LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. >~].rfvWU-Td / GIFT OF Class THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE BRANCH OFFICES AND WORKS NEW YORK RAHWAY, N. J. CHICAGO BOSTON SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS SYKES BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM AND OF THE WEBB AND THOMPSON AND THE ~. TYER INTERLOCKING STAFF SYSTEMS FOR SAFELY OPERATING SINGLE-TRACK RAILROADS RAILROAD SIGNALING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES REFERENCE BOOK, PRICE $3.00 COPYRIGHTED, 1894, BY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE GILLIS8 PRESS 400 4 402 WEST 14TH STREET NEW YORK / >< < < & h < 6 u j 2 OF THE UNIVERSITY THIS Reference Book of parts in connection with Interlocking and Block Signaling, as manufactured and applied by The Johnson Railroad Signal Co. , will undoubtedly be useful to those railroad men who find it necessary to refer in detail to the signal work under their supervision. We have purposely limited the scope of this book to the extent of dealing only with detail parts, in order to facilitate the ordering of a complete device, or any part thereof. It is our intention to issue a new general catalogue, having reference more especially to the science and art of railroad signaling, and showing by diagram and explanation what we consider the best practice in connection with the various branches of the art. ERRATA 361 On page 45 should read y-way 6" Horizontal Wheel Stand 437 (t " 54 should be 438 685 " " 60 " " 485 466 " " 60 and 61 should be 467 680 " " 88 and 89 " " 681 631 " " 91 should read ^" x 2^" Pin 1188 " " 1 68 should be 1118 1199 " " 181 " " 1201 1055 " " 14 " " 1022 we are prepared to make any new and special design of signal fittings to order. SIGNAL EXHIBIT. We invite the attention of Railroad Managers, Engineers and others to our elaborate exhibit of signal appliances, which was shown at the World's Fair, and can now be seen at any time at our Rahway Works. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Our numerous electrical block signaling appliances are not shown in this book, as it is our intention to issue another book, similar in character to this, and embracing all our electric work. BLUE PRINTS. In all cases where we carry out a contract for a railroad company, we furnish one set of signal diagrams only, and if requested to supply more copies we charge for them at 50 cents per square foot. 194845 UNIVERSITY OF " ^CALIFOR] THIS Reference Book of parts in connection with Interlocking and Block Signaling, as manufactured and applied by The Johnson Railroad Signal Co., will undoubtedly be useful to those railroad men who find it necessary to refer in detail to the signal work under their supervision. We have purposely limited the scope of this book to the extent of dealing only with detail parts, in order to facilitate the ordering of a complete device, or any part thereof. It is our intention to issue a new general catalogue, having reference more especially to the science and art of railroad signaling, and showing by diagram and explanation what we consider the best practice in connection with the various branches of the art. All the devices illustrated herein are numbered in order that they may be unmistakably referred to, by naming the page on which the device is shown, and its number. Orders thus transmitted by telegram or mail will receive prompt attention. There are some old appliances of a discarded pattern, which are not illus- trated in this book, but we of course are called upon from time to time to furnish duplicate parts of these, and can readily do so on receipt of rough sketch or description. BOLTS AND SCREWS. Bolts and lag screws for fixing cranks, wheels, etc., are not furnished on stores' orders unless specially mentioned. We keep on hand a large stock of bolts of various sizes, and can furnish same at short notice. SPECIAL FITTINGS. We are prepared to make any new and special design of signal fittings to order. SIGNAL EXHIBIT. We invite the attention of Railroad Managers, Engineers and others to our elaborate exhibit of signal appliances, which was shown at the World's Fair, and can now be seen at any time at our Rahway Works. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. Our numerous electrical block signaling appliances are not shown in this book, as it is our intention to issue another book, similar in character to this, and embracing all our electric work. BLUE PRINTS. In all cases where we carry out a contract for a railroad company, we furnish one set of signal diagrams only, and if requested to supply more copies we charge for them at 50 cents per square foot. 194845 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON INTERLOCKING MACHINE. Made by THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY, Rahway, N. J. From the Railroad Gazette, Oct. 21, WE described this machine, with illustrations of details, in the Railroad Gazetteoi Jan. 18, 1889, but the elegance of the entire design, and the extent to which it has been introduced during the last few years justify the illustration now given of a 4O-lever machine, with the following brief description : This machine was designed in 1884 to avoid certain defects in earlier in- terlocking machines, and to give a simple, strong and easily accessible locking. The designer, Mr. Arthur H. Johnson, has secured the following letters patent in connection with the interlocking parts, viz. : No. 317,137, of March 19, 1885, and No. 392,734, of Aug. 17, 1888. Messrs. H. and A. H. Johnson have also made application for patents in connection with the improved con- struction of the locking plate, etc. The locking system is one of the oldest, viz., the Stevens, but is actuated by the latch rod. All the locking is arranged in a single tier, and in a vertical plane, thus making the examination of the locking a very easy matter. There are only seven styles of locking dog, and these accomplish, very simply, all ordinary and special locking. Any part of the locking may be removed or altered without disturbing locking, having no relation to the alteration. The various wearing parts are of cold rolled iron and steel. As regards the latch actuation, the manufacturers claim that this machine has the simplest and most durable movement extant. They also claim that this machine has a considerable advantage over other machines in the accessibility of the locking for repairs or changes, and in the simple and strong form of the locking dogs. It is generally acknowledged that the locking should be actuated by the preliminary action of the spring latch rod, and one of the most important rea- sons for this conclusion is that with direct attachment of the locking to the lever, it is often difficult to determine, when a lever cannot be moved, whether the working connection or locking is holding it. In busy places unnecessary strain is often brought to bear on lever locking in such a case. By reference THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY to the cut it will be seen that the intention of moving the main lever, as ex- pressed by grasping the handle and raising the latch, will raise the tappet and effect all the locking of other lever latches necessary to the safe movement of the lever in question. This movement also brings the curved slot in the rocker radial to the center of the main lever, so that the result of reversing the lever is nil as regards the locking tappet. As the latch is dropped in the reversed position of the lever, the tappet is raised further and effects the necessary releasing of those levers which should be released when that lever is reversed. The action of one tap- pet is made to release or lock other tappets by transverse connections and dogs, carried by a rigid locking plate, which also serves to guide and retain the tappets. The manufacturers wish to point out that the Johnson machine embodied the first successful combination of Stevens' locking and latch actuation. The good points of the machine were at once recognized by Mr. Charles R. Johnson, to whose skill and energy the present commercial success of this machine is to be attributed. As is well known by railroad men, the said combination of Stevens' locking with latch combination has been recently adopted by most of the signal companies, both in this country and abroad, and some of the railroad compan- ies specify this pattern of machine for all contracts. The interlocking machine in Tower No. I, Grand Central Station, New York City, has recently been replaced by a Johnson No. i Machine of 108 levers. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY No. 10 THE JOHNSON No. 1 INTERLOCKING MACHINE Patent No. 317,137, Mar. igth, 1885. Patent No. 392,734, Aug. i7th, 1888. Patent No. 485,799, Nov. 8th, 1892. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 9 ORDER NO. THE JOHNSON No. 1 INTERLOCKING MACHINE. 4 Lever Machine complete F.O B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 " " 12 " " Spare spaces . . 16 Lever Machine complete 20 " " 24 Spare spaces 28 Lever Machine complete 32 " " 36 " " Spare spaces 40 Lever Machine complete . 44 " " 48 " " Spare spaces, 52 Lever Machine complete . . 56 " " 60 -'" " Spare spaces 64 Lever Machine complete 68 " " 72 Spare spaces 76 Lever Machine complete 80 " 84 " Spare spaces 88 Lever Machine complete . . . ' ".' . 92 " " 96 104 Lever Machine complete . . 10 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 27 28 SLJJL 29 36 4- S 50 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY II No. 1 MACHINE FITTINGS. Machine Leg F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 4 Lever Front Girder 4 Lever Back Girder 4 Lever Bottom Girder 8 Lever Front Girder 8 Lever Back Girder 8 Lever Bottom Girder 1" x 5" Centre Pin for Lever. . Centre Bearing Cap End Bearing Cap 4 Lever Tappet Girder 8 Lever Tappet Girder Tappet Cap .... 4 Lever 4- way Locking Plate 4 " 6 " 4 " 8 " " 4 " .10 8 " 4 " " 8 " 6 8 " 8 8 " 10 " " Left Hand Segment Intermediate Segment Segment End Plate - THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY No. 1 MACHINE FITTINGS. F.O.B. RAHWAY Left Rocker Bracket. . Right Rocker Bracket. Rocker. . . 1" x 3^" Rocker Centre Pin. #'' x 2%" Rocker Link Tin. Lever complete, including Lever, Lever Shoe, Rocker, Rocker Brackets, Latch Shoe, Latch Block, Latch Rod, Latch Handle, Latch Spring, Pins and Bolts. No Tappet nor Lever Tail. These must be order- ed separately, stating length of Tappet and stroke of Lever Tail. State number required for Lever when ordering Lever Lever Shoe Latch Shoe Latch Block Latch Spring Latch Handle ft" x Ifo" Latch Handle Pin. j Latch Rod Lever Number, with Bolt. . . . 14 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY o o| _o oj 66 67 o O o I 68 73 o o o 69 \o) 74. o O o 70 o o o 71 o O o 72 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1303 1257 No. 1 MACHINE FITTINGS. F.O B. RAHWAY F.O.B. Switch Lever Tail for 9" stroke Switch Lever Tail for 12 ' stroke Dwarf Signal Lever Tail, 10" front and 10" back stroke Selector Lever Tail, 9" front and 12" back stroke, with adjustable Con- nector Home Signal Lever Tail, 12" front and 12" back stroke, with adjustable Connector Distant Signal Lever Tail 16" Front and 16" back stroke, with Adjust- Adjustable Connector and ^" Shackle. Adjustable Connector #" Shackle 56 Ibs. Balance Weight .... 