LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA VIS SAM HOBART, THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. A WORKINGMAN'S SOLUTION OF THE LABOR PROBLEM. BY JUSTIN D. FULTON, D.D., AUTHOR or "TIMOTHY GILBERT," "WOMAN AS GOD MADE HER," "SHOW YOUB COLORS," "THE WAY OUT," ETC., ETC. NEW YORK: FUNK & WAGNALLS, PUBLISHERS, 10 AND 12 DEY STREET. TTTV - r ^v rMT r* A T TTT/^T>-KTT A Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by JUSTIN D. FULTON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C. TO OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OP THE GREAT RAILWAY SYSTEM THIS STORY OF A LIFE IS BY ONE WHO APPRECIATES THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR POSITION AND DESIRES YOUR PRESENT AJ*D ETERNAL HAPPINESS. CONTENTS.- PREFACE, CHAPTER I. THE MAN AND THE HOUR, ........ 13 CHAPTER II. His BOYHOOD, ....... . . .21 The Surroundings of his Birthplace, Brighton His Early Home The Homes of the Poor Parental Influence Investments in Youth. CHAPTER III. HE BECOMES A MACHINIST AND A FIREMAN, ..... 28 CHAPTER IV. SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER, ...... 30 THE WORKING MAX, ......... 40 CHAPTER V. THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE HENRY WARD BEECHKR MEETS HIM AND DESCRIBES HIM - THE GLORY OF HIS CONVERSION, 4ti CHAPTER VI. SAM'S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE, ..... C4 CHAPTER VII. SAM AT WORK FOR GOD, ........ 75 CHAPTER VIII. THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, .... 83 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. THE CONFLICT BETWEEN LABOR AND CAPITAL, .... 110 CHAPTER X. THE REPRESENTATIVES OP OUR COMMERCIAL LIFE THEIR OPPORTUNITY, 126 CHAPTER XI. SAM'S FAITH, OR WHOM SHALL WE TRUST? ..... 136 CHAPTER XII. THE WORK AMONO RAILROAD MEN THE NEED OF THIS WOPK ED- WARD D. INGERSOLL, THE STORY OF HIS LIFE AND WORK CHRIST A NECESSITY FOR MEN WHO TOIL, 146 CHAPTER XIII. THE WASTED SUBSTANCES THE STORY OF EDWARD H. UNIAC'S FALL AND SOME OF THE SAD INCIDENTS IN SAM'S WORK, . . .173 CHAPTER XIV. TEMPERANCE AN ADDED FORCE HENRY WILSON THE PERIL IN WILD OATS LESSONS LEARNED AT THE FARM SCHOOL, . . .185 CHAPTER XV. A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE: Is INTEMPERANCE A DISEASE OR A CRIME? 195 CHAPTER XVI. SAM'S LOVE FOR THE YOUNG BARZILLAI SNOW, HIS BROTHER-IN- LAW, DYING LIKE A HERO, ....... 206 CHAPTER XVII. THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART AND OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS AS A CLASS JOSEPH A. SEEDS, OF PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ; JOHN MARROT, OF ENGLAND, AND OTHERS, 219 CHAPTER XVIII. SAM'S LAST RIDE THE ENGINEER AT REST, 234 PREFACE. THE life of Sam Hobart, the locomotive engineer, is written to portray the possibilities of happiness and usefulness within the reach of a workingman content to fill the sphere of useful- ness awarded him, and willing to lend a helping hand to do work for God and man lying near him and waiting for him. Charles Lamb served as a clerk in the East India Company, and filled such a place in literature and in society as makes us forget how he earned his living, and remember only that he wrote the " Essays of Elia," and lived and labored and com- panioned with the great of his time, and in so doing became a benefactor for all time. Elihu Burritt was a blacksmith, and became learned in languages and rich in healthful influences that have blessed American civilization, and help now to glorify it in the eyes of the peoples of all lands, and he remained the Learned Blacksmith to the last. George Stephenson, born in Wylam-on-the-Tyne June 9th, 1781 the engineer of a coal mine, the inventor of the locomo- tive in 1815, first to drag coal-cars along a tramway, and afterward fastened to a passenger coach in 1828, the year Sam Hobart was born developed into one of the ablest of engineers and one of the greatest of inventors, and was content thus to remain to the day of his death. When asked to stand for Parliament, he declined, saying, " Politics have no stability ; X PREFACE. they shift about like the sand of the sea ; they are all matters of fancy, matters of theory, and I should feel out of my ele- ment among them ;" and so he remained George Stephenson the engineer. Sam Hobart was willing to be an engineer. Tie might have gone West and occupied great positions of trust, but he was content to allow others to be president, superintendent, or heads of department, and he remain engineer and work as best he could. As such a life is a necessity in the perfection and working of the railway system, the most complete and exten- sive in the world a system extending its lines of communica- tion from ocean to ocean and from the Lakes to the Gulf ; a system which is even now pushing its way through Mexico, and must ere long embrace South America, bringing to our tables the grapes and fruits grown in the gardens, vineyards, and orchards of the Pacific coast, beef from the great pasture fields of Texas, coal from the coal-fields, minerals from the moun- tains, and traffic from India, China, Japan, and South America, because confidence in commerce is built not on money, not on brain, but on Christian character the writer will be pardoned for believing that this attempt made to portray a railroad man, at work as a railroad man while he earned his livelihood, then occupying spare time and energy in the promotion of such in. terests as are identified with the weal of humanity, is a health- ful contribution to the working capital of the Christian Church, which if properly used must fulfil an important mission among the men of toil, and gird with confidence and hope those con- fronting fields white with harvests or standing in doors opening to marvellous and unreached possibilities. It is known that over a million of men are employed upon the 125,000 miles of railway in America. Over a fortieth of the population are. PREFACE. XI engaged in railroad work. The men called and known as railway kings are not the creatures of chance or the accidents of the hour : they are men of destiny, created to untie the perplex- ing knots which smaller men have tied in the hope of selfishly checking the tide of emigration and traffic, which by their aid has burst through every opposing obstacle and streamed outward and onward, like an unbanked river, rejoicing in its ongoing flow. These men dared to expect great things, and so they went forward to achieve them. They cannot work alone. To make this railway system a success, true and trustworthy men must be found to do the work required. How shall these be grown ? is the problem of the future. This book tells how one s*joh man was grown. Let us hope that it may help to build many more. J. D. F. SAM HOBART. CHAPTER I. THE MAN AND THE HOUR. SAM HOBART was associated with power, and believed in power. Like Abraham Lincoln, he had great respect for augers that would bore, and augers that would not bore he had no use for. He had no place in his heart or in his home or on his locomotive' for the merely ornamental. To the useful he was a devotee. A mere dilettante, a man who follows an art or a calling without a purpose, was to him utterly valueless. He was a man of purpose. He was well built. He had a stalwart frame, a broad chest, a big arm and leg, thick neck, good- sized head, in voice at times a son of thunder, and at other times soft and sweet-toned as a child ; a large blue eye, auburn hair, upper lip shaved, a long flowing red beard beneath it ; the step of a giant, the will of a despot, and withal with those he loved the heart of a woman. In an audience he would attract attention by his gravity of demeanor, a look of being ready for business. He could not bear trifling. He had no wit. He cared nothing for a story that would make people laugh. He was quiet as a locomotive unfired when off duty. But light him up with a purpose, and he moved in such a way and with such a bearing that instinc- tively men gave way before him. He was distinguished for hard sense and an immense business faculty. As I think of him when first I saw him, I am reminded of the hull of a 14 SAM HOB ART. steamer brought to the dock to receive its motive power. Natu- rally he had the framework of a great man. He did his man- ual labor as did thousands of others. But there was nothing special to write about or think of until he received Jesus Christ into his heart. Then power came to him to become a son of God, " which was born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of tie will of man, but of God," and the word in him was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Men saw it and felt it. Before this great event he was bold, reckless, hard, and pushing ; after the machinery of redemptive grace was set up in his soul, he was thoughtful, prudent, wise, indomitable and benevolent in look, in action, and in purpose. Henceforth he had no ambition in business directions to be more than an engineer. He did not seek or desire promotion. He was con- tent to do his work, and that finished he delighted to engage in philanthropic and Christian enterprises. He was not an in- ventor, nor had he claims to rank as a genius. He never ac- quired a competence. He died as he lived, poor in purse, but rich in faith and in good works. He was everybody's man, because he worked for everybody. He was God's man in what he believed to be God's world, and served him with dili- gence and with delight. He believed in the brotherhood of man. He was not a Chartist, nor a Socialist, nor a Communist. He was an engineer of the Boston and Albany Railroad, capa- ble of fulfilling his high trust and of earning his money, and entitled to his opinions. Anywhere and everywhere he dared avow them, and if men interfered with his prerogatives they did so at their own risk. He loved great, strong, and true men, and mated with the sturdiest characters in the realms of poli- tics, of finance, and of religion, as if they were yokefellows. Henry Ward Beecher, who frequently rode with him on his locomotive, recently said : " If I could have written down in the words used by him the remarkable utterances he made to me regarding God's love for man, and the way to bring men to obtain just and right conceptions of God ; if I could record his experiences in seeking to help men and lead them to a higher THE MAN AND THE HOUR. 15 life, I could give to world ngmen the best book ever written for them." Rev. J. O. Peck, D.P., of the Methodist Church, for years settled in Worcester, gave a similar testimony; and Edwin I). Ingersoll, Railroad Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., who trav- ersed the field of his labors years after he went higher, said : " I meet with his Christian influence even now, everywhere in New England, and hundreds of railroad men trace their con- version to his labors." As a railroad man he believed himself to have been born at a propitious time in what he regarded as the railroad century. It is a significant fact that, though the conception of a road- way on which to move heavy blocks of stone dates back to the time when the Pyramids of Egypt were built ; though the Ap- pian Way of ancient Rome, made of solid blocks of stone laid in parallel lines, was the thought, born of necessity, which pointed forward to the railway system now in vogue ; though the Dutchmen in Albany, N. Y., and the Yankees at Quincy, Mass., constructed a roadbed, modelled after the Appian Way, from Albany to Schenectady, and from the quarries of granite to the river, yet the world waited until about the year Sam was born before charters were given in England, France, and the United States to construct railways worthy of the name. In 1826 charters were granted by the Parliament in England and by the legislatures of States in the Western Republic to con- struct railroads. On July 4th, 1828, the year in which Sam Hobart was born, the first blow was struck in the construction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and in 1830 the Albany and Schenectady Railroad was commenced. In 1831, 384 pas- sengers were dragged daily by horses over its limited line. In regard to the introduction of the locomotive, there is some- thing quiet as strange. The story of George Stephenson's life was a favorite book with the Boston engineer. He never tired of speaking of that boy of the collieries, who was temper- ate while others were dissipated, frugal while others were profli- gate, and industrious while others were idle, used of God to 10 SAM 1IOHAKT. bring to comparative perfection the instrument which lias had more to do with promoting the civilization of the million than any other agency apart from the Gospel of Christ. J. F. Loyson, in his life of Stcphenson, gives this graphic sketch of this wonderful fact : " More than two centuries ago a visit was paid a French madhouse by an English nobleman, the Marquis of Worcester. As he passed through the wards, con- taining the cages wherein the most unfortunate of their species were confined like so many wild animals, the attendant who accompanied him described the various hallucinations peculiar to the inmates of that abode of the hopeless. As they ap- proached one of the caged cells, the steps of the visitor were suddenly arrested by a pitiful cry and the terrible appearance of a man whose cadaverous and careworn countenance peered through the massive bars which his thin, bloodless hands tremu- lously clutched. The ashy lips from which the cry had pro- ceeded again parted, and a voice hoarse and husky, but fierce in its earnestness, exclaimed, ' I am not a madman. I am the discoverer of a power of incalculable moment to mankind/ " ' What has this man.discovered ? ' inquired the marquis. " ' A mere trifle,' the keeper answered derisively ; ' but he wrote a book about it nevertheless. Why, you would never guess what the discovery was to use the steam of boiling water for the navigation of ships, the driving of carriages, and a host of other miracles which are equally incapable of performance." Such was the fate of him who, in all probability, projected the idea of steam locomotion, Solomon de Cans, a native of Nor- mandy, and such the reception given to a discovery calculated to confer stupendous benefits not only upon France but the world. The age was not, however, propitious to scientific or mechanical research. Supineness in the court and superstition in the Church, together with the antagonism of officials toward anything which took the shape of innovation, conspired to hold back from society for a time the advantages which have since attended the construction of the steam engine. Confident in the soundness of his conclusions, poor Solomon THE MAX AND THE HOUR. 17 de Cans had laid a description of his plans before the King of France ; but the mind of the monarch was not fitted to deal with such complicated details as were therein presented, and the readiest way to dispose of the matter was to treat the Nor- man genius and his discovery with contempt. Turned over to a cardinal of the Church, who became exasperated by re- peated and urgent appeals, he consigned him to a madhouse. And Soloman de Caus and his premature project was lost to his country and mankind. It was reserved for the nineteenth century to give a welcome to the locomotive. There is reason to believe that the locomotive was an American invention. It is certain that in 1782 Oliver Evans, of Philadelphia, patented a steam-wagon, the drawings and specifications of which were sent to England in 1787, and again in 1794-95. In 1784, two years after Evans's invention in America, Watt patented a locomotive. Little or nothing was done with them. For some reason everything seemed to wait the dawn of the nineteenth century. Richard Trevethick, born in the parish of Illogan, Cornwall, April, 13th, 1771, was an inventor of whom the world has heard much. Though a child of genius, he died penniless. In 1801 he started the iron horse on the public highway ; in 1802 he obtained a patent for a locomotive. It was on the 28th of December, 1801, the travelling engine took its depart- ure fom Camborne Church town for Tehidy. ' ' The carriage/' says Mr. Davies Gilbert, " broke down, after travelling very well about 400 yards. Then it was forced under some shelter, and the parties adjourned to the hotel and comforted their hearts with a roast goose and drinks, where, forgetful of the en- gine, its water boiled away. The iron became red-hot, and nothing that was combustible remained either of the engine or the house, thus falling a victim to the punch-drinking pro- pensity of the period. " A similar result might have been reached had not the foster- father of the locomotive been temperate in habit and irrepressible because of his determination and pluck. The steam locomo- 18 SAM HOB ART. tive, the material transformer of the world, has a remarkable history. As has been said, " It was not born on the rails, but on the common road ; and a tremendous baby-giant it was, tear- ing up its cradle in such furious fashion that men were terrified by it, and tried their best to condemn it to inactivity, just as a -weak and foolish father might lock up his unruly boy and re- strain him perforce, instead of training him wisely in the way he should go.' 7 But the progenitors of the iron horse were like their herculean child, men of mettle. They fought a gallant fight for their darling's freedom, and came off victorious ! As with the railroad, so with the locomotive. They attained their place in or near 1828. Then it was that a premium was offered of 500 for the best locomotive that could be produced, in accordance with certain conditions. These were : " That the chimney should emit no smoke ; that the engine should be on springs ; that it should not weigh more than six tons, or four and a half tons if it had only four wheels ; that it should be able to draw a load of twenty tons at the rate of ten miles an hour, with a pressure of fifty pounds to the square inch in the boiler ; and that it should not cost more than 500." The iron horse was now at last about to assume its right posi- tion. It was no longer an infant, but a powerful stripling, though still far from its full growth as far as six tons is from sixty. It was October 6th, 1829, when the memorable trial of loco- motives took place. It was to continue eight days. The four exhibited were the " Novelty," " Sanspareil," "Rocket," and "Perseverance," built respectively by Messrs. Braithwaite & Ericsson, Timothy Hackworth, 11. Stephenson & Co., and Burstall. The Rocket looked as if it were all funnel a stunted body with a long, very long neck. Along a level stretch of railroad, two miles long, each engine was required to make twenty double journeys during the day, at an average speed of not less than ten miles per hour. The Rocket made the time and more, but THE MAX AND THE HOUR. 19 was not at the outset a favorite ; as people said; " Its appear- ance was against it." The Novelty was a favorite with spectators and judges. It looked compact and handy, and its lines were harmonious and in keeping with the purpose for which it had been built. Its water and fuel were carried without the aid of a separate tender, and the weight of the whole was less than three tons. While tiavelling its experimental journey it occasionally moved at the rate per hour of twenty-four miles, but on the second day of the trial the blast bellows gave out The boiler of the Sanspareil also showed a defect, and the Perseverance failed because it could not go faster than six miles an hour. The Rocket won the day because it had the " go" in it. It not only made thirty miles an hour, but it drew thirteen tons 1 weight in wagons at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour. The old engine grew handsomer every moment, and before the third day was over people said, " She did not look so bad after all." The Novelty tried it again, but bursting its pipes ended its hopes. The Sanspareil was similarly unfortunate, and the Rocket, by Stephenson, received the prize. Could a man at that time have seen in a vision of the future, as Henry George says, " the steamship taking the place of the sailing vessel, the railroad train of the wagon, the reaping- machine of the scythe, the threshing-machine of the flail ; could he have heard the throb of the engines that in obedience to the human will and for the satisfaction of human desire exert a power greater than all the men and all the beasts of burden of the earth combined ; could he have seen the forest tree trans- formed into finished lumber into doors, sashes, blinds, boxes, or barrels, with hardly the touch of human hand ; the great workshops where boots and shoes are turned out by the case with less labor than the old-fashioned cobbler could have put on a sole ; the factories where, under the eye of a girl, cotton becomes cloth faster than hundreds of stalwart weavers could have turned it out with their hand-looms ; could he have seen steam hammers shaping mammoth shafts and mighty anchors, 20 SAM HOB ART. and delicate machinery making tiny watches ; the diamond drill cutting through the heart of the rocks and coal-oil sparing the whale ; could he have realized the enormous saving of labor resulting from improved facilities of exchange and communi- cation sheep killed in Australia eaten fresh in England, and the order given by the London banker in the afternoon executed in San Francisco in the morning of the same day ; could he have conceived of the hundred thousand improvements which these only suggest, what would he have inferred of the social condition of mankind ? His heart would have leaped and his nerves would have thrilled, as one from a height beholds just ahead of the thirst- stricken caravan the living gleam of rustling woods and the glint of living waters." Upon this vision, realized and fulfilled, Sam Hobart looked with pleasing satis- faction and with exuberant hope. CHAPTER IT. SAM AS A BOY. The Surroundings of His Birthplace, Brighton His Early Home From Cattle- Driver to the Machine- Shop and the Locomotive Some Notions he Fought when a Boy. SAMUEL BROOKS HOBART was born iji Brighton, Mass., Octo- ber 12tli, 1828. Brighton is the cattle-market of Boston. In the olden time it was more of a centre of influence than it is at the present time, Then drovers gathered their cattle from the hillsides and valleys of New England and brought them to Brighton and distributed them east and west, as the case might be. Railroads were unknown, and the cattle were driven, not brought. Many an emigrant going to the Far West bought there his team and cows, the one to bear his household to their dis- tant home, the other to supply the wants of their table in the wilderness. To the South cattle and mules were driven, and Brighton was the cattle-market most widely known. The dro- vers, as we have intimated, did business on a smaller scale and on a different basis than at present. Though their responsibil- ities were not as great or their business so large, they were more exacting, often very profane and dissipated. They worked hard, kept " their eye-teeth cut," and were sharp in trade, and sometimes not over-honest in deal. Into such soci- ety this boy came as soon as he could walk. lie grew up to be hard, smart, and ready for a job that brought pennies to his pocket and pleasure to his life. He was not a bad boy, as the word goes he did not lie nor steal ; nor was he specially a good one. It was said of him while very young, " That boy will take care of himself." He did do this, and much more. He took care of whatever was 22 SAM HOB ART. given him to do. He was naturally a success, because lie inade a success of whatever was committed to his caro. He could fight his way. He somehow came out first, no matter when he started in. He was hard to manage. His mother was proud of him. She believed in honesty, in industry, and scorned lying and meanness. She would not take advantage. Sam agreed with her. Sain was a dutiful son. He would never shirk a task. He was as faithful when alone as when at work under the eye of a master. lie became a favorite with the drovers. He would get as good time out of a drove of cattle as any man around. He was a favorite about the yards because he was trustworthy. He was utterly fearless. A wild bull or an infuriated cow found in his unterrified look, his command- ing speech, and determined bearing that before which they must yield. As with beasts, so was lie with men. Rouse him, get him into motion, and nothing could daunt him. He has entered houses full of fighting, of cursing, and where wild and crazed drunkards were in almost the act of murder, and he was as calm and self-possessed as a rock amid the wild surges of a boisterous sea. He could take a mighty man by the throat with one hand, hold another off, and put down a fight as a man would trample out a lire just kindling into flame. His schooling was picked up at intervals in the New England school-house. He could read, write and cipher. His book knowledge was limited. His knowledge of men was most profound. He seemed by instinct or intuition to know what was in men. He admired boldness, fearlessness, and fidelity. David Crockett's motto was his : " Be sure vou are ri^ht, and then go ahead. 7 ' A boy ran a great risk that interfered with his or with his friends' rights. He never looked mad when he was going to do a desperate deed. He would come up to a boy that was playing bully over some weaker party, and in a polite way inti- mate that it would be advisable to " let up" on him and " take some one of his size." " Perhaps you would like to take it up." ' No objection," Sam would reply, and with a smile on SAM AS A BOY. 23 his face and with desperation in his heart would go in and do his best. There was no fear in his composition. He expected to win. He had great dignity of character, and enjoyed it in others. He never desired that men should try and get down to him ; he much preferred climbing up to them, if indeed climbing was necessary. He became a judge of cattle, of their weight and condition ; was consulted in the yards when a boy as if he had been an owner. He believed in right as right, and that right was might. He was trustworthy to his employers and obedient to his mother. She could rely on him. This characteristic made him largely what he afterward became. His employers rested with faith upon his ability to brush away difficulties and almost defy impossibilities. He was not the person to give up his purpose if his mind was once set upon having or doing a certain thing. Men saw this in his looks, they heard it in his voice. Believing that it was manly to smoke, he acquired the habit of using tobacco, and thinking it brave to take the name of God in vain, he be- came when a youth terribly profane. A friend writes of Sam as a boy in these words : " He was energetic, never lazy, would travel on foot miles to aid a drover with his cattle for a few pennies, and then be rewarded, a k s he has often told me, by the man's taking a handful of change from his pocket, and, looking it over, and selecting the smoothest fourpenny bit he could find, and hand- ing it to Sam. Sam would take the poor little piece and rub it industriously on his jacket sleeve to try to bring out the pillars to plainer view, so that he could pass it for six cents, what he feared no person used to handling money would count worth more than five. u He labored hard when a boy. He would rise early in the morning, and go off on any errand that promised him remunera- tion. How tired he got, as he walked mile after mile, occa- sionally running after refractory cattle ! Boys do not work now as he worked ; they would think they would be killed, he said, with half the labor he performed. This helped to make '24 SAM II 015 A KT. him the energetic, persevering man that lie eventually became. His indomitable will would carry all before it. Naturally of a hasty, impulsive temperament, he could not brook delay or any obstruction in his path, and if such occurred he would swear till all quailed befor him." No one can look upon that brave, struggling boy without regretting that some large hearted Christian man had not seen him and invested in him. A Sabbath-school and a Chris- tian teacher of tact and ability would have been of inesti- mable value to him. Few think of the difference between the growth of a tree that was in rich soil and had good care from the beginning, and a tiee un watched and untended, broken by storms, scarred by rude treatment, and left without being grafted to grow only such fruit as is natural, and is usually small if not mean. There is meaning in the words, li As the twig is bent the tree is inclined." Sam was warm-hearted. lie grew up to hate strong drink. But his mind was uncult.- u red and undeveloped to an extent that always gave him a sense of poverty in mental calibre and filled him with sorrow. Investments in youth pay as do no other investments. It is a noticeable fact that in Great Britain and in the older port of the United States men are bestowing thought upon the de- velopment of the brain, and the culture of the young life com- mitted to their caie. The history of the Adams family in Massachusetts livals anything in the annals of English life, where the elder Pitt wrought in the younger and made him at twenty-three the best Minister of State England ever li The same spirit lived in and blessed Disraeli, whose father lived and wrought in his boy and made him the glory of au empire on whose realms the sun never sets. The same is true of the Gladstone of the past, and of the Premier whose name and fame will forever be associated with the brightest annals of English history. Gardner Colby came to Boston the poorest of the poor. His mother believed in him and built on him. Having gi his heart to Christ in his youth, his whole nature opened south- SAM AS A BOY. 25 ward, and the warm breath of heaven made flowers of beauty, of culture, of love and of service for Christ and man bud and blossom in his young life. He lived for the youth of America, and so gave his name to the college in Waterville, Me., where he was born, and wrought in the Theological Seminary of New- ton, where he lived, and, dying, left children cultured, benevo- lent, and enterprising, to perpetuate his name and widen the channel of his beneficent thought. Brooklyn, N. Y., holds to her heart the name and fame of one of the most modest and unassuming of men, who has given to colleges, to hospitals, to retreats for the young, the aged, sums of money that astonish by their magnitude and at the same time inspire by their large-mindedness and comprehensive- ness of aim. People everywhere who had admired the giver \vere made to prize as never before the value of early training, when they learned that an unpretentious Methodist minister was his father, after whom he named a hospital that shall for ages attest the son's devotion to the memory of one who led him when a youth into the paths of promise, and of devotion also to the needs of humanity for whom Christ died. Seth Low is the product of home training as well as of the money of A. A. Low. Wm. H. Vanderbilt, with his culture and large nature, has carried into a nobler and higher realm the name and fame of his father Cornelius, and is doing a still grander work in building up boys not only to be millionaires capable of managing great affairs, but in seeing to it that they are fitted to welcome great trusts and become pillars on which society builds its noblest superstructures. Time and space alike forbid our dwelling longer upon what investments in youth are to humanity and to Christianity. Had Sam Hobart, with his might, with his genius for being good and doing good, been blessed with early advantages similar to those placed within the reach of many who secure them, and, thank God, of many who welcome them, it is impossible to describe what might have come from it. Wm. E. Dodge has just gone home to God, rich in fame and 26 SAM HOBART. in good works. Forget it not : the tree was cared for from the start. He gave his heart to Christ when a boy of eleven. He grew up with Christ and in Christ, and blessings came to him because he knew how wisely to use them, and like a foun- tain on a mountain that sends forth streams on every side, he blessed humanities everywhere, and was God's benefaction to all men. Sam Hobart, deprived of such watch care and cult- ure, had to get on as best he could. He had love as good and as strong as the richest and the best. In the homes of the poor are compensations which outweigh in value all that wealth can bring. There are no poorer children than some of the children of our wealthiest people. Business, fashion, and the responsi- bilities of life cause them to commit the care of children to servants while they give themselves up to society. The mother of wealth who, on one occasion being compelled to put her child to bed, learned by the language and conduct of the child that he was being exposed to terrible temptation, and clasping him to her heart resolved that henceforth society should bo poorer that the child might be enriched with love, with care, with kindness, became wise none too soon for her own good and the happiness and prosperity of her child. The children of the poor at least can have their mother's society, and if their mothers be cultured, ambitious, and withal Christian, they are rich indeed. It is not money, nor libraries, nor horses, nor great opportunities that make great men and women. It must be in the child, if greatness ever distinguishes him. Abraham Lincoln delighted to dwell upon his obligations to that stepmother who helped him to books, to schooling, to society, for which his soul longed while living in the log-cabin with a father who thought little of the boy's great need ; while as long as there is a place in the world's history for what is noblest and best in our life the memory of the mothers of Washington and of Garfield will remain as illustrations of the way in which there has passed into the highest place of renown, that which glorifies the family and the school-house of America. Some of the noblest young men in our colleges come from some SAM AS A BOY. 27 of the poorest of our homes, and are sons of mothers who kept their boys with them, breathed into their ears the story of their ' ambitious dreamings until they resolved to climb the steeps of success. All this Sam had. His mother was an unambitious, strong-minded New England woman, and her boys fill honor- able places, because of the mainspring of purpose that came from her resistless will. In her society he learned to scorn meanness and to hate servility* Would that she had led him to Christ ! Then might he have carried into the places of honor and trust the influences acquired at the hearthstone, to be practised round the world. CHAPTER III. THE MACHINIST AND FIREMAN. FROM the stock-yard and cattle-pen Sam passed to the ma- chine-shop. His ambition was to become a locomotive engi- neer. To reach that position preparation was a necessity. He carried into the shop a tough and wiry frame, a good eye, a hand that only needed training to find skill. In a short time he made himself friends and a name. With open eye and with attentive brain he took in all that passed before him. The fireman was the engineer in embryo. In that responsi- ble place his mettle was tested and his skill was developed. There are firemen who work by the day or month as firemen. Sam was never among them. From the day he crossed the threshold of the machine-shop, indeed from the day he first saw the locomotive careering over the highway prepared for the fiery steed, he determined to ride it, to master it, and to be identified with it. He wanted to be an engineer, a locomo- tive engineer, and that satisfied him. Can we believe in such a nature ? There are millions such, or society would be a wreck. There are men who desire to drive horses, and care not to own them. These men win fame as drivers. They have a place in the world which they like, and which other men covet, because they can drive. Their ambition is to drive a horse on the race. They care for nothing else. They exercise the horses, live with them and for them, that on the course, in the eye of thousands, amid cheers and wild huzzahs they might first cross the line and be crowned as victors. A locomotive to a man that loves it is like a fleet courser. Now, horses are not all alike. Every one is peculiar to himself. He has his moods, his way of working, his spirit, his gait, the THE MACHINIST AND FIREMAN. 29 moment when he will stretch himself to his utmost capacity, and when all the go in him comes out of him. Men that own horses delight in them. Owners love their horses as though they were human. They call them pet names. They like to drive them occasionally, and feel the tingle in the hands which comes from the mouth of the steed to the hand of the master. But there is a man nearer to the horse than his owner, and that is his driver. The horse and man are almost one and inseparable. Enough has been said to reveal the idiosyncrasy of this man of the locomotive. That matchless piece of mechanism was to Sam Hobart a poem, meat and drink. He studied it. He un- derstood it through and through, from boiler to throttle- valve. Every locomotive has its peculiar nature. There are some locomotives that always want to run away. There are others that always seem to be getting ready to stop. There are times when a locomotive will do marvellously well, and there are other times when it does marvellously ill. Then the fireman is alert. He puts oil here and there, tightens a nut or loosens it, puts coal in, or what it requires, and at last the thing is all aflame with energy. As fireman Sam was a success. He was lithe of limb, quick of eye, and ready of hand. He could be all over a locomotive when at its utmost speed. From the first he worked for his engineer, and his engineer in a short time began to work for him. Gently he backed out the machine. The puffs of steam were given as intimations rather than as threats. From the machine-shop to the position of fireman seemed to him like promotion. It was a step on. He delighted to see his locomotive in perfect condition. A fire- man's position is peculiarly responsible. On our best roads he does not clean the engine. Wipers do that. But he sees to it, and superintends it. He mounts the engine when fired up, and takes it from the round-house to the track. He waits for the signal. Then the engineer steps on board and takes, as we might say, the reins. As fireman Sam gave his engineer a cordial greeting, and ministered to him without waiting for 30 SAM HOBA.RT. suggestion, direction, or command. Superintendent, president, and directors, or whoever saw his engine saw that labor had been bestowed upon it. Its brasses shone with golden lustre, its iron rods and bars and cranks and pistons glistened with silvery sheen, and its heavier parts and body were made as beautiful and bright and fresh-looking as possible. Before he took the machine out, every screw and nut and lever and joint were examined and oiled. We can imagine Ginery Tvvitchel, whose eye never omitted any detail, saying to the engineer, u Your locomotive looks well this morning/' " Yes. It is Sam's pride. He keeps it in apple-pie order. 77 Thus the ambitious fireman was rewarded. This faithfulness and service opened the path to promotion. The engineer took pains with him, and helped him on. Sam soon came to know how to handle the monster with safety and skill. The locomotive was his passion, whether at rest or fired up and quivering with the tremendous energy, which if unbound would wreck whatever was near, and under control was the servant of man. It was the embodiment and personification of power while fiying on its iron way, or while standing at the station snorting like a war-horse, as if smelling the battle from afar. A fireman's position requires nerve, a clear head, a quick brain, coolness in the midst of peril, a steady hand when dangers have to be met Now he is throwing wood or coal into the furnace, which devours material with fierce rapacity ; then he is compelled to walk out on the side of the heated bounding force to give a little oil where the friction is great ; then back he flies to his place to ring the bell while crossing a highway or dashing through a town. Enter the round-house where the locomotives are kept, and there is much to interest. In it are these tremendous engines, with that in them which if neglected might wreck the building and the engines, of which there are usually a multitude. Sam has just come in from the road, where with lightning speed they have men fulfilling their mission and are now disgorging their fire and water and preparing to rest ; some are letting off THE MACHINIST A3STD FIREMAN. 31 steam with a fiendish yell unbearably prolonged ; some are in the hands of the wipers, the firemen superintending and per- haps attending to some needed minutia ; others are undergoing the necessary repairs, and a few are ready for instant action. Among these helpers Sam was a hale fellow well met. He was quick to learn because ready to take a suggestion, and thorough in the performance of the duties enjoined upon him. His engineer could repose implicit confidence in his discretion, fidelity, and trustworthiness, and so took pride in him. From his boyhood up " he studied to be quiet, to do his own busi- ness, and to work with his own hands," as the apostle com- mands. He believed there was a place for him, work for him to do, and that he had a mission to fulfil. What was true of him he felt to be true of every other man. In his estimation the dignity of labor finds its exponent in the fact that every trade, profession, art, and employment is an essential link in the chain that binds society together. He felt that it was a mis- taken notion that forever, associates labor with a curse. He was not miserable, because he had something to do. He had only contempt for loafers, and wasted no pity upon those who were ever harping upon the miseries of the workingman. He denied that there were menial employments, in the sense in which the term is used. We all serve. Menial pertains to service. The employer serves his servant as much as the ser- vant serves the employer. Christ illustrated this truth when he washed his disciples' feet and said, " Let him that is chief be as he that doth serve." This was the secret of the success of young Hobart. As a fireman he was faithful and trustworthy. He made his engine his pride. He was prompt, respectful, and obliging. He filled his place, and sought to fill no one else's place. He did not seek to be superintendent or president, but simply fire- man, and desired to learn all that could be known about the management of the engine. He never saw an open door that he did not enter it. His engineer reported him to the superin- tendent as fitted for an engine, while Sam was bus} r with his 32 SAM HOBART. work and not dreaming of promotion. He went higher because the place called for him. He did not cry for the place. There was not a lazy hair in his head, nor a lazy bone in his body. In his estimation, the most miserable men on earth are those who have nothing to do. They are in the way when they seek society, for society has bread to earn and duties to discharge. At home they are miserable. Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man. Every individual is so constituted that if he will not work he shall hasten to destruction. It is the grain be- tween the upper and nether millstones which saves the machin- ery from ruin. So it is the work placed before us that keeps the machinery of life in running order and makes men happy. " Look/' said Sam to a comrade when a fireman,' 44 at the laborer confined to his house. He has bread and sources of comfort, but he pines for occupation. 4 The sleep of a labor- ing man is sweet. ' ' Sam had no sympathy with one who was wishing he had nothing to do, that he had money enough to live without work. He said, " You are mistaken. Imagine yourself inheriting money on the condition that from this time you ceased laboring. Hitherto you have been engaged in a machine-shop. Your companions and friends are there. But you can no more be permitted to touch or use a tool. You try staying at home. Your mother complains that you are in the way. They wish to clean up the house, and want you out of it. You saunter forth and enter a store ; the merchant is busy. He will wait on you, but cannot afford to have you lounging around. You go back to the shop. Your companions have no time to waste upon an idler, and no respect for a drone in the great human hive. You try reading, and are not used to it. Your bones ache, your head feels uncomfortable. The world is busy, and you are unemployed. There is one of two things that would occur in one month's time. You would rush into . dissipation to drown your bodily suffering, or you would put your inheritance to use and go to work." Sam was right. Food received in the body requires exercise to aid the digestive organs. It is equally true of mental food. There is no place in this wide world for an idle man. He is refuse, and the THE MACHINIST AND FIREMAN. 33 sooner he finds it out the belter, when the money he keeps from circulating will find its way into the channels of useful- ness. The man who does not labor, for its own sake and the blessings that follow in its train, is diseased either in body or soul. Dissipation may destroy the constitution and rob the body of its strength and energy, and for a time the system may need repose ; but as soon as it regains health it will de- mand occupation. The bees understand it : they kill off the drones. 4< No," said the friend, " that theory must be given up." " Well," said Sam, " I don't believe it. If the bees don't do it, then all I have to say is, I shan't think so much of the bees. ' For he that will not work, neither shall he eat. ' ' Another mistaken notion which Sam was fond of fighting was that men are unhappy because of their peculiar occupation. He declared that his acquaintance with men forced upon him the conviction, that with rare exceptions, every man is doing that which under all the circumstances he is best adapted to do, and that he would not be as happy anywhere else as where he is. He knew there were places he could not fill. He was very proud of Hon. Ginery Twitchel, who passed from a stage- driver up the grade to being railroad president, and then grad- uated and went to Congress. He was familiar with the history of Tom Scott, the railroad king of the Pennsylvania Central, or of Cornelius Vanderbilt, both of whom climbed up from the humblest of beginnings to their distinguished positions ; but Sam Hobart knew that he was plain Sam Hobart, and that he could not do their work. So when a boy he sought to fill his place, and filled it to the satisfaction of all parties. He believed that in his humble sphere God gave to him just as many sources of innocent happiness as he had given to anybody. Happiness r is within, and not without. The discontented imagine that happiness must be found in a change of position or of occupa- tion rather than in a change of opinion. There is no good reason why the coachman should not be as happy as the dainty lady whom he serves. There is no reason why the hod-carrier may not be as happy at his toil as is the mason whom he waits 34 SAM 1IOBAKT. upon, or the architect in accordance with whose plan he helps to build. It was Sam Hobart's feeling that the duties and responsibilities of the president of the railroad would be too much for him. Would that his faith was more widely diffused. Society would hear less of complaint. There would be fewer grumblers and less tumult. Now, alas, in many instances a mechanic acquires wealth. His son inherits his traits of char- acter and habits of mind. But the father scorns the idea of bringing the boy up to business. He must make a gentleman of him. God makes the gentleman. Man oftentimes makes of a good youth, by false training, a spendthrift, and mayhap a prodigal and a drunkard. The ocean of the mercantile world is strewn with the wrecks of young men who ruined their hopes because their parents- had heaped up fortunes for them. Happy had it been for them had they been constrained to toil as their fathers toiled before them, and to make their fortune that they might enjoy it. Providence rights the wrongs of the workingman by building up those who toil and by casting idlers down. It is known that the sons of wealth who with competences have inherited sloth come to want, as a rule, in the course of three generations, while " the thoughts of the dili- gent tend only to plenteousness. " From them come the inven- tions which lighten labor and hasten on the chariot of plenty. From them come those vast schemes which have belted society with the bands of prosperity and girded society for its benefi- cent tasks. Said the great Alexander : " It is a slavish thing to luxuriate, but a most royal thing to labor. The man that luxuriates is the man who is a slave. The man who labors is in truth the king, for he alone is king of himself, while the king who is not king of himself is but a royal slave. The entire truth is summed up by the wise man : " Seest thou a man dili- gent in his business : he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean persons.' 7 That is, diligence shall cause him to be a necessity to society. The world stands in need of the product of honest toil, and the vineyard waits for laborers. So there was a place for Sam Hobart. CHAPTER IV. SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. SAM is twenty years of age, and is promoted from being fire- man to being put in trust of a locomotive. It was 1848. Rail- roading was then in its infancy in the West. The East was edu- cating the West. The men of the East were sought to fill places of trust in the West. Sam's eyes soon saw the laying of the first track on the road that was in due time to bind Boston and San Francisco together with bonds of iron. Then it was pro- nounced visionary to attempt to climb the Berkshire hills, and when achieved and the road was completed it was regarded as great an exploit as to build the Pacific Road and climb and scale the Rocky Mountains. A boy of twenty in charge of a locomotive was a novelty. Jealousies were kindled into flame by it, and men of age were not happy at the progress made by the youngster. Sam was compelled to conquer his place, and to hold it by reason that he was equal to the position. He did not step to the first place at once. He crept up. He walked in due time ; he was content. He knew that " A rolling stone gathers no moss," and a man who often changes his business is most likely to remain poor. Said the sagacious Richard : " I never saw an oft-removed tree, Nor yet an oft-removed family, That throve so well as those that settled be." It is not because of any property he acquired by remaining in one place and contenting himself with one kind of employ- ment, but because of the influence he acquired by maintaining a good character through all these years, that he deserves men- tion. 36 SAM HOBART. At the commencement he was put in charge of a locomotive as a guard, then on a freight, and soon on a passenger train ; and so he went on until at last by common consent the best place was assigned him. It was said of him that his train was sure to pull through. In the midst of terrific storms, when deep snows impeded their progress or blocked their path, and it was known that Sam was with the train, people said : "She will come through if it's among the possibilities." Men were accustomed to speak of the fertility of his inventive genius, his powers of endurance, his good-nature and indomitable pluck. He believed in success. There is sense in the saying, " Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee." He stuck to the one business ; he meddled with nothing else. He was master of every department. He knew how to calculate for frost and heat, for rain and snow, for the spring of the road and for the lack of it. He knew little of what the books said of it, but everything which experience and observation could teach. As a result, he knew that he knew what to do and how to do it. ' ' Perseverance is a Roman virtue That wins each godlike act and plucks success, Even from the spear-proof crest of rugged danger. " As a manager of the locomotive he was an expert, and for many years he had the latest improvements submitted to his inspection and committed to his charge. He loved a good engine as other men love a horse, or a dog, or a gun. It was his joy to be with it. He liked the regularity with which it ran to and back from Worcester to Boston like the beat of a pendulum swinging through its iron arc. He loved the excite- ment of seeing the train loaded up, the hurrying of passengers, the rolling of the baggage, the start, and best of all, the race. He delighted in the bound and speed of the fiery steed. He would touch the levers as delicately and with as much grace as a good reinsman would handle the lines. The sound of the whistle, the clip-clap of the wheels rattling on the iron track had a music for him more enlivening and bewitching than ever SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE EXGIHEER. 37 accompanied the organ's peal. It is not strange, for a wonder- fill thing is that engine, the emblem and exponent of the hour, " the thing of iron and of fire, with a banner of light, an eye like a star ; with sinews of brass and steel, and breathings of flame." See it standing on the track, pipe puffing, steam fret- , ting to be free, reminding one of the horse described in Job, whose neck is clothed with thunder, which paweth in the valley and rejoiceth in his strength. He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha ! and he smelleth 'the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains and the shouting, and is impatient to go forth to battle. " It glides upon those two iron bars from winter to summer, from day to night, from morning to evening. " " It plunges like a strand of thunder through the mountain gorges ; it Ikaps across the wide valley. Its shaft glitters in the mines ; its voice is heard in the shop ; its banner is everywhere. It has forced its way to the far hamlets in the quiet vales, and they have felt the thrill and the jar of the great world." It is won- derful how that hissing, panting thing of iron has revolution- ized the world. Benjamin F. Taylor has in his wonderful way written of the engine, and asked, " Did you ever creep gingerly should there be another ' ly ' to the gingerly ? up to the deck of a railway car when the train was moving, say twenty- five or thirty miles an hour ? And did you look way on be- yond the train, where the two iron bars that noblest couplet in the great epic of the time were welded lovingly together, without hammer or furnace or pin, but just beneath the won- derful, invisible fingers of distance, till they lay there a huge V upon the bosom of the prairie ? And how marvellously, as the train moved on, those stubborn "bars swayed round to a parallel, as lightly and noiselessly as a brace of sunbeams, flung from a mirror swinging in the wanton wind, sweep round *in the blue air ! And did you ' mind, 7 not a spike wrenched from its good hold, not a tie ?mtied, not a timber splintered ! There must be a charm in those fingers indeed." No one that ever rode upon the engine can forget the sensa- tion of pleasure, of exultation, of exuberant joy experienced, as 38 SAM HOBART. fear is forgotten, and one is given up to the excitement incident to the situation, when in fancy you keep time with Saxe in his Rhyme on the Rail, as you go " Singing through the forests, Battling over ridges, Shooting under arches, Humbling over bridges, Whizzing through the mountains, Buzzing o'er the vale, Bless me ! this is pleasant, Biding on the Bail." At times you feel like shouting, ' i Stop the train ! Let us off ! Conductor, captain, somebody, anybody, there's a vil- lage on the track. The meeting-house, the grave-yard, fed- faced stores, presto, you are there, they recede, and you pass on. Every one has looked up. The very ground has shaken beneath giant structures, and you, the freest, the wildest, the most impetuous creature that ever moved through space, are identified with this marvellous product of skill. Look again.. This time there is surely something on the track again. It's a fly, it's a frog, it's a child, it's a man six feet high a D.D., a P.M., an M.C. On we go. We have passed him, we have left him. Five feet high ; four feet high ; a child, a frog, a bug, a nothing. The D.D, dwindled down ; the P.M. is past minding, and the M.C. is microscopic curiosity." " Lo ! there * the breathing thought' The poets sang of old, And there ' the burning word ' No tongue had full\ T told, Until the magic hand The bold conception wrought In iron and in fire it stands The world's embodied thought. " Lo ! in the panting thunders, Hear the echo of the Age ! Lo ! in the globe' s broad breast, behold The poet's noblest page ! SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. 39 For in the brace of iron bars, That weld two worlds in one, The couplet of a nobler lay Than bards have e'r begun !" The locomotive engineer rides this poem, this epic, or this monster call it what you will he rides it as a thing of life. The signal comes to him, not in a loud shout of command, or a trumpet-blast, but by the silent hand of time as indicated on his chronometer. But how, it may be asked, does he know precisely the hour at which he has to start, the stations he has to stop at, the various little acts of coupling on and dropping off carriages and trucks, and returning within fixed periods so punctually, that he shall not interfere with, run into, or delay the operations of the hundreds of drivers ; whose duties are as complete, wise, important, and swift as his own. The reply is framed in the perfection of system attained in railroad manage- ment. Without this there would be endless confusion and un- told and unnumbered disasters. Sam recognized this fact, and made use of it. The responsi- bility of making a time-table devolved upon another. The obeying of it devolved upon him. He knew that the difficulty of running so many trains and making them dovetail into one an- other so that the regular traffic be not interfered with, and that excursion, special, and other irregular trains be provided for, re- quired a calculation, a skill, a comprehension of detail, for which he had neither ability nor ambition. Being carefully hedged in, as we have shown, with strict rules and regulations, the engineer knowing his duties well, and feeling perfect confidence in him- self and his superiors, looks at his chronometer, and at the proper time mounts to his place. The fireman, putting a finish- ing drop of oil into some part of the machinery, takes his sta- tion beside his mate, eases off the brake, looks at the fire and waits upon the monster, as the engineer waits for the signal to start. The clock strikes. Sam lets off his shot whistles and lets on the steam. The first is a soft pulsation, a mere puff ; but it was enough to move the ponderous engine as if it had 40 SAM HOBAKT. been the spirit of life. Another, and gently it pulls out the train. All are aboard. Everything is ready. Another puff of greater strength sends forward the engine with -a sudden gran- deur of action that enables the engineer to show off the points of the powerful steed. As an engineer, he began first in the yard. Then he took a freight train. It was seen that he could move a train and not jerk it. He never went too far or stopped too soon. He was expeditious. ' He was safe. He attended to his business. At length, an engineer being sick, he was placed on a passenger train for the day. The skill acquired in the yard and with freight trains enabled him to move out of the depot quickly and stop at the stations without a jar. That night the con- ductor reported him as a success for the passenger train. " Why," said he, " no old engineer that I know of can do any better, if as well. He did not seem to start, but to insinuate the idea of motion to his iron steed, and so glide softly away. As a result he was transferred to the passenger trains, and kept his place for evermore. He never forgot his obligations to the men who advanced him, and in this showed good sense. America in 1 848 was the El Dorado of the workingman. Here was thrift and plenty, while terrible convulsions were shaking the old world. Italy, France and Hungary were being ploughed with excitements that gave birth to republics and shook the foundations of time-honored despotisms, papal and other. In England the working classes were crying out for de- liverance. It was on the 10th of April, 1848, the great peti- tion for the charter became the jest and sport of men. How wild their hope, how bitter their despair. One wrote in behalf ' of the charter these words : " Had not freedom, progression, expanding, descending, been the glory and the strength of England ? Were Magna Charta and the Habeas Corpus Act, Hampden's resistance to ship-money, and the calm, righteous might of 1688 were they all futilities and fallacies ? Ever downward for seven hundred years, welling from the heaven- watered mountain peaks of wisdom, had spread the stream* SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. 41 of liberty. The nobles had gained their charter from John ; the middle classes from Wiiliam of Orange ; was not the time at hand, when from a queen, more gentle, charitable, upright, spotless than had ever sat on the throne of England, the work- ing masses in their turn should gain their charter?" They were to go in a procession 250,000 strong to the very doors of the House of Commons, and demand their rights. The day came. All England was aroused. Thousands of special constables were enrolled. The practical common-sense of the people refused to side with outlaws, and to expose themselves to French and Irish interference, and so the masses would not rise. Whatever sympathy they had with Chartists, they did not care to show it. And then futility after futility exposed itself. The meeting, which was to have numbered its hundreds of thousands, did not number its tens of thousands. The broadest and the wisest saw that all was up, and cried, We are all " humbugged and betrayed," and the meeting broke up pitiably, piecemeal, drenched and cowed, body and soul, by pouring rain on its way home for the very heavens mercifully helped to quench the folly while the monster petition crawled ludicrously away in a hack-cab to be dragged to the floor of the House of Commons amid roars of laughter " inextinguishable laughter. ' ' Thus wrote Charles Kingsley in '* Alton Locke," of a move- ment engaging the world's thought when Sam Hobart at the age' of twenty, became a locomotive engineer. Boston is the work- ingman's paradise. Here every improvement is welcomed. The inventive spirit is encouraged. The man of the forge or of the loom, of the spindle, of the shoe-shop, and of the carpenter's bench, comes into association with the noblest, the most enter- prising of the land. Sam felt it and gloried in it. He was an American out and out. He saw the possibilities within reach, and the open doors to usefulness and power inviting attention at every turn. Some one has said : " Everybody has his ani- mal period, when he can only eat and sleep ; intelligence slowly dawning on his mind. Then comes his savage period, when he 42 SAM HOB ART. knows nothing of rights, when all thine is mine, if he can get it. Then comes the barbarous period, when he is ignorant and dislikes to learn ; study and restraint are irksome. Nothing is sacred to him no time, nor place, nor person. He grows up wild and reckless/ 7 Through these periods, companions say, Sam passed. Some called him a " boy," claiming that he got more than his share, as they thought, and was selfish, grasping, and unfeeling. Well, if that was true of him at any time he soon passed beyond this stage. The pushing boy that would not be sat down on that as apprentice, as fireman and as engineer, did his best soon attracted notice. Discouragement had never entered his soul. He knew what it was to be an apprentice, and he misjudged. He knew also what love, confi- dence and respect from those set over him was. He never for- got it. The story is told of John -Morrissey and Tom Hyer. Both were fighting men. Friends were anxious that they should have " a mill," or prize fight. Tom Hyer never came to time in any way pleasing to Morrissey. One day they were on a steamer sailing up the Hudson, and John said to Tom, " Do you know why you and I have never fought ?" " No." " Well, I do." " Why ?" " Because there are just two men in this world," said Morrissey, " who know that I can whip you one is you and t'other one is me." He believed that he was equal to the situation. Some declare that when his work was done he went the rounds with wild and rude associates visiting theatres, brothels, dance-houses, and the like. Nothing could be further from the truth. Such men never climb the steep ascent to positions of trust. They go down and they end in disgrace. Their wrecks line the shore of life's sea. It is easy to go down. The broad road is an inclined plane. The descent is easy and natural. The current in Niagara River is not more certain making toward the cataract and the headlong plunge to utter ruin than is the path of the young mechanic that squanders his evenings and wastes his opportunities. Sam became a Freemason when young. He was welcomed SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. 43 to the association by men who appreciated his worth. The symbols, the humanities, the fraternity, the stand-up-to-a- tire- ness of the order delighted him. He travelled through the West as an engineer. To the shops, to the depots of the great railways he went no more certainly than he visited the lodges of the fraternity. In this order he learned the value of brother- hood and how to minister to the distressed and afflicted. For years this was his religion. , He fought his way through diffi- culties made strong by the fact that the eye of a great order was on him, and that within the lodge- room he had bosom friends. His reverence for his mother and for himself made him respect women. Lectures he loved on scientific subjects. As the years went on, Boston became the battle-ground of liberty. Faneuil Hall and Tremont Temple, the Meronian, where Parker preached and where Channing and Culver and Gilbert and others met to compare notes and plan for the pro- tection of the weak, were favorite resorts for the young and aspiring engineer. All this time he was the champion of the work that had fallen to him to do. He believed in, the man- agement and in the road he served. When other men would find fault with the company, with the road, with the equip- ments, Sam would stand by them and defend them. He knew enough to praise what he had and make the most of it. That fact became known. When his brother engineers would de- clare that on such and such roads men were treated better or paid more wages or had less hours, Sam would reply, " Boys, I have seen many of them, and to me there is no place like home." " Easy enough for you to say that, Sam Hobart, who are advanced and petted and favored by every one," replied an associate. Sam's reply was, " Boys, I get what I can. If I have won confidence, I try to deserve it. I am grateful for the friendship of my superiors in position, but after all this is not all. This is a good road. There is not an improvement which we do not have, and not one of you makes any special time but it is noticed. 44 SAM HOBAKT. " Do you remember how, when the yard was full of trains during the last snow blockade, the call came for men to work extra time ? You know who found excuses for not going. Those of us who went and who worked all night and helped to clear the yards, and took the kink out of the tangle of tied-up trains, were thanked by the superintendent, who was out all night and worked with us as if he were one of us. For one, I like such employers, and am going to stand by them. 57 As when Jesse sent David to find out how his soldier brothers were getting on, green-eyed jealousy was suspicious, insinuating, and mean, so then and there men were found who saw in Sam's willingness to help, only a spirit that sought pro- motion. Nothing was further from the truth. The spirit of help was in the man. He enjoyed the excitement of desperate and difficult work. He went at it with a will, and kept at it until victory was achieved. * l Napoleon, " it is said, ' ' on the battle-field was equal to thirty thousand men." Sam, on au engine in a snow blockade, was an inspiration to all called to work. He was master of the situation, and superintendent and directors knew that everything possible would be done. Let one man or a half dozen men arise, who believe that the world is not the devil's world at all, but God's ; that the multitude of the people is not the ruin, but, as Solomon avers, the strength of the rulers ; that men are not meant to be beasts of prey, eating one another up by competition, as in some confined pike pond where the great pike, having despatched the little ones, begin to devour each other, till one overgrown monster is left alone to die of starvation ; but rather, that every man has his place, and a right to fill it. Let a few men who have brains and believe that, arise to play the men, and there is a place for them in this great, free-hearted world. Sam believed it, and in the heartiest way gave assistance to all in his power. Prompt to the moment, quick to discern a difficulty and find out a remedy, brave in the midst of peril, and always pushing for the main chance, he came to be recognized as one on whom, in an emergency, men might lean. Having achieved this, he was SAM BECOMES A LOCOMOTIVE ESTGIKEER. 