IRLF 37 377 High Cost Living Cause Remedy The biggest question before the world today is money- Other questions are important chiefly as they bear on this overshadowing problem High Cost of Living CAUSE REMEDY By T. GUSHING DANIEL Author of Daniel on Real Money If a people, country, state, or nation, be bonded for all the assessed value of its property, the bond- holders and not the people are the owners of it Published by THE MONETARY EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Washington, D. C. COPYRIGHT, 1912 BY T. GUSHING DANIEL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED in the following Countries : United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom or British Possessions, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Tunis, Hayti, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Japan, Den- mark, Sweden, Liberia, Russia and China NATIONAL CAPITAL PRESS, INC. BOOK MANUFACTURERS WASHINGTON. D. C, DEDICATED to the Markers and leal JJr0imter8 0f the ttttlfe 285885 CONTENTS Evil Effects of a False Money-System ... 5 To Overburden the Farmer Is to Destroy the Whole of Prosperity Bank of England 32 Establishing the So-Called Bank of the United States 44 1861 War Measures to Raise Money. . . 52 Government Forestalled in Exercising Its Highest Act of Sovereignty by Banks Being Given the Power to Issue a Sub- stitute for Money 75 National Banks 87 Analysis of the Proposed Morgan-Roth- . , . schildjSrAMrich Money Trust Bill Mishamfed the "National Reserve Asso- : cm(iiQiii.(i)fthe United States" 93 Morgan - Rothschilds - Aldrich Money Trust Bill Now Pending in Congress, and Endorsed by "the National Mon- etary Commission" the Misuse of the Word "Parity" Their Last Hope of Fooling the People 105 Anglo-American Money Trust 122 Loaning of Bank Credits and Use of Clear- ing House Certificates as a Substitute for Money 129 The American Bankers Association. ... 135 Panic of 1907 146 Responsibility Rests With the People .... 1 48 The Remedy 152 EVIL EFFECTS OF A FALSE MONEY- SYSTEM. HE mental attitude of our whole people has been so affected with skepticism that our business men can no longer deal with them in candor and fairness. Yet the com- petition in all lines of business has become so intense that it forces them to resort to all kinds of deception in order to get a mere liv- ing and meet their monied obligations. CJThis demoralization reaches the professional class, forcing them to all kinds of questionable practices to meet the high cost of living. Many of them are living dishonorably, unable to gain their self-approval, without which life is a fail- ure. t| We see high finance in a John D. Rockefeller, head of a trust declared by the United States Supreme Court to be a criminal conspiracy. Yet, when forced to take the witness stand, he is under the protecting care of three of the reputedly great legal luminaries of this country, who had prostituted their intellects for money, to keep him from telling the truth to the people. William J. Bryan \\e/ ^ j^ O * Robert M. La Follette \ ^ \y v.0^ 9}r ^t 5Cafr W- Underwood VO N . y ,^ * ^ ^ V DANIEL ON REAL MONEY WASHINGTON, D. C. The Author has so elucidated this, apparently difficult subject, that it is now criminal negligence for any one not to understand it, in order that he may protect himself, his family and his country. INDEX PAGE The Present Banking System 9 The Present Banking System and Stock Gambling 35 Wall Street Gold Movement and Money Market 39 Statements before the Banking and Currency Committee of the Sixtieth Congress, Including Statement of T. C. Daniel 52 J. P. Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., and Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London, England, vs. The United States Treasury 109 Hearing before the United States Interstate Commerce Commis- sion 119 A Warning to the United States 147 Present Money System and So-called Bankers Responsible 159 President Taft and Gold 161 Greenbacks, the Worn-out Hobby of the Gold Monometallist 166 Exchange: Domestic Exchange; Foreign Exchange 170 Goschen on Exchange 175 Balance of Trade 180 The Bank of England 184 Central Bank of Issue 192 A True Definition of Money 214 Gold, the False Basis of Credit Money, Annihilated by the Logic of Common Sense ; Correct Definition of a Standard_230 The Proper Money System 254 It is for America, with Her Robust, Enterprising, and Higher Civilization of the Twentieth Century, to Establish a Proper Money System - 266 The Constitution of the United States provides that Congress, which means the people, shall have the right to create money and regulate the value thereof. Shall this sovereign right to create, issue and control money, the most important factor in the welfare of the human family, the meas- uring medium of the value of all services for hire, and property of all the people, be transferred to Banking Corporations or a Money Trust? This is the most vital question to be answered by the voters of this Country. B o*i s ?<* S^sflgas* -7/37 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 3% UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY