"OB* t P f '*-/ CATALOGUE OF STARS < te**H~ tnt-i~ir^_j_ UC-NRLF 451 FOR THE EPOCH JAN. 1, 1892 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE GEEAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF COLONEL H. R. TPIUILLIER, C.I.E., R.E., SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. BY COLONEL G. STRAHAN, R.E., DEPUTY SURVEYOR GENERAL, IN CHARGE OP THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH OF THE SURVEY OF INDIA. Deflia Bun: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH, SURVEY OF INDIA. B. V. HUGHES. 1893. Price Two Rupees. ./^.xl^ ASTRONOMY ^ is Nl *r\ v- x^ .^^ v^ cP xS **H ^* so ^ O * vX PH ^ H 1^ ^. ^ pq , V / N ^ >4 x# - 005 16-9-3 'ana / / / 1/1 CATALOGUE OF STAES ^%- /t C^f. . FOB THE EPOCH JAN. 1, 1892 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF COLONEL H. R. THUILLIER, C.I.E., R.E,, SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. BY COLONEL G. STRAHAN, R.E., DEPUTY SURVEYOE GENERAL, IN CHARGE OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH OF THE SURVEY OF INDIA. D r I; v a Dun: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH, SURVEY OF INDIA. B. v. 1893. Price Two Rupees. I '' IE F .A. d IE . For the effective prosecution of a geodetic survey, it is indispensable that the latitudes and longi- tudes of a certain number of the principal stations of the triangiilation should be obtained from astronomical observations, independently of their values as computed from the triangulation. The great accumulation of observed zenith distances of stars for latitudes, and of observed transits for longitudes in the geodetic survey of India, gave rise to the conviction that the material thus laboriously collected might be utilized for compiling a star catalogue, a conviction which has resulted in the publication of the accompanying list of star-places for January, 1892, with the necessary constants for the reduction of their places to other epochs. In order that the method by which the latitude and longitude observations were employed in the construction of the catalogue may be understood, a few introductory remarks seem necessary. To begin with the Right Ascensions. These are purely differential, that is to say they are obtained by measurement of the difference of Right Ascension of the catalogued star and of some adjacent Nautical Almanac star observed with it; the latter being considered for the purposes of this Catalogue as errorless. For convenience of reference the name of the comparison Nautical Almanac star or stars thus employed is entered in the fifth column of the Catalogue. In determining differences of longitude in India with the help of the electric telegraph, the method adopted as being the most direct and trustworthy was to record at both stations, by one and the same clock, the times of transit of certain stars at intervals of from one to three minutes, arranged in groups of eight or ten. The clock at the eastern station was employed first, and when two groups of stars had passed, the clock at the western station was similarly used. During the passage of each group the whole apparatus remained in statu quo, excepting only the necessary change in altitude of the transit telescope, so that when all corrections for collimation, level, and azimuth have been made, the interval between the transits of any two stars at either station represents the difference of their right ascensions. Each station furnishes a record of this description. As it is obvious that only approximate star places are required when this method is adopted, B.A.C. stars were freely used; for the differences of longitude depend solely upon the time occupied by a star passing from the meridian of the eastern, to that of the western observer. It was however found convenient for reasons connected with the subsequent computation, which need not be entered into here, to introduce a Nautical Almanac star into each group ; the transit observations there- fore furnish the difference of right ascension between this Nautical Almanac star and every other star in M710859 iv PEEFACE. the group. It has thus most fortunately happened that this practice, which was originally introduced for a totally different purpose, has rendered possible the determination of the Right Ascensions of nearly all the stars used in the longitude observations. It would be superfluous to enter into any minute details of the instruments employed, especially as they are given at considerable length in Volumes IX, X and XV of the Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, suffice it to say that the transit telescopes are by Messrs. T. Cooke and Sons of York, their effective aperture is 5 inches, and their focal length slightly over 5 feet. Their diaphragms are wired to carry two horizontal, and twenty-five vertical, wires in tallies of five each, the mean distance be- tween them being a - 4 seconds of time, with a double interval between the tallies. The whole number of vertical wires was never used, the ordinary number being eleven or fifteen, equally distributed on either side of the central one. The collimation was adjusted by a pair of collimators, one to the north and one to the south, and the level by reflection of the system of wires from a mercury trough, with the aid of a Bohnen- berger eye-piece. The azimuthal deviation was in almost all cases determined by reference to a pair of circumpolar stars, one at the upper, and the other at the lower culmination. A zenith distance not exceeding 24 south or north was laid down as a limit for the longitude stars. The transits were recorded by electricity on a chronograph, in a way which calls for no special mention here, and it was found that the probable error of the estimated time of a star passing one wire was about o s 'O4, and consequently