.OF THE^ .. University of .California. OI*^X^OK ,(ray\/^ &y\^ ^^-«V^'.r'^- Class i'^ TEXT-BOOK LOAN LIBRARY '^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Cxl F T OF Received , ,. ^^^^^^^'^^^^....-'jSS '■ Accessions No SJy.,.:.. Shelf No. ^■. C^-K ^^xn--mzJji-^^^^^j^:jr^^. A +4^ 2.3 3t% J ^) -^ Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/algebraforschoolOOnewcrich • BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ALGEBRA FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. ASTRONOMY. For Students and Gen- eral Readers. By Simon Newcomb and Edward S. Holden. -^u^VJ»^ NEWCOMB-8 MATHEMATICAL SERIES. ^ , ::b.q.V- (^ ALQEBEA FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SIMON" NEWCOMB Professor of Mathematics, United States Navy SECOND EDITION, ME VISED. NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1881 Copyright, 1881, BT Henry Holt & Co. KLKCTROTYPED BY SMITH & McDOUGAL, 82 Beekman St., N. Y, PREFACE The course of algebra embodied in the present -work is substantially that pursued by students in our best preparatory and scientific schools and colleges, with such extensions as seemed necessary to afford an improved basis for more advanced studies. For the convenience of teachers the work is divided into two parts, the first adapted to well- prepared beginners and comprising about what is commonly required for admission to college ; and the second designed for the more advanced general student. As the work deviates in several points from the models most familiar to our teachers, a statement of the principles on which it is constructed may be deemed appropriate. One well-known principle underlying the acquisition of knowledge is that an idea cannot be fully grasped by the youthful mind unless it is presented under a concrete form. Whenever possible an abstract idea must be embodied in some visible representation, and all general theorems must be presented in a variety of special forms in which they may be seen inductively. In accordance with this principle, numerical exam- ples of nearly all algebraic operations and theorems have been presented. For the purpose of illustration, numbers have been preferred to hteral symbols when they would serve the purpose equally well. The relations of positive and negative algebraic quantities have been represented by hues and directions from the beginning in order that the pupil might be able to give, not only a numerical, but a visible, meaning to all algebraic quantities. Should it appear to any one that we thus detract from the generality of algebraic quantities, it is sufficient to reply that the system is the same which mathematicians use to assist their conceptions of advanced algebra, and without which they would never have been able to grasp the complicated relations of imaginary quantities. Algebraic IV PREFACE. operations with pure numbers are made to precede the use of symbols, and the latter are introduced only after the pupil has had a certain amount of familiarity with the distinction between algebraic and numer- ical operations. Another, but, unfortunately, a less familiar fact is, that all mathematical conceptions require time to become engrafted upon the mind, and the more time the greater their abstruseness. It is, the author conceives, from a failure to take account of this fact, rather than from any inherent defect in the minds of our youth, that we are to attribute the backward state of mathematical instruction in this country, as compared with the continent of Europe. Let us take for instance the case of the student commencing the calculus. On the system which was almost universal among us a few years ago, and which is still widely prevalent, he is con- fronted at the outset with a number of entirely new conceptions, such as those of variables, functions, increments, infinitesimals and limits. In his first lesson he finds these all combined with a notation so entirely diflferent from that to which he has been accustomed, that before the new ideas and forms of thought can take permanent root in his mind, he is through with the subject, and all that he has learned is apt to vanish from his memory in a few months. The author conceives that the true method of meeting this difficulty is to adopt the French and German plan of teaching algebra in a broader way, and of introducing the more advanced conceptions at the earhest practicable period in the course. Accordingly, the attempt is made in the present work to introduce each advanced conception, disguised perhaps under some simple form, in advance of its general enunciation and at as early a period as the student can be expected to understand it. In doing this, logical order is frequently sacrificed to the exigencies of the case, because there are several subjects with which a certain amount of famil- iarity must be acquired before the pupil can even clearly comprehend general statements respecting them. A third feature of the work is that of subdividing each subject as minutely as possible, and exercising the pupil on the details preparatory to combining them into a whole. To cite one or two instances : a diflBculty which not only the beginner but the expert mathematician frequently meets is that of stating his conceptions in algebraic language. Exercises in such, statements have therefore been made to precede any solution of PREFACE. ^fy problems. In general each principle which is to be presented or used is stated singly, and the pupil is practiced upon it before proceeding to another. Subjects have for the most part been omitted which do not find appli- cation either in the work itself or in subsequent parts of the usual course of mathematics, or which do not conduce to a mathematical training. Many teachers may be disappointed to find the greatest common divisor of polynomials, the square roots of binomial surds, and Stuixn's theorem, omitted. The reason of their omission is, firstly, that they neither have any application in the usual course of mathematical study nor advance the student's conception of algebra, and, secondly, that in studying them, power is expended which can be devoted to more profitable objects. Thoroughness at each step has been aimed at rather than multiplicity of subjects. It is, the author conceives, a great and too common mistake to present a mathematical subject to the mind of the student wk4sout sufficient fulness of explanation and variety of illustration to enable him to comprehend and apply it. If he has not time to master a complete course, it is better to omit entirely what is least necessary than to gain time by going rapidly over a great number of things. Some hints to those who may not have time to master the whole work may therefore be acceptable. Part I is essential to every one desiring to make use of algebra. Book VIII, especially the concluding sections on notation, is to be thoroughly mastered, before going farther, as forming the foundation of advanced algebra ; and affording a very easy and valuable discipline in the language of mathematics. Aflerward, a selection may be made according to cir- cumstances. The student who is pursuing the subject for the sole purpose of liberal training, and without intending to advance beyond it, will find the theories of numbers and the combinatory analysis most worthy of study. The theory of probabilities and the method in which it is applied to such practical questions as those connected with insurance will be of especial value in training his judgment to the affairs of life. The student who intends to take a full course of mathematics with a view of its application to physics, engineering, or other subjects, may, if necessary, omit the book on the theory of numbers, and portions of the chapter on the summation of series. Functions and the functional notation, the doctrine of limits, and the general theory of equations will claim his VI PREFACE. especial attention, while the theory of imaginary quantities will be studied mainly to secure thoroughness in subsequent parts of his course. As it has frequently been a part of the author's duty to ascertain what is really left of a course of mathematical study in the minds of those who have been through college, some hints on the best methods of study in connection with the present work may be excused. If asked to point out the greatest error in our usual system of mathematical instruction from the common school upward, he would reply that it con- sisted in expending too much of the mental power of the student upon problems and exercises above his capacity. With the exception of the fundamental routine-operations, problems and exercises should be confined to insuring a proper understanding of the principles involved : this once ascertained, it is better that the student should go on rather than expend time in doing what it is certain he can do. Problems of some difficulty are found among the exercises of the present work; they are inserted rather to give the teacher a good choice from which to select than to require that any student should do them all. It would, the author conceives, be found an improvement on our usual system of teaching algebra and geometry successively if the analytic and the geometric courses of mathematics were pursued simultaneously. The former would include algebra and the calculus, the latter elementary geometry, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. The analytic course would then furnish methods for the geometric one, and the latter would fiimish applications and illustrations for the analytic one. The Key to the work, which will be issued as soon as practicable, will contain not only the usual solutions, but the explanations and demonstra- tions of the less familiar theorems, and a number of additional problems. The author desires, in conclusion, to express his obligation to the many friends who have given him suggestions respecting the work, and espe- cially to Professor J. Howard G-ore of the Columbian University who has furnished solutions to most of the problems, and given the benefit of his experience on many points of detail TABLE OF COI^TE^TS. PART I. —ELEMENTARY COURSE. BOOK I.— THE ALGEBRAIC LANGUAGE. Chapter I.— Algebraic Numbers and Operations, 3. General Definitions, 3. Algebraic Numbers, 4. Algebraic Addition, 6. Subtraction, 8. Multiplication, 9. Division, 11. Chapter II.— Algebraic Symbols, 12. Symbols of Quantity, 12. Signs of Operation, 13. Chapter III,— Formation op Compound Expressions, 17. Funda- mental Principles, 17. Definitions, 19. Chapter IV.— Construction op Algebraic Expressions, 22. Exer- cises in Algebraic Language, 25. BOOK IL— ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. General Remarks, 28. Definitions, 28. Chapter I. — Algebraic Addition and Subtraction, 30. Algebraic Addition, 30. Algebraic Subtraction, 33. Clearing of Parenthe- ses, 35. Compound Parentheses, 37. Chapter II. — Multiplication, 38. General Laws of Multiplication, 38. i- Multiplication of Positive Monomials, 40. Rule of Signs in Multiplication, 41. Products of Polynomials by Monomials, 44. Multiplication of Polynomials by Polynomials, 47. A Chapter III. — Division, 52. Division of Monomials by Monomials, 52. Rule of Signs in Division, 53. Division of Polynomials by Mono- Viii CONTENTS. mials, 54. Factors and Multiples, 55. Factors of Binomials, 58. Least Common Multiple, 61. Division of one Polynomial bj another, 62. I^JUhapter rv.— Of Algebraic Fractions, 67. Negative Exponents, 71. Dissection of Fractions, 73. Aggregation of Fractions, 74. Factor- ing Fractions, 78. Multiplication and Division of Fractions, 79. Division of one Fraction by another, 83. Reciprocal Belations of Multiplication and Division, 83. BOOK III.— OF EQUATIONS. Chapter I.— The Reduction of Equations, 85. Axioms, 87. Opera- tions of Addition and Subtraction — transposing Terms, 87. Operation of Multiplication, 89. Reduction to the Normal Form, 90. Degree of Equations, 93. Chapter II. — Equations of the First Degree with One Un- known Quantity, 94 Problems leading to Simple Equations, 99. Problem of the Couriers, 105. Problems of Circular Motion, 108. Chapter III.— Equations op the First Degree with Several Unknown Quantities, 109. Equations with Two Unknown. Quantities, 109, Solution of a pair of Simultaneous Equations containing Two Unknown Quantities, 109. Elimination by Com- parison, 110. Elimination by Substitution, 111. Elimination by Addition or Subtraction, 112. Problem of the Sum and DiflFer- ences, 113. Equations of the First Degree with Three or More Unknown Quantities, 116. Elimination, 116. Equivalent and Inconsistent Equations, 121. Chapter IV,— Of Inequalities, 123. BOOK IV.— RATIO AND PROPORTION. Chapter I.— Nature of a Ratio, 128. Properties of Ratios, 132. Chapter II.— Proportion, 133. Theorems of Proportion, 134. The Mean Proportional, 138. Multiple Proportions, 139. CONTENTS, IX BOOK v.— OF POWERS AND ROOTS. Chapter I. — Involution, 144. Involution of Products and Quotients, 144. Involution of Powers, 145. Case of Negative Exponents, 147. Algebraic Sign of Powers, 148. Involution of Binomials — the Binomial Theorem, 148. Square of a Polynomial, 153. Chapter II. — Evolution and Fractionaij Exponents, 155. Powers of Expressions with Fractional Exponents, 157. Chapter III— Reduction of Irrational Expressions, 159. Defini- tions, 159. Aggregation of Similar Terms, 160. Factoring Surds, 161. Perfect Squares, 166. To Complete the Square, 167. Irra- tional Factors, 169. BOOK VI.— EQUATIONS REQUIRING IRRATIONAL OPERATIONS. Chapter I. — Equations with Two Terms only, 170. Solution of a Binomial Equation, 170. Special Forms of Binomial Equations, 171. Positive and Negative Roots, 172, Chapter II. — Quadratic Equations, 174. Solution of a Complete Quadratic Equation, 175. Equations which may be reduced to Quadratics, 179. Factoring a Quadratic Equation, 184. Equations having Imaginary Roots, 188. Chapter III. — Reduction of Irrational Equations to the Normal Form, 189. Clearing of Surds, 189. Chapter IV.— Simultaneous Quadratic Equations, 193. BOOK VII.— PROGRESSIONS. Chapter I. — Arithmetical Progression, 200. Problems in Pro- gression, 202. Chapter II. — Geometrical Progression, 207. Problems of Geo- metrical Progression, 208. Limit of the Sum of a Progression, 211. Compound Interest, 217. X CONTENTS. PART II.-ADVANCED OOUESE. BOOK VIII.— RELATIONS BETWEEN ALGEBRAIC QUANTITIES. Functions and their Notation, 221. Equations of the First Degree between Two Variables, 224. Notation of Functions, 230. Func- tions of Several Variables, 232. Use of Indices, 233. Miscellaneous Functions of Numbers, 235. BOOK IX.— THE THEORY OF NUMBERS. Chapter I.— The DiYisrBiLiTY of Numbees, 238. Division into Prime Factors, 239. Common Divisors of two numbers, 240. Relations of numbers to their Digits, 245. Divisibility of Numbers and their Digits, 245. Prime Factors of Numbers, 248. Elementary Theorems, 251. Binomial Coefloicients, 251. Divisors of a Number, 254. Chapter II.— Op Conths'ued Fractions, 258. Relations of Converging Fractions, 267. Periodic Continued Fractions, 270. BOOK X.— THE COMBINATORY ANALYSIS. Chapter I.— Permutations, 273. Permutation of Sets, 275. Circular Permutations, 277. Permutations when Several of * the Things are Identical, 279. The two classes of Permutations, 281. Sym- metric Functions, 284. Chapter II.— Combinations, 285. Combinations with Repetition, 287. Speeial Cases of Combinations, 289. The Binomial Theorem when the Power is a Whole Number, 296. Chapter IH.— Theory op Probabilities, 299. Probabilities depend- ing upon Combinations, 300. Compound Events. 305. Cases of Unequal Probability, 310. Application to Life Insurance, 316. Table of Mortality, 318. BOOK XL— OF SERIES AND THE DOCTRINE OF LIMITS. Chapter I.— Nature op a Series, 321. Notation of Sums, 324 CONTENTS. Xi CiiAPTER II.— Development m Powers of a Variable, 326. Method of Indeterminate Coefficients, 327. Multiplication of Two Infinite Series, 333. Chapter III.— Summation op Series. Of Figurate Numbers, 336. Enumeration of Triangular Piles of Shot, 339. Sum of the Similar Powers of an Arithmetical Progression, 341. Other Series, 345. Of Differences, 350. Theorems of Differences, 355. Chapter IV. — The Doctrine op Limits, 358. Notation of the Method of Limits, 361. Properties of Limits, 364. Chapter V. — The Binomial and Exponential Theorems. The Binomial Theorem for all values of the Exponent, 368. The Exponential Theorem, 373. Chapter VI. — Logarithms, 378. Properties of Logarithms, 378. Com- * parison of Two Systems of Logarithms, 384. BOOK XII.— IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. Chapter I.— Operations with the Imaginary Unit, 391. Addi- tion of Imaginary Expressions, 393. Multiplication of Imaginary Quantities, 393. Reduction of Functions of i to the Normal Form, 396. Chapter II.— The Geometrical Representation op Imaginary Quantities, 404, BOOK XIII.— THE GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. Every Equation has a Root, 416. Number of Roots of General Equation, 418. Relations between Coefficients and Roots, 425. Derived Functions, 427. Significance of the Derived Function, 430. Forms of the Roots of Equation, 431. Decomposition of Rational Fractions, 433. Transformation of Equations, 438. Resolution of Numerical Equations, 443. FIRST PART. ELEMENTARY COURSE, THE ALGEBRAIC LANGUAGE. CHAPTER I. OF ALGEBRAIC NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS. General Definitions. 1. Definition. Mathematics is the science wMcli treats of the relations of magnitudes. The magnitudes of mathematics are time, space, force, value, or other things which can be thought of as entirely made up of parts. 2. Def. A Quantity is a definite portion of any magnitude. Example. Any definite number of feet, miles, acres, bushels, years, pounds, or dollars, is a quantity. 3. Def. Algebra treats of those relations which are true of quantities of every kind of magnitude. 4. The relations treated of in Algebra are discovered by means of numbers. To measure a quantity by number, we take a certain por- tion of the magnitude to be measured as a unit, and express how many of the units the quantity contains. Remark. It is obviously essential that the quantity and its unit shall be the same kind of magnitude. 5. Def. A Concrete Number is one in which the kind of quantity which it measures is expressed or understood ; as 7 mlles^ 3 days, or 10 pounds. 4 THE ALGEBRAIC LANGUAGE. 6. Def. An Abstract Number is one in whicli no particular kind of unit is expressed ; as 7, 3, or 10. Eemark. An abstract number may be considered as a concrete one expressing a certain number of units, without respect to the kind of units. Thus, 7 means 7 units. Algebraic Numbers. 7. In Arithmetic, the numbers begin at 0, and in- crease without limit, as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. But the quantities we usually measure by numbers, as time and space, do not really begin at any point, but extend without end in opposite directions. For example, time has no beginning and no end. An epoch of time 1000 years from Christ may be either 1000 years after Christ, or 1000 years before Christ. A heayy body tends to fall to the ground. A body which did not tend to move at all when unsupported would have no weight, or its weight would be 0. If it tended to rise upward, like a balloon, it would have the opposite of weight. If we have to measure a distance from any point on a straight line, we may measure out in either direction on the line. If the one direction is east, the other will be west. One who measures his wealth is poorer by all that he owes. If he owes more than he possesses, he is worth less than nothing, and there is no limit to the amount he may owe. 8. In order to measure such quantities on a uni- form system, the numbers of Algebra are considered as increasing from in two opposite directions. Those in one direction are called . Positive ; those in the other direction Negative. 9. Positive numbers are distinguished by the sign +, plus ; negative ones by the sign — , minus. If a positive number measures years after Christ, a negative one will mean years before Christ. If a positive number is used to measure toward the right, a negative one will measure toward the left. ALOEBRAIG NUMBERS. If a positive number measures weight, the negative one will imply levity, or tendency to rise from the earth. If a positive number measures property, or credit, the nega- tive one will imply debt. 10. The series of algebraic numbers will therefore be considered as arranged in the following way, the series going out to infinity in both directions. -^ NEGATIVE DIRECTION. POSITIVE DIRECTION, ^r Before. After. Downward, Upward. Debt. Credit, etc. etc. etc. -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, etc. Rem. It matters not which direction we take as the positive one, so long as we take the opposite one as negative. If we take time before as positive, time after will be nega- tive ; if we take west as the positive direction, east will be negative; if we take debt as positive, credit will be negative. 11. Positive and negative numbers may be conceived as measuring distances from a fixed point on a straight line, extending indefinitely in both directions, the dis- tances one way being positive, and the other way negative, as in the following scheme : * etc. — 7, -6. -5. -4, —3, -2. -1, 0, +1, +2. +3, +4, +5, +6, +7 . etc. I I I I I i I I i I 1 1 i I i In this scale, the distance between any two consecu- tive numbers is considered a unit or unit step. 12. Def. Tlie signs + and — are called the Alge- braic Signs, because they mark the direction in which the numbers following them are to be taken. * The student should copy this scale of numbers, and have it before him in studying the present chapter. 6 TEE ALGEBRAIC LANGUAGE. The sign + may be omitted before positive numbers, when no ambiguity is thus produced. The numbers 2, 5, 12, taken alone, signify +2, +5, +12. But the negative sign must ahvays be written when a negative number is intended. 13. Bef. One mimber is said to be Algebraically Greater than another when on the preceding scale it lies to the positive (right hand) side. Thus, — 2 is algebraically greater than — 7 ; u u a a -2; 6 (( u a iC -5. Alsrebraic Addition. ^53 14. Def. In Algebra, Addition means the combi- nation of quantities according to their algebraic signs, the positive quantities being counted one way or added, and negative ones the opposite way or subtracted. 15. Def. The Algebraic Sum of several quantities is the surplus of the positive quantities over the nega- tive ones, or of the negative quantities over the positive ones, according as the one or the other is the greater. The sum has the same algebraic sign as the prepon- derating quantity. Example. The sum of + 7 and -7 is 0; + 9 '' -7 " +2; + 5 *' -7 " -2. The sum of several positive numbers may be represented on the line of numbers, § 11, by the length of the line formed by placing the lengths represented by the several numbers end to end. The total length will be the sum of the partial lengths. If any of the numbers are negative, the algebraic sum is represented by laying their lengths oif in the opposite direction. Example 1. The algebraic sum of the four numbers 9, — 7, 1, —6, would be represented thus : ALGEBRAIC ADDITION. —3 , +9 ET Here, starting from 0, we measure 9 to the right, then 7 to the left, then 1 to the right, then 6 to the left. The result would be 3 steps to the left from 0, that is, — 3. Thus, — 3 is the algebraic sum of -j-9, —7, -f 1, and — 6. Ex. 2. If we imagine a person to walk back and forth along the line of numbers, his distance from the starting- point will always be the algebraic sum of the separate distances he has walked. Ex. 3. A man's wealth is the algebraic sum of his posses- sions and credits, the debts which he owes being negative credits. If he has in money $1000, due from A $1200, due to X $500, due to Y $350, his possessions would, in the language of algebra, be summed up as follows : Cash, . . - . Due from A, .... Due from X, .... Due from Y, .... Sum total, . . . . + $1350 [In the language of Algebra, the fact that he owes X $500 may be expressed by saying that X owes him — $500.] 16. Def. To distinguish Ibetween ordinary and algebraic addition, the former is called Numerical or Arithmetical addition. Hence, the numerical sum of several numbers means their sum as in arithmetic, without regard to their signs. 17. Rem. In Algebra, whenever the word sum is used without an adjective, the algebraic sum is understood. + $1000 + 1200 — 500 — 350 8 THE ALOEBBAIG LANGUAGE. Algebraic Subtraction. 18, Memorandum of arithmetical definitions and operations. The Subtrahend is the quantity to be subtracted. The Minuend is the quantity from which the subtrahend is taken. The Remainder or Difference is what is left. If we subtract 4 from 7, the remainder 3 is the number of unit steps on the scale of numbers (§ 11) from +4 to +7. This is true of any arithmetical difference of numbers. In Algebra, the operation is generalized as follows: 19. Def. The Algebraic Difference of two num- bers is represented by the distance from one to the other on the scale of numbers. The number from which we measure is the Subtra- hend. That to which we measure is the Minuend. If the minuend is algebraically the greater (§ 13), the difference is positive. If the minuend is less than the subtrahend, the dif- ference is negative. In Arithmetic we cannot subtract a greater number from a less one. But there is no such restriction in Algebra, because algebraic subtraction does not mean taking away, but finding a difference. However the minuend and subtrahend may be situated on the scale, a certain number of spaces toward the right or toward the left will always carry us from the subtra- hend to the minuend, and these spaces make up the difference of the two numbers. 30. The general rule for algebraic subtraction may be deduced as follows : It is evident that if we pass from the subtrahend to on the scale, and then from to the minuend, the algebraic sum of these two motions will be the entire space between the subtrahend and minuend, and will therefore be the remainder required. But the first motion will be equal to the subtrahend, but positive if that quantity is negative, and vice versa, and the second motion will be equal to the minuend. ALGEBRAIC MXTLTIP LIGATION. 9 Hence tlie remainder will be found by changing the algebraic sign of the subtrahend, and then adding it algebraically to the minuend. EXAMPLES. Subtracting + 5 from + 8, the difference is 8 — 5 = 3. + 8 + 5, " " 5 - 8 = - 3. + 8 -5, " ^f_5_8=-13. — 8 5, *' " 5 H 8 = + 13. + 13 0, " — 13. -13 0, " ' " + 13. 21. By comparing algebraic addition and subtraction, it will be seen that to subtract a positive number is the same thing as to add its negative, and vice versa. Thus, To subtract 5 from 8 gives the same result as to add — 5 to 8, namely 3. To subtract — 5 from 8 gives 8 + 5, namely 13. Hence, algebraic subtraction is equivalent to the algebraic addition of a number with the opposite algebraic sign. Algebraists, therefore, do not consider subtraction as an operation distinct from addition. Algebraic Multiplication, 22. Memorandum of arithmetical definitions. The Multiplicand is the quantity to be multiplied. The Multiplier is the number by which it is multiplied. The result is called the Product. Factors of a number are the multiplicand and multiplier which produce it. 23. To multiply any algebraic quantity by a posi- tive whole number means, as in Arithmetic, to take it a number of times equal to the multiplier. Thus, 4x3= 4 + 4+4=+ 12; — 4x3 = — 4 — 4 — 4= — 12. The product of a negative multiplicand by a positive multiplier will therefore be negative. 10 THE ALGEBRAIC LANQVAGE. 24. If the multiplier is negative, the sign of the product will be the opposite of what it would be if the multiplier were positive. Thus, 4-4 X —3 = —12; -4 X -3 = + 12. The product of two negative factors is therefore positive. 25. The most simple way of mastering the use of algebraic signs in multiplication is to think of the sign — as meaning opposite in direction. Thus, in § 11, — 4 is opposite in direction to + 4, the direction being that from 0. If we mul- tiply this negative factor by a negative multiplier, the direction will be the opposite of negative, that is, it will be positive. A third negative factor will make the product negative again, a fourth one positive, and so on. For example, -3 X -4 = +12; _4 = — 2 X +12 = — 24; -4 = -3 X -24 = + 72 ; etc. -2 X -3 X —3 X —2.x -3 X etc. Hence, 26. Theorem. The The continued product of an even number of negative factors is positive ; of an odd num- ber, negative. Rem. Multiplying a number by —1 simply changes its sign. Thus, -1-4 X —1 = —4; -4 X -1 = + 4. EXERCISES. Find the algebraic sums of the following quantities : 1. 4 — 6 + 12-1—18. 2. —6-3-8. 3. _ 6 — 10 — 9 + 34. 4. Subtract the sum in Ex. 3 from the sum in Ex. 2. 5. Subtract the sum 5 — 6 + 3—1 — 16, from the sum -2-7-4 + 8. ALGEBRAIC DIVISION. 11 6. Subtract the sum 5 — 6 +3—1 — 16, from the sum 7 _ 3 _ 8 + 4. 7. Form the product —7x8. 8. Form the product —8x7. 9. Form the product 6x— 5x7x— 4. 10. Form the product — 6x— llx8x— 2. 11. Form the product — Ix— Ix— Ix— 1. 12. Subtract the sum in Ex. 1 from the sum in Ex. 3, and multiply the remainder by the sum in Ex. 2. 13. Subtract 8 from — 3, — 3 from — 1,-1 from 8, and find the sum of the three remainders. 14. Subtract 7 from — 9 and the remainder from 2, and multiply the result by the product in Ex. 7. Alg^ebraic Division. 37. Memorandum of arithmetical definitions. The Dividend is the quantity to be divided. The Divisor is the number by which it is divided. The Quotient is the result. 28. Bule of Signs in Division. The requirement of division in Algebra is the same as In Arithmetic ; namely, The product of the quotient hy the divisor must he equal to the dividend. In Algebra, two quantities are not equal unless they have the same algebraic sign. Therefore the product, quotient x divisor must have the same algebraic sign as the dividend. From this we can deduce the rule of signs in division. Let us divide 6 by 2, giving 6 and 2 both algebraic signs, and find the signs of the quotient 3 : + 3x+2=+6; therefore, +6 divided by +2 gives +3. + 3x— 2 = — 6; " —6 " "—2 " +3. — 3x+2 = — 6; " —6 " " +2 " —3. — 3 X — 2 = +6; " +6 " " —2 " —3. 12 THE ALGEBRAIC LANGUAGE. Hence, the rule of signs is the same in division as in mul- tiplication, namely : Like signs in dividend and divisor give + . Unlike signs give — . EXERCI SES. Execute the following algebraic divisions, expressing each result as a whole number or vulgar fraction : 1. Dividend, _ 7 + 10 — 11 + 25 ; divisor, 20 — 3. 2. Dividend, 12 — 3 + 15 — 10 ; divisor, 3 — 10. 3. Dividend, 25 — 36 + 6 — 20 ; divisor, —3 + 8. 4. Dividend, — 7 x — 8 ; divisor, —8 + 4. 5. Dividend, 56 + 8 x — 3 ; divisor, — 4 — 4. 6. Dividend, — 24 x — 1 ; divisor, — 3 x — 3. 7. Dividend, —13 x —10 x — 8; divisor, — 4x5x— 6. 8. Dividend, — 1 x — 1 ; divisor, — 3 x — 3. CHAPTER II. ALGEBRAIC SYMBOLS. Symbols of Quantity. 29. Algebraic quantities may be represented by letters of the alphabet, or other characters. The characters of Algebra are caUed Symbols. 30. Def. The Value of an algebraic symbol is the quantity which it represents or to which it is equal. The value of a symbol may be any algebraic quan- tity whatever, positive or negative, wliich we choose to assign to the symbol. 31. The language of Algebra differs in one respect from ordinary language. In the latter, each special word or sign SIGIf-a OF OPERATION. 13 has a definite and invariable meaning, which every one who uses t"he language must learn once for all. But in Algebra a symbol may stand for any quantity which the writer or speaker chooses, and his results must be interpreted according to this meaning. 33. The same character may be used to represent several quantities by applying accents or attaching numbers to it to distinguish the different quantities. Thus, the four symbols, a, a', a", a'", may represent four different quantities. The symbols «,, a.2, a^, a^, «6, etc., may be used to designate any number of quantities which are distinguished by the small number written after the letter a. Si^ns of Operation. 33. In Algebra, the signs +, — , and x are used, as in Arithmetic, to represent addition, subtraction, and multiplication, these operations being algebraic, not numerical. 34. Signs of Addition and Svhtr action. The com- bination a + & means the algebraic sum of the quantities a and &, and a — h means their algebraic difference. EXAMPLES. If rt r= + 4 and J = + 3, then a-{-l = +7, a— I = +1. If «= + 5 and 5 = — 7, then a-\-'b——%,a—l—-\-\%. If 6?= — 6 and ^>= + 3, then a + 6 == — 3, «— Z> = — 9. If «= — 6 and 2»= — 3, then a + Z> = — 9, a— J = —3. The signs of addition and subtraction are the same as those used to indicate positive and negative quantities, but the two applications may be made without confusion, because the opposite positive and negative directions correspond to the opposite operations of adding and subtracting. 35. Sign of Multiplication, The sign of multipli- cation, X , is generally omitted in Algebra, and when different symbols are to be multiplied, the multiplier is 14 THE LANGUAGE OF ALGEBRA. written before the multiplicand without any sign be- tween them. Thus, 4« means « x 4. ax " XX a. Sabmi/ " yxmxixaxS, If numbers are used instead of symbols, some sign of mul- tiplication must be inserted between them to avoid confusion. Thus, 34 would be confounded with the number thirty-four. A simple dot is therefore inserted instead of the sign x . Thus, 3.4 = 4x3 = 12. 3-12.2 = 72. = 120. = 720: The only reason why the point is used instead of x , is that it is more easily written and takes up less space. 36. Division in Algebra is sometimes represented by the symbol -r-, the dividend being placed to the left and the divisor to the right of this symbol. Ex. a -T-h means the quotient of a divided by J. But division is more generally represented by writing the dividend as the numerator and the divisor as the denominator of a fraction. Ex. The quotient of a divided by l is written v* It is shown in Arithmetic that a fraction is equal to the quotient of its numerator divided by its denominator ; hence this expression for a quotient is a vulgar fraction. 37. Powers and Exponents. A Power of a quan- tity is the product obtained by taking that quantity a certain number of times as a factor. Def. The Degree of the power means the number of times the quantity is taken as a factor. If a quantity is to be raised to a power, the result may, in accordance with the rule for multiplication, be 8IGJ!^S OF OPERATION. 15 expressed by writing the quantity the required number of times. Examples. The fifth power of a may he written axaxaxaxa or aaaaa ; and the fourth power of 7, 7.7.7-7 = 2401. To save repetition, the symbol of which the power is to be expressed is written but once, and the number of times it is taken as a factor is written in small figures after and above it. Thus, aaaaa is written a^ ; " " 7^ XXX " " xK Def. A figure written to indicate a power is called an Exponent. Def. The operation of forming a power is called Involution. 38. Hoots. A Root is one of the equal factors into which a number can be divided. Def. The figure or letter showing the number of equal factors into which a quantity is to be divided is called the Index of the root. The square root of a symbol is expressed by writing the sign ^ (called root) before it. Ex. I. 'v/io means the square root of 49, that is, 7. Ex. 2. Vx means the square root of x. Any other root than the square is represented by writing its index before the sign of the root. Ex. I. \^x means the cube root of x. Ex. 2. \/x means the fourth root of x. Def. The operation of extracting a root is called Evolution. 39. The operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multi- plication, Division, Involution, and Evolution, are the six fundamental operations of Algebra. 16 THE ALGEBRAIC LANOUAOE. 40, Def, An Algebraic Expression is any combi- nation of algebraic symbols made in accordance with the foregoing principles. EXERCISES. In the following expressions, suppose az= — 7, J = — 5, c = 0, ??i = 3, n = 4, 2) = 9, and compute their numerical Talues. I. a -\- b -\- m -{- p. 2. a -\- m + n. 3. m — n — a — b. 4. n -}- p — m — a. 5. 3a —m + b — 2n. 6. 2a — 7p + 2b — m, 7. 3mnp, 8. mncp. 9. hm7i. 10. hip. II. ahnp. 12. 2^abnp. 13. mn 4- 5w. 14. ^m — J;^. 15. bp — an. 16. 6/? + an. 17. w^p + wi^J. 18. 7n^n — ap^, 19. «2 + J2. 20. a^ + ^3. 21. a^ — ¥. 22. a^m — b^n, 23. «3^2 — m^n\ . 24. «2j3 — i^mK 25. a^ + a^j. 26. ab^ — a^J. aJ + mn n €Lc — bp 27. _ 28. ^. ab — mn bn — mp 2m^n^ — lOwi^ ab — mp 29. 7 • 30. ^. j» — ^cwi m — n In the following expressions, suppose a = 8, J = — 3, and a; to haye in succession the fifteen values — 7, — 6, — 5, etc., to + 7, and compute the fifteen corresponding yalues of each expression : 9 , z , a ■\-bx 3,. x^ + bx + a. 32. ^--^. Arrange the results in a table, thus : Expression 31 = 78 ; Exp. 32 = — f|. a;= -7 a; = —6 a; = — 5 " « = 62 ; etc. ** " = 48. etc. etc. etc. COMPOUND EXPRESSIONS. 17 CHAPTER ill. FORMATION OF COMPOUND EXPRESSIONS. Fvindamental Principles. 41. The following are two fundamental principles of the algebraic language : First Principle, Every algebraic expression, how- ever complex, represents a quantity, and may be operated upon as if it were a single symbol of that quantity. Second Principle. A single symbol may be used to re'present any algebraic expression whatever. 43. When an expression is to be operated upon as a single quantity, it is enclosed between parentheses, but the parentheses may be omitted, when no ambiguity or error will result from the omission. Example. Let us have to subtract h from a, and multiply the remainder by the factor m. The remainder will be ex- pressed by « — h, and if we write the product of this quantity by m, in the way of § 35, the result will be ma — h. But this will mean I subtracted from ma, which is not what we want, because it is not «, but a — b which is to be multi- plied by m. To express the required operations, we enclose a — h in brackets or parentheses, and write m outside, thus : m(a — I), NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. 7(8 — 2) = 7-6 = 42; but 7-8 - 2 = 56 - 2 = 54. 12(3 +4) = 12-7 = 84. (6 -f3)(2 + 6) = 9-8 = 72. (7 - 4) (1 - 5) (2+ 7) = 3 X -4.9 = - 108. 2 18 THE LANGUAGE OF ALGEBRA. Example 2. Suppose that the expression a — h-^-c is to be added to m, subtracted from m, multiplied by m, divided by 7n, raised to tlie third power, or have the cube root extracted. The results will be written : Added to r/i, m -\- {a — b -\- c). Subtracted from m, m— {a — h + c). Multiplied by m, m{a — b-{- c). »■ Divided by m, -• Cubed, {a — h + cf. Cube root extracted, ^/{a — ^_+ c). There are two of these six cases in which the parentheses are unnecessary, although they do no harm, namely, addition and division, because in the case of addition, m -{■ {a — h -\- c) is the same as m -\- a — l + c, [For example, 10 + (8 — 5 + 4) = 10 + 7 = 17, and 10 + 8 — 5 + 4 = 17 also.] Again, in the case of the fraction, it will be seen that it has exactly the same meaning with or without the parentheses. 43. An algebraic expression having parentheses as a part of it may be itself enclosed in parentheses with other expressions, and this may be repeated to any extent. Each order of parentheses must then be made larger or thicker, or different in shape to distinguish it. Examples, i. Suppose that we have to subtract a from J, the remainder from c, that remainder from d, and so on. We shall have. First remainder, . h — a. Second, c — (J — «). Third, d-[c-[h-a)\ Fourth, e-.\d—[c—{h-aY\\. Fifth, /- \_e - \d- [c-ib- a)]\l DEFINITIONS. 19 2. Suppose that we have to multiply the difference of tlie quantities a and hhj p and subtract the product from m. The result or remainder will be m — p {a — h). Suppose now that we have to multiply this result by p-\-q. We must enclose both factors m parentheses, and the result will then be written : {p + q) [ni —P (a — J)]. EXERCISES. In the following expressions, suppose « = — 1, Z> = 3, m = 5. a; = — 3, — 1, + 1, -h 3, and calculate the four values of each expression which result from giving x the above four values in succession. x{x — a){x — 2«) {x — 3fl5) la{p-x)-l){a-x) Y^ m(b — x) -{-h (m — x) /p ^ 3. [ax + b{x-ay-[-m{x- aYf ^:p^* 4. [^{mx^ + i) — ^(mx^ — I)] ^/{pll) — a). Note. When the square root is not an integer, it will be sufficient to express it without computing it in full. Thus, for X = —3, we shall have ^{mx^ + &) - y^imx'' -b)= ^^48 - ^/42. This is a sufficient answer without extracting the roots. Definitions. 44. Coefficient. Any numlber which multiplies a quantity is called a Ooefl&cient of that quantity. A coefficient is therefore a multiplier. Example. In the expression 4«te, 4 is the coefficient of abx, 4« « « " ix, ^ab " " « x. 20 TEE LANGUAGE OF ALGEBRA. Def. A Numerical Coefficient is a simple number, as 4, in the above example. Def. A Literal Coefficient is one containing one or more letters used as algebraic symbols. Eem. Any quantity may be considered as having the coefficient 1, because Ix is the same as x. Reciprocal. The Reciprocal of a number is unity divided by that number. In the language of Algebra, Reci2irocal of N =: -v^« Formula. A Formula is an expression used to show how a quantity is to be expressed or calculated. Term. When an expression is made up of several parts connected by the signs + or — , each of these parts is called a Term. Example. — In the expression, a + I)x -\- S?na^, there are three terms, a, hx^ and ^mx^. When several terms are enclosed between parentheses, so as to be operated on as a single symbol, they form a single term. Thus, the expression {a^lx + ^mx>) (a + h) (^ + y) (^ - y) forms but a single term, though both numerator and denom- inator are each a product of several terms. Such expressions may be called compound terms. Aggregate. A sum of several terms enclosed be- tween parentheses in order to be operated upon as a single quantity is called an Aggregate. Algebraic expressions are divided into monomials and polynomials. A Monomial consists of a single term. DEFINITIONS. 21 A Polynomial consists of more than one term. A Binomial is a polynomial of two terms. A Trinomial is 2i, polynomial of three terms. Note. The last three words are commonly applied only to sums of simple terms, formed of single symbols or products of single symbols. Entire. An Entire Quantity is one which is ex- pressed without any denominator or divisor, as 2, 3, 4, etc. ; a, &, rr, etc. ; 2a&, 2mp^ ah {x — y\ etc. A Theorem is the statement of any general truth. 45. Other Algebraic Signs. Besides the signs al- ready defined, others are of occasional use in Algebra. > , the Sign of Inequality, shows when placed be- tween two quantities, that the one at the open end of the angle is the greater. Ex. I. a > 5 means a is greater than h. Ex. 2. m < a; ^ai^ — y), ^(^(^ — y), ci{x — y). 11. 2(w — 7^^ + ^? 3(m + ^)^ — 5, b{m + n)x — G, 7 (m + w) a; — 8. ''• ^^a' '^« + '^^»' 6J~^' ^~7' «"?• 13. ,2 2 — , 3 3— ,4 4 — ^ y n y n y 'i^ y n 14. i+1 + 3-^^^, 5^i-^- + 7--±^. wj + w m + ^^ m + ?2 m + /J 15. Of two farmers, the first had 2x — Zy acres, and the second had x — y acres more than the first. IIow many acres had they both? 16. A had 2a; dollars, B had y dollars less than A, and C had 2y dollars more than A and B together. How many had they all ? 17. A father gave his eldest son x dollars, his second 5 dol- lars less than the first, his third 5 dollars less than his second, and his fourth 5 dollars less than his third. How much did he give them all ? 55. Addition with Literal Coefficients, When dif- ferent terms contain the same symbol, mnltiplied Iby diflferent literal coefficients, these coefficients may be added and the common symbol be affixed to their aggregate. EXAMPLES. 1. As we reduce the polynomial ijx -f- bx — 2a; to the single term (6 + 5 — 2) a; = 3a;, so we may reduce the polynomial ax -{-Ix — ex to the single term, (a -\-h — c)x. 2. The expression mx -\- ny — Ix -{- dy -\- a + h may be expressed in the form {m — h) X -\- {n ■\- d) y -\- a -\- h* SUBTRACTION. 33 EXERCISES. Collect the coefficients of x and y in the following ex- pressions : 1. ax -^-hy -{■ mx + ny. 2. mux + "iliy -\-pqx — 4:iy. 3. 3x — 2y-{- 6bx — 4:y -\- '^ax -\- m -\- n. 4. Sax -f 8bx -\- by -\- 7x — 6y -{- X — 5y. 5. ax -\- hy -\- cz — mx — ny — 'pz. 6. %dx + Zey + 4/2 — %fx — Zdy + te. 2 3 8. %ax —by — ^bx — ^ay. 12, 1 3 2 1 10. 4tmx + 2y — Sax — Gcx + ay — -mx + - dx, 11. 5abx — S^nny — «Ja; + 4cf/?/ — dx. 12. 3«?/ + 2bx — -<7:7; + 2«?/ — 3bx. 1 3 14. 3;?7:t — ax — -ay -\- x -}- dx — y. 15. ^aix — my + 2c\/x — dy -\- Vx. 16. 6mVy — Gx -{- 4.Vy — 3 A/a; — y + V^. 17. 4^/^ — 6^ + aVy + ex— 's/y — ^a^/y + a/S. Algebraic Subtraction. 56. Bef. Algebraic Subtraction consists in ex- pressing the difference of two algebraic quantities. Rule of Subtraction. It has been shown (§ 21) that to subtract a positive quantity, &, is the same as to add, algebraically, the negative quantity, —h. Also, that to subtract — & is equivalent to adding +&. Hence the rule : Change the algebraio sign of all the teinns of the subtrahend, or conceive them to be changed, and then proceed as in addition. 34 ALGEBBAIG OPERATIONS. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. Min., 10 + 6 = 16 10+ 6=16 10+ 6=16 10+ 6 = 16 Subt., _9 _=_9 9— 4= 5 9- 8= 1 9 — 12 = -3 Eem., 1 + 6= 7 1 + 10=11 1 + 14=15 1 + 18= I9 ALGEBRAIC EXERCISES. I. From dx — 4«?/ + 5^> + c, Subtract x — '^ay — 8b-\-d. WORK. Minuend, Sx — 4:ay + 55 + c Subtrahend with signs changed, — a; + Hay + 8b — d Difference, ^x + day + 135 + c — 6? Next we may simply imagine the signs changed. 2. From "^x — Uxy — l^cy + 85 + dac Take 2x + Ihxy + 8cy — 55 — ^d Diff., bx — llbxy — 4:cy + 135 + Sac + 2d 3. From 8a + 95 — 12c — 18d — 4a; + dcy Take 19^ — 75— 8g — 25yix — {ex + ^)]. dax — Sbx — ( — day — 3^^; + dby) — 3bz. Idax + 2xy — d— ['7ad f (.r«/ -}- ^)] — -ia:?^; m + 4a; — [— 4^ H- 2a; + (ay — x) -\- p]. 2aVy — 3m — [bVx — 6/^ 4- (V^ — ^a/^)]- CHAPTER II. MULTIPLICATION. 62. The product of several factors can always be expressed by writing them after each other, and enclos- ing those which are aggregates within parentheses. EXAMPLES. The product ol a -\- i hj c = c (a -j- b). The product of —^ hj x — y = (x — y) --—-' The product of « + 5 by c + ^ = [e ■\- d)(a -^ b). Such products may be transformed and simphfied by the operation of algebraic multiplication. General Laws of Multiplication. 63. Law of Commutation. Multiplier and multi- plicand may be interchanged without altering the product. This law is proved for whole numbers in the following way. Form several rows of quantities, each represented by the letter a, with an equal number in each row, thus, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a MULTIPLICATION, 39 Let m be the number of rows, and n the number of a's in each row. Then, counting by rows there will be m X w quantities. Counting by columns, there will be n X tn quantities. Therefore, m x n = n x m, or nm = mn, 64. Law of Association, Wlien there are three factors, m, n, and a, m {no) = (mn) a. Example. 3 x (5 x 8) = 3 x 40 = 120. (3x5)x8 = 15 + 8 r= 120. Proof for Wliole Numhers, If a in the above scheme represents a number, the sum of each row will be na. Because there are m rows, the whole sum will be m {no). But the whole number of a's is inn. Therefore, m {na) = (mn) a. 65. The Distributive Law. The product of an ag- gregate by a factor is equal to the sum of the products of each of the parts which form the aggregate, by the same factor. That is, m {p -\- q_ -\- r) = mp -\- mq + mr, (1) Proof for Wiole Numhers. Let us write each of the quan- tities jo, q, r, etc., m times in a horizontal line, thus, p + p + p ■{- etc., m times = mp. q + q + q -\- etc., m times = mq. r -{• r + r -\- etc., 7n times = mr. etc. etc. etc. i If we add up each vertical column on the left-hand side, the sum of each will \)q p ■\- q -\- r -\- etc., the columns being all ahke. Therefore the sum of the m columns, or of all the quanti- ties, will be m{p -\- q -\- r^ etc.). 40 ALGEBBAIG OPERATIONS. The first horizontal line of ^'s being mp, the second mq, etc., the sum of the right-hand column will be mp + mq ■{- mr, etc. Since these two expressions are the sums of the same quan- tities, they are equal, as asserted in the equation (1). Multiplication of Positive Monomials. 66. Rule of Exponents. Let us form the product By § 37, x"^ means xxx, etc., taken m times as factor, cc" means xxx, etc., taken n times as factor. The product is xxxxx, etc., taken {m-\-n) times as factor. Therefore, a;"' x ^" = x'^'^\ Hence, Theorem. The exponent of tlie product of like sym- Ibols is the sum of the exponents of the factors. 67. As a result of the laws of commutation and association, the factors of a product may be arranged and multiplied in such order as will give the product the simplest form. 68. Any product of monomials may be formed by combining these principles. Example. Multiply bmn^x^y^ by "^Inx^y. By the rules of algebraic language, the product may be put into the form ^mn^x^ifl hnx^y. By interchanging the factors so as to bring identical sym- bols together, h-'^hmn^noi^x^y^y. Multiplying the numerical factors and adding the exponents, the product becomes d6lmn^3i^y^. MULTIPLICATION. 41 69. "We thus derive the following Rule. Mivltiply the numerical coefficients of the factors, a,ffix all the literal parts of the factors, and give to each the sum of its exponents in the separate factors. EXERCISES. 1. Multiply xy by x^y. Ans. x^y\ 2. Multiply dax by 2abx^. 3. Multiply 5m^y by dm^x. 4. Multiply 21my by 2a^m. 5. Multiply 2am. by 2ma. 6. Multiply 6x'^yh by x^yh. 7. Multiply 3xyz by Sxyz. 8. Multiply 2abm by 2ml)a. 9. Multiply Sab^x^ by da^^x, TO. Multiply 2'Qmpqr by 2-6pqrs. 11. Multiply 12axy by 122:?/;2. 3 2 3 12. Multiply - m^ii^ by -??i^^'. 13. Multiply -r/i^ by 4m^. 7 14. Multiply - adcd by 4(^e/^. 70. When we have to find the product of three or more quantities, we multiply two of them, then that product by the third, that product again by the fourth, and so on. Ex. 2al) X 2a^ x Sab'^ X dbmxy = 36a^b^mxy. Exercises. Multiply 15. mxxmyxmz. 16. axxixxcxxdx. 1 7. Sa^m X ^Wn x mn. 18. abx 2bc x 7c«. 19. 3m7i^ X 5np^ X 9pm^'. 20. abxacxadx arnS xyx 2yz x zx. 21. amx X anx X amxy X anxy x amxyz. 22. a^x X a^y X ax^ X ay'^ X a^x^ X a^y"^ X 2 23. 2am X dan xa^x m^ x ^mx x 2nx. Rule of Signs in Multiplication. *71. It was shown in § 25 that a product of two factors is positive when the factors have like signs, and negative when they have unlike signs. Hence the rule of signs, + X + makes +, + X - " -, - X + " -, — X - " +. 42 ALGEBBAIG 0PEBATI0N8, Examples. The quantity a Multiplied by 3 makes + 3a. The quantity — a (( • (( 2 i( H-2«. a tt 1 a + a. tt t( it 0. ti a -1 a — a. tt (( — 2 a — 2a. — a tiplie( iby 3 makes -3«. i( (( 2 a — 2a. tt ti 1 a — a. tt (I a 0. tt it — 1 it + a. tt ti -2 ti ■{-2a. 72. Geometrical Illustration of the Rule of Signs. Suppose the quantity a to represent a length of one centimetre from the zero point toward the right on the scale of § 11. Then we shall have a = this line | j The product of the line by the factors from -4-3 to —3 will be a X 3, a X 2, « X 1, « X 0, a X — 1, « X — 2, a X — 3, i" We shall also have a = this line MULTIPLICATION. 43 The products by the same factors will be — « X 3, — « X 3, — « X 1, — « X 0, — « X — 2, I I I — a X — 3, I I I i These results are embodied in the following two theorems : 1. Multiplying a magnitude by a negative factor, multiplies it by the factor and turns it in the opposite direction. 2. Multiplying by —1 turns it in the opposite direc- tion without altering its length. Note. When more than two factors enter a product, the sign may be determined by the theorem, § 26. EXERCISES. am X db X ac X ad. 2. ax x ^hx x ex x dx, X X —ax X — ahx x — ahcx. dax X —2a^^ x — 5a^mx. — '7m^y X — 3c^y x 5 ax. —22izn X —5n^x'^ x —n^yz — a?^, 2m X n X —a x —2b. —Sax X —2km x —Ix x —4:hmx. —nyx gy x —2y x 3bm. xy X 2y^ X y^x x 2ayxK 6y^ X —Sgy x —2z^ x —ax^z. 6ax X anx x 3^; x Ir^xy. —4tl)z X —xz X —yz X agz. 2(^n X 2x^z X —z^ X —bgz^ —e^x X Sx X eW- x ay, • 44 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. i6. — 2e X — 2y X a X Ix. 17. — 4a:» X ^ay x —%c?y x — ^y. 18. «^:?; X — ay^ x rf X —x^y. 19. aa;2 X — «/^ X —1 X ^ax x — «^?/. 20. wi2:c X — w^^ X —mn^ x wi.t x —m\ 21. — fl^Sa; X — ay^ x ax x a^x^. ' 22. px^ X qy^ X xy X —ax. 23. aic X —cP X ax^ X —1 X Sax. 24. 2^x X Sex X —-^mx X — 4?/2 x 6m. 25. —6m:?; X —'^n^x x -^ac x —-zm\ '^ 6 5 26. —a X ic X —1 X 2 X da^ X A.xy x y, 27. —1 X ax X a^x X a^x^ x hx x d. 28. —an X 2am^ x —Smn x ^n^y x —m, 29. —mx X nx X —mn x —xy x — 1. 30. —2px X -Sqx X -xmH X ^y^ X — 1. Products of Polynomials by Monomials. 73. The rule for multiplying a polynomial is given by the distributive law (§ 65). KuLE. Multiply each temn of fhe polynoTnial hy the monoinial, and talce the algebraic sum of the products. Exercises. Multiply 1. dx^ — 4:xy — 5y^ by — 4:ax. Ans. — 12ax^ + IQax^y + 20^2:/. 2. dx^ — xy -}- y^ by Sx. 3. x^ -\- xy -\- y^ by Sx. 4. ax -\- ly ■\- cz by axyz. 5. Saa^-bay'^—'l by ^cibx. 6. 4mj? — Qnq by — Smq. 7. ha^y^ — 7ay — la^y by ^ah. 74. The products of aggregates by factors are formed in the same way, the parentheses being removed, and each tgrm of the aggregate multiplied by the factor. MULTIPLICATION. 45 Example. Clear the following expression of parentheses : am {a — h -{- c) — p[a — (h — Ic) — m(a — b)]. By the rule of § 73, the first term will be reduced to a^m — amd -\- amc. (1) The aggregate of the second term within the large paren- theses will be a — 7i-\-k — m(a — I)) = a — h -{- k — ma + mb, (2) because, by the rule of signs in multiplication, — mia — h) = — m x a — 7n x —b = — ma + ink Multiplying the sum (2) by —p and adding it to (1), we have for the result required : a^m — a7nb + amc — pa + ph — ph -\- pma —pmb. EXE RCI SES. Clear the following expressions of parentheses : 1. p(a -^m — jj) -\- q{b — c) — r{b -{- c). 2. (m — an) x — {m + an) y + {an — m) z. 3. a{x — y)c — b{x — y)d -{-f{x + y) ccl. Here note that tlie cocflBcient of aj — y in the first term is ae. 4. am \x — a{b — c)] — bn [ax + b{c -\- d)]. 5. p[—a {m-\-n) + b(m—n)] — q [b (m—n) —a {m + n)]. 6. dx {2q — 7ic) + 2y {5x — 3c)—z (2m + Hn). 7. am [m (a — b)c — 3h (2k — 4:d) + 4w]. 8. 2pq[da-'5b — 6c—pq(2m — 3n)]. 9. bn [-7a-7b{a-c)-{3-a- b)]. 10. p(q — r)-\-q{r — p)-\-r{p — q). 75. The reverse operation, of summing several terms into one or more aggregates, each multiplied by a factor, is of fre- quent application. Thus, in § 65, having given mp + mq + mVf we express the sum in the form m (p -\- q -^ r). 46 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. The rule for the operation is If the sum of several terms having a eomfnon factor is to be formed, the coefficients of this factor may he added, and their aggregate he multiplied hy the factor. Note. This operation is, in principle, identical with that of § 55. EXAMPLES. alx — hex — ady -\-3dt/—dI}X-\-4:ady-{- ?nt/ — amy —danx 4- imx. Collecting the coefficients of x and y as directed, we have (a^ — ic — db — 3cm + bm) x + (—ad-\-3d + 4^ad-\-m—am) y. Applying the same rule to the terms within the parentheses, we find aI) — hc — 3b = b{a — c — 3). — 3cm + bm = m.(b — 3c). — ad-{-3d + 4:ad = 3ad + 3d = {3a -{-3)d = 3 (a -h 1) d m — am =^ m (1 — a). Substituting these expressions, the reduced expression becomes Yb{a — c — 3)^7n(l) — 3c)] x + \3 (a -\-l)d + m{l — «)] y. ' The student should now be able to reverse the process, and reduce this last expression to its original form by the method of § 74. EXERCISES. In the following exercises, the coefficients of y, z, and their products are to be aggregated, so tliat the results shall be expressed as entire functions of x, y, and z,. as in § 55. 1. ax + bx — 3ax + 3bx -{- Qx — 7:r. Arts. (—2a + U — l)x. 2. my + py — my — 2py — 3gy. 3. mx — ny + px ~ gy -\- rx — sy. Ans. (m + p + r) X — (n + g + s) y. 4. 3az — «/ — 2az -{- z — az ■\- y. MULTIPLICATION. 47 5. dbxy — Icxy -\- hdxy. 6. 36abxy — 24rr — ax — 7xt/. 7. ay — by — may — nby -f 3^. 8. aw?/ — Z^w?/ + any — hiy. 9. ^r^; — ^qrz — 4ppz + Sqhz. 10. c?ia; -I- Jwa: — amy — 2b7iy, 76. An entire function of two quantities can be regarded as an entire function of either of them (§§ 49, 50), and when expressed as a function of one may be transformed into a func- tion of the other. Example. The expression (2a + d)a^— (4^2 _ 2a) x^ ^ (d^ — 2a -\-l)x — a^ has the form of an entire function of x. It is required to express it as an entire function of a. Clearing of parentheses, it becomes 2aa^ + 32;3 — U^x^ + 2ax^ + a^x — 2ax + x — a\ Now, collecting the coefficients of a^, a^, etc., separately, it becomes (_ ^x^ ^x — 1) a^ + {2x^ + 2x'^ — 2x) a + 3:^^ + x, which is the required form. EXERCISES. Express the following as entire functions of y : 1. (^y^—4:y)x^-}-{y^—2y^ + l) x^+{2y^-^6i/—'7)x—y^—6, 2. {y^ — y^) x^ -{- (y^ — y) X -{■ y^ — 1. 3. lys _ 2^/3) a^+ (yi — 2y^) 2-2 + (2/ — 2y) x + y'^ — 2, 4. (2/5 + 32/^) x^-\-(f^- By') x^ + (y^ + By) x^ + {y^ + B) x. Multiplication of Polynomials by Polynomials. 77. Let us. consider the product {a + J) (^ 4- g + r). This is of the same form as equation (1) of § 65, {a + I) taking the place of m. Therefore the product just written is equal to {a-\-l)p + (a + J)g+ (a + &)r. 48 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. But {a + h)p =1 np -{- dp. {a + b)q = aq-{- hq. (a -\- b) r =^ ar + b7\ Therefore the product is ap -{- bp -{- aq + bq -{- ar -i- br. It would have been still shorter to first clear the paren- theses from (a + b), putting the product into the form a{P + q + r) + b (p + q + r). Clearing the parentheses again, we should get the same result as before. We have therefore the following rule for multiplying aggre- gates : 78. Rule. Multiply each term of the multiplicand hy each term of the multiplier, and add the coefficients with their proper algebraic signs. EXERCISES. 1. {a + b) {2a — bn^ — 2bn% 2. {a — b) (dm -\- 2n — babmn). 3. {m^ — n^) {2mn + pm + qn). 4. {p^ + 2 by « + Z>. 9. «3 + aH -{■ ax^ -\- 01^ by a — x. 10. a^ — a^ + a — Ihj a^ + a — 1. 11. ic^ + fl2:3 + a^rc^ 4- a^a; + a* by a; + ff. 12. a + ^2 + c;2;2 + ^2;^ by m + W2f — pzK 13. (a + bx) (m + wa;). 14. {a -^ bx -^ cx^) [m -{• nx ■{- px^). 16. (2/'i + |/2 + 2/ + l)(2/2 + 3^ + l) 17. (2/' - ^'' + 3?/ - 4) (^3 + 2?/2 + 3^ + 4). 18. 3a2'«a; — ^a^y + 2«2« by «"* — «'* 19. a2 ^ 6«^> 4- -5 by a — -J. 20. (a 4- Z») 4- (a _ b) by (a 4- ^) — (^5 — ^)- 21. «2 _ ^,2 _j. (a _ ^) by fl2 ^ J2 ^ (a + J). 22. a -{- b -\- c hj a — b -\- c. 23. «2 ^ j2 _ (3^2 _|_ z^) by 2a 4- 25 — 2 (a - J). 24. 2 (a — Z*) 4- a: — 2/ by a 4- 5 — (a; 4- 2^). 25. ax'^ 4- 5a:" — abx by aa:;^ _j_ ^^^ 26. «»' _ J» by a'" 4- 5". - 4 60 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. 27. — l^x^y + ^xy^ — 12y^ by — 6xy, 28. Ix^ + dax — \a^ by 2o^ — ax — -a\ KoTE. Aggregates entering into either factor should be simplified before multiplying. Special Forms of Multiplication. 80. 1. To find the square of a binomial, as a + 5. "We multiply « + J by a + 5. a {a ^ V) =^ c^ -\- db bla-^l) = ab -^-W- {a + i){a-\-i) = a^ + 2ab + b^ Hence, {a + bf = a^ + 2ab -\- l^ (1) 2. We find, in the same way, (a — by = a^ — 2ab + bK (2) These forms may be expressed in words thus : Theorem. The square of a binomial is equal to the sum of the squares of its two terms, plus or minus twice their product. 3. To find the product of « + 5 by a — &. a{a -\-b) = a^ -\- ab ^bla + b) = -ab-^ Adding, {a + b){a-b) =a^- bK (3) That is : Theorem. The product of the sum and difference of two numbers is equal to the difference of their squares. The forms (1), (2), and (3) should be memorized by the student, owing to their constant occurrence. When ^ — 1, the form (3) becomes {a + 1) (« - 1) = a2 - 1. The student should test these formulae by examples like the following : (9 + 4)3 = 92 + 2.9.4 + 42 = 81 + 72 + 16 = 169. (9 - 4)2 = 92 - 2.9.4 + 42 = 81 - 72 + 16 = 25. MULTIPLICATION. 51 (9 _^ 4) (9 _ 4) _ 92 _ 4. = 65. Prove these three equations by computing the left-hand member directly. EXERCI SES. Write on sight the values of I. (m + 'inf. 2. (m — 2nY. 3. {^a-ibf. 4. {4.x -6yy. 5. (2x + y) {2x - y). 6. {3x + 1) {3x - 1). 7. (4a;2 + 1) (4a;2 _ i). 8. {5a^ - 3) (5:^:3 _^ 3). 81. Because the product of two negative factors is positive, it follows that the square of a negative quantity is positive. Examples. {— af = a:^ = (+ af. {p _ af =. a^ — 'Zab -^y^ z= {a- h)\ Hence, The expression c? — %ab -\-l^ is the square both of a — b and of b — a. 83. We have — « x « = — a^. Hence, The product of equal factors with opposite signs is a negative square. Example. — [a — b){a — b) — — a^ + 2ab — b^, which is the negative of (2). Because — {a — b) z:^ b — a, this equation may be written in the form, {l-a){a — b) = —a^ + 2ab — V^, which is readily obtained by direct multiplication. EXERCISES. Write on sight the values of 1. — (a + ^) X — (« + b). 2. {p^ — y){y — ^)- 3. {^ + y){-^ — y)- 4. (3« — Zb) (3b — 2a). 5. (3b — 2a) (— 3b + 2«). 6. (am — bn) (bn — am). 7. (xy — 2) (2 — xy). 52 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS, CHAPTER III. . DIVISION. 83. The problem of algebraic division is to find such an expression that, when multiplied by the divisor, the product shall be the dividend. This expression is called the quotient. In Algebra, the quotient of two quantities may always be indicated by a fraction, of which the numerator is the divi- dend and the denominator the divisor. Sometimes the numerator cannot be exactly divided by the denominator. The expression must then be treated as a frac- tion, by methods to be explained in the next chapter. Sometimes the divisor will exactly divide the dividend. Such cases form the subject of the present chapter. Division of Monomials by Monomials. 84. In order that a dividend may be exactly divisi- ble by a divisor, it is necessary that it shall contain the divisor as a factor. Ex. I. 15 is exactly divisible by 3, because 3'5 = 15. 2. The product alt^c is exactly divisible by ac, because ac is a factor of it. To divide one expression by another which is an exact divisor of it; EuLE. Remove from the dividend those factors the product of which is equal to the divisor. The remain^ ing factors will he the quotient. 