuft\ and men fcpjigbt rematne, CErempteo from tbte talfee of mine- Oflltjo neuer pet tottb ttaine <3Dj fpot of beattlp flllfurie o! bile notorious* toice, Mlere once corruptee o\ infect. tofcict) are oifcrete ano toife. ljall ftaude Ipe l)id bntnended noto ? »>ball fotole 2Decept be pn ? »>f)all flfiiplie toant r ipo, Ijaccke a toljile, and pou fyall Ijeare anon. £>ome men tljere be tljat beare a pojte, and Hue Ipke to tlje beft. ^at feaft, p* floto, ttjat c&op, tljat cbaiip, and practice toitlj tlje reft. W$ix Office beace, and toojtijp feeme j mt t&iougft toeltt) to toeelde tlje cfjarp. mane a *#. %\>at faue, tljat Cpende, $barpineg make, to*** be. tfjat keepe tljetr trade at large. ttoeene * e 'cOjat toarie toojke, and toinde to tljem Jjf"^™ pod credite fn tlje ende. '(Iljat get fucb friended a$* topll not ftick a tljouCand pound to lende. flDft moje oft leCCe : almoft aa muct) a$ tljep can toell demaunde. jFor tojjp, tljefr credite noto ijs fuclj, tljat tljep map men eommaunde. 25ut toljat of tfjftf 1 (Euen tljitf fojCootl). Cljeple rtjut bp dooce anon, ^tjeple fftue bp office, trade and all : faretoell, tljep. toill be gone. QjQl&cn Newes out of Powles ftfllljen tljep Ijaue gote tf)e molt tljep can, t|ep Vopll become bancferotote, ^bep topll no longer tfpfeleo lie amongft tlje Ijonett rotate. ^Tljep can no longer tiptoe tbe trace toijtcb tjoneft men do bfe* ^bep fctepe at borne amongft rijefr bag#, ^ieple bonettp refuCe. Cbeple lurking- Ipe Ipfee %$izU in oenne, Ipfee 2D^ane bpon tbe fpople* 'Ebeple peaCe tfjeir lipg, $ fat tljeir patlcb, toitb Ijonett QparcbauntsJ tople. (D t^epjie tneggeg of oampifye caue, 4D fotole infecnall ften&eg, £> trpple tfingeo 2Htper0 bjoone, 53D baggeg of bellitye minbeg* i3D Cpclopg fuclj ag ttpll tieuoure tbe fljeepe of fojreine foloeg, £> b^ocfeiu) beaffea toitb raume p^goe : tbat lurcfee tottbtn rtjeir boloeg. »>l)all ouffete b?ou~e of Dytis caue aente infecting: oeatb ? ^>ball Orcus fpare toitb ffealding Cfeojtcf) to nope tbetr bttall b?eatb ? Mo Cure, tlje pitcbte burning: pit, ana 3U'mboe<3 flaming: Hafee S>ljall polpe tbem tip, ercept rtjep peelbe tlje goobeg to}fc$ tbep titti tafte* i3Dj Churchyarde flDj elCe to poto^e requite tfje Came, But tljig tfjep neuec tljinck : ifoj marck boto t&ep Do (till beftotoe tljta beaCtlp ptteh cfjinck. ano fjere 91 muft aDuertiCe pou tfjat Come beClie^ tfjere Die flfiiljiclj oft bp meaneg becom banckrotote (ag Daplp toe map tit.) Jfoj Come erceede anD Co abounDe in Cpicureoug fare, tCfcat Co at lengtl) tfjep banckcotote be anD bjinff ttem Celuea full bare. anD otljerCome t^ougl) great erceffe anD pjotoDe Curpafllna; cljartre, 31 n b^aue arrape Do bjing; ttiem Celues into Cock loirels Barge, dflltien ere Catoe you tljeir 2Damess Co nice, anD toiueg Co ricljlp clan ? dfllfjen toftt pou clcllomen ere Co pjouDe, o\ ^uCbattDea ere Co maD ? £> tofcere are 9patrone0 nolo become ? flD to&ere are ^uCbanDg graue ? O&lljere ace f flflliuetf tljat tooke Cucl) care tjeir fconettp to Caue ? aaioulDe 9patrone0 toalcke o\ CLQltueo DiC-- toitlj Cpluer tyfnfng; b^otoeg (creet Jfrom ftceat to (treat ? no, ratljec tfje? tooulD kcepe tmttjin t&eir IjotoCe* OOioulD Newes out of Powles (LOloulti 9$atron0 CfcuU to common games and pjancfee in earie pjeafe ? jfco, t?0 to tjple, 1 loatb to tell. lie tberefo^e IjolDe mp peace. ^ps tbi0, tp0 tfji0, p* Bancfcrofc>t0 bjeetie. 'fttjte brings rtje toife pll name. W$z buCbanli rt)U0 t'0 bare tfoougb fpence, anlj totfe naught bp tbe Came. &nti notoe pou Cee a Difference rtoeene §im tfjat bancferotote i0 o lie ban lanbe 01 OUfffjt tbat'0 Money tDOJtb, ^e u)all not toant of Stparctjauntmen fine filcltf to fet bim fojt^* /|Joj Money to ill tbep fttck at all to lenbe \\itn at t)tgf neetie* £0 lone; a0 ouo;bt be tiotb poffelle, tljeple neuec ceafe to feede $$$ ponfcec anb pong S^aiftec Co. &nt> ^e (toben once be fee0 Cbe bjible lapbe bpon Ijlg necfte) te loatf) muclj time to leeCe. jFoj tobp, be toiu)t it long: before : £n& art) be botb eCpie W&t matter tobolp in W tjantiesf, tobp fijoulU tje longer Ipe Epfee blunt 3|o&n Miboball all at tome ? ijio fie, beele batte bim noto. Botb Ipbectie ano Cljincfe pnougb bimfelfe be toill alloto. anu (tceiffbttoap (elfe tlje toojlb i& barb) l£e meetetf toitb Cope0mate0, fucb 510 to eralt and fet bim fojtb, at all to ill notbing ffcutcb* &nD bee fo?footb muft fojemoft be in euerp bjatte attempt (IQltjo eare be om t pong 9£aifter muft at no time be erempt. <£.i. ^eele Newes out of Powles ^eele be tlje cl)ie£e tottfjCn tfje 9£aCfee and cljiefe in bancquet : ijce »>t»aU Cpt ejalted to tfje £>unne, €uen to tlje tent!) degree, and notu and tljen (elCe Ccapeg Ije toell) Ijeele Ijaue a Cppjt at 2Dice. ^e toanteg no mate?? to bring; i)im too't bp atfftjt and fine deuice. ^e mult tiaue toalfeingeg fn tfje nfgfit : ije muft be braue and fine* ^e mutt be of tlje topfflj no doubt. ^e neuer mutt, repine aittjougt) it be to fit it oute all nifffjt in coftlp game, and (more tljen rtjig) Ije mutt not fiicfe to pape foj all t^e Came, and tojjen Ije Ceemelp Ceemetfj once, and t|)infe0 toell of IjimCelfe, ^Dfjett, tljen no doubt fje te ftird fcp to Cpende tf)t0 nopCome pelfe. and tjjen (31 Cape) toitf) polling Cpeede Ije mull be gaplie dett 3In colours ofljig Hadie, and therein not oug!)t neglect ^ljat'0 incident to euerp Cute: <3Df cljaunge ije mult fcaue fioje, and frame IjimCelfe full featlp ttjen to euerp lufip loje. and Churchyarde #nd doubtleffe ttjen be t& fo djotonae tn p leaf tire a no in pjtde, tEbat nought at all ma? t)fm tottljdjatoe : 3Jt fcatb bene often trfDe* gea, t^oufflj at length be feele great fmart tfooufflj tfcat Ije made atoap : get t# big minOe fo batotte rtjen, tfjat be can make no ftap. jfoj toote pou to!) at, trCe cuttome bjmgtf, and pongker ttjitsf dotb Cap : £>ball I make fpare topple ouojt te left and fo Ipue to anting ? j^ape, It toere a ujame and great repjocbe, it 31 tbat euer baue 3js pet Ipu'de tyke a (Eentleman, u)ould noto Ipue like a flaue. and fo mp cbplde no cbaungUna; tg, tpll all be fpent and gone i &nd till t)t0 mates* |)fm needle leaue and comfojtleffe alone. jFrom tobicb time fo^tl) If ougfjt be Ijatie, to^ereof map Nummus rpfe: ^e tot'll Ipue i^tfttnff til't be gone. %$tn fojtb of 'Eotone be apes* and keeper tjje bfffb toap Ode (perc&aunce) to Ipue bp ttjeft and fpople : %ill f o ttjat'0 ttje cntie of all tji0 toealttj and ending of ttje man* But good0 pertjap0 toere euill pte : ano totjo cart maruaile ttjan tttjoufftj ttjat ttje fame toere all confumde m ftlttjp tame erfpence ? ano totjo toill doubt ttjat pllotoe0 ftjould fuctj 2Dtno:t|)^tft0 recompence ? But one ttjing 3] do ijere lament and tp0 moff toicfced fure, Cptf nopfome, tople and beattlp trade, pet moft of all in tjje* Si Gentleman Iji0 ctjilde dottj fence t'applp tjt0 ttudie0 tjere, flSlittj tjope to tjaue tjim do ttje fame a0 daplie dottj appece, Ctje pouttj oft tpme0 declpnett) ttreifftjt a0 apt to pouttjlp guife : and fet0 tji'0 minde to mafee fn'm fyaue toittj all tje map deutfe. %\)t Citizen totjen ttjat tje Heg ttje bmite fo i^auelp bent, 2Dottj tlofelp fearct) ttje pong man0 (fate, and learne0 ttje toljole extent flDf all tjt'0 pouliulitie, totjictj tmotone, tje toill not fpare jfoj friend ft) ip fafce fcnto ttje fame of loane to let tji0 to are. Churchyarde %$t pong man {jailing toeltt) at topll and all ttjinptf at requett, Bpdtf booke adue, and cutg it out a0 bjauelie a$ t^e belt ^oto bple tfjig i£, let all men iudp. 1)oVd oft it cornea to paffe, ^^e pongmen brought to naught ttjerbp, are toitneflttf alag. £>f), toljere i0 loue oj feare of (Bod ? Ml&ec'jJ faitfc foj to be found ? ftfllber's fn'endu)ip, trutlj and fjonettie ? Qfllljere dotl) not ifame refound W$z beattlp p^ancfeeg of toicfced men ? Oflibec'tf one tljat tfjinfetf of (Bod ? fanner's one tfjat doubtg oj fearetl) ougljt t|e fyarpneffe of ijia cod ? l£oto feto be tljere tfjat tread tfje parties o? trace 2Dame termed ftepa ? Ikoto manp rather be tljere noto tfjat quite from fcertue leptf ? *3D toofull cafe : ttje beft almott do muclj account it noto 3jf tfjep from tnle notorious faultes at anp time do boto. l£oto talbe our tatleca of tfje truttj and Scripture ftill difcuffe ? ^oto Ipue tjjep quite contrarie pet foi all tfoeir talking tljug ? (EAii. l£oto Newes out of Powles %ito eacneft bent are men ag noto to beare tbe toojde of (Bod l (H meane ptoftSotff of tbe tmetb.) ' ^oto farre pet Itue tbep oti ? ^b*£ trie Hojo 3lojO, and (Boo be pjapfde : but ureto;bt tottljtn an fjoto^e, ^at beate of tbetrg 10 colde ag ftone. »>ucb beate batb made djem foto^e. $ tbott goon (Boo and jFatljec fefndc : toece not tbp mercteg gjeat, <&bou toouldtt dettcop tbefe mm tottb fire fcom tbp Cupernall feat* flD Ijeauenlte ^f nee of glojie 1 and £ tf)OU alone Iehoue, <3Dbou (Bod of pace, ob lotting; Cfottt, pond toljome toe can not roaue flD^raunge arfgbt: pond toljome no man can perfite bltffe attatne : %bm only one, and all In one, pond toijome dotb nought rematne: C&iuz grace tjnto tbp toand^ng u)eepe* jfetcb bome tfje fame agafne, £>ttb blood of tfjine batb tfjem cedtemde from «)arpe mfecnall patne. (Braunt pattnt (3D (Bod) tbp bolp fp^e'ete to guide, defend and fee'epe ail fucb as in mott lotbfome finne, ate pet not falne a deepe, »»aue Churchyarde &aue t&fne elect from nopfome trade of too^ldlp minded mtn i ILn not tfje cuttome of tlje toojlDe tfjeir Ipfe toftf) fct'ceg blen. jfrom place to place, from ttreat to ftreat, from fcoufe to fjoufe, ala0 « gea, and toell ntgt) from man to man dotlj anfull Iput'na; paffe* i£ot too?t»0pjeualle,noj p^eacljtna; ougbt, can turne tlje peopled bartg : 09 fetnde of ttnno; can moue tfjetc minds*. j©, deatf) te tjjetr defartg, flD, ^ell tljeir litre, ana burning; aame, (0 guerdon of tbeir dtedetf : 4po one almoft in bart dotb beare t|e true repentaunt feeder. £>, bojroj Dotb poffeffe mp beade, and topple t^ougb totone 31 trace, 2Deepe cutting careg annop mp 5 art, to fee fuel) toant of grace* 09 fparckle, tote oi fmall remalne, no Offne of pdlp feare, i£o badge at all of cfoiften men dotlj anp p erf on toeare £>r feeepe almoft tijjousbout tlje 'Eotone, flD, tol) at a cafe tg tbte, 0ox one to finde tljat feared) (Bod, but all to do arnttfe ? €Miu and Newes out of Powles #n& all to toanoer from poo Ipfe (full feto alaa erempt) Sim all to toojfee tljat totcfeeO te and oeaftlp title attempt ? £> (Bod, tjotoe often do 1 totfye to bz Oeuifceo cleane from all tfje Dealings in tlje toojlDe, ano to (BoO only leane ? !$oto often Oo 1 feefee fome traOe, and folttarte Ipfe. I^oto fapne tooulo 31 Oepart tlje place to&ere u"nne0 be noto fo rpfe. Wpt too^lti tiotfi tempt, f Churchyarde flDf deadlp finnetf and batefull belliu) Ipfe. %tyy runne anti tot'll not ttap. tE^ep feeepe tbemfeluetf in darkfom i)ole0. %|ep bate to fee tbe Hap* Hoo&e loofee tbjougbout tbeir dealing^ all, and pou u)all nothing; finde But couen, craft, anti fpltbp loje, Cbep baue good Ipfe refignde. Hew aft $ fearcbe our felueg tbrougbout. Het0 rippe our intoarde man : Het'0 toap our feluejs eue toitb our felueg, &nd toe u)all fee b0 rtjan, anli finde our feluejS but djoffe and deatb anli fotole infected »>tofne. Slpoft bfffome u)ape0, and creatureg, fuel) ajs 3 can not define. m\)cit faitlj in bargained can be found ? flflibat ftoic of otljcs mult bee 3|n ecbe compact ? and pet In ende tobat falfetjod do toe fee ? j£ot Slparc&aunt bfetb onelp fraude i no? men of gceatett meede* But ecfje one noto tbat bargaine mafeetf, Ijatlj t'alfcljod In bte dcede. ^oto oft and daplfe baptf It noto tbat cbpld^en do begin &llbe?e parents ended, and do ende tobere parents did begin ? ®be Newes out of Powles Wit parents bearers firtt began, Cbep enoe great men of toealtb* %%z fonne begins a toeltbp man: and enoe0 W Ipfe bp ftealtb, ball toeltlj tljat'0 tooonne bp frauoe, be ujall ricbe0 fucb oefcenoe (kept ? jfrom beire to beire ? £o no, fucb toeltlj itiall qutcfelp baue an enoe* 3t cannot bide, no* p^ofper toelU But tobo ootb tbat reproe ? flflibo pet foj toeltlj moft bple oecept at anp tpme batfj fparoe ? i£o one toell nifflje : (tbe toojlo is fuel).) &no Ijere ootb come to minoe %ty patCng; pn'oe in common io\t tobicb noto rcbe tobere toe finbe* £>uti i0 tljeir rap, ano fotole affect, tbat tbouijf) tbeir bellies toant : ^beir bacfes muff b^auelp clotbeo be: apparell notbino; fcant. jfo* tobat caufe elfe tbep Ho referue ecbe tobere tlje feabotb oap, 2Sut ioi to iette about tbe (creates in patting: bjaue arrap ? Churchyarde %\z toelt^p Co?t erceede time ttate, and meane degree tlje fame: ^e common fo?t topll Do tlje Ipfee, »>o all peg out of feame : £nd Eoptterg euffle all about and toffe tfce Bplboto blade, and to matntaine fuel) fcple eeceffe, beljolde totjat fylftg be made ? &ucf) cogging, fopfting, coffentng : fucf) fplc&mg, ttjeft and guile: £>uclj pelting:, pplfcing, pteuffi) djt'ftf, as ace almoft to feple and beaftlp to be named once. Hie tfjerefoje Went bee: § o; fure 31 am fuel) tyfe of tijete* all men map plamlp fee, ^er'0 battel bastes, $ toeing denejs : ^ec'0 lurcfemg ttrumpetg lodge : €&ec'0 ffuffe ecfje toljere foj luftp fetoau; fo? feimfefn, 2Dicfe, and ^odffe, 3Loofee loofee tlje Hanejs about tlje ^otone, and feaccb eclje comer tfuougj) i and pou u)all finde | doubt not 3 of broken toace pnouglj i Corrupt at leatt muct) feeme* to be : fo bjtgljtlp tyfne tlje bjotoetf, £>o pjtcfet $ prancfet, fo Ipcfet and tctmde l& Bancfcrototeu pjetie fpotofe. feeaccl) Newes out of Powles Bertuiph. £D£ tcutf), to flfjeto mp minde tfjecin (at leatt to!) at 31 baue feene) C|e tpme (a$ noto) topll not permit: tp0 to facte fpent 31 toeene* japme, Ctl) pou fjaue toell bepnne of Nummus to intreate, tTtoere pitie (fuce) t^at toant of tpme ft)ould let pou to repeate »>ucf) tljingtf ag;aine tottf) fyiefe difcourfe, of toell pjopofeo t£f)eame : l&etutne t^ecfoje, and make Come ende of tt)t0 tbp fait&full d^eame* 3nd 31 at elfe appointed time (foj time it dot!) demaunde) 301(11 notljing; faple, in eclje refpett, toberein pou ffjall commaunde* Paule. Ofliell, toell (quotij Paule) fo i|jall it be* 31le enoe mp tale bt$onnz. 31le not be long: : gim Ulent eaue, tlje fame ffjall Coone be donne. anli noto, beddeg tlje peat abufe rtjat 31 tobileare did name, l^ece in tW temple (dap bp dape) tbemfelueU tio lifeetoife fcame aentieme* & numbec of out fojraine jFeeceg and men of grounded toeltb, flDur tatotie countrep (Bentlemen to topn tfjte nogfome peltfc* Churchyarde %%z fertile Cople ttjat fopfon bn'ngeg of goodlp u)eaued graihe, TOe SIpedoto ground tfjat plenty peeldes of l?ape tfoougl) little paine, and rancfelp Cpzinging patture, totted dotl) fat tfce fleefeo fljeepe, flfllill not fuflSce tljeir greed? mindegf, noj tfjem contented feeepe. j£ot gaine inouglj bp gainfome trade, to ft em to ill no to arffe, 0^1 toeltl) inougl) can quenci) ttjeic tljirtt: too mucl) totll not CufliCe 4Dj ttap tljeir luft i ttpll lull tljep mo?e. i^ot Ijigljlp raffed rentg il^ot loftp fineg can Ijumo^ purge, noi ejtreame toljole ejtentg Can fpll tljeir ljungrie gaping; gullet, noj ffaunclj tljeir fotole dedre* Cbep are Co fell, tbat mo?e tfjep ijaue, tlje mo^e tljep do require. %tyix d5raud(lre0 great, of log time Cnce, tljeir &unceffo?0 of po?e, flfllitlj Cole reuenetoeg of tljeir land0, &aue maintainde euermoje Eigtjt toojtljp pontes, forgetting nought tlje (tap of tfceir good name : Ofllell gote tljep toeltfj, in bountfe, and toell fpent tljep ftill tlje fame. tlTljep Newes out of Powles W&z$ neuer (mott of tljem 1 meane) encrocfjt on nelgporg ground, £o| ere mclofde bntuttlp oug^t, tftjep Ipu'd toitfjm tlje bound SBt Cljarttfe and reafong latoe, contented toitlj t^ett otone. Ctiep fedde tottljm tfjeic <&edure tfill: fotole fraude toag tljen tonfenotone, at leaft t^e fraude tljat'g now in fye* Cljep neare enljaunft tljet'r renter, &oi founti fuel) beaftlp pjactifes ag tfjtg feple age muentg. tICljetr oton fufiSfde : t^ep fought no mo*e, ttje^ Ipu'de toell of tlje fame : get Ipu'de tfjep not tnto tljemfelueg, ag tljeit fucceffojg frame* %&$ toell could bpde tljat begprg fljould fcaue comfort at tljetr gate : tfljep toere cotent, tl)oup;t) tfiat t$ep dtoelt bp men of meane eftate* ©ut noto not fo* Cbat age 10 fpent, and Cljarttietoftljall: Cfjefe mtn are not contented noto : to fpople eclje one tiott) fall* %tyy racfemp; (tretcf) tljetr lining fo .• fuel) tooolutu) toapeg tfjep frame, C&at tMoug'b fine fojee, g ptlfrma; (Snfttf, ttoife Doubled are tlje fame* and Churchyarde and double ttoiCe decaped pet fcotoCefcepfng ft* no Doubt* tJTtjep Uue Ipfce Sl^iCerg to tfjem Celue& ifjeir neigfjbourg rounde about M poo^e ettate map not app^oclje noi come totttjin ttieir gateg : sometimes pcrtjaps Co; f aft; ion Cake tljep doe innite tfjeir 9pate& ano Cuclj aa doe ttje Ipfee to tfoem : o? elfe bp toljome dootlj rpfe fe»ome Ijope of gapne o\ getting; oug&k and tljus tfjeic bountie lpe& 25ut ttjte not all : foj toote pou toljat ? ^Ijep u)ame not noto to Cap tijalfe thereof toe fee 2Dotlj toell Cufftce : to\ but one man oi rtoo at molt tljep Ijaue* #nd tljep tbemfeluess Doe tables* fjaunt, and Co fit Nummus faue. And at a meane and Gender p^ice, ttjemCeluetf, t^eir men and all, i$aue meate and djfnfee euen of tlje beft to ell Cerued at tjjeir call : •and toitlj reuenetoejs of tbe ffoclt, rigljt ricljlp are tljep clad* J3nd Co from tljence tljetr bjauing fiate and all tlje reft te Sad. Wit Churchyarde %ty ffocfce a0 tobole referued (till. and oft (Cue!) i0 tbe tcode) %^&x fro tbe pound ttock aotoe0 Co mucb 00 petie ffocfce0 ore mode* and bere tbe cotecpillec0 tjotmt* 31 n Powies fo^footb ttiep dfe 'Eo Cpende tlje dop to make tljefc mort ond beorfeen oftec netoe0. 2fllo0 euec feene Cucb ttate confuftie, fuet) monurou0 tunde of men, feucb feomite, refine, 2Dunff^iii ojoffe ? to jot mon eon tell me to ben Cuci) tootcb, Cucb toord,Cucb toinking toile0 toere euec put in tye 3|n time to foje, or Cucb foule froude fiC Nuramus tO pJOCUCe ? 3|n faitt), ond bp mp foutng b^ltb, full bacdlp can 3 finde a man amongft a number noto of tmcojrupted minde, and Cuclj a one a0 Ijope of gome totll not procure to Cnne« 31 tbtnfc full fetoe be Ipuino; noto toljome meede mop notbino; tofnne : &>l tobome tyot toealtb map neuec toinde from eartb, flD dnne, £>b £>atban0 tb*alle0: ^otoe doe toe dill toitbdjotoe if.iu %ty Newes out of Powles W&z pace and loue of (Bod from bg ? j3D IjoId tioe toe reprde 9t£o?e, nopfome copne, tfjen beltb of Coule 01 Ijope of poo retoarde ? 31 tfjinfce if 31 could perfeuere one ^ontfj in rtjt'0 mp tale, 31 fcantlp fyoulo t|e balfe dtfcn'e (Dt fraude, (fo? tobp) tn tale 8nd ecfje compart, tfje Cole reprde of pine i0 alto a? bad : &nd tfjirtt of fto^e, eacbe tobere almoft dotlj make tbe people mad, (D tobere are btt0 to bjino; tfjem in y and latoeg to lap tbeir rage ? £D tof) ere i0 faitb, o\ feare of (Bod in tW pjefumptuou0 age ? CEaclje one dootlj liue a0 lpfee0 l)im bett, tlje latoeg doe Ipe fo^ ppne. 2BeOde0 deceit and tiile deuife, dootb nothing noto remaine flfllitbin tfje bart0 of (£np;lw; men, farre fled i0 all remote i ail loue of (Bod, all feare of plape, and Keyfers miffbtie fo^ce. mwee* ^ oto pjodde our ^apitte0 p^iuilp ? i^oto doe tbefe men puruape ? ^oto pjotole tbe Captiue0 noto about, foj Nummus dap bp dape ? ^ere Churchyarde ^ere, in tfcte Cburcb a toalcfe tfjere (0 tofcere JDapifteg doe frequent ^ e jp a , %o talfee of netoeg among tfjemCeluejs i wta and oft tbe time te fpent maise in 3|n grlati recounting of tbeir ttate 1 ©owe*. toltc^ tljouaj not at tbe beff, get top tbep (till to fee boto men m apde thereof be p^eu\ #nd note corner one and rijeereg tbem bp, z& toait be teller tbem toitb great top, i0 in t^e 'QTJjat Pope and Spaniard fopned be, fout * *** (Bodss people to annop. IB? folempne pjoteftarton corner an otber bp and bp $e tete boto tbat in JFlaundertf (till, tbe (Bofpeller0 doe dpe jfoj fole pjofeulnff of ttje trutb : and toitb a cbeeretull face, ^e fyetoes Soto fad tbe feb^pe aredaine, abjoade in earp place* and tobat great totonetf are noto bedegde and Cities rounde about, and boto (BodjJ too^de decapeg apace, zntn all tbe toojlde tfoougbout* anotber neto fonde felloto corner, and Ije beginner to tell ^oto $opiu)e Cbampionjs landed are, and Iriu; men rebelL JMff. *?oto Qaue pou not feene tf>e fcnacfie to Snotoe 6naue0 6?. compiled bg mans fena* t«0? N ernes out of Powles l$oto tjolpe fatberg blefllna; b^ougbt in Biu)op0 facred bjefte, lifatb made tbe lande before profane, notoe bolp a0 tbe telle. and i)0to t^at Stukeley lott ^10 life, among; Barbanens late, 8L Marquette of t^e Romifh marfee, flD too bntimelp fate : l£te pact (ala0) toas pet to plap in places neerer bande. I£e ment and bent bte fc^ceg b*» apintt tbe Irish lande : But totjat tW Marquette left fondone, Mack Morice be COntrpu'd : and ijotlp pn purfue tbe cbarp, But ab, it neuer tijrpu'd, ifoj Slpart^lp&e be loft W bead, a lotTe (in deede) totoaple: fe»itbe bolj? iFartjer, tfooujb tW toffe, of bte intent dootb faple* (Breat feacfeef of netoeg are poured fojtb in tbat fame toojtljp toalfce* &nd fenauiu) fenacfeeg are tbere deuiCde tobilft tbat tbep ffatelp ffalcfe about tbe place Ipfee boneft men, and fubiectsf true of bart, jfrom tbat fame place doe rumo# rife (Bods trutb to ouertbtoart* iFrom Churchyarde ffrom tljat Tame place Doe daunDer0 come anD bile rep^octjful lpe0 againft (BoD0 toojD and P?eacljer0 true* ifrom tljat Came corner apeg HetoDe ffeoeSitff tefteg and taunting tale0 1 tfjere Doe tljeCe l&ebete copne tlfjeit Cuttle DjtCt0 anD nopCome tale& gea, tljere Doe tfjep coniopne, &nD cleaue lifee burred toirij Colemne boto tlje trutlj Coj to rettu\ anD Doubt tljer0 none, fojtoljp ? 31 tljinfee tljat ttjep to ill Co pertttt* Qllntill tljat fe>atljan Cnatclj tljem Ijence, tlje (BraunDttre great of lpe0 : anD till ttjjougt) toant oCtitall fyeatlj, tljep map no mo?e DeuiCe* Ofllijat kinDe of men be tfjeCe (31 pjape) Bertulph. tljat t|)u0 tfjemfrute* in fye ? aaijat, are tljep open foes p^ofeft tljat bp tljeCe meaner procure %\i flaunDer oC tfce certaine trutlj anD teactjerg of tlje Came, ®l 3!pocrite0 tljat couectlp tlje (BfjoCpell Doe Dfffame ? jDnce, Bertulph, tp0 well fenotone to tfjee Paule. tljat Cm all reftraint tljere f0 ifoj paptfte0 tongues tljat pjouDlp pjate, (fcoto ere tfjep gabbe amiffe*) $Mij. <&feep Newes out of Powles %tyy talfce from feace of cTjecfe at large, But pet of tfjem tbere bee Hjat pjeafe amongft p^otetto^ true, anD toell toitlj tfjem agree, jFo? lobP> rtjeir Ipuingtf Co Doe Ipe, tbat but tbep feemeli fucfj, C&ep neuer coulDe aCpire Co Ijujb, noj pet obtaine Co mucb 30 noto rtjep Doe. £D ianus 31acfe# and Double faceD 2Dop;0 ? <3D toplie totticfetng toward flflioolueg.. flD grunting groaning ^ob# ? ^eCe men (3 Cay) CojCtneaje rtjem Celueg (510 periurDe JBapitteg Do.) Ibep graunt tlje gDueene itfCupjeme IjeaD anD murmure at it to* ©ut toljat ot* tfjat, fine filed IjeaDiS toell fraught toitb trim DeuiCe 3nD ciuile fleigljts, toitfjout remote, Cuclje Ccrupleg count bntoiCe* &nd Co tljjouffb u)arpe and toplie \xit8, &nd tfoougb Carre fetcljing; b?aine& Ibep mount aloft to bono# tipe, anD come bp oreatett pines* and tljeCe be tljep tbat tnDer Ijande tlje truetb Do ftill annop, &nd let tlje tooling: of tlje toojde in Cucl) ag miff&t eniop 11) e Churchyarde W$z ftoeeteff Calue of Catling; tjealnj. feucb lap nje lottjCome Cnaceg, &nd tofjen pod feede i$ Cotone, fo^ujtoitl) fuel) men Otoe nopfome tatea* gea, fuel) 31 Cap (as to my tale) lap toaite bp toplie toapetf jfoj Nummus : and to get t|)e fame, ace p^eft at all affapeg. ^fjefe be fuppo?ting pucuepo^g fo? JDapittctf notoe ftippicit 'Efjefe cancfclp feede tlje pampetd »>topne fcpftalled in tj)eic nett. ^tiefe fopfon bjinp;, and fyofeecg fet t^ougtj bent) of popiu)e cteto, and ujefe men fottec Balamitess %o totiome reuenge \$ deto* Cfoefe men ace Cole abettor of tlje cucCeli ftftS* of Baall i iano tbefe men ffjauelingtf doe fuffulfe, toljiet) elfe toolde Ijaue a fall. 3|ft mecuaile tljouffl) ttjep ccancfclp ccotoe toell looked in ttjeic cage ? flfliitlj pjouen p^tcfet, ptt mecuaile noto, lE&at njutf tlje ^ig;ac0 cage ? Mlbat neede Ijaue tljep to pelde tijrCeluejat fcnto ttjeic latofull SDueene ? jfoc toljat intent fljould Cubiette0 tljep at anp time be Ceene ? Newes out of Powles tE&e? toant notljing;, no pleaCant lodge i of biandg ttjep abounde, Botl) fllienCon, Mint, and ftnett categ. almotte tljat map be Counde d)ep Doe eniop : pea, and Cue!) ttoje ajs true report dot!) Cape, %\ at (ratljer tftan tjepooje ffjoulde ijaat) tljep caft tljeir Cccapg atoape* #nd in good Cootb, tfieir toeltt) ig fuefj anli daintp face Co rpfe, ^fjat toojldlings toil not blame ttietr toit to leade fuel) captiue Ipfe* and fooleg tfjep toere it tbep tooulde not be perCecuted Co : #ea Come of tjjem Co Coje be ljurt tljat bjoade tljep rpde and go. W$zv txialfee and toalloto at tljetr to ill : tjjep Ijatofee and bunt pfeere flfllftfi fuel) ag baue tlje cljarge of tljem i tfjep quaffe and mafee good cljeere, fe>et Cocfe on ^oope, tott^ Ijoape tljat once, a dape ftjall pape fo? all : Sl^eane time tlje? toil not die ttjiouglj care no i from tbeir treafon fall* Bertulph, TO? Pawle (QUOtf) Bertulph) mere? tDt'll perljapg Co pierce tljetr I) art, $$tt t&ouglj tlje mercpe of t|e prince tfcep to ill to truetlj conuart* Churchyarde i£ap Bertulph, tpg fo farre rtjat tbep Pauk- tuft!) mercpe u)oulDe be toonne, Ubat taunting ttjep bjagp anD Cape bottnDe Dutie toill Ijaue Done £11 rtjat t'0 Done: anD (njtiiS) tfjep crafee tijat if tfje ^Dtteene bp latoe flDi conference coulDe tbem gpltie Dampne, u)e tooulDe not ftanDe in atoe %o fenD tfjem to rtjeir Doome i no? to rettrafne tljetr tongues fo loofe* Ct)U0 bleate tlje poptflj Balanites, tfjugf crea&es tbe ISlomitlje goofe* &nD tobat, ft)oulD mercte fjere be u)etoDe, o? can rije fame pjeuaile ? i^o no, a0 long as mercp 10, tbefr tongues fljall neuer quatle, jRo? bacte obDureD once relent: no? common (late be founDe* ifoc boto can gentle falue Doe poD o? cure ttjc fettceD toounDe ? ^oto can tije boDp be fn Ijealtb, * -,„, tbat io toltb Biles infect ? ' JoCtT*i flD? Cree fpjig; toell tljat Ijatf) DeaD fpjaies om* t&at fcnleffe pou Doe refect baue bene %\)t b?auncbeS of? (Ltllbat man fo maD wftainrt toill rtjetoe btmfelfe to bee, SSJi as ouffbt to bope fo? leaues o? fruite ^"iuiL to come from rotten TOe ? ftaiptee. ^oto Newes out of Powles ^oto can tbe ffate of C!)jtft W flock be fenced from decay : HXrilt&z tbe bt'gber potoers doe caft tbe (tumbling flocfeg atoap ? l^oto can tbe Hojd of trutb be pleafde, to^en fucb falCe ^opbetef liue ? l$oto to (II be like to Ijatte tbem kept b!0 Help 3Lambej3 to grieue ? &nd doubt tbe "^irauntg noto to Cap tbat time u)all come againe flfllljerein tbe bletted S>amt0 of od bp tbem ft) all fuffer pa ine ? jjjo no, tbep feare not to pjotett, tljat tobere tbep put to deatb bloudie beatteg and foule infected fetoine? But tbeCe be tbep foj tobom (no doubt) men Ccrape and Co purloine : jfoj tobome tbefe factor baue fucb care and paflmg great regard : jfoj tobom tbep potole tbe p^eac&erg true tbefe 9£onftens to retoard* &nd bate of tbeirg fo bapnoug f& tbeir rancor batb fucb fojce agatntt tbe (B^ofpell ot tbe Ho?de, tbat (bopde of all remote) Churchyarde TOep eft procure pluralities^ jfor tile DtfffutCeD Uack0* 'flEtjep fflaD ano top, to fee tfje Cfjurc& Cuttaine Cucb tootull lacfca. &nD tfjep aptne, a hefting; fojt, attpjeo in tfcepj kinoe : 2Doe creepe into Catfcet^all Celled* t^epi charge t^ep Ijaue affiffnOe, %M be OtCcfjarffDe per auters mains, tfjemCelueg toill hue at eafe, %\zy Cojce not to&at become of flocfe, Co tbe^flr Nummus CeaCe. cljoole0 : 0oi makers no ttocfcetf foi men oecapoe, no Bertuiph Co plapeg Cooler ©ut fcere pou map not take me Co an it J ofo oefaCe Qfllitljout reCpett, tljc good toitlj baOoe in eaclje Catljcoiall place. S^ucfc letTe tljat 3 dep^aueo fjaue all fl^eac&er* Co attpjoe Jn ^n'cttift) toeeoeg, a$ popelinotf toere, ano a0 tjepj ttate requpjOe* j|Jo : Caere ana Caere, be tfjftf Crom me, Coj toljp 31 fcnotoe rio;f)t toelU TOat in ttjeCe ^fettiu) toeeOesx t&ere are, Cull manp ttjat ercell. j£ape Newes out of Powles jJJape Bertuiph nape, tljen blame fjaue 3 tf Co my toojneg be meante : ifoj Come of ttjeCe attpjeo tljug, m peacefull totfe ace bent: anli fyatole not tottj) tljetr bjetfoen, tofjo nefflecte 01 cleane refufe : and tljerefoje great imiuftice t'toere, fuel) ^eacberg to accufe* aitfjoufff) 3 tow)e (that's* all 31 mape,) t&at ^eacberg mtgbt be fenotone from ^opiu; lacfeg in toeebeg ana too^bg a tljfng; confufed groVone* But jjutyt, 3Ile batte me to rtje ft)o?e : 3|le u)onne fuel) mounting; toaue& 3|le leaue tbte »»ea fo? to be ftoomme of ttpple tonjueO j]2aue& FINIS. The feauenth Satyr. Paule. -dOl^ fcarfeen Bertuiph to tlje enlie ^fX of ^ m ? P^ent tale - ^^ 31 am enfo^a mp aottns Boate to u)oje from courfe to bale, 'Qp&e time runnel on, tbe Dap 10 fpent, C&e ntffljt atoaptoarb pulley, 5lnH enbleu"e fcope of mp pretence, botone pjetted pallate bulled Churckyarde €) end leCTe potoje, (D toelCpjtnp;, tofjence all toiCedome toiCelp flotoeg : £D (Boli, to&ofe grace doett) guide tt)e good, in tobome all bountp grotoeg t %%ou fenotott tlje fjartg, $ Ceeff tlje rajneg pea, tjjintoarde tfjougrtjtgf or mzn 2Doe open Ipe before tfjp face: 'Eljou fenotoft fjoto, toljere and to&en Ccfj tfjtno; jjatfj, 10, o\ u)all be done 01 elCe commftted : tfjou ^atte pernte tetoe and ina^t pod toljtcl) toape mang fjart dot!) boto. tWou, t&ou, g|;Cap, Cole ®od"of mtgfjt, betjoldtt tlje tjactgf of men, flflltjat tfjep pretend, tojjat pll t&ep tooike: Co iuftlp iudp;e me tfjen, and u)ut tljp mere? from^m? Coule, if 0aundcou0p mp Ippg 2Doe ope at all : oj ft m#|tona;ue of tmfne pjeCumptfon Cfeppg Jfcom tljis to tljat, oj raflfenm moje tfjen tlje tcutlj dotfj fyge, flDj moje tfjen tfjat tftjoufffj ejtceame rase and fojee ofanfull Cuco/e 31 am conurainde tot'tlj drepe remoiCe and moaning: plaint to tell. flD, olj, Ijoto man? bjotfjell Batodes tottfjin tlje totone doe dtoell ? $oto Newes out of Powles ^oto manp filtbp Ccuobino; Ccototegf, beffurre tbeir croofeeo dumped ? jfo^ gaine, t$\ pine, oltie motber IB boto u)ee ttfll Ipmping lumpg, anb p^obbeg about toitb acfetoaroe pace tinto tier beattlp taunt ? ^otn Doe tbefe fubtile ffropning; S>otoe0 pooje Help ffirlea encbaunt, 5lno oft abet tbe louea CpouCe to ffart from butt) and bed ? ©ebolde 1 Cape, boto