45 satisfied. He dare be true to his own class and seek such im- provement as came within his reach. He sought to befriend the helpless and improve the condition of those about him. This made him friends in his own circle, and gave him introduc- tions to society about him. It is not who a man is thought to be, but what he is within, that determines his position in society. The world knows us better than we think, and weighs us with wonderful precision 4 . CHAPTER V. THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. IF this were a romance instead of a biography, I would de- scribe Sam at this period of his life in the railroad world as being what Stephenson had been in England, or what Elihu Burritt, in another sphere, became in America. I would picture him mastering arithmetic, algebra, philosophy, and the higher mathematics, until he attained the power of weighing a star, calculating an eclipse, or telling how many cubic feet of earth there was in an embankment, or what proportions were essential to the solidity of a bridge. But this cannot be done, because it was not true. The time for free libraries and free reading-rooms had not come. Railroading was not then what it is now. There was then no room for the engineer where, apart from wicked com- panions, he might culture his brain and find that for which his heart yearned. Sam was an engineer. At the outset rough, profane, faithful to the road, and kind to his companions, but not a genius, not a model. Afterward, how he regretted wasted opportunities all know who heard him speak. " Young men," he would say, "what are you doing? Books are within your reach. Are you not living without them and growing up in ignorance as if they were not ? If so, you will regret it. What you neglect now can never be made up to you. What you obtain now of knowledge, of science. and of the wisdom which is from on high, will always enrich you." Later on he went in for improvements. It is not necessary that we enter into the particulars of his private life. His mother is still living, though in enfeebled health, and he has several brothers and a sister. His wife writes : THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 47 u A kinder, truer, more loving husband than Samuel Brooks Hobart ever and always was, would be difficult to find ; and better companions to a man's earthly lot, than Sarah Jane Marston, of Newton, Mass., and Annette Snow, of Lunen- burg, Vt, , the world does not furnish. They lie side by side with him at Mt. Auburn, and share with him, I trust, the blessedness of the heavenly home ; and what does it matter to the world that I unceasingly mourn his loss ? " Yours in sorrow deep, " MARY J. HOBART. " From the first his home was to him a delight. He lived for it and lived in it. He was glad, when the day's work was done, to give his arm to his wife and walk out to gaze upon the beau- ties of sea and land, of garden and field. Boston, then as now, was beautiful. Nature had blessed it, and art came to adorn it as best it could. He delighted to visit the hill in South Boston which overlooks the harbor, and de- scribe the scenes of the Revolution, where Putnam was in Cam- bridge, Warren at Bunker Hill, and where a camp of our revo- lutionary sires saw from the Heights the British furl their flags and steal away, because of the tactics of Washington and the bravery of those that stood about him. The monument at Blinker Hill thrilled him with patriotic emotions. Boston is the workingman's paradise. There a man is a man. Faneuil Hall, consecrated to free speech ; the Capitol, in which the noblest orators living or dead have spoken ; Tremont Temple, where Nathaniel Culver preached, and Music Hall in which Theodore Parker stood forth as the prophet of liberty ; churches in which Sharp and Neal and Stone and Pierpoint and Chan- ning made the welkin ring with words that leaped in echoes round the world these were his delight. Mt. Auburn, too, he loved. The chapel in which the statues of Otis and John Adams will ever instruct and inspire, Harvard College and the gallery of portraits in which are pictures of Bowdoin, Franklin, Whitefield and others, these places were known to him and were loved by him. 48 SAM HOB ART. Fifteen months of wedded bliss came and went, bearing with them wife and child, and he was a widower and alone. It was to him a sad and empty world. He needed Christ. He was like parts of a machine not joined, and so not at work. For- tunately, God gave him in Miss Snow, of Lunenburg, Vt., a second wife who proved to be a great blessing. The woman's life introduced him to the Green Mountain State, and its won- derful scenery, enlarged the range of his vision, and gave him an acquaintance with improving friends. He loved her and all that belonged to her. He delighted to take his vacations by going with her to the old home. At last she sickened. Through her I came to know her husband. Dr. O. S. Saun- ders said one day, " You have a great friend in Sam Hobart, an engineer of the Boston and Albany Road, and his wife is very sick. I wish you would go and see her.' 7 I went. I found her sitting in her large rocking-chair beside the window that overlooked the railroad, waiting for Sam's return. Soon the whistle sounded. Her eye brightened. She looked out of the window, kissed her hand to the red-haired engineer who, with his cap and overalls on, looked the workingman. Quick as a flash he went past. She turned with a pleasant, proud smile saying, " He always looks for me, poor fellow. I can't wait here much longer for him." The scene reminds us of William Guild, who was engineer of the train. which plunged into Meadow Brook, on the line of the Stonington and Provi- dence Railroad. It was his custom, as often as he passed his home, to whistle an "All is well" to his wife. He was found, after the disaster, dead, with his hand on the throttle- valve of the engine. Bret Harte thus describes the scene : " Two low whistles, quaint and clear, That was the signal the engineer That was the signal that Guild, 'tis said Gave to his wife at Providence, As through the sleeping town and thence Out in the night, On to the light, Down past the farms lying while he sped ! THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 49 " As a husband's greeting, secret, no doubt, Yet to the woman looking out, Watching and waiting, no serenade, Love song, or midnight roundelay Said what that whistle seemed to say, To my trust true, So love to you, Working or waiting, good-night it said." So was Sam Hobart's greeting to her. How sad she was when she said, " By and by there will be no one at the window here waiting for him." Then turning to me, I said, " Are you ready to go ?" " Would be, if he were ready to follow on." " Is he not a Christian ?" " No, far from it ; but as good a man as ever breathed to me and mine." After prayer I went forth to other duties, and forgot the incident. In a day or two I received a message from the engineer, asking me to take a seat on his locomotive the next time I went to Worcester, as a recognition of my kindness to her he loved. His home life was the theme of remark, not only among his comrades and friends, but among men of wealth and position. His widow delights to think of his goodness, and to describe him as being the most tender and devoted of husbands. She writes : " His second wife was an invalid for years. Consumption was her disease. Nothing could exceed the kindness with which he ministered unto her every want. Nothing that her pal- ate craved or her necessities required was ever denied her. A mother could not have watched over an infant with greater solicitude. Attentions paid to her were never forgotten. ' This devotion so impressed his friends that one of them wrote him the following letter, inclosing one hundred dollars, which he well knew Samcould find abundant use for : 1 MY DEAR SIR AND BROTHER i Inclosed please find my check for $100, which you will please accept as a slight token of sympathy and regard. The fidelity you have shown to your 50 SAM HOBART. wife during her seven long years of suffering is truly commend- able, and excites the warmest admiration of your friends. That you will get your reward both here and hereafter, there cannot be the slightest doubt. I can but refer, my dear sir, to your kind attentions to me in my last sickness with feelings of unmixed gratitude ; for these, and for your unvarying friend- ship during the whole of our acquaintance, I feel I owe you a debt that money does not pay. With these greetings I can but express my hearty sympathy with you and your beloved wife, and with an earnest prayer that she may be yet spared to you many years, I remain " ' Yours fraternally. " ' WORCESTER, April 21, 1868.' " The same friend presented him in 1869, just as he was about uniting with the Church, with a copy of the New Testa- ment, beautifully printed in large clear type, and bound in four volumes. These books were a great comfort to him, as he ever after in his daily home readings read from them. They must have been read through many times." At home Sam wore a troubled look. His wife was full of anxiety about him. Though at times he was desperate and gave loose rein to passion and profaned God's name in the most ter- rible way, so that those next him turned from him and left him to blow out (as they say of a locomotive), he felt humili- ated by his conduct, and saw that he had disgraced himself and offended God. His wife's sweet ways and fervent prayers were telling on him. Months before I spoke to the engineers, the impression came upon him that he must go to church. He dressed in his best and started, not vouchsafing to tell whither he was going. Passing down Harrison Avenue he came first to Harvard Street Church. This was closed for repairs. Now, thought he, I have one more Sabbath. I will go home, and turned to do so. Instantly a voice seemed to say to him, "Go on. 19 He dared not resist. He continued down the avenue until he came to Howe Street Church, into which he walked, was shown to a seat, and listened attentively to a sermon deliv- ered by Baron Stone, D.D. The next Sabbath, Harvard Street THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 5J was opened, and it being the chosen place of worship of his wife, he took a seat and made that his Sabbath home. In the Christian Union of November 19th, 1870, among the Lecture Boom Talks, by H. W. Beecher, is this reference to Sam Hobart. " I think some of my pleasantest experiences in life, in a common way, are likely to be on locomotives. I had the pleasure, yesterday morning, of riding out of Boston as far as \Vorcester on one of the locomotives ; and on going up to South Framingham I was reminded of a conversation I once had there. I was reminded of it, indeed, before I left Boston, because I met in the Boston depot the man with whom I had it. Several years ago, I was waiting to go over to Marlboro. A } T oung man asked me if my name was not Henry Ward Beecher. I said it was. He asked me if I had any objections to riding with him on the machine. I said, ' None at all. ' I accordingly went forward with him, and before the train started he broke the matter which he had on his mind. He said he had a great deal of trouble in regard to his soul's salvation, that he did not seem to get much rest, and wanted some in- struction. And so, having such a ride as Philip never had with the eunuch in the chariot, I rode over the hills and along the vales with him, preaching Christ. After coming home I sent him a number of religious books. When he came to me yes- terday, in the station house in Boston, I remembered him, though he commenced to explain who he was, and that we had once had some conversation. He was my blood-brother, and I felt the kinship. I went forward to see his engine, for I take more pleasure in riding if I see the machine that is going to draw me. I wanted to see what its name was, where it was built, what its peculiarities were, and so on, and then, too, who was its engineer. I knew him of old. He is a large, florid- faced, frank, but firm man. You would not like to run against him, but you would like to lean against him. The moment he saw me, he called to me and said, l Come, get up and ride with me.' ' Certainly I will,' I said, and I had hardly sat down 52 SAM HUB ART. before he broke out to tell me what the Lord had done for his soul. He gave me a very interesting history of his experience. He told me how he had been for some years secretly believing that he was a disciple of Christ, and doing many things which he recognized as belonging to a Christian's life, though he was not willing to come out and make a profession of Christ before men. How at last his heart became so full that he could not conceal his faith any longer, and he went and joined a Baptist Church. He said he had * gone down into the water (I knew what he meant), * and that now he was a joyful and earnest Christian.' He told me in the course of our conversation a very interesting fact, which I will repeat. " ' There was a time,' he said, ' when there was not a man on that road that he knew of who professed Christ ; but now, ' he said, * we have fifty men on this road who are professing Christians ; men that do not drink, that do love God, and pro- fess his Son, Jesus Christ. And more are coming.' And then he told me how he worked with them. Said he, 4 It does not seem as if it was right to try and give a man the whole of relig- ion at once, all in a heap. He will not read a full chapter, but if you take him right ho will read one verse, and after a while he will read two verses on his own account, and then he will read on a little more. And so he will go along step by step. Get him to leave off tobacco, and then he will leave off some- f thing else. And when he gets agoing, shove him along, and keep him a-moving. ' " He showed good mother-wit in the methods he pursued in working for men. He took men on the subject of religion as merchants and others take men in business. They do not come up to a man at any time and disclose their whole plans at once. They study their times and plans. They frequently confer to- gether as to the best way to approach a man, and gradually win him over and carry him along with them. He said he had studied men to get at the best mode of dealing with them, and had exercised his skill and judgment in reaching their convic- tions, and then when he had got them started on the right THE RAILROAD EKGIXEER TAKES A WIFE. 53 path, had kept them moving along, and finally brought them to Christ. So we went to Worcester, talking all the way ; and it * was a good meeting to my soul." It was during the time intervening between Mr. Beecher's sending him the books and when he last saw him, that I met him, and saw him surrender his soul unconditionally to Christ. One night I remember to have seen him in the Temple prayer- meeting. Great numbers of workingmen came, and he came with them occasionally. There was a good deal of feeling in the congregation. Sinners were coming to Christ. Seeing him while a hymn was being sung, I went to him and spoke to him about his soul. My rebuff I will never forget. The sequel makes it bearable, and may help some who are dis- couraged by the reception given to their earnest pleadings to go on. " Have you made a profession of religion ?" I asked him. He said with some emphasis, "/ have not." " Have you given your heart to God ?" " No, sir, and don't want to do so at present." I could say no more, and went on with a great sorrow in my heart. It did not drive him away. He always seemed to feel that I was his friend, and afterward he thanked me for coming, saying, " When you spoke to me, I did not want to be made an example of, but when going home I blamed myself for my rudeness ; I could see by your looks that it cost you a great deal of love for your Master and for souls to come to me, and that you deserved something better than a repulse, and in my heart I thanked you, and rejoiced that some one had taken an interest in me. u I was then under conviction. My wife was dying. My heart was breaking. When she told me of your prayer in my behalf I determined to see you. The result was I was ready for you when you came. I had spoken of you to my wife, told her how your appeals to sinners affected me, and yet how blind I was. My heart revolted. I did not want to be con- verted in God's way, but in my own." 54 SAM HOB ART It was in the fall of 1867 that I accepted his invitation to take a ride on his locomotive. I knew that Mr. Beecher was interested in him, that he had sent him books and had given him money to aid poor families in distress, whose husbands he was helping on to their feet. All this struggling for a higher and better life told on his looks. It softened him. He spoke in a lower tone and with more gentleness. He was master on the locomotive, whatever he might be elsewhere. You saw it in his stride and heard it in his voice. Never can I forget his bearing on that crisp and cold November morning when I entered the depot, thinking if all was well I would ride to Worcester on his locomotive. On inquiring, I found that it was his train, and went up and spoke to him as he stood in the door of the depot waiting for the fireman to bring up the engine. He was well dressed, and looked as if he might be going to take a seat in a palace car. " Good-morning, Mr. Hobart," I said. He looked round, recognized me, and said, "Good-morning," with a great heart in his salutation. " Going to Worcester ?" " Yes." " Take a ride with me?" "If agreeable." "Perfectly." The engine was coming up. Taking my satchel he introduced me to his assistant. The boy bowed without noticing the new- comer. Sam saw it, and said : "Take off your hat." He took it off. " Take off your glove." He did so. " Shake hands with the gentleman. This is the minister that visited ray wife." At once the fireman put his heart into look and hand-shake as he said, " I am glad to sec Mr. Hobart' s friend." My satchel and umbrella were placed in the chest or box where the engineer carried his clothes and dinner. Then the fireman took a piece of cloth and spread it on the seat at the right of the locomotive and asked me to be seated, to put my feet up so. I put my feet up so to hold my hands in such a position. I held them as directed and waited, not knowing more than Paul what was to befall me. Sam then put on his overalls, cap and gloves, and was ready for business. THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 55 The half -past eight bell struck. The whistle sounded, the train started. Coming by the house near the track on the right, I remembered the window, as I saw the engineer looking for a farewell from his wife. His face was out at the door, hers was at the window. He bowed, she kissed her pale hand, and he went to his work. At the Providence crossing all came to a stand-still. Flagmen, trackmen, and others saluted him, and he bowed or spoke to men, never as a sycophant, but always as a friend. Across the Providence track we went at regulation pace, then we started to make time. How we flew ! Towns were like beads strung upon the thread of this railroad track. The foliage of the trees was in variegated colors. Every- thing was robed in beauty ; distant mountains, " blue hills," quiet lakes, all attracted notice as we dashed on. I have said he was proud of his locomotive. I think he loved it as a friend. He handled the machine with great strength. The sensation produced was delightful and soul -inspiring. We passed Brighton and the Newtons, and were just making for the open country, when I saw him spring. He whistled up the brakes. He had no air brake then. There was commotion everywhere. The fireman grew white. As soon as I could speak I inquired the cause, and he replied in his quick way, " See the flag !" I had not seen it. It was too far away for my unpractised eye. But the engineer saw it, and stopped in a brief time. Soon a man came, saying, " A train is on this track? and is trying to get back. " Sam at once replied, " All right !" and, turning to me, said, " No danger. That train cannot stay on this track. There is some trouble. I will go and help them ;" and, whistling up the brakes, he took the flagman on, asked him about matters, and crept on at a slow pace. In a few moments we reached the curve. He sent the man on, and, almost before we had turned the curve, he whistled up the brakes, and we swept on. Turning to me, he said, " This comes from having a clear brain. A man mud- dled with beer or whiskey is not safe in such a place." My ad- miration for the man kindled into a glow, and I said to him, 56 SAM HOBART. as soon as we got straightened out, and were flying on again : " Sam, why don't you let the Lord Jesus run you as you run this locomotive ?" " Can't do it, can He ?" " That is what He is for." " You don't know me. I am a very profane and wicked man." " Yes ; but He wants you, and died for you, and God says, ' He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name ; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.' " " Where is that promise ?" "In John's gospel, first chapter, eleventh to the thirteenth verse, inclusive." " Can I pray?" "Jesus commands you to try, saying, ' Ask, and ye shall receive, seek, and ye shall find.' ' " But I am terribly profane." " Yes ; but if you will give Christ welcome to your heart, He will take that all out of you. Try it." In due time we reached Worcester, and we parted, with the assurance from him that he would bend his knees in prayer be- fore God that day in his room at twelve o'clock M., and I was to meet him at the throne of grace. That day Jesus came to his help, and he never uttered another profane expression. The next night, on his return from Worcester, he came to my house. He wore a changed look. We went direct to the par- lor, when I inquired as to how he had got on. His reply I can never forget. "The profanity is gone, but I am in hell." " Not if you will confess Christ with your lips, and believe on Him in your heart, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto sal- vation." His reply was, " I am ready for this." " Then let us pray." Down he dropped upon his knees, confessed Christ as a Saviour, and gave himself to Christ. He did not at once make a profession. He did not attend the Temple. The wife he loved was a member of Harvard Street, and out of respect to her, and because of his sincere love for her pastor, he continued to. worship there. His wife died October 5th, 1868. After this he was much with us. He THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 57 often spoke. But he did not join our Church. He presented himself for membership, and was baptized by Rev. S. W. Fol- jambe, on the first Sabbath of 1869. It was to him a won- derful day. Then he was buried to the world and rose to a newness of life. He had been a lion for Satan. He was henceforth to be a lion for Christ. He was, said a judge of human nature, " A man you would not like to run against, but one you would like to lean upon." In due time he married again. This third wife is now his widow. She had been a school-teacher, and was blessed with advantages which were of incalculable benefit to her husband. He was proud of her gifts, and gloried in her graces. To her pen we are indebted for this sketch. She said : " He found his work all around him, his meat and drink it was to do the Master's will. Stronger than any earthly love was his love for Christ. Sweeter than food or rest or any earthly enoyment was labor in his Saviour's cause. " He was ever obliging and willing to do any favor for any one needing it. I never knew him to give reluctant consent or to deny his efforts, if it were possible for him to give them, even though at sacrifice on his part. Only the last Thanksgiv- ing Day, he declined taking from home his usual dinner, be- cause a friend in Worcester had engaged him to dine with him. Hearing of a family in distressed circumstances the husband and father sick with rheumatism for six years he gave up his Thanksgiving invitation, and spent all his leisure time in visit- ing this family and talking with them of Jesus, returning home wonderfully blessed in spirit though, after his two long rides and his all day fasting, physically weary and hungry. " He would often, after his day's labor was ended, walk a mile or two to see people in whose case he had become inter- ested, or to help in the conduct of a meeting of any evangelical denomination. Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Ad- ventists, all were glad of his cheerful help, and all loved him as a dear brother in Christ. His labors in the temperance cause were unwearied. He always felt that he did not know how to 58 SAM HOB ART. address a temperance meeting, from the want of personal knowl- edge, having never been a drinking man ; but he could see the effects upon others, and he felt the deepest sympathy for those whose appetite was becoming their ruin, and he labored for them individually with the greatest patience. " He grew in grace daily, his progress was wonderful. He lived very near to Christ. By prayer, by reading the Bible, and comparing passage with passage, he became acquainted with what God requires of His children. " He had a little room in his home which he made a very Bethel of. Every morning he retired to it, and the tones of his voice could be heard in earnest pleadings with his God, as a man talketh face to face with his friend ; and from this room he would come forth with eyes suffused with tears, while his countenance glowed with joy, and the tenderness of his manner would tell of the sweetness of his communion with his heavenly Father. Thus fortified and prepared, he would go forth to his daily labor. " He carried all things to God in prayer, and acknowledged God's interest even in the most trivial affairs of life. It was his custom to kindle the kitchen fire every morning, and for this purpose he would always collect together his shavings, wood and coal the night previous. One morning being in un- usual haste, things, as we say, wouldn't work : the wood was green, and the fire refused to start. Immediately his thought went forth to God, and he prayed, * O Lord, Thou knowest I am in haste ; Thou canst make even green wood to burn as well as dry ; if it be Thy will, aid me now. J Need we say the sim- ple, child-like prayer was accepted of the loving Father, and the fire immediately kindled ? It was even so. " And this was only one of many, many instances of direct answers to his prayers. 1 When the Westinghaus brake was first applied to his engine, he felt some fear of trusting it, especially at one place the Providence crossing, I think, where it had never been tried, and where much depended on the perfection with which THE KAILROAD ENGINEEB TAKES A WIFE. 59 the train was brought to a stand-still. He asked for permission to use the brake at this place, and it being granted, he made this a subject of earnest prayer, well knowing that things which to man were new and strange, to God were all open as day. He then made the attempt, with his reliance on God, and was successful ; and to God he gave all the praise. ' He left his dying testimony that his Bible had enabled him to run his train in the name and fear of God, and that he never went around a curve in the road without asking for the guidance and sight of ^hat eye which goes in advance of all earthly vision, and had never pulled the throttle of his engine without feeling a responsibility to God for the long train of immortal souls under his care and guidance.' 1 i It was not enough for him to read his Bible at home, but he requested one to be purchased to carry on his engine. This was done about five years ago, and ever since it has been his daily companion ; several times read through, as pencil marks indicate, and the sweetest passages appropriated, as other pencil marks show now blackened by smoke, and worn with use, it is cherished as a sacred treasure by one who, in Worcester, was associated with him in Christian work. " When he reached Worcester, it was his custom to repair to the bath-room where, after removing the smoke and dust gathered in his ride, he would have another season of prayer and reading ' God's Word ;' and then to the room where the * Young Men's Christian Association ' held a noon prayer-meet- ing, conversing on the way with any whom he met. His power of illustration was very great, and he was never at a loss for a simile to point his argument, nor for words to clothe his thoughts ; and so, his 4 glowing utterances thrilled all hearts/ and helped to give life and interest to the meetings. " Often after the meeting closed, he would talk with one and another till three o'clock, before he would get the opportunity to eat the little cold dinner which it was his custom to carry daily. Then taking charge of his engine at half -past three, he was due in Boston shortly before five, and he reached his home 60 SAM HOBART. usually by half-past five ; then supper and a little rest, and he was again off to attend some religious meeting, or to visit some family in sickness or poverty. " Thus he spent his days, rising early, that he l might havo more time to pray,' as he often said, and retiring late after a day filled with good works. As one recently said of him, * lie has done the work of two men for more than a year past.' And this very extra labor, coupled with disease, made him an easy prey, and ere we thought of it the Lord pronounced his work done, and called him home. " His general intelligence was remarkable, his eyes and cars were ever open, and he managed to acquaint himself with almost everything that was going on. His argumentative power was so great that we often thought what a capital lawyer he would have made ; or, better still, as we saw love to Jesus so shine out in his character, what a preacher might he have be- come ! Indeed, one of his dreams was of some day retiring from the road, and securing a little place in the country, with a small patch of ground to cultivate for support, and to go around in the towns and villages, as layman, seeking to lead souls to Christ. But the dream is past the Lord has done better for him and taken him to the mansion of which he so often and so confidently spoke. A few months ago, he removed from one residence to another, which was, in some respects, more eligible. After he had got things settled to his mind, he met a friend one day to whom he told how pleasantly he was situated, and what a nice home it seemed ; but then, said he, what is that to my heavenly home the mansion my Saviour is preparing for me ! So heavenly-minded was he, that almost his entire conversation was of divine things. " He lived religion in his home. He never went into the pres- ence of his wife in dirty garments or with soiled hands. His home was his castle. His wife was the pride of his life. As he arrayed himself in his best garments to win her love when he wooed her, he entered his home, and walked the streets as a well-dressed gentleman. As a result his wife was proud of his THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 61 attentions. Flowers he loved, the fruits of earth told him of God. " Ono friend who met him but once, and then only for a short time, writes : i How often I have thought of what Mr. Hobart said about the tomato. That if we got a plant and set it out, we should not go in the morning to look for a tomato, but that first we should look for the blossom, then the bud, and then for the tomato ; he said it was just so in coming to Christ, do not at first try to do some great thing, but fiist believe, and then, before you know it, you will be working for Him, and bringing forth fruit to His glory. ' " Also, in speaking of using the light you have at first in divine things, without waiting for an increase, he said : l When I first began to run upon the railroad we had a very little light, a mere lantern, to see by, and we did the best we could to run by its light ; now we have those large head-lights, which all have seen, and which throw their rays for a long distance upon the track.' " Since his death we have heard of one friend who in pre- senting himself for church-membership said that a few words which Mr. Hobart said to a company of inquirers, gathered to- gether in a little room in Tremont Temple, were the means, by God's blessing, of letting light into his mind. Mr. Hobart said : 4 All you have to do is to believe and receive ; the friend did this, and immediately rejoiced in salvation.' " Once, visiting in Vermont a Christian woman, be found her mind beclouded, worrying because heaven was not open to her view. He said : ' When wife and I started for this mountain- ous region we journeyed along for some time through a very flat country, talking pleasantly of the things that presented themselves. We knew where we were coming to, and that by and by the mountains would rise before us, but we did not try to see them till we came to them, and then in all their grandeur they stood on every side, and we could not help seeing them if we would. So now in our Christian life let us take and enjoy the comforts God gives us day by day, and live upon Him 62 SAM HOBART. wholly, trusting that by and by, when in our life's journey we reach the borders of that heavenly country, the eye of faith, trained to spiritual vision, will clearly distinguish and accept the home prepared for us by Him who loved us and gave Himself for us/ " His humility was very marked. * He sought not for great opportunities of usefulness, but was willing to do the little things.' It had been his custom for years past to take a fort- night's vacation at the end of summer, and among the green hills of Vermont to seek renewed strength. But his zeal in the Master's cause allowed him but little rest. He would hear of one and another whom sickness had laid aside, or whose heart had grown cold in the service of Christ, and he must be off to see such, and conversing with them try to lift their hearts above tlieir sufferings in the first instance, and to stimulate to renewed consecration in the second. And then he would use his influence for an increase of meetings for conference and prayer, and these would be held and well attended, and much interest would prevail. The last season he was absent from Boston fourteen days, including the two days spent in journey- ing to and from his destination, and in that time he attended fifteen different meetings, besides visiting and holding direct personal religious conversation with a large number of individ- uals, both those professing Christianity and those who made no profession. He felt that he had done the Lord's service, but he failed to secure that rest which his physical nature required. And so he lived. He daily prayed that he might ' put his hand in the Saviour's hand, and be led by Him,' and the prayer was truly answered, for no one could live nearer to the heart of Jesus than he manifestly did. " He was benevolent so far as his means allowed him to be. Never allowed the contribution box to pass him unheeded, and never turned away from the plea of poverty and distress, if he could conscientiously relieve it. On one occasion Rev. H. W. Beecher in riding with him became so interested in his ac- count of drunkards trying to reform, and others in distress, THE RAILROAD ENGINEER TAKES A WIFE. 63 that, on leaving him, he handed him twenty dollars to be ex- pended, as he thought best, for the relief of such distressed per- sons. This money, with five dollars given some time after by another minister, was most sacredly devoted to the use designed. He kept a record of every dollar's outlay. Whenever he gave any of it away, he would say, i That is the Lord's money. I have prayed over that, be careful how you use it' ; the last dol- lar of this money was given away about two months and a half before he was taken ill." Sam having become a Christian led a Christian life. He car- ried the golden thread of Christian love through all the web and woof of his existence. We have seen him as he appeared to Mr. Beecher, to his wife and friends. He appeared a Chris- tian because he was one. His Christian power was a growth. He became a potential force among railroad men, and was known far and near as the Christian engineer. CHAPTER VI. SAM'S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE. SAM had tact as well as talent. This was shown quite as much in his enthusiastic admiration of other people as in his influence over those who needed help to get out of the mire and get upon the rock. There are men who desire to appear as bottom, sides, and top to every enterprise with which they are identified. It was never so with Sam. He was as good a listener as he was a talker. Nothing pleased him more than to hear railroad men praised for being valiant for the truth. The Christian engineers on the different roads were brothers indeed. On my return from England I told him of an experience I had coming one night from London to Liverpool, which pleased and encouraged him. It was on the evening of September 1st, 1868, after having met in the great temperance fete at the Crystal Palace some 35,000 temperance people, who had come from all parts of Great Britain, to plan for further work and to report on what had been achieved. It had been a wonderful day. I had attempted to speak to the great crowd and, weaned with toil, had sunk back in the corner of the car to sleep. After a time I was disturbed by a man saying : " You ought to be ashamed of yourself, sir. Nobody wants to ride in a car scented up with the smell of whiskey. It is a disgrace and a shame to see a man pull a bottle and drink in an open car like this." I opened my eyes and saw that a finely- dressed man had un- corked a bottle of whiskey, and was handing it to gentlemen in the car prior to helping himself. The man replied, " What business is it to you ?" SAM'S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE. 65 " Business to me ! I will tell you what business it is to me. I am a passenger on this car and have a right to ride in safety. Who knows what peril may sleep in that bottle ! It may make you a demon. It may make your neighbor a con- spirator. There is enough of devil in that bottle to convert this place in an hour into a hell. Business, sir ! I would have a right to fight a rattlesnake let loose, or hinder you from letting one loose. I tell you there is a venom in strong drink as per- ilous as there is in a rattlesnake." The man protested against such treatment, but his antagonist appealed to us if he was not in the right. One man replied, " I think whiskey may be good as a medi- cine." 1 Yes," said the first man, " my physician orders me to drink." " Nonsense," said the champion of temperance. " A plenty of men have followed such prescriptions and are in a drunk- ards' hell to-night. They are wailing in a drunkards' hell, sir, " said the man, slapping his knee. Things looked desperate. Then I was appealed to. I stood by the advocate of temperance, and in speaking had to strain my voice as hard as when I spoke in the Crystal Palace. " Give me your hand, stranger. I heard you to-day. Now help, sir. Let us persuade these young men to toss the bottle out of the window." He then told them his experience. It was a familiar one. He thought liquor would do him good, would steady his nerves, would help him to hold a place ; " but," said he, " gentle- men, it lost me everything and it nearly cost me my life. Then a man came to me in the shape of a minister of Christ, though he wore a smock frock and was a working-man as I am, but he came fearlessly and determinedly, and he said, ' Joe, stop ! ' I said, i I can't.' ' With God's help you can.' ' How will I get that help ? ' 'By prayer. ' ' When will I pray ? ' ' Now. ' I tried it and got over it, and have kept on by the help of God fifteen years." 66 SAM H01JAKT. " Who are you?" "I am the engineer that runs the officers' train. When they want to make great time I make it, and they keep me for their train." Before he had completed the story the bottle had dropped out of the window. " It was a great victory," said Sam, " and it came because the man was utterly fearless in standing by what he believed. He told the truth in regard to what was in that bottle. There was not only misery and poverty in it, but he was right when he said there might be murder in it." " Then he described a man whom he knew well and had just come from helping. He came home, sober and in his right mind. A neighbor came and invited him to take a walk. He had formerly drank, but for some time had been an abstainer. His neighbor insisted that he should take a single glass of ale. He did so. The appetite was roused within him. In a moment it flamed up and swept him away from his moorings. He suddenly asked for whiskey. His friend remonstrated. It was too late. He claimed that he was his own master. He drank it. He called for more. His friend saw that he had cut loose, and naturally became alarmed. He tried to get him home. He might as well have tried his hand on an infuriated tiger as upon this madman. He grew more and more furious. At last his friend became his enemy, and he tried to kill him. He was arrested, thrown into prison, and the next morning the friend took the blame upon himself, and asked that his friend be discharged. It was done. But the injury went on. The appetite demanded more, and I have just come from his house, where he is raving with delirium tremens ; and it ail finds its origin in that glass of ale." Then he expressed his mind very freely in regard to those temperance lecturers who are ever seeking to make a plaything of drunkenness and a sport of the drunkard. He could not bear it. He believed that drinking was a crime as well as a disease. Men knew that when they tampered with strong drink SAM'S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE. 67 they surrendered to something stronger than themselves, and which was only bent upon their destruction. The engineer was very radical in his views on this subject. He opposed the use of tobacco because it leads to temptation. It was amusing to see him call up a fireman or brakeman and argue against the habit. They would claim it kept them from strong drink because when asked to indulge they could take a cigar instead of beer or whiskey. " Yes," he would say, " but why tamper with appetite ? To acquire the habit a deathly nausea must be overcome, and when the victory is won it reduces the strength, beclouds the intellect, stunts the growth, and renders men brutal in their habits. No one can enter a srnoking-car without feeling that men degrade themselves by the use of tobacco almost as much as by the use of strong drink. They purchase cigars in saloons where liquors are sold, and very often a man who goes in to purchase a cigar is induced to drink before he comes out. The fact that a man enters such a place is damaging to him. " Besides, a man cannot ask God's blessing upon this self-in- flicted curse. If he has ever used intoxicating beverages the very sight of the decanters, the smell of the liquors, become an over- mastering tempation, and he falls, perhaps not to rise again." Sam knew that when, in Tremont Temple, a plea was made against liquor and tobacco, men have come forward and given up tobacco which would fill a peck measure. They would sign the pledge and agree to abstain from the use of all intoxi- cants, opium, and tobacco. As a rule the men who went back to tobacco went back to rum. They who kept the appetite for tobacco under were masters of the situation. Tobacco, previous to his conversion, was his solace, and the pipe his companion. To the use of tobacco he charged the violation of the command which reads, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." He be- lieved that if railroad men would give up tobacco they would, as a rule, abandon profanity. They congregate together, 68 SAM HOBART. smoke, tell stories, and indulge in the use of language which destroys their influence and dwarfs their powers. He joined the Temperance Society of Tremont Temple, whose pledge was : " For the sake of God and humanity we promise to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors, opium, and tobacco. " Hundreds took this pledgeat various times and broke it, but Sam kept it. When he gave up tobacco, lie gave it up. No one ever saw him petting his sin or tampering with it after- ward. He broke off all connection with it and fought it as an enemy. It was his theory that the use of tobacco is the first step in the ruin of uncounted numbers of the youth of the land. Tobacco he regarded as an abomination and next to rum. He delighted to relate how his pastor gave it up because of his influence, so that he could say with Paul, " Be ye followers of me, even as I am of Christ. " He traced the downfall of many a minister to the inordinate love of tobacco, which awakened an appetite that made a demand for beer or wine for the clergy, and beer and whiskey for the working-man. It was a source of gladness that in Tremont Temple, when the floor under the regime of a minister who used tobacco was a disgrace, because of the influence of his pastor, became clean, and the church in which were members whose example favored the use of the stimulant, as a rule became abstainers and put their shoulders to the wheel of the car of prohibition and became a power in the cause of temperance. The popular pastor of a neighboring church used the weed. Sam loved the man. He often had him ride with him on his locomotive that he might talk to the man who preached to an immense multitude on Sabbath and lectured to vast numbers in the cities and towns of New Eng- land during the week. The fact that he unblushingly entered the smoking car, lit a cigar ; that he would sit around stables and talk and smoke with horsemen, hurt Sam. He told him so. He said, u I have no need for your preaching until you illustrate in your life the gospel of my Master." " Plain talk, Sam." SAM'S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE. 69 " Ah, sir, if you knew the injury your example is doing, and that thousands are forgetting your words and are putting their feet in the tracks you make in the broad road to death, you would feel that what I have said is true. M^n follow what you do, not what you say. ' ' The warning was unheeded, but the subsequent history of the man shows how much it was needed. He lost his place in the church, went to a hall, drew a motley crowd of pleasure- seekers about him, held them for a time, and then broke away from all restraints of the Gospel and went into exile ; where he remains, unhonored of men, and lost to usefulness. Sam lived the Gospel of Christ. On one occasion, when in Vermont, he was welcomed by a minister whose mouth was full of tobacco. " Glad to see you, Mr. Hobart. There is great need of a movement in favor of temperance up here. " Sam eyed him, saw him expectorating tobacco juice, and in a polite and quiet way walked on. At night he was to speak. The house was crowded. The minister presided. Sam told this story : " My pastor was up in the northern part of New York to speak on temperance. A minister of great prominence wel- comed him. The minister was an inveterate user of tobacco. My pastor gave up tobacco to save a son of a deacon from mak- ing him an excuse for intemperance. He has fought tobacco as relentlessly as he fights rum, because by striking tobacco he hits the idol of vast numbers in the church." The minister who was by his side began to move uneasily. His mouth was full of tobacco and he could not expectorate without drawing attention to himself. Sam went on : " My pastor told this story : A man given up to strong drink, who was bringing ruin upon his family, was remonstrated with by a man who used tobacco. He said : " ' Neighbor, 1 have come to see you. All the neighbors are worried about you/ " * Why ? ' 70 SAM HOB ART. " 4 Because you are drinking up health, property, and hap- piness/ 44 * I am no worse than you/ * 4 * Than me ; what do you mean ? 9 44 * Simply this. You use tobacco and I use rum. Your wife knows that you dirty your house more than I do mine ; and when they ask you to give up tobacco you say it is neces- sary to you. That is what I say about rum. ' 44 The man went home under conviction. He called to his wife and inquired : " 4 Have you been telling of my filthy habit ? ' 44 * Certainly ; I was telling the wife of our neighbor who drinks not to think she had all the trials ; that I had mine, and that I thought the use of tobacco was worse for the house than drinking, but not so bad for the man. Look at that spittoon. Think how our clothes are scented by the fumes of tobacco. You don't get crazy from the use of the weed, but go without it and you act like a fool or a madman, and it must be had.' 44 4 Wife, you are right. Bring my box and pipes.' 44 She brought them. He worked at the lire diligently while she was away, and when she came he had got up a good blaze. Taking the box of tobacco and pipes he threw them on, and while his idols were burning he asked his wife's pardon for having been so oblivious to the comfort and neatness of his home. The next morning he called again upon his neighbor. 44 4 Good-morning, my friend.' 44 * Good-morning.' 44 4 I have come to talk to you about your peril because of the use of strong drink. Its effects are telling on you.' 44 l No worse than yours.' 44 'Why?' 44 4 You use tobacco and I use rum. Yours is as much an appetite as mine, and I think quite as disgusting.' 44 4 You are mistaken, neighbor.' 44 4 In what?' * 4 4 I don't use tobacco.' SAM ? S TACT IN PREACHING TEMPERANCE. 71 " ' Since when ? ' " ' Since yesterday. I gave up the practice that I might have power with you. Now, neighbor, let us both be clean. 7 " 'Agreed/ " The men signed the pledge and kept it, and the minister who had greeted my pastor so warmly felt the rebuke and be- came a champion of cleanliness which is next to godliness." " Hold up, Mr. Hobart. I am converted," said the minis- ter in the desk with Sam. " Henceforth I will be free." He gave up tobacco and his influence has been ever since of the most salutary character in Vermont. His signature was the beginning not only of a temperance revival which opened the eyes of many Christians to the evils of tobacco, but led great numbers to believe in a Christianity that demands a clean body as well as a soul washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Neal Dow describes an interview with a tobacco-smoker, and he pictures this scene : " Suppose that I begin the practice. My lips are livid, my face is pale, the anguish of a most painful death agony comes upon me. You are standing by and encouraging me, and doing your best to keep my courage up. You speak of the rewards sure to come. An appetite that is injurious, health-ruining, and beauty-blighting." The man laughed at the ridiculousness of the position, yet thousands by their example are leading millions astray. God purposes to bear us triumphantly over temptation and not sink down into it, and the slavery to tobacco with many is but a prelude to the rule of strong drink. In speaking of this, Sam said: * ' Christ, who associates us with Himself in the words 4 Lead us not into temptation,' understood the full force of its meaning. We do not ; we cannot. With God's clear vision which ranges through the infinitudes of measureless space, which looks down upon the heights of heavenly fruition and up through all grades and classifications of untold and hellish misery Christ saw tempta- tion in its fierceness, in its malignity, and in its ubiquity. He 72 SAM HOB ART. believed that the prayer implied peril. He knew that perils existed for railroad men to an extent that few appreciate. Temptations are within and without. They come from the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the spirit. Every individual is exposed to peculiar temptations. The smoking-room is. made foul in many ways. As a rule those who frequent it are impure. Their conversation reveals it. Hence Sam would advise the young men to rest with a book instead of with a pipe. Such a statement as this concerning a State Inebriate Asylum impressed him. Since its establishment 39 ministers, 8 judges, 40 merchants, 226 physicians, 240 gentlemen, and 1300 women have been ministered unto, and without exception all trace their fall to the yielding to temptation. To Sam there was significance in the supposition that the word "lead" should be translated into "leave." " Leave me not in temptation" is a prayer which many young men need to make. They are surrounded with the impure and un- clean. Their language is profane and vile. As has been said, after his conversion he found his happiness and chief occupation, when away from his place of business, in seeking to comfort the afflicted and the distressed, and save the lost. He had for many years a passion for souls. He sought to save drunkards and sinners of every class through Christ. He believed in the blood that washes sins away. At the noontime hour, in the daily prayer-meeting at Worcester, at eventime when laborers were going home, he was ever on the alert for the lost and undone, and in the morning at the opening of the day he was known to go to men and give them a good start by a word of encouragement and an assurance that he should be around to see how they got on. He was instant, in season and out of season, striving to save men. Though a locomotive engineer he was more than that in the estimation of every one. Christ was added to the man. The people saw it and were glad. The head of the freight depart- ment, the superintendent of the shipping department, the men of position and the men of toil alike, recognized his worth, and SAM'S TACT IX PREACHING TEMPERAXCE. 73 paid him that respect which is born of merit and esteem. He .was not a politician and cared nothing for ward caucuses. He was a Mason. He attained distinction in the order, but after his conversion he gave his heart to other service, and without doing anything against the order which once claimed his affections, he told those who came to him that he found more complete satisfaction in Christ and in the church. He was a reformer. He was 1 a natural enthusiast in what- ever he gave his heart to, and he gave his heart to advocating temperance. He had a fondness for personal visitation. Like Thomas Guthrie, D.D., he was fitted to get the best out of bad men. He knew that they had a good side, and how to reach it. One morning he met a man who had once been the owner of several carts and wagons, and who had hauled vast amounts of freight ; but had lost nearly all through drink. Sam had been in his house, helped the family, and provoked by his kindness the wrath of the drayman. The threat had been made that if he met Sam Hobart he would " hammer" him. The engineer saw his man coming toward him in the early morn. The dray- man was cross and nervous. The engineer was kind and calm. " Good-morning," said Sam ; and he stretched out his hand. " You were in my house ?" said the drayman. " I was, and a sorry house I found it. Come, stop drink and build up. You have poured horses and carts enough down your throat ; by sobriety and industry get them back and rebuild your home." The words, so full of the inspirations of hope, touched the heart of the man. He asked him to forgive him for his rude- ness; he told him his troubles and wet the sidewalk with his tears. Sam encouraged him, got him reinstated as a drayman, watched over him, and had the pleasure before he died of seeing him thrifty and prosperous once more. It was the most lovable feat- ure in his character that he knew how to appreciate that which was praiseworthy in others, even if by praising the faulty he revealed his own lack. His exceeding gentleness, his patience, his consciousness of the difference between womanly weakness 74 SAM HOB ART. and manly strength, must have made him a very lovable man, the memory of whose kind actions forms a legacy of priceless value. Once in our house, I remember that he called with his wife and found the house full of company. They were urged to lay aside their wraps. But the wife saw that they were not dressed as she felt they should be, so expressed a desire to go home. The objection was brushed away in his mind, but not in hers. Never will I forget how delicately he approached her and said, " I think you look very nicely ; plenty well enough ; but if you feel uncomfortable, we will go home." Her an- swering look of gratitude is in my mind's eye now, and soon she laid aside her objections and they both enjoyed the even- ing. There was a man, some might call a rough mechanic one who could breast any storm or dare any danger or endure any hardness as pliant, as thoughtful, and as yielding to this loving wife as it was possible for a young lover to be in the first flush of boyish excitement. This was the man in action. It will repay us to go with him into the new life opening to him. Religion joined the different parts of this strong nature ; the stone which he had rejected became the head of the corner, and made him a work- ing force for God among men. CHAPTER VII. SAM AT WORK FOR GOD. SAUL of Tarsus was a leader in the ranks of sin and Satan. Converted to Christ, Paul the apostle became a leader in the work of saving men. The lion in the ranks of the ungodly did not become a lamb. He remained a lion, only he changed sides. The power, the courage, the push he put into the ser- vice of Satan he gave to Christ. In Jerusalem, in Antioch, in Rome, in Athens everywhere he was a stalwart for God. Sam Hobart was like Saul of Tarsus in the world, and, when converted, Paul himself was not more resolute, more self-deny- ing, more indomitable in purpose than was this railroad engineer. He began doing the work next to him. At that time it was not fashionable to profess Christ on railroads. Sam was converted in 1867. He joined the church in 1869. He got to work as soon as he could. But his way was hedged up. Well do I remember his doming to me and saying, " I can't do anything with railroad men in the church. They are not wanted. " I replied, "You are mistaken. We all want you. We know what you are worth what religion will do for you and what you can do for religion. M He smiled that incredulous smile and said, " The railroad men understand it." I said, " Bring them to the Temple, and we will welcome you with enthusiasm." Sam said, " I will try you." Soon he came. About sixty men followed him one night into the Mei- onian. I heard their soldier-like tramp as they came down the hall. Soon the face of Sam Hobart was seen in the door. The engineer with a door for the frame made a picture never to be forgotten. I was in the midst of the sermon. I stopped and 76 SAM HOBART. said: " Come on, Mr. Hobart." He gave the invitation, " Come on." I asked that the front seats be cleared of people and given up to the railroad men. In they came. Some with their hats on, some with them off. They filled up the seats. I said : " Well, Mr. Hobart, what is your desire ?" " That you should pray with these men." " Kneel down then," was rny request. " Kneel," said Sam. Down they went like soldiers. Some of them had still their hats on. Sam shouted : " Take off your hats. Don't you know enough to take your hats off before God ?" Off came their hats. All bent their heads in prayer. " Pray, Brother Hobart, " was my request. He prayed. And what a prayer ! He was at home at last. The entire congre- gation had bowed with him. Sam pleaded like a mother for a child. His soul was melted into exceeding tenderness. Tears ran down his cheeks. He told of the men, of their struggles, of what religion had done for him, of what it would do for all. Others followed. Then, when we arose, after a few remarks explaining the way to take Christ for help, for victory, for restraint, for guidance, we had testimonies, and some wonderful conversions followed. This opened Sam's eyes. He believed in a free church for the people, and despite of all that could be said, he joined it. It was up-hill work in Boston. It is fash- ionable to believe in morality, but not in Christianity. The faith in temperance was great, but not in much besides. Sam saw men being mowed down in great swaths by ungovernable appetites, and believing that nothing apart from faith in Christ and the help resulting therefrom could save them, he contended with all his might for the reception of Christ into the heart, that they might obtain the power to put temptation and appe- tite and inclination down. It is said that the Ohio finds its origin in a fountain among the Alleghenies, so small that an ox can drain it at a draught. SAM AT WORK FOR GOD. 77 May it not be true that the mighty movement among railroad men found its origin in the prayers of Sam Hobart ? The Bos- ton and Albany road had a library and reading-room for men. There was no Christ in it, and no room for Christ. Sam be- lieved in a personal God for the person of a man. He said it. At times he would picture the needs of the men about him and the difficulty of reaching them. Now all is changed. Then all was deadness. Sailors had chaplains on men-of-war, and Bethel stations and chaplains on shore for the men of the sea. But railroad men as a class might say, " I looked on the right hand and on the left, and behold, but there was no man that would know me ; refuge failed me ; no man cared for my soul." M. R. Davenport, of Erie, Pa., in speaking of this time, said : " I remember well being at a convention of Young Men's Christian Associations in a town I will not name, where we wished to hold an open-air service for railroad men. There was one place in the town well adapted for the purpose an open platform covered by a roof, a place used for a railroad passenger depot. A request was made for it. No man on the road dared grant it. They did not want it noised abroad that they had refused to grant it. I think they would have responded favorably to an organ-grinder, but they refused us." That town was no exception. Christ was ruled out. Sam's conversion meant that Christ had gained admission to the ranks. He pleaded the cause of his fellow-men. Methinks I hear him now, almost in the words which O. R. Stockwell, of the Railroad Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York, used in London in 1881, when, in answering the question why we should be interested in railroad men, he said : " A large proportion are young men, many from homes where they have been taught the Word of God ; not a few of them have Christian parents, and large numbers are graduates from Sunday-schools. We only see the external of the man as we are brought into contact with him ; the very nature of his 78 SAM HOBAKT. work, always exacting, often exasperating, leads to profanity, and the work he must of necessity perform on the Lord's day in a very short period tends to a disregard of that day we are commanded " to keep holy. 7 ' Satan's agents are at work all along their lines of travel, seeking to throw them from the straight and narrow way. It is the influence of his surroundings that has a tendency to lead him downward. He is almost entirely isolated by his circum- stances from elevating influences. I have found, from an associ- ation of over fifteen years with this class of men, that they are superior in judgment and common-sense. Their mode of life is a training-school ; they are men of quick perceptions, reach conclusions very readily, and when fully convinced what is the right step, generally take it ; conscientious many times to a fault, yet they appear hardened to almost every one but the close observer. One reason of this is, they feel that their ser- vices are not appreciated by the public. They very seldom receive any recognition for their faithfulness. It is not every man who is willing to make the sacrifices that many of these employes do. And we are but poorly paying a debt of grati- tude when we attempt to do anything that contributes to their welfare and happiness. It is only within the past few years that the attention of the associations of the United States has been turned in this direction, little realizing the great magnitude of their work and the large number of employes. Nearly one fortieth of the population of the United States are employes of the railroad corporations, and there are very few towns or cities without representatives from this class. The effort to provide a moral and social influence among them is not a new thing. In 1854 Messrs. Peto, Betts & Brossy, the contractors of the Victoria Bridge, opened a reading-room for their employes at Point St. Charles, Montreal, Canada, believing that the char- acter and service of their men would be improved if this pro- vision was made for their leisure hours. Other rooms were opened. But the project languished for want of adequate care. In 1872, in Cleveland, Ohio, a movement was made by the SAM AT WORK FOR GOD. 79 Young Men's Christian Association for railroad men. Mr. R. F. Smith, Assistant General Manager of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, in a letter commends the movement, and says it was the first room of the kind opened where the religious element was introduced. And herein was the hiding of its power. The General Superintendent of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, at a reception given to Mr. Charles Fermond during his visit ^to the United States, said in 1879, " Fifteen years ago it was a common thing to see railroad em- ployes go out upon their trains under the influence of liquor, and profanity was characteristic of railroad men." It was at this time Sam established in Worcester a daily prayer- meeting for railroad men. It is believed to be the first. He and those with him called on God in faith. Special subjects of prayer were brought before them. An instance is before me. Sam came and said : " I want you to go with me and see an official on one of our railroads. He is drinking fearfully. He is on my heart. We are pray- ing for him. But I cannot go alone. You know the Master sent his disciples out two by two. I want eome one with me for this job." I went to the office, and saw the head man in liquor. His brain was not seemingly affected, but his counte- nance showed dissipation. As we entered, the man in a gruff voice said, u Well, Sam, what is wanted ?" " Just a moment of your time/' said Sam, with a face full of suppressed emotion. The man came out from behind the desk and said, '*' Well ?" " Permit me to introduce you to my pastor ; we have come to see you on a very important matter." Turning to me he said, " Well, sir, what is wanted ?" I replied, " Sir, my friend Mr. Hobart has teen greatly troubled because of your intemperance. He feels that you stand on the verge of ruin, soul and body. He has tried to speak to you and failed, and has asked me to come and say a word in the name of our common Master." The man looked dumbfounded for a moment, and turning to 80 SAM HOB ART. Sam said, " Good friend, I am obliged to you. If ever a man needed prayer, it is me. Appetite has me in its grasp, and I seem unable to master it." " You can't hope to do it in your own strength, and so we have been praying that you might turn to the great Helper, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, " said Sam. " What do you want me to do ?" " Sign this pledge, and rest in God for help." " I will doit." He signed the pledge, and had help of God, and won the victory. It was the beginning of a movement among officials and among the men. The work begun by Sam alone was taken up by the Young Men's Christian Associations, first in Cleveland and afterward in different portions of the country, until the seedling planted in faith has grown into the banyan-tree of hope, and at this hour thousands gather beneath the sheltering shade of blessed and immortal hope. Sam's prescience was wonderful. He believed that Christian railroad men must carry the interests of railroad men in their hearts. He claimed that the officials of the railroad lines ought to take an interest in their operatives. While it is wise to house locomotives, it is unwise to leave the men who run them out in the cold, cold world, to go to places of vice such as curse every large city. He saw that there were two classes of men who are weak and little : one is weak and little by nature, consisting of such as are born with feeble powers, not strongly capable of self-help ; the other is little by position, comprising men that are perma- nently poor and ignorant, and it was his belief, even before he knew God, 4hat ' ' it is not the will of our Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." Hence he was a philanthropist before he was a Christian. He saw and felt that in a society wherein there is a preference for the mighty, where power is worshipped, where selfishness has such room to swing in, trampling upon the good if they be weak, SAM AT WORK FOE GOD. 81 and helping the bad if they be strong ; where justice is little honored though much talked of, it comes to pass that a great many little ones from both these classes actually perish. Theo- dore Parker expressed his mind when he said, " You go to our churches ; the poor are not in them, they are idling and loung- ing away their day of rest like the horse and the ox." This class of men are perishing yes, perishing in the nineteenth century perishing soul and body, contrary to God's will, and perishing all the worse because they die slow and corrupt by inches. Many of our houses of public worship would be well named il churches for the affluent." Yet religion is more to the poor man than to the rich. What wonder, then, if the poor lose self-respect when driven from the only churches where it is thought respectable to pray ? " Here are the sons of the poor, vagrant in your streets, shut out by their misery from the culture of the age, growing up to fill your jails, to be fathers of a race like themselves, and to be huddled into an infamous grave. Here are the daughters of the poor cast out and abandoned, the pariahs of our civilization, training up for a life of shame and pollution, and coming early to a miserable end." These facts were patent to him. They made him uncomfortable. They taught him that in the realm near him were unsolved problems which had to do with his inner life. He knew that there was work waiting for him. Christianity, like the eagle's flight, begins at home. He knew that he ought to be pure and Christian as well as manly, and be booted and girded and road ready for the work waiting to be done. Such sentiments thrilling along the lines of human thought sought admission to his heart and caused him to enter the Masonic lodge, the Workingmen's Club, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and whatever other organization gave opportunity to proffer a helping hand to men that were down, and to find companionship for his soul with those who were bent on doing good. He loved the Christian Church, and denied the premise that Christian churches were not open to all, and that Christian S2 SAM JIOBAUT. ministers were not anxious to save all. He pointed to the churches he knew, with their wide welcome, and to the ministers who preached u Christ the workingman's Friend and Saviour, the great Reformer and the true Conservative, the inspirer of all new truths, revealing in his Bible to every age abysses of new wisdom as the times require, and yet the Vindicator of all that is ancient and eternal ; the true demagogue, the champion of the poor, and yet as the true King, above and below all earthly rank ; on whose will alone all real superiority of man to man, all the time-justified and time-honored usages of the family, the society, the nation stand, and shall stand, forever. " He did not believe in trying to do God's work with the devil's tools. With the friend of workingmen in England he could exclaim, " These are strange times. I thought the devil used to befriend tyrants and oppressors, but he seems to have profited by Burns' s advice to * tak a thought and mend.' I thought the struggling freeman's watchword was, 4 God sees my wrongs.' He hath taken the matter into his own hands. The poor committeth himself unto him, for he is the Helper of the friendless. But now the devil seems all at once to have turned philanthropist and patriot, and to intend himself to fight the good cause, against which he has been fighting ever since Adam's time. I don't deny that it is much cheaper to be reformed by the devil than by God, for God will only reform society on the condition of our reforming every man his own self, while the devil is quite ready to help us to mend the laws of earth and heaven without ever starting such an impertinent and personal request as that a man should mend himself." Against the gospel that demands the surrender of the carnal heart he stood for years immovable and in favor of the gospel that flat- tered the human heart and paid a premium on morality and o-ood works. Now he knew better. CHAPTER VIII. THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. THIS mighty organization, which at one time had 13,000 engineers on its roll, was formed in the city of Detroit in August, 1863, as the Brotherhood of the Footboard. Its motto is, " Sobriety, Truth, Justice, Morality ;" and its rule, " Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you, and so fulfil the law." To become a member, a person must be twenty-one years of age, must be able to read and write, and must be of good moral character, temperate in his habits, and a locomotive engineer in good standing. Every member must so conduct himself as to secure the confidence and esteem of his employers. If a member wilfully or maliciously injures his employer's property, or defrauds any one, or engages in the traffic of intoxicating liquors, he is subject to expulsion. The insurance department of the Brotherhood has been very useful. At the death of a member his widow or heirs receive $3000. They claim to have paid nearly one million dollars to the in- sured, and disbursed to the needy out of their hard earnings 50,000. " We have reclaimed the fallen, reformed the drunkard, and furnished the public and railroad companies with a better, more skilled, and trustworthy class of engineers than they had previous to the inception of the Brotherhood. ' ' This is the process of action taken by the Brotherhood when- ever a difference arises between a company and its men. The men are instructed first to exhaust all their own efforts in coming to an amicable settlement with the company. Failing in that, they send for the Grand Chief. It is his duty then " to go and use all honorable means in his power to prevent rupture be- tween the company and engineers." There is a committee of 84 SAM HOBART. thirteen, selected u for known ability and judgment." If the Grand Chief fails, this committee is convened, and the matter laid before them. If they by a two thirds vote decide that the men have good grounds for striking, the men are so notified, and that entitles them to be sustained by the whole Brother- hood. President Arthur, Chief of the Brotherhood in 1877, argued that this opportunity for combination is the only weapon engineers have against the oppression to which they would be subjected if left to face immense corporations only as individ- uals. He claims that the method of operation is such that a strike will only occur in an extreme case, and he says he be- lieves strikes have been averted by it on thirteen different roads in the last three years. He charges railway managers with tyrannical and unreasonable conduct, abusing their men, dis- charging them without a hearing, etc. As long as this over- bearing spirit is manifested, he says, we shall have strikes. " I would say to railroad managers, be honest and just toward each other and to your employes. Cease your suicidal policy of cutting rates, and submit all differences that may arise be- tween you and your employes that you cannot adjust to a board of arbitration composed of three disinterested men, one to be chosen by each party and the two to select the third, and their decision to be final. In my opinion it is the only fair way of settling disputes and a sure prevention of strikes." In conclusion, after some references to the strength of the Brotherhood, he says : " Our meetings are opened with prayer, and the open Bible upon our altar, which we recognize as the emblem of our Order, and upon which our institution is founded, and by it we are taught. * Come, and let us reason together.' " In 1865 it took the name it now bears, and became a Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers. At the outset Sam joined it. In 1865, when the trouble arose with the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, and the conflict came on be- tween the employers arid the employed, Sam, who through this THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, 85 organization sought to elevate the character of the class of workmgmen to which he belonged, and not to interfere with the vested rights of capital, called a halt and determined for himself to be true to his class and at the same time remain faithful to those who had trusted and befriended him. He kept his love for both classes, and was alike trusted by both. In 1866 the Brotherhood came to Boston. They uncovered their purpose. The press proclaimed it. The citizens one and all indorsed it. They saw in it a movement which, headed right, would make locomotive engineers self-respecting and self-sustaining, causing them to seek to promote temperate habits and develop manly characteristics. To them as a class are intrusted interests im- measurably great. As General B. F. Butler said, in his address when he welcomed them to Lowell, Mass. : " The locomotive is the great precursor and herald of civili- zation. More has been and will be done to bring out the re- sources of this country by the extension of railroads than any- thing else. 11 To the men who are put upon the engines, to whose fidelity, capacity, integrity, sobriety, and coolness the lives of more men are intrusted every day than were ever intrusted to the commanders of any army, is the country most indebted. [Applause.] It only requires one ride on the engine to see the . necessity for all those great qualities in the men who control the trains. " It has been proved by statistics that there was greater loss of life, in the proportion to the amount of travel, by the old stage coaches than occur now by the railroad. There can be but one answer to that, and in this place I would say that I have just returned from travelling forty-five hundred miles by railroad, without an accident or shock in any form, and there- fore when I was told that you desired to have a word from me I felt it my duty to come. ' ' Charles Wilson, G.C.E., recognized the support of the rail- road officials who had taken the time to investigate the work- ings of the institution. 80 SAM HOB ART. " They have approved of what appeared to them to be a guarantee for the good behavior of their engineers, and now are apparently anxious for the success and perpetuity of the Brotherhood. They desire that the fact that an engineer be- longs to the Brotherhood should be a sure recommendation that he can fill any position for which he might apply. Nothing can accomplish this end so quickly as the hearty co-operation of the railroad officials with the efforts of the Brotherhood. " Let it be understood that the official under whom you are working holds you strictly accountable for the good conduct of your associates or fellow-employes, and you will be very cautious whom you admit as members of the Brotherhood. I am pleased to see that some divisions take action in regard to the miscon- duct of their members while on the road. I lately received a notice of the expulsion of a member, and the cause assigned was that he had been guilty of running on the time of a pas- senger train. I was forcibly impressed with the justice of the decision in this case, and I think all neglect in the performance of duties to the company should be immediately noticed in the division. In this way you will carry out your professions, and command the respect of all. " The public have manifested a great interest in our success. The good impression your delegates made in the city of Roches- ter during our last annual session will not soon be forgotten by its citizens. The contrast your delegates presented to a like number of locomotive engineers that could have been collected a few years since was apparent to every one, and the advantage of having such men to occupy the responsible position of engineer commended itself to all. " I do not wish to be understood as claiming that an engi- neer cannot be a well-behaved man without he belongs to this organization ; but all engineers of much experience very well know that a few years ago, when a party of engineers met, the first thing thought of was to * come and take a drink.' Although I am obliged to confess that this is too much the case THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. 