85. Rule of Exponents. If both dividend and divisor contain the same symbol, with different exponents, say m and n, then, because the dividend contains this symbol m times as a factor, and the divisor n times, the quotient will contain it m — n times. Hence, DIVISION, m In dividing, exponents of like synibols are to he sub- tracted. EXERCISES. 1. Divide 26.^?/ by 2y. Ans. l^x, 2. Divide na?bc by 75c. 3. Divide 7^ by x^. Ans. x, 4. Divide ISa^ by 6«. Ans. 3a. 5. Divide Iba^m by 3«. Ans. bam. 6. Divide 14«3y/^2 i^y 7^577^. 7. Divide 16a5/7^4 by ^ahn\ 8. Divide 36a;t^%3 by Qxyz. 9. Divide 40a2a;3^5 by IWxz!^. 10. Divide 35«Z>5 by lab. Rule of Signs in Division. 86. The rule of signs in division corresponds to that in multiplication, namely : If dividend and divisor have the same sign, the quo- tient is positive. If they have opposite signs, the quotient is negative. Proof. •\-mx -V- { + m) = -{-X, because 4-a; x {-\-m) = -\-mx. •^mx -^ (— m) = — X, " — X X (— ^0 = ^mx. — mx -7- i + ni) =■ —X, " —X X ( + w) = — mx. — mx -r- (— m) = -\-x, " -i-x X ( — w) = — 7nx. The condition to be fulfilled in all four of these cases is that the product, quotient x divisor, shall have the same alge- braic sign as the dividend. EXERCISES. Divide 1. + « by + a. 2. + « by — a. 3. —ahy+a. 4. —a by — a. 5. — 33ahnx by llax. 6. — 2^xhjz by 12xyz. 7. 21a??iV" by — 7amx\ Ans. + 1. Ans. -1. Ans. -1. Ans. + 1. Ans. — Sam. Ans. -2x. Ans. —3mx^"-\ 54 ALOEBRAIG OPERATIONS. 8. — 18a^/;^ by — Qa^p. Ans. Sa^-^p"'-K 9. — IQa^x'^y"' by Aax^y^, 10. Ub'pi by — 7^>^^s'. 11. — lUH^'Jc'^ by — ^lH'^lc\ 12. 12 (a — Vf (^ by 3 (a — Vf c. Ans, 4 (a — J) c^. 13. 42 (a: - «/)^ by - 7 {x - y)\ 14. — 44a* {x — yY by lla^ (x — y)K 15. — 45^*^ (a — Z')'^ by W {a — ly. 16. — 48 {tn + n)P by — 8 (m + w)9'. 17. 64 {a + 5)^^ (a; — y)^ by 4 (a + ^) (^ — y)- Division of Polynomials by Monomials. 87. By the distributive law in multiplication, whatever quantities the symbols m, a, h, c, etc., may represent, we have : {a -\- h -{■ c -\- etc.) X m = y/za + wz5 + wc + etc. Therefore, by the condition of division, (wa + ml + mc + etc.) -T-m = a + 5 + c + etc. We therefore conclude, 1. In order that a polynomial may l)e exactly divisi- ble by a monomial, each of its terms must be so divisible. 2. The quotient will be the algebraic sum of the separate quotients found by dividing the different terms of the polynomial. EXERCISES. Divide I. 2^2 + daH — MH^ by 2«2. Ans. 1 + Zax — ^aHK Gm^n — 12m^n^ — ISmn^ by 6mn, 8aW — 16^4^4 4- 8a^b^ by 4:a^^ 4:xy^ — Sx^y^ -\- 4x^y hj — Axy. 12aix — 24:al)x^ by — 12aix. 21am^X^ — Ua^m^a^ + 28a^m^x^ by — Hamxf^. 12a^x + 24«:c + 4Sax^ by 24^52:. a(b — c) + b (c — a) -\- c {a — b) -\- abc by «Jc. 27 (« - by — 18 (« — by + 9 (a — by by 9 (flj - b). am (^ _ J^)n _ gn (^ _ lyn by ^w (^ _ J)n, . DIVISION. 65 11. {a + ly (a - hf + {a + lf (a-hy by (a-^l) {a-l). 12. 10 {x + y)"'{x — yY — 5 (a; + yy {x — yf by 5 (a; + y) {x - y), 13. (« + Z*) (« - I) by ^2 _ J2. Factors and Multiples. 88. As in Arithmetic some numbers are composite and others prime, so in Algebra some expressions admit of being divided into algebraic factors, while others do not. The latter are by analogy called Prime and the former Composite. A single symbol, as a or a;, is necessarily prime. A product of several symbols is of course composite, and can be divided into factors at sight. A binomial or polynomial is sometimes prime and some- times composite, but no universal rule can be given for dis- tinguishing the two cases. 89. When the same symbol or expression is a factor of all the terms of a polynomial, the latter is divisible by it. EXAMPLES. 1. ax ■\- abx^ + d?cx^ := a {x -\- bx^ -{- acx?), 2. aWx -\- d^Wy? = aWx (b + ax). 3. a^ + a"ic« = a^ (a"' + x^). EXERCISES. Factor I. ax^ + a^x. 2. a^^cy + a^c^y + ah^c^y. 3. fl2n jTi ^ ^n pn^ 4, ^3w ^n _ ^2» ^271 ^ ^n ^n^ 5. a^¥^c^ -^ a^^b^^c^ + a^^h^c'^^. 90. There are certain forms of composite expressions which should be memorized, so as to be easily recognized. The following are the inverse of those derived in § 80. 1. a2 + 2ab + b\= {a -\- b)\ 2. «2 _ 2ab + J2 = (« - b)\ 3. a'-b''= {a^ b) {a - b). The form (3) can be applied to any difference of even powers ; thus, 66 ALQEBBAIG OPERATIONS, a^-b'^ (a^ + IP) (a2 _ h^) . fl« - J« = (a3 + J3) («3 _ ^3) . and, in general, a^"" — ^>2» = (a^ + l)"") (a^ — z^'*). If the exponent is a multiple of 4, the second factor can be again divided. EXAM PLES. ^8 _ ^,8 :^ (^44. ^,4) («4 _ J4) ^ (<24 + J4) (^^+^,2) (^ ^ J) {a-V). When 5 is equal to 1 or 2, the forms become a^-lz= (a + l){a — 1). 052 _ 4 z^ (« + 2) {a — 2). «2 + 2a + 1 = (« + 1)2. a2 + 4a + 4 = (« + 2)2. ^2 _ 2a 4- 1 = (« - 1)2 = (1 - a)\ flr2 — 4a + 4 = (a - 2)2 = (2 — af. By putting 2^ for h, they give «2 _ 4^2 = (a + 2Z.) (a — 25). a2 + 4a5 + 4&2 = (a + 2^>)2. EXERCISES. Divide the following expressions into as many factors as possible : I. ^ — 16. ^W5. (a;2 + 4) (a: + 2) (a; — 2). a;2 + 62: + 9. ^;^5. (re + 3)1 a;2 _ 6a; + 9. 4fl2^2 _ 9J2^2. 6, 16^4^ _ 1, 9a;2 - l^xy + 4^2. g, ^2^2 ^ 2aa:?^ + y\ 4a2a;2 + 4aJa;«/ + lpy\ 10. a* + 4a2^>2 + 4*2. a4 _ 2.'c2?/2 _|. y, 12. a;4 — 4a:2y2 4. 4^. ^4 _ 4^2^2 ^ 4J4. 14. ^4 _ ^2^2. flSn _ 2a« + 1. 16. a;2« — 4aa;» + 4a2. 3^Z + 2a;3//3;2 + fz. Ans. z (a;« + 2a;3^3 _^ ^) = ^; (a;3 ^ ^3)2. DIVISION. 67 19. «3 _ 4^2j ^ 4rtj2, 20. d^ — ¥^. 21. ^bx^— ^Oa^y H- 1 6xY- 2 2 . ^x^y^ — "dxhf. 2T^. ^x/^y^ — 12a;y + 9a:l 24. a? — x^y^, 25. :c4?/i _ 2a;^^^ + ?/2». 26. rc^m _ 2a;2»i + 1. 27. 2:2 4- a; + J. 28. a:^"* ^ x"^ + -- 91. By combining the preceding forms, yet other forms may be found. For example, the factors (^2 ^ab + b^) («2 -ab + b% (1) are respectively the sum and difference of the quantities Or + l^ and ab. Hence the product (1) is equal to the difference of the squares of these quantities, or to (^2 ^ J2)2 _ ^2J2 =: «4 ^ ^2J2 _p J4. Hence the latter quantity can be factored as follows : fl4 ^ ^2^2 4- ^,4 3^ (^2 _|_ «§ 4_ ^,2) (^2 _ «J 4_ J2). EXERCISES. Factor I. ar* + xY + y^. 2. a* ^ 8«2J2 _^ 1(3 j4. 3. ft* 4- 9«2a;2 -I- 81a:*. 4. «*^ + «2» ^2« _^ J4n^ 5. a^ar^ + 4:aWx^ + le^^^a:^. 6. «« + 8a^b^ + 16a2J*. 7. a^ + x^^y^^ + a:'*^^ 8. m^ — 05^ -j_ 2a^ — W. Ans. (m — a + b) {m + a — b). Here the last three terms are a negative square. Compare § 82. 9. a^ — 4:b^ -}- 4:bc — c^. 10. a^ _ 4^j2 _|_ 4^^^ — ^^^ 92. The following expression occurs in investigating the area of a triangle of which the sides are given : (a + b + c){a + b — c){a — b + c){a — b — e). (1) By § 80, 3, the product of the first pair of factors is {a + by —c'^ = a^ + 2ab + TJ^— & ; and that of the second pair, (a _ j)2 _ c2 = a2 - 2ab + b^ - c". 68 ALQEBBAIG OPERATIONS. By the same principle, the product of these products is {cfi + ,&2 - c2)2 _ 4.aW, which we readily find to be a^^h^ + d^— 2aW — Wg^ — 2c^a\ (2) Hence this expression (2) can be divided into the four factors (1). Factors of Binomials. 93. Let us multiply a;»-i + ax^-^ + «2^^-3 + + oT'-^x + ft'^-i by x — a. OPERATION. Qfl-^ + «a;^-2 _|_ ^2^71-3 _|_ ^3^-4 ^ ^ ^n-2^ ^ ^«-l X — a xn 4- ax-^-^ 4- «2^c^-2 + a%^-3 + + a'l-i a; _ (^a;^-i — ^2^:^-2 — a^a:^-^ — — a^^'^x — a"' Prod., ce'* — a^ The intermediate terms all cancel each other in the product, leaving only the two extreme terms. The product of the multiplicand hj x — a is therefore afi — a^. Hence, if we divide x^ — a^ by x — a, the quotient will be the above expression. Hence the binomial x"^ — a"- may be factored as follows : xr^ — a^= (x — a) (x''-'^ -\- ax"^-^ -}- a^x^'^ -}- -^a'^-^x + a''-^). Therefore we have, Theorem. The difference of any power of two num- bers is divisible by the difference of the numbers themselves. Illustration". The difference between any power of 7 and the same power of 2 is divisible by 7 — 2 = 5. For instance, 72 _ 22 :::z 45 = 5.9. 7^ — 23 = 335 =. 5.67. T — %^ = 2385 = 5.477. etc. etc. etc DIVISION. 69 94. Let us multiply by ic + a = a; — (— «). Rem. This expression is exactly like the preceding, except that — « is substituted for a. It will be noticed that the coefficients of the powers of x in the multiplicand are the powers of — a, because (-ay=-a, (- ay = + a^ (-.aY=—a% {-ay=+aS etc. etc. The sign of the last term will be positive or negative, according as n — 1 is an even or odd number. OPEBATIOK. a:»-i_fl5a;n-2 _^ a^x»'-^—a^x»'-^ + .... + {—ay-^x-\- {—a^-^ X -\- a = X — { — a) xn — ax^-^ 4- a2^«-2 — a^x"^-^ . . . + (— «)^~^ + a^?"-^ — a^x^-^ + a^x^'^ .... — (— fl?)^~^ x — {—aY Prod., a:'* — {—aY The multiplier a; + a is the same as x — (— a) (§ 59). In multiplying the first terms, we use + a, and in the last ones — {— a), because the latter shows the form better. Hence, reasoning as in (1), the expression x^ — (— aY admits of being factored thus : x"' — (— aY = {x -^ a) [a;'*-! — ax^-"^ + a^x^-^ — + (— aY'^x + (— «)«-!]. If n is an even number, then (— aY = «^j and xn — (_ aY = X"' — a^ If n is an odd number, then (— a^) = — a% and x^ — (—aY = x^-\- a^' Therefore, Theorem 1. When n is odd, tlie binomial 3?^+ a" is divisible by a; + a. 60 ALOEBRAIG OPERATIONS. Theorem 2. When n is even, tlie binomial x^—a^ is divisible by ic+ a. Note. These theorems could have been deduced imme- diately from that of § 93, by changing a into — a, because X — a would then have been changed to x -\- a, and x^ — a^ to x^ + a^ or x"- — a^, according as n was odd or even. The forms of the factors in the two cases are : When n is odd, r^n j^a"" = {x + a) (a;»-i — a7^-^ + ^2^-3 _ . . . . +«n-i). When n is even, a;» _ flw _ (a; _j_ a) (.t^-i — cra;^-2 + a^jf'-^ — . . . . ~a^-i). {a) In the latter case, the last factor can still be divided, be- cause x^ — a^ is divisible by a; — a as well as by a; + a. We find, by multiplication, (x — a) (a;«-2 + a2a;7i-4 _|_ ^4^n-6 -f .... 4- ^^-2) — a;n-i _ rta;n-2 _|_ ^2a;n-3 _ ^3^n-4 -f . . . . + a^-«a; — a^-i. Therefore, from the last equation {a) we have : When n is even, ic^ — a^ = (a;H-ff) {x—a) {x^^-^ ■\- a^x''-^ -\- a^x""-^ — .... + a^-2). EXERCISES. Factor the following expressions, and when they are purely numerical, prove the results. 2). I. 52 - 22. Ans. (5 + 2) (5 [Proof. 52-22 = 25- - 4 = 21 ; (5 + 2) (5 - 3) = 7-3 = 21.] 2. 53 — 23. 3. 54 — 24. 4. 55 - 25. 5- 5« - 26. 6. 73 + 23. 7. 73 - 23. 8. 74 - 24. 9- X^ - «2. 10. 01? — a\ II. x^ — a*. 12. x^ — a^ IS- x^ + a3. 14. a^ -f a\ IS- a3 _ 8^3. 16. 8^3-27^3. 17. 16«4 - J4. 18. x^-{- Sf. 19. x^ - m/. 20. 8^3 + 27^3. 21. x^ — Ua\ DIVISION, 61 Least Common Multiple. 95. Def. A Common Multiple of several quanti- v ties is any expression of which all the quantities are factors. Example. The expression amhi^ is a common multiple of the quantities a, m, n, am, amn, mn?, m^n^f etc., and finally of the expression itself, am^n\ But it is not a multiple of a^, nor of X, nor of any other symbol which does not enter into it as a factor. Def. The Least Common Multiple of several quantities is the common multiple which is of lowest degree. It is written for shortness L. C. M. KuLE FOE FINDING THE L. C. M. Factov the several quantities as far as possible. If the quantities have no connnon factor, the least common multiple is their product. If several of the quantities have a common factor, the m^ultiple required is the product of all the factors, each of them being raised to the highest power which it, has in any of the given quantities. Ex. I. Let the given quantities be ^ab, Wc, Qac. The factors are 2, 3, «, h, and c. The highest power of h is ^, while a and c only enter to the first power. Hence, L. C. M.=6a^c. Ex. 2. «2 _ j2^ ^2 ^ 2ab + l^, c? — ^ab + ^, a* — b*. Factoring, we find the expressions to be, (a + b){a- b\ {a + bf, {a - bf, {a^ +1^' {a + b) {a - b). By the rule, the L. C. M. required is (a-\-bY(a-bf{a^-\-l^),- 62 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. EXERCISES. FindtheL. CM. of I. xy, xZf yz. 2. a^if l^Cf (?d, ^a, 3. a, dby abc, abed, 4. a^, a¥, Ic^, 5. x^-y% x^y, x — y. 6. a^ — 4:, X^ — 4:X -\- 4:, X^ -\- 4rX -\- 4t. 7. 16a2^ — 4:7n% 2ax + w, 2aa: — 7n. 8. i2:2 — 1, a;2 + 1, x^ — 2x-{- 1, a;^ + 2ic + 1. 9. 4« (b + c), 5 (« — c), 2ab. 10. 2 (« — 5)2, 2{a + bf, 2{a — h){a-\- b). 11. 3 (x + 2/), 3 (a; - y), 3 (^^^ + ?/3). 12. « — 2>, a2 _ ^2^ ^3 _ J3^ ^4 _ ^,4. 15. X + y, X — y, a -{- b, a — b. 14. a^ — a*, ic^ + a^, ic^ — a\ x -\- a, 1.5. a:^ _ 64^6^ ^ _ 15^4^ ^2 _ 4^2. 16. a + b, «2 4- 2ab + d^, a^ — b\ Division of one Polynomial by another. If the dividend and divisor are both polynomials, and entire functions of the same symbol, and if the degree of the numer- ator is not less than that of the denominator, a division may be performed and a remainder obtained. The method of dividing is. similar to long division in Arithmetic. 96. Case I. Wlien there is only one algebraic sym- hoi in the dividend and divisor. Let us perform the division, 3;^4 _ 4^3 ^ 2:^2 ^ 3a; — 1 -^ t^ — x-^I. We first find the quotient of the highest term of the divi- sor x^, into the highest term of the dividend 3a;*, multiply the whole divisor by the quotient 32;^, and subtract the product from the dividend. We repeat the process on the remainder, and continue doing so until the remainder has no power of x so high as the highest term of the divisor. The work is most conveniently arranged as follows : - x^- x^ + 3x- X^— X -1 > ~~ 2x^ + ^x- 2x^ -{-2x- -1 -2 DIVISION. Dividend. Divisor. 3rc* — 4a;3 + 22;2 + 3a; — 1 \ x^ — x + l 8a;' X Divisor, U"^ — 3x^ + ^ ^^ 32^ _ a; — 2 Quotient. First Remainder, —X X Divisor, Second Remainder, —2 X Divisor, Tliird and last Remainder, 2x -\- \ The division can be carried no farther without fractions, because x^ will not go into x. We now apply the same rule as in Arithmetic, by adding to the quotient a fraction of which the numerator is the remainder and the denominator the divisor. The result is, x^ — x + 1 ^ x^—X-\-l ^' This result may now be proved by multiplying the quotient by the divisor and adding the remainder. There is an analogy between the result {a) and the cor- responding one of Arithmetic. An algebraic fraction hke (a), in which the degree of the numerator is greater than that of the denominator may be called an improper fraction. As in Arithmetic an improper fraction may be reduced to an e7itire iiumher plus a proper fraction, so in Algebra an improper frac- tion may be reduced to an entire function of a symbol plus a proper fraction. EXERCISES. Execute the following divisions, and reduce the quotients to the form (a) when there is any remainder. 1. Divide o? — 2x — 1 by a; + 1. 2. Divide .^3 -f- 2a;2 — 2a: — 1 by a; — 1. 3. Divide a;^ _ 3,^ ^ 2a: — 1 by a:^ — x. T, , 2x^ — 27?-\-x^ — x — h 4. Reduce a:^ — a: — 1 5. Divide 24^3 _ 38a2 _ '^2a + 50 by 2a — 3. 35 5 Atis. Quot. = 12ft2 — a — — ; Rem. = — «* Z At 64 ALQEBBAIG OPERATIONS. 6. Divide a:^ — 1 by a; — 1. When terms are wanting in the dividend, they may be considered as zero. In this last exercise, the terms in o^, x-, and x are wanting. But the beginner may write the dividend and perform the operation thus : ic* + 0x3 + oa;2 + Oa; - -1 1 x-\ X*- X? aj3 + «« + a; + 1 X^- X? X' + Oa; X'^- X x-\ The operation is thus assimilated to that in which the expression is complete ; but the actual writing of the zero terms in this way is un- necessary, and should be dispensed with as soon as the student is able to do it. 7. Divide c^ — '%a-\-\ by « — 1. 8. Divide a;^ + 1 by .'T + 1. 9. Divide W + 125 by 2rt -+ 5. 10. Divide a^ + 1 by a + 1. 1 1. Divide «* + 2flj2 _|_ 9 by ^2 ^ 2« + 3. 12. Divide «« — 1 by a^ ^ %a^ + 2a -f- 1. 13. Divide 7^ — \%:f^ + ?>^x^ — 32 by x^ — 2. 14. Divide (a^ — 2xi- 1) (x^ — 12a; — 16) by x^ — 16. For some purposes, we may equally well perform the operation by beginning with the term containing the lowest power of the quantity, or not containing it at all. Take, for instance, Example 9 : 125 + 8a3 I 5 + 2a l^-'j' + 50fl? 25 - 10a + 4a'^ — 50a -50a -20^2 20a^ + 8^3 20fl^ + 8a3 15. Divide 1 + 3a; + 3a.'2 + x^ by 1 -f a;. 16. Divide 1 — 4a; + ix^ — a^ hy 1 — x. 17. Divide 15 + 2a — 3a^ + a^ + 2a* — a^hyB + ia — a\ 18. Divide 1 — 1/^ by 1 + 2y + 2?/2 -}- if. 19. Divide 64 — 64a;-|-16a;2— 8a;3^4^4_^ by — 4 + 2a; + a;2. 20. Divide 64 — 16a:2 4- 2;6 by 4 — 4a; + xK DIVISION. 65 97. Case II. When there are several algebraic sym- hols in the divisor and dividend. Let us suppose the dividend and divisor arranged according to powers of some one of the symbols, which we may suppose to be X, as in § 76. Let us call A the coefficient of the highest power of x in the dividend, and ^ the term independent of ic, so that the dividend is of the form Ax'^ + (terms with lower powers of x) + H, Let us call a the coefficient of the highest power of x in the divisor, and Ji the term of the divisor independent of x, so that the divisor is of the form ax'>^ + (terms with lower powers of x) + Ti, Then we have the following Theorem. In order that the dividend may Ibe exact- ly divisible by the divisor, it is necessary : 1. That the term containing the highest power of x in the dividend shall be exactly divisible by the cor- responding term of the divisor. 2. That the term independent of x in the dividend shall be exactly divisible by the corresponding term of the divisor. Reason. The reason of this theorem is that if we suppose the quotient also arranged according to the powers of x, then, 1. The highest term of the dividend, Ax^, will be given by multiplying the highest term of the divisor, a^P^, by the high- est term of the quotient. Hence we must have, AoIj^ Highest term of quotient = -— -• cix? 2. The lowest term of the dividend will be given by multi- plying the lowest term of the dividend by the lowest term of the quotient. Hence, we must have, TT Lowest term of quotient = ^• Eem. 1. Since we may arrange the dividend and divisor according to the powers of any one of the symbols, the above 5 66 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. theorem must be true whatever symbol we take in the place of X. Rem. 3. It does not follow that when the conditions of the theorem are fulfilled, the division can always be performed. This question can be decided only by trial. We now reach the following rule : I. Arrange both dividend and divisor according to the ascending or descending powers of some common symhol. II. Form the first term of the quotient hy dividing the first term of the dividend hy the first term of the divisor. III. Multiply the whole divisor hy the term thus found, and suhtract the product from the dividend. IV. Treat the remainder as a new dividend in the same way, and repeat the process until a remainder is found which is not divisible hy the quotient. Ex. I. Divide a^ + ^ctx^ + ^ci^x + a^ by a; + a. OPEKATION. \ X ■]- a trS-f- ax^ 3^ + 2ax + «2 2ax^ + Sa^x 2ax^ + 2a^x d'x + «3 a^x + «3 Divide x^ — ax^ -\- a {i -i- c) x — alc—lx- Ex. 2. Divide x^ — ax^ -]- a (b -i- c) x — abc—bx^—cx^+bcx by X — a. Arranging according to § 76, we have the dividend as follows: x^ — (a + b + c) x^ + {ab -\-bc-{-ca)x — abc \ x — a 7? — ax^ — {b + c)x^ -{- {ab-\-bc + ca)x — (b + c)x^-\- (ah + ac)x bcx — abc box — abc x^ — (b + c)x + be FRACTIONS. 67 EXERCISES. 1. Divide the dividend of Ex. 2 above by x — h. 2. Divide the dividend of Ex. 2 above by q: — c. 3. Divide a^ ■\-¥— (^ + dabc by a -\- b — c, 4. Divide a^ -^b^ + Sab — l by a -{- b — 1, 5. Divide a^Iy^ + ^abx^ — (a^ + ^) ^^ by «5 + (« — ^) ^. 6. Divide (^2 — Jc)3 + S¥c^ by a^ + j^. ' 7. Divide (« + 5 + c) (ah -{- be -}- ca) — dbc by a + 5. 8. Divide \a -{-b — c){b ^ c — a){c + a — h) by a2 — J2 _ c2 -1- 2bc. 9. Divide «» + 5^ + c^ — 3«5c hj a -\- b + c, 10. Divide ic^ + 4a* by a;^ — 2aa; + 2a\ 11. Divide «2 ( j _|. a;) _ J2 (^j _ ^j) _l_ (cf _ j) a?^ + abx by a; + a + 5. 12. Divide a^ — ax^ — b'^x + aW' by (a: — a) {x -\- b). 13. Divide 12a*a;^ — l^a^x^ + 6a®a;^ -— a' by Sa^a;^ — a^. CHAPTER IV. OF ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 98. Bef. An Algebraic Fraction is the expression of an indicated quotient when the divisor will not ex- actly divide the dividend. Example. The quotient of ^ -7- g' is the fraction -• Def. The numerator and denominator of a frac- tion are called its two Terms. Transformation of Single Fractions. 99. Reduction to Lowest Terms. If the two terms of a fraction are multiplied or divided by the same quantity, the value of the fraction will not be altered. 68 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. CLQC Example. Consider the fraction — • If we divide both ay terms by a, the fraction will become -• ax _ X ay ~ y Corollary. If tlie numerator and denominator con- tain common factors, they may be cancelled. Def. When all the factors common to the two terms of a fraction are cancelled, the fraction is said to "be reduced to its Lowest Terms. To reduce a fraction to its loivest terms, factor both terms, when necessary, and cancel all the common factors. ^ alxy^ hx Ex. T. ^ = acny^ en The factor ay^ common to both terms is cancelled. aW a^ Ex. 2. -YfTj = Ti- a^^ b^ The factor a^b^ common to both terms is cancelled. ^ ^ ^ a^x Ex. 3. Reduce -^-* ^ d}x Here a^x is a divisor of both terms of the fraction. Di- 1 cfioc 1 Tiding bj it, the result is -s- Hence -y- = -g- a a X a gi ^^ a2 + ab + <^2 ^^T ^.- i6. x" — y^ x^ -\- y"^ axm — «a:)« „ wa? — wa; 1 8. bym — byn {a -\- b) (ttt — n) 100. Rule of Signs in Fractions. Since a fraction is an indicated quotient, the rule of signs corresponds to that for division. The following theorems follow from the laws of multiplication and division : 1. If the terms are of the same sign, the fraction is positive ; if of opposite signs, it is negative. 2. Changing the sign of either term changes tlie sign of the fraction. 3. Changing the signs of both terms leaves the frac- tion with its original sign. 4. The sign of the fraction may be clianged by changing the sign written before it. 5. To these may be added the general principle that an even number of changes of sign restores the fraction to its original sign. Ex. I. Ex. 2. Ex. 3- a — a —a a b~ -b~~ b ~ -b a —a —a a b~ -b~ b ~ -b a — b 1) — a a — b b-a m — n n ^m n — m m — n 70 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. EXE RCISE S. Express the following fractions in four different ways with respect to signs : X — y X — y I. ^. 2. f- m a p—q ^ a—l +c m — n ^ a + m — x p + q — r a — m -\- x "Write the following fractions so that the symbols x and y shall be positive in both terms : c-y a -\- x — b 8. 10. 12. m — X n — y a — x a — x + b x — a + b b^x a -{-b — X b — X a — b + y 101. When the numerator is a product, any one or more of its factors can be removed from the numerator and made a multiplier. ^ abmx , mx ^ x ,1 Ex. = ab = abm = abmx P + q P -hq 2^ + q P + q EXERCI SES. Express the following fractions in as many forms as possi- ble with respect to factors : pax ab abc I. — ^— • 2. — • ^. • mn ' c a -\- b x^ — y^ a^ — ¥ r ^— 16«^ a — b X ' X -\- 2a 102. deduction to Given Denominator. A quan- tity may be expressed as a fraction with any required denominator, D, by supposing it to have the denomi- nator 1, and then multiplying both terms by D. For, if we call a the quantity, we have a = - = -jr- ' FRACTIONS. 71 Ex. If we wish to express the quantity db as a fraction having xy for its denominator, we write aixy xy ' If the quantity is fractional, both terms of the fraction must be multiplied by that factor which will produce the required denominator. Ex. To express t with the denominator nh^, we multiply both members by n¥ -~b = nH^. Thus, a _ anH^ This process is the reverse of reduction to lowest terms. EXERCISES. Express the quantity I. a with the denominator b. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- — -T ax db m n — 1 m (n —p) a + b~ X — y x^ + 1 X -\-l a-1 a ax. i( ( * «J^ a i ' n{x — y). i( i ' X, (( a? - b\ i( ( x^ — y\ a i a;2 + 2a; + 1. a ^ a^ - 1. Negative Exponents. 103. By the principle of § 85, we have % = «"'*• If we have ^ > w, the exponent of the second member of the equation will be negative, and the first member, by can- 72 ALOEBBAIG OPERATIONS. celling n factors from each term of the fraction, will become -j—-' Hence -j—- = a'^'K By putting for shortness h — n== s, the equation will be i = a". Hence, A negative exponent indicates the reciprocal of the corresponding quantity luith a positive exponent. If in the formula a^~^ = — ^ we suppose h z= n, it will become «o = — , or a^ = 1. Hence, because a may be any quantity whatever, Any quantity with the exponent is equal to unity. This result may be made more clear by sue- a^ ■=. aaa cessive divisions of a power of a by a. Every ^2 __ ^^ time we effect this division, we diminish the ex- j ponent by 1, and we may suppose this diminution to continue algebraically to negative values of a =: 1 the exponent. On the left-hand side of the _j 1 equations in the margin, the division is effected ^ symbolically by diminishing the exponents ; on -, the right the result is written out in the usual a~^ = — way. ^^ etc. etc. EXERCISES. In the following exercises, write the quotients which are fractional both as fractions reduced to their lowest terms, and as entire quantities with negative exponents, on the principle, etc. Ans, X. Ans. - or cc~i. X a V\\ « 7, 1 Vide | = «^^-. I. x^ by X. 2. X by x\ 3- - 2¥ by h\ 4. 4«53 by — 2a^h Ans. ?f or - U-W, FRACTIONS. 73 5. — ^a% by ^al)\ 6. l^aWxij by 4«5ar. 7. 14fl^^^>V by — 1d?¥c^. 8. Uapqxy by ISa^c. 9. — ZQa^p^x^y by — 24a%?/. 10. 48«2 (a; — y)2 by 36 (a; — y). 11. 42^^ ^4by20^-±-^y. \x — yf *' \2; — ?// 12. 22 (flj — h) (m — n) by 15 {a J^b){m -\- n). 13. 25 (a2 _ J2) (^2 _ ^2) by 15 {a — i) (m + w). 14. (2;^ _ 1) (^2 _ 4^2) by (a;2 -l)(a+ 21?). 15. a:^ — 1 by a;2 + 1. 16. a^Ki^y^ by a^^x^yl 17. m^n^y'^z by mn^y^A 18. m (m + 1) (m + 2) (m + 3) by w (m— 1) (m— 2) (m— 3). 19. tt"* by a^ 20. «5^c^ by ^J«c»*. Dissection of Fractions. 104. If the numerator is a polynomial, each of its terms may be divided separately by the denominator, and the several fractions connected by the signs + or — . The principle is that on which the diyision of polynomials is founded (§ 87). The general form is iL±^-±£±^ = ^ + ^ + ^ + etc. (1) m m m m The separate fractions may then be reduced to their lowest terms. Example. Dissect the fraction 32^^^^^; — \%mmj + 15^^^ — \WnH l^abx The general form (1) gives for the separate fractions, ^%aWx _ ISamy Uhiz _ 12Wu_ IQabx 16abx 16abx ~~ IQabx Reducing each fraction to its lowest terms, the sum becomes h ^^^^ _i_ ^^^^ dbn^u " 8bx 16ax ~~ 4:ax ' 74 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. EXERCISES. Separate into sums of fractions, abc + hcd -^ cda + dah abed — xyzu + x^yzu^ + xyh^u — x^y'^z^u^ x^'ifz^u^ a^—W- aH — % ab ax {m —n){n-^q)~- (m + n)(p—q) ^ (m — n) {2^ — q) (x — a)(y — b)-\- (x — y)(a — b) + (x — b) (y — a) x^ — y^ (a + b) {m —n) — {a — b) {rn + n) Aggregation of Fractions. 105. When several fractions have equal denomina- tors, their sum may be expressed as a single fraction "by aggregating their numerators and writing the com- mon denominator under them. EX.X. ^-^ + ^ = A^±^. m 771 m 771 -r, a — b b — c c — a Ex. 2. = X — y y — X X — y _ a — b c—b c — a _2c — 2b__2{c — b) ~x — y x — yx — y~~ x — y ~~ x — y Rem. This process is tlie reverse of that of dissecting a fraction. EXERCISES. Aggregate a ab abc a b abc abc abc ' {a — by {a — if ^ ^— ^ I y—'b a + b x — y -"' d^x "^ a^x "^ a^x "^ a^x a . b c d + a — b b — a a — b b — a a — b a — c c — b c -\- a m — n m — n n — in n — m FRACTIONS. 75 106. "When all the fractions have not the same denomina- tor, they must be reduced to a common denominator by the process of § 102. Any common multiple of the denominators may be taken as the common denominator, but the least common multiple is the simplest. To EEDUCE TO A CoMMOi^T Den"ominator. Choose a connnoiz rnuUiple of the denominators. Multiply both terms of each fraction hy the multi- ■plier necessary to change its denominator to the chosen ■multiple. Note 1. The required multipliers will be the quotients of the chosen multiple by the denominator of each separate fraction. Note 2. "When the denominators have no common fac- tors, the multiplier for each fraction will be the product of the denominators of all the other fractions. Note 3. An entire quantity must be regarded as having the denominator 1. (§ 102.) EXAMPLES. I. Aggregate the sum 1 2. _ J_ 1 a ah abc abed in a single fraction. The least common multiple of the denominators is abed. The separate multipliers necessary to reduce to this com- mon denominator are abed, bed, cd, d, 1. The fractions reduced to the common denominator abed are abed — bed + ed — d +1 abed^ abed ' abed ' abed^ abed abed — bed -\- ed — d -\- 1 The sum is abed By dissecting this fraction as in § 104, it may be reduced to its original form. 76 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. 2. Reduce the sum 1 ah c a he d to a single fraction. The multipliers are, by Note 2, hcd, acd, ahd, ahc. Using these multipliers, the fractions become hcd — d^cd ai^d — abc^ abed' abed ' abed' abed ' from which the required sum is readily formed. 3. Reduce the sum ^a;-l^a;+l^a;2 — 1 The least common multiple of the denominators is x^ — 1. The multipliers are, by Note 1, a;2 — 1, x-\-l, x — \, 1. The sum of the fractions is found to be x'^ — \^x-^\-\-x^ — x-\-x^ _ ^_ x^—1 x^ — 1 EXERCISES. Reduce to a single fraction the sums, I. 1+ ' 3 x — 1 1 1 1 — X 1 -^ X ax x^ a + X a + X a X x{a — x) a{a — x) 2. 1 .4-1- 4. l-x ' 1+x 6. a h a — h a -\- h 8. 2a: — 5 5 3 4:X^ — 1^2x — l X X -\- y a^ — y^ ^ — y 111 10. 7 + T H a — b b ~e c — a a , a a -}- h a — h 11. — ; \- ■ 12. — '-^ --^. X + y x — y a — h a + b FRACTIONS. 77 14. 1 1__ _ 1 2 (a; — 1) 2 (a; + 1) ^ 5 ^5. ^l-(l-^' 16. m + y^ ^ — y ^ y rn+y m — n X -\- y m^ m {m — y) j8. 1 ^ ^ a — iC «^ — X' '^ — T^ a — b h — c c — a (a — h) ( b — c) {c — a) ^^' a^+~b "^ V+~c "^ c -{- a "^ (« + <$>) (b + c) (c~+~«) \a -b^ b-al a '°- b m — (x — a) m — (x -\- a) 21. ^ ^^ -• X + y x — y c ^ a b 22. — + — H ab be ac a b c ^3- (^ _ ^) (^ _ c) + {b -a){b — c)'^{c — a) (c - b) X -\-l x — 1 24. + 4a;. ^a; — la;H-l^ ab a^ a {a^ + V^) a ■\- b a — b c^ — b'^ a X ^5. a-^.-^r—.-V 26. 1 — 27. 1 — X -\- a X — a 0? — 2xy + y^ Q? + y^ %ay \_ 1_ 1 ^^' {a + bf ^ {a — bf '^ a^ — ¥ a^ — ^ab-\-lf^ 30. 1 + ^- •XS ALOEBBAIG OPERATIONS, Factoring Fractions. 107. If several terms of the numerator contain a common factor, the coefficients of this factor may be added, and their aggregate multiplied by the factor for a new form of the numerator. EXAMPLES. ax — hx -\- cx -\- dx _ (a—h + c-]- d)x m ~ m = {a-i + c+-d)^. (§101.) adx + hex + acj/ — ahy _ {ah •}- hc)x (ac — ah) y abn ~ ahn ahn = (a + c)— + (c-J)f. ^ ' an ^ 'In EXERCISES. Eeduce ahy — hey — acy mnu + mpu + pnu ahc ' mn ahq + hcq -f ahr -\- her ahc ax — hy — Zhx - 2ma 4:mx -{- 2y — dax — 6cx -f- ay xyz a^ + 2a^ + a t^ «^^ — 4:ahc — (3y — 4g) a xy ' ^* p + q x^y — [4a; + a; (U — 4c) + 3ax'] a-\- h ax^- 4:cx — 3 [mx + m (« — x) — ami 2a -3* 4:aVx — 2cVx + 2hVx — 2 (mnVx - -Wx) 3a — U FRACTIONS. 7^ Multiplication and Division of Fractions, 108. Fundamental Theorems in the Multiplication and Dimsion of Fractions : Theorem I. A fraction may be imiltiplied by any quantity by either multiplying its numerator or dividing its denominator by that quantity. Cor. 1. A fraction may be multiplied by its denominator by simply cancelling it. Cor. 2. If the denominator of the fraction is a factor in the multiplier, cancel the denominator to multiply by this factor, and then multiply the numerator by the other factors. TYl Ex. —7 YT X a^ (x^ — b^) = am (x + l\ a(x — b) ^ ' ^ because the multiplier cfi {o? — W) = a {x — b) a {x -{- b). Theorem II, A fraction may be divided by either dividing its numerator or multiplying its denominator. Theorem III. To multiply by a fraction, the multi- plicand must be multiplied by the numerator of the fraction, and this product must be divided by its de- nominator. Let us multiply ^ by — We multiply by m by multiplying the numerator (Th. I), and we divide by n by multiplying the denominator (Th. II). Hence the product is -^« That is, the product of the numerators is the Jiumer- ator of the required fraction, and the product of the denominators is its denominator. EXERCISES. Multiply ab + y , db , X I. m x — a. 2. — by -• X — a ^ X "^ a ab , ^<^ T. o a 80 ALOEBBAIG OPERATIONS. abm , , ^ ^^ 1. ^ ^ m — a 5. -^— by xy\ 6. -^ by ax^ H 7. by — ^ — 8. « H by w H 'mm n '' m X , y—ah m + n , n — m o. «J by ay + '^^ 10. by ■ ^ y X m — n "^ 7n -{■ n Til- li- 1 hx , a h X 11. Multiply «+- by 3 + - + -. 1 2. Keduce ( m A 1 ( m ) • V m — nf \ m + n/ 13. Eeduce \a \\b — j-y 14. Multiply h by — 15. Divide — by p. Ans. — • ^ n "^ ^ np 16. Divide 7 by « + J. 1 7. Divide by :?; — 1. X -j- i 18. Divide 4^4 by 1 + ^2. 19. Divide _-^^-p-^— by h^ - a\ 109. Reciprocal of a Fraction. The reciprocal of a fraction is formed by simply inverting its terms. For, let T be the fraction. By definition, its reciprocal will be a ~b Multiplying both terms by h, the numerator will be I and the denominator ^ x h, that is, a. Hence the reciprocal required will be -, or, in algebraic language, FRACTIONS. 81 a ~ a l 110. Def, A Complex Fraction is one of whicli either of the terms is itself fractional. a Example. m -\- - y OL X is a complex fraction, of whicli t is the ^umerato^, and m ■{ — the denominator. The tenns of the lesser fractions which enter into the nnmerator and denominator of the main fraction may be called Minor Terms. Thus, 5 and y are minor denominators, and a and x are minor numerators. To reduce a comjilex fraction to a simple one, multi- ply both teims hy a multiple of the minor denominators. am Example. Reduce ^ ^ , » b h y'^ X Multiplying both terms by xy"^, the result will be amx bxy + hy"^* which is a simple fraction. EXERCISES, Reduce to simple fractions : •-? 1-^ y a — x a -\- X n -\- X a — X 6 X b a X ab mn km ALQEBBAIG OPERATIONS, -»- 1 n + 1 1 - n — 1 n-\-l am +.^ 8. 9- 7^*^^- an - _b_ n 1 + (a - by iab 2ab "' + 1 + ' II. • 12. - + a a a + 2b a l-\-x 1—x ^1 + x 1 + x 1—x l—x 2x- 1-^x 3 ' y a -]- b 1 — X ^1-a 1 a 1-a b^^ 1 + a 1 a a 1 b b x-y x-^y -t- y2 _ ^2 ^^' a + 2^ a * ^^' X-]- y x^ — y^ a^b b a b a -\- b X — y x'^ — y Division of one Fraction by Another. 111. Let us divide t by — The result will be expressed by the complex fraction a m n Eeducing this fraction by the rule of § 110, it becomes a7i b^' fir 'i7 which is equal to y x — That is, ^ b m To divide by a fraction, we have only to multiply by its reciprocal. Divide FRACTIONS. 83 EXERCI SES. db . a X -{-1 , 2x a—h "^ b X , X a^ — ¥ , a^-{-a b 5. ^ by -^--r- 6. T H by a J) c , m , n p ' X y z ^ X y z o a b , b a a — b a -\- b a — b a -\- b Reciprocal Relations of Multiplication and Division. 113. The fundamental principles of the operations upon fractions are included in the following summary, the under- standing of which will afford the student a test of his grasp of the subject. 1. The reciprocal of the reciprocal of a numlber is equal to the number itself. In the language of Algebra, 1 a 2. The reciprocal of a monomial may be expressed by changing the algebraic sign of its exponent. 3. To multiply by a number is equivalent to dividing by its reciprocal, and vice versa. That is, N -~ a or — = aN, and mce versa, Jv x - = — • a a 84 ALQEBBAIG OPEBATIONS. 4. When tlie numerator or denominator of a fraction is a product of several factors, any of these factors may be transferred from one term of the fraction to the other by changing it to its reciprocal. That is. dbc pqr etc. Or, = — f^ — = ^ "'^^ , etc. pqr ar^pqr 5. Multiplication by a factor greater than unity increases^ less than unity diminishes. Division by a divisor greater than unity diminisJies, less than unity increases, 6. («) When a factor becomes zero, the product also becomes zero. {(i) When a denominator becomes zero, the product becomes infinite. That is, ^ = infinity. Note. The following way of expressing what is meant by this last statement is less simple, but is logically more correct: If a fraction has a fixed numerator, no matter how small, we can make the denominator so much smaller that the fraction shall be greater than any quantity we choose to assign. EXERCISE. If the numerator of a fraction is 2, how small must the denominator be in order that the fraction may exceed one thousand ? That it may exceed one million ? That it may exceed one thousand millions ? jB.oTr BOOK III. OF EQUA TIONS. CHAPTER I. THE REDUCTION OF EQUATIONS. Definitions. 113. Def. An Equation is a statement, in the lan- guage of Algebra, that two expressions are equal. 114. Def, The two equal expressions are called Members of the equation. 115. Def. An Identical Equation is one which is true for all values of the algebraic symbols which enter into it, or which has numbers only for its members. Examples. The equations 14 + 9 = 29 — 6, 5 + 13 — 3 X 4 — 6 = 0, which contain no algebraic symbols, are identical equations. So also are the equations X =. X, a; — a; = 0. {x -{■ CL) {x — a) ^=^ 0? — a^, (l + 2/)(l-2/)-l + / = 0, because they are necessarily true, whatever values we assign to X, a, and y. Rem. All the equations used in the preceding two books to express the relations of algebraic quantities are identical ones, because they are true for all values of these quantities. 86 EQUATIONS. 116. Def. An Equation of Condition is one whicli can be true only when the algebraic symbols are equal to certain quantities, or have certain relations among themselves. Examples. The equation a; + 6 = 22 can be true only when x is equal to 16, and is therefore an equation of condition. The equation X -^ h =^ a can be true only when x is equal to the difference of the two quantities a and h. Rem. In an equation of condition, some of the quantities may be supposed to be known and others to be unknown. 117. Def. To Solve an equation means to find some number or algebraic expression which, being sub- stituted for the unknown quantity, will render the equation identically true. This value of the unknown quantity is called a Root of the equation. EXAM PLES. 1. The number 3 is a root of the equation 2a;2 _ 18 = 0, because when we put 3 in place of x, the equation is satisfied identically. 2. The expression is a root of the equation 2ca; — 4flj + 25 = 0, when X is the unknown quantity, because when we substitute this expression in place of x, we have 2c '^a — h ) — 4^ -f 25 = 0, \ c or 4« — 2b — 46? + 25 = 0, which is identically true. AXIOMS. 87 Eem. It is common in Elementary Algebra to represent unknown quantities by the last letters of the alphabet, and quantities supposed to be known by the first letters. But this is not at all necessary, and the student should accustom him- self to regard any one symbol as an unknown quantity. Axioms. 118. Def. An Axiom is a proposition wliicli is taken for granted, without proof. Equations are solved by operations founded upon the fol- lowing axioms, which are self-evident, and so need no proof. Ax. I. If equal quantities be added to the two members of an equation, the members will still be equal. Ax. II. If equal quantities be subtracted from the two members of an equation, they will still be equal. Ax. III. If the two members be multiplied by equal factors, they will still be equal. Ax. IV. If the two members be divided by equal divisors (the divisors being different from zero), they will still be equal. Ax. Y. Similar roots of the two members are equal. These axioms may be summed up in the single one. Similar operations upon equal quantities give equal results. 119. An algebraic equation is solved by performing such similar operations upon its two members that the unknown quantity shall finally stand alone as one member of an equation. Operations of Addition and Subtraction— Trans- posing Terms. 130. Theorem. Any term may be transposed from one member of an equation to the other member, if its sign be changed. 88 EQUATIONS. Proof. Let us put, in accordance with § 41, 2d Prin., t, any term of either member of the equation. «, all the other terms of the same member. h, the opposite member. The equation is then a-]-t = 1). Now subtract t from both sides (Axiom II), a-{-t — t=^h — t; or by reduction, a =z h — t. This equation is the same as the one from which we started, except that t has been transposed to the second member, with its sign changed from -f to — . If the equation is b — t =z a, we may add t to both members, which would give h = a + t. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE. The learner will test each side of the following equations : 19 + 3_9_t_4 = 7 + 10. Transposing 4, 19 + 3 — 9 = 7 + 10—4. 9, 19 + 3 = 7 + 10-4 + 9. " 19, 3 = 7 + 10-4 + 9-19. « 3, = 7 + 10—4 + 9-19—3. 121. Eem. All the terms of either member of an equation may be transpose'd to the other member, leaving only on one side. Example. If in the equation 1) ^ a -\- t, we transpose h, we have =z a -\- 1 — h. By transposing a and t, we have l^a--t = 0. 132. Changing Signs of Members. If we change the signs of all the terms in both members of an equation, it will still be true. The result will be the same as multiplying both REDUCTION. 89 members by — 1, or transposing all the terms of each member to the other side, and then exchanging the terms. Example. The equation 17 + 8 = 11 + 14 may be transformed into = 11 + 14 — 17 — 8, or, :rz - 11 - 14 + 17 + 8, or, - 17 — 8 = - 11 - 14. Operation of Multiplication. 133. Clearing of FracMons. The operation of multipli- cation is usually performed upon the two sides of an equation, in order to clear the equation of fractions. To clear an equation of fractions : First. Method. Multiply its members hy the least common multiple of all its denominators. Secoi^d Method. Multiply its members by each of the denominators in succession. Eem. 1. Sometimes the one and sometimes the other of these methods is the more convenient. Rem. 3. The operation of clearing of fractions is similar to that of reducing fractions to a common denominator. Example of First Method. Clear from fractions the equation 4 + 6+8 = ^^- Here 24 is the least common multiple of the denominators. Multiplpng each term by it, we have, 6a; H- 4a; + 3a; = 624, or 13a; = 624. Example of Second Method. Clear the equation X — a X -\- a X Multiplying by x — or, we find ax — a^ ex — ca „ a -\ 1 = 0. X -\- a X 90 EQUATIONS. Multiplying by a; + «, . 2 > ^ cx^ — ca^ . ax -\- a^ -\- ax — a^ -\ = 0. X Eeducing and multiplying by x, 2ax^ + cx^ — ca^ = 0. EXERCISES. Clear tbe following equations of fractions : X x^ _h ^' a'^ a^~~a ^ a h X ^- 3 + 4 = 5- ^ =1. 8. II 13 XX X 2 "^3~4 "" 5. ah^ a^ h- " aW X — a X -\- a X -\- a _x^ -\- 2ax X — a X — a 10. X 2x X — a ~ x+b x-2 x + 2 x-5 ~ X + 5 x — a X -\- a X y _Ci x — a ^ + ^,^_rv y x~h ' X -[- a x — a a~ X y a — h h — a i the second term : X -\- a X — b a — X x — a Reduction to the ^N^ormal Porm. Here the second term is tlie same as r a — b 14. 134. Def. An equation is in its Normal Form wlien its terms are reduced and arranged according to the powers of tlie unknown quantity. In the normal form one member of the equation is expressed as an entire function of the unknown quantity, and the other is zero. (Compare §§ 50, 76.) To reduce an equation to the normal form : I. Transpose all the terms to one memder of the equa- tion, so as to leave as the other mejnher. BEBUOTION, 91 II. Clear the equation of fractions. III. Clear the equation of -parentheses hy performing all the operations indicated. IV. Collect each set of terms containing lihe powers of the unknown quantity into a single one. V. Divide hy any common factor which does not con- tain the unknown quantity. Rem. This order of operations may be deviated from according to circumstances. After a little practice, the student may take the shortest way of reaching the result, without re- spect to rules. EXAMPLES. I. Reduce to the normal form {x — 2) {x — 3) _ {x 4- 2) (:r + 4) x — h ~ a; + 5 1. Clearing of fractions, {x + 5) (a; — 2) {x-^)=.{x — 5) {x + 2) {x + 4). 2. Performing the indicated operations, Q? — \9ix-\-Zf^. — x?^x^ — %2x — 40. 3. Transposing all the terms to the second member and reducing, = a;2 — 3a; — 70, which is the normal form of the equation. Rem. Had we transposed the terms of the second member to the first one, the result would have been _ x^ + 3^; + 70 = 0. Either form of the equation is correct, but, for the sake of uniformity, it is customary to transpose the terms so that the coejfficient of the highest power of x shall be positive. If it comes out negative, it is only necessary to change the signs of all the terms of the equation. Ex. 2. Reduce to the normal form, hm'3?' 2ax dmx^ ^ ^ ■ ^ -„ = 2mx — 5a. X — a X -\- a x^ — a'^ 93 EQUATIONS. 1. Transposing to the first member, hmx^ 2ax Smcc^ « ^ ^ , r, —, — 2mx + 5a = 0, X — a X -\- a x^ — a^ 2. To clear of fractions, we notice that the least common multiple of the denominators is ic- — a\ Multiplying each term by this factor, we have, 6mx^{x+a)—2ax(x^a)—dm3^—27nx{x^—ar)-\-6a{x^—a^) = 0. 3. Performing the indicated operations, 6mc(^+5amx^—2ax^+2a^x—3m.x^—2ma^+2a^mx+5ax^—6a^=0, 4. Collecting like powers of x, as in § 76, {da + 5am) x^ + {2a^ + 2a^m) x — 6a^ = 0. 5. Every terra of the equation contains the factor a. By Axiom IV, § 118, if both members of the equation be divided by a, the equation will still be true. The second member being zero, will remain zero when divided by a. Dividing both members, we have (3 + 5m)x^ -{-2a{l + m)x — 6a^ = 0, which is the normal form. EXERCISES. Eeduce the following equations to the normal form, x, y, or z being the unknown quantity : dy^ -j- 2t/ _ y — H x — a_x-\-a 7 ~ 2 ' ' X -\- a~ X * x — 1 _ 2x + Q ^' 2a; + 10 ~ Ax — 2 a;3 _ Za^x + 2a^ , , "la^ — 6ax^ 4. r — x^ — 6ax = —- . 2x -^ a 2x — a 6. -^ + ^-^- + -^-^0. a -[- 1) h + z a + z z^ ^ a^z 7. :— - + a — z a^ — x^ z^ — a^ REDUCTION. 93 8. ■•^hh? = 0. a a^ ^ x^-a^~ = 1. 9- X — a x^ — a^ lO. b' II. a b 12. m m , 1~ x — a X n nx X -I 13- a a^ X x^ ~ x^' 14. 3z 5^2 -1 -r _ 1 ~~ z - 15- G5rc bx 1- 1 "1 X + a , 1 ■ ' x-a 16. a b X a — x a b ~ - a X b X Degree of Equations. 125. Bef. An equation is said to Ibe of the n*^ de- gree when n is the highest power of the unknown quantity which appears in the equation after it is re- duced to the normal form. E X A MPLE S. The equation Ax -\- B = (i is of the first degree. Aq? + B = " « second " Ax^ + Bx+ G=0 « « third " etc. etc. An equation of the second degree is also called a Quadratic Equation. 94 EQUATIONS OF THE FIB8T DEGREE, An equation of tlie tliird degree is also called a Cubic Equation. Example. The equation ax^ + dx^y^ -\- y^ + ah = is a quadratic equation in x, because x^ is of tlie highest power of X which enters into it. It is a cubic equation in y. It is of the first degree in z. CHAPTER II. EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE WITH ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY, 126. Remark. By the preceding definition of the degree of an equation, it will be seen that an equation of the first degree, with x as the quantity supposed to be unknown, is one which can be reduced to the form Ax-{- B = 0, (a) A and B being any numbers or algebraic expressions which do not contain x. Such an equation is frequently called a Simple Equation. Solution of Equations of tlie First Degree. 127. If, in the above equation, we transpose the term B to the second member, we have Ax = —B. If we divide both members by A (§ 118, Ax. lY), we have, B Here we have attained our object of so transforming the equation that one member shall consist of x alone, and the other member shall not contain x. :.^^Mi' ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 95 To prove that — — is the required value of x, we substi- tute it for X in the equation {a). The equation then becomes, or, by reducing, -—5 + ^ = 0, an equation which is identically true. Therefore, — -^ is the required root of the equation (a). (§117, Def.) 128. In an equation of the first degree, it will be unneces- sary to reduce the equation entirely to the normal form by transposing all the terms to one member. It will generally be more convenient to place the terms which do not contain x in the opposite member from those which are multiplied by it. Example. Let the equation be mx -\- a =L nx -\- l. (1) We may begin by transposing a to the second member and nx to the first, giving at once, mx — nx z= I — a, or {m — n)x=z'b — «, without reducing to the normal form. The final result is the same, whatever course we adopt, and the division of both members hy m — n gives h — a X = m — n 139. The rule which may be followed in solving equations of the first degree with one unknown quantity is this : I. Clear the equation of fractions. II. Transpose the terms which are multiplied hy the unhnown quantity to one memher ; those which do not contain it to the other. III. Divide hy the total coefficient of the unknown quantity. 96 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. Note. Rules in Algebra are given only to enable the beginner to go to work in a way which will always be sure, though it may not always be the shortest. In solving equations, he should emancipate himself from the rules as soon as possible, and be prepared to solve each equa- tion presented by such process as appears most concise and elegant. No operation upon the two members in accordance with the axioms (§ 118) can lead to incorrect results (provided that no quantity which becomes zero is used as a multiplier or divisor), and the student is therefore free to operate at his own pleasure on every equation presented. . . EXAM PLES. 1. Given ^— = 1. % It is required to find the value of each of the quantities «, h, X, and y, in terms of the others. Clearing of fractions, we have ax = ly. _ To find a, we divide by x, which gives a — —' X To find l, we divide by y, which gives ax _ ^ 'y ~ To find Xf we divide by a, which gives a To find y, we divide by I, which gives ax Thus, when any three of the four quantities a, l, x, and y, are given, the fourth can be found. 2. Let us take the equation, x — ^ _ 2a; + 6 2aj + 10 ~ 4i; — % Clearing of fractions, we have 4^2 — 30a; + 14 = 4a;2 ^ 32^; + 60. ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY 97 Transposing and reducing, — 62a; = 46. Dividing both members by — 62, _ __46 _ _ 46 __ _ 23 ^ ~ — 62 — 62 ~" 31* TMs result should now be proved by computing the value of botli 23 members of the original equation when — — is substituted for x. X X __ ax 1 ^' m n~ h m Proceeding in the regular way, we clear of fractions by multiplying by mnb. This gives ntx -\- tnbx = amnx — rib. Transposing and reducing, {nb + ml) — amn) x =^ — nl. Dividing by the coefficient of x, _ nb _ rib ~ nb -\- mb — amn ~~ amn — mb — nb These two values are equivalent forms (§ 100). But we can obtain a solution without clearing of fractions. ax Transposing -7-, we have X X ax _ 1 m n b ~ m' which may be expressed in the form n 1_«\ ^ -i. \m n bl m Dividing by the coefficient of x, 1^ m 1 4.1 _^ mnb This expression can be reduced to the other by § 110. 7 98 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE, EXERCISES. Find the values of x, y, or u in the following equations : 5 — 3a; _ a-g — 9 ^' 2 "" 3 * ^ a I c 7- 3-4 + 5 = ''-2^- w ?^ 1 1 5- « + * = « + J- II. 12. 13. 14. 2. — X =^ a. 4. ^ + f = 9. a; — 1 6. 36 45 8. a — hx =: d -\- as 10. 3 — x dx + —jr- = x. a C — X ' c ~ a — X x — 1 x-2 x-2 x-3 -y = ■.a-h 1 1 X—Q x—1 1 1 a; — 4 ic — 6 5- K'-S)-l(-3+l(-l)=»- 16. - + a 1) — a h -\- a X 1 17. ax -\- h =: - + -J' ' a u — a u — l u — c _ u — {a -\- 1) -\- c) 18. — 7 — "1 H — -, • oca abc m ix-{-a) n(x + V) ^ X -\-b ' x -\- a 20. {x—aY -\--(^—^Y + {x—cy =z 3 (x—a) (x—l) {x—c). Find the values of each of the four quantities, a, h, c, and d, in terms of the other three, from the equations ad ^^ , 1 A 21. 7 h T 7 = 0. 22. — + 1 = 0. J) — c h — d cd ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 99 Problems leadings to Simple Equations. 130. The first difficulty which the beginner meets with in the solution of an algebraic problem is to state it in the form of an equation. This is a process in which the student must depend upon his own powers. The following is the general plan of proceeding : 1. Study the problem, to ascertain what quantities in it are unknown. There may be several such quantities, but the problems of the present chapter are such that all these quan- tities can be expressed in terms of some one of them. Select that one by which this can be most easily done as the unknown quantity. 2. Kepresent this unknown quantity by any algebraic sym- bol whatever. It is common to select one of the last letters of the alpha- bet for the symbol, but the student should accustom himself to work equally well with any symbol. 3. Perform on and with these symbols the operations re- quired by the problem. These operations are the same that would be necessary to verify the adopted value of the unknown quantity. 4. Express the conditions stated or implied in the problem by means of an equation. 5. The solution of this equation by the methods already explained will give the value of the unknown quantity. It is always best to verify the value found for the unknown quan- tity by operating upon it as described in the equation. EXAMPLES. I. A sum of 440 dollars is to be divided among three people so that the share of the second shall be 30 dollars more than that of the first, and the share of the third 80 dollars less than those of the first and second together. What is the share of each? Solution. 1, Hero there are really tliree unknown quantities, but it is only necessary to represent the share of the first by an unknown symbol. 100 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 2 Therefore let us put X = share of the first. 3. Then, by the terms of the statement, the share of the second will he X + 30. To find the share of the third we add these two together, which makes 2x + 30. Subtracting 80, we have 2a; — 50 as the share of the third. We now add the three shares together, thus, Share of first, x " " second, x -{- 30 " « third, 2 rg-50 Shares of all, 4^x — 20 4. By the conditions of the problem, these three shares must together make up 440 dollars. Expressing this in the form of an equation, we have 4:X — 20 = 440. 5. Solving, we find X = 115 — share of first. Whence, 115 + 30 = 145 = share of second. 115 + 115 — 80 =252. = ^^^^^'^ ^^ *^^^^'^- Sum =r 440. Proof. Ex. 2. Divide the nnmber 90 into four parts, such that the first increased by 2, the second diminished by 2, the third multiplied by 2, and the fourth divided by 2, shall all be equal to the same quantity. Here there are really five unknown quantities, namely, the four parts and the quantity to which they are all to be equal when the operation of adding to, subtracting, etc., is performed upon them. It will be most convenient to take this last as the unknown quantitj. Let us therefore put it equal to u. Then, Since the first part increased by 2 must be equal to u, its value will be u — 2. Since the second part diminished by 2 must be equal to u, its value will be u + 2. u Since the third part multiplied by 2 must be u, its value will be ^ • Since the fourth part divided by 2 must make u, its value will be 2u. ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 101 Adding these four parts up, their sum is found to be — • By the conditions of the problem, this sum must make up the num- ber 90. Therefore we have Solving this equation, vre find U = 20. Therefore 1st part =i u — % z=lS, 2d *^ = 2/ + 2 == 22. 3d '^ =II^^4-2=:10. 4th " =: 2w = 40. The sum of the four equals 90 as required, and the first part increased by 2, the second diminished by 2, etc., all make the number 20, as re- quired. , . , PROBLEMS FOR EXERCISE, y .- — V -> •: - 1. What number is that from which we obtain the same result whether we multiply it by 4 or subtract it from 100 ? 2. "What number is that which gives the same result when we divide it by 8 as when we subtract it from 81 ? 3. Divide 284 dollars among two people so that the share of the first shall be three times that of the second and $16 more. 4. Find a number such that \ of it shall exceed \ of it by- 12. 5. A shepherd describes the number of his sheep by saying that if he had 10 sheep more, and sold them for 5 dollars each, he would have 6 times as many dollars as he now has sheep. How many sheep has he ? 6. An applewoman bought a number of apples, of which 60 proved to be rotten. She sold the remainder at the rate of 2 for 3 cents, and found that they averaged her one cent each for the whole. How many had she at first ? 7. If you divide my age 10 years hence by my age 20 years ago, you will get the same quotient as if 3'ou should divide my present age by my age 26 years ago. What is my present age ? 8. Divide $500 among A, B, and C, so that B shall have $20 less than x\, and C $20 more than A and B together. 103 EQUATIONS OF TEE FIRST DEGREE. 9. A father left $10000 to be divided among his five chil- dren, directing that each should receive $500 more than the next younger one. What was the share of each ? 10. A man is 6 years older than his wife. After they have been married 12 years, 8 times her age would make 7 times his age. What was their age when married ? 11. Of three brothers, the youngest is 8 years younger than the second, and the eldest is as old as the other two together. In 10 years the sum of their ages will be 120. What are their present ages ? 12. The head of a fish is 9 inches long, the tail is as long as the head and half the body, and the body is as long as the head and tail together. What is the whole length of the fish ? 13. In dividing a year's profits between three partners, A, B, and C, A got one-fourth and $150 more, B got one-third and $300 more, and got one-fifth and $60 more. What was the sum divided ? 14. A traveller inquiring the distance to a city, was told that after he had gone one-third the distance and one-third the remaining distance, he would still have 36 miles more to go. What was the distance of the city ? 15. In making a journey, a traveller went on the first day one-fifth of the distance and 8 miles more ; on the second day he went one-fifth the distance that remained and 15 miles more ; on the third day he went one-third the distance that remained and 12 miles more ; on the fourth he went 35 miles and finished his journey. What was the whole distance travelled ? 16. When two partners divided their profits, A had twice as much as B. If he paid B $300, he would only have half as much again as B had. What was the share of each ? 17. At noon a ship of war sees an enemy's merchant vessel 15 miles away sailing at the rate of 6 miles an hour. How fast must the ship of war sail in order to get within a mile of the vessel by 6 o'clock ? 18. A train moves away from a station at the rate of h miles an hour. Half an hour afterward another train follows it, running m miles an hour. How long will it take the latter to overtake it ? 19. What two numbers are they of which the difference is 9, and the difference of their squares 351 ? 20. A man bought 25 horses for $2500, giving $80 a piece ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY 103 for poor horses and 1130 each for good ones. How many of each kind did he buy ? 21. A man is 5 years older than his wife. In 15 years the sums of their ages will be three times the present age of the wife. What is the age of each ? 22. How far can a person who has 8 hours to spare ride in a coach at the rate of 6 miles an hour, so that he can return at the rate of 4 miles an hour and arrive home in time ? 23. A working alone can do a piece of work in 15 days, and B alone can perform it in 12 days. In what time can they perform it if both work together ? Method of Solution. In one day A can do ^^ of the whole work and B can do ^^. Hence, both together can do (iV+ 1^5) of it- If both together can do it in x days, then they can do - of it in 1 day. X TT 111 Hence, 5 = 13 + 15 is the equation to be solved. 24. A cistern can be filled in 12 minutes by two pipes which run into it. One of them alone will fill it in 20 minutes. In what time would the other one alone fill it ? 25. A cistern can be emptied by three pipes. The second pipe runs twice as much as the first, and the third as much as the first and second together. All three together can empty tlie cistern in one hour. In wh^t time would each one sepa- rately empty it ? 26. A marketwoman bought apples at the rate of 5 for two cents, and sold half of them at 2 for a cent and the other half at 3 for a cent. Her profits were 50 cents. How many did she buy ? 27. A grocer having 50 pounds of tea worth 90 cents a pound, mixed with it so much tea at 60 cents a pound that the combined mixture was worth 70 cents. How much did he add ? 28. A laborer was hired for 40 days, on the condition that every day he worked he should receive $1.50, but should for- feit 50 cents for every day he was idle. At the end of the time $52 were due him. How many days was he idle ? 29. A father left an estate to his three children, on the condition that the eldest should be paid 11200 and the second $800 for services they had rendered. The remainder was to be equally divided among all three. Under this arrangement. 104 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEOREK the youngest got one-fourth of the estate. What was the amount divided ? 30. A person having a sum of money to divide among three people gave the first one-third and $20 more, the second one-third of what was left and $20 more, and the third one- third of what was then left and $20 more, which exhausted the amount. How much had they to divide ? 31. One shepherd spent $720 in sheep, and another got the same number of sheep for $480, paying $2 a piece less. What price did each pay ? 32. A crew which can pull at the rate of 9 miles an hour, finds that it takes twice as long to go up the river as to go down. At what rate does the river flow ? 33. A person who possesses $12000 employs a portion of the money in building a house. Of the money which remains, he invests one-third at four per cent, and the other two-thirds at five per cent., and obtains from these two investments an annual income of $392. What was the cost of the house ? 34. An income tax is levied on the condition that the first $600 of every income shall be untaxed, the next $3000 shall be taxed at two per cent, and all incomes in excess of $3600 shall be taxed three per cent, on the excess. A person finds that by a uniform tax of two per cent, on all incomes he would save $200. What was his income ? 