bp tbeCe Batodeg, are toomen captiue led and ample mapdeg tinto tbe Cpople* Bebolde anti fee tbeir trade, £>ee, fee, tobat toplp toinfeing u)ifte& bp cliffe tyotode beattg are made. flDf courCe and cuttome, common 3[nne$ tbep toatcb toitb toarfe epe Jt tbat at an? tpme tbep map (a0 oft tbep Do) efppe C&e countrep maided tbat come from far, a0 ftraunffer0 to tbe totone : dfllbome ttill tbe tErottes doe tittle fo, tbat ftcatffbt all u)ame lapde ootone* %tyy pelde t|e felueg m captiue queaneg, into fome toboji^ caue : QjQl^ere trotting Jade foj filtbpe pine dotb fyge tbem to beljaue ifull Churchyarde jfull foone tljemfelues fcfle (trumpet Ipfce to Ipue bp tol)0£iu)e trade: and ft)e fjtr felfe dotl) let tljem fojtfj tljat pine bp tljem be made. But (out alas) tlje Maidens mindes and comming; toas tobtaine £>ome feruice totjere to Cpetto ttjeir times as feruaunts to remaine. flD ardent fo^ce of flaming: Gnne. flD rap, flD riot, flD Cfjat euer fuel) ffjould be fuftainde oj once on pounde fyould pe ? Beljolde befjoloe Ijoto pod mens topueS 3|nueg;led are bp tljem ? Betjold Ijotoe feruaunts t&ep fuppo^t ? Be^olde Ijoto ttjep doe fresh and Ijooke to tljem tijjoufftj crooked guile and fcndereating craft, (Breat ftoje of 'ftrute ? Beljolde 3 fap tjoto often is beraft Bp tljem alas tlje fruitfull toife, of tier mofte louing mate : and lufbano bearing Ijoneff pojt, of toife in tljat fame rate. Beljolde alfo tjoto Ijoneft Slides and feruaunts tjjep entpce %o toljojedome, tljeft, and filcfjing; bp tljeir diuiliu) bile deufce. (34* But Newes out of Powles But tofcer are tfjeCe \ fjoto u)ould toe tmoto tobere fuclj letode StolCelS lodge ? ftllbete is tljeir baunt, $ tobere are tfjep accuffomde tbus to dodge ? Iftounde, round about tbe Cftie toalles. flfllitbin and efee toitljout. %ty alleys, llanes, pea open ffreates, and placed all about &re noto replenifljt toitb Cue!) ttuffe, and nltbp broken toare* and (too begone) tbe £>fticers thereof Doe take no care* ifoj it* tbep Dili, boto durtt tbe 2Djab0 and Callets be Co bolde #S limpe about in latoleCCe times o\ take into tbep? bolde gong fillocfe Uplles, and batodie gacfes at inconuenient tides : and ttill retaine toi ftojetoare Come toitbin tbeir bouCe befydes ? !£oto durtf tbe 2DungbiiS daunce about toitb blintie bagaries Co, 3nd toitb cioCe colours leade tfyeir trulls to I) ere tbat t&ep lift to go ? Bebold, bebold, bote camopCed queane and craftie crooked crib 2Dotf) tmdet bile and letode pretence, (moft like a Cuttle gib) Churchyarde ^etende to place in Ceruice (till pong: mapdeng bece and tbere. and maidens tjauing recuse Cucb, beboloe Ijoto ttiep ne feare* %o pilfer, file!), ana to purlopne from S^aitter and from 3Dame, and in rtje ende to 51'ue tfje aip and fecue no moje tlje Came, flfllbicl) all dotl) Cp^ing; from toimpled B: and olde deceitfull Batode, and boto to tier tlje gainc dotl) rife, tobicb u)ce bp tbeft Co djatode Beddes reuenues of tlje tatle, and fo^ceine filched good : Bebolde boto tbuS Ipke caccein Ccoto, ftjee liueS bp filtbp foode. Sin odjer fojte of tbem aouert fome olde, Come pong; pfeece, TOat toalke about to itb Bjul&e*, pingf, to itb tEape and ot&et g;eece* But toell, atl) tbat tje camped be topde, toljecein as noto 3 toalck: 3 leaue tbem bete, entending; once, at large tberein to (talck and Ccuer places bp tbemCelues, toitl) ttples and patting; (takes • J3nd as 31 can, to mp pooje Ckill, ceCcind tlje nopConie brakes* Newes out of Powles 5fO£ treating noto of poking; 25at»oe0, ano filtfjie ^antoerg, 3! i?aue caufe ttjccetn full man? fucb tile pectong to oefcrie. jfO| tobP ttje ljuCtiano noto i$ pjeft, to put tjt'0 toife fo^ ffatne flflnto Ijtr cboife to be an toljoje, o^ fjonett (till remain*. 8no fo it 10 : elfe Ijoto couloe tljep tlju0 Crumpet like attpje Sinn fet tbem out ? tpg too too true, tljep let ttjeir \sm& to bire* <3D great ercelfe, fjoto long coulD 31 retatne pour earetf herein, 3f 31 but bjiefelp tyouloe tiifcourfe ? (§5>o great a fcope batb dnne*) But a# 31 fap&e, fo tyall it be: 31 leaue it to mp pen, fcflljjicl) (graunting C5oo) hereafter u)all at large Dilate it: toljen Botb time u)all peeioe Ijir felfe thereto ano mintie (a# onelp bent Upon tlje fame) u)all beate at full, toitlj perfite true intent* St^eane time, toitb one tfjing moje, 1 enoe tobicb (tttij tbe Hap i* paft) 31le compjeljenO in bn'efeft toojoeg : ano tbte fltjall be tje lau\ ftaibereag Churchyarde flflifoeceag before, of booking Batodeg mp former tale toag tolde, flDf j^okerss liketoife noto to tell Softer*. m? JBen (fall be Co bolde. jfoj to&p, tljeir deeded tie Damnable i and tie? in number Co 2Doe (till increafe, tljat da? bp da? b? tfiem deceptg doe gcoto 31 n fuel) aboundance, tljat (alag) 31 feace, 31 fcaw a# note, &ll d^ead of plagued cleane fet apart, to fraude meng minder doe boto : feequettced cleane from C&oOlp loue, and fo from d5odl? feace, Cljat ricl) to poo?e, tofjere gafne dotb Ipe, toill raufne nought fo^beare. •and (out alas) totjere Ijeretofo^e, (p^ickt fojttj b? tljtrft of pine) (Lfllftljin tfje Wane, of 35?oker£, tlje? did tljirtie fuel) ojdaine, ®l tljereabouttf, ft)?eto0e toplpe St^atetf and toittie toincking; Colts? (aitljoug;!) in toifedome fuce 31 t&ink, ttjep tyotode tljem felues but doltsf) Co bfe tlje trade of booking, and difcreetlp Co tlje fame, Cljat it tlje too^lde fljould tetoe ttje £(t, t&e? miffljt be foopde of blame : at|> falne out CLtyms fwc|? ottjer ma&e. • eg can get no Jittonep of loane, are glatt to ta&e toare0 thereof JKoneE mape 6e rn8&e» Newes out of Powles flfll&ereagi (31 fa?) of late tfjtg act Decreed toag foj intent, ^at Bjofetng: traoe migljt p^attijo be bp mm fo to ell pbent, 'Efjat reafon ruling: ttjem tljecein, (tfjoufff) C5oti2i toojoe Hot^b fojbi'o, #no cleane conOemne all loane foj pine) tljeit fact migljt fo Ipe Ijitn il^oto noto alajs, (<© anfull fact) tlje S^agrtftcatesf, herein, j£ot fo content foj to oifpence toft!) fuel) an fjapnous anne, 2Doe altogit&er cleane neglect bp tljem fuel) ojoer made : Qflifjerebp Vxi^ole fjunojeogJ noto Doe Hue bp beattlp bjo&ina; trace* £nO in fuct fo?t ooe tljep oemeane tljemfelueg, ano fo oeuife, ^Ijat Ijojrible tt 10 to tell Vol)tcl) toap tljeir game ootlj rife, (Due gentlemen in ttiefe our oapeg (a0 footljly goe0 report) 3|n time of neeDe, to S^arcljantmen ace tooonteo to refo^t *£no take of loane fuel) toareg, ag tfjep beftlikeof: pc'elDing tljeare 'flEfjemfelueg to banoeg, anu fucaunce gooo to pape foj all tlje toare, Churchyarde (lfllfcict) top tbep baue toitb tljirafnff bope once tafeen to tficCr banoeg, f y b tiItl 7 of jfo toare, fcant balfe map tbep obtaine tJ , e ^ at , foj to oifcbarfje tbeir bandeg : cjmum and fo perforce conffrained are *>w *<«* to Cue fo; blotters apde, 2 * ia }5p tofjom tbep tfjfnke to Caue tbemfelue* i |JJL" JJ and fo tbe goodeg are lapde anB t^'ai. 3In bjofeerg bandes : toljo pantile rtjem fo for tfuric fo bandfomlp 3| trotoe, Cbat all tbe pine tbat map be bad, dotb to tbe potter grotoe* ifoj (at x\z leatt) one part tbereof be lucpes tmto fjts u)are : &nd pet tnto tbe gentleman be peeldetlj fo; bte toare $erbapg mucbe mo;e tben be bimfelfe coulde baue obtainde tljenfojc. i$e nfcfeg bint, and bettdeg be tafees a crotone in earie fcoje jfo; papment of bte pameg tberein. ii) erecrable crime ? aaiere euer feene fucb fubtile u)tft$ in anp former time, 2i& are in tjjte our pjefent age ? tobat u)ould 31 tbinke tberein ? ij5o doubt, no Doubt, tbat men as noto Hoe fnojtina; Ueepe in Cnne* Okffij. ^fjt Newes out of Powles %\)Z Lethargie 0^ tOttlt fUC|) pll dotf) rifelp raiffite abroad* ^fcep are dotone pjetf to* monffrou0 (In0 and pet fuffafne tlje loade* flfilljat craft 10 copned dap bp Hap ? tofjat fraude af frtti) (0 founde ? MJljat neto deutTe and ftraunp decepte dotlj m tfite age abounde ? 