87 now, yet all will agree that great improvement has been made within a few years ; and I think this Brotherhood is entitled to full credit for what has been accomplished in this reform. If any position requires sober men it is that of locomotive engineers, and everything should be done to secure such men to run train's. The engineer that uses intoxicating drinks to excess is not fit to be intrusted with the lives and property of the travelling public. The public fully appreciate the advan- tages of having good men, and I think that you can safely rely upon them for their influence and support, if you merit it by your good conduct. " It is absolutely necessary to the maintenance of your posi- tion to have a sentiment inculcated and universally acknowl- edged that the position of a locomotive engineer is of such a responsible character that no railroad official will be justified under any circumstance in employing any man to fill that posi- tion unless he shall be a man that possesses every requisite quality, both moral and mechanical. " I have been led to make these remarks from the fact that many men are hired to run engines that are universally known to be men of no moral character, some of them apparently not having much regard for human life, and with no mechanical knowledge of the powerful engine intrusted to their care. It is idle for managers to deny this, as the proof is abundant, showing how these irresponsible men get positions, and are retained in them to the exclusion of good and reliable men. If this class of irresponsible men are just as good engineers as you are, then your efforts are all for nought ; and the official does not perform his duty by hiring good men and paying liberally, as there are plenty of those ready-made engineers that can be hired for half price. The knowledge acquired by years of ex- perience is in emergencies worth more to the company, as well as to the passengers on the train, than all the wages the engi- neer will ever receive while running an engine. ' The truth is, there is not importance enough attached to your position ; neither are you held to as strict accountability 88 SAM HOBAKT. as you ought to be. If it were possible to make yonr position properly respected, and you were paid wages sufficient to enable you to save a surplus for old age, and ample time was allowed to keep your mind as well as your engine in good repair I say, with these facilities and privileges offered you, you ought never to ask to be excused for neglect for there were in that city only two hundred policemen, and no military force worth speaking of. Two lines of road 150 SAM HOBART. were in the hands of those who were called * strikers.' Not a single wheel was moved, business was paralyzed, and apprehen- sion sat upon the face of every man. " When this railroad officer found out how things were, and how the men upon the other road were taking things into their own hands, he also learned that his own two roads, upon which his men yet stood firm, were being threatened by a mob, or a crowd, if you please, from the striking roads ; and he learned that they were coming down there to force his men to quit work, and to enforce what they called ' their rights/ That was a supreme moment ; it was a moment for action. It took but a short time to determine that, God helping him, that President would prevent the mass meeting which it was deter- mined by these men that they should hold on the square. Ten thousand men, at least, would have been there, more or less excited, more or less drunk, more or less angry. What could two hundred policemen do against such a force as that ? It was not a crowd of men who could be driven by clubs. Many of them had been soldiers, and were used to arms. Moreover, they were ignorant, and they believed they were right ; and if a man believes he is right, he will sometimes sacrifice his life. I firmly believe that if force had been used at that time, a great amount of blood would have been shed, and Cleveland would have been in ashes. I draw no fancy picture. " What did this railway officer do ? He went down sub- stantially alone, only one officer of the road going with him. As he approached the shops, he saw the procession, and his own men being forced out two by two. It looked bad enough. Men from the other roads had determined that the men em- ployed upon his roads should not work. They were gathered in the machine-shop. There were some three thousand. The railroad officer stood upon a platform. And what did he urge ? Simply the gospel of Jesus Christ. He held up Christ to these men, and appealed to them as Christian men, urging the prin- ciples of the gospel as his argument against their proceedings. " The passions of the men were very strong, but he had not THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 151 spoken long before sour faces grew brighter, and the evidence of passion died out. All went down, for Jesus had been ap- pealed to. Jesus spoke to these men. They became silent, and when the matter was put to vote by the leader of the crowd, i Will you stand by the proposition of the President ? ' there was a loud shout of 4 Aye ! ' When the question came whether any were opposed to the proposition of the President, there was the silence of the grave. Then this railroad officer said to these men, ' Now that you know you are in the right way, I want you to swear to me an oath this day. Those men who will regard the law, who will not commit any acts of vio- lence, who will protect every life and every piece of property in this city, as if it were his own, hold up your right hand. ' And every man's hand went up. * ' That was the wall that was drawn around that city, and I tell you, no set of men could prevail against it. " I shall not go into detail, although I want it to be under- stood generally that there was no miracle about this. This work was not the outgrowth of a moment, but of years. These men were ready to hear this word, for they had been prepared to hear it. One man's conversion had been the cause of lead- ing thousands of railroad men to Christ, and thus it was easier to address them. I have been reproached since I have been here, because I have given encouragement to the Young Men's Christian Association. It was through their influence that this change had been brought about. I am here neither to praise nor to apologize for any institution. I am here because I am of the Church of Christ of this church ; and I am speaking of the progress of the work of the church, and of the need of mis- sionary effort existing in the West. " Now, what we propose to do is this : to extend this rail- road department of the Young Men's Christian Associations throughout the country among the railroad men ; and we say to the railroad officials : ' Gentlemen, if you have a right to build a snow-shed with the company's money, when your line runs through the Sierras ; if you have a right to expend money 152 SAM HOBAKT. in any other way to prevent destruction and detention, then you have the right, yea, more, you are solemnly bound to pro- tect us whose interests have been handed over into your hands our bodies, our property, our families, everything. And you not only have the right, but a solemn responsibility to take care that these influences which have been found to be saving influences in the past shall be perpetuated and extended on every line of railroad that carries our food and our fuel to us. We demand it of you. ' And what reply shall they make ? The logic of events has closed the mouth of every one to any other reply than ' Yes/ There is no other answer. " FURTHER TESTIMONY CONCERNING THE LATE RAILROAD STRIKES. From the report of the Pennsylvania State Young Men's Christian Association Convention (October, 1877), in Harper's Weekly, we extract the following : " Mr. W. R. Davenport, an old railroad man, gave the testi- mony that, during the Pennsylvania Railroad strike, the Chris- tian men were those upon whom the railroad officers relied. The most influential men were the Christians, and their in- fluence was greatly felt." Another officer, holding a position of responsibility in railroad service at a place where the Rail- road Young Men's Christian Association has long been active, writes : " In regard to the part Christian men took in the strike, I can speak of what I know. These men were forced to quit work, but openly denounced the action of the strikers ; and all went to their homes, except a few who stayed among the strikers to wield all the influence for good that lay in their power. Through the influence of these men the saloons were closed, and all riotousness was kept down. Men who are not Christians have come to me personally, and of their own free will said the Christian work among railroad employes has saved more than it will cost to prosecute this work for a hundred years. Religious services were held every day and evening during the strike ; and I believe many of the men will date their conversion from those meetings. It was through the in- fluence of Christian railroad men that strikers returned to THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 153 work." An officer of two railroads in Columbus, Ohio, writes : " The Christian railroad men in this place did not, to my knowledge, take any part in the strike. " A Christian gentleman, who had the best opportunity to see and know, writes from the same place : " I do not know of a single rail- road man, who professes to be a Christian, that took any active part in the strike. One was arrested for participating in it but, upon trial, fully exonerated." A manager of an impor- tant railroad in one of our large cities, where there was a total suspension of trains, writes : " All' of our men known to be pronounced Christians had no sympathy with any lawlessness, and kept clear of it. They freely expressed their disapproba- tion of all such proceedings, and openly declined to take part in the same. There were those among them who took occa- sion respectfully to join in a request for an advance in wages ; but it was in the more excellent way ; and when a respectful answer was returned, showing good reasons why their request could not be granted at this time, they cheerfully accepted the situation, and continued to perform their duties. These care- fully disclaimed any intention to strike, and though compelled, during the most threatening period, to quit work, they returned when notified, without waiting fora reply to their petition." An officer of the Pennsylvania Company, in the same city, writes : " I have to report that the inquiries started to find out what part the Christian railroad men took in the strike have resulted in obtaining very satisfactory reports ; and that is that not one of the men who attend the noon-day meetings at our shops took any part whatever in the strike or, either by word or action, encouraged the strikers, but, on the contrary, they kept up their prayer-meetings throughout all the excite- ment." A gentleman of Martinsburg says of the meeting of the Railroad Young Men's Christian Association, on the Sab- bath afternoon when the trouble was most serious: "The attendance was large, and the meeting one of the most impres- sive I ever attended. What touched me particularly was the many earnest prayers of the railroad men for the officers of the 154 SAM HOBART. railroad company, that they might be given wisdom to guide them in their trying positions, to do just what was right, and that they, as employes, might be restrained from all excess and violence, and prove faithful to their duties." A railroad man in Baltimore writes : " I am satisfied that none who were looked up to as Christian men before the strike were at all en- gaged in it. " A member of the Railroad Young Men's Chris- on o tian Association, of Altoona, Pa., writes : " It is with gn at pleasure that I bear testimony to the calmness, discretion, and good conduct of our Christian railroad men during the excite- ment caused by the strike. Our religious meetings were held as usual, and were quite well attended. Although quite a number of railroad employes have been discharged for taking part in the strike, I am glad to say that no active member of our Association is among the number/' A superintendent in the extensive railroad shops of one of the trunk lines writes : 44 I don't know of one Christian that took part in the strike. We found the Christian men ready to work ; and those that were made watchmen during the week of the strike were chiefly the Christian men." From the same point, one who has been in the employ of the company twenty-five years writes : " There was not one of the Christian men here, who, during the strike, was not on duty. They went home peaceably, and stayed until sent for to come to work." These facts make us turn with delight to the origin and growth of the Railroad Department of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association as outlined in the report of Edwin D. Inger- soll, Railroad Secretary of the International Committee. " A library for railroad men was established by officers of the Passumpsic Railroad Company at St. Johnsbury, Vt., in 1850, another by officials of the Vermont Central Railroad Company, at Northfield, Vt., in 1852, and another by Messrs. Peto, Betts & Brassey, contractors, while building the Vic- toria Bridge at Montreal, in 1854. Many others have since been established throughout the country. A few of them sur- vive. The great majority of these library organizations are THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 155 dead, and in many cases nothing can now be found to show that they ever existed. With possibly one or two exceptions, the interest in and use of the libraries that are still in existence are less than they were at first. As a rule, they were used only by men of good habits and of some literary taste. There was not sufficient social or other influence connected with them to draw men away from evil resorts ; there was no aggressive reformatory force. " At Cleveland, O., in April, 1872, there was a union formed on this old plan of reading-rooms and libraries for rail- road men, with the active Christian work of the Young Men's Christian Association. A secretary was employed to do what one man could do to make the library and reading-rooms attractive to railroad men. He went out after men who did not come to the rooms until personally invited, or until they came to return the repeated calls of a personal friend. He visited them in their homes and in the places of their daily toil : on the engine, in the caboose, in office, shop, yard, or switch house. Wherever a railroad man could be found, he got a pleasant word and a hearty invitation to come to the rooms when off duty. If sick or injured, at home or home- less, whatever his position, creed, or nationality, the railroad employe received, not only the best surgical and hospital attend- ance, but the loving personal service of Christian brotherhood. '* But this service was not limited to one man's ability. The Association idea was developed and utilized, and the efforts of Christian men in railroad service united, to carry out and put in operation the means and methods of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association. Committees were formed, trained, and set at work. Gradually, but steadily and surely, the secretary multiplied his effort and ability, thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold, by the voluntary efforts of men, whom he had interested one by one, and then formed into working committees. The secret of his power was found to be not so much in his personal work as in his ability to find, train, stimulate and help other men, and set and keep them at work. Now, committees have 156 SAM HOBART. charge of Sunday services and cottage meetings in the homes of railroad men ; committees of their comrades visit and minister to sick and injured men ; committees procure libra- ries ; committees arrange entertainments, lectures, concerts, medical talks, and practical talks on topics relating to railroad service. In short, the moral power of the best men in railroad service is united and made an effective force to reach and in- fluence the whole body of railroad men, including employes of express, telegraph and palace car companies. Educational classes are formed, or secretaries and their assistants give pri- vate instruction to men who cannot attend classes in penman- ship, arithmetic, telegraphy, stenography, mechanical and free- hand drawing. Many men whose early educational advantages were limited have been helped to hold their positions, or to promotion. Men physically disabled for train service have been taught telegraphy or stenography, and so are earning better support for themselves and their families than they earned as brakemen before they were crippled. Enthusiasm is kindled. The rooms of the Railroad Branch of the Association become social headquarters for railroad men ; conversation and amuse- ment rooms attract men who have no use for prayer-meetings, classes, or even for reading-rooms and libraries. Gradually they become interested in social or musical entertainments, or in illustrated newspapers and magazines. Each is encouraged by the secretary to read something, and his attention is called to something that will interest him. Soon amusements are less attractive or needful. He has learned to desire and use some- thing better. Thought is stimulated. His social instincts are satisfied with healthful associations. Beer gardens and billiard rooms are less attractive than our rooms. The man becomes a better man, a better citizen, a more intelligent, faithful and loyal servant of the corporation. " Such results in various places have led railroad managers to say of this work, ' It pays spiritually, it pays morally, and it pays financially/ and to emphasize this testimony by largely increased appropriations. THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 157 11 The true place of these organizations, as branches of the Young Men's Christian Associations in their respective cities, has been definitely settled. After numerous experiments in other directions, both by the companies and by the men now in the opening of reading and bath rooms independent of all .religious influence or control, again in the establishment of separate organizations, without affiliation with the local Asso- ciation or the International Committee of these societies the great advantages in stability atid efficiency to be derived from union with the Associations are at present almost universally recognized and appreciated by both employes and officials. " During the first five years, 1872-' 77, organizations were formed at Altoona, Pa., Baltimore, Md., New York, Colum- bus, O., and Detroit, Mich,, the two latter employing secreta- ries. Interest was awakened and something done toward or- ganization at Jersey City, N. J. , Springfield and Boston, Mass. , and at Toronto, and St. Thomas, Ont. Mr. Lang Sheaff, whose salary was paid by a few gentlemen of Cleveland, visited these places in 1875-' 76, under the direction of the Inter- national Committee. The good results of that visitation are still apparent. " In January, 1877, Mr. Morris K. Jesup, of the Interna- tional Committee, procured from the President and Vice-Presi- dent of the New York Central and Hudson River, and the Presidents of the Pennsylvania and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Companies, contributions, which, with his own, justi- fied the Committee in employing their present Railroad Secre- tary. ' ' At that time only three local secretaries were employed at Cleveland, Columbus, and Detroit ten railroad companies contributing less than $3000 a year toward their support. " In the past five years, 1877-'82, the principal railroad centres of the United States and British Provinces have been visited, many of them very many times. Several strong or- ganizations have been formed, employing from one to five secretaries and assistants. The number of secretaries and 158 8AM HOBART. assistants is now (June 5th, 1882) forty-six, with money waiting for six more, and support partially secured for ten or twelve more. Contributions of more than $50,000 are already secured for the support of the local work for the current year. " There have been some wrecks, and some other organiza- tions have failed to come up to the measure of their need or opportunity. " The service on the part of secretaries has been greatly im- proved. The standard of five years ago no longer satisfies rail- road officials or the International Committee. Some men of rare tact, consecration, and ability have been led into the work, and are being greatly blessed in it ; others have been moder- ately successful and are trying faithfully to meet the demands of the work. Those who think that they know all that there is, or that they need to know, or whose education is deficient, or who do not manifest tact or adaptability to this peculiar work, or who are not born leaders, are gradually dropping out of the service. On the whole, the secretarial force in this depart- ment is not only all that can reasonably be expected for the salaries paid, but is a vigorous, able, and consecrated band of pioneers in a new field of Christian effort, whose labors have already called out strong testimonials to the value of the results accomplished. " In Chicago, eleven Presidents, Vice-Presidents, General Managers and General Superintendents of leading Railroad Companies, compose the Advisory Committee of the Railroad Department of the Young Men's Christian Association. They testify in the strongest terras to the value of the work done, and recommend that the amount expended last year ($7500) in this department of the Chicago Association be largely increased. " In Albany and Troy, N. Y., Springfield, Mass., Rutland, Vt., and other places, leading citizens are ser\ 7 ing on commit- tees with railroad officials and men in the management of this work. " At Galion, 0., East St. Louis, 111., and Elmira, N. Y., buildings have been erected specially for and dedicated to the THE WORK AMOXG RAILROAD MEN. 159 work of Young Men's Christian Associations among railroad men. Similar buildings are about to be erected at Troy, N. Y., and St. Albans, Vt. " In Toronto, at the house of Hon. William McMaster, sena- tor, some seventy-five leading citizens met the secretary to hear reports of and consult about this work. The result was the appointment of a large committee of the most influential men in public and private life in Toronto, Col. C. S. Gzowski, A. D. C., chairman, to present facts and testimonials of this work to Managers of Canadian railways, and to presidents and direc- tors in England, and to ask for similar appropriations for the support of this work on their roads. At the request of this committee, the International Committee wrote to leading offi- cials and directors of railroads, at places where this work had been in operation long enough to enable them to estimate its worth, for their opinion of the value of the work as an invest- ment by railroad companies. Replies came from every point, and are unanimous in tenor and spirit, all testifying to the value of the work and its wholesome influence upon railroad employes. Similar testimony to the value of the work spirit- ually, in additions to churches of men who were beyond the reach of the church in any other department of its effort, and of church members aroused to newness of life and service, comes from pastors and church officers in all parts of the country. " The secretary has travelled more than 30,000 miles a year, made public addresses, held conferences with officials and men, and written letters till it was impossible to keep a record of their number, and yet is utterly unable to meet the calls that come for help in the organization and supervision of this work. " Men are willing and anxious to take hold of the work, money is forthcoming to support secretaries and erect build- ings for local work at various points, promising young men are giving themselves to the work for life as secretaries, and results are delayed for want of intelligent aid and guidance in organization. Some places have already suffered, mistakes 100 SAM HOB ART. have been made, and partial failures warn us to he more watch- ful and helpful. The best results appear where this supervi- sion has been most constant. There is work waiting and urgent, for at least three secretaries in this department, while as yet the Committee has means to support but one." A brief history of the railroad secretary and the work achieved will appropriately conclude the chapter. Edward D. Tngersoli in 1877 was appointed Secretary of the Railway Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. He was born in Stockbridge, Mass., June 12th, 1836. His father was a minister and related to the great preacher who is known as the father of the man that has by his infidelity earned the right to wear the mantle of Thomas Paine. As the railroad secretary says, " the man rejected Christ, trampled on the overtures of mercy, and has gone on from bad to worse until he has fought with all his might against God, as is in the nature of an Ingorsoll." This trait of character was illustrated by a locomotive engin- eer by the name of Ingersoll on one of the^roads in Ohio. He was ordered to wait for the superintendent's car at a given station. He was told to take it to a given pkce as fast as pos- sible. There was no bell-rope to the engine, and the superin- tendent sat in his car alone. The engineer started, put on steam, and opened the valves and let her go. The passenger coach bounded and leaped, swaying from side to side, causing the superintendent to be thrown from side to side and bob up and down like a ball shaken in a bottle. Reaching the station the superintendent came out, his hair on end and his face pale with fright and rage, saying, " What on earth did you go at that rate for ?" " You told me," said the engineer, " to go as fast as I could, and you ought not to tell an Ingersoll to do that unless you meant it." The characteristics of the engineer have been conspicuous in the life of the secretary. He began his career as a wild and wayward young man. He entered Union College and enjoyed for a time the watchful care of Eliphalet Nott. its illustrious THE WOliK AiiOXU KA1LROAD MEX. 101 president. He was converted in 1856 and joined the church, but did nothing for years. He had a name to live hut was dead. In 1872 he was living in Cleveland. Lang Sheaff, the Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, failing to get workers to go to Norwalk, Ohio, because he had no better, asked him to go and help in a meeting. This was said on Tuesday. Ingersoll thought little of the invitation. Friday came and he was urged again to go. He went. On his way the responsibilities of the work touched his heart and awed his spirit. Depressed and bent with the weight of the great trust reposed in him he entered the hall and took his seat upon the platform. The room was crowded to the doors. He spoke. God owned him. Souls were struck under conviction. They made him stay. Business to him became of no account. His work surprised and enthused him. From Sunday to Thursday he spoke every day with increasing power. Railroad men were converted in large numbers. A patent case claimed his atten- tion in Cleveland. lie returned, but God loosened the chains of his captivity in business and permitted him to enter into the service of the Master untrammelled. He returned to Norwalk and stayed a month. His destiny was sealed. His course in life was determined for him. In 1874 he came to Syracuse and became the leader of the work for the Young Men's Christian Association. There he developed and revealed his power to organize for victory, and there he remained until January, 1877, when he became railroad secretary in accordance with a resolution of the International Committee passed in 1875. To him we are largely indebted for the interest taken in work among employes by railroad corporations. He knows how to appeal to employes and at the same time how to represent their interests to employers. To-day the great railroad corporations give their support to this work to an extent which promises great future harvests. The leaders recognize the fact that drill a man as best you may still you must depend in the last resort on his own intelligence and will. Sobriety and moral principle contribute their quota toward the production of dividends, and 162 SAM HOBAKT. a good workman who is also a good man counts for something in financial estimates. It is important that the hand on the throttle-valve be not guided by a brain muddled with drink. " No position, not even leadership in battle, calls more impera- tively for firm nerves, well-poised faculties and entire self- command. Railway corporations have souls enough to know what affects their purses, but we should fail to do justice to many of the managers of the great lines if we did not concede to them a sincere interest in the welfare of men. When Will- iam H. Vanderbilt distributed one hundred thousand dollars among the servants of the company of which he is the head, as a token of his appreciation of their fidelity during the week of the riots, he showed his sense of the value of moral principle in men who work for daily wages. There are instances of hero- ism in the lives of these men, and often in their dying."* Doc Simmons, the engineer on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, who at the disaster at New Hamburg went down with his locomotive and would not leave it and was found with his hand on the throttle ; Gould, the brave engin- eer on the Boston and Stonington Railroad, who loved his wife and signalled to her by the whistle at night as Sam Hobart kissed his hand to his when he passed, preferred death at his post to an escape with added risk to the passengers are thus referred to by Bret Harte : " And then one night it was heard no more, From Stonington on Rhode Island shore ; And the folks in Providence smiled and said, As they turned in their beds, " The engineer Has once forgotten his midnight cheer. One only knew, To his trust true, Gould lay under his engine dead !" Heroism is heroism in men begrimed with oil and smoke, as well as in men who carry swords and epaulets. And if the * Harper's Magazine for Jan. 1882, pp. 264-5. THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN". 163 Christian Association address the better side of the natures of this large and growing class of workers, they will render an essential service to society. The interest in their welfare has taken a very practical form. In June, 1882, there were read- ing-rooms at thirfy-three railroad centres for railroad men, of each of which a secretary has charge. An aggregate of $30,000 is annually appropriated by the companies for this truly Christian labor. " Mr. Ingersoll," says a leading railroad manager, " is in- deed a busy man. Night and day he travels. To-day a rail- road president wants him here ; to-morrow a manager summons him there. He is going like a shuttle back and forth through the country, weaving the web of the Railway Associations. In Indianapolis twelve railroad companies aid in the support of this work of benevolence. In Chicago, the president of one of the leading roads, the general superintendent of another, and other officials, have served and are serving actively on the Rail- way Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. The stuff these men are made of may be seen from some of the reports to the Altoona Convention. One spoke thus : " About twelve years ago we organized, in Stonington, Conn., a mid- night prayer-meeting of railroad men. It was the hour before the starting of the steamboat night train. The first night one man was soundly converted, and continues a living witness for the truth. I run a midnight train from Providence, and speak "almost every Sunday, and many of our railroad men attend. I am forty-six years of age, and have been twenty-seven years on the road and four years at sea. My engineer is a Christian, and I feel safe behind him." Are the passengers of the midnight train worse off because the engineer and conductor are such men as these ? A railroad secretary who represented Indian- apolis said : " A member of our association was killed last week, and I was called on to bury him. It was a very sad duty. He was a Christian boy, and there are men here who heard him pray. Going home from the funeral, one of the boys, not a Christian, said : ' The Railroad Christian Associa- 164 SAM HOHART. tioii is doing more for our railroad men than anything else in the world. '" From the Third International Conference Railroad Depart- ment of 1882, we make liberal extracts which bear upon this subject. R. B. Paul, Librarian of the New York City Associ- ation, says : " The founders and friends of Young Men's Christian Associations have wisely regarded the library as an important agency in their work. It is a tool indispensable to the best and complete working of a railroad association. What shall we aim to make the peculiar feature and excellence of this library for railroad men ? Evidently it should not be com- posed of books suitable for scholars, philosophers, and men of studious life ; nor will mere sentimental works like the latest sensational novels answer. But the books should be adapted to the tastes of practical men of common sense, who are grap- pling with the stern realities of life, and who want to devote their spare moments to reading which will help to advance them in their work, and give them agreeable pastime. The aim should be to make the library exert an elevating influence on the men. In order to do this the grade of books should be a little above the average grade of the readers, not below them. It will then be educating in its influence. We will not attempt here to specify the works on general literature, science, etc., which should characterize such a library, but will content our- selves with naming that class of books which will be specially" practical in a railroad library and interesting to railroad men. It will not be amiss to say that experience shows that the Bible is the favorite book. Hence there should be shelves for the Bible in as many languages as there will be; found readers, and such popular expositions as will invite a closer study of the W r ord of God and aid those who are engaged in Christian work. It is, however, to the professional feature of books that will be of practical service to engineers, mechanics, firemen, and other employes, viz.: books which relate to the steam- engine, telegraphy, civil engineering in some of its branches, TUP: WORK AMOXG RAILROAD MEN. 165 car building, track-laying, iron, steel, color-blindness, etc. Such books on the shelves will entice many men in subordinate positions to work their way up by study and application. "We will mention a few authorities on Railroad Science, naming those first which are published at a moderate price, below five dollars : " RAILROAD SCIENCE. Auchincloss's Link Valve Motion ; Bourne's Catechism of Steam Engine ; Bourne's Recent Im- provements in the Steam Engine ; Bourne's Hand-Book of Steam Engine ; Barlow's Strength of Timber ; Bender's Pro- portions of Pins Used in Bridges ; also, Proportions of Continu- ous Bridges ; Barry's Railway Appliances ; Bauerman's Metal- lurgy of Iron ; Baker's Actual Lateral Pressure of Earthworks ; Cluman's R.R. Engineer's Practice ; Cooke's The New Chemistry ; Combustion of Coal ; Car Builders' Dictionary (R. R. Gazette); Clark's Works on Iron Bridges and Roof Structures ; Chevereul's Contrast of Colors ; Davidson's Linear Drawing and Practical Geometry ; Davidson's Linear Drawing and Projections ; Davidson's Drawing for Machinists and Engineers ; Dresser's Principles of Decorative Design ; Ede's Management of Steel, 5th ed., 1873 ; Engineering Specifications and Contracts ; Fairbairn's Iron : its History, Properties and Process of Manufacture ; Forney's Catechism of the Locomotive ; Ganot's Physics, last edition ; Hamil- ton's Useful Information for Railroad Men ; Haswell's En- gineer's and Mechanic's Pocket-Book ; Kirkman's Railway Accounts, Revenue ; also Railroad Expenditures ; Lardncr's Scientific Hand-Books ; Mahan's Civil Engineering ; Moore's Universal Assistant, 100,000 Receipts ; Molesworth's Pocket- Book of Engineering Formula ; Pope's Modern Practice . of the Telegraph ; Richards' Steam Engine Indication, by C. T. Porter ; Reynolds's Locomotive Engine ; Reynolds's Railway Brakes ; Rankine's Rules and Tables ; Rood's Modern Chro- matics ; Shreve's Treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs; Simms's Practical Tunnelling; Spon, E., Workshop Receipts ; Stewart, Balfour, Lessons in Elementary Physics ; 166 . SAM HOBAUT. Stewart, Balfour, Conservation of Energy ; Stewart, Balfour, Elementary Treatise on Heat ; Thurston's History of the Growth of the Steam Engine ; Thurston's Frictions and Lubri- cation ; Thrnpp's History of Coaches ; Tyndall on Heat as a Mode of Motion ; Welch's Designing Valve Gearing ; Wilson (Robert), Treatise on Steam Boilers. Two works by F. B. Gardner, published by the Hub Publishing Co., New York, will, we doubt not, be found useful to painters, viz : 44 Les- sons in Lettering/' and "Studies in Scrolling." A few higher priced works are very desirable ; we append the prices : Appleton's Encyclopaedia of Drawing, $10 ; Ball's F^lementary Mechanics, $4; Clark's Manual of Rules, Tulles, etc., for Mechanical Engineers, $7.50 ; History and Description of the Pennslyvania R.R., illustrated, $20 ; Rankine's Civil Engineer- ing, $6.50 ; Stoney's Theory of Strains in Girders, $12.50 ; Trautwine's Civil Engineer's Pocket-Book, $5 ; Vose's Man- ual for R.R. Engineeis and Engineering Students, $12.50. To these should be added : Knight's Mechanical Dictionary, $24, or Appleton's ; Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, say $45 ; Weale's Series of Scientific Works contain a number that would be suitable for such a collection. 44 The question of color-blindness among railroad men is one of vital importance to the great travelling public, one in which personal safety or peril is involved. We know of but two treatises in English on this subject, but every railway library should have one or both. The earliest treatise is by Prof. Holmgren, of Upsala, Sweden, and was published in 1877, entitled, 4 Color Blindness and its Relations to Railroads and the Marine.' A translation was published in the report for 1877 of the Smithsonian Institute. Since Prof. Holmgren's work was published we have had Dr. Jeffries' * Color Blind- ness, its Dangers and its Detection,' in which he copies a good part of Prof. Holmgren's book ; but Dr. Jeffries has made 10,000 tests of his own, of which he gives the results. 44 But we must not forget works of a more entertaining and general character, that will relieve the leisure hours THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 167 of the railroad man, and awaken in him more ardor for his work. " RAILROAD LITERATURE. Adams, C. F. Jr., Railroads : Their Origin and Problems ; Adams, C. F. Jr., Chapters of Erie ; Adams, C. F. -Jr., Notes on Railroad Accidents ; Audu- bon, Life of ; Beckrnan's History of Inventions ; Black we! Pa Great Facts ; Brassey, Thomas, Life of ; Brunei, Isambard K., Life of ; Brunei, Mark Isambard, Life of ; Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties ; Edgar's Boyhood of Great Men ; Edison and his Inventions ; English Hearts and English Hands ; Fouchaud's Lives of Illustrious Mechanics ; Howe's Memoirs of the most Eminent Mechanics ; Light for the Line, or Life of Thomas Ward ; Locke, Joseph, Life of ; Men who have Made Themselves ; Railways (in Library of Wonders) ; Read, Nathan, His Invention of the High Pressure Engine ; Reynolds's Engine Driving (English book) ; Reynolds's The Model Locomotive Engineer (English book) ; Rogers's The Law of the Road, or Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller ; Smiles's Brief Biographies ; Smiles's Industrial Biography ; Smiles's Lives of the Engineers, in 5 vols. $12.50 ; Smiles's Self-Help, Character ; Smiles's Thrift ; Stephenson, Robert, Life, by J. C. Jeaifreson ; Stimson's History of the Express Companies and Origin of American Railroads ; Stuart, C. R., Lives of Civil and Military Engineers of America ; Taylor's The World on Wheels ; Timbs, J., Inventors and Discover- ers ; Timbs, J., Wonderful Inventions ; Trevithick, Robert, Life of, with an Account of his Inventions, by F. Trevithick ; Tweedie's The Life and Works of Earnest Men ; Worcester, Second Marquis, Life of, with Century of Inventions ; Wrig- ley's The Workingraan's Way to Wealth ; Wynne, J., Emi- nent Scientific Men. " Many, if not all, of the scientific publications named, can be purchased at Van Nostrand's Scientific Bookstore, or at E. Spon's, New York City. We have indicated with as much fulness as our space will allow the lines of books for such a library as will meet the requirements of railroad men." 168 SAM HOB ART. O. R. Stockwell, Railroad Secretary, New York, gives his experience : " When I went as secretary to New York City, the Rail- road Branch had no membership. The Company was contrib- uting liberally, but some felt that the men would be driven from the rooms if they were asked to contribute to the work. We arranged for a sustaining membership, the men contribut- ing just as they feel able ; and the result is that we have secured a membership of 250, the annual income from which is about $600. The attendance, which the year previous was about 2500 monthly, has now increased to over 3000. " In attempting a Bible Class we at first tried it on Sunday, but we found that we could command a better attendance Wednesday noon, and so changed to that time. Through its influence many Christian men have been stimulated to work for others. We have a circulating library of 540 volumes. " I feel that the library is one of the most important ad- juncts in our work. We do not want books that will please and cater to a low order of intelligence, so much as books that will educate, refine and cultivate a moral sentiment in a man's heart. While I was secretary of the Columbus Association a brakeman asked me to select him a book from the library. Ho was given to drink. I selected a book that would be enter- taining, and yet would exert the right influence ; and when he brought it back, he said : 4 Stockwell, any man who reads that book will never touch another drop of liquor.' I have often placed the same book in the hands of young men in New York City, some of them Roman Catholics, although it is written by a Baptist minister's wife, and they say that they never read as good a book before, or one with a better moral. We don't want books simply that at the end of the month we can make a good report. We could get any amount of yellow-covered literature that would be read with avidity. But we want books that will be like an electric light in a dark corner, and that will make a man better for his family and for the com- munity, not books that will lead men downward." THE WORK AMOJ^G RAILROAD MEK. 169 Frank W. Smith, of Toledo, said : " In our place we asked for magazines, Harper's, Scribner's, and All the Year Round, and we received something over a thousand copies. They were placed in the switch-houses and round-houses, and were not to be returned, but to be passed from one man to another. Among the magazines were a few religious peridoicals. The devil said : * Frank, don't put in that religious magazine ; the boys will not read it.* I said : ' Get thee behind me, Satan,' and then I put the maga- zine on top. This was one of the strongest temptations I had when I sent out these magazines, and I conquered it only by placing the religious magazines on the top." W. J. Orr said : " I visited a man on the Great Western Railway who had been sick for three weeks. He was a Roman Catholic, and was fond of reading. I took Scribner's Magazine and slipped inside some little religious papers. I said to him : ' Here is Scribner^s, and I have slipped a couple of tracts inside, you do not object ? ' and he said : * No.' H. F. Williams said : " Railroad men need an intelligent understanding of the work they have in hand. The man who has a practical educa- tion will better fill any position he is called to than he would without it. The employes of a road give character to the road ; and when we elevate them to a higher standard we are doing that much toward giving to the stockholders an equiva- lent for the money they contribute for the support of our work. The tendency of any man's life who is a specialist is to narrow him down. Put a man at the throttle of an engine, let him stand there year after year, doing the same work, run- ning over the same road, even whistling at the very same points, and that man's life is being contracted by constantly doing this one work. We ought to offer a helping hand to such men to break the treadmill monotony of their lives. The word education means to draw out as well as to put in knowl- edge : the educational part of our work should both put some- 170 SAM HOBART. thing into a man's life and draw something out, making him not only useful to himself, but useful to others. " I know there is a temptation to make the Association room simply a pleasant place of resort, but wo want our rooms to be more than that : we want them to be educational centres. The very pictures on the walls should be made a means of edu- cation. Instead of getting railroad advertisements around our rooms, we ought to seek, as many Associations are wisely seek- ing, to put the right sort of pictures before the men, and thus put good thoughts into their minds which may be drawn out to a purpose by and by. We cannot maintain classes in the railroad work in the same way that we can in the city work. Our men are not permanent, but are liable to be moved from division to division, and so we have to do the educational work in such a way that each lesson will be complete in itself. " One day a Division Superintendent came into our rooms, who was interested in a car-coupling arrangement. I suppose there are hundreds of different kinds of car-couplings. This gentleman had thoroughly familiarized himself with the different patterns of couplings, and at my request he promised to tell us something about them. We called a meeting, endeavoring especially to reach the brakemen ; and it was one of the most interesting meetings we ever had, both to the superintendent and the men. He enjoyed it quite as much as they did. I heard them talking about car-couplings many times afterward in the yard. This shows that other lines of work may be taken up besides class-work. A vocal music class, for instance, could be very well maintained. An occa- sional lesson in penmanship may be given. I have also thought I would like to try a class in business forms. I was connected once with a very interesting spelling class, using a little book with specimen words in it. We combined spelling with penmanship by having the pupils write out the words. We have a very careful and conscientious surgeon connected with the road, who gave us some very practical lessons, ex- plaining from charts the circulation of the blood and describing THE WORK AMONG RAILROAD MEN. 171 the most prevalent kinds of injuries. He rolled np tlie men's sleeves and tied up their arms and showed them how to stop ' the flow of blood. He gave them a prescription for a liniment, and I was very much interested afterward to find how many of the men were carrying it with them. But let us never forget that we want to show the men the Lord Jesus Christ. It is far easier to reach worldly people through our educational feat- ures than by presenting Christ, and we are tempted to be drawn away too much to the secular side. The Lord has given us golden opportunities to get hold of men through this educational interest, and let us make these but stepping-stones to better things. " How can this work be organized ? or, What can the secre- tary of a local organization do for railroad work, where a branch has not been established ? That is to say, How is the railroad work to be commenced in a new place ?" Mr. Ingersoll. The first thing is for the secretary of the city Association to make* the acquaintance of Christian rail- road men. Seek them out. Go to the pastors and ask them if they have any railroad men in their churches. You will always find one or more, and every one you find will give you the name of another one. In that way you will get track of a number of Christian railroad men. Then, in personal inter- course with these men, one at a time, get them into this work, and afterward get them together. Give them the literature pertaining to the railroad work of our Associations ; reports of conferences held, bulletins of railroad branches, anything bear- ing upon the work that would interest them, and give them a clear idea of what is being done in this department and how it is done. Seek to impress them with the fact that the Chris- tian railroad man has more influence over his unsaved comrades than any one else has. Bring the matter to their conscience as a duty that no one else can perform. Show them what has been done by Christian railroad men in other places, and say : " Don't you think that such a work ought to be done here ?" They will say : " Yes." Then ask : " Don't you think yon 172 SAM HOBART. ought to do it V 9 It will not be long before the Lord will help you to lay it upon the hearts of one or two, or more. Then you have a nucleus for your committee. The first and simplest work for them to do is to hold cottage meetings in the homes of other men. Two Christian men can commence that work anywhere. It does not involve any expense ; it needs nothing but willingness and love for souls. I don't care how hard a case a railroad man may be, two Christian comrades can get his house for a little prayer-meeting ; and no kind of effort has been more wonderfully blessed in our railroad branches than this same work. CHAPTER XIII. THE WASTED SUBSTANCES. The Story of Edward H. Uniac's Fall and some of the sad Incidents in Sam 1 s Work. SAM lived amid the surging currents of evil. Though the prohibitory law had been nominally enforced, this truth pressed upon his attention and gave him alarm, viz., that men were in danger of going wrong because they were wrong, they loved evil. In the story of the Prodigal Son, the younger boy is called, by common consent, " The Prodigal Son," because he " wasted his substance in riotous living. " He deserved the name. Such a man is prodigal. A man that lives for self ; that consumes his substance in gratifying inclination or appe- tite ; who reads, not for improvement, but for pleasure ; who worships God, even without a thought of helping any one, is a prodigal. There are those who, for God's cause and man's good, give their all, and leave themselves impoverished in purse, though enriched in character, who are called prodigal by those who regard as saved what they enjoy, and as lost what they bestow upon others. These make a mistake. Christ said, " Freely ye have received, freely give." The man that does this wisely, carefully, and discriminatingly, is a benefactor, but no prodigal. A prodigal is one who expends money on other 1 things without necessity and foolishly. Wasting substance is prodigality. The word is sometimes misused. We speak of the man of genius as one on whom nature has been prodigal in the bestowment of her gifts. This can never be true. When the man misuses these gifts, then he is prodigal of his genius. 174 SAM 1IOBAKT. Yet it is not nature that is prodigal, but the man. Nature is liberal in the bestowment, man is prodigal in the expenditure. We justly speak of a spendthrift as prodigal, because he wastes what he distributes. There is a thought suggested by the words " wasted his sub- stance/' which saddens the mind and pains the heart. The word implies recklessness, thoughtlessness, if not absolute and intrinsic wickedness. A man cannot become prodigal so as to spend his time or squander his talent or his money without necessity and without a purpose to do good except he first cut loose from moral restraint and determine upon a career of per- sonal gratification without regard to future responsibilities or opportunities. The career of the prodigal is easily traced. His pride led him to say, " I know the world better than others. The advice of the aged is very well for those who need it, but I need it not, and will have none of it. Money is made to be used. The only use fit for it is to procure enjoy- ment. I can get more pleasure out of my money away from home than at home." Indeed, the restraints of home arc un- bearable to the child so soon as sin takes full possession of the heart. Is there a boy who feels that a mother's eye gives pain, a sister's confiding look brings reproach, who dislikes family prayers, who hurries away so as to avoid them ? such a one is becoming a prodigal. He feels that home is a prison, and the rendezvous of the wild and dissipated, paradise. Such are in danger. The prodigal went into a far country and there wasted his substance. There was no purpose to do well. It is possible to lose a fortune and not be blamed for it. It is impossible to waste a fortune and not be called a prodigal. The wrecks of misfortune line the shore of life's sea. The number of mistaken and disappointed men is legion. They are everywhere. Success is the exception and not the rule. But this utterance does not condemn mankind. Thousands of our most successful men have clambered to the heights of success up the steeps of difficulty and amid the pitfalls of fail- ure, and have won position, distinction, and fortune. Others THE WASTED SUBSTANCES. 175 that have toiled just as hard and just as wisely have been over- whelmed by misfortune and are regarded as failures, but are not prodigals. Some of the men who have gone down into the vortex of bankruptcy have been far-seeing, prudent, economical, and wise. But business is dependent upon others. There is a net- work of influences which distinguishes financial transactions, which extend far and wide beyond the reach and control of the individual. Ships freighted' with rich cargoes may go down into the sea. Railroad stocks, promising great dividends in the future, may prove worthless at a given time. Men in whom unlimited confidence has been reposed suddenly fail and become bankrupt in character as in purse. A failure under such circumstances may be all that is left to honor. A man might deceive and become rich. If he is true he must go to the wall, not necessarily to stay there. The business man learns by his mistakes quite as much as by his successes. It is not dishonorable to fail. It is dishon- orable to squander and waste. Whoever tries and fails, reveals a purpose which is commendable, and is honored ; and though such a one becomes bankrupt, yet, if he does as well as he can, society covers him with the mantle of charity, and, hoping for the best, lends with pleasure the helping hand. Not so does society feel toward the man who squanders opportunity and patrimony, and by inattention to business and by riotous living sows his fortune to the wind, and in due time reaps the whirlwind of disappointment, chagrin, and want. You feel that a prodigal is destitute of self control, of a beneficent and ennobling purpose ; that he tries not to help, not to build up, but to injure, to tear down, and demolish. Well can I recollect the impression made upon my young heart by a prodigal son whom I saw when a boy. He was the heir to a fortune, and married a fortune with his wife. He seemed to feel that there was no end to his income. He drank fiercely and squandered lavishly. For a time he was the ringleader of a class of dissipated followers. He was notorious for having 176 SAM UOBAKT. spread a hundred-dollar bill on a slice of bread and butter and eating it in the midst of a drunken revel. He died from the effects of his dissipation, and was buried. The remembrance of the manner in which he was despised is still fresh. His widow, impoverished by his prodigality, was compelled to live in penury, and her life was overshadowed by the ter- rible disgrace. In his life there was not a single redeeming trait. His com- panions were ashamed of him, and his former friends left him in disgust. Self was his idol, drink his passion, and pleasure his highest aim. He lived like a brute and died like a brute. All have possessions with which they may be prodigal. They may have talents, and by using them foolishly and for unwise purposes, waste them. An individual is under obliga- tions to hold all his powers of body, mind, and soul in abey- ance to the highest needs of God and humanity. Whoever refuses to do this is prodigal. There are individuals prodigal of opportunities. They are placed in stores, in shops, and offices. They have been trusted. They prove false to the trust reposed in them. They neglect to do as well as they can. They do what they are required to do, and no more. If asked to do a favor outside of their peculiar place, they regard it as an insult. The result is, they are dismissed when there is a slack of employment. Their narrowness and meanness has made them prodigal of their opportunities. They have wasted them in attending to self-interests. They have themselves to blame for their being out of employment. They regarded to- day's privileges as of no consequence, and seemed to feel that the time for distinguishing themselves was coming, and so by inattention and by negligence they extinguished the fires of hope and squandered the blessings intrusted to their keeping. Whoever acts thus is prodigal and will come to want. On the other hand, we have seen a man in a store who could and would do anything that needed to be done. He was a man of all work. He could keep books, collect accounts, lift a pack- age, run an errand, stay late and get up early. He was careful THE WASTED SUBSTANCES. 17? to improve every opportunity and to use his talent for his em- ployer's advantage. Such a man cannot be spared. The chances are that he will become a partner in the business. Such succeed. Their success is a certainty. Christian loafers are pious prodigals, and are great pests. They have nothing that they will do, but sponge a living under the pretence that they have a call which forbids their working. The world is fuli of them. They make a zeal for God a cloak for dishonesty toward men. They borrow money without a thought of paying it, and claim that they are giving their time to the church, and so are justified in cheating you. Such dis- grace Christianity, and waste their little substance because of their false views of duty and right. Consider what was the substance of the prodigal. His substance consisted not alone of the money he carried with him from his father's house, but largely in what he had in himself, apart from money. He had something in and of himself. The health of body which gave a tinge of beauty to his cheek and elasticity to his limb, and strength to his frame, was a part of his substance which he was under ob- ligation to himself and to God to husband with care. He wasted it. Dissipation tells its sad story for him as for others. It always tells its sad story. Hide it* you cannot. Compare the look of the dissipated youth, who wastes his nights in revels, who invades his hours of sleep, who changes night into day and day into night, whose haggard look and hollow cough and laggard step point unmistakably to an early grave ; with the bright eye, the quick step, the hearty laugh, the joyous face of the man whose evenings are passed at home, with pleas- ant books for companions, to whom sleep brings rest and re- freshment, and to whom the morning comes with cheery voices sounding in the ear, and pleasant duties engaging the thought this man is frugal of his strength and time, the other is a prodigal. Vigor of mind is also a part of a man's capital. Whatever clouds, deadens, or impairs the intellect, or distracts the mind, 178 BAM HOB ART. wastes a man's substance, and impoverishes him as surely as does the scattering of money or destroying of property. Let us ask whence comes this tendency to prodigality ? The answer is at hand. Not from what is without a man so much as from what is within. Dram shops abound and will abound so long as society remains at heart what it is. But they would not last a week if society could be Christianized. But do not Christians indulge their appetites, and make drink- ing respectable ? We answer a thousand times no. There may not be moral power enough in churches to throw off the body of this death, and wine-drinking and intemperance may be tolerated ; but intemperance is a sin, and whoever is intem- perate is a sinner, and it is a shame for him to do the devil's work in the garments of a professed Christianity. Prodigality comes from forgetfulness of God, from ignoring the responsi- bilities of life, from seeking the things of self, and from living selfishly rather than for God. INTEMPERANCE A CURSE. Boston and New England were startled by the fall of Edward H. Uniac. His story interested Sarn and enabled him to portray the peril in strong drink with tremendous power. Sam declared that strong drink was a devil. He described not only the insidious approach of the destroyer, but the cunning it gives its victim and the utter overthrow of truthfulness, of honor, of uprightness. Edward H. Uniac left Ireland for America a boy of fifteen. He ran away from home. The hot Celtic blood that coursed his veins predisposed him to temptation. On board ship he obtained his first sip of grog. A sailor gave it to him, and he drank it from a dipper with the men. He liked it. He wanted more. He landed in New York with a purpose to see the sights and enjoy the world. Intemperance was the gate to pleasure, and he entered it. The broad road to rum may be entered anywhere and at any time. That young man is the representative of a great class. Sam felt it. On one occasion. THE WASTED SUBSTANCES. 179 when the wreck and ruin of this bright young life was engaging public thought, Sam in the presence of a great number of rail- road men sketched the story of the young man and plead with them to shun the rock on which his bark of life went down. This is the story in outline. Uniac came to America fresh from the blessings and benedictions of a Christian home, endowed with ability to climb to the highest round of the lad- der ; he yielded to temptations, and afterward in a letter wrote : " When I think of the advantages that were presented to me in my young days and see how much I might have ac- complished had I been true to my home education, I feel keenly the truth of Whittier's words when he says : ' ' Of all sad words of tongne or pen The saddest are these, ' it might have 'been.'" " The light of the wicked shall be put out." " The truth of this text," said Uniac, " I know and can verify. I have walked for years in darkness without one single ray to light my path- way of sin and crime. There was a time when I walked in the light, when the songs of birds were hymns of praise and the \yinds sighed the love and greatness of God. Mine was the peaceful life of innocent childhood. I had a mother to direct me into the paths of piety. I had a Christian father, and every Sunday found me at the foot of the altar, filling up my young soul with divine truth and love. But how sad the story ! I turned from the right to the wrong, and entered the ways and wickedness of the world. I followed its luring phantoms until my light was extinguished and I groped amid the dark debris, plunging ever down into places of still deeper darkness." He studied law and won position at the bar. Drink under- mined his strength. He married and became the father of two children. Drink broke up his home. His wife parted from him. He enlisted as a soldier. He was promoted over and over again for valor and reduced to the ranks because of drink. He was wounded. He was captured. He was carried to Rich- mond and suffered in Libbv and Belle Isle. In six months 180 SAM HOB ART. starvation took him down from weighing one hundred and thirty-eight pounds to weighing less than eighty pounds. Still the love of drink held him. He was exchanged. He went to Camp Distribution. There John B. Gough saw him and de- scribed him. " His hair was matted, a dirty rag was bound about his head, his eye was bloodshot, his face bloated and his whole appearance spoke of utter neglect. " Being interested in his apparent abandonment, Gough inquired of an officer who he was. His reply was : " He is the worst man in the com- pany and the most brilliant, but is so given to intemperance that nothing but a miracle can save him." Uniac heard Gough and came to himself. On the way to the meeting he overheard a soldier say, "There goes a subject for Gough 's lecture. 77 These words cut him to the quick, and he thought to himself, "Is it possible ? Have I sunk so low in the scale of humanity as to be pointed at by my companions in crime ? By God's help I will try to be a man once more.' 7 His description of the scene is worthy of being ^introduced. He said, " Gough was in the midst of one of his most power- ful appeals. When pointing his finger almost directly at me, he said, ' You can be a man ; you have an immortal spirit beating in your bosom which must live forever. Will you try ? God will help you. Good angels will help you, the prayers of God's people will help you, and you will be successful in the struggle. 7 7 He signed the pledge. Mrs. Gough offered him her hand, saying, "God help you to keep it. 77 He replied, " Thank you, madam, I will remember that. 77 He won a victory. He enlisted as a worker in the Christian commission. He came to Boston, and in the lecture field be- came the rival of Gough. He went from town to town and State to State. He never overcame his appetite, and here it was that Sam Hobart became interested in him. He often saw him on the train. He often listened to him. He recalled with horror the fact that when weak and faint he went into a drug store in Boston, and in accordance with the recommendation of a friend asked for quinine bitters. The clerk took down a THE WASTED SUBSTANCES. 181 bottle, and Uniac taking it in his hand said, " Do you know me, sir." The man said, " Yes ; this is Mr. Uniac, the temperance orator. ' ' " Well, then, you know," says Uniac, " that I can take nothing that has alcohol in it ; have these bitters anything of the kind in them ?" The apothecary answered, " Not enough to hurt anybody, if there is any. There may have been a few drops when they were first made, put in to keep them ; but, still, knowing you, I can cordially recommend them to you." Uniac bought them, tasted of them, and went to Connecti- cut. He spoke and fainted. Brandy was given to him, which caused every nerve of his stomach to open its mouth and cry for drink. He came the next morning back to Providence, went into a saloon, drank nearly a tumbler full of raw whiskey, and taking a bottle with him came to Boston drunk. Sam wept over hjs fall. So did thousands. The story of his relapse ran like wildfire. Uniac went from bad to worse. He at times gained a mastery for a day, and then went down for a week. He came to the Temple one Sabbath morning. The pastor saw him, and calling a deacon said : " In yonder corner is Uniac ; go to him and stay with him until the close of the meeting, and bring him to my room." It was done. Then and there his weakness was revealed. He would not take Christ for strength. The devil held him and made him reject the offered help of God. How we prayed for him. How Sam described the weakness of the inebriate as he related this story of his persisting in obtaining strong drink. It was on an April morning in 1869 that a friend started with him to go to John B. Gough's near Worcester. When they arrived at South Framingham Uniac wanted drink, and was so determined to have it that force was required to resist him. At Worcester he was threatened with delirium tremens. In accordance with medical advice wine was given him. He then escaped and drank freely. He went to Mr. Gough's, ate din- 182 SAM HOBART. ner, came back, went to the theatre, and then escaped his friend and was found in the bar-room just raising the liquor to his lips. " Stop !" cried the friend. This is the description of the scene : " I spoke sharply and told him that I had lost all confidence in him. He appeared to feel very badly, and wept like a child and said, * If you cannot trust me, there is no use of ray trying to reclaim my lost position/ I talked plainly, telling him, if he did not try I should, and that he could not have any more drink. He gave me one of his defiant laughs, and said he would have it if he lived, and that I did not know the cunning of the inebriate. I told him that if that was the case he would not live, for he should go to Boston dead or alive without liquor. For two mi antes he looked me in the eye, as only a drunken man can. At length, with his eyes still fixed on me, he said, 'Do you mean that?"* I an- swered firmly, * I do. 1 He said, in a subdued tone, ' I am ready to go. 7 ' They came to Boston. In the morning he got up early and said he was going to the Maine Depot to meet a friend. The next heard of him he was intoxicated. They found him. They put him on his feet. Back to drink he went. Matters went on in this way until one morning a friend received a note saying, " A man in the police station desires to see you." The friend hastened thither. The prisoners were in the dock. He looked in and among the array stood Uniac ; his face bloated, his eyes bloodshot, hair dishevelled, clothes torn and dirty, and a look of despair in his eyes. He was taken out, carried to a private asylum ; the light of hope once more flickered in the socket. It was but for a moment. He used opium. He went and drank, came back and slept the sleep that wakens only upon the dread realities of eternity. This long story was known to the engineer. It nerved him. It made him more desperate with weak men. It fired his im- agination. It caused him to pray against rum at the Bethel temperance meetings, in the Temple, at Worcester, and every- where. If a man belted with friends as was Uniac could be carried down, none were safe out of the arms of Jesus. This THE WASTED SUBSTAXCES. 183 Sam saw. This he said, clinching his exhortation with the words, " He that trusteth his own heart is a fool. Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." On another occasion he came into the meeting and with thrilling effect related this incident. A young man fresh from the country was gazing one evening listlessly at the windows of a pleasantly lighted room when he felt a gentle tap on the shoulder. He turned. A friend said, " Come. I am going in for a few moments ; will you not come ?" He hesitated ; his mother rose before him as on her dying bed he promised her that he would never sit at a gaming-table, nor look upon the wine-cup. Notwithstanding this promise he went in, again and again ; he was in a good position. He has lost it. I have just come from him. He has the* delirium tremens. I have seen him pointing his attenuated finger toward the door and exclaiming, 4< There they are. Don't you see them ? Oh, keep them off. There they come. They are on me. They have got me." He shrieks and promises, "Yes/ YES ! I will play one more game with you, for you have my soul. I know you have. " Contrast that man with our honored deacon, George W. Chipman, who came as a young man to the city from Marlboro. The first night he went out, his companions led him to the threshold of a theatre. He stopped. He stood. He saw his mother's beautiful face and, turning, said, " I promised her not to go there, and I will not." He was asked to drink. His vow kept him as he strode on to useful- ness and to eminence. Temptation is a fact. It meets us everywhere. It sounds like the great sea to some. It is like the great sea to millions. Every man may be broken by it, unless God keep him. Every enterprise may be wrecked by it, unless God delivers it. Only those who take Jesus for strength get the victory. There is no temptation taken you but is com- mon to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able to bear, but will with the temp- tation make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it. Faith in God would have saved Uniac. Well has it been said : " 184 SAM HOBAKT. " I would not give much for that virtue which has never been tried. Give me rather the virtue whose battered and bruised shield has arrayed itself against the hosts of evil. Give me the man who has been baptized in the lire of temptation and come out like refined gold. ' 7 CHAPTER XIV. TEMPERANCE AN ADDED FORCE. Henry Wilson The Peril in Wild Oats Lessons Learned at the Farm School. SAM delighted to do honor to those who deserved honor. Foremost among these in his estimation stood Henry Wilson, an illustration, known and read of all men, of the fact that tem- perance was an added force. Henry Wilson began at the bottom. His parents knew pov- erty because of the curse of rum. He once said in Tremont Temple, " From my cradle to this hour I have seen, felt, and realized the curse of intemperance. When my eyes first saw the light, when I came to recognize anything, I saw and felt some of the evils of intemperance ; and all my life long to this hour and now, my heart has been burdened with anxieties for those of my kith and kin that I loved dearly. ' ' Sam dwelt sadly on this great sorrow in the life of the son, Henry Hamilton Wilson, which illustrates the danger in strong drink. Mr. Wilson's father loved liquor. He did not. He had no relish for it. But his boy suffered from his grand- father 9 B weakness and, giving way to the use of intoxicants, went to an untimely grave. This fact stares all workers in the face. In Brooklyn, N. Y., was a man perfectly temperate. His three boys were hopeless drunkards, as was their grandfather before them. Mr. Beecher described the condition of them, saying sometimes for days the peril threatened them. They bemoaned it. They fought against it. They yielded to it. They died drunkards because of their grandfather's sin. Uniac over and over again would 18G bAM HOBAKT. go to a friend and cry for help. He would not dare go alone. The approach of the devil was like an armed guard. It was impossible to obtain deliverance unaided. Temperance is an added force. Hence the apostle says : " Add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, and to knowl- edge temperance. " " Temperance," Sam would say, " is not religion. It can- not take the place of religion. It is one feature of religion. It is a strand in the rope, a block in the superstructure, a branch of the tree. Faith is the foundation of Christianity. Love is the dome of the grand superstructure, through which the light of God irradiates the building from which comes the glory and the mantling of beauty. " Temperance is essential to manliness. Nothing is more common than to see the young refuse to heed the injunction : Add temperance to other virtues. Sam could not abide the tendency in young boys to use tobacco. He protested against the keeping of cigar-stores open on the Sabbath, where thousands of children take the pennies designed for the treasury of the Lord and drop them into the tobacconist's hands for that which threatens to stunt the growth and destroy the promise of those who otherwise would be the hope of the church and the world. " I know what you think, " said Sam. " You declare we want to know the world. We want to have a good time. We have not sounded the depths of pleasure. W^e are not ready to give up pleasure for piety and the world for Christ. How Christ mourns over the fact that so many parents side with this ten- dency to sin, saying, 'Boys will be boys,' and declaring that children must not be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and must not be held by too tight a rein while young, and that they will get over their folly when they have sowed their wild oats. Alas, wild oats grow. They bring forth harvests, as the weak and dissipated wrecks of humanity about us on every side declare." The poor were not, in Sam's estimation, in greater danger than the rich. How he delighted to describe the life of Senator Wilson. Beginning the poorest TEMPERANCE AJST ADDED FOKCE. 