UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF THE PUBLISHER CATALOGUE OF BOOKS MANUSCRIPTS AUTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS MR. E. A. DENHAM, AGENT CABLE AND TELE- FOR THE UNITED STATES GRAPHIC ADDRESS 28 WEST 33 RD ST, NEW YORK "OXDEST, LONDON " FOR SALE BY ALEX'R DENHAM AND CO. 23 HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. MDCCCCII Price 'Two Shillings and Sixpence No. in. Stamped leather binding of the fifteenth century. Reduced. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS MANUSCRIPTS AUTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS FOR SALE BY ALEX'R DENHAM AND CO. 23 HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. MDCCCCII All books, manuscripts, autographs, and drawings upon this catalogue are in fine condition. We have therefore thought it unnecessary to repeat the words " fine copy," etc. Some of the early printed books, as is not uncommon with books of their date, have some slight blemishes, but these have been carefully pointed out. Every lot in this catalogue is guaranteed to agree fully with the catalogue description, and the authenticity of every item is also guaranteed. American orders may be sent to Mr. E. A. Denham, 28 West 33 d Street, New York. No. 2. Stamped leather binding. Reduced. CATALOGUE. 1 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Compendium Theologiae Veritatis. Small folio, morocco, gilt back and edges. 17 ios. od. [Spirae] [Colophon] Hec ego Thomas Dorniberg pre- fatus fe licit er profeci et complevi, in viligia sanfti bartholomei apli, 1473. An interesting example from one of the earliest Spiers Presses. There is no copy in the British Museum or the Bodleian Library. Hain, *434- Printed in double columns, 34 lines, with signatures (in 8s). Marginal MS. notes. Some worm-holes and waterstain on margin of some leaves, but a fine and desirable copy. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 2 ANTIPHONARY. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, i i-J by 8 J inches, by a German scribe of the second half of the fifteenth century, with numerous initials in red and blue, in- cluding one historiated with a picture of the Maries at the Sepulchre. In the margins surrounding the anthem for the Dedication of a Church there is a spirited drawing of "Jacobs vision of the Angels ascending a ladder to Heaven. The style of this drawing, as well as that of the binding, is suggestive of Nuremberg. The condition of the volume is astonishingly fresh. The margins are clean throughout and the binding of stamped leather is so well preserved as to appear almost new. It is protected with metal corners, and has clasps of great beauty and elaboration, bearing the date Anno dni 1515. In a morocco case. At the beginning and end two early devotional drawings are inserted, and on the verso of fol. 152 there is a well-preserved PASTE ENGRAVING representing St. Christopher. Engravings of this character 3 Alexr Denham & Co. are of the utmost rarity. There is only one example in the printroom of the British Museum. 90. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 3 APOCALYPSE OF S. JOHN THE DIVINE (The), represented by figures reproduced in facsimile from a MS. in the Bodleian Library. [Edited, with a Preface of 28 pages, by the Rev. H. O. Coxe.] 46 pages of very careful and interesting facsimiles in the colours of the original. 4to, cloth, enclosed in a Roxburghepull-ofF case, which matches the binding of the Roxburghe books. 18 5-r. od. London : printed for the Roxburghe Club, 1876. PRINTED UPON VELLUM throughout. One of very few copies so printed. " The manuscript is an interesting relic of English art at the end of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth century." 4 BARHAM (R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends. The Three Series Complete. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, Leech, Buss, etc. 3 vols. Together with the Second Edition of the First Series. 4 vols., 8vo, original cloth, 26. London: Benf/ey, 1840-47. EARLIEST ISSUE OF ALL THREE SERIES ; with the Second Edition of the First Series, in which a new Preface first appears. With an autograph letter from the Author to Miss A&on, referring to the work M . . . the legend you were kind enough to send me ... is a capital one, with an excellent moral at its tail and I shall certainly endeavour to turn it to account as soon as I can shake off the fit of laziness which has grown upon me of late and seems to become more inveterate every day. The fa<5t is that since Bentley and I have shaken hands and parted I have not the same inducement to work, as one principal motive for doing so previously was a desire to help a periodical which I had been instrumental in bringing into existence, & from which I only retired upon the principle of the well-bred dog who always walks downstairs the moment he suspects preparations are making for kicking him into the street. With many thanks for your kindness, which together with the double terms offered by Mr. Colburn, may induce me to take a fresh start towards a third volume." (Dated) "The Residentiary House, St. Paul's. Novr. I4th 1844." (Signed) R. H. Barham." Sufi ipire igi* que(Vom n es tbeotogtce rcmatis fideicp catbotice amacozes hue Ubozam grata aiogcis agentes cundhpotenti t>eo caius munert ac /ingalari adtutozio bee ego ^Tbomas b ozniberg pfatus feticicer gfeci & opleui Anno t)ni MUUfimoqaadrtngen rcdmo epcuagefimotcrcio hi Vigilia fan&i bartbolomct aph No. i. Colophon of Albertus Magnus, Compendium. Spires, 1473. {[Hoc Conradufopuffuueynbeym ordme mtro . ^Xnioldufqj fimul pannarcf una ede colendi Gence cbeoconica^rome expedtere fodalef. iUiodomo Pern deMaximo.M.CCCC.LX VIIL No. 95. Colophon of Ladlantius. Rome, 1468. 23, Haymarkety London, S.W. 5 BARHAM (R. H.) A fine and very interesting ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK of a Frontispiece for The Ingoldsby Legends." Size 8-^ by 5^ inches. >C J 7- WITH A PENCIL INSCRIPTION IN THE ARTIST'S AUTOGRAPH at the top of the drawing: "A design and etching by George Cruikshank of his worthy and highly esteemed friend Mr. Thos. Ingoldsby writing his Legends, surrounded by part of the parties he introduced to the public" The etching, as published, differs materially from this original design. The margins of the drawing contain preliminary sketches. 6 BEATTIE (James) and COLLINS (William) Poetical Works ; edited with Memoirs by T. Miller. En- gravings by Samuel Williams from drawings by *John Absolon. 8vo, original cloth. >C 2 4- London : Bogue, 1846. Accompanying the volume is the Complete Series of 36 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS by JOHN ABSOLON, from which the engravings were executed. 7 [BECCARIA (C. B. S.)] Dei Delitti e delle Pene. Nuova edizione, corretta ed accresciuta. 8vo, French red morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Derome lejeune, with his ticket. 12 i QJ-. od. Parigi : stamper ia di Fr. Amb. Didot, 1780. PRINTED ON VELLUM (164 pages), being one of only n copies so printed. " II a te" tir sur vlin onze exemplaires de cette belle Edition . " Brunei. 8 BECKFORD (William) An Arabian Tale, from an Un- published Manuscript ; with Notes, critical and explana- tory. Small 8vo, original boards, edges entirely uncut. 28 ioj. od. London: J. Johnson, 1786. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION OF "VATHEK." From HORACE WALPOLE'S LIBRARY ; with, written in ink on fly-leaf, an interest- ing AUTOGRAPH NOTE by him, signed with his initials: "This tale was related by a Turkish servant of Mr. Beckford to him, who narrated 5 Alex'r Denham SP Co. it in its present form. The notes are collected by Mr. Henley of Hertford College (on the authority of F. D e, Esq.). H. W." Walpole has also made an autograph correftion on page 232. 9 [BECKFORD (William)] Azemia : a descriptive and sentimental Novel, interspersed with pieces of Poetry. By Jacquetta Agneta Mariana Jenks. 2 vols., I2mo, calf extra, gilt backs and edges, by Riviere. 4 js. 6d. London: Sampson Low ', 1797. ORIGINAL EDITION. 10 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 5^ by 3-^ inches, written in double columns of 54 lines, probably in Northern France ', about the middle of the thirteenth century. The initial to Genesis contains a tall figure of Christ holding a book in His left hand and with His right hand raised in beneditJion. Under His feet, as in the well-known sculpture of the central porch of Amiens Cathe- dral, are three lions and a dragon, an allusion to the Scriptural prophecy " Inculcabis super leonem et aspidem." This is an unusual treatment. Opposite the first page of the Psalter there is a beautiful little picture of the Crucifixion, which is also very unusual. The other large initials, of which there are 8 1 , are painted in various colours, but are not above the average of those found in the small Bibles of this period. The initials to the chapters are alternately red and blue, with good penwork flourishes. Morocco, gilt back and edges. 