31 feare, 1 feare, true dealing: noto derpded 10 toltl) men. 31 feare me tfjep doe p^actife tfaftf) ana 'Crutf) but noto and tljen* But (a0 bnto mp former tale.) 310 tW tlje toojft tfjep tote ? aaitll 2S*ofcer tfe tfite onelp tljeft and ot^er fraude refufe ? £0 no, tlje barlet foengeablpe can copne mo^e nopfome djtft0 : % tiatlj ljt'0 bouffet fraught tottf) fraude, and jForte fenauiu) u)tft0. fallen fcape0 t!je dettoj, itpt doe t^jee part0 ttjereofobtatne* j£ap, oftenttme0 i)k0 glad to take one onelp part apfne. gut broker toljen Ije Ijatlj tlje podetf, at lapfure Id ill repap %$z fame bp piecemeale » and perfjap0 foj all lji'0 foule delap, Churchyarde W$z detter tyall be orlati to take on quarter of tbe fame* 3JC tljte be toell, (ag true ft fa) tljen nothing's out of frame : and all map be rfgljt toell forborne, as ft tiatt) bene full long* But Ijapt tlje fame to apagfffratejs, tljep toould red^etfe tlje to^ong, and not fet Iffftjt bp fuclje decept : no? tomcfefno;, let ft Ipe. ^ao tljep futl) loCCe, tljep toould 3 fape red?effe full foone efppe. 2Sut tofjo cares ougljt, fo same be Ijad, and toares be made atoap ? ome of tbem (IjeVue a papje of Ijeeles : tlje l&afeetjells topll be gone. 'Cbeple runne atoap toftlj goodes and all, ttjougtj Ipfe Ipe ttjerbpon. and Newes out of Powles &nd dotibtleCCe, manp of tljem doe Co p^actije noto a dapeg, ^at tfjep come bp and rife to toeltb, bp Cuclj bngodlp toapeg, fe>ome of rtjem bfe fuel) pjiuie (Jnftg, and fuel) clofe coucfjeo topleg, C&at tbep come tip and beace poll pojt and onlp hue bp ffuplejsL &nd ottjer fome fo Uautflje be and cuttfooate cullion leefee, 'Cljat toben tbep baue a bootie ffote, tbeple uretabtfaape g;tue tbe gleekc, £nd pack atoap* &#, noto and rtjen (0 bjouffbt into tfjeir bandeg a Cbaine of (Eolde, a tablet o* fome bracelet golden bandess 25p (Gentlemen to lap to patone ifoj Nummus toljen tbep neede : anit)icb,tobe tbe? baue once m tbeir bandg, tljeple pack atoap toitb fpeede. 3 tell pou Bertuiph, on mp faptb, if 31 u)ould noto dilate Wqz bile deceite of Bjokec^ and fo fet to beto tbeir ttate, gou fcantlp could abide to beer't, fo bojrible it i0* But rtjug toe mull conddet ont, and fo 3 ende toitb tjjfo W)tvt Churchyarde ttllljere rtjat tlje ftate corrupted ia bp tfcem tljat beare tlje ftoape, %tyu meaner people Voill peruert anli b?fnff it to decape. 31 1 ^atettcate tioe totnne toitt) fraude, tlje commons toill tlje Came. Jf apagiftrate mutt toinck foj feace, tfcen all peg out of frame, and Co 31 ende till time renue tljta tale of mine begonne. 31 tell pou truetlj, tljere rettetlj pet muci) mo^e ere it be bone. But tjere pou Ijaue tonto mp tjett, declared (a0 31 can) ^oto Nummus to atoa^teti foj bp mofte men not» and tljan : and tjoto ttje fame itf put to tofe moft toicked noto a Uape0 i and ijoto it i0 bp men abuftie in spending; manp toapes. gou eke Ijaue Ijearoe erpjetted fcere, "" Ijoto often time0 it te ifo? tjoojde kept clofe ano cofferd top. 31 Ijaue U elated tljfsJ. j£oto retted tljat 31 doe declare Ijoto tee tjatjj farmed mee. But tfjia (agf 31 intende)Jerea5 tej fljal I dilated bee: ifoj Newes out of Powles jFoj (tioubtletTe) fjerefn tiotfj condft a tln'ng importing: toapte, Co w)eto Ijoto Nummus uott) tieceiue by fe>atfjang Cubtile deigjjt* &n& at&e 31 Doe entente at large of t$te ((Bon gcaunting pace) Co tou'te tjereaf ter, noto 31 enne i ann (toitt) erecteti face) (Ento mp (0oti peat tfjanfeeg 31 peeltie, tfjat Co fcatt) beene fcig to ill Co guiDe mp tongue tije tfjing to Cpeafee toljerein Ooti) reft Cttclj ill. £no p^ape toe ijartilp tjnto tint to mitigate ttje paine ana plague toljiri) fin out monttroug Ipfe ag Due ootl) noto remaine* Amen. The Churchyarde The.viii.and laft Satyr. The Author. T^ouu!) Mufe ijaue made %i# finall end, 1 and ^enne tjaue runne tjte race, get carefull cuttome caufetb me to toaile tlje toant of grace. #nd quaking: quill renetoed tlje plaint tljat lurches in penftuc bicatt Commirt toitb cared tfcat aoto from bead full fraught toftb great tnreft* TOe time backe beated mine idle bjaine tbat labour ginned to leaue : •and rage of Cnne returned tlje gciefe mp Clent patofe to reaue* I^oVd u)all 1 fafelp feeke tlje tyoare ? ^oto map 3 u)un tlje fead, flttntill tfcat Triton bloto retreate and mounting \oauc appead ? t£be datoning dap dotlj keepe aloofe, and Hoaded man loCetb apme i %\\t rpflle rock dotlj Ipe in toapte mp beaten backe to matme. and pet totjen dape u)all once difcrpe tfce daunger of tbe furge, W&ixi u)all mp puppe due courfe obferue and glide tljjougl) crooked gurge. 9£eane Newes out of Powles !3t£eane time betoff toitb peat tutmople, anli tempettg bitter aatoe, 31 le feeepe mp felfe amio tlje ftreame : ano pet a tofjile toitbt^aloe 9$p $en from po^t of quiet patofe* ifo?. time tiottj fytje me fo : Clje time alag infect toiti) dnne. gea time therein ootb cjroto TOe rage of Cnne ano rpotg fojce, tlje raumping; £>erpem# guile, flfliitb all Decept tljat mape be founOe t pea anne almott to tile Co be erpjett oj Cet to foetoe. But fuel is* »>atban0 fojee: feucl) ace tbe bactg of feanquifyt tj^alleg, cleatte fruttrate of remote* Call call to minoe pou careleffe cretoe : iap cuftome noto a Coe : &no let pout faptlj toitt) faitjjlelfe fruiter fjerein a wtyh be trioe. Confirme tlje Ipfe tljat pou ooe leaoe £na ratine rije fame. o c&arftie excluded 10 : and loue 10 kept aloofe. and rigbt 10 tojonged ttjjougtj retoarde, 30 falletlj (till in pjoofe : &nd Qftferie about t|je lEotone 10 maintaind a0 a trade: &nd equitie to eafe tlje tojong, in matter0 dare0 not toade* ©ut Newes out of Powles 3ut toell, tfje finite u)all not be bid noj clofeed from tfje beto* 31 tefll emplane tfje pjactiCe bere in too^deef tljat doe enCeto. tTftc Comiojaunt tbat coucfjetlj bp and cramjs bte canfeerd bagtf, 2Dotb gtue to fjoojd Tjtsf gotten copne : and botote tfje toftme be lagg* Co Blotter dotb be bende W courfe : oj ijapplp bnto f)tm Ctje Bjofcer banned and toeaneg a mate foj pucpoCe beep trim. and ttoene tbem ttoo ate crafted conuepd and for? falu)ode tojougbt. Ctoene tbem ace tcapg Co framed, tfjat tbecebp t0 Nummus caugbt. €> 45od, toljat game dotb guilefull gnuffe bp loane of Nummus raife ? i£oto dotb be nicfe tfje debtee noto bp bault exacting toapes ? Cen potondeg in bundled, noting; tg. and ttoentte is but fmall. ifoj balfe in balfe full oftentimes in loane among: dotb fall* £ fielp man tonftcatnd of late to bojotoe lo\ !ji0 neede, l&epaird bnto a 9£atcbant man to bojoVoe on bte deede Churchyarde %%t apaccljant (as* ft te of courCe) l)ati 9£onep none to lenoe: But toareg fje p^ofero toillfnglp. ano 2Dettoj fn tlje enoe Cfje fame became : ant) toofce to loane a0 mucf) as oio amount %o tljtrtp pounoeg of cucrant copne bp SB^arcfiantmans account. flfllfH'c!) toareg fo taken tip to loane, to Bjofeer are tjjep bjoutrtit: ^jje B^ofeec to tlje 9£arctjaunt te (of toljome tfje fame toece bcuffijt) jfull falfelp Dotf) returne tfjem (trefgljt : toljo nolo ttoffe ppneg tfcecebp : jfoj fp#e fje fouloe anU noto eftfoone0 tlje fame appne toott) bupe. »»o t&at to I) en tW ouc Help foule u)oulo rapfe thereof tlje fumme : 8boue tlje pjt'ce of ttoentp pounce, tlje cceOt't toill not come. ipoj ten fn tfctctp could tooucljfafe, tlje Creoftoj to Ijaue jfoj recompence fn flSfutie. £> careleffe canfeecD flaue, flD catotp cuttfooate, cullton, to?etcl>, ID Caterppllens JFeere, 3D mt'ferable Slpuctljerec, CanS tljou abpoe rlji<3 geare ? Newes out of Powles f W$z time f# noto at Ijanbe toljetein tljou (traig;ljt account u)alt mafee : fallijerin tljou u)alt ^ell fire gain foj ptne tljat tljou oioft take, ljall tttfe conoempne to Limboe pit ano fcaldinff lake confuCOe. %ii. FINIS. The AuElhor vpon the Booke, intbe Defence of t&e rjouerne* mentoft&eCitie, T323o fortes of men tepaite to mo tins 93oo6e. t£pe one to carpe anb cauell at mg tooruea i %t>t otper tprougp belggpt, tpereon ttotp loo&e i 3nb teaHing it, true iubgement toell aforuea. fi^e beemetp Qraigpt (topen paplg 31 reptoue) ®pat mine intent is toices to remoue. 