187 of the poor. Early learning to read. Receiving as his first text-book and as the guide of 'his youth a New Testament, he started out under the benediction of the heavenly hand. Hav- ing reached his majority he learned the shoemaker's trade, and became .a good manufacturer. While others were idling away their time, he was reading and working. At twenty-one he was conversant with American history and with wide realms of literature. As soon as he earned money he went to school. He worked for his board that he might discipline his mind. He grew mentally as he grew physically. He joined a debating society and learned to think on his feet. He became a power in his neighborhood, in the town, in the State and in the nation, because of his growth intellectually and morally. He was temperate. After he had been a member of the Legislature and while the excitement of anti-slavery agitation swept the land, he went to Washington to carry a petition against the admission of Texas as a State into the Union. He was asked to dine with John Quincy Adams. At the table, wine was urged upon the rising politician. Henry Wilson refused it, and, imitating Daniel at the court of Babylon, won favor with God and man. Wilson spoke of this as one of the strongest temptations of his life. Mr. Adams afterward heartily commended him for his consistency. When elected to the United States Senate he gave his friends a dinner at Young's Hotel. On that occasion some jeeringly asked, " Where are the wine-glasses ?" and spoke of the occasion as a dry affair. Henry Wilson rose and with a great deal of feel- ing said : " Gentlemen, you know my love for you, my qbliga- tions to you. Great as they arc, they are not great enough to make me forget 4 the rock whence I was hewn and the pit from which I was dug. ' Some of you know how the curse of intem- perance overshadowed my youth. That I might escape I fled my early surroundings and changed my name. For what I am, under God, I am indebted to my temperance vow and my adhe- rence to the same. Call for what you want to eat and, if this hostelry can provide it, it shall be forthcoming. But wines and 188 SAM HOBAUT. liquors cannot come on to this table with my consent, because I will not spread in the path of another the snare from which I have escaped/' All applauded him, and Senator Wilson became the pride of the workingmen and the stalwart leader in the cause of temper- ance in Washington as in Boston, and for him Sam Hobart had unbounded admiration. Senator Wilson had a warm place in his heart for the brave and faithful engineer. In some things they were alike. They loved God and delighted to work for men. The necessity of adding temperance to other Christian and manly virtues was ever a present fact with this worker for God. He knew that it was fashionable to be intemperate. Intemperance is not regarded as a sin, but rather as a sign of a generous nature. Temperance is looked upon as an evidence of narrowness, of weakness and puerility, instead of being proof of wisdom, of strength, of manliness. Drinking customs have invaded society. They threaten the thrift and prosperity of the men of toil. Many a man drinks up chairs, sofas, mir- rors, wife's clothes, children's shoes, and goes on in poverty, whereas he might with temperance enjoy it all. This story illustrated the truth in one of Sam's talks : " An engineer, through rum -drinking, had lost his place. He was turned away. Railroad men cut him on every side. One day he was leaning on the counter and was about to drink as Sam entered the saloon in search of him. The wife of the saloon- keeper brought in her beautiful child and stood her upon the counter, saying, l Papa, see baby's shoes.' Just then the little barefooted child of the engineer came in and said, ' Papa, come home. 7 Sam, looking at the little red feet, said : * Bob, your girl needs shoes quite as much as the saloon-keeper needs your money.' The man looked at his child. He broke down in grief and said : 'Sam, I am done.' He took the little child in his arms, put her cold feet in his bosom, and carried her home ; signed the pledge and that night Sam gathered a little collection to give them a start. " " Temperance," said Sam, on another occasion, " is essential to manly development. In- TEMPERANCE AIT ADDED FORCE. 180 temperance weakens the system, destroys the intellect, and ruins the sonl. Contrast the offspring of the temperate and intemperate parents.' 1 Sam had visited the Reform School at West Borough, and his attention was called to the diminutive forms of the children of intemperate parents. The devil knows it ; and as this Republic has to do with the world's prog- ress Sam saw in the use of ardent spirits the degeneracy and the destruction of thousands who otherwise might aid in pro- moting its interests. Temperance gives skill to 'the hands, clearness to the perception, value to the judgment, and power to the will. Intemperance destroys it all, and casts down its votary into the vortex of ruin. Parents should think of this. " Recently, in a neighbor's house I saw," said Sam, " a boy reeling around the room. 4 ' l What are you doing ? ' shouted the father in anger. is ' Doing ? ' said the lad, t I am walking as father walked last night/ " It was as good as a picture to see the tear in Sam's eye as he told the story and asked prayers that the father might feel the terrible rebuke which came from the lips of his child. Such facts as these illustrated the truth that temperance promotes clearness and vigor of intellect. Daniel Webster achieved his noble stature and his magnificent frame previous to his surren- der to the use of intoxicants. Havelock and his regiment proved that the temperate are more healthy, more ready for duty, and more enduring than the intemperate. In Russia when soldiers are sent north, an officer smells the breath of every man and keeps home every one who drinks intoxicants. Thousands perished in our army because of drink. Defeat after defeat came to our arms because of the indulgence on the part of the officers in strong drink. General Butler found that drunkenness was sapping the strength of his army. He found that soldiers concealed liquor in gun barrels, and in one way or another thousands wer~ drinking. He issued an address. He plead with officers and men to abandon the use of liquor for the sake of the flag as well as for thoir own safety, and led the 190 SAM HOBAIIT. way in total abstinence. The tide of drunkenness threatened everything. When checked, victories came. It is probahle that Commodore Foote did no \vork as valuable on his gunboat at Fort Donelson as when on his way he held up before U. S. Grant the importance of his abstaining from every form of intoxicating beverages. It is admitted that indulgence in drinking may unduly excite the intellect for the moment and aid it in bearing an undue strain for a time ; but no man that uses tobacco or intoxicants understands the pleasure derived from the play of the united forces of mind and body and soul as does the temperate man whose imagination kindles under the inspirations of truth and under the direction of the Spirit of God. Temperance enables the individual to use the powers committed to his keeping. A man falls into the gutter overcome by liquor. Liquor over- comes. It does not help. It disgraces women, no matter how wealthy or how refined, as it disgraces the ignorant sot. This fact Sam illustrated by an incident which had just come to his notice. A friend, knowing his skill in managing the intemper- ate, invited him to an elegant home. He entered a parlor more beautiful than anything he had before seen. Around him was all that wealth, guided by an elegant taste, could desire. Large and comfortable chairs, sofas of the most costly descrip- tion, and book-cases filled with rare books surprised and de- lighted him.. On the walls were the most costly of paintings purchased in Europe, where the appetite for strong drink was acquired, not by the man, but by the woman. To her he was introduced. She admitted her degradation and contended that she was utterly helpless. Sam took her at once to Christ. u Take my Lord, madam, for temperance as I took him to overcome profanity, and you will be all right. You know Paul said, ' Every one who striveth for the mastery is temper- ate.' You are to make a struggle to be temperate. " " Yes ; that is the difficulty. I cannot live without stim- ulus/' " Die, then,'' said Sam. TEMPERANCE AX ADDED FORCE. 191 " And be damned and go to hell ?" said the lady. " No," said Sara, with the pleasantest of smiles, " die and go to heaven, and get out of hell." " Wouldn't I be damned if I should die as I am ?" " Yes, but you need not die as you are. Whosoever con- fesses Christ as a Saviour shall be confessed by Christ before his Father and his holy angels. Confess Christ and then take him for strength, and you won't be sick and you won't be harmed. But if you should 3 be sick and die Jesus will take you to himself. You see you are his after you give yourself to him, and he is responsible for your salvation and preserva- tion." " It is a new view, Mr. Hobart. I see my way out through God's help." Together they prayed, and she began the fight in the name of God, and won the victory, and the home was saved. Ever after, that woman welcomed Sam, not as a railroad engineer, but as her deliverer and benefactor in the Lord. In Sam's estimation temperance was essential to piety. He had no use for an intemperate minister or for a physician that for any reason would prescribe the use of stimulants. He be- lieved more were ruined than helped by it. Add temperance to the attainments of childhood because of the influence a child can wield. Sam met a little girl carrying a pail of beer home. He spoke to her and said, " I am sorry to see you in such business." " I am sorry to be in it, Mr. Hobart. Come with me and persuade my parents to give up drink." Sam accepted the invitation. He found father and mother thirsting for drink and eagerly waiting for their child's return. Hearing the footfall of a man they feared punishment for send- ing their child for drink. In went the child, after her came Sam, with his pleasant, cheery smile, " We have brought your beer." " Have some with us, Mr. Hobart." " Can't afford it" 192 8AM IIOBART. " Why, you are better off than we are, and yet we afford it ; don't we, mother ?" " We use it." " Yes, and pay for it." " Yes, and go without much else. Look at me," said Sam. " I have good clothes. You have not. If I drank my clothes up I wouldn't have them, would I ?" "Certainly not." " I have good furniture ; you have not. I would not have it if I drank it up. I have a good business. You have not. I would not have it if drink made me untrustworthy. I have the respect of children. You have not, because you drink. Friends, give it up ; save what you waste in drink, and in time you will have a good home, a good position, and a pleas- ant life." Turning to the little girl he said : " Now let me empty out the beer. I will give you what it cost ; and with that start and go on to victory." They refused, and drank the beer, and Sam came and told the story and asked us to pray that the seed sown might bring forth fruit. Weeks went on. The little girl came to our school. She learned the song, " Put away the bowl," and one day sang it with wondrous power. The arrow entered the mother's soul. She gave up drink. The father came home. He was sober. He heard the child sing, " Jesus, lover of my soul." It awakened memories in his heart. He called his child to him. She sang for her father. She asked them to come to church. They came. Sam met them. All sat to- gether in the house of God. They were pricked to the heart. They turned to Christ. They were redeemed, and Sam rejoiced because of what a child can do when temperance was an added force. Sam believed and therefore spoke. He believed in standing together with Christ. Hence he worked with God as lie worked with men. Sam believed in the pledge. He always had one in his pocket and asked men to sign it, promising to pray for all on the list. He said we must stick together, and .told how in climbing the Alpine glaciers the guide fastens to TEMPERANCE AN ADDED FORCE. 193 himself the rope and fastens it to every other man, believing that there will be strength in mutual support. If one slips, all .the rest hold him up. What that rope is to the men going down, that a pledge and agreeing to stand for each other is to a temperance organization. Gough was saved in this way. It was because when he signed the pledge the man said, "Come and sign and be one of us," that he went home saying, "/ am one of them." All that night he struggled. The next morn- ing, very weak, he went to his work, saying to the man in the office, " I have signed the pledge. " The man replied, in a brutal way, " I have heard so." " I intend to keep it." " So they all say," replied the brute. Gough was alone. Wife dead, child dead ; and deader than all was the man in the office from whom he expected help. He went to his task faint-hearted. He began to work. He held in his hand the piece of iron to turn the screw in the clamp that held the book, for he was a bookbinder by trade. The iron changed into a snake. On one end was a tail which began to twist and turn. On the other' end came a serpent's head with open mouth. In his hand the writhing thing moved and struggled. It nearly tore out the palm. He saw his peril. He cried for help. Just then, as he looked into the vortex of delirium tremens, he heard a step and a man cried out : " Good-morning, Mr. Gough. Glad to see you. Came round to see you. You know you are one of us, and I came to see you and to say that my name is Jesse W. Goodrich, and that I will always be glad to help you. How are you ?" Gough looked up. The iron was iron. The words had lifted the falling man to his feet. He stood upon the rock of temperance, and was helped to save thousands because on that eventful morning Goodrich stood by Gough. " There is," said Sam, <4 in one of our towns a movement that promises to spread. They work and pray for the intemperate. The result is the saloons are being closed up, and notwithstanding the hard 194 8AM HOBART. times there is but little suffering among the working people. A reading-room well supplied with books and papers and made attractive in many ways has been opened day and evening, and is preferred to the saloon. Families have been reunited, men have become able to support those dependent upon them, public charity has been less needed. The sots of the gutter appear in good clothes once more, and the houses of God are filled with devout worshippers. " God will help us all," said Sam, " if we will all help God. The power to do well is within our reach. " This illustration pleased him, and to it he often referred. A castaway ship was floating on an apparently shoreless sea. The cry was for " Water, water !" A ship came in sight. It approached them. They signalled for help. " What do you want ?" asked the captain. " W T ater," was the reply. " Dip and drink. You are sailing on the Amazon, and have been there for days. ' ' So with us all. God is about us. Cry unto Christ, and temperance can become an added force. CHAPTER XV. A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE. "Is intemperance a disease or a crime?" asked Sam one day. " A mighty problem, Sam," was the reply. " Ah, but I want to know," said Sam. " That it is a sin there can be no question, for Paul says, ' Know ye not . . . that drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God " (2 Cor. 9 : 10). u What is a drunkard ? Is it a man who gets drunk ? If so, millions go to hell. Or is it a man that chooses the wrong in preference to the right and puts his heart into disobeying God and wrecking his hopes here and hereafter ?" " Well," said Sam, " without deciding as to who is guilty of the sin of drunkenness, were there no other reason for press- ing the claims of temperance upon the attention, that were enough. The drunkard is shut out of heaven and is doomed to an eternal hell. Whether all intemperate people can be classed with drunkards must be decided at a higher tribunal." Sam was full of this theme. He had just come from an engineer's home who was fast hastening to ruin. He had promised reformation again and again. He had signed the pledge and yet he was down once more. Intemperance is horrid in its workings and more horrid in its results. The Bible is full of warnings for the imperilled, and of offers of help to the degraded and the fallen. For the wounded it fur- nishes the balm of Gilead, and to the sick it sends Christ, the great Physician. The apostle ranks drunkenness with other gross sins and crimes. Society at the present time is disposed to treat it as a disease, and to class drunkards not with crimi- 1'JG SAM HOBAKT. nals, but with unfortunates, with lunatics, with paralytics, with half-witted people. Intemperance, in other words, is spoken of as a disease. Drinking is not regarded as a sin, so long as it is held in check and is under restraint. A drunkard's peril is felt to begin when drinking passes into intemperance, and when appetite gains control of the victim. Is this a safe view ? Is it the correct opinion to hold and to proclaim ? Or does the individual begin to be intemperate when he begins to indulge in the use of intoxicants. In ap- proaching this subject, I do it with the sincere desire of doing good. Differences of opinion abound. I will not characterize nor describe them. Let us call attention to this question, Shall in- temperance be treated as a disease or as a crime ? That it resembles disease none can doubt. It produces terrible and loathsome sickness. Nothing is more repulsive than the drunkard getting over his debauch. He has been locked in the embrace of a stupid sleep. He begins to come back to consciousness. He yawns. His stomach can retain the poison no longer, and ejects it. He cannot bear water. His whole diseased nature cries out for rum to satisfy the wants of a prostrate system. His fancy is distempered. His nerves are unstrung. He is miserable, and would be an object of pity were it not that he went into danger warned and made the bed willingly on which the laws of nature compel him to recline. That intemperance produces disease there can be no question. The symptoms are very manifest. These are some of them : It creates an appetite and forms a habit which induces a man to drink at stated periods. At times it is moderate in its demands. It asks for wine only at dinner. Again it makes periodical attacks. Some men drink to intoxication once a week, others once a month, and others once a year. But the watcher within rings his bell at the moment and sends the victim after his potion. If there is one that begins to give way to the rule of appetite the fact may be known, because it bestirs itself at certain times and in A PliOBLEM HAKIJ TO 6ULVK. 197 certain places. Whoever finds the desire for drink returning at stated intervals, is warned of his danger. He must deny himself if he expects to escape confirmed intemperance. If he associates drinking with sports and pastimes, if he looks for- ward to convivial pleasure with anticipation of delight, he is in peril. Some contend that they are safe, because they only take the social glass when the day's work is done. Is any one safe ? Millions are to-day wailing in a drunkard's hell because they once fearlessly trod the edge of this precipice. They went one step too far, and went down. A distinguished United States Senator wrecked here his bark of hope. He began to use wine with jovial companions in the evening, after business was over. He began to be a drunkard then. Noth- ing is better known or more absolutely proven than the inviola- bility of nature's laws. Now, drinking intoxicants, no matter how small the quantity, produces an appetite. That appetite influences the individual. If tampered with, it produces a dis- eased state of the system. Men who drink tell us that there are hundreds of nerves that seem to rouse up like beasts, and cry with one voice at certain periods for drink. They will not be content with anything else. The stomach becomes dis- eased this affects the imagination. Pain, uneasiness, and distress is the result. Intemperance, if it deserved to be called a disease, is the product of sin. Some one asks, Can that be disease which people insist upon having ? Whoever saw a man expose himself recklessly for the purpose of taking a malignant disease ? Yet here is an ailment which destroys men and women by the thousand ; it produces poverty, distress, cruelty, and death to all the nobler powers of the mind and heart ; it wrecks the frame, breaks down the constitution, and places some of the noblest of the land in the vortex of ruin, and yet many forget to warn against it. We warn against yellow fever, against malignant forms of disease of every class. We build up great institutions and make ships lie by in quarantine, and yet permit this plague of intemperance to go on unwarned ]98 SAM HOB ART. against, and see children, men, and women expose themselves without remonstrance. The objections to treating intemperance as a disease are many, and some of them are well taken. The moment you talk about it as a disease rather than as a sin against God and a crime against man, you pity it, if you do not pet it. You throw away moral power which you need to combat the influ- ence of the monster. A man has the fever and ague. He does not feel disgraced by it. He is diseased. He is sick, and feels that he ought not to be found fault with because of that. Call his intemperance a disease and you place him in the same situation. Call it a sin. Denounce it as a sin. Take ground against it, and you may save the man. By so doing we tell the truth by act as well as speech. We do not abandon moral suasion for legal suasion, nor do we turn the minds of the people away from their duty of remonstrating against indulging in drink because we at the same time oppose those who place the pitfall of destruction in the path of the unwary. By treating intemperance as a crime you array society against it. You destroy the feeling of commiseration which the victim delights to cherish. You array the nobler nature against the baser, the higher against the lower. "The trouble is," said Sam, " the drunkard don't care whether you call his appetite a disease or a crime. His heart is gross, his ears are dull of hearing, and his eyes are closed lest he should be saved. He wants drink, and drink he will have, cost what it may. ' ' " Not always, Sam." Then I told him of my experience with a man who was the son of a Congregationalist deacon, who had married a beautiful woman for a wife, and began to drink. Children grew up about him. His home was a wreck ; never will I forget the sight my eyes beheld, as I entered it for the first time. The man was a confirmed infidel, so called, when sober, and when drunk was apparently religious. Hence his wife, at the close of a sermon said : A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE. 199 " The next time my husband is drunk I want you to come and see him." I replied, " I don't want to see your husband when drunk ; let me see him when sober." She said, 4< No. When sober he hates you. When drunk he likes you and imagines you could deliver him. " " All right, I will go." In a few days, on a snowy day in November, a little bare- footed boy rang the door-bell. The girl told of the pitiable object. I went and saw him. He said : " My father is drunk, and my mother says you said you would come and see him." Calling the little fellow in and after getting him a pair of stockings and shoes we started for the drunkard's home. We found him sitting on a broken chair at a broken table, eating from broken dishes a drunkard's meal. He was wild with drink. His abode was a drunkard's home. A little pale-faced child lay on a broken lounge, covered by the thin dress of the mother. The children crept about the room in fear of their natural protector, who had been changed by strong drink into a tyrant. We talked about his sin. We did not pity him we condemned him. We pointed out the result of his sin. He began to apologize for it. He said ap- petite had mastered him. He could not pass a rum-shop with- out entering it. We called the longing for drink sin as the desire for murder is sin. The act of drinking is a crime as the commission of murder is a crime. Then we held up to him the picture of the past and the possibility of the future, and asked him to stand with us in opposition to his sin. He did so and was saved, though the appeal to him as an unfortunate had ever failed. It is true that if you cannot get men to feel that drinking is a sin and a crime, it is impossible to exert a restraining influence over them. " All right," said Sam, " go with me and see my friend. Try him. He hates rum when he is sober. He will for days tell me of his fear, as would Uniac, and then he will go down. ;>(JO SAM HUBAKT. He is not one of your animal drunkards who drinks to be drunk, nor a rowdy drunkard who goes on a spree to smash things, but he buys it and goes home with a sad look in his eye, shuts himself up in his room, and drinks. He is there now. Come and see him. M Never can I forget the look of his wife as we entered. The home was neatness itself. The man was in a room alone. As we entered Sam said : 44 John, I have brought my pastor to see if we can't help you. We have been asking whether intemperance was a disease or a crime." 4 * It is both," said John. "Both?" " Yes, both. It begins a sin, and it ends as a dis- ease." " True ; but the sin does not die while the disease is active." " No ; it is both a disease and a sin." " Well, then, of one thing you may be sure. The Lord Jesus was a Saviour from sin and a healer of disease." " Drink is a devil," said John. " It is a sin, a disease, and a devil." 44 Well, Jesus cast out devils." 44 Is he in the business yet ?" 44 Yes." 44 Then I am his man." 44 Agreed," said Sam. 44 Will you obey orders ?" 4< Yes," replied John, as if he meant it. Sam turned to me and said : 44 Pastor, will you take the job off from my hands ?" 44 We will take it to our Lord." Then opening to Mark 5 : 2 I read of the man who met Christ coming out of the tombs with an unclean spirit and no man could bind him, no, not with chains. 44 He is worse than you, John ?" " Yes ; worse until the delirium comes on." A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE. 201 Now this man went and worshipped Christ. Let us do the same thing. John looked and said, " But I am half drunk. " " God knows it," said Sam. After a moment I added, " Let us pray together." All bowed, and after a short prayer we asked the man to take Christ as his Saviour from the power of rum. He did so, and we came away. Months passed. The man was saved for a time. At length, to finish the story, Sam came and said : li John has begun again." " Begun to drink?" " No ; but he is being tempted. He says he dare not go by a certain saloon." " Bring him here." He came. His face wore a troubled look. He told his story. " I always begin to drink at one place. It has been so for two days that I dare not walk that way." I said, li Give Jesus glory right there. Call on him in prayer at the very door of the saloon, and let him deliver you and shame this lurking devil." The next day at high noon in the crowded streets a man was seen on his knees crying to God for help. Men came out from the saloon and found John in prayer. They asked him what was the matter. He told them. His old companions helped him on his feet, walked him off, and he was victor once more. There are many kinds of drunkards. There is the social drunkard, who will not drink or smoke alone. With him it is not a desire. It must be a sin. Then there is the respectable drunkard, who drinks as a help in business or because it is fashionable. If he can be persuaded that he is mistaken he can be made an apostle for the cause. The literary drunkards are the men who drink in order that through the exciting and stimulating effects of intoxicating fluids, whose effects alone they seek, the " intelligence may keep pace with, and on cer- tain occasions be made to outstrip itself. " Such forget the law, " that they who gain the mastery are temperate." 202 SAM HOliAKT. The use of ardent spirits, employed as an auxiliary to labor, -is the most fatal, because the most common and least suspected cause of intemperance. It is justified as innocent ; it is in- sisted on as necessary. But no fact is more completely estab- lished by experience than that it is utterly useless and ultimately injurious, besides all the fearful evils of habitual intemperance to which it so often leads. There is no nutrition in ardent spirits. All that it does is to concentrate the strength of the system for the time beyond the capacity for regular exertion, It is borrowing strength for an occasion which will be needed for futurity, without any pro- vision for payment, and with the certainty of ultimate bank- ruptcy. Among this class are the mightiest intellects of the time and age. They are in the immediate and active performance of the highest works of their calling, and the most arduous tasks of their brain. Names like Webster and Byron and Edgar A. Poe give dignity to their class. Their tasks are herculean and their gifts of intelligence almost superhuman. Now they begin to see, to feel, to know, that there is yet the unattained within the scope of their minds, greater speed in their mental ma- chine, that cannot, they think, be reached without the addition of extra fire, over and above that immense evolution of the latent powers, set in motion by the undying forces of an im- mortal mind. They do not drink in crowds. They take their bottle of ale to the study and drink it off quietly and deliberately, and de- light themselves in the beautiful fancies that come and go flit- ting before them, creatures of the brain waiting to tenant the world as creations of the pen or of the speech. This class must be treated carefully. The world wants their power and is willing to pay any price for it. You see repre- sentatives of this class among the paid contributors to the press. You will find them in retreats for drunkards, in insane asylums, and in prisons. Some of them have fallen very low. They are brilliant with the pen and in speech. Their produc- A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE. 203 lions are eagerly caught up by the press. They work with resistless energy. They seldom fall very low or commit great excess. The same great mind which called for stimulants bids them beware, and continues to be their controlling power. They drink for their brain power, forgetful of the fact that the world can get on without their splendid productions while it ought not to be compelled to get on without a decent character behind their brilliant reputation. To save them requires great wisdom and friendly remonstrance, backed by deeds of love. No taunts, no discouragements, nor bars, nor bolts ; but a never- failing, never- wearying, affectionate care unto the very end, though he " sin seventy times seven. " They are not as easily reached by human sympathy or appeal. Another species is described as the inner-man drunkard. They are endowed with the highest types of intelligence, but superadded to that and towering far above it, and domineering over it, is the most exquisitely sensitive organization of the inner man that is created, and it is born unto grief and sorrow as the sparks fly upward. This form is accompanied by the most terrible moral suffer- ings orr earth, and if unwashed of sin and unredeemed, their anguish in hell must be indescribable and beyond compare the most intense of all. Is there a talented and witty youth that finds in the delirium of intoxication, whether of tobacco or ram or opium, a pleasure that is indescribable ? Your joy is the prelude to a terrible sorrow, and the heaven you find in intoxication points to a dreary drunkard's hell. The sorrows already experienced are as nothing in comparison with those ready to begin. Abstinence from drink puts to sleep the nerves that, when aroused, like a million of serpents open their mouths and cry for drink. One glass wakens them and makes the man their victim. Call it a crime. Treat it, as does God, as a sin. Put it on a par with fornication, idolatry, adultery, abusers of themselves with mankind. Place the drunkard where God places, him, among thieves and outlaws and revellers and extor- 204 SAM HO BART. tioners, and then you may reach him by law as well as by moral suasion. Call it a crime, and what looks worse ? What sin compares with it in harvests ? Look at the reports of the police, and see that it furnishes nearly all of the occa- sions of arrest. Its fires feed and sustain the brothel. It arms the midnight assassin and gives courage to the garroter. Of twenty-four men in Charlestown prison for wife-murder twenty, three were drunk. It was this that steadied the hand that aimed the pistol whose bullet pierced the heart of Abraham Lincoln. It binds shackles about the limbs, and turns the key that pushes the bolt of the prison. And yet men say, " I am going to enjoy my liberty, and drink. " Follow him. I chanced to be in a station-house when a fine-looking man was led in. His name was called. The flask of rum was taken from him, and he was remanded to his cell. How cruel to treat a sick man thus. Treat intemperance as a sin and a crime, and you can hold up their only remedy. Then men will preach against it in pulpits and talk against it in Sabbath-schools. Think of the picture presented by the Rev. William M. Thayer of the Alliance. He was speaking to a Band of Hope, when a young man of thirty-two entered, took a seat, and listened, and at the close of the meeting walked up to say, " I am a drunkard beyond recovery. " He was of a wealthy family. He had formed the habit of drink. Since his return from the army he had pawned clothes for rum. He was then shirtless and stockingless. Poor man. He is but a specimen of a mighty class. He wept because he had not been warned when young. Let not our young thus speak in after years. Remember, three fourths of the crimes committed are the result of intemperance among the old and the young alike. " The remedy, " said Sam, " is to stop drinking by the help of God in the same way that any other sin is abstained from. You are to break off your sins by righteousness, by Christ's help." A PROBLEM HARD TO SOLVE. 205 True ; and yet the misfortune is that such is the effect of drink, that when a man is free from it he thanks himself, and when drunk he prays to God for help. Then get men to take Christ as a Saviour against all that destroys and as a helper to do good in the world, and drunkards will be redeemed and go battle-harnessed into the fight for temperance and for whatever glorifies God and helps man. On this ground Sam came and took his stand, and became a poten- tial force in the fight against the demon in strong drink. CHAPTER XVI. SAM'S LOVE FOR TEIE YOUNG. Barzillai Snow, his Br other -in-laio, Dying like a Hero. SAM'S love for the young was a distinguishing trait in his character. He delighted to twine the tendrils of their young natures about the rugged strength of his life. The story is told of Daniel Webster, that on one of his summer excursions into the wilds of New Hampshire, he became interested in his guide who led him to the best brooks for trout, and placed him at the best points on the runways for deer. The guide was not only expert as a sportsman, but evidenced an inquiring mind which charmed the great states- man, and so he revealed himself to the stranger, told him that he was a senator from Massachusetts, and offered to show him the wonders of the Capitol in return for the expert manner he had exhibited to him the glories of the wilderness. Months passed. At last, one morning, a tall, awkward- looking man was seen at the Capitol, inquiring for Daniel Webster. Men jeered at him, but he heeded them not, for he was content with his acquaintance, and knew that in due time he should receive a welcome. Hours passed. At length the Senate was in session, and this uncouth and quaint-looking backwoodsman stood at the door of the Senate and inquired, " Is Daniel Webster in ?" " He is," replied the door-keeper. " Please give him this card." It was done. No sooner had the noble statesman glanced at it than he rose, went to the door, grasped his friend by the hand, placed him beside him at his desk, and after a little time went with him to the cloth- SAM'S LOVE FOR THE YOUNG. J>0? ing-store, dressed him up in new clothes, took him to his house, and lifted the unknown stranger to his own high companion- ship, and proved himself as good a guide in Washington as the guide had proven himself to be in New Hampshire. This may be fable ; it may be fact ; but it illustrates the feeling that thrilled the heart of Sam Hobart when he invited his brother- in law, whom he had learned to love, up among the hills of Vermont, to come to Boston and engage in railroad work. Barzillai, son of Zenas and Roxanna Snow, was born in Lunen- burg, Vermont, December 3d, 1840. His mother died when he was four years old. He remained with his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, in accordance with the good old fashion, after which he went from home to work for wages. During the war he enlisted as a nine-months man in the 13th Vermont Regiment, Company K, Capt. Ford. This regiment was present at the battle of Getty sburgh and helped drive Lee across the river, being in the front ranks. Though Gettysburgh was the culminating battle of the war, it was by no means the end of the rebellion. New York was full of riot, and her foreign population, led on by infuriated trai- tors, not only burned orphan asylums and trampled upon inno- cent children, but determined to resist the draft, by which it was hoped the depleted ranks of the army might be filled up and the war brought to a speedy close. As a result, Gen. B. F. Butler, the terror of the enemies of the Republic, was ordered to New York to quell the riot and hold the city in sub- jugation. The 13th Vermont accompanied him and evidenced in the city the same characteristics which had distinguished them in Virginia and at Gettysburgh. Their term of service expired in August, 1863, but they cheerfully remained until their work was done, after which they received their discharge and returned home. In September of the same year, Mr. Snow came to Boston and engaged as fireman for the Boston and Albany R. R. at the invitation of Mr. Samuel B. Hobart, his brother-in-law, and at the urgent request of his sister. For one week he worked as fireman under the eye of him who had 208 SAil HOBAUT. loved him from his youth. He was an adept at work, and soon mastered the business and became able to guide the iron horse, and so entered upon the discharge of the responsibilities of his profession as eng'neer. John Smith was his second teacher. Mr. Bacon was his third. All were kind to him and were held in high esteem by him. The young man did his work well. He did not se.'k to get on too fast, nor did he shirk any task or responsibility in- cident to his position. His advancement was rapid. The eye of Mr. A. B. Under- bill, the Master Mechanic, was on him, and he was soon sum- moned to come up higher, I believe against the protest of his brother-in-law, who feared he was not ready for the offered position. There are some facts connected with this portion of his ap- prenticeship which deserve mention. He neither used tobacco nor spirituous liquors. He was pure in thought and speech. He was once complained of for using profane language to one above him. When summoned before the Superintendent, the manner in which he said " I never swear" convinced the officer that there was a mistake, and the charge was dropped. He had his eyes and ears open to acquire knowledge of his business. He soon mastered the locomotive, inside and out, and understood it. He loved his work and became an enthu- siast. Asa fireman he would do his best to keep the engine up to time, and as an engineer he was prompt and attentive to business. As engineer he went first upon a switching engine and moved freight for some time in the railroad yard. From there he went on to the night freight, and was after- ward placed as engineer on the Grand Junction, running from Cottage Farm to East Boston, and connecting with the Fitch- o ~ burg, Lowell, Boston and Maine and Eastern Railroads. He was economical. lie saved his earnings, and husbanded not O ' for himself but for others. His father and brother both were helped by him, and their farms are to-day more secure to them because of the diligence, economy and forethought of this SAM'S LOVE FOH THE YOUXG. 209 busy engineer. He loved. This was his chief characteristic. His friends were to him all the world. Those who befriended him were never forgotten, and by industry and calculation he sought to deserre the confidence and regard of those with whom he labored as well as those by whom he was employed. As a result, his promotion was rapid. The position he held when lie died was one of great responsibility, and he filled it to the satisfaction of all. He never grumbled or complained. When a conductor had been all night battling with sleet and snow and tempest, in the morning when they came off con- queror he said, " that engineer did his work in a superb man- ner. He never found fault or got excited during the entire night y but met difficulties and mastered them and brought us through." It was a splendid compliment and faHy and bravely won. Judging from what he had accomplished, there is hardly anything he could not have been. He was converted in his youth, but had wandered. The gospel as preached in the Temple touched his heart, and he re- turned to his first love. His coming into the light of Christ's love was a wonderful joy to him and to those who loved him. In the house of his brother-in-law they felt like " killing the fatted calf." At this time we became acquainted. Well do I remember his clearness of statement, his unqualified determina- tion to do his duty. He was convinced that the gospel com- manded him not only to believe but to be baptized. He had believed but had not obeyed this command. He came to do so. His experience was noteworthy, and attracted the atten- tion of the Committee and Church. He believed the gospel. He saw himself lost, undone, without Christ and without hope. He repented of his misspent life. He confessed his sins. He had no faith in good works. He believed that Jesus Christ was the way, the truth and the life ; and as he knew that he could not drive his locomotive to Worcester from Boston without the track, so he felt that though he might seek to be good and moral and exemplary, he could not go to heaven without Jesus, who is the way. Jesus was therefore to him his SAM HOBAKT. all and in all. He accepted the gospel as authority and gladly submitted himself to its commands. Having made Christ master, he sought to become a faithful servant. He was enthusiastic in this service. His face shone, his eye sparkled, his words gleamed with love, as he stood before us and asked baptism at our hands. On Sabbath, March 5th, 1871, he followed Christ in His ordinance. Well do I remember his appearance as he descended into the baptismal grave. Around him was a vast multitude. I spoke of him as a railroad engineer, and of the talk I had held with his brother-in-law as I rode beside him on his locomotive, and how he had led the way and was permitted to rejoice to-day in seeing his youthful companion gathering beneath the banner of the cross, and giving himself up to the service of Christ. In the few intervening months he has kept step with the Church, and on the Tuesday night previous to his injury was in his accustomed place in the house of God. On Friday noon, June 30th, he had lain down to rest, as was his custom, on a board placed against the track in the engine-house. Unexpectedly to him, if not to others, an engine backed in upon him. The place seemed secure. Around him were friends. The bell of the engine was sounded, yet he slept ; and the first that was known of his peril came to them and to him, when the board on which he lay was crushed under the iron tread of the locomotive, and he and they awoke to see him wounded in both feet and his life imperilled. He died July 4th, and was buried July 6th, 1871, from his place of baptism and love. The facts con- nected with his life and death deserve consideration. He became a power by being faithful in little things. He never did any one thing calculated to acquire special fame, and yet Sam treasured the memory of his little acts, so full of thought- fulness and love, like leaping to help him on with his coat, car- rying his pail home from the Round House, being always prompt at the meetings, being devotedly fond of sister and of friends, and so living with engineers, firemen and workingrnen, SAM'S LOVE FOR THE YOITNTG. 211 that they declared themselves impoverished by the withdrawal of his quiet and undemonstrative piety. Though unknown to the world, he was well known to Christ and to Christians ; and so died in the ripeness of his strength, and went as a shock of corn in its season. In this fact there lies a lesson which ought not to be over- looked. It proves that the key to success lies close beside us and within reach of all, and is obtained by patient continuance in well-doing. There is in every nature a prophet for the future. In other words, each individual has a talent for doing certain work which must be observed if he would exert his highest and best powers. Do well what you are required to do, and your success is sure to be commensurate with your talent and diligence. Duty is ours, not consequences ; and, as is inti- mated in the words of Christ, there is One who keeps watch and ward over us, who sees to it that faithfulness is rewarded, that skill and culture and character are commodities in the world sure to produce advancement. Study the history of the successful everywhere, and we per- ceive that success is an outgrowth and an accumulation. Eep- utation is but an aggregation of particles. The pearl which glistens in the sunlight resembles the material lying hidden in the shadow. It is because of this truth that the sure awards of the future supply a healthy stimulus to action. They call out with a voice that is unmistakable, saying : " Discipline, culture and the faithful discharge of present obligation furnish the mainspring of power and the earnest of success." We have what we earn and are to a large extent what we have endeavored to become, not what we have dreamed we should become. Hence the What am I ? not in appearance but in fact is the determining question for every man. The victory of an hour is not won in an hour. Into it there enter long years of patient toil and waiting. Its value is the greater in the world's esteem because of the cost of the production. This truth might be abundantly illustrated by a reference to the vM;J SAM HOIiAjii, lives of the worthies of the past, or by those who are gathered with us at this hour and have attained to distinction, because they were faithful to the trusts reposed in them, and in being faithful in little things earned a right to be trusted with great responsibilities. This habit of being temperate, formed in his youth, proved to be of value when the waves of temptation which sweep across city life struck against him. Right within, he was right without. Sound at heart, he was true in life. Tempta- tion is only powerful when inclination meets the tempter on the threshold of the heart and gives it welcome. It is what a man is within that weakens or strengthens him. This truth should be remembered and pondered. The character brought from the green hills of Vermont helped him and held him in Boston life. Ah, it is not what men meet in the city that imperils them, but what they brought from the country that threatens them with destruction. This young man came here and was tempted to drink and smoke and wander in forbidden paths, but his resolution was formed, and the waves that beat against the rocks of Cohasset have no more promise of entrance within, than had the seductiveness of sin, of conquering Bar/illai Snow. Are there those who have fallen, and who resemble broken and dismantled wrecks, tossed on the shore and pinioned on the rock through which waves come and go at pleasure ? The reason is found within and not without. As a man thinketh so is he. Character tells. You are to the world at last what you are to God in fact. If pure and trustworthy, and temper- ate and conscientious, you need not declare it. The world will know it in good time. A friend writes of him : " In his home-life he was always correct and moral, never desecrated the Sabbath by going on excursions, never visited the theatre nor other places of forbidden amusement, never swore, never used intoxicating drinks was ever kind, pleasant and oblig- ing, so that those who knew him best loved him most. M Into HAM'S LOVE FUR TIIK YOI:XG. 213 these sentences, facts are crowded, which explain the tnan and reveal his grand and distinguishing traits, so that his loss to the railroad corporation, to society and the church, is a public calamity. His education acquired in his youth was a help to him as an engineer. Here we reach a truth upon which all may dwell . with profit. Many suppose that they need not study geology, or chemistry, or higher mathematics^ or the languages, unless the pursuit in life chosen requires it. In this regard they make their life mistake. No young man or woman can afford to grow up ignorant of any truth which, by any possibility he cati acquire. The studious or reflective youth is cheered by the radiance of hope which never illumines the sky of the indolent and the thoughtless. Culture pays. It gives momentum and solidity to thought and expression. It supplies solitude with society, and makes periods of rest seasons of intellectual refinement. It is said that at the battle of Gettysburg, there was a moment when it seemed as though the column, some hundred yards in breadth, sweeping down upon our forces, must crush and master them. But the Pennsylvania Reserves, which breasted this battle wave, had among them a largo number of the grad- uates of colleges, and were in moral and mental standing the superiors of the foe. To this fact, more than to all others, we are indebted for that lifting up of prowess, and that flash of patriotism, which appalled the rebel host and caused them to praise in their apparently resistless march. It is not surpris- ing. As the eye of a man can awe the beast, it is not surpris- ing that the look of an intellectual man influences his inferiors. It is known and felt everywhere that culture and education tell. Men are stronger, broader and healthier because of it. In the studies of geology which have characterized our morning ser- mons, Barzillai Snow was among the most attentive of listeners, and well do I remember how eagerly he drank in the lessons of science as they were used to illustrate and explain the teachings SAM HOB ART. of Scripture. He understood the joy experienced when a new thought kindles its immortal flame in the mind, and so he could sing, " Climb, O my soul, toward God's high things, And He will take thy part, Yea, though thou slumber in His hand, He'll lift thee to His heart. 11 Dare to aspire to lofty heights, Look up with eagle eyes, For high as thou dost dare to gaze, So high 'tis thine to rise." A hope in Christ, which is like an anchor to the soul, ap- pears in its true light at such a time. When told of his injury, at once the thought came rushing into the mind, " Thank God, let come what will, he is prepared. " That thought came to him in like manner when first injured, and he said, " If it is God's will that I go home from such a cause, I am ready." When on Saturday morning I stood beside him, I felt sure he was not long for this world, but there was no trepidation or alarm. He was ready. That work of preparation was finished. His name was written on the palms of Christ's hands. He thanked God, and was content with his hope. As I quoted those words, " Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me ; in my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you/' I felt and saw that they dropped into a prepared place in his heart, and fitted in perfectly with his thought and hope. It is impossible to describe the pleasure that comes to a minister at such a moment. Tears were exchanged for smiles as the dying Christian said, " Yes, it is all right." " If it be God's will, I am ready." Whenl asked, " Does religion seem all it claims to be, and all you hoped it would be ?" he replied, " Yes, more than I thought it possible." He was on the rock cleft for him, and was sheltered from the storm. He could sing, SAM'S LOVE FOR THE YOUNG. 215 " Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave resounds to wave ; Though o'er our heads the billows roll, We know the Lord can save. " Here will we rest, here build our hopes, Nor murmur at His rod ; He's more to us than all the world Our health, our life, our God." There is in the circumstancfes of his death a lesson. He was Killed because he was asleep. Men were about him who loved him, the bell rang to warn him, but he was killed because he was asleep. How suggestive this fact. How impressive the thought. Is there not a lesson for each one ? Will men heed it? Do we not hear the admonition, " Awake, thou that sleepest !" Are not men all about us asleep, spiritually, who are in great peril 1 They are trusting to friends, to good and exemplary lives, but the danger is upon them, because they are asleep. Brother, out of Christ, give me your ear for a moment. That sleeping engineer, that approaching danger, the calamity and the result, are full of meaning. Who dare refuse to heed the lesson ? The very genius of the gospel is set forth in the light of this mysterious Providence. God's proclamation is based on the supposition that men have eyes to see and see not, ears to hear and hear not, because their spiritual natures are asleep. They are conscious of their danger. Hence the command, " Run, speak to that young man." " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." The gospel must be given to individuals by individuals, as particles of leaven act upon particles of flour. The engineers who are in earnest in seeking the salvation of souls of those near them, are right. Barzillai Snow was crushed beneath the iron wheel because no one spoke to him. A word addressed to him as an individual would have roused him. The slightest touch would have caused him to rise. Christians, forget it not. Men on every side of us are asleep. Sin benumbs their 216 SAM HOBART. faculties. Death is on their track. To-morrow may find them in eternity. Speak to them now. Speak to the ones next to you. Let us do more than give advice to others. Let us say to all who shall read these words, This is God's time. Brother out of Christ, you are in peril. Let me rouse you. You need Christ. Death may not come to you as it came to our brother. Never do I see one of those flying engines, and think of the man who holds life and property in his skilled hand, and of the dangers that environ him on every side, but I think such a man needs Christ. How many go into eternity on a bound. The approaching train is seen, coming with lightning speed. There is no escape ; the coming and the going train are on the same track. Meet they must. Hark ! there is a crash an explosion death ; and another soul stands before God. Are you not thus confronting God ? How can you escape if you neglect so great a salvation ? Now, my brother, in your heart you feel that you need Christ. You need Him for what He does for you, and for what He helps you to do for others. Think of jour opportunity to serve Christ. First with those next to you, and so on. Is it not an encouraging fact, worthy of notice, that for months a company of railroad men have been praying for officers and men on railways ? Think of it, ye who are without a hope in Jesus Christ. Your names are mentioned before the Mercy-Seat every day. What excuse will you have if you go to God unprepared ? Think of the readiness to die a hope of Christ secures. When young Snow beheld his situation, and he was being carried to the hospital, he talked of Christ, of his preparation and of his readiness to die. When his brother-in-law and pastor visited him, he de- clared himself ready. The friends all felt a Christian is on his way home to meet his God, and those gone before. What would you not give, impenitent man, to be able to pronounce those three words, " / am ready " ? What makes one ready ? Simply the assurance that through Christ you have been recon- ciled to God ; that your sins have been washed away in the SAM'S LOVE FOR THE YOUNG. 217 blood of Christ. How can this be secured ? Nothing is more simple. Ask, and it shall be given ; seek, and ye shall find. " Behold," says Christ, " I stand at the door a.nd knock. " The bloody hand of the slain Christ is now on the handle of the bell. He rings. Answer it, and bid Him welcome. Make Him your Guest. Let Him in. Give Him room. Serve Him. Confess Him with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, and thou shalt be saved. When I think what religion has done for the faithful engi- neer, how it lifted the workingman out of his garb, clothed him with the sgotless robe of Christ's righteousness, made him an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ, lifted him to a place above that occupied by kings or millionnaires if they know not Christ, and on a level with them if they do, saved him from hell and made him an inhabitant of heaven when I think of it, I am led to wonder that any one will forego this boon or deny themselves this blessing. Finally, he was faithful to his promises. His marriage shows it. He was true to her he loved. His life in the church shows it, as does his life in his closet and with his comrades. It is said of one of the old masters at work upon a statue for the niche of a temple close against the sky, that when asked why he was so particular about the back part of the head, which must forever remain hidden from view, replied, God can see it. The man that thus acts, conscious that he is under the eye of God, illustrates this gospel and permits its truths deep in the heart to blossom into action, will never slight the task as- signed him, but will walk in the shadow as in the light, remem- bering that God stands for those who stand for Him, and that the radiant crown is in reserve for those whose life record is they did what they could, and so secured the welcome utter- ance, " #000? and faithful ones, well done." How proud Sam was that when his leg was spouting blood and they thought he would die, a friend uncorked a flask of 218 SAM HOBAKT. brandy and asked him to drink from it. He pushed it away, saying, " No I don't need it. I may die. If I do I want to go up to God with a clear brain as well as with a believing heart." He died with a clear brain. Railroad men printed this record of him, and made lamentation over him. CHAPTER XVII. THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART, AND OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS AS A CLASS JOSEPH A. . SEEDS, OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL J JOHN MARROT, OF ENGLAND, AND OTHERS. " How near could you drive to that precipice ?" asked a Scotchman of three men, one of whom he thought of hiring as a driver of the family carriage. One said, " Within a foot." The other, " Within a foot and a half." The third one said, l< Well, sir, I should keep as far away as I could." 4i Well, my man, I will take you." Sam Hobart was courageous. No man can climb to the o position he attained as the safest and the most skilful engineer of the road without courage. But he kept away as far as pos- sible from the brink of the precipice all his life. Not that he never ran risks. Every engineer runs them. Not that he never escaped peril by almost superhuman exertion and by a quickness of thought and steadiness of nerve that excited applause at the time and the bare recital of which now thrills the soul with inexpressible emotions. Time would fail to recount how on one occasion a collision was avoided that seemed immi- nent. How on another day he kept out of the way of an engineer excited with passion who tried to place him at a dis- advantage. We could follow him into a storm that blocks the path of the locomotive. On one such night the New York train was three hours late at Worcester. A driving gale full of snow and sleet was coming in from the ocean. Sam had to face it. He draws out his locomotive after spending some 'ime with God in prayer. 220 SAM HOBART. " A bad night, Sam," shouts the switchman. " Can't well be worse, my boy ; but we must go through if we can," said Sam, as cheerily as if he were on his way to his home. They start. It is pitch dark. Out into the night rolls the thundering train. Every one wonders if they will get through. The conductor is besieged by questions. " Who is on the locomotive, conductor 1" asks a merchant prince, belated and very anxious to get through. " Sam Hobart," was the reply. " Then we'll go through if it is possible." " Yes, if it is possible ; but it is a wild night." And a wild night it was. I was on the train. We had gone but a few miles when the whistle sounded and all knew that dangers were about us. The train stopped. Soon we learned that there had been a smash-up. The train before us was broken up by a train that followed, and we were in the midst of the debris. Out into the night many went. Beyond was Sain with his lantern, giving advice and breathing good cheer into the ears of those not as wise or brave as himself. In due time the track was cleared, and we went on. The man at the throttle-valve, wet through to the skin, his eye at the look-out, and we, way on in the night, rode into the depot at Boston sleepy and disappointed, while Sam was tired and faint. Bid- ding him good-night, never can I forget the expression of grat- itude to the great Giver of every blessing for the deliverance. With Sam it was not luck or chance that brought him through, but God. It may be that such courage as was that night dis- played may not parallel the act of Garfield when he grasped the wheel of the steamer and gave orders to cut loose that she might defy the terrific current of the Tennessee in carrying food to the beleaguered garrison, but the same kind of metal was necessary in the engineer and the general. 4 ' It may be a weakness, ' ' said President Tuttle, of Wabash College, " yet I confess to a high admiration of a class of men to whom a vast burden of responsibility in the matter of THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 221 human life is constantly intrusted ; I refer to our railroad engineers. The locomotive in itself is a marvel of ingenuity and power. Compact, perfect in form and adaptation, indis- pensable to the wants of civilization, it is one of the finest in- struments. The man who controls these thirty tons of organ- ized iron, which we call a locomotive, must secure both self- respect and self-confidence. I have sometimes stood beside the track when a train has come flying along and have observed with boundless admiration the man on whose vigilance, skill and pluck the safety of that train so largely depended. His left hand on the lever, his right on the reversing lever if that fce its name his body bent forward eagerly, and his eye keenly scrutinizing the track ahead lest the tremendous mo- mentum of his train, meeting with some obstacle, should dash itself in an instant into a horrible wreck. How, now, can a man be weighed down with such a responsibility and not be a stronger and more self-reliant man ? " Some of the most remarkable exhibitions of courage have been made by men of this class. A few years ago, Osborne, an engineer on the Morris and Essex Railroad for twenty years at least, was once delayed by snow on the track for several hours ; but received explicit orders from the superintendent ' to go ahead,' for the road was clear, no other train was on the track. After satisfying himself that he had not misunder- stood the order, he left the summit on a steep down grade, and in rounding a sharp curve came on a train that was ascending the same grade under full head of steam. In an instant he whistled down the brakes and reversed his engine. The noble thing under such a tremendous strain as if fully aware of the danger, obeyed and threw itself back to avert the catastrophe. Meanwhile the other engineer had done the same thing with his locomotive ; but it was possible only to modify the shock. Together rushed those two panting and reluctant giants, their joint weight not less than sixty tons, with the gathered mo- mentum of their following trains. They rose like two furious animals in fight, standing on end and in a trice the two splen- 222 SAM HOBART. did machines were in ruins. The cars behind them were also badly crushed. Osborne did not leap from his engine ; but never moving his hands from the lever which controlled it, he stood as resolute as a rock at his post until the shock came and then quick as thought adjusted his valves to allow the steam to escape without explosion. Man can furnish no clearer proof of the finest courage. Daring the war an incident occurred on the Pennsylvania Central. A regiment of soldiers was on a train, stopped by a freight-train off the track. It was in the night, and most of the thousand men were asleep. Four heavily loaded coal cars belonging to a train ahead had by acci- dent become detached and had begun the descent from the sum - in it toward Johnstown. The engineer heard the roar of the de- scending cars and, surmising what was the matter, put on steam to meet the approaching line, if possible, to break its force and save the train. His locomotive was a large freight, and he had moved several rods ahead when the cars struck him like a thunderbolt and crushed his engine back on the train ; but his heroic courage had saved many lives. The man's name was Strong, and his grateful beneficiaries presented him some ele- gant silver plate, with the deed itself and their names engraved on the pieces. When asked why he did not abandon his train, he replied, " Quick as lightning I thought I had better die than to have those runaway cars cut clean through the train destroy- ing hundreds. ' ' It was an heroic answer. On the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad formerly were a number of trestle bridges. The funds were low. The men were not paid. A train with the directors on board was going over it. A miscreant determined to throw it off and kill them all. The engineer discovered the obstruction. He seemed to know instinctively that the momentum was too great to save the whole train, and he signalled the brakes down and reversed the engine to stop, if possible, the cars before reaching the chasm. Then opening the throttle-valve his engine sprang forward so violently as to break the connection with the train, and dashed to the awful leap. The bold man as this was going on ran THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 223 out of his window on the engine and opened the escape-valve. While standing there the engine went over with him and, mar- vellous to relate, he, falling under the huge weight, was pre- served from being crushed by the engine-bell at his side. The train for the rescue of which he had exhibited such incredible pluck, stopped just soon enough to escape the horrible leap after the engine. That the roll-call of heroes is constantly filling up was proved on Sunday, October 22d, 1882, as a train composed of ten pas- senger cars containing over six hundred persons passed through Bergen Cut on the Pennsylvania Central at the rate of thirty miles an hour, "ffirel FIRE !" was shouted by conductor and passengers as a volume of smoke and fire suddenly burst through the open door of the smoking-car next to the tender. Great consternation instantly prevailed among the passengers of the crowded car. Their alarm became a panic when the fire- man came clambering over, the tender into the car and it was found that the train was dashing wildly on with the engine pouring forth flames which, if not promptly checked, must speedily involve all the cars in destruction. The speed of the train made it hopeless to think of escape by leaping off, and the passengers began to contemplate the possibility of death in one of the most horrible forms which the imagination could possibly conceive. 16 Shut the door ! Shut the door !" was shouted. The door was closed, but almost immediately it flew open again, and the engineer and the fireman emerged from the fire and smoke and stumbled into the car. The train dashed on with no one to govern the engine. Men rushed to the rear platform and there met a frightened crowd from the next car. Others raised windows only to realize at what speed the train was going, and to know that to jump out would be death. " Get to that closet," shouted Engineer Joseph A. Seeds to the fire- man, pointing to the rear of the car, " and work the air brakes." But the passage was blocked with passengers and the fireman found it impossible to make headway. 224: SAM HOBART. " What is going to be done ?" asked one, of the engineer. Seeds made no reply. There was no time to talk. Action was now the imperative necessity. See him. He is well. He is in the prime of life. In face and form he has a comely ap- pearance. All is forgotten. The lives of six hundred pas- sengers are in his hands. He must dare death that they may have life. He does not hesitate, but plunging into the seething sea of fire he climbs upon the tender and disappears. The flames originated from the " blow back " on the engine, forcing the flames out of the furnace when the door was opened. Seeds must go through the flames to reach the air-brake and the throttle-valve. He went through. He reached the throttle- valve and with burning hand pulled the " air-brake" and re- versed the engine. He knew that, whatever came to him, the train would stop and its precious load be saved. Nearly a minute passed and then the train came to a stop on the bridge over the Hackensack River, and all knew that the brave man had put on the " air brake" and reversed the engine. This done, he tried to save himself ; ran back to the tender, lifted the lid off the water-tank, and leaped in. In the mean time the peril was past. The passengers, wild with delight, began to wonder what had befallen the engineer. Rushing forward to the engine they found that the cab was still enveloped in flames, while the head and shoulders of a man appeared above the water-tank on the tender. Up they sprang to drag him out. They found him weak and half unconscious. His clothes were completely burned from him. His face was disfigured and his hands were shockingly burned. His body was .blistered so badly that some of the flesh stripped off in moving him. Tenderly they cared for him. To the Jersey City Hospital they bore him, and there he died four days after- ward. No wonder that little children and mothers and friends have united in contributing money to create a fund for his family in Philadelphia. Such heroism deserves to be rewarded. Seeds' s deed recalled another notable act. It was in Scotland that this memorable achievement took THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 225 place. A drunken engineer started his engine on the wrong track, and exposed hundreds of people to sudden death. An- other engineer, Campbell, boarded a locomotive on the parallel track in pursuit. Both throttles were wide open ; the fated train flew to disaster at the rate of sixty miles an hour ; the pursuing engine followed faster. Fifteen miles down the road the engine caught up with the first one ; heedless men were sitting in their carriages reading their papers as the engine slowly gained on the object of its pursuit. Then, when the two were abreast, Campbell leaped across tracks, from his own to the other, staggered, held on, reversed the machinery, flung the drowsy drunkard to the track ; and then the Scotch express, coining the other way, struck his engine and nearly three hundred lives were sacrificed. The drunken engineer was not killed. Campbell was smashed to a jelly in the performance of one of the most extraordinary feats in the history of the human race. Seeds's name deserves to be perpetually coupled with that of the gallant Scot whose sacrifice was too late to save any other life than that of the worthless cause of the accident. Reading of such deeds of heroism performed by humble men, can one for a moment beliove that the age of chivalry has gone by ? And now that we are on this subject let us transfer a word- picture of Ballantyne from " Life on the Rail," which was equally daring and yet unattended by such terrible disasters. In the book referred to,* the story is told of a lunatic leaping on a locomotive all fired up and ready to be coupled to the train. He felled the driver, who was outside the rail oiling some of the machinery, seized the handle of the regulator, and turned on full steam. The driving-wheels revolved at first with such tremendous rapidity that they failed to '* bite, " and merely slipped on the rails. The madman was engineer enough to understand why, and at once cut off part of the * " The Iron Horse ; or, Life on the Bail." By B. M. Ballantyne, . 325. 