65- 11 BLACKMORE (R. D.) Lorna Doone: a Romance of Exmoor. 3 vols., crown 8vo, original blue cloth as issued, with most of the leaves not even cut open. 38 IQJ. od. London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1869. BLACKMORE'S OWN COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, IN IMMACULATE CONDITION. Very rare in any form, but probably unique in this remarkable state. On fly-leaf of the first volume 6 in s ^ e 2 i- Si rt *r3 I 5 1 2 "** c P a -5 c * * J o H O * c "JfSJ 5 5 r; "-* ** f* 13 r+ 4-> 3 O 9.g O -^' 4J y- G ,3 3 9 o 2 O ^ G 5 "G. *& % S 2 , TJ c ' w Jtl 3 S i 3<3 2* ^k *- M ^ C ,rt S ._, >i^ O 9 g O- dec -S 2 i^/tifi f Ufftd Atuit rvhit/t r/ jyinrr putZiean^OA famflCyt No. 22. Bunyan's Pharisee and Publican. First edition. No. 27. Autograph of Lord Byron. Aftual size. 23) Hay market, London, " Life in London " volumes. 8vo, contemporary half calf. 22. London : jfones, 1822. A fine, clean copy of this very scarce book ; with both the printed and the engraved titles. 25 BURNS (Robert) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialed. 8vo, original half calf, in morocco pull-off case. 165. Kilmarnock : printed by John Wilson, 1786. FIRST EDITION. A fine and large copy of the celebrated "Kil- marnock Burns " ; measuring 8|- by 44^. inches. 26 [BURNS] Sillar (David) Poems. 8vo, original boards, all edges uncut, with the label, in a morocco pull-off case. 7 i2s. 6d. Kilmarnock: printed by "John Wilson, 1789. ORIGINAL EDITION. Printed at the same Press as the famous "Kilmarnock Burns." The volume contains the FIRST ISSUE of a three-page Poem by Burns : " To the Author," signed " R. B." It con- tains also an " Epistle to R. Burns," by Sillar. 27 BYRON (Lord) AUTOGRAPH LETTER. 2 pages, 4to. (Dated) "April 3rd, 1815." (Signed) "Byron." 11 i5j. oef ^Jngltam & Scotiant jejlu, ats, irt t>ri~ mif Jf hortttuLtfjub M ^t ^ 1.^1 nuper Regiria,t>er- tontmttur. Autore IOANNE FOXO Anglo. D 2 ^ S I L E CX O u c rt Q t* 2 O % u- o _c fr u bD o 4-1 3 in reference to his first meeting with Mason's wife, whose early death occasioned Gray's beautiful letter to Mason (page 324), and of his well-known Epitaph. A portion of this letter is reproduced. SEE ILLUSTRATION. (c] Leaf from Gray's Diary (April 14 to 26, 1760), with notes in Gray's autograph. (d] Autograph letter of Mathias in reference to Gray. (e] Manuscript Index by Cole written "May 16, 1775, in a fit of the gout." Many curious Manuscript Notes by Isaac Reed, Geo. Steevens, and Geo. Daniel, etc., etc. OVER 150 PORTRAITS, ENGRAVINGS, AND ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, many being proofs and some being extremely rare, including (a ) Original Portrait of Gray in india-ink by Harding. (b) India-ink drawing of Henry Elough, the " Tophet " of the Odes, by Geo. Steevens. 23 D Alexr Denham SP Co. (c) Original Portrait of Gray by Rowlandson (coloured}. (d) Portrait of Gray in india-ink by Henshaw. (e) Original sepia drawing of Stoke Pogis Church (very fine). (f) Fine portraits, chiefly mezzotints, of Garrick, Matthew after Dobson, Bishop of Salisbury after Smith, Elizabeth after Faber, Dr. Johnson after Reynolds, Wren, Marlborough, Pope, Addison after Kneller, etc., etc., besides portraits of Gray, illustrations to his Works, many being proofs. PRINTED MATTER, including (a) Will and Testament of Mr. Thomas Gray. () Johnson's Life of Gray, facsimile of MS. of Elegy, etc., etc., etc. (f) Garrick's verses " To Mr. Gray on his Odes," 2 pp. 410 (Straw- berry Hill Press), of which only six copies are said to have been printed^ etc., etc., etc. This interesting and valuable collection is here preserved in a very desirable form, the binding by Lewis being in fine preservation. The volume is lettered "Gray's Works by Mason. Illustrated. York, 1775." 69 [GRAY] D'ANVILLE (J. B. B.) Notice sur 1'Ancienne Gaule, tiree des Monumens Remains. Portrait and map. 4to, light calf extra, gilt back, red edges, by Clarke and Bedford. 23. Paris : Desaint et Saillant, 1760. From the Library of the POET GRAY, WITH VERY NU- MEROUS MANUSCRIPT NOTES BY HIM on pages 742-752. These pages contain an Index, in double columns^ of the Latin Names of Places ; and opposite these, in the margins, Gray has entered the modern French names in almost every instance. 70 [GRAY] Vaillant (J.) Numismata Imperatorum Roman- orum. Tomus primus. Frontispiece and many copper-cuts of coins. Small 4to, old calf. 10 IQS. cu/. Lutetian Parisiorum : y. 'Jombert^ 1696. From the library of the poet Gray, with his AUTOGRAPH : " Tho. Gray " on title. 71 GREEN A WAY (Kate) "The Strolling Piper"; a LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL WATER- COLOUR DRAWING, depiding, in the foreground, a piper playing on the village green, surrounded by a delightful group of village-children, while others are approaching from the right; an ancient crone is hobbling 24 No. 74. Heures de nostre Dame. Paris, Verard, i 506. 23, Hay market) London , towards the centre group. In the middle background is an old farmhouse, and farmyard and cottages to right ; and to the left a village street with cottages, etc., giving a glimpse of the country beyond. Size 8^ inches by I foot 6 inches ; in a gilt frame, glazed. 8%. It is impossible to give an idea in words of the exquisite delicacy of the execution of this painting and of the charm of its colouring. This, perhaps the artist's largest work, has, we believe, never been published. 72 GRISET (Ernest) Series of 8 ORIGINAL DRAW- INGS SIGNED (4 in water-colour and 4 in pen and ink) depicting the "Adventures of Two Tourists," an owl and a stork, who meet a bear and a tiger, with inscriptions by the artist. Size, n by Scinches. 12. 73 HASSELL (J.) Tour of the Grand Junction, illustrated in a series of Engravings ; with an historical and topo- graphical Description of those parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedford- shire, and Northamptonshire, through which the Canal passes. 24 very fine coloured views on copper by J. Hassell. Large 8vo, original boards, with the label, uncut. 8 i$s. od. London: J. Hassell, 1819. ' LARGE PAPER COPY of the ORIGINAL EDITION. 74 HEURES DE NOSTRE DAME A L'USAGE DE ROME ; printed on paper, in Gothic type (lettres batardes), long lines ; with 1 8 Jine large woodcuts, including the printer's device and anatomic man, 32 small woodcuts in the text, rich woodcut borders to every page in compartments of ornaments and subjects connected with the text and including many designs of a Dance of Death, initials supplied by hand in red and blue. Large 8vo, morocco, blind tooled, gilt gauffred edges. 145. Acheuees le xviii. iour de septembre. Lan mil cincq 2 5 Alexr Denham ^f Co. cens et six [1506.] Pour Antoine Verard libraire demourant a Paris. A choice, clean and large copy, with rough leaves, and with the wood- cuts entirely free from colouring. The number of leaves agrees with that in Mr. Macfarlane's description (No. 236), taken from the only other copy recorded, which is in the Bibliothtque Nationale at Paris ; and that copy (on vellum) is imperfect, and has the borders so badly painted that the designs cannot be distinguished. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 75 HOGG (James) ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANU- SCRIPT of his celebrated and beautiful poem "THE SKY LARK, a Lay. By the Ettrick Shepherd." Twenty-four lines, commencing " Bird of the wilderness Blithesome and cumberless Light be thy matin o'er moorland and lea ! " dated Altrive Lake, April 2, 1827. Also AUTOGRAPH MANU- SCRIPT : " THE DESCENT OF LOVE. By the Ettrick Shepherd" (86 lines), (dated from) "Altrive Lake by Selkirk, April 2d. 1827." Both Manuscripts are complete, with corrections and alterations. 76 [HONORIUS AUGUSTODUNENSIS] De ymagine mundi, Honoris. 'Two initial letters on first page illumin- ated^ with decoration on inside mar -gin , capitals in red and blue throughout. Small folio, calf, gilt back and edges. jTio IDS. od. S. 1. et a., sed [Nurembergae ; Ant. Koberger, circa 1471-72]. Hain, *88oo. Very large copy. 46 pages, of 30 lines to the page. Printed in gothic type, without signatures or catchwords. 77 [HOOD (Thomas) and REYNOLDS (J. H.)] Odes and Addresses to Great People. Post 8vo, original boards, with the label, uncut. i js. 6d. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1825. ORIGINAL EDITION. Among the " Great People " are " The Great Unknown," Grimaldi, Elliston, etc. 26 ^TEMARIEVIRGIMISSEC, ... 0PVM CONSVETVP1ME ! TVTINVM"VERSVS DO MINELABIAMEAAPE No. 79. Italian Horae. lumus babetdies-xxx Lunaucro-xxix- -xvm- "Noxbabct boras vi-dics ucro e" lunius- f 1111 ru)-S<5VoruTnmiircdlini7pctriatrp p in no- ^^IMM erafrhi- A n no- b nonis- c viii idus dvn idus rvi idus f v idus S- pnmi 8^ feiiciani p mi idus-S pantedeonis -martins A in idus S-'Barnabrapoibli bil idus-S-bafilidts c idibus- d xvmKK iunii-S-Antoniipatauini- No. 79. Italian Book of Hours, Kalendar. Reduced. 