1 v. i 6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY u 78 100 y 89 97 98 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY Space Tappet [NE FITTINGS, TAPPETS Tappet Jaw and .oiler F.O B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 1 1 |. | Plain Tappet without Jaws Space Tappet NOTE. Special Tappets to be ordered according to requirements. Tappet Jaw Pin and Roller Tappet Jaw >T x 2%" Tappet Jaw Pin 1" xl" x V*" Steel Roller... i8 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY M o fSt = m (P CM $2 o o o o o o o o LJ i_r CO O A. r~L V CM 00 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 No. 1 MACHINE FITTINGS. P.O. RAHW B. fAY P.O. B. No. 1 Locking Dog .... No 2 " No 3 " " No. 4 No. 5 "' No. 6 " " No. 7 " " No 8 " " No 9 No 10 No. 11 " " No. 12 " " No. 13 " " No 14 No. 15 " " No. 16 " " No. 17 Locking Dog. . No. 18 " " No. 19 " " No. 20 " " No. 21 " " No. 22 " " No. 23 " " Spacing Strip 10-32" x ^"'special Steel Screws for Locking Dogs ; }i" x y%" Steel Locking Bar. State number of feet required 20 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 127 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 21 ORDER NO. 127 128 129 130 131 132 Front Girder End Bracket Back Girder End Bracket Lever Centre End Bracket 1 Lever, 4 Space Locki 1 Lever Tappet Girder 48 Intermediate Segment also stroke of lever tail, lever can be fixed machine as desired. TTINGS, a Lever to the ^o. 1 Interlock- line. tof End Brackets :ket F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. ket icket ing Plate r . . re fittings specify locking plate and etter is required, ail. This extra either end of the THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. No. 2 (SAXBY & FARMER PAT- TERN) INTERLOCKING MACHINE, With Johnson's Patent Locking. Worn Saxby & Farmer locking is sometimes replaced by Johnson locking, thus converting the machine to one of this pattern. 4 Lever Machine complete F.O.B. RAH WAY F.O.B. 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 33 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 8 12 16 20 24 28 " " 32 36 40 Spare spaces No. 2 MACHINE FITTINGS. Machine Leg 4 Lever Bottom Girder 8 Lever Bottom Girder 1" x 5" Lever Centre Pin Centre Bearing Cap 4 Lever Top Plate 8 Lever Top Plate Left End Top Plate Right End Top Plate : Quadrant Rocker 1" x 3" Rocker Centre Pins. . #"' x 2y 8 " Rocker Link Pin, i Rocker Die Locking Plate End Bracket Locking Plate Intermediate Bracket. . NOTE. State number of ways in lock- ing plate when ordering brackets. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 173-H L .L..4 172 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. No. 2 MACHINE FITTINGS. F.O.B. RAH WAY In ordering the above fittings specify number of. ways in locking plate, and what lever number or letter is required. 1 58 | Lever complete, including Lever, Lever Shoe, Quadrant, Rocker, Latch Shoe, Latch Rod and Block, Latch Handle, Latch Spring, Pins and Bolts. No tappet nor lever tail. These must be ordered separately, stating length of tappet and stroke of lever tail. State number re- quired for lever when ordering. . . . 159 Lever 1 60 Lever Shoe 161 ! Latch Shoe 1 62 j Latch Rod and Block 1 63 o Latch Rod Thimble 1 64 ^ Latch Spring 1 65 J i Latch Handle .^ 63 ' ft" x i ft" Latch Handle Pin i^ 65 Lever Number with Bolt 166^ ! Tappet Jaw and Pin 167 ^ j Tappet Jaw ! [5 99 ; ft" x 2ft" Tappet Jaw Pin j 1 68 Rocker and Tappet Link . i 1 69 Dwarf Signal Lever Tail, 10" stroke. . . ! 1 70 Home Signal Lever Tail, 12" stroke. . . ! 171 Distant Signal Lever Tail, 16" stroke. . 1257 56 Ib. Balance Weight ! NOTE. Locking Plates, Tappets and | Locking Dogs same as for No. 1 ma- chine SPECIAL FITTINGS, For adding an extra lever to the end of an existing No. 2 Interlocking Machine. 1 72 Lever, with Top Plate, and Bracket for Lever Centre, complete 1 73 1 Lever Top Plate 1 74 I Bracket for Lever Centre 26 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 63 209 220 181 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. THE JOHNSON IMPROVED No. 3 DWARF MACHINE. This apparatus was designed to be fixed at ground level, or elevated if de- sired. The No. 3 machine is made with or without locking, and will be found very suitable for working distant switch signals, yard switches, draw bridge sig- nals, outlying sidings and grade crossing signals and derails. We do not recommend this machine in sizes above 12 levers. Special attention is drawn to the sim- ple and efficient tappet arrangement. No. 3 DWARF MACHINE. 2 Lever Machine, without locking. 4 " 6 10 12 " 2 Lever Machine, with locking 4 6 " " 8 10 " 12 " " Spare spaces No. 3 DWARF MACHINE FITTINGS. 2 Lever Leg 2 Lever Top Plate Lever complete, including Lever, Lever Shoe, Latch Shoe, Latch Block, Latch Rod, Latch Handle, Latch Spring, Pins and Bolts. No tap- pet nor lever tail. These must be ordered separately, stating length of tappet and stroke of lever tail. State number required for lever when ordering. 28 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON INTERLOCKING MACHINES and SIGNAL APPLIANCES are in constant use on the following Railroads in the United States Atlantic and Danville Railway. Beech Creek Railroad. Boston and Albany Railroad. Boston and Maine Railroad. Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Central New England and Western Railroad. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. Chicago and Northern Pacific Railroad. Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad. Chicago and West Michigan Railway. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Fitchburg Railroad. Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad. Illinois Central Railroad. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway. (Continued on page jo.) THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 2 9 No. 3 DWARF MACHINE FITTINGS. F.O.B. RAHWAY Lever Lever Shoe IX' K 1)4' Lever Centre Pin IX' x $X" Lever Centre Pin Centre Pin Sleeve 59 Latch Shoe Latch Block 61 Latch Spring 62 f Latch Handle 63 ! H" x 1#" Latch Handle Pin Latch Rod 65 Lever Number, with Bolt 2 Lever 3 Space Locking Plate 4 " 3 " " 6 " 3 " " 8 " 3 " " 10 " 3 " " 12 <( 3 " " 2 Lever 3 Space Locking Plate Cover 4 " 3 " , 6 " 3 " 8 8 " " 10 " 3 " 12 " 3 " For the above fittings see page 26. 30 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY Lehigh Valley Railroad. Long Island Railroad. Manhattan Railway. Missouri Pacific Railway. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. New York and New England Railroad. New York and Rockaway Beach Railway. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. New York, Ontario and Western Railway. New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad. Northern Central Railway. j Old Colony Railroad. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad. St. Louis, Keokuk and North Western Railroad. West Jersey Railroad. Suburban Rapid Transit Co., New York. Seaside and Brooklyn Elevated Railroad. Middlesex Valley Railroad. Lake Street Elevated Railroad, Chicago. And many others. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY No. 3 DWARF MACHINE FITTINGS. 2 Lever Tappet Guide F.O B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 4 " 6 8 " " 10 " " ' 12 " " Tappet Front and Back, with Jaw .... Tappet Taw. . Switch Lever Tail, 7^" stroke Switch Lever Tail, 9" stroke Switch Lever Tail, 12" stroke Dwarf Signal Lever Tail, 10" front and 10" back stroke . Selector Lever Tail, 9" front and 12" back stroke, with Adjustable Con- nector Home Signal Lever Tail, 12 ' front and 12" back stroke, with Adjustable Connector Distant Signal Lever Tail, 16" front stroke and 16" back stroke, with Adjustable Connector. . . Adjustable Connector and ^" Shackle. Adjustable Connector ft" Shackle For the above fittings see page 26. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 65 225 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 33 OKDKR NO. 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 61 62 63 65 No. 4 DWARF MACHINE. This Dwarf Machine is specially de- signed for Elevated Railroads, and made to stand on the ties, and is equally adapted for working outlying sid- ings or cross-overs. 1 Lever complete . . . F.O.B. KAHVVAY F.O.B. * ' 2 Levers complete, without locking. . . . 3 4 2 Levers complete, with locking 3 " " 4 .- No. 4 DWARF MACHINE FITTINGS. 1 Lever Stand - 2 " . 1 3 " 4 " Lever complete, with Latch Shoe, Latch Block, Latch Rod, Latch Spring and Latch Handle Lever 1" x 5" Lever Centre Pin ... 1" x 9" " " 1" X 16" " " I"x21" " Latch Shoe Latch Block * Latch Spring Latch Handle yi" x l^j" Latch Handle Pin. . Latch Rod Lever Number, with Bolt 2 Lever Locking Box .... . . 3 " " 4 .' Tappet. . 34 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 259 255- 260 1 256 251 252 249 26H 257-^ 253 250 262^ 258 254 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 35 ORDER NO. LEAD-OUT FITTINGS. NOTE. Our cranks are drop forged, and drilled to standard jigs. 6" Gain Stroke Wheel complete 10" " " " " F O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 Adjustable Pipe Guide for Down Rods VERTICAL CRANKS. 1-way 9" x 9 ' Vertical Crank and Stand 2-way 9" x 9'' 3-way 9" x 9" 4-way 9" x 9" 1-way Vertical Crank Stand and Pin 2- way " " " " . 3-way 4- way * 4 " " ** . , \%" x 4^" 1-way Vertical Crank Stand Pin IX" x 9 X" 2-way Vertical Crank Stand Pin W x 14^" 3-way Vertical Crank Stand Pin IX" x 19%"' 4-way Vertical Crank Stand Pin THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 37 ORDER NO. 395 BOX CRANKS. F.O. KAHV> B. AY F.O. B. 3- way 9" x 9' Box Crank 4- way g" x g" " 5-way g" x g" " " 6-wav Q" x o " ' ' " 7- way o'' x o ' '' " 8-way Q ' x o" " " 10-way g" x g" " " 11-way g" x g" " " 1 6-wav Q" x o" " " IX" x 4" Pin for Box Cranks 9" x 9" Crank IX" x 1 13-16" x #' Ferrule for Box Our illustration shows a 4- way box crank. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1 m o|d i b|,0 *-3O4 O); o{o Lji^fl^ (9JJO)' C^i r r: =i L;: 3O3 i ^0 .^ "^S^ > Pi ] 14 $ji4 alkj olio' i ( 9)0) oN (dlo' 1 L c :i ^^^ 311 }. "-i>- r -^) V 3) >.-: 0) Q) (P Co "--< CO" 'i V-^-C j 1 OC ^f 1 3IO 1 oc 1 286 282 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 39 ORDER NO. ROCKING SHAFTS. F.O RAHV B. /AY F.O. B. 279 Rocking Shafts make a more compact lead-out than box cranks, but they are somewhat more expensive. 1-way 2%" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with high bearings complete-. . 280 2- way 2%" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with high bearings complete 281 3-way 2^f" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with high bearings complete 282 4-way 2#" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with high bearings complete 283 1-way 2%" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with high bearings complete 284 2-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with high bearings complete 285 3-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with high bearings complete 286 4-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with high bearings complete . 287 1-way 2^" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with low bearings complete 288 2-way 2^" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with low bearings complete 289 3-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with low bearings complete 290 4-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, right hand, with low bearings complete 291 1-way 2^" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with low bearings complete . 