226 SAM HOBAKT. steam. Next moment he shot out of the station, and again letting on full head of steam rushed along the line like an arrow. It chanced that the passenger superintcTident was on the platform at the time. That gentleman had everything con- nected with the traffic by heart. He saw that the points had been so set as to turn the runaway engine on to the down line, and in his mind's eye saw a monster excursion train, which had started just a few minutes before, laboring slowly forward, which the light engine would soon overtake. A collision in a few minutes would be certain. In peculiar circumstances men are bound to break through all rules and regulations and act in a peculiar way. Without a moment's hesitation he ran to John Marrot and said, in an earnest, hurried voice, " Give chase, John ! Cross over to the up line, but don't go too far." " All right, sir," said John, laying his hand on the regu- lator. Even while the superintendent was speaking, Will Gar- vie's swift mind had appreciated the idea. He had leaped down and uncoupled ''''The Lightning" from its train. John touched the whistle, let on steam, and off they went, crossed to the up line (which was the wrong line of rails for any engine to run in that direction), and away he went at forty fifty seventy miles an hour ! John knew well that he was flying toward a passenger train, which was running toward him at probably thirty-five or forty miles an hour. He was aware of its whereabouts at that time, for he consulted his watch and had the time-table by heart. A collision with it would involve ' the accumulated momentum of more than a hundred miles an hour. The time was short, but it was sufficient ; he therefore urged Will to coal the furnace until it glowed with fervent heat, and opened the steam-valve to the uttermost. Never since John Marrot had driven it had the Lightning so nearly resem- bled its namesake. The pace was increased to seventy-five and eighty miles an hour. It was awful. Objects flew past with flashing speed. The clatter of the engine was deafening. A stern chase is proverbially a long one ; but in this case, at such THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 227 a speed, it was short. In less than fifteen minutes John came in view of the fugitive, also going at full speed, but, not being so powerful an engine, and not being properly managed as to the fire, it did not go so fast ; its force might have been forty or forty-five miles an hour. " Will," shouted John, in the ear of his stalwart fireman, " you'll have to be sharp about it. It won't do, lad, to jump into the arms of a madman with a fire shovel in his hand. When I takes a shot at 'im with a lump of coal, then's yer chance go in an' win, lad and whatever you do, keep cool." Will did not open his compressed lips, but nodded his head in reply. *' You'll have to do it all alone, Bill ; I can't leave the engine," shouted John. He looked anxiously into his mate's face, and felt relieved to observe a little smile curl slightly the corners of his mouth. Another moment and the Lightning was up with the tender of the runaway, and John cut off steam for a brief space to equalize the speed. The madman at that instant ob- served for the first time that he was pursued. He looked back with a horrible glare, and then, uttering a fierce cheer or yell, tugged at the steam handle to increase the speed, but it was open to the utmost. He attempted to heap coals on the fire, but, being inexpert, failed to increase the heat. Another sec- ond and they were abreast. John Marrot opened the whistle and let it blow continuously, for he was by that time drawing fearfully near to the train that he knew was approaching. See- ing that escape was impossible, the madman would have thrown the engine off the rails, if that had been possible ; but as it was not, he brandished the fire shovel and stood at the opening be- tween the engine and the tender with an expression of fiendish rage on his countenance that words cannot describe. " Now, Bill, look out !" said John. Will stood like a tiger ready to spring. John beside him with a huge mass of coal in one hand concealed behind his back. There was a space of little more than two feet between 228. SAM HOB ART. the engines. To leap that in the face of a madman seemed impossible. Suddenly John Marrot hurled the mass of coal with all his might. His aim was to hit Thomson on the head, but it struck low, hitting him on the chest and driving him down on the foot-plate. At the same instant Will Game bounded across and shut off the steam in an instant. He turned then to the brake wheel, but before he could apply it the madman had risen and grappled with him. Still, as the two strong men swayed to and fro in a deadly conflict, Will's hand, that chanced at the moment to be nearest the brake-wheel, was seen ever and anon to give it a slight turn. This much John Marrot observed when he saw a puff of white steam on the horizon far ahead of him. To reverse the engine and turn full steam on was the work of two seconds. Fire flew in showers from the wheels, and the engine trembled with the violent friction. Nevertheless, it still ran on for a considerable way, and the ap- proaching train was within a comparatively short distance of him, before he had got the Lightning to run backward. It was not until he got up speed to nigh forty miles an hour that he felt safe, looked back with a grim smile, and breathed freely. Of course the driver of the passenger train, seeing an engine on the wrong line ahead had also reversed at full speed and thus prevented a collision, which would inevitably have been very disastrous. John now ran back to the crossing, and getting once more on the down line again reversed his engine and ran cautiously back in the direction of the runaway locomotive. He soon came in sight of it, and reversed again and went at such a pace as allowed it to overtake him gradually. He saw that the steam was still cut off and that it had advanced that length in consequence of being on an incline, but was somewhat alarmed to receive no signal from his mate. The moment the buffers of the Lightning touched those of the other engine's tender, he applied the brakes and brought both engines to a stand. THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 229 Then leaping off he ran to see how it had fared with Will Garvie. The scene that met his eyes was a very ghastly one. On the floor-plate lay the two men, insensible and covered with blood and coal dust. Each grasped the other by the throat, but Will had gained an advantage from having no neckcloth on, while his own strong hand was twisted into that of his adversary so firmly that the madman's eyes were almost starting out of their sockets. John Marrot at once cut the kerchief with his clasp-knife ; and then feeling that there was urgent need for haste left them lying there, ran back to his own engine, coupled it to the other, turned on full steam, and in a short space of time was back to his station. Here the men were removed to the waiting-room and a doctor was called in. It was found that although much bruised and cut, as well as ex- hausted by their conflict, neither was seriously injured. After a few restoratives had been applied one was conveyed to his home and the other was lodged in an asylum. The presence of mind of the superintendent, the alertness of John Marrot, the bravery of Will Garvie, bring out into bold relief the qualifications which fit men for the responsibilities of the railway, and bring forcibly before us the perils that sleep and may be wakened any moment on any road. The story of the help found in God's Word is beautifully illustrated by this incident. Said a Bible-reading railroad engineer : " I have never met with an accident that was attended with serious results, thank God," he replied, not in the brawling tone of an oath, but reverently, " and I think that one reason of it comes from the fact that I always carry my Bible in the cab. Do you see it up there ?" and he pointed up to the prettily upholstered cab where, just in front of the engineer's seat, between the steam-gauge and the lookout window, on a bracket-like device, a small Bible was held open where the eyes of this Christian engineer could fall upon its pages at any mo- ment. 230 SAM HOBART. " I have read the good book from back to back several times at home, M continued he, " and by having it placed here in this manner before me I have been able to commit many passages to memory. Sometimes it has been a wonderful com- fort to me ; one time in particular, the strength as well as comfort I derived from one glance at a passage on the open page was astonishing. " " How was that ?" I asked, greatly interested. il You see I was running on the lower end of the road at the time, and my train was an ' express passenger/ which came out of the city before nightfall, usually with a dozen or so heavily laden coaches. Perhaps you remember, if you have been over the road so much, where the track crosses the River, which, you know, is the inlet to the harbor. Being a port of considerable importance, of course provision has to be made for the shipping to pass above. " There was a man stationed at this post to signal to the ap- proaching trains whether the bridge was open or not. Yes, it was a dangerous place (the means to avert danger there are better now), but after I had run over the bridge twice a day for eighteen months or more, and had always found everything all right, I came to look upon that point the same as I did upon any other piece of the road. " My express was a fast train always, and on the night of which I am speaking I was a little behind time, and so running even somewhat faster than usual in order to make up. As I approached the bridge I looked for the signal, as it was second nature for me to do. The flagman gave the customary all-right signal, standing as usual on a rock at the point of a curve of the track leading around to the river. " I had no more time than barely to notice that the man was a new hand, in place of * Lame Jim, 7 whom I had without a single exception always found at that post, before we came in full view of the bridge. To my horror it was wide open, and a gulf of nearly fifty feet in depth was yawning before ine and my ponderous train. THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 231 " I glanced up to my open Bible and my eyes fell upon the word, i I will never leave thee, nor forsake tbee. ' The be- numbing sense of utter helplessness that for the instant had pervaded both soul and body, as it were, all vanished now, and I became as calm as you see me at tbis moment. " You know, madam, that the duties of a locomotive engineer are such that oftentimes he has to decide (it may be only on a mere movement of his hand, or the kind of a look he gives his fireman) in such a terrible exigency, especially in the shortest conceivable space of time. In this instance I had no time to consider, and if I had, I suppose I should have done exactly as I did, whistle for brakes (it was before air brakes came into use) and reverse my engine. " The fireman did not need to be told to do his best upon the tender brakes, as he rapidly tightened them up with the whole swinging force of his large body. It was a clean, dry track, everything in good condition, and I think never a train, with like facilities, was brought to a standstill on shorter notice. For that first, almost bewildering instant to me, the belief in the possibility of escaping that imminent, fearful plunge, so possessed me with a cold feeling like the coils of a snake down my back, that it was with an almost superhuman effort that I mustered muscular force to raise my hand to the whistle-valve cord, reach the regulator, or grasp the reversing handle. " But we came to a dead halt just as the point of the cow- catcher overlapped the frightful chasm ! Had the impelling force of that long passenger train carried us a few feet farther on, there would .have been the worst railroad catastrophe that ever happened in America, and my name would surely have swelled the list of the drowned and mangled ones that would have appeared in the newspapers. 44 As it was, the escape never got into the papers at all. The bridge was swung into place so quickly, and we were under way again so soon after the customary stop at the draw, that I suppose that very few of the passengers ever knew of the 232 SAM HOBART. threatened peril. We were miles away before the reaction came to me as I sat trembling on my seat with the full, appre- hending sense of our escape tiding through my brain. " The flagman ? oh, yes, he was drunk. You see there had been a new superintendent chosen, and he had commenced business by turning off some of the old employes and putting in new ones. Poor, faithful * Lame Jim ' had been discharged, and this fellow installed in his place. He was celebrating his appointment to this responsible post over a jug of rum which was found afterward in the little signal house near by. " Jirn was reinstated next day, but the company was so cha- grined over the unwarrantable action on the part of the super- intendent that the matter was kept as close as possible. I went to the office the next morning and resigned my position ; I couldn't bear to run over that end of the road again. They would not let me off the road, but gave me this train on this end of the route. " No, I don't suppose I have quite got over the shock to my nerves, for frequently, when I go to bed more tired than usual, I wake with a start from a sort of far-off dream of that event- ful nightfall trip, the uncertain light, the still shimmering water and the white, scared face of my fireman. My hair was as black as coal then ; in three months it became as gray as you eee it." We glorify our heroes of the battle-field and the sea, we stand all agog if some foolish man or more foolish woman as- cend Mont Blanc just for the name of the feat. We talk about Alexander and Bucephalus, about Caesar in the boat when the tempest threatened him ! Why may we not glorify the heroes of the locomotive engine, who exhibit as noble and praiseworthy a daring as any heroes in other fields ? And they do this in the constant service of the thousands of fami- lies who every hour of the twenty -four are represented on the railways. Somewhere there is a terrific storm raging at this moment. Swollen streams endanger the safety of bridges and the lives of THE COURAGE OF SAM HOBART. 233 passengers every hour of the twenty-four. At the front, in the darkness and in the light, is the brave engineer doing his work as best he may, glad of an appreciative word from employer or of a recognition from those he has so bravely served. Such a man was Sam Hobart. Such men now live and serve. CHAPTER XVIII. SAM'S LAST RIDE THE ENGINEER AT REST. IN March, 1874, Sam Hobart took his last ride. It was a fearful Saturday night. The storm of sleet and rain was on the land. Sam came into the Boston Depot wet through. He went home tired and almost sick. He rose on Sabbath morn- ing and went to church. In the afternoon the pain in his limbs increased. Monday morning he could not rise. He had lost forever the use of one limb. " Well,' 7 in as cheerful a tone as possible, he said, " let us thank God for the leg that is left." Soon that was attacked. He thanked God for his hands. Then he lost the use of them, and thanked God for a clear brain. On Wednesday he was better. On Thursday morning he had his breakfast brought to him for the last time. It was placed in a chair before him. He folded his hands like a little child, asked God's blessing on it, and prayed that he might be kept from harm, from wandering thoughts ; and in the love of God ate his food. The story of his sickness had got abroad. The officials of the railroad, men who were his comrades, members of the church, and people of every class and grade heard with sympathy and sorrow of his sufferings. Charles Sumner had just died in Washington. His remains were to be brought to Boston, the city of his love, and a public funeral was to be awarded to him. Notwithstanding this, thou- sands talked and thought of the Christian engineer. The men of the yard went up in a body to his house to tender him their sympathy and offer their services. They were not permitted to see him. He was too sick. Two were appointed to go in and ask him " if the religion of Christ was all to him he thought it would be ?" They wanted to know from him. SAM'S LAST RIDE. 235 This roused the dying hero. He turned and said, " Tell the boys once I was afraid of the cable, but I am afraid no more. I have tried every link in the chain and she holds. The cable and the anchor are alt right, and I am safe." The men had hardly left him when the change came. He fell back upon his bed. The film came over his eyes. His legs stiffened. He cried, " Open the door," and before there could be an answer Jesus spoke to him saying, " I know thy works, behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." No man could shut it. The physician came to his bedside, looked at him, and said, " He is in better hands." He died March 12th, 1874. When they came to dress him for his burial there fell out of the Sabbath vest a piece of paper on which he had written these words, " The Lord is my strength and my song, and He is become my salvation." They seemed to those about him and to all who knew him as his message from the eternal world. On the 15th of March, 1874, we buried him from the Har- vard Street Baptist Church. The pastor, Rev. L. L. Wood, assisted at the service. These resolutions were read. They had been passed by the railroad engineers and other employes of the Boston and Albany Railroad, presided over by Hon. Ginery Twitchel : WHEREAS, In the providence of Almighty God we have had removed from our midst our friend and brother, Samuel B. Hobart, Resolved, That in Samuel B. Hobart we have long recog- nized the 4t workman who needeth not to be ashamed of his work," a cherished friend, and a man of large and ennobling influence. Resolved, That by his loss death has robbed us of one whom we hold in the highest esteem and confidence, and whose memory we shall ever cherish as one who lived to help and save others ; that his daily life was such as would tend to ele- 236 SAM HOBART. vate those around him, and stimulate them to throw off the burden of sin and put upon them the armor of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Resolved, That while deeply lamenting our great loss, and tenderly sympathizing with his afflicted widow and others nearer than ourselves by ties of kindred, we would remember, as he did, that death is not the end, but he that loves so faith- fully continues hereafter. Resolved, That we recognize it as a duty and a privilege to express here and now our high sense of his long and successful labors, in season and out of season, in behalf of the cause of temperance ; and we bear willing testimony also to the fervor with which he labored to have all share in his own love and devotion to the Church of Christ. On the last day before he died he spoke of his happiness in having made his peace with God when he was well. Said he, 44 1 cannot think now. I mix things. I cannot pray. " This faith took away the sting of death and robbed the grave of victory. His untimely death filled all hearts with sorrow. He was the friend of the poor, and they mourned him as a brother gone. Freely he gave of love. Freely of love he received. Women whose husbands were intemperate came to him for sympathy and strength. How their tears rained on his white face in the open coffin will always be a memory with some. He was a model husband. As I think of his delicacy, of his thoughtfulness, of his strength, and of his tenderness toward those who leaned on him and trusted him, I find no words in which to express my admiration. It was this which made men love him. He was a genuine. There was not an ounce of waste material in his nature. He was true all through. He dare say what he thought. He had the feeling that God spoke through him, and that he must live as seeing him who is invisi- ble. Hence, to hundreds of stalwart men he was a companion and a friend. He dare be plain with men above him in posi- tion, as they dare be plain with him. He loved as a man loves, with a great, strong, robust love. SAM'S LAST RIDE. 237 His influence lives. It permeates New England, and it is reaching thousands in the great world beyond. It shows that it is possible to die and not suffer harm. It is possible to die and gain by it. Death is not necessarily a calamity ; it may be but the taking down the scaffolding which conceals the building, so that the structure the master hath planned, built, and beautified shall stand forth in perfected beauty, the glory of humanity, and the grandest triumph of the handiwork of God. God draws by the cords of a man. Jehovah influences the world by living men. They are his epistles known and read of all men. They are sent forth to fulfil an individual mission and to accomplish a specified work. When that mission is ful- filled and that work is accomplished, is it strange that it should be written of them as of Enoch, " They walked with God ; and they were not, for God took them. ' ' They belonged to God even while they toiled among men ; and as God loves his own and delights in having his beloved ones near him, we are not surprised that the promise is fulfilled and that such came to the grave in a full age, " like as a shock of corn cometh in his season." The design of death is to complete the work assigned to earth. Life has its seed, its plant, its growth, its blossom, its fruit, and its harvest. " There is a reaper whose name is Death.** This work is not to be regarded with sorrow even. It is necessary to our comfort. Heaven is the best place for a rounded life and for a ripened fame. Old age, with its pains, its weaknesses, its painful neglects, its being set aside and written down as useless, its being ignored in the affairs of life, is without much to relieve it. Death, which is to the Chris- tian a release from care and anxiety, from depression and sor- row, may be welcomed as a loving messenger from God, Standing under the shadow of these truths, we feel that we are enriched by them. AVe resemble pilgrims beneath the 238 SAM HOB ART. palm trees of the desert, at whose feet run the waters of an un- failing spring, and above whose heads is heard the sweet carols of singing birds. God takes marvellous care of his own. Believe it or not, it is safe to trust God and to serve him. The reputation of a true man, even in this world, is under the special protection of Jehovah. It will be all right at last with the true, was his faith. The last time I saw him alive we rode together on the engine from Boston to Worcester, and he told me of the trouble of a friend who could not see clear into heaven. He comforted him in this beautiful and suggestive way, saying : " When. wife and I started for the White Mountains I gave her a good seat, sat by her and talked many hours. I did not tell her at the outset to look at the mountains, but at the sea, for we were by the sea and were far away from the mountains. But when just at sunset we reached the right place, I said, ' Look at the moun- tains,' and she saw them. Don't try and see heaven until you get there. " He lived for heaven every day, but did not try and see it until the hour of release came. Our last ride was our best ride. The whole talk was about Jesus, about the littleness of earth and the glory of heaven ; about the fidelity of Christ in loving, in keeping his promises and in giving joy to his children, even when misunderstood and perhaps maligned. The dear old face glowed with love for Christ and men. It was grand to see him. Suddenly he said again, " I am not going to last long. If anything comes to me you will come ?" " Yes." He then kissed me, and Worcester coming in sight, we rode into town, our eyes wet with tears. He went on with his work on the road, in the daily prayer- meeting at Worcester, in the church, until at last he was not, for God took him. My vow is kept. My task is done, Samuel Brooks Hobart, SAM'S LAST RIDE. 239 the locomotive engineer, goes forth a benediction and a blessing to all who shall feel the inspiration of his noble life, and be . brought thereby into association with Him who saved him, who loved him, and now keeps him as a star in the crown of His rejoicing. BEX. A. Adams, family, 24 ; John, statue ot, 34 ; John Quincy, 187. Alexander, quoted, 34. Arthur, President, chief of the Brother- hood, 84 ; address to Brotherhood, 84. Astor, John Jacob, words to working- men, 121. B. Ballantyne, life on the rail, 225. Beecher's, Henry Ward, estimate of Hobart, 14 ; his description of Ho- bart, 51, 52. Bible, Reading of, on the rail, 229. Books for R.R. men, 165. 167. Boston, battle ground of Liberty, 43. Bowdoin, Picture of, 47. Braithwait, builder of the Novelty, 18. Brotherhood, The, of locomotive en- gineers, 83 ; address to the, 91 ; op- posed by the B. & O. R. R., 103. Butler, B. F., Speech of, 85 ; ordered to New York, 207. C. Camden station, 115. Capital and lat>or, Conflict between, 110. Caus, Solomon de, first inventor, 16. Columbus, Irving's story of, 142. Chipman, Geo. W., 183. Christianity as a police force, 147. Communism, 111. Commercial life, Representatives of, 126 : integrity, its value, 129. Crystal Palace temperance meeting, 64. D. Davenport, M. R., quoted, 77 ; again, 147. Despotism, 131. Devereux, J. H., on the railway strikes, 14(K Different kinds of drunkards, 196, 120. Disraeli, 24. Dow, Neal, interview with a tobacco- smoker, 71. E. Eldorado, 40. Employes' Relief Association or- ganized May 1st, 1880, 103 ; member- ship, etc., 104. Engineer, The, at rest, 834. Erie, Pa,* 147. Ericsson, 18. Extracts from the third International Conference R. R. Dept., 164 Evans, Oliver, 17. P. Faneuil Hall, 43. Foote,Commodore, and General Grant* 190. Fort Wayne strikes, 115. Franklin, Picture of, 47. Free libraries, 46. Fulton's account of Hobart's conver- sion, 54. G. George, Henry, 19. Gilbert, 43. Gladstone, 24. Gough, how he was saved from intem- perance, 193. Grant. U. S., 90. Guthrie, Thomas, D.D., 73. H. Hobart, Sam, his personal appearance, 13 ; as a boy, 21 ; his early history, 21 ; becomes a machinist, 28 ; be- comes a locomotive engineer, 35 ; his love for his calling, 36 ; becomes a Free Mason, 42 ; his reverence for his mother, 43 ; he takes a wife, 46 ; becomes a widower, 48 ; becomes a Christian, 57 ; marries again, 57 ; his tact in preaching temperance, 64; opposes the use of tobacco, 67; at work for God, 75 ; how he treated two communists, 112 ; Sam's faith, or whom to trust, 136 ; instances of his courage, 219 : his love for the Bible. 231 ; his last ride, 234 ; account of his funeral, 235. I. Idlers, No place for, 32. Incident, A thrilling. 222. Ingersoll, Edward D., 160 ; a busy man, 163. Intellects. The mightiest, ruined by liquor, 202. Intemperance, a curse, 178 ; as a dis- ease, 198. J. Jesse, 44. Johnson's, o. T., words to the Brother- hood, 00, 242 INDEX. Kansas City, strike ended, lia Key to prosperity, 132. Kingsley, Charles, 41. . Library for R. R. men, when and where established, 154. Lincoln's, Abraham, faith, 143. Loafers, Christian, 177. Locomotives, an American invention, 17 ; trials of, 18 ; nature of, 29. Low, Seth, 25. Loyson's, J. P., Life of Stephenson, 16. MacMaster, Hon. Wm., 159. Magna Charta, 40. Man, The great, 143. Marston, Sarah Jane, 47. Mistakes, Learning by, 175. Moody, D. L., 146. Morrissey, John, 42. Mothers, their value, 26w N. Napoleon, 44. New England women, 27. New York Central begun, 96. Newark, Ohio, strikes, 115. Nihilists, 148. Novelty, a favorite model, but failed, 19. O. Orange, William of, 41. Orr, W. J., quoted, 169. Osborne, Engineer, 221. P. Paris, under the Commune, 115. Parker, Theodore, on chnrch-going, 81. Peck. Rev. Dr., quoted, 15. Pennsylvania Central. 33. Peto, Sir Morton, on strikes, 115. Pittsburgh in the hands of a mob, 115; riot at, 117. Poor, God cares for, 132. Problem, A, hard to solve, 195. Protestant Episcopal Church, General convention of, 148. Providence rights wrongs. Q. Questions of importance, 195. Railroads, Baltimore & Ohio, 15; in 1860 and 1883, 96. Railroads strikes commenced, 115. Railroad men. The \v.ork among, 146 ; the need of it, 147. Resolutions concerning llooart, 235. Richmond, A tribute to Deau, 88. Rich, God cares for, 132. Rocket, first successful locomotive, 18. S. Sabbath School a blessing. 24. Simmons, Doc, his heroism, 162, Smith, Frank W., quoted, 169. Snow, Barzillai, dying like a hero, 214. Stephenson, George, 15, 18, 96. Stockwell, his experience, 168, T. Taylor, B. F M 57. Temperance, an added force, 185. Tremont Temple, 43. Train, A, on fire, 227. Trevethick, Richard, 17. U. Uniac, Edward H., the story of his fall. Underbill, A. B., master mechanic, 20S. V. Vanderbitt, W. H.. his faith rewarded, 120 ; Cornelius, 25 ; W. H. distributing $100,000, 162. W. Wasted Substances, 173. Watt, patented locomotive, 17. Webster, Daniel, 89, 06. Whitefield, Picture of, 47. Wild Oats, 186. Williams, H. F., quoted, 169. Wilson, Charles, speech of, 85. Work among R. R. men, 146. Woman, A drunken, 190. Y. Young, Sam's love for, 206. Young men, where to look after them, 140. Young Men's Christian Association, Railwav department of, 154. Young's Hotel, a scene, 187. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. BT WILLIAM EDWARD WINKS. NEW YORK: FUNK & WAGNALLS, PUBLISHERS, 10 AND 12 DEY STREET. PEEFAOE. TIME out of mind The Gentle Craft has been invested with an air of romance. This honorable title, given to no other occupation but that of shoemakers, is an indication of the high esteem in which the Craft is held. It is by no means an easy thing to account for a sentiment of this kind, or to trace such a title to its original source. Whether the traditionary stories which have clustered round the lives of Saints Anianus, Crispin and Crispianus, or Hugh and Winifred, gave rise to the sentiment, or the sentiment itself is to be regarded as accounting for the traditions, one cannot tell. Probably there is some truth in both theories, for sentiment and tradition act and react on each other. Certain it is, that among all our craftsmen none appear to enjoy a popularity comparable with that of " the old Cobbler" or " Shoemaker." Most men have a good word to say for him, a joke to crack about him, or a story to tell of his ability and " learning," his skill in argument, or his prominence and influence in political or religious affairs. Both in ancient times and in modern, in the Old World and in the New, a rare inter- est has been felt in Shoemakers, as a class, on account of their remarkable intelligence and the large number of eminent men who have risen from their ranks. These facts, and especially the last which has been the subject of frequent remark may be deemed sufficient justifica- tion for the existence of such a work as this. Another reason might be given for the issue of such a book as this just now. A change has come over the craft of boot IV PREFACE. and shoe making. The use of machinery has effected nothing short of a revolution in the trade. The old-fashioned Shoe- maker, with his leathern apron and hands redolent of wax, has almost disappeared from the workrooms and streets of such towns as Northampton and Stafford in Old England, or Lvnn in New England. His place and function are now, for the most part, occupied by the " cutter" and the " clicker," the " riveter" and the " machine-girl." The old Cobbler, like the ancient spinster and handloom weaver, is retiring into the shade of the boot and shoe factory. Whether or no he will disappear entirely may be questionable ; but there can be no doubt that the Cobbler, sitting at his stall and working with awl and hammer and last, will never again be the conspicuous figure in social life that he was wont to be in times gone by. Before we bid him a final farewell, and forget the traditions of his humble yet honorable craft, it may be of some service to bring under one review the names and histories of some of the more illustrious members of his order. Long as is the list of these worthy " Sons of Crispin," it cannot be said to be complete. Only a few examples are taken from Germany, France, and the United States, where, in all probability, as many illustrious Shoemakers might have been met with as in Great Britain itself. And even the British muster-roll is not fully made up. With only a few exceptions, living men are not included in the list. Very gladly would the writer have added to these exceptions so remarkable a man as Thomas Edward, the shoemaker of Banff, one of the best self- taught naturalists of our time, and, for the last sixteen years, an Associate of the Linnasan Society. But for the Life of this eminent Scotchman the reader must be referred to the interest- ing biography written by his friend Dr. Smiles. In writing the longer sketches, free and ample use has been made of biographies already in existence. But this has not been done without the kind consent of the owners of copy- rights. To these the writer tenders his grateful acknowledg- ments. To the widow of the Rev. T. W. Blanshard he is PREFACE. V indebted for permission to draw upon the pages of her late husband's valuable biography of " The Wesleyan Demos- thenes, " Samuel Bradburn ; to Jacob Halls Drew, Esq., Bath, for his courtesy in allowing a liberal use to be made of the facts given in his biography of his father, Samuel Drew, " The Self-Taught Cornishman ;" and to the venerable Thomas Cooper, as well as to his publishers, Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton, for their kind favor in regard to the lengthy and detailed sketch of the author of " The Purgatory of Suicides." This sketch, the longest in the book, is inserted by special permission of Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton. The minor sketches, have been drawn from a variety of sources. One or two of these require special mention. In pre- paring the notice of John O'Neill, the Poet of Temperance, the writer has received kind help from Mr. Richard Gooch of Brighton, himself a poet of temperance. Messrs. J. & J. H. Rutherford of Kelso have also been good enough to place at the writer's service but, unfortunately, too late to be of much use a copy of their recently published autobiography of John Younger, the Shoemaker of St. Boswells. In the all-too-brief section devoted to American worthies, valuable aid has been given to the author by Henry Phillips, Esq., jun., A.M., Ph.D., Corresponding Member of the Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, U.S. A. In all probability the reader has never been introduced to so large a company of illustrious Sons of Crispin before. It is sincerely hoped that he will derive both pleasure and profit from their society. WILLIAM EDWARD WINKS. CARDIFF, 1882. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE iii CHAPTER I. Sir Cloudesley Shovel : The Cobbler's Boy who became an Admiral. . 17 CHAPTER II. James Lackington : Shoemaker and Bookseller 29 CHAPTER III. Samuel Bradburn : The Shoemaker who became President of the Wesleyan Conference 53 CHAPTER IV. William Gifford : From the Shoemaker's Stool to the Editor's Chair. . 75 CHAPTER V. Robert Bloomfield : The Shoemaker who wrote "The Farmer's Boy," 93 CHAPTER VI. Samuel Drew : The Metaphysical Shoemaker 109 CHAPTER VII. William Carey : The Shoemaker who Translated the Bible into Ben- gali and Hindostani ' 129 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. John Pounds : The Philanthropic Shoemaker 151 CHAPTER IX. Thomas Cooper : The Self-educated Shoemaker who " Reared his own Monument " 165 CHAPTER X. A Constellation of Celebrated Cobblers 189 ANCIENT EXAMPLES. The Cobbler and the Artist Apelles 191 The Shoemaker Bishops : Annianas, Bishop of Alexandria, and Alex- ander, Bishop of Comana 1 92 The Pious Cobbler of Alexandria 193 "Rabbi Jochanan, The Shoemaker" 194 EUROPEAN EXAMPLES : France. SS. Crispin and Crispianus: The Patron Saints of Shoemakers 197 " The Learned Baudouin " 200 Henry Michael Buch : "Good Henry " 201 Germany. Hans Sachs : " The Nightingale of the Reformation " 203 Jacob Boehmen : The Mystic 205 Italy. Gabriel Cappellini : " il Caligarino " 207 Francesco Brizzio : The Artist 208 Holland. Ludolph de Jong : The Portrait-Painter 209 Sons of Shoemakers 209 GREAT BRITAIN. "Ye Cocke of Westminster" 210 Timothy Bennett: The Hero of Hampton-Wick 212 CONTENTS. ix Military and Naval Heroes. PAGE The Souters of Selkirk 213 Watt Tinlinn 214 Colonel Hewson : The " Cerdon " of Hudibras 215 Sir Christopher Myngs, Admiral 218 Astrologers and others. Dr. Partridge ' 220 Dr. Ehenezer Sibly, F.R.C.P 222 Manoah Sibly, Short-hand Writer, Preacher, etc 224 Mackey, " the Learned Shoemaker" of Norwich, and two other Learned Shoemakers 225 Anthony Purver, Bible Revisionist 226 The Poets of the Cobbler's Stall. James Woodhouse, the Friend of Shenstone 228 John Bennet, Parish Clerk and Poet 229 Richard Savage, the Friend of Pope 230 Thomas Olivers, Hymn-Writer '. . 231 Thomas Holcroft, Dramatist, Novelist. . . 234 Joseph Blacket, " The Son of Sorrow " 236 David Service and other Songsters of the Shoemaker's Stall 242 John Struthers, Poet and Editor 243 John O'Neill, the Poet of Temperance 244 John Younger, Fly-Fisher and Corn-Law Rhymer 246 Charles Crocker, " The Poor Cobbler of Chichester " 247 Preachers and Theologians. George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends 249 Thomas Shillitoe, the Shoemaker who stood before Kings 251 John Thorp, Founder of the Independent Church at Masboro' 255 William Huntingdon, S.S 257 Robert Morrison, D.D., Chinese Scholar and Missionary 258 Rev. John Burnet, Preacher and Philanthropist 259 John Kitto, D.D., Biblical Scholar 261 X CONTENTS. Science. PAGE William Sturgeon, the Electrician 264 Politicians. Thomas Hardy, of " The State Trials " 265 George Odger, Political Orator 2G6 AMERICAN EXAMPLES. Noah Worcester, D.D., " The Apostle of Peace " 271 Roger Sherman, the Patriot ; 274 Henry Wilson, the Natick Cobbler 276 John Greenleaf Whittier, " The Quaker Poet " 277 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE SIK CLOUDSLEY SHOVEL, 13 JAMES LACKINGTON, 25 REV. S. BRADBURN, 49 ROBERT BLOOMFIELD, 89 SAMUEL DREW, M.A., 105 WILLIAM CAREY, 125 THOMAS COOPER, 161 JOSEPH BLACK ET, 237 J. G. WHITTIER, 269 SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL THE COBBLER'S BOY WHO BECAME AN ADMIRAL. " Honor and shame from no condition rise ; Act well your part, there all the honor lies. Fortune in men has some small difference made, One flaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade ; The cobbler aproned and the parson gowned, The friar hooded, and the monarch crowned. "What differ more' (you cry) 'than crown and cowl?' I'll tell you, friend, a wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch acts the monk, Or, cobbler-like, the parson will be drunk ; Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow; The rest is all but leather or prunella." POPE, Essay on Man. SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL. ON the south side of the choir of Westminster Abbey may be seen a very handsome and costly monument, on which reclines a life-sized figure in marble, representing a naval com- mander. The grotesque uniform and elaborate wig are of the style of Queen Anne's time. The commander himself has all the look of a well-bred gentleman and a brave officer. He is a capital type of the old school of naval heroes, stout in person, jolly in temper, but terrible in action, by whom our shores were defended, our colonies secured to us, and the power and stability of the British Empire were established for centuries to come. These men had, in many instances, risen from the low- est social status, and had been compelled to begin their nautical career in the humblest fashion, accepting the most menial posi- tion the naval service could offer them. When they came to hold positions of command, they had, perhaps, no culture nor general education ; the little knowledge they possessed was confined to the arts of navigation and warfare, and this they had picked up in actual service. Such knowledge served them well, and made them equal to any emergency. It made them capable of deeds of valor and enterprise, that brought renown to their own name and honor to their country. They could sail round the world ; they could, by their discoveries, add new territories to the British crown, and open up splendid fields for commercial enterprise ; they could keep their vessels afloat in a gale of wind, get to windward of the enemy if they wanted, pour a broadside into him, board and capture his vessels or blow up his forts ; and, very often fighting against fearful odds, beat him by dint of superior skill in seamanship and greater courage in action. Such a commander was " old Benbow," whose name appears so often in the nautical songs of the last century ; and such a commander was his contem- porary, Sir Cloudesley Shovel, to whose memory the handsome monument just referred to is erected. Let us pause for a moment to read the inscription. It runs thus : " Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Knt., Bear- Admiral of Great Britain, Admiral and Command er-in-Chief of the Fleet : The just reward of 18 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. long and faithful services. He was deservedly beloved of his country, and esteemed though dreaded by the enemy, who had often experi- enced his conduct and courage. Being shipwrecked on the rocks of Scilly, in his voyage from Toulon, the 22d of October 1707, at night, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, his fate was lamented by all, but especially by the seafaring part of the nation, to whom he was a worthy example. His body was flung on the shore, and buried with others in the sands ; but being soon after taken up, was placed under this monument, which his royal mistress has caused to be erected to commemorate his steady loyalty and extraordinary virtues.'* If a stranger to Sir Cloudesley Shovel's history were to stand looking at this fine monument, admiring the fine figure which adorns it and reading the glowing epitaph, he would no doubt be greatly amazed if the intelligent verger by his side were to whisper in his ear, " That man was once a cobbler's boy ; the first weapons he ever used in fighting the battle of life were the awl and hammer and last." Yet such was really the case. It is true he did not remain long at his humble craft. He left it, indeed, sooner than any of the notable men whose life-story we have to tell in this book ; yet he wore the leathern apron long enough to en- title him to a place in the category of Illustrious Shoe- makers. Cloudesley Shovel was born in the county of Norfolk in the year 1650, at a village called Clay, lying on the coast between Wells and Cromer. His parents are said to have been in but " middling circumstances ;" but it is to be feared that even this modest term describes a better position than they actually held. They were evidently of the humblest class, and had no means of giving their boy either a good education or a good start in the way of business. Cloudesley came by his rather singular name as no doubt thousands had done before his time, and have done since. It was given him in honor of a relative who was in good circumstances, and in the hope that it might probably be a " means of recommending him to this rela- tive's notice." But fortunately, as it proved for him, and proves also for many others, no fortune was left him. His parents were glad to send him to the village shoemaker to learn the art and mystery of making and mending boots and shoes. Finding the drudgery of a sedentary occupation and the flat- ness and quietude of village life irksome to his active tempera- ment and aspiring spirit, after a few years' work at shoemak- ing, he made off to sea. His taste lying in the direction of the SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL. 19 royal r.aval sendee, be went and joined himself to a man-of- war. Here he had the good fortune to come under the care and command of Sir John Narborough. This distinguished officer had once been in Cloudesley's position as a man-of-war's cabin-boy, and having shown himself a smart sailor and an industrious student of navigation, had been rapidly promoted by his generous captain, Sir Christopher Myngs. Sir John Narborough was therefore well disposed, by his kindly disposi- tion and his own early experience, to favor any youth of prom- ise placed in similar circumstances to those through which he himself had passed. In young Cloudesley the gallant captain seems to have seen his own character portrayed and his own career enacted over again. The lad was smart at seamanship, and uncommonly diligent when off watch in the study of any nautical books he could lay hands on. He seems to have found out very early in his course that the secret of success in life lies in being ready, when the time comes, to seize and use the great opportunities of fortune which sooner or later come in every one's way ; that fortune waits on diligence and cour- age ; and that the future is pretty secure to the man who, whatever be his position, works hard and does his plain duty every day. The first incident in his naval career is an illustration of this. He was on board the flag- ship commanded by Admiral Sir John Narborough in one of the most hotly contested battles fought between the English and the Dutch. The masts of the flag-ship were shot away early in the engagement. The admiral saw that his case was hopeless, however bravely his men might fight, unless the English reserve, which lay some distance oif to the right, could be brought round to his aid. The thing wanted was to get a message conveyed to the captain of the reserve. Signalling was out of the question, of course ; the message must be carried to the ships somehow. Yet he saw plainly that in such a hurricane of shot and shell, and with so many of the enemy's vessels close at hand, no boat could hope to reach the English ships. But a man might swim to them ! Acting on this thought, Sir John wrote an order and called aloud for volunteers to swim with it, under the fire of the enemy, to the neighboring ships. Among the able- bodied sailors who presented themselves for the terrible duty young Cloudesley stood forth. Looking at him with admira- tion mingled with something like pity, the admiral exclaimed, " Why, what can you do, my fearless lad ?" " I can swim, 20 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. sir," said young Cloudesley, and added in the spirit of a patriot and a hero, "If I be shot, I can be easier spared than any one else." After a moment's hesitation on the part of the tender-hearted admiral, the paper was handed to the boy, who placed it between his teeth and plunged into the water. Cheered by his comrades, he swam on through a perfect hail of shot, bearing, as it seemed, a charmed life, until at length the smoke of battle concealed him from their view. The gal- lant Sir John and his brave crew held on in the most deter- mined manner until it seemed that no hope was left that the brave lad had reached the friendly vessels in safety and de- livered the message. They were beginning to think of him and of themselves as lost, when a sudden and terrific roar of cannon on their right announced that the English vessels were bearing down on the Dutch. In a few hours the enemy was flying in all directions. The cabin-boy was not forgotten when the honors and rewards of victory came to crown the events of that terrible day, for all agreed that he had done a deed that deserved well of his country. When the sun was setting on the sad scene of wreck and ruin, the courageous yet modest youth came and stood once more on the deck of the flag-ship. As soon as the old admiral saw him he spoke to him a few words of generous appreciation and sincere thanks, finishing with the significant remark, " I shall live to see you have a flag-ship of your own." The prediction came true, as we shall presently see. Not very long afterward Cloudesley Shovel was made lieu- tenant of His Majesty's navy. The first opportunity he had of distinguishing himself in this capacity was on an expedition sent out by the British to punish the corsairs of Tripoli. These lawless and daring rogues had long infested the Mediterranean, doing immense mischief to commerce and committing sad dep- redations all along the coast, wherever they found it possible to land with safety. No vessel or port, from the Levant to the Straits of Gibraltar, was safe from their attack. Sir John Nar- borough was therefore commissioned to bring them to terms or effectually punish them. Arriving before Tripoli, their head- quarters, in the spring of 1674, he found the enemy in great strength under the shelter of their formidable forts, and de- cided, first of all, according to his instructions, to try the effect of negotiations. Lieutenant Shovel, then only twenty- four years of age, a tall thin young man, with little on his face to indicate that he had come to manhood, was sent with a mes- SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL. 21 sage for the Dey of Tripoli, asking for satisfaction for the past and security for the future. This message was delivered in a spirit becoming a British sailor acting on behalf of the interests of his country ; but the Dey, a haughty and imperious man, refused to treat with such a youth, and one, too, who held so subordinate a position, and after treating him with insolence, sent him back to his admiral with an indefinite answer. The wily ex-cobbler, however, had kept his eyes open while on land, and on returning to Sir John, gave him so good an ac- ' count of the character of the fortifications and the disposition of the pirate fleet, that he was sent back to the Dey with a second message, and instructed to make further observations. He was treated on his second visit with even greater insolence, but took all quietly, not caring how much he was detained by the Dey's abuse, so long as he could look round him and obtain a good view of the enemy's strength and position. Coming back once more to his vessel, he explained the whole situation, and described a plan of attack which he felt confident would be successful in destroying the vessels lying at anchor in the bay. The admiral was so much pleased with his lieutenant's smartness, and so satisfied that his plan was practicable if con- ducted with skill and courage, that he decided to intrust the execution of it to " his boy Shovel." On the night of the 4th of March the young lieutenant took command of all the boats of the fleet, which had been filled with combustible material, rowed quietly into the harbor under cover of the darkness, made straight for the guard-ship, which he set on fire and thoroughly disabled, thus preventing it from giving orders to the other ships, and, before the enemy could prepare for action, fired and blew up his vessels one after another, and then leaving them in a state of the utmost confusion and dis- tress, brought all his boats back to the British fleet without the loss of a single man. It was a brave exploit, cleverly conceived and brilliantly executed. As a wholesome castigation of these impudent pirates it was of the utmost value ; and more than this, it crippled their power for mischief for a long time to 'come. The generous Sir John Narborough fully appreciated the cour- age and skill of his youthful subordinate, and gave him the most honorable mention in the official letters sent to the authorities at home. He was at once promoted to the rank of captain. This office he held for eleven years, until the death of Charles II. in 1685. During the three years of James II. 's 22 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. reign, Captain Shovel is said to have been in every naval en- gagement that occurred. He had therefore ample opportunity of distinguishing himself and obtaining still further promotion. Soon after the accession of William III., Captain Shovel was conspicuous by his daring and clever manoeuvring at the bat- tle of Bantry Bay. He was then in command of the ship " Edgar," and the favorable notices he had received from Admiral Hobart brought his gallantry before the attention of his monarch, who conferred upon the brave captain the honor of knighthood. Captain, now Sir Cloudesley Shovel, was held in high esteem by King William III., who intrusted him with the difficult and responsible duty of conveying the troops to Ireland in 1690, on the occasion of the Irish rebellion which terminated in the bloody battle of the Boyne. This duty was discharged with so much ability that the King de- cided to promote Sir Cloudesley to the rank of " rear-admiral of the blue." In conferring this reward upon the gallant com- mander, the grateful monarch marked his sense of the value of the service rendered by delivering the commission with his own hands. Before the year came to a close Sir Cloudesley added one more item to the long list of his services by giving timely assistance to General Kirke at the siege of Waterford. This town was held by the adherents of James II., and had long defied all attempts of General Kirke to take it. The chief strength of the town lay in Duncannon Castle, on which an attack was made by Sir Cloudesley 's ships and men. A sur- render was speedily negotiated, and the influential town of Waterford fell into the hands of the English. Two years after this the King declared him k< rear-admiral of the red," giving him at the same time the command of the squadron which was to convey the King to Holland. Soon after his return from Holland ho was ordered to join the fleet then under the command of Admiral Russell, and bore a very important part in the brilliant naval victory known as the batttle of La Hogue. His last services during the reign of William III. were rendered in connection with the bombardment of Dunkirk, which he undertook at the King's express command. The author of the " Lives of British Admirals,"* referring to the esteem in which Sir Cloudesley Shovel was held by his king and country at the close of this reign, says, " He was always consulted by * See Campbell's " Lives," etc., vol. iv. p. 247. SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL. 23 His Majesty whenever maritime affairs were under considera- tion. " His first service in the reign of Queen Anne was performed as t4 admiral of the white." The town of Vigo in Spain had been captured by Sir George Rooke, and Sir Cloudesley was ordered to go out and bring home the spoils of the united Spanish and French fleets, which lay disabled in the harbor. This difficult task was accomplished with a rapidity and dash which made so favorable an impression on the court, that on his return " it was immediately resolved to employ him in affairs of the greatest consequence for the future. " In J703 he was put in command of the grand fleet, and protected the interests of England from the hostile attempts of the French and allied powers in the Mediterranean. At the battle of Malaga in 1704, Sir Cloudesley 's division of nine ships led the van, and had to bear the brunt of the enemy's attack to such an ex- tent, that at the beginning of the engagement he was almost entirely surrounded by the French, and more than 400 of his men were either killed or wounded. On his return home he was presented to the Queen by Prince George, and shortly afterward received the appointment of commander-in-chief and rear-admiral of the English fleet. As Admiral Shovel he won great credit for the part he took in the capture of the impor- tant city of Barcelona in 1705. In the month of October, 1707, after bearing an 'honorable part in the expedition under Prince Eugene against Toulon, he set sail with ten ships of the line, five frigates, and other war vessels for the shores of England. But he was destined never to see again the country he had served so nobly and loved so well. By some strange mischance, which has never been fully accounted for, his own vessel and several others, on the night of the 22 d of October, struck on the rocks of the Scilly islands and perished. The brave admiral and his three sons-in-law, who were on board his vessel, besides a large num- ber of officers and seamen, were drowned. The body of Sir Cloudesley Shovel was washed on shore, and having been found by a number of smugglers, was stripped of an emerald ring and other valuables, and buried in the sand. On attempt- ing to sell their booty, the miscreants found that the ring they prized so much betrayed their guilty secret. They were com- pelled to point out the spot where the body had been concealed. England, of course, could not allow one of her noblest sons to lie in so ignominious a grave. The body was at once removed 24 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. to London by express order of Her Majesty Queen Anne, and laid in the most honorable grave the nation had to give " In the great minster transept, Where the lights like glories fall, And the organ rings and the sweet choir sings Along the emblazoned wall." * * Sir Cloudesley Shovel sat for several years a member of Parlia- ment for the city of Kochester. In the Guildhall of that city there is an interesting portrait, representing the gallant sailor as Rear- Admiral. A tablet states that the hall was painted and decorated by his desire and at his expense, 1695-6. The portrait from which our engraving is taken is by Michael Dahl, and was originally at Hampton Court. It was presented by George IV. in 1824 to Greenwich Hospital. Sir C. Shovel at the time of his death was one of the governors of Greenwich Hospital. JAMES LACKINGTON James ILacfcington, SHOEMAKER AND BOOKSELLER. Sutor Ultra Crepidam Feliciter Ausus. Latin Motto, Quoted on Frontispiece to ' * Lackingtorfs Memoirs" I. LACKIXGTON, Who a few years since began Business with five Pounds, Now sells one Hundred Thousand Volumes Annually. From Frontispiece to First Edition of "Memoirs and Confessions" 1791-92. " I will therefore conclude with a wish, that my readers may enjoy the feast with the same good humor with which I have prepared it. ... Those with keen appetites will partake of each dish, while others, more delicate, may select such dishes as are more light and better adapted to their palates ; they are all genuine British fare ; but lest they should be at a loss to know what the entertainment consists of, I beg leave to inform them that it contains forty-seven dishes of various sizes, which (if they cal- culate the expense of their admission tickets] they will find does not amount to twopence per dish ; and what I hope they will consider as immensely valuable (in compliance with the precedent set by Mr. Farley, a gentleman eminent in the culinary science), a striking likeness of their Cook into the Bargain. " Ladies and Gentlemen, pray be seated ; you are heartily welcome, and much good may it do you." From Preface to Lackingtoii's "Memoirs and Confessions," published 1826, JAMES LACKINGTON. ONE of the most successful booksellers of the last century was James Lackington, whose enormous place of business at the corner of Finsbury Square, London, was styled somewhat grandiloquently " The Temple of the Muses." A flag floated proudly over the top of the building, and above the principal doorway stood the announcement, no less true than sensa- tional, " The Cheapest Bookshop in the World. " Lackington was an innovator in the trade, and had introduced methods and principles of doing business which at first awaked the ire of the bookselling fraternity, but were at length generally adopted, thus inaugurating a new era in the history of this im- portant business. His name cannot be omitted from any com- plete history of booksellers, and it is none the less deserving of a place in the category of illustrious shoemakers ; for Lack- ington commenced life as a shoemaker, and for some time after he had entered on bookselling speculations continued to work at the humble trade to which he had served an apprentice- ship. When Lackington was about forty-five years of age, and had made a considerable fortune in the bookselling trade, he wrote and published a singular book, in which he narrated the princi- pal events in his life, under the form of " Letters to a Friend." This book bears the title " Memoirs and Confes- sions," and is certainly one of the most remarkable autobiog- raphies ever presented to the world. What portion of its con- tents may be referred to by the term " memoirs" as distin- guished from " confessions" it is impossible to say, but cer- tain it is that there are many things in the book which its author would have done well to blot as soon as they were written, and of which he was no doubt heartily sorry and ashamed in after-life. Among the worst of these were his strictures and reflections on the Wesleyan Methodists, to whom he had belonged in early life, and from whom he had received no small benefit, temporal as well as spiritual. When the second edition of his memoirs came to be printed in 1803, his character had undergone a happy change. He then saw 30 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. things in a different light, and made full and complete ac- knowledgment of the faults which marked the first edition ; expressed in very decided albeit very conventional terms his faith in Christian truth, and his debt of obligation to the relig- ious people whom he had so sadly maligned. But words were not enough to satisfy his ardent, thorough-going nature. His benefactions to the Wesleyan Society were very consider- able, and he seemed toward the close of his life to have found great satisfaction in making the best use of the ample means at his disposal. With all his faults he was an estimable man, honest, truthful, and generous. He was never ashamed of his lowly birth and humble apprenticeship, nor turned his back on his poor relations, but ever sought them out and helped them when he had the power to do so. His success in business was owing to his shrewd common-sense, his rare insight into char- acter, his good judgment as to the public taste and require- ments, his capital method of assorting and classifying his stock and strict keeping of accounts, his courageous yet prudent pur- chases, and his strict adherence to a few sound maxims of economy and thrift. None but a man of original and uncom- mon powers of mind could have launched out on new specula- tions and adventures as Lackington did with the same uniform and certain success, and none but a man of good sense and lofty feeling would have been proof against the ill effects which so often attend on success. There is a touch of vanity in his memoirs, it is trne, but it is not the vanity of a man who is vain and does not know it ; lie is quite conscious of his egotism, and indulges in it with thorough good-humor as a hearty joke. He was rather fond of display, kept a town- house and a country-house when he could afford it, and set up a " chariot," as the phrase went in those days, and liveried servants. Yet it was not many men in his position who would have taken for a motto to be painted on the doors of his car- riage the plain English words which express the principle on which his business had been made to bear such wonderful results. " But,' 7 he remarks, " as the first king of Bohemia kept his country shoes by him to remind him from whence he was taken, I have put a motto on the doors of my carriage constantly to re- mind me to what I am indebted for my prosperity, viz., " SMALL PROFITS DO GREAT THINGS." The Lackington family had been farmers in the parish of Langford, near Wellington, in Somersetshire. They were JAMES LACKINGTOST. 31 members of the Society of Friends, and held a respectable position in the locality. For some cause, not fully explained in the memoirs, James Lackington's father was apprenticed to a shoemaker at Wellington. He made an imprudent marriage, and for a time forfeited his father's approval and favor ; but when the good-wife proved herself to be a very worthy and industrious woman, the old man relented and set his son up in business. This, however, was of no advantage to him ; in fact, it proved his ruin. He might have remained a steady and hard-working man, bringing up his children honorably, if he had remained a journeyman. The position of a master pre- sented temptations that were too much for his weak disposi- tion. Lackington's own words will best describe his unhappy circumstances in youth and the character of his father. " I was born at Wellington, in Somersetshire, on the 31st of August (old style), 1746. My father, George Lackington, was a journeyman shoemaker, who had incurred the displeasure of my grandfather for marrying my mother, whose maiden name was Joan Trott. . . . About the year 1750, my father having several children, and my mother proving an excellent wife, my grandfather's resentment had nearly subsided, so that he sup- plied him with money to open shop for himself. But that which was intended to be of very great sendee to him and his family eventually proved extremely unfortunate to himself and them ; for as soon as he found he was more at ease in his cir- cumstances he contracted a fatal habit of drinking, and of course his business was neglected ; that after several fruitless attempts of my grandfather to keep him in trade, he was, partly by a very large family, but more by his habitual drunk- enness, reduced to his old state of a journeyman shoemaker. Yet so infatuated was he with the love of liquor, that the en- dearing ties of husband and father could not restrain him : by which baneful habit himself and family were involved in the extremest poverty ; so that neither myself, my brothers, nor sisters, are indebted to a father scarcely for anything that can endear his memory, or cause us to reflect on him with pleas- ure. ' ' James, as the oldest child in the family, fared for a time rather better than the rest. He was sent to a dame-school and began to learn to read ; but before he could learn anything worth knowing, his mother, who was obliged to maintain her children as best she could, found it impossible to pay the two- pence per week for his schooling. For several years his time 32 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. was divided between nursing his younger brothers and sister* and running about the streets and getting into mischief. At the age of ten he began to feel a desire to do something to earn a living. His first venture in this way showed his ability and gave some promise of his success as a man of business. Hav- ing noticed an old pieman in the streets whose method of sell- ing pies struck the boy as very defective, the boy was con- vinced that he could do the work much better. He made known his thoughts to a baker in the town, who was so pleased with the lad's spirit that he at once agreed to take the little fellow into the house and employ him in vending pies in the streets, if his father would grant permission. This was soon obtained. In this queer enterprise young Lackington met with remarkable success. He says : " My manner of crying pies, and my activity in selling them, soon made me the favorite of all such as purchased halfpenny apple-pies and halfpenny plum- puddings, so that in a few weeks the old pie merchant shut up his shop. I lived with this baker about twelve* or fifteen months, in which time I sold such large quantities of pies, puddings, cakes, etc., that he often declared to his friends in my hearing that I had been the means of extricating him from the embarrassing circumstances in which he was known to be involved prior to my entering his service. " Such a story is a sufficient indication of character. It ex- hibits the two qualities which distinguished him as a man good sense and courage. Another story of his boyhood is worth telling for the same reason. He was about twelve years of age when he went one day to a village about two miles off, and returning late at night with his father, who had been drinking hard as usual, they met a group of women who had turned back from a place called Rogue Green because they had seen a dreadful apparition in a hollow part of the road where some person had been murdered years before. Of course the place had been haunted ever since ! The women dared not go by the spot after what they had seen, and were returning to the village to spend the night. Lackington and his father laughed at the tale, and the dauntless boy engaged to walk on in front and go up to the object when they came near it in order to discover what it was. He did so, keeping about fifty yards ahead of the company and calling to them to come on. Having walked about a quarter of a mile, the object came in sight. " Here it is !" said he. " Lord have mercy on us !" cried they, and were preparing to run, ' i but shame prevented JAM US LACKIXGTOX. 13 them." Making a long file behind him, the order of proced- ure of course being according to the degree of each person's courage, they moved on with trembling steps toward the ghost. Although the boy's " hat was lifted off his head by his hair standing on end," and his teeth chattered in his mouth, he was pledged in honor and must go on. Coming close to the dreaded spectre, he saw its true character " a very short tree, whose limbs had been newly cut off, the doing of which had made it much resemble a giant." The boy's pluck was the talk of the town, and he " was mentioned as a hero." His merits as a pie vender had made him a reputation, and now an application was made to his father to allow James to sell almanacs about the time of Christmas and the New Year. He rejoiced immensely in this occupation and drove a splendid trade, exciting the envy and ire of the itinerant venders of Moore, Wing, and Poor Robin to such a degree that he speaks of his father's fear lest" th'ese poor hawkers, who found their occupation almost gone, should do the daring young interloper some grievous bodily harm. 4< But," he says, " I had not the least concern ; and as I had a light pair of heels, I always kept at a proper distance. ? ' At the age of fourteen he was bound for seven years to Mr. Bowden of Taunton, a shoemaker. The indentures made Lackington the servant of both Mr. and Mrs. Bowden, so that, in case of the death of the former, the latter might claim the service of the apprentice. The Bowdens were steady, religious people who attended what Lackington calls " an Anabaptist meeting," i.e., we presume, a Baptist chapel, for the Baptists long bore the opprobrious epithet which was first given to them in Germany and Holland at the time of the Ref- ormation. The Baptists of Taunton in 1760 seem to have been a dull, lifeless class of people, if we may judge from the type presented in the family of the quiet shoemaker with whom James Lackington went to live. Yet they were on a par with the vast majority of churches, established or non-estab- lished, in that age of religious apathy in England. The boy accompanied the family twice on the Sabbath to the " meet- ing," and heard, yet not heard, sermons full of sound moral- ity, but devoid of anything like vigorous, soul-searching, and soul-converting gospel truth, and delivered, withal, in the flat- test and most spiritless manner. The ideas of the family were as circumscribed as their library, and that was small and meagre enough, in all conscience. It may be worth while to 34 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOKMAKKKS. give an inventory of its contents. It will cover only a line or two of our space, and will be of some use to those, perhaps, who are apt to mourn their own poverty as regards books, and their small advantages, though, perchance, they may have ac- cess to free libraries or cheap subscription libraries, or may be able to buy or borrow all they could find time to peruse if only they had the wish to read. Imagine a youth with any taste for literature living in a sleepy town like Taunton in 1760, and looking over his masters bookshelves and finding there a school-size Bible, 44 Watts 7 Psalms and Hymns," Foot's 44 Tract on Baptism," Culpepper's 4t Herbal," the " History of the Gentle Craft," an old imperfect volume of receipts on Physic, Surgery, etc., and the 44 Ready Reckoner." Bowden was an odd character, evidently. One of his strange customs is thus described : " Every morning, at all seasons of the year and in all weathers, he rose about three o'clock, took a walk by the river's side round Trenchware fields, stopped at some place, or other to drink half a pint of ale, came back before six o'clock and called up his people to work, and went to bed again about seven." 44 Thus," says Lackington, 4< was the good man's family jogging easily and quietly on, no one doubting but he should go to heaven when he died, and every one hoping it would be a good while first." The visit of " one of Mr. Wesley's preachers" led to the conversion of the two sons of Lackingtori's employer, and set the young apprentice on a train of thought and inquiry which eventually led him also to cast in his Jot with the Methodists. He was then about sixteen years of age, and had so little knowl- edge of reading that he gladly paid the three halfpence per week which his mother allowed him as pocket-money to one of the young Bowdens for instruction. Yet he had at this time no literary taste, and no thought beyond the limited round of devotional reading, which consisted chiefly of the Bible, and the tracts, sermons, and hymns of the Wesleys. His desire to hear the Methodist preachers was so great at this time, that one Sunday morning, when his mistress had locked the door to prevent his going out for this purpose, he jumped out of the bedroom window, fondly imagining that the words of the ninety- first Psalm, the eleventh and twelfth verses, which he had just been reading, would be sufficient guarantee of his safety in perpetrating such an act of rashness and folly. The last three years of his apprenticeship were spent in the service of his JAMES LACKIXGTOX. 35 master's widow, Mr. Bowden having died when Lackington liad served about four years. When he was just twenty-one, and about six months before the expiration of his time, a severe contest for the representation of Taunton in Parliament took place, and the friends of two of the candidates purchased his freedom from Mrs. Bowden's service in order to secure both his vote and his services. The scenes of excitement and dissi- pation into which he was thrown at this time unsettled his mind, and for a time entirely ruined his religious character. The election over, he went to live at Bristol, and lodged in a street called Castle Ditch, with a young man named John Jones, a maker of stuff shoes, who led him into dissipation. Jones, however, had been pretty well educated, and managed to awaken in Lackington's mind a desire for more knowledge than he then possessed. He was, indeed, wofully ignorant, had no idea of writing, and when he began to feel a thirst for general reading, confesses that he dared not enter a book- seller's shop because he did not know the name of any book to %sk for. His friend Jones picked up at a bookstall a copy of Walker's " Paraphrase of Epictetus," which seems to have charmed the young shoemaker immensely, and to have turned him for a time into a regular stoic. The taste for reading once awakened, he soon grew weary of a life of sin and folly. One evening he turned into a chapel in Broadmead to hear Mr. Wesley, who was preaching there. The old fire of religious enthusiasm was once more enkindled, and burned as fiercely as ever. His companions were soon brought to join the Wesleyan Society, and for a time the little knot of shoemakers working together lived a life of intense re- ligious devotion, working hard and singing hymns or holding religious conversation all day, reading the works of leading evangelical divines during the greater part of the night, and seldom allowing themselves more than three hours' sleep. The religious was combined with the philosophic mind. He bought copies of such books as Plato on the " Immortality of the Soul," Plutarch's " Lives," the " Morals of Confucius," etc.; and, speaking of this time, he says : " The pleasures of ' eating and drinking I entirely despised, and for some time carried the disposition to an extreme. The account of Epicurus living in his garden at the expense of about a halfpenny per day, and that when he added a little cheese to his bread on particular occasions he considered it as a luxury, filled me with raptures. From that moment I began to live on bread and tea, 36 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. and for a considerable time did not partake of any other viand, but in that I indulged myself three or four times a day. My reasons for living in this abstemious manner were in order to save money to purchase books, to wean myself from the gross pleasures of eating, drinking, etc., and to purge my mind and make it more susceptible of intellectual pleasures." Leaving Bristol in 1769, he lived for a year at Kingsbridge, Devonshire, where he worked as a maker of stuff and silk shoes. In 1770 he went back to Bristol, and lodged once more with his old friends, the Joneses. At the end of that year he married Nancy Smith, an old sweetheart, whom he had fallen in love with seven years previously, " being at Farmer Gamlin's at Charlton, four miles from Taunton, to hear a Methodist sermon." Nancy was dairymaid then, and was ac- counted handsome ; she was a devout Methodist, and an amiable, industrious, thrifty woman. But they were wretch- edly poor at the time of their marriage, and had to go and live in lodgings at half a crown a week. " Our finances," he remarks, *' were but just sufficient to pay the expenses of the (wedding) day, for in searching our pockets (which we did not do in a careless manner), we discovered that we had but one halfpenny to begin the world with. 