23 j Haymarket, London^ S.W. 78 HOOD (Thomas) Whims and Oddities. Illustrations by the Author. Both Series. 2 vols., sm. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Worsfold. 5. London : Relfe (and) Tilt, 1826-27. FIRST EDITION. With 2 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS from the Author to J. Wright. Characteristically humorous letters ; one with a comic pen-and-ink sketch, " The Mad Staggers." Postmark dated January, 1829. (Signed) " Thos. Hood." 79 HORAE B.V.M. (Roman use), Penitential Psalms, Hours of the Cross and Office of the Dead. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 6^ by 4-^ inches, by an Italian scribe of the beginning of the sixteenth century, 'with pictures and decora- tions of the highest style of the period. In the Kalendar, which is Franciscan, there are not only representations of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Occupations of the Months drawn with the utmost delicacy, but there are also in seven of the months exquisite allegorical figures of the planets seated in cars drawn by various birds and beasts. The Hours of the Fir gin open with an elaborate picture of the Annunciation, and below it of the Fall of Man. The Arms of the original owner are painted on this page and are repeated in other parts of the book. Other large pictures are of David, the Crucifixion and Death, besides which there are various smaller pictures, borders and initials, all the work of an artist or artists of superlative skill. The writing is Roman and very good, and the margins are spotlessly clean. Black fish skin. Sold. SEE ILLUSTRATIONS. 80 HORAE B.V.M., with Penitential Psalms, Vigils of the Dead and Commendations of Souls. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 6 BY ^ IN. SPLENDIDLY WRITTEN AND ILLUMINATED IN N.E. FRANCE AT ABOUT THE END OF THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE I4TH CENTURY. It would be difficult to find 27 Alexr Den ham S? Co. a more richly decorated volume, as the margins are covered 'with branching ornament and with an infinitude of figures, birds, beasts, drolleries, etc. There are besides quantities of initials in gold and colours, a large proportion of which contain heads of men and animals. The first leaf of the text has been removed, but there are pictures of the Nativity, the Message to the Shepherds, the Adoration of the Magi, the Pre- sentation, the Flight into Egypt, the Harrowing of Hell, and Service for the Dead in Choir, the last subject being repeated for the " Commendationes Animarum." These picJures are under rich Gothic arcading on backgrounds of burnished gold and red and blue diaper. Associated with most of them a lady, no doubt the original owner of the book, kneels in the margins. The use of the feminine form peccatrix in some of the prayers is further proof that the book was written for a lady. The Kalendar, which is adorned with pictures of the Labours of the Months and the Signs of the Zodiac, under elaborate Gothic arches and pinnacles, points to S. Omer near Calais as the place of its execution. On June 8 we find Translatio S. Audomari, on Sept. 9 and 16 Depositio S. Audomari and its octave, on Oct. 21 Inventw S. Audomari, and on Oct. 17 Dedicatio ecclesie S. Audomari. A rubric on fol. 66 shows the date to be after 1318, but the style of the ornament proclaims it to be but a few years later. Books of Hours of this early period are rarely met with. The use appears to be identical with that of Terouanne. Bound in purple calf. 165 Saec. XIV. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 8 1 HORAE SECUNDUM USUM ROMANAE CURIAE. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 3 BY 2 INCHES. FINELY WRITTEN AND ILLUM- INATED IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 28 C35- Saec. XV. From Lord Ashburton's Collection, with Bookplate. 84 HORATIUS, Opera, cum notis interlineariis et mar- ginalibus. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, 189 leaves, 8f by 5f inches, written in neat roman cursives, long lines, 24 to a full page, capitals painted in blue. 4to, contemporary oaken boards, covered with leather with blind stamped ornaments (worn and rebacked). 7 IDS. od. Saec. XV. The Manuscript is not complete. 85 HORATIUS Flaccus (Quintus) [Opera.] Editio stereo- typa. Very fine india-pr oof portrait by St. Aubin. 12 mo, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by David. i i2s. 6d. Parisiis: Didot, 1800. Grand papier velin. 3 1* tL v CwUMV Hay market) London ^ as when published. It has BOTH THE ONE LINE AND THE FIVE LINE "ERRATA," the latter an inserted slip, and the four pages of Advertisements at end. 91 KEATS (John) AUTOGRAPH LETTER to Rey- nolds. Three pages, 8vo. " I am pretty well provided with Books at present, when you return I may give you a commission or two. Mr. B. has sent me not only his Sicilian Story, but yesterday his Dramatic Scenes. . . . I confess they tease me, they are composed of amiability, the seasons, the Moon, etc., upon which he rings (ac- cording to Hunt's expression) triple bob majors. How- ever that is nothing. I think he likes poetry for its own sake, not his. I hope I shall soon be well enough to proceed with my farce (?) and set you about the notes on Sundays and Stray-days. Brown wishes you a pleasant journey. ... If I were well enough I would paraphrase an Ode of Horace's for you on your embarking in the seventy years ago style. The Packet will bear comparison with a roman galley at any rate." (Dated, postmark) " Feby 28, 1820." (Signed) "Ever yours affectionately, J. Keats." Addressed to "Mr. J. H. Reynolds, 18 Port- land Street, Poland Street." 37 IO.T. od. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 92 KEATS (John) AUTOGRAPH LETTER, 3 pages, 8vo, commencing " My dear Fanny " and signed " J. K." Addressed to " Miss Brawne." 36. One of the celebrated "LOVE LETTERS." 93 KILLIGREW (Thomas) Comedies and Tragedies. Brilliant impression of the portrait by Faithorne. Folio, original sheep, in red morocco drop case. 58. London: Henry Herringman, 1664. FIRST EDITION. 33 Alex^r Den ham & Co. 94 KORAN (THE) An ARABIC MANUSCRIPT, on native glazed paper, 213 leaves, size 8f by 5! inches, written within borders and lines of gold, the first two pages finely illuminated in gold and colours. 8vo, native double russia binding, the sides covered with elegant gilt scroll work. 95 LACTANTIUS Firmianus. Opera. Nine initial letters, and the inside margin of first page of text illuminated in gold and colours, smaller initials in red and blue, marginal manu- script notes in a contemporary hand. Folio, old blue morocco, sides line tooled, gilt edges, by Roger Payne. Sold. Romae : Sweynheym et Pannartz in domo Petri de Max- imo^ 1468. The Second Edition of La&antius, which Brunet states is as scarce as the first. It is the first edition printed at Rome. Handsomely printed in roman type, without marks. The names of the printers are given in three hexameter lines in the colophon. Michael Wodhull's copy, with autograph and manuscript notes on fly-leaf. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 96 LADY'S MONTHLY MUSEUM or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction, from commencement, July, 1798, to June, 1804, inclusive. 'Numerous en- gravings on copper, including 1 3 8 finely coloured plates of female costume, 60 fine portraits of ladies (Lady Harriet Ackland, Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Siddons, the Honourable Mrs. Damer, etc.), views, etc. 12 vols., small 8vo, half roan. j i$s. od. London: Vernon and Hood, 1798-1804. 97 LAMB (Charles) The Essays of Elia. Both Series. Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in The London Magazine. Signature of T. Hey- 34 r**_ **r -5^ rT v .* sS CO <*-, o >> u U u -C ON ON 23, Haymarket) London , wood on title. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, Fleet- street, 1823. The Last Essays of Elia. Being a Sequel to Essays published under that name. Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1833. Together, 2 vols. crown 8vo, uniform, green morocco extra, gilt edges. ijios.od. London: 1823-33. EARLIEST ISSUES OF THE FIRST EDITION of both volumes. 98 LAMB (Charles) Album Verses. Crown 8vo, original boards, uncut, with the label. 8 5J-. od. London : Moxon, 1830. FIRST EDITION. As fresh as issued. 