35. At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock is the minute- hand 5 minutes ahead of the hour hand? 2,6. One vase, holding a gallons, is full of water ; a second, holding b gallons, is full of brandy. Find the capacity of a dipper such that whether it is filled from the first vase and the water removed replaced by bi-andy, or filled from the second vase and the latter then filled with water, the strength of the mixture will be the same. 37. Divide a number m into four such parts that the first part increased by a, the second diminished by a, the third multiplied by a, and the fourth divided by a shall all be equal. 38. Divide a dollars among five brothers, so that each shall have n dollars more than the next younger. 39. A courier starts out from his station riding 8 miles an hour. Four hours afterwards he is follov/ed by another riding 10 miles an hour. How long will it require for the second to overtake the first, and what will be the distance travelled ? If X be the number of hours required, the second will have travelled X hours and the first (« 4- 4) hours when they meet. At this time they must have travelled equal distances. ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 105 Problem of the Couriers. Let us generalize the preceding problem thus : 131. A courier starts out from his station riding c miles an hour ; h hours later, he is folloivecl hy another riding a miles a7v hour. How long will the latter he in oveHaking the first, and what will he the distance from the point of departure. Let us put t for the time required. Then the first courier will have travelled {t-{-h) hours, and the second t hours. Since the first travelled c miles an hour, his whole distance at the end oit-\-h hours will be {t-\-li) c. In the same way, the distance travelled by the other will be at. When the latter overtakes the former, the distances will be equal ; hence, at = c{t + li). (1) Solving this equation with respect to t, we find _^ = ~ (^) Multiplying by a gives us the whole distance travelled, which is Distance = • a — c This equation solves every problem of this kind by substi- tuting for a, c, and h their values in numbers supposed in the problem. For example, in Problem 39, we supposed a = 10, c = S, h = 4:. Substituting these values in equation (2), we find t = 16, which is the number of hours required. To illustrate the generality of an algebraic problem, we shall now inquire what values t shall have when we make dif- ferent suppositions respecting a, c, and h. (1.) Let us suppose a = c, or « — c == 0, that is, the rates of travelling equal. Then equation (2) will become . _ ch 106 EQUATION'S OF THE FIRST DEGREE. an expression for infinity (§ 112, 6), showing that the one courier would never overtake the other. This is plain enough. But, (2. ) Let us suppose that the second courier does not ride so fast as the first, that is, a less than c, and a — c negative. ch Then the fraction will not be infinite, but will be nega- u — c tive, because it has a positive numerator and a negative denom- inator. It is plain that the second courier would never overtake the first in this case either, because the latter would gain on him all the time ; yet the fraction is not infinite. What does this mean ? It means that the problem solved by Algebra is more gen- eral, that is, involves more particular problems than were implied in the statement. If we count the hours after the second courier set out as positive, then a negative time will mean so many hours before he set out, and this will bring out a time when, according to our idea of the problem, the horses were still in the stable. The explanation of the difiiculty is this. Suppose S to be the point from which the couriers started, and AB the road along which they travelled from S toward B. Suppose also that i......i.^^^_^..i.^^_ the first courier started out fi'om S at 8 o'clock and the second at 12 o'clock. By the rule of positive and negative quantities, distances towards A are negative. Now, because algebraic quantities do not commence at 0, but extend in both the negative and positive directions, the algebraic problem does not suppose the couriers to have really commenced their journey at S, but to have come from the direction of A, so that the first one passes S, without stop- ping, at 8 o'clock, and the second at 12. It is plain that if the first courier is travelling the faster, he must have passed the other before reaching S, that is, the time and distance are both negative, just as the problem gives them. The general principle here involved may be expressed thus: In Algelra, roads and journeys, like time, have no legin- ning and no end. ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY, 107 (3.) Let us suppose that the couriers start out at the same time and ride with the same speed. Then Ji and a — c are both zero, and the expression for t assumes the form, '=?■ This is an expression which may have one vahie as well as another, and is therefore indeterminate. The result is correct, [ because the couriers are always together, so that all values of t are equally correct. The equation (1) can be used to solve the problem in other forms. In this equation are four quantities, a, c, h, and t, and when any three of these are given, the fourth can be found. There are therefore four problems, all of which can be solved from this equation. First Problem, that already given, in which the time required for one courier to overtake the other is the unknown quantity. Seco]S"d Problem. A courier sets out from a station, riding c miles an hour. After h hours another follows him fromj the same station, intending to overtake him/ in t hours. Sow fast must he ride ? The problem can be put into the form of an equation in the same way as before, and we shall have the equation (1), only a will now be the unknown quantity. If we use the numbers of Prob. 39 instead of the letters, we shall have, in- stead of equation (1), the following : 16a = 8 (16 + 4) = 8-20 = 160, whence a = 10. If we use letters, we find from (1), _ c(t + h ) a- - , and the problem is solved in either case. Third Problem. I7ie second courier can Hde just a miles an hour, and the first courier staj^ts out h hours 108 EQUATIONS OF THE FIB8T DEGREE. hefore him. How fast must the latter ride in order that the other m^ay take t hours to overtake him ? Here c, the rate of the first courier, is the unknown quan- tity, and by solving equation (1), we find at c = t + h Fourth Problem. The swiftest of two couriers caw ride a D%iles an hour, and the slower c miles an hour. How long a start i7%ust the latter have in order that the other may require t hours to overtake him? Here, in equation (1), h is the unknown quantity. By solying the equation with respect to h, we find, , at — d which solves the problem. PROBLEMS OF CIRCULAR MOTION. 40. Two men start from the same point to run repeatedly round a circle one mile in circumference. If A runs 7 miles an hour and B 5, it is required to know : 1. At what intervals of time will A pass B ? 2. At how many different points on the circle will they be together ? We reason thus : since A runs 2 miles an hour faster than B, he jxeta away from him at the rate of 2 miles an hour. When he overtakes him, he will have gained up )n him one circumference, that is, 1 mile. This will require 80 minutes, which is therefore the required interval. In this interval A will have gone round '6\ and B 2| times, so that they will be together at the point opposite that where they were together 30 minutes previous. Hence, they are together at two opposite points of the circle. 41. Wliat would be the answer to the preceding ques- tion if A should run 8 miles an hour, and B 5 ? 42. Two i-ace-horses i*un round and round a course, the one making the circuit in 30, the other in 35 seconds. If they start out together, how long before they will be too^ether ao:ain 1 X X Note. In x seconds one will make ^ circuit and the other _-. oO 00 43. If one planet revolves round the sun in T and the other in T' years, what will be the interval between their conjunctions? TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 109 CHAPTER III. EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE WITH SEVERAL UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. Case I. Equations with Two UnJcnown Quan- titles. 133. Bef. An equation of the first degree with two unknown quantities is one which admits of being re- duced to the form ax + l)y = c, in which x and y are' the unknown quantities and a, 5, and c represent any numbers or algebraic equations which do not contain either of the unknown quantities. Def, A set of several equations containing the same unknown quantities is called a System of Simulta- neous Equations. Solution of a Pair of Simultaneous Equations containing Two Unknown Quantities. 133. To solve two or more simultaneous equations, it is necessary to combine them in such a way as to form an equation containing only one unknown quan- tity. 134. Def. The process of combining equations so that one or more of the unknown quantities shall dis- appear is called Elimination. The term "elimination" is used because the unknown quantities which disappear are eliminated. There are three methods of ehminating an unknown quan- tity from two simultaneous equations. 110 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. Elimination by Comparison. 135. EuLE. Solve each of the equations with respect to one of the unknown quantities and put the two values of the unknown quantity thus obtained equal to each other. This luill give an equation with only one unknown quantity, of which the value can he found from the equation. Tlie value of the other unknown quantity is then found hy substitution. Example. Let the equations be ax-\-l)y = c, \ a'x + h'y From the first equation we obtain c — I (2) (3) a From the second we obtain, c' — Vy a Putting 'these two values equal, we have c — hy _ d — Vy Reducing and solving this equation as in Chapter II, we find, _ ac' — o!g y - ah' -aH' which is the required value of y. Substituting this value of y in either of the equations (1), (2), or (3), and solving, we shall find h'c-hc'. ah — ah If the work is correct, the result will be the same in which- ever of the equations we make the substitution. TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. Ill Numerical Example. Let tlie equations be ^x — 2y = 29. ) ^^ From the first equation we find X = 2^ — y, and from the second x = — ^— ^, o from which we have 28 — ?/ = ^ — -, o 2/ = 11. Substituting this value in the first equation in x, it becomes a; = 28 - 11 = 17. If we substitute it in the second, it becomes 29 + 22 _ 51 _ X- ^ - _ - _ 17, the same value, thus proving the correctness of the work. Elimination by Substitution. 136. Rule. Find the value of one of the iinlcnoivn quantities in terms of the other from either equation, and substitute it in the other equation. The latter will have hut one unknown quantity. Example. Taking the same equations as before, ax -\- hj =. c, a'x -\- h'y = c', the first equation gives x = -' Substituting this value instead of x in the second equation, it becomes a'c — a'ly , ^, , + III = c. a ^ Solving this equation with respect to y, we get the same result as before. 112 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. Numerical Example. To solve in this way the last nu- merical example, we have from the first equation (4), X = 2^ — y. Substituting this value in the second equation, it becomes 84: — dy — 2y = 29, from which we obtain as before, 84 — 29 y = —^- = 11. This method may be applied to any pair of equations in four ways : 1. Find X from the first equation and substitute its value in the second. 2. Find x from the second equation and substitute its value in the first. 3. Find y from the first equation and substitute its value in the second. 4. Find y from the second equation and substitute its value in the first. Elimination by Addition or Subtraction. 137. EuLE. Midtiply each equation by such a factor that the coefficients of one of the unknown quantities shall become numerically equal in the two equations. Then, by adding or subtracting the equations, we shall have an equation with but one unhnown quantity. Kem. We may always take for the factor of each equation the coefiicient of the unknown quantity to be eliminated in the other equation. Example. Let us take once more the general equation ax -\- by ■= c, a'x -\- b'y = c'. Multiplying the first equation by a', it becomes aa'x + a'by = a'c. Multiplying the second by a, it becomes aa'x + ab'y = ac'. TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 113 The unknown quantity x has the same coefficient in the last two equations. Subtracting them from each other, we obtain (a'h — ab') y = a'c — ad, n!r, — ac! y ab — ab Kem. TVe shall always obtain the same result, whichever of the above three metliods we use. But as a general rule the last method is the most simple and elegant. Problem of the Sum and Diflference. The following simple problem is of such wide application that it should be well understood. 138. Problem. Tlie sinn aizd difference of two num- hers being given, to find the numbers. Let the numbers be x and y. Let s be their sum and d their difference. Then, by the conditions of the problem, x-\-y = s, x — y = d. Adding the two equations, we have 2x = s -\-d. Subtracting the second from the first, 2y ^ s — d. Dividing these equations by 2, X = s + d 2 ~ s ~ 2 4 y=^ s —■ d 2 ~ s ~ 2 d 2 We therefore conclude : The greater number is found by adding half the dif- ference to half the sum. TJ^e lesser number is found by subtracting half the difference from half the sum. 8 A 1 C 1 B 1 C 1 P 114 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. This result can be illustrated geometrically. Let AB and BO be two lines placed end to end, so that AC is their sum. To find their difference, we cut off from AB a length AC =z BC ; then C'B is the difference of the two lines. If P is half way between C and B, it is the middle point of the whole line, so that AP = PC = iAO = J sum of lines. C'P = PB = iC'B = i difference of lines. If to the half sum AP we add the half difference PB, we have AB, the greater line. If from the half sum AP we take the half difference C'P, we have left AC, the lesser line. EXERCISES. Solve the following equations : I. dx — 2y = 33, 2x-3y = 18. 2. dx-by = 13, 2x -\-7y = 81. 3. "ix + Qy = a, 6X + 6y =: h. 4. 2x -\- 3y r= m, 2x — dy = n. 5. ax+by = p, ax — by = q. 6. i-^f==.e. 6-7 -^' 7- M=-> -4-^ -29 8 + 2 -'^^' 8. |.|^. 2 3 "^ 9. ^x + y)^d (X -y) = 102, ':!{x + y)-d(x-y) = 66. Note, Solve this equation first as if x+y and x—y were single sym- bols, of which the values are to be found. Then find x and y by § 138 preceding. 10. x + y + (x — y) = U, x + y — {x — y) = 10. 1 1_ 5 1_1_Jl X y ~ 12' X y ~ 12 TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 115 Note. Equations in this fonn can be best solved as if - and - were the unknown quantities. See next exercise. ^ 3_2_11 45^ Solution. If we multiply the first equation by 4, and the second by 3, we have 12 _ 8 _ 44 _ 22 X y ~ 10~ 6' X y Subtracting the first from the second, we have 23 _ 23, y ~ b' whence, y = b. Again, to eliminate - , we multiply the first equation by 5 and the second by 2 and add. Thus, 15 _ 1 _ n X 7 ~ 2 ' 8^10 „ 12 ^ + 7 = ^ = ^' 23 _ 23, a; "~ 2 ' X = ^. whence. ^^' x'^ y~ 1^' X y~ 12 ^^' x'^ y~ VI' X y" 24* 15- i6. 17. 5_3__1 3_1_J^^ X y~ 6' cc y "" 30* _5 L___i _J 1 _ 1 x + 1 y — l~ %' x-\-l «/ — 1~30' 2 3 _ ^ _2 3_ _ _1^ x + i'^ y — ^~~ 1%' 2; + 2—«^ — 3~ 12* 116 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. i8. - + - z= c, = d. X y X y X + y ^ 2x i- dy j^ 19. — —^ = 2, — - — -^ = b, ^ X — y x -{- a 20. — —7 ^ ^ = 2a, -r-7^ = 1. Case II. Equations of the First I>egree with Three or More Unknown Quantities. 139. When the values of several unknown quantities are to be found, it is necessary to have as many equations as un- known quantities. If there are more unknown quantities than equations, it will be impossible to determine the values of all of them from the equations. All that can be done is to determine the value of some in terms of the others. If the number of equations exceeds that of unknown quan- tities, the excess of equations will be superfluous. If there are n unknown quantities, their values can be found from any n of the equations. If any selection of n equations we choose to make gives the same values of the unknown quantities, the equations, though superfluous, will be consistent. If different values are obtained, it will be impossible to satisfy them all. Elimination. 140. When the number of unknown quantities exceeds two, the most convenient method of elimination is generally that by addition or subtraction. The unknown quantities are to be eliminated one at a time by the following method : I. Select an unhnown quantity to he first eliminated. It is best to begin with the quantity which appeal's in the fewest equations or has the simplest coefficients. II. Select one of the equations containing this un- hnown quantity as an eliminating equation. III. Elwninate the quantity between this equation and each of the others in succession. THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. Ill We shall then have a second system of eqnations less by one in number than the original system and containing a num- ber of unknown quantities one less. IV. Repeat the process on the new system of equations, and continue the repetition until only one equation with one unknown quantity is left. V. Having found the value of this last unknown quantity, the values of the others can he found hy^ suc- cessive substitution in one equation of each system. Example. Solve the equations (1) 4,x — ^y—z-\-u—l = 0,\ (2) a; — 2/ + 2^ + 2w — 10 = 0, r (3) 2x + ^— z — 2u - 2 = 0, f ^^^ (4) x + 2y ■\- z-\- u — 1% = ^.) We sliall select x as tlie first quantity to be eliminated, and take the last equation as the eliminating one. We first multiply this equation by three such factors that the coefficient of x shall become equal to the co- efficient of X in each of the other equations. These factors are 4, 1, and 2, We write the products under each of the other equations, thus : Eq. (1), (4)X4, Eq. (2), (4)xl, Eq. (3), (4)x3, By subtracting the one of each pair from the other, we obtain the equations, lly + 5;2 + 3^^ — 69 = 0, J Zy— z— U— ^ = (),)■ {h) 2y + dz + 4:U — d6 =0.) The unknown quantity x is here eliminated, and we have three equa- tions with only three unknown quantities. Now eliminating i/ by means of the last equation, in the same way, and clearing of fractions, we find the two equations. 4:X — 3y— z -}- u - 4:X -\- Sy -\- ^z -{- 4u - - 7 = -76 = = 0, = 0. X — y + 2z -i- 2u - X -}- 2y -\- z -\- u - -10 = -19 = = 0, = 0. 2x -{-2y — z — 2u- 2x + 4?/ + 2z + 2u - - 2 = -38 r = 0, = 0. 23^ + 38?^ — 258 = 0, Uz + I4:2i — 90 = ;} (o) 118 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. The problem is now reduced to two equations with two unknown quantities, which we have already shown how to solve. We find by solving them, ;2 = — 2, U = S. We next find the value of y by substituting these values of g and u in either of the equations (&). The first of them thus becomes: lly -^ 10 + 24 — 69 = 0, from which we find, y = b. We now substitute the values of y, s, and u in either of equations {a). The second of the latter becomes a; — 5 — 4 + 16 — 10 = 0, and the fourth becomes, a; + 10 — 2 + 8 — 19 = 0, either of which gives X = d. We can now prove the results by substituting the values of x, y, z, and u in all four of equations (a), and seeing whether they are all satisfied. EXERCISES. 1. One of the best exercises for the student will be that of resolving the previous equations {a) by taking the last equa- tion as the eliminating one, and performing the elimination in different orders ; that is, begin by eliminating u, then repeat the whole process beginning with z, etc. The final results will always be the same. 2. Find the values oi x^, x^, x^, and x^, from the equa- tions, x^ + x^ +x^ + x^ = 64, X -t ~j~ Xn — ~~ *^3 ~^~ 4 ~~™ 9 X -4 — "^ X 2 "i" X o "— " X 4 — ^ O, fl^j 2^2 '^S ~r -^4 — - ^« This example requires no multiplication, but only addition and sub- traction of the different equations. 3. 2x+ 6y -\-3z = 13, 2x-\-2y— z = 12, 6x + by — 2z = 29. PROBLEMS. 119 ^z-\-2u- ■ ^y = 18, Zx-\-y- ■4.U = 9, x-\-lz- ■ Qy = 33, hz — "Zx — 2>y -^ 2u = 15. X + y -^ z = a, 6. 1 1 X y 1 1 = Wj Z -\- U + X =z C, u + X + y = d. ~y~z 1 1 = n, -. + -.■ = p. PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION. 1. A man had a saddle worth $75 and two horses. If the saddle be put on horse A he will be double the value of B, but if it be put on B his value will be equal to that of A. What is the value of each horse ? 2. What number of two digits is equal to 7 times the sum of its digits, and to 21 times the difference of its digits ? Let X be the first digit, or the number of tens, and y the units. Then the number itself will be lOx + y. Seven times the sum of the digits are llx + ly, and 21 times the difference are 2>\x—2\y. Uniting and solving the equations, we find x = Q, y = d ; the number is therefore 63. 3. A number of two digits is equal to 6 times the sum of its digits, and if 9 be subtracted from the number the digits are reversed. What is the number? 4. Find a number of two digits such that it shall be equal to 6 times the sum of its digits increased by 1, while if 18 be subtracted from the number the digits will be reversed. 5. Find a number which is greater by 2 than 5 times the sum of its digits, and if 9 be added to it the digits will be reversed. 6. What number is that which is equal to 9 times the sum of its digits and is 4 greater than 11 times their difference ? 7. What fraction is that which becomes equal to f when the numerator is increased by 2, and equal to ^ when the de- nominator is increased by 4. 8. Two drovers A and B went to market with cattle. A sold 50 and then had left half as many as B, who had sold none. Then B sold 54 and had remaining half as many as A. Ilow many did each have ? 120 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEOBEE. 9. A boy bought 42 apples for a dollar, giving 3 cents each for the good ones and 2 cents each for the poor ones. How many of each kind did he buy ? 10. Find a fraction which becomes equal to J- when its denominator is increased by 13, and to f when 4 is subtracted from its numerator. 11. Find a fraction which will become equal to f by adding 2 to its numerator, or by adding to its denominator 3, will be-_ come \. 12. A huckster bought a certain number of chickens at 32 cents each and of turkeys at 75 cents each, paying $14 for the whole. He sold the chickens at 48 cents each, and the turkeys at $1 each, realizing $20 for the whole. How many chickens and how many turkeys had he ? 13. An apple woman bought a lot of apples at 1 cent each, and a lot of pears at 2 cents each, paying $1.70 for the whole. 11 of the apples and 7 of the pears were bad, but she sold the good apples at 2 cents each and the good pears at 3 cents each, realizing $2.60. How many of each fruit did she buy? 14. When Mr. Smith was married he was \ older than his wife ; twelve years afterward he was \ older. What were their ages when married ? 15. A and B together can do a piece of work in 6 days, but A working alone can do it 9 days sooner than B working alone. In what time could each of them do it singly ? 16. A husband being asked the age of himself and wife, replied: "If you divide my age 6 years hence by her age 6 years ago, the quotient will be 2. But if you divide her age 12 years hence by mine 21 years ago, the quotient will be 5. 17. The sum of two ages is 9 times their difference, but seven years ago it was only seven times their difference. What are the ages now ? 18. Two trains set out at the same moment, the one to go from Boston to Springfield, the other from Springfield to Bos- ton. The distance between the two cities is 98 miles. They meet each other at the end of 1 hr. 24 min., and the train from Boston travels as far in 4 hrs. as the other in 3. What was the speed of each train ? 19. A grocer bought 50 lbs. of tea and 100 lbs. of coffee for $60. He sold the tea at an advance of \ on his price, and the coffee at an advance of \, realizing $77 from both. At what price per pound did he buy and sell each article ? Note. If oc and y are the prices at wliicli lie bought, then \x and fy are the prices at which he sold. INCONSISTENT EQUATIONS. 121 20. For p dollars I can purchase either a pounds of tea and l pounds of cott'ee, or m. pounds of tea and n pounds of coll'ee. What is the price per pound of each ? 21. A goldsmith had two ingots. The first is composed of equal parts of gold and silver, while the second contains 5 parts of gold to 1 of silver. He wants to take from them a watch- case having 4 ounces of gold and 1 ounce of silver. How much must he take from each ingot ? 22. A banker has two kinds of coin, such that a pieces of the first kind or h pieces of the second will make a dollar. If he wants to select c pieces which shall be worth a dollar, how many of each kind must he take ? 23. A has a sum of money invested at a certain rate of interest. B has $1000 more invested, at a rate 1 per cent, higher, and thus gains $80 more interest than A. C has in- vested $500 more than B, at a rate still higher by 1 per cent., and thus gains $70 more than B. What is the amount each person has invested and the rate of interest ? 24. A grocer had three casks of wine, containing in all 344 gallons. He sells 50 gallons from the first cask; then pours into the first one-third of what is in the second, and then into the second one-fifth of what is in the third, after which the first contains 10 gallons more than the second, and the second 10 more than the third. How much wine did each cask contain at first ? Equivalent and Inconsistent Equations. 141. It is not always the case that values of two unknown quantities can be found from two equations. If, for example, we have the equations ic -{- 2?/ = 3, ^x-\-4.y = 6, we see that the second can be derived from the first by multi- plying both members by 2. Hence every pair of values of x and y which satisfy the one will satisfy the other also, so that the two are equivalent to a single one. If the equations were a; + 2y = 5, 2x-\-^y = 6, there would be no values of x and y which would satisfy both equations. 122 EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. For, if we multiply the first by 2 and subtract the second from the product, we shall have, 1st eq. X 2, 2a; + % = 10 2d eq., 2a; + 4y — 6 Remainder, 0=4, an impossible result, which shows that the equations are incon- sistent. This will be evident from the equations themselves, because every pair of values of x and y which gives 2a; + 4^ = 6, must also give a; + 2^ := 3, and therefore cannot give cc + 2?/ = 5. 143. Generalization of the preceding result. If we take any two equations of the first degree between x and y which we may represent in the form ax + iy = c, \ ,^. a'x + h'y — c',) ^ ^ and eliminate x by addition or subtraction, as in § 137, we have for the equation in y, {al — ah') y =z a'c — ac'. Now it may happen that we have, a'b — ai' =: identically. (2) In this case y will disappear as well as x, and the result will be a'c — ac' = 0. If this equation is identically true, the two equations (1) will be equivalent ; if not true, they will be inconsistent. In neither case can we derive any value of y or x. If we divide the above equation, (2), by aa' we shall have ^ _ ^. a ~~ a' Hence, Theorem. If the quotient of the coeflScients of the unknown quantities is the same in the two equations, they will be either equivalent or inconsistent. INEQUALITIES. 123 This theorem can be expressed in the following form : If the terms containing the unhnown quantity in the one equation can he multiplied hy such a factor that they shall both heconie equal to the corresponding terms of the other equation, the two equations will he either equivalent or inconsistent. Proof. If there be such a factor m that multiplying the first equation (1) by it, we shall have ma = a\ mh :=!)', Eliminating w, we find al — ah' = 0, the criterion of inconsistency or equivalence. 143. When two equations are inconsistent, there are no values of the unknown quantities which will satisfy both equa- tions. When they are equivalent, it is the same as if we had a single equation ; that is, we may assign any value we please to one of the unknown quantities, and find a corresponding value of the other. CHAPTER IV. OF IN EQUALITIES. 144. Def. An Inequality is a statement, in the language of Algebra, that one quantity is algebraically greater or less than another. Def. The quantities declared unequal are called Members of the inequality. The statement that A is greater than B, or that A — B is positive, is expressed by A> B. 124 INEQUALITIES. That A is less than B, or that ^ — ^ is negative is expressed by A < B. The form A> B> G indicates that the quantity B is less than A but greater than C, The form A^ B ^ indicates that A may be either equal to or greater than B, but cannot be less than B, Properties of Inequalities. 145. Theorem I. An inequality will still snlbsist after the same quantity has been added to or subtracted from each member. Proof. If the inequality be Ay B, A — B must be posi- tive. If we add the same quantity ffto A and B, or subtract it from them, we shall have A ± II — (B ±: H), which is equal to A — B, and therefore positive. Hence, if A> B, then A±H> B ±H. Cor. If any term of an inequality be transposed and its sign changed, the inequality will remain true. Theorem II. An inequality will still subsist after its members have been multiplied or divided by the same positive number. Proof, li A — B \% positive, then (m or tz being positive) m {A — B) or mA — mB will be positive, and so will B n A -B A or — ■ Qi n Hence, if A> B, then and mA > mB, n n INEQCIALITIES. 125 It may be shown in the same way that if 772 or w is negative, A B mA — mB or will be negative. Hence, n n ^ Theorem III. If both memlbers of an inequality Ibe multiplied or divided by the same negative number, the direction of the inequality will be reversed. That is, if Ay B, then — mA < — mB, and < n 71 Theorem IV. If the corresponding members of several inequalities be added, the sum of the greater members will exceed the sum of the lesser members. Theorem V. If the members of one inequality be subtracted from the non-corresponding members of another, the inequality will still subsist in the direction of the latter. That is, if A > B, oc> y, then A —y y B — X. The proof of the last three theorems is so simple that it may be sup- plied by the student. Theorem VI. If two positive members of an in- equality be raised to any power, the inequality will still subsist in the same direction. Proof. Let the inequality be A> B. {a) Because A is positive, we shall have, by multiplying by A (Th. II), A^ > AB. (1) Also, because B is positive, we have, by multiplying {a) by B, AB > &. (2) 126 INEQUALITIES. Therefore, from (1) and (2), A'^ > B\ (3) Multiplying the last inequality by A, A^ > AE^. (4) Multiplying (2) by B, AE^ > B\ (5) Whence, A^ > BK The process may be continued to any extent. Examples of the Use of Inequalities. 146. Ex. I. If a and h be two positive quantities, such that a^ + Z>2 = 1, •we must have a -\- l y 1. Proof. If a + 1^1, we should have, by squaring the members (Th. YI), a^ + 2«5 + ^»2 = 1 ; and by transposing the product 2a5 (Th. I, Cor.), «2 _^ Z»2 = 1 _ ^ah Because a and I are positive, 2flJ is positive, and l — 2ab< 1. Therefore we should have a^-\-y^ < 1, and could not have a^ -\-J?=il^ as was originally supposed. Ex. 2. lia, h, m, and n are positive quantities, such that l>n' (''> then the value of the fraction will be contained between the values of t and — ; that is. INEQUALITIES. 127 a a-\-m m . . h ^ b +n ^ n ^^ To prove fhe first inequality, we must show that a a + m is positive. Eeducing this expression by § 106, it becomes an — hn . . T{V+nj' ^^ From the original inequality {a) we have, by multiplying by the positive factor In, an > hm. That is, an — hm is positive ; therefore the fraction (3) with this positive numerator is also positive, and (2) is positive as asserted. The second inequality (1) may be proved in the same way. EXERCISES. 1. Prove that if a and h be any quantities different from zero, and 1 > a; > — 1, we must have a^ — 2abx + i^ > o. 2. Prove that ( j > ab. 3. If 3a; — 5 > 13, then x > 6. 4. If 6x>Y + 18> then x > i. 5. If J-y>|-3, then«>5. 7) — 7)1 6. li m — nxy p — qx, then x > ^ ^ q — n 7. If ^-^I-^ < 1 , and m is positive, then x <, ij, 'my 8. If ft2 _}_ J2 _|_ ^2 = 1, and a, l, and c are not all equal, then ab -^ he ■\- ca | | | | j C is I of D. "We express this relation by saying, The ratio ot A to B is 21 or , " " B to B is I; ) (1) " " C to B is 7. 4 148. The ratio of one quantity to another is expressed by writing the unit of measure after the quantity measured, and inserting a colon between them. The statements (1) will then be expressed thus : A:B = 2i = l; B : B = \', '. B = \ Bef. The two quantities compared to form a ratio are called its Terms. RATIO. 129 Def. The quantity measured, or the first term of the ratio, is called the Antecedent. The unit of measure, or the second term of the ratio, is called the Consequent. Eem. When the antecedent is greater than the consequent, the ratio is greater than unity. When the antecedent is less than the consequent, the ratio is less than unity. 149. To find the ratio of a quantity ^4 to a standard U, we imagine ourselves as measuring off the quantity A with C/'as a carpenter measures a board with his foot-rule. There are then three cases to be considered, according to the way the measures come out. Case I. We may find that, at the end, A comes out an exact number of times U. The ratio is then a whole number, and we say that U exactly measures A, or that ^ is a multiple of U. Case II. We may find that, at the end, the measure does not come out exact, but a piece of A less than U is left over. Or, A may itself be less than U. We must then find what fraction of CT the piece left over is equal to. This is done by dividing U up into such a number of equal parts that one of these parts shall exactly measure A or the piece of A which is left over. The ratio will then be a fraction of which the num- ber of parts into which U is divided will be the denominator, and the number of these parts in A the numerator. Example. If we find that . i . i ■ _ ^ by dividing U into 7 parts, 4 of -._«.^_— , these parts will exactly make A, I'll' ~ •then A=^ ol U, and we have for the ratio of A to U, A:U=t If we find that A contains U 3 times, and that there is then a piece equal to ^ of £/" left over, we have A:U=H = ^. 9 130 RATIO. The 3 ^J's are equal to V- of U, so that we may also say A = '^-oiU, or A:U= -t which is simply the result of reducing the ratio 34^ to an im- proper fraction. In general, if we find that by dividing U into 7i parts, A will be exactly m of these parts, then n whether m is greater or less than n. When the magnitude of A measured by U can be exactly expressed by a vulgar fraction, A and U are said to be com- mensurable. Case III. It may happen that there is no number or frac- tion which will exactly express the ratio of the.two magnitudes. The latter are then said to be incommensurable. 150. Theorem. The ratio of two incommensuralble magnitudes may always be expressed as near the true value as we please by means of a fraction, if we only make the denominator large enough. Examples. Let us divide the unit of measure into 20 parts, and suppose that the antecedent contains more than 28 but less than 29 of these parts. Then, by supposing it to con- tain 28 parts, the limit of error will be one part, or ^^ of the standard unit. In general, if we wish to express the ratio within 1 n^h of the unit, we can certainly do it by 'dividing the unit into n or more parts, or by taking as the denominator of the fraction a number not less than n. Illustration hy Deci7nal Fractions. The square root of 2 cannot be rigorously expressed as a vulgar or decimal fraction. ' But, if we suppose ^2 = 1.4 = If, the error will be < ^ ; V2 = 1.41 =ifi, " " f . f - f = t\ ; whence, 4 > f . f - 4 = /^ ; whence, | > f . etc. etc. General Proof, Let « : 5 be the original ratio, and let both terms be increased by the quantity u, making the new ratio a-\-u : b-^u. The new ratio mimis the old one will be {h — a)u If h is greater than «, this quantity will be positive, show- ing that the ratio is increased by adding u. If h is less than a, the quantity will be negative, showing that the ratio is dimin- ished by adding w. ^-*-¥ CHAPTER II. PROPORTION. 155. Def, Proportion is an equality of two or more ratios. Since each ratio has two terms, a proportion must have at least four terms. Def, The terms which enter into two equal ratios are called Terms of the proportion. li a'.h be one of the ratios, and p : q the other, the pro- portion will be, a-.h ^p:q. (1) 134 PROPOBTION. A proportion is sometimes written, a : & : : p : q, which is read, " As « is to 6 so is p to q." The first form is to be pre- ferred, because no other sign than that of equality is necessary, but the equation may be read, ** As a is to 6 so is jp to q" whenever that expres- sion is the clearer. Def, The first and fourth terms of a proportion are called the Extremes, the second and third are called the Means. Theorems of Proportion. 156. Theorem I. In a proportion the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. Proof. Let us write the ratios in the proportion (1) in the form of fractions. It will give the equation, Multiplying both sides of this equation by hq, we shall have aq = bj), (3) Cor. If there are two unknown terms in a propor- tion, they may be expressed by a single unknown symbol. Example. If it be required that one quantity shall be to another as p to q, we may call the first px and the second qx, because px : qx =: p : q (identically). 157. Theorem II. If the means in a proportion be interchanged, the proportion will still be true. Proof. Divide the equation (3) by pq. We shall then have, instead of the proportion (1), a h or a \ p = h : q. PROPORTION. 135 Def. The proportion in wMcli the means are inter- changed is called the Alternate of the original pro- portion. The following examples of alternate proportions should be studied, and the truth of the equations proved l»y calculation : 1:2= 4 : ; 8; alternate, 1 : ; 4 = 2 : ; 8. 2:3= 6 : ;9; (( 2 ; : 6 = 3 : : 9. 5 : 2 = 25 : 10; (( 5 : : 25 = 2 : ; 10. 158. Theorem III. If, in a proportion, we increase or diminish each antecedent by its consequent, or each consequent by its own antecedent, the proportion will still be true. Example. In the proportion, 5 : 2 = 25 : 10, the antecedents are 5 and 25, the consequents 2 and 10 (§ 148). Increasing each antecedent by its own consequent, the proportion will be 5 + 2:2 = 25 + 10:10, or 7:2 = 35:10. Diminishing each antecedent by its consequent, the proportion will become, 5 - 2 : 2 = 25 - 10 : 10, or 3 : 2 = 15 : 10. Increasing each consequent by its antecedent, the proportion will be 5 : 2 + 5 = 25 : 10 + 25, or 5 : 7 = 25 : 35. These equations are all to be proved numerically. General Proof, Let us put the proportion in the form 1) q ^ ' If we add 1 to each side of this equation and reduce each side, it will give h - q ^ that is, a -^l \ 1) ■= p -\- q '. q, (5) In the same way, by subtracting 1 from each side, it will be a — h '. h = p — q '. q. (6) 136 PROPORTION. If we invert the fractions in equation (4), the latter will become a p By adding or subtracting 1 from each side of this equation, and then again inverting the terms of the reduced fractions, we shall find, a : h -\-a = p : q -\-p; a : i — a = p : q —p. The form (5) was formerly designated as formed "by composition," and (6) as formed " by division." But these terms are now useless, be- cause all the above forms are only special cases of a more general one to be now explained. 159. Theorem IV, If four quantities form the pro- portk)n a \ l = c : d^ {a) and if m, n^ p^ and q be any multipliers whatever, we shall have ma + nh : pa + qh — mc + nd : pc + qd. Proof. The proportion (a) gives the equation. 1)~ d Multiplying this equation by - and adding 1 to each member, Eeducing each member to a fraction and inverting the terms, qh _ qd pa -{■ qb ~ pc -\- qd Dividing both members by qy ~i— ='— ^-. (7) 2M -j- qb pc -\- qd ^ ' The original proportion (a) also gives, by inversion, PROPORTION. 137 h_d a~ c' from which we obtain, by multiplying by ^, adding 1, etc., ql + p a _ qcl + pc IM ~ pc pa -}- qb pc -]- qd ^ ' (8) X m + (7) X w gives the equation, ma -\- nh mc + nd pa -\- qh ~ pc -\- qd ' or ma -\- nb \ pa -\- ql) =^ mc + nd : pc ■{■ qd, (9) which is the result to be demonstrated. 160. Theorem V, If each term of a proportion be raised to the same power, the proportion will still subsist. Proof. If a : b = p : q, a p b q' then, by multiplying each member by itself repeatedly, we shall have a' etc. etc. Hence, in general, a^ : b"' = p'^ : q^. Cor, If a : b = p • q, then a^ : a^ ^b"- = p^ : p^ ±q^ ; and a^ ±b"' : b^ = p"' ± q^ : q^. Theorem VI. When three terms of a proportion are given, the fourth can always be found from the theorem that the product of the means is equal to that of the extremes. 138 PROPORTION. We have shown that whenever a '. 1) = 2^ : q, then aq = bp. Considering the different terms in succession as unknown quantities, we find, dp I = ^^-, P V - -^^ ip q = —' Cor, 1. If, in the general equation of the first degree ax ^hy = c, the term c vanishes, the equation determines the ratio of the unknown quantities. Proof. If ax -\- by = 0, then ax =: — by, , X b and - = , y a or . • X \ y =. —b \ a. Cor. 2. Conversely, if the ratio of two unknown quantities is given, the relation between them may Ibe expressed by an equation of the first degree. The Mean Proportional. 161. Def. When the middle terms of a proportion are equal, either of them is called tlie Meein Propor- tional between the extremes. The fact that b is the mean proportional between a and c is expressed in the form, a : b = b : c. proportion: 139 Theorem I then gives, W' =z ac. Extracting the square root of both members, we have Hence, Theorem YII. The mean proportional of two qnan* tides is equal to the square root of their product. Multiple Proportions. 163. "We may have any number of ratios equal to each other, as a \ h ^ G '. d ■= e \ f, etc. 6 : 4 = 9 : 6 = 3 : 2 = 21 : 14. («) Such proportions are sometimes written in the form 6 : 9 : 3 : 21 == 4 : 6 : 2 : 14. (5) In the form (5) the antecedents are all written on one side of the equation, and the consequents on the other. Any two numbers on one side then have the same ratio as the cor- responding two on the other, and the proportions expressed by this equality of ratios are the alternates of the original propor- tions («). For instance, in the proportion (Z*) we have, 6:9 =4:6, which is the alternate of 6 : 4 = 9:6. 6:3=4:2, " " " 6:4=3:2. 6 : 21 = 4 : 14, " " " 6 : 4 = 21 : 14. 9 : 21 = 6 : 14, " " " 9 : 6 = 21 : 14. 1G3. A multiple proportion may also be expressed by a number of equations equal to that of the ratios. Since a : h' := c \ d =z e : f, etc., let us call r the common value of these ratios, so that a c , * = '■' 1 = '' <=*'=• Then a — rd, c = rd, (c) e — rf, 140 PROPORTION. will express the same relations between the quantities a, h, c, d, e, fy etc., that is expressed by a : b =z c : d •= e : f, etc., (a) or a : c ', 6 : etc. =^ b \ d : f -. etc. (b) It will be seen tliat where r enters in the form (c) there is one more equation than in the first form {a). [In this form each = represents an equation.] This is because the additional quantity r is introduced, by eliminating which we diminish the number of equations by one, as in eliminating an unknown quantity. 164. Theorem, In a mnltiple proportion, the sum of any number of the antecedents is to the sum of the corresponding consequents as any one antecedent is to its consequent. T. xnr 1 2 6 10 12 ^. Ex. We have - = — =—== — • Then 5 15 2o 30 2 + 6 + 10 + 12 30 5 + 15 + 25 + 30 75' which has the same value as the other four functions. Oeneral Proof. Let A, B, C, etc., be the antecedents, and a, b, c, etc., the corresponding consequents, so that A: a = B '.b = : c, etc. (1) Let us call r the common ratio A\ a, B -.b, etc., so that A = r«, B = rb, C = re. etc. etc. Adding these equations, we have A -{• B -i- G-^ etc. = r{a + b + c-{- etc.), A + B -\- C -\- etc. or — —^ 1 — = r; a -\-b + c + etc. that is, the ratio ^H-^+C+etc. : a + ^ + c + etc. is equal to r, the common value of the ratios A : a, B \b, etc. PROBLEMS. I. A map of a country is made on a scale of 5 miles to 3 inches. PROPORTION, 141 (1.) What will be the length of 8, 12, 17, 20, 33 miles on the map ? (2.) How many miles will be represented by 6, 8, 16, 20, 29 inches on the maj) ? Rem. 1. If X, y, z, u, 1) be the required spaces on the map, we shall have 5 : S = 8 : X — 12 : y, etc. If a, b, c, etc., be the required number of miles, we shall have 3:5 = 6:a = 8:&==16:c, etc. Rem. 3. When there are several ratios compared, as in this problem, it will be more convenient to take the inverse of the common ratio, and multiply the antecedent of each following ratio by it to obtain the conse- quent. In the first of the above proportions the inverse ratio is f , and a; = I of 8, y = f of 12, etc. In the second, a = f of 6, & = f of 8, etc. 2. To divide a given quantity A into three parts which shall be proportional to the given quantities a, b, c, that is, into the parts x, y, and z, such that X : a ^y '. l = z '. c, or X : y \ z =z a \ h : c. Solution. By Theorem IV, x_y_z_x-{-y-\-z_ A a~h~c~~a-\-b-\-c~a-\-b-\-c Therefore, _ aA _ ^-^ _ ^^ a-^b+c' ^ a + b-^c' a -\- b -\- c 3. Divide 102 into three parts which shall be proportional to the numbers 2, 4, 11. 4. Divide 1000 into five parts which shall be proportional to the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5. Find two fractions whose ratio shall be that of a : J, and whose sum shall be 1. 6. What two numbers are those whose ratio is that of 7 : 3 and whose difference is 24. 7. What two numbers are those whose ratio is m : w, and whose difference is unity ? 8. Find x and y from the conditions, X '. y ^ a \ b, ax — by = a -{■ i. 142 PROPORTION. 9. Show that if a : b = A : B, c: d= C : D, we must also have ac : bd = AC : BD. 10. Having given x = aij, find the value of ^ ^^ x — 2y 11. Having given x + '^y ^ = 5, x — 'Zy x — y 12. If a : b = 2^ '. q, find the value of ci p prove O!^ _j_ 52 . — ^^^ _ ^? _]_ ^2 . ^t — and «« + j->:^__-_=^. + j™:-^--. 13. If a -\-b — c — d a — b — c -\- d* show that a : b = c : d. 14. A year's profits were divided among three partners, A, B, and C,* proportional to the numbers 2, 3, and 7. If should pay B $1256, their shares would be equal. What was the amount divided ? 15. In a first year's partnership between A and B, A had 2 shares and B had 5. In the second year, A had 3 and B had 4. In the second year, A's profits were $3200 greater and B's were $1700 greater than they were the first. What was each year's profits ? 16. In a poultry yard there are 7 chickens to every 2 ducks, and 3 ducks to every 2 geese. How many geese were there to every 42 chickens ? 17. A drover started with a herd containing 4 horses to' every 9 cattle. He sold 148 horses and 108 cattle, and then had 1 horse to every 3 cattle. How many horses and cattle had he at first ? 18. If a bowl of punch contains a parts of water and b parts of wine, what is the ratio of the wine to the whole punch ? W^hat is the ratio of the water ? What are the sums of these ratios ? PROPORTION. 143 19. One ingot consists of equal parts of gold and silver, while another has two parts of gold to one of silver. If I combine equal weights from these ingots, what proportion of the compound will be gold and what proportion silver ? 20. What will be the proportions if, in the preceding prob- lem, I combine one ounce from the first ingot with three from the second? 21. One cask contains a gallons of water and h gallons of alcohol, Avhile another contains m gallons of water and n of alcohol. If I draw one gallon from each cask and mix them, what will be the quantities of alcohol and water ? 22. What will be the ratio of the liquors in the last case, if I mix two parts from the first cask with one from the second ? 23. What will it be if I mix p parts from the first with q parts from the second ? 24. A goldsmith has two ingots, each consisting of an alloy of gold and silver. If he combines two parts from the first ingot with one from the second, he will have equal parts of gold and silver. If he combines one part from the first with two from the second, he will have 3 parts of gold to 5 of silver. What is the composition of each ingot ? Suggestion. Call r tlie ratio of tlie weight of gold in the first ingot to the whole weight of the ingot ; then 1 — r will be the ratio of the sil- ver in the first to the whole weight of the ingot. See the following question. Note. Problems 18-24 form a graduated series, introductory to the processes of Problem 24. 25. Point out the mistake which would be made if the solution of the preceding problem were commenced in the fol- lowing way : If the first ingot contains p parts of gold to q parts of silver, and the second contains r parts of gold to s of silver, then Two parts from the first ingot will have 2^ of gold and 2q of silver. One part from the second ingot will have r of gold and s of silver. Therefore, the combination will contain 2p + r parts of gold," and 2q-{-s parts of silver. Show also that if we subject p, q, r, and s to the condition P -\-q = r + s, the process would be correct. 26. Show that if the second term of a proportion be a mean proportional between the third and fourth, the third will be a mean proportional between the first and second. BOOK V. OF POWERS AND ROOTS. CHAPTER I INVOLUTiON. Case I. Involvition of Products and Quotients, 165. Def. The result of taking a quantity, A^ n times as a factor is called the ri*'* power of JL, and as already known may be written either AAA, etc., n times, or A"-. Def. The number n is called the Index of the power. Def. Involution is the operation of finding the powers of algebraic expressions. The operation of invohition may always be expressed by the appUcation of the proper exponent, the expression to be involved being inclosed in parentheses. Example. The n*^ power oi a + h is (a + h)^. The n^^ power of abc is (abc^. 166. Involution of Products. The n*^ power of the product of several factors a, h, c, may be expressed without exponents as follows : abcabcdbc, etc., each factor being repeated n times. INVOLUTION, 145 Here there will be altogether n a% n h% and n (fs, so that, using exponents, the whole power will be a^'b^c"' (§ 66, 67). Hence, {abo)"' = a^b'^c^. That is, Theorem. The power of a product is equal to the product of the powers of the several factors. 167. Involution of Quotients. Applying the same methods X ft^ to fractions, we find that the n^^ power of - is — • For y yn IxY" XXX (-) = > etc., V y y y n times j XXX, etc., n ~~ yyy, etc., n times ,g times ^^ 109); - yn EXERCISES. Express the cubes of I. abc. ab 2. — • c 3- dbc-\ mn a-\-b ^' a-b 6. mn (a pq{a -b) Express the n^^ powers of the same quantities, the quanti- ties between parentheses being treated as single symbols. Case II. Involution of Powers. 168. Problem. It is required to raise the quantity a^ to the n*^ power. Solution. The n^ power of a"^ is, by definition, a"* X a"* X a"*, etc., n times. By § 66, the exponents of a are all to be added, and as the exponent m is repeated n times, the sum m -\- m -\- m + etc., n times, is mn. Hence the result is a'^^ or, in the language of Algebra, 10 146 IJS VOLUTION. Hence, TJieorem. If any power of a quantity is itself to Ibe raised to a power, the indices of the powers must be multiplied together. EXAMPLES. Note. It will be seen that this theorem coincides with that of Case I when any of the factors have the exponent unity understood. EXERCISES. Write the cubes of the following quantities: I. Zxy\ 2. y. 3. a"^. 4. W. 5. 2a2m». 6. b Write the n^^ powers of 7. a. 8. a^K 9- aWc. 10. «^«^ II. ^p^f. 12. (a^h) {c + d). 13- {^:^y){^ — y)' 14. ^{a-\-})-c){a-'by. Arts, 7^ (a, + Z* — cY {a — lyp. a ^ «2 .15. ^- 16. p. 17- x + y x-y „ . m^dl?' ra^nanizn xy^ x^y^^ al {c — d f Reduce : 20. (2aPn^Y. 21. (—dmnx^)^ 22. 2a{—di^mn^y, 23. (7jt?^V)*. 24. («Z»^)«. 25. (2fl2:2;8jn 26. (m^)^ Note 1. If the student find any of these exponential expressions diflBcult of expression, he may first express them by writing each quantity a number of times indicated by its exponent. Note 2. The student is expected to treat the quantities in paren- theses as single symbols. INVOL UTION. 147 Eem. The preceding theorem finds a practical application when it is necessary to raise a small number to a high power. If, for example, we have to raise 2 to the 30th power, we should, without this theorem, have to multiply by 2 no less than 29 times. But we may also proceed thus : 22 = 4, 2^ = 22.22 = 4-4 = 16, 28 = 2^.24 =16.16 = 256, ■ 216 ^ 28.28 = 2562 _ 65536, 224 _ 216.28 r= 216.256 = 16777216, 230 = 224.26 = 224.64 — 1073741824. Case of Negative Exponents. 169. The preceding theorem may be applied to negative exponents. By the definition of such exponents, nP jF = '"'^-'- (1) Eaising the first member to the n^^ power, we have. This is the same result we should get by applying the theorem to the second member of (1), and proves the proposi- tion. EXERCISES. Express the 6th powers of T. ab-\ 2. a^l-K 3. amp~^. 4. a~^'b~^. 5. (« + If {a — l))-\ 6. {x + yY {x + z)-^, ■arP {^±hrrn Eeduce : 9. [{a + Z>)-i {a - J)]^ 10. (ah-^-'^y, II. («Z>~^c""2)-5. 12. {m^ii-J)-K 13. (x^y-i)-\ 14. (a^^ci'^Y. After forming the expressions, write them all with positive exponents, in the form of fractions. 148 INVOLUTION. Algebraic Signs of Powers. 170. Since the continued product of any number of posi- tive factors is positive, all the powers of a positive quantity are positive. By § 26, the product of an odd number of negative fac- tors is negative, and the product of an even number is positive. Hence, Theorem, The even powers of negative quantities are positive, and tlie odd powers are negative. EXAMPLES. (— of = a^ ; (— ay = —a^-, (— ay = «*, etc. EXERCISES. Fin a the value of I. (-2)2. 2. 1 ;-3)3. 3. 44. 4- (-5)V 5. [-5)3. 6. (-by. 7- (-a-l)\ 8. [—onny. 9- (-pqy. lo. {-afn. II. [-by^+K 12. (-a- ly^-^ 13. {-Ifn, 14. l-iyn+i. 15- (- 1)^-^ Case III. Involution of Binomials— the Bino- niial Theorem. 171. It is required to find the n^^ poiuer of a binomial. 1. Let a -\- bhe the binomial ; its n^^ power may be written {a + by. Let us now transform this expression by dividing ifc by «^, and then multiplying it by a% which will reduce it to its orig- inal value. We have (§ 167), (fl? + by ^ /a + by^ (. by Multiplying this last expression by a^, by writing this power outside the parentheses, it becomes a^ (>+!)■ « INYOLUTION. 149 which is equal to {a + h)^. Next let us put for shortness x to represent - , when the expression will become 2. Now let us form the successive powers of (1 + xy. We multiply according to the method of § 79 : Multiplier, (1 + xf = l+x 1+x 1+x -i-x +x^ (1 + xy xY = l-^2x-\-x^ 1+x l + 2x + x^ X + 2xi + a^ (1 + = l + 3x + dx^-{-a^ 1 + x l-\-dx + 3x^ + 0^ x + 3x^ -i- dx^ + x^ Multiplier, Multiplier, (1 + xy = 1 + 4:X + 6x^ i- ^a^ -\- x^ It will be seen that whenever we multiply one of these powers by 1 + a;, the coefficients of x, x% etc., which we add to form the next higher power are the same as those of the given power, only those in the lower line go one place toward the right. Thus, to form (1 + xy, we took the coefficients of (1 + xy, and wrote and added them thus : Coef. of (1 + xy, 1, 3, 3, 1. 1, 3, 3, 1. Coef. of (1 -f xy, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1. It is not necessary to write the numbers under each other to add them in tliis way ; we have only to add each number to the one on the left in the same line to form the corresponding number of the line below. Thus we can form the coefficients of the successive powers of x at sight as follows: The first figure in each line is 1 ; the next is the coeJQ&cient of x ; the third the coefficient of x^, etc. 150 ) involution: First power, n = 1, coefficients, 1, 1. Second " n = 2, a 1, 2, 1. Third " n = 3, a 1, 3, 3, 1. Fourth « n = 4, (( 1, 4, 6, 4, 1. Fifth « n =. 5, « 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1. Sixth « n = 6, it 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1. etc. etc. etc. It is evident that the first quantity is always 1, and that the next coefficient in each line, or the coefficient of x, is n. The third is not evident, but is really equal to n (n — 1) 2 (*) as will be readily found by trial; because, beginning with n = 3, Q 3-2 . 4-3 .. 5.4 , 3 = -^, 6 = --, 10 = -^, etc. The fourth number on each Hue is n {71 — 1) (n — 2) 2.3 Thus, beginning as before with the third line, where n = df l_3:iJ: ^-^±1 10 -^:i^ etc (.) - ^ - 2.3 ' ^ - 2.3 ^ -^^ - 2.3 ' ^^''' ^""^ 3. These several quantities are called Binomial Coeffi- cients. In writing them, we may multiply all the denomi- nators by the factor 1 without changing them, so that, there will be as many factors in the denominator as in the numerator. The fourth column of coefficients, or (c), will then be written, 3-2.1 4-3- 2 5-4-3 1-2-3' 1-2-3' 1-2-3' ^^^• 4. We can find all the binomial coefficients of any power when we know the value of n. The numerator and denominator of the second coefficient will contain two factors, as in (b) ; of the third, three factors, as in (c) ; and of the s^^, s factors, whatever s may be. In any coefficient, tlie first factor in the numerator is n, the second n — 1, etc., each factor being less by unity than the INVOLUTION. 151 preceding one, until we come to the s^^ or last, which will be ?j — s H- 1. Such a product is written, n{7i — l){n — 2) . . . .{n — s ■\- 1). The dots stand for any number of omitted factors, because s may be any number. We have written 4 of the s factors, so that 5 — 4 are left to be represented by the dots. The denominator of the fraction is the product of the 5 factors, 1.2.3 s, each factor being greater by 1 than the preceding one, and the dots standing for any number of omitted factors, according to the value of s. Thus, the s^^ coefficient in the n^^ line will be ' 1.2.3. ..7^^ " ^"^^ If s is greater than ■J?^, the last factors will cancel some of the preceding ones, so that as s increases from ^n to ^^, the values of the preceding coefficients will be repeated in the reverse order. Thus, suppose n = 6. Then, by cancelling common factors, 6.5 1.2 _ 6 _ ~ 1 ~ = 15. = 6. = 1. 1.2- If we should add one more factor to the numerator, it would be 0, and the whole coefficient would be 0. The conclusion we have reached is embodied in the follow- ing equation, which should be perfectly memorized : /i , \« 1 , , ^(^ — 1) o . n(n — l)(n—2) _ ±' Z 1 .2' o + ^+....+z. t^ INVOLUTION. EXERCISES. 1. Compute from the formula (d) all the binomial coeffi- cients for w = 6, and from them express the development of (1 + xf. 2. Do the same thing for w = 8, and for n = 10. 172, To find the development of (a + J)% we replace x by - , and then multiply each term by a^. [See equations (1) and (2).] We thus have (a + b)^ = a^ -\- na'^-^ + — V^— ^"""^^ + etc. to J». The terms of the development are subject to the following rules : I. The exponents of b, or the second term of the bino- mial, are 0, 1, 2, etc., to n. Because Ifi is simply 1, a" is the same as a^¥. II. ITie sum of the exponents of a and hisnin each term. Hence the exponents of a are n, n — 1, n — 2, etc., to 0. III. The coefficient of the first term is unity, and of the second ft, the index of the power. Each folloiving coefficicjit may he found from the next preceding one by multiplying by the successive factors, n—1 n—2 n—S 3 , etc. IV. If b or a is negative, the sign of its odd powers ivill be changed, but that of its even powers will remain the same. (Compare § 170.) Hence, {a — ly — aP' — na^-^b + ^^^^ a^-'^W — etc., the terms being alternately positive and negative. INVOLUTION. 163 EXERCISE S — Continued. 3. Compute all the terms of {a + ly, using the binomial coefficients. 4. What is the coefficient of h^ in the deyelopment of {a + hY^ 5. What are the first four terms in the development of 6. What are the first three terms in the development of ? What are the last two terms ? (-r' 7. What are the first three and the last three terms of {a — xy^ ? 8. What is the development of (« + -)• 9. What are the first four terms in the development of the following binomials : (1 + ^y ; (1 + ^x^y ; (1 - 3a;2)n ; 10. What are the sum and difference of the two develop- ments, (1 + xy and (1 — xy? Case IV. Square of a Polynomial. 173. 1. Square of any Polynomial. Let a -\- h -\- c -\- d -\- etc., be any polynomial. We may form its square thus : a + h-\-c-\-d-\- etc. a-\-'b-\-c-\-d + etc. a^ -\- ah + ac -\- ad + etc. ab + h^ -\- he -\- M + etc. ac -\- Ic -\- c^ -\- cd + etc. ad + bd -i- cd + d^ + etc. «^ + ^ + c) a:^ + etc. "We see that : The coefficient of x^ is ac -\- hh -\- ca. « " "0:3 is ^f? 4. jc + c^> + fZrt. " " " a:* is ae + hd -\- ce + dh + ea. etc. etc. The law of the products ae, Id, ce, etc., is that the first factor of each product is composed successively of all the co- efficients in regular order up to that of the power of x to which the coefficient belongs, while the second factor is composed successively of the same coefficients in reverse order. EXERCISES. Form the squares of I. 1 + 2ir + ^x\ 2. 1 + 2a; + 3a;2 ^ 4^. 3. 1 + 2x + Zx^ + 4^3 + 5a;5. 4. 1 4- 22; + 3a:2 + 4^:3 -\- bs^ -\~ Q^. 5. 1 — 2a; + 3a;2 — 4o;3. 6. a — 'b-\-c — d. 7. ^a + n-c + d. 3_ a + l_j_l. a h EVOLUTION. 155 CHAPTER II. EVOLUTION AND FRACTIONAL EXPONENTS. 174. Def, The n*'* Root of a quantity q is sii€h a number as, being raised to the n^^ power, will produce q. V When ?^ = 2, the root is called the Square Root. When 71 = 3, the root is called the Cube Root. Examples. 3 is the 4th root of 81, because = 34 = 81. As the student already knows, we use the notation, n^^ root of 5^ = y^q. There is another way of expressing roots which we shall now describe. 