'Tis true we had laid in eatables sufficient for a day or two, in which time we knew we could by our work procure more, which we very cheerfully set about, singing together the following strains of Dr. Cotton : ' Our portion is not large indeed, But then how little do we need ! For Nature's calls are few. In this the art of living lies, To want no more than may suffice, And make that little do.' " The above, and the following ode by Mr. Samuel Wesley, we did scores of times repeat, even with raptures : No glory I covet, no riches I want, Ambition is nothing to me : The one thing I beg of kind Heaven to grant Is a mind independent and free. ' By passion unruffled, untainted by pride, By reason my life let me square ; The wants of my nature are cheaply supplied, And the rest are but folly and care. ' Those blessings which Providence kindly has lent I'll justly and gratefully prize ; While sweet meditation and cheerful content Shall make me both healthy and wise. JAMES LACKINGTOtf. ' How vainly through infinite trouble and strife The many their labors employ ; When all that is truly delightful in life Is what all, if they will, may enjoy. ' ' Sound sense and true philosophy this ; and sorely did the young shoemaker and his much-enduring wife feel the need of such philosophy to hearten and console them when four and six- pence a week was all they had to spend on eating and drinking, and when, as he states, " strong beer we had none, nor any other liquor (the pure element excepted); and instead of tea, or rather coffee, we toasted a piece of bread, at other times we fried some wheat, which, when boiled in water, made a tolera- ble substitute for coffee ; and as to animal food, we made use of but little, and that little we boiled and made broth of.' 7 That the cheerful sentiments with which they set out in life did not fail them under the stress of such hardships as these is sufficiently shown by the statement with which he closes the chapter which deals with this part of his history : " During the whole of this time we never once wished for anything that we had not got, but were quite contented, and with a good grace in reality made a virtue of necessity. " After three years Lackington resolved to go to London in the hope of meeting with better work and pay. It was indeed dire necessity that drove him to take this step. Incessant suffering and semi-starvation seemed inevitable if he remained in Bristol. His wife had been extremely ill almost from the beginning of their residence in the city, probably owing to the change from country air and active employment to the close atmosphere and sedentary occupation to which she was now ac- customed. Her continued illness and his own hopeless state of poverty drove him to make the venture. Accordingly, hav- ing given her all the money he could spare, he set off for the metropolis, and arrived there in August, 1774, with half a crown in his pocket. Once in London, the tide of his fortune turned. He soon found plenty of work and got good wages. In a month his wife was sent for, and the two worked so industriously and lived so economically, that before long Nancy changed her cloth cloak for one of silk, and her worthy husband indulged in the luxury of a greatcoat, the first he had ever worn. When he had been in London about four months he received tidings of the death of his grandfather, who had left ten pounds apiece to each of his grandchildren. He was so ignorant of 38 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. money matters that he had no notion of obtaining the money except by going down to Somersetshire to fetch it, and the sum was accounted so prodigious, that he at once set off to claim his property ; " so that," he says, " it cost me about half the money in going down for it and in returning to town again. " " With the remainder of the money, " he adds, " we pur- chased household goods ; but as we then had not sufficient to furnish a room, we worked hard and lived hard, so that in a short time we had a room furnished with our own goods ; and I believe that Alexander the Great never reflected on his im- mense acquisitions with half the heart-felt enjoyment which we experienced on this capital attainment." Now and then he visited the old bookshops and added a few books to his small library. One Christmas Eve he went out with half a crown in his pocket to purchase the Christmas dinner. Passing by an old bookshop, he could not resist the inducement to turn in and look over the stock. He intended to spend only a few pence on some book ; but a copy of Young's " Night Thoughts," which he very much coveted, was so tempting a prize, that, without hesitation, he laid down his half-crown for the purchase of it. On returning home, he had no slight diffi- culty to persuade his wife of " the superiority of intellectual pleasures over sensual gratifications." " I think," said he to his patient spouse, " that I have acted wisely ; for had I bought a dinner j we should have eaten it to-morrow, and the pleasure would have been soon over ; but should we Jive fifty years longer, we shall have the ' Night Thoughts' to feast upon." In June, 1775, one of his Wesleyan friends looked in on Lackington and his wife as they sat at work making boots and shoes, and told them of a " shop and parlor" which were then to let in Featherstone Street, where it was suggested Lack- ington might obtain work as a master-shoemaker. He at once fell in with the proposal, and added that 4< he would sell books also." He does not seem to have formed any intention of bookselling previous to this interview, but the prospect of hav- ing a shop of his own led him to think how easy and pleasant it would be to combine the two kinds of business. He says in his own naive manner : t4 When he proposed my taking the shop, it instantly occurred to my mind that for several months past I had observed a great increase in a certain old bookshop, and that I was persuaded I knew as much of old books as the person who kept it. I further observed that I loved books, and that if I could but be a bookseller, I should then have JAMES LACKiNGTON. 3^ plenty of books to read, which was the greatest motive I could conceive to induce me to make the attempt." His friend en- gaged to procure the shop, and Lackirigton bought "a bag full of old books, chiefly divinity, for a guinea," which, together with his own little library and some scraps of old leather, were worth five pounds. With this stock he " opened shop on Midsummer Day, 1775, in Featherstone Street, in the parish of St. Luke." He borrowed five pounds from a fund which Wesley's peo- ple had raised for the purpose of lending out on a short terra to men of good character who were in need of help in business or domestic difficulties. No interest appears to have been re- quired, and he states that the money was of great service to him. At this time they lived in the most economical and sparing manner, " often dining on potatoes, and quenching their thirst with water," for they could not forget the trials through which they had passed, 'and, haunted by the dread of their recurrence, were determined, if possible, to provide against them. After six months his stock had increased to 25. " This stock I deemed too great to be buried in Featherstone Street ; and a shop and parlor being to let in Chiswell Street, No. 46, I took them." His business in the sale of books proved so prosperous, that, in a few weeks after removing to Chiswell Street, he disposed of his little stock of leather and altogether abandoned the gentle craft. At this time his stock consisted almost entirely of divinity, and for a year or two he > and silence to my new master, to whom I was bound till 1 should attain the age of twenty-one. At this period I had read nothing but a romance called ' Parismus,' a few loose maga- zines the Bible, indeed, I was well acquainted with ; these, with the 4 Imitation of Thomas a Kempis,' which I used to read to my mother on her death-bed, constituted the whole of my literary acquisitions." The account which follows has few things to equal it in the records of struggling genius. It will serve to show how abject and apparently hopeless was his condition as a student at this time of his life, and will show also, what it may be hoped no youth who reads these pages will fail to learn, how marvellous is the power of energy and perseverance to triumph over appar- ently insuperable obstacles. " I possessed, " Gifford writes, " at this time but one book in the world ; it was a treatise on algebra given to me by a young woman who had found it in a lodging-house. I consid- ered it a treasure ; but it was a treasure locked up, for it sup- posed the reader to be acquainted with simple equations, and I knew nothing of the matter." He then speaks of meeting with a book called Fenning's " Introduction" belonging to his master's son, who, by the way, was discovered afterward to have been all through this time a secret rival for the head-mas- tership. This t4 Introduction" gave Gilford just the informa- tion required to carry him forward into the study of algebra. But he was compelled to study it by stealth, lest it should be taken from him, and he goes on to say : " I sat up for the greater part of several nights successively and completely mas- tered it. I could now enter upon my own, and that carried me pretty far into the science. This was not done without diffi- culty. I had not a farthing on earth, nor a friend to give me one ; pen, ink, and paper, therefore, were for the most part as completely out of my reach as a crotfn and sceptre. There was, indeed, a resource, but the utmost caution and secrecy were necessary in applying to it. I beat out pieces of leather WILLIAM GIFFORD. 79 as smooth as possible and wrought my problems on them with a blunted awl ; for the rest my memory was tenacious, and I could multiply and divide by it to a great extent.' 7 Strange to say, although he displayed so much ability and zeal in the study of mathematics, he was not destined to achieve distinction in that department of study. A very trifling inci- dent led to the exercise of new gifts, and turned the tide of his evil fortune. A shopmate had made a few verses on the blunder of a painter in the village who was engaged to paint a lion for a sign-board, and had produced a dog instead. Gifford thought he could beat the verses of his shopmate, and accord- ingly tried his hand at rhyme. His associates all agreed in pronouncing young Gifford's verses the better of the two. This encouraged him to try again, and in the course of a short time he had composed about a dozen pieces. He says : 4< They were talked of in my little circle, and I was sometimes invited to repeat them out of it. I never committed a line to paper first, because I had no paper ; and, second, because I was afraid, for my master had already threatened me for inad- vertently hitching the name of one of his customers into a rhyme." The rest of this account of his poetical adventures would be amusing if it were not for the pathos which underlies it, and the fact that it is the prelude to one of the most pain- ful incidents in the sad story of Gifford's early life. Referring to these recitals of his poetical pieces he says : " These repeti- tions were always attended by applause, and sometimes by favors more substantial ; little collections were now and then made, and I have received sixpence in an evening (!). To one who had long lived in the absolute want of money such a resource seemed a Peruvian mine. I furnished myself by de- grees with paper, etc., and, what was of more importance, with books of geometry and of the higher branches of algebra, which I cautiously concealed. Poetry even at this time was no amusement of mine. I only had recourse to it when I wanted money for my mathematical pursuits. But the clouds were gathering fast. My master's anger was raised to a terrible pitch by my indifference to his concerns, and still more by my pre- sumptuous attempts at versification. I was required to give up my papers, and when I refused, was searched, my little hoard of books discovered and removed, and all future repetitions pro- hibited in the strictest manner. This was a severe stroke, I felt it most sensibly, and it was followed by another, severer still, a stroke which crushed the hopes I had so long and fondly 80 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. cherished, and resigned me at once to despair. Mr. Hugh Smerdon, the master of the school on whose succession I had calculated, died and was succeeded by a person not much older than myself, and certainly not so well qualified for the situa- tion." Poor Gifford ! hard, indeed, was thy lot ; an orphan without friends, helpers, or sympathizers, having no proper leisure or means for study or recreation, and even the little pleasure and profit wrung from a few ciphering books and doggerel verses snatched away by cruel hands ; trodden down like a worm in the mire, and every particle of talent and ambition threatened with extinction ! For six long years this misery lasted in one form or another, while he strove to hope on against hope, and found himself compelled to labor at a trade which he declares he hated from the first with a perfect hatred, and never, conse- quently, made any progress in. What could be more miser- able and disheartening ? But to the industrious and patient, as *' to the upright, there ariseth light in the darJcinxx.*' darker hour occurred in all Gilford's miserable boyhood and youth than that which is described in the sentences just quoted. And now the light is about to appear. A friend comes upon the scene, to whose generous interference the unhappy cobbler owed the educational advantages he afterward enjoyed. Jlis obligations to this benefactor were always most readily and warmly expressed ; for whatever faults GifTord might have, he was never charged with the meanness of forgetting his lowly origin, and the generous friend by whom he had been rescued from a "wretched condition and introduced to a happier state of life. He speaks of his benefactor as bearing " a name never to be pronounced by him without veneration." This gentle- man, Mr. Cooksley, w r as a surgeon in the neighborhood. He had accidentally heard of the young cobbler's poetry, and sought an interview with him. Gifford went down to the sur- geon's house, and, encouraged by the kindness he received, told the story of his attempts at self-culture, and of the hard- ships he had undergone. Deeply moved by the touching story, and convinced of the young man's natural abilities and desert of encouragement, Mr. Cooksley resolved, there and then, on liberating the youth from the thraldom of his situa- tion. The first thing was to free him from the bonds of his ap- prenticeship, and the next to give him the advantages of regu- lar instruction. He was then twenty years of age, and he says, 44 My handwriting w r as bad, and my language very incorrect." WILLIAM GIFFOHD. 81 Accordingly, a subscription was started to furnish funds for this twofold purpose. It read as follows : " A subscription for ' purchasing the remainder of the time of William Gilford, and for enabling him to improve himself in writing and English grammar. 1 ' The kindness of Cooksley and a few other friends, whose sympathies were enlisted by his generous zeal for the youth, enabled him to receive two years' instruction from a clergyman, the Rev. Thomas Smerdon, who resided in the locality. Such was the progress made by Gifford, that at the end of that time his instructor pronounced him quite pre- pared for the university. Again Mr. Cooksley proved a friend. By his efforts and promises of support Gifford was entered at Exeter College, Oxford. Unfortunately his noble patron died before Gifford could take his degree. But he was not suffered to leave Oxford on account of Mr. Cooksley's death. He found a second patron in Lord Grosvenor, by whose aid the grateful undergraduate was enabled to finish his term. The culture which he received in the university must have been very thorough and complete, evincing itself in refinement of man- ner as well as scholarship of no ordinary degree, for in the course of a few years after leaving Ashburton, we learn that the late shoemaker was taken into the family of Lord Grosvenor as private tutor and travelling companion to his son Lord Bel- grave. The circumstance which led to Lord Grosvenor's pat- ronage of Gifford was remarkable, and deserves to be recorded as a* Illustration of the fact that an accident may lead to tho most important events in our history. But we must premise, first of all, as a safeguard against a false inference or false hopes, that such accidents are sure to come in the way of industrious, clever and deserving men. If they occur to men of a different stamp they are of no avail. If William Gifford had not been a hard-working student, such a circumstance as the accidental pe- rusal of one of his letters by a person for whom it was not in- tended could not have helped his fortunes in the least. It ap- pears that he had been in the habit of corresponding with a friend in London on literary matters. His letters to this friend were sent under covers, and in order to save postage were left at Lord Grosvenor's. One day the address of the literary friend was omitted, and his lordship, supposing the letter to be for himself, opened and read it. The contents excited his admira- tion, and awakened his curiosity to know who the author could be. He was sent for, and after an interview, in which, for the second time in his life, he told the story of his early strug- 82 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOE. MAKERS. gles to willing and sympathizing ears, he was invited by Lord Grosvenor to come and reside with him. It is deeply gratifying to record instances of disinterested generosity of this kind, and to read the glowing language in which the thankful young student refers to the kindness of his noble patron. Referring to the invitation to live with Lord Grosvenor, and his promise of honorable maintenance, Gifford says, " These were not words of course, they were more than fulfilled in every point. I did go and reside with him, and I experienced a warm and cordial reception, and a kind and affectionate esteem that has known neither diminution nor in- terruption, from that hour to this, a period of twenty years/ 7 In 1794, his " Baviad " was published, in imitation of the satires of Persius, and in the following year the " Ma3viad," after the style of Horace. These names were taken from the third Eclogue of Virgil " He may with foxes plough and milk he-goats, Who praises Bavins or on Mcemus dotes." These terribly virulent satires, like those of Boileau and Pope, were aimed at contemporary poets of an inferior order, and like them, too, were most crushing in their effect. The Delia Cms- can School* never smiled, or rather smirked, again after the issue of the Baviad and Maeviad. But it is a rare thing to meet with a critic or a satirist who escapes the danger of committing a fault in condemning one. Gifford did not escape this dan- ger. His lines certainly did not answer to the epigram " Satire should, like a polished razor keen, Wound with a touch that's scarcely felt or seen." His unhappy victims were hacked and hewed in pieces in a mer- ciless and barbarous manner ; while the spectators enjoyed the savage sport, and accorded the cruel executioner a wreath of laurel for the vigor and talent displayed. in his unenviable task. These satires first made Gifford's name in the world of letters. But his fame as a scholar was established chiefly on his transla- tions of Persius and Juvenal, and his excellent editions, with valuable notes, of the early " English Dramatists." Speaking of Gifford's edition of Ben Jonson's dramatic and other works, John Kernble, the most accomplished actor of his day, says, * The name Cruscan was taken from the Florentine Academy, by Robert Merry, the founder of this school of mawkish and affected poetasters. WILLIAM GIFFORD. 83 " It is the best edition, by the ablest of modern commentators, through whose learned and generous labors old Ben's forgotten , works and injured character are restored to the merited admira- tion and esteem of the world.' 7 The celebrity thus obtained, along with the friendship of the leading Tory politicians of the day, secured for Gifford the po- sition of editor of the London Quarterly. It ought to be stated that when Mr. Channing started the Anti-Jacobin in 1797, Gifford was entrusted with the conduct of that journal, and had thus acquired a little experience of journalism. His connection with this paper, which came out weekly, lasted only for a year. But he managed the Quarterly, as we have said, for fifteen years, that is, from 1809, the date of its commencement, to 1824, when ill-health compelled him to lay his pen aside. The plan of this new journal had originated with John Mur- ray, the famous publisher, and had received the hearty support of Walter Scott, Robert Southey, Canning, Rose, Disraeli, and Hookham Frere. The first number, containing three arti- cles by Walter Scott, was published on the 1st February, 1809, and was immediately sold out, a second edition being called for* Canning wrote for the second number, and Southey became a constant and most prolific contributor. " For the first hundred and twenty-six numbers he wrote ninety-four articles, many of them of great permanent value.' 7 * At John Murray's " draw- ing-rooms," where the leading literary men of the day were wont to assemble at four o'clock, Gifford met with a brilliant assemblage of poets, novelists, historians, artists, and others. Murray the publisher delighted " to gather together such men as Byron, Scott, Moore, Campbell, Southey, Gifford, Hallam, Lockhart, Washington Irving, and Mrs. Somerville ; and, more than this, he invited such artists as Lawrence, Wilkie, Phillips, Newton, and Pickersgill, to meet them and paint them, that they might hang forever on his walls." f It was in reference to one of Murray's " publishers' dinners" Byron wrote the lines in which occurs the following allusion to Gifford : o " A party dines with me to-day. All clever men who make their way ; Crabbe, Malcolm, Hamilton, and Chantrey Are all partakers of my pantry. * History of Booksellers." H. Curwen. Chatto & Windus. P. 175. f "Ibid., pp. 180, 181. 84: ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. My room's so full we've Gifford here, Reading MS. with Hookham Frere, Pronouncing on the nouns and particles Of some of our forthcoming articles." A writer in the Literary Gazette,* who had the pleasure of Gilford's personal acquaintance, has made the following inter- esting notes upon his private character, and his conduct as an editor. " He never stipulated for any salary as editor ; at first he received 200, and at last 900 per annum, but never engaged for a particular sum. He several times returned money to Murray, saying ' he had been too liberal/ Perhaps he was the only man on this side the Tweed who thought so ! lie was perfectly indifferent about wealth. I do not know a better proof of this than the fact that he was richer, by a very considerable sum, at the time of his death than he was at all aware of. In unison with his contempt of money was his dis- regard of any external distinction ; he had a strong natural aversion to anything like pomp or parade. Yet he was by no means insensible to an honorable distinction, and when the University of Oxford, about two years before his death, offered to give him a doctor's degree, he observed, * Twenty years ago it would have been gratifying, but now it would only be writ- ten on my coffin.' " His disregard for external show was the more remarkable, as a contrary feeling is generally observable in persons who have risen from penury to wealth. But Gifford was a gentleman in feeling and in conduct, and you were never led to suspect he was sprung from an obscure origin except when he reminded you of it by an anecdote relative to it. And this recalls one of the stories he used to tell with irresistible drollery, the merit of .which entirely depended on his manner. It was simply this : At the cobblers' board, of which Gifford had been a mem- ber, there was but one candle allowed for the whole coterie of operatives ; it was, of course, a matter of importance that this candle should give as much light as possible. This was only to be done by repeated snuffings ; but snuffers being a piece of fantastic coxcombry they were not pampered with : the mem- bers of the board took it in turn to perform the office of the forbidden luxury with their finger and thumb. The candle was handed, therefore, to each in succession, with the word 4 sneaf (Anglice, snuff) bellowed in his ears. Gifford used to pro- * Quoted in "The Lives of Eminent Englishmen." Fullarton & Co., Glasgow, 1838. Vol. viii. pp. 317, 318. WILLIAM GIFFORD. 85 nounce this word in the legitimate broad Devonshire dialect, and accompanied his story with expressive gestures. Now on paper this is absolutely nothing, but in Gifford's mouth it was exquisitely humorous. I should not, however, have mentioned it, were it not that it appears to me one of the best instances I could give of his humility in recurring to his former condition. ... He was a man of very deep and warm affections. If I were desired to point out the distinguishing excellence of his private character, I should refer to his fervent sincerity of heart. He was particularly kind to- children and fond of their society. My sister, when young, used sometimes to spend a month with him, on which occasions he would hire a pianoforte, and once he actually had a juvenile ball at his house for her amusement. 7 ' Speaking of the spirit he displayed as editor of the Quarterly, the same writer says : " He disliked incurring an obligation which might in any degree shackle the expression of his free opinion. Agreeably to this, he laid down a rule, from which he never departed, that every writer in the Quarterly would re- ceive at least so much per sheet. On one occasion, a gentle- man holding office under Government sent him an article, which, after undergoing some serious mutilations at his hands prepara- tory to being ushered into the world, was accepted. But the usual sum being sent to the author, he rejected it with disdain, conceiving it a high dishonor to be paid for anything the in- dependent placeman ! Gifford, in answer, informed him of the invariable rule of the Review adding, that he could send the money to any charitable institution, or dispose of it in any manner he should direct, but that the money must be paid. The doughty official, convinced that the virtue of his article would force it into the Review at all events, stood firm in his refusal ; greatly to his dismay the article was returned. He revenged himself by never sending another." Speaking of his relation to the Tory Government of the day, the writer says : " It is true his independence of opinion might seem to be interfered with by the situations he held, but they were bestowed on him unsolicited, and from motives of per- sonal regard. I am sure every one acquainted with him will admit that he would have rejected -with scorn any kindness which could be considered as fettering the freedom of his con- duct in the smallest degree. I am not more certain of many conjectures than I am that he never propagated a dishonest opinion nor did a dishonest act. ... If the united influence of the Anti-Jacobin and the Quarterly be considered, we may 86 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. probably be justified in assigning to Gilford's literary support of Government a rank second only to Burke." William Gifford died worth a considerable fortune, which he left, as a token of undying gratitude, to Mr. William Cooksley, the son of his first generous patron and benefactor. We append a few selections Iroin GifTord's poetical works, as samples of his style and quality as a writer. The first is from the 4t Baviad," and represents him in the character of a satirist exposing the vanities of the " Delia Cruscan" school of poets ; and the second, taken from the '* Biffiviadj*' exhibits him in the more genial light of a faithful friend, commemorat- ing his early intercourse with his companion and fellow-student, Dr. Ireland, Dean of Westminster : " For I was born To brand obtrusive ignorance with scorn ; On bloated pedantry to pour iny rage, And hiss preposterous fustian from the stage. Lo, Delia Crusca ! In his. closet pent, He toils to give the crude conception venfc. Abortive thoughts that right and wrong confound, Truth sacrificed to letters, sense to sound, False glare, incongruous images combine ; And noise and nonsense clatter through the line, 'Tis done. Her house the generous Piozzi lends, And thither summons her blue- stocking friends ; The summons her blue- stocking friends obey, Lured by the love of poetry and tea. The bard steps forth in birthday splendor drest, His right hand graceful waving o'er his breast, His left extending, so that all may see A roll inscribed, ' The Wreath of Liberty.' 80 forth he steps, and with complacent air, Bows round the circle, and assumes the chair ; With lemonade he gargles first his throat, Then sweetly preludes to the liquid note : And now 'tis silence all. ' Genius or muse ' Thus while the flowery subject he pursues, A wild delirium round th' assembly flies ; Unusual lustre shoots from Emma's eyes ; Luxurious Arno drivels as he stands ; And Anna frisks, and Laura claps her hands. Hear now our guests : ' The critics, sir, they cry, Merit like yours the critics may defy ;' But this indeed they say, ' Your varied rhymes, At once the boast and envy of the times, In every page, song, sonnet, what you will, Show boundless genius and unrivalled skill.' WILLIAM GIFFORD. 87 Thus fooled, the moon-struck tribe, whose best essays Sunk in acrostics and in roundelays, To loftier labors now pretend a call, And bustle in heroics one and all. E'en Bertie burns of gods and chiefs to sing Bertie who lately twittered to the string His namby-pamby madrigals of love, In the dark dingles of a glittering grove, Where airy lays, wove by the hand of morn, Were hung to dry upon a cobweb thorn ! Happy the soil where bards like mushrooms rise, And ask no culture but what Byshe supplies ! Happier the bards who, write whate' er they will, Find gentle readers to admire them still ! Oh for the good old times ! when all was new, And every hour brought prodigies to view, Our sires in unaffected language told Of streams of amber, and of rocks of gold ; Full of their theme, they spurned all idle art ; And the plain tale was trusted to the heart. Now all is changed ! We fume and fret, poor elves ; !Less to display our subject than ourselves : Whate' er we paint a grot, a flower, a bird, Heavens ! how we sweat, laboriously absurd ! Words of gigantic bulk, and uncouth sound, In rattling triads the long sentence bound ; While points with points, with periods periods jar, And the whole work seems one continued war !" Not less poetical, and certainly much more pleasant in its tone, is this reminiscence of his early friendship with Dr. Ireland : *' Chief thou, my friend ! who from my earliest years Hast shared my joys, and more than shared my cares, Sure, if our fates hang on some hidden power, And take their color from the natal hour, Then, Ireland, the same planet on us rose, Such the strong sympathies our lives disclose ! Thou knowest how soon we felt this influence bland, And sought the brook and coppice, hand in hand, And shaped rude bows, and uncouth whistles blew, And paper kites a last great effort flew : And when the day was done, retired to rest, Sleep on our eyes, and sunshine in our breast. In riper years, again together thrown, Our studies, as our sports before, were one. Together we explored the stoic page Of the Ligurian, stern though bearless sage ! Or traced the Aquinian through the Latine road. And trembled at the lashes he bestowed. ;S ( S ILLUSTRIOUS S1IOKM A K KUS. Together, too, when Greece unlocked her stores, We roved in thought o'er Troy's devoted shores, Or followed, while he sought his imtive soil, * That old man eloquent ' from toil to toil ; Lingering, with good Alcinous o'er the tale, Till the east reddened and the stars grew pale." The tenderness of his nature is also shown in the lines he wrote for the tombstone of his faithful servant Ann Davies : " Though here unknown, dear Ann, thy ashes rest, Still lives thy memory in one grateful breast, That traced thy course through many a painful year, And marked thy humble hope, thy pious fear. Oh ! when this frame which yet while life remained, Thy duteous love with trembling hand sustained, Dissolves as soon it must may that blest Power Who beamed on thine, illume my parting hour ! So shall I greet thee where no ills annoy, And what was sown in grief is reaped in joy ; Where worth, obscured below, bursts into day, And those are paid whom earth could never pay." RORERT Rt.OOMFIEI-D THE SHOEMAKER WHO WROTE "THE FARMER'S BOY." 11 " Crispin's sons Have from uncounted time, with ale and buns, Cherished the gift of 'song, which sorrow quells ; And, working single in their low-built cells, Oft cheat the tedium of a winter's night With anthems." CHARLES LAMB: Album Verses, 1830, p. 67. " I have received many honorable testimonies of esteem from strangers ; letters without a name, but filled with the most cordial advice, and almost parental anxiety for my safety under so great a share of public applause. I beg to refer such friends to the great teacher, Time ; and hope that he will hereafter give me my deserts, and no more." Robert Bloomfield, Pref- ace to "Rural Tales," Sept. 29, 1801. " No pompous learning no parade Of pedantry and cumbrous lore, On thy elastic bosom weigh' d ; Instead, were thine, a mazy store Of feelings delicately wrought, And treasures gleaned by silent thought. " Obscurity, and low-born care, Labor, and want all adverse things, Combined to bow thee to despair ; And of her young untutor'd wings To rob thy Genius. 'Twas in vain: With one proud soar she burst her chain ! " Blackwood's Magazine, Sept. 1823. ROBERT BLOOMFIELD. WE have now to speak of a shoemaker poet. The name of Robert Bloomfield, the ajithor of the " Farmer's Boy/' is known and held in honor wherever the English language is spoken. All classes of readers admire his poetry, although it is not of the highest order of merit. It has, however, a genu- ine quality which no one possessed of poetical taste can fail to recognize. Its chief features are delightful rustic simplicity and naturalness, faithful reflection of the beauties of nature, and the charms which belong to rural occupations. The ro- mantic side of the life of a farmer's boy is given in the poem bearing that name, as we have it nowhere else in all our poetic or prose literature. Bloomfield, though surrounded by the most unfavorable con- ditions, as a writer of poetry seems to have experienced no difficulty in executing his task. His was indeed a case in which the adage is well illustrated poeta nascitur non fit a poet is born, not made. He was born with the gift of song. It would have been difficult for him to restrain its exercise. He made poetry, as the song-birds sing, by instinct and irre- sistible impulse. For him the words are quite as true as they are of the greater poet who wrote them,* " I do but sing because I must, And pipe but as the linnets sing.'* Robert Bloomfield was born and brought up in the lovely neighborhood of Honington, Ixworth and Sapiston, in the northern ,part of the county of Suffolk. An idea of the quiet beauty of the woodland scenery of Suffolk may be obtained from the paintings of Gainsborough, another notable man whom this county has produced. Gainsborough, as a boy full of yearnings after art, loved to spend his time in the woods and pastures round Sudbury, sketching trees, brooks, meadow- landscapes, cattle, shepherds, or ploughmen at their work in the fields. He was at the height of his fame as a painter when Bloomfield was a farmer's boy at Sapiston, on the Graf- * Tennyson, ' ' In Memoriam, ' ' stanza xxi. 94 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. ton estate. It is interesting to know that these two Suffolk men were contemporary, t4 the first truly original English painter/ 7 who took his lessons direct from nature, and the first genuine poet of the English farm and field. Bloomfield's father was a tailor at Honington, near Bury St. Edmund's. Robert was born in 1760. His father died at the end of the following year, leaving Robert and five other children to the care of their mother. She was a worthy, esti- mable woman, who managed by lier own unaided efforts not only to maintain her little family, but to give each of her children the rudiments of an education. This she accomplished by opening a school, and teaching her own chil- dren along with the rest. With the exception of a few months' instruction in writing from a schoolmaster at Ix worth, the future poet learned from his mother all he knew when lie left his home to earn his own living. This he did at the age of eleven, his mother, who had married again, being no longer able to keep him at home, or put him to a good school. His maternal uncle, a Mr. Austin of Sapiston, agreed to take him as a boy about the farm, and allow him to live in the house with the rest of the family. He appears to have received no wages, his " board " being the only allowance made for the work he did as a farmer's boy ; and this could hardly be much at such an age. He remained in this situation four years, until he was fifteen. It was during these four years of boyhood he picked up the knowledge of farm- life, and made the observa- tions on the varied phases of nature and the seasons which are delightfully interwoven in the four books of his well-known poem, " The Farmer's Boy." How observant he must have been, how eagerly he must have entered into the pleasures of rural life, how keen must have been his boyish sense of the beautiful and romantic, may be imagined by those who con- sider the circumstances in the midst of which, in after-years,, he composed that charming poem. His mother had undertaken to provide him with clothing while with his uncle at the farm ; but this small expense was found to be too much for her scanty means. Robert at that time had two brothers, George and Nathaniel, living in Lon- don, and working, the one as a journeyman shoemaker, and the other as a tailor. To them the anxious mother applied for help in her difficulties, stating in her letter that Mr. Austin had said Robert was so small and weakly, it was to be feared he would never be able to obtain his living by hard out-door labor. The ROBERT BLOOMFIELD.. 95 brothers at once agreed to take liim under their care, find him in food and clothing, and teach him the <3raft of shoemaking until he should be able to obtain his own livelihood. Full of solicitude for his safety .and well-being, the good woman took him up to London herself, and handed him over to the guar- dianship of her two eldest sons, begging them, " as they valued a mother's blessing, to watch over him, to set good examples for him, and never to forget that he had lost his father." ' George Bloomfield and his brother were then living .at No. 7 Pitcher's Court, Bell Alley, Coleinan Street, in a garret which served both as workshop and bedroom. The place was dingy and gloomy, and presented to the bright, thoughtful Suffolk lad "a mournful contrast to the pleasant surroundings in the old farm-house at Sapiston. Nor could it have been a very healthy abode, for five workmen occupied the room during the day, ' 4 clubbing together, ' ' after the fashion of such workmen in those days, to lighten the burden of rent. At first the new-comer was chiefly employed by the older men as their errand-boy, being rewarded for his trouble by receiving lessons from the workmen in the art of shoemaking. These men, like so many of their craft, were of a thoughtful turn of mind, and very eager for the news of the day. It had been their custom to have the yesterday's paper brought in with their dinner by the pot-boy from a neighboring public-house. Until Robert came they bad been in the habit of reading it by turns, but now, as his time was less valuable than theirs, the office of reader was permanently handed over to him. This duty was of much service to him, for the information he gained by reading disciplined his young mind to close and continuous thought, and enlarged his knowledge of his own language. The simple account, given by his brother George, of these social readings in the cobblers' workroom, and other means of instruc- tion of which Robert availed himself, is full of interest. George Bloomfield says : " He frequently met with words that he was unacquainted with ; of this he often complained. I one day happened at a book-stall to see a small dictionary which had been very ill-used. I bought it for him for fourpence. By the help of this he in a little time could read and comprehend the long and beautiful speeches of Burke, Fox, or North." And again : " One Sunday, after a whole day's stroll in the coun- try, we by accident went into a Dissenting meeting-house in the Old Jewry, where a gentleman was lecturing. This man filled Robert with astonishment. The house was amazingly 96 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. crowded with the most genteel people ; and though we were forced to stand in the aisle, and were much pressed, yet Robert always quickened his steps to get into the town on a Sunday evening soon enough to attend this lecture. The preacher's name was Fawcet. His language was just such as the i Rambler ' is written in. ... Of him Robert learned to accent what he called hard words, and otherwise to improve himself, and gained the most enlarged notions of Providence." Bloomfield's reading was not very extensive nor diversified during these early years of his London life, yet it was sufficient to whet his appetite for mental improvement, and give him no small degree of literary taste and skill. The brothers took, in sixpenny numbers, such works as a " History of England," 44 the British Traveller," and a "Treatise on Geography." These were read aloud to the little company of busy listeners, several hours of the day being occupied with the task. His first poetic impulse was awakened by the perusal of the London Magazine, which found its way at this time into the cobblers' garret. Robert always read it with zest, carefully scanning the reviews of books, and never failing to look into the 4< Poets' Corner." One day he surprised his brother by repeating a song which he had composed after the manner of Burns and so many other graceful songsters, " to an old tune." George was as much delighted as surprised at his young brother's smooth and easy verses, and encouraged him to try the experiment of sending them to the editor. This he did with many fears and hopes, and nervously awaited the issue of the next number. To his intense delight, and the pardonable pride of the whole company, the verses appeared in print. As a specimen of his first literary attempt, every youth will deem them worth record- ing, and will read them with pleasure. They bear the modest title " A Village Girl," and are signed with the letters R. B. " Hail May ! lovely May ! how replenished my pails, The young dawn o' erspreads the broad east streaked with gold ! My glad heart beats time to the laugh of the vales, And Colin' s voice rings through the wood from the fold. The wood to the mountain submissively bends, Whose blue misty summit first glows with the sun ; See ! thence a gay train by the wild rill descends To join the mixed sports : Hark ! the tumult's begun. Be cloudless, ye skies ! and be Colin but there ; Not dew-spangled bents on the wide level dale, Nor morning's first smile can more lovely appear, Than his looks, since my wishes I cannot conceal. ROBERT BLOOMFIELD. 97 Swift down the mad dance, whilst blest health prompts to move, We'll count joys to come, and exchange vows of truth , And haply, when age cools the transports of love, Decry, like good folks, the vain follies of youth." Another piece called " The Sailor's Return'' found a place in the " Poets' Corner." These efforts were enough to prove his taste and gifts as a versifier. The poetic power was latent in his mind, and only needed sufficient stimulus to bring it into full exercise. This stimulus came, as was natural, from the reading of poetry itself. A- copy of Thomson's " Seasons" and Milton's " Paradise Lost" fell into his hands when he was about seventeen years of age. They belonged to a Scotchman who lived and worked at a house in Bell Alley, to which the shoemakers removed about this time. The eager youth read them with the passion of a born poet ; and, as he read, the fire burned within. His imagination was now fairly awakened, and it was plain to all who watched him intelligently at this time, that melodies were being awakened in his heart that sooner or later must find their expression in song. The " Sea- sons" was his favorite poem. He read and re-read its glowing descriptions of nature, committed favorite portions to memory, and never tired of recounting its beauties in the hearing of his sympathetic friends. The " Seasons" struck the key-note of the " Farmer's Boy," though Bloomfield was no imitator of Thomson, nor of any one else, in either matter or manner. The thought and style of these two poets of nature are as unlike as their kindred subjects would allow them to be. Thomson's music is that of a majestic and stately oratorio, while Bloom- field sings a sweet and simple pastoral symphony. But the young poet was not yet to enter on his great task. Fourteen years passed away before his first and best published poem, the " Fanner's Boy," saw the light. During this time several important events in his history occurred. In his eigh- teenth year, in consequence of certain disputes in the shoe- makers' trade about the legality of employing boys who had not been bound as apprentices, he went back again to Suffolk for a short time, and was taken into the home of his uncle and former master, Mr. Austin of Sapiston. Here for two months of happy leisure he roamed the fields where he spent so much of his time as a boy, reviving old impressions, and deepening in his mind that keen sense of the beautiful which city life and the imprisonment of a shoemaker's occupation had not been sufficient to destroy. His companion at this time was still the 98 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. favorite " Seasons," from which, in the presence of the very charms which Thomson describes, the ardent youth derived new pleasure and inspiration. The trade difficulty was got over by his becoming an appren- tice for the remaining three years of his minority to a Mr. Duddridge, brother to George's former landlord. At the n\i -. of twenty he was left alone in London, George having rein to Bury St. Edmund's in his own county, and Nathaniel having married and gone into housekeeping. Robert now took to tho study of music, and became an expert player on the violin. At the age of twenty-four he married the daughter of a boat- builder at Woolwich named Church. " I have sold my fiddle and got a wife," he humorously writes to his brother. At first his home was in furnished lodgings, but by dint of hard work and strict economy he managed in a short time to furnish one room on the first floor of a house in Bell Alley, Coleman Street, the old quarters to which he had come fresh from the country on his first becoming a shoemaker. Ills landlord kindly allowed him the free use of a garret to work in during the day. " In this garret," says his brother, " amid six or seven other workmen, his active mind employed itself in composing the 4 Farmer's Boy.' ' How long his mind was occupied in this task we cannot tell. One could hardly wonder if the process of composition was slow in the midst of such distracting and unfavorable circumstances. The marvel is that it should have been composed at all under such uncongenial and difficult con- ditions. So hard pressed for time was the poor poet-shoe- maker, and so unable to find the proper materials for writing, that he is said to have made up and kept in his mind no less than 600 lines, that is, about the half of his poem, before he could manage to write it down. And when he did this, he was glad to lay hold of any odd scrap of paper for the purpose ; the back of a letter or a printed bill, the margin of newspapers, pieces of pattern-paper, were seized as they came to hand and covered with writing, and then hidden away in cupboards, and occasionally even in some chink in the wall, until they could be collected and arranged for a fair copy, suitable to go into the hands of the printer. It was indeed a wonderful exhibition of mental abstraction and retentive memory. Few, even among poets, could have wrought to any purpose amid the din and conversation of a shoemakers 7 workroom, and still fewer, even if the excitement of poetic thought had enabled them to com- pose, could have treasured up their productions in the memory ROBERT BLOOMFIELD. 99 until they amounted to 600 lines. A friend of Bloomfield named Swan, writing to Mr. Cape! Lofft, says, " Bloomfield, either from the contracted state of his pecuniary resources to purchase paper, or for other reasons, composed the latter part of ' Autumn ' and the whole of ' Winter ' in his head, without committing one line to paper ! This cannot fail to surprise the literary world, who are well acquainted with the treacherous- ness of memory, and how soon the most happy ideas, for want of sufficient quickness in writing down, are lost in the rapidity of thought. But this is not all he went a step further ; he not only composed and committed that part of his work to his faithful and retentive memory ; but he corrected it all in his head ! ! ! and, as he said, when it was thus prepared, ' I had nothing to do but to write it down.' By this new and won- derful mode of composition, he studied and completed his rmer's Boy,' in a garret, among six or seven of his fellow- workmen, without their ever once suspecting or knowing any- thing of the matter !" * Bloomfield was thirty-two years of age when his poem was complete and attempts were being made to find a printer and publisher. These attempts were for a time fruitless. One after another the publishers rejected the ** copy" of the un- known writer. At length, it was sent by George Bloomfield, who always had full confidence in Robert's powers, to a gentle- man of literary tastes living at Troston Hall, near Bury, in Suffolk Mr. Capel Lofft. This gentleman had the good sense at once to perceive the genuine merits of the poem submitted to his judgment, and to recommend its publication. By his kind influence and aid a publisher was soon found. Messrs. non the House of Commons, and to ask for counsel in seeking a publisher. Duncombe sent him to Mr. D' Israeli, with the following note : " MY DEAR DISRAELI, I send you Mr. Cooper, a Chartist, red-hot from Stafford jail. But don't be frightened ; he wont' bite you. He has written a poem and a romance, and thinks he can cut out ' Coningsby ' and ' Sybil.' Help him if you can, and oblige yours, T. S. DUNCOMBE." It is gratifying to read of the kindness with which the shrewd statesman, then a Tory of the Tories, received the 4C red-hot radical." 4t I wish I had seen you before I finished my last novel," said he ; " my heroine Sybil is a Chartist." With the kindly help of Douglas Jerroldthe 44 Purgatory " was at length published by Jeremiah How, Fleet Street, who undertook to bear the cost and risk of printing. It came out in September, 184 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKKKS. 1845, and the five hundred copies of the first edition were sold off before Christmas. Cooper now began to write for Douglas Jerrold's " Shilling Magazine." The volume of talcs called " Wise Saws," etc., and a short poem, " The Baron's Yule Feast," were issued about the same time. The tk Purgatory of Suicides" had been dedicated, without leave asked, to Thomas Carlyle, to whom the author sent a copy, and from whom he received in acknowledgment a characteristic letter, in which, among other kind and wise things, that greatest of all the literary men of his age said, " I have looked into your poem, and find indisputable traces of genius in it a dark Ti- tanic energy struggling there, for which we hope there will be clearer daylight by and by ;" and along with tiie letter came a copy of 4t Past and Present," with Carlyle's autograph. In 1846 Cooper was at work on Douglas Jerrold's weekly paper, visiting the Midland and Northern Counties as a sort ot" com- missioner, and writing articles on the 4t Condition of the Peo- ple of England." Passing through the Lake District, he called on Wordsworth, and was most kindly received by the " majestic old man." Great, however, was the Chartist's amaze- ment to hear the " Tory" Wordsworth say with reference to the Chartist movement, " You were right ; I have always said the people were right in what they asked ; but you went the wrong way to get it." On his return to London, Cooper en- gaged to lecture on Sunday evenings at South Place, Finsbury Square, and continued the work of public lecturer for the next eight years. During this time he lectured through the winter for various political and socialist societies in several large halls in London, such as the John Street Institution and the " Hall of Science," City Road, and filled up the time during the sum- mer by lecturing tours throughout the kingdom. He had now become a sceptic, i.e. doubter, and confined himself in his lec- tures exclusively to secular topics, political or literary. The misery he had witnessed in Leicester and the Potteries, the failure of all his efforts to benefit the suffering poor, and the long imprisonment he had endured as a disinterested champion of their cause, had sorely shaken his faith in Divine Providence and driven him to the verge of downright atheism, but only to the verge : he declares that lie was never an atheist, nor ever " proclaimed blank atheism in his public teaching. " * Y^et it must be confessed he went far in this direction. The worst * "Life of Thomas Cooper," p. 262, also pp. 356 367. THOMAS COOPER. 185 period of his life in this respect was the winter of 1848-49, when, having become a disciple of Strauss, he engaged to give a series of lectures on Sunday evenings in the " Hall of Science" on the teachings of the " Leben Jesu. " He says : " There is no part of my teaching as a public lecturer that I regret so deeply as this. It would rejoice my heart indeed if I could obliterate those lectures from the realm of fact. " * But for the most part his addresses were on purely literary or historical subjects, and marvellous indeed was tte versatility and extent of learning they displayed. The enumeration of topics alone would occupy several pages. Every one of the chief English poets and their poems, the history of every European country, the lives of great reformers, statesmen, generals, inventors, dis- coverers, men of science, musicians, ancient philosophers and modern philanthropists, negro slavery, taxation, national debt, the age of chivalry, the Middle Ages, wrongs of Poland, the Gypsies, ancient Egypt, astronomy, geology, natural history, the vegetable kingdom these and scores of other topics were treated during these years of lecturing life in London and the provinces. In addition to these duties he had other cares and toils. In 1848-49 he edited a weekly paper called the Plain Speaker, and in the following year Cooper's Journal. His 1 Triumph of Perseverance" appeared in 1849, " Alderman Ralph" and "The Family Feud," two novels, in 1853 and 1855 respectively. Returning from a lecturing tour at the end of 1855, he was conscious of a great and vital change which had for some time been going on within his mind, and when he attempted to re- commence his work at the City Hall in January, 1856, he found it impossible to go on along the old lines. On a certain mem- orable night, when announced to speak on " Sweden and the Swedes," he could not utter a word. He turned pale as death, and as the audience sat gazing and wondering what could have come to the bold and fluent speaker, whose tongue was ready on every theme, his pent-up feelings at length found vent. He told the people he could lecture on Sweden, but must relieve his conscience, for he could suppress conviction no longer. He then declared that he had been insisting on the duty of morality for years, but there had been this radical defect in his teach- ings, that he had " neglected to teach the right foundation for morals the existence of a Divine moral Governor." j In the * " Life of Thomas Cooper," p. 316. f Ibid., p. 335. ISO ILLUSTRIOUS SHoKM A K KKS. storm which followed he challenged them to bring the best sceptics they could muster in the metropolis, and he would meet them in debate on the being of God and the argument for a future state. He kept his promise, and for four nights main- tained his ground against Robert Cooper * and others in the City Hall and the John Street Institute. But though the battle was fought out bravely in public, he had yet another conflict to wage and win ere his mind enjoyed rest and peace in the faith of a true Christian. In this conflict he received valuable aid from the Rev. Charles Kingslcy, f and his old friend and relative, Dr. Jobson. Through the kind in- terest of the Rev. F. I). Maurice, W. E. Foster, M.P., and W. F. Cowper, President of the Board of Health, Cooper ob- tained employment for two years under Government as a copy- ist of letters. Returning to the City Hall, he now began a se- ries of Sunday-evening lectures on Theism, and advancing stage by stage, he took up such themes as the Moral Government of God, Man's Moral Nature, the Soul and a Future State, Evi- dences of Christianity, Atonement, Faith, Repentance, etc. But his return to the truth of Christ and Christianity was grad- ual, though sure. As he says, " I had been twelve years a sceptic ; and it was not until fully two years had been devoted to hard reading and thinking that I could conscientiously and truly say, I am again a Christian, even nominally." Saved in an extraordinary manner from death by a railway accident as he was travelling to Bradford on the 10th May, 1858, he finally and fully resolved to dedicate his powers to the service of God, saying within himself as he stood looking on the mournful sight of the ruined train and the dead and wounded lying around, " Oh, take my life, which Thou hast graciously kept, and let it be devoted to Thee. I have again entered Thy ser- vice ; let me never more leave it, but live only to spread Thy truth !" He began at once not only to lecture on the evidences of Christianity, but to preach, and received many solicitations to join different religious societies. Dr. Hook of Leeds gener- ously offered him an appointment as head of a band of Scrip- *The charges of atheism and atheistic advocacy made against Thomas Cooper have often arisen from confounding Thomas Cooper the sceptic with Robert Cooper the infidel. See "Life of Thomas Cooper," p. 357. f See letters to Thomas Cooper in " Kingsley's Life and Letters." London : Henry King & Co., 1877, pp. 183 and 221, etc. THOMAS COOPER. 187 tiire-readers, with freedom to go out on his own mission as a speaker when he pleased. This offer he declined, with grate- ful thanks to the worthy vicar. In the spring of the following year he decided to join the Baptist denomination, and writes, " Reflection made me a Baptist in conviction, and on Whitsun- day, 1859, my old and dear friend, Joseph Foulkes Winks, im- mersed me in baptism in Friar Lane Chapel, Leicester." From that time to the present twenty-two years Thomas Cooper has devoted his great powers to the work of preaching and lecturing on the evidences of the Christian religion. The energy and ability displayed' in this noble work by the veteran orator have been remarkable. For months together he has been known to travel long distances by rail, and lecture four or five times in the week, and preach three times on Sunday. After a two hours' lecture he was wont, during the first few years of this period, to recite the first two or three books of Milton's " Paradise Lost." Few, if any, that ever heard his preaching can forget its rich spirituality of tone and delightful purity and simplicity of style. The lectures it is hard to de- scribe without seeming to exaggerate their rare merits. The best testimony to their worth has been given by the hundreds of thousands who have come together to listen to them as de- livered in all the chief towns of England, Scotland, and Wales for more than twenty years, and by their rapid and extensive sale when published. Crowded with facts of history or science which are clearly arranged and pressed into the service of logi- cal argument, delivered extemporaneously in language of the truest and homeliest Saxon type, and often marked by passages of great eloquence, these lectures may be taken as ideals of what popular lectures on religious evidence^ should be. Of his present employment, Thomas Cooper, writing in 1872, says, in his own simple fashion : " My work is indeed a happy work. Sunday is now a day of heaven to me. I feel that to preach 4 the unsearchable riches of Christ ' is the most exalted and ennobling work in which a human creature can be engaged. And believing that I am performing the work of duty that I am right my employment of lecturing on the * Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion,' from week to week, fills me with the consoling reflection that my life is not being spent in vain, much less spent in evil." Happy close of a strangely eventful and checkered life ! May the stalwart old laborer of seventy -five be spared to scatter many a handful of the seeds of truth before he hears the summons which shall end his labors. 188 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. We have spoken, in the title of this chapter, of Thomas Cooper as " The self-educated shoemaker who reared his own monument. 7 ' This sketch cannot be closed more appropriately than by giving the titles of the works published during the last eight years the stones which form the chief part of that monument : The Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time (1872), twentieth thousand. Plain Pulpit-Talk (1872), third edition. The Life of Thomas Cooper, written by Himself (1872), twelfth thousand. The Paradise of Martyrs, or Faith Khyme (1873). God, the Soul, and a Future State (1873), eight thousand. Old-Fashioned Stories (1874), third edition. The Verity of Christ's Resurrection from the Dead (1875), fifth thousand. The Verity and Value of the Miracles of Christ (1876), fourth thousand. The Poetical Works Purgatory of Suicides, Paradise of Martyrs, Minor Poems (1877), Evolution, the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Record of Creation (1878), third thousand. The Atonement and other Discourses (1880). (ftottstellatton nf (Kelefcratefc (Eoftfclers. " This day is called Ihe feast of Crispin : And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered : We few, we happy few, we band of brothers." Shakespeare. King Henry Fifths Address to the Leaders of the English Army on the Eve of the Battle of Agincourt. Act V. Scene 3. ARCHBISHOP WHATELY once amused a clerical dinner-party by asking the question, " Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep ?" When none of his friends could answer the question, the witty Archbishop dryly remarked that one reason undoubted- ly was that * ' there were more of them. ' ' The question is often asked, ' ' How are we to account for the fact that shoemakers outnumber any other handicraft in the ranks of illustrious men ?" * Perhaps this question may be answered in the same way. At all events, the answer " there are more of them,'* will go a long way toward a solution of this interesting social problem. The sons of Crispin are certainly a very numerous class, and it is but natural that they should figure largely in the lists of famous men. But inquirers on this subject are not generally satisfied by an appeal to statistics. It is felt that something more is required in order to account for the remark - * Among others, Coleridge observed that shoemakers had given to the world a larger number of eminent men than any handicraft. The philosophic was rather partial to shoemakers, from the time when, as a boy at Christ's Hospital, he wished to be apprenticed to the trade of shoeinaking. 190 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. able proportion of shoemakers in the roll of men of mark. In addition to this, it must be borne in mind that the reputation of shoemakers does not depend entirely on their most illustri- ous representatives. They have, as a class, a reputation which is quite unique. The followers of " the gentle craft" have generally stood foremost among artisans as regards intelligence and social influence. Probably no class of workmen could, in these respects, compete with them fifty or a hundred years ago, when education and reading were not so common as they arc now. Almost to a man they had some credit for thoughtful- ness, shrewdness, logical skill, and debating power ; and their knowledge derived from books was admitted to be beyond the average among operatives. They were generally referred to by men of their own social status for the settlement of disputed points in literature, science, politics, or theology. Advocates of political, social, or religious reform, local preachers, Method- ist *' class-leaders," and Sunday-school teachers, were drafted in larger numbers from the fraternity of shoemakers than from any other craft. How are we to account for such facts as these ? Is there anything in the occupation of the shoemaker which is peculiarly favorable to habits of thought and study ? It would seem to be so ; and yet it would be difficult to show what it is that gives him an advantage over all other workmen. The secret may lie in the fact that he sits to his work, and, as a rule, sits alone ; that his occupation stimulates his mind without wholly occupying and absorbing its powers ; that it leaves him free to break off, if he will, at intervals, and glance at the book or make notes on the paper which lies beside him. Such facts as these have been suggested, and not without reason, as helping us to account for the reputation which the sons of Crispin enjoy as an uncommonly clever class of men. ANCIENT EXAMPLES IN ASIA AND AFRICA. THE COBBLER AND THE ARTIST APELLES, " Let the cobbler stick to his last. 11 THE reputation of the shoemaker class is not confined to our own country or to modern times. It is pretty much the same in all countries, and reaches back to very ancient times. The prov- erb, "Ne Sutor ultra crepidam" " Let the cobbler stick to his last" is one of the oldest in existence. Few proverbs are more universally and frequently quoted. It is based on a story which comes down to us from the times of Alexander the Great. Even if the story, as it is told in our Grecian histories, be not authentic, it serves to show that even in times preceding the Christian era cobblers were regarded as a shrewd and ob- servant set of men. But there is no reason that we know of to doubt the story, which is well worth repeating. It is told of Apelles, one of the most celebrated of the old Greek painters, who flourished about 300 B.C. He was the friend of Alexander, and the only artist whom the great warrior would allow to paint his portrait. Apelles, we are told, was not ashamed to learn from the humblest critics. As Lord Bacon says, he did not object to " light his torch at any man's candle." For this rea- son, knowing that a good deal may sometimes be learned from the observations of passers-by, he was in the habit of placing his pictures before they were quite finished outside his house ; and then, crouching down behind them, he listened to the remarks of spectators. On one occasion a cobbler noticed a fault in the painting of a shoe, and remarking upon it to a per- son standing by, passed on. As soon as the man was out of sight Apelles came from his hiding-place, examined the paint- ing, found that the cobbler's criticism was just, and at once corrected the error. Once more the picture was exposed, while the artist lay behind it to hear what further might be said. The cobbler came by again, and soon .discovered that the fault 192 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. he had pointed out had been remedied ; and, emboldened by the success of his criticism, began to express his opinion pretty freely about the painting of the leg ! This was too much for the patience of the artist, who rushed from his hiding-place, and told the cobbler to stick to his shoes. Hence the proverb, which for more than two thousand years * has expressed the common feeling, that critics would do well not to venture be- yond their legitimate province. TWO SHOEMAKER-BISHOPS ANNIANUS OF ALEX. ANDRIA, AND ALEXANDER OF COMANA. If the shoemaker has found a place in classic history, it must not be forgotten that he has a place in ecclesiastical his- tory also. In two instances a shoemaker is said to have been taken direct from the stall and elevated to the episcopal chair. No doubt many shoemakers have been endowed with sufficient piety and learning for this sacred and dignified office, and probably not a few have deemed themselves fit, whether they were so or not, to discharge its high functions ; but the in- stances here given are, we believe, quite unique. The first is that of Anianus or Annianus (A.D. 62-86), who is said to have been appointed by St. Mark to assist him in the government of the Church at Alexandria. On the outbreak of persecution under Nero, Mark fled from the city ; and, as Eusebius says, ** Nero was now in his eighth year, when Annianus succeeded the Apostle and Evangelist Mark in the administration of the Church at Alexandria." The historian adds, 4 ' He (Annianus) was a man distinguished for piety, and admirable in every respect.' 7 f He died in the fourth year of Domitian, 86 A.D. He was the firstBishop of Alexandria, and filled the office twen- ty-two years. J' To these simple statements of the historian are added the stories which found a ready acceptance in later times. To the fact that the worthy Alexandrian was a shoemaker tradi- tion added the account of the miracle wrought upon him by St. Mark. One account tells us that the Evangelist, on pass- ing along the street, burst his shoe and turned in to get it repaired, and so became acquainted with Annianus. Another *It is used by Pliny, who died A.D. 79. fEccles. Hist., "Book ii. cap. xxiv. \ Ibid., Book iii. cap. xiv. THE PIOUS COBBLER. 193 version of the story declares that the cobbler, having hurt his hand with an awl, uttered a not very pious exclamation, which Mark overheard as he passed by, and going in to inquire the cause, took the opportunity not only to heal the wound, but to speak to the impatient workman of the trae and living God whose name he had taken in vain. Annianus is commemorat- ed in the Roman Marty rology with St. Mark on the 25th April.* The other appointment of a shoemaker to the episcopate was due to the piety and wisdom of Gregory Thaumaturgus, the pupil and friend of Origen (220-270 A.D.). Gregory was then Bishop of Xco-Ca3sarca in Asia Minor, and when a vacancy occurred in the bishopric of Com an a in Cappadocia, he defied all conventionalism and prejudice, and appointed " a poor shoemaker named Alexander, despised by the world, but great in the sight of God, who did honor to so exalted a station in the Church." f He was chosen in preference to scholars and men of good social status on account of his extraor- dinary piety. This Alexander justified the choice thus made by reason of his excellent discourse, his holy living, and a martyr's death. He is honored in the Roman Calendar on August llth. J THE PIOUS COBBLER OF ALEXANDRIA. Quite as good a man, no doubt, if not as fit to fill the epis- copal chair, was the pious cobbler of Alexandria, of whom we read that St. Anthony paid him a visit in consequence of a voice from Heaven which said to him, 4t Antony, thou art not so perfect as a cobbler that dwelleth at Alexandria." The pious anchorite was in the habit of hearing such voices and obeying them. All the leading events of his life were accom- panied by a similar message from heaven, as he deemed it. Accordingly he took his star!, and leaving his secluded retreat in the desert, came down to the great city in search of the pious cobbler. Arriving before his door, where the good man * Annianus is regarded in some countries as the patron saint of shoemakers. Campion's "Delightful History of ye Gentle Craft." Northampton : Taylor & Son, 2d ed., 1876, p. 25. f Pressense's "Early Years of Christianity." London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1879, vol. ii. p. 355. t Dr. Smith's " Diet. Christian Biog.," art. "Gregory Thaumatur- gus." In this article Gregory is called a charcoal-burner. Probably, like many other shoemakers, he followed more than one vocation. 194 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. sat at work, Antony asked him for an account of himself and his mode of living. 4 * Sir," answered the cobbler, " as for me, good works I have none. My life is but simple, seeing I arn but a poor cobbler. In the morning when I rise, I pray for the whole city wherein I dwell, especially for all such neighbors and poor friends as I have ; after that I sit me down to my labor, where I spend the whole day in getting my living ; and I keep me from all falsehood, for I hate nothing so much as I do deceitfulness ; wherefore when I make any man a promise, I keep it and perform it truly ; and thus I spend my time poorly with my wife and children, whom I teach and instruct, so far as my wit will serve rne, to fear and dread God ; and this is the sum of my simple life." RABBI JOCIIANAN THE SHOEMAKER. Speaking of Alexandria reminds us of another worthy of that city, the famous Jewish Rabbi Joehanan Sandalarius, or the shoemaker. Learned Rabbins were common enough in Alex- andria from the time of its foundation by Alexander the Great, 332 B.C., down to its capture by the Arabs in the sev- enth century A.D. And as it was the custom with even the most learned Rabbins to learn a trade, it can be no matter of surprise that many of the most eminent leaders of thought among the Jews were employed in what are now regarded as very humble occupations. The Delegate Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, in an interesting article in the Nineteenth Century,* tells us that " in the grand basilica synagogue of Alexandria, separate portions of the building were assigned to the silver- smiths, weavers, and other trades. . . . The Rabbins, the authorized expounders of the law, deemed it derogatory to receive any reward for the exercise of their spiritual, doctrinal, or judicial functions, and maintained themselves by the labor of their hands. And thus in the Talmud we meet, in curious juxtaposition, the Rabbi and his trade in such phrases as these : " It was taught by Rabbi Joehanan the shoemaker." This illustrious Rabbi came from Alexandria to Palestine, at- tracted by the great name of Akiba Ben Joseph, the famous Rabbi, who was the chief teacher of the rabbinical school at Jaffa at the close of the first century and the beginning of the * December, 1881. RABBI JOCHANAN THE SHOEMAKER. 195 second. In this school there were said to be no less than 24,000 pupils. Akiba sided with Bar Cocheba in his revolt against Rome, 132 A.D., acknowledged him as the Messiah, and became his armor-bearer. On the death of Bar Cocheba and the destruction of his army, Akiba was taken prisoner, and remained in the hands of the Romans for a long time, until his cruel death under Sevcms. During his imprisonment Jochanan managed to get access to his cell, and receive in- structions from him on questions which had not been settled. Through Jochanan and Mei.r, Akiba greatly influenced the teachers of the next generation. Jochanan was certainly one of his most illustrious pupils, taking a leading part in the theological discussions of the Tanaim, the authors of the Mishria and Gamara, where his opinions are frequently quoted. In the Mishna Aboth * " Rabbi Jochanan the shoemaker" is re- ported to have made the following sensible remark, which re- minds one of the counsel of Gamaliel to the Sanhedrim at Jerusalem : f " An association established for a praiseworthy object must ultimately succeed ; but an association established without such an object cannot succeed. " EUROPEAN EXAMPLES. FRANCE. SS. CRISPIN AND CRISPIANTJS, THE PATRON SAINTS OF SHOEMAKERS. UNDOUBTEDLY the first shoemakers who obtained anything like a general reputation were the famous brothers Crispin and Crispianus, who are said to have lived in the third century of our era. These saints have been regarded almost ever since that early time as the tutelary or patron saints of shoemakers, who are, to tell the truth, not a little proud of their romantic title, " the sons of Crispin. " We must be careful how we speak of these safnts, for it seems to be an open question whether the story of their holy self-denying lives and martyr- deaths be true or false. If the main features of the story be true, they have been greatly distorted by fable. We give the story as it is generally reported. SS. Crispin and Crispianus were born in Rome. Having become converts to Christianity, they set out with St. Denis from that city to become preachers of the Gospel, travelled on foot through Italy, and finally settled down at a little town, now called Soissons, in the modern department of Aisne, about fifty or sixty miles to the north-east of Paris. Here they arc said to have devoted their time during the day to preaching, and to have maintained themselves by working during most of the night as shoemakers. This they did on the apostolic model of Paul, who, while he carried on his mission as a preacher, maintained himself by his trade as a tent-maker, that he might be k< chargeable to no man/' Very little more can be told of 108 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. the life of theso saintly shoemakers than this ; but this, surely, is a great deal. The story goes that they suffered martyrdom by the order of Rictus Varus, governor or consul in Belgic Gaul, during the persecution under Diocletian and Maximinus, on the 25th of October, 287. The 25th of October is still kept in honor of these saints in some parts of England and Wales, and in other European countries. The shoemakers of the dis- trict turn out in large numbers and parade the streets, headed by bands of music, and accompanied by banners on which are emblazoned the emblems of the craft. It is difficult, as already intimated, to tell how much of pure legend has been imported into the history of the saints of Sois- sons. One tradition declares them to have been of noble birth, and to have adopted their humble trade entirely for Christian and charitable purposes. Another story relates how they fur- nished the poor with shoes at a very low price, and that, in order to replenish their stock, and as a mark of divine favor, an angel came to them by night with supplies of leather ; while yet another fable, not very creditable to their morals, avows that Saint Crispin stole the leather, so that he might be able to give shoes to the poor. Hence the term Crispinades to denote charities done at the expense of other people. To crown all, it is averred on one authority that after suffering a horrible death by the sword, their bodies were thrown into the sea, and were cast ashore at Romney Marsh.