about o" - oi for the whole group of fifteen wires. A full longitude determination consisted generally of six nights' work, on each of which the same groups with some few exceptions were employed. In forming the Catalogue the times of transit of every star in a group, including the Nautical Almanac comparison star, were first purified from all known sources of error, and hence the difference of the right ascension of each star from that of the comparison star became known. The true right ascension of the comparison star at the moment of observation was then computed from the Nautical Almanac data, and hence the true right ascension of every observed star was obtained for that instant. The place thus found was then corrected by the " Quantities for correcting the places of Stars " given in the Nautical Almanac, to reduce it to January 1 of the year of observation, using the proper motion, for this short interval, as given in the best catalogue available. It was now quite simple to reduce the place to January 1, 1892 (which date is taken for the epoch of the Catalogue) as far as precession and nutation were concerned, but it became a matter of great doubt and difficulty to decide upon the proper motion; for in some cases the intervals between the date of ob- servation and the epoch of the Catalogue, are so considerable, as to make it by no means an unimportant matter what proper motion is used for bringing up the place to the latter date. It was believed that the observations on which this Catalogue was founded were sufficiently accurate to give a reliable indication of what proper motion a star had been endued with since it had been last observed at some standard observa- tory ; and to this end a sort of short history or abstract of its places, as determined from the Greenwich Catalogues of 1860, 1864, 1872 and 1880, was compiled, among which the places found from the longitude observations were inserted in their proper position according to date. All these positions were then by the application of the precession and secular variation brought up to the epoch of January 1, 1892, proper motion being entirely neglected. An examination of these showed the movements of each star due to its proper motion for a period of time of from twenty to thirty years, and from a consideration of these a proper motion was deduced which seemed to involve the minimum of discrepancy in the results, assuming that the proper motion in right ascension was proportional to the time. There seems to be in some cases evidence of this assumption being unsound, PREFACE. V but the quantities involved are so minute that it would be unsafe to base any theory upon them, and the proper motion assigned in all cases, and entered in the Catalogue, was such as to best represent the star's position on the supposition of uniform motion in right ascension. The finally reduced right ascension on January 1, 1892, as given in the Catalogue, is the mean of all the places found from the longitude observations brought up with the proper motion obtained as above. The formulae employed in computing the annual precession in right ascension and its secular varia- tion are as follows : Precession in seconds of time = 3-0726 + [0-1260838] sin a cot N.P.D. Secular variation do. = [2- 1138] sin a cos a cosec 3 N.P.D. -f- [3-9878]^ cos a cot N.P.D. + 0-00322 L' where a is the star's right ascension in arc, and N.P.D. the north polar distance, both to the nearest second, and p in the latter formula is the annual precession in R. A. The formula for p is deduced as follows from that given at page 617 of Volume I of Chauvenet's "Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy/' 2nd edition : p = m + n sin a cot N.P.D. r where m = 46" -0623 + o"- 0002849 * n = 20" 0607 o" 0000863 t t being the number of years elapsed since 1800. Substituting 92 for t and dividing by 15 to reduce to seconds of time, we obtain m = 3 s -0726 log n = 0-1260838. The North Polar Distances were determined from zenith distance observations made with the Astrono- mical Circles Nos. 1 and 2, Strange's Zenith Sectors Nos. 1 and 2 and in a few with Troughton and Simms' Zenith Telescope. Detailed descriptions of the first two kinds of instruments will be found in Volume XI of the Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, and it will suffice to say that each of the Astronomical Circles has an effective aperture of 3-46 inches and a focal length of 53 "84 inches and that each of the Zenith Sectors has an effective aperture of 4 inches and a focal length of 48 5 inches. The Zenith Telescope is of the usual pattern and has an effective aperture of 2 5 inches and a focal length of 30 inches. The general principles on which the North Polar Distances were determined is as follows : the latitude of each station being obtained from observations to a great number of stars, it was presumed that the errors of stars' places cancel in the mean and that the latitude is practically correct. The observations of zenith distances from which the latitude was determined were also accepted so that each observation gave an equation as follows : north polar distance = co-latitude + zenith distance the upper and lower signs applying to stars south and north of the zenith respectively. As, however, the Astronomical Circles gave the latitude as determined by north stars different from that as determined by south stars, the co-latitude as determined by north stars only was used in the above equation when a north star was under consideration and similarly for south stars. vi PEEFACE. The North Polar Distance was thus obtained for the date of observation at a particular station: the necessary corrections to reduce to January 1 having been already computed, were applied and the mean of -t^t/V the results taken to