292 2-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with low bearings complete 293 3-way 2#" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with low bearings complete. . 294 4-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, left hand, with low bearings complete THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 3O6 3O5 ) (olio) (oflo) (olo) ( - g 1 s i g pi ) Co||o) Col Colo) (c I. 316 311 O! r 314 -307 313 314 c^x c^XczX CZL^ 311 Co xb;(fe,v;. r>.-( oo ^=r 310 298 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. ROCKING SHAFTS, With Adjustable Arms, right or left hand. Patent applied for. 1-vvay 2%" Rocking Shafts, with high bearings complete ! 2-way 2^" Rocking Shafts, with high bearings complete 3-way 2^" Rocking Shafts, with high bearings complete 4- way 2^"' Rocking Shafts, with high bearings complete 1-way 2%" Rocking Shafts, with low bearings complete 2-way 2X" Rocking Shafts, with low bearings complete 3-way 2 1 /" Rocking Shafts, with low bearings complete 4-way 2X ' Rocking Shafts, with low bearings complete ROCKING SHAFT FITTINGS. 2X" Rocking Shaft, right hand 2#" Rocking Shaft, left hand 2^" Rocking Shaft, with adjustable arm Adjustable Arm NOTE. In ordering rocking shafts it is necessary to send sketch or drawing, giving exact length and position of arms. 1-way High Bearing 2-way " " 3-way " " 4-way 1, 2, 3, or 4-way Bearing Cap 1-way Low Bearing 31 1 Low Bearing Cap j Compound Vertical Crank complete . . . ; 12" x 12" Rocking Shaft Crank 1" x 5X" Pin 9" x9" Crank 307 1-way High Bearing 31 1 Bearing Cap F.O.B. RAHWAY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY VERTICAL WHEELS 323 327 333 338 342 343 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 43 ORDER NO. 317 318 319 320 321 VERTICAL WHEELS. F.O.B RAHVW NOTE. All these wheels are necessarily made of a fine grade of iron. 1-way 4" Vertical Wheel 2- way 4" " 3-way 4" " .... 4- way 4 ' " 1-way 6" Vertical Wheel 2-way " No. 1, 8" high, 1-way 10" Vertical Wheel ...... .... No. 2, 10" high, 1-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 3, 12" high, 1-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 4, 14" high, 1-way 10 ' Vertical Wheel No. 1, 8" high, 2-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 2, 10" high, 2-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 3, 12" high, 2-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 4, 14" high, 2-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 1, 8" high, 3-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 2. 10" high, 3-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 3, 12" high, 3-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 4, 14" high, 3-way 10" Vertical Wheel No. 1, 8" high, 4- way 10" Vertical Wheel. No. 2, 10" high, 4-wav 10" Vertical Wheel . ' No. 3, 12" high, 4-way 10' Vertical Wheel No. 4, 14" high, 4-way 10" Vertical Wheel 5-way 10" Vertical Wheel 6- way 10" Vertical Wheel 4" Wheel 6" Wheel 10" Wheel.. 44 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ^^JHB^B in rO OJ THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 45 ORDER F.O.B. HORIZONTAL WHEELS. RAHWAY , 344 1-way 6" Horizontal Wheel 345 2-way 6" " " 346 3-way 6" " " 347 4-way 6" " " 348 5-way 6" " " 349 6-way 6" " " 350 7-way 6' " " 351 1-way 10" " " 352 I 2-way 10" " " 353 | 3-way 10" " " 354 4-way 10" " < '.'..\l 355 j 1-way 6" Horizontal Wheel Stand , 356 j 2-way 6" " " ' " .... ; 357 | 3-way 6" " " " .... 358 4-way 6" 359 5-way 6" 360 6-way 6" 361 1-way 10" 362 I 1-way 10" 363 2-way 10" 364 3-way 10" 365 4-way 10" 4 6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY HORIZONTAL STAGGERED WHEELS THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 47 ORDER NO. HORIZONTAL STAGGERED WHEELS. 4- way 6" Horizontal Staggered Wheel 5-way 6" " 6- way 6" 7-way6" 8-way 6" " " " 4- way 6" Horizontal Wheel Stand F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 5-way 6" " 6-way 6" " 7-way6" " 4< " .... 8-way 6" f 4 8 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 396 38O 395 387 400 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 49 ORDER NO. 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 1079 1080 1081 1082 CRANKS. 1-way 6 ' x 6" Crank on Pin Plate 2-\vay 6" x 6'' " " " 1-way Pin Plate with Stud 1" x3X" Stud 2-way Pin Plate with Stud 1" x5X" Stud 6" x 6" Crank 9" x 9" Crank and Pin Plate. . 9" x 9 ' Crank and Pin Plate with Stud 1" x4" Stud F.O.B. RAHWAY 9" x9' Crank 1-way 9" x 9" Horizontal Crank and Stand 1-way 11 X" x 11 24^' Horizontal Crank and Stand 1-way 11^" x HX" Horizontal Crank, one end slotted, and Stand 1-way 14^" x 14#" Horizontal Crank and Stand 2-way 9" x 9" and lljjf" x 1'ljjf" Hori- zontal Cranks and Stand 3-way 9" x 9" and 11^"' x 11#"' and 14^" x 14j^" Horizontal Cranks and Stand. . 1-way Horizontal Crank Stand IX" x 5" Pin 2-way Horizontal Crank Stand , IX" x 7" Pin 3-way Horizontal Crank Stand IX" x 9" Pin I 9" x9" Crank .. " x 11 X" Crank x 11^" Crank, with one end slotted . THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 404 4IZ 41 411 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. CRANKS. F.O. KAHW B. rAY F.O. B. 398 11 2^" x 11^"' Crank, with one end not drilled 399 14^" x 14j" Crank 400 9" x 9" x 9" T Crank and Stand 401 11 X" x 11 %" T Crank and Stand 389 T Crank Stand 390 IX" x 5" Pin 402 9" x 9" x 9" T Crank 403 11X" x 11X" x 1134"' T Crank 404 COMPENSATORS. 9" x 9" Horizontal Compensator and Stand 405 11X" x 11/4" Horizontal Compensator and Stand 406 14^" x 14j^" Horizontal Compensator and Stand 407 18" x 18" Horizontal Compensator and Stand 408 24" x 24" Horizontal Compensator and Stand 409 24" x 24" Compensator and Stand, ex- tra strong 410 24" x 24" Compensator and Stand, with two Adjustable Connectors 389 Horizontal Compensator Stands 390 IX" x5" Pin 411 1-way 9" x 9" Straight Compensator in Vertical Stand 412 9" x 9" Compensator Lever 413 ll^" x 11X" Compensator Lever .... 414 14j^" x 14^" Compensator Lever 415 18" x 18" Compensator Lever 416 24" x 24" Compensator Lever 417 24" x 24" Compensator Lever, extra strong 418 24" x 24" Compensator Lever for Ad- justable Connector. . THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 477 425 429 428 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 53 OKDEK NO. 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 4/7 COMPENSATORS. 1-way Lazy Jack Compensator. . 2- way " 3r t -way F.O.B. KAHWAY 1-way Lazy Jack Compensator Stand, with Studs 2-way Lazy Jack Compensator Stand, with Studs 3-way Lazy Jack Compensator Stand, with Studs IX" * 43^" 1-way Lazy Jack Compen- sator Stud 1)4 '" x 1" 2-way Lazy Jack Compen- sator Stud IX" x 9" 3-way Lazy Jack Compen- sator Stud . 1-way L. J. 60 Crank 1-way L. J. 120 Crank 2-way L. J. 60 Crank 2-way L. J. 120 Crank 3-way L. J. 60 Crank 3-way L. J. 120 Crank Coupling Link . %" x 2" Coupling Link Pin for 2 and 3-way Compensators & " x 2)4" Pin 54 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ANGLE BARS 444-^442 437 448 447-J 446- THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 55 ORDER NO. ANGLE BARS. Style A, 1-way Angle Bar F.O B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 Style A, 2- way Angle Bar. Style A, 3- way Angle Bar. Style A, 4- way Angle Bar Style A 1-way Angle Bar Stand Style A 2-way Angle Bar Stand Style A 3-way Angle Bar Stand Style A 4-way Angle Bar Stand Style A Angle Bar Style B, Angle Bar Stand, Slide and Trunnion Style B, Angle Bar Stand Style B, Angle Bar Slide Style B, Angle Bar Trunnion. Style B angle bars can be placed side by side for any number of pipes. THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 390 389 452 456 455 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 57 ORDER NO. 389 390 391 392 393 394 Stand IX" x5" Pin 2-way Crank IX" x 7" Pin 3-way Crank IX" x 9" Pin Scotch Block Scotch Block Eye, solid end l"x 1" x!5" Pin ANGLE BARS. Radial or Half Crank and F.O.B. RAH WAY F.O.B. and 11X" Radial or Half and Stand md 11X" and 14^" Radial If Cranks and Stand nk Stand Pin nk Stand Pin nk Stand. ... * Pin or Half Crank ial or Half Crank ial or Half Crank :OTCH BLOCK. ck complete ck ck Bracket .. end Pin dering send tracing of rail section. f^ OF THE \ f UNIVERSITY ] OF THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 461 477-^" 462 463 478 I 464 465 CZT 466 _^. ii _^_ 7? i i ?T 477-f 470 467 468 473 V V 475 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 59 ORDER NO. JAWS. F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 No 2 IX" J aw * an g en d No. 3, IX" Wide Jaw, solid end .... No. 4, IX Wide Jaw, tang end No. 5, IX" Double Jaw, solid ends. . No. 6, IX Double Jaw, one solid and one tang end No. 7 IX Double Jaw tang ends No. 8, \ 1 /" Screw Taw, solid end. . No. 9, IX Screw Jaw, tang end .... No 10 1.X" Screw Jaw only IX" Point Adjusting Screws, solid ends IX" Point Adjusting Screw, one solid and one tang end IX" Point Adjusting Screw, tang ends IX" Lug solid ends IX Lug, one solid and one tang end. IX" Lug, tang ends 7/ & " x 2)4" Pin for IX" Jaw. fa" x 3^" Pin for IX" Wide Jaw 6o THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY BOLT LOCKS r-487 ^00 (5>= 48 r-685 462 48 488 481 492 486 j466 czf 48 ^492 489 496 * g ~| (TH t** K^ 94 i I 493 tr ) THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER F.O B. NO. BOLT LOCKS. RAHWAY 1-way Wire Bolt Lock complete 2-way Wire Bolt Lock complete 1-way Lock Stand 1-way Guide Stand 2-way Lock Stand 2-way Guide Stand Bolt Cross Slide Adjusting Bar 1-way Terminal Pipe Bolt Lock com- plete 1-way Intermediate Pipe Bolt Lock com- plete 2-way Terminal Pipe Bolt Lock com- plete 2-way Intermediate Pipe Bolt Lock com- plete Bolt 462 IX" J aw > tan s end 466 IX ' Double Jaw, tang ends BOLT LOCK FOR OUTLYING SWITCHES. Bolt Lock complete Bolt Lock Stand Bolt Lock Cover Slide 1 07 Locking Dog No.7. 62 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 501 500 498 502 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 6 3 Style Style Style Style Style it i PIPE CARRIERS. A 1-way Pipe Carrier Stand F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. A 2-way " " Stand. A Roller . . . A and B Top Roller A, 1-way Pipe Carrier complete . 