* Such tales are worthless, ex- cept as indicating the wide extent of popularity the shoemakers of Soissons secured by virtue of their piety and benevolence, f * On the beach at Lidde, near Stonend, " there is yet to be scene," says Weever, in his "Funeral Monuments," "an heap of great stones which the neighbour inhabitants call St. Crispin' sand St. Crisp inian's tomb, whom they report to have been cast upon this shore by ship- wracke, and from hence called into the glorious company of the saints. Look Jacobus de Voraigne, in the legend of their lives, and you may believe perhaps as much as is spoken. They were shoemakers, and suffered martyrdom the tenth of the kalends of November (25th Oc- tober), which day is kept holy to this day by all our shoemakers in London and elsewhere." Quoted in " Crispin Anecdotes," Sheffield, 1827, p. 18. ( For the legends of these saints, and much curious information respecting the craft and its guilds in early times, the reader may con- sult Lacroix, "Manners, Customs, and Dress in the Middle Ages ;" " Histoire de la Chaussure," etc. That quaint old book, "The De- lightful, Princely, and Entertaining History of the Gentle Craft," by T. Deloney, 1678, gives the story of the princely and saintly brothers in its English dress, and it is one of the strangest tales even in legendary . CRISPIN AXI) ( IlLSPlAXrS. 100 Mr-. Jameson, in her interesting work on " Legendary Art," *says, " The devotional figures which are common in old :<:h prints represent these saints standing together, holding the palm in one hand, and in the other the awl or shoemaker's knife. They are very often met with in old stained glass work- ing at their trade, or making shoes for the poor the usual sub- - in shoemakers' guilds all over France and Germany. Italian pictures of these saints are rare. There is, however, one by Guido, which presents the throned Madonna, and St. Cris- pin presenting to her his brether, St. Crispianus, while angels from above scatter flowers on the group. Looking over the old French prints of St. Crispin and St. Crispinian, which are in general either grotesque or commonplace, I met with one not easily to be forgotten. It represents these two famous saints proceed intr on their mission to preach the gospel in France. They are careering over the sea in a bark drawn by sea-horses and attended by tritons, and are attired in the full court-dress of the time of Louis XV., with laced coats and cocked hats and rapi Probably many of these curious prints may still be seen in the library of the cathedral at Soissons, famous for its rare MSB. and books. But a better memoiial of these patron saints than anv of the absurd representations of legendary art was the church erected in their honor in the sixth century, and the re- ligious house which stood on the traditionary site of their n. This house was afterward transformed into a mon- astery dedicated to St. Crispin, and in the year 1142 received tiiL- sanction of Pope Innocent ILf lore. This story, Deloney tells us, accounts for the term " gentle craft " as applied to shoemaking, and explains the saying ' ' a shoe- maker' s son is a prince born. ;> The Princes Crispin and Crispinian becoming shoemakers sufficiently accounts for the former term, for " The gentle craft is fittest then For poor distressed gentlemen ;"' and the marriage of Crispine to Ursula, the daughter of the Emperor Maxim inus, and the birth of a son to the Prince, will explain the latter. See the stories and ballads thereanent in Campion' s "Delightful History of the Gentle Craft;' Northampton, Taylor & Son, 2d ed., A most interesting and valuable little book on shoes and shoemakers in ancient and modern times. * Vol. ii. pp. 3< London, Longmans, 1848. f Another memorial of the saints, of a very different character, was the semi-sacred play entitled " The Mystery of St. Crispin an 1 Crispinian/' which used to be performed on St. Crispin's Day by the Guilds or Brotherhoods of Shoemakers in Paris and elsewhere. 200 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. THE LEARNED BAUDOUIN. The eminent French antiquary, Benoit Baudouin, is by far the most learned man who has risen from the ranks of the shoe- maker class in France. A native of Amiens, he was born some- where about the middle of the sixteenth century. His father, who was also a cordonnier in that city, taught him the art and mystery of the craft ; but the clever youth soon rose above his lowly circumstances, and became first a theological studert, and afterward the principal of the college in the old town of Troves. Here the ancient and extensive library delighted him, and his studies as a historian and antiquary were determined to some extent by his former occupation as a shoemaker ; for, be- sides a translation of certain ancient tragedies,* he is not known to have written any original work excepting his " Chaussures des Anciens," or " The Shoes of the Ancients." Baudouin never blushed to own his former vocation, f and in writing this remarkable work he was evidently moved by a desire to do it honor. J A strange book indeed it must be, full of the most curious and out-of-the-way learning and singular notions ; for, not content with describing the various kinds of shoes worn by Roman and Greek and other ancient peoples who have flour- ished within the historic period, the enthusiastic and daring scholar pushes his inquiry back to the days " when Adam delved and Eve span," until, at length, he discovers the origin of the foot-covering in the communication of the secret by the Almighty Himself to tc the first man, Adam !" Spite of its preposterous speculations, the work of the ex-shoemaker of Amiens is learned and valuable, contains a vast amount of curi- ous lore in regard to a not unimportant subject, and helps to confirm his claim to the ambitious title of '* the learned Bau- douin." The first edition of this work seems to have been pub- lished in Paris, 1615. It was afterward issued at Amster- dam, 1667, and at Leyden, 1711, and Leipsic, 1733, in Latin. A writer in the Biographic Universelle says that Baudouin held at one time the office of director of the Hotel Dieu at Troyes. This illustrious French shoemaker died and was buried in that own in 1632. *"Biographie Universelle." Paris, 1811. f Ibid. t "Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique," torn. ii. "Nouvelle Biographic Generale." Paris, 1853, torn. iv. p. 786. HENRY MICHAEL BUCH. 201 HENRY MICHAEL BUCH " GOOD HENRY. " Whether the story of the shoemaker- saints of Soissons be re- garded as apocryphal or not, it has undoubtedly had considera- ble influence for good, either directly or indirectly, over the minds of those who call themselves sons of Crispin. Much of this has been due to the character and work of a man who was evidently inspired by the story of St. Crispin. Through the agency of this jnan a very important movement was begun in the middle of the seventeenth century, which ultimately issued in a widespread religious and social reform among the shoe- makers and other operatives of Western Europe. We allude to the foundation of a society called " The Pious Confraternity of Brother Shoemakers," having as their patrons and models the saints Crispin and Crispianus. The founder of this society was Henry Michael Buch, who was known throughout Paris, in his day and long after, as Good Henry. Henry Michael Buch came from the Duchy of Luxemburg, where he had been born, and where his parents, who were day- laborers, had brought him up in a very simple manner. As a child, Buch was remarkably gifted and very pious. He was early apprenticed to a shoemaker, and was accustomed to spend his Sundays and holidays in public worship or private devotion. During his apprenticeship he began the work of reform among the members of his own craft, for his young heart was grieved to see them living in ignorance and vice. Enlisting the help of the more serious among them in his good work, he endeavored to instruct the apprentices of the town in the doctrines of religion, to draw them away from ale-houses and vicious company, and to persuade them to spend their time in a sensible and profitable manner. Taking the patron saints of the trade for a model, he cultivated habits of self-denial and beneficence, went always meanly clad, abandoned luxuries in food and clothing, and frequently gave away his own garments in order to clothe some poor brother shoemaker. While at Luxemburg and Messen, he lived chiefly on bread and rrater, so that he might be able to feed the hungry and destitute. Having removed to Paris, his good deeds soon attracted the attention of Gaston John Baptist, Baron of Renti, who was so much impressed by the shoemaker's simplicity of manner, intel- ligence, and missionary zeal, that he persuaded Buch to estab- lish in that city a confraternity among the members of his own 202 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. humble craft for the purpose of instructing them in the princi- ples and practices of a holy life. With a view to strengthen his hands for such a task, the freedom of the city was purchased for him, and means were supplied him for starting in business as a master shoemaker, " so that he might take apprentices and journeymen who were willing to follow the rules that were prescribed them." * Seven men and youths having joined him on these terms, the foundation of his Confraternity was laid in 1645, Good Henry being appointed the first superior, f Two years after this, the tailors of the city, who had noticed the conduct of the shoemakers, and had been delighted with the goodly spectacle presented in their happy and useful lives, resolved to follow the example. They borrowed a copy of th rules, and started a similar society in 1047. These brotherhoods, but notably those of the shoemakers, were spread through France and Italy, and were the means of doing an immense amount of good among the members of the two crafts. The rules of the fraternity founded by Buch were assimilated to certain monastic orders. They enjoined rising at five o'clock and meeting for united prayer before engaging in work, prayeis offered by the superior as often as the clock strikes, at certain hours the singing of hymns while at work, at other times silence and meditation ; meditation before dinner, the reading of some devotional work by one of the number during meals ; a retreat for a few days in every year ; assisting on Sundays and holy days at sermons and u the divine oftice ;" the visitation of the poor and sick, of hospitals and prisons ; self-examination, fol- lowed by prayer together at night and retiring to rest at nine o'clock. Henry Michael Buch, the founder of this remarkable society with its offshoots all over Western Europe, succeeded in mak- ing the title Sons of Crispin something more than a name in the case of thousands of his brother workmen. Bearing in mind his humble birth and training, his scanty means, his so- cial position, the unpromising materials he had to work with, it will be allowed that the moral reform he inaugurated among working-men deserves to be classed among the best things of * Butler's "Lives of the Primitive Fathers, Martyrs, and Saints," 1799, p. 532. f This society nourished until the outbreak of the French Revolu- tion, 1789, when it was suppressed. HANS SACHS. 203 the kind of which we read in history. Buch died at Paris on the 9th June, 1666, and was buried in the churchyard of St. Gervaise. * GERMANY. HANS SACHS, THE NIGHTINGALE OF THE REFORMATION. BEFORE Good Henry's day two famous shoemakers had ap- peared in Germany, whose names are now much better known than his : Hans Sachs, the shoemaker-poet of the Refoimation, and Jacob Boehmen, the mystic. Hans Sachs was the son of a tailor at Nuremberg, and was born November 5th, ] 494. At the age of fifteen he was put apprentice in his native town. His schooling had been but slight, but he managed after school-days were passed to retain and add to the little he had learned. His studies as an apprentice soon lifted him considerably above the level of his class. All his spare time was given to. poetry and music, in which arts he was greatly assisted by a clever fellow named Nunnenbeck; a weaver in the city. On attaining -his majority, Sachs, after the fashion of the time, travelled as a workman from town to town through- out Germany, in order to learn his trade perfectly and see what he could of the wide world around him. In this expedition he ^seems to have thought as much of poetry as of shoernaking, for * If this were a history of the craft and trade of shoemaking, atten- tion might be called to the genuinely illustrious shoemaker, Nicholas Lestage of Bordeaux. This clever artisan having made a remarkably fine pair of boots, presented them to the king, Louis XIV., on his visit to Bordeaux, shortly before his marriage to the Infanta of Spain. The fortunate son of Crispin was made shoemaker to his Majesty, and rose rapidly to wealth and favor at court. In 1663 he presented to his royal patron the famous boot " without a seam, " which was spoken of as a " miracle of art," and of which it was declared that "the name of a boot would fill the world." About a dozen years after Lestage suc- ceeded in making this wonderful seamless boot, a small book of poems was written to commemorate the extraordinary achievement. Among other extravagant things said about " cette admirable chaussure," it was affirmed that "neither antiquity nor the sun had ever seen its equal," "that man was not its inventor," and its structure was truly divine /" etc. 204 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. lie never omitted, wherever he went, visiting the little poetical and musical societies which then existed in nearly every town in Germany. These societies were formed by the various trades guilds, and their members were called meister singers. On his return from this tour, Sachs settled down to work in Nuremberg, and proved himself both an expert shoemaker and a first-rate meistersinger. In fact, he outshone all his com peers of the guild to which he belonged, and it was not long before he earned the reputation of being the first German poet of his day. The Reformation movement, led by Martin Luther, was then in full vigor, and found a hearty sympathizer and vigorous supporter in this " unlettered cobbler but richly gifted poet," who was counted among the friends and admirers of the great Reformer. Luther had few more valuable support- ers in his work than the shoemaker of Nuremberg, whose sim- ple, spirit-stirring songs were rapidly learned and readily sung by the humbler sorts of people all over the country. Sachs' writings were very numerous, both in prose and verse. Few poets, indeed, have ventured to write and pub- lish so much. He averaged more than a volume a year for over thirty years. On an inventory being made of his literary stock in the year 1546, when he was about fifty -two years of age, it was found that he had written 34 volumes, containing 4275 songs, 208 comedies and tragedies, about 1700 merry tales, and secular and religious dialogues, and 73 other pieces. His best writings are said to be the " Schwanke" or merry tales, the humor of which is sometimes unsurpassable. His col- lected works were published by Wilier, 1570-79, in five folio volumes. Exactly two hundred years after Hans Sachs' death, Goethe,* who was a warm admirer of the shoemaker-poet, published a poem entitled Hans Sacks Erklarung eines alien Holzschnitts, vorstellend Hans Sachs' poetische Sendung (Explanation of an old woodcut representing Hans Sachs' poetical mission). This tribute from the pen of Germany's greatest poet brought the shoemaker of Nuremberg again into notice, and put him in the right place in the temple of fame. Since the date of Goethe's poem, Sachs' works have been published in various forms, and are now as much read and as warmly appreciated as when they were first published. Nuremberg, his native town, is proud of her humble yet illustrious poet, and treasures up in her museum every relic connected with his name, MS. copies of his writings, poetical fly-sheets issued during his lifetime, or early editions JACOB BOEHMEN. 205 of his works. In the libraries of Zwickau, Dresden, and Leip- sic similar relics of the poet may be seen. No testimony to his merit could be higher than that of Goethe, the prince of German critics in literature. It may be of value, however, in addition to this, to give the opinion of two very different men respecting Sachs. Dr. Hagenbach in his " History of the Reformation" says : " A happy union of wholesome humor and moral purity meets us in Hans Sachs of Nuremberg ;" and Thomas Carlyle, in his own style, which happily is " inimitable," speaks of him as a " gay, childlike, devout, solid character a? man neither to be despised nor patronized, but left standing on his own basis as a singular product, and legible symbol, and clear mirror of the time and country where he lived." He died on the 25th of January, 1576, at the age of eighty- two, in full mental vigor. He was busy writing verses and tales almost to the last days of his life. His grave is still shown in the churchyard of St. John's, Nuremberg. JACOB BOEHMEN, THE MYSTIC. Jacob Boehmen, or Boehme, was born at the village of Alt- seidenberg, near Gorlitz, in Prussian Silesia, about a year be- fore the death of Hans Sachs. A shoemaker for the greater part of his life, Boehmen devoted the powers of a remarkable mind to philosophical and religious speculation, and produced works which, notwithstanding their mystical and well-nigh unintelligible character, are declared by some of the best authori- ties in Germany and England to have laid the foundation of metaphysics and philosophy. It is impossible to give a true idea of the writings of this extraordinary man except by a com- plete review of his philosophy and its influence on German philosophical writers. The most contradictory opinions have been expressed in regard to the value of his productions. By some critics he is set down as a rhapsodist who wrote nothing but mystical jargon, and by others as a profound philosopher whose thoughts and dreams are full of inspiration. Mosheirn, e.g., says : " It is impossible to find greater obscurity than there is in these pitiable writings, which exhibit an incongruous mixture of chemical terms, mystical jargon, and absurd vis- ions." On the other hand, it is curious to read the opinions expressed by our own King Charles I., who of all the Stuarts, 206 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. not excepting his own father, Jarnes L, that *' so learned and judicious a prince, " was most capable of being a judge in such matters. Charles is reported to have said of the writings of the shoemaker of Gorlitz : ** Had they been the productions of a scholar and a man of learning, they would have been truly won- derful ; but if, as he heard, they were the productions of a poor shoemaker, they furnished a proof that the Holy Ghost had still a habitation in the souls of men." Sir Isaac Newton was a student of Boehmcn, whose disserta- tion on " The Three Principles" is said to have furnished hints to the philosopher which put him on the track of some of his great discoveries ; and Blake, the half-mad, half-inspired poet, painter, and engraver, frequently spoke of him as a divinely in- spired man. Before Blake's day the writings of Boehrnen had been translated by William Law, author of " The Serious Call," and published by Ward & Co. in two quarto volumes (1762-84). Law's writings had immense influence over the minds of John and Charles Wesley, and their followers, the Methodists. Law, who was no mean judge of the worth of Boehinen's writings, held them in high esteem. But of more value than these opinions is the estimate formed by philosophers themselves as to the works of this great mystic. Spinoza frequently studied them, and acknowledged their influ- ence on his own mind. Schelling, the idealist philosopher, bears testimony to Boehinen's great merits as a thinker. Hegel speaks of him as the 4i Teutonic philosopher," and adds, " In reality, through him, for the first time, did philosophy in Ger- many come forward with a characteristic stamp." S. T. Cole- ridge in his " Literary Remains"* says: " I have often thought of writing a book to be entitled 4 A Vindication of Great Men Unjustly Branded/ and at such times the names prominent to my mind's eye have been Giordano Bruno, Jacob Boehmen, Benedict Spinoza, and Emanuel Swedenborg." In the library of Manchester New College, London, is a copy of the works of Spinoza with marginal notes written by Cole- ridge, f and among them is the following note to Epistle xxxvi. : " The truth is, Spinoza, in common with all metaphy- sicians before him (Boehrne perhaps excepted), began at the wrong end," etc., etc. Coleridge frequently spoke of Boeh- men in the warmest terms of admiration. * Vol. iv. p. 423. j- This book once belonged to Henry Crabb Robinson : see H. C. B. B Diary, etc., vol. i. pp. 400, 401, for the above quotation. GABRIEL CAPPELLiKI. 207 At a very early age Jacob Boehmen showed a disposition to pious meditation and fancied himself inspired. He was poorly educated as a youth, and nearly all his knowledge was self- acquired. His first work was published when he was thirty- seven years of age, and was entitled " Aurora/' or the morning dawn. He was severely attacked by the religious leaders of his day, but the court at Dresden patronized and protected him. His death took place November 27th, 1624. His works have been frequently published in Germany, Holland, and England, where they are much more warmly appreciated now than they were in his own lifetime. ITALY. GABRIEL CAPPELLTNT, IL CALIGARINO, OR THE LITTLE SHOEMAKER. IF it be characteristic of Germany that one of her illustrious shoemakers should be a poet and another & philosopher, it is no less characteristic of Itafy and Holland that several followers of the gentle craft in these countries should have distinguished themselves as painters. We take three examples from the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. Gabriel Cappellini of Ferrara in Italy was more generally known by the ^appellation // Caligarino, or the little shoe- maker, a name derived from his original occupation. He is said to have been led to throw down the awl and take to the brush in consequence of a compliment paid to him one day by one of the great family of painters called Dossi, who told the shoemaker that a pair of shoes he had just made were so ele- gant that they looked as if they had been painted. He became a scholar of Dossi, and made a fair name as an artist in the sixteenth century. He is praised by Barotti for r shoemakers) of Selkirk against the men of Home," as Mr. Robertson in his " Essay on Scottish Song" declares, it is not easy to determine. At any rate, whether the song point to the historical event or not, the event itself is beyond dispute. Sel- kirk did certainly send a brave band of eighty or a hundred men to Flodden Field to support the cause of James. No doubt a large proportion of these men were veritable souters, for the chief trade of the town in the sixteenth century was the making of " a sort of brogues with a single thin sole." This local manufacture seems to have given a name to the in- habitants of the burgh, who were called souters, pretty much as natives of Sheffield might be called blades, or Birmingham folk buttons. The people of Selkirk are not ashamed of the designation, but rather glory in perpetuating the name and the tradition on which it rests. " A singular custom," we are told, is observed at conferring the freedom of the burgh. Four or five bristles, such as are used by shoemakers, are at- tached to the seal of the burgess ticket. These the new-made burgess must dip in his wine and pass through his mouth, in token of respect for the Souters of Selkirk. This ceremony is on no account dispensed with.j- WATT TINLINN. That the souters of that time knew how to fight and win re- nown by their valor and skill may be gathered from the story which the author of " The Lay of the Last Minstrel" tells us anent the reference to Watt of Liddelside in the fourth canto of the "Lay" : " Now loud the heedful gateward cried, ' Prepare ye all for blows and blood ! Watt Tinliim from the Liddelside Comes wading through the flood. * See "Border Minstrelsy." (Scott's "Border Minstrelsy," foot-note. COLONEL HEWSON. 215 'Full oft the Tynedale snatchers knock At his lone gate and prove the lock ; It was but last St. Barnabright They sieged him a whole summer night, But fled at morning ; well they knew In vain he never twanged the yew.' ' ' This Watt was a shoemaker and a soldier, and if he had no large field for the display of his skill and valor in the Border skirmishes of his time, he nevertheless deserves a place among his more illustrious brethren of the craft, if only for the sake of the following note respecting him. " This person was in my younger days," says Sir Walter Scott,* " the theme of pmany a fireside tale. He was a retainer of the Buccleuch family, and held for his Border service a small tower on the frontiers of Liddesdale. Watt was by profession a sutor, but by inclination and practice an archer and warrior. Upon one occasion, the captain of Bewcastle, military governor of that wild district of Cumberland, is said to have made an incursion into Scotland, in which he was defeated and forced to fly. Watt Tinlinn pursued him closely through a dangerous morass ; the captain, however, gained the firm ground, and seeing Tinlinn dismounted and floundering in the bog, used these words of insult, " Sutor Watt, ye cannot sew your boots ; the heels risp and the seams rive." f " If I cannot sew," retorted Tinlinn, discharging a shaft which nailed the captain's thigh to his saddle " if I cannot sew I can yerk." J COLONEL HEWSON, THE " CERDON " OF " HUDIBRAS." In the turbulent days of the Stuarts and the Commonwealth, when the lofty were laid low and the lowly were set in high places, it can hardly be matter of surprise that the shoemaker should have had his share of the favors of fortune. The cir- cumstances of the time had led to the adoption of the rational rule of granting promotion by merit. In an army commanded by Cromwell it is not likely that any other rule would be adopted. His two chief requirements were military capacity and moral character. With men of this class he made up his invincible Ironsides. One of his colonejs was John Hewson. " This man," Grainger says, " once wore a leather apron, *Note IV. to Canto IV., "Lay of the Last Minstrel." \ Risp and rive, creak and tear. jf. To twitch the thread as shoemakers do in securing the stitches. g " Biographical History of England," vol. hi. 216 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. and from a mender of old shoes became a reformer of govern- ment and religion. He was, allowing for his education, a very extraordinary person. His behavior in the army soon raised him to the rank of a colonel ; and Cromwell had so great an opinion of him as to intrust him with the government of the city of Dublin, whence he was called to be a member of Bare- bones'* parliament. He was a frequent speaker in that and the other parliament of which he was a member, and was at length thought a fit person to be a lord of the upper house. He was one of the committee of safety, and was, with several of his brethren, very intent upon a new model of the republic at the eve of the Restoration. " Rugge, in his " Diurnal, " 5th December, 1659, says that Hewson 4A was a very stout man,* and a very good commander ;" and adds, " But in regard of his former employment, they (the city apprentices) threw at him old shoes and slippers, and turnip-tops and brickbats, stones and tiles." He was the object of no end of lampoon- ing on the part of the Royalists. Pepys, in his " Diary," 25th January, 1659-60, has an interesting memorandum in re- gard to the notoriety of the cobbler-colonel : li Coming home, heard that in Cheapside there had been but a little before a gibbet set up, and a picture of Huson (Hewson) hung upon it, in the middle of the street." f One of these squibs bore tho title, *' Colonel Hewson's Confession ; or, a Parley with Pluto," and referred to his removal of the gates of Temple Bar. Lord Braybrooke informs us that Hewson " had but one eye, which did not escape the notice of his enemies." Nor did the burly cobbler-colonel escape the notice of Dr. Butler, who makes him a conspicuous figure in the first part of " Hudibras" J under the nickname of Cerdon : " The upright Cerdon next advanc'd, Of all his race the valiant'st : Cerdon the Great, renowned in song, Like Herc'les, for repair of wrong. * The author of "Crispin Anecdotes," p. 127, says, "Praise-God Barebones was a shoemaker, but from all the writer can learn he was si leather-seller ; and Bloomfield is reported as saying that Secretary Craggs was a chip of leather. On what authority it is hard to say. His father, the postmaster-general, is more likely to have been in such a position ; but his trade was that of a country barber." Grainger, Noble's continuation, vol. iii. f Pepys' Diary, note, January 25th, 1659-60. {Part I. Canto II., 409-430, etc. COLONEL HEWSON. He rais'd the low. and fortify' d The weak against the strongest side : 111 has he read that never hit On him in Muses deathless writ. He had a weapon keen and fierce, That through a bull -hide shield would pierce, And cut it in a thousand pieces, Though tougher than the Knight of Greece his, With whom his black-thumb'd ancestor Was comrade in the ten years' war. Fast friend he was to reformation, Until 'twas worn quite out of fashion ; Next rectifier of every law, j And would make three to cure one flaw. Learned he was, and could take note, Transcribe, collect, translate, and quote." * Later on,f Hudibras describes the scene at the bear-gardens when Hewson and the Puritan party endeavor to put a stop to the savage sport of bear-baiting. The mob turn on the Puri- tans, but as for the fat colonel " Quarter he scorns, he is so stout, And therefore cannot long hold out." One of the squibs alluded to above was entitled " A Hymn to the Gentle Craft; or, Hewson's Lamentation." J The reader will observe that Hewson's one eye " does not escape the notice of his enemies.' 7 This piece was sung as a ballad IE the streets : " Listen awhile to what I shall say, Of a blind cobbler that's gone astray Out of the Parliament's highway. Good people, pity the blind ! " His name you wot well is Sir John Howson, Whom I intend to set my muse on, As great a warrior as Sir Miles Lewson. Good people, pity the blind ! *' He'd now give all the shoes in his shop The Parliament's fury for to stop, Whip cobbler like any town-top. Good people, pity the blind ! *Part I. Canto II., 409-430, etc. fPart I. Canto III., 118, 119. \ Quoted in Chambers's " Book of Days, " August loth. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh, VIS ILLCSTKlors Mlnl.M AKKItS. 11 ( HivtT made him a laiiuuis Lord, Thai lie I'ore.ol his euttituvboard, llul fio\\ his thread's t \\ isicd to a cord, (!ood people, pity (he blind ! " Snii^ hi, ho, llewsoii ! tlu> slate ne'er went upright, Since eohhlers eould pray, preach govern, and lit'Jit ; \\'e shall see what they'll do now \oifre out, of si-dit. (iood people, pity tile blind ! ' Ila\ini;- been one ravelv against the Putch, and whom his crew, weeping and voxvini;- ven^i-anee, carried to tin 1 jjrave. From him sprang, lv a singular kind of descent, a line of valiant and expert sailors. Mis cal>in-l>oy was Sir John NarbofOUgh, and the cahin-hov of Sir John Narhorou^h was Sir ( 1 lotnlesle\' Shovel. To the. strong natural sense ami dauntless courage of this class of men Mn^laml owes a debt never to he forgotten. ' 'g Myn;;-s knew how to l>e familiar and friendly with his men, and yet to keep his position and authority. Seamen learn to love hraverv, and of this they saw enough in their gallant Admiral. They had additional reason for their devotion in the care he always took to see them well paid and fed, and the justice he did them in the distribution of pri/es. It was in the great four * Kvelyn's " hiary " of this date. } IVpvs. see above. { (i rammer's Itio^rnphii-al History of Kiu;land," vol. iii. i< History of I'.n-laiid. ' vol. i. p. ;">!('. ^People's Kdition). SIR <:i!UisToi'iii;i; MY M;S. ^1!) days' ji.-dit olT the l']nn the fourth day <>f the famous battle that bc^an on the 1st of .lime, he received a shot, in the neck ; after which, though he was in exquisite pain, he con- tinued in his command, holding his wound with both his hands for above an hour. At, length another shot, pierced his throat and laid him forever at rest." * The portrait, of Sir < 'hristopher Mynj^s is now in the I'ainted Hal) Of Greenwich Hospital. It is a half length by Sir 1'eter Lely, and came from Windsor ('astle, haxin^ been | by (ieor^e IV. in IHiM.f * (Jranc-ei' ; " liioj'raphieal HP lory "1 Kir-land," \<.l. in. < HUH llHK an intenslin;' linl c concernili;', M \ lies, \\hicll\\ecainiol forl.iar cop\ in;', : " I ;im rr<-dilly inlnniied lh;it when hr had lakrii a Spam h niaii-ol -war and ; '.<'!' iiiinsiiider on I M. a I'd his :-hip, h< roiinnil ted tin- can- ol him to ;i li< ul. -11:111!, \\ho \\jisdin-eted tool.. i\. In Ix-liavior. Sliorlly al't r \\rd U;LS hroui'lil I.. M \ 114-;; 1 hal 1 In- Spaniard was deploi Ing !n a|.tivity and woiidenii;'. \\ hat KT( at captain it could be who had niiule Doll , w il h a Ion;' and 1 cd i >ic; ;.| i i n;- o! na UK . and tit.lcH, his prisoner. The lieutenant \sas onh n-d lo ret inn ) chur^<', and if the |)on peisist(d in Ins CIIIH.,I!\, to tell him that ' Kit Minns 'had taken him. This dmnim! i\ < name ul t< rl v coniounded the tili'ltidn, Ihrew him into an a IK I, and j-axelnm mon acute pan;';: than all the rest of Ins milfoil in | See the " I )escri pt l ve ('ataloj'iu- of the Portraits of Na\al OOBQ inanderfs," ( tc., in the " Tainted Hall, (ireenuich Hospital," Her Majesty's Stationery . HI. The < ditor ol 1 h< <;,! ulo^ue stales that. " I his portrait and tho- n um I .< i < d V, S. 1 7 !'., 102, K). r >, 107, 110 1 P2 form li -f \al liable picl uies im nt i-'iied in Pepys' ' Diary,' as follows : 'To Mr. Ldl\ s 1 In- painter's, and I KUW the heads som<- tin i shed and all he j'ini el the lla;-;' m< n in the ll Y' I he hutch. The I >u ke < .1 York hath them doin; to hanj; in Ins, and \< r\ (im l\ th. done indeed. Here are the Prince's ( Kllpert ... : Sir Thomas Ted di man's, Sir Christ opher Myiij's', Sir Joseph .lord, Sir William P.erkeli-y's, Sir Thomas Alhn's, and Captain Ham,, as also the DukeoJ Alhemarles; and will be. jny Lord Sandwich's, VSir W. J'(inis, and Sir ,1. r< my Sinilh'H.' " ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. ASTROLOGERS AND OTHERS. BE. PARTRIDGE, ASTROLOGER, PHYSICIAN TO HIS MAJESTY, ETC. IN the same age lived another noteworthy man, whose connec- tion with the gentle craft was much more intimate, and, indeed, of almost life-long duration. This man was an astrologer, and blended with his study of the subtle influences of the stars over human affairs the study of medicine. What relation there is between these two things it were hard to tell ; but certain it is, that for many yeais men who were not otherwise fools and knaves believed in this relation ; and, combining the two " professions," found very often that success in the one gave them a certain prestige in the other. A lucky hit in li casting the nativity" of a notable person, brought the li astrologer and physician" endless patients and no small fortune. Probably an appointment as physician to the king was due to no better cause ; and, with such an appointment, of course the practi- tioner's position was secure for life. This seems to have been pretty much the case with John Partridge, who is spoken of as a shoemaker in Covent Garden in 1680, and in 1682 is styled physician to His Majesty Charles II. Here is a case, then, of a cobbler who ventured ultra crepidam to some pur- pose, and who might very well have taken James Lackington's motto for his own.* Partridge, it must be allowed, was a scholar of no mean attainments, whatever he may have been as a physician, and his scholarship was self -acquired. During his apprenticeship to a shoemaker he began the study of Latin with a copy of Lilye's Grammar, Gouldman's Dictionary, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and a Latin Bible. Having got a sufficient knowledge of Latin to read astrological works, lie betook himself to the study of Greek and Hebrew. Then came physic, with the grand result of royal patronage. Pai- tndge was a considerable author or editor, and the list of Ins works shows the strong bent of his mind toward the occult science. He published a " Hebrew Calendar" for 1678 ; 44 Vade Mecum," 1679 ; c imagined by the following sample of Toplndy's personalities in this strife of tongues. He says, " Mr. Wesley skulks for shel- ter under a cobbler's apron ;" and again, " Has Tom the Cob- bler more learning and integrity than John the Priest ?" It must be confessed that Cobbler Tom hit hard in reply. But an end has now come to the discreditable and useless strife ; and, happily, it is in no danger of revival ; while the hymns written by the pious Calvinist * and the zealous Arminian are both alike sung with devout emotion wherever the Saviour's name is known and adored. Besides several controversial tracts, Olivers wrote a number of hymns, and is known as the composer of a number of Psalm- tunes, f He continued his ministry in London till March, 1799, when he died at the age of seventy-four. He was buried in John Wesley's tomb, in the City Road Chapel Yard, London, as a token of the esteem in which he was held by Wesley and his friends. THOMAS HOLCROFT, DRAMATIST, NOVELIST, ETC.f Thomas Holcroft was a much more noteworthy man. At the time of the State Trials he had made a considerable name as a writer of political novels. In his " Anna St. Ives" and " Hugh Trevor" he had exposed the follies and vices of society around him, and had set forth his own political views in a manner well calculated to captivate the fancy of young and ardent reformers. When the trial of Hardy began, Holcroft surrendered himself in court, deeming it base and unmanly to refuse to share the fate of those whose political views he had warmly espoused. Both friends and foes honored him for his chivalrous conduct in the affair. On the acquittal of his friends he was discharged without a trial. The life of Holcroft is as full of romance as any of those de- picted in his novels. He was born in London in 1745. Dur- *Toplady wrote the fine hymn "Rock of Ages," etc. f " Helmsley" has been set down to Olivers ; but Mr. Benham says it was composed by Martin Madan, Cowper's uncle, author of " Thelyphthwa." See Cowper's "Poems," Globe Ed., Intro., p. 34. J "Memoirs of the late Thomas Holcroft, written by Himself, and Continued to the Time of his Death from his Diary," by W. Hazlitt. The Traveller' s Library, vol. xvii. 1856. THOMAS HOLCROFT. 235 ing the first six years of the boy's life, his father was a shoe- maker. Giving up this occupation in 1751, Holcroft, senior, 44 took to the road" as a hawker and peddler, and his poor child led a vagrant, gypsy-like life, and passed through privations which he could never afterward think of without shame and sor- row. And yet he managed to turn this worst period of his life to some account. The first-hand knowledge it afforded him of nature and human affairs gave freshness and power to the com- edies and dramas written in later years. During these early years his father taught him to read out of the Bible, and such was his progress, that in a little while the daily task consisted of eleven chapters. These, he tells us, he could often have missed by telling a falsehood, which his conscience never would allow ; and, besides this, he had no wish to evade the task, for the stories of the Old Testament were so fall of interest to his boyish mind, that he was eager to go on to the end. While his father and mother were engaged as hawkers, young Holcroft was sent out to beg. In this miserable employment he became quite an expert ; and, like many another unfortunate beggar, 'lie was led to draw on his imagination for tales to answer his pur- pose. On returning home he would recount his adventures, and repeat the marvellous- stories he had invented, until his father, who at first admired the lad's gift as a romancer, came to be ashamed of allowing him to lead such an idle and mischievous life, and put a stop to his escapades. After this he was employed as a stable-boy and jockey at Newmarket. The change in his circumstances thus brought about was a very happy one, for he had now good fare, a com- fortable bed to sleep on, decent or rather smart clothes, of which he was not a little proud ; and, added to all this, a cer- tain position in respectable society ! His father had a friend at Newmarket who had a taste for reading, and followed the " profession" of feeder and trainer of gamecocks for the pit. This man was struck with Thomas Holcroft's natural ability, and lent him books to read, such as the " Spectator" and " Gulliver's Travels." While at Newmarket he was one day passing a church, and stopped to listen to the music of the choir, then engaged in practice. He ventured to enter the church, and feeling a strong desire to learn to sing, spoke to the leader. Mr. Langham, who, finding the stable-boy had a good voice, admitted him into the choir. He threw himself so heartily into this new and fascinating study, that it was not long before he could read music and sing in good style. 230 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. At the age of sixteen, he again went to live with his father, who had once more returned to the shoemaker's stall, and lived in London. Here he learned enough of the trade to earn a livelihood, but he involved himself in premature cares by an imprudent marriage when only twenty years of age. And now the passion for a roving life got the better of him, and quitting the monotony of a cobbler's room, he betook him- self to the stage. For seven years he led the life of a strolling player, 4< and sounded all the depths and shoals" of misery in- cident to such a precarious existence. It was not till after his thirtieth year that he began to acquire settled habits of study, to learn the languages French, Ger- man, and Italian in which he afterward became a ready trans- lator, and to set about any kind of literary work. The first products of his pen appeared in the Whitehall Evening Post. He was in his thirty-fifth year when his first novel, k4 Alwyn, or the Gentleman Comedian/' appeared. The year after this saw the issue of his earliest comedy, Duplicity, which was put on the stage at Covent Garden Theatre, and had a good run of success. This was followed by some thirty dra- matic pieces of one kind or other, in poetry or prose, comedies and comic operas, dramas and melodramas, which last he had the credit of introducing into England. The Road to Ruin is accounted, by some judges of note, the best of his dramas. Holcroft was a man of versatile powers and great industry. II is natural gifts were remarkable, and his extensive knowledge was almost entirely self-acquired. As already indicated, he was a very prolific author. Besides the three novels and the plays referred to above, he issued translations from the French of Toucher d'Obsonville and Pierre de Long ; from the German, Goethe's " Herman and Dorothea ;" and from the Italian. Her spent much of his time in Germany and France, and his inter- esting work, 4C Travels into France," is one of his most valued productions. Thomas Holcroft died 23d March, 1809, at the age of sixty-four, having crowded as much work into his event- ful life as most of the leading men of his time. JOSEPH BLACKET, POET, "THE SON OF SORKOW." At the beginning of this century there were two young shoe- makers in London who were spending their leisure time in hard reading and attempts at musical composition. One of them, JOSEPH BLACKET JOSEPH BLACKET. 239 Robert Bloomfield, a sketch of whom has already been given,* is known as widely as the English language itself. The other, Joseph Blacket, made but little stir in the world, and is now Avell-nigh forgotten. He took to writing poetry at a much ear- lier age than Bloomfield, who wrote nothing before his six- teenth year, while Blacket, if we may trust the notes in his 44 Specimens" and " Remains," began, very characteristically, with " The Sigh," written at ten years of age. His unhappy life was brought to a close when he was but twenty-four years old. At this age Bloomfield had written very little poetry, and 44 The Farmer's Boy" was not begun. But if his genius ripen- ed slowly, it produced fruits far more valuable than those pre- sented to the world by the precocity of poor Blacket. There is nothing of Blacket's to compare with 44 The Fanner's Boy," or 4 ' Richard and Kate," or 44 The Fakenham Ghost." It is interesting to know that the two poetical sons of Crispin were acquainted, and cherished a high regard for each other. They seem to have met at the house of Mr. Pratt, Blacket's patron and editor, and afterward to have exchanged copies of each other's works, accompanied by friendly letters. What Bloom- field thought of his young friend may be gathered from the fol- lowing portion of a letter : 44 The instant I received your vol- ume I resolved to shake hands with you, by letter at least, and to thank you for a pleasure of no common sort. The ' Con- flagration ' is so truly full of fire that it almost burns one's fin- gers to read it. 4 Saragossa ' is a noble poem. Choose your own themes, and let the master-tints of your mind have full play." In a letter to his friend Mr. Pratt, Blacket says that he was born in 1786 at Tunstill, five miles from Richmond, in York- shire. His father was a day-laborer, who had eight children to provide for at the time Joseph was old enough for school. \ It was therefore fortunate for him that the village schoolmistress took a fancy for him, and taught him for nothing. He stayed * It may be thought by some readers that Bloomfield's brothers, George and Nathaniel, ought to have a place in our list of illustrious shoemakers. George, in his correspondence with Mr. Capel Lofft, Robert's patron, showed himself a man of good sense and a fair writer. See preface to Bloomfield's Poems. But Nathaniel, the author of a little volume of poems, edited by Capel Lofft, 1803, entitled, "An Essay on War/' in blank verse, and "Honington Green, a Ballad," was not a shoemaker. He was a tailor, though not a few writers have made Byron's mistake of classing him with "ye tuneful cobblers." f Blacket s "Remains," preface, vol. i. pp. 62, 63. London, 1811. 240 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. with her until he was seven, and then went to a school taught by a master. At the age of eleven he was removed to London, his brother John having engaged to provide a home for him and teach him his trade during the next seven years. In this respect his position was very similar to that of Bloomfield, whose brother George became the guardian of the shy Suffolk lad when he first went up to London.* John Blacket was so anxious that his ward should not forget his little learning that he often kept the lad at home to write on Sunday. There were such books in John's library as " Josephus," " Eusebius* Church History, " " Fox's Martyrs/ 7 all of which were read through by the time Joseph was fifteen years of age, " At that time," he says, t4 the drama was totally unknown to me ; a play I had neither seen nor read." One evening a companion called on him and begged him to go and see Kemble play Richard the Third at Drury Lane. His brother John refused consent at first, but yielded at last to the clever strategy of an appeal made in a few impromptu verses, which so greatly pleased and sur- prised the fond brother, that he at once " gave him leave tog<>, together with a couple of shillings to defray his expenses." From this time forth he devoted himself to the study of the poets Milton, Pope, Young,* Otway, Rowe, Beattie, Thomp- son, but especially, and for a time almost exclusively, to Shake- speare. As a young poet it is said of him that " His anxiety to produce something that should be thought worthy of the pub- lic in the form of a drama appears to have surpassed all his other cares. . . . Something of the dramatic kind pervades the whole ma?s of his papers. I have traced it on hills, re- ceipts, backs of letters, shoe patterns, slips of paper hangings, grocery wrappers, magazine covers, battalion orders for the vol- unteer corps of St. Pancras, in which he served, and on vari- ous other scraps on which his ink could scarcely be made to retain the impression of his thoughts ; yet most of them crowded on both sides and much interlined." f Like most ardent young students in poor circumstances, Blacket was reckless of his health,, His hard work by day and loss of nightly sleep sowed the seeds of the disease to which he eventually fell a victim, lie married very young, and had the misfortune to lose his wife when he was only twenty-one years of age. A sister who carne to nurse her was taken ill of brain . * Blacket's "Remains," preface, vol. i. pp. 27. f Editor of Blacket's "Remains," Letters, pp. 9, 10. JOSEPH BLACKET. 241 fever, and nearly lost her life. " Judge of my situation," he says to his friend Mr. Pratt, " a dear wife stretched on the bed of death ; a sister senseless, whose dissolution I expected every hour ; an infant piteously looking round for its mother ; cred- itors clamorous, friends cold or absent. I found, like the mel- ancholy Jaques, that i when the deer was stricken the herd would shun him. ' ' In this wretched position he was obliged to sell everything to pay his debts. No wonder that he became a " son of sorrow," and that most of the poetry written after this date bears the marks of gloom and distraction of mind. Yet it must be confessed that' when the young poet sought to enter on his literary career by the publication of his poems, he had no cause to complain of want of friends. Mr. Marchant, a printer, took kindly to him, and published his first copies of " Specimens" free of expense. It was he who introduced the young aspirant for poetical fame to Mr. Pratt, the editor of the " Remains," who seems, from the letters published, to have been a man of considerable means, but not of the best judg- ment in literary affairs. This friend had the most exalted notions of the " genius" of his protege, showed him the utmost' kindness till the day of his death, and took charge of the funds raised by the publication of his " Remains," investing them in behalf of the poet's orphan child. In August, 1809, Blacket removed to Seaham, Durham, to the house of a brother-in-law, gamekeeper to Sir Ralph Milbanke of Castle Eden. The bar- onet and his family were very kind to him ; a horse was lent him ; dainty food was sent down for him from the castle ; doctors were procured who attended him gratis ; Lady Milbanke and Miss Milbanke, afterward Lady Byron, visited him con- stantly, and interested others in his behalf ; among them the Duchess of Leeds, who procured a large number of subscribers to his volume of " Specimens." * No effort was spared by either doctors or friends to save his life and to ensure his repu- tation as a poet ; but to no purpose, as it seemed, in either case. He died of consumption on the 23d of September, 1810, at the house of his brother-in-law, and was buried in Seaham churchyard by his friend Mr. Wallis, rector of the parish, who had been a Christian counsellor and comforter to the young poet during his long illness. At his own request, Miss Milbanke * That these generous friends labored to some purpose may be judged from the fact that after Blacket' s little legacies and funeral expenses were paid, 97 10s. remained over for the benefit of his child. " Remains," p. 101. ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. selected the spot for his grave, and caused a suitable monu- ment to be placed over it, on which were inscribed the lines, taken from his own poem, " Reflections at Midnight' '- " Shut from the light, 'mid awful gloom, Let clay-cold honor rest in state ; And, from the decorated tomb, Keceive the tributes of the great. " Let me, when bade with life to part And in my narrow mansion sleep, Keceive a tribute from the heart, Nor bribe one sordid eye to weep." DAVID SEKVICE, AND OTHER SONGSTERS OF THE COB- BLER'S STALL. David Service of Yarmouth represents a pretty numerous class of songsters of the cobbler's stall, worthy men in their way, but writers of inferior merit, of whom much cannot be said. Such writers were John Foster of Winteringham, Lincolnshire, who owed the publication of his " Serious Poems," in 1793, to the kindness of the vicar of the parish ; J. Johnstone, a Scotch- man, who published a small volume of poems in 1823 ; the Rev. James Nichol of Traquair, Selkirkshire, who in his shoemaking days " published two or three volumes of poetry." Gavin Wilson, of Edinburgh, who, MI 1788, published " A Collection of Masonic Songs," of whom Campbell says : ** I knew Gavin Wilson ; he wa^ an honest, merry fellow, and a good boot, leather-leg, arm, and hand maker, but as sorry a poetaster as ever tried a couplet." f James JJwlin, a man of versatile gifts and most irregular habits, who by turns wrote poetry, corre- sponded for the Daily News, and contributed to the Spectator, Builder, and Notes and Queries, and died about twenty years ago in poverty and obscurity. J These men, as regards their literary merit and fame, excepting perhaps the last, are well represented by the herdboy from the banks of the Clyde, who, after serving his time asasutor at Greenock, journeyed south in search of work, and settled at Yarmouth, Norfolk, and there, at the age of twenty-seven, published a " Rural Poem," called " The Caledonian Herdboy, " in 1802. Two years after he was * "Crispin Anecdotes," pp. 87, 88. f Ibid. J "Campion's Delightful History, " p. 81. JOHN STRUTHERS. 243 encouraged by his friends to issue " The Wild Harp's Mur- murs" and " St. Crispin, or the Apprentice Boy," the former being dedicated to that friend of unknown young poets, Capel Lofft, the friend of the Bloomfields and Kirke White. His last adventure in this line bore the romantic title " A Voyage and Travels in the Region of the Brain." This verse occurs in one of his publications " ' Apollo, why,' a matron cried, * Are poets all so poor ? ' * They write for fame,' Apollo cried, * And seldom ask for more. ' ' ' But this poet, it is to be feared, obtained neither wealth nor fame. He became an inmate of the Yarmouth Workhouse, and died there on the 13th of March, 1825. And his " memorial," like that of many another local celebrity, has well-nigh per- ished with him. JOHN STKUTHEKS, POET, EDITOK, ETC. John Struthers, a Scottish poet, the friend of Sir Walter Scott and Joanna Baillie, followed the trade of a shoemaker for many years after he had begun to gain a literary reputation. He was born at Kilbride in Lanarkshire in 1776, and learned his trade in his own home, for his father was a member of the same craft. Struthers is best known in Scotland as the author of " The Poor Man's Sabbath," a simple, unpretentious poem, which appeared in 1804, and rapidly passed through several editions.* His success in this first venture led to the publica- tion of "The Peasant's Death," in 1806 ; ' The Winter's Day," in 1811 ; " The Plough," in 1816 ; " The Dechmont," in 1836. He was the editor of a Scottish anthology, called " The Harp of Caledonia," in three volumes, to which his friends Sir Walter Scott and Joanna Baillie ' ' sent voluntary contribu- tions." He wrote a history of Scotland from the Union, 17.07 to 1827, by which his reputation was greatly enhanced. * Of " The Sabbath," a writer in the Quarterly Review, January, 1831 (p. 77), says it is "a poem of which unaffected piety is not the only inspiration, and which but for its unfortunate coincidence of sub- ject with the nearly contemporary one of the late amiable James Graham e, would probably have attracted a considerable share of favor, even in these hypercritical days." 11.! LKKRS. ^nsiderable number of the 1 of Illustrious Scotchmen" I ;i> pen. he held the position of | Oo., of Glasgow. In made librarian in S Library, which office he held until within a few years of his death in 1853. His poetical :.nd pub- lished by himself in 1850. J lent specimen of a shrewd, inte - minded Scotchman.* JOHN O'NEILL, THE POET OF T The name of John O'Neill is in: with that of George Crniekshank in the work of temperance reform ; >nly did < shoemaker and poet by illustrating his lit: Blessings of Temperance," but it is wit I that these illustrations and the scenes depicted in the poem if 1 to the artist the \ i nit in of plates entitled i4 Tbe Bottle." Some of these ski-: for example, k< The Upas Tree" an-: :iia.' and the Drivelling Fool," derive their titles from O'Neill's lam: in the poem itself. So closely, indeed, do the grapi. the artist and the poet correspond, t ill in the later edi- tions of his li Cruiek- shank's * Bottle.' " f On its ti: ance the poem was en- titled 4t The Drunkard," and recei\ -able notice in the pages of the Athenatum and the Spectator. ther journals and papers of less literary merit. " The Drunkard" w.i> n->t his first work, but it was his best, and the inch his name came known and honored aiiMm; teetotallers. A- 321 lie had published a drama entitled ** Alva." '* The Sorro Memory*' and a number of Irish melod Cer- ent periods in his life ntle later. His friend the Rev. Isaac Doxscy, in < of Temperance/ >f O'Neill as the author matic pieces, a collection of poems, and a novel called " Mary of Avonmore, or the Foundling of the 1> nd of numer- ous contributions to various periodicals. * "Imperial Dictionary of Biography." Glasgow: Blackio f "The Blessings of Temperance. II :i the Lift ormation of the Drunkard : a Poem by Jolm O'NVill. etc., forming a Companion to Cru: :u his pen London : "W. Tweedie. 1851. Fourth edition. JOHN O XEILL. 240 Jolin O'Neill was an Irishman, born at Waterford on the 8th of January, 1777. His mother was in wretched circumstances at the time of his birth, having been deserted by a worthless husband, who left her and her little family to the care of for- tune. As a boy he was very slow to learn, and gave no indica- tion of the gifts he afterward displayed. He and his brother, much his senior, were apprenticed to a relative who acted as a sort of guardian to the boy?. O'Neill's mind was first awak- ened to a love for poetry by a drama in rhyme entitled " The Battle of Aughrim," by a shoemaker named Ansell, which he committed to memory. On leaving the service of his first mas- ter he became an apprentice to his brother, but soon quarrelled and the indentures Were thrown into the fire. During the Re- bellion of 1798 and 1799, when food was at famine prices, he lived in great poverty at Dublin and Carrick-on-Suir ; and in the latter place, notwithstanding the miserable state of his affairs, he found some one with love and courage sufficient to enable her to become his wife. It was at this time also that he began to read in earnest, chiefly poetry, though nothing came amiss, and, as a matter of course, every book was borrowed. The first-fruits of his poetic genius, if the term be permissible, were presented to the world in a little satirical poem written at Carrick, li The Clothier's Looking-Glass. " This was designed to expose what was regarded as the cruelty and heartlessness of the master-clothiers in uniting to reduce the wages of the men. O'Neill was induced to contribute to this trade dispute by a man named Stacey, a printer, under whose guidance the shoemaker acquired some knowledge of the art of printing, and set up a press. The press was a capital adjunct to the pen, which the active young shoemaker and amateur printer was now using pretty freely. At this time he became a strong political partisan, and used both his pen and press in an election contest in favor of General Matthew, brother of the Earl of Llandaff. It was the Earl's promise of patronage that induced O'Neill to leave Ireland and settle in London, some time in 1812 or 1813. This promise was never redeemed, for the Earl about this time became a res- ident in Naples. Disheartened by his disappointment, the poor shoemaker dropped for a time all reading and literary toil and aspiration, and stuck doggedly and sullenly to his last. For seven years he seems to have neither read nor written anything. At length a long period of il enforced leisure," oc- casioned by an accident which made work with the awl impos- 246 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. sible, compelled him to betake himself to reading, and thus his mind was roused from its torpor. An English translation of a volume of Spanish novels fell in his way, and its perusal sug- gested the subject for the drama Alva, which, as we have said, he published in 1821. His other works are named above. None of these seem to have brought him much profit, neither were his attempts at " business for himself/' once as a master-shoemaker and again as a huckster, at all successful. On several occasions he was assisted by grants from the Liter- ary Fund, and was thankful for the kindly aid afforded him by his friends the teetotalers. In spite of all his hard work as a shoemaker, and his many little literary adventures (perhaps because of them), he was in his old age a very poor man. Mr. Doxsey says in 1851, 44 John O'Neill and his aged partner dwell in a miserable gar- ret in St. Giles's." In his poor earthly estate he had one com- fort, at all events he did not 44 suffer as an evil-doer," and he could feel pretty sure that he had done not a little by his graphic pen and rude eloquence to turn many a sinner from a life of misery and shame. His death occurred on the 3d of February, 1858. JOHN YOUNGER, SHOEMAKER, FLY-FISHER, AND POET. In 1860 a charming little book on 4< River Angling for Sal- mon and Trout " * was added to our extensive angling litera- ture by a devout follower of Isaac Walton. The preface showed that it was the work of a Lowland Scotchman, who was accustomed to divide his time between the two " gentle" oc- cupations of shoemaking and fishing, and that this man, John Younger, had an enthusiasm for other things besides making fishing-boots and fishing-rods and lines, and the sport of the river-side. He was a zealous and, we had almost said, a des- perate politician. He made corn-law rhymes, which came into the hands and drew forth praise from the pen of Ebenezer Elliott, who sent the best copy of his works as a present to the poetical shoemaker. In 1834 Younger tried the public with a volume of verse under the quaint title, " Thoughts as they Rise." f But the public, like the shy fish of some of his own Scottish rivers, would not " rise" to his bait, for the work fell * Kelso : Rutherford. Edinburgh : Blackwood & Sons, f Glasgow, 1834. CHARLES CROCKER. 247 uncommonly flat. He was much more successful with his *' River Angling," which appeared first in 1840, and again, with a sketch of his life, in 1860. In 1847 John Younger won the second prize for an essay on " The Temporal Advantages of the Sabbath to the Working-Classes," and it was a proud day for him and his neighbors at St. BoswelPs when he set off to go up to London to receive his reward of 15 at the hands of Lord Shaftesbury in the big meeting at Exeter Hall. Young- er, who was all his life a brother of the craft, was born at Longnewton, in the parish of Ancrum, 5th July, 1785. He died and was buried at St. BoswelPs in June, 1860. As' we are writing we observe that his autobiography * has just been published, concerning which a writer in the Athenceum re- marks, j- 4t John Younger, shoemaker, fly-fisher, and poet, has left a Life which is certainly worth reading;" and adds, " There is something more in him than a vein of talent suffi- cient to earn a local celebrity." With this opinion agree the remarks of the Scotsman and the Sunderland Times, which said of him at the time of his death, " One of the most re- markable men of the population of the South of Scotland, whether as a genial writer of prose or verse or a man of high conversational powers and clear common-sense, the shoemaker of St. BoswelPs had few or no rivals in the South ;" and " Nature made him a poet, a philosopher, and a nobleman ; society made him a cobbler of shoes." He was certainly a most original character, and his originality and genius appear in every chapter of his Autobiography. CHAELES CROCKER, "THE POOR COBBLER OF CHICHESTER. Charles Crocker, who was born in Chichester, 22d June, 1797, was the son of poor parents, who could not afford to send him to school after he was seven years of age, but they were assisted by friends who procured him admission to the Chichester " Greycoat School." He was sent before the age of twelve to work as a shoemaker's apprentice. " This arrange- ment," he says in the brief sketch of his life which is given in * " Autobiography of John Younger, Shoemaker, of St. BoswelTs." Kelso : J. & J. H. Rutherford, 1881. f 6th May, 1882, p. 564. '.MS ILLI'STKIOLS SHOEMAKERS. the preface to his poems,* " was perhaps rather favorable than otherwise to the improvement of iny mind, for the sedentary labor necessary in this kind of employment, while it keeps the hands fully engaged, gives little or no exercise to the mental faculties, consequently the mind of a person so employed may, without any hindrance to his work, find occupation or amuse- ment in intellectual or imaginative pursuits." His youthful days were spent in hard work and study. Spite of his school- ing, grammar presented a great difficulty when he began to apply himself seriously to literary work. lie even went so far as to commit an entire book to memory in his efforts to master the art. He mentions a lecture on Milton by Thelwail as having given him much help in trying to understand the struct- ure of English verse. Besides Milton, Cowper, Collins, and Goldsmith became favorites, and he committed large portions of their writings to memory, and so learned to frame a styl<>. The first volume of his poems was published in 1830, and the third in 1841. He also wrote u A Visit to Chichester Cathe- dral," which passed through several editions. Crocker died in 1861. f * " The Vale of Obscurity, and Other Poems," by Charles Crocker, 3d edition. Chichester : W. H. Mason, 1841. f It is perhaps best, on the whole, not to speak of living men in such a work as this. An exception has, however, been made to such a rule in the rare instances of the famous politician, poet, and preacher Thomas Cooper, and the American poet Whittier. If the writer did not feel the necessity of adhering, in the main, to this rule, it would be easy enough for him to cite many instances in proof of tin- state- ment that the literary reputation of shoemakers is being well sustained in the present day by writers in prose and poetry, who either have been or still are working at the stall. Most Scottish sutors,oi}.e would think, have heard of the author of " Homely Words and Songs" and " Lays and Lectures for Scotia's Daughters of Industry" (Edinburgh, 1853 and 185G). London craftsmen know and honor the names of J. B. Howe, a political writer and poet, and John B. Leno, the editor of " St. Crispin," and author of the " Drury Lane Lyrics," " Tracts for Rich and Poor," and "King Labor's Song-Book" (London, 1867-68 ; see also ' ' Kimburton, and Other Poems," London, 1875-76) ; and the shoemaker of Wellinborough, John Askham, by his " Sonnets of the Months,"" Descriptive Poems," and "Judith" (Northampton : Tay- lor & Son, 1863, 1866, 1868, and 1875), has made a reputation which is not entirely confined to his own locality, nor to the members of the craft to which he belongs. GEORGE FOX. 249 PREACHERS. GEORGE FOX, FOUNDER OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. THE name of George Fox belongs to the list of practical philanthropists ; for Fox may be said to have given himself body and soul to the good of his fellow-men, and to have lived the life of a martyr to the cause to which he felt called to consecrate himself. He was bt>rn in 1624, the year in which Jacob Boehmen died. We are the more inclined to notice this coincidence because the character and work of George Fox suggest a comparison between the two men. Both men were pietists and mystics ; but in this alone are they alike. When we look at their life-work, we are at once reminded of their nationality. The German is speculative, the Englishman is practical ; the one turns his dreams and visions into books, and the other into acts.* George Fox's early life was spent near his native place,* Drayton, in Leicestershire, with a man who combined the occu- pations of shoemaker and dealer in wool and cattle. After eight years' service with this master, the young shoemaker, then at the age of nineteen, clad in a leathern doublet of his own making, went forth into the world as a preacher and reformer. He was led to adopt this life by what he regarded as a voice from heaven. He had been to a fair, and was grieved by the intemperance of two of his youthful friends whom he saw there. In his " Journal" he speaks of the effect this sight produced upon his mind, and the resolve to which it led him. < 4 I went away," he says, " and when I had done my business, returned home ; but I did not go to bed that night, nor could I sleep, but sometimes walked up and down, and sometimes prayed and cried to the Lord, who said unto me, " Thou seest how many young people go together into vanity, and old people into the earth ; thou must forsake all, young and old, keep out of all, and be a stranger to all.' ' After living the life of a wan- dering preacher for a few years, he was induced to return home for a short time, but the voice from heaven forbade his resist- ing, and summoned him again into the Lord's vineyard. In 1648, when only twenty -four years of age, he began to preach * All the writings of George Fox were published after his death. See below. 250 ILLUSTKIOUS SHOEMAKERS. in Manchester, and to gather round him a number of adherents. From Manchester he went on a tour through the northern counties of England. Two years after this his followers began to be known by the name of Quakers. This term was first used by Justice Bennet of Derby, before whom Fox was cited for disturbing the peace. In 1655 he was summoned to appear before Cromwell, who dismissed the Leicestershire shoemaker as a harmless enthusiast, whose attempts at moral and religious reform could not do anything but good among the people. In fact, Cromwell, a sturdy Puritan and a religious enthusiast himself, was deeply moved by the spiritual fervor of the simple- hearted preacher ; for Fox, who never feared the face of any man, did not fail to speak his mind to Cromwell on religious matters. As the preacher left the room, the Protector said to him, " Come again to my house, for if thou and I were but an hour of a day together, we should be nearer one to the other." In the reign of Charles II., when the anti-puritan reaction set in, Fox fared far worse than before. Time after time he was thrown into prison for speaking in the " steeple-houses" (churches) and disturbing public worship. It was not at all an uncommon thing for the rough preacher, clad in his leathern doublet, to stand up in church while service was going on, and rebuke the lukewarmness of the minister and the formalism of the worshippers. This he conceived to be part of the mission to which the spirit-voice had called him. Nor did he expect to be allowed to discharge it without bringing down the hand of the civil authorities upon his own head. But he had counted the cost, and was prepared to suffer. A large part of his time was spent in jail, where he underwent terrible hardships from want of food and clothing. Nothing, however, could daunt his ardor, or make him " disobedient unto the heavenly vision/' He was no sooner at large than he began again to deliver his message, calling on men to listen to the voice of Christ within, and to reform their lives. Surely nothing could have been more pure, more simple, and more unselfish than the life of this devout and eccentric preacher of the gospel of love, peace, and truth ; yet he was hounded from jail to jail by the bigots of his day as if he had been a common vagrant or thief. The sufferings he endured at the hands of furious mobs are often recorded in his journal. These he bore with the utmost meek- ness, as a firm believer in the doctrine of non-resistance to evil. Once when he had been half killed, and the mob stood round him as he lay upon the floor, he says, " I lay still a THOMAS SHILLITOE. 251 little while, and the power of the Lord sprang through me, and eternal refreshings revived me, so that I stood up again in the strengthening power of the eternal God, and stretching out my arms among them, I said, l Strike again ! here are my arms, my head, my cheeks ! ' Then they began to fall out among themselves. " The distinctive principles of the Society of Friends, of which George Fox was the founder, are too well known to need description here. In 1669 Fox married the widow of Judge Fell. After visiting Ireland, America, Hol- land, Denmark, and Prussia, this apostle of the seventeenth cen- tury returned to England, and died in London, January 13th, 1691, at the age- of sixty-seven. Spite of all his so-called vagaries, his want of education and culture and grasp of intellect, the Leicestershire shoemaker, by dint of moral earnestness and undaunted courage, succeeded in laying the foundation of a religious society, which in propor- tion to its numbers has exerted a greater moral influence than any other denomination of Christians. His " Journal," which is one of the most singular records of mental experience and missionary adventure ever written, was first published in Itf94. His " Epistles 7 ' were printed in 1698, and his " Doctrinal Pieces" in 1706. THOMAS SHILLITOE, THE SHOEMAKER WHO STOOD BEFORE KINGS. The term " calling," as applied to the trade or occupation a man follows, is, or rather was, originally supposed to indicate a belief that he is called and appointed of God to follow it. This belief underlies the teaching of the Church Catechism, f How far it prevails nowadays it would be hard to tell. The term seems to have survived the belief which gave rise to it ; for one does not often meet with instances outside the Christian min- istry in which men regard their daily avocation as a veritable " calling." This, however, was the case with Thomas Shil- litoe, who was evidently as well satisfied of his " call" to be a shoemaker as of his Divine commission to stand before kings and rulers as a witness for the truth of God. This devout man would have had no hesitation, we apprehend, in the simplicity and strength of his conviction about the matter, to speak of * See answer to the question, ' ' What is thy duty toward thy neighbor ?" 