represent the star's north polar distance on January 1 of a certain year as deduced from observations at a particular station. The same procedure was applied at each station where the star was observed, the results being the north polar distances of the star on January 1 of certain years. The star's places were then brought up to January 1, 1892, proper motion being entirely neglected. Just as in the case of the right ascensions, these places were examined and that value assigned to the proper motion which seemed best to accord with the observations. The proper motion was then applied and the mean of the results taken as the star's North Polar Distance on January 1, 1892. In a few cases when a star was observed with the zenith telescope, the results of the observations are the sum of the north polar distances of that star and of another whose place was found in the English, French or German Nautical Almanac, and taken from there as correct : the star's place was then found by simple subtraction. The formulae employed in computing the annual precessions in north polar distance and its secular variation are as follows : Precession in seconds of arc = [ i -3021751] cos Secular variation = [i 1638] p sin a -t- [3'936oJ cos a. The magnitudes of the stars contained in this catalogue were taken from the Greenwich Catalogues where possible, in all other cases they are copied from the B. A. C. DEHRADXJN:") July, 1893. j G. STRAHAN, COLONEL, R.E., Dy. Surveyor General, In charge Trigonometrical Surveys. CATALOGUE OF STAES FOR THE EPOCH JAN. 1, 1892 FROM OBSEEVATIONS BY THE GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. CATALOGUE OF STABS FOE 1891 No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- ratione Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s ' s t * I 9 Trianguli . 7 5'5 2 10 53-602 2 Ceti H + 3-5482 + 0-0293 + o 005 2 22 Arietis . . 6 5-6 2 12 6-997 14 + 3-3292 + 0-0180 O'OO2 3 Piazzi II. 6 1 . 6-0 2 16 6-966 )> 14 + 3-7208 + 0-0381 0-009 4 14 Trianguli . . 5'3 2 25 30-600 J3 H + 3"64 J 7 + 0-0316 O'OOO 5 26 Persei . . /8 Var. 3 i 8*403 S Arietis 12 + 3-8851 + 0-0355 O-OO2 6 55 Arietis . . . 5'5 3 3 6*826 8 Arietis 12 + 3-5963 + 0-0235 0-003 7 28 Persei . . to 4'7 3 4 19-010 n 12 + 3-8580 + 0- 335 o 003 8 Piazzi III. 5 . 6-0 3 7 46-678 12 + 3 ; 9552 + 0-0370 + O-O07 9 Piazzi III. 23 . 4-8 3 " .58-481 }> 12 + 3-73 8 3 + 0-0273 O'OOO 10 Piazzi III. 32. 4'7 3 13 48-184 IO + 3-6i94 + 0-O228 O'OOI 1 1 64 Arietis . . . 5'6 3 17 55-885 o Tauri IO + 3-5324 + 0-0195 + 0-004 12 2 Tauri . . 3-8 3 21 19-026 u 6 + 3-2421 + O-OII7 + 0-003 '3 5Tauri . . / 4'3 3 24 54-735 18 + 3-3049 + 0-0130 + 0-008 14 Piazzi III. 104 6-0 3 34 5' 974 rj Tauri and o Tauri 24 + 3-8895 + 0-0284 0-004 15 40 Persei . . o 6-0 3 35 31-884 )r 22 + 3'79 6 + 0-0250 + O-OO2 16 38 Persei . . o 4-0 3 37 32-656 T} Tauri 18 + 3-7503 + O-O234 0-003 17 19 Tauri . . . 4'4 3 3 8 46-645 ft 18 + 3-5613 + O'OlSo o-ooo 18 42 Persei . . n 6-0 3 42 42-957 8 + 3-7831 + 0-0.235 0-004 19 Piazzi III. 170 5'5 3 43 49'24i 32 + 3-595 1 + 0-0183 0-004 20 44 Persei . . 3'i 3 47 20-541 8 + 3-7601 + 0*0221 + o-ooi 21 45 Persei . . e 3-0. 3 5 36-279 i) Tauri 6 + 4-0101 + 0-0287 + o-ooi 22 46 Persei . . 4'i 3 5i 57-345 and A Tauri 32 + 3-8806 + 0-0246 0-OO2 23 39 Tauri . . A 2 6-5 3 58 56-558 A Tauri 20 + 3-5325 + 0-0153 + O'OII 24 44 Tauri . . p 5-6 4 4 I 5' I 47 >i ao + 3-6482 + 0*0169 o 003 5 52 Persei . . / 4'9 4 7 32-201 3> 12 + 4-0694 + 0-0265 0-004 26 48 Tauri . . . 6-4 4 9 38-386 A Tauri 6 + 3*393 + 0-0116 + 0-008 27 52 Tauri . . 6 5'i 4 13 42-651 6 + 3-6842 + 0-0164 0*002 28 68 Tauri . . S 3 4-2 4 19 H-37 1 e Tauri 4 + 3-4582 + 0*0118 + 0-006 2 9 Piazzi IV. 99 . 5' 4 24 22-521 8 + 3-4221 + 0-0108 0-003 30 85 Tauri . . . 6-0 4 25 41-512 18 + S'415 1 + 0-0106 + 0*003 3 1 Piazzi IV. 148 5'9 4 34 34-o6i e Tauri and i Aurigae 20 + 3-7459 + 0-0145 0*001 32 94 Tauri . . T 4'4 4 35 45-604 * Aurigae IO + 3-5957 + O-OI2I 0*007 33 Piazzi IV. 169 5'3 4 38 26-609 6 + 3'3M9 + 0-0084 + o 004 34 i Aurigae . . . 5'2 4 42 3 8 -3 10 10 + 4-0334 + 0-0178 0-008 35 96 Tauri . . . 6 - o 4 43 33'3 l8 j 30 + 3-4280 + 0-0092 + 0*003 FROM OBSEBVATIONS BY THE Q. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 3 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- vation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 O / /' // // I 56 39 8-4 I 4 16-870 + 0-287 + O ' O2O 698 ... 2 7 35 55-9 5 J 9 - 16-812 + 0-272 + 0-OI5 707 2IO 350 3 49 5 39'3 2 ii 16-619 + 0-311 + o-ioo 727. 212 356 4 54 19 57'8 I 8 - 16-145 + 0-322 O-OI2 772 226 3/6 5 49 2 7 39'0 I 4 14-109 .+ 0-409 O-O2O 9 6 3 285 464 6 61 20 9 -3* ... - 13-986 + 0-382 4- 0-026* 974 288 47i 7 5 47 5 6>a 3 14 - *3'9 10 + 0-411 O'02O 981 290 472 8 47 54 o'3 i 6 13-690 + 0-427 0-O20 993 9 56 IO 22 '6 2 8 - i3"42o + 0-411 + O'o6o 1017 35 499 10.. 61 20 38-4 4 105 - 13 '3 -f- 0-401 + 0*067 1025 ... 54 ii 65 39 3 I- 7 ii J 3i 13-028 + 0'397 -f O'OIO 1052 3 J 3 5^7 12 80 38 39-0 2 6 I2'8oi + 0-369 o-ooo 1068 3"9 526 *3 77 26 2-1 18 68 - 12-558 .+ 0-381 + o 030 1087 325 539 14 52 46 8-8 2 8 11-921 + 0-461 o-ooo 1123 334 15. . 56 22 54-9 2 7 11-820 .+ 0-452 o-ooo 1132 ... ... 16 58 3 16-0 18 228 - 11-677 + 0-450 + o-oio 1138 34 57i 17 6 5 52 19-5 3 J 5 - 11-589 ,+ 0-429 -f 0-060 1151 ... 577 18 57 H 25-7 3 !4 11-306 + 0-460 + O'OIO "75 ... ... '9 64 44 43' 2 97 11-226 + '439 ... 1192 ... 596 20 58 26 15-9 II 151 10-970 + 0-464 + O'O2O 1207 355 603 21 50 18 9-2 I 9 - 10-730 + 0-499 + 0-016 1219 361 610 22 54 3 1 *2-3 2 8 10-630 + 0-484 + 0-013 1228 3 6 3 613 23 68 16 58-8 2 IO 10-106 + 0-449 + 0-181 1260 374 6 33 24 63 48 5-2 7 20 9-702 -f 0-470 + 0-069 1279 381 648 25 49 47 25-6 2 8 - 9'45 + 0-527 + 0-025 1291 386 660 26 74 52 12-6 9 121 - 9-287 + 0-443 + 0-044 1302 388 664 27... 