9Sut notoe, tappeafe anb fatiffie tpe minbe 3Df fucp ae ral&lg tonne toitp open moutp 3t mg reproof e ropicp often pere tpeg rmoe, 3f tpu0 mucp fag to tpem in mg bepoue. 31 meane, S toucp, 31 quip no priuate man JFor pate, ne fpite ffnce firft mg toor&e began, JJ9or jet tioo 3( (toitp cbglDitb rage ftirn top) £>ee&e to Deface a toortpg commmon ftate 3Df fucp as felbome totin&e of (Mull &t in tpe t£otone are biuew forte0 of men 3Sg topome tpe toertuouo are fupportetJ ftgU i JHHitp tobome tpe toic&eb mag at no tgme Men ^tpeir nogfome brift0, nor toorft tbe tping that0 gll 93g topome tpe poore aim neebie are fuftainne : 3no e&e roup topom true scale patip ftgl rcmainbr. 31 meane botp 31ubge, ©bifftion, Hatoger ant ®be JBlarcbaunt (tobom euen all 31 muft commenb) aKHitp otber elfe tobicb in mg 93oo&e no ftanbe. 31 fag, of tpem tpere be topome to befenbe 31 neebe not pere. ^peir Igue0 auogbe tpe blame, 3nb tbrougb cooT) Igfe, tpeg togn immortal! fame. FINIS. Gentle Reader ', for the fi Hinge vp of emptie pages, this letter written by the Author to his friende lying at the point of death is inferted. Ir, howe and in what wife euerp man njoulde beace jjim felfe totoarde fjia friende in time of Ijealtlj, in time of p^o= fpecitie and ftrengtlje, mofte men fenotoe: pea,fuclje i£ tlje tmtcufte tfcat 10 in man, moe men canfpeafeeplauCblp in time of pod Ijappe, ass toe tecme it, tljen in timeofafene0itioget)pjiffljtl^0la0,intime ofQckne(Ceanoina£Caulte0ofDeatlj(tol)erin tlje iiodpc ig not mo?e gceuouap opp?e(feo tljen tlje minde diuerflp diffracted and tlje Coule migljtelpe affaulted) tjoto fetoe doe conQdec, oj at tlje leafttoife, do applp tfcem Celueo to tlje relief of tlje pooje afflicted foule, totbeftcenfftljninffofttjefeeblempnde^and to tlje repelling of tljofe bptter temptations and affaultefoftlje common enemies* of man feinde, tlje olde £s>erpente, tlje toaine, toicfeed and tmconftant toojlde, and tlje fraile, per^ uerfe and rebellious llcfl; toljictj altoaycs doe attend and attempt tlje Qcfcc enfeebled *Uii. and A letter vnto his friende and opp^effeb pecfon? £>urelp,toereitnot tljat(£ob in time of Cuc&e ertremitpebotlje migljtelie comfojte anti confirme Cuclje agf be Ijia in tlje p^omifetf of t)i2f mercpe,in tlje deatboflji0deare31eCu0,anbintl)emerpte9; ofljte paflion: it is not pofltble but t&ataclu neg fyoulbe be intolerable, beatl) Ijojrpble, !£el toicto^ioug, tlje bobpe liuing;, to be a ter- rour to tlje mpnbe, anb tije mpnbe Co tercift= eb anb b^outrljt to befperation,to be tlje per petualbampnatiounoftfjebobpeanbfoule* flfllljiclj tljincrconabereb, anb from mpbe= rpebarteremembjeb,31cannotct)ooCebuttn ttjig bleCCeb battaile, anb 3! trutte (tljouglje Cometoljat ujarpe anb eccre) pet moft Ijappp comtpctetoljecbnto(a0 a feliotoe CoulDper, anb abopteb bjottjer) pou are calleb fojpour trpall, 31 cannot cljoofel fape,but,to tlje in* creafe of pour courage, enbeuoure to mafee plainefontopouinall tljat3imape,ttje fruit of affliction anb tlje commobitpe of beatlj : imparting; to itlj pou Cucljetoeapontf a# fo? mine otone Ctoje, tlje Hojbe our Captaine Ijatlje alloteb tmto me, to tlje enbe, tljat be* ing conuenientlp appopnteb, pou map reCft anb auopbe at all affape£,anb become bolbe, toaliaunt, conftant anb perfeuerable to tlje beatlj.^oucbtnfftoljtc^beatbjnottoitbttan-- bing; lying at the point of death. ding it be greeuoug to tlje fraile fleu), pet fef it mofte iopfullpe to be recepueo ag an tin= doubted endeofallgciefe,fortoljp? it igttje beginning of 3|ope and perpetualltrpumph. tob,eretopon a certaine godlp mantorptetl). If thou haddeft a good confcience, thou wol- deft not flye death. And againe, why hafte thou pleafure in that wretched body, whofe felowfhippe doth nothing els but violentlye withdrawe and deteine thee from the king- cOme of euerlafting glorie? flD COtlfen: toljat elfe but a place of erileitftlje miserable bodie to tlje fe>oule ? #nd to tofjat tljingeelfe mape tfcig our Ipfe more aptlpe be compared, tljen to an tjojODate or ttage playe toljere men Do affemble to beljoulde fondrpe feateo, anti totjere euerpe man laboured) inalltljat Ije mape, to toinne praife, promotion and au* tljoritpeafterttjeendeoftjitftragicallpart: (Bod onelpe 10 permanent immortall t euer laftinge : ail tbjngg elfe are trandtorpe and Cubiecte to corruption. W&zy be conftituted corruptible and mortall, and mutt be confu= medoftime,anOl)auetlSetrende0bpcorrup'- tion. %ty fe»unne fljall patte, for it toa0 made but for man0uTe^ljeapoone,andtlje ftarreg u)all penu), for ttjep toere created but for rljc neceffitpe of man. ^eauen and l&.iifN earth. A letter vnto his friende eartb u)all Decade, foi tljep conteine but a plate of ertleanb pnTonfo^ t^e faotipof man: pea, tlje bodp of man alfo ftjall periu), foj it 10 but a0 an enemp to erercpfe tbe Coule, and to make it apte to appjebend bp faptb, tbe Jopegofljeauen and crotone of immo?= talptie. 9£otte cectameOI Cape)iti0 tfjattbe fraplebodpujalberefolued to eartbe,ttbere ftjall Oeepe till tbe foule returne bnto it, and tpll tlje members be refto^ed to tbeir riffbt place0*afllb^^fo?e,atbe eartb and co^rupti- on t'0 rtjeende of tbe bodpe: pea, tbe end of all t\tin%$ tbat toece made $ created, and tbat tbeCameendeoftbebodpei0 tbe beginning of Ipfe, toinje fo? deatb, toiuje fo^ a peacea-- bledepatture,and finding tbe fame,imb2ace it:fapinffinpourbart:Come3Lojd,comeJe* Oi0, make b aft e and tarpnot: ComeHo^de tbatl mapebeonetoitb tbeeandcoljep^eof tlje kingdome purcljafed toitb tbp p?eciou0 bloud, 9Deere Cofen and beloued in tbe ILojde, lette not longe flckeneffe difcourage pou, neptber be pou in anptoife pecplered o) greeueo toitb tlje lotoeftate and conftitutio of pour bodp : and in anb aboue all tbinge0, letnotbpndjaunceintoo^ldlp affapjes bif- qupetpotu 80poubauebegonne,fofurtber tbe toill of tbe %oiu, anb be reabp to receiue tobat* lying at the poynte of death. toljatfoeuecljetoUapbpopou.jFojtljeffres teGUfflictiontmiCerpttjatmanmapo^dotb fuffer in tfjig Ipfe, i& not toojrtjie ttje leaffe of ttjofe treafureS toljicb (Bod toill beffotoe fcpon ljun in ttje Ipfe to come, to&icf) igdura* ble, permanent, glojfousJ % altotjitljer fullof bleffednetf.andatCurepourfelfeCfojCoCftoO jjatlj pjomifed, ana topll not tjoe one iote from W too^de) tfjat Ije topll lape no moje bpon pou, tljen bp l)te ff^ce and ttcengtlje pou u)albe able to beare, alttoucjfje tjefeeme fometoljat tyarplpto correct pou, ano Corner tobatfeuerelptodealetoitljpou: fortofioig IjefcujometljellojOe rfjattenetl) not ? £>ure- Ip, furelp,to^ome^elouet^,tjefameliotl)e fcect)atten,tin&imi0bedelitjf)teda0tl)efa* t^erin^i0Con,offerinti^imCelftjntol)ima3 atiiere father to t)t0Conne: tol)erea0 if toere- fufecfjaapcement,toearenoConne0,butba: ttarO0,and not inljeritablebpanpriejljtJo: fephtoa^ afflicted and delpuered bp p'Hojd. Dauidtoa0 cljaftifcd, and ije acknowledged tlje Hojde and founde reliefe in tjig £>oule. Tobias toas corrected, and Ije foundefcealtlj* lobtoa0 trped i toaamade perfect, Ifllljat ft)oulde 31 Cap, euen allrije iappoftle0, all tfje ^opfjetg : pea, and all t^e good men tljat z- uet toere, tjaue bine trped bp affliction, cljos fen A letter vnto his friende fen tip perfecuto, ano crotoned bp patience, abpdinge tfje topll and pleasure of G5od. (lailjerefo^e, tie (Irons; in tjbe ilo^O, * deare of luminpourbartp'bigtoillmapbetojouffbt in pott, * ttjat pou map toitb a glad tjart re-- cepue toljatfoeuer fcig S^aieftp u)al tap fcpon pou.aiCCurepourfelfe tljat tljtgpour p^efent tfcfcneg is either fo?puniu)ment of anne,foj erercifeof poucfaitb,o? to p e Oeatb.