175. Division of Exponents. Let us extract the square root of a\ We must find such a quantity as, being multiplied by itself, will produce a^. It is evident that" the required quan- tity is a^, because, by the rule for multiphcation (§§ QQ, 166), «3 X a^ — a\ n The square root of ciP' will be a^, because n n n n n In the same way, the cube root of a^ is a^, because n n n a^ X a^ X a^ = a^. The following theorem will now be evident : TJieorem. The square root of a power may be ex- pressed by dividing its exponent by 2, the cube root by dividing it by 3, and the n^^ root by dividing it by n. 176. Fractional Exponents. Considering only the origi- nal definition of exponents, such an expression as a^ would 156 EVOLUTION. have no meaning, because we cannot write a IJ times. But by what has just been said, we see that a^ may be interpreted to mean the square root of a^, because a^ X «^ = a\ Hence, A fractional exponent indicates the extraction of a root. If the denominator is 2, a square root is indi- cated ; if 3, a cube root ; if n, an nP' root. A fractional exponent has therefore the same meaning as the radical sign V, and may be used in place of it. EXE RCI SES. Express the following roots by exponents only : I. ^m. 2. ^/{m + n). 3. "^(a + Vf* 4. v^(« + J)2. 5. ^/yyiK 6. ^a^, 7. v'^s. 8. ^/{a-^bY' 9. ^/{a + h)^. 177. Since the even powers of negative quantities are positive, it follows that an even root of a positive quantity may be either positive or negative. This is expressed by the double sign ±. EXERCISES. Express the square roots and also the cube roots and the n^^ roots of the following: I. (a + hf. 2. (a + hf. 3. a^l. 4. (^ + #. 5. (^ + #- 6. {x + yf. 178. If the quantity of which the root is to be ex- tracted is a product of several factors, we extract the root of each factor, and take the product of these roots. Example. The n*^ root of arn^p is a^m^p^, because {a^m^p^f — am% by §§ 168 and 176. If the quantity is a fraction, we extract the root of both members. EVOLUTION. 157 Proof, (lY_a (§§167,168.) Because -r taken n times as a factor makes t i therefore, by definition, it is the n^^ root of t* EXERCISES. Express the square roots of I. 4:X\ 2. -— 4:9m 3- 64«J2c3 8l777i7V Express the cube roots of 4. 27-64. 5. 27^3. 6. 64.27a36« 7. ab^c^dK 8. J^ . Express the n*^ roots of 9. 7. lo. 4.7. II. 4.7.10. _- 5«J'' .. .-«xo« 6«2^^ 12. ;; " Qmp"' 13. 6a^Z>2». 15. Qfn+l yTl ^—2 14. c'^dn amnym 16. 35^ a-=^ {a + J)4^ (a; — yY 4^ (5 — c + ^"^^ Eeduce to exponential expressions : 17. ^ya{b — cy^. 19. ^Vam. ml (a + &)'» 18. V«^'C3. n/a Powers of Expressions with Fractional Expo- nents. 179. Theorem. The p^^ power of the n^ root is equal to the n^^ root of the j?^^ power. 158 FRACTIONAL EXPONENTS. lu algebraic language, or (a^y = {a^)i>, Example. (^8)^ = 2^ = 4, or, in words, tlie square of the cube root of 8 (that is, the square of 2) is the cube root of the square of 8 (that is, of 64). General Proof. Let us put x = the n^^ root of a, so that x^ — a. (1) The p^^ power of this root x will then be xp. (2) Raising both sides of the equation (1) to the p^^ power, we have x!^P = aP = pP^ power of a. The n^^ root of the first member is found by dividing the exponent by n, which gives 7f^ root of jt?^^ power = xP, the same expression (2) just found for the y^^ power of the n^^ root. This theorem leads to the following conclusion : 1. The expression p 1 may mean indifferently the %fl^ power of a^^ or the Tith root of aP^ these quantities being identical. 2. The powers of expressions having fractional ex- ponents may be formed by multiplying the exponents by the index of the power. EXERCISES. Express the squares, the cubes, and the n^^ powers of the following expressions : I. ofi. 2. a^. 3. a^. 4. a". 5. air, 6. db^c^. IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. 159 mm ^ _? 7. a^b^. 8. a^b p. m 9. {a + ^'j" {a — b)-^. 10. tf-'^^^. II. a^b\ 12. -^ — ^' ^ Keduce to simple products and fractions : / m _m\p m 13. \x^y ^) . 14. {aU^c~i)"' 15. {aH^y^. ■ 16. U"^) 17. — 5 1 • 18. — n : m a^-* «^^* CHAPTER III. REDUCTION OF IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. Definitions. 180. Def. A Rational Expression is one in which the symbols are only added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided. All the operations we have hitherto considered, except the extraction of roots, have led to rational expressions. Def. An expression which involves the extraction of a root is called Irrational. Example. Irrational expressions are Va, ^/(a + b), V^l ; or, in the language of exponents, «^, {a + b)^, 27^. In order that expressions may be really irrational, 160 IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. they must be Irreducible, that is, incapable of being expressed without the radical sign. Example. The expressions are not properly irrational, because they are equal to a -\-h and 6 respectively, which are rational. Def. A Surd is the root which enters into .an irrational expression. Example. The expression a + iVx is irrational, and the surd is "^x. Def, Irrational terms are Similar when they con- tain the same surds. Examples. The terms V30, 7 a/30, {x + y) a/30, are similar, because the quantity under the radical sign is 30 in each. The terms (a + I) Vx -\- y, sVx -\- y, m^x + y are similar. Aggregation of Similar Terms. 181. Irrational terms may be aggregated by the rules of §§ 54-56, the surds being treated as if they were single sym- bols. Hence : 'W%erh similar irrational terms are connected hy the signs -\- or — , the coefficients of the similar surds may he added, and the surd itself affixed to their sum. Example. The sum • aVix + y) — hV{x -\- y) + W(x + y) may be transformed into (a — 5 + 3) \/{x + y), EXERCISES. Eeduce the following expressions to the smallest number of terms : I. 7a/3 ~ 5a/2 -f 6a/3 + 7«&a/2. IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. 161 2. W{x + y) + aV{x _ 2^) + 2 (« + J) V{x + y) - 3 (a + ^») ^/{x - y). 4. (« + ^) a/^ + (a — J) Viz^z/. 5. Vx (a — b) + {b — c) Vx -\- (c — a) Vx» 6. aVx — a/^ + 2aVx — (a ■}- d) Vx. q 1 7. J V^ — aVx + 6A/aJ — cVic + o V^- 9. -Vx—Vx-\- (a — I) Vx + ^^~ — ^/x. 10. a/aj — 5a/« — Vx -\ ^^^— ^/a — ^ V^. 4 /* 3 , / -2(« — Z*) / 11. - Vic — V a^ + -^^-g — - y^' 12. 4A/a; — - \^x -{■ {a — h) Vx, o Factoring Surds. 183. Irrational expressions may sometimes be transformed so as to have different expressions under the radical sign, by the method of § 178, applying the following theorem: Theorem. A root of the product of several factors is equal to the product of their roots. In the language of Algebra, "s/abcd, etc. = ^/a Vb v^c y^d, etc. = a^b^c^d\ etc. Proof. By raising the members of this equation to the fit^ power, we shall get the same result, namely, a X h X c X d, etc. Example. VsO = Vo VS. 11 163 IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS, EXERCISES. Prove the following equations by computing both sides : A/4V49 = a/4-49 = a/196. Proof. a/4 a/49 = 2-7 = 14, and a/196 = 14. a/4 a/9 = a/4 a/25 = ' a/9 VlQ = a/25 a/36 = a/36. a/4.25. a/9.16. a/25.36. Express with a single surd the products : I. V{a + b) V{a - b). LUTioiq-. V{a + b) V{a Va V(a + y). V{x + l)V{x-l). V{x^ + 1) V{x + 1) Vi '(a + J)^ {a - b)^\ l{x^ + l)Hx^.iyHx- So 2. 4. 6. 7- 8. 9- -J) = a/(« + ^')(«-&) = V{a^ - b% 3. V7 a/«. 5. a/« a/5 V{a + J). :.r-i). 183. If we can separate the qnantity under the radical sign into two factors, one of which is a perfect square, we may extract its root and affix the surd root of the remaining factor to it. EXAMPLES. V^ = Va^ Vb = aVb. Vab Vac = Va^bc = aVbc. a/12 a/6 = a/72 = a/36 a/2 = 6 a/2. A/(4a3 + Sa^ — IQa^c) = V^d^ (« + 25 — 4«c) — 2a V {a + 25 — 4«c). (x^— ixhj -I- 4a;y^)^ = (x — 2?/) x^. IBBATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. 163 EXERCISES. Reduce, when possible : I. \/8. 2. a/32. 3. Visa 4. a/3 a/27. 5. ^/ab ^/ca V^. 6. a/2 a/72. 7. V^ V72. 8. V{x + 1) V(:?: + 1). 9. a/175. 10. a/150. II. a/108. 12. A/a;H« + ^»). 13. A/(a^ic + ^abx + Z^s^^;). Here the quantity under the radical sign is equal to {a' + 2«& + &2) aj = (flj + &)2 a;. In questions of this class, the beginner is apt to divide an expression like ^/a + 6 + c into ^/a + y^/h + 's/c, which is wrong. The square root of the sum of several quantities cannot be reduced in this way. 14. Vd^y + ^ay + %. 15. \^4:7nh + ^mz -f- 4:Z. Eeduce and add the following surds : 16. 4a/2— 6V'8 + 10a/32. 17. a/12 + a/27 + a/75. 18. A/i« — 2a/«. 19. 125^— 45* — 80i 20. '^81-v^192. 21. (aW)^ ■{- (a^(^)^. Multiplication of Irrational Expressions. 184. Irrational polynomials may be multiplied by com- bining the foregoing principles with the rule of § 78. The following are the forms : To multiply a + l^x by w + nVy* a{m -\- nVy) = am x an^/y. 'b^/x (m + nVy) = bmVx + bnVxy. The product is am + aiiV.y + bniVx + bnVxy. EXERCISES. Perform the following multiplications and reduce the results to the simplest form (compare § 80) : I. (2 4-3a/5)(5-3V2). 2. (7 + 2 a/32) (9 — 5 a/2). 164 IRBATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. 3. {a + Vh) {a — Vb). 4. {Va+ Vb + Vc+ Vd)l {m 4- n^) (m + 2n^). 6. {a^ — a^) {a^ + a^). {a + a-J. 8. («^_a-i/. [a + Sa/(^ + 2/)] [« - ^ V(^ + y)]. \m + ^VCa -H ^)] \rn — n^/{a — &)]. \x + ^(^2 - 1)] \x - V(x^ - 1)]. Expressions may often be transformed and factored by combining the foregoing processes. Example. To factor ax^ + bx^ + cx^ + dx^', we notice ^ x^ =z x^x?y x^ = x^x% etc. so that the expression may be written, aa^x^ 4- ix^x^ + cxx^ -f dx^ = (ax^ -^ bx^ -{- ex + d) xk exercis:es. Eeduce the following expressions to products: 13. 2+V2. 14. 3t + 2.3i 15. (a -\- J)i 16. Vy 4- ««/3 _ ^^5^ 17. X — y — Vx — y. Eeduce to the lowest terms : 2 Va"-\n> ax^ + hx^ 18. — -. 19. -^-. 20. — ^ j-. V'* a -\- dx^ _ j^-u « — a; + \/« — a; ^^^2 _ ^ 21. — ' 22. 7— • a — x— \a — X a -\- 185. Rationalizing Fractions. The quotient of two surds may be expressed as a fraction with a rational numerator or a rational denominator, by multiplying both terms by the proper multiplier. Example. Consider the fraction -— . V7 IRRATIONAL EXPRESSIONS. 165 Multiplying both terms by V?, the fraction becomes ■ , and has the rational denominator 7. 5 Multiplying by y^5, it becomes — - — , and has the rational numerator 5. '^^^ The numerator or denominator may also Ibe made rational when they both consist of two terms, one or both of which are irrational. Let us haye a fraction of the form A + D^/B in which the letters A, D, P, Q, and R stand for any algebraic or numerical expressions whatever. If we multiply both nu- merator and denominator by P — Q^Ry the denominator will become P2 _ Qm, The numerator will become AP + pdVb - aqVr - dqVbr. so that the value of the fraction is AP + pdVb - A q Vr - dqVbr pi _ qiR EXERCISES. Reduce the following fractions to others having rational denominators : /(a + 6\ x^ /I + x\^ 9V5* ^* sVe * ' 2V2 ' a + Vh a — ^/ x Vx + Vy^ a— ^/h ' a-{- Vx ' ^x — ^/y 166 PERFECT SQUARES. 10. —^ -^ -^' II. ; 7— a + V{x + y) V5 — V3 12. V^-A^G^' + y). ^^ .1 V^ + V(^ -{- y) ^ — Vx^ — a^ 1 V^ + « + V a; — a 14. -r £• 15. ■ , ; a^ + {a + ip Vx + a— Vx — a Perfect Squares. 186. Def. A Perfect Square is an expression of wMch tlie square root can Ibe formed without any surds, except such as are already found in the expression. Examples. Am^, 4:a^ + 4:a -{- 1 are perfect squares, be- cause their square roots are 2Tn% 2a + 1, expressions without the radical sign. The expression a + 2'\/«Z> + b, of which the root is may also be regarded as a perfect square, because the surds Va + Vb are in the product 2'^ab. Criterion of a Perfect Square. The question whether a trinomial is a perfect square can always be decided by compar- ing it with the forms of § 80, namely : «2 + 2al) + Z>2 — (^ 4. ly^ or «2 _ BOOK VI. EQUATIONS REQUIRING IRRA TIONAL OPERA TIONS, CHAPTER I. EQUATIONS WITH TWO TERMS ONLY. 189. In the present chapter we consider equations which contain only a single power or root of the unknown quantity. Such an equation, when reduced to the normal form, will be of the form Ax^ + ^ = 0. By transposing B, dividing by A, and putting B the equation may be written, of^ — a = 0. or x^ = a, (1) Here n may be an integer, or it may represent some fraction. Such an equation is called a Binomial Equation, because the expression a^ — a is a binomial. Solution of a Binomial Equation. 190. 1. When the exponent of x is a tvhole number. If we extract the n^^ root of both members of the equation (1), these roots will, by Axiom V, still be equal. The n^^ root of x^ being X, and that of a being a\ we have X = «^, and the equation is solved. BINOMIAL EQUATIONS. 171 2. When the exponent is fractional. Let the equation be m. (^ = a. Raising both members to the n^^ power, we have Extracting the m^^ root. If the numerator of the exponent is unity, we only have to suppose m = 1, which will give X = a\ Hence the binomial equation always admits of solution by forming powers, extracting roots, or both. Special Forms of Binomial Equations. Def. When the exponent n is an integer, the equa- tion is called a Pure Equation of the degree n. When 71 = 2, the equation is a Pure Quadratic Equation. When n = S, the equation is a Pure Cubic Equa- tion. EXERCISE :s. Hm i the values of x in the following equations : I. £ = ,. x^ Ans. X = '—> 2. a + b xi -'' 3. a b x^ — b x^ — a 4- 9 a^ X ~ 24' 5- x — 2a 2x—b x—a ~ x—b 6. x^ — na wi? — b x^ — a ~ x^ — b' 7- p a -{- b xa. ^ -«-4 8. ^ yi yi ~ xi 9- ^/x -\- 0? b — a 172 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE BOOTS. In the last example, clearing the equation of fractions, we shall have ^x^ - a^ = ¥- a\ or (a;2 - d'f = 1^ - a\ We square both sides of this equation, which gives another in which ir^ only appears. lo. {x — a)i = A II. (a;2 — a^)^ = mx. 12. {Vx — Vb)i = nxk Positive and Negative Roots. 191. Since the square root of a quantity may be either positive or negative, it follows that when we have an equation such as a^ z=z a, and extract the square root, we may have either X = + a^f or X z= — a^. Hence there are two roots to every such equation, the one positive and the other negative. We express this pair of roots by writing X = ± a^, the expression ± a^ meaning either + a^ or — a^. It might seem that since the square root of x^ is either + a; or —x, we should write ± a; = ± a*, having the four equations, x — a*. But the first and fourth of these equations give identical values of x by simply changing the sign, and so do the second and third. PROBLEMS LEADING TO PURE EQUATIONS. 1. Find three numbers, such that the second shall be double the first, the third one-third the second, and the sum of their squares 196. 2. The sum of the squares of two numbers is 369, and the difference of their squares 81. What are the numbers? PROBLEMS. 173 3. A lot of land contains 1645 square feet, and its length exceeds its breadth by 12 feet. What are the length and breadth ? To solve tliis equation as a binomial, take the mean of the length and breadth as the unknown quantity, so that the length shall be as much greater than the mean as the breadth is less. 4. Find a number such that if 9 be added to and subtracted from it, the product of the sum and difference shall be 175. 5. Find a number such that if a be added to it and sub- tracted from it the product of the sum and difference shall be 2a + 1. 6. One number is double another, and the difference of their squares is 192. What are the numbers ? 7. One number is 8 times another, and the sum of their cube roots is 12. What are the numbers ? 8. Find two numbers of which one is 3 times the other, and the square root of their sum, multiplied by the lesser, is equal to 128. 9. What two numbers are to each other as 2:3, and the sum of their squares = 325 ? Note. If we represent one of the numbers by 2x, the other will be Zx. 10. What two numbers are to each other as m : n, and the square of their difference equal to their sum ? 11. What two numbers are to each other as 9 to 7, and the cube root of their difference multiplied by the square root of their sum equal to 16 ? 1 2. Find X and y from the equations a'x^ + *y = c'. 13. The hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is 26 feet in length, and the sum of the sides is 34 feet. Find each side. Note. It is shown in Geometry that the square of the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In the present problem, take for the unknown quantity the amount by which each unknown side differs from half their sum. 14. Two points start out together from the vertex of a right angle along its respective sides, the one moving m feet per second and the other n feet per second. How long will they require to be c feet apart ? 15. By the law of falling bodies, the distance fallen is pro- portional to the square of the time, and a body falls 16 feet the first second. IIow long will it require to fall h feet ? 174 qUADMATlG EQUATIONS. CHAPTER II. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 193. Bef, A Quadratic Equation is one whicli, when reduced to the normal form, contains the second and no higher power of the unknown quantity. A quadratic equation is the same as an equation of the second degree. Def. A Pure quadratic equation is one which con- tains the second power only of the unknown quantity. The treatment of a pure quadratic equation is given in the preceding chapter. Def. A Complete quadratic equation is one which contains "both the first and second powers of the un- known quantity. The normal form of a complete quadratic equation is (1) (3) ax^ -\- bx -\- c = 0. Jf we divide this equation by a, we obtain a . a 0. Putting, for brevity, - = ^, c the equation will be written in the form, x^ +])^-^ ^ = ^' (3) Def. The equation x^ + px -\- q ~ is called the General Equation of the Second Degree, or the General Quadratic Equation, because it is the form to which all such equations can be reduced. qUADRATIG EQUATIONS. 175 Solution of a Complete Quadratic Equation. 193. A quadratic equation is solved hy adding such a quantity to its two members that the member contain- ing the unknown quantity shall be a perfect square. (§187.) We first transpose q in the general equation, obtaining - Clearing of fractions and transposing, we find the equation to become 2ic2 — 11a; + 1 = 0, Adding \ the square of the coefficient of x to each side, we have • 2 41 1681 _ 1681 1 _ 1673 "^""a^"^ 16 - 16 ~2- 16* Extracting the square root and reducing, we find the values of x to he X, =:i(41 + V1673), and 2^3 = ^(41 — ^1673). Using the other method, in order to avoid fractions, we multiply the equation (5) by 2, making tlie equation, 4a;2 _ 822; = — 2. 41^^ 1681 Adding -j- = —r— to each side of the equation, we have . , __ , 412 1681 1673 4rc2 — 82:c + -— = — 2 = —^ — 4 4 4 Extracting the square root, \/l673 ^X 41 /1673 4 2 ' whence we find - 41 ± a/1673 x = ^ , the same result as before. EXERCISES. Eeduce and solve the following equations a; + 2 _ ^--2 _ 5 y + ^ y — 4 _ 10 ^' ic — 2 a; + 2~6* ^' y — ^^ y -\- i"" 'd' 12 178 QUABBATIC EQUATIONS. 3- a:_l 1 x — % ~ 3 4. «/2 — %ay + a> — 1)' = 0. 5- 1 -1,^1^ ft + Z'-j-o; a ^ h ^ X 6. a' h 5 _o i?;2 — a^ ^ X -\- a x — a 7. ! + * + « a; — a _ , 1 ^7" 8. 2 + ^ 2/'-4'2-^-- 9- y -\- a y — a 1 1 , 1 , y — a y + a~ y — a y^ — ^ ' y — ^ ^ ^ 1 S -0 a + a; « — a; PROBLEMS. 1. Find two numbers such that their difference shall be 6 and their product 567. 2. The difference of two numbers is 6, and the difference of their cubes is 936. What are the numbers ? 3. Divide the number 34 into two such parts that the sum of their squares shall be double their product? 4. The sum of two numbers is 60, and the sum of their squares 1872. What are the numbers ? 5. Find three numbers such that the second shall be 5 greater than the first, the third double the second, and the sum of their squares 1225. 6. Find four numbers such that each shall be 4 greater than the one next smaller, and the product of the two lesser ones added to the product of the two greater shall be 312. \ 7. A shoe dealer bought a box of boots for $210. If there had been 5 pair of boots less in the box, they would have cost him II per pair more, if he had still paid $210 for the whole. How many pair of boots were in the box ? Rem. If we call x the number of pairs, the price paid for each pair must have been X qUADBATIG EQUATIONS. 179 8. A huckster bought a certain number of chickens for 110, and a number of turkeys for $15.75. There were 4 more chickens than turkeys, but they each cost him 35 cents a piece less. How many of each did he buy? 9. A farmer sold a certain number of sheep for $240. If he had sold a number of sheep 3 greater for the same sum, he would have received $4 a piece less. How many sheep did he sell? 10. A party having dined together at a hotel, found the bill to be $9. GO. Two of the number having left before pay- ing, each of tlje remainder had to pay 24 cents more to make up the loss. What was the number of the party ? 11. A pedler bought $10 worth of apples. 80 of them proved to be rotten, but he sold the remainder at an advance of 2 cents each, and made a profit of $3.20. How many did he buy ? 12. In a certain number of hours a man traveled 48 miles ; if he had traveled one mile more per hour, it would have taken him 4 hours less to perform his journey ; how many miles did he travel per hour ? 13. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 160 metres, and its area is 1575 square metres. What are its length and breadth ? 14. The length of a lot 'of land exceeds its breadth by a feet, and it contains w? square feet. What are its dimen- sions ? 15. A stage leaves town A for town B, driving 8 miles an hour. Three hours afterward a stage leaves B for A at such a speed as to reach A in 18 hours. They meet when the second has driven as many hours as it drives miles per hour. What is the distance between A and B ? Note. The solution is very simple when the proper quantity is taken as unknown. Equations which may be Reduced to Quad- ratics. 196. Whenever an equation contains only two powers of the unknown quantity, and the index of one power is double that of the other, the equation can Ibe solved as a quadratic. 180 QUADRATIG MqUATIONS. Special Example, Let us take the equation af^-\-W + c = (). (1) Transposing c and adding - h^ to each side of the equation, it becomes 4 4 The first member of this equation is a perfect square, namely, the square oi 7^ ■\- -1). Extracting the square roots Z of both members, we have Hence, ^ = \\_-h± V(V — 4c)]. Extracting the cube root, we have General Form. We now generalize this solution in the following way. Suppose we can reduce an equation to the form «a;2« + bx^ + c = 0, in which the exponent n may be any quantity whatever, entire or fractional. By dividing by «, transposing, and adding 1 Z>2 J -2 to both sides of the equation, we find ^«^ +4a2- 4a2 a The first side of this equation is the square of Hence, by extracting the square root, and reducing as in the general equation, we find 2:« = ~[-&±\/(52-.4ac)]. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 181 Extracting the n^^ root of both sides, we have If the exponent w is a fraction, the same course may be followed. Suppose, for example, ax^ -\- hz^ -\- c = 0, Dividing by a and transposing, we have 4,58 c a a Adding —^ to both sides, 4,58,5^ Z»2 c X^ A X^ A = • The left-hand member of this equation is the square of - + ^- Extracting the square root of both members, I _5^ _ /^ _ _c\i _ ( b^ — 4gc)^ , 3 —h±{h^ — 4caS whence, x^ = ==^ ^—, 2a Eaising both sides of this equation to the f power, we have EXERCISES. 1. Find a number which, added to twice its square root, will make 99. 2. What number will leave a remainder of 99 when twice its square root is subtracted from it. 183 QUADBATIG EQUATIONS. 3. One-fifth of a certain number exceeds its square root by 30. What is the number ? 4. What number added to its square root makes 306 ? 5. If from 3 times a certain number we subtract 10 times its square root and 96 more, and divide the remainder by the number, the quotient will be 2. What is the number ? Solve the equations : 6. \y^- %y^ = 15. 7. Sy^ - 7^2 = 25. o 8. hy^ — 8^i = 13. m 9. {f + aY — 4 (a;2 + «2)2n = ^2 _ 2 + 1 1.97. When the unknown quantity appears in the form ^ -\ — 2' ^^® square may be completed by simply adding 2 to ^ 1 . this expression, because a;^ _^ 2 + -^ is a perfect square, 1 ^ namely, the square of re + - • The value of x may then be deduced from it by solving another quadratic equation. 3 Example. ^x^ + -, = 22- x^ We first divide by 3 and add 2 to each side of the equation, obtaining . , o . 1 _ 5? . 2 - ??. Extracting the square root of both sides, , 1 2a/7 2^21 2 /_. a; + - = — — - = — ^— = ^ V21. « V3 3 3 By multiplying by x, this equation becomes, a quadratic, and can be solved in the usual way. Let us now take this equation in the more general form, a; + - = e, {a) o which reduces to the foregoing by putting e = o V^l. Clear- ing of fractions and transposing, ic2 — e:r + 1 = ; QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 183 which being solved in the usual way, gives _ e±V{e^ — 4) X- ^ The two roots are therefore — e + V(e^ — 4) <^i - 2 _ e - V{e^ - 4 ) ^2 - 2 If in the first of these equations we rationalize the numer- ator by multiplying it by e — V(e^ — 4) (§ 185), we shall find 2 1 it to reduce to , that is, to — • Therefore, e — V (e^ — 4) ^2 x^ = — identically. Vice versa, x^ is identically the same as — • • This must be the case whenever we solve an equation of the form («), that is, one in which the value of a; + - is given. X 50 Let us suppose first that e = — -, so that the equation is 1 50 It is evident that ic = 7 is a root of this equation, because when we put 7 for x, the left-hand member becomes 7 -f ^, 50 1 which is equal to — • If we put ^ for x, the left-hand mem- ber will become 7^1 n^ Hence x and - exchange values by putting - instead of 7, X I so that their sum x -\- - remains unaltered by the change. X 184 QUADBATIG EQUATIONS. The general result may be expressed thus : Because the value of the expression x + - remains un- 1 ^ altered when we change x into , therefore the reciprocal of any root of the equation X + - = e X is also a root of the same equation. EXERCISES. Find all the roots of the following equations without clear- ing the given equations from denominators : I. -^ + ^. = T- - -'-' + ^j. = -^'-^- 3. 16f + ^, = 28. 4. j, + f = 2m\ 5. Show, without solving, that if r be any root of the equation 1 x^-\-^ = a, then — r, - , and will also be roots. Factoring a Quadratic Equation. 198. 1. Special Case. Let us consider the equation xi — 2x—16 = 0, or a;2 — 2a; 4- 1 — 16 = 0, or (x — 1)2 _ 42 = 0. Factoring, it becomes (§ 90), (a; — 1 -f 4) (:r — 1 — 4) = 0, or {x + 3) (x — 6) = 0. Therefore the original equation can be transformed into (x + 3) (a; - 5) = 0, a result which can be proved by simply performing the multi- plications. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 185 This last equation may be satisfied by putting either of its factors equal to zero ; that is, by supposing a; + 3 = 0, whence x = —d ; or 2; — 5 = 0, whence x = + 5. These are the same roots which we should obtain by solving the original equation. 2. Factoring the General Quadratic Equation. Let us con- sider the general quadratic equation, x^ -\- px -\- q = 0. (a) Now, instead of thinking of x as a root of this equation, let us suppose x to have any yalue whatever, and let us con- sider the expression a^ + px + q, (1) which for shortness we shall call -Z. Let us also inquire how it can be transformed without changing its value. First we add and subtract -p% so as to make part of it a perfect square. It thus becomes, X= x^-^px + -pi — ^p^ + q; or, which is the same thing. Factoring this expression as in § 188, it becomes The student should now prove that this expression is really equal to x^ + px + g, by performing the multiplication. Let us next put, for brevity, 186 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. The preceding value of X will then become, X={x-a){x- (3), (3) an expression identically equal to (1), when we put for a and j3 their values in (2). Let us return to the supposition that this expression is to be equal to zero, and that a; is a root of the equation. The equation {a) will then be • {x -a){x-(3) = 0. (4) But no product can be equal to zero unless one of the fac- tors is zero. Hence we must have either X — a = 0, whence x =: a; or X — (3 = Oj whence x = jX Hence, a and § are the two roots of the equation (a). The above is another way of solving the quadratic equation. To compare the expressions (1) and (3), let us perform the multiplication in the latter. It will become, X= a?—{a-}-(3)x-^af3. Since this expression is identically the same as x^'{-px-{-q, the coefiicients of the like powers of x must be the same. That is, a(3 = q, ] ^ ^ which can be readily proved by adding and multiplying the equations (2). This result may be expressed as follows : Theorem. When a quadratic equation is reduced to the general form x^ -\- px ■\- q^ = ^^ the coefficient of x will be equal to the sum of the roots with the sign changed. The term independent of x will be equal to the product of the roots. The student may ask wliy can we not determine the roots of the quadratic equation from equations (5), regarding a and /3 as the unknown quantities ? QUADBATIG EQUATIONS. 187 We can do so, but let us see what tlie result will be. We eliminate either « or |3 by substitution or by comparison. From the second equation (5) we have, a Substituting this in the first equation, we have a-\-^ = —p. a Clearing of fractions and transposing, a^ -{- j)a -\- q = 0, We have now the same equation with which we started, only a takes the place of x. If we had eliminated a, we should have had the same equation in j3, namely, /32_|-^^4_g = 0. So the equations (5), when we try to solve them, only lead us to the original equation. 199. To form a Quadratic Equation when the Roots are given. The foregoing principles will enable us to form a quad- ratic equation which shall have any given roots. We have only to substitute the roots for a and jS in equation (4), and perform the multiplications. Y' 3 EXERCISES. ' 'i Form equations of which the roots shall be : I. + 1 and — 1. 2. 3 and 2. 3- — 3 and — 2. 4. 3 + 2Vl0and 3—21/10. 5- 7 + 21/3 and 7-2\/3. 6. + 1 and + 2. 7. — 1 and + 2. 8. - 1 and - 2. 9- + 1 and — 2. 10. 2 + 1/5 and 2 — V5. II. 4 ^^^ 5- 12. 2 "^^ 2- 13. 2 + a/2 and 2— V2. 14. 9 + 2V2 and 9 - 2V2, 15. 5 + 7V5and5-7V5. a + Va^ — W' and a - 16. -Va a + h and « — 5. • 17- ;2 - J2. 188 IMAGINARY ROOTS. Equations having Imaginary Roots. 200. When we complete the square in order to solve a quadratic equation, the quantity on the right-hand side of the equation to which that square is equal must be positive, else there can be no real root. For if we square either a positive i or negative quantity, the result will be positive. Hence, if >^ the square of the first member comes out equal to a negative quantity, there is no answer, either positive or negative, which will fulfil the conditions. Such a result shows that impossible •' conditions have been introduced into the problem. r\ j-^ EXAMPLES. i 1 I. To divide the number 10 into two such parts that thei. product shall be 34. V If we proceed with this equation in the usual way, we shall have, on completing the square, x^ _ 10a; + 25 = — 9, or {x — 5)2 = — 9. The square being negative, there is no answer. On con- sidering the question, we shall see that the greatest possible product which the two parts of 10 can have is when they are X each 5. It is therefore impossible to divide the number 10 into two parts of which the product shall be more than 25 ; and because the question supposes the product to be 34, it is im- possible in ordinary numbers. 2. Suppose a person to travel on the surface of the earth to any distance ; how far must he go in order that the straight line through the round earth from the point whence he started to the point at which he arrives shall be 8000 miles ? It is evident that the greatest possible length of this line is a diameter of the earth, namely, 7,912 miles. Hence he can never get 8,000 miles away, and the answer is impossible. In such cases the square root of the negative quantity is considered to be part of a root of the equation, and because it is not equal to any positive or negative algebraic quantity, it is ^called an imaginary root. The theory of such roots will be explained in a subsequent book. roduct or square of the unknown quantities in the two equations. Such equations are ax^ -\- dx -i- ey -\- f = 0, a'x^ + d'x + e'y -\-f' = 0, where the only term of the second degree is that in x^. If we eliminate x^ from these equations by multiplying the first by a' and the second by a, and subtracting, we have ;:} <•' = 41. [ (^) SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 195 (a'd — atZ') 2; + {a'e — ae') y -{- a'f — af = 0. Solving this equation with respect to x, we find ^ ^ (ae^ - a'e) y -\- af - a 'f a'd — ad' ' ^ ' By substituting this value of x in either of the equations (a), we shall have a quadratic equation in y. Solving the latter, we shall obtain two values of y. Substituting these in {h), we shall have the two corresponding values of x, and the solution will be complete. Hence the rule. Eliminate the term of the second degree hy addition or subtraction, and use the resulting equation of the first degree with either of the original equations, as in Case I. Example. Solve 2xy — 4tx + 5y=2 23, dxy + Hx + y Multiplying the first equation by 3 and the second by 2, and subtracting, we have — 26a; + 13y = — 13 ; (J) whence, ^ ~ 2^ ~^ 2* ^^^ Substituting this value in the first equation, we find a quadratic equation, which, being solved, gives y = —2± V29. Substituting these values in (c), the result is The two sets of values of the unknown quantities are therefore y^ = —2 + V29, y^ = —2— V29. We might have obtained the same result by solving the equation (c) with respect to y, and substituting in {a). The student should practice both methods. 196 8IMULTANE0US QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. EXERCISES. 1. Q>x^ — ^x — 4:y = 25, x^ -^2x — 3i/ = 18. 2. 2f -^ y = 28, y2 ^Sx — 4:y = 18. 3. xtj -}- 6x -\- Hy = 66, Secy ^2x + 5y = 70. 305. Case III. When neither equation con- tains a term of the first degree in oc or y. Rule. Miminate the constant terms hy -multiplying each equation hy the constant term of the other, and adding or subtracting the two products. The result will he a quadratic equation, from which either unhnown quantity can he determined in terms of the other. TJien suhstitute as in Case I. Example. Solve x^ -\- xy — y"^ = h, \ , . 2x^ — 3xy + 2y' = U. \ ^ ^ 14 X Isfc eq., Ux"^ -\- Uxy — Uy^ = 70. 5 X 2d eq. , lt)a;2 — 15xy + 10^^ := 70. Subtracting, 4a;2 + 29xy — 24:tf = 0. This is a quadratic equation, by which one unknown quan- tity can be expressed in terms of the other without the latter being under the radical sign. Transposing, ^x^ + 2^xy = 2iy\ (2) 841 1225 Completing square, 4a^ + 2^xy + ^-^2/^ = ~t^3/^' 29 35 Extracting root, - 2a; + -^^ = ± -j-?/. ■wi. — 29 ± 35 3 o Whence, x = ~ — y = -y or — 8?/. Substituting the first of these values of x in either of ilio original equations, we shall have ^2 = 16; SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 197 whence, 2/=±4:; a;=±3. Substituting the second value of x, we have ^bence, V = ±^Y ' = "^ -^l' Therefore the four possible values of the unknown quanti- ties are, 8 8 a; = + 3, - 3, + Vll' Vll Vll Vll Each of these four pairs of values satisfies the original equation. A slight change in the mode of proceeding is to divide the equation (2) by either x^ or ^f, and to find the value of the quotient. Dividing by y'^ and putting X u =z -, y the equation will become 4^2 ^ 29u — 24 = 0. This quadratic equation, being solved, gives — 29 ± 35 3 u = g :^ _ or - 8, X Putting - for u, and multiplying by y, X = jy or —Sy, as before. Solve EXERCISES. I. x^ — 2xy + 42^2 _ 4 _ 0. 2. 2x^ + 3xy — 7f — 2 = 0, a-2 4- 3xy — 4?/2 + 1 = 0. 198 SIMULTANEOUS QUADMATIG EQUATIONS. 306. Case IY. When the expressions contain^ ing the unhnown quantities in the two equations have common factors, EuLE. Divide one of the equoMons which can he fac- tored by the other, and cancel the common factors. Then clear of fractions, if necessary, and we shall have an equation of a lower degree. EXAMPLES. 1. x^-\-y^ =z 91, »; + ?/ = 7. We have seen (§ 94, Th. 1) that a^-\-y^h divisible hj x-\-y. So dividing the first equation by the second, we have x^ — xy ^ if — 13. This is an equation of the second degree only, and when combined with the second of the original equations, the solu- tion may be effected by Case I. The result is, ic = 3 or 4, ?/ = 4 or 3. 2. xy + y^ = 133, x^ ^ y"^ = 95. Factoring the first member of each equation, the equations become y{x + y) = 133, {x + y) {x - y) = 95. Dividing one equation by the other, and clearing of fractions, 7 12y = "Ix, or y = —x. The problem is now reduced to Case I, this value of y being combined with either of the original equations. 207. There are many other devices by which simultaneous equations may be solved or brought under one of the above cases, for which no general rule can be given, and in which the solution must be left to the ingenuity of the student. Sometimes, also, an equation which comes under one of the cases can be solved much more expeditiously than by the rule. Let us take, for instance, the equations, ^2 J^ y2 — 65^ ^y — 28. These equations can be solved by Case III, but the work would be long and cumbrous. We see that by adding and SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 199 subtracting twice the second equation to and from the first, we can form two perfect squares. Extracting the roots of these squares, we shall have two simple equations, which shall give the solution at once. Each unknown quantity will have four values, namely, ± 7 ± 4. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES. The following equations can all be solved by some short and expe- ditious combination of tlie equations, or by factoring, without going through the complex process of Case III. The student is recommended not to work upon the equations at random, but to study each pair until he sees how it can be reduced to a simpler equation by addition, multi- plication, or factoring, and then to go through the operations thus sug- gested. 1. ?/2 _|_ rf^y _ ]^4^ ^2 j^ xy ^= 35. 2. 4a;2 — 2xy = 208, 2xy — y^ = 39. 3. x^ -\- y =: 4x, ?/2 -f ^ = 4y. If we subtract one of these equations from the other, the difference will be divisible by x — y. 4. a;3 ^ yz ^ 3^ _|. 3^y _ 378, x^ j^ y^ — Zx — Zy z=l 324. 5. x^ + 2/2 z= 74, x-\-y =z 12. 6. a;2 4- icy = 63, 2^ — 2/2 = 77. a/^ — "s/y 4, x^ -f 544. xy = a, y^ + xy x^ -\-xy^ — 10, 2/3 _^ x^y — 5. X = aVx -\- y, ?/ = hy/x -f y, x\/x + ?/ = 12. ys/x 4- y 15. - X 2x^ + 2?/2 = X -\- y, x"^ ■}- y^ =: X — y. 5x^ — 5y^ = X -\- y, 3x^ — 3y^ = x — y. a:2-f ?/2 + 2;2 r= 30, xy -\- yz -{- zx = 17 , x — y — z = 2. ,, Ac + y 8 y x — y x — y 200 PROBLEMS. 1 6. A principal of $5000 amounts, with simple interest, to $7100 after a certain number of years. Had the rate of inter- est been 1 per cent, higher and the time 1 year longer, it would have amounted to $7800. What was the time and rate? 17. A courier left a station riding at a uniform rate. Five hours afterward, a second followed him, riding 3 miles an hour faster. Two hours after the second, a third started at the rate of 10 miles an hour. They all reach their destination at the same time. What was its distance and the rate of riding ? 18. In a right-angled triangle there is given the hypothe- nuse = a, and the area = h"^', find the sides. 19. Find two numbers such that their product, sum, and difference of squares shall be equal to each other. 20. Find two numbers whose product is 216; and if the greater be diminished by 4, and the less increased by 3, the product of this sum and difference may be 240. 21. There are two numbers whose sum is 74, and the sum of their square roots is 12. What are the numbers ? 22. Find two numbers whose sum is 72, and the sum of their cube roots 6. 23. The sides of a given rectangle are m and n. Find the sides of another which shall have twice the perimeter and twice the area of the given one. 24. A certain number of workmen require 3 days to com- plete a work. A number 4 less, working 3 hours less per day, will do it in 6 days. A number 6 greater than the original number, working 6 hours less per day, will complete the work in 4 days. What was the original number of workmen, and how long did they work per day ? 25. Find two numbers whose sum is 18 and the sum of their fourth powers 14096. Note. Since the sum of the two numbers is 18, it is evident that the one must be as much less than 9 as the other is greater. The equa^ tions will assume the simplest form when we take, as the unknown quan- tity, the common amount by which the numbers differ from 9, 26. Find two numbers, x and y, such that a? + y^ : a^ — y^ :: 35 : 19, xy = 24. 27. Find two numbers whose sum is 14 and the sum of their fifth powers 1G1204. BOOK VII. ' PROGRESSIONS, CHAPTER I. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 208. Bef. When we have a series of numbers each of which is greater or less than the preceding Iby a con- stant quantity, the series is said to form an Arithmet- ical Progression. Example. The series 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, etc. ; 7, 5, 3, 1, —1, -3, etc.; a -{- h, a, a — h, a — 25, a — Zh, etc., are each in arithmetical progression, because, in the first, each number is greater than the preceding by 5 ; in the second, each is less than the preceding by 2 ; in the third, each is less than the preceding by h. Bef. The amount by which each term of an arith- metical progression is greater than the preceding one is called the Common Difference. Bef. The Arithmetical Mean of two quantities is half their sum. All the terms of an arithmetical progression except the first and last are called so many arithmetical means between the first and last as extremes. Example. The four numbers, 5, 8, 11, 14, form the four arithmetical means between 2 and 17. 202 ARITHMETICAL PBOGBESSION. EXERCISES. 1. Form four terms of the arithmetical progression of which the first term is 7 and common difference 3. 2. Write the first seven terms of the progression of which the first term is 11 and the common difference — 3. 3. Write five terms of the progression of which the first term is a — ^n and the common difference 'Zn. Problems in Progression. 309. Let us put ay the first term of a progression. d, the common difference. 11, the number of terms. I, the last term. Co 2, the sum of all the terms. The series is then a, a-\-cl, a-\-2d, .... 7. Any three of the above five quantities being given, the other two may be found. Problem I. Given the first term, the coimnon differ- ence, and the number of terms, to find the last term. The 1st term is here a, 2d " " a + d, 3d " " a + 2d. The coefficient of d is, in each case, 1 less than the number of the term. Since this coefficient increases by unity for every term we add, it must remain less by unity than the number of the term. Hence, The i^^ term is a + (i — 1) d, whatever be i. Hence, when i = n, \ I = a-\- (n — 1) d. (1) From this equation we can solve the further problems : Problem II. Given the last term I, the common dif- ference d, and the number of terms n, to find the first term. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION, 203 The solution is found by solving (1) with respect to a, which gives a = l-{n-l)d. (2) Problem III. Given the first and last terms, a and I, and the ninnher of terms ii, to find the common dijfer- ence. Solution from (1), d being the unknown quantity, d = l^. (3) Problem IV. Given the first and last terms and the common difference, to find the nujiiber of terms. Solution, also from (1), I — ct , ^ I — a 4- d ,,. n^^- + l = —^—. (4) Problem V. To find the sum of all the terms of an arithmetical progression. We have, by the definition of 2, 2 = « + ( 1, and the second when r < 1. By this formula we are enabled to compute the sum of the terms of a geometrical progression without actually forming all the terms and adding them. EXERCISES 1. Given 3d term = 9, common ratio = -• Find first 5 terms. 32 2 2. Given 5th term = — -, common ratio = — -• Find first 5 terms. 3. Given 5th term = 7:^y^, 1st term = yK Find common ratio. 4. Given 1st term = 1, 4th term = c^. Find common ratio and first 3 terms. 5. Given 2d term = m, common ratio = — m. Find first 4 terms. 6. A farrier having told a coachman that he would charge him $3 for shoeing his horse, the latter objected to the price. The farrier then offered to take 1 cent for the first nail, 2 for the second, 4 for the third, and so on, doubling the amount for each nail, which offer the coachman accepted. There were 32 nails. Find how much the coachman had to pay for the last nail, and how much in all. (Compare § 1G8, Eem.) 7. Find the sum of 11 terms of the series 2 + 6 + 18 + ^c.^ -f /6 S 1/ V^^ in which the first term is 2 and the common ratio 3. 8. If the common ratio of a progression is r, what will be the common ratio of the progression formed by taking I. Every alternate term of the given progression ? II. Every n^'^ term ? GEOMETRICAL PBOGBESSION. 211 9. The same thing being supposed, what will be the com- mon ratio of the progression of which every alternate term is equal to every third term of the given progression ? 10. Show that if, in a geometrical progression, each term be added to or subtracted from that next following, the sums or remainders will form a geometrical progression. 11. Show that if the arithmetical and geometrical means of two quantities be given, the quantities themselves may be found, and give the expressions for them. 12. The sum of the first and fourth terms of a progression is to the sum of the second and third as 21 : 5. What is the common ratio? 13. Express the continued product of all the terms of a geometrical progression in terms of a, r, and n ? Limit of the Sum of a Progression. 313. Theorem. If the common ratio in a geometri- cal progression is less than unity (more exactly, if it is contained between the limits —1 and +1), then there will be a certain quantity which the sum of all the terms can never exceed, no matter how many terms we take. For example, the sum of the progression 111^ - + ^ + ^ + etc., in which the common ratio is -, can never amount to 1, no matter how many terms we take. To show this, suppose that one person owed another a dollar, and proceeded to pay him a series of fractions of a dollar in geometrical progression, namely, 1111 2' 4' 8' 16' ^*^' When he paid him the - he would still owe another --, z z when he paid the ^ lie would still owe another -, and so on. 212 OEOMETRIGAL PROGRESSION. That is, at every payment he would discharge one-half the re- maining debt. Now there are two propositions to be under- stood in reference to this subject. I. T1i6 entire debt can never he discharged hy such ■payments. For, since the debt is halved at every payment, if there was any payment which discharged the whole remaining debt, tlie half of a thing would be equal to the whole of it, which is impossible. II. Tlxe debt can he reduced heloiv any assi^nahle limit hy continuing to pay half of it. For, however small the debt may be made, another pay- ment will make it smaller by one-half; hence there is no smallest amount below which it cannot be reduced. These two propositions, which seem to oppose each other, hold the truth between them, as it were. They constantly enter into the higher mathematics, and should be well understood. We therefore present another illustration of the same subject. A B I I I III Suppose AB to be a line of given length. Let us go one- half the distance from A to B at one step, one-fourth at the second, one-eighth at the third, etc. It is evident that, at each step, we go half the distance which remains. Hence the two principles just cited apply to this case. That is, 1. We can never reach B by a series of such steps, because we shall always have a distance equal to the last step left. 2. But we can come as near B as we please, because every step carries us over half the remaining distance. This result is often expressed by saying that we should reach B by taking an infinite number of steps. This is a convenient form of expres- sion, and we may sometimes use it, but it is not logically exact, because no conceivable number can be really infinite. The assumption that in- finity is an alsrebraic (juantity often leads to ambiguities and difficulties in the application of ms,thematics. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 213 Def. The Limit of the sum 2 of a geometrical progression is a quantity which 2 may approach so that its difference shall be less than any quantity we choose to assign, but which 2 can never reach. EXAMPLES. 1. Unity is the hmit of the sum 1111^ 2. The point B in tlie preceding figure is the limit of all the steps that can be taken in the manner described. The following principle will enable us to find the limit of tlie sum of a progression : 214. Principle. If r < 1, the power r^ can be made as small as we please by increasing the value of n, but can never be made equal to 0. _ 3 _ ^ _1 ^ ~ 4 - 4" Suppose, for instance, that 3 Then every time we multiply by r we diminish r^ by line ; that is, = 4^ "^1^-4/^ = ^-4''' - of its former value ; that is, 4 3 3 „ fi- ■h r^ = \r^ = r3_ ■l". etc. etc. etc. Now let us again take the expression for the sum of a series of n terms, namely, . 2 - 1 = a- 1 - — r which we may put into the form a 1 — r 214 OEOMETBIGAL PROQIIESSION. If r is less than unity, we can, by the principle just cited, make the quantity r^ as small as we please by increasing n indefinitely. From this it follows that we can also make the term r^ as small as we please. 1 — r ^ Proof. Let us put, for brevity, Tc 1-r' so that the term under consideration is Tcr^. If we cannot make kr^ as small as we please, suppose s to be its smallest possible value. Let us divide s by k, and put ^ - k No matter how small s may be, and how large k may be, T, or t, will always be greater than zero. Hence, by the pre- ceding principle, we can find a value of n so great that r^ shall be less than t. Tliat is, Multiplying both sides of this inequality by k, kr^ < s. That is, however small we take s, we can ^take n so large that kr^ shall be less than s, and therefore .9 cannot be the smallest value. Since S := kr^, 1 — r ^ and since we can make kr^ as small as we please, it follows Limit of 2 = 1 — r This is sometimes expressed by saying that When r < 1, a -\- ar + ar^ + ar^ + etc., ad mfiiiitum = :j-^— .> and this is a convenient form of expression, which will not lead us into error in this case. OEOMMTRICAL PB0ORE8SI0N. 215 EXERCISES. Having given the progression 1111^ 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + ^*^" of which the limit is 1, find how many terms we must take in order that the sum may differ from 1 by less than the follow- ing quantities, namely : Firstly, .001 ; secondly, .000 001 ; thirdly, .000 000 00,1. To do this, we must find what power of - will be less than .001, what power less than .00^0 OQl, etc. What are the limits of the sums of the following series: 3 + 02 + 03 + ^^^-^ ^^ infinitum, o + q + 27 + ^^^-j ^^ infinitum. ^ — --g + -3 — etc., ad infinitum. 4 42 43 Q + — 3 + Q-3 + etc., ad infinitum. rfl + (irnp + (TT^P + ^tc, ad infinitum. + -pj z-rs — etc., ad infiyiitum. I — I (J _ 1)2 ' (^, _ 1) 2 1 2 1 , 7 . ^ ., 1 ! 5 7,-\ -. — etc., ad mlinitum. m 7)1^ iw m^ -^ What is that progression of which the first term is 12 and the limit of the sum 8. 9. On the line AB a man starts from A and goes to the point c, half way to B ; then he re- tni-ns to d, half way back to A ; then 1 ^1 ? turns again and goes half way to c, then back half way to d, and so on, going at each turn half way to the point from which he last set out. To what point on the line will he continually approach ? 216 . COMPOUND INTEREST. 315. As an interesting application of the preceding theory, we may examine the problem of finding the value of a circu- lating decimal. Such a decimal is always equal to a vulgar fraction, which is obtained as in the following examples : I. What is the value of the decimal .373737 ? We find the figures wliich form the period to be 37. Dividing the decimal into periods of these figures, its value is _3j^ 37^ ^ , 100 "^ 1002 "^ 1003 + ^^c- ^^(lJo + i + i5o-3 + H The quantity in the parenthesis is a geometrical progression, in which a = T^r-r , r = zrj-zr • Tlie limit of its sum is therefore — • Therefore the luo lou yy ^. 37 0iy4% value of the decimal is ^ • ,^jr\\ This result can be proved by changing this vulgar fraction ^o a decimal. 2. In the case of a decimal which has one or more figures before the period commences, we cut these figures off, and find the value of them and of the circulating part separately. Thus, 56363 etc. = ^ + ^ + ^ + etc. f 5 63 /. 1.1 i + rS-o + i4-^ + ^*^') "" 10 ^ 1000 _ 5 63 100 _ 5 ^3^ _ 558 _ 31 ~ To "^ 1000 "99" ~~ To "^ 990 ■" 990 ~ 55" EXERCISES. To what vulgar fractious are the following circulating deci- mals equal : I. .111111 ? 2. .2222 ? 3. .9999 ? 4. .09999 ? 5. .454545 ? 6. .2454545 ? 7. .108108 ? 8. 72454545 ? p ^ COMPOUND INTEBEST.)p f |^ " /jiv 217 Compound Interest. 216. When one loans or invests money, collects the inter- est at stated intervals, and again loans or invests this interest, and so on, he gains compound interest. Compound interest can always be gained by one who con- stantly invests all his income derived from interest, provided that he always collects the interest when due, and is able to loan or invest it at the same rate as he loaned his principal. Problem I. To find the amount of x> dollars for n years, at c per cent, compound interest. Solution". At the end of one year the interest will be ^~, which added to the principal will make ^ (l + tt^)* If we put p = --— = the rate of annual gain, he amount at the end of the year will be j!? (1 + p). Now suppose this whole amount is put out for another t) year at the same rate. The interest will be ^ (1 + p) p, which added to the new principal p{l -f p) will make p {1 -\- py. It is evident that, in general, supposing the whole sum J'.ept at interest, the total amount of the investment will be -toultiplied by 1 + p each year. Hence the amount at the ends of successive years will be ;j(l + p), p{l-\-pY, ;?(l^-p)^ etc. At the end of n years the amount will be -- - . i?(l+p)^ Problem II. A person puts out p dollars every year, ■ttirig the whole sum constantly accumulate a.t com- pound interest. What will the amount l>e at the end of It years? Solution". The first investment will have been out at interest n years, the second n — 1 years, the third 7i — 2 years, anvl so on to the n^\ which will have been out 1 year. Hence, from tjie last formula, the amounts will be : 218 COMPOUND IN2 Amount of 1st payment, ^:> (1 + p)^. <( " 2d a p{l-^pY-K a « 3d a p{i + pY'K li " 4th a jt? (1 + pY-\ a " 5th a p{i + pY-k etc. etc. The sum of the amounts is : i?{l+rt + pi^-\-pf +i? (1+p)^ 4- . . ,.p(l^pY' This is a geometrical progression, of which the first term is p (1 + p), the common ratio 1 + p, and the number of terms 7i. So in the formula (4), § 312, we put p (1 -\-p) for «, 1 + p for r, and thus find, 2 = ^ (1 ^„) (i±p)!L-_i = p (i±P)!lL-zii±p). ^^■•^1 + p — 1 ^ p EXERCISES. 1. A man insures his life for $5000 at the age of 30, pays for his insurance a premium of 80 dollars a year for 32 years, and dies at the age of 62, immediately before the 33d payment would have been due. If the company gains 4 per cent, inter- est on all its money, how much does it gain or lose by the insurance ? Note. Computations of this class can be made with great facility by the aid of a table of logarithms. 2. What is the present value of a dollars due n years hence, interest being reckoned at c per cent. ? Note. If p be the present value, Problem I gives the equation, 3. What is the present value of 3 annnal payments, of a dollars each, to be made in one, two, and three years, interest being reckoned at 5 per cent. ? 4. What is the present value of n annual payments, of a dollars each, the first being due in one year, if the rate of in- terest is c per cent. ? What would it be if the first payment were due immediately ? SECOND PART. ADVANCED COURSE BOOK VIII. RELATIONS BETWEEN ALGEBRAIC QUANTITIES. Of Algebraic Functions. 217. Bef. When one quantity depends upon an- other in such a way that a change in the value of the one produces a change in the value of the other, the latter is called a Function of the former. This is a more general definition of the word " function " than that given in § 49. Examples. The time required to perform a journey is a function of the distance because, other things being equal, it varies with the distance. The cost of a package of tea is a function of its weight, be- cause the greater the weight the greater the cost. An algebraic expression containing any symbol is a func- tion of that symbol, because by giving different values to the symbol we shall obtain different values for the expression. Def. An Algebraic Function is one in which the relations of the quantities is expressed by means of an algebraic equation. Example. If in a journey we call t the time, 8 the average speed, and d the distance to be travelled, the relation between these quantities may be expressed by the equation, d = st. Any one of these quantities is a function of the other two, defined by means of this equation. An algebraic function generally contains more than one 222 FUNCTIONS. letter, and therefore depends upon several quantities. But we may consider it a function of any one of these quantities, se- lected at pleasure, by supposing all the other quantities to remain constant and only this one to yary. For example, the time required for a train to run between two points is a func- tion not only of their distance apart, but of the speed of the train. The speed being supposed constant, the time will be greater the greater the distance. The distance being constant, the time will be greater the less the speed. Def. The quantities iDetween which the relation ex- pressed by a function exists are called Variables. This term is used because such quantities may vary in value, as in the preceding examples. Def. An Independent Variable is one to which we may assign values at pleasure. The function is a dependent variable, the value of which is determined by the value assigned to the independent variable. Def. A Constant is a quantity which we suppose not to vary. Rem. This division of quantities into constant and varia- ble is merely a supposed, not a real one ; we can, in an algebraic expression, suppose any quantities we please to remain constant and any we please to vary. The former are then, for the time being, constants, and the latter variables. Illusteatio:n-. If we put d, the distance from New York to Chicago ; 5, the average speed of a train between the two cities; t, the time required for the train to perform the jour- ney, then, if a manager computes the different values of the time t corresponding to all values of the speed s, he regards d as a constant, s as an independent variable, and ^ as a function of s. If he computes how fast the train must run to perform the journey in different given times, he regards t as the independ- ent variable, and s as a function of t. FUNCTIONS. 223 When we have any equation between two variables, we may regard either of them as an independent variable and the other as a function. Example. From the equation ax -\- by = c, we derive x = --{--, a a ax c in one of which x is expressed as a function of 2/, and in the other ?/ as a function of x. 218. Names are given t6 particular classes of functions, among which the following are the most common. 1. Def. A Linear Function of several varialbles is one in which each term contains one of the variables, and one only, as a simple factor. Example. The expression Ax + By -{- Cz is a linear function of x, y, and z, when A, B, and C are quan- tities which do not contain these variables. A linear function differs from a function of the first degree (§ 52) in having no term not multiplied by one of the varia- bles. For example, the expression Ax -{- By -\r O is a function of x and y of the first degree, but not a linear function. The fundamental property of a linear function is this: // all the variables he multiplied hy a coimnon fac- tor, the function will he multiplied hy the same factor. Proof. Let Ax -\- By -f Cz be the linear function, and r the factor. Multiplying each of the variables x, y, and z by this factor, the function will become Arx + Bry + Crz, which is equal to r (Ax -\- By -\- Cz). 224 FUNCTIONS. Moreover, a linear function is the only one which pos- sesses this property. 2. Def. A Homogeneous Function of several va- riables is one in which each term is of the same degree in the variables. (Compare § 52.) Example. The expression ax^ + bx^y + ci/h + dz^ is homo- geneous and of the third degree in the variables x, y, and z. Eem. a Hnear function is a homogeneous function of the first degree. Fundamental Property of Homogeneous Functions. // all the variables he multiplied by a coinmon factor, any homogeneous function of the ix*^^ degree in those va- riables ivill be multiplied by the «i*'* power of that factor. Proof. If we take a homogeneous function and put rx for X, ry for y, rz for z, etc., then, because each term contains x, y, or z, etc., n times in all as a factor, it will contain r n times after the substitution is made, and so will be multiplied by r**. 3. Def. A Rational Fraction is the quotient of two entire functions of the same variable. A rational fraction is of the form, a -\- hx -\- cx^ -\- etc. m + nx + px^ + etc. Any rational function of a variable may be expressed as a rational fraction. Compare § 180. Equations of the First Degree between Two Variables. 219. Since we may assign to an independent variable any values we please, we may suppose it to increase or decrease by regular steps. The difference between two values is then called an increment. That is, Def. An Increment is a quantity added to one value of a variable to obtain another value. INCREMENTS. 225 Rem. If we diminish the variable, the increment is negative. Theorem. In a function of the first degree, eqnal in- crements of the independent variable cause equal incre- ments of the function. Example. Let x be an independent variable, and call u the function -a; + 11, so that we have 3 u = 2^ + 11- If we give x the successive values —2, —1, 0, 1, 2, etc., and find the corresponding values of the function u, they will be Values of x, — 2, — 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. " " u, 8, 9i, 11, 12i, 14, loi, 17, etc. We see that, the increments of x being all unity, those of y are all IJ. General Proof. Let au -{- ix := c be any equation of the first degree between the variable x and the function m. Solving this equation we shall have c — bx c h U = = X. a a a Let us assign to x the successive values, r, r -\- h, r + 2/^, etc., the increment being h in each case. The corresponding values of the function u will be h, c h 2/;. etc., of which each is less than the preceding by the same amount, - h. Hence the increment of u is always h, which proves the theorem. 330. Geometric Construction of a Relation of the First Degree. The relation between a variable x and a function u of this variable may be shown to the eye in the following way- 15 c h a-a'^ c h h^ a a a c b 2b, r h, a a a OEOMETBIG CONSTRUCTION. •^ V i:::^ X -y -a -I o I 2 i ^':\4 Take a base line AX, mark a zero point upon it, and from this zero point lay off any yalues of x we please. Then at each point of the line corresponding to a value of x erect a vertical line equal to the corresponding value of u. If u is positive, the value is measured upward; if negative, downward. The line drawn through the ends of these values of u will show, by the distance of each of its points from the base line AX, the values of u corresponding to all values of x. Let us take, as an example, the equation 5u + 3a; = 10, the solution of which gives = 2 — -X. 5 Computing the values of w corresponding to values of x from —3 to +6, we find : ^= -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +55 +6. u= +3|, +31 2|, 2, If, i i, -f, -1, -If Laying off these values in the way just described, we have the above figure. Wherever we choose to erect a value of w, it will end in the dotted line. We note that by the property of functions of the first de- gree just proved, each, value of u is less (shorter) than the pre- ceding one by the same amount ; in the present case by -• It is known from geometry that in this case the dotted line through the ends of u will be a straight line. We call this line through the ends of y the equation line. OF EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEOBEE. 227 231. When we can once draw this straight line, we can find the value of y corresponding to every value of x without using the equation. We have only to take the point in the base line corresponding to any value of a:, and by measuring the distance to the line, we shall have the corresponding value of u. Now it is an axiom of geometry that one straight line, and only one, can be drawn between any two points. Therefore, to form any relation of the first degree we please between x and u, we may take any two values of x, assign to them any two values of ?^ we please, plot these two pair of values of u in a diagram, draw the equation line through them, and then measure off, by this line, as many more values of y as we please. Example. Let it be required that for x-= -\-l we shall have w = +1, and for a; = +5, ?* = + 3. What will be the yalues of y corresponding to a; = — 3, —2, —1, 0, etc. Drawing the base line AX below, we lay off from 1 the ver- tical line +1 in length, and from the point 5 the vertical line + 2. Then drawing the dotted Hne through the ends, we measure off different values of w, as follows: X = -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, etc. u= -1, -J, 0, -hi, 1, +li, +2, +2i, +3, +^, etc. EXERCISES. 1. Plot the equation 2?^ + Zx = 6. 2. Plot a line such that for a; = — 6 we shall have ^ u = +4, for a: = -f 6 " " w = _ 4, and find the values of u for a: = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 228 OEOMETBIG G0N8TBUGTI0N 323. The algebraic problem corresponding to the con- struction of § 220 is the following: Having given two values of y corresponding to two given values of X, it is required to construct an equation of the first degree such that these two pairs of values shall satisfy it. Example of Solution. Let the requirement be tliat of the equation plotted in the preceding example, namely, for X z= 1 we must have w = 1, for ^ = 5 " " u = d. The problem then is to find such values of a, h, and c, that in the equation ax -\- hu ^= c, (1) we shall have w = 1 for a: = 1, and w = 3 for x = b. Sub- stituting these two pairs of values, we find that we must have «x5 +^x3 = c; or a -{-h = c, ha + ^h = c. Here a, J, and c are the unknown quantities whose values are to be found, and as we have only two equations, we cannot find them all. Let us therefore find a and b in terms of c. Multiplying the first equation by 3, and subtracting the product from the second, we have 2a ^ — 2c or a = — c. Multiplying the first equation by 5, and subtracting the second from the product, we have 2b = 4:C or b = 2c. Substituting these values of a and b in. (1), we find the re- quired equation to be 2cu — ex =z c. We may divide all the terms of this equation by c (§ 120, Ax. Ill), giving 2u — x = 1, OF EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 229 thus showing that there is no need of using c. The solution of this equation gives 1 4- a; from which, for x=: —3, —2, —1, etc., we shall find the same values of u which we found from the diagram. EXERCISES. Write equations between x and y which shall be satisfied by the following pairs of values of x and y. 1. For a; = 2, y =zl\ and for a; = 5, y = — 1. 2. For 2:=— 2, 2/=— 1; and for a^ = +2, y = +1. 3. For a;=— 5, ?/=+2; and for x ■= -}-5, y = —2. 4. For X = 0, y = — 7 ; and for a; = 15, y = 0, 5. For X = 25, y = 2 ; and for a; = 30, ?/ = 3. 233. Geometric Solution of Tivo Equations with Two Un- known Quantities. The solution of two equations with two unknown quantities consists in finding that one pair of values which will satisfy both equations. If we lay off on the base line the required value of x, the two values of y corresponding to this value of x in the two equations must be the same ; that is, the two equation lines must cross each other at the point thus found. Hence the following geometric solution : I. Plot the two equations frorn the same base line and zero point. II. Continue the equation lines, if necessary, until they intersect. III. The distance of the point of intersection from the base line is the value of y which satisfies both equations. IV. The distance of the foot of the y line from the zero point is the required value of x. EXERCISES. Solve the following equations by geometric construction : 1. X — 2u = 3, 2a; 4- ^ = 5. 2. 2w + 7a; = 4, 3w + a; = 1. 230 NOTATION OF FUNCTIONS. 2.24. Geometric Explanation of Equivalent and Inconsist- ent Equations. If we have two equivalent equations (§ 200), each value of x will give the same value of the other quantity u or y. Hence the two lines representing the equation will coincide and no definite point of intersection can be fixed. • If the two equations au -{- hx = c, a'u -\- Vx = c', are inconsistent we shall have (§ 142), ^ - ^'. a ~ a' If b be any increment of x, the increments of u in the two equations (§219) will be and >• Therefore these ^ ^"^ ^ a a increments will be equal, and the two equation lines will be parallel. Hence, To inconsistent equations correspond parallel lines, which have no point of intersection. If the two equations are equivalent (§ 141, 143), their lines will coincide. ^N^otation of Functions. 225. In Algebra we use symbols to express any numbers whatever. In the higher Algebra, this system is extended thus : We may use a,mj syinhol, JiavUtg a letter attached to it, to express a function of the quantity represented hy that* letter. Example. If we have an algebraic expression containing a quantity x, which we consider as a function of x, but do not wish to write in full, we may call it F(x), or (l){x), or [x], or Ax, or, in fine, any expression we please which shall contain the symbol x, and shall not be mistaken for any other expression. In the first two of the above expressions, the letter x is enclosed in parentheses, in order that the expression may not be mistaken for x mul- tiplied by F, or {x), so that (f) {x) = ax^ + b. Then, to form (/> {y), we write y in place of x, obtaining To form (a: + y), we write x + y m place of x, obtaining <1>{^-Ty) = ct(x-\-yY-\- h. To form {a), we write a instead of x, obtaining (/) {a) =z cfi + b. To form {ay^). we put mf in place of x, obtaining {(ly^) = a {ay^f + b = aY + b. The equation (j) (z) =z will mean az^ + b = 0. EXERCISES. Suppose