63 54 29-5 8 41 - 8-970 + 0-484 + 0-105 1326 398 681 28 72 19 10-9 3 14 - 8-535 + o 460 ... '365 413 73 29 74 2 30-0 2 8 - 8-126 + o 460 + 0-050 1391 422 ... 30 74 22 50-9 I 5 - 8-021 + 0-460 + 0-070 1402 425 ... 3 1 61 35 4 I- 4 7 "5 - 7 -33 + 0-512 + 0-040 1444 440 75 32 67 15 3-1 18 181 7-206 + 0-492 + 0-O22 1449 441 754 33 79 3 20-4 J2 45 - 6-986 + 0-456 + 0> 35 1460 761 34 52 42 u'9 4 18 - 6-641 + '55 8 O'OOO 1476 447 776 35 74 17 7'7 2 96 - 6-565 + 0-475 + 0-080 1485 ... ... Brought up to date from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1880. CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s s s s 36 2 Aurigse . . 5'0 4 45 24-063 i Aurigse 1O + 4-0106 + 0-0168 0-009 37 3 Orionis . Tr 3 4-0 4 45 27-226 fji Eridaui 8 + 3-1928 + 0-0067 + 0-005 38 5 Orionis . . 5' 7 4 47 44' 77 i Aurigse 12 + 3'!243 + 0*0061 + o-ooi 39 98 Tauri . . k 5'7 4 51 32-666 IO + 3'6652 + O-OIO9 0-006 40 4 Aurigse . . 5'i 4 5i 55-375 3) 24 + 4'0615 + 0-0163 0-003 4i 102 Tauri . . t 4'7 4 56 38-3" i Aurigse 12 + 3*5775 + 0-0094 o-ooo 42 10 Aurigse . rj 3'3 4 58 56-3' 1 >t IO + 4-1972 + 0-0166 0-003 43 15 Orionis . . 4 -8 5 3 31-184 /3 Tauri H + 3-43 11 + 0-0073 + 0-008 44 ii Aurigse . ft. 4'9 5 6 2-346 14 + 4-1013 + 0-0136 + 0-003 45 1 8 Orionis . . 5-6 5 I0 4-I9 1 a H + 3-33I5 + 0-0060 46 Piazzi V. 26 . 5*3 5 ii 53-684 /3 Tauri 24 + 3-94H + 0-0107 47 109 Tauri . . n 5'3 5 12 47-363 n 38 + 3-6009 + 0-0076 + 0-005 48 Piazzi V. 41 . 6-5 5 14 12-536 34 + 3-7648 + 0-0087 + O-OO2 49 21 Aurigse . 8 + 3-6809 + 0-0041 O-OO4 59 139 Tauri . . . 5'i 5 5 1 17-632 v Orionis 12 + 3-7224 + 0-0029 + 0-002 60 *B.F. 817. . 6-0 5 52 48-673 a 14 + 3-3761 + 0-0024 o-ooo 61 141 Tauri . . . 6-7 5 55 10-611 v Orionis 14 + 3-6234 + 0-0023 + 0-020 62 i Geminorum . 4'3 5 57 33-378 ii IO + 3-6474 + O-OO2O ... 63 40 Aurigse . . 6-0 5 59 8-424 a 22 + 4-1357 + 0-0016 + o-ooi 64 3 Geminorum . 6-5 6 3 10-538 and ft. Gem. 96 + 3-643 6 + O-OOI2 + O-OO2 65 68 Orionis . . 6-0 6 5 37-549 p, Geminorum 54 + 3-554I + o-ooio o-ooo 66 6 Geminorum . 6-7 6 5 46-325 fj. Gem. and v Orionis 22 + 3-6380 + 0-0009 + 0-004 67 71 Orionis . . 5'i 6 8 29-654 v Orionis 14 + 3-5376 + 0-0007 0-006 68 44 Aurigse . K 4'5 6 8 29-849 fj, Gem. aad v Orionis 26 + 3-8296 + 0-OOO2 0-002 69 Bradley 918. 7-0 6 " 40-313 T) Gem. and p Gem. 50 + 4-0162 0-0009 + 0-005 70 15 Geminorum . 7-0 6 21 20-379 7 Gem. 26 + 3-5797 0-0009 0*002 Baily's Edition of Flamsteed's Catalogue. FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- vation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 Q 1 It // a // 36 53 28 48-4 5 22 - 6-4I3 + 0-557 + 0-024 1492 45 787 37 84 34 48-6 i 4 - 6-408 + 0-444 + 0-OO2 1495 789 38 87 40 15-4* ... - 6-218 + 0-436 + 0-OI4 1508 79 6 39 65 7 i'4 9 121 - 5-901 + 0-513 + 0-063 1528 460 808 40 52 16 26-0 3 J 4 - 5-869 + 0-569 + 0-131 1530 ... 809 4i 68 33 53-9 12 J 33 - 5-474 + 0-504 + 0-050 1551 468 823 49 4 8 54 44" 7 22 170 - 5-280 + 0-593 + 0-105 1558 471 828 43 74 3* 37-7 4 104 4-892 + 0-487 O'OOO I 59 I 480 846 44 5 1 3 8 40-3 4 20 - 4-678 + 0-583 + 0-125 1602 482 8 5 I 45 78 46 51-0* ... ... - 4-334 + 0-476 - 0-003 1624 ... 869 . 46 56 22 I '4* - 4-I78 + 0-564 + 0-030 1632 8 74 47 68 o 57-8 7 15 4-102 + 0-516 + 0-125 1637 495 8 77 48 62 9 10-3 6 20 - 3-980 + 0-540 + 0-007 1648 49.8 8 79 49 52 42 58-9 5 21 - 3 - 7i3 + 0-585 o-ooo 1663 499 888 5 58 57 28-5 2 IOO - 3-682 + 0-555 O'OOO 1669 890 5i 7243 3-1* ... - 3-644 + 0-501 o 006 1671 500 892 52 72 7 51-1 4 18 - 3-407 + 0-504 O-O2O 1692 53 74 13 3'4 3 12 ~ 3-348 + 0-497 + 0-014 1701 5 J 3 ... 54 57 53 18-8 26 269 2-990 + 0-564 + 0-013 1723 518 9*5 55 66 i 59* 6 8 34 2-716 + '53 + 0-070 1742 525 927 56 73 57 42-3 6 23 - 1-864 + 0-502 + 0-088 1810 544 57 74 13 12-7 9 "3 i 700 + 0-502 o-ooo 1821 ... 58 65 28 io- i 7 29 - J-539 + 0-536 + 0-053 1837 55i 59 64 3 36-9 7 112 0-763 + 0-543 + 0-030 1896 569 IOIO 60 77 12 10-4 2 7 0-629 + 0-492 -f 0-041 1907 572 ... 6! 67 36 9-7 2 8 0-422 + 0-528 4- 0-033 1925 IO2I 62 66 43 53 '4 34 221 0-214 + 0-532 + 0-104 1938 579 IO26 63 51 30 28-6 i 3 - 0-075 + o 603 1942 580 ... 64 66 52 10-8 12 127 + 0-278 + 0-53 1 0-006 1971 589 1043 65 70 ii 9-6 3 *3 + 0-492 + 0-518 ... 1986 592 66 67 4 4-0 4 8 + 0-505 + 0-53 + 0-017 1987 593 1052 67 70 48 28-8 i 8 + 0-743 + 0-515 + 0-205 2004 602 1059 68 60 27 46-3 36 296 + 0-743 + 0-558 + 0-270 200 1 60 1 1058 69 54 45 4'5 i 4 + I-O2I + 0-584 -f- o 040 2021 608 1065 70 69 8 42-0 9 22 + 1-864 + 0-519 + 0-061 2080 618 1098 * Brought up to date from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1880. 6 CATALOGUE OF STARS FOE 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s s 1 71 48 Aurigse . . 5-3 6 21 37-703 ft, Geminorum 4 6 + 3-8584 O-OO22 + o 006 72 1 8 Geminorum v 4'0 6 22 33'078 i> 2 + 3' 5 6 42 o-ooio 73 Piazzi VI. 1 14 6-8 6 23 33-270 7 Gem. and /j, Gem. 4 8 + 3-7881 O-OO22 + 0-009 74 Piazzi VI. 126 6-0 6 25 24-454 //, Geminorum 38 + 3-9200 O - OO32 + 0-005 75 49 Aurigse . . 4'9 6 28 24-005 7 Gem. and ya Gem. 18 + 3-78II O-OO29 + O'OOI 76 Groom. 1190 . 6-7 6 29 7-476 fj. Geminorum 22 + 4-1286 - 0-0053 + 0-006 77 51 Aurigse . . 5'7 6 31 10-633 10 + 4' l6 39 0-0060 + O-OO2 78 54 Aurigse . . 5'7 6 32 44-440 7 Geminorum 18 + 3-7868 0-0036 0-004 79 27 Geminorum e 3 - a 6 37 17-268 7 Gem. and Gem. 40 + 3' 6 944 O-0037 + 0-003 80 17 Monocerotis . 5' 6 41 27-975 7 Geminorum 16 + 3-2610 0-OOI4 O'OOO 81 59 Aurigse . . 6-7 6 45 35-637 7 Geminorum 16 + 4-I337 O-OO92 82 38 Geminorum e 4-8 6 48 33-189 Geminorum 16 + 3-3819 0-O027 + O'OIO % 40 Geminorum . 6-7 6 52 47-947 7 Canis Majoris 10 + 3-709 1 O-OO6O + o 003 84 42 Geminorum to 5'3 6 55 5o-o74 >} 12 + 3-6603 O-OO6O + 0-005 85 45 Geminorum . 5-6 7 a 10*539 12 + 3-4444 - 0-0045 + 0-004 86 46 Geminorum T 4-6 7 4 15-961 8 Geminorum 12 + 3-8269 O-O09I O'OOI 87 48 Geminorum . 5-8 7 5 52-659 12 + 3-6517 O-OO72 O-OO2 88 51 Geminorum . 