#nd tljer- fo?e,ifitbefojpunt(^ment,t)efeect)et)imto ffiuepou patience and attucepourfelfebpon repentaunce, to tjaue free * full remifitton in C^ia^fitbefojtcpalljffiuetjimtfjan^:! tfitbetotbeOeat|,reioifeinit,nt)inkeitte p e gxeatett gifttfcat euer be gaue pou in ttjfgf toojld, being dje foerp paffap to tfje fjeauen-- lpeand&ng;elicalH9aradice*£nO pjap euen from tbe bottom of pour tjart, tljat nepttjer tbe Ioue of ttje toojlde, noj ttje feare of tbe fame Deatt), map dittracte pou from tt)e tie* Ore of it* 23e not carefutl to leaue pour feinf* folcfceg, friends, ano acquaintaunce, let it not greeue pou to part from pour podg, no\ fjaue anp loue depending; fcpon anp earttjlp tbinge totratfoeuer. 21$ foj pour tunffolfcetf ano toojltilp friendeg, at pour (Braue ttjep toil leaue pou, and toitjjin a tobile after fo^ get pou : ano fyo^tlpe after tljat, u)all Ope tbem= lying at the poynte of death. t&emCelue0,anObefo?a;ottentl)emCelue0al= Co. gour poD0 toilbefatontno; bponortjee men, affoonea0tbebjeart)u)albeoutof pour boop: ano eutn ag tljep CerueO pou, Co arc rtjep reaope to ferue an otter, ano perhaps to t)te peroition, tottfjout ttje Cpectall grace oftBoo.'&o concluOe,ltft tip pour l>arte,tcal toa;etl)erpourtott0,tol)tcl) areoiCperCeo ano HfuerCelp affected to tbfncjtf tofjlcb arc CO?* rupttble, ano fall not from (Boo, foj tln'ngtf tbat arc CooeceptfullanOiiaine. Si battafle muft be, no quettlon : &o triumplje te obtet-- neO tot'tljoutfpa;bte,neptl)er anp (Earlanoe fflucn, but to l)lm tfjat manfullp ff anOetfc in tljeK,o?Oe. 3lf anp Co^roto be found in Oeatb, ft arfCetb but of our oxone infpjme oj DeCpe* ratefcarc 1 fo^Ocatb itf but a Ctopftc apcjtjte ojpaffaffc of tfcefoule fro ttje corruptible bo- opc,ratbertobc Ocfj^eOtljento be aeO from of men. (E»oO (0 tberetoaroer of tbt'0 conaict, $ beauen 10 tlje eternal tttpeno. (Ifllljccefoje, let ttjeCe gifted p^ouofee pou to etteeme tty$ battailetbeUe;t)ter:forcl)^erefullpu)allpou paffeaftecoeatt),lntop e pleafantCampecJof ijeauc,tot)tc!) place itf conuentent fortbofe f ljaueminoeDbeauIlptljtnQtf. ^be faints* of jeaue toll recctuepou ag a fcfenoip copanlo oftbelr0fntop e pojtalle0ofcleeren"e!S,tober- ajaf A letter vnto his friende ass pou u)all fintie toerpe glojtoug abpoma;* W&\\# ftjall pou (at tlje latt) come fro gree-- uougcaregano from large contmuingtrou-- blegmtoa peccable reft ano manaon of qui-- ctneg* 3Intf)e ^araoiCe aboue o\lite place of pleasure among tljeoeparteti)©>atnt0,u;al be pour conttnuaunce, tjauing; all tlje ljea= uen£ at pour pleasure* &celefttallfono;totl= iiefottereoattfjoCerecreationMnofoftoete melooieg a# are able to moouetlje &tarreg, Mlitl)tbe»>amt0,31fap,oeparteo^enceu)al pou lpue,ano tottlj ttjem ujall pou ratgne tn teauentottbpour^eoumer: fomuclj glojfe hereafter u)all pou Ijaue, ano fo muclje tiea- uenlpeljonour* aaifiat fyouloe 1 fape ? In tljat place (0 eterttall pleafure, ano a Ipte replem'u)eOtDitbperpetuallfelicptte:pea,tn tl) at place ft)alltl)e glo^e of tlje C&ooljeao be reuealeofontopou,anottenetottl)pourberp epe0: mzn tolttj tljofe pour epetf of fteuje, toln'cl) from tlje founoationtf of tlje too^toe tatbebmeljtoOeTrommankinoemtbtWtf mojtalttpe. jFpnallpe, tljere tyallpoutoapte tpon tljellambe, pourfeaufour lefu0,toljo furelpe louegf pou ano reiopfetfj tljat ^efjat^ faueOpou*d5ooDCoufen,a(Curepourfelftf)at tntl)t0 bleffeb place pou mutte neeOetf bee* &no ttjat a0 furelp a# pour »>aufoure IpueD I) ere lying at the poynte of death. tjere fcpon tlje eartt), Co furelp pou mutt ann u)all raiffne toitl) ijim fit ttje tjeaueng. jfoj t|erei0ljee,tl)erei0tl)at£>auiQurpourl)eao toljo can not noi toill notbe Ceparateo from anp of iji'0 members. 2L& toi tlje toefffljt of fe>pnne,ljotDe tieaupe, Ijotoe ijapnoutf, Ijotoe Ijuije anti burtljenfome foeuer it be, catte it all fcpon Ijim, fo\ tljerefoje Ije topeo, and not fo? fmall ttnneg onelp, but fo; all tie anneg tljatmankinoeljatl) committeo,oott) n u)al committe from tlje begpnninge of tlje tooUoe to t$e enoe of tlje fame. 3)t igf Ijte onelpe ano greate glojpe to be a £>auiouc*ianDfo£tf)atcauCei0l)eafcenoeoto tlje Ijeaueng in ouc tteu), ano toill in no toife oecepuetljofepoojefeelponegijponttieeartl) tljat cling fontoljfmfo^elpe ano faluatiom ano tofjere ag (fjaplp) pou map feare, be* caufeof tljetoeafceneg ofpourfaptlj, toljiclj notoe in pour ertreame anti latte bat- taple) if fo to be tlje 3Lojoe Ijaue appopntco ittntopou) i0oiuerapeattapletiano affauU teo:Beofe:ooDcomfo?teantiplucbei)ppour courage, fortljat meefce £>attiour topll not cattepouof:no,l)etoillnotcatteofl)i0feelpe creature rtjouslj Ije be liable to touclje but tlje Ijemme of Ijfg fcetture. It ftf touloe bg in tlje facreo fcripturetf tljat Ije toill not quenclje A letter vnto his friend, quentfje tjje fmofeincj aare m\ bjeafee tfje b2uifeDEteo.£>,l)ei0 gentle, stotllmafce all perfect tljat mt^epoojefoule of maigftjnpet:-- feet, i?e tmotoetf) ano Ijatl) felt t o tot) arc e a tln'ngittgfojpoo^eman^ottantiebponljte leg:0,tol)cn!)et)atjtotiealetDit!)t5oCefl:ftoa s Ipanorjljaftlpenimfeg: »>atf)an, tfjetoojlo, anDtjjeaefytbuteCpeciallpintlje&ffonpeof neatt)* i3Dpoto to ell acquaiuteo, ijs Ije toitt) tljofe conflicts? jFearenot,Cotofe,feare not: 3|f pour fait!) be but as* agraineof 9putfertu Ceetje,pouu)albefaueo* 'Efiat&auiour fjatl) fafd it,£no ag f o i tl ofe toounog anU Cfcarreg tljattfjeCeblouopenemiegljauemaoeojfljal make in pour feeble Coule, tfcat tjeauenlp Sa- maritane u)all binoe tfjem bp againe, ano u)allCupple tfjem toitt) people of fjf* grace, fo tfjattljep fyallnotljinoer pou atotjit^e tofll in no toiCe ofCoapnepou, no: alt&ouglj pou toere ajs fotole a0 a ieaper* Jfoj toljat are tfiep butfin<3? totjat aret&epGI ^P) but fotoleanMottjComeannegtfjatljigpjeciougf blouo tjatl) toau)eo ano u)alltoau) atoap in manfcinbe,fo lonp agmanltinoefljallbaue place ano abpoincj in rtje tabernacle of an-- fulfleu)? ^e fcnotoetl), pea, te fenotoetb ana tljattf)£OUfftlP>to!)atpoojemani0$tobere= of IjetemaDe* ano agljefcnotoetl) l)im,fol)e pittietf) lying at the poynte of death. ptttied) fjfm, and thereof fjatf) juuen fctm a a fuce and euerlaftino; 'Eettimonp : ifoj Ije tatl) Upctitoj I)tm: Ije tjatt) 0ped,(3l fape)foj man, t|at man mtffljt Uue toitl) t)im fojeuec befaued.3|nt)imtt)erefo2ebecomfojteO,ana fcpontjtmonlprepofepouctotjoleconfidece, to ttje latt jyaCpe of pour life : fapimto fn'm, if nottoftf)alotoOeandftronfffcoice,petCoftlp inpourdckfoule* Eo^de lefu recepue mp Cpicft. Contend and make fjatte*3| ntottj? fjandgHo^del commend mp fpirituc.jand fofapino;,toaifff)tpacientlptDbent)eu;all come tnto pou,andput afinallend to pour tiappp conaptte. %o tfje fame ?lo?Oe, being; ®od in'Ertnitpe, tofttj tlje fatfjer and tfje fcolp (BJoft,beaUf)onojpjatfe and fflo?? eternally. J3men. Jmprinted at London by John Charlewood, and Richard Ihones. chiswick press : — reprinted by whittingham and wilkins, tooks court, chancery lane. 1869. vV Brf^^vsM SisS #^ *ife ^*v^/ %m %*&s=^. m. m ^ WVN'r' PRH «$ffi MM^ *oMw' rJL m^ iCAC -