2-way " 3-way " 4-way 5-way " " " 6-way " 7-way ' ' 8- way " 9-way 10-way 11-way " " " 12-way " 13-way " 14- way " 15-way " " 16- way " 17-way " 18-way " 19-way " 20-way " 21-way " 22-way " 23-way " 24-way 25-way ' ' 26-way " 27- way " 28-way ' ' 29- way " 30-wav " 64 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 561 531 500 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. PIPE CARRIERS. Style B, 1-way Patent Anti-Friction Pipe Carrier complete 2-way " " " 3-way " " 4- way " " 5-way " " 6-way " " " 7-way " 8-way " " 9- way " " " 10-way " 11-way " " 12-way 13-way " 14-way " " 15-way " " " " 16-way " 17- way " " " 18-way " 19-way 20-way 21-way 22-way " " " 23-way " " 24-way " 25-way " " 26-way " " ' 27-way " " ' 4 28-way " " 29-way " 30-way " " 1-way Anti-Friction Pipe Carrier Stand F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 500 " Anti-Friction Roller Top Roller . , 66 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY fctWSS R - / II 1 ' It 11 !! N !! < = (0 1 l '1 in ,i ji !i i| H i, f n i, ii i 1 , f=^ 09 i / ( \\ O _ L )) 2 / *f \^ \ ^^y (D hi ( . . - ^t^ *"Tf^ H || |i ; CO H | fc^N ^ ^>L I r M/ E 1 i t 1 1 (o ii j! to in j|[ m lO 1 2 j * 1 1 R ' i 1 H , i l' " x 4' 7" Tie Bars, one Style B Plunger Stand and Round Steel Plunger, one No. 2 Front Rod and Lugs, one 11X" x 11 X" Hor. Crank and Stand, one IX" Jaw Solid End, One IX" J aw T an g End, one IX" Screw Jaw Tang End F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 579 580 74 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY o o o o o [ 1 1 if) fc CM THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 75 ORDER NO. 570 571 572 573 574 575 578 667 668 669 670 671 384 461 462 464 469 STYLE B, OUTSIDE FACING POINT LOCK FITTINGS. Y%' x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Plate with End Strips Riser Plate and Rivets F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 26" x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Tie Plate End Strip .... Riser Plate 1 A" x Il4" Rivet y 2 " x 2)4" x 4' 7" Tie Bar Style B, Plunger Stand and Round Steel Plunger. . . . . Style B, Plunger Stand Round Steel Plunger No. 2 Front Rod, Lugs and Bolts No. 2 Front Rod Left Hand Lug Righ* Hand Lug jHs" x 2^"' Switch Lug Bolts 11 X" x 11 X' Horizontal Crank and Stand IX" J aw Solid End i%" Jaw Tang End IX" Wide Jaw Tano- End IX" Screw Jaw Tang End THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY . cf THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 77 DETECTOR BARS. F 0. RAHW B. AY F.O. B. Patent 416,921, December 10, 1889. Cut shows part of Bar and four Rail Clips only. 44' 0" Detector Bar and twelve Rail Clips complete When ordering send tracing of rail section. 44' 0" Detector Bar %" x 1)4" Detector Bar Bolts 3^" x 2 -j 5 -" Detector Bar Stud Driving Plate and Stud Driving Plate 1" x 2^" Driving Plate Stud i^" x \ l " Driving Plate Rivet Driving Eye solid end Driving Eye tang end THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY RAIL CLIP. Patent No. 441,798, December 2, 1890. 6O4-V 597 605 593 602- 603 614 616 604 610 605 606 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 79 RAIL CLIPS. Patent 441,798, December 2, 1890. NOTE. The improved Patent Keyed Clip has fewer parts and is stronger than that of the Bolted Pattern. Rail Clips complete for 4%" Flange of Rail F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. Rail Clips complete for 4^" Flange of Rail . Rail Clips complete for 4V" Flange of Rail Rail Clips complete for 5" Flange of Rail Rail Clip 4X" Flange of Rail. 437" " " " " " 5' " " Half Clip Gib Wedge Radial Arm one length to suit all heights of Rails 1" x 4$" Rail Clip Stud Rail Clips to be fixed opposite Switches. Rail Clip complete for 4j4"' Flange of Rail Clip complete for 4*4" Flange of Rail Rail Clip complete for 4V" Flange of Rail Rail Clip complete for 5" Flange of Rail Rail Clip for 4%" Flange of Rail. . , / 2 .1 5" 5^j" x 1^" Fixing Stud Washer Wedge NOTE. The four sizes of rail clips re- fer lo the width of rail flanges. So THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY Si ORDER F.O.B. F.O.B. NO. STYLE A, SWITCH AND LOCK RAHWAY MOVEMENT. 617 Style A, Switch and Lock Movement, with Detector Bar complete, con- sisting of one y%' x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Tie Plate with End Strips and Riser Plates, one y z " x 2)4" x4' 7" Tie Bar, one Duplex Plunger Stand and Plunger, one No. 2 Front Rod and Lugs, one Style A Switch and Lock Movement, one 11 X" x 11X" Horizontal Crank and Stand, four IX" Jaws Solid Ends, one IX" Wide Jaw Solid End, one Lug, one Solid and one Tang End, one Cast Pipe Guide, one 44' 0" Detector Bar, twelve Rail Clips, one Driving Plate and Stud, one Driving Eye Tang End. When ordering send tracing of rail section. For rail braces see page 97. 618 Style A, Switch and Lock Movement without Detector Bar, consisting of one y^' x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Tie Plate with End Strips and Riser Plates, one >^"x2^" x 4' 7" Tie Bar, one Duplex Plunger Stand and Plunger, one No. 2 Front Rod and Lugs, one Style A Switch and Lock Movement, one 11 X" x HX" Horizontal Crank and Stand, four IX" Jaws Solid Ends, one IX" Wide Jaw Solid End, three IX" Screw Jaws Solid Ends, one Lug, one Solid End and one Tang End, one Cast Pipe Guide THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 3 O O O O s If) CO 1^ in to CVJ (0 00 ^ (D 1 C\J <0 CM CM <0 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. STYLE A, SWITCH AND LOCK MOVEMENT FITTINGS. 3/ s " x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Tie Platewith End Strips, Riser Plates and Rivets. . . F.O.B. RAHWAY .F.O.B. 570 571 572 573 574 575 619 620 621 622 623 624 667 668 669 670 671 ft" x 6" x 7' 4" Iron Tie Plate . End Strip Riser Plate Yz' x 1)" Rivets Yz' x %y 2 " x 4' 8" Tie Bar Duplex Plunger Stand and Plunger. . . . Duplex Plunger Stand. . No. 1 and 2 Duplex Plunger and Ad. Rod No. 1 Duplex Plunger No. 2 Duplex Plunger Duplex Plunger Adjusting Rod No. 2 Front Rod, Lugs and Bolts No. 2 Front Rod Left Hand Lug Right Hand Lug. . Y%' x 2^" Switch Lug Bolts THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY STYLE A. SWITCH AND LOCK MOVEMENTS. 630 628 627 632 626 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. STYLE A, SWITCH AND LOCK MOVEMENT FITTINGS. Style A, Switch and Lock Movement, with T Crank and Escapement Jaw Style A, Switch and Lock Movement, with L Crank and Escapement Jaw Style A, Switch and Lock Movement Stand F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 384 461 463 468 475 634 658 1" x 4" Pin T Crank with Pin and Roller H" x IK" Steel Roller %" x 2^" Pin L Crank with Pin and Roller Escapement Jaw 11%" x 11^" Horizontal Crank and Stand l/" Jaw solid end 1)4" Wide Jaw solid end l/" Screw Jaw solid end Lug 1 Solid 1 tang end 1/4^" Screw Jaw and Lug combined Cast Pipe Guide 86 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER F.O B. F.O. B. NO. STYLE B, SWITCH AND LOCK RAHV VAY MOVEMENT. Patent Feb. 22, 1894. NOTE. This switch and lock move- ment has fewer parts than any other extant, and is very strong and durable. It is not necessary to cut the ties when fixing this movement. 635 Style B, Switch and Lock Movement, with Detector Bar complete, con- sisting of one ft" x 6" x 8' 6" Iron Tie Plate with End Strips and Riser Plates, one ^" x 2)4" x 4' 7" Tie Bar, one Rigid Front Rod, one Lock Coupling, one Style B Switch and Lock Movement, one Bridle and Bolts, one Spring Rod, one HX" x HX" Horizontal Crank and Stand, three IX" Jaws solid ends, one IX" Screw Jaw tang end, one Cast Pipe Guide, one 44' 0" Detector Bar, twelve Rail Clips, one Driving Plate and Stud, one Driving Eye tang end. When ordering send tracing of rail section. For rail braces see page 97. 636 Style B, Switch and Lock Movement, without Detector Bar, consisting of one ft,' x 6" x 8' 6" Iron Tie Plate with End Strips and Riser Plates, one y 2 " x 2*4" x 4' 7" Tie Bar, one Rigid Front Rod, one Lock Coupling, one Style B Switch and Lock Movement, one Bridle and Bolts, one Spring Rod, one HX" x 11 X" Horizontal Crank and Stand, one IX" Screw Jaw tang end THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY CO ooo O0Q_i in THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. STYLE B, SWITCH AND LOCK F.O.I RAHW }. AY P.O. B. 637 MOVEMENT FITTINGS. ^"x6"x8' 6" Iron Tie Plate, with End Strips and Riser Plates 638 y%" x 6" x 8' 6" Iron Tie Plate 572 End Strip ; 573 Riser Plate 574 Yz" x \Yz" Rivets 575 YZ" x 2^" x 4' 7" Tie Bar 680 No. 6 Rigid Front Rod 671 Y%' x 2>/" Switch Lug Bolts 639 Lock Coupling THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY C/3 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. FITTINGS. 640 ! Style B, Switch and Lock Movement with T Crank and Escapement Jaw 641 ; Style B, Switch and Lock Movement with 4- way Crank and Escapement Jaw 642 Style B, Switch and Lock Movement Stand 643 !X"x5#" Pin 644 Yz' x 2}4" x 3' 8" Iron Brace 645 ! T Crank, with Pin and Roller 630 If" x \%" Steel Roller 631 !X"x2K" Pin 646 4- way Crank, with Pin and Roller 647 Cam Lock 648 Escapement Jaw 649 | Lock Rod 650 Lock Dog 651 | ft" x2" Rivets 652 Bridle 653 X" x3 " Bolts 654 Spring Rod 655 Lock Guide Strap 384 11X" x 11X" Horizontal Crank and Stand 461 IX" Jaw solid end 469 IX" Screw Jaw tang end 658 Cast Pipe Guide F.O.B. RAHWAY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY (0 in CD THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 93 ORDER NO. FITTINGS. Style C, Plunger Stand and Round Steel Plunger F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 656 657 578 658 659 660 661 572 573 574 Style C, Plunger Stand . Round Steel Plunger Cast Pipe Guide Roller Pipe Guide y s " x 6" x 12' 0" Iron Tie Plate with End Strips and Riser Plates for Double Slips y%' x6" x 12' 0" Iron Tie Plate End Strip Riser Plate ^"xl^" Rivets 94 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY FRONT RODS 664 665 668 rt.y-669 671 667 670 671 ^673 672 674 G76 -5k. J 671 *" r678 677 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 95 ORDER NO. FRONT RODS. Style C, Front Rod with Style C Lugs and Bolts Style C, Front Rod Style C, Lug F.O B. RAHWAY No. 1 Bent Blade with Lug and Bolts. . No. 1 Bent Blade. . . No. 2 Front Rod with Lugs and Bolts. No. 2 Front Rod Left Hand Lug Right Hand Lug #" x 2%" Switch Lug Bolts No. 3 Bent Blade with Lug and Bolts, No. 3 Bent Blade. . Patent 509,128, November 21, 1893. No. 4 Front Rod for Double Slips with Lugs, Switch Clamp and Bolts. . . . No. 4 Front Rod Switch Clamp ; this must be made special to suit each Slip Switch . . . No. 5 Rigid Front Rod for Double Slips with No. 5 Bent Blade, Switch Clamp and Bolts No. 5 Rigid Front Rod No. 5 Bent Blade. . No. 6 Rigid Front Rod with No. 6 Bent Blade No. 6 Rigid Front Rod No. 6 Bent Blade . . Style X, Front Rod with Lugs and Bolts.. Style X, Front Rod, N. Y. C. Standard Left Hand Switch Lug N. Y. C. Standard Right Hand Switch Lug M. E. R. R. Switch Lug 9 6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY RAIL BRACE. 688 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 97 ORDER NO. RAIL BRACES. Whenever any switch has to be con- nected to an interlocking machine, it is necessary to change some of the exist- ing rail braces and replace with special ones, on account of making room for detector bar, and as rail braces are part of permanent way and do not form any part of signal material, to save time we can supply special rail braces as extra fittings for the convenience of Railroad Companies. No. 1 Rail Brace, 4" Rail F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 38 39 K) M )2 )3 H )5 No. 2 " " 4X" Rail No. 3 " " y 2 " Rail No 4 " " 4%" Rail No 5 " " 5" Rail No 6 " " 5>(" Rail No 7 " " 5>" Rail No 8 " " 5^"' Rail * 9 3 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY Q W t5 1 a 1 82 w 8 OH 3 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 99 OKDEK NO. SELECTORS. Patent No. 342,911, June 1, 1886. NOTE. The selector \vas invented and named by Mr. Henry Johnson, and our pattern still holds its place as being the best in design. 2- way Selector Pipe connected complete, including Selector Stand, Cover, Slide, Guide Stand and Cover, Se- lector Hooks, Selector Eye solid end, Slide Bars, Shaft, Bearing Caps, Clamp Stud and Grip, Cams, Escapement Crank, Hook Rollers, IX " J a ws tang ends F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 3-way Selector Pipe connected complete, same as above 4-way Selector Pipe connected complete, same as above FITTINGS. 