5"4 7 7 10-195 72 + 3-4479 0-0049 + O'OOI 89 52 Geminorum . 6-3 7 8 5-656 3) 8 + 3-6706 O-OO77 + O-002 90 54 Geminorum X 3-6 7 ii 53 -I 77 12 + 3-4549 0-0056 o-oio 9 1 65 Aurigse . . . 5'3 7 14 49-745 $ Geminorum IO + 4-0255 O-OI4I 0-004 92 66 Aurigse . . . 6-0 7 16 39-83 1 10 + 4-i657 O-OJ72 + 0-003 93 57 Geminorum A 5'o 7 16 53-39 1 /S Canis Minoris 8 -f 3-6682 - 0-0088 O'OII 94 i Canis Minoris 5'4 7 18 58-320 /SGem.&^Can.Min. 10 + 3*3373 0-0049 O'OOO 95 60 Geminorum t 4-0 7 19 1-170 S Geminorum 22 + 3'74>9 O-OIO2 0-007 96 63 Geminorum . 5'3 7 21 19-786 yS Geminorum 2 + 3-57o6 0-0080 0-004 97 62 Gemiuorum p 4-2 7 22 9'932 8 Geminorum IO + 3-8548 0-0127 + 0-013 98 65 Geminorum b z 5'i 7 23 5-713 j3 Canis Minoris 12 + 3-74ii 0-0108 0-004 99 Piazzi VII. 114 6-0 7 23 56-886 12 + 3-7402 O'OIIO + 0-003 IOO 69 Geminorum v 4-2 7 29 16-037 4 + 3-7064 O-OII2 - 0-005 101 Piazzi VII. 179 7-0 7 3 6 56-252 /3 Canis Minoris 12 + 3'5 8l 4 O'OIOO 0-003 103 ii Canis Minoris 5-6 7 40 I9-754 /3 Geminorum 12 + 3-3086 0-0060 + 0-007 103 83 Geminorum 4'9 7 46 53' '44 6 Cancri 42 + 3-6822 0-0132 0-009 104 85 Geminorum . 5'3 7 49 21-659 4 + 3-5088 O-QIOI 0-006 105 i Cancri . . , 5'9 7 5 5!-5 3 and /? Gem. 44 + 3-4 J 37 0-0085 - 0-005 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- Tation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 O / // // it it 71 59 26 27-1 2 IOO + 1-890 + 0-559 + 0-OO7 2082 620 I0 99 72 69 43 12-3 23 71 + 1-970 + 0-516 O'OOO 2090 623 IIO4 73 61 43 2-3 4 IO + 2-057 + 0-549 + o ioo 2097 626 1108 74 57 28 7-6 3 10 + 2-2I9 + 0-567 ... 2110 628 IIIO 75 61 53 38-6 2 IO + 2-479 + 0-546 + 0-015 2133 635 1127 76 51 28 2'I 3 !3 4 2-541 + 0-596 O'lIO 2139 636 ... 77 5 3 53'5 i 6 + 2-719 + o 600 + 0-119 2155 641 "35 78 6 1 38 31-8 6 21 + 2-855 + 0-545 + 0-028 2170 6 49 "44 79 64 45 45-6 37 171 + 3-248 + 0-530 + 0-027 2194 652 "59 80 81 50 49-2 2 4 + 3-608 + 0-466 O'OOO 23l6 659 "73 81 5 1 9*7 I 4 + 3-963 + 0-589 O'OOO 2235 663 . > 82 76 41 7-7 I 3 + 4-217 + 0-480 + 0-071 2255 669 1184 83 6 3 56 23-8 4 10 + 4-579 + 0-525 + 0-061 3278 679 84 65 37 5' i 7 24 + 4-837 + 0-516 O'O22 2299 682 "97 85 73 53 5!' 10 36 + 5-374 + 0-482 + 0-157 233 690 1218 86 59 34 42-7 21 225 + 5-550 + 0-534 + 0-066 2340 6 93 1221 87 65 41 29-2 28 105 + 5-685 + 0-508 + 0-057 2350 697 1227 88 73 39 3'3 4 12 + 5'793 + 0-479 + 0-073 2362 698 1233 89 6 4 55 4i-3 I 2 + 5-87I + 0-509 + 0-105 2364 7OO 1237 90 73 J 5 55-2 14 55 + 6-187 + 0-477 + 0-035 2398 706 1350 9 1 53 2 i3' 8 5 20 + 6-432 + 0-553 + 0-055 2416 714 I26l 92 49 7 13-5 i 4 + 6-583 + 0-57I 2429 7 l8 93 6 4 44 33-9 i 4 + 6-602 + 0-503 -f 0-056 243 I 719 1265 94 78 7 10-9 i 4 + 6-774 + 0-455 + 0-056 2444 725 1272 95 61 59 16-8 27 146 4- 6-778 + 0-511 + 0-109 2442 724 1271 96 68 20 4-0 9 3 + 6-968 + 0-485 + 0-108 2460 727 I28l 97 58 o 5-4 8 133 + 7-036 + 0-523 - 0-157 2464 729 1284 98 61 51 42-4 8 36 + 7-112 + 0-507 + 0-045 2469 733 1289 99 61 51 (...) i 3 + 7-182 -f 0-506 2472 734 ... IOO 62 51 53-2 23 77 + 7-6I5 + 0-497 + 0-129 2493 742 1303 IOI 67 20 45-0 2 96 + 8-231 + 0-473 0-070 2544 * 103 7 8 58 7-4 I 4 + 8-501 + o-433 ... 2564 764 ... 103 62 57 19-3 23 108 + 9-017 + 0-476 + 0-056 2617 774 1343 104 69 49 54-0 3 8 + 9-210 + 0-451 + 0-070 3633 ... 1349 105 73 55 18-7 33 96 + 9-326 + 0-437 + 0-068 2639 777 1350 8 CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s * s s 106 2 Cancri . . ca 1 5'9 7 54 23-640 6 Cancri IO + 3" 6 372 0-0132 0-007 107 3 Cancri . 6-0 7 54 35-886 38 + 3-4448 0-0094 O'Oo6 108 8 Cancri . . . 6-0 7 59 3'479 12 + 3 "349 6 0-0080 - 0-005 109 9 Cancri . . /i 1 6-2 7 59 54H62 34 + 3' 5 6 28 0-0123 + o 003 no 10 Cancri . . p? 5'3 8 i 24-464 36 + 3-53 6 2 0-0119 o 003 III 1 6 Cancri . . f 4'7 86 i 004 6 Cancri 3 + 3-4423 0-0103 + O-OO2 112 *B.P. 1152 . . 7-0 8 6 19- 651 /3 Cancri 8 + 3 "3 6 34 - 0-0088 + O'OOI "3 15 Cancri . . . 5-6 8 6 27-262 34 + 3-7294 0-0171 + O'OOI 114 18 Cancri . . ^ 5'i 8 13 30-184 j> 22 + 3-6554 0-0l62 0-O07 "5 19 Cancri . . X 5'7 8 14 6-779 34 + 3-5772 0-0142 0'OO7 116 20 Cancri . . d l 5'9 8 17 10-713 ft Cancri 22 + 3-4460 O-OII4 O-OO9 117 Groom. 1433 . 6-0 8 17 24-005 j> 24 + 4-0787 0-0300 + O-O02 118 30 Cancri . . v 3 5-8 8 25 7'3'5 T] Cancri 18 + 3-5625 -.0-0151 O-OO9 119 Groom. 1450 . 6-7 8 25 53-758 /3 Cancri 12 + 3-9243 O-0266 - 0-013 1 20 33 Lyucis . . . 6-0 8 26 25-885 7 Cancri 22 + 3-8755 0-0250 0-O22 121 33 Lyncis . . 6-0 8 27 47-452 7 Cancri & 17 Cancri 36 + 3-8716 0-0251 O'OO7 122 35 Cancri . . 7'7 8 29 6-932 i] Cancri 8 + 3-4589 0-0127 O-OO3 123 36 Cancri . . c 1 5'9 8 31 14-510 12 + 3-2594 O'OoSl O-OO2 124 Piaz. VIII. 134 7'7 8 34 44-5*7 7 Cancri 24 + 3'45 l6 0-0131 0-OO7 125 47 Cancri . . B 4'3 8 38 32-878 33 8 + 3-4181 O-OI25 o-ooi 126 46 Cancri . . o- 1 6-7 8 38 43-803 7 Cancri 6 + 3- 6 93 0-0209 0-003 127 48 Cancri . . t, 4-0 8 40 9-658 n Cane., 7 Cane. & e Hyd. 28 + 3' 6 435 - o' OI 95 0-003 128 50 Cancri . . A 2 5-8 8 41 0-750 7 Cancri 10 + 3-2989 - 0-0095 0-008 129 13 Hydrse . . p 4'3 8 42 42-726 & e Hydrse 44 + 3" l8 34 0-0069 0-003 130 Piaz. VIII. 173 6-5 8 43 49"5 l6 7 Cancri 2 + 3-7456 0-0236 O'O12 '3 1 51 Cancri . . . 5'7 8 45 54'3 21 7 Cancri & e Hydrse 20 + 3-7200 0-0230 + 0-005 132 53 Cancri . . p l 6'5 8 45 58-939 7 Cancri 16 + 3-6200 - 0-0195 O'O02 '33 55 Cancri . . p- 6-2 8 46 9-774 }} 8 + 3-6214 - ' OI 95 0-041 '34 57 Cancri . . a 2 5'5 8 47 39 -I 52 e Hydrse 18 + 3-6701 0-0215 O'OC6 '35 59 Cancri . . . 5"5 8 50 16-470 7 Cancri 2 + 3-7200 - 0-0237 O-OI7 136 * B.-F. 1267 . . 6-3 8 5 1 52-435 e Hydrse IO + 3'24r6 0-0086 o-oio i37 64 Cancri . . 5'7 8 52 54-484 7 Cancri 2 + 3'7 OI 3 - 0-0235 0-016 138 10 Ursse Majoris 4-0 8 53 37-764 K Cancri 12 + 3 '9535 - 0-0343 0-040 J 39 67 Cancri . . . 