(y). 2. c{>{z). 3. 0(%). 4. 0(^ + 2/). 5- {x-ay). 9. 0(:?;2). Suppose i^ (;r) = xa^, and thence form the values of 10. F{y). II. F[^). 12. i^(3?/). 13. F{x + y). 14. F{x-y). 15. i^(l). Suppose / (:c) = a;2, and thence form the values of 16. /(I). 17. /(.7;2). 18. f(xP). 19. /(:^). 20. f(x% 21. /(a;^). 232 FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. 22. Prove that if we put {x) = a^, we shall have {x + y)= {x) X (^), {x + y, x — y) =z a{x-\-y)—h{x — y) — {a—V)x-\-{a^V) y. (a, b) = a^ — b\ (5, a) = ab — ba = 0. ^{a -\- b, ab) = a {a -\- b) — ab^. {a, a) ■=. cfi — ba. etc. etc. If we put {a, b, c) = 2fl5 + 3Z> — 5c, we shall have (a-, z, y) = 2x-j- dz — by. {z, y, x) = 2z + dy — 5x. (m, m, m) = 2m + dm 4- 5m = lOwz. 0(3, 8, 6) = 2.3 + 3.8-5.6 = 0. EXERCI SES.. Let us put {x, y) = Sx — Ay, \3 y (^j y-> ^) =^ cix -\- by — abz. USE OF INDICES. 233 Thence form the expressions : / I. (i)(ij,x), . 2. (i>(a,l). 3. 0(3,4). 4. 0(4,3).. 5- 0(10,1). 6. f{a,i). Y- 7. /(*,«). --v.' 8- /(2/^^)- 9. /(7, -3). X.- 10. f(q,—p). II. f{z,x,y). 12. f(b,a,2). I . 13. /(«:, ^, ^). 14. /(«^ ^^^. c^). ^ 15. f(—a, —h, —ah). . m(m — l) (7n — 2) Let us put Cm, 71) = — 7 tvt ^r^' ^ ^ ^ /i (^i — 1) (^^ — 2) Find the values of 16. (3, 3). 17. (4, 3). 18. (5, 3). 19. (6, 3). 20. (7, 3). 21. (8, 3). 22. (2, -1). 23. (3, -2). 24. (4, -2). Use of Indices. 336a. Any number of different quantities may be represented by a common symbol, the distinction being made by attaching numbers or accents to the symbol. EXAMPLES. 1. Any 71 different quantities may be represented by the symbols, p^, p^, p^, pn- 2. A producer desires to have an algebraic symbol for the amount of money which he earns on each day of the year. If he calls q what he earns in a day he may put : q-y for the amount earned on January 1, etc. " " " " etc., ^3 3 '' " " February 1; and so on to the end of the year, when (Zses w^^l ^® ^^^ amount for December 31. Def. The distinguisliing numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., are here called Indices. A symbol with an index attached may represent a function of tbe index, as in the functional notation. ib 234 - V8E OF INDICES. EXERCISES. Let us put at = ^ (^ + 1). Then find the value of 1. «o +«1 + ^3 + • • • • + ^10- 2. Prove the following equations by computing both mem- bers : 4 5 6 If we put /Si =r 1 + 3 + 3 . . . . + ^, we shall have /S'3=:l + 2 + 3:=6, etc., etc. Using the preceding notation, find the values of the ex- pressions: ,- s ^ 227. Sometibies the relations between quantities distin- guished by indices are represented by equations of the first degree. The following are examples : ^ . Let us have a series of quantities, ^0' ^1' ^3> ^3> -^4> ®^^'J connected by the general relation, - Ji^i = Ai + Ai_i. :.! (a) It is required to express them in terms of ^^ and ^j. We put, in succession, i = 1, i = 2, i = 3, etc. Then, when i = 1, we have from (a), A, ■=A^ +^0- ^3 = A^ +-4i = 2A, + A, ^4 = ^3 + A^ = 3A, -\-2A, When i = 2, * = 3, * = 4, A, = A^+ A^ rrz 5:4, + 3^0- i = 5, Jg =: ^5 + ^4 = 8^1 + 5ylo, and so on indefinitely. MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS. 235 EXERCISES. 1. If ^i+1 = Ai — Ai^t, what will be the values of A^ - . - . Aio, and in what way may all subsequent values be determined ? 2. If Ai+i =z 2Ai — Aq, find A 2 to A^ in terms oi Aq and A^. 3. If Ai^i = iAi 4- Ai_t, find A^ to ^5. 4. If Ai = Ai_i + A, find the sum Aq + A^ -\- A2 -\- . . . . + An, in terms of A q, h and n. (Oomp. § 209, Prob. V.) 5. If ^ihi = rAi, find ^j +^^3 + ^3 + ' ' - • + ^nj ii^ terms of J^ and r. 6. If Ai+i = ikAi + ^j 1, find A2, A^, . . . . Aq, in terms of ^^ and A^. Miscellaneous Functions of Numbers. 328. We present, as interesting exercises, certain elemen- tary forms of algebraic notation much used in Mathematics, and which will be employed in the present work. 1. When we have a series of symbols the num'ber of which is either indeterminate or too great to be all written ont, we may write only the first tw^o or three and the last, the omitted ones being represented by a row of dots. Examples. a, b, c, . . . . t, Xy /if Of • m • » liOf 1, 2, Uf n being in the last case any number greater than 2. The number of omitted symbols is entirely arbitrary. EXERCISES. How many omitted expressions are represented by the dots in the following series : I. 1, 2, 3, n. 2. 1, 2, 3, n — 2. 236 MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS 3. 1, 2, 3, n + 'Z. 4. n, n — If 71 — 2, .... n — s. 5. tif n — 1, n — 2y . . . . n — s — 1. 6. n, n — 1, n — 2, n — s + 1. What will be the last term in the series : 7. 2, 3, 4, etc., to 71 terms. 8. 71, 71 — 1, 71 — 2, etc., to s terms. 9. 2, 4, 6, etc., to h terms. 2. Product of the First n Numbers. The symbol n\ is used to express the product of tlie first n numlbers, 1-2.3 n. Thus, 1! = 1. 2! = 1-2 = 2." 3! = 1.2.3 = 6. 4! = = 24. etc. etc. It will he seen that 2 ! = 2 • 1 ! 31 = 3.2! And, in general, n\ = 71 {71 — 1) ! whatever number 7i may represent. EXERCISES. Compute the values of I. 5! 2. 6! 3. 8! _7j_. .., . 8! ^* 3! 4! " ^* 3! 5! 6. Prove the equation 2.4-6.8 .... 2/i =: 2^*72! 7. Prove that, when 7i is even, -t — ^ (^ — 2) (^ — 4) . . . . 4.2 2 • ~ 21 3. Binomial Coefficients. The binomial coefficient n{n — l){n — 2) . . . .to s term s 12.3 s is expressed in the abbreviated form, MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS 237 © the parentheses heing used to show that what is meant is not the fraction -• s EXAMPLES. \5/ ~ 1.2. ""'■^ 21. 3.4.5 (^') (!) © = fn\ _ n{7i — l) 2.1 _ W ~" 1.2.3 n ~ (n + 4) (n + 3) {n + 2) _ n(n — l){n— 2) 1.2-3 1.2.3 EXERCISES. Compute the vahies of the expressions : ■■ (MM^©*©^(MMS- ■■ ©-(^©^©+©- Prove the formulae : l^\ — ^- /^\ _ y^! ^' W ~ 2! 3! ^' \sJ ~ s\ {n-s)\ BOOK IX. THE THEORY OE NUMBERS. CHAPTER I. THE DIVISIBILITY OF NUMBERS. 329. Def, The Theory of Numbers is a Ibranch of mathematics which treats of the properties of integers. Def. An Integer is anj whole numher, positive or negative. In the theory of numbers the word numler is used to ex- press an integer. Bef. A Prime Number is one which has no divi- sor except itself and unity. The series of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, etc. Def. A Composite Number is one which may be expressed as a product of two or more factors, all greater than unity. Eem. Every number greater than 1 must be either prime or composite. Def. Two numbers are prime to each other when they have no common divisor greater than unity. Example. The numbers 24 and 35 are prime to each other, though neither of them is a prime number. Rem. a vulgar fraction is reduced to its lowest terms when numerator and denominator are prime to each other. DIVISIBILITY OF NUMBERS. 239 Division into Prime Factors. 230. Every composite number may by definition be di- yided into two or more factors. If any of these factors are composite, they may be again divided into other factors. When none of the factors can be further divided, they will all be prime. Hence, Theorem. Every composite number may he divided into p?%me factors. Example. 180 =: 9-20, 9 = 3-3, 20 = 4.5 = 2.2.5. Whence, 180 = 2- = 22.32.5. Cor. 1. Because every number not prime is composite, and because every composite number may be divided into prime factors, we conclude: Every niunher is either prime or divisible by a prime. Cor. 2. Every number, prime or composite, may be ex- pressed in the form paq^j,y etc., (a) where p, q, r, etc., are different prime numbers ; ^} (^} y? etc., the exponents, are positive integers. Eem. If the number is prime there will be but one factor, namely, the number itself, and the exponent will be unity. EXERCISES. Divide the following numbers or products into their prime factors, if any, and thus express the numbers in the form («) : I. 24. 2. 72. 3. 260. 4- 169. 5. 225. 6. 256. 7. 91. 8. 143. 9. 360. 10. 217. II. 3072. 12. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7-8. 9. Eem. In seeking for the prime factors of a number, it is never necessary to try divisors greater than its square root, for if a number is divisible into two factors, one of these factors will necessarily not exceed such root. 240 DIVISIBILITY OF NUMBERS. Common Divisors of Two Numbers. 231. Theorem I. // two niunhers have, a cownnon factor, their suirv will have that same factor. Proof. Let o^ be the common factor ; on, the product of all the other factors in the one number; n, the corresponding product in the other number. Then the two numbers will be am. and an. Their sum will be a {m + n). Because m and n are whole numbers, m-\-n will also be a whole number. Therefore a will be a factor of a?n -f aoi. Theorem II. // two numbers have a common factory their difference will have the same factor. Proof. Almost the same as in the last theorem. Cor. If a number is divisible by a factor, all multiples will be divisible by that factor. Rem. The preceding theorems may be expressed as follows : If tivo numbers are divisible by the same divisor, their sum, difference, and multiples are all divisible by that divisor. Rem. If one number is not exactly divisible by another, a remainder less than the divisor will be left over. If we put D, the dividend; d, the divisor; q, the quotient; r, the remainder; we shall have, D = dq -\- r, or D — dq ^= r. Example. 7 goes into 66 9 times and 3 over. Hence this means 66 = 7-9 + 3, or 66-7-9 = 3. DIVISIBILITY OF NUMBERS. 241 232. Problem. To find the greatest common divisor of two numbers. Let m and n be the numjbers, and let m be the greater. 1. Divide m by n. If the remainder is zero, n will be the divisor required, because every number divides itself. If there IS a remainder, let q be the quotient and r the remainder. Then m — 7iq = r. Let d be the common divisor required. Because m and 7i are both divisible by d, m — nq must also be divisible by d (Theorem II). Therefore, r is divisible by d. Hence every common divisor of m and 7i is also a common divisor of n and r. Conversely, because m = nq -\- r, every common divisor of n and r is also a divisor of m. There- fore, the greatest common divisor of m and n is the same as the greatest common divisor of n and r, and we proceed with these last two numbers as we did with m and n. 2. Let r go into n q' times with the remainder r'. Then n = rq' -\- r', or n — rq' =^ r'. Then it can be shown as before that , then we may show in the same way that n must be so divisible. If w = cs, and c is not divisible, then s must be divisible, and so on to any number of factors. Hence, Theorem. If a product of any numher of factors is divisible by a prime number, then one of the factors must be divisible by the same prime. This theorem is the logical equivalent of the one just enunciated as the first fundamental theorem. Note. The student will remark why the preceding demonstration applies only when the divisor ^ is a prime number. If it were composite, we might reach a remainder which would exactly divide it, and then the conclusion would not follow. 337. Secoi^d Fuiq'DAMEN'TAL Theoeem. J. number can be divided into prime factors in only one way. For, suppose we could express the number N in the two ways (§ 204, Cor. 2), JSf z= jj" (/ ry, where p, q, r, etc., a, h, c, etc., are all prime numbers. Then If common prime factors appeared on both sides of this equation, we could divide them out, leaving an equation in which the prime factors p, q, r, etc., are all diiferent from «, b, c, etc. Then, because a, h, c, etc., are all prime, none of them are divisible by^. Therefore, by the first fundamental theorem, their products cannot be so divisible. But the left-hand mem- ber of the equation is divisible by p, because p is one of its factors. Therefore the equation is impossible. Eem. This theorem forms the basis of the theory of the divisibility of numbers. Ti)e preceding theorems enable us to place the definition of numbers prime to each other in a new shape. BIN031IAL COEFFICIENTS. 251 Two numbers are said to Ibe prime to each other when they have no common prime factors. Example. If one number is p"-q^ry, and the other is af^i^C" (p, q, r, etc., and a, d, c, etc., being prime numbers), then, if ^, q, r, etc., are all different from a, b, c, etc., the two numbers will be prime to each other. Elementary Theorems. 238. The following' general theorems follow from the two preceding fundamental theorems, and their demonstration is in part left as an exercise for the student. I. J^o power of an irreducible vulgar fraction can be a whole number. Note. An irreducible vulgar fraction is one which is re- duced to its lowest terms. II. Corollary. JVb root of a ivhole number can be a vulgar fraction. III. If a numjber is divisible by several divisors, all prime to each other, it is also divisible by their product. Cor. To prove that a number N is divisible by a number B =^p'^q^ ry, it is sufficient to prove that it is divisible sepa- rately by /?*, by q^, by ry, etc. Example. If a number is divisible separately by 5, 8, and 9, it is divisible by 5- 8- 9 = 360. Hence, to prove that a num- ber is divisible by 360, it is sufficient to show that 5, 8, and 9 are all factors of it. IV. If the numerator and denominator of a vulgar fraction have no common prime factors, it is reduced to its lowest terms. Binomial Coefficients. 239. Theorem. The product of any n consecutive^ numbers is divisible by the product of the numbers 1-2.3 . . . . 71, or n ! 252 BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS. Kem. The theorem implies that all binomial coefficients are whole numbers, because they are quotients formed by di- viding the product of n consecutive numbers by n\ Proof. 1. We have first to find the prime factors of the product n=:n\ beginning with the factor 2. I. The numbers divisible by 2 are the even numbers 2, 4, 6, etc., to n or n — 1, the number of which is Note. The expression here means the greatest whole n — \ number in -, which is ^ itself when n is even, and when n is odd. The quotients of the division are 1, 2, 3, 4, ... . m Of these quotients, j are divisible by 2, leaving the second set of quotients, 1, 2, 3, The next set of quotients will be 1, 2, . . . The process is to be continued until we have no even num- bers left. Therefore, if we put a for the number of times that the factor 2 enters into n ! we have, + etc. II. The numbers in the series n ! containing 3 as a factor are 3, G, 9, 12, etc.. _2_ + 4 + [-' BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS. 253 of which the number is ^ r The quotients obtained by di- viding til em by 3 are L -^ 1,.,3,....[|} Of these quotients, - are again divisible by 3, and so on as before. Hence, if we put (i for the number of times n ! contains 3 as a factor, we have + nm f I + I ^ I + etc. In the same way, if k be any prime number, n ! will con- tain h as a factor [1] + [I] + \V\ + ^^- *^'"^'- Note. This elegant process enables us to find all the prime factors of n\ without actually computing it, and thus to ex- hibit w ! as a product of prime factors. If we suppose n = 12, we shall find, 12! = 1-2.3 12 = 2. Next let us find the prime factors of the product (6? + 1) (« + 2) (« + n\ which contains n factors. Dividing successively by 2, 3, 5, 7, etc., it is shown in the same way as before that the prime fac- tor 2^ is contained in the product at least [a * [?] + etc. times. whatever prime factor p may be. Therefore the numerator (a-fl) («-f 2) . . . . {a-\-7i) contains all the prime factors found in n\ to at least the same power with which they enter n\ Hence (§ 238, III), the numerator is divisible by n ! Cor. If the factor a-\-n in the numerator is a prime number, that prime cannot be contained in n ! because it is 254 DIVISORS OF A NUMBER. greater than n. Hence the binomial factor will be divisible by it. Example. is divisible by 7. "We may show in the same way that the binomial coefficient is divisible by all the prime numbers in its numerator which exceed n. Divisors of a Number. 340. Def. The expression is used to express how many numbers not greater than m are prime to m. Example. Let us find the value of (9). 1 is prime to 9, because their G. C. D. is 1. 2 « « « « « « 3 is not prime to 9, because their G. C. D. is 3. 4 is prime to 9. 5 " " 6 is not, because 6 and 9 have the G. 0. D. 3. 7 is. 8 is. 9 is not. Therefore, the numbers less than 9 and prime to it are 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, which are six in number. Hence, * (9) = 6. The numbers less than 13 and prime to 12 are 1, 5, 7, 11. Ilence, (12) = 4. We find in this way, 0(1) =1, 0(2) = 1, 0(3) =2, 0(4) =2, 0(5) =4, 0(6) = 2, (7) = 6, etc., etc. DIVISORS OF A NUMBER. 255 Cor. 1. The number 1 is prime to itself, but no other number is prime to itself. Cor. 2. If m be a prime number, then {m) = m — 1, because the numbers 1, 2, 3, m — 1 are then all prime to m. The following remarkable theorem is associated with the functions (w). 241. Theorem. If iV be any number, and ^Z-,, d^, eZg, etc., all its divisors, unity and n included, then id^) + 0(<^2) + ^(^3) + etc. -^ N, Example. Let the number be 18. The divisors are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18. We find, by counting, 0(1) = 1 0(2) = 1 0(3) = 2 0(6) = 2 0(9) = 6 (18) = _6 Sum, 18. To show how this comes about, write down the numbers 1 to 18, and under each write the greatest common divisor of that number and 18. Thus, Num., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. G.C.D., 12321612921612321 18. Necessarily the numbers in the second line are all divisors of 18 as well as of the numbers over them. The divisor 1 is under all the numbers prime to 18, so that there are (18) = divisors 1. If n be any number over the divisor 2, then - and — -, or 2 2 9, must be prime to each other. (§ 232, Cor. 1.) That is, the 256 DIVISORS OF A NUMBER. numbers n are all those which, when divided by 2, are prime to 9. So there are 0(9) divisors 2. The divisor 3 marks all numbers which, when divided by 3, 18 are prime to — = 6. Hence, there are o (f) (6) divisors 3. In the same way there are (3) divisors 6, (2) divisors 9, and (1) divisor 18. The total number of these divisors is both 18 and (18) + (9) + etc. Hence, 0(18) + 0(9) + 0(6) +0(3) + 0(2) + 0(1) = 18. General Proof. Let m be the given number ; di, ^3, (?3, etc., its divisors; 5'i? Q2f 5'3' t^6 quotients -r-f -r-f etc. The quotients g^, q^, etc., will be the same numbers as d^, dz, etc., only in reverse order. The smallest of each row will be 1 and the greatest m. We shall then have m = d^q^ = d^q^ = d^ q^, etc. From the list of numbers 1, 2, 3, ... . m, select all those which have d-^ (unity) as the greatest common divisor with m, then those which have d^ as such common divisor, then those which have d^, etc., till we reach the last divisor, whicli will be m itself, and which will correspond to m. The numbers having unity as G. C. D. will be those prime to m, by definition. Their number is (m). Those having dc^ as G. C. D. with 7n will, when divided by d^, give quotients prime to y- or to (/g. Moreover, such quo- tients will include all the numbers not greater than q^ and prime to it, because each of these numbers, when multiplied by r?2, will give a number not greater than m, and having d^ as its G. C. D. with m. Hence the number of numbers not FERMAT'S THEOREM. 257 greater than ???, and having d^ as its G. 0. D. with m will be 0(^2). Continuing the process, we shall reach the divisor m, which will have m itself as G. C. D., and which will count as the number corresponding to (1) = 1 in the list. The m numbers 1, 2, 3, .... m are therefore equal in num- ber to (;&(m) + 0to,) + 0(g3)+ .... +(!); or, since the quotients and divisors are the same, only in re- verse order, we shall have (!)+'/» (.d^) + 9 (6Z3) +....+ (m) = m. 242. Fermat's Theorem. // p he any prime ninn- her, and a he a numher prime to p, then aP-^ — 1 will he divisihle hy p. Examples. «^ — 1 is divisible by 5 ; a* — 1 is divisible by 7. Proof. Develop a^ in the following way by the binomial theorem, «*=[l + (a-l)f ==1 +p(a-l) + i^^(a-iy + ....+ (a-iy. Because p is prime, all the binomial coefficients, p, (I), etc., to (-^), are divisible by p (§ 239, Cor.). Transposing the terms of the last member of the equation which are not divisible hj p, we find a^ — (a — iy — 1 = ii multiple oip. or dF — a— [(« — 1)^ — (« — !)] = a multiple of p. Supposing a; = 2, this equation shows that 2^ — 2 is a multiple of p\ then, supposing x = 3, we show by § 231, Th. II, that 3^ — 3 is such a multiple, and so on, indefinitely. Hence, a^ — a = a multiple of p, whatever be a. But a^ — a = {aP~'^ — 1) a, and because this product is divisible by p, one of its factors must be so divisible (§ 23G). Hence, if a is prime io p, aP-^ — 1 is divisible by^:>. 17 258 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. CHAPTER II. OF CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 243. Any proper fraction may be represented in the form -;- , where x^ is greater than unity, but is not necessarily a whole number. If a^ be the greatest whole number in x^, we can put ^1 = «^i +— ^ where x^ will be greater than unity. In the same way we may put x^ = Ci2 -{■ — » _ 1 ^ ^ ' X^' etc. etc. If for each x we substitute its expression, the fraction — will take the form ^ 11 1 ^1 + — «i + - '"* «2 H > 6^c., etc. ^3 If the substitutions are continued indefinitely, the form will be I r 1 1 '5 a, Such an expression is called a continued fraction. Def. A Continued Fraction is one of wliicli tlie denominator is a whole number plus a fraction ; the denominator of this last fraction a whole number plus a fraction, etc. CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 259 A continued fraction may either terminate with one of its denominators or it may extend indefinitely. Def. When the number of quotients a is finite, the fraction is said to be Terminating. 244. Peoblem. To find the value of a continued fraction. We first find the value when we stop at the first denomina- tor, then at the second, then at the third, etc. Using only two denominators, the fraction will be 11 x^ F = Xi , 1 a.x^ + 1' •C/n F being put for the true value of the fraction. To find the expression with three terms, we put, in the preceding expression, a2 -\ in place of x^. This gives X r «3 + F= 3 1^ ^3 ^2*^3 "T~ -^ a,a,+'^ + l K«. + l)^3 + «. To find the result with the fourth denominator, we substi be fraction become tute a;3 = «3 H The fraction becomes: ^4 [(a^a^ + 1) «3 + «i] ^4 + «i«s (a) To investigate the general law according to which the successive expressions proceed, we put P, the coefficient of a; in any numerator; P', the coefficient of x in the denominator; Q, the terms not multiplied by x in the numerator ; Q', the terms not multiplied by x in the denominator ; and we distinguish the various expressions by giving each P and Q the same index as the x to which it belongs. 260 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. Then we may represent each value of F in the form, where i may take any value necessary to distinguish the frac- tion. Comparing with the fractions as written, we see that : p^ = 1, Q^ = 0, p; = «i, 0^2 = 1 ; {o) P3 = 6?2, Ca = 1^ ^3 = «i«52 + l? tfs = «i ; P4 =r fiTgfljg + l, §4 = a^, P\ == a^P's+a^, Q\ = a^a^ + l. To show that this form will continue, how far soever we carry the computation, we put in the expression {b) the general value of Xi, _ 1 Xi — Cti -] , Xi+1 1 • , . T7 (aiPi + Qi) Xi+i + Pi / n To show the general law of succession of the terms, let us compare the general equation (b) with {d). Putting i+1 for i in (b), it becomes, ^ _ P j+i xin 4- Qi+i / X Comparing this with (d), we find Pi+i = a«Pi + ft, ftM = Pi; whence, ft = Pi-i. Substituting this value of Qi in the equation previous, it becomes Pi+i = aiPi + Pi-i. if) "Working in the same way with the denominators, we find Q'u, = P'l- By supposing i to take in succession the values 1, 2, 3, etc.. CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 261 these formulae show that the successive values of P may be computed thus : P4 -^ ^3-^3 I -^2? i'e = «5^5 + P4. etc., to any extent. Also, P\ = 1, Pg = «i, p; == «3p; + p;, p; = a,p\ + p;, etc. etc. Since each value of Q is equal to the value of P having the next smaller index, it is not necessary to compute the C's sep- arately. If the fraction terminates at the n*^ value of «, we shall have Xn = an, exactly. If it does not terminate, we have to neglect all the denom- inators after a certain point ; and calhng the last denominator we use the n^^, we must suppose ^n "^^ ^ra- in either case, the expression (b) will give the value of the fraction with which we stop by putting i = n and Xn = an. Therefore, F = "^^^^"^ ^f , an I^n -\- V» or, substituting for Q^ and Q'^ their values in (^), jp ^n Pn -\- Pn-1 an Pn 4" Pn-1 But the general expressions (/) and {g) give 202 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. an Pn + Pn-1 = = Pn+h an P'n 4- P'n-X - - Pn+1- F = Pn^i Therefore, Therefore, to find the value of the fraction to the n*^ term, we have only to compute the values of Pn+i and PnH} without talcing any account of Q. Example. Take the fraction, 1 3 + - 4 + 1 5 etc. Here, a^ =1, a^ ^= 2, «3 = 3, . . . . ai = i. We now have, by continuing the formulas (c) and (/), and using those values of a^, a^, etc.: P, = 0, -Pg = 1, P3 = a^Pz + Pi = fl'g = 2, P, =a^P^ + P2 =3.2 + 1 = 7, Pg =«,P4 + P3 =4.7 + 2 = 30, Pg.= a,P, + P4 = 5.30 + 7 = 157, etc. etc. etc. p; = 1, P; -=a,=l,' p; = «2P; + p; = 2.1 + 1 = 3, p; = ftgp; + p; = 3.3 + 1 = 10, p; = a^p\ + p; = 4.10 + 3 = 43, p; = ^gp; + p; = 5.43 + 10 = 225. Therefore, supposing in succession, w = 1, w = 2, ^ = 3, etc., we have, for the successive approximate values of the fraction. CONTINUED FRACTIONS. For 71 = 1, For n = 2, ^ = J? = 1. For 71 — 5, ^ ~ i^; ~ 225 263 These successive approximate values of the continued frac- tion are called Converging Fractions, or Convergents. 245. The forms (/) and {g) may be expressed in words as follows : The numerator of each convergent is formed hy rrtul- tiplying the preceding jiumerator hy the corresponding a, and adding the second nujnerator preceding to the product. The successive denominators are formed in the same way. Example. The ratio of the motions of the sun and moon relative to the moon's node is given by the continued fraction: 1 12 4-.^ 1 + i -b 4 + ^ 3 + etc. Let us find the successive convergents. We put the de- nominators a^ = 12, a^ = 1, etc., in a line, thus: a = 12, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3. F' = 1' 12' 13' 38' 51' 242' 777* Under a^ we write the fraction -, whicli is always the one with which to start, because Fi = and P'l = 1 (§ 244, c). Next to the right is — , because Pg = 1 and Pg = a. After this, we multiply each term by the multiplier a above it, and 264 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. add the term to the left to obtain the term on the right. Thus, 2.1 + 1 = 3, 2.13 + 12 = 38, etc. Ex. 2. To compute the convergents of 1 4 + i 2 + ^ 4 etc. a = 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, etc. Numerators, 2 i i A i2 ^1 Denominators, 1' 2' 9' 20' 89' 198' etc. EXERCISES. Reduce the following continued fractions to vulgar frac- tions : 3 + ^. 3 + 1 7 + A- ^ + ' 1« 3 + i. 4- 3 + ^!^ T 3 + ^^ a + l+L-3 5 + ^. J + ^. 3 + ■-I 246. Problem. To express a fractional quantity as a continued fraction. Let R be the given fraction, less than unity. Compute x^ from the formula, _ J_ x^ - -^. Let «i be the whole number and E' the fraction of x^. Then compute _ J^ ^3 - A>'* CONTINUED FRACTIONS, 265 Let fl^g be the whole number and R" the fraction of x^. We continue, this process to any extent, unless some value of X comes out a whole number, when we stop. 26 Example. Express ^ as a continued fraction. R "" 26 "■ "^ 26 ^^- R' - 26 21 1 + R" 6 ^5 X 5; _ 1 _ 5 * ~ R' ~~ 1 So the continued fraction is 1 «i = 2 «2 = 1 «3 = 4 cf^ = 5 i2' = i2" 21 26' 21' ij'" = ^ i2'' = 0. 2 + 1 + It will be seen that the process is the same as that of find- ing the greatest common divisor of two numbers. EXERCISES. Develop the following quotients as continued fractions : 113 1049 628 ^' 925* ^* 355 3326 247. The most simple continued fraction is that arising from the geometric problem of cutting a line in extreme and mean ratio. The corresponding numerical problem is: To divide unity into two such fractions that the less shall he to the greater as the greater is to unity. Let r be the greater fraction. Then 1 — r will be the lesser one. We must then have ri 1, 2Q6 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. which gives r2 = 1 - r. or r^ + r = 1, or r(r- + l) = l, 1 1 + r Now, let us put for r in the last denominator the expression , and repeat the process indefinitely. We shall have, 1 r = i + i i + i 1 + ^ 1 etc., ad infinitum. Now we may form the successive convergents which approximate to the true value by the rule. As all the denom- inators a are 1, we have no multiplying, but only add each term to the preceding one to obtain the following one. Thus we find: 0112 3 5^13-3134 i' i' 2' 3' 5' 8' 13' 21' 34' 55' ^ ^* The true value of r may be found by solving the quadratic, ^2 -f- r = 1, v T, • -1± Vs which gives r = ^ • The positive root, with which alone we are concerned, is r = "^t = 0.61803399. The values of the first nine convergents, with their errors, are: 1:1 =1.0, error = +0.382. 1:2= 0.5, " —0.118. .2:3= 0.6G6...., " +0.0486. 3:5= 0.600, " —0.0180. 5:8= 0.625, « +0.00697. J CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 267 8 : 13 = 0.61538...., error = —0.00265. 13 : 21 = 0.61904...., " + 0.00101. 21 : 34 = 0.617647...., « —0.000397. 34 : 55^=1 0.618182.... , " + 0.000148. etc. etc. etc. Relations of Successive Convergents. 248. Theorem I. The successive convergents are alternately too large and too small. Proof. The first convergent is — The true denom- inator being a^ -] , the denominator a^ is too small, and therefore the fraction is too large. In forming the second fraction, we put — instead of — • Ct.2 X^ Because a^ < x^, this fraction is too large, which makes the * 1 denominator a. A ■ too small. The third denominator ffg is too small, which will make the preceding one too large, the next preceding too small, and so on alternately. Theorem II. If — and —. he any two consecutive n n convergents, then mn' — m'n = ± 1. Proof We show : («) That the theorem is true of the first pair of convergents. (jS) That if true of any pair, it will be true of the pair next following. («) The first pair of convergents are «i' ^ . 1 «i^2 + 1' ^■^^ which gives 7nn' — m'n = 1, thus proving («). 268 CONTINUED FBACriONS. (i3) Let — , — , — ^ ^ n n n be three consecutive convergents, in which 7n7i' — m'n = ± 1. (1) By (/) and (g) we shall have m" = am' + m, n" = an' + n. Multiplying the second equation by m! and subtracting the product of the first by n', we have m'n" — m"7i' = m'n — mn\ which is the negative of (1), showing that the result is =F 1. The theorem being true of the first and second fractions, must therefore be true of thfe second and third ; therefore of the third and fourth, and so on indefinitely. Corollaries. Dividing (1) by nn', Ave have m m' 1 ? = ± — ,' Hence, n n nn I. Tlve difference hetiveen the two successive converg- ents is equal to unity divided hy the product of the denominators. Because the denominator of each fraction is greater than that of the preceding one, we conclude : II. TJie difference between two consecutive convergents constantly diminishes. Combining these conclusions with Th. T, we conclude : III. Each value of a convergent always lies between the values of the two preceding convergents. For if R^, i?g, i2g be three such fractions, and if i?g is greater than R^, then R^ will be less than R^. But it must be greater than R^, else we should not have R^ — Rq numer- ically less than R^ — R^. Hence, if we arrange the successive convergents in a line in the order of magnitude, their order will be as follows : -"'4? ^*^6' -"^8' • • • • ^95 RriJ R$i each convergent coming nearer a true central value. Hence, CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 269 IV. TIi6 true value of the continued fraction al- ways lies between the values of two consecutive con- vergents. Comparing with (I), we conclude : V. The error which we mahe hy stopping at any con- vergent can never he greater than unity divided hy the product of the denominators of that convergent and the one next following. EXAMPLE. Eef erring to the table of values of ^ (VS — 1) in § 247, we see that : Error of ^ = 3 < ^ -^ f (for .0486 < 1). Error of 3 : 5 < ^^^ ; 0* o (for .018 <1). etc. etc. Hence, in general, continued fractions give a very rapid approximation to the true value of a quantity. Their princi- pal use arises from their giving approximate values of irrational numbers by vulgar fractions with the smallest terms. EXAMPLE. Develop the fractional part of V^ as a continued fraction, and find the values of eight convergents. Because 1 is the greatest whole number in V^, we put a/2 = i + ^; (1) whence, x = X 1 V2 — 1 Eationalizing the denominator, § 185, X = V2 + 1. Substituting for a/2 its value in (1), X 270 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. Putting this value of a; in (1) and again in the denominator, and repeating the substitution indefinitely, we find V2 = 1 + '^- 2 + i ^ + 2 etc. Forming the convergents, we find them to be 1 2 5 12 29 70 169 408 2' 5' 12' 29' 70' 169' 408' 985' Adding unity to each of them, we find the approximate values of \/2 : 3 7 17 41 99 239 577 1393 _ _ . PTf* 2' 5' 12' 29' 70' 169' 408' 985 ' Rem. The square root of 2 may be employed in finding a right angle, because a right angle (by Geometry) can be formed by three pieces of lengths proportional to 1, 1, ^2. If we make the lengths 12, 12, 17, the error will, by Cor. V, be less than 7^^, or less than -— of the whole length. EXERCISES. Develop the following square roots as continued fractions, and find six or more of the partial fractions approximating to each : I. a/3. 2. Vs. 3. Ve. 4. Vio. 5. Develop a root of the quadratic equation x^ — ax — 1 = 0, commencing the operation by dividing the equation by x* Periodic Continued Fractions. 249. Def. A Periodic continued fraction is one in which the denominators repeat themselves in regular order. CONTINUED FRACTIONS, 271 Example. . A continued fraction in which the successive denominators are 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, etc., ad infinitum, is periodic. A periodic continued fraction can be expressed as tlie root of a quadratic equation. I. EXAMPLES. 1 i-fi 2 + ^ 1 "^ 2 + etc. If we put X for the value of this fraction, we liave 1 X = We find the value thus : 1, 2 + x. 1 2 + x V 1' 3+x' Because this expression is x itself, we have _ 2 + x ''- d+x' which reduces to the quadratic equation x^ + 2x = 2. 2. Let us take the fraction of which the successive denom- inators are 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, etc., namely, 1 X = . + i 3 + ^- 5 + i 2 + -^ 3 + etc., 272 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 1 or. 2 + i 3 + ^ b -{-X We compute thus : 2, 3, X + 5. 1 3 3a; + 1 6 1' 2' V 7^T37' Hence we have, to determine x, the quadratic equation, 350. Development of the Root of a Quadratic Equation. A root of a quadratic equation may be developed in a continued fraction by the following process. Let the equation in its normal form be (§ 192), mx^ + wz + jf7 = 0, (1) m, n, and ^ being whole numbers. We shall then have — ^ ± ^n? — 4m^ ^' ~ 2w Let a be the greatest whole number in x, which we may find either by trial in (1) or by this value of x. Then assume and substitute this value of x in the original equation. Then, regarding x^ as the unknown quantity, we reduce to the nor- mal form, which gives {ma? + na -\- p)x^ + (2m« -{- n) x ^ -\- m ^= ^. (2) If a^ is the greatest whole number in x^, we put ^1 = «^i +— . 2 and by substituting this value of x^ in (2), we form an equa- tion in iCg. Continuing the transformations, we find the greatest whole number in .Co, which will be called ^g, and so on. The root will then be expressed as a whole number a plus the continued fraction of which the denominators are «i, ^g, ^3, etc. ♦' ('I BOOK X. THE COMBINATORY ANALYSIS, CHAPTER I. PE R M U TATI N S, 351. Bef, The diiferent orders in which a nnmber of things can be arranged are called their Permuta- tigns. Examples. The permutations of the letters a, h, are ab, la. The permutations of the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321. Problem. To -find how many -permutations of any given numher of things are possible. Let us put Pi, the number of permutations of i things. It is evident from the first of the above examples that there are two permutations of two things. Hence, Pg = 2. To find the permutations of three letters, a, h, c, we form three sets of permutations, the first beginning with a, the sec- ond with h, and the third with c. In each set the first letter is to be followed by all possible permutations of the remaining letters, namely : In 1st set, after a write he, cb, making abc, ach. " 2d « « h « ac, ca, " hac, hca. " 3d " « c " ah, ha, " cah, cha, IS 274 PERMUTATIONS. Hence, P3 =1 3-2 = 6. The permutations of n things can be divided into sets. The first set begins with the first thing, followed by all possi- ble permutations of the remaining n — 1 things, of which the number is Pn-i- The second set begins with the second thing, followed by all possible permutations of the remaining n — 1 things, of which the number is also Pn-i, and so with all n sets. Hence, whatever be n, there will be n sets of Pn~i per- mutations in each set. Therefore, Pj, = nPn~i. This equation enables us to find Pn whenever we know Pn-h and thus to form all possible values of Pn, as follows: It is evident that P,=l. We have found Pg = 2.1 = 2! it a P3 = 3-2.1 = d\ = 6. Putting 7^ = 4, we have P^ = 4:P^ = 4tl = 24. '' n = 6, '' " Pg = 5P^ = 5 ! = 120. etc. etc. etc. It is evident that the number of permutations of Ji things is equal to the continued product n, which we have represented by the symbol n ! so that Pn = n\ EXERCISES.* 1. Write all the permutations of the following letters : led, acd, aid, abed. 2. What proportion of the possible permutations of the letters a, e, m, t, make well-known English words ? 3. Write all the numbers of four digits each of which can be formed by permuting the four digits 1, 2, 3, 4. 4. How many numbers is it possible to form by permuting the six figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. / 5^0 * If the student finds any difficulty in reasoning out these exercises, he is recommended to try similar cases in which few symbols are involved by actually forming the permutations, until he clearly sees the general principles involved. PERMUTATIONS. 275 5. At a dinner party a row of 6 plates is set for the host and 5 guests. In how many ways may they be seated, subject to the condition that the host must have Mr. Brown on his right and Mr. Hamilton on his left ? ^ *^' 6. Of all numbers that can be formed by permuting^ the K seven digits, 1, 2 .... 7: {a) How many will be even and how many odd ? (J)) In how many will the seven digits be alternately even ■ ^ and odd? (c) In how many will the three even digits all be together ? 21 *> (d) In how many will the four odd digits all be together ? '^ 7. In how many permutations of the 8 letters, a, l, c, d, e, . /, g, h, will the letters d, e, /, stand together in alphabetical order ? '8. In how many of the above permutations will the word deaf be found ? 9. In how many of the permutations of the first 9 letters ^^U^i<^ will the words age and bid be both found ? 10. A party of 5 gentlemen and 5 ladies agree with a math- ^ ematician to dance a set for every way in which he can divide "^ them into couples. How many sets can he make them dance ? 11. In how many of the permutations of the letters a, h, c, d, e, will d and no other letter be found between a and e. 12. In how many of the permutations of the six symbols, a, h, c, d, e,f, will the letters abc be found together in one "' group, and the letters def in another ? 13. How many permutations of the seven symbols, a, h, c, , ^ d, e, f, g, are possible, subject to the condition that some per- ^ mutation of the letters abc must come first ? 14. The same seven symbols being taken, how many per- mutations can be formed in which the letters abc shall remain '-^^ together ? Permutations of Sets. 253. Def. When permutations are formed of only s things out of a whole number 71, they are called Per- mutations of n things taken ^ at a time. 276 PERMUTATIONS. Example. The permutations of the three letters a, h, c, taken two at a time, are if/J^*^ ab, ha^ ac, ca, he, ch. The permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4, taken two at a time, are 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43. Problem. To find the number of permutations of n things taken^s at a time. Suppose, first, that we take two things at a time, as in the above examples. We may choose any one of the n things as the first in order. Which one soever we take, we shall have n — 1 left, any one of which may be taken as the second in order. Hence, the permutations taken 2 at a time will be n{n — 1). [Compare with the last example, where n = 4.] To form the permutations 3 at a time, we add to each per- mutation by 2's any one of the n — 2 things which are left. Hence, the number of permutations 3 things at a time is n{n — l)(n — 2). In general, the permutations of w things taken 5 at a time will be equal to the continued product of the s factors, w (?^ — 1) (/I — 2) {n — s + 1), which is equal to the quotient Tj r-^^^^ — , It will be remarked that when 5 = w, we shall have the case already considered of the permutations of all n things. EXERCISES. 1. Write all the numbers of two figures each which can be formed from the four digits, 3, 5, 7, 9. 2. Write all the numbers of three figures, beginning with 1, which can be formed from the five digits, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 3. How many different numbers of four figures each can be formed with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, no figure being re- peated in any number ? ;si PERMUTATIONS. 277 4. Explain how all the numbers in the preceding exercise may be written, showing how many numbers begin with 1, how many with 2, etc. 5. In how many ways can 3 gentlemen select their partners from 5 ladies ? 6. How many even numbers of 3 different digits each can be formed from tiie seven digits, 1, 2, .... 7 ? 7. How many of these numbers will consist of an odd digit between two even ones ? Circular Permutations. 2^53. If we have the three letters a, i, c, arranged in a circle, as in the adjoining figure, then, however we arrange them, we shall find them in alphabetical order by beginning with a and reading them in the suitable direction. Hence, there are only two different circular arrangements of three letters instead of six, namely, the two di^ctions in which they may be in al- phabetical order. Next suppose any number of symbols, say a, h, c, d, e,f, g, 7i, and let there be an equal number of positions around the circle in which they may be placed. These positions are num- bered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. For every arrangement of the sym- bols we may turn them round in a body without changing the arrangement. Each symbol will then pass through all eight positions in succession. By performing, this operation with every arrangement, we shall have all possible permutations of the eight things among the eight positions, the number of which is 8!, which are therefore eight times as many as the circular arrangements. 278 PEBMUTATIONS. Hence the number of different circular arrangements is — ', which is the same as 7! o In general, if we represent the number of circular arrange- ments of 71 things by (Jn, we shall have Cn = {n-1)\ The same result maybe reached by the following reasoning. To form a circular arrangement, we may take any one symbol, a for example, put it into a fixed position, say (1), and leave it there. All possible arrangements of the symbols will then be formed by permuting the remaining symbols among the re- maining positions. Hence, Cn = Pn-i = {n-l)\ j\ as before. EXERCISES. 1. In how many orders can a party of 7 persons take their places at a round table? 2. In how many orders can a host and 7 guests sit at a round table in order that the host may have the guest of high- est rank upon his right and the next in rank on his left ? • 3. Five works of four volumes each are to be arranged on a circular shelf. How many arrangements are possible which will keep the volumes of each set together and in proper order, it being indifferent in which direction the numbers of the volumes read. 4. In how many circular arrangements of the 5 letters a, b, c, d, e, will a stand between h and d ? 5. If the 10 digits are to be arranged in a circle, in how many ways can it be done, subject to the condition that even i and odd digits must alternate ? (Note that is even.) 6. The same thing being supposed, h.ow many arrange- ments are possible, subject to the condition that the even digits must be all together ? 7. In how many circular arrangements of the first six let- ters will the word deaf he found? What will be the difference of the results if you are allowed to spell it in either direction ? PERMUTATIONS. 279 Permutations when Several of the Things are Identical. 254. If the same thing appears several times among the things to be permuted, the number of different permutations will be less than when the things are all different. Example. The permutations of aahb are aabl, abab, abba, baab, baba^ bbaa, (1) which are only six in number. Proble^i. To fiivcl the nimiber of permutations when several of the things are identieal. Let us first examine how all 24 permutations of 4 things may be formed from the above 6 permutations of aabb. Let us distinguish the tAVO <:«'s and the two Z^'s by accenting one of each. Then, from each permutation as written, four may be formed by permuting the similar letters among themselves. For, example, taking abba, and writing it abb' a', we have, by permuting the similar letters, ab'ba', a'b'ba. abb'a', a'bb'a. (2) In the same way four permutations, differing only in the arrangement of the accents, may be formed from each of the 6 permutations (1), making 24 in all, as there ought to be. (§ 351.) Generalizing the preceding operation, we reach the follow- ing solution of our problem. Let the symbols to be permuted be a, b, c, etc. Suppose that a is repeated r times, a a 7) '^ ^' S ^^ <( i( n '^ *^ / <* etc. etc. etc. and let the whole number of symbols, counting repetitions, be n, so that n=:r-{-s-\-t-\- etc. [In the preceding example (1), n — 4, r = 2, .9 = 2.] Also put Xn, the required number of different permutations of the n s3'mbols. 280 PERMUTATIONS. Suppose tliese Xn different permutations all written out, and suppose the symbols which are repeated to be distinguished by accents. Then : J ^/j^ From each of the Xn permutations may be formed Pr=zr\ '■' permutations by permuting the «'s among themselves, as in (2). We shall then have r ! Xn permutations. f,tJLX' P'rom each of the latter may be formed s\ permutations by ' //{.P^r^i^ting the V^ among themselves. We shall then have ^ ' ^ rs\r\ X Xn permutations. '^^/" From each of these maybe found t\ permutations by in- ^'> ' /) terchanging the ds, among themselves. "^ , . I Proceeding in the same way, we shall have '(Xjlrllr' Xn X r\ X s\ X t\ X etc. ' ^ f^Vpossible permutations of all w things. But this number has 'J . / / been shown to be n\ Therefore, ^^/a ■ Xn X r\ X s\ X t\ X etc. = n\ ^^' By division, Xn ^ , !"], , , (3) ijjfj^.i, r! s! ^! etc' ^ ^ ^^! : which is the required expression. We remark that if any symbols are not repeated, the for- mula (3) will still be true by supposing the number correspond- ing to r, s, or t to be 1. J'^Jk' EXAMPLES. i *^'^ I. The number of possible permutations of aahl? are * t( 4' 24 ■ C-O '^ ^rr^f — o"ii — ^> ^^ already found. 2. The possible permutations of aaabhcd are 7 ! 5040 3! 2! 6-2 = 420. EXERCISES. Write all the permutations of the letters: I. aaah. 2. aahc. 3. aaahc. 4. How many different numbers of seven digits each can be formed by permuting the figures 1112225 ? PERMUTATIONS. 281 5. If every different permutation of letters made a word, how many words of 13 letters each could be formed from the word Massachusetts. The Two Classes of Permutations. ^55, The n\ possible permutations of n things are divisi- ble into two classes, commonly distinguished as even permu- tations and odd permutations in the following way : We suppose the n things first arranged in alphabetical or numerical order, » a, 5, c, df , . , , or 1, 2, 3, 4, ... . n^ and we call this arrangement an even permutation. Then, having any other permutation, we count for each thing how many other things of lower order come after it, and take the sum. If this sum is even, the permutation, is an even one ; if odd, an odd one. EXAMPLES. I. Consider the permutation 265143. Here 2 is followed by 1 number of lower order, namely, 1. " 6 *^ " 4 " " " " 5,1,4,3. " 1,4,3. 5 i( a 3 (( 1 (( a i( 4 <( 11 1 a it (( (( g Then l + 4 + 3-|-0 + l = 9. Hence the permutation is odd. 2. Consider cdiea. Here c is followed by 2 letters before it in order, namely, ha. " d '' " 2 " " " " ha. Then 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6. Hence the permutation is even. Def. The total numlber of times which a thing less in order follows one greater in order is called the Number of Inversions in a permutation. 282 , PERMUTATIONS. Example. In the preceding permutation, 265143, the number of inversions is 9. In cdbed it is 6. Eem. It will be seen that the class of a permutation is even or odd, according as the number of inversions is even or odd. Theorem I. If, in a peinnutation, two things are interchanged, the class will he changed frovi^ even to odd, or from odd to even. Proof. Consider first the case in which a pair of adjoining things are interchanged. Let us call : ilc, the two things interchanged. A, the collection of things which precede i and h, C, the collection of things which follow them. The first permutation will then be ^t^a* (a) After interchanging i and k, it will be AUG. (h) Because the order of things in A remains undisturbed, each thing in A is followed by the same things as before. In the same way, each thing in C is preceded by the same things as before. Hence, the number of times that each thing in A or C is followed by a thing less in order remains unchanged, and, leaving out the pair of things, i, h, the number of inversions is unchanged. But, by interchanging i and Ic, the new inversion M is in- troduced. Therefore the number of inversions is increased by 1. * This form of algebraic notation differs from those already used in that the symbols A and C do not stand for quantities, but mere collec- tions of letters. It is an application of the general principle that a single symbol may be used to represent any set of symbols, but must represent the same set throughout the same question. A and G are here used to show to the eye that in forming the permutations of (6) from {a), all the letters on each side of ik preserve their relative positions unchanged. PERMUTATIONS. 28^ If the first arrangement is hi, tliis one inversion is removed. Hence, in either case the number of inversions is changed by 1, and is therefore changed from odd to even, or vice versa. ' Illustration. In the permutation 265143, the inversions, as already found, are the following nine : 21, 65, 61, 64, 63, 51, 54, 53, 43. Let us now interchange 5 and 1, making the permutation 261543. The inversions now are 21, 61, 65, 64, 63, 54, 53, 43, the same as before, except that 51 has been removed. Next consider the case in which the things interchanged do not adjoin each other. Suppose that in the permutation 1) a d e h c f we interchange a and Ji. We may do this by successively in- terchanging a with d, with e, and with 7^, making three inter- changes, producing h d e h a c f . Then we interchange Ti with e and with d, making two interchanges, and producing l li d e a c f , which effects the required interchange of a with h. The number of the neighboring interchanges is 3 + 2 = 5, an odd number. Because the number of inversions is changed from odd to even this same odd number of times, it will end in the opposite class with which it commenced. Theorem II. TJ^6 possible permjitations of n tilings are one-half even and one-half odd. Proof. Write the n ! possible permutations of the n things. Then interchange some one pair of things {e.g., the first two things) in each permutation. We shall have the same permutations as before, only differently arranged. 284 PEBMUTATI0N8. By the change, eyery even permutation will be changed to odd, and every odd one to even. Because every odd one thus corresponds to. an even one, and vice versa, their numbers must be equal. Illustration. The permutations in the second column fol- lowing are formed from those in the first by Interchanging the first two figures : 12 3 even. 2 13 odd. 13 2 odd. 3 12 even. 2 13 odd, 12 3 even. 2 3 1 even. 3 2 1 odd. 3 12 even, 13 2 odd. 3 2 1 odd. 2 3 1 even. EXERCISES. Count the number of inversions in each of the following permutations : I. Icdagef, 2. Icagdef. 3. 325941. 4. 5432. 5. 82917364. 6. 82971364. 256. Symmetric Functions. An important application of the laws of permutation occurs in the problem, how many different values a function may acquire by permuting the letters which enter into it. We readily find that the ex- pression a^bc takes only the three values a^ic, Wac, and c^ah by permutation. Other expressions do not change at all by per- muting their symbols. Def. A Symmetric Function is one which is not changed by permnting the symbols which enter into it. EXERCISES. Show that the following functions are symmetric : 1. a -^h -[- c. 2. ale. 3. a (J -f- c) + J (c + «) + c(« + h). 