tl^f ESTABL.ISI R. H. Macy & Co., SIXTH AVENUE, 13th to 14th ST. C. B. WEBSTER. ] ISIDOR STRAUS. I pilflD, NATHAN STRAUS. ) NEVA/ YCDRK. "Popular PrlftftS." th« i^nidins' Star nf nnr avefAm moa cent saving' 1 nate the addj penses and h Buy your per cent. Sei Save f ron us. We carry Complete from 10 to 25 White Gkxxls. Laces and Embr( Handkerchiefs, Millinery, Kid Gloves, Silks and Satins, Dress Goods, Feathers and Flc Ribbons, Dress Trimmings Corsets and Bust Ladies' and Child Ladies' and Child L.adies' and Child Children's Outfits Hosiery, LY( JAOTi WDl^^MGEE mMQWM. STEINWi! of their piano- in their own f j A. B. CHASi KURTZMANI « from 10 to 33i per ' calculations elimi- jr defraying the ex- knd save from 25 to 40 ries by purchasing of 7 direct importations, le of goods, at prices lal Goods, atB in Bisque and Goods, i Bedding, les, atting, etc. iry, ills, Games, etc., knd Trunks, ,nd Wooden Ware, Tackle, and Athletic (Joods, and Saddlery. S:CO., OS. all component parts f full metal frames), WEBSTER, C20. W. LYON. THS VOCAXiIOIff. THE OWI.Y EFFECTIVE SUBSTITUTE FOR THE PIPE OROAIV. It costs one-half as much as a pipe organ of equal capacity. It is unaffected by changes of temperature. It occupies one-quarter to one-third the space. It is movable without being taken to pieces. 1 74 4. 1 76 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. THE CENTURIAL. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. MADE ONLY BY US. These Tablets are readily and absolutely soluble in five to ten minims of water. They are combined with an unobjectionable base, do not cause abscesses, and may be administered by the stomach as well as hypodermically. They Sossess the advantages of accuracy of dose and perfect preservation of the rug. Do not become insoluble with age. Send for a price list, which com- prises nearly all remedies used hypodermically. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF TABLET TRITURATKS. AN EASY, ECONOMICAL, AND ACCURATE METHOD OF DISPENSING MEDICINES IN A COMPACT AND PALATABLE FORM. *' Physicians practising in the country, to whose use they are adapted by reason of their economy, dose- accuracy, compactness and palatable form for dispensing, will find them alstost indispensable. *' The Soluble 'J'ablets generally consist simply of certain medicines made into soluble paste with the aid of sugar of milk, and alcohol, or water. The tablets are intended to embrace any medicines that can be made into a paste which are not too tenacious, combined with sugar of milk containing any per cent of chemical.^' WINE OK COCA. A Quick and very De§lrable Stimulant and Nerre Tonic. This preparation presents in a superior form the Medicinal Virtues of the Erythroxylon or Coca Plant, of Peru, South America, with Pure Grape Wine. Its judicious daily use serves to maintain the Energies and to avert the Fatigue caused by undue Mental and Physical Exertion. By its stimulating properties it is esj>ecially adapted to Children, Persons in Delicate Health, and Convalescents. It improves the Appetite, Aids Di- gestion and Assimilation, and maintains the Normal Tone of Healthy Func- tions. Being very Palatable, it can be borne by the most Delicate Stomach. Asa '* VOICE TONIC," to Public Speakers, Singers, and those who constantly use their Voice, it will be found indispensable. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT. Instnunent Maker to St. Luke's, Mt. Sinai, New York State Woman's Hospitals, Bellevue, and all the other New York Hospitals. Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Surgical, Dental, Orthopaedic Instruments, Catheters. Trusses, Supporters, Silk Stockings, Ear Trumpets, Splints, Anatomical Preparations, Local Anaesthesia Apparatus, Laryngoscopes, Ophthal- moscopes, Hypodermic Syringes, Axilla Thermometers, etc., etc. (^"Special attention given to the manufacture of instruments to order in exact accordance with pat- terns furnished by surgeons or physicians. HA-ZiLHD, HAZARD & CO., Successors to Caswell, Hazard & Co., F=-AIS/IIL_V CD H E IN/I I ©"TS, Fifth Ayenue, corner 24:th Street, Sixth Avenue, corner 39th Street, NE>A/ YCDF^K. AND 212 THAMES STREET, NEWPORT, R. I. ^iBIRXHS.i^ Name of Pabents. Name of Child. Date of Birth. Whbbe Born. •*•••• - 4 ■#DEKTHS.-i^ Name of Deceased. Parents' Name. Date of Death. Age. . •^TV^MRRIKCeSi^ Name of Bride. Name of Brideokooh. Date of Marriaob. ' 10 iSCmii THE DAIE OF MUlll 1. Suppose a death to have occurred on the 4th day of Nissan ; to know what English date that will be in the year 1896, look when Rosh-Chodesh Nissan will be in that year. You will find it to be April 3d. That being the first day of the month, the 4th would be three days later ; and the Jahrzeit, in that year, will be April 6th. In 1906, Rosh-Chodesh Nissan will be on March 16th, so that the Jahrzeit will be on the 19th. In 1934, Rosh-Chodesh Nissan will be March 28th, consequently the Jahrzeit will be on March 31st. 2. For a death which occurred on the 8th of Kislev, if the corre- sponding English date is required in 1894, refer to that year ; and it will be seen that the 1st of Kislev will be November 29th. Add seven days to that, and it will