5-8 8 55 22-687 12 + 3-5923 0-0198 O'OOO 140 69 Cancri . . v 5-6 8 56 25-438 12 + 3-5*77 0-0172 O'OOO Baily's Edition of Flainsteed's Catalogue. FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 9 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- vation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.AC. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 O / // // it 106 64 18 45-3 15 73 + 9'599 + 0-462 + 0-075 2657 7 8l 1$63 107 72 23 44-5 2 10 + 9-614 + 0-437 + O-025 2659 782 1365 108 76 34 28-2 2 8 + 9-955 + 0-420 + 0-050 2690 ... ... 109 67 3 25-9 7 1 20 + 10-019 + 0-446 + 0-056 2700 79 1378 I 10 68 6 18-8 H 5 -t-io-i33 + 0-441 + 0-087 2714 792 1383 1 1 1 72 i 39-9 8 24 + 10-479 + 0-423 + 0-150 2744 798 '395 112 75 40 26-6* + 10-502 + 0-413 ... 2748 80 1 IJ 3 60 I 12' 5 4 106 + 10-511 + 0-459 + 0-OI7 2747 802 J 397 114 62 25 59-1 20 95 + 11-032 + 0-440 + 0-375 2786 809 1405 H5 65 38 17-1 H 88 + ii -076 + 0-430 + 0-036 2789 811 1407 116 71 19 17-5 17 60 + ii -299 + 0-410 + o 030 2799 812 1411 117 47 3 8 54'i 2 ii + u-3'5 + 0-486 ... 2798 813 ... 118 65 33 l8 .-i 10 25 + 11-866 + 0-414 + 0-035 2850 833 1433 119 5 1 3 6 45" 9 1 2 + i 1 -921 + 0-455 ... 2855 835 ... 120 53 " 53-4 2 9 + 11-958 + 0-448 ... 2860 836 121 53 I2 37' i I 3 + 12-053 + 0-446 !' 2871 840 ... 122 70 2 21 '0 I 2 + 12-146 + 0-396 + o 094 2880 842 1442 123 79 58 10-7 6 34 + 12" 293 + 0-370 + 0-030 2897 1449 124 70 2 14' if + 12-534 + 0-387 + 0-004 2925 H 6 3 125 71 26 57-6 16 82 + 12-792 + 0-378 + 0-268 2953 859 1470 126 58 54 39'3 i 3 + 12-804 + 0-409 0-063 2952 860 t 127 60 50 43-6 4 17 + 12" 900 + 0-401 o-ooo 2965 863 1474 J28 77 29 39-9 2 48 + 12-957 + 0-362 + 0-095 2970 ... 1476 129 8 3 45 49'7 I 8 + 13-071 + 0-346 + 0-070 2978 ... 1480 130 56 18 42-7 I 4 + 13-144 + 0-407 + 0-090 2984 ... ... *3 J 57 7 i7'8 I 4 + 13-281 + 0-401 o-ooo 2999 867 1483 132 6l 20 ID' I II 27 + 13-286 + 0-390 + 0-065 3000 868 1484 J 33 6 1 15 24-8 20 150 + 13-298 + 0-390 + 0-230 3002 1486 J 34 59 o 42-i 3 H + !3'395 + '393 o-ooo 3016 871 1490 '35 56 40 25-8 3 12 + 13-565 + 0-394 o-ooo 333 874 M95 136 80 ii 46-6 i 3 + 13-668 + 0-340 * t 3053 876 1502 137 57 9 44'7 i 4 + 13'734 + 0-387 + O'lOO 3056 879 i55 138 47 47 24-3 2 ii + 13-780 + 0-413 + 0-270 359 ... 139 61 40 20 ~9t + 13-891 + 0-372 + 0-094 3069 ... 1508 140 65 7 21-4 12 46 + '3'957 + 0-362 + -35 379 881 1511 * Brought up to date from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1872. t 1880. 10 CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1802. No. Name of Star Mag. Jlenn Eight Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion A m 3 s s 141 Piaz. VIII. 245 4'7 8 59 39-554 K Cancri 24 + 3-8360 - 0-0304 0-003 J42 77 Cancri . . 5'2 9 3 8-883 83 Cancri 16 + 3-4584 - 0-0159 0-006 143 79 Cancri . . . 6-5 9 4 8-535 & K Cancri 32 + 3-4558 - 0-0159 0-003 144 80 Cancri . . 6-8 9 5 52-9 6 9 K Cancri 20 + 3-3804 0-0134 0-004 J 45 8 1 Cancri . . TT I 7-0 9 6 22-884 83 Cancri 12 + 3-3262 O-OII7 0-041 146 Bradley 1 299 . 6-5 9 7 27-105 83 Cancri & K Cancri 38 + 3-4369 - 0-0155 0-004 H7 19 UrsseMajoris . 6-3 9 8 36-411 28 + 3-7110 0-0266 - 0-015 148 82 Cancri . . TT 5-6 9 9 16-034 83 Cancri 20 + 3-3220 0-0117 o 003 149 23 Hydrse . . . 5'4 9 ii 19-799 31 14 + 2-9798 0-0024 o 004 150 38 Lyncis . . 3-8 9 12 7-366 K Cancri 12 + 3-7527 0-0292 O-OO2 *& 40 Lyncis . . a 3'4 9 14 28-484 83 Cane. & K Cane. 18 + 3-6879 0-0267 O'OlS 152 Piazzi IX. 60 . 6-4 9 17 16-764 26 + 3-49 9 0-0185 O-OI4 i53 i Leonis . . K 4-6 9 18 21-828 83 Cancri 16 + 3-5075 0-0194 o 003 i54 7 Leonis Min. . 6-7 9 24 ii'55 e Leonis 10 + 3'6423 0-0262 o 004 '55 4 Leouis . . X 4'4 9 25 33-353 83 Cane. & o Leonis 26 + 3*4344 0-0171 O'OII 156 9 Leonis Min. . 6-0 9 26 52-567 e Leonis 12 + 3-6959 - 0-0295 O'OOI J 57 33 Hydrse . . . 5'7 9 29 9-295 o Leouis 12 + 2-9948 0-0023 + O'OOl 158 Piazzi IX. 124 ^5 9 30 18-263 12 + 3-5733 0-O24O o 004 159 8 Leonis . . 5'9 9 3 1 5' 01 2 f Leo., 83 Cane. & o Leo. 40 + 3-3I87 0-0129 o 004 1 60 9 Leonis . . . 6-5 9 3 1 38-983 o Leouis 12 + 3"45'2 0-0185 - 0-015 161 Piazzi IX. 135 6-5 9 32 51-029 o Leonis 14 + 3-3765 ~ 0-0153 o 004 162 35 Hydrae . . L 4-2 9 34 20-382 14 + 3-0636 0-0040 O'OOO 163 13 Leonis . . . 6-5 9 35 25-617 /i Leonis & e Leonis 22 + 3-4641 - 0-0195 - 0-005 164 15 Leonis . . / 5'9 9 37 I3-330 o Leonis 24 + 3-5315 0-0230 o 006 165 16 Leonis . . ty 5'7 9 37 51-028 e Leonis 8 + 3-2738 - 0-OII5 o-ooo 1 66 Piazzi IX. 176 Var. 9 4i 44-936 IT Leonis 2 + 3-2328 o-oioo O'OO2 167 4 Sextantis . 6-0 9 44 52-920 e Leonis 8 + 3 -I 357 0-0063 O'OII 168 26 Leonis . . 7-0 9 52 19-420 a Leonis 10 + 3-2718 O-OI2I - 0-005 169 27 Leonis . . v 5'3 9 52 24-836 TT Leonis 26 + 3-2352 O-OIO5 O'OOI 170 Piazzi IX. 230 5'7 9 56 47-645 & a Leonis 32 + 3-3557 0-0165 o oo i 171 Piazzi IX. 240 7-0 9 59 49-348 a Leonis IO + 3-3681 O-OI23 0*004 '.72 21 Leonis Min. . 4-6 10 i 3-518 TT Leonis 14 + 3-5503 0-0284 + O-O02 73 30 Leonis . . y 3-6 10 i 26-590 a Leonis 10 + 3-2784 0-0129 0-006 i?4 33 Leonis . . . 7-0 10 4 52-387 8 + 3-2601 0-OI22 O'OII J 75 34 Leonis . . . 6-7 10 5 49-730 22 + 3-2305 O'OIOS + 0-002 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE O. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 11 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- vation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 o / n // // // I 4 I 5i 7 0-5 6 74 + 14- I5 8 + 0-390 + 0-050 397 88 3 1516 143 67 31 5-1 15 65 + I4-373 + 0-345 o-ooo 3 I][ 7 889 1534 143 67 33 55'4 2 8 + H'433 + 0-344 O'OOO 3 I2 3 891 1539 144 71 30 49-8 7 18 + J 4'539 + '333 + 0-008 3129 894 J 532 H5 7434 6-1 i 2 + i4-5 6 9 + 0-327 - 0-305 3 J 32 ... 1533 146 68 16 20-6 16 66 + 14' 6 33 + 0> 33 6 -f 0-045 3138 895 i53 6 U7 54 55 i5-5 2 54 + 14-702 + 0-363 0-070 3M4 896 *539 148 74 3 6 39'4 6 45 -\ 14-741 + 0-322 + o'35 3M7 897 i54i 149 95 54 9'5 2 8 + 14-863 + 0-385 o 040 3160 ... 