2-way Selector Stand 4-way " " 2-way Selector Cover 4-way " " 2-way Slide 4-way ' ' 2-way Guide Stand 4-way " " ' 2-way Guide Stand Cover 4-way " " ' ' 1 100 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE WEBB & THOMPSON TRAIN STAFF INSTRUMENT For the safe working of traffic on single-track railroads. Now in opera- tion on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. (See also pages 104 and 142.) THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 SELECTOR FITTINGS. Selector Hook Selector Eye solid end , Slide Bar 2-way Shaft 4- way Shaft 2-way Selector Bearing Cap 4-way Selector Bearing Cap Shaft End Bearing Clamp Stud Grip and Bolts Clamp Stud Clamp Stud Grip Grip Bolt Shaft Stop Collar F.O.B. KAHWAY Cam 462 Escapement Crank, 2-hook Roller 4-hook Roller IX" J aw 102 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY !j p Tr\ 3"r-f 1} i fe ii ilnKi :H CNJ THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 103 SELECTORS. Patent No. 342,911, June 1, 1886. 2-way Selector Pipe and Wire connect- ed complete, including Selector Stand, Cover, Slide, End Bracket, Selector Hooks, Guide Bars, Shaft, Bearing Caps, End Bearing, Clamp Stud and Grip, Cams, Escapement Crank, l/^' Jaw tang end F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 3-way Selector Pipe and Wire connect- ed complete, same as above 4- way Selector Pipe and Wire connect- ed complete, same as above 5-way Selector Pipe and W T ire connect- 6-way Selector Pipe and Wire connect- ed complete, same as above FITTINGS. 2-way Selector Stand 1 4- way " ' ' . . J I ' I 2-way Selector Cover 1 3-way " " r 4-way " " ... 5-way " ' ' ., . 6-way " " 2-way Selector Slide. . . 3-way ' ' " 4-way " " 5-way " " 6-way " "... 2-way End Bracket 3-way " " 4- way " " 5-way " ' ' 1 6-way " " 1 2 and 3-way No. 1 Hook . . 2 and 3-way No 2 Hook io 4 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY w 2 w w 0, -d ss gl Ttt JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 105 SELECTOR FITTINGS. F.O B. KAHWAY 4- way No. 1 Hook 4-way No. 2 " 5-way No. 1 " 5-way No. 2 " , 6-way No. 1 " , 6-way No. 2 " 2-way Selector Hook Guide Bar. 3, 4, 5 and 6-way Selector Hook Guide Bar.. 24" Shaft "' Shaft 35" 2-way Selector Bearing Cap ........ 3-way " " " .......... 4-way ' ' " " .......... 5-way " " " .......... 6-way " " " .......... Shaft End Bearing .................. Spare Number ...................... Clamp Stud, Grip and Bolt ........... Clamp Stud ........................ Clamp Stud Grip ................... Grip Bolt .......................... Cam .............................. Escapement Crank .................. IX" Jaw tang end .................. 2' 4" Spring for Wire connected Selectors 2'8" " " " " " 3'0" " " " 3'4" " " " io6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY O g o A ( o S W rt J 0* w 03 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 107 ORDER F.O.B. F.O.B. NO. SELECTORS. KAHWAY Patent No. 342,911, June 1, 1886. 780 2-way Selector Wire connected complete, including 1 Selector Stand, Cover, Slide, End Bracket, Selector Hooks, Guide Bars, Shaft, Bearing Caps, End Bearing, Clamp Stud and Grip, Cams, Escapement Crank, j^j" Shackle, and Spring 781 3-way Selector Wire connected complete, same as above 782 4-way Selector Wire connected complete, same as above . . 783 5-way Selector Wire connected complete, same as above 784 6- way Selector Wire connected complete, same as above FITTINGS. Same as for Pipe and Wire connected Selectors. io8 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY O 8 CO " Ruby " . 884 8^" Green " 885 6^" Opal Glass for Indicator Dwarf Signal 886 9^" x 11" Opal Glass for Standard In- dicator Signal 122 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY POT SIGNALS 896 887 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 123 ORDER NO. POT SIGNALS Pipe Connected. Pot Signal, 2' 9" high, with Lamp com- plete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 827 Pot Signal, 2' 9" high, with Lamp and Targets complete FITTINGS. Stand Vertical Shaft and Lamp Socket Adjusting Crank. Top Bearing Bush . Collar Cover Danger Target All Right Target Lamp Base. No. 10 Lamp 124 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY POT SIGNALS 827 895 827 9O5 903 894 903 898 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 125 ORDER NO. POT SIGNALS Pipe Connected. Pot Signal, 6' 0" high, with Lamp com- plete F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 897 898 899 900 891 901 902 903 901 905 894 895 896 827 Pot Signal, 6' 0" high, with Lamp ami Targets complete FITTINGS. Stand Crank Bush Adjusting Crank ... Top Bearing Bush Collar Cover 2" Pipe Stay Rod Stay Collar Danger Target . . All Right Target Lamp Base " No. 10 Lamp -' 126 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY -919 910-, 907 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 127 ORDER NO. 3 POSITION POT SIGNAL FOR TUNNELS Pipe Connected. 3 Position Low Pot Signal, with Lamp complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 831 832 3 Position High Pot Signal, with Lamp complete . FITTINGS. Stand with Stud lyi" x 3^"' Stud Left Cover ... . Right Cover Pinion Rack Low Signal Lamp Base and Spindle. . . High Signal Lamp Base High Signal Pipe Shaft Low Signal \Wought Iron Shield High Signal Wrought Iron Shield No. 43 Low Signal Lamp 7" x 7" No. 43A High Signal Lamp 9" x 9". I2S THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 3 POSITION SIGNAL FITTINGS 256 933 o O a \930 lJ 928 943 937-*; 938 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY I2Q ORDER NO. 3-POSITION POT SIGNAL FITTINGS. 3-position Balance Lever Stand, Slide and ^Veights complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 1256 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 FITTINGS. Slide Stand , 1" x 6" Pin Balance Lever Bridle 1 1 X" x 7/ & " x 1^" Roller Balance Lever Balance Lever Slide Balance Weight Special Movement for 3-position Pot Signal. . FITTINGS. Stand lj" x4$j" Stud Straight Cap Bevel Cap 6" x 6" x 4" T Crank with Stud and Roller 1" x 2ti" Stud . . Slide Detector Bar Movement for 3-position Pot Signals FITTINGS. Stand with Studs 1#" x 5" Stud . . IX" x 5^" Stud . . 12" Crank with Sector 12" Crank Sector Pinion with Stud 1" x3" Stud 1 \" Eye solid end . . 130 THE JOHNS SON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY C\J CO J ^ rO in in 0) en CO 0) THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. COMPENSATING P.O. RAHV B. fAY F.O. B. 946 POT SIGNALS. Compensating Pot Signal, with Lamp complete 947 Compensating Pot Signal, with Lamp and Targets complete. 948 FITTINGS. Stand with Stud and Cap 949 1 1 4" x 4>" Stud 950 }i" x \y 2 " Stud Cap 951 Balance Lever 952 1" x 4'' Pin 953 2" x 1" x ^" Roller 1254 Balance Weight 894 Danger Target 895 All Right Target 954 Lamp Bracket 827 No 10 Lamp. . . ' - 132 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY COMPENSATING DWARF SIGNAI (JOHNSON'S PATENT) 958 964 877 966 826 961 957 960 975 959 1252 956 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 133 ORDER NO. COMPENSATING DWARF SIGNALS. JOHNSON'S PATENT. Low Dwarf Signal, 18" high, with Lamp complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 955 956 964 965 966 957 968 958 959 960 975 976 1252 961 875 877 826 FITTINGS. Stand. . . Ash Blades Blade Grip and Ring Blade Grip Ring Escapement Back Spec and Ring Back Spec. Ring Spindle T Balance Lever Stud and Roller y%" x i-jV stud IX" x TV x $," Roller T/%' x 4" Pin Balance Weight Lamp Bracket. ... 2%" Blue Glass 5" Ruby Glass No. 8 Lamp. . . 134 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY COMPENSATING DWARF SIGNAL 977 963 962 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 135 ORDER NO. COMPENSATING DWARF SIGNAL. Dwarf Signal, 2 9" high, with Lamp complete F.O.B. K.O.B. RAHWAY 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 1288 973 974 975 976 1254 977 875 877 826 FITTINGS. Stand Ash Blade Blade Grip and Ring Blade Grip Ring Back Spec, with Stud and Ring Back Spec. Ring ft" x 1^6" Stud Spindle Escapement Crank Down Rod and y" Screw Jaw 5^" Screw Jaw and Pin T Balance Lever Stud and Roller. ft" x \Yz' Stud IX" x TV x ft" Roller. ft" x 4" Pin Balance Weight Lamp Bracket 2^" Blue Glass 5" Ruby Glass No. 8 Lamp 136 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1-ARM DWARF SIGNAL 980 981 826 877- 966 984 969 965 1293 987 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 137 ORDER NO. DWARF SIGNALS. 1 Arm Dwarf Signal 4' 0" high, with F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 978 979 980 964 981 966 969 982 968 983 984 1293 985 986 987 1254 988 875 877 826 FITTINGS. Stand Ash Blade Blade Grip with Stud and Ring Blade Grip Ring 5-6" x 1^" Stud Spindle ... Down Rod and $." Screw Taw 2 1/" Pj ne L Balance Lever ... i 1 1" x 5" Pin Balance Weight 2%" Blue Glass . . . 5" Ruby Glass .. No 8 Lamp 138 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 2 ARM DWARF SIGNAL 826 964 964 990 986 989 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 139 ORDER NO. DWARF SIGNALS. 2 Arm Dwarf Signal, with Lamps com- plete . F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 989 990 980 991 964 981 966 969 982 968 983 992 993 1293 994 986 995 1254 988 875 877 826 FITTINGS. Stand Top Bearing Centre Bearing Ash Blade Blade Grip with Stud and Ring. . . Blade Grip Ring Yz" x 1#" Stud Back Spec, and Ring. . Back Spec. Ring Spindle. . No. 1 Down Rod and fy" Screw Jaw. . No. 2 " " and tf" " " .. $" Screw Jaw and Pin 2^" Pipe. L Balance Lever 1" x 7" Pin Balance Weight . Lamp Bracket 2^" Blue Glass 5" Ruby Glass . ... No. 8 Lamp 140 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY INDICATOR DWARF SIGNAL 877 IOII- 100! '019-T 1008 j-iois J. r f 17 -' 964 W{ 1020 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 141 ORDER NO. INDICATOR DWARF SIGNALS. F.O B. RAH WAY F.O.B. 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 964 965 966 967 968 969 1002 1003 1004 1005 1288 1006 1007 971 976 1008 1009 974 975 1254 3 " " " . ,_ , 4 .. ,. X^*^* X ff OP.THCv 5 " fi"UNjy.ERS!T Y 1 V F 6 X^^C^L^OH^ FITTINGS FOR 2 INDICATOR DWARF SIGNAL. Stand / Ash Blade Blade Grip and Ring Blade Grip Ring Back Spec, with Stud and Ring Back Spec. Ring Y%' x 1^6" Stud. . Indicator Spec Spindle 1 Blinker and Bracket Down Rod and ^" Screw Jaw l /2* Screw Jaw and Pin Indicator Down Rod and J^" Screw Jaw Y%' x !#"' Pin Escapement Crank 7/s." x 4" Pin . . #$" x 5^" Pin T Balance Lever Stud and Roller jfcj" x \Yz' Stud W x T V x $/%" Roller Balance Weieht.. 