4. a^ {h — c)-Y y {fi -a) -\-c'{a- h). COMB IN A TIONB: " 285 CHAPTER II. COMBINATIONS. 257. Bef, The number of ways in whicli it is pos- sible to select a set of s things out of a collection of n things is called the Number of Combinations of s things in n. Ex. I. From the three symbols a, h, c, may be formed the couplets, al, ac, he. Hence there are three combinations of 2 things in 3. Ex. 2. From a stud of four horses may be formed six dif- ferent span. If we call the horses A, B, C, D, the different span will be AB, AC, AD, BO, BD, CD. Eem. 1. A set is regarded as different when any one of its separate things is different. Kem. 2. Combinations differ from permutations in that, in forming a combination, no account is taken of the order of arrangement of things in a set. For instance, ab and ha are the same combination. Hence, we may always suppose the letters or numbers of a combination to be written in alpha- betical or numerical order. Notation. The number of combinations of s things in n is sometimes designated by the symbol, Cf. Problem. To find the nuvther of combinations of s things in n. If we form every possible set of s things out of n things, and then permute the s things of each set in every possible way, we shall have all the permutations of n things taken s at a time (§ 252). That is, C^ X Ps 286 COMBINATIONS. express the number of permutations of n things taken 5 at a time. But we have found this number to be n (n — l){n — 2) {71 — s -}- 1). We have also found P, = s\ = s. Hence, CP xsl ^ n{n — 1) (n — 2) . . , . (n — 5 + 1), and ^n _ n (n — 1) ( n — 2)....(n — s-\-l) ^' - 1.2.3. 4.... "1 = (§228,3); a-= ^• which is the required expression. Rem. For every comlDination of s things which we can take from n things, a combination of n— s things will be left. Hence, (7^ =r C^,. This formulae may he readily derived from the expression for the number of combinations. For, if we take the equation 01^= ''• si (?i-s)V this formula remains unaltered when we substitute n — s for s, and therefore also represents the combinations of 71 — s things in h. Def. Two combinations which together contain all the things to be combined are called two Complement- ary combinations. EXERCISES. 1. Write all combinations of two symbols in the five sym- bols, a, h, c, d, e. 2. Write all combinations of three symbols in the same letters, and show why the number is the same as in Ex. i. ^^ ' COMBINATIONS. 287 3. A span of horses being different when either horse is changed, how many different span may be formed from a stud of 3? Of 7? Of 9? 4. If four points are marked on a piece of paper, how many distinct lines can be formed by joining them, two and two? How many in the case of n points ? From each one of the points can be drawn n — 1 lines to other points; fhen why are there not ?^ [n — 1) lines? 5. If live lines, no two of which are parallel, intersect each other, how many points of intersection will there be? How many in the case of n lines ? 6. If n straight lines all intersect each other, how many f^^fC-k^ different triangles can be found in the figure ? 7. In how many different ways may a set of four things be divided into two pairs ? 8. In how many ways can a party of four form partners at whist ? 9. In how many ways can the following numbers be thrown with three dice : {a) 1,1,1; {b) 1,2,2; (c) 1,2,3. 10. A school of 15 young ladies have the privilege of send- ing a party of 5 every day to a picture gallery, provided they do not send the same party twice. How many visits can they make ? « Combinations with Repetition. 358. Sometimes combinations are formed with the liberty to repeat the same symbol as often as we please in any set. Example. From the three things a, l, c, are formed the six combinations of two things with repetition, aa, ab, ac, hb^ be, cc. Problem. To find the number of combinations of s things in n, when repetition is allowed. Solution. Let the n things be the first 71 numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 71. 288 COMBINATIONS, Form all possible sets of s of these numbers with repetition, the numbers of each set being arranged in numerical order. Let Rs be the required number of sets. Then, in each set. Let the first number stand unchanged. Increase the 2d number by 1. " 3d " " 2. " " 4th '' '' 3. and that of a black one t* 4 4 In general, if there are m chances in favor of an event, and n chances against it, its probability is • Hence, Def. The Probability of an event is the ratio of the chances which favor it to the whole number of chances for and against it. Illustrations. If an event is certain, its probability is 1. If the chances for and against an event are even, its prob- ability is ^' If an event is impossible, its probability is 0. Cor. 1. If the probability that an event will occur is^?, the probability that it will fail is 1—p. Cor. 2. A probability is always a positive fraction, greater than and less than 1. 266. Method of Probabilities. To find the probabihty of an event, we must be able to do two things : 300 PROBABILITIES. 1. Enumerate all possible ways in luhicli the event may occur or fail, it being supposed that these ways are all equally probable. 2. Determine how many of these ways will lead to the event. If n be the total number of ways, and m the number which /yvt lead to the event, the probability required is — EXERCISES. 1. A die has 2 white and 4 black sides. What is the prob- ability of throwing a white side ? 2. A bag contains n balls numbered from 1 to w, the even numbers being white and the odd ones black. What is the probability of drawing a black ball when n is an odd number? What, when n is an even number ? 3. A bag contains 3?^ + 2 balls, of which numbers 1, 4, 7, etc., are white ; 2, 5, 8, etc., are red; 3, 6, 9, etc., are black. What are the respective probabilities of drawing a white, red, and black ball ? Rem. In tlie last example the probabilities are all less than ^ ; there- fore, should one attempt to guess the color of the ball to be drawn, he would be more likely to be wrong than right, no matter what color he guessed. This exemplifies a lesson in practical judgment to be drawn from the theory of probabilities. If there are three or more possible re- sults of any cause, it may happen that the best judgment would be more likely to be wrong than right in attempting to jiredict the result. Thus, if there are three presidential candidates with nearly equal chances, the chances would be against the election of any one that might be named. Gamblers of the turf are nearly always found betting odds against every horse that may be entered for a race, though it is certain that one of them will win. Hence, if a natural event may arise from a number of causes with nearly equal facility, it is unphilosophical to have any theory whatever of the cause, because the chances may be against the most probable cause being the true one. Probabilities deponcling^ upon Combinations. 267. Problem i. Two coins are thrown. What are the respective probabilities that the result will be : Both heads ? head and tail ? both tails ? PROBABILITIES. 301 At first sight it might appear that the chances in favor of these three results were equal, and that therefore the probabil- ity of each was ^' But this would be a mistake. To find the probabilities, we must combine the possible throws of the first coin (which call A) with the possible throws of the second (which call B), thiis : A, head ; B, head. A, head ; B, tail. A, tail ; B, head. A, tail ; B, tail. These combinations are all equally probable, and while there are only one each for both heads and both tails, there are two for head and tail. Hence the probabilities are -, -, j* The sum of these three probabilities is 1, as it ought always to be when all possible results are considered. Prol. 2. Five coins are thrown. What are the respective probabilities: q heads, 5 tails? 1 head, 4 tails? 2 heads, 3 tails? etc. etc. Let the several coins be marked a, h, c, d, e. Coin a may be either head or tail, making two cases. Each of these two cases of coin a may be combined with either case of b (as in the last example), making 4 cases. Each of these 4 cases may be combined with either case of coin c, making 8 cases. Continuing the process, the total number of cases for five coins is 2^ = 32. Of these 32 cases, only one gives no head and 5 tails. There are 5 cases of 1 head, namely: a alone head, h alone head, etc., to e. 2 heads may be thrown by coins a^h\ a, c, etc. ; J, c ; b, d, etc. ; c, d, etc. ; that is, by any combination of two letters out of the five, «, h, c, d, e. Hence the number of cases is Cl = 10. 303 PBOBABILiriES. In the same way the number of cases corresponding to 3, 4, and 5 heads are, respectively, Cl = 10, Cl = 5, Cl = 1. Dividing by the whole number of cases, we find the respec- tive probabilities to be 1 ^ S 1^. 1? A ' ^_ 32' 32' 32' 32' 32' 32* The following general proposition is now to be proved by the student : Theorem. // there are n coins, the probability of throwing s heads and n — s tails is 91, - ^ ' - From this result we may prove the theorem in combina- tions of § 262. If we suppose, in succession, . Ps-\, Ps > Ps+\' Substituting for these quantities the corresponding forms of the expression (a), which is equal to Ps, we have C^'sps (1 -pY-s > CUp"-^ (1 -pY-'^\ ) . ,^. ^?i?*(l -pY-s > (7?+ii?*+i (1 - pY-'-\ ) The general formula for C? in § 257 gives ^n tl — S + 1 ^n 0« = G5-1, (0) Hence we have, by dividing both terms of the first in- equality {b) by C?-ij[?«-i (1 —pY~', ; P> 1-p- PROBABILITIES. 315 • Multiplying by s, this becomes np — sj) + p > s — sjJ. luterchaaging the members and reducing, we have s p(n + l)-l. (e)_ Comparing the inequalities {d) and (e), we see that s lies between the two quantities p {n -f 1) and p {n + 1) — 1, ; that is, J >* s is the greatest whole number in p {n -\- 1). If the number of trials 71 is a large number, and p is a small fraction, p{n -{- 1) and pii will differ only by the fraction p. We shall then have, very nearly, 5 = pn. That is : Theorem I. TJ^e most probable number of times that an event will happen on a great number of trials is the product of the number of trials by the probability on each trial. Example. If a life insurance company lias 6000 members, and the probability that each member will live one year is on the average — , then the most probable number of deaths during the year is 100. Eem. It must not be supposed that in this case the num- ber of deaths is likely to be exactly 100, but only that they will fall somewhere near it. There is a practical rule for determining what deviation must be guarded against, the demonstration of which requires more advanced mathematical methods than those employed in this chapter. It is : 316 PROBABILITIES. Theorem II. Deviations from the most probable num- ber of deaths, equal to the square root of that number, will be of frequent occurrence. Deviations much greater than this square root will be of infrequent occurrence, and deviations more than twice as great will be rare. Examples. In a company of which the probable annual ^ number of deaths is 10, the actual number will commonly fall between 10 — VlO and 10 + VlO, or between 7 and 13. It will very rarely happen that the number of deaths is as small as 4 or as large as 16. If the company is so large that the most probable number of deaths is 100, the actual number will commonly fall between 100 — VlOO and 100 + VlOO, or between 90 and 110. If the most probablQ number of deaths is 1000, the actual number will commonly range between 968 and 1032. We now see the following result of this theorem: The greater the number of dearths to be expected, the greater will be the probable deviation, but the less will be the ratio of this deviation to the whole number of deaths. Examples. The reductions of the cases just cited are shown as follows : )ected number of deaths. 10 Probable deviation. 3 Ratio of deviation to expected number. 0.33 100 10 0.10 1000 32 0.03 Application to Life Insurance. 273. At each age of human life there is a certain proba- bility that a person will live one year. This probability di- minishes as the person advances in age. It is learned from observation, on the principle described in the preceding section, that events in a vast number of trials are likely to happen a number of times equal to the product of their probability on each trial, multiplied by the number of trials. PROBABILITIES. 317 Therefore, by dividing the whole number of times the event has happened by the whole number of trials, the quotient is the most probable value of the probability on one trial. Example. If we take 50,000 people at the age of 25, and record how many of them are alive at the end of one year, this is making 50,000 trials whether a person of that age will live one year. If 49,650 of them are alive at the end of the year, and 350 are dead, we would conclude : Probability of living one year, ..... 0.993 Probability of dying within the year, . . 0.007 The probability for all ages may be determined by taking a great number of infants, say 100,000, and counting how many die in each year until all are dead. If n are living at the age y, and n' at the age y -\-l, then the probability of dying within one year after the age y will be , and that of living will be — • It is not, however, necessary to wait through a lifetime to reach this conclusion. It is sufficient to find from observation what proportion of the people of each age die during any one year. Suppose, for instance, that the census of a city is taken, and it is found that there are 2500 persons aged 30, and 2000 aged 50. At the end of a year another inquiry is made to ascertain how many are dead. It is found that 20 of the 30 year old people, and 30 of the 50 year old people have died. This would show : At age 30, probability of dying within 1 year = 0.008. " 50, " " " " = 0.015. This same probability being obtained for every year of life, the probability of living 1 year at all ages would be known. Then a table of mortality could be formed. A table of mortality starts out with any arbitrary number of people, generally 100,000, at a certain age, frequently 10 years. It then shows how many of these people will be living at the end of each subsequent year until all are dead. The following is a specimen of such a table. 818 PB0BABILITIE8. Table of Mortality. Ages. Living. Dying. Prob. of surviving a year. Prob. of dying within the year. Ages. Living. Dying. Prob. of surviving a year. Prob of 1 dying ! within the year. 10 I 00000 442 .99558 .00442 60 58373 1677 .97127 .02872 II 99558 407 .99591 .00408 61 56696 1760 1849 .96895 .o3io4 12 9Qi5. 9^766 385 .99611 .00388 62 54936 .96634 .03365 i3 376 .99619 .oo38o 63 53087 1936 .96353 .03646 14 98390 379 .99614 .00385 64 5ii5i 2014 .96062 .03937 i5 980 u 396 .99595 .00404 65 49137 2080 .95766 .04233 i6 97615 426 .99563 .00436 66 47057 2i38 .95456 .04543 ;? 97189 f^ .99517 .00482 % 44919 42733 4o5o9 2186 .95133 .04866 96720 .99396 .00542 2224 .94795 .o52o4 19 96195 58 1 .oo6o3 69 2268 .94401 .05598 20 95614 621 .99350 .00649 70 38241 233 1 .93904 .06095 .06686 21 94993 645 .99321 .00679 71 35910 2401 .933.3 22 94348 653 .99305 .00692 72 33509 2469 .92631 .07368 23 93695 65i .00694 73 3 1040 253i .91846 .08154 24 93044 647 .99304 .00695 74 285o9 2567 .90995 .09004 25 92397 ^^7 .99299 .00700 75 2594a 2542 .90201 .89418 .09798 26 91750 65 1 .99290 .00709 76 23400 2476 .io58i ^? 91099 90431 668 .99266 .00733 ]l 20924 2369 .88678 .11321 686 .99241 .00758 18555 2247 .87890 .12109 29 89745 703 .99216 .00783 79 i63o8 2110 .87061 .12938 3o 3i 89042 88324 726 .99193 .99178 .00806 .00821 80 81 14198 12229 \tS .86i3i .85092 .13868 .14907 32 lll'^l 733 .99163 .00836 82 10406 1672 .83032 .82573 .16067 33 86865 743 .99144 .00855 83 8734 1522 .17426 .18857 34 86122 754 .99124 .00875 84 7212 i36o .81142 35 85368 768 .99100 .00899 .00932 85 5852 1 186 .79733 .20266 36 84600 ??? .99067 86 4666 1014 .78268 .21731 37 38 39 838ii .99032 .00967 V. 3652 849 .76752 .23247 83ooo 83o .99000 .98972 .01000 2803 689 .75419 .24580 82170 844 .01027 89 2114 548 •74077 .25922 40 81326 854 .98949 .oio5o 90 i566 435 .72222 .27777 .29708 41 80472 860 .98931 .01068 91 ii3i 336 .70291 42 43 79612 888 '?X .01091 .01127 92 93 It 181 .68930 .66970 .643o5 .3 1 069 .33029 44 77855 913 .98827 .01172 94 367 i3i .35694 45 76942 948 :ffl .01 232 95 236 86 .63559 .36440 46 75994 989 .oi3oi 96 i5o 56 .62666 .37333 IJ 75oo5 1029 .98628 .01371 97 fo 44 .53191 .46808 7397b 1067 .98557 .98488 .01442 98 33 .34000 .66000 49 72909 1102 .oi5i 1 99 n II % % 5o 71807 ii33 .98422 .01577 100 6 4 K % 5i 70674 1167 .98348 .01651 lOI 2 2 52 6?3o] * 67052 1204 .98267 .01732 102 .... 53 54 I25l i3o4 .98168 .98055 .oi83i .01944 Note. The above table is hat of 55 56 5? 65748 64390 62976 6i5o5 i358 1414 1471 .97934 .97804 .97664 .075 10 .02065 .02195 .02335 the pre English Institute of Acti pared betvireen 1862 and 1869 larios, ,from 58 i53i .02489 .02669 the continued experience of t wenty 59 59974 1 601 "on .97330 lea ling life insurance compan es. PROBADILiriES. 319 Problem. To find the probability that a person of age a will live to age y. Solution. We take from the table the number living at age y, and divide it by the number living at age a. The quo- tient is the probability. 374. The principle on which the value of a contingent payment is determined is the following : Theorem. TJze value of a probable payment is equal to the sum to be paid, inultiplied by the probability that it will be paid. Proof. Let there be n men, for each of whom there is a probability p that he will receive the sum s. Then by § 272, Th. I, pn of the men will probably receive the payment, so that the total sum which all will receive will probably be pns. Now, before they know who is to get the money, the value of each one's share is equal. Therefore, to find this value, we divide the whole amount to be received, namely, pns, by the number of men, n. This gives ps as the value of each one's chance, which proves the theorem. * Note. In this proof it is tacitly supposed that the pns dollars are as valuable divided among the pn men as divided among all n men. But this, though supposed in mathematical theory, is not morally true. Morally, the money will do more good when divided among all the men than when divided among a portion selected by chance. All gambling, whether by lotteries or games of chance, is in its total effects upon the pecuniary interests of all parties a source of positive disadvan- tage. This disadvantage is treated mathematically by more advanced methods in special treatises. EXERCI SES. I. Find from the table the probabilities that a person a. Aged 30 will live to 70. h. " 30 " " 80. c. (( 50 " " 60. d. " 60 " " 70. 320 PROBABILITIES. e. Aged 70 will live to 80. /. " 80 " " 90. g. " 90 '' " 95. n. " 95 " " 100. 2. What age is that at which it is an even chance whether a person aged 40 will be living or dead ? 3. Show that the probability that a person aged 30 will live to 70 is equal to the product of the probability that he will live to 60 multiplied by the probability that a man aged 60 will live to 70. (Apply the theorem of § 269.) 4. What premium ought a man of 65 to pay for insuring his life for $7000 for 1 year ? 5. Ten young men of 25 form a club. What is the proba- bility that it will be unbroken by death for ten years ? 6. The probability that a planing mill will burn down within any oile year is -• What ought an insurance company o to charge to insure it to the amount of $3000 for 1 year, for 2 years, for 3 years, and for 4 years, respectively ? 7. If the probability that a house will burn down in any one year is ^, what ought to be the premium for insuring it for s years to the amount of a dollars ? Note. In cases like the last two, it is assumed that only one loss will be paid for. 8. What is the probability that if a man aged 25 marry a wife of 20, they will live to celebrate their golden wedding? 9. A company insures the joint lives of a husband aged 70 and a wife aged 50 for $5000 for 5 years, the stipulation being that if either of them die within that time the other shall be paid the money. What ought to be the premium, no allow- ance being made for interest ? 10. A man aged 50 insures the life of his wife, aged 35, for $10,000 for 20 years, with the promise that the money is not to be paid unless he himself lives to the age of 70. What ought to be the premium ? Note. In computations relating to the management of life insurance, it is always necessary to allow compound interest on all payments. But the above exercises are intended only to illustrate the. application of the theory of probabilities to the subject, and therefore no allowance for in- terest is expected to be made in the answers. BOOK XI. OF SERIES AND THE DOCTRINE OF LIMITS. CHAPTER I. NATURE OF A SERIES. 2*75. Bef. A Series is a succession of terms follow- ing each other according to some general law. Examples. An arithmetical progression is a series deter- mined by the law that each term shall be greater than the preceding one by the same amount. A geometrical progression is a series subject to the law that the ratio of every two consecutive terms is the same. These two progressions are the sinxplest form of series. . A series may terminate at some term, or it may continue indefinitely. Bef. A series which continues indefinitely is called an Infinite Series. Bef. The Sum of a series is the algebraic sum of all its terms. Hence the sum of an infinite series wOl consist of the sum of an infinite number of terms. 276. The law of a series is generally such that the n^^ term may be expressed as a function of n. For example, in the series + Q + 4 + 5 + etc-. 1.1.11 1 IS — n ■ 21 the vP^ term is w + 1 322 SERIES. In the series ^-^ + o ."3 + 3 ."4 + ^^^'> the n*^ term is n {n 4- 1) Def. The expression for the n*^ term of a series as a function of 7i is called the General Term of the' series. » EXE RCI SES. Express the 71*^ term of each of the following series : 2. 1.2 + 3.4 + 5.6 + etc. c^ ir^>-h)J X x^ 3- ^ + 1:2 "^ ry. 3 « _«^ ^' 2.2 "^3.22 "^4.23 Write four terms of each of the series having the following general terms : 4t7l^ — 1 5. The n^^ term to he -r-:. r* 6. The ^'^^ term to he i (* + 1) {i + 2) a^. 7. The (w + iy< term to be ^^-7-^-^ ;, , V., — ^ ^ • (;^ + 5) (71 + 6) 8. The (?z-iy< term to he —^ = — ^ ^ 1-2 . . . . n 277. The most common nse of a series is to enable ns to compute, by approximation, the values of expressions which it is diflScult or impossible to compute directly. Suppose, for 1 -I- ^ example, that we have to compute the value of when x J. — X is a small fraction, say ^-, and to have the result accurate to eight decimals. We shall see hereafter that when x is less than 1, we have CONVERGENCE OF SERIES. 323 1 4- iC = 1 + 2a; + 2:^2 _j_ 2a;3 + etc., «^ infinitum. Suppose X = ■— z=: .02. We compute this series thus; 1 2 X .02 = .04 Multiplying by .02, .0008 " " .000016 ** " .00000032 1 02 Sum = ^l= 1.04081632 which IS much more expeditious than dividing 1,02 by .98. It will be seen that every term we add makes the quotient accurate to one or two more decimals, so that there is no limit to the precision which may be attained by the use of the series. If, however, x had been greater than unity, the series would give no result, because the terms %x, 2x% 2a^, would have gone on increasing indefinitely, whereas the true value of the frac- 1 + ^ tion would have been negative. This example illustrates the following two cases of series : I. There may he a certain limit to which the sum of the series shall approach, as we increase the nimxher of terms, but which it can never reach, how great soever the number of terms added. For example, the series we have just tried, 1 A A A A "^ 50 "^ 502 + 503 + 50"^ + etc., 1 02 approaches the limit ^- , but never absolutely reaches it. II. As we increase the number of terrns, the sum may increase without limit, or may vibrate bach and forth in consequence of some terms being positive and others negative. These two classes of series are distinguished as convergent and divergent. 324 SERIES. Def. A Convergent Series is one of whicli the sum approaches a limit'^s the number of terms is increased. Refer to § 213 for an example of infinite series in geometrical pro- gressions which have limits. Drf. A Divergent Series is one of which the sum does not approach a limit. Examples. The series l + 2-f3 + 4 + etc., ad infimtumj is divergent, because there is no hmit to the sum of its terms. The series 1 — 1+ 1 — 1-fl— etc., is divergent, because its sum continually fluctuates between +1 and 0. Eem. When we consider only a limited, number of terms, the question of convergence or divergence is not important. But when the sum of the whole series to infinity is to be con- sidered, only convergent series can be used. Notation of Sums. 274. The sum of a series of terms represented by common symbols may be expressed by the symbol 2, followed by one of the terms. Example. The expression means "the sum of several terms, each represented by «." When it is necessary to distinguish the different terms, different accents or indices are affixed to them, and represented by some common symbol. Example. The expression 2«i means the sum of several terms represented by the symbol a with indices attached ; that is, the sum of several of the quan- tities «j, «3, rtg, a^, etc. When the particular indices included in the summa- tion are to be expressed, the greatest and least of them are written above and below the symbol 2. SIGN OF SUMMATION, 325 Examples. The expression i=15 i=5 means : " Sum of all the symbols ai formed by giving i all in- tegral values from 2 = 5 to i = 15." That is, t=15 2^4=05 + a6 + «7 + «8 + «9 + «I0 + fln + «12 + «fl3 + «14 + Cfl6' i=5 i=5 2im means + m + 2m + 3m + 4m + 5m. i=0 ^2 (i,y) means (l,y) + (2,/) + (3,/) + (4, 7). '~Hhj) = 0, 2) + (i, 3) + (i, 4) + (i, 5) + {i, 6). i=2 "s?!! = l! + 2! + 3! + 4! = 1 + 2 + 6 + 24 = 33. n=l ~i:i = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 = 45. ~li^ = 22 + 32 + 42 + 5« = 54. i=2 EXERCISES. Write out the following summations, and compute their values when they are purely numerical : j^l n=Q w=6 I. 2f. 2. 2w(/^— 1). 3. 2M(n + l). J=l «.=! n=l t=8 n=7 w=6 4. 2mi. 5. 2w^. 6. 2(/^ + l)(y— 1). i=4 /i=4 n=0 i=4 n=5 n=5 «i 1 7. 2mi. 8. 2Az2. 9. 2 — — r- i=2 n=2 „=0 ^ + 1 Express the following sums by the sign 2 : 10. ^o+^i+^2+/^3+V II- l« + 23 + 33 + 48. 12. 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + 4.5. 13. I +1 + 1 + ^ + 1 326 SERIES. CHAPTER II. DEVELOPMENT IN POWERS OF A VARIABLE. 279, Among the most common series employed in math- ematics are those of which the terms are multiplied by the successive powers of some one quantity. An example of such a series is l + 2z + dz^ + 4:Z^ + 5z^-\- etc., in which each coef&cient is greater by unity than the power of z which it multiplies. A geometrical progression, it will be remarked, is a series of this kind, in which the terms contain the successive powers of the common ratio. The general form of such a series is «o + ^1^ + ^2^^ + ^3^^ + ®^c., in which the successive coefficients a^, a^, a^, etc., are formed according to some law, but do not contain z. Such a series as this is said to proceed according to the ascending powers of the variable z. Eem. The sum of a series is often equal to some algebraic expression containing the variable. Conversely, we may find a series the sum of all the terms of which shall be equal to a given expression. Bef. A series equal to a given expression is called the Development of that expression. To Develop an expression means to find a series the sum of all the terms of which are equal to the ex- pression. The most extensively used method of development is that of indeterminate coefficients. INDETEBMINATE COEFFICIENTS. 327 Method of Indeterminate Coefficients. 280. The method of indeterminate coefficients is based upon the following principles : Let us have two equal expressions, each containing a varia- ble z, and one or both containing also certain indeterminate quantities, that is, quantities introduced hypothetically, and not given by the original problem, the values of which are to be subsequently assigned so as to fulfil a certain condition. The condition to be fulfilled by the values of the inde- terminate quantities is that the two expressions containing z and these quantities shall be made identically equal. Then, because the equations are to be identically equal, we can assign any values we please to z, and thus form as many equations as we please between the indeterminate quantities. If these equations can be all satisfied by one set of values of these quantities, then by assigning these values to them in the original equation, the latter will be an identical one, as required. The student should trace the above general method in the following examples of its application. 281. Theorem I. If a series proceeding according to the ascending powers of a quantity is equal to zero for all values of that quantity, the coefficient of each sepa- rate term must he zero. Proof. Let the several coefficients be a^, a^, a^, etc., and z the quantity, so that the series, put equal to zero, is a^ + a^z + a^z^ -}- a^t^ -{^ etc. = 0. Because the equation is true for all values of z, it must be true when z = 0. Putting z =: 0, it becomes «o = 0. Dropping Gq, the equation becomes a^z + a„z^ + a^z^ + etc. = 0. Dividing by z, a^ -\- a^z -f- a^'^ + etc. = 0. From this we derive, by a repetition of the same reasoning, a. = 0. 328 SERIES. Continuing the process, we find ttg = 0, «3 = 0, etc., indefinitely. Theorem II. // two series proceeding hy ascending powers of a quantity are equal for all values of that quantity, the coefficients of the equal powers must he equal. Proof. Let the two equal series be aQ + a^z + a^z^-^-Qic, = I)Q+d^z + d2Z^-{-etc. (a) Transposing the second member to the left-hand side and collecting the equal powers of z, the equation becomes «o — ^0 + («i —bi)z-{- («2 — bz) z^ + etc. = 0. Since this equation is to be satisfied for all values of z, the coefficients of the separate powers of z must all be zero. Hence, a^ — Jq = 0, «i — h^ = 0, «g — Jg = 0, etc. or aQ = T)q, «i = Jj, a^ = Jg, etc. Exercise. Let the student demonstrate these last equa- tions independently from {a), by supposing ;2! = 0, then sub- tracting from both sides of {a) the quantities found to be equal ; then dividing by z ; then supposing 2; = 0, etc. Rem. The hypothesis that {a) is satisfied for all values of z is equivalent to the supposition that it is an ideiitical equa- tion. In general, when we find different expressions for the same functions of a variable quantity, these expressions ought to be identically equal, because they are expected to be true for all values of the variable. Theorem HI. A function of a variable can only he developed in a single way in ascending powers of the variable. For if we should have Fz=z A^+ A^z + A^z^ + A^z^ + etc., and also Fz = B^ -^ B^z + B^z^ + B^^ + etc., mDETEBMINATE COEFFICIENTS. 329 these two series, being each identically equal to Fz, must be identically equal to each other. But, by Th. II, this cannot be the case unless we have Aq = Bq, A^ z=z B^, A^ = ^3, etc. The coefficients being equal, the two series are really one and the same. 283. Expansion ly Indeterminate Coefficients. The above principle is applied to the development of functions in powers of the variable. The method of doing this will be best seen by an example. 1. Develop in powers of x. A. ~\~ X Let us call the coefficients of the powers of x a^, a^, etc. The series will be known as soon as these coefficients are known. Let us then suppose — - — = a^ -\- a^x + a^x^ + a^oi^ + etc. i -j- X Here we remark that, so far as we have shown, this equa- tion is purely hypothetical. We have not proved that any such equation is possible, and the question whether it is possi- ble must remain open for the present. We must find whether we can assign such values to the indeterminate coefficients, a^^, a^, «3, etc., that the equation shall be identically true. Assuming the equation to be true, we multiply both sides by 1 -\- X. It then becomes 1 = «o + («o + «i) ^ + («i + «2) ^^ + etc. ; or transposing 1, = «o — 1 + («o + ai)a; + {a^-{-a2)x^+ (^g+^s)^:^ + etc. By Theorem I, the coefficients must be identically zero. Hence, cIq — 1 =0, which gives a^ z= 1; tti = —a^ = —1; ffg = — «! = 1; — «2 = —1; etc. etc. «l + «o = ^y a 11 «l a^-\-a^ = 0, it a «2 ^3 + ttg = 0, « iC H 330 SERIES. Substituting these values of the coeflacients in the original equation, it becomes -i- = 1— a; + a:2_a;8_|_a4_ etc. 1 + iC This same method can be applied to the development of any rational fraction of which the terms are entire functions of some one quantity. Let us, for instance, suppose m + nx + px^ " Multiplying by the denominator of the fraction, this equa- tion gives a + I?x = ttiAq + {nAQ+mA-i)x + {pAQ+nA^-\-mA^)x^ -\- {pA 1 4- '/i^ 2 + niA 3) x^ + etc. We now see that when i > 1, the coeflScient of x^ in this equation is mAi + nAi_t -\- pAi^^. Equating the coefficients of like powers of x, mA n = a, whence A^ ■= —i 1 ^ ^ m m ^ ' mA^-\-nA^-\-pA^=0, " A^ = -^^A^ -'^A^-, mA, + nA^+pA^=0, " A^ = - -^^A, -'^A^. "We have from the general coefficient above written, when *' > 1' A ^ ^ Pa Ai =z Ai-t — ^ Ai-2. m 7n That is, each coefficient after the second is the same linear function of the two coefficients next preceding. Such a series is called a Recurring Series. EXERCISES. Develop by indeterminate coefficients: UNDETERMINED MULTIPLIERS. 331 1 — x 1 + x 1 + x l + 2x-{-3a^ 1 _ 2^ + Sx^ 6. 7. ^r-r^-r-o-.' 8. - x 1-x l — 2x-^x^ 1 — x 1 + 2^ + 3a;*^ l-{-x — a^ 283. The development of a rational fraction may also be effected by division, after the manner of §§ 96, 97, the opera- tion being carried forward to any extent. Example. Develop -^ — l + x \l — x 1— ^ 1 + 2x + 2x^ + 2x^ + etc. 2x 2x — 2x^ 2a;2 + 2x^ — 2a^ 2x^, etc. EXE RCISES. Develop by division the expressions : 1 — 2a; 1 + ic I. 2. 1 -\- X 1 —X -[• x^ 384. Elimination hy Undetermined Multipliers. There is an application of the method of undetermined coefficients to the problem of eliminating unknown quantities, which merits special attention on account of its instructiveness. Let any system of simultaneous equations between three unknown quantities be ax -\- ly -\- cz =^ liy ' (1) a'x + Vy + cz = h', (2) a"x + h"y + c"z = h". (3) Can we find two such factors that, if we multiply two of the equations by them, and add the results to the third, two of the three unknown quantities shall be eliminated ? 333 SERIES. This question is answered in the following way : If there be such factors, let us call them m and n. If we multiply the first equation by m, the second by n, and add the product to the third equation, we shall have (am 4- a'ti + «") ^ ) + {hn + h'n + h") y> = hm + h'n + h", (b) 4- {cm + c'n + c") z ) In order that the quantities y and z may disappear from this equation, we must have , ^^ im + b'n + 5" = %-- ' '^- cm + c'n + c" = Ol Since we have these two equations between the quantities W2 and n, we can determine their values. Solving the equations, we find : , DC — C W = -ITT TT-, be — be _ rc - b e" ^ - be' - b'c ' These are the required values of the multipliers. Substi- tuting them in the equation (b), we find that the coefificients of y and z vanish, and that the equation becomes r a(b'e"-b"c') + a'(b''e-be") _^ .H ^ L be' -T^ +(i jx _ h(b'c"-b"e') + h'{b"c-be") ^ , „ be — be Clearing of denominators and dividing by the coeflBicient of tc, we find ^ ^ h (b'e" - b"c') + h' {b"c - be") + li" {be' - b'c ) a {b'e" - b"e') + a' {b"e - be") + a" {be' - b'c)' ' EXERCISES. I. Find the values of y and z by the above process for finding x. MULTIPLICATION OF SERIES. 333 For this purpose we may begin with the equation (&) and find values of m and n such that the coefficients of x and z in (b) shall vanish. These values will be different from those given in (c). By substituting them in (6), X and z will be eliminated, and we shall obtain the value of 2^. We then find a third set of values of m and n, such that the coeffi- cients of X and y shall vanish, and thus obtain the value of z. 2. Solve by the method of indeterminate multipliers the exercise 3 of § 140. Multiplication of Two Infinite Series. 284a, Pkoblem. To express the product of the two series Uq -f- a^x + a^x^ -f a^x^ + etc., and Iq -\- l)-^x.-\- I^q? -\- b^x^ + etc. The method is similar to that by which the square of an entire function is formed (§ 173, 2). We readily find the first two terms of the product to be The combinations which produce terms in x^ are cIqIc^x^ H- aj)^x^ 4- a^h^x^ Those which produce terms in x? are a^b^T^ + a-J)^x^ + a^l)^o(? + a^h^o^. In general, to find the terms in x'^ we begin by multiplying Oq into the term bnX^ of the lower series, and then multiplying each succeeding of the first series by each preceding term of the second, until we end with anioX^. Hence, if we suppose Product = Aq + A^x -{- A^x'^ -{- . . . . + AnX^ + etc., we shall have, for all values of n, An = a^bn + Ct^hn-l -\- a^ln-% + + «n&o- By giving nail integral values, we shall form as many values as we choose of An, and so as many terms as we choose of the series. 334 SERIES. EXERCISES. 1. Form the product of the two series: oc? oc^ ofi , ^-2! +4!- 61 + "'"•' a? 0^ x^ . 2. Form the square of each of these series. 3. Can you, by adding the squares together, show that their sum is equal to unity, whatever be the value of a;? To effect this, multiply each coefficient of a;« in the sum of the squares by w ! , substitute for each term its value CT given in § 257, and apply § 262, Th. II. 285. Series proceeding according to the Powers of Two Variables. Such a series is of the form aQ + ^0^ + (^iV + ^0^^ + ^i^y + «2.y^ + etc., in which the products of all powers of x and y are combined. By collecting the coeflBcients of each power of x, the series will become «o + f^iV + «22/^ + a^y^ -f + (^ + ^2/ + ^22/' + ^32/' + • . . 0^ + (^0 + c^y + c^y^ + c^y^ + )x^ + etc., etc., etc., etc. Hence, the series is one proceeding according to the powers of one variable, in which the coefficients are themselves series, proceeding according to the ascending powers of another variable. Let us have the identically equal series proceeding accord- ' ing to the ascending powers of the same variables, A^+A^y + A^y^^,.,, -^{B,-\-B,y^B,y^ + ..,.)x + (Co + C,y+ C,f + ,...)x^ + etc., etc., etc. • Since these series are to be equal for all values of x, the coefficients of like powers of x must be equal. Hence, SERIES. 335 O'o + «!«/ + «22/^ + etc. = ^0 + ^iV + ^22/^ + ^'tc. ^0 + ^1^ + *33/^ + etc. = ^0 + ^iV + B^y'' + etc. etc. etc. Again, since these series are to be equal for all values of y, we must have ttQ = Aq, tti = A^, a^ = A2, etc. ^0 = Bq, h^ = B^, &2 = ^2, etc. etc. etc. etc. Hence, in order that two series proceeding according to the ascending powers of two variables may he identi- cally equal, the coefficients of every like product of the powers must he equal. 336 SERIES. CHAPTER III. SUMMATION OF SERIES Of Figurate Numbers. 286. The numbers in the following columns are formed according to these rules : 1. The first column is composed of the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, etc. 2. In every succeeding column each number is the sum of all the numbers above it in the column next preceding. Thus, in the second column, the successive numbers are : 1, 1 + 2 = 3, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 1 + 2 + 3+4 = 10, etc. In the third column we have 1, 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 3 + 6 = 10, etc. 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 4 1 6 5 1 4 10 6 (A) 10 15 7 5 20 21 15 35 6 35 21 7 etc. etc. etc. It is evident from the mode of formation that each number is the difference of the two numbers « next above and below it in the col- ^ , umn next following. • • • The numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, etc., in • • • • the second column are called trian- gular numbers, because they repre- jv'= 1+2+3+4+5. SERIES. 337 sent numbers of points which can be regularly arranged over triangular surfaces. The numbers 1, 4, 10, etc., in the third columns are called pyramidal numbers, because each one is composed of a sum of triangular numbers, which being arranged in layers over each other, will form a triangular pyramid. All the numbers of the scheme are called figurate num- bers. The numbers in the i^^ column are called figurate numbers of the i^^ order. 387. If we suppose a column of I's to the left of the first column, and take each line of numbers from left to right in- clined upward, we shall have the successive lines 1, 1 ; 1, 2, 1 ; 1, 3, 3, 1, etc. These numbers are formed by addition in the same way as the binomial coefficients in § 171, 2. We may therefore conclude that all the numbers obtained by the pre- ceding process are binomial coefficients, or combinatory expres- sions. This we shall now prove. Theorem. The n^ nuniber in the i^^ column is equal to CT^-^ or to n{n-\-l)(n + 2) ....(n + i-l) 1.2-3 i ' ^ ^ Proof. Because the com.binations of 1 in any number are equal to that number, we have, when i = 1, 71*^ number in 1st column = ?^ = Ci, which agrees with the theorem. When i = 2, we have, by the law of formation of the numbers, n^^ number in 2d column = C\ -{- Ci + Ci -^ . . . . -\- Cu which, by equation (a) (§ 260, 3), is equal to C2^\ Therefore the successive numbers in the second column, found by supposing n = l, n = 2, etc., are ci ci, ct,,... or'. 23 338 SERIES. Since the n*^ number in the third column is equal to the sum of all above it in the second, we have ni^ number in 3d column = Cl+ Cl+C\-\- CV^ = CV\ which still corresponds to the theorem, because, t^hen i = 3, n-]-i — l = n-\-2. To prove that the theorem is true as far as we choose to carry it, we must show that if it is true for any value of i, it is also true for a value 1 greater. Let us then suppose that, in the r^ column the first n numbers are y^r /-yV+l ryr+2 ^r+n-1 Since the n*^ number in the next column is the sum of these numbers, it will be equal to which is the expression given by the theorem when we suppose 4 = r + 1. Now we have proved the theorem true when i = d; there- fore (supposing r = 3) it is true for i = 4. There/ore (sup- posing r = 4) it is true for i = 5, and so on indefinitely. If in the general expression (1) we put i = 2, we shall have the values of the triangular numbers ; by putting i = 3, we shall have the pyramidal numbers, etc. Therefore, The n^^ triangular number = — ^— 5— • The n^ pyramidal number = ^^(^ + 1) (^ + ^ i. By supposing n = l,2, 3, 4, etc., in succession, we find the succession of triangular numbers to be 1-2 2^ 4^ 1-2' 1.2' 1.2' ' and the pyramidal numbers, 1-2.3 2;. 3^ 3.4.5 1.2.3' 1.2-3' 1:2:3' ^^'' which we readily see correspond to the values in the scheme (A). 8EBIE8. 330 Enumeration of Triangular Piles of Shot. 288. An interesting application of the preceding theory is that of finding the number of cannon-shot in a pile. There are two cases in which a pile will con- tain a tigurate number: I. Elongated projectiles, in which each rests on two projectiles below it. II. Spherical projectiles, each rest- ing on three below it, and the whole forming a pyramid. Case I. Elongated Projectiles, Here the Yertex of a pile of one vertical layer will be formed of one shot, the next layer below of two, the third of three, etc. Hence the sum of n layers from the vertex down will be the n*^ triangular number. It is evident that the number of shot in the bottom row is equal to the number of rows. Hence, if w be this number, and N the entire number of shot in the pile, we shall have, _ n {n + 1) 2 * If the pile is incomplete, in consequence of all the layers above a certain one being absent, we first compute how many there would be if the pile were complete, and subtract the number in that part of the pile which is absent. Example. The bottom layer has 25 shot, but there are only 11 layers in all. How many shot, are there? 25- 26 K the pile were complete, the number would be — - — Z There being 14 layers wanting from the top, the total number of shot wanting is — ~ — Hence the number in the pile is _ 25.26-14-15 _ (14 + 11) (15 + 11) -14. 15 2 - 2 = il(ll±iM:_iI) ^ ,,0. 340 SERIES. Note. This particular problem could have been solved more briefly by considering the number of shot in the several layers as an arithmetical progression, but we have preferred to apply a general method. EXERCISES. 1. A pile of cylindrical shot has n in its bottom row, and r rows. How many shot are there ? 2. From a complete pile having Ji layers, s layers are re- ' moved. How many shot are left ? 3. A pile has n shot in its bottom row, and m in its top row. How many rows and how many shot are there? 4. A pile has p rows and k shot in its top row. How many shot are there ? ' 5. Explain the law of succession of even and odd numbers in the se- ries of triangular numbers. 6. How many balls are necessary to fill a hexagon, having n balls in each side ^ Note. In the adjoining figure, 289. Case II. Pyramid of Balls. If a course of balls be laid upon the ground so as to fill an equilateral triangle, having n balls on each side, a second course can be laid upon these having n — 1 balls on each side, and so on until we come to a single ball at the vertex. Commencing at the top, the first course wiU consist of 1 ball, the next of 3, the third of 6, and so on through the tri- angular numbers. Because each pyramidal number is the sum of all the preceding triangular numbers, the whole num- ber of baUs in the n courses will be the n^^ pyramidal number, or ^ _ n(n + l)(n-\- 2) - 1.2.3 EXERCISES. y I. How many balls in a triangular pyramid having 9 balls on each side ? SERIES. 341 2. If from a triangular pyramid of n courses h courses be removed from the top, how many balls will be left ? 3. How many balls in the frustum of a triangular pyramid having n balls on each side of the base and m on each side of the upper course ? Sum of the Similar Powers of an Arithmetical Progression. 390. Put a^, the first term of the progression ; £?, the common difference; n, the number of terms ; m, the index of the power. It is required to find an expression for the sum, < + («i + ^^ + iP'i + ^d)^ + +[a^-\-{n-l)d\^y which sum we call Sm' Let us put, for brevity, a^^ a^, a^, a^, , , , , an for the sev- eral terms of the progression. Then «2 = «i + d, a^ = a^ -\- 2d = a^ + d, an = a^ + {n — l)d = an-i + d. Raising these equations to the (m-f 1)^'^ power, and adding the equation an+i = cin -^ d, we have am+i = «m+i 4. (,^ + 1) afd + ^^^^^^^^ a^-^d^ + etc. am+i = «m+i + (m + 1) afd + ^''''^l^'^ af-^d^ + etc. «m+i = fl,m+i j^{rn + l)(^d+ ('^-^^)'^ af-H^ + etc. arn^ = «ri +{m + l) ar^d + ^;|^ C"'^ + etc. If we add these equations together, and cancel the common terms, «^+i + «^+i + + a^^\ which appear in both members, we shall have 342 SERIES. fl^Jl = «m+l + (m + 1) dS^^ + ^-^ d^^Sm-l , (m + l)m(m — l) ,.-, , + ^ ^^^^3 d^Sm-2, etc. From this we obtain, by solving with respect to Sm, '^- = ife)V - f '^'^'»-' - tS:/^ q). The bottom course will contain pq balls, the next course {p — 1) (§' — 1)^ etc. The total number of balls in the pile will be N = pq + {p-l){q-l) + (p-2)(q-'^) + .... + (p-q + l). (6) To find the sum of this series, let us first suppose p=-q, and the base therefore a square. We shall then have N' = q^-\-{q-lY+(q-^f-\-.,,,+l, which is the sum of the squares of the first q numbers. Therefore, by § 291, (4), ^, ^ g(g + l)(2^+l) ^^^ Next let us put r for the number by which p exceeds q in the general expression (6). This expression will then become JSr=q{q + r) + (2'-l) {q-l^r) + (q-2) fe-2 + r) + • . • . + (1 + ^) = ?' + (g - 1)2 + (g - 2)2 + . . . . + 22 + 1 + [? + (^ - 1) + to -2) + . . . . + 1] r ^ q(q-,l)i2q-,l) ^qjq_±_l)^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ __ g(g + l)(3r + 2g + l) 6 EXERCISES. 1. Find the sum of the first 20 numbers, 1 + 2 + 3+ + 20, then the sum of their squares, and the sum of their cubes, by successive substitutions in the general equation (2). 2. Express the sum and the sum of the squares of the first r odd numbers, namely, 1 + 3 + 5 + . . . . + (2r - 1), and 13 + 32 _|_ 52 _|_ + (2r — 1)2. 3. Express the sum of the first r even numbers and the sum of their squares, namely, 2 + 4 + 6 + + 2r, and 22 + 42 + 62 + + (2r)2. SERIES. 345 4. A rectangular pile of balls is started with a base of p balls on one side and q on the other. How many balls will there be in the pile after 3 courses have been laid ? How many aiter s courses ? 5. Find the value of the expression 2 (a + Ja; + cx% 6. Find the value of "2 (fl^ + ^« + cx% x=l 2Q4:, To find the sum of n terms of the series 1 + 1 + 1+....+ 1 1-2 ^2.3 ^ 3.4 ' n{n-{- 1) Each term of this series may be divided into two parts, thus: _1__1_1 1 _ 1 1 1-2 ~" 1 2' 2.3 ~ 2 3' 1 _ 1 1_^ n{n -{- 1) ~ n n -\-l Therefore the sum of the series is in which the second part of every term except the last is can- celled by the first part of the term next following. Therefore the sum of the n terms is 1 /w 1 — n-\-l n-\-l If we suppose the number of terms n to increase without limit, the fraction — -— will reduce to zero, and we shall have n -{-1 j^ + 273 + 3:4 + etc., ad infinitum = 1. This is the same as the sum of the geometrical progression, 0+7+5 -* 4 o 346 SERIES. + etc., ad infinitum. It will be interesting to compare the first few terms of the two series. They are 1111 I4.I 111111 2 ■^4'^ 8 "^16 '^32'^ 64* We see that the first term is the same in both, while the next three are larger in the geometrical progression. After the fourth term, the terms of the progression become the smaller, and continue so. 395. Generalization of the Preceding Result, Let us take the series of which the n^^ term is P {i + n- 1) (/ + ^ - 1) The series to n terms will then be ij ^ {i + 1) (/ + 1) ^ {i + ^) U -f 2) ^ * + (i + n — 1) 0" + ?i - 1) If we suppose / > i, and put, for brevity, Jc =zj — i, the terms may be put into the form ij k \i jr P -Pi A 1_V (i + 1) (j + 1) - ^ U- + 1 j + ir etc. etc. , P ^ P I 1 1 \ (i-\-n — l){j^n-\-l) ]c\i-\' n — 1 j + n — l/ When we add these quantities, the second part of each term will be cancelled by the first part of the ¥^ term next follow- ing, leaving only the first part of the first k terms and the second part of the last Ic terms. Hence the sum will be P (1 + -1-+ 4._i____l ^L._ 1_4 \i 4 + 1 y+1 i+ri i+n—l"" j + n—V SERIES. 347 Example. To find the sum of n terms of the series 2-5 ' 3.6 ' 4.7 ' 5-8 (?^ + l)(;^ + 4) Each term may be expressed in the form 2.5~3\2 5/' 3.6 3\3 6/' _L-1A_1) 4.7~3\4 V' 1 ^lA ^) ^ (7i + 3) 3 \^ w + 3/' 1 = I (_i L_ V (/J + 1) (w + 4) 3 \w + 1 w + 4/ , Therefore, separating the positive and negative terms, we find the sum of the series to be 1/1111 1 3(2+3+4 + 5+-- + ^ + n n -\-l _1_1_ _1 1 1 1 1_\ 5 6 "** n n + l n + 2 n + 3 w + 4/' or, omitting the terms which cancel each other, 1(1 + 1 + 1 1 1 i_). 3\2^3^4 n + 2 n -\- 3 n -{- ^ When n is infinite, the sum becomes 1/1 1 1\ _ 1 13 _ 13 3\2 "^3 "^4/ ~ 3*12 "■ 36* EXERCISES. What is the sum of n terms of the series : '' 3^ + 4^+5^ + ^*^- 111 1 3.5 ' 5.7 ' 7.9 ^ ^ (2w + 1) (27i + 3} 348 SEBIE8. 2.2.2 2-5 + 3-6 + 4.7 + • • • • "^ (?^ + 1) (/^ + 4)" '^' 1-3 ^2.4^3-5 • ' ^(?i + 2) 5. Sum the series + 7 ^w — r~Q\ + ®*^-» ^^ *V- a(a + 1) ^ (rt + 1) (« + 2) ' (« + 2) (a + 3) 396. To sum the series /S^ = 1 + 2r + 3r2 + 4r3 + etc. Let us first find the sum of n terms, which we shall call 8n' Then i9n = 1 + 2r + 37-2 + 4r3 ^ ^^»-i. Multiplying by r, we have r/Sn = r + 2r2 + 3r3 4- 4r* + -f nr^. By subtraction, (1 — 7-)/^n=:l+r+r2 + r3 + r^-i — ?2r'* ■*^ "" '^ - wr^ (§ 212, Prob. V). 1 — r 1 — r^ wr^ Therefore, 8n=^^_^y ^_^ Now suppose w to increase without limit. If r > 1, the sum of the series will evidently increase without limit. If r < 1, both r^ and nr^ will converge toward zero as n increases (as we shall show hereafter), and we shall have 1 S (1-r) EXERCISES. Find in the above way the sum of the following series to n terms and to infinity, supposing r < 1 : 1. a + 3ar + 5ar^ + 'Tar^ + (2^^ _ 1) ar'^-t. 2. 2a + 4«r -f dar^ + Sar^ + 2nar^~\ 3- ia-\-l))r + {a-\-2b)r^ ■\- + (a + nb) r**. SEBIE8. 349 297. Sum the series of which the general term is —7 — --tt-? — r—^ * ° w (?^ H- 1) (^^ + 2) Let us find whether we can express this series as the sum of two series. Assume 1 ^ 4. ^ n{n + l)(n + 2) n (n -\- 1) ^ {n -\- 1) (?^ + 2) ' where, if possible, the values of the indeterminate coefficients A and B are to be so chosen that this equation shall be true identically. Eeducing the second member to a common denominator, we have 1 (A + B) n + 2 A n{n-\-l) {n + 2) ~ n{n -Yl){n + 2)' In order that these fractions may be identically equal, we must have {A-\-B)n-{-2A = 1, identically, which requires that we have (§ 281), A-\- B = 0, 2A = 1. This gives ^ == 2' ^ ~ ~ 2* Therefore, 1 1111 n{n-{-l){n + 2) 2n{n-\-l) 2 {n -\- 1) {n -\- 2)* so that each term of the series {a) may be divided into two terms. The whole senes will then be We see on sight, that by cancelling equal terms, the sum of n terms is ^ 1 1 4 2(/^ + l)(7^ + 2)' and the sum to infinity is j* 350 8ERIE8. 298. Consider the harmonic series of which the n*^ term is — This series is divergent, because 7b we may divide it into an unlimited number of parts, each equal to or greater than ^ , as follows : 1st term : = 1, >i= 3d term 1. "" 2' 3d and 4:th terms >\: etc. etc. In general, if we consider the n consecutive terms. n + 1^ 71-^%^ ^ 27i' the smallest will be ^ , and therefore their sum will be greater than — X ^, that is, greater than -• Now if in {a) we suppose n to take the successive values, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc., we shall divide the series into an unlimited number of parts of the form (a), each greater than -• There- fore, the sum has no limit and so is divergent. Of Differences. 299. When we have a series of quantities proceeding ac- cording to any law, we may take the difference of every two consecutive quantities, and thus form a series of differences. The terms of this series are called First Differences. Taking the difference of every two consecutive differences, we shall have another series, the terms of which are called Second Differences. The process may be continued so long as there are any dif- ferences to write. SERIES. 351 Example. In the second column of the following table are given the seven val ues of the expression a4 _ i0a;s ^ 30a;2 _ 40a; + 25 = (^ix, for 2; = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. In the third column a' are given the differences, 6 _ 25 = — 19, 1 — 6 = — 5, — 14 — 1 = — 15, etc. In column a" are given the differences of these differences, namely, _ 5 _ (_ 19) = + 14, _ 15 — (- 5) = — 10, etc. X (jiX A' A" A'" A«- A- +25 -19 1+6 +14 — 5 —24 2 +1 —10 +24 — 15 3 _14 -—lo +24 — 25 +24 4 _39 +14 +24 — 11 + 48 5 _50 +62 + 51 6+1 The process is continued to the fourth order of differences, which are all equal, whence those of the fifth and following orders are all zero. It will be noted that the sign of each difference is taken so that it shall express each quantity minus the quantity next preceding. We have therefore the following definitions : 300. Def, The First Difference of a function of any variable is the increment of the function caused by an increment of unity in the variable. The Second Difference is the difference between two consecutive first differences. In general, the ii*'* Difference is the difference be- tween two consecutive (n — ly^ differences.- 352 SERIES, To investigate the relation among the differences, let us represent the successive numbers in each column by the indices 1, 2, 3, etc., and let us put Aj, Ag, Ag, etc., for the values of (jix. We shall then have the following scheme of differences, in which a;=Ai-Ao, a;=A2-Ai, a; = A3-A3; a: = a;-a;, a- = a;-a';, a- = a';-a'^; etc. etc. etc. the n^^ order of differences being represented by the symbol A with Qi accents. Ao A' Ai " a; a; a; A. A'; a; A' ^" As • a; An Let us now consider the following problem : To express Ai in terms of A^, Ao, Ao, etc. We have, by the mode of forming the differences, Ai = Ao + a;, a; = a; -\- a;, a; = a; + a';, etc. («> Ag = Aj + a'i, a; = a'i + Ai, Ag = Ai + a''' etc. If in this last system of equations, we substitute the values of Aj, Ai, etc., from the system («), we have Ag = Ao + 2a; + a;, a; = a; + 2a; + a;', etc. {h) Again, A3 = Ag + a;, a; =: a; + a;, a'; = a; + a^, etc. DIFFERENCES. 353 Substituting the values of Ag, Ag, etc., from (h), we have A3 = Ao -f 2a; + a; . + a; + 2a; + ^0 or A3 = Ao + 3a; + 3a;' + Ao (c) A3 = A, + 3a; + 3a'^ +a: A's = A'o + 3a: + a;' + a; + 2a'; + A'J a; = a; + 3a; + sa; + aj Forming A4 = A3 + A3, etc., we see that the coefficients of Aq, Aq, etc., which we add, are the same as the coefficients of the successive powers of x in raising 1 + cc to the n^^ power by successive multiplication, as in § 171. That is, to form A^, A'^, etc., the coefficients to be added are 13 3 1 1 3 3 1 14 6 4 1 and these are to be added in the same way to form Ag, and so on indefinitely. Hence we conclude that if i be any index, the law will be the same as in the binomial theorem, namely, Ai = Ao + ^'a; + (I) a; + (i) a;' + etc. ) a; = a; + K + (I) a; + (I) A'j + etc. ) To show rigorously that this result is true for all values of iy we have to prove that if true for any one value, it must be true for a value one greater. Now we have, by definition, whatever be ^, At+i = Ai -f Ai, Aixi = Ai + Ai', etc. Hence, substituting the above value of Aj and Ai, At+i = Ao + {i + 1) a; + [(I) + *j a; + K)+©]^o+etc. (.) 23 354 SERIES. We readily prove that ©+(i)=m etc. 3 etc. Substituting these values in (e), the result is the same given by the equation {d) when we put i + 1 for i. The form (c) shows the formula to be true for i = 3. Therefore it is true for i = 4. Therefore it is true for i = 5, etc., indefinitely. EXAMPLES AND EXERCISES. I. Having given A,, = 7, ^'q = 5, Aq = — 2, and A'", A'% etc. = 0, it is required to find the values of Aj, Ag, A3, etc., indefinitely, both by direct computation and by the formula (d). We start the work thus: The numbers in column A" are all equal to — 2, because A"' = 0. Each number in column A' after the first is found by adding A" or — 3 to the one next above it. Each value of A^ is then obtained from the one next above it by adding the .appropriate value of A^ , This process of addition can be carried to any extent. Continuing it to i = 10, we shall find A,o = —33. Next, the general formula (d) gives, by putting A,, = 7, ^0 = ^^ ^0 = ~^> and all following values = 0, and the student is now to show that by putting i = 1, i = 2, etc., in this expression, we obtain the same values of Aj, Ag, A3, .... Aio, that we get by addition in the above scheme. It is moreover to be remarked that we can reduce the last equation to an entire function of % thus : Ai = 7 + 6i - i2. i Ai Ai Ai 7 + 5 1 + 12 + 3 -2 2 + 15 + 1 -2 3 etc. — 1 -2 4 etc. -2 etc. etc. DIFFERENCES. 355 2. Having given Ao = 5, A'^, = —20, A'^ = —30, A'" = + 9, it is required to find in the same way the values of Aj to As, and to express Ai as an entire function of i by formula {d). 3. On March 1, 1881, at Greenwich noon, the sun's longi- tude was 341° 5' 10". 9 ; on March 2 it was greater by 1° 0' 9".6, but this daily increase was diminishing by 2" each day. It is required to compute the longitude for the first seven days of the month, and to find an expression for its value on the n^^ day of March. 4. A family had a reservoir containing, on the morning of May 5, 495 gallons of water, to which the city added regularly 50 gallons per day. The family used 35 gallons on May 5, and 5 gallons more each subsequent day than it did on the day preceding. Find a general expression for the quantity of water on the n*^ day of May ; and by equating this expression to zero, find at what time the water will all be gone. Also ex- plain the two answers given by the equation. Theorems of Differences. 301. To investigate the general properties of differences, we use a notation slightly different from that just employed. If u be any function of x, which we may call (px, so that we put u = (px, then Au = (p (x -]- 1) — (px. (a) Here the symbol A does not represent a multiplier, but merely the words difference of. The second difference of u being the difference of the dif- ference, may be represented by AAw. For brevity, we put A^?^ for AA?/, where the index 2 is not an exponent, but a symbol indicating a second difference. Continuing the same notation, the n^^ difference will be represented by A^. 356 8EBIE8. EXAMPLE. To find the successive differences of the function u =1 aoi? -\- hx\ By the formula {a), we have ^u = a(x + lf + l){x + 1)2 — «a;3 - Ix^ ; and, by developing. Aw = Zax^ + (3« + 2^) 2; + a + J. Taking the difference of this last equation, A% = 3a (a; + 1)2 + (3a ■\- U) {x -^ 1) + a + b — Sax^ — (da + 2b)x-'a — b = 6ax + 6a + 2b, Again taking the difference, we have A^u = 6a (a; + 1) — 6ax = 6a. This expression not containing x, A%, A^u, etc., all vanish. EXERCISES. Compute the differences of the functions : I. a^ -]- mx^ + nx + p, 2. 2x^ + dx^ + 5. 3. 6a^ + 10a;2 + 15. 4. In the case of the last expression, prove the agreement of results by computing the values of A^^, Ahi, etc., for x = 0, x=:l, and x = S, and comparing them with those obtained by the method of § 299. The latter are shown in the follow- ing table : u = 6:^ + 10a:2 + 15. X u Au A^u A^u 15 1 15 30 50 2 65 30 95 80 3 145 30 240 110 4 255 495 5 DIFFERENCES. 357 5. Do tlie same thing for exercise 2, and for tlie function tabulated in § 299. 302. It will be seen by the preceding examples and exer- cises, that for each difference of an entire function of x which we form, the degree of the function is diminished by unity. This result is generalized in the following theorem : The -nP^ differences of the function of' are constant and equal to n ! Proof. If ^^ = x'^, we have, by the definition of the sym- bol A, i^u = {x -\- 1)^ — a;», or Am = nx'^-^ + (^)a:^~^ + etc. That is, in talcing the difference, the highest power of x is multiplied by its exponent and the latter is dimin- ished by unity. Continuing the process, we shall find the n^^ difference to be n{n — l){n — ^) 1 = n\ Cor. If we have an entire function of x of the degree n, ax^ + hx^-^ + cx^-2 _|_ etc., the {n — ly^ difference of hx!