99 LECTIONARIUM DE S. MARIA DE MORI- MUNDO. MANUSCRIPT ON STOUT VELLUM, 259 leaves, 17^ by 11 inches, finely written in large semi- got hie letters, in double columns of 30 lines, with rubrics, 106 very Jine and large painted initials of involved scrolls, and numerous ornamental pen letters and painted red capitals. Two leaves slightly mended and the last leaf supplied in a modern hand. Royal folio, red morocco super-extra, back and sides richly and elaborately tooled in gold, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. >C IO 5- Saec. XII. A VERY INTERESTING AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT, having been written in the Cistercian Abbey of Morimond, in Champagne, in the Diocese of Langres, close to the frontier of Burgundy. The Order had been established there in A.D. 1115, the same year in which Clairvaux was founded by S. Bernard. ioo LEECH (John) ORIGINAL WATER-COLOUR DRAWING, depicting Mr. Punch making obeisance to Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, the young Prince Edward (Edward VII.), and the young Princess Victoria (Empress Frederick) ; crowd in background. Size 8f by 6|- inches. 8. 35 Alexr Den ham S? Co. 101 LEECH (John) Four ORIGINAL WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS; of "Going to the Derby," "Speeding the Parting Guest," " Now, Young'un, just help me to finish this port," "A Drop of London Water." Size about 9^ by 8 inches. 3 los. od. 102 LE NOBLE (M.) My Lord Courtenay, ou Histoire Secrete des premiers Amours d'Elizabeth d'Angleterre. iamo, red morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Hardy. 5J. od. Lyon : P. Drevon, 1697. 103 [LEWIS (Matthew Gregory)] The Monk: a Romance. 3 vols. I2mo, calf extra, top edges gilt, the other edges uncut, by F. Bedford. 19. London: J. Bell^ 1796. The genuine FIRST EDITION, containing the passages suppressed in the later editions. This edition is rare, and in this fine, uncut, and clean state is of very uncommon occurrence. 104 LOCKER (Frederick) London Lyrics. Illustrations by Caldecott and Kate Greenaway. 8vo, brown morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, back and sides tooled in gold inlaid with green morocco, by Douglas Cockerell. 16. London, 1881. LARGE PAPER COPY. Only a very few copies Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press, with Proof Impressions on india-paper of the illus- . trations by Kate Greenaway and Caldecott (the latter in two states}, and the title and dedication verses in violet ink. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 105 LOCKER (Frederick) London Lyrics, Seventh edition. Post 8vo, original cloth. 2 los. od. London: W. Isbister and Co., 1874. Presentation Copy, with AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION on half- title: "W. C. Monkhouse Esqre from F. L." This edition contains eight Poems now first collefted or published. 36 o. 104. Locker's London Lyrics. Bound by Douglas Cockerell. Reduced. 23, Hay market) London, 1 06 LOFTIE (William) A series of SEVENTY-EIGHT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLOURS OF PORTRAITS OF EMINENT ACTORS AND ACTRESSES IN COSTUME DRAWN FROM LIFE, between the years 1787 and 1815. 4to, neatly mounted and bound in a 4to volume, morocco, gilt edges. Includes portraits in character of Kemble, Mrs. Billington, Banister, Conway, Farren, Mrs. Jordan, Macready, Barrymore, Listen, Kean, etc. With the names of the a&ors, characters and plays, and date and place of appearances neatly written in ink under each drawing. 107 LUC ANUS. [Pharsalia.] 8vo, blue morocco, gilt edges. i i2s. 6d. Venetiis : apud A Idum^ 1502. The First Aldine Edition. 1 08 MARGUERITE DE V ALOIS. Memoires de la Reyne Marguerite (publics par Auger de Moleon, Seigneur de Granier) Nouvelle edition, plus correcle. 1 2mo, fine old dark brown morocco, gilt back, date of binding, " luillet 1696" on sides, gilt edges, double with red. 7 5-r. od. Bruxelles : Fr. Foppens, 1658. With Ex-libris of La Roche Lacarelle. Bound in at the end is "Le Divorce Satyrique, ou les Amours de la Reyne Marguerite" (30 pages), extracted from one of the books of Memoires of the period. 109 MAY (Thomas) The History of the Parliament of Eng- land which began November the third 1640. With a short and necessary view of some precedent yeares. Folio, russia extra, gilt back, panelled gilt sides, edges gilt over red, by R. Riviere. 5 i2s. 6d. London: Moses Be//, 1647. FIRST EDITION. Has the Imprimatur Leaf preceding title. With a Manuscript Receipt for his Pension as Secretary to the Parliament, dated 4 Jan. 1648, and signed "Tho. May." 37 321026 Alexr Den ham & Co. no MEARNE BINDING. The Government of the Tongue. By the Author of The Whole Duty of Man. Frontispiece. 8vo, fine old English black morocco extra, gilt back and edges, the sides covered with elaborate and most tasteful tooling of scrolls, flowers, etc., and inlaid with silver, by Samuel Me arne. 22 IQJ. od. Oxford: at the Theatre ', 1674. A beautiful specimen of Mearne's workmanship, in a very fine state of preservation. SEE ILLUSTRATION. in MEDIAEVAL BINDING. Gregorio del Rimini. Expositione overo la Commendatione sopra le Epistole di San Paulo. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, 290 leaves, 1 1^ by %\ inches ; neatly written in Italian cursive characters, the Jirst page with the following inscription^ which is ap- parently modern, but which may be a copy of an older one : " jfo Padre fra Gregorio dai Rimine del Or dine de Santo Agostino^ ho scripto et fafto la expositione overo la Com- mendatione sopra la Epistola de Paolo et ho fa 51 o la donatione a lo Sigr. Galeoto Malatesta." Small folio, contemporary binding, oaken boards, covered with leather, stamped in small circular compartments of griffins, dragons and ornaments, with brass bosses and clasps, back repaired. . XV, A very remarkable specimen of Mediaeval Binding, of an unusual design, in an excellent state of preservation. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 112 MEREDITH (George) Works: viz., Poems (1851) The Shaving of Shagpat, 1856 Farina, 1857 Ordeal of Richard Feverel, 3 vols., 1859 Evan Harrington, 3 vols., 1 86 1 Modern Love, 1862 Emilia in England, 3 vols., 1864 Rhoda Fleming, 3 vols., 1865 Vittoria, 38 No. no. Binding by Samuel Mearne. Adual size. 235 Haymarket^ London^ S.fF. V 3 vols., 1867 Adventures of Harry Richmond, 3 vols., 1871 Beauchamp's Career, 3 vols., 1876 The Egoist, 3 vols., 1870 The Tragic Comedians, 2 vols., 1889 Poems and Lyrics, 1883 Diana of the Crossways, 3 vols., 1885 Ballads and Poems, 1887 Readings of Earth, 1888 One of our Conquerors, 3 vols., 1891 Jump to Glory Jane, 1892 Poems, the Empty Purse, etc., 1892 Modern Love, 1892 Lord Ormont and his Aminta, 3 vols., 1894 The Tale of Chloe and other Stories, 1894 An Amazing Marriage, 2 vols., 1895 Essay on Comedy, 1897. Together,49 vols., ORIGINAL CLOTH. 60. London: 1851-97. COMPLETE SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS. The "Poems " (1851) is a fine copy, with the Errata Slip ; "Jump to Glory Jane " is one of the Japanese vellum issue of 100 copies, bound in original vellum, uncut. 113 MICROCOSM OF LONDON (The) ; or London in Miniature. 104 FINELY COLOURED ENGRAV- INGS on copper by Rowlandson and Pugin. 3 vols., royal 4to, ORIGINAL BOARDS, ENTIRELY UNCUT, WITH THE PAPER LABELS; in red morocco slip case. 42. London: R. Ackermann, [1808-10.] Extremely rare in this ORIGINAL UNCUT STATE ; the original binding is somewhat cracked at joints, but perfectly sound, and though the rough edges are very slightly discoloured by dust, the volumes are crisp and perfectly clean throughout. 114 MISSALE CISTERCIENSE. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, 14^ by 9^ inches, written at the end of the twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth century, probably in Italy, and ornamented with a large number of finely designed initials in red, green and blue. At the beginning there are twenty-four added leaves in an Italian hand of the fifteenth century, and two leaves by the same hand have been sub- stituted in the body of the book for others of which the con- tents were out of date at that time. The text is written in 39 * Alexr Den ham & Co. a very Jine Gothic script, and the volume, which is in Jine condition, is one of singular interest to the student of music, liturgy, and calligraphy. There are corrections and additions in the margins of various dates. Missals of this early date are of extreme rarity. Old brown calf. 95. 115 MONTAIGNE. Essais de Messire Michel Seigneur de Montaigne, Chevalier de 1'Ordre du Roy, & Gentil- homme ordinaire de sa Chambre. Both Parts in i vol., 8vo, red morocco super-extra, back full gilt, double with blue morocco with finely tooled borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. 1 5 o. Bourdeaux : S. Millanges, 1580. FIRST EDITION. Choice and large copy, with a number of rough leaves, measuring 6i inches (164 mill.). Inserted is a fine portrait of Mon- taigne by Thomas de Leu. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 116 MONTRESOR (Claude de Bourdeille, Comte de) Memoires de M. de Montresor. Diverses Pieces durant le Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu . . . et autres Pieces curieuses, pour servir d'esclaircissement a ce qui est contenu au premier volume. 2 vols., I2mo, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lortic. 2 1 $s. od. Cologne : chez Jean Sambix lejeune, a la Sphere, 1 664-65. Elzevirean Edition. (Willems, No. 2015.) 