142 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY TESTIMONIAL FROM THE C., M. & ST. P. RAILWAY. MARION, IOWA, May jist, 1894. JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL Co. DEAR SIRS: The train staff instruments are giving us entire satisfac- tion and we have operated them from the moment they were put in service to the present without the slightest difficulty or hitch. For the past week or ten days traffic across the bridge has been extremely heavy nearly 80 trains per day being handled. Traffic, owing to the congested condition of the yards both sides of the river, was extremely irregular, and although the working of the staff instrument is such that in order to not delay passenger trains it is necessary to have the permissive staff and tablets at the right end of the block, no difficulty was experienced on that account and no trains were delayed by staff working. Yours truly, (Signed) C. A. GOODNOW, Superintendent. NOTE BY JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY. The instruments above referred to govern traffic over one section of single track three miles long. This track is intersected by a grade crossing at one point, and has a drawbridge at another point, necessitating two " know-nothing stops." Owing to local conditions the speed of trains is limited by rule, which allots ten minutes to a passenger train and fifteen minutes to a freight train to pass over this section, and trains must not cover the distance in less time than stated. Under other conditions than those above named the number of trains men- tioned might appear small, but Mr. Goodnow is evidently satisfied that the introduction of the instruments has not reduced the facility of moving traffic, and the absolute safety secured cannot be questioned. July 6, 1894. (See also pages 100 and 104.) THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 143 ORDER NO. FITTINGS FOR 2 INDICATOR DWARF SIGNAL. Weighted Levers F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 885 875 877 826 #" x iy 2 " Stud W x H" x S A" Roller Locking: Bracket. . Locking Bracket Cover Locking Dog Slide Bracket and Stud Slide Horizontal Lever Connecting Rod 5X" Vertical Wheel and Bracket 5^f" Horizontal Wheel and Bracket. . . Lamp Bracket Indicator Number 6^" Opal Glass 2^" Blue Glass 5 ' Ruby Glass No 8 Lamp (See illustration page 140.) 144 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY FLAG STATION SIGNAL 1024 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. SIGNALS. Flag Station Signal with fittings com- plete 1024 plete . . FITTINGS. 1025 18' 0" Post 1 026 Semaphore Bearing, with Stud . . 1027 #"x3#" Stud 1028 Ash Blade 1 029 Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring 1 030 Blade Grip Ring 969 ft" x l7/ 8 " Stud 1031 Balance Lever Stand and Pin. . . 1032 #"' x4 T y Pin 1033 Balance Lever. 1 253 Balance Weight 1034 Down Rod and y" Screw Jaw. . 1 288 l / 2 " Screw Jaw and Pin 341 4" Wheel 4" Wheel Bracket.. F.O.B. RAH WAY 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 344 878 826 y 2 " x 2#" Pin Loop Handle Loop Handle Lock Bracket Loop Handle Lock Strap 6" Horizontal Wheel and Stand Lamp Hoist Slide Lamp Bracket Hoist and Down Rod. Lamp Bracket Lamp Hoist Lock Strap 4^" Green Glass No. 8 Lamp 146 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY BLOCK STATION SIGNAL 1109 1045 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 147 ORDER NO. SIGNALS. Double Arm Block Station Signal, with Fitting's complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1045 1109 1110 1190 1046 1047 1194 1048 1200 1049 1050 344 1189 880 824 FITTINGS. 27' 0" Post with Cross and Struts Ladder and Stays Semaphore Bearing Semaphore Bearing Back Plate 4' 6" Ash Blade No. 1 Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring. ft" x 3 T y Stud . No. 2 Blade Grip, with Stud and Wrought Iron Spec, complete .... Semaphore Eye Joint 1-way 6" Horizontal Wheel and Stand. Lamp Bracket. . 4* 6^"' Ruby Glass Double Arm Block Signal Lamp 148 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY BLOCK STATION SIGNAL TABLE LEVERS 1054 1052 1051 1060 1057 1073 1071 1070 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY I4 9 BLOCK STATION SIGNAL TABLE LEVERS. Block Station Signal Table Levers com- plete FITTINGS. Stand Left Hand Wheel. . Right Hand Wheel Lever 1" x iy 2 " Pin Block Station Signal Table Levers, with Latch Handles complete FITTINGS. Stand ..'.... Left Hand Wheel Right Hand Wheel Lever Latch Handle Spring Latch Shoe. . . Block Station Signal Table Levers, with Locking complete. Same as 1051 with Locking added FITTINGS. Stand Left Hand Wheel Right Hand Wheel .... Locking Bolt F.O.B. RAHWAY Block Station Signal Table Levers, with Latch Handles and Locking com- plete FITTINGS. Stand Left Hand Wheel Right Hand Wheel Lever 1" x iy 2 " Pin Latch Handle Spring Latch Shoe Locking Bolt THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY PERMISSIVE BLOCK SIGNAL 881 1272 1078 LEVERS FOR WORKING PERMISSIVE BLOCK SIGNAL. 1083 -1194 1109 -1272 i- IO8O 1074 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. SIGNALS. Double Arm Permissive Block Signal, with Fittings complete F.O.B. RAH WAY F.O.B. 74 1109 1110 1190 1046 1047 1194 75 76 1200 77 1272 78 79 80 81 82 1189 880 881 824 83 84 85 86 FITTINGS. 27' 0" Post Ladder and Stays Semaphore Bearing Semaphore Bearing Back Plate Spindle 4' 6" Ash Blade, " Home " No. 1 Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring %" x 3 JL " Stud. . Blade Grip Ring 1-way Rod Guide Down Rod, with $" Screw Jsw 9" x 9" Crank and Pin Plate Pin Plate and Stud 1" x 4#" Stud 9" x 9" Crank Lamp Bracket 6|^" Ruby Glass 63^" Green Glass Double Arm Block Signal Lamp 2 Lever Stand and Levers for working Permissive Block Signals complete. FITTINGS. 2 Lever Stand and Pin tf" x 1V 2 " Pin . . Lever . . 152 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 110 82 88 1189 J275 1 >2 >3 1250 1254 >4 1156 879 880 825 .1 FITTINGS. 4U" Pipe Ladder and Stays Cap. . Ladder Stay Bearing Semaphore Bearing with Lugs Semaphore Bearing. . . . Spindle 4' 6" Ash Blade, " Home " Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring Back Spec, and Ring No. 1 Down Rod and 1" Screw Jaw No. 2 " " " " " M ... No. 2 Rod Guide L Balance Lever Balance Weight 2-way Balance Lever Stand . . Lamp Bracket * 3" Blue Glass 6^f" Ruby Glass No. 7 Lamp. i8o THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 825 880^ 1170 m IJ ,1191 r 1194 1198 1190 825- 880 1167- 344-/v 1232 1169 1190 1166 1312 1165 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 181 ORDER NO. 1165 1166 1167 1168 BRACKET SIGNALS. Style A, 2 Arm Bracket Signal, with fittings complete FITTINGS. Style A, Bracket Signal, with Cross and Struts . . F.O.B. RAHWAY 1169 1170 1190 1191 1194 1198 1199 1232 344* 1312 I 879 880 825 21' 4" Ladder and Stays 12' 0" Doll Ladder Semaphore Bearing Spindle 4' 6" Ash Blade, " Home " Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring Back Spec, and Ring 6' 9" Down Rod and %" Screw Jaw, 10' 0" " " " 3/" " . T Balance Lever Stand, Lever and Weight 6" Horizontal Wheel and Stand, 4-way Signal Wheel complete. . 3" Blue Glass 6^" Ruby Glass No. 7 Lamp 182 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1171 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 183 ORDER NO. 1171 1172 1173 1174 BRACKET SIGNALS. Style B, 2 Arm Bracket Signal, with fittings complete. . . . FITTINGS. Style B, Bracket Signal, with Cross and Struts . . 1168 1190 1191 1194 1198 1201 1169 1170 1232 344 1312 1189 879 880 825 28' 11" Ladder and Stays 12' 0" Doll Ladder Cast Iron Bracket Semaphore Bearing Spindle 4' 6" Ash Blade, " Home " Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring Back Spec, and Ring 6' 9" Down Rod and #"' Screw Jaw. . . 10' 0" " " " " " T Balance Lever Stand, Lever and Weight 6" Horizontal Wheel and Stand. . . 4-way Signal Wheel complete Lamp Bracket 3" Blue Glass 6^" Ruby Glass No. 7 Lamp 184 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY BRACKET SIGNALS 1171 1175 76 1177 1178 1179 H-hto-t c, 1180 1181 1182 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY I8 5 ORDER NO. BRACKET SIGNALS. NOTE. We illustrate a few of the principal forms of Bracket Signals, and will be glad to make any special design of Bracket Signal to order. Style B Bracket Signal 2 Arms F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1171 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 .. .< 2 " " " " " 3 " " " " " 4 " " " " " 4 "... " " " " 4 '"' " " " " 3 " ,< , 4 , i i86 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1201 1168 1173 1183 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY i8 7 ORDER NO. BRACKET SIGNALS. F.O.B. RAHWAY 1 1 83 Style B, 2 Arm Distant Bracket Signal, with 2-way Wire Compensator, complete FITTINGS. 1 1 72 Style B, Bracket Signal, with Cross and Struts 1 1 73 28' 11" Ladder and Stays 1 1 68 12' 0" Doll Ladder 1 1 74 Cast Iron Brackets 1 1 90 Semaphore Bearing 1191 Spindle 1 1 95 4' 6" Ash Blade, ' ' Distant " 1 1 98 Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring 1 201 Back Spec, and Ring 1 1 69 6' 9" Down Rod and tf" Screw Jaw. . . 1170! 10' 0" " " " " " "... 1184 6'0" " ' " " " "... 1 1 85 3' 2" Connecting Rod 1186 4' 4" " " 376 1-way 6" x 6" Crank on Pin Plate 377 2-way 6" x 6" " " " " 799 2 Arm Signal Wire Compensator, Bal- ance Levers and Disengagers com- plete (See 798 to 811.) 1 189 Lamp Bracket 879 3" Blue Glass 881 j 6#_" Green Glass 825 I No. 7 Lamp , . . . , , . . . . 188 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY SET OF HOME SIGNAL FITTINGS WITHOUT BALANCE LEVER 1187 HOME SIGNAL FITTINQS 825 1191 1190 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1278 825 SIGNAL FITTINGS. "HOME" SIGNAL FITTINGS. Semaphore Bearing, Shaft, 4' 6" Ash Blade, " Home," Blade Grip, Back Spec., Eye solid end, Lamp Bracket, No. 7 Lamp F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. "DISTANT" SIGNAL FITTINGS. Semaphore Bearing, Shaft, 4' 6" Ash Blade, "Distant," Blade Grip, Back Spec., Eye, solid end, Lamp Bracket, No. 7 Lamp. Lamp Bracket Semaphore Bearing Spindle }i" x \y 2 " Blade Bolts Ash Blade, 3' 6" " 4' 6" "Home" 4- 6 " "Distant" " 5' 0" " Home" " " 5' 0" " Distant". . . Blade Grip, with Stud and Ring Blade Grip Ring. . J4" x 3fV' Stud Back Spec, and Ring ... Back Spec. Ring ^" Eye, solid end No. 7 Signal Lamp . . THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY BALANCE LEVER 8* CENTRES FOR HOME SIGNALS 1203 BALANCE LEVER 12" CENTRES FOR DISTANT SIGNALS 1211 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY IQI SIGNAL FITTINGS. 1-way Straight Balance Lever, 8" Centers, 181b. Weight and Stand, complete 2-way " " " 3-way " " " 4-way " " " 5-way " 6-way 7-way " " " 8-way 1-way Straight Balance Lever, 12" Centers, 181b. Weight and Stand, complete Balance Lever Pin 2-way 1-way IX" x 2-way IX" x 3-way IX ' x 4-way IX" x 5-way IX" x 6-way IX" x 13X" " M . 7-way IX" x 15^" " 8-way IX" x 17|^" " 1-way Straight Balance Lever Stand 2-way " " " " , 3-way " " " , ! 4-way " " " " . 5-way " " " , 6-way " " " " 7-way " " " , ; 8-way " " " " . F.O.B. RAH WAY I 9 2 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY L BALANCE LEVER FOR PIPE CONNECTED SIGNALS 1254 1213 1229 125 T BALANCE LEVER FOR BRACKET SIGNALS 1213 1232 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 193 SIGNAL FITTINGS. 1-way L Balance Lever, 181b. Weight and Stand complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 2-way 3-way 1-way T Balance Lever, 18lb. Weight and Stand complete x 2-way 3-way 4- way " " 5-way ' ' 6- way 7-way 8-way " " " 1-way T Balance Lever Stand 2-way " " " 3-wav ' 4-wav ' 5-way " " ' 6- way " " 7-way " " 8-way " " " . f Straight Balance Lever, 8" Centers. . . . " 12" " .... L Balance Lever. T " " 1 94 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY SIGNAL FITTINGS 1262 1259 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. SIGNAL FITTINGS. lOlb. Balance Weight 14lb. " " 181b. " " 271b. " " 401b. " "' ~ 561b. " " " for Wire Compen- lOOlb. sators SIGNAL MOVEMENT. 1-way Style B, Signal Movement com- plete 2-way Style B, Signal Movement com- plete 3-way Style B, Signal Movement com- plete 1-way Style B, Signal Movement Stand. 3-way " " " Balance Lever Pin and Roller. IX" * X" ^ H" Roller ...... #" x l|f Pin ............. Escapement Crank .......... IX" x 4X" Pin ............ F.O.B. RAHWAY !X" 1 9 6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY SIGNAL FITTINGS 1278 1280 1275 1293- 1279 1281 1276 |. ^ _'i| -p---^|= *=*? i !J -- t - ! - 4--^i^--UA ! 'I i 1 1 ^ J I i i ! , 2 77 1284 1285 1286 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY IQ7 ORDER SIGNAL FITTINGS. F.O.B. RAH WAY F.O.B. '2 1-way Rod Guide '3 2-way " " '4 3-way " " '5 ! 6' 0" Down Rod, with Eye and tf" Screw Jaw and Pin 6 12' 0" Down Rod, with Eye and %" Screw Jaw and Pin 7 18' 0" Down Rod, with Eye and ^" Screw Jaw and Pin 1293 %"' Screw Jaw and Pin 8 %"' Eye solid end '9 j ^" Eye tang end !0 1" Eye, solid end 1 1" Eye, tang end .... . . 2 X" Pipe, Plug, Sleeves, and Rivets (state quantity required) 3 ! 2i" Plug Sleeve and Rivets 4 V" Plug 5 K" Sleeve 6 ; X" * IX" Rivets j > ig8 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY SIGNAL FITTINGS 1287 EZQ 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 ft i 1293 1294 1295 1301 1302 (Oj 1304 6} to] 1296 1298 1297 1299 1300 I3O5 1306 1303 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 199 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 SIGNAL FITTINGS. Screw Jaw and Pin, with ]4," solid end.. . F.O B. KAHWAY Screw Jaw and Pin Screw Jaw xl" Pin Screw Jaw and Pin, with ^"' solid j end . . Screw Jaw and Pin, with tang end . Screw Jaw and Pin Screw Jaw x 2" Pin . . 1" Screw Jaw and Pin, with 1" solid end.. V Screw Jaw and Pin, with tang end ! 1" Screw Jaw and Pin i 1" Screw Jaw Wire Eyes (Oval) Steel Split Links $A" Malleable Shackle.. No. 1 Wire Adjusting Screw ; NO. 2 " I 1 " Proof Chain THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY STYLE A. SIGNAL WHEEL 343 3 1309 1307 STYLE D. SIGNAL WHEELS 1311 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 342 343 SIGNAL FITTINGS. Style A, 2-way Signal Wheel Complete " " 3-way " " " 2-way ' ' Stand F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. " " 3-way " " D, 2-way Signal Wheel Complete " " 4-way " " " " " 6- way " " " " " 8-way " " " " 10-way " " " " 12-way " " " 2-way " " Stand . . 4-way " " " 6- way " " "., . . " 8-way " " " " 10-way " " " 12-way " 6" Wheel 10" Wheel > 202 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 203 ORDER NO. NOTE. Special attention is drawn to the excellence of our bridge coupler de- sign. DRAW BRIDGE COUPLERS. Johnson's Patent, 415,388, Nov. 19, 1889. 1-way Draw Bridge Coupler Complete 2-way " ' ' 3-way ' ' " 4-way FITTINGS. 1-way Bearing, with Cap F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 2-way " 3-way " " .... . ' 4-way " " .... Bearing Cap Jaw Clutch , Tongue Clutch ' 3' 0" Shaft 9' 0" Shaft 1-way Yoke. . 2-wav * * 3-way 4i ... * 4- way 4 * Shaft Collar Adjustable Arm 2O4 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY T CRANKS FOR DRAW BRIDGE CONNECTIONS 1346 1345 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 205 ORDER NO. 389 390 391 392 393 394 73 T CRANKS FOR DRAW BRIDGE CONNECTIONS. 1-way 9" x 15'' x 15" T Crank, with Ad Connectors F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 2-way 9" x 15" x 15" and 11^" x 18" x 18" T Cranks, with Ad. Con- nectors. . . 3-way 9" x 15" x 15" and 11X" x 18" x 18" and 14>" x 21" x 21" T Cranks, with Ad. Shackles 1-way Crank and Stand IX" x 5" Pin 2-way Crank Stand IX" x 7" Pin 3-way Crank Stand . . IX" x 9" Pin 9" x 15' x 15" T Crank 11%"' x 18" x 18" T Crank 14>'' x 21" x 21" T Crank Adjustable Connector and %" Shackle $ 2o6 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ? o l T I \ \o\ |g| tO m - ' CO ^~^'~^ 3 Cr 1 1 $ t*- S|o 5 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 2O7 ORDER NO. F.O.B. RAHWAY DRAW BRIDGE COUPLER LOCKS. 1 348 2-way Draw Bridge Coupler Lock com- plete 1 349 3-way Draw Bridge Coupler Lock com- plete 1 350 4-way Draw Bridge Coupler Lock com- plete FITTINGS. 1351 Escapement Crank Stand, with Stud, ' 1352 I"x3^" Stud 1 353 Escapement Crank 1354 2-way Lock Slide 1355 | 3-way " " 1356 4-way " " 1357 Lock Slide Guide 1 080 ; Pin Plate and Stud 1081 I"x4#" Stud , 1358 ! 3"x9" Crank 1293 U" Screw Jaw 1359 1%"' Eye, with Stud 1360 | 1" x8#" Stud 1 36 1 Clamp Stop and Grip 208 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 20Q ORDER NO. DRAW BRIDGE LOCKS. Draw Bridge Bolt Lock complete F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 578 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 FITTINGS. Escapement Jaw 7/z" x 5X" Pin Plunger Box Plunger Box Lid Tappet Guide and Spring !/" x 3/'' x 8" Spring Tappet, with Stud 7/s" x 2%" Stud . . Round Steel Plunger Throw Over Lever, Stand and Con- necting Rods Throw Over Lever, with Stud and Shaft IX" x 3%" Stud IX" x 6 X" Shaft Stand 2' 0" Connecting Rod 1#" Eye Coupling Rod, with Tang Ends and Studs 2IO THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 1378 -^To SIGNAL' 1389 139O o O Tt i* u j : Q To SWITCH * 1391 1392 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 211 ORDER NO. 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 578 LIFT RAIL BRIDGE LOCKS. Lift Rail Bridge Lock complete FITTINGS. Lift Rail Front Rod, Left Hand Half. ; Lift Rail Front Rod, Right Hand Half I Lock Tappet. . . Plunger Casting Round Steel Plunger Throw over levers complete for work- ing switch and Distant Signal, to be fixed on end of ties. The signal levers must be operated first, put- ting the signal to danger before the switch lever can be thrown over. . FITTINGS. F.O.B. RAHWAY 1390 1391 Switch Lever Signal Lever IX" x 5 Wheel and Shaft !X"x6X" Shaft Stand Lever Lock Bracket IX" Eye, solid end P. R. R. Ground Switch Lever complete Lever with Studs IX" x 5^' Stud Stand Lever Lock Bracket IX Eye, solid end 212 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY cs> o ro THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 213 OKDER NO. 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 Simplex Throw Over Switch Lever complete F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. This switch lever can be very quickly and easily operated, and when raised half way will fall the other half without the switchman having to put his foot on the lever, which is the case with many switch levers. Thousands of these levers are in constant use in yards, and are giving great satisfaction. Trial or- ders solicited. Lever and weight Stand Crank %" x4' Pin 214 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY FOUNDATIONS 1401 1402 1403 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD" SIGNAL COMPANY 215 ORDER NO. FOUNDATIONS. 1-way Pipe Carrier Foundation F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 2-way " " " 3-way " " . 4- way " " " 5- way " " " 6-way " " " 7-way " " " 8-way ' ' ' ' 9- way " " 10-way " " 1 1-way " " " 12-way " " " 13-way " 14-way " " 15-way " " " 7 16-way " 17-way " " " 18- way " " " 19- way " 20-way " 21 -way " *' 22-way " " 23-way " 24-way " 25-way " " " 26-way " " " 27-way " 28-way " " " 29-way " " 30-way " " " 216 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY \ 1431 FOUNDATIONS I i 1433 1435 1437 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 217 ORDER NO. FOUNDATIONS Oak Stakes for Wire Pulleys, 3" x 4" x 4' 0" F.O.B. KAHWAY F.O.B. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 10 \\ \2 13 44 Oak Stakes for Wire Pulleys, 3" x 4" x 5' 0" Style A, Crank Foundation, 3 6" top. . " " " ' " 5' 0" " .. Style B, " " 2' 0" " . . " " " 5' 0" " Compensator Foundation 4' 0" top Wheel Foundation, 2' 0" top 3' 0" " 4' 0" " Dwarf Signal Foundation Selector Foundation 6' 0" top Style A, Switch and Lock Movement Foundation Style B, Switch and Lock Movement Foundation > IT 218 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 2I 9 KDER MACHINE FRAMING. F.O.B. Levers A > 4 " 2' 4" j 8 " 4'0" ' 12 " 5' 8" | 16 " 7' 4" | ! 20 " 9'0" > | 24 " 10' 8" 28 " 12' 4" ; 32 " 14' 0" [ . 36 " 15' 8" [ ! 40 " 17' 4" 44 " 19 0" , 48 " 20' 8" 52 " 22' 4" | 56 " 24' 0" | 60 " 25' 8" > 64 " 27' 4" 68 " 29' 0" | 72 " 30' 8" | 76 " 32' 4" [ \ 80 " 34' 0" } 84 " 35' 8" | : 88 " 37' 4" 92 39' 0" \ 96 " 40' 8'' > 104" 44' 0" B 3'0" 4' 8" 6' 4" 8'0" 9' 8" 11' 4" 13' 0" 14' 8" 16' 4" 18' 0" 19' 8" 21' 4" 23' 0" 24' 8" 26' 4" 28' 0" 29' 8" 31' 4" 33' 0" 34' 8" 36' 4" 38' 0" 39' 8" 41' 4" 44' 8" C D 3' 10" 4' 5>T 5' 6" 4' 5/ s " 7' 2" 4' 5>f 8' 10" 4' 5/ 8 " 10' 6" 4' 5>T 12' 2" 4' 5>T 13' 10" 4' 5>T 15'' 6" 4' 5>f 17' 2" 4' 5/ s " 18' 10" 5' 8>^" 20' 6" E 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2''4" 2' 4" 22' 2" 23' 10" 25' 6" 6' 10" 27' 2" 6' 10" 28' 10" 6' 10" 30' 6" 6' 10" 32' 2" 6' 10" 33' 10" 6' 10" 35' 6" 8' 10>T 37' 2" 8' 10>T 38' 10" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6' 40' 6" 42' 2" 45' 6" 220 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. Tower Foun< of Four Lead Out Br Lead Out Op SIZES OF Nation Anchor Straps, Set F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1470 1471 1472 icket ening Strut TOWER I FOUNDA- TIONS. 8 TO 104 LEVERS. No. of Levers. Opening at A. Length atB. 8 5' 8" 11' 8" 12 to 16 8' 4^" 14' 4^" 20 " 24 11' 1" 17' 1" 28 " 13' 0#" 19' 9^" 82 " 36 16' 11" 22' 11" 40 " 20' Q}4" 26' 0/ 2 " 44 " 48 22' 9" 28' 9" 52 56 25' 5/ 2 " 31' 5^" 60 " 28' 2" 34' 2" 64 " 68 30' 10X" 36' 10^" 72 " 76 33' 7" 39' 7" > 80 " 36' 3/ 2 " 42' 3/ 2 " 84 " 88 39' 0" 45' 0" 92" 4i' sy 2 " 47' 8/ 2 " 96 " 100 44' 5" 50' 5" 104 " 47' \y 2 " 53' IX" 222 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 223 ORDER NO. 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 SIGNAL TOWERS Style A, Signal Towers 12' 0" Wide 4 to 8 Levers, 12' 0" Long 12 to 16 Levers, 14' S}4" " 20 to 24 Levers, 17' 5" " 28 Levers, 20' 1*4" " 32 to 36 Levers, 23' 3" " 40 Levers, 26' 4^" " 44 to 48 Levers, 29' 1" " 52 to 56 Levers, 31' 9*4" " 60 Levers, 34' 6" " 64 to 68 Levers, 37' 2*4" " 72 to 76 Levers, 39' 11" " 80 Levers, 42' 1*4" " 84 to 86 Levers, 45' 4" " 92 Levers, 48' 0^" " 96 to 100 Levers, 50' 9" " 104 Levers, 53' 5^" " F.O.B. RAHWAY 224 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY CM THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 225 ORDER NO. SIGNAL TOWERS. F.O. RAHW 3. AY F.O. 3. 148Q Style B Signal Towers 12' 0" Wide. 14QO 12 to 16 Levers 14' 8}4" 14.01 20 to 24 Levers 17' 5" 14Q? 28 Levers 20' \%"- 14Q3 32 to 36 Levers 23' 3" 14Q4 40 Levers 26' 4^" 1435 44 to 48 Levers 29' 1" 1496 52 to 56 Levers 31' 9^". 1497 60 Levers 34' 6" 14Q8 64 to 68 Levers 37' 2j/2 " 14QQ 72 to 76 Levers 39' 11" 1500 80 Levers 42' 7^" 1501 84 to 88 Levers 45' 4" . . 1502 92 Levers 48' 0*4" 1503 96 to 100 Levers, 50' 9' 1504 104 Levers 53' 5^" * 226 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY STYLE K SIGNAL TOWER STYLE M SIGNAL TOWER FRONT ELEVATION. END ELEVATION. I5O7 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 327 ORDER NO. STYLE K SIGNAL TOWER. Style K Signal Tower is smaller than the standard, being 10 feet high to floor; it will accommodate a No. 1 Interlocking Machine, and will be found very suit- able for a double track grade crossing. 4 to 12 Levers, 9' 4" x 12' 0" F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1505 1506 1507 1508 16 Levers, 9' 4" x 14' 8}4" 1 STYLE M SIGNAL TOWER. Style M Signal Tower is still smaller, being 3 feet to floor ; it will accommo- date a dwarf machine, and will be found very suitable for a single track grade crossing. 4 Levers 9' 4" x 9' 4" 8 to 12 Levers 9' 4" x 12' 0" ^f' 228 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. SPLIT COTTERS. 