THE ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION. ■♦-•- CONSTITUTION. 5658— 1898. URL ©ouotitutunt % \ OF THE ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION. NAME. 1. That the name of the Federation he <: The English Zionist Federation." CONSTITUTION AND OBJECTS. 2. That the Federation consist of such Jewish Associations and Bodies in the United Kingdom as have, or desire to promote any of the following objects : — (a) The acquisition of a legally safe-guarded home in Palestine for the Jewish people. (b) The fostering of the National idea in Israel. (c) The supporting of a regular International Congress of duly accredited representatives of the Jewish people for the consideration of the condition of Jews in the different countries of their dispersion, and for taking such measures as may be deemed conducive to their general welfare. 21 17898 (d) The supporting of existing colonies, and the founding of new colonies, by placing as many Jews as possible living in Palestine as settlers on the land, and encouraging, guiding, and assisting new settlers anxious to establish colonies, or any handicrafts, industries or arts in Palestine. (e) The study of Hebrew Literature and the use of Hebrew as a living language. 3. The Federation shall be the medium of com- munication between English Zionists and the Central Committee appointed from time to time by the Inter- national Congress, and Zionists of other countries. They shall advise on the steps necessary for the furtherance of the general movement, and adopt such means as may be approved for carrying into effect the resolutions adopted by the International Zionist Congresses held from time to time. They shall also initiate, in connection with the various objects of the Federation, propaganda, which shall partake of one common character throughout all the federated bodies. ADMINISTRATION. 4. That the government of the Federation be vested in a Central Committee, which shall consist of delegates from all the federating societies, to be elected upon the following basis : — Each organisation numbering at least 25 registered paying members shall be entitled to one delegate, and each organisation with a larger membership than 25 shall be entitled to a further delegate for every 100 additional registered paying members. Provided that any society in a provincial town, which is the only Zionist organisation existing in such town, shall be entitled to appoint a delegate irrespective of the number of its members. 5. That the delegates be elected to serve for two years, but that at the end of the first year after the formation of the Federation one-half (to be selected by lot) shall retire ; and thereafter, at the end of each year, one-half shall retire by seniority. No delegate so retiring, who shall have absented himself without valid excuse for three consecutive ordinary meetings, shall be eligible for re-election for one year from the date of his retirement. No delegate shall represent more than one body. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. 6. That the Central Committee shall meet at least once in every three months, but that special meetings may be called by the Executive at any time on their own initiative. Upon a requisition to the Chairman for the time being, signed by at least twenty members of the Central Committee, the Chairman shall forthwith summon a special meeting to be held within fourteen days of the receipt of such requisition. The notice con- vening all meetings of the Central Committee shall be issued at least seven clear days before the holding of such meeting. At any special meeting no other business shall be considered except that specified upon the notice convening same. At every meeting of the Central Committee twelve shall constitute a quorum. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 7. That the Central Committee at their first meeting shall elect an Executive Committee from amongst their number, consisting of eight members, who shall hold office for two years. Each member of the Executive shall in turn serve as Chairman of the Executive for a term of three months. At the end of the first year after the formation of the Federation, the four members who have passed the Chair shall retire, and the remaining four shall not be submitted to the operation of the lot as provided by Rule 4. The delegates at the first meeting of each session shall fill up the vacancies caused by the retirement from time to time of the members of the Executive. No member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election for one year from the date of his retirement. 8. That the Chairman of the Executive Committee for the time being shall preside at all meetings of the Central Comitteee during his period of office. 9. That the Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every month, but that special meetings may be called by the Chairman for the time being at any time, on his own initiative. Upon a requisition to the Chairman, signed by at least three members of the Executive Committee, the Chairman shall forthwith summon a special meeting, to be held within seven days of the receipt of such requisition. The notice convening all meetings of the Executive shall be issued at least three clear days before the holding of every such meeting, and shall state clearly the business for which such meeting has been con- vened. At any special meeting no other business shall be considered except that specified upon the notice convening the same. At every meeting of the Executive Committee four members shall constitute a quorum. Any member of the Executive Committee who shall have absented himself, without valid ex- cuse, for three ordinary consecutive meetings, shall cease to be a member of the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee shall select a member of the Central Committee to serve in his stead until the next Annual Meeting of the Central Committee. 