252 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. himself as " called to be" a shoemaker. He was a member of the Society of Friends, a follower, and indeed a very close follower, in the spirit and method of his life-work, of the apostolic George Fox. Shillitoe's " Journal" will often remind the reader of the records and experiences of the shoemaker of Leicestershire. Thomas Shillitoe was born in Holborn, London, in 1754. His father, who had been librarian to the Society of Gray's Inn, became the landlord of the *' Three Tuns" public house, Islington, when Thomas was about twelve years of age. " Merry Islington" was then a village, and a favorite resort of idlers from the great city. Sundays were the busiest days of the week, and were chiefly spent by the boy in waiting on his father's customers. At the age of sixteen he became an ap- prentice to a grocer, whose failure very soon compelled Thomas to return home. About this time he began to attend the meetings of the Society of Friends. This led to serious thought and prayer, and the resolve to lead a Christian life and unite himself with these earnest Christian people. " His father, finding he was thus minded, was greatly displeased, and told him he would rather have followed him to the grave than he should have gone among the Quakers, and he was determined he should at once quit his house." But the youth was prepared for such a severe trial as this by that strong faith in Divine Providence which formed the most marked feature of his character throughout the rest of his life. Nor was his faith unrewarded, for, on the very day on which he bade good- by to his father's roof, a situation was offered him in a banking- house in Lombard Street. Here he remained until he was twenty-four years of age. He was at this time very anxious to become a preacher, but dreaded the danger of " running before he was sent," and there- fore he waited for the Divine voice bidding him '* Go forth." But before he could be made fit for this great work he must learn to humble himself and take up the cross. The banking- house and its surroundings must be forsaken ; he must go forth like Moses into the land of Midi an, like Paul into Arabia, and be prepared by simpler ways of life for the stern duties of the ministry of God's word. And so it came to pass, he tells us, that one Sunday while in earnest prayer that the Lord would be pleased to direct him, " He in mercy, I believe, heard my cries, and answered my supplications, pointing out to me the business I was to be willing to take to for a future livelihood as THOMAS SHILL1TOE. 253 intelligibly to my inward ear as ever words were expressed clearly and intelligibly to my outward ear that I must be willing to humble myself and learn the trade of a shoemaker. This caused me much distress of mind, as my salary had been small, and having been obliged to make a respectable appear- ance, I had but little means .to pay for instruction in a new line of business. Yet believing I was to keep close to my good Guide and He would not fail me, I entered on the work, though for the first twelve months my earnings only provided me at best with bread, cheese, and water, and sometimes only bread, and sitting constantly on the seat made it hard for me, yet both I and my instructor soon became reconciled to it. " His diligence and thrift enabled him in a short time to open a shop of his own in Tottenham, and to employ workmen. It was not long after this that he received his first call to go forth from his home and preach. It was no easy matter to obey such a call at this time. His young wife knew nothing of business, and the foreman was not very trustworthy. Still the good man went out on a sort of missionary tour in Norfolk, and returned home to find, as he avers he always did find on return- ing from such a mission, that the words of Divine promise spoken to his inward ear were verified : " I will be more than bolts and bars to thy outward habitation, more than a master to thy servants, for I can restrain their wandering minds ; more than a husband to thy wife, and a parent to thy infant children." After continuing at the craft as a master-shoemaker for about twenty-seven years, Shillitoe in 1805 found that he had saved enough to put him in a position to relinquish business, and to devote himself more fully to the Christian and philanthropic work to which he believed he had been called of God. He paid several visits to Ireland, visiting the " drinking-houses" in every town to which he went, and endeavoring to reform the shocking abuses he met with in such places. First of all he would speak with the " keepers" of these houses, and plead with them to abolish the evils he saw around him ; and then, turning his attention to the company of drinkers, revellers, and dancers, he would speak to them in such tender loving tones, that they were constrained to cease their rioting and listen to the faithful servant of Christ. He and his companion were rarely molested while engaged on these errands of mercy. In some instances crowds followed them to listen to their message, and where the company began by jeering and insulting the visitors, they soon settled down into a quiet and respectful 254 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. demeanor. When at Clonrnel in 1810, Shillitoe writes in his journal : " My companion used often to say it seemed as if the Good Master went into the houses before us to prepare the way. ' ' Not content with visiting the " drinking- houses," we read, " it was his practice to visit either the magistrates or the bishops and priests, and sometimes he did not feel clear until he had spoken faithfully to all." * To the bishops, Roman Catholic or Protestant, he spoke in the most uncompromising manner about their responsibility for the influence of their teaching and conduct upon the people. Six hundred visits of mercy were paid to the drinking. houses of Dublin alone in the year 1811. The year after this his " Journal" records a remarkable visit which he and a fellow- worker paid to " an organized company of desperate characters, who for nearly fifty years had infested. the neighborhood of Kingswood, who lived by plundering, robbing, horse-stealing," and were a terror to the locality. Even these men listened patiently to correction and instruction from the lips of Thomas Shillitoe, and thanked him and his friend for their good counsel. From the lowest and humblest members of society he some- times turned his attention to the highest and most influential. He could not think of kings and emperors without remembering their grave responsibility before God for the good government of their people, and feeling that it was his duty to speak to them upon the subject. In 1794 he and a friend named Stacey went to Windsor intent on seeing and speaking with King George III. It was early morning, when the King was in the habit of visiting his stables. Shillitoe was about to follow the King into one of the stables, when he was stopped by an attendant. George III., hearing their remarks, came out ; when Stacey said, " This friend of mine has something to communicate to the King." On which his Majestv raised his hat, and his attendants ranging on his left and right, Thomas Shillitoe advanced in front, saying, " Hear, O King," and, in a discourse of about twenty minutes' duration, pressed upon the monarch the importance of true religion in persons of exalted station, and the influence and responsibility attached to power. The King listened with respect and emotion, " tears trickling down his cheeks." f It was certainly a more difficult thing to pay such a visit to the Prince Regent ; but *" Select Miscellanies." London: Charles Gilpin, 1854, vol. iv. p. 135. f "Journal of Thomas Shillitoe," vol. i. p. 21. JOHN THORP. 255 even this the prophet-like Quaker accomplished at Brighton in 1813, and again at Windsor in 1823, when the gay Prince had become King George IV. The missionary zeal of Shillitoe carried him into Europe and America, where he never flinched from delivering his message to men in any position, high or low. In Denmark he obtained an audience of the King, and spoke to him some plain words regarding the desecration of the Sabbath, and the evils attendant on Government-licensed lot- teries. In Prussia he ventured to speak to the King in the garden of the Palace of Berlin, and was graciously received, the monarch promising to profit by the admonition he received. In Russia he saw the Czar Alexander in 1825, and spoke to hwn " of the abuses and oppressions that existed under his government." Alexander, who had great respect for the Friends, received his visitor very kindly, and conversed with him for a long time on religious subjects in the most frank and familiar manner. After fifty years' faithful ministry, of the most singularly pure and disinterested character, this good man died at the age of eighty-two, 12th June, 1836. JOHN THORP, FOUNDER OF THE INDEPENDENT CHURCH AT MASBRO'. The conversion and ministry of John Thorp, a shoemaker at Masbrough, Yorkshire, may be set down among the most extraordinary incidents connected with the eighteenth century religious revival. Thorp's conversion was an indirect result of the preaching of the Methodists, and occurred in such a singular manner as to make the story worth telling, even if it had led to no other results ; but in Thorp's case the results of conversion were very noteworthy. Southey in his " Life of Wesley" * gives the following account : " A party of men were amusing themselves one day in an ale-house at Rotherham,f by mimicking the Methodists. It was disputed who succeeded best, and this led to a wager. There were four performers, and the rest of the company were to decide after a fair speci- men from each. A Bible was produced, and three of the * " Bohn's Standard Library," p. 305. f Rotherham and Masbro' are one town, only separated by the River Rother. 256 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. rivals, each in tarn, mounted the table and held forth in a style of irreverent buffoonery, wherein the Scriptures were not spared. John Thorp, who was the last exhibitor, got upon the table in high spirits, exclaiming, 4 I shall beat you all ! ' He opened the book for a text, and his eyes rested on tl words, ' Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish ! ' Th<-M- words at such a moment and in such a place struck him to the heart. He became serious, he preached in earnest, and he afterward affirmed that his own hair stood erect at the feelings which then came upon him, and the awful denunciations which he uttered. His companions heard him with the deepest silence. When he came down not a word was said concerning the wager ; he left the room immediately without speaking to anyone, went home in a state of great agitation, and resigned himseJf to the impulse which had thus strangely been produced. In con- sequence he joined the Methodists, and became an itinerant preacher ; but he would often say, when he related this story, that if ever he preached by the assistance of the Spirit of God, it was at that time." In the theological controversies which sprang up in the society at Rotherham, Thorp took the Calvinistic side. This roused the ire of the Anninian AYeslcv, who sent off the Calvinistic cobbler to labor in a circuit a hundred miles away. But though Wesley had the power to drive Thorp from Rotherham, the autocrat had no power to drive the cobbler away from his Calvinism. Wesley then (\\<- missed Thorp from the Connection, and he returned to the scenes of his conversion and first Christian work, to take charge of a body of people who left the Methodists and formed an Independent Church, 1757-60.* This little society rapidly grew in numbers and influence, and is at the present time a large and flourishing church at Masbro'. One of its tirst members, Mr. Walker, an iron-founder, was a leading patron of the school, which afterward developed into Rotherhani Colh-u'e under the presidency of the learned Dr. E. Williams, j- " Tim* to the pious zeal of an obscure shoemaker the Dissenters are indirectly indebted for their valuable academical institution.'' * " Masbro' Chapel Manual" for 1881, whence many of these i ticulars are taken. See also Miall's * ' Congregationalism in York- shire.*' I Dr. Edward Williams became president in 1795. He edited the Works of Jonathan Edwards, and was the author of a once famous con- troversial treatise on "Divine Equity and Sovereignty." J " Crispin Anecdotes," p. 18. WILLIAM HUXTIXGDOX, S.6. ^57 Thorp was regularly ordained to the pastorate, and a chapel was built for his ministry, where he preached till his death, at the age of fifty-two, 8lh November, 1V76. He was a friend of the pious and eccentric John Berridge,* Vicar of Everton, who gave his watch to Thorp as a token of esteem. John Thorp's son, William, was a far more famous preacher than his father, and held a conspicuous place at the beginning of this century as pastor of the Castle Green Church, Bristol. Representatives of the family belonging to a third and fourth generation of preachers still hold an honorable position as Established or Free Church ministers. WILLIAM HUNTINGDON, S.S., CALVINISTIC METHODIST PREACHEK. One of the most eloquent and famous preachers in London at the close of the last century and the beginning of the present, when eloquent and famous preachers were by no means rare, was William Huntingdon, whose portrait may be sepn in the National Portrait Gallery, South Kensington, London. Huntingdon's father was a farm laborer in Kent named Hunt. How the name Hunt grew into the more dignified Huntingdon (or Huntington) we cannot tell ; probably through some whim of his own, for this eccentric man took liberties with his name, as the reader will see presently. He seems to have combined shoemaking with his other avocations, for one notice speaks of him as by turns hostler, gardener, cobbler, and coal-heaver, f Lie was not favored with any early education, but by careful self -culture of his first-rate natural gifts acquired the rare art of speaking with an ease and elegance and force that pleased all sorts of hearers. Long after he had begun to attract crowds by his eloquence he worked for his daily bread as a cobbler. Many a sermon was made with his work on his lap and a Bible on the chair beside him. A chapel was built for his. ministry in Tichfield Street, London, and when it proved too small, the congregation moved to a larger building erected in Gray's Inn Road. In his diary, 22d October, 1812, H. C. Robinson J says, *" Crispin Anecdotes," p. 18. f" Imperial Dictionary of Biography," vol. iv. Edinburgh: Blackie & Son. \ Vol. i. p. 402. 258 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. " Heard W. Huntingdon preach, the man who puts S. S. (sinner saved) after his name. He has an admirable exterior ; his voice is clear and melodious ; his manner singularly easy, and even graceful. There was no violence, no bluster ; yet there was no want of earnestness or strength. His language was very figurative, the images being taken from the ordinary business of life, and especially from the army and navy. He is very colloquial, and has a wonderful Biblical memory ; indeed, he is said to know the whole Bible by heart. I noticed that though he was frequent in his citations, and always added chap- ter and verse, he never opened the little book he had in his lumd. He is said to resemble Robert Robinson of Cambridge." * In regard to the S.S. which he persisted in writing after his name, Huntingdon says, " M.A. is out of my reach for want of learning ; D.D. I cannot attain for want of cash ; but S.S. I adopt, by which I mean ' sinner saved.' ' He married as his second wife the wealthy widow of Alderman Sir J. Saunder- son, once Lord Mayor of London. His death occurred in 1813, at'Tunbridge Wells. f One of his best known works is entitled *' The Bank of Faith," an extraordinary record of his own personal experience in illustration of the doctrine of special providence. His sermons, etc., were published in no less than twenty volumes. KEV. EGBERT MORRISON, D.D. , CHINESE SCHOLAR AND MISSIONARY. A maker of wooden clogs and shoe-lasts is hardly a shoe- maker, in the commonly understood sense of the term, yet he stands in a very close relation to the gentle craft, and for this reason we may not unfairly claim Robert Morrison of Newcastle as a member of the illustrious brotherhood of the sons of St. Crispin. Dr. Morrison was the pioneer of modern missions to China, and did for the people and language of that country what another shoemaker did for the people of Bengal. The youthful Northumbrian had only a plain elementary education, * The eminent Baptist minister of St. Andrew's Chapel, 1761-1790, predecessor of Robert Hall. f Huntingdon wrote his own epitaph, part of which reads "Be- loved of his God but abhorred by men. The Omniscient Judge at the Great Assize shall ratify and confirm this, to the confusion of many thousands ; for England and its metropolis shall know that there hath been a prophet among them." REV. JOHN BURtfET. 259 and after he became an apprentice, spent all his spare time in reading religious books. At the age of nineteen he gave up his humble trade and began to study under a minister, who passed him on in two years to the academy at Hoxton, where he made such progress, that in a short time he was sent to London to study Chinese under Sam Tok, a native teacher, with a view to his becoming a missionary to China, in connec- tion with the London Missionary Society. In 1807, he sailed for that country, and his rare gifts as a linguist were shown in the publication of a Chinese version of the Acts of the Apostles, after only three years' labor, in 1810. The Gospel of Luke appeared in 1812, and the entire New Testament in 1814. With the help of William Milne he issued the Old Testament shortly after the last date. His labors w r ere not confined to the translation of the Sacred Scriptures. His greatest work was a *' Dictionary of the Chinese Language," published in 1818 by the Hon. East India Company at a cost of 15,000. He also edited a Chinese grammar. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on him by the University of Glasgow. In 1817, Dr. Morrison accompanied Lord Amherstin his em- bassy to Pekin, and afterward, as the last great work of a noble life, founded an Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca, to whose funds he left the bulk of his property. On his return to England in 1823 for rest and change, his great gifts and labors as a linguist and a missionary were cordially recognized in many quarters. The Royal Society made him a member, and King George IV. honored himself, as well as his distinguished subject, by seeking an interview with him. In 1826 he re- turned to the field of his missionary labors. On his death at Canton in 1834, England lost her best Chinese scholar, and one of the most devoted, self-sacrificing, and useful missionaries who ever left her shores. THE KEV. JOHN BURNET. PREACHER AND PHILANTHROPIST. The eloquent and popular minister of Camberwell Green Congregational Church, the Rev. John Burnet, who divided his time and energies between preaching and philanthropic labors, is claimed by the craft as one of the most gifted and useful men who have sprung from their ranks.* He was of Highland * See Campion's " Delightful History," p. 83. ILLUSTRIOUS SHOK.MAKJ-:i:< descent, and was born in Perth, 13th April, 1789. Hiscaily education at the High School of Perth must have given him great advantage over most youths of the tsouter fraternity. How long he plied the awl we cannot say. Soon after his union with a Christian Church in IVrth his friends discovered his gifts as a speaker, and encouraged his adoption of the ministry as a profession. To this end they supplied him with funds, and for a time he studied with much advantage under the Rev. William Orme of Perth. In 1815 Mr. Burnet re- moved from Perth to Dublin, and soon afterward became an agent of the Irish Evangelical Society. Hi* labors at Cork proving acceptable to the Independent Church there, he was invited to become their pastor, and for fifteen years was well known by all the Protestants of the district as an eloquent and faithful preacher. The growth of his congregation h-d to the building of a handsome new chapel for his ministry in (It-- Street. But his labors were not confined to these localities (Cork and Mallow). His biographer states that "he COB* tinually visited the other towns and places in the South of Ireland, preaching in the court-houses, market-places, and frequently in the halls of the resident nobility and gentry all the Protestants gladly giving him the requisite facilities. On these journeys he bad usually a free pass by the mails and coaches, but he travelled a good deal on horseback. 99 * It would have been an easy matter for Mr. Burnet to enter Parliament, if he could have been persuaded to quit the min- istry and devote himself entirely to political life ; for he was popular with the Liberals of his dav, had rare gifts as a speaker, and was thoroughly acquainted with politics. But the best efforts of his friend Joseph Sturgc, and the offer of ample means to maintain the position of a member of Parliament, failed to induce him to accept the flattering offer. lie was constantly employed as a platform speaker, and never refused his aid to any cause " affecting the rights of the people or the progress of humanity." For many years he was on the Committee of the Bible Society, the London Missionary Society, the Irish Evangelical and the British and Foreign Sailors' Societies. Yet with all this public work he never neglected the duties of the pastorate, but occupied his pulpit efficiently from Sunday to Sunday, and * "Congregational .Year-Book" for 1863, pp. 214-216. To the obituary notice given in the Year-Book I owe the facts given in this sketch. T)f;. KITTO. 261 lield several meetings during the week for the instruction of his people. In 1845 his brethren of the Independent Con- nection showed their esteem by electing him to fill the chair of the Congregational Union. In 1825 Mr. Burnet was summoned to give evidence before 1 a committee of the House of Lords on the state of the Catholic population in Ireland. At first he declined to attend, saying that he could not leave his work, for he had no one to supply his place in his absence. But a second summons made it clear that he was bound to obey orders, and he accordingly went up to London and gave the committee the benefit of his extensive acquaintance with the religious condition of the South of Ire- land. His visit to London brought him again into the com- pany of his old friend Mr. Orme, who introduced him to the congregation, of which Mr. Orme was the pastor, at the Man- sion House Chapel. On his death in 1830, Mr. Burnet was invited to succeed his friend as the pastor of the church. This pastorate he held for thirty-two years, till the day of his death. In 1852 the new and costly building opposite Camberwell Green was built, the congregation removing thither from the old " Mansion House.' 7 Mr. Burnet was best known for his philanthropic labors, chiefly in connection with the anti-slavery cause. In this work he labored side by side, and on intimate terms of friend- ship, with Wilberforce, Brougham, Zachary Macaulay, Lord Macaulay, Sir T. F. Buxton, and other advocates of freedom for the slave. " His labors,''' it is said, " in committee were continuous and valuable, and his good sense and sound judg- ment were not seldom needed in the conduct of this great movement. He went frequently on deputations to the Govern- ment, and was obliged to spend much time at the House of Commons to be near the anti-slavery leaders in all times of difficulty, and by this means became acquainted with the lead- ing public men of the day, who admired his straightforward character, readiness, and humor." He died at the age of seventy -three, June 10th, 1862. JOHN KITTO, D.D.,THE BIBLICAL SCHOLAR. Very few illustrious men have been so heavily handicapped in the race of life and the pursuit of knowledge as the eminent Biblical scholar, John Kitto, who was born at Plymouth, 4th JLLrsTlilOl'3 -XHOKMAKI'HS. December, 1804.* Added to poverty, the want of proper food and clothing, he had to endure in early life the depriva- tion of natural guardians and friends, terrible cruelty from a master under whose care he was placed, and, worst of all, the entire loss of the sense of hearing, so that from the age of twelve to the day of his death he never could hear a sound of any description. Deeply pathetic is the story of his early life as told by himself in his journal and letters. His father was a working mason at Plymouth, who had lost a good business by intemperate habits. When John was only four years old, his grandmother, who could not endure the sight of his misery at home, engaged to bring him up. This good woman was the guardian angel of Kitto's childhood, and did more, perhaps, than any one else to mould his character. It was a sad day for him when she was compelled by poverty and illness to break up her home and go with her little ward to live with his parents. He had already become fond of reading, and had even tried his hand at writing tales for the amusement of his childish companions and the more serious purpose of earning a few pence to buy books. One day, when working with his father, he fell from the top of a house thirty-five feet high, and was carried home in a state of unconsciousness. After lying in this state for a fortnight, he awoke to discover to his dismay that he was absolutely deaf. He had asked for a book which a neighbor had lent him just before the accident, and when his friends found that he could not hear their reply, one of them took up a slate and wrote upon it. " Why do you not speak ?" he cried. " Why do you write to me ? Why not speak? Speak, speak!" " Then," he tells us, " those who stood around the bed exchanged significant looks of concern, and the writer soon displayed upon his slate the awful words, i You ARE DEAF ! ' Did not this utterly crush me ? By no means. In my then weakened condition nothing like this could affect me. Besides, I was a child ; and to a child the full extent of such a calamity could not be at once appar- ent. However, I knew not the future it was well I did not ; and there was nothing to show me that I suffered under more than a temporary deafness, which in a few days might pass away. It was left for time to show me the sad realities of the condition to which I was reduced." * "Memoirs of John Kitto, D.D.," by R. E. Ryland, M.A. Edin- burgh : William Oliphant & Sons, 1856. I) K. KITTO. 263 At the age of fifteen he was sent to the workhouse, scarcely understanding what was being done with him. On realizing his true position in this place, " his anguish was indescrib- able." Yet in Kitto's time this place was hardly like an ordinary modern workhouse. It had long borne the name of The Hospital of the Poor's Portion, was founded in 1630 by Gayer, Colmer, and Fowell, and endowed in 1674 by Lanyon with 2000, and in 1708 was converted into a poorhouse by Act of Parliament. It had apartments for boys, who were admit- ted on Hele's and Lanyon's charities. Young Kitto was kindly treated by the guardians, j even being allowed to go out every day, and for a longtime to sleep at home. His occupation was the making of list shoes, in which he became so proficient that he was sent out as an apprentice to a shoemaker in the town, who treated him so savagely that the humane guardians quashed the agreement and took him again under their care. But even in this wretched situation, where he was often compelled to work sixteen or eighteen hours a day, the poor deaf boy managed to go on with his studies ; and in his interesting work called ic The Lost Senses, " published twenty years afterward, he remarks, " Now that I look back upon this time, the amount of study which I did, under these circumstances, contrive to get through, amazes and confounds me." About a year after his return to the poorhouse, certain gentlemen in Plymouth, who had come to hear of his superior abilities and passion for reading, drew up a circular asking for funds to enable him to devote his time entirely to study. This appeal was so successful that the poor workhouse boy was placed under the care of a good friend, named Mr. Barnard, to board and lodge, and allowed to go to the public library for the purpose of reading and study. His course as a student was now fairly open. In a few years he published his first book, " Essays and Letters," with a short memoir of the author. In 1825 his friend Mr. Groves of Exeter was the means of sending him to the Church Missionary Institution, London, where for a time he was employed as a printer. For two years he resided at Malta in the service of this Society. After this, an arrangement was made with his friend Mr. Groves which proved of the utmost possible service to the dili- gent student, whose mind had long been set on travelling as a means of increasing his knowledge. Mr. Groves asked Kitto to accompany him to the East. Five years were spent in a journey through Russia, Persia, and Asiatic Turkey, during 264 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. which " th ieaf traveller" obtained the vast stores of informa- tion of which he made such good use in the various works written on h : "eturn to England. In 1833 he was engaged by Mr. Charles 1 light, the well-known publisher, to write for the Penny Magazine, and wrote for that journal a number of articles entitled " The Deaf Traveller.'' He contributed many articles also to the Penny Cyclopaedia. His best known works are " The Pictorial Bible," " The Pictorial Sunday Book," 44 Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature," "The Lost Senses," " Journal of Sacred Literature," and * 4 Daily Bible Illustra- tions," a work of great value, in eight volumes. In 1844 the University of Giessen conferred on him the diploma of D.D., and in the following year he was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Notwithstanding hi* immense labors and the great value of his writings, he was, toward the close of his life, considerably embarrassed by pecuniary difficulties, which were alleviated, but not entirely removed, by a Government pension of 100 per year. John Kitto died and was buried at Cann- statt, in Germany, 25th November, 1854, at the age of forty- nine. SCIENCE. WILLIAM STURGEON, THE ELECTRICIAN. The name of William Sturgeon, so honorably connected with the science of electricity and magnetism, has a fair claim to be entered on this list. Sturgeon was a Lancashire man, born at Wittington in that county in 1783. All his youth was spent at the shoemaker's stall. On arriving at manhood he abandoned this quiet, peaceful occupation for the life of a soldier. After two years' service in the militia he enlisted in the Royal Artillery. Like William Cobbett, he found it pos- sible to read in the midst of the distractions of the barrack- room. His chief attention was given to the study of electricity and magnetism, which at that time were attracting a great deal of attention on the part of men of science.* The first proof Sturgeon gave of special and extensive knowledge on the sub- ject was in the papers which he contributed to the Philosophi- cal Magazine in 1823-24. In 1825 he published an account * Magneto-electricity was discovered by Oersted in 1820. THOMAS HARDY. 265 of certain magneto -electric appliances, for which t] -v Society of Arts awarded him their silver medal and a purse containing 30. About this time, that is, soon after leavin^ the army, he was appointed to the chair of experimental pulosophy in the East India Company's Military Academy at Addiscombe. His pamphlet, published in 1830, on " Experimental Researches in Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism, " described his own ex- periments, which issued in an improved method of preparing plates for the galvanic battery ; a method still found, in many respects, to be the best. He invented the electro-magnetic- coil machine, now used very frequently by medical men in giving a succession of shocks to the patient, and still preferred by the faculty to other instruments for this purpose. This industrious and original investigator was also the inventor of a method of driving machinery by electro-magnetism ; but he little dreamt, it may be, of the extent to which electricity would be employed in these days as a motive power and for lighting purposes. He edited the " Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry," and published his own works in one volume a few years before his death. Like many inventors, he never made a fortune, but died poor. A Government pension of 50 per annum came to relieve him of his cares only the year before his death, which occurred in 1850. POLITICIANS. THOMAS HAKDY, OF "THE STATE TRIALS." The "gentle craft" has been as prolific of fiery politicians as of peaceful poets. We have to speak now of two men who were connected respectively with the political agitations of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the year 1794, when the events of the French Revolution had convulsed the whole of Europe, society in England was stirred to its depths, and grave fears were entertained by the King and his Parliament lest the spirit of revolution should break loose in this country. Such fears were not altogether unfounded. Societies sprang up whose object was reform, by legitimate means if possible, but if not, by violence and blood- shed. One of the strongest of these societies existed in London, and had carried its proceedings to such a pitch that 266 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. four of its leading members were brought to trial on a charge of treason and sedition. It is a remarkable fact that of these four men Hardy, Horne-Tooke, Thelwall, and Holcroft the first and last belonged to the class of shoemakers.* Thomas Hardy was the secretary of the Association, and had to bear the brunt of the trial, in which he was defended by the Honorable Thomas Erskine. Speaking of these famous state trials, Henry Crabb Robinson, who was then living at Colchester, says, 4 4 1 felt an intense interest in them. During the first trial I was in a state of agitation that rendered me unfit for business. I used to beset the post-office early, and one morning at six I obtained the London paper with NOT GUILTY printed in letters an inch in height, recording the issue of Hardy's trial. I ran about the town knocking at people's doors and screaming out the joyful words. Thomas Hardy, who was a shoemaker, made a sort of circuit, and obtained, of course, many an order in the way of his trade. . . . Hardy was a good-hearted, simple, and honest man. He had neither the talents nor the vices which might be supposed to belong to an acquitted traitor. He lived to an advanced age and died universally respected." f Hardy died in the year 1831, in his eighty-second year, having been born in 1751. At the close of his life he was connected with the Wesleyan Methodists. His monument may still be seen in the Bunhill Fields Burying Ground, opposite the City Road Chapel, London. GEORGE ODGER, POLITICAL ORATOR. It has been remarked above, that shoemakers, whether " illustrious" or not, have played a prominent part in connec- * A story is told of Sir Robert Peel which is worth repeating here. A deputation of working-men once waited on Sir Robert to lay the wants of the trades' societies before him. The two speakers selected by the deputation were shoemakers. On learning this interesting fact, the statesman turned to the sons of Crispin and said, half in earnest and half in jest, "How is it that you shoemakers are fore- most in every movement ? If there is a plot or conspiracy or insur- rection or political movement, I always find that there is a shoemaker in the fray !" It is a singular fact that the shorthand notes of Hardy's trial were taken down by another illustrious shoemaker Manoah Sibly (see above). There is a printed copy of these notes in the British Museum, published 1795. f H. C. Robinson's Diary, vol. i. pp. 26, 27. GEORGE ODGEK. 267 tion with religious and political reform. In proof of this we have only to ask the reader to recall what has been said of Henry Michael Buch, Hans Sachs, George Fox, Drs. Carey . " and Morrison, and John Pounds, among moral and religious reformers ; and such men as Hardy, Holcroft, and Thomas Cooper, in the sphere of politics. The name of George Odger deserves a place also in this list of reformers and improvers of the world, for although his field of labor was a very humble one, it was sufficient for the display of fine qualities of mind and heart. Odger was one of the best specimens this country has produced of a powerful ' class in modern society, called " working-men politicians." His influence as a working-man among the working-men of London was unrivalled in his day, and was always of a wholesome and ennobling character. Professor Fawcett said " he was as good and true a man as ever lived," paid a warm tribute to his " rare intelligence and power and eloquence," and added, moreover, that if the poor shoemaker " had been born in circumstances in which he could have had the advantages of education, there would have been for him a career as distinguished as any Englishman had achieved." John Stuart Mill also held similar opinions in re- gard to Odger' s excellent character and remarkable abilities. Other members of Parliament have done honor to Odgcr's worth, and recognized his unselfishness and patriotism as a leader of the people. He was no vulgar demagogue, pandering to popular passion, and seeking fame and power at any cost. His appeals were always maxle to the intelligence of his hearers, and his demands for reform were based on what he conscientiously regarded as principles of justice. Throughout the American war, 186165, he sought to direct public opinion against the slave-holding interest. George Odger was born at Rogborough, near Plymouth, in 1813. His father was a Cornish miner, and so poor that he was obliged to send his boy out to earn his living at shoe- making as soon as he was able to work. It goes without saying that under such circumstances he had no advantages of education, and that he was indebted to his own efforts for any measure of culture displayed in later life. In his youthful days he made diligent use of every moment of leisure for the purpose of study, and acquired an amount of general information which was of immense service to him as a public speaker. His first attempts at speaking were made in connection with the Reform movement. He rapidly acquired influence among the working 268 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. class, and was well known and respected both in London and the provinces as a safe leader and counsellor of the people, so that in the Liverpool and Kendal strikes he was accepted by both masters and men as a mediator. In 1868 he stood for a time as a candidate for the newly made borough of Chelsea, and in the following year he was accepted by a large party as H candidate for Stafford, but in each case he retired from the contest lest his candidature should damage the interests of his party. In 1870 and 1874 he contested Southwark as a work- ing-man's candidate, but was not successful. In the former of these contests he polled only 300 fewer votes than the elected candidate. George Odger never followed any other trade than that of a shoemaker, and was always in very humble circumstances. Shortly before his death a subscription was raised by the Trade Union Congress at Newcastle to supply the wants of his declin- ing years, and in consequence of the esteem in which he was held, " the result was liberal and prompt." * After a long illness he died at his residence, Bloomsbury, London, 3d March, 1877. The honor done him at his funeral was such as many a nobleman might envy. The Times' report of the funeral says : " The remains of Mr. Odger were borne to the grave at Brompton Cemetery with all the honors of a public funeral. The crowd around the house of the deceased was immense. " The Shoemakers' Society, to which Odger belonged, held the foremost place in the long procession which accompanied the remains of this illustrious shoemaker to the grave. Members of the House of Commons, and other men of position and influence in the great city, stood side by side with the working- men of Clerkenwell, Southwark, and Bloomsbury, to pay their last tribute of esteem to the memory of this truly estimable man. * " The Oracle," vol. vi. pp. 154, 237. London : 155 Fleet Street. J. G. WHITTIER AMERICA. NOAH WORCESTER, D.D., " THE APOSTLE OF PEACE. 77 AMERICA has her share of illustrious shoemakers. The United States can boast of men worthy to stand on a level with the best examples of merit the gentle craft can produce in the Old World. We select four *' representative men" from the long list that might be named, to whom we shall chiefly devote our remaining space. These men show in their character and life-work the best features of the New England type of the American citizen. They are men of sterling moral and religious worth, intense haters of tyranny and slavery, and war and intemperance, " sound as gospel' 7 in their political principles, " clear as Wenham ice " in their transparency of character. We are fain to believe that every intelligent person in the United States knows the name of Noah Worcester, the "Apostle of Peace," as he has been very justly styled. Every intelligent person also on the British side of the Atlantic ought to know something of this good man. He was one of the world's reform- ers, and commenced a movement which is destined to deepen and widen in its influence until it becomes universal, and changes for the better the entire condition of mankind. We allude to the establishment of the Peace Society of Massachu- setts the parent of numberless similar societies in America and Europe. " I well recollect," says Dr. Channing,* u the day of its formation in yonder house, then the parsonage of this parish ; and if there was a happy man that day on earth it was the founder of this institution. This Society gave birth to all the kindred ones in this country, and its influence was felt abroad. Dr. Worcester assumed the charge of its periodical, and de- voted himself for years to this cause, with unabating faith and * Sermon entitled " The Philanthropist, a Tribute to the Memory of the Eev. Noah Worcester, D.D." Channing's Works, People's Edi- tion, vol. ii. p. 251, etc. Belfast : Simms & M'Intyre, 1843. 272 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. zeal ; and it may be doubted whether any man who ever Jived contributed more than he to spread just sentiment on the subject of war, and to hasten the era of universal peace. He began his efforts in the darkest day, when the whole civilized world was shaken by conflict and threatened with military despotism. He lived to see more than twenty years of general peace, and to see through these years the multiplication of national ties, an extension of commercial communications, an establishment of new connections between Christians and learned men through- out the world, and a growing reciprocity of friendly and beneficent influence among different States, all giving aid to the principles of peace, and encouraging hopes which a century ago would have been deemed insane." Noah Worcester, born at Hollis, New Hampshire, November 25th, 1758, was the son of a farmer, and until the age of twenty-one worked on the farm. His father's means were limited, and the education of the family was stinted in conse- quence. When hostilities commenced between the American Colonies and Great Britain, young Worcester, then only about eighteen years of age, became a soldier and fought at the battle of Bunker's Hill. It is said that his disgust with the vices of soldier life, and horror at the awful sights of the battle-field, drove him from the army and made him forever afterward a hater of war and an advocate of peace. Returning to farm life, he divided his time between outdoor labor and shoe- making, which occupation he followed when the darkness of night time or the cold of winter prevented his working in the fields. He also betook himself earnestly to the work of self- education. Like many another shoemaker, he made his work- room his study. The materials for the improvement of his mind lay all round his bench books, pens, ink, paper, etc. An early marriage increased the difficulties of his situation as a poor student, yet he managed by dint of extraordinary applica- tion to improve himself and become fit for the ministry before he had reached the age of thirty. His first church was small, and his salary amounted to only two hundred dollars (45.) Many of the members were poor, and the conscientious pastor could not allow them to pay their share to his support. On this account he often gave up as much as a quarter of his salary in the year, getting through as best he could by a little farming and a good deal of shoemaking. When times were bad he turned his " study" into a day-school and taught the children of his parishioners for nothing. u His first book was a series of XOAH WORCESTER, D.D. 273 letters to a Baptist minister, and in this he gave promise of the direction the efforts of his life were to assume. ' ' Its aim was to promote unity among men of different denominations. Later on be published a remarkable book, which made no small stir in its day, entitled <4 Bible News Relating to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ;" and a second on the same subject, under the title " Letters to Trinitarians/' u These works, " says Channing, " obtained such favor, that he was solicited to leave the obscure town in which he ministered, and to take charge in this place (Brighton, Mass.) of a periodical at first called the Christian Disciple, and now better known as the Christian Examiner. ' ' * At length he issued, in 1814, the famous pamphlet by which his name became known and honored among Christian men and lovers of peace throughout the world. It bore the title " A Solemn Review of the Custom of War." No more effective tract was ever printed. It was translated into several of the languages of Europe. The impression it pro- duced in America led to the formation of the " Peace Society of Massachusetts." Worcester's views on war were identical with those of the Society of Friends. " He interpreted liter- ally the precept, ' Resist not evil,' and believed that nations as well as individuals would find safety as well as fulfil righteous- ness in yielding it literal obedience. . . . He believed that no mightier man ever trod the earth than William Penn when entering the wilderness unarmed, and stretching out to the savage a hand which refused all earthly weapons in token of peace and brotherhood." So absorbed was he in this great theme, that he declared, eight years after his famous pamphlet was issued, that " its subject had not been out of his mind when awake an hour at a time during the whole period." He died at Brighton, Mass., in his eightieth year, 31st October, 1838. It was his wish to have written on his tombstone the words, " He wrote the l Friend of Peace.' ' Dr. Channing's testi- mony to Dr. Worcester's character is the highest one man can bear to another. He says, "Two views of him particularly impressed me. The first was the unity, the harmony of his character. He had no jarring elements. His whole nature had been blended and melted into one strong, serene love. His mission was to preach peace, and he preached it, not on set occasions or by separate efforts, but in his whole life. . . . * Written in 1837. 274 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. My acquaintance with him gave me clearer comprehension of the spirit of Christ and the dignity of man." Worcester received his degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth College, and his diploma of Doctor of Divinity from Harvard. ROGER SHERMAN, ONE OF THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Another famous American citizen, contemporary during the early part of his life with Noah Worcester, was Roger Sherman, who was born at Newton, Massachusetts, 19th April, 1721. Until the age of twenty-two he was a shoemaker, and from the age of twenty supported his widowed mother and the younger members of the family, and found the means to enable two brothers to enter the ministry. At this time he devoted his leisure to the study of mathematics and astronomy. In 1743 he laid aside the awl, and left his native place to settle at New Milford, Connecticut, where he joined his elder brother in keeping a small store. His accomplishments very soon led to his appointment as surveyor of roads. While holding this office he began the study of law, and made such progress that in 1745, at the age of twenty-four, he was admitted to the bar. In 1748 he began to supply the astronomical calculations for a New York almanac. His life as a legislator commenced with his membership of the Connecticut Assembly, where he held a seat during several sessions. The appointment of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas was given him in 1759, and again in 1765, at New Haven, whither he had removed four years previously. He was made an assistant in 1766, and held the office for nineteen years. The judgeship was not resigned until 1789, part of the time since his appointment having been spent on the bench of the Superior Court. Roger Sherman's connection with the American Congress was long and highly honorable. He became a Congressman in 1774, and served his country faithfully in that capacity for nearly twenty years till the time of his death, at which time he held a seat in the Senate of the United States. He was appointed also as a member of the Council of Safety. During the last nine years of his life he was Mayor of New Haven. For many years he held the honorable office of treasurer of Yale College. BOGEK SHERMAN. 275 In the year 1766 Sherman was placed on the Commission appointed to draught the Declaration of Independence, and he was one of those who afterward signed the Declaration. Having been one of those who framed the old " Articles of Confederation," and a very useful member of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, his services in obtaining the indorsement or ratification of the Constitution by his own State Convention (i.e., of Connecticut) were of the utmost value. The foregoing statements will sufficiently show how well the quondam shoemaker of Massachusetts earned the noble name of Patriot. Few men in his 'day did more solid and lasting public work. Although he was a man of remarkably cool, deliberate judgment, he was none the less an enthusiast in the cause of political freedom and independence. During the War of Independence he urged his compatriots by every means in his power to resist the English claims to impose taxation upon the colonies. He never swerved for a moment from the view he first took on the crucial question of '* taxation without repre- sentation," but always avowed his firm conviction that " no European Government would ever give its sanction to such unfair legislation/' His rectitude and integrity were un- impeachable, and his " rare good sense" made him a man of mark even among the noteworthy men of the first Federal Congress. Mr. Macon used to say of him, " Roger Sherman had more common-sense than any man I ever knew ;" and Thomas Jefferson was wont to declare that Roger Sherman was " a man who never said a foolish thing in his life." To this opinion of his judgment and mental qualities may be added a valuable estimate of his moral and religious character. Goodrich * says that Sherman * ' having made a public prof es- sionof religion in early life, was never ashamed to advocate the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel, which are often so unwelcome to men of worldly eminence. His sentiments were derived from the Word of God, and not from his own reason." The life of this man of " patriot fame" f came to an end July 23d, 1793. His good name is in no danger of being lost to posterity, for in addition to his own personal claim to immortality, he gave " hostages to fortune" in a family of fifteen children, one of whom, his namesake, died in 1856 at the patriarchal age of eighty-eight. *In "American Biographical Dictionary." Boston : J. P. Jewett & Co. f See the allusion to Sherman in Whittier's lines, given below. 276 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. HENRY WILSON, " THE NATICK COBBLER. " Among the political leaders of modern times Henry Wilson long held a conspicuous place in the United States. His early connection with the gentle craft procured for him the familiar and not unfriendly sobriquet " The Natick Cobbler. " Wilson was born at Farmington, New Hampshire, February 16th, 1812. From his schoolboy days until he entered on political life he seems to have been connected both with shoemaking and farm- ing, but chiefly with the former occupation. Part of his time, viz., from 1832 to 1837, he was a thorough-going son of Crispin, working on the stool from daylight till dusk. From 1837 to 1840 he was still connected with the trade, but in the more ambitious position of a " shoe manufacturer. " In the year 1840 he devoted himself to the life of a politician. The office of President of the Massachusetts Senate was held by him in ] 851 and 1852. Three years after this he became a senator as a representative of the same State. This honor he held for seventeen years, that is, till 1872. In 1861 he was made Colonel of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Volunteers. The highest office to which he attained was that of Vice-President of the United States, which post he held from 1872 to 1875, the year of his death. Henry Wilson was held at the time of his death in general and hearty esteem for the valuable services which he had rendered for thirty-five years to his country. Like many another famous son of St. Crispin, The Natick Cobbler was a friend of freedom and a sworn foe to all kinds of tyranny. For many years he stood side by side with the best men in the Northern States, fighting the battle of liberation for the slaves, and at last was permitted to rejoice with them in the triumph of the good cause. One is very much tempted to multiply instances of men like Wilson, who, having begun life as shoemakers, found their way into the Congress of the United States. Seven such men at least have sat in Congress during the present century.* It * These are Roger Sherman and Henry Wilson, already noticed, and Daniel Shelf ey, Gideon Lee, William Claflin, John B. Alley, and H. P. Baldwin. In answer to the question, " What shoemaker has risen to political or literary eminence in the United States ?" a writer in the Philadelphia Dispatch, besides speaking of the four remarkable men we have selected as examples, says, "There are other famous names of graduates from that profession. Daniel Sheffey of Virginia J. G. WHITTIER. 277 may also be mentioned here that Franklin in his Autobiography speaks of a member of the Junto, a " William Parsons, bred a shoemaker, but loving reading, who acquired a considerable share of mathematics, " and " became surveyor-general ;" and that Philip Kirtland, a shoemaker from Sherrington, Bucking- hamshire, who settled at Lynn, Mass., in 1635, was the founder of the immense trade in boots and shoes for which that city has obtained an unrivalled name throughout the States. J. G. WHITTIER, "THE QUAKER POET." The last name we have to give in this long, but still in- complete, list of illustrious shoemakers is that of John Greenleaf Whittier, who happily is still living to charm and educate the English-speaking people on both sides of the Atlantic with his simple, spirit-stirring poetry. Whittier is frequently spoken of in the States as the Quaker Poet. This designation is suffi- ciently distinctive, for poets are not very numerous in the So- ciety of Friends. Preachers, patriots, philanthropists, orators, and writers of prose are numerous enough, but poets are very hard to find in this intensely earnest and practical religious community. Like his coreligionists in every generation since the days of George Fox and William Penn, W T hittier is " right on all points" relating to social and religious reform. The assistance his vigorous, thrilling lines have given to every philanthropic learned the trade, and worked at it many years, andfrom 1809 to 1817 represented his district in the Congress of the United States. His retort to John Randolph of Roanoke, who taunted him onthe floor of Congress with his former occupation, was, ' The difference, sir, be- tween my colleague and myself is this, that if his lot had been cast like mine in early life, instead of rising, by industry, enterprise, and study, above his calling, and occupying a seat on this floor, he would at this time be engaged in making shoes on the bench. ' . . . Gideon Lee, a mayor of New York City, and a member of Congress from about 1840 to 1844, was a working shoemaker, and afterward a leather dealer. WUliam Clqflin, an ex-governor of Massachusetts and a mem- ber of Congress, worked at the shoemaker' s trade when young, and is now at the head- of a very large shoe-manufacturing firm. John B. Alley, an ex-member of Congress from Massachusetts, was in the shoe trade, as was also H. P. Baldwin, ex-governor of Michigan, and ex- member of Congress from that State." 278 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. movement in the United States is beyond calculation. For many years he was the Hans Sachs or Ebenezer Elliott of the Liberation cause, giving similar help by his songs to the work of emancipation in America to that which the German gave to the cause of Protestantism on the continent of Europe, and the Englishman gave to the labors of the Anti-Corn Law League in Great Britain. His father was a farmer at Haverhill, Massachusetts, where the poet was born in 1807. He remained on the farm until he was nearly nineteen years of age, and divided his time between field-work and shoemaking. In 1825 he was sent to a college belonging to the Society of Friends. Four years after this he became editor of The American Manufacturer, which office he held for only twelve months, and then resigned in order to take the management of the New England Weekly Review. In 1832 he went back to the old home, worked on the farm, and edited The Haverhill Gazette. Twice he represented Haverhill in the State Legislature. All through life he has been a strong and consistent anti-slavery advocate, and at various times has been made secretary of societies and editor of papers whose aim has been the abolition of slavery. About 1838-39 he became the editor of the Pennsylvania Freeman, an ardent anti-slavery paper. It required no small amount of courage to advocate freedom for the slave in those days. On one occasion Whittier's office was surrounded by a mob, who plundered and set fire to the building. His published works in prose and verse are very numerous, beginning with the " Legends of New England" in 1831, and coming down to volumes of verse like " The King's Missive, Mabel Martin, and Later Poems/' etc., * published within the last few years. Through all his writings there runs a healthy moral tone, and his poetry is no less distinguished for purity of sentiment than * In a review of this last volume of Whittier's poems (Macmillan & Co.), a writer in the AtJienaum (February 18th, 1882) gives the fol- lowing just estimate of Whittier's character and merits as a man and a poet : " The poems in this collection . . . show that delicate appre- hension of nature, that deep-seated sympathy with suffering mankind, that unwavering love of liberty and all things lovable, that earnest belief in a spirit of beneficence guiding to right issues the affairs of the world, that beautiful tolerance of differences in a word, all those high qualities which, being fused with imagination, make Mr. Whit- tier, not indeed an analytical and subtle poet, nor a poet dealing with great passions, but what he is emphatically, the apostle of all that is pure, fair, and morally beautiful. J. G. WHITTIER. 279 for sweetness of numbers and true poetic fire. No man in New England, nor, indeed, in the States, has earned a better title to the thanks and esteem of his fellow-countrymen than the " Quaker Poet," who began the hard work of life by blending the duties of the farm with the occupation of a shoe- maker. Whittier College at Salem, Iowa, was established and named in his honor. Whittier has never forgotten his connection with the gentle craft in early life ; nor has he been ashamed to own fellowship with its humble but worthy members. What he thinks of the craft itself, and of the spirit of the men who have followed it, may be learned from his lines addressed to shoemakers in the " Songs of Labor/ 7 published in 1850 : TO SHOEMAKEES. Ho ! workers of the old time, styled The Gentle Craft of Leather ! Young brothers of the ancient guild, Stand forth once more together ! Call out again your long array, In the olden merry manner ! Once more, on gay St. Crispin's Day, Fling out your blazoned banner ! Rap, rap ! upon the well-worn stone How falls the polished hammer ! Kap, rap ! the measured sound has grown A quick and merry clamor. Now shape the sole ! now deftly curl The glossy vamp around it, And bless the while the bright-eyed girl Whose gentle fingers bound it ! For you, along the Spanish main A hundred keels are ploughing ; For you, the Indian on the plain His lasso-coil is throwing ; For you, deep glens with hemlock dark The woodman's fire is lighting ; For you, upon the oak's gray bark The woodman's axe is smiting. 280 ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. For you, from Carolina's pine The rosin-gum is stealing ; For you, the dark-eyed Florentine Her silken skein is reeling ; For you, the dizzy goatherd roams His rugged Alpine ledges ; For you, round all her shepherd homes Bloom England's thorny hedges. The foremost still, by day or night, On moated mound or heather, Where'er the need of trampled right Brought toiling men together ; Where the free burghers from the wall Defied the mail-clad master, Than yours, at Freedom's trumpet-call, No craftsmen rallied faster. Let foplings sneer, let fools deride Ye heed no idle scorner ; Free hands and hearts are still your pride. And duty done your honor. Ye dare to trust, -for honest fame, The jury Time empanels, And leave to truth each noble name Which glorifies your annals. Thy songs, Hans Sachs, are living yet, In strong and hearty German ; And Bloomfield's lay, and Gilford's wit, And patriot fame of Sherman ; Still from his book, a mystic seer, The soul of Behmen teaches, And England's priestcraft shakes to hear Of Fox's leathern breeches. The foot is yours ; where'er it falls, It treads your well- wrought leather, On earthen floor, in marble halls, On carpet, or on heather. Still there the sweetest charm is found Of matron grace or vestal's, As Hebe's foot bore nectar round Among the old celestials ! J. G. WHITTIER. 281 Rap, rap ! your stout and bluff brogan, With footsteps slow and weary, May wander where the sky's blue span Shuts down upon the prairie. On beauty's foot, your slippers glance By Saratoga's fountains, Or twinkle down the summer dance Beneath the crystal mountains ! The red brick to the mason's hand, The brown earth to the tiller's, The shoe in yours shall wealth command, Like fairy Cinderella's ! As they who shunned the household maid Beheld the crown upon her, So all shall see your toil repaid With heart and home and honor. Then let the toast be freely quaffed, In water cool and brimming 44 All honor to the good old Craft Its merry men and women !" Call out again your long array, In the old time's pleasant manner : Once more, on gay St. Crispin's Day, Fling out his blazoned banner. INDEX. ADULT schools at Gainsborough, started by J. F. Winks and T. Cooper, 171 Akiba, Ben Joseph, 194, 195 Alexander of Coniaiia, 193 Alexandria, the pious cobbler of, 19S Alley, John B., 277 Andersen, Hans C , 210 Angling, book on, by Younger, 246, 247 Annianus of Alexandria, 192 Ansell and the battle of Aughrim, 245 Apelles and the cobbler, 191 Ashmole, Elias, and Partridge, 221 Askham, John, 248 Athenaeum, quoted from, 115, 247, 278 BALDWIN, H. P , 277 Baptist jubilee memorial, 131 Baptist missions commenced by Carey and Thomas, 141, 142 Barebones, Praise God, 216 Baudouin, the learned, 200 Baviad and Mseviad, 75, 82, 86-7 Benbow and nautical songs, 17 Bennet, John, poet, 229 Bennett, Timothy,pf Harnpton-Wick,212 Bentinck, Lady, visits Carey when dy- ing, 146 Bemdge, John, and John Thorp, 257 Blacket, Joseph, 236, 242 Blanshard's Life of Bradburn, 65, 66, 67, 70 Bloomfleld and Blacket, 239 Bloomfleld, George, 94, 95, 96, 238 Bloomfield, Nathaniel, 94, 96, 98, 239 Bloomfielcl, Robert, a farmer's boy at Sapiston, 94 a ladies' shoemaker, 171 becomes a shoemaker, 94, 95 Birth and childhood, 94 his first poems, 96, 97 his mother, 94, 102 his last years, death, and burial, 101 life in London, 94, 101 list of his poems, 96, 97, 102-3 marriage of, 98 method of composing "The Far- mer's Boy," 98 poetical tributes in "Blackwood." etc., 102, 103 Bloomfield, Robert, publishes "The Farmer's Boy," 99 Boehmen, Jacob, the mystic, 205-207 opinions of, by Charles I., William Law, &c., 206 Bowden, Mr., of Tannton, Lackington's master, 34 Bradburn, Samuel, and Charles Wesley, 66 and the clergyman, 68, 69 anecdotes of early preaching, 68 born at Gibraltar, 54 called to be a preacher, 61 circuits he travelled in, 64, 65, 66, 71 death and burial, 71 early life at Chester, 55-60 eloquence as a preacher, 67, 68 his conversion, 55-57 his father pressed into th-earmy, 54 his first sermon, 61 his marriage with Betsy Nangle, 65 his marriage with Sophia Cooke, 66 his mother a Welshwoman, 54 his mother's death, nte, 63 his wit and hamor, anecdotes of, 70,71 offered the pastorate of an Indepen- dent Church, 66 overtaken in a fault, 71 President of Wesleyan Conference, 67 Brizzio, Francesco, 208 Bnice's " Elegy written m Spring," 322 Buch, Henry Michael, "Good Henry,' 1 201-203 ' Banyan and Bradbum compared, 56 Burnet, Rev. John, 259-262 Bushey Park and Timothy Bennett, 213 Byron, Lord, allusion to Gifford, 93 CAMPION'S " Delightful History of ye Gentle Craft," 193, 199,542,259 Capellini, il Caligarino, 207 Carey and Thomas sail for India, 142 Carey, Eustace, " Life of Dr. Carey," 131 William, abilities as a shoemaker, 131 and Rev. John Ryiand, 131, 138 an enthusiast, 131, 132 apprenticed to a siioeniaker, 133 baptized by Rev. J. Ryiand, 135 D.D. conferred on him by Brown University, 144 first Bengali New Testament, 143 first marriage a mistake, 137 first sermon and pastorate, 135 first study of languages, 132, 133, 135 first thought of missions to heathen, 138 his death, 146 284 INDEX. Carey, William his famous sermon at Nottingham, 141 hi self-sacrificing spirit, 143 life briefly ricetcBtd, 129, 130 lifi; in India. 142, 146 lives at iMoulton, 137, 139 " Only a Cobbler," 133 pamphlet on Missions, 140 parentage and birth and childhood, 131, 132 Professor of Oriental Languages, Calcutta, 129, 143 removes to Leicester, 140 Carlisle, Qifford's guardian, 205 Carlyle on Hans Sacks, 76, 77, 205 Thomas, and Thomas Cooper, 184 Carter, Edward, Esq., friend to John Pounds, 151, 157 Cartel!, Richard, "Ye Cocke of West- minster," 210 Caxton Printing Establishment and S. Drew, 121 Chambers " Book of Days," 217 Channingon Noah Worcester, 271. 273 Charley Rev. Thomas, of Bala, I'.D Chartists and Thomas Cooper, 170, 182 Chiirtiet Newspapers edited by Thomas Cooper, 181 Christ's Hospital and Richard Cnstell, 121 Claflin, Wiiliam, Governor of Massachu- se'ts, 277 Clarke, Dr. Adam, and Samuel Drew, 114, 122 Coke, Dr., and S. Drew, 122, 153 Coleridge, S. T., and Boehmen, 208 and shoemakers, 189 Cooksley, Dr., Gilford's friend, 80, 81 William, son of Dr. Cooksley, Gif- ford's will in favor of, 86 Cooper, Robert, mistaken for Thomas Cooper, 186 Cooper, Thomas, a copyist at the Board of Health, 186 Cooper, Thomas, and " Stamford Mer- cury," 178 a sceptic, his lectures as, 185 ; foot- note, 186 as a lecturer on Christianity, 187 becomes a shoemaker, 169 birth and parentage, 165 childhood at Exeter, 165-167 early studies while a shoemaker, 169-175 Cooper, Thomas, editorship and author- ship in 1848-49, 185 final conversion to Christianity, 185, 186 first poem, 170 his connection with the Methodists, 177, 178 his excessive studies, 175, 176 his first published poems, 17^ in Stafford jail, 182-3 lecmres at City Hall, London, on Theism, 186 life in Leicester, 180-3 life in Lincoln, 177 life in London, 179-180 Cooper, Thomas, list of his writings, 181-7 marries Miss Jobson, 177 professes Christianity in Baptism by immersion, 185 schoolboy days, 168. 1C9 i-eis up t school, 110 the railway accident, 186 Trial at fctallord and in London, 182-3 Crag^s, Secretary, 216 Crispin andCrispianus, 197-199 Crispin anecdotes, 198-216, 223, 228, 242 Crocker, Charles, 247, 248 Cromwell and Fox, 249-51 Cruickshank and O'Neill, 244-6 Cnrwen's 4l History of Booksellers," 87, 45,83 D'ALBRIONE, Si selling, 38 goes to London, 1774, 37 helped by the Week-yaii Fund, 39 kindness to his relatives, 46 life in Bristol, 35, 36 marries Nancy Smith, 36 " Memoirs and Confessions," 29 motto for the door of his carriage, 30 " No credit " system, 41, 42 reads Epictetus, etc., 35 retires from business, 1798, 45 second marriage, 40 sets up a " chariot " and " country- house," 44 starts as bookseller, 38 strictures oruthe Wesleyans, 29 ' Temple of the Mnses," 29, 45 tour through England and Scot- land, 45, 46 Lamb, Charles, on Shoemakers, 91, 227 Lacroix, " Manners and Customs of Middle Ages,' 198 Lee, Dr. Samuel, 172 Gideon, Mayor of New York, 277 "Leisure Hour," articles on shoemak- ers, 211 Leao, John B., 248 Lestage, Nicholas, of Bordeaux, 203 Let the cobbler stick to his last, 191 " Literary Gazette " on Gifford, 93, 94 Living examples of illustrious shoe- makers, 248 Llandaif, Earl of, and O'Neill, 245 Lofft, Capel, 99, 239, 243 MACKAY. of Norwich, 225 Macon, Mr., on Roger Sherman, 275 286 INDEX. Madati, Martin, and " Helmsley," 234 Marriage, remarks on, 136, 137 Marshman's " Carey, Marshinan, and Ward," 131, 144, 145 John Clarke, author of "Carey, Marshman, and Ward, 11 145 Mr., Dr. Carey's friend and col- league, 143, 145 Meistersingers of Germany, 204 Men's and \V omen's conscia recti, 225-6 Milbanke, Miss (Lady Byron) and Black- et, 241 Miller, Thomas, and Thomas Cooper, 173, 180 * Montgomery. Jae., and Thomas Cooper, 177 Morrison, Rev. Robert, D.D., 258, 25? Mutual Improvement Society at Gains- borough and T. Cooper, 171 Murray, John, and Giflord's editorial stipend, 83, 84 Murray, John, his " drawing-rooms," 83 Myngs, Sir Christopher, 19, 28, 219 NARBOROUGH, Sir John, 19-21, 219 Newton, Sir Isaac, and Boehmen, 206 Nichol, Rev. James, 239 Notes and Queries, 225 ODGER, George, 266-8 Olivers, Thomas, 234 O'Neill, John, temperance poet, 244-6 " Oracle," The, 268 PARSONS, William, of the Junto, 277 Partridge, Dr. ,220-3 Peace Societies, founded in America, 273 Peel, Sir Robert, and shoemakers, 266 Polwhrle, Rev. Mr., and S. Drew, 120 Pope John XXII., 209 Pope and Partridge, 221 and Savage, 230 Portraits of naval officers at Greenwich, 219 Pounds, John, begins teaching poox chil- dren, 153, 154 birth and childhood, 152, 153 gratitude of his old scholars, 156 his death, 157 his workroom described, 153, 154 kindness to his scholars, 156 memorials of, in Portsmouth, 158 method of teaching, 155-157 the roasted potato, 155 Pressgang, 53 " Purgatory of suicides," 179, 183 Purver, Anthony, 226 "QUARTERLY Review," 227, 243 on Baptist Missionary Society, 141, 142 Quarterlies, the Edinburgh and London,. 75, 83, 84 RAGGED schools, John Pounds a found- er of, 151, 152 Raikes, Robert and Sophia Cookjp start first Sunday-school, 66 Reading, growth of about 1790 ; Lack- ington's remarks on, 43 Rigby, Richard, ballad-writer, 227, 228 Robinson, lienry Crabb, Diary, 206, 257, 266 Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, 209 Rowe, J. B., 228 Russell, Admiral, 22 SACHS, Hans, the Nightingale of the Ref- ormation, 203-205 Sandon, Lord, and Thomas Cooper, 188 Savage, Richard, 230 Scott, Rev. Thomas, the Commentator, and Carey, 113, 114 Service, David. 2-12 Sheaf, Mr., Shoemaker and artist, and John Pounds, 151, 157 Sheffey, Daniel, of Virginia, 276 Shenstone and Woodhouse, 228 Sherman, Koger, 274. 275 Shillitoe, Thomas, 251, 255 Shoemakers and literature, 75 Shoemaker's holiday, the, 227 Shoemakers, largo proportion of emi- nent men, 181), 190 Shovel, Captain, knighted by William III., 22 Shovel, Cloudesley, made captain, 21 Shovel, Sir C , admiral of the Blue and Red and White, 22 at battle of " La Hogue," 22 at battle of Malaga. 23 at capture of Barcelona, 23 at the siege of \Vateribi d, 22 death by drowning, 23, 24 epitaph, 17 exploit as cabin boy, 19, 20 > exploit as lieutenant, 20, 21 governor of Greenwich Hospital, note, 24 M.P. for Rochester, note, 24 portraits of, 17, 24 presented to Queen Anne, 23 William III.'s opinion of, 23 Sibly, Dr. Ebenezer, 222, 223 Sibly, Manoah, 266 Smerdon, Rev. T., prepares Gifford for Oxford, 81 Smith, Sidney, 75, 130, 145 Sons of shoemakers, 209 Souters of Selkirk, 213-215 Southey, Robert, 230, 255 Southey's article in "Quarterly Review" on Carey, etc., note, 141, 142, 145 Strut hers, John, 243 Sturgeon, William, electrician, 264, 265 Sunday-school, the first, 66, 139 Sutclitfe, Rev. John, the friend of Ca- rey, 136, 138, 140 Swift and Partridge, 222 TYERMAN'S Life of Wesley, 233 Toplady and Olivers, 233 Tinlinn, Watt, 214, 215 Timmins, Rev. T., remarks on John Pounds, 154-156 INDEX. 287 Ticlibotirne, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor oi' London, 227 Thorp, John, 255-7 Thomas, Mr., Carey's colleague in first mission work, 141, 142 VALUE of books in 1775, note, 39 WARTON, Thomas, and John Bennet 229 Watts, Dr. Isaac, 210 Wesley, John, and Bradburn, 60, 63, 64, 65, 68. 71 and Olivers, 231-34 and Thorpe, 255 Weever's " Funeral Monuments," note, Whately, Archbishop, 189 White, Henry Kirke, lines on Bloom- field, 103 Whitefield, George, and Olivers, 232 Whittaker, Rev. John, and S. Drew 120, 122 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 227, 2*29 - lines to "Shoemakers, 1 ' 27S-281 Wilberibrce, William, remarks on Ca- rey, 138 Williams, Dr. Edward. 256 Wilson, Jjishop, friendship with Carey, Wilson, Gavin, 242 Wilson, Henry, the Natick cobbler, Wilson, Professor, his opinion of Bloom- field's poetry, 100 Wincklemann, J. J., 209 Winnifred, Saint, 227 Winks, Joseph, Foulkes, and Thomas Cooper, 171, 180, 186 Wo'fe's ' Burial of Sir J. Moore," 232 Woodhouse, James, 228 Worcester, Noah, D.D., 271-4 Wordsworth and Thomas Cooper, 184 YE Cocke of Westminster, Richard Ca*. Younger, John, 246-7 THE END. 288 CLOTH-SOTJITD STANDARD LIBRARY,1883 SERIES. Edition de Luxe. Each volume of the Library is strongly and luxuriously bound in cloth .as issued, bevelled edges, gold stamp on side and back, extra paper, good margins. 25 cent Numbers, in Cloth ____ ..................................... $1.OO 15 cent Numbers, in Cloth ....................................... 7S cent*, 26 Numbers, in Cloth, payable half now, and half July 2, $16.OO. Subscribers for the paper-bound may transfer their subscriptions for the cloth-bound by paying the difference. P.S. The paper used in the volumes succeeding the "Life of Cromwell" will be much superior. Analytical Bible Concordance, Revised Edition. Analytical Concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan. 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