117 MORE (Sir Thomas) A frutefull pleasaunt, & wittie worke, of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe pie, called Utopia : written in Latine, . . . and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson . . . and nowe by him at the seconde edition newlie perused and corrected. . . . Small 8vo, calf. 22 los. od. [Colophon] London: Abraham Veale, 1556. "From the LIBRARY OF WILLIAM MORRIS, Kelmscott 40 DE MESSIRE MICHEL SEIGNEVR DE MONTAIGNE, CHEVALIER DEI/ORDRE AuRoy ,& G entil-homme ordi- naire defa Chambre. (^r fecond. Par S. Millanges Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, tJM.D.LXX X. EC PRIVILEGE D V ROT. No. 115. Montaigne's Essays. First edition. 235 Hay market) London , S.IF. House, Hammersmith"; with his Genuine Book-Ticket, reading as above. Printed in Black-letter. This second edition is much better than the first, which is very incorrecl:. It is from this edition that the Kelms- cott Press Issue was printed. 118 [MORRIS (William)] The Story of Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue and Raven the Skald. Small 410, green morocco extra, sides covered with a semis of dots, sur- rounded by a tasteful floral border, gilt top, uncut, by Leighton. 26. Printed at the Chiswick Press for William Morris, 1891. Extremely rare ; only a few copies having been Privately Printed. So rare is it that Mr. Buxton Forman, when he published, in 1897, his " Books of William Morris," did not know of its existence in time to include it in the body of his work, and it is noticed only in his Appendix. It is the immediate precursor of the Kelmscott Press, and is printed in Caxton black letter type at the Chiswick Press. 119 MORRIS (William) The Well at the World's End. Printed in the Chaucer type, in black and red, with four illustrations by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and borders by the Author. 410, original vellum, uncut, with ties. >C J 4- London : printed at the Kelmscott Press, 1896. Presentation Copy from Mrs. William Morris, with her Autograph Inscription on fly-leaf: "Edgar L. Morris from Jane Morris Nov. 6: 1896." 120 [NAPOLEON] Monti (Vincenzo) II Bardo della Selva Nera : Poema Epico-lirico. Parte Prima. Fine headpieces. Folio, red Italian morocco extra, back full-gilt, sides tooled, with, in centre, the Imperial Eagle, and above it the Crown, surrounded by stars, gilt edges. 12 ijs. 6d. Parma: co tipi Eodoniani, 1806. DEDICATION COPY TO NAPOLEON I. Inserted is a LETTER SIGNED WITH HIS PARAPHE BY NAPOLEON, WITH A CORRECTION IN HIS HANDWRITING, ii pages, 4to. It is dated "Dresden le 7 oftobre 1813 a 7 hes du matin," and is 41 Alex'r Denham & Co. addressed to his " affeftione frere et Beaufrere," " Le Roi de Naples." It relates entirely to military operations. The volume contains the Book- plate of John Hookham Frere. 121 NEEDLEWORK BINDING. The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into Englis Meeter by T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins. Small 1 8mo (3^ by 2 inches), oak boards, covered with silk, beautifully embroidered in silver, gold, and coloured threads. >Ti8. London, 1635. A beautiful specimen of needlework binding, probably by the nuns of Little Gidding, in fine preservation. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 122 OMAR KHEYYAM. The Quatrains of Omar Khey- yam, now first completely done into English verse in accordance with the original forms ; with biographical and critical Introduction by JOHN PAYNE. 8vo, brown morocco super extra, panelled gilt back, the sides richly and elaborately tooled in gold, the reclo having an irregular centre panel tooled a petits-fers, panelled scroll orna- ments inlaid with red morocco, with border inlaid in maroon morocco ; the remainder of cover covered with an elaborate design of grape vine, the leaves inlaid with green, the outside border being inlaid with maroon morocco ; the reverse has grape-vine design at corners, the leaves inlaid in green, and the outside border with maroon morocco ; gilt top, uncut, inside border, silk linings by Zaehnsdorf. 28. London : printed for the Villon Society ', 1898. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 123 PEPYS (Samuel) Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for ten years, determined December 1688. Fine impression of the portrait of Pepys 42 No. 55. Fore-edge painting by Edwards of Halifax. Actual size. No. 121. Embroidered binding, seventeenth century. A<5tual size. No. 122. Payne's Omar Kheyyam. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. Reduced. 23, Hay market) London , S.fF. by White. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Lloyd. 8 IOJ-. Qd. London: B. Griffin, 1690. ORIGINAL EDITION. 124 PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT, on native glazed paper, in long lines within gold borders, 163 leaves, size 12 by 7f inches, the first two pages illuminated^ and one of them with a fine half -page ornamental design in gold and colours. Small folio, native double morocco with painted flowers. 2 5 s - d ' 125 PIOZZI (H. L.) Autograph Letter to Sir James Fellowes. 4 pages, 4to. (Dated from) "Bath n Dec. 1815" (Signed) "H. L. P." 4 "". oC 2 35- London : jf. Wilford^ n.d. FIRST EDITION. POPE'S OWN COPY WITH NU- MEROUS DIFFERENT READINGS AND ADDITIONS THROUGHOUT, IN INK, IN HIS AUTOGRAPH. The different readings are 69 in number, are all very interesting, and many highly important, extending to several words and in some cases to whole lines. In two places two whole lines are added. All the PARTS ARE THE EARLIEST ISSUES, the title of the First Part reading " Part I," in which state it is very rare. It was very soon afterwards changed to " Epistle I." 129 POPE (Alexander) AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "A. POPE," dated " Febr. 26, 1719", and aadressed to " Mr. yabez Hughes at Mr. Hughes' s house over agst. East-street, Red lyon street." I page, 410. Speaks 44 No. 131. MS. Psalter and Horae of the thirteenth century. Full-page miniature of the Murder of St. Thomas a Becket. Reduced. rarftcotJ dtfblotdt confitftbticftta: X x X / onfiteftoi doramo tutufetn C 1D Iar - ^- " That nothing may be wanting in my power to enable you to represent the Witch Dame of Branksome in proper costume, I lose no time in answering your letter. The lady when engaged in her magical intercourse with the Spirits, should I think have a sort of stole or loose upper scarf with astrological hieroglyphics of the planets. I have seen Prospero wear such a thing. ... I would have the hair loose in the first scene and after- wards put under such a headdress as Queen Mary is usually represented with. . . . Pray for my love, drub your manager out of the general blunder of dressing the Scottish Borderers in Tartan. He might as well make them speak Gaelic. ... If I were to write anything for the stage it would be for the delight of dressing the characters after my own fancy. . . . In a very picturesque Ballad by a living borderer I find a spirited description of the appearance of Wat of Harden as handed down by tradition from which some hints might be taken. I should say that the poet is lineally descended from the Henchman of this famous marauder, a man selected for huge stature and great strength, and called in allusion to his very unpoetical name of Hog, the Wild Boar of Falshope, and that is from family tradition that account of his protestor's array was handed down. And he 's away to Holy Rood / Amang the nobles a' Wi' bonnet like a girdle broad / Oer hair like Craighope snow His coat was of the forest green / Wi' buttons like the moon His trews was of the good buck skin / Wi' a' the hair aboon 49 Alexr Denham & Co. His twa hand sword hang round his neck / And rattled to his heel The rowels of his silver spurs / Were of the Rippen steel His hose were braced with chains of airn / And round with tassels hung At ilka' tramp of Harden's heel / the royal arches rang." 143 [SCOTT (Sir W.)] [Maidment (James, editor}] A Book of Scotish Pasquils, &c. A Second Book of Scotish Pasquils, &c. In i vol., small 8vo, calf, gilt back, by Clarke and Bedford. 22 iox. od. Edinburgh: 1827-28. PRESENTATION COPY FROM SIR WALTER SCOTT to J. H. Markland with inscription in Markland's handwriting "J. H. Markland the gift of Sir Walter Scott, see letter" and an important AUTOGRAPH LETTER FROM SIR WALTER SCOTT con- cerning this book in connection with The Bride of Lammermoor. "I have been prevented from publishing my lampoon on the Scheur family on which the story of The Bride of Lammermore is founded by finding it though from an inferior copy to mine printed in the enclosed collection of Scottish libells of which Mr. Maidment, an amateur and Bannatynian, has published a half private edition. I beg your acceptance of a copy as from their tenor they will soon be introuvable and are never likely to be reprinted. You will shortly hear the private history of the Bride of Lammer and the other Waverley Novels in an illustrated edition which designed should have been a posthumous publication but is now to appear inter vives. . . . The intimation of the Lammermore affair occurs in the ist volume of the Pasquils, page 58, 6th line. . . ." (Dated from) "Edinburgh, 19 December, 1828." (Signed) "Walter Scott." A third Book was published subsequently. 