^-^, the {71 — 2Y difference of cx'^~'^, etc., will all be constant, and therefore the n^^ difference of these terms will all vanish. Therefore, the n^^ difference of the entire function will be the same as the n^^ difference of ax"^ ; that is, we have A^ {ax"^ + Ix^-'^ + etc.) = a7i ! Hence, the vP^ difference of a function of the n*^ de- 1 gree is constant, and equal to n ! multiplied by the coeffi- cient of the highest power of the variable. 358 SERIES. CHAPTER IV. THE DOCTRINE OF LIMITS. 303. The doctrine of limits embraces a set of principles applicable to cases in which the usual methods of calculation fail, in consequence of some of the quantities to be used van- ishing or increasing without limit. We have already made extensive use of some of the princi- ples of this doctrine, and thus familiarized the student with their application, but our further advance requires that they should be rigorously developed. Axiom I. Any quantity, however small, may Ibe multiplied so often as to exceed any other fixed quan- tity, however great. Ax. II. Conversely, any quantity, however great, may be divided into so many parts that each part shall be less than any other fixed quantity, however small. Def. An Independent Variable is a quantity to which we may assign any value we please, however smaU or great. Theorem I. If a fraction have any finite numerator, and an independent variable for its denominator, we may assign to this denominator a value so great that the fraction shall he less than any quantity, however small, which we may assign. Proof. Let a be the numerator of the fraction, x its de- nominator, and a any quantity, however small, which we may choose to assign. Let w be the number of times we must multiply u to make it greater than a. (Axiom I.) We shall then have a < na. Consequently, - < «. LIMITS. 369 Hence, by taking x greater than n, we shall have a ^ - < «. X Example. Let a = 10. Then if we take for a in succes- ^^^^' Wo' who' Woo' '^'-^ ^^ ^^'' ^^^^ *" ^^^' X > 1,000, X > 100,000, X > 10,000,000, etc., to make — less than a. X In the language of limits, the above theorem is expressed thus : The limit of - , when x is indefinitely increased, is zero. Theorem IT. If a fraction have any finite numerator, and an independent variable for its denoininator, we may assign to this denominator a value so small that the fraction shall exceed any quantity, however gi^eat, which we may assign. Proof. Put as before - for the fraction, and let A be any X number however great, which we choose to assign. Let ^ be a number greater than ^. Divide a into n parts, and let a be one of these parts ; then a = na. Consequently, - =z n. Therefore, if we take for x a quantity less than a, we shall have -> n> A, X or - y A. X Eem. If we have two independent variables, x and y: We may make x any number of times greater than y. 360 LIMITS. Then we may make y any number of times greater than this value of x. Then we may make x any number of times greater than this value of y. And we can thus continue, making each variable outstrip the other to any extent in a race toward infinity, without either ever reaching the goal. Theorem III. If Tc he any fixed quantity, however great, and a a quantity which we may make as small as we please, we may mahe the product ha less than any assignable quantity. Proof. If there is any smallest value of Jca, let it be s. Because we may make a as small as we please, let us put «»3 /jf3 oj Lim. (a;=o) = 3fl2. Lim. (a;=oo) = 1. X — a X -{-1 Eem. This form of notation is often used for the follow- ing purpose. Having a function of x which we may call X, the form X{x=a) means, " the value of X when a; = a." EXAMPLES. {x^ + a\x=a) = a^ -\-a. {x^ — aPjicc=a) = 0. If we require the limit of a fraction when both terms be- come zero or infinite, divide both terms by some common factor which becomes zero or infinity. Rem. If the beginner has any difficulty in understanding the pre- ceding exposition, it will be sufficient for him to think of the limit as simply the value of the expression when the quantity on which it de- pends becomes zero or infinity. For instance, Lim. — — :r (x = cc), the value of which we have found to be unity, may be regarded as simply the value of the expression, go 00 +l' Although this way of thinking is convenient, and generally leads to correct results, it is not mathematically rigorous, because neither zero nor infinity are, properly speaking, mathematical quantities, and people are often led into paradoxes by treating them as such. EXERCISES. Find the limit of I. when X approaches infinity. X 2. Divide both terms by x. T — — — when X approaches infinity. 7723/ when X approaches infinity. — ax 364 LIMITS. when X approaches infinity. 1 — ax /p2 ^2 5. when X approaches a. t^ X ■^~ cl 6. when x approaches infinity. ct — X Properties of liimits. 305. Theorem I. If two functions are equal, they must have the same limit. Proof. If possible, let L and L' be two different limits for the respective functions. Put , = \(L-L'), so that L and L' differ by 2z. Because L is the limit of the one function, the latter may approach this limit so nearly as to differ from it by less than z. In the same way, the other function may differ from L' by less than z. Then, because L and L' differ by 2^, the func- tions would differ, which is contrary to the hypothesis. Theorem II. The limit of the sum of several func- tions is equal to the sum, of their separate limits. Proof. Let the functions be JT, X', X", etc. Let their limits be X, L', L", etc. Let their differences from their limits be a, a', a", etc. Then X=: L-a, X' = L' - a', X" = Z" - a", etc. etc. Adding, we have X+X' + X" + etc. = Z+Z' + X" + etc. -(« + «' + «"+ etc.) The theorem asserts that we may take the functions so near their limits that the sums of the differences « + «' + ce" + etc. shall be less than any quantity we can assign. LIMITS. 365 Let h be this quantity, which may be ever so small ; n, the number of the quantities a, a', a", etc. ; a, the largest of them. Because we can bring the functions as near their limits as we please, we may bring them so near as to make k « < -, or 7ia 1, the successive powers of x will go on increasing indefinitely, while the coefficients (~), (^V etc., will not go 24 370 BINOMIAL THEOBEM. on diminishing indefinitely in the same ratio. For, let us consider two successive terms of the development, the ith and the (^ + 1)*^ namely, (?).. and {^y^ The quotient of the second by the first is i I n \ in\ _n — I X. As i increases indefinitely, this coefficient of x will approach the limit —1 (§ 304), while x is by hypothesis as great as 1. Therefore, by continuing the series, a point will be reached from which the terms will no longer diminish. Therefore, The development of (1 -\- xY in -powers of x is not con- vergent unless a; < 1. In consequence, if we develop {a + ly when n is negative or fractional, we must do so in ascending powers of the lesser of the two quantities, a or h. EXAMPLES. I. Develop (1 + x)^, or the square root of 1 + a;. Putting n =1 -, we have ©- 3V2 / _ _ 1 -i 3(3 ~ Via -^) 1.1.3 1.3.3 3.4.6 3 \il i V3/ ~ 2.4.6- etc. etc. etc. BINOMIAL THEOREM. 371 Whence, If a; is a small fraction, the terms in x^, a?, etc., will be 1 series will give a result very near the truth. "We therefore ^ conclude : much smaller than - x itself, and the first two terms of the \ The square root of 1 plus a small fraction is approxi' mately equal to 1 plus half that fraction. 2. To develop VlO. We see at once that VlO is between 3 and 4. We put 10 in the form 32 + 1 = 32(1 + i), when VlO = 3 (l + ^' Then, by the development just performed, / 1\^ 111 5 (^ + 9/ "= -^ "^ 2:9 ~ 8^92 + l6'."9^ ~ 128:9^ + ®*^- We now sum the terms : 1st term, 1.0000000 2d « = 1st -J- 18, .... + .0555556 3d « = 2d -^ - 36, ... — .0015432 4th " = 3d -^ - 18, . . . + .0000857 5th " = 4th X — 5 -^ 72, - — .0000060 6th " = 5th X -7-T-90, . + .0000005 Sum = (1 + ^) = 1.0540926 Whence, VlO = 3 x sum = 3.1622778 which may be in error by a few units in the last place, owing to the omission of the decimals past the seventh. 372 EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. 3. To develop a/8. We see that 3 is tlie nearest whole number of the root. So we put V8 = V(3' - 1) = 'y/s^ (1 - g) = 3 (1 - s)* from which the development may be effected as before. EXERCISES. 1. Compute the square root of 8 to 6 decimals, and from it find the square root of 2 by § 183. 2. Develop (1 — x)^. 3. Develop (1 — x)~^, and express the term in rr*. Term m x^ = — znrn -w-- — ^ • 2.4.6 . . . . 2i 4. Develop r and express the general term. (1 + xY 5. Develop (1 + -) and express the general term. 6. Develop (1 — x) , and express the general term. 7. Develop the m^ root oi 1 + m, 8. Develop {a — l)~% when a <,h, 9. Develop (1 — x)-^, when ic > 1. Because the development will not be convergent in ascend- ing powers of x when a; > 1, we transform thus: 1-x \ xr (1\" 1 ) 10. Develop the m^^ power of 1 H 11. Compute the cube root of 1610 to six decimals. EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. 373 12. Develop {Va + V^)" 13. Using the functional notation, ^W = l + (f)- + (f)=>^ + (|)^ + ete., multiply the two series, (^ (m) and (w), and show by the for- mulse of § 261 that the product is equal to (p{m -\- n). The Exponential Theorem, 309. Let it be required, if possible, to develop a^ in powers of x, a being any quantity whatever. Assume a^=C^ + G^x + C^x' + C^^ + etc. (1) to be true for all values of x. Putting any other quantity y in place of X, we shall have ay=C, + C^y + C^y^ + C,y^ + etc. (2) By the law of exponents we must always have a"" X av = a'^+y. Now the value of a^'^v is found by writing x + y for a; in (1), which gives a^^y = C, + G, (x+y) + C^ {x+yY+ 0, {x+yY+eic. (3) On the other hand, by multiplying equations (1) and (2), we find a-oM = (7o2 + C,C,y + C,C,y^ + C,C,f + etc. + Co C^x + C^^xy + Cj O^xy^ + etc. , . + C,C,x^ + C,G,x^y + etc. ^^ 4- Gq G^a? + etc. By § 285, the coefficients of all the products of like powers of X and y must be equal. By equating them, we shall have more equations than there are quantities to be determined, and, unless these equations are all consistent, the development is impossible. To facilitate the process of comparison, we have in equation (4) arranged all terms which are homogeneous in X and y under each other. 374 BINOMIAL THEOREM. By putting a; = in (1), we find flO = G,y whence C^ = 1. (§ 103.) Comparing the tenns of the first degree in x and y in (3) and (4), we find Coefficient of x, G^ = 0^0^; These two equations are the same, and agree with 0^ = 1; but neither of them gives a value for C\, which must therefore remain undetermined. Comparing the terms of the second degree, we find, by de- veloping {x + yY, C, {x^ + 2xy + y') = C,x^ + C^^xy + C,y% which gives ^^z = ^-i) Whence C^ = -\ C^K Comparing the terms of the third order in the same way, we have C,{a^+3xiy+dxy^+y^) = C,a^-{-C,C,x^y+C^C^xy^+C,y% which gives 30^ = C^C^ = I C^^; whence C^ z= ^-^ (7,3. If the successive values of C follow the same law, we shall have and in general, On = — G^^. (5) Let us now investigate whether these values of G render the equations (3) and (4) identically equal. Let us consider the corresponding terms of the n^^ degree, n being any positive integer. In (3) this term will be On {x + yY, EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. 375 Expanding, it will be Cn U" + nx^-^ y + (I) iC»-2 y^ + (|) a:^"^ ^^ + etc. J (6) In (4) the sum of the corresponding terms will be, putting Co =1, Cn^ + C^Cn-i3^-'y-^G^Cn-2x^-''y^+C^Cn-zx^-^y^ + ^ic. (7) The first terms in the two expressions are identical. The comparison of the second terms gives C nCn = C^Cn-h whence On = -^ On-i. ft This corresponds with (5), because (5) gives and if we substitute this value of Cn-i in the preceding ex- pression for Cn, it will become p cl___cl ^''- n(n -1)1 ~ i^i!* which agrees with (5). The third terms of (6) and (7) being equated give iP^ iy o Cn Substituting the values of Cn, C^, and Cn-% assumed in the general form (5), we have (n\ y^n _ 1 1 nn and we wish to know if this equation is true. Multiplying both sides by n ! and dropping the common factor C\, it becomes (i)= 2! {n-%)V which is an identical equation. In the same way, the comparison of the following terms in (6) and (7) give ln\ _ n\ hi\ __ n\ Vdl ~ 3! (n-d)V \l) - 4! (7* -4)1' ^^'' 376 EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. all of which are identical equations. Hence the conditions of the development, namely, that (6) and (7), and therefore (3) and (4), shall be identically equal, are all satisfied by the values of the coefficients G in (5). Substituting those values in (1), the development becomes ««^ = 1 + G^x + ^ G,^x^ + j^ G^^x^ + etc. (8) This development is called the Exponential Theorem, as the development of {a + iY is called the binomial theorem. 310, The value of G^ is still to be determined. To do this, assign to x the particular value ^r • Then the equation (8) becomes * 111 ^ + ^ + 1.2 + 1.2.3 "^ 4- etc., ad inf, (9) The second member of this equation is a pure number, without any algebraic symbol. We can readily compute its approximate value, since dividing the third term by 3 gives the fourth term, dividing this by 4 gives the fifth, etc. Then 1 + 1 = 2.000000 -1.2 = .500000 r- 1-2.3 = .166667 - = .041667 - = .008333 - = .001389 - = .000198 - = .000025 - = .000003 Sum ( )f the series to 6 decimals. 2.718282 This constant number is extensively used in the higher mathematics and is called the Naperian base.* It is repre- sented for shortness by the symbol e, so that e = 2.718282.... The last equation is therefore written in the form j_ * After Baron Napier, the inventor of logarithms. EXPONMTtit^mEOREM. 377 Eaising to the C^^^ power, we have a = e^^ Hence : JTie quantity C^ is the exponent of the power to which we must raise the constant e to produce the number a. We may assign one value to a, namely, e itself, which will lead to an interesting result. Putting a = e,WG have 0^ =1, and the exponential series gives e»' = l + x + ^ + j^ + j:^ + etc. (10) If we put x=zl, we have the series for e itself, and if we put X = — 1, we have '~' = -e = ^-^-^ 1:2- i:2r3-^ 17273:1-'''' We thus have the curious result that this series and (9) are the reciprocals of each other. EXERCISES. 1. Substitute in the first four or five terms of the expres- sions (6) and (7) the values of C^, Cg, Cn-2, etc., given by (5), and show that (6) and (7) are thus rendered identically equal. Note. This is merely a sliglit modification of the process we have actually followed in comparing the coefficients of like powers of x and p in (6) and (7). 2. Compute arithmetically the values of 2.71832, 2.7183-1, and 2.7183~2, and show that they are the same numbers, to three places of decimals, that we obtain by putting ^ = 2, a; = — 1, and x= — 2 in (10), and computing the first eight or ten terms of the series. 3. Since 6^+® = eef^, the equation (10) gives, by substituting the developments of e^'^^ and e^, X + l + . + (l + ^Vil + M_V(l + ^ + etc. (X^ X^ X^ \ 1 + ^ + 2! + 3! + 4! + «*°- )■ It is required to prove the identity of these developments, by showing that the coefficients of like powers of a; are equal. 378 LOGARITHMS. CHAPTER VI. LOGARITHMS. 311. To form the logarithm of a number, a constant num^^ ber is assumed at pleasure and called the hase. \ Def. The Logarithm of a number is the exponent of the power to which tlie base must be raised to pro- duce the number. The logarithm of x is written log x. Let us put a, the base ; X, the number ; I, the logarithm of x. Then d = x. Eem. For every positive value we assign to x there will b& one and only one value of I, so long as the base a remains un- changed. } Def. A System of Iiogaxithms means the loga- rithms of all positive numbers to a given base. * The base is then called the base of the system. Properties of liOgarithms, 313. Consider the equations, a' = l; ) Mogl =0; a^ = a; V whence by definition, \loga = 1 ; a^ = a2 : log a2 = 2. Hence, I. The logaritJnn of 1 is zero, whatever he the hase. II. The logarithm of the hase is 1. III. The logarithm of any numher hetween 1 and the hase is a positive fraction. IV. The logarithms of powers of the hase are integers, but no other logarithms are. LOGARITHMS. 379 Again we liave a cr"' = — a"' 1 \ /i_„l log- =-l; whence by definition, { log — ^ = — 2 ; log — = — n. Hence, V. The logarithm; of a number hetween and 1 is negative. Again, as we increase n, the value of aP- increases without limit, and that of — approaches zero as its limit. Hence, VI. TJie logarithm of is negative infinity. VII. Theoeem. The logarithin of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its factors. Proof. Let p and q be two factors, and suppose h = log p, Ic = log q. Then a^ == p, a* = q. Multiplying, a^a^ = a^'^^ = pq. Whence, by definition, ^ + ^ = log {pq), or log p + \ogq =z log {pq). The proof may be extended to any number of factors. VIII. Theoeem. The logarithm of a quotient is found by subtracting the logarithm of the divisor from that of the dividend. Proof. Dividing instead of multiplying the equations in the last theorem, we have a* q 380 LOGARITHMS. Hence, by definition, 7i — ^ = log - , or log^— log^ = log^. IX. Theorem. The logarithm of any power of a num- her is equal to the logarithm of the nuiriber multiplied by the exponent of the power. Proof. Let h = log p, and let n be the exponent. Then a^ = p. Eaising both sides to the n^^ power. Whence nh = logp^, or n logp = \ogp^. X. Theorem. I7ie logarithm^ of a root of a numher is equal to the logarithm of the number divided by the index of the root. Proof. Let s be the number, and let p be its n^^ root, so that p = \^s and s = p^. Hence, log s = log p"' = n log p. (IX.) Therefore, log^ = ^^ , or. loa: y^s = — ^— Note. We may also apply Th. IX, since p = A Con- sidering - as a power, the theorem gives log^ = - log s. EXE RCISE S. Express the following logarithms in terms of log p^ log . -* . . ^(^— 1) o ^{^ 1)(^— 2) ««. i. (1 + «/)«' = 1 + a;y + -\:^- 1 + -^^ — iT^Tg ' ^'+etc. 382 L0QAB1THM8. If we develop the coefficients of y\ y\ etc., by performing the multiplications, we have Coef. of y^ = ^^; Pa^t in a; = — |. ^ "" 2-3 ' ^3 In general, in the coefficient of y^, or I y\ or fl| ■ ^yx i ^ -v — X the term containing the first power of x will fce \^^ ±1»2.3 (n—l)x _ , ^ 1.2.3 n ~ ^n Hence, (1+^)35 = i+a;(?/ — I+I-— |- + etc. j + terms in x\ a^, etc. On the other hand, the exponential development, § 309, (8), gives, by putting 1 + y for a. (1 + y)^ = 1 -{■ C^x -\- terms in x% a^, etc. Equating the coefficients of x in these two identical series we have ^•==2/-|' + |'-|* + etc. (1) The value of 0^ is given by the theorem of § 310, putting 1 + y for ff ; that is, C^ is here defined by the equation eC, — 1 4_ y. Hence, if we take the number e (§ 310) as the base of a system of logarithms, we shall have C, = log (1+2/). Comparing with (1), we reach the conclusion : Theorem. Assuming the Jfaperian base e as a base, we have log (1 + 2/) = 2/ - I' + I' - f-V etc., ad inf. (2) LOGARITHMS. 383 Def. Logarithms to the Ibase e are called Naperian Logarithms, or Natural Logaxithms. The appellation " natural " is used, because this is the simplest system of logarithms. Rem. The series (2) is not convergent when ?/ > 1, and therefore must be transformed for use. Putting —y fox y in (2), we have log (1-2/) = -^-| -|-etc. Subtracting this from (2), and noticing that log (1 + 2/) - log (1 - 2/) = log ^ (Th. VIII), we have log ^ = 22/ + ^' + ^' + etc. (3) Now n being any number of which we wish to investigate the logarithm, let us suppose y = - — — r* This will give 1+y ^ n+1 1—y n ' whence log ~^^ = log ^— = log {71 + 1) — log n. Substituting these values in (3), we have log {n + l)-\ogn = ^^ + ^^lys + ^^^^Jy + etc. (4) This series enables us to find log {n + 1) when we know log n. To find log 2, we put n = 1, which, because log 1 = 0, gives Summing five terms of this series, we find log 2 = 0.693147 384 LOGARITHMS. Putting w = 2 in (4), we have which gives log 3 = 1.098612. . Because 9 = 3^, log 9 = 2 log 3 = 2.197224. Putting w = 9 in (4), we have log 10 = log 9 + 2(i + 3i-^3 + ^-9, + etc.), whence log 10 = 2.302585. In this way the Naperian logarithms of all numbers may be computed. It is only necessary to compute the logarithms of the prime numbers from the series, because those of the com- posite numbers can be formed by adding the logarithms of their prime factors. (§ 312, VII.) 314. Definitive Form of the Exponential Series. We are now prepared to give the exponential series (§ 309, 8) its defi- nite form. Since the coefficient G^ is defined by the equation e^> = a, the quantity C is the Naperian logarithm of a. Hence, the exponential series is a^ = 1 + ^log a , (^ log o f , { x log ay . which is a fundamental development in Algebra. By putting « = e, we have log « = 1, and the series be- comes that for e« already found. By putting a; = 1, we have an expression for any number in terms of its natural logarithm, namely. Comparison of Two Systems of Logarithms. 315. Put e, the base of one system ; a, the base of another ; n, a number of which we take the logarithm in both systems. LOGARITHMS. 385 Putting I and T for the logarithms in the two systems, we have ^ = n, a!'' = n, and therefore ef' = a^\ (1) Now put k for the logarithm of a to the base e. Then e* = «, and raising both members to the l'^^ power, e^' = ai\ Comparing with (1), I = TcV, or V = lx\' ^ (2) This equation is entirely independent of w, and is therefore the same for all values of 7i. Hence, Theorem. // we multiply the logarithm of any numher to the base a by the logarithm of a to the base e, we shall have the logajdthui of the number to the base e. 316. Although there may be any number of systems of logarithms, only two are used in practice, namely : 1. The natural or Naperian system, base = e = 2.718282 2. The common system, base = 10. The natural system is used for purely algebraic purposes. The common system is used to facilitate numerical calculations. Assigning these values to e and a in the preceding section, the constant k is the natural logarithm of 10, which we have found to be 2.302585. Therefore, by (2), for any number, nat. log = common log x 2.302585, , , nat. loff. and ^^°^"^«^^l«g = 2X0258^. = nat. log X 0.4342944.... Hence, 25 386 LOGARITHMS. Theoeem. The common logarithm of amj number way he found by multiplying its natural logarithm by 0.4342944 .... or by the reciprocal of the JYaperian loga- rithm of 10. Def, The numlber 0.4342944 is called the Modulus of the commoii system of logarithms. EXERCISES. 1. Show that if a and J be any two bases, the logarithm of a to the base h and the logarithm of b to the base a are the re- ciprocals of each other. 2. What does this theorem express in the case of the natu- ral and common systems of logarithms ? Cominon Logarithms. 317. Because 102 _ 100, X /log 100 = 2, 101 z= 10, j j log 10 =z 1, 100 = IW \ log 1 = 0, ^ ^ . 1 ) we have to base 10, < , 1 ^ etc. etc. The following conclusions respecting common logarithms will be evident from an inspection of the above examples : I. Tfie logarithm of any number between 1 and 10 is a fraction between and 1. II. The logarithm of a nuiJiber with two digits is 1 plus some fraction. III. In general, the logarithm of a number of i digits is i — If plus some fraction. IV. The logarithm^ of a fraction less than unity is negative. V. The logarithms of two numbers, the reciprocal of each other, are equal and of opposite signs. LOGARITHMS. 387 YI. If one nu-mher is 10 times another, its logarithm will be greater by unitij. Proof. If 10^ = n, then 10^+^ = 10 X 10' = lOn. Hence, if I = log n, then Z + 1 = log lOn. 318. To give an idea of the progression of logarithms, the following table of logarithms of the first 11 numbers should be studied. The logarithms are not exact, because all logarithms, ex- cept those of powers of 10, are irrational numbers, and there- fore when expressed as decimals extend out indefinitely. We give only the first two decimals. logl = 0.00, log 7 = 0.85, log 2==: 0.30, logs =0.90, log 3 = 0.48, log 9 = 0.95, log 4 = 0.60, log 10 = 1.00, log 5 = 0.70, log 11 = 1.04. log 6 = 0.78, It will be noticed that the difference between two consecu- tive logarithms continually diminishes as the numbers increase. For instance, the difference between log 20 and log 10 must by § 312, VIII, be the same as between log 1 and log 2. 319. Computation of Logarithms. Since the logarithms of all composite numbers may be found by adding the loga- rithms of their factors, it is only necessary to show how the logarithms of prime numbers are computed. "We have already shown (§ 313) how the natural logarithms may be computed, and (§ 316) how the common ones may be derived from them by multiplying by the modulus 0.4342944.... It is not how- ever necessary to multiply the whole logarithm by this factor, but we may proceed thus: We have, putting if for the modulus, com. log n = M nat. log n, com. log (w + 1) = M nat. log {n + 1) ; 388 L0QABITHM8. whence, by subtraction, com. log (n + l) — com. log n = M[natAog {n + l)—nat.\ogn]; and, by substituting for nat. log (w + 1) — nat. log n its value, § 313, com. log (^ + 1) = com. log n + ^^^^^ + ^2^-1)3 By means of this series, the computations of the successive logarithms may be carried to any extent. Tables of the logarithms of numbers up 100,000, to seven places of decimals, are in common use for astronomical and mathematical calcula- tions. One table to ten decimals was published about the beginning of the present century. The most extended tables ever undertaken were constructed under the auspices of the French government about 1795, and have been known under the name of Les Orandes Tables du Cadastre. Many of the logarithms were carried to nineteen places of decimals. They were never published, but are preserved in manuscript. 330. It may interest the student who is fond of computa- tion to show how the common logarithms of small numbers may be computed by a method based immediately on first principles. Let 71 be a number, and let - be an approximate value of its logarithm. We shall then have, p n = IDS', or, raising to the q^^ power, 71^ = lOP. Hence, could we find a power of the number which is also a power of 10, the ratio of the exponents would at once give the logarithm. This can never be exactly done with whole numbers, but, if the condition be approximately fulfilled, we shall have an approximate value of the logarithm. Let us seek log 2 in this way. Forming the successive powers of 2, we find 210 = 1024 = 103(1.024). (1) LOGARITHMS. 389 Hence, 3 : 10 = 0.3 is an approximation to log 2. To find a second approximation, we form the powers of 1.024 until we reach a number nearly equal to 2 or 10, or the quo- tient of any power of 2 by a power of 10. Suppose, for instance, that we find 1.024^ = 2. Because 1.024 = 2^^ -j- 10^, this equation will give )x = 2, or 210^ = 2.103«', or 2^^^ = lOs^^, oioxcc = 2, or 2^"^ = 2.10= Sx which will give log 2 10a; Tf we form the powers of 1.024 by the binomial theorem, or in any other way, we shall find that x is between 29 and 30, from which we conclude that log 2 = 0.301 nearly. To obtain a yet more exact value, we form the 30th power of 1.024 to six or seven decimals, and put it in the form 1.02490 = 2 (1 + «), "where a will be a small fraction. Then we find what power of 1 + cc will make 2. Let y be this power. Eaising the last equation to the yth power, we have 1.02430y = 2y(l-{- ay = 2y+K Putting for 1.024 its value, 2^^ -r- 10^, this equation becomes 2300y -— = 22/+1, or 2^-^ = lO^oy, whence, log 2 = ^^^L. By a little care, the value of y can be obtained so accurately that the value of log 2 shall be correct to 8, 9, or 10 places of decimals. The power to which we must raise 1 + a to produce 2 will be approximately — — — ^— , when « is very small. 390 L0OABITEM8. EXE RCISES. 1. In the common system (« = 10) we have log 2 = 0.30103, log 3 =: 0.47712. Hence find the logarithms of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 12J, 15, 16, 16|, 18, 20, 250, 6250. Note that 5 = J^, 12^ = ^^, 16| = ^, and apply Th. VIIL 2. How many digits are there in the hundredth power of 2? 3. Given log 49 = 1.690196 ; find log 7. 4. Given log 1331 = 3.124178 ; find log 11. 5. Find the logarithm of 105 and 1.05 from the above data ? 6. Find the logarithm of I.O510. 7. If $1 is put out at 5 per cent, per annum compound interest for 1000 years, how many digits will be required to express the amount? (Compare § 216.) 8. Prove the equation log a; = - log {x + 1) +~ log {x - 1) ■^ ^[2^^^^ "^ 3 (22;2 _ 1)3 + 5 (22:2 _ 1)5 + ^^^.J 9. If 2^ = log n, of what numbers will y + 1, y + '^,y — 1, and 2^ — 2 be the logarithms.? 10. Find X from the equation d^ z^Ji. Solution. Taking the logarithms of both members, we have a; log c = log ^ ; whence, x = ^^. log 6 11. c<^ = n, 12. (fi^ = — . m 13. ^ = -' 14. h-^=p. Show that the answers to (13) and (14) are and ought to be identical. 15. a<^ z= m. 16. b(^ = Jc, 17. Find X and y from the equations a^by = p, a^ix = q. BOOK XII. IMA GIN A RY QUANTI TIE S, CHAPTER I. OPERATIONS WITH THE IMAGINARY UNIT.* 331. Since the square of either a negative or a positive quantity is always positive, it follows that if we have to extract the square root of a negative quantity, no answer is possible, in ordinary positive or negative numbers (§§ 170, 200). In order to deal with such cases, mathematicians have been led to suppose or imagine a kind of numbers of which the squares shall be negative. These numbers are called Imagi- nary Quantities, and their units are called Imaginary- Units, to distinguish them from the ordinary positive and negative quantities, which are called real. 323. The Imaginary Unit. Let us have to extract the square root of — 9. It cannot be equal to + 3 nor to — 3, because the square of each of these quantities is + 9. We may therefore call the root V— 9, just as we put the sign V before any other quantity of which the root cannot be extracted. But the root may be transformed in this way : Since — 9 = -|-9 x —1, it follows from § 183 that V^^ = a/9 V^^ = 3V~T. * It is not to be expected that a beginner will fully understand tliis subject at once. But he should be drilled in the mechanical process of operating with imaginaries, even though he does not at first understand their significance, until the subject becomes clear through familiarity. 392 IMAOmABY QUANTITIES. Def. The surd V— 1 is the Imaginary Unit. The imaginary unit is commonly expressed by the symbol i. This symbol is used because it is easier to write i than The unit i is a supposed quantity such that, when squared, the result is — 1. That is, i is defined by the equation ^2= -1. Theorem. The square root of any negative quantity may he expressed as a nurnber of imaginary units. For let — w be the number of which the root is required. Then V— n = Vh- n V— 1 = "s/ni. Hence, To extract the square root of a negative quantity, extract the root as if the quantity were positive, and- affix the symbol i to it. 323. Complex Quantities. In ordinary algebra, any num- ber may be supp(5sed to mean so many units. 7 or a, for example, is made up of 7 units or a units, and might be writ- ten 7-1 or al. When we introduce imaginary quantities, we consider them as made up of a certain number of imaginary units, each repre- sented by the sign i, just as the real unit is represented by the sign 1. A number i of imaginary units is therefore written M, A sum of a real units and b imaginary units is written a + bi, and is called a complex quantity. Hence, Def. A Complex Quantity consists of the sum of a certain number of real units plus a certain number of imaginary units. Def. When any expression containing the symbol of the imaginary unit is reduced to the form of a com- plex quantity, it is said to be expressed in its Normal Form. IMAQINABT QXTANTITIES. 393 Addition of Complex Expressions. 334. The algebraic operations of addition and subtraction are performed on imaginary quantities according to nearly the same rules which govern the case of surds (§ 181), the surd being replaced by i. Thus, aV— 1 + h^/— 1 = a^ + hi =z (a + h) i. Hence the following rule for the addition and subtraction of imaginary quantities : Add or subtract all the real terms, as in ordinary algebra. Tl%en add the coefficients of the imaginary unit, and affix the symbol i to their sum. Example. Add a + U, 6 + 7i, 5 — IOj, and subtract 3a — ^bi + z from the sum. We may arrange the work as follows : a + bi .6-+ 7z ' 5 — 10^ — z — ^a -\- 2bi (sign changed). Sum, — z — 2a -^ 11 + (db — 3) L EXERCISES. "V^ 1. Add Zx 4- 4:yi + m, 2m + hni, 6m — 6yi. 2. Add 4.ai, 17 i, da + Qbi, x + yi. 3. From the sum a-\-bli-m — ni — p + qi subtract the sum -\- yi — z — ui. Keduce to the normal form : • 4. a -\r bi — {m — ni) — (a; + yi). 5. m {a — bi) — n{x— yi). Multiplication of Complex Quantities. 335. Theorem. All the even powers of the imagi- nary unit are real units, and all its odd powers are imaginarn^ units, positive or negative. 394 IMAGINABT QUANTITIES. Proof. The imaginary unit is by definition such a symbol as when squared will make — 1. Hence, i2 = - 1. Now multiply both sides of this equation by i a number of times in succession, and substitute for each power of i its yalue given by the preceding equation. AVe then have •^^^=-^, ^^ ^ i^ — —i^ = +1 (because ^2 = — 1), ^ i(^ = —i^ = -\-i^ = —1, etc. etc. etc. It is evident that the successive powers of i will always have one of the four values, *, — 1, — ^, or + 1. iy i^, i^, etc., will be equal to i; i\ i\ i^% etc., " " -1; ^3, i^, *ii, etc., " " — i; iS ^8, *i2, etc., " " +1. We may express this result thus: . • If n is any integer, then: To multiply or divide imaginary quantities, we proceed as if they were real and substitute for each power of i its value as a real or imaginary, positive or negative unit. Ex. I. Multiply fli by a;/. By the ordinary method, we should have the product, axi-^. But i^ = — 1. The product is therefore — ax. That is, (fi X xi = — ax. Ex. 2. Multiply a + hi by m + 7ii. ni (a -I- U) = ani — in (because ni x U = —hn) m. {a -f hi) = hmi + am {m + ni) (a + bi) = am ^ hn -\- (an + hm) i, which is the product required. IMAOmART QUANTITIES. 395 EXERCISES. Multiply I. X -\- yi hj a — b. 2. m + ni by ai. 3. m — ni by M. 4. 1 + i by 1 — i. 5. X — yi by 6? + hi. 6. x — yi by a; -f yi. 7. a — ai — U by a + ai + hi. Develop . 8. {a + hi)\ 9. (m + nif. 10. (l + i)2. II. (1 — *?. 326. Imaginary Factors. The introduction of imaginary units enables us to factor expressions which are prime when only real factors are admitted. The following are the princi- pal forms : «2 _[_ J2 — (^ ^ Jjl^ ^(jl^ — ])(^^ a^ — h^± 2ahi — {a ± hif. The first form shows that the sum of two squares can always be expressed as a product of two complex factors. Por example, 17 = 4^ + 12 = (4 + i) (4 — i). EXERCISES. .'— Factor the expressions : '^' ^^ 1. x^ + 4. 2. x^ + 2. S. ,, 3. rj2 _ 2a; 4- 5 = (a; - 1)» + 4. 4. x^ — 4:X -}- 13. 5. a + h. 6. a2 + 2an + 5?i2. 7. x^ -\- 2xy + 2«/2. 327. Fundamental Principle. A complejo quantity A + Bi cannot be equal to zero unless we have both A =:0 and B =: 0. Proof. If A and B were not zero, the equation A + Bi=zO would give A that is, the imaginary unit equal to a real fraction, which is impossible. Cor. If both members of an equation containing imagi- 396 IMAGINABT QUANTITIES. nary units are reduced to the normal form, so that the equation shall be in the form A + Bi = M-\- M, we must haye the two equations, A=z M, B = K For, by transposition, we obtain A-M+{B-N)i = 0, whence the theorem gives A — M=:0, B — JV=0, Hence, Every equation between complex quantities involves two equations between real quantities, formed by equating the numbers of real and imaginary units. Reduction of Functions of i to the Normal Form. 338. 1. If we have an entire function of i, a -\-U -\- cv^ + di^ + ei^ ■\- fi^ -\- etc., we reduce it by putting 4^ = — 1, i^ _ _ i^ {i — i^ gtc, etc., and the expression will become (a — c + e — etc.) + {h — d +/— etc.) i ; which, when we put X = a — c -\- e — etc, ' y — h — d -{-f — etc., becomes x + yi, as required. 2. To reduce a rational fraction of i to the normal form, we reduce both numerator and denominator. The fraction will then take the form a + bi m + ni Since this is to be reduced to the form x + yi, let us put a + U m -\- m ^ ' X and y being indeterminate coefficients. Clearing of fractions, a ^U = mx— ny -\- {my -}- nx) i. IM AGIN ART QUANTITIES. . 397 Comparing the number of real and imaginary units on each side of the equation, we have the two equations mx — ny = a, nx + my = l. Solving them, we find ^ma + nh _ mh — n a ^ „ a A- hi ma + nh mh — na . Therefore, — ; — . = — ^—, — ^ H s— — 5- 1, ' m + ni m^ -^ n^ w? -\- n^ which is the normal form. EXERCISES. Eeduce to the normal form : I. 7 _ Si _ 6^2 + 2i^ + i^ — i\ 2 2. 1 _j_ ^ _ 1-3 + ^3 _ ^'4 _ i5 4. ^-6, -^ i_i 6 + 5^ 1 + *' , fni (x — ai) 6 — 5i *'l— * a;-|-fifi 1 — t « + &i (a + U) (a—ii) 10. What is the value of the exponential series which gives the development of e* ? We put x = * in § 310, Eq. 10. 11. Develop (1 + xi)^ hj the binomial theorem. 12. What are the developed values of (1 + M)^ -h (1 - M)^ and (1 -f^{)n_(i_ji)np 13. Write eight terms of the geometrical progression of which the first term is a and the common ratio ^. 14. Find the limit of the sum of the geometrical progres- i sion of which the first term is a and the common ratio -• 339. To reduce the square root of an imaginary expres- sion to the normal form. Let the square root be Va +^. We put X -^ yi = a/« + bi. Squaring, x^ ^ y^ + 2xyi = a + bi. 398 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. Comparing units, x^ — y"^ = a, 2xy = d. Solving this pair of quadratic equations, we find _ V(Va ^+ J^ + a) '^- V2 —' ^/ (^/a^-\-¥—a) 11 = ^^ -y Therefore, V. + J^ = VI ^ / + V I ^ Y' EXERCI SES. Eeduce the square roots of the following expressions to the normal form : I. 3 + 4^. 2. 4 + 3^, 3. 12 + U. 4. Find the square roots of the imaginary unit i, and of — iy and prove the results by squaring them. Note that this comes under the preceding form when « = and & = ± 1. 5. Find the fourth roots of the same quantities by extract- ing the square roots of these roots. 330. Quadratic Equations with Imaginary Roots. The combination of the preceding operations will enable us to solve any quadratic equation, whether it does or does not contain imaginary quantities. Example i. Find x from the equation a;2 -f 42; + 13 = 0. Completing the square and proceeding as usual, we find a;2 + 4a; + 4 = — 9, whence a; + 2 = \/^9 = ± 3i, and X = — 2 ± 3^. Ex. 2. 3? -\. hxi — c = 0. Completing the square, x^ -^-Ixi — - = c— -. 4 4 IMAOINABT QUANTITIES. Extracting the root, X whence EXERCISES. Solve the quadratic equations : I. x^-^x-\-l = 0. 2. x^ — x + 1 — 0. 3. a;2 + 3a; + 10 = 0. 4. ^^ + 10a; + 34 = 0. Form quadratic equations (§ 199) of which the roots shall be 5. a -{-bi and a — li. 6. ai + h and ai — d. 331. Exponential Functions. When in the exponential function a^s ^e suppose z to represent an imaginary expression X + yi, it becomes This expression could have no meaning in any of our pre- vious definitions of an exponent, because we have not shown what an imaginary exponent could mean. But if we suppose the effect of the exponent to be defined by the exponential theorem (§§ 309, 314), we can develop the above expression. First we have, by the fundamental law of exponents, Next, if we put c = Nap. log a, we have a = eP\ whence, «^^ = c^*. If we put, for brevity, cy = u, we shall now have The value of a^ being already perfectly understood, we may leave it out of consideration for the present, and investi- gate the development of e'^K By the exponential theorem {§ 310, 10), . , tf^i^ uH^ uH^ uH^ ,« = ! + „» + __ + _-_ + __ + ^^ + etc. 400 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. Substituting for the powers of i their values (§ 325), u^ u^ u^ X . / u^ u^ , \ . ^'* = l-2! + 4!-6! + ^*^- + r-3! + 5!-'N^- These two series are each functions of u, to which special names have been given, namely : niZ qjij^ f^f^ y^ Def. The series 1— 2]+4l""6l"^8!~ ^^^'' ^^ ^^^^^^ the cosine of u, and is written cos u. njZ itip nil 7/9 Def. The series ^ — oi + R-f — y-j + o] — etc., is called the sine of u, and is written sin u. Using this notation, the above development becomes, QUI _ COS u -{- i sin u, {a) which is a fundamental equation of Algebra, and should be memorized. Eemaeks. These functions, cos u and sin ?^, have an ex- tensive use in both Trigonometry and Algebra. To familiarize himself with them, it will be well for the student to compute their values from the above series for i = 0.25, i = 0.50, i = 1, i=z 2, to three or four places of decimals. This can be done by a process similar to that employed in computing e in § 310. If the work is done correctly, he will find : ^or 1 1 cos - = 4 0.969, sin I = 0.247. 4 a 1 ^ = 2' cos| = 0.878, sin i = 0.479. (( u = l, cos 1 = 0.540, sin 1 = 0.841. i( u = 2, COS 2 = — 0.416, sin 2 = 0.909. 332. Let us now investigate the properties of the functions cos u and sin ii, which are defined by the equations, 2' ' 4' 6' cos^ = l--+ +etc. IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. 401 Since cos u includes only even powers of w, its value will remain unchanged when we change the sign of u from + to — , or vice versa. Hence, cos {— w) = cos u, (1) Since sin u contains only odd powers of u, its sign will change with that of u. Hence, sin (— u) =. — sin u. (2) If in the equation {a) we change the sign of u, we have, by (1) and (2), Q-ui — cos (— u) + i sin (— u), or e~w* = cos u — i sin ii. Now multiply this equation by {a). Since 1 X o—ui — we have 1 = (cos uY — i?' (sin uY, or 1 = (cos uf -h (sin uy. It is customary to write cos^ u and sin^ u instead of (cos iif and (sin uy, to express the square of the cosine and of the sine of ti. The last equation will then be written cos^ u + sin2 u = 1. {c) Although we have deduced this equation with entire rigor, it will be interesting to test it by squaring the equations {h). First squaring cos u, we find (§ 284), cos^« = 1 _„» + „4(^^ ^ _^ + ^J _ etc. The coefficient of ?^^ is found to be n\^ V. (n — ^)\^ V. {n - ^y.'^ ^ n\ when n is double an even number, and to the negative of this expression when n is double an odd number. Again, taking the square of sin w, we find = "' + "1-rr¥!-rr3T) + sin^ u = u^ + u^l — ^^--. — :r-r-?.-. I + ctc. 26 402 IMAGINABY QUANTITIES. the coefficient of W^ being 1 1 1 rroT-l)! V.{n-Z)\ b\{n-b)\ (^-1)!!!' or the negative of this expression, according as ^ 7i is even or odd. Adding sin^ u and cos^ u, we see that the terms y? cancel each other, and that the sum of the coefficients of u'^ can be arranged in the form 4! 1! 3!^2! 2! 3! l! ^4! Let ns call this sum A. If we multiply all the terms by 4 ! , and note that by the general form of the binomial coeffi- cients, n\ _ ln\ s\ {n-s)\ ~ \sr wefind 4!^ = l-g)+(|)-(|) + g), which sum is zero, by § 262, Th. II. Therefore the coefficients of u"' cancel each other. Taking the sum of the coefficients of u^, we arrange them in the form n\ 1! {71-1)1'^ 2\ (n-2)\ 3! (w - 3)! "^ ^ ^'^ which call A. Then multiplying by w ! , we have »'^=^-{9+©-e)+--+e)' which sum is zero. Therefore all the coefficients of u^ cancel each other in the sum sin^ u H- cos^ u, leaving only the first term 1 in cos^ u, thus proving the equation (c) independently. This example illustrates the consistency which pervades all branches of mathematics when the reasoning is correct. The conclusion (c) was reached by a very long process, resting on many of the fundamental principles of Algebra ; and on reach- IMAGINARY QUANTITIES, 403 ing a simple conclusion of this kind in such a way, the mathe- matician always likes to test its correctness by a direct process, when possible. Let us now resume the fundamental equation {a). Since u may here be any quantity whatever, let us put nu for u. The equation then becomes, Quui — cos nu + i sin nu. But by raising the equation (a) to the n^^ power, we have Hence we have the remarkable relation, (cos u -\- i sin u)"' = cos nu + i sin nu. Supposing n = 2f and developing the first member, we have cos^ u — sin^ u + 2i sin u cos u = cos 2u + ^ sin 2u. Equating the real and imaginary parts (§ 327, Cor.), we have cos^ u — sin^ ^f = cos 2zc, 2 sin u cos u = sin 2w, relations which can be verified from the series representing cos u and sin u, in a way similar to that by which we verified sin^ 2i 4- cos^ u = 1. EXERCISES. 1. Find the values of cos^ w, sin^ qi, cos^ u, and sin^ u by the preceding process. 2. Write the three equations which we obtain by putting u = a, u = d, and u = a -\- i in equation (a). Then equate the product of the first two to the third, and show that cos (a -{- h) =^ cos a cos b — sin a sin J, sin (a -{- i) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b. 3. "Reduce to the normal form, {x — i) (x — 2i) {x — Si) (x — U). 4. Develop {a + bi)^ by the binomial theorem, and reduce the result to the normal form. 404 QEOMETBIG REPRESENTATION, CHAPTER II. THE GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION OF IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. 333. In Algebra and allied branches of the higher mathe- matics, the fundamental operations of Arithmetic are extended and generalized. In Elementary Algebra we have already had several instances of this extension, and as we are now to have a much wider extension of the operations of addition and mul- tiplication, attention should be directed to the principles involved. In the beginning of Algebra, we have seen the operation of addition, which in Arithmetic necessarily implies increase, so used as to produce diminution. The reason of this is that Arithmetic does not recognize negative quantities as Algebra does, and therefore in employ- ing the latter we have to extend the meaning of addition, so as to apply it to negative quantities. When thus applied, we have seen that it should mean to subtract the quantity which is negative. In its primitive sense, as used in the third operation of Arithmetic, the word multi'ply means to add a quantity to itself a certain number of times. In this sense, there would be no meaning to the words "multiply by a fraction." But we ex- tend the meaning of the word multiply to this case by defining it to mean taking a fraction of the quantity to be multiplied. We then find that the rules of multiplication will all apply to this extended operation. This extension of multiplication to fractions does not take account of negative multipliers. In the latter case we can extend the meaning of the operation by providing that the algebraic sign of the quantity shall be changed when the mul- tiplier is negative. We thus have a result for multiplication by every positive or negative algebraic number. Now that we have to use imaginary quantities as multi- GEO METRIC REPRESENTATION: 405 pliers, a still further extension is necessary. Hitherto our operations with imaginary units have been purely symbolic ; that is, we have used our symbols and performed our operations witliout assigning any definite meaning to them. We shall now assign a geometric signification to operations with imagi- nary units, subject to these three necessary conditions : 1. The operations must be subject to the same rules as those of real quantities. 2. The result of operating with an imaginary quantity must be totally different from that of operating with a real one, and the imaginary quantity must signify something which a real quantity does not take account of. 3. If the imaginary quantity changes into a real one, the operation must change into the corr3Si3onding one with real quantities. 334. Geometric Representation of Imaginary Units. Cer- tain propositions respecting the geometric representation of multiplication have been fully elucidated in Part I, and are now repeated, to introduce the corresponding representations of complex quantities. I. All real numbers, positive and negative, may be arranged along a line, the positive numbers increasing in one direction, the negative ones in the opposite direction from a fixed zero point. Any number may then be represented in magnitude by a line extending from to the place it occupies. We call this line a Vector. II. If a number a be multiplied by a positive multiplier (for simplicity, suppose +1), the direction of its vector will remain unaltered. If it be multiplied by a negative multiplier (suppose — 1), its vector will be turned in the opposite direc- tion (from — « to 4- «, or vice versa). Compare § 72, where the coarse lines are the vectors of the several quantities. — a +a I I I III. If the number be multiplied twice by — 1, that is, by (— 1)^ its vector will be restored to its first position, being twice turned, and if it be multiplied twice by + 1, that is, by (+ Vf, its vector will not be changed at all. Its vector will 406 IMAQINABT QUANTITIES. ■¥Ul therefore be found in its first position, whether we multiply it by the square of a positive or of a negative unit; in other words, both squares are positive. IV. To multiply the line + a twice by the imaginary unit i, is the same as multiplying it by i^ or — 1. Hence, Multiplying hy the imaginanj unit i must give the vector such a motion as, if i^epeated, will change it froirv -\- a to — a. Such a motion is given by turn- ing the vector through a righ t angle, into the position + ia. A second motion brings it to the position — a, the opposite of -f a. A third motion brings it to — ia, a position the opposite of + ia. A fourth motion restores it to the original ~*^ position + a. If we call each of these motions multiplying hy i, we have, from the diagram, a z= a, ia = ia, i^a = — a, i^a = — ia, i^a = a, which corresponds exactly to the law governing the powers of i (§ 325). Hence : // a quantity is represented hy a vector extending from a zero point, the multiplication of this quantity hy the imaginary unit m^ay he represented hy turning the vector through 90°. y. In order that multiplier and multiplicand may in this op- eration be interchanged without affecting the product, we must suppose that the vertical line which we have called ia is the same as ai, that is, that this line represents a imaginary units. We have therefore to count the imaginary units along a vertical line on the same system that we count the real units on a horizontal line. —2-1 1 2 -i -24 — 3i OEOMETRIG REPRESENTATION. 407 -a+hi U -hi t-a-tbi U ^a hi hi ^ 335* Geometric Representation of a Complex Quantity. We have shown (§ 15) that algebraic addition may be represented by putting lines end to end, the zero point of each line added be- ing at the end of the line next preceding. The distance of the end of the last line from the zero point is the algebraic sum. On the same system, to repre- sent the algebraic sum of the real and imaginary quantities a + hi, we lay off a units on the real (horizontal) line, and then h units from the end of this line in a vertical direction. The end of the vertical line will then be the position corresponding to a -\- M. It is' evident that we should reach the same point if w^e first laid off h units from on the imaginary line, and then a units horizontally. Hence this system gives li -\- a =^ a + hi, as it ought to, to represent addition. If a or 5 is negative, it is to be laid off in the opposite di- rection from the positive one. We then have the points cor- responding to — a -^hi, — a — hi, and a — hi, shown in the diagram, which should be carefully studied by the pupil. The result we have reached is the following: Every complejc quantity a + hi is cojisidered as he- longing to a certain point on the plane, namely, that point which is reached hy laying off from the zero point a units in the horizontal direction and h units in the vertical direction. If 336. Addition of Com- plex Quantities.^ If we have several, complex terms to add, as a + hi, m — ni, p + qi, we may lay them off separately in their ap- propriate magnitude and di- 408 IMAOINABY QUANTITIES. rectioD, as in the figure, the last line terminating in a point K. If we first add the quantities a + U, etc., algebraically (§ 324), the result will be a -\- m ■\- p -\- {l — n-^q)i. We may lay off this sum in one operation. The sum a-^-m -\-p will carry us from to M, and the sum {h — n + q)i from M to E, because MR — l — n-^-q. Therefore we shall reach the same point R whether we lay the quantities off sepa- rately, or take their sum and lay off its real and imaginary parts separately. 337. Vectors of Complex Quantities. The question now arises by what straight line or vector shall we represent a sum of complex quantities ? The answer is ; TJ%e vector of a sum of sev- eral vectors is the straight line from the heginnhzg of the first to the end of the last vector added. For example, the sum of the quantities OX = a and XP = hi is the vector OP. It might seem to the student that the length of the vector represent- ing the sum should be equal to the combined lengths of all the separate vectors. This difficulty is of the same kind as that encountered by the beginner in finding the sum of a positive and negative quantity less than either of them. The solution of the difficulty is simply that by addition we now mean something different from both arithmetical and algebraic addition. But the operation reduces to arithmetical addition when the quantities are all real and positive, because the vectors are then all placed end to end in the same straight line. Therefore there is no inconsistency between the two operations. Two imaginary quantities are not equal, unless both their real and imaginary parts are equal, so that their sum shall ter- minate at the same point P. Their vectors will then coincide with each other. Hence : Two vectors are not considered equal unless they agree in direction as well as length. OEOMETBIG BEP RESENT ATION. 409 In other words, in order to determine a vector com- pletely, we must know its direction as well as its lengtJi. This result embodies the theorem of the preceding chapter (§ 327), that two complex quantities are not equal unless both their real and imaginary parts are equal. It is only in case of this double equality that the two complex quantities will belong to the same point on the plane. Because OXP is a right angle, we have by the Pythagorean theorem of Geometry, (length of vector)^ = a^ _j_ j2^ or length of vector = '\/a? + b\ "We are careful to say length of vector, and not merely vec- tor, because the vector has direction as well as length, and the direction is as important an element as length. To avoid repeating the words " length of," we shall put a dash over the letters representing a vector when we consider only its length. Then OX will mean length of the line OX. Def. The length of the vector, or the expression ^/a^ + 6^, is called the Modulus of the complex ex- pression a -\- hi. The modulus is the absolute value of the expression, con- sidered without respect to its being positive or negative, real or imaginary. Thus the different expressions, — 5, H- 5, 3 + 4i, 4 — U, 5iy all have the modulus 5 (because V^^ + 4^ = 5). The points which represent them are all 5 units distant from the zero point, and so lie on a circle, and their vectors are all 5 units in length. The German mathematicians therefore call the modulus the ahsohde value of the complex quantity, and this is really a better term than the English expression modulus. Def. The Angle of the vector is the angle which it makes with the line along which the real units are measured. If OA is this line, and OB the vector, the angle is AOB. 410 IMAOINABT QUANTITIES. EXERCISES. Lay off the following complex quantities, draw the vectors corresponding to them, and find the modulus both by measure- ment and calculation I. 4 + 3*. 2. 4 — 3/. 3. _ 4 + 3*. 4. _ 4 - 3*-. 5. 3 + 4i. 6. 3 - U, 7. - 3 4- 4*. 8. _ 3 - 4^. 9. 5 + 7z. lo. 6 + 6i. II. 5 + 5i. 12. 5 + 4i. 13. 3 + 3*. 14. 3 + u 15. 3 — ^. i6. 3 - 2t. 17. Draw a horizontal and vertical line; mark several points on the plane of these lines, and find by measurement the complex expressions for each point. Also, draw the sev- eral vectors and measure their length. Continue this exercise until the relation between the complex expressions and their points is well apprehended. Note. The student may adopt any scale he pleases, but a scale of millimeters will be found convenient. 338, Geometric Multiplication. The question next arises whether the results we obtain for multiplication of complex quantities follow, in all respects, the usual laws of multiplica- tion, especially the commutative and distributive laws. I. To multiply a vector by a real factor. Let the vector be a -f di and the Bf factor m. The product will be -^ ^.-'''1 ma + mU. In the geometric construction, let OA- = a and AB = bi. We shall then have, by the rule of addition. Vector OB = « + di. When we multiply a by m, let OA' be the product ma, and A'B' the product mhi. Because the lines OA and AB are both multiplied by the same real factor 7n to form OA' and A'B', we shall have OA : AB : OB = OA' : A'B' : OB'. QEOMETEIG REPRESENTATION. 411 Therefore the triangles OAB and OA'B' are similar and equiangular, so that angle A'OB' = angle AOB. This shows that the lines OB and OB' coincide, so that BB' is the continuation of OB in the same straight line. More- over, the above proportion gives OB' = mOB, or, from (1), vector OB' = m vector OB. Therefore, multiplying a vector hy a real factor changes its length without altering its direction. II. To 7)^ultiply a vector by the imaginary unit. Multiplying a + ii by i, the ^q result is — b + ai. The construction of the two '"' vectors being made as in the fig- ure, we have OB = « + hi, oq = -J) + ai. Because the triangles OPQ and OAB are right-angled at P and B^and have the sides containing the right angle equal in length, they are identically equal, and angle POQ = angle OBA = 90° — angle BOA. Hence the sum of the angles POQ and BOA is a right angle, and because POA is a straight line, therefore, angle BOQ = 90°. Therefore, the result of multiplying the vector OB hij the imaginary unit is to turn it 90° without changing its length. We have assumed this to be the case when the vector represents a real quantity, or lies along the line OB ; we now see that the same thing holds true when the vector represents a complex quantity. If instead of the multiplier being simply the imaginary unit, it is of the form ni, then, by (I), in addition to turning the vector through 90°, we multiply it by n. 412 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. III. To multiply a vector by a complex quantity, m + ni. This will consist in multiplying separately by m and ni, and adding the two products. Put OB = a + bi, the vector to be multiplied; ON = 7n 4- ni, the multiplier. To multiply OB by m, we take a length 00, deter- mined by the proportion, 00 : OB = m : 1, (I) whence by (I), 00 = m.OB z=i m{a -\- li). To multiply OB by ni, we take a length CD determined by the condition, length CD = w length OB, or CD : OB = w : 1 ; and to multiply by i, we place it perpendicular to OB. (II) We then have, CD = OB X ni. In order to add it to 00, the other product, we place it as in the diagram, and thus find a point D which corresponds to the sum 00 + CD = OBxm + OBxm; that is, to the product {m + ni) (a + di). Now because 00 = OB x m and CD = OB x n, we have 00" : CD" = m:n = OM : WN, and because the angles at M and C are right angles, the tri- angles OOD and OMN are similar. Therefore, angle COD = angle MON. Hence the angle AOD of the product-vector is equal to the sum of the angles of the multiplier and multiplicand. For the length OD of the product-vector we have. GEO METRIC UEPRESENTATION, 413 length OD^ = 00^ + CD" = m^OB^ + -nfOW = (m2 + n^) OW, Extracting the square root, length OD = Vm^ + n^ • OB Therefore the length of the product-vector is equal to the products of the lengths of the vectors of the factors. Combining these two results, we reach the conclusion : The modulus of the product of two complejo factors is equal to the product of their moduli. The angle of the product is equal to the sum of the angles of the factors, 339. The Roots of Unity. We have the following curious problem : Given, a vector A, which call a ; it is required to find a complex factor X, such that when we multiply a n times by x, the last product shall be a itselt That is, we must have xP-a a. The required factor must be one which will turn the vector round without changing its length. Let us begin with the case of n-=^. Since three equal motions must restore OA to its original position, the condition will be satisfied by letting x indicate a motion through 120°, so that OA shall take the position OB when angle AOB = 120°. Then, P being the foot of the per- p^ndicular from B upon AO produced, we shaU have angle POB = 60°, and angle PBO = 30°. Therefore, P0 = 1., PB = ^, and vector OB =i xa =. — ^a ■\- —j-ai. 414 IMAGINARY QXIANTITIES. Because the factor x has not changed the length of the line, the modulus of x is unity, and because it has turned the lino through 120°, its angle is 120°. Therefore its value is — OP + vm on a scale of numbers in which OB = 1 ; that is, 1 , a/3. ^ = -2+-2-^- Reasoning in the same way with respect to the product x^a, which produces the vector 00, we find ^- 2 2 '' an equation which we readily prove by squaring the preceding value of X and reducing. Multiplying these values of x and x^, v/e find iC3= 1, which ought to be the case, because x^a = a. Hence, 1 a/^ The complex quantity — « + —^i is a cube root of unity. But the vector 00, of which the angle is 240°, also repre- sents a cube root of unity, if we suppose 00 = 1, because three motions of 240° each turn a vector through 720°, or two revolutions, and thus restore it to its original position. This also agrees with the algebraic process, because, by squaring the above value of x% we have 1 3^'v/3._ l^'V/3._ 4~4 + ~2"'~ "2 + ~2"*-~*'^' 1-2— 2- V and by repeating the process we find Since 1 itself is a cube root of unity, because 1^ = 1, we conclude : TJiere are three cube roots of unity. OEOMETBIC REPRESENTATION'. 