10. That the Executive Committee shall, at each quarterly meeting of the Central Committee, present 8 a written report of their work during the previous three months. SUB-COMMITTEES. ii. That the Central Committee shall, at their first meeting in each year elect three Sub-Committees, viz. : — (a) Colonisation Sub-Committee, to which all matters connected with the Colonies in the Holy Land shall be referred. (b) Propaganda Sub-Committee, to organise new Societies and encourage propaganda through- out the country. (c) Literature and Language Sub-Committee, to organise and encourage the study of Hebrew Literature, with the use of Hebrew as a living language. Any member of a Society affiliated to the Federa- tion shall be eligible to serve on these Committees, and shall be elected to serve for two years ; but at the end of the first year after the formation of the Federation one half — to be elected by lot — shall retire, and, thereafter, each year, one half shall retire by seniority. No member of a Sub-Committee shall be eligible for re-election for one year from the date of retirement. The Central Committee may vote from time to time to any Sub-Committee appointed under this law, such moneys as may be necessary for the furtherance of the special work of any such Sub-Com- mittee, and shall be entitled to receive voluntary sub- scriptions and donations for the furtherance of the special objects of such Sub-Committees. FUNDS. 12. That each Federated Society shall pay annually to the Federation the minimum sum of one shilling for every one of its registered paying members, and shall pay, either through the Federation or direct to the Central Committee appointed from time to time by the International Congress, the " Shekel" contribution for every one of its registered paying members, and such further sums for carrying out the objects of the Federa- tion as may be decided upon from time to time by the Central Committee of the Federation. Where any federated societv transmits the "Shekel" contribution direct to the Central Committee appointed from time to time by the International Congress, each contribution shall be transmitted in the general name of the Federa- tion, and the Federation shall be apprised of the amounts remitted from time to time. 13. That the minimum annual contribution hereinbe- fore provided for shall be paid by the treasurers of the respective societies on or before the appointment of their IO delegates. Any federated body not paying its annual contributions, or any further sum decided upon to be paid under Clause 12, shall cease to have the right of continuing in the Federation, unless upon representa- tion it shall appear to the Executive Committee that such default has been unavoidable. 14. That the Shekel contribution, where paid through the Federation, shall be held at the disposal of the Central Committee appointed from time to time by the International Congress, and all contributions beyond the minimum provided by Rule 12 shall be vested in the name of at least three trustees, to be appointed by the Executive Committee, and shall be dealt with only on a resolution of that Committee. OFFICIALS. 15. That the Executive at their first meeting shall appoint one of their number who shall act as Treasurer for the year, and who shall not be eligible for re-election for one year after the expiration of his term of office. 16. That there shall be a paid Secretary of the Federation, who shall be appointed annually by the Executive Committee, and who shall recive such salary and perform such duties as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I i 000 217 974 ANNUM. CONFERENCE. 17. That an Annual Conference of the Federation shall be held on a day or days in June, to be fixed by the Executive Committee for the time being. Three months' notice shall be given of the holding of the Conference, and the notice shall be accom- panied by a draft programme, amendments or ad- ditions to which may be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing within one month of the holding of the Conference. Eacli federated body shall be entitled to send to such conference (in addition to the delegates serving on the Central Committee) two special delegates for each delegate representing them on the Central Committee. 18. That the Executive Committee shall make all arrangements in connection with the holding of the Conference. They are to appoint a Chairman or Chairmen to act at the Meetings, and shall also have power to appoint such Sub-committees as they may deem necessary. 19. That a final programme and agenda to be settled by the Executive Committee shall be issued to each delegate at least fourteen days prior to the Conference, and no other business shall be considered by the Conference save what appears on the Agenda paper. 12 BYE-LAWS. 20. That the Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to make bye-laws for the regulation of the Federation, provided such bye-laws contain nothing contrary to this Constitution, and such bye-laws, when passed, shall have the same authority as these laws, provided that no bye-law shall be valid until it is confirmed by a meeting of the Central Committee. AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION. 21. That this Constitution may be amended by a majority of not less than four-fifths of the members present and voting at any meeting of the Central Committee, providing that not less than twenty members be present at such meeting. Seven clear days' notice shall be given of any proposed amend- ment ; and the terms of such proposed amendment shall appear upon the Agenda attached to the notice convening the meeting. Printed by Smiths', Printers, Hutton Street, Whitefriars, E C.