144 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe) Queen Mab ; a Philosophical Poem : with Notes. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt back and top, other edges uncut, by F. Bedford. 115. London: printed by P. B. Shelley ', 23, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 1813. One of the few UNMUTILATED COPIES, having the Dedica- tion to Harriet * * * * *", the imprint on title-page and the imprint on last page intact. In most copies these were cut out by Shelley himself. Copies thus perfect are rare in any condition, but in the choice, uncut state of the above they are of very uncommon occurrence. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 5 QUEEN MAB; A PHILOSOPHICAL POEM WITH NOTES. BV PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. ECRASEZ L'INFAME! Correspondance de Voltaire. Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante Trita solo j juvat integros accedere fontcis ; Atque haurire : juratque novos decerpere flores. Unde prius nulli velarint tempora musae. Primum quod magiiis doceo de rebus ; et arctis Religionum animos nodis exsolvere pergo. Lucret, lib. i Aof TTB fu, xafi x.oa/j.01 xjytxra. Archimedes. LONDON: PRINTED BY P. E. SHELLEY, 23. Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square. 1813. No. 144. Shelley's Queen Mab. First edition. to H o Q & FH O iTJ H< o * w * ft o HH S o t^ F- H H O O ^ rt 5 2 S J H H P CQ PQ O CCS H 6 b < s Q a N tt J u U - 8 -a u VO No. 147. Sophocles. Old English binding. Reduced. COLIN CLOVTS Come home againe. LONDON Printed for rvillum Ponfonbie. 591* No. 148. Spenser's Colin Clout. First edition. 145 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe) The Cenci : a Tragedy in Five A6ls. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, in morocco pull-off case. 3.4 loj-. od. Italy: Printed for C. and J. Oilier, 1819. FIRST EDITION. This copy is in the old Italian marbled paper wrapper. It will be remembered that " The Cenci " was printed in Italy and the sheets sent to England, when they were bound in dark blue paper boards, with paper label. The above copy was probably one put into these wrappers in Italy. 146 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe) Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt top, watered silk linings, with broad tooled borders, UNCUT, WITH THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS BOUND IN, by Riviere and Son, >C J 8o. Pisa: with the types of Didot, 1821. FIRST EDITION. Fine india-proof Portrait of Keats, after Severn, inserted on fly-leaf. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 147 SOPHOCLES. Tragoediae, Antigone & Trachinije ; graece et latine ; cum notis. 8vo, fine old English red morocco extra, gilt back, sides most richly and elaborately tooled, gilt edges. 46- Oxoniae : e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1708. A beautiful specimen of English Binding in PERFECT PRESER- VATION, from the Library at Kertlington Park, with bookplate. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 148 SPENSER (Edmund) Colin Clovts Come home againe. By Ed. Spencer. Small 410, morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by F. Bedford. 53. London : Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1595. FIRST EDITION. Large and fine copy, measuring 7^ by 5^ inches. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 5 1 Alex^r Den ham & Co. 149 SPENSER. The Faerie Qveen ; The Shepheards Calendar; Together with the other works of England's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. Woodcut title and headpieces. Small folio, calf. 15. London : Printed by H. L. for Mat hew Lownes, 1 6 1 1 . FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. 150 [STAFFORD (Thomas)] Pacata Hibernia. Ireland appeased and reduced ; or, an Historic of the late Warres of Ireland, vnder the Government of Sir George Carew Brilliant impressions of the full-page portraits of ^ Elizabeth and Sir George Carew, and the 17 maps and plates. Folio, russia extra, panelled gilt back, gilt edges, by Charles Lewis. 12. London: Aug. Mat/ievves, 1633. This copy has the genuine first issue of the map of Munster, which is lacking in many copies, and in others is replaced by Speed's reproduction. 151 STAMPED BINDING. Euripides. Tragoediae duae, Hecuba & Iphigenia in Aulide, latins facts Des. Erasmo interprete. 8vo, calf, sides covered with a very fine and elaborate stamped design, with ties. >35* Basilae : lo. Froben, 1524. Remarkably clear impression of the block. The book is somewhat loose in the binding, but the joints are perfectly sound. Accompanying the above is a book-cover from a smaller volume, the panel of which is filled with a fine stamped design in the same style as that of the book, with, at foot of the panel, the stamped name of the binder, "JEHAN NORINS." SEE ILLUSTRATIONS. 152 [STERNE (Laurence)] The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Plate by Hogarth. 9 vols., 1 2 mo, original calf. 2$. n. p. 1760, and London, 1761-67. FIRST EDITION OF ALL THE VOLUMES. Vols. I. and 52 No. 151. Stamped leather panel by Jehan Norins. Adual size. No. 151. Stamped leather binding. A<5tual size. -o O 23, Hay market, London^ S.IF. II., n. p., 1760; Vols. III. and IV., London, R. and J. Dodsley, 1761; Vols. V. and VI., London, T. Becket and P. A. Dehondt, 1762; Vols. VII. and VIII., same publishers, 1765 ; Vol. IX., same publishers, 1767. Sterne's Autograph in Vols. V., VII., IX. Another plate by Hogarth, which was first issued with Dodsley's reprint of first volumes, inserted. A set in the condition of the above perfectly sound and clean and uniform in the original calf is of very uncommon occurrence. 153 [STERNE (Laurence)] A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. Six very fine Proof Engravings by Birrell after Stothard's designs. Royal 8vo, straight-grained green morocco extra, gilt edges. i$s.od. London: jf. Good, 1792. LARGE PAPER COPY. First Edition with these beautiful illustrations. 154 STERNE (Laurence) AUTOGRAPH LETTER to Foley. 2 pages, small 410. " I was sorry we were like the two buckets of a well, whilst in London, for we were never able to be both resident together the month I continued in and about the Environs. If I get a cough this winter which holds me 3 days, you will certainly see me in Paris the week following, for now I abandon everything in this world to health and my friends, for the last sermon that I shall ever preach was preached at Paris, so I am altogether an idle man, or rather a free one, which is better." (Dated from) " York, Aug. 26, 1764." (Signed) " L. Sterne ". 16. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 155 STEVENSON (John Hall) Works; with several original Poems now first printed, and Notes. Two plates. 3 vols., crown 8vo, bright calf extra, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by F. Bedford. 3 ijs. 6d. London: J. Debrett, 1795. S3 Alexr Denham S? Co. 156 STEVENSON (Robert Louis) Father Damien : an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu. 8vo, stitched, as issued, enclosed in blue morocco extra pull-of case. 24. Sydney (Australia), 1890. The very rare FIRST EDITION, of which very few were privately printed twenty-five only, it is stated for distribution, "with Mr. R. L. Stevenson's compliments." This copy contains MANUSCRIPT COR- RECTIONS IN INK IN STEVENSON'S HANDWRITING on pages 7, 13,20. 157 STEVENSON (R. L.) Valima Letters. Crown 8vo, cloth. 7 15-r. o c ca ]5o 'C O 23 > Haymarketj London, Skelton, Bromley, and Fit tier after S tot hard's designs. 3 vols., small 8vo, original calf. 21 i $s. od. London: T. Cade//, 1793. Inserted are the FOUR ORIGINAL DRAWINGS from which the plates were engraved, most beautifully executed in water-colours by STOTHARD. 1 60 [SWIFT (Dean Jonathan)] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait of Gulliver, and maps, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra, yellow edges, by F. Bedford. 125. London: Benj. Motte, 1726. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE GENUINE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, IT HAVING THE PORTRAIT IN ITS FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION WAS EN- GRAVED AROUND IT ; and Separate Pagination Numbers to all the Parts. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 161 [SWIFT (Dean Jonathan)] Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait, maps, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt backs and edges, by R. Riviere. 30. London: Benj. Motte, 1726. FIRST EDITION. With the Separate Pagination Numbers to all the Parts. Portrait with inscription in border. Large and very fine copy from the Douglas Stewart Collection, with his Bookplates. 