give December 7th as the day. In 1898, the 1st of Kislev will be November 15th ; therefore, the 8th will be November 22d. 3. For a Jahrzeit occurring on Sh'vat 10th, in 1898 the 1st day of Sh'vat will be January 12th ; therefore, the 10th, being nine days later, will be January 21st. In 1907 it will be January 25th. When there are two days as Rosh-Chodesh , the second day is counted as the first of the month, excepting Tishri, which is always reckoned from the first day. THE CENTUUIAL. FOOD This Obiginal and "Woeld-Renowned Dietetic Preparation is a substance op TTIVFUTVAT T 171^ purity and medicinal worth— potent for good and 'powerless to hcvrm U 11 A.1 V ALiLdLiJJ A solid extract, derived by a new process from very superior growtb^ of wheat— nothing more, and as a it would be diflBcult to conceive of an>i;hin{)r more wholesome and delicious. It y has justly acquired the reputation of being the salvator FOR INVALIDS AND THE AGED; trl^?S"^it^e^^"^f"" *"' TMITAIVfnrC A IVI'n putt T^DiriVr ■ a superior nutritive in continued fevers; The ID 1^ UOilrfi/AE^il 5 most nourishing and strengthening food for VTTDOTVrri U ATnrDC anH fAUVKT rOPUlITQ ' And its rare medicinal excellence in Inanition, flUAOiniJ mUlnlinO dllU tUniALiiOlitiniO , due to Mal-Assimilation, Chronic, Gastric and Intestinal Diseases, has been incontestably proven; often in instances of consultation over patients whose digestive organs were reduced to such a low and sensitive condition that the Imperial Granum was the only thing the stomach would tolerate, when life seemert depending on its retention. Sold by Druggists. Shipping Depot, JOHN CARLE &, SONS, New York -«:illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii> Jt is conceded by the whole medical profession that the article of greatest value to infants and growing children is that affording the largest amount of nutrition with the least tax on the digestive organs, and we can speak from experience and urge our readers not to indiscriminately use the various so-called ''foods," but confine themselves to an article such as Imperial Granum. At a time when there is such an array of foods for children and invalids before the public it is well to bear in mind that in purity, reliability of manu* facture, and superior nutritive qualities, none can compare with this celebrat- ed dietetic preparation. It has withstood the test of time, and its universal recommendation by the best and ablest physicians, and the experience of all who have used it, prove it to be beyond a doubt the very best of all foods, and that it has justly earned its title of Imperial. It is made from the finest wheat, and we can truthfully assert that no preparation is so nicely and care- fully prepared or so liberally certified to as a food of unrivalled delicacy and superior nutritive and medicinal worth. It is so well known that it scarcely needs any recommendation, and its use will convince any one that too much cannot be said in its favor. Besides its use as a food for invalids and for the aged, for infants and children, for nursing mothers and convalescents, it makes the most delicious ice cream and other forms of dessert. — T/ie American Hebrew, New York. THE CENTURIAL A JEWISH CALENDAR FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS. COMPILED BY REV. E. M. NIYERS, 167 EAST 74th STREET, NEW YORK CITY. "WITH A SUMMARY OF NEARLY SEVEN HUNDRED EVENTS OP HISTORY FROM THE TIME OP THE CREATION TO THE PRESENT YEAR. NEW YORK, 'm\., "" % '. " ••" ' ° " Stbttinkr, Lambert & Co., Printers. Thk Block Printing and Publishing Co., Publishers, CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1890, by Emanuel Moses Myers, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. 5651 A.M. 1890-'91 CJE. Tishri i( (< tt i( (( a Oheshvan 1 3 10 16 21 22 23 Kislev 1 1 . " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 ShVat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 '' 14-15 ^N^issan 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van. 6 Tammuz. 17 Av. 9 Ellul. 190T. First Day of New Year Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle lloshannah-Iiabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Cbodesh Eosh-Cbodesh First Day of Cbanukab. Rosh-Ohodesb , Fast of Tebet 1908. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther . . . , Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh Monday Sept. 9 Wednesday a 11 Wednesday ft 1.8 Monday- a 23 Sunday it 29 Monday ti 30 Tuesday Oct. 1 Tues.-Wed. i( 8-9 Thursday Nov. 7 Sunday Dec. 1 Friday (( 6 Sunday a 15 Saturday Jan. 4 Sun.-Mon. Feb. 2-3 Tues.-Wed. March 3-4 Monday i( 16 Tues.-Wed. " 17-18 Thursday April 2 Thursday • < IG Fri.-Sat. May 1-2 Tuesday i=tESlDElMT. ASSETS, OVJBR $11,000,000. Address J^, S. FRJ^NCH, Sup't of Agencies, 21 CoHrtlandt St., New York City. |3 r IVI IVI You can here get more life insurance, of a better quality, mm I ■■«*| I Jt I <^^ easier terms, at less "*^ ■ w^\l— cost than elsewhere. - II—-- Address, 921-3-5 Chestnut St., LIFE Philadelphia. 5669 A.M. 1908-'9 CJE. Tishri 1 a 3 (( 10 it 15 (( 21 (( 22 (( 23 Cheshvan . Kislev. Tebet. 25 (C 10 ShVat. a 13 '' 14-15 Nissan 1 a 15 lyar. (( 18 Sivan.