1543 150 52 44 26-3 4 32 + 14-909 + 0-360 + 0-114 3163 900 i54<5 151 55 9 3'5 6 25 + 15-046 + 0-349 0-040 3178 902 i55o 152 64 31 21 '5* ... ... + 15-207 + 0-325 O'OIO 3'94 ... 1554 *53 63 21 1 1 '3 3 1 149 + 15-269 + 0-325 + 0-045 3204 906 J 555 154 55 5^ "'9 8 3 1 + I5-595 + 0-327 + 0-050 323 8 9*5 i5 6 7 155 66 33 31-5 26 101 + 15-669 f 0-306 + 0-015 3246 918 i57i I 5 6 53 3 5' 1 i 2 + I5-74I + 0-327 ... 3252 ... 157 95 25 59 '3 i 4 + 15-864 + 0-260 + 0-045 3271 1581 I 5 8 58 21 16-4 i 2 + 15-925 + 0-310 f O'O2O 3273 ... 159 73 4 42' 7 n 35 + i5'9 66 + 0-286 O'OOO 3278 923 1583 1 60 64 50 41-3 6 20 + 15 "99 6 + 0-397 + 0-039 3285 924 1585 161 69 12 56-1 6 16 4- 16-060 + 0-388 0-048 3292 927 1589 163 9 39 9'4 i 3 + 16-137 + 0-258 + 0-045 333 ... 1593 163 6 3 35 47'3 i 4 + 16-194 + 0-291 + O'lOO 339 929 J 595 164 59 3 1 45' i 3 + 16-286 + 0-293 + 0-095 33*7 933 1599 165 75 29 4'7 5 24 + 16-318 + 0-271 + o 064 3321 93 6 1603 166 78 4 12-9 J 3 3i + 16-514 + o 260 + 0-025 3345 1614 167 8 5 9 4'5 4 12 + 16-668 + 0-247 + O'lOO 3359 ... 168 74 15 49' 7 2 12 + 17-021 + 0-245 + o-oio 3404 ... 169 77 2 35-7 21 86 + 17-025 + 0-242 + 0-048 3406 948 1633 170 67 31 48-1 5 12 + 17-224 -f 0-243 0-070 3423 952 1638 171 73 43 58-0 i 24 + I7-358 + 0-231 O'lOO 3443 . , , 173 54 13 45-3 T 5 9 + i7'4'2 + 0-249 + O-O2I 344 6 954 1646 173 73 43 39-4 ii 38 + 17-429 + 0-229 O'OOO 3453 955 1648 i74 73 45 44' i i 23 + I7-575 + 0-331 O'OOO 3469 961 175 76 6 43-4 i5 79 + 17-616 + 0-318 + 0-060 3475 962 ... * Brought up to date from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1880. 12 CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s s f s I 7 6 22 Leonis Min. . 6-6 10 8 54-157 a Leonis 20 + 3 - 46l9 - 0-0243 O'Oo6 177 36 Leonis . . f 3-0 10 10 40-965 18 + 3-3453 0-0174 o ' OO2 I 7 8 40 Leonis . 5'0 10 J 3 5 J --I52 10 -f 3*2902 - 0-0145 O'OlS 179 30 Leouis Min. . 5'4 10 19 43'37 6 p Leonis IO + 3 '4597 0-0264 0'008 1 80 45 Leonis . . . 5'9 1O 21 56-812 33 IO + 3 3 8 + 3-I413 0-0082 + O-O03 2OI 53 UrsaeMaj. . 3-8 11 12 25-457 B Leonis 46 + 3-2457 O-02I2 O-022 202 54 UrsaeMaj. . v 3-8 11 12 38-720 i> 18 + 3-2554 0-0226 o 004 303 88 Leonis . 6-0 II 26 10-314 r Leonis 12 + 3" J3 52 0-0082 O-O26 204 Piazzi XL in 5-8 11 30 36-894 33 IO + 3" l6 49 0-0168 o 003 205 59 Ursae Majoris 5'5 11 32 35-227 " 12 + 3-2279 - 0-0315 O'O2O 206 Piazzi XL 146 6-5 ii 37 54-13 6 r Leonis 12 + 3-1898 0-0286 O'OOO 207 Piazzi XI. 164 6-0 ii 44 5-067 TT Virginis 12 + 3-1388 0-0212 O-OO8 208 Groom. 1830 6-4 ii 46 45-314 33 6 + 3 -I 34 - 0-0235 + 0-344 209 6 Virginis . A 2 6-0 ii 49 30-649 33 6 H- 3-0823 0-0035 o 004 2IO 95 Leonis . . o 5'4 11 50 7-284 33 12 + 3' 8 94 O-OO75 O'OOO FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 13 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- ration Total No. of Observa tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 O / // // // // I 7 6 57 59 46-6 I 4 + 17-742 + 0-228 + 0-050 349 965 1662 177 66 2 40 '3 J 3 86 + 17-815 + 0-216 - 0-047 3508 969 1666 I 7 8 69 58 52-0 4 18 + I7-940 + 0-207 + 0-2O1 3522 1672 I 79 55 39 15-0 H 69 + 18-164 + 0-206 + 0-067 35 6 984 1 80 79 41 i2'8 5 20 + 18-245 + 0-184 0-030 3575 ... 1691 181 75 6 16-8 14 5i -+ 18-285 + 0-185 + 0-012 3579 989 182 57 3 59'5 6 24 + 18-380 + 0-191 + 0-OT5 3602 995 1701 183 75 l8 3 I- 3 8 20 + 18-405 + 0-178 - 0-025 3606 996 1703 184 80 47 31-4 2 8 + 18-505 + 0-169 + 0-050 3622 ... 185 55 21 42-7 2 12 + 18-584 + 0-179 + O-O6O 3 6 33 ... 186 57 27 47 '3 21 142 + 18-614 + 0-176 + O-OI5 3640 1003 '713 187 73 l8 39'4 I 3 + 18-629 + 0-166 + 0-067 3 6 43 1004 1714 188 6 1 54 43 '7 I 2 + 18-669 + 0-169 o-ooo 3 6 5o 1007 1717 189 57 44 1(5 '4 I 4 + 18-725 + 0-168 O'OCO 3661 1009 172O 190 66 14 47 - 6 II 4i + 18-769 + 0-160 + 0-044 3671 IOI2 1724 191 86 56 39-3 2 12 + 18-831 + 0-147 + 0-055 3684 ... 1727 192 83 3 28-2 2 12 + 18-858 + 0-147 + 0-025 3690 ... 1729 J 93 88 41 15-2 9 24 + 19-129 + 0-127 + 0-025 3749 ... 1748 194 6 3 55 23-7 4 16 + 19-143 + - J 34 + o-oio 375 1 195 5 J 2 28-3 i 5 + 19- 246 + 0-130 + O'O20 3765 ... 196 69 14 27-0 5 23 + 19-290 + O ' I 20 o 040 3776 1031 1762 197 64 45 25-1 12 47 + 19-436 + 0-107 ~ C'OI2 3809 1039 1780 198 53 6 22-0 I 4 + 19-444 + o-iio + 0-138 3811 1040 199 66 18 57-5 5 27 + 19-567 + 0-094 + o 005 3842 ... 1794 200 76 33 53'9 i 4 + 19-584 + 0-090 + 0-089 3845 1050 20 1 57 5i 47'8 22 182 + 19-622 + 0-089 + 0-592 3851 I0 53 1800 202 56 18 59-4 3 13 + 19-626 + 0-089 - 0-052 3 8 52 1054 1802 203 75 2 0-2 i 4 + 19*835 + 0-058 + 0-155 39 J 9 1068 1831 204 61 37 19-2 4 120 + 19-888 + 0-050 + 0-012 3937 1074 1840 205 45 46 34'i i 4 + 19-910 + 0-048 + 0-055 3952 ... 1843 206 47 4 44'7 3 '3 + 19-960 + 0-036 + o-ioo 3973 1084 1853 207 54 28 6-6 i 5 + 20 ' 004 + 0-023 + 0-030 3998 208 51 30 23-6 9 42 + 20-OI9 + 0-018 + 5-770 4010 1094 1870 209 80 57 22-4 3 10 + 20-032 + 0-OI2 + 0-071 4027 2IO 73 45 9'3 2 8 + 2O ' 034 + O'OII + 0-025 ' 403 1 1099 1874 14 CATALOGUE OP STARS FOE 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- TatJons Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion h m s * s * 211 2 Comae . . . 6-0 " 58 44-777 TT Virginis 38 + 3"75 6 O-OIO3 + O'OOI 212 9 Virginia . o 4-3 ii 59 42-490 3} 4 + 3'7 2 9 0-0030 O'OIO 213 10 Virginis 6-1 12 4 9-249 r) Virginis 8 + 3- 7i5 + 0-0008 + 0-003 214 Piazzi XII. 3 . 5'7 12 5 16-904 TT Virginis 20 + 3' 5 6 3 - 0-0134 215 6 Comae . . . 5' 1 12 IO 31-058 t) Virginis 22 + 3-0556 - 0-0057 0-OO6 2l6 ii Comas . . . 4'9 12 15 15-547 TI Virginis 3 2 + 3- 43o 0-0069 0-009 217 Piazzi XII. 75 6-2 12 19 49-'35 & 7 Virg. 14 + 3 -OI 99 O'OIOI + o 004 218 32 Virginis . d z 6-5 12 40 9-747 & Virginis H + 3-0388 o oooo o 003 219 34 Virginis 5'9 12 41 47-509 12 + 3-0186 O-002I + 0-O06 22O 30 Comas . . . 6-0 la 44 1-712 22 + 3-9361 0-0099 0-009 221 31 Comas . . . 5'0 12 46 26-331 S Virginis 24 + 2-9288 O-OO97 O'OOO 222 35 Comae . . . 