162 [SWIFT (Dean Jonathan)] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait, maps, etc. 2 vols., Benj. Motte, 1726. With the Spurious Third Volume: Travels ... by Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vol. III. Frontispiece. Printed in Year 1727. 3 vols., 8vo, uniformly bound in calf extra, gilt backs, yellow edges, by F. Bedford. 13 loj. od. London, 1726-27. FIRST EDITION, but a late issue, having the parts paged con- tinuously. 55 H Alexr Den ham S? Co. 163 SWIFT (Dean Jonathan) A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. . . . To which is added An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. . . . 8vo, original calf, in a morocco pull-off case. 1 8 i cxr. od. London : John Nutt, 1 704, Fine copy of the scarce FIRST EDITION, from the Library of DAVID GARRICK, with bis Boot-plate, and the shelf-number written by him on fly-leaf. It has the leaf preceding title, which is very often lacking, containing the amusing list of "Treatises writ by the same Author, most of them mentioned in the following Discourse ; which will be speedily published." 164 SWIFT (Dean Jonathan) AUTOGRAPH LETTER to Chas. Ford. 2 pages, 4to. 12. " I was very much concerned at the account you gave of your mis- fortunes by sea and land. ... As to myself I am very little if at all better since you left us, ... but my surgeon says I shall mend in time. ... I am told here that Ld Derwentwater's estate was sold for only One Thousand Pounds, I wish you had been early enough to have bought it for me. We must own with shame that England exceeds us in villany, as to its greatness, but ours is more epidemick. . . . The Bishops have had one or two mawlings in Epigrams and answers. . . . One Epigram writ by a y. (Dated from) u Dublin, May 17, 1732." (Subscribed)"! am sir y r st." (Addressed) "To Charles Ford Esq r . to be left at the Cow-tree in Pell-mell London." SEE ILLUSTRATION. 165 TASSO. Black (John) Life of Torquato Tasso; with an historical and critical Account of his Writings. Two portraits and vignettes on titles, foxed. 2 vols., 410, bright calf extra, gilt edges, by Charles Lewis. 6 i os. od. Edinburgh: Murray, 1810. WILLIAM BECKFORD'S COPY, WITH LONG MANU- SCRIPT NOTES IN PENCIL BY HIM on fly-leaves, filling three quarto pages. 56 THE PROMISE OF MAY LONDON : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR : 1882 No. i 66. Tennyson's Promise of May. 23, Hay market) London^ S. 1 66 [TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord)] The Promise of May. Crown 8vo, original light brown wrappers, uncut. ,55- London: Printed for the Author, 1882. " The last of the privately printed plays, and, after c Becket,' the rarest. It was a&ed for a few weeks in 1882, but was not regularly published until it was included in the volume c Locksley Hall Sixty Years After ' in 1887." Livingstone's Tennyson Bibliography. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 167 TENNYSON (Alfred [Lord]) Timbucloo. A Poem which obtained the Chancellor's Medal (Prolusiones Academics). 8vo, bright calf extra, gilt back and edges, laurel wreath on sides, with the original blue paper wrappers bound in, by F. Bedford. 4 5/. od. Cambridge, 1829. FIRST EDITION. In the same volume is bound the First Edition of Tennyson's " Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington." Lon- don, Moxon^ 1852. 1 68 TENNYSON (Alfred, [Lord]) The Princess : a Medley. Post 8vo, red morocco extra, full gilt back, sides elaborately and very tastefully tooled in an interlaced floriated design, the borders around the centre medallion and those around edges of covers inlaid in black morocco, double with vellum, gilt edges, by De Sauty. 9 i os. od. London : Moxon, 1 847. FIRST EDITION. The binding is a very desirable specimen of De Sauty's work. 169 THACKERAY (W. M.) Mrs. Perkins' Ball. Coloured illustrations by the author. 410, original pink piclorial boards with the back and joints entirely intatt and unbroken, in a morocco pull-off case. 1 6 i os. od. London: Chapman and Hall, 1847. FIRST EDITION. Very rare in this fine condition. 57 Alexr Denham ^f Co. 170 THACKERAY (W. M.) An Interesting Event. By M. A. Titmarsh. 12010, morocco extra, edges entirely uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. 22 icxr. od. London: David Eogue , 1849. " One of the rarest of Thackeray's separate pieces is entitled 4 An Interesting Event.' Only one copy with the wrappers is known." Slater's Early Editions. 171 THACKERAY (W. M.) The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q._Anne. Written by Himself. 3 vols., small 8vo, original cloth, with the original labels intact, uncut. jT8 IO.T. od. London: Smith, Elder, and Company, 1852. FIRST EDITION. Copies in such choice state as the above are of very uncommon occurrence. 172 [THACKERAY] Burbidge (Thomas) and Clough (Arthur H.) Ambarvalia: Poems. Post 8vo, cloth. 16. London : Chapman and Hall, 1 849. ORIGINAL EDITION. FROM THACKERAY'S LIBRARY, with his Library Stamp on title. On the fly-leaf is written : " Purchased at the sale of the Library of William Makepeace Thackeray Palace Green Kensington 1 8 th March 1864." 173 THACKERAY (W. M.) ORIGINAL PORTRAIT IN CRAYONS BY SAMUEL LAWRENCE. Full- length, standing in a characteristic attitude, with hands in pockets. Size, 4 feet 4^ inches by 2 feet 5^ inches. 35- We are able to state on incontestable authority (evidence of which we can furnish to an intending purchaser) that this is the ORIGINAL SKETCH OR DRAWING BY SAMUEL LAWRENCE FOR THE CELEBRATED PORTRAIT IN THE REFORM CLUB, with which it is identical, except for the pose of the head and the size. In the Reform Club portrait the head is thrown slightly backwards, and the portrait is thus described by Sir Wemyss Reid, in his delightful article "Some Club Ghosts" ( Cassell's Magazine" for June, 1897): "There is in the stranger's dining-room at the Reform a life-size portrait of 58 23, Hay market) London^ S.W. Thackeray, just as he used to stand in the smoking room, his back to the fire, his legs rather wide apart, his hands thrust into his trouser pockets, and his head slightly thrown backwards, whilst he joined in the talk of the men occupying the semicircle of chairs in front of him." There were in all three portraits of Thackeray painted by Samuel Lawrence: one in the possession of Lady Pollock, of which Mrs. Ritchie has a replica ; another in the National Portrait Gallery ; and the third in the Reform Club. 174 T[OOKER] Gples] The Map of Misery, and the Sinners Plea. Small 8vo, brown morocco extra, by Riviere and Son. 6. London: printed for R. Harper, 1650. A Poem of fifty stanzas of six lines each. It is unknown to all biblio- graphers, and is perhaps unique. 175 [WALPOLE (Horace)] Hamilton (Comte Antoine) Memoires du Comte de Grammont. Nouvelle edition, augmente. i2mo, original calf, inclosed in a morocco pull-off case. 62. Paris: 1746. From HORACE WALPOLE'S LIBRARY with his Bookplate; and numerous AUTOGRAPH NOTES, written by him, in ink, on the blank margins throughout the book. These manuscript notes are 60 in number, many extending to some length, while a number nearly, or quite, cover the margins of the page. They all relate to the characters or in- cidents in the book. On the fly-leaves at the end of the volume is a 44 page " Index of Remarkable Persons," closely WRITTEN BY WALPOLE. 176 WALPOLE (Horace) The Mysterious Mother: a Tragedy. By Mr. Horace Walpole. Printed at Straw- berry Hill, 1768. MANUSCRIPT very legibly written on paper by an unknown scribe; 125 pages, 4/0, with a few MSS. corrections by Walpole, and with one whole line erased. Calf, gilt edges. 8 icxr. od. Inserted on fly-leaf are two AUTOGRAPH NOTES BY WAL- POLE, one being of 6 lines. The other is of 9 lines, and is addressed to Lady Browne. 59 Alexr Denham f Co. 177 [WALPOLE (Horace)] D'Eon (Chevalier) Lettres, Memoires et Negociations particulieres du Chevalier D'Eon, Ministre Plenipotentiare de France aupres du Roi de la Grande Bretagne. 410, calf, with Walpole's arms in gilt on sides, in morocco pull-off case. 37 icxr. od. Imprime chez I'Auteur aux Depens du Corps Diplomatic, 1764. HORACE WALPOLE'S COPY, with numerous interesting MANUSCRIPT NOTES IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, and extra illus- trated by him with 7 fine and rare PORTRAITS (five of which are mezzotints) and an AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Chevalier D'Eon, 3 pages, 410 (dated from) London: "Aug. 8. 1776", (signed) "La Chev. D'Eon." 178 [WALPOLE (Horace)] Le Tombeau de Marguerite de Valois Royne de Navarre. FaicT: premierement en Dis- ticques Latin par les trois Soeurs Princesses en Angleterre. Depuis traduictz en Grec, Italien & Francois par . . . plusieurs Poetes de la France. Avecque plusieurs Odes, [etc.]