1 A" x 1" F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 y&" x i*/".. 1 A" xl}f ft" x2%" A" x 1" . A" x \\i" T? /T- 3 " X 1 '/^ " -r 3 " X 13/" TTT /^ A" x 2" T vt" x 3" T7T '/" X 1" I/" v \\/" I/" X 13/" . i/" x 2" /4 A/w >/" x2i/" i/" x 2*4" i/" x 3" i/" x 3 1/" /4 A "74 M" X 3^" \i x 4" THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. TURNED STEEL ROLERS. P.O. RAHV B. fAY P.O. B. 100 dia. width, bore. 1" x 1" x fo" Rocker Roller 278 IX" x l||'x X' Ferrule forBoxCranks 630 \y z " x if" x X" T Crank Switch and Lock Movement 925 IX" x 7 /&" x %" Balance Lever 3 Posi- sition Pot Signal 953 2" x 1 x X" Compensating Pot Signal 975 IX" x iV' x $" ^ Balance Lever Dwarf Signal 1012 IX" x ft" x #" Weighted Lever Indi- cating I3warf Signal. . 1142 l/^ x y%" x y 2 " Swing Jaw Signal Slot 1266 IX" x X" x H" Balance Lever Signal Movement - 230 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. 33 54 55 63 99 153 154 192 193 237 238 239 240 259 260 261 TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. 1" x 5" Lever Center, No. 1 and 2 Ma- chines F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1" x 3^" Rocker Center $" x 2%" Rocker Link ^5" x 1^" Latch Handle $A" x 2>%" Taooet Taw 1" x 3" Rocker Center ^" x 2%" Rocker Link IX" x 7 X" Lever Center, No. 3 Dwarf IX" x 8X" Lever Center, No. 3 Dwarf Machine 1" x 5" Lever Center, No. 4 Dwarf Ma- chine 1" x 9" Lever Center, No. 4 Dwarf Ma- chine 1" x 16" Lever Center, No. 4 Dwarf Ma- chine 1" x 21" Lever Center, No. 4 Dwarf Ma- chine \%" x 4^" 1-way Vertical Crank I 1 /" x 9 '/" 2-wav " I 1 /" x 14 1 /" 3-wav " " THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 231 ORDER NO. TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size Where Used. IX" * 19X" 4-way Vertical Crank IX' x 4" Box Cranks F.O.B., RAHWAY F.O.B. 262 277 315 379 381 390 392 394 425 426 427 1" x 5X" Compound Crank .... 1" x 3X" Pin Plate Stud 1" x 5X" " 1 X" x 5" 1-way Horizontal Crank IX" x ?" 2-way " " IX x 9" 3-way " IX' x 4X" 1-way Lazy Jack Compen- sator Stud IX" x ^ 2-way Lazy Jack Compensa- tor Stud IX" x ^X' 3-way Lazy Jack Compen- sator Stud 232 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. 7/ & " x 2" Coupling Link, 2 and 3- way Lazy Jack Compensators F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 435 459 460 477 478 586 589 605 614 628 631 643 804 805 909 1" x 8^f" Scotch Block . . . 1" x 15" Scotch Block 7A" x 2l4" for 1 J/" Taws 7/ 8 " x 3^" for IX" Wide Jaws $" x 2 5 " Detector Bar Stud 1" x 2}" Driving Plate Stud 1" x 4)^" Rail Clip Stud . . ^j" x IX" Rail Clip Fixing Stud 1" x 4" Style A Switch and Lock Movement . . . X" x 2^" T Crank Switch and Lock IX" x 5^" Style B Switch and Lock I//' x 7X Wire Compensator 1 1/" x 123/" " " J./4. A -l/f^ l/^" x 3^" for 3 position Pot Signal. . . THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 233 ORDER NO. 923 930 934 938 939 944 949 952 960 969 974 976 TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. 1." x 6" for 3 position Pot Signal Bal- ance Lever. . . F.O.B. RAHWAY IX" X 4>6" for 3 position Pot Signal Special Movement 1" x 2 Yi for 3 position Pot Signal Spe- cial Movement. . IX" x 5" for 3 position Pot Signal De- tector Bar Movement . . IX" x 5^" for 3 position Pot Signal Dectector Bar Movemnnt . . 1" x 3" for 3 position Pot Signal Detec- tor Bar Movement . . IX" x 4^6" Compensating Pot Signal Stud . . 1" x 4" Compensating Pot Signal Stud. $" x 1 T 5 ^-" T Balance Lever Stud " Blade Grip Stud Dwarf Sig- nal.. i" x 1)4" Balance Lever Stud. . i" x 4" Dwarf Signal 234 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDEK NO. TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. 1" x 5" 1 arm Dwarf Signal F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 987 995 1007 1008 1011 1027 1032 1036 1037 1056 1081 1085 1093 1122 1" x 7" 2 arm Dwarf Signal. ^$" x 1^" Indicator Down Rod J4" x 5^" Indicator Dwarf Signal #" x \y 2 " Weighted Lever Stud %" x 3l^" Semaphore Bearing Stud %" x 4 T y Balance Lever Y Z " x \y z " 4 in. Wheel Bracket l / 2 " x 2z^" 4 in. Wheel Bracket 1" x 7^" Block Signal Table Levers. 1" x 4^" Pin Plate Stud ^" x 7^" P R R. 2 lever Stand 1" x 6^" Distant Switch Signal Lever. 1" x 12" Pin Plate Stud THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 235 ORDER NO. TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. X" xlft" Blinker Bracket Stud F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. 1124 1130 1143 1200 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 }4" x l^s" Indicator Pin }4" x 2" Signal Slot Swing Jaw ft" x 3^" Blade Grip Stud IX" x 3X ' 1-way Balance Lever. IX" x 5X" 2-way " " IX" x 1&" 3-way " " .... 1^ " x 9|^" 4-way .... IX x ^X 5-way .... l 1 ^" x 13^" 6-way " " IX" x l^X" 7-way " " . . . . li/" x 17?/" 8-way 236 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY ORDER NO. 1267 1269 1270 1271 1290 1295 1352 1360 1364 1370 1373 1374 1386 1388 1394 1400 TURNED PINS AND STUDS. Size. Where Used. y%" x ly|r" Signal Movement F.O.B. RAHWAY F.O.B. j IX" x 4X" 1-way Signal Movement. . IX" x 6 X" 2-way " IX" x 8 X" 3-way " " ^" x 1*4", l /z' Screw Jaw y%" X 2" ^" an d l" Screw Jaws. 1" x 3X Draw Bridge Coupler. I"x3^" " 7/s," x 5X" Draw Bridge Bolt Lock ^"x2X" " " " " .... IX" x3X" " " " " .... !X"x6X" " " " IX" x 5^" Throw Over Lever IX" x6^/" " IX" x 5^" P. R. K. Throw Over Le- ver T/%' x 4" Throw Over Lever THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 237 INDEX ORDER NO. Adjustable Arm for Rocking Shafts ., . ... . 306, 1341 Adjustable Connector . . . ; i . . 73, 74 Adjustable Pipe Guide . . . . ... 250 Adjusting Screws (Point) . .... . . 471, 472, 473 Adjusting Screws (Wire) . . . . . . I 3O4 1305 Anchor Straps ." . ... . . . ' J 47O Angle Bars . . . . . . . . . . 43& to 448 Angle Wire Pulleys . ', . . . . . . .' 821, 822 Anti- Friction Pipe Carriers . . . . . . . 531 to 562 Balance Levers . . . . . . 1203 to 1251 Balance Weights . . . I . . . ' 1252 to 1258 Bearing (Semaphore) . . '. . . . 1190 Blades (Ash) . . . . . ' . ... 1193 to 1197 Block Station Signal . . . . . . . 1045 to 1050 Bracket Signals . 1165 to 1186 Bracket (Leadout) 14?! Blade Grips . . . 965, 981, 1029, 1048, 1049, IO 75 I ^j6, 1198 Back Spec's 957, 9 6 7, 982, 12 <>i Brackets (Lamp) 988, 1043, 1132, 1156, 1189 Bridge Couplers and Locks 1323 to 1382 Box Cranks . . 263 to 278 Bolt Locks 479 to 496 Carriers (Pipe) 497 to 463 Compensators Hor., Pipe 404 to 418 Compensators (Lazy Jack) ....... 4 J 9 to 435 Compensators (Wire) . . . 785 to 811 Compensating Pot Signals ....... 946 to 954 Cranks (Radial or Half) 449 to 454 Cranks (Vertical) 25110262 Cranks (Box) . . : 263 to 278 Cranks (Hor.) . . .' 37610403 238 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY Couplers and Locks (Drawbridge) . Cams (Selector) . -. ORDER NO. 1323 to 1382 722, 724 I3O6 Cotters . . ... . 1509 to 1528 Connectors (Adjustable) ....... 73, 74 D Detector Bars . . . . . . . . 583 to 592 Distant Signals ........ 1087 to 1107 Drawbridge Couplers and Locks .... 1323 to 1382 Dwarf Signals ........ 955 to 1023 Dwarf Machines 175 to 247 Down Rods . 1275 to 1277 Dogs (Locking) 101 to 124 Duplex Plunger ........ 619 to 624 Driving Plate 587-8 Driving Eye ......... 59 1 " 2 E Eye (Selector) ......... 710 Eye (Driving) 591-2 Eye (Scotch Block) 458 Eyes (Signal) ......... 1278 to 1281 Elevated Railroad Signals ...... 1147 to 1164 F Facing Point Locks .... 568 to 667 Front Rods 662 to 687 Foundations . . . 1401 to 1444 G Gain Stroke Wheels 248 to 249 Girders (Machine) ........ 27 to 32, 144-5 Ground Machines ....... 175 to 247 Glass (Signal) ........ 863 to 886 H Horizontal Wheels ....... 344 to 375 Horizontal Cranks .... 376 to 403 Horizontal Compensators ...... 404 to 418 Hooks (Selector) 709, 751-8 Handles (Latch) 62, 165 Half or Radial Cranks r* . 449 to 454 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 239 Interlocking Machine No. i Interlocking Machine No. 2 Interlocking Machine No. 3 Interlocking Machine No. 4 Iron Tie Plate 7' 4" Iron Tie Plate 8' 6" . Iron Tie Plate 12' o" . Iron Pipe Signals ORDER NO. I to 132 133 to 174 175 to 223 224 to 247 570-1 637-8 660-1 1147 to 1164 Jaws y 2 " Jaws X" Jaws 1" Jaws IX" Jaws (Tappet) 1287-9 1291-4 1296-9 461, 470 97-8, 166-7 Locking Plates Locking Tappets Locking Dogs Locking Bar Steel Lever Number Lazy Jack Compensators Latch Handles Latch Rods Latch Blocks Latch Shoes Latch Springs . Leadout Bracket Links (Split) Lugs (Wrought) . Levers (for Machine) Levers (Throw Over) Lever (Distant Switch) Ladders (Signal) Locks (Facing Point) Lamp Brackets Lamps Lenses Locks (Bolt) Lead Out Opening Strut Lead out Framing mo, 1113, 1116, 1149, 961, 977, 39 to 46 75 to 96 ' . 101 to 124 126 65 419 to 435 62, 165 64, 162, 196, 243 . 60, 162, 195, 242 59, 160, 241 6r, 164 1471 1301 474-6 56, 158, 189, 235 1371 to 1400 1088 to 1103 1159, 1167, 1168, 1173 568 to 657 1022, 1043, 1132, H56, 1189 824 to 862 863 to 874 479 to 496 1472 1445 to 1469 240 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY M ORDER NO. Machine No. I Johnson Interlocking . . . ' I to 132 Machine No. 2 Interlocking -. . . . 133 to 174 Machine No. 3 Dwarf Interlocking . 175 to 223 Machine No. 4 Dwarf Interlocking . . 224 to 247 Movements (Signal) . r . jj ..* . 1259 to 1271 Movements (Switch and Lock) .... 617 to 655 P Point Adjusting Screws ..... 471-3 Pulleys (Wire) 814 to 823 Pipe Carriers ....... 497 to 562 Pot Signals ....... 887 to 0.54 Pipe Compensators ...... 404 to 435 Pipe Lugs ....... 474-6 Plunger Stands . . . 576, 581, 619, 656 Pipe IT 1282-6 Pipe, 1" 5^3-7 Pins, Turned ....... . Pages 230 to 236 Q Quadrant, No. 2 Machine .... 151 R Railroads using the Johnson Signal Appliances Pages 28, 30 Rail Clips 593 to 616 Radial Arm ....... 604 Rocking Shafts ...... 279-312 Rockers ....... 53, 152 Rail Braces . . . . 688 to 695 Rollers (Turned) Page 229 s Shackles 1302-3 Split Links 1301 Selectors ....... 696 to 784 Signal Slots ....... 1135 to 1146 Switch and Lock Movements .... 617 to 655 Scotch Block 455 to 460 Shafts (Rocking) 279 to 312 Signals (Pot) 887 to 954 955 to 1023 Signal (Flag Station) ..... 1024 to 1044 Signals (Block Station) . . ^* 1045 to 1086 THE JOHNSON RAILROAD SIGNAL COMPANY 2 4 I Signals, i-arm Signals, 2-arm - . Signals, 3-arm . Signals, i-arm, indicating Slotted Signals Signals, 2-arm (Bracket) . Signal Fittings (Standard) Signal Wheels Signal Lamps . Signal Glass Screw Jaws, j^", %[" and i Screw Jaws, i%" Split Cotters . ". Strut for Leadout Opening Signals (Iron Pipe) Signal Towers ORDER NO. 1087 to mo mi, 1134, 1157, 1165, 1171, 1175, 1183 1114 to 1116 . . 1117 to 1132 1133-34 . . . . . 1165 to 1186 1187 to 1322 1307 to 1322 . . . ... . 824 to 862 . ' . ... 875 to 886 . . . 1287 to 1299 . . . . . 468 to 470 .... 1509 to 1528 1472 ... . . 1147 to 1164 . , 1473 to 1508 Tappets . Turned Rollers Turned Pins and Studs 75 to 96 Page 229 Pages 230 to 236 Vertical Cranks Vertical Wheels, w Wire Adjusting Screws .... Wire Pulleys Wire Eyes (Oval) Wire (Steel) Wheels (Horizontal) .... Wire Compensators Wheels (Vertical) Wheels (Signal ) Weights (Balance) .... Webb and Thompson Train Staff Instrument 251 to 262 317 to 340 1304-5 814 to 823 1300 812 and 813 344 to 375 785 to 811 317 to 340 . 1307 to 1322 1252 to 1258 Pages 100, 104, 142 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST BATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. FEB 121 FEB'121 50m-8,'26 YB 53635 194845