5'' 12 47 58-759 H + 2-9613 0-0063 o-ooo 223 41 Virginis . . 6-4 12 48 24-588 24 + 3-o o 79 O-OOI9 + o 005 224 Bradley 1724 . 3-0 !2 5 57' 2 5 6 & e Virg. 32 + 2-8348 - 0-OI5I O-O24 225 36 Comas . . . 5' 12 53 35-oi9 e Virginis 10 + 2-9720 O-OO4O O-OO2 226 37 Comas . . . 5' 12 55 6-456 e Virginis 2O + 2-8785 O-OI05 + 0-003 227 48 Virginis 6-6 12 58 20-525 & a Can. Ven. H + 3- 907 + O-0066 o-ooo 228 14 Canum Ven. . 5'0 13 o 41-480 e Virginis 16 + 2-8149 O-OI24 0-O02 229 39 Comas . . 6-1 13 * 5-424 & a Can. Ven. 16 + 2-9322 0-CO5I - 0-005 230 Bradley 1 745 . 6-0 13 2 43-474 36 + 2-8794 O-OO8 I - 0-005 231 PiazziXII.283 6-7 13 4 29-169 a Canum Ven. 32 + 2-9561 O-OO29 O'OII 232 17 Canum Ven. . 6-1 13 5 5-686 &eVirg. 26 + 2-7684 0-OI32 0-006 233 Piazzi XIII. 2 7 5'0 13 8 49-169 26 + 2-7322 - 0-0135 0-O02 2 34 59 Virginis . e 5'i 13 ii 24-869 e Virginis 8 + 3-0004 H- 0-0009 0-O23 235 74 Virginis . P 4'9 13 26 20-905 % Virg. and a Virg. 16 + 3-1217 + 0-0092 O-009 236 3 Bootis . . . 5-8 13 41 42-482 T Virginis 10 + 2-7896 0-0038 + O-OO2 237 5 Bootis . . v 4'i 13 44 16-088 IO + 2-9004 + O'OOOl O-O05 238 10 Bootis . . . 5'3 13 53 35-264 IO + 2-8128 0-0015 O-003 239 Piaz. XIII. 316 6-5 14 3 36-806 )> 8 + 3-4010 0-0062 + 0-O06 24O Bradley 1 848 . 6-0 14 10 59-685 f Bootis 8 + 2-8177 + 0-0005 + o 009 241 Bootis . . A 4-8 14 13 26-076 / Bootis IO + 2-5384 - 0-0037 + o-oio 242 Groom. 2100 . 6-0 14 15 21-909 IO + 2-4634 0-0041 + O'OIO 243 Groom. 2154 . 5'5 14 46 13-987 fr Bootis IO + 3-3868 0-0009 0-OI2 244 37 Bootis . . 4-6 14 46 24-611 16 + 2-7574 + O-OO22 + O-OI7 245 Piaz. XIV. 226 5-8 14 52 9'587 24 + 3-7967 + 0-OO3I + O-OO4 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 15 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- vation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. flr. Cat. 1872 (Jr. Cat. 1880 ' O / // // H 211 67 56 23-1 2 IO + 20-053 O-006 O'OIO 4066 * . . 212 80 40 2'5 6 26 + 20-053 o - oo8 O'OOO 4072 IIIO 1888 213 87 29 45-3 8 22 + 20-050 0-017 + 0-190 4094 1112 1892 214 62 7 i -2 i 4 + 20-047 0-019 - 0-025 4100 1116 1896 215 74 29 59-9 10 37 + 2O-O32 0-029 + 0-067 4125 1128 1908 216 7i 3 6 37'4 4 14 + 2O-008 - 0-038 o- no 4156 "37 1929 217 65 28 27-6 2 8 + I9-978 - 0-047 + 0-036 4184 1141 1937 218 8 i 44 12-6 2 7 + 19-746 - 0-086 + o-ioo 4286 219 77 27 5-7 4 16 + 19-720 - 0-088 + 0-150 4292 1176 1994 220 61 51 32-9 2 8 + 19-684 0-090 0-060 434 1182 2003 221 61 52 17-3 5 18 + 19-643 0-094 O'OOO 4315 1186 2005 222 68 10 4-2 10 96 + 19-615 0-098 + 0-021 4328 1188 2008 223 76 59 38-7 i 4 + 19-607 o-ioo 0-004 4329 1189 2OO9 224 5i 6 9'3 i 4 + 19-559 o i oo - 0-055 4345 "95 2OI9 225 72 o 30-6 4 16 + 19-507 0-109 - 0-005 435 1 1198 2024 226 58 37 56-5 5 22 + I9-47 6 0-108 + 0-005 4360 1 201 2029 227 93 4 55 '4* ... ... + I9-407 O-I22 + 0-018 4373 1206 2035 228 53 37 23-9 5 21 + !9'354 0-116 + 0-009 43 8 4 1207 229 68 16 1-7 3 H + I9-345 O-I2I + O-O2O 4387 1208 2039 230 <5i 5 1 57'4 i 4 + 19- 306 O-I22 + o-no 4393 ... ... 231 72 34 34'0 i 4 + 19-264 - 0-128 + o-ioo 4403 1214 232 5 55 38-5 i 4 + 19-249 O'I2I 0-013 44'5 1217 2048 233 49 16 32'6 i 4 + I9-I55 0-126 + o 005 4433 2055 234 80 o 41 '6 i 5 + 19-087 0'142 0-160 4440 2o6o 235 95 4i 53'5 i 6 + 18-646 0-176 + 0-035 45 l6 1239 2097 236 63 45 20-9 2 8 + 18-110 - 0-182 + 0-065 4594 1260 2M3 237 73 39 58-4 2 4 + 18-013 - 0-194 0-042 4615 1265 2150 238 67 46 36-7 I 2 + 17-640 O-203 + 0-038 4664 1279 2176 239 45 37 53'5 1 6 + 17-206 ^ 0-187 - 0-013 4699 1288 240 7 35 7'4 I 5 + 16-865 0-230 + 0-060 473i ... ... 241 53 59 3i-4 1 2 + 16-749 O-2II - 0-050 4747 1309 2224 242 50 42 32-8 I 2 + 16-656 0-207 4758 243 52 17 5-6 I 4 + 15-0-05 - 0-237 0-II2 4906 1343 2302 244 70 27 2-4 3 IO + I4-995 - 0-273 + 0-150 495 1344 2303 245 73 10 36-0 3 IO + 14-656 - 0-285 0-024 4933 1351 2314 * Brought up to date from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1880. 16 CATALOGUE OF STARS FOE 1892. No. Name of Star Mag. Mean Right Ascension Jan. 1, 1892 Nautical Almanac Comparison Star No. of Obser- vations Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion A m s s 4- s 246 * B.R 2051 . . 6-0 14 55 i7'386 i/r Bootis 1O + 2-2938 O-OOO2 O'OOI 247 40 Bootis . 5'4 H 55 28-561 13 IO + 2-3036 O'OOO2 248 41 Bootis . . u> 4'9 14 57 22-719 33 22 + 2-6282 + O - OO14 + o 003 249 42 Bootis . . /3 3-6 J 4 57 52-73I IO + 2-2638 ' OOOO O'OOI * Baily's Edition of Flarnsteed's Catalogue. FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE G. T. SURVEY OF INDIA. 17 No. Mean North Polar Distance Jan. 1, 1892 No. of Stations of Obser- Tation Total No. of Observa- tions Annual Precession Secular Variation Proper Motion Number in B.A.C. Gr. Cat. 1872 Gr. Cat. 1880 o t tr H // it 246 49 55 35' I 4 + 14-468 - 0-238 ... 4942 247 5 l8 25-1 I 44 + I4H57 - '239 0-005 4943 *353 2320 248 64 33 53'5 I 4 + 14-341 - 0-274 + 0-113 4953 J 355 23 2 5 249 49 10 59-1 4 3 + J4-3IO 0-237 o-ooo 495 8 1356 2327 Trigl. Branch, Dehra Dun, l-S-33 300. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 U ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling Th (510)642-6753 1 -year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date fe DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 2 1 2004 DD20 6M 9-03 LD 21-95m-ll,'50(2877sl6)476 Yf 0251.3 CATALOGUE OF STAES FOE THE EPOCH JAN. 1, 1892 FROM OBSERVATIONS BY THE GEEAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OP INDIA. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF COLONEL H. R. TIIUILLIER, C.I.E., R.E., SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. BY COLONEL G. STRAHAN, R.E., DEPUTY SURVEYOR GENERAL, IN CHARGE OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH OF THE SURVEY OF INDIA. JBei)i:s. Bun: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL BRANCH, SURVEY OF INDIA. B. V. HUGHES. 1893. Price Two Rupees.