. Portrait on wood of the Queen on verso of title-page. 8vo, fine old black morocco extra, gilt back, ornaments in gilt at corners of sides, gilt edges, 43. Paris: Michael Fezendat, 1551. With, on fly-leaf, a very interesting AUTOGRAPH NOTE BY HORACE WALPOLE, signed with his Initials, concerning the three Ladies Seymour, the authors of the Distichs. With the Ex-libris ofWalpole and of H. Bordes. An edition of the Latin Distichs only was published in 1550, but this is the FIRST EDITION of the Translations, Odes, and other Poems, which form by far the greater part of the volume. Three of the longer French Poems in the volume are by RONSARD. SEE ILLUSTRATION. 179 WALPOLE (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the principal Artists ; collected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now digested and pub- lished from his original MSS. By Mr. Horace Walpole. . . . To which is added: The History of the Modern 60 fct <^ ki 2 P j NEtE u F 3 S C 2 CQ S o H OS N - S S >: s- 0< I 3 B HH tu i^tkl-?^ ^ w ^ jc OH rt bb O t-t 3 rt >, Ou, O u OT JJ O D- co IX O ^ 23> Hay market) London , S.W. Taste in Gardening. FIRST EDITION; with the earliest impressions of the numerous fine portraits^ nineteen of which are missingfrom the third volume. 4 vols., 1 762-' '63- '7 1 . A Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England ; digested by Mr. Horace Walpole from the MSS. of Mr. George Vertue. The Second Edition. Portraits. 1765. Together, 5 vols., 4to, Vols. I. and II. in sheets, Vols. III. to V., original wrappers, ALL WITH ALL EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT. 42. Strawberry Hill, 1762-71, '65. HORACE WALPOLE'S OWN COPY; and used by him in pre- paring a new edition. On the wrapper of Vol. III. he has written: " This vol. ready for the new edition" The third volume contains 1 8 additions in ink by Walpole ; and the fifth volume, one in ink and three in pencil ; not counting some corrections and erasures. The fourth volume, though dated 1771, was not published until 1780. Laid in this copy is the very scarce "ADVERTISEMENT" to the fourth volume (pp. iii-ix), printed in 1773, but never issued. The "Advertisement" appears, in an altered form, in the published volume (pp. v-x), dated 1780. Both the above and the next number were bought in the following IValpole Collection, but are placed here for convenience in cataloguing. 1 80 [WALPOLE (Horace)] Fitzpatrick (Col. Richard) " Incantations for a raising a Phantom ; Imitated from Macbeth, and lately perform'd by His Majesty's Servants in Westminster." MANUSCRIPT ENTIRELY IN WALPOLE'S HANDWRITING, who has also given the Author's name^ the date (1789), and^ in margin^ the names of the persons satirized in this clever jeu-d 1 esprit. 2 pages, folio (54 lines). 31. WALPOLE (Horace). See a/so BECK.FORD (William) Vathek, 1786. HORACE WALPOLE. The following 10 numbers are all printed at the STRAWBERRY HILL PRESS. They formed part of 61 Alex*r Den ham & Co. WALPOLE'S OWN COLLECTION, who, at his death in 1797, bequeathed them to the Hon. Mrs. Anne Seymour Darner. They passed later to a relative of Mrs. Damer, in whose family they have remained until a few weeks ago, when we acquired them. They are ALL IN THEIR ORIGINAL STATE in sheets, stitched, etc., as noted below THEY ALL HAVE ALL THEIR EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT, AND THEY ARE ALL PERFECTLY FRESH, CRISP AND CLEAN. IN THIS MOST REMARKABLE CONDITION THE BOOKS ARE OF GREAT RARITY. 181 LUCANUS. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia. Cum Notis Hugonis Grotii et Richardi Bentleii. 4to, sheets, folded. n. 1760. Five hundred copies were printed of this, the largest and most beauti- fully printed of the Strawberry Press Books. Walpole writes to Mann, Jan. 27, 1761 : "I have delivered to your brother ... a Lucan, which, I trust, you will think a handsome edition." 182 [WALPOLE (Horace)] A Description of the Villa of Mr. Horace Walpole ... at Strawberry-Hill near Twickenham, Middlesex. With an Inventory of the Furniture, Pictures, Curiosities, etc. 27 fine engravings of the house, grounds, interior, etc., and plans. 410, sheets, folded. 17 loj. od. l 7%4- With WALPOLE'S AUTOGRAPH additions, correftions, and erasures, in pencil, scattered through the volume. 200 copies printed. Accompanying this lot is a copy of the very rare EXTRA TITLE- PAGE, printed in black, blue and red. 183 [WALPOLE (Horace)] A Letter to the Editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. 8vo, original wrappers. 6 $s. od. 1 779> 200 copies printed. The " Letter " is a reply to the slanders which had been circulated concerning his behaviour to Chatterton. 62 23, Hay market, London, L 184 WHITWORTH (Charles, Lord) An Account of Russia as it was in the Year 1710. Small 8vo, original wrappers. 4- i8j. M. 1758. 700 copies printed. The "Advertisement" (22 pages) was written by Walpole. 185 [WALPOLE (Horace)] Fugitive Pieces in verse and prose. Small 8vo, sheets, folded. 14 IQJ. od. 1758. 200 copies printed. 1 86 JONES ([Sir] William) The Muse Recalled, an Ode, occasioned by the Nuptials of Lord Viscount Althorp and Miss Lavinia Bingham. Small 4to, sewn, 3 ijs. 6d. 1781. 250 copies printed. 187 TEMPLE (Anna Chamber, Countess) Poems. 4to, sewn. 8 los. od. 1 7&4- 100 copies printed. Pages 3 and 4 contain a Poem by Walpole. Laid in is a fine portrait of the Countess after Hamilton's picture in the Straw- berry Hill Collection. 1 88 WALPOLE (Horace) Miscellaneous Antiquities ; or a Collection of Curious Papers : either republished from Scarce Tracts, or now first published from the Original MSS. Numbers I. and II. (all published). 2 vols., 4to, original wrappers. 3 los. od. 1 77 2 - 500 copies printed. 189 WALPOLE (Horace) Essay on Modern Gardening. With French Translation by the Due de Nivernois. 410, sheets, folded. 16. I 7%5- 400 copies printed, of which 200 were sent to France. This copy is wrapped in a gray paper, on which Walpole has written in ink : " One pick'd Essay on Gardening." 63 I Alex*r Den ham & Co. 190 HOYLAND (Rev. Francis) Poems. Small 8vo, sheets, folded. 4 io/. od. 1 7^9- 300 copies printed. Pages iii and iv contain an " Advertisement " by Walpole. Besides the above, we have others bought in the same Collection, chiefly Strawberry Hill Leaflets, many of which are very rare; with some Walpoleana. Lack of space prevents our including these in this Catalogue ; but, if desired, we will send a type-written priced description of them. 191 WESTALL (R.) SERIES OF 18 MOST BEAUTI- FULLY EXECUTED ORIGINAL WATER- COLOUR DRAWINGS, being designs to illustrate " Paradise Lost " and other of Milton s Poems. Size 9^ by 7 inches. i 10. These beautiful drawings comprise some of this artist's finest work. Accompanying the drawings are the 18 very fine engravings on copper executed from the above designs. 192 [WESTMACOTT (C. M.)] The English Spy ; an Original Work ; characteristic, satirical, & humourous ; comprising Scenes and Sketches in every rank of society, being Portraits of illustrious, eccentric and notorious Characters. Drawn from life by Bernard Blackmantle. Numerous woodcuts and ^finely coloured plates by ROBERT CRUIKSHANK, ROWLANDSON, etc. 2 vols., royal 8vo, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL BOARDS, UNCUT, inclosed in crimson morocco pull-off cases. 9- London : Sherwood Jones and Co., 1825-26. ORIGINAL ISSUE, clean and fresh throughout. A small portion of the back of each volume is missing, otherwise there are no defects. EXCESSIVELY RARE In this extraordinary choice original state. 193 WILLIAMS (Sir Charles Hanbury) Works; from the originals in the possession of his Grandson ; with Notes 23, Haymarket) London, by Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. Three portraits. 3 vols., crown 8vo, light calf extra, gilt backs and edges, by F. Bedford. 2 I2s. 6d. London : E. Jejfery and Son, 1822. 194 WORDSWORTH (William) The two EARLIEST PUBLICATIONS of Wordsworth, viz. : Descriptive Sketches. In Verse. Taken during a Pedestrian Tour in the Italian, Grison, Swiss, and Savoyard Alps. An Evening Walk. An Epistle; In Verse. Ad- dressed to a Young Lady, from the Lakes of the North of England. Together, 2 vols., 410, SEWN, ALL EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT, AS ISSUED, in silk portfolio with flaps. 153. FIRST EDITIONS. Very scarce in any form ; and of excessive rarity in this remarkable uncut, clean, state. 195 WORDSWORTH (William) ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH MANUSCRIPT, signed " Wm. Wordsworth " and dated " Rydal Mount ^ Feby 27 " and " Febry 1 840 ", of the Sonnet: " To on her departure from A " ; with a two-word autograph correction, i page, 8vo. ioj. od. The line surrounding the illustrations of title-pages shows the. exaft size of the leaves of the books. CHISWICK PRESS : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. 306? 11 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAT 15 RED Form L9-25m-8,'46 ( 9852 ) 444 OF AT L08ANGELS3 Z999 D/lc Denharn Catalogue of books 2999 D41c A 000 726 340 3