415 We readily find, by the process of § 334, IV, that iy — 1, — i, and 1, are all fourth roots of unity. By a course of reasoning similar to the above for any value of n, we conclude : The vP^ roots of unity are n in number, EXERCISES. 1. Form the first eight powers of the expression show that the eighth power is 1, and lay off the vector corre- sponding to each power. 2. Form the first twelve powers of 2+2'' and show thali the twelfth power is + 1. 3. Find the fifth and sixth roots of unity by dividing the cir- cle into five and six parts, and either computing or measuring the lengths of the lines which determine the expression. Note. The student will remark the similarity of the gen- eral problem of the n^^ roots of unity to that of dividing the circle into n equal parts (Geom., Book VI). BOOK XIII. THE GENERAL THEORY OF EQUA- TIONS. Every Equation has a Root. 340. In BooS* III, equations containing one unknown quantity were reduced to the normal form Aoi^ + Buf'-^ + (7^:^-2 -f- -\- F =0. If we divide all the terms of this equation by the coefficient A, and put, for brevity, Pi B "A' p% G -A' etc. etc. Vn F -A' the equation will become x^ + p^aa^--^ + p^x^-^ + + pn-i x-^pn = 0. (a) This equation is called the General Equation of the n"* Degree, because it is the form to which every algebraic equation can be reduced by assigning the proper values to n, and to jPi, p^, p^, etc. The n quantities pi, p^, , . . . pn are called the Coeffi- cients of the equation. We may consider pn as the coefficient of a:^ = 1. 341. Theoeem I. Every algebraic equation has a root, real or imaginary. That is, whatever numbers we may put in place of p^, p^, Pz, . . . . Pn, there is always some expression, real or imaginary, which, being substituted for x in the equation, will satisfy it. GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 417 Rem. The theorem that every equation has a root is demonstrated in special treatises on the theory of equations, but the demonstration is too long to be inserted here. If we suppose the values of the coefficients Pi,p^, etc., to Tary, the roots will yary also. Hence, Theoeem II. Tlxe roots of an algebraic equation are functions of its coefficients. Example. In Chapter VI we have shown that the roots of a quadratic equation are functions of the coefficients, because if the equation is •^ s^+px + q = 0, the root is ^ = :ZZ±_V2E^, which is a function of p and q. 342. Equations wliich can le solved. If the degree of the equation is not higher than the fourth, it is always possible to express the root algebraically as a function of the coefficients. But if the equation is of the fifth or any higher degree, it is not possible to express the value of the root of the general equation by any algebraic formulae whatever. This important theorem was first demonstrated by Abel in 1825. Previous to that time, mathematicians frequently at- tempted to solve the general equation of the fifth degree, but of course never succeeded. This restriction applies only to the general equation, in which the coefficients p^, p^, p^, etc., are all represented by separate algebraic symbols. Such special values may be assigned to these coefficients that equations of any degree shall be soluble. 343. The problem of finding a root of an equation of the lii^';her degrees is generally a very complex one. If, however, the equation has the roots — 1, 0, or + 1, they can easily be discovered by the following rules : I. If the algebraic sum of the coefficients in the equor- tion vanishes, then +1 is a root. 27 418 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. II. If the sum of the coejficients of the even powers of X is equal to that of the coefficients of the odd powers, then — 1 is a root. III. If the absolute term pn is wanting, then is a root. These rules are readily proved by putting x = +1, then x= —1, then a; — in the general equation (a) and noticing what it then reduces to. The demonstration of II will be a good exercise for the student. Number of Roots of General Equation. 344. In the equation (a), the left-hand number is an en- tire function of x, which is equal to zero when the equation is satisfied. Instead of supposing an equation, let us suppose x to be a variable quantity, which may have any value whatever, and let us study the function of x, X^ -j-p^X^-^+p^X^-^ 4- +Pn-iX +pn, which for brevity we may call Fx. Whatever value we assign to x, there will be a correspond- ing value of Fx. Example. Consider the expression Fx = a^ — 7x^ + 36. Let us suppose x to have in succession the values — 4, — 3,-2, — 1, 0, 1, 2, etc., and let us compute the corre- sponding values of Fx. We thus find, X =z — 4, — 3, — 2, — i, 0, Fx = — 140, — 54, 0, + 28, + 36, a; = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Fx = -h 30, + 16, 0, — 12, - 14, 0, + 36, + 100. We see that while x varies from — 4 to +8, the value of, J^a; fluctuates, being first negative, then changing to positive, then back to negative again, and finally becoming positive once more. We also see that there are three special values of x, namely, — 2, +3, and + 6, which satisfy the equation Fx = 0, and which are therefore roots of this equation. GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 419 845. Representation of Fx hy a Curve. In Book VIII it was shown how a function of a variable of the first degree might be represented to the eye by a straight line. The relation between a variable and any function of it may be represented to the eye in the same way by a curve, as shown in Geometry, Book VII. We take a base line, mark a zero point upon it, and lay off any number of equidistant values of x. At each point we erect a perpendicular proportional to the corresponding 1 value of Fx at that point, and draw a curve through the ends. The fluctuations of the vertical ordinates of the curve now show to the eye the corre- sponding fluctuations of Fx. When Fx is negative, the curve is below the base line. When Fx is positive, the curve is above the base line. The roots of the equation Fx = are shown by the points at which the curve crosses the base line. In the present case these points are — 2, +3, +6. In order to distinguish the roots from the variable quantity x, we may call them a, (3, y, 6, etc., or x^, x^, X3, etc., or «i, «2, «3, etc., the symbol x being reserved for the variable. The distinction between x and the roots will then be this: X is an independeA variable, which may have any value whatever. Fx is a function of x of which the value is fixed by that of x. a, (i, y, etc., or x^, x^, x^, etc., are special values of x which, being substituted for x, satisfy the equation Fx = 0. Theorem. An equation with real coefficients, of ivhich the degree is an odd number, must have at least one real root. 420 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS, Proof. 1. When n is odd, x'^ will have the same sign (-f or — ) as X. 2. So large a value, positive or negative, may be assigned to X that the term x'^ shall be greater in absolute magnitude than all the other terms of the expression Fx, For, let us put the expression Fx in the form If we suppose x to increase indefinitely either in the posi- tive or negative direction, the terms —, ~, etc., will all approach as their limit (§ 303, Th. I). Therefore the expression 1 + — 4- ^ + etc. will approach unity as its limit, and will X X therefore be positive for large values of x, both positive and negative. The whole expression will then have the same sign as the factor xP-, ^nd, n being odd, will have the same sign as x, 3. Therefore, between the value of x for which Fx is negative and that for which it is positive there must be some value of x for which Fx = 0, that is, some root of the equation Fx = 0. For illustration, take the preceding cubic equation. CoK. An equation of odd degree has an odd nuviber of real roots. For, as Fx .changes from negative to positive infinity, it must cross zero an odd number of times. 346. Theoeem I. If we divide the expression Fx hy X — a, the remojinder will he Fa, or Kemainder = a^ -\- p^a^~'^ +p^a^~^ + . . . . -\- pn* Special Illustration. Let the student divide by X — a, according to the method of § 96. He will find the remainder to come out GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 421 General Proof, When we divide Fxh^ x— a, let iis put Q, the quotient ; By the remainder. Then, because the dividend is equal to the product. Divi- sor X Quotient + Remainder, {x-a)Q-\- R = Fx. Two things are here supposed: 1. That this equation is an identical one, true for all values of X, This must be true, because we have made no supposition respecting the value of x. 2. That we have carried the division so far that the remain- der R does not contain x. Because it is true for all values of x, it will remain true when we put x = a on both sides. It thus reduces to B = F{a), which is the theorem enunciated. The value of x being still unrestricted, let us in dividing take for a a root a of the general equation Fx = 0. Then, by supposing x = a, the equation (a) will be satisfied, or Fa = 0. Therefore if we divide the general expression Fx hj x — a, the remainder Fa will be zero. Hence. Theorem II. // we denote by a a root of the equation Fx = 0, the expression Fx will be exactly divisible by X— a. Illustration. One root of the equation a^ — x^ — Ux-i- 16 = is 3. If we divide the expression 2^3 __ ^ _ 11^ ^ 15 by r<; — 3, we shall find the remainder to be zero. 347. When we divide Fxhy x — a, the highest power of X in the quotient will be x^-K Therefore the quotient will be an entire function of x of the degree n — 1. 422 QENEBAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. Illustration. The quotient from the last division was a;2 + 2a! - 5, which is of the second degree, while the original expression was of the third degree. If we call this quotient F^x, we shall have, by multiplying divisor and quotient, Fx = {x — a) F^x. Now suppose (i a root of the equation F^x = ^', then F^x will, by the preceding theorem, be exactly divisible by x — 13. The quotient from this division will be an entire function of X of the degree n — 2. This function may again be divided by X — y, representing by y the root of the equation obtained by putting the function equal to zero, and so on. The results of these successive divisions may therefore be expressed in the form Fx = (x — a) F^x .... (Degree n — 1), ) F^x z=z\x — p) F^x (Degree n — %),\ (1) F^x = (x — y) F^x .... (Degree n — S), ) etc. etc. etc. Since the degree is diminished by unity with every division, we shall at length have a quotient of the first degree in x, of the form X — e, e being a constant. Then, by substituting in the equations (1) for each func- tion of x its value in the equation next below, we shall have Fx = (x — cc){x — fi){x — y) {x — e), the number of factors being equal to the degree of the original equation. Hence, Theorem I. Every entire function of x of the nth degree may he divided into n factors, each of the first decree in x. NUMBER OF ROOTS. 423 Since a product of several factors becomes zero whenever any of the factors is zero, it follows that the equation Fx = will be satisfied by putting x equal to any one of the quantities €ii (^iji ' ' • ' ^} because in either case the product . {x — a)(x — (i){x — y) . , , . {x~e) will vanish. Therefore the quantities «, /?, y, e, are all roots of the original equation Fx = 0. Hence, Theorem II. An algebraic equation of the n^ degree has n roots. We have seen (§ 195) that a quadratic equation has two roots. In the same way, a cubic equation has three roots, one of the fourth degree four roots, etc. Moreover, a product cannot vanish unless one of the factors vanishes. Hence the product Fx or (x — a){x — 0){x — y) . . , . {x — e) cannot vanish unless x is equal to some one of the quantities, «, i3, y, e. Hence, An equation of the n^ degree can have no more than n roots. 348. We may form an equation of which the roots shall be any given quantities, a, b, c, etc., by forming the product, {x — a)(x — h) {x — c), etc. Example. Form an equation of which the roots shall be - 1, +1, 1 + 2/, 1 - 2i. Solution, We form the product (x-\-l)(x-l)(x-l- 2i) {x-li- 2i), which we find to be x* — 23^-\-4x^ + 2x — 5. Therefore the required equation is x^ — 2x^ + 4x^ -\- 2x -^ 6 = 0. 424 GENERAL THEOBT OF EQUATIONS. EXERCISES. Form equations with the roots : 1. 2 + a/3, 2 — \/3, — 2, + 1. 2. 3 +. a/5, 3 — a/5, — 3. 3. 2, -2, 4+ a/7, 4 -a/7. 4. 1 + a/3, 1 — a/3, 1 + a/5, 1 -Vs. 349. When we can find one root of an equation, then, by- dividing the equation by x minus that root, we shall have an equation of lower degree, the roots of which will be the remain- ing roots of the given equation. Example. One root of the equation iC3 _ ^.2 _ iia; ^ 15 ,^ is 3. Find the other two roots. Dividing the given equation by a; — 3, the quotient is a? -\-2x — b. Equating this to zero, we have a quadratic equation of which the roots are — 1 + a/6 and — 1 — a/6. Hence the three roots of the original equation are 3, — 1 + Ve, — 1 - a/6. EXERCISES. 1. One root of the equation a;3 _ 3:c2 — 14a; + 12 = is— 3. Find the other two roots. 2. Find the five roots of the equation ic5 _ 4^ _l_ i2a^ + 4a;2 — 13a; = 0. (Compare § 343.) 350. Equal Roots. Sometimes, in solving an equation, several of the roots may be identical. For example, the equation a:3 — ea;2 + 12a; — 8 = COEFFICIENTS AND ROOTS. 425 has no root except 2. If we divide it by x— 2, and solve the resulting quadratic, its roots will also be 2. Hence, when we factor it the result is {x — %)(x — 2) (a; - 2) = 0. In this case the equation is said to have three equal roots. Hence, in general. The n roots of an equation of the n^^ degree are not all necessarily different from each other, hut two or more of them may he equal. Relations between CoeflScients and Roots. 351. Let us suppose the roots of the general equation of the n^^ degree 0^-\-p^X^-^ -\-Pz7^-'^ + -{-pri^lX +pn = to be «, i3, y, . . . . s. "We have shown (§ »341) that these roots are functions of the coefficients p^, p.^, . . . . pn- To find these functions is to solve the equation, which is generally a very difficult problem. But the coefficients can also be expressed as functions of the roots, and this is a very simple process which we have already performed in some special cases by forming equations having given roots (§ 348). If we form an equation with the two roots, « and i3, the result will be z= {x — a){x — (3) = x^— {a + fi)x + «/?. Comparing this with the general form, x^ -\-p^x +p^ = 0, we see that p^ = — (a -\- j3), a result already reached (§§ 198, 199). Next form an equation with the three roots, a, P, y. Multiplying {x — a) (x — (3) by x — y, we find the equa- tion to be a^ — {a+(i + y)x^+(a(i-\-[iy-\-ya)x — «j3y = 0. 426 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. So in this case, p^ = — (« + jS + y), ^3 = «^ + ^y -\- r«, Pz = — «/57- Adding another root 6, we find the result to be Pt = - {a + (i -^ y -^ 6), p^ =, ad + ay •\. ad + (iy + (id + yd, (2) p^ =■ — «/3y — a[i6 — ayd — (iyd, Pi = «/5y(5. Generalizing this process, we reach the following conclu- sions : • The coefficient Pi of. the second term of the general equa- tion is equal to the sum of the roots taken negatively. The coefficient j^g of the third term is equal to the sum of the products of every combination of two roots. The coefficient p^ of the fourth term is equal to the sum of the products of every combination of three roots taken negatively. The last term is equal to the continued product of the neg- atives of the roots. 352, Symmetric Fimctions. It will be remarked that the preceding expressions for the coefficients p^, p^, etc., are all symmetric functions of the roots a, (i, y, etc. (§ 256.) The following more extended theorem is true : Theorem. Everij rational symmetric function of the roots of an equation may he expressed as a rational function of the coefficients. Example. From the equations (2) we find jt?j2 - 2j»2 = «? + |Q2 + y2 + (52, ^PlV^ -Pl^ - 3i?3 = «3 + ^3 + ^3 4. (J3. We thus reach the curious conclusion that although we- may not be able to find any individual root of an equation, yet there is no difficulty in finding the continued product of the roots, their sum, the sum of their squares, of their cubes, etc. The general demonstration of this theorem, and the methods by which any rational symmetrical function of the roots may be determined, are found in more advanced treatises. FOBM OF ROOTS. 431 where Bli^ is the sum of the remaining terms of the develop- ment in powers of h. We then have Increment oix = h. Corresponding increment of Fx = F(x -{- h) — Fx = h (F'x + Bh), Ratio of these increments, — ~ = F'x + Bh. If we suppose the increment h to approach zero as its limit, the product Bh will also approach zero, and the ratio will approach F'x as its limit. But this ratio of the increments may be considered as the ratio of the average rate of increase of the function F to that of the variable x. Hence, when we plot the values of Fx by a curve, as in § 345, the derived function shows the slope of the curve at each point. When the derived function is positive, the curve is running upward in the positive direction, as from a;= — 3 to x = 0, and from x= +5 to x= -f-oo. When the derived function is negative, the curve slopes downward, as from x = to x= +4. When the derived function is zero, the curve at the corre- sponding point runs parallel to the base line, as at and +4f. If this point corresponds to a root of the equation, the curve will coincide with the base line at this point, and will there- fore be tangent to it. Hence, from § 356, Th. II, A pair of equal roots of an equation are indicated by the curve touching the "base line without intersecting it. Forms of the Roots of Equation. 358. Theorem I. Imaginary roots enter an equation mith real coefficients in pairs. That is, \i a + U be a root of such an equation, then a — hi will also be a root. 432 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. Proof. Let af>' +^1^:^-1 +p^x^-^ + -{-pn-ix -\-pn = (1) be the equation with real coefficients, and let us suppose that a + hi is a root of this equation. If we substitute a -f hi for Xy we shall have Q^ ^a^ + na''-^ hi — !L(!?Zli) ^n-2 ^2 _ ^|^ ^n-s j3^- ^ etc. ^jcc»-i = p^a^-^ + p^a^'^hi — etc. If we substitute all the terms thus formed in equation (1), and collect the real and imaginary terms separately, we shall have a result A -\- Bi = (§ 324), A signifying the sum of all the real terms, a« ^Vl(:^llan-2i2^ p^a^-i^ etc., and Bi the sum of all the imaginary ones. In order that this equation may be satisfied, we must have identically ^ = 0, ^ = (§ 327). Next let us substitute a — hi for x. Since the even powers of hi are all real, and the odd powers aU imaginary, this change of sign will leave all the real terms in (1) unchanged, but will change the signs of all tlie imaginary terms. Hence the result of the substitution will be A - Bi. But if a + hi is a root, then, as already shown, A = and ^ = ; whence A-Bi = also, and therefore a — hi is also a root. Def. A pair of imaginary roots which differ only in the sign of the coefficients of the imaginary unit are called a pair of Conjugate Imaginary Roots. Theorem II. In the eocpression Fx every pair of conju- gate imaginary factors form a real product of the second decree in x. DECOMPOSITION OF RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 433 Proof, If in the expression Fx =z {x — a) (x — (i)(x — y) . , . . {x — e), we suppose a and /? to be a pair of conjugate imaginary roots, which mQ may represent in the form a = a + hi, j3 = a — U, then the product of the terms {x — a) (a; — I) or of {x — a — hi) {x — a -{- hi), will be {x — af-\- 1^, or a?J — %ax + a^ -j- h^, a real expression of the second degree in x. Cor. Since Fx can always be separated into factors of the first degree, either real or imaginary (§ 347, Th. I), and since all the imaginary factors enter in pairs of which the product is real, we conclude : Every entire function of x with real coefficients may he divided into real factors of the first or second degree. Decomposition of Rational Fractions. 359. Def. A Rational Fraction is one which may be reduced to the form ax^ + haf^-^ + g:r^-^ + .«♦»+ ^ _ , . ^ -\-p^af'-^ + P2^~^ + +Pn ^^^ If the exponent m of the numerator is equal to or greater than the exponent n of the denominator, we may divide the numerator by the denominator, obtaining a quotient, and a remainder of which the highest exponent will not exceed 91 — 1. If we put fx, the numerator of the above fraction ; Fz, its denominator ; Q, the quotient; a = AF'a, which gives A = -~— If a In the same way we may find F'ft' F'y' etc. etc. Substituting these values of A, B, etc., in the equation (J), it becomes 7?- ^^ iA DECOMPOSITION OF RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 435 x _ (f>a (t>(i y . Fx- {x-a)F'a'^ {x-fi)F'(i^ (x-y)F'y^^^''' Note. The critical student should remark that in the preceding analysis we have not proved that the expression of the rational fraction in the form (b) is always possible, but have only proved that if it be possible, then the coefficients A, B, C must have the values (c). To prove that the form is possible, the second member of (i) may be reduced to a com- mon denominator, which common denominator will be Fx^ and the sum of the numerators equated to (t>x. By equating the coefficients of the separate powers of x, we shall have n equations to determine the n unknown quantities A, B, C, etc. Since n quantities can, in general, be made to satisfy n equations, values of ^, B^ (7, etc., will in general be possible. It will be instructive to solve the following exercises, both directly and by the common denominator. I. Decompose EXAMPLES. ics _ 7a;2 + 36 We have already found the roots of the denominator to be — 2, 3, and 6. Using the formulaB (c), we find «^a; = 2a^ — 3a; -f 5, Fx z=: u? — W ■\- ^Q =z {x + 2) {x — '^) {x — 6), F'X z=zW — l^', a=z-2, i3 = 3, 7 = e; (f>a = 19, 0i3 = 14, 07 = 59; F'a = 40, F'fi = - 15, F'y = 24. 2a^ — 3a; 4- 5 19 14 59 a;3 - 7arJ + 36 "" 40 (a; + 2) ~ 15 (a; - 3) ■*■ 24 (a; — 6)* 2a;2 - 7a; + 3 2a;2 - 7a; + 3 2. Decompose ic3 _ 2a?5 _ a; + 2 ~ (a; + l) (a;-l) (a;-2) Here the roots of the denominator are -- 1, 1, and 2. Let US effect the decomposition by the following method. Assume 436 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. {x + l){x- l)(a;-2)~a; + l x — 1 x — 2 Keducing the second member to a common denominator, it becomes A {x^ - 3a: + 2) + ^ (^^ - ^ - ^) + ^(^^ — 1) ' {X + 1) (^ - 1) (^ - 2) Since both members now have the same denominator, their " numerators must also be equal. Equating them, after arrang- ing the last one according to powers of x, we have {A + B+ C) x^ -{^A-\-B)x + 2A^2B—C— ^x^ — 7a; + 3. Since this must be true for all values of x, we equate the coeflBcients of x in each member, giving ^ + i? + (7 = 2, 3^ + ^ = 7, 2A-2B-0=^, These equations being solved give ^ = 2, ^ ;= 1, C = - 1. Substituting in {d), 2a;2 — 7a; + 3 _ ^ , 1 1 {x-\-l){x — l){x — 2) x-{-l ' x — 1 EXERCISES. Decompose: x + 10 2a^ — 12af^ — 8rg + 12 2a 6. x^ + Sx + 4: ccs ^ a;2 _ 4^ _ 4 X x^ — a^ aW ^ :^ — a^ ' (a;2 _ ^2) (a;2 _ j2) 360. When the equation i^ic = has two or more equal roots, the preceding form fails, because all the terms of the second member of {b') will then vanish when we suppose x equal to one of the multiple roots. In this case we must pro- ceed as follows : DECOMPOSITION OF RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 437 If Fx = {x — a)m {x — (iY{x — y)P, we suppose (j)x A ^ A^ Aq Am-i "^ (rr ,t\m-l "^ (rr _ „\m-2 + ♦••• + Fx (x — a)^ (^ — a)»»-i (a: — a)"^'^ ^ * '" ^ x — a 4. ?—^ ^ + .... 4- ^^^ 4. ^ + ^ 4. 4. ^ ^K (x — y)P (x— y)P-^ ^ ^ x — y etc. etc. etc. In the case of m, n, or p =■ 1, this form will be the same as {b), as it should. By reducing the second member to a common denominator, and equating the sum of the numerators to 0:r, we shall have, as before, a number of equations the same as the degree of x in Fx. EXAMPLE. ^ 8a^ — 9x^ — 2.r — 1 Decompose ^5 _ 2^ _ 2 I .3 4- 4.;^ + ^ - 2 ^ of which the roots of the denominator are — 1, — 1, 1, 1, 2. Solution, Because of the roots just given, the expression to which the fraction is to be equal is ^ , -^1 . ^ 1 -^^ I ^ - (x — lf^x — l^{x-{-iy^x-{-l^x — 2 Reducing to a common denominator, and equating the co- efficients of the powers of x to the coefficients of the corre- sponding powers in the numerator Sx^ — Ax^ — 2:^: — 1, we have A^+B^ + C= 0, — A^-{-A — 3B^+B= 8, — dA^ -\- B^ — 4.B — 2C = — 9, A^—dA-^ 7^1 4. 5^ := _ 2, 2^1 — 2^ + 2^1 H- 25 + C = — 1. Solving these equations, we find, A = 1, B = 2, 0=3. A, =-2, B^=-l, 438 GENERAL THEOBT OF EQUATIONS. The given fraction is therefore equal to 1 2.2 1 . ^ (« - 1)2 x-1^ {x + lf x + 1 a; — 2 EXERCISES. I. Decompose ^.^^^.^^ ^ns. ^-^ + ^^3;^,. x-1 ^-^ ^* (a; + 1)2* ^* ic3 — ic2-ic + 1* a; + 2 Transformation of Equations. 361. Def. An equation is said to be Transformed when a second equation is found whose roots bear a known relation to those of the given equation. Eem. Sometimes we may be able to find a root of the transformed equation, and thence the corresponding root of the original equation more easily than by a direct solution. Problem. To diminish all the roots of an equation by the same quantity h. Solution, If the given equation is ic» +p^a^-^-irPz^-^ + +i?n = 0, and if y is the unknown quantity of the required equation, we must have y = x — h. Therefore x ■= y -^h. Substituting this value of x in the equation, it will become rHPi +^/02/^-H[;?g + (w-l);?iA + (|)A2jyn-2+etc. (a) When h, w, and the js's are all given quantities, the coeffi- cients of y become known quantities. OENEBAL THEOBT OF EQUATIONS. 439 EXE RCISES. 1. Transform the equation a;^ — 3a; — 4 = into one in which the roots shall be less by 1. 2. Transform oi^ — dx^ + blx — '7 = into one in which the roots shall be greater by 5. 363, Removmg Terms from Equations, The quantity 7i may be so chosen that any required term after the first in the transformed equation shall vanish. For, if we wish the second term of the equation {a) to vanish, we have to suppose p^ + nh = 0, which gives A = — ^. We then substitute this value of h in the equation («), which gives an equation in which the second term is wanting. If we wish the third term to vanish, we must determine h by the condition which requires the solution of a quadratic equation. Each consecutive term is one degree higher in the unknown quan- tity h, and the last term is of the same degree as the original equation. This method is principally applied to make the second term disappear, which requires that we put n Example. Make the second term disappear from the fol- lowing equation, Q? -\- px -\- q — 0, Solution, Hence, w = 2 and p^=p, so that P 440 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. Making this substitution, the equation becomes which is the required equation. Eem. This process affords an additional elegant method of solving the quadratic equation. The last equation gives y = Y I - 2' = T^'^P^-^' The value of x, being equal to 2/ + h then becomes which is the correct solution. EXERCISES. Kemove the second term from the following equations : 1. a:3 — 6a:2 + 6a; — 1 = 0. 2. a:4 _ 4^3 _|_ 3^2 _ 8 z= 0. 3. irs — 5^-* + 2a;3 ^ ^x^ _ ^^ -. 0. 4. a;8 — l%x^ + 22^ — a; = 0. Rem. The theory of the above process will be readily com- prehended by recalling that the coeflScients of the second term is equal to the sum of the roots taken negatively, or if «, (i, y, etc., be the roots, a + (i + y + +e= —Px- It is evident that if we subtract the arithmetical mean of all the roots, that is, — — , from each of them, their sum will vanish, because «+^+/3+^ + r + ^ + etc. = -p^ +n^ = 0, n n n ^^ n Hence, when we put «/ — — for a; in the equation, the sum of the roots, and therefore the second term, vanish. GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 441 363, Problem. To transform an equation so that the roots shall be Ttiultiplied by a given factor m. Solution. Since the roots are to be multiplied by m, the^ new iinknown quantity must be equal to mx. So if we callr this quantity y, we have y = mx, which ffives a; = — • *^ m Substituting this in the general equation, it becomes Multiplying all the terms by m^, the equation becomes yn _j_ rnp^if'''^ + m^pc^y^''^ + .... + m'^pn = 0. Hence the rule, Multiply the coefficient of the second term by m, that of the third by m^, and so on to the last term, which will be Ttiultiplied by m^. If the roots are to be divided, we divide the terms in the same order. EXE RCI S ES. 1. Make the roots of a;^ — 2a; + 3 = four times as great. 2. Divide the same roots by 2. 364t Problem. To transform an equation so that its roots shall be squared. Solution. Let the given equation be X^ + PiC^ + P2'^^+ Ps^ + i?4 = 0- If y be the unknown quantity of the new equation, we must have y = x^, which gives x = ± ^^. If we substitute x = y^ in the given equation, it may be. reduced to the form y^ + p^y + /?4 + {Piy + p^) r = o. 443 GENERAL THEOBT OF EQUATIONS, If we substitute a; = — y^, the result will be y^ + P^y +P4.- {Piy + p^) y^ = ^' Since the value of y must satisfy one or the other of these equations, it must reduce their product to zero ; we therefore multiply them together. Considering them as the sum and difEerence of a pair of expressions, the product will be (y^ +i>2y +p^f - (Pty + Vzfy = o, or y'+(^P2-i>i')y'+W+^p^-^PiP3)y'H^P2P^-P3')y+p^^ = 0. EXERCI SES. 1. Transform the quadratic, a^ — ^x + 6, of which the roots are 3 and 3, into an equation in which the roots shall be the squares of 2 and 3, using the above process. 2. Transform in the same way a^ 4- 12a;2 + Ux + 48 = 0. 3. Transform a« _ 4a;4 _ iq^ ^ ^q^^ + 9a; — 36 = 0. Generalization of the Preceding Problems. 365. Problem. Given, an equation of any degree in an unknown quantity x ; Required, to transform this equation into another of which the root shall he a given function of x, Solution. Let ?^ be a root of the required equation, and fx the given function. We must then have fx = y. Solve this equation so as to obtain a; as a function of y. Substitute this value of x in the original equation, and form as many equations as there are values of y. The product of these equations will be the required equa- tion in y. GENERAL TEEOBT OF EQUATIONS. 443 EXERCISES. 1. Transform ic2 __ 7a; ^ 10 = so that the roots of the new equation shall be ^x^, 2. Transform a^ — 3a;2 + 2a; = so that the roots shall be «a; + 5. 3. Transform a;^ _ 9^; ^ 18 = so that the roots shall be ^x^ — 3. o Resolution of Numerical Equations. 366. Convenient metliod of computing the numerical value of an entire function of x for an assumed value ofx. If we have the entire function of x, Fx z= ax^ -{• ba^ + cx^ ■}- dx + e, we may put it in the form Fx = \[{ax + b)x + c]x + d\x-\-e. J. Therefore, if we put ax -\-h =z V, b'x + c = c', c'x ■\- d = d', d'x -\- e = e', we shall have Fx = e'. Numerical Example. Compute the values of i^a; = 2a:s — 3a;* — 6a;3 + 8a; — 9 for a; = 3 and a; = — 3. We arrange the work thus : Coefficients, :*rod. by (a;=3). 2 -3 -6 + 6 +9 + 3 +3 + 9 + 9 + 8 + 27 + 35 — 9 + 105 + 96 Hence, jP3 = 96. ^ov X = — 2, 2 -3 - 6 —4 +14 -7 +8 —16 —16 + 8 + 32 + 40 — 9 —80 -89 Hence, F{-^) = - 89. 444 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS, This, it will be noticed, is a more convenient process tlian tliat of forming the powers of x and multiplying and adding. 367. Having an entire function of x, and putting x = r + h, it is required to develop the function in powers ofli. It will be remarked that this problem is substantially identical with that of § 362, and the solution of this will be the solution of the former. But in the former case h was supposed to be a given quantity, whereas it is now the unknown quantity corresponding to y in the former problem. Example of the Peoblem. If we have the expression Fx = 2x^ + 3a^ + 4, and put X = 2 + hf it will become, by developing the sepa- rate terms, F(2-i-h) = 2¥ + 15/^2 + 36A + 32. General Rule for the Process. First compute the value of Fr hy the process employed in § 366. Then repeat the process, using the successive sum s ob- tained in the first process instead of the corresponding coefficients, and stopping one term hefore the last. TJve result will he the coefficient ofli. Repeat the process with the new sums, stopping yet one term sooner. The result will he the coefficient of h^. Continue the repetition until we have the first ter-m only to operate upon, which will itself he the coefficient of the highest power of h. Ex. I. The example above given is performed as follows: Coefficients, Product by r. + 2 + 3 4 14 + 4 28 First sums, Second products. 7 4 14 22 32 Second sums, Third product. 11 4 15 36 Result, Fi2 + h] ) = 2^3 + 15^2 + 36^ + 32. Ex. 2. In the function, Fx = 2x^ -7^ + 6a^ — 2x^ + 6x — S, let us put X = 3 + hj and express the result in powers of h. OENEBAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 445 Coefficients, 3 Products by 3, -7 6 + 5 -3 -3 + 6 + 6 + 13 -8 + 54 First sums, Second products. Second sums, Third products, -1 + 6 + 5 6 + 3 + 15 + 17 33 + 4 + 51 + 55 150. + 18 + 165 183 + 46 Third suras. 11 6 17 6 23 50 51 101 305 • Result, F{Z + h) = 2h' + 33/4* + 10W + 3057i' + 183A + 46. EXERCISES. 1. Compute 2^5 + 237*4 + 101A3_|. 2057^2 + 183/^ + 46, ^j^en h = x — d, 2. Compute c(^ —^x -\- 7 for x = — 4 + 7*, — 3 + 7«, etc., to + 3 + A. Proof of the Preceding Process. If we develop the ex- pression a {h + 7')^ + I (h + ry-^ + c(7i + r)«-2 + ^(7z + r)^-3 + etc., and collect the coefficients of like powers of 7i, we shall find Coef. of h"" = a, h^-^ = (I) ar^ ^(n-l)br + c, {A) hn-^ = /^) ar^ + ^C~i^ ^^' + (7^ _ 2) cr + d, h^-s = {fjarr+ {"^^^r^' + (^^)^^*"' + etc. Now examining Ex. 2 preceding, it will be seen that we can make the computation by columns, first computing the whole left-hand column and thus obtaining the coefficient of h'^~\ then computing the next column, thus obtaining the coeffi- cient of h^~% and so on. Commencing in this way, and using the hteral coefficients, a, b, c, etc., and the literal factor r, we shall have the results : 446 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. h c or ar^ + ^r ar + b ar^ + br -{■ c ar 2ar^ + br 2ar + b 3ar^ + 2Jr + c Bar -h b 6ar^ + 3br + c nar + b ( ^l «?^^ + (w — 1) Jr + c. If n is the degree of the equation, then, by the preceding process, we shall add the product ar to b n times, the n sepa- rate sums being ar-\-b, 2ar+b, Sar-j-b, .... nar-^b. To form the second column, we multiply each of these sums except the last by r, and add them to the coefficient c. The terms in ar added being ar^, 2ar^, dar^, etc., the sum will be (1 + 2+3 + +n—l)ar\ The coeiBficient is a figu- rate number equal to ^ ^^ ~ "^^ (§§ 286, 287). The sum of the coefficients of br \^ n — 1, because there are n — 1 of them used, each equal to unity. Therefore the final result is (|)«r2+(^-l)Jr + c, which we have found to be the coefficient of 'h^~\ In this second column the partial sums or coefficients of ar^ are 1, 1 + 2 = 3, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, etc., to 1 + 2 + 3 + .... +(w— 2). Therefore the numbers successively added to form the co- efficients of ar^ in the third column are 1, 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 3 + 6 = 10, etc. The coefficients of br^ will be the same as those of ar^ in the column next preceding. Continuing the process, we see that the coefficients are formed by successive addition, as in the following table, where each number is the sum of the one above it plus the one on its GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 447 r« r r2 r3 r^ r5 r^ etc. Jl^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 etc. h 2 3 4 5 6 etc. ^2 3 6 10 15 etc. h^ 4 10 20 etc. U 5 15 etc. U 6 etc. h^ etc. etc. etc. left. We have carried the table as far as w = 6, and the ex- pressions at the bottom of each column will, when 7i = 6, be formed from the numbers in this table, taken in reverse order, thus : Column under l, Qar + b; " « c, 15ar^+ 55r 4- c; « " dy 20ar^+10br^ + 4:cr + d; « « e, 15ar^+10br^+6cr^-^3dr + e; « " /, 6ar5+ 6br^+4^r^+3dr^-\-2er+f; « " g, ar^-\- dr^-^ cr^+ dr^-\- er^-\-fr-\-g, Now the numbers of the above scheme are the figurate numbers treated in § 287, where it is shown that the n^^ num- ber in the i^ column after the column of units is n{n 4- 1) (y^ + 2) {n ^-i — \) 1-2.3 i („_^.). Comparing with the coefficients in the equations {A), we see that the two are identical, which proves the correctness of the method. 368. Application of the Preceding Operation to the Ex- traction of the Roots of Numerical Equations, Let the equa- tion whose root is to be found be UT^ + hx"^-^ + cQt^-^ + . . . . -f ^ = 0. We find, by trial or otherwise, the greatest whole number in the root x. Let r be this number. We substitute r-]-h for 448 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS, X in the above expression, and, by the preceding process, get an equation in A, which we may put in the form ah^ + b'h^-^ + c'h^-'^ + d'h^-^ + + ^' = 0. Let r' be the first decimal of h. We put r' + h' for 7i in this equation, and, by repeating the process, get an equation to determine h', which will be less than 0.1. If r" be the greatest number of hundredths in A', we put h' = r"-\-h", and thus get an equation for the thousandths, etc. 369. The first operation is to find the number and approx- imate values of the real roots. There are several ways of doing this, among which SturrrCs Theorem is the most celebrated, but all are so laborious in application that in ordinary cases it will be found easiest to proceed by trial, substituting all entire numbers for x in the equation, until we find two consecutive numbers between which one or more roots must lie, and in difficult cases plotting the results by § 345. It is, however, necessary to be able to set some limits be- tween which the roots must be found, and this may be done by the following rules : I. An equation in which all the coefficients, including the absolute term, are positive, can have no positive real root. For no sum of positive quantities can be zero. II. If in computing the value of Fx for any assumed positive value of x, hy the process o/ § 366, i<;e find all the sums positive, there can he no root so great as that assumed. For the substitution of any greater number will make all the sums still greater, and so will carry the last sum, or Fx, still further from zero. III. If the sums are alternately positive and nega- tive, the value of x we employ is less than any root. IV. If two values of x give different signs to Fx, there must he one or some odd numher of roots hetween these values (compare § 345). OENEBAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 449 V. Two values of x which lead to the same sign of Fx include either no roots or an even nuniber of roots be- tween them. Let us take as a first example the equation a^-.'^x-^H = 0. Let us first assume cc = 4. We compute as follows : Coefficients, 1 -7 +7 Products, __4 _1Q __36 Sums, +4 +9 +43 So F {4) = -{- 43, and as all the coefficients are positive, there can be no root as great as 4. Putting X = —4:, the sums, including the first coefficient 1, are 1, —4, +9, —29. These being alternately positive and negative, there is no root so small as —4. Substituting all integers between —4 and +4, we find F(-4) = -29, F(0) = + 7, F{-3) = + 1, F(l) = + 1, F(-2) = +13, F{2)= + 1, F{-1) = +13, F{3) = +13. If we draw the curve corresponding to these values (§ 345), we shall find one root between —3 and — 4, and very near —3.05, and the curve will dip below the base line between +1 and +2, showing that there are two roots between these num- bers ; that is, there are two roots of the form 1+^, h being a positive fraction. Transforming the equation to one in h, by putting 1 + h for x, we find the equation in h to be 7^3 4. 37^2 _4^j^_^i = 0. (1) Substituting h = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, we find that there is one root between 0.3 and 0.4, and one between 0.6 and 0.7. Let us begin with the latter. If in the last equation we put 7* = 0. 6 + h'j we find the transformed equation in h' to be Fh' = A'3 + 4.8/i'2 + 0.687i' — 0.104 = 0. (2) If we substitute different values of /*' in this equation, we 29 450 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. shall find that it must exceed .09, and as it must be less than 0.1, we conclude that 9 is the figure sought, and put 7i' = .09 + h". Transforming the equation (2), we find the equation in h" to be A"8 + 5.07A"2 + 1.56837i" - 0.003191 = 0. (3) Since h" is necessarily less than 0.01, its first digit, which is all we want, is easily found, because the two first terms of the equation are very small compared with the third. So we simply divide .003191 by 1.5683, and find that .002 is the re- quired digit of h". We now put h" = .002 + h'", and transform again. The resulting equation for h'" is 7t"'8 + 5.076A"'2 + 1.588592A'" — 0.000034112 = 0. (4) The digits of rr, h, h', and h" which we have found show the true value of x to be X = 1.692 + A'". By continuing this process, as many figures as we please may be found. But, after a certain point, the operation may be abbreviated by cutting off the last figures in the coefficients of the powers of h. The work, so far as we have performed it, may be arranged in the following form (see next page). The numbers under the double lines are the coefficients of the powers of h, h', h", etc. It will be seen that for each digit we add to the root, we add one digit to the coefficient of h^^ two to that of h, and three to the absolute term. We have thus extended the latter to nine places of decimals, which, in most cases, will give nine figures of the root correctly. If this is all we need, we add no more decimals, but cut off one from ■ the coefficient of h, two from that of h% and so on for each decimal we add to the root. We shall find the next figure after 1.692 to be zero ; so we cut off the figures without making any change in the coeffi- cients. The next following is 2, so we cut off again for it, and multiply as shown in the following continuation of the process : GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATION'S. 451 -7 + 7 1 1.692 +1 + 1 -6 "— Ti -6 + 1.000 +1 +2 -1.104 T3 —4.00 - .104000 +1 + 2.16 + .100809 + 3.0 -1.84 - .003191000 + .6 + 2.52 + .003156888 -34112 + 3.6 + 0.6800 .6 + 0.4401 4.2 + 1.1201 6 + .4482 +4.80 + 1.568300 9 10144 4.89 + 1.578444 9 10148 4.98 9 + 1.588592 + 5.070 2 5.072 2 5.074 2 + 5.076 ( DONTmUATION OF PROCESS. + 15.076 + 1.58851912 -34112 1 021471 1 31774 1.5887 -2338 1 1589 1.518j8i8 — 749 636 —113 111 -2 It will be seen that from this point we make no use of the coefficient 1 of h\ and only with the second decimal do we use the coefficient of lA After that, the remaining four figures are obtained by pure division. There is one thing, however, which a computer should always attend to in multiplying a number from which he has cut off figures in this way, namely : Always carry to the product the number which would have been carried if the figures had not been cut off, and 453 GENERAL TBEOMY OF EQUATIONS. increase it hy 1 if the figure following the one carried would have been 5 or greater. For instance, we had to multiply by 7 the number 15 1 888. If we entirely omit the figures cut off, the result would be 105. But the correct result is 111|216; we therefore take 111 in- stead of 105. Again, in the operation preceding, we had to multiply 158|88 by 4. The true product is 635|52. But, instead of using the figures 635, we use 636, because the former is too small by |52, and the latter too great by |48, and therefore the nearer the truth. For the same reason, in multiplying 1.58818 by 1, we called the result 1589. Joining all the figures computed, we find the root sought to be 1.692021471. Let us now find the negative root, which we have found to lie between —3 and —4. Owing to the inconvenience of using negative digits, and thus having to change the sign of every number we multiply, we transform the equation into one having an equal positive root by changing the signs of the alternate terms. The equation then is a:;^ — 7a; — 7 = 0. The work, so far as it is necessary to carry it, is now ar- ranged as follows : 10 -7 -7 1 8.0489173395 3 ^ 6 3 3 -1.000000 3 18 81446 4 6 20^00 -0.185586000 9:00 203616 - .19158408 4 .3633 18791238 _4 7803 4 ^^^^'^ ^•^? • 20.797824 73088 ^•1^2 20 .8709113 Z 833|0 ^■^^1 20.87914|3 9.136 833 fl 20.8873|7 =— 9 |9-1|44 201.8|8|715 OENEBAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 453 The negative root of the equation is therefore — 3.0489173395. EXE RCISES. Find the roots of the following equations : 1. 0^ — ^x^ + 1 = (3 real roots). 2. cc3 _ 3a; 4_ 1 = (3 real roots). 3. a;4 _ 4^ _|_ 2 = (2 positive roots). 4. x^ + X — 1 = 0. 5. Prove that when we change the algebraic signs of the alternate coefficients of an equation, the sign of the root will be changed. 370. The preceding method may be applied without change to the solution of numerical quadratic equations, and to the extraction of square and cube roots. In fact, the square root of a number ?^ is a root of the equation a;^ — tj = 0, or . a:2 4- O2: — 7^ = 0, and the cube root is a root of the equation a^ + 0a;2 + O2; — 7i = 0. Ex. I. To compute y 2. 1 -2 I 1.41421356 1 1 1 -1.00 1_ .96 2^ -.0400 0.4 281 2.4 -11900 4 11296 -60400 2.80 1 56564 —3836 2.81 1 2828 -1008 2.820 • 849 4 -159 2.824 141 4 -18 2:8280 17 2 1 2.8282 2 21.8|218|4 454 GENERAL THEORY OF EQUATIONS. Ex. 2. To compute the cube root of 9842036. 2 2 2 4 4 8 4 2^ 60 1 1200 61 1261 62 61 1 62 1 630 4 634 4 638 4 132300 2536 134836 2552 137388.00 192.69 137580.69 192.78 137773.47 1.93 642.0 .3 13|7|7|75|4 642.3 3 642.6 3 214.30303242 -581036 539344 41692000 412j;4207 -417793 413326 4467 4133 334 276 58 65 8 ANSWERS. IN the following list, answers to questions which do not require cal- culation or written work, or which it is supposed teachers would prefer to have in a separate Key, are omitted. A Key, to be published for the use of teachers, will contain the complete solutions. 36. I. -9. 2. -17. 3- +9. 4. -26. 5- +10. 6. —15. 7. —56. 9. +840 lo. —1056. ii. +1. 12. —306. 13. 0. 14. —1008. 24 8 28. I. 1. 2.-2. 3.-5. 4.-14. 5. +24. 6. - = 3. 7. -y 8. -. 40. I. 0. 2. 0. 3. 11. 4. 17. 5- -37. 6. -90. 7. 324. 8. 0. 9. —60. 10. —180. 11. 945. 12. 5040. 13. —41. 14. —1. 15. —17. 16. 26. 17. 99. 18. 675. 19. 74. 20. —468. 21. —218. 22. —529. 23. -9007. 24. —6800. 25. —420. 47 45 26. -840. 27. 1^. 28. — ^. 29. 2. 30. 8. 31. When ic = 2, Exp. = 6 ; ic = 5, Exp. = 18 ; x = 7, 23 Exp. = 36. 32. When x = —5, Exp. = — — ; a; = 2, Exp. = ^; a; = 5, Exp. = - ^• 43. I. When x = —3, Exp. =0; a; = — 1, Exp. =0; a; = 1, Exp. =1 ; a; = 3, Exp. =15. 2. When x = —3, 144 ^ -p, 16 - -^ 16 Exp. = -g^; a; = -1, Exp. = — ; a; = 1, Exp. = — ; a; = 3, Exp. = 24. 3. When a; = — 3, Exp. = 46875 ; X = —1, Exp.= — I; a; = 1, Exp. = —88434; a; = 3, Exp. = — ^ (365)3. 4. ^^gn a; = — 1, Exp. =: (Vl4-V2)4; a; = l, Exp. = (\/8 - V2) 4 ; «; = 3, Exp. = (Vis — V42) 4. 456 AN8WER8. 48. I. a ■\- Ix -^ {x — y). 2, x — y — {a ■]- Ix), , , a — hx a—hx , ~ 3. a + ox 4. mpq. 5. va^hx, 6. A/(a + hx) ■\- {x — y). 7. ^\a + bx) — (x — y). 8. {a + hxy {x — y)\ 9. {mpq)K 10. {x — yY {mpq)\ I , z \ (a — bx)(x — y) II. — etc., etc., etc. 54. I. 5a + 45 — 8c — e. 2. — a + (a; + y), 3. 6. 4. 9a; - 13y. 5. 22 (« + 5)2 - a; - 2^ - ;?. 6. 5 («5). 7. 0. 8. 7(m + ?02-a;-22^. 9. 4(;? + ^)2 + a + 5 + c-6. 10. Uaix-^y). II. 15 (m + w)a; + 2(w — 7z)a; — 17. a b y n ^ m + n 15. 5x — 7y. 16. 8a;. 17. 4a; — 30. 55. I. (« + ?w)a;+(5 + ^)y, 2. {mn + pq) x + {2b — U) y, 3. (3 + 65 + 7a) a; 4- (- 2 - 4) 2/ + w + tj. 4. (8a + 85 + 7 + 1) a; + (5 - 5 - 5) 2^. 5. {a^m)x + {b — n)y + (c—p) z. 6. (2d-2f) X -h (Se -Sd)y + (4/+ 4e) 0. 7. (3« + |^)^+ (6a -2) a;. 8. (2a-35)a: + (-5-4J)y. 9. ga-i^)a;+(|5 + ?^)y. 10. (y^ — 3a — 6c + -^j a; + (2 + a)y. 11. (5a5 — ab — d)x + {4:cd — 3tnn) y. 12. ^— 5 — -^ja; + 5ay. 13. — 8a; + (3 — ^a)^^. 14. (3?w + 1 + a — a) a; + (— 1 — I ff) 2^. 15. 3a5a; + (2c + 1) V^ -|- (— m — a) 3/. 16. — 6x + {5m + 6) Vy — y — dVx. 17. ex -\- 6Vx — 6y + {—3a — 1) \/y. 56. 3. - lla + 165 - 4c + 76? — 7a; + (4 + 3c) y. AI^SWEBS. 457 4. 117^ 4- 283^2 + 72y - 57ax — 20. 5. 2a — eh, 6. ^a —2b -{-2c — 2d. 7. 4fl^ + 45 + 4c + 2d. 8. _ 3x^ — 2x — 4:. g. 3x^ — 0^ -\. Ux + 18. 10. x^ — ax-\- 2a\ 11. 2a^ — 6a^ + 3^?^ — b^ 12. 3^3 ^ 4a; _|_ 16. 13. — 4:{x — y) + 4:{z — x). 14. 5 (« — 5) + 2 (« + 5) + 7a — 2^>. 15. 12--17^-8--8l ^ y z X 5S, I. 2a:. 2. 2?/. 3. 4«5— 4m^— 3a;. 4. mx-jn. 5. 5t' 59. I. — 3^5 — m — 2ax. 2. 3x — 2a. 3. 25 — 4c. 4. IQx—'iy + bz. 5. —9ax—2by. 6. 0. 7. 0. 8. 3m. 61. I. m—p-]-q + a—b-\-c-{-d. 2. w + «— J+^ + g' — n-{-Jc. 3. 15«a; — 4:by. 4. 0. 5. ^ + 5 + 5 + ^ + m + ^j. 6. lla.T. 7. —2ax—6by—cz. 8. —2a; + 2?^. 9. —45;?. 10. 2a; — 6?/ — my + 4«6 — 5. ir. aa; + 2ca;. 12. 3fl^a; — 35a; + Say + 3a;2 — 35^ — 35^;. 13. 13ax — Sxy — 2d — Ifad. 14. m-{-3x-\-4:y—ay — p. 15. 2fl5\/^ + Vy — 3m + 67^ — 5\/a;. 69. 2. 6«25a;3. 3. 15m%y. 4. ^2a^mhj. 5. 4«27^2. 6. 5a;y;22. 7, 9a;y;z2. g. 4a2j2?7i2. 9. 9«^54a;4. 10. 14:4:mp^qh'^s. 11. 144«a;y2;. 12. ni^^x^yK 13. 3mn^k^. 14. 14:abcd^efg. 70. 15. m^a;?/^. 16. aJc^Za;*. 17. 12aWm^n\ 18. 14^252^2. 19. 135m3/iy. 20. Qa'^bcdim/z^. 21. d^m^n^x^y^z. 22. d}^x^y^. 23. 48«%^?i2^2. 72. I. a^bcdm. 2. — abcdx^. 3. — aWcx!^. 4. 30a^5%a;2. 5. 105«3m2a;?/3. 6. 10?^'^a;^+'^^/2;2. 7. 4:abmn. 8. 168«5m2^a;2. 9. Qhmngy^. 10. ^ax^-f. 11. —30agx^yh^. 12. Iba^'^naPyz. 13. —^abgxy^. 14. 4:bc^gnxh^. 15. —3ai^e^c(^y. 16. 4abcxy. 17. — 24aV?/3. 18. «%%3. 19. _3fl^4a;y. 20. — m''w^a:3. 21. c^bx^if^. 22. —apqx^y^. 2 23. 3a%cd?7?. 24. ^acm^y'^x^. 25. — -acmVx^. o 26. 3a%cxy\ 27. —a%dx\ 28. —3Wmhi^y. 29. m^n^a^y. 30. — -m^pqoi^y^. 468 AJ:i8WBR8. 73. 2. Ox^ — Sx^y + 3a:?/2. 3. ^x^ + Sx^t/ + 3a:«/2. 4. «V?/2; + ttZ'a^?/^^ + acxy^. 5. 27«'"^Zja:* — 45«2^)a:?/2 _ 63«^a;. 6. —12m^pq-\-lSninql 7. 40«%3 _ 56«%2 _ 5Qa^l,y. 74. I. «i? + mp —p^ + iq — cq — ir — or, 2. ?W2; — anx — tny — any -[- anz — 77iz. 3. acx — acy — Mx + My + /(?<^a; + fcdy, 4. «wa; — c^hm + «^cwz — a&w:K — V^nc — hhid. 5 . — ajim — apn + hym — dpn — hqm + Jg7^ 4- «2'7?j + a^;j. 6. G^':?; — 3wca; + lOxy — (jcy — 2zm — Izn. 7. a^m?c — aiv^hc — Qamlik + 12amJid + 4a/7^/^. 8. ea^*/ — 105^5' — 12cpq — 4^2^^ + 6np^q^. 9. — 7flr57^ — 7ab^}i + 7^^^^ — 3bn + ad7i + bhi. 10. 0. 76. I. (a'2 + 2%3_,_(3^;3_2:r2— 1 + 5%^— 4a:3^ + a;2— 7.T— 6. -.9 . .;! 1 Q . / ^ — 0\ - .0 -I 78 2. i^y 4- xy^ + (1 — x^) y^ — xy — 1. 3. xY + xY + (x — 2x^) 2/3 4- (1 _ 2x^) ?/2 — 2xy — 2 4. x^y^ + a;Y + (S.t^ _|_ ^2) ^3 _^ (334.^3) y2_^ 2x^y-\-3x 1. 2«.2 — abn^ — 2abn^ + 2«^> — l>^n^ — 2bhi^ 2. dam + 2an — ba?bmn — Sbm — 2bn + babhnn. 3. 2m3/^ 4- /?m3 4- qm^n — 2mn2 — pmii^ 4- 5'?^^. 4. ;:>3^ 4- p^qr 4- jt^^r 4- pq^ 4- g-V 4- jogV 4. pqr^ 4- g^^^ 4. pj^. 5. 4fl^2 _ 2«J _ 6^2. 6. m2a;2 — ^y. 79. I. 6^4 4- «3 ^ 11^2 _ ^ _|_ 28. 2. a3 _ j3. 3. a^ 4- ^3 _|_ ^2^2 _ ^a^ — ^2^ _ ^4^ 4. «5 — 2^4 4- 3^3 _ 3«2 4. 2^ — 1. 5. 0:5 — ^5. • 6. flrW 4- &?^^ 4-^/72^2 4- ^/7i;23, 7. 6^*4- 19ff3 4- 17^2^ «_28. 8. «3 4. ^3. 9, ^4 _ ^^ 10^ 0^5 _ q3 _|_ «2 _ 2a 4- 1. 11. a^ + 2fl!o:* 4- 2a^x^ + 2a^x^ 4- 2a% 4- a\ 12. am 4- (a;i 4- bm) z -]- {bn ■}- cm — ap) z^ 4- {dm -{- en — bp) z^ 4- (dn — cj)) 2^ — dp^. 13. «m 4- («?i 4- Jm) a: 4- J?2a;2. 14. am 4- (a?j + 5m)a; + {ap + bn + cm)x^ + {bp + cn)x^ 4- cpx^. 15. y5 _ 5^3 + 2y^-\-6y - 4. 16. ^/^ 4- 2?/H 3?/^ 4- 2/H 1. 17. «/« 4- 2?/^ - 72/2 — 16. 18. (3«3m_3^2»»+«)^_j_(_3^;n+2^3^«+2) ^^2a'»+2»_2a3». 19. «^ + ^«25 4- ^ttJ - 2«Z*2 _ 1 j2. 20. 4«5. 06 9 21. a44-26f3_|_^2 _ 54 _ 22»3_52. 22. a2 4- 2ac i-c^ — i^. ANSWERS, 459 22. ^2 ^ 2cfc + c2 — 52. 23. — 8«2J. 24. _ a;2 + (3Z. - «) a; -f 2/2 + (5 - 3ff) ?/ + 2^2 -- 251 25. a2^^"2 ^ «j2;«+2 _ a2^>a;3 _^ aJa;m+3 ^ ^^^m+s _ ^^a:4^ 26. a3m_J2n. 96. I. Q., a: - 3 + — ^- 2. a;2 + 3a; + 1. 3. Q.--^ + ^^- 4. Q.,2.2 + 3 + -,-^-. .7. «2 + «_l. 8. Q.,a;-H-^-j-^. 9. 4^2 _ 10^5 4. 25. 10. d^ — a^ ■\- a^ — a -\- 1. II. a2— 2« + 3. 12. a^—^a?-\-2a—l. 13. a:4_ 10:^2^1 6. 220 14. Q., :c4 ^ 2a;2 - 15^ + 56 ^— • 15. 1 + 22; + ^l 16. 1 — 3a; + 2;2. 17. 3 — 2a + a\ 18. l — 2y + 2y^-'y\ 19. — 16 + 8:r— 42;2 + 2a;3— ic*. 20. Q., 16 + 16a; + 8arJ + 4a;3 + 2a;* + j-——.- 97. I. x^ — (a -{- c) X -\- ac. 2. a;2 — (a^ + J) a; + ab. 5. al + J.r — ax. 6. ^j* _ 4^2^^ _,_ 7^^. 7. ff J + «c + c2 ^ j^, 8. c + J — a. 9. a^ — al) + ¥ — ac — U + c2. 10. a;2 + 'jtax + 2^2. II. ab -\- ax — hx, 12. x—h 13. 6«2a;6 _ 4a3^3 + «*. m — n m 4- n 104. 7. -T- ^1: « — £> « + l-h + lc 9. 0. 2fl'a; a* — 0" ax X y^x'' — 1; db-\-lc -\'Ca — (^2 + 52 ^ ^2) J (rt — J) (J — c) (c — rt) * * a;2 4g5 2a 1 ^^- «2 _ yi ^3. ^ _^ J- 14. ^2 (^2 _ !)• ^' a — b ' {^ — n) {x -\- y) '* in^ {m — 460 ANSWERS. i8. \ -r-' '9- 0. 20. — ^ — Q^ — a^ 2 («a; — my-\- xy) a^ ■}-¥ + c^ 21. — ^^ 5 "^ '^' 22. Y • x^ — y^ abc 4:X^ ,x ^ —2ax ^3.0. 24.^-^. 25.0. 26.^-^,. 2xy —{a — yY + o;^ 3 ^^ + ^^ 27- a:2 + 2/2- 2S. ^^^ • 29. ^^2_^^j2 30. (^±A). m 107. I. Jl_i_l). ..« + ^ + 108. I. db •\- y. 12. -y •• 13. db -^x^ — x\- ^ -)" T (a \ , a 2a -{- 3m 14. i(^-ij. i6.^-j, i9.„w:rjis- 110. ,. y+1. .. "^. 3. (^' 4. "^- 5. ». y — x ax — b ^ {a -[- x)^ dn ^ 1 + x^ n (am^ + b) 2xy — d 2x m{an^ — b) ' y{a-\-b — x) {a + bf ^2(^2 + 2) + ! ^* 2 («2 + 2ab - ^y ^° ^^' a{l+ a^) a^ + ¥ {x^ + y^) (a; - yY +{x + y ) (x^ + y ^) ^' {x + yf(x'^-^y^)-{x^'+y^) 111. I. =-. 4. — - — 5. ic + 1. 6. -T— 71 — (• a — b a '^ bn(bm — an) 133. I. a:— 27=0. 2. 7a;— 5a; rr 2450. 3. 6a; + 4a:— 3a; =60. 4. a;2 4- «ic = «5. 5. abx + «% + 7«2Z> = c. 6. 5 (4« + 3J) = 12a;. 7. a;^ — ^2 _ 2«a;. 8. a; + 5 = 2a; — 2«. 9. a; + « = ar^ + 2ax. 10. a;2 + 3a;— 10 = a.-^ — 3a; — 10. 1 1. hx^ — %2 _- axy, 12. a;3 _ 5^2^ _ Q^ 13. a; — 2/ = «;s — ^2;. 14. 2x^ — ax — bx = a^ — ab. ANSWERS. 461 124. I. 6?^-2-3?/ + 49 = 0. 2. Zax^a^=0. 3. 31a; + 23=0. 4. 8^ + 9«a;3 — 6«2^:2 ^ ^4 _ q. 5. 6«y + 3 («3 _ 1) y% _ 7^4^ 4. 3^2 = 0. 7. 2^3 + «^2 + fl!2;^ =z 0. 8. 7^/3 + 6?/2 + 52/ + 4 = 0. 9. ^4 _ ^,;^;3 _ 2^V — a^x — 4^4 = 0. 10. z^ j^(hJ^ c) z^ + (^z -^-W + h(^ + (^ = 0. 11. ax^ — fl2a; — h^x + b — 0. 12. (1— ?^):c2 + ^ + l = 0. 13. 2«2a:5 + aa:4 _ ^^x^ _|_ ^3 _ q^ 14. 10^5 — 13^ + 6:^3 ^ 21^2 — 6;^ — 3 = 0. 15. [a—l) x^ + (a + h) x^ + («2 — ^3 _f_ ^2j _ ^5) ^ _ 0. 16. «V 4. (_ ^3 ^ ^2j ^ a5 - Z>2) a; + a% = 0. 129. I. ^— • 2. — fl^. 3. 12. 4. 4. 5. T — ^ -.• 2o ^ oc -\- ac — ah 6. 25. 7. 36^. 8. ^^. 9. 1. 10. -^ c + «. 12. 4J. « + ^,- ^- -• — 5 « (^ + c) + 5c «3 + c3 + 53 — -1 3a5c 8a , «2 (S — a) 13. h~a. 14.5. 15.35. '^•TF + "*)' a (1 _ J2) a (ac + 52 _ 1) + Jc2 _ J _ a bn — am ^^' m — 7i" ^°' 3 {a^ +5^ + c^ — ab — ac — be) die — h) , die -\- a) b — d a + d _a{b — d) -\- db , _ ab d a — b -{- c cd -, cd ab ^ ab ~ "T' ~ ~ a^ ~ ~ d^ ~~ ~~c' 130. I. 20. 2. 72. 3. I, $67; II, $217. 4. ^10. 5. 50. 6. 180. 7. 65. 8. A, 1130; B, $110; C, $260. 9. $1000, $1500, $2000, $2500, $3000. 10. Man, 36; wife, 30. 11. I, 18| ; II, 26|^ ; III, 45. 12. 6 ft. 13. $23531^. 14. 81m. 15. 143^1 m. 16. A, $600; B, $1200. 17. 8^ m. per h. 18. —. pr h. 19. 15 and 24. 20. 15, 10. 2 {in — li)'^ 21. Man, 40 ; wife, 35. 22. 19-^. 23. 6| days. 462 ANSWERS. 24. 30 m. 25. I, 6 ; II, 3; III, 2. 26. 3000. 27. 100. 28. 4. 29. 18000. 30. $142.50. 31. I, $6 ; II, $4. 32. 3 m. an h. ZZ- $3600. 34. $24800. 35. 3 h. 21^ m. in "^ . ly ^^ ' «(1 + 26? 4- «') ' ' 1 + 2« + «2 38. I, !fj:ii^; 11, !^; III, ^; lY, !^^; V,^^4i5^. 39. 16 h.; 160 m. 131. 40. 30 m. ; 2 points. 41. 20 m.; 3 points. 42. 3|- m. T'T 43* /7T mi' 138. I. y = 2|, a; = 12|. 2. y = 7, x = 16. $. x = a-b, y = — -a, 4. 2/ = — g— > ^=— 4—' 3 7. a; = 32, y = 50. ?>. x ^=. a + h, y =z -{a — h). 2 9. a; = 9, ^ = 3. 10. a: = 7, ?/ = 5. II. y = 6, X = 4. 13. 2/ = 9, 2; = 8. 14. ?/ = 8, a; = 6. 15. 1/ z= 6, a: = 15. 16. y = 7, X = 14. 17. 3/ = 12, cc = 6. 2^ . _ ^^ c — d' c + 6^ 20. y = a^ — 2ab + b% x = a^ + 2ai + 2*2. 140. 2. a^i = 27, x^ = 22, ajg = 8, a;^ = 7. 3. a? = 2, 2/ = 3, 2 = — 2. 4. a; = 6, 2/ = — 1, 2; = 3, ?^ = 2. a — 2h + c-}- d a -\-'b—2c + d 5. a; = , y = , a -{- b -h c — 2d —2a-\'b + c + d z = 3 ,u = -3 t. X =z , 1/ = , Z = ■ p + m + n ^ p -\- n — m p — n — m ^^' y = Z -^^ ^ = T-TTy- 19. 2/ = 2. ^ = 6. ANSWERS. 463 I. A, $225; B, $150. 3. 54. 4. 42. 5. 67. 6. 81. 7. ~ 8. A, 86; B, 72. 9. 16 good, 26 poor. 4:0 lo- ^- II- ^iT- 12. 25, 8. 13. 96,37. 14. 34,18, 15 lo 15. A in 9, and B in 18 d. 16. 28, 23. 17. 35, 28. 18. I, 40 ; II, 30. 19. Bought, 72^ and 24^; sold, 90^ and 32?^, 20. Coffee, ^^—"-^; tea, ^^^:::|^. mb — an an — om .,.I,i;II,4i. ...^„-^- 23. A, 13000 @ 4^; B, $4000 @ 5^ ; 0, $4500 @ 6^. 24. I, 120 ; II, 114 ; III, 110. 164. 3. 12, 24, 66. 4. 66|, 1334, ^^O, 266|, 333J. «;. =- and 7* 6. 42. 18. 7. and • a -{- a -\- m — n m—n 8. a; = -, y = — -— . 10. — ^^. II. 2. a—y^ a + b a — % 14. 17536. 15. I, $7700 ; II, $12600. 16. 8. 17. 448 and 1008. 18. — ^, — ^. 19- "^ P- gol water ; -, — —^-, — ; — r , alcohol. 22. ^am + ^an + bm. : Zb7i-\-%bm-\-an. 23- (p + gi) am-\-pan + qbm : {p-\-q)bn-\-pbm-\-qan, 24. I, 5 : 3 ; II, 1 : 3. 173. T. 1 + 4.T + 10:i;2 + 12a;3 + 9a^. 2. 1 + 4:^ + 10^' + 20;r3 + 25:f* + 24x5 _^ ig^jG 3. 1 4. 4:^ + 10a;2 + 20a;3 + 25a:^ + 34a;5 + 36a:6 + 30^-"^ + 405;8 + 25a:io. 4. 1 + 4:2: + lOa:" + 20:^3 + 2bx^ + Ux^ + 48a;« + 54x7 _|. 76^8 + 48x9 + 25x10 + 60xii + 36xi2. 5. 1 _ 4^; + 10x2 — 20x3 _|_ 25x^ — 24x3 + 16x«. 177. I. (a + b% {a + 2»), (a + b)K 4. (x + «/)s (x + 2/)i (^ + y)^' 178.17. a^ib-cf. 464 ANSWERS. 184. I. 10+3 (5^/5 - 2\/2 - 3 Vio)^ 2. 37a/2 - 17. 4. a + J + c + ^4-2 (V«^ + V«c + "s/ad + V^ + V^ + 's/cd). 8. a2 _ 4a + 6 - - + i . 9. 0^2 _ ^ (a; + ^). n. 1. 12. 1. 13. 'v/2(V2 4-l). 17. (^-«/)n(^-2/)^-l]. 1 ax-\-h {a — x)i-\-l 19. 21. ^a + i ax—b {a + x)^ — l 185. 1.4^6^- --^. Z^-YZZ^- 4.-45- 5. ^. 6. 5V3- 7. ^^^ 8. i^^?. ^3 ' a^ — b a^ — X (Vi+Vy)^ ^^ 0^3 + ^ (a; + .2/)^ - 2 (a; + y) ^* X — y ' a — x — y 9\/l5 + 41 (v^ — Vx-\- yf II. ^ 12. _y - X + (x^ — a^)^ / . -, nI i 13- ^ ^2 -' 14. (a + 1)^- at X + V 2^2 a 187. I. x^ + 2a:?/ = (a; - ?/)2 - tf. 2. a;2 + 4:xy = (a; + 2?/)2 — 4«/2. 3. x^ + 6aa; = (a; + Saf — 9a\ 4. 4a;2 + 4:xy = (2x + yY — y\ 190. I. ^,' 2. i^^Jl^)-. 3. (a + by. 4. 6. 5. V^. q c nq 6. ahi 7. («2 _ b^)mq+np^ p. ( J4 _ 2^2^? + 2«^)i lo. 0^ + a. II. -. 12. (1 - m2)i (1 - ^2)2 191. I. 6, 12, 4. 2. 15, 12. 3. 47, 35. 4. 16. 5. a + 1. 6. 8, 16. 7. 64, 512. 8. 16, 48. 9. 10, 15. 10. -^-I— — Z_ II. 28, 36. AK8WBB8, 465 12. lac' — dc fb'c — hc' m o/i 14. r- ^5- jVh, 195. I. a; = 10, - ^- 2. 1/ = ± 8. 4. 2/ = «^ ± *• , 5. a; = — a or — 5. 7. a: = a(l ± a/2). 8. ^ = -8-(- 1 ± V129). 9. 2/ = |- 10. a: = ± «a/|- I. ± 21, ± 27. 2. 4 and 10. 3. ± 17. 4. 36, 24. 5. 10, 15, 30. 6. 6, 10, 14, 18, or —18, —14, —10, —6. 7. 35. 8. 21 turkeys, 25 chickens. 9. 12. 10. 10. 11. 250. 12. 3. 13. Length, 45; breadth, 35. 14. -(VimM^ + a) and -{V^m^a^ — a). 15. 72 or 108. > 196. 1.81. 2.121. 3.225. 4.289. 5.256. 6. V3±3V6 203. I. X = j- 2. X — —a. 3. a; = 13. 4. a; = 50. 5. a; = 1. 6. a; = —-^ — 7. a; = 16. 8. a; = 5 or |. <), x = a^ — W± Wb^ — a\ ^ ^ 1 10. a; = 4. II. a; = a or -• a 37 10 203. I. a; = y or 5, 2/ = y or 2. 2. a; = — 4 or + 13, 2^ = or — 17. Z. x=-\ ± I V~863; y = |(l T a/^=^863). 4. a: = 11 or - 7^, «/ = 15 or - 174|. 5. a; = — 21 or 4 ; 1/ = 28 or 3. 204. I. a;=1.37... or —0.156...; y=— 4.46... or —6.096... 7 , 79 14 2.^ = ^or-4;a: = -or-~. 3. a; = 2 or 5 ; 2/ = 6 or 3. 466 ANSWERS. 305. I. y = ± 1 or ± \/\\ x = 2y ov -4y. 1 4 ^3,3 ^07. I. a; = ± 5; 2/ = ± ^- 2. a; = ± 8; 2/ = ± 3. 3. a; = ^(5±V5);t/ = |(5=FV5). 4. y = 7or2; a; = 2 or 7. 5. a; = 5 or 7 ; ^ = 7 or 5 6. a:= ±9; 2/ = =F2. 7. a; = ± 25 ; «/ = ± 9. 5. x= ±--===^;y= ±-7=====' 9- x=2; y=l 10. X = a(a±b); y = b{a±i). 11. a; = 4 ; «/ = 5 31 4 1 i2,x = py = -^' 13. ^ = 15; 2/ = 15' 14. a; = 5; 2/ = lor 2; ^2= 2 or 1. 15, x = 6; y = d 16. Time, 6 or 7; rate, 7 or 6. 17. Dist, 30 or 46|. 18. X = UVa^ + ^b^ + V«2-4^); 19. |(l± Vs) and ^(3±a/5). 20. 24 and 9, or —12 and —18. 21. 49 and 25. 22. 64 and 8. 23. m -{- n^ Vni^ + # and m + n ± Vm^ + ^^' 24. 12 men working 12 h. 25. 8 ; 10. 26. X = ±Q; y = ±4:. 27. 11 ; 3. 210. 7. 14075. 8. 5050. 10. n\ 11. n^ + n. 12. Lowest, 140 — 6m ; all, 137m — dm% 16, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. 17. 951. 18. 4, 10, 16. 19. 11 or 8 21. 10 or 16 d. 22. 9 days. 23. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14. ' 25. 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38. 27. 3, 5, .... 2S 28. a, a + frri' ^ + i + 1 ' 313. 6. Last nail, $21474836.48 ; all, $42949672.95. 7. 246 12. 5 or -• „.. 1 ^ 1 4 1 ^ a w2-2m 314. I. -. 2. 2. 3. 10- 4. 5- 5. y 6. -^. 7. --^1- ANSWERS, 467 3 1 8. 12 — 6 + 3— ^ + etc., ad inf. 9. ^ from A to B. ^.^ 1 3 , 1 5 ^ 27 108 215. I. ^. 2. -. 3. 1. 4. ^' 5. n* ^- lio* 7- 999* 1100* 216. I. $216.74. 3. 2.72325a. (' + 4)"-' , (1 + 1^) -(1+4) (^-x^r- «- o ^^-^ 226 («). 1. 440. 3. 74. 4. 148. 5. 0. 6. 0. 16. 1. 17. 4. 18. 10. 19. 20. 20. 35. 21.56. 22. 0. 23. _ 1. 24. - 1. 3. '^4. 4. 148. 5. 0. 6. 0. 227. I. A^ = A^-A^]A^ = -A, ; A^ = -A^ ; etc. ; -4io = — A^. 2. A^ = 16^1 - 15^0- 3- ^6 = 43^1 + 30^0- 6. A^ =:kA,-\-A,',,,.,A, = (120/{;5 + 96P+9^)^i + (120^ + 36A;2 + 1)^0. 228. 1. n — 4: terms are omitted. 5. s — 2. I. 120. 2. 720. 3. 40320. 4. 35. 5. 56. I. 247. 2. 70. . 230. I. 23.3. 2. 23.32. 3. 22.5.13. 4. 132. 5. 32.52. 6. 28. 232. 2. 7. 3. 1. 4. 1. 5. 4. 233. 6. First wheel = 7, second = 5, third = 3 turns. „._ 113 17 19 5a; + 1 345. I. 5^^. 2. — . 3. — . 4 355 * 58 ^* 72 ^* 3 (52; + 1) + a; bc + 1 ^' a{dc + l) +c* 251. 2. i. 4. 720. 5. 24. 468 ANSWERS. 6. (a) 2160 even, 2880 odd ; {h) 144; (c) 720 ; {d) 576. 7. 720. 8. 120. 9. 120. 10. 120. 11. 12. 12. 72. 13. 144. 14. 720. 252. 3. 360. 5. 60. 6. 90 7. 34. 253. I. 720. 2. 120. 3. 48. 4. 4. 5. ^880. 6. 14400. 254. 4. 140. 5- 6486480. 255. I. 5. 2. 5. 3. 8. 4. 6. 5- 16- 6. 17. 257. 3. 3, 21, 36. 5. 10. 7. 3. 8. 3. 9. (a) 1 ; (5) 3 ; (c) 6 ways. 10. 3003. 261. 3. 15 and 20. 5. (^-^I)' 263. I. 120. 2. 240. 3. 2^ 4- 81 routes. „„^ 1 31 15 A i^i ^bT. I. ^- 2. -, -. 3. ^, jg. 4. 3g- 5. g- 0. 3* 3 „ 1 5 3-1 3 7 7- 5* ^-r 9-u ^^-lO* "T ^^•.7- ^4.^- 2wm f, — — ^^' o^M^(w2T^r^* • 10' '^* 2«* 2 2 63 1 7 9 269. .. g and j.- 2. «, -; ft g^; y, g^; <5, g^- 3 3. 2 to 1 in favor. 4. -y 5- 3m?^ (m — 1) (m + w) (m + ^ — 1) (?72 + w — 2) 1 2^ 1 2^* 1 2» 1 ^' 2 2'* — 1 ' 22 2'* — 1 ' 2^ 2^ — 1 2« — 1 36 30 25 ^°" 91' 91' 91* 12. The chances are 41 to 25 in favor of the first purse. I. 2^3, ^^3, 2^3, ^^3, ^^3. 2. ^^. 3. ^^. 274. I. (a) 0.429; (J) 0.159; (c) 0.813; (